This plugin adds the ability to edit tiddlers by double clicking on its body.
Just try to edit any tiddler shown here by double clicking on it.
This can be considered a fast solution. It is only to fill the gap until TiddlyWiki adds support
for it officially.
# Open your wiki in a browser
# Drag this link into your wiki
#> [[$:/plugins/danielo515/2click2edit]]
# Save your wiki
! HelloThere
!!copy this data into text box
title={26 th ACM International Conference on Hypertext and Social Media},
author={Yesilada, Yeliz and Celik, Ilknur and Farzan, Rosta and Houben, Geert-Jan},
journal={ACM SIGWEB Newsletter},
<$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/var" tag="input" type="text"/>
<$action-bibtex source={{$:/temp/var}}/>
convert me!
<$abc source="tt"/>
<$abc source="tt1"/>
<$abc source="tt2"/>
[[click to see examples|examples]]
<a class="muut" href="https://muut.com/i/inmysocks-tiddlywiki-muut-test">inmysocks-tiddlywiki-muut-test forum</a>
<script src="//cdn.muut.com/1/moot.min.js"></script>
\arrow no
\start none
\end double
[:optional] {(him | "her" | :them) +","}
<$railroad text="""
[:optional] {repeated +","}
The [[railroad diagram|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syntax_diagram]] above is created using a plugin that will form part of ~TiddlyWiki5's core starting from version 5.1.8.
; Plugin documentation
: [[Introduction|$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/railroad/readme]]
: [[Notation|$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/railroad/syntax]]
: [[Example|$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/railroad/example]]
This site contains the latest development version of the plugin, with arrows on the repeat arcs and a less heavy style.
The plugin now offers a dedicated content type – `text/vnd.tiddlywiki.railroad`. Raw diagram notation can be stored in a tiddler of that type and transcluded into other tiddlers as required:
:[[Transclusion Examples]]
The notation has been extended to support several pragmas for fine-tuning the diagram's appearance.
[[Global configuration|$:/config/railroad]]
;[[Diagram 1]]
:{{Diagram 1}}
;[[Diagram 2]]
:{{Diagram 2}}
\define showalias(tid, alias)
<$set name="alias" value="""content: '$alias$'""">
<$set name="uri" value=<<makedatauri """$tid$""" "text/plain">> >
<$list variable="urititle" filter="""[<uri>removeprefix[data:text/plain,]]""">
a[href='#<<urititle>>'] {
visibility: hidden;
position: relative;
a[href="#<<urititle>>"]:before {
visibility: visible;
<$list filter="""[all[current]has[alias]]""">
<$macrocall $name="showalias" tid={{!!title}} alias={{!!alias}} />
What if ''you did not know'' about TW?<br>
Would you be grateful if someone told you about it?<br>
''Who'' will you tell? ...<br>
#fishclick {
visibility: hidden;
[[Alias ViewTemplate]] displays the content of the `alias` field as the tiddler title link.
''Demo'': This current tiddler is seemingly titled "About"... but it's not [[About]]. Edit this tiddler to see it's actual title. Also note its `alias` field.
''Use case'': E.g ugly plugin or shadow titles still intended to be seen.
*You must set titles to [[show as links|$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Settings/TitleLinks]]
*Create an `alias` field that contains... guess what....
''Note'': This is purely CSS based ([[cred|http://blog.escapecreative.com/how-to-replace-text-with-css/]]). No overwrites. Remove the template and everything resets. (OK, you might also want to remove the alias fields...)
''Related'': [[AliasTids|]] is a completely different plugin to make missing tiddlers show the content of what they're aliases for.
@@color:silver; //Mat von TWaddle//@@
<$list filter="[tag[CommunityWikis]]">
<$view field="wiki-address"/>|<$view field="title"/><br/>
<<tabs "[[About Article Tiddlers]] [[Use + Install]] [[Help]]" "[[About Article Tiddlers]]" >>
An ''Article Tiddler'' lets you present multiple tiddlers as a unit. Individual tiddlers therein are analogous to //paragraphs// in an article.
*''Preserve narrative'' - @@color:crimson;font-style:italic;Big deal!@@ Keep the //context// by creating paragraph tiddlers directly at their correct position in the article tiddler. <<stretch "Explanation >"
<br>Normal 'tiddlerization' of information //looses// the narrative, i.e the natural //sequence// that information is presented in at, say, a lecture. In TW we primarily ''post''-organize tiddlers, e.g by //categorizing// or //filtering//, but this does not easily restore a desired //narrative//. But //exact sequence// of content is crucial in many cases, e.g;
<ul><li>articles, papers, essays, presentational webpages, lecture notes, text annotations, trains-of-thought, stories, etc</li></ul>
In an //article tiddler// the order is preserved by creating the //paragraph tiddlers// directly at the correct position ([[Help]]), where they stay unless you change their position<br>.
*''Unit handling'' - The full article is managed as one tiddler. <<stretch "Examples >" """
<br><ul><li>Open/close an article with all its paragraph tiddlers as one unit, mid-story river.</li><li>...still, transclusion of an article or a paragraph gets only that tiddlers immediate text content, i.e not its contained paragraphs.</li><li>The sidebar only lists the article titles, not the contained paragraphs.</li><li>...unless a paragraph tiddler is opened separately, of course</li></ul><br>""">>
*''...yet //power o´ tiddly//'' - //Articles// and //paragraphs// are regular tiddlers to re-use, slice and dice.
*[[GenericArticle]] - boring, explanatory demo
*[[Beyond Terminator]] - fun, realistic demo
The demo paragraphs are //displayed// as "flat-linear", suitable for article-like applications. But by just changing the paragraph //display//, completely <<stretch "different applications" "are possible." """<span>
*''nested + indented'' for discussion threads/forums
**(this is actually why I'm bringing forth this whole concept now; I think a general solution would be useful for my current main concern; TWederation and adding of comments/discussions on other peoples tiddlers.)
*as ''tabs''... perhaps useful for multiple "versions" of a tiddlers text
**(see [[Versioning|http://versioning.tiddlyspot.com/]] for basic concept)
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/AdminOrVisitor" text="visitor">
<$button set="$:/state/AdminOrVisitor" setTo="visitor" class="tc-btn-invisible" tooltip="Current: Admin mode">A
<$action-setfield admindisplay="none"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/core/macros/tabs_" tags=" "/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/plugins/macros/tablinks/Stylesheet" tags=" "/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/config/ViewToolbarButtons/Visibility/$:/plugins/TWaddle/SideEditor/Button" text="hide"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/config/ViewToolbarButtons/Visibility/TWederation/Buttons/publish" text="hide"/>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/AdminOrVisitor" text="visitor">
<$button set="$:/state/AdminOrVisitor" setTo="admin" class="tc-btn-invisible" tooltip="Visitor mode">V
<$action-setfield admindisplay="block"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/core/macros/tabs_" tags="$:/tags/Macro"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/plugins/macros/tablinks/Stylesheet" tags="$:/tags/Stylesheet"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/config/ViewToolbarButtons/Visibility/$:/plugins/TWaddle/SideEditor/Button" text="show"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/config/ViewToolbarButtons/Visibility/TWederation/Buttons/publish" text="show"/>
<$set name="articleTiddler" value=<<storyTiddler>>>
<$list filter="[<currentTiddler>!has[draft.of]has[paragraphs]list[!!paragraphs]]
*This is excerpted from a Scientific American [[article|http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/beyond-terminator-squishy-octobot-heralds-new-era-of-soft-robotics/]].
*...and, yeah, the separator here is a paragraph too ;-)
<span style="border:1px solid silver; padding-right:2em; display:block;">
*This demos ''three different methods'' for displaying the paragraph tiddlers (see [[Use|Use + Install]] for info)
...so, this is tiddler [[GenericArticle]].
[[GenericArticle]] has a field ''paragraphs: {{!!paragraphs}}''
*''New-paragraph-here button'' should appear (or at least be acccessible) between each paragraph to (1) open an editor at that spot and (2) on creation insert the new paragraph title in the articles //paragraphs// field at correct spot.
*''Positioning of //paragraph-in//'' - i.e state in a paragraph where it should show up in the article.
**maybe an equivalent to ''list-before / list-after'' for paragraphs?
** (...maybe even up/down arrow to relocate paragraphs? Absolutely best would be drag'n drop. Same matter for regular tids in story river. )
*''Edit-view'' should open at paragraph position, not open tiddler elsewhere in the story river.
*''Table of Contents'' - i.e article-internal ''jump links''.
** Probably same issue as [[1783|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1783]]
**...I did come up with [[IntLinks|http://intlinks.tiddlyspot.com/]] that works but also changes the browser address url to show only the anchor instead of the tiddler list.
*''...and'' Help likely needed for anything else you think should be featured.
<table class="minimenu"><tr>
<td><span class="minilink" ><$link to="$:/ControlPanel">⚙</$link></span></td><td>{{AdminOrVisitorMode}}</td>
.minimenu {opacity:.3; position:fixed;right:1em;top:-1em;;z-index:10000; border:0;}
.minimenu:hover {opacity:1;}
.minilink a {color:gray; font-size:1.3em;}
\define newParagraphButtonField()
\define newParagraphButton()
<$button tooltip="Create new paragraph" aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/NewParagraph/Caption}} style="float:right;" class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>>>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-new-tiddler" paragraph-in=<<newParagraphButtonField>>/>
<$list filter="[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]">
<$list filter="[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]">
<span class="tc-btn-text"><$text text={{$:/language/Buttons/NewHere/Caption}}/></span>
\define paragraph-classes()
$(tiddlerTagClasses)$ paragraph
\define folded-state()
<$set name="tiddlerInfoState" value=<<qualify "$:/state/popup/tiddler-info">>><$tiddler tiddler=<<currentTiddler>>><div class=<<paragraph-classes>>><$list filter="[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/ViewTemplate]!has[draft.of]]" variable="listItem"><$transclude tiddler=<<listItem>>/>
\define title-styles()
\define config-title()
O<div class="tc-tiddler-title">
<div class="tc-titlebar">
<span class="tc-tiddler-controls">
<$list filter="[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Paragraph/BottomToolbar]!has[draft.of]]" variable="listItem"><$reveal type="nomatch" state=<<config-title>> text="hide"><$transclude tiddler=<<listItem>>/></$reveal></$list>
This is tiddler [[Paragraph1]]. It is a paragraph in [[GenericArticle]]
*Has a field ''paragraphs: {{!!paragraphs}}''
It is styled with a colored background, which also affects it's sections.
This is [[Paragraph1.1]].
It has ''no pargraph'' and ''no paragraph-in'' field
*not styled with background (but gets its parent background)
**it //can// be styled with another background....<br>and if it were, then its two children (grandchildren of Paragraph1) would have this new background..
This is [[Paragraph1.1.1]].
Has field ''paragraph-in: {{!!paragraph-in}}''
This is [[Paragraph1.1.2]]
Has field ''paragraph-in: {{!!paragraph-in}}''
This is [[Paragraph2]]
Has a field ''paragraph-in: {{!!paragraph-in}}''
By Helen Shen, Nature magazine on August 25, 2016
[ see [[original article|http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/beyond-terminator-squishy-octobot-heralds-new-era-of-soft-robotics/]] for rest ]
Valves and switches in the robot’s brain are positioned to extend the arms in two alternating groups. The process starts when researchers inject fuel into two reservoirs, each dedicated to one group of four arms. These reservoirs expand like balloons and push fuel through the microfluidic circuit. As fuel travels through the circuit, changes in pressure close off some control points and open others, restricting flow to only one half of the system at a time. As that side consumes fuel, its internal pressure decreases, allowing fuel to enter the other side—which then pinches off the first side, and so on.
A squishy octopus-shaped machine less than 2 centimetres tall is making waves in the field of soft robotics. The ‘octobot’ described today in Nature is the first self-contained robot made exclusively of soft, flexible parts.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/6Wn66O-KLow" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Squishy "Octobot" Heralds New Era of Soft Robotics
Ditching conventional electronics and power sources, the pliable robot operates without rigid parts
The octobot is powered by a chemical reaction and controlled with a soft logic board. A reaction inside the bot transforms a small amount of liquid fuel (hydrogen peroxide) into a large amount of gas, which flows into the octobot's arms and inflates them like a balloon. A microfluidic logic circuit, a soft analog of a simple electronic oscillator, controls when hydrogen peroxide decomposes to gas in the octobot. Credit: LORI SANDERS
Interest in soft robots has taken off in recent years, as engineers look beyond rigid Terminator-type machines to designs that can squeeze into tight spaces, mould to their surroundings, or handle delicate objects safely. But engineering soft versions of key parts has challenged researchers. “The brains, the electronics, the batteries—those components were all hard,” says roboticist Daniela Rus at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge. “This work is new and really exciting.”
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The octobot is made of silicone rubber. Its ‘brain’ is a flexible microfluidic circuit that directs the flow of liquid fuel through channels using pressure-activated valves and switches. “It’s an analogy of what would be an electrical circuit normally,” says engineer Robert Wood at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, one of the study’s leaders. “Instead of passing electrons around, we're passing liquids and gases.”
.tc-tagged-border {
outline:1px solid green;
.tc-tagged-colored-bg {
.paragraph .tc-tiddler-title,.paragraph .tc-tags-wrapper,.paragraph .tc-subtitle {
/* For tiddler Beyond Terminator */
.tc-tagged-Article {
background: lightyellow;
.tc-tagged-Headline .tc-tiddler-body {
font-size:2em;line-height:1em;font-family:Impact, Charcoal, sans-serif;
.tc-tagged-Headline .tc-tagged-Authors .tc-tiddler-body {
font-size:1em; line-height:1em; font-family:Arial; text-align:right;
.tc-tagged-Lead .tc-tiddler-body {
.tc-tagged-Authors .tc-tiddler-body {
.tc-tagged-Social .tc-tiddler-body {
font-size:.9em; position:absolute;background:white;padding-left:0em; padding-right:2em; border:2px solid silver; right:-2em; margin-top:-2em;
.tc-tagged-Social .tc-tiddler-body:before {
content:" Social media ";position:absolute; margin-top:-1em; background:white; border:1px solid pink;.
.tc-tagged-ImageCaption .tc-tiddler-body {
color:gray; font-style:italic;
.tc-tagged-Paragraph_text {
font-family:"Trebuchet MS", Helvetica, sans-serif; color: DarkSlateGray;
.tc-tagged-Blocker .tc-tiddler-body {
background: lightgray; background: linear-gradient(transparent, lightgray);
Hide/show paragraph //tiddler titles// etc - @@color:crimson; Checkbox <$checkbox tiddler="Stylesheet" field="title-display" checked="block" unchecked="none" default="block"></$checkbox> @@ @@color:crimson;font-size:1.5em; 👈@@
.tc-site-title:after {
border:3px dashed crimson; padding:0 .5em; transform:rotate(15deg);position:absolute;margin-top:-1.5em; margin-left:-4em; color:crimson;
content:"Under dev.";font-size:50%;
!!!Create an article
The boring demo [[GenericArticle]] shows all ''three methods to turn a tiddler into an article'':
*<<stretch "//paragraph field// in current" "- a direct method" """a //paragraph field// in the current tiddler lists tiddlers that should show up as paragraphs""">>
*<<stretch "//paragraph field// in a paragraph" "- an indirect method" """...if a paragraph tiddler itself has a //paragraph field// with titles, then those are //also// displayed in the article. This displays the "sub-paragraph" in the outer article too.<br>Actually, a paragraph that has paragraphs is really also an article. In the demo, [[Paragraph1]] and [[Paragraph1.1]] are also //article tiddlers// ...in spite of their example titles. """>>
*<<stretch "//paragraph''-in'' field// in paragraph" "- a remote forcing method" """
Paragraphs can be added ''independently of the article tiddler'', by means of a `paragraph-in` field in the to-be-paragraph. This -@@color:crimson; big deal!@@ - enables imported/fetched tiddlers to show up in the tiddler-to-be-article automatically. (For example a //comments// would show up in the relevant tiddler.)
Include the following tiddlers in your wiki
<<bullets "[tag[ArticleTiddlersComponent]]">>
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/Peripherals" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/Peripherals" setTo="show">Peripheral stuff > </$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/Peripherals" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/Peripherals" setTo="hide">Peripheral stuff < </$button>
!!!Currently not needed
*[[Stylesheet]] - used in the demos etc
!!!Currently experimental stuff
<<bullets "[tag[xArticleTiddlersComponent]]">>
!!!Stuff not relevant for Article Tiddlers, but used on this site
*StretchText - http://stretchtext.tiddlyspot.com/
*the [[minimenu]] up in right corner showing an A shows, among other stuff, the [[AdminOrVisitorMode]] that is a toggle for
**SideEditor - http://sideeditor.tiddlypsot.com (doesn't work well with 5.1.13 due to flowing river width)
**TabLinks - http://tablinks.tiddlyspot.com
This tiddler is a test ready to be sabed. Please note that the tiddler does not have any tag right now. Once you save it, it will be tagged with one or more of the existing tags according to the tiddler's text.
Please note that currently the plugin is CaseSensitive.
This is a remake for TW5 of the plugin autotag of tiddlywiki classic created by Eric Shulman.
To be honest, it can not be called a remake since it only includes the only feature that was useful
for me: automatic tagging of tiddlers based on their content.
The tags are added ''when the tiddler is saved''.
The plugin only add tags that exists already on the wiki. For example, if you have a tag called `tiddler`, or a tag called `test`, when you save a
tiddler with the sentence "This tiddler is just a test" it will be tagged with the tags `tiddler` and `test`.
You can try it out saving the tiddler below.
# Open your wiki in a browser
# Drag this link into your wiki
#> [[$:/plugins/danielo515/autotag]]
# Save your wiki
This is not an actual tiddler. It is more like a tiddler for holding tags for testing purposes.
The [[BackWallMacro]] affixes images to "the back". This can be used for pure image exposition or as backgrounds to text.
''Demo'' - Scroll down all the way to see the effect.
''Workings'' - The [[BackWallMacro]] styles tiddlers to display as backgrounds. See [[more...|Workings]]
*Get Felix Hayashi's [[TopStoryView|http://topstoryview.tiddlyspot.com/]] plugin. This is nice in itself but it is required for Back Wall (actually for reasons unclear to me),
*Drag the [[BackWallMacro]] into your TW.
''To use''<br>
*To make a new backwall image:
**give the image a simple name without spaces or special characters. e.g [[cat]]
**tag the image with "backwall"
*To apply backwalls to your normal tiddlers, just tag them with the name of the backwall (e.g "cat").
*Adjust colors of text and text-background;
** in [[BackWallMacro]] change `crimson` and `lightgray`.
**...or if you want one text background, instead of rows, insert `background:lightgray;` in the `.tc-tagged-$(tid)$ .tc-tiddler-body` definition.
A note about ''transparent images''. The [[fish]], [[shark]] and the [[underwaterframe]] have transparent areas (a feature of the png image format). This is in no way necessary to use back-walling but it can give a fun overlay effect like in [[Swimming around with text]] and [[Environment frame]].
BTW, the latter concept can be expanded to make the whole TW background be the environment (e.g [[underwaterback]]) using standard TW background feature (Ctrlpanel>Appearence>Theme Tweaks> Page background image) and then use partially transparent images like [[fish]] to make a nice expose of fishes. (It is also possible to completely style away all irrelevant visible parts of a tiddler, so to have only fishes seen, swimming down the tiddler river. This is all very meta when you consider that a //tiddler// is already a type of fish.)
The original purpose is a scrolling that doesn't make the tiddlers "whizz by". I imagine it's friendlier on the eye. Currently the application is limited to show images as backwalls.
''I'm hoping to get [[back wall for any type of content|Back wall for any content]] to work.'' (Note: The tiddler text could not be taller than the screen though). I can't quite figure out how to set the text as a background in some equivalent way that styling can set an image as a background.
''Back Wall for arbitrary tiddler content'', not just images - I cannot get this to work. The images are currently CSS'added using the `background:url` property, set to be in fixed position so they stack in z-axis. This style property works for images but it does not accept tiddler content as argument.
The most promising approach I've come up with so far is to "emulate" the `background:url` by making a //second body view template// that merely transcludes the original body text - and then setting this (or the original) to be the fixed background. Annoyingly these don't behave like the images do though.
I suspect a reason is what is mentioned in the CSS Tricks article [[Stacking Order of Multiple Backgrounds|https://css-tricks.com/stacking-order-of-multiple-backgrounds/]]
>//It's like z-index but this isn't z-index, it's parts of one single element.//
>//I think it's slightly confusing, since it's the opposite of how HTML works naturally. If all elements have the same z-index (and are positioned in some way and overlap) the last element will be on top, not the first.//
[[Here|http://vanseodesign.com/css/css-stack-z-index/]] is a more detailed article on the matter and [[this|http://css-discuss.incutio.com/wiki/Overlapping_And_ZIndex]] one has good stuff on the matter of "contexts".
To illustrate the problem (I think), open the following "quares" that represent "arbitrary content" - and open them in this order; [[red]], [[yellow]] and [[blue]]. In this current tiddler, there's a stylesheet for these to make them appear fixed at top, overlapping. The order in which they overlap is the same as the order in which they appear in the river. Red at lower place in river is rendered last so it is what comes on top. As you scroll you'll see how the square has the same z-index as it's tiddler.
Setting different z-indexes for the squares has no effect because they are in different contexts. I think what is needed is to have the squares be in a common context so that one can set their z-indexes in relation to each others.
...oooor maybe this z-index track is just a [[red herring|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_herring]]. At least it's not yellow or blue.
.aa {box-sizing: border-box;
position: fixed;
top: 0; left: 0;
width: 320px;
height: 60px; z-index:inherit;
.aa .bb {
position: absolute;
padding: 18px 20px; z-index:1;
.aa .red {
right: 3em;
background:red; z-index:-1000;
.aa .yellow {
color:red; background:yellow; z-index:10;
.tc-tiddler-frame .blue {
right: 1em;
background:blue; z-index:;
\define backwall()
.tc-tagged-$(tid)$ {
display: block;
-moz-box-sizing: border-box;
box-sizing: border-box;
background:url(<$macrocall $name="datauri" title="$(tid)$" $output="text/plain"/>)
no-repeat left top fixed;
background-size: contain;
.tc-tagged-$(tid)$ .tc-tiddler-body {
.tc-tagged-$(tid)$ .tc-tiddler-body p {
<$list filter="[tag[backwall]]" variable="tid">
<div class="aa">
<div class="bb blue">BLUE</div>
"A cat in a hat."
....really? That's what you teach your offspring?
How about "You're an idiot!". And take this stupid text off my face.
<center><div style="margin-top:4em;margin-left:3em; width:300px;">{{!!info}}</div></center>
<div style="position:absolute; width:100%;left:0;bottom:0em;margin-bottom:-6px;z-index:0;">{{underwaterframe}}</div>
<div class="aa">
<div class="bb red">RED</div>
Tagged "fish" to get [[fish]] as backwall... which incidentally is a png with transparent bg so the gray TW back color shows through.
The [[BackWallMacro]]...
*is tagged as a PageTemplate to make it active.
*lists the pictures (tiddlers tagged "backwall") and applies styling to them based on their specific tag (dog, fish, cat etc) using the [[tc-tagged method|http://tiddlywiki.com/#How%20to%20apply%20custom%20styles%20by%20tag]].
*The magic to get the image as tiddler background uses the css background property and the TW [[datauri|http://tiddlywiki.com/#datauri%20Macro%20(Examples)]] macro.
*The images themselves (again, tagged "backwall") get their body (i.e the tiddler content, i.e the image) styled with visibility:hidden or you'd get the image showing on top of the same background image.
<div class="aa">
<div class="bb yellow">YELLOW</div>
[[list a plugins tiddlers plugin|$:/plugins/bj/struc/readme]]
!!note only shallow filters like shown here are supported
Plugin: [[$:/plugins/bj/struc]]
!example usage
<$set name="plugintiddler" value="$:/plugins/bj/struc">
<$list filter = "[plugin<plugintiddler>title[$:/plugins/bj/struc/license]fields[]]">
<$view tiddler=<<plugintiddler>> subtiddler="$:/plugins/bj/struc/license" field=<<currentTiddler>> format="text"/>
<$set name="plugintiddler" value="$:/plugins/bj/struc">
<$list filter = "[plugin<plugintiddler>title[$:/plugins/bj/struc/license]fields[]]">
<$view tiddler=<<plugintiddler>> subtiddler="$:/plugins/bj/struc/license" field=<<currentTiddler>> format="text"/>
use of the pop ([[$:/bjhacks/pop.js]]) widget
<$list filter="a b c">
<$list filter="1 2 3">
<$list filter="a b c">
<$list filter="1 2 3">
<$vars currentTiddler=1>
<$vars currentTiddler=2>
<$vars currentTiddler=3>
currentTiddler is <<currentTiddler>><br>
currentTiddler is <<currentTiddler>><br>
<$vars currentTiddler=1>
<$vars currentTiddler=2>
<$vars currentTiddler=3>
currentTiddler is <<currentTiddler>><br>
currentTiddler is <<currentTiddler>><br>
\define tabsheader(tabsList,default,state:"$:/state/tab",class)
<div class="tw-tab-set $class$">
<div class="tw-tab-buttons $class$">
<$list filter="$tabsList$" variable="currentTab">
<$button set="$:/state/tab<<currentTiddler>>" setTo=<<currentTab>> default="$default$" selectedClass="tw-tab-selected">
<$macrocall $name="currentTab" $type="text/plain" $output="text/plain"/>
</div><div class="tw-tab-divider $class$"/><div class="tw-tab-content $class$">
! Introduction
The widget-tree-viewer widget displays a collapsible view of part the widget tree.
It is only for demonstration/development - it may not be reliable and should not be used in live wikis.
The view is created upon rendering and is static and there will be a delay while the view is being constructed.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|items |Json list containing the names of widget fields to be displayed. |
|name |String specifying the variable name 'set' around the wikitext to be viewed (note that the variables content must be the same as the name, like x='x')|
! Example - code
<$set name="notify" value="notify">
<!--------- this is content to view as a tree--------->
<h3>widgets of testcontent</h3>
<$button set="$:/state/SampleReveal2" setTo="show">Show me</$button>
<$button set="$:/state/SampleReveal2" setTo="hide">Hide me</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/SampleReveal2" text="show">
! This is the revealed content
And this is some text
<$button set="$:/state/SampleReveal1" setTo="show">push to see tree</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/SampleReveal1" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SampleReveal1" setTo="hide">close</$button>
<$widget-tree-viewer items='["parseTreeNode","children","variables" ]' name="notify" />
! Example - rendered
<!--------- this is content to view as a tree--------->
<h3>widgets of testcontent</h3>
<$button set="$:/state/SampleReveal2" setTo="show">Show me</$button>
<$button set="$:/state/SampleReveal2" setTo="hide">Hide me</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/SampleReveal2" text="show">
! This is the revealed content
And this is some text
<$button set="$:/state/SampleReveal1" setTo="show">push to see widget tree</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/SampleReveal1" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SampleReveal1" setTo="hide">close</$button>
<$widget-tree-viewer items='["parseTreeNode","children","variables" ]' name="notify" />
Type the text for thexxx tiddler '<<qualify $:/temp/deleteeall-1084907871>>'
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 1000 300" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" style="background:white;">
<path id="MyPath7" d={{AtrStr!!path}}C 800 100 900 100 900 100/>
<use xlink:href="#MyPath7" fill="none" stroke="#ddd"/>plain
<text font-family="'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif" font-size="42.5">
<textPath xlink:href="#MyPath7">
====To The Top=====on the bottom=======================
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 1000 300" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" style="background:white;">
<path id="MyPath" d="
{{AtrStr!!path}} C 800 100 900 100 900 100
<use xlink:href="#MyPath" fill="none" stroke="#ddd"/>plain
<text font-family="'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif" font-size="42.5">
<textPath xlink:href="#MyPath">
====To The Top=====on the bottom=======================
"parserrules": {
"pragmaRuleList": [],
"blockRuleList": [
"inlineRuleList": [
"baserules": "",
"preparser": "text/x-preparser<B>text/plain"
*`state`: the tiddler to watch
*`text`: the text to match against the contents of the tiddler given by state
below is a demo of the `<$click>` widget clicking all links in a list.
It watches for writes to tiddler specified in 'state' and clicks when the it sees the contents matches that specified by'text'
Enter taglistdemo in the box
<$button set=<<qualify "$:/state">> setTo="open">Open all tagged</$button> <$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/openall" tag="input" type="text"/> <$list filter="[!has[draft.of]tag{$:/temp/openall}sort[created]]"> <$link><$click state=<<qualify "$:/state">> text="open"/> </$link> </$list>
!!Demo code
<$button set=<<qualify "$:/state">> setTo="open">Open all tagged</$button> <$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/openall" tag="input" type="text"/>
<$list filter="[!has[draft.of]tag{$:/temp/openall}sort[created]]">
<$link><$click state=<<qualify "$:/state">> text="open"/> </$link>
I have produced 3 macros that use this widget
`<<openAllTagged>>` this produces a text box for the user to enter a tag and a button to press to open all tiddlers with the tag in the Story.
`<<closeAllTagged>>` this produces a text box for the user to enter a tag and a button to press to close all tiddlers with the tag in the Story.
These 2 will be added to the global macros when the plugin is installed
There is also a [[deleteAllTagged]] macro, due to its dangerous nature I have only included the text - it is not suitable for using globally - If you use it at all I would advise only install it into its own tiddler.
\define deleteAllTaggedInner( state:"$:/state/deletetagged" )
<$button set=<<qualify '$state$'>> setTo="delete">delete all tagged</$button>
<$edit-text tiddler="$(usertagdelete)$" tag="input" type="text"/>
<$linkcatcher message=tm-delete-tiddler>
<$list filter="[!has[draft.of]tag{$(usertagdelete)$}sort[created]]">
<$link><$click type="match" state=<<qualify "$state$">> text="delete"/> </$link>
\define deleteAllTagged(userparam:"$:/temp/deleteeall" state:"$:/state/deletetagged" )
<$set name="usertagdelete" value=<<qualify "$userparam$">>>
<<deleteAllTaggedInner $state$>>
\define bulletList(tag)
<ul><$list filter="[tag[$tag$]]"><li><$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link></li></$list></ul>
This is the main documentation hub for TiddlyWiki. See also [[TiddlyWiki for Developers]].
! How to use ~TiddlyWiki5
<<bulletList "howto">>
! Concepts
<<bulletList "concepts">>
! Wiki Text Rules
<<bulletList "wikitext">>
! Widgets
<<bulletList "widget">>
! Commands
<<bulletList "command">>
! Tips
<<bulletList "tips">>
! Miscellaneous
* ReportingBugs
* JeremyRuston (aka [[Jermolene]])
* FederatialLimited
* [[Acknowledgements]]
\define x(a) this $a$
\define y(b) that $b$
<<y a>>
<<x b>>
<<x """((x b))""">>
<<x ((y """((hg)'''')"""))>>
<<x ((y """((b)'''')""" ))>>
<<y ((y x)) v>>
<<y ((x {{west}} ))>>
<p>Try the demo here: VisualEditorDemo</p>
<p>This widget uses the ckeditor lib - the 'command' to load it is in the tiddler [[$:/plugin/bj/visualeditor/includelib]] - and it needs to point to a new location, where you will load the library from. To avoid querks with loading the library from the web include the library from your computer (the library can be obtained from http://ckeditor.com/download):</p>
<p>For linux</p>
<p><script src="file:///yourpath/ckeditor/ckeditor.js"></script></p>
<p>For windows</p>
<p><script src="file://c/yourpath/ckeditor/ckeditor.js"></script></p>
<p>where 'yourpath' is the path to where you have put the ckeditor download.</p>
<p>Then reload your tiddlywiki.</p>
<p>Also be aware that the editor strips newline characters, this means it cannot be used with some wiki text (it is probably a bad idea to try and mix wiki text with text produced in the visualeditor).</p>
<p>There is a new type for tiddlers using this plugin: text/x-htmlp, select it from the dropdown type menu when you create a new tiddler.</p>
<h2> </h2>
<h2>Configuration Tiddlers</h2>
<p>The tiddler <a class="tc-tiddlylink tc-tiddlylink-shadow" href="">$:/plugins/bj/visualeditor/config.json</a> contains user adjustable values, such as changing how the menu bar appears.</p>
<p>The tiddler <a class="tc-tiddlylink tc-tiddlylink-shadow" href="">$:/plugins/bj/visualeditor/styles.json</a> defines the entries in the 'Styles' drop down menu, which define styles that can be applied to selected text. The tiddler [[alternative/styles.json]] contains some alternative definition that could be cut and pasted in this config tiddler</p>
<p><span class="verbatim"><<version>></span></p>
A variation on the list widget, the taglist widget doesn't have filters - it only lists tiddlers with a given tag. The resultant list items can be dragged up and down the list causing a re-ordering. Tiddler links can be dragged onto the list, causing that tiddler to be tagged and inserted into the list.
Try out the demo TagListDemo.
See it in action : [[Tw5Info]]
item to add to list [[taglistdemo]]
<$edit-html tiddler="test" field="text"/>
Modification to the edit, and edit-text widget. Added option "onkeyupdate" with values "yes", "no" that set the update event to each key press or once the user move off the entry (yes is the default). Also modified the 'body' template to select onkeyupdate only in preview mode.
WARNING: there is currently a bug related to this plugin that will stop files syncing between node.js and the browser, do not use this plugin if you are going to use "server.js" or something similar
This approach was first proposed by Stephan Hradek in a pull request
The Calendar macro is configurable via the file [[$:/config/bj/Calendar.json]], and is extendable by plug-in formatter modules, which enable it to be used in different applications.
A side bar tab is created via the tiddler [[$:/plugins/bj/calendar/sidbar]] containing a calendar configured for journal tiddlers.
The calander macro is extended by the diary macro and used the same options and configuration tiddler, but allows for journals to be create in the future.
Example usage:
!!Plain Calendar Format
<<calendar "2014" "2" plain>>
!!Default Calendar Format (for Journal tiddlers)
<<calendar "" "" >>
!!A years diary
<<diary 2014 "" >>
Renders as:
!!Plain Calendar Format
<<calendar "2014" "2" plain>>
!!Default Calendar Format (for Journal tiddlers)
<<calendar "" "" >>
!!A years diary
<<diary 2014 "" >>
The Flexibility Plugin extends the types supported in tiddlywiki. A standard type for example is **text/vnd.tiddlywiki**. The extension has the form **text/vnd.tiddlywiki;flexiblity=Atiddler** and**Atiddler** contains options to extend tiddlytext or allow text to be reparsed.
<<tabs "[[Flexitype Extended Type Demo]] [[Flexitype Repass Demo]]" "Flexitype Extended Type Demo">>
Wikitext is defined in tiddlywiki using parser rules. Flexitype allows these rules to be argmented and/or substituted with new rule. See [[Using new wikirules]]
In the example below rules are substituted or changed for new rules. The type of the tiddler is "text/vnd.twbase;flexibility=MDL" where [[MDL]] is the tiddler choosing the rules.
In the example below text is reparsed. The type is **text/vnd.tiddlywiki;flexiblity=svgtp** - see the tidder [[svgtp]]
This example show how to concatenate data transcluded from an attribute string, something that cannot be done with **text/vnd.tiddlywiki**. In the svg drawing (see AtrStrSource) the path data is transcluded from a field and concatenated with extra data:
`{{AtrStr!!path}} C 800 100 900 100 900 100`
With regular wiki text the concatenation fails and we have
{{AtrStr vnd.tiddlywiki}}
whereas with the reparsed wikitext we have
Start a line using exclamation marks to create headings.
#Heading Level 1
##Heading Level 2
###Heading Level 3
####Heading Level 4
#####Heading Level 5
######Heading Level 6
#Heading Level 1
##Heading Level 2
###Heading Level 3
####Heading Level 4
#####Heading Level 5
######Heading Level 6
<$include docsheader/>
! How to use ~TiddlyWiki5
<<bulletList "howto">>
<html><br>pageref="<a class="externalLink" href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/82" title="External link to https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/82" target="_blank">https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/82</a>" <br><br>date="Thursday, December 19th, 2013 at 9:51:10 am"<br><h1></h1><span>If you want to switch to raw HTML, and suppress wikitext parsing, you can
now do so by embedding it like this:
one two
three four
five six
MarkDownLike depends upon the flexitype plugin ($:/plugins/bj/flexitype), which therefore needs to be also copied (or dragged) to your tiddlywiki along with $:/plugins/bj/plugins/markdownlike
Try editing these examples: [[A menu system]] [[Employee data]].
Note that on keypress updating is disabled as a default, there is a 'set value' button that is used to enter values. The default can be changed by editing the option file:[[$:/plugins/bj/jsoneditor/options.json]]. On keypress updating may be slow due to the editor compiling the json.
~MarkDown: Extended
What you are seeing here is the tabs macro working in extended markdown, using the tiddlers [[Code]] and [[Phrase Emphasis]]
[=[tabs 'Code[[Phrase Emphasis]]' 'Phrase Emphasis' '$:/state/tab1']]=]
MarkDown: [[Basics]]
### Phrase Emphasis ###
Markdown uses asterisks and underscores to indicate spans of emphasis.
Some of these words *are emphasized*.
Some of these words _are emphasized also_.
Use two asterisks for **strong emphasis**.
Or, if you prefer, __use two underscores instead__.
<p>Some of these words <em>are emphasized</em>.
Some of these words <em>are emphasized also</em>.</p>
<p>Use two asterisks for <strong>strong emphasis</strong>.
Or, if you prefer, <strong>use two underscores instead</strong>.</p>
## Lists ##
Unordered (bulleted) lists use asterisks, pluses, and hyphens (`*`,
`+`, and `-`) as list markers. These three markers are
interchangable; this:
* Candy.
* Gum.
* Booze.
+ Candy.
+ Gum.
+ Booze.
and this:
- Candy.
- Gum.
- Booze.
all produce the same output:
Ordered (numbered) lists use regular numbers, followed by periods, as
list markers:
1. Red
2. Green
3. Blue
If you put blank lines between items, you'll get `<p>` tags for the
list item text. You can create multi-paragraph list items by indenting
the paragraphs by 4 spaces or 1 tab:
* A list item.
With multiple paragraphs.
* Another item in the list.
<li><p>A list item.</p>
<p>With multiple paragraphs.</p></li>
<li><p>Another item in the list.</p></li>
### Links ###
Markdown supports two styles for creating links: *inline* and
*reference*. With both styles, you use square brackets to delimit the
text you want to turn into a link.
Inline-style links use parentheses immediately after the link text.
For example:
This is an [example link](http://example.com/).
<p>This is an <a href="http://example.com/">
example link</a>.</p>
Optionally, you may include a title attribute in the parentheses:
This is an [example link](http://example.com/ "With a Title").
<p>This is an <a href="http://example.com/" title="With a Title">
example link</a>.</p>
Reference-style links allow you to refer to your links by names, which
you define elsewhere in your document:
I get 10 times more traffic from [Google][1] than from
[Yahoo][2] or [MSN][3].
[1]: http://google.com/ "Google"
[2]: http://search.yahoo.com/ "Yahoo Search"
[3]: http://search.msn.com/ "MSN Search"
<p>I get 10 times more traffic from <a href="http://google.com/"
title="Google">Google</a> than from <a href="http://search.yahoo.com/"
title="Yahoo Search">Yahoo</a> or <a href="http://search.msn.com/"
title="MSN Search">MSN</a>.</p>
The title attribute is optional. Link names may contain letters,
numbers and spaces, but are *not* case sensitive:
I start my morning with a cup of coffee and
[The New York Times][NY Times].
[ny times]: http://www.nytimes.com/
<p>I start my morning with a cup of coffee and
<a href="http://www.nytimes.com/">The New York Times</a>.</p>
### Images ###
Image syntax is very much like link syntax.
Inline (titles are optional):

![alt text][id]
[id]: /path/to/img.jpg "Title"
Both of the above examples produce the same output:
<img src="/path/to/img.jpg" alt="alt text" title="Title" />
### Code ###
In a regular paragraph, you can create code span by wrapping text in
backtick quotes. Any ampersands (`&`) and angle brackets (`<` or
`>`) will automatically be translated into HTML entities. This makes
it easy to use Markdown to write about HTML example code:
I strongly recommend against using any `<blink>` tags.
I wish SmartyPants used named entities like `—`
instead of decimal-encoded entites like `—`.
<p>I strongly recommend against using any
<code><blink></code> tags.</p>
<p>I wish SmartyPants used named entities like
<code>&mdash;</code> instead of decimal-encoded
entites like <code>&#8212;</code>.</p>
To specify an entire block of pre-formatted code, indent every line of
the block by 4 spaces or 1 tab. Just like with code spans, `&`, `<`,
and `>` characters will be escaped automatically.
If you want your page to validate under XHTML 1.0 Strict,
you've got to put paragraph tags in your blockquotes:
<p>For example.</p>
<p>If you want your page to validate under XHTML 1.0 Strict,
you've got to put paragraph tags in your blockquotes:</p>
<p>For example.</p>
MarkDown: [[Basics]]
a [=[version]=]
### Phrase Emphasis ###
Markdown uses asterisks and underscores to indicate spans of emphasis.
Some of these words *are emphasized*.
Some of these words _are emphasized also_.
Use two asterisks for **strong emphasis**.
Or, if you prefer, __use two underscores instead__.
<p>Some of these words <em>are emphasized</em>.
Some of these words <em>are emphasized also</em>.</p>
<p>Use two asterisks for <strong>strong emphasis</strong>.
Or, if you prefer, <strong>use two underscores instead</strong>.</p>
## Lists ##
Unordered (bulleted) lists use asterisks, pluses, and hyphens (`*`,
`+`, and `-`) as list markers. These three markers are
interchangable; this:
* Candy.
* Gum.
* Booze.
+ Candy.
+ Gum.
+ Booze.
and this:
- Candy.
- Gum.
- Booze.
all produce the same output:
- Candy.
- Gum.
- Booze.
Ordered (numbered) lists use regular numbers, followed by periods, as
list markers:
1. Red
2. Green
3. Blue
1. Red
2. Green
3. Blue
If you put blank lines between items, you'll get `<p>` tags for the
list item text. You can create multi-paragraph list items by indenting
the paragraphs by 4 spaces or 1 tab:
* A list item.
With multiple paragraphs.
* Another item in the list.
* A list item.
With multiple paragraphs.
* Another item in the list.
### Links ###
Markdown supports two styles for creating links: *inline* and
*reference*. With both styles, you use square brackets to delimit the
text you want to turn into a link.
Inline-style links use parentheses immediately after the link text.
For example:
This is an [example link](http://example.com/).
<p>This is an <a href="http://example.com/">
example link</a>.</p>
Optionally, you may include a title attribute in the parentheses:
This is an [example link](http://example.com/ "With a Title").
<p>This is an <a href="http://example.com/" title="With a Title">
example link</a>.</p>
Reference-style links allow you to refer to your links by names, which
you define elsewhere in your document:
I get 10 times more traffic from [Google][1] than from
[Yahoo][2] or [MSN][3].
[1]: http://google.com/ "Google"
[2]: http://search.yahoo.com/ "Yahoo Search"
[3]: http://search.msn.com/ "MSN Search"
<p>I get 10 times more traffic from <a href="http://google.com/"
title="Google">Google</a> than from <a href="http://search.yahoo.com/"
title="Yahoo Search">Yahoo</a> or <a href="http://search.msn.com/"
title="MSN Search">MSN</a>.</p>
The title attribute is optional. Link names may contain letters,
numbers and spaces, but are *not* case sensitive:
I start my morning with a cup of coffee and
[The New York Times][NY Times].
[ny times]: http://www.nytimes.com/
<p>I start my morning with a cup of coffee and
<a href="http://www.nytimes.com/">The New York Times</a>.</p>
### Images ###
MarkDown List
[==[list-links filter$]==]f
<h1 id="test">test</h1>
MarkDown List
[=[list-links filter:'[tag[MdExtendDemoDocs]]']=]
<h1 id="test">test</h1>
This is a variation of the markdown syntax - documentation see https://github.com/chjj/marked
Example [[Marked Ex1]]
use type: "text/x-marked"
For advanced options see: $:/plugins/bj/plugins/marked/readme
Colons can be used to align columns.
|Tables | Are | Cool |
|:-------------|:-------------:| -----:|
| col 3 is | right-aligned | $1600 |
| col 2 is | centered | $12 |
| zebra stripes | are neat | $1 |
The outer pipes (|) are optional, and you don't need to make the raw Markdown line up prettily. You can also use inline Markdown.
Markdown | Less | Pretty
--- | --- | ---
*Still* | `renders` | **nicely**
1 | 2 | 3
Markdown: Basics
Getting the Gist of Markdown's Formatting Syntax
This page offers a brief overview of what it's like to use Markdown.
The [syntax page] [s] provides complete, detailed documentation for
every feature, but Markdown should be very easy to pick up simply by
looking at a few examples of it in action. The examples on this page
are written in a before/after style, showing example syntax and the
HTML output produced by Markdown.
It's also helpful to simply try Markdown out; the [Dingus] [d] is a
web application that allows you type your own Markdown-formatted text
and translate it to XHTML.
**Note:** This document is itself written using Markdown; you
can [see the source for it by adding '.text' to the URL] [src].
[s]: /projects/markdown/syntax "Markdown Syntax"
[d]: /projects/markdown/dingus "Markdown Dingus"
[src]: /projects/markdown/basics.text
## Paragraphs, Headers, Blockquotes ##
A paragraph is simply one or more consecutive lines of text, separated
by one or more blank lines. (A blank line is any line that looks like
a blank line -- a line containing nothing but spaces or tabs is
considered blank.) Normal paragraphs should not be indented with
spaces or tabs.
Markdown offers two styles of headers: *Setext* and *atx*.
Setext-style headers for `<h1>` and `<h2>` are created by
"underlining" with equal signs (`=`) and hyphens (`-`), respectively.
To create an atx-style header, you put 1-6 hash marks (`#`) at the
beginning of the line -- the number of hashes equals the resulting
HTML header level.
Blockquotes are indicated using email-style '`>`' angle brackets.
A First Level Header
A Second Level Header
Now is the time for all good men to come to
the aid of their country. This is just a
regular paragraph.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy
dog's back.
### Header 3
> This is a blockquote.
> This is the second paragraph in the blockquote.
> ## This is an H2 in a blockquote
<h1>A First Level Header</h1>
<h2>A Second Level Header</h2>
<p>Now is the time for all good men to come to
the aid of their country. This is just a
regular paragraph.</p>
<p>The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy
dog's back.</p>
<h3>Header 3</h3>
<p>This is a blockquote.</p>
<p>This is the second paragraph in the blockquote.</p>
<h2>This is an H2 in a blockquote</h2>
### Phrase Emphasis ###
Markdown uses asterisks and underscores to indicate spans of emphasis.
Some of these words *are emphasized*.
Some of these words _are emphasized also_.
Use two asterisks for **strong emphasis**.
Or, if you prefer, __use two underscores instead__.
<p>Some of these words <em>are emphasized</em>.
Some of these words <em>are emphasized also</em>.</p>
<p>Use two asterisks for <strong>strong emphasis</strong>.
Or, if you prefer, <strong>use two underscores instead</strong>.</p>
## Lists ##
Unordered (bulleted) lists use asterisks, pluses, and hyphens (`*`,
`+`, and `-`) as list markers. These three markers are
interchangable; this:
* Candy.
* Gum.
* Booze.
+ Candy.
+ Gum.
+ Booze.
and this:
- Candy.
- Gum.
- Booze.
all produce the same output:
Ordered (numbered) lists use regular numbers, followed by periods, as
list markers:
1. Red
2. Green
3. Blue
If you put blank lines between items, you'll get `<p>` tags for the
list item text. You can create multi-paragraph list items by indenting
the paragraphs by 4 spaces or 1 tab:
* A list item.
With multiple paragraphs.
* Another item in the list.
<li><p>A list item.</p>
<p>With multiple paragraphs.</p></li>
<li><p>Another item in the list.</p></li>
### Links ###
Markdown supports two styles for creating links: *inline* and
*reference*. With both styles, you use square brackets to delimit the
text you want to turn into a link.
Inline-style links use parentheses immediately after the link text.
For example:
This is an [example link](http://example.com/).
<p>This is an <a href="http://example.com/">
example link</a>.</p>
Optionally, you may include a title attribute in the parentheses:
This is an [example link](http://example.com/ "With a Title").
<p>This is an <a href="http://example.com/" title="With a Title">
example link</a>.</p>
Reference-style links allow you to refer to your links by names, which
you define elsewhere in your document:
I get 10 times more traffic from [Google][1] than from
[Yahoo][2] or [MSN][3].
[1]: http://google.com/"Google"
[2]: http://search.yahoo.com/ "Yahoo Search"
[3]: http://search.msn.com/"MSN Search"
<p>I get 10 times more traffic from <a href="http://google.com/"
title="Google">Google</a> than from <a href="http://search.yahoo.com/"
title="Yahoo Search">Yahoo</a> or <a href="http://search.msn.com/"
title="MSN Search">MSN</a>.</p>
The title attribute is optional. Link names may contain letters,
numbers and spaces, but are *not* case sensitive:
I start my morning with a cup of coffee and
[The New York Times][NY Times].
[ny times]: http://www.nytimes.com/
<p>I start my morning with a cup of coffee and
<a href="http://www.nytimes.com/">The New York Times</a>.</p>
### Images ###
Image syntax is very much like link syntax.
Inline (titles are optional):

![alt text][id]
[id]: /path/to/img.jpg "Title"
Both of the above examples produce the same output:
<img src="/path/to/img.jpg" alt="alt text" title="Title" />
### Code ###
In a regular paragraph, you can create code span by wrapping text in
backtick quotes. Any ampersands (`&`) and angle brackets (`<` or
`>`) will automatically be translated into HTML entities. This makes
it easy to use Markdown to write about HTML example code:
I strongly recommend against using any `<blink>` tags.
I wish SmartyPants used named entities like `—`
instead of decimal-encoded entites like `—`.
<p>I strongly recommend against using any
<code><blink></code> tags.</p>
<p>I wish SmartyPants used named entities like
<code>&mdash;</code> instead of decimal-encoded
entites like <code>&#8212;</code>.</p>
To specify an entire block of pre-formatted code, indent every line of
the block by 4 spaces or 1 tab. Just like with code spans, `&`, `<`,
and `>` characters will be escaped automatically.
If you want your page to validate under XHTML 1.0 Strict,
you've got to put paragraph tags in your blockquotes:
<p>For example.</p>
<p>If you want your page to validate under XHTML 1.0 Strict,
you've got to put paragraph tags in your blockquotes:</p>
<p>For example.</p>
# Markdown: Basics
## Getting the Gist of Markdown's Formatting Syntax
This page offers a brief overview of what it's like to use Markdown.
The [syntax page] [s] provides complete, detailed documentation for
every feature, but Markdown should be very easy to pick up simply by
looking at a few examples of it in action. The examples on this page
are written in a before/after style, showing example syntax and the
HTML output produced by Markdown.
It's also helpful to simply try Markdown out; the [Dingus] [d] is a
web application that allows you type your own Markdown-formatted text
and translate it to XHTML.
**Note:** This document is itself written using Markdown; you
can [see the source for it by adding '.text' to the URL] [src].
[s]: /projects/markdown/syntax "Markdown Syntax"
[d]: /projects/markdown/dingus "Markdown Dingus"
[src]: /projects/markdown/basics.text
## Paragraphs, Headers, Blockquotes
A paragraph is simply one or more consecutive lines of text, separated
by one or more blank lines. (A blank line is any line that looks like a
blank line -- a line containing nothing spaces or tabs is considered
blank.) Normal paragraphs should not be intended with spaces or tabs.
Markdown offers two styles of headers: **Setext** and **atx**.
Setext-style headers for `<h1>` and `<h2>` are created by
"underlining" with equal signs (`=`) and hyphens (`-`), respectively.
To create an atx-style header, you put 1-6 hash marks (`#`) at the
beginning of the line -- the number of hashes equals the resulting
HTML header level.
Blockquotes are indicated using email-style '`>`' angle brackets.
# A First Level Header
## A Second Level Header
Now is the time for all good men to come to
the aid of their country. This is just a
regular paragraph.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy
dog's back.
### Header 3
> This is a blockquote.
> This is the second paragraph in the blockquote.
> ## This is an H2 in a blockquote
<h1>A First Level Header</h1>
<h2>A Second Level Header</h2>
<p>Now is the time for all good men to come to
the aid of their country. This is just a
regular paragraph.</p>
<p>The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy
dog's back.</p>
<h3>Header 3</h3>
<p>This is a blockquote.</p>
<p>This is the second paragraph in the blockquote.</p>
<h2>This is an H2 in a blockquote</h2>
### Phrase Emphasis
Markdown uses asterisks and underscores to indicate spans of emphasis.
Use two asterisks for **strong emphasis**.
<p>Some of these words <em>are emphasized</em>.
Some of these words <em>are emphasized also</em>.</p>
<p>Use two asterisks for <strong>strong emphasis</strong>.
Or, if you prefer, <strong>use two underscores instead</strong>.</p>
## Lists
Unordered (bulleted) lists use asterisks, pluses, and hyphens (`*`,
`+`, and `-`) as list markers. These three markers are
interchangable; this:
+ Candy.
+ Gum.
+ Booze.
all produce the same output:
Ordered (numbered) lists use regular numbers, followed by periods, as
list markers:
1. Red
2. Green
3. Blue
If you put blank lines between items, you'll get `<p>` tags for the
list item text. You can create multi-paragraph list items by indenting
the paragraphs by 4 spaces or 1 tab:
+ A list item.
With multiple paragraphs.
+ Another item in the list.
<li><p>A list item.</p>
<p>With multiple paragraphs.</p></li>
<li><p>Another item in the list.</p></li>
### Links
Markdown supports two styles for creating links: *inline* and
*reference*. With both styles, you use square brackets to delimit the
text you want to turn into a link.
Inline-style links use parentheses immediately after the link text.
For example:
This is an [example link](http://example.com/).
<p>This is an <a href="http://example.com/">
example link</a>.</p>
Optionally, you may include a title attribute in the parentheses:
This is an [example link](http://example.com/ "With a Title").
<p>This is an <a href="http://example.com/" title="With a Title">
example link</a>.</p>
Reference-style links allow you to refer to your links by names, which
you define elsewhere in your document:
I get 10 times more traffic from [Google][1] than from
[Yahoo][2] or [MSN][3].
[1]: http://google.com/ "Google"
[2]: http://search.yahoo.com/ "Yahoo Search"
[3]: http://search.msn.com/ "MSN Search"
<p>I get 10 times more traffic from <a href="http://google.com/"
title="Google">Google</a> than from <a href="http://search.yahoo.com/"
title="Yahoo Search">Yahoo</a> or <a href="http://search.msn.com/"
title="MSN Search">MSN</a>.</p>
The title attribute is optional. Link names may contain letters,
numbers and spaces, but are *not* case sensitive:
I start my morning with a cup of coffee and
[The New York Times][NY Times].
[ny times]: http://www.nytimes.com/
<p>I start my morning with a cup of coffee and
<a href="http://www.nytimes.com/">The New York Times</a>.</p>
### Images ###
Image syntax is very much like link syntax.
Inline (titles are optional):

![alt text][id]
[id]: /path/to/img.jpg "Title"
Both of the above examples produce the same output:
<img src="/path/to/img.jpg" alt="alt text" title="Title" />
### Code
In a regular paragraph, you can create code span by wrapping text in
backtick quotes. Any ampersands (`&`) and angle brackets (`<` or
`>`) will automatically be translated into HTML entities. This makes
it easy to use Markdown to write about HTML example code:
I strongly recommend against using any `<blink>` tags.
I wish SmartyPants used named entities like `—`
instead of decimal-encoded entites like `—`.
<p>I strongly recommend against using any
<code><blink></code> tags.</p>
<p>I wish SmartyPants used named entities like
<code>&mdash;</code> instead of decimal-encoded
entites like <code>&#8212;</code>.</p>
To specify an entire block of pre-formatted code, indent every line of
the block by 4 spaces or 1 tab. Just like with code spans, `&`, `<`,
and `>` characters will be escaped automatically.
If you want your page to validate under XHTML 1.0 Strict,
you've got to put paragraph tags in your blockquotes:
<p>For example.</p>
<p>If you want your page to validate under XHTML 1.0 Strict,
you've got to put paragraph tags in your blockquotes:</p>
<p>For example.</p>
|width:250px; !Example | !Example Markup |h
| how the example markup renders | what to enter as tiddler text |
|>| ![[Basic Text Formatting|Basic Formatting]] |
|''bold''|{{{''bold''}}} (two __single__-quotes) |
|//italics//|{{{//italics//}}} |
|''//bold italics//''|{{{''//bold italics//''}}} |
|__underline__|{{{__underline__}}} |
|--strikethrough--|{{{--strikethrough--}}} |
|super^^script^^|{{{super^^script^^}}} |
|sub~~script~~|{{{sub~~script~~}}} |
|@@highlight@@|{{{@@highlight@@}}} |
|foo -- bar|{{{foo -- bar}}} -- two dashes create an Em dash|
|>| ![[Avoiding Wikification|Suppressing Formatting]] |
|to output text as-is (escaping), enclose it in three double quotes or use the {{{<nowiki>}}} markup|>|
|"""plain//text""" |{{{"""plain//text"""}}}|
|>| ![[Headings]] |
|start a new line with one or more question marks to create headings |>|
|<html><h1>Heading 1</h1><h2>Heading 2</h2><h3>Heading 3</h3><h4>Heading 4</h4><h5>Heading 5</h5></html>|{{{!Heading 1}}}<br />{{{!!Heading 2}}}<br />{{{!!!Heading 3}}}<br />{{{!!!!Heading 4}}}<br />{{{!!!!!Heading 5}}}|
|>| [[Ordered Lists|Lists]] |
|<html><ol><li>item one</li><li>item two<ol><li>level two<ol><li>level three</li></ol></li></ol></li></ol></li></ol></html>|{{{#item one}}}<br/>{{{#item two}}}<br/>{{{##level two}}}<br/>{{{###level three}}}|
|>| [[Unordered Lists|Lists]] |
|<html><ul><li>item one</li><li>item two<ul><li>level two<ul><li>level three</li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></html>|{{{*item one}}}<br/>{{{*item two}}}<br/>{{{**level two}}}<br/>{{{***level three}}}|
|>| [[Definition List|Lists]] |
|<html><dl><dt>term</dt><dd>definition</dd></dl></html>|{{{;term}}}<br />{{{:definition}}}|
|>| [[Mixed Lists|Lists]] |
|<html><ol><li>ordered<ul><li>unordered<dl><dt>term</dt><dd>definition</dd></dl></li></ul></li></ol></html>|{{{# ordered}}}<br />{{{#* unordered}}}<br />{{{#*;term}}}<br />{{{#*:definition}}}|
| ![[Blockquotes]] |>|
| [[Nested Blockquotes|Blockquotes]] |>|
|<html><blockquote>blockquote<blockquote>level two<blockquote>level three</blockquote></blockquote></blockquote></html>|{{{>blockquote}}}<br />{{{>>level two}}}<br />{{{>>>level three}}}|
|>| [[Multi-line Blockquotes|Blockquotes]] |
|<html><blockquote>multi-line<br/>blockquote</blockquote></html>|{{{<<<}}}<br />{{{multi-line}}}<br />{{{blockquote}}}<br />{{{<<<}}}|
|>| [[Mixed Blockquotes|Blockquotes]] |
|<html><blockquote>foo<br><blockquote>inner foo, level 1<br><blockquote>inner foo, level 2<br></blockquote></blockquote>more foo<br></blockquote></html>|{{{<<<}}}<br />{{{foo}}}<br />{{{> inner foo, level 1}}}<br />{{{>> inner foo, level 2}}}<br />{{{more foo}}}<br />{{{<<<}}}|
|>| ![[Code / Monospaced Text|Code]] |
|>| [[Inline Code|Code]] |
|{{{monospaced text}}}|<html><code>{{{mono space text}}}</code></html>|
|>| [[Code Block|Code]] |
|<html><pre>{{{<br/>multi-line<br/>code block<br/>}}}</pre></html>|<html><code>{{{</code></html><br/>{{{multi-line}}}<br/>{{{code block}}}<br/><html><code>}}}</code></html>|
| ![[Links]] |>|
|>| [[Internal Links|TiddlyLink]] |
|~NoLink|{{{~NoLink}}} -- a tilde {{{~}}} prevents automatic ~WikiWord links|
|[[Plain Link]]|{{{[[Plain Link]]}}}|
|[[Pretty Link|Tiddler Name]]|{{{[[Pretty Link|Tiddler Name]]}}}|
|>| [[External Links|External Link]] |
|A valid URL is automatically rendered as an external link.|>|
|[[Pretty External Link|http://www.tiddlywiki.com]]|{{{[[Pretty External Link|http://www.tiddlywiki.com]]}}}|
|>| ![[Filesystem Links|Links]] |
|You can, of course, use file system links both as plain or pretty links.|>|
|''Windows Network Path''|{{{[[file://///server/share]]}}}|
|''Windows Local''|{{{[[file:///c:/folder/file]]}}}|
|''Linux/Unix Local''|{{{[[file:///folder/file]]}}}|
|''Relative Path (Subfolder)''|{{{[[folder/file]]}}}|
|>| ![[Images]] |
|In general, image files are external to a TiddlyWiki.|>|
| aligned right [>img[http://www.tiddlywiki.com/favicon.ico]]|{{{[>img[path/image.jpg]]}}}|
|[<img[http://www.tiddlywiki.com/favicon.ico]] aligned left|{{{[<img[path/image.jpg]]}}}|
|w/ internal link [>img[http://www.tiddlywiki.com/favicon.ico][TiddlyWiki]]|{{{[img[path/image.jpg][TiddlerName]]}}}|
|w/ external link [>img[http://www.tiddlywiki.com/favicon.ico][http://www.tiddlywiki.com]]|{{{[img[path/image.jpg][TiddlyWiki|http://www.tiddlywiki.com]]}}}|
|>| ![[Gradients|gradient]] |
|<<gradient horiz #faa #afa #aaf>> __vert__ical or __horiz__ontal<br> see [[gradient macro|http://tiddlywiki.org/#%5B%5Bgradient%20(macro)%5D%5D]]>>|{{{<<gradient horiz #faa #afa #aaf>>wiki text>>}}}|
|>| ![[Tables]] |
|<<tiddler HTML_TABLE>>|<<tiddler HTML_TABLE_MARKUP>>|
|>|<<tiddler HTML_TABLE_RULES>>|
|>| ![[Custom Styles|CSS Formatting]] |
|>|a {{{@@highlight@@}}} element can accept CSS syntax to directly style text.|>|
|@@color:green;green coloured@@|{{{@@color:green;green coloured@@}}}|
|>| ![[Custom CSS Class Wrapper|CSS Formatting]] |
|>|You can define a custom css class wrapper, like {{{.button}}} below. By default, the inner text is placed inline into a {{{<span>}}} of said class(s). If you start and end the inner text with a newline, the content is placed in a {{{<div>}}}. Use the StyleSheet to define the css styles applied to the class.|
|<br>{{button title{Click!}}}|<html><pre>{{button title{Click!}}}</pre></html>|
|>| ![[Embedded HTML|HTML Formatting]] |
|<html><span style="padding-right:30px;font-size:2em;">any</span><br /><b>valid</b> <em>xhtml</em></html>|<html><code style="font-weight:bold"><html></code></html>{{{<span style="padding-right:30px;font-size:2em;">any</span><br /><b>valid</b> <em>xhtml</em>}}}<html><code style="font-weight:bold"></html></code></html>|
|>| [[Embedded <iframe>|HTML Formatting]] |
|<html><iframe height="200px" width="300px" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Cj6ho1-G6tw?vq=hd720" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen/></html>|<html><code style="font-weight:bold"><html></code></html>{{{<iframe src="http://the.url"/>}}}<html><code style="font-weight:bold"></html></code></html>|
|>| ![[Line Break|Line Breaks]] |
|handy for entering multi-line content into table cells or lists|>|
|a<br>b|{{{a<br>b}}} or {{{a<br/>a}}} or {{{a<br />a}}}|
|>| ![[Horizontal Rules]] |
|before<hr>after|{{{<hr>}}} or <br>{{{----}}} on its own line|
|>| ![[HTML Entities]] |
|>|You can use HTML entities...|
|ɸ™ |{{{ɸ™}}}|
| ![[Macros]] |>|
|>|macros are called by enclosing the macro name in {{{<<}}} and {{{>>}}}|
|<<version>> |{{{<<version>>}}}|
|>| ![[Hidden Text|Basic Formatting]] |
|This is hidden: |{{{This is hidden: /% secret comment %/}}}|
<$set name="tcc1" value=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$taglist class="btn btn-primary" template="$:/.bj/templates/TagControlTemplate" emptyMessage="drop here to add tag"></$taglist>
Note: This plugin is still in an **EXPERIMENTAL** stage. To install this plugin see InstallMarkDownLike
# Changes to Wikitext
Here the plugin **markdownlike** is being used. It modifies the tiddlywiki syntax to be, well, more like markdown
## Examples
### headings
##### hash means heading in markdown - as in wikitext they can be **smaller!**
##### hash means heading in markdown - as in wikitext they can be **smaller!**
### Emphasis
**Emphasis** now uses stars in place of speech marks
**Emphasis** now uses stars in place of speech marks
### Unordered Lists
Although the * can be used to create unordered lists in markdown, it has been replace in tiddlytext with the + as there was an 'interference' with creating Emphasis.
+ in tiddly text only one paragraph per bullet is supported
+ in markdown this is not the case
+ in tiddly text only one paragraph per bullet is supported.
+ in markdown this is not the case.
### Ordered Lists
A one level order markdown like list is now possible.
1. Only a one level list is supported
2. Lists in markdown are different
1. Only a one level list is supported
2. Lists in markdown are different
### Complex Lists
The . replaces # in complex lists
. one
.+ first sublevel
.+ same sublevel
. two
. one
.+ first sublevel
.+ same sublevel
. two
## Source of content made to be more markdown like
In this content I have made the following changes to the rules
1. using **listmod rule** - now I am using a . for ordered lists
2. using **headingmod rule** I am using # inplace of ! for headings
3. using **boldmode rule** I am using two * inplace of two '
I have also:
+ d
1. test
1. tset
+ **replaced** * with + for unordered lists
<$link><span class="tw-taglist"><$view field="title"/></span></$link><$fieldmangler><$link to=<<tcc1>> class="tc-btn-invisible">{{$:/core/images/cancel-button}}</$link></$fieldmangler>
<embed type="video/x-flv" width="400" height="200" src="file:///media/3497f82e-3b95-41de-90af-df905eceeab4/data/spanish/elementary/spanishpod_B0396pr.mp3">
When editor a pdf tiddler to add tags, the contents of pdfs appear as gibberish in the edit window. This can be switch off with this plugin. Once the plugin is installed create a tiddler titled "[[$:/config/EditorTypeMappings/application/pdf]]" with content 'none' (or drag the one from here) .
This plugin provides object embedding via the CKEditor-oEmbed-Plugin (MIT license),
from http://w8tcha.github.com/CKEditor-oEmbed-Plugin/, which lists the supported sites.
Demo is here OembedDemo
I would not recommend using this at the moment as there are a number of issues that I am seeing
<$oembed url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SX0jvQ0vYVk" maxWidth=300 maxHeight=500>
## Paragraphs, Headers, Blockquotes ##
A paragraph is simply one or more consecutive lines of text, separated
by one or more blank lines. (A blank line is any line that looks like
a blank line -- a line containing nothing but spaces or tabs is
considered blank.) Normal paragraphs should not be indented with
spaces or tabs.
MarkDown offers two styles of headers: *Setext* and *atx*.
Setext-style headers for `<h1>` and `<h2>` are created by
"underlining" with equal signs (`=`) and hyphens (`-`), respectively.
To create an atx-style header, you put 1-6 hash marks (`#`) at the
beginning of the line -- the number of hashes equals the resulting
HTML header level.
Blockquotes are indicated using email-style '`>`' angle brackets.
A First Level Header
A Second Level Header
Now is the time for all good men to come to
the aid of their country. This is just a
regular paragraph.
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy
dog's back.
### Header 3
> This is a blockquote.
> This is the second paragraph in the blockquote.
> ## This is an H2 in a blockquote
<h1>A First Level Header</h1>
<h2>A Second Level Header</h2>
<p>Now is the time for all good men to come to
the aid of their country. This is just a
regular paragraph.</p>
<p>The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy
dog's back.</p>
<h3>Header 3</h3>
<p>This is a blockquote.</p>
<p>This is the second paragraph in the blockquote.</p>
<h2>This is an H2 in a blockquote</h2>
|!Search tag: | <$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/RenameTags/search" tag="input" type="text"/> |
|!Replace by: | <$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/RenameTags/replace" tag="input" type="text"/> |
<$button set=<<qualify "$:/state">> setTo="open1">rename</$button>
<div hidden="true">
<$list filter="[!has[draft.of]tag{$:/temp/RenameTags/search}!tag{$:/temp/RenameTags/replace}sort[created]]">
<$checkbox tag={{$:/temp/RenameTags/replace}}><$click state=<<qualify "$:/state">> text="open1"/> </$checkbox>
<$checkbox tag={{$:/temp/RenameTags/search}}><$click state=<<qualify "$:/state">> text="open1"/> </$checkbox>
<$button set="$:/temp/RenameTags/search" setTo=""><$click state=<<qualify "$:/state">> text="open1"/> </$button>
<$button set="$:/temp/RenameTags/replace" setTo=""><$click state=<<qualify "$:/state">> text="open1"/> </$button>
!A Dev Tool
Replaces the tw5 red error box generated by a uncaught exceptions with a stacktrace showing where the error occurred.
The uncaught exception can now be passed to the error handling routine:
So far I only know that it works with chrome and (at present) not with firefox.
{{$:/plugins/bj/storytabs/readme }}
Try addeding this tiddler to the list using drag and drop - <$link dragoverclic="yes">DragItem</$link>
<$taglist targeTtag="taglistdemo"></$taglist>
<$linkcatcher set=loop1 setTo={{!!title}} >
<$reveal state=loop1 text={{!!title}} type="match"><$button class="tw-taglist" set=loop1 setTo="">[x]</$button></$reveal>
<$link><span class="tw-taglist"><$view field="title"/></span></$link></$linkcatcher><$link>@</$link>
<$reveal state=loop1 text={{!!title}} type="match">
<$transclude mode="block">
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
\define frame-classes()
tc-tiddler-frame tc-tiddler-edit-frame $(missingTiddlerClass)$ $(shadowTiddlerClass)$ $(systemTiddlerClass)$
<div class=<<frame-classes>>>
<$set name="storyTiddler" value=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$keyboard key="escape" message="tm-cancel-tiddler">
<$keyboard key="ctrl+enter" message="tm-save-tiddler">
<$list filter="[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/EditTemplate]!has[draft.of]!title[$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/fields]!title[$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/body]] + [title[$:/bj/typestemplate/EditTemplate/body]]" variable="listItem">
<$transclude tiddler=<<listItem>>/>
\define frame-classes()
tc-tiddler-frame tc-tiddler-view-frame $(missingTiddlerClass)$ $(shadowTiddlerClass)$ $(systemTiddlerClass)$ $(tiddlerTagClasses)$
<$set name="storyTiddler" value=<<currentTiddler>>><$set name="tiddlerInfoState" value=<<qualify "$:/state/popup/tiddler-info">>><$tiddler tiddler=<<currentTiddler>>><div class=<<frame-classes>>><$list filter="[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/ViewTemplate]!has[draft.of]]" variable="listItem"><$transclude tiddler=<<listItem>>/></$list>
\define frame-classes()
tc-tiddler-frame tc-tiddler-view-frame $(missingTiddlerClass)$ $(shadowTiddlerClass)$ $(systemTiddlerClass)$ $(tiddlerTagClasses)$
\define folded-state()
<$set name="storyTiddler" value=<<currentTiddler>>><$set name="tiddlerInfoState" value=<<qualify "$:/state/popup/tiddler-info">>><$tiddler tiddler=<<currentTiddler>>><div class=<<frame-classes>>><$transclude tiddler="$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/body"/>
|!Category|!Tip|!Tags|!Rule Tid|!Modes|
|Tid|copy tids||[[defaultTip]]|tiddlers|
|Pin|pin it||[[defaultPin]]||
| ''To Format Text As...'' | ''Use This Mark-Up'' |
| ''Bold'' | {{{''Bold''}}} Two single-quotes, not a double-quote. |
| //Italics// | {{{//Italics//}}} |
| ''//Bold Italics//'' | {{{''//Bold Italics//''}}} |
| __Underline__ | {{{__Underline__}}} |
| --Strikethrough-- | {{{--Strikethrough--}}} |
| Super^^script^^ | {{{Super^^script^^}}} |
| Sub~~script~~ | {{{Sub~~script~~}}} |
| @@Highlight@@ | {{{@@Highlight@@}}} |
| <nowiki>PlainText No ''Formatting''</nowiki> | {{{ <nowiki>PlainText No ''Formatting''</nowiki> }}} |
Block Elements
`PlainText No ''Formatting''`
!! Headings
!<nowiki>!</nowiki>Heading Level 1
!!<nowiki>!!</nowiki>Heading Level 2
!!!<nowiki>!!!</nowiki>Heading Level 3
!!!!<nowiki>!!!!</nowiki>Heading Level 4
!!!!!<nowiki>!!!!!</nowiki>Heading Level 5
!!!!!!<nowiki>!!!!!!</nowiki>Heading Level 6
!! Unordered Lists
!!! Example
* Unordered List, Level 1
** Unordered List, Level 2
*** Unordered List, Level 3
!!!Mark-Up Used
* Unordered List, Level 1
** Unordered List, Level 2
*** Unordered List, Level 3
!! Ordered Lists
!!! Example
# Ordered List, Level 1A
# Ordered List, Level 1B
## Ordered List, Level 2A
### Ordered List, Level 3A
!!! Mark-Up Used
# Ordered List, Level 1A
# Ordered List, Level 1B
## Ordered List, Level 2A
### Ordered List, Level 3A
!! Definition Lists
!!! Example
; term
: description
!!! Mark-Up Used
; term
: description
!! Blockquotes
!!! Example
> blockquote, level 1
>> blockquote, level 2
>>> blockquote, level 3
!!! Mark-Up Used
> blockquote, level 1
>> blockquote, level 2
>>> blockquote, level 3
!!! Block Example
!!! Mark-Up Used
!! Preformatted
!!! Example
preformatted (e.g. code)
!!! Markup Used
<nowiki>preformatted (e.g. code)</nowiki>
!! Tables
{{annotation{There is also an in-depth article on [[Tables]].}}}
Columns are delimited by a single pipe character ({{{|}}}); a new line creates a new row.
|!heading column 1|!heading column 2|h
|row 1, column 1|row 1, column 2|
|row 2, column 1|row 2, column 2|
|~| … |
|CssProperty:value;…| … |
|!heading column 1|!heading column 2|h
|row 1, column 1|row 1, column 2|
|row 2, column 1|row 2, column 2|
|~| … |
|CssProperty:value;…| … |
* The {{{>}}} marker creates a "colspan", causing the current cell to merge with the one to the right.
* The {{{~}}} marker creates a "rowspan", causing the current cell to merge with the one above.
!! Images
See [[tiddlywiki.com|http://www.tiddlywiki.com/#EmbeddedImages]]
! Links
* [[WikiWord|WikiWords]] are automatically transformed to hyperlinks to the respective tiddler
** the automatic transformation can be suppressed by preceding the respective WikiWord with a tilde ({{{~}}}): {{{~WikiWord}}}
* [[PrettyLinks]] are enclosed in double square brackets and contain the desired tiddler name: {{{[[tiddler name]]}}}
** optionally, a custom title or description can be added, separated by a pipe character ({{{|}}}): {{{[[title|target]]}}} ''N.B.:'' The target can also be any website (i.e. URL), folder or file.
!! Examples
* a simple website (URL) requires no markup: {{{http://domain.tld}}}
* website (URL) : {{{[[label|http://domain.tld]]}}}
* Unix-style folder: {{{[[label|file:///folder/file]]}}}
* Windows drive-mapped folder {{{[[label|file:///c:/folder/file]]}}}
* Windows network share: {{{[[label|file://///server/folder/file]]}}}
* File in a local subfolder of the TiddlyWiki location: {{{[[label|folder/file]]}}}
! Custom Styling
* inline styles: {{{@@CssProperty:value;CssProperty:value;...@@}}} ''N.B.:''' CSS color definitions should use lowercase letters to prevent the inadvertent creation of WikiWords.
* class wrapper: <nowiki>{{customClass{...}}}</nowiki>
!! Example
lorem ''ipsum'' dolor '''sit''' amet
(The <code>indent</code> is provided by the TiddlyWiki core in [[StyleSheetLayout]].)
! Inserting HTML
raw HTML can be inserted by enclosing the respective code in HTML tags ({{{<html>...</html>}}}).
! Avoiding Wikificitation ==
To prevent wiki markup from taking effect for a particular section (e.g. special characters), that section can be enclosed in three double quotes: e.g. {{{"""WikiWord"""}}} (cf. [[Escaping]]).
! Special Markers
* {{{<br>}}} forces a manual line break
* {{{----}}} and {{{<hr>}}} create a horizontal rule
* [[HTML entities|http://www.tiddlywiki.com/#HtmlEntities]]
* {{{>}}} calls the respective [[Macros|macro]]
* To hide text within a tiddler so that it is not displayed, it can be wrapped in {{{/%}}} and {{{%/}}}. This can be a useful trick for hiding drafts or annotating complex markup.
! See Also
* [[Wiki Markup]]
* [[Multi-Line Contents]]
* [[Tiddler format]] (TiddlyWiki markup version / Cheat Sheet)
* [[Macros]]
* [[Customization]]
<html>pageref="<a class="externalLink" href="http://tiddlywiki.com/" title="External link to http://tiddlywiki.com/" target="_blank">http://tiddlywiki.com/</a>" <br><br>date="Friday, December 20th, 2013 at 2:03:32 pm"<br><h1></h1><span>In the browser, any constituent tiddlers that are <a href="http://tiddlywiki.com#JavaScript" class=" tw-tiddlylink tw-tiddlylink-resolves">JavaScript</a> modules (ie shadow tiddlers of content type <code>application/javascript</code> and possessing the field <code>module-type</code>) are executed during startup processing.
<html>pageref="<a class="externalLink" href="https://groups.google.com/forum/#%21searchin/tiddlywiki/video$20widget/tiddlywiki/JolT1K-27bk/pywmynIO6OQJ" title="External link to https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/tiddlywiki/video$20widget/tiddlywiki/JolT1K-27bk/pywmynIO6OQJ" target="_blank">https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/tiddlywiki/video$20widget/tiddlywiki/JolT1K-27bk/pywmynIO6OQJ</a>" <br><br>date="Wednesday, December 18th, 2013 at 10:38:16 pm"<br>
I think it would have been TWC, where there is a popular plugin from Eric that selects the template for each displayed tiddler according to tags and other critiera.<div><br></div><div>In TW5 the closes equivalent would be to define a new slice of the ViewTemplate that only displays itself when relevant to the tiddler being displayed. In this way one can augment the default template, rather than totally replacing it. If you wanted to remove any of the default viewtemplate slices you'd just overwrite the relevant shadow tiddlers with a new template that is selective.</div>
<div><br></div><div>To selectively hide things you can use the <$reveal> widget or the <$list> widget with the [limit[1]] trick that came up a few days ago.
<$set name="loop1" value=<<qualify "$:/temp/taglist">>>
<$taglist class="btn btn-primary">{{!!title||taglisttemplate}}</$taglist>
<$include docsheader/>
! Concepts
<<bulletList "Tw5Info">>
There are several methods for upgrading an existing TiddlyWiki version 5 document to a new release. There is a [[different procedure|Upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] for upgrading [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]].
<div class="tw-message-box">
<a class="tw-message-icon" href="http://tiddlywiki.com/" target="_blank">{{TiddlyWiki Classic.png}}</a>
!! Upgrading from TiddlyWikiClassic
Remember that TiddlyWiki version 5 is not fully backwards compatible with the older TiddlyWikiClassic. It is recommended that users of TiddlyWikiClassic should not attempt to upgrade their existing files until the new version is more mature.
! Online upgrading
This process will work on most desktop browsers. Note that none of your personal data leaves your browser with this process.
# Locate your TiddlyWiki file in the file system (ie using Windows Explorer, the Finder on Mac OS X, or your file manager on Linux)
# Visit http://tiddlywiki.com/empty.html in your browser
# Drag your old TiddlyWiki HTML file into the browser window
#* If the file is encrypted you will be prompted for the password
#* Your tiddlers should be imported
# Set a password if you want to use encryption
# Save changes to save the new version
This will download a file called ''empty.html'' to your computer. This file is the upgrade of your old file. You may need to open the location where ''empty.html'' was downloaded, rename ''empty.html'' with the name of the old file you are upgrading, and replace the old file by moving the new file in its place.
//For the moment you'll also need to manually update any plugins that are not included in empty.html://
># Open the control panel to the ''Plugins'' tab in your upgraded wiki
># Check the version numbers of the plugins you are using; any plugins with an older version than the version of [[$:/core]] will probably need updating
># Locate a wiki with the plugins you need to update and open the control panel ''Plugins'' tab
>#* http://tiddlywiki.com/d3demo.html for the D3 plugin
>#* http://tiddlywiki.com/codemirrordemo.html for the CodeMirror plugin
>#* http://tiddlywiki.com/markdowndemo.html for the MarkDown plugin
>#* http://tiddlywiki.com/ for most of the others
># Drag the plugin links one by one back to your own wiki. You should see the version numbers update in the control panel
># Save your wiki
! Offline upgrading
You can also download http://tiddlywiki.com/empty.html locally and perform the same drag-and-drop procedure to upgrade your files.
There are several methods for upgrading an existing TiddlyWiki version 5 document to a new release. There is a [[different procedure|Upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] for upgrading [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]].
<div class="tw-message-box">
<a class="tw-message-icon" href="http://tiddlywiki.com/" target="_blank">{{TiddlyWiki Classic.png}}</a>
!! Upgrading from TiddlyWikiClassic
Remember that TiddlyWiki version 5 is not fully backwards compatible with the older TiddlyWikiClassic. It is recommended that users of TiddlyWikiClassic should not attempt to upgrade their existing files until the new version is more mature.
! Online upgrading
This process will work on most desktop browsers. Note that none of your personal data leaves your browser with this process.
# Locate your TiddlyWiki file in the file system (ie using Windows Explorer, the Finder on Mac OS X, or your file manager on Linux)
# Visit http://tiddlywiki.com/empty.html in your browser
# Drag your old TiddlyWiki HTML file into the browser window
#* If the file is encrypted you will be prompted for the password
#* Your tiddlers should be imported
# Set a password if you want to use encryption
# Save changes to save the new version
This will download a file called ''empty.html'' to your computer. This file is the upgrade of your old file. You may need to open the location where ''empty.html'' was downloaded, rename ''empty.html'' with the name of the old file you are upgrading, and replace the old file by moving the new file in its place.
//For the moment you'll also need to manually update any plugins that are not included in empty.html://
># Open the control panel to the ''Plugins'' tab in your upgraded wiki
># Check the version numbers of the plugins you are using; any plugins with an older version than the version of [[$:/core]] will probably need updating
># Locate a wiki with the plugins you need to update and open the control panel ''Plugins'' tab
>#* http://tiddlywiki.com/d3demo.html for the D3 plugin
>#* http://tiddlywiki.com/codemirrordemo.html for the CodeMirror plugin
>#* http://tiddlywiki.com/markdowndemo.html for the MarkDown plugin
>#* http://tiddlywiki.com/ for most of the others
># Drag the plugin links one by one back to your own wiki. You should see the version numbers update in the control panel
># Save your wiki
! Offline upgrading
You can also download http://tiddlywiki.com/empty.html locally and perform the same drag-and-drop procedure to upgrade your files.
Wikirules define wikitext. The rule for defining 'bold' is here: [[$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/emphasis/bold.js]] .
Wikirules are give a name and a type (mode), from the example above these are
exports.name = "bold";
exports.types = {inline: true};
Types (parser modes) can be 'inline', ''block' or 'pragma'.
Flexitype uses a tiddler containing lists to say which rules will be used in a particular tiddler type. For example this tiddler is of type
'text/vnd.twbase;flexibility=MDL'. The tiddler [[MDL]] contain three lists ('inline', ''block' , 'pragma') of rules that define the wikitext; the name of the list defined a parser 'mode'.
The placement of a rule within a particular list enable that rule to be used in that 'parser mode'. Code implementing user defined rules is of the same form as the built-in rules, with the exception of the 'exports.types', eg in MDL a rule 'strong' is used and it source can be seen here [[$:/bj/mdl/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/strong.js]], which is almost the same as the 'bold' rule above. Here is the difference is in the name and type(mode):
exports.name = "strong";
exports.types = {user: true};
Here the parser mode is 'user' which means it can only be used by being placed in a parser mode list used by the flexitype plugin.
<p>Try the demo here: VisualEditorDemo</p>
<p>This widget uses the ckeditor lib - the 'command' to load it is in the tiddler [[$:/plugin/bj/visualeditor/includelib]] - and it needs to point to a new location, where you will load the library from. To avoid querks with loading the library from the web include the library from your computer (the library can be obtained from http://ckeditor.com/download):</p>
<p>For linux</p>
<p><script src="file:///yourpath/ckeditor/ckeditor.js"></script></p>
<p>For windows</p>
<p><script src="file://c/yourpath/ckeditor/ckeditor.js"></script></p>
<p>where 'yourpath' is the path to where you have put the ckeditor download.</p>
<p>Then reload your tiddlywiki.</p>
<p>Also be aware that the editor strips newline characters, this means it cannot be used with some wiki text (it is probably a bad idea to try and mix wiki text with text produced in the visualeditor).</p>
<p>There is a new type for tiddlers using this plugin: text/x-htmlp, select it from the dropdown type menu when you create a new tiddler.</p>
<h2> </h2>
<h2>Configuration Tiddlers</h2>
<p>The tiddler <a class="tc-tiddlylink tc-tiddlylink-shadow" href="">$:/plugins/bj/visualeditor/config.json</a> contains user adjustable values, such as changing how the menu bar appears.</p>
<p>The tiddler <a class="tc-tiddlylink tc-tiddlylink-shadow" href="">$:/plugins/bj/visualeditor/styles.json</a> defines the entries in the 'Styles' drop down menu, which define styles that can be applied to selected text. The tiddler [[alternative/styles.json]] contains some alternative definition that could be cut and pasted in this config tiddler</p>
<p><span class="verbatim"><<version>></span></p>
<h1><span style="background-color:Red">Visual</span><span style="background-color:Yellow"> Editing</span></h1>
<p>This was created with the visual editor for text/html tiddlers (ckeditor), hit the edit button to give it a try!!</p>
<p><img alt="Screen Shot 2014-05-03 at 10.57.17 AM" class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-2407" src="http://fluent-forever.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Screen-Shot-2014-05-03-at-10.57.17-AM-300x215.png" style="height:215px; width:300px" /></p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
In this release:
*more functionality
*VisualTW5 can be activated (experimental only)
*internals updated for tw5 core v5.0.10
Note that at present only English is supported in the dialogues.
<p>VisualTW5 is the application visual editoring to tw5 wkitext. The Idea is to use the visual editor to provide the text markup as html tags, and use only the macro and link functionality from the tw5 wikitext. As tw5 wikitext includes html tags this means that only a subset of tw5 wiki text will be used (in tiddlers created this way). To make a distinction , a new type, text/x-perimental, is used.</p>
<p>After installing the visual editor plugin, drag this tiddler on to your tiddlywiki -[[$:/language/Docs/Types/text/x-perimental]]</p>
<p>- here I have written code to add/define/override parser setting. A base collection of setting are defined using a json tid, eg tiddlywikiRules, which lists the standard rules for vnd.tiddywiki, minus the html rule. An example of this being used is here - [[Upgrading2]], which has the type <strong>text/vnd.tiddlywiki<tiddlywikiRules</strong> ([[tiddlywikiRules]] being a json tiddler . This is then augmented with the 'html' rule, see [[Upgrading]] which has type:<strong>text/vnd.tiddlywiki<fullTW5</strong> see [[fullTW5]].</p>
|[[Flexitype Demos]]|[[$:/plugins/bj/flexitype]] |Exended types - numerous uses|
|[[typestemplate]]|[[$:/plugins/bj/typestemplate]] |enables user templates for types|
|ExtendableCalendar|[[$:/plugins/bj/Calendar]] |A configuarable calendar|
|! <hr> |! <hr> |! <hr> |
|[[drag-and-drop]]|[[$:/plugins/bj/drag-and-drop]] |list by tag that is re-orderable by drag/drop |
|VisualEditor|[[$:/plugins/bj/visualeditor]] |Enable html based content to be created or edited|
|MarKed|[[$:/plugins/bj/plugins/marked]]|alternative markdown (Marked variation) plugin |
|! <hr> |! <hr> |! <hr> |
|JsonEditor|[[$:/plugins/bj/jsoneditor]]|display and edit jsons as trees|
|ClickAction|[[$:/plugins/bj/clickaction]]|allows multiple actions on a lists to be activated at the same time|
|StoryTopTabs|[[$:/plugins/bj/storytabs]]|Display links to open tiddlers across top of story|
|! <hr> |! <hr> |! <hr> |
|[[More Markdown Like]]|$:/plugins/bj/markdownlike|Modified wikitext markup|
|''tiddlyclip''|http://tiddlyclip.tiddlyspot.com|Clip webcontent into tiddlers|
|! <hr> |! <hr> |! <hr> |
<div class="box yellow">
BottomTabs is a set of plugins to enhance the TiddlyWiki experience with the following main features:
* A TabsBar at the bottom of every tiddler where you can see and create related tiddlers like comments, notes, etc.
* [[Meaningful links]] between tiddlers.
* [[Forms]] to create custom new tiddlers.
* Tweaks in the "appearance tab" of the [[ControlPanel|$:/ControlPanel]]
<div class="box red">
A notebook for academic readings: http://wikiphilo.tiddlyspot.com
An notebook for teaching: http://primitivo.tiddlyspot.com
[[William Shakespeare]]
<div class="box">
*''<$view tiddler="$:/plugins/amp/BT/common" field="description"/>'': //This is the basic plugin, containing the tabsbar and other common tools. It is necesary for the extra plugins to work.//
*:[[$:/plugins/amp/BT/common]] (version {{$:/plugins/amp/BT/common!!version}})
*''<$view tiddler="$:/plugins/amp/BT/reading" field="description"/>'': //Tabs and tools for taking notes about readings. You can easily create tiddlers for authors, books and papers, chapters, quotes, notes and ideas.//
*:[[$:/plugins/amp/BT/reading]] (version {{$:/plugins/amp/BT/reading!!version}})
*''<$view tiddler="$:/plugins/amp/BT/teaching" field="description"/>'': //Tabs and tools to manage students, courses, ressources.//
*:[[$:/plugins/amp/BT/teaching]] (version {{$:/plugins/amp/BT/teaching!!version}})
:The BottomTabs plugin uses [ext[Font-Awesome icons|http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/]] to display its icons and other images. While its not absolutely necesary, it is strongly recommended to install the font-awesome plugin from [ext[TheDiveO|http://thediveo.github.io/TW5FontAwesome/]]:
[[MIT License]]
Un livre intéressant à relire.
Around 230 years after Shakespeare's death, doubts began to be expressed about the authorship of the works attributed to him.[189] Proposed alternative candidates include Francis Bacon, Christopher Marlowe, and Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford.[190] Several “group theories” have also been proposed. Only a small minority of academics believe there is reason to question the traditional attribution, but interest in the subject, particularly the Oxfordian theory of Shakespeare authorship, continues into the 21st century.
//William Shakespeare// was the son of John Shakespeare, an alderman and a successful glover originally from Snitterfield, and Mary Arden, the daughter of an affluent landowning farmer. He was born in ~Stratford-upon-Avon and baptised there on 26 April 1564. His actual date of birth remains unknown, but is traditionally observed on 23 April, Saint George's Day. This date, which can be traced back to an 18th-century scholar's mistake, has proved appealing to biographers, since Shakespeare died 23 April 1616. He was the third child of eight and the eldest surviving son.
Although no attendance records for the period survive, most biographers agree that Shakespeare was probably educated at the King's New School in Stratford, a free school chartered in 1553, about a quarter-mile from his home. Grammar schools varied in quality during the Elizabethan era, but grammar school curricula were largely similar, the basic Latin text was standardised by royal decree, and the school would have provided an intensive education in grammar based upon Latin classical authors.
At the age of 18, Shakespeare married the 26-year-old Anne Hathaway. The consistory court of the Diocese of Worcester issued a marriage licence on 27 November 1582. The next day, two of Hathaway's neighbours posted bonds guaranteeing that no lawful claims impeded the marriage. The ceremony may have been arranged in some haste, since the Worcester chancellor allowed the marriage banns to be read once instead of the usual three times, and six months after the marriage Anne gave birth to a daughter, Susanna, baptised 26 May 1583. Twins, son Hamnet and daughter Judith, followed almost two years later and were baptised 2 February 1585. Hamnet died of unknown causes at the age of 11 and was buried 11 August 1596.
To be, or not to be, that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
And by opposing end them. To die—to sleep,
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to: 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;
To sleep, perchance to dream—ay, there's the rub:
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come,
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause—there's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life.
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
Th'oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,
The pangs of dispriz'd love, the law's delay,
The insolence of office, and the spurns
That patient merit of th'unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a bare bodkin? Who would fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the dread of something after death,
The undiscovere'd country, from whose bourn
No traveller returns, puzzles the will,
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others that we know not of?
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all,
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,
And enterprises of great pitch and moment
With this regard their currents turn awry
And lose the name of action.
The BottomTabs plugin uses custom fields to create meaningful links between tiddlers:
* `source`
* `about`
* `parent`
* `author`
Copyright 2020 Alberto Molina Pérez
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet.
The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, often shortened to Hamlet, is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare at an uncertain date between 1599 and 1602. Set in the Kingdom of Denmark, the play dramatizes the revenge Prince Hamlet is instructed to enact on his uncle Claudius. Claudius had murdered his own brother, Hamlet's father King Hamlet and then taken the throne, marrying his deceased brother's widow, Hamlet's mother Gertrude.
Macbeth is Shakespeare's shortest tragedy, and tells the story of a brave Scottish general named Macbeth who receives a prophecy from a trio of witches that one day he will become King of Scotland. Consumed by ambition and spurred to action by his wife, Macbeth murders King Duncan and takes the throne for himself. He is then wracked with guilt and paranoia, and he soon becomes a tyrannical ruler as he is forced to commit more and more murders to protect himself from enmity and suspicion. The bloodbath and consequent civil war swiftly take Macbeth and Lady Macbeth into the realms of arrogance, madness, and death.
Some BT claim that members of Shakespeare's family were Catholics, at a time when Catholic practice was against the law.[194] Shakespeare's mother, Mary Arden, certainly came from a pious Catholic family. The strongest evidence might be a Catholic statement of faith signed by John Shakespeare, found in 1757 in the rafters of his former house in Henley Street. The document is now lost, however, and BT differ as to its authenticity.[195] In 1591 the personities reported that John Shakespeare had missed church “for fear of process for debt”, a common Catholic excuse.[196] In 1606 the name of William's daughter Susanna appears on a list of those who failed to attend Easter communion in Stratford.[196] As several BT have noted, whatever his private views, Shakespeare “conformed to the official state religion”, as Park Honan put it.[197][198] Shakespeare's will uses a Protestant formula and he was a confirmed member of the Church of England, where he got married, his children were baptized, and where he was buried. Other authors argue that there is a lack of evidence about Shakespeare's religious beliefs. BT find evidence both for and against Shakespeare's Catholicism, Protestantism, or lack of belief in his plays, but the truth may be impossible to prove.[199]
Stratford-upon-Avon (/ˌstrætfəd əpɒn ˈeɪvən/, known locally as Stratford) is a market town and civil parish in south Warwickshire, England. It lies on the River Avon, 22 miles (35 km) south east of Birmingham and 8 miles (13 km) south west of Warwick. It is the largest and most populous town of the non-metropolitan district Stratford-on-Avon, which uses the term "on" rather than "upon" to distinguish it from the town itself.[1] Four electoral wards make up the urban town of Stratford; Alveston, Avenue and New Town, Mount Pleasant and Guild and Hathaway. The estimated total population for those wards in 2007 was 25,505.[2]
The town is a popular tourist destination owing to its status as birthplace of the playwright and poet William Shakespeare, often regarded as the world's greatest playwright of all time, receiving about 4.9 million visitors a year from all over the world.[3] The Royal Shakespeare Company resides in Stratford's Royal Shakespeare Theatre, one of Britain's most important cultural venues.
''William Shakespeare'' (/ˈʃeɪkspɪər/;[1] 26 April 1564 (baptised) – 23 April 1616) was an English poet, playwright, and actor, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist.[2] He is often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon". His extant works, including some collaborations, consist of about 38 plays, 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems, and a few other verses, the authorship of some of which is uncertain. His plays have been translated into every major living language and are performed more often than those of any other playwright.
I have an idea concerning William Shakespeare, but I can't tell here.
Shakespeare's works include the 36 plays printed in the First Folio of 1623, listed according to their folio classification as comedies, histories and tragedies. Two plays not included in the First Folio, The Two Noble Kinsmen and Pericles, Prince of Tyre, are now accepted as part of the canon, with BT agreed that Shakespeare made a major contribution to their composition. No Shakespearean poems were included in the First Folio.
In the late 19th century, Edward Dowden classified four of the late comedies as romances, and though many BT prefer to call them tragicomedies, his term is often used. These plays and the associated Two Noble Kinsmen are marked with an asterisk (*) below. In 1896, Frederick S. Boas coined the term “problem plays” to describe four plays: All's Well That Ends Well, Measure for Measure, Troilus and Cressida and Hamlet. “Dramas as singular in theme and temper cannot be strictly called comedies or tragedies”, he wrote. “We may therefore borrow a convenient phrase from the theatre of today and class them together as Shakespeare's problem plays.” The term, much debated and sometimes applied to other plays, remains in use, though Hamlet is definitively classed as a tragedy.
<$macrocall $name="appendButton" now={{Target}} caption="code" add={{$:/snippets/danielo/code}}/>
<$macrocall $name="appendButton" now={{Target}} caption='<$text text="<ol>"></$text>' add={{$:/snippets/danielo/htmlOL}}/>
<$macrocall $name="appendButton" now={{Target}} caption='<$text text="<ul>"></$text>' add={{$:/snippets/danielo/htmlUL}}/>
<$macrocall $name="appendButton" now={{Target}} caption="list" add={{$:/snippets/danielo/list}}/>
<$macrocall $name="appendButton" now={{Target}} caption="ol" add={{$:/snippets/danielo/oList}}/>
<$macrocall $name="appendButton" now={{Target}} caption="ul" add={{$:/snippets/danielo/uList}}/>
!!How this looks like?
An image is better than thousand words. Take a look at this example tiddler: [[Icons based on tags example]]
!!How to install
Just grab this tiddlers into your wiki:
* [[$:/danielo515/customizations/tagsicons]]
* [[$:/danielo515/customizations/tagsicons/styles]]
!!How to add icons
I created a system that makes adding icons very easy:
# Insert the desired icon in your tiddlywiki as a jpeg,svg,png or any other image format.
# Tag the tiddler with {{icon||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}
# Add a field called `fortag` and put inside it the target tag, for example, {{macros||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}.
# The new icon will apear on all the tiddlers tagged macros.
# You can repeat the above steps as many times as you want.
!!Icon examples
Here you have a couple of icons as example. You can grab them if you want:
<$list filter="[tag[icon]]">
<pre><$view field="text"/></pre>
This plugin has been moved to it's own demonstration page:
Check it out there!
Type the text for the tiddler 'descTiddler'
\define fieldsFilter() [title[$(fields-source)$]split:table-fields[,]]
\define rowFilter() [!has[draft.of]tag[$(filter-tag)$]sort[$(sortField)$]]
\define editbutton()
<span title="edit details"><$button set="$:/temp/editPersona" setTo={{!!title}} class="tc-btn-invisible">{{$:/core/images/edit-button}}</$button></span>
\define delbutton()
<span title="delete entry" class="buttons"><$button message="tm-delete-tiddler" param={{!!title}} class="tc-btn-invisible">{{$:/core/images/delete-button}}</$button></span>
\define editModeButtons()
<$reveal state="$:/temp/editPersona" type="match" text={{!!title}} ><<delbutton>> <<okButton>></$reveal>
\define viewModeButtons()
<$reveal state="$:/temp/editPersona" type="nomatch" text={{!!title}} ><<editbutton>></$reveal>
\define okButton()
<span title="OK" class="buttons"><$button message="tm-save-tiddler" param={{!!title}} class="tc-btn-invisible" set="$:/temp/editPersona" setTo="" >{{$:/core/images/done-button}}</$button></span>
\define editCell()
<$reveal state="$:/temp/editPersona" type="match" text={{!!title}} > <$edit-text field=<<currentField>>/> </$reveal>
\define viewCell()
<$reveal state="$:/temp/editPersona" type="nomatch" text={{!!title}}><span><$view field=<<currentField>>/></span></$reveal>
\define displayRows()
<$list filter=<<rowFilter>> >
<$list filter=<<fieldsFilter>> variable="currentField"><td><<viewCell>><<editCell>></td></$list><td><<editModeButtons>><<viewModeButtons>> </td></tr></$list>
\define TableHeaders()
<$list filter="[is[current]split:table-headers[,]]" variable="currentField"><th><$button class="tc-btn-invisible" set="sort-field" setTo=<<currentField>> ><<currentField>></$button></th></$list>
\define add-entry-Row()
<tr class="editable"><td><$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/table" default="" placeholder="Name" tag="input" /></td><$list filter=<<fieldsFilter>> variable="currentField"><td><$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/table" field=<<currentField>> placeholder=<<currentField>>/></td></$list><td><span> <$newtiddler title={{$:/temp/table}} clear="$:/temp/table" tags={{!!filter-tag}} skeleton="$:/temp/table" edit="no" class="tc-btn-invisible">{{$:/core/images/new-button}}</$newtiddler></span></td></tr>
<$set name="fields-source" value={{!!title}}>
<$set name="filter-tag" value={{!!filter-tag}}>
<$set name="sortField" value={{!!sort-field}}>
\define appendButton(now, add,caption)
<$button set="Target" setTo='$now$$add$'>$caption$</$button>
Title: <$edit-text tag="input" tiddler="$:/editor/title"/> <$button set={{$:/editor/title}} setTo={{Target}}> save </$button>
<$list filter="[tag[/editor/buttons]]"> <$transclude/></$list>
<$edit-text class="editorArea" tiddler="Target"/>
!This is an encrypted Tiddler
This plugin has been moved to it's own demonstration page:
Check it out there!
This is an example of how to create an index with descriptions for each link.
We are going to use the [[descTiddler]] as reference. Open it and click the edit button to see how it is created.
Every index is nothing but a list of titles and links.
Here is a very basic list:
<$list filter="[title[descTiddler]]">
Not very useful. Let's add some useful code. For example a link. If we are creating an index we will want links to what we are listing! For that purpose we will use this code within the list.
<$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
That mean: "please create a link, and use the title of the destination as text."
At this point there is no functional difference with the previous code. That's because this is the default behavior of the list widget.
If you have opened [[descTiddler]] and edited it you should have seen a field called description. What we want now is to put that description below the link to that tiddler. This is one possible way:
<$link><$view field="title"/></$link><$transclude field="description"/>
That is exactly the same we did with title, but this time you are asking for other field.
Now let's put all together.
<$list filter="[title[descTiddler]]">
<dt><$link><$view field="title"/></$link></dt><dd><$transclude field="description"/></dd>
And this is how it looks like:
<$list filter="[title[descTiddler]]">
<dt><$link><$view field="title"/></$link></dt><dd><$transclude field="description"/></dd>
This is an example of how a filter with icons based on tags looks like. The tags does not make any sense, is just to illustrate how awesome is this. As you can see, only the tags that has an icon assigned are rendered as icons.
This plugin provides some GUI tools to manage imports through the new import method that tiddlywiki provides. Available since tiddlywiki 5.0.14. For example, unchecking all the already existing tiddlers.
!!How to install
Just grab the following link to your tiddlywiki window:
!! How to use
After installing you will have some new elements on the importing report.
Currently it shows you which of the tiddlers you're importing exist already on the wiki you are importing to. It also provides you a button that lets you uncheck all those tiddlers.
!! Compatibility
It is compatible from Tiddliwiki 5.0.14 and onward. It was tested on 5.0.15
!!More functions
I have plans to add more functions. It depends on what community demands.
I'm glad to announce that
!! all the plugins and customizations have been updated to work with the latest version of TW!!!
For a long time a warning message was on this place informing that not everything here was compatible with the latest TW version. That is the past. It has been a long trip and a considerable amount of work, but it's already done. There are ''no new features'', the only good thing is that everything is working for the latest versions of tiddlywiki and it should work for a long long time period since tiddlywiki has reached its stable version.
.roundedDiv {
-moz-border-radius: 20px;
border-radius: 20px;
border:2px solid;
background-image: url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg version="1.2" baseProfile="tiny" id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
x="0px" y="0px" width="24px" height="24px" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xml:space="preserve">
<path d="M21.171,15.398l-5.912-9.854C14.483,4.251,13.296,3.511,12,3.511s-2.483,0.74-3.259,2.031l-5.912,9.856
C22.043,18.104,21.957,16.708,21.171,15.398z M12,17.549c-0.854,0-1.55-0.695-1.55-1.549c0-0.855,0.695-1.551,1.55-1.551
s1.55,0.696,1.55,1.551C13.55,16.854,12.854,17.549,12,17.549z M13.633,10.125c-0.011,0.031-1.401,3.468-1.401,3.468
<div class="roundedDiv yellowDiv">
{{warning.svg}} thing
\define bulletList(tag)
<$list filter="[tag[$tag$]tags[]sort[title]] -$tag$">
<div class="column">
!! <$view field="title"/>
<$list filter="[all[current]tagging[]]+[tag[$tag$]sort[title]]">
<li><$link><$view field="title"/></$link><br>{{!!description}}</li>
!Here are the main tiddlers to navigate from:
<<bulletList index>>
The ability to ''edit tables in view mode'' has been very demanded since TW5 came out. Maybe This is not as easy as many people would like to but it demonstrates how powerful and flexible TW5 can be.
First of all, the list of ''needed tiddlers''. Drag and drop all of them to your TW window.
<$list filter="[tag[editableTable]]">
* <$link to={{!!title}}>{{!!title}}</$link>
If you ''already have the newTiddler widget'' from ([[tiddlystuff|tiddlystuff.tiddlyspot.com]]) <<rojo "''you have to update to this version''">>. This version has been modified by me to add some features such clearing the temporary tiddlers and defining tags without using a skeleton. This makes the process of creating new tables easier. ''This edition should be retro compatible but make a backup first.''
!How to use it
!!Creating a new table
Ok, this is the worst part of all the process.
You have to clone the Editable-Table tiddler and name it however you want.
Fulfill the fields of your new table tiddler to fit your needs. Here is what each field is for:
<li>''table-headers:'' The name is self explanatory</li>
<li>''table-fields:'' this should be lower case and ''different from the table headers names''. Take the Editable-Table as an example. You can use the same names to table-headers with the first letter in uppercase. This fields are those you will be able to edit. </li>
<li>''filter-tag:'' Since each table row is going to be a single tiddler you have to use a tag to group them all. Type here that tag name</li>
<li>''sort-field:'' Which table field you want to use as order index. This will be easier when TW 5.0.9 comes out. Just ''clicking in table headers will order the table with that field''.</li>
Save the tiddler.
!!Using the table.
At this point to can start using the table as a standalone tiddler if you want, as a contacts database or whatever.
You can transclude it to other too tiddlers if you want, but ''<<rojo "PLEASE">> read the section below''.
!!!Adding rows
You can add a new entry filling the first's row cells and clicking the plus button. The table will create a new entry with the provided data. ''You don't have to fulfill all the fields. <<rojo "Only the table title is mandatory">>.''
!!!Editign rows
Clicking {{$:/core/images/edit-button}} will enable the edit mode of that row. Here you can edit all the columns except the first one. This is because the first one is the tiddler title and can't be edited this way. You can always open the tiddler which tat row represents and edit the title.
''In edit mode'' clicking {{$:/core/images/delete-button}} will delete the row and the related tiddler. Clicking {{$:/core/images/done-button}} will exit the edit mode for that row. This does not actually saves the row because it is saved as you type.
!!Transcluding the table
If you want to ''transclude it'' to other tiddlers <<rojo "always use the `{{tableName}}` notation">>. This is mandatory because the table ''depends on its tiddler fields''. If you transclude the table using the transclude widget the table will try to grab those fields from the tiddler it is transcluded to. You can create the required fields in the destination tiddler but that way you will have only ONE table.
!!Live example
Here you have a live example of a contacts database. You can play around with it, add records, edit them and erase them. This has been transcluded using `{{Editable-Table}}`. ''As I said before'' clicking on the table headers does nothing in 5.0.8 and older, but in TW 5.0.9 this will sort the table by that column. <<rojo "There is no action needed by your side">>, it is already ready for the update.{{Smile}}
</ul><$list filter="[tag[test]]"><$/list>#
This plugin is compatible with all TW versions.
This plugin allows you to use keyboard shortcuts for the most common wikitext markup.
!! Compatibility
This has been tested with tiddlywiki 5.0.8 and 5.0.9. Since I cant' guarantee retro-compatibility It should work with consecutive releases.
This may not be compatible with ''Codemirror plugin''
!! How to install
Just drag and drop the link below to your own tiddlywiki file.
While on a text field just try some key combinations. If you have ''text selected'' it will be enclosed in the text snipped.
<<rojo "''Now it supports creating multi line tags''">> such as list. Select a ''carriage return separated'' list of elements and hit the shortcut for list.
!!!Key combinations
I already defined the most common shortcuts to wiki syntax. Here is a table of what is already available
|!Combination|!snippet|!renders as|
|`ctrl+b`| `'' ''` | ''bold'' |
|`ctrl+i`| `// //` | //italics// |
|`ctrl+u`| ` __ __` | __underline__ |
|`ctrl+s`| `,, ,, ` | ,,subscript,, |
|`ctrl+l`| `*` | non ordered list |
|`ctrl+o`| `#` | ordered list |
|`ctrl+k`| | code |
|`alt+t`| `|| ` | table cell |
|`alt+h`| `|!|` | table head |
|`alt+s`| ` ~~ ~~` | ~~strikeout~~ |
|`alt+w` | `<$>` | widget call |
|`alt+z` | `{{!!}}` | variable transclusion |
|`ctrl+m` | `<<>>` | macro call |
|`ctrl+alt+t` | `{{}}` | transclusion |
|`ctrl+alt+l` | `[[]]`| [[link]] |
You can add your own key bindings just editing the file :
!!!Adding a new entry
You have to respect the formatting of the file. ''The best way'' to add a new entry is to copy an existing one and edit it. Every entry has to end in `},`
If you need your tag to be multi line (like lists are) add the property `"Multiline":"true"`. ''ONLY WHEN NEEDED''. If you don't need this property just don't add it.
The format for the key combination is one or more key modifiers and a single normal letter in lower case.
!!!Key modifiers
The supported modifiers are: `ctrl` `shift` `alt` . ''To use more than one modifier'' you have to do it in that order. Example of valid key combinations are:
As invalid combinations you can see
!!!Removing customizations
If you mess up with your customizations and you want to restore to default just delete the tiddler:
* HTML markup is not supported for snippets.
* Caret `^` is not supported
We all love tags. They are easy to add, easy to remove and cool to see. I saw many times people claiming that they want this coolnes into other fields. Currently on TW versions higher than 5.1.0 this is already possible with the help of some smal macros and some smart tiddlywiki code.
!!How does this looks like
Here do you have a live example. Cliking on an element will remove it from the list. Hitting add will add a new element to the list. Just try it out:
<$transclude tiddler="$:/danielo515/ui/item-button"/>
!! How to install:
You need the following tiddlers (drag each link into your own wiki)
* [[$:/danielo515/macros/ui/Buttons/addToken]]
* [[$:/danielo515/macros/ui/controls/addTokenEditor]]
* [[$:/danielo515/macros/remove_from_list.js]]
* [[$:/danielo515/ui/item-button]]
!!How to use it:
There are 3 elements involved, two macros and a tiddler.
* `<<tokeneditor>>` this adds the input field where you write the "elements" you want to add to the list.
* `<<appendTokenButton>>` This is the button that actually adds the current element to the list. Usually you want to use this two macros together. It accepts ''two optional arguments:'' <span>
|!Parameter|!what is it|!default value|
|field|which field you want to use as list to store the elements|`tokens`|
|caption|the caption you want to display on the button|`add`|
* `<$transclude tiddler="$:/danielo515/ui/item-button"/>` Basically you have to write that where you want your list to be displayed. Basically is a transclusion of a tiddler template.
The mechanism used to clear the input box can cause problems on node version. This is because the linkcatcher sets the temporary tiddler to an undefined value instead of an empty string.
Yes, a plugin to pack tiddlers as plugins.
This is a a beta test for early adopt. There is not very good documentation because it was for personal use. But I think that some other people could find it useful.
If you don't know what is this for, the you don't need it. Grab this link to your TW
After that you can use the [[$:/plugins/danielo/packPlugin/packator]] tiddler to pack your tiddlers into a plugin.
!! Some advises for use it
* Tag all the tiddlers you want to include with a certain tag for an easier filtering.
* The plugin will create a set of tiddlers that follows the naming convention of TW plugins, so don't worry about naming your tiddlers properly.
* If you open the developers console you will be able to see some debug messages of what the plugin is doing.
It has been discussed in the TW google group how to footnotes should be implemented<<footnote "note1" "https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/tiddlywiki/footnotes%7Csort:date/tiddlywiki/u5A6qK7CmrY/DekPDREpQJgJ">>. This is just my vision of how footnotes should be in a modern browser environment. If you click in the footnote label you will see a popup with the footnote. Try it out in the previous one.
This implementation has several advantages:
* It is built with TW5 native elements. You need nothing but TW5 to make it work.
* It doesn't interrupt the reading flow.
* In case you want to read the plain text it is perfectly readable.
If you want it you have two ways to make it work:
! Install
!! Style
To prevent the very long notes going out of the screen grab this style sheet tiddler to your wiki:
,,Thanks to UBi,,
!! For a global scope
Copy the following code into any tiddler and tag it as $:/tags/Macro or grab this tiddler to your TW: [[$:/macros/danielo/footNote]]
!!For a local scope
Copy the same code into any tiddler you want to use the macro.
!!Single reference
It's fairy simple
<<footnote "label" "text of the footnote">>
Wich renders as <<footnote "label" "text of the footnote">>
!!Multiple reference
Once defined you can use the same annotation multiple times. Use the `ref` macro and the same label of the note you want to reference again.
<<ref "label">>
Wich renders as <<ref "label">>
!! Botom definition.
Maybe you want to stick to classic footnotes but you like the popup thing. This means that you want to have all your definitions at the bottom of the page and reference them later like this <<ref "Note2">>. In that case use the same `ref` notation than in multiple reference but make your footnotes definitions at the bottom of the page. This way you cold maintain a page-wise formatting <<ref "Note3">> as Eric Shulman suggested.
<<footnotes "2" "You can see this footnote at the bottom of the page or inside a popup">>
Wich will render as:
<<footnotes "Note2" "You can see this footnote at the bottom of the page or inside a popup">>
<<footnotes "Note3" "although popup footnotes are useful for onscreen display, printed documents would need to have footnotes placed at the bottom of the page on which the footnote occurs.">>
This is a single macro to put any text in red color.
<<rojo "text to put in red color">>.This is not in red color
<<rojo "text to put in red color">>. This is not in red color.
The macro name is rojo instead of red for two reasons:
* Spanish is my native languaje.
* red is a very common word in english, so I choosed rojo to avoid possible collisions.
If you want this macro just grab this link to your TW5:
''Note that after installing this macro you have to reload the browser in order to make it work.'' This is because the core have to load the javascript code.
Special thanks to ''StephanHradek'' to make the basic javascript macro example. ( [[TW5Magick|http://tw5magick.tiddlyspot.com/]] )
Maybe you have noticed the search bar in the top-left.
Yes, it works like you expected, is an alternative search. This is cool if you want to colapse the right side-bar. This way you can still search without opening the right side-bar.
If you want it :
* You need to have the top-sidebar already installed
** Grab it from here: http://tw5toolbar.tiddlyspot.com/
* Grab this tiddler to your wiki //(drag and drop)//: [[$:/stylesheet/top-search]]
* Grab this tiddler to your wiki //(drag and drop)//: [[$:/topSearch]]
tools for a digital brain
Si lo quieres a nivel globlal incluye este pedazo de código en [[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]]
\define slider(label,text)
<$button popup="$:/state/$label$" class="btn-invisible tw-slider"><$list filter="[[$label$]]"><$view field="title"/></$list></$button>
<$reveal type="nomatch" text="" default="" state="$:/state/$label$" animate="yes">
<div class="tw-subtitle"><$link to={{!!modifier}}><$view field="modifier"/></$link> <$view field="modified" format="relativedate"/></div>
\define tag-styles()
\define tag-filter() [![$:/temp/search]!has[draft.of]!is[current]$(systemFilter)$$(shadowFilter)$$(searchFilter)$$(tagNames)$sort[title]]
\define show-system()
<small><div> <em> System:</em> <$radio field="systemfilter" value=""> Show </$radio> <$radio field="systemfilter" value="!is[system]"> Hide </$radio></div></small>
\define show-shadow()
<small><div> <em> Shadow:</em> <$radio field="shadowfilter" value="is[shadow]"> Show </$radio> <$radio field="shadowfilter" value="!is[shadow]"> Hide </$radio></div></small>
<div class="tw-search"><$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/search" type="search" tag="input"/> <$reveal state="$:/temp/search" type="nomatch" text=""><$linkcatcher to="$:/temp/search"><$link to="" class="btn-invisible">{{$:/core/images/close-button}}</$link></$linkcatcher></$reveal><$reveal state="$:/temp/search" type="match" text=""> <$link to="$:/AdvancedSearch" class="btn-invisible">…</$link></$reveal></div>
<$fieldmangler tiddler="$:/temp/search">
<div class="tw-edit-add-tag">
<span class="tw-add-tag-name">
<$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/NewTagName" tag="input" default="" placeholder={{$:/language/EditTemplate/Tags/Add/Placeholder}} focusPopup=<<qualify "$:/state/tagsAutoComplete">> class="tw-edit-texteditor"/>
</span><span class="tw-add-tag-button">
<$button message="tw-add-tag" param={{$:/temp/NewTagName}} set="$:/temp/NewTagName" setTo="" class="btn-invisible">
<div class="tw-block-dropdown-wrapper">
<$reveal state=<<qualify "$:/state/tagsAutoComplete">> type="nomatch" text="" default="">
<div class="tw-block-dropdown">
<$linkcatcher set="$:/temp/NewTagName" setTo="" message="tw-add-tag">
<$list filter="[!is[shadow]tags[]search{$:/temp/NewTagName}sort[title]]-[[$:/temp/search]tags[]]">
<$set name="backgroundColor" value={{!!color}}>
<span style=<<tag-styles>> class="tw-tag-label">
<$view field="title" format="text"/>
<$list filter="[[$:/temp/search]tags[]sort[title]]" storyview="pop"><$set name="backgroundColor" value={{!!color}}><span style=<<tag-styles>> class="tw-tag-label">
<$view field="title" format="text" />
<$button message="tw-remove-tag" param={{!!title}} class="btn-invisible tw-remove-tag-button">×</$button></span>
<div style="display:inline;"><<show-system>></div>
<$set name="searchFilter" value=<<search-filter "$:/temp/search">> >
<$set name="tagNames" value=<<extractTagsAsFilter "$:/temp/search">> >
<$set name="systemFilter" value={{!!systemfilter}}>
<$list filter=<<tag-filter>>>
This plugin allows you to refine searches using tags. It's possible to search without any tag and the opposite, using just tags as filter.
!!How to install
Just grab the following link to your tiddlywiki window:
!! How to use
After installing it you will have a new tab in "Advanced search" tiddler. You can also transclude this search whatever you want just transcluding it
!! Live demo
I think the better way to make you see how this works is allowing you playing with it. Just try changing the defined search.
</ul><$list filter="[tag[test]]"><$/list>#
\define myFilter()
\define displayRow()
<$list filter="[is[current]fields[]] -title -tags -text -creator -created -modified -modifier -type -[[draft.title]] -[[draft.of]sort[title]]" variable="currentField"><td><$view field=<<currentField>>/></td></$list>
\define TableHeaders()
<$list filter="[is[current]split:table-headers[,]]" variable="currentField"><th><<currentField>></th></$list>
! Gente y Grupos
<$set name="fields-source" value={{!!title}}>
<tbody><$list filter="[!has[draft.of]tag[persona]]"><tr><td><b>{{!!title}}</b></td><$list filter=<<myFilter>> variable="currentField"><td><$view field=<<currentField>>/></td></$list>
<svg version="1.2" baseProfile="tiny" id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
x="0px" y="0px" width="24px" height="24px" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xml:space="preserve">
<path d="M21.171,15.398l-5.912-9.854C14.483,4.251,13.296,3.511,12,3.511s-2.483,0.74-3.259,2.031l-5.912,9.856
C22.043,18.104,21.957,16.708,21.171,15.398z M12,17.549c-0.854,0-1.55-0.695-1.55-1.549c0-0.855,0.695-1.551,1.55-1.551
s1.55,0.696,1.55,1.551C13.55,16.854,12.854,17.549,12,17.549z M13.633,10.125c-0.011,0.031-1.401,3.468-1.401,3.468
Hello all.
This is my personal tiddlywiki file for testing.
Here I will post the tools and Macros that I develop for this awesome tool. That way, all the help the comunity gave me can came back to the comunity again.
Tested under Tiddlywiky <<version>>: [[tiddlywiki|http://www.tiddlywiky.com]]
This is only possible thanks to other community wikies with the same flavour:
* [[TW5 Mall|http://www.giffmex.org/tw5mall.htm]] -- DaveGifford's growing catalogue of hints and tips
* Several [[customisation howto's and theme tweaks|http://tongerner.tiddlyspot.com/]] from TonGerner
* A [[TW5Magick|http://tw5magick.tiddlyspot.com/]] -- a collection of hints and tips from StephanHradek
* A [[collection of articles|http://blog.jeffreykishner.com/tiddlywiki/]] from JeffreyKishner
* A new theme from [[BobRobison|http://tw5gray.tiddlyspot.com]]
* [[Coding for TiddlyWiki5|http://cjhunt.github.io]], an introduction to developing extensions and plugins from ChrisHunt
* [[Hosting TiddlyWiki5 on GoogleDrive|https://googledrive.com/host/0B51gSXixfJ2Qb0I4R2M4MWJVMlU]] from TonyChing
Does it ever seem like I may have too many projects?
The text of teh tiddler should be `<div style='height:xxxpx'></div>` with xxx set to the height we need to offset the top by.
It would probably have more use in the non-tasklist type things.
not a huge deal, but it should be there
It would set fields called:
But other people seem to really like the idea.
This may just be a select widget that can select any of the tags currently in use by a visible task. Use the same sort of thing as in the bookmarks.
Also put together a demo site
For most parts, states and such, just add the list name to the tiddler name, so `$:/state/TaskList/<<ListName>>/` as a prefix. But for actually building the lists I am less sure. It would probably have to be a tag because using a field would either restrict the list names to valid field names or only allow each item to be on a single list. I want to avoid both of these things.
This would have to have the same restriction on changing tiddlers that are listened to for changes or else it could cause infinite loops.
Conditions to use:
a certain date
a certain amount of time since the trigger was added
a field is set to a specific value
This happens all the time. No one really minds passing around the books, but being able to figure out where a book is when someone else wants to borrow it would be nice.
All of the show/hide states have the prefix `$:/state/TaskList/ShowCategory/`, so if we just use a list inside a button that sets all of the returned tiddlers to show or hide than that would work.
The problem with this is that if you have multiple lists it will affect every list. I could avoid this by giving lists names so the states would be prefixed with `$:/state/TaskList/<<ListName>>/ShowCategory/`.
It would be every n days, or n weeks or months or whatever.
This would use the same thing as setting an event as done after its date passes, but instead of adding the finished tag to the event/task, it increments the date field by the required amount.
This may require the action-increment widget and the trigger actions plugin. Also it would require the trigger actions plugin to be able to work given a state based trigger instead of on change.
Here is a test:
<abbr title='Yes, this test works'>Does this work?</abbr>
Because I am moving and I want to actually be able to keep track of my stuff
I should probably finish them anyway
I could also change it so that the categories list the year, day and month instead of the categories like they do now. Or at least have that option.
This will have to be more than 'sort[year]sort[month]sort[day]'. We could make a variable that is $(year)$$(month)$$(day)$ and nsort using that. This would require us to have an extra field for due date and created date. We could use the output of now for created date, just use `<<now YYYY0MM0DD>>`. We would have to build this for the due date. It wouldn't be terribly hard to do.
Also related to the recurring events implementation.
<<CategoryList Tag:"Planned Update" FinishedTag:"Change Log">>
it should be simple. Just make sure you use the tc-popup-keep class for all of them.
This may be more than is needed, but we shall see.
Actually doing this will take a long time. Probably far longer than I am willing to spend.
I'm afraid this happened a few days ago to me too so I carefully removed and reloaded each tiddler, on http://fastnewdev.tiddlyspot.com, and got it to function properly... but it seems to have "reverted". I have no idea why and it must be a bug - @Jed, do you think you could take a look at it?
I may not actually be able to do much.
The whole wiki could use work
I don't have anything specific here
It may not be good to have here. Who knows.
Since only books should exist so far it could just make the item_type field and set it to book for every existing item.
Plugin: [[$:/plugins/inmysocks/CategoryLists]]
It is also in my [[stable plugin library|$:/pluginlibrary/inmysocks/StablePluginLibrary]].
It is used to keep track of the [[Change Log]] if you want an example of it in use.
This may not be very hard to do, but I may need to make a new widget that tests the date. Or use the date tools that I have already made. I should stop forgetting about those.
This will require you to add date information to tasks. And probably many other things.
I do have my dates macro things. I keep forgetting about that.
To make recurring tasks I am going to add a time based trigger to the trigger actions daemon. This will trigger the actions after a given time.
I should have a few options:
Trigger if the time is later than the specified time
Trigger if the time is equal to the specified time (this has to be accurate to the minute or hour or day, it can't be exact or it will never work) It may be better to implement this as inside a given time frame, so if it is between 1 and 2 pm and it hasn't triggered today than it should trigger. If it is a recurring thing than it should reset itself after 2pm if it hasn't already.
When you switch to the mobile theme both menus appear on top of each other. I may have to make the icon menus a theme, but I would rather not do that. I like how they are just on top of the existing theme now.
I am not sure how to fix it, there is the same problem in the category list
This is going to be an annoying problem, the state tiddlers don't exist before a category has been expanded so I need to find some other way to find the categories.
The easiest solution (and the only one I can think of) is to create the show/hide state tiddler when an item is created.
subsubsubsubsubsubsubcategory. I am tempted to allow an arbitrary number of subs to be added. I think it could be done without too much trouble using some recursive stuff.
I fixed this problem for the category lists plugin, so look at the solution there.
This will probably be fixed by using the empty image in the core.
This should be an easy fix.
This may be confusing, so test it out first.
Fields like this:
day_created=<<now DD>>
month_created=<<now MM>>
year_created=<<now YYYY>>
There should be date created, deadline and maybe start date (it could be different than date created)
I have no idea how to present this information in the normal table list, it may have to go into the info popup for each task. Or I could have different table styles.
This could also be used to integrate this with the calendar plugin.
Everything comes down to making the correct table it seems.
Then you could have subsubsubsubsubsubsubsubsubsubsubsubsubsubsubcategories, and a subsubsubsubsubsubsubsubsubsubsubsubsubsubsubsubcategory under each of them.
So I can measure the length of my short posts on ooktech to see if they fit into a tweet. Because I am apparently now a twit.
It should be an option, it wouldn't necessarily replace the dropdowns, just be in addition to them.
Because it could be nice to have
This means that for a new user nothing will be visible and they will probably think that everything is broken.
I am not sure how to implement this yet. I will figure it out.
They could all be dropdown menus by default.
instead of having an item_type field change it to fields called book, movie, game, etc. and set the field to true. Stupid capital letters may cause troubles.
otherwise Alastair Reynolds will be the author of everything.
This can now be done because the reveal widget has the tag parameter, so put a reveal instead of a td or th and set the tag for the reveal to td or th.
Yep, way too many projects.
A note about it should be put into learning tiddlywiki under lists
There are a bunch of places, it may take some effort to find them all
I should have noticed this during testing. Bleh.
and it would let us do recurring events
That is store the settings in a non-shadow tiddler. Like $:/settings/Library Tracker/settings or something
Plugin tiddler: [[$:/plugins/inmysocks/CategoryLists]]
github: https://github.com/inmysocks/TW5-CategoryLists
It should all work, but make sure.
I am bad at writing these things.
we will have to figure it out.
I am not anticipating anything serious
I think I should just put a reveal widget to hide it unless the fields are empty.
but I can replicate it now.
They don't at the moment because they were really wide on my desktop. This isn't a good reason.
I am not actually sure how to fix it.
I think this is because it isn't ignoring the subcategory or subsubcategory correctly when one has been selected for another category and not cleared.
Now that 5.1.8 has come out we can actually put it out for general use.
Put a short list at the top of what to do
Maybe this time it will have the features that get me to keep using it.
Remove the checkbox to mark a task as finished, and possibly take the remove task button out. I could use this for listing plugins and stuff. I am sure I will find other uses as well.
The main thing is resetting the TOC state. I am not sure if there is much more to worry about.
This shouldn't be too hard. It is mostly done with the startup actions plugin, but it would work well with the category lists and calendar plugins.
And I think that people would use the plugin if they knew what it does.
A thesis notebook based on TiddlyWiki.
This is an example of a thesis notebook powered by TiddlyWiki 5.0.8-beta.
TiddlyWiki is a great piece of software created by Jeremy Ruston. It allows you, among other things, to take notes, organize ideas, store information, and display all your stuff the way you want. It is an incredibly flexible tool you can adapt to fit almost all your needs.
This TiddlyWiki has been customized to serve as a philosophy notebook centered around authors, books and papers, concepts and theories, and personal notes. I use it along with Zotero, which is a dedicated bibliography software. Both are free, open source projects. TiddlyWiki can be downloaded at http://tiddlywiki.com.
buggyj has created several useful plugins, including a WYSIWYG HTML editor, a configurable calendar and tag lists with draggable ordering.
A collection of customisations and macros from Danielo Rodriguez.
This is my personal tiddlywiki file for testing.
Here I will post the tools and Macros that I develop for this awesome tool. That way, all the help the comunity gave me can came back to the comunity again.
An adaptor to enable TiddlyWiki to sync changes with a [[CouchDB|http://couchdb.apache.org]] database.
CouchDB sync adaptor for TiddlyWiki 5. Requires TiddlyWiki >= 5.1.2.
Works in limited testing. Not sure how well it handles conflicts.
A guide to creating a baby journal with TiddlyWiki.
Keeping a journal about your baby is fun. It allows you to keep track of those events in your baby's life and development that are most important to you, and to tell them in your own words. [...]
There are plenty of online services that can help to keep such a diary, but you need to have an internet connection to access them, and you have to trust them to keep your data safe.
A collection of hints and tips from Jim Lehmer, published as a static blog generated by TiddlyWiki.
There is a decent write-up on generating static pages using Tiddlywiki on the main TW site. However, there are a few nuances not mentioned on that page, so here are a few of my notes on how I generate the pages for this site.
A plugin that allows to encrypt your tiddlers individually Danielo Rodriguez.
* You can specify a different password for each tiddler if you want.
* You don't have to encrypt your whole wiky.
* If you forget your password, you only lose a tiddler.
* It's possible to edit the tiddler content , tags and fields except the encrypt field after encryption.
* [...]
An adaptation of the [[TiddlyWiki powered GTD® system formerly known as MonkeyGTD|http://mgsd.tiddlyspot.com/]] for TiddlyWiki version 5.
GSD5 is a Getting-Thing-Done tool for TiddlyWiki5 based off the mGSD classic TiddlyWiki.
A guide in Russian to creating an online shop with TiddlyWiki. No serverside code is needed, instead orders are handled by Disqus.
An extensive collection of hints and tips from Jed Carty.
I made this so that some of my friends with absolutely no coding experience could use some of the better features of TW5 without having to learn much. I am hopefully going to continue updating it as I learn new things. There isn't really anything here that isn't available in plenty of other places, but I figured that since I spent a while putting it together and people keep saying that TW needs more documentation I would post it here.
A step by step guide to running TiddlyWiki on a ~CentOS Virtual Private Server.
In this tutorial we will guide you through the steps of installing and running TiddlyWiki on a ~CentOS 6 VPS.
We will also install and configure Nginx as a reverse proxy, so you can run TiddlyWiki behind Nginx.
A Spanish guide to using TiddlyWiki on Android.
Tiddlywiki software is prodigious based on javascript which is capable of holding a notepad that can be edited with Internet Explorer or function as a full blog, contained in a single file.
//Translation by Google Translate//
A quick guide to using TiddlyWiki (written in German)
Those using multiple different computer platforms (if only PC and Android) knows for certain: You would like to sync notes across computers and thereby be independent of any apps or services. I am concerned at any rate so and so I am constantly looking for the perfect solution.
With TiddlyWiki I found it mostly. As the name suggests, it TiddlyWiki is a Wikisystem. In contrast to all other wikis, TiddlyWiki is a single HTML file that runs in the browser and thus can be used on all modern operating systems. And because there is only one file, it can be very easily via the well-known cloud services (Dropbox, Google Drive, ownCloud) or synchronized with FTP or used on a USB stick.
(Translation from German by Google Translate)
A fast Forth interpreter for the [[Commodore PET|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commodore_PET]], written in 6502 assembly language. The TiddlyWiki containing program documentation is automatically generated from the source code: see https://github.com/chitselb/pettil.
Objectives of the project are, in no particular order:
* make a Forth that runs on my Commodore PET 2001
* have fun
* improve my "6502 assembly golf" skills
* find other people who are interested in this project
Detailed description of setting up [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] on OS X.
For a new job, I decided to set up a personal wiki to keep notes. I wanted to keep it simple, meeting these requirements:
* All the data is in a Dropbox folder (so it can be automatically synced between machines)
* It must support Markdown syntax
After looking at the options, I settled on TiddlyWiki. I've used "classic TiddlyWiki" before, and liked its simplicity, but I was always a little annoyed with the weird steps you have to go through to save changes. The new version of TiddlyWiki includes support for running it as a real HTTP server, so you can use it just like an online wiki.
But it took me a couple of hours to figure out how to set that up. The TiddlyWiki documentation is not clear ("not clear" is a euphemistic way of saying "terrible"). So, I've written up these instructions in the hope it will spare somebody else all the frustration I had.
A gamers guide to using TiddlyWiki.
I’ve been using TiddlyWiki for this game mainly to record the monsters’ locations and the items that they drop. This is so that when I need a certain item to upgrade/create weapons, I can quickly look it up; which monsters drop it and which quests have those monsters.
As I play the game, as I encounter new information, I just input them into my Shining Ark TiddlyWiki. It’s like I’m building a wiki from scratch. The reason why I don’t just use online wikis is that 1) it’s too easy to get spoiled and 2) sometimes online wikis provide too much information (who cares about the non-gameplay related descriptions that can be found in the game, etc).
A collection of tips from Tobias Beer
A collection of references and sandbox for testing concepts around TiddlyWiki 5...
Reaction to TiddlyWiki5 from the translator of the German edition of TiddlyWikiClassic.
There is little software that can still inspire me so even after years, as on the first day. This includes TiddlyWiki, the "pocket-wiki". The latter is because the Wiki completely fits into an HTML file, and this HTML file brings everything - JavaScript program logic, CSS appearance and the entire Wiki content as stored records. So a TiddlyWiki file is then sometimes happy times some megabytes in size, but just has the unbeatable advantage that it works just as fast file created locally in a variety of browsers.
(Translation from German by Google Translate)
An early release of an edition of TiddlyWiki customised for rigorous, academic notetaking.
TiddlyWiki for Scholars is a personal customization of TiddlyWiki 5.0.13-beta I made for note-taking from readings, but it can be useful for other purposes. The idea behind this adaptation is to show and to allow creating relevant data related to the current tiddler without leaving the tiddler.
A collection of tips and guides in French, introduced by this blog post:
Ce guide de prise en main de TiddlyWiki vous permettra de débuter sur ce logiciel : rédiger du texte avec la syntaxe wiki, insérer des images, créer des Tiddler, faire une recherche, ajouter des fonctionnalités, et bien d'autres choses.. Bonne lecture ! Sylvain
Notes and tips by a developer working on writing TiddlyWiki plugins -- including [[TWExe|https://github.com/welford/twexe]], a widget for running Windows scripts and executables.
A collection of articles covering integration with Fargo, Font Awesome and Google Calendar, and tips for managing task lists.
I have become a regular user of TiddlyWiki and have become so accustomed to using Font Awesome icons in Fargo that I wanted to incorporate the icons into my wikis as well.
A translation of the tiddlywiki.com documentation from Bram Chen, TiddlyWiki's Chinese translator.
Dutch blog post about TiddlyWiki
I'm allergic to websites that are highly dependent on JavaScript. I think that JavaScript has many useful applications to add functionality to a site, but content needs to be visible if JavaScript is switched off. I use the NoScript extension for Firefox and surf with pleasure over the Internet without spontaneous things happen that I do not give permission. I love JavaScript on a short leash. More crazier maybe I'm so excited about TiddlyWiki.
(Translation from Dutch by Google Translate)
An extensive collection of tips and resources for users of TiddlyWiki in Japanese.
Chris Hunt's detailed developer tutorials for getting started with writing widgets for TiddlyWiki.
These pages document aspects TiddlyWiki5 programming, sharing "lessons learned" to help developers to get started with TiddlyWiki5 customization and extension.
There are currently two articles in this wiki:
* A Simple Widget
* A More Complex Widget
Huge collection of customisations and tweaks from Ton Gerner.
I am a longtime user of TiddlyWiki Classic and still use it daily since you can't do everything in TiddlyWiki 5 (yet) ;)
I started experimenting with TW5 at the end of September 2013 (alpha10).
Since I missed a few things in the layout I got used to in TiddlyWiki Classic 1, I started with modifying the layout of TW5.
To share my knowledge, I made a few guides about these 'modifications'.
The guides started as a non-linear personal web notebook (yeah, the subtitle of TiddlyWiki!). I started experimenting with layout things and used TW5 to document my experiments.
A wealth of hints, tips and notes about using [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]:
TiddlyWiki is different from other wikis because of its principle of dynamically customizeable "storyline" based on tiddlers as basic units of information. That is, the user "composes" their own version of the webpage by clicking on tiddler links, which add tiddlers to the page in order to compose a storyline.
The Node.js implementation in TiddlyWiki5 adds all the advantages of flat-file markup language based type of site. This makes TiddlyWiki an excellent alternative to flat-file based CMS/webpage/blog authoring systems for the web.
Also very cool is the treatment of tags as menus everywhere.
Stephan Hradek's growing catalogue of tips, tutorials, and other resources. Stephan has also developed several plugins and macros that you can find at http://tiddlystuff.tiddlyspot.com/.
Some things in TiddlyWiki seem like Magic. As my preferred nick is Skeeve, I felt that TW5 Magick is a proper name for this collection of some of the "magic" tricks one can do with TiddlyWiki.
Dave Gifford's growing catalogue of tips and tutorials.
TiddlyWiki 5 is a great tool for note-taking, bookmarking, blogging, organizing to do lists, writing books, and more. But many of the things that can be done in TiddlyWiki 5 are often hidden to the new user, either because the user doesn't know about it or because the user doesn't know how to do it. TW5 mall is a modest catalog of hacks where you can discover new tricks in TiddlyWiki 5 and also find out in layman's terms how to implement them.
Tips and guides for using TiddlyWiki.
I never used Node.js until a couple weeks ago when I wanted to try a TW5 installation on Node and expand my knowledge a bit. I figured someone else may be in the same boat so I wrote it all down
An alternative LaTeX plugin for TiddlyWiki5. It supports a wider set of LaTeX commands than [[KaTeX|KaTeX Plugin]], though not as extensive as MathJax
This plugin provides LaTeX support in TiddlyWiki5, using the [[TeXZilla|https://github.com/fred-wang/TeXZilla]] latex parser to generate MathML.
Only Firefox and Safari support MathML at the moment, so the plugin is only useful if you're using one of these browsers. It might be possible to combine this plugin with MathJax to convert MathML to something that other browsers can understand, e.g. HTML+CSS, but I haven't tried this.
A collection of TiddlyWiki resources from Mario Pietsch, with a focus on cloud deployments. Mario also maintains the German translation of TiddlyWiki.
My name is Mario Pietsch from Austria. I'm living near Salzburg.
This page, will be the portal to my TiddlyWiki, TiddlyWeb related content.
A guide (in French) to using TiddlyWiki on the [[BiblioBox|http://bibliobox.net/]], a variation of the [[PirateBox|http://daviddarts.com/piratebox/]] mobile communication and file sharing system.
I've known TiddlyWiki since its beginning in 2004. For personal or professional needs, I used it regularly for notepad staff in 2007 and 2012. But I admit I ignored the tool during the past two years. And then I said yesterday: but why not put TiddlyWiki on a BiblioBox? Because it is a single HTML file with javascript. In addition I knew the existence of a server version for saving online amendments.
//Hand optimised from a translation by Google Translate//
Matabele's stylish and clean system for personal task management.
This is my work in progress version of TW5, incorporating various features and ideas as and when they intrigue me. To grab any feature you may wish to try, drag the listed tiddlers across to the dropzone of an empty TiddlyWiki 5.0.10-beta
An introduction to TiddlyWiki in Japanese.
TiddlyWiki is an incredibly flexible and versatile tool that is conceived and constructed differently than most software. This can make it hard to understand until the moment when it clicks, and becomes a seamless extension of your brain.
Starting with the basics, TiddlyWiki is a note-taking web application you can download for free, store wherever you like and customise however you wish. Use it to capture, organise and share your notes in ways that word processors and other note-taking tools cannot.
~TiddlyWiki is designed to be non-linear, structuring content with stories, tags, hyperlinks, and other features. You can organise and retrieve your notes in ways that conform to your personal thought patterns, rather than feel chained to one preset organisational structure.
You can use ~TiddlyWiki as a single file that you view and edit through any web browser, whether you are online or offline. Or you can use it as a powerful [[Node.js application|TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] that stores each of your notes as a separate file.
How can you make ~TiddlyWiki work for you? We recommend you start with our introductory documentation listed below, and then browse the TableOfContents, available in the Contents tab in the sidebar. Or just [[follow our simple instructions|GettingStarted]] and try it out for yourself!
<<list-links "[tag[HelloThere]]">>
Also see [[TiddlyWiki Video Tutorials by Francis Meetze]]
Information about the making of TiddlyWiki:
<<list-links "[tag[About]]">>
A plugin to integrate the [[Ace editor|https://github.com/ajaxorg/ace]] into TiddlyWiki.
Being quite new to TW5 development I tried my best to draft a SyncAdaptor to store tiddlers in IndexedDb. This is quite useful if an application / plugin installation is not possible (we have quite some restrictions at work...).
TiddlyWiki wouldn't be possible without the ongoing support of the TiddlyWiki [[Community]]. Their attention and feedback has made it possible to gain an understanding of what is wanted from the product, and their passion for it has taught me that it is worth the investment.
! Introduction
The ''action-deletefield'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that deletes specified fields of a tiddler. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.
! Content and Attributes
The ''action-deletefield'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$tiddler |The title of the tiddler whose fields are to be modified (if not provided defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]] |
|$field |Optional name of a field to delete |
|//{any attributes not starting with $}// |Each attribute name specifies a field to be deleted. The attribute value is ignored and need not be specified |
! Examples
Here is an example of a button that deletes the caption and tags fields of the current tiddler:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-deletefield caption tags/>
Delete "caption" and "tags"
Here is an example of a button that deletes the modified date and tags fields of the tiddler HelloThere:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-deletefield $tiddler="HelloThere" modified tags/>
Delete "modified" and "tags" from ~HelloThere
Here is an example of a button that uses the optional $field attribute to delete the text field of the tiddler HelloThere:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-deletefield $tiddler="HelloThere" $field="text"/>
Delete text from ~HelloThere
! Introduction
The ''action-deletetiddler'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that deletes tiddlers. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.
There are several differences compared to the [[WidgetMessage: tm-delete-tiddler]]:
* The user is not prompted to confirm the deletion
* No automatic updating of the story list
* No special handling of draft tiddlers
! Content and Attributes
The ''action-deletetiddler'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$tiddler |Optional title of the tiddler to be deleted |
|$filter |Optional filter identifying tiddlers to be deleted |
! Examples
Here is an example of a button that deletes the tiddler HelloThere:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-deletetiddler $tiddler="HelloThere"/>
Delete "~HelloThere"
Here is an example of a button that deletes all tiddlers tagged [[TableOfContents]]:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-deletetiddler $filter="[tag[TableOfContents]]"/>
Delete tiddlers tagged "~TableOfContents"
\define .operator-rows(filter)
<$list filter="$filter$"><tr>
<td><$link to={{!!title}}>{{!!caption}}</$link></td>
<td>{{!!op-purpose}} <$list filter="[all[current]tag[Common Operators]]">{{$:/core/images/done-button}}</$list></td>
<td align="center"><$list filter="[all[current]tag[Negatable Operators]]">`!`</$list></td>
\define .group-heading(_)
<tr class="doc-table-subheading"><th colspan="3" align="center">$_$</th></tr>
! Introduction
The ''action-listops'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that manipulates user lists in any field or data index. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.
! Content and Attributes
The ''action-listops'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$tiddler |The title of the tiddler whose lists are to be modified (if not provided defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]] |
|$field |The name of a field to be manipulated as a list (defaults to 'list') |
|$index |Optional index of a property in a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]] index to be manipulated as a list |
|$filter |An optional filter expression, the output of which will be saved to the field/index being manipulated |
|$subfilter |An optional subfilter expression, which takes the list being manipulated as input, and saves the modified list back to the field/index being manipulated |
|$tags |An optional subfilter expression, which takes the 'tags' field of the target tiddler as input, and saves the modified list of tags back to the 'tags' field |
! Extended Filter Operators
A number of [[extended filter operators|The Extended Listops Filters]] are necessary for the manipulation of lists. These operators have been designed primarily for use in subfilter expressions whereby the modified current list is returned in place of the current list.
<<.group-heading "Listops Operators">>
<th align="left">Operator</th>
<th align="left">Purpose</th>
<<.operator-rows "[tag[Filter Operators]tag[Listops Operators]tag[Order Operators]!tag[String Operators]!tag[Tag Operators]!tag[Special Operators]sort[]]">>
! Examples
In this example we shall populate and then clear a list in an ordinary field (myfield) of this tiddler (the default.)
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-listops $field="myfield" $subfilter="efg hlm pqr"/>
Populate 'myfield'
<$action-listops $field="myfield" $subfilter="abc xyz"/>
Append More Items
<$action-listops $field="myfield" $subfilter="-abc -hlm"/>
Remove Items
<$action-listops $field="myfield" $filter="[[]]"/>
Clear 'myfield'
<$list filter="[list[!!myfield]]">
In this example we shall append and remove items from a list in an ordinary field (myfield) of this tiddler (the default) and sort the resultant list. We shall then remove some of the appended items and sort the resulting list in reverse order.
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-listops $field="myfield" $subfilter="-efg ijk xyz [[this is a title]] +[sort[]]"/>
Mangle List
<$action-listops $field="myfield" $subfilter="-xyz -[[this is a title]] +[!sort[]]"/>
Unmangle List
<$list filter="[list[!!myfield]]">
In this example we shall append a few tags to the 'tags' field of this tiddler (the default.) We shall then remove some of the appended tags.
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-listops $tags="+[append{Days of the Week!!short}] $:/tag1 $:/tag2 $:/tag3"/>
Populate 'tags'
<$action-listops $tags="+[!remove:2{!!tags}]"/>
Remove Last Two Tags
<$action-listops $tags="+[!prefix[$:/]]"/>
Remove System Tags
<$action-listops $tags="-Mon -Tue"/>
Remove Mon and Tue
<$action-listops $tags="+[prefix[$:/]] ActionWidgets Widgets"/>
Remove User Tags
<$action-listops $tags="+[[]] ActionWidgets Widgets"/>
Clear Tags
<$list filter="[list[!!tags]]">
! Introduction
The ''action-navigate'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that sends a [[tm-navigate|WidgetMessage: tm-navigate]] message back up the widget tree. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.
! Content and Attributes
The ''action-navigate'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$to |The title of the target tiddler for the navigation (if not provided defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]] |
|$scroll |Optional parameter determining whether the navigation will also cause a scroll to the target tiddler (see below) |
!! Scroll handling
The optional `$scroll` attribute can be set to "yes" to force scrolling to occur to bring the target tiddler into view. If set to "no" then scrolling does not occur. If the `$scroll` attribute is omitted then scrolling occurs unless either:
* the control key is pressed
* the action was initiated with the middle mouse button (if available)
Note that if navigating to multiple tiddlers at once you should use the same `$scroll` setting for all of them.
! Examples
Here is an example of button that navigates to two different tiddlers at once:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-navigate $to="ButtonWidget"/>
<$action-navigate $to="ActionWidgets"/>
Click me!
! Introduction
The ''action-sendmessage'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that sends a [[message|WidgetMessages]] back up the widget tree. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.
! Content and Attributes
The ''action-sendmessage'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$message |The message to send (eg, [[WidgetMessage: tm-new-tiddler]]) |
|$param |Optional parameter string whose meaning is dependent on the message being sent |
|$name |Optional name of additional parameter |
|$value |Value for optional parameter whose name is specified in `$name` |
|//{any attributes not starting with $}// |Multiple additional, optional named parameters that are attached to the message |
! Examples
Here is an example of button that displays both a notification and a wizard, and creates a new tiddler with tags and text:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-modal" $param="SampleWizard"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-notify" $param="SampleNotification"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-new-tiddler" title="This is newly created tiddler" tags="OneTag [[Another Tag]]" text=<<now "Today is DDth, MMM YYYY">>/>
Click me!
! Introduction
The ''action-setfield'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that assigns values to the fields of a tiddler. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.
! Content and Attributes
The ''action-setfield'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$tiddler |The title of the tiddler whose fields are to be modified (if not provided defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]] |
|$field |Optional name of a field to be assigned the $value attribute |
|$index |Optional index of a property in a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]] to be assigned the $value attribute|
|$value |The value to be assigned to the field or index identified by the $field or $index attribute. If neither is specified then the value is assigned to the text field. If no value is specified, $field or $index will be deleted.|
|$timestamp |Specifies whether the timestamp(s) of the target tiddler will be updated (''modified'' and ''modifier'', plus ''created'' and ''creator'' for newly created tiddlers). Can be "yes" (the default) or "no" |
|//{any attributes not starting with $}// |Each attribute name specifies a field to be modified with the attribute value providing the value to assign to the field |
! Examples
Here is an example of a pair of buttons that open the control panel directly to specified tabs. They work by using ''action-setfield'' to set the state tiddler for the control panel tabs.
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/tab-1749438307" text="$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Appearance"/>
<$action-navigate $to="$:/ControlPanel"/>
Go to Control Panel "Appearance" tab
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/tab-1749438307" text="$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Settings"/>
<$action-navigate $to="$:/ControlPanel"/>
Go to Control Panel "Settings" tab
Here is an example of a button that assigns tags and fields to the tiddler HelloThere, and then navigates to it and opens the tiddler info panel on the "Fields" tab:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-setfield $tiddler="HelloThere" tags="NewTag [[Another New Tag]]" color="red"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/popup/tiddler-info--1779055697" text="(568,1443,33,39)"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/tab--1890574033" text="$:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/Fields"/>
<$action-navigate $to="HelloThere"/>
Modify ~HelloThere
Here is an example of a button that assigns tags and fields to the tiddler HelloThere, and then initiates editing it:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-setfield HelloThere!!tags="MoreTag [[Further More Tags]]" HelloThere!!color="green"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-edit-tiddler" $param="HelloThere"/>
Edit ~HelloThere
Here is an example of a button that opens the control panel directly to the "Appearance" tabs:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/tab-1749438307" $field="text" $value="$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Appearance"/>
<$action-navigate $to="$:/ControlPanel"/>
Go to Control Panel "Appearance" tab
Action widgets are a special type of widget that perform an action such as sending a message, navigating to a tiddler, or changing the value of a tiddler. They are used in association with other widgets that trigger those actions (for example, the ButtonWidget).
Action widgets are invisible. They need not be immediate children of their triggering widget, but they must be descendents of it. The actions are performed in sequence. For example, here is a button that triggers two actions of sending different messages:
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-home"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-full-screen"/>
Click me!
The following action widgets are provided:
<<list-links "[tag[ActionWidgets]]">>
Here's a macro that provides a Twitter Follow button for a particular username:
\define twitterFollowButton(username)
<iframe allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets/follow_button.html?screen_name=$username$" style="width:300px; height:20px;"></iframe>
The only change from the version published at https://dev.twitter.com/docs/follow-button is that new lines have been removed.
Note that the src URL is given without a protocol (ie "http" or "https"). It's done this way so that it works on sites whether they are hosted on a HTTP or HTTPS domain. If you want the Twitter button to work while using a TiddlyWiki offline on a "file://" URL, then you'll need to manually add the protocol. For example:
<iframe allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="http://platform.twitter.com/widgets/follow_button.html?screen_name=jermolene" style="width:300px; height:20px;"></iframe>
<<.operator-examples "addprefix">>
<<.operator-example 1 "Cat Garden [[Favourite Armchair]] +[addprefix[My ]]">>
<<.operator-examples "addsuffix">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[London]addsuffix[ Underground]]">>
As the structures within your TiddlyWiki documents get more complex it can be hard to keep the titles of tiddlers consistent. For example, should terms be defined in the plural or the singular? Camel case or separate words?
Recording a formal titling policy can help to reduce confusion. For example, the titling policies for this wiki are recorded in the [[Documentation Style Guide]].
! SystemTiddler Titles
A useful convention is to use the prefix `$:/_` for any system tiddlers that you create to ensure that they are near the top of the system tiddler listing in the sidebar
If <<.place T>> is not present in the input, or is the last title there, then the output is empty.
<<.operator-examples "after">>
<<.using-days-of-week>> The [[Thursday]] tiddler shows a further example.
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]after[Monday]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]after[Sunday]]">>
Alerts are displayed as yellow boxes overlaying the main TiddlyWiki window. Each one corresponds to a tiddler with the tag [[$:/tags/Alert]]. Clicking the delete icon on an alert deletes the corresponding tiddler.
Here's a demo <$fieldmangler tiddler="SampleAlert"><$set name="currentTiddler" value="SampleAlert"><$button message="tm-add-tag" param="$:/tags/Alert">alert</$button></$set></$fieldmangler>.
Alert tiddlers should have the following fields:
|!Field |!Description |
|title |By default, alert titles have the prefix `$:/temp/alerts/` |
|text |The text of the alert message |
|modified |Date of the alert (used for ordering the alerts on screen) |
|component |Component name associated with the alert |
|tags |Must include [[$:/tags/Alert]] |
The parameter specifies zero or more fundamental categories using the following syntax:
<$railroad text="""
[{: ("current" | "missing" |: "orphans" | "shadows" | "tiddlers" ) +"+" }]
|!Category |!Members |!Sorted |
|^`current` |just the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]] |^-- |
|^`missing` |all non-existent tiddlers to which there is at least one [[hard link|Hard and Soft Links]] |^no |
|^`orphans` |all tiddlers to which there are <<.em no>> hard links |^by title |
|^`shadows` |all the [[shadow tiddlers|ShadowTiddlers]] that exist, including any that have been overridden with non-shadow tiddlers |^no |
|^`tiddlers` |all the non-shadow tiddlers that exist |no |
If the parameter specifies more than one category, they are processed from left to right. The overall output is initially empty, and each category's output is [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to it in turn. Unrecognised categories contribute nothing to the output.
As a special case, if the parameter is empty, the output is simply a copy of the input. This can be useful when the parameter is [[soft|Filter Parameter]].
The <<.olink is>> operator is similar, but its scope is restricted to its input.
<<.operator-examples "all">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[all[shadows]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[all[shadows+tiddlers]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[all[tiddlers+shadows]]">>
<<.operator-example 4 "[all[orphans+missing+current]]">>
<<.operator-example 5 "[all[current]]">>
<<.operator-example 6 "[all[current]tag[Operator Examples]]">>
<<.operator-example 7 "[all[current]tag[Recipes]]">>
<<.operator-example 8 "Monday Thursday +[all[]]">>
<<.operator-examples "allafter">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]] +[allafter[Wednesday]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]] +[allafter:include[Wednesday]]">>
<<.operator-examples "allbefore">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]allbefore[Wednesday]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]allbefore:include[Wednesday]]">>
Current tiddlers:
<$list filter="[!is[system]sort[title]]" />
Here are the details of the alpha releases of TiddlyWiki5. See [[TiddlyWiki5 Versioning]] for details of how releases are named.
<<tabs "[tag[AlphaReleaseNotes]!sort[created]]" "Release 5.0.1-alpha" "$:/state/tab2" "tc-vertical" "ReleaseTemplate">>
<<.operator-examples "append">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]append[Tomorrow]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]append[Yesterday Today Tomorrow]]">>
;Append the first 4 short days of the week to our list
<<.operator-example 3 "[list[Days of the Week]append:4{Days of the Week!!short}]">>
Here are some recent articles written about ~TiddlyWiki. Submit new articles via GitHub, Twitter or by posting in the [[TiddlyWiki Groups]].
<div class="tc-link-info">
<$list filter="[tag[Articles]!sort[modified]]">
<div class="tc-link-info-item">
! <$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
<div class="tc-subtitle">Posted <$view field="modified" format="relativedate"/></div>
Audio files can be incorporated into TiddlyWiki in a very similar way to [[images|Images in WikiText]].
! Embedded Audio
Small audio files can be embedded directly within TiddlyWiki. Embedding isn't suitable for large files (over a few hundred kilobytes) because it increases the size of the TiddlyWiki file.
For example, the tiddler [[TiddlyWiki.mp3]] contains an MP3 recording of the word "TiddlyWiki". If you visit that tiddler, you should see an audio player that will play back the recording.
You can also transclude audio files. For example:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '{{TiddlyWiki.mp3}}'>>
! External Audio
External audio tiddlers use the ''_canonical_uri'' field to point to an external audio file/stream, and have their ''text'' field blocked. This reduces their size considerably, but still allows for playback.
For example, the tiddler [[Caruso - Ave Maria]] points to an online audio recording hosted on http://archive.org:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '{{Caruso - Ave Maria}}'>>
If there is a SaverModule available that supports it, TiddlyWiki will automatically trigger a save of the current document on clicking {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''tick'' or {{$:/core/images/delete-button}} ''delete'' when editing a tiddler.
You should see a yellow notification at the top right of the window to confirm that an automatic save has taken place.
Automatic saving can be enabled or disabled through the ''Saving'' tab of the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]]. Behind the scenes, it is controlled through the configuration tiddler [[$:/config/AutoSave]], which must have the value ''yes'' to enable automatic saving.
Each input title is processed in turn. The corresponding tiddler's list of backlinks is generated, sorted alphabetically by title, and then [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's overall output.
<<.operator-examples "backlinks">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[HelloThere]backlinks[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[tag[TableOfContents]backlinks[]]" "tiddlers that link to tiddlers tagged [[TableOfContents]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[all[current]backlinks[]]" "tiddlers that link to this one">>
<<.dlink-ex Base64 "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base64">> is a way of representing binary data, such an image, as a string of text.
If <<.place T>> is not present in the input, or is the first title there, then the output is empty.
<<.operator-examples "before">>
<<.using-days-of-week>> The [[Thursday]] tiddler shows a further example.
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]before[Saturday]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]before[Monday]]">>
Here are the details of the beta releases of TiddlyWiki5. See [[TiddlyWiki5 Versioning]] for details of how releases are named.
<<tabs "[tag[BetaReleaseNotes]!sort[created]]" "Release 5.0.18-beta" "$:/state/tab2" "tc-vertical" "ReleaseTemplate">>
There are two ways to produce HTML block quotes in TiddlyWiki5, one for content spread across multiple lines, and one for single line content.
! Multi-line Block Quotes
The syntax for multi-line block quotes is:
<<wikitext-example src:"<<<
This is a block quoted paragraph
written in English
!! Citation
A citation can be added to the quote like this:
<<wikitext-example src:"<<<
Computers are like a bicycle for our minds
<<< Steve Jobs
!! CSS Classes
CSS classes can be added to a block quote:
<<wikitext-example src:"<<<.myClass.another-class
Operating systems are like a brick wall for our minds
<<< Nobody
! Single-line Block Quotes
The single-line syntax for block quotes is actually an extension of the syntax for [[Lists in WikiText]]. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"> Quoted text
> Another line of quoted text
You can also nest quotes like this:
> A top quote
>> A subquote
> Another top quote
Which renders as:
> A top quote
>> A subquote
> Another top quote
You can also mix block quotes with other list items. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"* List One
** List Two
**> A quote
**> Another quote
* List Three
The ''Blog'' edition of TiddlyWiki contains tools to help publish static HTML blogs written in TiddlyWiki. It is currently designed for use under Node.js.
While documentation is being prepared, see https://github.com/Jermolene-blog/blog for an example of use.
TiddlyWiki is designed to work with HTML5-compatible browsers.
The following table summarises the browser versions that are known to work with TiddlyWiki
|!Browser |!Status |
|Internet Explorer |Version 10 and above |
|Chrome |All recent versions |
|Firefox |All recent versions |
|Firefox for Android |All recent versions |
|Safari |Version 6 and above |
! Introduction
The browse widget displays an HTML file browser button that allows the user to choose one or more files to import. It sends a [[WidgetMessage: tm-import-tiddlers]] carrying a JSON representation of the tiddlers imported from the files up through its parents. This message usually trapped by the NavigatorWidget which adds the tiddlers to the store and updates the story to display them.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$browse>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|multiple |Set to "multiple" to select multiple file upload |
|tooltip |Optional tooltip text |
|message |Optional override of widget message to be generated. The parameter for the message will be the JavaScript object `event.target.files` |
On iPhone/iPad choosing the multiple option will remove the ability to take photographs/videos directly into TiddlyWiki.
renders as:
BT (née British Telecom) is the UK's largest telecommunications company. In 2007, [[Osmosoft]] was acquired by BT. JeremyRuston subsequently left BT in 2011.
See TiddlyWikiFolders for details of defining build targets.
TiddlyWiki5 can be used to build older 2.x.x versions of TiddlyWikiClassic from their constituent components. Doing so involves these features:
* The `tiddlywiki/classictools` plugin, containing a deserializer module which allows tiddlers to be loaded from TiddlyWiki 2.x.x `.recipe` files
* The `stripcomments` format for the ViewWidget, which strips single line JavaScript comments starting `//#`
* The `stripTitlePrefix='yes'` attribute of the FieldsWidget, which removes prefixes wrapped in curly braces from the `title` attribute
** For example, `{tiddler}HelloThere` would be transformed to `HelloThere`
! Usage
TiddlyWikiClassic is built from the command line by running [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]. A typical usage would be:
node ../../tiddlywiki.js \
--verbose \
--load <path_to_recipe_file> \
--rendertiddler $:/core/templates/tiddlywiki2.template.html <path_to_write_index_file> text/plain \
|| exit 1
<<.operator-examples "butlast">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]butlast[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]butlast[2]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "A B C D E F G H I J K L M +[butlast[7]]">>
! Introduction
The button widget displays an HTML `<button>` element that can perform a combination of optional actions when clicked:
* Executing any ActionWidgets that are immediate children of the button widget
* Execute any integrated actions:
** Navigate to a specified tiddler
** Dispatch a user defined [[widget message|Messages]]
** Trigger a user defined [[popup|PopupMechanism]]
** Assign new text to a specified tiddler
The integrated actions are provided as a shortcut for invoking common actions. The same functionality is available via ActionWidgets, with the exception of the support for highlighting selected popups.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$button>` widget is displayed within the button.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|to |The title of the tiddler to navigate to |
|message |The name of the [[widget message|Messages]] to send when the button is clicked |
|param |The optional parameter to the message |
|set |A TextReference to which a new value will be assigned |
|setTo |The new value to assign to the TextReference identified in the `set` attribute |
|popup |Title of a state tiddler for a popup that is toggled when the button is clicked |
|aria-label |Optional [[Accessibility]] label |
|tooltip |Optional tooltip |
|class |An optional CSS class name to be assigned to the HTML element|
|style |An optional CSS style attribute to be assigned to the HTML element |
|selectedClass |An optional additional CSS class to be assigned if the popup is triggered or the tiddler specified in `set` already has the value specified in `setTo` |
|tag |An optional html tag to use instead of the default "button" |
|default |Default value if `set` tiddler is missing for testing against `setTo` to determine `selectedClass` |
''Note:'' In almost all other cases where a TextReference is used as a widget attribute, it will be placed between curly brackets, to [[transclude|Transclusion in WikiText]] the value currently stored there. However, when we use a TextReference as the value of a button widget's `set` attribute, we are referencing //the storage location itself//, rather than the value stored there, so we do ''not'' use curly brackets there. //Example:// we could code a button widget that sets the `caption` field of TiddlerA to be the same as that of TiddlerB as:
<$button set="TiddlerA!!caption" setTo={{TiddlerB!!caption}} >
Press me!
''Tip:'' Set ''class'' to `tc-btn-invisible tc-tiddlylink` to have a button look like an internal link.
CamelCase is formed by taking a phrase, capitalising the initial letter of each word, and smashing the words together to form a portmanteau word. Most wikis use CamelCase to signal phrases that should automatically become links.
<<.dlink-ex CSS "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cascading_Style_Sheets">> is a standard plain-text format used for defining the presentational style of the various elements on a web page.
The <<.def changecount>> [[macro|Macros]] returns the number of times the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]] has been created, stored or deleted during the current ~TiddlyWiki session.
If a tiddler is deleted and subsequently recreated, its <<.var changecount>> will go up by two.
!! Parameters
<<.macro-examples "changecount">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<<changecount>>"""/>
The value will increase if you edit this tiddler and store it again, even without making any changes to its content.
To access the <<.var changecount>> of a different tiddler, use a <<.wlink TiddlerWidget>> widget:
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2"
eg="""<$tiddler tiddler="Draft of 'New Tiddler'">
The value shown will increase whenever you create, store or delete [[New Tiddler]].
! Introduction
This release resolves a number of inconsistencies with the way that filters are handled. The changes mean that existing filters may need to be updated - particularly those that must deal with missing or shadow tiddlers.
! Changes to ''is'' and addition of ''all''
Most filter operators act by choosing some or all of their source titles to pass through or re-order. Those that add new entries that are not drawn from the source list are referred to as selectors. Prior to 5.0.9-beta, a few filter operators were inconsistent in whether they filtered from the source list or selected new entries into it.
The specific changes are:
* The ''is'' operator now always strictly filters from the currently selected list of tiddlers
* The new ''all'' operator acts as a selector by replacing the current list with a combination of tiddlers from specific sources:
** ''current'' for the current tiddler
** ''missing'' for all missing tiddlers
** ''orphans'' for all orphan tiddlers
** ''shadows'' for all shadow tiddlers
** ''tiddlers'' for all non-shadow tiddlers (including both system and non-system tiddlers)
The sources for the ''all'' operator can be combined with the `+` character. For example, `[all[shadows+tiddlers]]` returns all shadow tiddlers and all ordinary tiddlers.
Previously, it was common to have `[is[shadow]]` at the start of a filter string to select all the shadow tiddlers. In 5.0.9 and above, this will not return all the shadow tiddlers, but instead just those ordinary tiddlers that are also shadow tiddlers (by virtue of having overridden one). The resolution is to use the new ''all'' operator. For example, consider this filter from 5.0.8:
[is[shadow]!has[draft.of]tag[$:/tags/AdvancedSearch]] [!is[shadow]!has[draft.of]tag[$:/tags/AdvancedSearch]] +[tag[$:/tags/AdvancedSearch]]
In 5.0.9, that filter has been changed to:
Note how the ''all'' operator allows operations to be performed on tiddlers from combinations of sources.
!! Changes to `[is[current]]`
One result of the changes is that `[is[current]]` now strictly filters from the source tiddlers; so, if the current tiddler is a missing tiddler not in the source list, then `[is[current]]` will return an empty list.
The solution is generally to use `[all[current]]` instead. It doesn't read as well, but has the required behaviour of returning just the current tiddler, regardless of whether it is in the source tiddlers.
! Changes to ''title'' and ''field''
There are minor changes to the way that the ''title'' and ''field'' operators work.
The ''title'' operator is a selector: it returns the specified title regardless of whether it is in the current source. ''title'' is used as the default operator if none is specified
The ''field'' operator is a filter: it only returns a subset of the source tiddlers. ''field'' is used as the default operator if the supplied operator is not defined (the supplied operator is passed as the suffix to the field operator, so `[description[Missing]]` is equivalent to `[field:description[Missing]]`).
! Introduction
The checkbox widget displays an HTML `<input type="checkbox">` element that is dynamically bound to either:
* the presence or absence of a specified tag on a specified tiddler
* the value of a specified field or index of a specified tiddler
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$checkbox>` widget is displayed within an HTML `<label>` element immediately after the checkbox itself. This means that clicking on the content will toggle the checkbox.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |Title of the tiddler to manipulate (defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]) |
|tag |The name of the tag to which the checkbox should be bound |
|invertTag |When set to ''yes'', flips the tag binding logic so that the absence of the tag causes the checkbox to be checked |
|field |The name of the field to which the checkbox should be bound |
|index |The name of the index to which the checkbox should be bound |
|checked |The value of the field corresponding to the checkbox being checked |
|unchecked |The value of the field corresponding to the checkbox being unchecked |
|default |The default value to use if the field is not defined |
|class |The class that will be assigned to the label element |
!! Tag Mode
Using the checkbox widget in tag mode requires the ''tag'' attribute to specify the name of the tag. The ''tiddler'' attribute specifies the tiddler to target, defaulting to the current tiddler if not present.
This example creates a checkbox that flips the ''done'' tag on the current tiddler:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src="""<$checkbox tag="done">Is it done?</$checkbox>
<$list filter="[list[!!tags]sort[]]"><<tag>></$list>"""/>
!! Field Mode
Using the checkbox widget in field mode requires the ''field'' attribute to specify the name of the field. The ''checked'' and ''unchecked'' attributes specify the values to be assigned to the field to correspond to its checked and unchecked states respectively. The ''default'' attribute is used as a fallback value if the field is not defined.
This example creates a checkbox that is checked if the field ''status'' is equal to ''open'' and unchecked if the field is equal to ''closed''. If the field is undefined then it defaults to ''closed'', meaning that the checkbox will be unchecked if the ''status'' field is missing.
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src="""<$checkbox field="status" checked="open" unchecked="closed" default="closed">Is it open?</$checkbox>
status: {{!!status}}
!! Input
My options: {{!!options}}
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<tr><th>Item </th><th>x </th></tr>
<$list filter="[list[!!options]addprefix{!!prefix}addsuffix{!!suffix}]" variable="option">
<tr><td><<option>></td><td><$checklist field="myfilter" item=<<option>>/></td></tr>
My Filter Expression: {{!!myfilter}}
!! Output
<tr><th>Title </th><th>Tags </th></tr>
<$list filter={{!!myfilter}}>
\define altitem() next-$(day)$
\define altitem() next-$(day)$
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<tr><th>Item </th><th>x </th></tr>
<$list filter="[list[Days of the Week!!short]]" variable="item">
<$vars day=<<item>>>
<tr><td><<item>></td><td><$checklist tiddler="Target" index="sample-list" item=<<item>> alt=<<altitem>>/></td></tr>
! Introduction
The checklist widget displays an HTML `<input type="checkbox">` element that is dynamically bound to:
* the presence or absence of a specified item in a specified field or index of a specified tiddler
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$checklist>` widget is displayed within an HTML `<label>` element immediately after the checkbox itself. This means that clicking on the content will toggle the checkbox.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |Title of the tiddler to manipulate (defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]) |
|field |The name of the field to which the checkbox should be bound (defaults to the ''tags'' field) |
|index |The name of the index to which the checkbox should be bound |
|item |The name of the item to which the checkbox should be bound |
|alt |Optional alternative item which, when specified, will exchange places with the specified item |
|invert |When set to "yes", flips the tag binding logic so that the absence of the tag causes the checkbox to be checked |
|class |The class that will be assigned to the label element |
!! Normal Mode
Using the checklist widget in normal mode requires the ''item'' attribute to specify the name of the item. The ''tiddler'' attribute specifies the tiddler to target, defaulting to the current tiddler if not present.
This example creates a checkbox that flips the ''done'' tag on the current tiddler:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src="""<$checklist item="done">Is it done?</$checklist> <$list filter="[list[!!tags]sort[]]"><<tag>></$list>"""/>
!! Switch Mode
Using the checkbox widget in switch mode requires the ''alt'' attribute to specify the name of the alternate item.
This example creates a checkbox that when checked, corresponds to the presence of of the item "open" in the field ''status'' of the current tiddler and when unchecked, corresponds to the presence of of the item "closed" in the field ''status''. The second instance reverses the checkbox display logic.
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src="""<$checklist field="status" item="open" alt="closed">Is it open?</$checklist>
<$checklist field="status" item="open" alt="closed" invert="yes">Is it closed?</$checklist>
status: {{!!status}}"""/>
!! List Mode
The widget may be used to toggle any of the items in a list. In this case, the lookup list refers to the static ''grocery-list'' field -- alternatively, a lookup list can be created dynamically with a suitable filter expression.
<$button><$action-deletetiddler $tiddler="Target"/>Delete Target</$button>
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<tr><th>Item </th><th><$button class="tc-btn-invisible" tooltip="clear all"><$action-setfield $tiddler="Target" $index="shopping-list" $value=""/>{{$:/core/images/close-all-button}}</$button></th></tr>
<$list filter="[list[!!grocery-list]]" variable="item">
<tr><td><<item>></td><td><$checklist tiddler="Target" index="shopping-list" item=<<item>>/></td></tr>
TiddlyWiki 的简体中文翻译版本:
<!-- * ''文件'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/zh-Hans/index.html -->
* ''空白版本'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/zh-Hans/empty.html
另请参阅 [[中文 (正體) 版|Chinese (Traditional) Edition]]。
TiddlyWiki 的正體中文翻譯版本:
<!-- * ''文件'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/zh-Hant/index.html -->
* ''空白版本'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/zh-Hant/empty.html
另請參閱 [[中文 (简体) 版|Chinese (Simplified) Edition]]。
<$action-deletetiddler $filter="[prefix[$:/state/]]"/>
<$action-deletetiddler $filter="[prefix[$:/temp/]]"/>
<$action-deletetiddler $filter="[prefix[$:/config/]]"/>
{{{ [prefix[$:/state/]] }}}
{{{ [prefix[$:/temp/]] }}}
{{{ [prefix[$:/config/]] }}}
<$checkbox field="state" checked="edit" unchecked="hide">Click to Edit</$checkbox>
<$reveal state="!!state" type="match" text="edit">
<$edit-text tiddler="target" field="text"/>
You can use triple backticks <code>```</code> to mark code blocks:
This will be monospaced
Renders as:
This will be monospaced
To be interpreted correctly, the three backticks need to be at the start of the line and immediately followed by a line-break.
Be aware that any preceding paragraph content should be properly terminated with a double line break, too. So, this example is wrong:
This is an ordinary paragraph
This will be monospaced
The correct version is:
This is an ordinary paragraph
This will be monospaced
Note that some keyboard layouts treat the backtick as a [[dead key|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_key]], making it hard to type. The trick is to type three backticks followed by a space. Alternatively, type all six backticks in one go, then a space, and then move the cursor back three characters to type or paste the content.
! Introduction
The ''codeblock'' widget renders text in `<pre>` and `<code>` blocks, causing it to be
displayed monospace. A language may optionally be specified using the
''language'' attribute, however syntax highlighting will only be used if the
[[Highlight Plugin]] is installed.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$codeblock>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description|
|code|Contents of the block to render as code|
|language|Programming language for syntax highlighting|
! Examples
Here is an example embedding the contents of a tiddler as a code block.
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src='<$codeblock code={{$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/say-hi}} />' />
A codeblock may also specify a language.
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src='<$codeblock code="SELECT * FROM users WHERE deleted = false" language="sql" />' />
The CodeMirror plugin adds a sophisticated web-based editor to TiddlyWiki.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/codemirror/
The <<.def colour>> (or <<.def color>>) [[macro|Macros]] returns the [[CSS|Cascading Style Sheets]] value of one the colours in the current [[palette|ColourPalettes]].
If no such entry exists in the current palette, the [[vanilla palette|$:/palettes/Vanilla]] is used instead.
!! Parameters
: The name of the palette entry, e.g. `page-background`
<<.macro-examples "colour">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<<colour code-border>>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2" eg="""<<colour foreground>>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="3" eg="""<<colour page-background>>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="4" eg="""<<colour sidebar-tab-background>>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="5" eg="""<<colour tag-foreground>>"""/>
A colour palette is a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]] that supplies a [[CSS]] colour value, such as ''yellow'' or ''#fe0'', for each of several colour names, like this:
page-background: #fe0
table-border: #ccc
Several palettes form part of the core. The system tiddler [[$:/palette]] always contains the title of the currently selected palette tiddler.
To retrieve the value of a named colour from the current palette, e.g. for use in a stylesheet tiddler, use the <<.mlink colour>> macro:
<<colour page-background>>
Palette tiddlers should have the following fields:
|!Name |!Value |
|title |Typically starting with `$:/` |
|type |`application/x-tiddler-dictionary` |
|tags |`$:/tags/Palette` |
|description |Displayed in the palette browser |
|text |`name: value` colour definitions |
<<.dlink-ex CSV "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comma-separated_values">> is a standard plain-text format for storing a table of data.
Each row of the table is called a <<.def record>> and occupies one line.
The columns are called <<.def fields>>. Each field of a row is separated from the next by a comma, and is often delimited by quotation marks.
The <<.mlink csvtiddlers>> macro returns tiddler content in this format.
A <<.def command>> is one of the following words, written with a `--` prefix and used as a command-line option to [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]], indicating which action is desired.
<<list-links "[tag[Commands]]">>
<<.operator-examples "commands">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[commands[]]">>
Here we gather the latest and most useful material from the TiddlyWiki community.
<<tabs "Forums Latest Tutorials Resources Examples Articles Meetups" "Latest">>
//This is a sample task for the TaskManagementExample//
These are the concepts underlying TiddlyWiki. Understanding how these ideas fit together is the key to getting the most from TiddlyWiki.
<<list-links "[tag[Concepts]]">>
The configuration tiddler [[$:/config/TiddlerInfo/Default]] contains the title of the tiddler containing the default tiddler info tab.
The default value is `$:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/Tools` corresponding to the ''Tools'' tab. Other possible values are:
<$list filter="[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/TiddlerInfo]!has[draft.of]]">
<$view field="title"/>
Used in Internet protocols to indicate the type that should be used to interpret the content of a web resource.
In TiddlyWiki, the `type` field gives the content type to apply to the main `text` field.
!! List of Common Content Types
|!Group |!Type |!Content of `type` field |
|^''Developer'' |Data dictionary |application/x-tiddler-dictionary|
|~|~JavaScript code |application/javascript|
|~|JSON data |application/json|
|~|Static stylesheet |text/css|
|^''Image''|GIF image |image/gif|
|~|ICO format icon file |image/x-icon|
|~|JPEG image |image/jpeg|
|~|PDF image |application/pdf|
|~|PNG image |image/png|
|~|Structured Vector Graphics image |image/svg+xml|
|^''Text''|HTML markup |text/html|
|~|[[CSS|Cascading Style Sheets]] stylesheet |text/css|
|~|[[Comma-separated values|Comma-Separated Values]] |text/csv|
|~|Plain text |text/plain|
|~|~TiddlyWiki 5 |text/vnd.tiddlywiki|
|~|~TiddlyWiki Classic |text/x-tiddlywiki|
The <<.def contrastcolour>> [[macro|Macros]] returns whichever of two given [[CSS|Cascading Style Sheets]] colours is deemed to contrast best with another.
An example can be seen in the [[template tiddler for tag pills|$:/core/ui/TagTemplate]].
!! Parameters
: The colour to contrast against (typically a background colour)
: An alternative colour to contrast against. This is used when <<.param target>> is undefined or not a valid colour
: The first of the two colours to choose between
: The second of the two colours to choose between
We welcome contributions to the code and documentation of TiddlyWiki in several ways:
* ReportingBugs
* Helping to [[improve our documentation|Improving TiddlyWiki Documentation]]
* Contributing to the code via [[GitHub|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5]]
** See http://tiddlywiki.com/dev for more details
There are other ways to [[help TiddlyWiki|HelpingTiddlyWiki]] too.
! Contributor License Agreement
{{Contributor License Agreement}}
! How to sign the CLA
{{Signing the Contributor License Agreement}}
//The CLA documents used for this project were created using [[Harmony Project Templates|http://www.harmonyagreements.org]]. "HA-CLA-I-LIST Version 1.0" for "CLA-individual" and "HA-CLA-E-LIST Version 1.0" for "CLA-entity".//
**When not owning the copyright in the entire work of authorship**
In this case, please clearly state so, since otherwise we assume that you are the legal copyright holder of the contributed work! Please provide links and additional information that clarify under which license the rest of the code is distributed.
\define tv-wikilink-template() http://tiddlywiki.com/static/$uri_doubleencoded$.html
! Contributing to TiddlyWiki5
//This file was automatically generated by TiddlyWiki5//
Like other OpenSource projects, TiddlyWiki5 needs a signed contributor license agreement from individual contributors. This is a legal agreement that allows contributors to assert that they own the copyright of their contribution, and that they agree to license it to the UnaMesa Association (the legal entity that owns TiddlyWiki on behalf of the community).
* For individuals use: [[licenses/CLA-individual|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/licenses/cla-individual.md]]
* For entities use: [[licenses/CLA-entity|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/licenses/cla-entity.md]]
The following individuals have generously given their time to [[contribute to the development of TiddlyWiki|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/graphs/contributors]]:
* Jeremy Ruston ([[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]])
* Dave Gifford ([[@giffmex|https://github.com/giffmex]])
* Bram Chen ([[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]])
* Mario Pietsch ([[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]])
* Xavier Cazin ([[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]])
* Eric Shulman ([[@ericshulman|https://github.com/ericshulman]])
* Stephan Hradek ([[@Skeeve|https://github.com/Skeeve]])
* ~BuggyJef ([[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]])
* Nathan Cain ([[@natecain|https://github.com/natecain]])
* Ton Gerner ([[@gernert|https://github.com/gernert]])
* Devin Weaver ([[@sukima|https://github.com/sukima]])
* João Bolila ([[@jbolila|https://github.com/jbolila]])
* David Johnston ([[@Brennall|https://github.com/Brennall]])
* David Jade ([[@davidjade|https://github.com/davidjade]])
* Bob Robison ([[@grayeul|https://github.com/grayeul]])
* [[@nameanyone|https://github.com/nameanyone]]
* Maurizio Pollio ([[@mpollio|https://github.com/mpollio]])
* Ogoshi Masayuki ([[@ogoshima|https://github.com/ogoshima]])
* Chris Sugden ([[@csugden|https://github.com/csugden]])
* [[@asampal|https://github.com/asampal]]
* Bow Yi Jang ([[@Eucaly|https://github.com/Eucaly]])
* Mal Gamble ([[@malgam|https://github.com/malgam]])
* Michael Fogleman ([[@mwfogleman|https://github.com/mwfogleman]])
* Daniel Barrett ([[@shendaras|https://github.com/shendaras]])
* Simon Baird ([[@simonbaird|https://github.com/simonbaird]])
* James Anderson ([[@welford|https://github.com/welford]])
* Jon Lister ([[@jayfresh|https://github.com/jayfresh]])
* [[@TheDiveO|https://github.com/TheDiveO]]
* Danielo Rodríguez ([[@danielo515|https://github.com/danielo515]])
* [[@willover|https://github.com/willover]]
* [[@slotik|https://github.com/slotik]]
* Irene Knapp ([[@IreneKnapp|https://github.com/IreneKnapp]])
* Brian Shaver ([[@shakerlxxv|https://github.com/shakerlxxv]])
* Tobi Beer ([[@tobibeer|https://github.com/tobibeer]])
* Craig Cook ([[@BoyCook|https://github.com/BoyCook]])
You can copy an individual tiddler from one TiddlyWiki file to another by dragging a link to the tiddler from one browser window to another.
The following [[macros|Macros]] are built into ~TiddlyWiki's core:
<<list-links "[tag[Core Macros]]">>
The following [[variables|Variables]] are built into ~TiddlyWiki's core:
<<list-links "[tag[Core Variables]] -[tag[Configuration Variables]]">>
The core will also use various configuration variables and macros if you define them:
<<list-links "[tag[Configuration Variables]]">>
! Introduction
The count widget displays the number of matches to a specified [[filter expression|Filters]].
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$count>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|filter |The filter expression to count |
To create a custom export format that exports tiddlers as their raw body text:
# Create a tiddler with the following fields:
#* ''tags'': [[$:/tags/Exporter]]
#* ''description'': Description of this exporter
#* ''extension'': Default file extension for this export format (including the dot; for example `.tid`)
# Set the following content:
\define renderContent()
{{{ $(exportFilter)$ ||$:/core/templates/plain-text-tiddler}}}
The variable `exportFilter` contains a filter defining which tiddlers should be exported.
! Creating tiddlers
You create a tiddler either by clicking the {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar, or by clicking on a link to a missing tiddler. Links to missing tiddlers are shown in [[blue italics]].
See also:
* [[Creating journal tiddlers]]
! Editing tiddlers
To edit an existing tiddler, click the {{$:/core/images/edit-button}} button at the top right of the tiddler.
!! Draft mode
When you create a new tiddler or edit an existing one, the tiddler will go into draft mode. This presents a control panel for modifying the tiddler in various ways. It has several parts, from top to bottom:
*''The title field'' - Use this to change the title of the tiddler
*''The tag selector'' - Use this to add or remove tags. As you type a tag name in the box, a dropdown list will show you any existing tags that match. You can pick from this list or create a completely new tag. Then click the ''add'' button to add the tag to the tiddler. Each tag is shown as a coloured pill. Click the "×" on a pill to remove that tag
*''The text area'' - Use this to edit the main content of the tiddler. Click the ''show preview'' button to see what your changes will look like
*''The type selector'' - Use this when a tiddler needs to be displayed in a special way, such as an image. See ContentType for a list of the options. The default is `text/vnd.tiddlywiki`, which means the tiddler contains WikiText
*''The field selector'' - Use this to add or remove fields on the tiddler. For example, if you are editing a tiddler that's being used to tag other tiddlers, you can add a [[''list'' field|ListField]] to change the order in which those tiddlers will be listed
! Save, cancel or delete
When you have finished editing, click a button at the top right of the tiddler:
*The ''save'' button ({{$:/core/images/done-button}}) stores your changes to this one tiddler and leaves draft mode. If your wiki is configured to [[AutoSave]], your changes will be permanently saved. Otherwise they will only be stored temporarily in your web browser, and you will lose them if you close your ~TiddlyWiki page without first clicking the master ''save changes'' button {{$:/core/images/save-button}} in the sidebar.
*The ''cancel'' button ({{$:/core/images/cancel-button}}) discards your changes (after asking you to confirm) and leaves draft mode.
*The ''delete'' button ({{$:/core/images/delete-button}}) deletes the entire tiddler (after asking you to confirm).
! Introduction
Journal tiddlers are tiddlers that use a date and/or time as their title. They are typically used as a quick way to record time-stamped information.
You can use additional tags on a journal tiddler to link it to other tiddlers, helping to establish the relationships between items of information.
For example, you might use a journal tiddler called ''10th October 2014'' to record thoughts and information captured on that particular day. The tags ''Shopping'' and ''London'' might be used to indicate that the entry concerns shopping in London.
! Creating a journal tiddler
The easiest way to create a journal tiddler is to use the ''new journal'' button in the ''Tools'' tab of the sidebar. If you find yourself often using the button, click the checkbox next to it to make the button available just above the search box.
The ''new journal'' button creates a journal entry as a blank tiddler with the tag ''Journal'' and a title derived from today's date. If a journal tiddler with that title already exists, then this is opened for editing.
! Creating a tagged journal tiddler
A common sequence of actions is to create (or reopen) today's journal entry and tag it with the title of another tiddler. This can be done with the ''new journal here'' button in the other tiddler's toolbar. You can find this button in the ''Tools'' tab of the tiddler's InfoPanel.
For example, you might be reviewing a tiddler called ''Oxford Street'' and realise that it's relevant for planning your shopping trip. Click the ''new journal here'' button on the ''Oxford Street'' tiddler to bring up a journal entry tagged with ''Oxford Street''.
! Customising journal tiddlers
To configure how new journal entries are created, visit the ''Basics'' tab under ''Info'' in the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]]:
* "Title of new journal tiddlers" specifies how these tiddlers should be named, as a [[date format string|DateFormat]]. The default setting of `DDth MMM YYYY` causes new entries to have titles of the form "10th October 2014"
* "Tags for new journal tiddlers" [specifies|Title List] tags that will automatically appear on new journal entries. For example: `Journal [[Summer vacation]]`
Hint: if you want to create a separate journal tiddler whenever you click ''new journal'' (even if you do this several times in the same day), you can include the clock time in the title format. Specify something like `YYYY-0MM-0DD at 0hhh0mm'0ss''` as the date format.
Another useful trick is to include `$(currentTiddler)$` somewhere in the title format. This means that if you click ''new journal here'' on several different tiddlers, the title of each of those tiddlers will form part of the name of the resulting journal entries.
This example shows how to create a sub-story within a tiddler that is independent of the main story.
Here's the code:
<$navigator story="MySubStoryList" history="MySubHistoryList">
Click this link to get started: HelloThere
<$list filter="[list[MySubStoryList]]" history="MySubHistoryList">
! <$button message="tm-close-tiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible">{{$:/core/images/close-button}}</$button> <$view field="title"/>
Note how you can open the HelloThere tiddler in the substory by clicking on the link below. Links within the substory open within the substory, and not in the main story.
<$navigator story="MySubStoryList" history="MySubHistoryList">
Click this link to get started: HelloThere
<$list filter="[list[MySubStoryList]]" history="MySubHistoryList">
! <$button message="tm-close-tiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible">{{$:/core/images/close-button}}</$button> <$view field="title"/>
The <<.def csvtiddlers>> [[macro|Macros]] returns the fields of a [[selection of tiddlers|Title Selection]] in [[CSV|Comma-Separated Values]] form, with one record (row) per tiddler.
An example can be seen in the [[template tiddler for CSV exports|$:/core/templates/exporters/CsvFile]].
!! Parameters
: A [[filter|Filters]] selecting which tiddlers to include
: Reserved for future extension. Should be set to `quoted-comma-sep`
The <<.def "current tiddler">> provides the context in which several aspects of WikiText are interpreted.
For example, `{{!!title}}` denotes the value of the <<.field title>> field of whatever the current tiddler happens to be. This technique can be used to create general-purpose [[template tiddlers|TemplateTiddlers]].
The title of the current tiddler can always be found in the <<.vlink currentTiddler>> variable.
The two most common ways in which the current tiddler is changed are:
* the <<.wlink TiddlerWidget>> widget
* the <<.wlink ListWidget>> widget (when its <<.attr variable>> attribute is not overridden)
The current tiddler is therefore often <<.em not>> the same as the [[tiddler that is being viewed or edited|storyTiddler Variable]].
The <<.def currentTiddler>> [[variable|Variables]] contains the title of the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]].
Several aspects of WikiText use this tiddler as their context. As a result, within a <<.wlink ListWidget>> widget or a [[template tiddler|TemplateTiddlers]], there is often no need to explicitly specify a tiddler title.
Compare <<.vlink storyTiddler>>.
<<.variable-examples "currentTiddler">>
The following two examples have the same meaning:
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<$view field=title/>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2" eg="""<$view tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field=title/>"""/>
This next example shows how the <<.wlink ListWidget>> widget changes the current tiddler:
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="3"
<$list filter="[prefix[J]]">
Information about customising TiddlyWiki
<<list-links "[tag[Customise TiddlyWiki]]">>
By default, the results for the sidebar search box are displayed as a simple list of tiddler titles. The search results can be customised by adding plugin visualisations that show the search results in different ways. (Tabs are shown automatically if an additional search result visualisation is detected).
Search result visualisations are stored in tiddlers tagged [[$:/tags/SearchResults]]. The default search result listing is implemented in the system tiddler [[$:/core/ui/DefaultSearchResultList]].
To create a new search result visualisation:
# Create a new tiddler tagged [[$:/tags/SearchResults]]
# Use the widget variable ''searchTiddler'' to access the title of the tiddler containing the current search term
If you'd like the new visualisation to be the default, create a tiddler called [[$:/config/SearchResults/Default]] containing the title of the tiddler containing the search visualisation that you want to display by default.
Here is an example of an alternative visualisation that displays results in reverse chronological order:
\define searchResults()
<$set name="resultCount" value="""<$count filter="[!is[system]search{$(searchTiddler)$}]"/>""">
<<timeline subfilter:"!is[system]search{$(searchTiddler)$}">>
The D3 plugin integrates the D3 visualisation library with TiddlyWiki.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/d3/
You can create an n-dash with a double hyphen `--` and an m-dash with a triple hyphen `---`. For example -- this is an example --- and so is this
A <<.dlink-ex "data URI" "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_URI_scheme">> is a way of storing data (such as an image) in a way that is compatible with the addresses used by web pages and [[stylesheets|Cascading Style Sheets]] to access external resources.
The <<.mlink datauri>> macro can be used to generate data URIs within ~TiddlyWiki.
A data tiddler is a miniature database contained within a tiddler.
There are two standard formats:
* DictionaryTiddlers
* [[JSONTiddlers]]
Other formats of tiddler can also be parsed to yield blocks of data that behave like data tiddlers.
Use a TextReference to look up a value by its name. For example, if a [[DictionaryTiddler|DictionaryTiddlers]] called `MonthDays` contains:
... then `{{MonthDays##nov}}` will resolve to the value `30`.
The same is true if `MonthDays` is a [[JSONTiddler|JSONTiddlers]] with the following content:
Note: //It is currently only possible to retrieve data from the immediate properties of the root object of a JSONTiddler.//
The <<.def datauri>> [[macro|Macros]] returns a [[data URI|Data URI]] for the content of a tiddler.
It is often used in [[stylesheet|Cascading Style Sheets]] tiddlers to reference things like inline images and fonts:
> `background: url(<<datauri "Motovun Jack.jpg">>);`
The data URI is automatically [[base64|Base64]]-encoded in the case of a non-text tiddler.
!! Parameters
: The title of a tiddler, such as an image
<<.macro-examples "datauri">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2"
.jack {
background: url(<$macrocall $name="datauri" title="Motovun Jack.jpg" $output="text/plain"/>);
height: 300px;
<div class="jack"/>"""/>
The example has to invoke <<.var datauri>> through the <<.wid macrocall>> widget. It needs to prevent the macro's output from being parsed as WikiText, as that would transform the data URI into a <<.wlink LinkWidget>> widget and break the example. If the example was in a CSS tiddler, you could simply write:
> `background: url(<<datauri "Motovun Jack.jpg">>);`
Certain [[fields|TiddlerFields]] of a tiddler are used to store dates and times.
The two standard date fields are <<.field created>> and <<.field modified>>.
Values of date fields are 17-character strings:
* 4 digits for the year
* 2 digits for the month
* 2 digits for the day
* 2 digits for the hour
* 2 digits for the minute
* 2 digits for the second
* 3 digits for the millisecond
To avoid problems arising from differences of time zone, TiddlyWiki always uses [[UTC|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coordinated_Universal_Time]].
As an example, the <<.field created>> field of this tiddler has the value <<.value """<$view field="created"/>""">>.
Dates can be [[converted to other formats|DateFormat]] for display:
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html"
src="""<$view field="created" format="date" template="DDD DDth MMM YYYY"/>""">
The ViewWidget accepts a `template` attribute that allows the format of date values to be specified. The format string is processed with the following substitutions:
|!Token |!Substituted Value |
|`DDD` |Day of week in full (eg, "Monday") |
|`ddd` |Short day of week (eg, "Mon") |
|`DD` |Day of month |
|`0DD` |Adds a leading zero |
|`DDth` |Adds a suffix |
|`WW` |ISO-8601 week number of year |
|`0WW` |Adds a leading zero |
|`MMM` |Month in full (eg, "July") |
|`mmm` |Short month (eg, "Jul") |
|`MM` |Month number |
|`0MM` |Adds leading zero |
|`YYYY` |Full year |
|`YY` |Two digit year |
|`wYYYY` |Full year with respect to week number |
|`wYY` |Two digit year with respect to week number |
|`hh` |Hours |
|`0hh` |Adds a leading zero |
|`hh12` |Hours in 12 hour clock |
|`0hh12` |Hours in 12 hour clock with leading zero |
|`mm` |Minutes |
|`0mm` |Minutes with leading zero |
|`ss` |Seconds |
|`0ss` |Seconds with leading zero |
|`am` or `pm` |Lower case AM/PM indicator |
|`AM` or `PM` |Upper case AM/PM indicator |
|`TZD` |Timezone offset |
|`\x` |Used to escape a character that would otherwise have special meaning |
Note that other text is passed through unchanged, allowing commas, colons or other separators to be used.
! Examples
|!Template |!Output |
|`DDth MMM YYYY` |16th February 2011 |
|`DDth MMM \M\M\M YYYY` |16th February MMM 2011 |
|`DDth mmm hh:mm:ss` |16th Feb 2011 11:38:42 |
An interactive date picker plugin based on [[Pikaday|https://github.com/dbushell/Pikaday]]. A demo can be found here: {{!!url}}.
datepicker is a TiddlyWiki plugin that allows you to use a widget much like EditTextWidget to pick a date (not a time). It shows a nice interactive mini-calendar when clicked, allows you to set a date format for display, and is compatible with core date fields such as `modified` and `created`.
It has a <<.field list>> field containing the following items:
<<list-links "[list[]]">>
Select tiddlers where a specified date field (default "modified") is withing a specified date range. Time portion is ignored.
<<.operator-examples "days">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[days[-14]]" "tiddlers modified within the last 14 days">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[!days:created[-800]]" "tiddlers created more than 800 days ago">>
The filter can be used to highlight new items in a list. For example:
$name="wikitext-example-without-html" src=
<$list filter="[tag[ReleaseNotes]!<currentTiddler>!sort[modified]]">
<$link><$view field="title"/></$link><$list filter="[<currentTiddler>days[-120]]"> @@color:red;^^new^^@@</$list>
These are definitions of technical words and phrases used in this documentation. (As distinct from the [[Concepts]] that make up TiddlyWiki itself).
<<list-links "[tag[Definitions]]">>
HTML definition lists are created with this syntax:
<<wikitext-example src:"; Term being defined
: Definition of that term
; Another term
: Another definition
Die deutsche Übersetzung von TiddlyWiki ist verfügbar unter:
* ''Dokumentation'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/de-DE/index.html
* ''Leer'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/de-DE/empty.html
Siehe auch: [[Deutsch (Österreich) Edition]].
Die österreichische Übersetzung von TiddlyWiki ist verfügbar unter:
* ''Dokumentation'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/de-AT/index.html
* ''Leer'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/de-AT/empty.html
Siehe auch: [[Deutsch (Deutschland) Edition]].
There are several resources for developers to learn more about TiddlyWiki and to discuss and contribute to its development.
* [[tiddlywiki.com/dev|http://tiddlywiki.com/dev]] is the official developer documentation
* [[TiddlyWikiDev group|http://groups.google.com/group/TiddlyWikiDev]] for discussions about TiddlyWiki development
* https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5 for the source code and development activity
A dictionary tiddler is a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]] containing a simple list of name/value pairs.
Its [[ContentType]] is `application/x-tiddler-dictionary`.
The `text` field consists of one or more lines of the form <code>//name//: //value//</code>.
[[ColourPalettes]], such as the [[default Vanilla palette|$:/palettes/Vanilla]], are dictionary tiddlers.
You've never seen //anything// like ~TiddlyWiki. ~TiddlyWiki is:
:: a tool,
:: a toolbox,
:: a community,
:: and a philosophy.
! ~TiddlyWiki is a Tool
''~TiddlyWiki is first and foremost a tool:'' it is a free downloadable tool for capturing and organising content from the web, from your documents or from your brain. It is a tool for note-taking, bookmarking, pinning, writing, managing to-do lists and projects, collaborating, blogging, and publishing.
In ~TiddlyWiki you create or paste content into notes called tiddlers, then connect your tiddlers with hyperlinks and tags. You can then quickly retrieve your notes through features such as tag pills, sidebar tabs, and ~TiddlyWiki's lightning fast search window. You can even dynamically include one tiddler's content inside another - similar to using building blocks - to create articles, lists, presentations and more.
! ~TiddlyWiki is a Toolbox
In addition to being a versatile tool, ''~TiddlyWiki is also a toolbox.''
Where other note-taking products hook you with the basic program then charge you for the really helpful features, ~TiddlyWiki has an ever-expanding collection of completely free visual themes, colour palettes, plugins, widgets and macros, which you can then mix and match so that you can tweak and tailor your ~TiddlyWiki to get it just the way you want it.
! ~TiddlyWiki is also a Community
We are a [[community|Community]] of users and developers who help each other imagine new ways of thinking and organising and create new solutions, so that ~TiddlyWiki is continually adapting to better serve your needs. ~TiddlyWiki users and developers share questions and advice at a ~TiddlyWiki Google group. They also create tutorials, adaptations, and plugins to enhance your ~TiddlyWiki experience. See the section ''Community'' of the TableOfContents for more details.
! Finally, ~TiddlyWiki is a philosophy
The purpose of taking and organising a note (or recording any kind of content) is to be able to retrieve it later. If you can't find your notes in your note-taking system, your note-taking becomes a colossal waste of time.
The [[TiddlyWiki philosophy|Philosophy of Tiddlers]] is that the best way to take notes is to separate them into tiddlers, the smallest semantic units possible. A tiddler might be an image, a webpage link, a concept, the definition of a term, or a specific customisation such as a macro.
These tiddlers can then be woven together to create longer units: stories, articles, lists, image galleries, and much more. ~TiddlyWiki's features such as tagging, hyperlinking, and filters are specially designed to help you relate and connect tiddlers together in multiple ways, facilitating your future retrieval of your notes and even helping you see unexpected relationships among your tiddlers and the information they contain.
The <<.dlink-ex DOM "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Document_Object_Model">> of a web page is a tree-shaped model of its content, maintained internally by the web browser as the user interacts with that content. Each point in the tree is called a <<.def node>>.
When ~TiddlyWiki is running in a web browser, its [[widgets|Widgets]] are rendered into DOM nodes for display.
When ~TiddlyWiki is running on [[Node.js|TiddlyWiki on Node.js]], it uses a fake DOM to simulate the behaviour of a browser.
The following macros are used throughout ~TiddlyWiki's documentation. Their names start with a dot to keep them out of the way of names that a user might try experimenting with.
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|.def |the defining instance of a term |<<.def widget>> |
|.em |minor emphasis within a sentence |<<.em not>> |
|.place |a placeholder for the user to fill in |<<.place tagname>> |
|.strong |major emphasis within a tiddler |<<.strong Important!>> |
|.word |a mention of an ordinary word or phrase |<<.word "hello world">> |
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|^.tip |^hints and tips |<<.tip "Turn your screen on, otherwise<br>you won't be able to see much.">> |
|^.warning |^warning advice |<<.warning "Make a backup of your file<br>before you upgrade.">> |
|!Macro |!Used for |
|.preamble |an introductory sentence that stands apart from the rest of the tiddler |
!Tiddlers and fields
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|.tid |a tiddler title |<<.tid Example>> |
|.tag |a tag |<<.tag Example>> |
|.field |a field name |<<.field example>> |
|.value |a field value |<<.value "example value">> |
|.op |a filter operator |<<.op backlinks>> |
|.var |a variable or macro name |<<.var currentTiddler>> |
|.wid |a widget name |<<.wid list>> |
|.attr |an attribute name |<<.attr filter>> |
|.param |a macro parameter name |<<.param text>> |
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|.link |a link containing WikiText |<<.link "^^an^^ ~~example~~" Example>> |
|.clink |a code link |<<.clink `<$list>` ListWidget>> |
|.dlink |a link on a defining instance of a term |<<.dlink widget Widgets>> |
|.dlink-ex |an external link on a defining instance of a term |<<.dlink-ex Example "http://example.com/">> |
|.flink |a link to a field |<<.flink ListField>> |
|.mlink |a link to a macro |<<.mlink qualify>> |
|.mlink2 |a link to a macro, with specified target |<<.mlink2 foo "Examples of Macros">> |
|.olink |a link to an operator |<<.olink prefix>> |
|.olink2 |a link to an operator, with specified target |<<.olink2 foo prefix>> |
|.vlink |a link to a variable |<<.vlink currentTiddler>> |
|.vlink2 |a link to a variable, with specified target |<<.vlink2 foo "Examples of Variables">> |
|.wlink |a link to a widget |<<.wlink ButtonWidget>> |
|.wlink2 |a link to a widget, with specified text |<<.wlink2 foo ButtonWidget>> |
!User interface
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|.key |a key on the keyboard |<<.key Escape>> |
|.keycombo |a key combination |<<.keycombo Ctrl Enter>> |
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|.sidebar-tab |the name of a sidebar tab |<<.sidebar-tab More>> |
|.more-tab |the name of a subtab of the More tab |<<.more-tab Shadows>> |
|.info-tab |the name of a tiddler info tab |<<.info-tab Fields>> |
|.controlpanel-tab |the name of a Control Panel tab |<<.controlpanel-tab Settings>> |
|.advancedsearch-tab |the name of an Advanced Search tab |<<.advancedsearch-tab Filter>> |
|.toc-tab |name of the tw5.com TOC tab |<<.toc-tab>> |
|.example-tab |an example tab name |<<.example-tab "Notes">> |
!!Parameters for .sidebar-tab
|Open |<<.sidebar-tab Open>> |
|Recent |<<.sidebar-tab Recent>> |
|Tools |<<.sidebar-tab Tools>> |
|More |<<.sidebar-tab More>> |
!!Parameters for .more-tab
|All |<<.more-tab All>> |
|Recent |<<.more-tab Recent>> |
|Tags |<<.more-tab Tags>> |
|Missing |<<.more-tab Missing>> |
|Drafts |<<.more-tab Drafts>> |
|Orphans |<<.more-tab Orphans>> |
|Types |<<.more-tab Types>> |
|System |<<.more-tab System>> |
|Shadows |<<.more-tab Shadows>> |
!!Parameters for .info-tab
|Tools |<<.info-tab Tools>> |
|References |<<.info-tab References>> |
|Tagging |<<.info-tab Tagging>> |
|List |<<.info-tab List>> |
|Listed |<<.info-tab Listed>> |
|Fields |<<.info-tab Fields>> |
|Advanced |<<.info-tab Advanced>> |
!!Parameters for .controlpanel-tab
|Info |<<.controlpanel-tab Info>> |
|Appearance |<<.controlpanel-tab Appearance>> |
|Settings |<<.controlpanel-tab Settings>> |
|Saving |<<.controlpanel-tab Saving>> |
|Plugins |<<.controlpanel-tab Plugins>> |
!!Parameters for .advancedsearch-tab
|Standard |<<.advancedsearch-tab Standard>> |
|System |<<.advancedsearch-tab System>> |
|Shadows |<<.advancedsearch-tab Shadows>> |
|Filter |<<.advancedsearch-tab Filter>> |
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|.button |a standard button name and icon |<<.button "new-tiddler">> |
!!Parameters for .button
!!!Tiddler toolbar
|clone |<<.button "clone">> |
|close |<<.button "close">> |
|close-others |<<.button "close-others">> |
|edit |<<.button "edit">> |
|export-tiddler |<<.button "export-tiddler">> |
|info |<<.button "info">> |
|more-tiddler-actions |<<.button "more-tiddler-actions">> |
|new-here |<<.button "new-here">> |
|new-journal-here |<<.button "new-journal-here">> |
|permalink |<<.button "permalink">> |
!!!Edit-mode toolbar
|cancel |<<.button "cancel">> |
|delete |<<.button "delete">> |
|save |<<.button "save">> |
!!!Page toolbar
|advanced-search |<<.button "advanced-search">> |
|close-all |<<.button "close-all">> |
|control-panel |<<.button "control-panel">> |
|encryption |<<.button "encryption">> |
|export-page |<<.button "export-page">> |
|full-screen |<<.button "full-screen">> |
|home |<<.button "home">> |
|import |<<.button "import">> |
|language |<<.button "language">> |
|more-page-actions |<<.button "more-page-actions">> |
|new-journal |<<.button "new-journal">> |
|new-tiddler |<<.button "new-tiddler">> |
|permaview |<<.button "permaview">> |
|refresh |<<.button "refresh">> |
|save-wiki |<<.button "save-wiki">> |
|storyview |<<.button "storyview">> |
|tag-manager |<<.button "tag-manager">> |
|theme |<<.button "theme">> |
The documentation for ~TiddlyWiki tries to follow a consistent editorial style. It has two main areas, each with its own tone and audience:
* [[Instruction Tiddlers]]
* [[Reference Tiddlers]]
We keep the two areas distinct. This avoids overwhelming relative newcomers, while still providing quick access to the information that expert users need.
Additional topics:
* [[Tiddler Title Policy]]
* [[Tiddler Structure]]
* [[Spelling]]
* [[Typography]]
* [[Documentation Macros]]
* [[Technical Prose Style]]
[[Filters]] manipulate [[sets of titles|Title Selection]] in which no title may appear more than once. Furthermore, they often need to append one such set to another.
This is done in such a way that, if a title would be duplicated, the earlier copy of that title is discarded. The titles being appended are dominant.
For example, if a selection contains `Andrew Becky Clara Daniel` and `Andrew Barney Clara Daisy` is then appended to it, the result is `Becky Daniel Andrew Barney Clara Daisy`.
Tiddlers that have a `draft.of` field are treated as pending drafts of the tiddler specified in the field. Draft tiddlers should also have a `draft.title` field that specifies the title that will be given to the tiddler when it is saved.
Several features work in concert to give the desired behaviour for draft tiddlers:
* The ListWidget can optionally render draft tiddlers through a different template
* The NavigatorWidget incorporates handlers for the following events:
** `tm-new-tiddler` for creating a new tiddler in draft mode
** `tm-edit-tiddler` for moving a tiddler into edit mode
** `tm-cancel-tiddler` for cancelling a tiddler out of edit mode
** `tm-save-tiddler` for saving a draft tiddler
* Draft tiddlers are automatically excluded from search operations
! Introduction
The dropzone widget creates an area into which the user can drag files and other objects. It also supports pasting via the clipboard, although browser support is currently limited.
It sends a [[WidgetMessage: tm-import-tiddlers]] carrying a JSON representation of the tiddlers to be imported up through its parents. This message usually trapped by the NavigatorWidget which adds the tiddlers to the store and updates the story to display them.
! Content and Attributes
The dropzone widget has no attributes, and displays any contained content within the dropzone.
! Display
The dropzone widget creates an HTML `<div class="tc-dropzone">` to contain its content. During a drag operation the class `tc-dragover` is added. CSS is used to provide user feedback.
! Data types supported
The following data transfer types are supported:
* ''text/vnd.tiddler'' - a list of tiddlers in JSON format (this format is generated by the LinkWidget)
* ''text/plain'' - plain text
* ''text/uri-list'' - a list of URIs as a single tiddler
The <<.def dumpvariables>> [[macro|Macros]] returns a table showing the values of all [[variables|Variables]] and [[macros|Macros]] that exist at that position in the [[widget tree|Widgets]].
It is useful for debugging and exploring ~TiddlyWiki's internals.
Placeholders are replaced with values in the normal way, but using the default values for all macro parameters.
!! Parameters
<<.macro-examples "dumpvariables">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<$set name="EXAMPLE" value="123.$(EXAMPLE2)$.789">
<$set name="EXAMPLE2" value="456">
Each input title is processed in turn. The value of field <<.place F>> in the corresponding tiddler is examined.
:As long as the field's value has not been encountered before, the title is appended to the output.
:The value is treated as a [[title list|Title List]]. Each title in the list considered in turn. If it has not been encountered before, it is appended to the output.
If a tiddler doesn't contain field <<.place F>>, it is treated as if the field's value was empty.
<<.operator-examples "each">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[each[color]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[sort[title]each[type]]" "the alphabetically first tiddler of each type">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[each:list-item[list]]" "all tiddlers listed anywhere in the core list field">>
For an example of using the <<.op each>> operator to generate a two-tier list of groups and members, see [[GroupedLists]].
Each input title is processed in turn. The value of field <<.place F>> in the corresponding tiddler is examined, and as long as this indicates a date that has not been encountered before, the title is appended to the output.
If a tiddler doesn't contain field <<.place F>>, it contributes nothing to the output.
<<.operator-examples "eachday">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[eachday[created]]" "the first tiddler created on each day">>
For an example of using the <<.op eachday>> operator to generate a two-tier list of groups and members, see [[GroupedLists]].
! Introduction
The edit bitmap widget provides a user interface in the browser for editing bitmap tiddlers. It is currently a primitive proof-of-concept, supporting resizing and painting with a single color and line width.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$edit-bitmap>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The tiddler to edit (defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]) |
! Configuration
The edit bitmap widget can be configured with these system tiddlers:
* [[$:/config/BitmapEditor/LineWidth]] determines the line width: <$edit-text tiddler="$:/config/BitmapEditor/LineWidth" tag="input"/>
* [[$:/config/BitmapEditor/Colour]] determines the line color: <$edit-text tiddler="$:/config/BitmapEditor/Colour" tag="input" type="color"/>
Michael Fogleman has written an [[Emacs|http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/]] major mode called [[tid-mode|https://github.com/mwfogleman/tid-mode]], which is for editing TiddlyWiki .tid files. It is derived from text-mode, uses the useful minor modes org-struct and subword, and updates the modified times when you save a .tid file.
He also wrote two helper functions for using TiddlyWiki in Emacs. The first opens a tiddlers directory in Dired; the second opens TiddlyWiki in the browser.
(defun open-wiki ()
"Opens a TiddlyWiki directory in Dired."
(dired "~/Dropbox/wiki/tiddlers/"))
(defun browse-wiki ()
"Opens TiddlyWiki in the browser."
(browse-url ""))
This latter function may require specifying a browser:
(setq browse-url-browser-function 'browse-url-generic
browse-url-generic-program "chromium")
You can bind either of these functions with the global-set-key function:
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c w") 'open-wiki)
At the moment, these are not integrated into tid-mode.
La traduction en Français (France) de TiddlyWiki démarre ici :
* ''documentation'' : http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/fr-FR/index.html
* ''empty'' : http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/fr-FR/empty.html
Each input title is processed in turn, ignoring any that is not the name of a ~TiddlyWiki edition.
TiddlyWiki is distributed in several distinct editions that are tuned for specific purposes.
An edition consists of the TiddlyWiki core components along with plugins, documentation and sample content to get you up and running as quickly as possible.
You can mix and match the components of these editions, to make a unique solution for your particular application.
<<list-links "[tag[Editions]]">>
<$macrocall $name=".tip" _="""Note that editions should not be confused with the [[platforms|Platforms]] on which TiddlyWiki runs (eg as a [[single HTML file|Saving]] vs. [[under Node.js|TiddlyWiki on Node.js]])"""/>
! Introduction
The edit text widget provides a user interface in the browser for editing text tiddler fields. The editing element is dynamically bound to the underlying tiddler value: changes to the tiddler are instantly reflected, and any edits are instantly propogated.
By default, the edit text widget generates a `<textarea>` as the HTML editing element when the `text` field is edited, and a `<input type="text">` element otherwise. This behaviour can be overridden with the `tag` and `type` attributes.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$edit-text>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The tiddler to edit (defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]) |
|field |The field to edit (defaults to `text`). Takes precedence over the `index` attribute |
|index |The index to edit |
|default |The default text to be provided when the target tiddler doesn't exist |
|class |A CSS class to be assigned to the generated HTML editing element |
|placeholder |Placeholder text to be displayed when the edit field is empty |
|focusPopup |Title of a state tiddler for a popup that is displayed when the editing element has focus |
|focus |Set to "true" to automatically focus the editor after creation |
|tag |Overrides the generated HTML editing element tag. Use `textarea` for a multi-line editor |
|type |Overrides the generated HTML editing element `type` attribute |
|size |The size of the input field (in characters) |
|autoHeight |Either "yes" or "no" to specify whether to automatically resize `textarea` editors to fit their content (defaults to "yes") |
|minHeight |Minimum height for automatically resized `textarea` editors, specified in CSS length units such as "px", "em" or "%" |
|rows|Sets the rows attribute of a generated textarea |
! Notes
One trap to be aware of is that the edit text widget //cannot be used// to edit a field of the tiddler that contains it. Each keypress results in the tiddler being re-rendered, which loses the cursor position within the text field.
Instead, place the edit text widget in a [[template|TemplateTiddlers]] that references the tiddler you want to modify.
For example, if you wanted the tiddler GettingStarted to edit the value of the "myconfig" field of the tiddler "AppSettings", you might do so by creating a separate tiddler "ChangeAppSettings" that contains the following:
<$edit-text tiddler="AppSettings" field="myconfig"/>
And reference the template in any other tiddler (e.g. GettingStarted) with `{{ChangeAppSettings}}`.
This works when your use of the tiddler //is not// the AppSettings itself which would cause a recursion problem. In this latter case you have to save the fields to a temporary (or alternative) tiddler (sort of the reverse of above) like so:
<$edit-text tiddler="StoreAppSettings" field="myconfig"/>
In short the EditTextWidget //can not// change properties of the tiddler it is embedded in or part of. It can only change fields of //other// tiddlers. One could use ShadowTiddlers to accomplish the field storage if needed.
! Introduction
The edit widget provides a general purpose interface for editing a tiddler. It dynamically chooses the appropriate widget depending on the type of the tiddler (currently either the EditTextWidget or the EditBitmapWidget).
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$edit>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The tiddler to edit (defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]) |
|field |The field to edit (defaults to `text`). Takes precedence over the `index` attribute |
|index |The index to edit |
|class |A CSS class to be added the generated editing widget |
The "empty" edition of TiddlyWiki is a vanilla distribution, with no additional plugins or configuration beyond the core code.
The empty edition can be downloaded from:
<a href="empty.html" target="_blank">empty.html</a>
When used as a single HTML file, TiddlyWiki5 allows content to be encrypted using the [[Stanford JavaScript Crypto Library]].
# Switch to the ''Tools'' tab in the sidebar and look for the button with a padlock icon
# If the button is labelled "set password" then the current wiki is not encrypted. Clicking the button will prompt for a password that will be used to encrypt subsequent saves
# If the button is labelled "clear password" then the current wiki is already encrypted. Clicking the button will remove the password so that subsequent saves will be unencrypted
# Optionally, open the saved file in a text editor and verify that your data is encrypted
# Open the file in your browser. You will be prompted for a password before the content is displayed
Note that TiddlyWiki has two other unrelated features concerned with passwords/encryption:
* The ability to set a password when saving to TiddlySpot. This is done in the "Saving" tab of control panel
* The ability to use standard HTTP basic authentication with the [[Node.js|TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] server configuration. This is done on the command line with the ServerCommand. Combined with SSL, this gives the same level of transit encryption as you'd get with online services like Google or Dropbox, but there is no encryption of data on disk
! Introduction
The encrypt widget renders a filtered list of tiddlers to an encrypted block with the password currently held in the PasswordVault. The encrypted block can subsequently be decrypted by the TiddlyWiki5 BootMechanism. See the EncryptionMechanism for more details.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$encrypt>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|filter |Filter defining the tiddlers to be included in the encrypted block. If not specified then all non-system tiddlers are used |
[[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] supports the following OS environment variables for specifying a colon-delimited list of paths to search for plugins and editions:
* `TIDDLYWIKI_PLUGIN_PATH` - Search path for ordinary plugins
* `TIDDLYWIKI_THEME_PATH` - Search path for themes
* `TIDDLYWIKI_LANGUAGE_PATH` - Search path for languages
* `TIDDLYWIKI_EDITION_PATH` - Search path for editions (used by the InitCommand)
The additional paths should each point to folders structured like the equivalent directories in the TiddlyWiki5 GitHub repository: the plugin, theme and language directories contain `publisher/pluginname/<files>` while the edition directories contain `editionname/<files>`
For example:
tiddlywiki mywiki --build index
I collect my tw5 creations on-line as http://eucaly-tw5.tiddlyspot.com/
Available Plugins :
*TitleMe - Return in-place tiddler title, to link / show / edit the source tiddler
*QuickJump - Quick jump to tiddlers in story list
*FlexWidth - Flexibly tweak sidebar width for TiddlyWiki 5 (Inspired by TW5 tristate Sidebar)
*MatchFilter - returns matching text instead of a list of the tiddlers from FieldFilter
*PopupTagger - TagBar / TagTable with popup list of tags (Inspired by MonkeyTaggerMacro for TiddlyWiki classic)
This tiddler exists to demonstrate the <<.mlink tag>> macro.
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-expandable "Contents">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-selective-expandable "Contents">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc "Contents">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-expandable "Contents" "sort[title]">>
unselectedText="<p>Select a topic in the table of contents. Click the arrow to expand a topic.</p>"
missingText="<p>Missing tiddler.</p>"
unselectedText="<p>Select a topic in the table of contents. Click the arrow to expand a topic.</p>"
missingText="<p>Missing tiddler.</p>"
unselectedText="<p>Select a topic in the table of contents. Click the arrow to expand a topic.</p>"
missingText="<p>Missing tiddler.</p>"
unselectedText="<p>Select a topic in the table of contents. Click the arrow to expand a topic.</p>"
missingText="<p>Missing tiddler.</p>"
This collection showcases inspiring and interesting examples of TiddlyWiki being used in the wild.
Submit new entries to this collection via GitHub, Twitter or by posting in the [[TiddlyWiki Groups|Forums]].
<div class="tc-link-info">
<$list filter="[tag[Examples]!sort[modified]]">
<div class="tc-link-info-item">
! <$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
<div class="tc-subtitle">Posted <$view field="modified" format="relativedate"/></div>
External images in TiddlyWiki are tiddlers that point to the URI of an image, rather than embedding the full image data. They can perform better than embedded images, particularly with large numbers or sizes of images. However, using them breaks the single file pattern of TiddlyWiki.
External images are used in the browser. They can be created by the Node.js configuration when it builds a TiddlyWiki, or they can be created manually within the browser.
! What is an External Image
An external image is an ordinary image tiddler that has a ''_canonical_uri'' field containing the URI of the image. The URI can be absolute or relative to the HTML document. If the canonical URI is provided then the ''text'' field of the tiddler is ignored and so should be omitted.
! Manually Creating External Images
To manually create an external image just create the tiddler with the appropriate image content type, and add a ''_canonical_uri'' field with a URI pointing to the actual image location.
''IMPORTANT:'' Double-check your spelling. ``_canonical_uri`` is spelled [[URI|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URI#The_relationship_between_URIs.2C_URLs.2C_and_URNs]], not URL.
! Creating external images under Node.js
The following steps are used to create a static HTML file version of a wiki accompanied by an ''images'' folder containing the referenced external images:
# Create image tiddlers in your TiddlyWikiFolders in the usual way
# Save the images as separate files (by convention, in a subfolder named ''images'')
# Externalise the image tiddlers by giving them a ''_canonical_uri'' field
# Save the main HTML file
Note the image files must be saved before they are externalised. Externalising them destroys the ''text'' field within the in-memory copy of the wiki store, meaning that attempts to save them will fail.
For an example see the ''externalimages'' build target of the demo ''tw5.com'' wiki:
--savetiddlers [is[image]] images
--setfield [is[image]] _canonical_uri $:/core/templates/canonical-uri-external-image text/plain
--setfield [is[image]] text "" text/plain
--rendertiddler $:/core/save/all externalimages.html text/plain
!! Saving Separate Image Files
The following `--savetiddlers` command can be used to save the images of a wiki into an ''images'' subfolder:
--savetiddlers [is[image]] images
!! Externalising Image Tiddlers
Two `--setfield` commands are used: the first sets the ''_canonical_uri'' field to a URI derived from the title of the tiddler, and the second clears the text field.
--setfield [is[image]] _canonical_uri $:/core/templates/canonical-uri-external-image text/plain
--setfield [is[image]] text "" text/plain
The template tiddler [[$:/core/templates/canonical-uri-external-image]] contains:
<$view tiddler="$:/core/templates/canonical-uri-external-image" field="text" format="text"/>
Note that these operations modify the tiddlers in the wiki store and so may affect the operation of subsequent commands.
! Using External Images
You can't edit an external image directly in the browser except by changing the URI field to point to a different image.
Further information about specific TiddlyWiki features:
<<list-links "[tag[Features]]">>
Last but not least, TiddlyWiki is a rare example of a practical [[quine|Quine]]
Federatial Limited is a software consultancy founded by JeremyRuston specializing in understanding the impact of the web on the way that we work together.
See http://federatial.com/ and http://twitter.com/federatial for more information.
If <<.place S>> is empty, <<.op field>> will match both of the following:
* tiddlers that don't contain field <<.place F>>
* tiddlers in which field <<.place F>> exists but has an empty value
The syntax of a [[filter step|Filter Step]] treats any unrecognised [[filter operator|Filter Operators]] as if it was the suffix to the <<.op field>> operator. See the <<.operator-examples "field" "examples">>.
<<.operator-examples "field">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[field:author[JeremyRuston]]" "plugins authored by JeremyRuston">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[plugin-type[theme]author[JeremyRuston]]" "themes authored by JeremyRuston">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
Add tag ''example'' to this tiddler (current)<$button message="tm-add-tag" param="example">{{$:/core/images/new-button}}</$button>
Remove tag ''example'' to this tiddler (current)<$button message="tm-remove-tag" param="example">{{$:/core/images/delete-button}}</$button>
! Introduction
The field mangler widget manipulates the fields and tags of a tiddler. It does so in response to the following [[Messages]]:
|!Message |!Description |
|''tm-remove-field'' |Remove the field specified in `event.param` |
|''tm-add-field'' |Add the field specified in `event.param` |
|''tm-remove-tag'' |Remove the tag specified in `event.param` |
|''tm-add-tag'' |Add the tag specified in `event.param` |
! Content and Attributes
The field mangler widget displays any contained content, and responds to [[Messages]] dispatched within it.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |Title of the tiddler to manipulate (defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]) |
<<.widget-examples "FieldMangler">>
Each input title is processed in turn. Its list of field names is retrieved (in no particular order) and then [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's output.
<<.operator-examples "fields">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[HelloThere]fields[]]" "fields of HelloThere">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[tag[Common Operators]fields[]]" "fields of all tiddlers tagged as [[Common Operators]]">>
! Introduction
The fields widget renders each field of a specified tiddler through a simple text template. A list of fields to exclude can be provided. It is used internally by TiddlyWiki5, notably by the FileSavingMechanism.
!! Template Handling
The provided template is rendered with the following special substitutions:
|!Symbol |!Substitution |
|$name$ |Field name |
|$value$ |Field value |
|$encoded_value$ |HTML encoded form of field value |
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$fields>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |Title of the tiddler from which the fields are to be displayed (defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]) |
|template |Text of the template (see above) |
|exclude |Lists of fields to be excluded (defaults to "text") |
|stripTitlePrefix |If set to "yes" then curly bracketed prefixes are removed from titles (for example `{prefix}HelloThere` converts to `HelloThere`) |
The `stripTitlePrefix` attribute is used when building TiddlyWiki Classic; see `editions/tw2` in the TiddlyWiki5 repo.
<$railroad text="""
[: [[whitespace|"Filter Whitespace"]] ]
[[run|"Filter Run"]]
A <<.def "filter expression">> is the outermost level of the [[filter syntax|Filter Syntax]]. It consists of one or more [[runs|Filter Run]].
A run's input is normally a list of all the non-[[shadow|ShadowTiddlers]] tiddler titles in the wiki (in no particular order). But the `+` prefix can change this.
* If a run has no `+` or `-` prefix, its output titles are [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the filter's output.
* If a run has a `-` prefix, its output titles are <<.em removed>> from the filter's output (if they were present).
* If a run has a `+` prefix, it receives the filter's output so far as its input. The filter's output is then completely <<.em replaced>> by the run's output. Any subsequent run reverts to receiving all tiddler titles as its input, unless it too has a `+` prefix.
In concise technical terms:
|!Run |!Interpretation |!Output |
|`run` |union of sets |... OR run |
|`+run` |intersection of sets |... AND run |
|`-run` |difference of sets |... AND NOT run |
\define .operator-rows(filter)
<$list filter="$filter$"><tr>
<td><$link to={{!!title}}>{{!!caption}}</$link></td>
<td>{{!!op-purpose}} <$list filter="[all[current]tag[Common Operators]]">{{$:/core/images/done-button}}</$list></td>
<td align="center"><$list filter="[all[current]tag[Negatable Operators]]">`!`</$list></td>
\define .group-heading(_)
<tr class="doc-table-subheading"><th colspan="3" align="center">$_$</th></tr>
A <<.def "filter operator">> is a predefined keyword attached to an individual [[step|Filter Step]] of a [[filter|Filters]]. It defines the particular action of that step.
The following table lists all the core operators. The commonest ones are checkmarked. The third column indicates which operators allow <$link to="Filter Step">the <code>!</code> prefix</$link> to reverse their meaning.
<th align="left">Operator</th>
<th align="left">Purpose</th>
<th align="left">Neg</th>
<<.operator-rows "[tag[Filter Operators]!tag[Order Operators]!tag[String Operators]!tag[Tag Operators]!tag[Special Operators]sort[]]">>
<<.group-heading "Order Operators">>
<<.operator-rows "[tag[Filter Operators]tag[Order Operators]!tag[Listops Operators]!tag[String Operators]!tag[Tag Operators]!tag[Special Operators]sort[]]">>
<<.group-heading "Listops Operators">>
<<.operator-rows "[tag[Filter Operators]tag[Listops Operators]tag[Order Operators]!tag[String Operators]!tag[Tag Operators]!tag[Special Operators]sort[]]">>
<<.group-heading "String Operators">>
<<.operator-rows "[tag[Filter Operators]!tag[Order Operators]tag[String Operators]!tag[Tag Operators]!tag[Special Operators]sort[]]">>
<<.group-heading "Tag Operators">>
<<.operator-rows "[tag[Filter Operators]!tag[Order Operators]!tag[String Operators]tag[Tag Operators]!tag[Special Operators]sort[]]">>
<<.group-heading "Special Operators">>
<<.operator-rows "[tag[Filter Operators]!tag[Order Operators]!tag[String Operators]!tag[Tag Operators]tag[Special Operators]sort[]]">>
A typical step is written as `[operator[parameter]]`, although not all of the operators need a [[parameter|Filter Parameter]].
Most steps process the [[selection of titles|Title Selection]] that are supplied as their input, but a few [[construct an entirely new selection|Selection Constructors]] instead. For the exact rules, see [[Filter Syntax]].
<$railroad text="""
( "[" [:{/"anything but ]"/}] "]"
"{" [:{/"anything but }"/}] "}"
"<" [:{/"anything but >"/}] ">"
The parameter to a [[filter operator|Filter Operators]] can be:
;<<.def hard>>
: `[like this]`
: The parameter is the exact text that appears between the square brackets.
;<<.def soft>>
: <<.def indirect>>
:: `{like this}`
:: The parameter is the text indicated by the [[text reference|TextReference]] whose name appears between the curly brackets, i.e. a [[field|TiddlerFields]] of a specified tiddler, or the value of a property of a specified [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]].
: <<.def variable>>
:: `<like this>`
:: The parameter is the current value of the [[variable|Variables]] whose name appears between the angle brackets. Macro parameters are <<.em not>> supported.
<$railroad text="""
( "[" { [[step|"Filter Step"]] } "]"
[:{/"anything but [ ] or whitespace"/}]
'"' [:{/'anything but "'/}] '"'
"'" [:{/"anything but '"/}] "'"
A <<.def run>> consists of [[steps|Filter Step]], and it outputs a [[selection|Title Selection]] that contributes to a larger [[filter expression|Filter Expression]].
The steps are processed from left to right. The input to the first step is same as the input to the run. For each subsequent step, the input is the output of the previous step.
{{Selection Constructors}}
The lower three options in the diagram match syntax like `HelloThere`, `"HelloThere"`, `'HelloThere'` and `"Filter Operators"`. They are short for `[title[...]]`.
The quoted options exist to support titles that contain square brackets, as in `"An [[[[Unusual]]]] Tiddler"`.
<$railroad text="""
[: [[operator|"Filter Operators"]] [:":" suffix] ]
[[parameter|"Filter Parameter"]]
A <<.def step>> represents a single operation within a [[filter|Filter Syntax]].
In programming terms, it is akin to a function call to which [[the step's input|Filter Run]] is passed as an implicit parameter. A step's output is a [[selection|Title Selection]] that contributes to a [[run|Filter Run]] and hence to the entire [[filter expression|Filter Expression]] that contains it.
The step's <<.def operator>> is drawn from a list of [[predefined keywords|Filter Operators]], which can be extended by plugins. Any unrecognised operator is treated as if it was the suffix to the <<.olink field>> operator. If a step's operator is omitted altogether, it defaults to `title`.
The <<.def suffix>> is additional text, often the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]], that extends the meaning of certain operators.
Many steps require an explicit <<.def parameter>> value, also known as an <<.def operand>>, that further defines what the step is to do.
<<.preamble """[[Filters]] follow a grammar that is presented here, using [[railroad diagrams|Railroad Diagrams]], for those who find formal syntax descriptions helpful. However, you can [[learn to write filters|Introduction to filter notation]] without needing to understand this group of tiddlers.""">>
A <<.def filter>> is a pipeline for transforming an <<.def input>> into an <<.def output>>. Both the input and the output are [[ordered sets of titles|Title Selection]] of things like tiddlers and fields.
Filters are [[expressions|Filter Expression]] constructed from smaller building blocks, called [[runs|Filter Run]] and [[steps|Filter Step]], each of which also transforms an input to an output.
A filter starts with an empty output. Its runs are processed from left to right, progressively modifying the output.
Here are details of the various building blocks involved:
<<list-links "[tag[Filter Syntax]]">>
<$railroad text="""
{( "space" | "tab" | "linefeed" | "return" | "vertical tab" | "formfeed" )}
Whitespace characters can appear between each [[run|Filter Run]] of a [[filter expression|Filter Expression]].
You can think of TiddlyWiki as a database in which the records are tiddlers. A database typically provides a way of discovering which records match a given pattern, and in ~TiddlyWiki this is done with filters.
A <<.def filter>> is a concise notation for selecting a particular [[set of tiddlers|Title Selection]], known as its <<.def "output">>. Whenever ~TiddlyWiki encounters a filter, it calculates the output. Further work can then be done with just those tiddlers, such as [[counting|CountWidget]] or [[listing|ListWidget]] them.
The following example passes a filter to the <<.mlink list-links>> macro to display a list of all tiddlers whose titles start with the letter H:
> `<<list-links "[prefix[H]]">>`
A filter's output can change as tiddlers are added and deleted in the wiki. ~TiddlyWiki recalculates on the fly, automatically updating any filter-based counts or lists as well.
[[Advanced Search|$:/AdvancedSearch]] has a <<.advancedsearch-tab Filter>> tab that makes it easy to experiment with filters.
;Find out more:
* [[Introduction to filter notation]] -- a step-by-step walkthrough
* [[Filter Syntax]] -- the detailed technical rules
* [[Filter Operators]] -- the available methods of filtering
<<.operator-examples "first">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]first[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]first[5]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[tag[Filter Operators]!sort[title]first[]]">>
Available character formatting includes:
* <code>`backticks`</code> for `code`
** Alternatively, <code>``double backticks allows `embedded` backticks``</code>
* `''bold''` for ''bold text''
* `//italic//` for //italic text//
* `__underscore__` for __underscored text__
* `^^superscript^^` for ^^superscript^^ text
* `,,subscript,,` for ,,subscripted,, text
* `~~strikethrough~~` for ~~strikethrough~~ text
See also: [[Code Blocks in WikiText]]
Within the text of a tiddler you can use special formatting called WikiText to control how the text is displayed.
! Simple Formatting
At its simplest, WikiText lets you use familiar word-processing features like bold, italic, lists and tables. For example:
The ''quick'' brown ~~flea~~ fox //jumps// over the `lazy` dog
… displays as:
The ''quick'' brown ~~flea~~ fox //jumps// over the `lazy` dog
! Working with Tiddlers
In WikiText, you can link to tiddlers using double square brackets, or by taking advantage of the automatic linking of CamelCase words:
This is a link to HelloThere, and one to [[History of TiddlyWiki]]
… displays as:
This is a link to HelloThere, and one to [[History of TiddlyWiki]]
! Macros
Macros let you package repetitive fragments of WikiText so that you can easily reuse them.
For example, here is the definition of a macro that generates a ~YouTube video URL from its unique identifier:
\define youtube(video)
With that definition in place, `<<youtube 1g66s7UbyuU>>` generates the URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1g66s7UbyuU
! Advanced WikiText
Advanced WikiText features allow you to produce automated lists and interactive features like dropdown menus. In fact, the entire user interface of TiddlyWiki itself is written in WikiText, so any feature that you see in TiddlyWiki can be adapted for use in your own wikis.
Some of the advanced features require complex coding. TiddlyWiki includes several built-in macros that simplify common user interface tasks, like tabs, tables of content, and lists of tiddlers.
! Find out more
See [[WikiText]] for a detailed introduction to writing WikiText.
! Users
The ~TiddlyWiki discussion groups are mailing lists for talking about ~TiddlyWiki: requests for help, announcements of new releases and plugins, debating new features, or just sharing experiences. You can participate via the associated website, or subscribe via email.
* The main ~TiddlyWiki group: http://groups.google.com/group/TiddlyWiki
*> Note that you do not need a Google Account to join the discussion groups. Subscribe by sending an email to mailto:tiddlywiki+subscribe@googlegroups.com or mailto:tiddlywikidev+subscribe@googlegroups.com.
* Watch recordings of our regular [[TiddlyWiki Hangouts]]
* Follow [[@TiddlyWiki on Twitter|http://twitter.com/TiddlyWiki]] for the latest news
! Developers
* The TiddlyWikiDev group for developers: http://groups.google.com/group/TiddlyWikiDev
*> Note that you do not need a Google Account to join the discussion groups. Subscribe by sending an email to mailto:tiddlywiki+subscribe@googlegroups.com or mailto:tiddlywikidev+subscribe@googlegroups.com.
* Follow [[@TiddlyWiki on Twitter|http://twitter.com/#!/TiddlyWiki]] for the latest news
* Get involved in the [[development on GitHub|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5]]
New releases of TiddlyWiki, TiddlyDesktop and TiddlyFox are announced via the discussion groups and [[Twitter|https://twitter.com/TiddlyWiki]] (you can also subscribe to an Atom/RSS feed of [[TiddlyWiki releases from GitHub|https://github.com/jermolene/tiddlywiki5/releases.atom]])
The "full" edition of TiddlyWiki consists of all the available languages, themes and plugins for TiddlyWiki. It is intended for use in testing TiddlyWiki - in particular, for switching between all the available language plugins.
The full edition can be downloaded from:
<a href="editions/full/index.html" target="_blank">editions/full/index.html</a>
TiddlyWiki is designed with the long term needs of its users in mind. Because it is OpenSource and needs no infrastructure, we can be confident that all we'll need to access a ~TiddlyWiki file even in the far future is an ordinary HTML browser. If you're starting to use ~TiddlyWiki at the beginning of your career you can be confident that it will carry you through to retirement.
TiddlyWiki5 can be used to generate static HTML representations of a TiddlyWiki that doesn't need JavaScript.
There is much flexibility in how the static HTML is generated. The following scenarios are all illustrated on http://tiddlywiki.com.
! Wiki Snapshots and Tiddler Snapshots
You can explore a static representation of this TiddlyWiki at <a href="static.html">static.html</a>. That file is a static snapshot of the current DefaultTiddlers. Any tiddlers that it links to are referred to via URLs of the form `/static/HelloThere.html` that point to static snapshots of individual tiddlers. The tiddler HTML files reference a `static.css` stylesheet file.
The following commands are used to generate the sample static version of the TiddlyWiki5 site:
--rendertiddlers [!is[system]] $:/core/templates/static.tiddler.html static text/plain
--rendertiddler $:/core/templates/static.template.html static.html text/plain
--rendertiddler $:/core/templates/static.template.css static/static.css text/plain
The first RenderTiddlersCommand generates the HTML representations of individual tiddlers, the second RenderTiddlerCommand saves the static version of the DefaultTiddlers, and the final RenderTiddlerCommand saves the stylesheet. (All the files are placed in the `output` folder of the wiki folder).
! Wiki Snapshot with Internal Links
It is also possible to produce a single HTML file that contains static representations of tiddlers, and uses standard HTML anchor links to jump between them.
For example: <a href="alltiddlers.html">alltiddlers.html</a>
The example is built by the following commands:
--rendertiddler $:/core/templates/alltiddlers.template.html alltiddlers.html text/plain
Each input title is processed in turn. If the corresponding tiddler contains field <<.place F>>, and the value of this field is not empty, then its value is appended to the output.
Unlike most other [[Filter Operators]], the [[selection|Title Selection]] output by <<.op get>> can contain duplicates. To avoid duplicates, use `each[F]get[F]`.
<<.operator-examples "get">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[all[current]get[draft.of]]" "the title of the tiddler of which the current tiddler is a draft">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[get[tags]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[each[tags]get[tags]]">>
//This is a sample task for the TaskManagementExample//
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="the name of a [[property|DataTiddlers]]"
output="the values of property <<.place P>> in each of the input titles"
Each input title is processed in turn, and is ignored if it does not denote a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]]. If the tiddler contains property <<.place P>>, the value of that property is [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the output.
<<.operator-examples "getindex">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[$:/palettes/Vanilla]getindex[background]]" "returns the value at index ''background'' of the [[DataTiddler|DataTiddlers]] [[$:/palettes/Vanilla]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[tag[$:/tags/Palette]getindex[background]]" "returns all background colors defined in any of the ColourPalettes">>
This brief tutorial takes you through the basics of saving changes with a standalone TiddlyWiki file.
//Note that the video is a bit out of date, and will be updated soon!//
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/1g66s7UbyuU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
\define default-platform()
GettingStarted - $(browser-name)$
Brief instructions for getting started on the different platforms and configurations that TiddlyWiki supports. See the [[A Gentle Guide to TiddlyWiki]] for a more leisurely introduction.
<$set name="browser-name" value={{$:/info/browser/name}}>
<$macrocall $name="tabs" state="$:/state/tabs/platform" tabsList="[prefix[GettingStarted - ]]" default=<<default-platform>> class="tc-vertical"/>
* Don't attempt to use the browser ''File''/''Save'' menu option to save changes (it doesn't work)
See also:
* [[Encryption]] explains how to use TiddlyWiki's built-in encryption to protect your content with a password
* [[Saving on TiddlySpot]], a free service that lets you use TiddlyWiki online
* Saving on TiddlyDesktop, a custom desktop application for working with TiddlyWiki
* You can also download this full TiddlyWiki including all the documentation:
If the button doesn't work save this link:
<a href="http://tiddlywiki.com/index.html" download="index.html">~http://tiddlywiki.com/index.html</a>
Your browser may ask you to accept the download before it begins
There are two options for using TiddlyWiki on Android:
! Using Firefox and TiddlyFox
{{Saving with TiddlyFox on Android}}
! Using the AndTidWiki App
{{Saving on Android}}
TiddlyWiki on Google Chrome can only save changes using the HTML5-compatible fallback saver module.
{{Saving with the HTML5 fallback saver}}
Firefox provides the best user experience for using TiddlyWiki with the TiddlyFox browser extension.
{{Saving with TiddlyFox}}
{{Saving with TiddlyIE}}
The [[Windows HTA Hack]] describes an alternative method of using TiddlyWiki with Internet Explorer.
{{Saving on iPad/iPhone}}
{{Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js}}
TiddlyWiki on Safari can only save changes using the manual HTML5-compatible fallback saver module.
{{Saving on Safari}}
GitHub is a hosting service for distributed projects that use git as their version-control system. It allows free hosting and management of open-source projects and facilitates collaborative developement on the source code. Using GitHub for non-open-source endeavors requires additional fees.
The code and documentation of TiddlyWiki is hosted on GitHub at:
//This is a sample task for the TaskManagementExample//
The following sidebar tabs give examples of grouped lists created by nesting.
!! Types Tab
For the [[Types|$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/Types]] tab, the outer list filter as shown below selects each discrete value found in the `type` field. The inner list filter selects all the (non-system) tiddlers with that type.
<<tw-code "$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/Types">>
!! Recent Tab
The list in the [[Recent|$:/core/ui/SideBar/Recent]] tab is generated using the <<.mlink timeline>> macro. Here, the outer list filter selects each discrete day found in the `modified` field, while the inner list filter selects all the tiddlers dated the same day in the `modified` field.
<<tw-code-link "$:/core/macros/timeline">>
TiddlyWiki makes a great GuerillaWiki in situations where it is not practical to use a traditional wiki.
For instance, in a corporate setting, persuading an over-worked IT department to install a Wiki server for you is seldom going to be possible overnight. And if your PC is locked down you can't install a conventional Wiki yourself. Equally, you can't go and use one of the public hosted Wiki services because your Information Security department would not allow all that corporate data to flow into an outside server.
TiddlyWiki slices through those barriers by being usable on virtually all PCs.
A <<.def "hard link">> is one that can be detected by a superficial examination of WikiText.
A link is <<.def "soft">> if it is:
* contained in text [[trancluded|Transclusion]] from elsewhere
* supplied via a [[macro|Macros]] or [[variable|Variables]]
* generated by a link widget whose <<.attr to>> attribute is a transclusion, macro or variable
<$macrocall $name=".warning" _="""Soft links are not detected by link-related filter operators such as <<.olink backlinks>>, <<.olink links>>, <<.olink all>> and <<.olink is>>."""/>
The usual handling of [[paragraphs in wikitext|Paragraphs in WikiText]] causes single line breaks to be ignored, and double linebreaks to be interpreted as the end of a paragraph.
This behaviour isn't convenient when dealing with material that incorporates hard linebreaks - for instance, poetry. You can mark a block of content as containing hard line breaks like this:
<<wikitext-example src:'"""
This is a line
and this is a new line
while this is yet another line
and this is the final one
apart from this one
<<.operator-examples "has">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[has[color]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[tag[Concepts]!has[modified]]">>
A tiddler is deemed to have been modified if it has been written back to the wiki since the start of the current ~TiddlyWiki session. If you edit a tiddler and immediately store it again without making any changes, that is enough to mark it as modified.
<<.operator-examples "haschanged">>
Headings are specified with one or more leading `!` characters:
! This is a level 1 heading
!! This is a level 2 heading
!!! This is a level 3 heading
CSS classes can be assigned to individual headings like this:
!.myStyle This heading has the class `myStyle`
''Have you ever had the feeling that your head is not quite big enough to hold everything you need to remember?''
Welcome to TiddlyWiki, a unique [[non-linear|Philosophy of Tiddlers]] notebook for [[capturing|Creating and editing tiddlers]], [[organising|Structuring TiddlyWiki]] and [[sharing|Sharing your tiddlers with others]] complex information.
Use it to keep your [[to-do list|TaskManagementExample]], to plan an [[essay or novel|"TiddlyWiki for Scholars" by Alberto Molina]], or to organise your wedding. Record every thought that crosses your brain, or build a flexible and responsive website.
<div style="font-size:0.7em;text-align:center;margin-top:2em;margin-bottom:2em;">
<<list-thumbnails filter:"[tag[HelloThumbnail]]" width:"168" height:"95">>
Unlike conventional online services, TiddlyWiki lets you choose where to keep your data, guaranteeing that in the decades to come you will still be able to use the notes you take today.
<div style="font-size:0.7em;text-align:center;margin-top:3em;margin-bottom:3em;">
<a href="http://groups.google.com/group/TiddlyWiki" class="tc-btn-big-green" style="background-color:#FF8C19;" target="_blank">
{{$:/core/images/mail}} ~TiddlyWiki Mailing List
<a href="https://twitter.com/TiddlyWiki" class="tc-btn-big-green" style="background-color:#5E9FCA;" target="_blank">
{{$:/core/images/twitter}} @~TiddlyWiki on Twitter
<a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5" class="tc-btn-big-green" style="background-color:#444;" target="_blank">
{{$:/core/images/github}} ~TiddlyWiki on ~GitHub
If you find TiddlyWiki useful, there are lots of ways you can help assure its future and make it better.
! Teach and Tell
OpenSource projects like ~TiddlyWiki thrive on the feedback and engagement of users. ~TiddlyWiki becomes more useful to everyone as more and more people use it. So, if you find ~TiddlyWiki useful, spread the word. The best possible way to assure its future is for it to become a hundred times more popular than before.
* [img[https://img.shields.io/twitter/url/http/tiddlywiki.com.svg?style=social]]
* Tweet about ~TiddlyWiki: [[I love TiddlyWiki because...|https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=I+love+TiddlyWiki+because...&source=tiddlywiki5]]
* [img[https://img.shields.io/github/stars/jermolene/tiddlywiki5.svg?style=social&label=Star]]
* [[Star the TiddlyWiki5 GitHub Repository|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5]]
* [[Display the TiddlyWiki Poster|http://tiddlywiki.com/poster]]
[img width=232 [Tiddler Poster.png]]
! Help improve the documentation and code
There are many ways you can contribute to ~TiddlyWiki:
* Writing tutorials
* Contributing to the documentation on tiddlywiki.com
* Making video screencasts
* Curating relevant links, hints and tips on a wiki
The main ~TiddlyWiki documentation and code lives on GitHub, and welcomes [[contributions|Contributing]]:
* https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5
Until a proper user interface is built, KeyboardShortcuts can only be altered via hidden settings:
$:/config/shortcuts/cancel-edit-tiddler - keyboard shortcut for cancelling editing
$:/config/shortcuts/save-tiddler - keyboard shortcut for confirming editing a tiddler
When TiddlyWiki first opens in the browser the search box is automatically given the focus by default. If this causes problems, you can change the default by changing this value from ''true'' to ''false'':
TiddlyWiki defers processing changes to draft tiddlers until a timeout has elapsed. The default value of 400ms gives a good balance of responsiveness in most cases but isn't always optimal on lower powered mobile devices.
The timeout can now be changed by changing this value (in milliseconds):
The most useful configuration settings for TiddlyWiki are exposed in the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] but some more advanced settings do not have a full user interface. Instead, the underlying configuration tiddlers are edited directly.
To change these settings on an empty TiddlyWiki, you can drag the links to the individual configuration tiddlers directly from this wiki into yours.
<<list-links "[tag[Hidden Settings]]">>
The Highlight plugin provides the ability to apply syntax colouring to text.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/highlight/
//These are personal reflections on the history and development of TiddlyWiki from JeremyRuston//
! Origins of TiddlyWiki
Back in 1997 a colleague introduced me to [[Ward Cunningham's original wiki|http://c2.com/cgi/wiki]]. I was impressed that something so powerful could fit into just 700 lines of Perl, and fascinated by the radical reimagining of security and permissions. Like many other developers, I took every opportunity I could to try out various wikis, and to explore their use at work.
The allure of the wiki for me was the feeling that it could eventually disrupt the prevailing paradigm of print-oriented documents and emails.
After watching people use wikis for a few years, I noticed that power users made extensive use of the ability to open multiple wiki pages at once in several browser tabs, making it easier for them to compare and review pages, to copy text between them and to act as a sort of queue of pages yet to be read.
I felt that this ability to manipulate multiple pages at once was central to the ability to refactor a wiki, and it is generally accepted that a wiki that is lovingly refactored tends to be more useful. And yet, standard wiki user interfaces have always been designed exclusively for the presentation and manipulation of single pages at once.
All of these thoughts came together when I saw GMail in April 2004, which used Ajax cleverly to blend individual emails into threaded conversations.
I started experimenting with HTML and JavaScript to explore the idea further. I'd had virtually no experience of either, just having put together some static pages and simple ASP sites in previous lives. Getting my head around these client-side technologies was painful; like everyone else, I was horrified to discover how appalling were the incompatibilities and inconsistencies of web programming.
! Launch of TiddlyWiki
So, in September 2004 I released a primitive [[first version of TiddlyWiki|http://classic.tiddlywiki.com/firstversion.html]]. It was the smallest possible thing that demonstrated the idea: it was a simple, self-contained static 48KB HTML file.
The downside of writing the first version of TiddlyWiki in this way was that it made it completely impractical to use for editing - when you click 'save changes' it just pops up a window showing the data that would be saved if it were possible for an HTML page to write to the file system.
Much of the early feedback was that TiddlyWiki was neat, but that it would be more useful when it was possible to properly save changes. I was a little frustrated, as I thought I knew that it was impossible for an HTML file running in the browser to save changes to the local file system.
Within a few months I saw an experimental Firefox extension that enabled TiddlyWiki to save changes in the browser. Examining the code, I realised that the APIs that it used to write to the file system were actually available in ordinary HTML files - as long as they were loaded via a `file://` URI.
I adapted the Firefox code into the core of TiddlyWiki, and soon added a similar ability for Internet Explorer (making use of an old ActiveX control that Microsoft distributed with Internet Explorer).
! Growth of TiddlyWiki
A major milestone in the growth of TiddlyWiki was the creation of "GTDTiddlyWiki" by Nathan Bowers. He took the vanilla TiddlyWiki product and adapted it for the specific application of keeping track of tasks using the popular Getting Things Done methodology. GTDTiddlyWiki was an immediate hit, being enthusiastically greeted on websites like LifeHacker.
Over the next couple of years TiddlyWiki continued to grow in popularity, and gained new features and capabilities. Within a year I was able to support myself by performing bespoke development work on TiddlyWiki, notably working with wiki pioneer SocialText on the ability to synchronise changes with an online server
! BT Acquisition
In May 2007, [[BT]] acquired [[Osmosoft]], my consultancy company. It was an unusual decision to acquire a company with a single employee and a tiny trickle of revenue - [[Osmosoft]] didn't even own the intellectual property in TiddlyWiki since I had handed it over to UnaMesa to assure its future for the community.
[[BT]]'s motivation was to help them understand community-based ecosystems. I joined the organisation as "Head of Open Source Innovation", taking responsibility for open source governance, and providing advice and expertise on how to participate in open soure communities.
! [[Osmosoft]] and TiddlySpace
I built a team in BT under the name [[Osmosoft]]. Our purpose was to evangelise the benefits of open source, and to help other teams realise those benefits in practice. We also found that it was necessary to evangelise the use of the web in general, and web standards in particular.
Our approach was to focus on showing rather than telling. We worked with the TiddlyWiki community to extend the ecosystem and we built numerous internal systems for BT (some based on TiddlyWiki and some not).
[[Osmosoft]]'s chief contribution to the TiddlyWiki community was the creation of TiddlyWeb and TiddlySpace. TiddlyWeb was a robust, internet scale server for tiddlers that could also compose TiddlyWiki views of those tiddlers. TiddlySpace was an attempt to package TiddlyWeb into a more directly usable form.
! Leaving BT
By the end of 2011 I was increasingly feeling that I would be better placed to realise the potential of TiddlyWiki outside of the corporate confines BT. Accordingly, I left and started work as an independent developer, primarily working on a brand new reboot of TiddlyWiki in the shape of TiddlyWiki5.
! Development of TiddlyWiki5
I worked on new release of TiddlyWiki from November 2011. As a programmer, working on "version 2.0" of something that I had already written is a very attractive proposition. It means that the requirements were fully understood, allowing me to focus on evolving the architecture needed to support the desired functionality.
! The Future
Now that TiddlyWiki5 has finally left "beta" status behind, my hope is that it will have a long life. Because it only uses standard features of HTML5 and Node.js, there is no reason why it cannot be fully operational for many years to come. My goal is for it to last for at least 25 years.
//Jeremy Ruston, 20th September 2014//
The system tiddler [[$:/HistoryList]] keeps track of a list of tiddlers comprising the navigation history. Each time you click on a link to a tiddler, the title of the target tiddler is added to the top of the stack.
The history list is stored in JSON to allow additional details about the coordinates of the DOM node that initiated the navigation.
The history list also maintains the field ''current-tiddler'' that contains the name of the tiddler at the top of the stack. This field can be used like so:
<$list filter="[list[$:/StoryList]]" history="$:/HistoryList" storyview="pop">
<$button message="tm-close-tiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-mini">×</$button> <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/> <$reveal type="match" state="$:/HistoryList!!current-tiddler" text=<<currentTiddler>>>✓</$reveal></$link>
Which renders the same as the "Open" sidebar tab, with the addition of a tick against the tiddler that was last navigated to.
<$list filter="[list[$:/StoryList]]" history="$:/HistoryList" storyview="pop">
<$button message="tm-close-tiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-mini">×</$button> <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/> <$reveal type="match" state="$:/HistoryList!!current-tiddler" text=<<currentTiddler>>>✓</$reveal></$link>
!! Empty Story
To display content when the story is empty, create $:/config/EmptyStoryMessage and enter the desired contents. The following would show the GettingStarted tiddler when all others are closed.
You can include a horizontal rule with three or more dashes on their own on a line:
<<wikitext-example src:"
When you edit a tiddler on http://tiddlywiki.com you will see a small ribbon inviting you to edit the source of the tiddler on GitHub.
If you are using Node.js, you can replicate this feature for your own TiddlyWiki-based site as follows:
# Make sure the following setting is included in the `tiddlywiki.info` file in your WikiFolder:
#> <pre><code> "config": {
"retain-original-tiddler-path": true
# Copy the tiddler [[$:/ContributionBanner]] to your wiki
# Make the following changes:
## Adjust the GitHub link URL from https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/edit/master/editions/tw5.com/tiddlers/ to point to your own GitHub repo
## Make sure the wording of the text starting "Can you help us improve this documentation?" is appropriate for your visitors
## Adjust the link to [[Improving TiddlyWiki Documentation]] to point to your own tiddler with instructions for the contribution procedure
To create a new tab in the sidebar menu:
# Create a tiddler and tag it with the [[SystemTag|SystemTags]] tag [[$:/tags/SideBar]]
#* To create a table of contents you can populate the new tab tiddler using the [[table-of-contents macros|Table-of-Contents Macros]]. For example, see the [[TableOfContents]] used here
# By default, the tiddler title is used as the tab title but you can override it using the `caption` field
# To define the tab ordering, use the `list-after` or `list-before` fields as discussed in [[Tagging]]
#* For example: set `list-after` to [[$:/core/ui/SideBar/Open]] to place a sidebar tab immediately after the "Open" tab
Note that you can create new tabs under the "More" tab in the same way by using the tag `$:/tags/MoreSideBar`.
You can apply custom styles to tiddlers that have a particular tag by defining a CSS class with the name `tc-tagged-<Tag Name>`.
For example, to make tiddlers tagged "NightReader" appear in a special colour scheme suitable for night-time reading, [[create a stylesheet|Using Stylesheets]] defining the class `tc-tagged-NightReader` like this:
.tc-tagged-NightReader {
color: orange;
padding: 35px 35px;
.tc-tagged-NightReader .tc-tiddler-body {
font-size: 1.5em;
The `tc-tagged-NightReader` class is applied to the entire tiddler and not just the tiddler text. If you want to target a smaller portion of the tiddler you can qualify the CSS selector, as is done here with `.tc-tagged-NightReader .tc-tiddler-body`.
Note that tags containing spaces or non-alphanumeric characters will be converted using URI encoding, making the generated CSS classname hard to predict. For example:
|!Tag |!Generated Class Name |
|`$:/mytag` |`tc-tagged-%24%3A%2Fmytag` |
|`Doctor Who` |`tc-tagged-Doctor%20Who` |
|`£35.23` |`tc-tagged-%C2%A335.23` |
Although ~TiddlyWiki will generate these tags, to actually use them in your css, you will need to escape the percent character in your stylesheet, like:
.tc-tagged-Doctor\%20Who {
background-image: url(./tardis_back.svg);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: right;
A utility function is available in JavaScript to perform the conversion:
Generates the following output:
First install TiddlyWiki as described in [[Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js]].
# Create an empty [[TiddlyWikiFolder|TiddlyWikiFolders]]
## Create a new folder in a convenient place (for example `~/MyWiki`)
## Create a file called `tiddlywiki.info` containing the following text:
##* `{"themes": ["tiddlywiki/vanilla","tiddlywiki/snowwhite"]}`
## Create a subfolder called `tiddlers`
##* Alternatively, just copy the `editions/empty` folder from the TiddlyWiki5 repo
# Create individual TiddlerFiles in the `~/MyWiki/tiddlers` directory
# Execute the following command from the TiddlyWiki5 root directory to build a TiddlyWiki5 file from the tiddlers:
## `tiddlywiki ~/MyWiki --rendertiddler $:/core/save/all index.html text/plain`
!!! Selecting All tiddlers for export
To export ''all'' tiddlers click on the "Tools" tab of the Sidebar. Find and click the ``export all`` ({{$:/core/ui/Buttons/export-tiddler}}) button. A pop-up menu will offer you the chance to export tiddlers in multiple formats.
!!! Exporting a tiddler
If you want to export a particular tiddler, first navigate to that tiddler. Then click on the More Actions icon ({{$:/core/ui/Buttons/more-tiddler-actions}}) that appears above the tiddler. From the list that appears select ``export tiddler``. A pop-up menu will offer you the chance to export the tiddler in multiple formats.
!!! Exporting tiddlers matching a criteria (filter)
To export a selection of tiddlers, click the little magnifying glass next to the search area on the sidebar. This will open the [[Advanced Search|$:/AdvancedSearch]] tiddler. Click on the ``Filter`` tab of the Advanced Search tiddler. Only the [[Filter|Filters]] tab will allow you to export a selection of tiddlers. [[Filters]] follow a particular syntax. Click on this [[Filters|Filters]] link to learn about how to make filters.
Once you have written a filter, a list of tiddlers matching the filter will appear. Now you can click on the export icon ({{$:/core/ui/Buttons/export-tiddler}}) to the right of the filter input field. A pop-up menu will offer you the chance to export tiddlers in multiple formats.
!!! Export formats
Currently, the export formats available are:
* CSV file format
* JSON file format
* Static HTML file
* ".tid" file format
The ``".tid"`` format is unique from the other formats in that only one tiddler will be exported, even if you are attempting to export all tiddlers or a selection of tiddlers.
Here's how to display the last modification date of a wiki in a banner in the corner of the window:
# Copy the plugin [[$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/github-fork-ribbon]] to your TiddlyWiki
# Save and reload your wiki
# Create a new tiddler called [[$:/_MyRibbon]] tagged [[$:/tags/PageControls]] and containing:<div>
<div class="github-fork-ribbon-wrapper right">
<div class="github-fork-ribbon" style="background-color:#DF4848;">
<$list filter="[!is[system]!has[draft.of]!sort[modified]limit[1]]">
<$view field="modified" format="date" template="DD mmm YYYY at 0hh:0mm"/>
# If required, change the background-color value to your preference
# You can also try changing the positioning class from `right` to `right-bottom`
## To make the banner appear at the top left you'll need to tag the tiddler [[$:/tags/PageTemplate]] instead of [[$:/tags/PageControls]] and then change the position class to `left`
HTML tags and comments can be used directly in WikiText. For example:
<article class="hello">
This is my nice and simple block of text. HelloThere
<!-- This comment will not appear in the wikified output -->
! Content Parsing
The content of an HTML element will be parsed in inline mode unless the opening tag is followed by two linebreaks, in which case it is parsed in block mode. (Inline mode means that block mode formatting such as tables, lists and headings is not recognised).
! Attributes
Attributes in HTML tags can be specified as a literal, a transclusion or a macro invocation. For example, here the value of the `href` attribute will be set to the value of the tiddler MyLinkDestination:
<a href={{MyLinkDestination}}>link</a>
Here an attribute is specified as a macro invocation:
<a href=<<MyMacro "Brian">>>link</a>
Literal attribute values can include line breaks. For example:
<div data-address="Mouse House,
Mouse Lane,
By using triple-double quotes you can specify attribute values that include single double quotes. For example:
<div data-address="""Mouse House,
"Mouse" Lane,
<<.dlink-ex HTML "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML">> is a standard plain-text format used for defining the content of a web page.
It consists of a tree of elements expressed using a system of special <<.def tags>> enclosed in angle brackets.
Almost the whole of HTML can be used unchanged in the WikiText of a tiddler.
Here is an example of using the ListWidget and the TranscludeWidget to show a grid of all system images (ie, tiddlers tagged [[$:/tags/Image]]).
.my-gallery svg {
width: 6em;
height: 6em;
margin: 1em;
<div class="my-gallery">
<$list filter="[all[tiddlers+shadows]tag[$:/tags/Image]]">
<span title=<<currentTiddler>>>
! Image Formatting
Images can be included in WikiText with the following syntax:
[img[Motovun Jack.jpg]]
If the image source is the title of an image tiddler then that tiddler is directly displayed. Otherwise it is interpreted as a URL and an HTML `<img>` tag is generated with the `src` attribute containing the URL.
A tooltip can also be specified:
[img[An explanatory tooltip|Motovun Jack.jpg]]
Attributes can be provided to specify CSS classes and the image width and height:
[img width=32 [Motovun Jack.jpg]]
[img width=32 class="tc-image" [Motovun Jack.jpg]]
Note that attributes can be specified as transclusions or variable references:
[img width={{!!mywidth}} class=<<image-classes>> [Motovun Jack.jpg]]
The image syntax is a shorthand for invoking the ImageWidget.
! Displaying Images via Transclusion
You can also display an image stored in a tiddler by transcluding that tiddler. The disadvantage of this approach is that there is no direct way to control the size of the image.
{{Motovun Jack.jpg}}
Renders as:
{{Motovun Jack.jpg}}
! Introduction
The image widget displays images that can be specified as a remote URL or the title of a local tiddler containing the image.
! Content and Attributes
Any content of the `<$image>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|source |The URL of the image, or the title of an image tiddler |
|width |The width of the image |
|height |The height of the image |
|tooltip |The tooltip to be displayed over the image |
|alt |The alternative text to be associated with the image |
|class |CSS classes to be assigned to the `<img>` element |
The width and the height can be specified as pixel values (eg "23" or "23px") or percentages (eg "23%"). They are both optional; if not provided the browser will use CSS rules to size the image.
! External Images and the ''_canonical_uri'' field
When used to display tiddler-based images, the image widget operates in two distinct modes:
* If the ''_canonical_uri'' field is present then it is used as the ''src'' attribute of the generated `<img>` element and the ''text'' field is ignored
* Without the ''_canonical_uri'' field, the image widget generates an `<img>` element that embeds the image data directly using a `data:` URI.
See ExternalImages for more details.
You can import content into a TiddlyWiki file in several ways:
* Use the ''import'' button (under the ''Tools'' tab in the sidebar) to select a local file
* Drag and drop files from Windows Explorer or Mac OS X Finder into the TiddlyWiki browser window
* Paste content directly from the clipboard using the menu or keyboard shortcut (control-V or command-V)
** GoogleChrome is currently the only browser to support pasting
! Introduction
The ImportVariablesWidget imports macro and variable definitions from a list of other tiddlers and makes them available to its children. For example:
<$importvariables filter="[tag[mySpecialMacros]]">
All the macros defined in tiddlers with the tag "mySpecialMacros" are available here
! Attributes and Content
The content of the importvariables widget is the scope within which the imported variable definitions are available.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|filter |[[Tiddler filter|Filters]] defining the tiddlers from which macro definitions will be imported |
! Global Macros
So-called global macros are implemented within the main page template ([[$:/core/ui/PageTemplate]]) by wrapping the page content in the following importvariables widget:
<$importvariables filter="[[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Macro]!has[draft.of]]">
Anyone can submit improvements to the TiddlyWiki documentation that appears on http://tiddlywiki.com.
# Read and observe the [[Documentation Style Guide]]
# Create an account on https://github.com if you don't already have one
# If you haven't done so already, sign the [[Contributor License Agreement]] as described in [[Signing the Contributor License Agreement]]
# On http://tiddlywiki.com, click "edit" on the tiddler you want to improve
# You should see a pink banner with the text: //Can you help us improve this documentation? Find out how to edit this tiddler on ~GitHub//
# Click on the external link ...''this tiddler on ~GitHub''
## You will be prompted that "you need to fork this repository to propose changes". A "fork" is your own copy of the repository that incorporates the changes you are proposing
# A new browser tab should open ready to edit the tiddler on github.com
# Below the edit box for the tiddler text you should see a box labelled ''Propose file change''
# Enter a brief title to explain the change (eg, "Clarify attribute syntax instability")
# If necessary, enter a longer description too
# Click the green button labelled ''Propose file change''
# On the following screen, click the green button labelled ''Create pull request''
[[Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] or one of the other core developers will then have the opportunity to merge your pull request so that it is incorporated into the next build of http://tiddlywiki.com.
Mario Pietsch has created these short video tutorials:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/L4zTkMYcri8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/6ElUruH92tc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/axFCk9KsMFc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
A plugin that allows changes to be synchronised with the IndexedDB database that is built-in to most browsers.
Being quite new to TW5 development I tried my best to draft a SyncAdaptor to store tiddlers in IndexedDb. This is quite useful if an application / plugin installation is not possible (we have quite some restrictions at work...).
Each input title is processed in turn, and is ignored if it does not denote a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]]. The list of property names is retrieved from the data tiddler (in no particular order) and then [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's output.
Where a tiddler's [[content is JSON|JSONTiddlers]] with an array as its root, the <<.op indexes>> operator retrieves a selection of integer indices instead.
<<.operator-examples "indexes">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[{$:/palette}indexes[]sort[title]]" "all the colours defined in the current [[colour palette|ColourPalettes]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[[$:/HistoryList]indexes[]]" "integer output because the [[history list|$:/HistoryList]] is an array">>
System tiddlers in the namespace `$:/info/` are used to expose information about the system (including the current browser) so that WikiText applications can adapt themselves to available features.
! Information Tiddlers
|!Title |!Description |
|[[$:/info/browser]] |Running in the browser? ("yes" or "no") |
|[[$:/info/node]] |Running under [[Node.js]]? ("yes" or "no") |
Each tiddler has a panel of additional information. To reveal it, click the {{$:/core/images/down-arrow}} button in the tiddler's toolbar and then choose {{$:/core/images/info-button}} ''info'' from the dropdown list.
The info panel has the following tabs:
* ''Tools'' - This offers buttons for various actions you can perform on the tiddler. The checkbox next to each button lets you promote an action to the tiddler's toolbar - this will affect all of the tiddlers in your wiki
* ''References'', ''Tagging'', ''List'' and ''Listed'' - These list various kinds of related tiddlers. See [[Using links to navigate between tiddlers]]
* ''Fields'' - This summarises all of the tiddler's [[fields|TiddlerFields]], except for ''text''
* ''Advanced'' - This indicates whether the tiddler is a [[shadow|ShadowTiddlers]]. If it is, this also reveals which plugin it comes from and whether it has been overridden by an ordinary tiddler
To close the info panel, click anywhere outside it.
See also:
* [[Environment Variables on Node.js]]
# Create a backup of your current TiddlyWiki HTML file ([[just in case|The First Rule of Using TiddlyWiki]])
# Open your TiddlyWiki in a browser
# Open the [[$:/ControlPanel]], click on the ''Plugins'' tab and then the ''Get more plugins'' button
# Click ''open plugin library'' to open the official plugin library
# When the library listing is loaded:
## Use the dropdown to select between ''plugins'', ''themes'' and ''languages''
## Use the ''search'' box to search the plugin details
# Click the ''install'' button to install a plugin
# Save your TiddlyWiki
# ''Refresh the page so that TiddlyWiki loads the new plugin''
# The plugin should now be available for use
# Install [[Node.js]] from http://nodejs.org
# Open a command line terminal and type:
#> `npm install -g tiddlywiki`
#> If it fails with an error you may need to re-run the command as an administrator:
#> `sudo npm install -g tiddlywiki` (Mac/Linux)
# Check TiddlyWiki is installed by typing:
#> `tiddlywiki --version`
# In response, you should see TiddlyWiki report its current version (eg "<<version>>"; you may also see other debugging information reported)
# Try it out:
## `tiddlywiki mynewwiki --init server` to create a folder for a new wiki that includes server-related components
## `tiddlywiki mynewwiki --server` to start TiddlyWiki
## Visit in your browser
## Try editing and creating tiddlers
The `-g` flag causes TiddlyWiki to be installed globally. Without it, TiddlyWiki will only be available in the directory where you installed it.
If you are using Debian or Debian-based Linux and you are reciving a `node: command not found` error though node.js package is installed, you may need to create a symbolic link between `nodejs` and `node`. Consult your distro's manual and `whereis` to correctly create a link. See github [[issue 1434|http://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1434]]
Example Debian v8.0: `sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node`
# Clone a local copy of the TiddlyWiki5 GitHub repository from https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5
# Open a command line terminal and change the current working directory to the root of the TiddlyWiki5 repo
# Type `npm link` (Windows) or `sudo npm link` (Mac/Linux) to tell [[npm]] to use this copy of the repo as the globally installed one
After this procedure you can work with TiddlyWiki5 via [[npm]] as though it had been installed in the usual way with `npm install -g tiddlywiki`.
Update the clone from time to time in order to ensure that you have the latest code.
<<.def "Instruction tiddlers">> talk directly to the reader and guide them through a process. The reader is likely to be a beginner or an intermediate user.
Such tiddlers can be subcategorised as:
* What is ~TiddlyWiki and why should I care?
* Demonstrations of key features and benefits
* Frequently asked questions
* Examples of ~TiddlyWiki in the field
* Information about the project itself
* An ordered presentation of material for beginners
* Each tiddler introduces one new point or concept
* Its main content contains very few links
* A revealable <<.word "Find out more">> section at the end can offer related links
* Accompanying a tutorial tiddler
* Solution revealed on demand
* A list of numbered steps for performing a small specific task
* Concise, with links to reference tiddlers where appropriate
* Often has a preamble to clarify the nature of the task
* Accompanying a [[reference tiddler|Reference Tiddlers]]
* Can contain explanations and similar commentary
* Kept separate to keep the reference tiddler pure
Instruction tiddlers talk directly to the reader as <<.word you>>. They can be reasonably chatty.
But they avoid excessively colloquial language, cultural or topical references and attempts at humour, as these can baffle or even offend the international readership. They also avoid potentially frustrating the reader with descriptions of features as <<.word convenient>> or <<.word easy>>.
A git choose-your-own-adventure!ⓡ for walking yourself though fixing a //broken// Git repository.
This document is an attempt to be a fairly comprehensive guide to recovering from what you did not mean to do when using git. It isn't that git is so complicated that you need a large document to take care or your particular problem, it is more that the set of things that you might have done is so large that different techniques are needed depending on exactly what you have done and what you want to have happen.
This brief introduction shows how to install and use TiddlyDesktop:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/i3Bggkm7paA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<<.preamble """This explains the basics of writing a [[filter|Filters]] to select a set of tiddlers. For a more technical presentation, see [[Filter Syntax]].""">>
<$macrocall $name=".tip" _="""Filters do nothing if you just type them into a tiddler on their own. They need a context. An easy way to experiment with filters is to type them into the <<.advancedsearch-tab Filter>> tab of [[Advanced Search|$:/AdvancedSearch]]."""/>
The simplest case is where you already know exactly which tiddlers you want. Type each title in double square brackets, with a space between each one and the next:
> `[[Recipe book]] [[ScrambledEggs]] [[Mom's apple pie]]`
You can omit the square brackets when a title doesn't contain any spaces:
> `[[Recipe book]] ScrambledEggs [[Mom's apple pie]]`
The double square brackets are actually a shorthand for this:
> `[title[ScrambledEggs]]`
... which gives us the <<.def "general model">> for any filter:
> `[operator[parameter]]`
For instance, here's how to select all the tiddlers that have been tagged <<.tag Recipe>>:
> `[tag[Recipe]]`
We can reverse the meaning by adding an exclamation mark `!` just before the operator. For example, we can select any tiddlers that do <<.em not>> have the <<.tag Recipe>> tag:
> `[!tag[Recipe]]`
Tiddlers can be filtered by other fields than just title and tags:
> `[field:serving[4]]`
That example will select any tiddlers that have <<.value 4>> in their <<.field serving>> field.
As the word "serving" isn't a standard filter operator (and isn't likely to become one), you can safely omit the `field:` prefix:
> `[serving[4]]`
The filters we've looked at so far have involved just one step each. But you can <<.def run>> several steps together like this:
> `[tag[Vegetarian]!tag[soup]serving[4]]`
Notice how the entire run is contained in a single pair of square brackets.
A tiddler has to match <<.em all>> of the steps in a run. So the example above retrieves vegetarian recipes (other than soups) for 4 people.
A sequence of separate runs will select the tiddlers that match <<.em any>> of the runs. We can use this to find recipes that serve either 3, 4 or 5 people:
> `[serving[3]] [serving[4]] [serving[5]]`
If we want to ignore vegetarian recipes that serve 4, we can say this:
> `[serving[3]] [serving[4]!tag[Vegetarian]] [serving[5]]`
By default, each run considers every tiddler in the wiki. But we can use a `+` sign to force a run to consider only the tiddlers that were selected by the preceding runs:
> `[serving[3]] [serving[4]] [serving[5]] +[tag[Vegetarian]] +[sort[title]]`
This selects recipes for 3, 4 or 5 people, then filters <<.em those>> to keep only the vegetarian ones, and finally sorts any that are left into alphabetical order of title.
In a similar way, we can use a `-` sign to <<.em remove>> a run's tiddlers from the result so far. Here we select all vegetarian recipes apart from two:
> `[tag[Vegetarian]] -[title[ScrambledEggs]] -BeansOnToast`
!Special parameters
The parameter of each step we've seen so far has been in square brackets, meaning that ~TiddlyWiki treats it literally. But two other kinds of bracket are possible:
<<.def "Curly brackets">> `{}` mean that the parameter is a TextReference, and that its value is to be looked up in a specified tiddler. For example, if we have a tiddler called <<.tid Preference>> whose text happens to be the word <<.value Vegetarian>>, we can say
> `[tag{Preference}]`
as an alternative to `[tag[Vegetarian]]`. This allows the preference to change over time.
<<.def "Angle brackets">> `<>` mean that the parameter is the name of a [[variable|Variables]] whose value is to be used instead. Here we use the built-in <<.vlink currentTiddler>> variable in a filter that selects any tiddlers whose text contains the title of the current one:
> `[search<currentTiddler>]`
This brief presentation explains the basic principles of TiddlyWiki.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/KtCUr83XgyE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
The TiddlyWiki used to produce the video can be found here:
The parameter <<.place C>> is one of the following fundamental categories:
|!Category |!Matches any tiddler that... |
|^`current` |is the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]] |
|^`image` |has an image ContentType |
|^`missing` |does not exist (other than possibly as a shadow tiddler), regardless of whether there are any links it |
|^`orphan` |has no [[hard links|Hard and Soft Links]] to it |
|^`shadow` |is a [[shadow tiddler|ShadowTiddlers]], regardless of whether it has been overridden with a non-shadow tiddler |
|^`system` |is a [[system tiddler|SystemTiddlers]], i.e. its title starts with `$:/` |
|^`tag` |is in use as a tag |
|^`tiddler` |exists as a non-shadow tiddler |
If <<.place C>> is anything else, the output is an error message.
`!is[tiddler]` is a synonym for `is[missing]`, and vice versa.
When <<.op is[missing]>> is the first operator in a [[run|Filter Run]], its output is always empty. And when <<.op is[shadow]>> comes first, it outputs only those shadow tiddlers that have been overridden. This is because the [[initial input to a run|Filter Expression]] contains only <<.em non>>-shadow tiddlers.
The <<.olink all>> operator is similar, but its scope is the whole wiki.
<<.operator-examples "is">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[is[tag]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[!is[tag]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[all[shadows]!is[system]]" "shadow tiddlers that don't start with `$:/`">>
<<.operator-example 4 "[is[system]tag[$:/tags/Stylesheet]]" "system stylesheets">>
<<.operator-example 5 "[all[shadows]is[system]tag[$:/tags/Stylesheet]]" "shadow system stylesheets">>
<<.operator-example 6 "[is[shadow]]" "overridden shadow tiddlers">>
<<.operator-example 7 "[is[missing]]" "empty because its input contains only tiddlers that exist">>
~JavaScript is a computer language that was originally introduced by browsers as a way of scripting web pages. At first it was considered a poorly designed toy, but over the years has become recognised as a powerful language in its own right, and has been adopted widely beyond the browser.
~JavaScript looks like this:
function circleArea(radius) {
return radius * 2 * 3.141592653;
<<.dlink-ex JSON "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSON">> is a standard plain-text format used for modelling hierarchical structures of objects that contain named fields.
DataTiddlers can have JSON content.
The <<.mlink jsontiddlers>> macro returns tiddler content in JSON format.
I'm the original inventor of TiddlyWiki. You can find me on these services:
* jeremy (at) jermolene (dot) com
* [[Jermolene on GitHub|https://github.com/Jermolene]]
* [[Jermolene on GitTip|https://www.gittip.com/Jermolene/]], a micropayment service
* [[@Jermolene on Twitter|http://twitter.com/#!/jermolene]]
* [[Jermy on LinkedIn|http://www.linkedin.com/in/jermy]]
* [[Jermy on Flickr|http://www.flickr.com/photos/jermy/]]
Further information:
* An [[interview with me in The Inquirer|http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/feature/2105529/bt-software-engineer-tells-telco-source]] by Wendy Grossman
* A [[hilarious interview with me|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auyIhw8MTmQ]] from British television in 1983
* Here's a video of a presentation I did in 2007 called [["How to Start an Open Source Project"|http://vimeo.com/856110]].
A JSON tiddler is a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]] containing a [[JSON|JavaScript Object Notation]] structure in its `text` field.
Its [[ContentType]] is `application/json`.
The [[history list|$:/HistoryList]] is a good example of a JSON tiddler.
The <<.def jsontiddlers>> [[macro|Macros]] returns the fields of a [[selection of tiddlers|Title Selection]] in [[JSON|JavaScript Object Notation]] form.
An example can be seen in the [[template tiddler for JSON exports|$:/core/templates/exporters/JsonFile]].
!! Parameters
: A [[filter|Filters]] selecting which tiddlers to include
This plugin adds the ability to display mathematical notation written in ~LaTeX.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/katex/
Keyboard shortcut support is currently very limited but will be improved in later releases.
! Editing Shortcuts
|Key |Shortcut description |
|<kbd>ctrl-enter</kbd> |Confirm changes to the draft tiddler containing the keyboard focus |
|<kbd>escape</kbd> |Abandon changes to the draft tiddler containing the keyboard focus |
! Introduction
The keyboard widget allows ActionWidgets to be triggered by specific key combinations. There is also a shorthand for generating [[Messages]].
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$keyboard>` widget is rendered normally. The keyboard shortcut only takes effect within the contained content.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|message |The title of the [[WidgetMessage|Messages]] to generate |
|param |The parameter to be passed with the [[WidgetMessage|Messages]] |
|key |Key string identifying the key to be trapped (see below) |
|class |A CSS class to be assigned to the generated HTML DIV element |
! Key Strings
Key strings are made up of zero or more of the modifiers <kbd>alt</kbd>, <kbd>shift</kbd> or <kbd>ctrl</kbd> followed by the name of a key, all joined with "+" plus symbols. Key names are either the letter or digit printed on the key (eg "a" or "1"), or one of the special keys <kbd>backspace</kbd>, <kbd>tab</kbd>, <kbd>enter</kbd> or <kbd>escape</kbd>.
For example:
//This is a sample task for the TaskManagementExample//
Here is an example of using the ListWidget and the TranscludeWidget to show a grid of all language icons (ie, tiddlers tagged [[Language]] and [[Icon]]).
.language-gallery img {
width: 5em;
height: auto;
margin: 0.5em;
-webkit-box-shadow: 2px 2px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
-moz-box-shadow: 2px 2px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
box-shadow: 2px 2px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
<div class="language-gallery">
<$list filter="[all[tiddlers+shadows]tag[Language]tag[Icon]]">
<span title=<<currentTiddler>>>
!! Language Plugins
The core TiddlyWiki user interface is available in over 20 languages. You can install language plugins using the plugin manager under the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] ''plugins'' tab.
You can contribute a new language to the library by learning how to [[translate TiddlyWiki into your language|Translate TiddlyWiki into your language]].
!! Language Editions
For some languages, there are pre-built editions with additional translated documentation:
<<list-links "[tag[Languages]]">>
<<.operator-examples "last">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]last[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]last[5]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[tag[Concepts]!sort[title]last[3]]">>
The latest news, articles, resources and examples.
<div class="tc-link-info">
<$list filter="[tag[Articles]] [tag[Examples]] [tag[Resources]] [tag[Tutorials]] +[!sort[modified]limit[8]]">
<div class="tc-link-info-item">
! <$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
<div class="tc-subtitle">Posted <$view field="modified" format="relativedate"/></div>
Ordinarily with TiddlyWiki, the full content of all tiddlers is embedded into the main HTML file. Lazy loading refers to the technique of only embedding metadata about the tiddler (in other words all fields except the ''text'' field), and requesting the body from the server when required.
Lazy loading can be used in two configurations:
* When running [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]], just image tiddlers or all non-system tiddlers can be subject to lazy loading
* When running [[TiddlyWiki in the Sky for TiddlyWeb]], all tiddlers are subject to lazy loading
See the LazyLoadingMechanism for details of how lazy loading is implemented.
! Lazy loading under Node.js
To start TiddlyWiki with lazy loading for image tiddlers use this command:
tiddlywiki --server 8080 $:/core/save/lazy-images
To apply lazy loading to all non-system tiddlers use this command:
tiddlywiki --server 8080 $:/core/save/lazy-all
! Lazy loading under TiddlyWeb
With the current configuration, lazy loading is enabled by default.
Learn more about using TiddlyWiki:
<<list-links "[tag[Learning]]">>
Also see the complete [[Reference]], including advanced WikiText, macros, widgets, filters etc.
`limit[N]` and `!limit[N]` are synonyms for `first[N]` and `last[N]` respectively.
<<.operator-examples "limit">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[sort[modified]!limit[20]]" "the 20 most recently modified tiddlers">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[has[created]sort[created]limit[10]]" "the oldest 10 tiddlers in the wiki">>
The <<.def lingo>> [[macro|Macros]] relates to the translation of ~TiddlyWiki's user interface into other languages. It returns a piece of text in the user's currently selected language.
Translatable text is supplied by language plugins containing tiddlers with specific titles that start with `$:/language/`.
!! Parameters
: The title of the shadow tiddler that contains the text. The prefix `$:/language/` is added automatically
<<.macro-examples "lingo">>
This example shows the text used as the basis for the title of a newly created tiddler:
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<<lingo DefaultNewTiddlerTitle>>"""/>
This example shows the name of the eighth month of the year, for use in [[formatting dates|DateFormat]]:
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2" eg="""<<lingo Date/Long/Month/8>>"""/>
! Introduction
The link catcher widget traps [[WidgetMessage: tm-navigate]] dispatched within its child content by performing any or all of these actions:
* sending a different widget message
* setting a tiddler to the title of the navigated tiddler
* setting a tiddler to a specified value
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$linkcatcher>` widget is displayed normally.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|to |Optional title of the tiddler to be set to the title of the navigated tiddler |
|message |Optional identifier for a [[widget message|Messages]] to be sent when a navigation is caught |
|set |Optional title of the tiddler to be set to a specified value when navigation occurs |
|setTo |Value to be assigned by the `set` attribute |
A key capability of WikiText is the ability to make links to other tiddlers or to external websites.
! Manual Links
Link to a tiddler by title:
[[Tiddler Title]]
To link to a tiddler and specify the text of the link:
[[Displayed Link Title|Tiddler Title]]
! ~CamelCase Links
For tiddler titles that match the CamelCase rules, just typing the title without double square brackets will automatically create a link.
You can suppress a link from being recognised by preceding it with `~`. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"* ~HelloThere is not a link
* ~http://google.com/ is not a link">>
! External Links
To link to an external [[resource|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_resource]] such as a website or a file, type its //full// [[URL|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URL]], including the [[URI scheme|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URI_scheme]] such as a protocol (e.g. `http://`, `file://`) or `mailto`:
[[Mail me|mailto:me@where.net]]
For this syntax to work, the URL has to be recognisable as a URL. Otherwise, it is treated as a tiddler title. As a result, in case you want to link to a resource locatable using a relative path, use the extended syntax:
[ext[Open file|index.html]]
[ext[Open file|./index.html]]
[ext[Open file|../README.md]]
The extended syntax still works with full URLs, although in that case it is not necessary:
You can also use the extended syntax to force an external link:
! Customising Tiddler Links
See the LinkWidget for details of the underlying widget used to implement tiddler links, including macros that can be used to customise its behaviour.
Each input title is processed in turn. The corresponding tiddler's list of links is generated, in the order in which they appear in the tiddler's text, and [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's overall output.
<<.operator-examples "links">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[HelloThere]links[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[all[current]links[]]" "tiddlers [[hard-linked|Hard and Soft Links]] from the current one">>
Here are some hard links:
* HelloThere
* [[Filter Operators]]
* [[links Operator]]
The `link` widget generates links to tiddlers. (Use the HTML `<a>` element to generate external links).
! Content and Attributes
|!Attribute |!Description |
|to |The title of the target tiddler for the link (defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]) |
|aria-label |Optional [[Accessibility]] label |
|tooltip |Optional tooltip WikiText |
|tabindex |Optional numeric [[tabindex|https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement/tabIndex]] |
|draggable |"yes" to enable the link to be draggable (defaults to "yes") |
|tag |Optional tag to override the default "a" element |
The content of the link widget is rendered within the `<a>` tag.
The default value of the tooltip attribute is supplied by the <<.vlink tv-wikilink-tooltip>> variable.
This means that you can control the text of a link tooltip in several ways:
<$link to="HelloThere" tooltip="Custom tooltip">Link 1</$link>
<$set name="tv-wikilink-tooltip" value="I'm a link to {{!!title}}">
<$link to="HelloThere">Link 2</$link>
Renders as:
<$link to="HelloThere" tooltip="Custom tooltip">Link 1</$link>
<$set name="tv-wikilink-tooltip" value="I'm a link to {{!!title}}">
<$link to="HelloThere">Link 2</$link>
Note that the tooltip is rendered with the current tiddler set to the target of the link.
A useful convention is to set the tooltip like this:
\define tv-wikilink-tooltip()
<$transclude field="tooltip"><$transclude field="title"/></$transclude>
This causes the tooltip to be the ''tooltip'' field of the target tiddler. If the field isn't present, then the title is used instead.
! CSS Classes
* `tc-tiddlylink` - applied to all links
* `tc-tiddlylink-external` - applied to external, non-tiddler links
* `tc-tiddlylink-internal` - applied to tiddler links
* `tc-tiddlylink-missing` - applied to tiddler links where the target tiddler doesn't exist
* `tc-tiddlylink-resolves` - applied to tiddler links when the target tiddler does exist
! Configuration variables
* <<.vlink tv-wikilinks>>
* <<.vlink tv-wikilink-template>>
* <<.vlink tv-wikilink-tooltip>>
* <<.vlink tv-get-export-link>>
<<.place R>> can reference either a field or a property. See [[TextReference]] for the syntax.
* If neither is specified, the <<.field list>> field is used by default. So `[list[T]]` outputs the titles listed in the <<.field list>> of tiddler T.
* If <<.place R>> consists of <<.em only>> a field or a property, the tiddler part of the reference defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]. So `[list[!!tags]]` outputs the titles listed in the <<.field tags>> field of the current tiddler.
<<.operator-examples "list">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[HelloThere]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week!!short]]">>
The <<.def list-links>> [[macro|Macros]] returns a formatted list of links to a [[selection of tiddlers|Title Selection]].
If a tiddler has a <<.field caption>> field, this is shown instead of the tiddler's title.
!! Parameters
: A [[filter|Filters]] selecting which tiddlers to include
: An HTML element to use for the overall list element, defaulting to `ul`
: An HTML element to use for each item in the list, defaulting to `li`
: A [[CSS|Cascading Style Sheets]] class for the overall list element
<<.macro-examples "list-links">>
This example lists all the tiddlers whose titles start with J:
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<<list-links filter:"[prefix[J]]">>"""/>
This example lists the documentation tiddlers for the core macros, each of which has a <<.field caption>> field:
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2" eg="""<<list-links filter:"[tag[Core Macros]]">>"""/>
<<.field F>> is assumed to be a [[title list|Title List]].
Each input title is processed in turn. A list of tiddlers whose <<.place F>> field mentions it is generated (in no particular order) and [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's overall output.
<<.operator-examples "listed">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[HelloThere]listed[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[all[current]listed[my-special-list]]">>
The `list` [[field of a tiddler|TiddlerFields]] is an optional feature that can be used to help structure your content. Its value is a [[title list|Title List]], and it can be used in several ways:
* The `list` field of a tiddler that is being used as a tag determines the ordering of the tiddlers that carry that tag - see [[Tagging]] for details
* The `list` [[filter|Filters]] selects the entries from a list
* The `listed` [[filter|Filters]] selects the tiddlers that list the selected tiddler(s)
* The NavigatorWidget manipulates a StoryList tiddler containing a `list` field of the tiddlers that are displayed in the main story column
! Unordered Lists
You can create unordered lists with `*` characters:
<<wikitext-example src:"* First list item
* Second list item
** A subitem
* Third list item
! Ordered Lists
Ordered lists use `#` instead of `*`:
# First item
# Second item
# Third item
You can also mix ordered and unordered list items:
<<wikitext-example src:"* To do today
*# Eat
* To get someone else to do
*# This
*# That
*## And the other
Here's an example the other way around, with numbers as the first level:
<<wikitext-example src:"# To do today
#* Eat
# To get someone else to do
#* This
#* That
#** And the other
! CSS Classes
You can also assign a CSS class to an individual member of a list with this notation:
<<wikitext-example src:"* List One
*.MyClass List Two
* List Three
! Mixing Lists and Block Quotes
Note that [[Block Quotes in WikiText]] can be mixed with lists. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"* List One
** List Two
**> A quote
**> Another quote
* List Three
! Paragraphs in Lists
Entries in the list are delimited with a linebreak, making it impossible to include linebreaks within a list entry. There are a couple of workarounds.
First, you can transclude paragraph content from another tiddler. For example:
* First entry
* <$transclude tiddler="MyTiddler" mode="block"/>
* Third entry
Secondly, you can use an HTML "div" element to contain the multiline content. For example:
# Step 1
# Step 2
# Step 3<div>
Here is the first of several paragraphs. Note that the double linebreak preceding this paragraph is significant.
And here is the second of several paragraphs.
# Step 4
# Step 5
# Step 6
! Introduction
The list widget displays a sequence of tiddlers that match a [[tiddler filter|Filters]]. It can be used for many purposes:
* Displaying custom lists of links, like in TiddlyWiki5's sidebar
* Custom lists, such as "all tiddlers tagged 'task' that are not tagged 'done'"
* Listing each of the tags applied to a tiddler
* Handling the main story river
The tiddlers are displayed by transcluding each in turn through a template. There are several ways to specify the template and for controlling the behaviour of the list.
! Examples
''plain list''
<$list filter="[tag[ListWidget]sort[title]]"/>
Displays as:
<$list filter="[tag[ListWidget]sort[title]]"/>
''custom item output''
<$list filter="[tag[ListWidget]sort[title]]">
Displays as:
<$list filter="[tag[ListWidget]sort[title]]">
''custom item template''
<$list filter="[tag[ListWidget]sort[title]]" template="$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/subtitle"/>
Displays as:
<$list filter="[tag[ListWidget]sort[title]]" template="$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/subtitle"/>
!! Grouped Lists
See NestedLists for how to generate nested and grouped lists using the ListWidget.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$list>` widget is an optional template to use for rendering each tiddler in the list. Alternatively, the template can be specified as a tiddler title in the ``template`` attribute. As a fallback, the default template just displays the tiddler title.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|filter |The [[tiddler filter|Filters]] to display |
|template |The title of a template tiddler for transcluding each tiddler in the list. When no template is specified, the body of the ListWidget serves as the item template. With no body, a simple link to the tiddler is returned. |
|editTemplate |An alternative template to use for [[DraftTiddlers|DraftMechanism]] in edit mode |
|variable |The name for a [[variable|Variables]] in which the title of each listed tiddler is stored. Defaults to ''currentTiddler'' |
|emptyMessage |Message to be displayed when the list is empty |
|storyview |Optional name of module responsible for animating/processing the list |
|history |The title of the tiddler containing the navigation history |
!! Edit mode
The `<$list>` widget can optionally render draft tiddlers through a different template to handle editing, see DraftMechanism.
!! `storyview` attribute
The `storyview` attribute specifies the name of an optional module that can animate changes to the list (including navigation). The core ships with the following storyview modules:
* `classic`: renders the list as an ordered sequence of tiddlers
* `zoomin`: just renders the current tiddler from the list, with a zoom animation for navigating between tiddlers
* `pop`: shrinks items in and out of place
In order for the storyviews to animate correctly each entry in the list should be a single block mode DOM element.
!! History and navigation
The optional `history` attribute specifies the name of a tiddler that is used to track the current tiddler for navigation purposes. When the history tiddler changes the list view responds by telling the listview to handle navigating to the new tiddler. See HistoryMechanism for details.
<<.preamble """What follows is a formal presentation of the syntax of the WikiText syntax for macro calls, using [[railroad diagrams|Railroad Diagrams]]. A [[simpler overview|Macro Calls in WikiText]] is also available.""">>
<$railroad text="""
"<<" name [: space [:{param-value}] ]">>"
<<.place space>> denotes a sequence of [[whitespace characters|Filter Whitespace]].
The [[macro|Macros]]'s <<.place name>> is a sequence of non-whitespace characters other than `(` or `>`.
Each individual <<.place param-value>> has the following syntax:
<$railroad text="""
[: param-name [:space] ":" [:space] ] value [: space]
The <<.place param-name>> is a sequence of letters (`A`--`Z`, `a`--`z`), digits (`0`--`9`), hyphens (`-`) and underscores (`_`).
The <<.place value>> is specified as follows:
<$railroad text={{$:/editions/tw5.com/railroad/macro-parameter-value}}/>
To call a [[macro|Macros]], place `<<`double angle brackets`>>` around the name and any parameter values.
By default, parameters are listed in the same order as in the macro's definition. A parameter can be labelled with its name, either for clarity or to modify the order.
If no value is specified for a parameter, the default value given for that parameter in the macro's definition is used instead. (If no default value was defined, the parameter is simply blank.)
Each parameter value can be enclosed in `'`single quotes`'`, `"`double quotes`"`, `"""`triple double quotes`"""` or `[[`double square brackets`]]`. Triple double quotes allow a value to contain almost anything. If a value contains no spaces or single or double quotes, it requires no delimiters.
A more formal [[presentation|Macro Call Syntax]] of this syntax is also available.
The syntax is actually a shorthand for a <<.wlink MacroCallWidget>> widget. The widget itself offers greater flexibility, including the ability to [[transclude|Transclusion]] parameter values or generate them via additional macros.
As macros are simply parameterised [[variables|Variables]], a variable's value can be inserted using the same techniques.
[[Examples|Macro Calls in WikiText (Examples)]]
\define sayhi-example-1() <<sayhi>>
\define sayhi-example-2() <<sayhi Bugs>>
\define sayhi-example-3() <<sayhi "Donald Duck" Disneyland>>
\define sayhi-example-4() <<sayhi "Mickey Mouse" "Mouse House">>
\define sayhi-example-5() <<sayhi name:'Minnie Mouse' address:[[Mouse House]]>>
\define sayhi-example-6() <<sayhi address:"Quacky Towers" name:"Donald Duck">>
\define sayhi-example-7()
<<sayhi "Mickey Mouse" """"Mouse House",
Rodent's Lane,
<$importvariables filter="$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/say-hi">
<$codeblock code={{$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/say-hi}}/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg=<<sayhi-example-1>>/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2" eg=<<sayhi-example-2>>/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="3" eg=<<sayhi-example-3>>/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="4" eg=<<sayhi-example-4>>/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="5" eg=<<sayhi-example-5>>/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="6" eg=<<sayhi-example-6>>/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="7" egvar="sayhi-example-7"/>
<<.preamble """What follows is a formal presentation of the syntax of the `\define` pragma, using [[railroad diagrams|Railroad Diagrams]]. A [[simpler overview|Macro Definitions in WikiText]] is also available.""">>
<$railroad text="""
"\define" space name params [:space] rest
<<.place space>> denotes a sequence of [[whitespace characters|Filter Whitespace]].
The [[macro|Macros]]'s <<.place name>> is a sequence of non-whitespace characters other than `(` or `>`.
The parameter declaration list (<<.place params>>) has the following syntax:
<$railroad text="""
"(" [:sep] [:{ param sep }] ")"
The parameter separator (<<.place sep>>) is any sequence of characters that does not match a <<.place param-name>>. Among other things, this includes commas, spaces and linefeeds.
A <<.place param-name>> is a sequence of letters (`A`--`Z`, `a`--`z`), digits (`0`--`9`), hyphens (`-`) and underscores (`_`).
Each individual <<.place param>> has the following syntax:
<$railroad text="""
param-name [: [:space] ":" [:space] default ]
The optional <<.place default>> value of a parameter is specified as follows:
<$railroad text={{$:/editions/tw5.com/railroad/macro-parameter-value}}/>
The <<.place rest>> of the definition has the following syntax:
<$railroad text="""
( snippet | lf snippet lf "\end" [:space] ) lf
<<.place lf>> denotes a linefeed.
The <<.place snippet>> is any sequence of characters that doesn't terminate the macro definition. That is to say, a single-line snippet cannot contain a linefeed, and a multi-line snippet cannot contain `\end` on a line of its own.
The snippet can contain placeholders with the following syntax:
<$railroad text="""
( "$" name "$" | "$" "(" name ")" "$" )
A [[macro|Macros]] is defined using a `\define` [[pragma|Pragma]]. Like any pragma, this can only appear at the start of a tiddler.
The first line of the definition specifies the macro name and any parameters. Each parameter has a name, and optionally a default value that is used if no value is supplied on a particular call to the macro. The lines that follow contain the macro's text (i.e. the snippet represented by the macro name), until `\end` appears on a line by itself:
<$codeblock code={{$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/say-hi}}/>
Alternatively, the entire definition can be presented on a single line, without an `\end` marker:
\define sayhi(name:"Bugs Bunny") Hi, I'm $name$.
A more formal [[presentation|Macro Definition Syntax]] of this syntax is also available.
!! Placeholders
The snippet can contain placeholders for parameters. These consist of a parameter name between dollar signs, like `$this$`.
It can also contain placeholders for [[variables|Variables]]. These consist of a variable name (or macro name) between dollar signs and round brackets, like `$(this)$`.
The actual value of the parameter or variable is substituted for the placeholder whenever the macro is called:
<$importvariables filter="$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/say-hi-using-variables">
<$codeblock code={{$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/say-hi-using-variables}}/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<$set name="address" value="Rabbit Hole Hill">
!! Scope
Macros are available to the tiddler that defines them, plus any tiddlers that it transcludes.
To make a macro available to all tiddlers, define it in a tiddler that has the tag <<.tag $:/tags/Macro>>.
It is also possible to write a macro as a [[JavaScript module|http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/index.html#JavaScript%20Macros]]. ~JavaScript macros are available to all tiddlers, and offer the maximum flexibility.
A tiddler can manually import macro definitions from a [[selection|Title Selection]] of other tiddlers by using the <<.wlink ImportVariablesWidget>> widget.
<<list-links filter:"[tag[Macro Syntax]]">>
! Introduction
The macro call widget provides an alternative syntax for invoking macros. The advantage of the widget form is that it allows macro parameters to be specified as widget attributes, thus allowing indirection and macro values to be set.
For example, a macro called `italicise` that takes a single parameter called `text` can be invoked in any of these ways:
<<italicise "Text to be made into italics">>
<<italicise text:"Text to be made into italics">>
<$macrocall $name="italicise" text="Text to be made into italics"/>
<$macrocall $name="italicise" text={{Title of tiddler containing text to be italicised}}/>
<$macrocall $name="italicise" text=<<textMaker "Another macro to generate the text to be italicised">>/>
You can see several examples of the macro call widget within the core:
* Listing module information: [[$:/snippets/modules]]
* Listing field information: [[$:/snippets/allfields]]
* Generating `data:` URIs: [[$:/themes/tiddlywiki/starlight/styles.tid]]
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$macrocall>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$name |Name of the macro to invoke |
|$type |ContentType with which the macro text should be parsed (defaults to `text/vnd.tiddlywiki`) |
|$output |ContentType for the output rendering (defaults to `text/html`, can also be `text/plain`) |
|//parameters// |Macro parameters specified as attributes |
A <<.def macro>> is a named snippet of text. WikiText can use the name as a shorthand way of [[transcluding|Transclusion]] the snippet. Such transclusions are known as <<.def "macro calls">>, and each call can supply a different set of parameters that get substituted for special placeholders within the snippet.
For the syntax, see [[Macros in WikiText]].
Most macros are in fact just parameterised [[variables|Variables]].
They are created using the `\define` [[pragma|Pragma]]. (Behind the scenes, this is transformed into a <<.wlink SetWidget>>, i.e. macros and variables are two sides of the same coin.)
The snippet and its incoming parameter values are treated as simple strings of characters with no WikiText meaning, at least until the placeholders have been filled in and the macro call has returned. This means that a macro can assemble and return the complete syntax of a ~WikiText component, such as a [[link|Linking in WikiText]]. (See [[Transclusion and Substitution]] for further discussion of this.)
The string returned by a macro call is parsed separately from any surrounding ~WikiText components. So a safe way to insert a special character sequence (such as `[[` or `<`) without triggering its normal ~WikiText meaning is to wrap it in a macro.
Within a snippet itself, the only markup detected is `$name$` (a placeholder for a macro parameter) and `$(name)$` (a placeholder for a [[variable|Variables]]).
The <<.mlink dumpvariables>> macro lists all variables (including macros) that are available at that position in the widget tree.
An <<.wlink ImportVariablesWidget>> widget can be used to copy macro definitions to another branch of the [[widget tree|Widgets]]. ~TiddlyWiki uses this technique internally to implement global macros -- namely any macros defined in tiddlers with the <<.tag $:/tags/Macro>> tag.
For maximum flexibility, macros can also be <<.js-macro-link "written as JavaScript modules">>.
A similar effect to a parameterised macro call can be produced by setting [[variables|Variables]] around a [[transclusion|Transclusion]].
~TiddlyWiki's core has [[several macros|Core Macros]] built in.
The use of [[macros|Macros]] in WikiText has two distinct aspects:
* [[Defining macros|Macro Definitions in WikiText]]
* [[Calling macros|Macro Calls in WikiText]]
//This is a sample task for the TaskManagementExample//
The <<.def makedatauri>> [[macro|Macros]] takes a piece of text and an associated ContentType, and returns a corresponding [[data URI|Data URI]].
<<.var makedatauri>> is used to implement the <<.mlink datauri>> macro.
!! Parameters
: The text to be converted to a data URI
: The ContentType of the text
<<.macro-examples "makedatauri">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<<makedatauri "some example text" "text/plain">>"""/>
See the UpgradeMechanism for more details.
\define textOnPath(text)
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 1000 300" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" style="background:white;">
<path id="MyPath" d="M 100 200 C 200 100 300 0 400 100 C 500 200 600 300 700 200 C 800 100 900 100 900 100"/>
<use xlink:href="#MyPath" fill="none" stroke="#ddd"/>
<text font-family="'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif" font-size="42.5">
<textPath xlink:href="#MyPath">
This demo shows how to use SVG to render transcluded text along a path. Enter some text in the textbox below to try it out; [[view the source|Making curved text with SVG]] to see how it is done.
<$edit-text tiddler="$:/CurvedText" tag="input" placeholder="Type text here" default=""/>
<$macrocall $name="textOnPath" text={{$:/CurvedText}}/>
# Create a backup of your current TiddlyWiki HTML file ([[just in case|The First Rule of Using TiddlyWiki]])
# Open your TiddlyWiki in a browser
# In another browser window, find a link to the plugin, e.g. [[$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/example]]. You will typically find these links on the home page of the plugin (for example, http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/katex/)
# Drag the link [[$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/example]] to the browser window containing your TiddlyWiki
# Save your TiddlyWiki
# ''Refresh the page so that TiddlyWiki loads the new plugin''
# The plugin should now be available for use
The Markdown plugin enables you to use tiddlers that are written in standard Markdown markup.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/markdown/
An experimental MathJax plugin for TiddlyWiki version 5. As Martin says, the implementation is a bit of a hack but may be useful until we have a better alternative.
Welcome. I have created plugin for TiddlyWiki 5 which allows you to use MathJax (math in TeX and MathML) inside TiddlyWiki 5. It's unofficial plugin and it doesn't follow general policy of TiddlyWiki as stand-alone solution but it works. So you can use it if you want.
MathML is a markup language for mathematical notation that can be used with HTML.
If your browser supports it, MathML elements can be used in TiddlyWiki5 WikiText just like HTML.
Here is an example MathML equation from [[the W3C|http://www.w3.org/Math/XSL/csmall2.xml]]:
Renders as:
These are the internal mechanisms that fit together to make up TiddlyWiki.
<<list-links "[tag[Mechanisms]]">>
Local meetings around the world for ~TiddlyWiki people:
* [[OXTWIG]], the ''Oxford ~TiddlyWiki Interest Group'' meets monthly in Oxford, UK to share experiences of using TiddlyWiki
* ''[[TiddlyWiki Camp Paris]]'' is an all day celebration and exploration of TiddlyWiki for experienced users and beginners alike
//If you are a ~TiddlyWiki enthusiast please consider starting a local TWIG in your area, it's a great way to spread the word about using TiddlyWiki//
Widget messages are generated by widgets in response to user actions. They flow up the widget tree until they are handled by an ancestor widget.
The following widget messages are implemented by the core:
<<list-links "[tag[Messages]]">>
Modals (or "wizards") fade the main TiddlyWiki window to display an isolated tiddler that must be explicitly dismissed by the user.
Modals are displayed with the [[WidgetMessage: tm-modal]].
<$button message="tm-modal" param="SampleWizard">Open demo modal</$button>
A //module// in TiddlyWiki5 is a tiddler containing executable JavaScript, of the type `application/javascript` and with the field `module-type` set to the ModuleType of the module.
See [[ControlPanel|$:/ControlPanel]] > ''Info'' > ''Advanced'' > ''Loaded Modules'' for a list of currently loaded modules.
<<.operator-examples "modules">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[filteroperator]modules[]]">>
\define describe() {{$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/$(type)$}}
The `module-type` field of a [[JavaScript module|Modules]] is a string that identifies the type of the module. Here is a list of the module types used in this wiki:
<$list filter="[moduletypes[]]">
<$set name=type value=<<currentTiddler>>>
<<.operator-examples "moduletypes">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[moduletypes[]]">>
\rules only html
<pre style="font-size:10px; font-family: monospace; line-height:13px">
';. .;c'
:XNo ,kjack' .:dd
,K0X: '0l Tiddly:',..,Wiki.
jacK' .dk. '';jack .xk;
Jack; ..',','... '0c .0c
:0:c0l. .:dTidllyc::cjoWikioc:,,,,;;:cJACKc:;;d0. 'K:
l0:'jack,... ...',:lkxc. ..';:ccc:;;,'...',:loc .Kc
,xk:..,jackjackjack;'. :K,
.lxxl;.. . .Ox.
.':lTiddlyWikI. .xk.
`` ;0; . ;Od.
.dO' .0Ojackx,
cOo' .kk'.'..
.k0' .cOo.
lO; ... .jack.
.xk' .jackTiddlyWikijackO, .lkd;.
;Oo. .dO. .ok. ,Oo.
l0; .c, ,0: .kd l0.
.xk. .xNx lO. lO. ;0,
.Od. ,XW0, :0; dk. .kx.
.kx. jACKx' cOl. .Ol ;0:
.oO: .JACKx. .jack;'. .0: c0;
'dkc ,lXKd' .'jack. .Ol cOc.
.;ljack,.;xkc,...,oK, 'xxjack. .oko.
`` 'cljack' .okdlcJack.
<<.operator-examples "move">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]] +[move[Wednesday]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]] +[move:-2[Wednesday]]">>
MultiTiddlerFiles allow multiple tiddlers to be concisely represented in a single text file.
The goals of this format are:
* To be easy to type and easy to read
* Optimised for single line strings
* To allow common fields or tags to be shared within groups of tiddlers
* To be simple to process with external tools
MultiTiddlerFiles have the extension `multids`. The file is structured as a block of shared fields followed by a blank line. The rest of the file is a sequence of comments and tiddlers. Tiddlers are specified by their title, followed by a colon, at least one space character, and then the rest of the line is the text field for the tiddler.
For example:
title: $:/language/ControlPanel/
tags: strings
modifier: JoeBloggs
Basics/Caption: Basics
# This is a comment
Basics/Version: ~TiddlyWiki Version
This example defines two tiddlers, [[$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/Caption]] and [[$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/Version]].
If a `title` field is specified in the header then it is treated as a prefix for the individual tiddlers defined in the title.
!! Syntax Specification
!!! MultiTiddlerFiles
<$railroad text="""
{<"Header Line">} "Blank Line" {(<"Tiddler Descriptor Line"> | <"Comment Line">)}
!!! Header Line
<$railroad text="""
<"Identifier"> ":" {"Whitespace"} <"Value"> "New Line"
!!! Tiddler Descriptor Line
<$railroad text="""
<"File Path"> ":" {"Whitespace"} <"Tiddler Title"> "New Line"
!!! Comment Line
<$railroad text="""
"#" {("Text" | "Whitespace")} "New Line"
The <<.def namespace>> [[variable|Variables]] is used internally by [[HTML|HyperText Markup Language]] widgets to keep track of the correct namespace for the [[DOM|Document Object Model]] elements they generate.
An `svg` or `math` element supplies a distinct namespace for itself and any child elements it contains.
The system tiddlers provided as part of the core are named according to the following rules:
|!Namespace |!Format |!Description |
|`$:/*` |~CamelCase |Root user interface tiddlers (eg control panel, advanced search) |
|`$:/config/*` |~CamelCase |User-oriented configuration setting |
|`$:/core/images/*` |hyphen-case |Core images |
|`$:/core/modules/*` |lowercase |JavaScript module tiddlers |
|`$:/core/save/*` |lowercase |Saving templates for creating TiddlyWiki documents |
|`$:/core/templates/*` |//inconsistent// |Templates needed for TiddlyWiki to operate. Currently uses a mix of dashes and periods to separate words |
|`$:/core/ui/*` |//inconsistent// |Tiddlers comprising the default user interface of TiddlyWiki. Currently uses a mix of ~CamelCase and lowercase naming conventions |
|`$:/core/wiki/*` |lowercase |Metadata about the entire wiki |
|`$:/docs/*` |lowercase |Documentation tiddlers |
|`$:/messages/*` |~CamelCase |System messages |
|`$:/plugins/*` |lowercase |Plugin tiddlers, and plugin content |
|`$:/snippets/*` |//inconsistent// |Reusable snippets (will be replaced by macros) |
|`$:/state/*` |lowercase |User interface state tiddlers |
|`$:/tags/*` |~CamelCase |User interface configuration tags |
|`$:/temp/*` |lowercase |Temporary tiddlers that shouldn't be saved |
|`$:/themes/*` |lowercase |Theme plugins |
In the format column:
* ''hyphen-case'' refers to joining multiple lowercase words with hyphens
* ''~CamelCase'' refers to joining mulitple initial capitaled words with hyphens
* ''lowercase'' refers to directly joining multiple lowercase words
* ''inconsistent'' marks namespaces that are currently titled inconsistently
In the default "classic" storyview mode, open tiddlers are displayed in a vertical column called the "story river". There are a number of ways you can navigate the story river - that is, how you can jump back and forth between the open tiddlers.
* The best approach is to ''use the Open tab'' in the sidebar to click on the open tiddler to which you wish to navigate.
** The ''Open'' tab contains a list of all the open tiddlers. You can click on any tiddler in the list to jump to it, or click the "×" next to a tiddler link to close it. There is also a handy ''close all'' button at the bottom of the list of open tiddlers.
* Another way is to simply ''scroll the page up and down'' using the story river scrollbar to the right.
** Note that when both the story river and the sidebar extend below the visible screen, there will be //two// scrollbars. The outer or far-right scrollbar controls the story river. The inner scrollbar controls the sidebar.
* A clunky approach that many new users try is to ''close tiddlers one by one'' until they get to the tiddler they are looking for.
** Closing any tiddler at the top or in the middle of the story river will cause all the tiddlers below it to slide up the river. The tiddler immediately below the tiddler you closed will slide up to take its place.
** Closing the bottom tiddler will close it and the bottom of the tiddler above it will come into view.
! Introduction
The navigator widget manipulates the current store, the story list and history lists in response to various [[Messages]].
! Content and Attributes
The navigator widget displays any contained content, and responds to Messages dispatched within it.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|story |Name of the tiddler containing the story list to be manipulated |
|history |Name of the tiddler containing the history list to be manipulated |
|openLinkFromInsideRiver |Determines the location for opening new tiddlers from links within the story river: at the ''top'' or ''bottom'' of the story river, or ''above'' or ''below'' the current tiddler |
|openLinkFromOutsideRiver|Determines the location for opening new tiddlers from linkes outside the story river: at the ''top'' or ''bottom'' of the story river|
! Widget Messages
The following [[Messages]] are handled by the navigator widget:
<$list filter="[tag[navigator-message]]">
<$link to={{!!title}}>
<$view field="title"/>
<$list filter="[tag[Concepts]]">
<$action-setfield test="testing"/>
<iframe src="http://ooktech.com/jed/ExampleWikis/TiddlerSchools/"
style="height:600px; width:600px;"/>
Each input title is processed in turn, and its successor is located in the <<.field list>> field and appended to the output. If a title is not listed in the field, or is the last title there, then it contributes nothing to the output.
<<.operator-examples "next">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[Monday]next[Days of the Week]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[[Sunday]next[Days of the Week]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "Tuesday Wednesday Thursday +[next[Days of the Week]]">>
"node-webkit" was the original name for the project now known as [[NW.js]].
''Node.js'' is a downloadable application for your PC, Mac or Linux computer that lets it run JavaScript applications. Unlike ~JavaScript applications running in a web browser, Node.js code has full access to the file system and other resources of the computer, enabling it to perform the roles that have traditionally been the preserve of languages like Java, PHP and Python. See http://nodejs.org for more details.
For ~TiddlyWiki, Node.js means that we can have a single code base that can run in the browser or on the server, giving great flexibility in how it is used.
For end users, Node.js is no more complicated to install than a web browser, but unlocks powerful capabilities such as the ability to run ~TiddlyWiki as a web server that you can connect to from other devices.
See [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] for more details.
Version 5.0.11-beta includes some changes that can break content from earlier releases of ~TiddlyWiki 5.
! Command line changes
Previously, commands that generate output files would interpret the specified path to the file as being relative to the current working directory. So, for example, the following command would write `index.html` to the current directory:
tiddlywiki mywiki --rendertiddler $:/core/save/all index.html text/plain
In 5.0.11-beta this behaviour has changed, and now the specified filename is resolved relative to an `output` folder within the TiddlyWikiFolder. So the command above will now write the file `index.html` to `mywiki/output/index.html`.
You can override this behaviour with the OutputCommand. For example, to generate the `index.html` file within the current directory:
tiddlywiki mywiki --output . --rendertiddler $:/core/save/all index.html text/plain
A further change is that the `--rendertiddlers` command now clears the output folder before it writes any files. This means that any previous `--rendertiddler` commands to the same folder will have their output deleted.
Version 5.0.8-beta includes some changes that can break content from earlier releases of ~TiddlyWiki 5.
! Change to [[$:/SiteTitle]] and [[$:/SiteSubtitle]]
You should rename any existing SiteTitle and SiteSubtitle tiddlers to [[$:/SiteTitle]] and [[$:/SiteSubtitle]] respectively.
! Changed parsing rules for content of HTML elements
Version 5.0.8-beta marks a change in the way that TiddlyWiki determines whether to parse the content of an HTML element or widget in //block mode// or //inline mode//.
* In block mode, TiddlyWiki parses text into paragraphs, creating `<p>` tags to wrap them. It also recognises block syntax like headings, lists and tables.
* In inline mode, TiddlyWiki ignores paragraph formatting, and just recognises character formatting, like bold and italic.
It's important to be able to control which type of parsing is performed for different situations.
Prior to 5.0.8-beta, TiddlyWiki parsed the content of an element in inline mode unless the opening tag of the element were immediately followed by a line break. This meant that much of the time element tags would be shunted together into a long line, hindering readability.
The new behaviour for 5.0.8-beta is to parse the content of an element in inline mode unless the opening tag is immediately followed by two line breaks.
To adjust existing content for 5.0.8-beta you will need to manually add the additional line break after the opening tag of elements and widgets whose content should be parsed in block mode.
The positive aspect of the change is that it removes the need to pack multiple HTML tags onto a single line, improving readability.
!! Examples
Consider the difference between these two examples. First, here's an HTML tag that starts with two line breaks:
<<wikitext-example src:"
! This is a heading
And a paragraph of text.
Secondly, here's an HTML tag with just a single line break. Notice how the heading is no longer recognised as a heading
<<wikitext-example src:"
! This is a heading
And a paragraph of text.
! Changed commands for [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
The handling of wiki folders has changed. Previously, if the `tiddlywiki` command was run against a wiki folder that didn't have the necessary `tiddlywiki.info` file then it would be automatically created. Now, the wiki folder must be initialised with the InitCommand.
This is how to create and start a new server-based wiki:
tiddlywiki mywikifolder --init server
tiddlywiki mywikifolder --server
Note that the name of the ''clientserver'' edition has changed to ''server''.
Notifications are small informational messages that appear at the top right of the TiddlyWiki window, and automatically disappear after a preset time.
<$button message="tm-notify" param="SampleNotification">Display sample notification</$button>
The <<.def now>> [[macro|Macros]] returns the current date and time in a specified [[format|DateFormat]].
The value doesn't update automatically, like a ticking clock. It updates whenever the macro call is rendered, such as when the containing tiddler's display needs to be refreshed for some other reason.
!! Parameters
: A string specifying the desired [[format|DateFormat]], defaulting to `0hh:0mm, DDth MMM YYYY`
<<.macro-examples "now">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<<now>>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2" eg="""<<now YYYY-0MM-0DD>>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="3" eg="""<<now "hh:0mm:0sspm">>"""/>
Non-numeric values are treated as having a higher value than any number, and the difference between capital and lowercase letters is ignored. Compare <<.olink nsortcs>>.
<<.operator-examples "nsort">>
<<.operator-example 1 "10 010 1000 100 +[nsort[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "10 010 ALPHA beta alpha 1000 100 +[nsort[]]">>
Non-numeric values are treated as having a higher value than any number, and capital and lowercase letters are treated as different. Compare <<.olink nsort>>.
<<.operator-examples "nsortcs">>
<<.operator-example 1 "10 010 1000 100 +[nsortcs[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "10 010 ALPHA beta alpha 1000 100 +[nsortcs[]]">>
<<.place N>> is one-based. In other words, `nth[1]` has the same effect as the <<.olink first>> operator.
<<.operator-examples "nth">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]nth[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]nth[5]]">>
NW.js is an OpenSource application that fuses the functionality of a web browser with that of [[Node.js]]. It makes it possible to use web applications as though they were native apps, with full access to the file system and other native facilities. Learn more from the [[official site|https://github.com/nwjs/nw.js]] or [[this introductory blog post|http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/javascript-ajax/introduction-to-html5-desktop-apps-with-node-webkit/]].
See [[TiddlyWiki on NW.js]] for details of how to use TiddlyWiki with NW.js.
An introduction to the biblical book of Obadiah by Dave Gifford using the table of contents macro and various custom tweaks to ~TiddlyWiki: custom new here buttons, [[this custom viewtemplate addition|http://giffmex.org/experiments/obadiah.html#%24%3A%2F_aa%2FViewTemplate%2FNoteList]] to add notes or images within any tiddler, and a tiddler transcluding all the content, in order to facilitate printing ([[this tiddler|http://giffmex.org/experiments/obadiah.html#An%20introduction%20to%20Obadiah]]).
OpenSource is [[defined by Wikipedia|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_source]] as //a philosophy, or pragmatic methodology that promotes free redistribution and access to an end product's design and implementation details//.
When ~TiddlyWiki generates a list of the tiddlers that have a particular tag (e.g. the dropdown list of a tag pill), it orders the tiddlers using the following rules:
# Start with any that are [[declared|Title List]] in the <<.field list>> field of the tag tiddler, in the order given there.
# In each remaining tiddler <<.place T>>, look for a <<.field list-before>> field. If this has a tiddler title as its value, place <<.place T>> just <<.em before>> that one.
#* As a special case, if the field exists but its value is empty, place <<.place T>> at the very start of the list.
# In each remaining tiddler <<.place T>>, look for a <<.field list-after>> field. If this has a tiddler title as its value, place tiddler <<.place T>> just <<.em after>> that one.
# If any tiddlers still remain, place them at the end of the list in ascending alphabetical order of title. The difference between capital and lowercase letters is ignored.
Founded in 2004 by JeremyRuston, Osmosoft was originally a consultancy for software services around TiddlyWiki. Notable engagements included working with Socialtext on [[Socialtext Unplugged|https://www.socialtext.net/open/socialtext_unplugged]].
In 2007, Osmosoft was acquired by [[BT]] and became the champions for open source within the enterprise. As part of BT, Osmosoft has worked on a diverse range of projects within BT and for BT's customers.
See http://osmosoft.com/
The ''Oxford ~TiddlyWiki Interest Group'' meets monthly for discussions and demonstrations about TiddlyWiki.
See https://oxtwig.eventbrite.co.uk/ for details of our next meeting.
We have an email discussion list, too: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!members/oxtwig
The second OXTWIG meeting was held on Thursday 16th January 2014:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/WOK_nVBf_6U" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
The first OXTWIG meeting was held on Thursday 21st November 2013:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/tpNf_Dms_TE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
One major feature of TiddlyWiki that many new users are unaware of is the degree to which TiddlyWiki can be customised, just by adding or removing SystemTags in key shadow tiddlers or in your own custom tiddlers.
* You can add and remove default features in tiddlers in either viewing or editing mode (let's say you find the tiddler subtitle distracting, or you want to add yourself a reminder that you will see when you edit tiddlers)
* You can also add and remove default features from the general page layout (maybe you want to add a clock to the sidebar, or replace one of the page control buttons with your own)
* You can also rearrange the order in which these features are displayed (perhaps you would like tags above tiddler titles, or the subtitle of your TiddlyWiki below the page control buttons)
Once you know what you are doing, all of these things are actually pretty easy to do.
! Adding custom-made tiddlers to the user interface
You can also create any tiddler you want and tag it with the appropriate SystemTag, and it will appear in that place. For example, if you create a tiddler 'Reminder to self', add the text 'This is a reminder' and tag it `$:/tags/EditTemplate`, the words 'This is a reminder' will appear inside every tiddler when you edit it.
When you add new tiddlers to be displayed within tiddlers or within the page layout, you will also probably need to reposition it so that it appears precisely where you want it to appear. To do this, edit the appropriate shadow tiddler with the prefix `$:/tags/`, and insert the title of your tiddler in the proper place in the list field. For example, if you want the words 'This is a reminder' from the example above to appear above the tags editor in editing mode, edit the tiddler $:/tags/EditTemplate, go to the 'list' field, and insert `[[Reminder to self]]` right before `$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/tags`.
! Creating new buttons for the ViewToolbar and page controls
Let's say you have a skeleton tiddler called 'Recipe template', and you want to have a button available in the tiddler ViewToolbar to create new recipe tiddlers on demand. This will require the following steps:
# You will want an image for your button. If none of the core images (shadow tiddlers with the prefix $:/core/images/) work for you, then you will need to create or acquire an SVG image (for example, one of the images at http://flaticon.com), drag it into your file so that it becomes a tiddler, edit the tiddler and adjust the height and width to 22px
# You will want to create the tiddler that contains your tiddler. Create it, title it, and add the button code (see the code at the bottom of this tiddler for an example, with hints where you will need to adapt it). Tag it [[$:/tags/ViewToolbar]]
# You will need to create a tiddler that tells TiddlyWiki whether your button should be visible in the toolbar or hidden. Let's title it [[$:/config/ViewToolbarButtons/Visibility/Recipe]]. Type `reveal` into the text area, and save.
# You will want to position the button properly. Open the tiddler $:/tags/ViewToolbar and insert your button tiddler's title in the appropriate place in the list field.
\define newHereButtonTags()
\define newHereButton()
<$button class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>>>
title="New tiddler"
tags=<<newHereButtonTags>> />
<$list filter="[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]">
<$list filter="[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]">
<span class="tc-btn-text"><$text text="CAPTION FOR YOUR BUTTON"/></span>
! Removing shadow tiddlers from the user interface
In the More > Shadows tab you will find a list of all the shadow tiddlers. In this list you will find many tiddlers with the prefix `$:/core/ui/`. These are the core tiddlers that define the user interface. These tiddlers are tagged with SystemTags, and removing or adding these tags will adjust the tiddler and page layouts.
For example, $:/core/ui/SideBar/More is the tiddler for the More tab in the Sidebar, and it is tagged with the SystemTag `$:/tags/SideBar` so that it appears in the Sidebar. Removing the tag from that tiddler will remove the More tab from the Sidebar, and reinserting the Sidebar tag to that tiddler will make it reappear in the Sidebar.
You can use the same process for any of the core user interface tiddlers with the $:/core/ui/ prefix. For example, removing the SystemTag `$:/tags/ViewTemplate` from the tiddler `$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/subtitle` will remove the subtitles from all tiddlers.
If you modify a shadow tiddler in this way you will overwrite the pre-installed value. If you want to revert, just delete the modified tiddler to restore the underlying shadow tiddler.
To mark the end of a paragraph in TiddlyWiki you need to type `enter` twice to create a double line break:
This is the first paragraph.
And this is the second paragraph.
Single line breaks are ignored within paragraphs. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"This is a
paragraph made
up of
short lines">>
For situations where this behaviour isn't convenient, you can also use [[Hard Linebreaks in WikiText]].
! Introduction
The password widget displays a password input box that is bound to a named entry in the TiddlyWiki5 PasswordVault. Passwords are currently stored in the browsers local storage and are not themselves encrypted.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$password>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|name |Name of the password vault entry |
<<.dlink-ex "Percent encoding" "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Percent-encoding">> is a notation that allows otherwise invalid characters to be included in a [[URI]].
Such characters are represented as a percent sign `%` followed by two additional characters.
For example, a space is represented as `%20` and an actual percent sign is represented as `%25`.
TiddlyWiki ships with defaults that are designed to get the best out of modern devices from smartphones to desktop computers. If you need to work on older, less powerful devices, or work with large amounts of content, there are a few steps you can take to improve performance.
* ''Avoid the "Recent" tab''. It is computationally slow to generate and update in response to tiddler changes.
* ''Use the "Vanilla" theme''. The default "Snow White" theme includes visual effects like shadows, transparency and blurring that can be slow to render on older devices
* ''Avoid large tiddlers''. Large bitmaps can significantly slow TiddlyWiki's performance. For example, an image taken with a modern smartphone will often be 5MB or more. Use ExternalImages whenever possible
* ''Don't have too many tiddlers open at once''. Every tiddler you have open will require processing to keep it up to date as the store changes (for example, while you type into a draft tiddler). It is particularly easy when using zoomin story view to end up with dozens of tiddlers listed in the ''Open'' tab in the sidebar. Get into the habit of periodically closing all open tiddlers with the ''close all'' button
Permalinks allow direct links to individual tiddlers within a TiddlyWiki.
! Simple Permalinks
The simplest form of permalink is a single target tiddler title appended to the base URL with `#`:
The tiddler title can contain spaces if required:
[[http://tiddlywiki.com/#Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
Note that double square brackets are not required around the target tiddler title; however, if present they are silently removed.
! Story Permalinks
The permalink can also specify the story list of tiddlers that should be opened alongside the target tiddler as a [[TiddlerFilter|Filters]]:
[[http://tiddlywiki.com/#TiddlerFields:Tiddlers TiddlerTags TiddlerFields ContentType]]
If the target tiddler isn't present in the story list then it is automatically inserted at the top. This means that the following two examples both target the tiddler `Tiddlers` within the story sequence `Tiddlers`, `Tags`, `TiddlerFields`:
[[http://tiddlywiki.com/#Tiddlers:Tags TiddlerFields]]
[[http://tiddlywiki.com/#Tiddlers:Tiddlers Tags TiddlerFields]]
It is also possible to specify a story filter without specifying a target tiddler for navigation:
<a href="http://tiddlywiki.com/#:[tags[task]]">~http://tiddlywiki.com/#:[tags[task]]</a>
! About URL encoding
There are technical restrictions on the legal characters in an URL fragment. To allow all tiddler titles to be addressed, illegal characters are subject to a process called "URL encoding" whereby problematic characters are replaced by their numeric code. For example, the space character is replaced with `%20`.
Both the target tiddler title and the story filter should be URL encoded (but not the separating colon). TiddlyWiki generates properly encoded URLs which can look quite ugly. However, in practice browsers will usually perfectly happily process arbitrary characters in URL fragments. Thus when creating permalinks manually you can choose to ignore URL encoding.
! Permalink Behaviour
Two important aspects of TiddlyWiki's behaviour with permalinks can be controlled via options in the $:/ControlPanel ''Advanced/Settings'' tab:
* Whether to automatically update the address bar at each navigation, and if so whether to include the story sequence as well as the target tiddler
* Whether the updates to the address bar should affect browser history. The default is ''no''; when switched to ''yes'' you can rewind navigation between tiddlers using the browser back and forward buttons
Note that typing or navigating to a permalink will always cause the permalink to be processed, and tiddlers opened and closed as appropriate.
!! Technical Details
When TiddlyWiki starts up it processes permalinks according to the following steps; the same steps are repeated if the permalink changes dynamically (this happens in response to the user editing the address bar, for example).
# If the permalink contains a colon, treat the string before as the ''target'' and the string after it as the ''story filter''
# If the permalink doesn't contain a colon, treat the entire string as the ''target'' and mark the ''story filter'' as //unspecified//
# If the ''story filter'' was unspecified and we're in the process of starting up, then set the ''story filter'' to the empty string if the ''target'' is specified, or to the default tiddlers if the ''target'' is unspecified
# If the ''story filter'' was unspecified and we're not starting up, then set the ''story filter'' to the current story list
# Evaluate the ''story filter'' as the ''story list''
# If the ''target'' is specified and not present in the ''story list'' then add it at the top
# If the ''target'' is specified then navigate to it, otherwise navigate to the first tiddler in the ''story list''
A system for lesson planning built with TiddlyWiki.
I built a program to help enter and store lesson plan information and then facilitate/automate some of the tedious work involved in creating the actual lesson plan document.
The purpose of recording and organising information is so that it can be used again. The value of recorded information is directly proportional to the ease with which it can be re-used.
The philosophy of [[tiddlers|Tiddlers]] is that we maximise the possibilities for re-use by slicing information up into the smallest semantically meaningful units with [[rich modelling of relationships between them|Structuring TiddlyWiki]]. Then we use aggregation and composition to weave the fragments together to present narrative stories.
TiddlyWiki aspires to provide an algebra for tiddlers, a concise way of expressing and exploring the relationships between items of information.
TiddlyWiki can be used on several platforms:
<<list-links "[tag[Platforms]]">>
These editions contain simple demos of the original set of TiddlyWiki plugins. They were prepared for earlier versions of TiddlyWiki that lacked the plugin library.
<<list-links "[tag[Plugin Editions]]">>
[[Plugins]] are bundles of tiddlers that are distributed and managed as a single unit by being packed into a single JSON tiddler. If a tiddler isn't found in the main store, then the registered plugins are searched for it instead.
Tiddlers within plugins behave something like shadow tiddlers in classic TiddlyWiki: they can be freely overwritten by creating a tiddler with the same title, but deleting that tiddler restores the underlying tiddler value from the plugin.
Plugins have a `plugin-type` field that may be (see the table below):
* `plugin` //(default)// - a plain plugin
* `theme` - a theme plugin (see ThemeMechanism)
* `language` - for translations only
Plugins can be used to package ordinary content, or can include JavaScript [[modules|Modules]] that extend and enhance the core TiddlyWiki5 functionality.
Plugins conventionally have a title of the form `$:/plugins/publisher/name`. Plugins that are part of the core TiddlyWiki distribution have titles of the form `$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/name`.
Plugins that define macros, views or other named entities are expected to prefix the name with their publisher identifier, for example: `tiddlytools.slider`.
! Plugin fields
Plugins are stored as tiddlers with the following fields:
|!Field |!Description |
|title |Title of plugin |
|description |Description of plugin |
|author |Author of plugin |
|version |Version string (must conform to SemanticVersioning convention) |
|source |Source URL of plugin |
|type |Must be ''application/json'' |
|plugin-type |Can be ''plugin'' (default), ''language'' or ''theme'' |
|text |JSON encoding of the list of tiddlers comprising the plugin |
|list |Names of exposed plugin information tiddlers (see below) |
|name |Name of the theme (only for themes) |
|dependents |List of dependent plugins (currently only implemented for themes) |
! Plugin folders
On the server, plugins can be stored as ordinary JSON tiddlers but it is often more convenient to store them as separate tiddler files within folders. Plugin folders must contain a `plugin.info` file that contains the metadata for the plugin. It can also optionally identify files external to the plugin folder that should be loaded as tiddlers.
The `plugin.info` file should contain the following JSON structure:
The JSON structure for plugin tiddlers is as follows:
"title": "$:/plugins/publisher/name",
"description": "An exemplary plugin for demonstration purposes",
"author": "JeremyRuston",
"version": "1.2.3-alpha3",
"core-version": ">=5.0.0",
"source": "http://tiddlywiki.com/MyPlugin",
"plugin-type": "plugin",
"list": "readme license history"
By convention, the titles of the individual tiddlers are prefixed with the title of the containing plugin, but they are not restricted to do so.
Note that if the `version` field is omitted from a `plugin.info` file when the plugin folder is packed then it is automatically filled in by the core to the current core version number. This is to ensure that all the core plugins carry the correct version number. Generally plugin authors will want to ensure that they do explicitly specify a version number.
! Plugin library
The standard distribution of TiddlyWiki includes a number of standard plugins in the `plugins` directory.
! Including plugins in a wiki
To be usable in the browser, plugins just need to be included in the wiki. For wikis that are generated on the server, TiddlyWikiFolders can contain a `tiddlywiki.info` file that identifies the plugins to be included in this wiki:
"plugins": [
Plugins names refer to plugin folders listed in TiddlyWiki5's root `plugins` folder.
Plugins can also be included manually by copying them into the `plugins` subfolder of the wiki.
! Plugin processing
The wiki object keeps track of all of the currently loaded plugins. If a request for a tiddler isn't in the store then the wiki looks through the cascade of plugins to find the requested tiddler. It is a similar idea to the way that shadow tiddlers are implemented in classic TiddlyWiki.
In the browser, any constituent tiddlers that are JavaScript modules (ie shadow tiddlers of content type `application/javascript` and possessing the field `module-type`) are executed during startup processing.
!! Disabling Plugins
Plugins can be disabled by creating a tiddler titled `$:/config/Plugins/Disabled/` concatenated with the plugin title, and setting its text to `yes`.
For example, to disable the plugin `$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/highlight`, the title would be:
! Information Tiddlers for Plugins
Plugin authors are encouraged to provide special information and documentation tiddlers that TiddlyWiki can include as plugin information tabs in the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]].
Plugins should provide an icon contained in a tiddler with the title formed of `<plugin-name>/icon` (for example, [[$:/core/icon]]).
Plugins expose the names of the individual information tabs that they wish to display in the `list` field of the plugin tiddler. By convention, some or all of the following should be provided:
* ''readme'': basic information about the plugin
* ''license'': the license under which the plugin is published
The title of the associated information tiddler must be formed as follows:
# `$:/<plugin-name>/<current-language>/<tab-name>` (for example, ''$:/core/en-GB/readme'')
# `$:/<plugin-name>/<tab-name>` (for example, ''$:/core/readme'')
Thus, plugins can provide language-specific versions of each information tiddler.
Note that information tiddlers should not reference other tiddlers within the plugin. This is because plugins containing themes or languages are dynamically switched in and out as they are selected, and so their information tiddlers may not be available for viewing. The control panel uses the 'subtiddler' attribute of the TranscludeWidget to access these tiddlers, which works independently of the plugin switching mechanism.
Plugins in TiddlyWiki5 are used to distribute optional components that customise and extend TiddlyWiki. You can install them from the [[official plugin library|Installing a plugin from the plugin library]] or from [[community sites|Resources]].
Internally, plugins are a bundle of tiddlers packaged together as a single tiddler that can be installed, copied or deleted as a unit. The individual tiddlers within a plugin appear as ShadowTiddlers. See the PluginMechanism discussion for more details about how plugins are implemented internally.
Plugins can contain JavaScript modules, style sheets, and templates. Plugins can also be used to distribute ordinary text, images or any other content.
<<list-links "[tag[Plugins]]">>
A collection of plugins from TheDiveO.
[[TheDiveO's Third Flow|http://thediveo.github.io/ThirdFlow/]] plugin construction system:
The ~ThirdFlow plugin brings to you another way to develop customization plugins for TiddlyWiki 5. It is not enforcing a specific development flow, it simply tries to help you. Otherwise, it tries to stay out of your way.
[[TheDiveO's FontAwesome|http://thediveo.github.io/TW5FontAwesome/]] plugin:
The FontAwesome plugin supports embedding Font Awesome in TiddlyWiki 5. There is no need to install this font into your operating system in order to use it with TiddlyWiki 5. The font is already embedded in this TiddlyWiki 5 customization plugin instead, so nothing else to install.
<<.operator-examples "plugintiddlers">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[$:/core]plugintiddlers[]]">>
\define qualifyState() <<qualify $:/temp/check-edit/$(currentTiddler)$
<$vars currentTiddler="HelloThere" state=<<qualifyState>>>
<$checkbox tiddler=<<state>> field="text" checked="edit" unchecked="" class="check-edit">{{$:/core/images/edit-button}}</$checkbox> <$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
<$reveal state=<<state>> type="match" text="edit">
<$edit-text tiddler=<<target>> field="text" class="tc-edit-texteditor" minHeight="200px" autoHeight="yes"/>
.check-edit input{display:none;}
.check-edit svg{fill:grey;height:1em;width:1em;curser:pointer;}
.check-edit:hover svg{fill:black;}
The popup mechanism allows blocks of content to be selectively displayed and positioned with respect to an anchor. It has several parts:
* [[StateTiddlers|StateMechanism]] to record whether a popup is currently displayed or not
* The RevealWidget to selectively display the popup content
** For "sticky" popups — those that don't close when clicking inside one — set the ''class'' attribute to `tc-popup-keep`
* The ButtonWidget to trigger the display of the popup by setting the state tiddler appropriately
A <<.def pragma>> is a special component of WikiText that provides control over the way the remaining text is parsed.
Pragmas occupy lines that start with `\`. They can only appear at the start of the text, but blank lines are allowed between them. If a pragma line appears in the main body of the text, it is treated as if it was ordinary text.
The following pragmas are available:
: for defining a [[macro|Macros]]
: for adjusting the set of rules used to parse the text
<<.operator-examples "prefix">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[tag[task]!prefix[Go]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[prefix[$:/languages/]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[prefix[$:/]]" "same as `[is[system]]`">>
<<.operator-examples "prepend">>
The operator may be used to prepend a number of items to the list.
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]prepend[Yesterday Today Tomorrow]]">>
The operand may list only items without spaces -- to include items with spaces, use a reference to an array e.g. prepend the last three short days of the week to the list
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]!prepend:3{Days of the Week!!short}]">>
Ordinarily, at startup TiddlyWiki displays the tiddlers specified as a filter in the tiddler [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]].
Sometimes it's useful to re-open the same tiddlers that were open when the file was saved. To do so, set [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]] to this filter:
This filter returns the tiddlers specified in the [[$:/StoryList]] tiddler, which is the system tiddler that TiddlyWiki uses to store the sequence of tiddlers in the current story.
Each input title is processed in turn, and its predecessor is located in the <<.field list>> field and appended to the output. If a title is not listed in the field, or is the first item there, then it contributes nothing to the output.
<<.operator-examples "previous">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[Wednesday]previous[Days of the Week]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[[Monday]previous[Days of the Week]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "Tuesday Wednesday Thursday +[previous[Days of the Week]]">>
<<.operator-examples "putafter">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]] +[putafter[Wednesday]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]] +[putafter:2[Tuesday]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[list[Days of the Week]] [[Yesterday]] [[Today]] [[Tomorrow]] +[putafter:3[Tuesday]]">>
<<.operator-examples "putbefore">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]] +[putbefore[Wednesday]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]] +[putbefore:2[Tuesday]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[list[Days of the Week]] [[Yesterday]] [[Today]] [[Tomorrow]] +[putbefore:3[Tuesday]]">>
<<.operator-examples "putfirst">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]] +[putfirst[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]] +[putfirst:2[]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[list[Days of the Week]] [[Yesterday]] [[Today]] [[Tomorrow]] +[putfirst:-2[]]">>
<<.operator-examples "putlast">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]] +[putlast[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]] +[putlast:2[]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "one two three [list[Days of the Week]] +[putlast:-3[]]">>
The <<.def qualify>> [[macro|Macros]] is an important part of the StateMechanism.
It returns a unique string that encodes its position within the [[widget tree|Widgets]], as identified by the stack of transcluded tiddlers that lead to that position.
It is implemented using the <<.vlink transclusion>> variable.
!! Parameters
: The prefix for the returned string, normally a tiddler title
<<.macro-examples "qualify">>
The results returned by the <<.mlink qualify>> macro depend on its location in the transclusion stack.
The two examples below are identical, but produce different results because the second one has been transcluded from [[another tiddler|$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/qualify-transcluded]].
Each example shows the result of calling <<.var qualify>> and then the value of the <<.vlink transclusion>> variable.
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
<li><code><<qualify "BaseTiddler">></code></li>
Wikipedia [[defines a Quine|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quine_(computing)]] as //a computer program which takes no input and produces a copy of its own source code as its only output//.
TiddlyWiki is an unusual example of a practical quine: it is this ability to produce a copy of its own source code that lies at the heart of TiddlyWiki's ability to independently save changes to itself.
;List Mode
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$list filter="[list[!!group1]]" variable="item">
<td><$radiolist field="tags" item=<<item>> options={{!!group1}}><<item>></$radiolist></td>
<$list filter="[list[!!group2]]" variable="item">
<td><$radiolist field="tags" item=<<item>> options={{!!group2}}><<item>></$radiolist></td>
<$list filter="[list[!!group3]]" variable="item">
<td><$radiolist field="tags" item=<<item>> options={{!!group3}}><<item>></$radiolist></td>
tags: {{!!tags}}"""/>
;String Mode (Legacy Function)
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src="""<table><tr><th>newfield </th><td><$view field="newfield"/> </td>
<td><$radiolist field="newfield" value="The first string">String1</$radiolist></td>
<td><$radiolist field="newfield" value="The second string">String2</$radiolist></td>
<td><$radiolist field="newfield" value="The last string">String3</$radiolist></td>
newfield: {{!!newfield}}"""/>
!! Aim
This widget extends the action of the $radio widget to operate on lists.
!! Implementation
* when the `value` attribute is set -- the widget functions in string mode (backward compatible with legacy widget)
* when the `item` attribute is set ( `value` absent) -- the widget will select a single option from the specified `option` list
! Introduction
The radio widget displays an HTML `<input type="radio">` that reflects whether a given tiddler field has a specified value. Selecting the radio button sets to the tiddler field to the value.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$radio>` widget is displayed within an HTML `<label>` element also containing the radio button. This means that clicking on the content will have the same effect as clicking on the button itself.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |Title of the tiddler to manipulate (defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]) |
|field |The name of the field to which the radio button will be bound |
|value |The value for the tiddler field |
|class |CSS classes to be assigned to the label around the radio button |
! Example
This example uses the radio widget to change the `modifier` field of this tiddler:
<$radio field="modifier" value="JoeBloggs"> Joe Bloggs</$radio>
<$radio field="modifier" value="JaneBloggs"> Jane Bloggs</$radio>
It renders as:
<$radio field="modifier" value="JoeBloggs"> Joe Bloggs</$radio>
<$radio field="modifier" value="JaneBloggs"> Jane Bloggs</$radio>
<<.def "Railroad diagrams">>, sometimes called <<.def "syntax diagrams">>, are a visual way of explaining the syntax rules of a computer language. Reading one is like reading a public transport map.
Each diagram starts on the left and ends on the right. Simply follow any line from the startpoint to the endpoint. All the alternative lines are equally valid. A line will sometimes jump over an item that is optional, or loop back to indicate that an item can be repeated.
<$railroad text="""
start [:optional] {repeated +","} end
In the example above, a comma appears between each occurrence of the `repeated` item. The comma path runs from right to left, and can only be reached by first passing through `repeated`.
Characters in round boxes are literal, i.e. they denote themselves. A name in a rectangular box denotes a further railroad diagram.
The railroad diagrams in ~TiddlyWiki's documentation are generated with the [[Railroad Plugin]].
Featuring plugins that integrate two interesting new capabilities:
* [[SocialCalc|https://www.socialtext.net/open/socialcalc]] providing a powerful spreadsheet
* [[Three.js|http://threejs.org/]] providing interactive 3D graphics
I developed some plugins related to engineering tasks.
After using them for personal projects I'm glad to share with TiddlyWiki community.
\define tv-wikilink-template() http://tiddlywiki.com/static/$uri_doubleencoded$.html
<$importvariables filter="[[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Macro]!has[draft.of]]">
Welcome to TiddlyWiki, a non-linear personal web notebook that anyone can use and keep forever, independently of any corporation.
TiddlyWiki is a complete interactive wiki in JavaScript. It can be used as a single HTML file in the browser or as a powerful Node.js application. It is highly customisable: the entire user interface is itself implemented in hackable WikiText.
Learn more and see it in action at http://tiddlywiki.com/
Developer documentation is in progress at http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/
! Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js
{{Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js}}
! Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js
{{Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js}}
! Upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js
{{Upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js}}
! Also see
<<list-links "[tag[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] -[[Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] -[[Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] -[[Upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]">>
//This readme file was automatically generated by TiddlyWiki//
\define tv-wikilink-template() http://tiddlywiki.com/static/$uri_doubleencoded$.html
{{Scripts for TiddlyWiki on Node.js}}
The following topics provide the canonical reference documentation for TiddlyWiki:
<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-selective-expandable 'Reference'>>
<<.def "Reference tiddlers">> offer raw information in a comprehensive interlinked way. The reader is likely to be an intermediate or expert user.
There are several subcategories:
* With definitions, together forming a glossary
;User manual
* Presenting technical details of ~WikiText features
* Subcategorised: messages, operators, widgets, etc
;Developer manual
* Presenting technical details of ~TiddlyWiki's internal architecture
Reference material is written in a terse, formal style that avoids referring to the reader, and instead focuses on how ~TiddlyWiki itself behaves. The passive voice is often suitable:
* <<.word "the template is specified as a tiddler">> rather than <<.word "specify the template as a tiddler">>
* <<.word "the widget can be used for various purposes">> rather than <<.word "you can use the widget for various purposes">>
* But <<.word "this widget has several possible uses">> is better, because it is less convoluted and more succinct
Most contracted verb forms are avoided in reference tiddlers. But those ending in <<.word "n't">> (<<.word "aren't">>, <<.word "doesn't">>, <<.word "hasn't">>, <<.word "isn't">>, etc) are acceptable, as they make it less easy to accidentally overlook the word <<.word not>>.
<<.def "Regular expressions">> are concise strings of characters that denote patterns of text to search for. The format used in ~TiddlyWiki is fully defined in [[this Mozilla reference|https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Regular_Expressions]].
The [[filter syntax|Filter Run]] makes it impossible to directly specify a regular expression that contains square brackets. The solution is to store the expression in a [[variable|Variables]]. See the <<.operator-examples "regexp" "examples">>.
The parameter <<.place X>> can optionally start or end with a string of flags:
<$railroad text=""" "(?" { ("i"|"m"|:"g") } ")" """/>
Only the `i` flag is generally useful: it forces the different between capital and lowercase letters to be ignored.
If <<.place X>> is empty, <<.op regexp>> will match all of the input tiddlers.
<<.operator-examples "regexp">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[!is[system]regexp[Wiki]]" "non-system tiddlers with `Wiki` in their title">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[!is[system]regexp[(?i)Wiki]]" "non-system tiddlers with `Wiki` in their title, ignoring case">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[!is[system]regexp[Wiki(?i)]]" "same again">>
<<.operator-example 4 "[regexp[(?i)\.jpe?g$]]" "tiddlers with titles ending in `.jpg` or `.jpeg`, ignoring case">>
<<.operator-example 5 "[regexp:created[^201408]]" "tiddlers created in August 2014">>
The regular expression `[0-9]{2}` matches two consecutive digits. Because it contains square brackets, the way to use it with the <<.op regexp>> operator is via a [[variable|Variables]], as follows:
src="""<$set name="digit-pattern" value="[0-9]{2}">
<<list-links "[regexp:title<digit-pattern>]">>
This release is the culmination of a large scale refactoring of the widget mechanism of TiddlyWiki5. There are several changes to be aware of if upgrading from earlier versions:
* The following widgets have been removed:
** `<$setstyle>` - use `<div style=<<macroName Param>>>` instead
** `<$video>` - will return in a later release
** `<$datauri>` - use the `<<makedatauri>>` built-in macro instead
** `<$error>` - may return in a later release
** `<$import>` - use the BrowseWidget, DropzoneWidget and NavigatorWidget instead
** `<$info>` - use the `<<changecount>>` built-in macro instead
** `<$version>` - use the `<<version>>` built-in macro instead
* The following widgets have had significant changes:
** EditWidget
** ListWidget - the list widget itself no longer generates HTML nodes, so you'll often need to wrap the template in a `<div>` or a `<span>` to be able to style the content
** ViewWidget - has several changes:
*** `<$view format="link"/>` is no longer available; use an explicit `<$link>` widget instead
*** `<$view format="link"/>` is no longer available; use the TranscludeWidget instead
* The following new widgets have been added:
** BrowseWidget
** DropzoneWidget
** EditTextWidget and EditBitmapWidget
** SetVariableWidget
* Widget attribute names have been made more consistent. In particular, `tiddler` is used to reference a tiddler by title, not `title`
* It is no longer possible to import the macro definitions within another tiddler by transcluding that tiddler
* The `body` element now has the class `tw-body`, which will need to be specified in any overrides
** This was done due to the new support for HTML foreign objects, which makes it possible to have multiple `<body>` elements in a document
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.11...v5.0.0-alpha.12]]//
This minor release just contains fixes for the syncer and related adaptor modules for the TiddlyWeb edition and for TiddlyWiki5's integrated server.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.12...v5.0.0-alpha.13]]//
This release has several bug fixes:
* Fixes to DaveGifford's themes ''blanca'', ''blue'' and ''rocker''
* Fix an issue with the `<$edit-text>` widget
* Documentation updates
* Improved deployment scripts
* Made the modifier field in the subtitle be a link
* Styling improvements for the CodeMirror plugin
* Improved the ViewWidget so that it falls back to displaying its content if the field/property is missing or empty
* Extend use of the built-in `<<tabs>>` macro to the tiddler info panel, the control panel and the sidebar
** This means that you can add new tabs by creating tiddlers with these tags, and optionally a `caption` field for the text of the tab:
*** [[$:/tags/TiddlerInfo]] for tiddler info panel tabs
*** [[$:/tags/ControlPanel]] for control panel tabs
*** [[$:/tags/SideBar]] for sidebar tabs
*** [[$:/tags/MoreSideBar]] for tabs in the "more" sidebar
*** Change the order of tabs by adjusting the `list` field of the corresponding tag tiddler
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.13...v5.0.0-alpha.14]]//
This release has several bug fixes:
* Improved the layout of the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]]
* Fixed problem with using the CheckboxWidget to apply tags to tiddlers that don't have any existing tags
* Fixed problem with default password for the PasswordWidget being the string "null"
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.14...v5.0.0-alpha.15]]//
!! New Features
* Added a dropdown to the edit template for setting the tiddler type
* A saver module for Microsoft Internet Explorer version 10 and above. Clicking save in the sidebar causes the browser to pull up a bar at the bottom of the window where you can click ''save''. You then get a new copy of your wiki in the downloads folder.
* Support for new `tw-close-other-tiddlers` message (eg, <$button message="tw-close-other-tiddlers">close others</$button>)
* For http://five.tiddlywiki.com, add a tiddler info tab with a link to the static representation of the tiddler
* Make more UI elements extensible via system tags:
** [[$:/tags/ViewToolbar]] for the view mode tiddler toolbar
** [[$:/tags/EditTemplate]] for the edit template
** [[$:/tags/EditToolbar]] for the edit mode tiddler toolbar
** [[$:/tags/PageControls]] for the page control tools in the sidebar
!! Improvements
* Rename the `<$setvariable>` to `<$set>`
** `<$setvariable>` will temporarily remain as a synonym for `<$set>` for the next few releases
* Improve the popup mechanism so that the tiddler info panel doesn't close so easily
* Various improvements for working with TiddlyWeb, including:
** Updated control panel
!! Bug fixes
* Fixed bug when creating a tiddler title starting or ending with a space
* Fixed behaviour of tags editor dropdown when search box is empty
* Fixed problem with interpretation of `fields` and `index` attributes of the TranscludeWidget
* Fixed the module type names in the internal tab of the control panel
* Improved styling for embedded PDFs
* Fixed bug with second being omitted from serialised date formats
Contributors to this release include @jermolene and @grayeul.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.15...v5.0.0-alpha.16]]//
!! New Features and Improvements
* Improved appearance of tags editor
* Improved generation of qualified tiddler titles for state storage
** Instead of `$:/state/tab/sidebar-{$:/core/ui/SideBar|$:/core/ui/SideBar||}{$:/core/ui/PageTemplate|$:/core/ui/PageTemplate||}` one gets `$:/state/tab/sidebar-{1743827719}`
* Significant updates to the structure and content of the user documentation
* Added a new plugin for displaying corner ribbons; currently used for a version banner on tw5.com
* Split ''Snow White'' theme into a base ''Vanilla'' theme with all the basic formatting, leaving the decorative bits to ''Snow White''
** Existing TiddlyWikiFolders will need updating to include ''Vanilla'' as an additional theme
* The page building blocks are now driven by the system tag `$:/tags/PageTemplate`
** [[$:/TopSideBar]] and [[$:/LeftSideBar]] are no longer specially treated; use the new tag instead
* Fixed problem that prevented tag configured items from shadow tiddlers interleaving with items from ordinary tiddlers
* Refactored control panel to add ''Saving'' tab that includes TiddlySpot options
* Improved notifications when saving to TiddlySpot
* Added backup URL to TiddlySpot control panel tab
* Extended the ServerCommand to add primitive support for basic authentication when running under [[Node.js]]
!! Bug fixes
* Fixed problem with displaying tiddler titles that contain WikiText syntax
* No longer crashes when encountering an error in a filter string
* Fixed a crash when dragging and dropping tiddlers within TiddlyWiki5
* No longer update the modified date for imported tiddlers
* Automatically forces new field names to be lower case
!! Internal changes
* Added Windows-compatible build scripts
* Changes to the SavingMechanism to allow the tiddlers that are saved to be selected
** This enables the wiki at http://five.tiddlywiki.com/index.html to generate an empty wiki
* The main HTML file template used for saving TiddlyWiki5 documents has changed from `$:/core/templates/tiddlywiki5.template.html` to `$:/core/save/all`
* Moved tw5.com's Google Analytics integration into a proper plugin
Contributors to this release include @jermolene, @asampal and @pmario.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.16...v5.0.0-alpha.17]]//
!! Bug fixes
* Fixes a small but important bug that prevented downloading an empty wiki with alpha.16
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.17...v5.0.1-alpha]]//
!! Improvements
* Changes to the importing process to enable a smoother [[Upgrading]] process
** Ignores attempts to import plugins that are older than currently installed plugins
** System tiddlers are now imported as usual
* If `$:/theme` isn't defined or refers to a missing tiddler, then fallback through ''Snow White'' to ''Vanilla''. This means that `empty.html` now defaults to ''Snow White''
* Added support for [[Block Quotes in WikiText]]
** Contributed by StephanHradek (@Skeeve on GitHub)
!! Bug fixes
* Fixed bug that was preventing `$:/tags/PageControls` tiddlers from being reordered
!! Internal changes
* Changed the [[TiddlyWiki5 Versioning]] policy
** Beta releases will be `5.0.x-beta` and the final release will be `5.1.x`
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.9-beta...v5.0.10-beta]]//
!! Highlights
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ad4b03506a62d7110cb30aaa3d6f8dbfc712f246]] new syntax for [[Images in WikiText]] and a new ImageWidget
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ba576d9f1b2146cec293447b2968e34f0c594a05]] support for a SafeMode that disables customisations
!! Documentation Improvements
* Added DateFormat documentation
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Refactor|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bb42c0ab360760917ad5bde84f15350186a9471a]] sorting to respect accented characters
* [[Support|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/45b0966013c760abab5b3f7faea0e59af2ca5619]] embedded images in Markdown tiddlers
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/821f1f1428f92160ae8bc4fa71dd3f947243f09e]] sidebar hiding action so that the story river border is maintained
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/15d0c27e2a82359616ce6c7883557cd2ef1886cd]] `[is[tag]]` to the <<.olink is>> operator
* [[Hide|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/95d291daac4a26664f0c232175f54780f0fa678f]] the top bars in the print stylesheet
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4758874d13430338da07727997d0c4df7f328ac1]] support for saving changes on Windows network drives
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9fbe72a8778ae94c7d6322ad4b9155c83f753113]] configuration processing so that ordinary tiddlers are processed after shadow tiddlers. This resolves an issue whereby user stylesheets were being overridden by shadow stylesheets
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d6054f10392c535ca430f3e73b9b68d0f8c18498]] issue with offline snapshot of server edition erroneously including shadow tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bd4a031df8a68287475a41ad84b423ad83f735a3]] problem with corrupted upgrades from 5.0.x-prerelease to 5.0.x-beta
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/73cfd1021809e97906ecfd5dacdf2337da3abae9]] bug with `[untagged[]]` filter operator
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d336ffea02621e382f6d7135847d11e49e77bc26]] incorrect background colour for tag pills in the sidebar
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f57e04787738ad30fb05ac0e592239075b90507e]] issues with null fields under TiddlyWeb
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/768489128547cf54e80fc321f3f1f4f5cd191862]] problem with hamburger overlapping scrollbars
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.10-beta...v5.0.11-beta]]//
!! Incompatible Changes
See [[Notes for upgrading to 5.0.11-beta]] for more details of these changes:
* The default output location for command line operations has changed to the `/output` folder within TiddlyWikiFolders (it used to be current directory)
* Note that the shadow tiddler [[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]] has changed with this release. If you've made modifications to it you should copy your modifications to a new tiddler, delete [[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]], perform the upgrade and then manually update the new copy of [[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]]
!! Documentation Improvements
* Added more warnings about taking care to [[backup your data|The First Rule of Using TiddlyWiki]]
!! Usability Improvements
* Many performance optimisations, particularly for filter operations
* Added support for PermaLinks and browser back and forward buttons
* Added support for WikiLinks in Markdown via `[link text](#TiddlerTitle)`
* Added support for explicit external [[Linking in WikiText]] (eg `[ext[tooltip|url]]`)
* [[Replaced|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/580]] hamburger menu icon with double chevron icon
* [[Enhance|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/552657fc584dbb36754d3fcabca2cdef7e916ec9]] plain text parsing to use the CodeBlockWidget, and hence use syntax highlighting if the plugin is installed. This gives us syntax highlighting for JavaScript shadow tiddlers, amongst other things
* Improvements to the German, French, Italian, Japanese and Chinese translations
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/61c3f8a5ba3c815d623c06f6a97d9c00a31a4157]] WikiText tiddlers from the sidebar "Types" tab
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a90339d1e573ec82dba1caeaead0f71717618a80]] various warnings when editing shadow tiddlers
* [[Allow|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0ac4c2b554f045c6bd2dc6ea5daa0d2f0397d04c]] digits in field names
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a4294b55f0a217d019a6e4cbb62f6a8a19668928]] warning banner and when attempting to edit binary tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b84c663215cf7877fff960748af4b2849ae0dbb3]] automatic refreshing of the browser window title from $:/core/wiki/title
!! Hackability Improvements
* Improved vertical layouts of <<.mlink tabs>> macro
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/93566cdc332226b77eaba8a70fa166f3b8fcfe1e]] "standard" tab to [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e83759e86d2a9e05e4b85dae50925fe988f8e239]] new filter operators <<.olink before>> and <<.olink after>>
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/570cad1c7f90e685961130918f09a7f9b2951f8c]] new <<.olink get>> operator
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f7e50e0950c5bf10d94d926576011893418b25f1]] [[BuildCommand]], [[OutputCommand]] and [[ClearPasswordCommand]]
* Added new extensible StartupMechanism for orchestrating startup tasks
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/711b76307c95d0026f79f584e85ae3d4b7289d15]] to new version of CodeMirror
* Added https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5NodeWebkit, a demo of using TiddlyWiki as a library in a node-webkit application
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4e07b3335b570f4039427e11df729fc4a899a671]] `.tid` TiddlerFiles to allow single line text fields
* Renamed `$:/ShowEditPreview` to `$:/state/showeditpreview`
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/cc60ad1428dcf99a7ea0787e43e3b37f5a02fb98]] issue with hovering of the topbar icons in Firefox
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e548dd35af2d3195f82899096d4a4080362a1ff0]] problem with dragging and dropping within a text edit control
!! Contributors
I ([[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]]) would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to helping improve TiddlyWiki:
[[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]], [[@mwfogleman|https://github.com/mwfogleman]], [[@nameanyone|https://github.com/nameanyone]], [[@natecain|https://github.com/natecain]], [[@pekopeko1|https://github.com/pekopeko1]], [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]], [[@sukima|https://github.com/sukima]], [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]].
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.11-beta...v5.0.12-beta]]//
This is an emergency release that fixes a single significant bug with shadow tiddler handling in 5.0.11. See the [[discussion thread|https://groups.google.com/d/topic/tiddlywiki/pNxZsSCVp7c/discussion]] for more details.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.12-beta...v5.0.13-beta]]//
!! Accessibility Improvements
This release includes a number of features designed to improve the experience of TiddlyWiki with a screen reader. Particular thanks to [[@domasofan|https://github.com/domasofan]] for his feedback
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/34e4166dc5f24519b000de66853d5b1aee8f1648]] label and title for show/hide sidebar buttons
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/346b2f86111815c746c993fa09b7f677fa0b4b37]] label and title for advanced search link
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6f859c8d447a477a9120bdc308d1524558a80f20]] label and title for close buttons in "Open" sidebar tab
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/06b0f9adb7209870b46d42f832c1f7ad7a78976f]] ''aria-label'' support to the LinkWidget
* [[Switched|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bc9b67cbc3f363d48aafea86c077fcd5a9c0ca64]] to H1 tags for the page title and H2 tags for tiddler titles
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/eeedcb6d94a25d02e8fec45c89b30c7f2bcdde73]] label and title for tiddler and page toolbar buttons
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9ab0c84140bbc0f31cf65e632bddac616bbadbda]] support for global [[Macros in WikiText]] via the new ImportVariablesWidget
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3182a2d599f0e4b70a73fe369df4f398587dc1a9]] new SelectWidget
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f131c378934a86b741ab5b808437c95694dc5503]] behaviour of `text/html` tiddlers so that they are displayed within an HTML iframe element
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9b576f2a8d39dcca37bcb709183a8f9b27f33ccf]] group headings to the content type dropdown in edit mode
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4d70d5780e51cf0918fba15954cd47549e4e1a9f]] advanced navigation settings in [[$:/ControlPanel]] to use radio buttons
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f7b8813a27141a78980eefa03df70a4a2de9d10b]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3f25db0abe8cd28712c020f218506710cec004b6]]) behaviour of PermaLinks so that now [ext[http://tiddlywiki.com/#HelloThere]] just opens the single specified tiddler
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0c48502e8ed214cee23537d06e7e87efd53592c7]] support for triple-quoted multi-line attributes with [[macros|Macros in WikiText]], [[widgets|Widgets in WikiText]] and [[HTML elements|HTML in WikiText]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/32099b85d3b12f9e590274cb7550e3e531131706]] TableOfContents tab for tw5.com edition
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Restored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1b37d660ea7cd576cfeadfe8b782fe6c62dc9048]] ''escape'' as a shortcut to abandon edits
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9547a1f01c144c604c294f394a68d7dc6dbe4e5d]] support for ExternalImages that are referenced by URI and not stored in the TiddlyWiki HTML file
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d2796d0c9c7ed7a971ae6b0752d7418384072bb5]] new SetFieldCommand
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/305617b632fd6ecf25cd4be85f4dfb5a5a65dfef]] new SaveTiddlersCommand
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f14ecf4eb8965f2e407ccac51d4277330221efe3]] support for system tag [[$:/tags/RawMarkup]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0bdc5b5c70fbbf34aa459afcf0499fc9c8ae6374]] editor type mappings to control panel advanced tab
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1717c93d001ad184a08ca66d1bffb33fb5d32b3a]] CodeMirror (http://tiddlywiki.com/codemirrordemo.html) plugin for simpler configuration
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b2e48d00e9ea068a22b5ac5c0a4c93e8ddbb4a8a]] support for [[Environment Variables on Node.js]]
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/eee3a0cf8e5aa047f8596df06e28194409f38b01]] ServerCommand to allow a path prefix
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4238af2a405c14d22937d7c47a70bfb3d4e6f22d]] the <<.olink listed>> operator to use any list field
!! Bug Fixes
* Fixed [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6fb992690d33940d3509d7d4d74538e7f458e063]] and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0fae9ee99200e7eca30b9db0584c479d58841349]] the problem with state tiddlers being inadvertently saved
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a03a15e7de32a1b41618146ac334b5cd7d432e91]] bug with TextWidget not refreshing correctly
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d8a142fed5b22a8273d93ba05095e5f9c6929cb3]] problem with vertical tabs in Safari
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b8aedf2ca3cfc870be5a46accbb2dc0ddbb6d451]] issue with images in Markdown
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]]
* [[@csugden|https://github.com/csugden]]
* [[@danielo515|https://github.com/danielo515]]
* [[@IreneKnapp|https://github.com/IreneKnapp]]
* [[@jayfresh|https://github.com/jayfresh]]
* [[@mwfogleman|https://github.com/mwfogleman]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.13-beta...v5.0.14-beta]]//
!! Major Changes
!!! Improved Control Panel Plugins Tab
The ''Plugins'' tab of the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] has been improved with the addition of documentation tabs that plugins can use to show documentation. There is also a larger draggable area for dragging tiddlers across to other wikis.
!!! Configurable Button Toolbars
The page toolbar and the tiddler toolbars can now be configured with several new buttons - see the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] under the ''Appearance'' and ''Toolbars'' tabs.
The sidebar tools tab now shows all the available page controls, allowing them to be invoked or checked to appear in the toolbar. The tiddler info area now includes a tools tab that includes buttons for all the tiddler actions.
!!! Upgrade Mechanism
There are two components:
* A more flexible ImportMechanism that:
** Presents incoming tiddlers as a pending import list that allows the user to inspect them and, if necessary, explicitly deselect them from the actual import
** Provides UpgraderModules with an opportunity to process each incoming tiddler
*** The [[plugin upgrader|$:/core/modules/upgraders/plugins.js]] module handles version checking of plugins and upgrading them from a special UpgradeLibrary plugin tiddler
*** The [[system upgrader|$:/core/modules/upgraders/system.js]] module is responsible for suppressing the importing of certain system tiddlers (currently [[$:/StoryList]] and [[$:/HistoryList]])
*** The [[themetweak upgrader|$:/core/modules/upgraders/themetweaks.js]] module handles migrating theme tweaks from their pre-5.0.14-beta format (see below)
* An UpgradePlugin and associated edition that provides a custom, single-purpose user interface for upgrading standalone TiddlyWiki files - see http://tiddlywiki.com/upgrade.html
!!! Improvements to CamelCase Recognition
TiddlyWiki now takes a much more conservative approach to recognising CamelCase terms that should be automatically linked. Previously, the dash and underscore were treated as lower case letters, leading to a number of false positives. See the [[GitHub bug #337|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/337]] for details.
!!! Automatic Permalinking Off by Default
With previous beta releases of TiddlyWiki the browser address bar is automatically updated so that it dynamically reflects the tiddlers that are currently open. This makes it easier to get a permalink for copying and pasting elsewhere, but it leads to much confusion for casual users who don't always understand why unexpected tiddlers are being displayed after they have refreshed the page in the browser.
For 5.0.14-beta, the setting has been changed. Visit [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] ''Advanced''/''Settings'' to switch the setting back to "Include the target tiddler and the current story sequence".
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f6d7d87a3d49f816ccc050bdf4a5394eed37dd51]] previews to the icon dropdown in the [[tag manager|$:/TagManager]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/56945d91d327489478fc44dce5234ece35a01abb]] an indication of unsaved changes by changing the colour of the save changes button
* [[Split|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/7aa6c7c06d8b5359f183e6b9f6f57cf89611cda8]] the wikitext emphasis parsers into separate modules so that they can be independently controlled with the `\rules` pragma
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f43cd5ba9c6e5eda221ec738174e61e34fad2b8d]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a3de93b4eb8b108239b2e4b496308026e9e9eef8]]) ReleaseHistory to place the releases into vertical tabs
* [[Stopped|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3ff7462afd5414b92680c6b6e67274be79233224]] saving [[$:/HistoryList]], thus avoiding it uncontrollably increasing in size
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/73cf1bfdb3cd238ac7800162f58d44a8bb60019b]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d5e4b9b5d1e7db5ad4d769433cc934ef08265f57]]) print stylesheet to remove page background
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/07f13b310d300631267936ad8bc55a338369afc0]] display of plugin tiddlers so that their constituent tiddlers are shown, rather than the raw JSON
* [[Moved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/799a5b059a40a51fdeb1dae7a0eb5bf8a79f5106]] the functionality of the fullscreen plugin into the core
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c23f6af4b5c59f4d09dd8d6704e1939bb9d5b2d3]] TiddlerWidget to add a CSS class corresponding to each tag present on displayed tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d357e1706c91d17a72fb19fedf43e57071fc7dd6]] support for hiding specified fields in the tiddler editor
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/be040ea8a2cc8962f1a28a313e4c9ebc2d5c0e31]] support for variable operands in filters (see [[Filter Parameter]])
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1f16ef6fa88b51d2dad7c8e57fcff014950a7442]] support for widget messages [[tw-permalink|WidgetMessage: tw-permalink]] and [[tw-permaview|WidgetMessage: tw-permaview]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/plugins/tiddlywiki/browser-sniff]] browser sniffing plugin so that tiddlywiki.com can present the correct browser-specific documentation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ef67cc3fd9b267a522598abccdfbb93fbfca240c]] a configuration option for specifying the default location for saving new tiddlers in the client-server configuration
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b4d47858e587c96f3a68cc28cffff181ec45f55f]] support for the InfoMechanism
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f08f57c5d24eb0146ac2cb77472a5fc5f135f1e9]] CheckboxWidget to allow it to toggle fields as well as tags
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/21c137a66c37f010b36697bb6bed5321138fbb9f]] [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] theme tweaks to be stored in individual tiddlers
* [[Extend|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e18d8a88661a1c2caa1b722841747c75ca6af437]] the <<.mlink tabs>> macro to allow tabs to be templated
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/91acad0f7ce8637945a953dfcb122cd31292626d]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8612bc4006e717e4fa3c562fa72a85650206b66f]]) SystemTags support for inserting content above and below the story river
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f793816dfa687ae7791143b33487fd5f95f3265c]] support for transcluding plugin subtiddlers with the TranscludeWidget
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c73853288c5b4b0716da94fea2f2edec09345643]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/08f775eac8cb053d08c1c561e65a5eeb87c4c6b6]]) support for importing from `*.htm` and `*.hta` files as well as the existing support for `*.html` files
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/73d7e85e11c7732080ca8bc4321ebb12afbac09c]] the "sticky titles" theme so that it works when tiddlers are in edit mode
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5b3b62f93da4b7b19e24ccf72d9ce20b9edce6d5]] bug with execution order of BuildCommand targets
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d93da81671a704377209fc1871425c3a7c5db35a]] bug with missing hover colours for external links
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/465f4ac46903070759a572d183c498c5579cb922]] problem with refreshing modal dialogues
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3351ae7e29cbf3bed6fc1925ef33664bcc59fef5]] issue with cookies disabled on Firefox
* [[Relax|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5260899d8b090e8886e41e3aa770fdcf5967ad8c]] the requirement for a newline immediately the closing `\end` of a macro definition
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@ssokolow|https://github.com/ssokolow]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.14-beta...v5.0.15-beta]]//
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Simplified|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c57b00996855f10d9b7fa2aa4e9deb2a2a607d7f]] shadow default tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/32a7ee2683ace619599f0ab73028307ca33f4e4c]] the ability to disable plugins (see PluginMechanism) with a user interface in [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4b05608ad5e77043b01495825ea0f0e76c378760]] page control button for invoking the [[tag manager|$:/TagManager]]
* [[Simplified|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c4b76ceb0bc786bcceb12fc3417bb8c4bfde27a9]] downloading an offline copy of a client-server wiki
* [[Blocked|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2bbe9f76ecf8fc89c789e72be00ac19e811195ee]] temporary state tiddlers from import/upgrade
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c912fed55d94c9bef2d541cd55f458b12172941c]] a banner to the edit template encouraging improvements to the documentation
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f75af2c983e10e8a82639890b993fb5cf042d610]] `saver-handler.js` out of `syncer.js`
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8cf726275c19ed5b4a0ed1cf8354d64d1bc29da5]] [[Table-of-Contents Macros]]
* Simplified startup module organisation (see [[Startup Modules.svg]])
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/25777b147fa4ed2f915150aec503ad1e094e6043]] the overlay text for the DropzoneWidget to make it translateable
* [[Introduced|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/920e11e7921f777170aa2f9e1836c000fec2e26d]] a new [[refresh button|WidgetMessage: tw-browser-refresh]] and reverted [[home button|WidgetMessage: tw-home]] behaviour
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/fbf307c648ae0e92679c54f7d03f197a75b4e101]] ''alt'' attribute to the ImageWidget
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c8830d32f74b8c228553f11f7f55b5be45ae6471]] problem with building TiddlyWiki under Windows
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/34461cb2fe554331a0269fd7795b1d6a879fcba9]] unclickable download ink in upgrade wizard
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9e85ddfec78dd8df71e6173100dce659417551f4]] missing language flag in ''empty.html''
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/18592fe8f810d1858ca040da1a7c4a81fb74cfed]] problem with switching the type of a tiddler between the bitmap and text editor
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/fe6623d7feed1a9068e15bfac57be0b0924e8915]] foreground colour for tag pills in the sidebar
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c912fed55d94c9bef2d541cd55f458b12172941c]] problem with github source links for tiddlywiki.com not working for titles containing colons
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.15-beta...v5.0.16-beta]]//
!! Incompatible Changes
5.0.16-beta brings more incompatible changes than any previous release. These changes are likely to break almost all plugins written for previous releases of TiddlyWiki 5, and will break many customisations.
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/764]] all CSS class prefixes from `tw-` to `tc-` (eg `tw-tiddler-frame` has become `tc-tiddler-frame`; missing prefixes have also been added, so `btn-invisible` has become `tc-btn-invisible`)
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2f69ea362cd673f59b9fadbe11f1f95549a59813]] all message prefixes from `tw-` to `tm-` (eg `tw-close-tiddler` has become `tm-close-tiddler`)
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/89fd5379dd78887fc21746d792072bf5a25f0c56]] all variable prefixes from `tw-` to `tv-` (eg `tw-config-toolbar-icons` has become `tv-config-toolbar-icons`)
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/112a9a95d95e9f62f110c97a4faaf537c5c100b1]] prefix/removeprefix filter operators to be case-sensitive
!! Compatibility with TiddlyWikiClassic
This release includes a preliminary version of a new plugin that provides compatibility with content created for TiddlyWikiClassic:
Subsequent releases will include end-user documentation with step-by-step instructions for migrating content.
Many thanks to @buggyj for his work on this plugin.
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Amended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e47852cb141b384ad2a9097eca795545cb5b2494]] behaviour of the [[tm-browser-refresh|WidgetMessage: tw-browser-refresh]] message so that it no longer clears the location hash
* [[Hide|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/88c9c0c3ee115917b8c1a9126452bb0574061857]] toolbar buttons from static renderings
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Extend|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/48312272adb17610db96d50758e6af947cab7b1d]] the <<.olink all>> operator to be able to select all the source tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/43aeb47fc34f1ba424030c4f78ee907fe7b1d5d8]] problem with single line macro definitions incorrectly including whitespace in the value. (For example, `\define mymacro() yes` would set the macro value to " yes", with a leading space)
* [[Extend|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d2a5a12f2d6b6ccc36dd22a70ac2def08d1d3722]] [[Table-of-Contents Macros]] use the caption field if present
* [[Configurability|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b437f1b450f5f2a3104a9086f7c674299b53b9bc]] for the default tab shown in the tiddler info panel (see [[Configuring the default TiddlerInfo tab]])
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/dcf4e93a3283e3e93cc14e50366f9b0252870835]] <<.olink suffix>> and <<.olink removesuffix>> operators
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Reverted|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ad40223d6b9bed435d9381611cb9de1841b53df6]] incorrect refreshing of the tiddler widget
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/44228ed9f733217557851150f5ae45d9ebb23420]] indentation of selective expandable [[Table-of-Contents Macros]]
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]]
* [[@gernert|https://github.com/gernert]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.16-beta...v5.0.17-beta]]//
!! Highlights
This release includes major improvements from @giffmex to the welcome and tutorial documentation, and new development docs incorporating [[the work|https://github.com/cjrk/saa-tw]] of @cheigele and @cjrk.
!! Incompatible Changes
!!! Change System Tag `$:/tags/stylesheet` with `$:/tags/Stylesheet`
The [[issue|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/824]] is that the capitalisation of `$:/tags/stylesheet` is not consistent with other system tags. This release adds support for `$:/tags/Stylesheet`, and adds a deprecation warning if `$:/tags/stylesheet` is used. Support for `$:/tags/stylesheet` will be removed before the beta.
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f6ff0a7f715bdf12dfba6556f72c49ea2c3016b0]] support for `$:/tags/Stylesheet` and a deprecation warning when `$:/tags/stylesheet` is used
!!! Change ButtonWidget `title` attribute to `tooltip`
The use of the `title` attribute in the ButtonWidget was not consistent with the `tooltip` attribute used by the ImageWidget and LinkWidget. This release adds support for the `tooltip` attribute to the ButtonWidget alongside the existing support for the `title` attribute, but with a deprecation warning.
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b7f638aef3094d0552db2f72330b40a526113bd5]] `tooltip` attribute to ButtonWidget
!!! Removing Support for RegExp Filter Operands
As discussed in [[the associated ticket|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/762]], the support for regular expression filter operands is incomplete and inconsistent. The plan is to remove support for this feature in the next release. A new filter operator has been provided to replace it, along with the addition of a deprecation warning that is displayed whenever regular expression filter operators are used.
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f4fff7a33037ba9dd537379bcb44a52a280868d6]] new <<.olink regexp>> operator
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d45c417c187fe3dcc35ee7a308e64feebc7b185b]] deprecation warning for regular expression filter operators
!!! Repository Reorganisation
The goal is to make the TiddlyWiki repository easier to comprehend for newcomers.
* [[Moved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6e9cd5943703f7137e819fcb85376423b9c930d5]] scripts into a separate `bin` folder
!! Usability Improvements
* Reorganised the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] to make it more logical and usable
!! Hackability Improvements
* Moved developer documentation to http://tiddlywiki.com/dev
* [[Improvements|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/872e6fc2532012f0f9acfb29aa24a9cd5f340b9d]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c8a131ffd4716f2b99ab508567422ff463f2849d]]) to `serve.sh`/`serve.cmd` scripts
* [[Disable|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ac54fe33263cbe48bc294f9c14257ccc146be38e]] plugins when in SafeMode
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c1de85838f3d0d3e6a207152ecc9d61ff08a4b05]] new <<.mlink timeline>> macro
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f16d1832aae9a7ce71dea78b16c11afaf673acf2]] new <<.mlink dumpvariables>> macro
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ba3f8002355607c8b00b7d184f01fa68bbcda152]] [[Table-of-Contents Macros]] so that individual links can be disabled
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/542788bfeba98ec3bac0bb721293c16354bc1b34]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/487c4a40abda2b457b4015033bf1be76bd81dcc9]]) unnecessary `<p>` tag from edit tags and types dropdowns
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ccd916ca7cb45468ac30eb48bfdf86bea704d810]] ''multiple'' attribute to the BrowseWidget
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ab944bbf02e9fae606632a11df1053a46573fa49]] view template to hide bodies of tiddlers with field ''hide-body'' set to ''yes''
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c713eddbef50603e313a86f78c185753bab3d607]] problem with draft tiddlers not counting as dirty
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f87ce7e98a083f1bdcff5b1887b56aa95b731efe]] problem with keyboard shortcuts introduced in 5.0.16-beta
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/756e05504b33c387da7d3f81446a18f9a8fefe49]] problem with stylesheets being parsed in inline mode
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9adc30f69fba169813638021780263ff0df4e2bc]] bug with selective expandable [[Table-of-Contents Macros]]
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]]
* [[@cheigele|https://github.com/cheigele]]
* [[@cjrk|https://github.com/cjrk]]
* [[@giffmex|https://github.com/giffmex]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.17-beta...v5.0.18-beta]]//
This is a minor release prior to the full release of TiddlyWiki on September 20th. The documentation has been cleaned up and improved (with more improvements to come).
!! File Layout of tiddlywiki.com
The layout of files on tiddlywiki.com has been adjusted to make it more logical. See the [[ticket|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/823]] for a discussion. You can see the source files that make up tiddlywiki.com at https://github.com/Jermolene/jermolene.github.com
!! Hackability Improvements
* Added first iteration of a <<.mlink list-links>> macro (further improvements are planned)
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6d9bd4df8a1133c2ba246333edad14e6028d3ea4]] support for importing `.markdown` and `.md` files
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c4123ba3740f74f172468c4aa050451ebc5780d8]] <<.mlink timeline>> macro to support a subfilter
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a9f46525a0b1ecf7ce6d1bdae64e6763a247106b]] problem with digits being classified as lower case letters for wiki link matching
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8cc236b4dca96327c7b28ad45e1eb4c2dce174e5]] crash when sorting missing tiddlers by fields other than title
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/73a4747d05c6746476ccd9e8cb8255853f631d17]] problem with handling `.jpeg` file extensions
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/775482a2428d24a475e0c7df7bea215c190b5574]] problem with RadioWidget and missing tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2571f534aa67c7f9d423d44d36efa32480f4c370]] problem with dragging a partially selected link
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]]
* [[@Eucaly|https://github.com/Eucaly]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.1-alpha...v5.0.2-beta]]//
!! Improvements
* Added support for [[Hard Linebreaks in WikiText]]
* Added a new RadioWidget, contributed by StephanHradek (@Skeeve on GitHub)
* Two new savers for InternetExplorer, both contributed by DavidJade (@davidjade on GitHub)
** ''tiddlyie'' for [[saving with TiddlyIE|Saving with TiddlyIE]], an equivalent of TiddlyFox for InternetExplorer
** ''fsosaver'' that can [[save changes directly with InternetExplorer|Saving on InternetExplorer]] but requires the HTML file to be renamed `*.hta`
!! Bug fixes
* Fixed problem deleting tiddlers under the filesystemadaptor
* Fixed problem with transcluding fields containing lists or dates (eg, `{{!!tags}}`)
* Fixed problem with re-ordering page control tiddlers (ie tiddlers tagged `$:/tags/PageControls`)
* Update template used for deploying to TiddlyWeb
* Fixed problem with tiddler deletions via the file system adaptor
!! Internal changes
* Allowed variable number of arguments to [[JavaScript Macros]]
** Contributed by StephanHradek (@Skeeve on GitHub)
* Changed the format of plugin tiddlers to remove duplicated information (see the PluginMechanism)
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.2-beta...v5.0.3-beta]]//
This release includes minor bug fixes and documentation updates.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.3-beta...v5.0.4-beta]]//
!! Improvements
* Switched to using an HTML5 placeholder for the default text of a new tiddler
* Refactored stylesheet handling so that theme tweaks are now applied immediately, and some ordering issues have been resolved
* Several improvements for running [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]:
** The `tiddlywiki.info` file in the root of [[wiki folder|TiddlyWikiFolders]] file is now optional, falling back to a default configuration suitable for serverside use ([[commit|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0ec2224757dd07f009246ec9ea97cd859d077e72]])
** The file system plugin now automatically creates the `tiddlers` subfolder in the [[wiki folder|TiddlyWikiFolders]]
* Added [[favicon.ico support|Using favicons]]
* Added SaveTiddlerCommand
!! Bug Fixes
* Fixed problem with tiddlers sometimes wrongly opening at the top of the story ([[commit|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b50eb8da302431cdfa7c37ac9ef1414a33d00292]])
* Fixed problem with refreshing RadioWidget
* Fixed problem with the dragger image being visible in some circumstances
* Fixed drag and drop support on InternetExplorer, contributed by DavidJade (@davidjade on GitHub)
* Fixed crash on modifying page template ([[commit|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a5f33d875b1339b08838203a4885f8a3a7d10353]])
* Updated fullscreen plugin to latest version of the API ([[commit|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/638c8b207033f8cb01ac9efdca104d282fd4cffe]])
* Improved handling of double square brackets within tags (thanks to StephanHradek)
This release includes minor bug fixes and documentation updates.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.4-beta...v5.0.5-beta]]//
!! Improvements
* Added support for [[Setting a favicon]]
!! Bug Fixes
* Fixed problem with modal wizard positioning on narrow screens
* Fix problem with static content being included in empty.html when downloaded from the full wiki
* Improved performance of tiddler import with large tiddlers on Firefox
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.5-beta...v5.0.6-beta]]//
!! Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/324]] support for numeric sorting to TiddlerFilters (thanks to StephanHradek)
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/321]] [[Tables in WikiText]] to allow for vertical alignment of cells (thanks to StephanHradek)
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/87fbd988f1fb0164411af190adfe6b6a2404eef3]] experimental support for running [[TiddlyWiki on node-webkit]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3d79eb87d1c609195b8c518c08e167994b20a346]] an [[$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bd7db62da052ec6262c3319eaa11f00e5c452a7b]] support for specifying hostname for the ServerCommand
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b9e80a270b7f67db816e9b06e2f71f9c9dd86c17]] a first pass at generating an all-in-one static HTML representation of a wiki, complete with internal anchor links for wiki links
** See http://tiddlywiki.com/alltiddlers.html
* [[Hide|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/44568dc6ef64be8c1370df8f682777c2c805fee7]] encryption features when running on the server
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2ee50939447cf2948e49e5905520943ea4075975]] [[double backticks|Formatting in WikiText]] as an alternative for delimitting inline code (thanks to StephanHradek)
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ec7dff291dadb3e128e1db34b4ded6b57bc8ed46]] import ''browse'' button
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ef59a3743f02c726f20e035c5d28665000fda79a]] crash when attempting full screen mode on browsers that don't support it
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/307]] requirement for a newline immediately after a horizontal rule, table or typed block (thanks to StephanHradek)
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/318]] problem with ''placeholder'' attibute on InternetExplorer (thanks to DavidJade)
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.6-beta...v5.0.7-beta]]//
!! Incompatible Changes
These are changes that might affect users upgrading from previous betas.
* The [[node-webkit]] saver has been moved into a plugin - [[$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/nodewebkitsaver]]. The plugin is only needed when embedding a single TiddlyWiki in [[node-webkit]] and is not required for TiddlyDesktop, which as of v.0.0.2 uses the existing TiddlyFox saver.
!! Documentation updates
* A new video tutorial: [[TiddlyWiki on Firefox for Android Video]]
* A first pass at [[TiddlyWiki Coding Style Guidelines]]
* Added an explanation of TemplateTiddlers
* Added documentation for [[saving on a custom PHP server|Saving on a PHP Server]]
* Added documentation for TextWidget
* Summary of the approach for [[Naming of System Tiddlers]]
!! Improvements
* Added support for importing encrypted TiddlyWiki documents
* Added several new [[filter operators|TiddlerFilters]], including ''reverse'', ''first'', ''last'', ''butlast'', ''rest'', ''nth''
* Extend ''list'' filter operator to allow other fields to be used via a TextReference
* Added shortcut in [[$:/ControlPanel]] ''Basics'' tab for setting [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]] to retain tiddler story ordering
* Added emacs and vim keymapping support to the [[CodeMirror plugin|http://tiddlywiki.com/codemirrordemo.html]], (thanks to João Bolila, @jbolila on GitHub)
* Added the [[highlight.js|http://highlightjs.org/]] syntax highlighting plugin: http://tiddlywiki.com/highlightdemo.html (thanks to João Bolila, @jbolila on GitHub)
* Added the first export option to the ''Tools'' tab of the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ffcc215e8f8896be96093579abc5bcfb76335e66]] an ellipsis for [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]] next to the search box in the sidebar
* [[Adjusted|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b326315b0e9959096b85aa716dd613f21605705a]] the password dialogue to make it narrower for smaller screens
* [[Adjusted|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b7a1db1e9fb651928a4f86e1881959150dd66a55]] the display of tiddler dictionaries to make them display as plain text
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b06e09a4d3e25087ca0495e624c8662ddb69224e]] problem with default format of ViewWidget substituting seconds for minutes in displayed times
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e0f428b9b2374487a0758ea80716f337e3c643ff]] problem that was causing several animations to fail in Safari
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f2409d4245bbba0ccdf39186dca6a0cbf16d8759]] problem with unclickable sidebar under the Centralised theme
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0fb13e649b6558961fd8436bc7aac83bfd991983]] problem with non-system tiddlers showing up in system tiddler [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b64b7982af4285be41cca85db1fa745fc009ca29]] problem with notifications not always disappearing in Firefox
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b04141fefd2c0103b525726e4f466c32f0385194]] problem with wiki folders including wiki files with tiddlers that do not have a title
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/12770ca3e694a8f4edeb065e054eddd5957353b8]] problem with ServerCommand logging "Serving on undefined:8080"
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.7-beta...v5.0.8-beta]]//
!! Incompatible Changes
See [[Notes for upgrading to 5.0.8-beta]] for more details of these changes:
* Changed rules for parsing content of HTML elements
* Switched SiteTitle and SiteSubtitle to [[$:/SiteTitle]] and [[$:/SiteSubtitle]]
* Changes to commands used with [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
* Changes to naming of some editions
** Notably ''clientserver'' has changed to ''server''
!! Documentation Improvements
* Improved documentation for TiddlerFilters, including a notation of the [[TiddlerFilter Formal Grammar]] contributed by [[@Tikkoneus|https://github.com/Tikkoneus]]
* Improved documentation for WidgetMessages
* Tiddlers on tiddlywiki.com now have a link to the original source on ~GitHub for pull requests (see the "Sources" tab of the tiddler info panel)
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a01bbd4b9c7ca284141078340c8f568b1e0561a2]] [[automatic saving|AutoSave]] on editing a tiddler and a warning when attempting to close the window with unsaved changes
* Added confirmation dialogue when deleting tiddlers
* Add support for switchable (and editable) ColourPalettes
* Added TranslationMechanism and translations for:
** Deutsch (Österreich and Deutschland) by @pmario
** Français (France) by @xcazin
** Chinese (Simplified and Traditional) by @BramChen
* Add error alerts when syncing to a server
* Rejigged [[$:/ControlPanel]] to use nested tabs
* Added [[$:/TagManager]] for easy management of tags
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e3a05625b2368b2167a2a1b30aa82369e96a7538]] experimental KeyboardWidget, including support for ''ctrl-enter'' (or ''cmd-enter'') to finish editing a tiddler
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e6fa9b8a859867c147fb289859169b204dea003e]] number of tags to control panel ''Basics'' tab
* Enhanced link handling so that control/command clicking a link opens the target tiddler without navigating to it
* Importing tiddlers via drag and drop no longer opens all the tiddlers
!! Scalability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/fa5938221552846c255eb50004996528a09534a9]] support for LazyLoading of images
* Extended RevealWidget to allow control over content retention
!! Hackability Improvements
* Added HelpCommand and InitCommand for [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
* Extended ButtonWidget to allow navigating to a tiddler
* Added experimental support for building plugins in the browser: [[How to create plugins in the browser]]
* Extend the TranscludeWidget to display its content as a fallback if the tiddler or field is missing
* Add logging and AlertMechanism
* Added a ''Filter'' tab to [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* Add ''indexes'' [[filter operator|TiddlerFilters]]
* Control over line width and colour for EditBitmapWidget
* Add support for `.multids` MultiTiddlerFiles
* Extend ViewWidget so that it works with indexes
* Added support for Tank, a new service built on TiddlyWeb: https://tank.peermore.com
* Extend relative dates to work in the future
!! Bug Fixes
* Fixed problem with pasting items into the browser
* Fixed problem with colour pickers not showing correct colour in Chrome
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8e8e31fb9f5ed8f2e5deff0271d434dbe91f503c]] problem with tag pills not working inside table cells
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6d3d3322e5c676e63d1f64dce89ce86e58dcd715]] problem in client server configuration with ''%'' in tiddler titles
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/7eafd51a7dd89d2174be3dec97033dc0bb206677]] problem with not using placeholder text when editing missing tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1a54d590e1e67825057d7693ac89466a093b4577]] problem with test data in certain time zones
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5af30086c02b9d4466c133c87aca76f9b85eea49]] problem with non-breaking space characters being converted into '@' symbols
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5d3dda1a1721af05e56e301a8b896e53f9868540]] problem with highlighting plugin only working in the browser
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/175e86078ce2fed34953f337baf2f0edfc093742]] crash when wiki/themes folder contains files that are not themes
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.8-beta...v5.0.9-beta]]//
!! Highlights
* Improved layout, including a ''hamburger'' icon for dismissing the sidebar and expanding the story river to fill the space
* Added new ''Seamless'' theme
* New ''Filter'' tab in [[$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* Initial implementation of CecilyView
* Overhaul of inconsistencies in TiddlerFilters (see [[Changes to filters in 5.0.9-beta]])
* New translations for Italian and Japanese
* Performance improvements, particularly [[during editing|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0aa559cd23b3742c8f10c5ac144860d816699782]]
!! Documentation Improvements
* Improved and reorganised documentation for TiddlerFilters
* Demo of [[Making curved text with SVG]]
* [[Community]] links are now broken up into individual tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a19432541e776bfb63b1b985a60f472e9f1d4352]] overview diagram of [[TiddlyWiki Architecture]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/7b57561160173667031b5bc15a4f7553d8514c1c]] documentation from buggyj: [[Developing plugins using Node.js and GitHub]]
!! Usability Improvements
* Made the dropdown arrow icon [[skinnier|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ec90ac99cf2767b6ff20902d8b01aa1c36778147]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bca1d552803c1839e7385765314f81c5307632b8]] validation of legal characters for fieldnames
* Added blacklisting of unsafe HTML [[elements|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ba6edd42c125cb19d955a1cb3f54a2d367cb79dc]] and [[attributes|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d0caf21b2df9fda9800eb30489003a87cafb1277]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/baa8cf3dd098bab0a7a8c78b24747c69bd40889f]] a warning indicator to tiddlers in TiddlyWikiClassic format
* [[Add|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/42c67cfeb732fccb10b8ab574c84090dc2471352]] tiddler info ''Advanced'' panel with information about plugins and shadow tiddlers
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/96457d801159958b897f98e22aa9af53b97f0e35]] layout of [[$:/ControlPanel]] ''Plugins'' tab
* [[Enhance|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f48701544eda4f79af86b1ad44340e7182bcf024]] viewing of system tiddlers by fading down the `$:/` prefix
* [[Extend|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/dd3ee2a603cba35770a8f109e070f271d72861f8]] [[$:/TagManager]] to allow icons to be assigned to tags
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/87c4839fed789b80e0942014c05175e36aacc157]] support for `list-before` and `list-after` fields for controlling tag ordering (see TiddlerTags for details)
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3afa26b9a318d913ba162d93a63036cb4a94be59]] request for confirmation before abandoning edits to a tiddler
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bdbbf94326f70db0f8ef196270ab9e92bfde10fb]] [[Transclusion in WikiText]] syntax to allow translusion of a template without affecting the current tiddler
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8a7d0f53d380e9ca93ee34d8ad05090d511e95c4]] `sourceURL` handling to `eval()` so that tiddler modules can be [[properly debugged|https://chromedevtools.googlecode.com/svn-history/r421/trunk/tutorials/breapoints/index.html#regular]] in Chrome
* New ScrollableWidget giving better control over scrollable regions
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d3c0296a87198296cff26aa7ce7bb8274cdcc3f7]] new CSS class `tw-site-title` for the site title
* [[Disable|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e397e4d15951c1395c7752a7563f002ca459206e]] the TiddlyWeb sync adaptor unless the wiki is loaded over HTTP
* Added a [[high resolution timer mechanism|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/dcce4879347e4829d75f10248477731b18b829ef]] and a [[performance measurement mechanism|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d402d3c5a619b6b1642ab03c74ff03a864846a0b]]
* Added a [[basic CSV parser|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5a085f792722c74d259464386138c731b2f014cc]]
* Several measures to enforce the TiddlyWiki programming model:
** [[Refactor|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9de17aa206b21df5c4e29e61bba5d6b49aca6c71]] wiki store object to make members be private
** Freeze tiddler object and [[fields|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/279626a3e3fbd75d60fc3be49b68a99d8ba0a95d]] tiddler fields to enforce their immutability
* [[Extend|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f649b5b037bfd2e7c48d1ba65ffa37064456523d]] the ButtonWidget to be able to set text references
* [[Add|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/afa677b9a0b1dff1239dc1ea08edd210b9736af9]] a class to tiddler frames in view mode
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/50cf9678cb469e443e220b063e2355c844e417e7]] support for [[WidgetMessage: tw-home]]
* [[Hidden|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2608a323ebf3d8a8e925eda6d3a10ebb8f41d383]] system tags from the sidebar ''Tags'' tab
* [[Allow|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/98872bbe7c62faa4aa209fa421c2989aeef3aaf2]] pasting and import of HTML content
* [[Add|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a5a2c718b1d5671652d01e3567dba1c6795b7521]] support for a tooltip on the LinkWidget
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/aa631518152cda5643805c143bf0000bca8d767f]] problem with occasional freezes of the sync mechanism - thanks to buggyj
* Fixed problem with [[tiddlers|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1e960ffcac566c742c44b18d6f0e809d4457b249]] or [[fields|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ea46f85a8a5ad29e8602cbb13667c853903681a6]] called `__proto__`
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/aec618793f41b937676a5a165764dc19d9bbb2b2]] with refreshing the D3 plugin
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/67f3d58f7153ca4d50ce5a14ed72d9d4b6ad9b71]] problem with "null" message when unloading under Internet Explorer 11
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.18-beta...v5.1.0]]//
This is the first full release of TiddlyWiki. Documentation updates made up the bulk of the changes since the previous 5.0.18-beta release.
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b239b3d6230a9f7aab4c9ef6a59aefb4158f45b1]] curly braces from qualified identifiers
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9e6dab06cc2db8263fce083510ae570923b21c0b]] problem with Markdown Maruku mode metadata
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@malgam|https://github.com/malgam]]
* [[@gernert|https://github.com/gernert]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.0...v5.1.1]]//
This is a minor bug fix release to improve the documentation and correct some issues with the first full release of TiddlyWiki.
!! Incompatible Changes
Certain features that were deprecated in [[Release 5.0.17-beta]] have now been removed:
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/62edd1e8a3fddc0c11b87c87b3e5b404d8e1e395]] deprecated `title` attribute on the ButtonWidget
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d047ccdc84ab6f23779c3614712e0d6fa0ef63ec]] support for deprecated `$:/tags/stylesheet` system tag
Note that the next release will also remove support for regular expression filter operands, which was also deprecated in 5.0.17-beta.
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/96b7d0eebaf73dcfd4eccb848b90caaa055e5e20]] first implementation of the [[KaTeX Plugin]] for mathematical typesetting
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@TheDiveO|https://github.com/TheDiveO]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.9...v5.1.10]]//
! Major Improvements
!! Performance Optimisations
This release includes several low-level performance optimisations that should improve speed and responsiveness in many common operations.
* [[Caching the results of parsing a tiddler|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b0cb17cd83dde89753ec159e27c920a7bf22bee1]]
* [[Loop optimisations|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c6e48ebc2db4af895f5b3935b3f575b8aab292fe]]
* [[Tiddler iteration optimisations|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8f63e2a959a7ac44533ae2b6192716ee17a1ce93]]
* [[State qualifier generation|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/848a7f4e744c8f4dcb4ec88a0e99c4ae6aac25e5]]
* [[Caching data tiddlers|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/32f6d7f1b01474b82debcbdd5d76c49c59303265]]
* [[Removed expensive visual effects|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4f5cf4597abb08af787b62c2e2ee1b8c667dad1e]]
There is a new setting in the control panel to enable performance instrumentation, making it much easier to measure and improve performance issues.
!! New Editions
Three new editions of TiddlyWiki are included in this release. These can be used as starting points for creating your own wiki for several purposes:
* The [[Résumé Builder Edition]] by @inmysocks is a custom edition to guide you through the process of using TiddlyWiki to create a good looking résumé (or curriculum vitæ)
* The [[Blog Edition]] provides tools for using TiddlyWiki under Node.js to create a static HTML blog that can be published on GitHub pages (or similar)
* The [[Text-Slicer Edition]] is a custom edition with tools to help advanced users slice longer texts up into individual tiddlers.
!! External Text Tiddlers
Limited support for tiddlers stored in external `.tid` files:
* standalone TiddlyWiki HTML files with external text tiddlers can be built under Node.js
* wikis with external text tiddlers can be worked with in the browser, automatically lazily loading the content of external text tiddlers when it is first referenced
** saving changes in the browser doesn't work as expected: if edited, the external text tiddler is replaced with an ordinary tiddler
** lazy loading of external text tiddlers doesn't work in Chrome when viewing the TiddlyWiki HTML file on a ''file:'' URI; it works OK in Firefox
** lazy loading works on an HTTP URI on all browsers as long as the target file is either stored on the same domain or is served by a [[server that supports CORS|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-origin_resource_sharing]]
See [[Alice in Wonderland]] for an example. Try opening it without a network connection.
!! New "Tight" Theme
A new theme called "Tight" uses reduced padding, margins and font-sizes to pack as much text as possible:
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/theme" text="$:/themes/tiddlywiki/tight"/>
Try it out
</$button> <$button>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/theme" text="$:/themes/tiddlywiki/snowwhite"/>
! Other Improvements
!! Translation Improvements
* Added Swedish translation by @Superdos
* Added Korean (Korean Republic) translation by @araname
* Improved Catalan, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish translations
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Enhanced|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e6529af04e004b59093921f74758ac7132e1b19d]] the tiddler editor to accept new fields and tags when clicking confirm, without having to click "Add tag" or "Add field"
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5d43cd740863be188e43fd49893dc8dddcd5b937]] new ''fold'' and ''fold others'' buttons to the tiddler toolbar to temporarily hide the body of a tiddler, and also [[added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ac08dc2e35d99eb563ab8c4449ce1fcfe30f3bf7]] new ''fold all'' and ''unfold all'' page buttons
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d5e690a06d523a2047eaf9b623b633bb72c18af9]] ability to disable individual WikiText parser rules (see the ''Advanced'' tab of $:/ControlPanel). Also [[added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/58188cf8053bef87dbe97e4b05cdba67f75c615d]] a simple setting for disabling automatic linking of ~CamelCase words
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2cb6400773096b02b71c1851fb0fac5dfefbbd6f]] support for automatically linked system tiddler titles to include digits and underscore
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2c9b1ae2579f8d2452c60217aa3e153a29d32d1f]] warning when trying to use plugins designed for TiddlyWiki Classic
* Upgraded to version v8.8.0 of highlight.js for the [[Highlight Plugin]]
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/1981]] the need to manually confirm deleting alerts
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/2147]] optional tooltips to [[tabs Macro]]
!! Hackability Improvements
* Updated to KaTeX v0.5.1, with [[several new features|https://github.com/Khan/KaTeX/releases]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e0aacc84d5f084ff7a53153c590fbff3d24f2e2c]] `publishFilter` to default save template
* [[Allow|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/7dddc925ae93725552b98bc348a07572895da96c]] ''delete'' button to be used in the tiddler view-mode toolbar
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/742161675421a942051abed01cb47c0394f4db6d]] a new [[hidden setting for keyboard shortcuts|Hidden Setting: Keyboard Shortcuts]]
* [[Update|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e5cd8313a0d1a4a3dea17457a8a883675243b9c7]] ActionSetFieldWidget to allow timestamp to be preserved
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/fdce67399d175a9911df908981b83ac3edfb1142]] option to suppress navigation for edit/cancel/save
* [[Enhance|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5176f008f0bc15751e36933c95ae299c1ee5971a]] SaveTiddlersCommand with do not delete option
* [[Enhance|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4ccdaf3fafda2f1d0766ed69c68d030a7db2bbc6]] RenderTiddlerCommand with template option
* [[Extend|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/51d771a07493f91c32145b69e4f5534724416d2e]] tm-open-window to pass variables
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/7b8928886bf101b0cf4a8cc2d2dd2e576ec1c8d8]] new utility method `$tw.utils.tagToCssSelector(tagName)` for converting tag titles into a form suitable for matching the `tc-tagged-*` [[classes generated by TiddlyWiki|How to apply custom styles by tag]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/99df9f46f7cc4c1d3aa0320347f9b6c1bc458c60]] support for tiddlers containing mp4 videos
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/fd997c45814e6bb5b576137bf62bad5575b0a28c]] the ActionSetFieldWidget to enable it to be used to delete a field or indexed property
* [[Made|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/746aab2cf6bbe3c1905efd5caf80e40e23b914b0]] the tw5.com documentation available as a plugin and an <a href="editions/tw5.com-docs/index.html" target="_blank">edition</a>, simplifying some scenarios for re-using it
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0035a0046315ee0203b1adfb75efdbb0e854a7f6]] rendering of "More" sidebar tab gradients in the "Snow White" theme
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/33563d01baed4b4092fc834eb6a1df55e1671418]] option in [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] to enable the display of detailed performance instrumentation in the browser developer console
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bc0cbf907063ccd484da7d56c8e42cf5e90489b8]] a LazyLoading template for all non-system tiddlers
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1984]] handling of TiddlerLinks in Markdown tiddlers
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/2004]] FieldManglerWidget to create the target tiddler if it does not exist
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/2049]] KeyboardWidget to trigger ActionWidgets
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/2074]] SelectWidget to support multiple selections
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/1909]] new [[days Operator]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/231d0a3dc8385fcb2173436754f00f464d7b018e]] official plugin wrappers for the JavaScript libraries [[async.js|https://github.com/caolan/async]] and [[JSZip|https://stuk.github.io/jszip/]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/2037]] new ActionListopsWidget
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/791f97983e8bbbbb209cf0e7068f858dfd2d38eb]] ''rows'' attribute to EditTextWidget
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1882]] problem introduced in 5.1.9 with processing `tiddlywiki.info` files
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3fbf29093b32c00941b0c03951250de7c0cc8d6f]] problem with invisible icons in $:/AdvancedSearch
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/862e358b57fde74595420e7948bf44fdadf690dc]] check for required plugins in ServerCommand
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/709126dd643207adab725569c214f8617c28fbeb]] problem with queueing change events for deleting non-existent tiddlers
* [[Ensure|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/85553609b10ccc813662c867d4043e5df78efcec]] EditTextWidget fixes height even if refresh isn't required
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8a763e9d838fcb571d12c4175952cd4e15e95e00]] the gradient on the sidebar tabs divider
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6add992bf2e9cedd077c74c3471758bbe9d6e1b2]] problem with tiddler titles such as `$:/templates/something` being erroneously classed as `$:/temp` tiddlers, and so excluded from syncing
* [[Switched|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/acbf87657b6c88719148266100b91a61e29a0546]] to absolute date format in tiddler subtitles
!! Node.js Improvements
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/dc020276b07fd0ec365c13000eb868a87a3376b9]] problem with the filesystem adaptor saving new image files as base64-encoded .tid files instead of as native binary files with an accompanying `.meta` file
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/803d70225a2ce1f1f7992e493bbaf7a78b15c04d]] `tiddlywiki.files` support in TiddlyWikiFolders to allow directories to be loaded recursively, as well as individual files
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@afeldspar|https://github.com/afeldspar]]
* [[@araname|https://github.com/araname]]
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@danielo515|https://github.com/danielo515]]
* [[@Drakor|https://github.com/Drakor]]
* [[@erwanm|https://github.com/erwanm]]
* [[@felixhayashi|https://github.com/felixhayashi]]
* [[@Evolena|https://github.com/Evolena]]
* [[@hegart-dmishiv|https://github.com/hegart-dmishiv]]
* [[@idoine|https://github.com/idoine]]
* [[@inmysocks|https://github.com/inmysocks]]
* [[@IreneKnapp|https://github.com/IreneKnapp]]
* [[@gernert|https://github.com/gernert]]
* [[@kixam|https://github.com/kixam]]
* [[@Marxsal|https://github.com/Marxsal]]
* [[@matabele|https://github.com/matabele]]
* [[@mklauber|https://github.com/mklauber]]
* [[@nameanyone|https://github.com/nameanyone]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@senevoldsen90|https://github.com/senevoldsen90]]
* [[@Spangenhelm|https://github.com/Spangenhelm]]
* [[@spelufo|https://github.com/spelufo]]
* [[@SuperDOS|https://github.com/SuperDOS]]
* [[@tgrosinger|https://github.com/tgrosinger]]
* [[@tobibeer|https://github.com/tobibeer]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
* [[@zahlman|https://github.com/zahlman]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.1...v5.1.2]]//
This is another small release with documentation updates and a few bug fixes and improvements.
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b3df07ae3e190cfb6fc23dbe31c6229fe5e39087]] error handling for malformed or unrecognised ~LaTeX content with [[KaTeX Plugin]]
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/42abef6fbf79342ccbd90b142d48f64ab5c1c38a]] styling of separator before the untagged item in the tags sidebar
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/23c2d90ee8e28f8c68f9ba58fcbc13a56f838d61]] error handling for the upload saver (which is used for saving to TiddlySpot)
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/115245a632e80e9d033957327dfec909a3cd1fc8]] storyview error detection
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b1fb0a2a070a6abc78564e56fdb4244076ac44ac]] crash caused by incorrectly formatted plugins
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/eacb9e53ebf2a814d61bf005d68f449f7b9e63b5]] problem with tiddler info not being removed by the syncer after deleting a tiddler
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e2046ce4ffb6b8232a4ad5e7f51c431798917787]] HTTP handling to treat response code 201 as success
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@Evolena|https://github.com/Evolena]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@simonbaird|https://github.com/simonbaird]]
* [[@TheDiveO|https://github.com/TheDiveO]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.2...v5.1.3]]//
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e872f17842809e33eae177980e9ea0650b6a4c03]] "new journal" button; see [[Creating journal tiddlers]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/70984aa39f8a4061162d4e404bfd158e515c7e6e]] "new here" button; see [[Creating and editing tiddlers]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/00cdd04edd49c2bf0e461071c0c7c50f8aab4e42]] "new journal here" button; see [[Creating journal tiddlers]]
* [[Made|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c6951ee912d1f2717a8c208cbb920e54edf9e5d9]] date format strings be translateable
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/languages/ru-RU]] Russian translation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ef1d5310918dae088ce9361c1682ce0f99cf568a]] confirmation when clearing password
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b7bbcfa05659808c1e51a4f2f5f1d6afbc2ed3a1]] additional prompt when setting password
* [[Increased|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/dc9981322aeb508d5ebac0b691b0d703f8c1995e]] size of the clear search button
* [[Upgraded|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/564457de1c991df15263040d2d5526fa8ae879bb]] to [[KaTeX v0.1.1|https://github.com/Khan/KaTeX/releases/tag/v0.1.1]], with support for several additional LaTeX features
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2ffe53f1916e4b746cc6d7e74e8f4ac75c72e38a]] audio "parser" for handling [[Audio]] content
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0dcf54c3b59ed04645928f0ec4ced647e5a0da7f]] support for ActionWidgets
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/65504d5d41e45326ab1b1b6c0c21eea4c9772797]] new <<.olink addprefix>> and <<.olink addsuffix>> operators
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0c8e5380778303cdd3308bed4a15290214841f8b]] support for custom password prompts
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c26bd4c5a872f56c47e9f5cfc3fada468c53ddde]] the <<.mlink list-links>> macro to display ''caption'' field if present
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/12e26009eef5e29140ba1a880ff033428d673630]] ImageWidget to allow percentage width and height to be specified
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/cc576b052e2b05fd93fcb4f3eb8d9ee5278abf3e]] the <<.olink each>> operator to work with missing tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5dd6ebff05a3380db2901294b2cfc89c1a0e71bf]] problem with tiddler width in zoomin storyview with the sidebar hidden
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/09b6540998fec6bf1fb14842be8e8c53dbd5c46a]] bug whereby the `tm-home` message wasn't navigating to a tiddler, causing problems in zoomin storyview
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3ca8d7b6cca46ffa424bcf9bdc134da464fc84f4]] problem with jumping toolbar icons under Firefox
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f85b07e70b71d0622a9459e4b04e2027540abda8]] problem with untagged label being incorrectly coloured
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b3dcd7d625ec83701ef3a77f3fb8101af57c154f]] problem with title background colours with the "Sticky Titles" theme
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5211f9c40c874a167174e8c0d439db34189d3329]] problem with subfilter parameter of <<.mlink timeline>> macro
* [[Exclude|https://groups.google.com/d/topic/tiddlywiki/YPACpXhH9PY/discussion]] search string tiddler from search results
!! Node.js Changes
//These changes are only relevant to people using TiddlyWiki under Node.js//
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/63c174d7ed56284e80ad6cd6ae966b81f9181cc9]] ~KaTeX plugin to be able to work under Node.js to generate static HTML
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/49dc5694a391a391264a4473e4f4422e2472a3b3]] "includeWikis" to merge build targets
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/969]] the build scripts for tiddlywiki.com into a separate repository at https://github.com/Jermolene/build.jermolene.github.io
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/744245ea3249446fd15f504190efb1d828935d01]] boot kernel to raise an error if a missing wiki folder is specified on the command line
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@andrey013|https://github.com/andrey013]]
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]]
* [[@Eucaly|https://github.com/Eucaly]]
* [[@Evolena|https://github.com/Evolena]]
* [[@fghhfg|https://github.com/fghhfg]]
* [[@Marxsal|https://github.com/Marxsal]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@simonbaird|https://github.com/simonbaird]]
* [[@TheDiveO|https://github.com/TheDiveO]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.3...v5.1.4]]//
This is a small release with documentation improvements and some important bug fixes from [[Release 5.1.3]].
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6681a8e1f2fd3f39d92a1480b5b573a6c831515d]] a toolbar button for advanced search
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/53d834c86be2f97599a9486c0eae4777c51d9093]] dragging behaviour so that you can drag a tiddler title into an edit box to insert the title, making link creation easier. (This change doesn't affect the behaviour of dragging tiddler links between TiddlyWiki windows)
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/26e50b81e579b7f2d190ca3662cadcf82764c8a7]] additional theme tweaks for the body text size and line height
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1b620387dda2d16bf387a89071188762455890c4]] the ViewWidget to work with subtiddlers
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ddc74955427f8a7291ee964c42a771a112007789]] problem with search counts
!! Node.js Changes
//These changes are only relevant to people using TiddlyWiki under Node.js//
* Fixed problem with missing wiki folder warnings by [[removing|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9fedf3865778fd3aa50c2f049c2b81061c8cd778]] and [[re-implementing|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e62e38d66c6eb447bbd8f16b5beec0fe0276ea0d]] the fix from [[Release 5.1.3]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5d600ce31b1d1162529ae8043bb342e2165c4b13]] coloured warnings and errors under Node.js
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@danielo515|https://github.com/danielo515]]
* [[@gernert|https://github.com/gernert]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.4...v5.1.5]]//
!! Translation Improvements
* Added new translators edition making it much easier to create and maintain translations of TiddlyWiki
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/615425cf0634233d27f4f1ea430589b2a618feb6]] improved Japanese translation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8ba1a9b72ac5a4f50a4f670a24393d564c137c0c]] new Danish translation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/14a64ef3effc1e4cf1098b35af6d6cb864d77ac2]] new Greek translation
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Improvements|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/09a3f94d79fc6eacbfd46c86594748e996191eb2]] to tooltips for accessibility
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6fc5c70ace43219710983f6d9640f4b01d620908]] export button to tiddler toolbar, page controls and [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]] "filter" tab
* Improved layout of [[$:/TagManager]]
* [[Simplified|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0a986ccd995266bf3a47182fa584d79f9dd3e153]] default tiddler toolbar buttons
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/63b00fd0f80ce0c9917e233287d4a0138e8c385f]] advanced search button to sidebar search results
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4d061d0fee959fdc5ab470dc8f8379bedfa946d9]] search results by listing title matches at the top
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/da1f9f7d2233eb2aacc027bc1fc1053fa8b7bc2e]] input box for specifying new field value in edit template
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0bb8e08edca61f415aa084327b6751c278e45108]] tag pill rendering so that the foreground colour is dynamically chosen for maximum contrast with the background colour
* Enhancements to many of the [[core icons|ImageGallery Example]]
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1dfa6f369bddd8dedba2e47dc4707eba28ccf4e1]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/145713e7668a41320981ed87b448542cd30d13dc]], [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3035badf144abb85f5d42b2b1d395cf0f65fb03e]] and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e69e2c1c91002c296e1789532ca74286fae8d5a4]]) unnecessary confirmations when abandoning or deleting unmodified tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a5c7089bcfe3d2439eb082535527a7cc767891cc]] a subtle rounded corner to tiddlers and tabs
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6f0d581d720e611fade3b3f346ad0409ef5e291b]] automatic focusing of the title of newly created tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/81481588e07ed3cb1e378a6c6f21d26dcbaa8345]] advanced search links on tiddler counts in [[$:/ControlPanel]]
!! Hackability Improvements
* Introduced new ActionSetFieldWidget, ActionDeleteFieldWidget and ActionDeleteTiddlerWidget for manipulating tiddler fields and values
* [[Enhanced|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c7971d3da3bbef4bbc81d4462ee93590adc248f8]] [[WidgetMessage: tm-new-tiddler]] to allow a skeleton to be specified with additional fields
* [[Enhanced|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4a172125768e3b33c30e725e8550454a9d26c5c4]] the EditTextWidget to allow more control over the sizing of textarea editors
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/13726ef73157d9e9d65ae4027d9c32aaa7cdcc90]] new canned filter for recently modified system tiddlers in [[$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c20c935faabbb63f679bc4720b52162c56b6af64]] new system image for videos: [[$:/core/images/video]]
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c13cf94413c94ee56bebc60fab2d9231d1824d88]] search results to allow custom visualisations - see [[Customising search results]]
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a3a50dbf6d96e7441e5e8ec183e40134bc4eb618]] <<.mlink timeline>> macro to be able to use different date fields
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8260d000be1cf1caf35a557f6cd54a0fb8ccf4f0]] the <<.olink search>> operator to allow a field to be specified
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/73491f14dd63612d527632210d2c3873eb81188f]] the highlight plugin to display tabs as spaces
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/91a7c397911726e391ca368f96b50fbe1687d56a]] modal handling to permit variables to be passed to the modal (see [[WidgetMessage: tm-modal]])
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/853f5fd06402b16e271e8f119ef380de485aeff2]] simple logging to help track down drop/paste issues (see http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/#ImportLogging)
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b520efdeb83f6ac7536a69cf5af2bab3f94cf77f]] [[WidgetMessage: tm-download-file]] and [[WidgetMessage: tm-save-wiki]] to allow variables to be specified for the rendering
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f5055c0205d24102a36b9cf3a9dd9306e148a1f0]] [[Example Table of Contents: Tabbed Internal]]
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/79e428757b5562bd4a925b9b0428ea4ba70ad05a]] RevealWidget so that it can be used without specifying a state tiddler
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/90caf5bf42523cfb6cd603b979aadb719ddcede4]] "hooks" mechanism so that plugins can modify the default tiddler list
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b882a0dff12dc2660426de53e64d8c018f3a9d84]] support for nested popups
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/90096cbd367a7a685fb5dc5b2cbaa69a00d8199f]] problem with CodeMirror editor and missing tiddlers
* [[Exclude|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5093cdc86047209f23b9ead5ee0f216d0414e4f2]] drafts from [[Table-of-Contents Macros]]
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5599f9f9338a5f96080143b2192214a78b961509]] problem with encoding of HTML tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/835e3a945244dd8a07f4c7fd570eb890e9fdcc2c]] problem with sticky titles being covered by vertical tabs
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d1bbe7253c135ceed138fd02c82b0f861d5dda6b]] flicker when automatically resizing textareas
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4bf6fe7fe9416f4e304036302ab5727148ae5222]] JSON deserialiser so that all fields can be imported
!! Node.js Changes
//These changes are only relevant to people using TiddlyWiki under Node.js//
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8e685e5150e636aed6655c6caa09c7b6cffdcea2]] ''includeWikis'' mechanism of TiddlyWikiFolders to allow read-only wikis to be included
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/cea963420ca2800b86989e29d42d06ccb7ea2a00]] error handling under Node.js
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/17a594a97ad5655142c834dfd5fa68855a61d201]] UnpackPluginCommand
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/04d26e6fae20671a6d455e113f7b0afedabc7122]] EditionsCommand to list the available editions
!! Changes affecting plugin authors
* [[Disabled|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f7a2849d27bb082e4bbf6b056a800a1edb30f510]] wiki change events for shadow tiddlers
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d93c19daaa126f0938048009a83796cb52690541]] structure of widget messages that have a hashmap parameter
* The support for nested popups has necessitated a change in the way that popups are styled that affects popups that are triggered with the focusPopup attribute of the EditTextWidget: it is now necessary for the widget to be given the class `tc-popup-handle`.
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@andrey013|https://github.com/andrey013]]
* Birthe C
* [[@Braincoke|https://github.com/Braincoke]]
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@danielo515|https://github.com/danielo515]]
* [[@erwanm|https://github.com/erwanm]]
* [[@Evolena|https://github.com/Evolena]]
* [[@giffmex|https://github.com/giffmex]]
* [[@inmysocks|https://github.com/inmysocks]]
* Makoto Hirohashi
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@Skeeve|https://github.com/Skeeve]]
* [[@tobibeer|https://github.com/tobibeer]]
* [[@welford|https://github.com/welford]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.5...v5.1.6]]//
!! Translation Improvements
* Added Dutch translation
* Updated Danish and Japanese translations
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Allow|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b29973312d7c16292cabb493e5914668f7c3f127]] buttons to be styled to look like internal links
* [[Disabled|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5b38c21a417d2e5e2b85aed8010c88af32420e24]] linking when transcluding ''caption'' field in [[Table-of-Contents Macros]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b220c19fb7b789eb6d00c9d1a71414676d87130e]] support for templates to tabbed [[Table-of-Contents Macros]]
* [[Allow|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/31b5eb1578640fabe8712f0cd4edd49708bc4493]] shadow tiddlers to appear in [[Table-of-Contents Macros]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5154a25ab95f0cc08eb079a624be4fd3353e6dbd]] tooltip to BrowseWidget
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/42dba113ccdb18d7e76ac7a773c7dca532207007]] handling of missing tiddlers by the <<.olink has>> and <<.olink field>> operators
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/182c2428ca7b38d00d36d2d6650e761026470e63]] problem with download saver using incorrect filename
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d031a93c6d607d5b10d025149608f10977181e26]] [[problem|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1010]] with processing of date format templates
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a0c13a0856cb6b4a2592acdd46975e44eb7c53a8]] problem with ''storytop'' theme tweak not being respected when the narrow responsive design kicks in
!! Node.js Changes
//These changes are only relevant to people using TiddlyWiki under Node.js//
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bb74be7ac1a24eeaee10a3cb3d3633e3aa318632]] problem with "all tiddlers" static HTML export
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/51db48acc901d8fb298d9b0f7f10b47ffe90df05]] incorrect checking for an empty folder with the InitCommand
!! Changes affecting plugin authors
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1e47a62c2af392f30a492da732b33b89f23a2e4c]] `$tw.utils.each` so that the loop can be broken out of
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@anavarre|https://github.com/anavarre]]
* [[@Drakor|https://github.com/Drakor]]
* [[@dullroar|https://github.com/dullroar]]
* [[@erwanm|https://github.com/erwanm]]
* [[@malgam|https://github.com/malgam]]
* [[@nameanyone|https://github.com/nameanyone]]
* [[@pekopeko1|https://github.com/pekopeko1]]
* [[@Spangenhelm|https://github.com/Spangenhelm]]
* [[@tobibeer|https://github.com/tobibeer]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.6...v5.1.7]]//
This is an hot fix release with the following change over [[Release 5.1.6]]:
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a31aa25d0c00187ff829d74108f018e44b5cb3c5]] typo in GettingStarted
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.7...v5.1.8]]//
This release includes many improvements to the documentation for TiddlyWiki. Many thanks to everyone who has helped out, but especially to our prodigious new contributor Astrid Elocson.
!! Translation Improvements
* Improvements to French, Danish, Chinese and Japanese translations
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/cb8caf6a01aeeac480bf28661888961657b0dbd8]] Czech translation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d6918d737f5d1b663346ad9a35421a5ae0ffb9a7]] [[Interlingua|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interlingua]] translation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6721a5eb1b77935226ccc8559008af3a0a05d0cb]] Portuguese translation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b845751d3c549366adb2f6e5c58b0114fa95ba30]] Punjabi and Hindu translations
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/49a9a2c44ca3a71fff3062709f06940aaca4a574]] Slovak translation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5d947ed582fb9d68c01d82a334ab75498a8724ef]] Spanish translation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2c367c5476da70ce9c2b37838febcdf437b9aca4]] localisation for encryption prompt
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/987bfcfd5b49b992e5fd45f3428497f6f55cae53]] user interface for [[setting a page background image|Setting a page background image]]
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3df341621d30b205775288e324cef137c48e9f6e]] problem with unnecessary scrolling at startup
* [[Upgraded|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ae001a19e5b3e43cf5388fd4e8d99788085649fe]] the [[KaTeX Plugin]] to use [[KaTeX v0.2.0|https://github.com/Khan/KaTeX/releases/tag/v0.2.0]], with better symbol support
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/70e419824fab107aab58f87780dbb5a1de70c248]] [[Help Plugin]] providing floating help panel
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8643278a452d1a300cec8d3425c1b18699a17dca]] support for an online plugin library
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ea6e60e66983ee1184f09c5796ef6c8bceae703a]] automatic focusing of the search box at startup
* [[Introduced|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4f3cb8b9aebfc4f65f40c96ef99730887d746b41]] the [[Railroad Plugin]] by Astrid Elocson (see it in action in the new [[Filter Syntax]] documentation)
* [[Migrated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/230066eeae9ace8336612e02c78f8cdaa3f717e4]] functionality of "Sticky Titles" theme into an optional tweak for the "Vanilla"/"Snow White" themes. This means that tiddler titles will stick to the top of the window during scrolling on browsers that support `position: sticky` (such as Safari and Firefox)
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8cb7090c40489c81e8c5dfb8cbbdee2c60998c3e]] icons to [[$:/AdvancedSearch]], [[$:/ControlPanel]] and [[$:/TagManager]]
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/21b6ce71ffc617f61d4da0065a3ee695be535e2a]] wording of tiddler "save" button to "confirm"
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1103]] automatic linking of system tiddlers such as $:/ControlPanel
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9c7936413a8c50817044eb409661a575f7f97563]] new tag dropdown to only list title matches
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/aae56f20af35e7be6f3839a8c727e3f43174efe9]] a warning banner notifying the user when modified plugins require the page to be reloaded
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0bd2ec50e1514ef247182816f9f9e421f52f67bb]] first pass at "stacked" story view
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/421ac16389cf07e8c00611ef5a858da0b89f7584]] modal headers and footers to be parsed in inline mode by default (avoiding unneeded `<p>` tags)
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d340277cb219ffebd212fbf409e8ea804121d105]] [[resolvepath Macro]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/718ce3e4aa04f7af5e9310f90d3415c0d82bee6f]] ''class'' attribute to CheckboxWidget
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bb10e2b02900ece4701c44c3a7e7c03304e813b7]] support for a special message to be displayed when the main story river is empty
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6e0c7d90221771ae384d620984f08a2090c500dc]] font rendering under Mac OS X
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a2493f80a973b24ad3d3affda945c437b98c2d2e]] support for embedding ZIP files
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1808b1597e5a61379e4e5381d6d78bb73fa3a523]] support for custom elements with the RevealWidget
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bd6472c1d10bc86eaf1b317c35b86f84086ee3c8]] ''style'' attribute to RevealWidget
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0b4ed3c72de16148ffe62abf1c5c06f2d2ce47f1]] text inputs to use palette colours
* Several new [[core icons|ImageGallery Example]]: <span style="fill:#aaa;"><span title="$:/core/images/github">{{$:/core/images/github}}</span> <span title="$:/core/images/help">{{$:/core/images/help}}</span> <span title="$:/core/images/mail">{{$:/core/images/mail}}</span> <span title="$:/core/images/tip">{{$:/core/images/tip}}</span> <span title="$:/core/images/warning">{{$:/core/images/warning}}</span> <span title="$:/core/images/twitter">{{$:/core/images/twitter}}</span> <span title="$:/core/images/video">{{$:/core/images/video}}</span> <span title="$:/core/images/up-arrow">{{$:/core/images/up-arrow}}</span> <span title="$:/core/images/left-arrow">{{$:/core/images/left-arrow}}</span></span>
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/1520]] the [[sameday Operator]] and [[eachday Operator]] to accept TW5 date strings
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/1249]] version number compatibility checks for plugins
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1adfe20508116da0ee4b5c9e72ea9742f24b60c9]] problem with repeatedly cancelling a draft
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/050b643948e24d1d93a83766a23a0d693616d01e]] sandboxing of generated `<iframe>` elements
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b166632bbb76a7a033cd8fc3af14e5dadddfc631]] problem with modal backgrounds on Firefox
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1b87d9134bd0b45be671eebfdcac1d7acadcecf4]] problem with accidentally dragging a tiddler within its originating window
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c9ab873ba393753647f2b0b3b3aa1a8bcf6b1c28]] problem with dragging certain plugins with Safari
* [[Partially fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2f8837a44508687223c4d78e718cf82a9b35c97b]] problem with SVG icons being clipped by 1 pixel on the right and bottom
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f3ed9bf7e4936dd9bbe3e237673828bbe89326f9]] problem with double quotes in a new field value
!! Node.js Changes
//These changes are only relevant to people using TiddlyWiki under Node.js//
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/cc85368fd48f1e5878018a4e00b6c17d436e67a9]] [[Highlight Plugin]] to work when generating static files under Node.js
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c296f14210545374124df5d4ae9ffb402ed73561]] problem with case-insensitive filing systems (eg Windows)
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/1354]] mobile metadata to static page templates
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/1352]] added "noclean" parameter to RenderTiddlersCommand
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b768dc332b2d5d7ac1f731953cafb5fd1b30dad9]] [[editions Operator]] and [[editiondescription Operator]] for enumerating available editions
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@aelocson|https://github.com/aelocson]]
* [[@andreasabeck|https://github.com/andreasabeck]]
* [[@alexhough|https://github.com/alexhough]]
* [[@Arlen22|https://github.com/Arlen22]]
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@danielo515|https://github.com/danielo515]]
* [[@dpdannemiller|https://github.com/dpdannemiller]]
* [[@Drakor|https://github.com/Drakor]]
* [[@evgeniy-gryaznov|https://github.com/evgeniy-gryaznov]]
* [[@felixhayashi|https://github.com/felixhayashi]]
* [[@gernert|https://github.com/gernert]]
* [[@Infurnoape|https://github.com/Infurnoape]]
* [[@Jc-L|https://github.com/Jc-L]]
* [[@le-pako|https://github.com/le-pako]]
* [[@Mathobal|https://github.com/Mathobal]]
* [[@ng110|https://github.com/ng110]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@reflectionist|https://github.com/reflectionist]]
* [[@roma0104|https://github.com/roma0104]]
* [[@simonbaird|https://github.com/simonbaird]]
* [[@Spangenhelm|https://github.com/Spangenhelm]]
* [[@sukima|https://github.com/sukima]]
* [[@tobibeer|https://github.com/tobibeer]]
* [[@twMat|https://github.com/twMat]]
* [[@welford|https://github.com/welford]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.8...v5.1.9]]//
! Major Improvements
!! New "Powered by ~TiddlyWiki" plugin
An experimental plugin to add a simple "Powered by ~TiddlyWiki" banner to your site. It is included in this prerelease but will not be on the main tiddlywiki.com wiki.
!! New "Fluid story, fixed sidebar" mode
It is now possible to arrange the main window so that the sidebar has a fixed width and the story river expands to fill the remaining space.
To switch it on, visit ''Theme Tweaks'' in the $:/ControlPanel ''Appearance'' tab and use the following options:
* Sidebar layout:
** ''Fixed story, fluid sidebar'' (default) - the story river has a fixed width and the sidebar fills the remaining space
** ''Fluid story, fixed sidebar'' - the story river expands to fill horizontal space remaining after the fixed width sidebar
* Sidebar width:
** The width of the sidebar. Can be specified in pixels (eg ''350px''), a percentage (eg ''25%'') or other [[CSS unit|https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/CSS/length]]
!! Toolbar Button Style Setting
A new setting in $:/ControlPanel ''Settings'' tab allows the toolbar button style to be chosen from the following options:
* <$button set="$:/config/Toolbar/ButtonClass" setTo="tc-btn-invisible">borderless</$button> the existing style
* <$button set="$:/config/Toolbar/ButtonClass" setTo="tc-btn-boxed">boxed</$button>, which adds a thin border box around the button
* <$button set="$:/config/Toolbar/ButtonClass" setTo="tc-btn-rounded">rounded</$button>, which rounds the button corners and inverts the button colours
Plugins can add new style options.
!! New Tiddler Toolbar Button: "Open in new window"
An experimental new tiddler toolbar button opens a single tiddler in a separate pop-up browser window. The tiddler will be dynamically updated just as in the main window. There are several uses:
* Arranging reference tiddlers for easy access while editing in the main window
* Making good use of multi-screen layouts
* Printing the content of a single tiddler
* Running presentations in a separate window while maintaining notes in the main window
!! Improvements for visually impaired users
* Improved monochrome palette variants:
** <$button>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/theme" text="$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/palette" text="$:/palettes/ContrastDark"/>
Dark palette
</$button>. Foreground: <<colour-picker "$:/palettes/ContrastDark" "foreground">>, Background: <<colour-picker "$:/palettes/ContrastDark" "background">>
** <$button>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/theme" text="$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/palette" text="$:/palettes/ContrastLight"/>
Light palette
</$button>. Foreground: <<colour-picker "$:/palettes/ContrastLight" "foreground">>, Background: <<colour-picker "$:/palettes/ContrastLight" "background">>
** <$button>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/theme" text="$:/themes/tiddlywiki/snowwhite"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/palette" text="$:/palettes/Vanilla"/>
!! New "Solar Flare" palette
There's a new core palette "Solar Flare", contributed by Rustem Akbulatov (@nameanyone).
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/theme" text="$:/themes/tiddlywiki/snowwhite"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/palette" text="$:/palettes/SolarFlare"/>
Try it out
</$button> <$button>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/theme" text="$:/themes/tiddlywiki/snowwhite"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/palette" text="$:/palettes/Vanilla"/>
!! Options for Story Control
There are new options for controlling the position in the story river of newly opened tiddlers. Visit the ''Settings'' tab of $:/ControlPanel and look for "Tiddler Opening Behaviour".
!! New Hidden Settings
Two new [[hidden settings|Hidden Settings]] for advanced configuration:
* [[Hidden Setting: Search AutoFocus]]
* [[Hidden Setting: Typing Refresh Delay]]
!! New Vars widget
[[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/1678]] VarsWidget for setting multiple variables in one operation:
<$vars greeting="Hi" me={{!!title}} sentence=<<helloworld>>>
<<greeting>>! I am <<me>> and I say: <<sentence>>
! Other Improvements
!! Translation Improvements
* Updates to the Dutch, Chinese, Italian and German translations
* New Catalan (Spain) translation
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/789069bb6b9ca1bd9da75e035b18728e83eb232c]] new page control icon for setting the palette: <$set name="tv-config-toolbar-class" value="btn">
<$set name="tv-config-toolbar-icons" value="yes">
<$set name="tv-config-toolbar-text" value="yes">
* Added new icons for <span style="fill:#aaa;">
palette <span title="$:/core/images/palette">{{$:/core/images/palette}}</span>
and "open new window" <span title="$:/core/images/open-window">{{$:/core/images/open-window}}</span>
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/648f670bcbba088780bc76f0c33cbe378d283bbd]] the theme icon to better match the new palette icon: <span style="fill:#aaa;">
<span title="$:/core/images/theme-button">{{$:/core/images/theme-button}}</span>
<span title="$:/core/images/plugin-generic-theme">{{$:/core/images/plugin-generic-theme}}</span>
* [[Avoid|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/7b4153f87f8b4793fa055ec287a659ece3150d99]] glitch with autofocusing the search box in the plugin library
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9f92c086c31a528a2ffb6bc9fed53d4cc016480f]] information about TiddlyDesktop to [[Releases]]
* [[Stopped|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4a3a5bf1f06c4efb8449c860e90c214f707954f6]] autosaving after cancelling an edit
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/062aa03c5acf6ac506169e9f3bac9cb0307667e4]] dropdown to edit template to allow existing field names to be selected
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5f3587c38c2968ff63780552ef50b52d87ada3ca]] to ~KaTeX version 0.4.3, with the following editions since the previous 0.2.0 release that was distributed with TiddlyWiki 5.1.8:
** Added support for some `\begin`/`\end` environments, including support for `array`, `matrix`, `pmatrix`, `bmatrix`, `vmatrix`, and `Vmatrix`
** Added support for optional `\sqrt` arguments, e.g. `\sqrt[3]{x}`
** Add support for `\phantom`
** Add `\#`, `\&`
** See the [[KaTeX GitHub page|https://github.com/Khan/KaTeX/releases]] for full release details
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9b4b9d4d8878b8646112de7b5a7b282f50a4d1cb]] ActionSendMessageWidget for more flexible passing of named parameters via new `$name` and `$value` attributes
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6942efa6289c9f1d99ea9f63972aa314ac06a8b1]] styling for `<kbd>` elements such as <kbd>escape</kbd> and <kbd>enter</kbd>
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/637aaca2fc3563cc695ab5603fc0cde222a770da]] subtle new "pin stripe" pattern for page background - <$button>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/settings/backgroundimage" text="Pinstripe.gif"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/settings/backgroundimageattachment" text="fixed"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/settings/backgroundimagesize" text="auto"/>
Try it out
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/139496209f92d229feadf5c2883edec9090c0a0a]] support for custom elements to the ButtonWidget
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d8366cc45f25d16c9085e05ee18965e626e218ff]] CodeMirror plugin to automatically refresh when a tiddler type changes
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0d5033e2a00e34a7665c2cff58c0d15da224dd2b]] new setting in $:/ControlPanel to render tiddler titles as links, which can be convenient for drag and drop
* [[Simplified|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f42842f80104e8e892545c758ea0b997cacbdd31]] detecting the preview pane with the [[tv-tiddler-preview Variable]]
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/50c6ce8b73aef692920d7a03b1c9c46c35f972d6]] automatic linking of system tiddler titles by restricting them to letters and the characters `/.-`
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5a6249894d5e79ee4e472c72be8956ce59558797]] problem with special characters in field names
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/230f40c3bd71177eb7b1f7e8252a5164e99a12c5]] static banner layout on mobile devices
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/df84e932833b3643ce600499ddd5fef497bec908]] popups within the scrollable widget by adding `position: relative;` to example scrollable widget styles
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]]
* [[@cehmke|https://github.com/cehmke]]
* [[@danielo515|https://github.com/danielo515]]
* [[@Drakor|https://github.com/Drakor]]
* [[@ericshulman|https://github.com/ericshulman]]
* [[@felixhayashi|https://github.com/felixhayashi]]
* [[@gernert|https://github.com/gernert]]
* [[@heroboy|https://github.com/heroboy]]
* [[@idoine|https://github.com/idoine]]
* [[@infurnoape|https://github.com/infurnoape]]
* [[@inmysocks|https://github.com/inmysocks]]
* [[@kixam|https://github.com/kixam]]
* [[@lolole13|https://github.com/lolole13]]
* [[@marcor|https://github.com/marcor]]
* [[@Marxsal|https://github.com/Marxsal]]
* [[@nameanyone|https://github.com/nameanyone]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@r1chard5mith|https://github.com/r1chard5mith]]
* [[@roma0104|https://github.com/roma0104]]
* [[@silvyn|https://github.com/silvyn]]
* [[@slovuj|https://github.com/slovuj]]
* [[@StevenMcD|https://github.com/StevenMcD]]
* [[@sukima|https://github.com/sukima]]
* [[@vouko|https://github.com/vouko]]
* [[@welford|https://github.com/welford]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
<<tabs "[[TiddlyWiki Releases]] [[TiddlyDesktop Releases]]" "TiddlyWiki Releases" "$:/state/tab">>
<h2><$link to=<<currentTab>>><$view tiddler=<<currentTab>> field="title"/></$link></h2>
^^Released <$view tiddler=<<currentTab>> field="released" format="date" template="DDth MMM YYYY at 0hh:0mm">TBA</$view>^^
<$transclude tiddler=<<currentTab>> />
<<.operator-examples "remove">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]] +[remove[Tuesday Wednesday Thursday]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]] +[remove:3[Monday Wednesday Friday Saturday]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[list[Days of the Week]] +[!remove:2{Days of the Week!!list}]">>
<<.operator-examples "removeprefix">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[My Cat]] [[Your Garden]] [[My Favourite Armchair]] +[removeprefix[My ]]">>
<<.operator-examples "removesuffix">>
<<.operator-example 1 "SIMPLEX Googolplex Complex +[removesuffix[plex]]">>
<<.operator-examples "replace">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]] Last +[replace[Wednesday]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]] Last +[replace:2[Tuesday]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[list[Days of the Week]] [[Yesterday]] [[Today]] [[Tomorrow]] +[replace:3[Tuesday]]">>
You can report bugs or problems with TiddlyWiki via our [[discussion groups|Forums]]. If you have a GitHub account then you can raise an issue there:
Unless you are already familiar with GitHub, it's usually easiest to report problems through the discussion groups.
! TiddlyWiki on GitHub
We use GitHub Issues to manage bug reports and feature requests for TiddlyWiki. To maintain their effectiveness we endeavour to have as few open issues as possible.
!! Policies for Managing Issues
Open issues should be actionable: generally either a reproducible bug report, or a specific feature request. From the perspective of the core developers, the issues list behaves like a shared todo list. Every item on the list requires a little bit of attention each time we check the list.
GitHub Issues are not very good for managing ideas that are not immediately actionable. Better to use the [[TiddlyWiki discussion groups|Forums]] for open ended questions, or speculative discussions of new features.
!! Creating Issues
Before creating a GitHub issue it is good etiquette to search through the existing issues to see whether the problem has already been reported. If a search isn't practical, don't worry too much; GitHub makes it easy to merge existing issues.
When you do create an issue, remember that for effective debugging, we need as much information as possible. At a minimum, please try to include:
* A descriptive title
* A summary
* Steps to reproduce
* Expected behaviour
* Context (OS, browser etc.)
Consider also adding screenshots if it makes things clearer.
There's a lot of good material on the web about bug reports:
* http://mhay68.tumblr.com/post/1648223018/what-makes-a-good-bug-report
* http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/bugs.html
The <<.def resolvepath>> [[macro|Macros]] takes a relative path and an absolute path. It interprets the former relative to the latter, and returns the absolute equivalent of the former.
Folders in the paths are delimited by `/`.
The special folder name `.` denotes the current folder, and `..` denotes the parent folder.
If the absolute path indicates a folder, it needs to end with `/`. Anything after the final `/` is treated as an arbitrary filename within the intended path, and is discarded.
If no absolute path is supplied, the relative path is returned unchanged, except that anything after the final `/` is discarded.
The return value is a path, but does <<.em not>> end with `/`.
!! Parameters
: the relative path
: the absolute path
<<.macro-examples "resolvepath">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<<resolvepath "./backup" "http://example.com/store.php">>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2" eg="""<<resolvepath "backup" "http://example.com/store.php">>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="3" eg="""<<resolvepath "../backup" "http://example.com/store.php">>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="4" eg="""<<resolvepath "../jpg/Motovun_Jack.jpg" "http://example.com/resources/images/png/">>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="5" eg="""<<resolvepath "../jpg/../png/Motovun_Jack.png">>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="6" eg="""<<resolvepath "jpg/Motovun_Jack.jpg">>"""/>
These are sites with resources created by the TiddlyWiki [[Community]] help you get the best out of TiddlyWiki: plugins, macros and more. Submit new entries via GitHub, Twitter or by posting in the [[TiddlyWiki Groups]].
<div class="tc-link-info">
<$list filter='[tag[Resources]!sort[modified]]'>
<div class="tc-link-info-item">
! <$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
<div class="tc-subtitle">Posted <$view field="modified" format="relativedate"/></div>
<<.olink butfirst>> and <<.olink bf>> are synonyms for <<.op rest>>.
<<.operator-examples "rest">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]rest[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]rest[3]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O +[rest[5]]">>
The ''Résumé Builder'' edition of TiddlyWiki gets you started with a simple way to create a professional resume that you can save to the web or print.
<a href="editions/resumebuilder/index.html" target="_blank">editions/resumebuilder/index.html</a>
! Introduction
The reveal widget hides or shows its content depending upon the value of a [[state tiddler|StateTiddlers]]. The type of the widget determines the condition for the content being displayed:
* type=''match'': the content is displayed if the state tiddler matches a specified value
* type=''nomatch'': the content is displayed if the state tiddler doesn't match a specified value
* type=''popup'': the content is displayed as a popup as described in the PopupMechanism
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$reveal>` widget is displayed according to the rules given above.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|state |A TextReference containing the state |
|tag |Overrides the default HTML element tag (`<div>` in block mode or `<span>` in inline mode) |
|type |The type of matching performed: ''match'', ''nomatch'' or ''popup'' |
|text |The text to match when the type is ''match'' and ''nomatch'' |
|class |An optional CSS class name to be assigned to the HTML element<br/>» Set to `tc-popup-keep` to make a popup "sticky", so it won't close when you click inside of it|
|style |An optional CSS style attribute to be assigned to the HTML element |
|position |The position used for the popup when the type is ''popup''. Can be ''left'', ''above'', ''aboveright'', ''right'', ''belowleft'' or ''below'' |
|default |Default value to use when the state tiddler is missing |
|animate |Set to "yes" to animate opening and closure (defaults to "no") |
|retain |Set to "yes" to force the content to be retained even when hidden (defaults to "no")|
Retaining the content when hidden can give poor performance since the hidden content requires refresh processing even though it is not displayed. On the other hand, the content can be revealed much more quickly. Note that setting ''animate="yes"'' will also force ''retain="yes"''.
! Examples
!! Simple content reveal
Here's a simple example of showing and hiding content with buttons:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '<$button set="$:/state/SampleReveal1" setTo="show">Show me</$button>
<$button set="$:/state/SampleReveal1" setTo="hide">Hide me</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/SampleReveal1" text="show">
! This is the revealed content
And this is some text
!! Accordion or Slider
An "accordion" or "slider" is a button that can be used to toggle the display of associated content.
<<wikitext-example-without-html '<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/SampleReveal2" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SampleReveal2" setTo="show">Show me</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/SampleReveal2" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SampleReveal2" setTo="hide">Hide me</$button>
! This is the revealed content
And this is some text
!! Popup
Here is a simple example of a popup built with the RevealWidget:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '<$button popup="$:/SamplePopupState">Pop me up!</$button>
<$reveal type="popup" state="$:/SamplePopupState">
<div class="tc-drop-down">
! This is the popup
And this is some text
<<.operator-examples "reverse">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]reverse[]]">>
Even though TiddlyWiki is now out of beta, there are still many improvements planned for the coming months:
* Fixing hangovers from TiddlyWikiClassic
* ~TiddlyWiki file format (to avoid illegal attribute names)
* Aliases (alternative titles for tiddlers)
* Search and replace
* Tiddler renaming
* Rich link tooltips, incorporating a preview
* More keyboard shortcuts
* Keyboard snippet expansion in the text editor
* List editor with drag and drop
* Selective/weighted searching by title, body and fields
* Maths notation
Also see the issues list on GitHub: https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5
! Introduction
Safe mode provides a way to disabling most customisations in TiddlyWiki. This is useful because if TiddlyWiki is customised incorrectly it can be rendered inoperable. A particular issue is that some customisations break when upgrading to a newer core version of TiddlyWiki (especially during the beta).
! Enabling Safe Mode
Safe mode is enabled in the browser by starting TiddlyWiki with the URL hash set to the string `#:safe`. For example:
! How Safe Mode Works
Safe mode triggers two changes:
* All plugins are temporarily disabled. You can use the control panel to disable individual plugins
* Any tiddlers that override shadow tiddlers are renamed to give them the prefix `SAFE: `, thus restoring the underlying shadow tiddler
* Certain configuration options are ignored, and the default settings used instead:
** WikiParserRuleConfiguration
A report tiddler is displayed that allows you to inspect the tiddlers that were renamed.
If <<.place D>> is not a valid date, the output is empty.
<<.place D>> may include a time of day, but this is ignored.
<<.operator-examples "sameday">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[sameday[20140410]]" "tiddlers modified on 10 April 2014">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[sameday:created[20140410]]" "tiddlers created on 10 April 2014">>
This is a demonstration alert.
Note that the trashcan icon deletes the tiddler containing this alert. You can also remove it by opening the tiddler SampleAlert and editing it to remove the tag [[$:/tags/Alert]].
! Hello, <<yourName>>
This is an example modal containing the following message:
{{$:/core/images/done-button}} This is a notification!
This is the fourth of our sample tabs.
This is the first of our sample tabs.
This is the third of our sample tabs.
This is the second of our sample tabs.
This is test tiddler SampleTiddlerFirst.
This is test tiddler SampleTiddlerSecond.
This is test tiddler SampleTiddlerThird.
This is a modal wizard dialogue, stored in the tiddler SampleWizard.
{{Motovun Jack.jpg}}
You can <$button message="tm-modal" param="SampleWizard2">nest wizards</$button>.
This is another modal wizard dialogue, stored in the tiddler SampleWizard2.
You can <$button message="tm-modal" param="SampleWizard">nest wizards</$button>.
Available methods for saving changes with TiddlyWiki:
<<list-links "[tag[Saving]]">>
The built-in TiddlySpot saver can also be used to save changes to a simple PHP script that you can run on most hosting providers.
//These are preliminary instructions that need verification//
# Download a copy of ''store.php'' from:
#* https://code.google.com/p/bidix/source/browse/trunk/TiddlyHome/_th/lib/store.php
# Edit your copy of ''store.php'' to add your username(s) and password(s). Find the line `$USERS = array( 'UserName1'=>'Password1', etc)` and replace Username1 and Password1 with your desired username and password
#* Make sure you leave all the punctuation and code, such as the single quotes, intact
# Save the file
# Using FTP or your web interface, upload ''store.php'' to your server. Make sure that the filename is correct
#* If you've uploaded the file correctly you should be able to view it in your browser (eg, http://example.com/store.php)
# In TiddlyWiki, go to the ''Saving'' tab of the control panel and enter the following information:
#* Your username as the wiki name
#* Your password
#* The URL of the ''store.php'' file (//''not'' the URL of the wiki, this must the full URL to the ''store.php'' file//)
The control panel ''Saving'' tab includes the following configuration options:
|!Name |!Description |
|Server URL |The full URL to the ''store.php'' file on your server |
|Upload filename |The filename used to save the TiddlyWiki (defaults to ''index.html'') |
|Upload directory |The relative path from ''store.php'' to the directory used for saving the file |
|Backup directory |The relative path from ''store.php'' to the directory used for backups |
The AndTidWiki app for Android devices makes it possible to edit and save changes to TiddlyWiki5, including working offline without a network connection. [[Download it here|https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.mgsimon.android.andtidwiki]].
//Note that AndTidWiki is published independently of TiddlyWiki//
By default, TiddlyWiki saves changes on InternetExplorer 10 and above using a saver module that downloads the newly modified file, rather than saving it directly. There are two alternatives that both save changes directly to the file:
* [[Use the TiddlyIE browser extension|Saving with TiddlyIE]]
* Use the [[Windows HTA Hack]] by renaming the TiddlyWiki HTML file to have the extension `*.hta`.
The iPad/iPhone app ''TWEdit'' makes it possible to edit and save changes to TiddlyWiki5, including working offline without a network connection. [[Download it here|https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/twedit/id409607956?mt=8]].
Instructions for use:
# Open TWEdit
# Touch the title in the centre of the toolbar in order
#* A text box should appear allowing you to enter a URL
# Enter the URL `http://tiddlywiki.com/empty.html`
# When the empty TiddlyWiki5 has loaded, touch the ''save'' icon (it's the second icon from the right on the top toolbar)
#* An alert box should appear allowing you to enter a local filename
# Enter the filename you wish to use for the document (ending with `.html`)
# Edit your TiddlyWiki as normal
# To save changes, click the ''save'' button in the sidebar
#* A confirmation message should appear at the upper right
//Note that TWEdit is published independently of TiddlyWiki//
This method of saving changes is clunky because it requires manual intervention for each save.
# [[Download]] an empty TiddlyWiki by clicking this button:
#> {{$:/editions/tw5.com/snippets/download-empty-button}}
#> If the button doesn't work save this link: http://tiddlywiki.com/empty.html
#> Your browser may ask you to accept the download before it begins
# Locate the file you just downloaded
#* You may rename it, but be sure to keep the `.html` or `.htm` extension
# Open the file in Safari
# Try creating a new tiddler using the ''new tiddler'' {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar. Type some content for the tiddler, and click the {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''done'' button
# Save your changes by clicking the {{$:/core/images/save-button}} ''save changes'' button in the sidebar
# A popup "Download changes" window is displayed that includes a link labelled //Right-click to save changes//
# Right-click on the link and select "Download Linked File As..." from the popup menu
# Navigate to the folder containing your wiki HTML file and select the existing file
# Click the "Save" button
# Click "Replace" to confirm replacing the existing file
# Verify that your changes have been saved correctly
TiddlySpot is a free hosting service for TiddlyWiki documents from Simon and Daniel Baird. The easiest way to get started is to sign up for a new wiki at http://tiddlyspot.com - by default you'll get the latest release of TiddlyWiki Classic.
You can upload an existing TiddlyWiki5 document from your local disc to TiddlySpot by following these steps:
# Sign up for a new wiki at http://tiddlyspot.com/, and remember the wiki name and password
# Open your locally stored TiddlyWiki document in your browser
# Fill in the TiddlySpot wikiname and password in the control panel
# Click the "Save Changes" button. You should get a confirmation notification at the top right saying ''Saved wiki''. Saving can take several seconds if you're on a slow connection or working with a large wiki.
# Navigate to your TiddlySpot URL at http://{wikiname}.tiddlyspot.com/
Note that your password is sent unencrypted when using TiddlySpot. From http://faq.tiddlyspot.com/:
''Is Tiddlyspot secure?''
No. Tiddlyspot does not use SSL/https. Your password is sent in clear text when uploading and when authenticating to access a private site. This means that your Tiddlyspot is vulnerable to packet sniffing and your password could be discovered by a malicious third party. Also your data is transmitted unencrypted when you view your site, even if it is a private site. For this reason please don't put sensitive information such as banking details in your Tiddlyspot and don't use a password that you use for other high security sites.
! Problems with saving on TiddlySpot
In case you run into this error when uploading a new or freshly upgraded local TiddlyWiki to TiddlySpot :
Error while saving:
Error:NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI: Access to restricted URI denied
The upgrade operation falls foul of a security restriction in Firefox. Until this can be resolved, we suggest using Chrome.
*# Use Chrome to open the local TiddlyWiki document you want to upload to TiddlySpot and follow the steps 1 through 5 described above
*# Once you've checked the TiddlySpot-hosted TiddlyWiki loads properly in Chrome, you should be able to access, edit and [[save using TiddlyFox|Saving with TiddlyFox]] again
* After you've uploaded your local document once, further editing and saving of the online version hosted on TiddlySpot should work with any modern browser of your choice.
** Don't forget to fill in the TiddlySpot wikiname and password in your TiddlySpot TiddlyWiki control panel for any new browser you want to use for saving changes
* //See also : [[Upgrading]]//
This method of saving changes is clunky because it requires manual intervention for each save. It has the advantage of working on almost all desktop browsers, and many mobile browsers.
# [[Download]] an empty TiddlyWiki by clicking this button:
#> {{$:/editions/tw5.com/snippets/download-empty-button}}
#> If the button doesn't work save this link: http://tiddlywiki.com/empty.html
#> Your browser may ask you to accept the download before it begins
# Locate the file you just downloaded
#* You may rename it, but be sure to keep the `.html` or `.htm` extension
# Open the file in your browser
# Try creating a new tiddler using the ''new tiddler'' {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar. Type some content for the tiddler, and click the {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''done'' button
# Save your changes by clicking the {{$:/core/images/save-button}} ''save changes'' button in the sidebar
# Your browser will download a new copy of the wiki incorporating your changes
# Locate the newly downloaded file and open it in your browser
# Verify that your changes have been saved correctly
''Tip'': most browsers have an option to prompt each time for the download location. This allows you to select the existing version of the file and replace it.
If you're using [[Firefox for Android]], see the instructions for [[Saving with TiddlyFox on Android]].
# Ensure you have the latest version of [[Firefox]]
#* http://getfirefox.com
# Install the latest release of the TiddlyFox extension from:
#* https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tiddlyfox/
# Restart [[Firefox]]
# [[Download]] an empty TiddlyWiki by clicking this button:
#> {{$:/editions/tw5.com/snippets/download-empty-button}}
# Locate the file you just downloaded
#* You may rename it, but be sure to keep the `.html` or `.htm` extension
# Open the file in [[Firefox]]
# Click ''OK'' in response to the prompt from TiddlyFox that asks whether to enable saving for this file
# Try creating a new tiddler using the ''plus'' {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar. Type some content for the tiddler, and click the {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''tick'' button
# Save your changes by clicking the {{$:/core/images/save-button}} ''Save changes'' button in the sidebar
#* Look for the yellow notification ''Saved wiki'' at the top right of the window
# Refresh the browser window to verify that your changes have been saved correctly
(Alternatively, see the [[video tutorial|TiddlyWiki on Firefox for Android Video]])
# Ensure you have the latest version of [[Firefox for Android]]
#* http://getfirefox.com
# Install the latest release of the TiddlyFox extension from:
#* https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tiddlyfox/
# Install this extension to be able to save the TiddlyWiki file locally:
#* https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/android/addon/save-link-menus/
# [[Download]] an empty TiddlyWiki by saving this link:
#* http://tiddlywiki.com/empty.html
#> (to save the link, ensure you've installed the "save-link-menus" extension and then long-press on the link and choose "Save link")
# When the file has downloaded, click on it within the notification tray or the download manager application
# Choose to open the file in Firefox (rather than the default Android viewer)
# Click ''OK'' in response to the prompt from TiddlyFox that asks whether to enable saving for this file
# Try creating a new tiddler using the ''plus'' {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar. Type some content for the tiddler, and click the {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''tick'' button
# Save your changes by clicking the {{$:/core/images/save-button}} ''Save changes'' button in the sidebar
#* Look for the yellow notification ''Saved wiki'' at the top right of the window
# Refresh the browser window to verify that your changes have been saved correctly
# Install the TiddlyIE add-on from:
#* https://github.com/davidjade/TiddlyIE/releases
# Restart Internet Explorer. IE will prompt you to enable the TiddlyIE add-on.
#> You may also see a prompt to enable the //Microsoft Script Runtime//
# [[Download]] an empty TiddlyWiki by saving this link:
#> http://tiddlywiki.com/empty.html
# Locate the file you just downloaded
#* You may rename it, but be sure to keep the `.html` extension
# Open the file in Internet Explorer
# Try creating a new tiddler using the ''plus'' {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar. Type some content for the tiddler, and click the {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''tick'' button
# Save your changes by clicking the {{$:/core/images/save-button}} ''Save changes'' button in the sidebar. Internet Explorer will ask for your consent to save the file locally by presenting a file ''Save As'' dialog.
# Refresh the browser window to verify that your changes have been saved correctly
The SavingMechanism is the mechanism by which TiddlyWiki generates a new HTML file and stores it. It is different from the SyncMechanism, which is concerned with synchronising changes to individual tiddlers back to a server.
The following steps are involved:
# The saver mechanism uses the filter defined in $:/config/SaverFilter to specify which modified tiddlers trigger the dirty state for the wiki
# The ButtonWidget is used to generate a [[tm-save-wiki|WidgetMessage: tm-save-wiki]] message to trigger the save operation
# The optional parameter for the message specifies the template that will be used for generating the HTML file, defaulting to $:/core/save/all
#* The plugin $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/tiddlyweb in the client-server configuration replaces the default template with $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/tiddlyweb/save/offline
# The template includes a variable assignment that specifies a filter to select the tiddlers that should be included in the saved file. It then transcludes the main page template `$:/core/templates/tiddlywiki5.html`
#* The template includes a reference to `$(publishFilter)$` that allows the filter to be customised via a global variable
# The [[tm-save-wiki|WidgetMessage: tm-save-wiki]] handler renders the template to generate the HTML file
# The message handler chooses the highest priority "saver" module that can handle saving the file
#* See http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/#Saver for more details
You might expect that TiddlyWiki's architecture as a SinglePageApplication would make it unsuitable for large amounts of data. In fact, TiddlyWiki users regularly work with files that are 20 or 30 megabytes without problems - and successful experiments have been done up into the gigabytes.
! Script Files
The TiddlyWiki5 repository contains several scripts in the `bin` folder that you can use to automate common tasks, or as a useful starting point for your own scripts. See [[Scripts for building tiddlywiki.com]] for details of the scripts used to build and release http://tiddlywiki.com/.
All the scripts expect to be run from the root folder of the repository.
!! `serve`: serves tw5.com
./bin/serve.sh -h
./bin/serve.sh [edition dir] [username] [password] [host] [port]
./bin/serve.cmd -h
./bin/serve.cmd [edition dir] [username] [password] [host] [port]
This script starts TiddlyWiki5 running as an HTTP server, defaulting to the content from the `tw5.com-server` edition. By default, the Node.js serves on port 8080. If the optional `username` parameter is provided, it is used for signing edits. If the `password` is provided then HTTP basic authentication is used. Run the script with the `-h` parameter to see online help.
To experiment with this configuration, run the script and then visit `` in a browser.
Changes made in the browser propagate to the server over HTTP (use the browser developer console to see these requests). The server then syncs changes to the file system (and logs each change to the screen).
!! `test`: build and run tests
This script runs the `test` edition of TiddlyWiki on the server to perform the server-side tests and to build `test.html` for running the tests in the browser.
!! `lazy`: serves tw5.com with lazily loaded images
./bin/lazy.sh <username> [<password>]
./bin/lazy.cmd <username> [<password>]
This script serves the `tw5.com-server` edition content with LazyLoading applied to images.
!! `2bld`: builds TiddlyWiki 2.6.5
This script builds TiddlyWiki 2.6.5 from the original source and then displays the differences between them (`diff` is used for *nix, `fc` for Windows).
! Introduction
The scrollable widget wraps its content in a scrollable frame. The user can scroll the contents with the mouse or with touch gestures. Code can use the [[WidgetMessage: tm-scroll]] to programmatically scroll specific DOM nodes into view.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$scrollable>` widget is displayed within a pair of wrapper DIVs. If the inner DIV is larger then it scrolls within the outer one. CSS is used to specify the size of the outer wrapper.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|class |The CSS class(es) to be applied to the outer DIV |
|fallthrough |See below |
If a scrollable widget can't handle the `tm-scroll` message because the inner DIV fits within the outer DIV, then by default the message falls through to the parent widget. Setting the ''fallthrough'' attribute to `no` prevents this behaviour.
! Examples
This example requires the following CSS definitions from [[$:/_tw5.com-styles]]:
.tc-scrollable-demo {
border: 1px solid <<colour message-border>>;
background-color: <<colour message-background>>;
padding: 1em;
height: 400px;
position: relative;
This wiki text shows how to display a list within the scrollable widget:
<<wikitext-example-without-html "<$scrollable class='tc-scrollable-demo'>
<$list filter='[!is[system]]'>
<$view field='title'/>: <$list filter='[all[current]links[]sort[title]]' storyview='pop'>
<$link><$view field='title'/></$link>
When used with a suffix, the <<.op search>> operator is similar to <<.olink regexp>> but less powerful.
If the suffix is omitted, a tiddler is deemed to match if all the search terms appear in the combination of its <<.field tags>>, <<.field text>> and <<.field title>> fields.
The search ignores the difference between capital and lowercase letters.
<<.operator-examples "search">>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-example" n="1" eg="[!is[system]search[table]]" ie="non-system tiddlers containing the word <<.word table>>"/>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-example" n="2" eg="[all[shadows]search[table]]" ie="shadow tiddlers containing the word <<.word table>>"/>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-example" n="3" eg="[search:caption[arch]]" ie="tiddlers containing `arch` in their <<.field caption>> field"/>
Searching is fast and flexible in ~TiddlyWiki.
''Standard search''
Typing text into the search box in the sidebar will turn up a list of all the tiddlers that contain that text.
://(Note that the sidebar tabs will be hidden by the search results until you click the 'x' to the right of the search box to remove the search results)//
''Advanced searching''
Clicking on the magnifying glass icon to the right of the search box will open [[$:/AdvancedSearch]]. This tiddler contains four tabs:
* The ''standard'' tab contains another instance of the search box found in the sidebar
* The ''system'' tab allows you to limit your search to system tiddlers
* The ''shadows'' tab allows you to limit your search to shadow tiddlers
* The ''filter'' tab is not a search box, per se, but a way to obtain a list of all tiddlers that meet the specific criteria described by that [[filter|Filters]], for example, "All tags except system tags"
A simple technique for adding tag-based cross references to the default view template.
See also: - is a feature to generate a "See also:" section after the tiddler text, somewhat like in Wikipedia articles.
The output of a [[filter|Filters]] step depends on its [[operator|Filter Operators]]:
* Most operators derive their output from their input. For example, many of them output a subset of their input, and thus truly live up to the name of <<.word filters>>, narrowing down the overall output of the containing [[run|Filter Run]]. These operators are called <<.def "selection modifiers">>.
* A few operators ignore their input and generate an independent output instead. These are called <<.def "selection constructors">>: they construct an entirely new [[selection|Title Selection]].
A good example of a constructor is <<.olink title>>. The output of `[title[A]title[B]]` is just <<.tid B>>. But the <<.olink field>> operator is a modifier, so `[title[A]field:title[B]` outputs nothing at all.
! Introduction
The select widget displays a popup menu based on a [[HTML select element|https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/select]]. The popup (or dropdown) contains a list of items defined by `<option>` and `<optgroup>` elements.
Every time the user selects a new value in the menu, the selected value is written to the text of a specified tiddler field or index. If the tiddler value changes the menu is automatically updated to reflect the new value.
In multiple selection mode, the list of selected values is bound to the specified tiddler field or index. Browsers generally use the <kbd>ctrl</kbd> or <kbd>cmd</kbd> keys for multiple selection.
For example, this select widget displays a list of the tags in this wiki:
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler=<<qualify 'select-demo'>> default='HelloThere'>
<$list filter='[all[shadows+tiddlers]tags[]sort[title]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
The <$link to=<<qualify "select-demo">>>state tiddler</$link> currently contains:
<$edit-text tiddler=<<qualify "select-demo">> tag="input" default=""/>
See the text change as you switch entries in the select widget. Try changing the value of the state tiddler and see the select widget change. Notice how the select widget only displays an entry if there is a precise match with the tiddler text.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$select>` widget should be one or more HTML `<option>` or `<optiongroup>` elements that provide the available values.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The title of the tiddler containing the value to be displayed/modified by the select widget (defaults to the current tiddler) |
|field |The field name for the value in the current tiddler (defaults to "text") |
|index |The index of a property in a [[DataTiddler|DataTiddlers]] (takes precedence over the field attribute) |
|class |CSS classes to be assigned to the HTML select element |
|default |Default value to be used if the tiddler, field or index specifies a missing value |
|multiple |If present, switches to multiple selection mode |
|size |The number of rows to display in multiple selection mode |
! Examples
!! Simple Lists
This example sets the title of the current wiki [[$:/SiteTitle]] to one of a list of book titles:
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler='$:/SiteTitle'>
<option>A Tale of Two Cities</option>
<option>A New Kind of Science</option>
<option>The Dice Man</option>
!! Value lists
In this example the `value` attribute has been used to specify the text that should be used as the value of the entry instead of the display text.
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler='$:/SiteTitle'>
<option value='cities'>A Tale of Two Cities</option>
<option value='science'>A New Kind of Science</option>
<option value='dice'>The Dice Man</option>
!! Option Groups
Entries in the list can be grouped together with the `<optgroup>` element
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler='$:/SiteTitle'>
<optgroup label='Fiction'>
<option value='cities'>A Tale of Two Cities</option>
<option value='dice'>The Dice Man</option>
<optgroup label='Non-fiction'>
<option value='science'>A New Kind of Science</option>
<option value='recursive'>The Recursive Universe</option>
!! Generated Lists
The ListWidget can be used to generate the options for a select widget. For example, here we combine a select widget listing all the tiddlers tagged ''TableOfContents'' with a transclusion to display the text of the selected one.
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler='$:/generated-list-demo-state'>
<$list filter='[tag[TableOfContents]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<$tiddler tiddler={{$:/generated-list-demo-state}}>
<$transclude mode='block'/>
!! Nested Lists
This example uses a nested pair of list widgets. The outer one generates the `<optgroup>` elements, and the inner one generates `<option>` elements:
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler='$:/generated-list-demo-nestedstate' field='type' default='text/vnd.tiddlywiki'>
<$list filter='[all[shadows+tiddlers]prefix[$:/language/Docs/Types/]each[group]sort[group]]'>
<optgroup label={{!!group}}>
<$list filter='[all[shadows+tiddlers]prefix[$:/language/Docs/Types/]group{!!group}] +[sort[description]]'>
<option value={{!!name}}><$view field='description'><$view field='title'/></$view> (<$view field='name'/>)</option>
!! Multiple Selections
This example uses the `multiple` keyword to specify that we should be able to select multiple items.
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler='$:/generated-list-demo-state' field='testing' multiple size='8'>
<$list filter='[tag[TableOfContents]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
</$select><br />
<$list filter='[list[$:/generated-list-demo-state!!testing]]'>
<$view field='title' /><br />
"favicons" are small icons that most browsers display to help users identify websites.
! favicons in the Browser
When TiddlyWiki starts up in the browser it looks for a tiddler called [[$:/favicon.ico]] and dynamically uses it as the favicon for the page. If you modify the image then the favicon changes instantly to reflect it.
! favicons on the Server
On the server, the ServerCommand will serve the tiddler [[$:/favicon.ico]] at the path `/favicon.ico`.
# Import your image as a tiddler (see [[Images in WikiText]])
#* You can also use an [[external image|ExternalImages]]
# Open the $:/ControlPanel and switch to the ''Appearance''/''Theme Tweaks'' tab
# Select your image from the dropdown labelled "Page background image"
# Set "Page background image attachment" to "Fixed to window" to have the background stay stationary and the content to scroll over the top of it, or "Scroll with tiddlers" to have it move (note that the iPhone/iPad [[doesn't support the fixed setting|http://stackoverflow.com/a/20444219]] for performance reasons)
# Set "Page background image size" as follows:
#* ''Auto'' causes the background image to be tiled over the page background
#* ''Cover'' causes the background image to be sized so that it completely covers the page. Some of the image may be clipped
#* ''Contain'' causes the background image to be sized so that it fits within the page
Note that the palette ''DarkPhotos'' is provided to make the sidebar more readable on dark background images.
The `<$setvariable>` widget is a synonym for `<$set/>`; see SetWidget for more details.
! Introduction
The set variable widget assigns a value to a specified [[variable|Variables]]. The new value of the variable is available to the content within the set variable widget.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$set>` widget is the scope for the value assigned to the variable.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|name |The name of the variable to assign (defaults to "currentTiddler") |
|value |The value to assign to the variable if the filter is missing or not empty |
|filter |An optional filter to be evaluated and assigned to the variable (see below) |
|emptyValue |The value to assign to the variable if the filter is present and evaluates to an empty list (see below) |
!! Simple Variable Assignment
The simplest way of using set variable widget assigns a string to a variable. The following example assigns a literal string
<$set name="myVariable" value="Some text">
<$text text=<<myVariable>>/>
Both the name and value attributes can be transcluded. For example:
<$set name=<<anotherVariable>> value={{template!!text}}>
<$text text=<<myVariable>>/>
!! Conditional Variable Assignment
This form of the set variable widget chooses one of two specified values according to whether a filter evaluates to an empty list. Here's an example that sets a variable according to whether the current tiddler is called "myMagicTitle":
<$set name="myVariable" filter="[all[current]field:title[myMagicTitle]]" value="It's magic" emptyValue="It's not magic">
<$text text=<<myVariable>>/>
!! Filtered List Variable Assignment
This form of the set variable widget evaluates the filter and assigns the result to the variable as a space-separated list (using double square brackets for titles containing spaces).
<$set name="myVariable" filter="[tag[HelloThere]]">
<$text text=<<myVariable>>/>
Each input title is processed in turn. If it denotes a shadow tiddler, the title of its plugin tiddler is [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the output. Non-shadow tiddlers contribute nothing to the output.
<<.operator-examples "shadowsource">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[$:/core/copyright.txt]shadowsource[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "$:/core/copyright.txt $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/railroad/parser.js +[shadowsource[]]">>
ShadowTiddlers are tiddlers that are loaded from within [[Plugins]]. Unlike ordinary tiddlers, they don't appear in most lists.
ShadowTiddlers can be overridden with an ordinary tiddler of the same name. If that tiddler is subsequently deleted then the original shadow tiddler is automatically restored.
The current shadow tiddlers are:
<$list filter="[all[shadows]sort[title]]"/>
You can work on a TiddlyWiki file in Dropbox and publish a URL that anyone can use to see a read-only view of the file.
# Save your TiddlyWiki file within your Dropbox folder
# Select Dropbox's "Share Link" option to obtain a public URL for the file
#* In the Dropbox web interface, this is done by clicking the link icon that appears when you hover over a file. Dropbox also adds a "Share Link" item to the file context menu in Finder on OS X and Explorer on Windows
# The URL generated by Dropbox will have this form:
#> `https://www.dropbox.com/s/<gobbledegook>/mywiki.html`
# Modify the URL like this, carefully preserving the gobbledegook:
#> `https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/<gobbledegook>/mywiki.html`
The result is a "secret" URL that you can send to other people to enable them to see the wiki.
Enter a generated URL here and you can copy and paste the secret URL:
<$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/dropboxurl" default="https://www.dropbox.com/s/<gobbledegook>/mywiki.html" tag="input" type="text" size="60"/>
<$macrocall $name="dropbox-url" url={{$:/temp/dropboxurl}}/>
There are a number of ways that people can share tiddlers:
*You can attach a ~TiddlyWiki to an e-mail
*You can publish your ~TiddlyWiki online, and grab a link to send or message to others:
**A link to the URL of the file itself
**A permalink to a specific tiddler (see [[PermaLinks]])
**A permaview link of all the currently open tiddlers (see [[PermaView]])
*You can grab tiddlers from ~TiddlyWikis that others have published online by clicking on a link to the tiddler within their file, and then dragging and dropping the link into your own file. An import tiddler will appear, and you can click to import the tiddler or tiddlers to your file.
* You can [[share a Dropbox link to your TiddlyWiki|Sharing a TiddlyWiki on Dropbox]]
* You can [[export tiddlers|How to export tiddlers]] in a variety of formats including text, static HTML, comma separated values (ie spreadsheet compatible)
Create a GitHub pull request to add your name to `cla-individual.md` or `cla-entity.md`, with the date in the format (YYYY/MM/DD).
''step by step''
# Navigate to [[licenses/CLA-individual|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/licenses/cla-individual.md]] or [[licenses/CLA-entity|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/licenses/cla-entity.md]] according to whether you are signing as an individual or representative of an organisation
# Click the edit button at the top-right corner (clicking this button will fork the project so you can edit the file)
# Add your name at the bottom
#* eg: `Jeremy Ruston, @Jermolene, 2011/11/22`
# Below the edit box for the CLA text you should see a box labelled ''Propose file change''
# Enter a brief title to explain the change (eg, "Signing the CLA")
# Click the green button labelled ''Propose file change''
# On the following screen, click the green button labelled ''Create pull request''
A simple game built with TiddlyWiki, introduced in [[this post|https://groups.google.com/d/topic/tiddlywiki/4aRpZht1vOs/discussion]].
I decided to see if it was possible to make some sort of game using only the core tiddlywiki with no plugins or javascript. I made a very bare bones zork/interactive fiction type game. It is currently the simplest thing I could make and claim it was a game, but I may add on to it in the future. It uses the 5.1.5 prerelease because the action-setfield widget saved lots of work making macros.
One goal of this is to use nothing besides what is contained in the core tiddlywiki, so there is no javascript and no plugins.
A single file application is a web application where all of the assets are delivered in a single static file. This means that it can be downloaded and used offline without losing functionality. It can also be hosted on almost any type of web server.
TiddlyWiki is an unusual single file application because it stores its data within the same file, and is capable of saving changes to itself.
Every single file application must also by definition be a SinglePageApplication, but the converse is not true.
As defined by Wikipedia, a SinglePageApplication is a web application that presents itself as a single HTML document that dynamically loads additional content as the user browses the site. Frequently, single page applications are carefully designed to hide their nature, appearing and functioning as an ordinary static website by respecting the address bar and the back/forward navigation controls.
Unusually, TiddlyWiki is also a SingleFileApplication.
* Take notes, and use tags and hyperlinking to form relationships between your notes
* Use tabs, tables, tag-based lists, and tables of contents to get organised
* Bookmark your favorite websites (see an example at http://giffmex.org/experiments/tidmarks.html)
* Keep track of tasks and appointments, and organise them by multiple tags (see our TaskManagementExample)
* Inventory just about anything: your recipes, personal library, contacts, music collection, and more
* Create a blog or website
* Write a book
* Organise your images into galleries (see our [[ImageGallery Example]])
* Share the information in your ~TiddlyWiki with others, as an online file, as a file attachment, as a tiddler file, or as a link to a specific online tiddler (try clicking and dragging a tiddler from one ~TiddlyWiki file to another to see what happens)
* Draw a sketch (Edit [[Motovun Jack.jpg]] and start drawing over the image to see what happens)
* Use familiar web user interface elements such as lightboxes - see SampleWizard
* Create a slideshow presentation
* Set up an entire local or online knowledgebase, with a central ~TiddlyWiki file linking to other ~TiddlyWiki files (http://recursos.giffmex.org is a Spanish online example of this)
* Set up a data visualisation using tiddlers as data (see the visualisations at http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/d3/index.html)
The difference between capital and lowercase letters is ignored. Compare <<.olink sortcs>>.
<<.operator-examples "sort">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]sort[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]!sort[]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "one two Three four +[sort[]]">>
<<.operator-example 4 "[prefix[Tiddl]sort[text]]">>
<<.operator-example 5 "[has[created]sort[created]limit[10]]" "the oldest 10 tiddlers in the wiki">>
<<.operator-examples "sortby">>
<<.operator-example 1 "10 6 4 9 3 2 8 +[sortby[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "Friday Tuesday Monday Thursday Sunday +[sortby{Days of the Week!!list}]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "1 Mon 5 Fri 4 Tue Sun 2 +[sortby{Days of the Week!!short}]">>
Capital and lowercase letters are treated as different. Compare <<.olink sort>>.
<<.operator-examples "sortcs">>
<<.operator-example 1 "one two Three four +[sortcs[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "one two Three four +[!sortcs[]]">>
Because ~TiddlyWiki is of British origin, its English documentation uses [[British spelling in preference to US spelling|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_and_British_English_spelling_differences]].
Words like <<.word customise>> are spelled <<.word -ise>>, not <<.word -ize>>. Words like <<.word colour>> will also be spelled using UK English unless they are being used for reserved words in code, such as in CSS or JavaScript.
Standard technical acronyms are written in upper case, without dots: <<.word HTML>>, not <<.word html>> or <<.word H.T.M.L.>>
Avoid arbitrarily abbreviating words and sentences. But the following abbreviations are acceptable:
|!Abbreviation |!Meaning |!Notes |
|e.g. |for example |with a dot after each letter |
|i.e. |that is to say |with a dot after each letter |
|etc |and so on |without a dot |
Each input title is processed in turn.
* A title that contains <<.place S>> contributes everything up to and including <<.place S>>.
* A title that doesn't contain <<.place S>> simply contributes itself to the output.
Contributions are [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the output.
The [[table-of-contents macros|Table-of-Contents Macros]] use this operator with `/` as the parameter.
<<.operator-examples "splitbefore">>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-example" n="1" eg="2015-01-26 2014-07-19 2013 +[splitbefore[-]]"/>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-example" n="2" eg="[[green trees]splitbefore[ee]]"/>
The Stanford Javascript Crypto Library is a project by the Stanford Computer Security Lab to build a secure, powerful, fast, small, easy-to-use, cross-browser library for cryptography in Javascript.
The StateMechanism in TiddlyWiki is at the heart of how complex user interfaces can be built from WikiText.
In the browser, the TiddlyWiki display is produced by dynamically rendering the tiddler [[$:/core/ui/PageTemplate]]. Through various transclusions and other widgets it renders the entire user interface. The dynamic rendering is accomplished by a mechanism called "binding": any changes to the tiddlers in the store are dynamically reflected in the browser display.
The stack of templates that make up the TiddlyWiki display are complex but we'll focus on the line that displays the main story column:
<$list filter="[list[$:/StoryList]]" history="$:/HistoryList" template="$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate" editTemplate="$:/core/ui/EditTemplate" storyview={{$:/view}} />
Breaking down the attributes applied to the list widget:
* ''filter'': selects the list of tiddlers in the `list` field of the tiddler [[$:/StoryList]]. If a tiddler is added or removed from that list then it is automatically reflected in the displayed list
* ''history'': references the tiddler to be used to store the history stack (see the NavigationMechanism)
* ''template'': identifies a template tiddler to be used for rendering each tiddler in the list
* ''editTemplate'': identifies a different template tiddler to be used for rendering tiddlers that are in [[draft mode|DraftMechanism]]
* ''storyview'': specifies the story view to be used (eg classic, or zoomin)
The [[$:/StoryList]] tiddler is an example of a StateTiddler: a tiddler that is used to hold the state of the user interface. Changes to the user interface are made indirectly, by changing the underlying state tiddlers, and letting TiddlyWiki ripple the changes through the user interface.
Note how this approach makes the ''open'' tab in the sidebar very easy to implement: it is just another list widget referencing the same state tiddler, but with a different template:
<$list filter="[list[$:/StoryList]]" history="$:/HistoryList" storyview="pop">
<$button message="tm-close-tiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-mini">×</$button> <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link>
Now consider the implementation of the info panel within the tiddler template. We want to be able to toggle the info panel open and closed, which means that we must track its current state in a tiddler.
However, we can't track the state in a tiddler called, say, [[$:/InfoPanelState]] because every tiddler would share the same state; changing the value of the tiddler would affect all tiddlers displayed in the story.
The solution is to dynamically generate a unique title for each state tiddler that we need. We need to ensure that the same state tiddler title is generated each time a user interface element is rendered. To do that, we append together tokens representating each of the stack of transclusions that led to the current rendering location. Then that string of symbols is hashed to a simple numeric value.
The process of generating a state tiddler title is encapsulated in the <<.mlink qualify>> macro.
The "story river" (sometimes abbreviated to "story") is the sequence of [[tiddlers|Tiddlers]] in the main column of the display.
When a tiddler is viewed or edited, then within its branch of the [[widget tree|Widgets]], the <<.def storyTiddler>> [[variable|Variables]] contains the title of that tiddler.
The default [[view template|$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate]] and [[edit template|$:/core/ui/EditTemplate]] initialise <<.var storyTiddler>> to the value of the <<.vlink currentTiddler>> variable. This in turn will have been set by a <<.wlink ListWidget>> widget in [[the relevant part of the page template|$:/core/ui/PageTemplate/story]].
<<.var storyTiddler>> is undefined outside the story river, such as in the sidebar.
<<.variable-examples "storyTiddler">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
<$list filter="[prefix[J]]">
<li><<currentTiddler>>, <<storyTiddler>></li>
The names are those exported by [[modules|Modules]] whose <<.field module-type>> is <<.value storyview>>.
<<.operator-examples "storyviews">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[storyviews[]]">>
TiddlyWiki5 provides several features to help you structure information as [[tiddlers|Tiddlers]], and model the relationships between them:
* TiddlerLinks
* [[Tagging]]
* [[Title Lists|Title List]]
* DataTiddlers
You can use this construction to cause the wrapped content to be assigned specified CSS classes or styles:
<<wikitext-example src:"@@.myStyle
* List One
* List Two
Similar syntax is used to assign styles. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"@@background-color:red;
* List One
* List Two
Multiple styles and classes can be mixed. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"@@.tc-tiddler-frame
Some text
The following core [[macros|Macros]] make it easy to specify alternative browser-specific properties when constructing a [[stylesheet|Cascading Style Sheets]] tiddler:
;`<<box-shadow shadow>>`
: for the `x-box-shadow` properties
;`<<filter filter>>`
: for the `x-filter` properties
;`<<transition transition>>`
: for the `x-transition` properties
;`<<transform-origin origin>>`
: for the `x-transition-origin` properties
;`<<background-linear-gradient gradient>>`
: for the `x-linear-gradient` values of the `background-image` property
The following macros are documented separately:
* <<.mlink colour>>
* <<.mlink datauri>>
All these macros are defined in the [[$:/core/macros/CSS]] tiddler.
<<.operator-examples "suffix">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[suffix[.jpg]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[tag[task]!suffix[ing]]">>
System tags are used to give special behaviour to tiddlers.
! Available system tags
These are the available system tags
* {{$:/tags/AboveStory||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for elements to be placed at the top of the story river
* {{$:/tags/AdvancedSearch||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for search elements
* {{$:/tags/Alert||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for alerts
* {{$:/tags/BelowStory||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for elements to be placed at the bottom of the story river
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel tabs
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel/Advanced||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel advanced tabs
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel/Appearance||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel appearance tabs
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel/Info||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel info tabs
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel/Settings||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel settings tabs
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel/Toolbars||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel toolbar customisation tabs
* {{$:/tags/EditTemplate||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the edit template
* {{$:/tags/EditToolbar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the edit mode tiddler toolbar
* {{$:/tags/Exporter||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the exporters
* {{$:/tags/Filter||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for filters in advanced seach sample filter dropdown
* {{$:/tags/Image||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for (core) images
* {{$:/tags/Macro||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for global macros
* {{$:/tags/MoreSideBar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for tabs in the "more" sidebar
* {{$:/tags/PageControls||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the page control tools in the sidebar
* {{$:/tags/PageTemplate||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the main page elements
* {{$:/tags/Palette||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for colour palettes
* {{$:/tags/PluginLibrary||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the plugin library
* {{$:/tags/RawMarkup||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for raw markup to be included in the generated HTML file
* {{$:/tags/SearchResults||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for customised search results
* {{$:/tags/SideBar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for sidebar tabs
* {{$:/tags/Stylesheet||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} to indicate that a tiddler should be applied as a CSS stylesheet
* {{$:/tags/TiddlerInfo||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for tiddler info panel tabs
* {{$:/tags/TiddlerInfo/Advanced||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for tabs under the advanced tiddler tab
* {{$:/tags/TopLeftBar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the top left bar
* {{$:/tags/TopRightBar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the top right bar
* {{$:/tags/ViewTemplate||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the view template
* {{$:/tags/ViewToolbar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the view mode tiddler toolbar
! System tags in use
These are the system tags in use in this wiki:
<$list filter="[all[shadows+tiddlers]tags[]prefix[$:/]sort[title]]">
System tiddlers are any tiddler whose title starts with `$:/`; such tiddlers are automatically hidden from most operations. They don't show up in lists or search results, but linking to one directly works in the usual way.
TiddlyWiki models everything as [[tiddlers|Tiddlers]], including its internal components and configuration. Thus, even an apparently empty TiddlyWiki actually contains dozens of tiddlers that are necessary to enable it function correctly. Using system tiddlers prevents them from confusing casual users.
The current system tiddlers are:
<$list filter="[is[system]sort[title]]"/>
~TiddlyWiki provides several macros for generating a tree of tiddler links by analysing [[tags|Tagging]]:
;<<.var toc>>
: A simple tree
;<<.var toc-expandable>>
: A tree in which all the branches can be expanded and collapsed
;<<.var toc-selective-expandable>>
: A tree in which the non-empty branches can be expanded and collapsed
;<<.var toc-tabbed-internal-nav>> and <<.var toc-tabbed-external-nav>>
: A two-panel browser:
:* on the left, a selectively expandable tree that behaves like a set of vertical tabs
:* on the right, the content of whichever tiddler the user selects in the tree
The difference between the last two has to do with what happens when the user clicks a link in the right-hand panel:
;<<.var toc-tabbed-internal-nav>>
: The target tiddler appears in the right-hand panel, replacing the tiddler that contained the link
;<<.var toc-tabbed-external-nav>>
: The target tiddler appears in the normal way (which depends on the user's configured storyview)
!! Structure
The top level of the tree consists of the tiddlers that carry a particular tag, known as the <<.def "root tag">>. Tiddlers tagged with any of those make up the next level down, and so on.
At each level, the tiddlers can be [[ordered|Order of Tagged Tiddlers]] by means of the <<.field list>> field of the parent tag tiddler. They can also be ordered by the macro's <<.param sort>> parameter.
The tree displays the <<.field caption>> field of a tiddler if it has one, or the tiddler's title otherwise.
Each tiddler in the tree is normally displayed as a link. To suppress this, give the tiddler a <<.field toc-link>> field with the the value <<.value no>>. In the [[examples|Table-of-Contents Macros (Examples)]], the SecondThree tiddler is set up like this. Clicking such a tiddler in the tree causes its branch to expand or collapse.
The table of contents is generated as an HTML ordered list. The `<ol>` elements always have the class `tc-toc`. Expandable trees have the additional class `tc-toc-expandable`. Selectively expandable trees (including those in the two-panel browser) have `tc-toc-selective-expandable`.
To make a table of contents appear in the sidebar, see [[How to add a new tab to the sidebar]].
!! Parameters
: The root tag that identifies the top level of the tree
: An optional extra [[filter step|Filter Step]], e.g. `sort[title]`
These two parameters are combined into a single [[filter expression|Filter Expression]] like this:
> `[tag[$tag$]$sort$]`
<<.var toc-tabbed-internal-nav>> and <<.var toc-tabbed-external-nav>> take additional parameters:
: The title of the [[state tiddler|StateMechanism]] for noting the currently selected tiddler, defaulting to `$:/temp/toc/selectedTiddler`. It is recommended that this be a [[system tiddler|SystemTiddlers]]
: The text to display when no tiddler is selected in the tree
: The text to display if the selected tiddler doesn't exist
: Optionally, the title of a tiddler to use as a [[template|TemplateTiddlers]] for transcluding the selected tiddler into the right-hand panel
[[Examples|Table-of-Contents Macros (Examples)]]
These examples derive tables of contents from the root tag <<.tag Contents>>.
You can explore the same structure with these clickable tag pills:
* {{Contents||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}
** {{First||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}
** {{Second||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}
*** {{SecondThree||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}
** {{Third||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}
** {{Fourth||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}
The tabbed example uses the real TableOfContents of this documentation instead.
<<tabs "[tag[table-of-contents-example]nsort[order]]" "Example Table of Contents: Simple">>
<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-selective-expandable 'TableOfContents'>>
! Basics
TiddlyWiki5 formats tables using vertical bar characters like so:
|!Cell1 |!Cell2 |
|Cell3 |Cell3 |
Exclamation marks are used to indicate header cells. The example renders as:
|!Cell1 |!Cell2 |
|Cell3 |Cell3 |
! Cell Alignment
Table cell alignment is controlled by inserting space characters before and/or after the cell content. For example:
|Left aligned content |
| Right aligned content|
| Centred content |
|+++ a very wide column so we can see the alignment +++|
The example renders as:
|Left aligned content |
| Right aligned content|
| Centred content |
|+++ a very wide column so we can see the alignment +++|
! Cell vertical Alignment
Vertical alignment of cells is done by inserting either a `^` for top alignment or a `,` for bottom alignment as the first character of a cell. The normal horizontal alignment is still possible. For example:
|^top left |^ top center |^ top right|
|middle left | middle center | middle right|
|,bottom left |, bottom center |, bottom right|
The example renders as:
| :: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | :: |
| ::<br>:: |^top left |^ top center |^ top right| ::<br>:: |
| ::<br>:: |middle left | middle center | middle right| ::<br>:: |
| ::<br>:: |,bottom left |, bottom center |, bottom right| ::<br>:: |
| :: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | :: |
If you need to have a `^`or a `,` as the first character of a left aligned cell, you can use HTML escaping:
| `^` | &#94; |
| `,` | &#44; |
! Cell Merging
To merge a table cell with the one above, use the special cell text `~`. To merge a cell with the one to its left use the text `<`. To merge one to its right use `>`. For example:
|Cell1 |Cell2 |Cell3 |Cell4 |
|Cell5 |Cell6 |Cell7 |<|
|Cell5 |~|Cell7 |Cell8 |
|>|Cell9 |Cell10 |Cell11 |
Renders as:
|Cell1 |Cell2 |Cell3 |Cell4 |
|Cell5 |Cell6 |Cell7 |<|
|Cell5 |~|Cell7 |Cell8 |
|>|Cell9 |Cell10 |Cell11 |
! Table Classes, Captions, Headers and Footers
Table CSS classes, captions, headers and footers can be specified as special pseudo-rows. The following example:
* assigns the CSS classes "myclass" and "anotherClass" to the table
* gives the table the caption "This is a caption"
* adds a header row of cells with the text "Header"
* adds a footer row of cells with the text "Footer"
|myclass anotherClass|k
|This is a caption |c
|Cell1 |Cell2 |
|Cell3 |Cell3 |
Renders as:
|myclass anotherClass|k
|This is a caption |c
|Cell1 |Cell2 |
|Cell3 |Cell3 |
The <<.def tabs>> [[macro|Macros]] presents a [[selection of tiddlers|Title Selection]] as a set of tabs that the user can switch between.
The tabs display the <<.field caption>> field of a tiddler if it has one, or the tiddler's title otherwise. If specified, the tabs display the <<.field tooltip>> field of a tiddler as the respective button tooltip.
By default the tabs are arranged horizontally above the content. To get vertical tabs, set the <<.param class>> parameter to <<.value tc-vertical>>.
!! Parameters
: A [[filter|Filters]] selecting which tiddlers to include
: The title of the tiddler whose tab is to be selected by default
: The prefix for the title of a [[state tiddler|StateMechanism]] for noting the currently selected tab, defaulting to `$:/state/tab`. It is recommended that this be a [[system tiddler|SystemTiddlers]]
: Additional [[CSS|Cascading Style Sheets]] classes for the generated `div` elements. Multiple classes can be separated with spaces
: Optionally, the title of a tiddler to use as a [[template|TemplateTiddlers]] for transcluding the content of the selected tab
Within the template, the title of the selected tab is available in the <<.var currentTab>> variable.
The <<.vlink currentTiddler>> variable is not affected by the <<.var tabs>> macro.
<<.macro-examples "tabs">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<<tabs "SampleTabOne SampleTabTwo SampleTabThree SampleTabFour" "SampleTabOne" "$:/state/tab1">>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2"
eg="""<<tabs "[tag[sampletab]]" "SampleTabTwo" "$:/state/tab2" "tc-vertical">>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="3"
eg="""<<tabs "[tag[sampletab]nsort[order]]" "SampleTabThree" "$:/state/tab3" "tc-vertical">>"""/>
The <<.def tag>> [[macro|Macros]] generates a tag pill for a specified tag.
!! Parameters
: The title of the tag, defaulting to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]
<<.macro-examples "tag">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<<tag>>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2" eg="""<<tag Concepts>>"""/>
The output is [[sorted|Order of Tagged Tiddlers]] using the tag's <<.field list>> field and the tiddlers' <<.field list-before>> and <<.field list-after>> fields.
If <<.place T>> is empty, the output of `tag` is empty, and the output of `!tag` is a copy of the input.
<<.operator-examples "tag">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[tag[task]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[tag[task]!tag[done]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[!tag[task]]">>
<<.operator-example 4 "[all[shadows]tag[$:/tags/Stylesheet]]">>
Tagging is a way of organising tiddlers into categories. For example, if you had tiddlers representing various individuals, you could tag them as ''friend'', ''family'', ''colleague'' etc to indicate these people's relationships to you.
A tag is in fact just a tiddler (or a potential tiddler), and it can have tags of its own. You can add any number of tags to the same tiddler.
See [[Creating and editing tiddlers]] for instructions on how to tag.
By tagging your tiddlers, you can view, navigate and organise your information in numerous additional ways:
* The coloured tag pills on a tiddler give you quick access to all the other tiddlers with the same tag, as well as to the tiddler that represents the tag itself.
* If a tiddler is serving as a tag, then the ''Tagging'' tab in its InfoPanel will show you which tiddlers are currently tagged with it.
* The ''More'' tab of the sidebar has a ''Tags'' tab that presents an overview of all your tags and lets you access all your tagged tiddlers.
* You can use [[filters|Filters]] to create lists of tiddlers based on their tags. You can then display any combination of the [[fields|TiddlerFields]] of those tiddlers. For example, you could build a glossary by listing the title and text of all tiddlers tagged ''Glossary''. Such lists can be formatted in any way you wish: e.g. bulleted, numbered or comma-separated.
* There are a number of special ''system tags'' that control the layout of tiddlers and the entire ~TiddlyWiki page. See [[Page and tiddler layout customisation]] for instructions.
There are two more things you can do with tags:
! Set a tag's colour and icon
You can use the [[tag manager|$:/TagManager]], found on the ''Tags'' tab under ''More'' in the sidebar, to change the colour of a tag's pill or add an icon to the pill.
* To change the colour, click the button in the ''Colour'' column to select from a colour picker. Alternatively, click the icon in the ''Info'' column, then type a [[CSS]] colour value in the ''Colour'' field
* To change the icon, click the {{$:/core/images/down-arrow}} button in the ''Icon'' column and choose from the list of available icons
! Change the order in which tags are listed
By default, tagged tiddlers are listed in alphabetical order.
If you want any other order, add a <<.flink ListField>> field to the tag tiddler, and set its value to be a [[list of the tiddlers|Title List]] in that order.
The ''list'' field doesn't have to mention all of the tiddlers. See the [[precise rules|Order of Tagged Tiddlers]] ~TiddlyWiki uses to order tagged tiddlers.
Each input tag is processed in turn. The list of tiddlers carrying that tag is generated, [[sorted|Order of Tagged Tiddlers]], and then [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's overall output.
<<.operator-examples "tagging">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[task]tagging[]]" "same as `[tag[task]]`">>
<<.operator-example 2 "Concepts task +[tagging[]]" "tiddlers that are tagged ''Concepts'' or ''task''">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[all[current]tagging[]]" "tiddlers tagged with the current one">>
Each input title is processed in turn. The corresponding tiddler's tags are retrieved (in order of appearance in the <<.field tags>> field) and then [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's output.
<<.operator-examples "tags">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[Filter Operators]tags[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[all[shadows]tags[]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[all[shadows+tiddlers]tags[]sort[]]">>
A tag tiddler is any tiddler that is in use as a tag.
The ''Tagging'' tab on the InfoPanel of a tag tiddler shows which tiddlers are tagged with the tag tiddler.
A tag can be used without a corresponding tag tiddler.
Sample tasks for the TaskManagementExample.
TiddlyWiki5 can be used as a simple task management system without further customisation. The idea is that tasks be tagged `task`, with those that are completed also tagged `done`. In this way it is straightforward to generate task lists.
! Outstanding tasks
<$list filter="[!has[draft.of]tag[task]!tag[done]sort[created]]">
<$checkbox tag="done"> <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link></$checkbox>
! Completed tasks
<$list filter="[!has[draft.of]tag[task]tag[done]sort[created]]">
<$checkbox tag="done"> ~~<$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link>~~</$checkbox>
When writing an [[instruction tiddler|Instruction Tiddlers]], start by planning a route through the information you wish to present. This should be a simple, logical, direct progression of thoughts, with no backtracking or forward references. Use this approach even within individual sentences: always proceed from cause to effect, from the old or known to the new or unknown.
Keep sentences short and simple. A clear technical sentence seldom contains more than one idea. It therefore avoids parenthetical information. Similarly, keep paragraph structure simple. A flat presentation is often easier to understand than a hierarchical one.
It is often possible to simplify a sentence without changing its meaning, merely by adjusting its vocabulary or grammatical structure. <<.word "Execution of the macro is performed">> just means <<.word "The macro runs">>. <<.word "Your expectation might be...">> just means <<.word "You might expect...">>.
Prefer the active voice by default: <<.word "Jane creates a tiddler">> rather than <<.word "a tiddler is created by Jane">>. The passive voice can be useful if you want the reader to focus on the action itself or its result: <<.word "a tiddler is created">>. But it can often be clearer to proceed from cause to effect and say <<.word "this creates a tiddler">> in the active voice.
Documentation often presents two items that are parallel either by similarity or by difference. The reader will more easily detect such a pattern if you use the same sentence or phrase structure for both. But this must be balanced with the need to avoid monotony.
Prefer precise instructions over woolly descriptions. If something has a name, use it. If something lacks a name, give it a tiddler.
<$radio field="newfield" value="Joe Bloggs">Joe</$radio>
<$radio field="newfield" value="Stan Theman">Stan</$radio>
A template tiddler is not actually a type of tiddler, it is a role in which a tiddler can be used.
Templates are a way to re-use chunks of WikiText.
Transcluding through a template extends the basic functionality of [[Transclusion]] by combining two tiddlers:
* A template tiddler that contains the WikiText to be displayed. It can contain transclusions that reference fields in the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]
* A target tiddler that identifies which tiddler is to be treated as current when resolving references to fields
The best example of templating is the main story river in TiddlyWiki. Each tiddler in the story river is rendered through a ViewTemplate that specifies how each field is to be rendered.
See [[Transclusion with Templates]] for details.
# With ~TiddlyWiki you can organise your notes your way, not their way. Your notes conform to your way of thinking rather than being forced into a hierarchical straightjacket of notebooks and tabs
# ~TiddlyWiki's nonlinear approach will actually make you think about your information in new and helpful ways
# Finding your notes in ~TiddlyWiki is lightning fast
# There are many ways to customise and adapt every aspect of ~TiddlyWiki
# ~TiddlyWiki is free and is compatible with all platforms. Any web browser will open it. You don't need to purchase an expensive program or pay a subscription fee to use it
# ~TiddlyWiki files promote the free sharing of information. There are many ways you can share your information from ~TiddlyWiki
# With ~TiddlyWiki, your information is yours, and you store it where you want to - on your device, on a USB stick, in Dropbox, on your server
# ~TiddlyWiki features an ever-growing number of plugins, themes, widgets, and languages
# The online ~TiddlyWiki community is friendly and will do their best to give you the help you need
# If you are a programmer, you have even more ways to play with ~TiddlyWiki. With ~TiddlyWiki, the more you know, the more fun you can have with it
! Setting Tag
;Current Tiddler (default)
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src="""<$checkbox tag="testing tagging">Toggle Tag</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tag="testing tagging" invertTag="yes">Toggle Tag </$checkbox>"""/>
;Target Tiddler
<$button><$action-deletetiddler $tiddler="Target"/>Delete Target</$button>
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src="""<$checkbox tiddler="Target" tag="testing tagging">Toggle Tag</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler="Target" tag="testing tagging" invertTag="yes">Toggle Tag</$checkbox>"""/>
! Setting Field
;Current Tiddler
<$button><$action-setfield testing=""/>Clear</$button>
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src="""<$checkbox field="testing" checked="some string" unchecked="another longer string" >Set Field</$checkbox>"""/>
;Target Tiddler
<$button><$action-deletetiddler $tiddler="Target"/>Delete Target</$button>
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src="""<$checkbox tiddler="Target" field="testing" checked="some string" unchecked="another longer string" default="some string">Set Field</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler="Target" field="testing" checked="some string" unchecked="another longer string" default="another longer string">Set Field</$checkbox>"""/>
! Setting Index
;Target Tiddler
<$button><$action-deletetiddler $tiddler="Target"/>Delete Target</$button>
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src="""<$checkbox tiddler="Target" index="testing"checked="checked" unchecked="unchecked" default="checked">Set Checked</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler="Target" index="testing"checked="checked" unchecked="unchecked" default="unchecked">Set Unchecked</$checkbox>"""/>
! Combinations
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src="""<$checkbox tiddler="Target" index="testing" field="testing" checked="checked" unchecked="unchecked">Set Index&Field</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler="Target" index="testing" tag="test" checked="checked" unchecked="unchecked" >Set Index&Tag</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler="Target" field="testing" tag="test" checked="checked" unchecked="unchecked" >Set Field&Tag</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler="Target" field="testing" index="testing" tag="test" checked="checked" unchecked="unchecked" >Set All</$checkbox>"""/>
Field: {{Target!!testing}}
Tag: {{Target!!tags}}
Index: {{Target##testing}}
;Replace a Tag
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src="""<$checklist item='Test Tag' alt="Alt Tag">Toggle Tag</$checklist><$checklist item='Test Tag' alt="Alt Tag" invert="yes">Invert Toggle Tag</$checklist>"""/>
;Toggle Tag
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src="""<$checklist item="This is a Tag">Toggle a tag</$checklist><$checklist item="This is a Tag" invert="yes">Inverse Toggle a tag</$checklist>"""/>
;Toggle Item in a List:
<$button><$action-deletetiddler $tiddler="Target"/>Delete Target</$button>
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src="""<$checklist tiddler="Target" item="Not a Tag" field='field1'>Toggle 'Not a Tag'</$checklist><$checklist tiddler="Target" item="Not a Tag" field='field1' invert="yes">Toggle 'Not a Tag'</$checklist>"""/>
;Replace Item in a List
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src="""<$checklist tiddler="Target" field="field1" item='Test Item' alt="Alt Item">Toggle Item</$checklist> <$checklist tiddler="Target" field="field1" item='Test Item' alt="Alt Item" invert=yes>Invert Toggle Item</$checklist>"""/>
Contents of field1: {{Target!!field1}}
;Toggle any items in a list
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src="""<$list filter="[list[!!mylist]]" variable="item">
<$checklist tiddler="Target" item=<<item>> index="test"><<item>></$checklist>
Start: <$edit-text field="start" tag="input" default="" focusPopup="$:/state/demo" class="tc-popup-handle"/>
<$reveal state="$:/state/demo" type="nomatch" text="" default="">
<div class="tc-block-dropdown">
<$linkcatcher to="!!start">
<div class="tc-dropdown-item">
<$list filter="[list[Reference]sort[title]]">
<$set name="start" value={{!!start}}>
<$tidgraph start=<<start>> />
The ''Text-Slicer'' edition of TiddlyWiki contains tools to help advanced users slice long texts up into individual tiddlers.
<a href="editions/text-slicer/index.html" target="_blank">editions/text-slicer/index.html</a>
A TextReference identifies a chunk of text from a tiddler that can be retrieved or modified depending on the context.
Text references are made up of several parts, most of which can be optional:
* `tiddlerTitle` - the text [[field|TiddlerFields]] of the specified tiddler
* `tiddlerTitle!!field` - a [[tiddler field|TiddlerFields]] (eg, `modified`, `modifier`, `type` etc)
* `!!field` - a [[field|TiddlerFields]] of the current tiddler
* `tiddlerTitle##propertyIndex` - extracts a named property from DataTiddlers
Text references can be used in several places:
* As [[indirect parameters|Filter Parameter]] within [[Filters]] (eg, `<$list filter="[tag{MyTag!!name}]"/>`)
* As IndirectAttributes of an element or widget (eg, `<$widget attrib={{Title!!description}}/>`)
* As the operand of a shortcut transclusion (eg, `{{MyTiddler!!title}}`)
* As the `state` attribute of the RevealWidget and the LinkCatcherWidget
! Introduction
The text widget displays plain text.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$text>` widget is not used.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|text |The text to display |
! Introduction
A number of extended filters are necessary to manipulate lists.
The first set of filters are designed to move items from the tail of the list and insert them at specified locations in the list. Items are often appended to the list before using these filters. In general, these filters accept a suffix specifying the number of items to move (default to 1.)
A second set of filters are designed to either add or remove from the list, a selected range of items from an array. These filters are best used with a reference to an array, stored in a field or data index elsewhere in the wiki (they may be used with a simple list of items, provided the items do not include white space.) In general, these filters accept a suffix specifying the number of items to move (default to All.)
! Examples
In this example we shall populate the '~DataIndex' index of the tiddler '~MyData' with the names of the days of the week, then clear this list.
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-listops $tiddler="ListopsData" $index="DataIndex" $filter="[list[Days of the Week]]"/>
Get days-of-the-week
<$action-listops $tiddler="ListopsData" $index="DataIndex" $filter="[[]]"/>
In this example we shall slice the populated list from the 'DaysOfTheWeek' index of the tiddler '~MyData' in order to insert items before and after a marker item (Wednesday) that are first appended to the list.
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-listops $tiddler="ListopsData" $index="DataIndex" $subfilter="one two +[putbefore:2[Wednesday]]"/>
Put 2 Items Before Wednesday
<$action-listops $tiddler="ListopsData" $index="DataIndex" $subfilter="four five +[putafter:2[Wednesday]] three +[putbefore[Wednesday]]"/>
Put One Item Before & Two Items After Wednesday
In this example we shall slice the populated list from the 'DaysOfTheWeek' index of the tiddler '~MyData' in order to replace the marker item (Wednesday) with items which are first appended to the list. We shall then move 3 items to the head of the list which have first been appended to the list from referenced fields.
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-listops $tiddler="ListopsData" $index="DataIndex" $subfilter="[[---o]] [[o---]] +[replace:2{!!marker}]"/>
Replace '!!marker' with 2 Items
<$action-listops $tiddler="ListopsData" $index="DataIndex" $subfilter="[{!!item1}] [{!!item2}] [{!!item3}] +[putfirst:3[]]"/>
Put 3 Items First
In this example we shall slice the populated list from the 'DaysOfTheWeek' index of the tiddler '~MyData' in order to append to the truncated list, items from a referenced field. We shall then remove the first two of the items added.
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src="""|list: |<$view field="list"/> |
<$action-listops $tiddler="ListopsData" $index="DataIndex" $subfilter="+[allbefore:include[Wednesday]] +[prepend{!!list}]"/>
Prepend '!!list' to items before 'Wednesday'
<$action-listops $tiddler="ListopsData" $index="DataIndex" $subfilter="+[remove:2{!!list}]"/>
Remove first two items in '!!list' from current list
<$action-listops $tiddler="ListopsData" $index="DataIndex" $subfilter="+[!remove:1{!!list}]"/>
Remove last item in '!!list' from current list
In this example we shall populate the list with numbers, then move items one by one from the head to the tail and from the tail to the head (best seen by clicking the lower buttons several times.)
This example illustrates that the append[] and prepend[] operators do not enforce unique instances of an item and that, with the next run, any duplicates are removed.
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-listops $tiddler="ListopsData" $index="DataIndex" $filter="[[]]" $subfilter="+[append:3{!!numbers}]"/>
Setup some numbers
<$action-listops $tiddler="ListopsData" $index="DataIndex" $subfilter="+[!append:6{!!numbers}]"/>
Append more numbers
<$action-listops $tiddler="ListopsData" $index="DataIndex" $subfilter="+[putfirst:2[]]"/>
Move last 2 items to the head
<$action-listops $tiddler="ListopsData" $index="DataIndex" $subfilter="+[putlast[]]"/>
Move the head to the last item
! Horror Stories
Every so often, TiddlyWiki users report heart-rending tales of personal data loss on the discussion groups:
> My entire TiddlyWiki has just been wiped out when Firefox crashed during saving a tiddly.
> Last time I used it was last night at home on my Windows 7 desktop, hit the check mark to stop editing my last entry, it then saves via TiddlyFox and I eject my USB drive. I came to work this morning, plugged in my USB, enter my TW5 password and it doesn't want to open after several attempts. I browse to my TW5 html file and notice that my file size is no longer 3MB.. instead it is 80KB. This leads me to believe I lost everything.
Don't let it happen to you!
!! The first rule of using TiddlyWiki is:
<p style="font-size:40pt;line-height:48pt;font-weight:700;color:red;">
Backup your data!
TiddlyWiki is a very flexible, customisable system that puts you firmly in charge of your own data. Every care is taken in TiddlyWiki's development to ensure that it is a safe place to preserve your most valuable data but the ultimate responsibility to reduce the risk of data loss falls to users.
The best way to make sure that your data is safe is to practise a rigorous system of backups:
* Consider using services like Dropbox to continuously back up your personal data to the cloud. (Dropbox [[has a neat feature|https://www.dropbox.com/help/11]] whereby they keep track of previous versions of files)
* Retain backups before upgrading to a new version of TiddlyWiki
* Figure out and protect yourself from the worst case scenarios: what if your USB stick or hard drive fails? What if your computer is hit by a ransomeware virus?
* Be defensive and redundant: for example, take multiple backups and keep them in separate physical locations
The <<.def thumbnail>> [[macros|Macros]] are used to create linkable thumbnail panels.
!! Parameters
<<.macro-examples "thumbnail">>
! Examples
Here is an example of the `thumbnail-right` macro used to create a video thumbnail that floats to the right of the text
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<<thumbnail-right link:"Introduction Video" image:"Introduction Video Thumbnail.jpg" caption:"Introduction to ~TiddlyWiki" icon:"{{$:/core/images/video}}" color:"red">>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum."""/>
! <<.olink before>> and <<.olink after>>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]before{!!title}]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]after{!!title}]">>
In accordance with the [[Philosophy of Tiddlers]], documentation tiddlers are typically short and interlinked.
When a tiddler seems as if it needs to contain subheadings, this is often a sign that it should in fact be split into several tiddlers. But it is reasonable for a [[reference tiddler|Reference Tiddlers]] to consist of an untitled introductory section followed by a titled section of details.
Consistency of terminology is essential if the reader is not to become confused. Consistent typography and punctuation lend a professional quality to the documentation. Macros can improve the consistency and maintainability of the text.
Use numbered lists for step-by-step instructions, and bullet points for lists whose order is arbitrary. Use a definition list in preference to a bulleted list if each bulleted item would begin with a term and a colon. If at all possible, avoid burdening the reader with a nested list.
Use a table when information naturally falls into three or more columns, and also for lists of parameters, attributes, etc in [[reference tiddlers|Reference Tiddlers]].
The documentation describes the current reality of ~TiddlyWiki. Avoid discussing future aspirations.
Many documentation tiddlers, especially the [[reference ones|Reference Tiddlers]], are concerned with a single concept. Their titles should be succinct noun phrases like <<.tid "List Widget">> or <<.tid "Tiddler Fields">>.
Each of the main words of such a title begins with a capital letter. Minor words such as <<.word and>>, <<.word or>>, <<.word the>>, <<.word to>> and <<.word with>> do not.
Tags also follow this pattern.
Titles of this kind are plural if they denote a category of items, e.g. <<.tid "Keyboard Shortcuts">> or <<.tid "Tiddler Fields">>. Such titles are used to tag more specific tiddlers within the category.
Where a concept is an item rather than a category, its tiddler has a singular title, e.g. <<.tid "List Widget">>, <<.tid "tag Operator">>.
Start a title with its most distinctive part. For instance, the tiddlers documenting the filter operators have titles like <<.tid "addprefix Operator">>. This helps the reader scan a list of links to find a particular tiddler.
Avoid starting a title with the word <<.word the>>.
In the past, many tiddlers had CamelCase titles. This is gradually being phased out of the documentation to improve readability. ~CamelCase titles should no longer be used, even for tags, except in cases like <<.tid ~JavaScript>> where that is the standard spelling.
[[Instruction tiddlers|Instruction Tiddlers]] often have longer titles that can be more complicated than just a noun phrase, e.g. <<.tid "Ten reasons to switch to ~TiddlyWiki">>. These titles use sentence case, i.e. only the first word (and any proper names) starts with a capital letter.
How-to tiddlers have titles that begin with <<.word "How to">>, e.g. <<.tid "How to edit a tiddler">>. Avoid titles like <<.tid "Editing tiddlers">>, because a less fluent English speaker could misunderstand that as the name of a category of tiddlers.
\define lingo-base() $:/language/Docs/Fields/
TiddlerFields are name:value pairs that make up a [[tiddler|Tiddlers]]. Field names must be lowercase letters, digits or the characters `-` (dash), `_` (underscore) and `.` (period).
The standard fields are:
|!Field Name |!Reference |!Description |
|`title` |TitleField |<<lingo title>> |
|`text` |TextField |<<lingo text>> |
|`modified` |ModifiedField |<<lingo modified>> |
|`modifier` |ModifierField |<<lingo modifier>> |
|`created` |CreatedField |<<lingo created>> |
|`creator` |CreatorField |<<lingo creator>> |
|`tags` |TagsField |<<lingo tags>> |
|`type` |TypeField |<<lingo type>> |
|`list` |ListField |<<lingo list>> |
Other fields used by the core are:
|!Field Name |!Reference |!Description |
|`color` |ColorField |<<lingo color>> |
|`description` |DescriptionField |<<lingo description>> |
|`draft.of` |DraftOfField |<<lingo draft.of>> |
|`draft.title` |DraftTitleField |<<lingo draft.title>> |
|`footer` |FooterField |<<lingo footer>> |
|`library` |LibraryField |<<lingo library>> |
|`name` |NameField |<<lingo name>> |
|`plugin-priority` |PluginPriorityField |<<lingo plugin-priority>> |
|`plugin-type` |PluginTypeField |<<lingo plugin-type>> |
|`source` |SourceField |<<lingo source>> |
|`subtitle` |SubtitleField |<<lingo subtitle>> |
The TiddlyWebAdaptor uses a few more fields:
|!Field Name |!Reference |!Description |
|`bag` |BagField |<<lingo bag>> |
|`revision` |RevisionField |<<lingo revision>> |
See the ''Advanced > TiddlerFields'' tab of the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] for details of the fields used in this wiki.
Tiddlers can be stored in text files in several different formats. Files containing single tiddlers can also have an auxiliary `.meta` file formatted as a sequence of name:value pairs:
title: TheTitle
modifier: someone
!! ~TiddlyWeb-style .tid files
These files consist of a sequence of lines containing name:value pairs, a blank line and then the text of the tiddler. For example:
title: MyTiddler
modifier: Jeremy
This is the text of my tiddler.
Note that many text editors require that files include a terminating newline. If you want to avoid including the terminating newline in the text of the tiddler you can use this alternative syntax:
title: MyTiddler
modifier: Jeremy
text: This is the text of my tiddler.
//The ContentType `application/x-tiddler` is used internally for these files//
!! TiddlyWiki `<DIV>` .tiddler files
In TiddlyWiki 5, `*.tiddler` files look like this:
<div title="AnotherExampleStyleSheet" modifier="blaine" created="201102111106" modified="201102111310" tags="examples" creator="psd">
<pre>Note that there is an embedded <pre> tag, and line feeds are not escaped.
And, weirdly, there is no HTML encoding of the body.</pre>
These `*.tiddler` files are not exactly the same as the tiddlers inside a TiddlyWiki HTML file where they are HTML encoded.
Older `*.tiddler` files more closely matched the store format used by TiddlyWiki at the time:
<div tiddler="AnotherExampleStyleSheet" modifier="JeremyRuston" modified="200508181432" created="200508181432" tags="examples">This is an old-school .tiddler file, without an embedded <pre> tag.\nNote how the body is "HTML encoded" and new lines are escaped to \\n</div>
//The ContentType `application/x-tiddler-html-div` is used internally for these files//
!! ~TiddlyWeb-style JSON files
These files are a straightforward array of hashmaps of `name:value` properties. All field values must be specified as strings.
For example:
"title": "First Tiddler",
"text": "Text of first tiddler",
"tags": "one two [[t h r e e]]"
"title": "Second Tiddler",
"text": "Text of second tiddler",
"modified": "20150216171751154"
//The ContentType `application/json` is used internally for these files//
!! TiddlyWiki HTML files
TiddlyWiki HTML files contain a collection of tiddlers encoded in `<DIV>` format.
For TiddlyWiki to import an unencrypted HTML file, it requires a `<div id="storeArea">` containing tiddler DIVs as explained above. For example:
<div id="storeArea">
<div created="20130302085406905" modified="20130302084548184" tags="Examples" title="A tiddler title">
<pre>HTML encoded text of tiddler
<div created="20140315085406905" modified="20140321084548184" tags="One Two [[Three with Space]]" title="Another title" customfield="field value">
<pre>Text of this tiddler
Links are regions of a tiddler that can be clicked to cause navigation to a different tiddler. The navigation behaviour is determined by the current StoryView; the classic TiddlyWiki view displays the story as a linear sequence of tiddlers.
Holding the ''control'' or ''command'' key while clicking on a tiddler link opens the target tiddler but doesn't navigate to it. This can be a useful way of queueing up tiddlers to be read later.
Links are useful for modelling organic relationships between tiddlers, and particularly for expressing the navigational paths between tiddlers.
The InfoPanel lists incoming links to a tiddler in the tab ''References''.
[[Filters]] can include the following filter operators that work with links:
* `[links[]]` - returns the titles of the tiddlers that are linked from the currently selected tiddler(s)
* `[backlinks[]]` - returns the titles of the tiddlers that link to the currently selected tiddler(s)
TiddlyWiki5 alters the appearance of tiddler links to convey additional information about the target of the link:
|!Link description |!Link appearance |
|To a tiddler that exists |[[LikeThis|TiddlerLinks]] |
|To a tiddler that doesn't exist |[[LikeThis|ATiddlerThatDoesntExist]] |
|To a shadow tiddler that has not been overridden |[[LikeThis|$:/core/copyright.txt]] |
|To a shadow tiddler that has been overridden by an ordinary tiddler |[[LikeThis|$:/SiteTitle]] |
External links are shown like this: http://tiddlywiki.com/ or [[like this|http://tiddlywiki.com/]].
Tiddlers are the fundamental units of information in TiddlyWiki. Tiddlers work best when they are as small as possible so that they can be reused by weaving them together in different ways.
A "tiddler" is an informal British word meaning a small fish, typically a stickleback or a minnow. Other systems have analogous concepts with generic names like "items", "entries", "entities", "nodes" or "records". TiddlyWiki takes the view that it is better to be confusingly distinctive than confusingly generic.
Internally, tiddlers are a list of uniquely named values called fields. The only field that is required is the `title` field, but useful tiddlers also have a `text` field, and some or all of the standard fields listed in TiddlerFields.
Tiddlers are ubiquitous in TiddlyWiki. They are used to store everything from JavaScript code modules to the settings and state associated with the user interface.
! Introduction
The TiddlerWidget sets the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]] that applies for processing its content.
! Content and Attributes
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The title of the tiddler to become the new [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]] |
|class |CSS classes to be added to the generated elements |
! CSS Class Variables
The tiddler widget assigns several useful CSS classes to variables that it creates:
; missingTiddlerClass
: `tc-tiddler-exists` or...
: `tc-tiddler-missing` depending on whether the tiddler exists
: `tc-tiddler-shadow` if the tiddler is a shadow tiddler
:` tc-tiddler-system` if the tiddler is a system tiddler
: a space separated list of CSS classes named `tc-tagged-{tagname}`,<br>e.g. `tc-tagged-introduction`<br><br>''Note:'' tag names are URI encoded which means that the tag [[$:/tags/Macro]] appears as the CSS class `tc-tagged-%24%3A%2Ftags%2FMacro`. See [[How to apply custom styles by tag]] for more details
You can use these variables like this:
<$tiddler tiddler="MyOtherTiddler">
<div class=<<missingTiddlerClass>>>
See also [[$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate]].
BuggyJay's TiddlyClip browser extension for [[Firefox]] permits clipping of text and graphics from web pages:
TiddlyClip allows parts of webpages to be clipped into a TiddlyWiki, and consists of two parts, the browser addon and the TiddlyWiki plugin. The addon is completely memoryless, any configuration is determined by the current TiddlyWiki that the user has select to work with (we say that the addon is docked to the TiddlyWiki). TiddlyClip is designed to work (in a basic mode) without configuration. Once the addon and plugin are installed, all the user has to do is select which TW to dock to.
TiddlyDesktop is an app for working with TiddlyWiki files (both TiddlyWikiClassic and TiddlyWiki version 5). It can be installed on Windows, Mac OS X or Linux. It is compatible with TiddlyWiki version 5 and the older TiddlyWikiClassic.
See the [[Introducing TiddlyDesktop Video]]
! Instructions
# Install the latest release of TiddlyDesktop from https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/releases
# Run TiddlyDesktop
# Use the browse button to open TiddlyWiki files
# Save changes within TiddlyWiki in the usual way
! Source
TiddlyDesktop is based on the OpenSource project [[NW.js]]. The source is on GitHub:
See [[TiddlyDesktop Releases]]
<a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/releases/tag/v0.0.1" class="tc-btn-big-green" target="_blank">
{{$:/core/images/github}} Download from ~GitHub
First release - use with extreme caution
<a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/releases/tag/v0.0.2" class="tc-btn-big-green" target="_blank">
{{$:/core/images/github}} Download from ~GitHub
[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/compare/v0.0.1...v0.0.2]]
This second version of TiddlyDesktop has the following fixes and improvements:
*The saving mechanism is now TiddlyFox compatible, so TiddlyWiki5 wikis don't need a special plugin to work with TiddlyDesktop
*TiddlyDesktop is now compatible with TiddlyWiki Classic
*Chromium Developer Tools now accessible via a pulldown menu
*Each TiddlyWiki document is now sandboxed, so it isn't possible for malicious or buggy JavaScript to affect other documents
*Linux 32-bit and 64-bit builds
<a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/releases/tag/v0.0.3" class="tc-btn-big-green" target="_blank">
{{$:/core/images/github}} Download from ~GitHub
[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/compare/v0.0.2...v0.0.3]]
This third version of TiddlyDesktop has the following fixes and improvements:
*Access Chromium developer tools with F12
*No menu bars
*Fixed problem with paths containing spaces
*Enabled webkit experimental features
*Adjusted the main window toolbar to be position: sticky
*Fixed problem with relative inter-wiki links not working
*Add "file not found" error indication
<a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/releases/tag/v0.0.4" class="tc-btn-big-green" target="_blank">
{{$:/core/images/github}} Download from ~GitHub
[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/compare/v0.0.3...v0.0.4]]
This release includes a major reworking of the internals of TiddlyDesktop.
Please report any problems or suggestions via GitHub issues, or post to the TiddlyWiki discussion group:
!New Features
*Warning message when closing windows with unsaved changes (TWC and TW 5.1.8 and above only)
*Help window
*Toolbar for TiddlyWiki windows
*Reveal original file in Finder/Explorer
*Automatic backups
Note that there is currently no way to hide the toolbar for TiddlyWiki windows. This will be remedied soon!
!New Architecture
TiddlyDesktop itself is now an instance of the Node.js edition of TiddlyWiki. TiddlyWiki HTML files are run within embedded, sandboxed iframes with the "backstage" TiddlyWiki providing services such as saving to the file system.
The advantage of this approach is that the user interface and functionality of the desktop application can now be customised and extended with exactly the same techniques that are used in regular TiddlyWiki.
!Coming Soon
The functionality of this release barely matches that of the previous v0.0.3 version, but it lays the groundwork for a number of other features such as:
*Configurable toolbars
*Page zoom
*Creating new wikis from standard editions and custom templates
*Dragging _canonical_uri links from the file system
*Multiple languages
*One-click copying of text to the clipboard from within TiddlyWiki
*Global keyboard shortcut for clipping content etc.
<a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/releases/tag/v0.0.5" class="tc-btn-big-green" target="_blank">
{{$:/core/images/github}} Download from ~GitHub
[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/compare/v0.0.4...v0.0.5]]
This is an important bug fix release.
Please report any problems or suggestions via GitHub issues, or post to the TiddlyWiki discussion group:
* Upgraded to the latest stable v12.0.3 of nw.js, fixing a number of bugs in the process, including one that prevented v0.0.4 from being used successfully under Windows
** Bugs fixed: <a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/issues/66">#66</a>, <a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/issues/65">#65</a>, <a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/issues/61">#61</a>, <a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/issues/57">#57</a>, <a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/issues/53">#53</a>, <a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/issues/52">#52</a>
* Added a warning about disrupting the backstage wiki
* Switched to using "Settings" instead of "Control Panel", to reduce confusion with TiddlyWiki's control panel
* Updated app icon
* Cleaned up TiddlyWiki build products, fixing <a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/issues/67">#67</a>
<a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/releases/tag/v0.0.6" class="tc-btn-big-green" target="_blank">
{{$:/core/images/github}} Download from ~GitHub
[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/compare/v0.0.5...v0.0.6]]
A minor bug fix release.
Please report any problems or suggestions via GitHub issues, or post to the TiddlyWiki discussion group:
* Added ability to drag and drop TiddlyWiki files into the wiki list window from Windows Explorer/Mac Finder
* Fixed bug triggered by moving TiddlyDesktop executable after first running it
* Added custom user agent string identifying TiddlyDesktop
** eg ``Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2272.76 Safari/537.36 TiddlyDesktop/0.0.6``
<a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/releases/tag/v0.0.7" class="tc-btn-big-green" target="_blank">
{{$:/core/images/github}} Download from ~GitHub
[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/compare/v0.0.6...v0.0.7]]
Please report any problems or suggestions via GitHub issues, or post to the TiddlyWiki discussion group:
* Experimental support for "wiki folders" (the Node.js format for TiddlyWiki, where each tiddler is a separate file), including the ability to serve wiki folders over HTTP so that you can use any browser or device to access them
* Switched from representing wikis as thumbnails to favicons
* New system tray/menu icon for quick access to TiddlyDesktop
* Fixed problem with restarting after quitting with minimised windows on Windows (#77)
* Added TiddlyDesktop version number to "Help" window
Note: Upgrading to this release will clear your list of loaded wiki files. The files themselves are not affected; you can re-add them by dragging and dropping them into the wiki list window.
<a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/releases/tag/v0.0.8" class="tc-btn-big-green" target="_blank">
{{$:/core/images/github}} Download from ~GitHub
[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/compare/v0.0.7...v0.0.8]]
A minor bug fix release.
Please report any problems or suggestions via GitHub issues, or post to the TiddlyWiki discussion group:
* Fixes crash when clicking on external links
* Added warning when attempting to remove a wiki folder window that has been opened
Here are the details of recent releases of TiddlyDesktop
<$list filter="[tag[TiddlyDesktopReleaseNotes]!sort[created]limit[1]]">
<$macrocall $name="tabs" tabsList="[tag[TiddlyDesktopReleaseNotes]!sort[created]]"default={{!!title}} class="tc-vertical" template="ReleaseTemplate" />
TiddlyFox is an extension for Firefox that allows standalone TiddlyWiki files to save their changes directly to the file system. TiddlyFox works on both desktop and smartphone versions of [[Firefox]]. See [[Saving with TiddlyFox]] or [[Saving with TiddlyFox on Android]] for detailed instructions.
TiddlyFox can be downloaded from the Mozilla Addons site:
You can also install the latest development version of TiddlyFox direct from GitHub:
TiddlyIE is an extension for Internet Explorer that allows standalone TiddlyWiki files to save their changes directly to the file system. TiddlyIE works with the desktop version of Internet Explorer.
See [[Saving with TiddlyIE]].
An interactive network visualisation plugin based on [[Vis.js|http://visjs.org]]. A demo that also contains installation instructions can be found here: {{!!url}}. The plugin's GitHub repository can be found [[here|https://github.com/felixhayashi/TW5-TiddlyMap]].
~TiddlyMap is a TiddlyWiki plugin that allows you to link your wiki-topics (tiddlers) in order to create clickable graphs. By creating relations between your topics you can easily do the following:
* Create concept maps and quickly manifest your ideas in tiddlers.
* Create task-dependency graphs to organize and describe your tasks.
* Visualize your topic structures to get an immediate grasp of topics and relations.
In general you may create, visualize and describe any network-structure you have in mind.
TiddlySpace is an environment for discourse on the web, built from TiddlyWeb.
TiddlySpace was originally sponsored by [[Osmosoft]] at [[BT]].
TiddlyWeb is a server application that puts [[Tiddlers]] on the web:
TiddlyWeb can be used to host TiddlyWiki and TiddlyWiki5 wikis, making the individual tiddlers available over a flexible HTTP API.
TiddlyWeb was originally sponsored by [[Osmosoft]] at [[BT]] (along with TiddlySpace).
~TiddlyWiki is a rich, interactive tool for manipulating complex data with structure that doesn't easily fit into conventional tools like spreadsheets or wordprocessors.
~TiddlyWiki is designed to fit around your brain, helping you deal with the things that won't fit. The [[fundamental idea|Philosophy of Tiddlers]] is that information is more useful and reusable if we cut it up into the smallest semantically meaningful chunks -- [[tiddlers|Tiddlers]] -- and give them titles so that they can be [[structured|Structuring TiddlyWiki]] with [[links|TiddlerLinks]], [[tags|Tagging]], [[lists|ListField]] and [[macros|Macros]]. Tiddlers use a WikiText notation that concisely represents a wide range of text formatting and hypertext features. ~TiddlyWiki aims to provide a fluid interface for working with tiddlers, allowing them to be aggregated and composed into longer narratives.
People love using ~TiddlyWiki. Because it can be used without any complicated server infrastructure, and because it is [[open source|OpenSource]], it has bought unprecedented freedom to everyone to keep their precious information under their own control.
~TiddlyWiki was originally created by JeremyRuston and is now a thriving open source project with a busy [[Community]] of independent developers.
The first TiddlyWiki Camp Paris was held on Saturday 6th June 2015.
> Bienvenue sur le site du TiddlyWiki Camp. Un évènement pour rencontrer la communauté de ce logiciel Open Source, libre et gratuit. Découvrez ce bloc note personnel polyvalent et adoptez-le pour gérer votre quotidien !
The TiddlyWiki community holds regular Google Hangouts, usually every Tuesday from 4pm to 6pm (UK time). They are announced in the [[TiddlyWiki Google group|https://groups.google.com/d/forum/tiddlywiki]] and on the [[TiddlyWiki Twitter account|https://twitter.com/TiddlyWiki]].
Past Hangouts are archived in this ~YouTube playlist:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/videoseries?list=PLVT_2PPd-1p34gGCQ5qpwC8QdykxVAI3u" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
TiddlyWiki in the Sky for TiddlyWeb allows content to be synchronised between TiddlyWiki running in the browser and a TiddlyWeb (or TiddlySpace) server. Features include:
* Lazy loading
* Two way synchronisation between the browser and the server
** Synchronising from the server is accomplished by polling (currently every 60 seconds)
* Throttling so that rapidly changing tiddlers don't overwhelm the server
To try out TiddlyWiki in the Sky for TiddlyWeb:
# If necessary, create an account at http://tiddlyspace.com/
# Create a new space, eg `<myspace>`
# Include the space `tw5tiddlyweb`
# Visit `http://<myspace>.tiddlyspace.com/tw5`
A catchy jingle for TiddlyWiki.
Even if it sounds like some ol' jazz tune it ''IS'' an original composition and it should be quite obvious that the "hook of the melody" is a trill made by singing Tidd-ly Wiki :-).
My lacking skills for writing text/lyrics should be apparent in the fact that the text consists of 12 Tidd-ly Wikis and some extra "tiddly's" - just for the sake of getting the message delivered ;-)...
I've recorded every instrument on my guitar via a guitar synth on a loop machine (except for the drums - they were played live/in sync with the loop station on a "~BeatBuddy" drum pedal..) - no pc was involved..
This brief screencast shows how to setup Firefox for Android so you can save changes to TiddlyWiki:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/iikkv9orGGI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Running TiddlyWiki on [[Node.js]] brings several important benefits over and above the single file version:
* You can edit your content on any suitably compatible HTML5 browser, including smartphones and tablets
* Individual tiddlers are stored in separate files, which you can organise as you wish
* The ability to build multiple wikis that blend different combinations of shared and unique content
For more information see:
* [[Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
* [[Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
* [[Upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
Here are the details of recent releases of TiddlyWiki5. See [[TiddlyWiki5 Versioning]] for details of how releases are named.
(BetaReleases and AlphaReleases are listed separately).
<$list filter="[tag[ReleaseNotes]!sort[created]limit[1]]">
<$macrocall $name="tabs" tabsList="[tag[ReleaseNotes]!sort[created]]" default={{!!title}} class="tc-vertical" template="ReleaseTemplate" />
An extensive tutorial for getting started with TiddlyWiki. Recommended
This tutorial is aimed at giving you a basic foundation so that you can start using TiddlyWiki right away. Here we take a look at the technology behind Tiddlywiki, how to install it and create your first Tiddler.
\define tv-wikilinks() no
! Building TiddlyWikiClassic
{{Building TiddlyWikiClassic}}
TiddlyWiki5 is a reboot of TiddlyWiki for the next 25 years. It is a complete interactive wiki in JavaScript that can be run in the browser or on the server under [[Node.js]].
Each release of TiddlyWiki5 is identified by a version number that complies with the [[Semantic Versioning 2.0.0|http://semver.org/]] standard.
! TiddlyWiki Core Version
According to the standard:
Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:
MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and
PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes.
Additional labels for pre-release and build metadata are available as extensions to the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format.
!! Alpha and Beta versions
While in alpha TiddlyWiki5 uses the pre-release label "alpha", for example:
Each new alpha or beta release will bump the `PATCH` version number. This breaks the strict semantics of versioning because `PATCH` increments are supposed to be reserved for compatible changes.
//Note that prior to ''5.0.1-alpha'', TiddlyWiki5 used version numbers formatted as ''5.0.0-alpha.19''. The change was made to enable the upgrade mechanism to recognise plugin updates from the version information.//
!! Interim versions
During development when a new release is being prepared, the pre-release label is set to `prerelease`.
! Plugin Versions
Version numbers
TiddlyWiki5 uses the version information attached to plugins for determining which of two plugins is more recent during an upgrade or import. The pre-release label is ignored when performing these comparisons.
"~TiddlyWiki Classic" refers to versions prior to 5.0, when TiddlyWiki was completely rewritten from the ground up. TiddlyWiki Classic is still being maintained at:
MarioPietsch has started a site comparing the syntax and other changes between TiddlyWikiClassic and TiddlyWiki version 5:
As well as traditional single file wikis, [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] supports wikis that are stored as a folder of individual tiddler files.
! Wiki folder files and folders
Wiki folders can contain the following files and folders:
* ''tiddlywiki.info'' - JSON file containing metadata for the wiki
* ''\tiddlers'' - folder containing tiddler files comprising the wiki
* ''\plugins'' - folder containing [[plugin folders|PluginMechanism]] to be included in the wiki
Only the ''tiddlywiki.info'' file is required, the ''tiddlers'' and ''plugins'' folders are optional. Any files and folders not listed above are ignored.
!! Content of `tiddlywiki.info` file
The `tiddlywiki.info` file in a wiki folder contains a JSON object comprising the following fields:
* ''plugins'' - an array of plugin names to be included in the wiki
* ''themes'' - an array of theme names to be included in the wiki
* ''languages'' - an array of language names to be included in the wiki
* ''includeWikis'' - an array of references to external wiki folders to be included in the wiki
* ''build'' - a hashmap of named build targets, each defined by an array of command tokens (see BuildCommand)
* ''config'' - an optional hashmap of configuration options (see below)
!!! ''includeWikis''
The entries in the ''includeWikis'' array can be either a string specifying the relative path to the wiki, or an object with the following fields:
* ''path'' - relative path to wiki folder
* ''read-only'' - set //true// to prevent the tiddlers in the included wiki from being modified. The modifications will be written to the directory specified in ''default-tiddler-location'', described below
!!! ''build''
Note that the build targets of included wikis are merged if a target of that name isn't defined in the current `tiddlywiki.info` file.
!!! ''config''
Configuration options include:
* ''default-tiddler-location'' - a string path to the default location for the filesystem adaptor to save new tiddlers (resolved relative to the wiki folder)
* ''retain-original-tiddler-path'' - If true, the server will generate a tiddler [[$:/config/OriginalTiddlerPaths]] containing the original file paths of each tiddler in the wiki
!!! Example
For example:
"plugins": [
"includeWikis": [
"build": {
"index": [
"favicon": [
"config": {
"retain-original-tiddler-path": true
!! Content of `tiddlers` folder
All the TiddlerFiles in the `tiddlers` folder are read into the wiki at startup. Sub-folders are scanned recursively for TiddlerFiles.
Sub-folders within the `tiddlers` folder can also be given a `tiddlywiki.files` JSON file that overrides the default processing for that folder. The file format is illustrated with this example:
"tiddlers": [
"file": "d3.min.js",
"fields": {
"type": "application/javascript",
"title": "$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/d3/d3.js",
"module-type": "library"
"prefix": "var d3;if($tw.browser){\n",
"suffix": "}\nexports.d3 = d3;\n"
"file": "cloud/d3.layout.cloud.js",
"fields": {
"type": "application/javascript",
"title": "$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/d3/d3.layout.cloud.js",
"module-type": "library"
"file": "local/mytiddler.tid",
"isTiddlerFile": true,
"fields": {
"title": "A different title"
"directories": [
The JSON data consists of an object with a `tiddlers` property that contains an array of information about each tiddler to be loaded into the wiki. That information consists of:
* The relative or absolute path to the file to include as either:
** `file`: the file containing the tiddler
** `isTiddlerFile`: if `true`, the file will be deserialised to extract the tiddlers. Otherwise, the raw content of the file is assigned to the `text` field without any parsing
* `fields`: an object containing fields that override any provided in the tiddler file
* `prefix` & `suffix`: (optional) specify strings to be prefixed and suffixed to the tiddler file text content
The ''directories'' property allows a list of directories to be specified. All tiddlers will be recursively loaded from each directory listed.
The <<.def timeline>> [[macro|Macros]] returns a list of tiddlers in reverse chronological order of modification (or some other [[date field|Date Fields]]), grouped by day.
!! Parameters
: The maximum number of tiddlers to include, defaulting to 100. But if <<.em any>> tiddlers are included for a particular day, <<.em all>> of the other tiddlers for that day will also be included -- even if this exceeds the limit
: A string specifying the desired [[format|DateFormat]], defaulting to `DDth MMM YYYY`
: An optional extra [[filter step|Filter Step]], e.g. `tag[MyTag]`
: The name of the date field to use, defaulting to `modified`
The tiddlers are selected by means of a [[filter expression|Filter Expression]], into which the <<.param subfilter>> and <<.param limit>> parameters are spliced as follows:
> `[!is[system]$subfilter$has[modified]!sort[modified]limit[$limit$]eachday[modified]]`
<<.macro-examples "timeline">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<<timeline format:"DD/MM/YYYY">>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2" eg="""<<timeline limit:30 subfilter:"tag[Definitions]" format:"DD/MM/YYYY">>"""/>
A <<.def "title list">> is a line of text that presents one or more tiddler titles, strung together with a space between each one and the next.
If a title <<.em contains>> a space, it needs double square brackets around it:
`GettingStarted [[Discover TiddlyWiki]] Upgrading`
Title lists are used in various places, including PermaLinks and the ListField.
They are in fact the simplest case of a [[filter|Filters]], and are thus a way of expressing a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]].
`[title[An Example]]` can be shortened to `[[An Example]]`, because <<.op title>> is the default filter operator.
<<.op title>> is a [[constructor|Selection Constructors]] (except in the form `!title`), but <<.olink2 "field:title" field>> is a [[modifier|Selection Constructors]].
<<.operator-examples "title">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[title[HelloThere]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[[HelloThere]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "HelloThere">>
<<.operator-example 4 "[title[HelloThere]] [title[Filter Operators]]">>
<<.operator-example 5 "[[HelloThere]] [[Filter Operators]]">>
<<.operator-example 6 "HelloThere [[Filter Operators]]">>
<<.operator-example 7 "[tag[Filters]] +[!title[Filter Operators]]">>
<<.operator-example 8 "[tag[Filters]] +[![Filter Operators]]">>
<<.operator-example 9 "[tag[Filters]] -[[Filter Operators]]">>
A <<.def "title selection">> is an ordered set of tiddler titles (or similar strings), in which no title appears more than once.
Title selections are important in [[filter|Filters]] processing.
The simplest way to write one down is as a [[title list|Title List]].
! Introduction
The TranscludeWidget dynamically imports content from another tiddler.
! Attributes
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The title of the tiddler to transclude (defaults to the current tiddler) |
|field |The field name of the current tiddler (defaults to "text"; if present takes precedence over the index attribute) |
|index |The index of a property in a [[DataTiddler|DataTiddlers]] |
|subtiddler |Optional SubTiddler title when the target tiddler is a [[plugin|Plugins]] (see below) |
|mode |Override the default parsing mode for the transcluded text to "block" or "inline" |
The TranscludeWidget treats any contained content as a fallback if the target of the transclusion is not defined (ie a missing tiddler or a missing field).
! Parsing modes
TiddlyWiki parses text in two modes:
* ''inline'' mode recognises character formatting such as emphasis, links
* ''block'' mode recognises all the ''inline'' formatting, and adds block formatting such as tables, headings and lists
Usually, the mode is determined by whether the transclude widget itself has been parsed in block or inline mode. This can be overridden with the `mode` attribute.
For example, consider tiddler "A" with this content:
# Item one
#<$transclude tiddler="B"/>
# Item two
And a tiddler "B" with this content:
# Item one - a
# Item one - b
The result will be something like this:
# Item one
# # Item one - a # Item one - b
# Item two
This can be fixed by amending tiddler "A":
# Item one
#<$transclude tiddler="B" mode="block"/>
# Item two
! SubTiddler Access
The transclude widget allows access to the individual tiddlers stored within a [[plugin|Plugins]].
The following example will transclude the core version of the tiddler [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]] even if it has been overridden:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '
<$transclude tiddler="$:/core" subtiddler="$:/DefaultTiddlers"/>
[[Transclusion|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transclusion]] is the process of referencing one tiddler "A" from another tiddler "B" such that the content of "A" appears to be a part of "B".
Copying and pasting content creates multiple copies of the same content in several different places. With transclusion, there can be a single copy and a special instruction in "B" which indicates the point at which content should be inserted from tiddler "A".
Note that if the content of "A" is modified then the modification automatically appears in "B". This makes it easier to maintain repetitive content, by allowing every piece to be written in a single place, but viewed from many.
The concept of transclusion plays an important role in the [[Philosophy of Tiddlers]] because it is the primary way in which small items of content are combined.
To learn more:
* [[Transclusion in WikiText]]
* [[Transclusion Basic Usage]]
* [[Transclusion with Templates]]
* [[Transclusion and Substitution]]
* TextReference
* TemplateTiddlers
* TranscludeWidget
The power of WikiText comes from the ability to use the content of one tiddler inside another one. This ability takes several different forms that can easily be confused.
The main distinction is between a transclusion and a textual substitution:
* A transclusion is replaced dynamically with the value of either:
** a tiddler field
** a variable
* Textual substitutions are performed on the text of macro definitions before they are used
! Tiddler Field Transclusion
[[Transclusion in WikiText]] describes the basics of transclusion. For example:
As described in [[HTML in WikiText]], you can also transclude tiddler field values as attributes of HTML elements and widgets. For example:
<$text text={{MyTiddler}}/>
As described in [[Introduction to Filters]], you can also transclude tiddler field values as filter operands. For example:
{{{ [tag{TiddlerContainingMyTag}] }}}
! Variable/Macro Transclusion
Variables that were defined with parameter or variable substitution are referred to as "macros". The value of a variable/macro can be transcluded with the syntax:
<<myMacro param:"Value of parameter">>
As described in [[HTML in WikiText]], you can also transclude a variable as the value of an attribute of HTML elements and widgets. For example:
<$text text=<<myMacro>>/>
As described in [[Introduction to Filters]], you can also transclude a variable as the value of a filter operand. For example:
{{{ [tag<myMacro>] }}}
! Textual Substitution
Textual substitution occurs when the value of a macro/variable is used. It is described in [[Macros in WikiText]].
The key difference between substitution and transclusion is that substitution occurs before WikiText parsing. This means that you can use substitution to build WikiText constructions. Transclusions are processed independently, and cannot be combined with adjacent text to define WikiText constructions.
! Simple Transclusion
To include some content from [[TiddlerA]] into [[TiddlerB]], edit the latter to include the following text:
This is the content of TiddlerA: {{TiddlerA}}
The result is that the content of the ''text'' field (i.e. the main content) of [[TiddlerA]] is rendered within [[TiddlerB]].
! Usage
The notation ``{{TiddlerA}}`` is a shortcut for ``{{TiddlerA!!text}}``. This is because the default field for transclusion is ''text'', but any other [[field|TiddlerFields]] can be used explicitly. For example, you can print the last time TiddlerA was modified using:
TiddlerA was modified on {{TiddlerA!!modified}}
By omitting the tiddler title, the transclusion notation can also be used to display the content of a field from the current tiddler, for example:
The current tiddler was modified on {{!!modified}}
! Recursion Errors
Notice that using ``{{!!text}}`` or ``{{}}`` causes an error (//Recursive transclusion error in transclude widget//), because it does not make sense to include the content of the current tiddler into the content of the current tiddler (that is, into itself). Whenever you encouter this error message, it means that you are trying to include something into itself, directly or indirectly (for example if tiddler A transcludes tiddler B which transcludes tiddler C which, in turn, transcludes tiddler A).
! Learning More
In TiddlyWiki, transclusions are not limited to including raw content like the above. To learn about more advanced uses of transclusion, see [[Transclusion with Templates]].
See also:
* [[Transclusion]]
* [[Transclusion with Templates]]
* [[Transclusion in WikiText]]
* TextReference
* TiddlerFields.
! Introduction
You can incorporate the content of one tiddler within another using the [[Transclusion]] notation:
* `{{MyTiddler}}` transcludes a single tiddler
* `{{MyTiddler||TemplateTitle}}` displays the tiddler through a specified [[TemplateTiddler|TemplateTiddlers]]
* `{{||TemplateTitle}}` displays the specified template tiddler without altering the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]
!! Transcluding Text References
You can also use a TextReference instead of a tiddler title:
* `{{MyTiddler!!field}}` transcludes a specified field of a tiddler
* `{{!!field}}` transcludes a specified field of the current tiddler
* `{{MyTiddler##index}}` transcludes a specified indexed property of a [[DataTiddler|DataTiddlers]]
* `{{##index}}` transcludes a specified indexed property of the current [[DataTiddler|DataTiddlers]]
!! Filtered Transclusion
A similar syntax can be used to transclude a list of tiddlers matching a specified [[filter|Filters]]:
{{{ [tag[mechanism]] }}}
{{{ [tag[mechanism]] ||TemplateTitle}}}
! Generated Widgets
The WikiText transclusion syntax generates a TiddlerWidget wrapped around a TranscludeWidget. For example, `{{MyTiddler||MyTemplate!!myField}}` generates the following pair of widgets:
<$tiddler tiddler="MyTiddler">
<$transclude tiddler="MyTemplate" field="myField"/>
See also:
* [[Transclusion Basic Usage]]
* [[Transclusion with Templates]]
* TemplateTiddlers
* TranscludeWidget
* [[Transclusion and Substitution]]
The <<.def transclusion>> [[variable|Variables]] is set by the <<.wlink TranscludeWidget>> widget to a string that identifies the position of that widget within the [[widget tree|Widgets]].
~TiddlyWiki's core uses it to detect recursive [[transclusion|Transclusion]]. It is also used to implement the <<.mlink qualify>> macro.
The string has the following syntax:
<$railroad text="""
"{" a "|" b "|" c "|" d "|" e "|" "}"
<ol style="list-style-type: lower-alpha;">
<li>the title of the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]</li>
<li>the title of the tiddler being transcluded</li>
<li>the name of the field being transcluded</li>
<li>the name of the property name or index being transcluded</li>
<li>the name of the subtiddler being transcluded from a plugin</li>
Many of the five items are often blank.
In the sidebar, the value of <<.var transclusion>> is:
> `{|$:/core/ui/PageTemplate/sidebar|||}`
When the tiddler <<.tid HelloThere>> is displayed in the story river, <<.var transclusion>> is set to:
> `{HelloThere|HelloThere|||}`
<<.variable-examples "transclusion">>
This example shows how to distinguish between the sidebar and other environments:
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""We are
emptyMessage="in the story river.">
in the sidebar.
In the sidebar, this would show `We are in the sidebar` instead.
! Introduction
In [[Transclusion Basic Usage]] we have seen how to include the content of a tiddler A into a tiddler B. Now suppose that tiddler A contains:
Hello, my title is {{!!title}}
This makes tiddler A display its title with a yellow background (see [[Styles and Classes in WikiText]] to learn about CSS style). Imagine that you want to display the title in the same way in tiddler B. But you don't want to copy/paste the style instructions, because you might want to change the background colour later and you want to keep it consistent among tiddlers. This looks like a typical case of transclusion, so let's try to transclude tiddler A in tiddler B the usual way with ``{{A}}``. You should see the following content in tiddler B:
Hello, my title is A
The style is applied as expected, but the title is wrong: we want ``{{!!title}}`` to refer to the target tiddler B, and not the source tiddler A.
The solution is to use a //template//. In this case, the source tiddler A is called the [[TemplateTiddler|TemplateTiddlers]], and it is //applied// to tiddler B using the notation ``{{||A}}``. The difference is that any TextReference which does not refer explicitly to a specific tiddler is applied to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]], that is, the target tiddler. As a result, tiddler B now looks as expected:
Hello, my title is B
! Usage
Transcluding via a template is like applying a mask: assuming that the source tiddler contains generic references (like eye holes in a mask), these will be replaced with the target tiddlers values (like the eyes of the person who wears the mask).
A template can be applied to any tiddler, not necessarily the current one. This is achieved using the full notation ``{{<target>||<template>}}``. The default ``<target>`` is the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]] (this is what we used in the above example).
! Examples
!! A predefined template to render tags nicely
You can apply the system template ``$:/core/ui/TagTemplate`` to a tag in order to see it as a tag pill with a drop-down menu:
is rendered as {{Transclusion||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}
See also:
* [[Transclusion in WikiText]]
* [[Transclusion Basic Usage]]
* TextReference
* TemplateTiddlers
* TranscludeWidget
* [[Current Tiddler]]
There is a special edition of TiddlyWiki that simplifies creating and maintaining translations:
Note that no knowledge of Node.js or GitHub is required.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/dev for technical details of creating and maintaining translations.
The translation mechanism of TiddlyWiki manages and switches between language plugins that provide translations of the TiddlyWiki user interface. The developer site at http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/ explains how translators can create and submit translations for TiddlyWiki.
The title of the current language plugin is read from the tiddler [[$:/language]]. If the selected plugin changes then any displayed translateable text automatically changes.
Translation plugins are bundles of tiddlers that each contain an indepedent translatable string. The strings are transcluded as needed.
Translatable strings are generally in the namespace `$:/language/`, for example:
* [[$:/language/EditTemplate/Shadow/OverriddenWarning]]
* [[$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/isfilteroperator]]
* [[$:/language/EditTemplate/Fields/Add/Value/Placeholder]]
Here are some webpages with tips and tutorials related to ~TiddlyWiki
<div class="tc-link-info">
<$list filter="[tag[Tutorials]!sort[modified]]">
<div class="tc-link-info-item">
! <$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
<div class="tc-subtitle">Posted <$view field="modified" format="relativedate"/></div>
The <<.def tv-auto-open-on-import>> [[variable|Variables]] controls whether the `tm-import-tiddlers` message causes the tiddler [[$:/Import]] (which lists the pending imports) to open in the story river.
By default, the tiddler is opened. But if this variable has the value <<.value no>>, it isn't.
An example of setting this variable to <<.value no>> can be found in the upgrade plugin within the [[TiddlyWiki Upgrade Wizard|http://www.tiddlywiki.com/upgrade.html]]. People can drag their wiki files onto the wizard without triggering the normal import display.
The <<.def tv-config-toolbar-class>> [[variable|Variables]] controls the value of the [[CSS|Cascading Style Sheets]] `class` attribute on the HTML element for a toolbar button.
It can be set prior to transcluding such a button.
In most environments, it defaults to <<.value tc-btn-invisible>>, which removes the button's background colour and border.
<<.variable-examples "tv-config-toolbar-class">>
.green-background {
background-color: green;
fill: white;
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<$set name="tv-config-toolbar-class" value="tc-btn-invisible">
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2"
eg="""<$set name="tv-config-toolbar-class" value="green-background">
The `green-background` [[CSS|Cascading Style Sheets]] class is declared in a stylesheet within this tiddler.
The <<.def tv-config-toolbar-icons>> [[variable|Variables]] controls whether toolbar buttons display icons.
<<.this-is-toolbar-config-variable $:/config/Toolbar/Icons>>
<<.variable-examples "tv-config-toolbar-icons">>
See also <<.vlink tv-config-toolbar-text>>.
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<$set name="tv-config-toolbar-icons" value="no">
<$set name="tv-config-toolbar-text" value="yes">
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2"
eg="""<$set name="tv-config-toolbar-icons" value="yes">
The <<.def tv-config-toolbar-text>> [[variable|Variables]] controls whether toolbar buttons display text.
<<.this-is-toolbar-config-variable $:/config/Toolbar/Text>>
<<.variable-examples "tv-config-toolbar-text">>
See also <<.vlink tv-config-toolbar-icons>>.
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<$set name="tv-config-toolbar-text" value="no">
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2"
eg="""<$set name="tv-config-toolbar-text" value="yes">
The <<.def tv-get-export-image-link>> [[variable|Variables]] controls the value of the `src` attribute on the HTML `img` element generated by the <<.wlink ImageWidget>> widget when the value of its `source` attribute is not the title of a tiddler.
The variable should be a [[macro|Macros]] with the following parameter:
: The value of the `source` attribute -- equivalent to the image name specified in <$link to="Images in WikiText">the shorthand syntax</$link> `[img[source]]`
The ability to override image URIs in this way can be useful when one is using the [[Node.js configuration|TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] to export a static version of a wiki.
<<.variable-examples "tv-get-export-image-link">>
This example fetches [[the TiddlyWiki icon|http://www.tiddlywiki.com/favicon.ico]]:
<$importvariables filter="$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/tv-get-export-image-link">
<$codeblock code={{$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/tv-get-export-image-link}}/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""[img[favicon.ico]]"""/>
The <<.def tv-get-export-link>> [[variable|Variables]] controls the value of the `href` attribute on the HTML `a` element generated by the <<.wlink LinkWidget>> widget.
The variable should be a [[macro|Macros]] with the following parameter:
: The title of the target tiddler of the link, with no escaping
See also <<.vlink tv-wikilink-template>>. If both that variable and this one exist, this one dominates.
The <<.def tv-get-export-path>> [[variable|Variables]] specifies the full pathname to which the <<.clink rendertiddlers RenderTiddlersCommand>> [[Node.js|TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] command writes each tiddler.
The variable should be implemented as a <<.js-macro-link "JavaScript macro">> with the following parameter:
: The title of the tiddler
If no such macro exists, the tiddlers are written to files whose names are [[percent-encoded|Percent Encoding]], in the command's output folder.
The <<.def tv-tiddler-preview>> [[variable|Variables]] indicates whether content is being rendered in a tiddler preview panel.
The value is ''yes'' within the preview panel, and undefined elsewhere.
The <<.def tv-wikilink-template>> [[variable|Variables]] controls the value of the `href` attribute on the HTML `a` element generated by the <<.wlink LinkWidget>> widget.
The variable is treated as if it was a [[macro|Macros]] with the following parameters:
: The title of the target tiddler of the link, but [[percent-encoded|Percent Encoding]]
: The value of the <<.param uri_encoded>> parameter but percent-encoded again, i.e. with its `%` characters further converted to `%25`
> `\define tv-wikilink-template() ../tiddlers/$uri_encoded$.html`
The variable defaults to `#$uri_encoded$`.
See also the <<.vlink tv-get-export-link>> variable, which dominates over this one.
The <<.def tv-wikilink-tooltip>> [[variable|Variables]] specifies the default value for the <<.attr tooltip>> attribute of the <<.wlink LinkWidget>> widget.
It is often defined as a [[macro|Macros]], and its value parsed as inline WikiText.
<<.variable-examples "tv-wikilink-tooltip">>
This example shows a way of giving links a tooltip derived from the target tiddler's <<.field caption>> field:
<$importvariables filter="$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/tv-wikilink-tooltip">
<$codeblock code={{$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/tv-wikilink-tooltip}}/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""Here is a link to [[backlinks Operator]] with a custom tooltip."""/>
Here is [[a standard link|HelloThere]] for comparison.
The <<.def tv-wikilinks>> [[variable|Variables]] controls the behaviour of the <<.wlink LinkWidget>> widget.
The widget normally produces a link to a tiddler. But if this variable has the value <<.value no>>, the widget suppresses the link and simply displays the text that would otherwise have served as the link.
You can suppress links for a whole tiddler by placing the following line at the start of the tiddler's text:
> `\define tv-wikilinks() no`
This variable has no effect on external links, as those do not involve the <<.wid link>> widget.
<<.variable-examples "tv-wikilinks">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
<$link to="HelloThere">is //this// a link?</$link>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2"
eg="""<$set name="tv-wikilinks" value="no">
<$link to="HelloThere">is //this// a link?</$link>
This experimental plugin adds the ability to display WikiText written for the original Classic version of TiddlyWiki.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/tw2parser/
A collection of hints and tips, musings and proposals from long-time TiddlyWiki contributor Mat Goldman.
This is Mat's, a.k.a <:-) little man-cave in the ~TiddlyVerse.
Most TW development is, understandably, based on the premise that //"Improve code ➔ Better TW"//. ''TWaddle'' is also about developing TW but from the perspective that [[Bigger community ⇄ Better TW]]. Thus, TWaddle looks more to people issues - how to attract them, how to make them stick with TW etc.
I'm not a programmer but I //am// a TW enthusiast so I tiddlefiddle enough to make the occasional discovery of something cool. Given the amount of words I utter, it is also a mere numbers game before I say something that makes sense. TWaddle is intended to capture these eventualities.
The [[CommunitySearch wiki|http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search]] aggregates many public wikis from the community. It is updated automatically every day. At the time of writing, more than 5000 tiddlers are indexed, thus giving access to the largest known collection of TW content.
It lets you search for some specific content among a preselected list of wikis. The indexed content is mostly focused on TW usage, so you would typically use this search system to find information about a particular aspect of TiddlyWiki. Say for example that you want to learn how to make a table of content, type "table of content" in the [[CommunitySearch box|http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/#CommunitySearch]] (also accessible in the default tiddler [[GettingStarted|http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/#GettingStarted]]). The search results are links to various wikis, and point directly to the specific tiddlers containing your request.
The ~CommunitySearch wiki also lets you:
* Browse the [[list of wikis|http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/#CommunityWikis]]
* Browse the [[list of author|http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/#CommunityAuthors]]
* Browse the [[list of plugins|http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/#CommunityPlugins]]
* Access content by [[tag|http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/#CommunityTags]] (see also [[BookmarkingTags|http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/#BookmarkingTags]])
* Follow the [[latest news|http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/#CommunityNews]] from the community (and [[publish your own news|http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/#PublishingInCommunityNews]] if you are a wiki author)
A collection of community tips and tutorials curated by Andreas Hahn, including a handy "customiser" that simplifies creating an empty TiddlyWiki with selected plugins and enhancements.
Updated to include [[Tinka|http://twguides.org/tinka.html]], a plugin that "provides a GUI to create and modify plugins more easily, therefore saving time on the packaging process".
The intent of the project is to encourage people to use and actively tweak TiddlyWiki according to their needs. Similar to the old version, I also want to encourage people to share their knowledge and help other people get the most out of this wonderful piece of wiki software.
WikiText can include blocks of text that are rendered with an explicit ContentType like this:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="green" />
This renders as:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="green" />
It is also possible to abbreviate the ContentType to a file extension. For example:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="red" />
This renders as:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="red" />
Unknown types render as plain text:
Some plain text, which will not be //formatted//.
Which renders as:
Some plain text, which will not be //formatted//.
A render type can also be specified, causing a particular text rendering to be displayed. For example:
This is ''some'' wikitext
This is ''some'' wikitext
Renders as:
This is ''some'' wikitext
This is ''some'' wikitext
Use the [[documentation macros|Documentation Macros]] to keep the text maintainable in the face of change.
Be wary of arbitrarily applying raw bold or italic markup in a sentence. If there's a suitable macro, use that instead. If there isn't a suitable macro, write one or request one.
Use simple backticks (<code>`...`</code>) for fragments of WikiText, but not for the names of things like fields and widgets. These have their own macros.
To keep things clean and simple, quotation marks and apostrophes should be straight `'`, not curly `’`, and the ellipsis should be three separate dots `...` rather than `…`.
Use `"` as the primary quotation mark, reserving `'` for the rare case of a nested quotation.
Avoid using a single hyphen `-` as sentence punctuation. Instead, use a double hyphen -- which ~TiddlyWiki renders as an en-dash -- with a space on either side.
Items in lists and tables should only end with a full stop (period in US English) if they are complete sentences. They should have no trailing punctuation otherwise.
It is very rarely necessary to use an exclamation mark in professional documentation.
# Create a backup of your current TiddlyWiki HTML file ([[just in case|The First Rule of Using TiddlyWiki]])
# Open the [[$:/ControlPanel]] and go to the ''Plugins'' tab
# Click on the plugin you want to delete to open its tiddler
# Click the edit icon and then delete the tiddler
# Save your TiddlyWiki
# ''Refresh the window so that TiddlyWiki completely removes the plugin''
# The plugin should now be deleted
A tiddler is deemed to have no tags if it:
* doesn't exist
* doesn't have a <<.field tags>> field
* has an empty <<.field tags>> field
<<.operator-examples "untagged">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[untagged[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[all[shadows]untagged[]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[list[HelloThere]!untagged[]]">>
# Open upgrade.html
# Includes a data tiddler called `$:/UpgradeLibrary` that contains the latest compatible versions of all plugins in the library
# Drag in old wiki file
# Place tiddlers into a data tiddler `$:/Import` that is typed as a "pending import"
# Kick off import processing for each tiddler
## Give each "upgrader" module a chance to inspect the incoming tiddlers
## Upgrader modules can trigger actions for each tiddler:
##* Display a warning message
##* Don't import
##* Replace with another tiddler from the upgrade library
##* Disable incompatible plugins
# Display the newly created pending import tiddler through a new view template segment
## Displays the payload tiddlers as a list of titles and checkboxes, with a dropdown showing the full details of the tiddler
## Perhaps we also suppress the usual JSON display for data tiddlers behind a reveal widget
# The user can adjust the selection checkboxes
# Clicking "done" unpacks the selected tiddlers from the pending import tiddler
# The pending import tiddler and the upgrade library tiddler are excluded from the subsequent save operation
There are regular releases of TiddlyWiki with bug fixes and improvements. It's a good idea to keep up to date by regularly upgrading to the latest version.
! Introduction
The process described here is for upgrading standalone TiddlyWiki files. There is a [[different procedure|Upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] for upgrading [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]].
When upgrading, please remember the [[The First Rule of Using TiddlyWiki]]:
//You are responsible for looking after your own data; take care to make backups, especially when upgrading the ~TiddlyWiki core//
! Online upgrading
This process will work on most desktop browsers. Note that none of your personal data leaves your browser with this process.
# Locate your TiddlyWiki file in the file system (i.e. using Windows Explorer, the Finder on Mac OS X, or your file manager on Linux)
# Visit http://tiddlywiki.com/upgrade.html in your browser
# Drag your old TiddlyWiki HTML file into the browser window
#* If the file is encrypted you will be prompted for the password
# Review the list of tiddlers that will be upgraded
# Click ''Upgrade''
# Save changes to save the new version
This will download a file called ''upgrade.html'' to your computer. This file is the upgrade of your old file. You may need to open the location where ''upgrade.html'' was downloaded, rename ''upgrade.html'' with the name of the old file you are upgrading, and replace the old file by moving the new file in its place.
! Offline upgrading
You can also download http://tiddlywiki.com/upgrade.html locally and perform the same drag-and-drop procedure to upgrade your files.
! Problems with Upgrades
!! Firefox Security Restrictions
The following error occurs when trying to perform the online upgrade procedure using Firefox:
Error while saving:
Error:NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI: Access to restricted URI denied
The upgrade operation falls foul of a security restriction in Firefox. Until this can be resolved, we suggest either using the offline upgrader, or using Chrome to perform the upgrade:
# Use Chrome to open http://tiddlywiki.com/upgrade.html, then drag the TiddlyWiki HTML file to be upgraded into the upgrader window, as described above in ''Online upgrading''
# After you've saved your upgraded file, you should be able to open it in Firefox and [[save using TiddlyFox|Saving with TiddlyFox]] again
!! Incompatible Customisations
It is possible for a customisation applied in a previous version to break when upgraded to the latest version. There are two techniques you can use to help track down issues:
* Try repeating the upgrade having selectively unchecked any tiddlers that may be applying customisations to TiddlyWiki
* Use SafeMode to disable all customisations of shadow tiddlers
You can see which shadow tiddlers have been overridden in the ''Filter'' tab of [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]]. Select "Overridden shadow tiddlers" from the dropdown.
If you've installed [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] on the usual way, when a new version is released you can upgrade it with this command:
npm update -g tiddlywiki
On Mac or Linux you'll need to add ''sudo'' like this:
sudo npm update -g tiddlywiki
A <<.dlink-ex "URI" "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniform_resource_identifier">> (also often known as a <<.def URL>>) is a string of characters used to specify the location of a resource such as a web page.
By default, when running [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]], the server exposes the wiki at the URI formed from the protocol, host and port - for example, ``.
There are two steps to running the wiki at a custom path like ``:
# Configure the server by passing `/path/to/my/wiki` as the ''pathprefix'' argument of the ServerCommand
# Configure the client by creating a tiddler called `$:/config/tiddlyweb/host` that contains `$protocol$//$host$/path/to/my/wiki/`
You can use links (normally displayed as blue text) to navigate from one tiddler to another. Clicking on a link to any tiddler will take you to that tiddler. If the tiddler is closed, it will be opened. The wonderful thing about ~TiddlyWiki is that it makes links to tiddlers as accessible as possible. There are links everywhere! Here are the key places where you can find links to tiddlers in ~TiddlyWiki:
* You can ''create a link'' to a tiddler, whether it exists yet or not, in the body of any tiddler. See [[Linking in WikiText]] to see the various easy ways to create links between tiddlers.
* Each ''tag pill'' in your tiddler (such as the ''Working with ~TiddlyWiki'' tag pill below the title of this tiddler) contains a link to that tag's tiddler, as well as lists of all the tiddlers that carry that tag. This lets you go to any of those tiddlers.
* The ''InfoPanel'' of each tiddler gives you access to four tabs containing additional lists of related tiddlers:
** The ''References'' tab lists all the tiddlers that link //to// the current tiddler.
** The ''Tagging'' tab lists all the tiddlers that have been tagged with the current tiddler's title.
** The ''List'' tab lists all the tiddlers (or potential tiddlers) mentioned in the [[list field|ListField]] of the current tiddler.
** The ''Listed'' tab lists all the tiddlers that mention the current tiddler in //their// list fields.
* The ''sidebar tabs'' contain numerous lists of links to tiddlers:
** The ''Open'' tab lists all the tiddlers that are currently open, i.e. visible somewhere on the page.
** The ''Recent'' tab lists the 100 most recently modified tiddlers, beginning with the most recently modified.
** The ''More'' tab offers eight additional lists of tiddlers:
*** ''All'' lists all tiddlers in alphabetical order.
*** ''Tags'' lists all the tags. You can click on the pill for any tag to access a list of the tiddlers tagged with that tag.
*** ''Missing'' lists any tiddlers that don't yet exist, but have been linked to from other tiddlers. This is helpful for finding tiddlers you planned to create, but never got around to.
*** ''Drafts'' lists any tiddlers that are currently in draft mode. ~TiddlyWiki considers a tiddler's draft to be a separate tiddler for as long as you are editing it, so while you're editing a tiddler entitled ''Australia'', there will be two tiddlers, ''Australia'' and ''Draft of 'Australia'''. When you close the draft by saving your changes to it, those changes will be applied to the ''Australia'' tiddler. So treat the ''Drafts'' tab as a way of finding any unfinished drafts you started.
*** ''Orphans'' lists all the tiddlers that are not connected to any other tiddler by links, tags or lists. This is a helpful aid to editing your file - it shows you which tiddlers need to be integrated more carefully with the others.
*** ''Types'' lists any tiddlers with special content, such as images or audio.
*** ''System'' lists all of the SystemTiddlers.
*** ''Shadows'' lists all of the ShadowTiddlers.
* ''Search results'' are a list of the tiddlers that contain the text you type in the search box.
* Finally, you can create your own custom lists of tiddlers by various methods:
** You can transclude a [[filter|Filters]] (see [[Transclusion in WikiText]]). For example, adding `{{{ [tag[mountain]] }}}` to a tiddler will insert a list of all tiddlers tagged with ''mountain''.
** You can use the ListWidget. This is more complicated than transcluding a [[filter|Filters]], but in return it allows you more flexibility in designing and displaying the list exactly as you want it to appear.
The first steps to changing the appearance of TiddlyWiki are to choose and apply one of the available themes, or to modify the [[colour palette|ColourPalettes]].
In addition, custom [[CSS stylesheets|http://www.w3schools.com/css]] can be defined by tagging a tiddler `$:/tags/Stylesheet`. Try creating a custom stylesheet now with the following content in order to change the page background colour to red:
html body.tc-body {
background: red;
! Overriding Theme Settings
Custom stylesheets are applied independently from theme stylesheets. Therefore, it is often necessary for the css rules in your custom stylesheet to be more specific than those of the theme you want to override. For example, `html body.tc-body` is more specific than `body.tc-body`.
! Stylesheet Types
Usually it is best to use the type `text/css` for stylesheets. This treats them as plain stylesheets, and ensures that TiddlyWiki doesn't apply any wiki processing to them.
If you wish to use macros and transclusions in your stylesheets you should instead use the default WikiText type `text/vnd.tiddlywiki`. This allows full WikiText processing to be performed. Here is an example:
\rules only filteredtranscludeinline transcludeinline macrodef macrocallinline html
body.tc-body pre {
<<box-shadow "inset 0 1px 0 #fff">>
The `\rules` pragma at the top of the tiddler restricts the WikiText to just allow macros and transclusion. This avoids mistakenly triggering unwanted WikiText processing.
A stylesheet tiddler is processed such that it is first wikified and then the text portion of the ouput is extracted to apply as the CSS. Any HTML tags you will use in your stylesheet are thus ignored. For example, HTML elements generated by the RevealWidget will not affect the output. As in the following example, you can wrap CSS rules in `<pre>` tags to display them as a codeblock without affecting processing, including handling the inner macro.
\rules only filteredtranscludeinline transcludeinline macrodef macrocallinline html
<pre>body.tc-body pre {
<<box-shadow "inset 0 1px 0 #fff">>
!! Stylesheet Macros
The ~TiddlyWiki core provides several [[global macros that are helpful in constructing stylesheets|Stylesheet Macros]].
TiddlyWiki5 can be used to produce documentation for GitHub projects. It lets you maintain a single set of documentation as a [[TiddlyWikiFolder|TiddlyWikiFolders]] containing separate tiddler files under source code control, and then use it to produce `readme.md` files for inclusion in project folders, or HTML files for storage in [[GitHub Pages|http://pages.github.com/]]. Both features are demonstrated by TiddlyWiki5 itself.
! Generating `readme.md` files
When displaying the contents of a folder GitHub will look for a `readme.md` file and display it. Note that it will not display full HTML files in this way, just static MarkDown files (this is a security measure). Happily MarkDown permits a safe subset of HTML, and thus to generate a `readme.md` file that is suitable for GitHub it is just necessary for TiddlyWiki5 to generate the content of the `<body>` element of an HTML document, and give it the appropriate filename.
This is done with this command:
--rendertiddler ReadMe ./readme.md text/html
It saves the tiddler ReadMe to the file `./readme.md` in the `text/html` format.
By default, tiddler links will be rendered as `<a>` links to a relative URI consisting of the title of the tiddler. This behaviour can be overridden by defining the macro `tv-wikilink-template`, as is done at the top of the tiddler ReadMe:
\define tv-wikilink-template() http://tiddlywiki.com/static/$uri_doubleencoded$.html
See the LinkWidget for more details.
In this example, tiddler links are rendered as links to the static rendering of tw5.com.
TiddlyWiki5 can be used on the command line to perform an extensive set of operations based on TiddlyWikiFolders, TiddlerFiles and TiddlyWikiFiles.
For example, the following command loads the tiddlers from a TiddlyWiki HTML file and then saves one of them in static HTML:
tiddlywiki --verbose --load mywiki.html --rendertiddler ReadMe ./readme.html
Running `tiddlywiki` from the command line boots the TiddlyWiki kernel, loads the core plugins and establishes an empty wiki store. It then sequentially processes the command line arguments from left to right. The arguments are separated with spaces.
The first argument is the optional path to the [[TiddlyWikiFolder|TiddlyWikiFolders]] to be loaded. If not present, then the current directory is used.
The commands and their individual arguments follow, each command being identified by the prefix `--`.
tiddlywiki [<wikipath>] [--<command> [<arg>[,<arg>]]]
The available commands are:
<<list-links "[tag[Commands]]">>
TiddlyWiki5 allows you to use SVG to display vector graphics in two ways:
* Tiddlers with the type `image/svg+xml` are interpreted as SVG images, and displayed and transcluded as self-contained `<img>` elements with the SVG embedded as a data URI in the `src` attribute.
** For examples of SVG images see [[Motovun Jack.svg]] and [[Tiddler Fishes.svg]]
* WikiText can also include inline SVG elements directly. See below for an example.
! Embedding SVG tiddlers
You can embed an SVG image tiddler using the ordinary transclusion syntax:
{{Motovun Jack.jpg}}
You can also use TypedBlockWikiText to embed an inline SVG tiddler.
The implications of the image being rendered within an `<img>` element are that it is sandboxed; it can't use CSS styles from the parent document, for example. Neither can the image use WikiText features like transclusion.
! Embedding SVG elements
The other way to use SVG is to embed the `<svg>` element directly. For example:
<svg width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="red" />
Note that inline SVG elements don't need an `<?xml version="1.0"?>` directive.
! Including HTML or WikiText content in SVG images
You can include simple text strings in SVG images using the `<text>` element:
<svg width="100px" height="30px" viewBox="0 0 1000 300"><text x="250" y="150" font-family="Verdana" font-size="55">Hello, out there</text><rect x="1" y="1" width="998" height="298" fill="none" stroke-width="2" /></svg>
HTML or WikiText content can be included within inline SVG images using the `<foreignObject>` element. For example:
<svg width="260px" height="260px"><circle cx="150" cy="150" r="100" fill="blue" stoke="red"/><foreignObject x="70" y="110" width="150" height="180"><body>Here is some text that requires a word wrap, and includes a [[link to a tiddler|HelloThere]].</body></foreignObject></svg>
! Transcluding SVG elements
When embedding SVG elements you can also use WikiText features like transclusion. For example, here is an SVG circle with the radius set to the value in the tiddler [[$:/SVGExampleRadius]]:
<svg width="150" height="150"><circle cx="75" cy="75" r={{$:/SVGExampleRadius}} stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="green"/></svg>
You can edit the value of the radius here: <$edit-text tiddler="$:/SVGExampleRadius" tag="input"/>
! Making curved text with SVG
{{Making curved text with SVG}}
A <<.def variable>> is a snippet of text that can be accessed by name within a particular branch of the [[widget tree|Widgets]]. The snippet is known as the variable's <<.def value>>.
A new variable is defined using a <<.wlink SetWidget>> widget, and is then available to any of the children of that widget, including transcluded content. A <<.wid set>> widget can reuse an existing name, thus binding a different snippet to that name for the duration of the widget's children.
The <<.wlink ListWidget>> widget also sets a particular variable (<<.var currentTiddler>> by default) to each listed title in turn.
For an overview of how to use variables, see [[Variables in WikiText]].
Despite the term <<.word variable>>, each snippet is a constant string. The apparent variability is actually the result of the presence of multiple variables with the same name in different parts of the widget tree.
[[Macros]] are a special form of variable whose value can contain placeholders that get filled in with parameters whenever the macro is used.
By themselves, the snippets are <<.em not>> parsed as WikiText. However, a variable reference will transclude a snippet into a context where ~WikiText parsing <<.em may>> be occurring. Within a snippet, the only markup detected is `$name$` for a macro parameter transclusion and `$(name)$` for a variable transclusion.
The <<.mlink dumpvariables>> macro lists all variables (including macros) that are available at that position in the widget tree.
~TiddlyWiki's core has [[several variables|Core Variables]] built in.
See also the [[introduction to the concept of variables|Variables]].
To transclude the value of a variable, use the [[macro call syntax|Macro Calls in WikiText]] with no parameters. You can also use a <<.wlink MacroCallWidget>> widget.
A [[macro|Macros]] snippet can contain `$(name)$` as a [[placeholder|Macro Definitions in WikiText]] for which the value of the variable of that name will be substituted.
A variable's value can be used as a [[filter parameter|Filter Parameter]], or as a [[widget attribute|Widgets in WikiText]]. The latter supports macro parameters.
!! Example: defining a variable
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<$set name=animal value=zebra>
!! Example: defining a macro
The `\define` pragma below [[defines a macro|Macros in WikiText]] called <<.var tags-of-current-tiddler>>. The macro returns the value of the tiddler's <<.field tags>> field, and can be accessed from anywhere else in the same tiddler (or in any tiddler that [[imports|ImportVariablesWidget]] it).
<$importvariables filter="$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/tags-of-current-tiddler">
<$codeblock code={{$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/tags-of-current-tiddler}}/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2" eg="""The tags are: <<tags-of-current-tiddler>>"""/>
!! Example: using a variable as a filter parameter
This example uses the <<.olink backlinks>> [[operator|Filter Operators]] to list all tiddlers that link to this one.
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="3" eg="""<<list-links filter:"[<currentTiddler>backlinks[]]">>"""/>
! Introduction
The ''vars'' widget allows multiple variables to be set in one operation. In some situations it can result in simpler code than using the more flexible SetWidget.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$vars>` widget is the scope for the value assigned to the variable.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|//{attributes not starting with $}// |Each attribute name specifies a variable name. The attribute value is assigned to the variable |
! Examples
Consider a case where you need to set multiple variables.
Using the `<$vars>` widget, this situation may be handled in the following way:
\define helloworld() Hello world!
<$vars greeting="Hi" me={{!!title}} sentence=<<helloworld>>>
<<greeting>>! I am <<me>> and I say: <<sentence>>
In contrast, here is the same example using the `<$set>` widget:
<$set name="greeting" value="Hi" />
<$set name="me" value={{!!title}} />
<$set name="sentence" value=<<helloworld>> />
<<greeting>>! I am <<me>> and I say: <<sentence>>
! Remarks
It should be noted that this widget differs from the set widget in the following ways:
* A fallback (also known as "emptyValue") cannot be specified
* Filters cannot be used to produce a conditional variable assignement
* Variable names must be literal strings
The <<.def version>> [[macro|Macros]] returns the current version number of ~TiddlyWiki.
!! Parameters
<<.macro-examples "version">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""Version number: <<version>>"""/>
The following TiddlyWiki videos are available.
<<list-links "[tag[Videos]]">>
The aim is to curate a series of videos to guide people through getting up and running with TiddlyWiki. [[Contributions|Contributing]] are welcome.
! Introduction
The view widget displays the contents of a tiddler field in a specified format.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$view>` widget is displayed if the field or property is missing or empty.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The title of the tiddler (defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]) |
|field |The name of the field to view (defaults to "text") |
|index |The name of the index to view |
|format |The format for displaying the field (see below) |
|template |Optional template string used with certain formats such as dates |
|subtiddler |Optional SubTiddler title when the target tiddler is a [[plugin|Plugins]] (see below) |
!! Formats
The following formats can be specified in the `format` attribute:
|!Format |!Description |
|''text'' |Plain text |
|''htmlwikified'' |The field is wikified and the resulting HTML returned as plain text |
|''htmlencoded'' |The field is displayed with HTML encoding issues |
|''date'' |The field is interpreted as a UTC date and displayed according to the DateFormat specified in the `template` attribute |
|''relativedate'' |The field is interpreted as a UTC date and displayed as the interval from the present instant |
|''stripcomments'' |The field is interpreted as JavaScript source code and any lines beginning `\\#` are stripped |
|''jsencoded'' |The field is displayed as a JavaScript encoded string |
! SubTiddler Access
The view widget allows access to the individual tiddlers stored within a [[plugin|Plugins]].
The following example will view the core version of the tiddler [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]] even if it has been overridden:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '
<$view tiddler="$:/core" subtiddler="$:/DefaultTiddlers"/>
An interactive timeline visualisation plugin based on [[Vis.js|http://visjs.org]]. A demo can be found here: {{!!url}}.
vis.js Timeline is a TiddlyWiki plugin that allows you to link your wiki-topics (tiddlers) in order to create clickable timelines. This project is a direct continuation of [[emkay's plugin|https://github.com/emkayonline/tw5visjs]].
<a class="tc-float-right tc-bordered-image" href="http://classic.tiddlywiki.com/" target="_blank">[img width="200" [TiddlyWiki Classic.png]]</a>
The original [[Classic|TiddlyWikiClassic]] version of TiddlyWiki is still available at:
Note that the [[current version|TiddlyWiki5]] of TiddlyWiki is not fully backwards compatible with TiddlyWikiClassic. Content can be imported but will need massaging to adapt to the new WikiText format. A ''tw2parser'' plugin is under development that will allow faithful display of most content created for TiddlyWikiClassic:
The `tm-add-field` message is handled by the FieldManglerWidget. It adds the specified field with a blank value if the field doesn't already exist.
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Name of field to add |
The add field message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the FieldManglerWidget.
The `tm-add-tag` message is handled by the FieldManglerWidget. It adds the specified tag.
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Name of tag to add |
The add tag message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the FieldManglerWidget.
The autosave wiki message causes the current saver module to perform a background save if it is required.
The autosave wiki message should be generated whenever changes are made to the store. For example, the navigator widget generates the autosave wiki message as part of its handling of the [[WidgetMessage: tm-save-tiddler]], [[WidgetMessage: tm-delete-tiddler]] and [[WidgetMessage: tm-perform-import]].
The autosave wiki message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SaverModule|SaverModules]]. Not all SaverModules can handle autosaving.
The `tm-browser-refresh` message refreshes the page, causing the re-initialisation of any plugin tiddlers. It does not require any properties on the `event` object.
The refresh message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the core.
The `tm-cancel-tiddler` message abandons the changes in a draft tiddler. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is being cancelled out of edit mode |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The cancel tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The `tm-clear-password` message clears the current password from the password vault, clearing the [[$:/isEncrypted]] tiddler. See EncryptionMechanism for details.
This message is typically generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the core itself.
The close all tiddlers message empties the story list.
The close all tiddlers message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The `tm-close-other-tiddlers` message removes all but a specified tiddler from the story list. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is not to be closed |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The close other tiddlers message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The `tm-close-tiddler` message removes a specified tiddler from the story list. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is to be closed |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The close tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The `tm-delete-tiddler` message deletes the specified tiddler and removes it from the current story. If the tiddler is a draft then it also deletes the tiddler specified in the `draft.of` field. The delete tiddler message requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is to be deleted |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The delete tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The download file message causes the current saver module to prompt the user to download the result of parsing a specified template tiddler as a file. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of a tiddler to use as a template for the new tiddler |
|paramObject |Optional hashmap of variable values to use for the rendering |
The download file message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget.
The download file message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SaverModule|SaverModules]].
The `tm-edit-tiddler` message replaces the specified tiddler in the current story with a draft version of itself. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is being switched to edit mode |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The edit tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget or the ActionSendMessageWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The fullscreen message toggles the "fullscreen" mode of the browser, if it supports it.
The fullscreen message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core.
The `tm-home` message closes any open tiddlers and re-opens the default tiddlers set in [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]]. It also remove any [[permalink|PermaLinks]] from the browser address bar. It does not require any properties on the `event` object.
The home message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the core.
The `tm-import-tiddlers` message inserts a list of tiddlers into the pending import tiddler [[$:/Import]]. It also applies any active ''upgrader'' modules to each tiddler as it arrives (see the UpgradeMechanism for more details).
|!Name |!Description |
|param |JSON text of the array of tiddlers to be imported |
The import tiddlers message is usually generated with the DropzoneWidget or the BrowseWidget, and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
! Configuration Variables
* <<.vlink tv-auto-open-on-import>>
The login message prompts the user for a username and password and attempts to login to the current serverside host. The tiddler [[$:/status/IsLoggedIn]] reflects the current login status with the values "yes" or "no", and [[$:/status/UserName]] reflects the current username.
The login message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SyncAdaptorModule|SyncAdaptorModules]] (typically the ''tiddlywiki/tiddlywebadaptor'' plugin).
The logout message attempts to log the user out of the current serverside host. The tiddler [[$:/status/IsLoggedIn]] reflects the current login status with the values "yes" or "no", and [[$:/status/UserName]] reflects the current username.
The logout message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SyncAdaptorModule|SyncAdaptorModules]] (typically the ''tiddlywiki/tiddlywebadaptor'' plugin).
The modal message displays a specified tiddler in a modal overlay that dims the main page. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler to be displayed |
|paramObject |Hashmap of variables to be provided to the modal |
The "currentTiddler" variable is set to the title of the modal tiddler, but can be overridden by specifying a different value in `paramObject`.
The modal message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget. The modal message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core.
! Example
Here is an example of displaying a modal and passing parameters to it:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src='Your name: <$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/yourName" tag="input" default="Your name"/>
Your message:
<$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/yourMessage" default="Your message"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-modal" $param="SampleModal" yourName={{$:/temp/yourName}} yourMessage={{$:/temp/yourMessage}}/>
Click me!
The `tm-navigate` message inserts the specified tiddler into the story and puts it at the top of the history stack. If the tiddler is not already present in the story then it will be positioned immediately after the tiddler specified in `event.navigateFromTitle`.
The navigate message requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|navigateTo |Title of the tiddler that is being navigated |
|navigateFromTitle |Title of the tiddler from which the navigation was initiated |
|navigateFromClientRect |Bounding rectangle in client page coordinates of the element initiating the navigation |
|navigateSuppressNavigation |''true'' causes the new tiddler to only be added to the story, and not the history stack. This suppresses the scrolling associated with navigating to a tiddler |
The navigate message can be generated by the LinkWidget, the ActionNavigateWidget and the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The new tiddler message creates a new draft tiddler and adds it to the current story. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |The optional title of a tiddler to use as a template for the new tiddler |
|paramObject |Optional hashmap of additional tiddler fields |
|navigateFromTitle |Title of the tiddler from which the navigation to the new tiddler was initiated |
The title for the draft tiddler is chosen according to these rules:
* If a hashmap was used and a title field was specified, use that title
* If a template tiddler was used, use the title of the template tiddler, making it unique with a numeric suffix
* Otherwise, generate a new title based on the default new tiddler title with a numeric suffix to make it unique
The new tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget or ActionSendMessageWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
! Example
To make a button that creates new tiddlers tagged "task", create a tiddler called "TaskTemplate" with that tag, and then make your button like this:
<$button message="tm-new-tiddler" param="TaskTemplate">New Task</$button>
The notify message briefly displays a specified tiddler as a small alert in the upper right corner of the page. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler to be displayed |
The notify message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core.
The perform import message copies tiddlers from a specified plugin into the main store. See the UpgradeMechanism for an overview of how it is used by the core.
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the pending import tiddler. Defaults to ''$:/Import'' |
To select which tiddlers are to be imported, fields with names formed from `selection-` plus the title of the tiddler are used. The value ''unchecked'' causes the tiddler to be skipped from the import.
The perform import message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The `tm-permalink` message changes the browser address bar to form a [[permalink|PermaLinks]] to a specified tiddler, defaulting to the current tiddler.
The permalink message supports the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler to be permalinked |
|tiddlerTitle |The current tiddler (used by default if the tiddler title isn't specified in the `param`) |
The permalink message can be generated by the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the story mechanism.
The `tm-permaview` message changes the browser address bar to form a [[permaview|PermaLinks]] that specifies all the open tiddlers in the main story river, and the tiddler to be navigated, defaulting to the current tiddler.
The permaview message supports the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler to be navigated within the permaview |
|tiddlerTitle |The current tiddler (used by default if the tiddler title isn't specified in the `param`) |
The permaview message can be generated by the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the story mechanism.
The `tm-remove-field` message is handled by the FieldManglerWidget. It removes the specified field.
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Name of field to remove |
The remove field message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the FieldManglerWidget.
The `tm-remove-tag` message is handled by the FieldManglerWidget. It removes the specified tag.
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Name of tag to remove |
The remove tag message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the FieldManglerWidget.
The `tm-save-tiddler` message is applied to draft tiddlers. It saves the draft over the tiddler identified in the `draft.of` field and then deletes the draft. The save tiddler message requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is being switched out of edit mode |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The save tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The save wiki message causes the current saver module to perform a full save operation. The save operation can involve user interaction. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of a tiddler to use as a template for rendering the wiki (defaults to `$:/core/save/all`) |
|paramObject |Optional hashmap of variable values to use for the rendering |
The save wiki message is usually generated by the ButtonWidget.
The save wiki message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SaverModule|SaverModules]].
The server refresh message attempts to synchronise the latest changes to the current serverside host.
The server refresh message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SyncAdaptorModule|SyncAdaptorModules]] (typically the ''tiddlywiki/tiddlywebadaptor'' plugin).
The `tm-set-password` message prompts the user for a new password and stores it in the password vault, replacing any existing password. It also sets the [[$:/isEncrypted]] tiddler. See EncryptionMechanism for details.
This message is typically generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the core itself.
~TiddlyWiki's display is driven by an underlying collection of <<.def widgets>>. These are organised into a tree structure: each widget has a parent widget and zero or more child widgets.
~TiddlyWiki generates this <<.def "widget tree">> by parsing the WikiText of tiddlers. Each component of the WikiText syntax, including even the trivial case of ordinary text, generates a corresponding widget. The widget tree is an intermediate representation that is subsequently rendered into the actual display.
Widgets are analogous to elements in an HTML document. Indeed, HTML tags in WikiText generate dedicated <<.def "element widgets">>.
Each class of widget contributes a specific ability to the overall functionality, such as the ability to <<.wlink2 "display an image" ImageWidget>> or <<.wlink2 "a button" ButtonWidget>>, to <<.wlink2 "call a macro" MacroCallWidget>> or <<.wlink2 "transclude text from elsewhere" TranscludeWidget>>, or to [[mark a piece of text as a heading|HTML in WikiText]].
The more specialised widgets use a general-purpose [[widget syntax|Widgets in WikiText]] as their only possible WikiText representation.
The following classes of widget are built into the core:
<<list-links "[tag[Widgets]]">>
Widgets provide rich functionality within WikiText. They have the same syntax as [[HTML elements|HTML in WikiText]], but the tag name always starts with `$`. For example:
<$button message="tm-close-tiddler">Close Me!</$button>
Note that widgets inherit all the features of [[HTML in WikiText]]:
* Widget attributes can be specified as:
** Unquoted strings (that cannot contain spaces)
** Strings quoted with single or double quotes
** Strings quoted with triple-double quotes
** Macro invocations (eg `attr=<<myMacro>>`)
** Transclusions (eg, `attr={{MyTiddler!!field}}`)
* The content of a widget is parsed in inline mode unless the opening tag is followed by two linebreaks, which forces block mode
** 'Inline mode' means that 'block mode' parse rules like headings, tables and lists are not recognised
See [[HTML in WikiText]] for more details.
The available widgets include:
<<list-links "[tag[Widgets]]">>
Groups of uniquely titled tiddlers are contained in WikiStore objects.
The WikiStore also manages the plugin modules used for widgets, and operations like serializing, deserializing, parsing and rendering tiddlers.
~WikiText is a concise, expressive way of typing a wide range of text formatting, hypertext and interactive features. It allows you to focus on writing without a complex user interface getting in the way. It is designed to be familiar for users of [[MarkDown|http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/]], but with more of a focus on linking and the interactive features.
See [[Formatting text in TiddlyWiki]] for an introduction to WikiText.
The following elements of WikiText syntax are built into the core:
<<list-links "[tag[WikiText]]">>
Under Windows it is possible to convert TiddlyWiki into a true local application by renaming the HTML file to have the extension `*.hta`. The ''fsosaver'' module can then use the ~ActiveX ~FileSystemObject to save changes.
Note that one disadvantage of this approach is that the TiddlyWiki file is saved in UTF-16 format, making it up to twice as large as it would be with the usual UTF-8 encoding. However, opening and saving the file via another saving method will re-encode the file to UTF-8.
See Wikipedia for more details: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML_Application
! Introduction
If you want to [[contribute|Contributing]] to TiddlyWiki's development, rather than [[installing TiddlyWiki in the usual way|Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js]], you can work directly with the GitHub repository.
Mario Pietsch has created a [[short video introduction|Working with the TiddlyWiki5 repository video]].
! Setting Up
# Create an account on GitHub if you don't already have one
# Fork the TiddlyWiki5 GitHub repository from https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5
# Clone a local copy of your fork
# Open a command line terminal and change the current working directory to the root of the repo
# Type `npm link` (Windows) or `sudo npm link` (Mac/Linux) to tell [[npm]] to use this copy of the repo as the globally installed one
After this procedure you can work with TiddlyWiki5 via [[npm]] as though it were installed in the usual way with `npm install -g tiddlywiki`.
See also [[Scripts for TiddlyWiki on Node.js]].
Mario Pietsch has created a short video tutorial on [[working with the TiddlyWiki5 GitHub repository|Working with the TiddlyWiki5 repository]].
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/6ElUruH92tc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Information to help you get started using TiddlyWiki:
<<list-links "[tag[Working with TiddlyWiki]]">>
<span style="color:crimson; border: 1px solid;padding:0 5px;">
BETA - quite a few [[Issues]]</span>
[[CherryPicker]] - apply "natural markers", made up as you type, to mark out segments ("cherries") in one or several tiddler texts. Call the cherrypicker macro to get the cherries extracted and presented as a list.
!!!Quick demo
<$transclude tiddler="Quick demo" mode="block"/>
...call `<<cherrypicker "HEY">>` to get...<br>
<div style="border:2px solid lightgreen; padding:0 0 30px 20px;;">
{{Example result}}
<span style="float:right;margin:-3.5em 1em 0 0;font-size:80%;">(click{{cherrybullet.png}}to go to tid)</span>
Go to [[Demo]] to try it out.
Drag all components tagged <<tag CherryPickerComponent>> into your TW.
!!!Extending the concept
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/Extending" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/Extending" setTo="show" class="tc-btn-invisible tc-tiddlylink button-border">...just to wet your appetite ;-) </$button><br><br>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/Extending" text="show" >
<$button set="$:/state/Extending" setTo="hide" class="tc-btn-invisible tc-tiddlylink button-border">close Extending</$button>
<$transclude tiddler="Extending the concept" mode="block"/>
*[[Stress testing]] - for bug search...
*[[Future Ideas]]
*[[CherryPicker/Syntax thoughts]]
*[[Concept Background]]
An unfinished attempt to specify exactly how the filtering should work..
| `X` |mark (obviously a very poorly chosen mark if used in reality)|
| `_` |space character|
| `⦁` |cherry (single word), ending with `_`, `X_` or end-of-tiddler|
| `⦁⦁` |cherry sentence (can be a single word or a longer section)|
| `_` |space character|
| `.` |any number of characters, including spaces, new row and line break - but not|
:`..._X⦁_...` i.e no end mark so cuts at first space
:`X⦁...` mark preceded by nothing (i.e stat of text),
`X⦁._X⦁⦁..` The `_X` should make the ffirst cherry be first word (i.e up till `_`)
\define cherrypicker(mark)
@@.cherryheading $mark$@@
<div style="margin: -0px 0 0 22px;">
<$list filter="[!is[system]regexp:text[$mark$]!prefix[Draft]!title[About]!tag[About]!regexp:text[cherrypicker ]] -[prefix[CherryPicker]] -[prefix[codeCherry]]" emptyMessage="NO" variable="tid">
<$list variable="fulltext" emptyMessage="NOpfx"
<$macrocall $name="scrubprefix" txt=<<fulltext>> mark="$mark$"/>
\define scrubprefix(txt, mark)
<$list variable="pfx"
filter="[[$txt$]regexp[$mark$\S]splitbefore[$mark$]]" >
@@.pfx ''pfx'':<<pfx>><br>@@
<$list variable="txt" emptyMessage="NOtxt"
filter="[[$txt$]removeprefix<pfx>]">@@.txt ''txt:'' """<<txt>>"""<br>@@
<$macrocall $name="pick" txt=<<txt>> mark="$mark$"/>
\define pick(txt, mark)
<$list variable="cherry" emptyMessage="NOcherry"
[[$txt$]!regexp[$mark$]splitbefore[ ]]
<span class="cherrybullet" tooltip=<<tid>>>
<$link to=<<tid>>>{{cherrybullet.png}}</$link>
</span><<cherry>> <br>
<$list variable="rest" emptyMessage="NO3"
filter="[[$txt$]removeprefix<cherry>removeprefix[$mark$ ]]
[[$txt$]removeprefix<cherry>] +[first[]]">
@@.rest ''rest'':<<rest>><br>@@
<$list filter="[<rest>regexp[$mark$]]">
<$macrocall $name="scrubprefix" txt=<<rest>> mark="$mark$"/>
.cherryheading {display:block; font-size:120%; margin:.8em 0 .3em;}
.cherrybullet {position:absolute; margin-left:-25px;}
.cherrybullet:hover {border:1px solid blue;}
.cherrybullet:hover:after {
position: absolute; left:-1px;
bottom: 1.5em; z-index: 98;
width: 300px;
padding: 5px 15px;
background: #333;
background: rgba(0,0,0,.8);
color: #fff;
border-radius: 3px;
content: attr(tooltip);
The marking of the segments should distract workflow minimally.
The shortest form of identifier is the bare mark i.e without something telling that the mark is in deed a mark. Compare `mark...` with `#mark...` or `<<mark "...`
A closing mark is needed unless other delimters such as space, newline, tiddler end etc are accepted. The closing mark should in our context probably be tied to the opening mark or we will not be able to nest: "Here is `@@`a sentence `##`where nesting`XX` might fail`XX` because it is unclear which mark the closing XX'es refer to"
The closing mark could consist of the same string as the opening mark.<br>
Or it could indicate a nesting position like so "Here is `@@`a sentence `##`where nesting`X1X` might succeed`X2X` because the numbers refers to specific opening marks".<br>
It might be tricky to avoid mistakes for this though and inserting a new mark in the middle will make the numbers refer wrongly.
Is nesting overkill? I don't think so. It is not unlikely to extract a paragraph for one aggregating context but extract small pieces within this same paragraph for another context.
*cherry-mark segment with other tiddlers name, perhaps `[[Foo]]like so[[Foo]]` to have it show up there.
*...or even `[[Foo]][[Bar]]like so[[Bar]][[Foo]]`<br>or `[mark[Frotz]]like so[mark[Frotz]]`<br>..hm, maybe those closing endmark could be smoother (`[[]][[]]`?)<br>or change syntax to `[[Foo|like so]]`
An idea would be to have a designated marker indicator, like `@...` and if it is enclosing (i.e `...@`), then the indicator is removed in the cherry and the result is displayed in `this way` but if there is no closing marker, then it is displayed in `@this` way. This would also give a view mode indicator that that you have not closed the segment.
The concept originally came up as a [[request|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/8rXt-qVqTb0/Jfvu6_gtCgAJ]] on the boards. I made a [[prototype|http://getsegment.tiddlyspot.com/]] which Tobias then made a (most likely improved) [[variant|http://tobibeer.github.io/tb5/#Text%20Excerpts]] of. However, they both relied on CSS trickery to e.g shrink irrelevant text to size 0 etc which just... I dunno, doesn't seem right.
More critically I want really "off the cuff" marks that don't break the workflow when //composing// tiddler text. //Collecting// the cherries is, I think, more of an admin matter and therefore OK with a `<<special macro call>>`.
<span style="float:right;">(For ''stress/bug testing'', instead go [[here|Stress testing]].)</span>
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/Instrux" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/Instrux" setTo="show" class="tc-btn-invisible tc-tiddlylink button-border">Instructions ▸</$button><br><br>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/Instrux" text="show" style="border: 1px solid lightgreen; padding:0 10px;">
<$button set="$:/state/Instrux" setTo="hide" class="tc-btn-invisible tc-tiddlylink button-border">close instrux</$button>
In the two ("live") sample editors below, use either `@bob` or `XXX` as marks.
To mark a...
*segment; //surround// it with marks XXXlike soXXX (note where spaces are or not)
*single word; //precede// it with the mark like XXXthis to only get that word ("this").
!!!Cherry Picking
...is already set up in the Demo, for `@bob` and `XXX`
Hover/click{{cherrybullet.png}} to access source tiddler.
*with problematic characters `[ { < "` (more?)
*Note that e.g marker `@bob` also captures `@bobsled`
*You can currently not call the macro in the same tiddler where you're picking from! (In the demo, this is solved by using editors to some other tiddlers.)
<br><span style="float:right; margin-top:-1em; font-size:80%;"><$button set="$:/state/Instrux" setTo="hide" class="tc-btn-invisible tc-tiddlylink button-border">close instrux</$button></span>
''Editor'' for [[some tiddler|Source text 1]]
<$edit-text tiddler="Source text 1" class="myeditor" tag="textarea" autoHeight />
''Editor'' for [[another tiddler|Source text 2]]
<$edit-text tiddler="""Source text 2""" class="myeditor" tag="textarea" autoHeight />
...''results'' using `<<cherrypicker "@bob">>` and `<<cherrypicker "xxx">>`
<<cherrypicker "@bob">>
<<cherrypicker "xxx">>
<span style="color:crimson;">un-implemented ideas</span>
*''text summaries'' - use marks for @@background:PapayaWhip ; highlighting@@ in text and get neat summaries elsewhere
*''attention notifications'' - `@bobWow!`
*''hashtags'' - `#twittlywiki`
*''element extractor'' - treat(!) markup or code "identifiers" as cherry marks to get code aggregations, e.g...
**''CSS'' definition overviews, e.g all `tc-tiddler-xx {......}`
***...to e.g identify "last call" overwrites
**''Macro'' index - list all macros and show which tids define them
**''HTML'' elements, e.g all `<table>` or `#id`...
!!!Missing features
*Optionally hide marks from view-mode.
*Optionally have marks @@background:PapayaWhip ; highlight@@ segments
:Both points above could be achieved via js but maybe also by overlaying tiddler body copy with processed text (basically having the macro re-display the whole text and adding style for the segments)
!!!Extending the concept
<$transclude tiddler="Extending the concept" mode="block"/>
!!!Further loose ideas
__Push-transclusion__ (pushclusion?)
<br>''i.e transclude content __to__ other tiddlers'' without needing to manipulate them.
*''Macro in viewtemplate'' to have segments cherry marked with //current// tiddler show up automatically in //current// tiddler.
* [[Push-transclusion via tag]]
*''Macro parameter'' to specify target tiddler(s), e.g `<<cherrypicker "mymark" "Foo">>`
*''Segment parameter'', i.e specify target on per segment basis
:- push info to aggregating documentation tiddlers
:- alerts e.g about updated content (ex "see this @@color:blue; new article@@ instead)
:- as commenting system, e.g in TWederation
Possibly even push stuff like the above to a //filtered// set of tiddlers (e.g //To all tids mentioning my plugin X, push "Plugin X, latest version: N"//)
__Push-transclude via regular mark(-pills) __
*Tag a (whole) tiddler to have it pushcluded to view of specified tiddler. I.e add markpill <<mark #Bar>> to tiddler Foo to have the Foo content display somewhere in tiddler Bar. Here I made up `#` to indicate it is for such pushclusion. Maybe reuse of traditional symbols `{{..}}` would be easier to remember? `<<mark {{Bar}}>>` or `<<mark {Bar}>>` or `<{mark bar}>`.
__Style definitions overview__
* cherrypick using e.g regexp ".[a-z] {"<br>
**...sort by first extracting e. "prefix[tc-foo]"
**...display each definition along with edit field
**...that on edit creates a new stylesheet tiddler with that cherry as content, (effectively making it overrule the picked one)
**while at it, add search terms :-)
__macro and transclusion links__
*In edit-mode, cherrypick and link-to strings appearing between `{{..}}` to get link list
**Or maybe wrap it in an editor to get editing possibilities in vincinity of transclusion definition.
*Get source list for where `<<macros>>` in current tiddler are defined.
[Note: Tiddler [[Stress testing]] is designed for bug searching.]
*Likely, there are logical implementation errors in my filters
*...but, significantly, the splitebore operator is <<stretch "limited" "which causes problem." """To clarify: to //test// if a marker is a start marker or end marker - as identifiable by if it is preceded or succeeded by a space character (i.e `" $mark$" vs "$mark$ "` ) - the //regexp// operator is used.. but then the actual //splitbefore// operator does not register space characters so it //might// cut in the wrong place... :-/""">>
*Can't macrocall in same tiddler where the marks appear
*Characters e.g `[ { < "` interfere with the filtering
*Linebreak immediately after closing mark makes filter not register the closing mark
See also [[Future Ideas]] for other improvement matters.
This is, I feel, a more conventionally packaged solution for how "push-transclusion" or //pushclusion// could be UI'ed:
<br>//Transclusion// -`{{Foo}}` - transcludes the content of Foo ("from Foo") __to__ current tiddler.
''Pushclusion'' reverses the direction: The //current// tiddler is //tagged// (i.e regular tagpill) with `{{Foo}}` - to make the current tiddler content appear in Foo.. __From__ current into Foo.
''Default display'' is below or above Foo's text field. Refine by specifying exactly where it is to appear like so; `{{Foo!!<field>}}` (to mean, say, //before// `<field>`) or specifically `{{Foo!!list-before:<field>}}`.
<br>''Multiple targets'' by tagging with a //filter//<br>
:`{{[tag[Bar]]}}` = pushclude into all tiddlers tagged Bar.
<br>''Example use case''<br>
All tiddlers tagged //Flower// get the text from the current tiddler which states "50% discount for lovers"
As you compose texts, you make up a //marks// for segments as indicators for the start and end of them, like HEYthis, and then again at end of your segmentHEY wherever you want.
Add it for HEYmultiple segments, also in different tiddlersHEY and then...
Hey @bobPlease note that you must foo@bob and while at it let's xxxGoCrazy like there's no tomorrow! @bobCan you hear me?@bob heyxxx hey @bobA
@bobHi again@bob Please note that you must foo@bob and while at it let's xxxOk, I ran out of clever things to writexxxHere's another onexxx or two
<$edit-text tiddler="Stylesheet for tests" class="myeditor" tag="textarea" autoHeight="no" />
<span style="position:absolute; right:5em; margin-top:-2.2em; font-size:80%;">([[tid|Stylesheet for tests]])</span>
<$edit-text tiddler="text cp5" class="myeditor" tag="textarea" autoHeight="yes"/>
<span style="position:absolute; right:5em; margin-top:-2.2em; font-size:80%;">([[tid|text cp5]])</span>
<<cherrypicker "@cc">>
/* mutilate a variable style-name (e.g .txt into .Xtxt) to make it visible in the cherrylist */
.txt, .pfx, .rest {display:none;} /* see CherryPicker macro for the actual variable */
Hey @aa111 111@aa 222 @aa333 444 @aa555
Hey @bb111 111@bb 222 @bb333 444@bb 555 @bb666 666
@ccAA AA@cc bb @ccDDD DDD DDD@ccEEE EEE@cc @cc
Supports all blockquote markup from TWC (see below) and also...
''custom classes''
>.red this will be styled
>.custom-class.red this will be styled
''nested within lists''
* foo
*> bar
* foo
*> bar
> block
>> quotes
>>> are easy
> block
>> quotes
>>> are easy
This wiki gathers information that helps you to compare between and migrate from [[TiddlyWikiClasic|http://classic.tiddlywiki.com]] to the new version of TiddlyWiki...
`` `code` ``
| !Context | !Action | !Shortcut | !Details |
|editing|save tiddler|~Ctrl-Enter|for Macs: Ctrl => Cmd|
|editing|cancel|Esc|leave edit-mode|
|search|clear|Esc|clears the search term|
See http://tiddlywiki.org/#AccessKeys:
| !Context | !Action | !Shortcut | !Details |
|editing|save tiddler|~Ctrl-Enter|for Macs: Ctrl => Cmd|
|editing|minor change|~Shift-Ctrl-Enter|does not update modified timestamp|
|editing|cancel|Esc|leave edit-mode|
|search|clear|Esc|clears the search term|
Some core macros define [[access keys|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Access_key]], whose invocation is browser-specific:
| !Action | !PC | !Mac |h
|search|SHIFT+ALT+F| CTRL+F|
|saveChanges|SHIFT+ALT+S| CTRL+S|
|newTiddler|SHIFT+ALT+N| CTRL+N|
|newJournal|SHIFT+ALT+J| CTRL+J|
In TW5, lists require to either bei at the beginning of a tiddler or block, or otherwise be preceded by a blank line, e.g.
This fails in TW5, but not in TWc...
* foo
* bar
This is howTW5 expects it...
* foo
* bar
This fails in TW5, but not in TWc...
* foo
* bar
This is howTW5 expects it...
* foo
* bar
; discussion
: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/2eqXBsxC8BM/-XzbynrkgoUJ
not implemented — <<git5 issues/699>>
!! @@color:red;Attention@@
TW5 repurposes this notation for [[hard linebreaks|http://tiddlywiki.com/static/Hard%2520Linebreaks%2520in%2520WikiText.html]]!
!! Workaround
You can use the rules pragma on it's own line to turn off italics, which will also prevent you from using `//foo//` in the same tiddler.
\rules except emphasis
A solution [[proposed|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/JLJ2weN08Ho/pFae2_hvukYJ]] by [[Stephan Hradek]] to prevent wikification of problematic content as was done in TWc using `<nowiki>//foo</nowiki>` or `"""//fooi"""`.
Imagine you wanted to display a literal `//foo` but without the code highlight as I just did.
Use a template like: <<source plain>>
Simply add tags with strings into the default tag editor to add them:
*`foo bar`
They are internally stored as [[foo bar]].
When using a plain input field for entering tags, you need to use this notation to declare a tag with spaces:
* `[[foo bar]]`
Can use all of these to enter tags with spaces:
* `"foo bar"`
* `'foo bar'`
* `[[foo bar]]`
Silently turns all into `[[foo bar]]` when saving, even internally when calling `readBracketedList` on a list of supposed tiddler titles.
\define pluginWikiAddress()
<$list filter="[all[current]get[source-wiki-id]get[wiki-address]]">
<a href=<<currentTiddler>>> <<currentTiddler>> </a>
@@color: orange;
''Extracted plugin: this tiddler was generated automatically. There is no warranty about the corresponding plugin origin or state of maintenance.''
|Tiddler title |<$text text={{!!source-tiddler-title-as-text}}/> |<|
|Version |{{!!version}} |<|
|Description |{{!!description}} |<|
|Author |//plugin// |{{!!author}} |
|~|//wiki// |<<pluginAuthor>> |
|Wiki |<$link to={{!!source-wiki-id}}><$text text={{!!source-wiki-id}}/></$link> |<|
|~|<<pluginWikiAddress>> |<|
|Link |{{||$:/core/ui/ListItemTemplate}} |<|
!!! Possible match:
<$set name=plugin value={{!!source-tiddler-title-as-text}}>
<$list filter="[tag[CommunityPlugins]has[plugin_tiddler]field:plugin_tiddler<plugin>]">
<$link><$text text={{!!title}}/></$link><br/>
<li>wiki: {{!!wiki}}
<$link to=<<currentTiddler>>>
<strong><$view field="title"/></strong>
From wiki
<$list filter="[all[current]get[source-wiki-id]]">
\define sourceLink()
<$tiddler tiddler={{!!twcs-extracted-plugin-tiddler}}>
<$list filter="[all[current]has[twcs-error]]">
''Warning: something went wrong when collecting data about this plugin. Some information might be missing.''<br/>
Message: //{{!!twcs-error}}//<br/>
|Name |<strong><$text text={{!!name}}/></strong> |<|
|Tiddler title |<$text text={{!!plugin_tiddler}}/> |<|
|Version |{{!!twcs-version}} |<|
|Category |{{!!category}} |<|
|Description |//plugin// |{{!!twcs-description}} |
|~|//Jed's list// |{{!!short_description}} |
|Author |//plugin// |{{!!twcs-author}} |
|~|//Jed's list// |{{!!maintainer}} |
|~|//wiki// |<<pluginAuthor>> |
|Wiki |//tiddler// |<$link to={{!!twcs-wiki-id}}><$text text={{!!twcs-wiki-id}}/></$link> |
|~|//link// |{{!!wiki}} |
|Link |<<sourceLink>> |<|
!! Tiddlers tagged {{!!community-tag}}
<<listRecentTiddlers "[all[current]get[community-tag]listed[original-tags]sort[modified]] +[reverse[]]">>
!! Recent tiddlers containing {{!!community-tag}}
<<listRecentTiddlers "[is[system]has[source-wiki-id]!has[extracted-plugin]search{!!community-tag}sort[modified]!limit[25]] +[reverse[]]">>
<$list filter="[tag[CommunityWikis]field:author<currentTiddler>]">
@@font-size: 80%;
Authorised indexing: {{!!licence}}
!!! Address
<$list filter="[all[current]get[author]]" variable="author">
<$link to=<<author>>>
<$text text=<<author>>/>
!!! TW version
!!! Latest modifications
<<listRecentTiddlers "[source-wiki-id<currentTiddler>sort[modified]!limit[5]] +[reverse[]]">>
!!! Tags
<$list filter="[all[current]listed[community-wikis]tag[CommunityTags]!sort[community-tag-count]]">
!!! Tiddlers
{{!!wiki-nb-tiddlers}} indexed tiddlers.
<$button set="$:/PresentationTiddlerShowTiddlers" setTo="show">Show tiddlers</$button>
<$button set="$:/PresentationTiddlerShowTiddlers" setTo="hide">Hide tiddlers</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/PresentationTiddlerShowTiddlers" text="show">
<$list filter="[source-wiki-id<currentTiddler>sort[title]]">
<$transclude tiddler="$:/core/ui/ListItemTemplate" />
<$link to=<<currentTiddler>>>
<strong><$view field="title"/></strong>
<a href={{!!wiki-address}} target="_blank"><$view field="wiki-address"/></a><br/>
<$list filter="[all[current]get[author]]" variable="author">
<$link to=<<author>>>
<$text text=<<author>>/>
TW version {{||$:/CommunityWikiTWVersionInfo
@@font-style: italic;
{{!!wiki-nb-tiddlers}} tiddlers. Latest modification <$view field="wiki-latest-modification" format="relativedate"/>.
<$set name=version value={{!!wiki-tw-version}}>
<$list filter="[<version>prefix[5.1]]">
<$text text=<<version>>/>
<$list filter="[<version>prefix[5.0]]">
<$text text=<<version>>/>
[obsolete version]
<$list filter="[<version>!prefix[5.0]!prefix[5.1]]">
<$text text=<<version>>/>
[no version found!]
<$select tiddler='ContactTemp' field='group'>
<$list filter='[tag[ContactGroup]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<$tiddler tiddler={{!!title}}>
<$set name="tiddlerName" value={{!!title}}>
<$set name="textstyle1" value={{ContactDisplayTemplate1!!text_style}}>
<<contactSlider {{ContactDisplayTemplate1!!button_type}}>>
<p class='tc-tiddler-frame' style='width:400px; background-color:#f1f1f1'>
__Button Style__:
<$select tiddler='ContactDisplayTemplate1' field="button_type">
<option value='tc-btn-invisible'>No button</option>
<option value=''>Normal button</option></$select>
__Text Style__:
<$select tiddler='ContactDisplayTemplate1' field="text_style">
<option value="">Plain text</option>
<option value="''">Bold text</option>
<option value="//">Italic text</option>
<option value="__">Underlined text</option>
\define contactsTabsMacro()
<<tabs "$(thing)$ [[New Contact Form]] [[Contacts Settings]]" $(thing)$>>
<$set name=thing value={{!!contact_list_template}}>
<<contactsTabsMacro {{!!contact_list_template}}>>
<$tiddler tiddler={{!!contact_list_template}}>
<<tiddlerSlider "New Contact Form">>
<<tiddlerSlider "Contacts Settings">>
!!Contact Display template to use:
This is how each individual contact will be displayed in the list of contacts<br>
<div class='tc-tiddler-frame' style='width:600px; background-color:#fafafa'>
<$select tiddler='Contacts' field='contact_display_template'>
<$list filter='[tag[ContactDisplayTemplate]]'>
<option value={{!!title}}><$view field='display_name'/></option>
<$tiddler tiddler={{Contacts!!contact_display_template}}>
<$transclude tiddler={{!!settings_tiddler}}/>
Preview: <br>
<div class='tc-tiddler-frame' style='width:500px; background-color:#f0f0f0'>
<$tiddler tiddler={{Contacts!!contact_display_template}}><$transclude/></$tiddler>
!!Contact List template to use:
This is the template used to generate the list of contacts, click on the name to see the template (How it looks changes based on the display template selected above).<br>
<div class='tc-tiddler-frame' style='width:600px; background-color:#fafafa'>
<$select tiddler='Contacts' field='contact_list_template'>
<$list filter='[tag[ContactListTemplate]]'>
<option value={{!!title}}><$view field=display_name/></option>
<$tiddler tiddler={{Contacts!!contact_list_template}}>
<$transclude tiddler={{!!settings_tiddler}}/>
<div class='tc-tiddler-frame' style='width:500px; background-color:#f0f0f0'>
<$tiddler tiddler={{Contacts!!contact_list_template}}>
\define contactSlider(buttonType)
<$tiddler tiddler=$(tiddlerName)$>
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$" setTo="show" class=$buttonType$>{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}$(textstyle1)$$(tiddlerName)$$(textstyle1)$</$button> - {{$(tiddlerName)$!!blurb}}
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$" setTo="hide" class=$buttonType$>{{$:/core/images/down-arrow}}$(textstyle1)$$(tiddlerName)$$(textstyle1)$</$button> - {{$(tiddlerName)$!!blurb}}
<$link to="$(tiddlerName)$">Open Contact</$link>
|!Personal Email Address |<<editEmailField1 personal_email_address>> |<<editField2 personal_email_address>> |
|!Work Email Address |<<editEmailField1 work_email_address>> |<<editField2 work_email_address>> |
|!Other Email Address |<<editEmailField1 other_email_address>> |<<editField2 other_email_address>> |
|!Home Phone Number |<<editField1 home_phone_number>> |<<editField2 home_phone_number>> |
|!Cell Phone Number |<<editField1 cell_phone_number>> |<<editField2 cell_phone_number>> |
|!Work Phone Number |<<editField1 work_phone_number>> |<<editField2 work_phone_number>> |
|!Blurb |<<editField1 blurb>> |<<editField2 blurb>> |
|!Group |<<contactEditGroup group>> |<<editField2 group>> |
\define getAddress()
\define editEmailField1(fieldName)
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$$fieldName$" text="show">
<$set name=address value={{$(tiddlerName)$!!$fieldName$}}>
<a href=<<getAddress>> target="_top">{{$(tiddlerName)$!!$fieldName$}}</a>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$$fieldName$" text="show">
<$edit-text tiddler="$(tiddlerName)$" field="$fieldName$"/>
\define editField1(fieldName)
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$$fieldName$" text="show">
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$$fieldName$" text="show">
<$edit-text tiddler="$(tiddlerName)$" field="$fieldName$"/>
\define editField2(fieldName)
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$$fieldName$" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$$fieldName$" setTo="show">Edit</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$$fieldName$" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$$fieldName$" setTo="hide">Edit</$button>
\define contactAddress()
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$Address" text="show">
Address (<$button set="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$Address" setTo="show">Edit</$button>) :<br>
{{$(tiddlerName)$!!city}}, {{$(tiddlerName)$!!state_or_provence}}<br>
{{$(tiddlerName)$!!zip_code}} {{$(tiddlerName)$!!country}}
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$Address" text="show">
Address (<$button set="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$Address" setTo="hide">Edit</$button>): <br>
<$edit-text tiddler="$(tiddlerName)$" field="street_address" focusPopup="Edit" placeholder="Street Address"/> <br>
<$edit-text tiddler="$(tiddlerName)$" field="city" focusPopup="Edit" placeholder="City"/>, <$edit-text tiddler="$(tiddlerName)$" field="state_or_provence" focusPopup="Edit" placeholder="State or Provence"/> <br>
<$edit-text tiddler="$(tiddlerName)$" field="zip_code" focusPopup="Edit" placeholder="Zip Code"/> <$edit-text tiddler="$(tiddlerName)$" field="country" focusPopup="Edit" placeholder="Country"/>
\define contactAbout()
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$About" text="show">
About (<$button set="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$About" setTo="show">Edit</$button>) :<br>
<$view tiddler="$(tiddlerName)$" field="text"/>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$About" text="show">
About (<$button set="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$About" setTo="hide">Edit</$button>): <br>
<$edit-text tiddler="$(tiddlerName)$" field="text" size="120"/> <br>
\define newContactAddGroup1()
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/NewContactFormAddGroup" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/NewContactFormAddGroup" setTo="show">New Group</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/NewContactFormAddGroup" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/NewContactFormAddGroup" setTo="hide">
<$action-setfield $tiddler={{ContactTemp!!group}} tags="ContactGroup" title={{ContactTemp!!group}}/>Add Group</$button>
<$button set="$:/state/NewContactFormAddGroup" setTo="hide">Cancel</$button>
\define newContactAddGroup2()
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/NewContactFormAddGroup" text="show">
{{Contact Group Selector}}
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/NewContactFormAddGroup" text="show">
<$edit-text tiddler="ContactTemp" field="group" size="20"/>
\define contactEditGroup(fieldName)
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$$fieldName$" text="show">
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$$fieldName$" text="show">
<$select tiddler='$(tiddlerName)$' field='group'>
<$list filter='[tag[ContactGroup]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<$transclude tiddler=DashboardTemplate/>
<<toc-tabbed-internal-nav tag:"Dashboard" selectedTiddler:"$:/temp/toc/selectedTiddler" unselectedText:"Select a topic in the table of contents. Click the arrow to expand a topic." default:"Introduction">>
\define textSlider(label text)
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/$label$" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/$label$" setTo="show">$label$</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/$label$" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/$label$" setTo="hide">$label$</$button>
\define textSliderNoButton(label text)
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/$label$" text="show">
!!<$button set="$:/state/$label$" setTo="show" class="tc-btn-invisible">{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}$label$</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/$label$" text="show">
!!<$button set="$:/state/$label$" setTo="hide" class="tc-btn-invisible">{{$:/core/images/down-arrow}}$label$</$button>
\define tiddlerSlider(tiddlerName)
<$tiddler tiddler="$tiddlerName$">
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/$tiddlerName$" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/$tiddlerName$" setTo="show">Show <<currentTiddler>></$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/$tiddlerName$" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/$tiddlerName$" setTo="hide">Hide <<currentTiddler>></$button>
\define tiddlerSliderNoButton(tiddlerName)
<$tiddler tiddler="$tiddlerName$">
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/$tiddlerName$" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/$tiddlerName$" setTo="show" class="tc-btn-invisible"><<currentTiddler>></$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/$tiddlerName$" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/$tiddlerName$" setTo="hide" class="tc-btn-invisible"><<currentTiddler>></$button>
\define collapsibleGroupContactListTemplate()
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/$(tiddlerGroup)$" text="show">
!!<$button set="$:/state/$(tiddlerGroup)$" setTo="show" class={{GroupContactListTemplate!!button_type}}>{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}$(textstyle)${{$(tiddlerTitle)$!!group}}$(textstyle)$</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/$(tiddlerGroup)$"text="show">
!!<$button set="$:/state/$(tiddlerGroup)$" setTo="hide" class={{GroupContactListTemplate!!button_type}}>{{$:/core/images/down-arrow}}$(textstyle)${{$(tiddlerTitle)$!!group}}$(textstyle)$</$button>
<$list filter="[tag[Contacts]sort[title]group{$(tiddlerTitle)$!!group}]" template={{Contacts!!contact_display_template}}>
\define groupContactListTemplate()
<$list filter="[tag[Contacts]sort[title]group{$(tiddlerTitle)$!!group}]" template={{Contacts!!contact_display_template}}>
<$tiddler tiddler={{!!title}}>
<$set name="textstyle" value={{GroupContactListTemplate!!text_style}}>
<$set name="tiddlerGroup" value={{!!group}}>
<$set name="tiddlerTitle" value={{!!title}}>
\define allButtonMacro()
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/GroupContactListTemplateAll" text="show">
!!<$button set="$:/state/GroupContactListTemplateAll" setTo="show" class={{GroupContactListTemplate!!button_type}}>{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}$(textstyle)$All$(textstyle)$</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/GroupContactListTemplateAll" text="show">
!!<$button set="$:/state/GroupContactListTemplateAll" setTo="hide" class={{GroupContactListTemplate!!button_type}}>{{$:/core/images/down-arrow}}$(textstyle)$All$(textstyle)$</$button>
<$list filter="[tag[Contacts]!tag[Templates]]" template={{Contacts!!contact_display_template}}>
<$list filter="[tag[Contacts]sort[group]each[group]]" template="GroupContactListGroupTemplate">
<$view field="group"/>
<$set name="textstyle" value={{GroupContactListTemplate!!text_style}}>
<p class='tc-tiddler-frame' style='width:400px; background-color:#f1f1f1'>
__Grouping Type__:
<$select tiddler='GroupContactListGroupTemplate' field="group_type">
<option value='<<collapsibleGroupContactListTemplate>>'>Collapsible Groups</option>
<option value='<<groupContactListTemplate>>'>Static Groups</option></$select>
__Button Style__:
<$select tiddler='GroupContactListTemplate' field="button_type">
<option value='tc-btn-invisible'>No button</option>
<option value=''>Normal button</option></$select>
__Text Style__:
<$select tiddler='GroupContactListTemplate' field="text_style">
<option value="">Plain text</option>
<option value="''">Bold text</option>
<option value="//">Italic text</option>
<option value="__">Underlined text</option>
!Welcome to ~TiddlyWiki!
~TiddlyWiki is a personal organizer or personal wiki. This is a version designed specifically as a contacts database that doesn't require much, if any learning to use.
!!To get started
If you just want to get started working then you can click on `Contacts` to the left. There will be three tabs near the top of the window, above the world `Contacts List`, if you click on the tab labelled `New Contact Form` a form that you can fill out to add contacts will appear. If you click on the tab labelled `Contacts Settings` you can change how the contacts are displayed in the contacts list, under the tab `Contacts List`.
!!!Contact Groups
On the new contact form there is an option to set the contacts group. This sets where it is listed on the contacts list. You can add a new group by clicking the 'New Group' button on the new contact form and entering the name you wish to give the new group.
There are two basic settings that you can change that determine how the contacts list is displayed. The first controls the contact display template, which determines how each entry on the contacts list is displayed and the second controls how the list of contacts is displayed. There is no way to break anything by changing these settings, so feel free to experiment.
!!What do these words mean?
Here is a list of words and definitions related to this wiki that you may not be familiar with, you can skip this part without any problems:
*''Wiki'' - a user editable document. Wikipedia is probably the most famous example of a wiki. A wiki contains pages or articles that can link to each other to allow navigation through the different articles. What you are currently reading is an example of a wiki called ~TiddlyWiki
*''Link'' - A link is a word or phrase that you can click on that will bring you to a new place or open up a new page. Links in this wiki are colored blue and when you hover over one it will become underlined. Clicking on links is one of the main ways to navigate this wiki.
*''Tiddler'' - A single unit used by ~TiddlyWiki. Everything on this wiki is made up of tiddlers, and when you create something here it will be a tiddler. An article on wikipedia would be equivalent to a tiddler. But a tiddler can be significantly more than what is done on wikipedia. Don't worry too much about specifics if you don't want to, the important thing to know now is that when you open something on this wiki what you open is a tiddler. For examples and more explaination go to www.tiddlywiki.com
*''~TiddlyWiki'' - ~TiddlyWiki is a program that can be used in many different ways, what you are reading right now is an example of a ~TiddlyWiki, but there are many more things that can be done with one. <!-- add history or something here -->
!!If you want to get rid of this message
If you want to prevent this message from appearing anymore you can click on the button below. Once you do this than this message won't appear again, so make sure you understand the basics of how to use this wiki before you press it.
If you want this message to stay available than just click on one of the options to the left to get started using the wiki. If you click on the word `Introduction` than this message will appear again.
Click the button down below that says `Don't show this again` and this message will no longer appear when you open your wiki.
<$button message='tm-modal' param=RemoveIntroMessageModal>Don't show this again</$button>
\define getFullName() $(FirstName)$ $(LastName)$ ($(NickName)$)
|!First Name |<$edit-text tiddler="ContactTemp" field="firstname" placeholder="First Name" size="40"/>|
|!Last Name |<$edit-text tiddler="ContactTemp" field="lastname" placeholder="Last Name" size="40"/>|
|!Nick Name |<$edit-text tiddler="ContactTemp" field="nickname" placeholder="Nick Name" size="40"/>|
|!Personal Email Address |<$edit-text tiddler="ContactTemp" field="personalemailaddress" placeholder="Personal Email Address" size="40"/>|
|!Work Email Address |<$edit-text tiddler="ContactTemp" field="workemailaddress" placeholder="Work Email Address" size="40"/>|
|!Other Email Address |<$edit-text tiddler="ContactTemp" field="otheremailaddress" placeholder="Other Email Address" size="40"/>|
|!Home Phone Number |<$edit-text tiddler="ContactTemp" field="homephonenumber" placeholder="Home Phone Number" size="40"/>|
|!Cell Phone Number |<$edit-text tiddler="ContactTemp" field="cellphonenumber" placeholder="Cell Phone Number" size="40"/>|
|!Work Phone Number |<$edit-text tiddler="ContactTemp" field="workphonenumber" placeholder="Work Phone Number" size="40"/>|
|!Street Address |<$edit-text tiddler="ContactTemp" field="streetaddress" placeholder="Street Address" size="40"/>|
|!City |<$edit-text tiddler="ContactTemp" field="city" placeholder="City" size="40"/>|
|!State/Provence |<$edit-text tiddler="ContactTemp" field="stateprovence" placeholder="State/Provence" size="40"/>|
|!Zip Code |<$edit-text tiddler="ContactTemp" field="zipcode" placeholder="Zip Code" size="40"/>|
|!Country |<$edit-text tiddler="ContactTemp" field="country" placeholder="Country" size="40"/>|
|!Blurb |<$edit-text tiddler="ContactTemp" field="blurb" placeholder="Quick description" size="40"/>|
|!Group |<<newContactAddGroup2>> <<newContactAddGroup1>>|
<$set name="FirstName" value={{ContactTemp!!firstname}}>
<$set name="LastName" value={{ContactTemp!!lastname}}>
<$set name="NickName" value={{ContactTemp!!nickname}}>
<$set name="grouptag" value={{ContactTemp!!group}}>
<$button>Create Contact
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<getFullName>> first_name={{ContactTemp!!firstname}} last_name={{ContactTemp!!lastname}} nick_name={{ContactTemp!!nickname}} personal_email_address={{ContactTemp!!personalemailaddress}} work_email_address={{ContactTemp!!workemailaddress}} other_email_address={{ContactTemp!!otheremailaddress}} home_phone_number={{ContactTemp!!homephonenumber}} work_phone_number={{ContactTemp!!workphonenumber}} cell_phone_number={{ContactTemp!!cellphonenumber}} street_address={{ContactTemp!!streetaddress}} country={{ContactTemp!!country}} state_or_provence={{ContactTemp!!stateprovence}} zip_code={{ContactTemp!!zipcode}} city={{ContactTemp!!city}} blurb={{ContactTemp!!blurb}} group={{ContactTemp!!group}} tags="Contacts"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=ContactTemp firstname="" lastname="" nickname="" personalemailaddress="" workemailaddress="" otheremailaddress="" homephonenumber="" workphonenumber="" cellphonenumber="" streetaddress="" country="" stateprovence="" zipcode="" city="" blurb=""/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-new-tiddler" title=<<getFullName>> first_name={{ContactTemp!!firstName}} last_name={{ContactTemp!!lastName}} nick_name={{ContactTemp!!nickName}} personal_email_address={{ContactTemp!!personalEmailAddress}} work_email_address={{ContactTemp!!workEmailAddress}} other_email_address={{ContactTemp!!otherEmailAddress}} home_phone_number={{ContactTemp!!homePhoneNumber}} work_phone_number={{ContactTemp!!workPhoneNumber}} cell_phone_number={{ContactTemp!!cellPhoneNumber}} street_address={{ContactTemp!!streetAddress}} country={{ContactTemp!!country}} state_or_provence={{ContactTemp!!stateProvence}} zip_code={{ContactTemp!!zipCode}} city={{ContactTemp!!city}} blurb={{ContactTemp!!blurb}} group={{ContactTemp!!group}} tags="Contacts"/> -->
Are you sure you want to remove the introduction message? Even if you remove it here you can still view it by going to the `Table of Contents` tab and clicking on it there.
<$fieldmangler tiddler=Introduction><$button><$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-tag' $param=Dashboard/><$action-sendmessage $message='tm-close-tiddler'/>Yes</$button></$fieldmangler> <$button message='tm-close-tiddler'>No</$button>
<$link to={{!!title}}>{{!!title}}</$link><br>
<$list filter=[tag[Contacts]] template= {{Contacts!!contact_display_template}}>
This widget looks for a word inside a tiddler and shows the result with the searched word highlighted with some of its context.
The easiest way is to just grab the plugin. It contents the basic tiddlers needed. Just drag and drop the following link into your own wiki:
After installing the plugin you will have a new tab in [[$:/AdvancedSearch]] called [[Context Search]]. If you want this functionality in other places you will have to edit the desired tiddler yourself adding the ''context widget''. For more details about using the widget see the section below.
!!Using the widget
The very basic usage of the widget is the following:
<$context term="lorem"/>
Which will render as:
<$context term="lorem"/>
The widgets will search inside the current tiddler by default. Because that you see the same content twice here. This example is not very useful. Other more meaningful would be:
<$list filter="[search{$:/temp/advancedsearch}sort[title]limit[250]]">
<$context term={{$:/temp/advancedsearch}}/>
That will search for tiddlers containing the text specified in [[$:/temp/advancedsearch]] and will display a link to the matching tiddlers plus a preview of the matching content. Something very similar is used in [[Context Search]]. Below you can find a complete list of parameters and their default values.
|! parameter |! description | !default |
| term | The term you want to search ||
| searchTerm | An alias for the previous one ||
| tiddler | The tiddler's name to look into | current tiddler |
| length | Number of context characters to show | 50 |
| before | Number of characters before the matched term to show | the value of the length parameter |
| after | Number of characters after the matched term to show | the value of the length parameter |
| maxMatches | maximun number of matched elements to show. Incrementing this can cause several performance issues | 10 |
| element | Node element to create. This element will contain the results of the search. If you want to style it its class is `tw-context` | `<pre>` |
| matchClass | The css class to assign to the matched terms in the results. This is used to highlight the results | matched |
!Customizing the output
There are not many ways to customize the output of this widget. You can specify ''what type of node you want to create'' to wrap the results (div,span...). The default is `<pre>`. This container is created with the class `tw-context` so you can easily apply styles to it. Something similar happens to the ''highlighted'' words. You can specify the name of the class to assign to it and also you can apply styles to that class.
A very basic example of customization could be:
# Create a tiddler, for example [[$/plugins/danielo515/context/css]]
# Paste the following text or any css rule you want: """
.tw-context {
border:1px solid blue;
word-break: break-all; word-wrap: break-word;}
# Tag it with `$:/tags/stylesheet`
# Save the tiddler
!Live example
Here is a transclusion of [[Context Search]] so you can see the plugin in action:
{{Context Search}}
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
{{a.tc-tiddlylink-external Class Override||CSS Creation Template}}
{{a.tc-tiddlylink-missing Class Override||CSS Creation Template}}
{{a.tc-tiddlylink-resolves Class Override||CSS Creation Template}}
{{a.tc-tiddlylink-shadow Class Override||CSS Creation Template}}
Note: The size settings part is from [[http://twaddle.tiddlyspot.com/]] and doesn't work correctly here because I am missing something.
__''Mostly Unrelated''__
There is a demo using a range widget to set the size of the tiddler titles below in [[Range widget for modifying css]]. It uses a range widget I put together.
__''What and Why''__
In order to allow easy access the (potentially) hundreds of useful settings without using a gigantic confusing list I have used the mobile menus macro I made to divide the settings up into different categories. At the moment for demonstration I only have settings for fonts and links.
I am going to put as many options in this packaged as a plugin as I can, then a user can import the plugin and change whatever options they want. This will overwrite shadow tiddlers and when the user deletes the plugin the modified shadows will remain so that the changes stay even though the plugin is deleted. This lets me put in all of the options without worrying about the size because only the modified css tiddlers will remain after the modifications are done. I could also make the tiddler that makes the control panel tab available separate from the rest of the plugin so you could keep the tab with only the desired options after doing the modifications.
__''How to use it:''__
Click on `Font Settings` to show a list of the places you can change the fonts (this is a very incomplete list), then click on one of the options (like `Tiddler Title`) to get a list of the possible changes you can make to the fonts. This is also an incomplete list I made for demonstration.
__''How to add more:''__
To add new options use [[Add CSS Class]].
*Fill in the fields, the name is the name of the tiddler created and needs to be unique.
*CSS Class is the class the way you would write it to define a new class, so like `.tc-title`. If you put in one of the existing css classes used by the core than any properties in the new class will override the default settings. I made a list of built-in css classes [[here|http://inmysocks.tiddlyspot.com/#Builtin%20CSS%20Classes]]. You can create new classes using this also.
*The description is a short description shown in the menu
*The location part lets you select the parent node in the settings hierarchy. When you click on the `Add Class` button it opens up
''__NOTE__:'' You ''can'' add menu items that don't use the form. Just put whatever you would like in a tiddler and tag it appropriately so that it shows up in the menu. The above just describes how to automatically generate menu items to modify existing wiki attributes.
*Add a color picker to background-color (and the other color properties)
*Add an input slider option for the numeric fields with the proper ranges (hopefully using [[this|http://twaddle.tiddlyspot.com/#Theme%20Tweak%20Size%20Settings]] when it is ready)
*Possibly find a way to restrict the options in the add property select widget based on what is being modified (like word-spacing isn't helpful when making a css class for checkboxes)
\define thisMakeButton()
<$button>Add Class
<$fieldmangler tiddler={{$:/temp/Add CSS Class!!name}}>
<$action-setfield $tiddler={{$:/temp/Add CSS Class!!name}} description={{$:/temp/Add CSS Class!!description}} css_tiddler="""$(ClassName)$ Class Override""" tags="[[Advanced Settings Category]]" text='{{$(TiddlerTitle)$||CSS Options Template}}'/>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param={{$:/temp/Add CSS Class!!location}}/>
<$action-navigate $to={{$:/temp/Add CSS Class!!name}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="""$(ClassName)$ Class Override""" tags="$:/tags/Stylesheet" text="""{{$(ClassName)$ Class Override||CSS Creation Template}}"""/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Add CSS Class' description='' name='' class-name='' tags="Advanced Settings Category" text="""{{||CSS Options Template}}"""/>
Fill in the fields then click 'Add Class', the tiddler will be created and the tiddler where you can add properties and set their values.
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Add CSS Class' field='name' class='tc-edit-texteditor' placeholder="""Something descriptive like 'Tiddler Title' or 'SVG Buttons'"""/>
CSS Class:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Add CSS Class' field='class-name' class='tc-edit-texteditor' placeholder="""The full thing, like '.tc-title' or '.tc-image-down-arrow .tc-image-button svg'"""/>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Add CSS Class' field='description' class='tc-edit-texteditor' placeholder='A short description'/>
Location (select parent node):
<$select tiddler='$:/temp/Add CSS Class' field='location'>
<option value='$:/tags/Advanced Settings'>Root Layer</option>
<$list filter='[tag[Advanced Settings Category]]'>
<$set name=ClassName value={{$:/temp/Add CSS Class!!class-name}}>
<$set name=TiddlerTitle value={{$:/temp/Add CSS Class!!name}}>
\define thisOption()
<option tooltip={{CSS Properties##$(Property)$}}><<Property>></option>
Add other properties:
<$select tiddler='$:/state/CSS Properties' field='selected_property' default=''>
<option value=''>--</option>
<$list filter='[[CSS Properties]indexes[]]' variable=Property>
</$select> <$button>Add Property<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<CSSTiddler>> $field={{$:/state/CSS Properties!!selected_property}} $value=' '/></$button>
This is defined in the tiddler [[Advanced Settings]], see [[About Advanced Settings]] for more information.
<<MobileMenu RootTag:"$:/tags/Advanced Settings" MenuName:"Advanced Settings" Type:Menu MenuTitle:"" Subtitle:"" ShowBody:Body>>
{{All Buttons||CSS Options Template}}
{{button Class Override||CSS Creation Template}}
{{button.tc-btn-invisible svg.tc-image-clone-button.tc-image-button Class Override||CSS Creation Template}}
{{button.tc-btn-invisible svg.tc-image-close-button.tc-image-button Class Override||CSS Creation Template}}
{{button.tc-btn-invisible svg.tc-image-close-others-button.tc-image-button Class Override||CSS Creation Template}}
{{button.tc-btn-invisible svg.tc-image-down-arrow.tc-image-button Class Override||CSS Creation Template}}
{{button.tc-btn-invisible svg.tc-image-edit-button.tc-image-button Class Override||CSS Creation Template}}
{{button.tc-btn-invisible svg.tc-image-export-button.tc-image-button Class Override||CSS Creation Template}}
{{button.tc-btn-invisible svg.tc-image-info-button.tc-image-button Class Override||CSS Creation Template}}
{{button.tc-btn-invisible svg.tc-image-new-here-button.tc-image-button Class Override||CSS Creation Template}}
{{button.tc-btn-invisible svg.tc-image-new-journal-button.tc-image-button Class Override||CSS Creation Template}}
{{button.tc-btn-invisible svg.tc-image-permalink-button.tc-image-button Class Override||CSS Creation Template}}
{{button.tc-btn-invisible svg.tc-image-permaview-button.tc-image-button Class Override||CSS Creation Template}}
{{button.tc-btn-invisible:hover svg.tc-image-close-button.tc-image-button Class Override||CSS Creation Template}}
{{button.tc-btn-invisible:hover svg.tc-image-close-others-button.tc-image-button Class Override||CSS Creation Template}}
{{button.tc-btn-invisible:hover svg.tc-image-down-arrow.tc-image-button Class Override||CSS Creation Template}}
{{button.tc-btn-invisible:hover svg.tc-image-edit-button.tc-image-button Class Override||CSS Creation Template}}
{{button.tc-btn-invisible:hover svg.tc-image-export-button.tc-image-button Class Override||CSS Creation Template}}
{{button.tc-btn-invisible:hover svg.tc-image-info-button.tc-image-button Class Override||CSS Creation Template}}
{{button.tc-btn-invisible:hover svg.tc-image-new-here-button.tc-image-button Class Override||CSS Creation Template}}
{{button.tc-btn-invisible:hover svg.tc-image-new-tiddler-button.tc-image-button Class Override||CSS Creation Template}}
{{button.tc-btn-invisible:hover svg.tc-image-permalink-button.tc-image-button Class Override||CSS Creation Template}}
{{button.tc-btn-invisible:hover svg.tc-image-permaview-button.tc-image-button Class Override||CSS Creation Template}}
{{button.tc-btn-invisible.tc-btn-mini Class Override||CSS Creation Template}}
{{Buttons in the Open sidebar tab||CSS Options Template}}
<$list filter='[<currentTiddler>removesuffix[ Class Override]]'><$view field='title'/></$list> {<br><$list filter='[<currentTiddler>fields[]]-[[title]]-[[modified]]-[[text]]-[[created]]-[[tags]]' variable=ThisField><$view tiddler=<<ThisField>> field=title/>: <$transclude tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field=<<ThisField>>/>;<br></$list>}
<$set name=CSSTiddler value={{!!css_tiddler}}>
<$list filter='[<CSSTiddler>fields[]]-[[created]]-[[title]]-[[modified]]-[[text]]-[[tags]]' template= CSSOptionsListTemplate>
{{Add CSS Property}}
<$view field='title'/> (<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<CSSTiddler>>><$button>Remove<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-field' $param=<<currentTiddler>>/></$button></$fieldmangler>): <$edit-text tiddler=<<CSSTiddler>> field=<<currentTiddler>> class='tc-edit-texteditor'/><br>
.tc-tiddler-title {
font-size: {{!!value}}{{!!unit}};
{{External Links||CSS Options Template}}
<$list filter='[suffix[ Class Override]]'>
<$list filter='[<currentTiddler>removesuffix[ Class Override]]'><$view field='title'/></$list> {
<$list filter='[<currentTiddler>fields[]]-[[title]]-[[modified]]-[[text]]-[[created]]-[[tags]]' variable=ThisField>
<$view tiddler=<<ThisField>> field=title/>: <$transclude tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field=<<ThisField>>/>;<br>
{{Links||CSS Options Template}}
{{Links to Missing Tiddlers||CSS Options Template}}
{{Links to Normal Tidders||CSS Options Template}}
{{Links to Shadow Tiddlers||CSS Options Template}}
Some things to remember to add:
*All of the toolbar icons
*on hover for all of the toolbar icons
*on hover for all link types
*tab classes
*sidebar list classes
*tiddler title icon
*Lots more
{{Page Control Buttons||CSS Options Template}}
A quick demo of using a slider to set the font size used by tiddler titles. The css is generated in [[Example CSS]]
<$range tiddler='Example CSS' field='value' min=1 max=30/>
<$radio tiddler='Example CSS' field='unit' value=px>px</$radio>
<$radio tiddler='Example CSS' field='unit' value=em>em</$radio>
<$radio tiddler='Example CSS' field='unit' value=vh>vh</$radio>
<$radio tiddler='Example CSS' field='unit' value=vw>vw</$radio>
{{select Class Override||CSS Creation Template}}
{{Select Widgets||CSS Options Template}}
{{Selected Tab in the Sidebar||CSS Options Template}}
{{Selected Tab Inside Tiddlers||CSS Options Template}}
{{Sidebar List Item||CSS Options Template}}
{{Sidebar List Item Headers||CSS Options Template}}
{{Sidebar Search Box||CSS Options Template}}
{{Sidebar Tab Buttons||CSS Options Template}}
{{Site Subtitle||CSS Options Template}}
{{Site Title||CSS Options Template}}
{{Tabs for Tab Macro Inside Tiddlers||CSS Options Template}}
{{Tag Pills||CSS Options Template}}
\define slidertable(field:"nofield" ex unit txt)
<tr><td valign="top">[[$field$|$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/$field$]]@@float:right; $ex$@@$txt$</td><td valign="top"><$edit-text tag="input" type="range" tiddler="$:/.ThemeTweakSizes" field="$field$"/></td><td valign="top" nowrap>@@display:inline-block;width:3em; <$edit-text tiddler="$:/.ThemeTweakSizes" field="$field$" default="" tag="input" size="3"/>$unit$@@</td></tr>
[[Theme Tweak Size Settings]]<br>
#textsizes{ position:fixed; right:20px; top:30px;
background:white; border: 1px gray solid; }
#storytop {position: fixed; width:100vh; left:-10vw; top:51vh; transform:rotate(90deg);}
#storyleft {position: fixed; left:0px; width:100vw; top:95vh; }
#storyright{position: fixed; left:0px; width:100vw; top:0px; }
#tiddlerwidth{position: relative; width:100vw; left:-40px;}
#widthcutter { width:{{$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/tiddlerwidth}}; overflow-x: hidden; left:-40px; height: 30px; }
<table class="no-border" width="100%">
<<slidertable "sidebarbreakpoint" "" "%" "<br>//the minimum page width at which the<br>story river and sidebar will appear side by side// ">>
Note: [[storywidth|$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/storywidth]] is set to same value as tiddler width.
<!-- Independently floating box for font settings as they otherwise affect the page as they are set -->
<div id="textsizes">
<table class="no-border" width="100%">
<tr><td colspan="3" nowrap>@@float:right;color:red; "''!''" = change carefully @@</td></tr>
<<slidertable "fontsize" "" "px">>
<<slidertable "lineheight" "" "px">>
<<slidertable "bodyfontsize" "'' @@color:red; !!!@@''" "px">>
<<slidertable "bodylineheight" "!" "px">>
<div id="storytop"><$edit-text tag="input" type="range" tiddler="$:/.ThemeTweakSizes" field="storytop"/></div>
<div id="storyright"><$edit-text tag="input" type="range" tiddler="$:/.ThemeTweakSizes" field="storyright"/></div>
<div id="storyleft"><$edit-text tag="input" type="range" tiddler="$:/.ThemeTweakSizes" field="storyleft"/></div>
<div id="widthcutter"><div id="tiddlerwidth">
<$edit-text tag="input" type="range" tiddler="$:/.ThemeTweakSizes" field="tiddlerwidth"/></div>
{{Tiddler Body Text||CSS Options Template}}
{{Tiddler Body Text (Edit Mode)||CSS Options Template}}
{{Tiddler Clone Button||CSS Options Template}}
{{Tiddler Clone Button (Hover)||CSS Options Template}}
{{Tiddler Close Button||CSS Options Template}}
{{Tiddler Close Button (Hover)||CSS Options Template}}
{{Tiddler Close Others Button||CSS Options Template}}
{{Tiddler Close Others Button (Hover)||CSS Options Template}}
{{Tiddler Edit Button||CSS Options Template}}
{{Tiddler Edit Button (Hover)||CSS Options Template}}
{{Tiddler Export Button||CSS Options Template}}
{{Tiddler Export Button (Hover)||CSS Options Template}}
{{Tiddler Frame||CSS Options Template}}
{{Tiddler Info Button||CSS Options Template}}
{{Tiddler Info Button (Hover)||CSS Options Template}}
{{Tiddler More Actions Button||CSS Options Template}}
{{Tiddler More Actions Button (Hover)||CSS Options Template}}
{{Tiddler New Here Button||CSS Options Template}}
{{Tiddler New Here Button (Hover)||CSS Options Template}}
{{Tiddler New Journal Here Button||CSS Options Template}}
{{Tiddler New Journal Here Button (Hover)||CSS Options Template}}
{{Tiddler Permalink Button||CSS Options Template}}
{{Tiddler Permalink Button (Hover)||CSS Options Template}}
{{Tiddler Permaview Button||CSS Options Template}}
{{Tiddler Permaview Button (Hover)||CSS Options Template}}
{{Tiddler Subtitle||CSS Options Template}}
{{Tiddler Title||CSS Options Template}}
{{Tiddler Title (Edit Mode)||CSS Options Template}}
{{Toolbar Icons||CSS Options Template}}
{{Wiki Background||CSS Options Template}}
  This plugin button will copy the contents of a tiddler and rich text format (i.e., you can paste results into a WYSIWYG editor). It can be called by transcluding a tiddler and using the `$:/copy` template as such: `{{Tiddler title to transclude||$:/copy}}`. For example, I create a tiddler titled [[Tiddlywiki]] and in the text area put what is to be copied to the clipboard when the button is pressed. The example has a link to the Tiddlywiki web site. Then transclude it using the template as such: `{{Tiddlywiki||$:/copy}}` and it displays as {{Tiddlywiki||$:/copy}}. This is fundamentally different from other methods, as the browser is actually visibly selecting the content.<br>
  Simply drag $:/plugins/ajh/copy to the top of your tiddlywiki display, save and reload. It includes the tiddlers below packed for easy use:<br>
{ "text": "{ \"tiddlers\": { \"$:/copy\": { \"text\": \"<span id={{!!title}}><$transclude tiddler={{!!title}}/></span> <span class='tc-copy-button'><$button param={{!!title}} message='tm-copy' tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/Copy/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/Copy/Caption}} class='tc-btn-invisible'><$action-sendmessage $message='tm-notify' $param='$:/language/Buttons/Copy/Notification'/>{{$:/core/images/copy-clipboard}}</$button></span>\", \"title\": \"$:/copy\" },\n\"$:/language/Buttons/Copy/Caption\": { \"text\": \"copy\", \"title\": \"$:/language/Buttons/Copy/Caption\" },\n\"$:/language/Buttons/Copy/Hint\": { \"text\": \"Copy to the clipboard\", \"title\": \"$:/language/Buttons/Copy/Hint\" },\n\"$:/language/Buttons/Copy/Notification\": { \"text\": \"Copied\", \"title\": \"$:/language/Buttons/Copy/Notification\" },\n\"$:/plugins/ajh/copy/copy.js\": { \"text\": \"/*\\\\\\n$:/plugins/ajh/copy/copy.js\\ntype: application/javascript\\nmodule-type: startup\\n\\nSetup the root widget handler that can be used to copy transcluded tiddler to the Clipboard.\\n\\n<span id='TiddlerTitle'><$transclude tiddler='TiddlerTitle'/></span> <$button param='TiddlerTitle' message='tm-copy'>COPY</$button>\\n\\n\\\\*/\\n(function () {\\n\\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\\n/*global $tw: false */\\n'use strict';\\n\\n// Export name and synchronous status\\nexports.name = 'copy';\\nexports.platforms = ['browser'];\\nexports.after = ['rootwidget'];\\nexports.synchronous = true;\\n\\nexports.startup = function () {\\n // Install the tiddler copy message mechanism\\n $tw.rootWidget.addEventListener('tm-copy', function (event) {\\n if (event) { \\n try {\\n var copyDiv = document.getElementById(event.param);\\n copyDiv.contentEditable = true;\\n copyDiv.focus();\\n document.execCommand('SelectAll',false,null);\\n document.execCommand('Copy', false, null);\\n document.execCommand('Unselect');\\n copyDiv.blur();\\n return;\\n } catch(e) {\\n // Rethrow exception if it's not a SecurityError. Note that SecurityError\\n // exception is specific to Firefox.\\n if(e.name !== 'SecurityError')\\n throw e;\\n alert('Feature not available in older browsers!');\\n return;\\n }\\n }\\n });\\n};\\n\\n})();\", \"type\": \"application/javascript\", \"title\": \"$:/plugins/ajh/copy/copy.js\", \"module-type\": \"startup\" },\n\"$:/plugins/ajh/copy/icon\": { \"text\": \"<svg class='tc-image-copy tc-image-button' width='22pt' height='22pt' viewBox='0 0 192 192'><path fill='#0ff' stroke='#30f' stroke-width='7.5' d='m13.5,52.2l82.5,-48l82.5,48v87.3l-82.5,48l-82.5,-48v-87.3z'/><g fill='#000'>\\n <rect rx='4' height='8' width='33' y='64' x='70'/>\\n <rect rx='4' height='8' width='17' y='106' x='70'/>\\n <rect rx='4' height='8' width='17' y='78' x='70'/>\\n <rect rx='4' height='8' width='33' y='120' x='70'/>\\n <rect rx='4' height='8' width='12' y='92' x='70'/>\\n <path d='m70,40h-16c-4.4,0 -8,3.6 -8,8v96c0,4.4 3.6,8 8,8h80c2.2,0 4.2,-0.9 5.7,-2.3c1.5,-1.4 2.3,-3.4 2.3,-5.7v-16c0,-4.4 -3.6,-8 -8,-8c-4.4,0 -8,3.6 -8,8v8h-64v-80h64v8c0,4.4 3.6,8 8,8c4.4,0 8,-3.6 8,-8v-16c0,-2.2 -0.9,-4.2 -2.3,-5.7c-1.5,-1.4 -3.5,-2.3 -5.7,-2.3h-16c0,-4.4 -3.6,-8 -8,-8h-32c-4.4,0 -8,3.6 -8,8zm4,-1c0,-2.2 1.8,-4 4,-4h32c2.2,0 4,1.8 4,4v0,4c0,2.2 -1.8,4 -4,4h-32c-2.2,0 -4,-1.8 -4,-4v-4z'/>\\n <rect rx='8' height='16' width='66' y='88' x='92'/>\\n <path transform='rotate(-90 71,72) translate(-71,-72) ' d='m107.7,187.7l16,-16h-11.3l16,16c3.1,3.1 8.2,3.1 11.3,0c3.1,-3.1 3.1,-8.2 0,-11.3l-16,-16c-3.1,-3.1 -8.2,-3.1 -11.3,0l-16,16c-3.1,3.1 -3.1,8.2 0,11.3c3.1,3.1 8.2,3.1 11.3,0z'/></g>\\n</svg>\", \"title\": \"$:/plugins/ajh/copy/icon\", \"tags\": \"$:/tags/Image\" },\n\"$:/plugins/ajh/copy/readme\": { \"text\": \"This plugin button can copy the transcluded contents of a tiddler to the Clipboard. It can be called by transcluding a tiddler and using the `$:/copy` template. Example usage: `{{Tiddler title to transclude||$:/copy}}`.\\n\\nSimply drag $:/plugins/ajh/copy to the top of your tiddlywiki display, save and reload.\\n\\nThis plugin comprises:\\n\\n* JavaScript code module\\n* Icon\\n* Template\\n* Stylesheet\\n* Caption, hint, and notification\", \"title\": \"$:/plugins/ajh/copy/readme\" },\n\"$:/plugins/ajh/copy/stylesheet\": { \"text\": \"html .tc-copy-button button svg {\\n height: {{!!button-size}};\\n width: {{!!button-size}};\\n}\\n\\n.tc-copy-button {\\n fill: {{!!button-color}};\\n}\\n\\n.tc-copy-button:hover {\\n fill: {{!!button-hover-color}} !important;\\n}\", \"title\": \"$:/plugins/ajh/copy/stylesheet\", \"tags\": \"$:/tags/Stylesheet\", \"button-color\": \"#888\", \"button-hover-color\": \"#000\", \"button-size\": \"1.4em\", \"caption\": \"Copy Button\" } } }", "version": "0.0.26", "type": "application/json", "title": "$:/plugins/ajh/copy", "source": "https://github.com/Infurnoape/infurnoape.github.io/blob/master/recipes/library/tiddlers/%2524%253A%252Fplugins%252Fajh%252Fcopy.json", "plugin-type": "plugin", "list": "readme", "description": "Copy Button", "dependents": "$:/copy $:/language/Buttons/Copy/Caption $:/language/Buttons/Copy/Hint $:/language/Buttons/Copy/Notification $:/plugins/ajh/copy/copy.js $:/plugins/ajh/copy/icon $:/plugins/ajh/copy/readme $:/plugins/ajh/copy/stylesheet", "core-version": ">=5.1.11" }
Another Example of the copy button:
Copy {{RepackCommand||$:/copy}} and paste it into developer console.
"tiddlers": {
"$:/Acknowledgements": {
"title": "$:/Acknowledgements",
"type": "text/vnd.tiddlywiki",
"text": "TiddlyWiki incorporates code from these fine OpenSource projects:\n\n* [[The Stanford Javascript Crypto Library|http://bitwiseshiftleft.github.io/sjcl/]]\n* [[The Jasmine JavaScript Test Framework|http://pivotal.github.io/jasmine/]]\n* [[Normalize.css by Nicolas Gallagher|http://necolas.github.io/normalize.css/]]\n\nAnd media from these projects:\n\n* World flag icons from [[Wikipedia|http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:SVG_flags_by_country]]\n"
"$:/core/copyright.txt": {
"title": "$:/core/copyright.txt",
"type": "text/plain",
"text": "TiddlyWiki created by Jeremy Ruston, (jeremy [at] jermolene [dot] com)\n\nCopyright (c) 2004-2007, Jeremy Ruston\nCopyright (c) 2007-2017, UnaMesa Association\nAll rights reserved.\n\nRedistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\nmodification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\n\n* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this\n list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n\n* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,\n this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation\n and/or other materials provided with the distribution.\n\n* Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its\n contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from\n this software without specific prior written permission.\n\nTHIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS 'AS IS'\nAND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE\nIMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE\nDISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE\nFOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL\nDAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR\nSERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER\nCAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY,\nOR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE\nOF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE."
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L12.9786097,17.3256331 Z M35.3809383,26.6979086 L35.3809383,33.0928616 L38.5259972,33.0928616 C40.7485166,33.0928616 42.3140414,32.8482484 43.2226185,32.3590146 C44.1311956,31.8697807 44.5854773,31.0520736 44.5854773,29.9058686 C44.5854773,28.7456855 44.1521624,27.9209895 43.2855197,27.4317556 C42.4188769,26.9425218 40.9022748,26.6979086 38.7356678,26.6979086 L35.3809383,26.6979086 Z M46.0741385,24.370565 C47.5977525,24.9296893 48.7159844,25.6949794 49.428868,26.666458 C50.1417516,27.6379366 50.498188,28.8784752 50.498188,30.388111 C50.498188,31.6601189 50.1906743,32.8202846 49.5756374,33.8686428 C48.9606006,34.917001 48.0799929,35.7766419 46.933788,36.4475911 C46.2628387,36.8389782 45.5115266,37.1220307 44.6798291,37.296757 C43.8481316,37.4714834 42.6704935,37.5588453 41.1468796,37.5588453 L39.3856466,37.5588453 L30.2020747,37.5588453 C29.2795194,37.5588453 28.6190637,37.3771326 28.2206876,37.0137017 C27.8223114,36.6502709 27.6231264,36.0562101 27.6231264,35.2315017 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42.5901154,18.2481858 41.9541114,17.8288425 C41.3181074,17.4094992 40.2872373,17.1998307 38.8614701,17.1998307 L35.3809383,17.1998307 Z M71.244119,13.3838259 C71.5236812,12.880614 71.8102281,12.5241775 72.1037684,12.3145059 C72.3973087,12.1048342 72.7677231,12 73.2150226,12 C73.8999499,12 74.3856819,12.1817127 74.6722332,12.5451435 C74.9587844,12.9085744 75.1020579,13.5305909 75.1020579,14.4112118 L75.143992,19.8626472 C75.143992,20.8271368 74.9867406,21.4771091 74.6722332,21.8125837 C74.3577257,22.1480584 73.7881263,22.3157932 72.9634178,22.3157932 C72.3763372,22.3157932 71.92555,22.1760142 71.6110425,21.896452 C71.2965351,21.6168898 71.0274605,21.0997075 70.8038107,20.3448896 C70.4403799,19.0169692 69.8602971,18.0629775 69.0635448,17.482886 C68.2667926,16.9027945 67.1625385,16.612753 65.7507494,16.612753 C63.5981206,16.612753 61.9487284,17.3396038 60.8025235,18.7933272 C59.6563185,20.2470506 59.0832246,22.3507245 59.0832246,25.104412 C59.0832246,27.8441215 59.6633074,29.9477954 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78.9974602,33.9280514 79.3888473,33.5436534 C79.7802344,33.1592554 80.3533282,32.9670593 81.1081461,32.9670593 L81.4645862,32.9670593 Z M86.8740874,17.2417648 L86.8740874,32.9670593 L88.0692098,32.9670593 C90.7110725,32.9670593 92.6609895,32.3205814 93.9190194,31.0276063 C95.1770492,29.7346312 95.8060547,27.7462749 95.8060547,25.0624779 C95.8060547,22.4206153 95.1665658,20.4497314 93.8875688,19.1497672 C92.6085718,17.849803 90.6831161,17.1998307 88.1111439,17.1998307 C87.7756693,17.1998307 87.5205727,17.2033252 87.3458463,17.2103142 C87.1711199,17.2173033 87.0138685,17.2277867 86.8740874,17.2417648 L86.8740874,17.2417648 Z M121.94052,17.1159625 L112.190837,17.1159625 L112.190837,22.4835296 L115.88104,22.4835296 L115.88104,22.2319249 C115.88104,21.4351727 116.055763,20.841112 116.405216,20.4497249 C116.754669,20.0583378 117.285829,19.8626472 117.998713,19.8626472 C118.627728,19.8626472 119.141415,20.0408655 119.539792,20.3973072 C119.938168,20.753749 120.137353,21.2045363 120.137353,21.7496826 C120.137353,21.7776388 120.144342,21.8684951 120.15832,22.0222543 C120.172298,22.1760135 120.179287,22.3297704 120.179287,22.4835296 L120.179287,26.8237109 C120.179287,27.7602442 120.011552,28.4311834 119.676077,28.8365486 C119.340603,29.2419138 118.795465,29.4445933 118.040647,29.4445933 C117.327763,29.4445933 116.789614,29.2558917 116.426183,28.8784827 C116.062752,28.5010738 115.88104,27.9419578 115.88104,27.201118 L115.88104,26.8237109 L112.190837,26.8237109 L112.190837,33.0928616 L121.94052,33.0928616 L121.94052,30.5977816 C121.94052,29.6612482 122.118738,28.9903091 122.47518,28.5849439 C122.831622,28.1795787 123.415199,27.9768992 124.225929,27.9768992 C125.022682,27.9768992 125.592281,28.1760842 125.934745,28.5744604 C126.277208,28.9728365 126.448438,29.6472701 126.448438,30.5977816 L126.448438,35.6718099 C126.448438,36.4266278 126.30167,36.9298322 126.008129,37.1814382 C125.714589,37.4330442 125.134506,37.5588453 124.267863,37.5588453 L107.095842,37.5588453 C106.173287,37.5588453 105.512831,37.3771326 105.114455,37.0137017 C104.716079,36.6502709 104.516894,36.0562101 104.516894,35.2315017 C104.516894,34.4906619 104.705595,33.9280514 105.083004,33.5436534 C105.460413,33.1592554 106.01254,32.9670593 106.739402,32.9670593 L107.095842,32.9670593 L107.095842,17.3256331 L106.739402,17.3256331 C106.026518,17.3256331 105.477886,17.126448 105.093488,16.7280719 C104.70909,16.3296957 104.516894,15.7600963 104.516894,15.0192565 C104.516894,14.2085262 104.719573,13.6179599 105.124938,13.24754 C105.530304,12.8771201 106.187265,12.691913 107.095842,12.691913 L124.267863,12.691913 C125.120528,12.691913 125.697116,12.8212085 125.997646,13.0798036 C126.298175,13.3383986 126.448438,13.8520864 126.448438,14.6208824 L126.448438,19.3175037 C126.448438,20.2680151 126.273714,20.9494377 125.924261,21.361792 C125.574808,21.7741462 125.008703,21.9803202 124.225929,21.9803202 C123.415199,21.9803202 122.831622,21.7706517 122.47518,21.3513084 C122.118738,20.9319652 121.94052,20.254037 121.94052,19.3175037 L121.94052,17.1159625 Z M19.7719369,47.6405477 C20.037521,47.1373358 20.3205734,46.7808993 20.6211028,46.5712277 C20.9216322,46.361556 21.295541,46.2567218 21.7428405,46.2567218 C22.4277678,46.2567218 22.9134998,46.4384345 23.2000511,46.8018653 C23.4866023,47.1652962 23.6298758,47.7873127 23.6298758,48.6679336 L23.6718099,54.119369 C23.6718099,55.0838586 23.5145586,55.7338309 23.2000511,56.0693055 C22.8855436,56.4047802 22.3089553,56.572515 21.4702687,56.572515 C20.8831881,56.572515 20.4254119,56.4292415 20.0969263,56.1426902 C19.7684407,55.856139 19.4993662,55.3424512 19.2896945,54.6016114 C18.9122856,53.2597129 18.3322027,52.3022267 17.5494286,51.7291243 C16.7666545,51.1560218 15.6693894,50.8694748 14.2576003,50.8694748 C12.1049715,50.8694748 10.4590738,51.5963256 9.31985785,53.050049 C8.18064193,54.5037724 7.61104252,56.6074463 7.61104252,59.3611338 C7.61104252,62.1148214 8.20859773,64.2429566 9.40372609,65.7456034 C10.5988544,67.2482501 12.2936748,67.9995623 14.488238,67.9995623 C14.9914499,67.9995623 15.5645438,67.9401562 16.2075368,67.8213423 C16.8505299,67.7025283 17.6053364,67.5173212 18.4719792,67.2657152 L18.4719792,63.9529198 L16.1027015,63.9529198 C15.1521901,63.9529198 14.4777564,63.7781961 14.0793803,63.4287433 C13.6810042,63.0792906 13.4818191,62.4992078 13.4818191,61.6884774 C13.4818191,60.8497908 13.6810042,60.2522356 14.0793803,59.8957938 C14.4777564,59.5393521 15.1521901,59.3611338 16.1027015,59.3611338 L23.6718099,59.3611338 C24.6502776,59.3611338 25.3386891,59.5358576 25.7370653,59.8853103 C26.1354414,60.2347631 26.3346265,60.8218348 26.3346265,61.6465433 C26.3346265,62.3873831 26.1354414,62.9569825 25.7370653,63.3553586 C25.3386891,63.7537347 24.7621008,63.9529198 24.0072829,63.9529198 L23.6718099,63.9529198 L23.6718099,68.9430799 L23.6718099,69.1946846 C23.6718099,69.6419841 23.6228873,69.9529924 23.5250405,70.1277188 C23.4271937,70.3024451 23.2315031,70.4806634 22.9379628,70.6623788 C22.1412106,71.1376345 20.8762107,71.5569715 19.1429251,71.9204023 C17.4096396,72.2838332 15.6554131,72.4655459 13.8801932,72.4655459 C10.2179286,72.4655459 7.25461383,71.2564576 4.99016011,68.8382446 C2.72570638,66.4200317 1.59349651,63.2610264 1.59349651,59.3611338 C1.59349651,55.6010224 2.73968428,52.4769618 5.03209423,49.9888583 C7.32450417,47.5007549 10.2319073,46.2567218 13.7543909,46.2567218 C14.7328585,46.2567218 15.7078171,46.368545 16.6792957,46.5921947 C17.6507743,46.8158445 18.6816444,47.165292 19.7719369,47.6405477 L19.7719369,47.6405477 Z M35.611576,51.5823548 L35.611576,56.4047785 L42.4678043,56.4047785 L42.4678043,51.5823548 L42.1323314,51.5823548 C41.3775135,51.5823548 40.8009251,51.3866642 40.402549,50.9952772 C40.0041729,50.6038901 39.8049878,50.0307962 39.8049878,49.2759783 C39.8049878,48.4512699 40.0111618,47.8572091 40.4235161,47.4937783 C40.8358703,47.1303474 41.5172929,46.9486347 42.4678043,46.9486347 L47.8773056,46.9486347 C48.8278171,46.9486347 49.5022507,47.1303474 49.9006269,47.4937783 C50.299003,47.8572091 50.498188,48.4512699 50.498188,49.2759783 C50.498188,50.0307962 50.3059919,50.6038901 49.9215939,50.9952772 C49.5371959,51.3866642 48.9745854,51.5823548 48.2337456,51.5823548 L47.8773056,51.5823548 L47.8773056,67.2237811 L48.2337456,67.2237811 C48.9885636,67.2237811 49.5616574,67.4159772 49.9530445,67.8003752 C50.3444316,68.1847732 50.5401222,68.7473837 50.5401222,69.4882235 C50.5401222,70.3129319 50.3374426,70.9069927 49.9320774,71.2704235 C49.5267123,71.6338543 48.8417952,71.815567 47.8773056,71.815567 L42.4678043,71.815567 C41.5033148,71.815567 40.8183977,71.6373488 40.4130325,71.280907 C40.0076674,70.9244652 39.8049878,70.32691 39.8049878,69.4882235 C39.8049878,68.7473837 40.0041729,68.1847732 40.402549,67.8003752 C40.8009251,67.4159772 41.3775135,67.2237811 42.1323314,67.2237811 L42.4678043,67.2237811 L42.4678043,61.0384986 L35.611576,61.0384986 L35.611576,67.2237811 L35.9470489,67.2237811 C36.7018668,67.2237811 37.2784552,67.4159772 37.6768313,67.8003752 C38.0752074,68.1847732 38.2743925,68.7473837 38.2743925,69.4882235 C38.2743925,70.3129319 38.0682185,70.9069927 37.6558642,71.2704235 C37.24351,71.6338543 36.5620874,71.815567 35.611576,71.815567 L30.2020747,71.815567 C29.2375851,71.815567 28.552668,71.6373488 28.1473029,71.280907 C27.7419377,70.9244652 27.5392581,70.32691 27.5392581,69.4882235 C27.5392581,68.7473837 27.7349487,68.1847732 28.1263358,67.8003752 C28.5177229,67.4159772 29.0908168,67.2237811 29.8456347,67.2237811 L30.2020747,67.2237811 L30.2020747,51.5823548 L29.8456347,51.5823548 C29.1047949,51.5823548 28.5421844,51.3866642 28.1577864,50.9952772 C27.7733884,50.6038901 27.5811923,50.0307962 27.5811923,49.2759783 C27.5811923,48.4512699 27.7803773,47.8572091 28.1787534,47.4937783 C28.5771296,47.1303474 29.2515632,46.9486347 30.2020747,46.9486347 L35.611576,46.9486347 C36.5481093,46.9486347 37.2260374,47.1303474 37.6453807,47.4937783 C38.064724,47.8572091 38.2743925,48.4512699 38.2743925,49.2759783 C38.2743925,50.0307962 38.0752074,50.6038901 37.6768313,50.9952772 C37.2784552,51.3866642 36.7018668,51.5823548 35.9470489,51.5823548 L35.611576,51.5823548 Z M67.365213,51.5823548 L67.365213,67.2237811 L70.887679,67.2237811 C71.8381904,67.2237811 72.519613,67.4019993 72.9319673,67.7584411 C73.3443215,68.1148829 73.5504955,68.6914712 73.5504955,69.4882235 C73.5504955,70.2989538 73.340827,70.8895201 72.9214837,71.25994 C72.5021404,71.6303599 71.8242123,71.815567 70.887679,71.815567 L58.4332458,71.815567 C57.4827343,71.815567 56.8013117,71.6338543 56.3889575,71.2704235 C55.9766033,70.9069927 55.7704292,70.3129319 55.7704292,69.4882235 C55.7704292,68.6774931 55.9731088,68.0974103 56.378474,67.7479575 C56.7838391,67.3985048 57.4687562,67.2237811 58.4332458,67.2237811 L61.9557117,67.2237811 L61.9557117,51.5823548 L58.4332458,51.5823548 C57.4827343,51.5823548 56.8013117,51.4006421 56.3889575,51.0372113 C55.9766033,50.6737805 55.7704292,50.0867087 55.7704292,49.2759783 C55.7704292,48.4512699 55.9731088,47.8641981 56.378474,47.5147453 C56.7838391,47.1652926 57.4687562,46.9905689 58.4332458,46.9905689 L70.887679,46.9905689 C71.8801247,46.9905689 72.5720308,47.1652926 72.9634178,47.5147453 C73.3548049,47.8641981 73.5504955,48.4512699 73.5504955,49.2759783 C73.5504955,50.0867087 73.347816,50.6737805 72.9424508,51.0372113 C72.5370856,51.4006421 71.8521685,51.5823548 70.887679,51.5823548 L67.365213,51.5823548 Z M97.8608265,51.5823548 L97.8608265,63.1771386 L97.8608265,63.5755127 C97.8608265,65.4485794 97.7385199,66.8044357 97.493903,67.6431222 C97.2492861,68.4818088 96.8404325,69.2296264 96.26733,69.8865976 C95.5264902,70.7392623 94.4991146,71.3822457 93.1851723,71.815567 C91.87123,72.2488884 90.2917273,72.4655459 88.4466169,72.4655459 C87.1466527,72.4655459 85.8921362,72.3397448 84.6830298,72.0881388 C83.4739233,71.8365328 82.3102631,71.4591296 81.1920144,70.9559176 C80.5769776,70.6763554 80.175113,70.31293 79.9864085,69.8656305 C79.797704,69.418331 79.7033532,68.6914802 79.7033532,67.6850564 L79.7033532,63.3658422 C79.7033532,62.1637247 79.8780769,61.3250508 80.2275297,60.849795 C80.5769824,60.3745393 81.185021,60.136915 82.0516638,60.136915 C83.2957156,60.136915 83.9806326,61.0524675 84.1064356,62.8835998 C84.1204137,63.2050963 84.1413806,63.4497096 84.1693368,63.6174469 C84.3370741,65.2389076 84.7144774,66.3466561 85.301558,66.9407258 C85.8886386,67.5347954 86.8251579,67.8318258 88.1111439,67.8318258 C89.7046484,67.8318258 90.8263749,67.4089943 91.476357,66.5633187 C92.126339,65.7176431 92.4513252,64.1765796 92.4513252,61.9400821 L92.4513252,51.5823548 L88.9288593,51.5823548 C87.9783478,51.5823548 87.2969252,51.4006421 86.884571,51.0372113 C86.4722168,50.6737805 86.2660427,50.0867087 86.2660427,49.2759783 C86.2660427,48.4512699 86.4652278,47.8641981 86.8636039,47.5147453 C87.26198,47.1652926 87.9503916,46.9905689 88.9288593,46.9905689 L99.6220595,46.9905689 C100.600527,46.9905689 101.288939,47.1652926 101.687315,47.5147453 C102.085691,47.8641981 102.284876,48.4512699 102.284876,49.2759783 C102.284876,50.0867087 102.078702,50.6737805 101.666348,51.0372113 C101.253994,51.4006421 100.572571,51.5823548 99.6220595,51.5823548 L97.8608265,51.5823548 Z M112.505343,51.5823548 L112.505343,57.9353738 L118.984165,51.4565525 C118.257303,51.3726838 117.747109,51.1665098 117.453569,50.8380242 C117.160029,50.5095387 117.013261,49.9888619 117.013261,49.2759783 C117.013261,48.4512699 117.212446,47.8572091 117.610822,47.4937783 C118.009198,47.1303474 118.683632,46.9486347 119.634143,46.9486347 L124.771073,46.9486347 C125.721584,46.9486347 126.396018,47.1303474 126.794394,47.4937783 C127.19277,47.8572091 127.391955,48.4512699 127.391955,49.2759783 C127.391955,50.0447743 127.19277,50.6213627 126.794394,51.0057607 C126.396018,51.3901587 125.812441,51.5823548 125.043645,51.5823548 L124.561402,51.5823548 L118.459988,57.641835 C119.592215,58.4805215 120.626579,59.5812811 121.563113,60.9441468 C122.499646,62.3070125 123.596911,64.400203 124.854941,67.2237811 L125.127513,67.2237811 L125.546854,67.2237811 C126.371563,67.2237811 126.98659,67.4124827 127.391955,67.7898917 C127.79732,68.1673006 128,68.7334056 128,69.4882235 C128,70.3129319 127.793826,70.9069927 127.381472,71.2704235 C126.969118,71.6338543 126.287695,71.815567 125.337183,71.815567 L122.758235,71.815567 C121.626008,71.815567 120.710456,71.0537715 120.01155,69.5301576 C119.885747,69.2505954 119.787902,69.026949 119.718012,68.8592117 C118.795456,66.9022764 117.949793,65.3926632 117.180997,64.3303269 C116.412201,63.2679906 115.510627,62.2965265 114.476247,61.4159056 L112.505343,63.302941 L112.505343,67.2237811 L112.840816,67.2237811 C113.595634,67.2237811 114.172222,67.4159772 114.570599,67.8003752 C114.968975,68.1847732 115.16816,68.7473837 115.16816,69.4882235 C115.16816,70.3129319 114.961986,70.9069927 114.549631,71.2704235 C114.137277,71.6338543 113.455855,71.815567 112.505343,71.815567 L107.095842,71.815567 C106.131352,71.815567 105.446435,71.6373488 105.04107,71.280907 C104.635705,70.9244652 104.433025,70.32691 104.433025,69.4882235 C104.433025,68.7473837 104.628716,68.1847732 105.020103,67.8003752 C105.41149,67.4159772 105.984584,67.2237811 106.739402,67.2237811 L107.095842,67.2237811 L107.095842,51.5823548 L106.739402,51.5823548 C105.998562,51.5823548 105.435952,51.3866642 105.051554,50.9952772 C104.667156,50.6038901 104.474959,50.0307962 104.474959,49.2759783 C104.474959,48.4512699 104.674145,47.8572091 105.072521,47.4937783 C105.470897,47.1303474 106.14533,46.9486347 107.095842,46.9486347 L112.505343,46.9486347 C113.441877,46.9486347 114.119805,47.1303474 114.539148,47.4937783 C114.958491,47.8572091 115.16816,48.4512699 115.16816,49.2759783 C115.16816,50.0307962 114.968975,50.6038901 114.570599,50.9952772 C114.172222,51.3866642 113.595634,51.5823548 112.840816,51.5823548 L112.505343,51.5823548 Z M13.439885,96.325622 L17.4445933,84.4372993 C17.6961993,83.6545252 18.0456468,83.0849258 18.4929463,82.728484 C18.9402458,82.3720422 19.5343065,82.193824 20.2751463,82.193824 L23.5460076,82.193824 C24.496519,82.193824 25.1779416,82.3755367 25.5902958,82.7389675 C26.0026501,83.1023984 26.2088241,83.6964591 26.2088241,84.5211676 C26.2088241,85.2759855 26.009639,85.8490794 25.6112629,86.2404664 C25.2128868,86.6318535 24.6362984,86.8275441 23.8814805,86.8275441 L23.5460076,86.8275441 L24.1330852,102.46897 L24.4895252,102.46897 C25.2443431,102.46897 25.8104481,102.661166 26.187857,103.045564 C26.565266,103.429962 26.7539676,103.992573 26.7539676,104.733413 C26.7539676,105.558121 26.5547826,106.152182 26.1564064,106.515613 C25.7580303,106.879044 25.0835967,107.060756 24.1330852,107.060756 L19.4154969,107.060756 C18.4649855,107.060756 17.7905518,106.882538 17.3921757,106.526096 C16.9937996,106.169654 16.7946145,105.572099 16.7946145,104.733413 C16.7946145,103.992573 16.9868106,103.429962 17.3712086,103.045564 C17.7556066,102.661166 18.325206,102.46897 19.0800239,102.46897 L19.4154969,102.46897 L19.1219581,89.6790642 L16.0607674,99.1981091 C15.8371177,99.9109927 15.5191204,100.42468 15.1067662,100.739188 C14.694412,101.053695 14.1248126,101.210947 13.3979509,101.210947 C12.6710892,101.210947 12.0945008,101.053695 11.6681685,100.739188 C11.2418362,100.42468 10.91685,99.9109927 10.6932002,99.1981091 L7.65297664,89.6790642 L7.35943781,102.46897 L7.69491075,102.46897 C8.44972866,102.46897 9.01932808,102.661166 9.40372609,103.045564 C9.78812409,103.429962 9.98032022,103.992573 9.98032022,104.733413 C9.98032022,105.558121 9.77764067,106.152182 9.3722755,106.515613 C8.96691032,106.879044 8.29597114,107.060756 7.35943781,107.060756 L2.62088241,107.060756 C1.68434908,107.060756 1.01340989,106.879044 0.608044719,106.515613 C0.202679546,106.152182 0,105.558121 0,104.733413 C0,103.992573 0.192196121,103.429962 0.57659413,103.045564 C0.960992139,102.661166 1.53059155,102.46897 2.28540946,102.46897 L2.62088241,102.46897 L3.22892713,86.8275441 L2.89345418,86.8275441 C2.13863627,86.8275441 1.56204791,86.6318535 1.16367179,86.2404664 C0.765295672,85.8490794 0.5661106,85.2759855 0.5661106,84.5211676 C0.5661106,83.6964591 0.772284622,83.1023984 1.18463885,82.7389675 C1.59699308,82.3755367 2.27841569,82.193824 3.22892713,82.193824 L6.49978838,82.193824 C7.22665007,82.193824 7.81022738,82.3685477 8.25053783,82.7180005 C8.69084827,83.0674532 9.05077919,83.6405471 9.33034138,84.4372993 L13.439885,96.325622 Z M43.8935644,98.3803938 L43.8935644,86.8275441 L42.7403761,86.8275441 C41.8178209,86.8275441 41.1573651,86.6458314 40.758989,86.2824006 C40.3606129,85.9189697 40.1614278,85.3318979 40.1614278,84.5211676 C40.1614278,83.7104372 40.3606129,83.119871 40.758989,82.7494511 C41.1573651,82.3790312 41.8178209,82.193824 42.7403761,82.193824 L48.6950209,82.193824 C49.6035981,82.193824 50.2605593,82.3790312 50.6659245,82.7494511 C51.0712897,83.119871 51.2739692,83.7104372 51.2739692,84.5211676 C51.2739692,85.2620074 51.0817731,85.8316068 50.6973751,86.2299829 C50.3129771,86.628359 49.7643445,86.8275441 49.051461,86.8275441 L48.6950209,86.8275441 L48.6950209,105.865634 C48.6950209,106.522605 48.6251315,106.934953 48.4853504,107.10269 C48.3455693,107.270428 48.0310665,107.354295 47.5418327,107.354295 L45.4451268,107.354295 C44.7741775,107.354295 44.3024234,107.284406 44.0298503,107.144625 C43.7572771,107.004843 43.5231473,106.76023 43.3274538,106.410777 L34.6051571,91.0838571 L34.6051571,102.46897 L35.8212466,102.46897 C36.7298237,102.46897 37.379796,102.643694 37.7711831,102.993147 C38.1625701,103.3426 38.3582607,103.922682 38.3582607,104.733413 C38.3582607,105.558121 38.1590757,106.152182 37.7606995,106.515613 C37.3623234,106.879044 36.7158456,107.060756 35.8212466,107.060756 L29.8037005,107.060756 C28.8951234,107.060756 28.2381621,106.879044 27.832797,106.515613 C27.4274318,106.152182 27.2247522,105.558121 27.2247522,104.733413 C27.2247522,103.992573 27.4134539,103.429962 27.7908629,103.045564 C28.1682718,102.661166 28.7273878,102.46897 29.4682276,102.46897 L29.8037005,102.46897 L29.8037005,86.8275441 L29.4682276,86.8275441 C28.755344,86.8275441 28.203217,86.628359 27.8118299,86.2299829 C27.4204428,85.8316068 27.2247522,85.2620074 27.2247522,84.5211676 C27.2247522,83.7104372 27.4309263,83.119871 27.8432805,82.7494511 C28.2556347,82.3790312 28.9091015,82.193824 29.8037005,82.193824 L33.2422983,82.193824 C34.0670067,82.193824 34.6261227,82.3021527 34.919663,82.5188134 C35.2132033,82.7354741 35.5416839,83.1722835 35.9051148,83.8292546 L43.8935644,98.3803938 Z M64.6604624,86.3662688 C62.8572863,86.3662688 61.4420239,87.0931196 60.4146329,88.546843 C59.3872418,90.0005663 58.873554,92.0203728 58.873554,94.6063231 C58.873554,97.1922733 59.3907363,99.2190688 60.4251164,100.68677 C61.4594965,102.154472 62.8712644,102.888312 64.6604624,102.888312 C66.4636385,102.888312 67.8823953,102.157966 68.9167754,100.697254 C69.9511555,99.2365414 70.4683378,97.2062514 70.4683378,94.6063231 C70.4683378,92.0203728 69.95465,90.0005663 68.9272589,88.546843 C67.8998679,87.0931196 66.4776166,86.3662688 64.6604624,86.3662688 L64.6604624,86.3662688 Z M64.6604624,81.501911 C68.0990773,81.501911 70.929602,82.7319662 73.1521214,85.1921135 C75.3746408,87.6522607 76.4858838,90.7902992 76.4858838,94.6063231 C76.4858838,98.4503032 75.3816297,101.595331 73.1730884,104.0415 C70.9645471,106.487669 68.1270335,107.710735 64.6604624,107.710735 C61.2358256,107.710735 58.4053009,106.477185 56.1688034,104.010049 C53.9323059,101.542913 52.8140739,98.4083688 52.8140739,94.6063231 C52.8140739,90.7763211 53.9218224,87.6347881 56.1373528,85.1816299 C58.3528831,82.7284717 61.1938912,81.501911 64.6604624,81.501911 L64.6604624,81.501911 Z M87.4611651,98.1707232 L87.4611651,102.46897 L89.6207722,102.46897 C90.5293493,102.46897 91.1758272,102.643694 91.5602252,102.993147 C91.9446232,103.3426 92.1368193,103.922682 92.1368193,104.733413 C92.1368193,105.558121 91.9411287,106.152182 91.5497417,106.515613 C91.1583546,106.879044 90.5153712,107.060756 89.6207722,107.060756 L82.3661697,107.060756 C81.4436145,107.060756 80.7831587,106.879044 80.3847826,106.515613 C79.9864065,106.152182 79.7872214,105.558121 79.7872214,104.733413 C79.7872214,103.992573 79.9759231,103.429962 80.353332,103.045564 C80.730741,102.661166 81.282868,102.46897 82.0097297,102.46897 L82.3661697,102.46897 L82.3661697,86.8275441 L82.0097297,86.8275441 C81.2968461,86.8275441 80.7482136,86.628359 80.3638155,86.2299829 C79.9794175,85.8316068 79.7872214,85.2620074 79.7872214,84.5211676 C79.7872214,83.7104372 79.989901,83.119871 80.3952661,82.7494511 C80.8006313,82.3790312 81.4575926,82.193824 82.3661697,82.193824 L91.0255652,82.193824 C94.450202,82.193824 97.0396079,82.8507853 98.7938606,84.1647276 C100.548113,85.4786699 101.425227,87.414609 101.425227,89.972603 C101.425227,92.6703781 100.551608,94.7111515 98.8043442,96.0949843 C97.0570805,97.4788171 94.4641801,98.1707232 91.0255652,98.1707232 L87.4611651,98.1707232 Z M87.4611651,86.8275441 L87.4611651,93.4531348 L90.4384875,93.4531348 C92.0879044,93.4531348 93.328443,93.1735768 94.1601405,92.6144525 C94.9918381,92.0553281 95.4076806,91.2166541 95.4076806,90.0984053 C95.4076806,89.0500471 94.9778602,88.2428234 94.1182064,87.67671 C93.2585527,87.1105966 92.031992,86.8275441 90.4384875,86.8275441 L87.4611651,86.8275441 Z M114.727851,107.396229 L113.092421,109.03166 C113.69348,108.835966 114.284046,108.689198 114.864137,108.591352 C115.444229,108.493505 116.013828,108.444582 116.572953,108.444582 C117.677223,108.444582 118.840883,108.608823 120.063968,108.937308 C121.287053,109.265794 122.031376,109.430034 122.29696,109.430034 C122.744259,109.430034 123.327837,109.279772 124.047709,108.979242 C124.767582,108.678713 125.253314,108.52845 125.50492,108.52845 C126.02211,108.52845 126.45193,108.727636 126.794394,109.126012 C127.136858,109.524388 127.308087,110.024098 127.308087,110.625156 C127.308087,111.421909 126.836333,112.099837 125.892811,112.658961 C124.949288,113.218086 123.792617,113.497643 122.422762,113.497643 C121.486229,113.497643 120.28413,113.277492 118.816428,112.837181 C117.348727,112.396871 116.286406,112.176719 115.629435,112.176719 C114.636989,112.176719 113.518757,112.449288 112.274706,112.994434 C111.030654,113.53958 110.261869,113.812149 109.968329,113.812149 C109.36727,113.812149 108.857077,113.612964 108.437734,113.214588 C108.01839,112.816212 107.808722,112.337469 107.808722,111.778345 C107.808722,111.386958 107.941512,110.971115 108.207096,110.530805 C108.47268,110.090494 108.94094,109.520895 109.611889,108.821989 L111.729562,106.683349 C109.395218,105.830685 107.536157,104.29661 106.152324,102.08108 C104.768491,99.8655494 104.076585,97.3180772 104.076585,94.4385866 C104.076585,90.6365409 105.180839,87.5299526 107.389381,85.1187288 C109.597922,82.7075049 112.442425,81.501911 115.922974,81.501911 C119.389545,81.501911 122.227059,82.7109994 124.4356,85.1292123 C126.644141,87.5474252 127.748395,90.650519 127.748395,94.4385866 C127.748395,98.2126762 126.65113,101.322759 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"text": "timestamps"
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"title": "$:/language/Buttons/Timestamp/Hint",
"text": "Choose whether modifications update timestamps"
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"title": "$:/language/Buttons/Timestamp/On/Caption",
"text": "timestamps are on"
"$:/language/Buttons/Timestamp/On/Hint": {
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"text": "Macro name:"
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"text": "Text of snippet. (Remember to add a descriptive title in the caption field)."
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"$:/language/ControlPanel/Advanced/Caption": {
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"$:/language/ControlPanel/Appearance/Hint": {
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"text": "Ways to customise the appearance of your TiddlyWiki."
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/AnimDuration/Prompt": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/AnimDuration/Prompt",
"text": "Animation duration:"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/Caption",
"text": "Basics"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/DefaultTiddlers/BottomHint": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/DefaultTiddlers/BottomHint",
"text": "Use [[double square brackets]] for titles with spaces. Or you can choose to <$button set=\"$:/DefaultTiddlers\" setTo=\"[list[$:/StoryList]]\">retain story ordering</$button>"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/DefaultTiddlers/Prompt": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/DefaultTiddlers/Prompt",
"text": "Default tiddlers:"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/DefaultTiddlers/TopHint": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/DefaultTiddlers/TopHint",
"text": "Choose which tiddlers are displayed at startup:"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/Language/Prompt": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/Language/Prompt",
"text": "Hello! Current language:"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/NewJournal/Title/Prompt": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/NewJournal/Title/Prompt",
"text": "Title of new journal tiddlers"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/NewJournal/Text/Prompt": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/NewJournal/Text/Prompt",
"text": "Text for new journal tiddlers"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/NewJournal/Tags/Prompt": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/NewJournal/Tags/Prompt",
"text": "Tags for new journal tiddlers"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/OverriddenShadowTiddlers/Prompt": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/OverriddenShadowTiddlers/Prompt",
"text": "Number of overridden shadow tiddlers:"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/ShadowTiddlers/Prompt": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/ShadowTiddlers/Prompt",
"text": "Number of shadow tiddlers:"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/Subtitle/Prompt": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/Subtitle/Prompt",
"text": "Subtitle:"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/SystemTiddlers/Prompt": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/SystemTiddlers/Prompt",
"text": "Number of system tiddlers:"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/Tags/Prompt": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/Tags/Prompt",
"text": "Number of tags:"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/Tiddlers/Prompt": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/Tiddlers/Prompt",
"text": "Number of tiddlers:"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/Title/Prompt": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/Title/Prompt",
"text": "Title of this ~TiddlyWiki:"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/Username/Prompt": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/Username/Prompt",
"text": "Username for signing edits:"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/Version/Prompt": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/Version/Prompt",
"text": "~TiddlyWiki version:"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/EditorTypes/Caption": {
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"text": "Editor"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/EditorTypes/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/EditorTypes/Hint",
"text": "These tiddlers determine which editor is used to edit specific tiddler types."
"$:/language/ControlPanel/EditorTypes/Type/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/EditorTypes/Type/Caption",
"text": "Type"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Info/Caption": {
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"$:/language/ControlPanel/KeyboardShortcuts/Add/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/KeyboardShortcuts/Add/Caption",
"text": "add shortcut"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/KeyboardShortcuts/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/KeyboardShortcuts/Caption",
"text": "Keyboard Shortcuts"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/KeyboardShortcuts/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/KeyboardShortcuts/Hint",
"text": "Manage keyboard shortcut assignments"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/KeyboardShortcuts/NoShortcuts/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/KeyboardShortcuts/NoShortcuts/Caption",
"text": "No keyboard shortcuts assigned"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/KeyboardShortcuts/Remove/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/KeyboardShortcuts/Remove/Hint",
"text": "remove keyboard shortcut"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/KeyboardShortcuts/Platform/All": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/KeyboardShortcuts/Platform/All",
"text": "All platforms"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/KeyboardShortcuts/Platform/Mac": {
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"$:/language/ControlPanel/KeyboardShortcuts/Platform/NonMac": {
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"$:/language/ControlPanel/KeyboardShortcuts/Platform/Linux": {
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"$:/language/ControlPanel/KeyboardShortcuts/Platform/NonLinux": {
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"$:/language/ControlPanel/KeyboardShortcuts/Platform/Windows": {
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"$:/language/ControlPanel/KeyboardShortcuts/Platform/NonWindows": {
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"$:/language/ControlPanel/LoadedModules/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/LoadedModules/Caption",
"text": "Loaded Modules"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/LoadedModules/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/LoadedModules/Hint",
"text": "These are the currently loaded tiddler modules linked to their source tiddlers. Any italicised modules lack a source tiddler, typically because they were setup during the boot process."
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Palette/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Palette/Caption",
"text": "Palette"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Palette/Editor/Clone/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Palette/Editor/Clone/Caption",
"text": "clone"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Palette/Editor/Clone/Prompt": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Palette/Editor/Clone/Prompt",
"text": "It is recommended that you clone this shadow palette before editing it"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Palette/Editor/Prompt/Modified": {
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"text": "This shadow palette has been modified"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Palette/Editor/Prompt": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Palette/Editor/Prompt",
"text": "Editing"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Palette/Editor/Reset/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Palette/Editor/Reset/Caption",
"text": "reset"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Palette/HideEditor/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Palette/HideEditor/Caption",
"text": "hide editor"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Palette/Prompt": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Palette/Prompt",
"text": "Current palette:"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Palette/ShowEditor/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Palette/ShowEditor/Caption",
"text": "show editor"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Parsing/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Parsing/Caption",
"text": "Parsing"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Parsing/Hint": {
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"text": "Here you can globally disable/enable wiki parser rules. For changes to take effect, save and reload your wiki. Disabling certain parser rules can prevent <$text text=\"TiddlyWiki\"/> from functioning correctly. Use [[safe mode|http://tiddlywiki.com/#SafeMode]] to restore normal operation."
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Parsing/Block/Caption": {
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"text": "Block Parse Rules"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Parsing/Inline/Caption": {
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"$:/language/ControlPanel/Parsing/Pragma/Caption": {
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"text": "Pragma Parse Rules"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/Add/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/Add/Caption",
"text": "Get more plugins"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/Add/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/Add/Hint",
"text": "Install plugins from the official library"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/AlreadyInstalled/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/AlreadyInstalled/Hint",
"text": "This plugin is already installed at version <$text text=<<installedVersion>>/>"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/Caption",
"text": "Plugins"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/Disable/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/Disable/Caption",
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"$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/Installed/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/Installed/Hint",
"text": "Currently installed plugins:"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/Languages/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/Languages/Caption",
"text": "Languages"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/Languages/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/Languages/Hint",
"text": "Language pack plugins"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/NoInfoFound/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/NoInfoFound/Hint",
"text": "No ''\"<$text text=<<currentTab>>/>\"'' found"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/NoInformation/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/NoInformation/Hint",
"text": "No information provided"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/NotInstalled/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/NotInstalled/Hint",
"text": "This plugin is not currently installed"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/OpenPluginLibrary": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/OpenPluginLibrary",
"text": "open plugin library"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/ClosePluginLibrary": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/ClosePluginLibrary",
"text": "close plugin library"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/Plugins/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/Plugins/Caption",
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"text": "Themes"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/Themes/Hint": {
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"text": "Theme plugins"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Saving/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Saving/Caption",
"text": "Saving"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Saving/DownloadSaver/AutoSave/Description": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Saving/DownloadSaver/AutoSave/Description",
"text": "Permit automatic saving for the download saver"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Saving/DownloadSaver/AutoSave/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Saving/DownloadSaver/AutoSave/Hint",
"text": "Enable Autosave for Download Saver"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Saving/DownloadSaver/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Saving/DownloadSaver/Caption",
"text": "Download Saver"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Saving/DownloadSaver/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Saving/DownloadSaver/Hint",
"text": "These settings apply to the HTML5-compatible download saver"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Saving/General/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Saving/General/Caption",
"text": "General"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Saving/General/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Saving/General/Hint",
"text": "These settings apply to all the loaded savers"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Saving/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Saving/Hint",
"text": "Settings used for saving the entire TiddlyWiki as a single file via a saver module"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Saving/TiddlySpot/Advanced/Heading": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Saving/TiddlySpot/Advanced/Heading",
"text": "Advanced Settings"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Saving/TiddlySpot/BackupDir": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Saving/TiddlySpot/BackupDir",
"text": "Backup Directory"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Saving/TiddlySpot/Backups": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Saving/TiddlySpot/Backups",
"text": "Backups"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Saving/TiddlySpot/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Saving/TiddlySpot/Caption",
"text": "~TiddlySpot Saver"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Saving/TiddlySpot/Description": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Saving/TiddlySpot/Description",
"text": "These settings are only used when saving to http://tiddlyspot.com or a compatible remote server"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Saving/TiddlySpot/Filename": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Saving/TiddlySpot/Filename",
"text": "Upload Filename"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Saving/TiddlySpot/Heading": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Saving/TiddlySpot/Heading",
"text": "~TiddlySpot"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Saving/TiddlySpot/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Saving/TiddlySpot/Hint",
"text": "//The server URL defaults to `http://<wikiname>.tiddlyspot.com/store.cgi` and can be changed to use a custom server address, e.g. `http://example.com/store.php`.//"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Saving/TiddlySpot/Password": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Saving/TiddlySpot/Password",
"text": "Password"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Saving/TiddlySpot/ServerURL": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Saving/TiddlySpot/ServerURL",
"text": "Server URL"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Saving/TiddlySpot/UploadDir": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Saving/TiddlySpot/UploadDir",
"text": "Upload Directory"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Saving/TiddlySpot/UserName": {
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"text": "Wiki Name"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/AutoSave/Caption": {
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"text": "Autosave"
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"text": "Do not save changes automatically"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/AutoSave/Enabled/Description": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/AutoSave/Enabled/Description",
"text": "Save changes automatically"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/AutoSave/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/AutoSave/Hint",
"text": "Attempt to automatically save changes during editing when using a supporting saver"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/CamelCase/Caption": {
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"text": "Camel Case Wiki Links"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/CamelCase/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/CamelCase/Hint",
"text": "You can globally disable automatic linking of ~CamelCase phrases. Requires reload to take effect"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/CamelCase/Description": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/CamelCase/Description",
"text": "Enable automatic ~CamelCase linking"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/Caption",
"text": "Settings"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/EditorToolbar/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/EditorToolbar/Caption",
"text": "Editor Toolbar"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/EditorToolbar/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/EditorToolbar/Hint",
"text": "Enable or disable the editor toolbar:"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/EditorToolbar/Description": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/EditorToolbar/Description",
"text": "Show editor toolbar"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/InfoPanelMode/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/InfoPanelMode/Caption",
"text": "Tiddler Info Panel Mode"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/InfoPanelMode/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/InfoPanelMode/Hint",
"text": "Control when the tiddler info panel closes:"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/InfoPanelMode/Popup/Description": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/InfoPanelMode/Popup/Description",
"text": "Tiddler info panel closes automatically"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/InfoPanelMode/Sticky/Description": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/InfoPanelMode/Sticky/Description",
"text": "Tiddler info panel stays open until explicitly closed"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/Hint",
"text": "These settings let you customise the behaviour of TiddlyWiki."
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/NavigationAddressBar/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/NavigationAddressBar/Caption",
"text": "Navigation Address Bar"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/NavigationAddressBar/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/NavigationAddressBar/Hint",
"text": "Behaviour of the browser address bar when navigating to a tiddler:"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/NavigationAddressBar/No/Description": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/NavigationAddressBar/No/Description",
"text": "Do not update the address bar"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/NavigationAddressBar/Permalink/Description": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/NavigationAddressBar/Permalink/Description",
"text": "Include the target tiddler"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/NavigationAddressBar/Permaview/Description": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/NavigationAddressBar/Permaview/Description",
"text": "Include the target tiddler and the current story sequence"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/NavigationHistory/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/NavigationHistory/Caption",
"text": "Navigation History"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/NavigationHistory/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/NavigationHistory/Hint",
"text": "Update browser history when navigating to a tiddler:"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/NavigationHistory/No/Description": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/NavigationHistory/No/Description",
"text": "Do not update history"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/NavigationHistory/Yes/Description": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/NavigationHistory/Yes/Description",
"text": "Update history"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/PerformanceInstrumentation/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/PerformanceInstrumentation/Caption",
"text": "Performance Instrumentation"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/PerformanceInstrumentation/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/PerformanceInstrumentation/Hint",
"text": "Displays performance statistics in the browser developer console. Requires reload to take effect"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/PerformanceInstrumentation/Description": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/PerformanceInstrumentation/Description",
"text": "Enable performance instrumentation"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/ToolbarButtonStyle/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/ToolbarButtonStyle/Caption",
"text": "Toolbar Button Style"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/ToolbarButtonStyle/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/ToolbarButtonStyle/Hint",
"text": "Choose the style for toolbar buttons:"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/ToolbarButtonStyle/Styles/Borderless": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/ToolbarButtonStyle/Styles/Borderless",
"text": "Borderless"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/ToolbarButtonStyle/Styles/Boxed": {
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"text": "Boxed"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/ToolbarButtonStyle/Styles/Rounded": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/ToolbarButtonStyle/Styles/Rounded",
"text": "Rounded"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/ToolbarButtons/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/ToolbarButtons/Caption",
"text": "Toolbar Buttons"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/ToolbarButtons/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/ToolbarButtons/Hint",
"text": "Default toolbar button appearance:"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/ToolbarButtons/Icons/Description": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/ToolbarButtons/Icons/Description",
"text": "Include icon"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/ToolbarButtons/Text/Description": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/ToolbarButtons/Text/Description",
"text": "Include text"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/DefaultSidebarTab/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/DefaultSidebarTab/Caption",
"text": "Default Sidebar Tab"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/DefaultSidebarTab/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/DefaultSidebarTab/Hint",
"text": "Specify which sidebar tab is displayed by default"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/LinkToBehaviour/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/LinkToBehaviour/Caption",
"text": "Tiddler Opening Behaviour"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/LinkToBehaviour/InsideRiver/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/LinkToBehaviour/InsideRiver/Hint",
"text": "Navigation from //within// the story river"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/LinkToBehaviour/OutsideRiver/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/LinkToBehaviour/OutsideRiver/Hint",
"text": "Navigation from //outside// the story river"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/LinkToBehaviour/OpenAbove": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/LinkToBehaviour/OpenAbove",
"text": "Open above the current tiddler"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/LinkToBehaviour/OpenBelow": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/LinkToBehaviour/OpenBelow",
"text": "Open below the current tiddler"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/LinkToBehaviour/OpenAtTop": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/LinkToBehaviour/OpenAtTop",
"text": "Open at the top of the story river"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/LinkToBehaviour/OpenAtBottom": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/LinkToBehaviour/OpenAtBottom",
"text": "Open at the bottom of the story river"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/TitleLinks/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/TitleLinks/Caption",
"text": "Tiddler Titles"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/TitleLinks/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/TitleLinks/Hint",
"text": "Optionally display tiddler titles as links"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/TitleLinks/No/Description": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/TitleLinks/No/Description",
"text": "Do not display tiddler titles as links"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/TitleLinks/Yes/Description": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/TitleLinks/Yes/Description",
"text": "Display tiddler titles as links"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/MissingLinks/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/MissingLinks/Caption",
"text": "Wiki Links"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/MissingLinks/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/MissingLinks/Hint",
"text": "Choose whether to link to tiddlers that do not exist yet"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/MissingLinks/Description": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/MissingLinks/Description",
"text": "Enable links to missing tiddlers"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/StoryView/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/StoryView/Caption",
"text": "Story View"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/StoryView/Prompt": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/StoryView/Prompt",
"text": "Current view:"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Theme/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Theme/Caption",
"text": "Theme"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Theme/Prompt": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Theme/Prompt",
"text": "Current theme:"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/TiddlerFields/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/TiddlerFields/Caption",
"text": "Tiddler Fields"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/TiddlerFields/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/TiddlerFields/Hint",
"text": "This is the full set of TiddlerFields in use in this wiki (including system tiddlers but excluding shadow tiddlers)."
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Toolbars/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Toolbars/Caption",
"text": "Toolbars"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Toolbars/EditToolbar/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Toolbars/EditToolbar/Caption",
"text": "Edit Toolbar"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Toolbars/EditToolbar/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Toolbars/EditToolbar/Hint",
"text": "Choose which buttons are displayed for tiddlers in edit mode. Drag and drop to change the ordering"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Toolbars/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Toolbars/Hint",
"text": "Select which toolbar buttons are displayed"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Toolbars/PageControls/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Toolbars/PageControls/Caption",
"text": "Page Toolbar"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Toolbars/PageControls/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Toolbars/PageControls/Hint",
"text": "Choose which buttons are displayed on the main page toolbar. Drag and drop to change the ordering"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Toolbars/EditorToolbar/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Toolbars/EditorToolbar/Caption",
"text": "Editor Toolbar"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Toolbars/EditorToolbar/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Toolbars/EditorToolbar/Hint",
"text": "Choose which buttons are displayed in the editor toolbar. Note that some buttons will only appear when editing tiddlers of a certain type. Drag and drop to change the ordering"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Toolbars/ViewToolbar/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Toolbars/ViewToolbar/Caption",
"text": "View Toolbar"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Toolbars/ViewToolbar/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Toolbars/ViewToolbar/Hint",
"text": "Choose which buttons are displayed for tiddlers in view mode. Drag and drop to change the ordering"
"$:/language/ControlPanel/Tools/Download/Full/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/ControlPanel/Tools/Download/Full/Caption",
"text": "Download full wiki"
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"$:/language/RelativeDate/Future/Second": {
"title": "$:/language/RelativeDate/Future/Second",
"text": "1 second from now"
"$:/language/RelativeDate/Future/Seconds": {
"title": "$:/language/RelativeDate/Future/Seconds",
"text": "<<period>> seconds from now"
"$:/language/RelativeDate/Future/Years": {
"title": "$:/language/RelativeDate/Future/Years",
"text": "<<period>> years from now"
"$:/language/RelativeDate/Past/Days": {
"title": "$:/language/RelativeDate/Past/Days",
"text": "<<period>> days ago"
"$:/language/RelativeDate/Past/Hours": {
"title": "$:/language/RelativeDate/Past/Hours",
"text": "<<period>> hours ago"
"$:/language/RelativeDate/Past/Minutes": {
"title": "$:/language/RelativeDate/Past/Minutes",
"text": "<<period>> minutes ago"
"$:/language/RelativeDate/Past/Months": {
"title": "$:/language/RelativeDate/Past/Months",
"text": "<<period>> months ago"
"$:/language/RelativeDate/Past/Second": {
"title": "$:/language/RelativeDate/Past/Second",
"text": "1 second ago"
"$:/language/RelativeDate/Past/Seconds": {
"title": "$:/language/RelativeDate/Past/Seconds",
"text": "<<period>> seconds ago"
"$:/language/RelativeDate/Past/Years": {
"title": "$:/language/RelativeDate/Past/Years",
"text": "<<period>> years ago"
"$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/allfilteroperator": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/allfilteroperator",
"text": "A sub-operator for the ''all'' filter operator."
"$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/animation": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/animation",
"text": "Animations that may be used with the RevealWidget."
"$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/bitmapeditoroperation": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/bitmapeditoroperation",
"text": "A bitmap editor toolbar operation."
"$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/command": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/command",
"text": "Commands that can be executed under Node.js."
"$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/config": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/config",
"text": "Data to be inserted into `$tw.config`."
"$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/filteroperator": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/filteroperator",
"text": "Individual filter operator methods."
"$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/global": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/global",
"text": "Global data to be inserted into `$tw`."
"$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/info": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/info",
"text": "Publishes system information via the [[$:/temp/info-plugin]] pseudo-plugin."
"$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/isfilteroperator": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/isfilteroperator",
"text": "Operands for the ''is'' filter operator."
"$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/library": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/library",
"text": "Generic module type for general purpose JavaScript modules."
"$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/macro": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/macro",
"text": "JavaScript macro definitions."
"$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/parser": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/parser",
"text": "Parsers for different content types."
"$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/saver": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/saver",
"text": "Savers handle different methods for saving files from the browser."
"$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/startup": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/startup",
"text": "Startup functions."
"$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/storyview": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/storyview",
"text": "Story views customise the animation and behaviour of list widgets."
"$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/texteditoroperation": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/texteditoroperation",
"text": "A text editor toolbar operation."
"$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/tiddlerdeserializer": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/tiddlerdeserializer",
"text": "Converts different content types into tiddlers."
"$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/tiddlerfield": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/tiddlerfield",
"text": "Defines the behaviour of an individual tiddler field."
"$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/tiddlermethod": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/tiddlermethod",
"text": "Adds methods to the `$tw.Tiddler` prototype."
"$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/upgrader": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/upgrader",
"text": "Applies upgrade processing to tiddlers during an upgrade/import."
"$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/utils": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/utils",
"text": "Adds methods to `$tw.utils`."
"$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/utils-node": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/utils-node",
"text": "Adds Node.js-specific methods to `$tw.utils`."
"$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/widget": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/widget",
"text": "Widgets encapsulate DOM rendering and refreshing."
"$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/wikimethod": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/wikimethod",
"text": "Adds methods to `$tw.Wiki`."
"$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/wikirule": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/wikirule",
"text": "Individual parser rules for the main WikiText parser."
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/alert-background": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/alert-background",
"text": "Alert background"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/alert-border": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/alert-border",
"text": "Alert border"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/alert-highlight": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/alert-highlight",
"text": "Alert highlight"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/alert-muted-foreground": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/alert-muted-foreground",
"text": "Alert muted foreground"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/background": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/background",
"text": "General background"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/blockquote-bar": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/blockquote-bar",
"text": "Blockquote bar"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/button-background": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/button-background",
"text": "Default button background"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/button-border": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/button-border",
"text": "Default button border"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/button-foreground": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/button-foreground",
"text": "Default button foreground"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/dirty-indicator": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/dirty-indicator",
"text": "Unsaved changes indicator"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/code-background": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/code-background",
"text": "Code background"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/code-border": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/code-border",
"text": "Code border"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/code-foreground": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/code-foreground",
"text": "Code foreground"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/download-background": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/download-background",
"text": "Download button background"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/download-foreground": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/download-foreground",
"text": "Download button foreground"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/dragger-background": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/dragger-background",
"text": "Dragger background"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/dragger-foreground": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/dragger-foreground",
"text": "Dragger foreground"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/dropdown-background": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/dropdown-background",
"text": "Dropdown background"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/dropdown-border": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/dropdown-border",
"text": "Dropdown border"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/dropdown-tab-background-selected": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/dropdown-tab-background-selected",
"text": "Dropdown tab background for selected tabs"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/dropdown-tab-background": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/dropdown-tab-background",
"text": "Dropdown tab background"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/dropzone-background": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/dropzone-background",
"text": "Dropzone background"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/external-link-background-hover": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/external-link-background-hover",
"text": "External link background hover"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/external-link-background-visited": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/external-link-background-visited",
"text": "External link background visited"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/external-link-background": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/external-link-background",
"text": "External link background"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/external-link-foreground-hover": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/external-link-foreground-hover",
"text": "External link foreground hover"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/external-link-foreground-visited": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/external-link-foreground-visited",
"text": "External link foreground visited"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/external-link-foreground": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/external-link-foreground",
"text": "External link foreground"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/foreground": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/foreground",
"text": "General foreground"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/message-background": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/message-background",
"text": "Message box background"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/message-border": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/message-border",
"text": "Message box border"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/message-foreground": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/message-foreground",
"text": "Message box foreground"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/modal-backdrop": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/modal-backdrop",
"text": "Modal backdrop"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/modal-background": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/modal-background",
"text": "Modal background"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/modal-border": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/modal-border",
"text": "Modal border"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/modal-footer-background": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/modal-footer-background",
"text": "Modal footer background"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/modal-footer-border": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/modal-footer-border",
"text": "Modal footer border"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/modal-header-border": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/modal-header-border",
"text": "Modal header border"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/muted-foreground": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/muted-foreground",
"text": "General muted foreground"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/notification-background": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/notification-background",
"text": "Notification background"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/notification-border": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/notification-border",
"text": "Notification border"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/page-background": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/page-background",
"text": "Page background"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/pre-background": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/pre-background",
"text": "Preformatted code background"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/pre-border": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/pre-border",
"text": "Preformatted code border"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/primary": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/primary",
"text": "General primary"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/sidebar-button-foreground": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/sidebar-button-foreground",
"text": "Sidebar button foreground"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/sidebar-controls-foreground-hover": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/sidebar-controls-foreground-hover",
"text": "Sidebar controls foreground hover"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/sidebar-controls-foreground": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/sidebar-controls-foreground",
"text": "Sidebar controls foreground"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/sidebar-foreground-shadow": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/sidebar-foreground-shadow",
"text": "Sidebar foreground shadow"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/sidebar-foreground": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/sidebar-foreground",
"text": "Sidebar foreground"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/sidebar-muted-foreground-hover": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/sidebar-muted-foreground-hover",
"text": "Sidebar muted foreground hover"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/sidebar-muted-foreground": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/sidebar-muted-foreground",
"text": "Sidebar muted foreground"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/sidebar-tab-background-selected": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/sidebar-tab-background-selected",
"text": "Sidebar tab background for selected tabs"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/sidebar-tab-background": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/sidebar-tab-background",
"text": "Sidebar tab background"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/sidebar-tab-border-selected": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/sidebar-tab-border-selected",
"text": "Sidebar tab border for selected tabs"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/sidebar-tab-border": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/sidebar-tab-border",
"text": "Sidebar tab border"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/sidebar-tab-divider": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/sidebar-tab-divider",
"text": "Sidebar tab divider"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/sidebar-tab-foreground-selected": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/sidebar-tab-foreground-selected",
"text": "Sidebar tab foreground for selected tabs"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/sidebar-tab-foreground": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/sidebar-tab-foreground",
"text": "Sidebar tab foreground"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/sidebar-tiddler-link-foreground-hover": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/sidebar-tiddler-link-foreground-hover",
"text": "Sidebar tiddler link foreground hover"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/sidebar-tiddler-link-foreground": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/sidebar-tiddler-link-foreground",
"text": "Sidebar tiddler link foreground"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/site-title-foreground": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/site-title-foreground",
"text": "Site title foreground"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/static-alert-foreground": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/static-alert-foreground",
"text": "Static alert foreground"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/tab-background-selected": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/tab-background-selected",
"text": "Tab background for selected tabs"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/tab-background": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/tab-background",
"text": "Tab background"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/tab-border-selected": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/tab-border-selected",
"text": "Tab border for selected tabs"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/tab-border": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/tab-border",
"text": "Tab border"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/tab-divider": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/tab-divider",
"text": "Tab divider"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/tab-foreground-selected": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/tab-foreground-selected",
"text": "Tab foreground for selected tabs"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/tab-foreground": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/tab-foreground",
"text": "Tab foreground"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/table-border": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/table-border",
"text": "Table border"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/table-footer-background": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/table-footer-background",
"text": "Table footer background"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/table-header-background": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/table-header-background",
"text": "Table header background"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/tag-background": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/tag-background",
"text": "Tag background"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/tag-foreground": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/tag-foreground",
"text": "Tag foreground"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/tiddler-background": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/tiddler-background",
"text": "Tiddler background"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/tiddler-border": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/tiddler-border",
"text": "Tiddler border"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/tiddler-controls-foreground-hover": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/tiddler-controls-foreground-hover",
"text": "Tiddler controls foreground hover"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/tiddler-controls-foreground-selected": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/tiddler-controls-foreground-selected",
"text": "Tiddler controls foreground for selected controls"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/tiddler-controls-foreground": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/tiddler-controls-foreground",
"text": "Tiddler controls foreground"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/tiddler-editor-background": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/tiddler-editor-background",
"text": "Tiddler editor background"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/tiddler-editor-border-image": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/tiddler-editor-border-image",
"text": "Tiddler editor border image"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/tiddler-editor-border": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/tiddler-editor-border",
"text": "Tiddler editor border"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/tiddler-editor-fields-even": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/tiddler-editor-fields-even",
"text": "Tiddler editor background for even fields"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/tiddler-editor-fields-odd": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/tiddler-editor-fields-odd",
"text": "Tiddler editor background for odd fields"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/tiddler-info-background": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/tiddler-info-background",
"text": "Tiddler info panel background"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/tiddler-info-border": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/tiddler-info-border",
"text": "Tiddler info panel border"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/tiddler-info-tab-background": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/tiddler-info-tab-background",
"text": "Tiddler info panel tab background"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/tiddler-link-background": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/tiddler-link-background",
"text": "Tiddler link background"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/tiddler-link-foreground": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/tiddler-link-foreground",
"text": "Tiddler link foreground"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/tiddler-subtitle-foreground": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/tiddler-subtitle-foreground",
"text": "Tiddler subtitle foreground"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/tiddler-title-foreground": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/tiddler-title-foreground",
"text": "Tiddler title foreground"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/toolbar-new-button": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/toolbar-new-button",
"text": "Toolbar 'new tiddler' button foreground"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/toolbar-options-button": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/toolbar-options-button",
"text": "Toolbar 'options' button foreground"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/toolbar-save-button": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/toolbar-save-button",
"text": "Toolbar 'save' button foreground"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/toolbar-info-button": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/toolbar-info-button",
"text": "Toolbar 'info' button foreground"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/toolbar-edit-button": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/toolbar-edit-button",
"text": "Toolbar 'edit' button foreground"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/toolbar-close-button": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/toolbar-close-button",
"text": "Toolbar 'close' button foreground"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/toolbar-delete-button": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/toolbar-delete-button",
"text": "Toolbar 'delete' button foreground"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/toolbar-cancel-button": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/toolbar-cancel-button",
"text": "Toolbar 'cancel' button foreground"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/toolbar-done-button": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/toolbar-done-button",
"text": "Toolbar 'done' button foreground"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/untagged-background": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/untagged-background",
"text": "Untagged pill background"
"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/very-muted-foreground": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/very-muted-foreground",
"text": "Very muted foreground"
"$:/language/EditTemplate/Body/External/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/EditTemplate/Body/External/Hint",
"text": "This is an external tiddler stored outside of the main TiddlyWiki file. You can edit the tags and fields but cannot directly edit the content itself"
"$:/language/EditTemplate/Body/Placeholder": {
"title": "$:/language/EditTemplate/Body/Placeholder",
"text": "Type the text for this tiddler"
"$:/language/EditTemplate/Body/Preview/Type/Output": {
"title": "$:/language/EditTemplate/Body/Preview/Type/Output",
"text": "output"
"$:/language/EditTemplate/Field/Remove/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/EditTemplate/Field/Remove/Caption",
"text": "remove field"
"$:/language/EditTemplate/Field/Remove/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/EditTemplate/Field/Remove/Hint",
"text": "Remove field"
"$:/language/EditTemplate/Fields/Add/Button": {
"title": "$:/language/EditTemplate/Fields/Add/Button",
"text": "add"
"$:/language/EditTemplate/Fields/Add/Name/Placeholder": {
"title": "$:/language/EditTemplate/Fields/Add/Name/Placeholder",
"text": "field name"
"$:/language/EditTemplate/Fields/Add/Prompt": {
"title": "$:/language/EditTemplate/Fields/Add/Prompt",
"text": "Add a new field:"
"$:/language/EditTemplate/Fields/Add/Value/Placeholder": {
"title": "$:/language/EditTemplate/Fields/Add/Value/Placeholder",
"text": "field value"
"$:/language/EditTemplate/Fields/Add/Dropdown/System": {
"title": "$:/language/EditTemplate/Fields/Add/Dropdown/System",
"text": "System fields"
"$:/language/EditTemplate/Fields/Add/Dropdown/User": {
"title": "$:/language/EditTemplate/Fields/Add/Dropdown/User",
"text": "User fields"
"$:/language/EditTemplate/Shadow/Warning": {
"title": "$:/language/EditTemplate/Shadow/Warning",
"text": "This is a shadow tiddler. Any changes you make will override the default version from the plugin <<pluginLink>>"
"$:/language/EditTemplate/Shadow/OverriddenWarning": {
"title": "$:/language/EditTemplate/Shadow/OverriddenWarning",
"text": "This is a modified shadow tiddler. You can revert to the default version in the plugin <<pluginLink>> by deleting this tiddler"
"$:/language/EditTemplate/Tags/Add/Button": {
"title": "$:/language/EditTemplate/Tags/Add/Button",
"text": "add"
"$:/language/EditTemplate/Tags/Add/Placeholder": {
"title": "$:/language/EditTemplate/Tags/Add/Placeholder",
"text": "tag name"
"$:/language/EditTemplate/Tags/Dropdown/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/EditTemplate/Tags/Dropdown/Caption",
"text": "tag list"
"$:/language/EditTemplate/Tags/Dropdown/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/EditTemplate/Tags/Dropdown/Hint",
"text": "Show tag list"
"$:/language/EditTemplate/Title/BadCharacterWarning": {
"title": "$:/language/EditTemplate/Title/BadCharacterWarning",
"text": "Warning: avoid using any of the characters <<bad-chars>> in tiddler titles"
"$:/language/EditTemplate/Title/Exists/Prompt": {
"title": "$:/language/EditTemplate/Title/Exists/Prompt",
"text": "Target tiddler already exists"
"$:/language/EditTemplate/Title/Relink/Prompt": {
"title": "$:/language/EditTemplate/Title/Relink/Prompt",
"text": "Update ''<$text text=<<fromTitle>>/>'' to ''<$text text=<<toTitle>>/>'' in the //tags// and //list// fields of other tiddlers"
"$:/language/EditTemplate/Type/Dropdown/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/EditTemplate/Type/Dropdown/Caption",
"text": "content type list"
"$:/language/EditTemplate/Type/Dropdown/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/EditTemplate/Type/Dropdown/Hint",
"text": "Show content type list"
"$:/language/EditTemplate/Type/Delete/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/EditTemplate/Type/Delete/Caption",
"text": "delete content type"
"$:/language/EditTemplate/Type/Delete/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/EditTemplate/Type/Delete/Hint",
"text": "Delete content type"
"$:/language/EditTemplate/Type/Placeholder": {
"title": "$:/language/EditTemplate/Type/Placeholder",
"text": "content type"
"$:/language/EditTemplate/Type/Prompt": {
"title": "$:/language/EditTemplate/Type/Prompt",
"text": "Type:"
"$:/language/Exporters/StaticRiver": {
"title": "$:/language/Exporters/StaticRiver",
"text": "Static HTML"
"$:/language/Exporters/JsonFile": {
"title": "$:/language/Exporters/JsonFile",
"text": "JSON file"
"$:/language/Exporters/CsvFile": {
"title": "$:/language/Exporters/CsvFile",
"text": "CSV file"
"$:/language/Exporters/TidFile": {
"title": "$:/language/Exporters/TidFile",
"text": "\".tid\" file"
"$:/language/Docs/Fields/_canonical_uri": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/Fields/_canonical_uri",
"text": "The full URI of an external image tiddler"
"$:/language/Docs/Fields/bag": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/Fields/bag",
"text": "The name of the bag from which a tiddler came"
"$:/language/Docs/Fields/caption": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/Fields/caption",
"text": "The text to be displayed on a tab or button"
"$:/language/Docs/Fields/color": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/Fields/color",
"text": "The CSS color value associated with a tiddler"
"$:/language/Docs/Fields/component": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/Fields/component",
"text": "The name of the component responsible for an [[alert tiddler|AlertMechanism]]"
"$:/language/Docs/Fields/current-tiddler": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/Fields/current-tiddler",
"text": "Used to cache the top tiddler in a [[history list|HistoryMechanism]]"
"$:/language/Docs/Fields/created": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/Fields/created",
"text": "The date a tiddler was created"
"$:/language/Docs/Fields/creator": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/Fields/creator",
"text": "The name of the person who created a tiddler"
"$:/language/Docs/Fields/dependents": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/Fields/dependents",
"text": "For a plugin, lists the dependent plugin titles"
"$:/language/Docs/Fields/description": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/Fields/description",
"text": "The descriptive text for a plugin, or a modal dialogue"
"$:/language/Docs/Fields/draft.of": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/Fields/draft.of",
"text": "For draft tiddlers, contains the title of the tiddler of which this is a draft"
"$:/language/Docs/Fields/draft.title": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/Fields/draft.title",
"text": "For draft tiddlers, contains the proposed new title of the tiddler"
"$:/language/Docs/Fields/footer": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/Fields/footer",
"text": "The footer text for a wizard"
"$:/language/Docs/Fields/hack-to-give-us-something-to-compare-against": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/Fields/hack-to-give-us-something-to-compare-against",
"text": "A temporary storage field used in [[$:/core/templates/static.content]]"
"$:/language/Docs/Fields/icon": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/Fields/icon",
"text": "The title of the tiddler containing the icon associated with a tiddler"
"$:/language/Docs/Fields/library": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/Fields/library",
"text": "If set to \"yes\" indicates that a tiddler should be saved as a JavaScript library"
"$:/language/Docs/Fields/list": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/Fields/list",
"text": "An ordered list of tiddler titles associated with a tiddler"
"$:/language/Docs/Fields/list-before": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/Fields/list-before",
"text": "If set, the title of a tiddler before which this tiddler should be added to the ordered list of tiddler titles, or at the start of the list if this field is present but empty"
"$:/language/Docs/Fields/list-after": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/Fields/list-after",
"text": "If set, the title of the tiddler after which this tiddler should be added to the ordered list of tiddler titles"
"$:/language/Docs/Fields/modified": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/Fields/modified",
"text": "The date and time at which a tiddler was last modified"
"$:/language/Docs/Fields/modifier": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/Fields/modifier",
"text": "The tiddler title associated with the person who last modified a tiddler"
"$:/language/Docs/Fields/name": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/Fields/name",
"text": "The human readable name associated with a plugin tiddler"
"$:/language/Docs/Fields/plugin-priority": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/Fields/plugin-priority",
"text": "A numerical value indicating the priority of a plugin tiddler"
"$:/language/Docs/Fields/plugin-type": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/Fields/plugin-type",
"text": "The type of plugin in a plugin tiddler"
"$:/language/Docs/Fields/revision": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/Fields/revision",
"text": "The revision of the tiddler held at the server"
"$:/language/Docs/Fields/released": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/Fields/released",
"text": "Date of a TiddlyWiki release"
"$:/language/Docs/Fields/source": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/Fields/source",
"text": "The source URL associated with a tiddler"
"$:/language/Docs/Fields/subtitle": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/Fields/subtitle",
"text": "The subtitle text for a wizard"
"$:/language/Docs/Fields/tags": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/Fields/tags",
"text": "A list of tags associated with a tiddler"
"$:/language/Docs/Fields/text": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/Fields/text",
"text": "The body text of a tiddler"
"$:/language/Docs/Fields/title": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/Fields/title",
"text": "The unique name of a tiddler"
"$:/language/Docs/Fields/type": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/Fields/type",
"text": "The content type of a tiddler"
"$:/language/Docs/Fields/version": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/Fields/version",
"text": "Version information for a plugin"
"$:/language/Filters/AllTiddlers": {
"title": "$:/language/Filters/AllTiddlers",
"text": "All tiddlers except system tiddlers"
"$:/language/Filters/RecentSystemTiddlers": {
"title": "$:/language/Filters/RecentSystemTiddlers",
"text": "Recently modified tiddlers, including system tiddlers"
"$:/language/Filters/RecentTiddlers": {
"title": "$:/language/Filters/RecentTiddlers",
"text": "Recently modified tiddlers"
"$:/language/Filters/AllTags": {
"title": "$:/language/Filters/AllTags",
"text": "All tags except system tags"
"$:/language/Filters/Missing": {
"title": "$:/language/Filters/Missing",
"text": "Missing tiddlers"
"$:/language/Filters/Drafts": {
"title": "$:/language/Filters/Drafts",
"text": "Draft tiddlers"
"$:/language/Filters/Orphans": {
"title": "$:/language/Filters/Orphans",
"text": "Orphan tiddlers"
"$:/language/Filters/SystemTiddlers": {
"title": "$:/language/Filters/SystemTiddlers",
"text": "System tiddlers"
"$:/language/Filters/ShadowTiddlers": {
"title": "$:/language/Filters/ShadowTiddlers",
"text": "Shadow tiddlers"
"$:/language/Filters/OverriddenShadowTiddlers": {
"title": "$:/language/Filters/OverriddenShadowTiddlers",
"text": "Overridden shadow tiddlers"
"$:/language/Filters/SystemTags": {
"title": "$:/language/Filters/SystemTags",
"text": "System tags"
"$:/language/Filters/StoryList": {
"title": "$:/language/Filters/StoryList",
"text": "Tiddlers in the story river, excluding <$text text=\"$:/AdvancedSearch\"/>"
"$:/language/Filters/TypedTiddlers": {
"title": "$:/language/Filters/TypedTiddlers",
"text": "Non wiki-text tiddlers"
"GettingStarted": {
"title": "GettingStarted",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/\nWelcome to ~TiddlyWiki and the ~TiddlyWiki community\n\nBefore you start storing important information in ~TiddlyWiki it is important to make sure that you can reliably save changes. See http://tiddlywiki.com/#GettingStarted for details\n\n!! Set up this ~TiddlyWiki\n\n<div class=\"tc-control-panel\">\n\n|<$link to=\"$:/SiteTitle\"><<lingo Title/Prompt>></$link> |<$edit-text tiddler=\"$:/SiteTitle\" default=\"\" tag=\"input\"/> |\n|<$link to=\"$:/SiteSubtitle\"><<lingo Subtitle/Prompt>></$link> |<$edit-text tiddler=\"$:/SiteSubtitle\" default=\"\" tag=\"input\"/> |\n|<$link to=\"$:/DefaultTiddlers\"><<lingo DefaultTiddlers/Prompt>></$link> |<<lingo DefaultTiddlers/TopHint>><br> <$edit tag=\"textarea\" tiddler=\"$:/DefaultTiddlers\"/><br>//<<lingo DefaultTiddlers/BottomHint>>// |\n</div>\n\nSee the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] for more options.\n"
"$:/language/Help/build": {
"title": "$:/language/Help/build",
"description": "Automatically run configured commands",
"text": "Build the specified build targets for the current wiki. If no build targets are specified then all available targets will be built.\n\n```\n--build <target> [<target> ...]\n```\n\nBuild targets are defined in the `tiddlywiki.info` file of a wiki folder.\n\n"
"$:/language/Help/clearpassword": {
"title": "$:/language/Help/clearpassword",
"description": "Clear a password for subsequent crypto operations",
"text": "Clear the password for subsequent crypto operations\n\n```\n--clearpassword\n```\n"
"$:/language/Help/default": {
"title": "$:/language/Help/default",
"text": "\\define commandTitle()\n$:/language/Help/$(command)$\n\\end\n```\nusage: tiddlywiki [<wikifolder>] [--<command> [<args>...]...]\n```\n\nAvailable commands:\n\n<ul>\n<$list filter=\"[commands[]sort[title]]\" variable=\"command\">\n<li><$link to=<<commandTitle>>><$macrocall $name=\"command\" $type=\"text/plain\" $output=\"text/plain\"/></$link>: <$transclude tiddler=<<commandTitle>> field=\"description\"/></li>\n</$list>\n</ul>\n\nTo get detailed help on a command:\n\n```\ntiddlywiki --help <command>\n```\n"
"$:/language/Help/editions": {
"title": "$:/language/Help/editions",
"description": "Lists the available editions of TiddlyWiki",
"text": "Lists the names and descriptions of the available editions. You can create a new wiki of a specified edition with the `--init` command.\n\n```\n--editions\n```\n"
"$:/language/Help/fetch": {
"title": "$:/language/Help/fetch",
"description": "Fetch tiddlers from wiki by URL",
"text": "Fetch one or more files over HTTP/HTTPS, and import the tiddlers matching a filter, optionally transforming the incoming titles.\n\n```\n--fetch file <url> <import-filter> <transform-filter>\n--fetch files <url-filter> <import-filter> <transform-filter>\n```\n\nWith the \"file\" variant only a single file is fetched and the first parameter is the URL of the file to read.\n\nWith the \"files\" variant, multiple files are fetched and the first parameter is a filter yielding a list of URLs of the files to read. For example, given a set of tiddlers tagged \"remote-server\" that have a field \"url\" the filter `[tag[remote-server]get[url]]` will retrieve all the available URLs.\n\nThe `<import-filter>` parameter specifies a filter determining which tiddlers are imported. It defaults to `[all[tiddlers]]` if not provided.\n\nThe `<transform-filter>` parameter specifies an optional filter that transforms the titles of the imported tiddlers. For example, `[addprefix[$:/myimports/]]` would add the prefix `$:/myimports/` to each title.\n\nPreceding the `--fetch` command with `--verbose` will output progress information during the import.\n\nNote that TiddlyWiki will not fetch an older version of an already loaded plugin.\n\nThe following example retrieves all the non-system tiddlers from http://tiddlywiki.com and saves them to a JSON file:\n\n```\ntiddlywiki --verbose --fetch file \"http://tiddlywiki.com/\" \"[!is[system]]\" \"\" --rendertiddler \"$:/core/templates/exporters/JsonFile\" output.json text/plain \"\" exportFilter \"[!is[system]]\"\n```\n\n"
"$:/language/Help/help": {
"title": "$:/language/Help/help",
"description": "Display help for TiddlyWiki commands",
"text": "Displays help text for a command:\n\n```\n--help [<command>]\n```\n\nIf the command name is omitted then a list of available commands is displayed.\n"
"$:/language/Help/init": {
"title": "$:/language/Help/init",
"description": "Initialise a new wiki folder",
"text": "Initialise an empty [[WikiFolder|WikiFolders]] with a copy of the specified edition.\n\n```\n--init <edition> [<edition> ...]\n```\n\nFor example:\n\n```\ntiddlywiki ./MyWikiFolder --init empty\n```\n\nNote:\n\n* The wiki folder directory will be created if necessary\n* The \"edition\" defaults to ''empty''\n* The init command will fail if the wiki folder is not empty\n* The init command removes any `includeWikis` definitions in the edition's `tiddlywiki.info` file\n* When multiple editions are specified, editions initialised later will overwrite any files shared with earlier editions (so, the final `tiddlywiki.info` file will be copied from the last edition)\n* `--editions` returns a list of available editions\n"
"$:/language/Help/load": {
"title": "$:/language/Help/load",
"description": "Load tiddlers from a file",
"text": "Load tiddlers from 2.x.x TiddlyWiki files (`.html`), `.tiddler`, `.tid`, `.json` or other files\n\n```\n--load <filepath>\n```\n\nTo load tiddlers from an encrypted TiddlyWiki file you should first specify the password with the PasswordCommand. For example:\n\n```\ntiddlywiki ./MyWiki --password pa55w0rd --load my_encrypted_wiki.html\n```\n\nNote that TiddlyWiki will not load an older version of an already loaded plugin.\n"
"$:/language/Help/makelibrary": {
"title": "$:/language/Help/makelibrary",
"description": "Construct library plugin required by upgrade process",
"text": "Constructs the `$:/UpgradeLibrary` tiddler for the upgrade process.\n\nThe upgrade library is formatted as an ordinary plugin tiddler with the plugin type `library`. It contains a copy of each of the plugins, themes and language packs available within the TiddlyWiki5 repository.\n\nThis command is intended for internal use; it is only relevant to users constructing a custom upgrade procedure.\n\n```\n--makelibrary <title>\n```\n\nThe title argument defaults to `$:/UpgradeLibrary`.\n"
"$:/language/Help/notfound": {
"title": "$:/language/Help/notfound",
"text": "No such help item"
"$:/language/Help/output": {
"title": "$:/language/Help/output",
"description": "Set the base output directory for subsequent commands",
"text": "Sets the base output directory for subsequent commands. The default output directory is the `output` subdirectory of the edition directory.\n\n```\n--output <pathname>\n```\n\nIf the specified pathname is relative then it is resolved relative to the current working directory. For example `--output .` sets the output directory to the current working directory.\n\n"
"$:/language/Help/password": {
"title": "$:/language/Help/password",
"description": "Set a password for subsequent crypto operations",
"text": "Set a password for subsequent crypto operations\n\n```\n--password <password>\n```\n\n''Note'': This should not be used for serving TiddlyWiki with password protection. Instead, see the password option under the [[ServerCommand]].\n"
"$:/language/Help/rendertiddler": {
"title": "$:/language/Help/rendertiddler",
"description": "Render an individual tiddler as a specified ContentType",
"text": "Render an individual tiddler as a specified ContentType, defaulting to `text/html` and save it to the specified filename.\n\nOptionally the title of a template tiddler can be specified, in which case the template tiddler is rendered with the \"currentTiddler\" variable set to the tiddler that is being rendered (the first parameter value).\n\nA name and value for an additional variable may optionally also be specified.\n\n```\n--rendertiddler <title> <filename> [<type>] [<template>] [<name>] [<value>]\n```\n\nBy default, the filename is resolved relative to the `output` subdirectory of the edition directory. The `--output` command can be used to direct output to a different directory.\n\nAny missing directories in the path to the filename are automatically created.\n\nFor example, the following command saves all tiddlers matching the filter `[tag[done]]` to a JSON file titled `output.json` by employing the core template `$:/core/templates/exporters/JsonFile`.\n\n```\n--rendertiddler \"$:/core/templates/exporters/JsonFile\" output.json text/plain \"\" exportFilter \"[tag[done]]\"\n```\n"
"$:/language/Help/rendertiddlers": {
"title": "$:/language/Help/rendertiddlers",
"description": "Render tiddlers matching a filter to a specified ContentType",
"text": "Render a set of tiddlers matching a filter to separate files of a specified ContentType (defaults to `text/html`) and extension (defaults to `.html`).\n\n```\n--rendertiddlers <filter> <template> <pathname> [<type>] [<extension>] [\"noclean\"]\n```\n\nFor example:\n\n```\n--rendertiddlers [!is[system]] $:/core/templates/static.tiddler.html ./static text/plain\n```\n\nBy default, the pathname is resolved relative to the `output` subdirectory of the edition directory. The `--output` command can be used to direct output to a different directory.\n\nAny files in the target directory are deleted unless the ''noclean'' flag is specified. The target directory is recursively created if it is missing.\n"
"$:/language/Help/savetiddler": {
"title": "$:/language/Help/savetiddler",
"description": "Saves a raw tiddler to a file",
"text": "Saves an individual tiddler in its raw text or binary format to the specified filename.\n\n```\n--savetiddler <title> <filename>\n```\n\nBy default, the filename is resolved relative to the `output` subdirectory of the edition directory. The `--output` command can be used to direct output to a different directory.\n\nAny missing directories in the path to the filename are automatically created.\n"
"$:/language/Help/savetiddlers": {
"title": "$:/language/Help/savetiddlers",
"description": "Saves a group of raw tiddlers to a directory",
"text": "Saves a group of tiddlers in their raw text or binary format to the specified directory.\n\n```\n--savetiddlers <filter> <pathname> [\"noclean\"]\n```\n\nBy default, the pathname is resolved relative to the `output` subdirectory of the edition directory. The `--output` command can be used to direct output to a different directory.\n\nThe output directory is cleared of existing files before saving the specified files. The deletion can be disabled by specifying the ''noclean'' flag.\n\nAny missing directories in the pathname are automatically created.\n"
"$:/language/Help/server": {
"title": "$:/language/Help/server",
"description": "Provides an HTTP server interface to TiddlyWiki",
"text": "The server built in to TiddlyWiki5 is very simple. Although compatible with TiddlyWeb it doesn't support many of the features needed for robust Internet-facing usage.\n\nAt the root, it serves a rendering of a specified tiddler. Away from the root, it serves individual tiddlers encoded in JSON, and supports the basic HTTP operations for `GET`, `PUT` and `DELETE`.\n\n```\n--server <port> <roottiddler> <rendertype> <servetype> <username> <password> <host> <pathprefix>\n```\n\nThe parameters are:\n\n* ''port'' - port number to serve from (defaults to \"8080\")\n* ''roottiddler'' - the tiddler to serve at the root (defaults to \"$:/core/save/all\")\n* ''rendertype'' - the content type to which the root tiddler should be rendered (defaults to \"text/plain\")\n* ''servetype'' - the content type with which the root tiddler should be served (defaults to \"text/html\")\n* ''username'' - the default username for signing edits\n* ''password'' - optional password for basic authentication\n* ''host'' - optional hostname to serve from (defaults to \"\" aka \"localhost\")\n* ''pathprefix'' - optional prefix for paths\n\nIf the password parameter is specified then the browser will prompt the user for the username and password. Note that the password is transmitted in plain text so this implementation isn't suitable for general use.\n\nFor example:\n\n```\n--server 8080 $:/core/save/all text/plain text/html MyUserName passw0rd\n```\n\nThe username and password can be specified as empty strings if you need to set the hostname or pathprefix and don't want to require a password:\n\n```\n--server 8080 $:/core/save/all text/plain text/html \"\" \"\"\n```\n\nTo run multiple TiddlyWiki servers at the same time you'll need to put each one on a different port.\n"
"$:/language/Help/setfield": {
"title": "$:/language/Help/setfield",
"description": "Prepares external tiddlers for use",
"text": "//Note that this command is experimental and may change or be replaced before being finalised//\n\nSets the specified field of a group of tiddlers to the result of wikifying a template tiddler with the `currentTiddler` variable set to the tiddler.\n\n```\n--setfield <filter> <fieldname> <templatetitle> <rendertype>\n```\n\nThe parameters are:\n\n* ''filter'' - filter identifying the tiddlers to be affected\n* ''fieldname'' - the field to modify (defaults to \"text\")\n* ''templatetitle'' - the tiddler to wikify into the specified field. If blank or missing then the specified field is deleted\n* ''rendertype'' - the text type to render (defaults to \"text/plain\"; \"text/html\" can be used to include HTML tags)\n"
"$:/language/Help/unpackplugin": {
"title": "$:/language/Help/unpackplugin",
"description": "Unpack the payload tiddlers from a plugin",
"text": "Extract the payload tiddlers from a plugin, creating them as ordinary tiddlers:\n\n```\n--unpackplugin <title>\n```\n"
"$:/language/Help/verbose": {
"title": "$:/language/Help/verbose",
"description": "Triggers verbose output mode",
"text": "Triggers verbose output, useful for debugging\n\n```\n--verbose\n```\n"
"$:/language/Help/version": {
"title": "$:/language/Help/version",
"description": "Displays the version number of TiddlyWiki",
"text": "Displays the version number of TiddlyWiki.\n\n```\n--version\n```\n"
"$:/language/Import/Imported/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/Import/Imported/Hint",
"text": "The following tiddlers were imported:"
"$:/language/Import/Listing/Cancel/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/Import/Listing/Cancel/Caption",
"text": "Cancel"
"$:/language/Import/Listing/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/Import/Listing/Hint",
"text": "These tiddlers are ready to import:"
"$:/language/Import/Listing/Import/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/Import/Listing/Import/Caption",
"text": "Import"
"$:/language/Import/Listing/Select/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/Import/Listing/Select/Caption",
"text": "Select"
"$:/language/Import/Listing/Status/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/Import/Listing/Status/Caption",
"text": "Status"
"$:/language/Import/Listing/Title/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/Import/Listing/Title/Caption",
"text": "Title"
"$:/language/Import/Upgrader/Plugins/Suppressed/Incompatible": {
"title": "$:/language/Import/Upgrader/Plugins/Suppressed/Incompatible",
"text": "Blocked incompatible or obsolete plugin"
"$:/language/Import/Upgrader/Plugins/Suppressed/Version": {
"title": "$:/language/Import/Upgrader/Plugins/Suppressed/Version",
"text": "Blocked plugin (due to incoming <<incoming>> being older than existing <<existing>>)"
"$:/language/Import/Upgrader/Plugins/Upgraded": {
"title": "$:/language/Import/Upgrader/Plugins/Upgraded",
"text": "Upgraded plugin from <<incoming>> to <<upgraded>>"
"$:/language/Import/Upgrader/State/Suppressed": {
"title": "$:/language/Import/Upgrader/State/Suppressed",
"text": "Blocked temporary state tiddler"
"$:/language/Import/Upgrader/System/Suppressed": {
"title": "$:/language/Import/Upgrader/System/Suppressed",
"text": "Blocked system tiddler"
"$:/language/Import/Upgrader/ThemeTweaks/Created": {
"title": "$:/language/Import/Upgrader/ThemeTweaks/Created",
"text": "Migrated theme tweak from <$text text=<<from>>/>"
"$:/language/AboveStory/ClassicPlugin/Warning": {
"title": "$:/language/AboveStory/ClassicPlugin/Warning",
"text": "It looks like you are trying to load a plugin designed for ~TiddlyWiki Classic. Please note that [[these plugins do not work with TiddlyWiki version 5.x.x|http://tiddlywiki.com/#TiddlyWikiClassic]]. ~TiddlyWiki Classic plugins detected:"
"$:/language/BinaryWarning/Prompt": {
"title": "$:/language/BinaryWarning/Prompt",
"text": "This tiddler contains binary data"
"$:/language/ClassicWarning/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/ClassicWarning/Hint",
"text": "This tiddler is written in TiddlyWiki Classic wiki text format, which is not fully compatible with TiddlyWiki version 5. See http://tiddlywiki.com/static/Upgrading.html for more details."
"$:/language/ClassicWarning/Upgrade/Caption": {
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"$:/language/CloseAll/Button": {
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"text": "close all"
"$:/language/ColourPicker/Recent": {
"title": "$:/language/ColourPicker/Recent",
"text": "Recent:"
"$:/language/ConfirmCancelTiddler": {
"title": "$:/language/ConfirmCancelTiddler",
"text": "Do you wish to discard changes to the tiddler \"<$text text=<<title>>/>\"?"
"$:/language/ConfirmDeleteTiddler": {
"title": "$:/language/ConfirmDeleteTiddler",
"text": "Do you wish to delete the tiddler \"<$text text=<<title>>/>\"?"
"$:/language/ConfirmOverwriteTiddler": {
"title": "$:/language/ConfirmOverwriteTiddler",
"text": "Do you wish to overwrite the tiddler \"<$text text=<<title>>/>\"?"
"$:/language/ConfirmEditShadowTiddler": {
"title": "$:/language/ConfirmEditShadowTiddler",
"text": "You are about to edit a ShadowTiddler. Any changes will override the default system making future upgrades non-trivial. Are you sure you want to edit \"<$text text=<<title>>/>\"?"
"$:/language/Count": {
"title": "$:/language/Count",
"text": "count"
"$:/language/DefaultNewTiddlerTitle": {
"title": "$:/language/DefaultNewTiddlerTitle",
"text": "New Tiddler"
"$:/language/DropMessage": {
"title": "$:/language/DropMessage",
"text": "Drop here (or use the 'Escape' key to cancel)"
"$:/language/Encryption/Cancel": {
"title": "$:/language/Encryption/Cancel",
"text": "Cancel"
"$:/language/Encryption/ConfirmClearPassword": {
"title": "$:/language/Encryption/ConfirmClearPassword",
"text": "Do you wish to clear the password? This will remove the encryption applied when saving this wiki"
"$:/language/Encryption/PromptSetPassword": {
"title": "$:/language/Encryption/PromptSetPassword",
"text": "Set a new password for this TiddlyWiki"
"$:/language/Encryption/Username": {
"title": "$:/language/Encryption/Username",
"text": "Username"
"$:/language/Encryption/Password": {
"title": "$:/language/Encryption/Password",
"text": "Password"
"$:/language/Encryption/RepeatPassword": {
"title": "$:/language/Encryption/RepeatPassword",
"text": "Repeat password"
"$:/language/Encryption/PasswordNoMatch": {
"title": "$:/language/Encryption/PasswordNoMatch",
"text": "Passwords do not match"
"$:/language/Encryption/SetPassword": {
"title": "$:/language/Encryption/SetPassword",
"text": "Set password"
"$:/language/Error/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/Error/Caption",
"text": "Error"
"$:/language/Error/EditConflict": {
"title": "$:/language/Error/EditConflict",
"text": "File changed on server"
"$:/language/Error/Filter": {
"title": "$:/language/Error/Filter",
"text": "Filter error"
"$:/language/Error/FilterSyntax": {
"title": "$:/language/Error/FilterSyntax",
"text": "Syntax error in filter expression"
"$:/language/Error/IsFilterOperator": {
"title": "$:/language/Error/IsFilterOperator",
"text": "Filter Error: Unknown operand for the 'is' filter operator"
"$:/language/Error/LoadingPluginLibrary": {
"title": "$:/language/Error/LoadingPluginLibrary",
"text": "Error loading plugin library"
"$:/language/Error/RecursiveTransclusion": {
"title": "$:/language/Error/RecursiveTransclusion",
"text": "Recursive transclusion error in transclude widget"
"$:/language/Error/RetrievingSkinny": {
"title": "$:/language/Error/RetrievingSkinny",
"text": "Error retrieving skinny tiddler list"
"$:/language/Error/SavingToTWEdit": {
"title": "$:/language/Error/SavingToTWEdit",
"text": "Error saving to TWEdit"
"$:/language/Error/WhileSaving": {
"title": "$:/language/Error/WhileSaving",
"text": "Error while saving"
"$:/language/Error/XMLHttpRequest": {
"title": "$:/language/Error/XMLHttpRequest",
"text": "XMLHttpRequest error code"
"$:/language/InternalJavaScriptError/Title": {
"title": "$:/language/InternalJavaScriptError/Title",
"text": "Internal JavaScript Error"
"$:/language/InternalJavaScriptError/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/InternalJavaScriptError/Hint",
"text": "Well, this is embarrassing. It is recommended that you restart TiddlyWiki by refreshing your browser"
"$:/language/InvalidFieldName": {
"title": "$:/language/InvalidFieldName",
"text": "Illegal characters in field name \"<$text text=<<fieldName>>/>\". Fields can only contain lowercase letters, digits and the characters underscore (`_`), hyphen (`-`) and period (`.`)"
"$:/language/LazyLoadingWarning": {
"title": "$:/language/LazyLoadingWarning",
"text": "<p>Loading external text from ''<$text text={{!!_canonical_uri}}/>''</p><p>If this message doesn't disappear you may be using a browser that doesn't support external text in this configuration. See http://tiddlywiki.com/#ExternalText</p>"
"$:/language/LoginToTiddlySpace": {
"title": "$:/language/LoginToTiddlySpace",
"text": "Login to TiddlySpace"
"$:/language/Manager/Controls/FilterByTag/None": {
"title": "$:/language/Manager/Controls/FilterByTag/None",
"text": "(none)"
"$:/language/Manager/Controls/FilterByTag/Prompt": {
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"text": "Filter by tag:"
"$:/language/Manager/Controls/Order/Prompt": {
"title": "$:/language/Manager/Controls/Order/Prompt",
"text": "Reverse order"
"$:/language/Manager/Controls/Search/Placeholder": {
"title": "$:/language/Manager/Controls/Search/Placeholder",
"text": "Search"
"$:/language/Manager/Controls/Search/Prompt": {
"title": "$:/language/Manager/Controls/Search/Prompt",
"text": "Search:"
"$:/language/Manager/Controls/Show/Option/Tags": {
"title": "$:/language/Manager/Controls/Show/Option/Tags",
"text": "tags"
"$:/language/Manager/Controls/Show/Option/Tiddlers": {
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"text": "tiddlers"
"$:/language/Manager/Controls/Show/Prompt": {
"title": "$:/language/Manager/Controls/Show/Prompt",
"text": "Show:"
"$:/language/Manager/Controls/Sort/Prompt": {
"title": "$:/language/Manager/Controls/Sort/Prompt",
"text": "Sort by:"
"$:/language/Manager/Item/Colour": {
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"$:/language/Manager/Item/Fields": {
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"$:/language/Manager/Item/WikifiedText": {
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"text": "Wikified text"
"$:/language/MissingTiddler/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/MissingTiddler/Hint",
"text": "Missing tiddler \"<$text text=<<currentTiddler>>/>\" - click {{$:/core/images/edit-button}} to create"
"$:/language/No": {
"title": "$:/language/No",
"text": "No"
"$:/language/OfficialPluginLibrary": {
"title": "$:/language/OfficialPluginLibrary",
"text": "Official ~TiddlyWiki Plugin Library"
"$:/language/OfficialPluginLibrary/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/OfficialPluginLibrary/Hint",
"text": "The official ~TiddlyWiki plugin library at tiddlywiki.com. Plugins, themes and language packs are maintained by the core team."
"$:/language/PluginReloadWarning": {
"title": "$:/language/PluginReloadWarning",
"text": "Please save {{$:/core/ui/Buttons/save-wiki}} and reload {{$:/core/ui/Buttons/refresh}} to allow changes to plugins to take effect"
"$:/language/RecentChanges/DateFormat": {
"title": "$:/language/RecentChanges/DateFormat",
"text": "DDth MMM YYYY"
"$:/language/SystemTiddler/Tooltip": {
"title": "$:/language/SystemTiddler/Tooltip",
"text": "This is a system tiddler"
"$:/language/SystemTiddlers/Include/Prompt": {
"title": "$:/language/SystemTiddlers/Include/Prompt",
"text": "Include system tiddlers"
"$:/language/TagManager/Colour/Heading": {
"title": "$:/language/TagManager/Colour/Heading",
"text": "Colour"
"$:/language/TagManager/Count/Heading": {
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"$:/language/TagManager/Icon/Heading": {
"title": "$:/language/TagManager/Icon/Heading",
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"$:/language/TagManager/Info/Heading": {
"title": "$:/language/TagManager/Info/Heading",
"text": "Info"
"$:/language/TagManager/Tag/Heading": {
"title": "$:/language/TagManager/Tag/Heading",
"text": "Tag"
"$:/language/Tiddler/DateFormat": {
"title": "$:/language/Tiddler/DateFormat",
"text": "DDth MMM YYYY at hh12:0mmam"
"$:/language/UnsavedChangesWarning": {
"title": "$:/language/UnsavedChangesWarning",
"text": "You have unsaved changes in TiddlyWiki"
"$:/language/Yes": {
"title": "$:/language/Yes",
"text": "Yes"
"$:/language/Modals/Download": {
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"type": "text/vnd.tiddlywiki",
"subtitle": "Download changes",
"footer": "<$button message=\"tm-close-tiddler\">Close</$button>",
"help": "http://tiddlywiki.com/static/DownloadingChanges.html",
"text": "Your browser only supports manual saving.\n\nTo save your modified wiki, right click on the download link below and select \"Download file\" or \"Save file\", and then choose the folder and filename.\n\n//You can marginally speed things up by clicking the link with the control key (Windows) or the options/alt key (Mac OS X). You will not be prompted for the folder or filename, but your browser is likely to give it an unrecognisable name -- you may need to rename the file to include an `.html` extension before you can do anything useful with it.//\n\nOn smartphones that do not allow files to be downloaded you can instead bookmark the link, and then sync your bookmarks to a desktop computer from where the wiki can be saved normally.\n"
"$:/language/Modals/SaveInstructions": {
"title": "$:/language/Modals/SaveInstructions",
"type": "text/vnd.tiddlywiki",
"subtitle": "Save your work",
"footer": "<$button message=\"tm-close-tiddler\">Close</$button>",
"help": "http://tiddlywiki.com/static/SavingChanges.html",
"text": "Your changes to this wiki need to be saved as a ~TiddlyWiki HTML file.\n\n!!! Desktop browsers\n\n# Select ''Save As'' from the ''File'' menu\n# Choose a filename and location\n#* Some browsers also require you to explicitly specify the file saving format as ''Webpage, HTML only'' or similar\n# Close this tab\n\n!!! Smartphone browsers\n\n# Create a bookmark to this page\n#* If you've got iCloud or Google Sync set up then the bookmark will automatically sync to your desktop where you can open it and save it as above\n# Close this tab\n\n//If you open the bookmark again in Mobile Safari you will see this message again. If you want to go ahead and use the file, just click the ''close'' button below//\n"
"$:/config/NewJournal/Title": {
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"title": "$:/language/Search/Filter/Hint",
"text": "Search via a [[filter expression|http://tiddlywiki.com/static/Filters.html]]"
"$:/language/Search/Filter/Matches": {
"title": "$:/language/Search/Filter/Matches",
"text": "//<small><<resultCount>> matches</small>//"
"$:/language/Search/Matches": {
"title": "$:/language/Search/Matches",
"text": "//<small><<resultCount>> matches</small>//"
"$:/language/Search/Matches/All": {
"title": "$:/language/Search/Matches/All",
"text": "All matches:"
"$:/language/Search/Matches/Title": {
"title": "$:/language/Search/Matches/Title",
"text": "Title matches:"
"$:/language/Search/Search": {
"title": "$:/language/Search/Search",
"text": "Search"
"$:/language/Search/Search/TooShort": {
"title": "$:/language/Search/Search/TooShort",
"text": "Search text too short"
"$:/language/Search/Shadows/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/Search/Shadows/Caption",
"text": "Shadows"
"$:/language/Search/Shadows/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/Search/Shadows/Hint",
"text": "Search for shadow tiddlers"
"$:/language/Search/Shadows/Matches": {
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"$:/language/Search/Standard/Caption": {
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"$:/language/Search/Standard/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/Search/Standard/Hint",
"text": "Search for standard tiddlers"
"$:/language/Search/Standard/Matches": {
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"$:/language/Search/System/Caption": {
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"title": "$:/language/Search/System/Hint",
"text": "Search for system tiddlers"
"$:/language/Search/System/Matches": {
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"$:/SiteSubtitle": {
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"$:/language/Snippets/ListByTag": {
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"$:/language/Snippets/MacroDefinition": {
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"caption": "Macro definition",
"text": "\\define macroName(param1:\"default value\",param2)\nText of the macro\n\\end\n"
"$:/language/Snippets/Table4x3": {
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"caption": "Table with 4 columns by 3 rows",
"text": "|! |!Alpha |!Beta |!Gamma |!Delta |\n|!One | | | | |\n|!Two | | | | |\n|!Three | | | | |\n"
"$:/language/Snippets/TableOfContents": {
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"$:/language/ThemeTweaks/ThemeTweaks": {
"title": "$:/language/ThemeTweaks/ThemeTweaks",
"text": "Theme Tweaks"
"$:/language/ThemeTweaks/ThemeTweaks/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/ThemeTweaks/ThemeTweaks/Hint",
"text": "You can tweak certain aspects of the ''Vanilla'' theme."
"$:/language/ThemeTweaks/Options": {
"title": "$:/language/ThemeTweaks/Options",
"text": "Options"
"$:/language/ThemeTweaks/Options/SidebarLayout": {
"title": "$:/language/ThemeTweaks/Options/SidebarLayout",
"text": "Sidebar layout"
"$:/language/ThemeTweaks/Options/SidebarLayout/Fixed-Fluid": {
"title": "$:/language/ThemeTweaks/Options/SidebarLayout/Fixed-Fluid",
"text": "Fixed story, fluid sidebar"
"$:/language/ThemeTweaks/Options/SidebarLayout/Fluid-Fixed": {
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"text": "Fluid story, fixed sidebar"
"$:/language/ThemeTweaks/Options/StickyTitles": {
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"text": "Sticky titles"
"$:/language/ThemeTweaks/Options/StickyTitles/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/ThemeTweaks/Options/StickyTitles/Hint",
"text": "Causes tiddler titles to \"stick\" to the top of the browser window. Caution: Does not work at all with Chrome, and causes some layout issues in Firefox"
"$:/language/ThemeTweaks/Options/CodeWrapping": {
"title": "$:/language/ThemeTweaks/Options/CodeWrapping",
"text": "Wrap long lines in code blocks"
"$:/language/ThemeTweaks/Settings": {
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"$:/language/ThemeTweaks/Settings/FontFamily": {
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"$:/language/ThemeTweaks/Settings/CodeFontFamily": {
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"$:/language/ThemeTweaks/Settings/BackgroundImageAttachment": {
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"$:/language/ThemeTweaks/Settings/BackgroundImageAttachment/Scroll": {
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"text": "Scroll with tiddlers"
"$:/language/ThemeTweaks/Settings/BackgroundImageAttachment/Fixed": {
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"$:/language/ThemeTweaks/Metrics": {
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"text": "Sizes"
"$:/language/ThemeTweaks/Metrics/FontSize": {
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"$:/language/ThemeTweaks/Metrics/LineHeight": {
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"$:/language/ThemeTweaks/Metrics/BodyFontSize": {
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"text": "Font size for tiddler body"
"$:/language/ThemeTweaks/Metrics/BodyLineHeight": {
"title": "$:/language/ThemeTweaks/Metrics/BodyLineHeight",
"text": "Line height for tiddler body"
"$:/language/ThemeTweaks/Metrics/StoryLeft": {
"title": "$:/language/ThemeTweaks/Metrics/StoryLeft",
"text": "Story left position"
"$:/language/ThemeTweaks/Metrics/StoryLeft/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/ThemeTweaks/Metrics/StoryLeft/Hint",
"text": "how far the left margin of the story river<br>(tiddler area) is from the left of the page"
"$:/language/ThemeTweaks/Metrics/StoryTop": {
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"text": "Story top position"
"$:/language/ThemeTweaks/Metrics/StoryTop/Hint": {
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"$:/language/ThemeTweaks/Metrics/StoryRight": {
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"text": "Story right"
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"$:/language/ThemeTweaks/Metrics/StoryWidth": {
"title": "$:/language/ThemeTweaks/Metrics/StoryWidth",
"text": "Story width"
"$:/language/ThemeTweaks/Metrics/StoryWidth/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/ThemeTweaks/Metrics/StoryWidth/Hint",
"text": "the overall width of the story river"
"$:/language/ThemeTweaks/Metrics/TiddlerWidth": {
"title": "$:/language/ThemeTweaks/Metrics/TiddlerWidth",
"text": "Tiddler width"
"$:/language/ThemeTweaks/Metrics/TiddlerWidth/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/ThemeTweaks/Metrics/TiddlerWidth/Hint",
"text": "within the story river"
"$:/language/ThemeTweaks/Metrics/SidebarBreakpoint": {
"title": "$:/language/ThemeTweaks/Metrics/SidebarBreakpoint",
"text": "Sidebar breakpoint"
"$:/language/ThemeTweaks/Metrics/SidebarBreakpoint/Hint": {
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"$:/language/ThemeTweaks/Metrics/SidebarWidth": {
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"text": "Sidebar width"
"$:/language/ThemeTweaks/Metrics/SidebarWidth/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/ThemeTweaks/Metrics/SidebarWidth/Hint",
"text": "the width of the sidebar in fluid-fixed layout"
"$:/language/TiddlerInfo/Advanced/Caption": {
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"text": "Advanced"
"$:/language/TiddlerInfo/Advanced/PluginInfo/Empty/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/TiddlerInfo/Advanced/PluginInfo/Empty/Hint",
"text": "none"
"$:/language/TiddlerInfo/Advanced/PluginInfo/Heading": {
"title": "$:/language/TiddlerInfo/Advanced/PluginInfo/Heading",
"text": "Plugin Details"
"$:/language/TiddlerInfo/Advanced/PluginInfo/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/TiddlerInfo/Advanced/PluginInfo/Hint",
"text": "This plugin contains the following shadow tiddlers:"
"$:/language/TiddlerInfo/Advanced/ShadowInfo/Heading": {
"title": "$:/language/TiddlerInfo/Advanced/ShadowInfo/Heading",
"text": "Shadow Status"
"$:/language/TiddlerInfo/Advanced/ShadowInfo/NotShadow/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/TiddlerInfo/Advanced/ShadowInfo/NotShadow/Hint",
"text": "The tiddler <$link to=<<infoTiddler>>><$text text=<<infoTiddler>>/></$link> is not a shadow tiddler"
"$:/language/TiddlerInfo/Advanced/ShadowInfo/Shadow/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/TiddlerInfo/Advanced/ShadowInfo/Shadow/Hint",
"text": "The tiddler <$link to=<<infoTiddler>>><$text text=<<infoTiddler>>/></$link> is a shadow tiddler"
"$:/language/TiddlerInfo/Advanced/ShadowInfo/Shadow/Source": {
"title": "$:/language/TiddlerInfo/Advanced/ShadowInfo/Shadow/Source",
"text": "It is defined in the plugin <$link to=<<pluginTiddler>>><$text text=<<pluginTiddler>>/></$link>"
"$:/language/TiddlerInfo/Advanced/ShadowInfo/OverriddenShadow/Hint": {
"title": "$:/language/TiddlerInfo/Advanced/ShadowInfo/OverriddenShadow/Hint",
"text": "It is overridden by an ordinary tiddler"
"$:/language/TiddlerInfo/Fields/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/TiddlerInfo/Fields/Caption",
"text": "Fields"
"$:/language/TiddlerInfo/List/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/TiddlerInfo/List/Caption",
"text": "List"
"$:/language/TiddlerInfo/List/Empty": {
"title": "$:/language/TiddlerInfo/List/Empty",
"text": "This tiddler does not have a list"
"$:/language/TiddlerInfo/Listed/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/TiddlerInfo/Listed/Caption",
"text": "Listed"
"$:/language/TiddlerInfo/Listed/Empty": {
"title": "$:/language/TiddlerInfo/Listed/Empty",
"text": "This tiddler is not listed by any others"
"$:/language/TiddlerInfo/References/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/TiddlerInfo/References/Caption",
"text": "References"
"$:/language/TiddlerInfo/References/Empty": {
"title": "$:/language/TiddlerInfo/References/Empty",
"text": "No tiddlers link to this one"
"$:/language/TiddlerInfo/Tagging/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/TiddlerInfo/Tagging/Caption",
"text": "Tagging"
"$:/language/TiddlerInfo/Tagging/Empty": {
"title": "$:/language/TiddlerInfo/Tagging/Empty",
"text": "No tiddlers are tagged with this one"
"$:/language/TiddlerInfo/Tools/Caption": {
"title": "$:/language/TiddlerInfo/Tools/Caption",
"text": "Tools"
"$:/language/Docs/Types/application/javascript": {
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"name": "application/json",
"group": "Developer",
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"$:/language/Docs/Types/application/x-tiddler-dictionary": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/Types/application/x-tiddler-dictionary",
"description": "Data dictionary",
"name": "application/x-tiddler-dictionary",
"group": "Developer",
"group-sort": "2"
"$:/language/Docs/Types/image/gif": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/Types/image/gif",
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"title": "$:/language/Docs/Types/image/x-icon",
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"$:/language/Docs/Types/text/vnd.tiddlywiki": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/Types/text/vnd.tiddlywiki",
"description": "TiddlyWiki 5",
"name": "text/vnd.tiddlywiki",
"group": "Text",
"group-sort": "0"
"$:/language/Docs/Types/text/x-tiddlywiki": {
"title": "$:/language/Docs/Types/text/x-tiddlywiki",
"description": "TiddlyWiki Classic",
"name": "text/x-tiddlywiki",
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"$:/languages/en-GB/icon": {
"title": "$:/languages/en-GB/icon",
"type": "image/svg+xml",
"text": "<svg xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" viewBox=\"0 0 60 30\" width=\"1200\" height=\"600\">\n<clipPath id=\"t\">\n\t<path d=\"M30,15 h30 v15 z v15 h-30 z h-30 v-15 z v-15 h30 z\"/>\n</clipPath>\n<path d=\"M0,0 v30 h60 v-30 z\" fill=\"#00247d\"/>\n<path d=\"M0,0 L60,30 M60,0 L0,30\" stroke=\"#fff\" stroke-width=\"6\"/>\n<path d=\"M0,0 L60,30 M60,0 L0,30\" clip-path=\"url(#t)\" stroke=\"#cf142b\" stroke-width=\"4\"/>\n<path d=\"M30,0 v30 M0,15 h60\" stroke=\"#fff\" stroke-width=\"10\"/>\n<path d=\"M30,0 v30 M0,15 h60\" stroke=\"#cf142b\" stroke-width=\"6\"/>\n</svg>\n"
"$:/languages/en-GB": {
"title": "$:/languages/en-GB",
"name": "en-GB",
"description": "English (British)",
"author": "JeremyRuston",
"core-version": ">=5.0.0\"",
"text": "Stub pseudo-plugin for the default language"
"$:/core/modules/commander.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/commander.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: global\n\nThe $tw.Commander class is a command interpreter\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nParse a sequence of commands\n\tcommandTokens: an array of command string tokens\n\twiki: reference to the wiki store object\n\tstreams: {output:, error:}, each of which has a write(string) method\n\tcallback: a callback invoked as callback(err) where err is null if there was no error\n*/\nvar Commander = function(commandTokens,callback,wiki,streams) {\n\tvar path = require(\"path\");\n\tthis.commandTokens = commandTokens;\n\tthis.nextToken = 0;\n\tthis.callback = callback;\n\tthis.wiki = wiki;\n\tthis.streams = streams;\n\tthis.outputPath = path.resolve($tw.boot.wikiPath,$tw.config.wikiOutputSubDir);\n};\n\n/*\nLog a string if verbose flag is set\n*/\nCommander.prototype.log = function(str) {\n\tif(this.verbose) {\n\t\tthis.streams.output.write(str + \"\\n\");\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nWrite a string if verbose flag is set\n*/\nCommander.prototype.write = function(str) {\n\tif(this.verbose) {\n\t\tthis.streams.output.write(str);\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nAdd a string of tokens to the command queue\n*/\nCommander.prototype.addCommandTokens = function(commandTokens) {\n\tvar params = commandTokens.slice(0);\n\tparams.unshift(0);\n\tparams.unshift(this.nextToken);\n\tArray.prototype.splice.apply(this.commandTokens,params);\n};\n\n/*\nExecute the sequence of commands and invoke a callback on completion\n*/\nCommander.prototype.execute = function() {\n\tthis.executeNextCommand();\n};\n\n/*\nExecute the next command in the sequence\n*/\nCommander.prototype.executeNextCommand = function() {\n\tvar self = this;\n\t// Invoke the callback if there are no more commands\n\tif(this.nextToken >= this.commandTokens.length) {\n\t\tthis.callback(null);\n\t} else {\n\t\t// Get and check the command token\n\t\tvar commandName = this.commandTokens[this.nextToken++];\n\t\tif(commandName.substr(0,2) !== \"--\") {\n\t\t\tthis.callback(\"Missing command: \" + commandName);\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tcommandName = commandName.substr(2); // Trim off the --\n\t\t\t// Accumulate the parameters to the command\n\t\t\tvar params = [];\n\t\t\twhile(this.nextToken < this.commandTokens.length && \n\t\t\t\tthis.commandTokens[this.nextToken].substr(0,2) !== \"--\") {\n\t\t\t\tparams.push(this.commandTokens[this.nextToken++]);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t// Get the command info\n\t\t\tvar command = $tw.commands[commandName],\n\t\t\t\tc,err;\n\t\t\tif(!command) {\n\t\t\t\tthis.callback(\"Unknown command: \" + commandName);\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tif(this.verbose) {\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.streams.output.write(\"Executing command: \" + commandName + \" \" + params.join(\" \") + \"\\n\");\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tif(command.info.synchronous) {\n\t\t\t\t\t// Synchronous command\n\t\t\t\t\tc = new command.Command(params,this);\n\t\t\t\t\terr = c.execute();\n\t\t\t\t\tif(err) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tthis.callback(err);\n\t\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tthis.executeNextCommand();\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\t// Asynchronous command\n\t\t\t\t\tc = new command.Command(params,this,function(err) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif(err) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tself.callback(err);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tself.executeNextCommand();\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t\terr = c.execute();\n\t\t\t\t\tif(err) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tthis.callback(err);\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n};\n\nCommander.initCommands = function(moduleType) {\n\tmoduleType = moduleType || \"command\";\n\t$tw.commands = {};\n\t$tw.modules.forEachModuleOfType(moduleType,function(title,module) {\n\t\tvar c = $tw.commands[module.info.name] = {};\n\t\t// Add the methods defined by the module\n\t\tfor(var f in module) {\n\t\t\tif($tw.utils.hop(module,f)) {\n\t\t\t\tc[f] = module[f];\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t});\n};\n\nexports.Commander = Commander;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/commander.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "global"
"$:/core/modules/commands/build.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/commands/build.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: command\n\nCommand to build a build target\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.info = {\n\tname: \"build\",\n\tsynchronous: true\n};\n\nvar Command = function(params,commander) {\n\tthis.params = params;\n\tthis.commander = commander;\n};\n\nCommand.prototype.execute = function() {\n\t// Get the build targets defined in the wiki\n\tvar buildTargets = $tw.boot.wikiInfo.build;\n\tif(!buildTargets) {\n\t\treturn \"No build targets defined\";\n\t}\n\t// Loop through each of the specified targets\n\tvar targets;\n\tif(this.params.length > 0) {\n\t\ttargets = this.params;\n\t} else {\n\t\ttargets = Object.keys(buildTargets);\n\t}\n\tfor(var targetIndex=0; targetIndex<targets.length; targetIndex++) {\n\t\tvar target = targets[targetIndex],\n\t\t\tcommands = buildTargets[target];\n\t\tif(!commands) {\n\t\t\treturn \"Build target '\" + target + \"' not found\";\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Add the commands to the queue\n\t\tthis.commander.addCommandTokens(commands);\n\t}\n\treturn null;\n};\n\nexports.Command = Command;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/commands/build.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "command"
"$:/core/modules/commands/clearpassword.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/commands/clearpassword.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: command\n\nClear password for crypto operations\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.info = {\n\tname: \"clearpassword\",\n\tsynchronous: true\n};\n\nvar Command = function(params,commander,callback) {\n\tthis.params = params;\n\tthis.commander = commander;\n\tthis.callback = callback;\n};\n\nCommand.prototype.execute = function() {\n\t$tw.crypto.setPassword(null);\n\treturn null;\n};\n\nexports.Command = Command;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/commands/clearpassword.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "command"
"$:/core/modules/commands/editions.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/commands/editions.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: command\n\nCommand to list the available editions\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.info = {\n\tname: \"editions\",\n\tsynchronous: true\n};\n\nvar Command = function(params,commander) {\n\tthis.params = params;\n\tthis.commander = commander;\n};\n\nCommand.prototype.execute = function() {\n\tvar self = this;\n\t// Output the list\n\tthis.commander.streams.output.write(\"Available editions:\\n\\n\");\n\tvar editionInfo = $tw.utils.getEditionInfo();\n\t$tw.utils.each(editionInfo,function(info,name) {\n\t\tself.commander.streams.output.write(\" \" + name + \": \" + info.description + \"\\n\");\n\t});\n\tthis.commander.streams.output.write(\"\\n\");\n\treturn null;\n};\n\nexports.Command = Command;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/commands/editions.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "command"
"$:/core/modules/commands/fetch.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/commands/fetch.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: command\n\nCommands to fetch external tiddlers\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.info = {\n\tname: \"fetch\",\n\tsynchronous: false\n};\n\nvar Command = function(params,commander,callback) {\n\tthis.params = params;\n\tthis.commander = commander;\n\tthis.callback = callback;\n};\n\nCommand.prototype.execute = function() {\n\tif(this.params.length < 2) {\n\t\treturn \"Missing subcommand and url\";\n\t}\n\tvar subcommand = this.params[0],\n\t\turl = this.params[1],\n\t\timportFilter = this.params[2] || \"[all[tiddlers]]\",\n\t\ttransformFilter = this.params[3] || \"\";\n\tswitch(subcommand) {\n\t\tcase \"file\":\n\t\t\treturn this.fetchFiles({\n\t\t\t\turl: url,\n\t\t\t\timportFilter: importFilter,\n\t\t\t\ttransformFilter: transformFilter,\n\t\t\t\tcallback: this.callback\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase \"files\":\n\t\t\treturn this.fetchFiles({\n\t\t\t\turlFilter: url,\n\t\t\t\timportFilter: importFilter,\n\t\t\t\ttransformFilter: transformFilter,\n\t\t\t\tcallback: this.callback\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t}\n\treturn null;\n};\n\nCommand.prototype.fetchFiles = function(options) {\n\tvar self = this;\n\t// Get the list of URLs\n\tvar urls;\n\tif(options.url) {\n\t\turls = [options.url]\n\t} else if(options.urlFilter) {\n\t\turls = $tw.wiki.filterTiddlers(options.urlFilter);\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn \"Missing URL\";\n\t}\n\t// Process each URL in turn\n\tvar next = 0;\n\tvar getNextFile = function(err) {\n\t\tif(err) {\n\t\t\treturn options.callback(err);\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(next < urls.length) {\n\t\t\tself.fetchFile(urls[next++],options,getNextFile);\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\toptions.callback(null);\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\tgetNextFile(null);\n\t// Success\n\treturn null;\n};\n\nCommand.prototype.fetchFile = function(url,options,callback) {\n\tvar self = this,\n\t\tlib = url.substr(0,8) === \"https://\" ? require(\"https\") : require(\"http\");\n\tlib.get(url).on(\"response\",function(response) {\n\t var type = (response.headers[\"content-type\"] || \"\").split(\";\")[0],\n\t \tbody = \"\";\n\t self.commander.write(\"Reading \" + url + \": \");\n\t response.on(\"data\",function(chunk) {\n\t body += chunk;\n\t self.commander.write(\".\");\n\t });\n\t response.on(\"end\",function() {\n\t self.commander.write(\"\\n\");\n\t if(response.statusCode === 200) {\n\t\t self.processBody(body,type,options);\n\t\t callback(null);\n\t } else {\n\t \tcallback(\"Error \" + response.statusCode + \" retrieving \" + url)\n\t }\n\t \t});\n\t \tresponse.on(\"error\",function(e) {\n\t\t\tconsole.log(\"Error on GET request: \" + e);\n\t\t\tcallback(e);\n\t \t});\n\t});\n\treturn null;\n};\n\nCommand.prototype.processBody = function(body,type,options) {\n\t// Deserialise the HTML file and put the tiddlers in their own wiki\n\tvar self = this,\n\t\tincomingWiki = new $tw.Wiki(),\n\t\ttiddlers = this.commander.wiki.deserializeTiddlers(type || \"text/html\",body,{});\n\t$tw.utils.each(tiddlers,function(tiddler) {\n\t\tincomingWiki.addTiddler(new $tw.Tiddler(tiddler));\n\t});\n\t// Filter the tiddlers to select the ones we want\n\tvar filteredTitles = incomingWiki.filterTiddlers(options.importFilter);\n\t// Import the selected tiddlers\n\tvar count = 0;\n\tincomingWiki.each(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\tif(filteredTitles.indexOf(title) !== -1) {\n\t\t\tvar newTiddler;\n\t\t\tif(options.transformFilter) {\n\t\t\t\tvar transformedTitle = (incomingWiki.filterTiddlers(options.transformFilter,null,self.commander.wiki.makeTiddlerIterator([title])) || [\"\"])[0];\n\t\t\t\tif(transformedTitle) {\n\t\t\t\t\tself.commander.log(\"Importing \" + title + \" as \" + transformedTitle)\n\t\t\t\t\tnewTiddler = new $tw.Tiddler(tiddler,{title: transformedTitle});\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tself.commander.log(\"Importing \" + title)\n\t\t\t\tnewTiddler = tiddler;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tself.commander.wiki.importTiddler(newTiddler);\n\t\t\tcount++;\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\tself.commander.log(\"Imported \" + count + \" tiddlers\")\n};\n\nexports.Command = Command;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/commands/fetch.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "command"
"$:/core/modules/commands/help.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/commands/help.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: command\n\nHelp command\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jshint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.info = {\n\tname: \"help\",\n\tsynchronous: true\n};\n\nvar Command = function(params,commander) {\n\tthis.params = params;\n\tthis.commander = commander;\n};\n\nCommand.prototype.execute = function() {\n\tvar subhelp = this.params[0] || \"default\",\n\t\thelpBase = \"$:/language/Help/\",\n\t\ttext;\n\tif(!this.commander.wiki.getTiddler(helpBase + subhelp)) {\n\t\tsubhelp = \"notfound\";\n\t}\n\t// Wikify the help as formatted text (ie block elements generate newlines)\n\ttext = this.commander.wiki.renderTiddler(\"text/plain-formatted\",helpBase + subhelp);\n\t// Remove any leading linebreaks\n\ttext = text.replace(/^(\\r?\\n)*/g,\"\");\n\tthis.commander.streams.output.write(text);\n};\n\nexports.Command = Command;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/commands/help.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "command"
"$:/core/modules/commands/init.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/commands/init.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: command\n\nCommand to initialise an empty wiki folder\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.info = {\n\tname: \"init\",\n\tsynchronous: true\n};\n\nvar Command = function(params,commander) {\n\tthis.params = params;\n\tthis.commander = commander;\n};\n\nCommand.prototype.execute = function() {\n\tvar fs = require(\"fs\"),\n\t\tpath = require(\"path\");\n\t// Check that we don't already have a valid wiki folder\n\tif($tw.boot.wikiTiddlersPath || ($tw.utils.isDirectory($tw.boot.wikiPath) && !$tw.utils.isDirectoryEmpty($tw.boot.wikiPath))) {\n\t\treturn \"Wiki folder is not empty\";\n\t}\n\t// Loop through each of the specified editions\n\tvar editions = this.params.length > 0 ? this.params : [\"empty\"];\n\tfor(var editionIndex=0; editionIndex<editions.length; editionIndex++) {\n\t\tvar editionName = editions[editionIndex];\n\t\t// Check the edition exists\n\t\tvar editionPath = $tw.findLibraryItem(editionName,$tw.getLibraryItemSearchPaths($tw.config.editionsPath,$tw.config.editionsEnvVar));\n\t\tif(!$tw.utils.isDirectory(editionPath)) {\n\t\t\treturn \"Edition '\" + editionName + \"' not found\";\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Copy the edition content\n\t\tvar err = $tw.utils.copyDirectory(editionPath,$tw.boot.wikiPath);\n\t\tif(!err) {\n\t\t\tthis.commander.streams.output.write(\"Copied edition '\" + editionName + \"' to \" + $tw.boot.wikiPath + \"\\n\");\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\treturn err;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t// Tweak the tiddlywiki.info to remove any included wikis\n\tvar packagePath = $tw.boot.wikiPath + \"/tiddlywiki.info\",\n\t\tpackageJson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(packagePath));\n\tdelete packageJson.includeWikis;\n\tfs.writeFileSync(packagePath,JSON.stringify(packageJson,null,$tw.config.preferences.jsonSpaces));\n\treturn null;\n};\n\nexports.Command = Command;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/commands/init.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "command"
"$:/core/modules/commands/load.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/commands/load.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: command\n\nCommand to load tiddlers from a file\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.info = {\n\tname: \"load\",\n\tsynchronous: false\n};\n\nvar Command = function(params,commander,callback) {\n\tthis.params = params;\n\tthis.commander = commander;\n\tthis.callback = callback;\n};\n\nCommand.prototype.execute = function() {\n\tvar self = this,\n\t\tfs = require(\"fs\"),\n\t\tpath = require(\"path\");\n\tif(this.params.length < 1) {\n\t\treturn \"Missing filename\";\n\t}\n\tvar ext = path.extname(self.params[0]),\n\t\tstat = fs.statSync(self.params[0]),\n\t\ttiddlers = $tw.loadTiddlersFromPath(self.params[0]),\n\t\tcount = 0;\n\t$tw.utils.each(tiddlers,function(tiddlerInfo) {\n\t\t$tw.utils.each(tiddlerInfo.tiddlers,function(tiddler) {\n\t\t\tself.commander.wiki.importTiddler(new $tw.Tiddler(tiddler));\n\t\t\tcount++;\n\t\t});\n\t});\n\tif(!count) {\n\t\tself.callback(\"No tiddlers found in file \\\"\" + self.params[0] + \"\\\"\");\n\t} else {\n\t\tself.callback(null);\n\t}\n\treturn null;\n};\n\nexports.Command = Command;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/commands/load.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "command"
"$:/core/modules/commands/makelibrary.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/commands/makelibrary.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: command\n\nCommand to pack all of the plugins in the library into a plugin tiddler of type \"library\"\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.info = {\n\tname: \"makelibrary\",\n\tsynchronous: true\n};\n\nvar UPGRADE_LIBRARY_TITLE = \"$:/UpgradeLibrary\";\n\nvar Command = function(params,commander,callback) {\n\tthis.params = params;\n\tthis.commander = commander;\n\tthis.callback = callback;\n};\n\nCommand.prototype.execute = function() {\n\tvar wiki = this.commander.wiki,\n\t\tfs = require(\"fs\"),\n\t\tpath = require(\"path\"),\n\t\tupgradeLibraryTitle = this.params[0] || UPGRADE_LIBRARY_TITLE,\n\t\ttiddlers = {};\n\t// Collect up the library plugins\n\tvar collectPlugins = function(folder) {\n\t\t\tvar pluginFolders = fs.readdirSync(folder);\n\t\t\tfor(var p=0; p<pluginFolders.length; p++) {\n\t\t\t\tif(!$tw.boot.excludeRegExp.test(pluginFolders[p])) {\n\t\t\t\t\tpluginFields = $tw.loadPluginFolder(path.resolve(folder,\"./\" + pluginFolders[p]));\n\t\t\t\t\tif(pluginFields && pluginFields.title) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttiddlers[pluginFields.title] = pluginFields;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t},\n\t\tcollectPublisherPlugins = function(folder) {\n\t\t\tvar publisherFolders = fs.readdirSync(folder);\n\t\t\tfor(var t=0; t<publisherFolders.length; t++) {\n\t\t\t\tif(!$tw.boot.excludeRegExp.test(publisherFolders[t])) {\n\t\t\t\t\tcollectPlugins(path.resolve(folder,\"./\" + publisherFolders[t]));\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t};\n\tcollectPublisherPlugins(path.resolve($tw.boot.corePath,$tw.config.pluginsPath));\n\tcollectPublisherPlugins(path.resolve($tw.boot.corePath,$tw.config.themesPath));\n\tcollectPlugins(path.resolve($tw.boot.corePath,$tw.config.languagesPath));\n\t// Save the upgrade library tiddler\n\tvar pluginFields = {\n\t\ttitle: upgradeLibraryTitle,\n\t\ttype: \"application/json\",\n\t\t\"plugin-type\": \"library\",\n\t\t\"text\": JSON.stringify({tiddlers: tiddlers},null,$tw.config.preferences.jsonSpaces)\n\t};\n\twiki.addTiddler(new $tw.Tiddler(pluginFields));\n\treturn null;\n};\n\nexports.Command = Command;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/commands/makelibrary.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "command"
"$:/core/modules/commands/output.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/commands/output.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: command\n\nCommand to set the default output location (defaults to current working directory)\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.info = {\n\tname: \"output\",\n\tsynchronous: true\n};\n\nvar Command = function(params,commander,callback) {\n\tthis.params = params;\n\tthis.commander = commander;\n\tthis.callback = callback;\n};\n\nCommand.prototype.execute = function() {\n\tvar fs = require(\"fs\"),\n\t\tpath = require(\"path\");\n\tif(this.params.length < 1) {\n\t\treturn \"Missing output path\";\n\t}\n\tthis.commander.outputPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(),this.params[0]);\n\treturn null;\n};\n\nexports.Command = Command;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/commands/output.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "command"
"$:/core/modules/commands/password.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/commands/password.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: command\n\nSave password for crypto operations\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.info = {\n\tname: \"password\",\n\tsynchronous: true\n};\n\nvar Command = function(params,commander,callback) {\n\tthis.params = params;\n\tthis.commander = commander;\n\tthis.callback = callback;\n};\n\nCommand.prototype.execute = function() {\n\tif(this.params.length < 1) {\n\t\treturn \"Missing password\";\n\t}\n\t$tw.crypto.setPassword(this.params[0]);\n\treturn null;\n};\n\nexports.Command = Command;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/commands/password.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "command"
"$:/core/modules/commands/rendertiddler.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/commands/rendertiddler.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: command\n\nCommand to render a tiddler and save it to a file\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.info = {\n\tname: \"rendertiddler\",\n\tsynchronous: false\n};\n\nvar Command = function(params,commander,callback) {\n\tthis.params = params;\n\tthis.commander = commander;\n\tthis.callback = callback;\n};\n\nCommand.prototype.execute = function() {\n\tif(this.params.length < 2) {\n\t\treturn \"Missing filename\";\n\t}\n\tvar self = this,\n\t\tfs = require(\"fs\"),\n\t\tpath = require(\"path\"),\n\t\ttitle = this.params[0],\n\t\tfilename = path.resolve(this.commander.outputPath,this.params[1]),\n\t\ttype = this.params[2] || \"text/html\",\n\t\ttemplate = this.params[3],\n\t\tname = this.params[4],\n\t\tvalue = this.params[5],\n\t\tvariables = {};\n\t$tw.utils.createFileDirectories(filename);\n\tif(template) {\n\t\tvariables.currentTiddler = title;\n\t\ttitle = template;\n\t}\n\tif(name && value) {\n\t\tvariables[name] = value;\n\t}\n\tfs.writeFile(filename,this.commander.wiki.renderTiddler(type,title,{variables: variables}),\"utf8\",function(err) {\n\t\tself.callback(err);\n\t});\n\treturn null;\n};\n\nexports.Command = Command;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/commands/rendertiddler.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "command"
"$:/core/modules/commands/rendertiddlers.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/commands/rendertiddlers.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: command\n\nCommand to render several tiddlers to a folder of files\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\");\n\nexports.info = {\n\tname: \"rendertiddlers\",\n\tsynchronous: true\n};\n\nvar Command = function(params,commander,callback) {\n\tthis.params = params;\n\tthis.commander = commander;\n\tthis.callback = callback;\n};\n\nCommand.prototype.execute = function() {\n\tif(this.params.length < 2) {\n\t\treturn \"Missing filename\";\n\t}\n\tvar self = this,\n\t\tfs = require(\"fs\"),\n\t\tpath = require(\"path\"),\n\t\twiki = this.commander.wiki,\n\t\tfilter = this.params[0],\n\t\ttemplate = this.params[1],\n\t\toutputPath = this.commander.outputPath,\n\t\tpathname = path.resolve(outputPath,this.params[2]),\t\t\n\t\ttype = this.params[3] || \"text/html\",\n\t\textension = this.params[4] || \".html\",\n\t\tdeleteDirectory = (this.params[5] || \"\").toLowerCase() !== \"noclean\",\n\t\ttiddlers = wiki.filterTiddlers(filter);\n\tif(deleteDirectory) {\n\t\t$tw.utils.deleteDirectory(pathname);\n\t}\n\t$tw.utils.each(tiddlers,function(title) {\n\t\tvar parser = wiki.parseTiddler(template),\n\t\t\twidgetNode = wiki.makeWidget(parser,{variables: {currentTiddler: title}}),\n\t\t\tcontainer = $tw.fakeDocument.createElement(\"div\");\n\t\twidgetNode.render(container,null);\n\t\tvar text = type === \"text/html\" ? container.innerHTML : container.textContent,\n\t\t\texportPath = null;\n\t\tif($tw.utils.hop($tw.macros,\"tv-get-export-path\")) {\n\t\t\tvar macroPath = $tw.macros[\"tv-get-export-path\"].run.apply(self,[title]);\n\t\t\tif(macroPath) {\n\t\t\t\texportPath = path.resolve(outputPath,macroPath + extension);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\tvar finalPath = exportPath || path.resolve(pathname,encodeURIComponent(title) + extension);\n\t\t$tw.utils.createFileDirectories(finalPath);\n\t\tfs.writeFileSync(finalPath,text,\"utf8\");\n\t});\n\treturn null;\n};\n\nexports.Command = Command;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/commands/rendertiddlers.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "command"
"$:/core/modules/commands/savelibrarytiddlers.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/commands/savelibrarytiddlers.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: command\n\nCommand to save the subtiddlers of a bundle tiddler as a series of JSON files\n\n--savelibrarytiddlers <tiddler> <pathname> <skinnylisting>\n\nThe tiddler identifies the bundle tiddler that contains the subtiddlers.\n\nThe pathname specifies the pathname to the folder in which the JSON files should be saved. The filename is the URL encoded title of the subtiddler.\n\nThe skinnylisting specifies the title of the tiddler to which a JSON catalogue of the subtiddlers will be saved. The JSON file contains the same data as the bundle tiddler but with the `text` field removed.\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.info = {\n\tname: \"savelibrarytiddlers\",\n\tsynchronous: true\n};\n\nvar Command = function(params,commander,callback) {\n\tthis.params = params;\n\tthis.commander = commander;\n\tthis.callback = callback;\n};\n\nCommand.prototype.execute = function() {\n\tif(this.params.length < 2) {\n\t\treturn \"Missing filename\";\n\t}\n\tvar self = this,\n\t\tfs = require(\"fs\"),\n\t\tpath = require(\"path\"),\n\t\tcontainerTitle = this.params[0],\n\t\tfilter = this.params[1],\n\t\tbasepath = this.params[2],\n\t\tskinnyListTitle = this.params[3];\n\t// Get the container tiddler as data\n\tvar containerData = self.commander.wiki.getTiddlerDataCached(containerTitle,undefined);\n\tif(!containerData) {\n\t\treturn \"'\" + containerTitle + \"' is not a tiddler bundle\";\n\t}\n\t// Filter the list of plugins\n\tvar pluginList = [];\n\t$tw.utils.each(containerData.tiddlers,function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\tpluginList.push(title);\n\t});\n\tvar filteredPluginList;\n\tif(filter) {\n\t\tfilteredPluginList = self.commander.wiki.filterTiddlers(filter,null,self.commander.wiki.makeTiddlerIterator(pluginList));\n\t} else {\n\t\tfilteredPluginList = pluginList;\n\t}\n\t// Iterate through the plugins\n\tvar skinnyList = [];\n\t$tw.utils.each(filteredPluginList,function(title) {\n\t\tvar tiddler = containerData.tiddlers[title];\n\t\t// Save each JSON file and collect the skinny data\n\t\tvar pathname = path.resolve(self.commander.outputPath,basepath + encodeURIComponent(title) + \".json\");\n\t\t$tw.utils.createFileDirectories(pathname);\n\t\tfs.writeFileSync(pathname,JSON.stringify(tiddler,null,$tw.config.preferences.jsonSpaces),\"utf8\");\n\t\t// Collect the skinny list data\n\t\tvar pluginTiddlers = JSON.parse(tiddler.text),\n\t\t\treadmeContent = (pluginTiddlers.tiddlers[title + \"/readme\"] || {}).text,\n\t\t\ticonTiddler = pluginTiddlers.tiddlers[title + \"/icon\"] || {},\n\t\t\ticonType = iconTiddler.type,\n\t\t\ticonText = iconTiddler.text,\n\t\t\ticonContent;\n\t\tif(iconType && iconText) {\n\t\t\ticonContent = $tw.utils.makeDataUri(iconText,iconType);\n\t\t}\n\t\tskinnyList.push($tw.utils.extend({},tiddler,{text: undefined, readme: readmeContent, icon: iconContent}));\n\t});\n\t// Save the catalogue tiddler\n\tif(skinnyListTitle) {\n\t\tself.commander.wiki.setTiddlerData(skinnyListTitle,skinnyList);\n\t}\n\treturn null;\n};\n\nexports.Command = Command;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/commands/savelibrarytiddlers.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "command"
"$:/core/modules/commands/savetiddler.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/commands/savetiddler.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: command\n\nCommand to save the content of a tiddler to a file\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.info = {\n\tname: \"savetiddler\",\n\tsynchronous: false\n};\n\nvar Command = function(params,commander,callback) {\n\tthis.params = params;\n\tthis.commander = commander;\n\tthis.callback = callback;\n};\n\nCommand.prototype.execute = function() {\n\tif(this.params.length < 2) {\n\t\treturn \"Missing filename\";\n\t}\n\tvar self = this,\n\t\tfs = require(\"fs\"),\n\t\tpath = require(\"path\"),\n\t\ttitle = this.params[0],\n\t\tfilename = path.resolve(this.commander.outputPath,this.params[1]),\n\t\ttiddler = this.commander.wiki.getTiddler(title);\n\tif(tiddler) {\n\t\tvar type = tiddler.fields.type || \"text/vnd.tiddlywiki\",\n\t\t\tcontentTypeInfo = $tw.config.contentTypeInfo[type] || {encoding: \"utf8\"};\n\t\t$tw.utils.createFileDirectories(filename);\n\t\tfs.writeFile(filename,tiddler.fields.text,contentTypeInfo.encoding,function(err) {\n\t\t\tself.callback(err);\n\t\t});\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn \"Missing tiddler: \" + title;\n\t}\n\treturn null;\n};\n\nexports.Command = Command;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/commands/savetiddler.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "command"
"$:/core/modules/commands/savetiddlers.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/commands/savetiddlers.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: command\n\nCommand to save several tiddlers to a folder of files\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\");\n\nexports.info = {\n\tname: \"savetiddlers\",\n\tsynchronous: true\n};\n\nvar Command = function(params,commander,callback) {\n\tthis.params = params;\n\tthis.commander = commander;\n\tthis.callback = callback;\n};\n\nCommand.prototype.execute = function() {\n\tif(this.params.length < 1) {\n\t\treturn \"Missing filename\";\n\t}\n\tvar self = this,\n\t\tfs = require(\"fs\"),\n\t\tpath = require(\"path\"),\n\t\twiki = this.commander.wiki,\n\t\tfilter = this.params[0],\n\t\tpathname = path.resolve(this.commander.outputPath,this.params[1]),\n\t\tdeleteDirectory = (this.params[2] || \"\").toLowerCase() !== \"noclean\",\n\t\ttiddlers = wiki.filterTiddlers(filter);\n\tif(deleteDirectory) {\n\t\t$tw.utils.deleteDirectory(pathname);\n\t}\n\t$tw.utils.createDirectory(pathname);\n\t$tw.utils.each(tiddlers,function(title) {\n\t\tvar tiddler = self.commander.wiki.getTiddler(title),\n\t\t\ttype = tiddler.fields.type || \"text/vnd.tiddlywiki\",\n\t\t\tcontentTypeInfo = $tw.config.contentTypeInfo[type] || {encoding: \"utf8\"},\n\t\t\tfilename = path.resolve(pathname,encodeURIComponent(title));\n\t\tfs.writeFileSync(filename,tiddler.fields.text,contentTypeInfo.encoding);\n\t});\n\treturn null;\n};\n\nexports.Command = Command;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/commands/savetiddlers.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "command"
"$:/core/modules/commands/server.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/commands/server.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: command\n\nServe tiddlers over http\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nif($tw.node) {\n\tvar util = require(\"util\"),\n\t\tfs = require(\"fs\"),\n\t\turl = require(\"url\"),\n\t\tpath = require(\"path\"),\n\t\thttp = require(\"http\");\n}\n\nexports.info = {\n\tname: \"server\",\n\tsynchronous: true\n};\n\n/*\nA simple HTTP server with regexp-based routes\n*/\nfunction SimpleServer(options) {\n\tthis.routes = options.routes || [];\n\tthis.wiki = options.wiki;\n\tthis.variables = options.variables || {};\n}\n\nSimpleServer.prototype.set = function(obj) {\n\tvar self = this;\n\t$tw.utils.each(obj,function(value,name) {\n\t\tself.variables[name] = value;\n\t});\n};\n\nSimpleServer.prototype.get = function(name) {\n\treturn this.variables[name];\n};\n\nSimpleServer.prototype.addRoute = function(route) {\n\tthis.routes.push(route);\n};\n\nSimpleServer.prototype.findMatchingRoute = function(request,state) {\n\tvar pathprefix = this.get(\"pathprefix\") || \"\";\n\tfor(var t=0; t<this.routes.length; t++) {\n\t\tvar potentialRoute = this.routes[t],\n\t\t\tpathRegExp = potentialRoute.path,\n\t\t\tpathname = state.urlInfo.pathname,\n\t\t\tmatch;\n\t\tif(pathprefix) {\n\t\t\tif(pathname.substr(0,pathprefix.length) === pathprefix) {\n\t\t\t\tpathname = pathname.substr(pathprefix.length);\n\t\t\t\tmatch = potentialRoute.path.exec(pathname);\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tmatch = false;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tmatch = potentialRoute.path.exec(pathname);\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(match && request.method === potentialRoute.method) {\n\t\t\tstate.params = [];\n\t\t\tfor(var p=1; p<match.length; p++) {\n\t\t\t\tstate.params.push(match[p]);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\treturn potentialRoute;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn null;\n};\n\nSimpleServer.prototype.checkCredentials = function(request,incomingUsername,incomingPassword) {\n\tvar header = request.headers.authorization || \"\",\n\t\ttoken = header.split(/\\s+/).pop() || \"\",\n\t\tauth = $tw.utils.base64Decode(token),\n\t\tparts = auth.split(/:/),\n\t\tusername = parts[0],\n\t\tpassword = parts[1];\n\tif(incomingUsername === username && incomingPassword === password) {\n\t\treturn \"ALLOWED\";\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn \"DENIED\";\n\t}\n};\n\nSimpleServer.prototype.requestHandler = function(request,response) {\n\t// Compose the state object\n\tvar self = this;\n\tvar state = {};\n\tstate.wiki = self.wiki;\n\tstate.server = self;\n\tstate.urlInfo = url.parse(request.url);\n\t// Find the route that matches this path\n\tvar route = self.findMatchingRoute(request,state);\n\t// Check for the username and password if we've got one\n\tvar username = self.get(\"username\"),\n\t\tpassword = self.get(\"password\");\n\tif(username && password) {\n\t\t// Check they match\n\t\tif(self.checkCredentials(request,username,password) !== \"ALLOWED\") {\n\t\t\tvar servername = state.wiki.getTiddlerText(\"$:/SiteTitle\") || \"TiddlyWiki5\";\n\t\t\tresponse.writeHead(401,\"Authentication required\",{\n\t\t\t\t\"WWW-Authenticate\": 'Basic realm=\"Please provide your username and password to login to ' + servername + '\"'\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t\tresponse.end();\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t// Return a 404 if we didn't find a route\n\tif(!route) {\n\t\tresponse.writeHead(404);\n\t\tresponse.end();\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\t// Set the encoding for the incoming request\n\t// TODO: Presumably this would need tweaking if we supported PUTting binary tiddlers\n\trequest.setEncoding(\"utf8\");\n\t// Dispatch the appropriate method\n\tswitch(request.method) {\n\t\tcase \"GET\": // Intentional fall-through\n\t\tcase \"DELETE\":\n\t\t\troute.handler(request,response,state);\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase \"PUT\":\n\t\t\tvar data = \"\";\n\t\t\trequest.on(\"data\",function(chunk) {\n\t\t\t\tdata += chunk.toString();\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t\trequest.on(\"end\",function() {\n\t\t\t\tstate.data = data;\n\t\t\t\troute.handler(request,response,state);\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t}\n};\n\t\nSimpleServer.prototype.listen = function(port,host) {\n\thttp.createServer(this.requestHandler.bind(this)).listen(port,host);\n};\n\nvar Command = function(params,commander,callback) {\n\tthis.params = params;\n\tthis.commander = commander;\n\tthis.callback = callback;\n\t// Set up server\n\tthis.server = new SimpleServer({\n\t\twiki: this.commander.wiki\n\t});\n\t// Add route handlers\n\tthis.server.addRoute({\n\t\tmethod: \"PUT\",\n\t\tpath: /^\\/recipes\\/default\\/tiddlers\\/(.+)$/,\n\t\thandler: function(request,response,state) {\n\t\t\tvar title = decodeURIComponent(state.params[0]),\n\t\t\t\tfields = JSON.parse(state.data);\n\t\t\t// Pull up any subfields in the `fields` object\n\t\t\tif(fields.fields) {\n\t\t\t\t$tw.utils.each(fields.fields,function(field,name) {\n\t\t\t\t\tfields[name] = field;\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\tdelete fields.fields;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t// Remove any revision field\n\t\t\tif(fields.revision) {\n\t\t\t\tdelete fields.revision;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tstate.wiki.addTiddler(new $tw.Tiddler(state.wiki.getCreationFields(),fields,{title: title},state.wiki.getModificationFields()));\n\t\t\tvar changeCount = state.wiki.getChangeCount(title).toString();\n\t\t\tresponse.writeHead(204, \"OK\",{\n\t\t\t\tEtag: \"\\\"default/\" + encodeURIComponent(title) + \"/\" + changeCount + \":\\\"\",\n\t\t\t\t\"Content-Type\": \"text/plain\"\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t\tresponse.end();\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\tthis.server.addRoute({\n\t\tmethod: \"DELETE\",\n\t\tpath: /^\\/bags\\/default\\/tiddlers\\/(.+)$/,\n\t\thandler: function(request,response,state) {\n\t\t\tvar title = decodeURIComponent(state.params[0]);\n\t\t\tstate.wiki.deleteTiddler(title);\n\t\t\tresponse.writeHead(204, \"OK\", {\n\t\t\t\t\"Content-Type\": \"text/plain\"\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t\tresponse.end();\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\tthis.server.addRoute({\n\t\tmethod: \"GET\",\n\t\tpath: /^\\/$/,\n\t\thandler: function(request,response,state) {\n\t\t\tresponse.writeHead(200, {\"Content-Type\": state.server.get(\"serveType\")});\n\t\t\tvar text = state.wiki.renderTiddler(state.server.get(\"renderType\"),state.server.get(\"rootTiddler\"));\n\t\t\tresponse.end(text,\"utf8\");\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\tthis.server.addRoute({\n\t\tmethod: \"GET\",\n\t\tpath: /^\\/status$/,\n\t\thandler: function(request,response,state) {\n\t\t\tresponse.writeHead(200, {\"Content-Type\": \"application/json\"});\n\t\t\tvar text = JSON.stringify({\n\t\t\t\tusername: state.server.get(\"username\"),\n\t\t\t\tspace: {\n\t\t\t\t\trecipe: \"default\"\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\ttiddlywiki_version: $tw.version\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t\tresponse.end(text,\"utf8\");\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\tthis.server.addRoute({\n\t\tmethod: \"GET\",\n\t\tpath: /^\\/favicon.ico$/,\n\t\thandler: function(request,response,state) {\n\t\t\tresponse.writeHead(200, {\"Content-Type\": \"image/x-icon\"});\n\t\t\tvar buffer = state.wiki.getTiddlerText(\"$:/favicon.ico\",\"\");\n\t\t\tresponse.end(buffer,\"base64\");\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\tthis.server.addRoute({\n\t\tmethod: \"GET\",\n\t\tpath: /^\\/recipes\\/default\\/tiddlers.json$/,\n\t\thandler: function(request,response,state) {\n\t\t\tresponse.writeHead(200, {\"Content-Type\": \"application/json\"});\n\t\t\tvar tiddlers = [];\n\t\t\tstate.wiki.forEachTiddler({sortField: \"title\"},function(title,tiddler) {\n\t\t\t\tvar tiddlerFields = {};\n\t\t\t\t$tw.utils.each(tiddler.fields,function(field,name) {\n\t\t\t\t\tif(name !== \"text\") {\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttiddlerFields[name] = tiddler.getFieldString(name);\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\ttiddlerFields.revision = state.wiki.getChangeCount(title);\n\t\t\t\ttiddlerFields.type = tiddlerFields.type || \"text/vnd.tiddlywiki\";\n\t\t\t\ttiddlers.push(tiddlerFields);\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t\tvar text = JSON.stringify(tiddlers);\n\t\t\tresponse.end(text,\"utf8\");\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\tthis.server.addRoute({\n\t\tmethod: \"GET\",\n\t\tpath: /^\\/recipes\\/default\\/tiddlers\\/(.+)$/,\n\t\thandler: function(request,response,state) {\n\t\t\tvar title = decodeURIComponent(state.params[0]),\n\t\t\t\ttiddler = state.wiki.getTiddler(title),\n\t\t\t\ttiddlerFields = {},\n\t\t\t\tknownFields = [\n\t\t\t\t\t\"bag\", \"created\", \"creator\", \"modified\", \"modifier\", \"permissions\", \"recipe\", \"revision\", \"tags\", \"text\", \"title\", \"type\", \"uri\"\n\t\t\t\t];\n\t\t\tif(tiddler) {\n\t\t\t\t$tw.utils.each(tiddler.fields,function(field,name) {\n\t\t\t\t\tvar value = tiddler.getFieldString(name);\n\t\t\t\t\tif(knownFields.indexOf(name) !== -1) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttiddlerFields[name] = value;\n\t\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttiddlerFields.fields = tiddlerFields.fields || {};\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttiddlerFields.fields[name] = value;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\ttiddlerFields.revision = state.wiki.getChangeCount(title);\n\t\t\t\ttiddlerFields.type = tiddlerFields.type || \"text/vnd.tiddlywiki\";\n\t\t\t\tresponse.writeHead(200, {\"Content-Type\": \"application/json\"});\n\t\t\t\tresponse.end(JSON.stringify(tiddlerFields),\"utf8\");\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tresponse.writeHead(404);\n\t\t\t\tresponse.end();\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t});\n};\n\nCommand.prototype.execute = function() {\n\tif(!$tw.boot.wikiTiddlersPath) {\n\t\t$tw.utils.warning(\"Warning: Wiki folder '\" + $tw.boot.wikiPath + \"' does not exist or is missing a tiddlywiki.info file\");\n\t}\n\tvar port = this.params[0] || \"8080\",\n\t\trootTiddler = this.params[1] || \"$:/core/save/all\",\n\t\trenderType = this.params[2] || \"text/plain\",\n\t\tserveType = this.params[3] || \"text/html\",\n\t\tusername = this.params[4],\n\t\tpassword = this.params[5],\n\t\thost = this.params[6] || \"\",\n\t\tpathprefix = this.params[7];\n\tthis.server.set({\n\t\trootTiddler: rootTiddler,\n\t\trenderType: renderType,\n\t\tserveType: serveType,\n\t\tusername: username,\n\t\tpassword: password,\n\t\tpathprefix: pathprefix\n\t});\n\tthis.server.listen(port,host);\n\tconsole.log(\"Serving on \" + host + \":\" + port);\n\tconsole.log(\"(press ctrl-C to exit)\");\n\t// Warn if required plugins are missing\n\tif(!$tw.wiki.getTiddler(\"$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/tiddlyweb\") || !$tw.wiki.getTiddler(\"$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/filesystem\")) {\n\t\t$tw.utils.warning(\"Warning: Plugins required for client-server operation (\\\"tiddlywiki/filesystem\\\" and \\\"tiddlywiki/tiddlyweb\\\") are missing from tiddlywiki.info file\");\n\t}\n\treturn null;\n};\n\nexports.Command = Command;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/commands/server.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "command"
"$:/core/modules/commands/setfield.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/commands/setfield.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: command\n\nCommand to modify selected tiddlers to set a field to the text of a template tiddler that has been wikified with the selected tiddler as the current tiddler.\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\");\n\nexports.info = {\n\tname: \"setfield\",\n\tsynchronous: true\n};\n\nvar Command = function(params,commander,callback) {\n\tthis.params = params;\n\tthis.commander = commander;\n\tthis.callback = callback;\n};\n\nCommand.prototype.execute = function() {\n\tif(this.params.length < 4) {\n\t\treturn \"Missing parameters\";\n\t}\n\tvar self = this,\n\t\twiki = this.commander.wiki,\n\t\tfilter = this.params[0],\n\t\tfieldname = this.params[1] || \"text\",\n\t\ttemplatetitle = this.params[2],\n\t\trendertype = this.params[3] || \"text/plain\",\n\t\ttiddlers = wiki.filterTiddlers(filter);\n\t$tw.utils.each(tiddlers,function(title) {\n\t\tvar parser = wiki.parseTiddler(templatetitle),\n\t\t\tnewFields = {},\n\t\t\ttiddler = wiki.getTiddler(title);\n\t\tif(parser) {\n\t\t\tvar widgetNode = wiki.makeWidget(parser,{variables: {currentTiddler: title}});\n\t\t\tvar container = $tw.fakeDocument.createElement(\"div\");\n\t\t\twidgetNode.render(container,null);\n\t\t\tnewFields[fieldname] = rendertype === \"text/html\" ? container.innerHTML : container.textContent;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tnewFields[fieldname] = undefined;\n\t\t}\n\t\twiki.addTiddler(new $tw.Tiddler(tiddler,newFields));\n\t});\n\treturn null;\n};\n\nexports.Command = Command;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/commands/setfield.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "command"
"$:/core/modules/commands/unpackplugin.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/commands/unpackplugin.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: command\n\nCommand to extract the shadow tiddlers from within a plugin\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.info = {\n\tname: \"unpackplugin\",\n\tsynchronous: true\n};\n\nvar Command = function(params,commander,callback) {\n\tthis.params = params;\n\tthis.commander = commander;\n\tthis.callback = callback;\n};\n\nCommand.prototype.execute = function() {\n\tif(this.params.length < 1) {\n\t\treturn \"Missing plugin name\";\n\t}\n\tvar self = this,\n\t\ttitle = this.params[0],\n\t\tpluginData = this.commander.wiki.getTiddlerDataCached(title);\n\tif(!pluginData) {\n\t\treturn \"Plugin '\" + title + \"' not found\";\n\t}\n\t$tw.utils.each(pluginData.tiddlers,function(tiddler) {\n\t\tself.commander.wiki.addTiddler(new $tw.Tiddler(tiddler));\n\t});\n\treturn null;\n};\n\nexports.Command = Command;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/commands/unpackplugin.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "command"
"$:/core/modules/commands/verbose.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/commands/verbose.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: command\n\nVerbose command\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.info = {\n\tname: \"verbose\",\n\tsynchronous: true\n};\n\nvar Command = function(params,commander) {\n\tthis.params = params;\n\tthis.commander = commander;\n};\n\nCommand.prototype.execute = function() {\n\tthis.commander.verbose = true;\n\t// Output the boot message log\n\tthis.commander.streams.output.write(\"Boot log:\\n \" + $tw.boot.logMessages.join(\"\\n \") + \"\\n\");\n\treturn null; // No error\n};\n\nexports.Command = Command;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/commands/verbose.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "command"
"$:/core/modules/commands/version.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/commands/version.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: command\n\nVersion command\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.info = {\n\tname: \"version\",\n\tsynchronous: true\n};\n\nvar Command = function(params,commander) {\n\tthis.params = params;\n\tthis.commander = commander;\n};\n\nCommand.prototype.execute = function() {\n\tthis.commander.streams.output.write($tw.version + \"\\n\");\n\treturn null; // No error\n};\n\nexports.Command = Command;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/commands/version.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "command"
"$:/core/modules/config.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/config.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: config\n\nCore configuration constants\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.preferences = {};\n\nexports.preferences.notificationDuration = 3 * 1000;\nexports.preferences.jsonSpaces = 4;\n\nexports.textPrimitives = {\n\tupperLetter: \"[A-Z\\u00c0-\\u00d6\\u00d8-\\u00de\\u0150\\u0170]\",\n\tlowerLetter: \"[a-z\\u00df-\\u00f6\\u00f8-\\u00ff\\u0151\\u0171]\",\n\tanyLetter: \"[A-Za-z0-9\\u00c0-\\u00d6\\u00d8-\\u00de\\u00df-\\u00f6\\u00f8-\\u00ff\\u0150\\u0170\\u0151\\u0171]\",\n\tblockPrefixLetters:\t\"[A-Za-z0-9-_\\u00c0-\\u00d6\\u00d8-\\u00de\\u00df-\\u00f6\\u00f8-\\u00ff\\u0150\\u0170\\u0151\\u0171]\"\n};\n\nexports.textPrimitives.unWikiLink = \"~\";\nexports.textPrimitives.wikiLink = exports.textPrimitives.upperLetter + \"+\" +\n\texports.textPrimitives.lowerLetter + \"+\" +\n\texports.textPrimitives.upperLetter +\n\texports.textPrimitives.anyLetter + \"*\";\n\nexports.htmlEntities = {quot:34, amp:38, apos:39, lt:60, gt:62, nbsp:160, iexcl:161, cent:162, pound:163, curren:164, yen:165, brvbar:166, sect:167, uml:168, copy:169, ordf:170, laquo:171, not:172, shy:173, reg:174, macr:175, deg:176, plusmn:177, sup2:178, sup3:179, acute:180, micro:181, para:182, middot:183, cedil:184, sup1:185, ordm:186, raquo:187, frac14:188, frac12:189, frac34:190, iquest:191, Agrave:192, Aacute:193, Acirc:194, Atilde:195, Auml:196, Aring:197, AElig:198, Ccedil:199, Egrave:200, Eacute:201, Ecirc:202, Euml:203, Igrave:204, Iacute:205, Icirc:206, Iuml:207, ETH:208, Ntilde:209, Ograve:210, Oacute:211, Ocirc:212, Otilde:213, Ouml:214, times:215, Oslash:216, Ugrave:217, Uacute:218, Ucirc:219, Uuml:220, Yacute:221, THORN:222, szlig:223, agrave:224, aacute:225, acirc:226, atilde:227, auml:228, aring:229, aelig:230, ccedil:231, egrave:232, eacute:233, ecirc:234, euml:235, igrave:236, iacute:237, icirc:238, iuml:239, eth:240, ntilde:241, ograve:242, oacute:243, ocirc:244, otilde:245, ouml:246, divide:247, oslash:248, ugrave:249, uacute:250, ucirc:251, uuml:252, yacute:253, thorn:254, yuml:255, OElig:338, oelig:339, Scaron:352, scaron:353, Yuml:376, fnof:402, circ:710, tilde:732, Alpha:913, Beta:914, Gamma:915, Delta:916, Epsilon:917, Zeta:918, Eta:919, Theta:920, Iota:921, Kappa:922, Lambda:923, Mu:924, Nu:925, Xi:926, Omicron:927, Pi:928, Rho:929, Sigma:931, Tau:932, Upsilon:933, Phi:934, Chi:935, Psi:936, Omega:937, alpha:945, beta:946, gamma:947, delta:948, epsilon:949, zeta:950, eta:951, theta:952, iota:953, kappa:954, lambda:955, mu:956, nu:957, xi:958, omicron:959, pi:960, rho:961, sigmaf:962, sigma:963, tau:964, upsilon:965, phi:966, chi:967, psi:968, omega:969, thetasym:977, upsih:978, piv:982, ensp:8194, emsp:8195, thinsp:8201, zwnj:8204, zwj:8205, lrm:8206, rlm:8207, ndash:8211, mdash:8212, lsquo:8216, rsquo:8217, sbquo:8218, ldquo:8220, rdquo:8221, bdquo:8222, dagger:8224, Dagger:8225, bull:8226, hellip:8230, permil:8240, prime:8242, Prime:8243, lsaquo:8249, rsaquo:8250, oline:8254, frasl:8260, euro:8364, image:8465, weierp:8472, real:8476, trade:8482, alefsym:8501, larr:8592, uarr:8593, rarr:8594, darr:8595, harr:8596, crarr:8629, lArr:8656, uArr:8657, rArr:8658, dArr:8659, hArr:8660, forall:8704, part:8706, exist:8707, empty:8709, nabla:8711, isin:8712, notin:8713, ni:8715, prod:8719, sum:8721, minus:8722, lowast:8727, radic:8730, prop:8733, infin:8734, ang:8736, and:8743, or:8744, cap:8745, cup:8746, int:8747, there4:8756, sim:8764, cong:8773, asymp:8776, ne:8800, equiv:8801, le:8804, ge:8805, sub:8834, sup:8835, nsub:8836, sube:8838, supe:8839, oplus:8853, otimes:8855, perp:8869, sdot:8901, lceil:8968, rceil:8969, lfloor:8970, rfloor:8971, lang:9001, rang:9002, loz:9674, spades:9824, clubs:9827, hearts:9829, diams:9830 };\n\nexports.htmlVoidElements = \"area,base,br,col,command,embed,hr,img,input,keygen,link,meta,param,source,track,wbr\".split(\",\");\n\nexports.htmlBlockElements = \"address,article,aside,audio,blockquote,canvas,dd,div,dl,fieldset,figcaption,figure,footer,form,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,header,hgroup,hr,li,noscript,ol,output,p,pre,section,table,tfoot,ul,video\".split(\",\");\n\nexports.htmlUnsafeElements = \"script\".split(\",\");\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/config.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "config"
"$:/core/modules/deserializers.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/deserializers.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: tiddlerdeserializer\n\nFunctions to deserialise tiddlers from a block of text\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nUtility function to parse an old-style tiddler DIV in a *.tid file. It looks like this:\n\n<div title=\"Title\" creator=\"JoeBloggs\" modifier=\"JoeBloggs\" created=\"201102111106\" modified=\"201102111310\" tags=\"myTag [[my long tag]]\">\n<pre>The text of the tiddler (without the expected HTML encoding).\n</pre>\n</div>\n\nNote that the field attributes are HTML encoded, but that the body of the <PRE> tag is not encoded.\n\nWhen these tiddler DIVs are encountered within a TiddlyWiki HTML file then the body is encoded in the usual way.\n*/\nvar parseTiddlerDiv = function(text /* [,fields] */) {\n\t// Slot together the default results\n\tvar result = {};\n\tif(arguments.length > 1) {\n\t\tfor(var f=1; f<arguments.length; f++) {\n\t\t\tvar fields = arguments[f];\n\t\t\tfor(var t in fields) {\n\t\t\t\tresult[t] = fields[t];\t\t\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t// Parse the DIV body\n\tvar startRegExp = /^\\s*<div\\s+([^>]*)>(\\s*<pre>)?/gi,\n\t\tendRegExp,\n\t\tmatch = startRegExp.exec(text);\n\tif(match) {\n\t\t// Old-style DIVs don't have the <pre> tag\n\t\tif(match[2]) {\n\t\t\tendRegExp = /<\\/pre>\\s*<\\/div>\\s*$/gi;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tendRegExp = /<\\/div>\\s*$/gi;\n\t\t}\n\t\tvar endMatch = endRegExp.exec(text);\n\t\tif(endMatch) {\n\t\t\t// Extract the text\n\t\t\tresult.text = text.substring(match.index + match[0].length,endMatch.index);\n\t\t\t// Process the attributes\n\t\t\tvar attrRegExp = /\\s*([^=\\s]+)\\s*=\\s*(?:\"([^\"]*)\"|'([^']*)')/gi,\n\t\t\t\tattrMatch;\n\t\t\tdo {\n\t\t\t\tattrMatch = attrRegExp.exec(match[1]);\n\t\t\t\tif(attrMatch) {\n\t\t\t\t\tvar name = attrMatch[1];\n\t\t\t\t\tvar value = attrMatch[2] !== undefined ? attrMatch[2] : attrMatch[3];\n\t\t\t\t\tresult[name] = value;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t} while(attrMatch);\n\t\t\treturn result;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn undefined;\n};\n\nexports[\"application/x-tiddler-html-div\"] = function(text,fields) {\n\treturn [parseTiddlerDiv(text,fields)];\n};\n\nexports[\"application/json\"] = function(text,fields) {\n\tvar incoming,\n\t\tresults = [];\n\ttry {\n\t\tincoming = JSON.parse(text);\n\t} catch(e) {\n\t\tincoming = [{\n\t\t\ttitle: \"JSON error: \" + e,\n\t\t\ttext: \"\"\n\t\t}]\n\t}\n\tif(!$tw.utils.isArray(incoming)) {\n\t\tincoming = [incoming];\n\t}\n\tfor(var t=0; t<incoming.length; t++) {\n\t\tvar incomingFields = incoming[t],\n\t\t\tfields = {};\n\t\tfor(var f in incomingFields) {\n\t\t\tif(typeof incomingFields[f] === \"string\") {\n\t\t\t\tfields[f] = incomingFields[f];\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\tresults.push(fields);\n\t}\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n/*\nParse an HTML file into tiddlers. There are three possibilities:\n# A TiddlyWiki classic HTML file containing `text/x-tiddlywiki` tiddlers\n# A TiddlyWiki5 HTML file containing `text/vnd.tiddlywiki` tiddlers\n# An ordinary HTML file\n*/\nexports[\"text/html\"] = function(text,fields) {\n\t// Check if we've got a store area\n\tvar storeAreaMarkerRegExp = /<div id=[\"']?storeArea['\"]?( style=[\"']?display:none;[\"']?)?>/gi,\n\t\tmatch = storeAreaMarkerRegExp.exec(text);\n\tif(match) {\n\t\t// If so, it's either a classic TiddlyWiki file or an unencrypted TW5 file\n\t\t// First read the normal tiddlers\n\t\tvar results = deserializeTiddlyWikiFile(text,storeAreaMarkerRegExp.lastIndex,!!match[1],fields);\n\t\t// Then any system tiddlers\n\t\tvar systemAreaMarkerRegExp = /<div id=[\"']?systemArea['\"]?( style=[\"']?display:none;[\"']?)?>/gi,\n\t\t\tsysMatch = systemAreaMarkerRegExp.exec(text);\n\t\tif(sysMatch) {\n\t\t\tresults.push.apply(results,deserializeTiddlyWikiFile(text,systemAreaMarkerRegExp.lastIndex,!!sysMatch[1],fields));\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn results;\n\t} else {\n\t\t// Check whether we've got an encrypted file\n\t\tvar encryptedStoreArea = $tw.utils.extractEncryptedStoreArea(text);\n\t\tif(encryptedStoreArea) {\n\t\t\t// If so, attempt to decrypt it using the current password\n\t\t\treturn $tw.utils.decryptStoreArea(encryptedStoreArea);\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t// It's not a TiddlyWiki so we'll return the entire HTML file as a tiddler\n\t\t\treturn deserializeHtmlFile(text,fields);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n};\n\nfunction deserializeHtmlFile(text,fields) {\n\tvar result = {};\n\t$tw.utils.each(fields,function(value,name) {\n\t\tresult[name] = value;\n\t});\n\tresult.text = text;\n\tresult.type = \"text/html\";\n\treturn [result];\n}\n\nfunction deserializeTiddlyWikiFile(text,storeAreaEnd,isTiddlyWiki5,fields) {\n\tvar results = [],\n\t\tendOfDivRegExp = /(<\\/div>\\s*)/gi,\n\t\tstartPos = storeAreaEnd,\n\t\tdefaultType = isTiddlyWiki5 ? undefined : \"text/x-tiddlywiki\";\n\tendOfDivRegExp.lastIndex = startPos;\n\tvar match = endOfDivRegExp.exec(text);\n\twhile(match) {\n\t\tvar endPos = endOfDivRegExp.lastIndex,\n\t\t\ttiddlerFields = parseTiddlerDiv(text.substring(startPos,endPos),fields,{type: defaultType});\n\t\tif(!tiddlerFields) {\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t\t$tw.utils.each(tiddlerFields,function(value,name) {\n\t\t\tif(typeof value === \"string\") {\n\t\t\t\ttiddlerFields[name] = $tw.utils.htmlDecode(value);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t\tif(tiddlerFields.text !== null) {\n\t\t\tresults.push(tiddlerFields);\n\t\t}\n\t\tstartPos = endPos;\n\t\tmatch = endOfDivRegExp.exec(text);\n\t}\n\treturn results;\n}\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/deserializers.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "tiddlerdeserializer"
"$:/core/modules/editor/engines/framed.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/editor/engines/framed.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: library\n\nText editor engine based on a simple input or textarea within an iframe. This is done so that the selection is preserved even when clicking away from the textarea\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true,browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar HEIGHT_VALUE_TITLE = \"$:/config/TextEditor/EditorHeight/Height\";\n\nfunction FramedEngine(options) {\n\t// Save our options\n\toptions = options || {};\n\tthis.widget = options.widget;\n\tthis.value = options.value;\n\tthis.parentNode = options.parentNode;\n\tthis.nextSibling = options.nextSibling;\n\t// Create our hidden dummy text area for reading styles\n\tthis.dummyTextArea = this.widget.document.createElement(\"textarea\");\n\tif(this.widget.editClass) {\n\t\tthis.dummyTextArea.className = this.widget.editClass;\n\t}\n\tthis.dummyTextArea.setAttribute(\"hidden\",\"true\");\n\tthis.parentNode.insertBefore(this.dummyTextArea,this.nextSibling);\n\tthis.widget.domNodes.push(this.dummyTextArea);\n\t// Create the iframe\n\tthis.iframeNode = this.widget.document.createElement(\"iframe\");\n\tthis.parentNode.insertBefore(this.iframeNode,this.nextSibling);\n\tthis.iframeDoc = this.iframeNode.contentWindow.document;\n\t// (Firefox requires us to put some empty content in the iframe)\n\tthis.iframeDoc.open();\n\tthis.iframeDoc.write(\"\");\n\tthis.iframeDoc.close();\n\t// Style the iframe\n\tthis.iframeNode.className = this.dummyTextArea.className;\n\tthis.iframeNode.style.border = \"none\";\n\tthis.iframeNode.style.padding = \"0\";\n\tthis.iframeNode.style.resize = \"none\";\n\tthis.iframeDoc.body.style.margin = \"0\";\n\tthis.iframeDoc.body.style.padding = \"0\";\n\tthis.widget.domNodes.push(this.iframeNode);\n\t// Construct the textarea or input node\n\tvar tag = this.widget.editTag;\n\tif($tw.config.htmlUnsafeElements.indexOf(tag) !== -1) {\n\t\ttag = \"input\";\n\t}\n\tthis.domNode = this.iframeDoc.createElement(tag);\n\t// Set the text\n\tif(this.widget.editTag === \"textarea\") {\n\t\tthis.domNode.appendChild(this.iframeDoc.createTextNode(this.value));\n\t} else {\n\t\tthis.domNode.value = this.value;\n\t}\n\t// Set the attributes\n\tif(this.widget.editType) {\n\t\tthis.domNode.setAttribute(\"type\",this.widget.editType);\n\t}\n\tif(this.widget.editPlaceholder) {\n\t\tthis.domNode.setAttribute(\"placeholder\",this.widget.editPlaceholder);\n\t}\n\tif(this.widget.editSize) {\n\t\tthis.domNode.setAttribute(\"size\",this.widget.editSize);\n\t}\n\tif(this.widget.editRows) {\n\t\tthis.domNode.setAttribute(\"rows\",this.widget.editRows);\n\t}\n\t// Copy the styles from the dummy textarea\n\tthis.copyStyles();\n\t// Add event listeners\n\t$tw.utils.addEventListeners(this.domNode,[\n\t\t{name: \"input\",handlerObject: this,handlerMethod: \"handleInputEvent\"},\n\t\t{name: \"keydown\",handlerObject: this.widget,handlerMethod: \"handleKeydownEvent\"}\n\t]);\n\t// Insert the element into the DOM\n\tthis.iframeDoc.body.appendChild(this.domNode);\n}\n\n/*\nCopy styles from the dummy text area to the textarea in the iframe\n*/\nFramedEngine.prototype.copyStyles = function() {\n\t// Copy all styles\n\t$tw.utils.copyStyles(this.dummyTextArea,this.domNode);\n\t// Override the ones that should not be set the same as the dummy textarea\n\tthis.domNode.style.display = \"block\";\n\tthis.domNode.style.width = \"100%\";\n\tthis.domNode.style.margin = \"0\";\n\t// In Chrome setting -webkit-text-fill-color overrides the placeholder text colour\n\tthis.domNode.style[\"-webkit-text-fill-color\"] = \"currentcolor\";\n};\n\n/*\nSet the text of the engine if it doesn't currently have focus\n*/\nFramedEngine.prototype.setText = function(text,type) {\n\tif(!this.domNode.isTiddlyWikiFakeDom) {\n\t\tif(this.domNode.ownerDocument.activeElement !== this.domNode) {\n\t\t\tthis.domNode.value = text;\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Fix the height if needed\n\t\tthis.fixHeight();\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nGet the text of the engine\n*/\nFramedEngine.prototype.getText = function() {\n\treturn this.domNode.value;\n};\n\n/*\nFix the height of textarea to fit content\n*/\nFramedEngine.prototype.fixHeight = function() {\n\t// Make sure styles are updated\n\tthis.copyStyles();\n\t// Adjust height\n\tif(this.widget.editTag === \"textarea\") {\n\t\tif(this.widget.editAutoHeight) {\n\t\t\tif(this.domNode && !this.domNode.isTiddlyWikiFakeDom) {\n\t\t\t\tvar newHeight = $tw.utils.resizeTextAreaToFit(this.domNode,this.widget.editMinHeight);\n\t\t\t\tthis.iframeNode.style.height = (newHeight + 14) + \"px\"; // +14 for the border on the textarea\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tvar fixedHeight = parseInt(this.widget.wiki.getTiddlerText(HEIGHT_VALUE_TITLE,\"400px\"),10);\n\t\t\tfixedHeight = Math.max(fixedHeight,20);\n\t\t\tthis.domNode.style.height = fixedHeight + \"px\";\n\t\t\tthis.iframeNode.style.height = (fixedHeight + 14) + \"px\";\n\t\t}\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nFocus the engine node\n*/\nFramedEngine.prototype.focus = function() {\n\tif(this.domNode.focus && this.domNode.select) {\n\t\tthis.domNode.focus();\n\t\tthis.domNode.select();\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nHandle a dom \"input\" event which occurs when the text has changed\n*/\nFramedEngine.prototype.handleInputEvent = function(event) {\n\tthis.widget.saveChanges(this.getText());\n\tthis.fixHeight();\n\treturn true;\n};\n\n/*\nCreate a blank structure representing a text operation\n*/\nFramedEngine.prototype.createTextOperation = function() {\n\tvar operation = {\n\t\ttext: this.domNode.value,\n\t\tselStart: this.domNode.selectionStart,\n\t\tselEnd: this.domNode.selectionEnd,\n\t\tcutStart: null,\n\t\tcutEnd: null,\n\t\treplacement: null,\n\t\tnewSelStart: null,\n\t\tnewSelEnd: null\n\t};\n\toperation.selection = operation.text.substring(operation.selStart,operation.selEnd);\n\treturn operation;\n};\n\n/*\nExecute a text operation\n*/\nFramedEngine.prototype.executeTextOperation = function(operation) {\n\t// Perform the required changes to the text area and the underlying tiddler\n\tvar newText = operation.text;\n\tif(operation.replacement !== null) {\n\t\tnewText = operation.text.substring(0,operation.cutStart) + operation.replacement + operation.text.substring(operation.cutEnd);\n\t\t// Attempt to use a execCommand to modify the value of the control\n\t\tif(this.iframeDoc.queryCommandSupported(\"insertText\") && this.iframeDoc.queryCommandSupported(\"delete\") && !$tw.browser.isFirefox) {\n\t\t\tthis.domNode.focus();\n\t\t\tthis.domNode.setSelectionRange(operation.cutStart,operation.cutEnd);\n\t\t\tif(operation.replacement === \"\") {\n\t\t\t\tthis.iframeDoc.execCommand(\"delete\",false,\"\");\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tthis.iframeDoc.execCommand(\"insertText\",false,operation.replacement);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tthis.domNode.value = newText;\n\t\t}\n\t\tthis.domNode.focus();\n\t\tthis.domNode.setSelectionRange(operation.newSelStart,operation.newSelEnd);\n\t}\n\tthis.domNode.focus();\n\treturn newText;\n};\n\nexports.FramedEngine = FramedEngine;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/editor/engines/framed.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "library"
"$:/core/modules/editor/engines/simple.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/editor/engines/simple.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: library\n\nText editor engine based on a simple input or textarea tag\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar HEIGHT_VALUE_TITLE = \"$:/config/TextEditor/EditorHeight/Height\";\n\nfunction SimpleEngine(options) {\n\t// Save our options\n\toptions = options || {};\n\tthis.widget = options.widget;\n\tthis.value = options.value;\n\tthis.parentNode = options.parentNode;\n\tthis.nextSibling = options.nextSibling;\n\t// Construct the textarea or input node\n\tvar tag = this.widget.editTag;\n\tif($tw.config.htmlUnsafeElements.indexOf(tag) !== -1) {\n\t\ttag = \"input\";\n\t}\n\tthis.domNode = this.widget.document.createElement(tag);\n\t// Set the text\n\tif(this.widget.editTag === \"textarea\") {\n\t\tthis.domNode.appendChild(this.widget.document.createTextNode(this.value));\n\t} else {\n\t\tthis.domNode.value = this.value;\n\t}\n\t// Set the attributes\n\tif(this.widget.editType) {\n\t\tthis.domNode.setAttribute(\"type\",this.widget.editType);\n\t}\n\tif(this.widget.editPlaceholder) {\n\t\tthis.domNode.setAttribute(\"placeholder\",this.widget.editPlaceholder);\n\t}\n\tif(this.widget.editSize) {\n\t\tthis.domNode.setAttribute(\"size\",this.widget.editSize);\n\t}\n\tif(this.widget.editRows) {\n\t\tthis.domNode.setAttribute(\"rows\",this.widget.editRows);\n\t}\n\tif(this.widget.editClass) {\n\t\tthis.domNode.className = this.widget.editClass;\n\t}\n\t// Add an input event handler\n\t$tw.utils.addEventListeners(this.domNode,[\n\t\t{name: \"focus\", handlerObject: this, handlerMethod: \"handleFocusEvent\"},\n\t\t{name: \"input\", handlerObject: this, handlerMethod: \"handleInputEvent\"}\n\t]);\n\t// Insert the element into the DOM\n\tthis.parentNode.insertBefore(this.domNode,this.nextSibling);\n\tthis.widget.domNodes.push(this.domNode);\n}\n\n/*\nSet the text of the engine if it doesn't currently have focus\n*/\nSimpleEngine.prototype.setText = function(text,type) {\n\tif(!this.domNode.isTiddlyWikiFakeDom) {\n\t\tif(this.domNode.ownerDocument.activeElement !== this.domNode || text === \"\") {\n\t\t\tthis.domNode.value = text;\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Fix the height if needed\n\t\tthis.fixHeight();\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nGet the text of the engine\n*/\nSimpleEngine.prototype.getText = function() {\n\treturn this.domNode.value;\n};\n\n/*\nFix the height of textarea to fit content\n*/\nSimpleEngine.prototype.fixHeight = function() {\n\tif(this.widget.editTag === \"textarea\") {\n\t\tif(this.widget.editAutoHeight) {\n\t\t\tif(this.domNode && !this.domNode.isTiddlyWikiFakeDom) {\n\t\t\t\t$tw.utils.resizeTextAreaToFit(this.domNode,this.widget.editMinHeight);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tvar fixedHeight = parseInt(this.widget.wiki.getTiddlerText(HEIGHT_VALUE_TITLE,\"400px\"),10);\n\t\t\tfixedHeight = Math.max(fixedHeight,20);\n\t\t\tthis.domNode.style.height = fixedHeight + \"px\";\n\t\t}\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nFocus the engine node\n*/\nSimpleEngine.prototype.focus = function() {\n\tif(this.domNode.focus && this.domNode.select) {\n\t\tthis.domNode.focus();\n\t\tthis.domNode.select();\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nHandle a dom \"input\" event which occurs when the text has changed\n*/\nSimpleEngine.prototype.handleInputEvent = function(event) {\n\tthis.widget.saveChanges(this.getText());\n\tthis.fixHeight();\n\treturn true;\n};\n\n/*\nHandle a dom \"focus\" event\n*/\nSimpleEngine.prototype.handleFocusEvent = function(event) {\n\tif(this.widget.editFocusPopup) {\n\t\t$tw.popup.triggerPopup({\n\t\t\tdomNode: this.domNode,\n\t\t\ttitle: this.widget.editFocusPopup,\n\t\t\twiki: this.widget.wiki,\n\t\t\tforce: true\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\treturn true;\n};\n\n/*\nCreate a blank structure representing a text operation\n*/\nSimpleEngine.prototype.createTextOperation = function() {\n\treturn null;\n};\n\n/*\nExecute a text operation\n*/\nSimpleEngine.prototype.executeTextOperation = function(operation) {\n};\n\nexports.SimpleEngine = SimpleEngine;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/editor/engines/simple.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "library"
"$:/core/modules/editor/factory.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/editor/factory.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: library\n\nFactory for constructing text editor widgets with specified engines for the toolbar and non-toolbar cases\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar DEFAULT_MIN_TEXT_AREA_HEIGHT = \"100px\"; // Minimum height of textareas in pixels\n\n// Configuration tiddlers\nvar HEIGHT_MODE_TITLE = \"$:/config/TextEditor/EditorHeight/Mode\";\nvar ENABLE_TOOLBAR_TITLE = \"$:/config/TextEditor/EnableToolbar\";\n\nvar Widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\").widget;\n\nfunction editTextWidgetFactory(toolbarEngine,nonToolbarEngine) {\n\n\tvar EditTextWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) {\n\t\t// Initialise the editor operations if they've not been done already\n\t\tif(!this.editorOperations) {\n\t\t\tEditTextWidget.prototype.editorOperations = {};\n\t\t\t$tw.modules.applyMethods(\"texteditoroperation\",this.editorOperations);\n\t\t}\n\t\tthis.initialise(parseTreeNode,options);\n\t};\n\n\t/*\n\tInherit from the base widget class\n\t*/\n\tEditTextWidget.prototype = new Widget();\n\n\t/*\n\tRender this widget into the DOM\n\t*/\n\tEditTextWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) {\n\t\t// Save the parent dom node\n\t\tthis.parentDomNode = parent;\n\t\t// Compute our attributes\n\t\tthis.computeAttributes();\n\t\t// Execute our logic\n\t\tthis.execute();\n\t\t// Create the wrapper for the toolbar and render its content\n\t\tif(this.editShowToolbar) {\n\t\t\tthis.toolbarNode = this.document.createElement(\"div\");\n\t\t\tthis.toolbarNode.className = \"tc-editor-toolbar\";\n\t\t\tparent.insertBefore(this.toolbarNode,nextSibling);\n\t\t\tthis.renderChildren(this.toolbarNode,null);\n\t\t\tthis.domNodes.push(this.toolbarNode);\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Create our element\n\t\tvar editInfo = this.getEditInfo(),\n\t\t\tEngine = this.editShowToolbar ? toolbarEngine : nonToolbarEngine;\n\t\tthis.engine = new Engine({\n\t\t\t\twidget: this,\n\t\t\t\tvalue: editInfo.value,\n\t\t\t\ttype: editInfo.type,\n\t\t\t\tparentNode: parent,\n\t\t\t\tnextSibling: nextSibling\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t// Call the postRender hook\n\t\tif(this.postRender) {\n\t\t\tthis.postRender();\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Fix height\n\t\tthis.engine.fixHeight();\n\t\t// Focus if required\n\t\tif(this.editFocus === \"true\" || this.editFocus === \"yes\") {\n\t\t\tthis.engine.focus();\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Add widget message listeners\n\t\tthis.addEventListeners([\n\t\t\t{type: \"tm-edit-text-operation\", handler: \"handleEditTextOperationMessage\"}\n\t\t]);\n\t};\n\n\t/*\n\tGet the tiddler being edited and current value\n\t*/\n\tEditTextWidget.prototype.getEditInfo = function() {\n\t\t// Get the edit value\n\t\tvar self = this,\n\t\t\tvalue,\n\t\t\ttype = \"text/plain\",\n\t\t\tupdate;\n\t\tif(this.editIndex) {\n\t\t\tvalue = this.wiki.extractTiddlerDataItem(this.editTitle,this.editIndex,this.editDefault);\n\t\t\tupdate = function(value) {\n\t\t\t\tvar data = self.wiki.getTiddlerData(self.editTitle,{});\n\t\t\t\tif(data[self.editIndex] !== value) {\n\t\t\t\t\tdata[self.editIndex] = value;\n\t\t\t\t\tself.wiki.setTiddlerData(self.editTitle,data);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t// Get the current tiddler and the field name\n\t\t\tvar tiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(this.editTitle);\n\t\t\tif(tiddler) {\n\t\t\t\t// If we've got a tiddler, the value to display is the field string value\n\t\t\t\tvalue = tiddler.getFieldString(this.editField);\n\t\t\t\tif(this.editField === \"text\") {\n\t\t\t\t\ttype = tiddler.fields.type || \"text/vnd.tiddlywiki\";\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t// Otherwise, we need to construct a default value for the editor\n\t\t\t\tswitch(this.editField) {\n\t\t\t\t\tcase \"text\":\n\t\t\t\t\t\tvalue = \"Type the text for the tiddler '\" + this.editTitle + \"'\";\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttype = \"text/vnd.tiddlywiki\";\n\t\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\t\tcase \"title\":\n\t\t\t\t\t\tvalue = this.editTitle;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\t\tdefault:\n\t\t\t\t\t\tvalue = \"\";\n\t\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tif(this.editDefault !== undefined) {\n\t\t\t\t\tvalue = this.editDefault;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tupdate = function(value) {\n\t\t\t\tvar tiddler = self.wiki.getTiddler(self.editTitle),\n\t\t\t\t\tupdateFields = {\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttitle: self.editTitle\n\t\t\t\t\t};\n\t\t\t\tupdateFields[self.editField] = value;\n\t\t\t\tself.wiki.addTiddler(new $tw.Tiddler(self.wiki.getCreationFields(),tiddler,updateFields,self.wiki.getModificationFields()));\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(this.editType) {\n\t\t\ttype = this.editType;\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn {value: value || \"\", type: type, update: update};\n\t};\n\n\t/*\n\tHandle an edit text operation message from the toolbar\n\t*/\n\tEditTextWidget.prototype.handleEditTextOperationMessage = function(event) {\n\t\t// Prepare information about the operation\n\t\tvar operation = this.engine.createTextOperation();\n\t\t// Invoke the handler for the selected operation\n\t\tvar handler = this.editorOperations[event.param];\n\t\tif(handler) {\n\t\t\thandler.call(this,event,operation);\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Execute the operation via the engine\n\t\tvar newText = this.engine.executeTextOperation(operation);\n\t\t// Fix the tiddler height and save changes\n\t\tthis.engine.fixHeight();\n\t\tthis.saveChanges(newText);\n\t};\n\n\t/*\n\tCompute the internal state of the widget\n\t*/\n\tEditTextWidget.prototype.execute = function() {\n\t\t// Get our parameters\n\t\tthis.editTitle = this.getAttribute(\"tiddler\",this.getVariable(\"currentTiddler\"));\n\t\tthis.editField = this.getAttribute(\"field\",\"text\");\n\t\tthis.editIndex = this.getAttribute(\"index\");\n\t\tthis.editDefault = this.getAttribute(\"default\");\n\t\tthis.editClass = this.getAttribute(\"class\");\n\t\tthis.editPlaceholder = this.getAttribute(\"placeholder\");\n\t\tthis.editSize = this.getAttribute(\"size\");\n\t\tthis.editRows = this.getAttribute(\"rows\");\n\t\tthis.editAutoHeight = this.wiki.getTiddlerText(HEIGHT_MODE_TITLE,\"auto\");\n\t\tthis.editAutoHeight = this.getAttribute(\"autoHeight\",this.editAutoHeight === \"auto\" ? \"yes\" : \"no\") === \"yes\";\n\t\tthis.editMinHeight = this.getAttribute(\"minHeight\",DEFAULT_MIN_TEXT_AREA_HEIGHT);\n\t\tthis.editFocusPopup = this.getAttribute(\"focusPopup\");\n\t\tthis.editFocus = this.getAttribute(\"focus\");\n\t\t// Get the default editor element tag and type\n\t\tvar tag,type;\n\t\tif(this.editField === \"text\") {\n\t\t\ttag = \"textarea\";\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\ttag = \"input\";\n\t\t\tvar fieldModule = $tw.Tiddler.fieldModules[this.editField];\n\t\t\tif(fieldModule && fieldModule.editTag) {\n\t\t\t\ttag = fieldModule.editTag;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif(fieldModule && fieldModule.editType) {\n\t\t\t\ttype = fieldModule.editType;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\ttype = type || \"text\";\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Get the rest of our parameters\n\t\tthis.editTag = this.getAttribute(\"tag\",tag);\n\t\tthis.editType = this.getAttribute(\"type\",type);\n\t\t// Make the child widgets\n\t\tthis.makeChildWidgets();\n\t\t// Determine whether to show the toolbar\n\t\tthis.editShowToolbar = this.wiki.getTiddlerText(ENABLE_TOOLBAR_TITLE,\"yes\");\n\t\tthis.editShowToolbar = (this.editShowToolbar === \"yes\") && !!(this.children && this.children.length > 0);\n\t};\n\n\t/*\n\tSelectively refreshes the widget if needed. Returns true if the widget or any of its children needed re-rendering\n\t*/\n\tEditTextWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) {\n\t\tvar changedAttributes = this.computeAttributes();\n\t\t// Completely rerender if any of our attributes have changed\n\t\tif(changedAttributes.tiddler || changedAttributes.field || changedAttributes.index || changedAttributes[\"default\"] || changedAttributes[\"class\"] || changedAttributes.placeholder || changedAttributes.size || changedAttributes.autoHeight || changedAttributes.minHeight || changedAttributes.focusPopup || changedAttributes.rows || changedTiddlers[HEIGHT_MODE_TITLE] || changedTiddlers[ENABLE_TOOLBAR_TITLE]) {\n\t\t\tthis.refreshSelf();\n\t\t\treturn true;\n\t\t} else if(changedTiddlers[this.editTitle]) {\n\t\t\tvar editInfo = this.getEditInfo();\n\t\t\tthis.updateEditor(editInfo.value,editInfo.type);\n\t\t}\n\t\tthis.engine.fixHeight();\n\t\tif(this.editShowToolbar) {\n\t\t\treturn this.refreshChildren(changedTiddlers);\t\t\t\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\n\t/*\n\tUpdate the editor with new text. This method is separate from updateEditorDomNode()\n\tso that subclasses can override updateEditor() and still use updateEditorDomNode()\n\t*/\n\tEditTextWidget.prototype.updateEditor = function(text,type) {\n\t\tthis.updateEditorDomNode(text,type);\n\t};\n\n\t/*\n\tUpdate the editor dom node with new text\n\t*/\n\tEditTextWidget.prototype.updateEditorDomNode = function(text,type) {\n\t\tthis.engine.setText(text,type);\n\t};\n\n\t/*\n\tSave changes back to the tiddler store\n\t*/\n\tEditTextWidget.prototype.saveChanges = function(text) {\n\t\tvar editInfo = this.getEditInfo();\n\t\tif(text !== editInfo.value) {\n\t\t\teditInfo.update(text);\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\n\t/*\n\tHandle a dom \"keydown\" event, which we'll bubble up to our container for the keyboard widgets benefit\n\t*/\n\tEditTextWidget.prototype.handleKeydownEvent = function(event) {\n\t\t// Check for a keyboard shortcut\n\t\tif(this.toolbarNode) {\n\t\t\tvar shortcutElements = this.toolbarNode.querySelectorAll(\"[data-tw-keyboard-shortcut]\");\n\t\t\tfor(var index=0; index<shortcutElements.length; index++) {\n\t\t\t\tvar el = shortcutElements[index],\n\t\t\t\t\tshortcutData = el.getAttribute(\"data-tw-keyboard-shortcut\"),\n\t\t\t\t\tkeyInfoArray = $tw.keyboardManager.parseKeyDescriptors(shortcutData,{\n\t\t\t\t\t\twiki: this.wiki\n\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\tif($tw.keyboardManager.checkKeyDescriptors(event,keyInfoArray)) {\n\t\t\t\t\tvar clickEvent = this.document.createEvent(\"Events\");\n\t\t\t\t clickEvent.initEvent(\"click\",true,false);\n\t\t\t\t el.dispatchEvent(clickEvent);\n\t\t\t\t\tevent.preventDefault();\n\t\t\t\t\tevent.stopPropagation();\n\t\t\t\t\treturn true;\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Propogate the event to the container\n\t\tif(this.propogateKeydownEvent(event)) {\n\t\t\t// Ignore the keydown if it was already handled\n\t\t\tevent.preventDefault();\n\t\t\tevent.stopPropagation();\n\t\t\treturn true;\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Otherwise, process the keydown normally\n\t\treturn false;\n\t};\n\n\t/*\n\tPropogate keydown events to our container for the keyboard widgets benefit\n\t*/\n\tEditTextWidget.prototype.propogateKeydownEvent = function(event) {\n\t\tvar newEvent = this.document.createEventObject ? this.document.createEventObject() : this.document.createEvent(\"Events\");\n\t\tif(newEvent.initEvent) {\n\t\t\tnewEvent.initEvent(\"keydown\", true, true);\n\t\t}\n\t\tnewEvent.keyCode = event.keyCode;\n\t\tnewEvent.which = event.which;\n\t\tnewEvent.metaKey = event.metaKey;\n\t\tnewEvent.ctrlKey = event.ctrlKey;\n\t\tnewEvent.altKey = event.altKey;\n\t\tnewEvent.shiftKey = event.shiftKey;\n\t\treturn !this.parentDomNode.dispatchEvent(newEvent);\n\t};\n\n\treturn EditTextWidget;\n\n}\n\nexports.editTextWidgetFactory = editTextWidgetFactory;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/editor/factory.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "library"
"$:/core/modules/editor/operations/bitmap/clear.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/editor/operations/bitmap/clear.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: bitmapeditoroperation\n\nBitmap editor operation to clear the image\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports[\"clear\"] = function(event) {\n\tvar ctx = this.canvasDomNode.getContext(\"2d\");\n\tctx.globalAlpha = 1;\n\tctx.fillStyle = event.paramObject.colour || \"white\";\n\tctx.fillRect(0,0,this.canvasDomNode.width,this.canvasDomNode.height);\n\t// Save changes\n\tthis.strokeEnd();\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/editor/operations/bitmap/clear.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "bitmapeditoroperation"
"$:/core/modules/editor/operations/bitmap/resize.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/editor/operations/bitmap/resize.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: bitmapeditoroperation\n\nBitmap editor operation to resize the image\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports[\"resize\"] = function(event) {\n\t// Get the new width\n\tvar newWidth = parseInt(event.paramObject.width || this.canvasDomNode.width,10),\n\t\tnewHeight = parseInt(event.paramObject.height || this.canvasDomNode.height,10);\n\t// Update if necessary\n\tif(newWidth > 0 && newHeight > 0 && !(newWidth === this.currCanvas.width && newHeight === this.currCanvas.height)) {\n\t\tthis.changeCanvasSize(newWidth,newHeight);\n\t}\n\t// Update the input controls\n\tthis.refreshToolbar();\n\t// Save the image into the tiddler\n\tthis.saveChanges();\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/editor/operations/bitmap/resize.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "bitmapeditoroperation"
"$:/core/modules/editor/operations/text/excise.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/editor/operations/text/excise.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: texteditoroperation\n\nText editor operation to excise the selection to a new tiddler\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports[\"excise\"] = function(event,operation) {\n\tvar editTiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(this.editTitle),\n\t\teditTiddlerTitle = this.editTitle;\n\tif(editTiddler && editTiddler.fields[\"draft.of\"]) {\n\t\teditTiddlerTitle = editTiddler.fields[\"draft.of\"];\n\t}\n\tvar excisionTitle = event.paramObject.title || this.wiki.generateNewTitle(\"New Excision\");\n\tthis.wiki.addTiddler(new $tw.Tiddler(\n\t\tthis.wiki.getCreationFields(),\n\t\tthis.wiki.getModificationFields(),\n\t\t{\n\t\t\ttitle: excisionTitle,\n\t\t\ttext: operation.selection,\n\t\t\ttags: event.paramObject.tagnew === \"yes\" ? [editTiddlerTitle] : []\n\t\t}\n\t));\n\toperation.replacement = excisionTitle;\n\tswitch(event.paramObject.type || \"transclude\") {\n\t\tcase \"transclude\":\n\t\t\toperation.replacement = \"{{\" + operation.replacement+ \"}}\";\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase \"link\":\n\t\t\toperation.replacement = \"[[\" + operation.replacement+ \"]]\";\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase \"macro\":\n\t\t\toperation.replacement = \"<<\" + (event.paramObject.macro || \"translink\") + \" \\\"\\\"\\\"\" + operation.replacement + \"\\\"\\\"\\\">>\";\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t}\n\toperation.cutStart = operation.selStart;\n\toperation.cutEnd = operation.selEnd;\n\toperation.newSelStart = operation.selStart;\n\toperation.newSelEnd = operation.selStart + operation.replacement.length;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/editor/operations/text/excise.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "texteditoroperation"
"$:/core/modules/editor/operations/text/make-link.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/editor/operations/text/make-link.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: texteditoroperation\n\nText editor operation to make a link\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports[\"make-link\"] = function(event,operation) {\n\tif(operation.selection) {\n\t\toperation.replacement = \"[[\" + operation.selection + \"|\" + event.paramObject.text + \"]]\";\n\t\toperation.cutStart = operation.selStart;\n\t\toperation.cutEnd = operation.selEnd;\n\t} else {\n\t\toperation.replacement = \"[[\" + event.paramObject.text + \"]]\";\n\t\toperation.cutStart = operation.selStart;\n\t\toperation.cutEnd = operation.selEnd;\n\t}\n\toperation.newSelStart = operation.selStart + operation.replacement.length;\n\toperation.newSelEnd = operation.newSelStart;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/editor/operations/text/make-link.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "texteditoroperation"
"$:/core/modules/editor/operations/text/prefix-lines.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/editor/operations/text/prefix-lines.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: texteditoroperation\n\nText editor operation to add a prefix to the selected lines\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports[\"prefix-lines\"] = function(event,operation) {\n\t// Cut just past the preceding line break, or the start of the text\n\toperation.cutStart = $tw.utils.findPrecedingLineBreak(operation.text,operation.selStart);\n\t// Cut to just past the following line break, or to the end of the text\n\toperation.cutEnd = $tw.utils.findFollowingLineBreak(operation.text,operation.selEnd);\n\t// Compose the required prefix\n\tvar prefix = $tw.utils.repeat(event.paramObject.character,event.paramObject.count);\n\t// Process each line\n\tvar lines = operation.text.substring(operation.cutStart,operation.cutEnd).split(/\\r?\\n/mg);\n\t$tw.utils.each(lines,function(line,index) {\n\t\t// Remove and count any existing prefix characters\n\t\tvar count = 0;\n\t\twhile(line.charAt(0) === event.paramObject.character) {\n\t\t\tline = line.substring(1);\n\t\t\tcount++;\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Remove any whitespace\n\t\twhile(line.charAt(0) === \" \") {\n\t\t\tline = line.substring(1);\n\t\t}\n\t\t// We're done if we removed the exact required prefix, otherwise add it\n\t\tif(count !== event.paramObject.count) {\n\t\t\t// Apply the prefix\n\t\t\tline = prefix + \" \" + line;\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Save the modified line\n\t\tlines[index] = line;\n\t});\n\t// Stitch the replacement text together and set the selection\n\toperation.replacement = lines.join(\"\\n\");\n\tif(lines.length === 1) {\n\t\toperation.newSelStart = operation.cutStart + operation.replacement.length;\n\t\toperation.newSelEnd = operation.newSelStart;\n\t} else {\n\t\toperation.newSelStart = operation.cutStart;\n\t\toperation.newSelEnd = operation.newSelStart + operation.replacement.length;\n\t}\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/editor/operations/text/prefix-lines.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "texteditoroperation"
"$:/core/modules/editor/operations/text/replace-all.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/editor/operations/text/replace-all.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: texteditoroperation\n\nText editor operation to replace the entire text\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports[\"replace-all\"] = function(event,operation) {\n\toperation.cutStart = 0;\n\toperation.cutEnd = operation.text.length;\n\toperation.replacement = event.paramObject.text;\n\toperation.newSelStart = 0;\n\toperation.newSelEnd = operation.replacement.length;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/editor/operations/text/replace-all.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "texteditoroperation"
"$:/core/modules/editor/operations/text/replace-selection.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/editor/operations/text/replace-selection.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: texteditoroperation\n\nText editor operation to replace the selection\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports[\"replace-selection\"] = function(event,operation) {\n\toperation.replacement = event.paramObject.text;\n\toperation.cutStart = operation.selStart;\n\toperation.cutEnd = operation.selEnd;\n\toperation.newSelStart = operation.selStart;\n\toperation.newSelEnd = operation.selStart + operation.replacement.length;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/editor/operations/text/replace-selection.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "texteditoroperation"
"$:/core/modules/editor/operations/text/wrap-lines.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/editor/operations/text/wrap-lines.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: texteditoroperation\n\nText editor operation to wrap the selected lines with a prefix and suffix\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports[\"wrap-lines\"] = function(event,operation) {\n\t// Cut just past the preceding line break, or the start of the text\n\toperation.cutStart = $tw.utils.findPrecedingLineBreak(operation.text,operation.selStart);\n\t// Cut to just past the following line break, or to the end of the text\n\toperation.cutEnd = $tw.utils.findFollowingLineBreak(operation.text,operation.selEnd);\n\t// Add the prefix and suffix\n\toperation.replacement = event.paramObject.prefix + \"\\n\" +\n\t\t\t\toperation.text.substring(operation.cutStart,operation.cutEnd) + \"\\n\" +\n\t\t\t\tevent.paramObject.suffix + \"\\n\";\n\toperation.newSelStart = operation.cutStart + event.paramObject.prefix.length + 1;\n\toperation.newSelEnd = operation.newSelStart + (operation.cutEnd - operation.cutStart);\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/editor/operations/text/wrap-lines.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "texteditoroperation"
"$:/core/modules/editor/operations/text/wrap-selection.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/editor/operations/text/wrap-selection.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: texteditoroperation\n\nText editor operation to wrap the selection with the specified prefix and suffix\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports[\"wrap-selection\"] = function(event,operation) {\n\tif(operation.selStart === operation.selEnd) {\n\t\t// No selection; check if we're within the prefix/suffix\n\t\tif(operation.text.substring(operation.selStart - event.paramObject.prefix.length,operation.selStart + event.paramObject.suffix.length) === event.paramObject.prefix + event.paramObject.suffix) {\n\t\t\t// Remove the prefix and suffix unless they comprise the entire text\n\t\t\tif(operation.selStart > event.paramObject.prefix.length || (operation.selEnd + event.paramObject.suffix.length) < operation.text.length ) {\n\t\t\t\toperation.cutStart = operation.selStart - event.paramObject.prefix.length;\n\t\t\t\toperation.cutEnd = operation.selEnd + event.paramObject.suffix.length;\n\t\t\t\toperation.replacement = \"\";\n\t\t\t\toperation.newSelStart = operation.cutStart;\n\t\t\t\toperation.newSelEnd = operation.newSelStart;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t// Wrap the cursor instead\n\t\t\toperation.cutStart = operation.selStart;\n\t\t\toperation.cutEnd = operation.selEnd;\n\t\t\toperation.replacement = event.paramObject.prefix + event.paramObject.suffix;\n\t\t\toperation.newSelStart = operation.selStart + event.paramObject.prefix.length;\n\t\t\toperation.newSelEnd = operation.newSelStart;\n\t\t}\n\t} else if(operation.text.substring(operation.selStart,operation.selStart + event.paramObject.prefix.length) === event.paramObject.prefix && operation.text.substring(operation.selEnd - event.paramObject.suffix.length,operation.selEnd) === event.paramObject.suffix) {\n\t\t// Prefix and suffix are already present, so remove them\n\t\toperation.cutStart = operation.selStart;\n\t\toperation.cutEnd = operation.selEnd;\n\t\toperation.replacement = operation.selection.substring(event.paramObject.prefix.length,operation.selection.length - event.paramObject.suffix.length);\n\t\toperation.newSelStart = operation.selStart;\n\t\toperation.newSelEnd = operation.selStart + operation.replacement.length;\n\t} else {\n\t\t// Add the prefix and suffix\n\t\toperation.cutStart = operation.selStart;\n\t\toperation.cutEnd = operation.selEnd;\n\t\toperation.replacement = event.paramObject.prefix + operation.selection + event.paramObject.suffix;\n\t\toperation.newSelStart = operation.selStart;\n\t\toperation.newSelEnd = operation.selStart + operation.replacement.length;\n\t}\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/editor/operations/text/wrap-selection.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "texteditoroperation"
"$:/core/modules/filters/addprefix.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/addprefix.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator for adding a prefix to each title in the list. This is\nespecially useful in contexts where only a filter expression is allowed\nand macro substitution isn't available.\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.addprefix = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [];\n\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\tresults.push(operator.operand + title);\n\t});\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/addprefix.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/addsuffix.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/addsuffix.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator for adding a suffix to each title in the list. This is\nespecially useful in contexts where only a filter expression is allowed\nand macro substitution isn't available.\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.addsuffix = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [];\n\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\tresults.push(title + operator.operand);\n\t});\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/addsuffix.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/after.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/after.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator returning the tiddler from the current list that is after the tiddler named in the operand.\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.after = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [];\n\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t});\n\tvar index = results.indexOf(operator.operand);\n\tif(index === -1 || index > (results.length - 2)) {\n\t\treturn [];\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn [results[index + 1]];\n\t}\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/after.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/all/current.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/all/current.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: allfilteroperator\n\nFilter function for [all[current]]\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.current = function(source,prefix,options) {\n\tvar currTiddlerTitle = options.widget && options.widget.getVariable(\"currentTiddler\");\n\tif(currTiddlerTitle) {\n\t\treturn [currTiddlerTitle];\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn [];\n\t}\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/all/current.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "allfilteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/all/missing.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/all/missing.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: allfilteroperator\n\nFilter function for [all[missing]]\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.missing = function(source,prefix,options) {\n\treturn options.wiki.getMissingTitles();\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/all/missing.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "allfilteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/all/orphans.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/all/orphans.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: allfilteroperator\n\nFilter function for [all[orphans]]\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.orphans = function(source,prefix,options) {\n\treturn options.wiki.getOrphanTitles();\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/all/orphans.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "allfilteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/all/shadows.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/all/shadows.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: allfilteroperator\n\nFilter function for [all[shadows]]\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.shadows = function(source,prefix,options) {\n\treturn options.wiki.allShadowTitles();\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/all/shadows.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "allfilteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/all/tags.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/all/tags.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: allfilteroperator\n\nFilter function for [all[tags]]\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.tags = function(source,prefix,options) {\n\treturn Object.keys(options.wiki.getTagMap());\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/all/tags.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "allfilteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/all/tiddlers.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/all/tiddlers.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: allfilteroperator\n\nFilter function for [all[tiddlers]]\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.tiddlers = function(source,prefix,options) {\n\treturn options.wiki.allTitles();\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/all/tiddlers.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "allfilteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/all.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/all.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator for selecting tiddlers\n\n[all[shadows+tiddlers]]\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar allFilterOperators;\n\nfunction getAllFilterOperators() {\n\tif(!allFilterOperators) {\n\t\tallFilterOperators = {};\n\t\t$tw.modules.applyMethods(\"allfilteroperator\",allFilterOperators);\n\t}\n\treturn allFilterOperators;\n}\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.all = function(source,operator,options) {\n\t// Get our suboperators\n\tvar allFilterOperators = getAllFilterOperators();\n\t// Cycle through the suboperators accumulating their results\n\tvar results = [],\n\t\tsubops = operator.operand.split(\"+\");\n\t// Check for common optimisations\n\tif(subops.length === 1 && subops[0] === \"\") {\n\t\treturn source;\n\t} else if(subops.length === 1 && subops[0] === \"tiddlers\") {\n\t\treturn options.wiki.each;\n\t} else if(subops.length === 1 && subops[0] === \"shadows\") {\n\t\treturn options.wiki.eachShadow;\n\t} else if(subops.length === 2 && subops[0] === \"tiddlers\" && subops[1] === \"shadows\") {\n\t\treturn options.wiki.eachTiddlerPlusShadows;\n\t} else if(subops.length === 2 && subops[0] === \"shadows\" && subops[1] === \"tiddlers\") {\n\t\treturn options.wiki.eachShadowPlusTiddlers;\n\t}\n\t// Do it the hard way\n\tfor(var t=0; t<subops.length; t++) {\n\t\tvar subop = allFilterOperators[subops[t]];\n\t\tif(subop) {\n\t\t\t$tw.utils.pushTop(results,subop(source,operator.prefix,options));\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/all.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/backlinks.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/backlinks.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator for returning all the backlinks from a tiddler\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.backlinks = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [];\n\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t$tw.utils.pushTop(results,options.wiki.getTiddlerBacklinks(title));\n\t});\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/backlinks.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/before.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/before.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator returning the tiddler from the current list that is before the tiddler named in the operand.\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.before = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [];\n\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t});\n\tvar index = results.indexOf(operator.operand);\n\tif(index <= 0) {\n\t\treturn [];\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn [results[index - 1]];\n\t}\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/before.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/commands.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/commands.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator for returning the names of the commands available in this wiki\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.commands = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [];\n\t$tw.utils.each($tw.commands,function(commandInfo,name) {\n\t\tresults.push(name);\n\t});\n\tresults.sort();\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/commands.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/count.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/count.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator returning the number of entries in the current list.\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.count = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar count = 0;\n\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\tcount++;\n\t});\n\treturn [count + \"\"];\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/count.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/days.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/days.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator that selects tiddlers with a specified date field within a specified date interval.\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.days = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [],\n\t\tfieldName = operator.suffix || \"modified\",\n\t\tdayInterval = (parseInt(operator.operand,10)||0),\n\t\tdayIntervalSign = $tw.utils.sign(dayInterval),\n\t\ttargetTimeStamp = (new Date()).setHours(0,0,0,0) + 1000*60*60*24*dayInterval,\n\t\tisWithinDays = function(dateField) {\n\t\t\tvar sign = $tw.utils.sign(targetTimeStamp - (new Date(dateField)).setHours(0,0,0,0));\n\t\t\treturn sign === 0 || sign === dayIntervalSign;\n\t\t};\n\n\tif(operator.prefix === \"!\") {\n\t\ttargetTimeStamp = targetTimeStamp - 1000*60*60*24*dayIntervalSign;\n\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\tif(tiddler && tiddler.fields[fieldName]) {\n\t\t\t\tif(!isWithinDays($tw.utils.parseDate(tiddler.fields[fieldName]))) {\n\t\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t} else {\n\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\tif(tiddler && tiddler.fields[fieldName]) {\n\t\t\t\tif(isWithinDays($tw.utils.parseDate(tiddler.fields[fieldName]))) {\n\t\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/days.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/each.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/each.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator that selects one tiddler for each unique value of the specified field.\nWith suffix \"list\", selects all tiddlers that are values in a specified list field.\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.each = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results =[] ,\n\t\tvalue,values = {},\n\t\tfield = operator.operand || \"title\";\n\tif(operator.suffix !== \"list-item\") {\n\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\tif(tiddler) {\n\t\t\t\tvalue = (field === \"title\") ? title : tiddler.getFieldString(field);\n\t\t\t\tif(!$tw.utils.hop(values,value)) {\n\t\t\t\t\tvalues[value] = true;\n\t\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t} else {\n\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\tif(tiddler) {\n\t\t\t\t$tw.utils.each(\n\t\t\t\t\toptions.wiki.getTiddlerList(title,field),\n\t\t\t\t\tfunction(value) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif(!$tw.utils.hop(values,value)) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvalues[value] = true;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tresults.push(value);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/each.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/eachday.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/eachday.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator that selects one tiddler for each unique day covered by the specified date field\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.eachday = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [],\n\t\tvalues = [],\n\t\tfieldName = operator.operand || \"modified\";\n\t// Function to convert a date/time to a date integer\n\tvar toDate = function(value) {\n\t\tvalue = (new Date(value)).setHours(0,0,0,0);\n\t\treturn value+0;\n\t};\n\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\tif(tiddler && tiddler.fields[fieldName]) {\n\t\t\tvar value = toDate($tw.utils.parseDate(tiddler.fields[fieldName]));\n\t\t\tif(values.indexOf(value) === -1) {\n\t\t\t\tvalues.push(value);\n\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/eachday.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/editiondescription.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/editiondescription.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator for returning the descriptions of the specified edition names\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.editiondescription = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [],\n\t\teditionInfo = $tw.utils.getEditionInfo();\n\tif(editionInfo) {\n\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\tif($tw.utils.hop(editionInfo,title)) {\n\t\t\t\tresults.push(editionInfo[title].description || \"\");\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/editiondescription.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/editions.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/editions.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator for returning the names of the available editions in this wiki\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.editions = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [],\n\t\teditionInfo = $tw.utils.getEditionInfo();\n\tif(editionInfo) {\n\t\t$tw.utils.each(editionInfo,function(info,name) {\n\t\t\tresults.push(name);\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\tresults.sort();\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/editions.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/decodeuricomponent.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/decodeuricomponent.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator for applying decodeURIComponent() to each item.\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter functions\n*/\n\nexports.decodeuricomponent = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [];\n\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\tresults.push(decodeURIComponent(title));\n\t});\n\treturn results;\n};\n\nexports.encodeuricomponent = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [];\n\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\tresults.push(encodeURIComponent(title));\n\t});\n\treturn results;\n};\n\nexports.decodeuri = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [];\n\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\tresults.push(decodeURI(title));\n\t});\n\treturn results;\n};\n\nexports.encodeuri = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [];\n\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\tresults.push(encodeURI(title));\n\t});\n\treturn results;\n};\n\nexports.decodehtml = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [];\n\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\tresults.push($tw.utils.htmlDecode(title));\n\t});\n\treturn results;\n};\n\nexports.encodehtml = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [];\n\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\tresults.push($tw.utils.htmlEncode(title));\n\t});\n\treturn results;\n};\n\nexports.stringify = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [];\n\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\tresults.push($tw.utils.stringify(title));\n\t});\n\treturn results;\n};\n\nexports.escaperegexp = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [];\n\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\tresults.push($tw.utils.escapeRegExp(title));\n\t});\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/decodeuricomponent.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/enlist.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/enlist.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator returning its operand parsed as a list\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.enlist = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar list = $tw.utils.parseStringArray(operator.operand);\n\tif(operator.prefix === \"!\") {\n\t\tvar results = [];\n\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\tif(list.indexOf(title) === -1) {\n\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t\treturn results;\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn list;\n\t}\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/enlist.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/field.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/field.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator for comparing fields for equality\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.field = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [],\n\t\tfieldname = (operator.suffix || operator.operator || \"title\").toLowerCase();\n\tif(operator.prefix === \"!\") {\n\t\tif(operator.regexp) {\n\t\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\t\tif(tiddler) {\n\t\t\t\t\tvar text = tiddler.getFieldString(fieldname);\n\t\t\t\t\tif(text !== null && !operator.regexp.exec(text)) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\t\tif(tiddler) {\n\t\t\t\t\tvar text = tiddler.getFieldString(fieldname);\n\t\t\t\t\tif(text !== null && text !== operator.operand) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\tif(operator.regexp) {\n\t\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\t\tif(tiddler) {\n\t\t\t\t\tvar text = tiddler.getFieldString(fieldname);\n\t\t\t\t\tif(text !== null && !!operator.regexp.exec(text)) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\t\tif(tiddler) {\n\t\t\t\t\tvar text = tiddler.getFieldString(fieldname);\n\t\t\t\t\tif(text !== null && text === operator.operand) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/field.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/fields.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/fields.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator for returning the names of the fields on the selected tiddlers\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.fields = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [];\n\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\tif(tiddler) {\n\t\t\tfor(var fieldName in tiddler.fields) {\n\t\t\t\t$tw.utils.pushTop(results,fieldName);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/fields.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/get.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/get.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator for replacing tiddler titles by the value of the field specified in the operand.\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.get = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [];\n\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\tif(tiddler) {\n\t\t\tvar value = tiddler.getFieldString(operator.operand);\n\t\t\tif(value) {\n\t\t\t\tresults.push(value);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/get.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/getindex.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/getindex.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nreturns the value at a given index of datatiddlers\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.getindex = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar data,title,results = [];\n\tif(operator.operand){\n\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\ttitle = tiddler ? tiddler.fields.title : title;\n\t\t\tdata = options.wiki.extractTiddlerDataItem(tiddler,operator.operand);\n\t\t\tif(data) {\n\t\t\t\tresults.push(data);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/getindex.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/has.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/has.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator for checking if a tiddler has the specified field\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.has = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [],\n\t\tinvert = operator.prefix === \"!\";\n\n\tif(operator.suffix === \"field\") {\n\t\tif(invert) {\n\t\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\t\tif(!tiddler || (tiddler && (!$tw.utils.hop(tiddler.fields,operator.operand)))) {\n\t\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\t\tif(tiddler && $tw.utils.hop(tiddler.fields,operator.operand)) {\n\t\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\tif(invert) {\n\t\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\t\tif(!tiddler || !$tw.utils.hop(tiddler.fields,operator.operand) || (tiddler.fields[operator.operand] === \"\")) {\n\t\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\t\tif(tiddler && $tw.utils.hop(tiddler.fields,operator.operand) && !(tiddler.fields[operator.operand] === \"\" || tiddler.fields[operator.operand].length === 0)) {\n\t\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/has.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/haschanged.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/haschanged.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator returns tiddlers from the list that have a non-zero changecount.\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.haschanged = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [];\n\tif(operator.prefix === \"!\") {\n\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\tif(options.wiki.getChangeCount(title) === 0) {\n\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t} else {\n\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\tif(options.wiki.getChangeCount(title) > 0) {\n\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/haschanged.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/indexes.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/indexes.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator for returning the indexes of a data tiddler\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.indexes = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [];\n\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\tvar data = options.wiki.getTiddlerDataCached(title);\n\t\tif(data) {\n\t\t\t$tw.utils.pushTop(results,Object.keys(data));\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\tresults.sort();\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/indexes.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/insertbefore.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/insertbefore.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nInsert an item before another item in a list\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nOrder a list\n*/\nexports.insertbefore = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [];\n\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t});\n\tvar target = options.widget && options.widget.getVariable(operator.suffix || \"currentTiddler\");\n\tif(target !== operator.operand) {\n\t\t// Remove the entry from the list if it is present\n\t\tvar pos = results.indexOf(operator.operand);\n\t\tif(pos !== -1) {\n\t\t\tresults.splice(pos,1);\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Insert the entry before the target marker\n\t\tpos = results.indexOf(target);\n\t\tif(pos !== -1) {\n\t\t\tresults.splice(pos,0,operator.operand);\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tresults.push(operator.operand);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/insertbefore.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/is/current.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/is/current.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: isfilteroperator\n\nFilter function for [is[current]]\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.current = function(source,prefix,options) {\n\tvar results = [],\n\t\tcurrTiddlerTitle = options.widget && options.widget.getVariable(\"currentTiddler\");\n\tif(prefix === \"!\") {\n\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\tif(title !== currTiddlerTitle) {\n\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t} else {\n\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\tif(title === currTiddlerTitle) {\n\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/is/current.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "isfilteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/is/image.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/is/image.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: isfilteroperator\n\nFilter function for [is[image]]\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.image = function(source,prefix,options) {\n\tvar results = [];\n\tif(prefix === \"!\") {\n\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\tif(!options.wiki.isImageTiddler(title)) {\n\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t} else {\n\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\tif(options.wiki.isImageTiddler(title)) {\n\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/is/image.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "isfilteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/is/missing.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/is/missing.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: isfilteroperator\n\nFilter function for [is[missing]]\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.missing = function(source,prefix,options) {\n\tvar results = [];\n\tif(prefix === \"!\") {\n\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\tif(options.wiki.tiddlerExists(title)) {\n\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t} else {\n\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\tif(!options.wiki.tiddlerExists(title)) {\n\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/is/missing.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "isfilteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/is/orphan.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/is/orphan.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: isfilteroperator\n\nFilter function for [is[orphan]]\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.orphan = function(source,prefix,options) {\n\tvar results = [],\n\t\torphanTitles = options.wiki.getOrphanTitles();\n\tif(prefix === \"!\") {\n\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\tif(orphanTitles.indexOf(title) === -1) {\n\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t} else {\n\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\tif(orphanTitles.indexOf(title) !== -1) {\n\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/is/orphan.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "isfilteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/is/shadow.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/is/shadow.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: isfilteroperator\n\nFilter function for [is[shadow]]\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.shadow = function(source,prefix,options) {\n\tvar results = [];\n\tif(prefix === \"!\") {\n\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\tif(!options.wiki.isShadowTiddler(title)) {\n\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t} else {\n\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\tif(options.wiki.isShadowTiddler(title)) {\n\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/is/shadow.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "isfilteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/is/system.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/is/system.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: isfilteroperator\n\nFilter function for [is[system]]\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.system = function(source,prefix,options) {\n\tvar results = [];\n\tif(prefix === \"!\") {\n\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\tif(!options.wiki.isSystemTiddler(title)) {\n\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t} else {\n\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\tif(options.wiki.isSystemTiddler(title)) {\n\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/is/system.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "isfilteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/is/tag.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/is/tag.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: isfilteroperator\n\nFilter function for [is[tag]]\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.tag = function(source,prefix,options) {\n\tvar results = [],\n\t\ttagMap = options.wiki.getTagMap();\n\tif(prefix === \"!\") {\n\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\tif(!$tw.utils.hop(tagMap,title)) {\n\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t} else {\n\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\tif($tw.utils.hop(tagMap,title)) {\n\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/is/tag.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "isfilteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/is/tiddler.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/is/tiddler.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: isfilteroperator\n\nFilter function for [is[tiddler]]\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.tiddler = function(source,prefix,options) {\n\tvar results = [];\n\tif(prefix === \"!\") {\n\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\tif(!options.wiki.tiddlerExists(title)) {\n\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t} else {\n\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\tif(options.wiki.tiddlerExists(title)) {\n\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/is/tiddler.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "isfilteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/is.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/is.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator for checking tiddler properties\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar isFilterOperators;\n\nfunction getIsFilterOperators() {\n\tif(!isFilterOperators) {\n\t\tisFilterOperators = {};\n\t\t$tw.modules.applyMethods(\"isfilteroperator\",isFilterOperators);\n\t}\n\treturn isFilterOperators;\n}\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.is = function(source,operator,options) {\n\t// Dispatch to the correct isfilteroperator\n\tvar isFilterOperators = getIsFilterOperators();\n\tif(operator.operand) {\n\t\tvar isFilterOperator = isFilterOperators[operator.operand];\n\t\tif(isFilterOperator) {\n\t\t\treturn isFilterOperator(source,operator.prefix,options);\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\treturn [$tw.language.getString(\"Error/IsFilterOperator\")];\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\t// Return all tiddlers if the operand is missing\n\t\tvar results = [];\n\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t});\n\t\treturn results;\n\t}\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/is.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/limit.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/limit.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator for chopping the results to a specified maximum number of entries\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.limit = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [];\n\t// Convert to an array\n\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t});\n\t// Slice the array if necessary\n\tvar limit = Math.min(results.length,parseInt(operator.operand,10));\n\tif(operator.prefix === \"!\") {\n\t\tresults = results.slice(-limit);\n\t} else {\n\t\tresults = results.slice(0,limit);\n\t}\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/limit.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/links.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/links.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator for returning all the links from a tiddler\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.links = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [];\n\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t$tw.utils.pushTop(results,options.wiki.getTiddlerLinks(title));\n\t});\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/links.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/list.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/list.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator returning the tiddlers whose title is listed in the operand tiddler\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.list = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [],\n\t\ttr = $tw.utils.parseTextReference(operator.operand),\n\t\tcurrTiddlerTitle = options.widget && options.widget.getVariable(\"currentTiddler\"),\n\t\tlist = options.wiki.getTiddlerList(tr.title || currTiddlerTitle,tr.field,tr.index);\n\tif(operator.prefix === \"!\") {\n\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\tif(list.indexOf(title) === -1) {\n\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t} else {\n\t\tresults = list;\n\t}\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/list.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/listed.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/listed.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator returning all tiddlers that have the selected tiddlers in a list\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.listed = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar field = operator.operand || \"list\",\n\t\tresults = [];\n\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t$tw.utils.pushTop(results,options.wiki.findListingsOfTiddler(title,field));\n\t});\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/listed.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/listops.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/listops.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operators for manipulating the current selection list\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nOrder a list\n*/\nexports.order = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [];\n\tif(operator.operand.toLowerCase() === \"reverse\") {\n\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\tresults.unshift(title);\n\t\t});\n\t} else {\n\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t});\t\t\n\t}\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n/*\nReverse list\n*/\nexports.reverse = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [];\n\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\tresults.unshift(title);\n\t});\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n/*\nFirst entry/entries in list\n*/\nexports.first = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar count = parseInt(operator.operand) || 1,\n\t\tresults = [];\n\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t});\n\treturn results.slice(0,count);\n};\n\n/*\nLast entry/entries in list\n*/\nexports.last = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar count = parseInt(operator.operand) || 1,\n\t\tresults = [];\n\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t});\n\treturn results.slice(-count);\n};\n\n/*\nAll but the first entry/entries of the list\n*/\nexports.rest = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar count = parseInt(operator.operand) || 1,\n\t\tresults = [];\n\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t});\n\treturn results.slice(count);\n};\nexports.butfirst = exports.rest;\nexports.bf = exports.rest;\n\n/*\nAll but the last entry/entries of the list\n*/\nexports.butlast = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar count = parseInt(operator.operand) || 1,\n\t\tresults = [];\n\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t});\n\treturn results.slice(0,-count);\n};\nexports.bl = exports.butlast;\n\n/*\nThe nth member of the list\n*/\nexports.nth = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar count = parseInt(operator.operand) || 1,\n\t\tresults = [];\n\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t});\n\treturn results.slice(count - 1,count);\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/listops.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/minlength.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/minlength.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator for filtering out titles that don't meet the minimum length in the operand\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.minlength = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [],\n\t\tminLength = parseInt(operator.operand || \"\",10) || 0;\n\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\tif(title.length >= minLength) {\n\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/minlength.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/modules.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/modules.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator for returning the titles of the modules of a given type in this wiki\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.modules = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [];\n\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t$tw.utils.each($tw.modules.types[title],function(moduleInfo,moduleName) {\n\t\t\tresults.push(moduleName);\n\t\t});\n\t});\n\tresults.sort();\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/modules.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/moduletypes.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/moduletypes.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator for returning the names of the module types in this wiki\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.moduletypes = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [];\n\t$tw.utils.each($tw.modules.types,function(moduleInfo,type) {\n\t\tresults.push(type);\n\t});\n\tresults.sort();\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/moduletypes.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/next.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/next.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator returning the tiddler whose title occurs next in the list supplied in the operand tiddler\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.next = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [],\n\t\tlist = options.wiki.getTiddlerList(operator.operand);\n\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\tvar match = list.indexOf(title);\n\t\t// increment match and then test if result is in range\n\t\tmatch++;\n\t\tif(match > 0 && match < list.length) {\n\t\t\tresults.push(list[match]);\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/next.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/plugintiddlers.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/plugintiddlers.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator for returning the titles of the shadow tiddlers within a plugin\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.plugintiddlers = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [];\n\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\tvar pluginInfo = options.wiki.getPluginInfo(title) || options.wiki.getTiddlerDataCached(title,{tiddlers:[]});\n\t\tif(pluginInfo && pluginInfo.tiddlers) {\n\t\t\t$tw.utils.each(pluginInfo.tiddlers,function(fields,title) {\n\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\tresults.sort();\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/plugintiddlers.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/prefix.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/prefix.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator for checking if a title starts with a prefix\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.prefix = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [];\n\tif(operator.prefix === \"!\") {\n\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\tif(title.substr(0,operator.operand.length) !== operator.operand) {\n\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t} else {\n\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\tif(title.substr(0,operator.operand.length) === operator.operand) {\n\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/prefix.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/previous.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/previous.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator returning the tiddler whose title occurs immediately prior in the list supplied in the operand tiddler\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.previous = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [],\n\t\tlist = options.wiki.getTiddlerList(operator.operand);\n\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\tvar match = list.indexOf(title);\n\t\t// increment match and then test if result is in range\n\t\tmatch--;\n\t\tif(match >= 0) {\n\t\t\tresults.push(list[match]);\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/previous.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/regexp.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/regexp.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator for regexp matching\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.regexp = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [],\n\t\tfieldname = (operator.suffix || \"title\").toLowerCase(),\n\t\tregexpString, regexp, flags = \"\", match,\n\t\tgetFieldString = function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\tif(tiddler) {\n\t\t\t\treturn tiddler.getFieldString(fieldname);\n\t\t\t} else if(fieldname === \"title\") {\n\t\t\t\treturn title;\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\treturn null;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t};\n\t// Process flags and construct regexp\n\tregexpString = operator.operand;\n\tmatch = /^\\(\\?([gim]+)\\)/.exec(regexpString);\n\tif(match) {\n\t\tflags = match[1];\n\t\tregexpString = regexpString.substr(match[0].length);\n\t} else {\n\t\tmatch = /\\(\\?([gim]+)\\)$/.exec(regexpString);\n\t\tif(match) {\n\t\t\tflags = match[1];\n\t\t\tregexpString = regexpString.substr(0,regexpString.length - match[0].length);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\ttry {\n\t\tregexp = new RegExp(regexpString,flags);\n\t} catch(e) {\n\t\treturn [\"\" + e];\n\t}\n\t// Process the incoming tiddlers\n\tif(operator.prefix === \"!\") {\n\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\tvar text = getFieldString(tiddler,title);\n\t\t\tif(text !== null) {\n\t\t\t\tif(!regexp.exec(text)) {\n\t\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t} else {\n\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\tvar text = getFieldString(tiddler,title);\n\t\t\tif(text !== null) {\n\t\t\t\tif(!!regexp.exec(text)) {\n\t\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/regexp.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/removeprefix.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/removeprefix.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator for removing a prefix from each title in the list. Titles that do not start with the prefix are removed.\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.removeprefix = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [];\n\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\tif(title.substr(0,operator.operand.length) === operator.operand) {\n\t\t\tresults.push(title.substr(operator.operand.length));\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/removeprefix.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/removesuffix.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/removesuffix.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator for removing a suffix from each title in the list. Titles that do not end with the suffix are removed.\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.removesuffix = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [];\n\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\tif(title.substr(-operator.operand.length) === operator.operand) {\n\t\t\tresults.push(title.substr(0,title.length - operator.operand.length));\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/removesuffix.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/sameday.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/sameday.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator that selects tiddlers with a modified date field on the same day as the provided value.\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.sameday = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [],\n\t\tfieldName = operator.suffix || \"modified\",\n\t\ttargetDate = (new Date($tw.utils.parseDate(operator.operand))).setHours(0,0,0,0);\n\t// Function to convert a date/time to a date integer\n\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\tif(tiddler) {\n\t\t\tif(tiddler.getFieldDay(fieldName) === targetDate) {\n\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/sameday.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/search.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/search.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator for searching for the text in the operand tiddler\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.search = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar invert = operator.prefix === \"!\";\n\tif(operator.suffix) {\n\t\treturn options.wiki.search(operator.operand,{\n\t\t\tsource: source,\n\t\t\tinvert: invert,\n\t\t\tfield: operator.suffix\n\t\t});\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn options.wiki.search(operator.operand,{\n\t\t\tsource: source,\n\t\t\tinvert: invert\n\t\t});\n\t}\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/search.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/shadowsource.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/shadowsource.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator for returning the source plugins for shadow tiddlers\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.shadowsource = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [];\n\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\tvar source = options.wiki.getShadowSource(title);\n\t\tif(source) {\n\t\t\t$tw.utils.pushTop(results,source);\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\tresults.sort();\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/shadowsource.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/sort.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/sort.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator for sorting\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.sort = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = prepare_results(source);\n\toptions.wiki.sortTiddlers(results,operator.operand || \"title\",operator.prefix === \"!\",false,false);\n\treturn results;\n};\n\nexports.nsort = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = prepare_results(source);\n\toptions.wiki.sortTiddlers(results,operator.operand || \"title\",operator.prefix === \"!\",false,true);\n\treturn results;\n};\n\nexports.sortcs = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = prepare_results(source);\n\toptions.wiki.sortTiddlers(results,operator.operand || \"title\",operator.prefix === \"!\",true,false);\n\treturn results;\n};\n\nexports.nsortcs = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = prepare_results(source);\n\toptions.wiki.sortTiddlers(results,operator.operand || \"title\",operator.prefix === \"!\",true,true);\n\treturn results;\n};\n\nvar prepare_results = function (source) {\n\tvar results = [];\n\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t});\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/sort.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/splitbefore.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/splitbefore.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator that splits each result on the first occurance of the specified separator and returns the unique values.\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.splitbefore = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [];\n\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\tvar parts = title.split(operator.operand);\n\t\tif(parts.length === 1) {\n\t\t\t$tw.utils.pushTop(results,parts[0]);\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t$tw.utils.pushTop(results,parts[0] + operator.operand);\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/splitbefore.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/storyviews.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/storyviews.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator for returning the names of the story views in this wiki\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.storyviews = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [],\n\t\tstoryviews = {};\n\t$tw.modules.applyMethods(\"storyview\",storyviews);\n\t$tw.utils.each(storyviews,function(info,name) {\n\t\tresults.push(name);\n\t});\n\tresults.sort();\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/storyviews.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/suffix.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/suffix.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator for checking if a title ends with a suffix\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.suffix = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [];\n\tif(operator.prefix === \"!\") {\n\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\tif(title.substr(-operator.operand.length) !== operator.operand) {\n\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t} else {\n\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\tif(title.substr(-operator.operand.length) === operator.operand) {\n\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/suffix.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/tag.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/tag.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator for checking for the presence of a tag\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.tag = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [];\n\tif((operator.suffix || \"\").toLowerCase() === \"strict\" && !operator.operand) {\n\t\t// New semantics:\n\t\t// Always return copy of input if operator.operand is missing\n\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t});\n\t} else {\n\t\t// Old semantics:\n\t\tif(operator.prefix === \"!\") {\n\t\t\t// Returns a copy of the input if operator.operand is missing\n\t\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\t\tif(tiddler && !tiddler.hasTag(operator.operand)) {\n\t\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t// Returns empty results if operator.operand is missing\n\t\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\t\tif(tiddler && tiddler.hasTag(operator.operand)) {\n\t\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t\tresults = options.wiki.sortByList(results,operator.operand);\n\t\t}\t\t\n\t}\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/tag.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/tagging.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/tagging.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator returning all tiddlers that are tagged with the selected tiddlers\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.tagging = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [];\n\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t$tw.utils.pushTop(results,options.wiki.getTiddlersWithTag(title));\n\t});\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/tagging.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/tags.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/tags.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator returning all the tags of the selected tiddlers\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.tags = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar tags = {};\n\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\tvar t, length;\n\t\tif(tiddler && tiddler.fields.tags) {\n\t\t\tfor(t=0, length=tiddler.fields.tags.length; t<length; t++) {\n\t\t\t\ttags[tiddler.fields.tags[t]] = true;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\treturn Object.keys(tags);\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/tags.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/title.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/title.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator for comparing title fields for equality\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.title = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [];\n\tif(operator.prefix === \"!\") {\n\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\tif(tiddler && tiddler.fields.title !== operator.operand) {\n\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t} else {\n\t\tresults.push(operator.operand);\n\t}\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/title.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/untagged.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/untagged.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator returning all the selected tiddlers that are untagged\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.untagged = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [];\n\tif(operator.prefix === \"!\") {\n\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\tif(tiddler && $tw.utils.isArray(tiddler.fields.tags) && tiddler.fields.tags.length > 0) {\n\t\t\t\t$tw.utils.pushTop(results,title);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t} else {\n\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\tif(!tiddler || !tiddler.hasField(\"tags\") || ($tw.utils.isArray(tiddler.fields.tags) && tiddler.fields.tags.length === 0)) {\n\t\t\t\t$tw.utils.pushTop(results,title);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/untagged.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/wikiparserrules.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/wikiparserrules.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator for returning the names of the wiki parser rules in this wiki\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.wikiparserrules = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [],\n\t\toperand = operator.operand;\n\t$tw.utils.each($tw.modules.types.wikirule,function(mod) {\n\t\tvar exp = mod.exports;\n\t\tif(!operand || exp.types[operand]) {\n\t\t\tresults.push(exp.name);\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\tresults.sort();\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/wikiparserrules.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters/x-listops.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters/x-listops.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nExtended filter operators to manipulate the current list.\n\n\\*/\n(function () {\n\n /*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n /*global $tw: false */\n \"use strict\";\n\n /*\n Fetch titles from the current list\n */\n var prepare_results = function (source) {\n var results = [];\n source(function (tiddler, title) {\n results.push(title);\n });\n return results;\n };\n\n /*\n Moves a number of items from the tail of the current list before the item named in the operand\n */\n exports.putbefore = function (source, operator) {\n var results = prepare_results(source),\n index = results.indexOf(operator.operand),\n count = parseInt(operator.suffix) || 1;\n return (index === -1) ?\n results.slice(0, -1) :\n results.slice(0, index).concat(results.slice(-count)).concat(results.slice(index, -count));\n };\n\n /*\n Moves a number of items from the tail of the current list after the item named in the operand\n */\n exports.putafter = function (source, operator) {\n var results = prepare_results(source),\n index = results.indexOf(operator.operand),\n count = parseInt(operator.suffix) || 1;\n return (index === -1) ?\n results.slice(0, -1) :\n results.slice(0, index + 1).concat(results.slice(-count)).concat(results.slice(index + 1, -count));\n };\n\n /*\n Replaces the item named in the operand with a number of items from the tail of the current list\n */\n exports.replace = function (source, operator) {\n var results = prepare_results(source),\n index = results.indexOf(operator.operand),\n count = parseInt(operator.suffix) || 1;\n return (index === -1) ?\n results.slice(0, -count) :\n results.slice(0, index).concat(results.slice(-count)).concat(results.slice(index + 1, -count));\n };\n\n /*\n Moves a number of items from the tail of the current list to the head of the list\n */\n exports.putfirst = function (source, operator) {\n var results = prepare_results(source),\n count = parseInt(operator.suffix) || 1;\n return results.slice(-count).concat(results.slice(0, -count));\n };\n\n /*\n Moves a number of items from the head of the current list to the tail of the list\n */\n exports.putlast = function (source, operator) {\n var results = prepare_results(source),\n count = parseInt(operator.suffix) || 1;\n return results.slice(count).concat(results.slice(0, count));\n };\n\n /*\n Moves the item named in the operand a number of places forward or backward in the list\n */\n exports.move = function (source, operator) {\n var results = prepare_results(source),\n index = results.indexOf(operator.operand),\n count = parseInt(operator.suffix) || 1,\n marker = results.splice(index, 1),\n offset = (index + count) > 0 ? index + count : 0;\n return results.slice(0, offset).concat(marker).concat(results.slice(offset));\n };\n\n /*\n Returns the items from the current list that are after the item named in the operand\n */\n exports.allafter = function (source, operator) {\n var results = prepare_results(source),\n index = results.indexOf(operator.operand);\n return (index === -1 || index > (results.length - 2)) ? [] :\n (operator.suffix) ? results.slice(index) :\n results.slice(index + 1);\n };\n\n /*\n Returns the items from the current list that are before the item named in the operand\n */\n exports.allbefore = function (source, operator) {\n var results = prepare_results(source),\n index = results.indexOf(operator.operand);\n return (index <= 0) ? [] :\n (operator.suffix) ? results.slice(0, index + 1) :\n results.slice(0, index);\n };\n\n /*\n Appends the items listed in the operand array to the tail of the current list\n */\n exports.append = function (source, operator) {\n var append = $tw.utils.parseStringArray(operator.operand, \"true\"),\n results = prepare_results(source),\n count = parseInt(operator.suffix) || append.length;\n return (append.length === 0) ? results :\n (operator.prefix) ? results.concat(append.slice(-count)) :\n results.concat(append.slice(0, count));\n };\n\n /*\n Prepends the items listed in the operand array to the head of the current list\n */\n exports.prepend = function (source, operator) {\n var prepend = $tw.utils.parseStringArray(operator.operand, \"true\"),\n results = prepare_results(source),\n count = parseInt(operator.suffix) || prepend.length;\n return (prepend.length === 0) ? results :\n (operator.prefix) ? prepend.slice(-count).concat(results) :\n prepend.slice(0, count).concat(results);\n };\n\n /*\n Returns all items from the current list except the items listed in the operand array\n */\n exports.remove = function (source, operator) {\n var array = $tw.utils.parseStringArray(operator.operand, \"true\"),\n results = prepare_results(source),\n count = parseInt(operator.suffix) || array.length,\n p,\n len,\n index;\n len = array.length - 1;\n for (p = 0; p < count; ++p) {\n if (operator.prefix) {\n index = results.indexOf(array[len - p]);\n } else {\n index = results.indexOf(array[p]);\n }\n if (index !== -1) {\n results.splice(index, 1);\n }\n }\n return results;\n };\n\n /*\n Returns all items from the current list sorted in the order of the items in the operand array\n */\n exports.sortby = function (source, operator) {\n var results = prepare_results(source);\n if (!results || results.length < 2) {\n return results;\n }\n var lookup = $tw.utils.parseStringArray(operator.operand, \"true\");\n results.sort(function (a, b) {\n return lookup.indexOf(a) - lookup.indexOf(b);\n });\n return results;\n };\n\n /*\n Removes all duplicate items from the current list\n */\n exports.unique = function (source, operator) {\n var results = prepare_results(source);\n var set = results.reduce(function (a, b) {\n if (a.indexOf(b) < 0) {\n a.push(b);\n }\n return a;\n }, []);\n return set;\n };\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters/x-listops.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/core/modules/filters.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/filters.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: wikimethod\n\nAdds tiddler filtering methods to the $tw.Wiki object.\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nParses an operation (i.e. a run) within a filter string\n\toperators: Array of array of operator nodes into which results should be inserted\n\tfilterString: filter string\n\tp: start position within the string\nReturns the new start position, after the parsed operation\n*/\nfunction parseFilterOperation(operators,filterString,p) {\n\tvar nextBracketPos, operator;\n\t// Skip the starting square bracket\n\tif(filterString.charAt(p++) !== \"[\") {\n\t\tthrow \"Missing [ in filter expression\";\n\t}\n\t// Process each operator in turn\n\tdo {\n\t\toperator = {};\n\t\t// Check for an operator prefix\n\t\tif(filterString.charAt(p) === \"!\") {\n\t\t\toperator.prefix = filterString.charAt(p++);\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Get the operator name\n\t\tnextBracketPos = filterString.substring(p).search(/[\\[\\{<\\/]/);\n\t\tif(nextBracketPos === -1) {\n\t\t\tthrow \"Missing [ in filter expression\";\n\t\t}\n\t\tnextBracketPos += p;\n\t\tvar bracket = filterString.charAt(nextBracketPos);\n\t\toperator.operator = filterString.substring(p,nextBracketPos);\n\n\t\t// Any suffix?\n\t\tvar colon = operator.operator.indexOf(':');\n\t\tif(colon > -1) {\n\t\t\toperator.suffix = operator.operator.substring(colon + 1);\n\t\t\toperator.operator = operator.operator.substring(0,colon) || \"field\";\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Empty operator means: title\n\t\telse if(operator.operator === \"\") {\n\t\t\toperator.operator = \"title\";\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tp = nextBracketPos + 1;\n\t\tswitch (bracket) {\n\t\t\tcase \"{\": // Curly brackets\n\t\t\t\toperator.indirect = true;\n\t\t\t\tnextBracketPos = filterString.indexOf(\"}\",p);\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase \"[\": // Square brackets\n\t\t\t\tnextBracketPos = filterString.indexOf(\"]\",p);\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase \"<\": // Angle brackets\n\t\t\t\toperator.variable = true;\n\t\t\t\tnextBracketPos = filterString.indexOf(\">\",p);\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase \"/\": // regexp brackets\n\t\t\t\tvar rex = /^((?:[^\\\\\\/]*|\\\\.)*)\\/(?:\\(([mygi]+)\\))?/g,\n\t\t\t\t\trexMatch = rex.exec(filterString.substring(p));\n\t\t\t\tif(rexMatch) {\n\t\t\t\t\toperator.regexp = new RegExp(rexMatch[1], rexMatch[2]);\n// DEPRECATION WARNING\nconsole.log(\"WARNING: Filter\",operator.operator,\"has a deprecated regexp operand\",operator.regexp);\n\t\t\t\t\tnextBracketPos = p + rex.lastIndex - 1;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\telse {\n\t\t\t\t\tthrow \"Unterminated regular expression in filter expression\";\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif(nextBracketPos === -1) {\n\t\t\tthrow \"Missing closing bracket in filter expression\";\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(!operator.regexp) {\n\t\t\toperator.operand = filterString.substring(p,nextBracketPos);\n\t\t}\n\t\tp = nextBracketPos + 1;\n\n\t\t// Push this operator\n\t\toperators.push(operator);\n\t} while(filterString.charAt(p) !== \"]\");\n\t// Skip the ending square bracket\n\tif(filterString.charAt(p++) !== \"]\") {\n\t\tthrow \"Missing ] in filter expression\";\n\t}\n\t// Return the parsing position\n\treturn p;\n}\n\n/*\nParse a filter string\n*/\nexports.parseFilter = function(filterString) {\n\tfilterString = filterString || \"\";\n\tvar results = [], // Array of arrays of operator nodes {operator:,operand:}\n\t\tp = 0, // Current position in the filter string\n\t\tmatch;\n\tvar whitespaceRegExp = /(\\s+)/mg,\n\t\toperandRegExp = /((?:\\+|\\-)?)(?:(\\[)|(?:\"([^\"]*)\")|(?:'([^']*)')|([^\\s\\[\\]]+))/mg;\n\twhile(p < filterString.length) {\n\t\t// Skip any whitespace\n\t\twhitespaceRegExp.lastIndex = p;\n\t\tmatch = whitespaceRegExp.exec(filterString);\n\t\tif(match && match.index === p) {\n\t\t\tp = p + match[0].length;\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Match the start of the operation\n\t\tif(p < filterString.length) {\n\t\t\toperandRegExp.lastIndex = p;\n\t\t\tmatch = operandRegExp.exec(filterString);\n\t\t\tif(!match || match.index !== p) {\n\t\t\t\tthrow $tw.language.getString(\"Error/FilterSyntax\");\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tvar operation = {\n\t\t\t\tprefix: \"\",\n\t\t\t\toperators: []\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t\tif(match[1]) {\n\t\t\t\toperation.prefix = match[1];\n\t\t\t\tp++;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif(match[2]) { // Opening square bracket\n\t\t\t\tp = parseFilterOperation(operation.operators,filterString,p);\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tp = match.index + match[0].length;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif(match[3] || match[4] || match[5]) { // Double quoted string, single quoted string or unquoted title\n\t\t\t\toperation.operators.push(\n\t\t\t\t\t{operator: \"title\", operand: match[3] || match[4] || match[5]}\n\t\t\t\t);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tresults.push(operation);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn results;\n};\n\nexports.getFilterOperators = function() {\n\tif(!this.filterOperators) {\n\t\t$tw.Wiki.prototype.filterOperators = {};\n\t\t$tw.modules.applyMethods(\"filteroperator\",this.filterOperators);\n\t}\n\treturn this.filterOperators;\n};\n\nexports.filterTiddlers = function(filterString,widget,source) {\n\tvar fn = this.compileFilter(filterString);\n\treturn fn.call(this,source,widget);\n};\n\n/*\nCompile a filter into a function with the signature fn(source,widget) where:\nsource: an iterator function for the source tiddlers, called source(iterator), where iterator is called as iterator(tiddler,title)\nwidget: an optional widget node for retrieving the current tiddler etc.\n*/\nexports.compileFilter = function(filterString) {\n\tvar filterParseTree;\n\ttry {\n\t\tfilterParseTree = this.parseFilter(filterString);\n\t} catch(e) {\n\t\treturn function(source,widget) {\n\t\t\treturn [$tw.language.getString(\"Error/Filter\") + \": \" + e];\n\t\t};\n\t}\n\t// Get the hashmap of filter operator functions\n\tvar filterOperators = this.getFilterOperators();\n\t// Assemble array of functions, one for each operation\n\tvar operationFunctions = [];\n\t// Step through the operations\n\tvar self = this;\n\t$tw.utils.each(filterParseTree,function(operation) {\n\t\t// Create a function for the chain of operators in the operation\n\t\tvar operationSubFunction = function(source,widget) {\n\t\t\tvar accumulator = source,\n\t\t\t\tresults = [],\n\t\t\t\tcurrTiddlerTitle = widget && widget.getVariable(\"currentTiddler\");\n\t\t\t$tw.utils.each(operation.operators,function(operator) {\n\t\t\t\tvar operand = operator.operand,\n\t\t\t\t\toperatorFunction;\n\t\t\t\tif(!operator.operator) {\n\t\t\t\t\toperatorFunction = filterOperators.title;\n\t\t\t\t} else if(!filterOperators[operator.operator]) {\n\t\t\t\t\toperatorFunction = filterOperators.field;\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\toperatorFunction = filterOperators[operator.operator];\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tif(operator.indirect) {\n\t\t\t\t\toperand = self.getTextReference(operator.operand,\"\",currTiddlerTitle);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tif(operator.variable) {\n\t\t\t\t\toperand = widget.getVariable(operator.operand,{defaultValue: \"\"});\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t// Invoke the appropriate filteroperator module\n\t\t\t\tresults = operatorFunction(accumulator,{\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\toperator: operator.operator,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\toperand: operand,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tprefix: operator.prefix,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tsuffix: operator.suffix,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tregexp: operator.regexp\n\t\t\t\t\t\t},{\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\twiki: self,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\twidget: widget\n\t\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\tif($tw.utils.isArray(results)) {\n\t\t\t\t\taccumulator = self.makeTiddlerIterator(results);\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\taccumulator = results;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t\tif($tw.utils.isArray(results)) {\n\t\t\t\treturn results;\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tvar resultArray = [];\n\t\t\t\tresults(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\t\t\tresultArray.push(title);\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\treturn resultArray;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t};\n\t\t// Wrap the operator functions in a wrapper function that depends on the prefix\n\t\toperationFunctions.push((function() {\n\t\t\tswitch(operation.prefix || \"\") {\n\t\t\t\tcase \"\": // No prefix means that the operation is unioned into the result\n\t\t\t\t\treturn function(results,source,widget) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t$tw.utils.pushTop(results,operationSubFunction(source,widget));\n\t\t\t\t\t};\n\t\t\t\tcase \"-\": // The results of this operation are removed from the main result\n\t\t\t\t\treturn function(results,source,widget) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t$tw.utils.removeArrayEntries(results,operationSubFunction(source,widget));\n\t\t\t\t\t};\n\t\t\t\tcase \"+\": // This operation is applied to the main results so far\n\t\t\t\t\treturn function(results,source,widget) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t// This replaces all the elements of the array, but keeps the actual array so that references to it are preserved\n\t\t\t\t\t\tsource = self.makeTiddlerIterator(results);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tresults.splice(0,results.length);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t$tw.utils.pushTop(results,operationSubFunction(source,widget));\n\t\t\t\t\t};\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t})());\n\t});\n\t// Return a function that applies the operations to a source iterator of tiddler titles\n\treturn $tw.perf.measure(\"filter\",function filterFunction(source,widget) {\n\t\tif(!source) {\n\t\t\tsource = self.each;\n\t\t} else if(typeof source === \"object\") { // Array or hashmap\n\t\t\tsource = self.makeTiddlerIterator(source);\n\t\t}\n\t\tvar results = [];\n\t\t$tw.utils.each(operationFunctions,function(operationFunction) {\n\t\t\toperationFunction(results,source,widget);\n\t\t});\n\t\treturn results;\n\t});\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/filters.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "wikimethod"
"$:/core/modules/info/platform.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/info/platform.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: info\n\nInitialise basic platform $:/info/ tiddlers\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.getInfoTiddlerFields = function() {\n\tvar mapBoolean = function(value) {return value ? \"yes\" : \"no\";},\n\t\tinfoTiddlerFields = [];\n\t// Basics\n\tinfoTiddlerFields.push({title: \"$:/info/browser\", text: mapBoolean(!!$tw.browser)});\n\tinfoTiddlerFields.push({title: \"$:/info/node\", text: mapBoolean(!!$tw.node)});\n\t// Document location\n\tif($tw.browser) {\n\t\tvar setLocationProperty = function(name,value) {\n\t\t\t\tinfoTiddlerFields.push({title: \"$:/info/url/\" + name, text: value});\t\t\t\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tlocation = document.location;\n\t\tsetLocationProperty(\"full\", (location.toString()).split(\"#\")[0]);\n\t\tsetLocationProperty(\"host\", location.host);\n\t\tsetLocationProperty(\"hostname\", location.hostname);\n\t\tsetLocationProperty(\"protocol\", location.protocol);\n\t\tsetLocationProperty(\"port\", location.port);\n\t\tsetLocationProperty(\"pathname\", location.pathname);\n\t\tsetLocationProperty(\"search\", location.search);\n\t\tsetLocationProperty(\"origin\", location.origin);\n\t}\n\treturn infoTiddlerFields;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/info/platform.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "info"
"$:/core/modules/keyboard.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/keyboard.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: global\n\nKeyboard handling utilities\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar namedKeys = {\n\t\"cancel\": 3,\n\t\"help\": 6,\n\t\"backspace\": 8,\n\t\"tab\": 9,\n\t\"clear\": 12,\n\t\"return\": 13,\n\t\"enter\": 13,\n\t\"pause\": 19,\n\t\"escape\": 27,\n\t\"space\": 32,\n\t\"page_up\": 33,\n\t\"page_down\": 34,\n\t\"end\": 35,\n\t\"home\": 36,\n\t\"left\": 37,\n\t\"up\": 38,\n\t\"right\": 39,\n\t\"down\": 40,\n\t\"printscreen\": 44,\n\t\"insert\": 45,\n\t\"delete\": 46,\n\t\"0\": 48,\n\t\"1\": 49,\n\t\"2\": 50,\n\t\"3\": 51,\n\t\"4\": 52,\n\t\"5\": 53,\n\t\"6\": 54,\n\t\"7\": 55,\n\t\"8\": 56,\n\t\"9\": 57,\n\t\"firefoxsemicolon\": 59,\n\t\"firefoxequals\": 61,\n\t\"a\": 65,\n\t\"b\": 66,\n\t\"c\": 67,\n\t\"d\": 68,\n\t\"e\": 69,\n\t\"f\": 70,\n\t\"g\": 71,\n\t\"h\": 72,\n\t\"i\": 73,\n\t\"j\": 74,\n\t\"k\": 75,\n\t\"l\": 76,\n\t\"m\": 77,\n\t\"n\": 78,\n\t\"o\": 79,\n\t\"p\": 80,\n\t\"q\": 81,\n\t\"r\": 82,\n\t\"s\": 83,\n\t\"t\": 84,\n\t\"u\": 85,\n\t\"v\": 86,\n\t\"w\": 87,\n\t\"x\": 88,\n\t\"y\": 89,\n\t\"z\": 90,\n\t\"numpad0\": 96,\n\t\"numpad1\": 97,\n\t\"numpad2\": 98,\n\t\"numpad3\": 99,\n\t\"numpad4\": 100,\n\t\"numpad5\": 101,\n\t\"numpad6\": 102,\n\t\"numpad7\": 103,\n\t\"numpad8\": 104,\n\t\"numpad9\": 105,\n\t\"multiply\": 106,\n\t\"add\": 107,\n\t\"separator\": 108,\n\t\"subtract\": 109,\n\t\"decimal\": 110,\n\t\"divide\": 111,\n\t\"f1\": 112,\n\t\"f2\": 113,\n\t\"f3\": 114,\n\t\"f4\": 115,\n\t\"f5\": 116,\n\t\"f6\": 117,\n\t\"f7\": 118,\n\t\"f8\": 119,\n\t\"f9\": 120,\n\t\"f10\": 121,\n\t\"f11\": 122,\n\t\"f12\": 123,\n\t\"f13\": 124,\n\t\"f14\": 125,\n\t\"f15\": 126,\n\t\"f16\": 127,\n\t\"f17\": 128,\n\t\"f18\": 129,\n\t\"f19\": 130,\n\t\"f20\": 131,\n\t\"f21\": 132,\n\t\"f22\": 133,\n\t\"f23\": 134,\n\t\"f24\": 135,\n\t\"firefoxminus\": 173,\n\t\"semicolon\": 186,\n\t\"equals\": 187,\n\t\"comma\": 188,\n\t\"dash\": 189,\n\t\"period\": 190,\n\t\"slash\": 191,\n\t\"backquote\": 192,\n\t\"openbracket\": 219,\n\t\"backslash\": 220,\n\t\"closebracket\": 221,\n\t\"quote\": 222\n};\n\nfunction KeyboardManager(options) {\n\tvar self = this;\n\toptions = options || \"\";\n\t// Save the named key hashmap\n\tthis.namedKeys = namedKeys;\n\t// Create a reverse mapping of code to keyname\n\tthis.keyNames = [];\n\t$tw.utils.each(namedKeys,function(keyCode,name) {\n\t\tself.keyNames[keyCode] = name.substr(0,1).toUpperCase() + name.substr(1);\n\t});\n\t// Save the platform-specific name of the \"meta\" key\n\tthis.metaKeyName = $tw.platform.isMac ? \"cmd-\" : \"win-\";\n}\n\n/*\nReturn an array of keycodes for the modifier keys ctrl, shift, alt, meta\n*/\nKeyboardManager.prototype.getModifierKeys = function() {\n\treturn [\n\t\t16, // Shift\n\t\t17, // Ctrl\n\t\t18, // Alt\n\t\t20, // CAPS LOCK\n\t\t91, // Meta (left)\n\t\t93, // Meta (right)\n\t\t224 // Meta (Firefox)\n\t]\n};\n\n/*\nParses a key descriptor into the structure:\n{\n\tkeyCode: numeric keycode\n\tshiftKey: boolean\n\taltKey: boolean\n\tctrlKey: boolean\n\tmetaKey: boolean\n}\nKey descriptors have the following format:\n\tctrl+enter\n\tctrl+shift+alt+A\n*/\nKeyboardManager.prototype.parseKeyDescriptor = function(keyDescriptor) {\n\tvar components = keyDescriptor.split(/\\+|\\-/),\n\t\tinfo = {\n\t\t\tkeyCode: 0,\n\t\t\tshiftKey: false,\n\t\t\taltKey: false,\n\t\t\tctrlKey: false,\n\t\t\tmetaKey: false\n\t\t};\n\tfor(var t=0; t<components.length; t++) {\n\t\tvar s = components[t].toLowerCase(),\n\t\t\tc = s.charCodeAt(0);\n\t\t// Look for modifier keys\n\t\tif(s === \"ctrl\") {\n\t\t\tinfo.ctrlKey = true;\n\t\t} else if(s === \"shift\") {\n\t\t\tinfo.shiftKey = true;\n\t\t} else if(s === \"alt\") {\n\t\t\tinfo.altKey = true;\n\t\t} else if(s === \"meta\" || s === \"cmd\" || s === \"win\") {\n\t\t\tinfo.metaKey = true;\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Replace named keys with their code\n\t\tif(this.namedKeys[s]) {\n\t\t\tinfo.keyCode = this.namedKeys[s];\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tif(info.keyCode) {\n\t\treturn info;\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn null;\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nParse a list of key descriptors into an array of keyInfo objects. The key descriptors can be passed as an array of strings or a space separated string\n*/\nKeyboardManager.prototype.parseKeyDescriptors = function(keyDescriptors,options) {\n\tvar self = this;\n\toptions = options || {};\n\toptions.stack = options.stack || [];\n\tvar wiki = options.wiki || $tw.wiki;\n\tif(typeof keyDescriptors === \"string\" && keyDescriptors === \"\") {\n\t\treturn [];\n\t}\n\tif(!$tw.utils.isArray(keyDescriptors)) {\n\t\tkeyDescriptors = keyDescriptors.split(\" \");\n\t}\n\tvar result = [];\n\t$tw.utils.each(keyDescriptors,function(keyDescriptor) {\n\t\t// Look for a named shortcut\n\t\tif(keyDescriptor.substr(0,2) === \"((\" && keyDescriptor.substr(-2,2) === \"))\") {\n\t\t\tif(options.stack.indexOf(keyDescriptor) === -1) {\n\t\t\t\toptions.stack.push(keyDescriptor);\n\t\t\t\tvar name = keyDescriptor.substring(2,keyDescriptor.length - 2),\n\t\t\t\t\tlookupName = function(configName) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tvar keyDescriptors = wiki.getTiddlerText(\"$:/config/\" + configName + \"/\" + name);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif(keyDescriptors) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tresult.push.apply(result,self.parseKeyDescriptors(keyDescriptors,options));\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t};\n\t\t\t\tlookupName(\"shortcuts\");\n\t\t\t\tlookupName($tw.platform.isMac ? \"shortcuts-mac\" : \"shortcuts-not-mac\");\n\t\t\t\tlookupName($tw.platform.isWindows ? \"shortcuts-windows\" : \"shortcuts-not-windows\");\n\t\t\t\tlookupName($tw.platform.isLinux ? \"shortcuts-linux\" : \"shortcuts-not-linux\");\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tresult.push(self.parseKeyDescriptor(keyDescriptor));\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\treturn result;\n};\n\nKeyboardManager.prototype.getPrintableShortcuts = function(keyInfoArray) {\n\tvar self = this,\n\t\tresult = [];\n\t$tw.utils.each(keyInfoArray,function(keyInfo) {\n\t\tif(keyInfo) {\n\t\t\tresult.push((keyInfo.ctrlKey ? \"ctrl-\" : \"\") + \n\t\t\t\t (keyInfo.shiftKey ? \"shift-\" : \"\") + \n\t\t\t\t (keyInfo.altKey ? \"alt-\" : \"\") + \n\t\t\t\t (keyInfo.metaKey ? self.metaKeyName : \"\") + \n\t\t\t\t (self.keyNames[keyInfo.keyCode]));\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\treturn result;\n}\n\nKeyboardManager.prototype.checkKeyDescriptor = function(event,keyInfo) {\n\treturn keyInfo &&\n\t\t\tevent.keyCode === keyInfo.keyCode && \n\t\t\tevent.shiftKey === keyInfo.shiftKey && \n\t\t\tevent.altKey === keyInfo.altKey && \n\t\t\tevent.ctrlKey === keyInfo.ctrlKey && \n\t\t\tevent.metaKey === keyInfo.metaKey;\n};\n\nKeyboardManager.prototype.checkKeyDescriptors = function(event,keyInfoArray) {\n\tfor(var t=0; t<keyInfoArray.length; t++) {\n\t\tif(this.checkKeyDescriptor(event,keyInfoArray[t])) {\n\t\t\treturn true;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn false;\n};\n\nexports.KeyboardManager = KeyboardManager;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/keyboard.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "global"
"$:/core/modules/language.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/language.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: global\n\nThe $tw.Language() manages translateable strings\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nCreate an instance of the language manager. Options include:\nwiki: wiki from which to retrieve translation tiddlers\n*/\nfunction Language(options) {\n\toptions = options || \"\";\n\tthis.wiki = options.wiki || $tw.wiki;\n}\n\n/*\nReturn a wikified translateable string. The title is automatically prefixed with \"$:/language/\"\nOptions include:\nvariables: optional hashmap of variables to supply to the language wikification\n*/\nLanguage.prototype.getString = function(title,options) {\n\toptions = options || {};\n\ttitle = \"$:/language/\" + title;\n\treturn this.wiki.renderTiddler(\"text/plain\",title,{variables: options.variables});\n};\n\n/*\nReturn a raw, unwikified translateable string. The title is automatically prefixed with \"$:/language/\"\n*/\nLanguage.prototype.getRawString = function(title) {\n\ttitle = \"$:/language/\" + title;\n\treturn this.wiki.getTiddlerText(title);\n};\n\nexports.Language = Language;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/language.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "global"
"$:/core/modules/macros/changecount.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/macros/changecount.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: macro\n\nMacro to return the changecount for the current tiddler\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nInformation about this macro\n*/\n\nexports.name = \"changecount\";\n\nexports.params = [];\n\n/*\nRun the macro\n*/\nexports.run = function() {\n\treturn this.wiki.getChangeCount(this.getVariable(\"currentTiddler\")) + \"\";\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/macros/changecount.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "macro"
"$:/core/modules/macros/contrastcolour.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/macros/contrastcolour.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: macro\n\nMacro to choose which of two colours has the highest contrast with a base colour\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nInformation about this macro\n*/\n\nexports.name = \"contrastcolour\";\n\nexports.params = [\n\t{name: \"target\"},\n\t{name: \"fallbackTarget\"},\n\t{name: \"colourA\"},\n\t{name: \"colourB\"}\n];\n\n/*\nRun the macro\n*/\nexports.run = function(target,fallbackTarget,colourA,colourB) {\n\tvar rgbTarget = $tw.utils.parseCSSColor(target) || $tw.utils.parseCSSColor(fallbackTarget);\n\tif(!rgbTarget) {\n\t\treturn colourA;\n\t}\n\tvar rgbColourA = $tw.utils.parseCSSColor(colourA),\n\t\trgbColourB = $tw.utils.parseCSSColor(colourB);\n\tif(rgbColourA && !rgbColourB) {\n\t\treturn rgbColourA;\n\t}\n\tif(rgbColourB && !rgbColourA) {\n\t\treturn rgbColourB;\n\t}\n\tif(!rgbColourA && !rgbColourB) {\n\t\t// If neither colour is readable, return a crude inverse of the target\n\t\treturn [255 - rgbTarget[0],255 - rgbTarget[1],255 - rgbTarget[2],rgbTarget[3]];\n\t}\n\t// Colour brightness formula derived from http://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/WD-AERT/#color-contrast\n\tvar brightnessTarget = rgbTarget[0] * 0.299 + rgbTarget[1] * 0.587 + rgbTarget[2] * 0.114,\n\t\tbrightnessA = rgbColourA[0] * 0.299 + rgbColourA[1] * 0.587 + rgbColourA[2] * 0.114,\n\t\tbrightnessB = rgbColourB[0] * 0.299 + rgbColourB[1] * 0.587 + rgbColourB[2] * 0.114;\n\treturn Math.abs(brightnessTarget - brightnessA) > Math.abs(brightnessTarget - brightnessB) ? colourA : colourB;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/macros/contrastcolour.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "macro"
"$:/core/modules/macros/csvtiddlers.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/macros/csvtiddlers.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: macro\n\nMacro to output tiddlers matching a filter to CSV\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nInformation about this macro\n*/\n\nexports.name = \"csvtiddlers\";\n\nexports.params = [\n\t{name: \"filter\"},\n\t{name: \"format\"},\n];\n\n/*\nRun the macro\n*/\nexports.run = function(filter,format) {\n\tvar self = this,\n\t\ttiddlers = this.wiki.filterTiddlers(filter),\n\t\ttiddler,\n\t\tfields = [],\n\t\tt,f;\n\t// Collect all the fields\n\tfor(t=0;t<tiddlers.length; t++) {\n\t\ttiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(tiddlers[t]);\n\t\tfor(f in tiddler.fields) {\n\t\t\tif(fields.indexOf(f) === -1) {\n\t\t\t\tfields.push(f);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t// Sort the fields and bring the standard ones to the front\n\tfields.sort();\n\t\"title text modified modifier created creator\".split(\" \").reverse().forEach(function(value,index) {\n\t\tvar p = fields.indexOf(value);\n\t\tif(p !== -1) {\n\t\t\tfields.splice(p,1);\n\t\t\tfields.unshift(value)\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\t// Output the column headings\n\tvar output = [], row = [];\n\tfields.forEach(function(value) {\n\t\trow.push(quoteAndEscape(value))\n\t});\n\toutput.push(row.join(\",\"));\n\t// Output each tiddler\n\tfor(var t=0;t<tiddlers.length; t++) {\n\t\trow = [];\n\t\ttiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(tiddlers[t]);\n\t\t\tfor(f=0; f<fields.length; f++) {\n\t\t\t\trow.push(quoteAndEscape(tiddler ? tiddler.getFieldString(fields[f]) || \"\" : \"\"));\n\t\t\t}\n\t\toutput.push(row.join(\",\"));\n\t}\n\treturn output.join(\"\\n\");\n};\n\nfunction quoteAndEscape(value) {\n\treturn \"\\\"\" + value.replace(/\"/mg,\"\\\"\\\"\") + \"\\\"\";\n}\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/macros/csvtiddlers.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "macro"
"$:/core/modules/macros/displayshortcuts.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/macros/displayshortcuts.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: macro\n\nMacro to display a list of keyboard shortcuts in human readable form. Notably, it resolves named shortcuts like `((bold))` to the underlying keystrokes.\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nInformation about this macro\n*/\n\nexports.name = \"displayshortcuts\";\n\nexports.params = [\n\t{name: \"shortcuts\"},\n\t{name: \"prefix\"},\n\t{name: \"separator\"},\n\t{name: \"suffix\"}\n];\n\n/*\nRun the macro\n*/\nexports.run = function(shortcuts,prefix,separator,suffix) {\n\tvar shortcutArray = $tw.keyboardManager.getPrintableShortcuts($tw.keyboardManager.parseKeyDescriptors(shortcuts,{\n\t\twiki: this.wiki\n\t}));\n\tif(shortcutArray.length > 0) {\n\t\tshortcutArray.sort(function(a,b) {\n\t\t return a.toLowerCase().localeCompare(b.toLowerCase());\n\t\t})\n\t\treturn prefix + shortcutArray.join(separator) + suffix;\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn \"\";\n\t}\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/macros/displayshortcuts.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "macro"
"$:/core/modules/macros/dumpvariables.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/macros/dumpvariables.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: macro\n\nMacro to dump all active variable values\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nInformation about this macro\n*/\n\nexports.name = \"dumpvariables\";\n\nexports.params = [\n];\n\n/*\nRun the macro\n*/\nexports.run = function() {\n\tvar output = [\"|!Variable |!Value |\"],\n\t\tvariables = [], variable;\n\tfor(variable in this.variables) {\n\t\tvariables.push(variable);\n\t}\n\tvariables.sort();\n\tfor(var index=0; index<variables.length; index++) {\n\t\tvar variable = variables[index];\n\t\toutput.push(\"|\" + variable + \" |<input size=50 value=<<\" + variable + \">>/> |\")\n\t}\n\treturn output.join(\"\\n\");\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/macros/dumpvariables.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "macro"
"$:/core/modules/macros/jsontiddler.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/macros/jsontiddler.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: macro\n\nMacro to output a single tiddler to JSON\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nInformation about this macro\n*/\n\nexports.name = \"jsontiddler\";\n\nexports.params = [\n\t{name: \"title\"}\n];\n\n/*\nRun the macro\n*/\nexports.run = function(title) {\n\ttitle = title || this.getVariable(\"currentTiddler\");\n\tvar tiddler = !!title && this.wiki.getTiddler(title),\n\t\tfields = new Object();\n\tif(tiddler) {\n\t\tfor(var field in tiddler.fields) {\n\t\t\tfields[field] = tiddler.getFieldString(field);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn JSON.stringify(fields,null,$tw.config.preferences.jsonSpaces);\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/macros/jsontiddler.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "macro"
"$:/core/modules/macros/jsontiddlers.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/macros/jsontiddlers.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: macro\n\nMacro to output tiddlers matching a filter to JSON\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nInformation about this macro\n*/\n\nexports.name = \"jsontiddlers\";\n\nexports.params = [\n\t{name: \"filter\"}\n];\n\n/*\nRun the macro\n*/\nexports.run = function(filter) {\n\tvar tiddlers = this.wiki.filterTiddlers(filter),\n\t\tdata = [];\n\tfor(var t=0;t<tiddlers.length; t++) {\n\t\tvar tiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(tiddlers[t]);\n\t\tif(tiddler) {\n\t\t\tvar fields = new Object();\n\t\t\tfor(var field in tiddler.fields) {\n\t\t\t\tfields[field] = tiddler.getFieldString(field);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tdata.push(fields);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn JSON.stringify(data,null,$tw.config.preferences.jsonSpaces);\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/macros/jsontiddlers.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "macro"
"$:/core/modules/macros/makedatauri.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/macros/makedatauri.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: macro\n\nMacro to convert a string of text to a data URI\n\n<<makedatauri text:\"Text to be converted\" type:\"text/vnd.tiddlywiki\">>\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nInformation about this macro\n*/\n\nexports.name = \"makedatauri\";\n\nexports.params = [\n\t{name: \"text\"},\n\t{name: \"type\"}\n];\n\n/*\nRun the macro\n*/\nexports.run = function(text,type) {\n\treturn $tw.utils.makeDataUri(text,type);\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/macros/makedatauri.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "macro"
"$:/core/modules/macros/now.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/macros/now.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: macro\n\nMacro to return a formatted version of the current time\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nInformation about this macro\n*/\n\nexports.name = \"now\";\n\nexports.params = [\n\t{name: \"format\"}\n];\n\n/*\nRun the macro\n*/\nexports.run = function(format) {\n\treturn $tw.utils.formatDateString(new Date(),format || \"0hh:0mm, DDth MMM YYYY\");\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/macros/now.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "macro"
"$:/core/modules/macros/qualify.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/macros/qualify.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: macro\n\nMacro to qualify a state tiddler title according\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nInformation about this macro\n*/\n\nexports.name = \"qualify\";\n\nexports.params = [\n\t{name: \"title\"}\n];\n\n/*\nRun the macro\n*/\nexports.run = function(title) {\n\treturn title + \"-\" + this.getStateQualifier();\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/macros/qualify.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "macro"
"$:/core/modules/macros/resolvepath.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/macros/resolvepath.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: macro\n\nResolves a relative path for an absolute rootpath.\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.name = \"resolvepath\";\n\nexports.params = [\n\t{name: \"source\"},\n\t{name: \"root\"}\n];\n\n/*\nRun the macro\n*/\nexports.run = function(source, root) {\n\treturn $tw.utils.resolvePath(source, root);\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/macros/resolvepath.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "macro"
"$:/core/modules/macros/version.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/macros/version.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: macro\n\nMacro to return the TiddlyWiki core version number\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nInformation about this macro\n*/\n\nexports.name = \"version\";\n\nexports.params = [];\n\n/*\nRun the macro\n*/\nexports.run = function() {\n\treturn $tw.version;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/macros/version.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "macro"
"$:/core/modules/parsers/audioparser.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/parsers/audioparser.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: parser\n\nThe audio parser parses an audio tiddler into an embeddable HTML element\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar AudioParser = function(type,text,options) {\n\tvar element = {\n\t\t\ttype: \"element\",\n\t\t\ttag: \"audio\",\n\t\t\tattributes: {\n\t\t\t\tcontrols: {type: \"string\", value: \"controls\"}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t},\n\t\tsrc;\n\tif(options._canonical_uri) {\n\t\telement.attributes.src = {type: \"string\", value: options._canonical_uri};\n\t} else if(text) {\n\t\telement.attributes.src = {type: \"string\", value: \"data:\" + type + \";base64,\" + text};\n\t}\n\tthis.tree = [element];\n};\n\nexports[\"audio/ogg\"] = AudioParser;\nexports[\"audio/mpeg\"] = AudioParser;\nexports[\"audio/mp3\"] = AudioParser;\nexports[\"audio/mp4\"] = AudioParser;\n\n})();\n\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/parsers/audioparser.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "parser"
"$:/core/modules/parsers/csvparser.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/parsers/csvparser.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: parser\n\nThe CSV text parser processes CSV files into a table wrapped in a scrollable widget\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar CsvParser = function(type,text,options) {\n\t// Table framework\n\tthis.tree = [{\n\t\t\"type\": \"scrollable\", \"children\": [{\n\t\t\t\"type\": \"element\", \"tag\": \"table\", \"children\": [{\n\t\t\t\t\"type\": \"element\", \"tag\": \"tbody\", \"children\": []\n\t\t\t}], \"attributes\": {\n\t\t\t\t\"class\": {\"type\": \"string\", \"value\": \"tc-csv-table\"}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}]\n\t}];\n\t// Split the text into lines\n\tvar lines = text.split(/\\r?\\n/mg),\n\t\ttag = \"th\";\n\tfor(var line=0; line<lines.length; line++) {\n\t\tvar lineText = lines[line];\n\t\tif(lineText) {\n\t\t\tvar row = {\n\t\t\t\t\t\"type\": \"element\", \"tag\": \"tr\", \"children\": []\n\t\t\t\t};\n\t\t\tvar columns = lineText.split(\",\");\n\t\t\tfor(var column=0; column<columns.length; column++) {\n\t\t\t\trow.children.push({\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\"type\": \"element\", \"tag\": tag, \"children\": [{\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"type\": \"text\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"text\": columns[column]\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}]\n\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\ttag = \"td\";\n\t\t\tthis.tree[0].children[0].children[0].children.push(row);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n};\n\nexports[\"text/csv\"] = CsvParser;\n\n})();\n\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/parsers/csvparser.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "parser"
"$:/core/modules/parsers/htmlparser.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/parsers/htmlparser.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: parser\n\nThe HTML parser displays text as raw HTML\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar HtmlParser = function(type,text,options) {\n\tvar src;\n\tif(options._canonical_uri) {\n\t\tsrc = options._canonical_uri;\n\t} else if(text) {\n\t\tsrc = \"data:text/html;charset=utf-8,\" + encodeURIComponent(text);\n\t}\n\tthis.tree = [{\n\t\ttype: \"element\",\n\t\ttag: \"iframe\",\n\t\tattributes: {\n\t\t\tsrc: {type: \"string\", value: src},\n\t\t\tsandbox: {type: \"string\", value: \"\"}\n\t\t}\n\t}];\n};\n\nexports[\"text/html\"] = HtmlParser;\n\n})();\n\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/parsers/htmlparser.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "parser"
"$:/core/modules/parsers/imageparser.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/parsers/imageparser.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: parser\n\nThe image parser parses an image into an embeddable HTML element\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar ImageParser = function(type,text,options) {\n\tvar element = {\n\t\t\ttype: \"element\",\n\t\t\ttag: \"img\",\n\t\t\tattributes: {}\n\t\t},\n\t\tsrc;\n\tif(options._canonical_uri) {\n\t\telement.attributes.src = {type: \"string\", value: options._canonical_uri};\n\t} else if(text) {\n\t\tif(type === \"image/svg+xml\" || type === \".svg\") {\n\t\t\telement.attributes.src = {type: \"string\", value: \"data:image/svg+xml,\" + encodeURIComponent(text)};\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\telement.attributes.src = {type: \"string\", value: \"data:\" + type + \";base64,\" + text};\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tthis.tree = [element];\n};\n\nexports[\"image/svg+xml\"] = ImageParser;\nexports[\"image/jpg\"] = ImageParser;\nexports[\"image/jpeg\"] = ImageParser;\nexports[\"image/png\"] = ImageParser;\nexports[\"image/gif\"] = ImageParser;\nexports[\"image/x-icon\"] = ImageParser;\n\n})();\n\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/parsers/imageparser.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "parser"
"$:/core/modules/utils/parseutils.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/utils/parseutils.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: utils\n\nUtility functions concerned with parsing text into tokens.\n\nMost functions have the following pattern:\n\n* The parameters are:\n** `source`: the source string being parsed\n** `pos`: the current parse position within the string\n** Any further parameters are used to identify the token that is being parsed\n* The return value is:\n** null if the token was not found at the specified position\n** an object representing the token with the following standard fields:\n*** `type`: string indicating the type of the token\n*** `start`: start position of the token in the source string\n*** `end`: end position of the token in the source string\n*** Any further fields required to describe the token\n\nThe exception is `skipWhiteSpace`, which just returns the position after the whitespace.\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nLook for a whitespace token. Returns null if not found, otherwise returns {type: \"whitespace\", start:, end:,}\n*/\nexports.parseWhiteSpace = function(source,pos) {\n\tvar p = pos,c;\n\twhile(true) {\n\t\tc = source.charAt(p);\n\t\tif((c === \" \") || (c === \"\\f\") || (c === \"\\n\") || (c === \"\\r\") || (c === \"\\t\") || (c === \"\\v\") || (c === \"\\u00a0\")) { // Ignores some obscure unicode spaces\n\t\t\tp++;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tif(p === pos) {\n\t\treturn null;\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn {\n\t\t\ttype: \"whitespace\",\n\t\t\tstart: pos,\n\t\t\tend: p\n\t\t}\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nConvenience wrapper for parseWhiteSpace. Returns the position after the whitespace\n*/\nexports.skipWhiteSpace = function(source,pos) {\n\tvar c;\n\twhile(true) {\n\t\tc = source.charAt(pos);\n\t\tif((c === \" \") || (c === \"\\f\") || (c === \"\\n\") || (c === \"\\r\") || (c === \"\\t\") || (c === \"\\v\") || (c === \"\\u00a0\")) { // Ignores some obscure unicode spaces\n\t\t\tpos++;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\treturn pos;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nLook for a given string token. Returns null if not found, otherwise returns {type: \"token\", value:, start:, end:,}\n*/\nexports.parseTokenString = function(source,pos,token) {\n\tvar match = source.indexOf(token,pos) === pos;\n\tif(match) {\n\t\treturn {\n\t\t\ttype: \"token\",\n\t\t\tvalue: token,\n\t\t\tstart: pos,\n\t\t\tend: pos + token.length\n\t\t};\n\t}\n\treturn null;\n};\n\n/*\nLook for a token matching a regex. Returns null if not found, otherwise returns {type: \"regexp\", match:, start:, end:,}\n*/\nexports.parseTokenRegExp = function(source,pos,reToken) {\n\tvar node = {\n\t\ttype: \"regexp\",\n\t\tstart: pos\n\t};\n\treToken.lastIndex = pos;\n\tnode.match = reToken.exec(source);\n\tif(node.match && node.match.index === pos) {\n\t\tnode.end = pos + node.match[0].length;\n\t\treturn node;\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn null;\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nLook for a string literal. Returns null if not found, otherwise returns {type: \"string\", value:, start:, end:,}\n*/\nexports.parseStringLiteral = function(source,pos) {\n\tvar node = {\n\t\ttype: \"string\",\n\t\tstart: pos\n\t};\n\tvar reString = /(?:\"\"\"([\\s\\S]*?)\"\"\"|\"([^\"]*)\")|(?:'([^']*)')/g;\n\treString.lastIndex = pos;\n\tvar match = reString.exec(source);\n\tif(match && match.index === pos) {\n\t\tnode.value = match[1] !== undefined ? match[1] :(\n\t\t\tmatch[2] !== undefined ? match[2] : match[3] \n\t\t\t\t\t);\n\t\tnode.end = pos + match[0].length;\n\t\treturn node;\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn null;\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nLook for a macro invocation parameter. Returns null if not found, or {type: \"macro-parameter\", name:, value:, start:, end:}\n*/\nexports.parseMacroParameter = function(source,pos) {\n\tvar node = {\n\t\ttype: \"macro-parameter\",\n\t\tstart: pos\n\t};\n\t// Define our regexp\n\tvar reMacroParameter = /(?:([A-Za-z0-9\\-_]+)\\s*:)?(?:\\s*(?:\"\"\"([\\s\\S]*?)\"\"\"|\"([^\"]*)\"|'([^']*)'|\\[\\[([^\\]]*)\\]\\]|([^\\s>\"'=]+)))/g;\n\t// Skip whitespace\n\tpos = $tw.utils.skipWhiteSpace(source,pos);\n\t// Look for the parameter\n\tvar token = $tw.utils.parseTokenRegExp(source,pos,reMacroParameter);\n\tif(!token) {\n\t\treturn null;\n\t}\n\tpos = token.end;\n\t// Get the parameter details\n\tnode.value = token.match[2] !== undefined ? token.match[2] : (\n\t\t\t\t\ttoken.match[3] !== undefined ? token.match[3] : (\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttoken.match[4] !== undefined ? token.match[4] : (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttoken.match[5] !== undefined ? token.match[5] : (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttoken.match[6] !== undefined ? token.match[6] : (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"\"\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t);\n\tif(token.match[1]) {\n\t\tnode.name = token.match[1];\n\t}\n\t// Update the end position\n\tnode.end = pos;\n\treturn node;\n};\n\n/*\nLook for a macro invocation. Returns null if not found, or {type: \"macrocall\", name:, parameters:, start:, end:}\n*/\nexports.parseMacroInvocation = function(source,pos) {\n\tvar node = {\n\t\ttype: \"macrocall\",\n\t\tstart: pos,\n\t\tparams: []\n\t};\n\t// Define our regexps\n\tvar reMacroName = /([^\\s>\"'=]+)/g;\n\t// Skip whitespace\n\tpos = $tw.utils.skipWhiteSpace(source,pos);\n\t// Look for a double less than sign\n\tvar token = $tw.utils.parseTokenString(source,pos,\"<<\");\n\tif(!token) {\n\t\treturn null;\n\t}\n\tpos = token.end;\n\t// Get the macro name\n\tvar name = $tw.utils.parseTokenRegExp(source,pos,reMacroName);\n\tif(!name) {\n\t\treturn null;\n\t}\n\tnode.name = name.match[1];\n\tpos = name.end;\n\t// Process parameters\n\tvar parameter = $tw.utils.parseMacroParameter(source,pos);\n\twhile(parameter) {\n\t\tnode.params.push(parameter);\n\t\tpos = parameter.end;\n\t\t// Get the next parameter\n\t\tparameter = $tw.utils.parseMacroParameter(source,pos);\n\t}\n\t// Skip whitespace\n\tpos = $tw.utils.skipWhiteSpace(source,pos);\n\t// Look for a double greater than sign\n\ttoken = $tw.utils.parseTokenString(source,pos,\">>\");\n\tif(!token) {\n\t\treturn null;\n\t}\n\tpos = token.end;\n\t// Update the end position\n\tnode.end = pos;\n\treturn node;\n};\n\n/*\nLook for an HTML attribute definition. Returns null if not found, otherwise returns {type: \"attribute\", name:, valueType: \"string|indirect|macro\", value:, start:, end:,}\n*/\nexports.parseAttribute = function(source,pos) {\n\tvar node = {\n\t\tstart: pos\n\t};\n\t// Define our regexps\n\tvar reAttributeName = /([^\\/\\s>\"'=]+)/g,\n\t\treUnquotedAttribute = /([^\\/\\s<>\"'=]+)/g,\n\t\treFilteredValue = /\\{\\{\\{(.+?)\\}\\}\\}/g,\n\t\treIndirectValue = /\\{\\{([^\\}]+)\\}\\}/g;\n\t// Skip whitespace\n\tpos = $tw.utils.skipWhiteSpace(source,pos);\n\t// Get the attribute name\n\tvar name = $tw.utils.parseTokenRegExp(source,pos,reAttributeName);\n\tif(!name) {\n\t\treturn null;\n\t}\n\tnode.name = name.match[1];\n\tpos = name.end;\n\t// Skip whitespace\n\tpos = $tw.utils.skipWhiteSpace(source,pos);\n\t// Look for an equals sign\n\tvar token = $tw.utils.parseTokenString(source,pos,\"=\");\n\tif(token) {\n\t\tpos = token.end;\n\t\t// Skip whitespace\n\t\tpos = $tw.utils.skipWhiteSpace(source,pos);\n\t\t// Look for a string literal\n\t\tvar stringLiteral = $tw.utils.parseStringLiteral(source,pos);\n\t\tif(stringLiteral) {\n\t\t\tpos = stringLiteral.end;\n\t\t\tnode.type = \"string\";\n\t\t\tnode.value = stringLiteral.value;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t// Look for a filtered value\n\t\t\tvar filteredValue = $tw.utils.parseTokenRegExp(source,pos,reFilteredValue);\n\t\t\tif(filteredValue) {\n\t\t\t\tpos = filteredValue.end;\n\t\t\t\tnode.type = \"filtered\";\n\t\t\t\tnode.filter = filteredValue.match[1];\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t// Look for an indirect value\n\t\t\t\tvar indirectValue = $tw.utils.parseTokenRegExp(source,pos,reIndirectValue);\n\t\t\t\tif(indirectValue) {\n\t\t\t\t\tpos = indirectValue.end;\n\t\t\t\t\tnode.type = \"indirect\";\n\t\t\t\t\tnode.textReference = indirectValue.match[1];\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\t// Look for a unquoted value\n\t\t\t\t\tvar unquotedValue = $tw.utils.parseTokenRegExp(source,pos,reUnquotedAttribute);\n\t\t\t\t\tif(unquotedValue) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tpos = unquotedValue.end;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tnode.type = \"string\";\n\t\t\t\t\t\tnode.value = unquotedValue.match[1];\n\t\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t// Look for a macro invocation value\n\t\t\t\t\t\tvar macroInvocation = $tw.utils.parseMacroInvocation(source,pos);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif(macroInvocation) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tpos = macroInvocation.end;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnode.type = \"macro\";\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnode.value = macroInvocation;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnode.type = \"string\";\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnode.value = \"true\";\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\tnode.type = \"string\";\n\t\tnode.value = \"true\";\n\t}\n\t// Update the end position\n\tnode.end = pos;\n\treturn node;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/utils/parseutils.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "utils"
"$:/core/modules/parsers/pdfparser.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/parsers/pdfparser.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: parser\n\nThe PDF parser embeds a PDF viewer\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar ImageParser = function(type,text,options) {\n\tvar element = {\n\t\t\ttype: \"element\",\n\t\t\ttag: \"embed\",\n\t\t\tattributes: {}\n\t\t},\n\t\tsrc;\n\tif(options._canonical_uri) {\n\t\telement.attributes.src = {type: \"string\", value: options._canonical_uri};\n\t} else if(text) {\n\t\telement.attributes.src = {type: \"string\", value: \"data:application/pdf;base64,\" + text};\n\t}\n\tthis.tree = [element];\n};\n\nexports[\"application/pdf\"] = ImageParser;\n\n})();\n\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/parsers/pdfparser.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "parser"
"$:/core/modules/parsers/textparser.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/parsers/textparser.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: parser\n\nThe plain text parser processes blocks of source text into a degenerate parse tree consisting of a single text node\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar TextParser = function(type,text,options) {\n\tthis.tree = [{\n\t\ttype: \"codeblock\",\n\t\tattributes: {\n\t\t\tcode: {type: \"string\", value: text},\n\t\t\tlanguage: {type: \"string\", value: type}\n\t\t}\n\t}];\n};\n\nexports[\"text/plain\"] = TextParser;\nexports[\"text/x-tiddlywiki\"] = TextParser;\nexports[\"application/javascript\"] = TextParser;\nexports[\"application/json\"] = TextParser;\nexports[\"text/css\"] = TextParser;\nexports[\"application/x-tiddler-dictionary\"] = TextParser;\n\n})();\n\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/parsers/textparser.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "parser"
"$:/core/modules/parsers/videoparser.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/parsers/videoparser.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: parser\n\nThe video parser parses a video tiddler into an embeddable HTML element\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar VideoParser = function(type,text,options) {\n\tvar element = {\n\t\t\ttype: \"element\",\n\t\t\ttag: \"video\",\n\t\t\tattributes: {\n\t\t\t\tcontrols: {type: \"string\", value: \"controls\"}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t},\n\t\tsrc;\n\tif(options._canonical_uri) {\n\t\telement.attributes.src = {type: \"string\", value: options._canonical_uri};\n\t} else if(text) {\n\t\telement.attributes.src = {type: \"string\", value: \"data:\" + type + \";base64,\" + text};\n\t}\n\tthis.tree = [element];\n};\n\nexports[\"video/mp4\"] = VideoParser;\nexports[\"video/quicktime\"] = VideoParser;\n\n})();\n\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/parsers/videoparser.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "parser"
"$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/codeblock.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/codeblock.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: wikirule\n\nWiki text rule for code blocks. For example:\n\n```\n\t```\n\tThis text will not be //wikified//\n\t```\n```\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.name = \"codeblock\";\nexports.types = {block: true};\n\nexports.init = function(parser) {\n\tthis.parser = parser;\n\t// Regexp to match and get language if defined\n\tthis.matchRegExp = /```([\\w-]*)\\r?\\n/mg;\n};\n\nexports.parse = function() {\n\tvar reEnd = /(\\r?\\n```$)/mg;\n\t// Move past the match\n\tthis.parser.pos = this.matchRegExp.lastIndex;\n\n\t// Look for the end of the block\n\treEnd.lastIndex = this.parser.pos;\n\tvar match = reEnd.exec(this.parser.source),\n\t\ttext;\n\t// Process the block\n\tif(match) {\n\t\ttext = this.parser.source.substring(this.parser.pos,match.index);\n\t\tthis.parser.pos = match.index + match[0].length;\n\t} else {\n\t\ttext = this.parser.source.substr(this.parser.pos);\n\t\tthis.parser.pos = this.parser.sourceLength;\n\t}\n\t// Return the $codeblock widget\n\treturn [{\n\t\t\ttype: \"codeblock\",\n\t\t\tattributes: {\n\t\t\t\t\tcode: {type: \"string\", value: text},\n\t\t\t\t\tlanguage: {type: \"string\", value: this.match[1]}\n\t\t\t}\n\t}];\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/codeblock.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "wikirule"
"$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/codeinline.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/codeinline.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: wikirule\n\nWiki text inline rule for code runs. For example:\n\n```\n\tThis is a `code run`.\n\tThis is another ``code run``\n```\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.name = \"codeinline\";\nexports.types = {inline: true};\n\nexports.init = function(parser) {\n\tthis.parser = parser;\n\t// Regexp to match\n\tthis.matchRegExp = /(``?)/mg;\n};\n\nexports.parse = function() {\n\t// Move past the match\n\tthis.parser.pos = this.matchRegExp.lastIndex;\n\tvar reEnd = new RegExp(this.match[1], \"mg\");\n\t// Look for the end marker\n\treEnd.lastIndex = this.parser.pos;\n\tvar match = reEnd.exec(this.parser.source),\n\t\ttext;\n\t// Process the text\n\tif(match) {\n\t\ttext = this.parser.source.substring(this.parser.pos,match.index);\n\t\tthis.parser.pos = match.index + match[0].length;\n\t} else {\n\t\ttext = this.parser.source.substr(this.parser.pos);\n\t\tthis.parser.pos = this.parser.sourceLength;\n\t}\n\treturn [{\n\t\ttype: \"element\",\n\t\ttag: \"code\",\n\t\tchildren: [{\n\t\t\ttype: \"text\",\n\t\t\ttext: text\n\t\t}]\n\t}];\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/codeinline.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "wikirule"
"$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/commentblock.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/commentblock.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: wikirule\n\nWiki text block rule for HTML comments. For example:\n\n```\n<!-- This is a comment -->\n```\n\nNote that the syntax for comments is simplified to an opening \"<!--\" sequence and a closing \"-->\" sequence -- HTML itself implements a more complex format (see http://ostermiller.org/findhtmlcomment.html)\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.name = \"commentblock\";\nexports.types = {block: true};\n\nexports.init = function(parser) {\n\tthis.parser = parser;\n\tthis.matchRegExp = /<!--/mg;\n\tthis.endMatchRegExp = /-->/mg;\n};\n\nexports.findNextMatch = function(startPos) {\n\tthis.matchRegExp.lastIndex = startPos;\n\tthis.match = this.matchRegExp.exec(this.parser.source);\n\tif(this.match) {\n\t\tthis.endMatchRegExp.lastIndex = startPos + this.match[0].length;\n\t\tthis.endMatch = this.endMatchRegExp.exec(this.parser.source);\n\t\tif(this.endMatch) {\n\t\t\treturn this.match.index;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn undefined;\n};\n\nexports.parse = function() {\n\t// Move past the match\n\tthis.parser.pos = this.endMatchRegExp.lastIndex;\n\t// Don't return any elements\n\treturn [];\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/commentblock.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "wikirule"
"$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/commentinline.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/commentinline.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: wikirule\n\nWiki text inline rule for HTML comments. For example:\n\n```\n<!-- This is a comment -->\n```\n\nNote that the syntax for comments is simplified to an opening \"<!--\" sequence and a closing \"-->\" sequence -- HTML itself implements a more complex format (see http://ostermiller.org/findhtmlcomment.html)\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.name = \"commentinline\";\nexports.types = {inline: true};\n\nexports.init = function(parser) {\n\tthis.parser = parser;\n\tthis.matchRegExp = /<!--/mg;\n\tthis.endMatchRegExp = /-->/mg;\n};\n\nexports.findNextMatch = function(startPos) {\n\tthis.matchRegExp.lastIndex = startPos;\n\tthis.match = this.matchRegExp.exec(this.parser.source);\n\tif(this.match) {\n\t\tthis.endMatchRegExp.lastIndex = startPos + this.match[0].length;\n\t\tthis.endMatch = this.endMatchRegExp.exec(this.parser.source);\n\t\tif(this.endMatch) {\n\t\t\treturn this.match.index;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn undefined;\n};\n\nexports.parse = function() {\n\t// Move past the match\n\tthis.parser.pos = this.endMatchRegExp.lastIndex;\n\t// Don't return any elements\n\treturn [];\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/commentinline.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "wikirule"
"$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/dash.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/dash.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: wikirule\n\nWiki text inline rule for dashes. For example:\n\n```\nThis is an en-dash: --\n\nThis is an em-dash: ---\n```\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.name = \"dash\";\nexports.types = {inline: true};\n\nexports.init = function(parser) {\n\tthis.parser = parser;\n\t// Regexp to match\n\tthis.matchRegExp = /-{2,3}(?!-)/mg;\n};\n\nexports.parse = function() {\n\t// Move past the match\n\tthis.parser.pos = this.matchRegExp.lastIndex;\n\tvar dash = this.match[0].length === 2 ? \"–\" : \"—\";\n\treturn [{\n\t\ttype: \"entity\",\n\t\tentity: dash\n\t}];\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/dash.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "wikirule"
"$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/emphasis/bold.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/emphasis/bold.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: wikirule\n\nWiki text inline rule for emphasis - bold. For example:\n\n```\n\tThis is ''bold'' text\n```\n\nThis wikiparser can be modified using the rules eg:\n\n```\n\\rules except bold \n\\rules only bold \n```\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.name = \"bold\";\nexports.types = {inline: true};\n\nexports.init = function(parser) {\n\tthis.parser = parser;\n\t// Regexp to match\n\tthis.matchRegExp = /''/mg;\n};\n\nexports.parse = function() {\n\t// Move past the match\n\tthis.parser.pos = this.matchRegExp.lastIndex;\n\n\t// Parse the run including the terminator\n\tvar tree = this.parser.parseInlineRun(/''/mg,{eatTerminator: true});\n\n\t// Return the classed span\n\treturn [{\n\t\ttype: \"element\",\n\t\ttag: \"strong\",\n\t\tchildren: tree\n\t}];\n};\n\n})();",
"title": "$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/emphasis/bold.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "wikirule"
"$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/emphasis/italic.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/emphasis/italic.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: wikirule\n\nWiki text inline rule for emphasis - italic. For example:\n\n```\n\tThis is //italic// text\n```\n\nThis wikiparser can be modified using the rules eg:\n\n```\n\\rules except italic\n\\rules only italic\n```\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.name = \"italic\";\nexports.types = {inline: true};\n\nexports.init = function(parser) {\n\tthis.parser = parser;\n\t// Regexp to match\n\tthis.matchRegExp = /\\/\\//mg;\n};\n\nexports.parse = function() {\n\t// Move past the match\n\tthis.parser.pos = this.matchRegExp.lastIndex;\n\n\t// Parse the run including the terminator\n\tvar tree = this.parser.parseInlineRun(/\\/\\//mg,{eatTerminator: true});\n\n\t// Return the classed span\n\treturn [{\n\t\ttype: \"element\",\n\t\ttag: \"em\",\n\t\tchildren: tree\n\t}];\n};\n\n})();",
"title": "$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/emphasis/italic.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "wikirule"
"$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/emphasis/strikethrough.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/emphasis/strikethrough.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: wikirule\n\nWiki text inline rule for emphasis - strikethrough. For example:\n\n```\n\tThis is ~~strikethrough~~ text\n```\n\nThis wikiparser can be modified using the rules eg:\n\n```\n\\rules except strikethrough \n\\rules only strikethrough \n```\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.name = \"strikethrough\";\nexports.types = {inline: true};\n\nexports.init = function(parser) {\n\tthis.parser = parser;\n\t// Regexp to match\n\tthis.matchRegExp = /~~/mg;\n};\n\nexports.parse = function() {\n\t// Move past the match\n\tthis.parser.pos = this.matchRegExp.lastIndex;\n\n\t// Parse the run including the terminator\n\tvar tree = this.parser.parseInlineRun(/~~/mg,{eatTerminator: true});\n\n\t// Return the classed span\n\treturn [{\n\t\ttype: \"element\",\n\t\ttag: \"strike\",\n\t\tchildren: tree\n\t}];\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/emphasis/strikethrough.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "wikirule"
"$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/emphasis/subscript.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/emphasis/subscript.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: wikirule\n\nWiki text inline rule for emphasis - subscript. For example:\n\n```\n\tThis is ,,subscript,, text\n```\n\nThis wikiparser can be modified using the rules eg:\n\n```\n\\rules except subscript \n\\rules only subscript \n```\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.name = \"subscript\";\nexports.types = {inline: true};\n\nexports.init = function(parser) {\n\tthis.parser = parser;\n\t// Regexp to match\n\tthis.matchRegExp = /,,/mg;\n};\n\nexports.parse = function() {\n\t// Move past the match\n\tthis.parser.pos = this.matchRegExp.lastIndex;\n\n\t// Parse the run including the terminator\n\tvar tree = this.parser.parseInlineRun(/,,/mg,{eatTerminator: true});\n\n\t// Return the classed span\n\treturn [{\n\t\ttype: \"element\",\n\t\ttag: \"sub\",\n\t\tchildren: tree\n\t}];\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/emphasis/subscript.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "wikirule"
"$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/emphasis/superscript.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/emphasis/superscript.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: wikirule\n\nWiki text inline rule for emphasis - superscript. For example:\n\n```\n\tThis is ^^superscript^^ text\n```\n\nThis wikiparser can be modified using the rules eg:\n\n```\n\\rules except superscript \n\\rules only superscript \n```\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.name = \"superscript\";\nexports.types = {inline: true};\n\nexports.init = function(parser) {\n\tthis.parser = parser;\n\t// Regexp to match\n\tthis.matchRegExp = /\\^\\^/mg;\n};\n\nexports.parse = function() {\n\t// Move past the match\n\tthis.parser.pos = this.matchRegExp.lastIndex;\n\n\t// Parse the run including the terminator\n\tvar tree = this.parser.parseInlineRun(/\\^\\^/mg,{eatTerminator: true});\n\n\t// Return the classed span\n\treturn [{\n\t\ttype: \"element\",\n\t\ttag: \"sup\",\n\t\tchildren: tree\n\t}];\n};\n\n})();",
"title": "$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/emphasis/superscript.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "wikirule"
"$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/emphasis/underscore.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/emphasis/underscore.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: wikirule\n\nWiki text inline rule for emphasis - underscore. For example:\n\n```\n\tThis is __underscore__ text\n```\n\nThis wikiparser can be modified using the rules eg:\n\n```\n\\rules except underscore \n\\rules only underscore\n```\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.name = \"underscore\";\nexports.types = {inline: true};\n\nexports.init = function(parser) {\n\tthis.parser = parser;\n\t// Regexp to match\n\tthis.matchRegExp = /__/mg;\n};\n\nexports.parse = function() {\n\t// Move past the match\n\tthis.parser.pos = this.matchRegExp.lastIndex;\n\n\t// Parse the run including the terminator\n\tvar tree = this.parser.parseInlineRun(/__/mg,{eatTerminator: true});\n\n\t// Return the classed span\n\treturn [{\n\t\ttype: \"element\",\n\t\ttag: \"u\",\n\t\tchildren: tree\n\t}];\n};\n\n})();",
"title": "$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/emphasis/underscore.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "wikirule"
"$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/entity.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/entity.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: wikirule\n\nWiki text inline rule for HTML entities. For example:\n\n```\n\tThis is a copyright symbol: ©\n```\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.name = \"entity\";\nexports.types = {inline: true};\n\nexports.init = function(parser) {\n\tthis.parser = parser;\n\t// Regexp to match\n\tthis.matchRegExp = /(&#?[a-zA-Z0-9]{2,8};)/mg;\n};\n\n/*\nParse the most recent match\n*/\nexports.parse = function() {\n\t// Get all the details of the match\n\tvar entityString = this.match[1];\n\t// Move past the macro call\n\tthis.parser.pos = this.matchRegExp.lastIndex;\n\t// Return the entity\n\treturn [{type: \"entity\", entity: this.match[0]}];\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/entity.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "wikirule"
"$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/extlink.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/extlink.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: wikirule\n\nWiki text inline rule for external links. For example:\n\n```\nAn external link: http://www.tiddlywiki.com/\n\nA suppressed external link: ~http://www.tiddlyspace.com/\n```\n\nExternal links can be suppressed by preceding them with `~`.\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.name = \"extlink\";\nexports.types = {inline: true};\n\nexports.init = function(parser) {\n\tthis.parser = parser;\n\t// Regexp to match\n\tthis.matchRegExp = /~?(?:file|http|https|mailto|ftp|irc|news|data|skype):[^\\s<>{}\\[\\]`|\"\\\\^]+(?:\\/|\\b)/mg;\n};\n\nexports.parse = function() {\n\t// Move past the match\n\tthis.parser.pos = this.matchRegExp.lastIndex;\n\t// Create the link unless it is suppressed\n\tif(this.match[0].substr(0,1) === \"~\") {\n\t\treturn [{type: \"text\", text: this.match[0].substr(1)}];\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn [{\n\t\t\ttype: \"element\",\n\t\t\ttag: \"a\",\n\t\t\tattributes: {\n\t\t\t\thref: {type: \"string\", value: this.match[0]},\n\t\t\t\t\"class\": {type: \"string\", value: \"tc-tiddlylink-external\"},\n\t\t\t\ttarget: {type: \"string\", value: \"_blank\"},\n\t\t\t\trel: {type: \"string\", value: \"noopener noreferrer\"}\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tchildren: [{\n\t\t\t\ttype: \"text\", text: this.match[0]\n\t\t\t}]\n\t\t}];\n\t}\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/extlink.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "wikirule"
"$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/filteredtranscludeblock.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/filteredtranscludeblock.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: wikirule\n\nWiki text rule for block-level filtered transclusion. For example:\n\n```\n{{{ [tag[docs]] }}}\n{{{ [tag[docs]] |tooltip}}}\n{{{ [tag[docs]] ||TemplateTitle}}}\n{{{ [tag[docs]] |tooltip||TemplateTitle}}}\n{{{ [tag[docs]] }}width:40;height:50;}.class.class\n```\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.name = \"filteredtranscludeblock\";\nexports.types = {block: true};\n\nexports.init = function(parser) {\n\tthis.parser = parser;\n\t// Regexp to match\n\tthis.matchRegExp = /\\{\\{\\{([^\\|]+?)(?:\\|([^\\|\\{\\}]+))?(?:\\|\\|([^\\|\\{\\}]+))?\\}\\}([^\\}]*)\\}(?:\\.(\\S+))?(?:\\r?\\n|$)/mg;\n};\n\nexports.parse = function() {\n\t// Move past the match\n\tthis.parser.pos = this.matchRegExp.lastIndex;\n\t// Get the match details\n\tvar filter = this.match[1],\n\t\ttooltip = this.match[2],\n\t\ttemplate = $tw.utils.trim(this.match[3]),\n\t\tstyle = this.match[4],\n\t\tclasses = this.match[5];\n\t// Return the list widget\n\tvar node = {\n\t\ttype: \"list\",\n\t\tattributes: {\n\t\t\tfilter: {type: \"string\", value: filter}\n\t\t},\n\t\tisBlock: true\n\t};\n\tif(tooltip) {\n\t\tnode.attributes.tooltip = {type: \"string\", value: tooltip};\n\t}\n\tif(template) {\n\t\tnode.attributes.template = {type: \"string\", value: template};\n\t}\n\tif(style) {\n\t\tnode.attributes.style = {type: \"string\", value: style};\n\t}\n\tif(classes) {\n\t\tnode.attributes.itemClass = {type: \"string\", value: classes.split(\".\").join(\" \")};\n\t}\n\treturn [node];\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/filteredtranscludeblock.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "wikirule"
"$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/filteredtranscludeinline.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/filteredtranscludeinline.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: wikirule\n\nWiki text rule for inline filtered transclusion. For example:\n\n```\n{{{ [tag[docs]] }}}\n{{{ [tag[docs]] |tooltip}}}\n{{{ [tag[docs]] ||TemplateTitle}}}\n{{{ [tag[docs]] |tooltip||TemplateTitle}}}\n{{{ [tag[docs]] }}width:40;height:50;}.class.class\n```\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.name = \"filteredtranscludeinline\";\nexports.types = {inline: true};\n\nexports.init = function(parser) {\n\tthis.parser = parser;\n\t// Regexp to match\n\tthis.matchRegExp = /\\{\\{\\{([^\\|]+?)(?:\\|([^\\|\\{\\}]+))?(?:\\|\\|([^\\|\\{\\}]+))?\\}\\}([^\\}]*)\\}(?:\\.(\\S+))?/mg;\n};\n\nexports.parse = function() {\n\t// Move past the match\n\tthis.parser.pos = this.matchRegExp.lastIndex;\n\t// Get the match details\n\tvar filter = this.match[1],\n\t\ttooltip = this.match[2],\n\t\ttemplate = $tw.utils.trim(this.match[3]),\n\t\tstyle = this.match[4],\n\t\tclasses = this.match[5];\n\t// Return the list widget\n\tvar node = {\n\t\ttype: \"list\",\n\t\tattributes: {\n\t\t\tfilter: {type: \"string\", value: filter}\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\tif(tooltip) {\n\t\tnode.attributes.tooltip = {type: \"string\", value: tooltip};\n\t}\n\tif(template) {\n\t\tnode.attributes.template = {type: \"string\", value: template};\n\t}\n\tif(style) {\n\t\tnode.attributes.style = {type: \"string\", value: style};\n\t}\n\tif(classes) {\n\t\tnode.attributes.itemClass = {type: \"string\", value: classes.split(\".\").join(\" \")};\n\t}\n\treturn [node];\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/filteredtranscludeinline.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "wikirule"
"$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/hardlinebreaks.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/hardlinebreaks.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: wikirule\n\nWiki text inline rule for marking areas with hard line breaks. For example:\n\n```\n\"\"\"\nThis is some text\nThat is set like\nIt is a Poem\nWhen it is\nClearly\nNot\n\"\"\"\n```\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.name = \"hardlinebreaks\";\nexports.types = {inline: true};\n\nexports.init = function(parser) {\n\tthis.parser = parser;\n\t// Regexp to match\n\tthis.matchRegExp = /\"\"\"(?:\\r?\\n)?/mg;\n};\n\nexports.parse = function() {\n\tvar reEnd = /(\"\"\")|(\\r?\\n)/mg,\n\t\ttree = [],\n\t\tmatch;\n\t// Move past the match\n\tthis.parser.pos = this.matchRegExp.lastIndex;\n\tdo {\n\t\t// Parse the run up to the terminator\n\t\ttree.push.apply(tree,this.parser.parseInlineRun(reEnd,{eatTerminator: false}));\n\t\t// Redo the terminator match\n\t\treEnd.lastIndex = this.parser.pos;\n\t\tmatch = reEnd.exec(this.parser.source);\n\t\tif(match) {\n\t\t\tthis.parser.pos = reEnd.lastIndex;\n\t\t\t// Add a line break if the terminator was a line break\n\t\t\tif(match[2]) {\n\t\t\t\ttree.push({type: \"element\", tag: \"br\"});\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t} while(match && !match[1]);\n\t// Return the nodes\n\treturn tree;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/hardlinebreaks.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "wikirule"
"$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/heading.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/heading.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: wikirule\n\nWiki text block rule for headings\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.name = \"heading\";\nexports.types = {block: true};\n\nexports.init = function(parser) {\n\tthis.parser = parser;\n\t// Regexp to match\n\tthis.matchRegExp = /(!{1,6})/mg;\n};\n\n/*\nParse the most recent match\n*/\nexports.parse = function() {\n\t// Get all the details of the match\n\tvar headingLevel = this.match[1].length;\n\t// Move past the !s\n\tthis.parser.pos = this.matchRegExp.lastIndex;\n\t// Parse any classes, whitespace and then the heading itself\n\tvar classes = this.parser.parseClasses();\n\tthis.parser.skipWhitespace({treatNewlinesAsNonWhitespace: true});\n\tvar tree = this.parser.parseInlineRun(/(\\r?\\n)/mg);\n\t// Return the heading\n\treturn [{\n\t\ttype: \"element\",\n\t\ttag: \"h\" + headingLevel, \n\t\tattributes: {\n\t\t\t\"class\": {type: \"string\", value: classes.join(\" \")}\n\t\t},\n\t\tchildren: tree\n\t}];\n};\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/heading.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "wikirule"
"$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/horizrule.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/horizrule.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: wikirule\n\nWiki text block rule for rules. For example:\n\n```\n---\n```\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.name = \"horizrule\";\nexports.types = {block: true};\n\nexports.init = function(parser) {\n\tthis.parser = parser;\n\t// Regexp to match\n\tthis.matchRegExp = /-{3,}\\r?(?:\\n|$)/mg;\n};\n\nexports.parse = function() {\n\t// Move past the match\n\tthis.parser.pos = this.matchRegExp.lastIndex;\n\treturn [{type: \"element\", tag: \"hr\"}];\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/horizrule.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "wikirule"
"$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/html.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/html.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: wikirule\n\nWiki rule for HTML elements and widgets. For example:\n\n{{{\n<aside>\nThis is an HTML5 aside element\n</aside>\n\n<$slider target=\"MyTiddler\">\nThis is a widget invocation\n</$slider>\n\n}}}\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.name = \"html\";\nexports.types = {inline: true, block: true};\n\nexports.init = function(parser) {\n\tthis.parser = parser;\n};\n\nexports.findNextMatch = function(startPos) {\n\t// Find the next tag\n\tthis.nextTag = this.findNextTag(this.parser.source,startPos,{\n\t\trequireLineBreak: this.is.block\n\t});\n\treturn this.nextTag ? this.nextTag.start : undefined;\n};\n\n/*\nParse the most recent match\n*/\nexports.parse = function() {\n\t// Retrieve the most recent match so that recursive calls don't overwrite it\n\tvar tag = this.nextTag;\n\tthis.nextTag = null;\n\t// Advance the parser position to past the tag\n\tthis.parser.pos = tag.end;\n\t// Check for an immediately following double linebreak\n\tvar hasLineBreak = !tag.isSelfClosing && !!$tw.utils.parseTokenRegExp(this.parser.source,this.parser.pos,/([^\\S\\n\\r]*\\r?\\n(?:[^\\S\\n\\r]*\\r?\\n|$))/g);\n\t// Set whether we're in block mode\n\ttag.isBlock = this.is.block || hasLineBreak;\n\t// Parse the body if we need to\n\tif(!tag.isSelfClosing && $tw.config.htmlVoidElements.indexOf(tag.tag) === -1) {\n\t\t\tvar reEndString = \"</\" + $tw.utils.escapeRegExp(tag.tag) + \">\",\n\t\t\t\treEnd = new RegExp(\"(\" + reEndString + \")\",\"mg\");\n\t\tif(hasLineBreak) {\n\t\t\ttag.children = this.parser.parseBlocks(reEndString);\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\ttag.children = this.parser.parseInlineRun(reEnd);\n\t\t}\n\t\treEnd.lastIndex = this.parser.pos;\n\t\tvar endMatch = reEnd.exec(this.parser.source);\n\t\tif(endMatch && endMatch.index === this.parser.pos) {\n\t\t\tthis.parser.pos = endMatch.index + endMatch[0].length;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t// Return the tag\n\treturn [tag];\n};\n\n/*\nLook for an HTML tag. Returns null if not found, otherwise returns {type: \"element\", name:, attributes: [], isSelfClosing:, start:, end:,}\n*/\nexports.parseTag = function(source,pos,options) {\n\toptions = options || {};\n\tvar token,\n\t\tnode = {\n\t\t\ttype: \"element\",\n\t\t\tstart: pos,\n\t\t\tattributes: {}\n\t\t};\n\t// Define our regexps\n\tvar reTagName = /([a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\$]+)/g;\n\t// Skip whitespace\n\tpos = $tw.utils.skipWhiteSpace(source,pos);\n\t// Look for a less than sign\n\ttoken = $tw.utils.parseTokenString(source,pos,\"<\");\n\tif(!token) {\n\t\treturn null;\n\t}\n\tpos = token.end;\n\t// Get the tag name\n\ttoken = $tw.utils.parseTokenRegExp(source,pos,reTagName);\n\tif(!token) {\n\t\treturn null;\n\t}\n\tnode.tag = token.match[1];\n\tif(node.tag.charAt(0) === \"$\") {\n\t\tnode.type = node.tag.substr(1);\n\t}\n\tpos = token.end;\n\t// Check that the tag is terminated by a space, / or >\n\tif(!$tw.utils.parseWhiteSpace(source,pos) && !(source.charAt(pos) === \"/\") && !(source.charAt(pos) === \">\") ) {\n\t\treturn null;\n\t}\n\t// Process attributes\n\tvar attribute = $tw.utils.parseAttribute(source,pos);\n\twhile(attribute) {\n\t\tnode.attributes[attribute.name] = attribute;\n\t\tpos = attribute.end;\n\t\t// Get the next attribute\n\t\tattribute = $tw.utils.parseAttribute(source,pos);\n\t}\n\t// Skip whitespace\n\tpos = $tw.utils.skipWhiteSpace(source,pos);\n\t// Look for a closing slash\n\ttoken = $tw.utils.parseTokenString(source,pos,\"/\");\n\tif(token) {\n\t\tpos = token.end;\n\t\tnode.isSelfClosing = true;\n\t}\n\t// Look for a greater than sign\n\ttoken = $tw.utils.parseTokenString(source,pos,\">\");\n\tif(!token) {\n\t\treturn null;\n\t}\n\tpos = token.end;\n\t// Check for a required line break\n\tif(options.requireLineBreak) {\n\t\ttoken = $tw.utils.parseTokenRegExp(source,pos,/([^\\S\\n\\r]*\\r?\\n(?:[^\\S\\n\\r]*\\r?\\n|$))/g);\n\t\tif(!token) {\n\t\t\treturn null;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t// Update the end position\n\tnode.end = pos;\n\treturn node;\n};\n\nexports.findNextTag = function(source,pos,options) {\n\t// A regexp for finding candidate HTML tags\n\tvar reLookahead = /<([a-zA-Z\\-\\$]+)/g;\n\t// Find the next candidate\n\treLookahead.lastIndex = pos;\n\tvar match = reLookahead.exec(source);\n\twhile(match) {\n\t\t// Try to parse the candidate as a tag\n\t\tvar tag = this.parseTag(source,match.index,options);\n\t\t// Return success\n\t\tif(tag && this.isLegalTag(tag)) {\n\t\t\treturn tag;\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Look for the next match\n\t\treLookahead.lastIndex = match.index + 1;\n\t\tmatch = reLookahead.exec(source);\n\t}\n\t// Failed\n\treturn null;\n};\n\nexports.isLegalTag = function(tag) {\n\t// Widgets are always OK\n\tif(tag.type !== \"element\") {\n\t\treturn true;\n\t// If it's an HTML tag that starts with a dash then it's not legal\n\t} else if(tag.tag.charAt(0) === \"-\") {\n\t\treturn false;\n\t} else {\n\t\t// Otherwise it's OK\n\t\treturn true;\n\t}\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/html.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "wikirule"
"$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/image.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/image.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: wikirule\n\nWiki text inline rule for embedding images. For example:\n\n```\n[img[http://tiddlywiki.com/fractalveg.jpg]]\n[img width=23 height=24 [http://tiddlywiki.com/fractalveg.jpg]]\n[img width={{!!width}} height={{!!height}} [http://tiddlywiki.com/fractalveg.jpg]]\n[img[Description of image|http://tiddlywiki.com/fractalveg.jpg]]\n[img[TiddlerTitle]]\n[img[Description of image|TiddlerTitle]]\n```\n\nGenerates the `<$image>` widget.\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.name = \"image\";\nexports.types = {inline: true};\n\nexports.init = function(parser) {\n\tthis.parser = parser;\n};\n\nexports.findNextMatch = function(startPos) {\n\t// Find the next tag\n\tthis.nextImage = this.findNextImage(this.parser.source,startPos);\n\treturn this.nextImage ? this.nextImage.start : undefined;\n};\n\nexports.parse = function() {\n\t// Move past the match\n\tthis.parser.pos = this.nextImage.end;\n\tvar node = {\n\t\ttype: \"image\",\n\t\tattributes: this.nextImage.attributes\n\t};\n\treturn [node];\n};\n\n/*\nFind the next image from the current position\n*/\nexports.findNextImage = function(source,pos) {\n\t// A regexp for finding candidate HTML tags\n\tvar reLookahead = /(\\[img)/g;\n\t// Find the next candidate\n\treLookahead.lastIndex = pos;\n\tvar match = reLookahead.exec(source);\n\twhile(match) {\n\t\t// Try to parse the candidate as a tag\n\t\tvar tag = this.parseImage(source,match.index);\n\t\t// Return success\n\t\tif(tag) {\n\t\t\treturn tag;\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Look for the next match\n\t\treLookahead.lastIndex = match.index + 1;\n\t\tmatch = reLookahead.exec(source);\n\t}\n\t// Failed\n\treturn null;\n};\n\n/*\nLook for an image at the specified position. Returns null if not found, otherwise returns {type: \"image\", attributes: [], isSelfClosing:, start:, end:,}\n*/\nexports.parseImage = function(source,pos) {\n\tvar token,\n\t\tnode = {\n\t\t\ttype: \"image\",\n\t\t\tstart: pos,\n\t\t\tattributes: {}\n\t\t};\n\t// Skip whitespace\n\tpos = $tw.utils.skipWhiteSpace(source,pos);\n\t// Look for the `[img`\n\ttoken = $tw.utils.parseTokenString(source,pos,\"[img\");\n\tif(!token) {\n\t\treturn null;\n\t}\n\tpos = token.end;\n\t// Skip whitespace\n\tpos = $tw.utils.skipWhiteSpace(source,pos);\n\t// Process attributes\n\tif(source.charAt(pos) !== \"[\") {\n\t\tvar attribute = $tw.utils.parseAttribute(source,pos);\n\t\twhile(attribute) {\n\t\t\tnode.attributes[attribute.name] = attribute;\n\t\t\tpos = attribute.end;\n\t\t\tpos = $tw.utils.skipWhiteSpace(source,pos);\n\t\t\tif(source.charAt(pos) !== \"[\") {\n\t\t\t\t// Get the next attribute\n\t\t\t\tattribute = $tw.utils.parseAttribute(source,pos);\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tattribute = null;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t// Skip whitespace\n\tpos = $tw.utils.skipWhiteSpace(source,pos);\n\t// Look for the `[` after the attributes\n\ttoken = $tw.utils.parseTokenString(source,pos,\"[\");\n\tif(!token) {\n\t\treturn null;\n\t}\n\tpos = token.end;\n\t// Skip whitespace\n\tpos = $tw.utils.skipWhiteSpace(source,pos);\n\t// Get the source up to the terminating `]]`\n\ttoken = $tw.utils.parseTokenRegExp(source,pos,/(?:([^|\\]]*?)\\|)?([^\\]]+?)\\]\\]/g);\n\tif(!token) {\n\t\treturn null;\n\t}\n\tpos = token.end;\n\tif(token.match[1]) {\n\t\tnode.attributes.tooltip = {type: \"string\", value: token.match[1].trim()};\n\t}\n\tnode.attributes.source = {type: \"string\", value: (token.match[2] || \"\").trim()};\n\t// Update the end position\n\tnode.end = pos;\n\treturn node;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/image.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "wikirule"
"$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/list.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/list.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: wikirule\n\nWiki text block rule for lists. For example:\n\n```\n* This is an unordered list\n* It has two items\n\n# This is a numbered list\n## With a subitem\n# And a third item\n\n; This is a term that is being defined\n: This is the definition of that term\n```\n\nNote that lists can be nested arbitrarily:\n\n```\n#** One\n#* Two\n#** Three\n#**** Four\n#**# Five\n#**## Six\n## Seven\n### Eight\n## Nine\n```\n\nA CSS class can be applied to a list item as follows:\n\n```\n* List item one\n*.active List item two has the class `active`\n* List item three\n```\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.name = \"list\";\nexports.types = {block: true};\n\nexports.init = function(parser) {\n\tthis.parser = parser;\n\t// Regexp to match\n\tthis.matchRegExp = /([\\*#;:>]+)/mg;\n};\n\nvar listTypes = {\n\t\"*\": {listTag: \"ul\", itemTag: \"li\"},\n\t\"#\": {listTag: \"ol\", itemTag: \"li\"},\n\t\";\": {listTag: \"dl\", itemTag: \"dt\"},\n\t\":\": {listTag: \"dl\", itemTag: \"dd\"},\n\t\">\": {listTag: \"blockquote\", itemTag: \"p\"}\n};\n\n/*\nParse the most recent match\n*/\nexports.parse = function() {\n\t// Array of parse tree nodes for the previous row of the list\n\tvar listStack = [];\n\t// Cycle through the items in the list\n\twhile(true) {\n\t\t// Match the list marker\n\t\tvar reMatch = /([\\*#;:>]+)/mg;\n\t\treMatch.lastIndex = this.parser.pos;\n\t\tvar match = reMatch.exec(this.parser.source);\n\t\tif(!match || match.index !== this.parser.pos) {\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Check whether the list type of the top level matches\n\t\tvar listInfo = listTypes[match[0].charAt(0)];\n\t\tif(listStack.length > 0 && listStack[0].tag !== listInfo.listTag) {\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Move past the list marker\n\t\tthis.parser.pos = match.index + match[0].length;\n\t\t// Walk through the list markers for the current row\n\t\tfor(var t=0; t<match[0].length; t++) {\n\t\t\tlistInfo = listTypes[match[0].charAt(t)];\n\t\t\t// Remove any stacked up element if we can't re-use it because the list type doesn't match\n\t\t\tif(listStack.length > t && listStack[t].tag !== listInfo.listTag) {\n\t\t\t\tlistStack.splice(t,listStack.length - t);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t// Construct the list element or reuse the previous one at this level\n\t\t\tif(listStack.length <= t) {\n\t\t\t\tvar listElement = {type: \"element\", tag: listInfo.listTag, children: [\n\t\t\t\t\t{type: \"element\", tag: listInfo.itemTag, children: []}\n\t\t\t\t]};\n\t\t\t\t// Link this list element into the last child item of the parent list item\n\t\t\t\tif(t) {\n\t\t\t\t\tvar prevListItem = listStack[t-1].children[listStack[t-1].children.length-1];\n\t\t\t\t\tprevListItem.children.push(listElement);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t// Save this element in the stack\n\t\t\t\tlistStack[t] = listElement;\n\t\t\t} else if(t === (match[0].length - 1)) {\n\t\t\t\tlistStack[t].children.push({type: \"element\", tag: listInfo.itemTag, children: []});\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(listStack.length > match[0].length) {\n\t\t\tlistStack.splice(match[0].length,listStack.length - match[0].length);\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Process the body of the list item into the last list item\n\t\tvar lastListChildren = listStack[listStack.length-1].children,\n\t\t\tlastListItem = lastListChildren[lastListChildren.length-1],\n\t\t\tclasses = this.parser.parseClasses();\n\t\tthis.parser.skipWhitespace({treatNewlinesAsNonWhitespace: true});\n\t\tvar tree = this.parser.parseInlineRun(/(\\r?\\n)/mg);\n\t\tlastListItem.children.push.apply(lastListItem.children,tree);\n\t\tif(classes.length > 0) {\n\t\t\t$tw.utils.addClassToParseTreeNode(lastListItem,classes.join(\" \"));\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Consume any whitespace following the list item\n\t\tthis.parser.skipWhitespace();\n\t}\n\t// Return the root element of the list\n\treturn [listStack[0]];\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/list.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "wikirule"
"$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/macrocallblock.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/macrocallblock.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: wikirule\n\nWiki rule for block macro calls\n\n```\n<<name value value2>>\n```\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.name = \"macrocallblock\";\nexports.types = {block: true};\n\nexports.init = function(parser) {\n\tthis.parser = parser;\n\t// Regexp to match\n\tthis.matchRegExp = /<<([^>\\s]+)(?:\\s*)((?:[^>]|(?:>(?!>)))*?)>>(?:\\r?\\n|$)/mg;\n};\n\n/*\nParse the most recent match\n*/\nexports.parse = function() {\n\t// Get all the details of the match\n\tvar macroName = this.match[1],\n\t\tparamString = this.match[2];\n\t// Move past the macro call\n\tthis.parser.pos = this.matchRegExp.lastIndex;\n\tvar params = [],\n\t\treParam = /\\s*(?:([A-Za-z0-9\\-_]+)\\s*:)?(?:\\s*(?:\"\"\"([\\s\\S]*?)\"\"\"|\"([^\"]*)\"|'([^']*)'|\\[\\[([^\\]]*)\\]\\]|([^\"'\\s]+)))/mg,\n\t\tparamMatch = reParam.exec(paramString);\n\twhile(paramMatch) {\n\t\t// Process this parameter\n\t\tvar paramInfo = {\n\t\t\tvalue: paramMatch[2] || paramMatch[3] || paramMatch[4] || paramMatch[5] || paramMatch[6]\n\t\t};\n\t\tif(paramMatch[1]) {\n\t\t\tparamInfo.name = paramMatch[1];\n\t\t}\n\t\tparams.push(paramInfo);\n\t\t// Find the next match\n\t\tparamMatch = reParam.exec(paramString);\n\t}\n\treturn [{\n\t\ttype: \"macrocall\",\n\t\tname: macroName,\n\t\tparams: params,\n\t\tisBlock: true\n\t}];\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/macrocallblock.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "wikirule"
"$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/macrocallinline.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/macrocallinline.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: wikirule\n\nWiki rule for macro calls\n\n```\n<<name value value2>>\n```\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.name = \"macrocallinline\";\nexports.types = {inline: true};\n\nexports.init = function(parser) {\n\tthis.parser = parser;\n\t// Regexp to match\n\tthis.matchRegExp = /<<([^\\s>]+)\\s*([\\s\\S]*?)>>/mg;\n};\n\n/*\nParse the most recent match\n*/\nexports.parse = function() {\n\t// Get all the details of the match\n\tvar macroName = this.match[1],\n\t\tparamString = this.match[2];\n\t// Move past the macro call\n\tthis.parser.pos = this.matchRegExp.lastIndex;\n\tvar params = [],\n\t\treParam = /\\s*(?:([A-Za-z0-9\\-_]+)\\s*:)?(?:\\s*(?:\"\"\"([\\s\\S]*?)\"\"\"|\"([^\"]*)\"|'([^']*)'|\\[\\[([^\\]]*)\\]\\]|([^\"'\\s]+)))/mg,\n\t\tparamMatch = reParam.exec(paramString);\n\twhile(paramMatch) {\n\t\t// Process this parameter\n\t\tvar paramInfo = {\n\t\t\tvalue: paramMatch[2] || paramMatch[3] || paramMatch[4] || paramMatch[5]|| paramMatch[6]\n\t\t};\n\t\tif(paramMatch[1]) {\n\t\t\tparamInfo.name = paramMatch[1];\n\t\t}\n\t\tparams.push(paramInfo);\n\t\t// Find the next match\n\t\tparamMatch = reParam.exec(paramString);\n\t}\n\treturn [{\n\t\ttype: \"macrocall\",\n\t\tname: macroName,\n\t\tparams: params\n\t}];\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/macrocallinline.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "wikirule"
"$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/macrodef.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/macrodef.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: wikirule\n\nWiki pragma rule for macro definitions\n\n```\n\\define name(param:defaultvalue,param2:defaultvalue)\ndefinition text, including $param$ markers\n\\end\n```\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.name = \"macrodef\";\nexports.types = {pragma: true};\n\n/*\nInstantiate parse rule\n*/\nexports.init = function(parser) {\n\tthis.parser = parser;\n\t// Regexp to match\n\tthis.matchRegExp = /^\\\\define\\s+([^(\\s]+)\\(\\s*([^)]*)\\)(\\s*\\r?\\n)?/mg;\n};\n\n/*\nParse the most recent match\n*/\nexports.parse = function() {\n\t// Move past the macro name and parameters\n\tthis.parser.pos = this.matchRegExp.lastIndex;\n\t// Parse the parameters\n\tvar paramString = this.match[2],\n\t\tparams = [];\n\tif(paramString !== \"\") {\n\t\tvar reParam = /\\s*([A-Za-z0-9\\-_]+)(?:\\s*:\\s*(?:\"\"\"([\\s\\S]*?)\"\"\"|\"([^\"]*)\"|'([^']*)'|\\[\\[([^\\]]*)\\]\\]|([^\"'\\s]+)))?/mg,\n\t\t\tparamMatch = reParam.exec(paramString);\n\t\twhile(paramMatch) {\n\t\t\t// Save the parameter details\n\t\t\tvar paramInfo = {name: paramMatch[1]},\n\t\t\t\tdefaultValue = paramMatch[2] || paramMatch[3] || paramMatch[4] || paramMatch[5] || paramMatch[6];\n\t\t\tif(defaultValue) {\n\t\t\t\tparamInfo[\"default\"] = defaultValue;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tparams.push(paramInfo);\n\t\t\t// Look for the next parameter\n\t\t\tparamMatch = reParam.exec(paramString);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t// Is this a multiline definition?\n\tvar reEnd;\n\tif(this.match[3]) {\n\t\t// If so, the end of the body is marked with \\end\n\t\treEnd = /(\\r?\\n\\\\end[^\\S\\n\\r]*(?:$|\\r?\\n))/mg;\n\t} else {\n\t\t// Otherwise, the end of the definition is marked by the end of the line\n\t\treEnd = /($|\\r?\\n)/mg;\n\t\t// Move past any whitespace\n\t\tthis.parser.pos = $tw.utils.skipWhiteSpace(this.parser.source,this.parser.pos);\n\t}\n\t// Find the end of the definition\n\treEnd.lastIndex = this.parser.pos;\n\tvar text,\n\t\tendMatch = reEnd.exec(this.parser.source);\n\tif(endMatch) {\n\t\ttext = this.parser.source.substring(this.parser.pos,endMatch.index);\n\t\tthis.parser.pos = endMatch.index + endMatch[0].length;\n\t} else {\n\t\t// We didn't find the end of the definition, so we'll make it blank\n\t\ttext = \"\";\n\t}\n\t// Save the macro definition\n\treturn [{\n\t\ttype: \"set\",\n\t\tattributes: {\n\t\t\tname: {type: \"string\", value: this.match[1]},\n\t\t\tvalue: {type: \"string\", value: text}\n\t\t},\n\t\tchildren: [],\n\t\tparams: params\n\t}];\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/macrodef.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "wikirule"
"$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/prettyextlink.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/prettyextlink.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: wikirule\n\nWiki text inline rule for external links. For example:\n\n```\n[ext[http://tiddlywiki.com/fractalveg.jpg]]\n[ext[Tooltip|http://tiddlywiki.com/fractalveg.jpg]]\n```\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.name = \"prettyextlink\";\nexports.types = {inline: true};\n\nexports.init = function(parser) {\n\tthis.parser = parser;\n};\n\nexports.findNextMatch = function(startPos) {\n\t// Find the next tag\n\tthis.nextLink = this.findNextLink(this.parser.source,startPos);\n\treturn this.nextLink ? this.nextLink.start : undefined;\n};\n\nexports.parse = function() {\n\t// Move past the match\n\tthis.parser.pos = this.nextLink.end;\n\treturn [this.nextLink];\n};\n\n/*\nFind the next link from the current position\n*/\nexports.findNextLink = function(source,pos) {\n\t// A regexp for finding candidate links\n\tvar reLookahead = /(\\[ext\\[)/g;\n\t// Find the next candidate\n\treLookahead.lastIndex = pos;\n\tvar match = reLookahead.exec(source);\n\twhile(match) {\n\t\t// Try to parse the candidate as a link\n\t\tvar link = this.parseLink(source,match.index);\n\t\t// Return success\n\t\tif(link) {\n\t\t\treturn link;\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Look for the next match\n\t\treLookahead.lastIndex = match.index + 1;\n\t\tmatch = reLookahead.exec(source);\n\t}\n\t// Failed\n\treturn null;\n};\n\n/*\nLook for an link at the specified position. Returns null if not found, otherwise returns {type: \"element\", tag: \"a\", attributes: [], isSelfClosing:, start:, end:,}\n*/\nexports.parseLink = function(source,pos) {\n\tvar token,\n\t\ttextNode = {\n\t\t\ttype: \"text\"\n\t\t},\n\t\tnode = {\n\t\t\ttype: \"element\",\n\t\t\ttag: \"a\",\n\t\t\tstart: pos,\n\t\t\tattributes: {\n\t\t\t\t\"class\": {type: \"string\", value: \"tc-tiddlylink-external\"},\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tchildren: [textNode]\n\t\t};\n\t// Skip whitespace\n\tpos = $tw.utils.skipWhiteSpace(source,pos);\n\t// Look for the `[ext[`\n\ttoken = $tw.utils.parseTokenString(source,pos,\"[ext[\");\n\tif(!token) {\n\t\treturn null;\n\t}\n\tpos = token.end;\n\t// Look ahead for the terminating `]]`\n\tvar closePos = source.indexOf(\"]]\",pos);\n\tif(closePos === -1) {\n\t\treturn null;\n\t}\n\t// Look for a `|` separating the tooltip\n\tvar splitPos = source.indexOf(\"|\",pos);\n\tif(splitPos === -1 || splitPos > closePos) {\n\t\tsplitPos = null;\n\t}\n\t// Pull out the tooltip and URL\n\tvar tooltip, URL;\n\tif(splitPos) {\n\t\tURL = source.substring(splitPos + 1,closePos).trim();\n\t\ttextNode.text = source.substring(pos,splitPos).trim();\n\t} else {\n\t\tURL = source.substring(pos,closePos).trim();\n\t\ttextNode.text = URL;\n\t}\n\tnode.attributes.href = {type: \"string\", value: URL};\n\tnode.attributes.target = {type: \"string\", value: \"_blank\"};\n\tnode.attributes.rel = {type: \"string\", value: \"noopener noreferrer\"};\n\t// Update the end position\n\tnode.end = closePos + 2;\n\treturn node;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/prettyextlink.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "wikirule"
"$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/prettylink.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/prettylink.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: wikirule\n\nWiki text inline rule for pretty links. For example:\n\n```\n[[Introduction]]\n\n[[Link description|TiddlerTitle]]\n```\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.name = \"prettylink\";\nexports.types = {inline: true};\n\nexports.init = function(parser) {\n\tthis.parser = parser;\n\t// Regexp to match\n\tthis.matchRegExp = /\\[\\[(.*?)(?:\\|(.*?))?\\]\\]/mg;\n};\n\nexports.parse = function() {\n\t// Move past the match\n\tthis.parser.pos = this.matchRegExp.lastIndex;\n\t// Process the link\n\tvar text = this.match[1],\n\t\tlink = this.match[2] || text;\n\tif($tw.utils.isLinkExternal(link)) {\n\t\treturn [{\n\t\t\ttype: \"element\",\n\t\t\ttag: \"a\",\n\t\t\tattributes: {\n\t\t\t\thref: {type: \"string\", value: link},\n\t\t\t\t\"class\": {type: \"string\", value: \"tc-tiddlylink-external\"},\n\t\t\t\ttarget: {type: \"string\", value: \"_blank\"},\n\t\t\t\trel: {type: \"string\", value: \"noopener noreferrer\"}\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tchildren: [{\n\t\t\t\ttype: \"text\", text: text\n\t\t\t}]\n\t\t}];\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn [{\n\t\t\ttype: \"link\",\n\t\t\tattributes: {\n\t\t\t\tto: {type: \"string\", value: link}\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tchildren: [{\n\t\t\t\ttype: \"text\", text: text\n\t\t\t}]\n\t\t}];\n\t}\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/prettylink.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "wikirule"
"$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/quoteblock.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/quoteblock.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: wikirule\n\nWiki text rule for quote blocks. For example:\n\n```\n\t<<<.optionalClass(es) optional cited from\n\ta quote\n\t<<<\n\t\n\t<<<.optionalClass(es)\n\ta quote\n\t<<< optional cited from\n```\n\nQuotes can be quoted by putting more <s\n\n```\n\t<<<\n\tQuote Level 1\n\t\n\t<<<<\n\tQuoteLevel 2\n\t<<<<\n\t\n\t<<<\n```\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.name = \"quoteblock\";\nexports.types = {block: true};\n\nexports.init = function(parser) {\n\tthis.parser = parser;\n\t// Regexp to match\n\tthis.matchRegExp = /(<<<+)/mg;\n};\n\nexports.parse = function() {\n\tvar classes = [\"tc-quote\"];\n\t// Get all the details of the match\n\tvar reEndString = \"^\" + this.match[1] + \"(?!<)\";\n\t// Move past the <s\n\tthis.parser.pos = this.matchRegExp.lastIndex;\n\t\n\t// Parse any classes, whitespace and then the optional cite itself\n\tclasses.push.apply(classes, this.parser.parseClasses());\n\tthis.parser.skipWhitespace({treatNewlinesAsNonWhitespace: true});\n\tvar cite = this.parser.parseInlineRun(/(\\r?\\n)/mg);\n\t// before handling the cite, parse the body of the quote\n\tvar tree= this.parser.parseBlocks(reEndString);\n\t// If we got a cite, put it before the text\n\tif(cite.length > 0) {\n\t\ttree.unshift({\n\t\t\ttype: \"element\",\n\t\t\ttag: \"cite\",\n\t\t\tchildren: cite\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\t// Parse any optional cite\n\tthis.parser.skipWhitespace({treatNewlinesAsNonWhitespace: true});\n\tcite = this.parser.parseInlineRun(/(\\r?\\n)/mg);\n\t// If we got a cite, push it\n\tif(cite.length > 0) {\n\t\ttree.push({\n\t\t\ttype: \"element\",\n\t\t\ttag: \"cite\",\n\t\t\tchildren: cite\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\t// Return the blockquote element\n\treturn [{\n\t\ttype: \"element\",\n\t\ttag: \"blockquote\",\n\t\tattributes: {\n\t\t\tclass: { type: \"string\", value: classes.join(\" \") },\n\t\t},\n\t\tchildren: tree\n\t}];\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/quoteblock.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "wikirule"
"$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/rules.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/rules.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: wikirule\n\nWiki pragma rule for rules specifications\n\n```\n\\rules except ruleone ruletwo rulethree\n\\rules only ruleone ruletwo rulethree\n```\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.name = \"rules\";\nexports.types = {pragma: true};\n\n/*\nInstantiate parse rule\n*/\nexports.init = function(parser) {\n\tthis.parser = parser;\n\t// Regexp to match\n\tthis.matchRegExp = /^\\\\rules[^\\S\\n]/mg;\n};\n\n/*\nParse the most recent match\n*/\nexports.parse = function() {\n\t// Move past the pragma invocation\n\tthis.parser.pos = this.matchRegExp.lastIndex;\n\t// Parse whitespace delimited tokens terminated by a line break\n\tvar reMatch = /[^\\S\\n]*(\\S+)|(\\r?\\n)/mg,\n\t\ttokens = [];\n\treMatch.lastIndex = this.parser.pos;\n\tvar match = reMatch.exec(this.parser.source);\n\twhile(match && match.index === this.parser.pos) {\n\t\tthis.parser.pos = reMatch.lastIndex;\n\t\t// Exit if we've got the line break\n\t\tif(match[2]) {\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Process the token\n\t\tif(match[1]) {\n\t\t\ttokens.push(match[1]);\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Match the next token\n\t\tmatch = reMatch.exec(this.parser.source);\n\t}\n\t// Process the tokens\n\tif(tokens.length > 0) {\n\t\tthis.parser.amendRules(tokens[0],tokens.slice(1));\n\t}\n\t// No parse tree nodes to return\n\treturn [];\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/rules.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "wikirule"
"$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/styleblock.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/styleblock.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: wikirule\n\nWiki text block rule for assigning styles and classes to paragraphs and other blocks. For example:\n\n```\n@@.myClass\n@@background-color:red;\nThis paragraph will have the CSS class `myClass`.\n\n* The `<ul>` around this list will also have the class `myClass`\n* List item 2\n\n@@\n```\n\nNote that classes and styles can be mixed subject to the rule that styles must precede classes. For example\n\n```\n@@.myFirstClass.mySecondClass\n@@width:100px;.myThirdClass\nThis is a paragraph\n@@\n```\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.name = \"styleblock\";\nexports.types = {block: true};\n\nexports.init = function(parser) {\n\tthis.parser = parser;\n\t// Regexp to match\n\tthis.matchRegExp = /@@((?:[^\\.\\r\\n\\s:]+:[^\\r\\n;]+;)+)?(?:\\.([^\\r\\n\\s]+))?\\r?\\n/mg;\n};\n\nexports.parse = function() {\n\tvar reEndString = \"^@@(?:\\\\r?\\\\n)?\";\n\tvar classes = [], styles = [];\n\tdo {\n\t\t// Get the class and style\n\t\tif(this.match[1]) {\n\t\t\tstyles.push(this.match[1]);\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(this.match[2]) {\n\t\t\tclasses.push(this.match[2].split(\".\").join(\" \"));\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Move past the match\n\t\tthis.parser.pos = this.matchRegExp.lastIndex;\n\t\t// Look for another line of classes and styles\n\t\tthis.match = this.matchRegExp.exec(this.parser.source);\n\t} while(this.match && this.match.index === this.parser.pos);\n\t// Parse the body\n\tvar tree = this.parser.parseBlocks(reEndString);\n\tfor(var t=0; t<tree.length; t++) {\n\t\tif(classes.length > 0) {\n\t\t\t$tw.utils.addClassToParseTreeNode(tree[t],classes.join(\" \"));\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(styles.length > 0) {\n\t\t\t$tw.utils.addAttributeToParseTreeNode(tree[t],\"style\",styles.join(\"\"));\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn tree;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/styleblock.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "wikirule"
"$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/styleinline.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/styleinline.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: wikirule\n\nWiki text inline rule for assigning styles and classes to inline runs. For example:\n\n```\n@@.myClass This is some text with a class@@\n@@background-color:red;This is some text with a background colour@@\n@@width:100px;.myClass This is some text with a class and a width@@\n```\n\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.name = \"styleinline\";\nexports.types = {inline: true};\n\nexports.init = function(parser) {\n\tthis.parser = parser;\n\t// Regexp to match\n\tthis.matchRegExp = /@@((?:[^\\.\\r\\n\\s:]+:[^\\r\\n;]+;)+)?(\\.(?:[^\\r\\n\\s]+)\\s+)?/mg;\n};\n\nexports.parse = function() {\n\tvar reEnd = /@@/g;\n\t// Get the styles and class\n\tvar stylesString = this.match[1],\n\t\tclassString = this.match[2] ? this.match[2].split(\".\").join(\" \") : undefined;\n\t// Move past the match\n\tthis.parser.pos = this.matchRegExp.lastIndex;\n\t// Parse the run up to the terminator\n\tvar tree = this.parser.parseInlineRun(reEnd,{eatTerminator: true});\n\t// Return the classed span\n\tvar node = {\n\t\ttype: \"element\",\n\t\ttag: \"span\",\n\t\tattributes: {\n\t\t\t\"class\": {type: \"string\", value: \"tc-inline-style\"}\n\t\t},\n\t\tchildren: tree\n\t};\n\tif(classString) {\n\t\t$tw.utils.addClassToParseTreeNode(node,classString);\n\t}\n\tif(stylesString) {\n\t\t$tw.utils.addAttributeToParseTreeNode(node,\"style\",stylesString);\n\t}\n\treturn [node];\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/styleinline.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "wikirule"
"$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/syslink.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/syslink.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: wikirule\n\nWiki text inline rule for system tiddler links.\nCan be suppressed preceding them with `~`.\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.name = \"syslink\";\nexports.types = {inline: true};\n\nexports.init = function(parser) {\n\tthis.parser = parser;\n\t// Regexp to match\n\tthis.matchRegExp = new RegExp(\n\t\t\"~?\\\\$:\\\\/[\" +\n\t\t$tw.config.textPrimitives.anyLetter.substr(1,$tw.config.textPrimitives.anyLetter.length - 2) +\n\t\t\"\\/._-]+\",\n\t\t\"mg\"\n\t);\n};\n\nexports.parse = function() {\n\tvar match = this.match[0];\n\t// Move past the match\n\tthis.parser.pos = this.matchRegExp.lastIndex;\n\t// Create the link unless it is suppressed\n\tif(match.substr(0,1) === \"~\") {\n\t\treturn [{type: \"text\", text: match.substr(1)}];\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn [{\n\t\t\ttype: \"link\",\n\t\t\tattributes: {\n\t\t\t\tto: {type: \"string\", value: match}\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tchildren: [{\n\t\t\t\ttype: \"text\",\n\t\t\t\ttext: match\n\t\t\t}]\n\t\t}];\n\t}\n};\n\n})();",
"title": "$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/syslink.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "wikirule"
"$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/table.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/table.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: wikirule\n\nWiki text block rule for tables.\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.name = \"table\";\nexports.types = {block: true};\n\nexports.init = function(parser) {\n\tthis.parser = parser;\n\t// Regexp to match\n\tthis.matchRegExp = /^\\|(?:[^\\n]*)\\|(?:[fhck]?)\\r?(?:\\n|$)/mg;\n};\n\nvar processRow = function(prevColumns) {\n\tvar cellRegExp = /(?:\\|([^\\n\\|]*)\\|)|(\\|[fhck]?\\r?(?:\\n|$))/mg,\n\t\tcellTermRegExp = /((?:\\x20*)\\|)/mg,\n\t\ttree = [],\n\t\tcol = 0,\n\t\tcolSpanCount = 1,\n\t\tprevCell,\n\t\tvAlign;\n\t// Match a single cell\n\tcellRegExp.lastIndex = this.parser.pos;\n\tvar cellMatch = cellRegExp.exec(this.parser.source);\n\twhile(cellMatch && cellMatch.index === this.parser.pos) {\n\t\tif(cellMatch[1] === \"~\") {\n\t\t\t// Rowspan\n\t\t\tvar last = prevColumns[col];\n\t\t\tif(last) {\n\t\t\t\tlast.rowSpanCount++;\n\t\t\t\t$tw.utils.addAttributeToParseTreeNode(last.element,\"rowspan\",last.rowSpanCount);\n\t\t\t\tvAlign = $tw.utils.getAttributeValueFromParseTreeNode(last.element,\"valign\",\"center\");\n\t\t\t\t$tw.utils.addAttributeToParseTreeNode(last.element,\"valign\",vAlign);\n\t\t\t\tif(colSpanCount > 1) {\n\t\t\t\t\t$tw.utils.addAttributeToParseTreeNode(last.element,\"colspan\",colSpanCount);\n\t\t\t\t\tcolSpanCount = 1;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t// Move to just before the `|` terminating the cell\n\t\t\tthis.parser.pos = cellRegExp.lastIndex - 1;\n\t\t} else if(cellMatch[1] === \">\") {\n\t\t\t// Colspan\n\t\t\tcolSpanCount++;\n\t\t\t// Move to just before the `|` terminating the cell\n\t\t\tthis.parser.pos = cellRegExp.lastIndex - 1;\n\t\t} else if(cellMatch[1] === \"<\" && prevCell) {\n\t\t\tcolSpanCount = 1 + $tw.utils.getAttributeValueFromParseTreeNode(prevCell,\"colspan\",1);\n\t\t\t$tw.utils.addAttributeToParseTreeNode(prevCell,\"colspan\",colSpanCount);\n\t\t\tcolSpanCount = 1;\n\t\t\t// Move to just before the `|` terminating the cell\n\t\t\tthis.parser.pos = cellRegExp.lastIndex - 1;\n\t\t} else if(cellMatch[2]) {\n\t\t\t// End of row\n\t\t\tif(prevCell && colSpanCount > 1) {\n\t\t\t\tif(prevCell.attributes && prevCell.attributes && prevCell.attributes.colspan) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcolSpanCount += prevCell.attributes.colspan.value;\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\tcolSpanCount -= 1;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t$tw.utils.addAttributeToParseTreeNode(prevCell,\"colspan\",colSpanCount);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tthis.parser.pos = cellRegExp.lastIndex - 1;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t// For ordinary cells, step beyond the opening `|`\n\t\t\tthis.parser.pos++;\n\t\t\t// Look for a space at the start of the cell\n\t\t\tvar spaceLeft = false;\n\t\t\tvAlign = null;\n\t\t\tif(this.parser.source.substr(this.parser.pos).search(/^\\^([^\\^]|\\^\\^)/) === 0) {\n\t\t\t\tvAlign = \"top\";\n\t\t\t} else if(this.parser.source.substr(this.parser.pos).search(/^,([^,]|,,)/) === 0) {\n\t\t\t\tvAlign = \"bottom\";\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif(vAlign) {\n\t\t\t\tthis.parser.pos++;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tvar chr = this.parser.source.substr(this.parser.pos,1);\n\t\t\twhile(chr === \" \") {\n\t\t\t\tspaceLeft = true;\n\t\t\t\tthis.parser.pos++;\n\t\t\t\tchr = this.parser.source.substr(this.parser.pos,1);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t// Check whether this is a heading cell\n\t\t\tvar cell;\n\t\t\tif(chr === \"!\") {\n\t\t\t\tthis.parser.pos++;\n\t\t\t\tcell = {type: \"element\", tag: \"th\", children: []};\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tcell = {type: \"element\", tag: \"td\", children: []};\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\ttree.push(cell);\n\t\t\t// Record information about this cell\n\t\t\tprevCell = cell;\n\t\t\tprevColumns[col] = {rowSpanCount:1,element:cell};\n\t\t\t// Check for a colspan\n\t\t\tif(colSpanCount > 1) {\n\t\t\t\t$tw.utils.addAttributeToParseTreeNode(cell,\"colspan\",colSpanCount);\n\t\t\t\tcolSpanCount = 1;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t// Parse the cell\n\t\t\tcell.children = this.parser.parseInlineRun(cellTermRegExp,{eatTerminator: true});\n\t\t\t// Set the alignment for the cell\n\t\t\tif(vAlign) {\n\t\t\t\t$tw.utils.addAttributeToParseTreeNode(cell,\"valign\",vAlign);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif(this.parser.source.substr(this.parser.pos - 2,1) === \" \") { // spaceRight\n\t\t\t\t$tw.utils.addAttributeToParseTreeNode(cell,\"align\",spaceLeft ? \"center\" : \"left\");\n\t\t\t} else if(spaceLeft) {\n\t\t\t\t$tw.utils.addAttributeToParseTreeNode(cell,\"align\",\"right\");\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t// Move back to the closing `|`\n\t\t\tthis.parser.pos--;\n\t\t}\n\t\tcol++;\n\t\tcellRegExp.lastIndex = this.parser.pos;\n\t\tcellMatch = cellRegExp.exec(this.parser.source);\n\t}\n\treturn tree;\n};\n\nexports.parse = function() {\n\tvar rowContainerTypes = {\"c\":\"caption\", \"h\":\"thead\", \"\":\"tbody\", \"f\":\"tfoot\"},\n\t\ttable = {type: \"element\", tag: \"table\", children: []},\n\t\trowRegExp = /^\\|([^\\n]*)\\|([fhck]?)\\r?(?:\\n|$)/mg,\n\t\trowTermRegExp = /(\\|(?:[fhck]?)\\r?(?:\\n|$))/mg,\n\t\tprevColumns = [],\n\t\tcurrRowType,\n\t\trowContainer,\n\t\trowCount = 0;\n\t// Match the row\n\trowRegExp.lastIndex = this.parser.pos;\n\tvar rowMatch = rowRegExp.exec(this.parser.source);\n\twhile(rowMatch && rowMatch.index === this.parser.pos) {\n\t\tvar rowType = rowMatch[2];\n\t\t// Check if it is a class assignment\n\t\tif(rowType === \"k\") {\n\t\t\t$tw.utils.addClassToParseTreeNode(table,rowMatch[1]);\n\t\t\tthis.parser.pos = rowMatch.index + rowMatch[0].length;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t// Otherwise, create a new row if this one is of a different type\n\t\t\tif(rowType !== currRowType) {\n\t\t\t\trowContainer = {type: \"element\", tag: rowContainerTypes[rowType], children: []};\n\t\t\t\ttable.children.push(rowContainer);\n\t\t\t\tcurrRowType = rowType;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t// Is this a caption row?\n\t\t\tif(currRowType === \"c\") {\n\t\t\t\t// If so, move past the opening `|` of the row\n\t\t\t\tthis.parser.pos++;\n\t\t\t\t// Move the caption to the first row if it isn't already\n\t\t\t\tif(table.children.length !== 1) {\n\t\t\t\t\ttable.children.pop(); // Take rowContainer out of the children array\n\t\t\t\t\ttable.children.splice(0,0,rowContainer); // Insert it at the bottom\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t// Set the alignment - TODO: figure out why TW did this\n//\t\t\t\trowContainer.attributes.align = rowCount === 0 ? \"top\" : \"bottom\";\n\t\t\t\t// Parse the caption\n\t\t\t\trowContainer.children = this.parser.parseInlineRun(rowTermRegExp,{eatTerminator: true});\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t// Create the row\n\t\t\t\tvar theRow = {type: \"element\", tag: \"tr\", children: []};\n\t\t\t\t$tw.utils.addClassToParseTreeNode(theRow,rowCount%2 ? \"oddRow\" : \"evenRow\");\n\t\t\t\trowContainer.children.push(theRow);\n\t\t\t\t// Process the row\n\t\t\t\ttheRow.children = processRow.call(this,prevColumns);\n\t\t\t\tthis.parser.pos = rowMatch.index + rowMatch[0].length;\n\t\t\t\t// Increment the row count\n\t\t\t\trowCount++;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\trowMatch = rowRegExp.exec(this.parser.source);\n\t}\n\treturn [table];\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/table.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "wikirule"
"$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/transcludeblock.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/transcludeblock.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: wikirule\n\nWiki text rule for block-level transclusion. For example:\n\n```\n{{MyTiddler}}\n{{MyTiddler||TemplateTitle}}\n```\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.name = \"transcludeblock\";\nexports.types = {block: true};\n\nexports.init = function(parser) {\n\tthis.parser = parser;\n\t// Regexp to match\n\tthis.matchRegExp = /\\{\\{([^\\{\\}\\|]*)(?:\\|\\|([^\\|\\{\\}]+))?\\}\\}(?:\\r?\\n|$)/mg;\n};\n\nexports.parse = function() {\n\t// Move past the match\n\tthis.parser.pos = this.matchRegExp.lastIndex;\n\t// Move past the match\n\tthis.parser.pos = this.matchRegExp.lastIndex;\n\t// Get the match details\n\tvar template = $tw.utils.trim(this.match[2]),\n\t\ttextRef = $tw.utils.trim(this.match[1]);\n\t// Prepare the transclude widget\n\tvar transcludeNode = {\n\t\t\ttype: \"transclude\",\n\t\t\tattributes: {},\n\t\t\tisBlock: true\n\t\t};\n\t// Prepare the tiddler widget\n\tvar tr, targetTitle, targetField, targetIndex, tiddlerNode;\n\tif(textRef) {\n\t\ttr = $tw.utils.parseTextReference(textRef);\n\t\ttargetTitle = tr.title;\n\t\ttargetField = tr.field;\n\t\ttargetIndex = tr.index;\n\t\ttiddlerNode = {\n\t\t\ttype: \"tiddler\",\n\t\t\tattributes: {\n\t\t\t\ttiddler: {type: \"string\", value: targetTitle}\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tisBlock: true,\n\t\t\tchildren: [transcludeNode]\n\t\t};\n\t}\n\tif(template) {\n\t\ttranscludeNode.attributes.tiddler = {type: \"string\", value: template};\n\t\tif(textRef) {\n\t\t\treturn [tiddlerNode];\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\treturn [transcludeNode];\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\tif(textRef) {\n\t\t\ttranscludeNode.attributes.tiddler = {type: \"string\", value: targetTitle};\n\t\t\tif(targetField) {\n\t\t\t\ttranscludeNode.attributes.field = {type: \"string\", value: targetField};\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif(targetIndex) {\n\t\t\t\ttranscludeNode.attributes.index = {type: \"string\", value: targetIndex};\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\treturn [tiddlerNode];\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\treturn [transcludeNode];\n\t\t}\n\t}\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/transcludeblock.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "wikirule"
"$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/transcludeinline.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/transcludeinline.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: wikirule\n\nWiki text rule for inline-level transclusion. For example:\n\n```\n{{MyTiddler}}\n{{MyTiddler||TemplateTitle}}\n```\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.name = \"transcludeinline\";\nexports.types = {inline: true};\n\nexports.init = function(parser) {\n\tthis.parser = parser;\n\t// Regexp to match\n\tthis.matchRegExp = /\\{\\{([^\\{\\}\\|]*)(?:\\|\\|([^\\|\\{\\}]+))?\\}\\}/mg;\n};\n\nexports.parse = function() {\n\t// Move past the match\n\tthis.parser.pos = this.matchRegExp.lastIndex;\n\t// Get the match details\n\tvar template = $tw.utils.trim(this.match[2]),\n\t\ttextRef = $tw.utils.trim(this.match[1]);\n\t// Prepare the transclude widget\n\tvar transcludeNode = {\n\t\t\ttype: \"transclude\",\n\t\t\tattributes: {}\n\t\t};\n\t// Prepare the tiddler widget\n\tvar tr, targetTitle, targetField, targetIndex, tiddlerNode;\n\tif(textRef) {\n\t\ttr = $tw.utils.parseTextReference(textRef);\n\t\ttargetTitle = tr.title;\n\t\ttargetField = tr.field;\n\t\ttargetIndex = tr.index;\n\t\ttiddlerNode = {\n\t\t\ttype: \"tiddler\",\n\t\t\tattributes: {\n\t\t\t\ttiddler: {type: \"string\", value: targetTitle}\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tchildren: [transcludeNode]\n\t\t};\n\t}\n\tif(template) {\n\t\ttranscludeNode.attributes.tiddler = {type: \"string\", value: template};\n\t\tif(textRef) {\n\t\t\treturn [tiddlerNode];\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\treturn [transcludeNode];\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\tif(textRef) {\n\t\t\ttranscludeNode.attributes.tiddler = {type: \"string\", value: targetTitle};\n\t\t\tif(targetField) {\n\t\t\t\ttranscludeNode.attributes.field = {type: \"string\", value: targetField};\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif(targetIndex) {\n\t\t\t\ttranscludeNode.attributes.index = {type: \"string\", value: targetIndex};\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\treturn [tiddlerNode];\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\treturn [transcludeNode];\n\t\t}\n\t}\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/transcludeinline.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "wikirule"
"$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/typedblock.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/typedblock.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: wikirule\n\nWiki text rule for typed blocks. For example:\n\n```\n$$$.js\nThis will be rendered as JavaScript\n$$$\n\n$$$.svg\n<svg xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" width=\"150\" height=\"100\">\n <circle cx=\"100\" cy=\"50\" r=\"40\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-width=\"2\" fill=\"red\" />\n</svg>\n$$$\n\n$$$text/vnd.tiddlywiki>text/html\nThis will be rendered as an //HTML representation// of WikiText\n$$$\n```\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\");\n\nexports.name = \"typedblock\";\nexports.types = {block: true};\n\nexports.init = function(parser) {\n\tthis.parser = parser;\n\t// Regexp to match\n\tthis.matchRegExp = /\\$\\$\\$([^ >\\r\\n]*)(?: *> *([^ \\r\\n]+))?\\r?\\n/mg;\n};\n\nexports.parse = function() {\n\tvar reEnd = /\\r?\\n\\$\\$\\$\\r?(?:\\n|$)/mg;\n\t// Save the type\n\tvar parseType = this.match[1],\n\t\trenderType = this.match[2];\n\t// Move past the match\n\tthis.parser.pos = this.matchRegExp.lastIndex;\n\t// Look for the end of the block\n\treEnd.lastIndex = this.parser.pos;\n\tvar match = reEnd.exec(this.parser.source),\n\t\ttext;\n\t// Process the block\n\tif(match) {\n\t\ttext = this.parser.source.substring(this.parser.pos,match.index);\n\t\tthis.parser.pos = match.index + match[0].length;\n\t} else {\n\t\ttext = this.parser.source.substr(this.parser.pos);\n\t\tthis.parser.pos = this.parser.sourceLength;\n\t}\n\t// Parse the block according to the specified type\n\tvar parser = this.parser.wiki.parseText(parseType,text,{defaultType: \"text/plain\"});\n\t// If there's no render type, just return the parse tree\n\tif(!renderType) {\n\t\treturn parser.tree;\n\t} else {\n\t\t// Otherwise, render to the rendertype and return in a <PRE> tag\n\t\tvar widgetNode = this.parser.wiki.makeWidget(parser),\n\t\t\tcontainer = $tw.fakeDocument.createElement(\"div\");\n\t\twidgetNode.render(container,null);\n\t\ttext = renderType === \"text/html\" ? container.innerHTML : container.textContent;\n\t\treturn [{\n\t\t\ttype: \"element\",\n\t\t\ttag: \"pre\",\n\t\t\tchildren: [{\n\t\t\t\ttype: \"text\",\n\t\t\t\ttext: text\n\t\t\t}]\n\t\t}];\n\t}\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/typedblock.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "wikirule"
"$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/wikilink.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/wikilink.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: wikirule\n\nWiki text inline rule for wiki links. For example:\n\n```\nAWikiLink\nAnotherLink\n~SuppressedLink\n```\n\nPrecede a camel case word with `~` to prevent it from being recognised as a link.\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.name = \"wikilink\";\nexports.types = {inline: true};\n\nexports.init = function(parser) {\n\tthis.parser = parser;\n\t// Regexp to match\n\tthis.matchRegExp = new RegExp($tw.config.textPrimitives.unWikiLink + \"?\" + $tw.config.textPrimitives.wikiLink,\"mg\");\n};\n\n/*\nParse the most recent match\n*/\nexports.parse = function() {\n\t// Get the details of the match\n\tvar linkText = this.match[0];\n\t// Move past the macro call\n\tthis.parser.pos = this.matchRegExp.lastIndex;\n\t// If the link starts with the unwikilink character then just output it as plain text\n\tif(linkText.substr(0,1) === $tw.config.textPrimitives.unWikiLink) {\n\t\treturn [{type: \"text\", text: linkText.substr(1)}];\n\t}\n\t// If the link has been preceded with a blocked letter then don't treat it as a link\n\tif(this.match.index > 0) {\n\t\tvar preRegExp = new RegExp($tw.config.textPrimitives.blockPrefixLetters,\"mg\");\n\t\tpreRegExp.lastIndex = this.match.index-1;\n\t\tvar preMatch = preRegExp.exec(this.parser.source);\n\t\tif(preMatch && preMatch.index === this.match.index-1) {\n\t\t\treturn [{type: \"text\", text: linkText}];\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn [{\n\t\ttype: \"link\",\n\t\tattributes: {\n\t\t\tto: {type: \"string\", value: linkText}\n\t\t},\n\t\tchildren: [{\n\t\t\ttype: \"text\",\n\t\t\ttext: linkText\n\t\t}]\n\t}];\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/wikilink.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "wikirule"
"$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/wikiparser.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/wikiparser.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: parser\n\nThe wiki text parser processes blocks of source text into a parse tree.\n\nThe parse tree is made up of nested arrays of these JavaScript objects:\n\n\t{type: \"element\", tag: <string>, attributes: {}, children: []} - an HTML element\n\t{type: \"text\", text: <string>} - a text node\n\t{type: \"entity\", value: <string>} - an entity\n\t{type: \"raw\", html: <string>} - raw HTML\n\nAttributes are stored as hashmaps of the following objects:\n\n\t{type: \"string\", value: <string>} - literal string\n\t{type: \"indirect\", textReference: <textReference>} - indirect through a text reference\n\t{type: \"macro\", macro: <TBD>} - indirect through a macro invocation\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar WikiParser = function(type,text,options) {\n\tthis.wiki = options.wiki;\n\tvar self = this;\n\t// Check for an externally linked tiddler\n\tif($tw.browser && (text || \"\") === \"\" && options._canonical_uri) {\n\t\tthis.loadRemoteTiddler(options._canonical_uri);\n\t\ttext = $tw.language.getRawString(\"LazyLoadingWarning\");\n\t}\n\t// Initialise the classes if we don't have them already\n\tif(!this.pragmaRuleClasses) {\n\t\tWikiParser.prototype.pragmaRuleClasses = $tw.modules.createClassesFromModules(\"wikirule\",\"pragma\",$tw.WikiRuleBase);\n\t\tthis.setupRules(WikiParser.prototype.pragmaRuleClasses,\"$:/config/WikiParserRules/Pragmas/\");\n\t}\n\tif(!this.blockRuleClasses) {\n\t\tWikiParser.prototype.blockRuleClasses = $tw.modules.createClassesFromModules(\"wikirule\",\"block\",$tw.WikiRuleBase);\n\t\tthis.setupRules(WikiParser.prototype.blockRuleClasses,\"$:/config/WikiParserRules/Block/\");\n\t}\n\tif(!this.inlineRuleClasses) {\n\t\tWikiParser.prototype.inlineRuleClasses = $tw.modules.createClassesFromModules(\"wikirule\",\"inline\",$tw.WikiRuleBase);\n\t\tthis.setupRules(WikiParser.prototype.inlineRuleClasses,\"$:/config/WikiParserRules/Inline/\");\n\t}\n\t// Save the parse text\n\tthis.type = type || \"text/vnd.tiddlywiki\";\n\tthis.source = text || \"\";\n\tthis.sourceLength = this.source.length;\n\t// Set current parse position\n\tthis.pos = 0;\n\t// Instantiate the pragma parse rules\n\tthis.pragmaRules = this.instantiateRules(this.pragmaRuleClasses,\"pragma\",0);\n\t// Instantiate the parser block and inline rules\n\tthis.blockRules = this.instantiateRules(this.blockRuleClasses,\"block\",0);\n\tthis.inlineRules = this.instantiateRules(this.inlineRuleClasses,\"inline\",0);\n\t// Parse any pragmas\n\tthis.tree = [];\n\tvar topBranch = this.parsePragmas();\n\t// Parse the text into inline runs or blocks\n\tif(options.parseAsInline) {\n\t\ttopBranch.push.apply(topBranch,this.parseInlineRun());\n\t} else {\n\t\ttopBranch.push.apply(topBranch,this.parseBlocks());\n\t}\n\t// Return the parse tree\n};\n\n/*\n*/\nWikiParser.prototype.loadRemoteTiddler = function(url) {\n\tvar self = this;\n\t$tw.utils.httpRequest({\n\t\turl: url,\n\t\ttype: \"GET\",\n\t\tcallback: function(err,data) {\n\t\t\tif(!err) {\n\t\t\t\tvar tiddlers = self.wiki.deserializeTiddlers(\".tid\",data,self.wiki.getCreationFields());\n\t\t\t\t$tw.utils.each(tiddlers,function(tiddler) {\n\t\t\t\t\ttiddler[\"_canonical_uri\"] = url;\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\tif(tiddlers) {\n\t\t\t\t\tself.wiki.addTiddlers(tiddlers);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t});\n};\n\n/*\n*/\nWikiParser.prototype.setupRules = function(proto,configPrefix) {\n\tvar self = this;\n\tif(!$tw.safemode) {\n\t\t$tw.utils.each(proto,function(object,name) {\n\t\t\tif(self.wiki.getTiddlerText(configPrefix + name,\"enable\") !== \"enable\") {\n\t\t\t\tdelete proto[name];\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nInstantiate an array of parse rules\n*/\nWikiParser.prototype.instantiateRules = function(classes,type,startPos) {\n\tvar rulesInfo = [],\n\t\tself = this;\n\t$tw.utils.each(classes,function(RuleClass) {\n\t\t// Instantiate the rule\n\t\tvar rule = new RuleClass(self);\n\t\trule.is = {};\n\t\trule.is[type] = true;\n\t\trule.init(self);\n\t\tvar matchIndex = rule.findNextMatch(startPos);\n\t\tif(matchIndex !== undefined) {\n\t\t\trulesInfo.push({\n\t\t\t\trule: rule,\n\t\t\t\tmatchIndex: matchIndex\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\treturn rulesInfo;\n};\n\n/*\nSkip any whitespace at the current position. Options are:\n\ttreatNewlinesAsNonWhitespace: true if newlines are NOT to be treated as whitespace\n*/\nWikiParser.prototype.skipWhitespace = function(options) {\n\toptions = options || {};\n\tvar whitespaceRegExp = options.treatNewlinesAsNonWhitespace ? /([^\\S\\n]+)/mg : /(\\s+)/mg;\n\twhitespaceRegExp.lastIndex = this.pos;\n\tvar whitespaceMatch = whitespaceRegExp.exec(this.source);\n\tif(whitespaceMatch && whitespaceMatch.index === this.pos) {\n\t\tthis.pos = whitespaceRegExp.lastIndex;\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nGet the next match out of an array of parse rule instances\n*/\nWikiParser.prototype.findNextMatch = function(rules,startPos) {\n\t// Find the best matching rule by finding the closest match position\n\tvar matchingRule,\n\t\tmatchingRulePos = this.sourceLength;\n\t// Step through each rule\n\tfor(var t=0; t<rules.length; t++) {\n\t\tvar ruleInfo = rules[t];\n\t\t// Ask the rule to get the next match if we've moved past the current one\n\t\tif(ruleInfo.matchIndex !== undefined && ruleInfo.matchIndex < startPos) {\n\t\t\truleInfo.matchIndex = ruleInfo.rule.findNextMatch(startPos);\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Adopt this match if it's closer than the current best match\n\t\tif(ruleInfo.matchIndex !== undefined && ruleInfo.matchIndex <= matchingRulePos) {\n\t\t\tmatchingRule = ruleInfo;\n\t\t\tmatchingRulePos = ruleInfo.matchIndex;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn matchingRule;\n};\n\n/*\nParse any pragmas at the beginning of a block of parse text\n*/\nWikiParser.prototype.parsePragmas = function() {\n\tvar currentTreeBranch = this.tree;\n\twhile(true) {\n\t\t// Skip whitespace\n\t\tthis.skipWhitespace();\n\t\t// Check for the end of the text\n\t\tif(this.pos >= this.sourceLength) {\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Check if we've arrived at a pragma rule match\n\t\tvar nextMatch = this.findNextMatch(this.pragmaRules,this.pos);\n\t\t// If not, just exit\n\t\tif(!nextMatch || nextMatch.matchIndex !== this.pos) {\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Process the pragma rule\n\t\tvar subTree = nextMatch.rule.parse();\n\t\tif(subTree.length > 0) {\n\t\t\t// Quick hack; we only cope with a single parse tree node being returned, which is true at the moment\n\t\t\tcurrentTreeBranch.push.apply(currentTreeBranch,subTree);\n\t\t\tsubTree[0].children = [];\n\t\t\tcurrentTreeBranch = subTree[0].children;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn currentTreeBranch;\n};\n\n/*\nParse a block from the current position\n\tterminatorRegExpString: optional regular expression string that identifies the end of plain paragraphs. Must not include capturing parenthesis\n*/\nWikiParser.prototype.parseBlock = function(terminatorRegExpString) {\n\tvar terminatorRegExp = terminatorRegExpString ? new RegExp(\"(\" + terminatorRegExpString + \"|\\\\r?\\\\n\\\\r?\\\\n)\",\"mg\") : /(\\r?\\n\\r?\\n)/mg;\n\tthis.skipWhitespace();\n\tif(this.pos >= this.sourceLength) {\n\t\treturn [];\n\t}\n\t// Look for a block rule that applies at the current position\n\tvar nextMatch = this.findNextMatch(this.blockRules,this.pos);\n\tif(nextMatch && nextMatch.matchIndex === this.pos) {\n\t\treturn nextMatch.rule.parse();\n\t}\n\t// Treat it as a paragraph if we didn't find a block rule\n\treturn [{type: \"element\", tag: \"p\", children: this.parseInlineRun(terminatorRegExp)}];\n};\n\n/*\nParse a series of blocks of text until a terminating regexp is encountered or the end of the text\n\tterminatorRegExpString: terminating regular expression\n*/\nWikiParser.prototype.parseBlocks = function(terminatorRegExpString) {\n\tif(terminatorRegExpString) {\n\t\treturn this.parseBlocksTerminated(terminatorRegExpString);\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn this.parseBlocksUnterminated();\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nParse a block from the current position to the end of the text\n*/\nWikiParser.prototype.parseBlocksUnterminated = function() {\n\tvar tree = [];\n\twhile(this.pos < this.sourceLength) {\n\t\ttree.push.apply(tree,this.parseBlock());\n\t}\n\treturn tree;\n};\n\n/*\nParse blocks of text until a terminating regexp is encountered\n*/\nWikiParser.prototype.parseBlocksTerminated = function(terminatorRegExpString) {\n\tvar terminatorRegExp = new RegExp(\"(\" + terminatorRegExpString + \")\",\"mg\"),\n\t\ttree = [];\n\t// Skip any whitespace\n\tthis.skipWhitespace();\n\t// Check if we've got the end marker\n\tterminatorRegExp.lastIndex = this.pos;\n\tvar match = terminatorRegExp.exec(this.source);\n\t// Parse the text into blocks\n\twhile(this.pos < this.sourceLength && !(match && match.index === this.pos)) {\n\t\tvar blocks = this.parseBlock(terminatorRegExpString);\n\t\ttree.push.apply(tree,blocks);\n\t\t// Skip any whitespace\n\t\tthis.skipWhitespace();\n\t\t// Check if we've got the end marker\n\t\tterminatorRegExp.lastIndex = this.pos;\n\t\tmatch = terminatorRegExp.exec(this.source);\n\t}\n\tif(match && match.index === this.pos) {\n\t\tthis.pos = match.index + match[0].length;\n\t}\n\treturn tree;\n};\n\n/*\nParse a run of text at the current position\n\tterminatorRegExp: a regexp at which to stop the run\n\toptions: see below\nOptions available:\n\teatTerminator: move the parse position past any encountered terminator (default false)\n*/\nWikiParser.prototype.parseInlineRun = function(terminatorRegExp,options) {\n\tif(terminatorRegExp) {\n\t\treturn this.parseInlineRunTerminated(terminatorRegExp,options);\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn this.parseInlineRunUnterminated(options);\n\t}\n};\n\nWikiParser.prototype.parseInlineRunUnterminated = function(options) {\n\tvar tree = [];\n\t// Find the next occurrence of an inline rule\n\tvar nextMatch = this.findNextMatch(this.inlineRules,this.pos);\n\t// Loop around the matches until we've reached the end of the text\n\twhile(this.pos < this.sourceLength && nextMatch) {\n\t\t// Process the text preceding the run rule\n\t\tif(nextMatch.matchIndex > this.pos) {\n\t\t\ttree.push({type: \"text\", text: this.source.substring(this.pos,nextMatch.matchIndex)});\n\t\t\tthis.pos = nextMatch.matchIndex;\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Process the run rule\n\t\ttree.push.apply(tree,nextMatch.rule.parse());\n\t\t// Look for the next run rule\n\t\tnextMatch = this.findNextMatch(this.inlineRules,this.pos);\n\t}\n\t// Process the remaining text\n\tif(this.pos < this.sourceLength) {\n\t\ttree.push({type: \"text\", text: this.source.substr(this.pos)});\n\t}\n\tthis.pos = this.sourceLength;\n\treturn tree;\n};\n\nWikiParser.prototype.parseInlineRunTerminated = function(terminatorRegExp,options) {\n\toptions = options || {};\n\tvar tree = [];\n\t// Find the next occurrence of the terminator\n\tterminatorRegExp.lastIndex = this.pos;\n\tvar terminatorMatch = terminatorRegExp.exec(this.source);\n\t// Find the next occurrence of a inlinerule\n\tvar inlineRuleMatch = this.findNextMatch(this.inlineRules,this.pos);\n\t// Loop around until we've reached the end of the text\n\twhile(this.pos < this.sourceLength && (terminatorMatch || inlineRuleMatch)) {\n\t\t// Return if we've found the terminator, and it precedes any inline rule match\n\t\tif(terminatorMatch) {\n\t\t\tif(!inlineRuleMatch || inlineRuleMatch.matchIndex >= terminatorMatch.index) {\n\t\t\t\tif(terminatorMatch.index > this.pos) {\n\t\t\t\t\ttree.push({type: \"text\", text: this.source.substring(this.pos,terminatorMatch.index)});\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tthis.pos = terminatorMatch.index;\n\t\t\t\tif(options.eatTerminator) {\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.pos += terminatorMatch[0].length;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\treturn tree;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Process any inline rule, along with the text preceding it\n\t\tif(inlineRuleMatch) {\n\t\t\t// Preceding text\n\t\t\tif(inlineRuleMatch.matchIndex > this.pos) {\n\t\t\t\ttree.push({type: \"text\", text: this.source.substring(this.pos,inlineRuleMatch.matchIndex)});\n\t\t\t\tthis.pos = inlineRuleMatch.matchIndex;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t// Process the inline rule\n\t\t\ttree.push.apply(tree,inlineRuleMatch.rule.parse());\n\t\t\t// Look for the next inline rule\n\t\t\tinlineRuleMatch = this.findNextMatch(this.inlineRules,this.pos);\n\t\t\t// Look for the next terminator match\n\t\t\tterminatorRegExp.lastIndex = this.pos;\n\t\t\tterminatorMatch = terminatorRegExp.exec(this.source);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t// Process the remaining text\n\tif(this.pos < this.sourceLength) {\n\t\ttree.push({type: \"text\", text: this.source.substr(this.pos)});\n\t}\n\tthis.pos = this.sourceLength;\n\treturn tree;\n};\n\n/*\nParse zero or more class specifiers `.classname`\n*/\nWikiParser.prototype.parseClasses = function() {\n\tvar classRegExp = /\\.([^\\s\\.]+)/mg,\n\t\tclassNames = [];\n\tclassRegExp.lastIndex = this.pos;\n\tvar match = classRegExp.exec(this.source);\n\twhile(match && match.index === this.pos) {\n\t\tthis.pos = match.index + match[0].length;\n\t\tclassNames.push(match[1]);\n\t\tmatch = classRegExp.exec(this.source);\n\t}\n\treturn classNames;\n};\n\n/*\nAmend the rules used by this instance of the parser\n\ttype: `only` keeps just the named rules, `except` keeps all but the named rules\n\tnames: array of rule names\n*/\nWikiParser.prototype.amendRules = function(type,names) {\n\tnames = names || [];\n\t// Define the filter function\n\tvar keepFilter;\n\tif(type === \"only\") {\n\t\tkeepFilter = function(name) {\n\t\t\treturn names.indexOf(name) !== -1;\n\t\t};\n\t} else if(type === \"except\") {\n\t\tkeepFilter = function(name) {\n\t\t\treturn names.indexOf(name) === -1;\n\t\t};\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\t// Define a function to process each of our rule arrays\n\tvar processRuleArray = function(ruleArray) {\n\t\tfor(var t=ruleArray.length-1; t>=0; t--) {\n\t\t\tif(!keepFilter(ruleArray[t].rule.name)) {\n\t\t\t\truleArray.splice(t,1);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\t// Process each rule array\n\tprocessRuleArray(this.pragmaRules);\n\tprocessRuleArray(this.blockRules);\n\tprocessRuleArray(this.inlineRules);\n};\n\nexports[\"text/vnd.tiddlywiki\"] = WikiParser;\n\n})();\n\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/wikiparser.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "parser"
"$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/wikirulebase.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/wikirulebase.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: global\n\nBase class for wiki parser rules\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nThis constructor is always overridden with a blank constructor, and so shouldn't be used\n*/\nvar WikiRuleBase = function() {\n};\n\n/*\nTo be overridden by individual rules\n*/\nWikiRuleBase.prototype.init = function(parser) {\n\tthis.parser = parser;\n};\n\n/*\nDefault implementation of findNextMatch uses RegExp matching\n*/\nWikiRuleBase.prototype.findNextMatch = function(startPos) {\n\tthis.matchRegExp.lastIndex = startPos;\n\tthis.match = this.matchRegExp.exec(this.parser.source);\n\treturn this.match ? this.match.index : undefined;\n};\n\nexports.WikiRuleBase = WikiRuleBase;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/wikirulebase.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "global"
"$:/core/modules/pluginswitcher.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/pluginswitcher.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: global\n\nManages switching plugins for themes and languages.\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\noptions:\nwiki: wiki store to be used\npluginType: type of plugin to be switched\ncontrollerTitle: title of tiddler used to control switching of this resource\ndefaultPlugins: array of default plugins to be used if nominated plugin isn't found\nonSwitch: callback when plugin is switched (single parameter is array of plugin titles)\n*/\nfunction PluginSwitcher(options) {\n\tthis.wiki = options.wiki;\n\tthis.pluginType = options.pluginType;\n\tthis.controllerTitle = options.controllerTitle;\n\tthis.defaultPlugins = options.defaultPlugins || [];\n\tthis.onSwitch = options.onSwitch;\n\t// Switch to the current plugin\n\tthis.switchPlugins();\n\t// Listen for changes to the selected plugin\n\tvar self = this;\n\tthis.wiki.addEventListener(\"change\",function(changes) {\n\t\tif($tw.utils.hop(changes,self.controllerTitle)) {\n\t\t\tself.switchPlugins();\n\t\t}\n\t});\n}\n\nPluginSwitcher.prototype.switchPlugins = function() {\n\t// Get the name of the current theme\n\tvar selectedPluginTitle = this.wiki.getTiddlerText(this.controllerTitle);\n\t// If it doesn't exist, then fallback to one of the default themes\n\tvar index = 0;\n\twhile(!this.wiki.getTiddler(selectedPluginTitle) && index < this.defaultPlugins.length) {\n\t\tselectedPluginTitle = this.defaultPlugins[index++];\n\t}\n\t// Accumulate the titles of the plugins that we need to load\n\tvar plugins = [],\n\t\tself = this,\n\t\taccumulatePlugin = function(title) {\n\t\t\tvar tiddler = self.wiki.getTiddler(title);\n\t\t\tif(tiddler && tiddler.isPlugin() && plugins.indexOf(title) === -1) {\n\t\t\t\tplugins.push(title);\n\t\t\t\tvar pluginInfo = JSON.parse(self.wiki.getTiddlerText(title)),\n\t\t\t\t\tdependents = $tw.utils.parseStringArray(tiddler.fields.dependents || \"\");\n\t\t\t\t$tw.utils.each(dependents,function(title) {\n\t\t\t\t\taccumulatePlugin(title);\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t};\n\taccumulatePlugin(selectedPluginTitle);\n\t// Unregister any existing theme tiddlers\n\tvar unregisteredTiddlers = $tw.wiki.unregisterPluginTiddlers(this.pluginType);\n\t// Register any new theme tiddlers\n\tvar registeredTiddlers = $tw.wiki.registerPluginTiddlers(this.pluginType,plugins);\n\t// Unpack the current theme tiddlers\n\t$tw.wiki.unpackPluginTiddlers();\n\t// Call the switch handler\n\tif(this.onSwitch) {\n\t\tthis.onSwitch(plugins);\n\t}\n};\n\nexports.PluginSwitcher = PluginSwitcher;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/pluginswitcher.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "global"
"$:/core/modules/saver-handler.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/saver-handler.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: global\n\nThe saver handler tracks changes to the store and handles saving the entire wiki via saver modules.\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nInstantiate the saver handler with the following options:\nwiki: wiki to be synced\ndirtyTracking: true if dirty tracking should be performed\n*/\nfunction SaverHandler(options) {\n\tvar self = this;\n\tthis.wiki = options.wiki;\n\tthis.dirtyTracking = options.dirtyTracking;\n\tthis.pendingAutoSave = false;\n\t// Make a logger\n\tthis.logger = new $tw.utils.Logger(\"saver-handler\");\n\t// Initialise our savers\n\tif($tw.browser) {\n\t\tthis.initSavers();\n\t}\n\t// Only do dirty tracking if required\n\tif($tw.browser && this.dirtyTracking) {\n\t\t// Compile the dirty tiddler filter\n\t\tthis.filterFn = this.wiki.compileFilter(this.wiki.getTiddlerText(this.titleSyncFilter));\n\t\t// Count of changes that have not yet been saved\n\t\tthis.numChanges = 0;\n\t\t// Listen out for changes to tiddlers\n\t\tthis.wiki.addEventListener(\"change\",function(changes) {\n\t\t\t// Filter the changes so that we only count changes to tiddlers that we care about\n\t\t\tvar filteredChanges = self.filterFn.call(self.wiki,function(iterator) {\n\t\t\t\t$tw.utils.each(changes,function(change,title) {\n\t\t\t\t\tvar tiddler = self.wiki.getTiddler(title);\n\t\t\t\t\titerator(tiddler,title);\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t// Adjust the number of changes\n\t\t\tself.numChanges += filteredChanges.length;\n\t\t\tself.updateDirtyStatus();\n\t\t\t// Do any autosave if one is pending and there's no more change events\n\t\t\tif(self.pendingAutoSave && self.wiki.getSizeOfTiddlerEventQueue() === 0) {\n\t\t\t\t// Check if we're dirty\n\t\t\t\tif(self.numChanges > 0) {\n\t\t\t\t\tself.saveWiki({\n\t\t\t\t\t\tmethod: \"autosave\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\tdownloadType: \"text/plain\"\n\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tself.pendingAutoSave = false;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t\t// Listen for the autosave event\n\t\t$tw.rootWidget.addEventListener(\"tm-auto-save-wiki\",function(event) {\n\t\t\t// Do the autosave unless there are outstanding tiddler change events\n\t\t\tif(self.wiki.getSizeOfTiddlerEventQueue() === 0) {\n\t\t\t\t// Check if we're dirty\n\t\t\t\tif(self.numChanges > 0) {\n\t\t\t\t\tself.saveWiki({\n\t\t\t\t\t\tmethod: \"autosave\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\tdownloadType: \"text/plain\"\n\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t// Otherwise put ourselves in the \"pending autosave\" state and wait for the change event before we do the autosave\n\t\t\t\tself.pendingAutoSave = true;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t\t// Set up our beforeunload handler\n\t\t$tw.addUnloadTask(function(event) {\n\t\t\tvar confirmationMessage;\n\t\t\tif(self.isDirty()) {\n\t\t\t\tconfirmationMessage = $tw.language.getString(\"UnsavedChangesWarning\");\n\t\t\t\tevent.returnValue = confirmationMessage; // Gecko\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\treturn confirmationMessage;\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\t// Install the save action handlers\n\tif($tw.browser) {\n\t\t$tw.rootWidget.addEventListener(\"tm-save-wiki\",function(event) {\n\t\t\tself.saveWiki({\n\t\t\t\ttemplate: event.param,\n\t\t\t\tdownloadType: \"text/plain\",\n\t\t\t\tvariables: event.paramObject\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t});\n\t\t$tw.rootWidget.addEventListener(\"tm-download-file\",function(event) {\n\t\t\tself.saveWiki({\n\t\t\t\tmethod: \"download\",\n\t\t\t\ttemplate: event.param,\n\t\t\t\tdownloadType: \"text/plain\",\n\t\t\t\tvariables: event.paramObject\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t});\n\t}\n}\n\nSaverHandler.prototype.titleSyncFilter = \"$:/config/SaverFilter\";\nSaverHandler.prototype.titleAutoSave = \"$:/config/AutoSave\";\nSaverHandler.prototype.titleSavedNotification = \"$:/language/Notifications/Save/Done\";\n\n/*\nSelect the appropriate saver modules and set them up\n*/\nSaverHandler.prototype.initSavers = function(moduleType) {\n\tmoduleType = moduleType || \"saver\";\n\t// Instantiate the available savers\n\tthis.savers = [];\n\tvar self = this;\n\t$tw.modules.forEachModuleOfType(moduleType,function(title,module) {\n\t\tif(module.canSave(self)) {\n\t\t\tself.savers.push(module.create(self.wiki));\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\t// Sort the savers into priority order\n\tthis.savers.sort(function(a,b) {\n\t\tif(a.info.priority < b.info.priority) {\n\t\t\treturn -1;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tif(a.info.priority > b.info.priority) {\n\t\t\t\treturn +1;\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\treturn 0;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t});\n};\n\n/*\nSave the wiki contents. Options are:\n\tmethod: \"save\", \"autosave\" or \"download\"\n\ttemplate: the tiddler containing the template to save\n\tdownloadType: the content type for the saved file\n*/\nSaverHandler.prototype.saveWiki = function(options) {\n\toptions = options || {};\n\tvar self = this,\n\t\tmethod = options.method || \"save\",\n\t\tvariables = options.variables || {},\n\t\ttemplate = options.template || \"$:/core/save/all\",\n\t\tdownloadType = options.downloadType || \"text/plain\",\n\t\ttext = this.wiki.renderTiddler(downloadType,template,options),\n\t\tcallback = function(err) {\n\t\t\tif(err) {\n\t\t\t\talert($tw.language.getString(\"Error/WhileSaving\") + \":\\n\\n\" + err);\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t// Clear the task queue if we're saving (rather than downloading)\n\t\t\t\tif(method !== \"download\") {\n\t\t\t\t\tself.numChanges = 0;\n\t\t\t\t\tself.updateDirtyStatus();\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t$tw.notifier.display(self.titleSavedNotification);\n\t\t\t\tif(options.callback) {\n\t\t\t\t\toptions.callback();\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t};\n\t// Ignore autosave if disabled\n\tif(method === \"autosave\" && this.wiki.getTiddlerText(this.titleAutoSave,\"yes\") !== \"yes\") {\n\t\treturn false;\n\t}\n\t// Call the highest priority saver that supports this method\n\tfor(var t=this.savers.length-1; t>=0; t--) {\n\t\tvar saver = this.savers[t];\n\t\tif(saver.info.capabilities.indexOf(method) !== -1 && saver.save(text,method,callback,{variables: {filename: variables.filename}})) {\n\t\t\tthis.logger.log(\"Saving wiki with method\",method,\"through saver\",saver.info.name);\n\t\t\treturn true;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn false;\n};\n\n/*\nChecks whether the wiki is dirty (ie the window shouldn't be closed)\n*/\nSaverHandler.prototype.isDirty = function() {\n\treturn this.numChanges > 0;\n};\n\n/*\nUpdate the document body with the class \"tc-dirty\" if the wiki has unsaved/unsynced changes\n*/\nSaverHandler.prototype.updateDirtyStatus = function() {\n\tif($tw.browser) {\n\t\t$tw.utils.toggleClass(document.body,\"tc-dirty\",this.isDirty());\n\t}\n};\n\nexports.SaverHandler = SaverHandler;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/saver-handler.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "global"
"$:/core/modules/savers/andtidwiki.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/savers/andtidwiki.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: saver\n\nHandles saving changes via the AndTidWiki Android app\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false, netscape: false, Components: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar AndTidWiki = function(wiki) {\n};\n\nAndTidWiki.prototype.save = function(text,method,callback) {\n\t// Get the pathname of this document\n\tvar pathname = decodeURIComponent(document.location.toString().split(\"#\")[0]);\n\t// Strip the file://\n\tif(pathname.indexOf(\"file://\") === 0) {\n\t\tpathname = pathname.substr(7);\n\t}\n\t// Strip any query or location part\n\tvar p = pathname.indexOf(\"?\");\n\tif(p !== -1) {\n\t\tpathname = pathname.substr(0,p);\n\t}\n\tp = pathname.indexOf(\"#\");\n\tif(p !== -1) {\n\t\tpathname = pathname.substr(0,p);\n\t}\n\t// Save the file\n\twindow.twi.saveFile(pathname,text);\n\t// Call the callback\n\tcallback(null);\n\treturn true;\n};\n\n/*\nInformation about this saver\n*/\nAndTidWiki.prototype.info = {\n\tname: \"andtidwiki\",\n\tpriority: 1600,\n\tcapabilities: [\"save\", \"autosave\"]\n};\n\n/*\nStatic method that returns true if this saver is capable of working\n*/\nexports.canSave = function(wiki) {\n\treturn !!window.twi && !!window.twi.saveFile;\n};\n\n/*\nCreate an instance of this saver\n*/\nexports.create = function(wiki) {\n\treturn new AndTidWiki(wiki);\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/savers/andtidwiki.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "saver"
"$:/core/modules/savers/beaker.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/savers/beaker.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: saver\n\nSaves files using the Beaker browser's (https://beakerbrowser.com) Dat protocol (https://datproject.org/)\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nSet up the saver\n*/\nvar BeakerSaver = function(wiki) {\n\tthis.wiki = wiki;\n};\n\nBeakerSaver.prototype.save = function(text,method,callback) {\n\tvar url = (location.toString()).split(\"#\")[0];\n\tdat.stat(url).then(function(value) {\n\t\tif(value.type === \"directory\") {\n\t\t\turl = url + \"/index.html\";\n\t\t}\n\t\tdat.writeFile(url,text,\"utf8\").then(function(value) {\n\t\t\tcallback(null);\n\t\t},function(reason) {\n\t\t\tcallback(\"Beaker Saver Write Error: \" + reason);\n\t\t});\t\t\n\t},function(reason) {\n\t\tcallback(\"Beaker Saver Stat Error: \" + reason);\n\t});\n\treturn true;\n};\n\n/*\nInformation about this saver\n*/\nBeakerSaver.prototype.info = {\n\tname: \"beaker\",\n\tpriority: 3000,\n\tcapabilities: [\"save\", \"autosave\"]\n};\n\n/*\nStatic method that returns true if this saver is capable of working\n*/\nexports.canSave = function(wiki) {\n\treturn !!window.dat;\n};\n\n/*\nCreate an instance of this saver\n*/\nexports.create = function(wiki) {\n\treturn new BeakerSaver(wiki);\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/savers/beaker.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "saver"
"$:/core/modules/savers/download.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/savers/download.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: saver\n\nHandles saving changes via HTML5's download APIs\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nSelect the appropriate saver module and set it up\n*/\nvar DownloadSaver = function(wiki) {\n};\n\nDownloadSaver.prototype.save = function(text,method,callback,options) {\n\toptions = options || {};\n\t// Get the current filename\n\tvar filename = options.variables.filename;\n\tif(!filename) {\n\t\tvar p = document.location.pathname.lastIndexOf(\"/\");\n\t\tif(p !== -1) {\n\t\t\tfilename = document.location.pathname.substr(p+1);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tif(!filename) {\n\t\tfilename = \"tiddlywiki.html\";\n\t}\n\t// Set up the link\n\tvar link = document.createElement(\"a\");\n\tif(Blob !== undefined) {\n\t\tvar blob = new Blob([text], {type: \"text/html\"});\n\t\tlink.setAttribute(\"href\", URL.createObjectURL(blob));\n\t} else {\n\t\tlink.setAttribute(\"href\",\"data:text/html,\" + encodeURIComponent(text));\n\t}\n\tlink.setAttribute(\"download\",filename);\n\tdocument.body.appendChild(link);\n\tlink.click();\n\tdocument.body.removeChild(link);\n\t// Callback that we succeeded\n\tcallback(null);\n\treturn true;\n};\n\n/*\nInformation about this saver\n*/\nDownloadSaver.prototype.info = {\n\tname: \"download\",\n\tpriority: 100\n};\n\nObject.defineProperty(DownloadSaver.prototype.info, \"capabilities\", {\n\tget: function() {\n\t\tvar capabilities = [\"save\", \"download\"];\n\t\tif(($tw.wiki.getTextReference(\"$:/config/DownloadSaver/AutoSave\") || \"\").toLowerCase() === \"yes\") {\n\t\t\tcapabilities.push(\"autosave\");\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn capabilities;\n\t}\n});\n\n/*\nStatic method that returns true if this saver is capable of working\n*/\nexports.canSave = function(wiki) {\n\treturn document.createElement(\"a\").download !== undefined;\n};\n\n/*\nCreate an instance of this saver\n*/\nexports.create = function(wiki) {\n\treturn new DownloadSaver(wiki);\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/savers/download.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "saver"
"$:/core/modules/savers/fsosaver.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/savers/fsosaver.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: saver\n\nHandles saving changes via MS FileSystemObject ActiveXObject\n\nNote: Since TiddlyWiki's markup contains the MOTW, the FileSystemObject normally won't be available. \nHowever, if the wiki is loaded as an .HTA file (Windows HTML Applications) then the FSO can be used.\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nSelect the appropriate saver module and set it up\n*/\nvar FSOSaver = function(wiki) {\n};\n\nFSOSaver.prototype.save = function(text,method,callback) {\n\t// Get the pathname of this document\n\tvar pathname = unescape(document.location.pathname);\n\t// Test for a Windows path of the form /x:\\blah...\n\tif(/^\\/[A-Z]\\:\\\\[^\\\\]+/i.test(pathname)) {\t// ie: ^/[a-z]:/[^/]+\n\t\t// Remove the leading slash\n\t\tpathname = pathname.substr(1);\n\t} else if(document.location.hostname !== \"\" && /^\\/\\\\[^\\\\]+\\\\[^\\\\]+/i.test(pathname)) {\t// test for \\\\server\\share\\blah... - ^/[^/]+/[^/]+\n\t\t// Remove the leading slash\n\t\tpathname = pathname.substr(1);\n\t\t// reconstruct UNC path\n\t\tpathname = \"\\\\\\\\\" + document.location.hostname + pathname;\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn false;\n\t}\n\t// Save the file (as UTF-16)\n\tvar fso = new ActiveXObject(\"Scripting.FileSystemObject\");\n\tvar file = fso.OpenTextFile(pathname,2,-1,-1);\n\tfile.Write(text);\n\tfile.Close();\n\t// Callback that we succeeded\n\tcallback(null);\n\treturn true;\n};\n\n/*\nInformation about this saver\n*/\nFSOSaver.prototype.info = {\n\tname: \"FSOSaver\",\n\tpriority: 120,\n\tcapabilities: [\"save\", \"autosave\"]\n};\n\n/*\nStatic method that returns true if this saver is capable of working\n*/\nexports.canSave = function(wiki) {\n\ttry {\n\t\treturn (window.location.protocol === \"file:\") && !!(new ActiveXObject(\"Scripting.FileSystemObject\"));\n\t} catch(e) { return false; }\n};\n\n/*\nCreate an instance of this saver\n*/\nexports.create = function(wiki) {\n\treturn new FSOSaver(wiki);\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/savers/fsosaver.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "saver"
"$:/core/modules/savers/manualdownload.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/savers/manualdownload.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: saver\n\nHandles saving changes via HTML5's download APIs\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n// Title of the tiddler containing the download message\nvar downloadInstructionsTitle = \"$:/language/Modals/Download\";\n\n/*\nSelect the appropriate saver module and set it up\n*/\nvar ManualDownloadSaver = function(wiki) {\n};\n\nManualDownloadSaver.prototype.save = function(text,method,callback) {\n\t$tw.modal.display(downloadInstructionsTitle,{\n\t\tdownloadLink: \"data:text/html,\" + encodeURIComponent(text)\n\t});\n\t// Callback that we succeeded\n\tcallback(null);\n\treturn true;\n};\n\n/*\nInformation about this saver\n*/\nManualDownloadSaver.prototype.info = {\n\tname: \"manualdownload\",\n\tpriority: 0,\n\tcapabilities: [\"save\", \"download\"]\n};\n\n/*\nStatic method that returns true if this saver is capable of working\n*/\nexports.canSave = function(wiki) {\n\treturn true;\n};\n\n/*\nCreate an instance of this saver\n*/\nexports.create = function(wiki) {\n\treturn new ManualDownloadSaver(wiki);\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/savers/manualdownload.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "saver"
"$:/core/modules/savers/msdownload.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/savers/msdownload.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: saver\n\nHandles saving changes via window.navigator.msSaveBlob()\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nSelect the appropriate saver module and set it up\n*/\nvar MsDownloadSaver = function(wiki) {\n};\n\nMsDownloadSaver.prototype.save = function(text,method,callback) {\n\t// Get the current filename\n\tvar filename = \"tiddlywiki.html\",\n\t\tp = document.location.pathname.lastIndexOf(\"/\");\n\tif(p !== -1) {\n\t\tfilename = document.location.pathname.substr(p+1);\n\t}\n\t// Set up the link\n\tvar blob = new Blob([text], {type: \"text/html\"});\n\twindow.navigator.msSaveBlob(blob,filename);\n\t// Callback that we succeeded\n\tcallback(null);\n\treturn true;\n};\n\n/*\nInformation about this saver\n*/\nMsDownloadSaver.prototype.info = {\n\tname: \"msdownload\",\n\tpriority: 110,\n\tcapabilities: [\"save\", \"download\"]\n};\n\n/*\nStatic method that returns true if this saver is capable of working\n*/\nexports.canSave = function(wiki) {\n\treturn !!window.navigator.msSaveBlob;\n};\n\n/*\nCreate an instance of this saver\n*/\nexports.create = function(wiki) {\n\treturn new MsDownloadSaver(wiki);\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/savers/msdownload.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "saver"
"$:/core/modules/savers/put.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/savers/put.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: saver\n\nSaves wiki by performing a PUT request to the server\n\nWorks with any server which accepts a PUT request\nto the current URL, such as a WebDAV server.\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nSelect the appropriate saver module and set it up\n*/\nvar PutSaver = function(wiki) {\n\tthis.wiki = wiki;\n\tvar self = this;\n\tvar uri = this.uri();\n\t// Async server probe. Until probe finishes, save will fail fast\n\t// See also https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/2276\n\t$tw.utils.httpRequest({\n\t\turl: uri,\n\t\ttype: \"OPTIONS\",\n\t\tcallback: function(err, data, xhr) {\n\t\t\t// Check DAV header http://www.webdav.org/specs/rfc2518.html#rfc.section.9.1\n\t\t\tif(!err) {\n\t\t\t\tself.serverAcceptsPuts = xhr.status === 200 && !!xhr.getResponseHeader(\"dav\");\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\t// Retrieve ETag if available\n\t$tw.utils.httpRequest({\n\t\turl: uri,\n\t\ttype: \"HEAD\",\n\t\tcallback: function(err, data, xhr) {\n\t\t\tif(!err) {\n\t\t\t\tself.etag = xhr.getResponseHeader(\"ETag\");\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t});\n};\n\nPutSaver.prototype.uri = function() {\n\treturn encodeURI(document.location.toString().split(\"#\")[0]);\n};\n\n// TODO: in case of edit conflict\n// Prompt: Do you want to save over this? Y/N\n// Merging would be ideal, and may be possible using future generic merge flow\nPutSaver.prototype.save = function(text, method, callback) {\n\tif(!this.serverAcceptsPuts) {\n\t\treturn false;\n\t}\n\tvar self = this;\n\tvar headers = { \"Content-Type\": \"text/html;charset=UTF-8\" };\n\tif(this.etag) {\n\t\theaders[\"If-Match\"] = this.etag;\n\t}\n\t$tw.utils.httpRequest({\n\t\turl: this.uri(),\n\t\ttype: \"PUT\",\n\t\theaders: headers,\n\t\tdata: text,\n\t\tcallback: function(err, data, xhr) {\n\t\t\tif(err) {\n\t\t\t\tcallback(err);\n\t\t\t} if(xhr.status === 200 || xhr.status === 201) {\n\t\t\t\tself.etag = xhr.getResponseHeader(\"ETag\");\n\t\t\t\tcallback(null); // success\n\t\t\t} else if(xhr.status === 412) { // edit conflict\n\t\t\t\tvar message = $tw.language.getString(\"Error/EditConflict\");\n\t\t\t\tcallback(message);\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tcallback(xhr.responseText); // fail\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\treturn true;\n};\n\n/*\nInformation about this saver\n*/\nPutSaver.prototype.info = {\n\tname: \"put\",\n\tpriority: 2000,\n\tcapabilities: [\"save\", \"autosave\"]\n};\n\n/*\nStatic method that returns true if this saver is capable of working\n*/\nexports.canSave = function(wiki) {\n\treturn /^https?:/.test(location.protocol);\n};\n\n/*\nCreate an instance of this saver\n*/\nexports.create = function(wiki) {\n\treturn new PutSaver(wiki);\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/savers/put.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "saver"
"$:/core/modules/savers/tiddlyfox.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/savers/tiddlyfox.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: saver\n\nHandles saving changes via the TiddlyFox file extension\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false, netscape: false, Components: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar TiddlyFoxSaver = function(wiki) {\n};\n\nTiddlyFoxSaver.prototype.save = function(text,method,callback) {\n\tvar messageBox = document.getElementById(\"tiddlyfox-message-box\");\n\tif(messageBox) {\n\t\t// Get the pathname of this document\n\t\tvar pathname = document.location.toString().split(\"#\")[0];\n\t\t// Replace file://localhost/ with file:///\n\t\tif(pathname.indexOf(\"file://localhost/\") === 0) {\n\t\t\tpathname = \"file://\" + pathname.substr(16);\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Windows path file:///x:/blah/blah --> x:\\blah\\blah\n\t\tif(/^file\\:\\/\\/\\/[A-Z]\\:\\//i.test(pathname)) {\n\t\t\t// Remove the leading slash and convert slashes to backslashes\n\t\t\tpathname = pathname.substr(8).replace(/\\//g,\"\\\\\");\n\t\t// Firefox Windows network path file://///server/share/blah/blah --> //server/share/blah/blah\n\t\t} else if(pathname.indexOf(\"file://///\") === 0) {\n\t\t\tpathname = \"\\\\\\\\\" + unescape(pathname.substr(10)).replace(/\\//g,\"\\\\\");\n\t\t// Mac/Unix local path file:///path/path --> /path/path\n\t\t} else if(pathname.indexOf(\"file:///\") === 0) {\n\t\t\tpathname = unescape(pathname.substr(7));\n\t\t// Mac/Unix local path file:/path/path --> /path/path\n\t\t} else if(pathname.indexOf(\"file:/\") === 0) {\n\t\t\tpathname = unescape(pathname.substr(5));\n\t\t// Otherwise Windows networth path file://server/share/path/path --> \\\\server\\share\\path\\path\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tpathname = \"\\\\\\\\\" + unescape(pathname.substr(7)).replace(new RegExp(\"/\",\"g\"),\"\\\\\");\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Create the message element and put it in the message box\n\t\tvar message = document.createElement(\"div\");\n\t\tmessage.setAttribute(\"data-tiddlyfox-path\",decodeURIComponent(pathname));\n\t\tmessage.setAttribute(\"data-tiddlyfox-content\",text);\n\t\tmessageBox.appendChild(message);\n\t\t// Add an event handler for when the file has been saved\n\t\tmessage.addEventListener(\"tiddlyfox-have-saved-file\",function(event) {\n\t\t\tcallback(null);\n\t\t}, false);\n\t\t// Create and dispatch the custom event to the extension\n\t\tvar event = document.createEvent(\"Events\");\n\t\tevent.initEvent(\"tiddlyfox-save-file\",true,false);\n\t\tmessage.dispatchEvent(event);\n\t\treturn true;\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn false;\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nInformation about this saver\n*/\nTiddlyFoxSaver.prototype.info = {\n\tname: \"tiddlyfox\",\n\tpriority: 1500,\n\tcapabilities: [\"save\", \"autosave\"]\n};\n\n/*\nStatic method that returns true if this saver is capable of working\n*/\nexports.canSave = function(wiki) {\n\treturn true;\n};\n\n/*\nCreate an instance of this saver\n*/\nexports.create = function(wiki) {\n\treturn new TiddlyFoxSaver(wiki);\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/savers/tiddlyfox.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "saver"
"$:/core/modules/savers/tiddlyie.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/savers/tiddlyie.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: saver\n\nHandles saving changes via Internet Explorer BHO extenion (TiddlyIE)\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nSelect the appropriate saver module and set it up\n*/\nvar TiddlyIESaver = function(wiki) {\n};\n\nTiddlyIESaver.prototype.save = function(text,method,callback) {\n\t// Check existence of TiddlyIE BHO extension (note: only works after document is complete)\n\tif(typeof(window.TiddlyIE) != \"undefined\") {\n\t\t// Get the pathname of this document\n\t\tvar pathname = unescape(document.location.pathname);\n\t\t// Test for a Windows path of the form /x:/blah...\n\t\tif(/^\\/[A-Z]\\:\\/[^\\/]+/i.test(pathname)) {\t// ie: ^/[a-z]:/[^/]+ (is this better?: ^/[a-z]:/[^/]+(/[^/]+)*\\.[^/]+ )\n\t\t\t// Remove the leading slash\n\t\t\tpathname = pathname.substr(1);\n\t\t\t// Convert slashes to backslashes\n\t\t\tpathname = pathname.replace(/\\//g,\"\\\\\");\n\t\t} else if(document.hostname !== \"\" && /^\\/[^\\/]+\\/[^\\/]+/i.test(pathname)) {\t// test for \\\\server\\share\\blah... - ^/[^/]+/[^/]+\n\t\t\t// Convert slashes to backslashes\n\t\t\tpathname = pathname.replace(/\\//g,\"\\\\\");\n\t\t\t// reconstruct UNC path\n\t\t\tpathname = \"\\\\\\\\\" + document.location.hostname + pathname;\n\t\t} else return false;\n\t\t// Prompt the user to save the file\n\t\twindow.TiddlyIE.save(pathname, text);\n\t\t// Callback that we succeeded\n\t\tcallback(null);\n\t\treturn true;\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn false;\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nInformation about this saver\n*/\nTiddlyIESaver.prototype.info = {\n\tname: \"tiddlyiesaver\",\n\tpriority: 1500,\n\tcapabilities: [\"save\"]\n};\n\n/*\nStatic method that returns true if this saver is capable of working\n*/\nexports.canSave = function(wiki) {\n\treturn (window.location.protocol === \"file:\");\n};\n\n/*\nCreate an instance of this saver\n*/\nexports.create = function(wiki) {\n\treturn new TiddlyIESaver(wiki);\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/savers/tiddlyie.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "saver"
"$:/core/modules/savers/twedit.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/savers/twedit.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: saver\n\nHandles saving changes via the TWEdit iOS app\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false, netscape: false, Components: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar TWEditSaver = function(wiki) {\n};\n\nTWEditSaver.prototype.save = function(text,method,callback) {\n\t// Bail if we're not running under TWEdit\n\tif(typeof DeviceInfo !== \"object\") {\n\t\treturn false;\n\t}\n\t// Get the pathname of this document\n\tvar pathname = decodeURIComponent(document.location.pathname);\n\t// Strip any query or location part\n\tvar p = pathname.indexOf(\"?\");\n\tif(p !== -1) {\n\t\tpathname = pathname.substr(0,p);\n\t}\n\tp = pathname.indexOf(\"#\");\n\tif(p !== -1) {\n\t\tpathname = pathname.substr(0,p);\n\t}\n\t// Remove the leading \"/Documents\" from path\n\tvar prefix = \"/Documents\";\n\tif(pathname.indexOf(prefix) === 0) {\n\t\tpathname = pathname.substr(prefix.length);\n\t}\n\t// Error handler\n\tvar errorHandler = function(event) {\n\t\t// Error\n\t\tcallback($tw.language.getString(\"Error/SavingToTWEdit\") + \": \" + event.target.error.code);\n\t};\n\t// Get the file system\n\twindow.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT,0,function(fileSystem) {\n\t\t// Now we've got the filesystem, get the fileEntry\n\t\tfileSystem.root.getFile(pathname, {create: true}, function(fileEntry) {\n\t\t\t// Now we've got the fileEntry, create the writer\n\t\t\tfileEntry.createWriter(function(writer) {\n\t\t\t\twriter.onerror = errorHandler;\n\t\t\t\twriter.onwrite = function() {\n\t\t\t\t\tcallback(null);\n\t\t\t\t};\n\t\t\t\twriter.position = 0;\n\t\t\t\twriter.write(text);\n\t\t\t},errorHandler);\n\t\t}, errorHandler);\n\t}, errorHandler);\n\treturn true;\n};\n\n/*\nInformation about this saver\n*/\nTWEditSaver.prototype.info = {\n\tname: \"twedit\",\n\tpriority: 1600,\n\tcapabilities: [\"save\", \"autosave\"]\n};\n\n/*\nStatic method that returns true if this saver is capable of working\n*/\nexports.canSave = function(wiki) {\n\treturn true;\n};\n\n/*\nCreate an instance of this saver\n*/\nexports.create = function(wiki) {\n\treturn new TWEditSaver(wiki);\n};\n\n/////////////////////////// Hack\n// HACK: This ensures that TWEdit recognises us as a TiddlyWiki document\nif($tw.browser) {\n\twindow.version = {title: \"TiddlyWiki\"};\n}\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/savers/twedit.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "saver"
"$:/core/modules/savers/upload.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/savers/upload.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: saver\n\nHandles saving changes via upload to a server.\n\nDesigned to be compatible with BidiX's UploadPlugin at http://tiddlywiki.bidix.info/#UploadPlugin\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nSelect the appropriate saver module and set it up\n*/\nvar UploadSaver = function(wiki) {\n\tthis.wiki = wiki;\n};\n\nUploadSaver.prototype.save = function(text,method,callback) {\n\t// Get the various parameters we need\n\tvar backupDir = this.wiki.getTextReference(\"$:/UploadBackupDir\") || \".\",\n\t\tusername = this.wiki.getTextReference(\"$:/UploadName\"),\n\t\tpassword = $tw.utils.getPassword(\"upload\"),\n\t\tuploadDir = this.wiki.getTextReference(\"$:/UploadDir\") || \".\",\n\t\tuploadFilename = this.wiki.getTextReference(\"$:/UploadFilename\") || \"index.html\",\n\t\turl = this.wiki.getTextReference(\"$:/UploadURL\");\n\t// Bail out if we don't have the bits we need\n\tif(!username || username.toString().trim() === \"\" || !password || password.toString().trim() === \"\") {\n\t\treturn false;\n\t}\n\t// Construct the url if not provided\n\tif(!url) {\n\t\turl = \"http://\" + username + \".tiddlyspot.com/store.cgi\";\n\t}\n\t// Assemble the header\n\tvar boundary = \"---------------------------\" + \"AaB03x\";\t\n\tvar uploadFormName = \"UploadPlugin\";\n\tvar head = [];\n\thead.push(\"--\" + boundary + \"\\r\\nContent-disposition: form-data; name=\\\"UploadPlugin\\\"\\r\\n\");\n\thead.push(\"backupDir=\" + backupDir + \";user=\" + username + \";password=\" + password + \";uploaddir=\" + uploadDir + \";;\"); \n\thead.push(\"\\r\\n\" + \"--\" + boundary);\n\thead.push(\"Content-disposition: form-data; name=\\\"userfile\\\"; filename=\\\"\" + uploadFilename + \"\\\"\");\n\thead.push(\"Content-Type: text/html;charset=UTF-8\");\n\thead.push(\"Content-Length: \" + text.length + \"\\r\\n\");\n\thead.push(\"\");\n\t// Assemble the tail and the data itself\n\tvar tail = \"\\r\\n--\" + boundary + \"--\\r\\n\",\n\t\tdata = head.join(\"\\r\\n\") + text + tail;\n\t// Do the HTTP post\n\tvar http = new XMLHttpRequest();\n\thttp.open(\"POST\",url,true,username,password);\n\thttp.setRequestHeader(\"Content-Type\",\"multipart/form-data; charset=UTF-8; boundary=\" + boundary);\n\thttp.onreadystatechange = function() {\n\t\tif(http.readyState == 4 && http.status == 200) {\n\t\t\tif(http.responseText.substr(0,4) === \"0 - \") {\n\t\t\t\tcallback(null);\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tcallback(http.responseText);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\ttry {\n\t\thttp.send(data);\n\t} catch(ex) {\n\t\treturn callback($tw.language.getString(\"Error/Caption\") + \":\" + ex);\n\t}\n\t$tw.notifier.display(\"$:/language/Notifications/Save/Starting\");\n\treturn true;\n};\n\n/*\nInformation about this saver\n*/\nUploadSaver.prototype.info = {\n\tname: \"upload\",\n\tpriority: 2000,\n\tcapabilities: [\"save\", \"autosave\"]\n};\n\n/*\nStatic method that returns true if this saver is capable of working\n*/\nexports.canSave = function(wiki) {\n\treturn true;\n};\n\n/*\nCreate an instance of this saver\n*/\nexports.create = function(wiki) {\n\treturn new UploadSaver(wiki);\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/savers/upload.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "saver"
"$:/core/modules/browser-messaging.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/browser-messaging.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: startup\n\nBrowser message handling\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n// Export name and synchronous status\nexports.name = \"browser-messaging\";\nexports.platforms = [\"browser\"];\nexports.after = [\"startup\"];\nexports.synchronous = true;\n\n/*\nLoad a specified url as an iframe and call the callback when it is loaded. If the url is already loaded then the existing iframe instance is used\n*/\nfunction loadIFrame(url,callback) {\n\t// Check if iframe already exists\n\tvar iframeInfo = $tw.browserMessaging.iframeInfoMap[url];\n\tif(iframeInfo) {\n\t\t// We've already got the iframe\n\t\tcallback(null,iframeInfo);\n\t} else {\n\t\t// Create the iframe and save it in the list\n\t\tvar iframe = document.createElement(\"iframe\");\n\t\tiframeInfo = {\n\t\t\turl: url,\n\t\t\tstatus: \"loading\",\n\t\t\tdomNode: iframe\n\t\t};\n\t\t$tw.browserMessaging.iframeInfoMap[url] = iframeInfo;\n\t\tsaveIFrameInfoTiddler(iframeInfo);\n\t\t// Add the iframe to the DOM and hide it\n\t\tiframe.style.display = \"none\";\n\t\tiframe.setAttribute(\"library\",\"true\");\n\t\tdocument.body.appendChild(iframe);\n\t\t// Set up onload\n\t\tiframe.onload = function() {\n\t\t\tiframeInfo.status = \"loaded\";\n\t\t\tsaveIFrameInfoTiddler(iframeInfo);\n\t\t\tcallback(null,iframeInfo);\n\t\t};\n\t\tiframe.onerror = function() {\n\t\t\tcallback(\"Cannot load iframe\");\n\t\t};\n\t\ttry {\n\t\t\tiframe.src = url;\n\t\t} catch(ex) {\n\t\t\tcallback(ex);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n\n/*\nUnload library iframe for given url\n*/\nfunction unloadIFrame(url){\n\t$tw.utils.each(document.getElementsByTagName('iframe'), function(iframe) {\n\t\tif(iframe.getAttribute(\"library\") === \"true\" &&\n\t\t iframe.getAttribute(\"src\") === url) {\n\t\t\tiframe.parentNode.removeChild(iframe);\n\t\t}\n\t});\n}\n\nfunction saveIFrameInfoTiddler(iframeInfo) {\n\t$tw.wiki.addTiddler(new $tw.Tiddler($tw.wiki.getCreationFields(),{\n\t\ttitle: \"$:/temp/ServerConnection/\" + iframeInfo.url,\n\t\ttext: iframeInfo.status,\n\t\ttags: [\"$:/tags/ServerConnection\"],\n\t\turl: iframeInfo.url\n\t},$tw.wiki.getModificationFields()));\n}\n\nexports.startup = function() {\n\t// Initialise the store of iframes we've created\n\t$tw.browserMessaging = {\n\t\tiframeInfoMap: {} // Hashmap by URL of {url:,status:\"loading/loaded\",domNode:}\n\t};\n\t// Listen for widget messages to control loading the plugin library\n\t$tw.rootWidget.addEventListener(\"tm-load-plugin-library\",function(event) {\n\t\tvar paramObject = event.paramObject || {},\n\t\t\turl = paramObject.url;\n\t\tif(url) {\n\t\t\tloadIFrame(url,function(err,iframeInfo) {\n\t\t\t\tif(err) {\n\t\t\t\t\talert($tw.language.getString(\"Error/LoadingPluginLibrary\") + \": \" + url);\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\tiframeInfo.domNode.contentWindow.postMessage({\n\t\t\t\t\t\tverb: \"GET\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\turl: \"recipes/library/tiddlers.json\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcookies: {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttype: \"save-info\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tinfoTitlePrefix: paramObject.infoTitlePrefix || \"$:/temp/RemoteAssetInfo/\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\turl: url\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t},\"*\");\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\t// Listen for widget messages to control unloading the plugin library\n\t$tw.rootWidget.addEventListener(\"tm-unload-plugin-library\",function(event) {\n\t\tvar paramObject = event.paramObject || {},\n\t\t\turl = paramObject.url;\n\t\t$tw.browserMessaging.iframeInfoMap[url] = undefined;\n\t\tif(url) {\n\t\t\tunloadIFrame(url);\n\t\t\t$tw.utils.each(\n\t\t\t\t$tw.wiki.filterTiddlers(\"[[$:/temp/ServerConnection/\" + url + \"]] [prefix[$:/temp/RemoteAssetInfo/\" + url + \"/]]\"),\n\t\t\t\tfunction(title) {\n\t\t\t\t\t$tw.wiki.deleteTiddler(title);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t);\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\t$tw.rootWidget.addEventListener(\"tm-load-plugin-from-library\",function(event) {\n\t\tvar paramObject = event.paramObject || {},\n\t\t\turl = paramObject.url,\n\t\t\ttitle = paramObject.title;\n\t\tif(url && title) {\n\t\t\tloadIFrame(url,function(err,iframeInfo) {\n\t\t\t\tif(err) {\n\t\t\t\t\talert($tw.language.getString(\"Error/LoadingPluginLibrary\") + \": \" + url);\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\tiframeInfo.domNode.contentWindow.postMessage({\n\t\t\t\t\t\tverb: \"GET\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\turl: \"recipes/library/tiddlers/\" + encodeURIComponent(title) + \".json\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcookies: {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttype: \"save-tiddler\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\turl: url\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t},\"*\");\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\t// Listen for window messages from other windows\n\twindow.addEventListener(\"message\",function listener(event){\n\t\tconsole.log(\"browser-messaging: \",document.location.toString())\n\t\tconsole.log(\"browser-messaging: Received message from\",event.origin);\n\t\tconsole.log(\"browser-messaging: Message content\",event.data);\n\t\tswitch(event.data.verb) {\n\t\t\tcase \"GET-RESPONSE\":\n\t\t\t\tif(event.data.status.charAt(0) === \"2\") {\n\t\t\t\t\tif(event.data.cookies) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif(event.data.cookies.type === \"save-info\") {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvar tiddlers = JSON.parse(event.data.body);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t$tw.utils.each(tiddlers,function(tiddler) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t$tw.wiki.addTiddler(new $tw.Tiddler($tw.wiki.getCreationFields(),tiddler,{\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttitle: event.data.cookies.infoTitlePrefix + event.data.cookies.url + \"/\" + tiddler.title,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"original-title\": tiddler.title,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttext: \"\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttype: \"text/vnd.tiddlywiki\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"original-type\": tiddler.type,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"plugin-type\": undefined,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"original-plugin-type\": tiddler[\"plugin-type\"],\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"module-type\": undefined,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"original-module-type\": tiddler[\"module-type\"],\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttags: [\"$:/tags/RemoteAssetInfo\"],\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"original-tags\": $tw.utils.stringifyList(tiddler.tags || []),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\"server-url\": event.data.cookies.url\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t},$tw.wiki.getModificationFields()));\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t\t\t} else if(event.data.cookies.type === \"save-tiddler\") {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvar tiddler = JSON.parse(event.data.body);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t$tw.wiki.addTiddler(new $tw.Tiddler(tiddler));\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t},false);\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/browser-messaging.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "startup"
"$:/core/modules/startup/commands.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/startup/commands.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: startup\n\nCommand processing\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n// Export name and synchronous status\nexports.name = \"commands\";\nexports.platforms = [\"node\"];\nexports.after = [\"story\"];\nexports.synchronous = false;\n\nexports.startup = function(callback) {\n\t// On the server, start a commander with the command line arguments\n\tvar commander = new $tw.Commander(\n\t\t$tw.boot.argv,\n\t\tfunction(err) {\n\t\t\tif(err) {\n\t\t\t\treturn $tw.utils.error(\"Error: \" + err);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tcallback();\n\t\t},\n\t\t$tw.wiki,\n\t\t{output: process.stdout, error: process.stderr}\n\t);\n\tcommander.execute();\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/startup/commands.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "startup"
"$:/core/modules/startup/favicon.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/startup/favicon.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: startup\n\nFavicon handling\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n// Export name and synchronous status\nexports.name = \"favicon\";\nexports.platforms = [\"browser\"];\nexports.after = [\"startup\"];\nexports.synchronous = true;\n\t\t\n// Favicon tiddler\nvar FAVICON_TITLE = \"$:/favicon.ico\";\n\nexports.startup = function() {\n\t// Set up the favicon\n\tsetFavicon();\n\t// Reset the favicon when the tiddler changes\n\t$tw.wiki.addEventListener(\"change\",function(changes) {\n\t\tif($tw.utils.hop(changes,FAVICON_TITLE)) {\n\t\t\tsetFavicon();\n\t\t}\n\t});\n};\n\nfunction setFavicon() {\n\tvar tiddler = $tw.wiki.getTiddler(FAVICON_TITLE);\n\tif(tiddler) {\n\t\tvar faviconLink = document.getElementById(\"faviconLink\");\n\t\tfaviconLink.setAttribute(\"href\",\"data:\" + tiddler.fields.type + \";base64,\" + tiddler.fields.text);\n\t}\n}\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/startup/favicon.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "startup"
"$:/core/modules/startup/info.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/startup/info.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: startup\n\nInitialise $:/info tiddlers via $:/temp/info-plugin pseudo-plugin\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n// Export name and synchronous status\nexports.name = \"info\";\nexports.before = [\"startup\"];\nexports.after = [\"load-modules\"];\nexports.synchronous = true;\n\nexports.startup = function() {\n\t// Collect up the info tiddlers\n\tvar infoTiddlerFields = {};\n\t// Give each info module a chance to fill in as many info tiddlers as they want\n\t$tw.modules.forEachModuleOfType(\"info\",function(title,moduleExports) {\n\t\tif(moduleExports && moduleExports.getInfoTiddlerFields) {\n\t\t\tvar tiddlerFieldsArray = moduleExports.getInfoTiddlerFields(infoTiddlerFields);\n\t\t\t$tw.utils.each(tiddlerFieldsArray,function(fields) {\n\t\t\t\tif(fields) {\n\t\t\t\t\tinfoTiddlerFields[fields.title] = fields;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\t// Bake the info tiddlers into a plugin\n\tvar fields = {\n\t\ttitle: \"$:/temp/info-plugin\",\n\t\ttype: \"application/json\",\n\t\t\"plugin-type\": \"info\",\n\t\ttext: JSON.stringify({tiddlers: infoTiddlerFields},null,$tw.config.preferences.jsonSpaces)\n\t};\n\t$tw.wiki.addTiddler(new $tw.Tiddler(fields));\n\t$tw.wiki.readPluginInfo();\n\t$tw.wiki.registerPluginTiddlers(\"info\");\n\t$tw.wiki.unpackPluginTiddlers();\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/startup/info.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "startup"
"$:/core/modules/startup/load-modules.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/startup/load-modules.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: startup\n\nLoad core modules\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n// Export name and synchronous status\nexports.name = \"load-modules\";\nexports.synchronous = true;\n\nexports.startup = function() {\n\t// Load modules\n\t$tw.modules.applyMethods(\"utils\",$tw.utils);\n\tif($tw.node) {\n\t\t$tw.modules.applyMethods(\"utils-node\",$tw.utils);\n\t}\n\t$tw.modules.applyMethods(\"global\",$tw);\n\t$tw.modules.applyMethods(\"config\",$tw.config);\n\t$tw.Tiddler.fieldModules = $tw.modules.getModulesByTypeAsHashmap(\"tiddlerfield\");\n\t$tw.modules.applyMethods(\"tiddlermethod\",$tw.Tiddler.prototype);\n\t$tw.modules.applyMethods(\"wikimethod\",$tw.Wiki.prototype);\n\t$tw.modules.applyMethods(\"tiddlerdeserializer\",$tw.Wiki.tiddlerDeserializerModules);\n\t$tw.macros = $tw.modules.getModulesByTypeAsHashmap(\"macro\");\n\t$tw.wiki.initParsers();\n\t$tw.Commander.initCommands();\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/startup/load-modules.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "startup"
"$:/core/modules/startup/password.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/startup/password.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: startup\n\nPassword handling\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n// Export name and synchronous status\nexports.name = \"password\";\nexports.platforms = [\"browser\"];\nexports.after = [\"startup\"];\nexports.synchronous = true;\n\nexports.startup = function() {\n\t$tw.rootWidget.addEventListener(\"tm-set-password\",function(event) {\n\t\t$tw.passwordPrompt.createPrompt({\n\t\t\tserviceName: $tw.language.getString(\"Encryption/PromptSetPassword\"),\n\t\t\tnoUserName: true,\n\t\t\tsubmitText: $tw.language.getString(\"Encryption/SetPassword\"),\n\t\t\tcanCancel: true,\n\t\t\trepeatPassword: true,\n\t\t\tcallback: function(data) {\n\t\t\t\tif(data) {\n\t\t\t\t\t$tw.crypto.setPassword(data.password);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\treturn true; // Get rid of the password prompt\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t});\n\t$tw.rootWidget.addEventListener(\"tm-clear-password\",function(event) {\n\t\tif($tw.browser) {\n\t\t\tif(!confirm($tw.language.getString(\"Encryption/ConfirmClearPassword\"))) {\n\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\t$tw.crypto.setPassword(null);\n\t});\n\t// Ensure that $:/isEncrypted is maintained properly\n\t$tw.wiki.addEventListener(\"change\",function(changes) {\n\t\tif($tw.utils.hop(changes,\"$:/isEncrypted\")) {\n\t\t\t$tw.crypto.updateCryptoStateTiddler();\n\t\t}\n\t});\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/startup/password.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "startup"
"$:/core/modules/startup/render.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/startup/render.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: startup\n\nTitle, stylesheet and page rendering\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n// Export name and synchronous status\nexports.name = \"render\";\nexports.platforms = [\"browser\"];\nexports.after = [\"story\"];\nexports.synchronous = true;\n\n// Default story and history lists\nvar PAGE_TITLE_TITLE = \"$:/core/wiki/title\";\nvar PAGE_STYLESHEET_TITLE = \"$:/core/ui/PageStylesheet\";\nvar PAGE_TEMPLATE_TITLE = \"$:/core/ui/PageTemplate\";\n\n// Time (in ms) that we defer refreshing changes to draft tiddlers\nvar DRAFT_TIDDLER_TIMEOUT_TITLE = \"$:/config/Drafts/TypingTimeout\";\nvar DRAFT_TIDDLER_TIMEOUT = 400;\n\nexports.startup = function() {\n\t// Set up the title\n\t$tw.titleWidgetNode = $tw.wiki.makeTranscludeWidget(PAGE_TITLE_TITLE,{document: $tw.fakeDocument, parseAsInline: true});\n\t$tw.titleContainer = $tw.fakeDocument.createElement(\"div\");\n\t$tw.titleWidgetNode.render($tw.titleContainer,null);\n\tdocument.title = $tw.titleContainer.textContent;\n\t$tw.wiki.addEventListener(\"change\",function(changes) {\n\t\tif($tw.titleWidgetNode.refresh(changes,$tw.titleContainer,null)) {\n\t\t\tdocument.title = $tw.titleContainer.textContent;\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\t// Set up the styles\n\t$tw.styleWidgetNode = $tw.wiki.makeTranscludeWidget(PAGE_STYLESHEET_TITLE,{document: $tw.fakeDocument});\n\t$tw.styleContainer = $tw.fakeDocument.createElement(\"style\");\n\t$tw.styleWidgetNode.render($tw.styleContainer,null);\n\t$tw.styleElement = document.createElement(\"style\");\n\t$tw.styleElement.innerHTML = $tw.styleContainer.textContent;\n\tdocument.head.insertBefore($tw.styleElement,document.head.firstChild);\n\t$tw.wiki.addEventListener(\"change\",$tw.perf.report(\"styleRefresh\",function(changes) {\n\t\tif($tw.styleWidgetNode.refresh(changes,$tw.styleContainer,null)) {\n\t\t\t$tw.styleElement.innerHTML = $tw.styleContainer.textContent;\n\t\t}\n\t}));\n\t// Display the $:/core/ui/PageTemplate tiddler to kick off the display\n\t$tw.perf.report(\"mainRender\",function() {\n\t\t$tw.pageWidgetNode = $tw.wiki.makeTranscludeWidget(PAGE_TEMPLATE_TITLE,{document: document, parentWidget: $tw.rootWidget});\n\t\t$tw.pageContainer = document.createElement(\"div\");\n\t\t$tw.utils.addClass($tw.pageContainer,\"tc-page-container-wrapper\");\n\t\tdocument.body.insertBefore($tw.pageContainer,document.body.firstChild);\n\t\t$tw.pageWidgetNode.render($tw.pageContainer,null);\n\t})();\n\t// Prepare refresh mechanism\n\tvar deferredChanges = Object.create(null),\n\t\ttimerId;\n\tfunction refresh() {\n\t\t// Process the refresh\n\t\t$tw.pageWidgetNode.refresh(deferredChanges);\n\t\tdeferredChanges = Object.create(null);\n\t}\n\t// Add the change event handler\n\t$tw.wiki.addEventListener(\"change\",$tw.perf.report(\"mainRefresh\",function(changes) {\n\t\t// Check if only drafts have changed\n\t\tvar onlyDraftsHaveChanged = true;\n\t\tfor(var title in changes) {\n\t\t\tvar tiddler = $tw.wiki.getTiddler(title);\n\t\t\tif(!tiddler || !tiddler.hasField(\"draft.of\")) {\n\t\t\t\tonlyDraftsHaveChanged = false;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Defer the change if only drafts have changed\n\t\tif(timerId) {\n\t\t\tclearTimeout(timerId);\n\t\t}\n\t\ttimerId = null;\n\t\tif(onlyDraftsHaveChanged) {\n\t\t\tvar timeout = parseInt($tw.wiki.getTiddlerText(DRAFT_TIDDLER_TIMEOUT_TITLE,\"\"),10);\n\t\t\tif(isNaN(timeout)) {\n\t\t\t\ttimeout = DRAFT_TIDDLER_TIMEOUT;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\ttimerId = setTimeout(refresh,timeout);\n\t\t\t$tw.utils.extend(deferredChanges,changes);\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t$tw.utils.extend(deferredChanges,changes);\n\t\t\trefresh();\n\t\t}\n\t}));\n\t// Fix up the link between the root widget and the page container\n\t$tw.rootWidget.domNodes = [$tw.pageContainer];\n\t$tw.rootWidget.children = [$tw.pageWidgetNode];\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/startup/render.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "startup"
"$:/core/modules/startup/rootwidget.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/startup/rootwidget.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: startup\n\nSetup the root widget and the core root widget handlers\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n// Export name and synchronous status\nexports.name = \"rootwidget\";\nexports.platforms = [\"browser\"];\nexports.after = [\"startup\"];\nexports.before = [\"story\"];\nexports.synchronous = true;\n\nexports.startup = function() {\n\t// Install the modal message mechanism\n\t$tw.modal = new $tw.utils.Modal($tw.wiki);\n\t$tw.rootWidget.addEventListener(\"tm-modal\",function(event) {\n\t\t$tw.modal.display(event.param,{variables: event.paramObject});\n\t});\n\t// Install the notification mechanism\n\t$tw.notifier = new $tw.utils.Notifier($tw.wiki);\n\t$tw.rootWidget.addEventListener(\"tm-notify\",function(event) {\n\t\t$tw.notifier.display(event.param,{variables: event.paramObject});\n\t});\n\t// Install the scroller\n\t$tw.pageScroller = new $tw.utils.PageScroller();\n\t$tw.rootWidget.addEventListener(\"tm-scroll\",function(event) {\n\t\t$tw.pageScroller.handleEvent(event);\n\t});\n\tvar fullscreen = $tw.utils.getFullScreenApis();\n\tif(fullscreen) {\n\t\t$tw.rootWidget.addEventListener(\"tm-full-screen\",function(event) {\n\t\t\tif(document[fullscreen._fullscreenElement]) {\n\t\t\t\tdocument[fullscreen._exitFullscreen]();\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tdocument.documentElement[fullscreen._requestFullscreen](Element.ALLOW_KEYBOARD_INPUT);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\t// If we're being viewed on a data: URI then give instructions for how to save\n\tif(document.location.protocol === \"data:\") {\n\t\t$tw.rootWidget.dispatchEvent({\n\t\t\ttype: \"tm-modal\",\n\t\t\tparam: \"$:/language/Modals/SaveInstructions\"\n\t\t});\n\t}\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/startup/rootwidget.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "startup"
"$:/core/modules/startup.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/startup.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: startup\n\nMiscellaneous startup logic for both the client and server.\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n// Export name and synchronous status\nexports.name = \"startup\";\nexports.after = [\"load-modules\"];\nexports.synchronous = true;\n\n// Set to `true` to enable performance instrumentation\nvar PERFORMANCE_INSTRUMENTATION_CONFIG_TITLE = \"$:/config/Performance/Instrumentation\";\n\nvar widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\");\n\nexports.startup = function() {\n\tvar modules,n,m,f;\n\t// Minimal browser detection\n\tif($tw.browser) {\n\t\t$tw.browser.isIE = (/msie|trident/i.test(navigator.userAgent));\n\t\t$tw.browser.isFirefox = !!document.mozFullScreenEnabled;\n\t}\n\t// Platform detection\n\t$tw.platform = {};\n\tif($tw.browser) {\n\t\t$tw.platform.isMac = /Mac/.test(navigator.platform);\n\t\t$tw.platform.isWindows = /win/i.test(navigator.platform);\n\t\t$tw.platform.isLinux = /Linux/i.test(navigator.appVersion);\n\t} else {\n\t\tswitch(require(\"os\").platform()) {\n\t\t\tcase \"darwin\":\n\t\t\t\t$tw.platform.isMac = true;\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase \"win32\":\n\t\t\t\t$tw.platform.isWindows = true;\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase \"freebsd\":\n\t\t\t\t$tw.platform.isLinux = true;\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase \"linux\":\n\t\t\t\t$tw.platform.isLinux = true;\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t// Initialise version\n\t$tw.version = $tw.utils.extractVersionInfo();\n\t// Set up the performance framework\n\t$tw.perf = new $tw.Performance($tw.wiki.getTiddlerText(PERFORMANCE_INSTRUMENTATION_CONFIG_TITLE,\"no\") === \"yes\");\n\t// Kick off the language manager and switcher\n\t$tw.language = new $tw.Language();\n\t$tw.languageSwitcher = new $tw.PluginSwitcher({\n\t\twiki: $tw.wiki,\n\t\tpluginType: \"language\",\n\t\tcontrollerTitle: \"$:/language\",\n\t\tdefaultPlugins: [\n\t\t\t\"$:/languages/en-US\"\n\t\t],\n\t\tonSwitch: function(plugins) {\n\t\t\tif($tw.browser) {\n\t\t\t\tvar pluginTiddler = $tw.wiki.getTiddler(plugins[0]);\n\t\t\t\tif(pluginTiddler) {\n\t\t\t\t\tdocument.documentElement.setAttribute(\"dir\",pluginTiddler.getFieldString(\"text-direction\") || \"auto\");\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\tdocument.documentElement.removeAttribute(\"dir\");\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\t// Kick off the theme manager\n\t$tw.themeManager = new $tw.PluginSwitcher({\n\t\twiki: $tw.wiki,\n\t\tpluginType: \"theme\",\n\t\tcontrollerTitle: \"$:/theme\",\n\t\tdefaultPlugins: [\n\t\t\t\"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/snowwhite\",\n\t\t\t\"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla\"\n\t\t]\n\t});\n\t// Kick off the keyboard manager\n\t$tw.keyboardManager = new $tw.KeyboardManager();\n\t// Clear outstanding tiddler store change events to avoid an unnecessary refresh cycle at startup\n\t$tw.wiki.clearTiddlerEventQueue();\n\t// Create a root widget for attaching event handlers. By using it as the parentWidget for another widget tree, one can reuse the event handlers\n\tif($tw.browser) {\n\t\t$tw.rootWidget = new widget.widget({\n\t\t\ttype: \"widget\",\n\t\t\tchildren: []\n\t\t},{\n\t\t\twiki: $tw.wiki,\n\t\t\tdocument: document\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\t// Find a working syncadaptor\n\t$tw.syncadaptor = undefined;\n\t$tw.modules.forEachModuleOfType(\"syncadaptor\",function(title,module) {\n\t\tif(!$tw.syncadaptor && module.adaptorClass) {\n\t\t\t$tw.syncadaptor = new module.adaptorClass({wiki: $tw.wiki});\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\t// Set up the syncer object if we've got a syncadaptor\n\tif($tw.syncadaptor) {\n\t\t$tw.syncer = new $tw.Syncer({wiki: $tw.wiki, syncadaptor: $tw.syncadaptor});\n\t} \n\t// Setup the saver handler\n\t$tw.saverHandler = new $tw.SaverHandler({wiki: $tw.wiki, dirtyTracking: !$tw.syncadaptor});\n\t// Host-specific startup\n\tif($tw.browser) {\n\t\t// Install the popup manager\n\t\t$tw.popup = new $tw.utils.Popup();\n\t\t// Install the animator\n\t\t$tw.anim = new $tw.utils.Animator();\n\t}\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/startup.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "startup"
"$:/core/modules/startup/story.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/startup/story.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: startup\n\nLoad core modules\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n// Export name and synchronous status\nexports.name = \"story\";\nexports.after = [\"startup\"];\nexports.synchronous = true;\n\n// Default story and history lists\nvar DEFAULT_STORY_TITLE = \"$:/StoryList\";\nvar DEFAULT_HISTORY_TITLE = \"$:/HistoryList\";\n\n// Default tiddlers\nvar DEFAULT_TIDDLERS_TITLE = \"$:/DefaultTiddlers\";\n\n// Config\nvar CONFIG_UPDATE_ADDRESS_BAR = \"$:/config/Navigation/UpdateAddressBar\"; // Can be \"no\", \"permalink\", \"permaview\"\nvar CONFIG_UPDATE_HISTORY = \"$:/config/Navigation/UpdateHistory\"; // Can be \"yes\" or \"no\"\n\nexports.startup = function() {\n\t// Open startup tiddlers\n\topenStartupTiddlers();\n\tif($tw.browser) {\n\t\t// Set up location hash update\n\t\t$tw.wiki.addEventListener(\"change\",function(changes) {\n\t\t\tif($tw.utils.hop(changes,DEFAULT_STORY_TITLE) || $tw.utils.hop(changes,DEFAULT_HISTORY_TITLE)) {\n\t\t\t\tupdateLocationHash({\n\t\t\t\t\tupdateAddressBar: $tw.wiki.getTiddlerText(CONFIG_UPDATE_ADDRESS_BAR,\"permaview\").trim(),\n\t\t\t\t\tupdateHistory: $tw.wiki.getTiddlerText(CONFIG_UPDATE_HISTORY,\"no\").trim()\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t\t// Listen for changes to the browser location hash\n\t\twindow.addEventListener(\"hashchange\",function() {\n\t\t\tvar hash = $tw.utils.getLocationHash();\n\t\t\tif(hash !== $tw.locationHash) {\n\t\t\t\t$tw.locationHash = hash;\n\t\t\t\topenStartupTiddlers({defaultToCurrentStory: true});\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t},false);\n\t\t// Listen for the tm-browser-refresh message\n\t\t$tw.rootWidget.addEventListener(\"tm-browser-refresh\",function(event) {\n\t\t\twindow.location.reload(true);\n\t\t});\n\t\t// Listen for the tm-print message\n\t\t$tw.rootWidget.addEventListener(\"tm-print\",function(event) {\n\t\t\t(event.event.view || window).print();\n\t\t});\n\t\t// Listen for the tm-home message\n\t\t$tw.rootWidget.addEventListener(\"tm-home\",function(event) {\n\t\t\twindow.location.hash = \"\";\n\t\t\tvar storyFilter = $tw.wiki.getTiddlerText(DEFAULT_TIDDLERS_TITLE),\n\t\t\t\tstoryList = $tw.wiki.filterTiddlers(storyFilter);\n\t\t\t//invoke any hooks that might change the default story list\n\t\t\tstoryList = $tw.hooks.invokeHook(\"th-opening-default-tiddlers-list\",storyList);\n\t\t\t$tw.wiki.addTiddler({title: DEFAULT_STORY_TITLE, text: \"\", list: storyList},$tw.wiki.getModificationFields());\n\t\t\tif(storyList[0]) {\n\t\t\t\t$tw.wiki.addToHistory(storyList[0]);\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t\t// Listen for the tm-permalink message\n\t\t$tw.rootWidget.addEventListener(\"tm-permalink\",function(event) {\n\t\t\tupdateLocationHash({\n\t\t\t\tupdateAddressBar: \"permalink\",\n\t\t\t\tupdateHistory: $tw.wiki.getTiddlerText(CONFIG_UPDATE_HISTORY,\"no\").trim(),\n\t\t\t\ttargetTiddler: event.param || event.tiddlerTitle\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t});\n\t\t// Listen for the tm-permaview message\n\t\t$tw.rootWidget.addEventListener(\"tm-permaview\",function(event) {\n\t\t\tupdateLocationHash({\n\t\t\t\tupdateAddressBar: \"permaview\",\n\t\t\t\tupdateHistory: $tw.wiki.getTiddlerText(CONFIG_UPDATE_HISTORY,\"no\").trim(),\n\t\t\t\ttargetTiddler: event.param || event.tiddlerTitle\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t});\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nProcess the location hash to open the specified tiddlers. Options:\ndefaultToCurrentStory: If true, the current story is retained as the default, instead of opening the default tiddlers\n*/\nfunction openStartupTiddlers(options) {\n\toptions = options || {};\n\t// Work out the target tiddler and the story filter. \"null\" means \"unspecified\"\n\tvar target = null,\n\t\tstoryFilter = null;\n\tif($tw.locationHash.length > 1) {\n\t\tvar hash = $tw.locationHash.substr(1),\n\t\t\tsplit = hash.indexOf(\":\");\n\t\tif(split === -1) {\n\t\t\ttarget = decodeURIComponent(hash.trim());\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\ttarget = decodeURIComponent(hash.substr(0,split).trim());\n\t\t\tstoryFilter = decodeURIComponent(hash.substr(split + 1).trim());\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t// If the story wasn't specified use the current tiddlers or a blank story\n\tif(storyFilter === null) {\n\t\tif(options.defaultToCurrentStory) {\n\t\t\tvar currStoryList = $tw.wiki.getTiddlerList(DEFAULT_STORY_TITLE);\n\t\t\tstoryFilter = $tw.utils.stringifyList(currStoryList);\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tif(target && target !== \"\") {\n\t\t\t\tstoryFilter = \"\";\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tstoryFilter = $tw.wiki.getTiddlerText(DEFAULT_TIDDLERS_TITLE);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t// Process the story filter to get the story list\n\tvar storyList = $tw.wiki.filterTiddlers(storyFilter);\n\t// Invoke any hooks that want to change the default story list\n\tstoryList = $tw.hooks.invokeHook(\"th-opening-default-tiddlers-list\",storyList);\n\t// If the target tiddler isn't included then splice it in at the top\n\tif(target && storyList.indexOf(target) === -1) {\n\t\tstoryList.unshift(target);\n\t}\n\t// Save the story list\n\t$tw.wiki.addTiddler({title: DEFAULT_STORY_TITLE, text: \"\", list: storyList},$tw.wiki.getModificationFields());\n\t// If a target tiddler was specified add it to the history stack\n\tif(target && target !== \"\") {\n\t\t// The target tiddler doesn't need double square brackets, but we'll silently remove them if they're present\n\t\tif(target.indexOf(\"[[\") === 0 && target.substr(-2) === \"]]\") {\n\t\t\ttarget = target.substr(2,target.length - 4);\n\t\t}\n\t\t$tw.wiki.addToHistory(target);\n\t} else if(storyList.length > 0) {\n\t\t$tw.wiki.addToHistory(storyList[0]);\n\t}\n}\n\n/*\noptions: See below\noptions.updateAddressBar: \"permalink\", \"permaview\" or \"no\" (defaults to \"permaview\")\noptions.updateHistory: \"yes\" or \"no\" (defaults to \"no\")\noptions.targetTiddler: optional title of target tiddler for permalink\n*/\nfunction updateLocationHash(options) {\n\tif(options.updateAddressBar !== \"no\") {\n\t\t// Get the story and the history stack\n\t\tvar storyList = $tw.wiki.getTiddlerList(DEFAULT_STORY_TITLE),\n\t\t\thistoryList = $tw.wiki.getTiddlerData(DEFAULT_HISTORY_TITLE,[]),\n\t\t\ttargetTiddler = \"\";\n\t\tif(options.targetTiddler) {\n\t\t\ttargetTiddler = options.targetTiddler;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t// The target tiddler is the one at the top of the stack\n\t\t\tif(historyList.length > 0) {\n\t\t\t\ttargetTiddler = historyList[historyList.length-1].title;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t// Blank the target tiddler if it isn't present in the story\n\t\t\tif(storyList.indexOf(targetTiddler) === -1) {\n\t\t\t\ttargetTiddler = \"\";\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Assemble the location hash\n\t\tif(options.updateAddressBar === \"permalink\") {\n\t\t\t$tw.locationHash = \"#\" + encodeURIComponent(targetTiddler);\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t$tw.locationHash = \"#\" + encodeURIComponent(targetTiddler) + \":\" + encodeURIComponent($tw.utils.stringifyList(storyList));\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Only change the location hash if we must, thus avoiding unnecessary onhashchange events\n\t\tif($tw.utils.getLocationHash() !== $tw.locationHash) {\n\t\t\tif(options.updateHistory === \"yes\") {\n\t\t\t\t// Assign the location hash so that history is updated\n\t\t\t\twindow.location.hash = $tw.locationHash;\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t// We use replace so that browser history isn't affected\n\t\t\t\twindow.location.replace(window.location.toString().split(\"#\")[0] + $tw.locationHash);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/startup/story.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "startup"
"$:/core/modules/startup/windows.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/startup/windows.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: startup\n\nSetup root widget handlers for the messages concerned with opening external browser windows\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n// Export name and synchronous status\nexports.name = \"windows\";\nexports.platforms = [\"browser\"];\nexports.after = [\"startup\"];\nexports.synchronous = true;\n\n// Global to keep track of open windows (hashmap by title)\nvar windows = {};\n\nexports.startup = function() {\n\t// Handle open window message\n\t$tw.rootWidget.addEventListener(\"tm-open-window\",function(event) {\n\t\t// Get the parameters\n\t\tvar refreshHandler,\n\t\t\ttitle = event.param || event.tiddlerTitle,\n\t\t\tparamObject = event.paramObject || {},\n\t\t\ttemplate = paramObject.template || \"$:/core/templates/single.tiddler.window\",\n\t\t\twidth = paramObject.width || \"700\",\n\t\t\theight = paramObject.height || \"600\",\n\t\t\tvariables = $tw.utils.extend({},paramObject,{currentTiddler: title});\n\t\t// Open the window\n\t\tvar srcWindow = window.open(\"\",\"external-\" + title,\"scrollbars,width=\" + width + \",height=\" + height),\n\t\t\tsrcDocument = srcWindow.document;\n\t\twindows[title] = srcWindow;\n\t\t// Check for reopening the same window\n\t\tif(srcWindow.haveInitialisedWindow) {\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Initialise the document\n\t\tsrcDocument.write(\"<html><head></head><body class='tc-body tc-single-tiddler-window'></body></html>\");\n\t\tsrcDocument.close();\n\t\tsrcDocument.title = title;\n\t\tsrcWindow.addEventListener(\"beforeunload\",function(event) {\n\t\t\tdelete windows[title];\n\t\t\t$tw.wiki.removeEventListener(\"change\",refreshHandler);\n\t\t},false);\n\t\t// Set up the styles\n\t\tvar styleWidgetNode = $tw.wiki.makeTranscludeWidget(\"$:/core/ui/PageStylesheet\",{\n\t\t\t\tdocument: $tw.fakeDocument,\n\t\t\t\tvariables: variables,\n\t\t\t\timportPageMacros: true}),\n\t\t\tstyleContainer = $tw.fakeDocument.createElement(\"style\");\n\t\tstyleWidgetNode.render(styleContainer,null);\n\t\tvar styleElement = srcDocument.createElement(\"style\");\n\t\tstyleElement.innerHTML = styleContainer.textContent;\n\t\tsrcDocument.head.insertBefore(styleElement,srcDocument.head.firstChild);\n\t\t// Render the text of the tiddler\n\t\tvar parser = $tw.wiki.parseTiddler(template),\n\t\t\twidgetNode = $tw.wiki.makeWidget(parser,{document: srcDocument, parentWidget: $tw.rootWidget, variables: variables});\n\t\twidgetNode.render(srcDocument.body,srcDocument.body.firstChild);\n\t\t// Function to handle refreshes\n\t\trefreshHandler = function(changes) {\n\t\t\tif(styleWidgetNode.refresh(changes,styleContainer,null)) {\n\t\t\t\tstyleElement.innerHTML = styleContainer.textContent;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\twidgetNode.refresh(changes);\n\t\t};\n\t\t$tw.wiki.addEventListener(\"change\",refreshHandler);\n\t\tsrcWindow.haveInitialisedWindow = true;\n\t});\n\t// Close open windows when unloading main window\n\t$tw.addUnloadTask(function() {\n\t\t$tw.utils.each(windows,function(win) {\n\t\t\twin.close();\n\t\t});\n\t});\n\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/startup/windows.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "startup"
"$:/core/modules/story.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/story.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: global\n\nLightweight object for managing interactions with the story and history lists.\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nConstruct Story object with options:\nwiki: reference to wiki object to use to resolve tiddler titles\nstoryTitle: title of story list tiddler\nhistoryTitle: title of history list tiddler\n*/\nfunction Story(options) {\n\toptions = options || {};\n\tthis.wiki = options.wiki || $tw.wiki;\n\tthis.storyTitle = options.storyTitle || \"$:/StoryList\";\n\tthis.historyTitle = options.historyTitle || \"$:/HistoryList\";\n};\n\nStory.prototype.navigateTiddler = function(navigateTo,navigateFromTitle,navigateFromClientRect) {\n\tthis.addToStory(navigateTo,navigateFromTitle);\n\tthis.addToHistory(navigateTo,navigateFromClientRect);\n};\n\nStory.prototype.getStoryList = function() {\n\treturn this.wiki.getTiddlerList(this.storyTitle) || [];\n};\n\nStory.prototype.addToStory = function(navigateTo,navigateFromTitle,options) {\n\toptions = options || {};\n\tvar storyList = this.getStoryList();\n\t// See if the tiddler is already there\n\tvar slot = storyList.indexOf(navigateTo);\n\t// Quit if it already exists in the story river\n\tif(slot >= 0) {\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\t// First we try to find the position of the story element we navigated from\n\tvar fromIndex = storyList.indexOf(navigateFromTitle);\n\tif(fromIndex >= 0) {\n\t\t// The tiddler is added from inside the river\n\t\t// Determine where to insert the tiddler; Fallback is \"below\"\n\t\tswitch(options.openLinkFromInsideRiver) {\n\t\t\tcase \"top\":\n\t\t\t\tslot = 0;\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase \"bottom\":\n\t\t\t\tslot = storyList.length;\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase \"above\":\n\t\t\t\tslot = fromIndex;\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase \"below\": // Intentional fall-through\n\t\t\tdefault:\n\t\t\t\tslot = fromIndex + 1;\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\t// The tiddler is opened from outside the river. Determine where to insert the tiddler; default is \"top\"\n\t\tif(options.openLinkFromOutsideRiver === \"bottom\") {\n\t\t\t// Insert at bottom\n\t\t\tslot = storyList.length;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t// Insert at top\n\t\t\tslot = 0;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t// Add the tiddler\n\tstoryList.splice(slot,0,navigateTo);\n\t// Save the story\n\tthis.saveStoryList(storyList);\n};\n\nStory.prototype.saveStoryList = function(storyList) {\n\tvar storyTiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(this.storyTitle);\n\tthis.wiki.addTiddler(new $tw.Tiddler(\n\t\tthis.wiki.getCreationFields(),\n\t\t{title: this.storyTitle},\n\t\tstoryTiddler,\n\t\t{list: storyList},\n\t\tthis.wiki.getModificationFields()\n\t));\n};\n\nStory.prototype.addToHistory = function(navigateTo,navigateFromClientRect) {\n\tvar titles = $tw.utils.isArray(navigateTo) ? navigateTo : [navigateTo];\n\t// Add a new record to the top of the history stack\n\tvar historyList = this.wiki.getTiddlerData(this.historyTitle,[]);\n\t$tw.utils.each(titles,function(title) {\n\t\thistoryList.push({title: title, fromPageRect: navigateFromClientRect});\n\t});\n\tthis.wiki.setTiddlerData(this.historyTitle,historyList,{\"current-tiddler\": titles[titles.length-1]});\n};\n\nStory.prototype.storyCloseTiddler = function(targetTitle) {\n// TBD\n};\n\nStory.prototype.storyCloseAllTiddlers = function() {\n// TBD\n};\n\nStory.prototype.storyCloseOtherTiddlers = function(targetTitle) {\n// TBD\n};\n\nStory.prototype.storyEditTiddler = function(targetTitle) {\n// TBD\n};\n\nStory.prototype.storyDeleteTiddler = function(targetTitle) {\n// TBD\n};\n\nStory.prototype.storySaveTiddler = function(targetTitle) {\n// TBD\n};\n\nStory.prototype.storyCancelTiddler = function(targetTitle) {\n// TBD\n};\n\nStory.prototype.storyNewTiddler = function(targetTitle) {\n// TBD\n};\n\nexports.Story = Story;\n\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/story.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "global"
"$:/core/modules/storyviews/classic.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/storyviews/classic.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: storyview\n\nViews the story as a linear sequence\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar easing = \"cubic-bezier(0.645, 0.045, 0.355, 1)\"; // From http://easings.net/#easeInOutCubic\n\nvar ClassicStoryView = function(listWidget) {\n\tthis.listWidget = listWidget;\n};\n\nClassicStoryView.prototype.navigateTo = function(historyInfo) {\n\tvar listElementIndex = this.listWidget.findListItem(0,historyInfo.title);\n\tif(listElementIndex === undefined) {\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\tvar listItemWidget = this.listWidget.children[listElementIndex],\n\t\ttargetElement = listItemWidget.findFirstDomNode();\n\t// Abandon if the list entry isn't a DOM element (it might be a text node)\n\tif(!(targetElement instanceof Element)) {\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\t// Scroll the node into view\n\tthis.listWidget.dispatchEvent({type: \"tm-scroll\", target: targetElement});\n};\n\nClassicStoryView.prototype.insert = function(widget) {\n\tvar targetElement = widget.findFirstDomNode(),\n\t\tduration = $tw.utils.getAnimationDuration();\n\t// Abandon if the list entry isn't a DOM element (it might be a text node)\n\tif(!(targetElement instanceof Element)) {\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\t// Get the current height of the tiddler\n\tvar computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(targetElement),\n\t\tcurrMarginBottom = parseInt(computedStyle.marginBottom,10),\n\t\tcurrMarginTop = parseInt(computedStyle.marginTop,10),\n\t\tcurrHeight = targetElement.offsetHeight + currMarginTop;\n\t// Reset the margin once the transition is over\n\tsetTimeout(function() {\n\t\t$tw.utils.setStyle(targetElement,[\n\t\t\t{transition: \"none\"},\n\t\t\t{marginBottom: \"\"}\n\t\t]);\n\t},duration);\n\t// Set up the initial position of the element\n\t$tw.utils.setStyle(targetElement,[\n\t\t{transition: \"none\"},\n\t\t{marginBottom: (-currHeight) + \"px\"},\n\t\t{opacity: \"0.0\"}\n\t]);\n\t$tw.utils.forceLayout(targetElement);\n\t// Transition to the final position\n\t$tw.utils.setStyle(targetElement,[\n\t\t{transition: \"opacity \" + duration + \"ms \" + easing + \", \" +\n\t\t\t\t\t\"margin-bottom \" + duration + \"ms \" + easing},\n\t\t{marginBottom: currMarginBottom + \"px\"},\n\t\t{opacity: \"1.0\"}\n\t]);\n};\n\nClassicStoryView.prototype.remove = function(widget) {\n\tvar targetElement = widget.findFirstDomNode(),\n\t\tduration = $tw.utils.getAnimationDuration(),\n\t\tremoveElement = function() {\n\t\t\twidget.removeChildDomNodes();\n\t\t};\n\t// Abandon if the list entry isn't a DOM element (it might be a text node)\n\tif(!(targetElement instanceof Element)) {\n\t\tremoveElement();\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\t// Get the current height of the tiddler\n\tvar currWidth = targetElement.offsetWidth,\n\t\tcomputedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(targetElement),\n\t\tcurrMarginBottom = parseInt(computedStyle.marginBottom,10),\n\t\tcurrMarginTop = parseInt(computedStyle.marginTop,10),\n\t\tcurrHeight = targetElement.offsetHeight + currMarginTop;\n\t// Remove the dom nodes of the widget at the end of the transition\n\tsetTimeout(removeElement,duration);\n\t// Animate the closure\n\t$tw.utils.setStyle(targetElement,[\n\t\t{transition: \"none\"},\n\t\t{transform: \"translateX(0px)\"},\n\t\t{marginBottom: currMarginBottom + \"px\"},\n\t\t{opacity: \"1.0\"}\n\t]);\n\t$tw.utils.forceLayout(targetElement);\n\t$tw.utils.setStyle(targetElement,[\n\t\t{transition: $tw.utils.roundTripPropertyName(\"transform\") + \" \" + duration + \"ms \" + easing + \", \" +\n\t\t\t\t\t\"opacity \" + duration + \"ms \" + easing + \", \" +\n\t\t\t\t\t\"margin-bottom \" + duration + \"ms \" + easing},\n\t\t{transform: \"translateX(-\" + currWidth + \"px)\"},\n\t\t{marginBottom: (-currHeight) + \"px\"},\n\t\t{opacity: \"0.0\"}\n\t]);\n};\n\nexports.classic = ClassicStoryView;\n\n})();",
"title": "$:/core/modules/storyviews/classic.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "storyview"
"$:/core/modules/storyviews/pop.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/storyviews/pop.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: storyview\n\nAnimates list insertions and removals\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar PopStoryView = function(listWidget) {\n\tthis.listWidget = listWidget;\n};\n\nPopStoryView.prototype.navigateTo = function(historyInfo) {\n\tvar listElementIndex = this.listWidget.findListItem(0,historyInfo.title);\n\tif(listElementIndex === undefined) {\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\tvar listItemWidget = this.listWidget.children[listElementIndex],\n\t\ttargetElement = listItemWidget.findFirstDomNode();\n\t// Abandon if the list entry isn't a DOM element (it might be a text node)\n\tif(!(targetElement instanceof Element)) {\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\t// Scroll the node into view\n\tthis.listWidget.dispatchEvent({type: \"tm-scroll\", target: targetElement});\n};\n\nPopStoryView.prototype.insert = function(widget) {\n\tvar targetElement = widget.findFirstDomNode(),\n\t\tduration = $tw.utils.getAnimationDuration();\n\t// Abandon if the list entry isn't a DOM element (it might be a text node)\n\tif(!(targetElement instanceof Element)) {\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\t// Reset once the transition is over\n\tsetTimeout(function() {\n\t\t$tw.utils.setStyle(targetElement,[\n\t\t\t{transition: \"none\"},\n\t\t\t{transform: \"none\"}\n\t\t]);\n\t},duration);\n\t// Set up the initial position of the element\n\t$tw.utils.setStyle(targetElement,[\n\t\t{transition: \"none\"},\n\t\t{transform: \"scale(2)\"},\n\t\t{opacity: \"0.0\"}\n\t]);\n\t$tw.utils.forceLayout(targetElement);\n\t// Transition to the final position\n\t$tw.utils.setStyle(targetElement,[\n\t\t{transition: $tw.utils.roundTripPropertyName(\"transform\") + \" \" + duration + \"ms ease-in-out, \" +\n\t\t\t\t\t\"opacity \" + duration + \"ms ease-in-out\"},\n\t\t{transform: \"scale(1)\"},\n\t\t{opacity: \"1.0\"}\n\t]);\n};\n\nPopStoryView.prototype.remove = function(widget) {\n\tvar targetElement = widget.findFirstDomNode(),\n\t\tduration = $tw.utils.getAnimationDuration(),\n\t\tremoveElement = function() {\n\t\t\tif(targetElement.parentNode) {\n\t\t\t\twidget.removeChildDomNodes();\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t};\n\t// Abandon if the list entry isn't a DOM element (it might be a text node)\n\tif(!(targetElement instanceof Element)) {\n\t\tremoveElement();\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\t// Remove the element at the end of the transition\n\tsetTimeout(removeElement,duration);\n\t// Animate the closure\n\t$tw.utils.setStyle(targetElement,[\n\t\t{transition: \"none\"},\n\t\t{transform: \"scale(1)\"},\n\t\t{opacity: \"1.0\"}\n\t]);\n\t$tw.utils.forceLayout(targetElement);\n\t$tw.utils.setStyle(targetElement,[\n\t\t{transition: $tw.utils.roundTripPropertyName(\"transform\") + \" \" + duration + \"ms ease-in-out, \" +\n\t\t\t\t\t\"opacity \" + duration + \"ms ease-in-out\"},\n\t\t{transform: \"scale(0.1)\"},\n\t\t{opacity: \"0.0\"}\n\t]);\n};\n\nexports.pop = PopStoryView;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/storyviews/pop.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "storyview"
"$:/core/modules/storyviews/zoomin.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/storyviews/zoomin.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: storyview\n\nZooms between individual tiddlers\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar easing = \"cubic-bezier(0.645, 0.045, 0.355, 1)\"; // From http://easings.net/#easeInOutCubic\n\nvar ZoominListView = function(listWidget) {\n\tvar self = this;\n\tthis.listWidget = listWidget;\n\t// Get the index of the tiddler that is at the top of the history\n\tvar history = this.listWidget.wiki.getTiddlerDataCached(this.listWidget.historyTitle,[]),\n\t\ttargetTiddler;\n\tif(history.length > 0) {\n\t\ttargetTiddler = history[history.length-1].title;\n\t}\n\t// Make all the tiddlers position absolute, and hide all but the top (or first) one\n\t$tw.utils.each(this.listWidget.children,function(itemWidget,index) {\n\t\tvar domNode = itemWidget.findFirstDomNode();\n\t\t// Abandon if the list entry isn't a DOM element (it might be a text node)\n\t\tif(!(domNode instanceof Element)) {\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif((targetTiddler && targetTiddler !== itemWidget.parseTreeNode.itemTitle) || (!targetTiddler && index)) {\n\t\t\tdomNode.style.display = \"none\";\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tself.currentTiddlerDomNode = domNode;\n\t\t}\n\t\t$tw.utils.addClass(domNode,\"tc-storyview-zoomin-tiddler\");\n\t});\n};\n\nZoominListView.prototype.navigateTo = function(historyInfo) {\n\tvar duration = $tw.utils.getAnimationDuration(),\n\t\tlistElementIndex = this.listWidget.findListItem(0,historyInfo.title);\n\tif(listElementIndex === undefined) {\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\tvar listItemWidget = this.listWidget.children[listElementIndex],\n\t\ttargetElement = listItemWidget.findFirstDomNode();\n\t// Abandon if the list entry isn't a DOM element (it might be a text node)\n\tif(!(targetElement instanceof Element)) {\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\t// Make the new tiddler be position absolute and visible so that we can measure it\n\t$tw.utils.addClass(targetElement,\"tc-storyview-zoomin-tiddler\");\n\t$tw.utils.setStyle(targetElement,[\n\t\t{display: \"block\"},\n\t\t{transformOrigin: \"0 0\"},\n\t\t{transform: \"translateX(0px) translateY(0px) scale(1)\"},\n\t\t{transition: \"none\"},\n\t\t{opacity: \"0.0\"}\n\t]);\n\t// Get the position of the source node, or use the centre of the window as the source position\n\tvar sourceBounds = historyInfo.fromPageRect || {\n\t\t\tleft: window.innerWidth/2 - 2,\n\t\t\ttop: window.innerHeight/2 - 2,\n\t\t\twidth: window.innerWidth/8,\n\t\t\theight: window.innerHeight/8\n\t\t};\n\t// Try to find the title node in the target tiddler\n\tvar titleDomNode = findTitleDomNode(listItemWidget) || listItemWidget.findFirstDomNode(),\n\t\tzoomBounds = titleDomNode.getBoundingClientRect();\n\t// Compute the transform for the target tiddler to make the title lie over the source rectange\n\tvar targetBounds = targetElement.getBoundingClientRect(),\n\t\tscale = sourceBounds.width / zoomBounds.width,\n\t\tx = sourceBounds.left - targetBounds.left - (zoomBounds.left - targetBounds.left) * scale,\n\t\ty = sourceBounds.top - targetBounds.top - (zoomBounds.top - targetBounds.top) * scale;\n\t// Transform the target tiddler to its starting position\n\t$tw.utils.setStyle(targetElement,[\n\t\t{transform: \"translateX(\" + x + \"px) translateY(\" + y + \"px) scale(\" + scale + \")\"}\n\t]);\n\t// Force layout\n\t$tw.utils.forceLayout(targetElement);\n\t// Apply the ending transitions with a timeout to ensure that the previously applied transformations are applied first\n\tvar self = this,\n\t\tprevCurrentTiddler = this.currentTiddlerDomNode;\n\tthis.currentTiddlerDomNode = targetElement;\n\t// Transform the target tiddler to its natural size\n\t$tw.utils.setStyle(targetElement,[\n\t\t{transition: $tw.utils.roundTripPropertyName(\"transform\") + \" \" + duration + \"ms \" + easing + \", opacity \" + duration + \"ms \" + easing},\n\t\t{opacity: \"1.0\"},\n\t\t{transform: \"translateX(0px) translateY(0px) scale(1)\"},\n\t\t{zIndex: \"500\"},\n\t]);\n\t// Transform the previous tiddler out of the way and then hide it\n\tif(prevCurrentTiddler && prevCurrentTiddler !== targetElement) {\n\t\tscale = zoomBounds.width / sourceBounds.width;\n\t\tx = zoomBounds.left - targetBounds.left - (sourceBounds.left - targetBounds.left) * scale;\n\t\ty = zoomBounds.top - targetBounds.top - (sourceBounds.top - targetBounds.top) * scale;\n\t\t$tw.utils.setStyle(prevCurrentTiddler,[\n\t\t\t{transition: $tw.utils.roundTripPropertyName(\"transform\") + \" \" + duration + \"ms \" + easing + \", opacity \" + duration + \"ms \" + easing},\n\t\t\t{opacity: \"0.0\"},\n\t\t\t{transformOrigin: \"0 0\"},\n\t\t\t{transform: \"translateX(\" + x + \"px) translateY(\" + y + \"px) scale(\" + scale + \")\"},\n\t\t\t{zIndex: \"0\"}\n\t\t]);\n\t\t// Hide the tiddler when the transition has finished\n\t\tsetTimeout(function() {\n\t\t\tif(self.currentTiddlerDomNode !== prevCurrentTiddler) {\n\t\t\t\tprevCurrentTiddler.style.display = \"none\";\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t},duration);\n\t}\n\t// Scroll the target into view\n//\t$tw.pageScroller.scrollIntoView(targetElement);\n};\n\n/*\nFind the first child DOM node of a widget that has the class \"tc-title\"\n*/\nfunction findTitleDomNode(widget,targetClass) {\n\ttargetClass = targetClass || \"tc-title\";\n\tvar domNode = widget.findFirstDomNode();\n\tif(domNode && domNode.querySelector) {\n\t\treturn domNode.querySelector(\".\" + targetClass);\n\t}\n\treturn null;\n}\n\nZoominListView.prototype.insert = function(widget) {\n\tvar targetElement = widget.findFirstDomNode();\n\t// Abandon if the list entry isn't a DOM element (it might be a text node)\n\tif(!(targetElement instanceof Element)) {\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\t// Make the newly inserted node position absolute and hidden\n\t$tw.utils.addClass(targetElement,\"tc-storyview-zoomin-tiddler\");\n\t$tw.utils.setStyle(targetElement,[\n\t\t{display: \"none\"}\n\t]);\n};\n\nZoominListView.prototype.remove = function(widget) {\n\tvar targetElement = widget.findFirstDomNode(),\n\t\tduration = $tw.utils.getAnimationDuration(),\n\t\tremoveElement = function() {\n\t\t\twidget.removeChildDomNodes();\n\t\t};\n\t// Abandon if the list entry isn't a DOM element (it might be a text node)\n\tif(!(targetElement instanceof Element)) {\n\t\tremoveElement();\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\t// Abandon if hidden\n\tif(targetElement.style.display != \"block\" ) {\n\t\tremoveElement();\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\t// Set up the tiddler that is being closed\n\t$tw.utils.addClass(targetElement,\"tc-storyview-zoomin-tiddler\");\n\t$tw.utils.setStyle(targetElement,[\n\t\t{display: \"block\"},\n\t\t{transformOrigin: \"50% 50%\"},\n\t\t{transform: \"translateX(0px) translateY(0px) scale(1)\"},\n\t\t{transition: \"none\"},\n\t\t{zIndex: \"0\"}\n\t]);\n\t// We'll move back to the previous or next element in the story\n\tvar toWidget = widget.previousSibling();\n\tif(!toWidget) {\n\t\ttoWidget = widget.nextSibling();\n\t}\n\tvar toWidgetDomNode = toWidget && toWidget.findFirstDomNode();\n\t// Set up the tiddler we're moving back in\n\tif(toWidgetDomNode) {\n\t\t$tw.utils.addClass(toWidgetDomNode,\"tc-storyview-zoomin-tiddler\");\n\t\t$tw.utils.setStyle(toWidgetDomNode,[\n\t\t\t{display: \"block\"},\n\t\t\t{transformOrigin: \"50% 50%\"},\n\t\t\t{transform: \"translateX(0px) translateY(0px) scale(10)\"},\n\t\t\t{transition: $tw.utils.roundTripPropertyName(\"transform\") + \" \" + duration + \"ms \" + easing + \", opacity \" + duration + \"ms \" + easing},\n\t\t\t{opacity: \"0\"},\n\t\t\t{zIndex: \"500\"}\n\t\t]);\n\t\tthis.currentTiddlerDomNode = toWidgetDomNode;\n\t}\n\t// Animate them both\n\t// Force layout\n\t$tw.utils.forceLayout(this.listWidget.parentDomNode);\n\t// First, the tiddler we're closing\n\t$tw.utils.setStyle(targetElement,[\n\t\t{transformOrigin: \"50% 50%\"},\n\t\t{transform: \"translateX(0px) translateY(0px) scale(0.1)\"},\n\t\t{transition: $tw.utils.roundTripPropertyName(\"transform\") + \" \" + duration + \"ms \" + easing + \", opacity \" + duration + \"ms \" + easing},\n\t\t{opacity: \"0\"},\n\t\t{zIndex: \"0\"}\n\t]);\n\tsetTimeout(removeElement,duration);\n\t// Now the tiddler we're going back to\n\tif(toWidgetDomNode) {\n\t\t$tw.utils.setStyle(toWidgetDomNode,[\n\t\t\t{transform: \"translateX(0px) translateY(0px) scale(1)\"},\n\t\t\t{opacity: \"1\"}\n\t\t]);\n\t}\n\treturn true; // Indicate that we'll delete the DOM node\n};\n\nexports.zoomin = ZoominListView;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/storyviews/zoomin.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "storyview"
"$:/core/modules/syncer.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/syncer.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: global\n\nThe syncer tracks changes to the store. If a syncadaptor is used then individual tiddlers are synchronised through it. If there is no syncadaptor then the entire wiki is saved via saver modules.\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nDefaults\n*/\nSyncer.prototype.titleIsLoggedIn = \"$:/status/IsLoggedIn\";\nSyncer.prototype.titleUserName = \"$:/status/UserName\";\nSyncer.prototype.titleSyncFilter = \"$:/config/SyncFilter\";\nSyncer.prototype.titleSavedNotification = \"$:/language/Notifications/Save/Done\";\nSyncer.prototype.taskTimerInterval = 1 * 1000; // Interval for sync timer\nSyncer.prototype.throttleInterval = 1 * 1000; // Defer saving tiddlers if they've changed in the last 1s...\nSyncer.prototype.fallbackInterval = 10 * 1000; // Unless the task is older than 10s\nSyncer.prototype.pollTimerInterval = 60 * 1000; // Interval for polling for changes from the adaptor\n\n/*\nInstantiate the syncer with the following options:\nsyncadaptor: reference to syncadaptor to be used\nwiki: wiki to be synced\n*/\nfunction Syncer(options) {\n\tvar self = this;\n\tthis.wiki = options.wiki;\n\tthis.syncadaptor = options.syncadaptor;\n\tthis.titleIsLoggedIn = options.titleIsLoggedIn || this.titleIsLoggedIn;\n\tthis.titleUserName = options.titleUserName || this.titleUserName;\n\tthis.titleSyncFilter = options.titleSyncFilter || this.titleSyncFilter;\n\tthis.titleSavedNotification = options.titleSavedNotification || this.titleSavedNotification;\n\tthis.taskTimerInterval = options.taskTimerInterval || this.taskTimerInterval;\n\tthis.throttleInterval = options.throttleInterval || this.throttleInterval;\n\tthis.fallbackInterval = options.fallbackInterval || this.fallbackInterval;\n\tthis.pollTimerInterval = options.pollTimerInterval || this.pollTimerInterval;\n\t// Make a logger\n\tthis.logger = new $tw.utils.Logger(\"syncer\" + ($tw.browser ? \"-browser\" : \"\") + ($tw.node ? \"-server\" : \"\") + (this.syncadaptor.name ? (\"-\" + this.syncadaptor.name) : \"\"));\n\t// Compile the dirty tiddler filter\n\tthis.filterFn = this.wiki.compileFilter(this.wiki.getTiddlerText(this.titleSyncFilter));\n\t// Record information for known tiddlers\n\tthis.readTiddlerInfo();\n\t// Tasks are {type: \"load\"/\"save\"/\"delete\", title:, queueTime:, lastModificationTime:}\n\tthis.taskQueue = {}; // Hashmap of tasks yet to be performed\n\tthis.taskInProgress = {}; // Hash of tasks in progress\n\tthis.taskTimerId = null; // Timer for task dispatch\n\tthis.pollTimerId = null; // Timer for polling server\n\t// Listen out for changes to tiddlers\n\tthis.wiki.addEventListener(\"change\",function(changes) {\n\t\tself.syncToServer(changes);\n\t});\n\t// Browser event handlers\n\tif($tw.browser) {\n\t\t// Set up our beforeunload handler\n\t\t$tw.addUnloadTask(function(event) {\n\t\t\tvar confirmationMessage;\n\t\t\tif(self.isDirty()) {\n\t\t\t\tconfirmationMessage = $tw.language.getString(\"UnsavedChangesWarning\");\n\t\t\t\tevent.returnValue = confirmationMessage; // Gecko\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\treturn confirmationMessage;\n\t\t});\n\t\t// Listen out for login/logout/refresh events in the browser\n\t\t$tw.rootWidget.addEventListener(\"tm-login\",function() {\n\t\t\tself.handleLoginEvent();\n\t\t});\n\t\t$tw.rootWidget.addEventListener(\"tm-logout\",function() {\n\t\t\tself.handleLogoutEvent();\n\t\t});\n\t\t$tw.rootWidget.addEventListener(\"tm-server-refresh\",function() {\n\t\t\tself.handleRefreshEvent();\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\t// Listen out for lazyLoad events\n\tthis.wiki.addEventListener(\"lazyLoad\",function(title) {\n\t\tself.handleLazyLoadEvent(title);\n\t});\n\t// Get the login status\n\tthis.getStatus(function(err,isLoggedIn) {\n\t\t// Do a sync from the server\n\t\tself.syncFromServer();\n\t});\n}\n\n/*\nRead (or re-read) the latest tiddler info from the store\n*/\nSyncer.prototype.readTiddlerInfo = function() {\n\t// Hashmap by title of {revision:,changeCount:,adaptorInfo:}\n\tthis.tiddlerInfo = {};\n\t// Record information for known tiddlers\n\tvar self = this,\n\t\ttiddlers = this.filterFn.call(this.wiki);\n\t$tw.utils.each(tiddlers,function(title) {\n\t\tvar tiddler = self.wiki.getTiddler(title);\n\t\tself.tiddlerInfo[title] = {\n\t\t\trevision: tiddler.fields.revision,\n\t\t\tadaptorInfo: self.syncadaptor && self.syncadaptor.getTiddlerInfo(tiddler),\n\t\t\tchangeCount: self.wiki.getChangeCount(title),\n\t\t\thasBeenLazyLoaded: false\n\t\t};\n\t});\n};\n\n/*\nCreate an tiddlerInfo structure if it doesn't already exist\n*/\nSyncer.prototype.createTiddlerInfo = function(title) {\n\tif(!$tw.utils.hop(this.tiddlerInfo,title)) {\n\t\tthis.tiddlerInfo[title] = {\n\t\t\trevision: null,\n\t\t\tadaptorInfo: {},\n\t\t\tchangeCount: -1,\n\t\t\thasBeenLazyLoaded: false\n\t\t};\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nChecks whether the wiki is dirty (ie the window shouldn't be closed)\n*/\nSyncer.prototype.isDirty = function() {\n\treturn (this.numTasksInQueue() > 0) || (this.numTasksInProgress() > 0);\n};\n\n/*\nUpdate the document body with the class \"tc-dirty\" if the wiki has unsaved/unsynced changes\n*/\nSyncer.prototype.updateDirtyStatus = function() {\n\tif($tw.browser) {\n\t\t$tw.utils.toggleClass(document.body,\"tc-dirty\",this.isDirty());\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nSave an incoming tiddler in the store, and updates the associated tiddlerInfo\n*/\nSyncer.prototype.storeTiddler = function(tiddlerFields,hasBeenLazyLoaded) {\n\t// Save the tiddler\n\tvar tiddler = new $tw.Tiddler(this.wiki.getTiddler(tiddlerFields.title),tiddlerFields);\n\tthis.wiki.addTiddler(tiddler);\n\t// Save the tiddler revision and changeCount details\n\tthis.tiddlerInfo[tiddlerFields.title] = {\n\t\trevision: tiddlerFields.revision,\n\t\tadaptorInfo: this.syncadaptor.getTiddlerInfo(tiddler),\n\t\tchangeCount: this.wiki.getChangeCount(tiddlerFields.title),\n\t\thasBeenLazyLoaded: hasBeenLazyLoaded !== undefined ? hasBeenLazyLoaded : true\n\t};\n};\n\nSyncer.prototype.getStatus = function(callback) {\n\tvar self = this;\n\t// Check if the adaptor supports getStatus()\n\tif(this.syncadaptor && this.syncadaptor.getStatus) {\n\t\t// Mark us as not logged in\n\t\tthis.wiki.addTiddler({title: this.titleIsLoggedIn,text: \"no\"});\n\t\t// Get login status\n\t\tthis.syncadaptor.getStatus(function(err,isLoggedIn,username) {\n\t\t\tif(err) {\n\t\t\t\tself.logger.alert(err);\n\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t// Set the various status tiddlers\n\t\t\tself.wiki.addTiddler({title: self.titleIsLoggedIn,text: isLoggedIn ? \"yes\" : \"no\"});\n\t\t\tif(isLoggedIn) {\n\t\t\t\tself.wiki.addTiddler({title: self.titleUserName,text: username || \"\"});\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tself.wiki.deleteTiddler(self.titleUserName);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t// Invoke the callback\n\t\t\tif(callback) {\n\t\t\t\tcallback(err,isLoggedIn,username);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t} else {\n\t\tcallback(null,true,\"UNAUTHENTICATED\");\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nSynchronise from the server by reading the skinny tiddler list and queuing up loads for any tiddlers that we don't already have up to date\n*/\nSyncer.prototype.syncFromServer = function() {\n\tif(this.syncadaptor && this.syncadaptor.getSkinnyTiddlers) {\n\t\tthis.logger.log(\"Retrieving skinny tiddler list\");\n\t\tvar self = this;\n\t\tif(this.pollTimerId) {\n\t\t\tclearTimeout(this.pollTimerId);\n\t\t\tthis.pollTimerId = null;\n\t\t}\n\t\tthis.syncadaptor.getSkinnyTiddlers(function(err,tiddlers) {\n\t\t\t// Trigger the next sync\n\t\t\tself.pollTimerId = setTimeout(function() {\n\t\t\t\tself.pollTimerId = null;\n\t\t\t\tself.syncFromServer.call(self);\n\t\t\t},self.pollTimerInterval);\n\t\t\t// Check for errors\n\t\t\tif(err) {\n\t\t\t\tself.logger.alert($tw.language.getString(\"Error/RetrievingSkinny\") + \":\",err);\n\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t// Process each incoming tiddler\n\t\t\tfor(var t=0; t<tiddlers.length; t++) {\n\t\t\t\t// Get the incoming tiddler fields, and the existing tiddler\n\t\t\t\tvar tiddlerFields = tiddlers[t],\n\t\t\t\t\tincomingRevision = tiddlerFields.revision + \"\",\n\t\t\t\t\ttiddler = self.wiki.getTiddler(tiddlerFields.title),\n\t\t\t\t\ttiddlerInfo = self.tiddlerInfo[tiddlerFields.title],\n\t\t\t\t\tcurrRevision = tiddlerInfo ? tiddlerInfo.revision : null;\n\t\t\t\t// Ignore the incoming tiddler if it's the same as the revision we've already got\n\t\t\t\tif(currRevision !== incomingRevision) {\n\t\t\t\t\t// Do a full load if we've already got a fat version of the tiddler\n\t\t\t\t\tif(tiddler && tiddler.fields.text !== undefined) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t// Do a full load of this tiddler\n\t\t\t\t\t\tself.enqueueSyncTask({\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttype: \"load\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttitle: tiddlerFields.title\n\t\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t// Load the skinny version of the tiddler\n\t\t\t\t\t\tself.storeTiddler(tiddlerFields,false);\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nSynchronise a set of changes to the server\n*/\nSyncer.prototype.syncToServer = function(changes) {\n\tvar self = this,\n\t\tnow = Date.now(),\n\t\tfilteredChanges = this.filterFn.call(this.wiki,function(callback) {\n\t\t\t$tw.utils.each(changes,function(change,title) {\n\t\t\t\tvar tiddler = self.wiki.getTiddler(title);\n\t\t\t\tcallback(tiddler,title);\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t});\n\t$tw.utils.each(changes,function(change,title,object) {\n\t\t// Process the change if it is a deletion of a tiddler we're already syncing, or is on the filtered change list\n\t\tif((change.deleted && $tw.utils.hop(self.tiddlerInfo,title)) || filteredChanges.indexOf(title) !== -1) {\n\t\t\t// Queue a task to sync this tiddler\n\t\t\tself.enqueueSyncTask({\n\t\t\t\ttype: change.deleted ? \"delete\" : \"save\",\n\t\t\t\ttitle: title\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t}\n\t});\n};\n\n/*\nLazily load a skinny tiddler if we can\n*/\nSyncer.prototype.handleLazyLoadEvent = function(title) {\n\t// Don't lazy load the same tiddler twice\n\tvar info = this.tiddlerInfo[title];\n\tif(!info || !info.hasBeenLazyLoaded) {\n\t\tthis.createTiddlerInfo(title);\n\t\tthis.tiddlerInfo[title].hasBeenLazyLoaded = true;\n\t\t// Queue up a sync task to load this tiddler\n\t\tthis.enqueueSyncTask({\n\t\t\ttype: \"load\",\n\t\t\ttitle: title\n\t\t});\t\t\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nDispay a password prompt and allow the user to login\n*/\nSyncer.prototype.handleLoginEvent = function() {\n\tvar self = this;\n\tthis.getStatus(function(err,isLoggedIn,username) {\n\t\tif(!isLoggedIn) {\n\t\t\t$tw.passwordPrompt.createPrompt({\n\t\t\t\tserviceName: $tw.language.getString(\"LoginToTiddlySpace\"),\n\t\t\t\tcallback: function(data) {\n\t\t\t\t\tself.login(data.username,data.password,function(err,isLoggedIn) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tself.syncFromServer();\n\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t\treturn true; // Get rid of the password prompt\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t}\n\t});\n};\n\n/*\nAttempt to login to TiddlyWeb.\n\tusername: username\n\tpassword: password\n\tcallback: invoked with arguments (err,isLoggedIn)\n*/\nSyncer.prototype.login = function(username,password,callback) {\n\tthis.logger.log(\"Attempting to login as\",username);\n\tvar self = this;\n\tif(this.syncadaptor.login) {\n\t\tthis.syncadaptor.login(username,password,function(err) {\n\t\t\tif(err) {\n\t\t\t\treturn callback(err);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tself.getStatus(function(err,isLoggedIn,username) {\n\t\t\t\tif(callback) {\n\t\t\t\t\tcallback(null,isLoggedIn);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t});\n\t} else {\n\t\tcallback(null,true);\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nAttempt to log out of TiddlyWeb\n*/\nSyncer.prototype.handleLogoutEvent = function() {\n\tthis.logger.log(\"Attempting to logout\");\n\tvar self = this;\n\tif(this.syncadaptor.logout) {\n\t\tthis.syncadaptor.logout(function(err) {\n\t\t\tif(err) {\n\t\t\t\tself.logger.alert(err);\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tself.getStatus();\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nImmediately refresh from the server\n*/\nSyncer.prototype.handleRefreshEvent = function() {\n\tthis.syncFromServer();\n};\n\n/*\nQueue up a sync task. If there is already a pending task for the tiddler, just update the last modification time\n*/\nSyncer.prototype.enqueueSyncTask = function(task) {\n\tvar self = this,\n\t\tnow = Date.now();\n\t// Set the timestamps on this task\n\ttask.queueTime = now;\n\ttask.lastModificationTime = now;\n\t// Fill in some tiddlerInfo if the tiddler is one we haven't seen before\n\tthis.createTiddlerInfo(task.title);\n\t// Bail if this is a save and the tiddler is already at the changeCount that the server has\n\tif(task.type === \"save\" && this.wiki.getChangeCount(task.title) <= this.tiddlerInfo[task.title].changeCount) {\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\t// Check if this tiddler is already in the queue\n\tif($tw.utils.hop(this.taskQueue,task.title)) {\n\t\t// this.logger.log(\"Re-queueing up sync task with type:\",task.type,\"title:\",task.title);\n\t\tvar existingTask = this.taskQueue[task.title];\n\t\t// If so, just update the last modification time\n\t\texistingTask.lastModificationTime = task.lastModificationTime;\n\t\t// If the new task is a save then we upgrade the existing task to a save. Thus a pending load is turned into a save if the tiddler changes locally in the meantime. But a pending save is not modified to become a load\n\t\tif(task.type === \"save\" || task.type === \"delete\") {\n\t\t\texistingTask.type = task.type;\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\t// this.logger.log(\"Queuing up sync task with type:\",task.type,\"title:\",task.title);\n\t\t// If it is not in the queue, insert it\n\t\tthis.taskQueue[task.title] = task;\n\t\tthis.updateDirtyStatus();\n\t}\n\t// Process the queue\n\t$tw.utils.nextTick(function() {self.processTaskQueue.call(self);});\n};\n\n/*\nReturn the number of tasks in progress\n*/\nSyncer.prototype.numTasksInProgress = function() {\n\treturn $tw.utils.count(this.taskInProgress);\n};\n\n/*\nReturn the number of tasks in the queue\n*/\nSyncer.prototype.numTasksInQueue = function() {\n\treturn $tw.utils.count(this.taskQueue);\n};\n\n/*\nTrigger a timeout if one isn't already outstanding\n*/\nSyncer.prototype.triggerTimeout = function() {\n\tvar self = this;\n\tif(!this.taskTimerId) {\n\t\tthis.taskTimerId = setTimeout(function() {\n\t\t\tself.taskTimerId = null;\n\t\t\tself.processTaskQueue.call(self);\n\t\t},self.taskTimerInterval);\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nProcess the task queue, performing the next task if appropriate\n*/\nSyncer.prototype.processTaskQueue = function() {\n\tvar self = this;\n\t// Only process a task if the sync adaptor is fully initialised and we're not already performing a task. If we are already performing a task then we'll dispatch the next one when it completes\n\tif((!this.syncadaptor.isReady || this.syncadaptor.isReady()) && this.numTasksInProgress() === 0) {\n\t\t// Choose the next task to perform\n\t\tvar task = this.chooseNextTask();\n\t\t// Perform the task if we had one\n\t\tif(task) {\n\t\t\t// Remove the task from the queue and add it to the in progress list\n\t\t\tdelete this.taskQueue[task.title];\n\t\t\tthis.taskInProgress[task.title] = task;\n\t\t\tthis.updateDirtyStatus();\n\t\t\t// Dispatch the task\n\t\t\tthis.dispatchTask(task,function(err) {\n\t\t\t\tif(err) {\n\t\t\t\t\tself.logger.alert(\"Sync error while processing '\" + task.title + \"':\\n\" + err);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t// Mark that this task is no longer in progress\n\t\t\t\tdelete self.taskInProgress[task.title];\n\t\t\t\tself.updateDirtyStatus();\n\t\t\t\t// Process the next task\n\t\t\t\tself.processTaskQueue.call(self);\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t// Make sure we've set a time if there wasn't a task to perform, but we've still got tasks in the queue\n\t\t\tif(this.numTasksInQueue() > 0) {\n\t\t\t\tthis.triggerTimeout();\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nChoose the next applicable task\n*/\nSyncer.prototype.chooseNextTask = function() {\n\tvar self = this,\n\t\tcandidateTask = null,\n\t\tnow = Date.now();\n\t// Select the best candidate task\n\t$tw.utils.each(this.taskQueue,function(task,title) {\n\t\t// Exclude the task if there's one of the same name in progress\n\t\tif($tw.utils.hop(self.taskInProgress,title)) {\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Exclude the task if it is a save and the tiddler has been modified recently, but not hit the fallback time\n\t\tif(task.type === \"save\" && (now - task.lastModificationTime) < self.throttleInterval &&\n\t\t\t(now - task.queueTime) < self.fallbackInterval) {\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Exclude the task if it is newer than the current best candidate\n\t\tif(candidateTask && candidateTask.queueTime < task.queueTime) {\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Now this is our best candidate\n\t\tcandidateTask = task;\n\t});\n\treturn candidateTask;\n};\n\n/*\nDispatch a task and invoke the callback\n*/\nSyncer.prototype.dispatchTask = function(task,callback) {\n\tvar self = this;\n\tif(task.type === \"save\") {\n\t\tvar changeCount = this.wiki.getChangeCount(task.title),\n\t\t\ttiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(task.title);\n\t\tthis.logger.log(\"Dispatching 'save' task:\",task.title);\n\t\tif(tiddler) {\n\t\t\tthis.syncadaptor.saveTiddler(tiddler,function(err,adaptorInfo,revision) {\n\t\t\t\tif(err) {\n\t\t\t\t\treturn callback(err);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t// Adjust the info stored about this tiddler\n\t\t\t\tself.tiddlerInfo[task.title] = {\n\t\t\t\t\tchangeCount: changeCount,\n\t\t\t\t\tadaptorInfo: adaptorInfo,\n\t\t\t\t\trevision: revision\n\t\t\t\t};\n\t\t\t\t// Invoke the callback\n\t\t\t\tcallback(null);\n\t\t\t},{\n\t\t\t\ttiddlerInfo: self.tiddlerInfo[task.title]\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tthis.logger.log(\" Not Dispatching 'save' task:\",task.title,\"tiddler does not exist\");\n\t\t\treturn callback(null);\n\t\t}\n\t} else if(task.type === \"load\") {\n\t\t// Load the tiddler\n\t\tthis.logger.log(\"Dispatching 'load' task:\",task.title);\n\t\tthis.syncadaptor.loadTiddler(task.title,function(err,tiddlerFields) {\n\t\t\tif(err) {\n\t\t\t\treturn callback(err);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t// Store the tiddler\n\t\t\tif(tiddlerFields) {\n\t\t\t\tself.storeTiddler(tiddlerFields,true);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t// Invoke the callback\n\t\t\tcallback(null);\n\t\t});\n\t} else if(task.type === \"delete\") {\n\t\t// Delete the tiddler\n\t\tthis.logger.log(\"Dispatching 'delete' task:\",task.title);\n\t\tthis.syncadaptor.deleteTiddler(task.title,function(err) {\n\t\t\tif(err) {\n\t\t\t\treturn callback(err);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tdelete self.tiddlerInfo[task.title];\n\t\t\t// Invoke the callback\n\t\t\tcallback(null);\n\t\t},{\n\t\t\ttiddlerInfo: self.tiddlerInfo[task.title]\n\t\t});\n\t}\n};\n\nexports.Syncer = Syncer;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/syncer.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "global"
"$:/core/modules/tiddler.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/tiddler.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: tiddlermethod\n\nExtension methods for the $tw.Tiddler object (constructor and methods required at boot time are in boot/boot.js)\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.hasTag = function(tag) {\n\treturn this.fields.tags && this.fields.tags.indexOf(tag) !== -1;\n};\n\nexports.isPlugin = function() {\n\treturn this.fields.type === \"application/json\" && this.hasField(\"plugin-type\");\n};\n\nexports.isDraft = function() {\n\treturn this.hasField(\"draft.of\");\n};\n\nexports.getFieldString = function(field) {\n\tvar value = this.fields[field];\n\t// Check for a missing field\n\tif(value === undefined || value === null) {\n\t\treturn \"\";\n\t}\n\t// Parse the field with the associated module (if any)\n\tvar fieldModule = $tw.Tiddler.fieldModules[field];\n\tif(fieldModule && fieldModule.stringify) {\n\t\treturn fieldModule.stringify.call(this,value);\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn value.toString();\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nGet all the fields as a hashmap of strings. Options:\n\texclude: an array of field names to exclude\n*/\nexports.getFieldStrings = function(options) {\n\toptions = options || {};\n\tvar exclude = options.exclude || [];\n\tvar fields = {};\n\tfor(var field in this.fields) {\n\t\tif($tw.utils.hop(this.fields,field)) {\n\t\t\tif(exclude.indexOf(field) === -1) {\n\t\t\t\tfields[field] = this.getFieldString(field);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn fields;\n};\n\n/*\nGet all the fields as a name:value block. Options:\n\texclude: an array of field names to exclude\n*/\nexports.getFieldStringBlock = function(options) {\n\toptions = options || {};\n\tvar exclude = options.exclude || [];\n\tvar fields = [];\n\tfor(var field in this.fields) {\n\t\tif($tw.utils.hop(this.fields,field)) {\n\t\t\tif(exclude.indexOf(field) === -1) {\n\t\t\t\tfields.push(field + \": \" + this.getFieldString(field));\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn fields.join(\"\\n\");\n};\n\n/*\nCompare two tiddlers for equality\ntiddler: the tiddler to compare\nexcludeFields: array of field names to exclude from the comparison\n*/\nexports.isEqual = function(tiddler,excludeFields) {\n\tif(!(tiddler instanceof $tw.Tiddler)) {\n\t\treturn false;\n\t}\n\texcludeFields = excludeFields || [];\n\tvar self = this,\n\t\tdifferences = []; // Fields that have differences\n\t// Add to the differences array\n\tfunction addDifference(fieldName) {\n\t\t// Check for this field being excluded\n\t\tif(excludeFields.indexOf(fieldName) === -1) {\n\t\t\t// Save the field as a difference\n\t\t\t$tw.utils.pushTop(differences,fieldName);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t// Returns true if the two values of this field are equal\n\tfunction isFieldValueEqual(fieldName) {\n\t\tvar valueA = self.fields[fieldName],\n\t\t\tvalueB = tiddler.fields[fieldName];\n\t\t// Check for identical string values\n\t\tif(typeof(valueA) === \"string\" && typeof(valueB) === \"string\" && valueA === valueB) {\n\t\t\treturn true;\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Check for identical array values\n\t\tif($tw.utils.isArray(valueA) && $tw.utils.isArray(valueB) && $tw.utils.isArrayEqual(valueA,valueB)) {\n\t\t\treturn true;\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Otherwise the fields must be different\n\t\treturn false;\n\t}\n\t// Compare our fields\n\tfor(var fieldName in this.fields) {\n\t\tif(!isFieldValueEqual(fieldName)) {\n\t\t\taddDifference(fieldName);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t// There's a difference for every field in the other tiddler that we don't have\n\tfor(fieldName in tiddler.fields) {\n\t\tif(!(fieldName in this.fields)) {\n\t\t\taddDifference(fieldName);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t// Return whether there were any differences\n\treturn differences.length === 0;\n};\n\nexports.getFieldDay = function(field) {\n\tif(this.cache && this.cache.day && $tw.utils.hop(this.cache.day,field) ) {\n\t\treturn this.cache.day[field];\n\t}\n\tvar day = \"\";\n\tif(this.fields[field]) {\n\t\tday = (new Date($tw.utils.parseDate(this.fields[field]))).setHours(0,0,0,0);\n\t}\n\tthis.cache.day = this.cache.day || {};\n\tthis.cache.day[field] = day;\n\treturn day;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/tiddler.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "tiddlermethod"
"$:/core/modules/upgraders/plugins.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/upgraders/plugins.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: upgrader\n\nUpgrader module that checks that plugins are newer than any already installed version\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar UPGRADE_LIBRARY_TITLE = \"$:/UpgradeLibrary\";\n\nvar BLOCKED_PLUGINS = {\n\t\"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/stickytitles\": {\n\t\tversions: [\"*\"]\n\t},\n\t\"$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/fullscreen\": {\n\t\tversions: [\"*\"]\n\t}\n};\n\nexports.upgrade = function(wiki,titles,tiddlers) {\n\tvar self = this,\n\t\tmessages = {},\n\t\tupgradeLibrary,\n\t\tgetLibraryTiddler = function(title) {\n\t\t\tif(!upgradeLibrary) {\n\t\t\t\tupgradeLibrary = wiki.getTiddlerData(UPGRADE_LIBRARY_TITLE,{});\n\t\t\t\tupgradeLibrary.tiddlers = upgradeLibrary.tiddlers || {};\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\treturn upgradeLibrary.tiddlers[title];\n\t\t};\n\n\t// Go through all the incoming tiddlers\n\t$tw.utils.each(titles,function(title) {\n\t\tvar incomingTiddler = tiddlers[title];\n\t\t// Check if we're dealing with a plugin\n\t\tif(incomingTiddler && incomingTiddler[\"plugin-type\"] && incomingTiddler.version) {\n\t\t\t// Upgrade the incoming plugin if it is in the upgrade library\n\t\t\tvar libraryTiddler = getLibraryTiddler(title);\n\t\t\tif(libraryTiddler && libraryTiddler[\"plugin-type\"] && libraryTiddler.version) {\n\t\t\t\ttiddlers[title] = libraryTiddler;\n\t\t\t\tmessages[title] = $tw.language.getString(\"Import/Upgrader/Plugins/Upgraded\",{variables: {incoming: incomingTiddler.version, upgraded: libraryTiddler.version}});\n\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t// Suppress the incoming plugin if it is older than the currently installed one\n\t\t\tvar existingTiddler = wiki.getTiddler(title);\n\t\t\tif(existingTiddler && existingTiddler.hasField(\"plugin-type\") && existingTiddler.hasField(\"version\")) {\n\t\t\t\t// Reject the incoming plugin by blanking all its fields\n\t\t\t\tif($tw.utils.checkVersions(existingTiddler.fields.version,incomingTiddler.version)) {\n\t\t\t\t\ttiddlers[title] = Object.create(null);\n\t\t\t\t\tmessages[title] = $tw.language.getString(\"Import/Upgrader/Plugins/Suppressed/Version\",{variables: {incoming: incomingTiddler.version, existing: existingTiddler.fields.version}});\n\t\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(incomingTiddler && incomingTiddler[\"plugin-type\"]) {\n\t\t\t// Check whether the plugin is on the blocked list\n\t\t\tvar blockInfo = BLOCKED_PLUGINS[title];\n\t\t\tif(blockInfo) {\n\t\t\t\tif(blockInfo.versions.indexOf(\"*\") !== -1 || (incomingTiddler.version && blockInfo.versions.indexOf(incomingTiddler.version) !== -1)) {\n\t\t\t\t\ttiddlers[title] = Object.create(null);\n\t\t\t\t\tmessages[title] = $tw.language.getString(\"Import/Upgrader/Plugins/Suppressed/Incompatible\");\n\t\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\treturn messages;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/upgraders/plugins.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "upgrader"
"$:/core/modules/upgraders/system.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/upgraders/system.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: upgrader\n\nUpgrader module that suppresses certain system tiddlers that shouldn't be imported\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar DONT_IMPORT_LIST = [\"$:/StoryList\",\"$:/HistoryList\"],\n\tDONT_IMPORT_PREFIX_LIST = [\"$:/temp/\",\"$:/state/\"];\n\nexports.upgrade = function(wiki,titles,tiddlers) {\n\tvar self = this,\n\t\tmessages = {};\n\t// Check for tiddlers on our list\n\t$tw.utils.each(titles,function(title) {\n\t\tif(DONT_IMPORT_LIST.indexOf(title) !== -1) {\n\t\t\ttiddlers[title] = Object.create(null);\n\t\t\tmessages[title] = $tw.language.getString(\"Import/Upgrader/System/Suppressed\");\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tfor(var t=0; t<DONT_IMPORT_PREFIX_LIST.length; t++) {\n\t\t\t\tvar prefix = DONT_IMPORT_PREFIX_LIST[t];\n\t\t\t\tif(title.substr(0,prefix.length) === prefix) {\n\t\t\t\t\ttiddlers[title] = Object.create(null);\n\t\t\t\t\tmessages[title] = $tw.language.getString(\"Import/Upgrader/State/Suppressed\");\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\treturn messages;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/upgraders/system.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "upgrader"
"$:/core/modules/upgraders/themetweaks.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/upgraders/themetweaks.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: upgrader\n\nUpgrader module that handles the change in theme tweak storage introduced in 5.0.14-beta.\n\nPreviously, theme tweaks were stored in two data tiddlers:\n\n* $:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics\n* $:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/settings\n\nNow, each tweak is stored in its own separate tiddler.\n\nThis upgrader copies any values from the old format to the new. The old data tiddlers are not deleted in case they have been used to store additional indexes.\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar MAPPINGS = {\n\t\"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics\": {\n\t\t\"fontsize\": \"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/fontsize\",\n\t\t\"lineheight\": \"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/lineheight\",\n\t\t\"storyleft\": \"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/storyleft\",\n\t\t\"storytop\": \"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/storytop\",\n\t\t\"storyright\": \"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/storyright\",\n\t\t\"storywidth\": \"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/storywidth\",\n\t\t\"tiddlerwidth\": \"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/tiddlerwidth\"\n\t},\n\t\"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/settings\": {\n\t\t\"fontfamily\": \"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/settings/fontfamily\"\n\t}\n};\n\nexports.upgrade = function(wiki,titles,tiddlers) {\n\tvar self = this,\n\t\tmessages = {};\n\t// Check for tiddlers on our list\n\t$tw.utils.each(titles,function(title) {\n\t\tvar mapping = MAPPINGS[title];\n\t\tif(mapping) {\n\t\t\tvar tiddler = new $tw.Tiddler(tiddlers[title]),\n\t\t\t\ttiddlerData = wiki.getTiddlerDataCached(tiddler,{});\n\t\t\tfor(var index in mapping) {\n\t\t\t\tvar mappedTitle = mapping[index];\n\t\t\t\tif(!tiddlers[mappedTitle] || tiddlers[mappedTitle].title !== mappedTitle) {\n\t\t\t\t\ttiddlers[mappedTitle] = {\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttitle: mappedTitle,\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttext: tiddlerData[index]\n\t\t\t\t\t};\n\t\t\t\t\tmessages[mappedTitle] = $tw.language.getString(\"Import/Upgrader/ThemeTweaks/Created\",{variables: {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tfrom: title + \"##\" + index\n\t\t\t\t\t}});\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\treturn messages;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/upgraders/themetweaks.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "upgrader"
"$:/core/modules/utils/crypto.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/utils/crypto.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: utils\n\nUtility functions related to crypto.\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nLook for an encrypted store area in the text of a TiddlyWiki file\n*/\nexports.extractEncryptedStoreArea = function(text) {\n\tvar encryptedStoreAreaStartMarker = \"<pre id=\\\"encryptedStoreArea\\\" type=\\\"text/plain\\\" style=\\\"display:none;\\\">\",\n\t\tencryptedStoreAreaStart = text.indexOf(encryptedStoreAreaStartMarker);\n\tif(encryptedStoreAreaStart !== -1) {\n\t\tvar encryptedStoreAreaEnd = text.indexOf(\"</pre>\",encryptedStoreAreaStart);\n\t\tif(encryptedStoreAreaEnd !== -1) {\n\t\t\treturn $tw.utils.htmlDecode(text.substring(encryptedStoreAreaStart + encryptedStoreAreaStartMarker.length,encryptedStoreAreaEnd-1));\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn null;\n};\n\n/*\nAttempt to extract the tiddlers from an encrypted store area using the current password. If the password is not provided then the password in the password store will be used\n*/\nexports.decryptStoreArea = function(encryptedStoreArea,password) {\n\tvar decryptedText = $tw.crypto.decrypt(encryptedStoreArea,password);\n\tif(decryptedText) {\n\t\tvar json = JSON.parse(decryptedText),\n\t\t\ttiddlers = [];\n\t\tfor(var title in json) {\n\t\t\tif(title !== \"$:/isEncrypted\") {\n\t\t\t\ttiddlers.push(json[title]);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn tiddlers;\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn null;\n\t}\n};\n\n\n/*\nAttempt to extract the tiddlers from an encrypted store area using the current password. If that fails, the user is prompted for a password.\nencryptedStoreArea: text of the TiddlyWiki encrypted store area\ncallback: function(tiddlers) called with the array of decrypted tiddlers\n\nThe following configuration settings are supported:\n\n$tw.config.usePasswordVault: causes any password entered by the user to also be put into the system password vault\n*/\nexports.decryptStoreAreaInteractive = function(encryptedStoreArea,callback,options) {\n\t// Try to decrypt with the current password\n\tvar tiddlers = $tw.utils.decryptStoreArea(encryptedStoreArea);\n\tif(tiddlers) {\n\t\tcallback(tiddlers);\n\t} else {\n\t\t// Prompt for a new password and keep trying\n\t\t$tw.passwordPrompt.createPrompt({\n\t\t\tserviceName: \"Enter a password to decrypt the imported TiddlyWiki\",\n\t\t\tnoUserName: true,\n\t\t\tcanCancel: true,\n\t\t\tsubmitText: \"Decrypt\",\n\t\t\tcallback: function(data) {\n\t\t\t\t// Exit if the user cancelled\n\t\t\t\tif(!data) {\n\t\t\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t// Attempt to decrypt the tiddlers\n\t\t\t\tvar tiddlers = $tw.utils.decryptStoreArea(encryptedStoreArea,data.password);\n\t\t\t\tif(tiddlers) {\n\t\t\t\t\tif($tw.config.usePasswordVault) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t$tw.crypto.setPassword(data.password);\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\tcallback(tiddlers);\n\t\t\t\t\t// Exit and remove the password prompt\n\t\t\t\t\treturn true;\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\t// We didn't decrypt everything, so continue to prompt for password\n\t\t\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t}\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/utils/crypto.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "utils"
"$:/core/modules/utils/dom/animations/slide.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/utils/dom/animations/slide.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: animation\n\nA simple slide animation that varies the height of the element\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nfunction slideOpen(domNode,options) {\n\toptions = options || {};\n\tvar duration = options.duration || $tw.utils.getAnimationDuration();\n\t// Get the current height of the domNode\n\tvar computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(domNode),\n\t\tcurrMarginBottom = parseInt(computedStyle.marginBottom,10),\n\t\tcurrMarginTop = parseInt(computedStyle.marginTop,10),\n\t\tcurrPaddingBottom = parseInt(computedStyle.paddingBottom,10),\n\t\tcurrPaddingTop = parseInt(computedStyle.paddingTop,10),\n\t\tcurrHeight = domNode.offsetHeight;\n\t// Reset the margin once the transition is over\n\tsetTimeout(function() {\n\t\t$tw.utils.setStyle(domNode,[\n\t\t\t{transition: \"none\"},\n\t\t\t{marginBottom: \"\"},\n\t\t\t{marginTop: \"\"},\n\t\t\t{paddingBottom: \"\"},\n\t\t\t{paddingTop: \"\"},\n\t\t\t{height: \"auto\"},\n\t\t\t{opacity: \"\"}\n\t\t]);\n\t\tif(options.callback) {\n\t\t\toptions.callback();\n\t\t}\n\t},duration);\n\t// Set up the initial position of the element\n\t$tw.utils.setStyle(domNode,[\n\t\t{transition: \"none\"},\n\t\t{marginTop: \"0px\"},\n\t\t{marginBottom: \"0px\"},\n\t\t{paddingTop: \"0px\"},\n\t\t{paddingBottom: \"0px\"},\n\t\t{height: \"0px\"},\n\t\t{opacity: \"0\"}\n\t]);\n\t$tw.utils.forceLayout(domNode);\n\t// Transition to the final position\n\t$tw.utils.setStyle(domNode,[\n\t\t{transition: \"margin-top \" + duration + \"ms ease-in-out, \" +\n\t\t\t\t\t\"margin-bottom \" + duration + \"ms ease-in-out, \" +\n\t\t\t\t\t\"padding-top \" + duration + \"ms ease-in-out, \" +\n\t\t\t\t\t\"padding-bottom \" + duration + \"ms ease-in-out, \" +\n\t\t\t\t\t\"height \" + duration + \"ms ease-in-out, \" +\n\t\t\t\t\t\"opacity \" + duration + \"ms ease-in-out\"},\n\t\t{marginBottom: currMarginBottom + \"px\"},\n\t\t{marginTop: currMarginTop + \"px\"},\n\t\t{paddingBottom: currPaddingBottom + \"px\"},\n\t\t{paddingTop: currPaddingTop + \"px\"},\n\t\t{height: currHeight + \"px\"},\n\t\t{opacity: \"1\"}\n\t]);\n}\n\nfunction slideClosed(domNode,options) {\n\toptions = options || {};\n\tvar duration = options.duration || $tw.utils.getAnimationDuration(),\n\t\tcurrHeight = domNode.offsetHeight;\n\t// Clear the properties we've set when the animation is over\n\tsetTimeout(function() {\n\t\t$tw.utils.setStyle(domNode,[\n\t\t\t{transition: \"none\"},\n\t\t\t{marginBottom: \"\"},\n\t\t\t{marginTop: \"\"},\n\t\t\t{paddingBottom: \"\"},\n\t\t\t{paddingTop: \"\"},\n\t\t\t{height: \"auto\"},\n\t\t\t{opacity: \"\"}\n\t\t]);\n\t\tif(options.callback) {\n\t\t\toptions.callback();\n\t\t}\n\t},duration);\n\t// Set up the initial position of the element\n\t$tw.utils.setStyle(domNode,[\n\t\t{height: currHeight + \"px\"},\n\t\t{opacity: \"1\"}\n\t]);\n\t$tw.utils.forceLayout(domNode);\n\t// Transition to the final position\n\t$tw.utils.setStyle(domNode,[\n\t\t{transition: \"margin-top \" + duration + \"ms ease-in-out, \" +\n\t\t\t\t\t\"margin-bottom \" + duration + \"ms ease-in-out, \" +\n\t\t\t\t\t\"padding-top \" + duration + \"ms ease-in-out, \" +\n\t\t\t\t\t\"padding-bottom \" + duration + \"ms ease-in-out, \" +\n\t\t\t\t\t\"height \" + duration + \"ms ease-in-out, \" +\n\t\t\t\t\t\"opacity \" + duration + \"ms ease-in-out\"},\n\t\t{marginTop: \"0px\"},\n\t\t{marginBottom: \"0px\"},\n\t\t{paddingTop: \"0px\"},\n\t\t{paddingBottom: \"0px\"},\n\t\t{height: \"0px\"},\n\t\t{opacity: \"0\"}\n\t]);\n}\n\nexports.slide = {\n\topen: slideOpen,\n\tclose: slideClosed\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/utils/dom/animations/slide.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "animation"
"$:/core/modules/utils/dom/animator.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/utils/dom/animator.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: utils\n\nOrchestrates animations and transitions\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nfunction Animator() {\n\t// Get the registered animation modules\n\tthis.animations = {};\n\t$tw.modules.applyMethods(\"animation\",this.animations);\n}\n\nAnimator.prototype.perform = function(type,domNode,options) {\n\toptions = options || {};\n\t// Find an animation that can handle this type\n\tvar chosenAnimation;\n\t$tw.utils.each(this.animations,function(animation,name) {\n\t\tif($tw.utils.hop(animation,type)) {\n\t\t\tchosenAnimation = animation[type];\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\tif(!chosenAnimation) {\n\t\tchosenAnimation = function(domNode,options) {\n\t\t\tif(options.callback) {\n\t\t\t\toptions.callback();\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t};\n\t}\n\t// Call the animation\n\tchosenAnimation(domNode,options);\n};\n\nexports.Animator = Animator;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/utils/dom/animator.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "utils"
"$:/core/modules/utils/dom/browser.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/utils/dom/browser.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: utils\n\nBrowser feature detection\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nSet style properties of an element\n\telement: dom node\n\tstyles: ordered array of {name: value} pairs\n*/\nexports.setStyle = function(element,styles) {\n\tif(element.nodeType === 1) { // Element.ELEMENT_NODE\n\t\tfor(var t=0; t<styles.length; t++) {\n\t\t\tfor(var styleName in styles[t]) {\n\t\t\t\telement.style[$tw.utils.convertStyleNameToPropertyName(styleName)] = styles[t][styleName];\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nConverts a standard CSS property name into the local browser-specific equivalent. For example:\n\t\"background-color\" --> \"backgroundColor\"\n\t\"transition\" --> \"webkitTransition\"\n*/\n\nvar styleNameCache = {}; // We'll cache the style name conversions\n\nexports.convertStyleNameToPropertyName = function(styleName) {\n\t// Return from the cache if we can\n\tif(styleNameCache[styleName]) {\n\t\treturn styleNameCache[styleName];\n\t}\n\t// Convert it by first removing any hyphens\n\tvar propertyName = $tw.utils.unHyphenateCss(styleName);\n\t// Then check if it needs a prefix\n\tif($tw.browser && document.body.style[propertyName] === undefined) {\n\t\tvar prefixes = [\"O\",\"MS\",\"Moz\",\"webkit\"];\n\t\tfor(var t=0; t<prefixes.length; t++) {\n\t\t\tvar prefixedName = prefixes[t] + propertyName.substr(0,1).toUpperCase() + propertyName.substr(1);\n\t\t\tif(document.body.style[prefixedName] !== undefined) {\n\t\t\t\tpropertyName = prefixedName;\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t// Put it in the cache too\n\tstyleNameCache[styleName] = propertyName;\n\treturn propertyName;\n};\n\n/*\nConverts a JS format CSS property name back into the dashed form used in CSS declarations. For example:\n\t\"backgroundColor\" --> \"background-color\"\n\t\"webkitTransform\" --> \"-webkit-transform\"\n*/\nexports.convertPropertyNameToStyleName = function(propertyName) {\n\t// Rehyphenate the name\n\tvar styleName = $tw.utils.hyphenateCss(propertyName);\n\t// If there's a webkit prefix, add a dash (other browsers have uppercase prefixes, and so get the dash automatically)\n\tif(styleName.indexOf(\"webkit\") === 0) {\n\t\tstyleName = \"-\" + styleName;\n\t} else if(styleName.indexOf(\"-m-s\") === 0) {\n\t\tstyleName = \"-ms\" + styleName.substr(4);\n\t}\n\treturn styleName;\n};\n\n/*\nRound trip a stylename to a property name and back again. For example:\n\t\"transform\" --> \"webkitTransform\" --> \"-webkit-transform\"\n*/\nexports.roundTripPropertyName = function(propertyName) {\n\treturn $tw.utils.convertPropertyNameToStyleName($tw.utils.convertStyleNameToPropertyName(propertyName));\n};\n\n/*\nConverts a standard event name into the local browser specific equivalent. For example:\n\t\"animationEnd\" --> \"webkitAnimationEnd\"\n*/\n\nvar eventNameCache = {}; // We'll cache the conversions\n\nvar eventNameMappings = {\n\t\"transitionEnd\": {\n\t\tcorrespondingCssProperty: \"transition\",\n\t\tmappings: {\n\t\t\ttransition: \"transitionend\",\n\t\t\tOTransition: \"oTransitionEnd\",\n\t\t\tMSTransition: \"msTransitionEnd\",\n\t\t\tMozTransition: \"transitionend\",\n\t\t\twebkitTransition: \"webkitTransitionEnd\"\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\t\"animationEnd\": {\n\t\tcorrespondingCssProperty: \"animation\",\n\t\tmappings: {\n\t\t\tanimation: \"animationend\",\n\t\t\tOAnimation: \"oAnimationEnd\",\n\t\t\tMSAnimation: \"msAnimationEnd\",\n\t\t\tMozAnimation: \"animationend\",\n\t\t\twebkitAnimation: \"webkitAnimationEnd\"\n\t\t}\n\t}\n};\n\nexports.convertEventName = function(eventName) {\n\tif(eventNameCache[eventName]) {\n\t\treturn eventNameCache[eventName];\n\t}\n\tvar newEventName = eventName,\n\t\tmappings = eventNameMappings[eventName];\n\tif(mappings) {\n\t\tvar convertedProperty = $tw.utils.convertStyleNameToPropertyName(mappings.correspondingCssProperty);\n\t\tif(mappings.mappings[convertedProperty]) {\n\t\t\tnewEventName = mappings.mappings[convertedProperty];\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t// Put it in the cache too\n\teventNameCache[eventName] = newEventName;\n\treturn newEventName;\n};\n\n/*\nReturn the names of the fullscreen APIs\n*/\nexports.getFullScreenApis = function() {\n\tvar d = document,\n\t\tdb = d.body,\n\t\tresult = {\n\t\t\"_requestFullscreen\": db.webkitRequestFullscreen !== undefined ? \"webkitRequestFullscreen\" :\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdb.mozRequestFullScreen !== undefined ? \"mozRequestFullScreen\" :\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdb.msRequestFullscreen !== undefined ? \"msRequestFullscreen\" :\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tdb.requestFullscreen !== undefined ? \"requestFullscreen\" : \"\",\n\t\t\"_exitFullscreen\": d.webkitExitFullscreen !== undefined ? \"webkitExitFullscreen\" :\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\td.mozCancelFullScreen !== undefined ? \"mozCancelFullScreen\" :\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\td.msExitFullscreen !== undefined ? \"msExitFullscreen\" :\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\td.exitFullscreen !== undefined ? \"exitFullscreen\" : \"\",\n\t\t\"_fullscreenElement\": d.webkitFullscreenElement !== undefined ? \"webkitFullscreenElement\" :\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\td.mozFullScreenElement !== undefined ? \"mozFullScreenElement\" :\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\td.msFullscreenElement !== undefined ? \"msFullscreenElement\" :\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\td.fullscreenElement !== undefined ? \"fullscreenElement\" : \"\",\n\t\t\"_fullscreenChange\": d.webkitFullscreenElement !== undefined ? \"webkitfullscreenchange\" :\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\td.mozFullScreenElement !== undefined ? \"mozfullscreenchange\" :\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\td.msFullscreenElement !== undefined ? \"MSFullscreenChange\" :\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\td.fullscreenElement !== undefined ? \"fullscreenchange\" : \"\"\n\t};\n\tif(!result._requestFullscreen || !result._exitFullscreen || !result._fullscreenElement || !result._fullscreenChange) {\n\t\treturn null;\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn result;\n\t}\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/utils/dom/browser.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "utils"
"$:/core/modules/utils/dom/csscolorparser.js": {
"text": "// (c) Dean McNamee <dean@gmail.com>, 2012.\n//\n// https://github.com/deanm/css-color-parser-js\n//\n// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\n// of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to\n// deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the\n// rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or\n// sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\n// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n//\n// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\n// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n//\n// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\n// IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\n// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\n// AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\n// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING\n// FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS\n// IN THE SOFTWARE.\n\n// http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-color/\nvar kCSSColorTable = {\n \"transparent\": [0,0,0,0], \"aliceblue\": [240,248,255,1],\n \"antiquewhite\": [250,235,215,1], \"aqua\": [0,255,255,1],\n \"aquamarine\": [127,255,212,1], \"azure\": [240,255,255,1],\n \"beige\": [245,245,220,1], \"bisque\": [255,228,196,1],\n \"black\": [0,0,0,1], \"blanchedalmond\": [255,235,205,1],\n \"blue\": [0,0,255,1], \"blueviolet\": [138,43,226,1],\n \"brown\": [165,42,42,1], \"burlywood\": [222,184,135,1],\n \"cadetblue\": [95,158,160,1], \"chartreuse\": [127,255,0,1],\n \"chocolate\": [210,105,30,1], \"coral\": [255,127,80,1],\n \"cornflowerblue\": [100,149,237,1], \"cornsilk\": [255,248,220,1],\n \"crimson\": [220,20,60,1], \"cyan\": [0,255,255,1],\n \"darkblue\": [0,0,139,1], \"darkcyan\": [0,139,139,1],\n \"darkgoldenrod\": [184,134,11,1], \"darkgray\": [169,169,169,1],\n \"darkgreen\": [0,100,0,1], \"darkgrey\": [169,169,169,1],\n \"darkkhaki\": [189,183,107,1], \"darkmagenta\": [139,0,139,1],\n \"darkolivegreen\": [85,107,47,1], \"darkorange\": [255,140,0,1],\n \"darkorchid\": [153,50,204,1], \"darkred\": [139,0,0,1],\n \"darksalmon\": [233,150,122,1], \"darkseagreen\": [143,188,143,1],\n \"darkslateblue\": [72,61,139,1], \"darkslategray\": [47,79,79,1],\n \"darkslategrey\": [47,79,79,1], \"darkturquoise\": [0,206,209,1],\n \"darkviolet\": [148,0,211,1], \"deeppink\": [255,20,147,1],\n \"deepskyblue\": [0,191,255,1], \"dimgray\": [105,105,105,1],\n \"dimgrey\": [105,105,105,1], \"dodgerblue\": [30,144,255,1],\n \"firebrick\": [178,34,34,1], \"floralwhite\": [255,250,240,1],\n \"forestgreen\": [34,139,34,1], \"fuchsia\": [255,0,255,1],\n \"gainsboro\": [220,220,220,1], \"ghostwhite\": [248,248,255,1],\n \"gold\": [255,215,0,1], \"goldenrod\": [218,165,32,1],\n \"gray\": [128,128,128,1], \"green\": [0,128,0,1],\n \"greenyellow\": [173,255,47,1], \"grey\": [128,128,128,1],\n \"honeydew\": [240,255,240,1], \"hotpink\": [255,105,180,1],\n \"indianred\": [205,92,92,1], \"indigo\": [75,0,130,1],\n \"ivory\": [255,255,240,1], \"khaki\": [240,230,140,1],\n \"lavender\": [230,230,250,1], \"lavenderblush\": [255,240,245,1],\n \"lawngreen\": [124,252,0,1], \"lemonchiffon\": [255,250,205,1],\n \"lightblue\": [173,216,230,1], \"lightcoral\": [240,128,128,1],\n \"lightcyan\": [224,255,255,1], \"lightgoldenrodyellow\": [250,250,210,1],\n \"lightgray\": [211,211,211,1], \"lightgreen\": [144,238,144,1],\n \"lightgrey\": [211,211,211,1], \"lightpink\": [255,182,193,1],\n \"lightsalmon\": [255,160,122,1], \"lightseagreen\": [32,178,170,1],\n \"lightskyblue\": [135,206,250,1], \"lightslategray\": [119,136,153,1],\n \"lightslategrey\": [119,136,153,1], \"lightsteelblue\": [176,196,222,1],\n \"lightyellow\": [255,255,224,1], \"lime\": [0,255,0,1],\n \"limegreen\": [50,205,50,1], \"linen\": [250,240,230,1],\n \"magenta\": [255,0,255,1], \"maroon\": [128,0,0,1],\n \"mediumaquamarine\": [102,205,170,1], \"mediumblue\": [0,0,205,1],\n \"mediumorchid\": [186,85,211,1], \"mediumpurple\": [147,112,219,1],\n \"mediumseagreen\": [60,179,113,1], \"mediumslateblue\": [123,104,238,1],\n \"mediumspringgreen\": [0,250,154,1], \"mediumturquoise\": [72,209,204,1],\n \"mediumvioletred\": [199,21,133,1], \"midnightblue\": [25,25,112,1],\n \"mintcream\": [245,255,250,1], \"mistyrose\": [255,228,225,1],\n \"moccasin\": [255,228,181,1], \"navajowhite\": [255,222,173,1],\n \"navy\": [0,0,128,1], \"oldlace\": [253,245,230,1],\n \"olive\": [128,128,0,1], \"olivedrab\": [107,142,35,1],\n \"orange\": [255,165,0,1], \"orangered\": [255,69,0,1],\n \"orchid\": [218,112,214,1], \"palegoldenrod\": [238,232,170,1],\n \"palegreen\": [152,251,152,1], \"paleturquoise\": [175,238,238,1],\n \"palevioletred\": [219,112,147,1], \"papayawhip\": [255,239,213,1],\n \"peachpuff\": [255,218,185,1], \"peru\": [205,133,63,1],\n \"pink\": [255,192,203,1], \"plum\": [221,160,221,1],\n \"powderblue\": [176,224,230,1], \"purple\": [128,0,128,1],\n \"red\": [255,0,0,1], \"rosybrown\": [188,143,143,1],\n \"royalblue\": [65,105,225,1], \"saddlebrown\": [139,69,19,1],\n \"salmon\": [250,128,114,1], \"sandybrown\": [244,164,96,1],\n \"seagreen\": [46,139,87,1], \"seashell\": [255,245,238,1],\n \"sienna\": [160,82,45,1], \"silver\": [192,192,192,1],\n \"skyblue\": [135,206,235,1], \"slateblue\": [106,90,205,1],\n \"slategray\": [112,128,144,1], \"slategrey\": [112,128,144,1],\n \"snow\": [255,250,250,1], \"springgreen\": [0,255,127,1],\n \"steelblue\": [70,130,180,1], \"tan\": [210,180,140,1],\n \"teal\": [0,128,128,1], \"thistle\": [216,191,216,1],\n \"tomato\": [255,99,71,1], \"turquoise\": [64,224,208,1],\n \"violet\": [238,130,238,1], \"wheat\": [245,222,179,1],\n \"white\": [255,255,255,1], \"whitesmoke\": [245,245,245,1],\n \"yellow\": [255,255,0,1], \"yellowgreen\": [154,205,50,1]}\n\nfunction clamp_css_byte(i) { // Clamp to integer 0 .. 255.\n i = Math.round(i); // Seems to be what Chrome does (vs truncation).\n return i < 0 ? 0 : i > 255 ? 255 : i;\n}\n\nfunction clamp_css_float(f) { // Clamp to float 0.0 .. 1.0.\n return f < 0 ? 0 : f > 1 ? 1 : f;\n}\n\nfunction parse_css_int(str) { // int or percentage.\n if (str[str.length - 1] === '%')\n return clamp_css_byte(parseFloat(str) / 100 * 255);\n return clamp_css_byte(parseInt(str));\n}\n\nfunction parse_css_float(str) { // float or percentage.\n if (str[str.length - 1] === '%')\n return clamp_css_float(parseFloat(str) / 100);\n return clamp_css_float(parseFloat(str));\n}\n\nfunction css_hue_to_rgb(m1, m2, h) {\n if (h < 0) h += 1;\n else if (h > 1) h -= 1;\n\n if (h * 6 < 1) return m1 + (m2 - m1) * h * 6;\n if (h * 2 < 1) return m2;\n if (h * 3 < 2) return m1 + (m2 - m1) * (2/3 - h) * 6;\n return m1;\n}\n\nfunction parseCSSColor(css_str) {\n // Remove all whitespace, not compliant, but should just be more accepting.\n var str = css_str.replace(/ /g, '').toLowerCase();\n\n // Color keywords (and transparent) lookup.\n if (str in kCSSColorTable) return kCSSColorTable[str].slice(); // dup.\n\n // #abc and #abc123 syntax.\n if (str[0] === '#') {\n if (str.length === 4) {\n var iv = parseInt(str.substr(1), 16); // TODO(deanm): Stricter parsing.\n if (!(iv >= 0 && iv <= 0xfff)) return null; // Covers NaN.\n return [((iv & 0xf00) >> 4) | ((iv & 0xf00) >> 8),\n (iv & 0xf0) | ((iv & 0xf0) >> 4),\n (iv & 0xf) | ((iv & 0xf) << 4),\n 1];\n } else if (str.length === 7) {\n var iv = parseInt(str.substr(1), 16); // TODO(deanm): Stricter parsing.\n if (!(iv >= 0 && iv <= 0xffffff)) return null; // Covers NaN.\n return [(iv & 0xff0000) >> 16,\n (iv & 0xff00) >> 8,\n iv & 0xff,\n 1];\n }\n\n return null;\n }\n\n var op = str.indexOf('('), ep = str.indexOf(')');\n if (op !== -1 && ep + 1 === str.length) {\n var fname = str.substr(0, op);\n var params = str.substr(op+1, ep-(op+1)).split(',');\n var alpha = 1; // To allow case fallthrough.\n switch (fname) {\n case 'rgba':\n if (params.length !== 4) return null;\n alpha = parse_css_float(params.pop());\n // Fall through.\n case 'rgb':\n if (params.length !== 3) return null;\n return [parse_css_int(params[0]),\n parse_css_int(params[1]),\n parse_css_int(params[2]),\n alpha];\n case 'hsla':\n if (params.length !== 4) return null;\n alpha = parse_css_float(params.pop());\n // Fall through.\n case 'hsl':\n if (params.length !== 3) return null;\n var h = (((parseFloat(params[0]) % 360) + 360) % 360) / 360; // 0 .. 1\n // NOTE(deanm): According to the CSS spec s/l should only be\n // percentages, but we don't bother and let float or percentage.\n var s = parse_css_float(params[1]);\n var l = parse_css_float(params[2]);\n var m2 = l <= 0.5 ? l * (s + 1) : l + s - l * s;\n var m1 = l * 2 - m2;\n return [clamp_css_byte(css_hue_to_rgb(m1, m2, h+1/3) * 255),\n clamp_css_byte(css_hue_to_rgb(m1, m2, h) * 255),\n clamp_css_byte(css_hue_to_rgb(m1, m2, h-1/3) * 255),\n alpha];\n default:\n return null;\n }\n }\n\n return null;\n}\n\ntry { exports.parseCSSColor = parseCSSColor } catch(e) { }\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/utils/dom/csscolorparser.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "utils"
"$:/core/modules/utils/dom.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/utils/dom.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: utils\n\nVarious static DOM-related utility functions.\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nDetermines whether element 'a' contains element 'b'\nCode thanks to John Resig, http://ejohn.org/blog/comparing-document-position/\n*/\nexports.domContains = function(a,b) {\n\treturn a.contains ?\n\t\ta !== b && a.contains(b) :\n\t\t!!(a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 16);\n};\n\nexports.removeChildren = function(node) {\n\twhile(node.hasChildNodes()) {\n\t\tnode.removeChild(node.firstChild);\n\t}\n};\n\nexports.hasClass = function(el,className) {\n\treturn el && el.className && el.className.toString().split(\" \").indexOf(className) !== -1;\n};\n\nexports.addClass = function(el,className) {\n\tvar c = el.className.split(\" \");\n\tif(c.indexOf(className) === -1) {\n\t\tc.push(className);\n\t}\n\tel.className = c.join(\" \");\n};\n\nexports.removeClass = function(el,className) {\n\tvar c = el.className.split(\" \"),\n\t\tp = c.indexOf(className);\n\tif(p !== -1) {\n\t\tc.splice(p,1);\n\t\tel.className = c.join(\" \");\n\t}\n};\n\nexports.toggleClass = function(el,className,status) {\n\tif(status === undefined) {\n\t\tstatus = !exports.hasClass(el,className);\n\t}\n\tif(status) {\n\t\texports.addClass(el,className);\n\t} else {\n\t\texports.removeClass(el,className);\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nGet the first parent element that has scrollbars or use the body as fallback.\n*/\nexports.getScrollContainer = function(el) {\n\tvar doc = el.ownerDocument;\n\twhile(el.parentNode) {\t\n\t\tel = el.parentNode;\n\t\tif(el.scrollTop) {\n\t\t\treturn el;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn doc.body;\n};\n\n/*\nGet the scroll position of the viewport\nReturns:\n\t{\n\t\tx: horizontal scroll position in pixels,\n\t\ty: vertical scroll position in pixels\n\t}\n*/\nexports.getScrollPosition = function() {\n\tif(\"scrollX\" in window) {\n\t\treturn {x: window.scrollX, y: window.scrollY};\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn {x: document.documentElement.scrollLeft, y: document.documentElement.scrollTop};\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nAdjust the height of a textarea to fit its content, preserving scroll position, and return the height\n*/\nexports.resizeTextAreaToFit = function(domNode,minHeight) {\n\t// Get the scroll container and register the current scroll position\n\tvar container = $tw.utils.getScrollContainer(domNode),\n\t\tscrollTop = container.scrollTop;\n // Measure the specified minimum height\n\tdomNode.style.height = minHeight;\n\tvar measuredHeight = domNode.offsetHeight;\n\t// Set its height to auto so that it snaps to the correct height\n\tdomNode.style.height = \"auto\";\n\t// Calculate the revised height\n\tvar newHeight = Math.max(domNode.scrollHeight + domNode.offsetHeight - domNode.clientHeight,measuredHeight);\n\t// Only try to change the height if it has changed\n\tif(newHeight !== domNode.offsetHeight) {\n\t\tdomNode.style.height = newHeight + \"px\";\n\t\t// Make sure that the dimensions of the textarea are recalculated\n\t\t$tw.utils.forceLayout(domNode);\n\t\t// Set the container to the position we registered at the beginning\n\t\tcontainer.scrollTop = scrollTop;\n\t}\n\treturn newHeight;\n};\n\n/*\nGets the bounding rectangle of an element in absolute page coordinates\n*/\nexports.getBoundingPageRect = function(element) {\n\tvar scrollPos = $tw.utils.getScrollPosition(),\n\t\tclientRect = element.getBoundingClientRect();\n\treturn {\n\t\tleft: clientRect.left + scrollPos.x,\n\t\twidth: clientRect.width,\n\t\tright: clientRect.right + scrollPos.x,\n\t\ttop: clientRect.top + scrollPos.y,\n\t\theight: clientRect.height,\n\t\tbottom: clientRect.bottom + scrollPos.y\n\t};\n};\n\n/*\nSaves a named password in the browser\n*/\nexports.savePassword = function(name,password) {\n\ttry {\n\t\tif(window.localStorage) {\n\t\t\tlocalStorage.setItem(\"tw5-password-\" + name,password);\n\t\t}\n\t} catch(e) {\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nRetrieve a named password from the browser\n*/\nexports.getPassword = function(name) {\n\ttry {\n\t\treturn window.localStorage ? localStorage.getItem(\"tw5-password-\" + name) : \"\";\n\t} catch(e) {\n\t\treturn \"\";\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nForce layout of a dom node and its descendents\n*/\nexports.forceLayout = function(element) {\n\tvar dummy = element.offsetWidth;\n};\n\n/*\nPulse an element for debugging purposes\n*/\nexports.pulseElement = function(element) {\n\t// Event handler to remove the class at the end\n\telement.addEventListener($tw.browser.animationEnd,function handler(event) {\n\t\telement.removeEventListener($tw.browser.animationEnd,handler,false);\n\t\t$tw.utils.removeClass(element,\"pulse\");\n\t},false);\n\t// Apply the pulse class\n\t$tw.utils.removeClass(element,\"pulse\");\n\t$tw.utils.forceLayout(element);\n\t$tw.utils.addClass(element,\"pulse\");\n};\n\n/*\nAttach specified event handlers to a DOM node\ndomNode: where to attach the event handlers\nevents: array of event handlers to be added (see below)\nEach entry in the events array is an object with these properties:\nhandlerFunction: optional event handler function\nhandlerObject: optional event handler object\nhandlerMethod: optionally specifies object handler method name (defaults to `handleEvent`)\n*/\nexports.addEventListeners = function(domNode,events) {\n\t$tw.utils.each(events,function(eventInfo) {\n\t\tvar handler;\n\t\tif(eventInfo.handlerFunction) {\n\t\t\thandler = eventInfo.handlerFunction;\n\t\t} else if(eventInfo.handlerObject) {\n\t\t\tif(eventInfo.handlerMethod) {\n\t\t\t\thandler = function(event) {\n\t\t\t\t\teventInfo.handlerObject[eventInfo.handlerMethod].call(eventInfo.handlerObject,event);\n\t\t\t\t};\t\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\thandler = eventInfo.handlerObject;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\tdomNode.addEventListener(eventInfo.name,handler,false);\n\t});\n};\n\n/*\nGet the computed styles applied to an element as an array of strings of individual CSS properties\n*/\nexports.getComputedStyles = function(domNode) {\n\tvar textAreaStyles = window.getComputedStyle(domNode,null),\n\t\tstyleDefs = [],\n\t\tname;\n\tfor(var t=0; t<textAreaStyles.length; t++) {\n\t\tname = textAreaStyles[t];\n\t\tstyleDefs.push(name + \": \" + textAreaStyles.getPropertyValue(name) + \";\");\n\t}\n\treturn styleDefs;\n};\n\n/*\nApply a set of styles passed as an array of strings of individual CSS properties\n*/\nexports.setStyles = function(domNode,styleDefs) {\n\tdomNode.style.cssText = styleDefs.join(\"\");\n};\n\n/*\nCopy the computed styles from a source element to a destination element\n*/\nexports.copyStyles = function(srcDomNode,dstDomNode) {\n\t$tw.utils.setStyles(dstDomNode,$tw.utils.getComputedStyles(srcDomNode));\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/utils/dom.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "utils"
"$:/core/modules/utils/dom/dragndrop.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/utils/dom/dragndrop.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: utils\n\nBrowser data transfer utilities, used with the clipboard and drag and drop\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nOptions:\n\ndomNode: dom node to make draggable\ndragImageType: \"pill\" or \"dom\"\ndragTiddlerFn: optional function to retrieve the title of tiddler to drag\ndragFilterFn: optional function to retreive the filter defining a list of tiddlers to drag\nwidget: widget to use as the contect for the filter\n*/\nexports.makeDraggable = function(options) {\n\tvar dragImageType = options.dragImageType || \"dom\",\n\t\tdragImage,\n\t\tdomNode = options.domNode;\n\t// Make the dom node draggable (not necessary for anchor tags)\n\tif((domNode.tagName || \"\").toLowerCase() !== \"a\") {\n\t\tdomNode.setAttribute(\"draggable\",\"true\");\t\t\n\t}\n\t// Add event handlers\n\t$tw.utils.addEventListeners(domNode,[\n\t\t{name: \"dragstart\", handlerFunction: function(event) {\n\t\t\t// Collect the tiddlers being dragged\n\t\t\tvar dragTiddler = options.dragTiddlerFn && options.dragTiddlerFn(),\n\t\t\t\tdragFilter = options.dragFilterFn && options.dragFilterFn(),\n\t\t\t\ttitles = dragTiddler ? [dragTiddler] : [];\n\t\t\tif(dragFilter) {\n\t\t\t\ttitles.push.apply(titles,options.widget.wiki.filterTiddlers(dragFilter,options.widget));\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tvar titleString = $tw.utils.stringifyList(titles);\n\t\t\t// Check that we've something to drag\n\t\t\tif(titles.length > 0 && event.target === domNode) {\n\t\t\t\t// Mark the drag in progress\n\t\t\t\t$tw.dragInProgress = domNode;\n\t\t\t\t// Set the dragging class on the element being dragged\n\t\t\t\t$tw.utils.addClass(event.target,\"tc-dragging\");\n\t\t\t\t// Create the drag image elements\n\t\t\t\tdragImage = options.widget.document.createElement(\"div\");\n\t\t\t\tdragImage.className = \"tc-tiddler-dragger\";\n\t\t\t\tvar inner = options.widget.document.createElement(\"div\");\n\t\t\t\tinner.className = \"tc-tiddler-dragger-inner\";\n\t\t\t\tinner.appendChild(options.widget.document.createTextNode(\n\t\t\t\t\ttitles.length === 1 ? \n\t\t\t\t\t\ttitles[0] :\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttitles.length + \" tiddlers\"\n\t\t\t\t));\n\t\t\t\tdragImage.appendChild(inner);\n\t\t\t\toptions.widget.document.body.appendChild(dragImage);\n\t\t\t\t// Set the data transfer properties\n\t\t\t\tvar dataTransfer = event.dataTransfer;\n\t\t\t\t// Set up the image\n\t\t\t\tdataTransfer.effectAllowed = \"all\";\n\t\t\t\tif(dataTransfer.setDragImage) {\n\t\t\t\t\tif(dragImageType === \"pill\") {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tdataTransfer.setDragImage(dragImage.firstChild,-16,-16);\n\t\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tvar r = domNode.getBoundingClientRect();\n\t\t\t\t\t\tdataTransfer.setDragImage(domNode,event.clientX-r.left,event.clientY-r.top);\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t// Set up the data transfer\n\t\t\t\tif(dataTransfer.clearData) {\n\t\t\t\t\tdataTransfer.clearData();\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tvar jsonData = [];\n\t\t\t\tif(titles.length > 1) {\n\t\t\t\t\ttitles.forEach(function(title) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tjsonData.push(options.widget.wiki.getTiddlerAsJson(title));\n\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t\tjsonData = \"[\" + jsonData.join(\",\") + \"]\";\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\tjsonData = options.widget.wiki.getTiddlerAsJson(titles[0]);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t// IE doesn't like these content types\n\t\t\t\tif(!$tw.browser.isIE) {\n\t\t\t\t\tdataTransfer.setData(\"text/vnd.tiddler\",jsonData);\n\t\t\t\t\tdataTransfer.setData(\"text/plain\",titleString);\n\t\t\t\t\tdataTransfer.setData(\"text/x-moz-url\",\"data:text/vnd.tiddler,\" + encodeURIComponent(jsonData));\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tdataTransfer.setData(\"URL\",\"data:text/vnd.tiddler,\" + encodeURIComponent(jsonData));\n\t\t\t\tdataTransfer.setData(\"Text\",titleString);\n\t\t\t\tevent.stopPropagation();\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t}},\n\t\t{name: \"dragend\", handlerFunction: function(event) {\n\t\t\tif(event.target === domNode) {\n\t\t\t\t$tw.dragInProgress = null;\n\t\t\t\t// Remove the dragging class on the element being dragged\n\t\t\t\t$tw.utils.removeClass(event.target,\"tc-dragging\");\n\t\t\t\t// Delete the drag image element\n\t\t\t\tif(dragImage) {\n\t\t\t\t\tdragImage.parentNode.removeChild(dragImage);\n\t\t\t\t\tdragImage = null;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t}}\n\t]);\n};\n\nexports.importDataTransfer = function(dataTransfer,fallbackTitle,callback) {\n\t// Try each provided data type in turn\n\tfor(var t=0; t<importDataTypes.length; t++) {\n\t\tif(!$tw.browser.isIE || importDataTypes[t].IECompatible) {\n\t\t\t// Get the data\n\t\t\tvar dataType = importDataTypes[t];\n\t\t\t\tvar data = dataTransfer.getData(dataType.type);\n\t\t\t// Import the tiddlers in the data\n\t\t\tif(data !== \"\" && data !== null) {\n\t\t\t\tif($tw.log.IMPORT) {\n\t\t\t\t\tconsole.log(\"Importing data type '\" + dataType.type + \"', data: '\" + data + \"'\")\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tvar tiddlerFields = dataType.toTiddlerFieldsArray(data,fallbackTitle);\n\t\t\t\tcallback(tiddlerFields);\n\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n};\n\nvar importDataTypes = [\n\t{type: \"text/vnd.tiddler\", IECompatible: false, toTiddlerFieldsArray: function(data,fallbackTitle) {\n\t\treturn parseJSONTiddlers(data,fallbackTitle);\n\t}},\n\t{type: \"URL\", IECompatible: true, toTiddlerFieldsArray: function(data,fallbackTitle) {\n\t\t// Check for tiddler data URI\n\t\tvar match = decodeURIComponent(data).match(/^data\\:text\\/vnd\\.tiddler,(.*)/i);\n\t\tif(match) {\n\t\t\treturn parseJSONTiddlers(match[1],fallbackTitle);\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\treturn [{title: fallbackTitle, text: data}]; // As URL string\n\t\t}\n\t}},\n\t{type: \"text/x-moz-url\", IECompatible: false, toTiddlerFieldsArray: function(data,fallbackTitle) {\n\t\t// Check for tiddler data URI\n\t\tvar match = decodeURIComponent(data).match(/^data\\:text\\/vnd\\.tiddler,(.*)/i);\n\t\tif(match) {\n\t\t\treturn parseJSONTiddlers(match[1],fallbackTitle);\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\treturn [{title: fallbackTitle, text: data}]; // As URL string\n\t\t}\n\t}},\n\t{type: \"text/html\", IECompatible: false, toTiddlerFieldsArray: function(data,fallbackTitle) {\n\t\treturn [{title: fallbackTitle, text: data}];\n\t}},\n\t{type: \"text/plain\", IECompatible: false, toTiddlerFieldsArray: function(data,fallbackTitle) {\n\t\treturn [{title: fallbackTitle, text: data}];\n\t}},\n\t{type: \"Text\", IECompatible: true, toTiddlerFieldsArray: function(data,fallbackTitle) {\n\t\treturn [{title: fallbackTitle, text: data}];\n\t}},\n\t{type: \"text/uri-list\", IECompatible: false, toTiddlerFieldsArray: function(data,fallbackTitle) {\n\t\treturn [{title: fallbackTitle, text: data}];\n\t}}\n];\n\nfunction parseJSONTiddlers(json,fallbackTitle) {\n\tvar data = JSON.parse(json);\n\tif(!$tw.utils.isArray(data)) {\n\t\tdata = [data];\n\t}\n\tdata.forEach(function(fields) {\n\t\tfields.title = fields.title || fallbackTitle;\n\t});\n\treturn data;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/utils/dom/dragndrop.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "utils"
"$:/core/modules/utils/dom/http.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/utils/dom/http.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: utils\n\nBrowser HTTP support\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nA quick and dirty HTTP function; to be refactored later. Options are:\n\turl: URL to retrieve\n\ttype: GET, PUT, POST etc\n\tcallback: function invoked with (err,data)\n\treturnProp: string name of the property to return as first argument of callback\n*/\nexports.httpRequest = function(options) {\n\tvar type = options.type || \"GET\",\n\t\theaders = options.headers || {accept: \"application/json\"},\n\t\treturnProp = options.returnProp || \"responseText\",\n\t\trequest = new XMLHttpRequest(),\n\t\tdata = \"\",\n\t\tf,results;\n\t// Massage the data hashmap into a string\n\tif(options.data) {\n\t\tif(typeof options.data === \"string\") { // Already a string\n\t\t\tdata = options.data;\n\t\t} else { // A hashmap of strings\n\t\t\tresults = [];\n\t\t\t$tw.utils.each(options.data,function(dataItem,dataItemTitle) {\n\t\t\t\tresults.push(dataItemTitle + \"=\" + encodeURIComponent(dataItem));\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t\tdata = results.join(\"&\");\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t// Set up the state change handler\n\trequest.onreadystatechange = function() {\n\t\tif(this.readyState === 4) {\n\t\t\tif(this.status === 200 || this.status === 201 || this.status === 204) {\n\t\t\t\t// Success!\n\t\t\t\toptions.callback(null,this[returnProp],this);\n\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t// Something went wrong\n\t\toptions.callback($tw.language.getString(\"Error/XMLHttpRequest\") + \": \" + this.status);\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\t// Make the request\n\trequest.open(type,options.url,true);\n\tif(headers) {\n\t\t$tw.utils.each(headers,function(header,headerTitle,object) {\n\t\t\trequest.setRequestHeader(headerTitle,header);\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\tif(data && !$tw.utils.hop(headers,\"Content-type\")) {\n\t\trequest.setRequestHeader(\"Content-type\",\"application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8\");\n\t}\n\ttry {\n\t\trequest.send(data);\n\t} catch(e) {\n\t\toptions.callback(e);\n\t}\n\treturn request;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/utils/dom/http.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "utils"
"$:/core/modules/utils/dom/keyboard.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/utils/dom/keyboard.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: utils\n\nKeyboard utilities; now deprecated. Instead, use $tw.keyboardManager\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n[\"parseKeyDescriptor\",\"checkKeyDescriptor\"].forEach(function(method) {\n\texports[method] = function() {\n\t\tif($tw.keyboardManager) {\n\t\t\treturn $tw.keyboardManager[method].apply($tw.keyboardManager,Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,0));\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\treturn null\n\t\t}\n\t};\n});\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/utils/dom/keyboard.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "utils"
"$:/core/modules/utils/dom/modal.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/utils/dom/modal.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: utils\n\nModal message mechanism\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\");\n\nvar Modal = function(wiki) {\n\tthis.wiki = wiki;\n\tthis.modalCount = 0;\n};\n\n/*\nDisplay a modal dialogue\n\ttitle: Title of tiddler to display\n\toptions: see below\nOptions include:\n\tdownloadLink: Text of a big download link to include\n*/\nModal.prototype.display = function(title,options) {\n\toptions = options || {};\n\tvar self = this,\n\t\trefreshHandler,\n\t\tduration = $tw.utils.getAnimationDuration(),\n\t\ttiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(title);\n\t// Don't do anything if the tiddler doesn't exist\n\tif(!tiddler) {\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\t// Create the variables\n\tvar variables = $tw.utils.extend({currentTiddler: title},options.variables);\n\t// Create the wrapper divs\n\tvar wrapper = document.createElement(\"div\"),\n\t\tmodalBackdrop = document.createElement(\"div\"),\n\t\tmodalWrapper = document.createElement(\"div\"),\n\t\tmodalHeader = document.createElement(\"div\"),\n\t\theaderTitle = document.createElement(\"h3\"),\n\t\tmodalBody = document.createElement(\"div\"),\n\t\tmodalLink = document.createElement(\"a\"),\n\t\tmodalFooter = document.createElement(\"div\"),\n\t\tmodalFooterHelp = document.createElement(\"span\"),\n\t\tmodalFooterButtons = document.createElement(\"span\");\n\t// Up the modal count and adjust the body class\n\tthis.modalCount++;\n\tthis.adjustPageClass();\n\t// Add classes\n\t$tw.utils.addClass(wrapper,\"tc-modal-wrapper\");\n\t$tw.utils.addClass(modalBackdrop,\"tc-modal-backdrop\");\n\t$tw.utils.addClass(modalWrapper,\"tc-modal\");\n\t$tw.utils.addClass(modalHeader,\"tc-modal-header\");\n\t$tw.utils.addClass(modalBody,\"tc-modal-body\");\n\t$tw.utils.addClass(modalFooter,\"tc-modal-footer\");\n\t// Join them together\n\twrapper.appendChild(modalBackdrop);\n\twrapper.appendChild(modalWrapper);\n\tmodalHeader.appendChild(headerTitle);\n\tmodalWrapper.appendChild(modalHeader);\n\tmodalWrapper.appendChild(modalBody);\n\tmodalFooter.appendChild(modalFooterHelp);\n\tmodalFooter.appendChild(modalFooterButtons);\n\tmodalWrapper.appendChild(modalFooter);\n\t// Render the title of the message\n\tvar headerWidgetNode = this.wiki.makeTranscludeWidget(title,{\n\t\tfield: \"subtitle\",\n\t\tmode: \"inline\",\n\t\tchildren: [{\n\t\t\ttype: \"text\",\n\t\t\tattributes: {\n\t\t\t\ttext: {\n\t\t\t\t\ttype: \"string\",\n\t\t\t\t\tvalue: title\n\t\t}}}],\n\t\tparentWidget: $tw.rootWidget,\n\t\tdocument: document,\n\t\tvariables: variables,\n\t\timportPageMacros: true\n\t});\n\theaderWidgetNode.render(headerTitle,null);\n\t// Render the body of the message\n\tvar bodyWidgetNode = this.wiki.makeTranscludeWidget(title,{\n\t\tparentWidget: $tw.rootWidget,\n\t\tdocument: document,\n\t\tvariables: variables,\n\t\timportPageMacros: true\n\t});\n\tbodyWidgetNode.render(modalBody,null);\n\t// Setup the link if present\n\tif(options.downloadLink) {\n\t\tmodalLink.href = options.downloadLink;\n\t\tmodalLink.appendChild(document.createTextNode(\"Right-click to save changes\"));\n\t\tmodalBody.appendChild(modalLink);\n\t}\n\t// Render the footer of the message\n\tif(tiddler && tiddler.fields && tiddler.fields.help) {\n\t\tvar link = document.createElement(\"a\");\n\t\tlink.setAttribute(\"href\",tiddler.fields.help);\n\t\tlink.setAttribute(\"target\",\"_blank\");\n\t\tlink.setAttribute(\"rel\",\"noopener noreferrer\");\n\t\tlink.appendChild(document.createTextNode(\"Help\"));\n\t\tmodalFooterHelp.appendChild(link);\n\t\tmodalFooterHelp.style.float = \"left\";\n\t}\n\tvar footerWidgetNode = this.wiki.makeTranscludeWidget(title,{\n\t\tfield: \"footer\",\n\t\tmode: \"inline\",\n\t\tchildren: [{\n\t\t\ttype: \"button\",\n\t\t\tattributes: {\n\t\t\t\tmessage: {\n\t\t\t\t\ttype: \"string\",\n\t\t\t\t\tvalue: \"tm-close-tiddler\"\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tchildren: [{\n\t\t\t\ttype: \"text\",\n\t\t\t\tattributes: {\n\t\t\t\t\ttext: {\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttype: \"string\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\tvalue: $tw.language.getString(\"Buttons/Close/Caption\")\n\t\t\t}}}\n\t\t]}],\n\t\tparentWidget: $tw.rootWidget,\n\t\tdocument: document,\n\t\tvariables: variables,\n\t\timportPageMacros: true\n\t});\n\tfooterWidgetNode.render(modalFooterButtons,null);\n\t// Set up the refresh handler\n\trefreshHandler = function(changes) {\n\t\theaderWidgetNode.refresh(changes,modalHeader,null);\n\t\tbodyWidgetNode.refresh(changes,modalBody,null);\n\t\tfooterWidgetNode.refresh(changes,modalFooterButtons,null);\n\t};\n\tthis.wiki.addEventListener(\"change\",refreshHandler);\n\t// Add the close event handler\n\tvar closeHandler = function(event) {\n\t\t// Remove our refresh handler\n\t\tself.wiki.removeEventListener(\"change\",refreshHandler);\n\t\t// Decrease the modal count and adjust the body class\n\t\tself.modalCount--;\n\t\tself.adjustPageClass();\n\t\t// Force layout and animate the modal message away\n\t\t$tw.utils.forceLayout(modalBackdrop);\n\t\t$tw.utils.forceLayout(modalWrapper);\n\t\t$tw.utils.setStyle(modalBackdrop,[\n\t\t\t{opacity: \"0\"}\n\t\t]);\n\t\t$tw.utils.setStyle(modalWrapper,[\n\t\t\t{transform: \"translateY(\" + window.innerHeight + \"px)\"}\n\t\t]);\n\t\t// Set up an event for the transition end\n\t\twindow.setTimeout(function() {\n\t\t\tif(wrapper.parentNode) {\n\t\t\t\t// Remove the modal message from the DOM\n\t\t\t\tdocument.body.removeChild(wrapper);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t},duration);\n\t\t// Don't let anyone else handle the tm-close-tiddler message\n\t\treturn false;\n\t};\n\theaderWidgetNode.addEventListener(\"tm-close-tiddler\",closeHandler,false);\n\tbodyWidgetNode.addEventListener(\"tm-close-tiddler\",closeHandler,false);\n\tfooterWidgetNode.addEventListener(\"tm-close-tiddler\",closeHandler,false);\n\t// Set the initial styles for the message\n\t$tw.utils.setStyle(modalBackdrop,[\n\t\t{opacity: \"0\"}\n\t]);\n\t$tw.utils.setStyle(modalWrapper,[\n\t\t{transformOrigin: \"0% 0%\"},\n\t\t{transform: \"translateY(\" + (-window.innerHeight) + \"px)\"}\n\t]);\n\t// Put the message into the document\n\tdocument.body.appendChild(wrapper);\n\t// Set up animation for the styles\n\t$tw.utils.setStyle(modalBackdrop,[\n\t\t{transition: \"opacity \" + duration + \"ms ease-out\"}\n\t]);\n\t$tw.utils.setStyle(modalWrapper,[\n\t\t{transition: $tw.utils.roundTripPropertyName(\"transform\") + \" \" + duration + \"ms ease-in-out\"}\n\t]);\n\t// Force layout\n\t$tw.utils.forceLayout(modalBackdrop);\n\t$tw.utils.forceLayout(modalWrapper);\n\t// Set final animated styles\n\t$tw.utils.setStyle(modalBackdrop,[\n\t\t{opacity: \"0.7\"}\n\t]);\n\t$tw.utils.setStyle(modalWrapper,[\n\t\t{transform: \"translateY(0px)\"}\n\t]);\n};\n\nModal.prototype.adjustPageClass = function() {\n\tif($tw.pageContainer) {\n\t\t$tw.utils.toggleClass($tw.pageContainer,\"tc-modal-displayed\",this.modalCount > 0);\n\t}\n};\n\nexports.Modal = Modal;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/utils/dom/modal.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "utils"
"$:/core/modules/utils/dom/notifier.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/utils/dom/notifier.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: utils\n\nNotifier mechanism\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\");\n\nvar Notifier = function(wiki) {\n\tthis.wiki = wiki;\n};\n\n/*\nDisplay a notification\n\ttitle: Title of tiddler containing the notification text\n\toptions: see below\nOptions include:\n*/\nNotifier.prototype.display = function(title,options) {\n\toptions = options || {};\n\t// Create the wrapper divs\n\tvar self = this,\n\t\tnotification = document.createElement(\"div\"),\n\t\ttiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(title),\n\t\tduration = $tw.utils.getAnimationDuration(),\n\t\trefreshHandler;\n\t// Don't do anything if the tiddler doesn't exist\n\tif(!tiddler) {\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\t// Add classes\n\t$tw.utils.addClass(notification,\"tc-notification\");\n\t// Create the variables\n\tvar variables = $tw.utils.extend({currentTiddler: title},options.variables);\n\t// Render the body of the notification\n\tvar widgetNode = this.wiki.makeTranscludeWidget(title,{\n\t\tparentWidget: $tw.rootWidget,\n\t\tdocument: document,\n\t\tvariables: variables,\n\t\timportPageMacros: true});\n\twidgetNode.render(notification,null);\n\trefreshHandler = function(changes) {\n\t\twidgetNode.refresh(changes,notification,null);\n\t};\n\tthis.wiki.addEventListener(\"change\",refreshHandler);\n\t// Set the initial styles for the notification\n\t$tw.utils.setStyle(notification,[\n\t\t{opacity: \"0\"},\n\t\t{transformOrigin: \"0% 0%\"},\n\t\t{transform: \"translateY(\" + (-window.innerHeight) + \"px)\"},\n\t\t{transition: \"opacity \" + duration + \"ms ease-out, \" + $tw.utils.roundTripPropertyName(\"transform\") + \" \" + duration + \"ms ease-in-out\"}\n\t]);\n\t// Add the notification to the DOM\n\tdocument.body.appendChild(notification);\n\t// Force layout\n\t$tw.utils.forceLayout(notification);\n\t// Set final animated styles\n\t$tw.utils.setStyle(notification,[\n\t\t{opacity: \"1.0\"},\n\t\t{transform: \"translateY(0px)\"}\n\t]);\n\t// Set a timer to remove the notification\n\twindow.setTimeout(function() {\n\t\t// Remove our change event handler\n\t\tself.wiki.removeEventListener(\"change\",refreshHandler);\n\t\t// Force layout and animate the notification away\n\t\t$tw.utils.forceLayout(notification);\n\t\t$tw.utils.setStyle(notification,[\n\t\t\t{opacity: \"0.0\"},\n\t\t\t{transform: \"translateX(\" + (notification.offsetWidth) + \"px)\"}\n\t\t]);\n\t\t// Remove the modal message from the DOM once the transition ends\n\t\tsetTimeout(function() {\n\t\t\tif(notification.parentNode) {\n\t\t\t\tdocument.body.removeChild(notification);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t},duration);\n\t},$tw.config.preferences.notificationDuration);\n};\n\nexports.Notifier = Notifier;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/utils/dom/notifier.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "utils"
"$:/core/modules/utils/dom/popup.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/utils/dom/popup.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: utils\n\nModule that creates a $tw.utils.Popup object prototype that manages popups in the browser\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nCreates a Popup object with these options:\n\trootElement: the DOM element to which the popup zapper should be attached\n*/\nvar Popup = function(options) {\n\toptions = options || {};\n\tthis.rootElement = options.rootElement || document.documentElement;\n\tthis.popups = []; // Array of {title:,wiki:,domNode:} objects\n};\n\n/*\nTrigger a popup open or closed. Parameters are in a hashmap:\n\ttitle: title of the tiddler where the popup details are stored\n\tdomNode: dom node to which the popup will be positioned\n\twiki: wiki\n\tforce: if specified, forces the popup state to true or false (instead of toggling it)\n*/\nPopup.prototype.triggerPopup = function(options) {\n\t// Check if this popup is already active\n\tvar index = this.findPopup(options.title);\n\t// Compute the new state\n\tvar state = index === -1;\n\tif(options.force !== undefined) {\n\t\tstate = options.force;\n\t}\n\t// Show or cancel the popup according to the new state\n\tif(state) {\n\t\tthis.show(options);\n\t} else {\n\t\tthis.cancel(index);\n\t}\n};\n\nPopup.prototype.findPopup = function(title) {\n\tvar index = -1;\n\tfor(var t=0; t<this.popups.length; t++) {\n\t\tif(this.popups[t].title === title) {\n\t\t\tindex = t;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn index;\n};\n\nPopup.prototype.handleEvent = function(event) {\n\tif(event.type === \"click\") {\n\t\t// Find out what was clicked on\n\t\tvar info = this.popupInfo(event.target),\n\t\t\tcancelLevel = info.popupLevel - 1;\n\t\t// Don't remove the level that was clicked on if we clicked on a handle\n\t\tif(info.isHandle) {\n\t\t\tcancelLevel++;\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Cancel\n\t\tthis.cancel(cancelLevel);\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nFind the popup level containing a DOM node. Returns:\npopupLevel: count of the number of nested popups containing the specified element\nisHandle: true if the specified element is within a popup handle\n*/\nPopup.prototype.popupInfo = function(domNode) {\n\tvar isHandle = false,\n\t\tpopupCount = 0,\n\t\tnode = domNode;\n\t// First check ancestors to see if we're within a popup handle\n\twhile(node) {\n\t\tif($tw.utils.hasClass(node,\"tc-popup-handle\")) {\n\t\t\tisHandle = true;\n\t\t\tpopupCount++;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif($tw.utils.hasClass(node,\"tc-popup-keep\")) {\n\t\t\tisHandle = true;\n\t\t}\n\t\tnode = node.parentNode;\n\t}\n\t// Then count the number of ancestor popups\n\tnode = domNode;\n\twhile(node) {\n\t\tif($tw.utils.hasClass(node,\"tc-popup\")) {\n\t\t\tpopupCount++;\n\t\t}\n\t\tnode = node.parentNode;\n\t}\n\tvar info = {\n\t\tpopupLevel: popupCount,\n\t\tisHandle: isHandle\n\t};\n\treturn info;\n};\n\n/*\nDisplay a popup by adding it to the stack\n*/\nPopup.prototype.show = function(options) {\n\t// Find out what was clicked on\n\tvar info = this.popupInfo(options.domNode);\n\t// Cancel any higher level popups\n\tthis.cancel(info.popupLevel);\n\t// Store the popup details if not already there\n\tif(this.findPopup(options.title) === -1) {\n\t\tthis.popups.push({\n\t\t\ttitle: options.title,\n\t\t\twiki: options.wiki,\n\t\t\tdomNode: options.domNode\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\t// Set the state tiddler\n\toptions.wiki.setTextReference(options.title,\n\t\t\t\"(\" + options.domNode.offsetLeft + \",\" + options.domNode.offsetTop + \",\" + \n\t\t\t\toptions.domNode.offsetWidth + \",\" + options.domNode.offsetHeight + \")\");\n\t// Add the click handler if we have any popups\n\tif(this.popups.length > 0) {\n\t\tthis.rootElement.addEventListener(\"click\",this,true);\t\t\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nCancel all popups at or above a specified level or DOM node\nlevel: popup level to cancel (0 cancels all popups)\n*/\nPopup.prototype.cancel = function(level) {\n\tvar numPopups = this.popups.length;\n\tlevel = Math.max(0,Math.min(level,numPopups));\n\tfor(var t=level; t<numPopups; t++) {\n\t\tvar popup = this.popups.pop();\n\t\tif(popup.title) {\n\t\t\tpopup.wiki.deleteTiddler(popup.title);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tif(this.popups.length === 0) {\n\t\tthis.rootElement.removeEventListener(\"click\",this,false);\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nReturns true if the specified title and text identifies an active popup\n*/\nPopup.prototype.readPopupState = function(text) {\n\tvar popupLocationRegExp = /^\\((-?[0-9\\.E]+),(-?[0-9\\.E]+),(-?[0-9\\.E]+),(-?[0-9\\.E]+)\\)$/;\n\treturn popupLocationRegExp.test(text);\n};\n\nexports.Popup = Popup;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/utils/dom/popup.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "utils"
"$:/core/modules/utils/dom/scroller.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/utils/dom/scroller.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: utils\n\nModule that creates a $tw.utils.Scroller object prototype that manages scrolling in the browser\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nEvent handler for when the `tm-scroll` event hits the document body\n*/\nvar PageScroller = function() {\n\tthis.idRequestFrame = null;\n\tthis.requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame ||\n\t\twindow.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||\n\t\twindow.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||\n\t\tfunction(callback) {\n\t\t\treturn window.setTimeout(callback, 1000/60);\n\t\t};\n\tthis.cancelAnimationFrame = window.cancelAnimationFrame ||\n\t\twindow.webkitCancelAnimationFrame ||\n\t\twindow.webkitCancelRequestAnimationFrame ||\n\t\twindow.mozCancelAnimationFrame ||\n\t\twindow.mozCancelRequestAnimationFrame ||\n\t\tfunction(id) {\n\t\t\twindow.clearTimeout(id);\n\t\t};\n};\n\nPageScroller.prototype.cancelScroll = function() {\n\tif(this.idRequestFrame) {\n\t\tthis.cancelAnimationFrame.call(window,this.idRequestFrame);\n\t\tthis.idRequestFrame = null;\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nHandle an event\n*/\nPageScroller.prototype.handleEvent = function(event) {\n\tif(event.type === \"tm-scroll\") {\n\t\treturn this.scrollIntoView(event.target);\n\t}\n\treturn true;\n};\n\n/*\nHandle a scroll event hitting the page document\n*/\nPageScroller.prototype.scrollIntoView = function(element) {\n\tvar duration = $tw.utils.getAnimationDuration();\n\t// Now get ready to scroll the body\n\tthis.cancelScroll();\n\tthis.startTime = Date.now();\n\tvar scrollPosition = $tw.utils.getScrollPosition();\n\t// Get the client bounds of the element and adjust by the scroll position\n\tvar clientBounds = element.getBoundingClientRect(),\n\t\tbounds = {\n\t\t\tleft: clientBounds.left + scrollPosition.x,\n\t\t\ttop: clientBounds.top + scrollPosition.y,\n\t\t\twidth: clientBounds.width,\n\t\t\theight: clientBounds.height\n\t\t};\n\t// We'll consider the horizontal and vertical scroll directions separately via this function\n\t// targetPos/targetSize - position and size of the target element\n\t// currentPos/currentSize - position and size of the current scroll viewport\n\t// returns: new position of the scroll viewport\n\tvar getEndPos = function(targetPos,targetSize,currentPos,currentSize) {\n\t\t\tvar newPos = currentPos;\n\t\t\t// If the target is above/left of the current view, then scroll to it's top/left\n\t\t\tif(targetPos <= currentPos) {\n\t\t\t\tnewPos = targetPos;\n\t\t\t// If the target is smaller than the window and the scroll position is too far up, then scroll till the target is at the bottom of the window\n\t\t\t} else if(targetSize < currentSize && currentPos < (targetPos + targetSize - currentSize)) {\n\t\t\t\tnewPos = targetPos + targetSize - currentSize;\n\t\t\t// If the target is big, then just scroll to the top\n\t\t\t} else if(currentPos < targetPos) {\n\t\t\t\tnewPos = targetPos;\n\t\t\t// Otherwise, stay where we are\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tnewPos = currentPos;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t// If we are scrolling within 50 pixels of the top/left then snap to zero\n\t\t\tif(newPos < 50) {\n\t\t\t\tnewPos = 0;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\treturn newPos;\n\t\t},\n\t\tendX = getEndPos(bounds.left,bounds.width,scrollPosition.x,window.innerWidth),\n\t\tendY = getEndPos(bounds.top,bounds.height,scrollPosition.y,window.innerHeight);\n\t// Only scroll if the position has changed\n\tif(endX !== scrollPosition.x || endY !== scrollPosition.y) {\n\t\tvar self = this,\n\t\t\tdrawFrame;\n\t\tdrawFrame = function () {\n\t\t\tvar t;\n\t\t\tif(duration <= 0) {\n\t\t\t\tt = 1;\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tt = ((Date.now()) - self.startTime) / duration;\t\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif(t >= 1) {\n\t\t\t\tself.cancelScroll();\n\t\t\t\tt = 1;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tt = $tw.utils.slowInSlowOut(t);\n\t\t\twindow.scrollTo(scrollPosition.x + (endX - scrollPosition.x) * t,scrollPosition.y + (endY - scrollPosition.y) * t);\n\t\t\tif(t < 1) {\n\t\t\t\tself.idRequestFrame = self.requestAnimationFrame.call(window,drawFrame);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t};\n\t\tdrawFrame();\n\t}\n};\n\nexports.PageScroller = PageScroller;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/utils/dom/scroller.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "utils"
"$:/core/modules/utils/edition-info.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/utils/edition-info.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: utils-node\n\nInformation about the available editions\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar fs = require(\"fs\"),\n\tpath = require(\"path\");\n\nvar editionInfo;\n\nexports.getEditionInfo = function() {\n\tif(!editionInfo) {\n\t\t// Enumerate the edition paths\n\t\tvar editionPaths = $tw.getLibraryItemSearchPaths($tw.config.editionsPath,$tw.config.editionsEnvVar);\n\t\teditionInfo = {};\n\t\tfor(var editionIndex=0; editionIndex<editionPaths.length; editionIndex++) {\n\t\t\tvar editionPath = editionPaths[editionIndex];\n\t\t\t// Enumerate the folders\n\t\t\tvar entries = fs.readdirSync(editionPath);\n\t\t\tfor(var entryIndex=0; entryIndex<entries.length; entryIndex++) {\n\t\t\t\tvar entry = entries[entryIndex];\n\t\t\t\t// Check if directories have a valid tiddlywiki.info\n\t\t\t\tif(!editionInfo[entry] && $tw.utils.isDirectory(path.resolve(editionPath,entry))) {\n\t\t\t\t\tvar info;\n\t\t\t\t\ttry {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tinfo = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(editionPath,entry,\"tiddlywiki.info\"),\"utf8\"));\n\t\t\t\t\t} catch(ex) {\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\tif(info) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\teditionInfo[entry] = info;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn editionInfo;\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/utils/edition-info.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "utils-node"
"$:/core/modules/utils/fakedom.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/utils/fakedom.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: global\n\nA barebones implementation of DOM interfaces needed by the rendering mechanism.\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n// Sequence number used to enable us to track objects for testing\nvar sequenceNumber = null;\n\nvar bumpSequenceNumber = function(object) {\n\tif(sequenceNumber !== null) {\n\t\tobject.sequenceNumber = sequenceNumber++;\n\t}\n};\n\nvar TW_TextNode = function(text) {\n\tbumpSequenceNumber(this);\n\tthis.textContent = text + \"\";\n};\n\nObject.defineProperty(TW_TextNode.prototype, \"nodeType\", {\n\tget: function() {\n\t\treturn 3;\n\t}\n});\n\nObject.defineProperty(TW_TextNode.prototype, \"formattedTextContent\", {\n\tget: function() {\n\t\treturn this.textContent.replace(/(\\r?\\n)/g,\"\");\n\t}\n});\n\nvar TW_Element = function(tag,namespace) {\n\tbumpSequenceNumber(this);\n\tthis.isTiddlyWikiFakeDom = true;\n\tthis.tag = tag;\n\tthis.attributes = {};\n\tthis.isRaw = false;\n\tthis.children = [];\n\tthis.style = {};\n\tthis.namespaceURI = namespace || \"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\";\n};\n\nObject.defineProperty(TW_Element.prototype, \"nodeType\", {\n\tget: function() {\n\t\treturn 1;\n\t}\n});\n\nTW_Element.prototype.getAttribute = function(name) {\n\tif(this.isRaw) {\n\t\tthrow \"Cannot getAttribute on a raw TW_Element\";\n\t}\n\treturn this.attributes[name];\n};\n\nTW_Element.prototype.setAttribute = function(name,value) {\n\tif(this.isRaw) {\n\t\tthrow \"Cannot setAttribute on a raw TW_Element\";\n\t}\n\tthis.attributes[name] = value + \"\";\n};\n\nTW_Element.prototype.setAttributeNS = function(namespace,name,value) {\n\tthis.setAttribute(name,value);\n};\n\nTW_Element.prototype.removeAttribute = function(name) {\n\tif(this.isRaw) {\n\t\tthrow \"Cannot removeAttribute on a raw TW_Element\";\n\t}\n\tif($tw.utils.hop(this.attributes,name)) {\n\t\tdelete this.attributes[name];\n\t}\n};\n\nTW_Element.prototype.appendChild = function(node) {\n\tthis.children.push(node);\n\tnode.parentNode = this;\n};\n\nTW_Element.prototype.insertBefore = function(node,nextSibling) {\n\tif(nextSibling) {\n\t\tvar p = this.children.indexOf(nextSibling);\n\t\tif(p !== -1) {\n\t\t\tthis.children.splice(p,0,node);\n\t\t\tnode.parentNode = this;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tthis.appendChild(node);\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\tthis.appendChild(node);\n\t}\n};\n\nTW_Element.prototype.removeChild = function(node) {\n\tvar p = this.children.indexOf(node);\n\tif(p !== -1) {\n\t\tthis.children.splice(p,1);\n\t}\n};\n\nTW_Element.prototype.hasChildNodes = function() {\n\treturn !!this.children.length;\n};\n\nObject.defineProperty(TW_Element.prototype, \"childNodes\", {\n\tget: function() {\n\t\treturn this.children;\n\t}\n});\n\nObject.defineProperty(TW_Element.prototype, \"firstChild\", {\n\tget: function() {\n\t\treturn this.children[0];\n\t}\n});\n\nTW_Element.prototype.addEventListener = function(type,listener,useCapture) {\n\t// Do nothing\n};\n\nObject.defineProperty(TW_Element.prototype, \"tagName\", {\n\tget: function() {\n\t\treturn this.tag || \"\";\n\t}\n});\n\nObject.defineProperty(TW_Element.prototype, \"className\", {\n\tget: function() {\n\t\treturn this.attributes[\"class\"] || \"\";\n\t},\n\tset: function(value) {\n\t\tthis.attributes[\"class\"] = value + \"\";\n\t}\n});\n\nObject.defineProperty(TW_Element.prototype, \"value\", {\n\tget: function() {\n\t\treturn this.attributes.value || \"\";\n\t},\n\tset: function(value) {\n\t\tthis.attributes.value = value + \"\";\n\t}\n});\n\nObject.defineProperty(TW_Element.prototype, \"outerHTML\", {\n\tget: function() {\n\t\tvar output = [],attr,a,v;\n\t\toutput.push(\"<\",this.tag);\n\t\tif(this.attributes) {\n\t\t\tattr = [];\n\t\t\tfor(a in this.attributes) {\n\t\t\t\tattr.push(a);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tattr.sort();\n\t\t\tfor(a=0; a<attr.length; a++) {\n\t\t\t\tv = this.attributes[attr[a]];\n\t\t\t\tif(v !== undefined) {\n\t\t\t\t\toutput.push(\" \",attr[a],\"=\\\"\",$tw.utils.htmlEncode(v),\"\\\"\");\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(this.style) {\n\t\t\tvar style = [];\n\t\t\tfor(var s in this.style) {\n\t\t\t\tstyle.push(s + \":\" + this.style[s] + \";\");\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif(style.length > 0) {\n\t\t\t\toutput.push(\" style=\\\"\",style.join(\"\"),\"\\\"\")\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\toutput.push(\">\");\n\t\tif($tw.config.htmlVoidElements.indexOf(this.tag) === -1) {\n\t\t\toutput.push(this.innerHTML);\n\t\t\toutput.push(\"</\",this.tag,\">\");\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn output.join(\"\");\n\t}\n});\n\nObject.defineProperty(TW_Element.prototype, \"innerHTML\", {\n\tget: function() {\n\t\tif(this.isRaw) {\n\t\t\treturn this.rawHTML;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tvar b = [];\n\t\t\t$tw.utils.each(this.children,function(node) {\n\t\t\t\tif(node instanceof TW_Element) {\n\t\t\t\t\tb.push(node.outerHTML);\n\t\t\t\t} else if(node instanceof TW_TextNode) {\n\t\t\t\t\tb.push($tw.utils.htmlEncode(node.textContent));\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t\treturn b.join(\"\");\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\tset: function(value) {\n\t\tthis.isRaw = true;\n\t\tthis.rawHTML = value;\n\t\tthis.rawTextContent = null;\n\t}\n});\n\nObject.defineProperty(TW_Element.prototype, \"textInnerHTML\", {\n\tset: function(value) {\n\t\tif(this.isRaw) {\n\t\t\tthis.rawTextContent = value;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tthrow \"Cannot set textInnerHTML of a non-raw TW_Element\";\n\t\t}\n\t}\n});\n\nObject.defineProperty(TW_Element.prototype, \"textContent\", {\n\tget: function() {\n\t\tif(this.isRaw) {\n\t\t\tif(this.rawTextContent === null) {\n\t\t\t\tconsole.log(booboo)\n\t\t\t\tthrow \"Cannot get textContent on a raw TW_Element\";\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\treturn this.rawTextContent;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tvar b = [];\n\t\t\t$tw.utils.each(this.children,function(node) {\n\t\t\t\tb.push(node.textContent);\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t\treturn b.join(\"\");\n\t\t}\n\t},\n\tset: function(value) {\n\t\tthis.children = [new TW_TextNode(value)];\n\t}\n});\n\nObject.defineProperty(TW_Element.prototype, \"formattedTextContent\", {\n\tget: function() {\n\t\tif(this.isRaw) {\n\t\t\tthrow \"Cannot get formattedTextContent on a raw TW_Element\";\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tvar b = [],\n\t\t\t\tisBlock = $tw.config.htmlBlockElements.indexOf(this.tag) !== -1;\n\t\t\tif(isBlock) {\n\t\t\t\tb.push(\"\\n\");\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif(this.tag === \"li\") {\n\t\t\t\tb.push(\"* \");\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t$tw.utils.each(this.children,function(node) {\n\t\t\t\tb.push(node.formattedTextContent);\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t\tif(isBlock) {\n\t\t\t\tb.push(\"\\n\");\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\treturn b.join(\"\");\n\t\t}\n\t}\n});\n\nvar document = {\n\tsetSequenceNumber: function(value) {\n\t\tsequenceNumber = value;\n\t},\n\tcreateElementNS: function(namespace,tag) {\n\t\treturn new TW_Element(tag,namespace);\n\t},\n\tcreateElement: function(tag) {\n\t\treturn new TW_Element(tag);\n\t},\n\tcreateTextNode: function(text) {\n\t\treturn new TW_TextNode(text);\n\t},\n\tcompatMode: \"CSS1Compat\", // For KaTeX to know that we're not a browser in quirks mode\n\tisTiddlyWikiFakeDom: true\n};\n\nexports.fakeDocument = document;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/utils/fakedom.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "global"
"$:/core/modules/utils/filesystem.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/utils/filesystem.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: utils-node\n\nFile system utilities\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar fs = require(\"fs\"),\n\tpath = require(\"path\");\n\n/*\nRecursively (and synchronously) copy a directory and all its content\n*/\nexports.copyDirectory = function(srcPath,dstPath) {\n\t// Remove any trailing path separators\n\tsrcPath = $tw.utils.removeTrailingSeparator(srcPath);\n\tdstPath = $tw.utils.removeTrailingSeparator(dstPath);\n\t// Create the destination directory\n\tvar err = $tw.utils.createDirectory(dstPath);\n\tif(err) {\n\t\treturn err;\n\t}\n\t// Function to copy a folder full of files\n\tvar copy = function(srcPath,dstPath) {\n\t\tvar srcStats = fs.lstatSync(srcPath),\n\t\t\tdstExists = fs.existsSync(dstPath);\n\t\tif(srcStats.isFile()) {\n\t\t\t$tw.utils.copyFile(srcPath,dstPath);\n\t\t} else if(srcStats.isDirectory()) {\n\t\t\tvar items = fs.readdirSync(srcPath);\n\t\t\tfor(var t=0; t<items.length; t++) {\n\t\t\t\tvar item = items[t],\n\t\t\t\t\terr = copy(srcPath + path.sep + item,dstPath + path.sep + item);\n\t\t\t\tif(err) {\n\t\t\t\t\treturn err;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\tcopy(srcPath,dstPath);\n\treturn null;\n};\n\n/*\nCopy a file\n*/\nvar FILE_BUFFER_LENGTH = 64 * 1024,\n\tfileBuffer;\n\nexports.copyFile = function(srcPath,dstPath) {\n\t// Create buffer if required\n\tif(!fileBuffer) {\n\t\tfileBuffer = new Buffer(FILE_BUFFER_LENGTH);\n\t}\n\t// Create any directories in the destination\n\t$tw.utils.createDirectory(path.dirname(dstPath));\n\t// Copy the file\n\tvar srcFile = fs.openSync(srcPath,\"r\"),\n\t\tdstFile = fs.openSync(dstPath,\"w\"),\n\t\tbytesRead = 1,\n\t\tpos = 0;\n\twhile (bytesRead > 0) {\n\t\tbytesRead = fs.readSync(srcFile,fileBuffer,0,FILE_BUFFER_LENGTH,pos);\n\t\tfs.writeSync(dstFile,fileBuffer,0,bytesRead);\n\t\tpos += bytesRead;\n\t}\n\tfs.closeSync(srcFile);\n\tfs.closeSync(dstFile);\n\treturn null;\n};\n\n/*\nRemove trailing path separator\n*/\nexports.removeTrailingSeparator = function(dirPath) {\n\tvar len = dirPath.length;\n\tif(dirPath.charAt(len-1) === path.sep) {\n\t\tdirPath = dirPath.substr(0,len-1);\n\t}\n\treturn dirPath;\n};\n\n/*\nRecursively create a directory\n*/\nexports.createDirectory = function(dirPath) {\n\tif(dirPath.substr(dirPath.length-1,1) !== path.sep) {\n\t\tdirPath = dirPath + path.sep;\n\t}\n\tvar pos = 1;\n\tpos = dirPath.indexOf(path.sep,pos);\n\twhile(pos !== -1) {\n\t\tvar subDirPath = dirPath.substr(0,pos);\n\t\tif(!$tw.utils.isDirectory(subDirPath)) {\n\t\t\ttry {\n\t\t\t\tfs.mkdirSync(subDirPath);\n\t\t\t} catch(e) {\n\t\t\t\treturn \"Error creating directory '\" + subDirPath + \"'\";\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\tpos = dirPath.indexOf(path.sep,pos + 1);\n\t}\n\treturn null;\n};\n\n/*\nRecursively create directories needed to contain a specified file\n*/\nexports.createFileDirectories = function(filePath) {\n\treturn $tw.utils.createDirectory(path.dirname(filePath));\n};\n\n/*\nRecursively delete a directory\n*/\nexports.deleteDirectory = function(dirPath) {\n\tif(fs.existsSync(dirPath)) {\n\t\tvar entries = fs.readdirSync(dirPath);\n\t\tfor(var entryIndex=0; entryIndex<entries.length; entryIndex++) {\n\t\t\tvar currPath = dirPath + path.sep + entries[entryIndex];\n\t\t\tif(fs.lstatSync(currPath).isDirectory()) {\n\t\t\t\t$tw.utils.deleteDirectory(currPath);\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tfs.unlinkSync(currPath);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\tfs.rmdirSync(dirPath);\n\t}\n\treturn null;\n};\n\n/*\nCheck if a path identifies a directory\n*/\nexports.isDirectory = function(dirPath) {\n\treturn fs.existsSync(dirPath) && fs.statSync(dirPath).isDirectory();\n};\n\n/*\nCheck if a path identifies a directory that is empty\n*/\nexports.isDirectoryEmpty = function(dirPath) {\n\tif(!$tw.utils.isDirectory(dirPath)) {\n\t\treturn false;\n\t}\n\tvar files = fs.readdirSync(dirPath),\n\t\tempty = true;\n\t$tw.utils.each(files,function(file,index) {\n\t\tif(file.charAt(0) !== \".\") {\n\t\t\tempty = false;\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\treturn empty;\n};\n\n/*\nRecursively delete a tree of empty directories\n*/\nexports.deleteEmptyDirs = function(dirpath,callback) {\n\tvar self = this;\n\tfs.readdir(dirpath,function(err,files) {\n\t\tif(err) {\n\t\t\treturn callback(err);\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(files.length > 0) {\n\t\t\treturn callback(null);\n\t\t}\n\t\tfs.rmdir(dirpath,function(err) {\n\t\t\tif(err) {\n\t\t\t\treturn callback(err);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tself.deleteEmptyDirs(path.dirname(dirpath),callback);\n\t\t});\n\t});\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/utils/filesystem.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "utils-node"
"$:/core/modules/utils/logger.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/utils/logger.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: utils\n\nA basic logging implementation\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar ALERT_TAG = \"$:/tags/Alert\";\n\n/*\nMake a new logger\n*/\nfunction Logger(componentName) {\n\tthis.componentName = componentName || \"\";\n}\n\n/*\nLog a message\n*/\nLogger.prototype.log = function(/* args */) {\n\tif(console !== undefined && console.log !== undefined) {\n\t\treturn Function.apply.call(console.log, console, [this.componentName + \":\"].concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,0)));\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nAlert a message\n*/\nLogger.prototype.alert = function(/* args */) {\n\t// Prepare the text of the alert\n\tvar text = Array.prototype.join.call(arguments,\" \");\n\t// Create alert tiddlers in the browser\n\tif($tw.browser) {\n\t\t// Check if there is an existing alert with the same text and the same component\n\t\tvar existingAlerts = $tw.wiki.getTiddlersWithTag(ALERT_TAG),\n\t\t\talertFields,\n\t\t\texistingCount,\n\t\t\tself = this;\n\t\t$tw.utils.each(existingAlerts,function(title) {\n\t\t\tvar tiddler = $tw.wiki.getTiddler(title);\n\t\t\tif(tiddler.fields.text === text && tiddler.fields.component === self.componentName && tiddler.fields.modified && (!alertFields || tiddler.fields.modified < alertFields.modified)) {\n\t\t\t\t\talertFields = $tw.utils.extend({},tiddler.fields);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t\tif(alertFields) {\n\t\t\texistingCount = alertFields.count || 1;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\talertFields = {\n\t\t\t\ttitle: $tw.wiki.generateNewTitle(\"$:/temp/alerts/alert\",{prefix: \"\"}),\n\t\t\t\ttext: text,\n\t\t\t\ttags: [ALERT_TAG],\n\t\t\t\tcomponent: this.componentName\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t\texistingCount = 0;\n\t\t}\n\t\talertFields.modified = new Date();\n\t\tif(++existingCount > 1) {\n\t\t\talertFields.count = existingCount;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\talertFields.count = undefined;\n\t\t}\n\t\t$tw.wiki.addTiddler(new $tw.Tiddler(alertFields));\n\t\t// Log the alert as well\n\t\tthis.log.apply(this,Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,0));\n\t} else {\n\t\t// Print an orange message to the console if not in the browser\n\t\tconsole.error(\"\\x1b[1;33m\" + text + \"\\x1b[0m\");\n\t}\n};\n\nexports.Logger = Logger;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/utils/logger.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "utils"
"$:/core/modules/utils/parsetree.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/utils/parsetree.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: utils\n\nParse tree utility functions.\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nexports.addAttributeToParseTreeNode = function(node,name,value) {\n\tnode.attributes = node.attributes || {};\n\tnode.attributes[name] = {type: \"string\", value: value};\n};\n\nexports.getAttributeValueFromParseTreeNode = function(node,name,defaultValue) {\n\tif(node.attributes && node.attributes[name] && node.attributes[name].value !== undefined) {\n\t\treturn node.attributes[name].value;\n\t}\n\treturn defaultValue;\n};\n\nexports.addClassToParseTreeNode = function(node,classString) {\n\tvar classes = [];\n\tnode.attributes = node.attributes || {};\n\tnode.attributes[\"class\"] = node.attributes[\"class\"] || {type: \"string\", value: \"\"};\n\tif(node.attributes[\"class\"].type === \"string\") {\n\t\tif(node.attributes[\"class\"].value !== \"\") {\n\t\t\tclasses = node.attributes[\"class\"].value.split(\" \");\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(classString !== \"\") {\n\t\t\t$tw.utils.pushTop(classes,classString.split(\" \"));\n\t\t}\n\t\tnode.attributes[\"class\"].value = classes.join(\" \");\n\t}\n};\n\nexports.addStyleToParseTreeNode = function(node,name,value) {\n\t\tnode.attributes = node.attributes || {};\n\t\tnode.attributes.style = node.attributes.style || {type: \"string\", value: \"\"};\n\t\tif(node.attributes.style.type === \"string\") {\n\t\t\tnode.attributes.style.value += name + \":\" + value + \";\";\n\t\t}\n};\n\nexports.findParseTreeNode = function(nodeArray,search) {\n\tfor(var t=0; t<nodeArray.length; t++) {\n\t\tif(nodeArray[t].type === search.type && nodeArray[t].tag === search.tag) {\n\t\t\treturn nodeArray[t];\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn undefined;\n};\n\n/*\nHelper to get the text of a parse tree node or array of nodes\n*/\nexports.getParseTreeText = function getParseTreeText(tree) {\n\tvar output = [];\n\tif($tw.utils.isArray(tree)) {\n\t\t$tw.utils.each(tree,function(node) {\n\t\t\toutput.push(getParseTreeText(node));\n\t\t});\n\t} else {\n\t\tif(tree.type === \"text\") {\n\t\t\toutput.push(tree.text);\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(tree.children) {\n\t\t\treturn getParseTreeText(tree.children);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn output.join(\"\");\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/utils/parsetree.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "utils"
"$:/core/modules/utils/performance.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/utils/performance.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: global\n\nPerformance measurement.\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nfunction Performance(enabled) {\n\tthis.enabled = !!enabled;\n\tthis.measures = {}; // Hashmap of current values of measurements\n\tthis.logger = new $tw.utils.Logger(\"performance\");\n}\n\n/*\nWrap performance reporting around a top level function\n*/\nPerformance.prototype.report = function(name,fn) {\n\tvar self = this;\n\tif(this.enabled) {\n\t\treturn function() {\n\t\t\tself.measures = {};\n\t\t\tvar startTime = $tw.utils.timer(),\n\t\t\t\tresult = fn.apply(this,arguments);\n\t\t\tself.logger.log(name + \": \" + $tw.utils.timer(startTime).toFixed(2) + \"ms\");\n\t\t\tfor(var m in self.measures) {\n\t\t\t\tself.logger.log(\"+\" + m + \": \" + self.measures[m].toFixed(2) + \"ms\");\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\treturn result;\n\t\t};\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn fn;\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nWrap performance measurements around a subfunction\n*/\nPerformance.prototype.measure = function(name,fn) {\n\tvar self = this;\n\tif(this.enabled) {\n\t\treturn function() {\n\t\t\tvar startTime = $tw.utils.timer(),\n\t\t\t\tresult = fn.apply(this,arguments),\n\t\t\t\tvalue = self.measures[name] || 0;\n\t\t\tself.measures[name] = value + $tw.utils.timer(startTime);\n\t\t\treturn result;\n\t\t};\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn fn;\n\t}\n};\n\nexports.Performance = Performance;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/utils/performance.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "global"
"$:/core/modules/utils/pluginmaker.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/utils/pluginmaker.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: utils\n\nA quick and dirty way to pack up plugins within the browser.\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nRepack a plugin, and then delete any non-shadow payload tiddlers\n*/\nexports.repackPlugin = function(title,additionalTiddlers,excludeTiddlers) {\n\tadditionalTiddlers = additionalTiddlers || [];\n\texcludeTiddlers = excludeTiddlers || [];\n\t// Get the plugin tiddler\n\tvar pluginTiddler = $tw.wiki.getTiddler(title);\n\tif(!pluginTiddler) {\n\t\tthrow \"No such tiddler as \" + title;\n\t}\n\t// Extract the JSON\n\tvar jsonPluginTiddler;\n\ttry {\n\t\tjsonPluginTiddler = JSON.parse(pluginTiddler.fields.text);\n\t} catch(e) {\n\t\tthrow \"Cannot parse plugin tiddler \" + title + \"\\n\" + $tw.language.getString(\"Error/Caption\") + \": \" + e;\n\t}\n\t// Get the list of tiddlers\n\tvar tiddlers = Object.keys(jsonPluginTiddler.tiddlers);\n\t// Add the additional tiddlers\n\t$tw.utils.pushTop(tiddlers,additionalTiddlers);\n\t// Remove any excluded tiddlers\n\tfor(var t=tiddlers.length-1; t>=0; t--) {\n\t\tif(excludeTiddlers.indexOf(tiddlers[t]) !== -1) {\n\t\t\ttiddlers.splice(t,1);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t// Pack up the tiddlers into a block of JSON\n\tvar plugins = {};\n\t$tw.utils.each(tiddlers,function(title) {\n\t\tvar tiddler = $tw.wiki.getTiddler(title),\n\t\t\tfields = {};\n\t\t$tw.utils.each(tiddler.fields,function (value,name) {\n\t\t\tfields[name] = tiddler.getFieldString(name);\n\t\t});\n\t\tplugins[title] = fields;\n\t});\n\t// Retrieve and bump the version number\n\tvar pluginVersion = $tw.utils.parseVersion(pluginTiddler.getFieldString(\"version\") || \"0.0.0\") || {\n\t\t\tmajor: \"0\",\n\t\t\tminor: \"0\",\n\t\t\tpatch: \"0\"\n\t\t};\n\tpluginVersion.patch++;\n\tvar version = pluginVersion.major + \".\" + pluginVersion.minor + \".\" + pluginVersion.patch;\n\tif(pluginVersion.prerelease) {\n\t\tversion += \"-\" + pluginVersion.prerelease;\n\t}\n\tif(pluginVersion.build) {\n\t\tversion += \"+\" + pluginVersion.build;\n\t}\n\t// Save the tiddler\n\t$tw.wiki.addTiddler(new $tw.Tiddler(pluginTiddler,{text: JSON.stringify({tiddlers: plugins},null,4), version: version}));\n\t// Delete any non-shadow constituent tiddlers\n\t$tw.utils.each(tiddlers,function(title) {\n\t\tif($tw.wiki.tiddlerExists(title)) {\n\t\t\t$tw.wiki.deleteTiddler(title);\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\t// Trigger an autosave\n\t$tw.rootWidget.dispatchEvent({type: \"tm-auto-save-wiki\"});\n\t// Return a heartwarming confirmation\n\treturn \"Plugin \" + title + \" successfully saved\";\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/utils/pluginmaker.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "utils"
"$:/core/modules/utils/utils.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/utils/utils.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: utils\n\nVarious static utility functions.\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nDisplay a warning, in colour if we're on a terminal\n*/\nexports.warning = function(text) {\n\tconsole.log($tw.node ? \"\\x1b[1;33m\" + text + \"\\x1b[0m\" : text);\n};\n\n/*\nRepeatedly replaces a substring within a string. Like String.prototype.replace, but without any of the default special handling of $ sequences in the replace string\n*/\nexports.replaceString = function(text,search,replace) {\n\treturn text.replace(search,function() {\n\t\treturn replace;\n\t});\n};\n\n/*\nRepeats a string\n*/\nexports.repeat = function(str,count) {\n\tvar result = \"\";\n\tfor(var t=0;t<count;t++) {\n\t\tresult += str;\n\t}\n\treturn result;\n};\n\n/*\nTrim whitespace from the start and end of a string\nThanks to Steven Levithan, http://blog.stevenlevithan.com/archives/faster-trim-javascript\n*/\nexports.trim = function(str) {\n\tif(typeof str === \"string\") {\n\t\treturn str.replace(/^\\s\\s*/, '').replace(/\\s\\s*$/, '');\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn str;\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nFind the line break preceding a given position in a string\nReturns position immediately after that line break, or the start of the string\n*/\nexports.findPrecedingLineBreak = function(text,pos) {\n\tvar result = text.lastIndexOf(\"\\n\",pos - 1);\n\tif(result === -1) {\n\t\tresult = 0;\n\t} else {\n\t\tresult++;\n\t\tif(text.charAt(result) === \"\\r\") {\n\t\t\tresult++;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn result;\n};\n\n/*\nFind the line break following a given position in a string\n*/\nexports.findFollowingLineBreak = function(text,pos) {\n\t// Cut to just past the following line break, or to the end of the text\n\tvar result = text.indexOf(\"\\n\",pos);\n\tif(result === -1) {\n\t\tresult = text.length;\n\t} else {\n\t\tif(text.charAt(result) === \"\\r\") {\n\t\t\tresult++;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn result;\n};\n\n/*\nReturn the number of keys in an object\n*/\nexports.count = function(object) {\n\treturn Object.keys(object || {}).length;\n};\n\n/*\nCheck if an array is equal by value and by reference.\n*/\nexports.isArrayEqual = function(array1,array2) {\n\tif(array1 === array2) {\n\t\treturn true;\n\t}\n\tarray1 = array1 || [];\n\tarray2 = array2 || [];\n\tif(array1.length !== array2.length) {\n\t\treturn false;\n\t}\n\treturn array1.every(function(value,index) {\n\t\treturn value === array2[index];\n\t});\n};\n\n/*\nPush entries onto an array, removing them first if they already exist in the array\n\tarray: array to modify (assumed to be free of duplicates)\n\tvalue: a single value to push or an array of values to push\n*/\nexports.pushTop = function(array,value) {\n\tvar t,p;\n\tif($tw.utils.isArray(value)) {\n\t\t// Remove any array entries that are duplicated in the new values\n\t\tif(value.length !== 0) {\n\t\t\tif(array.length !== 0) {\n\t\t\t\tif(value.length < array.length) {\n\t\t\t\t\tfor(t=0; t<value.length; t++) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tp = array.indexOf(value[t]);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif(p !== -1) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tarray.splice(p,1);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\tfor(t=array.length-1; t>=0; t--) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tp = value.indexOf(array[t]);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif(p !== -1) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tarray.splice(t,1);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t// Push the values on top of the main array\n\t\t\tarray.push.apply(array,value);\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\tp = array.indexOf(value);\n\t\tif(p !== -1) {\n\t\t\tarray.splice(p,1);\n\t\t}\n\t\tarray.push(value);\n\t}\n\treturn array;\n};\n\n/*\nRemove entries from an array\n\tarray: array to modify\n\tvalue: a single value to remove, or an array of values to remove\n*/\nexports.removeArrayEntries = function(array,value) {\n\tvar t,p;\n\tif($tw.utils.isArray(value)) {\n\t\tfor(t=0; t<value.length; t++) {\n\t\t\tp = array.indexOf(value[t]);\n\t\t\tif(p !== -1) {\n\t\t\t\tarray.splice(p,1);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\tp = array.indexOf(value);\n\t\tif(p !== -1) {\n\t\t\tarray.splice(p,1);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nCheck whether any members of a hashmap are present in another hashmap\n*/\nexports.checkDependencies = function(dependencies,changes) {\n\tvar hit = false;\n\t$tw.utils.each(changes,function(change,title) {\n\t\tif($tw.utils.hop(dependencies,title)) {\n\t\t\thit = true;\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\treturn hit;\n};\n\nexports.extend = function(object /* [, src] */) {\n\t$tw.utils.each(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1), function(source) {\n\t\tif(source) {\n\t\t\tfor(var property in source) {\n\t\t\t\tobject[property] = source[property];\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\treturn object;\n};\n\nexports.deepCopy = function(object) {\n\tvar result,t;\n\tif($tw.utils.isArray(object)) {\n\t\t// Copy arrays\n\t\tresult = object.slice(0);\n\t} else if(typeof object === \"object\") {\n\t\tresult = {};\n\t\tfor(t in object) {\n\t\t\tif(object[t] !== undefined) {\n\t\t\t\tresult[t] = $tw.utils.deepCopy(object[t]);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\tresult = object;\n\t}\n\treturn result;\n};\n\nexports.extendDeepCopy = function(object,extendedProperties) {\n\tvar result = $tw.utils.deepCopy(object),t;\n\tfor(t in extendedProperties) {\n\t\tif(extendedProperties[t] !== undefined) {\n\t\t\tresult[t] = $tw.utils.deepCopy(extendedProperties[t]);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn result;\n};\n\nexports.deepFreeze = function deepFreeze(object) {\n\tvar property, key;\n\tif(object) {\n\t\tObject.freeze(object);\n\t\tfor(key in object) {\n\t\t\tproperty = object[key];\n\t\t\tif($tw.utils.hop(object,key) && (typeof property === \"object\") && !Object.isFrozen(property)) {\n\t\t\t\tdeepFreeze(property);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n};\n\nexports.slowInSlowOut = function(t) {\n\treturn (1 - ((Math.cos(t * Math.PI) + 1) / 2));\n};\n\nexports.formatDateString = function(date,template) {\n\tvar result = \"\",\n\t\tt = template,\n\t\tmatches = [\n\t\t\t[/^0hh12/, function() {\n\t\t\t\treturn $tw.utils.pad($tw.utils.getHours12(date));\n\t\t\t}],\n\t\t\t[/^wYYYY/, function() {\n\t\t\t\treturn $tw.utils.getYearForWeekNo(date);\n\t\t\t}],\n\t\t\t[/^hh12/, function() {\n\t\t\t\treturn $tw.utils.getHours12(date);\n\t\t\t}],\n\t\t\t[/^DDth/, function() {\n\t\t\t\treturn date.getDate() + $tw.utils.getDaySuffix(date);\n\t\t\t}],\n\t\t\t[/^YYYY/, function() {\n\t\t\t\treturn date.getFullYear();\n\t\t\t}],\n\t\t\t[/^0hh/, function() {\n\t\t\t\treturn $tw.utils.pad(date.getHours());\n\t\t\t}],\n\t\t\t[/^0mm/, function() {\n\t\t\t\treturn $tw.utils.pad(date.getMinutes());\n\t\t\t}],\n\t\t\t[/^0ss/, function() {\n\t\t\t\treturn $tw.utils.pad(date.getSeconds());\n\t\t\t}],\n\t\t\t[/^0DD/, function() {\n\t\t\t\treturn $tw.utils.pad(date.getDate());\n\t\t\t}],\n\t\t\t[/^0MM/, function() {\n\t\t\t\treturn $tw.utils.pad(date.getMonth()+1);\n\t\t\t}],\n\t\t\t[/^0WW/, function() {\n\t\t\t\treturn $tw.utils.pad($tw.utils.getWeek(date));\n\t\t\t}],\n\t\t\t[/^ddd/, function() {\n\t\t\t\treturn $tw.language.getString(\"Date/Short/Day/\" + date.getDay());\n\t\t\t}],\n\t\t\t[/^mmm/, function() {\n\t\t\t\treturn $tw.language.getString(\"Date/Short/Month/\" + (date.getMonth() + 1));\n\t\t\t}],\n\t\t\t[/^DDD/, function() {\n\t\t\t\treturn $tw.language.getString(\"Date/Long/Day/\" + date.getDay());\n\t\t\t}],\n\t\t\t[/^MMM/, function() {\n\t\t\t\treturn $tw.language.getString(\"Date/Long/Month/\" + (date.getMonth() + 1));\n\t\t\t}],\n\t\t\t[/^TZD/, function() {\n\t\t\t\tvar tz = date.getTimezoneOffset(),\n\t\t\t\tatz = Math.abs(tz);\n\t\t\t\treturn (tz < 0 ? '+' : '-') + $tw.utils.pad(Math.floor(atz / 60)) + ':' + $tw.utils.pad(atz % 60);\n\t\t\t}],\n\t\t\t[/^wYY/, function() {\n\t\t\t\treturn $tw.utils.pad($tw.utils.getYearForWeekNo(date) - 2000);\n\t\t\t}],\n\t\t\t[/^[ap]m/, function() {\n\t\t\t\treturn $tw.utils.getAmPm(date).toLowerCase();\n\t\t\t}],\n\t\t\t[/^hh/, function() {\n\t\t\t\treturn date.getHours();\n\t\t\t}],\n\t\t\t[/^mm/, function() {\n\t\t\t\treturn date.getMinutes();\n\t\t\t}],\n\t\t\t[/^ss/, function() {\n\t\t\t\treturn date.getSeconds();\n\t\t\t}],\n\t\t\t[/^[AP]M/, function() {\n\t\t\t\treturn $tw.utils.getAmPm(date).toUpperCase();\n\t\t\t}],\n\t\t\t[/^DD/, function() {\n\t\t\t\treturn date.getDate();\n\t\t\t}],\n\t\t\t[/^MM/, function() {\n\t\t\t\treturn date.getMonth() + 1;\n\t\t\t}],\n\t\t\t[/^WW/, function() {\n\t\t\t\treturn $tw.utils.getWeek(date);\n\t\t\t}],\n\t\t\t[/^YY/, function() {\n\t\t\t\treturn $tw.utils.pad(date.getFullYear() - 2000);\n\t\t\t}]\n\t\t];\n\twhile(t.length){\n\t\tvar matchString = \"\";\n\t\t$tw.utils.each(matches, function(m) {\n\t\t\tvar match = m[0].exec(t);\n\t\t\tif(match) {\n\t\t\t\tmatchString = m[1].call();\n\t\t\t\tt = t.substr(match[0].length);\n\t\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t\tif(matchString) {\n\t\t\tresult += matchString;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tresult += t.charAt(0);\n\t\t\tt = t.substr(1);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tresult = result.replace(/\\\\(.)/g,\"$1\");\n\treturn result;\n};\n\nexports.getAmPm = function(date) {\n\treturn $tw.language.getString(\"Date/Period/\" + (date.getHours() >= 12 ? \"pm\" : \"am\"));\n};\n\nexports.getDaySuffix = function(date) {\n\treturn $tw.language.getString(\"Date/DaySuffix/\" + date.getDate());\n};\n\nexports.getWeek = function(date) {\n\tvar dt = new Date(date.getTime());\n\tvar d = dt.getDay();\n\tif(d === 0) {\n\t\td = 7; // JavaScript Sun=0, ISO Sun=7\n\t}\n\tdt.setTime(dt.getTime() + (4 - d) * 86400000);// shift day to Thurs of same week to calculate weekNo\n\tvar x = new Date(dt.getFullYear(),0,1);\n\tvar n = Math.floor((dt.getTime() - x.getTime()) / 86400000);\n\treturn Math.floor(n / 7) + 1;\n};\n\nexports.getYearForWeekNo = function(date) {\n\tvar dt = new Date(date.getTime());\n\tvar d = dt.getDay();\n\tif(d === 0) {\n\t\td = 7; // JavaScript Sun=0, ISO Sun=7\n\t}\n\tdt.setTime(dt.getTime() + (4 - d) * 86400000);// shift day to Thurs of same week\n\treturn dt.getFullYear();\n};\n\nexports.getHours12 = function(date) {\n\tvar h = date.getHours();\n\treturn h > 12 ? h-12 : ( h > 0 ? h : 12 );\n};\n\n/*\nConvert a date delta in milliseconds into a string representation of \"23 seconds ago\", \"27 minutes ago\" etc.\n\tdelta: delta in milliseconds\nReturns an object with these members:\n\tdescription: string describing the delta period\n\tupdatePeriod: time in millisecond until the string will be inaccurate\n*/\nexports.getRelativeDate = function(delta) {\n\tvar futurep = false;\n\tif(delta < 0) {\n\t\tdelta = -1 * delta;\n\t\tfuturep = true;\n\t}\n\tvar units = [\n\t\t{name: \"Years\", duration: 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000},\n\t\t{name: \"Months\", duration: (365/12) * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000},\n\t\t{name: \"Days\", duration: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000},\n\t\t{name: \"Hours\", duration: 60 * 60 * 1000},\n\t\t{name: \"Minutes\", duration: 60 * 1000},\n\t\t{name: \"Seconds\", duration: 1000}\n\t];\n\tfor(var t=0; t<units.length; t++) {\n\t\tvar result = Math.floor(delta / units[t].duration);\n\t\tif(result >= 2) {\n\t\t\treturn {\n\t\t\t\tdelta: delta,\n\t\t\t\tdescription: $tw.language.getString(\n\t\t\t\t\t\"RelativeDate/\" + (futurep ? \"Future\" : \"Past\") + \"/\" + units[t].name,\n\t\t\t\t\t{variables:\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{period: result.toString()}\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t),\n\t\t\t\tupdatePeriod: units[t].duration\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn {\n\t\tdelta: delta,\n\t\tdescription: $tw.language.getString(\n\t\t\t\"RelativeDate/\" + (futurep ? \"Future\" : \"Past\") + \"/Second\",\n\t\t\t{variables:\n\t\t\t\t{period: \"1\"}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t),\n\t\tupdatePeriod: 1000\n\t};\n};\n\n// Convert & to \"&\", < to \"<\", > to \">\", \" to \""\"\nexports.htmlEncode = function(s) {\n\tif(s) {\n\t\treturn s.toString().replace(/&/mg,\"&\").replace(/</mg,\"<\").replace(/>/mg,\">\").replace(/\\\"/mg,\""\");\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn \"\";\n\t}\n};\n\n// Converts all HTML entities to their character equivalents\nexports.entityDecode = function(s) {\n\tvar converter = String.fromCodePoint || String.fromCharCode,\n\t\te = s.substr(1,s.length-2); // Strip the & and the ;\n\tif(e.charAt(0) === \"#\") {\n\t\tif(e.charAt(1) === \"x\" || e.charAt(1) === \"X\") {\n\t\t\treturn converter(parseInt(e.substr(2),16));\t\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\treturn converter(parseInt(e.substr(1),10));\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\tvar c = $tw.config.htmlEntities[e];\n\t\tif(c) {\n\t\t\treturn converter(c);\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\treturn s; // Couldn't convert it as an entity, just return it raw\n\t\t}\n\t}\n};\n\nexports.unescapeLineBreaks = function(s) {\n\treturn s.replace(/\\\\n/mg,\"\\n\").replace(/\\\\b/mg,\" \").replace(/\\\\s/mg,\"\\\\\").replace(/\\r/mg,\"\");\n};\n\n/*\n * Returns an escape sequence for given character. Uses \\x for characters <=\n * 0xFF to save space, \\u for the rest.\n *\n * The code needs to be in sync with th code template in the compilation\n * function for \"action\" nodes.\n */\n// Copied from peg.js, thanks to David Majda\nexports.escape = function(ch) {\n\tvar charCode = ch.charCodeAt(0);\n\tif(charCode <= 0xFF) {\n\t\treturn '\\\\x' + $tw.utils.pad(charCode.toString(16).toUpperCase());\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn '\\\\u' + $tw.utils.pad(charCode.toString(16).toUpperCase(),4);\n\t}\n};\n\n// Turns a string into a legal JavaScript string\n// Copied from peg.js, thanks to David Majda\nexports.stringify = function(s) {\n\t/*\n\t* ECMA-262, 5th ed., 7.8.4: All characters may appear literally in a string\n\t* literal except for the closing quote character, backslash, carriage return,\n\t* line separator, paragraph separator, and line feed. Any character may\n\t* appear in the form of an escape sequence.\n\t*\n\t* For portability, we also escape all non-ASCII characters.\n\t*/\n\treturn (s || \"\")\n\t\t.replace(/\\\\/g, '\\\\\\\\') // backslash\n\t\t.replace(/\"/g, '\\\\\"') // double quote character\n\t\t.replace(/'/g, \"\\\\'\") // single quote character\n\t\t.replace(/\\r/g, '\\\\r') // carriage return\n\t\t.replace(/\\n/g, '\\\\n') // line feed\n\t\t.replace(/[\\x80-\\uFFFF]/g, exports.escape); // non-ASCII characters\n};\n\n/*\nEscape the RegExp special characters with a preceding backslash\n*/\nexports.escapeRegExp = function(s) {\n return s.replace(/[\\-\\/\\\\\\^\\$\\*\\+\\?\\.\\(\\)\\|\\[\\]\\{\\}]/g, '\\\\$&');\n};\n\n// Checks whether a link target is external, i.e. not a tiddler title\nexports.isLinkExternal = function(to) {\n\tvar externalRegExp = /^(?:file|http|https|mailto|ftp|irc|news|data|skype):[^\\s<>{}\\[\\]`|\"\\\\^]+(?:\\/|\\b)/i;\n\treturn externalRegExp.test(to);\n};\n\nexports.nextTick = function(fn) {\n/*global window: false */\n\tif(typeof process === \"undefined\") {\n\t\t// Apparently it would be faster to use postMessage - http://dbaron.org/log/20100309-faster-timeouts\n\t\twindow.setTimeout(fn,4);\n\t} else {\n\t\tprocess.nextTick(fn);\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nConvert a hyphenated CSS property name into a camel case one\n*/\nexports.unHyphenateCss = function(propName) {\n\treturn propName.replace(/-([a-z])/gi, function(match0,match1) {\n\t\treturn match1.toUpperCase();\n\t});\n};\n\n/*\nConvert a camelcase CSS property name into a dashed one (\"backgroundColor\" --> \"background-color\")\n*/\nexports.hyphenateCss = function(propName) {\n\treturn propName.replace(/([A-Z])/g, function(match0,match1) {\n\t\treturn \"-\" + match1.toLowerCase();\n\t});\n};\n\n/*\nParse a text reference of one of these forms:\n* title\n* !!field\n* title!!field\n* title##index\n* etc\nReturns an object with the following fields, all optional:\n* title: tiddler title\n* field: tiddler field name\n* index: JSON property index\n*/\nexports.parseTextReference = function(textRef) {\n\t// Separate out the title, field name and/or JSON indices\n\tvar reTextRef = /(?:(.*?)!!(.+))|(?:(.*?)##(.+))|(.*)/mg,\n\t\tmatch = reTextRef.exec(textRef),\n\t\tresult = {};\n\tif(match && reTextRef.lastIndex === textRef.length) {\n\t\t// Return the parts\n\t\tif(match[1]) {\n\t\t\tresult.title = match[1];\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(match[2]) {\n\t\t\tresult.field = match[2];\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(match[3]) {\n\t\t\tresult.title = match[3];\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(match[4]) {\n\t\t\tresult.index = match[4];\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(match[5]) {\n\t\t\tresult.title = match[5];\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\t// If we couldn't parse it\n\t\tresult.title = textRef\n\t}\n\treturn result;\n};\n\n/*\nChecks whether a string is a valid fieldname\n*/\nexports.isValidFieldName = function(name) {\n\tif(!name || typeof name !== \"string\") {\n\t\treturn false;\n\t}\n\tname = name.toLowerCase().trim();\n\tvar fieldValidatorRegEx = /^[a-z0-9\\-\\._]+$/mg;\n\treturn fieldValidatorRegEx.test(name);\n};\n\n/*\nExtract the version number from the meta tag or from the boot file\n*/\n\n// Browser version\nexports.extractVersionInfo = function() {\n\tif($tw.packageInfo) {\n\t\treturn $tw.packageInfo.version;\n\t} else {\n\t\tvar metatags = document.getElementsByTagName(\"meta\");\n\t\tfor(var t=0; t<metatags.length; t++) {\n\t\t\tvar m = metatags[t];\n\t\t\tif(m.name === \"tiddlywiki-version\") {\n\t\t\t\treturn m.content;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn null;\n};\n\n/*\nGet the animation duration in ms\n*/\nexports.getAnimationDuration = function() {\n\treturn parseInt($tw.wiki.getTiddlerText(\"$:/config/AnimationDuration\",\"400\"),10);\n};\n\n/*\nHash a string to a number\nDerived from http://stackoverflow.com/a/15710692\n*/\nexports.hashString = function(str) {\n\treturn str.split(\"\").reduce(function(a,b) {\n\t\ta = ((a << 5) - a) + b.charCodeAt(0);\n\t\treturn a & a;\n\t},0);\n};\n\n/*\nDecode a base64 string\n*/\nexports.base64Decode = function(string64) {\n\tif($tw.browser) {\n\t\t// TODO\n\t\tthrow \"$tw.utils.base64Decode() doesn't work in the browser\";\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn (new Buffer(string64,\"base64\")).toString();\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nConvert a hashmap into a tiddler dictionary format sequence of name:value pairs\n*/\nexports.makeTiddlerDictionary = function(data) {\n\tvar output = [];\n\tfor(var name in data) {\n\t\toutput.push(name + \": \" + data[name]);\n\t}\n\treturn output.join(\"\\n\");\n};\n\n/*\nHigh resolution microsecond timer for profiling\n*/\nexports.timer = function(base) {\n\tvar m;\n\tif($tw.node) {\n\t\tvar r = process.hrtime();\t\t\n\t\tm = r[0] * 1e3 + (r[1] / 1e6);\n\t} else if(window.performance) {\n\t\tm = performance.now();\n\t} else {\n\t\tm = Date.now();\n\t}\n\tif(typeof base !== \"undefined\") {\n\t\tm = m - base;\n\t}\n\treturn m;\n};\n\n/*\nConvert text and content type to a data URI\n*/\nexports.makeDataUri = function(text,type) {\n\ttype = type || \"text/vnd.tiddlywiki\";\n\tvar typeInfo = $tw.config.contentTypeInfo[type] || $tw.config.contentTypeInfo[\"text/plain\"],\n\t\tisBase64 = typeInfo.encoding === \"base64\",\n\t\tparts = [];\n\tparts.push(\"data:\");\n\tparts.push(type);\n\tparts.push(isBase64 ? \";base64\" : \"\");\n\tparts.push(\",\");\n\tparts.push(isBase64 ? text : encodeURIComponent(text));\n\treturn parts.join(\"\");\n};\n\n/*\nUseful for finding out the fully escaped CSS selector equivalent to a given tag. For example:\n\n$tw.utils.tagToCssSelector(\"$:/tags/Stylesheet\") --> tc-tagged-\\%24\\%3A\\%2Ftags\\%2FStylesheet\n*/\nexports.tagToCssSelector = function(tagName) {\n\treturn \"tc-tagged-\" + encodeURIComponent(tagName).replace(/[!\"#$%&'()*+,\\-./:;<=>?@[\\\\\\]^`{\\|}~,]/mg,function(c) {\n\t\treturn \"\\\\\" + c;\n\t});\n};\n\n/*\nIE does not have sign function\n*/\nexports.sign = Math.sign || function(x) {\n\tx = +x; // convert to a number\n\tif (x === 0 || isNaN(x)) {\n\t\treturn x;\n\t}\n\treturn x > 0 ? 1 : -1;\n};\n\n/*\nIE does not have an endsWith function\n*/\nexports.strEndsWith = function(str,ending,position) {\n\tif(str.endsWith) {\n\t\treturn str.endsWith(ending,position);\n\t} else {\n\t\tif (typeof position !== 'number' || !isFinite(position) || Math.floor(position) !== position || position > str.length) {\n\t\t\tposition = str.length;\n\t\t}\n\t\tposition -= ending.length;\n\t\tvar lastIndex = str.indexOf(ending, position);\n\t\treturn lastIndex !== -1 && lastIndex === position;\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nTransliterate string from eg. Cyrillic Russian to Latin\n*/\nvar transliterationPairs = {\n\t\"Ё\":\"YO\",\n\t\"Й\":\"I\",\n\t\"Ц\":\"TS\",\n\t\"У\":\"U\",\n\t\"К\":\"K\",\n\t\"Е\":\"E\",\n\t\"Н\":\"N\",\n\t\"Г\":\"G\",\n\t\"Ш\":\"SH\",\n\t\"Щ\":\"SCH\",\n\t\"З\":\"Z\",\n\t\"Х\":\"H\",\n\t\"Ъ\":\"'\",\n\t\"ё\":\"yo\",\n\t\"й\":\"i\",\n\t\"ц\":\"ts\",\n\t\"у\":\"u\",\n\t\"к\":\"k\",\n\t\"е\":\"e\",\n\t\"н\":\"n\",\n\t\"г\":\"g\",\n\t\"ш\":\"sh\",\n\t\"щ\":\"sch\",\n\t\"з\":\"z\",\n\t\"х\":\"h\",\n\t\"ъ\":\"'\",\n\t\"Ф\":\"F\",\n\t\"Ы\":\"I\",\n\t\"В\":\"V\",\n\t\"А\":\"a\",\n\t\"П\":\"P\",\n\t\"Р\":\"R\",\n\t\"О\":\"O\",\n\t\"Л\":\"L\",\n\t\"Д\":\"D\",\n\t\"Ж\":\"ZH\",\n\t\"Э\":\"E\",\n\t\"ф\":\"f\",\n\t\"ы\":\"i\",\n\t\"в\":\"v\",\n\t\"а\":\"a\",\n\t\"п\":\"p\",\n\t\"р\":\"r\",\n\t\"о\":\"o\",\n\t\"л\":\"l\",\n\t\"д\":\"d\",\n\t\"ж\":\"zh\",\n\t\"э\":\"e\",\n\t\"Я\":\"Ya\",\n\t\"Ч\":\"CH\",\n\t\"С\":\"S\",\n\t\"М\":\"M\",\n\t\"И\":\"I\",\n\t\"Т\":\"T\",\n\t\"Ь\":\"'\",\n\t\"Б\":\"B\",\n\t\"Ю\":\"YU\",\n\t\"я\":\"ya\",\n\t\"ч\":\"ch\",\n\t\"с\":\"s\",\n\t\"м\":\"m\",\n\t\"и\":\"i\",\n\t\"т\":\"t\",\n\t\"ь\":\"'\",\n\t\"б\":\"b\",\n\t\"ю\":\"yu\"\n};\n\nexports.transliterate = function(str) {\n\treturn str.split(\"\").map(function(char) {\n\t\treturn transliterationPairs[char] || char;\n\t}).join(\"\");\n};\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/utils/utils.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "utils"
"$:/core/modules/widgets/action-createtiddler.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/widgets/action-createtiddler.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: widget\n\nAction widget to create a new tiddler with a unique name and specified fields.\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar Widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\").widget;\n\nvar CreateTiddlerWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) {\n\tthis.initialise(parseTreeNode,options);\n};\n\n/*\nInherit from the base widget class\n*/\nCreateTiddlerWidget.prototype = new Widget();\n\n/*\nRender this widget into the DOM\n*/\nCreateTiddlerWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) {\n\tthis.computeAttributes();\n\tthis.execute();\n};\n\n/*\nCompute the internal state of the widget\n*/\nCreateTiddlerWidget.prototype.execute = function() {\n\tthis.actionBaseTitle = this.getAttribute(\"$basetitle\");\n\tthis.actionSaveTitle = this.getAttribute(\"$savetitle\");\n\tthis.actionTimestamp = this.getAttribute(\"$timestamp\",\"yes\") === \"yes\";\n};\n\n/*\nRefresh the widget by ensuring our attributes are up to date\n*/\nCreateTiddlerWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) {\n\tvar changedAttributes = this.computeAttributes();\n\tif($tw.utils.count(changedAttributes) > 0) {\n\t\tthis.refreshSelf();\n\t\treturn true;\n\t}\n\treturn this.refreshChildren(changedTiddlers);\n};\n\n/*\nInvoke the action associated with this widget\n*/\nCreateTiddlerWidget.prototype.invokeAction = function(triggeringWidget,event) {\n\tvar title = this.wiki.generateNewTitle(this.actionBaseTitle),\n\t\tfields = {},\n\t\tcreationFields,\n\t\tmodificationFields;\n\t$tw.utils.each(this.attributes,function(attribute,name) {\n\t\tif(name.charAt(0) !== \"$\") {\n\t\t\tfields[name] = attribute;\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\tif(this.actionTimestamp) {\n\t\tcreationFields = this.wiki.getCreationFields();\n\t\tmodificationFields = this.wiki.getModificationFields();\n\t}\n\tvar tiddler = this.wiki.addTiddler(new $tw.Tiddler(creationFields,fields,modificationFields,{title: title}));\n\tif(this.actionSaveTitle) {\n\t\tthis.wiki.setTextReference(this.actionSaveTitle,title,this.getVariable(\"currentTiddler\"));\n\t}\n\treturn true; // Action was invoked\n};\n\nexports[\"action-createtiddler\"] = CreateTiddlerWidget;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/widgets/action-createtiddler.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "widget"
"$:/core/modules/widgets/action-deletefield.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/widgets/action-deletefield.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: widget\n\nAction widget to delete fields of a tiddler.\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar Widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\").widget;\n\nvar DeleteFieldWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) {\n\tthis.initialise(parseTreeNode,options);\n};\n\n/*\nInherit from the base widget class\n*/\nDeleteFieldWidget.prototype = new Widget();\n\n/*\nRender this widget into the DOM\n*/\nDeleteFieldWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) {\n\tthis.computeAttributes();\n\tthis.execute();\n};\n\n/*\nCompute the internal state of the widget\n*/\nDeleteFieldWidget.prototype.execute = function() {\n\tthis.actionTiddler = this.getAttribute(\"$tiddler\",this.getVariable(\"currentTiddler\"));\n\tthis.actionField = this.getAttribute(\"$field\");\n};\n\n/*\nRefresh the widget by ensuring our attributes are up to date\n*/\nDeleteFieldWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) {\n\tvar changedAttributes = this.computeAttributes();\n\tif(changedAttributes[\"$tiddler\"]) {\n\t\tthis.refreshSelf();\n\t\treturn true;\n\t}\n\treturn this.refreshChildren(changedTiddlers);\n};\n\n/*\nInvoke the action associated with this widget\n*/\nDeleteFieldWidget.prototype.invokeAction = function(triggeringWidget,event) {\n\tvar self = this,\n\t\ttiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(self.actionTiddler),\n\t\tremoveFields = {},\n\t\thasChanged = false;\n\tif(this.actionField) {\n\t\tremoveFields[this.actionField] = undefined;\n\t\tif(this.actionField in tiddler.fields) {\n\t\t\thasChanged = true;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tif(tiddler) {\n\t\t$tw.utils.each(this.attributes,function(attribute,name) {\n\t\t\tif(name.charAt(0) !== \"$\" && name !== \"title\") {\n\t\t\t\tremoveFields[name] = undefined;\n\t\t\t\thasChanged = true;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t\tif(hasChanged) {\n\t\t\tthis.wiki.addTiddler(new $tw.Tiddler(this.wiki.getCreationFields(),tiddler,removeFields,this.wiki.getModificationFields()));\t\t\t\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn true; // Action was invoked\n};\n\nexports[\"action-deletefield\"] = DeleteFieldWidget;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/widgets/action-deletefield.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "widget"
"$:/core/modules/widgets/action-deletetiddler.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/widgets/action-deletetiddler.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: widget\n\nAction widget to delete a tiddler.\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar Widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\").widget;\n\nvar DeleteTiddlerWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) {\n\tthis.initialise(parseTreeNode,options);\n};\n\n/*\nInherit from the base widget class\n*/\nDeleteTiddlerWidget.prototype = new Widget();\n\n/*\nRender this widget into the DOM\n*/\nDeleteTiddlerWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) {\n\tthis.computeAttributes();\n\tthis.execute();\n};\n\n/*\nCompute the internal state of the widget\n*/\nDeleteTiddlerWidget.prototype.execute = function() {\n\tthis.actionFilter = this.getAttribute(\"$filter\");\n\tthis.actionTiddler = this.getAttribute(\"$tiddler\");\n};\n\n/*\nRefresh the widget by ensuring our attributes are up to date\n*/\nDeleteTiddlerWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) {\n\tvar changedAttributes = this.computeAttributes();\n\tif(changedAttributes[\"$filter\"] || changedAttributes[\"$tiddler\"]) {\n\t\tthis.refreshSelf();\n\t\treturn true;\n\t}\n\treturn this.refreshChildren(changedTiddlers);\n};\n\n/*\nInvoke the action associated with this widget\n*/\nDeleteTiddlerWidget.prototype.invokeAction = function(triggeringWidget,event) {\n\tvar tiddlers = [];\n\tif(this.actionFilter) {\n\t\ttiddlers = this.wiki.filterTiddlers(this.actionFilter,this);\n\t}\n\tif(this.actionTiddler) {\n\t\ttiddlers.push(this.actionTiddler);\n\t}\n\tfor(var t=0; t<tiddlers.length; t++) {\n\t\tthis.wiki.deleteTiddler(tiddlers[t]);\n\t}\n\treturn true; // Action was invoked\n};\n\nexports[\"action-deletetiddler\"] = DeleteTiddlerWidget;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/widgets/action-deletetiddler.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "widget"
"$:/core/modules/widgets/action-listops.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/widgets/action-listops.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: widget\n\nAction widget to apply list operations to any tiddler field (defaults to the 'list' field of the current tiddler)\n\n\\*/\n(function() {\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\nvar Widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\").widget;\nvar ActionListopsWidget = function(parseTreeNode, options) {\n\tthis.initialise(parseTreeNode, options);\n};\n/**\n * Inherit from the base widget class\n */\nActionListopsWidget.prototype = new Widget();\n/**\n * Render this widget into the DOM\n */\nActionListopsWidget.prototype.render = function(parent, nextSibling) {\n\tthis.computeAttributes();\n\tthis.execute();\n};\n/**\n * Compute the internal state of the widget\n */\nActionListopsWidget.prototype.execute = function() {\n\t// Get our parameters\n\tthis.target = this.getAttribute(\"$tiddler\", this.getVariable(\n\t\t\"currentTiddler\"));\n\tthis.filter = this.getAttribute(\"$filter\");\n\tthis.subfilter = this.getAttribute(\"$subfilter\");\n\tthis.listField = this.getAttribute(\"$field\", \"list\");\n\tthis.listIndex = this.getAttribute(\"$index\");\n\tthis.filtertags = this.getAttribute(\"$tags\");\n};\n/**\n * \tRefresh the widget by ensuring our attributes are up to date\n */\nActionListopsWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) {\n\tvar changedAttributes = this.computeAttributes();\n\tif(changedAttributes.$tiddler || changedAttributes.$filter ||\n\t\tchangedAttributes.$subfilter || changedAttributes.$field ||\n\t\tchangedAttributes.$index || changedAttributes.$tags) {\n\t\tthis.refreshSelf();\n\t\treturn true;\n\t}\n\treturn this.refreshChildren(changedTiddlers);\n};\n/**\n * \tInvoke the action associated with this widget\n */\nActionListopsWidget.prototype.invokeAction = function(triggeringWidget,\n\tevent) {\n\t//Apply the specified filters to the lists\n\tvar field = this.listField,\n\t\tindex,\n\t\ttype = \"!!\",\n\t\tlist = this.listField;\n\tif(this.listIndex) {\n\t\tfield = undefined;\n\t\tindex = this.listIndex;\n\t\ttype = \"##\";\n\t\tlist = this.listIndex;\n\t}\n\tif(this.filter) {\n\t\tthis.wiki.setText(this.target, field, index, $tw.utils.stringifyList(\n\t\t\tthis.wiki\n\t\t\t.filterTiddlers(this.filter, this)));\n\t}\n\tif(this.subfilter) {\n\t\tvar subfilter = \"[list[\" + this.target + type + list + \"]] \" + this.subfilter;\n\t\tthis.wiki.setText(this.target, field, index, $tw.utils.stringifyList(\n\t\t\tthis.wiki\n\t\t\t.filterTiddlers(subfilter, this)));\n\t}\n\tif(this.filtertags) {\n\t\tvar tiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(this.target),\n\t\t\toldtags = tiddler ? (tiddler.fields.tags || []).slice(0) : [],\n\t\t\ttagfilter = \"[list[\" + this.target + \"!!tags]] \" + this.filtertags,\n\t\t\tnewtags = this.wiki.filterTiddlers(tagfilter,this);\n\t\tif($tw.utils.stringifyList(oldtags.sort()) !== $tw.utils.stringifyList(newtags.sort())) {\n\t\t\tthis.wiki.setText(this.target,\"tags\",undefined,$tw.utils.stringifyList(newtags));\t\t\t\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn true; // Action was invoked\n};\n\nexports[\"action-listops\"] = ActionListopsWidget;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/widgets/action-listops.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "widget"
"$:/core/modules/widgets/action-navigate.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/widgets/action-navigate.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: widget\n\nAction widget to navigate to a tiddler\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar Widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\").widget;\n\nvar NavigateWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) {\n\tthis.initialise(parseTreeNode,options);\n};\n\n/*\nInherit from the base widget class\n*/\nNavigateWidget.prototype = new Widget();\n\n/*\nRender this widget into the DOM\n*/\nNavigateWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) {\n\tthis.computeAttributes();\n\tthis.execute();\n};\n\n/*\nCompute the internal state of the widget\n*/\nNavigateWidget.prototype.execute = function() {\n\tthis.actionTo = this.getAttribute(\"$to\");\n\tthis.actionScroll = this.getAttribute(\"$scroll\");\n};\n\n/*\nRefresh the widget by ensuring our attributes are up to date\n*/\nNavigateWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) {\n\tvar changedAttributes = this.computeAttributes();\n\tif(changedAttributes[\"$to\"] || changedAttributes[\"$scroll\"]) {\n\t\tthis.refreshSelf();\n\t\treturn true;\n\t}\n\treturn this.refreshChildren(changedTiddlers);\n};\n\n/*\nInvoke the action associated with this widget\n*/\nNavigateWidget.prototype.invokeAction = function(triggeringWidget,event) {\n\tvar bounds = triggeringWidget && triggeringWidget.getBoundingClientRect && triggeringWidget.getBoundingClientRect(),\n\t\tsuppressNavigation = event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey || (event.button === 1);\n\tif(this.actionScroll === \"yes\") {\n\t\tsuppressNavigation = false;\n\t} else if(this.actionScroll === \"no\") {\n\t\tsuppressNavigation = true;\n\t}\n\tthis.dispatchEvent({\n\t\ttype: \"tm-navigate\",\n\t\tnavigateTo: this.actionTo === undefined ? this.getVariable(\"currentTiddler\") : this.actionTo,\n\t\tnavigateFromTitle: this.getVariable(\"storyTiddler\"),\n\t\tnavigateFromNode: triggeringWidget,\n\t\tnavigateFromClientRect: bounds && { top: bounds.top, left: bounds.left, width: bounds.width, right: bounds.right, bottom: bounds.bottom, height: bounds.height\n\t\t},\n\t\tnavigateSuppressNavigation: suppressNavigation\n\t});\n\treturn true; // Action was invoked\n};\n\nexports[\"action-navigate\"] = NavigateWidget;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/widgets/action-navigate.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "widget"
"$:/core/modules/widgets/action-sendmessage.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/widgets/action-sendmessage.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: widget\n\nAction widget to send a message\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar Widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\").widget;\n\nvar SendMessageWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) {\n\tthis.initialise(parseTreeNode,options);\n};\n\n/*\nInherit from the base widget class\n*/\nSendMessageWidget.prototype = new Widget();\n\n/*\nRender this widget into the DOM\n*/\nSendMessageWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) {\n\tthis.computeAttributes();\n\tthis.execute();\n};\n\n/*\nCompute the internal state of the widget\n*/\nSendMessageWidget.prototype.execute = function() {\n\tthis.actionMessage = this.getAttribute(\"$message\");\n\tthis.actionParam = this.getAttribute(\"$param\");\n\tthis.actionName = this.getAttribute(\"$name\");\n\tthis.actionValue = this.getAttribute(\"$value\",\"\");\n};\n\n/*\nRefresh the widget by ensuring our attributes are up to date\n*/\nSendMessageWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) {\n\tvar changedAttributes = this.computeAttributes();\n\tif(Object.keys(changedAttributes).length) {\n\t\tthis.refreshSelf();\n\t\treturn true;\n\t}\n\treturn this.refreshChildren(changedTiddlers);\n};\n\n/*\nInvoke the action associated with this widget\n*/\nSendMessageWidget.prototype.invokeAction = function(triggeringWidget,event) {\n\t// Get the string parameter\n\tvar param = this.actionParam;\n\t// Assemble the attributes as a hashmap\n\tvar paramObject = Object.create(null);\n\tvar count = 0;\n\t$tw.utils.each(this.attributes,function(attribute,name) {\n\t\tif(name.charAt(0) !== \"$\") {\n\t\t\tparamObject[name] = attribute;\n\t\t\tcount++;\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\t// Add name/value pair if present\n\tif(this.actionName) {\n\t\tparamObject[this.actionName] = this.actionValue;\n\t}\n\t// Dispatch the message\n\tthis.dispatchEvent({\n\t\ttype: this.actionMessage,\n\t\tparam: param,\n\t\tparamObject: paramObject,\n\t\ttiddlerTitle: this.getVariable(\"currentTiddler\"),\n\t\tnavigateFromTitle: this.getVariable(\"storyTiddler\"),\n\t\tevent: event\n\t});\n\treturn true; // Action was invoked\n};\n\nexports[\"action-sendmessage\"] = SendMessageWidget;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/widgets/action-sendmessage.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "widget"
"$:/core/modules/widgets/action-setfield.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/widgets/action-setfield.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: widget\n\nAction widget to set a single field or index on a tiddler.\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar Widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\").widget;\n\nvar SetFieldWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) {\n\tthis.initialise(parseTreeNode,options);\n};\n\n/*\nInherit from the base widget class\n*/\nSetFieldWidget.prototype = new Widget();\n\n/*\nRender this widget into the DOM\n*/\nSetFieldWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) {\n\tthis.computeAttributes();\n\tthis.execute();\n};\n\n/*\nCompute the internal state of the widget\n*/\nSetFieldWidget.prototype.execute = function() {\n\tthis.actionTiddler = this.getAttribute(\"$tiddler\",this.getVariable(\"currentTiddler\"));\n\tthis.actionField = this.getAttribute(\"$field\");\n\tthis.actionIndex = this.getAttribute(\"$index\");\n\tthis.actionValue = this.getAttribute(\"$value\");\n\tthis.actionTimestamp = this.getAttribute(\"$timestamp\",\"yes\") === \"yes\";\n};\n\n/*\nRefresh the widget by ensuring our attributes are up to date\n*/\nSetFieldWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) {\n\tvar changedAttributes = this.computeAttributes();\n\tif(changedAttributes[\"$tiddler\"] || changedAttributes[\"$field\"] || changedAttributes[\"$index\"] || changedAttributes[\"$value\"]) {\n\t\tthis.refreshSelf();\n\t\treturn true;\n\t}\n\treturn this.refreshChildren(changedTiddlers);\n};\n\n/*\nInvoke the action associated with this widget\n*/\nSetFieldWidget.prototype.invokeAction = function(triggeringWidget,event) {\n\tvar self = this,\n\t\toptions = {};\n\toptions.suppressTimestamp = !this.actionTimestamp;\n\tif((typeof this.actionField == \"string\") || (typeof this.actionIndex == \"string\") || (typeof this.actionValue == \"string\")) {\n\t\tthis.wiki.setText(this.actionTiddler,this.actionField,this.actionIndex,this.actionValue,options);\n\t}\n\t$tw.utils.each(this.attributes,function(attribute,name) {\n\t\tif(name.charAt(0) !== \"$\") {\n\t\t\tself.wiki.setText(self.actionTiddler,name,undefined,attribute,options);\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\treturn true; // Action was invoked\n};\n\nexports[\"action-setfield\"] = SetFieldWidget;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/widgets/action-setfield.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "widget"
"$:/core/modules/widgets/browse.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/widgets/browse.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: widget\n\nBrowse widget for browsing for files to import\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar Widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\").widget;\n\nvar BrowseWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) {\n\tthis.initialise(parseTreeNode,options);\n};\n\n/*\nInherit from the base widget class\n*/\nBrowseWidget.prototype = new Widget();\n\n/*\nRender this widget into the DOM\n*/\nBrowseWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) {\n\tvar self = this;\n\t// Remember parent\n\tthis.parentDomNode = parent;\n\t// Compute attributes and execute state\n\tthis.computeAttributes();\n\tthis.execute();\n\t// Create element\n\tvar domNode = this.document.createElement(\"input\");\n\tdomNode.setAttribute(\"type\",\"file\");\n\tif(this.browseMultiple) {\n\t\tdomNode.setAttribute(\"multiple\",\"multiple\");\n\t}\n\tif(this.tooltip) {\n\t\tdomNode.setAttribute(\"title\",this.tooltip);\n\t}\n\t// Nw.js supports \"nwsaveas\" to force a \"save as\" dialogue that allows a new or existing file to be selected\n\tif(this.nwsaveas) {\n\t\tdomNode.setAttribute(\"nwsaveas\",this.nwsaveas);\n\t}\n\t// Nw.js supports \"webkitdirectory\" to allow a directory to be selected\n\tif(this.webkitdirectory) {\n\t\tdomNode.setAttribute(\"webkitdirectory\",this.webkitdirectory);\n\t}\n\t// Add a click event handler\n\tdomNode.addEventListener(\"change\",function (event) {\n\t\tif(self.message) {\n\t\t\tself.dispatchEvent({type: self.message, param: self.param, files: event.target.files});\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tself.wiki.readFiles(event.target.files,function(tiddlerFieldsArray) {\n\t\t\t\tself.dispatchEvent({type: \"tm-import-tiddlers\", param: JSON.stringify(tiddlerFieldsArray)});\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn false;\n\t},false);\n\t// Insert element\n\tparent.insertBefore(domNode,nextSibling);\n\tthis.renderChildren(domNode,null);\n\tthis.domNodes.push(domNode);\n};\n\n/*\nCompute the internal state of the widget\n*/\nBrowseWidget.prototype.execute = function() {\n\tthis.browseMultiple = this.getAttribute(\"multiple\");\n\tthis.message = this.getAttribute(\"message\");\n\tthis.param = this.getAttribute(\"param\");\n\tthis.tooltip = this.getAttribute(\"tooltip\");\n\tthis.nwsaveas = this.getAttribute(\"nwsaveas\");\n\tthis.webkitdirectory = this.getAttribute(\"webkitdirectory\");\n};\n\n/*\nSelectively refreshes the widget if needed. Returns true if the widget or any of its children needed re-rendering\n*/\nBrowseWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) {\n\treturn false;\n};\n\nexports.browse = BrowseWidget;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/widgets/browse.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "widget"
"$:/core/modules/widgets/button.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/widgets/button.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: widget\n\nButton widget\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar Widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\").widget;\n\nvar ButtonWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) {\n\tthis.initialise(parseTreeNode,options);\n};\n\n/*\nInherit from the base widget class\n*/\nButtonWidget.prototype = new Widget();\n\n/*\nRender this widget into the DOM\n*/\nButtonWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) {\n\tvar self = this;\n\t// Remember parent\n\tthis.parentDomNode = parent;\n\t// Compute attributes and execute state\n\tthis.computeAttributes();\n\tthis.execute();\n\t// Create element\n\tvar tag = \"button\";\n\tif(this.buttonTag && $tw.config.htmlUnsafeElements.indexOf(this.buttonTag) === -1) {\n\t\ttag = this.buttonTag;\n\t}\n\tvar domNode = this.document.createElement(tag);\n\t// Assign classes\n\tvar classes = this[\"class\"].split(\" \") || [],\n\t\tisPoppedUp = this.popup && this.isPoppedUp();\n\tif(this.selectedClass) {\n\t\tif(this.set && this.setTo && this.isSelected()) {\n\t\t\t$tw.utils.pushTop(classes,this.selectedClass.split(\" \"));\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(isPoppedUp) {\n\t\t\t$tw.utils.pushTop(classes,this.selectedClass.split(\" \"));\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tif(isPoppedUp) {\n\t\t$tw.utils.pushTop(classes,\"tc-popup-handle\");\n\t}\n\tdomNode.className = classes.join(\" \");\n\t// Assign other attributes\n\tif(this.style) {\n\t\tdomNode.setAttribute(\"style\",this.style);\n\t}\n\tif(this.tooltip) {\n\t\tdomNode.setAttribute(\"title\",this.tooltip);\n\t}\n\tif(this[\"aria-label\"]) {\n\t\tdomNode.setAttribute(\"aria-label\",this[\"aria-label\"]);\n\t}\n\t// Add a click event handler\n\tdomNode.addEventListener(\"click\",function (event) {\n\t\tvar handled = false;\n\t\tif(self.invokeActions(this,event)) {\n\t\t\thandled = true;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(self.to) {\n\t\t\tself.navigateTo(event);\n\t\t\thandled = true;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(self.message) {\n\t\t\tself.dispatchMessage(event);\n\t\t\thandled = true;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(self.popup) {\n\t\t\tself.triggerPopup(event);\n\t\t\thandled = true;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(self.set) {\n\t\t\tself.setTiddler();\n\t\t\thandled = true;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(self.actions) {\n\t\t\tself.invokeActionString(self.actions,self,event);\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(handled) {\n\t\t\tevent.preventDefault();\n\t\t\tevent.stopPropagation();\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn handled;\n\t},false);\n\t// Make it draggable if required\n\tif(this.dragTiddler || this.dragFilter) {\n\t\t$tw.utils.makeDraggable({\n\t\t\tdomNode: domNode,\n\t\t\tdragTiddlerFn: function() {return self.dragTiddler;},\n\t\t\tdragFilterFn: function() {return self.dragFilter;},\n\t\t\twidget: this\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\t// Insert element\n\tparent.insertBefore(domNode,nextSibling);\n\tthis.renderChildren(domNode,null);\n\tthis.domNodes.push(domNode);\n};\n\n/*\nWe don't allow actions to propagate because we trigger actions ourselves\n*/\nButtonWidget.prototype.allowActionPropagation = function() {\n\treturn false;\n};\n\nButtonWidget.prototype.getBoundingClientRect = function() {\n\treturn this.domNodes[0].getBoundingClientRect();\n};\n\nButtonWidget.prototype.isSelected = function() {\n return this.wiki.getTextReference(this.set,this.defaultSetValue,this.getVariable(\"currentTiddler\")) === this.setTo;\n};\n\nButtonWidget.prototype.isPoppedUp = function() {\n\tvar tiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(this.popup);\n\tvar result = tiddler && tiddler.fields.text ? $tw.popup.readPopupState(tiddler.fields.text) : false;\n\treturn result;\n};\n\nButtonWidget.prototype.navigateTo = function(event) {\n\tvar bounds = this.getBoundingClientRect();\n\tthis.dispatchEvent({\n\t\ttype: \"tm-navigate\",\n\t\tnavigateTo: this.to,\n\t\tnavigateFromTitle: this.getVariable(\"storyTiddler\"),\n\t\tnavigateFromNode: this,\n\t\tnavigateFromClientRect: { top: bounds.top, left: bounds.left, width: bounds.width, right: bounds.right, bottom: bounds.bottom, height: bounds.height\n\t\t},\n\t\tnavigateSuppressNavigation: event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey || (event.button === 1),\n\t\tevent: event\n\t});\n};\n\nButtonWidget.prototype.dispatchMessage = function(event) {\n\tthis.dispatchEvent({type: this.message, param: this.param, tiddlerTitle: this.getVariable(\"currentTiddler\"), event: event});\n};\n\nButtonWidget.prototype.triggerPopup = function(event) {\n\t$tw.popup.triggerPopup({\n\t\tdomNode: this.domNodes[0],\n\t\ttitle: this.popup,\n\t\twiki: this.wiki\n\t});\n};\n\nButtonWidget.prototype.setTiddler = function() {\n\tthis.wiki.setTextReference(this.set,this.setTo,this.getVariable(\"currentTiddler\"));\n};\n\n/*\nCompute the internal state of the widget\n*/\nButtonWidget.prototype.execute = function() {\n\t// Get attributes\n\tthis.actions = this.getAttribute(\"actions\");\n\tthis.to = this.getAttribute(\"to\");\n\tthis.message = this.getAttribute(\"message\");\n\tthis.param = this.getAttribute(\"param\");\n\tthis.set = this.getAttribute(\"set\");\n\tthis.setTo = this.getAttribute(\"setTo\");\n\tthis.popup = this.getAttribute(\"popup\");\n\tthis.hover = this.getAttribute(\"hover\");\n\tthis[\"class\"] = this.getAttribute(\"class\",\"\");\n\tthis[\"aria-label\"] = this.getAttribute(\"aria-label\");\n\tthis.tooltip = this.getAttribute(\"tooltip\");\n\tthis.style = this.getAttribute(\"style\");\n\tthis.selectedClass = this.getAttribute(\"selectedClass\");\n\tthis.defaultSetValue = this.getAttribute(\"default\",\"\");\n\tthis.buttonTag = this.getAttribute(\"tag\");\n\tthis.dragTiddler = this.getAttribute(\"dragTiddler\");\n\tthis.dragFilter = this.getAttribute(\"dragFilter\");\n\t// Make child widgets\n\tthis.makeChildWidgets();\n};\n\n/*\nSelectively refreshes the widget if needed. Returns true if the widget or any of its children needed re-rendering\n*/\nButtonWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) {\n\tvar changedAttributes = this.computeAttributes();\n\tif(changedAttributes.to || changedAttributes.message || changedAttributes.param || changedAttributes.set || changedAttributes.setTo || changedAttributes.popup || changedAttributes.hover || changedAttributes[\"class\"] || changedAttributes.selectedClass || changedAttributes.style || changedAttributes.dragFilter || changedAttributes.dragTiddler || (this.set && changedTiddlers[this.set]) || (this.popup && changedTiddlers[this.popup])) {\n\t\tthis.refreshSelf();\n\t\treturn true;\n\t}\n\treturn this.refreshChildren(changedTiddlers);\n};\n\nexports.button = ButtonWidget;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/widgets/button.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "widget"
"$:/core/modules/widgets/checkbox.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/widgets/checkbox.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: widget\n\nCheckbox widget\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar Widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\").widget;\n\nvar CheckboxWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) {\n\tthis.initialise(parseTreeNode,options);\n};\n\n/*\nInherit from the base widget class\n*/\nCheckboxWidget.prototype = new Widget();\n\n/*\nRender this widget into the DOM\n*/\nCheckboxWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) {\n\t// Save the parent dom node\n\tthis.parentDomNode = parent;\n\t// Compute our attributes\n\tthis.computeAttributes();\n\t// Execute our logic\n\tthis.execute();\n\t// Create our elements\n\tthis.labelDomNode = this.document.createElement(\"label\");\n\tthis.labelDomNode.setAttribute(\"class\",this.checkboxClass);\n\tthis.inputDomNode = this.document.createElement(\"input\");\n\tthis.inputDomNode.setAttribute(\"type\",\"checkbox\");\n\tif(this.getValue()) {\n\t\tthis.inputDomNode.setAttribute(\"checked\",\"true\");\n\t}\n\tthis.labelDomNode.appendChild(this.inputDomNode);\n\tthis.spanDomNode = this.document.createElement(\"span\");\n\tthis.labelDomNode.appendChild(this.spanDomNode);\n\t// Add a click event handler\n\t$tw.utils.addEventListeners(this.inputDomNode,[\n\t\t{name: \"change\", handlerObject: this, handlerMethod: \"handleChangeEvent\"}\n\t]);\n\t// Insert the label into the DOM and render any children\n\tparent.insertBefore(this.labelDomNode,nextSibling);\n\tthis.renderChildren(this.spanDomNode,null);\n\tthis.domNodes.push(this.labelDomNode);\n};\n\nCheckboxWidget.prototype.getValue = function() {\n\tvar tiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(this.checkboxTitle);\n\tif(tiddler) {\n\t\tif(this.checkboxTag) {\n\t\t\tif(this.checkboxInvertTag) {\n\t\t\t\treturn !tiddler.hasTag(this.checkboxTag);\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\treturn tiddler.hasTag(this.checkboxTag);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(this.checkboxField) {\n\t\t\tvar value;\n\t\t\tif($tw.utils.hop(tiddler.fields,this.checkboxField)) {\n\t\t\t\tvalue = tiddler.fields[this.checkboxField] || \"\";\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tvalue = this.checkboxDefault || \"\";\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif(value === this.checkboxChecked) {\n\t\t\t\treturn true;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif(value === this.checkboxUnchecked) {\n\t\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(this.checkboxIndex) {\n\t\t\tvar value = this.wiki.extractTiddlerDataItem(tiddler,this.checkboxIndex,this.checkboxDefault || \"\");\n\t\t\tif(value === this.checkboxChecked) {\n\t\t\t\treturn true;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif(value === this.checkboxUnchecked) {\n\t\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\tif(this.checkboxTag) {\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(this.checkboxField) {\n\t\t\tif(this.checkboxDefault === this.checkboxChecked) {\n\t\t\t\treturn true;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif(this.checkboxDefault === this.checkboxUnchecked) {\n\t\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn false;\n};\n\nCheckboxWidget.prototype.handleChangeEvent = function(event) {\n\tvar checked = this.inputDomNode.checked,\n\t\ttiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(this.checkboxTitle),\n\t\tfallbackFields = {text: \"\"},\n\t\tnewFields = {title: this.checkboxTitle},\n\t\thasChanged = false,\n\t\ttagCheck = false,\n\t\thasTag = tiddler && tiddler.hasTag(this.checkboxTag),\n\t\tvalue = checked ? this.checkboxChecked : this.checkboxUnchecked;\n\tif(this.checkboxTag && this.checkboxInvertTag === \"yes\") {\n\t\ttagCheck = hasTag === checked;\n\t} else {\n\t\ttagCheck = hasTag !== checked;\n\t}\n\t// Set the tag if specified\n\tif(this.checkboxTag && (!tiddler || tagCheck)) {\n\t\tnewFields.tags = tiddler ? (tiddler.fields.tags || []).slice(0) : [];\n\t\tvar pos = newFields.tags.indexOf(this.checkboxTag);\n\t\tif(pos !== -1) {\n\t\t\tnewFields.tags.splice(pos,1);\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(this.checkboxInvertTag === \"yes\" && !checked) {\n\t\t\tnewFields.tags.push(this.checkboxTag);\n\t\t} else if(this.checkboxInvertTag !== \"yes\" && checked) {\n\t\t\tnewFields.tags.push(this.checkboxTag);\n\t\t}\n\t\thasChanged = true;\n\t}\n\t// Set the field if specified\n\tif(this.checkboxField) {\n\t\tif(!tiddler || tiddler.fields[this.checkboxField] !== value) {\n\t\t\tnewFields[this.checkboxField] = value;\n\t\t\thasChanged = true;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t// Set the index if specified\n\tif(this.checkboxIndex) {\n\t\tvar indexValue = this.wiki.extractTiddlerDataItem(this.checkboxTitle,this.checkboxIndex);\n\t\tif(!tiddler || indexValue !== value) {\n\t\t\thasChanged = true;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tif(hasChanged) {\n\t\tif(this.checkboxIndex) {\n\t\t\tthis.wiki.setText(this.checkboxTitle,\"\",this.checkboxIndex,value);\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tthis.wiki.addTiddler(new $tw.Tiddler(this.wiki.getCreationFields(),fallbackFields,tiddler,newFields,this.wiki.getModificationFields()));\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t// Trigger actions\n\tif(this.checkboxActions) {\n\t\tthis.invokeActionString(this.checkboxActions,this,event);\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nCompute the internal state of the widget\n*/\nCheckboxWidget.prototype.execute = function() {\n\t// Get the parameters from the attributes\n\tthis.checkboxActions = this.getAttribute(\"actions\");\n\tthis.checkboxTitle = this.getAttribute(\"tiddler\",this.getVariable(\"currentTiddler\"));\n\tthis.checkboxTag = this.getAttribute(\"tag\");\n\tthis.checkboxField = this.getAttribute(\"field\");\n\tthis.checkboxIndex = this.getAttribute(\"index\");\n\tthis.checkboxChecked = this.getAttribute(\"checked\");\n\tthis.checkboxUnchecked = this.getAttribute(\"unchecked\");\n\tthis.checkboxDefault = this.getAttribute(\"default\");\n\tthis.checkboxClass = this.getAttribute(\"class\",\"\");\n\tthis.checkboxInvertTag = this.getAttribute(\"invertTag\",\"\");\n\t// Make the child widgets\n\tthis.makeChildWidgets();\n};\n\n/*\nSelectively refreshes the widget if needed. Returns true if the widget or any of its children needed re-rendering\n*/\nCheckboxWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) {\n\tvar changedAttributes = this.computeAttributes();\n\tif(changedAttributes.tiddler || changedAttributes.tag || changedAttributes.invertTag || changedAttributes.field || changedAttributes.index || changedAttributes.checked || changedAttributes.unchecked || changedAttributes[\"default\"] || changedAttributes[\"class\"]) {\n\t\tthis.refreshSelf();\n\t\treturn true;\n\t} else {\n\t\tvar refreshed = false;\n\t\tif(changedTiddlers[this.checkboxTitle]) {\n\t\t\tthis.inputDomNode.checked = this.getValue();\n\t\t\trefreshed = true;\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn this.refreshChildren(changedTiddlers) || refreshed;\n\t}\n};\n\nexports.checkbox = CheckboxWidget;\n\n})();",
"title": "$:/core/modules/widgets/checkbox.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "widget"
"$:/core/modules/widgets/codeblock.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/widgets/codeblock.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: widget\n\nCode block node widget\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar Widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\").widget;\n\nvar CodeBlockWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) {\n\tthis.initialise(parseTreeNode,options);\n};\n\n/*\nInherit from the base widget class\n*/\nCodeBlockWidget.prototype = new Widget();\n\n/*\nRender this widget into the DOM\n*/\nCodeBlockWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) {\n\tthis.parentDomNode = parent;\n\tthis.computeAttributes();\n\tthis.execute();\n\tvar codeNode = this.document.createElement(\"code\"),\n\t\tdomNode = this.document.createElement(\"pre\");\n\tcodeNode.appendChild(this.document.createTextNode(this.getAttribute(\"code\")));\n\tdomNode.appendChild(codeNode);\n\tparent.insertBefore(domNode,nextSibling);\n\tthis.domNodes.push(domNode);\n\tif(this.postRender) {\n\t\tthis.postRender();\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nCompute the internal state of the widget\n*/\nCodeBlockWidget.prototype.execute = function() {\n\tthis.language = this.getAttribute(\"language\");\n};\n\n/*\nSelectively refreshes the widget if needed. Returns true if the widget or any of its children needed re-rendering\n*/\nCodeBlockWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) {\n\treturn false;\n};\n\nexports.codeblock = CodeBlockWidget;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/widgets/codeblock.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "widget"
"$:/core/modules/widgets/count.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/widgets/count.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: widget\n\nCount widget\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar Widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\").widget;\n\nvar CountWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) {\n\tthis.initialise(parseTreeNode,options);\n};\n\n/*\nInherit from the base widget class\n*/\nCountWidget.prototype = new Widget();\n\n/*\nRender this widget into the DOM\n*/\nCountWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) {\n\tthis.parentDomNode = parent;\n\tthis.computeAttributes();\n\tthis.execute();\n\tvar textNode = this.document.createTextNode(this.currentCount);\n\tparent.insertBefore(textNode,nextSibling);\n\tthis.domNodes.push(textNode);\n};\n\n/*\nCompute the internal state of the widget\n*/\nCountWidget.prototype.execute = function() {\n\t// Get parameters from our attributes\n\tthis.filter = this.getAttribute(\"filter\");\n\t// Execute the filter\n\tif(this.filter) {\n\t\tthis.currentCount = this.wiki.filterTiddlers(this.filter,this).length;\n\t} else {\n\t\tthis.currentCount = undefined;\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nSelectively refreshes the widget if needed. Returns true if the widget or any of its children needed re-rendering\n*/\nCountWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) {\n\t// Re-execute the filter to get the count\n\tthis.computeAttributes();\n\tvar oldCount = this.currentCount;\n\tthis.execute();\n\tif(this.currentCount !== oldCount) {\n\t\t// Regenerate and rerender the widget and replace the existing DOM node\n\t\tthis.refreshSelf();\n\t\treturn true;\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn false;\n\t}\n\n};\n\nexports.count = CountWidget;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/widgets/count.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "widget"
"$:/core/modules/widgets/draggable.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/widgets/draggable.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: widget\n\nDraggable widget\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar Widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\").widget;\n\nvar DraggableWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) {\n\tthis.initialise(parseTreeNode,options);\n};\n\n/*\nInherit from the base widget class\n*/\nDraggableWidget.prototype = new Widget();\n\n/*\nRender this widget into the DOM\n*/\nDraggableWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) {\n\tvar self = this;\n\t// Save the parent dom node\n\tthis.parentDomNode = parent;\n\t// Compute our attributes\n\tthis.computeAttributes();\n\t// Execute our logic\n\tthis.execute();\n\t// Sanitise the specified tag\n\tvar tag = this.draggableTag;\n\tif($tw.config.htmlUnsafeElements.indexOf(tag) !== -1) {\n\t\ttag = \"div\";\n\t}\n\t// Create our element\n\tvar domNode = this.document.createElement(tag);\n\t// Assign classes\n\tvar classes = [\"tc-draggable\"];\n\tif(this.draggableClasses) {\n\t\tclasses.push(this.draggableClasses);\n\t}\n\tdomNode.setAttribute(\"class\",classes.join(\" \"));\n\t// Add event handlers\n\t$tw.utils.makeDraggable({\n\t\tdomNode: domNode,\n\t\tdragTiddlerFn: function() {return self.getAttribute(\"tiddler\");},\n\t\tdragFilterFn: function() {return self.getAttribute(\"filter\");},\n\t\twidget: this\n\t});\n\t// Insert the link into the DOM and render any children\n\tparent.insertBefore(domNode,nextSibling);\n\tthis.renderChildren(domNode,null);\n\tthis.domNodes.push(domNode);\n};\n\n/*\nCompute the internal state of the widget\n*/\nDraggableWidget.prototype.execute = function() {\n\t// Pick up our attributes\n\tthis.draggableTag = this.getAttribute(\"tag\",\"div\");\n\tthis.draggableClasses = this.getAttribute(\"class\");\n\t// Make the child widgets\n\tthis.makeChildWidgets();\n};\n\n/*\nSelectively refreshes the widget if needed. Returns true if the widget or any of its children needed re-rendering\n*/\nDraggableWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) {\n\tvar changedAttributes = this.computeAttributes();\n\tif(changedTiddlers.tag || changedTiddlers[\"class\"]) {\n\t\tthis.refreshSelf();\n\t\treturn true;\n\t}\n\treturn this.refreshChildren(changedTiddlers);\n};\n\nexports.draggable = DraggableWidget;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/widgets/draggable.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "widget"
"$:/core/modules/widgets/droppable.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/widgets/droppable.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: widget\n\nDroppable widget\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar Widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\").widget;\n\nvar DroppableWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) {\n\tthis.initialise(parseTreeNode,options);\n};\n\n/*\nInherit from the base widget class\n*/\nDroppableWidget.prototype = new Widget();\n\n/*\nRender this widget into the DOM\n*/\nDroppableWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) {\n\tvar self = this;\n\t// Remember parent\n\tthis.parentDomNode = parent;\n\t// Compute attributes and execute state\n\tthis.computeAttributes();\n\tthis.execute();\n\tvar tag = this.parseTreeNode.isBlock ? \"div\" : \"span\";\n\tif(this.droppableTag && $tw.config.htmlUnsafeElements.indexOf(this.droppableTag) === -1) {\n\t\ttag = this.droppableTag;\n\t}\n\t// Create element and assign classes\n\tvar domNode = this.document.createElement(tag),\n\t\tclasses = (this[\"class\"] || \"\").split(\" \");\n\tclasses.push(\"tc-droppable\");\n\tdomNode.className = classes.join(\" \");\n\t// Add event handlers\n\t$tw.utils.addEventListeners(domNode,[\n\t\t{name: \"dragenter\", handlerObject: this, handlerMethod: \"handleDragEnterEvent\"},\n\t\t{name: \"dragover\", handlerObject: this, handlerMethod: \"handleDragOverEvent\"},\n\t\t{name: \"dragleave\", handlerObject: this, handlerMethod: \"handleDragLeaveEvent\"},\n\t\t{name: \"drop\", handlerObject: this, handlerMethod: \"handleDropEvent\"}\n\t]);\n\t// Insert element\n\tparent.insertBefore(domNode,nextSibling);\n\tthis.renderChildren(domNode,null);\n\tthis.domNodes.push(domNode);\n\t// Stack of outstanding enter/leave events\n\tthis.currentlyEntered = [];\n};\n\nDroppableWidget.prototype.enterDrag = function(event) {\n\tif(this.currentlyEntered.indexOf(event.target) === -1) {\n\t\tthis.currentlyEntered.push(event.target);\n\t}\n\t// If we're entering for the first time we need to apply highlighting\n\t$tw.utils.addClass(this.domNodes[0],\"tc-dragover\");\n};\n\nDroppableWidget.prototype.leaveDrag = function(event) {\n\tvar pos = this.currentlyEntered.indexOf(event.target);\n\tif(pos !== -1) {\n\t\tthis.currentlyEntered.splice(pos,1);\n\t}\n\t// Remove highlighting if we're leaving externally. The hacky second condition is to resolve a problem with Firefox whereby there is an erroneous dragenter event if the node being dragged is within the dropzone\n\tif(this.currentlyEntered.length === 0 || (this.currentlyEntered.length === 1 && this.currentlyEntered[0] === $tw.dragInProgress)) {\n\t\tthis.currentlyEntered = [];\n\t\t$tw.utils.removeClass(this.domNodes[0],\"tc-dragover\");\n\t}\n};\n\nDroppableWidget.prototype.handleDragEnterEvent = function(event) {\n\tthis.enterDrag(event);\n\t// Tell the browser that we're ready to handle the drop\n\tevent.preventDefault();\n\t// Tell the browser not to ripple the drag up to any parent drop handlers\n\tevent.stopPropagation();\n\treturn false;\n};\n\nDroppableWidget.prototype.handleDragOverEvent = function(event) {\n\t// Check for being over a TEXTAREA or INPUT\n\tif([\"TEXTAREA\",\"INPUT\"].indexOf(event.target.tagName) !== -1) {\n\t\treturn false;\n\t}\n\t// Tell the browser that we're still interested in the drop\n\tevent.preventDefault();\n\t// Set the drop effect\n\tevent.dataTransfer.dropEffect = this.droppableEffect;\n\treturn false;\n};\n\nDroppableWidget.prototype.handleDragLeaveEvent = function(event) {\n\tthis.leaveDrag(event);\n\treturn false;\n};\n\nDroppableWidget.prototype.handleDropEvent = function(event) {\n\tvar self = this;\n\tthis.leaveDrag(event);\n\t// Check for being over a TEXTAREA or INPUT\n\tif([\"TEXTAREA\",\"INPUT\"].indexOf(event.target.tagName) !== -1) {\n\t\treturn false;\n\t}\n\tvar dataTransfer = event.dataTransfer;\n\t// Remove highlighting\n\t$tw.utils.removeClass(this.domNodes[0],\"tc-dragover\");\n\t// Try to import the various data types we understand\n\t$tw.utils.importDataTransfer(dataTransfer,null,function(fieldsArray) {\n\t\tfieldsArray.forEach(function(fields) {\n\t\t\tself.performActions(fields.title || fields.text,event);\n\t\t});\n\t});\n\t// Tell the browser that we handled the drop\n\tevent.preventDefault();\n\t// Stop the drop ripple up to any parent handlers\n\tevent.stopPropagation();\n\treturn false;\n};\n\nDroppableWidget.prototype.performActions = function(title,event) {\n\tif(this.droppableActions) {\n\t\tthis.invokeActionString(this.droppableActions,this,event,{actionTiddler: title});\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nCompute the internal state of the widget\n*/\nDroppableWidget.prototype.execute = function() {\n\tthis.droppableActions = this.getAttribute(\"actions\");\n\tthis.droppableEffect = this.getAttribute(\"effect\",\"copy\");\n\tthis.droppableTag = this.getAttribute(\"tag\");\n\tthis.droppableClass = this.getAttribute(\"class\");\n\t// Make child widgets\n\tthis.makeChildWidgets();\n};\n\n/*\nSelectively refreshes the widget if needed. Returns true if the widget or any of its children needed re-rendering\n*/\nDroppableWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) {\n\tvar changedAttributes = this.computeAttributes();\n\tif(changedAttributes[\"class\"] || changedAttributes.tag) {\n\t\tthis.refreshSelf();\n\t\treturn true;\n\t}\n\treturn this.refreshChildren(changedTiddlers);\n};\n\nexports.droppable = DroppableWidget;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/widgets/droppable.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "widget"
"$:/core/modules/widgets/dropzone.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/widgets/dropzone.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: widget\n\nDropzone widget\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar Widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\").widget;\n\nvar DropZoneWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) {\n\tthis.initialise(parseTreeNode,options);\n};\n\n/*\nInherit from the base widget class\n*/\nDropZoneWidget.prototype = new Widget();\n\n/*\nRender this widget into the DOM\n*/\nDropZoneWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) {\n\tvar self = this;\n\t// Remember parent\n\tthis.parentDomNode = parent;\n\t// Compute attributes and execute state\n\tthis.computeAttributes();\n\tthis.execute();\n\t// Create element\n\tvar domNode = this.document.createElement(\"div\");\n\tdomNode.className = \"tc-dropzone\";\n\t// Add event handlers\n\t$tw.utils.addEventListeners(domNode,[\n\t\t{name: \"dragenter\", handlerObject: this, handlerMethod: \"handleDragEnterEvent\"},\n\t\t{name: \"dragover\", handlerObject: this, handlerMethod: \"handleDragOverEvent\"},\n\t\t{name: \"dragleave\", handlerObject: this, handlerMethod: \"handleDragLeaveEvent\"},\n\t\t{name: \"drop\", handlerObject: this, handlerMethod: \"handleDropEvent\"},\n\t\t{name: \"paste\", handlerObject: this, handlerMethod: \"handlePasteEvent\"}\n\t]);\n\tdomNode.addEventListener(\"click\",function (event) {\n\t},false);\n\t// Insert element\n\tparent.insertBefore(domNode,nextSibling);\n\tthis.renderChildren(domNode,null);\n\tthis.domNodes.push(domNode);\n\t// Stack of outstanding enter/leave events\n\tthis.currentlyEntered = [];\n};\n\nDropZoneWidget.prototype.enterDrag = function(event) {\n\tif(this.currentlyEntered.indexOf(event.target) === -1) {\n\t\tthis.currentlyEntered.push(event.target);\n\t}\n\t// If we're entering for the first time we need to apply highlighting\n\t$tw.utils.addClass(this.domNodes[0],\"tc-dragover\");\n};\n\nDropZoneWidget.prototype.leaveDrag = function(event) {\n\tvar pos = this.currentlyEntered.indexOf(event.target);\n\tif(pos !== -1) {\n\t\tthis.currentlyEntered.splice(pos,1);\n\t}\n\t// Remove highlighting if we're leaving externally\n\tif(this.currentlyEntered.length === 0) {\n\t\t$tw.utils.removeClass(this.domNodes[0],\"tc-dragover\");\n\t}\n};\n\nDropZoneWidget.prototype.handleDragEnterEvent = function(event) {\n\t// Check for this window being the source of the drag\n\tif($tw.dragInProgress) {\n\t\treturn false;\n\t}\n\tthis.enterDrag(event);\n\t// Tell the browser that we're ready to handle the drop\n\tevent.preventDefault();\n\t// Tell the browser not to ripple the drag up to any parent drop handlers\n\tevent.stopPropagation();\n};\n\nDropZoneWidget.prototype.handleDragOverEvent = function(event) {\n\t// Check for being over a TEXTAREA or INPUT\n\tif([\"TEXTAREA\",\"INPUT\"].indexOf(event.target.tagName) !== -1) {\n\t\treturn false;\n\t}\n\t// Check for this window being the source of the drag\n\tif($tw.dragInProgress) {\n\t\treturn false;\n\t}\n\t// Tell the browser that we're still interested in the drop\n\tevent.preventDefault();\n\tevent.dataTransfer.dropEffect = \"copy\"; // Explicitly show this is a copy\n};\n\nDropZoneWidget.prototype.handleDragLeaveEvent = function(event) {\n\tthis.leaveDrag(event);\n};\n\nDropZoneWidget.prototype.handleDropEvent = function(event) {\n\tvar self = this;\n\tthis.leaveDrag(event);\n\t// Check for being over a TEXTAREA or INPUT\n\tif([\"TEXTAREA\",\"INPUT\"].indexOf(event.target.tagName) !== -1) {\n\t\treturn false;\n\t}\n\t// Check for this window being the source of the drag\n\tif($tw.dragInProgress) {\n\t\treturn false;\n\t}\n\tvar self = this,\n\t\tdataTransfer = event.dataTransfer;\n\t// Remove highlighting\n\t$tw.utils.removeClass(this.domNodes[0],\"tc-dragover\");\n\t// Import any files in the drop\n\tvar numFiles = 0;\n\tif(dataTransfer.files) {\n\t\tnumFiles = this.wiki.readFiles(dataTransfer.files,function(tiddlerFieldsArray) {\n\t\t\tself.dispatchEvent({type: \"tm-import-tiddlers\", param: JSON.stringify(tiddlerFieldsArray)});\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\t// Try to import the various data types we understand\n\tif(numFiles === 0) {\n\t\t$tw.utils.importDataTransfer(dataTransfer,this.wiki.generateNewTitle(\"Untitled\"),function(fieldsArray) {\n\t\t\tself.dispatchEvent({type: \"tm-import-tiddlers\", param: JSON.stringify(fieldsArray)});\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\t// Tell the browser that we handled the drop\n\tevent.preventDefault();\n\t// Stop the drop ripple up to any parent handlers\n\tevent.stopPropagation();\n};\n\nDropZoneWidget.prototype.handlePasteEvent = function(event) {\n\t// Let the browser handle it if we're in a textarea or input box\n\tif([\"TEXTAREA\",\"INPUT\"].indexOf(event.target.tagName) == -1) {\n\t\tvar self = this,\n\t\t\titems = event.clipboardData.items;\n\t\t// Enumerate the clipboard items\n\t\tfor(var t = 0; t<items.length; t++) {\n\t\t\tvar item = items[t];\n\t\t\tif(item.kind === \"file\") {\n\t\t\t\t// Import any files\n\t\t\t\tthis.wiki.readFile(item.getAsFile(),function(tiddlerFieldsArray) {\n\t\t\t\t\tself.dispatchEvent({type: \"tm-import-tiddlers\", param: JSON.stringify(tiddlerFieldsArray)});\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t} else if(item.kind === \"string\") {\n\t\t\t\t// Create tiddlers from string items\n\t\t\t\tvar type = item.type;\n\t\t\t\titem.getAsString(function(str) {\n\t\t\t\t\tvar tiddlerFields = {\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttitle: self.wiki.generateNewTitle(\"Untitled\"),\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttext: str,\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttype: type\n\t\t\t\t\t};\n\t\t\t\t\tif($tw.log.IMPORT) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tconsole.log(\"Importing string '\" + str + \"', type: '\" + type + \"'\");\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\tself.dispatchEvent({type: \"tm-import-tiddlers\", param: JSON.stringify([tiddlerFields])});\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Tell the browser that we've handled the paste\n\t\tevent.stopPropagation();\n\t\tevent.preventDefault();\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nCompute the internal state of the widget\n*/\nDropZoneWidget.prototype.execute = function() {\n\t// Make child widgets\n\tthis.makeChildWidgets();\n};\n\n/*\nSelectively refreshes the widget if needed. Returns true if the widget or any of its children needed re-rendering\n*/\nDropZoneWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) {\n\treturn this.refreshChildren(changedTiddlers);\n};\n\nexports.dropzone = DropZoneWidget;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/widgets/dropzone.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "widget"
"$:/core/modules/widgets/edit-binary.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/widgets/edit-binary.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: widget\n\nEdit-binary widget; placeholder for editing binary tiddlers\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar BINARY_WARNING_MESSAGE = \"$:/core/ui/BinaryWarning\";\n\nvar Widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\").widget;\n\nvar EditBinaryWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) {\n\tthis.initialise(parseTreeNode,options);\n};\n\n/*\nInherit from the base widget class\n*/\nEditBinaryWidget.prototype = new Widget();\n\n/*\nRender this widget into the DOM\n*/\nEditBinaryWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) {\n\tvar self = this;\n\t// Save the parent dom node\n\tthis.parentDomNode = parent;\n\t// Compute our attributes\n\tthis.computeAttributes();\n\t// Execute our logic\n\tthis.execute();\n\tthis.renderChildren(parent,nextSibling);\n};\n\n/*\nCompute the internal state of the widget\n*/\nEditBinaryWidget.prototype.execute = function() {\n\t// Construct the child widgets\n\tthis.makeChildWidgets([{\n\t\ttype: \"transclude\",\n\t\tattributes: {\n\t\t\ttiddler: {type: \"string\", value: BINARY_WARNING_MESSAGE}\n\t\t}\n\t}]);\n};\n\n/*\nRefresh by refreshing our child widget\n*/\nEditBinaryWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) {\n\treturn this.refreshChildren(changedTiddlers);\n};\n\nexports[\"edit-binary\"] = EditBinaryWidget;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/widgets/edit-binary.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "widget"
"$:/core/modules/widgets/edit-bitmap.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/widgets/edit-bitmap.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: widget\n\nEdit-bitmap widget\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n// Default image sizes\nvar DEFAULT_IMAGE_WIDTH = 600,\n\tDEFAULT_IMAGE_HEIGHT = 370;\n\n// Configuration tiddlers\nvar LINE_WIDTH_TITLE = \"$:/config/BitmapEditor/LineWidth\",\n\tLINE_COLOUR_TITLE = \"$:/config/BitmapEditor/Colour\",\n\tLINE_OPACITY_TITLE = \"$:/config/BitmapEditor/Opacity\";\n\nvar Widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\").widget;\n\nvar EditBitmapWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) {\n\t// Initialise the editor operations if they've not been done already\n\tif(!this.editorOperations) {\n\t\tEditBitmapWidget.prototype.editorOperations = {};\n\t\t$tw.modules.applyMethods(\"bitmapeditoroperation\",this.editorOperations);\n\t}\n\tthis.initialise(parseTreeNode,options);\n};\n\n/*\nInherit from the base widget class\n*/\nEditBitmapWidget.prototype = new Widget();\n\n/*\nRender this widget into the DOM\n*/\nEditBitmapWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) {\n\tvar self = this;\n\t// Save the parent dom node\n\tthis.parentDomNode = parent;\n\t// Compute our attributes\n\tthis.computeAttributes();\n\t// Execute our logic\n\tthis.execute();\n\t// Create the wrapper for the toolbar and render its content\n\tthis.toolbarNode = this.document.createElement(\"div\");\n\tthis.toolbarNode.className = \"tc-editor-toolbar\";\n\tparent.insertBefore(this.toolbarNode,nextSibling);\n\tthis.domNodes.push(this.toolbarNode);\n\t// Create the on-screen canvas\n\tthis.canvasDomNode = $tw.utils.domMaker(\"canvas\",{\n\t\tdocument: this.document,\n\t\t\"class\":\"tc-edit-bitmapeditor\",\n\t\teventListeners: [{\n\t\t\tname: \"touchstart\", handlerObject: this, handlerMethod: \"handleTouchStartEvent\"\n\t\t},{\n\t\t\tname: \"touchmove\", handlerObject: this, handlerMethod: \"handleTouchMoveEvent\"\n\t\t},{\n\t\t\tname: \"touchend\", handlerObject: this, handlerMethod: \"handleTouchEndEvent\"\n\t\t},{\n\t\t\tname: \"mousedown\", handlerObject: this, handlerMethod: \"handleMouseDownEvent\"\n\t\t},{\n\t\t\tname: \"mousemove\", handlerObject: this, handlerMethod: \"handleMouseMoveEvent\"\n\t\t},{\n\t\t\tname: \"mouseup\", handlerObject: this, handlerMethod: \"handleMouseUpEvent\"\n\t\t}]\n\t});\n\t// Set the width and height variables\n\tthis.setVariable(\"tv-bitmap-editor-width\",this.canvasDomNode.width + \"px\");\n\tthis.setVariable(\"tv-bitmap-editor-height\",this.canvasDomNode.height + \"px\");\n\t// Render toolbar child widgets\n\tthis.renderChildren(this.toolbarNode,null);\n\t// // Insert the elements into the DOM\n\tparent.insertBefore(this.canvasDomNode,nextSibling);\n\tthis.domNodes.push(this.canvasDomNode);\n\t// Load the image into the canvas\n\tif($tw.browser) {\n\t\tthis.loadCanvas();\n\t}\n\t// Add widget message listeners\n\tthis.addEventListeners([\n\t\t{type: \"tm-edit-bitmap-operation\", handler: \"handleEditBitmapOperationMessage\"}\n\t]);\n};\n\n/*\nHandle an edit bitmap operation message from the toolbar\n*/\nEditBitmapWidget.prototype.handleEditBitmapOperationMessage = function(event) {\n\t// Invoke the handler\n\tvar handler = this.editorOperations[event.param];\n\tif(handler) {\n\t\thandler.call(this,event);\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nCompute the internal state of the widget\n*/\nEditBitmapWidget.prototype.execute = function() {\n\t// Get our parameters\n\tthis.editTitle = this.getAttribute(\"tiddler\",this.getVariable(\"currentTiddler\"));\n\t// Make the child widgets\n\tthis.makeChildWidgets();\n};\n\n/*\nJust refresh the toolbar\n*/\nEditBitmapWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) {\n\treturn this.refreshChildren(changedTiddlers);\n};\n\n/*\nSet the bitmap size variables and refresh the toolbar\n*/\nEditBitmapWidget.prototype.refreshToolbar = function() {\n\t// Set the width and height variables\n\tthis.setVariable(\"tv-bitmap-editor-width\",this.canvasDomNode.width + \"px\");\n\tthis.setVariable(\"tv-bitmap-editor-height\",this.canvasDomNode.height + \"px\");\n\t// Refresh each of our child widgets\n\t$tw.utils.each(this.children,function(childWidget) {\n\t\tchildWidget.refreshSelf();\n\t});\n};\n\nEditBitmapWidget.prototype.loadCanvas = function() {\n\tvar tiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(this.editTitle),\n\t\tcurrImage = new Image();\n\t// Set up event handlers for loading the image\n\tvar self = this;\n\tcurrImage.onload = function() {\n\t\t// Copy the image to the on-screen canvas\n\t\tself.initCanvas(self.canvasDomNode,currImage.width,currImage.height,currImage);\n\t\t// And also copy the current bitmap to the off-screen canvas\n\t\tself.currCanvas = self.document.createElement(\"canvas\");\n\t\tself.initCanvas(self.currCanvas,currImage.width,currImage.height,currImage);\n\t\t// Set the width and height input boxes\n\t\tself.refreshToolbar();\n\t};\n\tcurrImage.onerror = function() {\n\t\t// Set the on-screen canvas size and clear it\n\t\tself.initCanvas(self.canvasDomNode,DEFAULT_IMAGE_WIDTH,DEFAULT_IMAGE_HEIGHT);\n\t\t// Set the off-screen canvas size and clear it\n\t\tself.currCanvas = self.document.createElement(\"canvas\");\n\t\tself.initCanvas(self.currCanvas,DEFAULT_IMAGE_WIDTH,DEFAULT_IMAGE_HEIGHT);\n\t\t// Set the width and height input boxes\n\t\tself.refreshToolbar();\n\t};\n\t// Get the current bitmap into an image object\n\tcurrImage.src = \"data:\" + tiddler.fields.type + \";base64,\" + tiddler.fields.text;\n};\n\nEditBitmapWidget.prototype.initCanvas = function(canvas,width,height,image) {\n\tcanvas.width = width;\n\tcanvas.height = height;\n\tvar ctx = canvas.getContext(\"2d\");\n\tif(image) {\n\t\tctx.drawImage(image,0,0);\n\t} else {\n\t\tctx.fillStyle = \"#fff\";\n\t\tctx.fillRect(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height);\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\n** Change the size of the canvas, preserving the current image\n*/\nEditBitmapWidget.prototype.changeCanvasSize = function(newWidth,newHeight) {\n\t// Create and size a new canvas\n\tvar newCanvas = this.document.createElement(\"canvas\");\n\tthis.initCanvas(newCanvas,newWidth,newHeight);\n\t// Copy the old image\n\tvar ctx = newCanvas.getContext(\"2d\");\n\tctx.drawImage(this.currCanvas,0,0);\n\t// Set the new canvas as the current one\n\tthis.currCanvas = newCanvas;\n\t// Set the size of the onscreen canvas\n\tthis.canvasDomNode.width = newWidth;\n\tthis.canvasDomNode.height = newHeight;\n\t// Paint the onscreen canvas with the offscreen canvas\n\tctx = this.canvasDomNode.getContext(\"2d\");\n\tctx.drawImage(this.currCanvas,0,0);\n};\n\nEditBitmapWidget.prototype.handleTouchStartEvent = function(event) {\n\tthis.brushDown = true;\n\tthis.strokeStart(event.touches[0].clientX,event.touches[0].clientY);\n\tevent.preventDefault();\n\tevent.stopPropagation();\n\treturn false;\n};\n\nEditBitmapWidget.prototype.handleTouchMoveEvent = function(event) {\n\tif(this.brushDown) {\n\t\tthis.strokeMove(event.touches[0].clientX,event.touches[0].clientY);\n\t}\n\tevent.preventDefault();\n\tevent.stopPropagation();\n\treturn false;\n};\n\nEditBitmapWidget.prototype.handleTouchEndEvent = function(event) {\n\tif(this.brushDown) {\n\t\tthis.brushDown = false;\n\t\tthis.strokeEnd();\n\t}\n\tevent.preventDefault();\n\tevent.stopPropagation();\n\treturn false;\n};\n\nEditBitmapWidget.prototype.handleMouseDownEvent = function(event) {\n\tthis.strokeStart(event.clientX,event.clientY);\n\tthis.brushDown = true;\n\tevent.preventDefault();\n\tevent.stopPropagation();\n\treturn false;\n};\n\nEditBitmapWidget.prototype.handleMouseMoveEvent = function(event) {\n\tif(this.brushDown) {\n\t\tthis.strokeMove(event.clientX,event.clientY);\n\t\tevent.preventDefault();\n\t\tevent.stopPropagation();\n\t\treturn false;\n\t}\n\treturn true;\n};\n\nEditBitmapWidget.prototype.handleMouseUpEvent = function(event) {\n\tif(this.brushDown) {\n\t\tthis.brushDown = false;\n\t\tthis.strokeEnd();\n\t\tevent.preventDefault();\n\t\tevent.stopPropagation();\n\t\treturn false;\n\t}\n\treturn true;\n};\n\nEditBitmapWidget.prototype.adjustCoordinates = function(x,y) {\n\tvar canvasRect = this.canvasDomNode.getBoundingClientRect(),\n\t\tscale = this.canvasDomNode.width/canvasRect.width;\n\treturn {x: (x - canvasRect.left) * scale, y: (y - canvasRect.top) * scale};\n};\n\nEditBitmapWidget.prototype.strokeStart = function(x,y) {\n\t// Start off a new stroke\n\tthis.stroke = [this.adjustCoordinates(x,y)];\n};\n\nEditBitmapWidget.prototype.strokeMove = function(x,y) {\n\tvar ctx = this.canvasDomNode.getContext(\"2d\"),\n\t\tt;\n\t// Add the new position to the end of the stroke\n\tthis.stroke.push(this.adjustCoordinates(x,y));\n\t// Redraw the previous image\n\tctx.drawImage(this.currCanvas,0,0);\n\t// Render the stroke\n\tctx.globalAlpha = parseFloat(this.wiki.getTiddlerText(LINE_OPACITY_TITLE,\"1.0\"));\n\tctx.strokeStyle = this.wiki.getTiddlerText(LINE_COLOUR_TITLE,\"#ff0\");\n\tctx.lineWidth = parseFloat(this.wiki.getTiddlerText(LINE_WIDTH_TITLE,\"3\"));\n\tctx.lineCap = \"round\";\n\tctx.lineJoin = \"round\";\n\tctx.beginPath();\n\tctx.moveTo(this.stroke[0].x,this.stroke[0].y);\n\tfor(t=1; t<this.stroke.length-1; t++) {\n\t\tvar s1 = this.stroke[t],\n\t\t\ts2 = this.stroke[t-1],\n\t\t\ttx = (s1.x + s2.x)/2,\n\t\t\tty = (s1.y + s2.y)/2;\n\t\tctx.quadraticCurveTo(s2.x,s2.y,tx,ty);\n\t}\n\tctx.stroke();\n};\n\nEditBitmapWidget.prototype.strokeEnd = function() {\n\t// Copy the bitmap to the off-screen canvas\n\tvar ctx = this.currCanvas.getContext(\"2d\");\n\tctx.drawImage(this.canvasDomNode,0,0);\n\t// Save the image into the tiddler\n\tthis.saveChanges();\n};\n\nEditBitmapWidget.prototype.saveChanges = function() {\n\tvar tiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(this.editTitle);\n\tif(tiddler) {\n\t\t// data URIs look like \"data:<type>;base64,<text>\"\n\t\tvar dataURL = this.canvasDomNode.toDataURL(tiddler.fields.type),\n\t\t\tposColon = dataURL.indexOf(\":\"),\n\t\t\tposSemiColon = dataURL.indexOf(\";\"),\n\t\t\tposComma = dataURL.indexOf(\",\"),\n\t\t\ttype = dataURL.substring(posColon+1,posSemiColon),\n\t\t\ttext = dataURL.substring(posComma+1);\n\t\tvar update = {type: type, text: text};\n\t\tthis.wiki.addTiddler(new $tw.Tiddler(this.wiki.getModificationFields(),tiddler,update,this.wiki.getCreationFields()));\n\t}\n};\n\nexports[\"edit-bitmap\"] = EditBitmapWidget;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/widgets/edit-bitmap.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "widget"
"$:/core/modules/widgets/edit-shortcut.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/widgets/edit-shortcut.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: widget\n\nWidget to display an editable keyboard shortcut\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar Widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\").widget;\n\nvar EditShortcutWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) {\n\tthis.initialise(parseTreeNode,options);\n};\n\n/*\nInherit from the base widget class\n*/\nEditShortcutWidget.prototype = new Widget();\n\n/*\nRender this widget into the DOM\n*/\nEditShortcutWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) {\n\tthis.parentDomNode = parent;\n\tthis.computeAttributes();\n\tthis.execute();\n\tthis.inputNode = this.document.createElement(\"input\");\n\t// Assign classes\n\tif(this.shortcutClass) {\n\t\tthis.inputNode.className = this.shortcutClass;\t\t\n\t}\n\t// Assign other attributes\n\tif(this.shortcutStyle) {\n\t\tthis.inputNode.setAttribute(\"style\",this.shortcutStyle);\n\t}\n\tif(this.shortcutTooltip) {\n\t\tthis.inputNode.setAttribute(\"title\",this.shortcutTooltip);\n\t}\n\tif(this.shortcutPlaceholder) {\n\t\tthis.inputNode.setAttribute(\"placeholder\",this.shortcutPlaceholder);\n\t}\n\tif(this.shortcutAriaLabel) {\n\t\tthis.inputNode.setAttribute(\"aria-label\",this.shortcutAriaLabel);\n\t}\n\t// Assign the current shortcut\n\tthis.updateInputNode();\n\t// Add event handlers\n\t$tw.utils.addEventListeners(this.inputNode,[\n\t\t{name: \"keydown\", handlerObject: this, handlerMethod: \"handleKeydownEvent\"}\n\t]);\n\t// Link into the DOM\n\tparent.insertBefore(this.inputNode,nextSibling);\n\tthis.domNodes.push(this.inputNode);\n};\n\n/*\nCompute the internal state of the widget\n*/\nEditShortcutWidget.prototype.execute = function() {\n\tthis.shortcutTiddler = this.getAttribute(\"tiddler\");\n\tthis.shortcutField = this.getAttribute(\"field\");\n\tthis.shortcutIndex = this.getAttribute(\"index\");\n\tthis.shortcutPlaceholder = this.getAttribute(\"placeholder\");\n\tthis.shortcutDefault = this.getAttribute(\"default\",\"\");\n\tthis.shortcutClass = this.getAttribute(\"class\");\n\tthis.shortcutStyle = this.getAttribute(\"style\");\n\tthis.shortcutTooltip = this.getAttribute(\"tooltip\");\n\tthis.shortcutAriaLabel = this.getAttribute(\"aria-label\");\n};\n\n/*\nUpdate the value of the input node\n*/\nEditShortcutWidget.prototype.updateInputNode = function() {\n\tif(this.shortcutField) {\n\t\tvar tiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(this.shortcutTiddler);\n\t\tif(tiddler && $tw.utils.hop(tiddler.fields,this.shortcutField)) {\n\t\t\tthis.inputNode.value = tiddler.getFieldString(this.shortcutField);\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tthis.inputNode.value = this.shortcutDefault;\n\t\t}\n\t} else if(this.shortcutIndex) {\n\t\tthis.inputNode.value = this.wiki.extractTiddlerDataItem(this.shortcutTiddler,this.shortcutIndex,this.shortcutDefault);\n\t} else {\n\t\tthis.inputNode.value = this.wiki.getTiddlerText(this.shortcutTiddler,this.shortcutDefault);\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nHandle a dom \"keydown\" event\n*/\nEditShortcutWidget.prototype.handleKeydownEvent = function(event) {\n\t// Ignore shift, ctrl, meta, alt\n\tif(event.keyCode && $tw.keyboardManager.getModifierKeys().indexOf(event.keyCode) === -1) {\n\t\t// Get the shortcut text representation\n\t\tvar value = $tw.keyboardManager.getPrintableShortcuts([{\n\t\t\tctrlKey: event.ctrlKey,\n\t\t\tshiftKey: event.shiftKey,\n\t\t\taltKey: event.altKey,\n\t\t\tmetaKey: event.metaKey,\n\t\t\tkeyCode: event.keyCode\n\t\t}]);\n\t\tif(value.length > 0) {\n\t\t\tthis.wiki.setText(this.shortcutTiddler,this.shortcutField,this.shortcutIndex,value[0]);\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Ignore the keydown if it was already handled\n\t\tevent.preventDefault();\n\t\tevent.stopPropagation();\n\t\treturn true;\t\t\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn false;\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nSelectively refreshes the widget if needed. Returns true if the widget needed re-rendering\n*/\nEditShortcutWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) {\n\tvar changedAttributes = this.computeAttributes();\n\tif(changedAttributes.tiddler || changedAttributes.field || changedAttributes.index || changedAttributes.placeholder || changedAttributes[\"default\"] || changedAttributes[\"class\"] || changedAttributes.style || changedAttributes.tooltip || changedAttributes[\"aria-label\"]) {\n\t\tthis.refreshSelf();\n\t\treturn true;\n\t} else if(changedTiddlers[this.shortcutTiddler]) {\n\t\tthis.updateInputNode();\n\t\treturn true;\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn false;\t\n\t}\n};\n\nexports[\"edit-shortcut\"] = EditShortcutWidget;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/widgets/edit-shortcut.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "widget"
"$:/core/modules/widgets/edit-text.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/widgets/edit-text.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: widget\n\nEdit-text widget\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar editTextWidgetFactory = require(\"$:/core/modules/editor/factory.js\").editTextWidgetFactory,\n\tFramedEngine = require(\"$:/core/modules/editor/engines/framed.js\").FramedEngine,\n\tSimpleEngine = require(\"$:/core/modules/editor/engines/simple.js\").SimpleEngine;\n\nexports[\"edit-text\"] = editTextWidgetFactory(FramedEngine,SimpleEngine);\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/widgets/edit-text.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "widget"
"$:/core/modules/widgets/edit.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/widgets/edit.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: widget\n\nEdit widget is a meta-widget chooses the appropriate actual editting widget\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar Widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\").widget;\n\nvar EditWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) {\n\tthis.initialise(parseTreeNode,options);\n};\n\n/*\nInherit from the base widget class\n*/\nEditWidget.prototype = new Widget();\n\n/*\nRender this widget into the DOM\n*/\nEditWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) {\n\tthis.parentDomNode = parent;\n\tthis.computeAttributes();\n\tthis.execute();\n\tthis.renderChildren(parent,nextSibling);\n};\n\n// Mappings from content type to editor type are stored in tiddlers with this prefix\nvar EDITOR_MAPPING_PREFIX = \"$:/config/EditorTypeMappings/\";\n\n/*\nCompute the internal state of the widget\n*/\nEditWidget.prototype.execute = function() {\n\t// Get our parameters\n\tthis.editTitle = this.getAttribute(\"tiddler\",this.getVariable(\"currentTiddler\"));\n\tthis.editField = this.getAttribute(\"field\",\"text\");\n\tthis.editIndex = this.getAttribute(\"index\");\n\tthis.editClass = this.getAttribute(\"class\");\n\tthis.editPlaceholder = this.getAttribute(\"placeholder\");\n\t// Choose the appropriate edit widget\n\tthis.editorType = this.getEditorType();\n\t// Make the child widgets\n\tthis.makeChildWidgets([{\n\t\ttype: \"edit-\" + this.editorType,\n\t\tattributes: {\n\t\t\ttiddler: {type: \"string\", value: this.editTitle},\n\t\t\tfield: {type: \"string\", value: this.editField},\n\t\t\tindex: {type: \"string\", value: this.editIndex},\n\t\t\t\"class\": {type: \"string\", value: this.editClass},\n\t\t\t\"placeholder\": {type: \"string\", value: this.editPlaceholder}\n\t\t},\n\t\tchildren: this.parseTreeNode.children\n\t}]);\n};\n\nEditWidget.prototype.getEditorType = function() {\n\t// Get the content type of the thing we're editing\n\tvar type;\n\tif(this.editField === \"text\") {\n\t\tvar tiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(this.editTitle);\n\t\tif(tiddler) {\n\t\t\ttype = tiddler.fields.type;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\ttype = type || \"text/vnd.tiddlywiki\";\n\tvar editorType = this.wiki.getTiddlerText(EDITOR_MAPPING_PREFIX + type);\n\tif(!editorType) {\n\t\tvar typeInfo = $tw.config.contentTypeInfo[type];\n\t\tif(typeInfo && typeInfo.encoding === \"base64\") {\n\t\t\teditorType = \"binary\";\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\teditorType = \"text\";\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn editorType;\n};\n\n/*\nSelectively refreshes the widget if needed. Returns true if the widget or any of its children needed re-rendering\n*/\nEditWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) {\n\tvar changedAttributes = this.computeAttributes();\n\t// Refresh if an attribute has changed, or the type associated with the target tiddler has changed\n\tif(changedAttributes.tiddler || changedAttributes.field || changedAttributes.index || (changedTiddlers[this.editTitle] && this.getEditorType() !== this.editorType)) {\n\t\tthis.refreshSelf();\n\t\treturn true;\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn this.refreshChildren(changedTiddlers);\t\t\n\t}\n};\n\nexports.edit = EditWidget;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/widgets/edit.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "widget"
"$:/core/modules/widgets/element.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/widgets/element.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: widget\n\nElement widget\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar Widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\").widget;\n\nvar ElementWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) {\n\tthis.initialise(parseTreeNode,options);\n};\n\n/*\nInherit from the base widget class\n*/\nElementWidget.prototype = new Widget();\n\n/*\nRender this widget into the DOM\n*/\nElementWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) {\n\tthis.parentDomNode = parent;\n\tthis.computeAttributes();\n\tthis.execute();\n\t// Neuter blacklisted elements\n\tvar tag = this.parseTreeNode.tag;\n\tif($tw.config.htmlUnsafeElements.indexOf(tag) !== -1) {\n\t\ttag = \"safe-\" + tag;\n\t}\n\tvar domNode = this.document.createElementNS(this.namespace,tag);\n\tthis.assignAttributes(domNode,{excludeEventAttributes: true});\n\tparent.insertBefore(domNode,nextSibling);\n\tthis.renderChildren(domNode,null);\n\tthis.domNodes.push(domNode);\n};\n\n/*\nCompute the internal state of the widget\n*/\nElementWidget.prototype.execute = function() {\n\t// Select the namespace for the tag\n\tvar tagNamespaces = {\n\t\t\tsvg: \"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\",\n\t\t\tmath: \"http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML\",\n\t\t\tbody: \"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\"\n\t\t};\n\tthis.namespace = tagNamespaces[this.parseTreeNode.tag];\n\tif(this.namespace) {\n\t\tthis.setVariable(\"namespace\",this.namespace);\n\t} else {\n\t\tthis.namespace = this.getVariable(\"namespace\",{defaultValue: \"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\"});\n\t}\n\t// Make the child widgets\n\tthis.makeChildWidgets();\n};\n\n/*\nSelectively refreshes the widget if needed. Returns true if the widget or any of its children needed re-rendering\n*/\nElementWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) {\n\tvar changedAttributes = this.computeAttributes(),\n\t\thasChangedAttributes = $tw.utils.count(changedAttributes) > 0;\n\tif(hasChangedAttributes) {\n\t\t// Update our attributes\n\t\tthis.assignAttributes(this.domNodes[0],{excludeEventAttributes: true});\n\t}\n\treturn this.refreshChildren(changedTiddlers) || hasChangedAttributes;\n};\n\nexports.element = ElementWidget;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/widgets/element.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "widget"
"$:/core/modules/widgets/encrypt.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/widgets/encrypt.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: widget\n\nEncrypt widget\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar Widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\").widget;\n\nvar EncryptWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) {\n\tthis.initialise(parseTreeNode,options);\n};\n\n/*\nInherit from the base widget class\n*/\nEncryptWidget.prototype = new Widget();\n\n/*\nRender this widget into the DOM\n*/\nEncryptWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) {\n\tthis.parentDomNode = parent;\n\tthis.computeAttributes();\n\tthis.execute();\n\tvar textNode = this.document.createTextNode(this.encryptedText);\n\tparent.insertBefore(textNode,nextSibling);\n\tthis.domNodes.push(textNode);\n};\n\n/*\nCompute the internal state of the widget\n*/\nEncryptWidget.prototype.execute = function() {\n\t// Get parameters from our attributes\n\tthis.filter = this.getAttribute(\"filter\",\"[!is[system]]\");\n\t// Encrypt the filtered tiddlers\n\tvar tiddlers = this.wiki.filterTiddlers(this.filter),\n\t\tjson = {},\n\t\tself = this;\n\t$tw.utils.each(tiddlers,function(title) {\n\t\tvar tiddler = self.wiki.getTiddler(title),\n\t\t\tjsonTiddler = {};\n\t\tfor(var f in tiddler.fields) {\n\t\t\tjsonTiddler[f] = tiddler.getFieldString(f);\n\t\t}\n\t\tjson[title] = jsonTiddler;\n\t});\n\tthis.encryptedText = $tw.utils.htmlEncode($tw.crypto.encrypt(JSON.stringify(json)));\n};\n\n/*\nSelectively refreshes the widget if needed. Returns true if the widget or any of its children needed re-rendering\n*/\nEncryptWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) {\n\t// We don't need to worry about refreshing because the encrypt widget isn't for interactive use\n\treturn false;\n};\n\nexports.encrypt = EncryptWidget;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/widgets/encrypt.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "widget"
"$:/core/modules/widgets/entity.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/widgets/entity.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: widget\n\nHTML entity widget\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar Widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\").widget;\n\nvar EntityWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) {\n\tthis.initialise(parseTreeNode,options);\n};\n\n/*\nInherit from the base widget class\n*/\nEntityWidget.prototype = new Widget();\n\n/*\nRender this widget into the DOM\n*/\nEntityWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) {\n\tthis.parentDomNode = parent;\n\tthis.execute();\n\tvar entityString = this.getAttribute(\"entity\",this.parseTreeNode.entity || \"\"),\n\t\ttextNode = this.document.createTextNode($tw.utils.entityDecode(entityString));\n\tparent.insertBefore(textNode,nextSibling);\n\tthis.domNodes.push(textNode);\n};\n\n/*\nCompute the internal state of the widget\n*/\nEntityWidget.prototype.execute = function() {\n};\n\n/*\nSelectively refreshes the widget if needed. Returns true if the widget or any of its children needed re-rendering\n*/\nEntityWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) {\n\tvar changedAttributes = this.computeAttributes();\n\tif(changedAttributes.entity) {\n\t\tthis.refreshSelf();\n\t\treturn true;\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn false;\t\n\t}\n};\n\nexports.entity = EntityWidget;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/widgets/entity.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "widget"
"$:/core/modules/widgets/fieldmangler.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/widgets/fieldmangler.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: widget\n\nField mangler widget\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar Widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\").widget;\n\nvar FieldManglerWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) {\n\tthis.initialise(parseTreeNode,options);\n\tthis.addEventListeners([\n\t\t{type: \"tm-remove-field\", handler: \"handleRemoveFieldEvent\"},\n\t\t{type: \"tm-add-field\", handler: \"handleAddFieldEvent\"},\n\t\t{type: \"tm-remove-tag\", handler: \"handleRemoveTagEvent\"},\n\t\t{type: \"tm-add-tag\", handler: \"handleAddTagEvent\"}\n\t]);\n};\n\n/*\nInherit from the base widget class\n*/\nFieldManglerWidget.prototype = new Widget();\n\n/*\nRender this widget into the DOM\n*/\nFieldManglerWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) {\n\tthis.parentDomNode = parent;\n\tthis.computeAttributes();\n\tthis.execute();\n\tthis.renderChildren(parent,nextSibling);\n};\n\n/*\nCompute the internal state of the widget\n*/\nFieldManglerWidget.prototype.execute = function() {\n\t// Get our parameters\n\tthis.mangleTitle = this.getAttribute(\"tiddler\",this.getVariable(\"currentTiddler\"));\n\t// Construct the child widgets\n\tthis.makeChildWidgets();\n};\n\n/*\nSelectively refreshes the widget if needed. Returns true if the widget or any of its children needed re-rendering\n*/\nFieldManglerWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) {\n\tvar changedAttributes = this.computeAttributes();\n\tif(changedAttributes.tiddler) {\n\t\tthis.refreshSelf();\n\t\treturn true;\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn this.refreshChildren(changedTiddlers);\t\t\n\t}\n};\n\nFieldManglerWidget.prototype.handleRemoveFieldEvent = function(event) {\n\tvar tiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(this.mangleTitle),\n\t\tdeletion = {};\n\tdeletion[event.param] = undefined;\n\tthis.wiki.addTiddler(new $tw.Tiddler(tiddler,deletion));\n\treturn true;\n};\n\nFieldManglerWidget.prototype.handleAddFieldEvent = function(event) {\n\tvar tiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(this.mangleTitle),\n\t\taddition = this.wiki.getModificationFields(),\n\t\thadInvalidFieldName = false,\n\t\taddField = function(name,value) {\n\t\t\tvar trimmedName = name.toLowerCase().trim();\n\t\t\tif(!$tw.utils.isValidFieldName(trimmedName)) {\n\t\t\t\tif(!hadInvalidFieldName) {\n\t\t\t\t\talert($tw.language.getString(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\"InvalidFieldName\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{variables:\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{fieldName: trimmedName}\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t));\n\t\t\t\t\thadInvalidFieldName = true;\n\t\t\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tif(!value && tiddler) {\n\t\t\t\t\tvalue = tiddler.fields[trimmedName];\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\taddition[trimmedName] = value || \"\";\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\treturn;\n\t\t};\n\taddition.title = this.mangleTitle;\n\tif(typeof event.param === \"string\") {\n\t\taddField(event.param,\"\");\n\t}\n\tif(typeof event.paramObject === \"object\") {\n\t\tfor(var name in event.paramObject) {\n\t\t\taddField(name,event.paramObject[name]);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tthis.wiki.addTiddler(new $tw.Tiddler(tiddler,addition));\n\treturn true;\n};\n\nFieldManglerWidget.prototype.handleRemoveTagEvent = function(event) {\n\tvar tiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(this.mangleTitle);\n\tif(tiddler && tiddler.fields.tags) {\n\t\tvar p = tiddler.fields.tags.indexOf(event.param);\n\t\tif(p !== -1) {\n\t\t\tvar modification = this.wiki.getModificationFields();\n\t\t\tmodification.tags = (tiddler.fields.tags || []).slice(0);\n\t\t\tmodification.tags.splice(p,1);\n\t\t\tif(modification.tags.length === 0) {\n\t\t\t\tmodification.tags = undefined;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\tthis.wiki.addTiddler(new $tw.Tiddler(tiddler,modification));\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn true;\n};\n\nFieldManglerWidget.prototype.handleAddTagEvent = function(event) {\n\tvar tiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(this.mangleTitle);\n\tif(tiddler && typeof event.param === \"string\") {\n\t\tvar tag = event.param.trim();\n\t\tif(tag !== \"\") {\n\t\t\tvar modification = this.wiki.getModificationFields();\n\t\t\tmodification.tags = (tiddler.fields.tags || []).slice(0);\n\t\t\t$tw.utils.pushTop(modification.tags,tag);\n\t\t\tthis.wiki.addTiddler(new $tw.Tiddler(tiddler,modification));\t\t\t\n\t\t}\n\t} else if(typeof event.param === \"string\" && event.param.trim() !== \"\" && this.mangleTitle.trim() !== \"\") {\n\t\tvar tag = [];\n\t\ttag.push(event.param.trim());\n\t\tthis.wiki.addTiddler({title: this.mangleTitle, tags: tag});\t\t\n\t}\n\treturn true;\n};\n\nexports.fieldmangler = FieldManglerWidget;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/widgets/fieldmangler.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "widget"
"$:/core/modules/widgets/fields.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/widgets/fields.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: widget\n\nFields widget\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar Widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\").widget;\n\nvar FieldsWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) {\n\tthis.initialise(parseTreeNode,options);\n};\n\n/*\nInherit from the base widget class\n*/\nFieldsWidget.prototype = new Widget();\n\n/*\nRender this widget into the DOM\n*/\nFieldsWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) {\n\tthis.parentDomNode = parent;\n\tthis.computeAttributes();\n\tthis.execute();\n\tvar textNode = this.document.createTextNode(this.text);\n\tparent.insertBefore(textNode,nextSibling);\n\tthis.domNodes.push(textNode);\n};\n\n/*\nCompute the internal state of the widget\n*/\nFieldsWidget.prototype.execute = function() {\n\t// Get parameters from our attributes\n\tthis.tiddlerTitle = this.getAttribute(\"tiddler\",this.getVariable(\"currentTiddler\"));\n\tthis.template = this.getAttribute(\"template\");\n\tthis.exclude = this.getAttribute(\"exclude\");\n\tthis.stripTitlePrefix = this.getAttribute(\"stripTitlePrefix\",\"no\") === \"yes\";\n\t// Get the value to display\n\tvar tiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(this.tiddlerTitle);\n\t// Get the exclusion list\n\tvar exclude;\n\tif(this.exclude) {\n\t\texclude = this.exclude.split(\" \");\n\t} else {\n\t\texclude = [\"text\"]; \n\t}\n\t// Compose the template\n\tvar text = [];\n\tif(this.template && tiddler) {\n\t\tvar fields = [];\n\t\tfor(var fieldName in tiddler.fields) {\n\t\t\tif(exclude.indexOf(fieldName) === -1) {\n\t\t\t\tfields.push(fieldName);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\tfields.sort();\n\t\tfor(var f=0; f<fields.length; f++) {\n\t\t\tfieldName = fields[f];\n\t\t\tif(exclude.indexOf(fieldName) === -1) {\n\t\t\t\tvar row = this.template,\n\t\t\t\t\tvalue = tiddler.getFieldString(fieldName);\n\t\t\t\tif(this.stripTitlePrefix && fieldName === \"title\") {\n\t\t\t\t\tvar reStrip = /^\\{[^\\}]+\\}(.+)/mg,\n\t\t\t\t\t\treMatch = reStrip.exec(value);\n\t\t\t\t\tif(reMatch) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tvalue = reMatch[1];\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\trow = $tw.utils.replaceString(row,\"$name$\",fieldName);\n\t\t\t\trow = $tw.utils.replaceString(row,\"$value$\",value);\n\t\t\t\trow = $tw.utils.replaceString(row,\"$encoded_value$\",$tw.utils.htmlEncode(value));\n\t\t\t\ttext.push(row);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tthis.text = text.join(\"\");\n};\n\n/*\nSelectively refreshes the widget if needed. Returns true if the widget or any of its children needed re-rendering\n*/\nFieldsWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) {\n\tvar changedAttributes = this.computeAttributes();\n\tif(changedAttributes.tiddler || changedAttributes.template || changedAttributes.exclude || changedAttributes.stripTitlePrefix || changedTiddlers[this.tiddlerTitle]) {\n\t\tthis.refreshSelf();\n\t\treturn true;\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn false;\t\n\t}\n};\n\nexports.fields = FieldsWidget;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/widgets/fields.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "widget"
"$:/core/modules/widgets/image.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/widgets/image.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: widget\n\nThe image widget displays an image referenced with an external URI or with a local tiddler title.\n\n```\n<$image src=\"TiddlerTitle\" width=\"320\" height=\"400\" class=\"classnames\">\n```\n\nThe image source can be the title of an existing tiddler or the URL of an external image.\n\nExternal images always generate an HTML `<img>` tag.\n\nTiddlers that have a _canonical_uri field generate an HTML `<img>` tag with the src attribute containing the URI.\n\nTiddlers that contain image data generate an HTML `<img>` tag with the src attribute containing a base64 representation of the image.\n\nTiddlers that contain wikitext could be rendered to a DIV of the usual size of a tiddler, and then transformed to the size requested.\n\nThe width and height attributes are interpreted as a number of pixels, and do not need to include the \"px\" suffix.\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar Widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\").widget;\n\nvar ImageWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) {\n\tthis.initialise(parseTreeNode,options);\n};\n\n/*\nInherit from the base widget class\n*/\nImageWidget.prototype = new Widget();\n\n/*\nRender this widget into the DOM\n*/\nImageWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) {\n\tthis.parentDomNode = parent;\n\tthis.computeAttributes();\n\tthis.execute();\n\t// Create element\n\t// Determine what type of image it is\n\tvar tag = \"img\", src = \"\",\n\t\ttiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(this.imageSource);\n\tif(!tiddler) {\n\t\t// The source isn't the title of a tiddler, so we'll assume it's a URL\n\t\tsrc = this.getVariable(\"tv-get-export-image-link\",{params: [{name: \"src\",value: this.imageSource}],defaultValue: this.imageSource});\n\t} else {\n\t\t// Check if it is an image tiddler\n\t\tif(this.wiki.isImageTiddler(this.imageSource)) {\n\t\t\tvar type = tiddler.fields.type,\n\t\t\t\ttext = tiddler.fields.text,\n\t\t\t\t_canonical_uri = tiddler.fields._canonical_uri;\n\t\t\t// If the tiddler has body text then it doesn't need to be lazily loaded\n\t\t\tif(text) {\n\t\t\t\t// Render the appropriate element for the image type\n\t\t\t\tswitch(type) {\n\t\t\t\t\tcase \"application/pdf\":\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttag = \"embed\";\n\t\t\t\t\t\tsrc = \"data:application/pdf;base64,\" + text;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\t\tcase \"image/svg+xml\":\n\t\t\t\t\t\tsrc = \"data:image/svg+xml,\" + encodeURIComponent(text);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\t\tdefault:\n\t\t\t\t\t\tsrc = \"data:\" + type + \";base64,\" + text;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t} else if(_canonical_uri) {\n\t\t\t\tswitch(type) {\n\t\t\t\t\tcase \"application/pdf\":\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttag = \"embed\";\n\t\t\t\t\t\tsrc = _canonical_uri;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\t\tcase \"image/svg+xml\":\n\t\t\t\t\t\tsrc = _canonical_uri;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\t\tdefault:\n\t\t\t\t\t\tsrc = _canonical_uri;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\t}\t\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t// Just trigger loading of the tiddler\n\t\t\t\tthis.wiki.getTiddlerText(this.imageSource);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t// Create the element and assign the attributes\n\tvar domNode = this.document.createElement(tag);\n\tdomNode.setAttribute(\"src\",src);\n\tif(this.imageClass) {\n\t\tdomNode.setAttribute(\"class\",this.imageClass);\t\t\n\t}\n\tif(this.imageWidth) {\n\t\tdomNode.setAttribute(\"width\",this.imageWidth);\n\t}\n\tif(this.imageHeight) {\n\t\tdomNode.setAttribute(\"height\",this.imageHeight);\n\t}\n\tif(this.imageTooltip) {\n\t\tdomNode.setAttribute(\"title\",this.imageTooltip);\t\t\n\t}\n\tif(this.imageAlt) {\n\t\tdomNode.setAttribute(\"alt\",this.imageAlt);\t\t\n\t}\n\t// Insert element\n\tparent.insertBefore(domNode,nextSibling);\n\tthis.domNodes.push(domNode);\n};\n\n/*\nCompute the internal state of the widget\n*/\nImageWidget.prototype.execute = function() {\n\t// Get our parameters\n\tthis.imageSource = this.getAttribute(\"source\");\n\tthis.imageWidth = this.getAttribute(\"width\");\n\tthis.imageHeight = this.getAttribute(\"height\");\n\tthis.imageClass = this.getAttribute(\"class\");\n\tthis.imageTooltip = this.getAttribute(\"tooltip\");\n\tthis.imageAlt = this.getAttribute(\"alt\");\n};\n\n/*\nSelectively refreshes the widget if needed. Returns true if the widget or any of its children needed re-rendering\n*/\nImageWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) {\n\tvar changedAttributes = this.computeAttributes();\n\tif(changedAttributes.source || changedAttributes.width || changedAttributes.height || changedAttributes[\"class\"] || changedAttributes.tooltip || changedTiddlers[this.imageSource]) {\n\t\tthis.refreshSelf();\n\t\treturn true;\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn false;\t\t\n\t}\n};\n\nexports.image = ImageWidget;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/widgets/image.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "widget"
"$:/core/modules/widgets/importvariables.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/widgets/importvariables.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: widget\n\nImport variable definitions from other tiddlers\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar Widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\").widget;\n\nvar ImportVariablesWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) {\n\tthis.initialise(parseTreeNode,options);\n};\n\n/*\nInherit from the base widget class\n*/\nImportVariablesWidget.prototype = new Widget();\n\n/*\nRender this widget into the DOM\n*/\nImportVariablesWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) {\n\tthis.parentDomNode = parent;\n\tthis.computeAttributes();\n\tthis.execute();\n\tthis.renderChildren(parent,nextSibling);\n};\n\n/*\nCompute the internal state of the widget\n*/\nImportVariablesWidget.prototype.execute = function(tiddlerList) {\n\tvar self = this;\n\t// Get our parameters\n\tthis.filter = this.getAttribute(\"filter\");\n\t// Compute the filter\n\tthis.tiddlerList = tiddlerList || this.wiki.filterTiddlers(this.filter,this);\n\t// Accumulate the <$set> widgets from each tiddler\n\tvar widgetStackStart,widgetStackEnd;\n\tfunction addWidgetNode(widgetNode) {\n\t\tif(widgetNode) {\n\t\t\tif(!widgetStackStart && !widgetStackEnd) {\n\t\t\t\twidgetStackStart = widgetNode;\n\t\t\t\twidgetStackEnd = widgetNode;\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\twidgetStackEnd.children = [widgetNode];\n\t\t\t\twidgetStackEnd = widgetNode;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t$tw.utils.each(this.tiddlerList,function(title) {\n\t\tvar parser = self.wiki.parseTiddler(title);\n\t\tif(parser) {\n\t\t\tvar parseTreeNode = parser.tree[0];\n\t\t\twhile(parseTreeNode && parseTreeNode.type === \"set\") {\n\t\t\t\taddWidgetNode({\n\t\t\t\t\ttype: \"set\",\n\t\t\t\t\tattributes: parseTreeNode.attributes,\n\t\t\t\t\tparams: parseTreeNode.params\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\tparseTreeNode = parseTreeNode.children[0];\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t} \n\t});\n\t// Add our own children to the end of the pile\n\tvar parseTreeNodes;\n\tif(widgetStackStart && widgetStackEnd) {\n\t\tparseTreeNodes = [widgetStackStart];\n\t\twidgetStackEnd.children = this.parseTreeNode.children;\n\t} else {\n\t\tparseTreeNodes = this.parseTreeNode.children;\n\t}\n\t// Construct the child widgets\n\tthis.makeChildWidgets(parseTreeNodes);\n};\n\n/*\nSelectively refreshes the widget if needed. Returns true if the widget or any of its children needed re-rendering\n*/\nImportVariablesWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) {\n\t// Recompute our attributes and the filter list\n\tvar changedAttributes = this.computeAttributes(),\n\t\ttiddlerList = this.wiki.filterTiddlers(this.getAttribute(\"filter\"),this);\n\t// Refresh if the filter has changed, or the list of tiddlers has changed, or any of the tiddlers in the list has changed\n\tfunction haveListedTiddlersChanged() {\n\t\tvar changed = false;\n\t\ttiddlerList.forEach(function(title) {\n\t\t\tif(changedTiddlers[title]) {\n\t\t\t\tchanged = true;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t\treturn changed;\n\t}\n\tif(changedAttributes.filter || !$tw.utils.isArrayEqual(this.tiddlerList,tiddlerList) || haveListedTiddlersChanged()) {\n\t\t// Compute the filter\n\t\tthis.removeChildDomNodes();\n\t\tthis.execute(tiddlerList);\n\t\tthis.renderChildren(this.parentDomNode,this.findNextSiblingDomNode());\n\t\treturn true;\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn this.refreshChildren(changedTiddlers);\t\t\n\t}\n};\n\nexports.importvariables = ImportVariablesWidget;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/widgets/importvariables.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "widget"
"$:/core/modules/widgets/keyboard.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/widgets/keyboard.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: widget\n\nKeyboard shortcut widget\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar Widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\").widget;\n\nvar KeyboardWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) {\n\tthis.initialise(parseTreeNode,options);\n};\n\n/*\nInherit from the base widget class\n*/\nKeyboardWidget.prototype = new Widget();\n\n/*\nRender this widget into the DOM\n*/\nKeyboardWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) {\n\tvar self = this;\n\t// Remember parent\n\tthis.parentDomNode = parent;\n\t// Compute attributes and execute state\n\tthis.computeAttributes();\n\tthis.execute();\n\tvar tag = this.parseTreeNode.isBlock ? \"div\" : \"span\";\n\tif(this.tag && $tw.config.htmlUnsafeElements.indexOf(this.tag) === -1) {\n\t\ttag = this.tag;\n\t}\n\t// Create element\n\tvar domNode = this.document.createElement(tag);\n\t// Assign classes\n\tvar classes = (this[\"class\"] || \"\").split(\" \");\n\tclasses.push(\"tc-keyboard\");\n\tdomNode.className = classes.join(\" \");\n\t// Add a keyboard event handler\n\tdomNode.addEventListener(\"keydown\",function (event) {\n\t\tif($tw.keyboardManager.checkKeyDescriptors(event,self.keyInfoArray)) {\n\t\t\tself.invokeActions(self,event);\n\t\t\tif(self.actions) {\n\t\t\t\tself.invokeActionString(self.actions,self,event);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tself.dispatchMessage(event);\n\t\t\tevent.preventDefault();\n\t\t\tevent.stopPropagation();\n\t\t\treturn true;\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn false;\n\t},false);\n\t// Insert element\n\tparent.insertBefore(domNode,nextSibling);\n\tthis.renderChildren(domNode,null);\n\tthis.domNodes.push(domNode);\n};\n\nKeyboardWidget.prototype.dispatchMessage = function(event) {\n\tthis.dispatchEvent({type: this.message, param: this.param, tiddlerTitle: this.getVariable(\"currentTiddler\")});\n};\n\n/*\nCompute the internal state of the widget\n*/\nKeyboardWidget.prototype.execute = function() {\n\t// Get attributes\n\tthis.actions = this.getAttribute(\"actions\");\n\tthis.message = this.getAttribute(\"message\");\n\tthis.param = this.getAttribute(\"param\");\n\tthis.key = this.getAttribute(\"key\");\n\tthis.tag = this.getAttribute(\"tag\");\n\tthis.keyInfoArray = $tw.keyboardManager.parseKeyDescriptors(this.key);\n\tthis[\"class\"] = this.getAttribute(\"class\");\n\t// Make child widgets\n\tthis.makeChildWidgets();\n};\n\n/*\nSelectively refreshes the widget if needed. Returns true if the widget or any of its children needed re-rendering\n*/\nKeyboardWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) {\n\tvar changedAttributes = this.computeAttributes();\n\tif(changedAttributes.message || changedAttributes.param || changedAttributes.key || changedAttributes[\"class\"] || changedAttributes.tag) {\n\t\tthis.refreshSelf();\n\t\treturn true;\n\t}\n\treturn this.refreshChildren(changedTiddlers);\n};\n\nexports.keyboard = KeyboardWidget;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/widgets/keyboard.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "widget"
"$:/core/modules/widgets/link.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/widgets/link.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: widget\n\nLink widget\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar Widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\").widget;\nvar MISSING_LINK_CONFIG_TITLE = \"$:/config/MissingLinks\";\n\nvar LinkWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) {\n\tthis.initialise(parseTreeNode,options);\n};\n\n/*\nInherit from the base widget class\n*/\nLinkWidget.prototype = new Widget();\n\n/*\nRender this widget into the DOM\n*/\nLinkWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) {\n\t// Save the parent dom node\n\tthis.parentDomNode = parent;\n\t// Compute our attributes\n\tthis.computeAttributes();\n\t// Execute our logic\n\tthis.execute();\n\t// Get the value of the tv-wikilinks configuration macro\n\tvar wikiLinksMacro = this.getVariable(\"tv-wikilinks\"),\n\t\tuseWikiLinks = wikiLinksMacro ? (wikiLinksMacro.trim() !== \"no\") : true,\n\t\tmissingLinksEnabled = !(this.hideMissingLinks && this.isMissing && !this.isShadow);\n\t// Render the link if required\n\tif(useWikiLinks && missingLinksEnabled) {\n\t\tthis.renderLink(parent,nextSibling);\n\t} else {\n\t\t// Just insert the link text\n\t\tvar domNode = this.document.createElement(\"span\");\n\t\tparent.insertBefore(domNode,nextSibling);\n\t\tthis.renderChildren(domNode,null);\n\t\tthis.domNodes.push(domNode);\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nRender this widget into the DOM\n*/\nLinkWidget.prototype.renderLink = function(parent,nextSibling) {\n\tvar self = this;\n\t// Sanitise the specified tag\n\tvar tag = this.linkTag;\n\tif($tw.config.htmlUnsafeElements.indexOf(tag) !== -1) {\n\t\ttag = \"a\";\n\t}\n\t// Create our element\n\tvar domNode = this.document.createElement(tag);\n\t// Assign classes\n\tvar classes = [];\n\tif(this.linkClasses) {\n\t\tclasses.push(this.linkClasses);\n\t}\n\tclasses.push(\"tc-tiddlylink\");\n\tif(this.isShadow) {\n\t\tclasses.push(\"tc-tiddlylink-shadow\");\n\t}\n\tif(this.isMissing && !this.isShadow) {\n\t\tclasses.push(\"tc-tiddlylink-missing\");\n\t} else {\n\t\tif(!this.isMissing) {\n\t\t\tclasses.push(\"tc-tiddlylink-resolves\");\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tdomNode.setAttribute(\"class\",classes.join(\" \"));\n\t// Set an href\n\tvar wikiLinkTemplateMacro = this.getVariable(\"tv-wikilink-template\"),\n\t\twikiLinkTemplate = wikiLinkTemplateMacro ? wikiLinkTemplateMacro.trim() : \"#$uri_encoded$\",\n\t\twikiLinkText = $tw.utils.replaceString(wikiLinkTemplate,\"$uri_encoded$\",encodeURIComponent(this.to));\n\twikiLinkText = $tw.utils.replaceString(wikiLinkText,\"$uri_doubleencoded$\",encodeURIComponent(encodeURIComponent(this.to)));\n\twikiLinkText = this.getVariable(\"tv-get-export-link\",{params: [{name: \"to\",value: this.to}],defaultValue: wikiLinkText});\n\tif(tag === \"a\") {\n\t\tdomNode.setAttribute(\"href\",wikiLinkText);\n\t}\n\tif(this.tabIndex) {\n\t\tdomNode.setAttribute(\"tabindex\",this.tabIndex);\n\t}\n\t// Set the tooltip\n\t// HACK: Performance issues with re-parsing the tooltip prevent us defaulting the tooltip to \"<$transclude field='tooltip'><$transclude field='title'/></$transclude>\"\n\tvar tooltipWikiText = this.tooltip || this.getVariable(\"tv-wikilink-tooltip\");\n\tif(tooltipWikiText) {\n\t\tvar tooltipText = this.wiki.renderText(\"text/plain\",\"text/vnd.tiddlywiki\",tooltipWikiText,{\n\t\t\t\tparseAsInline: true,\n\t\t\t\tvariables: {\n\t\t\t\t\tcurrentTiddler: this.to\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\tparentWidget: this\n\t\t\t});\n\t\tdomNode.setAttribute(\"title\",tooltipText);\n\t}\n\tif(this[\"aria-label\"]) {\n\t\tdomNode.setAttribute(\"aria-label\",this[\"aria-label\"]);\n\t}\n\t// Add a click event handler\n\t$tw.utils.addEventListeners(domNode,[\n\t\t{name: \"click\", handlerObject: this, handlerMethod: \"handleClickEvent\"},\n\t]);\n\t// Make the link draggable if required\n\tif(this.draggable === \"yes\") {\n\t\t$tw.utils.makeDraggable({\n\t\t\tdomNode: domNode,\n\t\t\tdragTiddlerFn: function() {return self.to;},\n\t\t\twidget: this\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\t// Insert the link into the DOM and render any children\n\tparent.insertBefore(domNode,nextSibling);\n\tthis.renderChildren(domNode,null);\n\tthis.domNodes.push(domNode);\n};\n\nLinkWidget.prototype.handleClickEvent = function(event) {\n\t// Send the click on its way as a navigate event\n\tvar bounds = this.domNodes[0].getBoundingClientRect();\n\tthis.dispatchEvent({\n\t\ttype: \"tm-navigate\",\n\t\tnavigateTo: this.to,\n\t\tnavigateFromTitle: this.getVariable(\"storyTiddler\"),\n\t\tnavigateFromNode: this,\n\t\tnavigateFromClientRect: { top: bounds.top, left: bounds.left, width: bounds.width, right: bounds.right, bottom: bounds.bottom, height: bounds.height\n\t\t},\n\t\tnavigateSuppressNavigation: event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey || (event.button === 1)\n\t});\n\tif(this.domNodes[0].hasAttribute(\"href\")) {\n\t\tevent.preventDefault();\n\t}\n\tevent.stopPropagation();\n\treturn false;\n};\n\n/*\nCompute the internal state of the widget\n*/\nLinkWidget.prototype.execute = function() {\n\t// Pick up our attributes\n\tthis.to = this.getAttribute(\"to\",this.getVariable(\"currentTiddler\"));\n\tthis.tooltip = this.getAttribute(\"tooltip\");\n\tthis[\"aria-label\"] = this.getAttribute(\"aria-label\");\n\tthis.linkClasses = this.getAttribute(\"class\");\n\tthis.tabIndex = this.getAttribute(\"tabindex\");\n\tthis.draggable = this.getAttribute(\"draggable\",\"yes\");\n\tthis.linkTag = this.getAttribute(\"tag\",\"a\");\n\t// Determine the link characteristics\n\tthis.isMissing = !this.wiki.tiddlerExists(this.to);\n\tthis.isShadow = this.wiki.isShadowTiddler(this.to);\n\tthis.hideMissingLinks = ($tw.wiki.getTiddlerText(MISSING_LINK_CONFIG_TITLE,\"yes\") === \"no\");\n\t// Make the child widgets\n\tthis.makeChildWidgets();\n};\n\n/*\nSelectively refreshes the widget if needed. Returns true if the widget or any of its children needed re-rendering\n*/\nLinkWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) {\n\tvar changedAttributes = this.computeAttributes();\n\tif(changedAttributes.to || changedTiddlers[this.to] || changedAttributes[\"aria-label\"] || changedAttributes.tooltip || changedTiddlers[MISSING_LINK_CONFIG_TITLE]) {\n\t\tthis.refreshSelf();\n\t\treturn true;\n\t}\n\treturn this.refreshChildren(changedTiddlers);\n};\n\nexports.link = LinkWidget;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/widgets/link.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "widget"
"$:/core/modules/widgets/linkcatcher.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/widgets/linkcatcher.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: widget\n\nLinkcatcher widget\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar Widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\").widget;\n\nvar LinkCatcherWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) {\n\tthis.initialise(parseTreeNode,options);\n\tthis.addEventListeners([\n\t\t{type: \"tm-navigate\", handler: \"handleNavigateEvent\"}\n\t]);\n};\n\n/*\nInherit from the base widget class\n*/\nLinkCatcherWidget.prototype = new Widget();\n\n/*\nRender this widget into the DOM\n*/\nLinkCatcherWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) {\n\tthis.parentDomNode = parent;\n\tthis.computeAttributes();\n\tthis.execute();\n\tthis.renderChildren(parent,nextSibling);\n};\n\n/*\nCompute the internal state of the widget\n*/\nLinkCatcherWidget.prototype.execute = function() {\n\t// Get our parameters\n\tthis.catchTo = this.getAttribute(\"to\");\n\tthis.catchMessage = this.getAttribute(\"message\");\n\tthis.catchSet = this.getAttribute(\"set\");\n\tthis.catchSetTo = this.getAttribute(\"setTo\");\n\tthis.catchActions = this.getAttribute(\"actions\");\n\t// Construct the child widgets\n\tthis.makeChildWidgets();\n};\n\n/*\nSelectively refreshes the widget if needed. Returns true if the widget or any of its children needed re-rendering\n*/\nLinkCatcherWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) {\n\tvar changedAttributes = this.computeAttributes();\n\tif(changedAttributes.to || changedAttributes.message || changedAttributes.set || changedAttributes.setTo) {\n\t\tthis.refreshSelf();\n\t\treturn true;\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn this.refreshChildren(changedTiddlers);\t\t\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nHandle a tm-navigate event\n*/\nLinkCatcherWidget.prototype.handleNavigateEvent = function(event) {\n\tif(this.catchTo) {\n\t\tthis.wiki.setTextReference(this.catchTo,event.navigateTo,this.getVariable(\"currentTiddler\"));\n\t}\n\tif(this.catchMessage && this.parentWidget) {\n\t\tthis.parentWidget.dispatchEvent({\n\t\t\ttype: this.catchMessage,\n\t\t\tparam: event.navigateTo,\n\t\t\tnavigateTo: event.navigateTo\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\tif(this.catchSet) {\n\t\tvar tiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(this.catchSet);\n\t\tthis.wiki.addTiddler(new $tw.Tiddler(tiddler,{title: this.catchSet, text: this.catchSetTo}));\n\t}\n\tif(this.catchActions) {\n\t\tthis.invokeActionString(this.catchActions,this);\n\t}\n\treturn false;\n};\n\nexports.linkcatcher = LinkCatcherWidget;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/widgets/linkcatcher.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "widget"
"$:/core/modules/widgets/list.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/widgets/list.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: widget\n\nList and list item widgets\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar Widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\").widget;\n\n/*\nThe list widget creates list element sub-widgets that reach back into the list widget for their configuration\n*/\n\nvar ListWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) {\n\t// Initialise the storyviews if they've not been done already\n\tif(!this.storyViews) {\n\t\tListWidget.prototype.storyViews = {};\n\t\t$tw.modules.applyMethods(\"storyview\",this.storyViews);\n\t}\n\t// Main initialisation inherited from widget.js\n\tthis.initialise(parseTreeNode,options);\n};\n\n/*\nInherit from the base widget class\n*/\nListWidget.prototype = new Widget();\n\n/*\nRender this widget into the DOM\n*/\nListWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) {\n\tthis.parentDomNode = parent;\n\tthis.computeAttributes();\n\tthis.execute();\n\tthis.renderChildren(parent,nextSibling);\n\t// Construct the storyview\n\tvar StoryView = this.storyViews[this.storyViewName];\n\tif(this.storyViewName && !StoryView) {\n\t\tStoryView = this.storyViews[\"classic\"];\n\t}\n\tif(StoryView && !this.document.isTiddlyWikiFakeDom) {\n\t\tthis.storyview = new StoryView(this);\n\t} else {\n\t\tthis.storyview = null;\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nCompute the internal state of the widget\n*/\nListWidget.prototype.execute = function() {\n\t// Get our attributes\n\tthis.template = this.getAttribute(\"template\");\n\tthis.editTemplate = this.getAttribute(\"editTemplate\");\n\tthis.variableName = this.getAttribute(\"variable\",\"currentTiddler\");\n\tthis.storyViewName = this.getAttribute(\"storyview\");\n\tthis.historyTitle = this.getAttribute(\"history\");\n\t// Compose the list elements\n\tthis.list = this.getTiddlerList();\n\tvar members = [],\n\t\tself = this;\n\t// Check for an empty list\n\tif(this.list.length === 0) {\n\t\tmembers = this.getEmptyMessage();\n\t} else {\n\t\t$tw.utils.each(this.list,function(title,index) {\n\t\t\tmembers.push(self.makeItemTemplate(title));\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\t// Construct the child widgets\n\tthis.makeChildWidgets(members);\n\t// Clear the last history\n\tthis.history = [];\n};\n\nListWidget.prototype.getTiddlerList = function() {\n\tvar defaultFilter = \"[!is[system]sort[title]]\";\n\treturn this.wiki.filterTiddlers(this.getAttribute(\"filter\",defaultFilter),this);\n};\n\nListWidget.prototype.getEmptyMessage = function() {\n\tvar emptyMessage = this.getAttribute(\"emptyMessage\",\"\"),\n\t\tparser = this.wiki.parseText(\"text/vnd.tiddlywiki\",emptyMessage,{parseAsInline: true});\n\tif(parser) {\n\t\treturn parser.tree;\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn [];\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nCompose the template for a list item\n*/\nListWidget.prototype.makeItemTemplate = function(title) {\n\t// Check if the tiddler is a draft\n\tvar tiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(title),\n\t\tisDraft = tiddler && tiddler.hasField(\"draft.of\"),\n\t\ttemplate = this.template,\n\t\ttemplateTree;\n\tif(isDraft && this.editTemplate) {\n\t\ttemplate = this.editTemplate;\n\t}\n\t// Compose the transclusion of the template\n\tif(template) {\n\t\ttemplateTree = [{type: \"transclude\", attributes: {tiddler: {type: \"string\", value: template}}}];\n\t} else {\n\t\tif(this.parseTreeNode.children && this.parseTreeNode.children.length > 0) {\n\t\t\ttemplateTree = this.parseTreeNode.children;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t// Default template is a link to the title\n\t\t\ttemplateTree = [{type: \"element\", tag: this.parseTreeNode.isBlock ? \"div\" : \"span\", children: [{type: \"link\", attributes: {to: {type: \"string\", value: title}}, children: [\n\t\t\t\t\t{type: \"text\", text: title}\n\t\t\t]}]}];\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t// Return the list item\n\treturn {type: \"listitem\", itemTitle: title, variableName: this.variableName, children: templateTree};\n};\n\n/*\nSelectively refreshes the widget if needed. Returns true if the widget or any of its children needed re-rendering\n*/\nListWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) {\n\tvar changedAttributes = this.computeAttributes(),\n\t\tresult;\n\t// Call the storyview\n\tif(this.storyview && this.storyview.refreshStart) {\n\t\tthis.storyview.refreshStart(changedTiddlers,changedAttributes);\n\t}\n\t// Completely refresh if any of our attributes have changed\n\tif(changedAttributes.filter || changedAttributes.template || changedAttributes.editTemplate || changedAttributes.emptyMessage || changedAttributes.storyview || changedAttributes.history) {\n\t\tthis.refreshSelf();\n\t\tresult = true;\n\t} else {\n\t\t// Handle any changes to the list\n\t\tresult = this.handleListChanges(changedTiddlers);\n\t\t// Handle any changes to the history stack\n\t\tif(this.historyTitle && changedTiddlers[this.historyTitle]) {\n\t\t\tthis.handleHistoryChanges();\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t// Call the storyview\n\tif(this.storyview && this.storyview.refreshEnd) {\n\t\tthis.storyview.refreshEnd(changedTiddlers,changedAttributes);\n\t}\n\treturn result;\n};\n\n/*\nHandle any changes to the history list\n*/\nListWidget.prototype.handleHistoryChanges = function() {\n\t// Get the history data\n\tvar newHistory = this.wiki.getTiddlerDataCached(this.historyTitle,[]);\n\t// Ignore any entries of the history that match the previous history\n\tvar entry = 0;\n\twhile(entry < newHistory.length && entry < this.history.length && newHistory[entry].title === this.history[entry].title) {\n\t\tentry++;\n\t}\n\t// Navigate forwards to each of the new tiddlers\n\twhile(entry < newHistory.length) {\n\t\tif(this.storyview && this.storyview.navigateTo) {\n\t\t\tthis.storyview.navigateTo(newHistory[entry]);\n\t\t}\n\t\tentry++;\n\t}\n\t// Update the history\n\tthis.history = newHistory;\n};\n\n/*\nProcess any changes to the list\n*/\nListWidget.prototype.handleListChanges = function(changedTiddlers) {\n\t// Get the new list\n\tvar prevList = this.list;\n\tthis.list = this.getTiddlerList();\n\t// Check for an empty list\n\tif(this.list.length === 0) {\n\t\t// Check if it was empty before\n\t\tif(prevList.length === 0) {\n\t\t\t// If so, just refresh the empty message\n\t\t\treturn this.refreshChildren(changedTiddlers);\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t// Replace the previous content with the empty message\n\t\t\tfor(t=this.children.length-1; t>=0; t--) {\n\t\t\t\tthis.removeListItem(t);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tvar nextSibling = this.findNextSiblingDomNode();\n\t\t\tthis.makeChildWidgets(this.getEmptyMessage());\n\t\t\tthis.renderChildren(this.parentDomNode,nextSibling);\n\t\t\treturn true;\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\t// If the list was empty then we need to remove the empty message\n\t\tif(prevList.length === 0) {\n\t\t\tthis.removeChildDomNodes();\n\t\t\tthis.children = [];\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Cycle through the list, inserting and removing list items as needed\n\t\tvar hasRefreshed = false;\n\t\tfor(var t=0; t<this.list.length; t++) {\n\t\t\tvar index = this.findListItem(t,this.list[t]);\n\t\t\tif(index === undefined) {\n\t\t\t\t// The list item must be inserted\n\t\t\t\tthis.insertListItem(t,this.list[t]);\n\t\t\t\thasRefreshed = true;\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t// There are intervening list items that must be removed\n\t\t\t\tfor(var n=index-1; n>=t; n--) {\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.removeListItem(n);\n\t\t\t\t\thasRefreshed = true;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t// Refresh the item we're reusing\n\t\t\t\tvar refreshed = this.children[t].refresh(changedTiddlers);\n\t\t\t\thasRefreshed = hasRefreshed || refreshed;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Remove any left over items\n\t\tfor(t=this.children.length-1; t>=this.list.length; t--) {\n\t\t\tthis.removeListItem(t);\n\t\t\thasRefreshed = true;\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn hasRefreshed;\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nFind the list item with a given title, starting from a specified position\n*/\nListWidget.prototype.findListItem = function(startIndex,title) {\n\twhile(startIndex < this.children.length) {\n\t\tif(this.children[startIndex].parseTreeNode.itemTitle === title) {\n\t\t\treturn startIndex;\n\t\t}\n\t\tstartIndex++;\n\t}\n\treturn undefined;\n};\n\n/*\nInsert a new list item at the specified index\n*/\nListWidget.prototype.insertListItem = function(index,title) {\n\t// Create, insert and render the new child widgets\n\tvar widget = this.makeChildWidget(this.makeItemTemplate(title));\n\twidget.parentDomNode = this.parentDomNode; // Hack to enable findNextSiblingDomNode() to work\n\tthis.children.splice(index,0,widget);\n\tvar nextSibling = widget.findNextSiblingDomNode();\n\twidget.render(this.parentDomNode,nextSibling);\n\t// Animate the insertion if required\n\tif(this.storyview && this.storyview.insert) {\n\t\tthis.storyview.insert(widget);\n\t}\n\treturn true;\n};\n\n/*\nRemove the specified list item\n*/\nListWidget.prototype.removeListItem = function(index) {\n\tvar widget = this.children[index];\n\t// Animate the removal if required\n\tif(this.storyview && this.storyview.remove) {\n\t\tthis.storyview.remove(widget);\n\t} else {\n\t\twidget.removeChildDomNodes();\n\t}\n\t// Remove the child widget\n\tthis.children.splice(index,1);\n};\n\nexports.list = ListWidget;\n\nvar ListItemWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) {\n\tthis.initialise(parseTreeNode,options);\n};\n\n/*\nInherit from the base widget class\n*/\nListItemWidget.prototype = new Widget();\n\n/*\nRender this widget into the DOM\n*/\nListItemWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) {\n\tthis.parentDomNode = parent;\n\tthis.computeAttributes();\n\tthis.execute();\n\tthis.renderChildren(parent,nextSibling);\n};\n\n/*\nCompute the internal state of the widget\n*/\nListItemWidget.prototype.execute = function() {\n\t// Set the current list item title\n\tthis.setVariable(this.parseTreeNode.variableName,this.parseTreeNode.itemTitle);\n\t// Construct the child widgets\n\tthis.makeChildWidgets();\n};\n\n/*\nSelectively refreshes the widget if needed. Returns true if the widget or any of its children needed re-rendering\n*/\nListItemWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) {\n\treturn this.refreshChildren(changedTiddlers);\n};\n\nexports.listitem = ListItemWidget;\n\n})();",
"title": "$:/core/modules/widgets/list.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "widget"
"$:/core/modules/widgets/macrocall.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/widgets/macrocall.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: widget\n\nMacrocall widget\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar Widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\").widget;\n\nvar MacroCallWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) {\n\tthis.initialise(parseTreeNode,options);\n};\n\n/*\nInherit from the base widget class\n*/\nMacroCallWidget.prototype = new Widget();\n\n/*\nRender this widget into the DOM\n*/\nMacroCallWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) {\n\tthis.parentDomNode = parent;\n\tthis.computeAttributes();\n\tthis.execute();\n\tthis.renderChildren(parent,nextSibling);\n};\n\n/*\nCompute the internal state of the widget\n*/\nMacroCallWidget.prototype.execute = function() {\n\t// Get the parse type if specified\n\tthis.parseType = this.getAttribute(\"$type\",\"text/vnd.tiddlywiki\");\n\tthis.renderOutput = this.getAttribute(\"$output\",\"text/html\");\n\t// Merge together the parameters specified in the parse tree with the specified attributes\n\tvar params = this.parseTreeNode.params ? this.parseTreeNode.params.slice(0) : [];\n\t$tw.utils.each(this.attributes,function(attribute,name) {\n\t\tif(name.charAt(0) !== \"$\") {\n\t\t\tparams.push({name: name, value: attribute});\t\t\t\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\t// Get the macro value\n\tvar text = this.getVariable(this.parseTreeNode.name || this.getAttribute(\"$name\"),{params: params}),\n\t\tparseTreeNodes;\n\t// Are we rendering to HTML?\n\tif(this.renderOutput === \"text/html\") {\n\t\t// If so we'll return the parsed macro\n\t\tvar parser = this.wiki.parseText(this.parseType,text,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t{parseAsInline: !this.parseTreeNode.isBlock});\n\t\tparseTreeNodes = parser ? parser.tree : [];\n\t} else {\n\t\t// Otherwise, we'll render the text\n\t\tvar plainText = this.wiki.renderText(\"text/plain\",this.parseType,text,{parentWidget: this});\n\t\tparseTreeNodes = [{type: \"text\", text: plainText}];\n\t}\n\t// Construct the child widgets\n\tthis.makeChildWidgets(parseTreeNodes);\n};\n\n/*\nSelectively refreshes the widget if needed. Returns true if the widget or any of its children needed re-rendering\n*/\nMacroCallWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) {\n\tvar changedAttributes = this.computeAttributes();\n\tif($tw.utils.count(changedAttributes) > 0) {\n\t\t// Rerender ourselves\n\t\tthis.refreshSelf();\n\t\treturn true;\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn this.refreshChildren(changedTiddlers);\n\t}\n};\n\nexports.macrocall = MacroCallWidget;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/widgets/macrocall.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "widget"
"$:/core/modules/widgets/navigator.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/widgets/navigator.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: widget\n\nNavigator widget\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar IMPORT_TITLE = \"$:/Import\";\n\nvar Widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\").widget;\n\nvar NavigatorWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) {\n\tthis.initialise(parseTreeNode,options);\n\tthis.addEventListeners([\n\t\t{type: \"tm-navigate\", handler: \"handleNavigateEvent\"},\n\t\t{type: \"tm-edit-tiddler\", handler: \"handleEditTiddlerEvent\"},\n\t\t{type: \"tm-delete-tiddler\", handler: \"handleDeleteTiddlerEvent\"},\n\t\t{type: \"tm-save-tiddler\", handler: \"handleSaveTiddlerEvent\"},\n\t\t{type: \"tm-cancel-tiddler\", handler: \"handleCancelTiddlerEvent\"},\n\t\t{type: \"tm-close-tiddler\", handler: \"handleCloseTiddlerEvent\"},\n\t\t{type: \"tm-close-all-tiddlers\", handler: \"handleCloseAllTiddlersEvent\"},\n\t\t{type: \"tm-close-other-tiddlers\", handler: \"handleCloseOtherTiddlersEvent\"},\n\t\t{type: \"tm-new-tiddler\", handler: \"handleNewTiddlerEvent\"},\n\t\t{type: \"tm-import-tiddlers\", handler: \"handleImportTiddlersEvent\"},\n\t\t{type: \"tm-perform-import\", handler: \"handlePerformImportEvent\"},\n\t\t{type: \"tm-fold-tiddler\", handler: \"handleFoldTiddlerEvent\"},\n\t\t{type: \"tm-fold-other-tiddlers\", handler: \"handleFoldOtherTiddlersEvent\"},\n\t\t{type: \"tm-fold-all-tiddlers\", handler: \"handleFoldAllTiddlersEvent\"},\n\t\t{type: \"tm-unfold-all-tiddlers\", handler: \"handleUnfoldAllTiddlersEvent\"},\n\t\t{type: \"tm-rename-tiddler\", handler: \"handleRenameTiddlerEvent\"}\n\t]);\n};\n\n/*\nInherit from the base widget class\n*/\nNavigatorWidget.prototype = new Widget();\n\n/*\nRender this widget into the DOM\n*/\nNavigatorWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) {\n\tthis.parentDomNode = parent;\n\tthis.computeAttributes();\n\tthis.execute();\n\tthis.renderChildren(parent,nextSibling);\n};\n\n/*\nCompute the internal state of the widget\n*/\nNavigatorWidget.prototype.execute = function() {\n\t// Get our parameters\n\tthis.storyTitle = this.getAttribute(\"story\");\n\tthis.historyTitle = this.getAttribute(\"history\");\n\t// Construct the child widgets\n\tthis.makeChildWidgets();\n};\n\n/*\nSelectively refreshes the widget if needed. Returns true if the widget or any of its children needed re-rendering\n*/\nNavigatorWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) {\n\tvar changedAttributes = this.computeAttributes();\n\tif(changedAttributes.story || changedAttributes.history) {\n\t\tthis.refreshSelf();\n\t\treturn true;\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn this.refreshChildren(changedTiddlers);\n\t}\n};\n\nNavigatorWidget.prototype.getStoryList = function() {\n\treturn this.storyTitle ? this.wiki.getTiddlerList(this.storyTitle) : null;\n};\n\nNavigatorWidget.prototype.saveStoryList = function(storyList) {\n\tvar storyTiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(this.storyTitle);\n\tthis.wiki.addTiddler(new $tw.Tiddler(\n\t\t{title: this.storyTitle},\n\t\tstoryTiddler,\n\t\t{list: storyList}\n\t));\n};\n\nNavigatorWidget.prototype.removeTitleFromStory = function(storyList,title) {\n\tvar p = storyList.indexOf(title);\n\twhile(p !== -1) {\n\t\tstoryList.splice(p,1);\n\t\tp = storyList.indexOf(title);\n\t}\n};\n\nNavigatorWidget.prototype.replaceFirstTitleInStory = function(storyList,oldTitle,newTitle) {\n\tvar pos = storyList.indexOf(oldTitle);\n\tif(pos !== -1) {\n\t\tstoryList[pos] = newTitle;\n\t\tdo {\n\t\t\tpos = storyList.indexOf(oldTitle,pos + 1);\n\t\t\tif(pos !== -1) {\n\t\t\t\tstoryList.splice(pos,1);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t} while(pos !== -1);\n\t} else {\n\t\tstoryList.splice(0,0,newTitle);\n\t}\n};\n\nNavigatorWidget.prototype.addToStory = function(title,fromTitle) {\n\tvar storyList = this.getStoryList();\n\t// Quit if we cannot get hold of the story list\n\tif(!storyList) {\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\t// See if the tiddler is already there\n\tvar slot = storyList.indexOf(title);\n\t// Quit if it already exists in the story river\n\tif(slot >= 0) {\n\t\treturn;\n\t}\n\t// First we try to find the position of the story element we navigated from\n\tvar fromIndex = storyList.indexOf(fromTitle);\n\tif(fromIndex >= 0) {\n\t\t// The tiddler is added from inside the river\n\t\t// Determine where to insert the tiddler; Fallback is \"below\"\n\t\tswitch(this.getAttribute(\"openLinkFromInsideRiver\",\"below\")) {\n\t\t\tcase \"top\":\n\t\t\t\tslot = 0;\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase \"bottom\":\n\t\t\t\tslot = storyList.length;\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase \"above\":\n\t\t\t\tslot = fromIndex;\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase \"below\": // Intentional fall-through\n\t\t\tdefault:\n\t\t\t\tslot = fromIndex + 1;\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\t// The tiddler is opened from outside the river. Determine where to insert the tiddler; default is \"top\"\n\t\tif(this.getAttribute(\"openLinkFromOutsideRiver\",\"top\") === \"bottom\") {\n\t\t\t// Insert at bottom\n\t\t\tslot = storyList.length;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t// Insert at top\n\t\t\tslot = 0;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t// Add the tiddler\n\tstoryList.splice(slot,0,title);\n\t// Save the story\n\tthis.saveStoryList(storyList);\n};\n\n/*\nAdd a new record to the top of the history stack\ntitle: a title string or an array of title strings\nfromPageRect: page coordinates of the origin of the navigation\n*/\nNavigatorWidget.prototype.addToHistory = function(title,fromPageRect) {\n\tthis.wiki.addToHistory(title,fromPageRect,this.historyTitle);\n};\n\n/*\nHandle a tm-navigate event\n*/\nNavigatorWidget.prototype.handleNavigateEvent = function(event) {\n\tevent = $tw.hooks.invokeHook(\"th-navigating\",event);\n\tif(event.navigateTo) {\n\t\tthis.addToStory(event.navigateTo,event.navigateFromTitle);\n\t\tif(!event.navigateSuppressNavigation) {\n\t\t\tthis.addToHistory(event.navigateTo,event.navigateFromClientRect);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn false;\n};\n\n// Close a specified tiddler\nNavigatorWidget.prototype.handleCloseTiddlerEvent = function(event) {\n\tvar title = event.param || event.tiddlerTitle,\n\t\tstoryList = this.getStoryList();\n\t// Look for tiddlers with this title to close\n\tthis.removeTitleFromStory(storyList,title);\n\tthis.saveStoryList(storyList);\n\treturn false;\n};\n\n// Close all tiddlers\nNavigatorWidget.prototype.handleCloseAllTiddlersEvent = function(event) {\n\tthis.saveStoryList([]);\n\treturn false;\n};\n\n// Close other tiddlers\nNavigatorWidget.prototype.handleCloseOtherTiddlersEvent = function(event) {\n\tvar title = event.param || event.tiddlerTitle;\n\tthis.saveStoryList([title]);\n\treturn false;\n};\n\n// Place a tiddler in edit mode\nNavigatorWidget.prototype.handleEditTiddlerEvent = function(event) {\n\tvar self = this;\n\tfunction isUnmodifiedShadow(title) {\n\t\treturn self.wiki.isShadowTiddler(title) && !self.wiki.tiddlerExists(title);\n\t}\n\tfunction confirmEditShadow(title) {\n\t\treturn confirm($tw.language.getString(\n\t\t\t\"ConfirmEditShadowTiddler\",\n\t\t\t{variables:\n\t\t\t\t{title: title}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t));\n\t}\n\tvar title = event.param || event.tiddlerTitle;\n\tif(isUnmodifiedShadow(title) && !confirmEditShadow(title)) {\n\t\treturn false;\n\t}\n\t// Replace the specified tiddler with a draft in edit mode\n\tvar draftTiddler = this.makeDraftTiddler(title);\n\t// Update the story and history if required\n\tif(!event.paramObject || event.paramObject.suppressNavigation !== \"yes\") {\n\t\tvar draftTitle = draftTiddler.fields.title,\n\t\t\tstoryList = this.getStoryList();\n\t\tthis.removeTitleFromStory(storyList,draftTitle);\n\t\tthis.replaceFirstTitleInStory(storyList,title,draftTitle);\n\t\tthis.addToHistory(draftTitle,event.navigateFromClientRect);\n\t\tthis.saveStoryList(storyList);\n\t\treturn false;\n\t}\n};\n\n// Delete a tiddler\nNavigatorWidget.prototype.handleDeleteTiddlerEvent = function(event) {\n\t// Get the tiddler we're deleting\n\tvar title = event.param || event.tiddlerTitle,\n\t\ttiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(title),\n\t\tstoryList = this.getStoryList(),\n\t\toriginalTitle = tiddler ? tiddler.fields[\"draft.of\"] : \"\",\n\t\toriginalTiddler = originalTitle ? this.wiki.getTiddler(originalTitle) : undefined,\n\t\tconfirmationTitle;\n\tif(!tiddler) {\n\t\treturn false;\n\t}\n\t// Check if the tiddler we're deleting is in draft mode\n\tif(originalTitle) {\n\t\t// If so, we'll prompt for confirmation referencing the original tiddler\n\t\tconfirmationTitle = originalTitle;\n\t} else {\n\t\t// If not a draft, then prompt for confirmation referencing the specified tiddler\n\t\tconfirmationTitle = title;\n\t}\n\t// Seek confirmation\n\tif((this.wiki.getTiddler(originalTitle) || (tiddler.fields.text || \"\") !== \"\") && !confirm($tw.language.getString(\n\t\t\t\t\"ConfirmDeleteTiddler\",\n\t\t\t\t{variables:\n\t\t\t\t\t{title: confirmationTitle}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t))) {\n\t\treturn false;\n\t}\n\t// Delete the original tiddler\n\tif(originalTitle) {\n\t\tif(originalTiddler) {\n\t\t\t$tw.hooks.invokeHook(\"th-deleting-tiddler\",originalTiddler);\n\t\t}\n\t\tthis.wiki.deleteTiddler(originalTitle);\n\t\tthis.removeTitleFromStory(storyList,originalTitle);\n\t}\n\t// Invoke the hook function and delete this tiddler\n\t$tw.hooks.invokeHook(\"th-deleting-tiddler\",tiddler);\n\tthis.wiki.deleteTiddler(title);\n\t// Remove the closed tiddler from the story\n\tthis.removeTitleFromStory(storyList,title);\n\tthis.saveStoryList(storyList);\n\t// Trigger an autosave\n\t$tw.rootWidget.dispatchEvent({type: \"tm-auto-save-wiki\"});\n\treturn false;\n};\n\n/*\nCreate/reuse the draft tiddler for a given title\n*/\nNavigatorWidget.prototype.makeDraftTiddler = function(targetTitle) {\n\t// See if there is already a draft tiddler for this tiddler\n\tvar draftTitle = this.wiki.findDraft(targetTitle);\n\tif(draftTitle) {\n\t\treturn this.wiki.getTiddler(draftTitle);\n\t}\n\t// Get the current value of the tiddler we're editing\n\tvar tiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(targetTitle);\n\t// Save the initial value of the draft tiddler\n\tdraftTitle = this.generateDraftTitle(targetTitle);\n\tvar draftTiddler = new $tw.Tiddler(\n\t\t\ttiddler,\n\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\ttitle: draftTitle,\n\t\t\t\t\"draft.title\": targetTitle,\n\t\t\t\t\"draft.of\": targetTitle\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tthis.wiki.getModificationFields()\n\t\t);\n\tthis.wiki.addTiddler(draftTiddler);\n\treturn draftTiddler;\n};\n\n/*\nGenerate a title for the draft of a given tiddler\n*/\nNavigatorWidget.prototype.generateDraftTitle = function(title) {\n\tvar c = 0,\n\t\tdraftTitle;\n\tdo {\n\t\tdraftTitle = \"Draft \" + (c ? (c + 1) + \" \" : \"\") + \"of '\" + title + \"'\";\n\t\tc++;\n\t} while(this.wiki.tiddlerExists(draftTitle));\n\treturn draftTitle;\n};\n\n// Take a tiddler out of edit mode, saving the changes\nNavigatorWidget.prototype.handleSaveTiddlerEvent = function(event) {\n\tvar title = event.param || event.tiddlerTitle,\n\t\ttiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(title),\n\t\tstoryList = this.getStoryList();\n\t// Replace the original tiddler with the draft\n\tif(tiddler) {\n\t\tvar draftTitle = (tiddler.fields[\"draft.title\"] || \"\").trim(),\n\t\t\tdraftOf = (tiddler.fields[\"draft.of\"] || \"\").trim();\n\t\tif(draftTitle) {\n\t\t\tvar isRename = draftOf !== draftTitle,\n\t\t\t\tisConfirmed = true;\n\t\t\tif(isRename && this.wiki.tiddlerExists(draftTitle)) {\n\t\t\t\tisConfirmed = confirm($tw.language.getString(\n\t\t\t\t\t\"ConfirmOverwriteTiddler\",\n\t\t\t\t\t{variables:\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{title: draftTitle}\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t));\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif(isConfirmed) {\n\t\t\t\t// Create the new tiddler and pass it through the th-saving-tiddler hook\n\t\t\t\tvar newTiddler = new $tw.Tiddler(this.wiki.getCreationFields(),tiddler,{\n\t\t\t\t\ttitle: draftTitle,\n\t\t\t\t\t\"draft.title\": undefined,\n\t\t\t\t\t\"draft.of\": undefined\n\t\t\t\t},this.wiki.getModificationFields());\n\t\t\t\tnewTiddler = $tw.hooks.invokeHook(\"th-saving-tiddler\",newTiddler);\n\t\t\t\tthis.wiki.addTiddler(newTiddler);\n\t\t\t\t// If enabled, relink references to renamed tiddler\n\t\t\t\tvar shouldRelink = this.getAttribute(\"relinkOnRename\",\"no\").toLowerCase().trim() === \"yes\";\n\t\t\t\tif(isRename && shouldRelink && this.wiki.tiddlerExists(draftOf)) {\nconsole.log(\"Relinking '\" + draftOf + \"' to '\" + draftTitle + \"'\");\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.wiki.relinkTiddler(draftOf,draftTitle);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t// Remove the draft tiddler\n\t\t\t\tthis.wiki.deleteTiddler(title);\n\t\t\t\t// Remove the original tiddler if we're renaming it\n\t\t\t\tif(isRename) {\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.wiki.deleteTiddler(draftOf);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t// #2381 always remove new title & old\n\t\t\t\tthis.removeTitleFromStory(storyList,draftTitle);\n\t\t\t\tthis.removeTitleFromStory(storyList,draftOf);\n\t\t\t\tif(!event.paramObject || event.paramObject.suppressNavigation !== \"yes\") {\n\t\t\t\t\t// Replace the draft in the story with the original\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.replaceFirstTitleInStory(storyList,title,draftTitle);\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.addToHistory(draftTitle,event.navigateFromClientRect);\n\t\t\t\t\tif(draftTitle !== this.storyTitle) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tthis.saveStoryList(storyList);\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t// Trigger an autosave\n\t\t\t\t$tw.rootWidget.dispatchEvent({type: \"tm-auto-save-wiki\"});\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn false;\n};\n\n// Take a tiddler out of edit mode without saving the changes\nNavigatorWidget.prototype.handleCancelTiddlerEvent = function(event) {\n\t// Flip the specified tiddler from draft back to the original\n\tvar draftTitle = event.param || event.tiddlerTitle,\n\t\tdraftTiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(draftTitle),\n\t\toriginalTitle = draftTiddler && draftTiddler.fields[\"draft.of\"];\n\tif(draftTiddler && originalTitle) {\n\t\t// Ask for confirmation if the tiddler text has changed\n\t\tvar isConfirmed = true,\n\t\t\toriginalTiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(originalTitle),\n\t\t\tstoryList = this.getStoryList();\n\t\tif(this.wiki.isDraftModified(draftTitle)) {\n\t\t\tisConfirmed = confirm($tw.language.getString(\n\t\t\t\t\"ConfirmCancelTiddler\",\n\t\t\t\t{variables:\n\t\t\t\t\t{title: draftTitle}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t));\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Remove the draft tiddler\n\t\tif(isConfirmed) {\n\t\t\tthis.wiki.deleteTiddler(draftTitle);\n\t\t\tif(!event.paramObject || event.paramObject.suppressNavigation !== \"yes\") {\n\t\t\t\tif(originalTiddler) {\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.replaceFirstTitleInStory(storyList,draftTitle,originalTitle);\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.addToHistory(originalTitle,event.navigateFromClientRect);\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\tthis.removeTitleFromStory(storyList,draftTitle);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tthis.saveStoryList(storyList);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn false;\n};\n\n// Create a new draft tiddler\n// event.param can either be the title of a template tiddler, or a hashmap of fields.\n//\n// The title of the newly created tiddler follows these rules:\n// * If a hashmap was used and a title field was specified, use that title\n// * If a hashmap was used without a title field, use a default title, if necessary making it unique with a numeric suffix\n// * If a template tiddler was used, use the title of the template, if necessary making it unique with a numeric suffix\n//\n// If a draft of the target tiddler already exists then it is reused\nNavigatorWidget.prototype.handleNewTiddlerEvent = function(event) {\n\t// Get the story details\n\tvar storyList = this.getStoryList(),\n\t\ttemplateTiddler, additionalFields, title, draftTitle, existingTiddler;\n\t// Get the template tiddler (if any)\n\tif(typeof event.param === \"string\") {\n\t\t// Get the template tiddler\n\t\ttemplateTiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(event.param);\n\t\t// Generate a new title\n\t\ttitle = this.wiki.generateNewTitle(event.param || $tw.language.getString(\"DefaultNewTiddlerTitle\"));\n\t}\n\t// Get the specified additional fields\n\tif(typeof event.paramObject === \"object\") {\n\t\tadditionalFields = event.paramObject;\n\t}\n\tif(typeof event.param === \"object\") { // Backwards compatibility with 5.1.3\n\t\tadditionalFields = event.param;\n\t}\n\tif(additionalFields && additionalFields.title) {\n\t\ttitle = additionalFields.title;\n\t}\n\t// Generate a title if we don't have one\n\ttitle = title || this.wiki.generateNewTitle($tw.language.getString(\"DefaultNewTiddlerTitle\"));\n\t// Find any existing draft for this tiddler\n\tdraftTitle = this.wiki.findDraft(title);\n\t// Pull in any existing tiddler\n\tif(draftTitle) {\n\t\texistingTiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(draftTitle);\n\t} else {\n\t\tdraftTitle = this.generateDraftTitle(title);\n\t\texistingTiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(title);\n\t}\n\t// Merge the tags\n\tvar mergedTags = [];\n\tif(existingTiddler && existingTiddler.fields.tags) {\n\t\t$tw.utils.pushTop(mergedTags,existingTiddler.fields.tags);\n\t}\n\tif(additionalFields && additionalFields.tags) {\n\t\t// Merge tags\n\t\tmergedTags = $tw.utils.pushTop(mergedTags,$tw.utils.parseStringArray(additionalFields.tags));\n\t}\n\tif(templateTiddler && templateTiddler.fields.tags) {\n\t\t// Merge tags\n\t\tmergedTags = $tw.utils.pushTop(mergedTags,templateTiddler.fields.tags);\n\t}\n\t// Save the draft tiddler\n\tvar draftTiddler = new $tw.Tiddler({\n\t\t\ttext: \"\",\n\t\t\t\"draft.title\": title\n\t\t},\n\t\ttemplateTiddler,\n\t\texistingTiddler,\n\t\tadditionalFields,\n\t\tthis.wiki.getCreationFields(),\n\t\t{\n\t\t\ttitle: draftTitle,\n\t\t\t\"draft.of\": title,\n\t\t\ttags: mergedTags\n\t\t},this.wiki.getModificationFields());\n\tthis.wiki.addTiddler(draftTiddler);\n\t// Update the story to insert the new draft at the top and remove any existing tiddler\n\tif(storyList.indexOf(draftTitle) === -1) {\n\t\tvar slot = storyList.indexOf(event.navigateFromTitle);\n\t\tstoryList.splice(slot + 1,0,draftTitle);\n\t}\n\tif(storyList.indexOf(title) !== -1) {\n\t\tstoryList.splice(storyList.indexOf(title),1);\t\t\n\t}\n\tthis.saveStoryList(storyList);\n\t// Add a new record to the top of the history stack\n\tthis.addToHistory(draftTitle);\n\treturn false;\n};\n\n// Import JSON tiddlers into a pending import tiddler\nNavigatorWidget.prototype.handleImportTiddlersEvent = function(event) {\n\t// Get the tiddlers\n\tvar tiddlers = [];\n\ttry {\n\t\ttiddlers = JSON.parse(event.param);\t\n\t} catch(e) {\n\t}\n\t// Get the current $:/Import tiddler\n\tvar importTiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(IMPORT_TITLE),\n\t\timportData = this.wiki.getTiddlerData(IMPORT_TITLE,{}),\n\t\tnewFields = new Object({\n\t\t\ttitle: IMPORT_TITLE,\n\t\t\ttype: \"application/json\",\n\t\t\t\"plugin-type\": \"import\",\n\t\t\t\"status\": \"pending\"\n\t\t}),\n\t\tincomingTiddlers = [];\n\t// Process each tiddler\n\timportData.tiddlers = importData.tiddlers || {};\n\t$tw.utils.each(tiddlers,function(tiddlerFields) {\n\t\tvar title = tiddlerFields.title;\n\t\tif(title) {\n\t\t\tincomingTiddlers.push(title);\n\t\t\timportData.tiddlers[title] = tiddlerFields;\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\t// Give the active upgrader modules a chance to process the incoming tiddlers\n\tvar messages = this.wiki.invokeUpgraders(incomingTiddlers,importData.tiddlers);\n\t$tw.utils.each(messages,function(message,title) {\n\t\tnewFields[\"message-\" + title] = message;\n\t});\n\t// Deselect any suppressed tiddlers\n\t$tw.utils.each(importData.tiddlers,function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\tif($tw.utils.count(tiddler) === 0) {\n\t\t\tnewFields[\"selection-\" + title] = \"unchecked\";\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\t// Save the $:/Import tiddler\n\tnewFields.text = JSON.stringify(importData,null,$tw.config.preferences.jsonSpaces);\n\tthis.wiki.addTiddler(new $tw.Tiddler(importTiddler,newFields));\n\t// Update the story and history details\n\tif(this.getVariable(\"tv-auto-open-on-import\") !== \"no\") {\n\t\tvar storyList = this.getStoryList(),\n\t\t\thistory = [];\n\t\t// Add it to the story\n\t\tif(storyList.indexOf(IMPORT_TITLE) === -1) {\n\t\t\tstoryList.unshift(IMPORT_TITLE);\n\t\t}\n\t\t// And to history\n\t\thistory.push(IMPORT_TITLE);\n\t\t// Save the updated story and history\n\t\tthis.saveStoryList(storyList);\n\t\tthis.addToHistory(history);\n\t}\n\treturn false;\n};\n\n// \nNavigatorWidget.prototype.handlePerformImportEvent = function(event) {\n\tvar self = this,\n\t\timportTiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(event.param),\n\t\timportData = this.wiki.getTiddlerDataCached(event.param,{tiddlers: {}}),\n\t\timportReport = [];\n\t// Add the tiddlers to the store\n\timportReport.push($tw.language.getString(\"Import/Imported/Hint\") + \"\\n\");\n\t$tw.utils.each(importData.tiddlers,function(tiddlerFields) {\n\t\tvar title = tiddlerFields.title;\n\t\tif(title && importTiddler && importTiddler.fields[\"selection-\" + title] !== \"unchecked\") {\n\t\t\tvar tiddler = new $tw.Tiddler(tiddlerFields);\n\t\t\ttiddler = $tw.hooks.invokeHook(\"th-importing-tiddler\",tiddler);\n\t\t\tself.wiki.addTiddler(tiddler);\n\t\t\timportReport.push(\"# [[\" + tiddlerFields.title + \"]]\");\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\t// Replace the $:/Import tiddler with an import report\n\tthis.wiki.addTiddler(new $tw.Tiddler({\n\t\ttitle: event.param,\n\t\ttext: importReport.join(\"\\n\"),\n\t\t\"status\": \"complete\"\n\t}));\n\t// Navigate to the $:/Import tiddler\n\tthis.addToHistory([event.param]);\n\t// Trigger an autosave\n\t$tw.rootWidget.dispatchEvent({type: \"tm-auto-save-wiki\"});\n};\n\nNavigatorWidget.prototype.handleFoldTiddlerEvent = function(event) {\n\tvar paramObject = event.paramObject || {};\n\tif(paramObject.foldedState) {\n\t\tvar foldedState = this.wiki.getTiddlerText(paramObject.foldedState,\"show\") === \"show\" ? \"hide\" : \"show\";\n\t\tthis.wiki.setText(paramObject.foldedState,\"text\",null,foldedState);\n\t}\n};\n\nNavigatorWidget.prototype.handleFoldOtherTiddlersEvent = function(event) {\n\tvar self = this,\n\t\tparamObject = event.paramObject || {},\n\t\tprefix = paramObject.foldedStatePrefix;\n\t$tw.utils.each(this.getStoryList(),function(title) {\n\t\tself.wiki.setText(prefix + title,\"text\",null,event.param === title ? \"show\" : \"hide\");\n\t});\n};\n\nNavigatorWidget.prototype.handleFoldAllTiddlersEvent = function(event) {\n\tvar self = this,\n\t\tparamObject = event.paramObject || {},\n\t\tprefix = paramObject.foldedStatePrefix;\n\t$tw.utils.each(this.getStoryList(),function(title) {\n\t\tself.wiki.setText(prefix + title,\"text\",null,\"hide\");\n\t});\n};\n\nNavigatorWidget.prototype.handleUnfoldAllTiddlersEvent = function(event) {\n\tvar self = this,\n\t\tparamObject = event.paramObject || {},\n\t\tprefix = paramObject.foldedStatePrefix;\n\t$tw.utils.each(this.getStoryList(),function(title) {\n\t\tself.wiki.setText(prefix + title,\"text\",null,\"show\");\n\t});\n};\n\nNavigatorWidget.prototype.handleRenameTiddlerEvent = function(event) {\n\tvar paramObject = event.paramObject || {},\n\t\tfrom = paramObject.from || event.tiddlerTitle,\n\t\tto = paramObject.to;\n\t$tw.wiki.renameTiddler(from,to);\n};\n\nexports.navigator = NavigatorWidget;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/widgets/navigator.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "widget"
"$:/core/modules/widgets/password.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/widgets/password.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: widget\n\nPassword widget\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar Widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\").widget;\n\nvar PasswordWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) {\n\tthis.initialise(parseTreeNode,options);\n};\n\n/*\nInherit from the base widget class\n*/\nPasswordWidget.prototype = new Widget();\n\n/*\nRender this widget into the DOM\n*/\nPasswordWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) {\n\t// Save the parent dom node\n\tthis.parentDomNode = parent;\n\t// Compute our attributes\n\tthis.computeAttributes();\n\t// Execute our logic\n\tthis.execute();\n\t// Get the current password\n\tvar password = $tw.browser ? $tw.utils.getPassword(this.passwordName) || \"\" : \"\";\n\t// Create our element\n\tvar domNode = this.document.createElement(\"input\");\n\tdomNode.setAttribute(\"type\",\"password\");\n\tdomNode.setAttribute(\"value\",password);\n\t// Add a click event handler\n\t$tw.utils.addEventListeners(domNode,[\n\t\t{name: \"change\", handlerObject: this, handlerMethod: \"handleChangeEvent\"}\n\t]);\n\t// Insert the label into the DOM and render any children\n\tparent.insertBefore(domNode,nextSibling);\n\tthis.renderChildren(domNode,null);\n\tthis.domNodes.push(domNode);\n};\n\nPasswordWidget.prototype.handleChangeEvent = function(event) {\n\tvar password = this.domNodes[0].value;\n\treturn $tw.utils.savePassword(this.passwordName,password);\n};\n\n/*\nCompute the internal state of the widget\n*/\nPasswordWidget.prototype.execute = function() {\n\t// Get the parameters from the attributes\n\tthis.passwordName = this.getAttribute(\"name\",\"\");\n\t// Make the child widgets\n\tthis.makeChildWidgets();\n};\n\n/*\nSelectively refreshes the widget if needed. Returns true if the widget or any of its children needed re-rendering\n*/\nPasswordWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) {\n\tvar changedAttributes = this.computeAttributes();\n\tif(changedAttributes.name) {\n\t\tthis.refreshSelf();\n\t\treturn true;\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn this.refreshChildren(changedTiddlers);\n\t}\n};\n\nexports.password = PasswordWidget;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/widgets/password.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "widget"
"$:/core/modules/widgets/radio.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/widgets/radio.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: widget\n\nSet a field or index at a given tiddler via radio buttons\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar Widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\").widget;\n\nvar RadioWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) {\n\tthis.initialise(parseTreeNode,options);\n};\n\n/*\nInherit from the base widget class\n*/\nRadioWidget.prototype = new Widget();\n\n/*\nRender this widget into the DOM\n*/\nRadioWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) {\n\t// Save the parent dom node\n\tthis.parentDomNode = parent;\n\t// Compute our attributes\n\tthis.computeAttributes();\n\t// Execute our logic\n\tthis.execute();\n\t// Create our elements\n\tthis.labelDomNode = this.document.createElement(\"label\");\n\tthis.labelDomNode.setAttribute(\"class\",this.radioClass);\n\tthis.inputDomNode = this.document.createElement(\"input\");\n\tthis.inputDomNode.setAttribute(\"type\",\"radio\");\n\tif(this.getValue() == this.radioValue) {\n\t\tthis.inputDomNode.setAttribute(\"checked\",\"true\");\n\t}\n\tthis.labelDomNode.appendChild(this.inputDomNode);\n\tthis.spanDomNode = this.document.createElement(\"span\");\n\tthis.labelDomNode.appendChild(this.spanDomNode);\n\t// Add a click event handler\n\t$tw.utils.addEventListeners(this.inputDomNode,[\n\t\t{name: \"change\", handlerObject: this, handlerMethod: \"handleChangeEvent\"}\n\t]);\n\t// Insert the label into the DOM and render any children\n\tparent.insertBefore(this.labelDomNode,nextSibling);\n\tthis.renderChildren(this.spanDomNode,null);\n\tthis.domNodes.push(this.labelDomNode);\n};\n\nRadioWidget.prototype.getValue = function() {\n\tvar value,\n\t\ttiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(this.radioTitle);\n\tif (this.radioIndex) {\n\t\tvalue = this.wiki.extractTiddlerDataItem(this.radioTitle,this.radioIndex);\n\t} else {\n\t\tvalue = tiddler && tiddler.getFieldString(this.radioField);\n\t}\n\treturn value;\n};\n\nRadioWidget.prototype.setValue = function() {\n\tif(this.radioIndex) {\n\t\tthis.wiki.setText(this.radioTitle,\"\",this.radioIndex,this.radioValue);\n\t} else {\n\t\tvar tiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(this.radioTitle),\n\t\t\taddition = {};\n\t\taddition[this.radioField] = this.radioValue;\n\t\tthis.wiki.addTiddler(new $tw.Tiddler(this.wiki.getCreationFields(),{title: this.radioTitle},tiddler,addition,this.wiki.getModificationFields()));\n\t}\n};\n\nRadioWidget.prototype.handleChangeEvent = function(event) {\n\tif(this.inputDomNode.checked) {\n\t\tthis.setValue();\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nCompute the internal state of the widget\n*/\nRadioWidget.prototype.execute = function() {\n\t// Get the parameters from the attributes\n\tthis.radioTitle = this.getAttribute(\"tiddler\",this.getVariable(\"currentTiddler\"));\n\tthis.radioField = this.getAttribute(\"field\",\"text\");\n\tthis.radioIndex = this.getAttribute(\"index\");\n\tthis.radioValue = this.getAttribute(\"value\");\n\tthis.radioClass = this.getAttribute(\"class\",\"\");\n\tif(this.radioClass !== \"\") {\n\t\tthis.radioClass += \" \";\n\t}\n\tthis.radioClass += \"tc-radio\";\n\t// Make the child widgets\n\tthis.makeChildWidgets();\n};\n\n/*\nSelectively refreshes the widget if needed. Returns true if the widget or any of its children needed re-rendering\n*/\nRadioWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) {\n\tvar changedAttributes = this.computeAttributes();\n\tif(changedAttributes.tiddler || changedAttributes.field || changedAttributes.index || changedAttributes.value || changedAttributes[\"class\"]) {\n\t\tthis.refreshSelf();\n\t\treturn true;\n\t} else {\n\t\tvar refreshed = false;\n\t\tif(changedTiddlers[this.radioTitle]) {\n\t\t\tthis.inputDomNode.checked = this.getValue() === this.radioValue;\n\t\t\trefreshed = true;\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn this.refreshChildren(changedTiddlers) || refreshed;\n\t}\n};\n\nexports.radio = RadioWidget;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/widgets/radio.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "widget"
"$:/core/modules/widgets/raw.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/widgets/raw.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: widget\n\nRaw widget\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar Widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\").widget;\n\nvar RawWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) {\n\tthis.initialise(parseTreeNode,options);\n};\n\n/*\nInherit from the base widget class\n*/\nRawWidget.prototype = new Widget();\n\n/*\nRender this widget into the DOM\n*/\nRawWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) {\n\tthis.parentDomNode = parent;\n\tthis.execute();\n\tvar div = this.document.createElement(\"div\");\n\tdiv.innerHTML=this.parseTreeNode.html;\n\tparent.insertBefore(div,nextSibling);\n\tthis.domNodes.push(div);\t\n};\n\n/*\nCompute the internal state of the widget\n*/\nRawWidget.prototype.execute = function() {\n};\n\n/*\nSelectively refreshes the widget if needed. Returns true if the widget or any of its children needed re-rendering\n*/\nRawWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) {\n\treturn false;\n};\n\nexports.raw = RawWidget;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/widgets/raw.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "widget"
"$:/core/modules/widgets/reveal.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/widgets/reveal.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: widget\n\nReveal widget\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar Widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\").widget;\n\nvar RevealWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) {\n\tthis.initialise(parseTreeNode,options);\n};\n\n/*\nInherit from the base widget class\n*/\nRevealWidget.prototype = new Widget();\n\n/*\nRender this widget into the DOM\n*/\nRevealWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) {\n\tthis.parentDomNode = parent;\n\tthis.computeAttributes();\n\tthis.execute();\n\tvar tag = this.parseTreeNode.isBlock ? \"div\" : \"span\";\n\tif(this.revealTag && $tw.config.htmlUnsafeElements.indexOf(this.revealTag) === -1) {\n\t\ttag = this.revealTag;\n\t}\n\tvar domNode = this.document.createElement(tag);\n\tvar classes = this[\"class\"].split(\" \") || [];\n\tclasses.push(\"tc-reveal\");\n\tdomNode.className = classes.join(\" \");\n\tif(this.style) {\n\t\tdomNode.setAttribute(\"style\",this.style);\n\t}\n\tparent.insertBefore(domNode,nextSibling);\n\tthis.renderChildren(domNode,null);\n\tif(!domNode.isTiddlyWikiFakeDom && this.type === \"popup\" && this.isOpen) {\n\t\tthis.positionPopup(domNode);\n\t\t$tw.utils.addClass(domNode,\"tc-popup\"); // Make sure that clicks don't dismiss popups within the revealed content\n\t}\n\tif(!this.isOpen) {\n\t\tdomNode.setAttribute(\"hidden\",\"true\");\n\t}\n\tthis.domNodes.push(domNode);\n};\n\nRevealWidget.prototype.positionPopup = function(domNode) {\n\tdomNode.style.position = \"absolute\";\n\tdomNode.style.zIndex = \"1000\";\n\tswitch(this.position) {\n\t\tcase \"left\":\n\t\t\tdomNode.style.left = (this.popup.left - domNode.offsetWidth) + \"px\";\n\t\t\tdomNode.style.top = this.popup.top + \"px\";\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase \"above\":\n\t\t\tdomNode.style.left = this.popup.left + \"px\";\n\t\t\tdomNode.style.top = (this.popup.top - domNode.offsetHeight) + \"px\";\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase \"aboveright\":\n\t\t\tdomNode.style.left = (this.popup.left + this.popup.width) + \"px\";\n\t\t\tdomNode.style.top = (this.popup.top + this.popup.height - domNode.offsetHeight) + \"px\";\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase \"right\":\n\t\t\tdomNode.style.left = (this.popup.left + this.popup.width) + \"px\";\n\t\t\tdomNode.style.top = this.popup.top + \"px\";\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase \"belowleft\":\n\t\t\tdomNode.style.left = (this.popup.left + this.popup.width - domNode.offsetWidth) + \"px\";\n\t\t\tdomNode.style.top = (this.popup.top + this.popup.height) + \"px\";\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tdefault: // Below\n\t\t\tdomNode.style.left = this.popup.left + \"px\";\n\t\t\tdomNode.style.top = (this.popup.top + this.popup.height) + \"px\";\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nCompute the internal state of the widget\n*/\nRevealWidget.prototype.execute = function() {\n\t// Get our parameters\n\tthis.state = this.getAttribute(\"state\");\n\tthis.revealTag = this.getAttribute(\"tag\");\n\tthis.type = this.getAttribute(\"type\");\n\tthis.text = this.getAttribute(\"text\");\n\tthis.position = this.getAttribute(\"position\");\n\tthis[\"class\"] = this.getAttribute(\"class\",\"\");\n\tthis.style = this.getAttribute(\"style\",\"\");\n\tthis[\"default\"] = this.getAttribute(\"default\",\"\");\n\tthis.animate = this.getAttribute(\"animate\",\"no\");\n\tthis.retain = this.getAttribute(\"retain\",\"no\");\n\tthis.openAnimation = this.animate === \"no\" ? undefined : \"open\";\n\tthis.closeAnimation = this.animate === \"no\" ? undefined : \"close\";\n\t// Compute the title of the state tiddler and read it\n\tthis.stateTitle = this.state;\n\tthis.readState();\n\t// Construct the child widgets\n\tvar childNodes = this.isOpen ? this.parseTreeNode.children : [];\n\tthis.hasChildNodes = this.isOpen;\n\tthis.makeChildWidgets(childNodes);\n};\n\n/*\nRead the state tiddler\n*/\nRevealWidget.prototype.readState = function() {\n\t// Read the information from the state tiddler\n\tvar state = this.stateTitle ? this.wiki.getTextReference(this.stateTitle,this[\"default\"],this.getVariable(\"currentTiddler\")) : this[\"default\"];\n\tswitch(this.type) {\n\t\tcase \"popup\":\n\t\t\tthis.readPopupState(state);\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase \"match\":\n\t\t\tthis.readMatchState(state);\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase \"nomatch\":\n\t\t\tthis.readMatchState(state);\n\t\t\tthis.isOpen = !this.isOpen;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t}\n};\n\nRevealWidget.prototype.readMatchState = function(state) {\n\tthis.isOpen = state === this.text;\n};\n\nRevealWidget.prototype.readPopupState = function(state) {\n\tvar popupLocationRegExp = /^\\((-?[0-9\\.E]+),(-?[0-9\\.E]+),(-?[0-9\\.E]+),(-?[0-9\\.E]+)\\)$/,\n\t\tmatch = popupLocationRegExp.exec(state);\n\t// Check if the state matches the location regexp\n\tif(match) {\n\t\t// If so, we're open\n\t\tthis.isOpen = true;\n\t\t// Get the location\n\t\tthis.popup = {\n\t\t\tleft: parseFloat(match[1]),\n\t\t\ttop: parseFloat(match[2]),\n\t\t\twidth: parseFloat(match[3]),\n\t\t\theight: parseFloat(match[4])\n\t\t};\n\t} else {\n\t\t// If not, we're closed\n\t\tthis.isOpen = false;\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nSelectively refreshes the widget if needed. Returns true if the widget or any of its children needed re-rendering\n*/\nRevealWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) {\n\tvar changedAttributes = this.computeAttributes();\n\tif(changedAttributes.state || changedAttributes.type || changedAttributes.text || changedAttributes.position || changedAttributes[\"default\"] || changedAttributes.animate) {\n\t\tthis.refreshSelf();\n\t\treturn true;\n\t} else {\n\t\tvar refreshed = false,\n\t\t\tcurrentlyOpen = this.isOpen;\n\t\tthis.readState();\n\t\tif(this.isOpen !== currentlyOpen) {\n\t\t\tif(this.retain === \"yes\") {\n\t\t\t\tthis.updateState();\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tthis.refreshSelf();\n\t\t\t\trefreshed = true;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn this.refreshChildren(changedTiddlers) || refreshed;\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nCalled by refresh() to dynamically show or hide the content\n*/\nRevealWidget.prototype.updateState = function() {\n\t// Read the current state\n\tthis.readState();\n\t// Construct the child nodes if needed\n\tvar domNode = this.domNodes[0];\n\tif(this.isOpen && !this.hasChildNodes) {\n\t\tthis.hasChildNodes = true;\n\t\tthis.makeChildWidgets(this.parseTreeNode.children);\n\t\tthis.renderChildren(domNode,null);\n\t}\n\t// Animate our DOM node\n\tif(!domNode.isTiddlyWikiFakeDom && this.type === \"popup\" && this.isOpen) {\n\t\tthis.positionPopup(domNode);\n\t\t$tw.utils.addClass(domNode,\"tc-popup\"); // Make sure that clicks don't dismiss popups within the revealed content\n\n\t}\n\tif(this.isOpen) {\n\t\tdomNode.removeAttribute(\"hidden\");\n $tw.anim.perform(this.openAnimation,domNode);\n\t} else {\n\t\t$tw.anim.perform(this.closeAnimation,domNode,{callback: function() {\n\t\t\tdomNode.setAttribute(\"hidden\",\"true\");\n }});\n\t}\n};\n\nexports.reveal = RevealWidget;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/widgets/reveal.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "widget"
"$:/core/modules/widgets/scrollable.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/widgets/scrollable.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: widget\n\nScrollable widget\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar Widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\").widget;\n\nvar ScrollableWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) {\n\tthis.initialise(parseTreeNode,options);\n\tthis.scaleFactor = 1;\n\tthis.addEventListeners([\n\t\t{type: \"tm-scroll\", handler: \"handleScrollEvent\"}\n\t]);\n\tif($tw.browser) {\n\t\tthis.requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame ||\n\t\t\twindow.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||\n\t\t\twindow.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||\n\t\t\tfunction(callback) {\n\t\t\t\treturn window.setTimeout(callback, 1000/60);\n\t\t\t};\n\t\tthis.cancelAnimationFrame = window.cancelAnimationFrame ||\n\t\t\twindow.webkitCancelAnimationFrame ||\n\t\t\twindow.webkitCancelRequestAnimationFrame ||\n\t\t\twindow.mozCancelAnimationFrame ||\n\t\t\twindow.mozCancelRequestAnimationFrame ||\n\t\t\tfunction(id) {\n\t\t\t\twindow.clearTimeout(id);\n\t\t\t};\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nInherit from the base widget class\n*/\nScrollableWidget.prototype = new Widget();\n\nScrollableWidget.prototype.cancelScroll = function() {\n\tif(this.idRequestFrame) {\n\t\tthis.cancelAnimationFrame.call(window,this.idRequestFrame);\n\t\tthis.idRequestFrame = null;\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nHandle a scroll event\n*/\nScrollableWidget.prototype.handleScrollEvent = function(event) {\n\t// Pass the scroll event through if our offsetsize is larger than our scrollsize\n\tif(this.outerDomNode.scrollWidth <= this.outerDomNode.offsetWidth && this.outerDomNode.scrollHeight <= this.outerDomNode.offsetHeight && this.fallthrough === \"yes\") {\n\t\treturn true;\n\t}\n\tthis.scrollIntoView(event.target);\n\treturn false; // Handled event\n};\n\n/*\nScroll an element into view\n*/\nScrollableWidget.prototype.scrollIntoView = function(element) {\n\tvar duration = $tw.utils.getAnimationDuration();\n\tthis.cancelScroll();\n\tthis.startTime = Date.now();\n\tvar scrollPosition = {\n\t\tx: this.outerDomNode.scrollLeft,\n\t\ty: this.outerDomNode.scrollTop\n\t};\n\t// Get the client bounds of the element and adjust by the scroll position\n\tvar scrollableBounds = this.outerDomNode.getBoundingClientRect(),\n\t\tclientTargetBounds = element.getBoundingClientRect(),\n\t\tbounds = {\n\t\t\tleft: clientTargetBounds.left + scrollPosition.x - scrollableBounds.left,\n\t\t\ttop: clientTargetBounds.top + scrollPosition.y - scrollableBounds.top,\n\t\t\twidth: clientTargetBounds.width,\n\t\t\theight: clientTargetBounds.height\n\t\t};\n\t// We'll consider the horizontal and vertical scroll directions separately via this function\n\tvar getEndPos = function(targetPos,targetSize,currentPos,currentSize) {\n\t\t\t// If the target is already visible then stay where we are\n\t\t\tif(targetPos >= currentPos && (targetPos + targetSize) <= (currentPos + currentSize)) {\n\t\t\t\treturn currentPos;\n\t\t\t// If the target is above/left of the current view, then scroll to its top/left\n\t\t\t} else if(targetPos <= currentPos) {\n\t\t\t\treturn targetPos;\n\t\t\t// If the target is smaller than the window and the scroll position is too far up, then scroll till the target is at the bottom of the window\n\t\t\t} else if(targetSize < currentSize && currentPos < (targetPos + targetSize - currentSize)) {\n\t\t\t\treturn targetPos + targetSize - currentSize;\n\t\t\t// If the target is big, then just scroll to the top\n\t\t\t} else if(currentPos < targetPos) {\n\t\t\t\treturn targetPos;\n\t\t\t// Otherwise, stay where we are\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\treturn currentPos;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t},\n\t\tendX = getEndPos(bounds.left,bounds.width,scrollPosition.x,this.outerDomNode.offsetWidth),\n\t\tendY = getEndPos(bounds.top,bounds.height,scrollPosition.y,this.outerDomNode.offsetHeight);\n\t// Only scroll if necessary\n\tif(endX !== scrollPosition.x || endY !== scrollPosition.y) {\n\t\tvar self = this,\n\t\t\tdrawFrame;\n\t\tdrawFrame = function () {\n\t\t\tvar t;\n\t\t\tif(duration <= 0) {\n\t\t\t\tt = 1;\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tt = ((Date.now()) - self.startTime) / duration;\t\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif(t >= 1) {\n\t\t\t\tself.cancelScroll();\n\t\t\t\tt = 1;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tt = $tw.utils.slowInSlowOut(t);\n\t\t\tself.outerDomNode.scrollLeft = scrollPosition.x + (endX - scrollPosition.x) * t;\n\t\t\tself.outerDomNode.scrollTop = scrollPosition.y + (endY - scrollPosition.y) * t;\n\t\t\tif(t < 1) {\n\t\t\t\tself.idRequestFrame = self.requestAnimationFrame.call(window,drawFrame);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t};\n\t\tdrawFrame();\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nRender this widget into the DOM\n*/\nScrollableWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) {\n\tvar self = this;\n\t// Remember parent\n\tthis.parentDomNode = parent;\n\t// Compute attributes and execute state\n\tthis.computeAttributes();\n\tthis.execute();\n\t// Create elements\n\tthis.outerDomNode = this.document.createElement(\"div\");\n\t$tw.utils.setStyle(this.outerDomNode,[\n\t\t{overflowY: \"auto\"},\n\t\t{overflowX: \"auto\"},\n\t\t{webkitOverflowScrolling: \"touch\"}\n\t]);\n\tthis.innerDomNode = this.document.createElement(\"div\");\n\tthis.outerDomNode.appendChild(this.innerDomNode);\n\t// Assign classes\n\tthis.outerDomNode.className = this[\"class\"] || \"\";\n\t// Insert element\n\tparent.insertBefore(this.outerDomNode,nextSibling);\n\tthis.renderChildren(this.innerDomNode,null);\n\tthis.domNodes.push(this.outerDomNode);\n};\n\n/*\nCompute the internal state of the widget\n*/\nScrollableWidget.prototype.execute = function() {\n\t// Get attributes\n\tthis.fallthrough = this.getAttribute(\"fallthrough\",\"yes\");\n\tthis[\"class\"] = this.getAttribute(\"class\");\n\t// Make child widgets\n\tthis.makeChildWidgets();\n};\n\n/*\nSelectively refreshes the widget if needed. Returns true if the widget or any of its children needed re-rendering\n*/\nScrollableWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) {\n\tvar changedAttributes = this.computeAttributes();\n\tif(changedAttributes[\"class\"]) {\n\t\tthis.refreshSelf();\n\t\treturn true;\n\t}\n\treturn this.refreshChildren(changedTiddlers);\n};\n\nexports.scrollable = ScrollableWidget;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/widgets/scrollable.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "widget"
"$:/core/modules/widgets/select.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/widgets/select.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: widget\n\nSelect widget:\n\n```\n<$select tiddler=\"MyTiddler\" field=\"text\">\n<$list filter=\"[tag[chapter]]\">\n<option value=<<currentTiddler>>>\n<$view field=\"description\"/>\n</option>\n</$list>\n</$select>\n```\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar Widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\").widget;\n\nvar SelectWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) {\n\tthis.initialise(parseTreeNode,options);\n};\n\n/*\nInherit from the base widget class\n*/\nSelectWidget.prototype = new Widget();\n\n/*\nRender this widget into the DOM\n*/\nSelectWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) {\n\tthis.parentDomNode = parent;\n\tthis.computeAttributes();\n\tthis.execute();\n\tthis.renderChildren(parent,nextSibling);\n\tthis.setSelectValue();\n\t$tw.utils.addEventListeners(this.getSelectDomNode(),[\n\t\t{name: \"change\", handlerObject: this, handlerMethod: \"handleChangeEvent\"}\n\t]);\n};\n\n/*\nHandle a change event\n*/\nSelectWidget.prototype.handleChangeEvent = function(event) {\n\t// Get the new value and assign it to the tiddler\n\tif(this.selectMultiple == false) {\n\t\tvar value = this.getSelectDomNode().value;\n\t} else {\n\t\tvar value = this.getSelectValues()\n\t\t\t\tvalue = $tw.utils.stringifyList(value);\n\t}\n\tthis.wiki.setText(this.selectTitle,this.selectField,this.selectIndex,value);\n\t// Trigger actions\n\tif(this.selectActions) {\n\t\tthis.invokeActionString(this.selectActions,this,event);\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nIf necessary, set the value of the select element to the current value\n*/\nSelectWidget.prototype.setSelectValue = function() {\n\tvar value = this.selectDefault;\n\t// Get the value\n\tif(this.selectIndex) {\n\t\tvalue = this.wiki.extractTiddlerDataItem(this.selectTitle,this.selectIndex);\n\t} else {\n\t\tvar tiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(this.selectTitle);\n\t\tif(tiddler) {\n\t\t\tif(this.selectField === \"text\") {\n\t\t\t\t// Calling getTiddlerText() triggers lazy loading of skinny tiddlers\n\t\t\t\tvalue = this.wiki.getTiddlerText(this.selectTitle);\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tif($tw.utils.hop(tiddler.fields,this.selectField)) {\n\t\t\t\t\tvalue = tiddler.getFieldString(this.selectField);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tif(this.selectField === \"title\") {\n\t\t\t\tvalue = this.selectTitle;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t// Assign it to the select element if it's different than the current value\n\tif (this.selectMultiple) {\n\t\tvalue = value === undefined ? \"\" : value;\n\t\tvar select = this.getSelectDomNode();\n\t\tvar values = Array.isArray(value) ? value : $tw.utils.parseStringArray(value);\n\t\tfor(var i=0; i < select.children.length; i++){\n\t\t\tif(values.indexOf(select.children[i].value) != -1) {\n\t\t\t\tselect.children[i].selected = true;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\t\n\t} else {\n\t\tvar domNode = this.getSelectDomNode();\n\t\tif(domNode.value !== value) {\n\t\t\tdomNode.value = value;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nGet the DOM node of the select element\n*/\nSelectWidget.prototype.getSelectDomNode = function() {\n\treturn this.children[0].domNodes[0];\n};\n\n// Return an array of the selected opion values\n// select is an HTML select element\nSelectWidget.prototype.getSelectValues = function() {\n\tvar select, result, options, opt;\n\tselect = this.getSelectDomNode();\n\tresult = [];\n\toptions = select && select.options;\n\tfor (var i=0; i<options.length; i++) {\n\t\topt = options[i];\n\t\tif (opt.selected) {\n\t\t\tresult.push(opt.value || opt.text);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn result;\n}\n\n/*\nCompute the internal state of the widget\n*/\nSelectWidget.prototype.execute = function() {\n\t// Get our parameters\n\tthis.selectActions = this.getAttribute(\"actions\");\n\tthis.selectTitle = this.getAttribute(\"tiddler\",this.getVariable(\"currentTiddler\"));\n\tthis.selectField = this.getAttribute(\"field\",\"text\");\n\tthis.selectIndex = this.getAttribute(\"index\");\n\tthis.selectClass = this.getAttribute(\"class\");\n\tthis.selectDefault = this.getAttribute(\"default\");\n\tthis.selectMultiple = this.getAttribute(\"multiple\", false);\n\tthis.selectSize = this.getAttribute(\"size\");\n\t// Make the child widgets\n\tvar selectNode = {\n\t\ttype: \"element\",\n\t\ttag: \"select\",\n\t\tchildren: this.parseTreeNode.children\n\t};\n\tif(this.selectClass) {\n\t\t$tw.utils.addAttributeToParseTreeNode(selectNode,\"class\",this.selectClass);\n\t}\n\tif(this.selectMultiple) {\n\t\t$tw.utils.addAttributeToParseTreeNode(selectNode,\"multiple\",\"multiple\");\n\t}\n\tif(this.selectSize) {\n\t\t$tw.utils.addAttributeToParseTreeNode(selectNode,\"size\",this.selectSize);\n\t}\n\tthis.makeChildWidgets([selectNode]);\n};\n\n/*\nSelectively refreshes the widget if needed. Returns true if the widget or any of its children needed re-rendering\n*/\nSelectWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) {\n\tvar changedAttributes = this.computeAttributes();\n\t// If we're using a different tiddler/field/index then completely refresh ourselves\n\tif(changedAttributes.selectTitle || changedAttributes.selectField || changedAttributes.selectIndex) {\n\t\tthis.refreshSelf();\n\t\treturn true;\n\t// If the target tiddler value has changed, just update setting and refresh the children\n\t} else {\n\t\tvar childrenRefreshed = this.refreshChildren(changedTiddlers);\n\t\tif(changedTiddlers[this.selectTitle] || childrenRefreshed) {\n\t\t\tthis.setSelectValue();\n\t\t} \n\t\treturn childrenRefreshed;\n\t}\n};\n\nexports.select = SelectWidget;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/widgets/select.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "widget"
"$:/core/modules/widgets/set.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/widgets/set.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: widget\n\nSet variable widget\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar Widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\").widget;\n\nvar SetWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) {\n\tthis.initialise(parseTreeNode,options);\n};\n\n/*\nInherit from the base widget class\n*/\nSetWidget.prototype = new Widget();\n\n/*\nRender this widget into the DOM\n*/\nSetWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) {\n\tthis.parentDomNode = parent;\n\tthis.computeAttributes();\n\tthis.execute();\n\tthis.renderChildren(parent,nextSibling);\n};\n\n/*\nCompute the internal state of the widget\n*/\nSetWidget.prototype.execute = function() {\n\t// Get our parameters\n\tthis.setName = this.getAttribute(\"name\",\"currentTiddler\");\n\tthis.setFilter = this.getAttribute(\"filter\");\n\tthis.setSelect = this.getAttribute(\"select\");\n\tthis.setValue = this.getAttribute(\"value\");\n\tthis.setEmptyValue = this.getAttribute(\"emptyValue\");\n\t// Set context variable\n\tthis.setVariable(this.setName,this.getValue(),this.parseTreeNode.params);\n\t// Construct the child widgets\n\tthis.makeChildWidgets();\n};\n\n/*\nGet the value to be assigned\n*/\nSetWidget.prototype.getValue = function() {\n\tvar value = this.setValue;\n\tif(this.setFilter) {\n\t\tvar results = this.wiki.filterTiddlers(this.setFilter,this);\n\t\tif(!this.setValue) {\n\t\t\tvar select;\n\t\t\tif(this.setSelect) {\n\t\t\t\tselect = parseInt(this.setSelect,10);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif(select !== undefined) {\n\t\t\t\tvalue = results[select] || \"\";\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tvalue = $tw.utils.stringifyList(results);\t\t\t\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(results.length === 0 && this.setEmptyValue !== undefined) {\n\t\t\tvalue = this.setEmptyValue;\n\t\t}\n\t} else if(!value && this.setEmptyValue) {\n\t\tvalue = this.setEmptyValue;\n\t}\n\treturn value;\n};\n\n/*\nSelectively refreshes the widget if needed. Returns true if the widget or any of its children needed re-rendering\n*/\nSetWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) {\n\tvar changedAttributes = this.computeAttributes();\n\tif(changedAttributes.name || changedAttributes.filter || changedAttributes.select ||changedAttributes.value || changedAttributes.emptyValue ||\n\t (this.setFilter && this.getValue() != this.variables[this.setName].value)) {\n\t\tthis.refreshSelf();\n\t\treturn true;\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn this.refreshChildren(changedTiddlers);\n\t}\n};\n\nexports.setvariable = SetWidget;\nexports.set = SetWidget;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/widgets/set.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "widget"
"$:/core/modules/widgets/text.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/widgets/text.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: widget\n\nText node widget\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar Widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\").widget;\n\nvar TextNodeWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) {\n\tthis.initialise(parseTreeNode,options);\n};\n\n/*\nInherit from the base widget class\n*/\nTextNodeWidget.prototype = new Widget();\n\n/*\nRender this widget into the DOM\n*/\nTextNodeWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) {\n\tthis.parentDomNode = parent;\n\tthis.computeAttributes();\n\tthis.execute();\n\tvar text = this.getAttribute(\"text\",this.parseTreeNode.text || \"\");\n\ttext = text.replace(/\\r/mg,\"\");\n\tvar textNode = this.document.createTextNode(text);\n\tparent.insertBefore(textNode,nextSibling);\n\tthis.domNodes.push(textNode);\n};\n\n/*\nCompute the internal state of the widget\n*/\nTextNodeWidget.prototype.execute = function() {\n\t// Nothing to do for a text node\n};\n\n/*\nSelectively refreshes the widget if needed. Returns true if the widget or any of its children needed re-rendering\n*/\nTextNodeWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) {\n\tvar changedAttributes = this.computeAttributes();\n\tif(changedAttributes.text) {\n\t\tthis.refreshSelf();\n\t\treturn true;\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn false;\t\n\t}\n};\n\nexports.text = TextNodeWidget;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/widgets/text.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "widget"
"$:/core/modules/widgets/tiddler.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/widgets/tiddler.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: widget\n\nTiddler widget\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar Widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\").widget;\n\nvar TiddlerWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) {\n\tthis.initialise(parseTreeNode,options);\n};\n\n/*\nInherit from the base widget class\n*/\nTiddlerWidget.prototype = new Widget();\n\n/*\nRender this widget into the DOM\n*/\nTiddlerWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) {\n\tthis.parentDomNode = parent;\n\tthis.computeAttributes();\n\tthis.execute();\n\tthis.renderChildren(parent,nextSibling);\n};\n\n/*\nCompute the internal state of the widget\n*/\nTiddlerWidget.prototype.execute = function() {\n\tthis.tiddlerState = this.computeTiddlerState();\n\tthis.setVariable(\"currentTiddler\",this.tiddlerState.currentTiddler);\n\tthis.setVariable(\"missingTiddlerClass\",this.tiddlerState.missingTiddlerClass);\n\tthis.setVariable(\"shadowTiddlerClass\",this.tiddlerState.shadowTiddlerClass);\n\tthis.setVariable(\"systemTiddlerClass\",this.tiddlerState.systemTiddlerClass);\n\tthis.setVariable(\"tiddlerTagClasses\",this.tiddlerState.tiddlerTagClasses);\n\t// Construct the child widgets\n\tthis.makeChildWidgets();\n};\n\n/*\nCompute the tiddler state flags\n*/\nTiddlerWidget.prototype.computeTiddlerState = function() {\n\t// Get our parameters\n\tthis.tiddlerTitle = this.getAttribute(\"tiddler\",this.getVariable(\"currentTiddler\"));\n\t// Compute the state\n\tvar state = {\n\t\tcurrentTiddler: this.tiddlerTitle || \"\",\n\t\tmissingTiddlerClass: (this.wiki.tiddlerExists(this.tiddlerTitle) || this.wiki.isShadowTiddler(this.tiddlerTitle)) ? \"tc-tiddler-exists\" : \"tc-tiddler-missing\",\n\t\tshadowTiddlerClass: this.wiki.isShadowTiddler(this.tiddlerTitle) ? \"tc-tiddler-shadow\" : \"\",\n\t\tsystemTiddlerClass: this.wiki.isSystemTiddler(this.tiddlerTitle) ? \"tc-tiddler-system\" : \"\",\n\t\ttiddlerTagClasses: this.getTagClasses()\n\t};\n\t// Compute a simple hash to make it easier to detect changes\n\tstate.hash = state.currentTiddler + state.missingTiddlerClass + state.shadowTiddlerClass + state.systemTiddlerClass + state.tiddlerTagClasses;\n\treturn state;\n};\n\n/*\nCreate a string of CSS classes derived from the tags of the current tiddler\n*/\nTiddlerWidget.prototype.getTagClasses = function() {\n\tvar tiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(this.tiddlerTitle);\n\tif(tiddler) {\n\t\tvar tags = [];\n\t\t$tw.utils.each(tiddler.fields.tags,function(tag) {\n\t\t\ttags.push(\"tc-tagged-\" + encodeURIComponent(tag));\n\t\t});\n\t\treturn tags.join(\" \");\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn \"\";\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nSelectively refreshes the widget if needed. Returns true if the widget or any of its children needed re-rendering\n*/\nTiddlerWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) {\n\tvar changedAttributes = this.computeAttributes(),\n\t\tnewTiddlerState = this.computeTiddlerState();\n\tif(changedAttributes.tiddler || newTiddlerState.hash !== this.tiddlerState.hash) {\n\t\tthis.refreshSelf();\n\t\treturn true;\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn this.refreshChildren(changedTiddlers);\t\t\n\t}\n};\n\nexports.tiddler = TiddlerWidget;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/widgets/tiddler.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "widget"
"$:/core/modules/widgets/transclude.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/widgets/transclude.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: widget\n\nTransclude widget\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar Widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\").widget;\n\nvar TranscludeWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) {\n\tthis.initialise(parseTreeNode,options);\n};\n\n/*\nInherit from the base widget class\n*/\nTranscludeWidget.prototype = new Widget();\n\n/*\nRender this widget into the DOM\n*/\nTranscludeWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) {\n\tthis.parentDomNode = parent;\n\tthis.computeAttributes();\n\tthis.execute();\n\tthis.renderChildren(parent,nextSibling);\n};\n\n/*\nCompute the internal state of the widget\n*/\nTranscludeWidget.prototype.execute = function() {\n\t// Get our parameters\n\tthis.transcludeTitle = this.getAttribute(\"tiddler\",this.getVariable(\"currentTiddler\"));\n\tthis.transcludeSubTiddler = this.getAttribute(\"subtiddler\");\n\tthis.transcludeField = this.getAttribute(\"field\");\n\tthis.transcludeIndex = this.getAttribute(\"index\");\n\tthis.transcludeMode = this.getAttribute(\"mode\");\n\t// Parse the text reference\n\tvar parseAsInline = !this.parseTreeNode.isBlock;\n\tif(this.transcludeMode === \"inline\") {\n\t\tparseAsInline = true;\n\t} else if(this.transcludeMode === \"block\") {\n\t\tparseAsInline = false;\n\t}\n\tvar parser = this.wiki.parseTextReference(\n\t\t\t\t\t\tthis.transcludeTitle,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tthis.transcludeField,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tthis.transcludeIndex,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tparseAsInline: parseAsInline,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tsubTiddler: this.transcludeSubTiddler\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}),\n\t\tparseTreeNodes = parser ? parser.tree : this.parseTreeNode.children;\n\t// Set context variables for recursion detection\n\tvar recursionMarker = this.makeRecursionMarker();\n\tthis.setVariable(\"transclusion\",recursionMarker);\n\t// Check for recursion\n\tif(parser) {\n\t\tif(this.parentWidget && this.parentWidget.hasVariable(\"transclusion\",recursionMarker)) {\n\t\t\tparseTreeNodes = [{type: \"element\", tag: \"span\", attributes: {\n\t\t\t\t\"class\": {type: \"string\", value: \"tc-error\"}\n\t\t\t}, children: [\n\t\t\t\t{type: \"text\", text: $tw.language.getString(\"Error/RecursiveTransclusion\")}\n\t\t\t]}];\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t// Construct the child widgets\n\tthis.makeChildWidgets(parseTreeNodes);\n};\n\n/*\nCompose a string comprising the title, field and/or index to identify this transclusion for recursion detection\n*/\nTranscludeWidget.prototype.makeRecursionMarker = function() {\n\tvar output = [];\n\toutput.push(\"{\");\n\toutput.push(this.getVariable(\"currentTiddler\",{defaultValue: \"\"}));\n\toutput.push(\"|\");\n\toutput.push(this.transcludeTitle || \"\");\n\toutput.push(\"|\");\n\toutput.push(this.transcludeField || \"\");\n\toutput.push(\"|\");\n\toutput.push(this.transcludeIndex || \"\");\n\toutput.push(\"|\");\n\toutput.push(this.transcludeSubTiddler || \"\");\n\toutput.push(\"}\");\n\treturn output.join(\"\");\n};\n\n/*\nSelectively refreshes the widget if needed. Returns true if the widget or any of its children needed re-rendering\n*/\nTranscludeWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) {\n\tvar changedAttributes = this.computeAttributes();\n\tif(changedAttributes.tiddler || changedAttributes.field || changedAttributes.index || changedTiddlers[this.transcludeTitle]) {\n\t\tthis.refreshSelf();\n\t\treturn true;\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn this.refreshChildren(changedTiddlers);\t\t\n\t}\n};\n\nexports.transclude = TranscludeWidget;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/widgets/transclude.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "widget"
"$:/core/modules/widgets/vars.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/widgets/vars.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: widget\n\nThis widget allows multiple variables to be set in one go:\n\n```\n\\define helloworld() Hello world!\n<$vars greeting=\"Hi\" me={{!!title}} sentence=<<helloworld>>>\n <<greeting>>! I am <<me>> and I say: <<sentence>>\n</$vars>\n```\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar Widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\").widget;\n\nvar VarsWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) {\n\t// Call the constructor\n\tWidget.call(this);\n\t// Initialise\t\n\tthis.initialise(parseTreeNode,options);\n};\n\n/*\nInherit from the base widget class\n*/\nVarsWidget.prototype = Object.create(Widget.prototype);\n\n/*\nRender this widget into the DOM\n*/\nVarsWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) {\n\tthis.parentDomNode = parent;\n\tthis.computeAttributes();\n\tthis.execute();\n\tthis.renderChildren(parent,nextSibling);\n};\n\n/*\nCompute the internal state of the widget\n*/\nVarsWidget.prototype.execute = function() {\n\t// Parse variables\n\tvar self = this;\n\t$tw.utils.each(this.attributes,function(val,key) {\n\t\tif(key.charAt(0) !== \"$\") {\n\t\t\tself.setVariable(key,val);\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\t// Construct the child widgets\n\tthis.makeChildWidgets();\n};\n\n/*\nRefresh the widget by ensuring our attributes are up to date\n*/\nVarsWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) {\n\tvar changedAttributes = this.computeAttributes();\n\tif(Object.keys(changedAttributes).length) {\n\t\tthis.refreshSelf();\n\t\treturn true;\n\t}\n\treturn this.refreshChildren(changedTiddlers);\n};\n\nexports[\"vars\"] = VarsWidget;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/widgets/vars.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "widget"
"$:/core/modules/widgets/view.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/widgets/view.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: widget\n\nView widget\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar Widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\").widget;\n\nvar ViewWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) {\n\tthis.initialise(parseTreeNode,options);\n};\n\n/*\nInherit from the base widget class\n*/\nViewWidget.prototype = new Widget();\n\n/*\nRender this widget into the DOM\n*/\nViewWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) {\n\tthis.parentDomNode = parent;\n\tthis.computeAttributes();\n\tthis.execute();\n\tif(this.text) {\n\t\tvar textNode = this.document.createTextNode(this.text);\n\t\tparent.insertBefore(textNode,nextSibling);\n\t\tthis.domNodes.push(textNode);\n\t} else {\n\t\tthis.makeChildWidgets();\n\t\tthis.renderChildren(parent,nextSibling);\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nCompute the internal state of the widget\n*/\nViewWidget.prototype.execute = function() {\n\t// Get parameters from our attributes\n\tthis.viewTitle = this.getAttribute(\"tiddler\",this.getVariable(\"currentTiddler\"));\n\tthis.viewSubtiddler = this.getAttribute(\"subtiddler\");\n\tthis.viewField = this.getAttribute(\"field\",\"text\");\n\tthis.viewIndex = this.getAttribute(\"index\");\n\tthis.viewFormat = this.getAttribute(\"format\",\"text\");\n\tthis.viewTemplate = this.getAttribute(\"template\",\"\");\n\tswitch(this.viewFormat) {\n\t\tcase \"htmlwikified\":\n\t\t\tthis.text = this.getValueAsHtmlWikified();\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase \"plainwikified\":\n\t\t\tthis.text = this.getValueAsPlainWikified();\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase \"htmlencodedplainwikified\":\n\t\t\tthis.text = this.getValueAsHtmlEncodedPlainWikified();\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase \"htmlencoded\":\n\t\t\tthis.text = this.getValueAsHtmlEncoded();\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase \"urlencoded\":\n\t\t\tthis.text = this.getValueAsUrlEncoded();\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase \"doubleurlencoded\":\n\t\t\tthis.text = this.getValueAsDoubleUrlEncoded();\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase \"date\":\n\t\t\tthis.text = this.getValueAsDate(this.viewTemplate);\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase \"relativedate\":\n\t\t\tthis.text = this.getValueAsRelativeDate();\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase \"stripcomments\":\n\t\t\tthis.text = this.getValueAsStrippedComments();\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase \"jsencoded\":\n\t\t\tthis.text = this.getValueAsJsEncoded();\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tdefault: // \"text\"\n\t\t\tthis.text = this.getValueAsText();\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nThe various formatter functions are baked into this widget for the moment. Eventually they will be replaced by macro functions\n*/\n\n/*\nRetrieve the value of the widget. Options are:\nasString: Optionally return the value as a string\n*/\nViewWidget.prototype.getValue = function(options) {\n\toptions = options || {};\n\tvar value = options.asString ? \"\" : undefined;\n\tif(this.viewIndex) {\n\t\tvalue = this.wiki.extractTiddlerDataItem(this.viewTitle,this.viewIndex);\n\t} else {\n\t\tvar tiddler;\n\t\tif(this.viewSubtiddler) {\n\t\t\ttiddler = this.wiki.getSubTiddler(this.viewTitle,this.viewSubtiddler);\t\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\ttiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(this.viewTitle);\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(tiddler) {\n\t\t\tif(this.viewField === \"text\" && !this.viewSubtiddler) {\n\t\t\t\t// Calling getTiddlerText() triggers lazy loading of skinny tiddlers\n\t\t\t\tvalue = this.wiki.getTiddlerText(this.viewTitle);\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tif($tw.utils.hop(tiddler.fields,this.viewField)) {\n\t\t\t\t\tif(options.asString) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tvalue = tiddler.getFieldString(this.viewField);\n\t\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tvalue = tiddler.fields[this.viewField];\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tif(this.viewField === \"title\") {\n\t\t\t\tvalue = this.viewTitle;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn value;\n};\n\nViewWidget.prototype.getValueAsText = function() {\n\treturn this.getValue({asString: true});\n};\n\nViewWidget.prototype.getValueAsHtmlWikified = function() {\n\treturn this.wiki.renderText(\"text/html\",\"text/vnd.tiddlywiki\",this.getValueAsText(),{parentWidget: this});\n};\n\nViewWidget.prototype.getValueAsPlainWikified = function() {\n\treturn this.wiki.renderText(\"text/plain\",\"text/vnd.tiddlywiki\",this.getValueAsText(),{parentWidget: this});\n};\n\nViewWidget.prototype.getValueAsHtmlEncodedPlainWikified = function() {\n\treturn $tw.utils.htmlEncode(this.wiki.renderText(\"text/plain\",\"text/vnd.tiddlywiki\",this.getValueAsText(),{parentWidget: this}));\n};\n\nViewWidget.prototype.getValueAsHtmlEncoded = function() {\n\treturn $tw.utils.htmlEncode(this.getValueAsText());\n};\n\nViewWidget.prototype.getValueAsUrlEncoded = function() {\n\treturn encodeURIComponent(this.getValueAsText());\n};\n\nViewWidget.prototype.getValueAsDoubleUrlEncoded = function() {\n\treturn encodeURIComponent(encodeURIComponent(this.getValueAsText()));\n};\n\nViewWidget.prototype.getValueAsDate = function(format) {\n\tformat = format || \"YYYY MM DD 0hh:0mm\";\n\tvar value = $tw.utils.parseDate(this.getValue());\n\tif(value && $tw.utils.isDate(value) && value.toString() !== \"Invalid Date\") {\n\t\treturn $tw.utils.formatDateString(value,format);\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn \"\";\n\t}\n};\n\nViewWidget.prototype.getValueAsRelativeDate = function(format) {\n\tvar value = $tw.utils.parseDate(this.getValue());\n\tif(value && $tw.utils.isDate(value) && value.toString() !== \"Invalid Date\") {\n\t\treturn $tw.utils.getRelativeDate((new Date()) - (new Date(value))).description;\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn \"\";\n\t}\n};\n\nViewWidget.prototype.getValueAsStrippedComments = function() {\n\tvar lines = this.getValueAsText().split(\"\\n\"),\n\t\tout = [];\n\tfor(var line=0; line<lines.length; line++) {\n\t\tvar text = lines[line];\n\t\tif(!/^\\s*\\/\\/#/.test(text)) {\n\t\t\tout.push(text);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn out.join(\"\\n\");\n};\n\nViewWidget.prototype.getValueAsJsEncoded = function() {\n\treturn $tw.utils.stringify(this.getValueAsText());\n};\n\n/*\nSelectively refreshes the widget if needed. Returns true if the widget or any of its children needed re-rendering\n*/\nViewWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) {\n\tvar changedAttributes = this.computeAttributes();\n\tif(changedAttributes.tiddler || changedAttributes.field || changedAttributes.index || changedAttributes.template || changedAttributes.format || changedTiddlers[this.viewTitle]) {\n\t\tthis.refreshSelf();\n\t\treturn true;\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn false;\t\n\t}\n};\n\nexports.view = ViewWidget;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/widgets/view.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "widget"
"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: widget\n\nWidget base class\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nCreate a widget object for a parse tree node\n\tparseTreeNode: reference to the parse tree node to be rendered\n\toptions: see below\nOptions include:\n\twiki: mandatory reference to wiki associated with this render tree\n\tparentWidget: optional reference to a parent renderer node for the context chain\n\tdocument: optional document object to use instead of global document\n*/\nvar Widget = function(parseTreeNode,options) {\n\tif(arguments.length > 0) {\n\t\tthis.initialise(parseTreeNode,options);\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nInitialise widget properties. These steps are pulled out of the constructor so that we can reuse them in subclasses\n*/\nWidget.prototype.initialise = function(parseTreeNode,options) {\n\toptions = options || {};\n\t// Save widget info\n\tthis.parseTreeNode = parseTreeNode;\n\tthis.wiki = options.wiki;\n\tthis.parentWidget = options.parentWidget;\n\tthis.variablesConstructor = function() {};\n\tthis.variablesConstructor.prototype = this.parentWidget ? this.parentWidget.variables : {};\n\tthis.variables = new this.variablesConstructor();\n\tthis.document = options.document;\n\tthis.attributes = {};\n\tthis.children = [];\n\tthis.domNodes = [];\n\tthis.eventListeners = {};\n\t// Hashmap of the widget classes\n\tif(!this.widgetClasses) {\n\t\tWidget.prototype.widgetClasses = $tw.modules.applyMethods(\"widget\");\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nRender this widget into the DOM\n*/\nWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) {\n\tthis.parentDomNode = parent;\n\tthis.execute();\n\tthis.renderChildren(parent,nextSibling);\n};\n\n/*\nCompute the internal state of the widget\n*/\nWidget.prototype.execute = function() {\n\tthis.makeChildWidgets();\n};\n\n/*\nSet the value of a context variable\nname: name of the variable\nvalue: value of the variable\nparams: array of {name:, default:} for each parameter\n*/\nWidget.prototype.setVariable = function(name,value,params) {\n\tthis.variables[name] = {value: value, params: params};\n};\n\n/*\nGet the prevailing value of a context variable\nname: name of variable\noptions: see below\nOptions include\nparams: array of {name:, value:} for each parameter\ndefaultValue: default value if the variable is not defined\n*/\nWidget.prototype.getVariable = function(name,options) {\n\toptions = options || {};\n\tvar actualParams = options.params || [],\n\t\tparentWidget = this.parentWidget;\n\t// Check for the variable defined in the parent widget (or an ancestor in the prototype chain)\n\tif(parentWidget && name in parentWidget.variables) {\n\t\tvar variable = parentWidget.variables[name],\n\t\t\tvalue = variable.value;\n\t\t// Substitute any parameters specified in the definition\n\t\tvalue = this.substituteVariableParameters(value,variable.params,actualParams);\n\t\tvalue = this.substituteVariableReferences(value);\n\t\treturn value;\n\t}\n\t// If the variable doesn't exist in the parent widget then look for a macro module\n\treturn this.evaluateMacroModule(name,actualParams,options.defaultValue);\n};\n\nWidget.prototype.substituteVariableParameters = function(text,formalParams,actualParams) {\n\tif(formalParams) {\n\t\tvar nextAnonParameter = 0, // Next candidate anonymous parameter in macro call\n\t\t\tparamInfo, paramValue;\n\t\t// Step through each of the parameters in the macro definition\n\t\tfor(var p=0; p<formalParams.length; p++) {\n\t\t\t// Check if we've got a macro call parameter with the same name\n\t\t\tparamInfo = formalParams[p];\n\t\t\tparamValue = undefined;\n\t\t\tfor(var m=0; m<actualParams.length; m++) {\n\t\t\t\tif(actualParams[m].name === paramInfo.name) {\n\t\t\t\t\tparamValue = actualParams[m].value;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t// If not, use the next available anonymous macro call parameter\n\t\t\twhile(nextAnonParameter < actualParams.length && actualParams[nextAnonParameter].name) {\n\t\t\t\tnextAnonParameter++;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif(paramValue === undefined && nextAnonParameter < actualParams.length) {\n\t\t\t\tparamValue = actualParams[nextAnonParameter++].value;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t// If we've still not got a value, use the default, if any\n\t\t\tparamValue = paramValue || paramInfo[\"default\"] || \"\";\n\t\t\t// Replace any instances of this parameter\n\t\t\ttext = $tw.utils.replaceString(text,new RegExp(\"\\\\$\" + $tw.utils.escapeRegExp(paramInfo.name) + \"\\\\$\",\"mg\"),paramValue);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn text;\n};\n\nWidget.prototype.substituteVariableReferences = function(text) {\n\tvar self = this;\n\treturn (text || \"\").replace(/\\$\\(([^\\)\\$]+)\\)\\$/g,function(match,p1,offset,string) {\n\t\treturn self.getVariable(p1,{defaultValue: \"\"});\n\t});\n};\n\nWidget.prototype.evaluateMacroModule = function(name,actualParams,defaultValue) {\n\tif($tw.utils.hop($tw.macros,name)) {\n\t\tvar macro = $tw.macros[name],\n\t\t\targs = [];\n\t\tif(macro.params.length > 0) {\n\t\t\tvar nextAnonParameter = 0, // Next candidate anonymous parameter in macro call\n\t\t\t\tparamInfo, paramValue;\n\t\t\t// Step through each of the parameters in the macro definition\n\t\t\tfor(var p=0; p<macro.params.length; p++) {\n\t\t\t\t// Check if we've got a macro call parameter with the same name\n\t\t\t\tparamInfo = macro.params[p];\n\t\t\t\tparamValue = undefined;\n\t\t\t\tfor(var m=0; m<actualParams.length; m++) {\n\t\t\t\t\tif(actualParams[m].name === paramInfo.name) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tparamValue = actualParams[m].value;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t// If not, use the next available anonymous macro call parameter\n\t\t\t\twhile(nextAnonParameter < actualParams.length && actualParams[nextAnonParameter].name) {\n\t\t\t\t\tnextAnonParameter++;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tif(paramValue === undefined && nextAnonParameter < actualParams.length) {\n\t\t\t\t\tparamValue = actualParams[nextAnonParameter++].value;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t// If we've still not got a value, use the default, if any\n\t\t\t\tparamValue = paramValue || paramInfo[\"default\"] || \"\";\n\t\t\t\t// Save the parameter\n\t\t\t\targs.push(paramValue);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\telse for(var i=0; i<actualParams.length; ++i) {\n\t\t\targs.push(actualParams[i].value);\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn (macro.run.apply(this,args) || \"\").toString();\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn defaultValue;\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nCheck whether a given context variable value exists in the parent chain\n*/\nWidget.prototype.hasVariable = function(name,value) {\n\tvar node = this;\n\twhile(node) {\n\t\tif($tw.utils.hop(node.variables,name) && node.variables[name].value === value) {\n\t\t\treturn true;\n\t\t}\n\t\tnode = node.parentWidget;\n\t}\n\treturn false;\n};\n\n/*\nConstruct a qualifying string based on a hash of concatenating the values of a given variable in the parent chain\n*/\nWidget.prototype.getStateQualifier = function(name) {\n\tthis.qualifiers = this.qualifiers || Object.create(null);\n\tname = name || \"transclusion\";\n\tif(this.qualifiers[name]) {\n\t\treturn this.qualifiers[name];\n\t} else {\n\t\tvar output = [],\n\t\t\tnode = this;\n\t\twhile(node && node.parentWidget) {\n\t\t\tif($tw.utils.hop(node.parentWidget.variables,name)) {\n\t\t\t\toutput.push(node.getVariable(name));\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tnode = node.parentWidget;\n\t\t}\n\t\tvar value = $tw.utils.hashString(output.join(\"\"));\n\t\tthis.qualifiers[name] = value;\n\t\treturn value;\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nCompute the current values of the attributes of the widget. Returns a hashmap of the names of the attributes that have changed\n*/\nWidget.prototype.computeAttributes = function() {\n\tvar changedAttributes = {},\n\t\tself = this,\n\t\tvalue;\n\t$tw.utils.each(this.parseTreeNode.attributes,function(attribute,name) {\n\t\tif(attribute.type === \"filtered\") {\n\t\t\tvalue = self.wiki.filterTiddlers(attribute.filter,self)[0] || \"\";\n\t\t} else if(attribute.type === \"indirect\") {\n\t\t\tvalue = self.wiki.getTextReference(attribute.textReference,\"\",self.getVariable(\"currentTiddler\"));\n\t\t} else if(attribute.type === \"macro\") {\n\t\t\tvalue = self.getVariable(attribute.value.name,{params: attribute.value.params});\n\t\t} else { // String attribute\n\t\t\tvalue = attribute.value;\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Check whether the attribute has changed\n\t\tif(self.attributes[name] !== value) {\n\t\t\tself.attributes[name] = value;\n\t\t\tchangedAttributes[name] = true;\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\treturn changedAttributes;\n};\n\n/*\nCheck for the presence of an attribute\n*/\nWidget.prototype.hasAttribute = function(name) {\n\treturn $tw.utils.hop(this.attributes,name);\n};\n\n/*\nGet the value of an attribute\n*/\nWidget.prototype.getAttribute = function(name,defaultText) {\n\tif($tw.utils.hop(this.attributes,name)) {\n\t\treturn this.attributes[name];\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn defaultText;\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nAssign the computed attributes of the widget to a domNode\noptions include:\nexcludeEventAttributes: ignores attributes whose name begins with \"on\"\n*/\nWidget.prototype.assignAttributes = function(domNode,options) {\n\toptions = options || {};\n\tvar self = this;\n\t$tw.utils.each(this.attributes,function(v,a) {\n\t\t// Check exclusions\n\t\tif(options.excludeEventAttributes && a.substr(0,2) === \"on\") {\n\t\t\tv = undefined;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif(v !== undefined) {\n\t\t\tvar b = a.split(\":\");\n\t\t\t// Setting certain attributes can cause a DOM error (eg xmlns on the svg element)\n\t\t\ttry {\n\t\t\t\tif (b.length == 2 && b[0] == \"xlink\"){\n\t\t\t\t\tdomNode.setAttributeNS(\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink\",b[1],v);\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\tdomNode.setAttributeNS(null,a,v);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t} catch(e) {\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t});\n};\n\n/*\nMake child widgets correspondng to specified parseTreeNodes\n*/\nWidget.prototype.makeChildWidgets = function(parseTreeNodes) {\n\tthis.children = [];\n\tvar self = this;\n\t$tw.utils.each(parseTreeNodes || (this.parseTreeNode && this.parseTreeNode.children),function(childNode) {\n\t\tself.children.push(self.makeChildWidget(childNode));\n\t});\n};\n\n/*\nConstruct the widget object for a parse tree node\n*/\nWidget.prototype.makeChildWidget = function(parseTreeNode) {\n\tvar WidgetClass = this.widgetClasses[parseTreeNode.type];\n\tif(!WidgetClass) {\n\t\tWidgetClass = this.widgetClasses.text;\n\t\tparseTreeNode = {type: \"text\", text: \"Undefined widget '\" + parseTreeNode.type + \"'\"};\n\t}\n\treturn new WidgetClass(parseTreeNode,{\n\t\twiki: this.wiki,\n\t\tvariables: {},\n\t\tparentWidget: this,\n\t\tdocument: this.document\n\t});\n};\n\n/*\nGet the next sibling of this widget\n*/\nWidget.prototype.nextSibling = function() {\n\tif(this.parentWidget) {\n\t\tvar index = this.parentWidget.children.indexOf(this);\n\t\tif(index !== -1 && index < this.parentWidget.children.length-1) {\n\t\t\treturn this.parentWidget.children[index+1];\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn null;\n};\n\n/*\nGet the previous sibling of this widget\n*/\nWidget.prototype.previousSibling = function() {\n\tif(this.parentWidget) {\n\t\tvar index = this.parentWidget.children.indexOf(this);\n\t\tif(index !== -1 && index > 0) {\n\t\t\treturn this.parentWidget.children[index-1];\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn null;\n};\n\n/*\nRender the children of this widget into the DOM\n*/\nWidget.prototype.renderChildren = function(parent,nextSibling) {\n\t$tw.utils.each(this.children,function(childWidget) {\n\t\tchildWidget.render(parent,nextSibling);\n\t});\n};\n\n/*\nAdd a list of event listeners from an array [{type:,handler:},...]\n*/\nWidget.prototype.addEventListeners = function(listeners) {\n\tvar self = this;\n\t$tw.utils.each(listeners,function(listenerInfo) {\n\t\tself.addEventListener(listenerInfo.type,listenerInfo.handler);\n\t});\n};\n\n/*\nAdd an event listener\n*/\nWidget.prototype.addEventListener = function(type,handler) {\n\tvar self = this;\n\tif(typeof handler === \"string\") { // The handler is a method name on this widget\n\t\tthis.eventListeners[type] = function(event) {\n\t\t\treturn self[handler].call(self,event);\n\t\t};\n\t} else { // The handler is a function\n\t\tthis.eventListeners[type] = function(event) {\n\t\t\treturn handler.call(self,event);\n\t\t};\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nDispatch an event to a widget. If the widget doesn't handle the event then it is also dispatched to the parent widget\n*/\nWidget.prototype.dispatchEvent = function(event) {\n\t// Dispatch the event if this widget handles it\n\tvar listener = this.eventListeners[event.type];\n\tif(listener) {\n\t\t// Don't propagate the event if the listener returned false\n\t\tif(!listener(event)) {\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t// Dispatch the event to the parent widget\n\tif(this.parentWidget) {\n\t\treturn this.parentWidget.dispatchEvent(event);\n\t}\n\treturn true;\n};\n\n/*\nSelectively refreshes the widget if needed. Returns true if the widget or any of its children needed re-rendering\n*/\nWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) {\n\treturn this.refreshChildren(changedTiddlers);\n};\n\n/*\nRebuild a previously rendered widget\n*/\nWidget.prototype.refreshSelf = function() {\n\tvar nextSibling = this.findNextSiblingDomNode();\n\tthis.removeChildDomNodes();\n\tthis.render(this.parentDomNode,nextSibling);\n};\n\n/*\nRefresh all the children of a widget\n*/\nWidget.prototype.refreshChildren = function(changedTiddlers) {\n\tvar self = this,\n\t\trefreshed = false;\n\t$tw.utils.each(this.children,function(childWidget) {\n\t\trefreshed = childWidget.refresh(changedTiddlers) || refreshed;\n\t});\n\treturn refreshed;\n};\n\n/*\nFind the next sibling in the DOM to this widget. This is done by scanning the widget tree through all next siblings and their descendents that share the same parent DOM node\n*/\nWidget.prototype.findNextSiblingDomNode = function(startIndex) {\n\t// Refer to this widget by its index within its parents children\n\tvar parent = this.parentWidget,\n\t\tindex = startIndex !== undefined ? startIndex : parent.children.indexOf(this);\nif(index === -1) {\n\tthrow \"node not found in parents children\";\n}\n\t// Look for a DOM node in the later siblings\n\twhile(++index < parent.children.length) {\n\t\tvar domNode = parent.children[index].findFirstDomNode();\n\t\tif(domNode) {\n\t\t\treturn domNode;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t// Go back and look for later siblings of our parent if it has the same parent dom node\n\tvar grandParent = parent.parentWidget;\n\tif(grandParent && parent.parentDomNode === this.parentDomNode) {\n\t\tindex = grandParent.children.indexOf(parent);\n\t\tif(index !== -1) {\n\t\t\treturn parent.findNextSiblingDomNode(index);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn null;\n};\n\n/*\nFind the first DOM node generated by a widget or its children\n*/\nWidget.prototype.findFirstDomNode = function() {\n\t// Return the first dom node of this widget, if we've got one\n\tif(this.domNodes.length > 0) {\n\t\treturn this.domNodes[0];\n\t}\n\t// Otherwise, recursively call our children\n\tfor(var t=0; t<this.children.length; t++) {\n\t\tvar domNode = this.children[t].findFirstDomNode();\n\t\tif(domNode) {\n\t\t\treturn domNode;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn null;\n};\n\n/*\nRemove any DOM nodes created by this widget or its children\n*/\nWidget.prototype.removeChildDomNodes = function() {\n\t// If this widget has directly created DOM nodes, delete them and exit. This assumes that any child widgets are contained within the created DOM nodes, which would normally be the case\n\tif(this.domNodes.length > 0) {\n\t\t$tw.utils.each(this.domNodes,function(domNode) {\n\t\t\tdomNode.parentNode.removeChild(domNode);\n\t\t});\n\t\tthis.domNodes = [];\n\t} else {\n\t\t// Otherwise, ask the child widgets to delete their DOM nodes\n\t\t$tw.utils.each(this.children,function(childWidget) {\n\t\t\tchildWidget.removeChildDomNodes();\n\t\t});\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nInvoke the action widgets that are descendents of the current widget.\n*/\nWidget.prototype.invokeActions = function(triggeringWidget,event) {\n\tvar handled = false;\n\t// For each child widget\n\tfor(var t=0; t<this.children.length; t++) {\n\t\tvar child = this.children[t];\n\t\t// Invoke the child if it is an action widget\n\t\tif(child.invokeAction) {\n\t\t\tchild.refreshSelf();\n\t\t\tif(child.invokeAction(triggeringWidget,event)) {\n\t\t\t\thandled = true;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Propagate through through the child if it permits it\n\t\tif(child.allowActionPropagation() && child.invokeActions(triggeringWidget,event)) {\n\t\t\thandled = true;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn handled;\n};\n\n/*\nInvoke the action widgets defined in a string\n*/\nWidget.prototype.invokeActionString = function(actions,triggeringWidget,event,variables) {\n\tactions = actions || \"\";\n\tvar parser = this.wiki.parseText(\"text/vnd.tiddlywiki\",actions,{\n\t\t\tparentWidget: this,\n\t\t\tdocument: this.document\n\t\t}),\n\t\twidgetNode = this.wiki.makeWidget(parser,{\n\t\t\tparentWidget: this,\n\t\t\tdocument: this.document,\n\t\t\tvariables: variables\n\t\t});\n\tvar container = this.document.createElement(\"div\");\n\twidgetNode.render(container,null);\n\treturn widgetNode.invokeActions(this,event);\n};\n\nWidget.prototype.allowActionPropagation = function() {\n\treturn true;\n};\n\nexports.widget = Widget;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "widget"
"$:/core/modules/widgets/wikify.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/widgets/wikify.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: widget\n\nWidget to wikify text into a variable\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar Widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\").widget;\n\nvar WikifyWidget = function(parseTreeNode,options) {\n\tthis.initialise(parseTreeNode,options);\n};\n\n/*\nInherit from the base widget class\n*/\nWikifyWidget.prototype = new Widget();\n\n/*\nRender this widget into the DOM\n*/\nWikifyWidget.prototype.render = function(parent,nextSibling) {\n\tthis.parentDomNode = parent;\n\tthis.computeAttributes();\n\tthis.execute();\n\tthis.renderChildren(parent,nextSibling);\n};\n\n/*\nCompute the internal state of the widget\n*/\nWikifyWidget.prototype.execute = function() {\n\t// Get our parameters\n\tthis.wikifyName = this.getAttribute(\"name\");\n\tthis.wikifyText = this.getAttribute(\"text\");\n\tthis.wikifyType = this.getAttribute(\"type\");\n\tthis.wikifyMode = this.getAttribute(\"mode\",\"block\");\n\tthis.wikifyOutput = this.getAttribute(\"output\",\"text\");\n\t// Create the parse tree\n\tthis.wikifyParser = this.wiki.parseText(this.wikifyType,this.wikifyText,{\n\t\t\tparseAsInline: this.wikifyMode === \"inline\"\n\t\t});\n\t// Create the widget tree \n\tthis.wikifyWidgetNode = this.wiki.makeWidget(this.wikifyParser,{\n\t\t\tdocument: $tw.fakeDocument,\n\t\t\tparentWidget: this\n\t\t});\n\t// Render the widget tree to the container\n\tthis.wikifyContainer = $tw.fakeDocument.createElement(\"div\");\n\tthis.wikifyWidgetNode.render(this.wikifyContainer,null);\n\tthis.wikifyResult = this.getResult();\n\t// Set context variable\n\tthis.setVariable(this.wikifyName,this.wikifyResult);\n\t// Construct the child widgets\n\tthis.makeChildWidgets();\n};\n\n/*\nReturn the result string\n*/\nWikifyWidget.prototype.getResult = function() {\n\tvar result;\n\tswitch(this.wikifyOutput) {\n\t\tcase \"text\":\n\t\t\tresult = this.wikifyContainer.textContent;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase \"formattedtext\":\n\t\t\tresult = this.wikifyContainer.formattedTextContent;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase \"html\":\n\t\t\tresult = this.wikifyContainer.innerHTML;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase \"parsetree\":\n\t\t\tresult = JSON.stringify(this.wikifyParser.tree,0,$tw.config.preferences.jsonSpaces);\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase \"widgettree\":\n\t\t\tresult = JSON.stringify(this.getWidgetTree(),0,$tw.config.preferences.jsonSpaces);\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t}\n\treturn result;\n};\n\n/*\nReturn a string of the widget tree\n*/\nWikifyWidget.prototype.getWidgetTree = function() {\n\tvar copyNode = function(widgetNode,resultNode) {\n\t\t\tvar type = widgetNode.parseTreeNode.type;\n\t\t\tresultNode.type = type;\n\t\t\tswitch(type) {\n\t\t\t\tcase \"element\":\n\t\t\t\t\tresultNode.tag = widgetNode.parseTreeNode.tag;\n\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\tcase \"text\":\n\t\t\t\t\tresultNode.text = widgetNode.parseTreeNode.text;\n\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\t\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif(Object.keys(widgetNode.attributes || {}).length > 0) {\n\t\t\t\tresultNode.attributes = {};\n\t\t\t\t$tw.utils.each(widgetNode.attributes,function(attr,attrName) {\n\t\t\t\t\tresultNode.attributes[attrName] = widgetNode.getAttribute(attrName);\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif(Object.keys(widgetNode.children || {}).length > 0) {\n\t\t\t\tresultNode.children = [];\n\t\t\t\t$tw.utils.each(widgetNode.children,function(widgetChildNode) {\n\t\t\t\t\tvar node = {};\n\t\t\t\t\tresultNode.children.push(node);\n\t\t\t\t\tcopyNode(widgetChildNode,node);\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t},\n\t\tresults = {};\n\tcopyNode(this.wikifyWidgetNode,results);\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n/*\nSelectively refreshes the widget if needed. Returns true if the widget or any of its children needed re-rendering\n*/\nWikifyWidget.prototype.refresh = function(changedTiddlers) {\n\tvar changedAttributes = this.computeAttributes();\n\t// Refresh ourselves entirely if any of our attributes have changed\n\tif(changedAttributes.name || changedAttributes.text || changedAttributes.type || changedAttributes.mode || changedAttributes.output) {\n\t\tthis.refreshSelf();\n\t\treturn true;\n\t} else {\n\t\t// Refresh the widget tree\n\t\tif(this.wikifyWidgetNode.refresh(changedTiddlers)) {\n\t\t\t// Check if there was any change\n\t\t\tvar result = this.getResult();\n\t\t\tif(result !== this.wikifyResult) {\n\t\t\t\t// If so, save the change\n\t\t\t\tthis.wikifyResult = result;\n\t\t\t\tthis.setVariable(this.wikifyName,this.wikifyResult);\n\t\t\t\t// Refresh each of our child widgets\n\t\t\t\t$tw.utils.each(this.children,function(childWidget) {\n\t\t\t\t\tchildWidget.refreshSelf();\n\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\treturn true;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Just refresh the children\n\t\treturn this.refreshChildren(changedTiddlers);\n\t}\n};\n\nexports.wikify = WikifyWidget;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/widgets/wikify.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "widget"
"$:/core/modules/wiki-bulkops.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/wiki-bulkops.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: wikimethod\n\nBulk tiddler operations such as rename.\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nRename a tiddler, and relink any tags or lists that reference it.\n*/\nfunction renameTiddler(fromTitle,toTitle,options) {\n\tfromTitle = (fromTitle || \"\").trim();\n\ttoTitle = (toTitle || \"\").trim();\n\toptions = options || {};\n\tif(fromTitle && toTitle && fromTitle !== toTitle) {\n\t\t// Rename the tiddler itself\n\t\tvar oldTiddler = this.getTiddler(fromTitle),\n\t\t\tnewTiddler = new $tw.Tiddler(oldTiddler,{title: toTitle},this.getModificationFields());\n\t\tnewTiddler = $tw.hooks.invokeHook(\"th-renaming-tiddler\",newTiddler,oldTiddler);\n\t\tthis.addTiddler(newTiddler);\n\t\tthis.deleteTiddler(fromTitle);\n\t\t// Rename any tags or lists that reference it\n\t\tthis.relinkTiddler(fromTitle,toTitle,options)\n\t}\n}\n\n/*\nRelink any tags or lists that reference a given tiddler\n*/\nfunction relinkTiddler(fromTitle,toTitle,options) {\n\tvar self = this;\n\tfromTitle = (fromTitle || \"\").trim();\n\ttoTitle = (toTitle || \"\").trim();\n\toptions = options || {};\n\tif(fromTitle && toTitle && fromTitle !== toTitle) {\n\t\tthis.each(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\tvar type = tiddler.fields.type || \"\";\n\t\t\t// Don't touch plugins or JavaScript modules\n\t\t\tif(!tiddler.fields[\"plugin-type\"] && type !== \"application/javascript\") {\n\t\t\t\tvar tags = (tiddler.fields.tags || []).slice(0),\n\t\t\t\t\tlist = (tiddler.fields.list || []).slice(0),\n\t\t\t\t\tisModified = false;\n\t\t\t\tif(!options.dontRenameInTags) {\n\t\t\t\t\t// Rename tags\n\t\t\t\t\t$tw.utils.each(tags,function (title,index) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif(title === fromTitle) {\nconsole.log(\"Renaming tag '\" + tags[index] + \"' to '\" + toTitle + \"' of tiddler '\" + tiddler.fields.title + \"'\");\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttags[index] = toTitle;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tisModified = true;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tif(!options.dontRenameInLists) {\n\t\t\t\t\t// Rename lists\n\t\t\t\t\t$tw.utils.each(list,function (title,index) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif(title === fromTitle) {\nconsole.log(\"Renaming list item '\" + list[index] + \"' to '\" + toTitle + \"' of tiddler '\" + tiddler.fields.title + \"'\");\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlist[index] = toTitle;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tisModified = true;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t});\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tif(isModified) {\n\t\t\t\t\tvar newTiddler = new $tw.Tiddler(tiddler,{tags: tags, list: list},self.getModificationFields())\n\t\t\t\t\tnewTiddler = $tw.hooks.invokeHook(\"th-relinking-tiddler\",newTiddler,tiddler);\n\t\t\t\t\tself.addTiddler(newTiddler);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t}\n};\n\nexports.renameTiddler = renameTiddler;\nexports.relinkTiddler = relinkTiddler;\n\n})();\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/wiki-bulkops.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "wikimethod"
"$:/core/modules/wiki.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/core/modules/wiki.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: wikimethod\n\nExtension methods for the $tw.Wiki object\n\nAdds the following properties to the wiki object:\n\n* `eventListeners` is a hashmap by type of arrays of listener functions\n* `changedTiddlers` is a hashmap describing changes to named tiddlers since wiki change events were last dispatched. Each entry is a hashmap containing two fields:\n\tmodified: true/false\n\tdeleted: true/false\n* `changeCount` is a hashmap by tiddler title containing a numerical index that starts at zero and is incremented each time a tiddler is created changed or deleted\n* `caches` is a hashmap by tiddler title containing a further hashmap of named cache objects. Caches are automatically cleared when a tiddler is modified or deleted\n* `globalCache` is a hashmap by cache name of cache objects that are cleared whenever any tiddler change occurs\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar widget = require(\"$:/core/modules/widgets/widget.js\");\n\nvar USER_NAME_TITLE = \"$:/status/UserName\",\n\tTIMESTAMP_DISABLE_TITLE = \"$:/config/TimestampDisable\";\n\n/*\nGet the value of a text reference. Text references can have any of these forms:\n\t<tiddlertitle>\n\t<tiddlertitle>!!<fieldname>\n\t!!<fieldname> - specifies a field of the current tiddlers\n\t<tiddlertitle>##<index>\n*/\nexports.getTextReference = function(textRef,defaultText,currTiddlerTitle) {\n\tvar tr = $tw.utils.parseTextReference(textRef),\n\t\ttitle = tr.title || currTiddlerTitle;\n\tif(tr.field) {\n\t\tvar tiddler = this.getTiddler(title);\n\t\tif(tr.field === \"title\") { // Special case so we can return the title of a non-existent tiddler\n\t\t\treturn title;\n\t\t} else if(tiddler && $tw.utils.hop(tiddler.fields,tr.field)) {\n\t\t\treturn tiddler.getFieldString(tr.field);\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\treturn defaultText;\n\t\t}\n\t} else if(tr.index) {\n\t\treturn this.extractTiddlerDataItem(title,tr.index,defaultText);\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn this.getTiddlerText(title,defaultText);\n\t}\n};\n\nexports.setTextReference = function(textRef,value,currTiddlerTitle) {\n\tvar tr = $tw.utils.parseTextReference(textRef),\n\t\ttitle = tr.title || currTiddlerTitle;\n\tthis.setText(title,tr.field,tr.index,value);\n};\n\nexports.setText = function(title,field,index,value,options) {\n\toptions = options || {};\n\tvar creationFields = options.suppressTimestamp ? {} : this.getCreationFields(),\n\t\tmodificationFields = options.suppressTimestamp ? {} : this.getModificationFields();\n\t// Check if it is a reference to a tiddler field\n\tif(index) {\n\t\tvar data = this.getTiddlerData(title,Object.create(null));\n\t\tif(value !== undefined) {\n\t\t\tdata[index] = value;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tdelete data[index];\n\t\t}\n\t\tthis.setTiddlerData(title,data,modificationFields);\n\t} else {\n\t\tvar tiddler = this.getTiddler(title),\n\t\t\tfields = {title: title};\n\t\tfields[field || \"text\"] = value;\n\t\tthis.addTiddler(new $tw.Tiddler(creationFields,tiddler,fields,modificationFields));\n\t}\n};\n\nexports.deleteTextReference = function(textRef,currTiddlerTitle) {\n\tvar tr = $tw.utils.parseTextReference(textRef),\n\t\ttitle,tiddler,fields;\n\t// Check if it is a reference to a tiddler\n\tif(tr.title && !tr.field) {\n\t\tthis.deleteTiddler(tr.title);\n\t// Else check for a field reference\n\t} else if(tr.field) {\n\t\ttitle = tr.title || currTiddlerTitle;\n\t\ttiddler = this.getTiddler(title);\n\t\tif(tiddler && $tw.utils.hop(tiddler.fields,tr.field)) {\n\t\t\tfields = Object.create(null);\n\t\t\tfields[tr.field] = undefined;\n\t\t\tthis.addTiddler(new $tw.Tiddler(tiddler,fields,this.getModificationFields()));\n\t\t}\n\t}\n};\n\nexports.addEventListener = function(type,listener) {\n\tthis.eventListeners = this.eventListeners || {};\n\tthis.eventListeners[type] = this.eventListeners[type] || [];\n\tthis.eventListeners[type].push(listener);\t\n};\n\nexports.removeEventListener = function(type,listener) {\n\tvar listeners = this.eventListeners[type];\n\tif(listeners) {\n\t\tvar p = listeners.indexOf(listener);\n\t\tif(p !== -1) {\n\t\t\tlisteners.splice(p,1);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n};\n\nexports.dispatchEvent = function(type /*, args */) {\n\tvar args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,1),\n\t\tlisteners = this.eventListeners[type];\n\tif(listeners) {\n\t\tfor(var p=0; p<listeners.length; p++) {\n\t\t\tvar listener = listeners[p];\n\t\t\tlistener.apply(listener,args);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nCauses a tiddler to be marked as changed, incrementing the change count, and triggers event handlers.\nThis method should be called after the changes it describes have been made to the wiki.tiddlers[] array.\n\ttitle: Title of tiddler\n\tisDeleted: defaults to false (meaning the tiddler has been created or modified),\n\t\ttrue if the tiddler has been deleted\n*/\nexports.enqueueTiddlerEvent = function(title,isDeleted) {\n\t// Record the touch in the list of changed tiddlers\n\tthis.changedTiddlers = this.changedTiddlers || Object.create(null);\n\tthis.changedTiddlers[title] = this.changedTiddlers[title] || Object.create(null);\n\tthis.changedTiddlers[title][isDeleted ? \"deleted\" : \"modified\"] = true;\n\t// Increment the change count\n\tthis.changeCount = this.changeCount || Object.create(null);\n\tif($tw.utils.hop(this.changeCount,title)) {\n\t\tthis.changeCount[title]++;\n\t} else {\n\t\tthis.changeCount[title] = 1;\n\t}\n\t// Trigger events\n\tthis.eventListeners = this.eventListeners || {};\n\tif(!this.eventsTriggered) {\n\t\tvar self = this;\n\t\t$tw.utils.nextTick(function() {\n\t\t\tvar changes = self.changedTiddlers;\n\t\t\tself.changedTiddlers = Object.create(null);\n\t\t\tself.eventsTriggered = false;\n\t\t\tif($tw.utils.count(changes) > 0) {\n\t\t\t\tself.dispatchEvent(\"change\",changes);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t\tthis.eventsTriggered = true;\n\t}\n};\n\nexports.getSizeOfTiddlerEventQueue = function() {\n\treturn $tw.utils.count(this.changedTiddlers);\n};\n\nexports.clearTiddlerEventQueue = function() {\n\tthis.changedTiddlers = Object.create(null);\n\tthis.changeCount = Object.create(null);\n};\n\nexports.getChangeCount = function(title) {\n\tthis.changeCount = this.changeCount || Object.create(null);\n\tif($tw.utils.hop(this.changeCount,title)) {\n\t\treturn this.changeCount[title];\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn 0;\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nGenerate an unused title from the specified base\n*/\nexports.generateNewTitle = function(baseTitle,options) {\n\toptions = options || {};\n\tvar c = 0,\n\t\ttitle = baseTitle;\n\twhile(this.tiddlerExists(title) || this.isShadowTiddler(title) || this.findDraft(title)) {\n\t\ttitle = baseTitle + \n\t\t\t(options.prefix || \" \") + \n\t\t\t(++c);\n\t}\n\treturn title;\n};\n\nexports.isSystemTiddler = function(title) {\n\treturn title && title.indexOf(\"$:/\") === 0;\n};\n\nexports.isTemporaryTiddler = function(title) {\n\treturn title && title.indexOf(\"$:/temp/\") === 0;\n};\n\nexports.isImageTiddler = function(title) {\n\tvar tiddler = this.getTiddler(title);\n\tif(tiddler) {\t\t\n\t\tvar contentTypeInfo = $tw.config.contentTypeInfo[tiddler.fields.type || \"text/vnd.tiddlywiki\"];\n\t\treturn !!contentTypeInfo && contentTypeInfo.flags.indexOf(\"image\") !== -1;\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn null;\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nLike addTiddler() except it will silently reject any plugin tiddlers that are older than the currently loaded version. Returns true if the tiddler was imported\n*/\nexports.importTiddler = function(tiddler) {\n\tvar existingTiddler = this.getTiddler(tiddler.fields.title);\n\t// Check if we're dealing with a plugin\n\tif(tiddler && tiddler.hasField(\"plugin-type\") && tiddler.hasField(\"version\") && existingTiddler && existingTiddler.hasField(\"plugin-type\") && existingTiddler.hasField(\"version\")) {\n\t\t// Reject the incoming plugin if it is older\n\t\tif(!$tw.utils.checkVersions(tiddler.fields.version,existingTiddler.fields.version)) {\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t// Fall through to adding the tiddler\n\tthis.addTiddler(tiddler);\n\treturn true;\n};\n\n/*\nReturn a hashmap of the fields that should be set when a tiddler is created\n*/\nexports.getCreationFields = function() {\n\tif(this.getTiddlerText(TIMESTAMP_DISABLE_TITLE,\"\").toLowerCase() !== \"yes\") {\n\t\tvar fields = {\n\t\t\t\tcreated: new Date()\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tcreator = this.getTiddlerText(USER_NAME_TITLE);\n\t\tif(creator) {\n\t\t\tfields.creator = creator;\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn fields;\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn {};\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nReturn a hashmap of the fields that should be set when a tiddler is modified\n*/\nexports.getModificationFields = function() {\n\tif(this.getTiddlerText(TIMESTAMP_DISABLE_TITLE,\"\").toLowerCase() !== \"yes\") {\n\t\tvar fields = Object.create(null),\n\t\t\tmodifier = this.getTiddlerText(USER_NAME_TITLE);\n\t\tfields.modified = new Date();\n\t\tif(modifier) {\n\t\t\tfields.modifier = modifier;\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn fields;\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn {};\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nReturn a sorted array of tiddler titles. Options include:\nsortField: field to sort by\nexcludeTag: tag to exclude\nincludeSystem: whether to include system tiddlers (defaults to false)\n*/\nexports.getTiddlers = function(options) {\n\toptions = options || Object.create(null);\n\tvar self = this,\n\t\tsortField = options.sortField || \"title\",\n\t\ttiddlers = [], t, titles = [];\n\tthis.each(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\tif(options.includeSystem || !self.isSystemTiddler(title)) {\n\t\t\tif(!options.excludeTag || !tiddler.hasTag(options.excludeTag)) {\n\t\t\t\ttiddlers.push(tiddler);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\ttiddlers.sort(function(a,b) {\n\t\tvar aa = a.fields[sortField].toLowerCase() || \"\",\n\t\t\tbb = b.fields[sortField].toLowerCase() || \"\";\n\t\tif(aa < bb) {\n\t\t\treturn -1;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tif(aa > bb) {\n\t\t\t\treturn 1;\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\treturn 0;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\tfor(t=0; t<tiddlers.length; t++) {\n\t\ttitles.push(tiddlers[t].fields.title);\n\t}\n\treturn titles;\n};\n\nexports.countTiddlers = function(excludeTag) {\n\tvar tiddlers = this.getTiddlers({excludeTag: excludeTag});\n\treturn $tw.utils.count(tiddlers);\n};\n\n/*\nReturns a function iterator(callback) that iterates through the specified titles, and invokes the callback with callback(tiddler,title)\n*/\nexports.makeTiddlerIterator = function(titles) {\n\tvar self = this;\n\tif(!$tw.utils.isArray(titles)) {\n\t\ttitles = Object.keys(titles);\n\t} else {\n\t\ttitles = titles.slice(0);\n\t}\n\treturn function(callback) {\n\t\ttitles.forEach(function(title) {\n\t\t\tcallback(self.getTiddler(title),title);\n\t\t});\n\t};\n};\n\n/*\nSort an array of tiddler titles by a specified field\n\ttitles: array of titles (sorted in place)\n\tsortField: name of field to sort by\n\tisDescending: true if the sort should be descending\n\tisCaseSensitive: true if the sort should consider upper and lower case letters to be different\n*/\nexports.sortTiddlers = function(titles,sortField,isDescending,isCaseSensitive,isNumeric) {\n\tvar self = this;\n\ttitles.sort(function(a,b) {\n\t\tvar x,y,\n\t\t\tcompareNumbers = function(x,y) {\n\t\t\t\tvar result = \n\t\t\t\t\tisNaN(x) && !isNaN(y) ? (isDescending ? -1 : 1) :\n\t\t\t\t\t!isNaN(x) && isNaN(y) ? (isDescending ? 1 : -1) :\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(isDescending ? y - x : x - y);\n\t\t\t\treturn result;\n\t\t\t};\n\t\tif(sortField !== \"title\") {\n\t\t\tvar tiddlerA = self.getTiddler(a),\n\t\t\t\ttiddlerB = self.getTiddler(b);\n\t\t\tif(tiddlerA) {\n\t\t\t\ta = tiddlerA.fields[sortField] || \"\";\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\ta = \"\";\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif(tiddlerB) {\n\t\t\t\tb = tiddlerB.fields[sortField] || \"\";\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tb = \"\";\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\tx = Number(a);\n\t\ty = Number(b);\n\t\tif(isNumeric && (!isNaN(x) || !isNaN(y))) {\n\t\t\treturn compareNumbers(x,y);\n\t\t} else if($tw.utils.isDate(a) && $tw.utils.isDate(b)) {\n\t\t\treturn isDescending ? b - a : a - b;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\ta = String(a);\n\t\t\tb = String(b);\n\t\t\tif(!isCaseSensitive) {\n\t\t\t\ta = a.toLowerCase();\n\t\t\t\tb = b.toLowerCase();\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\treturn isDescending ? b.localeCompare(a) : a.localeCompare(b);\n\t\t}\n\t});\n};\n\n/*\nFor every tiddler invoke a callback(title,tiddler) with `this` set to the wiki object. Options include:\nsortField: field to sort by\nexcludeTag: tag to exclude\nincludeSystem: whether to include system tiddlers (defaults to false)\n*/\nexports.forEachTiddler = function(/* [options,]callback */) {\n\tvar arg = 0,\n\t\toptions = arguments.length >= 2 ? arguments[arg++] : {},\n\t\tcallback = arguments[arg++],\n\t\ttitles = this.getTiddlers(options),\n\t\tt, tiddler;\n\tfor(t=0; t<titles.length; t++) {\n\t\ttiddler = this.getTiddler(titles[t]);\n\t\tif(tiddler) {\n\t\t\tcallback.call(this,tiddler.fields.title,tiddler);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nReturn an array of tiddler titles that are directly linked from the specified tiddler\n*/\nexports.getTiddlerLinks = function(title) {\n\tvar self = this;\n\t// We'll cache the links so they only get computed if the tiddler changes\n\treturn this.getCacheForTiddler(title,\"links\",function() {\n\t\t// Parse the tiddler\n\t\tvar parser = self.parseTiddler(title);\n\t\t// Count up the links\n\t\tvar links = [],\n\t\t\tcheckParseTree = function(parseTree) {\n\t\t\t\tfor(var t=0; t<parseTree.length; t++) {\n\t\t\t\t\tvar parseTreeNode = parseTree[t];\n\t\t\t\t\tif(parseTreeNode.type === \"link\" && parseTreeNode.attributes.to && parseTreeNode.attributes.to.type === \"string\") {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tvar value = parseTreeNode.attributes.to.value;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif(links.indexOf(value) === -1) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlinks.push(value);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\tif(parseTreeNode.children) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tcheckParseTree(parseTreeNode.children);\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t};\n\t\tif(parser) {\n\t\t\tcheckParseTree(parser.tree);\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn links;\n\t});\n};\n\n/*\nReturn an array of tiddler titles that link to the specified tiddler\n*/\nexports.getTiddlerBacklinks = function(targetTitle) {\n\tvar self = this,\n\t\tbacklinks = [];\n\tthis.forEachTiddler(function(title,tiddler) {\n\t\tvar links = self.getTiddlerLinks(title);\n\t\tif(links.indexOf(targetTitle) !== -1) {\n\t\t\tbacklinks.push(title);\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\treturn backlinks;\n};\n\n/*\nReturn a hashmap of tiddler titles that are referenced but not defined. Each value is the number of times the missing tiddler is referenced\n*/\nexports.getMissingTitles = function() {\n\tvar self = this,\n\t\tmissing = [];\n// We should cache the missing tiddler list, even if we recreate it every time any tiddler is modified\n\tthis.forEachTiddler(function(title,tiddler) {\n\t\tvar links = self.getTiddlerLinks(title);\n\t\t$tw.utils.each(links,function(link) {\n\t\t\tif((!self.tiddlerExists(link) && !self.isShadowTiddler(link)) && missing.indexOf(link) === -1) {\n\t\t\t\tmissing.push(link);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t});\n\treturn missing;\n};\n\nexports.getOrphanTitles = function() {\n\tvar self = this,\n\t\torphans = this.getTiddlers();\n\tthis.forEachTiddler(function(title,tiddler) {\n\t\tvar links = self.getTiddlerLinks(title);\n\t\t$tw.utils.each(links,function(link) {\n\t\t\tvar p = orphans.indexOf(link);\n\t\t\tif(p !== -1) {\n\t\t\t\torphans.splice(p,1);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t});\n\treturn orphans; // Todo\n};\n\n/*\nRetrieves a list of the tiddler titles that are tagged with a given tag\n*/\nexports.getTiddlersWithTag = function(tag) {\n\tvar self = this;\n\treturn this.getGlobalCache(\"taglist-\" + tag,function() {\n\t\tvar tagmap = self.getTagMap();\n\t\treturn self.sortByList(tagmap[tag],tag);\n\t});\n};\n\n/*\nGet a hashmap by tag of arrays of tiddler titles\n*/\nexports.getTagMap = function() {\n\tvar self = this;\n\treturn this.getGlobalCache(\"tagmap\",function() {\n\t\tvar tags = Object.create(null),\n\t\t\tstoreTags = function(tagArray,title) {\n\t\t\t\tif(tagArray) {\n\t\t\t\t\tfor(var index=0; index<tagArray.length; index++) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tvar tag = tagArray[index];\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif($tw.utils.hop(tags,tag)) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttags[tag].push(title);\n\t\t\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\ttags[tag] = [title];\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\ttitle, tiddler;\n\t\t// Collect up all the tags\n\t\tself.eachShadow(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\tif(!self.tiddlerExists(title)) {\n\t\t\t\ttiddler = self.getTiddler(title);\n\t\t\t\tstoreTags(tiddler.fields.tags,title);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t\tself.each(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\tstoreTags(tiddler.fields.tags,title);\n\t\t});\n\t\treturn tags;\n\t});\n};\n\n/*\nLookup a given tiddler and return a list of all the tiddlers that include it in the specified list field\n*/\nexports.findListingsOfTiddler = function(targetTitle,fieldName) {\n\tfieldName = fieldName || \"list\";\n\tvar titles = [];\n\tthis.each(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\tvar list = $tw.utils.parseStringArray(tiddler.fields[fieldName]);\n\t\tif(list && list.indexOf(targetTitle) !== -1) {\n\t\t\ttitles.push(title);\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\treturn titles;\n};\n\n/*\nSorts an array of tiddler titles according to an ordered list\n*/\nexports.sortByList = function(array,listTitle) {\n\tvar list = this.getTiddlerList(listTitle);\n\tif(!array || array.length === 0) {\n\t\treturn [];\n\t} else {\n\t\tvar titles = [], t, title;\n\t\t// First place any entries that are present in the list\n\t\tfor(t=0; t<list.length; t++) {\n\t\t\ttitle = list[t];\n\t\t\tif(array.indexOf(title) !== -1) {\n\t\t\t\ttitles.push(title);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Then place any remaining entries\n\t\tfor(t=0; t<array.length; t++) {\n\t\t\ttitle = array[t];\n\t\t\tif(list.indexOf(title) === -1) {\n\t\t\t\ttitles.push(title);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Finally obey the list-before and list-after fields of each tiddler in turn\n\t\tvar sortedTitles = titles.slice(0);\n\t\tfor(t=0; t<sortedTitles.length; t++) {\n\t\t\ttitle = sortedTitles[t];\n\t\t\tvar currPos = titles.indexOf(title),\n\t\t\t\tnewPos = -1,\n\t\t\t\ttiddler = this.getTiddler(title);\n\t\t\tif(tiddler) {\n\t\t\t\tvar beforeTitle = tiddler.fields[\"list-before\"],\n\t\t\t\t\tafterTitle = tiddler.fields[\"list-after\"];\n\t\t\t\tif(beforeTitle === \"\") {\n\t\t\t\t\tnewPos = 0;\n\t\t\t\t} else if(beforeTitle) {\n\t\t\t\t\tnewPos = titles.indexOf(beforeTitle);\n\t\t\t\t} else if(afterTitle) {\n\t\t\t\t\tnewPos = titles.indexOf(afterTitle);\n\t\t\t\t\tif(newPos >= 0) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t++newPos;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tif(newPos === -1) {\n\t\t\t\t\tnewPos = currPos;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tif(newPos !== currPos) {\n\t\t\t\t\ttitles.splice(currPos,1);\n\t\t\t\t\tif(newPos >= currPos) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tnewPos--;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\ttitles.splice(newPos,0,title);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn titles;\n\t}\n};\n\nexports.getSubTiddler = function(title,subTiddlerTitle) {\n\tvar bundleInfo = this.getPluginInfo(title) || this.getTiddlerDataCached(title);\n\tif(bundleInfo && bundleInfo.tiddlers) {\n\t\tvar subTiddler = bundleInfo.tiddlers[subTiddlerTitle];\n\t\tif(subTiddler) {\n\t\t\treturn new $tw.Tiddler(subTiddler);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn null;\n};\n\n/*\nRetrieve a tiddler as a JSON string of the fields\n*/\nexports.getTiddlerAsJson = function(title) {\n\tvar tiddler = this.getTiddler(title);\n\tif(tiddler) {\n\t\tvar fields = Object.create(null);\n\t\t$tw.utils.each(tiddler.fields,function(value,name) {\n\t\t\tfields[name] = tiddler.getFieldString(name);\n\t\t});\n\t\treturn JSON.stringify(fields);\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn JSON.stringify({title: title});\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nGet the content of a tiddler as a JavaScript object. How this is done depends on the type of the tiddler:\n\napplication/json: the tiddler JSON is parsed into an object\napplication/x-tiddler-dictionary: the tiddler is parsed as sequence of name:value pairs\n\nOther types currently just return null.\n\ntitleOrTiddler: string tiddler title or a tiddler object\ndefaultData: default data to be returned if the tiddler is missing or doesn't contain data\n\nNote that the same value is returned for repeated calls for the same tiddler data. The value is frozen to prevent modification; otherwise modifications would be visible to all callers\n*/\nexports.getTiddlerDataCached = function(titleOrTiddler,defaultData) {\n\tvar self = this,\n\t\ttiddler = titleOrTiddler;\n\tif(!(tiddler instanceof $tw.Tiddler)) {\n\t\ttiddler = this.getTiddler(tiddler);\t\n\t}\n\tif(tiddler) {\n\t\treturn this.getCacheForTiddler(tiddler.fields.title,\"data\",function() {\n\t\t\t// Return the frozen value\n\t\t\tvar value = self.getTiddlerData(tiddler.fields.title,undefined);\n\t\t\t$tw.utils.deepFreeze(value);\n\t\t\treturn value;\n\t\t}) || defaultData;\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn defaultData;\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nAlternative, uncached version of getTiddlerDataCached(). The return value can be mutated freely and reused\n*/\nexports.getTiddlerData = function(titleOrTiddler,defaultData) {\n\tvar tiddler = titleOrTiddler,\n\t\tdata;\n\tif(!(tiddler instanceof $tw.Tiddler)) {\n\t\ttiddler = this.getTiddler(tiddler);\t\n\t}\n\tif(tiddler && tiddler.fields.text) {\n\t\tswitch(tiddler.fields.type) {\n\t\t\tcase \"application/json\":\n\t\t\t\t// JSON tiddler\n\t\t\t\ttry {\n\t\t\t\t\tdata = JSON.parse(tiddler.fields.text);\n\t\t\t\t} catch(ex) {\n\t\t\t\t\treturn defaultData;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\treturn data;\n\t\t\tcase \"application/x-tiddler-dictionary\":\n\t\t\t\treturn $tw.utils.parseFields(tiddler.fields.text);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn defaultData;\n};\n\n/*\nExtract an indexed field from within a data tiddler\n*/\nexports.extractTiddlerDataItem = function(titleOrTiddler,index,defaultText) {\n\tvar data = this.getTiddlerDataCached(titleOrTiddler,Object.create(null)),\n\t\ttext;\n\tif(data && $tw.utils.hop(data,index)) {\n\t\ttext = data[index];\n\t}\n\tif(typeof text === \"string\" || typeof text === \"number\") {\n\t\treturn text.toString();\n\t} else {\n\t\treturn defaultText;\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nSet a tiddlers content to a JavaScript object. Currently this is done by setting the tiddler's type to \"application/json\" and setting the text to the JSON text of the data.\ntitle: title of tiddler\ndata: object that can be serialised to JSON\nfields: optional hashmap of additional tiddler fields to be set\n*/\nexports.setTiddlerData = function(title,data,fields) {\n\tvar existingTiddler = this.getTiddler(title),\n\t\tnewFields = {\n\t\t\ttitle: title\n\t};\n\tif(existingTiddler && existingTiddler.fields.type === \"application/x-tiddler-dictionary\") {\n\t\tnewFields.text = $tw.utils.makeTiddlerDictionary(data);\n\t} else {\n\t\tnewFields.type = \"application/json\";\n\t\tnewFields.text = JSON.stringify(data,null,$tw.config.preferences.jsonSpaces);\n\t}\n\tthis.addTiddler(new $tw.Tiddler(this.getCreationFields(),existingTiddler,fields,newFields,this.getModificationFields()));\n};\n\n/*\nReturn the content of a tiddler as an array containing each line\n*/\nexports.getTiddlerList = function(title,field,index) {\n\tif(index) {\n\t\treturn $tw.utils.parseStringArray(this.extractTiddlerDataItem(title,index,\"\"));\n\t}\n\tfield = field || \"list\";\n\tvar tiddler = this.getTiddler(title);\n\tif(tiddler) {\n\t\treturn ($tw.utils.parseStringArray(tiddler.fields[field]) || []).slice(0);\n\t}\n\treturn [];\n};\n\n// Return a named global cache object. Global cache objects are cleared whenever a tiddler change occurs\nexports.getGlobalCache = function(cacheName,initializer) {\n\tthis.globalCache = this.globalCache || Object.create(null);\n\tif($tw.utils.hop(this.globalCache,cacheName)) {\n\t\treturn this.globalCache[cacheName];\n\t} else {\n\t\tthis.globalCache[cacheName] = initializer();\n\t\treturn this.globalCache[cacheName];\n\t}\n};\n\nexports.clearGlobalCache = function() {\n\tthis.globalCache = Object.create(null);\n};\n\n// Return the named cache object for a tiddler. If the cache doesn't exist then the initializer function is invoked to create it\nexports.getCacheForTiddler = function(title,cacheName,initializer) {\n\tthis.caches = this.caches || Object.create(null);\n\tvar caches = this.caches[title];\n\tif(caches && caches[cacheName]) {\n\t\treturn caches[cacheName];\n\t} else {\n\t\tif(!caches) {\n\t\t\tcaches = Object.create(null);\n\t\t\tthis.caches[title] = caches;\n\t\t}\n\t\tcaches[cacheName] = initializer();\n\t\treturn caches[cacheName];\n\t}\n};\n\n// Clear all caches associated with a particular tiddler, or, if the title is null, clear all the caches for all the tiddlers\nexports.clearCache = function(title) {\n\tif(title) {\n\t\tthis.caches = this.caches || Object.create(null);\n\t\tif($tw.utils.hop(this.caches,title)) {\n\t\t\tdelete this.caches[title];\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\tthis.caches = Object.create(null);\n\t}\n};\n\nexports.initParsers = function(moduleType) {\n\t// Install the parser modules\n\t$tw.Wiki.parsers = {};\n\tvar self = this;\n\t$tw.modules.forEachModuleOfType(\"parser\",function(title,module) {\n\t\tfor(var f in module) {\n\t\t\tif($tw.utils.hop(module,f)) {\n\t\t\t\t$tw.Wiki.parsers[f] = module[f]; // Store the parser class\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t});\n};\n\n/*\nParse a block of text of a specified MIME type\n\ttype: content type of text to be parsed\n\ttext: text\n\toptions: see below\nOptions include:\n\tparseAsInline: if true, the text of the tiddler will be parsed as an inline run\n\t_canonical_uri: optional string of the canonical URI of this content\n*/\nexports.parseText = function(type,text,options) {\n\ttext = text || \"\";\n\toptions = options || {};\n\t// Select a parser\n\tvar Parser = $tw.Wiki.parsers[type];\n\tif(!Parser && $tw.utils.getFileExtensionInfo(type)) {\n\t\tParser = $tw.Wiki.parsers[$tw.utils.getFileExtensionInfo(type).type];\n\t}\n\tif(!Parser) {\n\t\tParser = $tw.Wiki.parsers[options.defaultType || \"text/vnd.tiddlywiki\"];\n\t}\n\tif(!Parser) {\n\t\treturn null;\n\t}\n\t// Return the parser instance\n\treturn new Parser(type,text,{\n\t\tparseAsInline: options.parseAsInline,\n\t\twiki: this,\n\t\t_canonical_uri: options._canonical_uri\n\t});\n};\n\n/*\nParse a tiddler according to its MIME type\n*/\nexports.parseTiddler = function(title,options) {\n\toptions = $tw.utils.extend({},options);\n\tvar cacheType = options.parseAsInline ? \"inlineParseTree\" : \"blockParseTree\",\n\t\ttiddler = this.getTiddler(title),\n\t\tself = this;\n\treturn tiddler ? this.getCacheForTiddler(title,cacheType,function() {\n\t\t\tif(tiddler.hasField(\"_canonical_uri\")) {\n\t\t\t\toptions._canonical_uri = tiddler.fields._canonical_uri;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\treturn self.parseText(tiddler.fields.type,tiddler.fields.text,options);\n\t\t}) : null;\n};\n\nexports.parseTextReference = function(title,field,index,options) {\n\tvar tiddler,text;\n\tif(options.subTiddler) {\n\t\ttiddler = this.getSubTiddler(title,options.subTiddler);\n\t} else {\n\t\ttiddler = this.getTiddler(title);\n\t\tif(field === \"text\" || (!field && !index)) {\n\t\t\tthis.getTiddlerText(title); // Force the tiddler to be lazily loaded\n\t\t\treturn this.parseTiddler(title,options);\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tif(field === \"text\" || (!field && !index)) {\n\t\tif(tiddler && tiddler.fields) {\n\t\t\treturn this.parseText(tiddler.fields.type || \"text/vnd.tiddlywiki\",tiddler.fields.text,options);\t\t\t\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\treturn null;\n\t\t}\n\t} else if(field) {\n\t\tif(field === \"title\") {\n\t\t\ttext = title;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tif(!tiddler || !tiddler.hasField(field)) {\n\t\t\t\treturn null;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\ttext = tiddler.fields[field];\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn this.parseText(\"text/vnd.tiddlywiki\",text.toString(),options);\n\t} else if(index) {\n\t\tthis.getTiddlerText(title); // Force the tiddler to be lazily loaded\n\t\ttext = this.extractTiddlerDataItem(tiddler,index,undefined);\n\t\tif(text === undefined) {\n\t\t\treturn null;\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn this.parseText(\"text/vnd.tiddlywiki\",text,options);\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nMake a widget tree for a parse tree\nparser: parser object\noptions: see below\nOptions include:\ndocument: optional document to use\nvariables: hashmap of variables to set\nparentWidget: optional parent widget for the root node\n*/\nexports.makeWidget = function(parser,options) {\n\toptions = options || {};\n\tvar widgetNode = {\n\t\t\ttype: \"widget\",\n\t\t\tchildren: []\n\t\t},\n\t\tcurrWidgetNode = widgetNode;\n\t// Create set variable widgets for each variable\n\t$tw.utils.each(options.variables,function(value,name) {\n\t\tvar setVariableWidget = {\n\t\t\ttype: \"set\",\n\t\t\tattributes: {\n\t\t\t\tname: {type: \"string\", value: name},\n\t\t\t\tvalue: {type: \"string\", value: value}\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tchildren: []\n\t\t};\n\t\tcurrWidgetNode.children = [setVariableWidget];\n\t\tcurrWidgetNode = setVariableWidget;\n\t});\n\t// Add in the supplied parse tree nodes\n\tcurrWidgetNode.children = parser ? parser.tree : [];\n\t// Create the widget\n\treturn new widget.widget(widgetNode,{\n\t\twiki: this,\n\t\tdocument: options.document || $tw.fakeDocument,\n\t\tparentWidget: options.parentWidget\n\t});\n};\n\n/*\nMake a widget tree for transclusion\ntitle: target tiddler title\noptions: as for wiki.makeWidget() plus:\noptions.field: optional field to transclude (defaults to \"text\")\noptions.mode: transclusion mode \"inline\" or \"block\"\noptions.children: optional array of children for the transclude widget\noptions.importVariables: optional importvariables filter string for macros to be included\noptions.importPageMacros: optional boolean; if true, equivalent to passing \"[[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Macro]!has[draft.of]]\" to options.importVariables\n*/\nexports.makeTranscludeWidget = function(title,options) {\n\toptions = options || {};\n\tvar parseTreeDiv = {tree: [{\n\t\t\ttype: \"element\",\n\t\t\ttag: \"div\",\n\t\t\tchildren: []}]},\n\t\tparseTreeImportVariables = {\n\t\t\ttype: \"importvariables\",\n\t\t\tattributes: {\n\t\t\t\tfilter: {\n\t\t\t\t\tname: \"filter\",\n\t\t\t\t\ttype: \"string\"\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tisBlock: false,\n\t\t\tchildren: []},\n\t\tparseTreeTransclude = {\n\t\t\ttype: \"transclude\",\n\t\t\tattributes: {\n\t\t\t\ttiddler: {\n\t\t\t\t\tname: \"tiddler\",\n\t\t\t\t\ttype: \"string\",\n\t\t\t\t\tvalue: title}},\n\t\t\tisBlock: !options.parseAsInline};\n\tif(options.importVariables || options.importPageMacros) {\n\t\tif(options.importVariables) {\n\t\t\tparseTreeImportVariables.attributes.filter.value = options.importVariables;\n\t\t} else if(options.importPageMacros) {\n\t\t\tparseTreeImportVariables.attributes.filter.value = \"[[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Macro]!has[draft.of]]\";\n\t\t}\n\t\tparseTreeDiv.tree[0].children.push(parseTreeImportVariables);\n\t\tparseTreeImportVariables.children.push(parseTreeTransclude);\n\t} else {\n\t\tparseTreeDiv.tree[0].children.push(parseTreeTransclude);\n\t}\n\tif(options.field) {\n\t\tparseTreeTransclude.attributes.field = {type: \"string\", value: options.field};\n\t}\n\tif(options.mode) {\n\t\tparseTreeTransclude.attributes.mode = {type: \"string\", value: options.mode};\n\t}\n\tif(options.children) {\n\t\tparseTreeTransclude.children = options.children;\n\t}\n\treturn $tw.wiki.makeWidget(parseTreeDiv,options);\n};\n\n/*\nParse text in a specified format and render it into another format\n\toutputType: content type for the output\n\ttextType: content type of the input text\n\ttext: input text\n\toptions: see below\nOptions include:\nvariables: hashmap of variables to set\nparentWidget: optional parent widget for the root node\n*/\nexports.renderText = function(outputType,textType,text,options) {\n\toptions = options || {};\n\tvar parser = this.parseText(textType,text,options),\n\t\twidgetNode = this.makeWidget(parser,options);\n\tvar container = $tw.fakeDocument.createElement(\"div\");\n\twidgetNode.render(container,null);\n\treturn outputType === \"text/html\" ? container.innerHTML : container.textContent;\n};\n\n/*\nParse text from a tiddler and render it into another format\n\toutputType: content type for the output\n\ttitle: title of the tiddler to be rendered\n\toptions: see below\nOptions include:\nvariables: hashmap of variables to set\nparentWidget: optional parent widget for the root node\n*/\nexports.renderTiddler = function(outputType,title,options) {\n\toptions = options || {};\n\tvar parser = this.parseTiddler(title,options),\n\t\twidgetNode = this.makeWidget(parser,options);\n\tvar container = $tw.fakeDocument.createElement(\"div\");\n\twidgetNode.render(container,null);\n\treturn outputType === \"text/html\" ? container.innerHTML : (outputType === \"text/plain-formatted\" ? container.formattedTextContent : container.textContent);\n};\n\n/*\nReturn an array of tiddler titles that match a search string\n\ttext: The text string to search for\n\toptions: see below\nOptions available:\n\tsource: an iterator function for the source tiddlers, called source(iterator), where iterator is called as iterator(tiddler,title)\n\texclude: An array of tiddler titles to exclude from the search\n\tinvert: If true returns tiddlers that do not contain the specified string\n\tcaseSensitive: If true forces a case sensitive search\n\tliteral: If true, searches for literal string, rather than separate search terms\n\tfield: If specified, restricts the search to the specified field\n*/\nexports.search = function(text,options) {\n\toptions = options || {};\n\tvar self = this,\n\t\tt,\n\t\tinvert = !!options.invert;\n\t// Convert the search string into a regexp for each term\n\tvar terms, searchTermsRegExps,\n\t\tflags = options.caseSensitive ? \"\" : \"i\";\n\tif(options.literal) {\n\t\tif(text.length === 0) {\n\t\t\tsearchTermsRegExps = null;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tsearchTermsRegExps = [new RegExp(\"(\" + $tw.utils.escapeRegExp(text) + \")\",flags)];\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\tterms = text.split(/ +/);\n\t\tif(terms.length === 1 && terms[0] === \"\") {\n\t\t\tsearchTermsRegExps = null;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tsearchTermsRegExps = [];\n\t\t\tfor(t=0; t<terms.length; t++) {\n\t\t\t\tsearchTermsRegExps.push(new RegExp(\"(\" + $tw.utils.escapeRegExp(terms[t]) + \")\",flags));\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t// Function to check a given tiddler for the search term\n\tvar searchTiddler = function(title) {\n\t\tif(!searchTermsRegExps) {\n\t\t\treturn true;\n\t\t}\n\t\tvar tiddler = self.getTiddler(title);\n\t\tif(!tiddler) {\n\t\t\ttiddler = new $tw.Tiddler({title: title, text: \"\", type: \"text/vnd.tiddlywiki\"});\n\t\t}\n\t\tvar contentTypeInfo = $tw.config.contentTypeInfo[tiddler.fields.type] || $tw.config.contentTypeInfo[\"text/vnd.tiddlywiki\"],\n\t\t\tmatch;\n\t\tfor(var t=0; t<searchTermsRegExps.length; t++) {\n\t\t\tmatch = false;\n\t\t\tif(options.field) {\n\t\t\t\tmatch = searchTermsRegExps[t].test(tiddler.getFieldString(options.field));\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t// Search title, tags and body\n\t\t\t\tif(contentTypeInfo.encoding === \"utf8\") {\n\t\t\t\t\tmatch = match || searchTermsRegExps[t].test(tiddler.fields.text);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tvar tags = tiddler.fields.tags ? tiddler.fields.tags.join(\"\\0\") : \"\";\n\t\t\t\tmatch = match || searchTermsRegExps[t].test(tags) || searchTermsRegExps[t].test(tiddler.fields.title);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif(!match) {\n\t\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn true;\n\t};\n\t// Loop through all the tiddlers doing the search\n\tvar results = [],\n\t\tsource = options.source || this.each;\n\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\tif(searchTiddler(title) !== options.invert) {\n\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\t// Remove any of the results we have to exclude\n\tif(options.exclude) {\n\t\tfor(t=0; t<options.exclude.length; t++) {\n\t\t\tvar p = results.indexOf(options.exclude[t]);\n\t\t\tif(p !== -1) {\n\t\t\t\tresults.splice(p,1);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n/*\nTrigger a load for a tiddler if it is skinny. Returns the text, or undefined if the tiddler is missing, null if the tiddler is being lazily loaded.\n*/\nexports.getTiddlerText = function(title,defaultText) {\n\tvar tiddler = this.getTiddler(title);\n\t// Return undefined if the tiddler isn't found\n\tif(!tiddler) {\n\t\treturn defaultText;\n\t}\n\tif(tiddler.fields.text !== undefined) {\n\t\t// Just return the text if we've got it\n\t\treturn tiddler.fields.text;\n\t} else {\n\t\t// Tell any listeners about the need to lazily load this tiddler\n\t\tthis.dispatchEvent(\"lazyLoad\",title);\n\t\t// Indicate that the text is being loaded\n\t\treturn null;\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nCheck whether the text of a tiddler matches a given value. By default, the comparison is case insensitive, and any spaces at either end of the tiddler text is trimmed\n*/\nexports.checkTiddlerText = function(title,targetText,options) {\n\toptions = options || {};\n\tvar text = this.getTiddlerText(title,\"\");\n\tif(!options.noTrim) {\n\t\ttext = text.trim();\n\t}\n\tif(!options.caseSensitive) {\n\t\ttext = text.toLowerCase();\n\t\ttargetText = targetText.toLowerCase();\n\t}\n\treturn text === targetText;\n}\n\n/*\nRead an array of browser File objects, invoking callback(tiddlerFieldsArray) once they're all read\n*/\nexports.readFiles = function(files,callback) {\n\tvar result = [],\n\t\toutstanding = files.length;\n\tfor(var f=0; f<files.length; f++) {\n\t\tthis.readFile(files[f],function(tiddlerFieldsArray) {\n\t\t\tresult.push.apply(result,tiddlerFieldsArray);\n\t\t\tif(--outstanding === 0) {\n\t\t\t\tcallback(result);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\treturn files.length;\n};\n\n/*\nRead a browser File object, invoking callback(tiddlerFieldsArray) with an array of tiddler fields objects\n*/\nexports.readFile = function(file,callback) {\n\t// Get the type, falling back to the filename extension\n\tvar self = this,\n\t\ttype = file.type;\n\tif(type === \"\" || !type) {\n\t\tvar dotPos = file.name.lastIndexOf(\".\");\n\t\tif(dotPos !== -1) {\n\t\t\tvar fileExtensionInfo = $tw.utils.getFileExtensionInfo(file.name.substr(dotPos));\n\t\t\tif(fileExtensionInfo) {\n\t\t\t\ttype = fileExtensionInfo.type;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t// Figure out if we're reading a binary file\n\tvar contentTypeInfo = $tw.config.contentTypeInfo[type],\n\t\tisBinary = contentTypeInfo ? contentTypeInfo.encoding === \"base64\" : false;\n\t// Log some debugging information\n\tif($tw.log.IMPORT) {\n\t\tconsole.log(\"Importing file '\" + file.name + \"', type: '\" + type + \"', isBinary: \" + isBinary);\n\t}\n\t// Create the FileReader\n\tvar reader = new FileReader();\n\t// Onload\n\treader.onload = function(event) {\n\t\tvar text = event.target.result,\n\t\t\ttiddlerFields = {title: file.name || \"Untitled\", type: type};\n\t\tif(isBinary) {\n\t\t\tvar commaPos = text.indexOf(\",\");\n\t\t\tif(commaPos !== -1) {\n\t\t\t\ttext = text.substr(commaPos + 1);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Check whether this is an encrypted TiddlyWiki file\n\t\tvar encryptedJson = $tw.utils.extractEncryptedStoreArea(text);\n\t\tif(encryptedJson) {\n\t\t\t// If so, attempt to decrypt it with the current password\n\t\t\t$tw.utils.decryptStoreAreaInteractive(encryptedJson,function(tiddlers) {\n\t\t\t\tcallback(tiddlers);\n\t\t\t});\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t// Otherwise, just try to deserialise any tiddlers in the file\n\t\t\tcallback(self.deserializeTiddlers(type,text,tiddlerFields));\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\t// Kick off the read\n\tif(isBinary) {\n\t\treader.readAsDataURL(file);\n\t} else {\n\t\treader.readAsText(file);\n\t}\n};\n\n/*\nFind any existing draft of a specified tiddler\n*/\nexports.findDraft = function(targetTitle) {\n\tvar draftTitle = undefined;\n\tthis.forEachTiddler({includeSystem: true},function(title,tiddler) {\n\t\tif(tiddler.fields[\"draft.title\"] && tiddler.fields[\"draft.of\"] === targetTitle) {\n\t\t\tdraftTitle = title;\n\t\t}\n\t});\n\treturn draftTitle;\n}\n\n/*\nCheck whether the specified draft tiddler has been modified.\nIf the original tiddler doesn't exist, create a vanilla tiddler variable,\nto check if additional fields have been added.\n*/\nexports.isDraftModified = function(title) {\n\tvar tiddler = this.getTiddler(title);\n\tif(!tiddler.isDraft()) {\n\t\treturn false;\n\t}\n\tvar ignoredFields = [\"created\", \"modified\", \"title\", \"draft.title\", \"draft.of\"],\n\t\torigTiddler = this.getTiddler(tiddler.fields[\"draft.of\"]) || new $tw.Tiddler({text:\"\", tags:[]}),\n\t\ttitleModified = tiddler.fields[\"draft.title\"] !== tiddler.fields[\"draft.of\"];\n\treturn titleModified || !tiddler.isEqual(origTiddler,ignoredFields);\n};\n\n/*\nAdd a new record to the top of the history stack\ntitle: a title string or an array of title strings\nfromPageRect: page coordinates of the origin of the navigation\nhistoryTitle: title of history tiddler (defaults to $:/HistoryList)\n*/\nexports.addToHistory = function(title,fromPageRect,historyTitle) {\n\tvar story = new $tw.Story({wiki: this, historyTitle: historyTitle});\n\tstory.addToHistory(title,fromPageRect);\n};\n\n/*\nInvoke the available upgrader modules\ntitles: array of tiddler titles to be processed\ntiddlers: hashmap by title of tiddler fields of pending import tiddlers. These can be modified by the upgraders. An entry with no fields indicates a tiddler that was pending import has been suppressed. When entries are added to the pending import the tiddlers hashmap may have entries that are not present in the titles array\nReturns a hashmap of messages keyed by tiddler title.\n*/\nexports.invokeUpgraders = function(titles,tiddlers) {\n\t// Collect up the available upgrader modules\n\tvar self = this;\n\tif(!this.upgraderModules) {\n\t\tthis.upgraderModules = [];\n\t\t$tw.modules.forEachModuleOfType(\"upgrader\",function(title,module) {\n\t\t\tif(module.upgrade) {\n\t\t\t\tself.upgraderModules.push(module);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\t// Invoke each upgrader in turn\n\tvar messages = {};\n\tfor(var t=0; t<this.upgraderModules.length; t++) {\n\t\tvar upgrader = this.upgraderModules[t],\n\t\t\tupgraderMessages = upgrader.upgrade(this,titles,tiddlers);\n\t\t$tw.utils.extend(messages,upgraderMessages);\n\t}\n\treturn messages;\n};\n\n})();\n\n",
"title": "$:/core/modules/wiki.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "wikimethod"
"$:/palettes/Blanca": {
"title": "$:/palettes/Blanca",
"name": "Blanca",
"description": "A clean white palette to let you focus",
"tags": "$:/tags/Palette",
"type": "application/x-tiddler-dictionary",
"text": "alert-background: #ffe476\nalert-border: #b99e2f\nalert-highlight: #881122\nalert-muted-foreground: #b99e2f\nbackground: #ffffff\nblockquote-bar: <<colour muted-foreground>>\nbutton-background:\nbutton-foreground:\nbutton-border:\ncode-background: #f7f7f9\ncode-border: #e1e1e8\ncode-foreground: #dd1144\ndirty-indicator: #ff0000\ndownload-background: #66cccc\ndownload-foreground: <<colour background>>\ndragger-background: <<colour foreground>>\ndragger-foreground: <<colour background>>\ndropdown-background: <<colour background>>\ndropdown-border: <<colour muted-foreground>>\ndropdown-tab-background-selected: #fff\ndropdown-tab-background: #ececec\ndropzone-background: rgba(0,200,0,0.7)\nexternal-link-background-hover: inherit\nexternal-link-background-visited: inherit\nexternal-link-background: inherit\nexternal-link-foreground-hover: inherit\nexternal-link-foreground-visited: #0000aa\nexternal-link-foreground: #0000ee\nforeground: #333333\nmessage-background: #ecf2ff\nmessage-border: #cfd6e6\nmessage-foreground: #547599\nmodal-backdrop: <<colour foreground>>\nmodal-background: <<colour background>>\nmodal-border: #999999\nmodal-footer-background: #f5f5f5\nmodal-footer-border: #dddddd\nmodal-header-border: #eeeeee\nmuted-foreground: #999999\nnotification-background: #ffffdd\nnotification-border: #999999\npage-background: #ffffff\npre-background: #f5f5f5\npre-border: #cccccc\nprimary: #7897f3\nsidebar-button-foreground: <<colour foreground>>\nsidebar-controls-foreground-hover: #000000\nsidebar-controls-foreground: #ccc\nsidebar-foreground-shadow: rgba(255,255,255, 0.8)\nsidebar-foreground: #acacac\nsidebar-muted-foreground-hover: #444444\nsidebar-muted-foreground: #c0c0c0\nsidebar-tab-background-selected: #ffffff\nsidebar-tab-background: <<colour tab-background>>\nsidebar-tab-border-selected: <<colour tab-border-selected>>\nsidebar-tab-border: <<colour tab-border>>\nsidebar-tab-divider: <<colour tab-divider>>\nsidebar-tab-foreground-selected: \nsidebar-tab-foreground: <<colour tab-foreground>>\nsidebar-tiddler-link-foreground-hover: #444444\nsidebar-tiddler-link-foreground: #7897f3\nsite-title-foreground: <<colour tiddler-title-foreground>>\nstatic-alert-foreground: #aaaaaa\ntab-background-selected: #ffffff\ntab-background: #eeeeee\ntab-border-selected: #cccccc\ntab-border: #cccccc\ntab-divider: #d8d8d8\ntab-foreground-selected: <<colour tab-foreground>>\ntab-foreground: #666666\ntable-border: #dddddd\ntable-footer-background: #a8a8a8\ntable-header-background: #f0f0f0\ntag-background: #ffeedd\ntag-foreground: #000\ntiddler-background: <<colour background>>\ntiddler-border: #eee\ntiddler-controls-foreground-hover: #888888\ntiddler-controls-foreground-selected: #444444\ntiddler-controls-foreground: #cccccc\ntiddler-editor-background: #f8f8f8\ntiddler-editor-border-image: #ffffff\ntiddler-editor-border: #cccccc\ntiddler-editor-fields-even: #e0e8e0\ntiddler-editor-fields-odd: #f0f4f0\ntiddler-info-background: #f8f8f8\ntiddler-info-border: #dddddd\ntiddler-info-tab-background: #f8f8f8\ntiddler-link-background: <<colour background>>\ntiddler-link-foreground: <<colour primary>>\ntiddler-subtitle-foreground: #c0c0c0\ntiddler-title-foreground: #ff9900\ntoolbar-new-button:\ntoolbar-options-button:\ntoolbar-save-button:\ntoolbar-info-button:\ntoolbar-edit-button:\ntoolbar-close-button:\ntoolbar-delete-button:\ntoolbar-cancel-button:\ntoolbar-done-button:\nuntagged-background: #999999\nvery-muted-foreground: #888888\n"
"$:/palettes/Blue": {
"title": "$:/palettes/Blue",
"name": "Blue",
"description": "A blue theme",
"tags": "$:/tags/Palette",
"type": "application/x-tiddler-dictionary",
"text": "alert-background: #ffe476\nalert-border: #b99e2f\nalert-highlight: #881122\nalert-muted-foreground: #b99e2f\nbackground: #fff\nblockquote-bar: <<colour muted-foreground>>\nbutton-background:\nbutton-foreground:\nbutton-border:\ncode-background: #f7f7f9\ncode-border: #e1e1e8\ncode-foreground: #dd1144\ndirty-indicator: #ff0000\ndownload-background: #34c734\ndownload-foreground: <<colour foreground>>\ndragger-background: <<colour foreground>>\ndragger-foreground: <<colour background>>\ndropdown-background: <<colour background>>\ndropdown-border: <<colour muted-foreground>>\ndropdown-tab-background-selected: #fff\ndropdown-tab-background: #ececec\ndropzone-background: rgba(0,200,0,0.7)\nexternal-link-background-hover: inherit\nexternal-link-background-visited: inherit\nexternal-link-background: inherit\nexternal-link-foreground-hover: inherit\nexternal-link-foreground-visited: #0000aa\nexternal-link-foreground: #0000ee\nforeground: #333353\nmessage-background: #ecf2ff\nmessage-border: #cfd6e6\nmessage-foreground: #547599\nmodal-backdrop: <<colour foreground>>\nmodal-background: <<colour background>>\nmodal-border: #999999\nmodal-footer-background: #f5f5f5\nmodal-footer-border: #dddddd\nmodal-header-border: #eeeeee\nmuted-foreground: #999999\nnotification-background: #ffffdd\nnotification-border: #999999\npage-background: #ddddff\npre-background: #f5f5f5\npre-border: #cccccc\nprimary: #5778d8\nsidebar-button-foreground: <<colour foreground>>\nsidebar-controls-foreground-hover: #000000\nsidebar-controls-foreground: #ffffff\nsidebar-foreground-shadow: rgba(255,255,255, 0.8)\nsidebar-foreground: #acacac\nsidebar-muted-foreground-hover: #444444\nsidebar-muted-foreground: #c0c0c0\nsidebar-tab-background-selected: <<colour page-background>>\nsidebar-tab-background: <<colour tab-background>>\nsidebar-tab-border-selected: <<colour tab-border-selected>>\nsidebar-tab-border: <<colour tab-border>>\nsidebar-tab-divider: <<colour tab-divider>>\nsidebar-tab-foreground-selected: \nsidebar-tab-foreground: <<colour tab-foreground>>\nsidebar-tiddler-link-foreground-hover: #444444\nsidebar-tiddler-link-foreground: #5959c0\nsite-title-foreground: <<colour tiddler-title-foreground>>\nstatic-alert-foreground: #aaaaaa\ntab-background-selected: <<colour background>>\ntab-background: #ccccdd\ntab-border-selected: #ccccdd\ntab-border: #cccccc\ntab-divider: #d8d8d8\ntab-foreground-selected: <<colour tab-foreground>>\ntab-foreground: #666666\ntable-border: #dddddd\ntable-footer-background: #a8a8a8\ntable-header-background: #f0f0f0\ntag-background: #eeeeff\ntag-foreground: #000\ntiddler-background: <<colour background>>\ntiddler-border: <<colour background>>\ntiddler-controls-foreground-hover: #666666\ntiddler-controls-foreground-selected: #444444\ntiddler-controls-foreground: #cccccc\ntiddler-editor-background: #f8f8f8\ntiddler-editor-border-image: #ffffff\ntiddler-editor-border: #cccccc\ntiddler-editor-fields-even: #e0e8e0\ntiddler-editor-fields-odd: #f0f4f0\ntiddler-info-background: #ffffff\ntiddler-info-border: #dddddd\ntiddler-info-tab-background: #ffffff\ntiddler-link-background: <<colour background>>\ntiddler-link-foreground: <<colour primary>>\ntiddler-subtitle-foreground: #c0c0c0\ntiddler-title-foreground: #5959c0\ntoolbar-new-button: #5eb95e\ntoolbar-options-button: rgb(128, 88, 165)\ntoolbar-save-button: #0e90d2\ntoolbar-info-button: #0e90d2\ntoolbar-edit-button: rgb(243, 123, 29)\ntoolbar-close-button: #dd514c\ntoolbar-delete-button: #dd514c\ntoolbar-cancel-button: rgb(243, 123, 29)\ntoolbar-done-button: #5eb95e\nuntagged-background: #999999\nvery-muted-foreground: #888888\n"
"$:/palettes/Muted": {
"title": "$:/palettes/Muted",
"name": "Muted",
"description": "Bright tiddlers on a muted background",
"tags": "$:/tags/Palette",
"type": "application/x-tiddler-dictionary",
"text": "alert-background: #ffe476\nalert-border: #b99e2f\nalert-highlight: #881122\nalert-muted-foreground: #b99e2f\nbackground: #ffffff\nblockquote-bar: <<colour muted-foreground>>\nbutton-background:\nbutton-foreground:\nbutton-border:\ncode-background: #f7f7f9\ncode-border: #e1e1e8\ncode-foreground: #dd1144\ndirty-indicator: #ff0000\ndownload-background: #34c734\ndownload-foreground: <<colour background>>\ndragger-background: <<colour foreground>>\ndragger-foreground: <<colour background>>\ndropdown-background: <<colour background>>\ndropdown-border: <<colour muted-foreground>>\ndropdown-tab-background-selected: #fff\ndropdown-tab-background: #ececec\ndropzone-background: rgba(0,200,0,0.7)\nexternal-link-background-hover: inherit\nexternal-link-background-visited: inherit\nexternal-link-background: inherit\nexternal-link-foreground-hover: inherit\nexternal-link-foreground-visited: #0000aa\nexternal-link-foreground: #0000ee\nforeground: #333333\nmessage-background: #ecf2ff\nmessage-border: #cfd6e6\nmessage-foreground: #547599\nmodal-backdrop: <<colour foreground>>\nmodal-background: <<colour background>>\nmodal-border: #999999\nmodal-footer-background: #f5f5f5\nmodal-footer-border: #dddddd\nmodal-header-border: #eeeeee\nmuted-foreground: #bbb\nnotification-background: #ffffdd\nnotification-border: #999999\npage-background: #6f6f70\npre-background: #f5f5f5\npre-border: #cccccc\nprimary: #29a6ee\nsidebar-button-foreground: <<colour foreground>>\nsidebar-controls-foreground-hover: #000000\nsidebar-controls-foreground: #c2c1c2\nsidebar-foreground-shadow: rgba(255,255,255,0)\nsidebar-foreground: #d3d2d4\nsidebar-muted-foreground-hover: #444444\nsidebar-muted-foreground: #c0c0c0\nsidebar-tab-background-selected: #6f6f70\nsidebar-tab-background: #666667\nsidebar-tab-border-selected: #999\nsidebar-tab-border: #515151\nsidebar-tab-divider: #999\nsidebar-tab-foreground-selected: \nsidebar-tab-foreground: #999\nsidebar-tiddler-link-foreground-hover: #444444\nsidebar-tiddler-link-foreground: #d1d0d2\nsite-title-foreground: <<colour tiddler-title-foreground>>\nstatic-alert-foreground: #aaaaaa\ntab-background-selected: #ffffff\ntab-background: #d8d8d8\ntab-border-selected: #d8d8d8\ntab-border: #cccccc\ntab-divider: #d8d8d8\ntab-foreground-selected: <<colour tab-foreground>>\ntab-foreground: #666666\ntable-border: #dddddd\ntable-footer-background: #a8a8a8\ntable-header-background: #f0f0f0\ntag-background: #d5ad34\ntag-foreground: #ffffff\ntiddler-background: <<colour background>>\ntiddler-border: <<colour background>>\ntiddler-controls-foreground-hover: #888888\ntiddler-controls-foreground-selected: #444444\ntiddler-controls-foreground: #cccccc\ntiddler-editor-background: #f8f8f8\ntiddler-editor-border-image: #ffffff\ntiddler-editor-border: #cccccc\ntiddler-editor-fields-even: #e0e8e0\ntiddler-editor-fields-odd: #f0f4f0\ntiddler-info-background: #f8f8f8\ntiddler-info-border: #dddddd\ntiddler-info-tab-background: #f8f8f8\ntiddler-link-background: <<colour background>>\ntiddler-link-foreground: <<colour primary>>\ntiddler-subtitle-foreground: #c0c0c0\ntiddler-title-foreground: #182955\ntoolbar-new-button: \ntoolbar-options-button: \ntoolbar-save-button: \ntoolbar-info-button: \ntoolbar-edit-button: \ntoolbar-close-button: \ntoolbar-delete-button: \ntoolbar-cancel-button: \ntoolbar-done-button: \nuntagged-background: #999999\nvery-muted-foreground: #888888\n"
"$:/palettes/ContrastLight": {
"title": "$:/palettes/ContrastLight",
"name": "Contrast (Light)",
"description": "High contrast and unambiguous (light version)",
"tags": "$:/tags/Palette",
"type": "application/x-tiddler-dictionary",
"text": "alert-background: #f00\nalert-border: <<colour background>>\nalert-highlight: <<colour foreground>>\nalert-muted-foreground: #800\nbackground: #fff\nblockquote-bar: <<colour muted-foreground>>\nbutton-background: <<colour background>>\nbutton-foreground: <<colour foreground>>\nbutton-border: <<colour foreground>>\ncode-background: <<colour background>>\ncode-border: <<colour foreground>>\ncode-foreground: <<colour foreground>>\ndirty-indicator: #f00\ndownload-background: #080\ndownload-foreground: <<colour background>>\ndragger-background: <<colour foreground>>\ndragger-foreground: <<colour background>>\ndropdown-background: <<colour background>>\ndropdown-border: <<colour muted-foreground>>\ndropdown-tab-background-selected: <<colour foreground>>\ndropdown-tab-background: <<colour foreground>>\ndropzone-background: rgba(0,200,0,0.7)\nexternal-link-background-hover: inherit\nexternal-link-background-visited: inherit\nexternal-link-background: inherit\nexternal-link-foreground-hover: inherit\nexternal-link-foreground-visited: #00a\nexternal-link-foreground: #00e\nforeground: #000\nmessage-background: <<colour foreground>>\nmessage-border: <<colour background>>\nmessage-foreground: <<colour background>>\nmodal-backdrop: <<colour foreground>>\nmodal-background: <<colour background>>\nmodal-border: <<colour foreground>>\nmodal-footer-background: <<colour background>>\nmodal-footer-border: <<colour foreground>>\nmodal-header-border: <<colour foreground>>\nmuted-foreground: <<colour foreground>>\nnotification-background: <<colour background>>\nnotification-border: <<colour foreground>>\npage-background: <<colour background>>\npre-background: <<colour background>>\npre-border: <<colour foreground>>\nprimary: #00f\nsidebar-button-foreground: <<colour foreground>>\nsidebar-controls-foreground-hover: <<colour background>>\nsidebar-controls-foreground: <<colour foreground>>\nsidebar-foreground-shadow: rgba(0,0,0, 0)\nsidebar-foreground: <<colour foreground>>\nsidebar-muted-foreground-hover: #444444\nsidebar-muted-foreground: <<colour foreground>>\nsidebar-tab-background-selected: <<colour background>>\nsidebar-tab-background: <<colour tab-background>>\nsidebar-tab-border-selected: <<colour tab-border-selected>>\nsidebar-tab-border: <<colour tab-border>>\nsidebar-tab-divider: <<colour tab-divider>>\nsidebar-tab-foreground-selected: <<colour foreground>>\nsidebar-tab-foreground: <<colour tab-foreground>>\nsidebar-tiddler-link-foreground-hover: <<colour foreground>>\nsidebar-tiddler-link-foreground: <<colour primary>>\nsite-title-foreground: <<colour tiddler-title-foreground>>\nstatic-alert-foreground: #aaaaaa\ntab-background-selected: <<colour background>>\ntab-background: <<colour foreground>>\ntab-border-selected: <<colour foreground>>\ntab-border: <<colour foreground>>\ntab-divider: <<colour foreground>>\ntab-foreground-selected: <<colour foreground>>\ntab-foreground: <<colour background>>\ntable-border: #dddddd\ntable-footer-background: #a8a8a8\ntable-header-background: #f0f0f0\ntag-background: #000\ntag-foreground: #fff\ntiddler-background: <<colour background>>\ntiddler-border: <<colour foreground>>\ntiddler-controls-foreground-hover: #ddd\ntiddler-controls-foreground-selected: #fdd\ntiddler-controls-foreground: <<colour foreground>>\ntiddler-editor-background: <<colour background>>\ntiddler-editor-border-image: <<colour foreground>>\ntiddler-editor-border: #cccccc\ntiddler-editor-fields-even: <<colour background>>\ntiddler-editor-fields-odd: <<colour background>>\ntiddler-info-background: <<colour background>>\ntiddler-info-border: <<colour foreground>>\ntiddler-info-tab-background: <<colour background>>\ntiddler-link-background: <<colour background>>\ntiddler-link-foreground: <<colour primary>>\ntiddler-subtitle-foreground: <<colour foreground>>\ntiddler-title-foreground: <<colour foreground>>\ntoolbar-new-button: \ntoolbar-options-button: \ntoolbar-save-button: \ntoolbar-info-button: \ntoolbar-edit-button: \ntoolbar-close-button: \ntoolbar-delete-button: \ntoolbar-cancel-button: \ntoolbar-done-button: \nuntagged-background: <<colour foreground>>\nvery-muted-foreground: #888888\n"
"$:/palettes/ContrastDark": {
"title": "$:/palettes/ContrastDark",
"name": "Contrast (Dark)",
"description": "High contrast and unambiguous (dark version)",
"tags": "$:/tags/Palette",
"type": "application/x-tiddler-dictionary",
"text": "alert-background: #f00\nalert-border: <<colour background>>\nalert-highlight: <<colour foreground>>\nalert-muted-foreground: #800\nbackground: #000\nblockquote-bar: <<colour muted-foreground>>\nbutton-background: <<colour background>>\nbutton-foreground: <<colour foreground>>\nbutton-border: <<colour foreground>>\ncode-background: <<colour background>>\ncode-border: <<colour foreground>>\ncode-foreground: <<colour foreground>>\ndirty-indicator: #f00\ndownload-background: #080\ndownload-foreground: <<colour background>>\ndragger-background: <<colour foreground>>\ndragger-foreground: <<colour background>>\ndropdown-background: <<colour background>>\ndropdown-border: <<colour muted-foreground>>\ndropdown-tab-background-selected: <<colour foreground>>\ndropdown-tab-background: <<colour foreground>>\ndropzone-background: rgba(0,200,0,0.7)\nexternal-link-background-hover: inherit\nexternal-link-background-visited: inherit\nexternal-link-background: inherit\nexternal-link-foreground-hover: inherit\nexternal-link-foreground-visited: #00a\nexternal-link-foreground: #00e\nforeground: #fff\nmessage-background: <<colour foreground>>\nmessage-border: <<colour background>>\nmessage-foreground: <<colour background>>\nmodal-backdrop: <<colour foreground>>\nmodal-background: <<colour background>>\nmodal-border: <<colour foreground>>\nmodal-footer-background: <<colour background>>\nmodal-footer-border: <<colour foreground>>\nmodal-header-border: <<colour foreground>>\nmuted-foreground: <<colour foreground>>\nnotification-background: <<colour background>>\nnotification-border: <<colour foreground>>\npage-background: <<colour background>>\npre-background: <<colour background>>\npre-border: <<colour foreground>>\nprimary: #00f\nsidebar-button-foreground: <<colour foreground>>\nsidebar-controls-foreground-hover: <<colour background>>\nsidebar-controls-foreground: <<colour foreground>>\nsidebar-foreground-shadow: rgba(0,0,0, 0)\nsidebar-foreground: <<colour foreground>>\nsidebar-muted-foreground-hover: #444444\nsidebar-muted-foreground: <<colour foreground>>\nsidebar-tab-background-selected: <<colour background>>\nsidebar-tab-background: <<colour tab-background>>\nsidebar-tab-border-selected: <<colour tab-border-selected>>\nsidebar-tab-border: <<colour tab-border>>\nsidebar-tab-divider: <<colour tab-divider>>\nsidebar-tab-foreground-selected: <<colour foreground>>\nsidebar-tab-foreground: <<colour tab-foreground>>\nsidebar-tiddler-link-foreground-hover: <<colour foreground>>\nsidebar-tiddler-link-foreground: <<colour primary>>\nsite-title-foreground: <<colour tiddler-title-foreground>>\nstatic-alert-foreground: #aaaaaa\ntab-background-selected: <<colour background>>\ntab-background: <<colour foreground>>\ntab-border-selected: <<colour foreground>>\ntab-border: <<colour foreground>>\ntab-divider: <<colour foreground>>\ntab-foreground-selected: <<colour foreground>>\ntab-foreground: <<colour background>>\ntable-border: #dddddd\ntable-footer-background: #a8a8a8\ntable-header-background: #f0f0f0\ntag-background: #fff\ntag-foreground: #000\ntiddler-background: <<colour background>>\ntiddler-border: <<colour foreground>>\ntiddler-controls-foreground-hover: #ddd\ntiddler-controls-foreground-selected: #fdd\ntiddler-controls-foreground: <<colour foreground>>\ntiddler-editor-background: <<colour background>>\ntiddler-editor-border-image: <<colour foreground>>\ntiddler-editor-border: #cccccc\ntiddler-editor-fields-even: <<colour background>>\ntiddler-editor-fields-odd: <<colour background>>\ntiddler-info-background: <<colour background>>\ntiddler-info-border: <<colour foreground>>\ntiddler-info-tab-background: <<colour background>>\ntiddler-link-background: <<colour background>>\ntiddler-link-foreground: <<colour primary>>\ntiddler-subtitle-foreground: <<colour foreground>>\ntiddler-title-foreground: <<colour foreground>>\ntoolbar-new-button: \ntoolbar-options-button: \ntoolbar-save-button: \ntoolbar-info-button: \ntoolbar-edit-button: \ntoolbar-close-button: \ntoolbar-delete-button: \ntoolbar-cancel-button: \ntoolbar-done-button: \nuntagged-background: <<colour foreground>>\nvery-muted-foreground: #888888\n"
"$:/palettes/DarkPhotos": {
"created": "20150402111612188",
"description": "Good with dark photo backgrounds",
"modified": "20150402112344080",
"name": "DarkPhotos",
"tags": "$:/tags/Palette",
"title": "$:/palettes/DarkPhotos",
"type": "application/x-tiddler-dictionary",
"text": "alert-background: #ffe476\nalert-border: #b99e2f\nalert-highlight: #881122\nalert-muted-foreground: #b99e2f\nbackground: #ffffff\nblockquote-bar: <<colour muted-foreground>>\nbutton-background: \nbutton-foreground: \nbutton-border: \ncode-background: #f7f7f9\ncode-border: #e1e1e8\ncode-foreground: #dd1144\ndirty-indicator: #ff0000\ndownload-background: #34c734\ndownload-foreground: <<colour background>>\ndragger-background: <<colour foreground>>\ndragger-foreground: <<colour background>>\ndropdown-background: <<colour background>>\ndropdown-border: <<colour muted-foreground>>\ndropdown-tab-background-selected: #fff\ndropdown-tab-background: #ececec\ndropzone-background: rgba(0,200,0,0.7)\nexternal-link-background-hover: inherit\nexternal-link-background-visited: inherit\nexternal-link-background: inherit\nexternal-link-foreground-hover: inherit\nexternal-link-foreground-visited: #0000aa\nexternal-link-foreground: #0000ee\nforeground: #333333\nmessage-background: #ecf2ff\nmessage-border: #cfd6e6\nmessage-foreground: #547599\nmodal-backdrop: <<colour foreground>>\nmodal-background: <<colour background>>\nmodal-border: #999999\nmodal-footer-background: #f5f5f5\nmodal-footer-border: #dddddd\nmodal-header-border: #eeeeee\nmuted-foreground: #ddd\nnotification-background: #ffffdd\nnotification-border: #999999\npage-background: #336438\npre-background: #f5f5f5\npre-border: #cccccc\nprimary: #5778d8\nsidebar-button-foreground: <<colour foreground>>\nsidebar-controls-foreground-hover: #ccf\nsidebar-controls-foreground: #fff\nsidebar-foreground-shadow: rgba(0,0,0, 0.5)\nsidebar-foreground: #fff\nsidebar-muted-foreground-hover: #444444\nsidebar-muted-foreground: #eee\nsidebar-tab-background-selected: rgba(255,255,255, 0.8)\nsidebar-tab-background: rgba(255,255,255, 0.4)\nsidebar-tab-border-selected: <<colour tab-border-selected>>\nsidebar-tab-border: <<colour tab-border>>\nsidebar-tab-divider: rgba(255,255,255, 0.2)\nsidebar-tab-foreground-selected: \nsidebar-tab-foreground: <<colour tab-foreground>>\nsidebar-tiddler-link-foreground-hover: #aaf\nsidebar-tiddler-link-foreground: #ddf\nsite-title-foreground: #fff\nstatic-alert-foreground: #aaaaaa\ntab-background-selected: #ffffff\ntab-background: #d8d8d8\ntab-border-selected: #d8d8d8\ntab-border: #cccccc\ntab-divider: #d8d8d8\ntab-foreground-selected: <<colour tab-foreground>>\ntab-foreground: #666666\ntable-border: #dddddd\ntable-footer-background: #a8a8a8\ntable-header-background: #f0f0f0\ntag-background: #ec6\ntag-foreground: #ffffff\ntiddler-background: <<colour background>>\ntiddler-border: <<colour background>>\ntiddler-controls-foreground-hover: #888888\ntiddler-controls-foreground-selected: #444444\ntiddler-controls-foreground: #cccccc\ntiddler-editor-background: #f8f8f8\ntiddler-editor-border-image: #ffffff\ntiddler-editor-border: #cccccc\ntiddler-editor-fields-even: #e0e8e0\ntiddler-editor-fields-odd: #f0f4f0\ntiddler-info-background: #f8f8f8\ntiddler-info-border: #dddddd\ntiddler-info-tab-background: #f8f8f8\ntiddler-link-background: <<colour background>>\ntiddler-link-foreground: <<colour primary>>\ntiddler-subtitle-foreground: #c0c0c0\ntiddler-title-foreground: #182955\ntoolbar-new-button: \ntoolbar-options-button: \ntoolbar-save-button: \ntoolbar-info-button: \ntoolbar-edit-button: \ntoolbar-close-button: \ntoolbar-delete-button: \ntoolbar-cancel-button: \ntoolbar-done-button: \nuntagged-background: #999999\nvery-muted-foreground: #888888\n"
"$:/palettes/Rocker": {
"title": "$:/palettes/Rocker",
"name": "Rocker",
"description": "A dark theme",
"tags": "$:/tags/Palette",
"type": "application/x-tiddler-dictionary",
"text": "alert-background: #ffe476\nalert-border: #b99e2f\nalert-highlight: #881122\nalert-muted-foreground: #b99e2f\nbackground: #ffffff\nblockquote-bar: <<colour muted-foreground>>\nbutton-background:\nbutton-foreground:\nbutton-border:\ncode-background: #f7f7f9\ncode-border: #e1e1e8\ncode-foreground: #dd1144\ndirty-indicator: #ff0000\ndownload-background: #34c734\ndownload-foreground: <<colour background>>\ndragger-background: <<colour foreground>>\ndragger-foreground: <<colour background>>\ndropdown-background: <<colour background>>\ndropdown-border: <<colour muted-foreground>>\ndropdown-tab-background-selected: #fff\ndropdown-tab-background: #ececec\ndropzone-background: rgba(0,200,0,0.7)\nexternal-link-background-hover: inherit\nexternal-link-background-visited: inherit\nexternal-link-background: inherit\nexternal-link-foreground-hover: inherit\nexternal-link-foreground-visited: #0000aa\nexternal-link-foreground: #0000ee\nforeground: #333333\nmessage-background: #ecf2ff\nmessage-border: #cfd6e6\nmessage-foreground: #547599\nmodal-backdrop: <<colour foreground>>\nmodal-background: <<colour background>>\nmodal-border: #999999\nmodal-footer-background: #f5f5f5\nmodal-footer-border: #dddddd\nmodal-header-border: #eeeeee\nmuted-foreground: #999999\nnotification-background: #ffffdd\nnotification-border: #999999\npage-background: #000\npre-background: #f5f5f5\npre-border: #cccccc\nprimary: #cc0000\nsidebar-button-foreground: <<colour foreground>>\nsidebar-controls-foreground-hover: #000000\nsidebar-controls-foreground: #ffffff\nsidebar-foreground-shadow: rgba(255,255,255, 0.0)\nsidebar-foreground: #acacac\nsidebar-muted-foreground-hover: #444444\nsidebar-muted-foreground: #c0c0c0\nsidebar-tab-background-selected: #000\nsidebar-tab-background: <<colour tab-background>>\nsidebar-tab-border-selected: <<colour tab-border-selected>>\nsidebar-tab-border: <<colour tab-border>>\nsidebar-tab-divider: <<colour tab-divider>>\nsidebar-tab-foreground-selected: \nsidebar-tab-foreground: <<colour tab-foreground>>\nsidebar-tiddler-link-foreground-hover: #ffbb99\nsidebar-tiddler-link-foreground: #cc0000\nsite-title-foreground: <<colour tiddler-title-foreground>>\nstatic-alert-foreground: #aaaaaa\ntab-background-selected: #ffffff\ntab-background: #d8d8d8\ntab-border-selected: #d8d8d8\ntab-border: #cccccc\ntab-divider: #d8d8d8\ntab-foreground-selected: <<colour tab-foreground>>\ntab-foreground: #666666\ntable-border: #dddddd\ntable-footer-background: #a8a8a8\ntable-header-background: #f0f0f0\ntag-background: #ffbb99\ntag-foreground: #000\ntiddler-background: <<colour background>>\ntiddler-border: <<colour background>>\ntiddler-controls-foreground-hover: #888888\ntiddler-controls-foreground-selected: #444444\ntiddler-controls-foreground: #cccccc\ntiddler-editor-background: #f8f8f8\ntiddler-editor-border-image: #ffffff\ntiddler-editor-border: #cccccc\ntiddler-editor-fields-even: #e0e8e0\ntiddler-editor-fields-odd: #f0f4f0\ntiddler-info-background: #f8f8f8\ntiddler-info-border: #dddddd\ntiddler-info-tab-background: #f8f8f8\ntiddler-link-background: <<colour background>>\ntiddler-link-foreground: <<colour primary>>\ntiddler-subtitle-foreground: #c0c0c0\ntiddler-title-foreground: #cc0000\ntoolbar-new-button:\ntoolbar-options-button:\ntoolbar-save-button:\ntoolbar-info-button:\ntoolbar-edit-button:\ntoolbar-close-button:\ntoolbar-delete-button:\ntoolbar-cancel-button:\ntoolbar-done-button:\nuntagged-background: #999999\nvery-muted-foreground: #888888\n"
"$:/palettes/SolarFlare": {
"title": "$:/palettes/SolarFlare",
"name": "Solar Flare",
"description": "Warm, relaxing earth colours",
"tags": "$:/tags/Palette",
"type": "application/x-tiddler-dictionary",
"text": ": Background Tones\n\nbase03: #002b36\nbase02: #073642\n\n: Content Tones\n\nbase01: #586e75\nbase00: #657b83\nbase0: #839496\nbase1: #93a1a1\n\n: Background Tones\n\nbase2: #eee8d5\nbase3: #fdf6e3\n\n: Accent Colors\n\nyellow: #b58900\norange: #cb4b16\nred: #dc322f\nmagenta: #d33682\nviolet: #6c71c4\nblue: #268bd2\ncyan: #2aa198\ngreen: #859900\n\n: Additional Tones (RA)\n\nbase10: #c0c4bb\nviolet-muted: #7c81b0\nblue-muted: #4e7baa\n\nyellow-hot: #ffcc44\norange-hot: #eb6d20\nred-hot: #ff2222\nblue-hot: #2298ee\ngreen-hot: #98ee22\n\n: Palette\n\n: Do not use colour macro for background and foreground\nbackground: #fdf6e3\n download-foreground: <<colour background>>\n dragger-foreground: <<colour background>>\n dropdown-background: <<colour background>>\n modal-background: <<colour background>>\n sidebar-foreground-shadow: <<colour background>>\n tiddler-background: <<colour background>>\n tiddler-border: <<colour background>>\n tiddler-link-background: <<colour background>>\n tab-background-selected: <<colour background>>\n dropdown-tab-background-selected: <<colour tab-background-selected>>\nforeground: #657b83\n dragger-background: <<colour foreground>>\n tab-foreground: <<colour foreground>>\n tab-foreground-selected: <<colour tab-foreground>>\n sidebar-tab-foreground-selected: <<colour tab-foreground-selected>>\n sidebar-tab-foreground: <<colour tab-foreground>>\n sidebar-button-foreground: <<colour foreground>>\n sidebar-controls-foreground: <<colour foreground>>\n sidebar-foreground: <<colour foreground>>\n: base03\n: base02\n: base01\n alert-muted-foreground: <<colour base01>>\n: base00\n code-foreground: <<colour base00>>\n message-foreground: <<colour base00>>\n tag-foreground: <<colour base00>>\n: base0\n sidebar-tiddler-link-foreground: <<colour base0>>\n: base1\n muted-foreground: <<colour base1>>\n blockquote-bar: <<colour muted-foreground>>\n dropdown-border: <<colour muted-foreground>>\n sidebar-muted-foreground: <<colour muted-foreground>>\n tiddler-title-foreground: <<colour muted-foreground>>\n site-title-foreground: <<colour tiddler-title-foreground>>\n: base2\n modal-footer-background: <<colour base2>>\n page-background: <<colour base2>>\n modal-backdrop: <<colour page-background>>\n notification-background: <<colour page-background>>\n code-background: <<colour page-background>>\n code-border: <<colour code-background>>\n pre-background: <<colour page-background>>\n pre-border: <<colour pre-background>>\n sidebar-tab-background-selected: <<colour page-background>>\n table-header-background: <<colour base2>>\n tag-background: <<colour base2>>\n tiddler-editor-background: <<colour base2>>\n tiddler-info-background: <<colour base2>>\n tiddler-info-tab-background: <<colour base2>>\n tab-background: <<colour base2>>\n dropdown-tab-background: <<colour tab-background>>\n: base3\n alert-background: <<colour base3>>\n message-background: <<colour base3>>\n: yellow\n: orange\n: red\n: magenta\n alert-highlight: <<colour magenta>>\n: violet\n external-link-foreground: <<colour violet>>\n: blue\n: cyan\n: green\n: base10\n tiddler-controls-foreground: <<colour base10>>\n: violet-muted\n external-link-foreground-visited: <<colour violet-muted>>\n: blue-muted\n primary: <<colour blue-muted>>\n download-background: <<colour primary>>\n tiddler-link-foreground: <<colour primary>>\n\nalert-border: #b99e2f\ndirty-indicator: #ff0000\ndropzone-background: rgba(0,200,0,0.7)\nexternal-link-background-hover: inherit\nexternal-link-background-visited: inherit\nexternal-link-background: inherit\nexternal-link-foreground-hover: inherit\nmessage-border: #cfd6e6\nmodal-border: #999999\nsidebar-controls-foreground-hover:\nsidebar-muted-foreground-hover:\nsidebar-tab-background: #ded8c5\nsidebar-tiddler-link-foreground-hover:\nstatic-alert-foreground: #aaaaaa\ntab-border: #cccccc\n modal-footer-border: <<colour tab-border>>\n modal-header-border: <<colour tab-border>>\n notification-border: <<colour tab-border>>\n sidebar-tab-border: <<colour tab-border>>\n tab-border-selected: <<colour tab-border>>\n sidebar-tab-border-selected: <<colour tab-border-selected>>\ntab-divider: #d8d8d8\n sidebar-tab-divider: <<colour tab-divider>>\ntable-border: #dddddd\ntable-footer-background: #a8a8a8\ntiddler-controls-foreground-hover: #888888\ntiddler-controls-foreground-selected: #444444\ntiddler-editor-border-image: #ffffff\ntiddler-editor-border: #cccccc\ntiddler-editor-fields-even: #e0e8e0\ntiddler-editor-fields-odd: #f0f4f0\ntiddler-info-border: #dddddd\ntiddler-subtitle-foreground: #c0c0c0\ntoolbar-new-button:\ntoolbar-options-button:\ntoolbar-save-button:\ntoolbar-info-button:\ntoolbar-edit-button:\ntoolbar-close-button:\ntoolbar-delete-button:\ntoolbar-cancel-button:\ntoolbar-done-button:\nuntagged-background: #999999\nvery-muted-foreground: #888888\n"
"$:/palettes/Vanilla": {
"title": "$:/palettes/Vanilla",
"name": "Vanilla",
"description": "Pale and unobtrusive",
"tags": "$:/tags/Palette",
"type": "application/x-tiddler-dictionary",
"text": "alert-background: #ffe476\nalert-border: #b99e2f\nalert-highlight: #881122\nalert-muted-foreground: #b99e2f\nbackground: #ffffff\nblockquote-bar: <<colour muted-foreground>>\nbutton-background:\nbutton-foreground:\nbutton-border:\ncode-background: #f7f7f9\ncode-border: #e1e1e8\ncode-foreground: #dd1144\ndirty-indicator: #ff0000\ndownload-background: #34c734\ndownload-foreground: <<colour background>>\ndragger-background: <<colour foreground>>\ndragger-foreground: <<colour background>>\ndropdown-background: <<colour background>>\ndropdown-border: <<colour muted-foreground>>\ndropdown-tab-background-selected: #fff\ndropdown-tab-background: #ececec\ndropzone-background: rgba(0,200,0,0.7)\nexternal-link-background-hover: inherit\nexternal-link-background-visited: inherit\nexternal-link-background: inherit\nexternal-link-foreground-hover: inherit\nexternal-link-foreground-visited: #0000aa\nexternal-link-foreground: #0000ee\nforeground: #333333\nmessage-background: #ecf2ff\nmessage-border: #cfd6e6\nmessage-foreground: #547599\nmodal-backdrop: <<colour foreground>>\nmodal-background: <<colour background>>\nmodal-border: #999999\nmodal-footer-background: #f5f5f5\nmodal-footer-border: #dddddd\nmodal-header-border: #eeeeee\nmuted-foreground: #bbb\nnotification-background: #ffffdd\nnotification-border: #999999\npage-background: #f4f4f4\npre-background: #f5f5f5\npre-border: #cccccc\nprimary: #5778d8\nsidebar-button-foreground: <<colour foreground>>\nsidebar-controls-foreground-hover: #000000\nsidebar-controls-foreground: #aaaaaa\nsidebar-foreground-shadow: rgba(255,255,255, 0.8)\nsidebar-foreground: #acacac\nsidebar-muted-foreground-hover: #444444\nsidebar-muted-foreground: #c0c0c0\nsidebar-tab-background-selected: #f4f4f4\nsidebar-tab-background: #e0e0e0\nsidebar-tab-border-selected: <<colour tab-border-selected>>\nsidebar-tab-border: <<colour tab-border>>\nsidebar-tab-divider: #e4e4e4\nsidebar-tab-foreground-selected:\nsidebar-tab-foreground: <<colour tab-foreground>>\nsidebar-tiddler-link-foreground-hover: #444444\nsidebar-tiddler-link-foreground: #999999\nsite-title-foreground: <<colour tiddler-title-foreground>>\nstatic-alert-foreground: #aaaaaa\ntab-background-selected: #ffffff\ntab-background: #d8d8d8\ntab-border-selected: #d8d8d8\ntab-border: #cccccc\ntab-divider: #d8d8d8\ntab-foreground-selected: <<colour tab-foreground>>\ntab-foreground: #666666\ntable-border: #dddddd\ntable-footer-background: #a8a8a8\ntable-header-background: #f0f0f0\ntag-background: #ec6\ntag-foreground: #ffffff\ntiddler-background: <<colour background>>\ntiddler-border: <<colour background>>\ntiddler-controls-foreground-hover: #888888\ntiddler-controls-foreground-selected: #444444\ntiddler-controls-foreground: #cccccc\ntiddler-editor-background: #f8f8f8\ntiddler-editor-border-image: #ffffff\ntiddler-editor-border: #cccccc\ntiddler-editor-fields-even: #e0e8e0\ntiddler-editor-fields-odd: #f0f4f0\ntiddler-info-background: #f8f8f8\ntiddler-info-border: #dddddd\ntiddler-info-tab-background: #f8f8f8\ntiddler-link-background: <<colour background>>\ntiddler-link-foreground: <<colour primary>>\ntiddler-subtitle-foreground: #c0c0c0\ntiddler-title-foreground: #182955\ntoolbar-new-button:\ntoolbar-options-button:\ntoolbar-save-button:\ntoolbar-info-button:\ntoolbar-edit-button:\ntoolbar-close-button:\ntoolbar-delete-button:\ntoolbar-cancel-button:\ntoolbar-done-button:\nuntagged-background: #999999\nvery-muted-foreground: #888888\n"
"$:/core/readme": {
"title": "$:/core/readme",
"text": "This plugin contains TiddlyWiki's core components, comprising:\n\n* JavaScript code modules\n* Icons\n* Templates needed to create TiddlyWiki's user interface\n* British English (''en-GB'') translations of the localisable strings used by the core\n"
"$:/library/sjcl.js/license": {
"title": "$:/library/sjcl.js/license",
"type": "text/plain",
"text": "SJCL is open. You can use, modify and redistribute it under a BSD\nlicense or under the GNU GPL, version 2.0.\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nhttp://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause\n\nCopyright (c) 2009-2015, Emily Stark, Mike Hamburg and Dan Boneh at\nStanford University. All rights reserved.\n\nRedistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\nmodification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are\nmet:\n\n1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright\nnotice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n\n2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright\nnotice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the\ndocumentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.\n\nTHIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS \"AS\nIS\" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED\nTO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A\nPARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT\nHOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,\nSPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED\nTO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR\nPROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF\nLIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING\nNEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS\nSOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nhttp://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-2.0\n\nThe Stanford Javascript Crypto Library (hosted here on GitHub) is a\nproject by the Stanford Computer Security Lab to build a secure,\npowerful, fast, small, easy-to-use, cross-browser library for\ncryptography in Javascript.\n\nCopyright (c) 2009-2015, Emily Stark, Mike Hamburg and Dan Boneh at\nStanford University.\n\nThis program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it\nunder the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the\nFree Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your\noption) any later version.\n\nThis program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but\nWITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\nMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General\nPublic License for more details.\n\nYou should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along\nwith this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,\n59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA"
"$:/core/templates/MOTW.html": {
"title": "$:/core/templates/MOTW.html",
"text": "\\rules only filteredtranscludeinline transcludeinline entity\n<!-- The following comment is called a MOTW comment and is necessary for the TiddlyIE Internet Explorer extension -->\n<!-- saved from url=(0021)http://tiddlywiki.com --> "
"$:/core/templates/alltiddlers.template.html": {
"title": "$:/core/templates/alltiddlers.template.html",
"type": "text/vnd.tiddlywiki-html",
"text": "<!-- This template is provided for backwards compatibility with older versions of TiddlyWiki -->\n\n<$set name=\"exportFilter\" value=\"[!is[system]sort[title]]\">\n\n{{$:/core/templates/exporters/StaticRiver}}\n\n</$set>\n"
"$:/core/templates/canonical-uri-external-image": {
"title": "$:/core/templates/canonical-uri-external-image",
"text": "<!--\n\nThis template is used to assign the ''_canonical_uri'' field to external images.\n\nChange the `./images/` part to a different base URI. The URI can be relative or absolute.\n\n-->\n./images/<$view field=\"title\" format=\"doubleurlencoded\"/>"
"$:/core/templates/canonical-uri-external-text": {
"title": "$:/core/templates/canonical-uri-external-text",
"text": "<!--\n\nThis template is used to assign the ''_canonical_uri'' field to external text files.\n\nChange the `./text/` part to a different base URI. The URI can be relative or absolute.\n\n-->\n./text/<$view field=\"title\" format=\"doubleurlencoded\"/>.tid"
"$:/core/templates/css-tiddler": {
"title": "$:/core/templates/css-tiddler",
"text": "<!--\n\nThis template is used for saving CSS tiddlers as a style tag with data attributes representing the tiddler fields.\n\n-->`<style`<$fields template=' data-tiddler-$name$=\"$encoded_value$\"'></$fields>` type=\"text/css\">`<$view field=\"text\" format=\"text\" />`</style>`"
"$:/core/templates/exporters/CsvFile": {
"title": "$:/core/templates/exporters/CsvFile",
"tags": "$:/tags/Exporter",
"description": "{{$:/language/Exporters/CsvFile}}",
"extension": ".csv",
"text": "\\define renderContent()\n<$text text=<<csvtiddlers filter:\"\"\"$(exportFilter)$\"\"\" format:\"quoted-comma-sep\">>/>\n\\end\n<<renderContent>>\n"
"$:/core/templates/exporters/JsonFile": {
"title": "$:/core/templates/exporters/JsonFile",
"tags": "$:/tags/Exporter",
"description": "{{$:/language/Exporters/JsonFile}}",
"extension": ".json",
"text": "\\define renderContent()\n<$text text=<<jsontiddlers filter:\"\"\"$(exportFilter)$\"\"\">>/>\n\\end\n<<renderContent>>\n"
"$:/core/templates/exporters/StaticRiver": {
"title": "$:/core/templates/exporters/StaticRiver",
"tags": "$:/tags/Exporter",
"description": "{{$:/language/Exporters/StaticRiver}}",
"extension": ".html",
"text": "\\define tv-wikilink-template() #$uri_encoded$\n\\define tv-config-toolbar-icons() no\n\\define tv-config-toolbar-text() no\n\\define tv-config-toolbar-class() tc-btn-invisible\n\\rules only filteredtranscludeinline transcludeinline\n<!doctype html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html;charset=utf-8\" />\n<meta name=\"generator\" content=\"TiddlyWiki\" />\n<meta name=\"tiddlywiki-version\" content=\"{{$:/core/templates/version}}\" />\n<meta name=\"format-detection\" content=\"telephone=no\">\n<link id=\"faviconLink\" rel=\"shortcut icon\" href=\"favicon.ico\">\n<title>{{$:/core/wiki/title}}</title>\n<div id=\"styleArea\">\n{{$:/boot/boot.css||$:/core/templates/css-tiddler}}\n</div>\n<style type=\"text/css\">\n{{$:/core/ui/PageStylesheet||$:/core/templates/wikified-tiddler}}\n</style>\n</head>\n<body class=\"tc-body\">\n{{$:/StaticBanner||$:/core/templates/html-tiddler}}\n<section class=\"tc-story-river\">\n{{$:/core/templates/exporters/StaticRiver/Content||$:/core/templates/html-tiddler}}\n</section>\n</body>\n</html>\n"
"$:/core/templates/exporters/StaticRiver/Content": {
"title": "$:/core/templates/exporters/StaticRiver/Content",
"text": "\\define renderContent()\n{{{ $(exportFilter)$ ||$:/core/templates/static-tiddler}}}\n\\end\n<$importvariables filter=\"[[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Macro]!has[draft.of]]\">\n<<renderContent>>\n</$importvariables>\n"
"$:/core/templates/exporters/TidFile": {
"title": "$:/core/templates/exporters/TidFile",
"tags": "$:/tags/Exporter",
"description": "{{$:/language/Exporters/TidFile}}",
"extension": ".tid",
"text": "\\define renderContent()\n{{{ $(exportFilter)$ +[limit[1]] ||$:/core/templates/tid-tiddler}}}\n\\end\n<$importvariables filter=\"[[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Macro]!has[draft.of]]\"><<renderContent>></$importvariables>"
"$:/core/templates/html-div-tiddler": {
"title": "$:/core/templates/html-div-tiddler",
"text": "<!--\n\nThis template is used for saving tiddlers as an HTML DIV tag with attributes representing the tiddler fields.\n\n-->`<div`<$fields template=' $name$=\"$encoded_value$\"'></$fields>`>\n<pre>`<$view field=\"text\" format=\"htmlencoded\" />`</pre>\n</div>`\n"
"$:/core/templates/html-tiddler": {
"title": "$:/core/templates/html-tiddler",
"text": "<!--\n\nThis template is used for saving tiddlers as raw HTML\n\n--><$view field=\"text\" format=\"htmlwikified\" />"
"$:/core/templates/javascript-tiddler": {
"title": "$:/core/templates/javascript-tiddler",
"text": "<!--\n\nThis template is used for saving JavaScript tiddlers as a script tag with data attributes representing the tiddler fields.\n\n-->`<script`<$fields template=' data-tiddler-$name$=\"$encoded_value$\"'></$fields>` type=\"text/javascript\">`<$view field=\"text\" format=\"text\" />`</script>`"
"$:/core/templates/json-tiddler": {
"title": "$:/core/templates/json-tiddler",
"text": "<!--\n\nThis template is used for saving tiddlers as raw JSON\n\n--><$text text=<<jsontiddler>>/>"
"$:/core/templates/module-tiddler": {
"title": "$:/core/templates/module-tiddler",
"text": "<!--\n\nThis template is used for saving JavaScript tiddlers as a script tag with data attributes representing the tiddler fields. The body of the tiddler is wrapped in a call to the `$tw.modules.define` function in order to define the body of the tiddler as a module\n\n-->`<script`<$fields template=' data-tiddler-$name$=\"$encoded_value$\"'></$fields>` type=\"text/javascript\" data-module=\"yes\">$tw.modules.define(\"`<$view field=\"title\" format=\"jsencoded\" />`\",\"`<$view field=\"module-type\" format=\"jsencoded\" />`\",function(module,exports,require) {`<$view field=\"text\" format=\"text\" />`});\n</script>`"
"$:/core/templates/plain-text-tiddler": {
"title": "$:/core/templates/plain-text-tiddler",
"text": "<$view field=\"text\" format=\"text\" />"
"$:/core/templates/raw-static-tiddler": {
"title": "$:/core/templates/raw-static-tiddler",
"text": "<!--\n\nThis template is used for saving tiddlers as static HTML\n\n--><$view field=\"text\" format=\"plainwikified\" />"
"$:/core/save/all": {
"title": "$:/core/save/all",
"text": "\\define saveTiddlerFilter()\n[is[tiddler]] -[prefix[$:/state/popup/]] -[[$:/HistoryList]] -[[$:/boot/boot.css]] -[type[application/javascript]library[yes]] -[[$:/boot/boot.js]] -[[$:/boot/bootprefix.js]] +[sort[title]] $(publishFilter)$\n\\end\n{{$:/core/templates/tiddlywiki5.html}}\n"
"$:/core/save/empty": {
"title": "$:/core/save/empty",
"text": "\\define saveTiddlerFilter()\n[is[system]] -[prefix[$:/state/popup/]] -[[$:/boot/boot.css]] -[type[application/javascript]library[yes]] -[[$:/boot/boot.js]] -[[$:/boot/bootprefix.js]] +[sort[title]]\n\\end\n{{$:/core/templates/tiddlywiki5.html}}\n"
"$:/core/save/lazy-all": {
"title": "$:/core/save/lazy-all",
"text": "\\define saveTiddlerFilter()\n[is[system]] -[prefix[$:/state/popup/]] -[[$:/HistoryList]] -[[$:/boot/boot.css]] -[type[application/javascript]library[yes]] -[[$:/boot/boot.js]] -[[$:/boot/bootprefix.js]] +[sort[title]] \n\\end\n{{$:/core/templates/tiddlywiki5.html}}\n"
"$:/core/save/lazy-images": {
"title": "$:/core/save/lazy-images",
"text": "\\define saveTiddlerFilter()\n[is[tiddler]] -[prefix[$:/state/popup/]] -[[$:/HistoryList]] -[[$:/boot/boot.css]] -[type[application/javascript]library[yes]] -[[$:/boot/boot.js]] -[[$:/boot/bootprefix.js]] -[!is[system]is[image]] +[sort[title]] \n\\end\n{{$:/core/templates/tiddlywiki5.html}}\n"
"$:/core/templates/single.tiddler.window": {
"title": "$:/core/templates/single.tiddler.window",
"text": "<$set name=\"themeTitle\" value={{$:/view}}>\n\n<$set name=\"tempCurrentTiddler\" value=<<currentTiddler>>>\n\n<$set name=\"currentTiddler\" value={{$:/language}}>\n\n<$set name=\"languageTitle\" value={{!!name}}>\n\n<$set name=\"currentTiddler\" value=<<tempCurrentTiddler>>>\n\n<$importvariables filter=\"[[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Macro]!has[draft.of]]\">\n\n<$navigator story=\"$:/StoryList\" history=\"$:/HistoryList\">\n\n<$transclude mode=\"block\"/>\n\n</$navigator>\n\n</$importvariables>\n\n</$set>\n\n</$set>\n\n</$set>\n\n</$set>\n\n</$set>\n\n"
"$:/core/templates/split-recipe": {
"title": "$:/core/templates/split-recipe",
"text": "<$list filter=\"[!is[system]]\">\ntiddler: <$view field=\"title\" format=\"urlencoded\"/>.tid\n</$list>\n"
"$:/core/templates/static-tiddler": {
"title": "$:/core/templates/static-tiddler",
"text": "<a name=<<currentTiddler>>>\n<$transclude tiddler=\"$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate\"/>\n</a>"
"$:/core/templates/static.area": {
"title": "$:/core/templates/static.area",
"text": "<$reveal type=\"nomatch\" state=\"$:/isEncrypted\" text=\"yes\">\n{{{ [all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/RawStaticContent]!has[draft.of]] ||$:/core/templates/raw-static-tiddler}}}\n{{$:/core/templates/static.content||$:/core/templates/html-tiddler}}\n</$reveal>\n<$reveal type=\"match\" state=\"$:/isEncrypted\" text=\"yes\">\nThis file contains an encrypted ~TiddlyWiki. Enable ~JavaScript and enter the decryption password when prompted.\n</$reveal>\n"
"$:/core/templates/static.content": {
"title": "$:/core/templates/static.content",
"type": "text/vnd.tiddlywiki",
"text": "<!-- For Google, and people without JavaScript-->\nThis [[TiddlyWiki|http://tiddlywiki.com]] contains the following tiddlers:\n\n<ul>\n<$list filter=<<saveTiddlerFilter>>>\n<li><$view field=\"title\" format=\"text\"></$view></li>\n</$list>\n</ul>\n"
"$:/core/templates/static.template.css": {
"title": "$:/core/templates/static.template.css",
"text": "{{$:/boot/boot.css||$:/core/templates/plain-text-tiddler}}\n\n{{$:/core/ui/PageStylesheet||$:/core/templates/wikified-tiddler}}\n"
"$:/core/templates/static.template.html": {
"title": "$:/core/templates/static.template.html",
"type": "text/vnd.tiddlywiki-html",
"text": "\\define tv-wikilink-template() static/$uri_doubleencoded$.html\n\\define tv-config-toolbar-icons() no\n\\define tv-config-toolbar-text() no\n\\define tv-config-toolbar-class() tc-btn-invisible\n\\rules only filteredtranscludeinline transcludeinline\n<!doctype html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html;charset=utf-8\" />\n<meta name=\"generator\" content=\"TiddlyWiki\" />\n<meta name=\"tiddlywiki-version\" content=\"{{$:/core/templates/version}}\" />\n<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0\" />\n<meta name=\"apple-mobile-web-app-capable\" content=\"yes\" />\n<meta name=\"apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style\" content=\"black-translucent\" />\n<meta name=\"mobile-web-app-capable\" content=\"yes\"/>\n<meta name=\"format-detection\" content=\"telephone=no\">\n<link id=\"faviconLink\" rel=\"shortcut icon\" href=\"favicon.ico\">\n<title>{{$:/core/wiki/title}}</title>\n<div id=\"styleArea\">\n{{$:/boot/boot.css||$:/core/templates/css-tiddler}}\n</div>\n<style type=\"text/css\">\n{{$:/core/ui/PageStylesheet||$:/core/templates/wikified-tiddler}}\n</style>\n</head>\n<body class=\"tc-body\">\n{{$:/StaticBanner||$:/core/templates/html-tiddler}}\n{{$:/core/ui/PageTemplate||$:/core/templates/html-tiddler}}\n</body>\n</html>\n"
"$:/core/templates/static.tiddler.html": {
"title": "$:/core/templates/static.tiddler.html",
"text": "\\define tv-wikilink-template() $uri_doubleencoded$.html\n\\define tv-config-toolbar-icons() no\n\\define tv-config-toolbar-text() no\n\\define tv-config-toolbar-class() tc-btn-invisible\n`<!doctype html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html;charset=utf-8\" />\n<meta name=\"generator\" content=\"TiddlyWiki\" />\n<meta name=\"tiddlywiki-version\" content=\"`{{$:/core/templates/version}}`\" />\n<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0\" />\n<meta name=\"apple-mobile-web-app-capable\" content=\"yes\" />\n<meta name=\"apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style\" content=\"black-translucent\" />\n<meta name=\"mobile-web-app-capable\" content=\"yes\"/>\n<meta name=\"format-detection\" content=\"telephone=no\">\n<link id=\"faviconLink\" rel=\"shortcut icon\" href=\"favicon.ico\">\n<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"static.css\">\n<title>`<$view field=\"caption\"><$view field=\"title\"/></$view>: {{$:/core/wiki/title}}`</title>\n</head>\n<body class=\"tc-body\">\n`{{$:/StaticBanner||$:/core/templates/html-tiddler}}`\n<section class=\"tc-story-river\">\n`<$importvariables filter=\"[[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Macro]!has[draft.of]]\">\n<$view tiddler=\"$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate\" format=\"htmlwikified\"/>\n</$importvariables>`\n</section>\n</body>\n</html>\n`"
"$:/core/templates/store.area.template.html": {
"title": "$:/core/templates/store.area.template.html",
"text": "<$reveal type=\"nomatch\" state=\"$:/isEncrypted\" text=\"yes\">\n`<div id=\"storeArea\" style=\"display:none;\">`\n<$list filter=<<saveTiddlerFilter>> template=\"$:/core/templates/html-div-tiddler\"/>\n`</div>`\n</$reveal>\n<$reveal type=\"match\" state=\"$:/isEncrypted\" text=\"yes\">\n`<!--~~ Encrypted tiddlers ~~-->`\n`<pre id=\"encryptedStoreArea\" type=\"text/plain\" style=\"display:none;\">`\n<$encrypt filter=<<saveTiddlerFilter>>/>\n`</pre>`\n</$reveal>"
"$:/core/templates/tid-tiddler": {
"title": "$:/core/templates/tid-tiddler",
"text": "<!--\n\nThis template is used for saving tiddlers in TiddlyWeb *.tid format\n\n--><$fields exclude='text bag' template='$name$: $value$\n'></$fields>`\n`<$view field=\"text\" format=\"text\" />"
"$:/core/templates/tiddler-metadata": {
"title": "$:/core/templates/tiddler-metadata",
"text": "<!--\n\nThis template is used for saving tiddler metadata *.meta files\n\n--><$fields exclude='text bag' template='$name$: $value$\n'></$fields>"
"$:/core/templates/tiddlywiki5.html": {
"title": "$:/core/templates/tiddlywiki5.html",
"text": "\\rules only filteredtranscludeinline transcludeinline\n<!doctype html>\n{{$:/core/templates/MOTW.html}}<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"X-UA-Compatible\" content=\"IE=Edge\">\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html;charset=utf-8\" />\n<meta name=\"application-name\" content=\"TiddlyWiki\" />\n<meta name=\"generator\" content=\"TiddlyWiki\" />\n<meta name=\"tiddlywiki-version\" content=\"{{$:/core/templates/version}}\" />\n<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0\" />\n<meta name=\"apple-mobile-web-app-capable\" content=\"yes\" />\n<meta name=\"apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style\" content=\"black-translucent\" />\n<meta name=\"mobile-web-app-capable\" content=\"yes\"/>\n<meta name=\"format-detection\" content=\"telephone=no\" />\n<meta name=\"copyright\" content=\"{{$:/core/copyright.txt}}\" />\n<link id=\"faviconLink\" rel=\"shortcut icon\" href=\"favicon.ico\">\n<title>{{$:/core/wiki/title}}</title>\n<!--~~ This is a Tiddlywiki file. The points of interest in the file are marked with this pattern ~~-->\n\n<!--~~ Raw markup ~~-->\n{{{ [all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/core/wiki/rawmarkup]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/RawMarkup]] ||$:/core/templates/plain-text-tiddler}}}\n{{{ [all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/RawMarkupWikified]] ||$:/core/templates/raw-static-tiddler}}}\n</head>\n<body class=\"tc-body\">\n<!--~~ Static styles ~~-->\n<div id=\"styleArea\">\n{{$:/boot/boot.css||$:/core/templates/css-tiddler}}\n</div>\n<!--~~ Static content for Google and browsers without JavaScript ~~-->\n<noscript>\n<div id=\"splashArea\">\n{{$:/core/templates/static.area}}\n</div>\n</noscript>\n<!--~~ Ordinary tiddlers ~~-->\n{{$:/core/templates/store.area.template.html}}\n<!--~~ Library modules ~~-->\n<div id=\"libraryModules\" style=\"display:none;\">\n{{{ [is[system]type[application/javascript]library[yes]] ||$:/core/templates/javascript-tiddler}}}\n</div>\n<!--~~ Boot kernel prologue ~~-->\n<div id=\"bootKernelPrefix\" style=\"display:none;\">\n{{ $:/boot/bootprefix.js ||$:/core/templates/javascript-tiddler}}\n</div>\n<!--~~ Boot kernel ~~-->\n<div id=\"bootKernel\" style=\"display:none;\">\n{{ $:/boot/boot.js ||$:/core/templates/javascript-tiddler}}\n</div>\n</body>\n</html>\n"
"$:/core/templates/version": {
"title": "$:/core/templates/version",
"text": "<<version>>"
"$:/core/templates/wikified-tiddler": {
"title": "$:/core/templates/wikified-tiddler",
"text": "<$transclude />"
"$:/core/ui/AboveStory/tw2-plugin-check": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/AboveStory/tw2-plugin-check",
"tags": "$:/tags/AboveStory",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/AboveStory/ClassicPlugin/\n<$list filter=\"[all[system+tiddlers]tag[systemConfig]limit[1]]\">\n\n<div class=\"tc-message-box\">\n\n<<lingo Warning>>\n\n<ul>\n\n<$list filter=\"[all[system+tiddlers]tag[systemConfig]]\">\n\n<li>\n\n<$link><$view field=\"title\"/></$link>\n\n</li>\n\n</$list>\n\n</ul>\n\n</div>\n\n</$list>\n"
"$:/core/ui/AdvancedSearch/Filter": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/AdvancedSearch/Filter",
"tags": "$:/tags/AdvancedSearch",
"caption": "{{$:/language/Search/Filter/Caption}}",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/Search/\n<<lingo Filter/Hint>>\n\n<div class=\"tc-search tc-advanced-search\">\n<$edit-text tiddler=\"$:/temp/advancedsearch\" type=\"search\" tag=\"input\"/>\n<$list filter=\"[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/AdvancedSearch/FilterButton]!has[draft.of]]\"><$transclude/></$list>\n</div>\n\n<$reveal state=\"$:/temp/advancedsearch\" type=\"nomatch\" text=\"\">\n<$set name=\"resultCount\" value=\"\"\"<$count filter={{$:/temp/advancedsearch}}/>\"\"\">\n<div class=\"tc-search-results\">\n<<lingo Filter/Matches>>\n<$list filter={{$:/temp/advancedsearch}} template=\"$:/core/ui/ListItemTemplate\"/>\n</div>\n</$set>\n</$reveal>\n"
"$:/core/ui/AdvancedSearch/Filter/FilterButtons/clear": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/AdvancedSearch/Filter/FilterButtons/clear",
"tags": "$:/tags/AdvancedSearch/FilterButton",
"text": "<$reveal state=\"$:/temp/advancedsearch\" type=\"nomatch\" text=\"\">\n<$button class=\"tc-btn-invisible\">\n<$action-setfield $tiddler=\"$:/temp/advancedsearch\" $field=\"text\" $value=\"\"/>\n{{$:/core/images/close-button}}\n</$button>\n</$reveal>\n"
"$:/core/ui/AdvancedSearch/Filter/FilterButtons/delete": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/AdvancedSearch/Filter/FilterButtons/delete",
"tags": "$:/tags/AdvancedSearch/FilterButton",
"text": "<$reveal state=\"$:/temp/advancedsearch\" type=\"nomatch\" text=\"\">\n<$button popup=<<qualify \"$:/state/filterDeleteDropdown\">> class=\"tc-btn-invisible\">\n{{$:/core/images/delete-button}}\n</$button>\n</$reveal>\n\n<$reveal state=<<qualify \"$:/state/filterDeleteDropdown\">> type=\"popup\" position=\"belowleft\" animate=\"yes\">\n<div class=\"tc-block-dropdown-wrapper\">\n<div class=\"tc-block-dropdown tc-edit-type-dropdown\">\n<div class=\"tc-dropdown-item-plain\">\n<$set name=\"resultCount\" value=\"\"\"<$count filter={{$:/temp/advancedsearch}}/>\"\"\">\nAre you sure you wish to delete <<resultCount>> tiddler(s)?\n</$set>\n</div>\n<div class=\"tc-dropdown-item-plain\">\n<$button class=\"tc-btn\">\n<$action-deletetiddler $filter={{$:/temp/advancedsearch}}/>\nDelete these tiddlers\n</$button>\n</div>\n</div>\n</div>\n</$reveal>\n"
"$:/core/ui/AdvancedSearch/Filter/FilterButtons/dropdown": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/AdvancedSearch/Filter/FilterButtons/dropdown",
"tags": "$:/tags/AdvancedSearch/FilterButton",
"text": "<span class=\"tc-popup-keep\">\n<$button popup=<<qualify \"$:/state/filterDropdown\">> class=\"tc-btn-invisible\">\n{{$:/core/images/down-arrow}}\n</$button>\n</span>\n\n<$reveal state=<<qualify \"$:/state/filterDropdown\">> type=\"popup\" position=\"belowleft\" animate=\"yes\">\n<$linkcatcher to=\"$:/temp/advancedsearch\">\n<div class=\"tc-block-dropdown-wrapper\">\n<div class=\"tc-block-dropdown tc-edit-type-dropdown\">\n<$list filter=\"[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Filter]]\"><$link to={{!!filter}}><$transclude field=\"description\"/></$link>\n</$list>\n</div>\n</div>\n</$linkcatcher>\n</$reveal>\n"
"$:/core/ui/AdvancedSearch/Filter/FilterButtons/export": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/AdvancedSearch/Filter/FilterButtons/export",
"tags": "$:/tags/AdvancedSearch/FilterButton",
"text": "<$reveal state=\"$:/temp/advancedsearch\" type=\"nomatch\" text=\"\">\n<$macrocall $name=\"exportButton\" exportFilter={{$:/temp/advancedsearch}} lingoBase=\"$:/language/Buttons/ExportTiddlers/\"/>\n</$reveal>\n"
"$:/core/ui/AdvancedSearch/Shadows": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/AdvancedSearch/Shadows",
"tags": "$:/tags/AdvancedSearch",
"caption": "{{$:/language/Search/Shadows/Caption}}",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/Search/\n<$linkcatcher to=\"$:/temp/advancedsearch\">\n\n<<lingo Shadows/Hint>>\n\n<div class=\"tc-search\">\n<$edit-text tiddler=\"$:/temp/advancedsearch\" type=\"search\" tag=\"input\"/>\n<$reveal state=\"$:/temp/advancedsearch\" type=\"nomatch\" text=\"\">\n<$button class=\"tc-btn-invisible\">\n<$action-setfield $tiddler=\"$:/temp/advancedsearch\" $field=\"text\" $value=\"\"/>\n{{$:/core/images/close-button}}\n</$button>\n</$reveal>\n</div>\n\n</$linkcatcher>\n\n<$reveal state=\"$:/temp/advancedsearch\" type=\"nomatch\" text=\"\">\n\n<$list filter=\"[{$:/temp/advancedsearch}minlength{$:/config/Search/MinLength}limit[1]]\" emptyMessage=\"\"\"<div class=\"tc-search-results\">{{$:/language/Search/Search/TooShort}}</div>\"\"\" variable=\"listItem\">\n\n<$set name=\"resultCount\" value=\"\"\"<$count filter=\"[all[shadows]search{$:/temp/advancedsearch}] -[[$:/temp/advancedsearch]]\"/>\"\"\">\n\n<div class=\"tc-search-results\">\n\n<<lingo Shadows/Matches>>\n\n<$list filter=\"[all[shadows]search{$:/temp/advancedsearch}sort[title]limit[250]] -[[$:/temp/advancedsearch]]\" template=\"$:/core/ui/ListItemTemplate\"/>\n\n</div>\n\n</$set>\n\n</$list>\n\n</$reveal>\n\n<$reveal state=\"$:/temp/advancedsearch\" type=\"match\" text=\"\">\n\n</$reveal>\n"
"$:/core/ui/AdvancedSearch/Standard": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/AdvancedSearch/Standard",
"tags": "$:/tags/AdvancedSearch",
"caption": "{{$:/language/Search/Standard/Caption}}",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/Search/\n<$linkcatcher to=\"$:/temp/advancedsearch\">\n\n<<lingo Standard/Hint>>\n\n<div class=\"tc-search\">\n<$edit-text tiddler=\"$:/temp/advancedsearch\" type=\"search\" tag=\"input\"/>\n<$reveal state=\"$:/temp/advancedsearch\" type=\"nomatch\" text=\"\">\n<$button class=\"tc-btn-invisible\">\n<$action-setfield $tiddler=\"$:/temp/advancedsearch\" $field=\"text\" $value=\"\"/>\n{{$:/core/images/close-button}}\n</$button>\n</$reveal>\n</div>\n\n</$linkcatcher>\n\n<$reveal state=\"$:/temp/advancedsearch\" type=\"nomatch\" text=\"\">\n<$list filter=\"[{$:/temp/advancedsearch}minlength{$:/config/Search/MinLength}limit[1]]\" emptyMessage=\"\"\"<div class=\"tc-search-results\">{{$:/language/Search/Search/TooShort}}</div>\"\"\" variable=\"listItem\">\n<$set name=\"searchTiddler\" value=\"$:/temp/advancedsearch\">\n<$list filter=\"[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/SearchResults]!has[draft.of]butfirst[]limit[1]]\" emptyMessage=\"\"\"\n<$list filter=\"[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/SearchResults]!has[draft.of]]\">\n<$transclude/>\n</$list>\n\"\"\">\n<$macrocall $name=\"tabs\" tabsList=\"[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/SearchResults]!has[draft.of]]\" default={{$:/config/SearchResults/Default}}/>\n</$list>\n</$set>\n</$list>\n</$reveal>\n"
"$:/core/ui/AdvancedSearch/System": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/AdvancedSearch/System",
"tags": "$:/tags/AdvancedSearch",
"caption": "{{$:/language/Search/System/Caption}}",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/Search/\n<$linkcatcher to=\"$:/temp/advancedsearch\">\n\n<<lingo System/Hint>>\n\n<div class=\"tc-search\">\n<$edit-text tiddler=\"$:/temp/advancedsearch\" type=\"search\" tag=\"input\"/>\n<$reveal state=\"$:/temp/advancedsearch\" type=\"nomatch\" text=\"\">\n<$button class=\"tc-btn-invisible\">\n<$action-setfield $tiddler=\"$:/temp/advancedsearch\" $field=\"text\" $value=\"\"/>\n{{$:/core/images/close-button}}\n</$button>\n</$reveal>\n</div>\n\n</$linkcatcher>\n\n<$reveal state=\"$:/temp/advancedsearch\" type=\"nomatch\" text=\"\">\n\n<$list filter=\"[{$:/temp/advancedsearch}minlength{$:/config/Search/MinLength}limit[1]]\" emptyMessage=\"\"\"<div class=\"tc-search-results\">{{$:/language/Search/Search/TooShort}}</div>\"\"\" variable=\"listItem\">\n\n<$set name=\"resultCount\" value=\"\"\"<$count filter=\"[is[system]search{$:/temp/advancedsearch}] -[[$:/temp/advancedsearch]]\"/>\"\"\">\n\n<div class=\"tc-search-results\">\n\n<<lingo System/Matches>>\n\n<$list filter=\"[is[system]search{$:/temp/advancedsearch}sort[title]limit[250]] -[[$:/temp/advancedsearch]]\" template=\"$:/core/ui/ListItemTemplate\"/>\n\n</div>\n\n</$set>\n\n</$list>\n\n</$reveal>\n\n<$reveal state=\"$:/temp/advancedsearch\" type=\"match\" text=\"\">\n\n</$reveal>\n"
"$:/AdvancedSearch": {
"title": "$:/AdvancedSearch",
"icon": "$:/core/images/advanced-search-button",
"color": "#bbb",
"text": "<div class=\"tc-advanced-search\">\n<<tabs \"[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/AdvancedSearch]!has[draft.of]]\" \"$:/core/ui/AdvancedSearch/System\">>\n</div>\n"
"$:/core/ui/AlertTemplate": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/AlertTemplate",
"text": "<div class=\"tc-alert\">\n<div class=\"tc-alert-toolbar\">\n<$button class=\"tc-btn-invisible\"><$action-deletetiddler $tiddler=<<currentTiddler>>/>{{$:/core/images/delete-button}}</$button>\n</div>\n<div class=\"tc-alert-subtitle\">\n<$view field=\"component\"/> - <$view field=\"modified\" format=\"date\" template=\"0hh:0mm:0ss DD MM YYYY\"/> <$reveal type=\"nomatch\" state=\"!!count\" text=\"\"><span class=\"tc-alert-highlight\">({{$:/language/Count}}: <$view field=\"count\"/>)</span></$reveal>\n</div>\n<div class=\"tc-alert-body\">\n\n<$transclude/>\n\n</div>\n</div>\n"
"$:/core/ui/BinaryWarning": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/BinaryWarning",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/BinaryWarning/\n<div class=\"tc-binary-warning\">\n\n<<lingo Prompt>>\n\n</div>\n"
"$:/core/ui/Components/plugin-info": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/Components/plugin-info",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/\n\n\\define popup-state-macro()\n$(qualified-state)$-$(currentTiddler)$\n\\end\n\n\\define tabs-state-macro()\n$(popup-state)$-$(pluginInfoType)$\n\\end\n\n\\define plugin-icon-title()\n$(currentTiddler)$/icon\n\\end\n\n\\define plugin-disable-title()\n$:/config/Plugins/Disabled/$(currentTiddler)$\n\\end\n\n\\define plugin-table-body(type,disabledMessage,default-popup-state)\n<div class=\"tc-plugin-info-chunk tc-small-icon\">\n<$reveal type=\"nomatch\" state=<<popup-state>> text=\"yes\" default=\"\"\"$default-popup-state$\"\"\">\n<$button class=\"tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-dropdown\" set=<<popup-state>> setTo=\"yes\">\n{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}\n</$button>\n</$reveal>\n<$reveal type=\"match\" state=<<popup-state>> text=\"yes\" default=\"\"\"$default-popup-state$\"\"\">\n<$button class=\"tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-dropdown\" set=<<popup-state>> setTo=\"no\">\n{{$:/core/images/down-arrow}}\n</$button>\n</$reveal>\n</div>\n<div class=\"tc-plugin-info-chunk\">\n<$transclude tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> subtiddler=<<plugin-icon-title>>>\n<$transclude tiddler=\"$:/core/images/plugin-generic-$type$\"/>\n</$transclude>\n</div>\n<div class=\"tc-plugin-info-chunk\">\n<h1>\n''<$view field=\"description\"><$view field=\"title\"/></$view>'' $disabledMessage$\n</h1>\n<h2>\n<$view field=\"title\"/>\n</h2>\n<h2>\n<div><em><$view field=\"version\"/></em></div>\n</h2>\n</div>\n\\end\n\n\\define plugin-info(type,default-popup-state)\n<$set name=\"popup-state\" value=<<popup-state-macro>>>\n<$reveal type=\"nomatch\" state=<<plugin-disable-title>> text=\"yes\">\n<$link to={{!!title}} class=\"tc-plugin-info\">\n<<plugin-table-body type:\"$type$\" default-popup-state:\"\"\"$default-popup-state$\"\"\">>\n</$link>\n</$reveal>\n<$reveal type=\"match\" state=<<plugin-disable-title>> text=\"yes\">\n<$link to={{!!title}} class=\"tc-plugin-info tc-plugin-info-disabled\">\n<<plugin-table-body type:\"$type$\" default-popup-state:\"\"\"$default-popup-state$\"\"\" disabledMessage:\"<$macrocall $name='lingo' title='Disabled/Status'/>\">>\n</$link>\n</$reveal>\n<$reveal type=\"match\" text=\"yes\" state=<<popup-state>> default=\"\"\"$default-popup-state$\"\"\">\n<div class=\"tc-plugin-info-dropdown\">\n<div class=\"tc-plugin-info-dropdown-body\">\n<$list filter=\"[all[current]] -[[$:/core]]\">\n<div style=\"float:right;\">\n<$reveal type=\"nomatch\" state=<<plugin-disable-title>> text=\"yes\">\n<$button set=<<plugin-disable-title>> setTo=\"yes\" tooltip={{$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/Disable/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/Disable/Caption}}>\n<<lingo Disable/Caption>>\n</$button>\n</$reveal>\n<$reveal type=\"match\" state=<<plugin-disable-title>> text=\"yes\">\n<$button set=<<plugin-disable-title>> setTo=\"no\" tooltip={{$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/Enable/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/Enable/Caption}}>\n<<lingo Enable/Caption>>\n</$button>\n</$reveal>\n</div>\n</$list>\n<$reveal type=\"nomatch\" text=\"\" state=\"!!list\">\n<$set name=\"tabsList\" filter=\"[<currentTiddler>list[]] contents\">\n<$macrocall $name=\"tabs\" state=<<tabs-state-macro>> tabsList=<<tabsList>> default=\"readme\" template=\"$:/core/ui/PluginInfo\"/>\n</$set>\n</$reveal>\n<$reveal type=\"match\" text=\"\" state=\"!!list\">\n<<lingo NoInformation/Hint>>\n</$reveal>\n</div>\n</div>\n</$reveal>\n</$set>\n\\end\n\n<$macrocall $name=\"plugin-info\" type=<<plugin-type>> default-popup-state=<<default-popup-state>>/>\n"
"$:/core/ui/Components/tag-link": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/Components/tag-link",
"text": "<$link>\n<$set name=\"backgroundColor\" value={{!!color}}>\n<span style=<<tag-styles>> class=\"tc-tag-label\">\n<$view field=\"title\" format=\"text\"/>\n</span>\n</$set>\n</$link>"
"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Advanced": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Advanced",
"tags": "$:/tags/ControlPanel/Info",
"caption": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Advanced/Caption}}",
"text": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Advanced/Hint}}\n\n<div class=\"tc-control-panel\">\n<<tabs \"[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/ControlPanel/Advanced]!has[draft.of]]\" \"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/TiddlerFields\">>\n</div>\n"
"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Appearance": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Appearance",
"tags": "$:/tags/ControlPanel",
"caption": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Appearance/Caption}}",
"text": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Appearance/Hint}}\n\n<div class=\"tc-control-panel\">\n<<tabs \"[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/ControlPanel/Appearance]!has[draft.of]]\" \"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Theme\">>\n</div>\n"
"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Basics": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Basics",
"tags": "$:/tags/ControlPanel/Info",
"caption": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/Caption}}",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/\n\n\\define show-filter-count(filter)\n<$button class=\"tc-btn-invisible\">\n<$action-setfield $tiddler=\"$:/temp/advancedsearch\" $value=\"\"\"$filter$\"\"\"/>\n<$action-setfield $tiddler=\"$:/state/tab--1498284803\" $value=\"$:/core/ui/AdvancedSearch/Filter\"/>\n<$action-navigate $to=\"$:/AdvancedSearch\"/>\n''<$count filter=\"\"\"$filter$\"\"\"/>''\n{{$:/core/images/advanced-search-button}}\n</$button>\n\\end\n\n|<<lingo Version/Prompt>> |''<<version>>'' |\n|<$link to=\"$:/SiteTitle\"><<lingo Title/Prompt>></$link> |<$edit-text tiddler=\"$:/SiteTitle\" default=\"\" tag=\"input\"/> |\n|<$link to=\"$:/SiteSubtitle\"><<lingo Subtitle/Prompt>></$link> |<$edit-text tiddler=\"$:/SiteSubtitle\" default=\"\" tag=\"input\"/> |\n|<$link to=\"$:/status/UserName\"><<lingo Username/Prompt>></$link> |<$edit-text tiddler=\"$:/status/UserName\" default=\"\" tag=\"input\"/> |\n|<$link to=\"$:/config/AnimationDuration\"><<lingo AnimDuration/Prompt>></$link> |<$edit-text tiddler=\"$:/config/AnimationDuration\" default=\"\" tag=\"input\"/> |\n|<$link to=\"$:/DefaultTiddlers\"><<lingo DefaultTiddlers/Prompt>></$link> |<<lingo DefaultTiddlers/TopHint>><br> <$edit tag=\"textarea\" tiddler=\"$:/DefaultTiddlers\" class=\"tc-edit-texteditor\"/><br>//<<lingo DefaultTiddlers/BottomHint>>// |\n|<$link to=\"$:/config/NewJournal/Title\"><<lingo NewJournal/Title/Prompt>></$link> |<$edit-text tiddler=\"$:/config/NewJournal/Title\" default=\"\" tag=\"input\"/> |\n|<$link to=\"$:/config/NewJournal/Text\"><<lingo NewJournal/Text/Prompt>></$link> |<$edit tiddler=\"$:/config/NewJournal/Text\" tag=\"textarea\" class=\"tc-edit-texteditor\" default=\"\"/> |\n|<$link to=\"$:/config/NewJournal/Tags\"><<lingo NewJournal/Tags/Prompt>></$link> |<$edit-text tiddler=\"$:/config/NewJournal/Tags\" default=\"\" tag=\"input\"/> |\n|<<lingo Language/Prompt>> |{{$:/snippets/minilanguageswitcher}} |\n|<<lingo Tiddlers/Prompt>> |<<show-filter-count \"[!is[system]sort[title]]\">> |\n|<<lingo Tags/Prompt>> |<<show-filter-count \"[tags[]sort[title]]\">> |\n|<<lingo SystemTiddlers/Prompt>> |<<show-filter-count \"[is[system]sort[title]]\">> |\n|<<lingo ShadowTiddlers/Prompt>> |<<show-filter-count \"[all[shadows]sort[title]]\">> |\n|<<lingo OverriddenShadowTiddlers/Prompt>> |<<show-filter-count \"[is[tiddler]is[shadow]sort[title]]\">> |\n"
"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/EditorTypes": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/EditorTypes",
"tags": "$:/tags/ControlPanel/Advanced",
"caption": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/EditorTypes/Caption}}",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/ControlPanel/EditorTypes/\n\n<<lingo Hint>>\n\n<table>\n<tbody>\n<tr>\n<th><<lingo Type/Caption>></th>\n<th><<lingo Editor/Caption>></th>\n</tr>\n<$list filter=\"[all[shadows+tiddlers]prefix[$:/config/EditorTypeMappings/]sort[title]]\">\n<tr>\n<td>\n<$link>\n<$list filter=\"[all[current]removeprefix[$:/config/EditorTypeMappings/]]\">\n<$text text={{!!title}}/>\n</$list>\n</$link>\n</td>\n<td>\n<$view field=\"text\"/>\n</td>\n</tr>\n</$list>\n</tbody>\n</table>\n"
"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Info": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Info",
"tags": "$:/tags/ControlPanel",
"caption": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Info/Caption}}",
"text": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Info/Hint}}\n\n<div class=\"tc-control-panel\">\n<<tabs \"[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/ControlPanel/Info]!has[draft.of]]\" \"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Basics\">>\n</div>\n"
"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/KeyboardShortcuts": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/KeyboardShortcuts",
"tags": "$:/tags/ControlPanel",
"caption": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/KeyboardShortcuts/Caption}}",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/ControlPanel/KeyboardShortcuts/\n\n\\define new-shortcut(title)\n<div class=\"tc-dropdown-item-plain\">\n<$edit-shortcut tiddler=\"$title$\" placeholder={{$:/language/ControlPanel/KeyboardShortcuts/Add/Prompt}} style=\"width:auto;\"/> <$button>\n<<lingo Add/Caption>>\n<$action-listops\n\t$tiddler=\"$(shortcutTitle)$\"\n\t$field=\"text\"\n\t$subfilter=\"[{$title$}]\"\n/>\n<$action-deletetiddler\n\t$tiddler=\"$title$\"\n/>\n</$button>\n</div>\n\\end\n\n\\define shortcut-list-item(caption)\n<td>\n</td>\n<td style=\"text-align:right;font-size:0.7em;\">\n<<lingo Platform/$caption$>>\n</td>\n<td>\n<div style=\"position:relative;\">\n<$button popup=<<qualify \"$:/state/dropdown/$(shortcutTitle)$\">> class=\"tc-btn-invisible\">\n{{$:/core/images/edit-button}}\n</$button>\n<$macrocall $name=\"displayshortcuts\" $output=\"text/html\" shortcuts={{$(shortcutTitle)$}} prefix=\"<kbd>\" separator=\"</kbd> <kbd>\" suffix=\"</kbd>\"/>\n\n<$reveal state=<<qualify \"$:/state/dropdown/$(shortcutTitle)$\">> type=\"popup\" position=\"below\" animate=\"yes\">\n<div class=\"tc-block-dropdown-wrapper\">\n<div class=\"tc-block-dropdown tc-edit-type-dropdown tc-popup-keep\">\n<$list filter=\"[list[$(shortcutTitle)$!!text]sort[title]]\" variable=\"shortcut\" emptyMessage=\"\"\"\n<div class=\"tc-dropdown-item-plain\">\n//<<lingo NoShortcuts/Caption>>//\n</div>\n\"\"\">\n<div class=\"tc-dropdown-item-plain\">\n<$button class=\"tc-btn-invisible\" tooltip=<<lingo Remove/Hint>>>\n<$action-listops\n\t$tiddler=\"$(shortcutTitle)$\"\n\t$field=\"text\"\n\t$subfilter=\"+[remove<shortcut>]\"\n/>\n×\n</$button>\n<kbd>\n<$macrocall $name=\"displayshortcuts\" $output=\"text/html\" shortcuts=<<shortcut>>/>\n</kbd>\n</div>\n</$list>\n<hr/>\n<$macrocall $name=\"new-shortcut\" title=<<qualify \"$:/state/new-shortcut/$(shortcutTitle)$\">>/>\n</div>\n</div>\n</$reveal>\n</div>\n</td>\n\\end\n\n\\define shortcut-list(caption,prefix)\n<tr>\n<$list filter=\"[all[tiddlers+shadows][$prefix$$(shortcutName)$]]\" variable=\"shortcutTitle\">\n<<shortcut-list-item \"$caption$\">>\n</$list>\n</tr>\n\\end\n\n\\define shortcut-editor()\n<<shortcut-list \"All\" \"$:/config/shortcuts/\">>\n<<shortcut-list \"Mac\" \"$:/config/shortcuts-mac/\">>\n<<shortcut-list \"NonMac\" \"$:/config/shortcuts-not-mac/\">>\n<<shortcut-list \"Linux\" \"$:/config/shortcuts-linux/\">>\n<<shortcut-list \"NonLinux\" \"$:/config/shortcuts-not-linux/\">>\n<<shortcut-list \"Windows\" \"$:/config/shortcuts-windows/\">>\n<<shortcut-list \"NonWindows\" \"$:/config/shortcuts-not-windows/\">>\n\\end\n\n\\define shortcut-preview()\n<$macrocall $name=\"displayshortcuts\" $output=\"text/html\" shortcuts={{$(shortcutPrefix)$$(shortcutName)$}} prefix=\"<kbd>\" separator=\"</kbd> <kbd>\" suffix=\"</kbd>\"/>\n\\end\n\n\\define shortcut-item-inner()\n<tr>\n<td>\n<$reveal type=\"nomatch\" state=<<dropdownStateTitle>> text=\"open\">\n<$button class=\"tc-btn-invisible\">\n<$action-setfield\n\t$tiddler=<<dropdownStateTitle>>\n\t$value=\"open\"\n/>\n{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}\n</$button>\n</$reveal>\n<$reveal type=\"match\" state=<<dropdownStateTitle>> text=\"open\">\n<$button class=\"tc-btn-invisible\">\n<$action-setfield\n\t$tiddler=<<dropdownStateTitle>>\n\t$value=\"close\"\n/>\n{{$:/core/images/down-arrow}}\n</$button>\n</$reveal>\n''<$text text=<<shortcutName>>/>''\n</td>\n<td>\n<$transclude tiddler=\"$:/config/ShortcutInfo/$(shortcutName)$\"/>\n</td>\n<td>\n<$list filter=\"$:/config/shortcuts/ $:/config/shortcuts-mac/ $:/config/shortcuts-not-mac/ $:/config/shortcuts-linux/ $:/config/shortcuts-not-linux/ $:/config/shortcuts-windows/ $:/config/shortcuts-not-windows/\" variable=\"shortcutPrefix\">\n<<shortcut-preview>>\n</$list>\n</td>\n</tr>\n<$set name=\"dropdownState\" value={{$(dropdownStateTitle)$}}>\n<$list filter=\"[<dropdownState>prefix[open]]\" variable=\"listItem\">\n<<shortcut-editor>>\n</$list>\n</$set>\n\\end\n\n\\define shortcut-item()\n<$set name=\"dropdownStateTitle\" value=<<qualify \"$:/state/dropdown/keyboardshortcut/$(shortcutName)$\">>>\n<<shortcut-item-inner>>\n</$set>\n\\end\n\n<table>\n<tbody>\n<$list filter=\"[all[shadows+tiddlers]removeprefix[$:/config/ShortcutInfo/]]\" variable=\"shortcutName\">\n<<shortcut-item>>\n</$list>\n</tbody>\n</table>\n"
"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/LoadedModules": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/LoadedModules",
"tags": "$:/tags/ControlPanel/Advanced",
"caption": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/LoadedModules/Caption}}",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/ControlPanel/\n<<lingo LoadedModules/Hint>>\n\n{{$:/snippets/modules}}\n"
"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Modals/AddPlugins": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Modals/AddPlugins",
"subtitle": "{{$:/core/images/download-button}} {{$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/Add/Caption}}",
"text": "\\define install-plugin-button()\n<$button>\n<$action-sendmessage $message=\"tm-load-plugin-from-library\" url={{!!url}} title={{$(assetInfo)$!!original-title}}/>\n<$list filter=\"[<assetInfo>get[original-title]get[version]]\" variable=\"installedVersion\" emptyMessage=\"\"\"{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/Install/Caption}}\"\"\">\n{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/Reinstall/Caption}}\n</$list>\n</$button>\n\\end\n\n\\define popup-state-macro()\n$:/state/add-plugin-info/$(connectionTiddler)$/$(assetInfo)$\n\\end\n\n\\define display-plugin-info(type)\n<$set name=\"popup-state\" value=<<popup-state-macro>>>\n<div class=\"tc-plugin-info\">\n<div class=\"tc-plugin-info-chunk tc-small-icon\">\n<$reveal type=\"nomatch\" state=<<popup-state>> text=\"yes\">\n<$button class=\"tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-dropdown\" set=<<popup-state>> setTo=\"yes\">\n{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}\n</$button>\n</$reveal>\n<$reveal type=\"match\" state=<<popup-state>> text=\"yes\">\n<$button class=\"tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-dropdown\" set=<<popup-state>> setTo=\"no\">\n{{$:/core/images/down-arrow}}\n</$button>\n</$reveal>\n</div>\n<div class=\"tc-plugin-info-chunk\">\n<$list filter=\"[<assetInfo>has[icon]]\" emptyMessage=\"\"\"<$transclude tiddler=\"$:/core/images/plugin-generic-$type$\"/>\"\"\">\n<img src={{$(assetInfo)$!!icon}}/>\n</$list>\n</div>\n<div class=\"tc-plugin-info-chunk\">\n<h1><$view tiddler=<<assetInfo>> field=\"description\"/></h1>\n<h2><$view tiddler=<<assetInfo>> field=\"original-title\"/></h2>\n<div><em><$view tiddler=<<assetInfo>> field=\"version\"/></em></div>\n</div>\n<div class=\"tc-plugin-info-chunk\">\n<<install-plugin-button>>\n</div>\n</div>\n<$reveal type=\"match\" text=\"yes\" state=<<popup-state>>>\n<div class=\"tc-plugin-info-dropdown\">\n<div class=\"tc-plugin-info-dropdown-message\">\n<$list filter=\"[<assetInfo>get[original-title]get[version]]\" variable=\"installedVersion\" emptyMessage=\"\"\"{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/NotInstalled/Hint}}\"\"\">\n<em>\n{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/AlreadyInstalled/Hint}}\n</em>\n</$list>\n</div>\n<div class=\"tc-plugin-info-dropdown-body\">\n<$transclude tiddler=<<assetInfo>> field=\"readme\" mode=\"block\"/>\n</div>\n</div>\n</$reveal>\n</$set>\n\\end\n\n\\define load-plugin-library-button()\n<$button class=\"tc-btn-big-green\">\n<$action-sendmessage $message=\"tm-load-plugin-library\" url={{!!url}} infoTitlePrefix=\"$:/temp/RemoteAssetInfo/\"/>\n{{$:/core/images/chevron-right}} {{$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/OpenPluginLibrary}}\n</$button>\n\\end\n\n\\define display-server-assets(type)\n{{$:/language/Search/Search}}: <$edit-text tiddler=\"\"\"$:/temp/RemoteAssetSearch/$(currentTiddler)$\"\"\" default=\"\" type=\"search\" tag=\"input\"/>\n<$reveal state=\"\"\"$:/temp/RemoteAssetSearch/$(currentTiddler)$\"\"\" type=\"nomatch\" text=\"\">\n<$button class=\"tc-btn-invisible\">\n<$action-setfield $tiddler=\"\"\"$:/temp/RemoteAssetSearch/$(currentTiddler)$\"\"\" $field=\"text\" $value=\"\"/>\n{{$:/core/images/close-button}}\n</$button>\n</$reveal>\n<div class=\"tc-plugin-library-listing\">\n<$list filter=\"[all[tiddlers+shadows]tag[$:/tags/RemoteAssetInfo]server-url{!!url}original-plugin-type[$type$]search{$:/temp/RemoteAssetSearch/$(currentTiddler)$}sort[description]]\" variable=\"assetInfo\">\n<<display-plugin-info \"$type$\">>\n</$list>\n</div>\n\\end\n\n\\define display-server-connection()\n<$list filter=\"[all[tiddlers+shadows]tag[$:/tags/ServerConnection]suffix{!!url}]\" variable=\"connectionTiddler\" emptyMessage=<<load-plugin-library-button>>>\n\n<<tabs \"[[$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Plugins/Add/Plugins]] [[$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Plugins/Add/Themes]] [[$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Plugins/Add/Languages]]\" \"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Plugins/Add/Plugins\">>\n\n</$list>\n\\end\n\n\\define close-library-button()\n<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/temp/ServerConnection/$(PluginLibraryURL)$' text=''>\n<$button class='tc-btn-big-green'>\n<$action-sendmessage $message=\"tm-unload-plugin-library\" url={{!!url}}/>\n{{$:/core/images/chevron-left}} {{$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/ClosePluginLibrary}}\n<$action-deletetiddler $filter=\"[prefix[$:/temp/ServerConnection/$(PluginLibraryURL)$]][prefix[$:/temp/RemoteAssetInfo/$(PluginLibraryURL)$]]\"/>\n</$button>\n</$reveal>\n\\end\n\n\\define plugin-library-listing()\n<$list filter=\"[all[tiddlers+shadows]tag[$:/tags/PluginLibrary]]\">\n<div class=\"tc-plugin-library\">\n\n!! <$link><$transclude field=\"caption\"><$view field=\"title\"/></$transclude></$link>\n\n//<$view field=\"url\"/>//\n\n<$transclude/>\n\n<$set name=PluginLibraryURL value={{!!url}}>\n<<close-library-button>>\n</$set>\n\n<<display-server-connection>>\n</div>\n</$list>\n\\end\n\n<$importvariables filter=\"[[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Macro]!has[draft.of]]\">\n\n<div>\n<<plugin-library-listing>>\n</div>\n\n</$importvariables>\n"
"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Palette": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Palette",
"tags": "$:/tags/ControlPanel/Appearance",
"caption": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Palette/Caption}}",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/ControlPanel/Palette/\n\n{{$:/snippets/paletteswitcher}}\n\n<$reveal type=\"nomatch\" state=\"$:/state/ShowPaletteEditor\" text=\"yes\">\n\n<$button set=\"$:/state/ShowPaletteEditor\" setTo=\"yes\"><<lingo ShowEditor/Caption>></$button>\n\n</$reveal>\n\n<$reveal type=\"match\" state=\"$:/state/ShowPaletteEditor\" text=\"yes\">\n\n<$button set=\"$:/state/ShowPaletteEditor\" setTo=\"no\"><<lingo HideEditor/Caption>></$button>\n{{$:/snippets/paletteeditor}}\n\n</$reveal>\n\n"
"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Parsing": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Parsing",
"tags": "$:/tags/ControlPanel/Advanced",
"caption": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Parsing/Caption}}",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/ControlPanel/Parsing/\n\n\\define toggle(Type)\n<$checkbox\ntiddler=\"\"\"$:/config/WikiParserRules/$Type$/$(rule)$\"\"\"\nfield=\"text\"\nchecked=\"enable\"\nunchecked=\"disable\"\ndefault=\"enable\">\n<<rule>>\n</$checkbox>\n\\end\n\n\\define rules(type,Type)\n<$list filter=\"[wikiparserrules[$type$]]\" variable=\"rule\">\n<dd><<toggle $Type$>></dd>\n</$list>\n\\end\n\n<<lingo Hint>>\n\n<dl>\n<dt><<lingo Pragma/Caption>></dt>\n<<rules pragma Pragma>>\n<dt><<lingo Inline/Caption>></dt>\n<<rules inline Inline>>\n<dt><<lingo Block/Caption>></dt>\n<<rules block Block>>\n</dl>"
"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Plugins/Add/Languages": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Plugins/Add/Languages",
"caption": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/Languages/Caption}} (<$count filter=\"[all[tiddlers+shadows]tag[$:/tags/RemoteAssetInfo]server-url{!!url}original-plugin-type[language]]\"/>)",
"text": "<<display-server-assets language>>\n"
"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Plugins/Add/Plugins": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Plugins/Add/Plugins",
"caption": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/Plugins/Caption}} (<$count filter=\"[all[tiddlers+shadows]tag[$:/tags/RemoteAssetInfo]server-url{!!url}original-plugin-type[plugin]]\"/>)",
"text": "<<display-server-assets plugin>>\n"
"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Plugins/Add/Themes": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Plugins/Add/Themes",
"caption": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/Themes/Caption}} (<$count filter=\"[all[tiddlers+shadows]tag[$:/tags/RemoteAssetInfo]server-url{!!url}original-plugin-type[theme]]\"/>)",
"text": "<<display-server-assets theme>>\n"
"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Plugins/AddPlugins": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Plugins/AddPlugins",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/\n\n<$button message=\"tm-modal\" param=\"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Modals/AddPlugins\" tooltip={{$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/Add/Hint}} class=\"tc-btn-big-green\" style=\"background:blue;\">\n{{$:/core/images/download-button}} <<lingo Add/Caption>>\n</$button>\n"
"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Plugins/Installed/Languages": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Plugins/Installed/Languages",
"caption": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/Languages/Caption}} (<$count filter=\"[!has[draft.of]plugin-type[language]]\"/>)",
"text": "<<plugin-table language>>\n"
"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Plugins/Installed/Plugins": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Plugins/Installed/Plugins",
"caption": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/Plugins/Caption}} (<$count filter=\"[!has[draft.of]plugin-type[plugin]]\"/>)",
"text": "<<plugin-table plugin>>\n"
"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Plugins/Installed/Themes": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Plugins/Installed/Themes",
"caption": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/Themes/Caption}} (<$count filter=\"[!has[draft.of]plugin-type[theme]]\"/>)",
"text": "<<plugin-table theme>>\n"
"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Plugins": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Plugins",
"tags": "$:/tags/ControlPanel",
"caption": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/Caption}}",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/\n\n\\define plugin-table(type)\n<$set name=\"plugin-type\" value=\"\"\"$type$\"\"\">\n<$set name=\"qualified-state\" value=<<qualify \"$:/state/plugin-info\">>>\n<$list filter=\"[!has[draft.of]plugin-type[$type$]sort[description]]\" emptyMessage=<<lingo \"Empty/Hint\">> template=\"$:/core/ui/Components/plugin-info\"/>\n</$set>\n</$set>\n\\end\n\n{{$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Plugins/AddPlugins}}\n\n<<lingo Installed/Hint>>\n\n<<tabs \"[[$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Plugins/Installed/Plugins]] [[$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Plugins/Installed/Themes]] [[$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Plugins/Installed/Languages]]\" \"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Plugins/Installed/Plugins\">>\n"
"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Saving/DownloadSaver": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Saving/DownloadSaver",
"tags": "$:/tags/ControlPanel/Saving",
"caption": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Saving/DownloadSaver/Caption}}",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/ControlPanel/Saving/DownloadSaver/\n\n<<lingo Hint>>\n\n!! <$link to=\"$:/config/DownloadSaver/AutoSave\"><<lingo AutoSave/Hint>></$link>\n\n<$checkbox tiddler=\"$:/config/DownloadSaver/AutoSave\" field=\"text\" checked=\"yes\" unchecked=\"no\" default=\"no\"> <<lingo AutoSave/Description>> </$checkbox>\n"
"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Saving/General": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Saving/General",
"tags": "$:/tags/ControlPanel/Saving",
"caption": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Saving/General/Caption}}",
"list-before": "",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/\n\n{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Saving/General/Hint}}\n\n!! <$link to=\"$:/config/AutoSave\"><<lingo AutoSave/Caption>></$link>\n\n<<lingo AutoSave/Hint>>\n\n<$radio tiddler=\"$:/config/AutoSave\" value=\"yes\"> <<lingo AutoSave/Enabled/Description>> </$radio>\n\n<$radio tiddler=\"$:/config/AutoSave\" value=\"no\"> <<lingo AutoSave/Disabled/Description>> </$radio>\n"
"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Saving/TiddlySpot": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Saving/TiddlySpot",
"tags": "$:/tags/ControlPanel/Saving",
"caption": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Saving/TiddlySpot/Caption}}",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/ControlPanel/Saving/TiddlySpot/\n\n\\define backupURL()\nhttp://$(userName)$.tiddlyspot.com/backup/\n\\end\n\\define backupLink()\n<$reveal type=\"nomatch\" state=\"$:/UploadName\" text=\"\">\n<$set name=\"userName\" value={{$:/UploadName}}>\n<$reveal type=\"match\" state=\"$:/UploadURL\" text=\"\">\n<<backupURL>>\n</$reveal>\n<$reveal type=\"nomatch\" state=\"$:/UploadURL\" text=\"\">\n<$macrocall $name=resolvePath source={{$:/UploadBackupDir}} root={{$:/UploadURL}}>>\n</$reveal>\n</$set>\n</$reveal>\n\\end\n\n<<lingo Description>>\n\n|<<lingo UserName>> |<$edit-text tiddler=\"$:/UploadName\" default=\"\" tag=\"input\"/> |\n|<<lingo Password>> |<$password name=\"upload\"/> |\n|<<lingo Backups>> |<<backupLink>> |\n\n''<<lingo Advanced/Heading>>''\n\n|<<lingo ServerURL>> |<$edit-text tiddler=\"$:/UploadURL\" default=\"\" tag=\"input\"/> |\n|<<lingo Filename>> |<$edit-text tiddler=\"$:/UploadFilename\" default=\"index.html\" tag=\"input\"/> |\n|<<lingo UploadDir>> |<$edit-text tiddler=\"$:/UploadDir\" default=\".\" tag=\"input\"/> |\n|<<lingo BackupDir>> |<$edit-text tiddler=\"$:/UploadBackupDir\" default=\".\" tag=\"input\"/> |\n\n<<lingo TiddlySpot/Hint>>"
"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Saving": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Saving",
"tags": "$:/tags/ControlPanel",
"caption": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Saving/Caption}}",
"text": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Saving/Hint}}\n\n<div class=\"tc-control-panel\">\n<<tabs \"[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/ControlPanel/Saving]!has[draft.of]]\" \"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Saving/General\">>\n</div>\n"
"$:/core/buttonstyles/Borderless": {
"title": "$:/core/buttonstyles/Borderless",
"tags": "$:/tags/ToolbarButtonStyle",
"caption": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/ToolbarButtonStyle/Styles/Borderless}}",
"text": "tc-btn-invisible"
"$:/core/buttonstyles/Boxed": {
"title": "$:/core/buttonstyles/Boxed",
"tags": "$:/tags/ToolbarButtonStyle",
"caption": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/ToolbarButtonStyle/Styles/Boxed}}",
"text": "tc-btn-boxed"
"$:/core/buttonstyles/Rounded": {
"title": "$:/core/buttonstyles/Rounded",
"tags": "$:/tags/ToolbarButtonStyle",
"caption": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/ToolbarButtonStyle/Styles/Rounded}}",
"text": "tc-btn-rounded"
"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Settings/CamelCase": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Settings/CamelCase",
"tags": "$:/tags/ControlPanel/Settings",
"caption": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/CamelCase/Caption}}",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/CamelCase/\n<<lingo Hint>>\n\n<$checkbox tiddler=\"$:/config/WikiParserRules/Inline/wikilink\" field=\"text\" checked=\"enable\" unchecked=\"disable\" default=\"enable\"> <$link to=\"$:/config/WikiParserRules/Inline/wikilink\"><<lingo Description>></$link> </$checkbox>\n"
"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Settings/DefaultSidebarTab": {
"caption": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/DefaultSidebarTab/Caption}}",
"tags": "$:/tags/ControlPanel/Settings",
"title": "$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Settings/DefaultSidebarTab",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/DefaultSidebarTab/\n\n<$link to=\"$:/config/DefaultSidebarTab\"><<lingo Hint>></$link>\n\n<$select tiddler=\"$:/config/DefaultSidebarTab\">\n<$list filter=\"[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/SideBar]!has[draft.of]]\">\n<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$transclude field=\"caption\"><$text text=<<currentTiddler>>/></$transclude></option>\n</$list>\n</$select>\n"
"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Settings/EditorToolbar": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Settings/EditorToolbar",
"tags": "$:/tags/ControlPanel/Settings",
"caption": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/EditorToolbar/Caption}}",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/EditorToolbar/\n<<lingo Hint>>\n\n<$checkbox tiddler=\"$:/config/TextEditor/EnableToolbar\" field=\"text\" checked=\"yes\" unchecked=\"no\" default=\"yes\"> <$link to=\"$:/config/TextEditor/EnableToolbar\"><<lingo Description>></$link> </$checkbox>\n\n"
"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Settings/InfoPanelMode": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Settings/InfoPanelMode",
"tags": "$:/tags/ControlPanel/Settings",
"caption": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/InfoPanelMode/Caption}}",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/InfoPanelMode/\n<$link to=\"$:/config/TiddlerInfo/Mode\"><<lingo Hint>></$link>\n\n<$radio tiddler=\"$:/config/TiddlerInfo/Mode\" value=\"popup\"> <<lingo Popup/Description>> </$radio>\n\n<$radio tiddler=\"$:/config/TiddlerInfo/Mode\" value=\"sticky\"> <<lingo Sticky/Description>> </$radio>\n"
"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Settings/LinkToBehaviour": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Settings/LinkToBehaviour",
"tags": "$:/tags/ControlPanel/Settings",
"caption": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/LinkToBehaviour/Caption}}",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/LinkToBehaviour/\n\n<$link to=\"$:/config/Navigation/openLinkFromInsideRiver\"><<lingo \"InsideRiver/Hint\">></$link>\n\n<$select tiddler=\"$:/config/Navigation/openLinkFromInsideRiver\">\n <option value=\"above\"><<lingo \"OpenAbove\">></option>\n <option value=\"below\"><<lingo \"OpenBelow\">></option>\n <option value=\"top\"><<lingo \"OpenAtTop\">></option>\n <option value=\"bottom\"><<lingo \"OpenAtBottom\">></option>\n</$select>\n\n<$link to=\"$:/config/Navigation/openLinkFromOutsideRiver\"><<lingo \"OutsideRiver/Hint\">></$link>\n\n<$select tiddler=\"$:/config/Navigation/openLinkFromOutsideRiver\">\n <option value=\"top\"><<lingo \"OpenAtTop\">></option>\n <option value=\"bottom\"><<lingo \"OpenAtBottom\">></option>\n</$select>\n"
"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Settings/MissingLinks": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Settings/MissingLinks",
"tags": "$:/tags/ControlPanel/Settings",
"caption": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/MissingLinks/Caption}}",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/MissingLinks/\n<<lingo Hint>>\n\n<$checkbox tiddler=\"$:/config/MissingLinks\" field=\"text\" checked=\"yes\" unchecked=\"no\" default=\"yes\"> <$link to=\"$:/config/MissingLinks\"><<lingo Description>></$link> </$checkbox>\n\n"
"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Settings/NavigationAddressBar": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Settings/NavigationAddressBar",
"tags": "$:/tags/ControlPanel/Settings",
"caption": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/NavigationAddressBar/Caption}}",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/NavigationAddressBar/\n\n<$link to=\"$:/config/Navigation/UpdateAddressBar\"><<lingo Hint>></$link>\n\n<$radio tiddler=\"$:/config/Navigation/UpdateAddressBar\" value=\"permaview\"> <<lingo Permaview/Description>> </$radio>\n\n<$radio tiddler=\"$:/config/Navigation/UpdateAddressBar\" value=\"permalink\"> <<lingo Permalink/Description>> </$radio>\n\n<$radio tiddler=\"$:/config/Navigation/UpdateAddressBar\" value=\"no\"> <<lingo No/Description>> </$radio>\n"
"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Settings/NavigationHistory": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Settings/NavigationHistory",
"tags": "$:/tags/ControlPanel/Settings",
"caption": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/NavigationHistory/Caption}}",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/NavigationHistory/\n<$link to=\"$:/config/Navigation/UpdateHistory\"><<lingo Hint>></$link>\n\n<$radio tiddler=\"$:/config/Navigation/UpdateHistory\" value=\"yes\"> <<lingo Yes/Description>> </$radio>\n\n<$radio tiddler=\"$:/config/Navigation/UpdateHistory\" value=\"no\"> <<lingo No/Description>> </$radio>\n"
"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Settings/PerformanceInstrumentation": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Settings/PerformanceInstrumentation",
"tags": "$:/tags/ControlPanel/Settings",
"caption": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/PerformanceInstrumentation/Caption}}",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/PerformanceInstrumentation/\n<<lingo Hint>>\n\n<$checkbox tiddler=\"$:/config/Performance/Instrumentation\" field=\"text\" checked=\"yes\" unchecked=\"no\" default=\"no\"> <$link to=\"$:/config/Performance/Instrumentation\"><<lingo Description>></$link> </$checkbox>\n"
"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Settings/TitleLinks": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Settings/TitleLinks",
"tags": "$:/tags/ControlPanel/Settings",
"caption": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/TitleLinks/Caption}}",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/TitleLinks/\n<$link to=\"$:/config/Tiddlers/TitleLinks\"><<lingo Hint>></$link>\n\n<$radio tiddler=\"$:/config/Tiddlers/TitleLinks\" value=\"yes\"> <<lingo Yes/Description>> </$radio>\n\n<$radio tiddler=\"$:/config/Tiddlers/TitleLinks\" value=\"no\"> <<lingo No/Description>> </$radio>\n"
"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Settings/ToolbarButtonStyle": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Settings/ToolbarButtonStyle",
"tags": "$:/tags/ControlPanel/Settings",
"caption": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/ToolbarButtonStyle/Caption}}",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/ToolbarButtonStyle/\n<$link to=\"$:/config/Toolbar/ButtonClass\"><<lingo \"Hint\">></$link>\n\n<$select tiddler=\"$:/config/Toolbar/ButtonClass\">\n<$list filter=\"[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/ToolbarButtonStyle]]\">\n<option value={{!!text}}>{{!!caption}}</option>\n</$list>\n</$select>\n"
"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Settings/ToolbarButtons": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Settings/ToolbarButtons",
"tags": "$:/tags/ControlPanel/Settings",
"caption": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/ToolbarButtons/Caption}}",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/ToolbarButtons/\n<<lingo Hint>>\n\n<$checkbox tiddler=\"$:/config/Toolbar/Icons\" field=\"text\" checked=\"yes\" unchecked=\"no\" default=\"yes\"> <$link to=\"$:/config/Toolbar/Icons\"><<lingo Icons/Description>></$link> </$checkbox>\n\n<$checkbox tiddler=\"$:/config/Toolbar/Text\" field=\"text\" checked=\"yes\" unchecked=\"no\" default=\"no\"> <$link to=\"$:/config/Toolbar/Text\"><<lingo Text/Description>></$link> </$checkbox>\n"
"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Settings": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Settings",
"tags": "$:/tags/ControlPanel",
"caption": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/Caption}}",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/ControlPanel/Settings/\n\n<<lingo Hint>>\n\n<$list filter=\"[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/ControlPanel/Settings]]\">\n\n<div style=\"border-top:1px solid #eee;\">\n\n!! <$link><$transclude field=\"caption\"/></$link>\n\n<$transclude/>\n\n</div>\n\n</$list>\n"
"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/StoryView": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/StoryView",
"tags": "$:/tags/ControlPanel/Appearance",
"caption": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/StoryView/Caption}}",
"text": "{{$:/snippets/viewswitcher}}\n"
"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Theme": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Theme",
"tags": "$:/tags/ControlPanel/Appearance",
"caption": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Theme/Caption}}",
"text": "{{$:/snippets/themeswitcher}}\n"
"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/TiddlerFields": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/TiddlerFields",
"tags": "$:/tags/ControlPanel/Advanced",
"caption": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/TiddlerFields/Caption}}",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/ControlPanel/\n\n<<lingo TiddlerFields/Hint>>\n\n{{$:/snippets/allfields}}"
"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Toolbars/EditToolbar": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Toolbars/EditToolbar",
"tags": "$:/tags/ControlPanel/Toolbars",
"caption": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Toolbars/EditToolbar/Caption}}",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/TiddlerInfo/\n\n\\define config-base() $:/config/EditToolbarButtons/Visibility/\n\n{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Toolbars/EditToolbar/Hint}}\n\n<$set name=\"tv-config-toolbar-icons\" value=\"yes\">\n\n<$set name=\"tv-config-toolbar-text\" value=\"yes\">\n\n<$macrocall $name=\"list-tagged-draggable\" tag=\"$:/tags/EditToolbar\" itemTemplate=\"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Toolbars/ItemTemplate\"/>\n\n</$set>\n\n</$set>"
"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Toolbars/EditorItemTemplate": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Toolbars/EditorItemTemplate",
"text": "\\define config-title()\n$(config-base)$$(currentTiddler)$\n\\end\n\n<$draggable tiddler=<<currentTiddler>>>\n<$checkbox tiddler=<<config-title>> field=\"text\" checked=\"show\" unchecked=\"hide\" default=\"show\"/> <span class=\"tc-icon-wrapper\"><$transclude tiddler={{!!icon}}/></span> <$transclude field=\"caption\"/> -- <i class=\"tc-muted\"><$transclude field=\"description\"/></i>\n</$draggable>\n"
"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Toolbars/EditorToolbar": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Toolbars/EditorToolbar",
"tags": "$:/tags/ControlPanel/Toolbars",
"caption": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Toolbars/EditorToolbar/Caption}}",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/TiddlerInfo/\n\n\\define config-base() $:/config/EditorToolbarButtons/Visibility/\n\n{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Toolbars/EditorToolbar/Hint}}\n\n<$macrocall $name=\"list-tagged-draggable\" tag=\"$:/tags/EditorToolbar\" itemTemplate=\"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Toolbars/EditorItemTemplate\"/>\n"
"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Toolbars/ItemTemplate": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Toolbars/ItemTemplate",
"text": "\\define config-title()\n$(config-base)$$(currentTiddler)$\n\\end\n\n<$draggable tiddler=<<currentTiddler>>>\n<$checkbox tiddler=<<config-title>> field=\"text\" checked=\"show\" unchecked=\"hide\" default=\"show\"/> <span class=\"tc-icon-wrapper\"> <$transclude field=\"caption\"/> <i class=\"tc-muted\">-- <$transclude field=\"description\"/></i></span>\n</$draggable>\n"
"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Toolbars/PageControls": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Toolbars/PageControls",
"tags": "$:/tags/ControlPanel/Toolbars",
"caption": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Toolbars/PageControls/Caption}}",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/TiddlerInfo/\n\n\\define config-base() $:/config/PageControlButtons/Visibility/\n\n{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Toolbars/PageControls/Hint}}\n\n<$set name=\"tv-config-toolbar-icons\" value=\"yes\">\n\n<$set name=\"tv-config-toolbar-text\" value=\"yes\">\n\n<$macrocall $name=\"list-tagged-draggable\" tag=\"$:/tags/PageControls\" itemTemplate=\"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Toolbars/ItemTemplate\"/>\n\n</$set>\n\n</$set>\n"
"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Toolbars/ViewToolbar": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Toolbars/ViewToolbar",
"tags": "$:/tags/ControlPanel/Toolbars",
"caption": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Toolbars/ViewToolbar/Caption}}",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/TiddlerInfo/\n\n\\define config-base() $:/config/ViewToolbarButtons/Visibility/\n\n{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Toolbars/ViewToolbar/Hint}}\n\n<$set name=\"tv-config-toolbar-icons\" value=\"yes\">\n\n<$set name=\"tv-config-toolbar-text\" value=\"yes\">\n\n<$macrocall $name=\"list-tagged-draggable\" tag=\"$:/tags/ViewToolbar\" itemTemplate=\"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Toolbars/ItemTemplate\"/>\n\n</$set>\n\n</$set>\n"
"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Toolbars": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Toolbars",
"tags": "$:/tags/ControlPanel/Appearance",
"caption": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Toolbars/Caption}}",
"text": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Toolbars/Hint}}\n\n<div class=\"tc-control-panel\">\n<<tabs \"[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/ControlPanel/Toolbars]!has[draft.of]]\" \"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Toolbars/ViewToolbar\" \"$:/state/tabs/controlpanel/toolbars\" \"tc-vertical\">>\n</div>\n"
"$:/ControlPanel": {
"title": "$:/ControlPanel",
"icon": "$:/core/images/options-button",
"color": "#bbb",
"text": "<div class=\"tc-control-panel\">\n<<tabs \"[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/ControlPanel]!has[draft.of]]\" \"$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Info\">>\n</div>\n"
"$:/core/ui/DefaultSearchResultList": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/DefaultSearchResultList",
"tags": "$:/tags/SearchResults",
"caption": "{{$:/language/Search/DefaultResults/Caption}}",
"text": "\\define searchResultList()\n//<small>{{$:/language/Search/Matches/Title}}</small>//\n\n<$list filter=\"[!is[system]search:title{$(searchTiddler)$}sort[title]limit[250]]\" template=\"$:/core/ui/ListItemTemplate\"/>\n\n//<small>{{$:/language/Search/Matches/All}}</small>//\n\n<$list filter=\"[!is[system]search{$(searchTiddler)$}sort[title]limit[250]]\" template=\"$:/core/ui/ListItemTemplate\"/>\n\n\\end\n<<searchResultList>>\n"
"$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/body/preview/output": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/body/preview/output",
"tags": "$:/tags/EditPreview",
"caption": "{{$:/language/EditTemplate/Body/Preview/Type/Output}}",
"text": "<$set name=\"tv-tiddler-preview\" value=\"yes\">\n\n<$transclude />\n\n</$set>\n"
"$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/body/editor": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/body/editor",
"text": "<$edit\n\n field=\"text\"\n class=\"tc-edit-texteditor\"\n placeholder={{$:/language/EditTemplate/Body/Placeholder}}\n\n><$set\n\n name=\"targetTiddler\"\n value=<<currentTiddler>>\n\n><$list\n\n filter=\"[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/EditorToolbar]!has[draft.of]]\"\n\n><$reveal\n\n type=\"nomatch\"\n state=<<config-visibility-title>>\n text=\"hide\"\n class=\"tc-text-editor-toolbar-item-wrapper\"\n\n><$transclude\n\n tiddler=\"$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/body/toolbar/button\"\n mode=\"inline\"\n\n/></$reveal></$list></$set></$edit>\n"
"$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/body/toolbar/button": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/body/toolbar/button",
"text": "\\define toolbar-button-icon()\n<$list\n\n filter=\"[all[current]!has[custom-icon]]\"\n variable=\"no-custom-icon\"\n\n><$transclude\n\n tiddler={{!!icon}}\n\n/></$list>\n\\end\n\n\\define toolbar-button-tooltip()\n{{!!description}}<$macrocall $name=\"displayshortcuts\" $output=\"text/plain\" shortcuts={{!!shortcuts}} prefix=\"` - [\" separator=\"] [\" suffix=\"]`\"/>\n\\end\n\n\\define toolbar-button()\n<$list\n\n filter={{!!condition}}\n variable=\"list-condition\"\n\n><$wikify\n\n name=\"tooltip-text\"\n text=<<toolbar-button-tooltip>>\n mode=\"inline\"\n output=\"text\"\n\n><$list\n\n filter=\"[all[current]!has[dropdown]]\"\n variable=\"no-dropdown\"\n\n><$button\n\n class=\"tc-btn-invisible $(buttonClasses)$\"\n tooltip=<<tooltip-text>>\n\n><span\n\n data-tw-keyboard-shortcut={{!!shortcuts}}\n\n/><<toolbar-button-icon>><$transclude\n\n tiddler=<<currentTiddler>>\n field=\"text\"\n\n/></$button></$list><$list\n\n filter=\"[all[current]has[dropdown]]\"\n variable=\"dropdown\"\n\n><$set\n\n name=\"dropdown-state\"\n value=<<qualify \"$:/state/EditorToolbarDropdown\">>\n\n><$button\n\n popup=<<dropdown-state>>\n class=\"tc-popup-keep tc-btn-invisible $(buttonClasses)$\"\n selectedClass=\"tc-selected\"\n tooltip=<<tooltip-text>>\n\n><span\n\n data-tw-keyboard-shortcut={{!!shortcuts}}\n\n/><<toolbar-button-icon>><$transclude\n\n tiddler=<<currentTiddler>>\n field=\"text\"\n\n/></$button><$reveal\n\n state=<<dropdown-state>>\n type=\"popup\"\n position=\"below\"\n animate=\"yes\"\n tag=\"span\"\n\n><div\n\n class=\"tc-drop-down tc-popup-keep\"\n\n><$transclude\n\n tiddler={{!!dropdown}}\n mode=\"block\"\n\n/></div></$reveal></$set></$list></$wikify></$list>\n\\end\n\n\\define toolbar-button-outer()\n<$set\n\n name=\"buttonClasses\"\n value={{!!button-classes}}\n\n><<toolbar-button>></$set>\n\\end\n\n<<toolbar-button-outer>>"
"$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/body": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/body",
"tags": "$:/tags/EditTemplate",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/EditTemplate/Body/\n\\define config-visibility-title()\n$:/config/EditorToolbarButtons/Visibility/$(currentTiddler)$\n\\end\n<$list filter=\"[is[current]has[_canonical_uri]]\">\n\n<div class=\"tc-message-box\">\n\n<<lingo External/Hint>>\n\n<a href={{!!_canonical_uri}}><$text text={{!!_canonical_uri}}/></a>\n\n<$edit-text field=\"_canonical_uri\" class=\"tc-edit-fields\"></$edit-text>\n\n</div>\n\n</$list>\n\n<$list filter=\"[is[current]!has[_canonical_uri]]\">\n\n<$reveal state=\"$:/state/showeditpreview\" type=\"match\" text=\"yes\">\n\n<div class=\"tc-tiddler-preview\">\n\n<$transclude tiddler=\"$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/body/editor\" mode=\"inline\"/>\n\n<div class=\"tc-tiddler-preview-preview\">\n\n<$transclude tiddler={{$:/state/editpreviewtype}} mode=\"inline\">\n\n<$transclude tiddler=\"$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/body/preview/output\" mode=\"inline\"/>\n\n</$transclude>\n\n</div>\n\n</div>\n\n</$reveal>\n\n<$reveal state=\"$:/state/showeditpreview\" type=\"nomatch\" text=\"yes\">\n\n<$transclude tiddler=\"$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/body/editor\" mode=\"inline\"/>\n\n</$reveal>\n\n</$list>\n"
"$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/controls": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/controls",
"tags": "$:/tags/EditTemplate",
"text": "\\define config-title()\n$:/config/EditToolbarButtons/Visibility/$(listItem)$\n\\end\n<div class=\"tc-tiddler-title tc-tiddler-edit-title\">\n<$view field=\"title\"/>\n<span class=\"tc-tiddler-controls tc-titlebar\"><$list filter=\"[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/EditToolbar]!has[draft.of]]\" variable=\"listItem\"><$reveal type=\"nomatch\" state=<<config-title>> text=\"hide\"><$transclude tiddler=<<listItem>>/></$reveal></$list></span>\n<div style=\"clear: both;\"></div>\n</div>\n"
"$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/fields": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/fields",
"tags": "$:/tags/EditTemplate",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/EditTemplate/\n\\define config-title()\n$:/config/EditTemplateFields/Visibility/$(currentField)$\n\\end\n\n\\define config-filter()\n[[hide]] -[title{$(config-title)$}]\n\\end\n\n\\define new-field-inner()\n<$reveal type=\"nomatch\" text=\"\" default=<<name>>>\n<$button>\n<$action-sendmessage $message=\"tm-add-field\" $name=<<name>> $value=<<value>>/>\n<$action-deletetiddler $tiddler=\"$:/temp/newfieldname\"/>\n<$action-deletetiddler $tiddler=\"$:/temp/newfieldvalue\"/>\n<<lingo Fields/Add/Button>>\n</$button>\n</$reveal>\n<$reveal type=\"match\" text=\"\" default=<<name>>>\n<$button>\n<<lingo Fields/Add/Button>>\n</$button>\n</$reveal>\n\\end\n\n\\define new-field()\n<$set name=\"name\" value={{$:/temp/newfieldname}}>\n<$set name=\"value\" value={{$:/temp/newfieldvalue}}>\n<<new-field-inner>>\n</$set>\n</$set>\n\\end\n\n<div class=\"tc-edit-fields\">\n<table class=\"tc-edit-fields\">\n<tbody>\n<$list filter=\"[all[current]fields[]] +[sort[title]]\" variable=\"currentField\">\n<$list filter=<<config-filter>> variable=\"temp\">\n<tr class=\"tc-edit-field\">\n<td class=\"tc-edit-field-name\">\n<$text text=<<currentField>>/>:</td>\n<td class=\"tc-edit-field-value\">\n<$edit-text tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field=<<currentField>> placeholder={{$:/language/EditTemplate/Fields/Add/Value/Placeholder}}/>\n</td>\n<td class=\"tc-edit-field-remove\">\n<$button class=\"tc-btn-invisible\" tooltip={{$:/language/EditTemplate/Field/Remove/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/EditTemplate/Field/Remove/Caption}}>\n<$action-deletefield $field=<<currentField>>/>\n{{$:/core/images/delete-button}}\n</$button>\n</td>\n</tr>\n</$list>\n</$list>\n</tbody>\n</table>\n</div>\n\n<$fieldmangler>\n<div class=\"tc-edit-field-add\">\n<em class=\"tc-edit\">\n<<lingo Fields/Add/Prompt>>\n</em>\n<span class=\"tc-edit-field-add-name\">\n<$edit-text tiddler=\"$:/temp/newfieldname\" tag=\"input\" default=\"\" placeholder={{$:/language/EditTemplate/Fields/Add/Name/Placeholder}} focusPopup=<<qualify \"$:/state/popup/field-dropdown\">> class=\"tc-edit-texteditor tc-popup-handle\"/>\n</span>\n<$button popup=<<qualify \"$:/state/popup/field-dropdown\">> class=\"tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-dropdown\" tooltip={{$:/language/EditTemplate/Field/Dropdown/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/EditTemplate/Field/Dropdown/Caption}}>{{$:/core/images/down-arrow}}</$button>\n<$reveal state=<<qualify \"$:/state/popup/field-dropdown\">> type=\"nomatch\" text=\"\" default=\"\">\n<div class=\"tc-block-dropdown tc-edit-type-dropdown\">\n<$linkcatcher to=\"$:/temp/newfieldname\">\n<div class=\"tc-dropdown-item\">\n<<lingo Fields/Add/Dropdown/User>>\n</div>\n<$list filter=\"[!is[shadow]!is[system]fields[]search:title{$:/temp/newfieldname}sort[]] -created -creator -draft.of -draft.title -modified -modifier -tags -text -title -type\" variable=\"currentField\">\n<$link to=<<currentField>>>\n<<currentField>>\n</$link>\n</$list>\n<div class=\"tc-dropdown-item\">\n<<lingo Fields/Add/Dropdown/System>>\n</div>\n<$list filter=\"[fields[]search:title{$:/temp/newfieldname}sort[]] -[!is[shadow]!is[system]fields[]]\" variable=\"currentField\">\n<$link to=<<currentField>>>\n<<currentField>>\n</$link>\n</$list>\n</$linkcatcher>\n</div>\n</$reveal>\n<span class=\"tc-edit-field-add-value\">\n<$edit-text tiddler=\"$:/temp/newfieldvalue\" tag=\"input\" default=\"\" placeholder={{$:/language/EditTemplate/Fields/Add/Value/Placeholder}} class=\"tc-edit-texteditor\"/>\n</span>\n<span class=\"tc-edit-field-add-button\">\n<$macrocall $name=\"new-field\"/>\n</span>\n</div>\n</$fieldmangler>\n"
"$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/shadow": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/shadow",
"tags": "$:/tags/EditTemplate",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/EditTemplate/Shadow/\n\\define pluginLinkBody()\n<$link to=\"\"\"$(pluginTitle)$\"\"\">\n<$text text=\"\"\"$(pluginTitle)$\"\"\"/>\n</$link>\n\\end\n<$list filter=\"[all[current]get[draft.of]is[shadow]!is[tiddler]]\">\n\n<$list filter=\"[all[current]shadowsource[]]\" variable=\"pluginTitle\">\n\n<$set name=\"pluginLink\" value=<<pluginLinkBody>>>\n<div class=\"tc-message-box\">\n\n<<lingo Warning>>\n\n</div>\n</$set>\n</$list>\n\n</$list>\n\n<$list filter=\"[all[current]get[draft.of]is[shadow]is[tiddler]]\">\n\n<$list filter=\"[all[current]shadowsource[]]\" variable=\"pluginTitle\">\n\n<$set name=\"pluginLink\" value=<<pluginLinkBody>>>\n<div class=\"tc-message-box\">\n\n<<lingo OverriddenWarning>>\n\n</div>\n</$set>\n</$list>\n\n</$list>"
"$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/tags": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/tags",
"tags": "$:/tags/EditTemplate",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/EditTemplate/\n\n\\define tag-styles()\nbackground-color:$(backgroundColor)$;\nfill:$(foregroundColor)$;\ncolor:$(foregroundColor)$;\n\\end\n\n\\define tag-body-inner(colour,fallbackTarget,colourA,colourB)\n<$vars foregroundColor=<<contrastcolour target:\"\"\"$colour$\"\"\" fallbackTarget:\"\"\"$fallbackTarget$\"\"\" colourA:\"\"\"$colourA$\"\"\" colourB:\"\"\"$colourB$\"\"\">> backgroundColor=\"\"\"$colour$\"\"\">\n<span style=<<tag-styles>> class=\"tc-tag-label\">\n<$view field=\"title\" format=\"text\" />\n<$button message=\"tm-remove-tag\" param={{!!title}} class=\"tc-btn-invisible tc-remove-tag-button\">×</$button>\n</span>\n</$vars>\n\\end\n\n\\define tag-body(colour,palette)\n<$macrocall $name=\"tag-body-inner\" colour=\"\"\"$colour$\"\"\" fallbackTarget={{$palette$##tag-background}} colourA={{$palette$##foreground}} colourB={{$palette$##background}}/>\n\\end\n\n\\define tag-picker-actions()\n<$action-listops\n\t$tiddler=<<currentTiddler>>\n\t$field=\"tags\"\n\t$subfilter=\"[<tag>] [all[current]tags[]]\"\n/>\n\\end\n\n<div class=\"tc-edit-tags\">\n<$fieldmangler>\n<$list filter=\"[all[current]tags[]sort[title]]\" storyview=\"pop\">\n<$macrocall $name=\"tag-body\" colour={{!!color}} palette={{$:/palette}}/>\n</$list>\n</$fieldmangler>\n<$macrocall $name=\"tag-picker\" actions=<<tag-picker-actions>>/>\n</div>\n"
"$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/title": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/title",
"tags": "$:/tags/EditTemplate",
"text": "<$edit-text field=\"draft.title\" class=\"tc-titlebar tc-edit-texteditor\" focus=\"true\"/>\n\n<$vars pattern=\"\"\"[\\|\\[\\]{}]\"\"\" bad-chars=\"\"\"`| [ ] { }`\"\"\">\n\n<$list filter=\"[is[current]regexp:draft.title<pattern>]\" variable=\"listItem\">\n\n<div class=\"tc-message-box\">\n\n{{$:/core/images/warning}} {{$:/language/EditTemplate/Title/BadCharacterWarning}}\n\n</div>\n\n</$list>\n\n</$vars>\n\n<$reveal state=\"!!draft.title\" type=\"nomatch\" text={{!!draft.of}} tag=\"div\">\n\n<$list filter=\"[{!!draft.title}!is[missing]]\" variable=\"listItem\">\n\n<div class=\"tc-message-box\">\n\n{{$:/core/images/warning}} {{$:/language/EditTemplate/Title/Exists/Prompt}}\n\n</div>\n\n</$list>\n\n<$list filter=\"[{!!draft.of}!is[missing]]\" variable=\"listItem\">\n\n<$vars fromTitle={{!!draft.of}} toTitle={{!!draft.title}}>\n\n<$checkbox tiddler=\"$:/config/RelinkOnRename\" field=\"text\" checked=\"yes\" unchecked=\"no\" default=\"no\"> {{$:/language/EditTemplate/Title/Relink/Prompt}}</$checkbox>\n\n</$vars>\n\n</$list>\n\n</$reveal>\n\n\n"
"$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/type": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/type",
"tags": "$:/tags/EditTemplate",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/EditTemplate/\n<div class=\"tc-type-selector\"><$fieldmangler>\n<em class=\"tc-edit\"><<lingo Type/Prompt>></em> <$edit-text field=\"type\" tag=\"input\" default=\"\" placeholder={{$:/language/EditTemplate/Type/Placeholder}} focusPopup=<<qualify \"$:/state/popup/type-dropdown\">> class=\"tc-edit-typeeditor tc-popup-handle\"/> <$button popup=<<qualify \"$:/state/popup/type-dropdown\">> class=\"tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-dropdown\" tooltip={{$:/language/EditTemplate/Type/Dropdown/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/EditTemplate/Type/Dropdown/Caption}}>{{$:/core/images/down-arrow}}</$button> <$button message=\"tm-remove-field\" param=\"type\" class=\"tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-icon\" tooltip={{$:/language/EditTemplate/Type/Delete/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/EditTemplate/Type/Delete/Caption}}>{{$:/core/images/delete-button}}</$button>\n</$fieldmangler></div>\n\n<div class=\"tc-block-dropdown-wrapper\">\n<$reveal state=<<qualify \"$:/state/popup/type-dropdown\">> type=\"nomatch\" text=\"\" default=\"\">\n<div class=\"tc-block-dropdown tc-edit-type-dropdown\">\n<$linkcatcher to=\"!!type\">\n<$list filter='[all[shadows+tiddlers]prefix[$:/language/Docs/Types/]each[group]sort[group-sort]]'>\n<div class=\"tc-dropdown-item\">\n<$text text={{!!group}}/>\n</div>\n<$list filter=\"[all[shadows+tiddlers]prefix[$:/language/Docs/Types/]group{!!group}] +[sort[description]]\"><$link to={{!!name}}><$view field=\"description\"/> (<$view field=\"name\"/>)</$link>\n</$list>\n</$list>\n</$linkcatcher>\n</div>\n</$reveal>\n</div>"
"$:/core/ui/EditTemplate": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/EditTemplate",
"text": "\\define actions()\n<$action-sendmessage $message=\"tm-add-tag\" $param={{$:/temp/NewTagName}}/>\n<$action-deletetiddler $tiddler=\"$:/temp/NewTagName\"/>\n<$action-sendmessage $message=\"tm-add-field\" $name={{$:/temp/newfieldname}} $value={{$:/temp/newfieldvalue}}/>\n<$action-deletetiddler $tiddler=\"$:/temp/newfieldname\"/>\n<$action-deletetiddler $tiddler=\"$:/temp/newfieldvalue\"/>\n<$action-sendmessage $message=\"tm-save-tiddler\"/>\n\\end\n\\define frame-classes()\ntc-tiddler-frame tc-tiddler-edit-frame $(missingTiddlerClass)$ $(shadowTiddlerClass)$ $(systemTiddlerClass)$\n\\end\n<div class=<<frame-classes>>>\n<$fieldmangler>\n<$set name=\"storyTiddler\" value=<<currentTiddler>>>\n<$keyboard key=\"((cancel-edit-tiddler))\" message=\"tm-cancel-tiddler\">\n<$keyboard key=\"((save-tiddler))\" actions=<<actions>>>\n<$list filter=\"[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/EditTemplate]!has[draft.of]]\" variable=\"listItem\">\n<$transclude tiddler=<<listItem>>/>\n</$list>\n</$keyboard>\n</$keyboard>\n</$set>\n</$fieldmangler>\n</div>\n"
"$:/core/ui/Buttons/cancel": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/Buttons/cancel",
"tags": "$:/tags/EditToolbar",
"caption": "{{$:/core/images/cancel-button}} {{$:/language/Buttons/Cancel/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Cancel/Hint}}",
"text": "<$button message=\"tm-cancel-tiddler\" tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/Cancel/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/Cancel/Caption}} class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>>>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]\">\n{{$:/core/images/cancel-button}}\n</$list>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]\">\n<span class=\"tc-btn-text\"><$text text={{$:/language/Buttons/Cancel/Caption}}/></span>\n</$list>\n</$button>"
"$:/core/ui/Buttons/delete": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/Buttons/delete",
"tags": "$:/tags/EditToolbar $:/tags/ViewToolbar",
"caption": "{{$:/core/images/delete-button}} {{$:/language/Buttons/Delete/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Delete/Hint}}",
"text": "<$button message=\"tm-delete-tiddler\" tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/Delete/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/Delete/Caption}} class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>>>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]\">\n{{$:/core/images/delete-button}}\n</$list>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]\">\n<span class=\"tc-btn-text\"><$text text={{$:/language/Buttons/Delete/Caption}}/></span>\n</$list>\n</$button>"
"$:/core/ui/Buttons/save": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/Buttons/save",
"tags": "$:/tags/EditToolbar",
"caption": "{{$:/core/images/done-button}} {{$:/language/Buttons/Save/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Save/Hint}}",
"text": "<$fieldmangler><$button tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/Save/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/Save/Caption}} class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>>>\n<$action-sendmessage $message=\"tm-add-tag\" $param={{$:/temp/NewTagName}}/>\n<$action-deletetiddler $tiddler=\"$:/temp/NewTagName\"/>\n<$action-sendmessage $message=\"tm-add-field\" $name={{$:/temp/newfieldname}} $value={{$:/temp/newfieldvalue}}/>\n<$action-deletetiddler $tiddler=\"$:/temp/newfieldname\"/>\n<$action-deletetiddler $tiddler=\"$:/temp/newfieldvalue\"/>\n<$action-sendmessage $message=\"tm-save-tiddler\"/>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]\">\n{{$:/core/images/done-button}}\n</$list>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]\">\n<span class=\"tc-btn-text\"><$text text={{$:/language/Buttons/Save/Caption}}/></span>\n</$list>\n</$button>\n</$fieldmangler>\n"
"$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/bold": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/bold",
"tags": "$:/tags/EditorToolbar",
"icon": "$:/core/images/bold",
"caption": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Bold/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Bold/Hint}}",
"condition": "[<targetTiddler>!has[type]] [<targetTiddler>type[text/vnd.tiddlywiki]]",
"shortcuts": "((bold))",
"text": "<$action-sendmessage\n\t$message=\"tm-edit-text-operation\"\n\t$param=\"wrap-selection\"\n\tprefix=\"''\"\n\tsuffix=\"''\"\n/>\n"
"$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/clear-dropdown": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/clear-dropdown",
"text": "''{{$:/language/Buttons/Clear/Hint}}''\n\n<div class=\"tc-colour-chooser\">\n\n<$macrocall $name=\"colour-picker\" actions=\"\"\"\n\n<$action-sendmessage\n\t$message=\"tm-edit-bitmap-operation\"\n\t$param=\"clear\"\n\tcolour=<<colour-picker-value>>\n/>\n\n<$action-deletetiddler\n\t$tiddler=<<dropdown-state>>\n/>\n\n\"\"\"/>\n\n</div>\n"
"$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/clear": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/clear",
"tags": "$:/tags/EditorToolbar",
"icon": "$:/core/images/erase",
"caption": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Clear/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Clear/Hint}}",
"condition": "[<targetTiddler>is[image]]",
"dropdown": "$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/clear-dropdown",
"text": ""
"$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/editor-height-dropdown": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/editor-height-dropdown",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/Buttons/EditorHeight/\n''<<lingo Hint>>''\n\n<$radio tiddler=\"$:/config/TextEditor/EditorHeight/Mode\" value=\"auto\"> {{$:/core/images/auto-height}} <<lingo Caption/Auto>></$radio>\n\n<$radio tiddler=\"$:/config/TextEditor/EditorHeight/Mode\" value=\"fixed\"> {{$:/core/images/fixed-height}} <<lingo Caption/Fixed>> <$edit-text tag=\"input\" tiddler=\"$:/config/TextEditor/EditorHeight/Height\" default=\"100px\"/></$radio>\n"
"$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/editor-height": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/editor-height",
"tags": "$:/tags/EditorToolbar",
"icon": "$:/core/images/fixed-height",
"custom-icon": "yes",
"caption": "{{$:/language/Buttons/EditorHeight/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/EditorHeight/Hint}}",
"condition": "[<targetTiddler>!is[image]]",
"dropdown": "$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/editor-height-dropdown",
"text": "<$reveal tag=\"span\" state=\"$:/config/TextEditor/EditorHeight/Mode\" type=\"match\" text=\"fixed\">\n{{$:/core/images/fixed-height}}\n</$reveal>\n<$reveal tag=\"span\" state=\"$:/config/TextEditor/EditorHeight/Mode\" type=\"match\" text=\"auto\">\n{{$:/core/images/auto-height}}\n</$reveal>\n"
"$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/excise-dropdown": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/excise-dropdown",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/Buttons/Excise/\n\n\\define body(config-title)\n''<<lingo Hint>>''\n\n<<lingo Caption/NewTitle>> <$edit-text tag=\"input\" tiddler=\"$config-title$/new-title\" default=\"\" focus=\"true\"/>\n\n<$set name=\"new-title\" value={{$config-title$/new-title}}>\n<$list filter=\"\"\"[<new-title>is[tiddler]]\"\"\">\n<div class=\"tc-error\">\n<<lingo Caption/TiddlerExists>>\n</div>\n</$list>\n</$set>\n\n<$checkbox tiddler=\"\"\"$config-title$/tagnew\"\"\" field=\"text\" checked=\"yes\" unchecked=\"no\" default=\"false\"> <<lingo Caption/Tag>></$checkbox>\n\n<<lingo Caption/Replace>> <$select tiddler=\"\"\"$config-title$/type\"\"\" default=\"transclude\">\n<option value=\"link\"><<lingo Caption/Replace/Link>></option>\n<option value=\"transclude\"><<lingo Caption/Replace/Transclusion>></option>\n<option value=\"macro\"><<lingo Caption/Replace/Macro>></option>\n</$select>\n\n<$reveal state=\"\"\"$config-title$/type\"\"\" type=\"match\" text=\"macro\">\n<<lingo Caption/MacroName>> <$edit-text tag=\"input\" tiddler=\"\"\"$config-title$/macro-title\"\"\" default=\"translink\"/>\n</$reveal>\n\n<$button>\n<$action-sendmessage\n\t$message=\"tm-edit-text-operation\"\n\t$param=\"excise\"\n\ttitle={{$config-title$/new-title}}\n\ttype={{$config-title$/type}}\n\tmacro={{$config-title$/macro-title}}\n\ttagnew={{$config-title$/tagnew}}\n/>\n<$action-deletetiddler\n\t$tiddler=\"$config-title$/new-title\"\n/>\n<$action-deletetiddler\n\t$tiddler=<<dropdown-state>>\n/>\n<<lingo Caption/Excise>>\n</$button>\n\\end\n\n<$macrocall $name=\"body\" config-title=<<qualify \"$:/state/Excise/\">>/>\n"
"$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/excise": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/excise",
"tags": "$:/tags/EditorToolbar",
"icon": "$:/core/images/excise",
"caption": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Excise/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Excise/Hint}}",
"condition": "[<targetTiddler>!is[image]]",
"shortcuts": "((excise))",
"dropdown": "$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/excise-dropdown",
"text": ""
"$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/heading-1": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/heading-1",
"tags": "$:/tags/EditorToolbar",
"icon": "$:/core/images/heading-1",
"caption": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Heading1/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Heading1/Hint}}",
"condition": "[<targetTiddler>!has[type]] [<targetTiddler>type[text/vnd.tiddlywiki]]",
"button-classes": "tc-text-editor-toolbar-item-start-group",
"shortcuts": "((heading-1))",
"text": "<$action-sendmessage\n\t$message=\"tm-edit-text-operation\"\n\t$param=\"prefix-lines\"\n\tcharacter=\"!\"\n\tcount=\"1\"\n/>\n"
"$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/heading-2": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/heading-2",
"tags": "$:/tags/EditorToolbar",
"icon": "$:/core/images/heading-2",
"caption": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Heading2/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Heading2/Hint}}",
"condition": "[<targetTiddler>!has[type]] [<targetTiddler>type[text/vnd.tiddlywiki]]",
"shortcuts": "((heading-2))",
"text": "<$action-sendmessage\n\t$message=\"tm-edit-text-operation\"\n\t$param=\"prefix-lines\"\n\tcharacter=\"!\"\n\tcount=\"2\"\n/>\n"
"$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/heading-3": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/heading-3",
"tags": "$:/tags/EditorToolbar",
"icon": "$:/core/images/heading-3",
"caption": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Heading3/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Heading3/Hint}}",
"condition": "[<targetTiddler>!has[type]] [<targetTiddler>type[text/vnd.tiddlywiki]]",
"shortcuts": "((heading-3))",
"text": "<$action-sendmessage\n\t$message=\"tm-edit-text-operation\"\n\t$param=\"prefix-lines\"\n\tcharacter=\"!\"\n\tcount=\"3\"\n/>\n"
"$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/heading-4": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/heading-4",
"tags": "$:/tags/EditorToolbar",
"icon": "$:/core/images/heading-4",
"caption": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Heading4/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Heading4/Hint}}",
"condition": "[<targetTiddler>!has[type]] [<targetTiddler>type[text/vnd.tiddlywiki]]",
"shortcuts": "((heading-4))",
"text": "<$action-sendmessage\n\t$message=\"tm-edit-text-operation\"\n\t$param=\"prefix-lines\"\n\tcharacter=\"!\"\n\tcount=\"4\"\n/>\n"
"$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/heading-5": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/heading-5",
"tags": "$:/tags/EditorToolbar",
"icon": "$:/core/images/heading-5",
"caption": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Heading5/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Heading5/Hint}}",
"condition": "[<targetTiddler>!has[type]] [<targetTiddler>type[text/vnd.tiddlywiki]]",
"shortcuts": "((heading-5))",
"text": "<$action-sendmessage\n\t$message=\"tm-edit-text-operation\"\n\t$param=\"prefix-lines\"\n\tcharacter=\"!\"\n\tcount=\"5\"\n/>\n"
"$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/heading-6": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/heading-6",
"tags": "$:/tags/EditorToolbar",
"icon": "$:/core/images/heading-6",
"caption": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Heading6/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Heading6/Hint}}",
"condition": "[<targetTiddler>!has[type]] [<targetTiddler>type[text/vnd.tiddlywiki]]",
"shortcuts": "((heading-6))",
"text": "<$action-sendmessage\n\t$message=\"tm-edit-text-operation\"\n\t$param=\"prefix-lines\"\n\tcharacter=\"!\"\n\tcount=\"6\"\n/>\n"
"$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/italic": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/italic",
"tags": "$:/tags/EditorToolbar",
"icon": "$:/core/images/italic",
"caption": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Italic/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Italic/Hint}}",
"condition": "[<targetTiddler>!has[type]] [<targetTiddler>type[text/vnd.tiddlywiki]]",
"shortcuts": "((italic))",
"text": "<$action-sendmessage\n\t$message=\"tm-edit-text-operation\"\n\t$param=\"wrap-selection\"\n\tprefix=\"//\"\n\tsuffix=\"//\"\n/>\n"
"$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/line-width-dropdown": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/line-width-dropdown",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/Buttons/LineWidth/\n\n\\define toolbar-line-width-inner()\n<$button tag=\"a\" tooltip=\"\"\"$(line-width)$\"\"\">\n\n<$action-setfield\n\t$tiddler=\"$:/config/BitmapEditor/LineWidth\"\n\t$value=\"$(line-width)$\"\n/>\n\n<$action-deletetiddler\n\t$tiddler=<<dropdown-state>>\n/>\n\n<div style=\"display: inline-block; margin: 4px calc(80px - $(line-width)$); background-color: #000; width: calc(100px + $(line-width)$ * 2); height: $(line-width)$; border-radius: 120px; vertical-align: middle;\"/>\n\n<span style=\"margin-left: 8px;\">\n\n<$text text=\"\"\"$(line-width)$\"\"\"/>\n\n<$reveal state=\"$:/config/BitmapEditor/LineWidth\" type=\"match\" text=\"\"\"$(line-width)$\"\"\" tag=\"span\">\n\n<$entity entity=\" \"/>\n\n<$entity entity=\"✓\"/>\n\n</$reveal>\n\n</span>\n\n</$button>\n\\end\n\n''<<lingo Hint>>''\n\n<$list filter={{$:/config/BitmapEditor/LineWidths}} variable=\"line-width\">\n\n<<toolbar-line-width-inner>>\n\n</$list>\n"
"$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/line-width": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/line-width",
"tags": "$:/tags/EditorToolbar",
"icon": "$:/core/images/line-width",
"caption": "{{$:/language/Buttons/LineWidth/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/LineWidth/Hint}}",
"condition": "[<targetTiddler>is[image]]",
"dropdown": "$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/line-width-dropdown",
"text": "<$text text={{$:/config/BitmapEditor/LineWidth}}/>"
"$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/link-dropdown": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/link-dropdown",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/Buttons/Link/\n\n\\define link-actions()\n<$action-sendmessage\n\t$message=\"tm-edit-text-operation\"\n\t$param=\"make-link\"\n\ttext={{$(linkTiddler)$}}\n/>\n\n<$action-deletetiddler\n\t$tiddler=<<dropdown-state>>\n/>\n\n<$action-deletetiddler\n\t$tiddler=<<searchTiddler>>\n/>\n\n<$action-deletetiddler\n\t$tiddler=<<linkTiddler>>\n/>\n\\end\n\n\\define external-link()\n<$button class=\"tc-btn-invisible\" style=\"width: auto; display: inline-block; background-colour: inherit;\">\n<$action-sendmessage $message=\"tm-edit-text-operation\" $param=\"make-link\" text={{$(searchTiddler)$}}\n/>\n{{$:/core/images/chevron-right}}\n<$action-deletetiddler\n\t$tiddler=<<dropdown-state>>\n/>\n\n<$action-deletetiddler\n\t$tiddler=<<searchTiddler>>\n/>\n\n<$action-deletetiddler\n\t$tiddler=<<linkTiddler>>\n/>\n</$button>\n\\end\n\n\n\\define body(config-title)\n''<<lingo Hint>>''\n\n<$vars searchTiddler=\"\"\"$config-title$/search\"\"\" linkTiddler=\"\"\"$config-title$/link\"\"\" linktext=\"\" >\n\n<$edit-text tiddler=<<searchTiddler>> type=\"search\" tag=\"input\" focus=\"true\" placeholder={{$:/language/Search/Search}} default=\"\"/>\n<$reveal tag=\"span\" state=<<searchTiddler>> type=\"nomatch\" text=\"\">\n<<external-link>>\n<$button class=\"tc-btn-invisible\" style=\"width: auto; display: inline-block; background-colour: inherit;\">\n<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<searchTiddler>> text=\"\" />\n{{$:/core/images/close-button}}\n</$button>\n</$reveal>\n\n<$reveal tag=\"div\" state=<<searchTiddler>> type=\"nomatch\" text=\"\">\n\n<$linkcatcher actions=<<link-actions>> to=<<linkTiddler>>>\n\n{{$:/core/ui/SearchResults}}\n\n</$linkcatcher>\n\n</$reveal>\n\n</$vars>\n\n\\end\n\n<$macrocall $name=\"body\" config-title=<<qualify \"$:/state/Link/\">>/>"
"$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/link": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/link",
"tags": "$:/tags/EditorToolbar",
"icon": "$:/core/images/link",
"caption": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Link/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Link/Hint}}",
"condition": "[<targetTiddler>!has[type]] [<targetTiddler>type[text/vnd.tiddlywiki]]",
"button-classes": "tc-text-editor-toolbar-item-start-group",
"shortcuts": "((link))",
"dropdown": "$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/link-dropdown",
"text": ""
"$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/list-bullet": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/list-bullet",
"tags": "$:/tags/EditorToolbar",
"icon": "$:/core/images/list-bullet",
"caption": "{{$:/language/Buttons/ListBullet/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/ListBullet/Hint}}",
"condition": "[<targetTiddler>!has[type]] [<targetTiddler>type[text/vnd.tiddlywiki]]",
"shortcuts": "((list-bullet))",
"text": "<$action-sendmessage\n\t$message=\"tm-edit-text-operation\"\n\t$param=\"prefix-lines\"\n\tcharacter=\"*\"\n\tcount=\"1\"\n/>\n"
"$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/list-number": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/list-number",
"tags": "$:/tags/EditorToolbar",
"icon": "$:/core/images/list-number",
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"condition": "[<targetTiddler>!has[type]] [<targetTiddler>type[text/vnd.tiddlywiki]]",
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"text": "<$action-sendmessage\n\t$message=\"tm-edit-text-operation\"\n\t$param=\"prefix-lines\"\n\tcharacter=\"#\"\n\tcount=\"1\"\n/>\n"
"$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/mono-block": {
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"tags": "$:/tags/EditorToolbar",
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"caption": "{{$:/language/Buttons/MonoBlock/Caption}}",
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"text": "<$action-sendmessage\n\t$message=\"tm-edit-text-operation\"\n\t$param=\"wrap-lines\"\n\tprefix=\"\n```\"\n\tsuffix=\"```\"\n/>\n"
"$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/mono-line": {
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"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/MonoLine/Hint}}",
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"shortcuts": "((mono-line))",
"text": "<$action-sendmessage\n\t$message=\"tm-edit-text-operation\"\n\t$param=\"wrap-selection\"\n\tprefix=\"`\"\n\tsuffix=\"`\"\n/>\n"
"$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/more-dropdown": {
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"$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/more": {
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"caption": "{{$:/language/Buttons/More/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/More/Hint}}",
"condition": "[<targetTiddler>]",
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"text": ""
"$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/opacity-dropdown": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/opacity-dropdown",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/Buttons/Opacity/\n\n\\define toolbar-opacity-inner()\n<$button tag=\"a\" tooltip=\"\"\"$(opacity)$\"\"\">\n\n<$action-setfield\n\t$tiddler=\"$:/config/BitmapEditor/Opacity\"\n\t$value=\"$(opacity)$\"\n/>\n\n<$action-deletetiddler\n\t$tiddler=<<dropdown-state>>\n/>\n\n<div style=\"display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; background-color: $(current-paint-colour)$; opacity: $(opacity)$; width: 1em; height: 1em; border-radius: 50%;\"/>\n\n<span style=\"margin-left: 8px;\">\n\n<$text text=\"\"\"$(opacity)$\"\"\"/>\n\n<$reveal state=\"$:/config/BitmapEditor/Opacity\" type=\"match\" text=\"\"\"$(opacity)$\"\"\" tag=\"span\">\n\n<$entity entity=\" \"/>\n\n<$entity entity=\"✓\"/>\n\n</$reveal>\n\n</span>\n\n</$button>\n\\end\n\n\\define toolbar-opacity()\n''<<lingo Hint>>''\n\n<$list filter={{$:/config/BitmapEditor/Opacities}} variable=\"opacity\">\n\n<<toolbar-opacity-inner>>\n\n</$list>\n\\end\n\n<$set name=\"current-paint-colour\" value={{$:/config/BitmapEditor/Colour}}>\n\n<$set name=\"current-opacity\" value={{$:/config/BitmapEditor/Opacity}}>\n\n<<toolbar-opacity>>\n\n</$set>\n\n</$set>\n"
"$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/opacity": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/opacity",
"tags": "$:/tags/EditorToolbar",
"icon": "$:/core/images/opacity",
"caption": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Opacity/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Opacity/Hint}}",
"condition": "[<targetTiddler>is[image]]",
"dropdown": "$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/opacity-dropdown",
"text": "<$text text={{$:/config/BitmapEditor/Opacity}}/>\n"
"$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/paint-dropdown": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/paint-dropdown",
"text": "''{{$:/language/Buttons/Paint/Hint}}''\n\n<$macrocall $name=\"colour-picker\" actions=\"\"\"\n\n<$action-setfield\n\t$tiddler=\"$:/config/BitmapEditor/Colour\"\n\t$value=<<colour-picker-value>>\n/>\n\n<$action-deletetiddler\n\t$tiddler=<<dropdown-state>>\n/>\n\n\"\"\"/>\n"
"$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/paint": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/paint",
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"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Paint/Hint}}",
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"dropdown": "$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/paint-dropdown",
"text": "\\define toolbar-paint()\n<div style=\"display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; background-color: $(colour-picker-value)$; width: 1em; height: 1em; border-radius: 50%;\"/>\n\\end\n<$set name=\"colour-picker-value\" value={{$:/config/BitmapEditor/Colour}}>\n<<toolbar-paint>>\n</$set>\n"
"$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/picture-dropdown": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/picture-dropdown",
"text": "\\define replacement-text()\n[img[$(imageTitle)$]]\n\\end\n\n''{{$:/language/Buttons/Picture/Hint}}''\n\n<$macrocall $name=\"image-picker\" actions=\"\"\"\n\n<$action-sendmessage\n\t$message=\"tm-edit-text-operation\"\n\t$param=\"replace-selection\"\n\ttext=<<replacement-text>>\n/>\n\n<$action-deletetiddler\n\t$tiddler=<<dropdown-state>>\n/>\n\n\"\"\"/>\n"
"$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/picture": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/picture",
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"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Picture/Hint}}",
"condition": "[<targetTiddler>!has[type]] [<targetTiddler>type[text/vnd.tiddlywiki]]",
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"text": ""
"$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/preview-type-dropdown": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/preview-type-dropdown",
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"$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/preview-type": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/preview-type",
"tags": "$:/tags/EditorToolbar",
"icon": "$:/core/images/chevron-down",
"caption": "{{$:/language/Buttons/PreviewType/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/PreviewType/Hint}}",
"condition": "[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/EditPreview]!has[draft.of]butfirst[]limit[1]]",
"button-classes": "tc-text-editor-toolbar-item-adjunct",
"dropdown": "$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/preview-type-dropdown"
"$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/preview": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/preview",
"tags": "$:/tags/EditorToolbar",
"icon": "$:/core/images/preview-open",
"custom-icon": "yes",
"caption": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Preview/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Preview/Hint}}",
"condition": "[<targetTiddler>]",
"button-classes": "tc-text-editor-toolbar-item-start-group",
"shortcuts": "((preview))",
"text": "<$reveal state=\"$:/state/showeditpreview\" type=\"match\" text=\"yes\" tag=\"span\">\n{{$:/core/images/preview-open}}\n<$action-setfield $tiddler=\"$:/state/showeditpreview\" $value=\"no\"/>\n</$reveal>\n<$reveal state=\"$:/state/showeditpreview\" type=\"nomatch\" text=\"yes\" tag=\"span\">\n{{$:/core/images/preview-closed}}\n<$action-setfield $tiddler=\"$:/state/showeditpreview\" $value=\"yes\"/>\n</$reveal>\n"
"$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/quote": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/quote",
"tags": "$:/tags/EditorToolbar",
"icon": "$:/core/images/quote",
"caption": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Quote/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Quote/Hint}}",
"condition": "[<targetTiddler>!has[type]] [<targetTiddler>type[text/vnd.tiddlywiki]]",
"shortcuts": "((quote))",
"text": "<$action-sendmessage\n\t$message=\"tm-edit-text-operation\"\n\t$param=\"wrap-lines\"\n\tprefix=\"\n<<<\"\n\tsuffix=\"<<<\"\n/>\n"
"$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/size-dropdown": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/size-dropdown",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/Buttons/Size/\n\n\\define toolbar-button-size-preset(config-title)\n<$set name=\"width\" filter=\"$(sizePair)$ +[first[]]\">\n\n<$set name=\"height\" filter=\"$(sizePair)$ +[last[]]\">\n\n<$button tag=\"a\">\n\n<$action-setfield\n\t$tiddler=\"\"\"$config-title$/new-width\"\"\"\n\t$value=<<width>>\n/>\n\n<$action-setfield\n\t$tiddler=\"\"\"$config-title$/new-height\"\"\"\n\t$value=<<height>>\n/>\n\n<$action-deletetiddler\n\t$tiddler=\"\"\"$config-title$/presets-popup\"\"\"\n/>\n\n<$text text=<<width>>/> × <$text text=<<height>>/>\n\n</$button>\n\n</$set>\n\n</$set>\n\\end\n\n\\define toolbar-button-size(config-title)\n''{{$:/language/Buttons/Size/Hint}}''\n\n<<lingo Caption/Width>> <$edit-text tag=\"input\" tiddler=\"\"\"$config-title$/new-width\"\"\" default=<<tv-bitmap-editor-width>> focus=\"true\" size=\"8\"/> <<lingo Caption/Height>> <$edit-text tag=\"input\" tiddler=\"\"\"$config-title$/new-height\"\"\" default=<<tv-bitmap-editor-height>> size=\"8\"/> <$button popup=\"\"\"$config-title$/presets-popup\"\"\" class=\"tc-btn-invisible tc-popup-keep\" style=\"width: auto; display: inline-block; background-colour: inherit;\" selectedClass=\"tc-selected\">\n{{$:/core/images/down-arrow}}\n</$button>\n\n<$reveal tag=\"span\" state=\"\"\"$config-title$/presets-popup\"\"\" type=\"popup\" position=\"belowleft\" animate=\"yes\">\n\n<div class=\"tc-drop-down tc-popup-keep\">\n\n<$list filter={{$:/config/BitmapEditor/ImageSizes}} variable=\"sizePair\">\n\n<$macrocall $name=\"toolbar-button-size-preset\" config-title=\"$config-title$\"/>\n\n</$list>\n\n</div>\n\n</$reveal>\n\n<$button>\n<$action-sendmessage\n\t$message=\"tm-edit-bitmap-operation\"\n\t$param=\"resize\"\n\twidth={{$config-title$/new-width}}\n\theight={{$config-title$/new-height}}\n/>\n<$action-deletetiddler\n\t$tiddler=\"\"\"$config-title$/new-width\"\"\"\n/>\n<$action-deletetiddler\n\t$tiddler=\"\"\"$config-title$/new-height\"\"\"\n/>\n<$action-deletetiddler\n\t$tiddler=<<dropdown-state>>\n/>\n<<lingo Caption/Resize>>\n</$button>\n\\end\n\n<$macrocall $name=\"toolbar-button-size\" config-title=<<qualify \"$:/state/Size/\">>/>\n"
"$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/size": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/size",
"tags": "$:/tags/EditorToolbar",
"icon": "$:/core/images/size",
"caption": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Size/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Size/Hint}}",
"condition": "[<targetTiddler>is[image]]",
"dropdown": "$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/size-dropdown",
"text": ""
"$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/stamp-dropdown": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/stamp-dropdown",
"text": "\\define toolbar-button-stamp-inner()\n<$button tag=\"a\">\n\n<$action-sendmessage\n\t$message=\"tm-edit-text-operation\"\n\t$param=\"replace-selection\"\n\ttext={{$(snippetTitle)$}}\n/>\n\n<$action-deletetiddler\n\t$tiddler=<<dropdown-state>>\n/>\n\n<$view tiddler=<<snippetTitle>> field=\"caption\" mode=\"inline\">\n\n<$view tiddler=<<snippetTitle>> field=\"title\" mode=\"inline\"/>\n\n</$view>\n\n</$button>\n\\end\n\n<$list filter=\"[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/TextEditor/Snippet]!has[draft.of]sort[caption]]\" variable=\"snippetTitle\">\n\n<<toolbar-button-stamp-inner>>\n\n</$list>\n\n----\n\n<$button tag=\"a\">\n\n<$action-sendmessage\n\t$message=\"tm-new-tiddler\"\n\ttags=\"$:/tags/TextEditor/Snippet\"\n\tcaption={{$:/language/Buttons/Stamp/New/Title}}\n\ttext={{$:/language/Buttons/Stamp/New/Text}}\n/>\n\n<$action-deletetiddler\n\t$tiddler=<<dropdown-state>>\n/>\n\n<em>\n\n<$text text={{$:/language/Buttons/Stamp/Caption/New}}/>\n\n</em>\n\n</$button>\n"
"$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/stamp": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/stamp",
"tags": "$:/tags/EditorToolbar",
"icon": "$:/core/images/stamp",
"caption": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Stamp/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Stamp/Hint}}",
"condition": "[<targetTiddler>!is[image]]",
"shortcuts": "((stamp))",
"dropdown": "$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/stamp-dropdown",
"text": ""
"$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/strikethrough": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/strikethrough",
"tags": "$:/tags/EditorToolbar",
"icon": "$:/core/images/strikethrough",
"caption": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Strikethrough/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Strikethrough/Hint}}",
"condition": "[<targetTiddler>!has[type]] [<targetTiddler>type[text/vnd.tiddlywiki]]",
"shortcuts": "((strikethrough))",
"text": "<$action-sendmessage\n\t$message=\"tm-edit-text-operation\"\n\t$param=\"wrap-selection\"\n\tprefix=\"~~\"\n\tsuffix=\"~~\"\n/>\n"
"$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/subscript": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/subscript",
"tags": "$:/tags/EditorToolbar",
"icon": "$:/core/images/subscript",
"caption": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Subscript/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Subscript/Hint}}",
"condition": "[<targetTiddler>!has[type]] [<targetTiddler>type[text/vnd.tiddlywiki]]",
"shortcuts": "((subscript))",
"text": "<$action-sendmessage\n\t$message=\"tm-edit-text-operation\"\n\t$param=\"wrap-selection\"\n\tprefix=\",,\"\n\tsuffix=\",,\"\n/>\n"
"$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/superscript": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/superscript",
"tags": "$:/tags/EditorToolbar",
"icon": "$:/core/images/superscript",
"caption": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Superscript/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Superscript/Hint}}",
"condition": "[<targetTiddler>!has[type]] [<targetTiddler>type[text/vnd.tiddlywiki]]",
"shortcuts": "((superscript))",
"text": "<$action-sendmessage\n\t$message=\"tm-edit-text-operation\"\n\t$param=\"wrap-selection\"\n\tprefix=\"^^\"\n\tsuffix=\"^^\"\n/>\n"
"$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/underline": {
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"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Underline/Hint}}",
"condition": "[<targetTiddler>!has[type]] [<targetTiddler>type[text/vnd.tiddlywiki]]",
"shortcuts": "((underline))",
"text": "<$action-sendmessage\n\t$message=\"tm-edit-text-operation\"\n\t$param=\"wrap-selection\"\n\tprefix=\"__\"\n\tsuffix=\"__\"\n/>\n"
"$:/core/Filters/AllTags": {
"title": "$:/core/Filters/AllTags",
"tags": "$:/tags/Filter",
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"description": "{{$:/language/Filters/AllTags}}",
"text": ""
"$:/core/Filters/AllTiddlers": {
"title": "$:/core/Filters/AllTiddlers",
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"text": ""
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"title": "$:/core/Filters/Drafts",
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"description": "{{$:/language/Filters/Drafts}}",
"text": ""
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"title": "$:/core/Filters/Missing",
"tags": "$:/tags/Filter",
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"description": "{{$:/language/Filters/Missing}}",
"text": ""
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"title": "$:/core/Filters/Orphans",
"tags": "$:/tags/Filter",
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"text": ""
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"title": "$:/core/Filters/OverriddenShadowTiddlers",
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"description": "{{$:/language/Filters/OverriddenShadowTiddlers}}",
"text": ""
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"title": "$:/core/Filters/RecentSystemTiddlers",
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"description": "{{$:/language/Filters/RecentSystemTiddlers}}",
"text": ""
"$:/core/Filters/RecentTiddlers": {
"title": "$:/core/Filters/RecentTiddlers",
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"description": "{{$:/language/Filters/RecentTiddlers}}",
"text": ""
"$:/core/Filters/ShadowTiddlers": {
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"description": "{{$:/language/Filters/ShadowTiddlers}}",
"text": ""
"$:/core/Filters/StoryList": {
"title": "$:/core/Filters/StoryList",
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"text": ""
"$:/core/Filters/SystemTags": {
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"text": ""
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"title": "$:/core/Filters/SystemTiddlers",
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"text": ""
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"text": ""
"$:/core/ui/ImportListing": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ImportListing",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/Import/\n\n\\define messageField()\nmessage-$(payloadTiddler)$\n\\end\n\n\\define selectionField()\nselection-$(payloadTiddler)$\n\\end\n\n\\define previewPopupState()\n$(currentTiddler)$!!popup-$(payloadTiddler)$\n\\end\n\n\\define select-all-actions()\n<$list filter=\"[all[current]plugintiddlers[]sort[title]]\" variable=\"payloadTiddler\">\n<$action-setfield $field={{{ [<payloadTiddler>addprefix[selection-]] }}} $value={{$:/state/import/select-all}}/>\n</$list>\n\\end\n\n<table>\n<tbody>\n<tr>\n<th>\n<$checkbox tiddler=\"$:/state/import/select-all\" field=\"text\" checked=\"checked\" unchecked=\"unchecked\" default=\"checked\" actions=<<select-all-actions>>>\n<<lingo Listing/Select/Caption>>\n</$checkbox>\n</th>\n<th>\n<<lingo Listing/Title/Caption>>\n</th>\n<th>\n<<lingo Listing/Status/Caption>>\n</th>\n</tr>\n<$list filter=\"[all[current]plugintiddlers[]sort[title]]\" variable=\"payloadTiddler\">\n<tr>\n<td>\n<$checkbox field=<<selectionField>> checked=\"checked\" unchecked=\"unchecked\" default=\"checked\"/>\n</td>\n<td>\n<$reveal type=\"nomatch\" state=<<previewPopupState>> text=\"yes\">\n<$button class=\"tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-dropdown\" set=<<previewPopupState>> setTo=\"yes\">\n{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}} <$text text=<<payloadTiddler>>/>\n</$button>\n</$reveal>\n<$reveal type=\"match\" state=<<previewPopupState>> text=\"yes\">\n<$button class=\"tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-dropdown\" set=<<previewPopupState>> setTo=\"no\">\n{{$:/core/images/down-arrow}} <$text text=<<payloadTiddler>>/>\n</$button>\n</$reveal>\n</td>\n<td>\n<$view field=<<messageField>>/>\n</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td colspan=\"3\">\n<$reveal type=\"match\" text=\"yes\" state=<<previewPopupState>>>\n<$transclude subtiddler=<<payloadTiddler>> mode=\"block\"/>\n</$reveal>\n</td>\n</tr>\n</$list>\n</tbody>\n</table>\n"
"$:/core/ui/ListItemTemplate": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ListItemTemplate",
"text": "<div class=\"tc-menu-list-item\">\n<$link to={{!!title}}>\n<$view field=\"title\"/>\n</$link>\n</div>"
"$:/Manager/ItemMain/Fields": {
"title": "$:/Manager/ItemMain/Fields",
"tags": "$:/tags/Manager/ItemMain",
"caption": "{{$:/language/Manager/Item/Fields}}",
"text": "<table>\n<tbody>\n<$list filter=\"[all[current]fields[]sort[title]] -text\" template=\"$:/core/ui/TiddlerFieldTemplate\" variable=\"listItem\"/>\n</tbody>\n</table>\n"
"$:/Manager/ItemMain/RawText": {
"title": "$:/Manager/ItemMain/RawText",
"tags": "$:/tags/Manager/ItemMain",
"caption": "{{$:/language/Manager/Item/RawText}}",
"text": "<pre><code><$view/></code></pre>\n"
"$:/Manager/ItemMain/WikifiedText": {
"title": "$:/Manager/ItemMain/WikifiedText",
"tags": "$:/tags/Manager/ItemMain",
"caption": "{{$:/language/Manager/Item/WikifiedText}}",
"text": "<$transclude mode=\"block\"/>\n"
"$:/Manager/ItemSidebar/Colour": {
"title": "$:/Manager/ItemSidebar/Colour",
"tags": "$:/tags/Manager/ItemSidebar",
"caption": "{{$:/language/Manager/Item/Colour}}",
"text": "\\define swatch-styles()\nheight: 1em;\nbackground-color: $(colour)$\n\\end\n\n<$vars colour={{!!color}}>\n<p style=<<swatch-styles>>/>\n</$vars>\n<p>\n<$edit-text field=\"color\" tag=\"input\" type=\"color\"/> / <$edit-text field=\"color\" tag=\"input\" type=\"text\" size=\"9\"/>\n</p>\n"
"$:/Manager/ItemSidebar/Icon": {
"title": "$:/Manager/ItemSidebar/Icon",
"tags": "$:/tags/Manager/ItemSidebar",
"caption": "{{$:/language/Manager/Item/Icon}}",
"text": "<p>\n<div class=\"tc-manager-icon-editor\">\n<$button popup=<<qualify \"$:/state/popup/image-picker\">> class=\"tc-btn-invisible\">\n<$transclude tiddler={{!!icon}}>\n{{$:/language/Manager/Item/Icon/None}}\n</$transclude>\n</$button>\n<div class=\"tc-block-dropdown-wrapper\" style=\"position: static;\">\n<$reveal state=<<qualify \"$:/state/popup/image-picker\">> type=\"nomatch\" text=\"\" default=\"\" tag=\"div\" class=\"tc-popup\">\n<div class=\"tc-block-dropdown tc-popup-keep\" style=\"width: 80%; left: 10%; right: 10%; padding: 0.5em;\">\n<$macrocall $name=\"image-picker-include-tagged-images\" actions=\"\"\"\n<$action-setfield $field=\"icon\" $value=<<imageTitle>>/>\n<$action-deletetiddler $tiddler=<<qualify \"$:/state/popup/image-picker\">>/>\n\"\"\"/>\n</div>\n</$reveal>\n</div>\n</div>\n</p>\n"
"$:/Manager/ItemSidebar/Tags": {
"title": "$:/Manager/ItemSidebar/Tags",
"tags": "$:/tags/Manager/ItemSidebar",
"caption": "{{$:/language/Manager/Item/Tags}}",
"text": "\\define tag-checkbox-actions()\n<$action-listops\n\t$tiddler=\"$:/config/Manager/RecentTags\"\n\t$subfilter=\"[<tag>] [list[$:/config/Manager/RecentTags]] +[limit[12]]\"\n/>\n\\end\n\n\\define tag-picker-actions()\n<<tag-checkbox-actions>>\n<$action-listops\n\t$tiddler=<<currentTiddler>>\n\t$field=\"tags\"\n\t$subfilter=\"[<tag>] [all[current]tags[]]\"\n/>\n\\end\n\n<p>\n<$list filter=\"[is[current]tags[]] [list[$:/config/Manager/RecentTags]] +[sort[title]] \" variable=\"tag\">\n<div>\n<$checkbox tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> tag=<<tag>> actions=<<tag-checkbox-actions>>>\n<$macrocall $name=\"tag-pill\" tag=<<tag>>/>\n</$checkbox>\n</div>\n</$list>\n</p>\n<p>\n<$macrocall $name=\"tag-picker\" actions=<<tag-picker-actions>>/>\n</p>\n"
"$:/Manager/ItemSidebar/Tools": {
"title": "$:/Manager/ItemSidebar/Tools",
"tags": "$:/tags/Manager/ItemSidebar",
"caption": "{{$:/language/Manager/Item/Tools}}",
"text": "<p>\n<$button to=<<currentTiddler>>>{{$:/core/images/link}} open</$button>\n</p>\n<p>\n<$button message=\"tm-edit-tiddler\" param=<<currentTiddler>>>{{$:/core/images/edit-button}} edit</$button>\n</p>\n"
"$:/Manager": {
"title": "$:/Manager",
"icon": "$:/core/images/list",
"color": "#bbb",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/Manager/\n\n\\define list-item-content-item()\n<div class=\"tc-manager-list-item-content-item\">\n\t<$vars state-title=\"\"\"$:/state/popup/manager/item/$(listItem)$\"\"\">\n\t\t<$reveal state=<<state-title>> type=\"match\" text=\"show\" default=\"show\" tag=\"div\">\n\t\t\t<$button set=<<state-title>> setTo=\"hide\" class=\"tc-btn-invisible tc-manager-list-item-content-item-heading\">\n\t\t\t\t{{$:/core/images/down-arrow}} <$transclude tiddler=<<listItem>> field=\"caption\"/>\n\t\t\t</$button>\n\t\t</$reveal>\n\t\t<$reveal state=<<state-title>> type=\"nomatch\" text=\"show\" default=\"show\" tag=\"div\">\n\t\t\t<$button set=<<state-title>> setTo=\"show\" class=\"tc-btn-invisible tc-manager-list-item-content-item-heading\">\n\t\t\t\t{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}} <$transclude tiddler=<<listItem>> field=\"caption\"/>\n\t\t\t</$button>\n\t\t</$reveal>\n\t\t<$reveal state=<<state-title>> type=\"match\" text=\"show\" default=\"show\" tag=\"div\" class=\"tc-manager-list-item-content-item-body\">\n\t\t\t<$transclude tiddler=<<listItem>>/>\n\t\t</$reveal>\n\t</$vars>\n</div>\n\\end\n\n<div class=\"tc-manager-wrapper\">\n\t<div class=\"tc-manager-controls\">\n\t\t<div class=\"tc-manager-control\">\n\t\t\t<<lingo Controls/Show/Prompt>> <$select tiddler=\"$:/config/Manager/Show\" default=\"tiddlers\">\n\t\t\t\t<option value=\"tiddlers\"><<lingo Controls/Show/Option/Tiddlers>></option>\n\t\t\t\t<option value=\"tags\"><<lingo Controls/Show/Option/Tags>></option>\n\t\t\t</$select>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<div class=\"tc-manager-control\">\n\t\t\t<<lingo Controls/Search/Prompt>> <$edit-text tiddler=\"$:/config/Manager/Filter\" tag=\"input\" default=\"\" placeholder={{$:/language/Manager/Controls/Search/Placeholder}}/>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<div class=\"tc-manager-control\">\n\t\t\t<<lingo Controls/FilterByTag/Prompt>> <$select tiddler=\"$:/config/Manager/Tag\" default=\"\">\n\t\t\t\t<option value=\"\"><<lingo Controls/FilterByTag/None>></option>\n\t\t\t\t<$list filter=\"[!is{$:/config/Manager/System}tags[]!is[system]sort[title]]\" variable=\"tag\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<option value=<<tag>>><$text text=<<tag>>/></option>\n\t\t\t\t</$list>\n\t\t\t</$select>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<div class=\"tc-manager-control\">\n\t\t\t<<lingo Controls/Sort/Prompt>> <$select tiddler=\"$:/config/Manager/Sort\" default=\"title\">\n\t\t\t\t<optgroup label=\"Common\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<$list filter=\"title modified modifier created creator created\" variable=\"field\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<option value=<<field>>><$text text=<<field>>/></option>\n\t\t\t\t\t</$list>\n\t\t\t\t</optgroup>\n\t\t\t\t<optgroup label=\"All\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<$list filter=\"[all{$:/config/Manager/Show}!is{$:/config/Manager/System}fields[]sort[title]] -title -modified -modifier -created -creator -created\" variable=\"field\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<option value=<<field>>><$text text=<<field>>/></option>\n\t\t\t\t\t</$list>\n\t\t\t\t</optgroup>\n\t\t\t</$select>\n\t\t\t<$checkbox tiddler=\"$:/config/Manager/Order\" field=\"text\" checked=\"reverse\" unchecked=\"forward\" default=\"forward\">\n\t\t\t\t<<lingo Controls/Order/Prompt>>\n\t\t\t</$checkbox>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<div class=\"tc-manager-control\">\n\t\t\t<$checkbox tiddler=\"$:/config/Manager/System\" field=\"text\" checked=\"\" unchecked=\"system\" default=\"system\">\n\t\t\t\t{{$:/language/SystemTiddlers/Include/Prompt}}\n\t\t\t</$checkbox>\n\t\t</div>\n\t</div>\n\t<div class=\"tc-manager-list\">\n\t\t<$list filter=\"[all{$:/config/Manager/Show}!is{$:/config/Manager/System}search{$:/config/Manager/Filter}tag:strict{$:/config/Manager/Tag}sort{$:/config/Manager/Sort}order{$:/config/Manager/Order}]\">\n\t\t\t<$vars transclusion=<<currentTiddler>>>\n\t\t\t\t<div style=\"tc-manager-list-item\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<$button popup=<<qualify \"$:/state/manager/popup\">> class=\"tc-btn-invisible tc-manager-list-item-heading\" selectedClass=\"tc-manager-list-item-heading-selected\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<$text text=<<currentTiddler>>/>\n\t\t\t\t\t</$button>\n\t\t\t\t\t<$reveal state=<<qualify \"$:/state/manager/popup\">> type=\"nomatch\" text=\"\" default=\"\" tag=\"div\" class=\"tc-manager-list-item-content tc-popup-handle\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class=\"tc-manager-list-item-content-tiddler\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<$list filter=\"[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Manager/ItemMain]!has[draft.of]]\" variable=\"listItem\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<list-item-content-item>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</$list>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class=\"tc-manager-list-item-content-sidebar\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<$list filter=\"[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Manager/ItemSidebar]!has[draft.of]]\" variable=\"listItem\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<<list-item-content-item>>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</$list>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t</$reveal>\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t</$vars>\n\t\t</$list>\n\t</div>\n</div>\n"
"$:/core/ui/MissingTemplate": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/MissingTemplate",
"text": "<div class=\"tc-tiddler-missing\">\n<$button popup=<<qualify \"$:/state/popup/missing\">> class=\"tc-btn-invisible tc-missing-tiddler-label\">\n<$view field=\"title\" format=\"text\" />\n</$button>\n<$reveal state=<<qualify \"$:/state/popup/missing\">> type=\"popup\" position=\"below\" animate=\"yes\">\n<div class=\"tc-drop-down\">\n<$transclude tiddler=\"$:/core/ui/ListItemTemplate\"/>\n<hr>\n<$list filter=\"[all[current]backlinks[]sort[title]]\" template=\"$:/core/ui/ListItemTemplate\"/>\n</div>\n</$reveal>\n</div>\n"
"$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/All": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/All",
"tags": "$:/tags/MoreSideBar",
"caption": "{{$:/language/SideBar/All/Caption}}",
"text": "<$list filter={{$:/core/Filters/AllTiddlers!!filter}} template=\"$:/core/ui/ListItemTemplate\"/>\n"
"$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/Drafts": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/Drafts",
"tags": "$:/tags/MoreSideBar",
"caption": "{{$:/language/SideBar/Drafts/Caption}}",
"text": "<$list filter={{$:/core/Filters/Drafts!!filter}} template=\"$:/core/ui/ListItemTemplate\"/>\n"
"$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/Missing": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/Missing",
"tags": "$:/tags/MoreSideBar",
"caption": "{{$:/language/SideBar/Missing/Caption}}",
"text": "<$list filter={{$:/core/Filters/Missing!!filter}} template=\"$:/core/ui/MissingTemplate\"/>\n"
"$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/Orphans": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/Orphans",
"tags": "$:/tags/MoreSideBar",
"caption": "{{$:/language/SideBar/Orphans/Caption}}",
"text": "<$list filter={{$:/core/Filters/Orphans!!filter}} template=\"$:/core/ui/ListItemTemplate\"/>\n"
"$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/Plugins": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/Plugins",
"tags": "$:/tags/MoreSideBar",
"caption": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/Caption}}",
"text": "\n{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/Installed/Hint}}\n\n<<tabs \"[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/MoreSideBar/Plugins]!has[draft.of]]\" \"$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/Plugins/Plugins\">>\n"
"$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/Recent": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/Recent",
"tags": "$:/tags/MoreSideBar",
"caption": "{{$:/language/SideBar/Recent/Caption}}",
"text": "<$macrocall $name=\"timeline\" format={{$:/language/RecentChanges/DateFormat}}/>\n"
"$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/Shadows": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/Shadows",
"tags": "$:/tags/MoreSideBar",
"caption": "{{$:/language/SideBar/Shadows/Caption}}",
"text": "<$list filter={{$:/core/Filters/ShadowTiddlers!!filter}} template=\"$:/core/ui/ListItemTemplate\"/>\n"
"$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/System": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/System",
"tags": "$:/tags/MoreSideBar",
"caption": "{{$:/language/SideBar/System/Caption}}",
"text": "<$list filter={{$:/core/Filters/SystemTiddlers!!filter}} template=\"$:/core/ui/ListItemTemplate\"/>\n"
"$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/Tags": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/Tags",
"tags": "$:/tags/MoreSideBar",
"caption": "{{$:/language/SideBar/Tags/Caption}}",
"text": "<$set name=\"tv-config-toolbar-icons\" value=\"yes\">\n\n<$set name=\"tv-config-toolbar-text\" value=\"yes\">\n\n<$set name=\"tv-config-toolbar-class\" value=\"\">\n\n{{$:/core/ui/Buttons/tag-manager}}\n\n</$set>\n\n</$set>\n\n</$set>\n\n<$list filter={{$:/core/Filters/AllTags!!filter}}>\n\n<$transclude tiddler=\"$:/core/ui/TagTemplate\"/>\n\n</$list>\n\n<hr class=\"tc-untagged-separator\">\n\n{{$:/core/ui/UntaggedTemplate}}\n"
"$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/Types": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/Types",
"tags": "$:/tags/MoreSideBar",
"caption": "{{$:/language/SideBar/Types/Caption}}",
"text": "<$list filter={{$:/core/Filters/TypedTiddlers!!filter}}>\n<div class=\"tc-menu-list-item\">\n<$view field=\"type\"/>\n<$list filter=\"[type{!!type}!is[system]sort[title]]\">\n<div class=\"tc-menu-list-subitem\">\n<$link to={{!!title}}><$view field=\"title\"/></$link>\n</div>\n</$list>\n</div>\n</$list>\n"
"$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/Plugins/Languages": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/Plugins/Languages",
"tags": "$:/tags/MoreSideBar/Plugins",
"caption": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/Languages/Caption}}",
"text": "<$list filter=\"[!has[draft.of]plugin-type[language]sort[description]]\" template=\"$:/core/ui/PluginListItemTemplate\" emptyMessage={{$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/Empty/Hint}}/>\n"
"$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/Plugins/Plugins": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/Plugins/Plugins",
"tags": "$:/tags/MoreSideBar/Plugins",
"caption": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/Plugins/Caption}}",
"text": "<$list filter=\"[!has[draft.of]plugin-type[plugin]sort[description]]\" template=\"$:/core/ui/PluginListItemTemplate\" emptyMessage={{$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/Empty/Hint}}>>/>\n"
"$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/Plugins/Theme": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/Plugins/Theme",
"tags": "$:/tags/MoreSideBar/Plugins",
"caption": "{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/Themes/Caption}}",
"text": "<$list filter=\"[!has[draft.of]plugin-type[theme]sort[description]]\" template=\"$:/core/ui/PluginListItemTemplate\" emptyMessage={{$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugins/Empty/Hint}}/>\n"
"$:/core/ui/Buttons/advanced-search": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/Buttons/advanced-search",
"tags": "$:/tags/PageControls",
"caption": "{{$:/core/images/advanced-search-button}} {{$:/language/Buttons/AdvancedSearch/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/AdvancedSearch/Hint}}",
"text": "\\define control-panel-button(class)\n<$button to=\"$:/AdvancedSearch\" tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/AdvancedSearch/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/AdvancedSearch/Caption}} class=\"\"\"$(tv-config-toolbar-class)$ $class$\"\"\">\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]\">\n{{$:/core/images/advanced-search-button}}\n</$list>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]\">\n<span class=\"tc-btn-text\"><$text text={{$:/language/Buttons/AdvancedSearch/Caption}}/></span>\n</$list>\n</$button>\n\\end\n\n<$list filter=\"[list[$:/StoryList]] +[field:title[$:/AdvancedSearch]]\" emptyMessage=<<control-panel-button>>>\n<<control-panel-button \"tc-selected\">>\n</$list>\n"
"$:/core/ui/Buttons/close-all": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/Buttons/close-all",
"tags": "$:/tags/PageControls",
"caption": "{{$:/core/images/close-all-button}} {{$:/language/Buttons/CloseAll/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/CloseAll/Hint}}",
"text": "<$button message=\"tm-close-all-tiddlers\" tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/CloseAll/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/CloseAll/Caption}} class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>>>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]\">\n{{$:/core/images/close-all-button}}\n</$list>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]\">\n<span class=\"tc-btn-text\"><$text text={{$:/language/Buttons/CloseAll/Caption}}/></span>\n</$list>\n</$button>"
"$:/core/ui/Buttons/control-panel": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/Buttons/control-panel",
"tags": "$:/tags/PageControls",
"caption": "{{$:/core/images/options-button}} {{$:/language/Buttons/ControlPanel/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/ControlPanel/Hint}}",
"text": "\\define control-panel-button(class)\n<$button to=\"$:/ControlPanel\" tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/ControlPanel/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/ControlPanel/Caption}} class=\"\"\"$(tv-config-toolbar-class)$ $class$\"\"\">\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]\">\n{{$:/core/images/options-button}}\n</$list>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]\">\n<span class=\"tc-btn-text\"><$text text={{$:/language/Buttons/ControlPanel/Caption}}/></span>\n</$list>\n</$button>\n\\end\n\n<$list filter=\"[list[$:/StoryList]] +[field:title[$:/ControlPanel]]\" emptyMessage=<<control-panel-button>>>\n<<control-panel-button \"tc-selected\">>\n</$list>\n"
"$:/core/ui/Buttons/encryption": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/Buttons/encryption",
"tags": "$:/tags/PageControls",
"caption": "{{$:/core/images/locked-padlock}} {{$:/language/Buttons/Encryption/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Encryption/Hint}}",
"text": "<$reveal type=\"match\" state=\"$:/isEncrypted\" text=\"yes\">\n<$button message=\"tm-clear-password\" tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/Encryption/ClearPassword/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/Encryption/ClearPassword/Caption}} class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>>>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]\">\n{{$:/core/images/locked-padlock}}\n</$list>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]\">\n<span class=\"tc-btn-text\"><$text text={{$:/language/Buttons/Encryption/ClearPassword/Caption}}/></span>\n</$list>\n</$button>\n</$reveal>\n<$reveal type=\"nomatch\" state=\"$:/isEncrypted\" text=\"yes\">\n<$button message=\"tm-set-password\" tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/Encryption/SetPassword/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/Encryption/SetPassword/Caption}} class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>>>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]\">\n{{$:/core/images/unlocked-padlock}}\n</$list>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]\">\n<span class=\"tc-btn-text\"><$text text={{$:/language/Buttons/Encryption/SetPassword/Caption}}/></span>\n</$list>\n</$button>\n</$reveal>"
"$:/core/ui/Buttons/export-page": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/Buttons/export-page",
"tags": "$:/tags/PageControls",
"caption": "{{$:/core/images/export-button}} {{$:/language/Buttons/ExportPage/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/ExportPage/Hint}}",
"text": "<$macrocall $name=\"exportButton\" exportFilter=\"[!is[system]sort[title]]\" lingoBase=\"$:/language/Buttons/ExportPage/\"/>"
"$:/core/ui/Buttons/fold-all": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/Buttons/fold-all",
"tags": "$:/tags/PageControls",
"caption": "{{$:/core/images/fold-all-button}} {{$:/language/Buttons/FoldAll/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/FoldAll/Hint}}",
"text": "<$button tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/FoldAll/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/FoldAll/Caption}} class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>>>\n<$action-sendmessage $message=\"tm-fold-all-tiddlers\" $param=<<currentTiddler>> foldedStatePrefix=\"$:/state/folded/\"/>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]\" variable=\"listItem\">\n{{$:/core/images/fold-all-button}}\n</$list>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]\">\n<span class=\"tc-btn-text\"><$text text={{$:/language/Buttons/FoldAll/Caption}}/></span>\n</$list>\n</$button>"
"$:/core/ui/Buttons/full-screen": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/Buttons/full-screen",
"tags": "$:/tags/PageControls",
"caption": "{{$:/core/images/full-screen-button}} {{$:/language/Buttons/FullScreen/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/FullScreen/Hint}}",
"text": "<$button message=\"tm-full-screen\" tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/FullScreen/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/FullScreen/Caption}} class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>>>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]\">\n{{$:/core/images/full-screen-button}}\n</$list>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]\">\n<span class=\"tc-btn-text\"><$text text={{$:/language/Buttons/FullScreen/Caption}}/></span>\n</$list>\n</$button>"
"$:/core/ui/Buttons/home": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/Buttons/home",
"tags": "$:/tags/PageControls",
"caption": "{{$:/core/images/home-button}} {{$:/language/Buttons/Home/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Home/Hint}}",
"text": "<$button message=\"tm-home\" tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/Home/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/Home/Caption}} class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>>>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]\">\n{{$:/core/images/home-button}}\n</$list>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]\">\n<span class=\"tc-btn-text\"><$text text={{$:/language/Buttons/Home/Caption}}/></span>\n</$list>\n</$button>"
"$:/core/ui/Buttons/import": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/Buttons/import",
"tags": "$:/tags/PageControls",
"caption": "{{$:/core/images/import-button}} {{$:/language/Buttons/Import/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Import/Hint}}",
"text": "<div class=\"tc-file-input-wrapper\">\n<$button tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/Import/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/Import/Caption}} class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>>>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]\">\n{{$:/core/images/import-button}}\n</$list>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]\">\n<span class=\"tc-btn-text\"><$text text={{$:/language/Buttons/Import/Caption}}/></span>\n</$list>\n</$button>\n<$browse tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/Import/Hint}}/>\n</div>"
"$:/core/ui/Buttons/language": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/Buttons/language",
"tags": "$:/tags/PageControls",
"caption": "{{$:/core/images/globe}} {{$:/language/Buttons/Language/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Language/Hint}}",
"text": "\\define flag-title()\n$(languagePluginTitle)$/icon\n\\end\n<span class=\"tc-popup-keep\">\n<$button popup=<<qualify \"$:/state/popup/language\">> tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/Language/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/Language/Caption}} class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>> selectedClass=\"tc-selected\">\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]\">\n<span class=\"tc-image-button\">\n<$set name=\"languagePluginTitle\" value={{$:/language}}>\n<$image source=<<flag-title>>/>\n</$set>\n</span>\n</$list>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]\">\n<span class=\"tc-btn-text\"><$text text={{$:/language/Buttons/Language/Caption}}/></span>\n</$list>\n</$button>\n</span>\n<$reveal state=<<qualify \"$:/state/popup/language\">> type=\"popup\" position=\"below\" animate=\"yes\">\n<div class=\"tc-drop-down tc-drop-down-language-chooser\">\n<$linkcatcher to=\"$:/language\">\n<$list filter=\"[[$:/languages/en-GB]] [plugin-type[language]sort[description]]\">\n<$link>\n<span class=\"tc-drop-down-bullet\">\n<$reveal type=\"match\" state=\"$:/language\" text=<<currentTiddler>>>\n•\n</$reveal>\n<$reveal type=\"nomatch\" state=\"$:/language\" text=<<currentTiddler>>>\n \n</$reveal>\n</span>\n<span class=\"tc-image-button\">\n<$set name=\"languagePluginTitle\" value=<<currentTiddler>>>\n<$transclude subtiddler=<<flag-title>>>\n<$list filter=\"[all[current]field:title[$:/languages/en-GB]]\">\n<$transclude tiddler=\"$:/languages/en-GB/icon\"/>\n</$list>\n</$transclude>\n</$set>\n</span>\n<$view field=\"description\">\n<$view field=\"name\">\n<$view field=\"title\"/>\n</$view>\n</$view>\n</$link>\n</$list>\n</$linkcatcher>\n</div>\n</$reveal>"
"$:/core/ui/Buttons/manager": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/Buttons/manager",
"tags": "$:/tags/PageControls",
"caption": "{{$:/core/images/list}} {{$:/language/Buttons/Manager/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Manager/Hint}}",
"text": "\\define manager-button(class)\n<$button to=\"$:/Manager\" tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/Manager/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/Manager/Caption}} class=\"\"\"$(tv-config-toolbar-class)$ $class$\"\"\">\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]\">\n{{$:/core/images/list}}\n</$list>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]\">\n<span class=\"tc-btn-text\"><$text text={{$:/language/Buttons/Manager/Caption}}/></span>\n</$list>\n</$button>\n\\end\n\n<$list filter=\"[list[$:/StoryList]] +[field:title[$:/Manager]]\" emptyMessage=<<manager-button>>>\n<<manager-button \"tc-selected\">>\n</$list>\n"
"$:/core/ui/Buttons/more-page-actions": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/Buttons/more-page-actions",
"tags": "$:/tags/PageControls",
"caption": "{{$:/core/images/down-arrow}} {{$:/language/Buttons/More/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/More/Hint}}",
"text": "\\define config-title()\n$:/config/PageControlButtons/Visibility/$(listItem)$\n\\end\n<$button popup=<<qualify \"$:/state/popup/more\">> tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/More/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/More/Caption}} class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>> selectedClass=\"tc-selected\">\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]\">\n{{$:/core/images/down-arrow}}\n</$list>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]\">\n<span class=\"tc-btn-text\"><$text text={{$:/language/Buttons/More/Caption}}/></span>\n</$list>\n</$button><$reveal state=<<qualify \"$:/state/popup/more\">> type=\"popup\" position=\"below\" animate=\"yes\">\n\n<div class=\"tc-drop-down\">\n\n<$set name=\"tv-config-toolbar-icons\" value=\"yes\">\n\n<$set name=\"tv-config-toolbar-text\" value=\"yes\">\n\n<$set name=\"tv-config-toolbar-class\" value=\"tc-btn-invisible\">\n\n<$list filter=\"[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/PageControls]!has[draft.of]] -[[$:/core/ui/Buttons/more-page-actions]]\" variable=\"listItem\">\n\n<$reveal type=\"match\" state=<<config-title>> text=\"hide\">\n\n<$transclude tiddler=<<listItem>> mode=\"inline\"/>\n\n</$reveal>\n\n</$list>\n\n</$set>\n\n</$set>\n\n</$set>\n\n</div>\n\n</$reveal>"
"$:/core/ui/Buttons/new-image": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/Buttons/new-image",
"tags": "$:/tags/PageControls",
"caption": "{{$:/core/images/new-image-button}} {{$:/language/Buttons/NewImage/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/NewImage/Hint}}",
"text": "<$button tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/NewImage/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/NewImage/Caption}} class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>>>\n<$action-sendmessage $message=\"tm-new-tiddler\" type=\"image/jpeg\"/>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]\">\n{{$:/core/images/new-image-button}}\n</$list>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]\">\n<span class=\"tc-btn-text\"><$text text={{$:/language/Buttons/NewImage/Caption}}/></span>\n</$list>\n</$button>\n"
"$:/core/ui/Buttons/new-journal": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/Buttons/new-journal",
"tags": "$:/tags/PageControls",
"caption": "{{$:/core/images/new-journal-button}} {{$:/language/Buttons/NewJournal/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/NewJournal/Hint}}",
"text": "\\define journalButton()\n<$button tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/NewJournal/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/NewJournal/Caption}} class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>>>\n<$action-sendmessage $message=\"tm-new-tiddler\" title=<<now \"$(journalTitleTemplate)$\">> tags=\"$(journalTags)$\" text=\"$(journalText)$\"/>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]\">\n{{$:/core/images/new-journal-button}}\n</$list>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]\">\n<span class=\"tc-btn-text\"><$text text={{$:/language/Buttons/NewJournal/Caption}}/></span>\n</$list>\n</$button>\n\\end\n<$set name=\"journalTitleTemplate\" value={{$:/config/NewJournal/Title}}>\n<$set name=\"journalTags\" value={{$:/config/NewJournal/Tags}}>\n<$set name=\"journalText\" value={{$:/config/NewJournal/Text}}>\n<<journalButton>>\n</$set></$set></$set>"
"$:/core/ui/Buttons/new-tiddler": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/Buttons/new-tiddler",
"tags": "$:/tags/PageControls",
"caption": "{{$:/core/images/new-button}} {{$:/language/Buttons/NewTiddler/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/NewTiddler/Hint}}",
"text": "<$button message=\"tm-new-tiddler\" tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/NewTiddler/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/NewTiddler/Caption}} class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>>>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]\">\n{{$:/core/images/new-button}}\n</$list>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]\">\n<span class=\"tc-btn-text\"><$text text={{$:/language/Buttons/NewTiddler/Caption}}/></span>\n</$list>\n</$button>"
"$:/core/ui/Buttons/palette": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/Buttons/palette",
"tags": "$:/tags/PageControls",
"caption": "{{$:/core/images/palette}} {{$:/language/Buttons/Palette/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Palette/Hint}}",
"text": "<span class=\"tc-popup-keep\">\n<$button popup=<<qualify \"$:/state/popup/palette\">> tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/Palette/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/Palette/Caption}} class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>> selectedClass=\"tc-selected\">\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]\">\n{{$:/core/images/palette}}\n</$list>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]\">\n<span class=\"tc-btn-text\"><$text text={{$:/language/Buttons/Palette/Caption}}/></span>\n</$list>\n</$button>\n</span>\n<$reveal state=<<qualify \"$:/state/popup/palette\">> type=\"popup\" position=\"below\" animate=\"yes\">\n<div class=\"tc-drop-down\" style=\"font-size:0.7em;\">\n{{$:/snippets/paletteswitcher}}\n</div>\n</$reveal>"
"$:/core/ui/Buttons/print": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/Buttons/print",
"tags": "$:/tags/PageControls",
"caption": "{{$:/core/images/print-button}} {{$:/language/Buttons/Print/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Print/Hint}}",
"text": "<$button message=\"tm-print\" tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/Print/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/Print/Caption}} class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>>>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]\">\n{{$:/core/images/print-button}}\n</$list>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]\">\n<span class=\"tc-btn-text\"><$text text={{$:/language/Buttons/Print/Caption}}/></span>\n</$list>\n</$button>"
"$:/core/ui/Buttons/refresh": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/Buttons/refresh",
"tags": "$:/tags/PageControls",
"caption": "{{$:/core/images/refresh-button}} {{$:/language/Buttons/Refresh/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Refresh/Hint}}",
"text": "<$button message=\"tm-browser-refresh\" tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/Refresh/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/Refresh/Caption}} class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>>>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]\">\n{{$:/core/images/refresh-button}}\n</$list>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]\">\n<span class=\"tc-btn-text\"><$text text={{$:/language/Buttons/Refresh/Caption}}/></span>\n</$list>\n</$button>"
"$:/core/ui/Buttons/save-wiki": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/Buttons/save-wiki",
"tags": "$:/tags/PageControls",
"caption": "{{$:/core/images/save-button}} {{$:/language/Buttons/SaveWiki/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/SaveWiki/Hint}}",
"text": "<$button message=\"tm-save-wiki\" param={{$:/config/SaveWikiButton/Template}} tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/SaveWiki/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/SaveWiki/Caption}} class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>>>\n<span class=\"tc-dirty-indicator\">\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]\">\n{{$:/core/images/save-button}}\n</$list>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]\">\n<span class=\"tc-btn-text\"><$text text={{$:/language/Buttons/SaveWiki/Caption}}/></span>\n</$list>\n</span>\n</$button>"
"$:/core/ui/Buttons/storyview": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/Buttons/storyview",
"tags": "$:/tags/PageControls",
"caption": "{{$:/core/images/storyview-classic}} {{$:/language/Buttons/StoryView/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/StoryView/Hint}}",
"text": "\\define icon()\n$:/core/images/storyview-$(storyview)$\n\\end\n<span class=\"tc-popup-keep\">\n<$button popup=<<qualify \"$:/state/popup/storyview\">> tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/StoryView/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/StoryView/Caption}} class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>> selectedClass=\"tc-selected\">\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]\">\n<$set name=\"storyview\" value={{$:/view}}>\n<$transclude tiddler=<<icon>>/>\n</$set>\n</$list>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]\">\n<span class=\"tc-btn-text\"><$text text={{$:/language/Buttons/StoryView/Caption}}/></span>\n</$list>\n</$button>\n</span>\n<$reveal state=<<qualify \"$:/state/popup/storyview\">> type=\"popup\" position=\"below\" animate=\"yes\">\n<div class=\"tc-drop-down\">\n<$linkcatcher to=\"$:/view\">\n<$list filter=\"[storyviews[]]\" variable=\"storyview\">\n<$link to=<<storyview>>>\n<span class=\"tc-drop-down-bullet\">\n<$reveal type=\"match\" state=\"$:/view\" text=<<storyview>>>\n•\n</$reveal>\n<$reveal type=\"nomatch\" state=\"$:/view\" text=<<storyview>>>\n \n</$reveal>\n</span>\n<$transclude tiddler=<<icon>>/>\n<$text text=<<storyview>>/></$link>\n</$list>\n</$linkcatcher>\n</div>\n</$reveal>"
"$:/core/ui/Buttons/tag-manager": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/Buttons/tag-manager",
"tags": "$:/tags/PageControls",
"caption": "{{$:/core/images/tag-button}} {{$:/language/Buttons/TagManager/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/TagManager/Hint}}",
"text": "\\define control-panel-button(class)\n<$button to=\"$:/TagManager\" tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/TagManager/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/TagManager/Caption}} class=\"\"\"$(tv-config-toolbar-class)$ $class$\"\"\">\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]\">\n{{$:/core/images/tag-button}}\n</$list>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]\">\n<span class=\"tc-btn-text\"><$text text={{$:/language/Buttons/TagManager/Caption}}/></span>\n</$list>\n</$button>\n\\end\n\n<$list filter=\"[list[$:/StoryList]] +[field:title[$:/TagManager]]\" emptyMessage=<<control-panel-button>>>\n<<control-panel-button \"tc-selected\">>\n</$list>\n"
"$:/core/ui/Buttons/theme": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/Buttons/theme",
"tags": "$:/tags/PageControls",
"caption": "{{$:/core/images/theme-button}} {{$:/language/Buttons/Theme/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Theme/Hint}}",
"text": "<span class=\"tc-popup-keep\">\n<$button popup=<<qualify \"$:/state/popup/theme\">> tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/Theme/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/Theme/Caption}} class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>> selectedClass=\"tc-selected\">\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]\">\n{{$:/core/images/theme-button}}\n</$list>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]\">\n<span class=\"tc-btn-text\"><$text text={{$:/language/Buttons/Theme/Caption}}/></span>\n</$list>\n</$button>\n</span>\n<$reveal state=<<qualify \"$:/state/popup/theme\">> type=\"popup\" position=\"below\" animate=\"yes\">\n<div class=\"tc-drop-down\">\n<$linkcatcher to=\"$:/theme\">\n<$list filter=\"[plugin-type[theme]sort[title]]\" variable=\"themeTitle\">\n<$link to=<<themeTitle>>>\n<span class=\"tc-drop-down-bullet\">\n<$reveal type=\"match\" state=\"$:/theme\" text=<<themeTitle>>>\n•\n</$reveal>\n<$reveal type=\"nomatch\" state=\"$:/theme\" text=<<themeTitle>>>\n \n</$reveal>\n</span>\n<$view tiddler=<<themeTitle>> field=\"name\"/>\n</$link>\n</$list>\n</$linkcatcher>\n</div>\n</$reveal>"
"$:/core/ui/Buttons/timestamp": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/Buttons/timestamp",
"tags": "$:/tags/PageControls",
"caption": "{{$:/core/images/timestamp-on}} {{$:/language/Buttons/Timestamp/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Timestamp/Hint}}",
"text": "<$reveal type=\"nomatch\" state=\"$:/config/TimestampDisable\" text=\"yes\">\n<$button tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/Timestamp/On/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/Timestamp/On/Caption}} class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>>>\n<$action-setfield $tiddler=\"$:/config/TimestampDisable\" $value=\"yes\"/>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]\">\n{{$:/core/images/timestamp-on}}\n</$list>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]\">\n<span class=\"tc-btn-text\"><$text text={{$:/language/Buttons/Timestamp/On/Caption}}/></span>\n</$list>\n</$button>\n</$reveal>\n<$reveal type=\"match\" state=\"$:/config/TimestampDisable\" text=\"yes\">\n<$button tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/Timestamp/Off/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/Timestamp/Off/Caption}} class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>>>\n<$action-setfield $tiddler=\"$:/config/TimestampDisable\" $value=\"no\"/>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]\">\n{{$:/core/images/timestamp-off}}\n</$list>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]\">\n<span class=\"tc-btn-text\"><$text text={{$:/language/Buttons/Timestamp/Off/Caption}}/></span>\n</$list>\n</$button>\n</$reveal>"
"$:/core/ui/Buttons/unfold-all": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/Buttons/unfold-all",
"tags": "$:/tags/PageControls",
"caption": "{{$:/core/images/unfold-all-button}} {{$:/language/Buttons/UnfoldAll/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/UnfoldAll/Hint}}",
"text": "<$button tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/UnfoldAll/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/UnfoldAll/Caption}} class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>>>\n<$action-sendmessage $message=\"tm-unfold-all-tiddlers\" $param=<<currentTiddler>> foldedStatePrefix=\"$:/state/folded/\"/>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]\" variable=\"listItem\">\n{{$:/core/images/unfold-all-button}}\n</$list>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]\">\n<span class=\"tc-btn-text\"><$text text={{$:/language/Buttons/UnfoldAll/Caption}}/></span>\n</$list>\n</$button>"
"$:/core/ui/PageTemplate/pagecontrols": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/PageTemplate/pagecontrols",
"text": "\\define config-title()\n$:/config/PageControlButtons/Visibility/$(listItem)$\n\\end\n<div class=\"tc-page-controls\">\n<$list filter=\"[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/PageControls]!has[draft.of]]\" variable=\"listItem\">\n<$reveal type=\"nomatch\" state=<<config-title>> text=\"hide\">\n<$transclude tiddler=<<listItem>> mode=\"inline\"/>\n</$reveal>\n</$list>\n</div>\n\n"
"$:/core/ui/PageStylesheet": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/PageStylesheet",
"text": "<$importvariables filter=\"[[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Macro]!has[draft.of]]\">\n\n<$set name=\"currentTiddler\" value={{$:/language}}>\n\n<$set name=\"languageTitle\" value={{!!name}}>\n\n<$list filter=\"[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Stylesheet]!has[draft.of]]\">\n<$transclude mode=\"block\"/>\n</$list>\n\n</$set>\n\n</$set>\n\n</$importvariables>\n"
"$:/core/ui/PageTemplate/alerts": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/PageTemplate/alerts",
"tags": "$:/tags/PageTemplate",
"text": "<div class=\"tc-alerts\">\n\n<$list filter=\"[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Alert]!has[draft.of]]\" template=\"$:/core/ui/AlertTemplate\" storyview=\"pop\"/>\n\n</div>\n"
"$:/core/ui/PageTemplate/pluginreloadwarning": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/PageTemplate/pluginreloadwarning",
"tags": "$:/tags/PageTemplate",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/\n\n<$list filter=\"[has[plugin-type]haschanged[]!plugin-type[import]limit[1]]\">\n\n<$reveal type=\"nomatch\" state=\"$:/temp/HidePluginWarning\" text=\"yes\">\n\n<div class=\"tc-plugin-reload-warning\">\n\n<$set name=\"tv-config-toolbar-class\" value=\"\">\n\n<<lingo PluginReloadWarning>> <$button set=\"$:/temp/HidePluginWarning\" setTo=\"yes\" class=\"tc-btn-invisible\">{{$:/core/images/close-button}}</$button>\n\n</$set>\n\n</div>\n\n</$reveal>\n\n</$list>\n"
"$:/core/ui/PageTemplate/sidebar": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/PageTemplate/sidebar",
"tags": "$:/tags/PageTemplate",
"text": "<$scrollable fallthrough=\"no\" class=\"tc-sidebar-scrollable\">\n\n<div class=\"tc-sidebar-header\">\n\n<$reveal state=\"$:/state/sidebar\" type=\"match\" text=\"yes\" default=\"yes\" retain=\"yes\" animate=\"yes\">\n\n<h1 class=\"tc-site-title\">\n\n<$transclude tiddler=\"$:/SiteTitle\" mode=\"inline\"/>\n\n</h1>\n\n<div class=\"tc-site-subtitle\">\n\n<$transclude tiddler=\"$:/SiteSubtitle\" mode=\"inline\"/>\n\n</div>\n\n{{||$:/core/ui/PageTemplate/pagecontrols}}\n\n<$transclude tiddler=\"$:/core/ui/SideBarLists\" mode=\"inline\"/>\n\n</$reveal>\n\n</div>\n\n</$scrollable>"
"$:/core/ui/PageTemplate/story": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/PageTemplate/story",
"tags": "$:/tags/PageTemplate",
"text": "<section class=\"tc-story-river\">\n\n<section class=\"story-backdrop\">\n\n<$list filter=\"[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/AboveStory]!has[draft.of]]\">\n\n<$transclude/>\n\n</$list>\n\n</section>\n\n<$list filter=\"[list[$:/StoryList]]\" history=\"$:/HistoryList\" template=\"$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate\" editTemplate=\"$:/core/ui/EditTemplate\" storyview={{$:/view}} emptyMessage={{$:/config/EmptyStoryMessage}}/>\n\n<section class=\"story-frontdrop\">\n\n<$list filter=\"[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/BelowStory]!has[draft.of]]\">\n\n<$transclude/>\n\n</$list>\n\n</section>\n\n</section>\n"
"$:/core/ui/PageTemplate/topleftbar": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/PageTemplate/topleftbar",
"tags": "$:/tags/PageTemplate",
"text": "<span class=\"tc-topbar tc-topbar-left\">\n\n<$list filter=\"[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/TopLeftBar]!has[draft.of]]\" variable=\"listItem\">\n\n<$transclude tiddler=<<listItem>> mode=\"inline\"/>\n\n</$list>\n\n</span>\n"
"$:/core/ui/PageTemplate/toprightbar": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/PageTemplate/toprightbar",
"tags": "$:/tags/PageTemplate",
"text": "<span class=\"tc-topbar tc-topbar-right\">\n\n<$list filter=\"[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/TopRightBar]!has[draft.of]]\" variable=\"listItem\">\n\n<$transclude tiddler=<<listItem>> mode=\"inline\"/>\n\n</$list>\n\n</span>\n"
"$:/core/ui/PageTemplate": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/PageTemplate",
"text": "\\define containerClasses()\ntc-page-container tc-page-view-$(themeTitle)$ tc-language-$(languageTitle)$\n\\end\n\n<$importvariables filter=\"[[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Macro]!has[draft.of]]\">\n\n<$set name=\"tv-config-toolbar-icons\" value={{$:/config/Toolbar/Icons}}>\n\n<$set name=\"tv-config-toolbar-text\" value={{$:/config/Toolbar/Text}}>\n\n<$set name=\"tv-config-toolbar-class\" value={{$:/config/Toolbar/ButtonClass}}>\n\n<$set name=\"themeTitle\" value={{$:/view}}>\n\n<$set name=\"currentTiddler\" value={{$:/language}}>\n\n<$set name=\"languageTitle\" value={{!!name}}>\n\n<$set name=\"currentTiddler\" value=\"\">\n\n<div class=<<containerClasses>>>\n\n<$navigator story=\"$:/StoryList\" history=\"$:/HistoryList\" openLinkFromInsideRiver={{$:/config/Navigation/openLinkFromInsideRiver}} openLinkFromOutsideRiver={{$:/config/Navigation/openLinkFromOutsideRiver}} relinkOnRename={{$:/config/RelinkOnRename}}>\n\n<$dropzone>\n\n<$list filter=\"[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/PageTemplate]!has[draft.of]]\" variable=\"listItem\">\n\n<$transclude tiddler=<<listItem>>/>\n\n</$list>\n\n</$dropzone>\n\n</$navigator>\n\n</div>\n\n</$set>\n\n</$set>\n\n</$set>\n\n</$set>\n\n</$set>\n\n</$set>\n\n</$set>\n\n</$importvariables>\n"
"$:/core/ui/PluginInfo": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/PluginInfo",
"text": "\\define localised-info-tiddler-title()\n$(currentTiddler)$/$(languageTitle)$/$(currentTab)$\n\\end\n\\define info-tiddler-title()\n$(currentTiddler)$/$(currentTab)$\n\\end\n\\define default-tiddler-title()\n$:/core/ui/PluginInfo/Default/$(currentTab)$\n\\end\n<$transclude tiddler=<<localised-info-tiddler-title>> mode=\"block\">\n<$transclude tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> subtiddler=<<localised-info-tiddler-title>> mode=\"block\">\n<$transclude tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> subtiddler=<<info-tiddler-title>> mode=\"block\">\n<$transclude tiddler=<<default-tiddler-title>> mode=\"block\">\n{{$:/language/ControlPanel/Plugin/NoInfoFound/Hint}}\n</$transclude>\n</$transclude>\n</$transclude>\n</$transclude>\n"
"$:/core/ui/PluginInfo/Default/contents": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/PluginInfo/Default/contents",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/TiddlerInfo/Advanced/PluginInfo/\n<<lingo Hint>>\n<ul>\n<$list filter=\"[all[current]plugintiddlers[]sort[title]]\" emptyMessage=<<lingo Empty/Hint>>>\n<li>\n<$link to={{!!title}}>\n<$view field=\"title\"/>\n</$link>\n</li>\n</$list>\n</ul>\n"
"$:/core/ui/PluginListItemTemplate": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/PluginListItemTemplate",
"text": "<div class=\"tc-menu-list-item\">\n<$link to={{!!title}}>\n<$view field=\"description\">\n<$view field=\"title\"/>\n</$view>\n</$link>\n</div>"
"$:/core/ui/SearchResults": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/SearchResults",
"text": "<div class=\"tc-search-results\">\n\n<$list filter=\"[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/SearchResults]!has[draft.of]butfirst[]limit[1]]\" emptyMessage=\"\"\"\n<$list filter=\"[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/SearchResults]!has[draft.of]]\">\n<$transclude mode=\"block\"/>\n</$list>\n\"\"\">\n\n<$macrocall $name=\"tabs\" tabsList=\"[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/SearchResults]!has[draft.of]]\" default={{$:/config/SearchResults/Default}}/>\n\n</$list>\n\n</div>\n"
"$:/core/ui/SideBar/More": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/SideBar/More",
"tags": "$:/tags/SideBar",
"caption": "{{$:/language/SideBar/More/Caption}}",
"text": "<div class=\"tc-more-sidebar\">\n<<tabs \"[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/MoreSideBar]!has[draft.of]]\" \"$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/Tags\" \"$:/state/tab/moresidebar\" \"tc-vertical\">>\n</div>\n"
"$:/core/ui/SideBar/Open": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/SideBar/Open",
"tags": "$:/tags/SideBar",
"caption": "{{$:/language/SideBar/Open/Caption}}",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/CloseAll/\n\n\\define drop-actions()\n<$action-listops $tiddler=\"$:/StoryList\" $subfilter=\"+[insertbefore:currentTiddler<actionTiddler>]\"/>\n\\end\n\n<$list filter=\"[list[$:/StoryList]]\" history=\"$:/HistoryList\" storyview=\"pop\">\n<div style=\"position: relative;\">\n<$droppable actions=<<drop-actions>>>\n<div class=\"tc-droppable-placeholder\">\n \n</div>\n<div>\n<$button message=\"tm-close-tiddler\" tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/Close/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/Close/Caption}} class=\"tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-mini\">×</$button> <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field=\"title\"/></$link>\n</div>\n</$droppable>\n</div>\n</$list>\n<$tiddler tiddler=\"\">\n<$droppable actions=<<drop-actions>>>\n<div class=\"tc-droppable-placeholder\">\n \n</div>\n<$button message=\"tm-close-all-tiddlers\" class=\"tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-mini\"><<lingo Button>></$button>\n</$droppable>\n</$tiddler>\n"
"$:/core/ui/SideBar/Recent": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/SideBar/Recent",
"tags": "$:/tags/SideBar",
"caption": "{{$:/language/SideBar/Recent/Caption}}",
"text": "<$macrocall $name=\"timeline\" format={{$:/language/RecentChanges/DateFormat}}/>\n"
"$:/core/ui/SideBar/Tools": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/SideBar/Tools",
"tags": "$:/tags/SideBar",
"caption": "{{$:/language/SideBar/Tools/Caption}}",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/ControlPanel/\n\\define config-title()\n$:/config/PageControlButtons/Visibility/$(listItem)$\n\\end\n\n<<lingo Basics/Version/Prompt>> <<version>>\n\n<$set name=\"tv-config-toolbar-icons\" value=\"yes\">\n\n<$set name=\"tv-config-toolbar-text\" value=\"yes\">\n\n<$set name=\"tv-config-toolbar-class\" value=\"\">\n\n<$list filter=\"[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/PageControls]!has[draft.of]]\" variable=\"listItem\">\n\n<div style=\"position:relative;\">\n\n<$checkbox tiddler=<<config-title>> field=\"text\" checked=\"show\" unchecked=\"hide\" default=\"show\"/> <$transclude tiddler=<<listItem>>/> <i class=\"tc-muted\"><$transclude tiddler=<<listItem>> field=\"description\"/></i>\n\n</div>\n\n</$list>\n\n</$set>\n\n</$set>\n\n</$set>\n"
"$:/core/ui/SideBarLists": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/SideBarLists",
"text": "<div class=\"tc-sidebar-lists\">\n\n<$set name=\"searchTiddler\" value=\"$:/temp/search\">\n<div class=\"tc-search\">\n<$edit-text tiddler=\"$:/temp/search\" type=\"search\" tag=\"input\" focus={{$:/config/Search/AutoFocus}} focusPopup=<<qualify \"$:/state/popup/search-dropdown\">> class=\"tc-popup-handle\"/>\n<$reveal state=\"$:/temp/search\" type=\"nomatch\" text=\"\">\n<$button tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/AdvancedSearch/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/AdvancedSearch/Caption}} class=\"tc-btn-invisible\">\n<$action-setfield $tiddler=\"$:/temp/advancedsearch\" text={{$:/temp/search}}/>\n<$action-setfield $tiddler=\"$:/temp/search\" text=\"\"/>\n<$action-navigate $to=\"$:/AdvancedSearch\"/>\n{{$:/core/images/advanced-search-button}}\n</$button>\n<$button class=\"tc-btn-invisible\">\n<$action-setfield $tiddler=\"$:/temp/search\" text=\"\" />\n{{$:/core/images/close-button}}\n</$button>\n<$button popup=<<qualify \"$:/state/popup/search-dropdown\">> class=\"tc-btn-invisible\">\n{{$:/core/images/down-arrow}}\n<$list filter=\"[{$:/temp/search}minlength{$:/config/Search/MinLength}limit[1]]\" variable=\"listItem\">\n<$set name=\"resultCount\" value=\"\"\"<$count filter=\"[!is[system]search{$(searchTiddler)$}]\"/>\"\"\">\n{{$:/language/Search/Matches}}\n</$set>\n</$list>\n</$button>\n</$reveal>\n<$reveal state=\"$:/temp/search\" type=\"match\" text=\"\">\n<$button to=\"$:/AdvancedSearch\" tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/AdvancedSearch/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/AdvancedSearch/Caption}} class=\"tc-btn-invisible\">\n{{$:/core/images/advanced-search-button}}\n</$button>\n</$reveal>\n</div>\n\n<$reveal tag=\"div\" class=\"tc-block-dropdown-wrapper\" state=\"$:/temp/search\" type=\"nomatch\" text=\"\">\n\n<$reveal tag=\"div\" class=\"tc-block-dropdown tc-search-drop-down tc-popup-handle\" state=<<qualify \"$:/state/popup/search-dropdown\">> type=\"nomatch\" text=\"\" default=\"\">\n\n<$list filter=\"[{$:/temp/search}minlength{$:/config/Search/MinLength}limit[1]]\" emptyMessage=\"\"\"<div class=\"tc-search-results\">{{$:/language/Search/Search/TooShort}}</div>\"\"\" variable=\"listItem\">\n\n{{$:/core/ui/SearchResults}}\n\n</$list>\n\n</$reveal>\n\n</$reveal>\n\n</$set>\n\n<$macrocall $name=\"tabs\" tabsList=\"[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/SideBar]!has[draft.of]]\" default={{$:/config/DefaultSidebarTab}} state=\"$:/state/tab/sidebar\" />\n\n</div>\n"
"$:/TagManager": {
"title": "$:/TagManager",
"icon": "$:/core/images/tag-button",
"color": "#bbb",
"caption": "{{$:/language/TagManager/Caption}}",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/TagManager/\n\\define iconEditorTab(type)\n<$list filter=\"[all[shadows+tiddlers]is[image]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Image]] -[type[application/pdf]] +[sort[title]] +[$type$is[system]]\">\n<$link to={{!!title}}>\n<$transclude/> <$view field=\"title\"/>\n</$link>\n</$list>\n\\end\n\\define iconEditor(title)\n<div class=\"tc-drop-down-wrapper\">\n<$button popup=<<qualify \"$:/state/popup/icon/$title$\">> class=\"tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-dropdown\">{{$:/core/images/down-arrow}}</$button>\n<$reveal state=<<qualify \"$:/state/popup/icon/$title$\">> type=\"popup\" position=\"belowleft\" text=\"\" default=\"\">\n<div class=\"tc-drop-down\">\n<$linkcatcher to=\"$title$!!icon\">\n<<iconEditorTab type:\"!\">>\n<hr/>\n<<iconEditorTab type:\"\">>\n</$linkcatcher>\n</div>\n</$reveal>\n</div>\n\\end\n\\define qualifyTitle(title)\n$title$$(currentTiddler)$\n\\end\n\\define toggleButton(state)\n<$reveal state=\"$state$\" type=\"match\" text=\"closed\" default=\"closed\">\n<$button set=\"$state$\" setTo=\"open\" class=\"tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-dropdown\" selectedClass=\"tc-selected\">\n{{$:/core/images/info-button}}\n</$button>\n</$reveal>\n<$reveal state=\"$state$\" type=\"match\" text=\"open\" default=\"closed\">\n<$button set=\"$state$\" setTo=\"closed\" class=\"tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-dropdown\" selectedClass=\"tc-selected\">\n{{$:/core/images/info-button}}\n</$button>\n</$reveal>\n\\end\n<table class=\"tc-tag-manager-table\">\n<tbody>\n<tr>\n<th><<lingo Colour/Heading>></th>\n<th class=\"tc-tag-manager-tag\"><<lingo Tag/Heading>></th>\n<th><<lingo Count/Heading>></th>\n<th><<lingo Icon/Heading>></th>\n<th><<lingo Info/Heading>></th>\n</tr>\n<$list filter=\"[tags[]!is[system]sort[title]]\">\n<tr>\n<td><$edit-text field=\"color\" tag=\"input\" type=\"color\"/></td>\n<td><$macrocall $name=\"tag\" tag=<<currentTiddler>>/></td>\n<td><$count filter=\"[all[current]tagging[]]\"/></td>\n<td>\n<$macrocall $name=\"iconEditor\" title={{!!title}}/>\n</td>\n<td>\n<$macrocall $name=\"toggleButton\" state=<<qualifyTitle \"$:/state/tag-manager/\">> /> \n</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td></td>\n<td colspan=\"4\">\n<$reveal state=<<qualifyTitle \"$:/state/tag-manager/\">> type=\"match\" text=\"open\" default=\"\">\n<table>\n<tbody>\n<tr><td><<lingo Colour/Heading>></td><td><$edit-text field=\"color\" tag=\"input\" type=\"text\" size=\"9\"/></td></tr>\n<tr><td><<lingo Icon/Heading>></td><td><$edit-text field=\"icon\" tag=\"input\" size=\"45\"/></td></tr>\n</tbody>\n</table>\n</$reveal>\n</td>\n</tr>\n</$list>\n<tr>\n<td></td>\n<td>\n{{$:/core/ui/UntaggedTemplate}}\n</td>\n<td>\n<small class=\"tc-menu-list-count\"><$count filter=\"[untagged[]!is[system]] -[tags[]]\"/></small>\n</td>\n<td></td>\n<td></td>\n</tr>\n</tbody>\n</table>\n"
"$:/core/ui/TagTemplate": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/TagTemplate",
"text": "<span class=\"tc-tag-list-item\">\n<$set name=\"transclusion\" value=<<currentTiddler>>>\n<$macrocall $name=\"tag-pill-body\" tag=<<currentTiddler>> icon={{!!icon}} colour={{!!color}} palette={{$:/palette}} element-tag=\"\"\"$button\"\"\" element-attributes=\"\"\"popup=<<qualify \"$:/state/popup/tag\">> dragFilter='[all[current]tagging[]]' tag='span'\"\"\"/>\n<$reveal state=<<qualify \"$:/state/popup/tag\">> type=\"popup\" position=\"below\" animate=\"yes\" class=\"tc-drop-down\">\n<$transclude tiddler=\"$:/core/ui/ListItemTemplate\"/>\n<$list filter=\"[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/TagDropdown]!has[draft.of]]\" variable=\"listItem\"> \n<$transclude tiddler=<<listItem>>/> \n</$list>\n<hr>\n<$macrocall $name=\"list-tagged-draggable\" tag=<<currentTiddler>>/>\n</$reveal>\n</$set>\n</span>\n"
"$:/core/ui/TiddlerFieldTemplate": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/TiddlerFieldTemplate",
"text": "<tr class=\"tc-view-field\">\n<td class=\"tc-view-field-name\">\n<$text text=<<listItem>>/>\n</td>\n<td class=\"tc-view-field-value\">\n<$view field=<<listItem>>/>\n</td>\n</tr>"
"$:/core/ui/TiddlerFields": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/TiddlerFields",
"text": "<table class=\"tc-view-field-table\">\n<tbody>\n<$list filter=\"[all[current]fields[]sort[title]] -text\" template=\"$:/core/ui/TiddlerFieldTemplate\" variable=\"listItem\"/>\n</tbody>\n</table>\n"
"$:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/Advanced/PluginInfo": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/Advanced/PluginInfo",
"tags": "$:/tags/TiddlerInfo/Advanced",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/TiddlerInfo/Advanced/PluginInfo/\n<$list filter=\"[all[current]has[plugin-type]]\">\n\n! <<lingo Heading>>\n\n<<lingo Hint>>\n<ul>\n<$list filter=\"[all[current]plugintiddlers[]sort[title]]\" emptyMessage=<<lingo Empty/Hint>>>\n<li>\n<$link to={{!!title}}>\n<$view field=\"title\"/>\n</$link>\n</li>\n</$list>\n</ul>\n\n</$list>\n"
"$:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/Advanced/ShadowInfo": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/Advanced/ShadowInfo",
"tags": "$:/tags/TiddlerInfo/Advanced",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/TiddlerInfo/Advanced/ShadowInfo/\n<$set name=\"infoTiddler\" value=<<currentTiddler>>>\n\n''<<lingo Heading>>''\n\n<$list filter=\"[all[current]!is[shadow]]\">\n\n<<lingo NotShadow/Hint>>\n\n</$list>\n\n<$list filter=\"[all[current]is[shadow]]\">\n\n<<lingo Shadow/Hint>>\n\n<$list filter=\"[all[current]shadowsource[]]\">\n\n<$set name=\"pluginTiddler\" value=<<currentTiddler>>>\n<<lingo Shadow/Source>>\n</$set>\n\n</$list>\n\n<$list filter=\"[all[current]is[shadow]is[tiddler]]\">\n\n<<lingo OverriddenShadow/Hint>>\n\n</$list>\n\n\n</$list>\n</$set>\n"
"$:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/Advanced": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/Advanced",
"tags": "$:/tags/TiddlerInfo",
"caption": "{{$:/language/TiddlerInfo/Advanced/Caption}}",
"text": "<$list filter=\"[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/TiddlerInfo/Advanced]!has[draft.of]]\" variable=\"listItem\">\n<$transclude tiddler=<<listItem>>/>\n\n</$list>\n"
"$:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/Fields": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/Fields",
"tags": "$:/tags/TiddlerInfo",
"caption": "{{$:/language/TiddlerInfo/Fields/Caption}}",
"text": "<$transclude tiddler=\"$:/core/ui/TiddlerFields\"/>\n"
"$:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/List": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/List",
"tags": "$:/tags/TiddlerInfo",
"caption": "{{$:/language/TiddlerInfo/List/Caption}}",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/TiddlerInfo/\n<$list filter=\"[list{!!title}]\" emptyMessage=<<lingo List/Empty>> template=\"$:/core/ui/ListItemTemplate\"/>\n"
"$:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/Listed": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/Listed",
"tags": "$:/tags/TiddlerInfo",
"caption": "{{$:/language/TiddlerInfo/Listed/Caption}}",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/TiddlerInfo/\n<$list filter=\"[all[current]listed[]!is[system]]\" emptyMessage=<<lingo Listed/Empty>> template=\"$:/core/ui/ListItemTemplate\"/>\n"
"$:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/References": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/References",
"tags": "$:/tags/TiddlerInfo",
"caption": "{{$:/language/TiddlerInfo/References/Caption}}",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/TiddlerInfo/\n<$list filter=\"[all[current]backlinks[]sort[title]]\" emptyMessage=<<lingo References/Empty>> template=\"$:/core/ui/ListItemTemplate\">\n</$list>\n"
"$:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/Tagging": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/Tagging",
"tags": "$:/tags/TiddlerInfo",
"caption": "{{$:/language/TiddlerInfo/Tagging/Caption}}",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/TiddlerInfo/\n<$list filter=\"[all[current]tagging[]]\" emptyMessage=<<lingo Tagging/Empty>> template=\"$:/core/ui/ListItemTemplate\"/>\n"
"$:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/Tools": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/Tools",
"tags": "$:/tags/TiddlerInfo",
"caption": "{{$:/language/TiddlerInfo/Tools/Caption}}",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/TiddlerInfo/\n\\define config-title()\n$:/config/ViewToolbarButtons/Visibility/$(listItem)$\n\\end\n<$set name=\"tv-config-toolbar-icons\" value=\"yes\">\n\n<$set name=\"tv-config-toolbar-text\" value=\"yes\">\n\n<$set name=\"tv-config-toolbar-class\" value=\"\">\n\n<$list filter=\"[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/ViewToolbar]!has[draft.of]]\" variable=\"listItem\">\n\n<$checkbox tiddler=<<config-title>> field=\"text\" checked=\"show\" unchecked=\"hide\" default=\"show\"/> <$transclude tiddler=<<listItem>>/> <i class=\"tc-muted\"><$transclude tiddler=<<listItem>> field=\"description\"/></i>\n\n</$list>\n\n</$set>\n\n</$set>\n\n</$set>\n"
"$:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo",
"text": "<div style=\"position:relative;\">\n<div class=\"tc-tiddler-controls\" style=\"position:absolute;right:0;\">\n<$reveal state=\"$:/config/TiddlerInfo/Mode\" type=\"match\" text=\"sticky\">\n<$button set=<<tiddlerInfoState>> setTo=\"\" tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/Info/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/Info/Caption}} class=\"tc-btn-invisible\">\n{{$:/core/images/close-button}}\n</$button>\n</$reveal>\n</div>\n</div>\n\n<$macrocall $name=\"tabs\" tabsList=\"[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/TiddlerInfo]!has[draft.of]]\" default={{$:/config/TiddlerInfo/Default}}/>"
"$:/core/ui/TopBar/menu": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/TopBar/menu",
"tags": "$:/tags/TopRightBar",
"text": "<$reveal state=\"$:/state/sidebar\" type=\"nomatch\" text=\"no\">\n<$button set=\"$:/state/sidebar\" setTo=\"no\" tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/HideSideBar/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/HideSideBar/Caption}} class=\"tc-btn-invisible\">{{$:/core/images/chevron-right}}</$button>\n</$reveal>\n<$reveal state=\"$:/state/sidebar\" type=\"match\" text=\"no\">\n<$button set=\"$:/state/sidebar\" setTo=\"yes\" tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/ShowSideBar/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/ShowSideBar/Caption}} class=\"tc-btn-invisible\">{{$:/core/images/chevron-left}}</$button>\n</$reveal>\n"
"$:/core/ui/UntaggedTemplate": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/UntaggedTemplate",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/SideBar/\n<$button popup=<<qualify \"$:/state/popup/tag\">> class=\"tc-btn-invisible tc-untagged-label tc-tag-label\">\n<<lingo Tags/Untagged/Caption>>\n</$button>\n<$reveal state=<<qualify \"$:/state/popup/tag\">> type=\"popup\" position=\"below\">\n<div class=\"tc-drop-down\">\n<$list filter=\"[untagged[]!is[system]] -[tags[]] +[sort[title]]\" template=\"$:/core/ui/ListItemTemplate\"/>\n</div>\n</$reveal>\n"
"$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/body": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/body",
"tags": "$:/tags/ViewTemplate",
"text": "<$reveal tag=\"div\" class=\"tc-tiddler-body\" type=\"nomatch\" state=<<folded-state>> text=\"hide\" retain=\"yes\" animate=\"yes\">\n\n<$list filter=\"[all[current]!has[plugin-type]!field:hide-body[yes]]\">\n\n<$transclude>\n\n<$transclude tiddler=\"$:/language/MissingTiddler/Hint\"/>\n\n</$transclude>\n\n</$list>\n\n</$reveal>"
"$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/classic": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/classic",
"tags": "$:/tags/ViewTemplate $:/tags/EditTemplate",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/ClassicWarning/\n<$list filter=\"[all[current]type[text/x-tiddlywiki]]\">\n<div class=\"tc-message-box\">\n\n<<lingo Hint>>\n\n<$button set=\"!!type\" setTo=\"text/vnd.tiddlywiki\"><<lingo Upgrade/Caption>></$button>\n\n</div>\n</$list>\n"
"$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/import": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/import",
"tags": "$:/tags/ViewTemplate",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/Import/\n\n<$list filter=\"[all[current]field:plugin-type[import]]\">\n\n<div class=\"tc-import\">\n\n<<lingo Listing/Hint>>\n\n<$button message=\"tm-delete-tiddler\" param=<<currentTiddler>>><<lingo Listing/Cancel/Caption>></$button>\n<$button message=\"tm-perform-import\" param=<<currentTiddler>>><<lingo Listing/Import/Caption>></$button>\n\n{{||$:/core/ui/ImportListing}}\n\n<$button message=\"tm-delete-tiddler\" param=<<currentTiddler>>><<lingo Listing/Cancel/Caption>></$button>\n<$button message=\"tm-perform-import\" param=<<currentTiddler>>><<lingo Listing/Import/Caption>></$button>\n\n</div>\n\n</$list>\n"
"$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/plugin": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/plugin",
"tags": "$:/tags/ViewTemplate",
"text": "<$list filter=\"[all[current]has[plugin-type]] -[all[current]field:plugin-type[import]]\">\n<$set name=\"plugin-type\" value={{!!plugin-type}}>\n<$set name=\"default-popup-state\" value=\"yes\">\n<$set name=\"qualified-state\" value=<<qualify \"$:/state/plugin-info\">>>\n{{||$:/core/ui/Components/plugin-info}}\n</$set>\n</$set>\n</$set>\n</$list>\n"
"$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/subtitle": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/subtitle",
"tags": "$:/tags/ViewTemplate",
"text": "<$reveal type=\"nomatch\" state=<<folded-state>> text=\"hide\" tag=\"div\" retain=\"yes\" animate=\"yes\">\n<div class=\"tc-subtitle\">\n<$link to={{!!modifier}}>\n<$view field=\"modifier\"/>\n</$link> <$view field=\"modified\" format=\"date\" template={{$:/language/Tiddler/DateFormat}}/>\n</div>\n</$reveal>\n"
"$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/tags": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/tags",
"tags": "$:/tags/ViewTemplate",
"text": "<$reveal type=\"nomatch\" state=<<folded-state>> text=\"hide\" tag=\"div\" retain=\"yes\" animate=\"yes\">\n<div class=\"tc-tags-wrapper\"><$list filter=\"[all[current]tags[]sort[title]]\" template=\"$:/core/ui/TagTemplate\" storyview=\"pop\"/></div>\n</$reveal>"
"$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/title": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/title",
"tags": "$:/tags/ViewTemplate",
"text": "\\define title-styles()\nfill:$(foregroundColor)$;\n\\end\n\\define config-title()\n$:/config/ViewToolbarButtons/Visibility/$(listItem)$\n\\end\n<div class=\"tc-tiddler-title\">\n<div class=\"tc-titlebar\">\n<span class=\"tc-tiddler-controls\">\n<$list filter=\"[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/ViewToolbar]!has[draft.of]]\" variable=\"listItem\"><$reveal type=\"nomatch\" state=<<config-title>> text=\"hide\"><$transclude tiddler=<<listItem>>/></$reveal></$list>\n</span>\n<$set name=\"tv-wikilinks\" value={{$:/config/Tiddlers/TitleLinks}}>\n<$link>\n<$set name=\"foregroundColor\" value={{!!color}}>\n<span class=\"tc-tiddler-title-icon\" style=<<title-styles>>>\n<$transclude tiddler={{!!icon}}/>\n</span>\n</$set>\n<$list filter=\"[all[current]removeprefix[$:/]]\">\n<h2 class=\"tc-title\" title={{$:/language/SystemTiddler/Tooltip}}>\n<span class=\"tc-system-title-prefix\">$:/</span><$text text=<<currentTiddler>>/>\n</h2>\n</$list>\n<$list filter=\"[all[current]!prefix[$:/]]\">\n<h2 class=\"tc-title\">\n<$view field=\"title\"/>\n</h2>\n</$list>\n</$link>\n</$set>\n</div>\n\n<$reveal type=\"nomatch\" text=\"\" default=\"\" state=<<tiddlerInfoState>> class=\"tc-tiddler-info tc-popup-handle\" animate=\"yes\" retain=\"yes\">\n\n<$transclude tiddler=\"$:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo\"/>\n\n</$reveal>\n</div>"
"$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/unfold": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/unfold",
"tags": "$:/tags/ViewTemplate",
"text": "<$reveal tag=\"div\" type=\"nomatch\" state=\"$:/config/ViewToolbarButtons/Visibility/$:/core/ui/Buttons/fold-bar\" text=\"hide\">\n<$reveal tag=\"div\" type=\"nomatch\" state=<<folded-state>> text=\"hide\" default=\"show\" retain=\"yes\" animate=\"yes\">\n<$button tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/Fold/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/Fold/Caption}} class=\"tc-fold-banner\">\n<$action-sendmessage $message=\"tm-fold-tiddler\" $param=<<currentTiddler>> foldedState=<<folded-state>>/>\n{{$:/core/images/chevron-up}}\n</$button>\n</$reveal>\n<$reveal tag=\"div\" type=\"nomatch\" state=<<folded-state>> text=\"show\" default=\"show\" retain=\"yes\" animate=\"yes\">\n<$button tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/Unfold/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/Unfold/Caption}} class=\"tc-unfold-banner\">\n<$action-sendmessage $message=\"tm-fold-tiddler\" $param=<<currentTiddler>> foldedState=<<folded-state>>/>\n{{$:/core/images/chevron-down}}\n</$button>\n</$reveal>\n</$reveal>\n"
"$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate",
"text": "\\define frame-classes()\ntc-tiddler-frame tc-tiddler-view-frame $(missingTiddlerClass)$ $(shadowTiddlerClass)$ $(systemTiddlerClass)$ $(tiddlerTagClasses)$\n\\end\n\\define folded-state()\n$:/state/folded/$(currentTiddler)$\n\\end\n<$set name=\"storyTiddler\" value=<<currentTiddler>>><$set name=\"tiddlerInfoState\" value=<<qualify \"$:/state/popup/tiddler-info\">>><$tiddler tiddler=<<currentTiddler>>><div class=<<frame-classes>>><$list filter=\"[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/ViewTemplate]!has[draft.of]]\" variable=\"listItem\"><$transclude tiddler=<<listItem>>/></$list>\n</div>\n</$tiddler></$set></$set>\n"
"$:/core/ui/Buttons/clone": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/Buttons/clone",
"tags": "$:/tags/ViewToolbar",
"caption": "{{$:/core/images/clone-button}} {{$:/language/Buttons/Clone/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Clone/Hint}}",
"text": "<$button message=\"tm-new-tiddler\" param=<<currentTiddler>> tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/Clone/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/Clone/Caption}} class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>>>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]\">\n{{$:/core/images/clone-button}}\n</$list>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]\">\n<span class=\"tc-btn-text\"><$text text={{$:/language/Buttons/Clone/Caption}}/></span>\n</$list>\n</$button>"
"$:/core/ui/Buttons/close-others": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/Buttons/close-others",
"tags": "$:/tags/ViewToolbar",
"caption": "{{$:/core/images/close-others-button}} {{$:/language/Buttons/CloseOthers/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/CloseOthers/Hint}}",
"text": "<$button message=\"tm-close-other-tiddlers\" param=<<currentTiddler>> tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/CloseOthers/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/CloseOthers/Caption}} class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>>>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]\">\n{{$:/core/images/close-others-button}}\n</$list>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]\">\n<span class=\"tc-btn-text\"><$text text={{$:/language/Buttons/CloseOthers/Caption}}/></span>\n</$list>\n</$button>"
"$:/core/ui/Buttons/close": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/Buttons/close",
"tags": "$:/tags/ViewToolbar",
"caption": "{{$:/core/images/close-button}} {{$:/language/Buttons/Close/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Close/Hint}}",
"text": "<$button message=\"tm-close-tiddler\" tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/Close/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/Close/Caption}} class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>>>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]\">\n{{$:/core/images/close-button}}\n</$list>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]\">\n<span class=\"tc-btn-text\"><$text text={{$:/language/Buttons/Close/Caption}}/></span>\n</$list>\n</$button>"
"$:/core/ui/Buttons/edit": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/Buttons/edit",
"tags": "$:/tags/ViewToolbar",
"caption": "{{$:/core/images/edit-button}} {{$:/language/Buttons/Edit/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Edit/Hint}}",
"text": "<$button message=\"tm-edit-tiddler\" tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/Edit/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/Edit/Caption}} class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>>>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]\">\n{{$:/core/images/edit-button}}\n</$list>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]\">\n<span class=\"tc-btn-text\"><$text text={{$:/language/Buttons/Edit/Caption}}/></span>\n</$list>\n</$button>"
"$:/core/ui/Buttons/export-tiddler": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/Buttons/export-tiddler",
"tags": "$:/tags/ViewToolbar",
"caption": "{{$:/core/images/export-button}} {{$:/language/Buttons/ExportTiddler/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/ExportTiddler/Hint}}",
"text": "\\define makeExportFilter()\n[[$(currentTiddler)$]]\n\\end\n<$macrocall $name=\"exportButton\" exportFilter=<<makeExportFilter>> lingoBase=\"$:/language/Buttons/ExportTiddler/\" baseFilename=<<currentTiddler>>/>"
"$:/core/ui/Buttons/fold-bar": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/Buttons/fold-bar",
"tags": "$:/tags/ViewToolbar",
"caption": "{{$:/core/images/chevron-up}} {{$:/language/Buttons/Fold/FoldBar/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Fold/FoldBar/Hint}}",
"text": "<!-- This dummy toolbar button is here to allow visibility of the fold-bar to be controlled as if it were a toolbar button -->"
"$:/core/ui/Buttons/fold-others": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/Buttons/fold-others",
"tags": "$:/tags/ViewToolbar",
"caption": "{{$:/core/images/fold-others-button}} {{$:/language/Buttons/FoldOthers/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/FoldOthers/Hint}}",
"text": "<$button tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/FoldOthers/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/FoldOthers/Caption}} class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>>>\n<$action-sendmessage $message=\"tm-fold-other-tiddlers\" $param=<<currentTiddler>> foldedStatePrefix=\"$:/state/folded/\"/>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]\" variable=\"listItem\">\n{{$:/core/images/fold-others-button}}\n</$list>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]\">\n<span class=\"tc-btn-text\"><$text text={{$:/language/Buttons/FoldOthers/Caption}}/></span>\n</$list>\n</$button>"
"$:/core/ui/Buttons/fold": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/Buttons/fold",
"tags": "$:/tags/ViewToolbar",
"caption": "{{$:/core/images/fold-button}} {{$:/language/Buttons/Fold/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Fold/Hint}}",
"text": "<$reveal type=\"nomatch\" state=<<folded-state>> text=\"hide\" default=\"show\"><$button tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/Fold/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/Fold/Caption}} class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>>>\n<$action-sendmessage $message=\"tm-fold-tiddler\" $param=<<currentTiddler>> foldedState=<<folded-state>>/>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]\" variable=\"listItem\">\n{{$:/core/images/fold-button}}\n</$list>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]\">\n<span class=\"tc-btn-text\">\n<$text text={{$:/language/Buttons/Fold/Caption}}/>\n</span>\n</$list>\n</$button></$reveal><$reveal type=\"match\" state=<<folded-state>> text=\"hide\" default=\"show\"><$button tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/Unfold/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/Unfold/Caption}} class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>>>\n<$action-sendmessage $message=\"tm-fold-tiddler\" $param=<<currentTiddler>> foldedState=<<folded-state>>/>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]\" variable=\"listItem\">\n{{$:/core/images/unfold-button}}\n</$list>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]\">\n<span class=\"tc-btn-text\">\n<$text text={{$:/language/Buttons/Unfold/Caption}}/>\n</span>\n</$list>\n</$button></$reveal>"
"$:/core/ui/Buttons/info": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/Buttons/info",
"tags": "$:/tags/ViewToolbar",
"caption": "{{$:/core/images/info-button}} {{$:/language/Buttons/Info/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Info/Hint}}",
"text": "\\define button-content()\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]\">\n{{$:/core/images/info-button}}\n</$list>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]\">\n<span class=\"tc-btn-text\"><$text text={{$:/language/Buttons/Info/Caption}}/></span>\n</$list>\n\\end\n<$reveal state=\"$:/config/TiddlerInfo/Mode\" type=\"match\" text=\"popup\">\n<$button popup=<<tiddlerInfoState>> tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/Info/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/Info/Caption}} class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>> selectedClass=\"tc-selected\">\n<$macrocall $name=\"button-content\" mode=\"inline\"/>\n</$button>\n</$reveal>\n<$reveal state=\"$:/config/TiddlerInfo/Mode\" type=\"match\" text=\"sticky\">\n<$reveal state=<<tiddlerInfoState>> type=\"match\" text=\"\" default=\"\">\n<$button set=<<tiddlerInfoState>> setTo=\"yes\" tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/Info/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/Info/Caption}} class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>> selectedClass=\"tc-selected\">\n<$macrocall $name=\"button-content\" mode=\"inline\"/>\n</$button>\n</$reveal>\n<$reveal state=<<tiddlerInfoState>> type=\"nomatch\" text=\"\" default=\"\">\n<$button set=<<tiddlerInfoState>> setTo=\"\" tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/Info/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/Info/Caption}} class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>> selectedClass=\"tc-selected\">\n<$macrocall $name=\"button-content\" mode=\"inline\"/>\n</$button>\n</$reveal>\n</$reveal>"
"$:/core/ui/Buttons/more-tiddler-actions": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/Buttons/more-tiddler-actions",
"tags": "$:/tags/ViewToolbar",
"caption": "{{$:/core/images/down-arrow}} {{$:/language/Buttons/More/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/More/Hint}}",
"text": "\\define config-title()\n$:/config/ViewToolbarButtons/Visibility/$(listItem)$\n\\end\n<$button popup=<<qualify \"$:/state/popup/more\">> tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/More/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/More/Caption}} class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>> selectedClass=\"tc-selected\">\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]\">\n{{$:/core/images/down-arrow}}\n</$list>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]\">\n<span class=\"tc-btn-text\"><$text text={{$:/language/Buttons/More/Caption}}/></span>\n</$list>\n</$button><$reveal state=<<qualify \"$:/state/popup/more\">> type=\"popup\" position=\"below\" animate=\"yes\">\n\n<div class=\"tc-drop-down\">\n\n<$set name=\"tv-config-toolbar-icons\" value=\"yes\">\n\n<$set name=\"tv-config-toolbar-text\" value=\"yes\">\n\n<$set name=\"tv-config-toolbar-class\" value=\"tc-btn-invisible\">\n\n<$list filter=\"[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/ViewToolbar]!has[draft.of]] -[[$:/core/ui/Buttons/more-tiddler-actions]]\" variable=\"listItem\">\n\n<$reveal type=\"match\" state=<<config-title>> text=\"hide\">\n\n<$transclude tiddler=<<listItem>> mode=\"inline\"/>\n\n</$reveal>\n\n</$list>\n\n</$set>\n\n</$set>\n\n</$set>\n\n</div>\n\n</$reveal>"
"$:/core/ui/Buttons/new-here": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/Buttons/new-here",
"tags": "$:/tags/ViewToolbar",
"caption": "{{$:/core/images/new-here-button}} {{$:/language/Buttons/NewHere/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/NewHere/Hint}}",
"text": "\\define newHereButtonTags()\n[[$(currentTiddler)$]]\n\\end\n\\define newHereButton()\n<$button tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/NewHere/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/NewHere/Caption}} class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>>>\n<$action-sendmessage $message=\"tm-new-tiddler\" tags=<<newHereButtonTags>>/>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]\">\n{{$:/core/images/new-here-button}}\n</$list>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]\">\n<span class=\"tc-btn-text\"><$text text={{$:/language/Buttons/NewHere/Caption}}/></span>\n</$list>\n</$button>\n\\end\n<<newHereButton>>"
"$:/core/ui/Buttons/new-journal-here": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/Buttons/new-journal-here",
"tags": "$:/tags/ViewToolbar",
"caption": "{{$:/core/images/new-journal-button}} {{$:/language/Buttons/NewJournalHere/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/NewJournalHere/Hint}}",
"text": "\\define journalButtonTags()\n[[$(currentTiddlerTag)$]] $(journalTags)$\n\\end\n\\define journalButton()\n<$button tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/NewJournalHere/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/NewJournalHere/Caption}} class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>>>\n<$action-sendmessage $message=\"tm-new-tiddler\" title=<<now \"$(journalTitleTemplate)$\">> tags=<<journalButtonTags>>/>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]\">\n{{$:/core/images/new-journal-button}}\n</$list>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]\">\n<span class=\"tc-btn-text\"><$text text={{$:/language/Buttons/NewJournalHere/Caption}}/></span>\n</$list>\n</$button>\n\\end\n<$set name=\"journalTitleTemplate\" value={{$:/config/NewJournal/Title}}>\n<$set name=\"journalTags\" value={{$:/config/NewJournal/Tags}}>\n<$set name=\"currentTiddlerTag\" value=<<currentTiddler>>>\n<<journalButton>>\n</$set></$set></$set>"
"$:/core/ui/Buttons/open-window": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/Buttons/open-window",
"tags": "$:/tags/ViewToolbar",
"caption": "{{$:/core/images/open-window}} {{$:/language/Buttons/OpenWindow/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/OpenWindow/Hint}}",
"text": "<$button message=\"tm-open-window\" tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/OpenWindow/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/OpenWindow/Caption}} class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>>>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]\">\n{{$:/core/images/open-window}}\n</$list>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]\">\n<span class=\"tc-btn-text\"><$text text={{$:/language/Buttons/OpenWindow/Caption}}/></span>\n</$list>\n</$button>"
"$:/core/ui/Buttons/permalink": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/Buttons/permalink",
"tags": "$:/tags/ViewToolbar",
"caption": "{{$:/core/images/permalink-button}} {{$:/language/Buttons/Permalink/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Permalink/Hint}}",
"text": "<$button message=\"tm-permalink\" tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/Permalink/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/Permalink/Caption}} class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>>>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]\">\n{{$:/core/images/permalink-button}}\n</$list>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]\">\n<span class=\"tc-btn-text\"><$text text={{$:/language/Buttons/Permalink/Caption}}/></span>\n</$list>\n</$button>"
"$:/core/ui/Buttons/permaview": {
"title": "$:/core/ui/Buttons/permaview",
"tags": "$:/tags/ViewToolbar $:/tags/PageControls",
"caption": "{{$:/core/images/permaview-button}} {{$:/language/Buttons/Permaview/Caption}}",
"description": "{{$:/language/Buttons/Permaview/Hint}}",
"text": "<$button message=\"tm-permaview\" tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/Permaview/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/Permaview/Caption}} class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>>>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]\">\n{{$:/core/images/permaview-button}}\n</$list>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]\">\n<span class=\"tc-btn-text\"><$text text={{$:/language/Buttons/Permaview/Caption}}/></span>\n</$list>\n</$button>"
"$:/DefaultTiddlers": {
"title": "$:/DefaultTiddlers",
"text": "GettingStarted\n"
"$:/temp/advancedsearch": {
"title": "$:/temp/advancedsearch",
"text": ""
"$:/snippets/allfields": {
"title": "$:/snippets/allfields",
"text": "\\define renderfield(title)\n<tr class=\"tc-view-field\"><td class=\"tc-view-field-name\">''$title$'':</td><td class=\"tc-view-field-value\">//{{$:/language/Docs/Fields/$title$}}//</td></tr>\n\\end\n<table class=\"tc-view-field-table\"><tbody><$list filter=\"[fields[]sort[title]]\" variable=\"listItem\"><$macrocall $name=\"renderfield\" title=<<listItem>>/></$list>\n</tbody></table>\n"
"$:/config/AnimationDuration": {
"title": "$:/config/AnimationDuration",
"text": "400"
"$:/config/AutoSave": {
"title": "$:/config/AutoSave",
"text": "yes"
"$:/config/BitmapEditor/Colour": {
"title": "$:/config/BitmapEditor/Colour",
"text": "#444"
"$:/config/BitmapEditor/ImageSizes": {
"title": "$:/config/BitmapEditor/ImageSizes",
"text": "[[62px 100px]] [[100px 62px]] [[124px 200px]] [[200px 124px]] [[248px 400px]] [[371px 600px]] [[400px 248px]] [[556px 900px]] [[600px 371px]] [[742px 1200px]] [[900px 556px]] [[1200px 742px]]"
"$:/config/BitmapEditor/LineWidth": {
"title": "$:/config/BitmapEditor/LineWidth",
"text": "3px"
"$:/config/BitmapEditor/LineWidths": {
"title": "$:/config/BitmapEditor/LineWidths",
"text": "0.25px 0.5px 1px 2px 3px 4px 6px 8px 10px 16px 20px 28px 40px 56px 80px"
"$:/config/BitmapEditor/Opacities": {
"title": "$:/config/BitmapEditor/Opacities",
"text": "0.01 0.025 0.05 0.075 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0"
"$:/config/BitmapEditor/Opacity": {
"title": "$:/config/BitmapEditor/Opacity",
"text": "1.0"
"$:/config/DefaultSidebarTab": {
"title": "$:/config/DefaultSidebarTab",
"text": "$:/core/ui/SideBar/Open"
"$:/config/DownloadSaver/AutoSave": {
"title": "$:/config/DownloadSaver/AutoSave",
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"$:/config/Drafts/TypingTimeout": {
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"$:/config/EditTemplateFields/Visibility/title": {
"title": "$:/config/EditTemplateFields/Visibility/title",
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"$:/config/EditTemplateFields/Visibility/tags": {
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"$:/config/EditTemplateFields/Visibility/text": {
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"$:/config/EditTemplateFields/Visibility/creator": {
"title": "$:/config/EditTemplateFields/Visibility/creator",
"text": "hide"
"$:/config/EditTemplateFields/Visibility/created": {
"title": "$:/config/EditTemplateFields/Visibility/created",
"text": "hide"
"$:/config/EditTemplateFields/Visibility/modified": {
"title": "$:/config/EditTemplateFields/Visibility/modified",
"text": "hide"
"$:/config/EditTemplateFields/Visibility/modifier": {
"title": "$:/config/EditTemplateFields/Visibility/modifier",
"text": "hide"
"$:/config/EditTemplateFields/Visibility/type": {
"title": "$:/config/EditTemplateFields/Visibility/type",
"text": "hide"
"$:/config/EditTemplateFields/Visibility/draft.title": {
"title": "$:/config/EditTemplateFields/Visibility/draft.title",
"text": "hide"
"$:/config/EditTemplateFields/Visibility/draft.of": {
"title": "$:/config/EditTemplateFields/Visibility/draft.of",
"text": "hide"
"$:/config/EditTemplateFields/Visibility/revision": {
"title": "$:/config/EditTemplateFields/Visibility/revision",
"text": "hide"
"$:/config/EditTemplateFields/Visibility/bag": {
"title": "$:/config/EditTemplateFields/Visibility/bag",
"text": "hide"
"$:/config/EditorToolbarButtons/Visibility/$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/heading-4": {
"title": "$:/config/EditorToolbarButtons/Visibility/$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/heading-4",
"text": "hide"
"$:/config/EditorToolbarButtons/Visibility/$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/heading-5": {
"title": "$:/config/EditorToolbarButtons/Visibility/$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/heading-5",
"text": "hide"
"$:/config/EditorToolbarButtons/Visibility/$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/heading-6": {
"title": "$:/config/EditorToolbarButtons/Visibility/$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/heading-6",
"text": "hide"
"$:/config/EditorTypeMappings/image/gif": {
"title": "$:/config/EditorTypeMappings/image/gif",
"text": "bitmap"
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"title": "$:/core/macros/colour-picker",
"tags": "$:/tags/Macro",
"text": "\\define colour-picker-update-recent()\n<$action-listops\n\t$tiddler=\"$:/config/ColourPicker/Recent\"\n\t$subfilter=\"$(colour-picker-value)$ [list[$:/config/ColourPicker/Recent]remove[$(colour-picker-value)$]] +[limit[8]]\"\n/>\n\\end\n\n\\define colour-picker-inner(actions)\n<$button tag=\"a\" tooltip=\"\"\"$(colour-picker-value)$\"\"\">\n\n$(colour-picker-update-recent)$\n\n$actions$\n\n<div style=\"background-color: $(colour-picker-value)$; width: 100%; height: 100%; border-radius: 50%;\"/>\n\n</$button>\n\\end\n\n\\define colour-picker-recent-inner(actions)\n<$set name=\"colour-picker-value\" value=\"$(recentColour)$\">\n<$macrocall $name=\"colour-picker-inner\" actions=\"\"\"$actions$\"\"\"/>\n</$set>\n\\end\n\n\\define colour-picker-recent(actions)\n{{$:/language/ColourPicker/Recent}} <$list filter=\"[list[$:/config/ColourPicker/Recent]]\" variable=\"recentColour\">\n<$macrocall $name=\"colour-picker-recent-inner\" actions=\"\"\"$actions$\"\"\"/></$list>\n\\end\n\n\\define colour-picker(actions)\n<div class=\"tc-colour-chooser\">\n\n<$macrocall $name=\"colour-picker-recent\" actions=\"\"\"$actions$\"\"\"/>\n\n---\n\n<$list filter=\"LightPink Pink Crimson LavenderBlush PaleVioletRed HotPink DeepPink MediumVioletRed Orchid Thistle Plum Violet Magenta Fuchsia DarkMagenta Purple MediumOrchid DarkViolet DarkOrchid Indigo BlueViolet MediumPurple MediumSlateBlue SlateBlue DarkSlateBlue Lavender GhostWhite Blue MediumBlue MidnightBlue DarkBlue Navy RoyalBlue CornflowerBlue LightSteelBlue LightSlateGrey SlateGrey DodgerBlue AliceBlue SteelBlue LightSkyBlue SkyBlue DeepSkyBlue LightBlue PowderBlue CadetBlue Azure LightCyan PaleTurquoise Cyan Aqua DarkTurquoise DarkSlateGrey DarkCyan Teal MediumTurquoise LightSeaGreen Turquoise Aquamarine MediumAquamarine MediumSpringGreen MintCream SpringGreen MediumSeaGreen SeaGreen Honeydew LightGreen PaleGreen DarkSeaGreen LimeGreen Lime ForestGreen Green DarkGreen Chartreuse LawnGreen GreenYellow DarkOliveGreen YellowGreen OliveDrab Beige LightGoldenrodYellow Ivory LightYellow Yellow Olive DarkKhaki LemonChiffon PaleGoldenrod Khaki Gold Cornsilk Goldenrod DarkGoldenrod FloralWhite OldLace Wheat Moccasin Orange PapayaWhip BlanchedAlmond NavajoWhite AntiqueWhite Tan BurlyWood Bisque DarkOrange Linen Peru PeachPuff SandyBrown Chocolate SaddleBrown Seashell Sienna LightSalmon Coral OrangeRed DarkSalmon Tomato MistyRose Salmon Snow LightCoral RosyBrown IndianRed Red Brown FireBrick DarkRed Maroon White WhiteSmoke Gainsboro LightGrey Silver DarkGrey Grey DimGrey Black\" variable=\"colour-picker-value\">\n<$macrocall $name=\"colour-picker-inner\" actions=\"\"\"$actions$\"\"\"/>\n</$list>\n\n---\n\n<$edit-text tiddler=\"$:/config/ColourPicker/New\" tag=\"input\" default=\"\" placeholder=\"\"/> \n<$edit-text tiddler=\"$:/config/ColourPicker/New\" type=\"color\" tag=\"input\"/>\n<$set name=\"colour-picker-value\" value={{$:/config/ColourPicker/New}}>\n<$macrocall $name=\"colour-picker-inner\" actions=\"\"\"$actions$\"\"\"/>\n</$set>\n\n</div>\n\n\\end\n"
"$:/core/macros/export": {
"title": "$:/core/macros/export",
"tags": "$:/tags/Macro",
"text": "\\define exportButtonFilename(baseFilename)\n$baseFilename$$(extension)$\n\\end\n\n\\define exportButton(exportFilter:\"[!is[system]sort[title]]\",lingoBase,baseFilename:\"tiddlers\")\n<span class=\"tc-popup-keep\">\n<$button popup=<<qualify \"$:/state/popup/export\">> tooltip={{$lingoBase$Hint}} aria-label={{$lingoBase$Caption}} class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>> selectedClass=\"tc-selected\">\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]\">\n{{$:/core/images/export-button}}\n</$list>\n<$list filter=\"[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]\">\n<span class=\"tc-btn-text\"><$text text={{$lingoBase$Caption}}/></span>\n</$list>\n</$button>\n</span>\n<$reveal state=<<qualify \"$:/state/popup/export\">> type=\"popup\" position=\"below\" animate=\"yes\">\n<div class=\"tc-drop-down\">\n<$list filter=\"[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Exporter]]\">\n<$set name=\"extension\" value={{!!extension}}>\n<$button class=\"tc-btn-invisible\">\n<$action-sendmessage $message=\"tm-download-file\" $param=<<currentTiddler>> exportFilter=\"\"\"$exportFilter$\"\"\" filename=<<exportButtonFilename \"\"\"$baseFilename$\"\"\">>/>\n<$action-deletetiddler $tiddler=<<qualify \"$:/state/popup/export\">>/>\n<$transclude field=\"description\"/>\n</$button>\n</$set>\n</$list>\n</div>\n</$reveal>\n\\end\n"
"$:/core/macros/image-picker": {
"title": "$:/core/macros/image-picker",
"tags": "$:/tags/Macro",
"text": "\\define image-picker-thumbnail(actions)\n<$button tag=\"a\" tooltip=\"\"\"$(imageTitle)$\"\"\">\n$actions$\n<$transclude tiddler=<<imageTitle>>/>\n</$button>\n\\end\n\n\\define image-picker-list(filter,actions)\n<$list filter=\"\"\"$filter$\"\"\" variable=\"imageTitle\">\n<$macrocall $name=\"image-picker-thumbnail\" actions=\"\"\"$actions$\"\"\"/>\n</$list>\n\\end\n\n\\define image-picker(actions,filter:\"[all[shadows+tiddlers]is[image]] -[type[application/pdf]] +[!has[draft.of]sort[title]]\")\n<div class=\"tc-image-chooser\">\n<$vars state-system=<<qualify \"$:/state/image-picker/system\">>>\n<$checkbox tiddler=<<state-system>> field=\"text\" checked=\"show\" unchecked=\"hide\" default=\"hide\">\n{{$:/language/SystemTiddlers/Include/Prompt}}\n</$checkbox>\n<$reveal state=<<state-system>> type=\"match\" text=\"hide\" default=\"hide\" tag=\"div\">\n<$macrocall $name=\"image-picker-list\" filter=\"\"\"$filter$ +[!is[system]]\"\"\" actions=\"\"\"$actions$\"\"\"/>\n</$reveal>\n<$reveal state=<<state-system>> type=\"nomatch\" text=\"hide\" default=\"hide\" tag=\"div\">\n<$macrocall $name=\"image-picker-list\" filter=\"\"\"$filter$\"\"\" actions=\"\"\"$actions$\"\"\"/>\n</$reveal>\n</$vars>\n</div>\n\\end\n\n\\define image-picker-include-tagged-images(actions)\n<$macrocall $name=\"image-picker\" filter=\"[all[shadows+tiddlers]is[image]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Image]] -[type[application/pdf]] +[!has[draft.of]sort[title]]\" actions=\"\"\"$actions$\"\"\"/>\n\\end\n"
"$:/core/macros/lingo": {
"title": "$:/core/macros/lingo",
"tags": "$:/tags/Macro",
"text": "\\define lingo-base()\n$:/language/\n\\end\n\n\\define lingo(title)\n{{$(lingo-base)$$title$}}\n\\end\n"
"$:/core/macros/list": {
"title": "$:/core/macros/list",
"tags": "$:/tags/Macro",
"text": "\\define list-links(filter,type:\"ul\",subtype:\"li\",class:\"\")\n<$type$ class=\"$class$\">\n<$list filter=\"$filter$\">\n<$subtype$>\n<$link to={{!!title}}>\n<$transclude field=\"caption\">\n<$view field=\"title\"/>\n</$transclude>\n</$link>\n</$subtype$>\n</$list>\n</$type$>\n\\end\n\n\\define list-links-draggable-drop-actions()\n<$action-listops $tiddler=<<targetTiddler>> $field=<<targetField>> $subfilter=\"+[insertbefore:currentTiddler<actionTiddler>]\"/>\n\\end\n\n\\define list-links-draggable(tiddler,field:\"list\",type:\"ul\",subtype:\"li\",class:\"\",itemTemplate)\n<$vars targetTiddler=\"\"\"$tiddler$\"\"\" targetField=\"\"\"$field$\"\"\">\n<$type$ class=\"$class$\">\n<$list filter=\"[list[$tiddler$!!$field$]]\">\n<$droppable actions=<<list-links-draggable-drop-actions>> tag=\"\"\"$subtype$\"\"\">\n<div class=\"tc-droppable-placeholder\">\n \n</div>\n<div>\n<$link to={{!!title}}>\n<$transclude tiddler=\"\"\"$itemTemplate$\"\"\">\n<$transclude field=\"caption\">\n<$view field=\"title\"/>\n</$transclude>\n</$transclude>\n</$link>\n</div>\n</$droppable>\n</$list>\n<$tiddler tiddler=\"\">\n<$droppable actions=<<list-links-draggable-drop-actions>> tag=\"\"\"$subtype$\"\"\">\n<div class=\"tc-droppable-placeholder\">\n \n</div>\n<div>\n \n</div>\n</$droppable>\n</$tiddler>\n</$type$>\n</$vars>\n\\end\n\n\\define list-tagged-draggable-drop-actions()\n<!-- Save the current ordering of the tiddlers with this tag -->\n<$set name=\"order\" filter=\"[<tag>tagging[]]\">\n<!-- Remove any list-after or list-before fields from the tiddlers with this tag -->\n<$list filter=\"[<tag>tagging[]]\">\n<$action-deletefield $field=\"list-before\"/>\n<$action-deletefield $field=\"list-after\"/>\n</$list>\n<!-- Assign the list field of the tag with the current ordering -->\n<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<tag>> $field=\"list\" $value=<<order>>/>\n<!-- Add the newly inserted item to the list -->\n<$action-listops $tiddler=<<tag>> $field=\"list\" $subfilter=\"+[insertbefore:currentTiddler<actionTiddler>]\"/>\n<!-- Make sure the newly added item has the right tag -->\n<$action-listops $tiddler=<<actionTiddler>> $tags=\"[<tag>]\"/>\n</$set>\n\\end\n\n\\define list-tagged-draggable(tag,itemTemplate,elementTag:\"div\")\n<$set name=\"tag\" value=\"\"\"$tag$\"\"\">\n<$list filter=\"[<tag>tagging[]]\">\n<$elementTag$ class=\"tc-menu-list-item\">\n<$droppable actions=<<list-tagged-draggable-drop-actions>>>\n<$elementTag$ class=\"tc-droppable-placeholder\">\n \n</$elementTag$>\n<$elementTag$>\n<$transclude tiddler=\"\"\"$itemTemplate$\"\"\">\n<$link to={{!!title}}>\n<$view field=\"title\"/>\n</$link>\n</$transclude>\n</$elementTag$>\n</$droppable>\n</$elementTag$>\n</$list>\n<$tiddler tiddler=\"\">\n<$droppable actions=<<list-tagged-draggable-drop-actions>>>\n<$elementTag$ class=\"tc-droppable-placeholder\">\n \n</$elementTag$>\n<$elementTag$ style=\"height:0.5em;\">\n</$elementTag$>\n</$droppable>\n</$tiddler>\n</$set>\n\\end\n"
"$:/core/macros/tabs": {
"title": "$:/core/macros/tabs",
"tags": "$:/tags/Macro",
"text": "\\define tabs(tabsList,default,state:\"$:/state/tab\",class,template)\n<div class=\"tc-tab-set $class$\">\n<div class=\"tc-tab-buttons $class$\">\n<$list filter=\"$tabsList$\" variable=\"currentTab\"><$set name=\"save-currentTiddler\" value=<<currentTiddler>>><$tiddler tiddler=<<currentTab>>><$button set=<<qualify \"$state$\">> setTo=<<currentTab>> default=\"$default$\" selectedClass=\"tc-tab-selected\" tooltip={{!!tooltip}}>\n<$tiddler tiddler=<<save-currentTiddler>>>\n<$set name=\"tv-wikilinks\" value=\"no\">\n<$transclude tiddler=<<currentTab>> field=\"caption\">\n<$macrocall $name=\"currentTab\" $type=\"text/plain\" $output=\"text/plain\"/>\n</$transclude>\n</$set></$tiddler></$button></$tiddler></$set></$list>\n</div>\n<div class=\"tc-tab-divider $class$\"/>\n<div class=\"tc-tab-content $class$\">\n<$list filter=\"$tabsList$\" variable=\"currentTab\">\n\n<$reveal type=\"match\" state=<<qualify \"$state$\">> text=<<currentTab>> default=\"$default$\">\n\n<$transclude tiddler=\"$template$\" mode=\"block\">\n\n<$transclude tiddler=<<currentTab>> mode=\"block\"/>\n\n</$transclude>\n\n</$reveal>\n\n</$list>\n</div>\n</div>\n\\end\n"
"$:/core/macros/tag-picker": {
"title": "$:/core/macros/tag-picker",
"tags": "$:/tags/Macro",
"text": "\\define add-tag-actions()\n<$action-sendmessage $message=\"tm-add-tag\" $param={{$:/temp/NewTagName}}/>\n<$action-deletetiddler $tiddler=\"$:/temp/NewTagName\"/>\n\\end\n\n\\define tag-button()\n<$button class=\"tc-btn-invisible\" tag=\"a\">\n$(actions)$\n<$action-deletetiddler $tiddler=\"$:/temp/NewTagName\"/>\n<$macrocall $name=\"tag-pill\" tag=<<tag>>/>\n</$button>\n\\end\n\n\\define tag-picker(actions)\n<$set name=\"actions\" value=\"\"\"$actions$\"\"\">\n<div class=\"tc-edit-add-tag\">\n<span class=\"tc-add-tag-name\">\n<$keyboard key=\"ENTER\" actions=<<add-tag-actions>>>\n<$edit-text tiddler=\"$:/temp/NewTagName\" tag=\"input\" default=\"\" placeholder={{$:/language/EditTemplate/Tags/Add/Placeholder}} focusPopup=<<qualify \"$:/state/popup/tags-auto-complete\">> class=\"tc-edit-texteditor tc-popup-handle\"/>\n</$keyboard>\n</span> <$button popup=<<qualify \"$:/state/popup/tags-auto-complete\">> class=\"tc-btn-invisible\" tooltip={{$:/language/EditTemplate/Tags/Dropdown/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/EditTemplate/Tags/Dropdown/Caption}}>{{$:/core/images/down-arrow}}</$button> <span class=\"tc-add-tag-button\">\n<$set name=\"tag\" value={{$:/temp/NewTagName}}>\n<$button set=\"$:/temp/NewTagName\" setTo=\"\" class=\"\">\n$actions$\n<$action-deletetiddler $tiddler=\"$:/temp/NewTagName\"/>\n{{$:/language/EditTemplate/Tags/Add/Button}}\n</$button>\n</$set>\n</span>\n</div>\n<div class=\"tc-block-dropdown-wrapper\">\n<$reveal state=<<qualify \"$:/state/popup/tags-auto-complete\">> type=\"nomatch\" text=\"\" default=\"\">\n<div class=\"tc-block-dropdown\">\n<$list filter=\"[tags[]!is[system]search:title{$:/temp/NewTagName}sort[]]\" variable=\"tag\">\n<<tag-button>>\n</$list>\n<hr>\n<$list filter=\"[tags[]is[system]search:title{$:/temp/NewTagName}sort[]]\" variable=\"tag\">\n<<tag-button>>\n</$list>\n</div>\n</$reveal>\n</div>\n</$set>\n\\end\n"
"$:/core/macros/tag": {
"title": "$:/core/macros/tag",
"tags": "$:/tags/Macro",
"text": "\\define tag-pill-styles()\nbackground-color:$(backgroundColor)$;\nfill:$(foregroundColor)$;\ncolor:$(foregroundColor)$;\n\\end\n\n\\define tag-pill-inner(tag,icon,colour,fallbackTarget,colourA,colourB,element-tag,element-attributes,actions)\n<$vars foregroundColor=<<contrastcolour target:\"\"\"$colour$\"\"\" fallbackTarget:\"\"\"$fallbackTarget$\"\"\" colourA:\"\"\"$colourA$\"\"\" colourB:\"\"\"$colourB$\"\"\">> backgroundColor=\"\"\"$colour$\"\"\">\n<$element-tag$ $element-attributes$ class=\"tc-tag-label tc-btn-invisible\" style=<<tag-pill-styles>>>\n$actions$<$transclude tiddler=\"\"\"$icon$\"\"\"/> <$view tiddler=\"\"\"$tag$\"\"\" field=\"title\" format=\"text\" />\n</$element-tag$>\n</$vars>\n\\end\n\n\\define tag-pill-body(tag,icon,colour,palette,element-tag,element-attributes,actions)\n<$macrocall $name=\"tag-pill-inner\" tag=\"\"\"$tag$\"\"\" icon=\"\"\"$icon$\"\"\" colour=\"\"\"$colour$\"\"\" fallbackTarget={{$palette$##tag-background}} colourA={{$palette$##foreground}} colourB={{$palette$##background}} element-tag=\"\"\"$element-tag$\"\"\" element-attributes=\"\"\"$element-attributes$\"\"\" actions=\"\"\"$actions$\"\"\"/>\n\\end\n\n\\define tag-pill(tag,element-tag:\"span\",element-attributes:\"\",actions:\"\")\n<span class=\"tc-tag-list-item\">\n<$macrocall $name=\"tag-pill-body\" tag=\"\"\"$tag$\"\"\" icon={{$tag$!!icon}} colour={{$tag$!!color}} palette={{$:/palette}} element-tag=\"\"\"$element-tag$\"\"\" element-attributes=\"\"\"$element-attributes$\"\"\" actions=\"\"\"$actions$\"\"\"/>\n</span>\n\\end\n\n\\define tag(tag)\n{{$tag$||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}\n\\end\n"
"$:/core/macros/thumbnails": {
"title": "$:/core/macros/thumbnails",
"tags": "$:/tags/Macro",
"text": "\\define thumbnail(link,icon,color,background-color,image,caption,width:\"280\",height:\"157\")\n<$link to=\"\"\"$link$\"\"\"><div class=\"tc-thumbnail-wrapper\">\n<div class=\"tc-thumbnail-image\" style=\"width:$width$px;height:$height$px;\"><$reveal type=\"nomatch\" text=\"\" default=\"\"\"$image$\"\"\" tag=\"div\" style=\"width:$width$px;height:$height$px;\">\n[img[$image$]]\n</$reveal><$reveal type=\"match\" text=\"\" default=\"\"\"$image$\"\"\" tag=\"div\" class=\"tc-thumbnail-background\" style=\"width:$width$px;height:$height$px;background-color:$background-color$;\"></$reveal></div><div class=\"tc-thumbnail-icon\" style=\"fill:$color$;color:$color$;\">\n$icon$\n</div><div class=\"tc-thumbnail-caption\">\n$caption$\n</div>\n</div></$link>\n\\end\n\n\\define thumbnail-right(link,icon,color,background-color,image,caption,width:\"280\",height:\"157\")\n<div class=\"tc-thumbnail-right-wrapper\"><<thumbnail \"\"\"$link$\"\"\" \"\"\"$icon$\"\"\" \"\"\"$color$\"\"\" \"\"\"$background-color$\"\"\" \"\"\"$image$\"\"\" \"\"\"$caption$\"\"\" \"\"\"$width$\"\"\" \"\"\"$height$\"\"\">></div>\n\\end\n\n\\define list-thumbnails(filter,width:\"280\",height:\"157\")\n<$list filter=\"\"\"$filter$\"\"\"><$macrocall $name=\"thumbnail\" link={{!!link}} icon={{!!icon}} color={{!!color}} background-color={{!!background-color}} image={{!!image}} caption={{!!caption}} width=\"\"\"$width$\"\"\" height=\"\"\"$height$\"\"\"/></$list>\n\\end\n"
"$:/core/macros/timeline": {
"created": "20141212105914482",
"modified": "20141212110330815",
"tags": "$:/tags/Macro",
"title": "$:/core/macros/timeline",
"type": "text/vnd.tiddlywiki",
"text": "\\define timeline-title()\n<!-- Override this macro with a global macro \n of the same name if you need to change \n how titles are displayed on the timeline \n -->\n<$view field=\"title\"/>\n\\end\n\\define timeline(limit:\"100\",format:\"DDth MMM YYYY\",subfilter:\"\",dateField:\"modified\")\n<div class=\"tc-timeline\">\n<$list filter=\"[!is[system]$subfilter$has[$dateField$]!sort[$dateField$]limit[$limit$]eachday[$dateField$]]\">\n<div class=\"tc-menu-list-item\">\n<$view field=\"$dateField$\" format=\"date\" template=\"$format$\"/>\n<$list filter=\"[sameday:$dateField${!!$dateField$}!is[system]$subfilter$!sort[$dateField$]]\">\n<div class=\"tc-menu-list-subitem\">\n<$link to={{!!title}}>\n<<timeline-title>>\n</$link>\n</div>\n</$list>\n</div>\n</$list>\n</div>\n\\end\n"
"$:/core/macros/toc": {
"title": "$:/core/macros/toc",
"tags": "$:/tags/Macro",
"text": "\\define toc-caption()\n<$set name=\"tv-wikilinks\" value=\"no\">\n <$transclude field=\"caption\">\n <$view field=\"title\"/>\n </$transclude>\n</$set>\n\\end\n\n\\define toc-body(tag,sort:\"\",itemClassFilter,exclude,path)\n<ol class=\"tc-toc\">\n <$list filter=\"\"\"[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$tag$]!has[draft.of]$sort$] $exclude$\"\"\">\n <$vars item=<<currentTiddler>> path=\"\"\"$path$/$tag$\"\"\" excluded=\"\"\"$exclude$ -[[$tag$]]\"\"\">\n <$set name=\"toc-item-class\" filter=\"\"\"$itemClassFilter$\"\"\" emptyValue=\"toc-item\" value=\"toc-item-selected\">\n <li class=<<toc-item-class>>>\n <$list filter=\"[all[current]toc-link[no]]\" emptyMessage=\"<$link><$view field='caption'><$view field='title'/></$view></$link>\">\n <<toc-caption>>\n </$list>\n <$macrocall $name=\"toc-body\" tag=<<item>> sort=\"\"\"$sort$\"\"\" itemClassFilter=\"\"\"$itemClassFilter$\"\"\" exclude=<<excluded>> path=<<path>>/>\n </li>\n </$set>\n </$vars>\n </$list>\n</ol>\n\\end\n\n\\define toc(tag,sort:\"\",itemClassFilter:\" \")\n<<toc-body tag:\"\"\"$tag$\"\"\" sort:\"\"\"$sort$\"\"\" itemClassFilter:\"\"\"$itemClassFilter$\"\"\">>\n\\end\n\n\\define toc-linked-expandable-body(tag,sort:\"\",itemClassFilter,exclude,path)\n<!-- helper function -->\n<$set name=\"toc-state\" value=<<qualify \"\"\"$:/state/toc$path$-$(currentTiddler)$\"\"\">>>\n <$set name=\"toc-item-class\" filter=\"\"\"$itemClassFilter$\"\"\" emptyValue=\"toc-item\" value=\"toc-item-selected\">\n <li class=<<toc-item-class>>>\n <$link>\n <$reveal type=\"nomatch\" state=<<toc-state>> text=\"open\">\n <$button set=<<toc-state>> setTo=\"open\" class=\"tc-btn-invisible\">\n {{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}\n </$button>\n </$reveal>\n <$reveal type=\"match\" state=<<toc-state>> text=\"open\">\n <$button set=<<toc-state>> setTo=\"close\" class=\"tc-btn-invisible\">\n {{$:/core/images/down-arrow}}\n </$button>\n </$reveal>\n <<toc-caption>>\n </$link>\n <$reveal type=\"match\" state=<<toc-state>> text=\"open\">\n <$macrocall $name=\"toc-expandable\" tag=<<currentTiddler>> sort=\"\"\"$sort$\"\"\" itemClassFilter=\"\"\"$itemClassFilter$\"\"\" exclude=\"\"\"$exclude$\"\"\" path=\"\"\"$path$\"\"\"/>\n </$reveal>\n </li>\n </$set>\n</$set>\n\\end\n\n\\define toc-unlinked-expandable-body(tag,sort:\"\",itemClassFilter:\" \",exclude,path)\n<!-- helper function -->\n<$set name=\"toc-state\" value=<<qualify \"\"\"$:/state/toc$path$-$(currentTiddler)$\"\"\">>>\n <$set name=\"toc-item-class\" filter=\"\"\"$itemClassFilter$\"\"\" emptyValue=\"toc-item\" value=\"toc-item-selected\">\n <li class=<<toc-item-class>>>\n <$reveal type=\"nomatch\" state=<<toc-state>> text=\"open\">\n <$button set=<<toc-state>> setTo=\"open\" class=\"tc-btn-invisible\">\n {{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}\n <<toc-caption>>\n </$button>\n </$reveal>\n <$reveal type=\"match\" state=<<toc-state>> text=\"open\">\n <$button set=<<toc-state>> setTo=\"close\" class=\"tc-btn-invisible\">\n {{$:/core/images/down-arrow}}\n <<toc-caption>>\n </$button>\n </$reveal>\n <$reveal type=\"match\" state=<<toc-state>> text=\"open\">\n <$macrocall $name=\"toc-expandable\" tag=<<currentTiddler>> sort=\"\"\"$sort$\"\"\" itemClassFilter=\"\"\"$itemClassFilter$\"\"\" exclude=\"\"\"$exclude$\"\"\" path=\"\"\"$path$\"\"\"/>\n </$reveal>\n </li>\n </$set>\n</$set>\n\\end\n\n\\define toc-expandable-empty-message()\n<<toc-linked-expandable-body tag:\"\"\"$(tag)$\"\"\" sort:\"\"\"$(sort)$\"\"\" itemClassFilter:\"\"\"$(itemClassFilter)$\"\"\" exclude:\"\"\"$(excluded)$\"\"\" path:\"\"\"$(path)$\"\"\">>\n\\end\n\n\\define toc-expandable(tag,sort:\"\",itemClassFilter:\" \",exclude,path)\n<$vars tag=\"\"\"$tag$\"\"\" sort=\"\"\"$sort$\"\"\" itemClassFilter=\"\"\"$itemClassFilter$\"\"\" excluded=\"\"\"$exclude$ -[[$tag$]]\"\"\" path=\"\"\"$path$/$tag$\"\"\">\n <ol class=\"tc-toc toc-expandable\">\n <$list filter=\"\"\"[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$tag$]!has[draft.of]$sort$] $exclude$\"\"\">\n <$list filter=\"[all[current]toc-link[no]]\" emptyMessage=<<toc-expandable-empty-message>> >\n <$macrocall $name=\"toc-unlinked-expandable-body\" tag=\"\"\"$tag$\"\"\" sort=\"\"\"$sort$\"\"\" itemClassFilter=\"\"\"itemClassFilter\"\"\" exclude=<<excluded>> path=<<path>> />\n </$list>\n </$list>\n </ol>\n</$vars>\n\\end\n\n\\define toc-linked-selective-expandable-body(tag,sort:\"\",itemClassFilter:\" \",exclude,path)\n<$set name=\"toc-state\" value=<<qualify \"\"\"$:/state/toc$path$-$(currentTiddler)$\"\"\">>>\n <$set name=\"toc-item-class\" filter=\"\"\"$itemClassFilter$\"\"\" emptyValue=\"toc-item\" value=\"toc-item-selected\" >\n <li class=<<toc-item-class>>>\n <$link>\n <$list filter=\"[all[current]tagging[]limit[1]]\" variable=\"ignore\" emptyMessage=\"<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>{{$:/core/images/blank}}</$button>\">\n <$reveal type=\"nomatch\" state=<<toc-state>> text=\"open\">\n <$button set=<<toc-state>> setTo=\"open\" class=\"tc-btn-invisible\">\n {{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}\n </$button>\n </$reveal>\n <$reveal type=\"match\" state=<<toc-state>> text=\"open\">\n <$button set=<<toc-state>> setTo=\"close\" class=\"tc-btn-invisible\">\n {{$:/core/images/down-arrow}}\n </$button>\n </$reveal>\n </$list>\n <<toc-caption>>\n </$link>\n <$reveal type=\"match\" state=<<toc-state>> text=\"open\">\n <$macrocall $name=\"toc-selective-expandable\" tag=<<currentTiddler>> sort=\"\"\"$sort$\"\"\" itemClassFilter=\"\"\"$itemClassFilter$\"\"\" exclude=\"\"\"$exclude$\"\"\" path=\"\"\"$path$\"\"\"/>\n </$reveal>\n </li>\n </$set>\n</$set>\n\\end\n\n\\define toc-unlinked-selective-expandable-body(tag,sort:\"\",itemClassFilter:\" \",exclude,path)\n<$set name=\"toc-state\" value=<<qualify \"\"\"$:/state/toc$path$-$(currentTiddler)$\"\"\">>>\n <$set name=\"toc-item-class\" filter=\"\"\"$itemClassFilter$\"\"\" emptyValue=\"toc-item\" value=\"toc-item-selected\">\n <li class=<<toc-item-class>>>\n <$list filter=\"[all[current]tagging[]limit[1]]\" variable=\"ignore\" emptyMessage=\"<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>{{$:/core/images/blank}}</$button> <$view field='caption'><$view field='title'/></$view>\">\n <$reveal type=\"nomatch\" state=<<toc-state>> text=\"open\">\n <$button set=<<toc-state>> setTo=\"open\" class=\"tc-btn-invisible\">\n {{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}\n <<toc-caption>>\n </$button>\n </$reveal>\n <$reveal type=\"match\" state=<<toc-state>> text=\"open\">\n <$button set=<<toc-state>> setTo=\"close\" class=\"tc-btn-invisible\">\n {{$:/core/images/down-arrow}}\n <<toc-caption>>\n </$button>\n </$reveal>\n </$list>\n <$reveal type=\"match\" state=<<toc-state>> text=\"open\">\n <$macrocall $name=\"\"\"toc-selective-expandable\"\"\" tag=<<currentTiddler>> sort=\"\"\"$sort$\"\"\" itemClassFilter=\"\"\"$itemClassFilter$\"\"\" exclude=\"\"\"$exclude$\"\"\" path=\"\"\"$path$\"\"\"/>\n </$reveal>\n </li>\n </$set>\n</$set>\n\\end\n\n\\define toc-selective-expandable-empty-message()\n<<toc-linked-selective-expandable-body tag:\"\"\"$(tag)$\"\"\" sort:\"\"\"$(sort)$\"\"\" itemClassFilter:\"\"\"$(itemClassFilter)$\"\"\" exclude:\"\"\"$(excluded)$\"\"\" path:\"\"\"$(path)$\"\"\">>\n\\end\n\n\\define toc-selective-expandable(tag,sort:\"\",itemClassFilter,exclude,path)\n<$vars tag=\"\"\"$tag$\"\"\" sort=\"\"\"$sort$\"\"\" itemClassFilter=\"\"\"$itemClassFilter$\"\"\" excluded=\"\"\"$exclude$ -[[$tag$]]\"\"\" path=\"\"\"$path$/$tag$\"\"\">\n <ol class=\"tc-toc toc-selective-expandable\">\n <$list filter=\"\"\"[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$tag$]!has[draft.of]$sort$] $exclude$\"\"\">\n <$list filter=\"[all[current]toc-link[no]]\" variable=\"ignore\" emptyMessage=<<toc-selective-expandable-empty-message>> >\n <$macrocall $name=toc-unlinked-selective-expandable-body tag=\"\"\"$tag$\"\"\" sort=\"\"\"$sort$\"\"\" itemClassFilter=\"\"\"$itemClassFilter$\"\"\" exclude=<<excluded>> path=<<path>> >\n </$list>\n </$list>\n </ol>\n</$vars>\n\\end\n\n\\define toc-tabbed-selected-item-filter(selectedTiddler)\n[all[current]field:title{$selectedTiddler$}]\n\\end\n\n\\define toc-tabbed-external-nav(tag,sort:\"\",selectedTiddler:\"$:/temp/toc/selectedTiddler\",unselectedText,missingText,template:\"\")\n<$tiddler tiddler={{$selectedTiddler$}}>\n <div class=\"tc-tabbed-table-of-contents\">\n <$linkcatcher to=\"$selectedTiddler$\">\n <div class=\"tc-table-of-contents\">\n <$macrocall $name=\"toc-selective-expandable\" tag=\"\"\"$tag$\"\"\" sort=\"\"\"$sort$\"\"\" itemClassFilter=<<toc-tabbed-selected-item-filter selectedTiddler:\"\"\"$selectedTiddler$\"\"\">>/>\n </div>\n </$linkcatcher>\n <div class=\"tc-tabbed-table-of-contents-content\">\n <$reveal state=\"\"\"$selectedTiddler$\"\"\" type=\"nomatch\" text=\"\">\n <$transclude mode=\"block\" tiddler=\"$template$\">\n <h1><<toc-caption>></h1>\n <$transclude mode=\"block\">$missingText$</$transclude>\n </$transclude>\n </$reveal>\n <$reveal state=\"\"\"$selectedTiddler$\"\"\" type=\"match\" text=\"\">\n $unselectedText$\n </$reveal>\n </div>\n </div>\n</$tiddler>\n\\end\n\n\\define toc-tabbed-internal-nav(tag,sort:\"\",selectedTiddler:\"$:/temp/toc/selectedTiddler\",unselectedText,missingText,template:\"\")\n<$linkcatcher to=\"\"\"$selectedTiddler$\"\"\">\n <$macrocall $name=\"toc-tabbed-external-nav\" tag=\"\"\"$tag$\"\"\" sort=\"\"\"$sort$\"\"\" selectedTiddler=\"\"\"$selectedTiddler$\"\"\" unselectedText=\"\"\"$unselectedText$\"\"\" missingText=\"\"\"$missingText$\"\"\" template=\"\"\"$template$\"\"\"/>\n</$linkcatcher>\n\\end\n\n"
"$:/core/macros/translink": {
"title": "$:/core/macros/translink",
"tags": "$:/tags/Macro",
"text": "\\define translink(title,mode:\"block\")\n<div style=\"border:1px solid #ccc; padding: 0.5em; background: black; foreground; white;\">\n<$link to=\"\"\"$title$\"\"\">\n<$text text=\"\"\"$title$\"\"\"/>\n</$link>\n<div style=\"border:1px solid #ccc; padding: 0.5em; background: white; foreground; black;\">\n<$transclude tiddler=\"\"\"$title$\"\"\" mode=\"$mode$\">\n\"<$text text=\"\"\"$title$\"\"\"/>\" is missing\n</$transclude>\n</div>\n</div>\n\\end\n"
"$:/snippets/minilanguageswitcher": {
"title": "$:/snippets/minilanguageswitcher",
"text": "<$select tiddler=\"$:/language\">\n<$list filter=\"[[$:/languages/en-GB]] [plugin-type[language]sort[title]]\">\n<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field=\"description\"><$view field=\"name\"><$view field=\"title\"/></$view></$view></option>\n</$list>\n</$select>"
"$:/snippets/minithemeswitcher": {
"title": "$:/snippets/minithemeswitcher",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/ControlPanel/Theme/\n<<lingo Prompt>> <$select tiddler=\"$:/theme\">\n<$list filter=\"[plugin-type[theme]sort[title]]\">\n<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field=\"name\"><$view field=\"title\"/></$view></option>\n</$list>\n</$select>"
"$:/snippets/modules": {
"title": "$:/snippets/modules",
"text": "\\define describeModuleType(type)\n{{$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/$type$}}\n\\end\n<$list filter=\"[moduletypes[]]\">\n\n!! <$macrocall $name=\"currentTiddler\" $type=\"text/plain\" $output=\"text/plain\"/>\n\n<$macrocall $name=\"describeModuleType\" type=<<currentTiddler>>/>\n\n<ul><$list filter=\"[all[current]modules[]]\"><li><$link><<currentTiddler>></$link>\n</li>\n</$list>\n</ul>\n</$list>\n"
"$:/palette": {
"title": "$:/palette",
"text": "$:/palettes/Vanilla"
"$:/snippets/paletteeditor": {
"title": "$:/snippets/paletteeditor",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/ControlPanel/Palette/Editor/\n\\define describePaletteColour(colour)\n<$transclude tiddler=\"$:/language/Docs/PaletteColours/$colour$\"><$text text=\"$colour$\"/></$transclude>\n\\end\n<$set name=\"currentTiddler\" value={{$:/palette}}>\n\n<<lingo Prompt>> <$link to={{$:/palette}}><$macrocall $name=\"currentTiddler\" $output=\"text/plain\"/></$link>\n\n<$list filter=\"[all[current]is[shadow]is[tiddler]]\" variable=\"listItem\">\n<<lingo Prompt/Modified>>\n<$button message=\"tm-delete-tiddler\" param={{$:/palette}}><<lingo Reset/Caption>></$button>\n</$list>\n\n<$list filter=\"[all[current]is[shadow]!is[tiddler]]\" variable=\"listItem\">\n<<lingo Clone/Prompt>>\n</$list>\n\n<$button message=\"tm-new-tiddler\" param={{$:/palette}}><<lingo Clone/Caption>></$button>\n\n<table>\n<tbody>\n<$list filter=\"[all[current]indexes[]]\" variable=\"colourName\">\n<tr>\n<td>\n''<$macrocall $name=\"describePaletteColour\" colour=<<colourName>>/>''<br/>\n<$macrocall $name=\"colourName\" $output=\"text/plain\"/>\n</td>\n<td>\n<$edit-text index=<<colourName>> tag=\"input\"/>\n<br>\n<$edit-text index=<<colourName>> type=\"color\" tag=\"input\"/>\n</td>\n</tr>\n</$list>\n</tbody>\n</table>\n</$set>\n"
"$:/snippets/palettepreview": {
"title": "$:/snippets/palettepreview",
"text": "<$set name=\"currentTiddler\" value={{$:/palette}}>\n<$transclude tiddler=\"$:/snippets/currpalettepreview\"/>\n</$set>\n"
"$:/snippets/paletteswitcher": {
"title": "$:/snippets/paletteswitcher",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/ControlPanel/Palette/\n<div class=\"tc-prompt\">\n<<lingo Prompt>> <$view tiddler={{$:/palette}} field=\"name\"/>\n</div>\n\n<$linkcatcher to=\"$:/palette\">\n<div class=\"tc-chooser\"><$list filter=\"[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Palette]sort[description]]\"><div class=\"tc-chooser-item\"><$link to={{!!title}}><div><$reveal state=\"$:/palette\" type=\"match\" text={{!!title}}>•</$reveal><$reveal state=\"$:/palette\" type=\"nomatch\" text={{!!title}}> </$reveal> ''<$view field=\"name\" format=\"text\"/>'' - <$view field=\"description\" format=\"text\"/></div><$transclude tiddler=\"$:/snippets/currpalettepreview\"/></$link></div>\n</$list>\n</div>\n</$linkcatcher>"
"$:/temp/search": {
"title": "$:/temp/search",
"text": ""
"$:/tags/AdvancedSearch": {
"title": "$:/tags/AdvancedSearch",
"list": "[[$:/core/ui/AdvancedSearch/Standard]] [[$:/core/ui/AdvancedSearch/System]] [[$:/core/ui/AdvancedSearch/Shadows]] [[$:/core/ui/AdvancedSearch/Filter]]"
"$:/tags/AdvancedSearch/FilterButton": {
"title": "$:/tags/AdvancedSearch/FilterButton",
"list": "$:/core/ui/AdvancedSearch/Filter/FilterButtons/dropdown $:/core/ui/AdvancedSearch/Filter/FilterButtons/clear $:/core/ui/AdvancedSearch/Filter/FilterButtons/export $:/core/ui/AdvancedSearch/Filter/FilterButtons/delete"
"$:/tags/ControlPanel": {
"title": "$:/tags/ControlPanel",
"list": "$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Info $:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Appearance $:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Settings $:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Saving $:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Plugins $:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Tools $:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Internals"
"$:/tags/ControlPanel/Info": {
"title": "$:/tags/ControlPanel/Info",
"list": "$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Basics $:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Advanced"
"$:/tags/ControlPanel/Plugins": {
"title": "$:/tags/ControlPanel/Plugins",
"list": "[[$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Plugins/Installed]] [[$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Plugins/Add]]"
"$:/tags/EditTemplate": {
"title": "$:/tags/EditTemplate",
"list": "[[$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/controls]] [[$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/title]] [[$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/tags]] [[$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/shadow]] [[$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/classic]] [[$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/body]] [[$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/type]] [[$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/fields]]"
"$:/tags/EditToolbar": {
"title": "$:/tags/EditToolbar",
"list": "[[$:/core/ui/Buttons/delete]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/cancel]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/save]]"
"$:/tags/EditorToolbar": {
"title": "$:/tags/EditorToolbar",
"list": "$:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/paint $:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/opacity $:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/line-width $:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/clear $:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/bold $:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/italic $:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/strikethrough $:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/underline $:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/superscript $:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/subscript $:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/mono-line $:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/mono-block $:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/quote $:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/list-bullet $:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/list-number $:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/heading-1 $:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/heading-2 $:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/heading-3 $:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/heading-4 $:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/heading-5 $:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/heading-6 $:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/link $:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/excise $:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/picture $:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/stamp $:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/size $:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/editor-height $:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/more $:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/preview $:/core/ui/EditorToolbar/preview-type"
"$:/tags/Manager/ItemMain": {
"title": "$:/tags/Manager/ItemMain",
"list": "$:/Manager/ItemMain/WikifiedText $:/Manager/ItemMain/RawText $:/Manager/ItemMain/Fields"
"$:/tags/Manager/ItemSidebar": {
"title": "$:/tags/Manager/ItemSidebar",
"list": "$:/Manager/ItemSidebar/Tags $:/Manager/ItemSidebar/Colour $:/Manager/ItemSidebar/Icon $:/Manager/ItemSidebar/Tools"
"$:/tags/MoreSideBar": {
"title": "$:/tags/MoreSideBar",
"list": "[[$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/All]] [[$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/Recent]] [[$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/Tags]] [[$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/Missing]] [[$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/Drafts]] [[$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/Orphans]] [[$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/Types]] [[$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/System]] [[$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/Shadows]] [[$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/Plugins]]",
"text": ""
"$:/tags/PageControls": {
"title": "$:/tags/PageControls",
"list": "[[$:/core/ui/Buttons/home]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/close-all]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/fold-all]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/unfold-all]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/permaview]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/new-tiddler]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/new-journal]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/new-image]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/import]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/export-page]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/control-panel]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/advanced-search]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/manager]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/tag-manager]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/language]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/palette]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/theme]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/storyview]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/encryption]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/timestamp]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/full-screen]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/print]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/save-wiki]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/refresh]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/more-page-actions]]"
"$:/tags/PageTemplate": {
"title": "$:/tags/PageTemplate",
"list": "[[$:/core/ui/PageTemplate/topleftbar]] [[$:/core/ui/PageTemplate/toprightbar]] [[$:/core/ui/PageTemplate/sidebar]] [[$:/core/ui/PageTemplate/story]] [[$:/core/ui/PageTemplate/alerts]]",
"text": ""
"$:/tags/SideBar": {
"title": "$:/tags/SideBar",
"list": "[[$:/core/ui/SideBar/Open]] [[$:/core/ui/SideBar/Recent]] [[$:/core/ui/SideBar/Tools]] [[$:/core/ui/SideBar/More]]",
"text": ""
"$:/tags/TiddlerInfo": {
"title": "$:/tags/TiddlerInfo",
"list": "[[$:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/Tools]] [[$:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/References]] [[$:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/Tagging]] [[$:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/List]] [[$:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/Listed]] [[$:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/Fields]]",
"text": ""
"$:/tags/TiddlerInfo/Advanced": {
"title": "$:/tags/TiddlerInfo/Advanced",
"list": "[[$:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/Advanced/ShadowInfo]] [[$:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/Advanced/PluginInfo]]"
"$:/tags/ViewTemplate": {
"title": "$:/tags/ViewTemplate",
"list": "[[$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/title]] [[$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/unfold]] [[$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/subtitle]] [[$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/tags]] [[$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/classic]] [[$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/body]]"
"$:/tags/ViewToolbar": {
"title": "$:/tags/ViewToolbar",
"list": "[[$:/core/ui/Buttons/more-tiddler-actions]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/info]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/new-here]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/new-journal-here]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/clone]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/export-tiddler]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/edit]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/delete]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/permalink]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/permaview]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/open-window]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/close-others]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/close]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/fold-others]] [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/fold]]"
"$:/snippets/themeswitcher": {
"title": "$:/snippets/themeswitcher",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/ControlPanel/Theme/\n<<lingo Prompt>> <$view tiddler={{$:/theme}} field=\"name\"/>\n\n<$linkcatcher to=\"$:/theme\">\n<$list filter=\"[plugin-type[theme]sort[title]]\"><div><$reveal state=\"$:/theme\" type=\"match\" text={{!!title}}>•</$reveal><$reveal state=\"$:/theme\" type=\"nomatch\" text={{!!title}}> </$reveal> <$link to={{!!title}}>''<$view field=\"name\" format=\"text\"/>'' <$view field=\"description\" format=\"text\"/></$link></div>\n</$list>\n</$linkcatcher>"
"$:/core/wiki/title": {
"title": "$:/core/wiki/title",
"type": "text/vnd.tiddlywiki",
"text": "{{$:/SiteTitle}} --- {{$:/SiteSubtitle}}"
"$:/view": {
"title": "$:/view",
"text": "classic"
"$:/snippets/viewswitcher": {
"title": "$:/snippets/viewswitcher",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/ControlPanel/StoryView/\n<<lingo Prompt>> <$select tiddler=\"$:/view\">\n<$list filter=\"[storyviews[]]\">\n<option><$view field=\"title\"/></option>\n</$list>\n</$select>"
\define standardListItem()
<div class="tc-menu-list-item">
<$link to={{!!title}}>
<$view field="title"/>
\define concat-tiddler-link()
\define communityTiddlerListItem()
<div class="tc-menu-list-item">
<$set name="from-tiddler" value={{!!source-wiki-id}}>
<$list filter="[<from-tiddler>get[wiki-address]]" variable="address">
<$set name="tiddler-title" value={{!!source-tiddler-title-as-link}}>
<a href=<<concat-tiddler-link>> target="_blank">
<$text text={{!!source-tiddler-title-as-text}}/> @<$text text=<<from-tiddler>>/>
<$list filter=[all[current]!has[source-wiki-id]]>
<$list filter=[all[current]has[source-wiki-id]]>
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tags: Flowers
title: Tulips and Irises
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Tulip and irises- order today and get professional flower delivery anywhere in Romania. The vivid colours and bold shapes of this gorgeous bunch of blooms make this blue and purple bouquet into something truly wonderful. Featuring rich blue irises and deep purple tulips. This beautiful hand tied bouquet is perfect for all occasions.
This is the text for {{!!title}}
Information about the making of TiddlyWiki:
<<list-links "[tag[About]]">>
TiddlyWiki wouldn't be possible without the ongoing support of the TiddlyWiki [[Community]]. Their attention and feedback has made it possible to gain an understanding of what is wanted from the product, and their passion for it has taught me that it is worth the investment.
! Introduction
The ''action-deletefield'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that deletes specified fields of a tiddler. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.
! Content and Attributes
The ''action-deletefield'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$tiddler |The title of the tiddler whose fields are to be modified (if not provided defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]] |
|$field |Optional name of a field to delete |
|//{any attributes not starting with $}// |Each attribute name specifies a field to be deleted. The attribute value is ignored and need not be specified |
! Examples
Here is an example of a button that deletes the caption and tags fields of the current tiddler:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-deletefield caption tags/>
Delete "caption" and "tags"
Here is an example of a button that deletes the modified date and tags fields of the tiddler HelloThere:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-deletefield $tiddler="HelloThere" modified tags/>
Delete "modified" and "tags" from ~HelloThere
Here is an example of a button that uses the optional $field attribute to delete the text field of the tiddler HelloThere:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-deletefield $tiddler="HelloThere" $field="text"/>
Delete text from ~HelloThere
! Introduction
The ''action-deletetiddler'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that deletes tiddlers. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.
There are several differences compared to the [[WidgetMessage: tm-delete-tiddler]]:
* The user is not prompted to confirm the deletion
* No automatic updating of the story list
* No special handling of draft tiddlers
! Content and Attributes
The ''action-deletetiddler'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$tiddler |Optional title of the tiddler to be deleted |
|$filter |Optional filter identifying tiddlers to be deleted |
! Examples
Here is an example of a button that deletes the tiddler HelloThere:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-deletetiddler $tiddler="HelloThere"/>
Delete "~HelloThere"
Here is an example of a button that deletes all tiddlers tagged [[TableOfContents]]:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-deletetiddler $filter="[tag[TableOfContents]]"/>
Delete tiddlers tagged "~TableOfContents"
! Introduction
The ''action-navigate'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that sends a [[tm-navigate|WidgetMessage: tm-navigate]] message back up the widget tree. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.
! Content and Attributes
The ''action-navigate'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$to |The title of the target tiddler for the navigation (if not provided defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]] |
|$scroll |Optional parameter determining whether the navigation will also cause a scroll to the target tiddler (see below) |
!! Scroll handling
The optional `$scroll` attribute can be set to "yes" to force scrolling to occur to bring the target tiddler into view. If set to "no" then scrolling does not occur. If the `$scroll` attribute is omitted then scrolling occurs unless either:
* the control key is pressed
* the action was initiated with the middle mouse button (if available)
Note that if navigating to multiple tiddlers at once you should use the same `$scroll` setting for all of them.
! Examples
Here is an example of button that navigates to two different tiddlers at once:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-navigate $to="ButtonWidget"/>
<$action-navigate $to="ActionWidgets"/>
Click me!
! Introduction
The ''action-sendmessage'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that sends a [[message|WidgetMessages]] back up the widget tree. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.
! Content and Attributes
The ''action-sendmessage'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$message |The message to send (eg, [[WidgetMessage: tm-new-tiddler]]) |
|$param |Optional parameter string whose meaning is dependent on the message being sent |
|//{any attributes not starting with $}// |Multiple additional named parameters that are attached to the message |
! Examples
Here is an example of button that displays both a notification and a wizard, and creates a new tiddler with tags and text:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-modal" $param="SampleWizard"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-notify" $param="SampleNotification"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-new-tiddler" title="This is newly created tiddler" tags="OneTag [[Another Tag]]" text=<<now "Today is DDth, MMM YYYY">>/>
Click me!
! Introduction
The ''action-setfield'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that assigns values to the fields of a tiddler. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.
! Content and Attributes
The ''action-setfield'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$tiddler |The title of the tiddler whose fields are to be modified (if not provided defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]] |
|$field |Optional name of a field to be assigned the $value attribute |
|$index |Optional index of a property in a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]] to be assigned the $value attribute|
|$value |The value to be assigned to the field or index identified by the $field or $index attribute. If neither is specified then the value is assigned to the text field |
|//{any attributes not starting with $}// |Each attribute name specifies a field to be modified with the attribute value providing the value to assign to the field |
! Examples
Here is an example of a pair of buttons that open the control panel directly to specified tabs. They work by using ''action-setfield'' to set the state tiddler for the control panel tabs.
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/tab-1749438307" text="$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Appearance"/>
<$action-navigate $to="$:/ControlPanel"/>
Go to Control Panel "Appearance" tab
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/tab-1749438307" text="$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Settings"/>
<$action-navigate $to="$:/ControlPanel"/>
Go to Control Panel "Settings" tab
Here is an example of a button that assigns tags and fields to the tiddler HelloThere, and then navigates to it and opens the tiddler info panel on the "Fields" tab:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-setfield $tiddler="HelloThere" tags="NewTag [[Another New Tag]]" color="red"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/popup/tiddler-info--1779055697" text="(568,1443,33,39)"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/tab--1890574033" text="$:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/Fields"/>
<$action-navigate $to="HelloThere"/>
Modify ~HelloThere
Here is an example of a button that assigns tags and fields to the tiddler HelloThere, and then initiates editing it:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-setfield $tiddler="HelloThere" tags="MoreTag [[Further More Tags]]" color="green"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-edit-tiddler" $param="HelloThere"/>
Edit ~HelloThere
Here is an example of a button that opens the control panel directly to the "Appearance" tabs:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/tab-1749438307" $field="text" $value="$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Appearance"/>
<$action-navigate $to="$:/ControlPanel"/>
Go to Control Panel "Appearance" tab
Action widgets are a special type of widget that perform an action such as sending a message, navigating to a tiddler, or changing the value of a tiddler. They are used in association with other widgets that trigger those actions (for example, the ButtonWidget).
Action widgets are invisible. They need not be immediate children of their triggering widget, but they must be descendents of it. The actions are performed in sequence. For example, here is a button that triggers two actions of sending different messages:
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-home"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-full-screen"/>
Click me!
The following action widgets are provided:
<<list-links "[tag[ActionWidgets]]">>
<svg stroke-width="5" stroke="#666666" fill="grey" class="tc-image-down-arrow tc-image-button" viewBox="0 0 48 48" width="22pt" height="22pt">
<circle cx="24" cy="10" r="8" fill="none"/>
<path d="M24 35 L 10 45" />
<path d="M24 35 L 35 45" />
<path d="M24 20 L 24 40" />
<path d="M5 25 L 43 25" />
Here's a macro that provides a Twitter Follow button for a particular username:
\define twitterFollowButton(username)
<iframe allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets/follow_button.html?screen_name=$username$" style="width:300px; height:20px;"></iframe>
The only change from the version published at https://dev.twitter.com/docs/follow-button is that new lines have been removed.
Note that the src URL is given without a protocol (ie "http" or "https"). It's done this way so that it works on sites whether they are hosted on a HTTP or HTTPS domain. If you want the Twitter button to work while using a TiddlyWiki offline on a "file://" URL, then you'll need to manually add the protocol. For example:
<iframe allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="http://platform.twitter.com/widgets/follow_button.html?screen_name=jermolene" style="width:300px; height:20px;"></iframe>
<<.operator-examples "addprefix">>
<<.operator-example 1 "Cat Garden [[Favourite Armchair]] +[addprefix[My ]]">>
<<.operator-examples "addsuffix">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[London]addsuffix[ Underground]]">>
As the structures within your TiddlyWiki documents get more complex it can be hard to keep the titles of tiddlers consistent. For example, should terms be defined in the plural or the singular? Camel case or separate words?
Recording a formal titling policy can help to reduce confusion. For example, the titling policies for this wiki are recorded in the [[Documentation Style Guide]].
! SystemTiddler Titles
A useful convention is to use the prefix `$:/_` for any system tiddlers that you create to ensure that they are near the top of the system tiddler listing in the sidebar
If <<.place T>> is not present in the input, or is the last title there, then the output is empty.
<<.operator-examples "after">>
<<.using-days-of-week>> The [[Thursday]] tiddler shows a further example.
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]after[Monday]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]after[Sunday]]">>
Alerts are displayed as yellow boxes overlaying the main TiddlyWiki window. Each one corresponds to a tiddler with the tag [[$:/tags/Alert]]. Clicking the delete icon on an alert deletes the corresponding tiddler.
Here's a demo <$fieldmangler tiddler="SampleAlert"><$set name="currentTiddler" value="SampleAlert"><$button message="tm-add-tag" param="$:/tags/Alert">alert</$button></$set></$fieldmangler>.
Alert tiddlers should have the following fields:
|!Field |!Description |
|title |By default, alert titles have the prefix `$:/temp/alerts/` |
|text |The text of the alert message |
|modified |Date of the alert (used for ordering the alerts on screen) |
|component |Component name associated with the alert |
|tags |Must include [[$:/tags/Alert]] |
The parameter specifies zero or more fundamental categories using the following syntax:
<$railroad text="""
[{: ("current" | "missing" |: "orphans" | "shadows" | "tiddlers" ) +"+" }]
|!Category |!Members |!Sorted |
|^`current` |just the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]] |^-- |
|^`missing` |all non-existent tiddlers to which there is at least one [[hard link|Hard and Soft Links]] |^no |
|^`orphans` |all tiddlers to which there are <<.em no>> hard links |^by title |
|^`shadows` |all the [[shadow tiddlers|ShadowTiddlers]] that exist, including any that have been overridden with non-shadow tiddlers |^no |
|^`tiddlers` |all the non-shadow tiddlers that exist |no |
If the parameter specifies more than one category, they are processed from left to right. The overall output is initially empty, and each category's output is [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to it in turn. Unrecognised categories contribute nothing to the output.
As a special case, if the parameter is empty, the output is simply a copy of the input. This can be useful when the parameter is [[soft|Filter Parameter]].
The <<.olink is>> operator is similar, but its scope is restricted to its input.
<<.operator-examples "all">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[all[shadows]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[all[shadows+tiddlers]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[all[tiddlers+shadows]]">>
<<.operator-example 4 "[all[orphans+missing+current]]">>
<<.operator-example 5 "[all[current]]">>
<<.operator-example 6 "[all[current]tag[Operator Examples]]">>
<<.operator-example 7 "[all[current]tag[Recipes]]">>
<<.operator-example 8 "Monday Thursday +[all[]]">>
Current tiddlers:
<$list filter="[!is[system]sort[title]]" />
Here are the details of the alpha releases of TiddlyWiki5. See [[TiddlyWiki5 Versioning]] for details of how releases are named.
<<tabs "[tag[AlphaReleaseNotes]!sort[created]]" "Release 5.0.1-alpha" "$:/state/tab2" "tc-vertical" "ReleaseTemplate">>
<div class="minus-to-x-container">
<div class="minus-to-x-rect left"></div>
<div class="minus-to-x-rect right"></div>
<div class="menu-to-x-container">
<div class="menu-to-x-rect-one"></div>
<div class="menu-to-x-rect-two"></div>
<div class="menu-to-x-rect-three"></div>
<div class="menu-to-arrow-up-container">
<div class="menu-to-arrow-up-rect-one"></div>
<div class="menu-to-arrow-up-rect-two"></div>
<div class="menu-to-arrow-up-rect-three"></div>
<div class="menu-to-arrow-down-container">
<div class="menu-to-arrow-down-rect-one"></div>
<div class="menu-to-arrow-down-rect-two"></div>
<div class="menu-to-arrow-down-rect-three"></div>
<div class="menu-to-arrow-right-container">
<div class="menu-to-arrow-right-rect-one"></div>
<div class="menu-to-arrow-right-rect-two"></div>
<div class="menu-to-arrow-right-rect-three"></div>
<div class="menu-to-arrow-left-container">
<div class="menu-to-arrow-left-rect-one"></div>
<div class="menu-to-arrow-left-rect-two"></div>
<div class="menu-to-arrow-left-rect-three"></div>
<div class="menu-to-check-container">
<div class="menu-to-check-rect-one"></div>
<div class="menu-to-check-rect-two"></div>
<div class="menu-to-check-rect-three"></div>
Create an animated button that transitions from
<$select field="from"><$list filter="check x user arrow-up arrow-down grid arrow-left arrow-right menu minus"><option value=<<currentTiddler>> > <<currentTiddler>> </option></$list></$select>
<$select field="to"><$list filter="check x arrow-up user arrow-down grid arrow-left arrow-right menu minus"><option value=<<currentTiddler>> > <<currentTiddler>> </option></$list></$select>
<$macrocall $name="buildAnimatedButton"
spell="Animated Buttons Switch Spell"
<<mytabs "[[How it works]] [[code]] css macros">>
<<section "How it works" """
This macro uses wiki text and css to create a button that transitions from one picture to another when you hover over it. If you want to have the button do anything, create a tiddler that contains one or more action widgets and include the name of that tiddler as the spell parameter.
<<section "code" """
This code displays a button that switches between 2 animations. Clicking the button switches the animations
<$macrocall $name="buildAnimatedButton"
spell="Animated Buttons Switch Spell"
<<section "css" """
The tiddler [[Animated Button Styles]] contains a series of macro definitions for each body part for the animation. e.g.: The user animation has the body parts head body arms right-leg and left-leg. Running the macro returns the style definition for that body part.
<<section "macros" """
The tiddler [[Animated Button Macros]] contains the macros that generate the buttons
Each menu button tiddler e.g.: [[$:/_cpa/AnimatedButtons/arrow-down]] contains configuration information for that picture
Here are some recent articles written about ~TiddlyWiki. Submit new articles via GitHub, Twitter or by posting in the [[TiddlyWiki Groups]].
<div class="tc-link-info">
<$list filter="[tag[Articles]!sort[modified]]">
<div class="tc-link-info-item">
! <$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
<div class="tc-subtitle">Posted <$view field="modified" format="relativedate"/></div>
Audio files can be incorporated into TiddlyWiki in a very similar way to [[images|Images in WikiText]].
! Embedded Audio
Small audio files can be embedded directly within TiddlyWiki. Embedding isn't suitable for large files (over a few hundred kilobytes) because it increases the size of the TiddlyWiki file.
For example, the tiddler [[TiddlyWiki.mp3]] contains an MP3 recording of the word "TiddlyWiki". If you visit that tiddler, you should see an audio player that will play back the recording.
You can also transclude audio files. For example:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '{{TiddlyWiki.mp3}}'>>
! External Audio
External audio tiddlers use the ''_canonical_uri'' field to point to an external audio file/stream, and have their ''text'' field blocked. This reduces their size considerably, but still allows for playback.
For example, the tiddler [[Caruso - Ave Maria]] points to an online audio recording hosted on http://archive.org:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '{{Caruso - Ave Maria}}'>>
If there is a SaverModule available that supports it, TiddlyWiki will automatically trigger a save of the current document on clicking {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''tick'' or {{$:/core/images/delete-button}} ''delete'' when editing a tiddler.
You should see a yellow notification at the top right of the window to confirm that an automatic save has taken place.
Automatic saving can be enabled or disabled through the ''Saving'' tab of the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]]. Behind the scenes, it is controlled through the configuration tiddler [[$:/config/AutoSave]], which must have the value ''yes'' to enable automatic saving.
This is the text for {{!!title}}
Each input title is processed in turn. The corresponding tiddler's list of backlinks is generated, sorted alphabetically by title, and then [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's overall output.
<<.operator-examples "backlinks">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[HelloThere]backlinks[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[tag[TableOfContents]backlinks[]]" "tiddlers that link to tiddlers tagged [[TableOfContents]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[all[current]backlinks[]]" "tiddlers that link to this one">>
<<.dlink-ex Base64 "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base64">> is a way of representing binary data, such an image, as a string of text.
If <<.place T>> is not present in the input, or is the first title there, then the output is empty.
<<.operator-examples "before">>
<<.using-days-of-week>> The [[Thursday]] tiddler shows a further example.
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]before[Saturday]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]before[Monday]]">>
Welcome to ~TiddlyWiki, a versatile note-taking web application you can download for free, store wherever you like and customise however you wish. Use it to capture, organise and share your notes in ways that word processors and other note-taking tools cannot.
~TiddlyWiki is designed to be non-linear, structuring content with stories, tags, hyperlinks, and other features. You can organise and retrieve your notes in ways that conform to your personal thought patterns, rather than feel chained to one preset organisational structure.
You can use ~TiddlyWiki as a single file that you view and edit through any web browser, whether you are online or offline. Or you can use it as a powerful [[Node.js application|TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] that stores each of your notes as a separate file.
How can you make ~TiddlyWiki work for you? We recommend you start with our introductory documentation listed below, and then browse the TableOfContents, available in the Contents tab in the sidebar. Or just [[follow our simple instructions|GettingStarted]] and try it out for yourself!
<<list-links "[tag[HelloThere]]">>
Here are the details of the beta releases of TiddlyWiki5. See [[TiddlyWiki5 Versioning]] for details of how releases are named.
<<tabs "[tag[BetaReleaseNotes]!sort[created]]" "Release 5.0.18-beta" "$:/state/tab2" "tc-vertical" "ReleaseTemplate">>
There are two ways to produce HTML block quotes in TiddlyWiki5, one for content spread across multiple lines, and one for single line content.
! Multi-line Block Quotes
The syntax for multi-line block quotes is:
<<wikitext-example src:"<<<
This is a block quoted paragraph
written in English
!! Citation
A citation can be added to the quote like this:
<<wikitext-example src:"<<<
Computers are like a bicycle for our minds
<<< Steve Jobs
!! CSS Classes
CSS classes can be added to a block quote:
<<wikitext-example src:"<<<.myClass.another-class
Operating systems are like a brick wall for our minds
<<< Nobody
! Single-line Block Quotes
The single-line syntax for block quotes is actually an extension of the syntax for [[Lists in WikiText]]. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"> Quoted text
> Another line of quoted text
You can also nest quotes like this:
> A top quote
>> A subquote
> Another top quote
Which renders as:
> A top quote
>> A subquote
> Another top quote
You can also mix block quotes with other list items. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"* List One
** List Two
**> A quote
**> Another quote
* List Three
At its heart, TiddlyWiki5 is a relatively small boot kernel that runs either under Node.js or in the browser with all other functionality added via dynamically loaded [[modules|Modules]].
The kernel boots just enough of the TiddlyWiki environment to allow it to load and execute module tiddlers. The module system is compatible with CommonJS and [[Node.js]].
There are many [[different types of module|ModuleType]]: parsers, deserializers, widgets etc. It goes much further than you might expect. For example, individual tiddler fields are modules, too: there's a module that knows how to handle the `tags` field, and another that knows how to handle the special behaviour of the `modified` and `created` fields. Some plugin modules have further sub-plugins: the wikitext parser, for instance, accepts parsing rules as individual plugin modules.
In TiddlyWiki5, [[Plugins]] are bundles of tiddlers that are distributed and managed as one; [[Modules]] are JavaScript tiddlers with a module type identifying when and how they should be executed.
The tiddler [[$:/boot/boot.js]] is a barebones TiddlyWiki kernel that is just sufficient to load the core plugin modules and trigger a startup module to load up the rest of the application.
The boot kernel includes:
* Several short shared utility functions
* A handful of methods implementing the module mechanism
* The `$tw.Tiddler` class (and field definition plugins)
* The `$tw.Wiki` class (and tiddler deserialization methods)
* Code for the browser to load tiddlers from the HTML DOM
* Code for the server to load tiddlers from the file system
Each module is an ordinary CommonJS module, using the `require()` function to access other modules and the `exports` global to return JavaScript values. The boot kernel smooths over the differences between `Node.js` and the browser, allowing the same plugin modules to execute in both environments.
In the browser, `core/boot.js` is packed into a template HTML file that contains the following elements in order:
* Ordinary and system tiddlers, packed as HTML `<DIV>` elements
* `core/bootprefix.js`, containing a few lines to set up the plugin environment
* Optional JavaScript modules, packed as HTML `<SCRIPT>` blocks
* `core/boot.js`, containing the boot kernel
On the server, `core/boot.js` is executed directly. It uses the `Node.js` local file API to load plugins directly from the file system in the `core/modules` directory. The code loading is performed synchronously for brevity (and because the system is in any case inherently blocked until plugins are loaded).
The boot process sets up the `$tw` global variable that is used to store all the state data of the system.
At the end of the boot process the StartupMechanism schedules the execution of startup modules to bring up the rest of TiddlyWiki.
TiddlyWiki is designed to work with HTML5-compatible browsers.
The following table summarises the browser versions that are known to work with TiddlyWiki
|!Browser |!Status |
|Internet Explorer |Version 10 and above |
|Chrome |All recent versions |
|Firefox |All recent versions |
|Firefox for Android |All recent versions |
|Safari |Version 6 and above |
! Introduction
The browse widget displays an HTML file browser button that allows the user to choose one or more files to import. It sends a [[WidgetMessage: tm-import-tiddlers]] carrying a JSON representation of the tiddlers imported from the files up through its parents. This message usually trapped by the NavigatorWidget which adds the tiddlers to the store and updates the story to display them.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$browse>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|multiple |Set to "multiple" to select multiple file upload |
|tooltip |Optional tooltip text |
|message |Optional override of widget message to be generated. The parameter for the message will be the JavaScript object `event.target.files` |
On iPhone/iPad choosing the multiple option will remove the ability to take photographs/videos directly into TiddlyWiki.
renders as:
BT (née British Telecom) is the UK's largest telecommunications company. In 2007, [[Osmosoft]] was acquired by BT. JeremyRuston subsequently left BT in 2011.
See TiddlyWikiFolders for details of defining build targets.
TiddlyWiki5 can be used to build older 2.x.x versions of TiddlyWikiClassic from their constituent components. Doing so involves these features:
* The `tiddlywiki/classictools` plugin, containing a deserializer module which allows tiddlers to be loaded from TiddlyWiki 2.x.x `.recipe` files
* The `stripcomments` format for the ViewWidget, which strips single line JavaScript comments starting `//#`
* The `stripTitlePrefix='yes'` attribute of the FieldsWidget, which removes prefixes wrapped in curly braces from the `title` attribute
** For example, `{tiddler}HelloThere` would be transformed to `HelloThere`
! Usage
TiddlyWikiClassic is built from the command line by running [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]. A typical usage would be:
node ../../tiddlywiki.js \
--verbose \
--load <path_to_recipe_file> \
--rendertiddler $:/core/templates/tiddlywiki2.template.html <path_to_write_index_file> text/plain \
|| exit 1
<<.operator-examples "butlast">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]butlast[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]butlast[2]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "A B C D E F G H I J K L M +[butlast[7]]">>
! Introduction
The button widget displays an HTML `<button>` element that can perform a combination of optional actions when clicked:
* Executing any ActionWidgets that are immediate children of the button widget
* Execute any integrated actions:
** Navigate to a specified tiddler
** Dispatch a user defined [[widget message|Messages]]
** Trigger a user defined [[popup|PopupMechanism]]
** Assign new text to a specified tiddler
The integrated actions are provided as a shortcut for invoking common actions. The same functionality is available via ActionWidgets, with the exception of the support for highlighting selected popups.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$button>` widget is displayed within the button.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|to |The title of the tiddler to navigate to |
|message |The name of the [[widget message|Messages]] to send when the button is clicked |
|param |The optional parameter to the message |
|set |A TextReference to which a new value will be assigned |
|setTo |The new value to assign to the TextReference identified in the `set` attribute |
|popup |Title of a state tiddler for a popup that is toggled when the button is clicked |
|aria-label |Optional [[Accessibility]] label |
|tooltip |Optional tooltip |
|class |An optional CSS class name to be assigned to the HTML element|
|style |An optional CSS style attribute to be assigned to the HTML element |
|selectedClass |An optional additional CSS class to be assigned if the popup is triggered or the tiddler specified in `set` already has the value specified in `setTo` |
|default |Default value if `set` tiddler is missing for testing against `setTo` to determine `selectedClass` |
''Tip:'' Set ''class'' to `tc-btn-invisble tc-tiddlylink` to have a button look like an internal link.
This is the text for {{!!title}}
* Calendar Script
* Creates a calendar widget which can be used to select the date more easily than using just a text box
* http://www.openjs.com/scripts/ui/calendar/
* Example:
* <input type="text" name="date" id="date" />
* <script type="text/javascript">
* calendar.set("date");
* </script>
calendar = {
month_names: ["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"],
weekdays: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"],
month_days: [31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31],
//Get today's date - year, month, day and date
today : new Date(),
opt : {},
data: [],
/// Used to create HTML in a optimized way.
wrt:function(txt) {
/* Inspired by http://www.quirksmode.org/dom/getstyles.html */
getStyle: function(ele, property){
if (ele.currentStyle) {
var alt_property_name = property.replace(/\-(\w)/g,function(m,c){return c.toUpperCase();});//background-color becomes backgroundColor
var value = ele.currentStyle[property]||ele.currentStyle[alt_property_name];
} else if (window.getComputedStyle) {
property = property.replace(/([A-Z])/g,"-$1").toLowerCase();//backgroundColor becomes background-color
var value = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(ele,null).getPropertyValue(property);
//Some properties are special cases
if(property == "opacity" && ele.filter) value = (parseFloat( ele.filter.match(/opacity\=([^)]*)/)[1] ) / 100);
else if(property == "width" && isNaN(value)) value = ele.clientWidth || ele.offsetWidth;
else if(property == "height" && isNaN(value)) value = ele.clientHeight || ele.offsetHeight;
return value;
getPosition:function(ele) {
var x = 0;
var y = 0;
while (ele) {
x += ele.offsetLeft;
y += ele.offsetTop;
ele = ele.offsetParent;
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Mac") != -1 && typeof document.body.leftMargin != "undefined") {
x += document.body.leftMargin;
offsetTop += document.body.topMargin;
var xy = new Array(x,y);
return xy;
/// Called when the user clicks on a date in the calendar.
selectDate:function(year,month,day) {
var ths = _calendar_active_instance;
if(ths.opt['onDateSelect']) ths.opt['onDateSelect'].apply(ths, [year,month,day]); // Custom handler if the user wants it that way.
else {
document.getElementById(ths.opt["input"]).value = year + "-" + month + "-" + day; // Date format is :HARDCODE:
/// Creates a calendar with the date given in the argument as the selected date.
makeCalendar:function(year, month, day) {
year = parseInt(year);
month= parseInt(month);
day = parseInt(day);
//Display the table
var next_month = month+1;
var next_month_year = year;
if(next_month>=12) {
next_month = 0;
var previous_month = month-1;
var previous_month_year = year;
if(previous_month< 0) {
previous_month = 11;
this.wrt("<tr><th><a href='javascript:calendar.makeCalendar("+(previous_month_year)+","+(previous_month)+");' title='"+this.month_names[previous_month]+" "+(previous_month_year)+"'><</a></th>");
this.wrt("<th colspan='5' class='calendar-title'><select name='calendar-month' class='calendar-month' onChange='calendar.makeCalendar("+year+",this.value);'>");
for(var i in this.month_names) {
this.wrt("<option value='"+i+"'");
if(i == month) this.wrt(" selected='selected'");
this.wrt("<select name='calendar-year' class='calendar-year' onChange='calendar.makeCalendar(this.value, "+month+");'>");
var current_year = this.today.getYear();
if(current_year < 1900) current_year += 1900;
for(var i=current_year-70; i<current_year+10; i++) {
this.wrt("<option value='"+i+"'")
if(i == year) this.wrt(" selected='selected'");
this.wrt("<th><a href='javascript:calendar.makeCalendar("+(next_month_year)+","+(next_month)+");' title='"+this.month_names[next_month]+" "+(next_month_year)+"'>></a></th></tr>");
this.wrt("<tr class='header'>");
for(var weekday=0; weekday<7; weekday++) this.wrt("<td>"+this.weekdays[weekday]+"</td>");
//Get the first day of this month
var first_day = new Date(year,month,1);
var start_day = first_day.getDay();
var d = 1;
var flag = 0;
//Leap year support
if(year % 4 == 0) this.month_days[1] = 29;
else this.month_days[1] = 28;
var days_in_this_month = this.month_days[month];
//Create the calender
for(var i=0;i<=5;i++) {
if(w >= days_in_this_month) break;
for(var j=0;j<7;j++) {
if(d > days_in_this_month) flag=0; //If the days has overshooted the number of days in this month, stop writing
else if(j >= start_day && !flag) flag=1;//If the first day of this month has come, start the date writing
if(flag) {
var w = d, mon = month+1;
if(w < 10) w = "0" + w;
if(mon < 10)mon = "0" + mon;
//Is it today?
var class_name = '';
var yea = this.today.getYear();
if(yea < 1900) yea += 1900;
if(yea == year && this.today.getMonth() == month && this.today.getDate() == d) class_name = " today";
if(day == d) class_name += " selected";
class_name += " " + this.weekdays[j].toLowerCase();
this.wrt("<td class='days"+class_name+"'><a href='javascript:calendar.selectDate(\""+year+"\",\""+mon+"\",\""+w+"\")'>"+w+"</a></td>");
} else {
this.wrt("<td class='days'> </td>");
this.wrt("<input type='button' value='Cancel' class='calendar-cancel' onclick='calendar.hideCalendar();' />");
document.getElementById(this.opt['calendar']).innerHTML = this.data.join("");
this.data = [];
/// Display the calendar - if a date exists in the input box, that will be selected in the calendar.
showCalendar: function() {
var input = document.getElementById(this.opt['input']);
//Position the div in the correct location...
var div = document.getElementById(this.opt['calendar']);
if(this.opt['display_element']) var display_element = document.getElementById(this.opt['display_element']);
else var display_element = document.getElementById(this.opt['input']);
var xy = this.getPosition(display_element);
var width = parseInt(this.getStyle(display_element,'width'));
// Show the calendar with the date in the input as the selected date
var existing_date = new Date();
var date_in_input = input.value;
if(date_in_input) {
var selected_date = false;
var date_parts = date_in_input.split("-");
if(date_parts.length == 3) {
date_parts[1]--; //Month starts with 0
selected_date = new Date(date_parts[0], date_parts[1], date_parts[2]);
if(selected_date && !isNaN(selected_date.getYear())) { //Valid date.
existing_date = selected_date;
var the_year = existing_date.getYear();
if(the_year < 1900) the_year += 1900;
this.makeCalendar(the_year, existing_date.getMonth(), existing_date.getDate());
document.getElementById(this.opt['calendar']).style.display = "block";
_calendar_active_instance = this;
/// Hides the currently show calendar.
hideCalendar: function(instance) {
var active_calendar_id = "";
if(instance) active_calendar_id = instance.opt['calendar'];
else active_calendar_id = _calendar_active_instance.opt['calendar'];
if(active_calendar_id) document.getElementById(active_calendar_id).style.display = "none";
_calendar_active_instance = {};
/// Setup a text input box to be a calendar box.
set: function(input_id, opt) {
var input = document.getElementById(input_id);
if(!input) return; //If the input field is not there, exit.
if(opt) this.opt = opt;
if(!this.opt['calendar']) this.init();
var ths = this;
if(this.opt['onclick']) input.onclick=this.opt['onclick'];
else {
ths.opt['input'] = this.id;
/// Will be called once when the first input is set.
init: function() {
if(!this.opt['calendar'] || !document.getElementById(this.opt['calendar'])) {
var div = document.createElement('div');
if(!this.opt['calendar']) this.opt['calendar'] = 'calender_div_'+ Math.round(Math.random() * 100);
CamelCase is formed by taking a phrase, capitalising the initial letter of each word, and smashing the words together to form a portmanteau word. Most wikis use CamelCase to signal phrases that should automatically become links.
<<.dlink-ex CSS "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cascading_Style_Sheets">> is a standard plain-text format used for defining the presentational style of the various elements on a web page.
The <<.def changecount>> [[macro|Macros]] returns the number of times the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]] has been created, stored or deleted during the current ~TiddlyWiki session.
If a tiddler is deleted and subsequently recreated, its <<.var changecount>> will go up by two.
!! Parameters
<<.macro-examples "changecount">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<<changecount>>"""/>
The value will increase if you edit this tiddler and store it again, even without making any changes to its content.
To access the <<.var changecount>> of a different tiddler, use a <<.wlink TiddlerWidget>> widget:
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2"
eg="""<$tiddler tiddler="Draft of 'New Tiddler'">
The value shown will increase whenever you create, store or delete [[New Tiddler]].
! Introduction
This release resolves a number of inconsistencies with the way that filters are handled. The changes mean that existing filters may need to be updated - particularly those that must deal with missing or shadow tiddlers.
! Changes to ''is'' and addition of ''all''
Most filter operators act by choosing some or all of their source titles to pass through or re-order. Those that add new entries that are not drawn from the source list are referred to as selectors. Prior to 5.0.9-beta, a few filter operators were inconsistent in whether they filtered from the source list or selected new entries into it.
The specific changes are:
* The ''is'' operator now always strictly filters from the currently selected list of tiddlers
* The new ''all'' operator acts as a selector by replacing the current list with a combination of tiddlers from specific sources:
** ''current'' for the current tiddler
** ''missing'' for all missing tiddlers
** ''orphans'' for all orphan tiddlers
** ''shadows'' for all shadow tiddlers
** ''tiddlers'' for all non-shadow tiddlers (including both system and non-system tiddlers)
The sources for the ''all'' operator can be combined with the `+` character. For example, `[all[shadows+tiddlers]]` returns all shadow tiddlers and all ordinary tiddlers.
Previously, it was common to have `[is[shadow]]` at the start of a filter string to select all the shadow tiddlers. In 5.0.9 and above, this will not return all the shadow tiddlers, but instead just those ordinary tiddlers that are also shadow tiddlers (by virtue of having overridden one). The resolution is to use the new ''all'' operator. For example, consider this filter from 5.0.8:
[is[shadow]!has[draft.of]tag[$:/tags/AdvancedSearch]] [!is[shadow]!has[draft.of]tag[$:/tags/AdvancedSearch]] +[tag[$:/tags/AdvancedSearch]]
In 5.0.9, that filter has been changed to:
Note how the ''all'' operator allows operations to be performed on tiddlers from combinations of sources.
!! Changes to `[is[current]]`
One result of the changes is that `[is[current]]` now strictly filters from the source tiddlers; so, if the current tiddler is a missing tiddler not in the source list, then `[is[current]]` will return an empty list.
The solution is generally to use `[all[current]]` instead. It doesn't read as well, but has the required behaviour of returning just the current tiddler, regardless of whether it is in the source tiddlers.
! Changes to ''title'' and ''field''
There are minor changes to the way that the ''title'' and ''field'' operators work.
The ''title'' operator is a selector: it returns the specified title regardless of whether it is in the current source. ''title'' is used as the default operator if none is specified
The ''field'' operator is a filter: it only returns a subset of the source tiddlers. ''field'' is used as the default operator if the supplied operator is not defined (the supplied operator is passed as the suffix to the field operator, so `[description[Missing]]` is equivalent to `[field:description[Missing]]`).
\define Checkbox_Index(tiddler,index,label)
<$reveal state="""$tiddler$##$index$""" type="nomatch" text="1">
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible"> <input type="checkbox">$label$
<$action-setfield $tiddler="""$tiddler$""" $index="""$index$""" $value="1"/>
<$reveal state="""$tiddler$##$index$""" type="match" text="1">
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible"> <input type="checkbox" checked="checked">$label$
<$action-setfield $tiddler="""$tiddler$""" $index="""$index$""" $value="0"/>
`<$macrocall $name="Checkbox_Index" tiddler="test" index="value" label="Set test" />`
<$macrocall $name="Checkbox_Index" tiddler="test" index="value" label="Set test" />
! Introduction
The checkbox widget displays an HTML `<input type="checkbox">` element that is dynamically bound to either:
* the presence or absence of a specified tag on a specified tiddler
* the value of a specified field of a specified tiddler
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$checkbox>` widget is displayed within an HTML `<label>` element immediately after the checkbox itself. This means that clicking on the content will toggle the checkbox.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |Title of the tiddler to manipulate (defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]) |
|tag |The name of the tag to which the checkbox should be bound |
|field |The name of the field to which the checkbox should be bound |
|checked |The value of the field corresponding to the checkbox being checked |
|unchecked |The value of the field corresponding to the checkbox being unchecked |
|default |The default value to use if the field is not defined |
|class |The class that will be assigned to the label element |
!! Tag Mode
Using the checkbox widget in tag mode requires the ''tag'' attribute to specify the name of the tag. The ''tiddler'' attribute specifies the tiddler to target, defaulting to the current tiddler if not present.
This example creates a checkbox that flips the ''done'' tag on the current tiddler:
<$checkbox tag="done">Is it done?</$checkbox>
!! Field Mode
Using the checkbox widget in field mode requires the ''field'' attribute to specify the name of the field. The ''checked'' and ''unchecked'' attributes specify the values to be assigned to the field to correspond to its checked and unchecked states respectively. The ''default'' attribute is used as a fallback value if the field is not defined.
This example creates a checkbox that is checked if the field ''status'' is equal to ''open'' and unchecked if the field is equal to ''closed''. If the field is undefined then it defaults to ''closed'', meaning that the checkbox will be unchecked if the ''status'' field is missing.
<$checkbox field="status" checked="open" unchecked="closed" default="closed">Is it open?</$checkbox>
TiddlyWiki 的简体中文翻译版本:
<!-- * ''文件'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/zh-Hans/index.html -->
* ''空白版本'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/zh-Hans/empty.html
另请参阅 [[中文 (正體) 版|Chinese (Traditional) Edition]]。
TiddlyWiki 的正體中文翻譯版本:
<!-- * ''文件'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/zh-Hant/index.html -->
* ''空白版本'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/zh-Hant/empty.html
另請參閱 [[中文 (简体) 版|Chinese (Simplified) Edition]]。
You can use triple backticks <code>```</code> to mark code blocks:
This will be monospaced
Renders as:
This will be monospaced
To be interpreted correctly, the three backticks need to be at the start of the line and immediately followed by a line-break.
Be aware that any preceding paragraph content should be properly terminated with a double line break, too. So, this example is wrong:
This is an ordinary paragraph
This will be monospaced
The correct version is:
This is an ordinary paragraph
This will be monospaced
Note that some keyboard layouts treat the backtick as a [[dead key|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_key]], making it hard to type. The trick is to type three backticks followed by a space. Alternatively, type all six backticks in one go, then a space, and then move the cursor back three characters to type or paste the content.
The CodeMirror plugin adds a sophisticated web-based editor to TiddlyWiki.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/codemirror/
The <<.def colour>> (or <<.def color>>) [[macro|Macros]] returns the [[CSS|Cascading Style Sheets]] value of one the colours in the current [[palette|ColourPalettes]].
If no such entry exists in the current palette, the [[vanilla palette|$:/palettes/Vanilla]] is used instead.
!! Parameters
: The name of the palette entry, e.g. `page-background`
<<.macro-examples "colour">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<<colour code-border>>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2" eg="""<<colour foreground>>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="3" eg="""<<colour page-background>>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="4" eg="""<<colour sidebar-tab-background>>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="5" eg="""<<colour tag-foreground>>"""/>
A colour palette is a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]] that supplies a [[CSS]] colour value, such as ''yellow'' or ''#fe0'', for each of several colour names, like this:
page-background: #fe0
table-border: #ccc
Several palettes form part of the core. The system tiddler [[$:/palette]] always contains the title of the currently selected palette tiddler.
To retrieve the value of a named colour from the current palette, e.g. for use in a stylesheet tiddler, use the <<.mlink colour>> macro:
<<colour page-background>>
Palette tiddlers should have the following fields:
|!Name |!Value |
|title |Typically starting with `$:/` |
|type |`application/x-tiddler-dictionary` |
|tags |`$:/tags/Palette` |
|description |Displayed in the palette browser |
|text |`name: value` colour definitions |
<<.dlink-ex CSV "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comma-separated_values">> is a standard plain-text format for storing a table of data.
Each row of the table is called a <<.def record>> and occupies one line.
The columns are called <<.def fields>>. Each field of a row is separated from the next by a comma, and is often delimited by quotation marks.
The <<.mlink csvtiddlers>> macro returns tiddler content in this format.
A <<.def command>> is one of the following words, written with a `--` prefix and used as a command-line option to [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]], indicating which action is desired.
<<list-links "[tag[Commands]]">>
<<.operator-examples "commands">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[commands[]]">>
Here we gather the latest and most useful material from the TiddlyWiki community.
<<tabs "Forums Latest Tutorials Resources Examples Articles Meetups" "Latest">>
Street Address: <$edit field="street"/><br/>
City: <$edit field="city"/> State: <$select field="state"><option value=""> -- </option><option value="OH"> OH </option><option value="JA"> JA </option></$select> Zip: <$edit field="zip"/><br/>
CEO: <$select field="ceo"><option value=""> -- </option><$list filter="[tag[person]]"><option value=<<currentTiddler>> > <<currentTiddler>> </option></$list></$select>
//This is a sample task for the TaskManagementExample//
Fixed in <<version>>
<$list filter="[[jsonlist]indexes[]]">
<$list filter="[[jsonlist]getindex<currentTiddler>]+[addprefix[GetThis ]]">
<$view field='title'/>
These are the concepts underlying TiddlyWiki. Understanding how these ideas fit together is the key to getting the most from TiddlyWiki.
<<list-links "[tag[Concepts]]">>
The configuration tiddler [[$:/config/TiddlerInfo/Default]] contains the title of the tiddler containing the default tiddler info tab.
The default value is `$:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/Tools` corresponding to the ''Tools'' tab. Other possible values are:
<$list filter="[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/TiddlerInfo]!has[draft.of]]">
<$view field="title"/>
Used in Internet protocols to indicate the type that should be used to interpret the content of a web resource.
In TiddlyWiki, the `type` field gives the content type to apply to the main `text` field.
!! List of Common Content Types
|!Group |!Type |!Content of `type` field |
|^''Developer'' |Data dictionary |application/x-tiddler-dictionary|
|~|~JavaScript code |application/javascript|
|~|JSON data |application/json|
|~|Static stylesheet |text/css|
|^''Image''|GIF image |image/gif|
|~|ICO format icon file |image/x-icon|
|~|JPEG image |image/jpeg|
|~|PDF image |application/pdf|
|~|PNG image |image/png|
|~|Structured Vector Graphics image |image/svg+xml|
|^''Text''|HTML markup |text/html|
|~|[[CSS|Cascading Style Sheets]] stylesheet |text/css|
|~|[[Comma-separated values|Comma-Separated Values]] |text/csv|
|~|Plain text |text/plain|
|~|~TiddlyWiki 5 |text/vnd.tiddlywiki|
|~|~TiddlyWiki Classic |text/x-tiddlywiki|
\define displayTerm(term)
When __{{!!title}}__ says __$term$__ what they mean is ''{{##$term$}}.''
This tiddler uses `<<displayTerm "I love you">>` and `<<displayTerm "I hate you">>` in two different contexts. The context definitions are held in two tiddlers [[Your best friend]] and [[Your worst enemy]]. Open those tiddlers to see how they are structured. Open this tiddler to see the code for the displayTerm macro.
<$tiddler tiddler="Your best friend">
<<displayTerm "I love you">>
<<displayTerm "I hate you">>
<$tiddler tiddler="Your worst enemy">
<<displayTerm "I love you">>
<<displayTerm "I hate you">>
The <<.def contrastcolour>> [[macro|Macros]] returns whichever of two given [[CSS|Cascading Style Sheets]] colours is deemed to contrast best with another.
An example can be seen in the [[template tiddler for tag pills|$:/core/ui/TagTemplate]].
!! Parameters
: The colour to contrast against (typically a background colour)
: An alternative colour to contrast against. This is used when <<.param target>> is undefined or not a valid colour
: The first of the two colours to choose between
: The second of the two colours to choose between
We welcome contributions to the code and documentation of TiddlyWiki in several ways:
* ReportingBugs
* Helping to [[improve our documentation|Improving TiddlyWiki Documentation]]
* Contributing to the code via [[GitHub|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5]]
** See http://tiddlywiki.com/dev for more details
There are other ways to [[help TiddlyWiki|HelpingTiddlyWiki]] too.
! Contributor License Agreement
Like other OpenSource projects, TiddlyWiki5 needs a signed contributor license agreement from individual contributors. This is a legal agreement that allows contributors to assert that they own the copyright of their contribution, and that they agree to license it to the UnaMesa Association (the legal entity that owns TiddlyWiki on behalf of the community).
* For individuals use: [[licenses/CLA-individual|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/licenses/cla-individual.md]]
* For entities use: [[licenses/CLA-entity|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/licenses/cla-entity.md]]
! How to sign the CLA
Create a GitHub pull request to add your name to `cla-individual.md` or `cla-entity.md`, with the date in the format (YYYY/MM/DD).
''step by step''
# click [[licenses/CLA-individual|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/licenses/cla-individual.md]] or [[licenses/CLA-entity|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/licenses/cla-entity.md]]
# in `cla-individual.md` or `cla-entity.md` click icon on the top-right corner (clicking this button will fork the project so you can edit the file)
# add your name at the bottom
eg: `Jeremy Ruston, @Jermolene, 2011/11/22`
//The CLA documents used for this project were created using [[Harmony Project Templates|http://www.harmonyagreements.org]]. "HA-CLA-I-LIST Version 1.0" for "CLA-individual" and "HA-CLA-E-LIST Version 1.0" for "CLA-entity".//
**When not owning the copyright in the entire work of authorship**
In this case, please clearly state so, since otherwise we assume that you are the legal copyright holder of the contributed work! Please provide links and additional information that clarify under which license the rest of the code is distributed.
\define tv-wikilink-template() http://tiddlywiki.com/static/$uri_doubleencoded$.html
! Contributing to TiddlyWiki5
//This file was automatically generated by TiddlyWiki5//
The following individuals have generously given their time to [[contribute to the development of TiddlyWiki|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/graphs/contributors]]:
* Jeremy Ruston ([[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]])
* Dave Gifford ([[@giffmex|https://github.com/giffmex]])
* Bram Chen ([[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]])
* Mario Pietsch ([[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]])
* Xavier Cazin ([[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]])
* Eric Shulman ([[@ericshulman|https://github.com/ericshulman]])
* Stephan Hradek ([[@Skeeve|https://github.com/Skeeve]])
* ~BuggyJef ([[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]])
* Nathan Cain ([[@natecain|https://github.com/natecain]])
* Ton Gerner ([[@gernert|https://github.com/gernert]])
* Devin Weaver ([[@sukima|https://github.com/sukima]])
* João Bolila ([[@jbolila|https://github.com/jbolila]])
* David Johnston ([[@Brennall|https://github.com/Brennall]])
* David Jade ([[@davidjade|https://github.com/davidjade]])
* Bob Robison ([[@grayeul|https://github.com/grayeul]])
* [[@nameanyone|https://github.com/nameanyone]]
* Maurizio Pollio ([[@mpollio|https://github.com/mpollio]])
* Ogoshi Masayuki ([[@ogoshima|https://github.com/ogoshima]])
* Chris Sugden ([[@csugden|https://github.com/csugden]])
* [[@asampal|https://github.com/asampal]]
* Bow Yi Jang ([[@Eucaly|https://github.com/Eucaly]])
* Mal Gamble ([[@malgam|https://github.com/malgam]])
* Michael Fogleman ([[@mwfogleman|https://github.com/mwfogleman]])
* Daniel Barrett ([[@shendaras|https://github.com/shendaras]])
* Simon Baird ([[@simonbaird|https://github.com/simonbaird]])
* James Anderson ([[@welford|https://github.com/welford]])
* Jon Lister ([[@jayfresh|https://github.com/jayfresh]])
* [[@TheDiveO|https://github.com/TheDiveO]]
* Danielo Rodríguez ([[@danielo515|https://github.com/danielo515]])
* [[@willover|https://github.com/willover]]
* [[@slotik|https://github.com/slotik]]
* Irene Knapp ([[@IreneKnapp|https://github.com/IreneKnapp]])
* Brian Shaver ([[@shakerlxxv|https://github.com/shakerlxxv]])
* Tobi Beer ([[@tobibeer|https://github.com/tobibeer]])
* Craig Cook ([[@BoyCook|https://github.com/BoyCook]])
You can copy an individual tiddler from one TiddlyWiki file to another by dragging a link to the tiddler from one browser window to another.
The following [[macros|Macros]] are built into ~TiddlyWiki's core:
<<list-links "[tag[Core Macros]]">>
The following [[variables|Variables]] are built into ~TiddlyWiki's core:
<<list-links "[tag[Core Variables]] -[tag[Configuration Variables]]">>
The core will also use various configuration variables and macros if you define them:
<<list-links "[tag[Configuration Variables]]">>
! Introduction
The count widget displays the number of matches to a specified [[filter expression|Filters]].
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$count>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|filter |The filter expression to count |
\define selectItemsNotHere(fieldName, tagName)
<!-- selectItemsNotHere($fieldName$, $tagName$) -->
<!-- Select all of the global values tagged with this field -values in this field -->
<$select tiddler="$:/temp/fieldItems" field="current$fieldName$">
<option value=""> -- </option>
<!-- Filter: Tagged with tagName = "[tag[$tagName$]]" -->
<!-- Filter: listed in fieldname = "[getfieldlist[$fieldName$]]" -->
<!-- Filter: Listed in field = "[list[!!$fieldName$]]" -->
<!-- Filter: Tagged with fieldname but not in field = "[tag[$tagName$]] -[list[!!$fieldName$]]" -->
<!-- Filter: Tagged with fieldname or listed in field but not in field = "[tag[$tagName$]] [getfieldlist[$fieldName$]] -[list[!!$fieldName$]]" -->
<$list filter="[tag[$tagName$]] [getfieldlist[$fieldName$]] -[list[!!$fieldName$]]" variable="curItem">
<option value=<<curItem>> ><<curItem>></option>
\define selectItemsHere(fieldName)
<!-- selectItemsHere($fieldName$) -->
<!-- Select all of the values in this field -->
<$select tiddler="$:/temp/fieldItems" field="current$fieldName$">
<option value=""> -- </option>
<!-- Filter: Listed in field = "[list[!!$fieldName$]]" -->
<$list filter="[list[!!$fieldName$]]" variable="curItem">
<option value=<<curItem>> ><<curItem>></option>
\define comboItemSelect(fieldName, tagName, tempTiddler:"$:/temp/fieldItems")
<$button set="$:/state/comboSelect##$fieldName$"
tooltip="Select from existing $fieldName$s"
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$tempTiddler$" $field="current$fieldName$" $value="" />
<!-- Un comment this if you want to display this button -->
<!-- -->
<$button set="$:/state/comboSelect##$fieldName$"
tooltip="Select $fieldName$ from this tiddler"
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$tempTiddler$" $field="current$fieldName$" $value="" />
<!-- -->
<<editCurrentFieldName "$fieldName$">>
<<addItemIfNotPresent "$fieldName$" >>
<$button set="$:/state/comboSelect##$fieldName$"
tooltip="Create a new $fieldName$"
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$tempTiddler$" $field="current$fieldName$" $value="" />
<!-- Un comment this if you want to display this button -->
<!-- -->
<$button set="$:/state/comboSelect##$fieldName$"
tooltip="Select $fieldName$ from this tiddler"
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$tempTiddler$" $field="current$fieldName$" $value="" />
<!-- -->
<<selectItemsNotHere "$fieldName$" "$tagName$">>
<<addItemIfNotPresent "$fieldName$" >>
<$button set="$:/state/comboSelect##$fieldName$"
tooltip="Select from existing $fieldName$s"
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$tempTiddler$" $field="current$fieldName$" $value="" />
<$button set="$:/state/comboSelect##$fieldName$"
tooltip="Create a new $fieldName$"
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$tempTiddler$" $field="current$fieldName$" $value="" />
<<selectItemsHere "$fieldName$">>
\define editCurrentFieldName(fieldName, tempTiddler:"$:/temp/fieldItems")
<!-- editCurrentFieldName($fieldName$) -->
<!-- Display an edit box for the selected value -->
<!-- Use a $:/temp tiddler so that it is invisible on the recent list -->
<!-- Use a $:/temp tiddler so it doesn't get exported on upgrade -->
placeholder="Type a new item name"
\define addItemIfNotPresent(fieldName, tempTiddler:"$:/temp/fieldItems")
<!-- addItemIfNotPresent($fieldName$) -->
<!-- Display an add button if the value isn't already present in the field's list -->
<!-- Filter: Currently edited item = "[[$tempTiddler$]get[current$fieldName$]]" -->
<!-- Filter: Listed in field = "[list[!!$fieldName$]]" -->
<!-- Filter: Is item not present in field? = "[[$tempTiddler$]get[current$fieldName$]] -[list[!!$fieldName$]]" -->
<$list filter="[[$tempTiddler$]get[current$fieldName$]] -[list[!!$fieldName$]]" variable="curItem">
<$button tooltip=<<curItem>> >
<!-- Trim the value and enclose it in square brackets so its a list item -->
<$macrocall $name="actionAddItem" fieldName="$fieldName$" itemName=<<curItem>> />
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$tempTiddler$" $field="current$fieldName$" $value="" />
\define actionAddItem(fieldName, itemName)
<!-- actionAddItem($fieldName$, $itemName$) -->
<!-- Trim the value -->
<$macrocall $name="actionAddItem_Internal"
itemName=<<calcString "$itemName$" "trim">>
\define actionAddItem_Internal(fieldName, itemName, tempTiddler:"$:/temp/fieldItems")
<!-- actionAddItem_Internal($fieldName$, $itemName$) -->
<!-- Add the item to the field list -->
<$action-listops $field="$fieldName$" $subfilter="[[$itemName$]]" />
<!-- Set the input field to be the trimmed value -->
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$tempTiddler$" $field="current$fieldName$" $value="$itemName$" />
\define deleteItemButton(itemName, fieldName)
<$list filter="[[$itemName$]] -[list[!!$fieldName$]]"
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible" tooltip="Delete $itemName$ from $fieldName$ List">
<$action-listops $field="$fieldName$" $subfilter="-[[$itemName$]]" />
\define displayItemName(itemName)
<!-- displayItemName($itemName$) -->
<$list filter="[[$itemName$]is[tiddler]] " variable="exists" emptyMessage="""
\define uncompleteTiddler(tiddlerName, itemName, fieldName, tagName)
<!-- uncompleteTiddler($tiddlerName$, $itemName$, $fieldName$) -->
<!-- show the button if the item both exists and is in the completed list -->
<$list filter="[[$itemName$]is[tiddler]]" variable="istiddler">
<$list filter="[[$itemName$]] -[list[Completed_Items##$tiddlerName$]]" variable="exists" emptyMessage="""
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible" tooltip="Mark $itemName$ as active in the context of $tiddlerName$">
<!-- add $itemName$ to the list in index $tiddlerName$ -->
<$action-listops $tiddler="Completed_Items" $index="$tiddlerName$" $subfilter="-[[$itemName$]]" />
<$action-listops $tiddler="$itemName$" $field="tags" $subfilter="[[$tagName$]]" />
\define completeTiddler(tiddlerName, itemName, fieldName, tagName)
<!-- completeTiddler($tiddlerName$, $itemName$, $fieldName$) -->
<!-- show the button if the item both exists and is not in the completed list -->
<$list filter="[[$itemName$]is[tiddler]] -[list[Completed_Items##$tiddlerName$]]" variable="exists" >
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible" tooltip="Mark $itemName$ as complete in the context of $tiddlerName$">
<!-- add $itemName$ to the list in index $tiddlerName$ -->
<$action-listops $tiddler="Completed_Items" $index="$tiddlerName$" $subfilter="[[$itemName$]]" />
<$action-listops $tiddler="$itemName$" $field="tags" $subfilter="[[$tagName$]]" />
\define todoTiddler(tiddlerName, itemName, fieldName, tagName)
<!-- todoTiddler($tiddlerName$, $itemName$, $fieldName$) -->
<!-- show the button if the item both exists and is not done -->
<$list filter="[[$itemName$]is[tiddler]] -[tag[Done]]" variable="exists" >
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible" tooltip="Mark $itemName$ as Done Globally">
<!-- add $itemName$ to the list in index $tiddlerName$ -->
<$action-listops $tiddler="$itemName$" $field="tags" $subfilter="[[Done]]" />
<$action-listops $tiddler="$itemName$" $field="tags" $subfilter="[[$tagName$]]" />
\define doneTiddler(tiddlerName, itemName, fieldName, tagName)
<!-- doneTiddler($tiddlerName$, $itemName$, $fieldName$) -->
<!-- show the button if the item both exists and is done -->
<$list filter="[[$itemName$]is[tiddler]] -[!tag[Done]]" variable="exists" >
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible" tooltip="Mark $itemName$ as Active Globally">
<!-- add $itemName$ to the list in index $tiddlerName$ -->
<$action-listops $tiddler="$itemName$" $field="tags" $subfilter="-[[Done]]" />
<$action-listops $tiddler="$itemName$" $field="tags" $subfilter="[[$tagName$]]" />
\define createTiddlerType(tiddlerName, tagName, tempTiddler:"$:/temp/fieldItems")
<!-- createTiddlerType($tiddlerName$, $tagName$) -->
<$list filter="[[$tiddlerName$]!is[tiddler]]" variable="exists" >
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible" tooltip="Create $tiddlerName$ as a tiddler">
<$action-listops $tiddler="$tiddlerName$" $field="tags" $subfilter="[[$tagName$]]" />
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$tempTiddler$" $field="current$tagName$" $value="" />
\define displayItemManager(tiddlerName, itemName, fieldName, tagName)
.displayItemManager .hideme {opacity:0.5; transition: opacity 1.0s; }
.displayItemManager:hover .hideme {opacity:1.0; transition: opacity 0.5s; }
<span class="displayItemManager">
<span class="hideme">
<!-- Display a delete button -->
<$macrocall $name="deleteItemButton"
<!-- Display the item name -->
<$macrocall $name="displayItemName" itemName="$itemName$" />
<span class="hideme">
<!-- If the item doesn't exist as a Tiddler, display a button to create it -->
<$macrocall $name="createTiddlerType"
<!-- If the item exists not completed, display a button to complete it -->
<$macrocall $name="completeTiddler"
<!-- If the item is completed, display a button to uncomplete it -->
<$macrocall $name="uncompleteTiddler"
<!-- If the item exists not done, display a button to Done it -->
<$macrocall $name="todoTiddler"
<!-- If the item is Done, display a button to unDo it -->
<$macrocall $name="doneTiddler"
<!-- Move item buttons -->
<$macrocall $name="moveItemTop"
<$macrocall $name="moveItemUp"
<$macrocall $name="moveItemDown"
<$macrocall $name="moveItemBottom"
<$macrocall $name="displayFieldEditor"
\define moveItemTop(tiddlerName, itemName, fieldName, tagName)
<!-- Only show move to top if item is 2+ down -->
<$list filter="[list[$tiddlerName$!!$fieldName$]rest[]before[$itemName$]]" variable="temp">
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible" tooltip="Move $itemName$ to top of list">
<$macrocall $name="prependListItem"
\define moveItemUp(tiddlerName, itemName, fieldName, tagName)
<!-- Only show move up if item is not at top -->
<$list filter="[list[$tiddlerName$!!$fieldName$]before[$itemName$]]" variable="temp">
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible" tooltip="Move $itemName$ up in list">
<$macrocall $name="moveListItem"
\define moveItemDown(tiddlerName, itemName, fieldName, tagName)
<!-- Only show move down if item is not at bottom -->
<$list filter="[list[$tiddlerName$!!$fieldName$]after[$itemName$]]" variable="temp">
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible" tooltip="Move $itemName$ down in list">
<$macrocall $name="moveListItem"
\define moveItemBottom(tiddlerName, itemName, fieldName, tagName)
<!-- Only show move to bottom if item is 2+ up -->
<$list filter="[list[$tiddlerName$!!$fieldName$]butlast[]after[$itemName$]]" variable="temp">
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible" tooltip="Move $itemName$ to bottom of list">
<$macrocall $name="appendListItem"
\define displayFieldEditor(tiddlerName, itemName, fieldName, tagName)
<$list filter="[[$itemName$]is[tiddler]]" variable="isTiddler">
<$list filter="[[$tagName$]is[tiddler]]" variable="isTiddler">
<!-- edit item button -->
<$macrocall $name="Slide_Macro" macro=
<$tiddler tiddler="$itemName$" >
<$transclude tiddler="$tagName$" />
tooltip="Display $itemName$"
\define crazyListHere(fieldName, tagName)
<$macrocall $name="comboItemSelect" fieldName="$fieldName$" tagName="$tagName$" />
<$list filter="[list[!!$fieldName$]]" variable="itemName">
<$macrocall $name="displayItemManager" tiddlerName=<<currentTiddler>> itemName=<<itemName>> fieldName="$fieldName$" tagName="$tagName$" />
\define moveListItem(tiddlerName, fieldName, indexName, itemName, moveNum)
<!-- moveListItem($tiddlerName$, $fieldName$, $indexName$, $itemName$, $moveNum$) -->
<$list filter="$indexName$" variable="isIndex">
$filter="[list[$tiddlerName$!!$fieldName$]] +[move:$moveNum$[$itemName$]]"
<$list filter="$fieldName$" variable="isField">
$filter="[list[$tiddlerName$!!$fieldName$]] +[move:$moveNum$[$itemName$]]"
\define appendListItem(tiddlerName, fieldName, indexName, itemName)
<!-- appendListItem($tiddlerName$, $fieldName$, $indexName$, $itemName$) -->
<$list filter="$indexName$" variable="isIndex">
<$list filter="$fieldName$" variable="isField">
\define prependListItem(tiddlerName, fieldName, indexName, itemName)
<!-- prependListItem($tiddlerName$, $fieldName$, $indexName$, $itemName$) -->
<$list filter="$indexName$" variable="isIndex">
<$list filter="$fieldName$" variable="isField">
\define breakerline()--------------------------------------------------------
Depends on the following:
* Requires TiddlyWiki version 5.1.11 +
** Needed for the listops operators
* [[$:/_cpa/macros/calcString.js]]
** trims entered text so tiddler names don't have leading and trailing spaces
* [[$:/_cpa/macros/mytabs]]
** The goofy tabbed interface in crazyListHere
* [[$:/_cpa/macros/Slide_Macro]]
** Needed to display the object type editor
* [[$:/_cpa/stylesheet]]
** Adds a class "full-width" so edit boxes can be 100%
* [[Import.svg]]
** Import button Image so the import button in comboItemSelect isn't empty
* [[$:/_cpa/modules/filters/getfieldlist.js]]
** Returns unique values found in a field
<table style="width:100%"><tr>
<th style="width:30%">Macro</th>
<th style="width:30%">Description</th>
`<$macrocall $name="selectItemsNotHere" fieldName="process" tagName="process" />`
Generates a select drop down filled with all tiddlers tagged with fieldName and not in fieldname in this tiddler
<$macrocall $name="selectItemsNotHere" fieldName="process" tagName="process" />
`<$macrocall $name="selectItemsHere" fieldName="process"/>`
Generates a select drop down filled tiddlers in fieldname in this tiddler
<$macrocall $name="selectItemsHere" fieldName="process"/>
`<$macrocall $name="comboItemSelect" fieldName="process" tagName="process" />`
Generates a combo edit / select widget allowing you to import, edit, or select items into this tiddler. (Currently select is commented out)
<$macrocall $name="comboItemSelect" fieldName="process" tagName="process"/>
`<$macrocall $name="editCurrentFieldName" fieldName="process"/>`
Displays an edit field to edit the name of the current tiddler
<$macrocall $name="editCurrentFieldName" fieldName="process"/>
`<$macrocall $name="addItemIfNotPresent" fieldName="process"/>`
Displays an Add button (If current Tiddler is not in fieldname) That will add current Tiddler to the fieldname list
<$macrocall $name="addItemIfNotPresent" fieldName="process"/>
`<$macrocall $name="deleteItemButton" itemName={{$:/temp/fieldItems!!currentprocess}} fieldName="process" />`
Displays a delete button (If current Tiddler is in fieldname) to delete this row's Tiddler from the fieldname list
<$macrocall $name="deleteItemButton" itemName={{$:/temp/fieldItems!!currentprocess}} fieldName="process" />
`<$macrocall $name="displayItemName" itemName={{$:/temp/fieldItems!!currentprocess}} />`
Displays the item name. Displays as a link to the item if the item exists as a tiddler
<$macrocall $name="displayItemName" itemName={{$:/temp/fieldItems!!currentprocess}} />
`<$macrocall $name="createTiddlerType" tiddlerName={{$:/temp/fieldItems!!currentprocess}} tagName="process" />`
Creates the Tiddler and tags it with the fieldname
<$macrocall $name="createTiddlerType" tiddlerName={{$:/temp/fieldItems!!currentprocess}} tagName="process" />
`<$macrocall $name="uncompleteTiddler" tiddlerName=<<currentTiddler>> itemName={{$:/temp/fieldItems!!currentprocess}} fieldName="process" tagName="process"/>`
Marks the given item as incomplete in this tiddler
<$macrocall $name="uncompleteTiddler" tiddlerName=<<currentTiddler>> itemName={{$:/temp/fieldItems!!currentprocess}} fieldName="process" tagName="process" />
`<$macrocall $name="completeTiddler" tiddlerName=<<currentTiddler>> itemName={{$:/temp/fieldItems!!currentprocess}} fieldName="process" tagName="process" />`
Marks the given item as complete in this tiddler
<$macrocall $name="completeTiddler" tiddlerName=<<currentTiddler>> itemName={{$:/temp/fieldItems!!currentprocess}} fieldName="process" tagName="process" />
`<$macrocall $name="todoTiddler" tiddlerName=<<currentTiddler>> itemName={{$:/temp/fieldItems!!currentprocess}} fieldName="process" tagName="process" />`
Marks the given item as Done globally
<$macrocall $name="todoTiddler" tiddlerName=<<currentTiddler>> itemName={{$:/temp/fieldItems!!currentprocess}} fieldName="process" tagName="process" />
`<$macrocall $name="doneTiddler" tiddlerName=<<currentTiddler>> itemName={{$:/temp/fieldItems!!currentprocess}} fieldName="process" tagName="process" />`
Marks the given item as not Done globally
<$macrocall $name="doneTiddler" tiddlerName=<<currentTiddler>> itemName={{$:/temp/fieldItems!!currentprocess}} fieldName="process" tagName="process" />
`<$macrocall $name="moveItemTop" tiddlerName=<<currentTiddler>> fieldName="process" indexName="" itemName="test" />`
Moves an item to the top of the list.
<$macrocall $name="moveItemTop" tiddlerName=<<currentTiddler>> fieldName="process" indexName="" itemName="test" />
`<$macrocall $name="moveItemUp" tiddlerName=<<currentTiddler>> fieldName="process" indexName="" itemName="test" />`
Moves an item up in the list.
<$macrocall $name="moveItemUp" tiddlerName=<<currentTiddler>> fieldName="process" indexName="" itemName="test" />
`<$macrocall $name="moveItemDown" tiddlerName=<<currentTiddler>> fieldName="process" indexName="" itemName="test" />`
Moves an item down in the list.
<$macrocall $name="moveItemDown" tiddlerName=<<currentTiddler>> fieldName="process" indexName="" itemName="test" />
`<$macrocall $name="moveItemBottom" tiddlerName=<<currentTiddler>> fieldName="process" indexName="" itemName="test" />`
Moves an item to the bottom of the list.
<$macrocall $name="moveItemBottom" tiddlerName=<<currentTiddler>> fieldName="process" indexName="" itemName="test" />
`<$macrocall $name="displayItemManager" tiddlerName=<<currentTiddler>> fieldName="process" itemName="test" />`
Displays one item with controls Edit this macro to change the list of controls.
<$macrocall $name="displayItemManager" tiddlerName=<<currentTiddler>> fieldName="process" itemName="test" />
`<<crazyListHere "process" "process">>`
Displays the list. Edit this macro to change how the list is displayed.
<<crazyListHere "process" "process">>
To create a custom export format that exports tiddlers as their raw body text:
# Create a tiddler with the following fields:
#* ''tags'': [[$:/tags/Exporter]]
#* ''description'': Description of this exporter
#* ''extension'': Default file extension for this export format (including the dot; for example `.tid`)
# Set the following content:
\define renderContent()
{{{ $(exportFilter)$ ||$:/core/templates/plain-text-tiddler}}}
The variable `exportFilter` contains a filter defining which tiddlers should be exported.
! Creating tiddlers
You create a tiddler either by clicking the {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar, or by clicking on a link to a missing tiddler. Links to missing tiddlers are shown in [[blue italics]].
See also:
* [[Creating journal tiddlers]]
! Editing tiddlers
To edit an existing tiddler, click the {{$:/core/images/edit-button}} button at the top right of the tiddler.
!! Draft mode
When you create a new tiddler or edit an existing one, the tiddler will go into draft mode. This presents a control panel for modifying the tiddler in various ways. It has several parts, from top to bottom:
*''The title field'' - Use this to change the title of the tiddler
*''The tag selector'' - Use this to add or remove tags. As you type a tag name in the box, a dropdown list will show you any existing tags that match. You can pick from this list or create a completely new tag. Then click the ''add'' button to add the tag to the tiddler. Each tag is shown as a coloured pill. Click the "×" on a pill to remove that tag
*''The text area'' - Use this to edit the main content of the tiddler. Click the ''show preview'' button to see what your changes will look like
*''The type selector'' - Use this when a tiddler needs to be displayed in a special way, such as an image. See ContentType for a list of the options. The default is `text/vnd.tiddlywiki`, which means the tiddler contains WikiText
*''The field selector'' - Use this to add or remove fields on the tiddler. For example, if you are editing a tiddler that's being used to tag other tiddlers, you can add a [[''list'' field|ListField]] to change the order in which those tiddlers will be listed
! Save, cancel or delete
When you have finished editing, click a button at the top right of the tiddler:
*The ''save'' button ({{$:/core/images/done-button}}) stores your changes to this one tiddler and leaves draft mode. If your wiki is configured to [[AutoSave]], your changes will be permanently saved. Otherwise they will only be stored temporarily in your web browser, and you will lose them if you close your ~TiddlyWiki page without first clicking the master ''save changes'' button {{$:/core/images/save-button}} in the sidebar.
*The ''cancel'' button ({{$:/core/images/cancel-button}}) discards your changes (after asking you to confirm) and leaves draft mode.
*The ''delete'' button ({{$:/core/images/delete-button}}) deletes the entire tiddler (after asking you to confirm).
! Introduction
Journal tiddlers are tiddlers that use a date and/or time as their title. They are typically used as a quick way to record time-stamped information.
You can use additional tags on a journal tiddler to link it to other tiddlers, helping to establish the relationships between items of information.
For example, you might use a journal tiddler called ''10th October 2014'' to record thoughts and information captured on that particular day. The tags ''Shopping'' and ''London'' might be used to indicate that the entry concerns shopping in London.
! Creating a journal tiddler
The easiest way to create a journal tiddler is to use the ''new journal'' button in the ''Tools'' tab of the sidebar. If you find yourself often using the button, click the checkbox next to it to make the button available just above the search box.
The ''new journal'' button creates a journal entry as a blank tiddler with the tag ''Journal'' and a title derived from today's date. If a journal tiddler with that title already exists, then this is opened for editing.
! Creating a tagged journal tiddler
A common sequence of actions is to create (or reopen) today's journal entry and tag it with the title of another tiddler. This can be done with the ''new journal here'' button in the other tiddler's toolbar. You can find this button in the ''Tools'' tab of the tiddler's InfoPanel.
For example, you might be reviewing a tiddler called ''Oxford Street'' and realise that it's relevant for planning your shopping trip. Click the ''new journal here'' button on the ''Oxford Street'' tiddler to bring up a journal entry tagged with ''Oxford Street''.
! Customising journal tiddlers
To configure how new journal entries are created, visit the ''Basics'' tab under ''Info'' in the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]]:
* "Title of new journal tiddlers" specifies how these tiddlers should be named, as a [[date format string|DateFormat]]. The default setting of `DDth MMM YYYY` causes new entries to have titles of the form "10th October 2014"
* "Tags for new journal tiddlers" [specifies|Title List] tags that will automatically appear on new journal entries. For example: `Journal [[Summer vacation]]`
Hint: if you want to create a separate journal tiddler whenever you click ''new journal'' (even if you do this several times in the same day), you can include the clock time in the title format. Specify something like `YYYY-0MM-0DD at 0hhh0mm'0ss''` as the date format.
Another useful trick is to include `$(currentTiddler)$` somewhere in the title format. This means that if you click ''new journal here'' on several different tiddlers, the title of each of those tiddlers will form part of the name of the resulting journal entries.
This example shows how to create a sub-story within a tiddler that is independent of the main story.
Here's the code:
<$navigator story="MySubStoryList" history="MySubHistoryList">
Click this link to get started: HelloThere
<$list filter="[list[MySubStoryList]]" history="MySubHistoryList">
! <$button message="tm-close-tiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible">{{$:/core/images/close-button}}</$button> <$view field="title"/>
Note how you can open the HelloThere tiddler in the substory by clicking on the link below. Links within the substory open within the substory, and not in the main story.
<$navigator story="MySubStoryList" history="MySubHistoryList">
Click this link to get started: HelloThere
<$list filter="[list[MySubStoryList]]" history="MySubHistoryList">
! <$button message="tm-close-tiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible">{{$:/core/images/close-button}}</$button> <$view field="title"/>
\define qualify()<<nn>>
<<tabs "Company Person Call">>
<$macrocall $name="section" sectionName="Company" sectionText="""
<<crazyListHere "company">>
<$macrocall $name="section" sectionName="Person" sectionText="""
<<crazyListHere "person">>
<$macrocall $name="section" sectionName="Call" sectionText="""
<<crazyListHere "call">>
The <<.def csvtiddlers>> [[macro|Macros]] returns the fields of a [[selection of tiddlers|Title Selection]] in [[CSV|Comma-Separated Values]] form, with one record (row) per tiddler.
An example can be seen in the [[template tiddler for CSV exports|$:/core/templates/exporters/CsvFile]].
!! Parameters
: A [[filter|Filters]] selecting which tiddlers to include
: Reserved for future extension. Should be set to `quoted-comma-sep`
The <<.def "current tiddler">> provides the context in which several aspects of WikiText are interpreted.
For example, `{{!!title}}` denotes the value of the <<.field title>> field of whatever the current tiddler happens to be. This technique can be used to create general-purpose [[template tiddlers|TemplateTiddlers]].
The title of the current tiddler can always be found in the <<.vlink currentTiddler>> variable.
The two most common ways in which the current tiddler is changed are:
* the <<.wlink TiddlerWidget>> widget
* the <<.wlink ListWidget>> widget (when its <<.attr variable>> attribute is not overridden)
The current tiddler is therefore often <<.em not>> the same as the [[tiddler that is being viewed or edited|storyTiddler Variable]].
The <<.def currentTiddler>> [[variable|Variables]] contains the title of the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]].
Several aspects of WikiText use this tiddler as their context. As a result, within a <<.wlink ListWidget>> widget or a [[template tiddler|TemplateTiddlers]], there is often no need to explicitly specify a tiddler title.
Compare <<.vlink storyTiddler>>.
<<.variable-examples "currentTiddler">>
The following two examples have the same meaning:
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<$view field=title/>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2" eg="""<$view tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field=title/>"""/>
This next example shows how the <<.wlink ListWidget>> widget changes the current tiddler:
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="3"
<$list filter="[prefix[J]]">
Information about customising TiddlyWiki
<<list-links "[tag[Customise TiddlyWiki]]">>
By default, the results for the sidebar search box are displayed as a simple list of tiddler titles. The search results can be customised by adding plugin visualisations that show the search results in different ways. (Tabs are shown automatically if an additional search result visualisation is detected).
Search result visualisations are stored in tiddlers tagged [[$:/tags/SearchResults]]. The default search result listing is implemented in the system tiddler [[$:/core/ui/DefaultSearchResultList]].
To create a new search result visualisation:
# Create a new tiddler tagged [[$:/tags/SearchResults]]
# Use the widget variable ''searchTiddler'' to access the title of the tiddler containing the current search term
If you'd like the new visualisation to be the default, create a tiddler called [[$:/config/SearchResults/Default]] containing the title of the tiddler containing the search visualisation that you want to display by default.
Here is an example of an alternative visualisation that displays results in reverse chronological order:
\define searchResults()
<$set name="resultCount" value="""<$count filter="[!is[system]search{$(searchTiddler)$}]"/>""">
<<timeline subfilter:"!is[system]search{$(searchTiddler)$}">>
This is the text for {{!!title}}
The D3 plugin integrates the D3 visualisation library with TiddlyWiki.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/d3/
You can create an n-dash with a double hyphen `--` and an m-dash with a triple hyphen `---`. For example -- this is an example --- and so is this
A <<.dlink-ex "data URI" "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_URI_scheme">> is a way of storing data (such as an image) in a way that is compatible with the addresses used by web pages and [[stylesheets|Cascading Style Sheets]] to access external resources.
The <<.mlink datauri>> macro can be used to generate data URIs within ~TiddlyWiki.
A data tiddler is a miniature database contained within a tiddler.
There are two standard formats:
* DictionaryTiddlers
* [[JSONTiddlers]]
Other formats of tiddler can also be parsed to yield blocks of data that behave like data tiddlers.
Use a TextReference to look up a value by its name. For example, if a [[DictionaryTiddler|DictionaryTiddlers]] called `MonthDays` contains:
... then `{{MonthDays##nov}}` will resolve to the value `30`.
The same is true if `MonthDays` is a [[JSONTiddler|JSONTiddlers]] with the following content:
Note: //It is currently only possible to retrieve data from the immediate properties of the root object of a JSONTiddler.//
The <<.def datauri>> [[macro|Macros]] returns a [[data URI|Data URI]] for the content of a tiddler.
It is often used in [[stylesheet|Cascading Style Sheets]] tiddlers to reference things like inline images and fonts:
> `background: url(<<datauri "Motovun Jack.jpg">>);`
The data URI is automatically [[base64|Base64]]-encoded in the case of a non-text tiddler.
!! Parameters
: The title of a tiddler, such as an image
<<.macro-examples "datauri">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2"
.jack {
background: url(<$macrocall $name="datauri" title="Motovun Jack.jpg" $output="text/plain"/>);
height: 300px;
<div class="jack"/>"""/>
The example has to invoke <<.var datauri>> through the <<.wid macrocall>> widget. It needs to prevent the macro's output from being parsed as WikiText, as that would transform the data URI into a <<.wlink LinkWidget>> widget and break the example. If the example was in a CSS tiddler, you could simply write:
> `background: url(<<datauri "Motovun Jack.jpg">>);`
Certain [[fields|TiddlerFields]] of a tiddler are used to store dates and times.
The two standard date fields are <<.field created>> and <<.field modified>>.
Values of date fields are 17-character strings:
* 4 digits for the year
* 2 digits for the month
* 2 digits for the day
* 2 digits for the hour
* 2 digits for the minute
* 2 digits for the second
* 3 digits for the millisecond
To avoid problems arising from differences of time zone, TiddlyWiki always uses [[UTC|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coordinated_Universal_Time]].
As an example, the <<.field created>> field of this tiddler has the value <<.value """<$view field="created"/>""">>.
Dates can be [[converted to other formats|DateFormat]] for display:
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html"
src="""<$view field="created" format="date" template="DDD DDth MMM YYYY"/>""">
\define selectDateIntoField(fieldName)
<$macrocall $name="putDateInField"
buttonText="Save Date"
Date = <$view tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field="$fieldName$"/>
\define put3ValuesInField((tiddlerName, fieldName, one, two, three, buttonText)
<$macrocall $name="putValueInField"
\define putDateInField(tiddlerName, fieldName, buttonText:"Put")
<$macrocall $name="put3ValuesInField"
\define putValueInField(tiddlerName, fieldName, textValue, buttonText:"Set Date")
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$tiddlerName$" $fieldName$="$textValue$"/>
\define selectDate() <<selectYear>><<selectMonth>><<selectDay>>
\define selectTimeZone()
<$select tiddler="$:/_cpa/temp/DateEntryTimeZone" default="00" >
<option value="">--</option>
<$list filter="00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23">
<option value=<<currentTiddler>> ><<currentTiddler>></option>
\define selectYear()
<$select tiddler="$:/_cpa/temp/DateEntryYear" default=<<now YYYY>> >
<option value="">--</option>
<$list filter="2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020">
<option value=<<currentTiddler>> ><<currentTiddler>></option>
\define selectMonth()
<$select tiddler="$:/_cpa/temp/DateEntryMonth" default=<<now 0MM>> >
<option value="">--</option>
<$list filter="01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12">
<option value=<<currentTiddler>> ><<currentTiddler>></option>
\define selectDay()
<$select tiddler="$:/_cpa/temp/DateEntryDay" default=<<now 0DD>> >
<option value="">--</option>
<$list filter="01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31">
<option value=<<currentTiddler>> ><<currentTiddler>></option>
\define easyShowDate()
<$macrocall $name="showDate"
\define showDate(Year:"2015", Month:"01", Day:"02", TimeZone:""00", format:"MMM-DDth-YYYY")
<$view tiddler="$Year$$Month$$Day$$TimeZone$"
What we want to do is select a date, display it in the local timezone (Not the default UTC) and store it in a field
# Final output
#* <<selectDateIntoField "mydatefield">>
# Code
#* <span>
`<<selectDateIntoField "mydatefield">>`
# Explanation of how this is done
#* Create 4 select macros to store dates in temp tiddlers <span>
`<<selectYear>>`, `<<selectMonth>>`, `<<selectDay>>` and `<<selectTimeZone>>`
#* Configure the system by selecting the timezone <<selectTimeZone>>
#* Then select a date using these 3 select fields:<<selectYear>><<selectMonth>><<selectDay>>
#* And display them so you can see how it works:
#** Year =`{{$:/_cpa/temp/DateEntryYear}}` ={{$:/_cpa/temp/DateEntryYear}}
#** Month=`{{$:/_cpa/temp/DateEntryMonth}}`={{$:/_cpa/temp/DateEntryMonth}}
#** Day =`{{$:/_cpa/temp/DateEntryDay}}` ={{$:/_cpa/temp/DateEntryDay}}
#** ~TimeZone =`{{$:/_cpa/temp/DateEntryTimeZone}}` ={{$:/_cpa/temp/DateEntryTimeZone}}
# Create another macro `<<showDate>>` to display the date using any date format
#* Use this trick: `<$view tiddler="`{{$:/_cpa/temp/DateEntryYear}}{{$:/_cpa/temp/DateEntryMonth}}{{$:/_cpa/temp/DateEntryDay}}`" field="title" format="date" template="MMM-DDth-YYYY" />`
#** <span>
`\define showDate(Year, Month, Day, TimeZone:""00", format:"MMM-DDth-YYYY")
<$view tiddler="$Year$$Month$$Day$$TimeZone$"
#* Then execute that macro
#** <span>
`<$macrocall $name="showDate"
</span> <$macrocall $name="showDate"
# So now I'm lazy and I want to execute that macro without typing all that text so I define a macro to type that for me
#* <span>
`\define easyShowDate()
<$macrocall $name="showDate"
#* And execute it `<<easyShowDate>>`
#* <<easyShowDate>>
# And I'm lazy and I don't want to type 3 macro names when I want to select a date so I create `<<selectDate>>`
#* <<selectDate>>
# To put the date string into a field first I'll need a `<<putValueInField>>` macro
#* <span>
`\define putValueInField(tiddlerName, fieldName, textValue, buttonText:"Set Date")
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$tiddlerName$" $fieldName$="$textValue$"/>
# Since I'm putting three values into the field I need a 3Values macro
#* <span>
`\define put3ValuesInField((tiddlerName, fieldName, one, two, three, buttonText)
<$macrocall $name="putValueInField"
#Now the putDateInField macro
#* <span>
`\define putDateInField(tiddlerName, fieldName, buttonText:"Put")
<$macrocall $name="put3ValuesInField"
#* To test it we run it against this tiddler and display the field
#** `<<putDateInField "DateEntry" "mydatefield" "Put Date in My Date Field">>` <<putDateInField "DateEntry" "mydatefield" "Put Date in My Date Field">>
#* <<selectDate>>
#** And display that field `{{!!mydatefield}}` = {{!!mydatefield}}
The ViewWidget accepts a `template` attribute that allows the format of date values to be specified. The format string is processed with the following substitutions:
|!Token |!Substituted Value |
|`DDD` |Day of week in full (eg, "Monday") |
|`ddd` |Short day of week (eg, "Mon") |
|`DD` |Day of month |
|`0DD` |Adds a leading zero |
|`DDth` |Adds a suffix |
|`WW` |ISO-8601 week number of year |
|`0WW` |Adds a leading zero |
|`MMM` |Month in full (eg, "July") |
|`mmm` |Short month (eg, "Jul") |
|`MM` |Month number |
|`0MM` |Adds leading zero |
|`YYYY` |Full year |
|`YY` |Two digit year |
|`wYYYY` |Full year with respect to week number |
|`wYY` |Two digit year with respect to week number |
|`hh` |Hours |
|`0hh` |Adds a leading zero |
|`hh12` |Hours in 12 hour clock |
|`0hh12` |Hours in 12 hour clock with leading zero |
|`mm` |Minutes |
|`0mm` |Minutes with leading zero |
|`ss` |Seconds |
|`0ss` |Seconds with leading zero |
|`am` or `pm` |Lower case AM/PM indicator |
|`AM` or `PM` |Upper case AM/PM indicator |
|`TZD` |Timezone offset |
|`\x` |Used to escape a character that would otherwise have special meaning |
Note that other text is passed through unchanged, allowing commas, colons or other separators to be used.
! Examples
|!Template |!Output |
|`DDth MMM YYYY` |16th February 2011 |
|`DDth MMM \M\M\M YYYY` |16th February MMM 2011 |
|`DDth mmm hh:mm:ss` |16th Feb 2011 11:38:42 |
It has a <<.field list>> field containing the following items:
<<list-links "[list[]]">>
It has a <<.field short>> field containing the following items:
<<list-links "[list[!!short]]">>
It has a <<.field my-special-list>> field containing the following items:
<<list-links "[list[!!my-special-list]]">>
These are definitions of technical words and phrases used in this documentation. (As distinct from the [[Concepts]] that make up TiddlyWiki itself).
<<list-links "[tag[Definitions]]">>
HTML definition lists are created with this syntax:
<<wikitext-example src:"; Term being defined
: Definition of that term
; Another term
: Another definition
Die deutsche Übersetzung von TiddlyWiki ist verfügbar unter:
* ''Dokumentation'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/de-DE/index.html
* ''Leer'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/de-DE/empty.html
Siehe auch: [[Deutsch (Österreich) Edition]].
Die österreichische Übersetzung von TiddlyWiki ist verfügbar unter:
* ''Dokumentation'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/de-AT/index.html
* ''Leer'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/de-AT/empty.html
Siehe auch: [[Deutsch (Deutschland) Edition]].
A dictionary tiddler is a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]] containing a simple list of name/value pairs.
Its [[ContentType]] is `application/x-tiddler-dictionary`.
The `text` field consists of one or more lines of the form <code>//name//: //value//</code>.
[[ColourPalettes]], such as the [[default Vanilla palette|$:/palettes/Vanilla]], are dictionary tiddlers.
Unless you've already seen ~TiddlyWiki, we guarantee you've never seen //anything// like ~TiddlyWiki. ~TiddlyWiki is:
:: a tool,
:: a toolbox,
:: a community,
:: and a philosophy.
! ~TiddlyWiki is a Tool
''~TiddlyWiki is first and foremost a tool:'' it is a free downloadable tool for capturing and organising content from the web, from your documents or from your brain. It’s a tool for note-taking, bookmarking, pinning, writing, managing to-do lists and projects, collaborating, blogging, and publishing.
In ~TiddlyWiki you create or paste content into notes called tiddlers, then connect your tiddlers with hyperlinks and tags. You can then quickly retrieve your notes through features such as tag pills, sidebar tabs, and ~TiddlyWiki's lightning fast search window. You can even dynamically include one tiddler's content inside another - similar to using building blocks - to create articles, lists, presentations and more.
! ~TiddlyWiki is a Toolbox
In addition to being a versatile tool, ''~TiddlyWiki is also a toolbox.''
Where other note-taking products hook you with the basic program then charge you for the really helpful features, ~TiddlyWiki has an ever-expanding collection of completely free visual themes, colour palettes, plugins, widgets and macros, which you can then mix and match so that you can tweak and tailor your ~TiddlyWiki to get it just the way you want it.
! ~TiddlyWiki is also a Community
We are a [[community|Community]] of users and developers who help each other imagine new ways of thinking and organising and create new solutions, so that ~TiddlyWiki is continually adapting to better serve your needs. ~TiddlyWiki users and developers share questions and advice at a ~TiddlyWiki Google group. They also create tutorials, adaptations, and plugins to enhance your ~TiddlyWiki experience. See the section ''Community'' of the TableOfContents for more details.
! Finally, ~TiddlyWiki is a philosophy
The purpose of taking and organising a note (or recording any kind of content) is to be able to retrieve it later. If you can't find your notes in your note-taking system, your note-taking becomes a colossal waste of time.
The [[TiddlyWiki philosophy|Philosophy of Tiddlers]] is that the best way to take notes is to separate them into tiddlers, the smallest semantic units possible. A tiddler might be an image, a webpage link, a concept, the definition of a term, or a specific customisation such as a macro.
These tiddlers can then be woven together to create longer units: stories, articles, lists, image galleries, and much more. ~TiddlyWiki's features such as tagging, hyperlinking, and filters are specially designed to help you relate and connect tiddlers together in multiple ways, facilitating your future retrieval of your notes and even helping you see unexpected relationships among your tiddlers and the information they contain.
The <<.dlink-ex DOM "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Document_Object_Model">> of a web page is a tree-shaped model of its content, maintained internally by the web browser as the user interacts with that content. Each point in the tree is called a <<.def node>>.
When ~TiddlyWiki is running in a web browser, its [[widgets|Widgets]] are rendered into DOM nodes for display.
When ~TiddlyWiki is running on [[Node.js|TiddlyWiki on Node.js]], it uses a fake DOM to simulate the behaviour of a browser.
The following macros are used throughout ~TiddlyWiki's documentation. Their names start with a dot to keep them out of the way of names that a user might try experimenting with.
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|.def |the defining instance of a term |<<.def widget>> |
|.em |minor emphasis within a sentence |<<.em not>> |
|.place |a placeholder for the user to fill in |<<.place tagname>> |
|.strong |major emphasis within a tiddler |<<.strong Important!>> |
|.word |a mention of an ordinary word or phrase |<<.word "hello world">> |
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|^.tip |^hints and tips |<<.tip "Turn your screen on, otherwise<br>you won't be able to see much.">> |
|^.warning |^warning advice |<<.warning "Make a backup of your file<br>before you upgrade.">> |
|!Macro |!Used for |
|.preamble |an introductory sentence that stands apart from the rest of the tiddler |
!Tiddlers and fields
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|.tid |a tiddler title |<<.tid Example>> |
|.tag |a tag |<<.tag Example>> |
|.field |a field name |<<.field example>> |
|.value |a field value |<<.value "example value">> |
|.op |a filter operator |<<.op backlinks>> |
|.var |a variable or macro name |<<.var currentTiddler>> |
|.wid |a widget name |<<.wid list>> |
|.attr |an attribute name |<<.attr filter>> |
|.param |a macro parameter name |<<.param text>> |
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|.link |a link containing WikiText |<<.link "^^an^^ ~~example~~" Example>> |
|.clink |a code link |<<.clink `<$list>` ListWidget>> |
|.dlink |a link on a defining instance of a term |<<.dlink widget Widgets>> |
|.dlink-ex |an external link on a defining instance of a term |<<.dlink-ex Example "http://example.com/">> |
|.flink |a link to a field |<<.flink ListField>> |
|.mlink |a link to a macro |<<.mlink qualify>> |
|.mlink2 |a link to a macro, with specified target |<<.mlink2 foo "Examples of Macros">> |
|.olink |a link to an operator |<<.olink prefix>> |
|.olink2 |a link to an operator, with specified target |<<.olink2 foo prefix>> |
|.vlink |a link to a variable |<<.vlink currentTiddler>> |
|.vlink2 |a link to a variable, with specified target |<<.vlink2 foo "Examples of Variables">> |
|.wlink |a link to a widget |<<.wlink ButtonWidget>> |
|.wlink2 |a link to a widget, with specified text |<<.wlink2 foo ButtonWidget>> |
!User interface
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|.key |a key on the keyboard |<<.key Escape>> |
|.keycombo |a key combination |<<.keycombo Ctrl Enter>> |
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|.sidebar-tab |the name of a sidebar tab |<<.sidebar-tab More>> |
|.more-tab |the name of a subtab of the More tab |<<.more-tab Shadows>> |
|.info-tab |the name of a tiddler info tab |<<.info-tab Fields>> |
|.controlpanel-tab |the name of a Control Panel tab |<<.controlpanel-tab Settings>> |
|.advancedsearch-tab |the name of an Advanced Search tab |<<.advancedsearch-tab Filter>> |
|.toc-tab |name of the tw5.com TOC tab |<<.toc-tab>> |
|.example-tab |an example tab name |<<.example-tab "Notes">> |
!!Parameters for .sidebar-tab
|Open |<<.sidebar-tab Open>> |
|Recent |<<.sidebar-tab Recent>> |
|Tools |<<.sidebar-tab Tools>> |
|More |<<.sidebar-tab More>> |
!!Parameters for .more-tab
|All |<<.more-tab All>> |
|Recent |<<.more-tab Recent>> |
|Tags |<<.more-tab Tags>> |
|Missing |<<.more-tab Missing>> |
|Drafts |<<.more-tab Drafts>> |
|Orphans |<<.more-tab Orphans>> |
|Types |<<.more-tab Types>> |
|System |<<.more-tab System>> |
|Shadows |<<.more-tab Shadows>> |
!!Parameters for .info-tab
|Tools |<<.info-tab Tools>> |
|References |<<.info-tab References>> |
|Tagging |<<.info-tab Tagging>> |
|List |<<.info-tab List>> |
|Listed |<<.info-tab Listed>> |
|Fields |<<.info-tab Fields>> |
|Advanced |<<.info-tab Advanced>> |
!!Parameters for .controlpanel-tab
|Info |<<.controlpanel-tab Info>> |
|Appearance |<<.controlpanel-tab Appearance>> |
|Settings |<<.controlpanel-tab Settings>> |
|Saving |<<.controlpanel-tab Saving>> |
|Plugins |<<.controlpanel-tab Plugins>> |
!!Parameters for .advancedsearch-tab
|Standard |<<.advancedsearch-tab Standard>> |
|System |<<.advancedsearch-tab System>> |
|Shadows |<<.advancedsearch-tab Shadows>> |
|Filter |<<.advancedsearch-tab Filter>> |
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|.button |a standard button name and icon |<<.button "new-tiddler">> |
!!Parameters for .button
!!!Tiddler toolbar
|clone |<<.button "clone">> |
|close |<<.button "close">> |
|close-others |<<.button "close-others">> |
|edit |<<.button "edit">> |
|export-tiddler |<<.button "export-tiddler">> |
|info |<<.button "info">> |
|more-tiddler-actions |<<.button "more-tiddler-actions">> |
|new-here |<<.button "new-here">> |
|new-journal-here |<<.button "new-journal-here">> |
|permalink |<<.button "permalink">> |
!!!Edit-mode toolbar
|cancel |<<.button "cancel">> |
|delete |<<.button "delete">> |
|save |<<.button "save">> |
!!!Page toolbar
|advanced-search |<<.button "advanced-search">> |
|close-all |<<.button "close-all">> |
|control-panel |<<.button "control-panel">> |
|encryption |<<.button "encryption">> |
|export-page |<<.button "export-page">> |
|full-screen |<<.button "full-screen">> |
|home |<<.button "home">> |
|import |<<.button "import">> |
|language |<<.button "language">> |
|more-page-actions |<<.button "more-page-actions">> |
|new-journal |<<.button "new-journal">> |
|new-tiddler |<<.button "new-tiddler">> |
|permaview |<<.button "permaview">> |
|refresh |<<.button "refresh">> |
|save-wiki |<<.button "save-wiki">> |
|storyview |<<.button "storyview">> |
|tag-manager |<<.button "tag-manager">> |
|theme |<<.button "theme">> |
The documentation for ~TiddlyWiki tries to follow a consistent editorial style. It has two main areas, each with its own tone and audience:
* [[Instruction Tiddlers]]
* [[Reference Tiddlers]]
We keep the two areas distinct. This avoids overwhelming relative newcomers, while still providing quick access to the information that expert users need.
Additional topics:
* [[Tiddler Title Policy]]
* [[Tiddler Structure]]
* [[Spelling]]
* [[Typography]]
* [[Documentation Macros]]
* [[Technical Prose Style]]
[[Filters]] manipulate [[sets of titles|Title Selection]] in which no title may appear more than once. Furthermore, they often need to append one such set to another.
This is done in such a way that, if a title would be duplicated, the earlier copy of that title is discarded. The titles being appended are dominant.
For example, if a selection contains `Andrew Becky Clara Daniel` and `Andrew Barney Clara Daisy` is then appended to it, the result is `Becky Daniel Andrew Barney Clara Daisy`.
Tiddlers that have a `draft.of` field are treated as pending drafts of the tiddler specified in the field. Draft tiddlers should also have a `draft.title` field that specifies the title that will be given to the tiddler when it is saved.
Several features work in concert to give the desired behaviour for draft tiddlers:
* The ListWidget can optionally render draft tiddlers through a different template
* The NavigatorWidget incorporates handlers for the following events:
** `tm-new-tiddler` for creating a new tiddler in draft mode
** `tm-edit-tiddler` for moving a tiddler into edit mode
** `tm-cancel-tiddler` for cancelling a tiddler out of edit mode
** `tm-save-tiddler` for saving a draft tiddler
* Draft tiddlers are automatically excluded from search operations
! Introduction
The dropzone widget creates an area into which the user can drag files and other objects. It also supports pasting via the clipboard, although browser support is currently limited.
It sends a [[WidgetMessage: tm-import-tiddlers]] carrying a JSON representation of the tiddlers to be imported up through its parents. This message usually trapped by the NavigatorWidget which adds the tiddlers to the store and updates the story to display them.
! Content and Attributes
The dropzone widget has no attributes, and displays any contained content within the dropzone.
! Display
The dropzone widget creates an HTML `<div class="tc-dropzone">` to contain its content. During a drag operation the class `tc-dragover` is added. CSS is used to provide user feedback.
! Data types supported
The following data transfer types are supported:
* ''text/vnd.tiddler'' - a list of tiddlers in JSON format (this format is generated by the LinkWidget)
* ''text/plain'' - plain text
* ''text/uri-list'' - a list of URIs as a single tiddler
The <<.def dumpvariables>> [[macro|Macros]] returns a table showing the values of all [[variables|Variables]] and [[macros|Macros]] that exist at that position in the [[widget tree|Widgets]].
It is useful for debugging and exploring ~TiddlyWiki's internals.
Placeholders are replaced with values in the normal way, but using the default values for all macro parameters.
!! Parameters
<<.macro-examples "dumpvariables">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<$set name="EXAMPLE" value="123.$(EXAMPLE2)$.789">
<$set name="EXAMPLE2" value="456">
Each input title is processed in turn. The value of field <<.place F>> in the corresponding tiddler is examined.
:As long as the field's value has not been encountered before, the title is appended to the output.
:The value is treated as a [[title list|Title List]]. Each title in the list considered in turn. If it has not been encountered before, it is appended to the output.
If a tiddler doesn't contain field <<.place F>>, it is treated as if the field's value was empty.
<<.operator-examples "each">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[each[color]]" "List all of the tiddlers which have a field: color">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[sort[title]each[type]]" "Alphabetically list all tiddlers. Then filter by type and display the first one of that type (as defined by the field: type)">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[sort[title]each[library]]" "Alphabetically list all tiddlers. Then filter by field: library. Notice that there are 2 results. 1 for library=yes, the other for library doesn't exist">>
<<.operator-example 4 "[sort[title]has[library]each[library]]" "Alphabetically list all tiddlers. Filter out any without a field library, and then pick the first one for each value">>
For an example of using the <<.op each>> operator to generate a two-tier list of groups and members, see [[GroupedLists]].
Each input title is processed in turn. The value of field <<.place F>> in the corresponding tiddler is examined, and as long as this indicates a date that has not been encountered before, the title is appended to the output.
If a tiddler doesn't contain field <<.place F>>, it contributes nothing to the output.
<<.operator-examples "eachday">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[eachday[created]]" "the first tiddler created on each day">>
For an example of using the <<.op eachday>> operator to generate a two-tier list of groups and members, see [[GroupedLists]].
! Introduction
The edit bitmap widget provides a user interface in the browser for editing bitmap tiddlers. It is currently a primitive proof-of-concept, supporting resizing and painting with a single color and line width.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$edit-bitmap>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The tiddler to edit (defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]) |
! Configuration
The edit bitmap widget can be configured with these system tiddlers:
* [[$:/config/BitmapEditor/LineWidth]] determines the line width: <$edit-text tiddler="$:/config/BitmapEditor/LineWidth" tag="input"/>
* [[$:/config/BitmapEditor/Colour]] determines the line color: <$edit-text tiddler="$:/config/BitmapEditor/Colour" tag="input" type="color"/>
Michael Fogleman has written an [[Emacs|http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/]] major mode called [[tid-mode|https://github.com/mwfogleman/tid-mode]], which is for editing TiddlyWiki .tid files. It is derived from text-mode, uses the useful minor modes org-struct and subword, and updates the modified times when you save a .tid file.
He also wrote two helper functions for using TiddlyWiki in Emacs. The first opens a tiddlers directory in Dired; the second opens TiddlyWiki in the browser.
(defun open-wiki ()
"Opens a TiddlyWiki directory in Dired."
(dired "~/Dropbox/wiki/tiddlers/"))
(defun browse-wiki ()
"Opens TiddlyWiki in the browser."
(browse-url ""))
This latter function may require specifying a browser:
(setq browse-url-browser-function 'browse-url-generic
browse-url-generic-program "chromium")
You can bind either of these functions with the global-set-key function:
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c w") 'open-wiki)
At the moment, these are not integrated into tid-mode.
La traduction en Français (France) de TiddlyWiki démarre ici :
* ''documentation'' : http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/fr-FR/index.html
* ''empty'' : http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/fr-FR/empty.html
Each input title is processed in turn, ignoring any that is not the name of a ~TiddlyWiki edition.
TiddlyWiki is distributed in several different editions that are tuned for specific purposes. Each one consists of the same TiddlyWiki core components along with the required plugins, documentation and sample content.
You can mix and match the components of these editions, to make a unique solution to your particular application.
<<list-links "[tag[Editions]]">>
! Introduction
The edit text widget provides a user interface in the browser for editing text tiddler fields. The editing element is dynamically bound to the underlying tiddler value: changes to the tiddler are instantly reflected, and any edits are instantly propogated.
By default, the edit text widget generates a `<textarea>` as the HTML editing element when the `text` field is edited, and a `<input type="text">` element otherwise. This behaviour can be overridden with the `tag` and `type` attributes.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$edit-text>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The tiddler to edit (defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]) |
|field |The field to edit (defaults to `text`). Takes precedence over the `index` attribute |
|index |The index to edit |
|default |The default text to be provided when the target tiddler doesn't exist |
|class |A CSS class to be assigned to the generated HTML editing element |
|placeholder |Placeholder text to be displayed when the edit field is empty |
|focusPopup |Title of a state tiddler for a popup that is displayed when the editing element has focus |
|focus |Set to "true" to automatically focus the editor after creation |
|tag |Overrides the generated HTML editing element tag. Use `textarea` for a multi-line editor |
|type |Overrides the generated HTML editing element `type` attribute |
|size |The size of the input field (in characters) |
|autoHeight |Either "yes" or "no" to specify whether to automatically resize `textarea` editors to fit their content (defaults to "yes") |
|minHeight |Minimum height for automatically resized `textarea` editors, specified in CSS length units such as "px", "em" or "%" |
! Notes
One trap to be aware of is that the edit text widget cannot be used to edit a field of the tiddler that contains it. Each keypress results in the tiddler being re-rendered, which loses the cursor position within the text field.
Instead, place the edit text widget in a [[template|TemplateTiddlers]] that references the tiddler you want to modify.
For example, if you wanted to edit the value of the "myconfig" field of the tiddler "AppSettings", you might do so by creating a separate tiddler "ChangeAppSettings" that contains the following:
<$edit-text tiddler="AppSettings" field="myconfig"/>
! Introduction
The edit widget provides a general purpose interface for editing a tiddler. It dynamically chooses the appropriate widget depending on the type of the tiddler (currently either the EditTextWidget or the EditBitmapWidget).
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$edit>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The tiddler to edit (defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]) |
|field |The field to edit (defaults to `text`). Takes precedence over the `index` attribute |
|index |The index to edit |
|class |A CSS class to be added the generated editing widget |
The "empty" edition of TiddlyWiki is a vanilla distribution, with no additional plugins or configuration beyond the core code.
The empty edition can be downloaded from:
When used as a single HTML file, TiddlyWiki5 allows content to be encrypted using the [[Stanford JavaScript Crypto Library]].
# Switch to the ''Tools'' tab in the sidebar and look for the button with a padlock icon
# If the button is labelled "set password" then the current wiki is not encrypted. Clicking the button will prompt for a password that will be used to encrypt subsequent saves
# If the button is labelled "clear password" then the current wiki is already encrypted. Clicking the button will remove the password so that subsequent saves will be unencrypted
# Optionally, open the saved file in a text editor and verify that your data is encrypted
# Open the file in your browser. You will be prompted for a password before the content is displayed
TiddlyWiki5 allows the entire content of a TiddlyWiki HTML file to be encrypted with the Stanford JavaScript Crypto Library. Opening an encrypted TiddlyWiki in the browser prompts for a password before decrypting and displaying the content.
For instructions on how to use TiddlyWiki5's encryption features, see [[Encryption]].
The EncryptionMechanism is implemented with the following elements:
* A PasswordVault within the BootMechanism that holds the current encryption password
* The ability of the BootMechanism to read a block of encrypted tiddlers from the TiddlyWiki file, to prompt the user for a password, and to decrypt the tiddlers
* Handlers for the messages [[WidgetMessage: tm-set-password]] and [[WidgetMessage: tm-clear-password]] that handle the user interface for password changes
* The EncryptWidget within the main file template that encrypts a filtered list of tiddlers with the currently held password
* The [[$:/isEncrypted]] tiddler that contains "yes" or "no" according to whether there is a password in the password vault
** The availability of this tiddler allows the RevealWidget to be used to selectively display user interface elements according to whether encryption is in force
! Introduction
The encrypt widget renders a filtered list of tiddlers to an encrypted block with the password currently held in the PasswordVault. The encrypted block can subsequently be decrypted by the TiddlyWiki5 BootMechanism. See the EncryptionMechanism for more details.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$encrypt>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|filter |Filter defining the tiddlers to be included in the encrypted block. If not specified then all non-system tiddlers are used |
[[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] supports the following OS environment variables for specifying a colon-delimited list of paths to search for plugins and editions:
* `TIDDLYWIKI_PLUGIN_PATH` - Search path for ordinary plugins
* `TIDDLYWIKI_THEME_PATH` - Search path for themes
* `TIDDLYWIKI_LANGUAGE_PATH` - Search path for languages
* `TIDDLYWIKI_EDITION_PATH` - Search path for editions (used by the InitCommand)
The additional paths should each point to folders structured like the equivalent directories in the TiddlyWiki5 GitHub repository: the plugin, theme and language directories contain `publisher/pluginname/<files>` while the edition directories contain `editionname/<files>`
For example:
tiddlywiki mywiki --build index
\define Show_Etch-A-Sketch(width, height, transx, transy)
<svg height={{!!height}} width={{!!width}} fill="none" stroke="black">
<rect x=0 y=0 width={{!!width}} height={{!!height}} />
<g transform="translate($transx$,$transy$)">
<path d={{!!path}} />
<$macrocall $name="Show_Etch-A-Sketch" width={{!!width}} height={{!!height}} transx={{!!startx}} transy={{!!starty}} />
<$macrocall $name="Delete_Direction" last_button={{!!last_button}} />
<$macrocall $name="Draw_Direction" direction="left-up-curve" last_button={{!!last_button}} />
<$macrocall $name="Draw_Direction" direction="up-left-curve" last_button={{!!last_button}} />
<$macrocall $name="Draw_Direction" direction="up" last_button={{!!last_button}} />
<$macrocall $name="Draw_Direction" direction="up-bump" last_button={{!!last_button}} />
<$macrocall $name="Draw_Direction" direction="up-right-curve" last_button={{!!last_button}} />
<$macrocall $name="Draw_Direction" direction="right-up-curve" last_button={{!!last_button}} />
<$macrocall $name="Draw_Direction" direction="left-bump" last_button={{!!last_button}} />
<$macrocall $name="Draw_Direction" direction="left" last_button={{!!last_button}} />
</td><td colspan="5">
<$macrocall $name="Draw_Direction" direction="right" last_button={{!!last_button}} />
<$macrocall $name="Draw_Direction" direction="right-bump" last_button={{!!last_button}} />
<$macrocall $name="Draw_Direction" direction="left-down-curve" last_button={{!!last_button}} />
<$macrocall $name="Draw_Direction" direction="down-left-curve" last_button={{!!last_button}} />
<$macrocall $name="Draw_Direction" direction="down" last_button={{!!last_button}} />
<$macrocall $name="Draw_Direction" direction="down-bump" last_button={{!!last_button}} />
<$macrocall $name="Draw_Direction" direction="down-right-curve" last_button={{!!last_button}} />
<$macrocall $name="Draw_Direction" direction="right-down-curve" last_button={{!!last_button}} />
Requires the following Tiddlers to work
* [[Etch-A-Sketch]]
* [[Show SVG Bumps]]
* [[SVG Directions Enables]]
* [[SVG Bump Lengths]]
* [[SVG Bumps]]
* [[SVG Bumps Directions]]
* [[$:/_cpa/macros/calcString.js]]
I collect my tw5 creations on-line as http://eucaly-tw5.tiddlyspot.com/
Available Plugins :
*TitleMe - Return in-place tiddler title, to link / show / edit the source tiddler
*QuickJump - Quick jump to tiddlers in story list
*FlexWidth - Flexibly tweak sidebar width for TiddlyWiki 5 (Inspired by TW5 tristate Sidebar)
*MatchFilter - returns matching text instead of a list of the tiddlers from FieldFilter
*PopupTagger - TagBar / TagTable with popup list of tags (Inspired by MonkeyTaggerMacro for TiddlyWiki classic)
This tiddler exists to demonstrate the <<.mlink tag>> macro.
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-expandable "Contents">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-selective-expandable "Contents">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc "Contents">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-expandable "Contents" "sort[title]">>
unselectedText="<p>Select a topic in the table of contents. Click the arrow to expand a topic.</p>"
missingText="<p>Missing tiddler.</p>"
unselectedText="<p>Select a topic in the table of contents. Click the arrow to expand a topic.</p>"
missingText="<p>Missing tiddler.</p>"
unselectedText="<p>Select a topic in the table of contents. Click the arrow to expand a topic.</p>"
missingText="<p>Missing tiddler.</p>"
unselectedText="<p>Select a topic in the table of contents. Click the arrow to expand a topic.</p>"
missingText="<p>Missing tiddler.</p>"
This collection showcases inspiring and interesting examples of TiddlyWiki being used in the wild.
Submit new entries to this collection via GitHub, Twitter or by posting in the [[TiddlyWiki Groups|Forums]].
<div class="tc-link-info">
<$list filter="[tag[Examples]!sort[modified]]">
<div class="tc-link-info-item">
! <$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
<div class="tc-subtitle">Posted <$view field="modified" format="relativedate"/></div>
External images in TiddlyWiki are tiddlers that point to the URI of an image, rather than embedding the full image data. They can perform better than embedded images, particularly with large numbers or sizes of images. However, using them breaks the single file pattern of TiddlyWiki.
External images are used in the browser. They can be created by the Node.js configuration when it builds a TiddlyWiki, or they can be created manually within the browser.
! What is an External Image
An external image is an ordinary image tiddler that has a ''_canonical_uri'' field containing the URI of the image. The URI can be absolute or relative to the HTML document. If the canonical URI is provided then the ''text'' field of the tiddler is ignored and so should be omitted.
! Manually Creating External Images
To manually create an external image just create the tiddler with the appropriate image content type, and add a ''_canonical_uri'' field with a URI pointing to the actual image location.
''IMPORTANT:'' Double-check your spelling. ``_canonical_uri`` is spelled [[URI|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URI#The_relationship_between_URIs.2C_URLs.2C_and_URNs]], not URL.
! Creating external images under Node.js
The following steps are used to create a static HTML file version of a wiki accompanied by an ''images'' folder containing the referenced external images:
# Create image tiddlers in your TiddlyWikiFolders in the usual way
# Save the images as separate files (by convention, in a subfolder named ''images'')
# Externalise the image tiddlers by giving them a ''_canonical_uri'' field
# Save the main HTML file
Note the image files must be saved before they are externalised. Externalising them destroys the ''text'' field within the in-memory copy of the wiki store, meaning that attempts to save them will fail.
For an example see the ''externalimages'' build target of the demo ''tw5.com'' wiki:
--savetiddlers [is[image]] images
--setfield [is[image]] _canonical_uri $:/core/templates/canonical-uri-external-image text/plain
--setfield [is[image]] text "" text/plain
--rendertiddler $:/core/save/all externalimages.html text/plain
!! Saving Separate Image Files
The following `--savetiddlers` command can be used to save the images of a wiki into an ''images'' subfolder:
--savetiddlers [is[image]] images
!! Externalising Image Tiddlers
Two `--setfield` commands are used: the first sets the ''_canonical_uri'' field to a URI derived from the title of the tiddler, and the second clears the text field.
--setfield [is[image]] _canonical_uri $:/core/templates/canonical-uri-external-image text/plain
--setfield [is[image]] text "" text/plain
The template tiddler [[$:/core/templates/canonical-uri-external-image]] contains:
<$view tiddler="$:/core/templates/canonical-uri-external-image" field="text" format="text"/>
Note that these operations modify the tiddlers in the wiki store and so may affect the operation of subsequent commands.
! Using External Images
You can't edit an external image directly in the browser except by changing the URI field to point to a different image.
\define alert-demo()
<$fieldmangler tiddler="SampleAlert"><$set name="currentTiddler" value="SampleAlert"><$button message="tm-add-tag" param="$:/tags/Alert">alerts</$button></$set></$fieldmangler>
Further information about specific TiddlyWiki features:
<<list-links "[tag[Features]]">>
* Familiar user interface elements like <<alert-demo>>, <$button message="tm-modal" param="SampleWizard">wizards</$button> and <$button message="tm-notify" param="SampleNotification">notifications</$button>
* Try out the <$button message="tm-full-screen">full screen support</$button>
* Explore the [[D3.js visualisation plugin|http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/d3/index.html]]
* [[CodeMirror support via a plugin|http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/codemirror/index.html]]
* [[Markdown support via a plugin|http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/markdown/index.html]]
* [[Classic TiddlyWiki markup support via a plugin|http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/tw2parser/index.html]]
* Last but not least, TiddlyWiki is a rare example of a practical [[quine|Quine]]
Federatial Limited is a software consultancy founded by JeremyRuston specializing in understanding the impact of the web on the way that we work together.
See http://federatial.com/ and http://twitter.com/federatial for more information.
If <<.place S>> is empty, <<.op field>> will match both of the following:
* tiddlers that don't contain field <<.place F>>
* tiddlers in which field <<.place F>> exists but has an empty value
The syntax of a [[filter step|Filter Step]] treats any unrecognised [[filter operator|Filter Operators]] as if it was the suffix to the <<.op field>> operator. See the <<.operator-examples "field" "examples">>.
<<.operator-examples "field">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[field:author[JeremyRuston]]" "plugins authored by JeremyRuston">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[plugin-type[theme]author[JeremyRuston]]" "themes authored by JeremyRuston">>
! Introduction
The field mangler widget manipulates the fields and tags of a tiddler. It does so in response to the following [[Messages]]:
|!Message |!Description |
|''tm-remove-field'' |Remove the field specified in `event.param` |
|''tm-add-field'' |Add the field specified in `event.param` |
|''tm-remove-tag'' |Remove the tag specified in `event.param` |
|''tm-add-tag'' |Add the tag specified in `event.param` |
! Content and Attributes
The field mangler widget displays any contained content, and responds to [[Messages]] dispatched within it.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |Title of the tiddler to manipulate (defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]) |
Each input title is processed in turn. Its list of field names is retrieved (in no particular order) and then [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's output.
<<.operator-examples "fields">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[HelloThere]fields[]]" "fields of HelloThere">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[tag[Common Operators]fields[]]" "fields of all tiddlers tagged as [[Common Operators]]">>
! Introduction
The fields widget renders each field of a specified tiddler through a simple text template. A list of fields to exclude can be provided. It is used internally by TiddlyWiki5, notably by the FileSavingMechanism.
!! Template Handling
The provided template is rendered with the following special substitutions:
|!Symbol |!Substitution |
|$name$ |Field name |
|$value$ |Field value |
|$encoded_value$ |HTML encoded form of field value |
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$fields>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |Title of the tiddler from which the fields are to be displayed (defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]) |
|template |Text of the template (see above) |
|exclude |Lists of fields to be excluded (defaults to "text") |
|stripTitlePrefix |If set to "yes" then curly bracketed prefixes are removed from titles (for example `{prefix}HelloThere` converts to `HelloThere`) |
The `stripTitlePrefix` attribute is used when building TiddlyWiki Classic; see `editions/tw2` in the TiddlyWiki5 repo.
<$railroad text="""
[: [[whitespace|"Filter Whitespace"]] ]
[[run|"Filter Run"]]
A <<.def "filter expression">> is the outermost level of the [[filter syntax|Filter Syntax]]. It consists of one or more [[runs|Filter Run]].
A run's input is normally a list of all the non-[[shadow|ShadowTiddlers]] tiddler titles in the wiki (in no particular order). But the `+` prefix can change this.
* If a run has no `+` or `-` prefix, its output titles are [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the filter's output.
* If a run has a `-` prefix, its output titles are <<.em removed>> from the filter's output (if they were present).
* If a run has a `+` prefix, it receives the filter's output so far as its input. The filter's output is then completely <<.em replaced>> by the run's output. Any subsequent run reverts to receiving all tiddler titles as its input, unless it too has a `+` prefix.
In concise technical terms:
|!Run |!Interpretation |!Output |
|`run` |union of sets |... OR run |
|`+run` |intersection of sets |... AND run |
|`-run` |difference of sets |... AND NOT run |
<u>in authors</u> ^^filter1^^
<$list filter="[list[!!authors]]">
<u>in tags</u> ^^filter2^^
<$list filter="[all[current]tags[]]">
<u>in authors but not tags</u> ^^filter1 -filter2^^
<$list filter="[list[!!authors]] -[all[current]tags[]]">
<u>in authors or tags</u> ^^filter1 filter2^^
<$list filter="[list[!!authors]] [all[current]tags[]]">
<u>in authors and tags</u> ^^Relies on [[ runMacroOnFilterIntersection |$:/_cpa/macros/runMacroOnFilterIntersection]] Drag this link, point at your wiki's tab to open your wiki, then drop in your wiki to import^^
<$macrocall $name="runMacroOnFilterIntersection"
\define .operator-rows(filter)
<$list filter="$filter$"><tr>
<td><$link to={{!!title}}>{{!!caption}}</$link></td>
<td>{{!!op-purpose}} <$list filter="[all[current]tag[Common Operators]]">{{$:/core/images/done-button}}</$list></td>
<td align="center"><$list filter="[all[current]tag[Negatable Operators]]">`!`</$list></td>
\define .group-heading(_)
<tr class="doc-table-subheading"><th colspan="3" align="center">$_$</th></tr>
A <<.def "filter operator">> is a predefined keyword attached to an individual [[step|Filter Step]] of a [[filter|Filters]]. It defines the particular action of that step.
The following table lists all the core operators. The commonest ones are checkmarked. The third column indicates which operators allow <$link to="Filter Step">the <code>!</code> prefix</$link> to reverse their meaning.
<th align="left">Operator</th>
<th align="left">Purpose</th>
<th align="left">Neg</th>
<<.operator-rows "[tag[Filter Operators]!tag[Order Operators]!tag[String Operators]!tag[Tag Operators]!tag[Special Operators]sort[]]">>
<<.group-heading "Order Operators">>
<<.operator-rows "[tag[Filter Operators]tag[Order Operators]!tag[String Operators]!tag[Tag Operators]!tag[Special Operators]sort[]]">>
<<.group-heading "String Operators">>
<<.operator-rows "[tag[Filter Operators]!tag[Order Operators]tag[String Operators]!tag[Tag Operators]!tag[Special Operators]sort[]]">>
<<.group-heading "Tag Operators">>
<<.operator-rows "[tag[Filter Operators]!tag[Order Operators]!tag[String Operators]tag[Tag Operators]!tag[Special Operators]sort[]]">>
<<.group-heading "Special Operators">>
<<.operator-rows "[tag[Filter Operators]!tag[Order Operators]!tag[String Operators]!tag[Tag Operators]tag[Special Operators]sort[]]">>
A typical step is written as `[operator[parameter]]`, although not all of the operators need a [[parameter|Filter Parameter]].
Most steps process the [[selection of titles|Title Selection]] that are supplied as their input, but a few [[construct an entirely new selection|Selection Constructors]] instead. For the exact rules, see [[Filter Syntax]].
<$railroad text="""
( "[" [:{/"anything but ]"/}] "]"
"{" [:{/"anything but }"/}] "}"
"<" [:{/"anything but >"/}] ">"
The parameter to a [[filter operator|Filter Operators]] can be:
;<<.def hard>>
: `[like this]`
: The parameter is the exact text that appears between the square brackets.
;<<.def soft>>
: <<.def indirect>>
:: `{like this}`
:: The parameter is the text indicated by the [[text reference|TextReference]] whose name appears between the curly brackets, i.e. a [[field|TiddlerFields]] of a specified tiddler, or the value of a property of a specified [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]].
: <<.def variable>>
:: `<like this>`
:: The parameter is the current value of the [[variable|Variables]] whose name appears between the angle brackets. Macro parameters are <<.em not>> supported.
<$railroad text="""
( "[" { [[step|"Filter Step"]] } "]"
[:{/"anything but [ ] or whitespace"/}]
'"' [:{/'anything but "'/}] '"'
"'" [:{/"anything but '"/}] '"'
A <<.def run>> consists of [[steps|Filter Step]], and it outputs a [[selection|Title Selection]] that contributes to a larger [[filter expression|Filter Expression]].
The steps are processed from left to right. The input to the first step is same as the input to the run. For each subsequent step, the input is the output of the previous step.
{{Selection Constructors}}
The lower three options in the diagram match syntax like `HelloThere`, `"HelloThere"`, `'HelloThere'` and `"Filter Operators"`. They are short for `[title[...]]`.
The quoted options exist to support titles that contain square brackets, as in `"An [[[[Unusual]]]] Tiddler"`.
<$railroad text="""
[: [[operator|"Filter Operators"]] [:":" suffix] ]
[[parameter|"Filter Parameter"]]
A <<.def step>> represents a single operation within a [[filter|Filter Syntax]].
In programming terms, it is akin to a function call to which [[the step's input|Filter Run]] is passed as an implicit parameter. A step's output is a [[selection|Title Selection]] that contributes to a [[run|Filter Run]] and hence to the entire [[filter expression|Filter Expression]] that contains it.
The step's <<.def operator>> is drawn from a list of [[predefined keywords|Filter Operators]], which can be extended by plugins. Any unrecognised operator is treated as if it was the suffix to the <<.olink field>> operator. If a step's operator is omitted altogether, it defaults to `title`.
The <<.def suffix>> is additional text, often the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]], that extends the meaning of certain operators.
Many steps require an explicit <<.def parameter>> value, also known as an <<.def operand>>, that further defines what the step is to do.
<<.preamble """[[Filters]] follow a grammar that is presented here, using [[railroad diagrams|Railroad Diagrams]], for those who find formal syntax descriptions helpful. However, you can [[learn to write filters|Introduction to filter notation]] without needing to understand this group of tiddlers.""">>
A <<.def filter>> is a pipeline for transforming an <<.def input>> into an <<.def output>>. Both the input and the output are [[ordered sets of titles|Title Selection]] of things like tiddlers and fields.
Filters are [[expressions|Filter Expression]] constructed from smaller building blocks, called [[runs|Filter Run]] and [[steps|Filter Step]], each of which also transforms an input to an output.
A filter starts with an empty output. Its runs are processed from left to right, progressively modifying the output.
Here are details of the various building blocks involved:
<<list-links "[tag[Filter Syntax]]">>
<$railroad text="""
{( "space" | "tab" | "linefeed" | "return" | "vertical tab" | "formfeed" )}
Whitespace characters can appear between each [[run|Filter Run]] of a [[filter expression|Filter Expression]].
You can think of TiddlyWiki as a database in which the records are tiddlers. A database typically provides a way of discovering which records match a given pattern, and in ~TiddlyWiki this is done with filters.
A <<.def filter>> is a concise notation for selecting a particular [[set of tiddlers|Title Selection]], known as its <<.def "output">>. Whenever ~TiddlyWiki encounters a filter, it calculates the output. Further work can then be done with just those tiddlers, such as [[counting|CountWidget]] or [[listing|ListWidget]] them.
The following example passes a filter to the <<.mlink list-links>> macro to display a list of all tiddlers whose titles start with the letter H:
> `<<list-links "[prefix[H]]">>`
A filter's output can change as tiddlers are added and deleted in the wiki. ~TiddlyWiki recalculates on the fly, automatically updating any filter-based counts or lists as well.
[[Advanced Search|$:/AdvancedSearch]] has a <<.advancedsearch-tab Filter>> tab that makes it easy to experiment with filters.
;Find out more:
* [[Introduction to filter notation]] -- a step-by-step walkthrough
* [[Filter Syntax]] -- the detailed technical rules
* [[Filter Operators]] -- the available methods of filtering
<<.operator-examples "first">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]first[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]first[5]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[tag[Filter Operators]!sort[title]first[]]">>
Copied from this post: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/tiddlywiki/uJnrBDAfeWI
@@float:left;padding-right:10px;padding-left:10px;[img width=120 [Henry B. Eyring|http://stuffpoint.com/cats/image/115599-cats-a-cute-little-cat.jpg]]@@
!!A cute little cat
!!!In a small knitted bag
This is a little kitten in a cute knitted bag.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi. Nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet. Duis sagittis ipsum. Praesent mauris. Fusce nec tellus sed augue semper porta. Mauris massa. Vestibulum lacinia arcu eget nulla.
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur sodales ligula in libero. Sed dignissim lacinia nunc. Curabitur tortor. Pellentesque nibh. Aenean quam. In scelerisque sem at dolor. Maecenas mattis. Sed convallis tristique sem. Proin ut ligula vel nunc egestas porttitor. Morbi lectus risus, iaculis vel, suscipit quis, luctus non, massa. Fusce ac turpis quis ligula lacinia aliquet. Mauris ipsum.
Nulla metus metus, ullamcorper vel, tincidunt sed, euismod in, nibh. Quisque volutpat condimentum velit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nam nec ante. Sed lacinia, urna non tincidunt mattis, tortor neque adipiscing diam, a cursus ipsum ante quis turpis. Nulla facilisi. Ut fringilla. Suspendisse potenti. Nunc feugiat mi a tellus consequat imperdiet. Vestibulum sapien. Proin quam. Etiam ultrices. Suspendisse in justo eu magna luctus suscipit. Sed lectus.
Integer euismod lacus luctus magna. Quisque cursus, metus vitae pharetra auctor, sem massa mattis sem, at interdum magna augue eget diam. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Morbi lacinia molestie dui. Praesent blandit dolor. Sed non quam. In vel mi sit amet augue congue elementum. Morbi in ipsum sit amet pede facilisis laoreet. Donec lacus nunc, viverra nec, blandit vel, egestas et, augue. Vestibulum tincidunt malesuada tellus. Ut ultrices ultrices enim. Curabitur sit amet mauris. Morbi in dui quis est pulvinar ullamcorper. Nulla facilisi. Integer lacinia sollicitudin massa.
Cras metus. Sed aliquet risus a tortor. Integer id quam. Morbi mi. Quisque nisl felis, venenatis tristique, dignissim in, ultrices sit amet, augue. Proin sodales libero eget ante. Nulla quam. Aenean laoreet. Vestibulum nisi lectus, commodo ac, facilisis ac, ultricies eu, pede. Ut orci risus, accumsan porttitor, cursus quis, aliquet eget, justo. Sed pretium blandit orci. Ut eu diam at pede suscipit sodales. Aenean lectus elit, fermentum non, convallis id, sagittis at, neque. Nullam mauris orci, aliquet et, iaculis et, viverra vitae, ligula.
\define picshow(flower, field)
<$transclude tiddler={{$flower$!!$field$}} />
! Buy your flowers from us
We are a big distributor of flowers
Chhose your flower:
<table width="100%"><tr><td width="20%">
Flower Image:
<$macrocall $name="picshow" flower={{flowerchooser}} field="flower" />
Flower price
<$view tiddler={{flowerchooser}} field="price" />
<$button>Add to order</$button>
Barcode Image:
<$macrocall $name="picshow" flower={{flowerchooser}} field="barcode" />
</td><td width="80%">
Russian text:
<$transclude mode="block" tiddler={{flowerchooser}} field="russian" />
English text:
<$transclude mode="block" tiddler={{flowerchooser}} field="english" />
Russian text:
<$edit-text tag="textarea" tiddler={{flowerchooser}} field="russian" />
English text:
<$edit-text tag="textarea" tiddler={{flowerchooser}} field="english" />
Flower Image:
<$edit tiddler={{flowerchooser}} field="flower" />
Barcode Image:
<$edit tiddler={{flowerchooser}} field="barcode" />
<$edit tiddler={{flowerchooser}} field="price" />
Available character formatting includes:
* <code>`backticks`</code> for `code`
** Alternatively, <code>``double backticks allows `embedded` backticks``</code>
* `''bold''` for ''bold text''
* `//italic//` for //italic text//
* `__underscore__` for __underscored text__
* `^^superscript^^` for ^^superscript^^ text
* `,,subscript,,` for ,,subscripted,, text
* `~~strikethrough~~` for ~~strikethrough~~ text
See also: [[Code Blocks in WikiText]]
Within the text of a tiddler you can use special formatting called WikiText to control how the text is displayed.
! Simple Formatting
At its simplest, WikiText lets you use familiar word-processing features like bold, italic, lists and tables. For example:
The ''quick'' brown ~~flea~~ fox //jumps// over the `lazy` dog
… displays as:
The ''quick'' brown ~~flea~~ fox //jumps// over the `lazy` dog
! Working with Tiddlers
In WikiText, you can link to tiddlers using double square brackets, or by taking advantage of the automatic linking of CamelCase words:
This is a link to HelloThere, and one to [[History of TiddlyWiki]]
… displays as:
This is a link to HelloThere, and one to [[History of TiddlyWiki]]
! Macros
Macros let you package repetitive fragments of WikiText so that you can easily reuse them.
For example, here is the definition of a macro that generates a ~YouTube video URL from its unique identifier:
\define youtube(video)
With that definition in place, `<<youtube 1g66s7UbyuU>>` generates the URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1g66s7UbyuU
! Advanced WikiText
Advanced WikiText features allow you to produce automated lists and interactive features like dropdown menus. In fact, the entire user interface of TiddlyWiki itself is written in WikiText, so any feature that you see in TiddlyWiki can be adapted for use in your own wikis.
Some of the advanced features require complex coding. TiddlyWiki includes several built-in macros that simplify common user interface tasks, like tabs, tables of content, and lists of tiddlers.
! Find out more
See [[WikiText]] for a detailed introduction to writing WikiText.
Copied from this post: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/tiddlywiki/uJnrBDAfeWI
| !Option | !Setting |
|''Tiddler titles:'' | <$radio tiddler="$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/title" field="tags" value="">Hide</$radio> <$radio tiddler="$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/title" field="tags" value="$:/tags/ViewTemplate">Show</$radio> |
|''Tiddler subtitles:'' | <$radio tiddler="$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/subtitle" field="tags" value="">Hide</$radio> <$radio tiddler="$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/subtitle" field="tags" value="$:/tags/ViewTemplate">Show</$radio> |
|''Tiddler tags:'' | <$radio tiddler="$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/tags" field="tags" value="">Hide</$radio> <$radio tiddler="$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/tags" field="tags" value="$:/tags/ViewTemplate">Show</$radio> |
! Users
The ~TiddlyWiki discussion groups are mailing lists for talking about ~TiddlyWiki: requests for help, announcements of new releases and plugins, debating new features, or just sharing experiences. You can participate via the associated website, or subscribe via email.
* The main ~TiddlyWiki group: http://groups.google.com/group/TiddlyWiki
*> Note that you do not need a Google Account to join the discussion groups. Subscribe by sending an email to mailto:tiddlywiki+subscribe@googlegroups.com or mailto:tiddlywikidev+subscribe@googlegroups.com.
* Watch recordings of our regular [[TiddlyWiki Hangouts]]
* Follow [[@TiddlyWiki on Twitter|http://twitter.com/TiddlyWiki]] for the latest news
! Developers
* The TiddlyWikiDev group for developers: http://groups.google.com/group/TiddlyWikiDev
*> Note that you do not need a Google Account to join the discussion groups. Subscribe by sending an email to mailto:tiddlywiki+subscribe@googlegroups.com or mailto:tiddlywikidev+subscribe@googlegroups.com.
* Follow [[@TiddlyWiki on Twitter|http://twitter.com/#!/TiddlyWiki]] for the latest news
* Get involved in the [[development on GitHub|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5]]
New releases of TiddlyWiki, TiddlyDesktop and TiddlyFox are announced via the discussion groups and [[Twitter|https://twitter.com/TiddlyWiki]] (you can also subscribe to an Atom/RSS feed of [[TiddlyWiki releases from GitHub|https://github.com/jermolene/tiddlywiki5/releases.atom]])
The "full" edition of TiddlyWiki consists of all the available languages, themes and plugins for TiddlyWiki. It is intended for use in testing TiddlyWiki - in particular, for switching between all the available language plugins.
The full edition can be downloaded from:
TiddlyWiki is designed with the long term needs of its users in mind. Because it is OpenSource and needs no infrastructure, we can be confident that all we'll need to access a ~TiddlyWiki file even in the far future is an ordinary HTML browser. If you're starting to use ~TiddlyWiki at the beginning of your career you can be confident that it will carry you through to retirement.
<svg class="tc-image-options-button tc-image-button" width="22pt" height="22pt" viewBox="0 0 128 128">
<g fill-rule="evenodd">
<path d="M110.48779,76.0002544 C109.354214,80.4045063 107.611262,84.5641217 105.354171,88.3838625 L105.354171,88.3838625 L112.07833,95.1080219 C115.20107,98.2307613 115.210098,103.299824 112.089164,106.420759 L106.420504,112.089418 C103.301049,115.208874 98.2346851,115.205502 95.1077675,112.078585 L88.3836082,105.354425 C84.5638673,107.611516 80.4042519,109.354468 76,110.488045 L76,110.488045 L76,119.993281 C76,124.409501 72.4220153,128.000254 68.0083475,128.000254 L59.9916525,128.000254 C55.5800761,128.000254 52,124.41541 52,119.993281 L52,110.488045 C47.5957481,109.354468 43.4361327,107.611516 39.6163918,105.354425 L32.8922325,112.078585 C29.7694931,115.201324 24.7004301,115.210353 21.5794957,112.089418 L15.9108363,106.420759 C12.7913807,103.301303 12.7947522,98.2349395 15.9216697,95.1080219 L22.6458291,88.3838625 C20.3887383,84.5641217 18.6457859,80.4045063 17.5122098,76.0002544 L8.00697327,76.0002544 C3.59075293,76.0002544 2.19088375e-16,72.4222697 4.89347582e-16,68.0086019 L9.80228577e-16,59.9919069 C1.25035972e-15,55.5803305 3.58484404,52.0002544 8.00697327,52.0002544 L17.5122098,52.0002544 C18.6457859,47.5960025 20.3887383,43.4363871 22.6458291,39.6166462 L15.9216697,32.8924868 C12.7989304,29.7697475 12.7899019,24.7006845 15.9108363,21.5797501 L21.5794957,15.9110907 C24.6989513,12.7916351 29.7653149,12.7950065 32.8922325,15.9219241 L39.6163918,22.6460835 C43.4361327,20.3889927 47.5957481,18.6460403 52,17.5124642 L52,8.00722764 C52,3.5910073 55.5779847,0.000254375069 59.9916525,0.000254375069 L68.0083475,0.000254375069 C72.4199239,0.000254375069 76,3.58509841 76,8.00722764 L76,17.5124642 C80.4042519,18.6460403 84.5638673,20.3889927 88.3836082,22.6460835 L95.1077675,15.9219241 C98.2305069,12.7991848 103.29957,12.7901562 106.420504,15.9110907 L112.089164,21.5797501 C115.208619,24.6992057 115.205248,29.7655693 112.07833,32.8924868 L105.354171,39.6166462 L105.354171,39.6166462 C107.611262,43.4363871 109.354214,47.5960025 110.48779,52.0002544 L119.993027,52.0002544 C124.409247,52.0002544 128,55.5782391 128,59.9919069 L128,68.0086019 C128,72.4201783 124.415156,76.0002544 119.993027,76.0002544 L110.48779,76.0002544 L110.48779,76.0002544 Z M64,96.0002544 C81.673112,96.0002544 96,81.6733664 96,64.0002544 C96,46.3271424 81.673112,32.0002544 64,32.0002544 C46.326888,32.0002544 32,46.3271424 32,64.0002544 C32,81.6733664 46.326888,96.0002544 64,96.0002544 Z"></path>
<circle cx="64" cy="64" r="16" fill="none" stroke="black" stroke-width="8"/>
TiddlyWiki5 can be used to generate static HTML representations of a TiddlyWiki that doesn't need JavaScript.
There is much flexibility in how the static HTML is generated. The following scenarios are all illustrated on http://tiddlywiki.com.
! Wiki Snapshots and Tiddler Snapshots
You can explore a static representation of this TiddlyWiki at <a href="static.html">static.html</a>. That file is a static snapshot of the current DefaultTiddlers. Any tiddlers that it links to are referred to via URLs of the form `/static/HelloThere.html` that point to static snapshots of individual tiddlers. The tiddler HTML files reference a `static.css` stylesheet file.
The following commands are used to generate the sample static version of the TiddlyWiki5 site:
--rendertiddlers [!is[system]] $:/core/templates/static.tiddler.html static text/plain
--rendertiddler $:/core/templates/static.template.html static.html text/plain
--rendertiddler $:/core/templates/static.template.css static/static.css text/plain
The first RenderTiddlersCommand generates the HTML representations of individual tiddlers, the second RenderTiddlerCommand saves the static version of the DefaultTiddlers, and the final RenderTiddlerCommand saves the stylesheet. (All the files are placed in the `output` folder of the wiki folder).
! Wiki Snapshot with Internal Links
It is also possible to produce a single HTML file that contains static representations of tiddlers, and uses standard HTML anchor links to jump between them.
For example: <a href="alltiddlers.html">alltiddlers.html</a>
The example is built by the following commands:
--rendertiddler $:/core/templates/alltiddlers.template.html alltiddlers.html text/plain
Each input title is processed in turn. If the corresponding tiddler contains field <<.place F>>, and the value of this field is not empty, then its value is appended to the output.
Unlike most other [[Filter Operators]], the [[selection|Title Selection]] output by <<.op get>> can contain duplicates. To avoid duplicates, use `each[F]get[F]`.
<<.operator-examples "get">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[all[current]get[draft.of]]" "the title of the tiddler of which the current tiddler is a draft">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[get[tags]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[each[tags]get[tags]]">>
//This is a sample task for the TaskManagementExample//
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="the name of a [[property|DataTiddlers]]"
output="the values of property <<.place P>> in each of the input titles"
Each input title is processed in turn, and is ignored if it does not denote a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]]. If the tiddler contains property <<.place P>>, the value of that property is [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the output.
<<.operator-examples "getindex">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[$:/palettes/Vanilla]getindex[background]]" "returns the value at index ''background'' of the [[DataTiddler|DataTiddlers]] [[$:/palettes/Vanilla]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[tag[$:/tags/Palette]getindex[background]]" "returns all background colors defined in any of the ColourPalettes">>
This brief tutorial takes you through the basics of saving changes with a standalone TiddlyWiki file.
//Note that the video is a bit out of date, and will be updated soon!//
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/1g66s7UbyuU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
\define default-platform()
GettingStarted - $(browser-name)$
Brief instructions for getting started on the different platforms and configurations that TiddlyWiki supports. See the [[Beginners Guide]] for a more leisurely introduction.
<$set name="browser-name" value={{$:/info/browser/name}}>
<$macrocall $name="tabs" state="$:/state/tabs/platform" tabsList="[prefix[GettingStarted - ]]" default=<<default-platform>> class="tc-vertical"/>
* Don't attempt to use the browser ''File''/''Save'' menu option to save changes (it doesn't work)
See also:
* [[Encryption]] explains how to use TiddlyWiki's built-in encryption to protect your content with a password
* [[Saving on TiddlySpot]], a free service that lets you use TiddlyWiki online
* Saving on TiddlyDesktop, a custom desktop application for working with TiddlyWiki
* You can also download this full TiddlyWiki including all the documentation:
If the button doesn't work save this link:
<a href="http://tiddlywiki.com/index.html" download="index.html">~http://tiddlywiki.com/index.html</a>
Your browser may ask you to accept the download before it begins
There are two options for using TiddlyWiki on Android:
! Using Firefox and TiddlyFox
{{Saving with TiddlyFox on Android}}
! Using the AndTidWiki App
{{Saving on Android}}
TiddlyWiki on Google Chrome can only save changes using the HTML5-compatible fallback saver module.
{{Saving with the HTML5 fallback saver}}
Firefox provides the best user experience for using TiddlyWiki with the TiddlyFox browser extension.
{{Saving with TiddlyFox}}
{{Saving with TiddlyIE}}
The [[Windows HTA Hack]] describes an alternative method of using TiddlyWiki with Internet Explorer.
{{Saving on iPad/iPhone}}
{{Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js}}
TiddlyWiki on Safari can only save changes using the manual HTML5-compatible fallback saver module.
{{Saving on Safari}}
GitHub is a commercial organisation that operates a service for hosting code that includes powerful collaborative features.
The code and documentation of TiddlyWiki is hosted on GitHub at:
//This is a sample task for the TaskManagementExample//
The following sidebar tabs give examples of grouped lists created by nesting.
!! Types Tab
For the [[Types|$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/Types]] tab, the outer list filter as shown below selects each discrete value found in the `type` field. The inner list filter selects all the (non-system) tiddlers with that type.
<<tw-code "$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/Types">>
!! Recent Tab
The list in the [[Recent|$:/core/ui/SideBar/Recent]] tab is generated using the <<.mlink timeline>> macro. Here, the outer list filter selects each discrete day found in the `modified` field, while the inner list filter selects all the tiddlers dated the same day in the `modified` field.
<<tw-code-link "$:/core/macros/timeline">>
TiddlyWiki makes a great GuerillaWiki in situations where it is not practical to use a traditional wiki.
For instance, in a corporate setting, persuading an over-worked IT department to install a Wiki server for you is seldom going to be possible overnight. And if your PC is locked down you can't install a conventional Wiki yourself. Equally, you can't go and use one of the public hosted Wiki services because your Information Security department would not allow all that corporate data to flow into an outside server.
TiddlyWiki slices through those barriers by being usable on virtually all PCs.
A <<.def "hard link">> is one that can be detected by a superficial examination of WikiText.
A link is <<.def "soft">> if it is:
* contained in text [[trancluded|Transclusion]] from elsewhere
* supplied via a [[macro|Macros]] or [[variable|Variables]]
* generated by a link widget whose <<.attr to>> attribute is a transclusion, macro or variable
<$macrocall $name=".warning" _="""Soft links are not detected by link-related filter operators such as <<.olink backlinks>>, <<.olink links>>, <<.olink all>> and <<.olink is>>."""/>
The usual handling of [[paragraphs in wikitext|Paragraphs in WikiText]] causes single line breaks to be ignored, and double linebreaks to be interpreted as the end of a paragraph.
This behaviour isn't convenient when dealing with material that incorporates hard linebreaks - for instance, poetry. You can mark a block of content as containing hard line breaks like this:
<<wikitext-example src:'"""
This is a line
and this is a new line
while this is yet another line
and this is the final one
apart from this one
<<.operator-examples "has">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[has[color]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[tag[Concepts]!has[modified]]">>
A tiddler is deemed to have been modified if it has been written back to the wiki since the start of the current ~TiddlyWiki session. If you edit a tiddler and immediately store it again without making any changes, that is enough to mark it as modified.
<<.operator-examples "haschanged">>
Headings are specified with one or more leading `!` characters:
! This is a level 1 heading
!! This is a level 2 heading
!!! This is a level 3 heading
CSS classes can be assigned to individual headings like this:
!.myStyle This heading has the class `myStyle`
''Have you ever had the feeling that your head is not quite big enough to hold everything you need to remember?''
Welcome to TiddlyWiki, a unique [[non-linear|Philosophy of Tiddlers]] notebook for capturing, organising and sharing complex information. It boosts your brain power as a bicycle boosts the power of your body.
Use it to keep your to-do list, to plan an essay or novel, or to organise your wedding. Record every thought that crosses your brain, or build a flexible, responsive website for publishing a manifesto.
<div style="font-size:0.7em;text-align:center;margin-top:3em;margin-bottom:3em;">
<<list-thumbnails filter:"[tag[HelloThumbnail]]" width:"140" height:"79">>
Unlike conventional online services, TiddlyWiki lets you choose where to keep your data, guaranteeing that in the decades to come you will still be able to use the notes you take today.
Join people all over the world using TiddlyWiki to help them keep organised and to get things done.
<div style="font-size:0.7em;text-align:center;margin-top:3em;margin-bottom:3em;">
<a href="http://groups.google.com/group/TiddlyWiki" class="tc-btn-big-green" style="background-color:#FF8C19;" target="_blank">
{{$:/core/images/mail}} ~TiddlyWiki Mailing List
<a href="https://twitter.com/TiddlyWiki" class="tc-btn-big-green" style="background-color:#5E9FCA;" target="_blank">
{{$:/core/images/twitter}} @~TiddlyWiki on Twitter
<a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5" class="tc-btn-big-green" style="background-color:#444;" target="_blank">
{{$:/core/images/github}} ~TiddlyWiki on ~GitHub
If you find TiddlyWiki useful, there are lots of ways you can help assure its future and make it better.
! Teach and Tell
OpenSource projects like ~TiddlyWiki thrive on the feedback and engagement of users. ~TiddlyWiki becomes more useful to everyone as more and more people use it. So, if you find ~TiddlyWiki useful, spread the word. The best possible way to assure its future is for it to become a hundred times more popular than before.
* Tweet about ~TiddlyWiki: [[I love TiddlyWiki because...|https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=I+love+TiddlyWiki+because...&source=tiddlywiki5]]
* [[Star the TiddlyWiki5 GitHub Repository|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5]]
* [[Display the TiddlyWiki Poster|http://tiddlywiki.com/poster]]
[img width=232 [Tiddler Poster.png]]
! Help improve the documentation and code
There are many ways you can contribute to ~TiddlyWiki:
* Writing tutorials
* Contributing to the documentation on tiddlywiki.com
* Making video screencasts
* Curating relevant links, hints and tips on a wiki
The main ~TiddlyWiki documentation and code lives on GitHub, and welcomes [[contributions|Contributing]]:
* https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5
The Highlight plugin provides the ability to apply syntax colouring to text.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/highlight/
//These are personal reflections on the history and development of TiddlyWiki from JeremyRuston//
! Origins of TiddlyWiki
Back in 1997 a colleague introduced me to [[Ward Cunningham's original wiki|http://c2.com/cgi/wiki]]. I was impressed that something so powerful could fit into just 700 lines of Perl, and fascinated by the radical reimagining of security and permissions. Like many other developers, I took every opportunity I could to try out various wikis, and to explore their use at work.
The allure of the wiki for me was the feeling that it could eventually disrupt the prevailing paradigm of print-oriented documents and emails.
After watching people use wikis for a few years, I noticed that power users made extensive use of the ability to open multiple wiki pages at once in several browser tabs, making it easier for them to compare and review pages, to copy text between them and to act as a sort of queue of pages yet to be read.
I felt that this ability to manipulate multiple pages at once was central to the ability to refactor a wiki, and it is generally accepted that a wiki that is lovingly refactored tends to be more useful. And yet, standard wiki user interfaces have always been designed exclusively for the presentation and manipulation of single pages at once.
All of these thoughts came together when I saw GMail in April 2004, which used Ajax cleverly to blend individual emails into threaded conversations.
I started experimenting with HTML and JavaScript to explore the idea further. I'd had virtually no experience of either, just having put together some static pages and simple ASP sites in previous lives. Getting my head around these client-side technologies was painful; like everyone else, I was horrified to discover how appalling were the incompatibilities and inconsistencies of web programming.
! Launch of TiddlyWiki
So, in September 2004 I released a primitive [[first version of TiddlyWiki|http://classic.tiddlywiki.com/firstversion.html]]. It was the smallest possible thing that demonstrated the idea: it was a simple, self-contained static 48KB HTML file.
The downside of writing the first version of TiddlyWiki in this way was that it made it completely impractical to use for editing - when you click 'save changes' it just pops up a window showing the data that would be saved if it were possible for an HTML page to write to the file system.
Much of the early feedback was that TiddlyWiki was neat, but that it would be more useful when it was possible to properly save changes. I was a little frustrated, as I thought I knew that it was impossible for an HTML file running in the browser to save changes to the local file system.
Within a few months I saw an experimental Firefox extension that enabled TiddlyWiki to save changes in the browser. Examining the code, I realised that the APIs that it used to write to the file system were actually available in ordinary HTML files - as long as they were loaded via a `file://` URI.
I adapted the Firefox code into the core of TiddlyWiki, and soon added a similar ability for Internet Explorer (making use of an old ActiveX control that Microsoft distributed with Internet Explorer).
! Growth of TiddlyWiki
A major milestone in the growth of TiddlyWiki was the creation of "GTDTiddlyWiki" by Nathan Bowers. He took the vanilla TiddlyWiki product and adapted it for the specific application of keeping track of tasks using the popular Getting Things Done methodology. GTDTiddlyWiki was an immediate hit, being enthusiastically greeted on websites like LifeHacker.
Over the next couple of years TiddlyWiki continued to grow in popularity, and gained new features and capabilities. Within a year I was able to support myself by performing bespoke development work on TiddlyWiki, notably working with wiki pioneer SocialText on the ability to synchronise changes with an online server
! BT Acquisition
In May 2007, [[BT]] acquired [[Osmosoft]], my consultancy company. It was an unusual decision to acquire a company with a single employee and a tiny trickle of revenue - [[Osmosoft]] didn't even own the intellectual property in TiddlyWiki since I had handed it over to UnaMesa to assure its future for the community.
[[BT]]'s motivation was to help them understand community-based ecosystems. I joined the organisation as "Head of Open Source Innovation", taking responsibility for open source governance, and providing advice and expertise on how to participate in open soure communities.
! [[Osmosoft]] and TiddlySpace
I built a team in BT under the name [[Osmosoft]]. Our purpose was to evangelise the benefits of open source, and to help other teams realise those benefits in practice. We also found that it was necessary to evangelise the use of the web in general, and web standards in particular.
Our approach was to focus on showing rather than telling. We worked with the TiddlyWiki community to extend the ecosystem and we built numerous internal systems for BT (some based on TiddlyWiki and some not).
[[Osmosoft]]'s chief contribution to the TiddlyWiki community was the creation of TiddlyWeb and TiddlySpace. TiddlyWeb was a robust, internet scale server for tiddlers that could also compose TiddlyWiki views of those tiddlers. TiddlySpace was an attempt to package TiddlyWeb into a more directly usable form.
! Leaving BT
By the end of 2011 I was increasingly feeling that I would be better placed to realise the potential of TiddlyWiki outside of the corporate confines BT. Accordingly, I left and started work as an independent developer, primarily working on a brand new reboot of TiddlyWiki in the shape of TiddlyWiki5.
! Development of TiddlyWiki5
I worked on new release of TiddlyWiki from November 2011. As a programmer, working on "version 2.0" of something that I had already written is a very attractive proposition. It means that the requirements were fully understood, allowing me to focus on evolving the architecture needed to support the desired functionality.
! The Future
Now that TiddlyWiki5 has finally left "beta" status behind, my hope is that it will have a long life. Because it only uses standard features of HTML5 and Node.js, there is no reason why it cannot be fully operational for many years to come. My goal is for it to last for at least 25 years.
//Jeremy Ruston, 20th September 2014//
The system tiddler [[$:/HistoryList]] keeps track of a list of tiddlers comprising the navigation history. Each time you click on a link to a tiddler, the title of the target tiddler is added to the top of the stack.
The history list is stored in JSON to allow additional details about the coordinates of the DOM node that initiated the navigation.
The history list also maintains the field ''current-tiddler'' that contains the name of the tiddler at the top of the stack. This field can be used like so:
<$list filter="[list[$:/StoryList]]" history="$:/HistoryList" storyview="pop">
<$button message="tm-close-tiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-mini">×</$button> <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/> <$reveal type="match" state="$:/HistoryList!!current-tiddler" text=<<currentTiddler>>>✓</$reveal></$link>
Which renders the same as the "Open" sidebar tab, with the addition of a tick against the tiddler that was last navigated to.
<$list filter="[list[$:/StoryList]]" history="$:/HistoryList" storyview="pop">
<$button message="tm-close-tiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-mini">×</$button> <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/> <$reveal type="match" state="$:/HistoryList!!current-tiddler" text=<<currentTiddler>>>✓</$reveal></$link>
!! Empty Story
To display content when the story is empty, create $:/config/EmptyStoryMessage and enter the desired contents. The following would show the GettingStarted tiddler when all others are closed.
You can include a horizontal rule with three or more dashes on their own on a line:
<<wikitext-example src:"
When you edit a tiddler on http://tiddlywiki.com you will see a small ribbon inviting you to edit the source of the tiddler on GitHub.
If you are using Node.js, you can replicate this feature for your own TiddlyWiki-based site as follows:
# Make sure the following setting is included in the `tiddlywiki.info` file in your WikiFolder:
#> <pre><code> "config": {
"retain-original-tiddler-path": true
# Copy the tiddler [[$:/ContributionBanner]] to your wiki
# Make the following changes:
## Adjust the GitHub link URL from https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/edit/master/editions/tw5.com/tiddlers/ to point to your own GitHub repo
## Make sure the wording of the text starting "Can you help us improve this documentation?" is appropriate for your visitors
## Adjust the link to [[Improving TiddlyWiki Documentation]] to point to your own tiddler with instructions for the contribution procedure
To create a new tab in the sidebar menu:
# Create a tiddler and tag it with the [[SystemTag|SystemTags]] tag [[$:/tags/SideBar]]
#* To create a table of contents you can populate the new tab tiddler using the [[table-of-contents macros|Table-of-Contents Macros]]. For example, see the [[TableOfContents]] used here
# By default, the tiddler title is used as the tab title but you can override it using the `caption` field
# To define the tab ordering, use the `list-after` or `list-before` fields as discussed in [[Tagging]]
#* For example: set `list-after` to [[$:/core/ui/SideBar/Open]] to place a sidebar tab immediately after the "Open" tab
Note that you can create new tabs under the "More" tab in the same way by using the tag `$:/tags/MoreSideBar`.
You can apply custom styles to tiddlers that have a particular tag by defining a CSS class with the name `tc-tagged-<Tag Name>`.
For example, to make tiddlers tagged "NightReader" appear in a special colour scheme suitable for night-time reading, [[create a stylesheet|Using Stylesheets]] defining the class `tc-tagged-NightReader` like this:
.tc-tagged-NightReader {
color: orange;
padding: 35px 35px;
.tc-tagged-NightReader .tc-tiddler-body {
font-size: 1.5em;
The `tc-tagged-NightReader` class is applied to the entire tiddler and not just the tiddler text. If you want to target a smaller portion of the tiddler you can qualify the CSS selector, as is done here with `.tc-tagged-NightReader .tc-tiddler-body`.
Note that tags containing spaces or non-alphanumeric characters will be converted using URI encoding, making the generated CSS classname hard to predict. For example:
|!Tag |!Generated Class Name |
|`$:/mytag` |`tc-tagged-%24%3A%2Fmytag` |
|`one two` |`tc-tagged-one%20two` |
|`£35.23` |`tc-tagged-%C2%A335.23` |
First install TiddlyWiki as described in [[Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js]].
# Create an empty [[TiddlyWikiFolder|TiddlyWikiFolders]]
## Create a new folder in a convenient place (for example `~/MyWiki`)
## Create a file called `tiddlywiki.info` containing the following text:
##* `{"themes": ["tiddlywiki/vanilla","tiddlywiki/snowwhite"]}`
## Create a subfolder called `tiddlers`
##* Alternatively, just copy the `editions/empty` folder from the TiddlyWiki5 repo
# Create individual TiddlerFiles in the `~/MyWiki/tiddlers` directory
# Execute the following command from the TiddlyWiki5 root directory to build a TiddlyWiki5 file from the tiddlers:
## `tiddlywiki ~/MyWiki --rendertiddler $:/core/save/all index.html text/plain`
\define getCountOfItemsInList(tiddlerName, fieldName)
<$count filter="[list[$tiddlerName$!!$fieldName$]]" />
\define generateSelectWithNumberOptions(xnum)
<br/>''executing generateSelectWithNumberOptions(xnum="$xnum$")''
<$list filter="1 2 3 4 $xnum$">
<option value=<<currentTiddler>> >
Can I generate a number using a macro that calls <$count>?
<<getCountOfItemsInList "What_s_wrong_with_this" "test">>
Can I generate a select containing a list of options by passing a number?
<$macrocall $name="generateSelectWithNumberOptions"
Can I generate a select containing a list of options by passing a value from a macro that calls <$count>?
<$macrocall $name="generateSelectWithNumberOptions"
xnum=<<filterCount "[list[How to pass a filter count to a macro!!test]]">>
<<filterCount "[list[How to pass a filter count to a macro!!test]]">> This is done with the javascropt macr [[filterCount|$:/_cpa/macros/filterCount.js]] Drag into your tiddler to import
Here's how to display the last modification date of a wiki in a banner in the corner of the window:
# Copy the plugin [[$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/github-fork-ribbon]] to your TiddlyWiki
# Save and reload your wiki
# Create a new tiddler called [[$:/_MyRibbon]] tagged [[$:/tags/PageControls]] and containing:<div>
<div class="github-fork-ribbon-wrapper right">
<div class="github-fork-ribbon" style="background-color:#DF4848;">
<$list filter="[!is[system]!has[draft.of]!sort[modified]limit[1]]">
<$view field="modified" format="date" template="DD mmm YYYY at 0hh:0mm"/>
# If required, change the background-color value to your preference
# You can also try changing the positioning class from `right` to `right-bottom`
## To make the banner appear at the top left you'll need to tag the tiddler [[$:/tags/PageTemplate]] instead of [[$:/tags/PageControls]] and then change the position class to `left`
HTML tags and comments can be used directly in WikiText. For example:
<article class="hello">
This is my nice and simple block of text. HelloThere
<!-- This comment will not appear in the wikified output -->
! Content Parsing
The content of an HTML element will be parsed in inline mode unless the opening tag is followed by two linebreaks, in which case it is parsed in block mode. (Inline mode means that block mode formatting such as tables, lists and headings is not recognised).
! Attributes
Attributes in HTML tags can be specified as a literal, a transclusion or a macro invocation. For example, here the value of the `href` attribute will be set to the value of the tiddler MyLinkDestination:
<a href={{MyLinkDestination}}>link</a>
Here an attribute is specified as a macro invocation:
<a href=<<MyMacro "Brian">>>link</a>
Literal attribute values can include line breaks. For example:
<div data-address="Mouse House,
Mouse Lane,
By using triple-double quotes you can specify attribute values that include single double quotes. For example:
<div data-address="""Mouse House,
"Mouse" Lane,
<<.dlink-ex HTML "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML">> is a standard plain-text format used for defining the content of a web page.
It consists of a tree of elements expressed using a system of special <<.def tags>> enclosed in angle brackets.
Almost the whole of HTML can be used unchanged in the WikiText of a tiddler.
This slide has a bunch of content
* I have set it so (Next / Previous) don't navigate to non-existant slides
Here is an example of using the ListWidget and the TranscludeWidget to show a grid of all system images (ie, tiddlers tagged [[$:/tags/Image]]).
.my-gallery svg {
width: 6em;
height: 6em;
margin: 1em;
<div class="my-gallery">
<$list filter="[all[tiddlers+shadows]tag[$:/tags/Image]]">
! Image Formatting
Images can be included in WikiText with the following syntax:
[img[Motovun Jack.jpg]]
If the image source is the title of an image tiddler then that tiddler is directly displayed. Otherwise it is interpreted as a URL and an HTML `<img>` tag is generated with the `src` attribute containing the URL.
A tooltip can also be specified:
[img[An explanatory tooltip|Motovun Jack.jpg]]
Attributes can be provided to specify CSS classes and the image width and height:
[img width=32 [Motovun Jack.jpg]]
[img width=32 class="tc-image" [Motovun Jack.jpg]]
Note that attributes can be specified as transclusions or variable references:
[img width={{!!mywidth}} class=<<image-classes>> [Motovun Jack.jpg]]
The image syntax is a shorthand for invoking the ImageWidget.
! Displaying Images via Transclusion
You can also display an image stored in a tiddler by transcluding that tiddler. The disadvantage of this approach is that there is no direct way to control the size of the image.
{{Motovun Jack.jpg}}
Renders as:
{{Motovun Jack.jpg}}
! Introduction
The image widget displays images that can be specified as a remote URL or the title of a local tiddler containing the image.
! Content and Attributes
Any content of the `<$image>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|source |The URL of the image, or the title of an image tiddler |
|width |The width of the image |
|height |The height of the image |
|tooltip |The tooltip to be displayed over the image |
|alt |The alternative text to be associated with the image |
|class |CSS classes to be assigned to the `<img>` element |
The width and the height can be specified as pixel values (eg "23" or "23px") or percentages (eg "23%"). They are both optional; if not provided the browser will use CSS rules to size the image.
! External Images and the ''_canonical_uri'' field
When used to display tiddler-based images, the image widget operates in two distinct modes:
* If the ''_canonical_uri'' field is present then it is used as the ''src'' attribute of the generated `<img>` element and the ''text'' field is ignored
* Without the ''_canonical_uri'' field, the image widget generates an `<img>` element that embeds the image data directly using a `data:` URI.
See ExternalImages for more details.
<svg stroke-width="8" fill="black" class="tc-image-button" viewBox="0 0 48 48" width="22pt" height="22pt">
<line x1="0" y1="24" x2="25" y2="24" stroke="grey"/>
<path d="M24 10h-4v28h 4l 15-15z" fill="grey"stroke="none"/>
<path d="M24 4h 20 v40 h-20" stroke="grey" fill="none" />
You can import content into a TiddlyWiki file in several ways:
* Use the ''import'' button (under the ''Tools'' tab in the sidebar) to select a local file
* Drag and drop files from Windows Explorer or Mac OS X Finder into the TiddlyWiki browser window
* Paste content directly from the clipboard using the menu or keyboard shortcut (control-V or command-V)
** GoogleChrome is currently the only browser to support pasting
! Introduction
The ImportVariablesWidget imports macro and variable definitions from a list of other tiddlers and makes them available to its children. For example:
<$importvariables filter="[tag[mySpecialMacros]]">
All the macros defined in tiddlers with the tag "mySpecialMacros" are available here
! Attributes and Content
The content of the importvariables widget is the scope within which the imported variable definitions are available.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|filter |[[Tiddler filter|Filters]] defining the tiddlers from which macro definitions will be imported |
! Global Macros
So-called global macros are implemented within the main page template ([[$:/core/ui/PageTemplate]]) by wrapping the page content in the following importvariables widget:
<$importvariables filter="[[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Macro]!has[draft.of]]">
Anyone can submit improvements to the TiddlyWiki documentation that appears on http://tiddlywiki.com.
# Read and observe the [[Documentation Style Guide]]
# Create an account on https://github.com if you don't already have one
# On http://tiddlywiki.com, click "edit" on the tiddler you want to improve
# You should see a pink banner with the text: //Can you help us improve this documentation? Find out how to edit this tiddler on ~GitHub//
# Click on the external link ...''this tiddler on ~GitHub''
## You will be prompted that "you need to fork this repository to propose changes". A "fork" is your own copy of the repository that incorporates the changes you are proposing
# A new browser tab should open ready to edit the tiddler on github.com
# Below the edit box for the tiddler text you should see a box labelled ''Propose file change''
# Enter a brief title to explain the change (eg, "Clarify attribute syntax instability")
# If necessary, enter a longer description too
# Click the green button labelled ''Propose file change''
# On the following screen, click the green button labelled ''Create pull request''
[[Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] or one of the other core developers will then have the opportunity to merge your pull request so that it is incorporated into the next build of http://tiddlywiki.com.
Mario Pietsch has created these short video tutorials:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/L4zTkMYcri8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/6ElUruH92tc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/axFCk9KsMFc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Each input title is processed in turn, and is ignored if it does not denote a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]]. The list of property names is retrieved from the data tiddler (in no particular order) and then [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's output.
Where a tiddler's [[content is JSON|JSONTiddlers]] with an array as its root, the <<.op indexes>> operator retrieves a selection of integer indices instead.
<<.operator-examples "indexes">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[{$:/palette}indexes[]sort[title]]" "all the colours defined in the current [[colour palette|ColourPalettes]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[[$:/HistoryList]indexes[]]" "integer output because the [[history list|$:/HistoryList]] is an array">>
System tiddlers in the namespace `$:/info/` are used to expose information about the system (including the current browser) so that WikiText applications can adapt themselves to available features.
! Information Tiddlers
|!Title |!Description |
|[[$:/info/browser]] |Running in the browser? ("yes" or "no") |
|[[$:/info/node]] |Running under [[Node.js]]? ("yes" or "no") |
Each tiddler has a panel of additional information. To reveal it, click the {{$:/core/images/down-arrow}} button in the tiddler's toolbar and then choose {{$:/core/images/info-button}} ''info'' from the dropdown list.
The info panel has the following tabs:
* ''Tools'' - This offers buttons for various actions you can perform on the tiddler. The checkbox next to each button lets you promote an action to the tiddler's toolbar - this will affect all of the tiddlers in your wiki
* ''References'', ''Tagging'', ''List'' and ''Listed'' - These list various kinds of related tiddlers. See [[Using links to navigate between tiddlers]]
* ''Fields'' - This summarises all of the tiddler's [[fields|TiddlerFields]], except for ''text''
* ''Advanced'' - This indicates whether the tiddler is a [[shadow|ShadowTiddlers]]. If it is, this also reveals which plugin it comes from and whether it has been overridden by an ordinary tiddler
To close the info panel, click anywhere outside it.
See also:
* [[Environment Variables on Node.js]]
# Install [[Node.js]] from http://nodejs.org
# Open a command line terminal and type:
#> `npm install -g tiddlywiki`
#> If it fails with an error you may need to re-run the command as an administrator:
#> `sudo npm install -g tiddlywiki` (Mac/Linux)
# Check TiddlyWiki is installed by typing:
#> `tiddlywiki --version`
# In response, you should see TiddlyWiki report its current version (eg "<<version>>"; you may also see other debugging information reported)
# Try it out:
## `tiddlywiki mynewwiki --init server` to create a folder for a new wiki that includes server-related components
## `tiddlywiki mynewwiki --server` to start TiddlyWiki
## Visit in your browser
## Try editing and creating tiddlers
The `-g` flag causes TiddlyWiki to be installed globally. Without it, TiddlyWiki will only be available in the directory where you installed it.
<<.def "Instruction tiddlers">> talk directly to the reader and guide them through a process. The reader is likely to be a beginner or an intermediate user.
Such tiddlers can be subcategorised as:
* What is ~TiddlyWiki and why should I care?
* Demonstrations of key features and benefits
* Frequently asked questions
* Examples of ~TiddlyWiki in the field
* Information about the project itself
* An ordered presentation of material for beginners
* Each tiddler introduces one new point or concept
* Its main content contains very few links
* A revealable <<.word "Find out more">> section at the end can offer related links
* Accompanying a tutorial tiddler
* Solution revealed on demand
* A list of numbered steps for performing a small specific task
* Concise, with links to reference tiddlers where appropriate
* Often has a preamble to clarify the nature of the task
* Accompanying a [[reference tiddler|Reference Tiddlers]]
* Can contain explanations and similar commentary
* Kept separate to keep the reference tiddler pure
Instruction tiddlers talk directly to the reader as <<.word you>>. They can be reasonably chatty.
But they avoid excessively colloquial language, cultural or topical references and attempts at humour, as these can baffle or even offend the international readership. They also avoid potentially frustrating the reader with descriptions of features as <<.word convenient>> or <<.word easy>>.
This brief introduction shows how to install and use TiddlyDesktop:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/i3Bggkm7paA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<<.preamble """This explains the basics of writing a [[filter|Filters]] to select a set of tiddlers. For a more technical presentation, see [[Filter Syntax]].""">>
<$macrocall $name=".tip" _="""Filters do nothing if you just type them into a tiddler on their own. They need a context. An easy way to experiment with filters is to type them into the <<.advancedsearch-tab Filter>> tab of [[Advanced Search|$:/AdvancedSearch]]."""/>
The simplest case is where you already know exactly which tiddlers you want. Type each title in double square brackets, with a space between each one and the next:
> `[[Recipe book]] [[ScrambledEggs]] [[Mom's apple pie]]`
You can omit the square brackets when a title doesn't contain any spaces:
> `[[Recipe book]] ScrambledEggs [[Mom's apple pie]]`
The double square brackets are actually a shorthand for this:
> `[title[ScrambledEggs]]`
... which gives us the <<.def "general model">> for any filter:
> `[operator[parameter]]`
For instance, here's how to select all the tiddlers that have been tagged <<.tag Recipe>>:
> `[tag[Recipe]]`
We can reverse the meaning by adding an exclamation mark `!` just before the operator. For example, we can select any tiddlers that do <<.em not>> have the <<.tag Recipe>> tag:
> `[!tag[Recipe]]`
Tiddlers can be filtered by other fields than just title and tags:
> `[field:serving[4]]`
That example will select any tiddlers that have <<.value 4>> in their <<.field serving>> field.
As the word "serving" isn't a standard filter operator (and isn't likely to become one), you can safely omit the `field:` prefix:
> `[serving[4]]`
The filters we've looked at so far have involved just one step each. But you can <<.def run>> several steps together like this:
> `[tag[Vegetarian]!tag[soup]serving[4]]`
Notice how the entire run is contained in a single pair of square brackets.
A tiddler has to match <<.em all>> of the steps in a run. So the example above retrieves vegetarian recipes (other than soups) for 4 people.
A sequence of separate runs will select the tiddlers that match <<.em any>> of the runs. We can use this to find recipes that serve either 3, 4 or 5 people:
> `[serving[3]] [serving[4]] [serving[5]]`
If we want to ignore vegetarian recipes that serve 4, we can say this:
> `[serving[3]] [serving[4]!tag[Vegetarian]] [serving[5]]`
By default, each run considers every tiddler in the wiki. But we can use a `+` sign to force a run to consider only the tiddlers that were selected by the preceding runs:
> `[serving[3]] [serving[4]] [serving[5]] +[tag[Vegetarian]] +[sort[title]]`
This selects recipes for 3, 4 or 5 people, then filters <<.em those>> to remove the vegetarian ones, and finally sorts any that are left into alphabetical order of title.
In a similar way, we can use a `-` sign to <<.em remove>> a run's tiddlers from the result so far. Here we select all vegetarian recipes apart from two:
> `[tag[Vegetarian]] -[title[ScrambledEggs]] -BeansOnToast`
!Special parameters
The parameter of each step we've seen so far has been in square brackets, meaning that ~TiddlyWiki treats it literally. But two other kinds of bracket are possible:
<<.def "Curly brackets">> `{}` mean that the parameter is a TextReference, and that its value is to be looked up in a specified tiddler. For example, if we have a tiddler called <<.tid Preference>> whose text happens to be the word <<.value Vegetarian>>, we can say
> `[tag{Preference}]`
as an alternative to `[tag[Vegetarian]]`. This allows the preference to change over time.
<<.def "Angle brackets">> `<>` mean that the parameter is the name of a [[variable|Variables]] whose value is to be used instead. Here we use the built-in <<.vlink currentTiddler>> variable in a filter that selects any tiddlers whose text contains the title of the current one:
> `[search<currentTiddler>]`
This brief presentation explains the basic principles of TiddlyWiki.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/KtCUr83XgyE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
The TiddlyWiki used to produce the video can be found here:
The parameter <<.place C>> is one of the following fundamental categories:
|!Category |!Matches any tiddler that... |
|^`current` |is the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]] |
|^`image` |has an image ContentType |
|^`missing` |does not exist (other than possibly as a shadow tiddler), regardless of whether there are any links it |
|^`orphan` |has no [[hard links|Hard and Soft Links]] to it |
|^`shadow` |is a [[shadow tiddler|ShadowTiddlers]], regardless of whether it has been overridden with a non-shadow tiddler |
|^`system` |is a [[system tiddler|SystemTiddlers]], i.e. its title starts with `$:/` |
|^`tag` |is in use as a tag |
|^`tiddler` |exists as a non-shadow tiddler |
If <<.place C>> is anything else, the output is an error message.
`!is[tiddler]` is a synonym for `is[missing]`, and vice versa.
When <<.op is[missing]>> is the first operator in a [[run|Filter Run]], its output is always empty. And when <<.op is[shadow]>> comes first, it outputs only those shadow tiddlers that have been overridden. This is because the [[initial input to a run|Filter Expression]] contains only <<.em non>>-shadow tiddlers.
The <<.olink all>> operator is similar, but its scope is the whole wiki.
<<.operator-examples "is">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[is[tag]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[!is[tag]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[all[shadows]!is[system]]" "shadow tiddlers that don't start with `$:/`">>
<<.operator-example 4 "[is[system]tag[$:/tags/Stylesheet]]" "system stylesheets">>
<<.operator-example 5 "[all[shadows]is[system]tag[$:/tags/Stylesheet]]" "shadow system stylesheets">>
<<.operator-example 6 "[is[shadow]]" "overridden shadow tiddlers">>
<<.operator-example 7 "[is[missing]]" "empty because its input contains only tiddlers that exist">>
~JavaScript is a computer language that was originally introduced by browsers as a way of scripting web pages. At first it was considered a poorly designed toy, but over the years has become recognised as a powerful language in its own right, and has been adopted widely beyond the browser.
~JavaScript looks like this:
function circleArea(radius) {
return radius * 2 * 3.141592653;
<<.dlink-ex JSON "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSON">> is a standard plain-text format used for modelling hierarchical structures of objects that contain named fields.
DataTiddlers can have JSON content.
The <<.mlink jsontiddlers>> macro returns tiddler content in JSON format.
I'm the original inventor of TiddlyWiki. You can find me on these services:
* jeremy (at) jermolene (dot) com
* [[Jermolene on GitHub|https://github.com/Jermolene]]
* [[Jermolene on GitTip|https://www.gittip.com/Jermolene/]], a micropayment service
* [[@Jermolene on Twitter|http://twitter.com/#!/jermolene]]
* [[Jermy on LinkedIn|http://www.linkedin.com/in/jermy]]
* [[Jermy on Flickr|http://www.flickr.com/photos/jermy/]]
Further information:
* An [[interview with me in The Inquirer|http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/feature/2105529/bt-software-engineer-tells-telco-source]] by Wendy Grossman
* A [[hilarious interview with me|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auyIhw8MTmQ]] from British television in 1983
* Here's a video of a presentation I did in 2007 called [["How to Start an Open Source Project"|http://vimeo.com/856110]].
A JSON tiddler is a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]] containing a [[JSON|JavaScript Object Notation]] structure in its `text` field.
Its [[ContentType]] is `application/json`.
The [[history list|$:/HistoryList]] is a good example of a JSON tiddler.
The <<.def jsontiddlers>> [[macro|Macros]] returns the fields of a [[selection of tiddlers|Title Selection]] in [[JSON|JavaScript Object Notation]] form.
An example can be seen in the [[template tiddler for JSON exports|$:/core/templates/exporters/JsonFile]].
!! Parameters
: A [[filter|Filters]] selecting which tiddlers to include
This plugin adds the ability to display mathematical notation written in ~LaTeX.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/katex/
Keyboard shortcut support is currently very limited but will be improved in later releases.
! Editing Shortcuts
|Key |Shortcut description |
|`Ctrl-Enter` |Confirm changes to the draft tiddler containing the keyboard focus |
|`Escape` |Abandon changes to the draft tiddler containing the keyboard focus |
! Introduction
The keyboard widget allows [[Messages]] to be generated in response to key presses.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$keyboard>` widget is rendered normally. The keyboard shortcut only takes effect within the contained content.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|message |The title of the [[WidgetMessage|Messages]] to generate |
|param |The parameter to be passed with the [[WidgetMessage|Messages]] |
|key |Key string identifying the key to be trapped (see below) |
|class |A CSS class to be assigned to the generated HTML DIV element |
! Key Strings
Key strings are made up of zero or more of the modifiers ''alt'', ''shift'' or ''ctrl'' followed by the name of a key, all joined with "+" plus symbols. Key names are either the letter or digit printed on the key (eg "a" or "1"), or one of the special keys ''backspace'', ''tab'', ''enter'' or ''escape''.
For example:
//This is a sample task for the TaskManagementExample//
Language plugins provide translations of the core TiddlyWiki interface.
The following languages are currently available:
<<list-links "[tag[Languages]]">>
You can contribute by learning how to [[translate TiddlyWiki into your language|Translate TiddlyWiki into your language]].
<<.operator-examples "last">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]last[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]last[5]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[tag[Concepts]!sort[title]last[3]]">>
The latest news, articles, resources and examples.
<div class="tc-link-info">
<$list filter="[tag[Articles]] [tag[Examples]] [tag[Resources]] [tag[Tutorials]] +[!sort[modified]limit[8]]">
<div class="tc-link-info-item">
! <$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
<div class="tc-subtitle">Posted <$view field="modified" format="relativedate"/></div>
Ordinarily with TiddlyWiki, the full content of all tiddlers is embedded into the main HTML file. Lazy loading refers to the technique of only embedding metadata about the tiddler (in other words all fields except the ''text'' field), and requesting the body from the server when required.
Lazy loading can be used in two configurations:
* When running [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]], image tiddlers can be subject to lazy loading
* When running [[TiddlyWiki in the Sky for TiddlyWeb]], all tiddlers are subject to lazy loading
See the LazyLoadingMechanism for details of how lazy loading is implemented.
! Lazy loading under Node.js
To run TiddlyWiki with lazy loading for images, use this alternative ServerCommand to start the server:
tiddlywiki --server 8080 $:/core/save/lazy-images
! Lazy loading under TiddlyWeb
With the current configuration, lazy loading is enabled by default.
TiddlyWiki currently only implements LazyLoading when it is running in the browser talking to a TiddlyWeb-compatible server.
In the [[configuration for TiddlyWeb|TiddlyWiki in the Sky for TiddlyWeb]], the browser first requests a "skinny" version of each tiddler (consisting of all the fields apart from the text field). Subsequently, an attempt to read those skinny tiddlers with `wiki.getTiddler()` returns just the skinny fields, but an attempt to read one using `wiki.getTiddlerText()` will trigger an asynchronous load of the full tiddler text, which in turn triggers a refresh cycle, updating the display to reflect the newly loaded tiddler. Widgets that loop through all tiddlers are fine; it's only if they trigger `wiki.getTiddlerText()` for a tiddler that it will get loaded.
Lazy loading can also be used with TiddlyWiki's own server. The core provides a template that enables images to be lazily loaded while other tiddlers are packaged into the initial HTML file in the usual way.
The browser-based search built into TiddlyWiki5 will only search the text of tiddlers that have been fully loaded. The expectation is that when lazy loading is used in a client-server configuration, then it is the server that really needs to handle search operations, because it is only the server that can "see" the text of all tiddlers. So, the plan is to integrate the built in search with TiddlyWeb's search API. The simplest approach is that any local search triggers an asynchronous server side search. The results of the search would be asynchronously loaded such that they would dynamically appear in the local search results.
Learn more about using TiddlyWiki:
<<list-links "[tag[Learning]]">>
Also see the complete [[Reference]], including advanced WikiText, macros, widgets, filters etc.
`limit[N]` and `!limit[N]` are synonyms for `first[N]` and `last[N]` respectively.
<<.operator-examples "limit">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[sort[modified]!limit[20]]" "the 20 most recently modified tiddlers">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[has[created]sort[created]limit[10]]" "the oldest 10 tiddlers in the wiki">>
The <<.def lingo>> [[macro|Macros]] relates to the translation of ~TiddlyWiki's user interface into other languages. It returns a piece of text in the user's currently selected language.
Translatable text is supplied by language plugins containing tiddlers with specific titles that start with `$:/language/`.
!! Parameters
: The title of the shadow tiddler that contains the text. The prefix `$:/language/` is added automatically
<<.macro-examples "lingo">>
This example shows the text used as the basis for the title of a newly created tiddler:
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<<lingo DefaultNewTiddlerTitle>>"""/>
This example shows the name of the eighth month of the year, for use in [[formatting dates|DateFormat]]:
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2" eg="""<<lingo Date/Long/Month/8>>"""/>
! Introduction
The link catcher widget traps [[WidgetMessage: tm-navigate]] dispatched within its child content by performing any or all of these actions:
* sending a different widget message
* setting a tiddler to the title of the navigated tiddler
* setting a tiddler to a specified value
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$linkcatcher>` widget is displayed normally.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|to |Optional title of the tiddler to be set to the title of the navigated tiddler |
|message |Optional identifier for a [[widget message|Messages]] to be sent when a navigation is caught |
|set |Optional title of the tiddler to be set to a specified value when navigation occurs |
|setTo |Value to be assigned by the `set` attribute |
A key capability of WikiText is the ability to make links to other tiddlers or to external websites.
! Manual Links
Link to a tiddler by title:
[[Tiddler Title]]
To link to a tiddler and specify the text of the link:
[[Displayed Link Title|Tiddler Title]]
! ~CamelCase Links
For tiddler titles that match the CamelCase rules, just typing the title without double square brackets will automatically create a link.
You can suppress a link from being recognised by preceding it with `~`. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"* ~HelloThere is not a link
* ~http://google.com/ is not a link">>
! External Links
To link to an external website, type the full URL of the site:
For this syntax to work, the URL has to be recognisable as an URL, including a protocol such as `http://` or `file://`. You can force an external link with the extended syntax:
[ext[caption for link|http://tiddlywiki.com]]
! Customising Tiddler Links
See the LinkWidget for details of the underlying widget used to implement tiddler links, including macros that can be used to customise its behaviour.
Each input title is processed in turn. The corresponding tiddler's list of links is generated, in the order in which they appear in the tiddler's text, and [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's overall output.
<<.operator-examples "links">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[HelloThere]links[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[all[current]links[]]" "tiddlers [[hard-linked|Hard and Soft Links]] from the current one">>
Here are some hard links:
* HelloThere
* [[Filter Operators]]
* [[links Operator]]
The `link` widget generates links to tiddlers. (Use the HTML `<a>` element to generate external links).
! Content and Attributes
|!Attribute |!Description |
|to |The title of the target tiddler for the link (defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]) |
|aria-label |Optional [[Accessibility]] label |
|tooltip |Optional tooltip WikiText |
|tabindex |Optional numeric [[tabindex|https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement/tabIndex]] |
|draggable |"yes" to enable the link to be draggable (defaults to "yes") |
|tag |Optional tag to override the default "a" element |
The content of the link widget is rendered within the `<a>` tag.
The default value of the tooltip attribute is supplied by the <<.vlink tv-wikilink-tooltip>> variable.
This means that you can control the text of a link tooltip in several ways:
<$link to="HelloThere" tooltip="Custom tooltip">Link 1</$link>
<$set name="tv-wikilink-tooltip" value="I'm a link to {{!!title}}">
<$link to="HelloThere">Link 2</$link>
Renders as:
<$link to="HelloThere" tooltip="Custom tooltip">Link 1</$link>
<$set name="tv-wikilink-tooltip" value="I'm a link to {{!!title}}">
<$link to="HelloThere">Link 2</$link>
Note that the tooltip is rendered with the current tiddler set to the target of the link.
A useful convention is to set the tooltip like this:
\define tv-wikilink-tooltip()
<$transclude field="tooltip"><$transclude field="title"/></$transclude>
This causes the tooltip to be the ''tooltip'' field of the target tiddler. If the field isn't present, then the title is used instead.
! CSS Classes
* `tc-tiddlylink` - applied to all links
* `tc-tiddlylink-external` - applied to external, non-tiddler links
* `tc-tiddlylink-internal` - applied to tiddler links
* `tc-tiddlylink-missing` - applied to tiddler links where the target tiddler doesn't exist
* `tc-tiddlylink-resolves` - applied to tiddler links when the target tiddler does exist
! Configuration variables
* <<.vlink tv-wikilinks>>
* <<.vlink tv-wikilink-template>>
* <<.vlink tv-wikilink-tooltip>>
* <<.vlink tv-get-export-link>>
These macros along with [[$:/_cpa/macros/Slide_Edit]] are needed to create this interface.
\define showTask(current)
\define temp() $(sourceTable)$_2_$(targetTable)$_xlate
\define runMacroAgainstTiddlerField(tiddlerName,fieldName,macroName,param1,value1)
<!-- This macro looks up a list of tiddlers from a field in a particular tiddler
It then runs a macro against each of those tiddlers
The macro being run must have the following parameters
tiddlerName = the name passed from the lookup
param1 = a parameter named in the call to this macro
value1 = a value passed in the call to this macro
<$list filter="[list[$tiddlerName$!!$fieldName$]]" variable="targetItem">
<$macrocall $name="$macroName$"
$param1$="$value1$" >
\define showTargetThenXlate(tiddlerName,templateName,SourceName)
<$list filter="[[$tiddlerName$]is[missing]]">
<$macrocall $name="createTiddlerFromTemplate"
templateName= "$templateName$"
<$list filter="[[$tiddlerName$]is[tiddler]]">
<$checkbox tiddler="$SourceName$_2_$tiddlerName$_xlate" tag="xlate"/>
<$link to="$SourceName$_2_$tiddlerName$_xlate" >
<!-- End definitions -->
!! Demonstrate the silently create tiddler from template code
* (Click the button . . . notice that the tiddler is created . . . Open it . . . its copied from the template . . . Delete the new tiddler to repeat)
`<$macrocall $name="createTiddlerFromTemplate"
templateName="HelloThere" />;
<$macrocall $name="createTiddlerFromTemplate"
templateName="HelloThere" />
* {{Create a create and mark clone button||task}}
* [[testTemplate]]
* [[MyNewTiddler]]
This tiddler lists each of the source tables, the translations that must be built and then the target tables that have to be built. I haven't yet assigned each of these to the task list (Just the target table)
<!-- Find all of the tables tagged as source data -->
<$list filter="[tag[source]] - $:/_cpa/ViewTemplates/source " variable="sourceTable">
<!-- Display an underlined link to that source table -->
<$link to=<<sourceTable>> > <<sourceTable>> </$link>
<!-- Now look up the targets and display the xlate table for each
Display a button that marks the xlate as xlate and creates the fields
Display a checkbox to mark the xlate as completed -->
<$macrocall $name="runMacroAgainstTiddlerField"
fieldName = "targets"
macroName = "showTargetThenXlate"
param1 = "SourceName"
value1 = <<sourceTable>> />
<<.place R>> can reference either a field or a property. See [[TextReference]] for the syntax.
* If neither is specified, the <<.field list>> field is used by default. So `[list[T]]` outputs the titles listed in the <<.field list>> of tiddler T.
* If <<.place R>> consists of <<.em only>> a field or a property, the tiddler part of the reference defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]. So `[list[!!tags]]` outputs the titles listed in the <<.field tags>> field of the current tiddler.
<<.operator-examples "list">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[HelloThere]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week!!short]]">>
\define showTerm(term)
<$list variable="term" filter="[[glossary]indexes[]]" >
<$macrocall $name="showTerm" term=<<term>> />
[[Something else]]
Something else
The <<.def list-links>> [[macro|Macros]] returns a formatted list of links to a [[selection of tiddlers|Title Selection]].
If a tiddler has a <<.field caption>> field, this is shown instead of the tiddler's title.
!! Parameters
: A [[filter|Filters]] selecting which tiddlers to include
: An HTML element to use for the overall list element, defaulting to `ul`
: An HTML element to use for each item in the list, defaulting to `li`
: A [[CSS|Cascading Style Sheets]] class for the overall list element
<<.macro-examples "list-links">>
This example lists all the tiddlers whose titles start with J:
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<<list-links filter:"[prefix[J]]">>"""/>
This example lists the documentation tiddlers for the core macros, each of which has a <<.field caption>> field:
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2" eg="""<<list-links filter:"[tag[Core Macros]]">>"""/>
<<.field F>> is assumed to be a [[title list|Title List]].
Each input title is processed in turn. A list of tiddlers whose <<.place F>> field mentions it is generated (in no particular order) and [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's overall output.
<<.operator-examples "listed">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[HelloThere]listed[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[all[current]listed[my-special-list]]">>
The `list` [[field of a tiddler|TiddlerFields]] is an optional feature that can be used to help structure your content. Its value is a [[title list|Title List]], and it can be used in several ways:
* The `list` field of a tiddler that is being used as a tag determines the ordering of the tiddlers that carry that tag - see [[Tagging]] for details
* The `list` [[filter|Filters]] selects the entries from a list
* The `listed` [[filter|Filters]] selects the tiddlers that list the selected tiddler(s)
* The NavigatorWidget manipulates a StoryList tiddler containing a `list` field of the tiddlers that are displayed in the main story column
! Unordered Lists
You can create unordered lists with `*` characters:
<<wikitext-example src:"* First list item
* Second list item
** A subitem
* Third list item
! Ordered Lists
Ordered lists use `#` instead of `*`:
# First item
# Second item
# Third item
You can also mix ordered and unordered list items:
<<wikitext-example src:"* To do today
*# Eat
* To get someone else to do
*# This
*# That
*## And the other
Here's an example the other way around, with numbers as the first level:
<<wikitext-example src:"# To do today
#* Eat
# To get someone else to do
#* This
#* That
#** And the other
! CSS Classes
You can also assign a CSS class to an individual member of a list with this notation:
<<wikitext-example src:"* List One
*.MyClass List Two
* List Three
! Mixing Lists and Block Quotes
Note that [[Block Quotes in WikiText]] can be mixed with lists. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"* List One
** List Two
**> A quote
**> Another quote
* List Three
! Paragraphs in Lists
Entries in the list are delimited with a linebreak, making it impossible to include linebreaks within a list entry. There are a couple of workarounds.
First, you can transclude paragraph content from another tiddler. For example:
* First entry
* <$transclude tiddler="MyTiddler" mode="block"/>
* Third entry
Secondly, you can use an HTML "div" element to contain the multiline content. For example:
# Step 1
# Step 2
# Step 3<div>
Here is the first of several paragraphs. Note that the double linebreak preceding this paragraph is significant.
And here is the second of several paragraphs.
# Step 4
# Step 5
# Step 6
! Introduction
The list widget displays a sequence of tiddlers that match a [[tiddler filter|Filters]]. It can be used for many purposes:
* Displaying custom lists of links, like in TiddlyWiki5's sidebar
* Custom lists, such as "all tiddlers tagged 'task' that are not tagged 'done'"
* Listing each of the tags applied to a tiddler
* Handling the main story river
The tiddlers are displayed by transcluding each in turn through a template. There are several ways to specify the template and for controlling the behaviour of the list.
! Examples
''plain list''
<$list filter="[tag[ListWidget]sort[title]]"/>
Displays as:
<$list filter="[tag[ListWidget]sort[title]]"/>
''custom item output''
<$list filter="[tag[ListWidget]sort[title]]">
Displays as:
<$list filter="[tag[ListWidget]sort[title]]">
''custom item template''
<$list filter="[tag[ListWidget]sort[title]]" template="$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/subtitle"/>
Displays as:
<$list filter="[tag[ListWidget]sort[title]]" template="$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/subtitle"/>
!! Grouped Lists
See NestedLists for how to generate nested and grouped lists using the ListWidget.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$list>` widget is an optional template to use for rendering each tiddler in the list. Alternatively, the template can be specified as a tiddler title in the ``template`` attribute. As a fallback, the default template just displays the tiddler title.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|filter |The [[tiddler filter|Filters]] to display |
|template |The title of a template tiddler for transcluding each tiddler in the list. When no template is specified, the body of the ListWidget serves as the item template. With no body, a simple link to the tiddler is returned. |
|editTemplate |An alternative template to use for [[DraftTiddlers|DraftMechanism]] in edit mode |
|variable |The name for a [[variable|Variables]] in which the title of each listed tiddler is stored. Defaults to ''currentTiddler'' |
|emptyMessage |Message to be displayed when the list is empty |
|storyview |Optional name of module responsible for animating/processing the list |
|history |The title of the tiddler containing the navigation history |
!! Edit mode
The `<$list>` widget can optionally render draft tiddlers through a different template to handle editing, see DraftMechanism.
!! `storyview` attribute
The `storyview` attribute specifies the name of an optional module that can animate changes to the list (including navigation). The core ships with the following storyview modules:
* `classic`: renders the list as an ordered sequence of tiddlers
* `zoomin`: just renders the current tiddler from the list, with a zoom animation for navigating between tiddlers
* `pop`: shrinks items in and out of place
In order for the storyviews to animate correctly each entry in the list should be a single block mode DOM element.
!! History and navigation
The optional `history` attribute specifies the name of a tiddler that is used to track the current tiddler for navigation purposes. When the history tiddler changes the list view responds by telling the listview to handle navigating to the new tiddler. See HistoryMechanism for details.
<<.preamble """What follows is a formal presentation of the syntax of the WikiText syntax for macro calls, using [[railroad diagrams|Railroad Diagrams]]. A [[simpler overview|Macro Calls in WikiText]] is also available.""">>
<$railroad text="""
"<<" name [: space [:{param-value}] ]">>"
<<.place space>> denotes a sequence of [[whitespace characters|Filter Whitespace]].
The [[macro|Macros]]'s <<.place name>> is a sequence of non-whitespace characters other than `(` or `>`.
Each individual <<.place param-value>> has the following syntax:
<$railroad text="""
[: param-name [:space] ":" [:space] ] value [: space]
The <<.place param-name>> is a sequence of letters (`A`--`Z`, `a`--`z`), digits (`0`--`9`), hyphens (`-`) and underscores (`_`).
The <<.place value>> is specified as follows:
<$railroad text={{$:/editions/tw5.com/railroad/macro-parameter-value}}/>
To call a [[macro|Macros]], place `<<`double angle brackets`>>` around the name and any parameter values.
By default, parameters are listed in the same order as in the macro's definition. A parameter can be labelled with its name, either for clarity or to modify the order.
If no value is specified for a parameter, the default value given for that parameter in the macro's definition is used instead. (If no default value was defined, the parameter is simply blank.)
Each parameter value can be enclosed in `'`single quotes`'`, `"`double quotes`"`, `"""`triple double quotes`"""` or `[[`double square brackets`]]`. Triple double quotes allow a value to contain almost anything. If a value contains no spaces or single or double quotes, it requires no delimiters.
A more formal [[presentation|Macro Call Syntax]] of this syntax is also available.
The syntax is actually a shorthand for a <<.wlink MacroCallWidget>> widget. The widget itself offers greater flexibility, including the ability to [[transclude|Transclusion]] parameter values or generate them via additional macros.
As macros are simply parameterised [[variables|Variables]], a variable's value can be inserted using the same techniques.
[[Examples|Macro Calls in WikiText (Examples)]]
\define sayhi-example-1() <<sayhi>>
\define sayhi-example-2() <<sayhi Bugs>>
\define sayhi-example-3() <<sayhi "Donald Duck" Disneyland>>
\define sayhi-example-4() <<sayhi "Mickey Mouse" "Mouse House">>
\define sayhi-example-5() <<sayhi name:'Minnie Mouse' address:[[Mouse House]]>>
\define sayhi-example-6() <<sayhi address:"Quacky Towers" name:"Donald Duck">>
\define sayhi-example-7()
<<sayhi "Mickey Mouse" """"Mouse House",
Rodent's Lane,
<$importvariables filter="$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/say-hi">
<$codeblock code={{$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/say-hi}}/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg=<<sayhi-example-1>>/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2" eg=<<sayhi-example-2>>/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="3" eg=<<sayhi-example-3>>/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="4" eg=<<sayhi-example-4>>/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="5" eg=<<sayhi-example-5>>/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="6" eg=<<sayhi-example-6>>/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="7" egvar="sayhi-example-7"/>
<<.preamble """What follows is a formal presentation of the syntax of the `\define` pragma, using [[railroad diagrams|Railroad Diagrams]]. A [[simpler overview|Macro Definitions in WikiText]] is also available.""">>
<$railroad text="""
"\define" space name params [:space] rest
<<.place space>> denotes a sequence of [[whitespace characters|Filter Whitespace]].
The [[macro|Macros]]'s <<.place name>> is a sequence of non-whitespace characters other than `(` or `>`.
The parameter declaration list (<<.place params>>) has the following syntax:
<$railroad text="""
"(" [:sep] [:{ param sep }] ")"
The parameter separator (<<.place sep>>) is any sequence of characters that does not match a <<.place param-name>>. Among other things, this includes commas, spaces and linefeeds.
A <<.place param-name>> is a sequence of letters (`A`--`Z`, `a`--`z`), digits (`0`--`9`), hyphens (`-`) and underscores (`_`).
Each individual <<.place param>> has the following syntax:
<$railroad text="""
param-name [: [:space] ":" [:space] default ]
The optional <<.place default>> value of a parameter is specified as follows:
<$railroad text={{$:/editions/tw5.com/railroad/macro-parameter-value}}/>
The <<.place rest>> of the definition has the following syntax:
<$railroad text="""
( snippet | lf snippet lf "\end" [:space] ) lf
<<.place lf>> denotes a linefeed.
The <<.place snippet>> is any sequence of characters that doesn't terminate the macro definition. That is to say, a single-line snippet cannot contain a linefeed, and a multi-line snippet cannot contain `\end` on a line of its own.
The snippet can contain placeholders with the following syntax:
<$railroad text="""
( "$" name "$" | "$" "(" name ")" "$" )
A [[macro|Macros]] is defined using a `\define` [[pragma|Pragma]]. Like any pragma, this can only appear at the start of a tiddler.
The first line of the definition specifies the macro name and any parameters. Each parameter has a name, and optionally a default value that is used if no value is supplied on a particular call to the macro. The lines that follow contain the macro's text (i.e. the snippet represented by the macro name), until `\end` appears on a line by itself:
<$codeblock code={{$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/say-hi}}/>
Alternatively, the entire definition can be presented on a single line, without an `\end` marker:
\define sayhi(name:"Bugs Bunny") Hi, I'm $name$.
A more formal [[presentation|Macro Definition Syntax]] of this syntax is also available.
!! Placeholders
The snippet can contain placeholders for parameters. These consist of a parameter name between dollar signs, like `$this$`.
It can also contain placeholders for [[variables|Variables]]. These consist of a variable name (or macro name) between dollar signs and round brackets, like `$(this)$`.
The actual value of the parameter or variable is substituted for the placeholder whenever the macro is called:
<$importvariables filter="$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/say-hi-using-variables">
<$codeblock code={{$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/say-hi-using-variables}}/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<$set name="address" value="Rabbit Hole Hill">
!! Scope
Macros are available to the tiddler that defines them, plus any tiddlers that it transcludes.
To make a macro available to all tiddlers, define it in a tiddler that has the tag <<.tag $:/tags/Macro>>.
It is also possible to write a macro as a [[JavaScript module|http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/index.html#JavaScript%20Macros]]. ~JavaScript macros are available to all tiddlers, and offer the maximum flexibility.
A tiddler can manually import macro definitions from a [[selection|Title Selection]] of other tiddlers by using the <<.wlink ImportVariablesWidget>> widget.
<<list-links filter:"[tag[Macro Syntax]]">>
\define flowerchooser()
<$select tiddler="flowerchooser">
<option value=""> -- </option>
<$list filter="[tag[Flowers]]" variable="curFlower">
<option value=<<curFlower>> > <<curFlower>> </option>
This is the Content of the target tiddler
! Introduction
The macro call widget provides an alternative syntax for invoking macros. The advantage of the widget form is that it allows macro parameters to be specified as widget attributes, thus allowing indirection and macro values to be set.
For example, a macro called `italicise` that takes a single parameter called `text` can be invoked in any of these ways:
<<italicise "Text to be made into italics">>
<<italicise text:"Text to be made into italics">>
<$macrocall $name="italicise" text="Text to be made into italics"/>
<$macrocall $name="italicise" text={{Title of tiddler containing text to be italicised}}/>
<$macrocall $name="italicise" text=<<textMaker "Another macro to generate the text to be italicised">>/>
You can see several examples of the macro call widget within the core:
* Listing module information: [[$:/snippets/modules]]
* Listing field information: [[$:/snippets/allfields]]
* Generating `data:` URIs: [[$:/themes/tiddlywiki/starlight/styles.tid]]
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$macrocall>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$name |Name of the macro to invoke |
|$type |ContentType with which the macro text should be parsed (defaults to `text/vnd.tiddlywiki`) |
|$output |ContentType for the output rendering (defaults to `text/html`, can also be `text/plain`) |
|//parameters// |Macro parameters specified as attributes |
A <<.def macro>> is a named snippet of text. WikiText can use the name as a shorthand way of [[transcluding|Transclusion]] the snippet. Such transclusions are known as <<.def "macro calls">>, and each call can supply a different set of parameters that get substituted for special placeholders within the snippet.
For the syntax, see [[Macros in WikiText]].
Most macros are in fact just parameterised [[variables|Variables]].
They are created using the `\define` [[pragma|Pragma]]. (Behind the scenes, this is transformed into a <<.wlink SetWidget>>, i.e. macros and variables are two sides of the same coin.)
The snippet and its incoming parameter values are treated as simple strings of characters with no WikiText meaning, at least until the placeholders have been filled in and the macro call has returned. This means that a macro can assemble and return the complete syntax of a ~WikiText component, such as a [[link|Linking in WikiText]]. (See [[Transclusion and Substitution]] for further discussion of this.)
The string returned by a macro call is parsed separately from any surrounding ~WikiText components. So a safe way to insert a special character sequence (such as `[[` or `<`) without triggering its normal ~WikiText meaning is to wrap it in a macro.
Within a snippet itself, the only markup detected is `$name$` (a placeholder for a macro parameter) and `$(name)$` (a placeholder for a [[variable|Variables]]).
The <<.mlink dumpvariables>> macro lists all variables (including macros) that are available at that position in the widget tree.
An <<.wlink ImportVariablesWidget>> widget can be used to copy macro definitions to another branch of the [[widget tree|Widgets]]. ~TiddlyWiki uses this technique internally to implement global macros -- namely any macros defined in tiddlers with the <<.tag $:/tags/Macro>> tag.
For maximum flexibility, macros can also be <<.js-macro-link "written as JavaScript modules">>.
A similar effect to a parameterised macro call can be produced by setting [[variables|Variables]] around a [[transclusion|Transclusion]].
~TiddlyWiki's core has [[several macros|Core Macros]] built in.
The use of [[macros|Macros]] in WikiText has two distinct aspects:
* [[Defining macros|Macro Definitions in WikiText]]
* [[Calling macros|Macro Calls in WikiText]]
//This is a sample task for the TaskManagementExample//
The <<.def makedatauri>> [[macro|Macros]] takes a piece of text and an associated ContentType, and returns a corresponding [[data URI|Data URI]].
<<.var makedatauri>> is used to implement the <<.mlink datauri>> macro.
!! Parameters
: The text to be converted to a data URI
: The ContentType of the text
<<.macro-examples "makedatauri">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<<makedatauri "some example text" "text/plain">>"""/>
See the UpgradeMechanism for more details.
\define textOnPath(text)
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 1000 300" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
<path id="MyPath" d="M 100 200 C 200 100 300 0 400 100 C 500 200 600 300 700 200 C 800 100 900 100 900 100"/>
<use xlink:href="#MyPath" fill="none" stroke="#ddd"/>
<text font-family="'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif" font-size="42.5">
<textPath xlink:href="#MyPath">
This demo shows how to use SVG to render transcluded text along a path. Enter some text in the textbox below to try it out; view the source to see how it is done.
<$edit-text tiddler="$:/CurvedText" tag="input" placeholder="Type text here" default=""/>
<$macrocall $name="textOnPath" text={{$:/CurvedText}}/>
The Markdown plugin enables you to use tiddlers that are written in standard Markdown markup.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/markdown/
An experimental MathJax plugin for TiddlyWiki version 5. As Martin says, the implementation is a bit of a hack but may be useful until we have a better alternative.
Welcome. I have created plugin for TiddlyWiki 5 which allows you to use MathJax (math in TeX and MathML) inside TiddlyWiki 5. It's unofficial plugin and it doesn't follow general policy of TiddlyWiki as stand-alone solution but it works. So you can use it if you want.
MathML is a markup language for mathematical notation that can be used with HTML.
If your browser supports it, MathML elements can be used in TiddlyWiki5 WikiText just like HTML.
Here is an example MathML equation from [[the W3C|http://www.w3.org/Math/XSL/csmall2.xml]]:
Renders as:
These are the internal mechanisms that fit together to make up TiddlyWiki.
<<list-links "[tag[Mechanisms]]">>
Local meetings of ~TiddlyWiki enthusiasts around the world:
* [[OXTWIG]], the ''Oxford ~TiddlyWiki Interest Group'' meets monthly in Oxford, UK to share experiences of using TiddlyWiki
//If you are a ~TiddlyWiki enthusiast please consider starting a local TWIG in your area, it's a great way to spread the word about using TiddlyWiki//
Widget messages are generated by widgets in response to user actions. They flow up the widget tree until they are handled by an ancestor widget.
The following widget messages are implemented by the core:
<<list-links "[tag[Messages]]">>
A //module// in TiddlyWiki5 is a tiddler containing executable JavaScript, of the type `application/javascript` and with the field `module-type` set to the ModuleType of the module.
See the ''Internals'' tab of the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] for lists of the currently loaded modules.
<<.operator-examples "modules">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[filteroperator]modules[]]">>
\define describe() {{$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/$(type)$}}
The `module-type` field of a [[JavaScript module|Modules]] is a string that identifies the type of the module. Here is a list of the module types used in this wiki:
<$list filter="[moduletypes[]]">
<$set name=type value=<<currentTiddler>>>
<<.operator-examples "moduletypes">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[moduletypes[]]">>
MultiTiddlerFiles allow multiple tiddlers to be concisely represented in a single text file.
The goals of this format are:
* To be easy to type and easy to read
* Optimised for single line strings
* To allow common fields or tags to be shared within groups of tiddlers
* To be simple to process with external tools
MultiTiddlerFiles have the extension `multids`. The file is structured as a block of shared fields followed by a blank line. The rest of the file is a sequence of comments and tiddlers. Tiddlers are specified by their title, followed by a colon, at least one space character, and then the rest of the line is the text field for the tiddler.
For example:
title: $:/language/ControlPanel/
tags: strings
modifier: JoeBloggs
Basics/Caption: Basics
# This is a comment
Basics/Version: ~TiddlyWiki Version
This example defines two tiddlers, [[$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/Caption]] and [[$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/Version]].
If a `title` field is specified in the header then it is treated as a prefix for the individual tiddlers defined in the title.
''Have you ever had the feeling that your head is not quite big enough to hold everything you need to remember?''
Welcome to TiddlyWiki, a unique [[non-linear|Philosophy of Tiddlers]] notebook for capturing, organising and sharing complex information. It boosts your brain power as a bicycle boosts the power of your body.
Use it to keep your to-do list, to plan an essay or novel, or to organise your wedding. Record every thought that crosses your brain, or build a flexible, responsive website for publishing a manifesto.
<div style="font-size:0.7em;text-align:center;margin-top:3em;margin-bottom:3em;">
<<list-thumbnails filter:"[tag[HelloThumbnail]]" width:"140" height:"79">>
Unlike conventional online services, TiddlyWiki lets you choose where to keep your data, guaranteeing that in the decades to come you will still be able to use the notes you take today.
Join people all over the world using TiddlyWiki to help them keep organised and to get things done.
<div style="font-size:0.7em;text-align:center;margin-top:3em;margin-bottom:3em;">
<a href="http://groups.google.com/group/TiddlyWiki" class="tc-btn-big-green" style="background-color:#FF8C19;" target="_blank">
{{$:/core/images/mail}} ~TiddlyWiki Mailing List
<a href="https://twitter.com/TiddlyWiki" class="tc-btn-big-green" style="background-color:#5E9FCA;" target="_blank">
{{$:/core/images/twitter}} @~TiddlyWiki on Twitter
<a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5" class="tc-btn-big-green" style="background-color:#444;" target="_blank">
{{$:/core/images/github}} ~TiddlyWiki on ~GitHub
The <<.def namespace>> [[variable|Variables]] is used internally by [[HTML|HyperText Markup Language]] widgets to keep track of the correct namespace for the [[DOM|Document Object Model]] elements they generate.
An `svg` or `math` element supplies a distinct namespace for itself and any child elements it contains.
The system tiddlers provided as part of the core are named according to the following rules:
|!Namespace |!Format |!Description |
|`$:/*` |~CamelCase |Root user interface tiddlers (eg control panel, advanced search) |
|`$:/config/*` |~CamelCase |User-oriented configuration setting |
|`$:/core/images/*` |hyphen-case |Core images |
|`$:/core/modules/*` |lowercase |JavaScript module tiddlers |
|`$:/core/save/*` |lowercase |Saving templates for creating TiddlyWiki documents |
|`$:/core/templates/*` |//inconsistent// |Templates needed for TiddlyWiki to operate. Currently uses a mix of dashes and periods to separate words |
|`$:/core/ui/*` |//inconsistent// |Tiddlers comprising the default user interface of TiddlyWiki. Currently uses a mix of ~CamelCase and lowercase naming conventions |
|`$:/core/wiki/*` |lowercase |Metadata about the entire wiki |
|`$:/docs/*` |lowercase |Documentation tiddlers |
|`$:/messages/*` |~CamelCase |System messages |
|`$:/plugins/*` |lowercase |Plugin tiddlers, and plugin content |
|`$:/snippets/*` |//inconsistent// |Reusable snippets (will be replaced by macros) |
|`$:/state/*` |lowercase |User interface state tiddlers |
|`$:/tags/*` |~CamelCase |User interface configuration tags |
|`$:/temp/*` |lowercase |Temporary tiddlers that shouldn't be saved |
|`$:/themes/*` |lowercase |Theme plugins |
In the format column:
* ''hyphen-case'' refers to joining multiple lowercase words with hyphens
* ''~CamelCase'' refers to joining mulitple initial capitaled words with hyphens
* ''lowercase'' refers to directly joining multiple lowercase words
* ''inconsistent'' marks namespaces that are currently titled inconsistently
In the default "classic" storyview mode, open tiddlers are displayed in a vertical column called the "story river". There are a number of ways you can navigate the story river - that is, how you can jump back and forth between the open tiddlers.
* The best approach is to ''use the Open tab'' in the sidebar to click on the open tiddler to which you wish to navigate.
** The ''Open'' tab contains a list of all the open tiddlers. You can click on any tiddler in the list to jump to it, or click the "×" next to a tiddler link to close it. There is also a handy ''close all'' button at the bottom of the list of open tiddlers.
* Another way is to simply ''scroll the page up and down'' using the story river scrollbar to the right.
** Note that when both the story river and the sidebar extend below the visible screen, there will be //two// scrollbars. The outer or far-right scrollbar controls the story river. The inner scrollbar controls the sidebar.
* A clunky approach that many new users try is to ''close tiddlers one by one'' until they get to the tiddler they are looking for.
** Closing any tiddler at the top or in the middle of the story river will cause all the tiddlers below it to slide up the river. The tiddler immediately below the tiddler you closed will slide up to take its place.
** Closing the bottom tiddler will close it and the bottom of the tiddler above it will come into view.
! Introduction
The navigator widget manipulates the current store, the story list and history lists in response to various [[Messages]].
! Content and Attributes
The navigator widget displays any contained content, and responds to Messages dispatched within it.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|story |Name of the tiddler containing the story list to be manipulated |
|history |Name of the tiddler containing the history list to be manipulated |
! Widget Messages
The following [[Messages]] are handled by the navigator widget:
<$list filter="[tag[navigator-message]]">
<$link to={{!!title}}>
<$view field="title"/>
According to BJ, this list should be sortable. Wonder why its not. <$link dragoverclic="yes">DragItem</$link> <br/>
<$taglist targeTtag="taglist"></$taglist>
<$list filter="[all[current]tag[slide]]" variable="temp">
<$checkbox tag="edit" tooltip="edit slide"></$checkbox>
<span style="float:left;">
<$macrocall $name="prev_slide" slide_master=<<currentTiddler>> />
<span style="float:right;">
<$macrocall $name="next_slide" slide_master=<<currentTiddler>> />
<$macrocall $name="Slide_Navigation" slide_master=<<currentTiddler>> />
<$list filter="[all[current]tag[edit]]" variable="temp" emptyMessage=
<$list filter="[list[!!slides]]" variable="curSlide">
<$macrocall $name="displayItemName"
<<crazyListHere "slides" "slide">>
Each input title is processed in turn, and its successor is located in the <<.field list>> field and appended to the output. If a title is not listed in the field, or is the last title there, then it contributes nothing to the output.
<<.operator-examples "next">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[Monday]next[Days of the Week]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[[Sunday]next[Days of the Week]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "Tuesday Wednesday Thursday +[next[Days of the Week]]">>
"node-webkit" was the original name for the project now known as [[NW.js]].
''Node.js'' is a downloadable application for your PC, Mac or Linux computer that lets it run JavaScript applications. Unlike ~JavaScript applications running in a web browser, Node.js code has full access to the file system and other resources of the computer, enabling it to perform the roles that have traditionally been the preserve of languages like Java, PHP and Python. See http://nodejs.org for more details.
For ~TiddlyWiki, Node.js means that we can have a single code base that can run in the browser or on the server, giving great flexibility in how it is used.
For end users, Node.js is no more complicated to install than a web browser, but unlocks powerful capabilities such as the ability to run ~TiddlyWiki as a web server that you can connect to from other devices.
See [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] for more details.
Version 5.0.11-beta includes some changes that can break content from earlier releases of ~TiddlyWiki 5.
! Command line changes
Previously, commands that generate output files would interpret the specified path to the file as being relative to the current working directory. So, for example, the following command would write `index.html` to the current directory:
tiddlywiki mywiki --rendertiddler $:/core/save/all index.html text/plain
In 5.0.11-beta this behaviour has changed, and now the specified filename is resolved relative to an `output` folder within the TiddlyWikiFolder. So the command above will now write the file `index.html` to `mywiki/output/index.html`.
You can override this behaviour with the OutputCommand. For example, to generate the `index.html` file within the current directory:
tiddlywiki mywiki --output . --rendertiddler $:/core/save/all index.html text/plain
A further change is that the `--rendertiddlers` command now clears the output folder before it writes any files. This means that any previous `--rendertiddler` commands to the same folder will have their output deleted.
Version 5.0.8-beta includes some changes that can break content from earlier releases of ~TiddlyWiki 5.
! Change to [[$:/SiteTitle]] and [[$:/SiteSubtitle]]
You should rename any existing SiteTitle and SiteSubtitle tiddlers to [[$:/SiteTitle]] and [[$:/SiteSubtitle]] respectively.
! Changed parsing rules for content of HTML elements
Version 5.0.8-beta marks a change in the way that TiddlyWiki determines whether to parse the content of an HTML element or widget in //block mode// or //inline mode//.
* In block mode, TiddlyWiki parses text into paragraphs, creating `<p>` tags to wrap them. It also recognises block syntax like headings, lists and tables.
* In inline mode, TiddlyWiki ignores paragraph formatting, and just recognises character formatting, like bold and italic.
It's important to be able to control which type of parsing is performed for different situations.
Prior to 5.0.8-beta, TiddlyWiki parsed the content of an element in inline mode unless the opening tag of the element were immediately followed by a line break. This meant that much of the time element tags would be shunted together into a long line, hindering readability.
The new behaviour for 5.0.8-beta is to parse the content of an element in inline mode unless the opening tag is immediately followed by two line breaks.
To adjust existing content for 5.0.8-beta you will need to manually add the additional line break after the opening tag of elements and widgets whose content should be parsed in block mode.
The positive aspect of the change is that it removes the need to pack multiple HTML tags onto a single line, improving readability.
!! Examples
Consider the difference between these two examples. First, here's an HTML tag that starts with two line breaks:
<<wikitext-example src:"
! This is a heading
And a paragraph of text.
Secondly, here's an HTML tag with just a single line break. Notice how the heading is no longer recognised as a heading
<<wikitext-example src:"
! This is a heading
And a paragraph of text.
! Changed commands for [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
The handling of wiki folders has changed. Previously, if the `tiddlywiki` command was run against a wiki folder that didn't have the necessary `tiddlywiki.info` file then it would be automatically created. Now, the wiki folder must be initialised with the InitCommand.
This is how to create and start a new server-based wiki:
tiddlywiki mywikifolder --init server
tiddlywiki mywikifolder --server
Note that the name of the ''clientserver'' edition has changed to ''server''.
The <<.def now>> [[macro|Macros]] returns the current date and time in a specified [[format|DateFormat]].
The value doesn't update automatically, like a ticking clock. It updates whenever the macro call is rendered, such as when the containing tiddler's display needs to be refreshed for some other reason.
!! Parameters
: A string specifying the desired [[format|DateFormat]], defaulting to `0hh:0mm, DDth MMM YYYY`
<<.macro-examples "now">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<<now>>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2" eg="""<<now YYYY-0MM-0DD>>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="3" eg="""<<now "hh:0mm:0sspm">>"""/>
Non-numeric values are treated as having a higher value than any number, and the difference between capital and lowercase letters is ignored. Compare <<.olink nsortcs>>.
<<.operator-examples "nsort">>
<<.operator-example 1 "10 010 1000 100 +[nsort[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "10 010 ALPHA beta alpha 1000 100 +[nsort[]]">>
Non-numeric values are treated as having a higher value than any number, and capital and lowercase letters are treated as different. Compare <<.olink nsort>>.
<<.operator-examples "nsortcs">>
<<.operator-example 1 "10 010 1000 100 +[nsortcs[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "10 010 ALPHA beta alpha 1000 100 +[nsortcs[]]">>
<<.place N>> is one-based. In other words, `nth[1]` has the same effect as the <<.olink first>> operator.
<<.operator-examples "nth">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]nth[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]nth[5]]">>
NW.js is an OpenSource application that fuses the functionality of a web browser with that of [[Node.js]]. It makes it possible to use web applications as though they were native apps, with full access to the file system and other native facilities. Learn more from the [[official site|https://github.com/nwjs/nw.js]] or [[this introductory blog post|http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/javascript-ajax/introduction-to-html5-desktop-apps-with-node-webkit/]].
See [[TiddlyWiki on NW.js]] for details of how to use TiddlyWiki with NW.js.
An introduction to the biblical book of Obadiah by Dave Gifford using the table of contents macro and various custom tweaks to ~TiddlyWiki: custom new here buttons, [[this custom viewtemplate addition|http://giffmex.org/experiments/obadiah.html#%24%3A%2F_aa%2FViewTemplate%2FNoteList]] to add notes or images within any tiddler, and a tiddler transcluding all the content, in order to facilitate printing ([[this tiddler|http://giffmex.org/experiments/obadiah.html#An%20introduction%20to%20Obadiah]]).
OpenSource is [[defined by Wikipedia|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_source]] as //a philosophy, or pragmatic methodology that promotes free redistribution and access to an end product's design and implementation details//.
When ~TiddlyWiki generates a list of the tiddlers that have a particular tag (e.g. the dropdown list of a tag pill), it orders the tiddlers using the following rules:
# Start with any that are [[declared|Title List]] in the <<.field list>> field of the tag tiddler, in the order given there.
# In each remaining tiddler <<.place T>>, look for a <<.field list-before>> field. If this has a tiddler title as its value, place <<.place T>> just <<.em before>> that one.
#* As a special case, if the field exists but its value is empty, place <<.place T>> at the very start of the list.
# In each remaining tiddler <<.place T>>, look for a <<.field list-after>> field. If this has a tiddler title as its value, place tiddler <<.place T>> just <<.em after>> that one.
# If any tiddlers still remain, place them at the end of the list in ascending alphabetical order of title. The difference between capital and lowercase letters is ignored.
Founded in 2004 by JeremyRuston, Osmosoft was originally a consultancy for software services around TiddlyWiki. Notable engagements included working with Socialtext on [[Socialtext Unplugged|https://www.socialtext.net/open/socialtext_unplugged]].
In 2007, Osmosoft was acquired by [[BT]] and became the champions for open source within the enterprise. As part of BT, Osmosoft has worked on a diverse range of projects within BT and for BT's customers.
See http://osmosoft.com/
The ''Oxford ~TiddlyWiki Interest Group'' meets monthly for discussions and demonstrations about TiddlyWiki.
See https://oxtwig.eventbrite.co.uk/ for details of our next meeting.
We have an email discussion list, too: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!members/oxtwig
The second OXTWIG meeting was held on Thursday 16th January 2014:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/WOK_nVBf_6U" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
The first OXTWIG meeting was held on Thursday 21st November 2013:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/tpNf_Dms_TE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
One major feature of TiddlyWiki that many new users are unaware of is the degree to which TiddlyWiki can be customised, just by adding or removing SystemTags in key shadow tiddlers or in your own custom tiddlers.
* You can add and remove default features in tiddlers in either viewing or editing mode (let's say you find the tiddler subtitle distracting, or you want to add yourself a reminder that you will see when you edit tiddlers)
* You can also add and remove default features from the general page layout (maybe you want to add a clock to the sidebar, or replace one of the page control buttons with your own)
* You can also rearrange the order in which these features are displayed (perhaps you would like tags above tiddler titles, or the subtitle of your TiddlyWiki below the page control buttons)
Once you know what you are doing, all of these things are actually pretty easy to do.
! Adding custom-made tiddlers to the user interface
You can also create any tiddler you want and tag it with the appropriate SystemTag, and it will appear in that place. For example, if you create a tiddler 'Reminder to self', add the text 'This is a reminder' and tag it `$:/tags/EditTemplate`, the words 'This is a reminder' will appear inside every tiddler when you edit it.
When you add new tiddlers to be displayed within tiddlers or within the page layout, you will also probably need to reposition it so that it appears precisely where you want it to appear. To do this, edit the appropriate shadow tiddler with the prefix `$:/tags/`, and insert the title of your tiddler in the proper place in the list field. For example, if you want the words 'This is a reminder' from the example above to appear above the tags editor in editing mode, edit the tiddler $:/tags/EditTemplate, go to the 'list' field, and insert `[[Reminder to self]]` right before `$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/tags`.
! Creating new buttons for the ViewToolbar and page controls
Let's say you have a skeleton tiddler called 'Recipe template', and you want to have a button available in the tiddler ViewToolbar to create new recipe tiddlers on demand. This will require the following steps:
# You will want an image for your button. If none of the core images (shadow tiddlers with the prefix $:/core/images/) work for you, then you will need to create or acquire an SVG image (for example, one of the images at http://flaticon.com), drag it into your file so that it becomes a tiddler, edit the tiddler and adjust the height and width to 22px
# You will want to create the tiddler that contains your tiddler. Create it, title it, and add the button code (see the code at the bottom of this tiddler for an example, with hints where you will need to adapt it). Tag it [[$:/tags/ViewToolbar]]
# You will need to create a tiddler that tells TiddlyWiki whether your button should be visible in the toolbar or hidden. Let's title it [[$:/config/ViewToolbarButtons/Visibility/Recipe]]. Type `reveal` into the text area, and save.
# You will want to position the button properly. Open the tiddler $:/tags/ViewToolbar and insert your button tiddler's title in the appropriate place in the list field.
\define newHereButtonTags()
\define newHereButton()
<$button class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>>>
title="New tiddler"
tags=<<newHereButtonTags>> />
<$list filter="[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]">
<$list filter="[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]">
<span class="tc-btn-text"><$text text="CAPTION FOR YOUR BUTTON"/></span>
! Removing shadow tiddlers from the user interface
In the More > Shadows tab you will find a list of all the shadow tiddlers. In this list you will find many tiddlers with the prefix `$:/core/ui/`. These are the core tiddlers that define the user interface. These tiddlers are tagged with SystemTags, and removing or adding these tags will adjust the tiddler and page layouts.
For example, $:/core/ui/SideBar/More is the tiddler for the More tab in the Sidebar, and it is tagged with the SystemTag `$:/tags/SideBar` so that it appears in the Sidebar. Removing the tag from that tiddler will remove the More tab from the Sidebar, and reinserting the Sidebar tag to that tiddler will make it reappear in the Sidebar.
You can use the same process for any of the core user interface tiddlers with the $:/core/ui/ prefix. For example, removing the SystemTag `$:/tags/ViewTemplate` from the tiddler `$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/subtitle` will remove the subtitles from all tiddlers.
If you modify a shadow tiddler in this way you will overwrite the pre-installed value. If you want to revert, just delete the modified tiddler to restore the underlying shadow tiddler.
To mark the end of a paragraph in TiddlyWiki you need to type `enter` twice to create a double line break:
This is the first paragraph.
And this is the second paragraph.
Single line breaks are ignored within paragraphs. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"This is a
paragraph made
up of
short lines">>
For situations where this behaviour isn't convenient, you can also use [[Hard Linebreaks in WikiText]].
! Introduction
The parsing mechanism analyses the text of a tiddler against a set of parsing rules, producing a tree representing the structure of the text. The RenderingMechanism is used to transform parse trees into render trees of widget nodes.
TiddlyWiki5 includes ParserModules for several types of tiddler:
* WikiText
* Raw HTML
* Plain text
* Images (bitmap, SVG and PDF)
The WikiText parser is the most complex, comprising separate individual WikiRuleModules encapsulating each parsing rule.
! Parse Trees
The output of parsing a tiddler is an object containing a tree of parse nodes corresponding to the original text. For example:
> JSON.stringify($tw.wiki.parseText("text/vnd.tiddlywiki","Some //italics// and a {{Transclusion}}.").tree)
{type: "element", tag: "p", children: [
{type: "text", text: "Some "},
{type: "element", tag: "em", children: [
{type: "text", text: "italics"}
{type: "text", text: " and a "},
{type: "tiddler", attributes:{
tiddler: {type: "string", value: "Transclusion"}
}, children:[
{type: "transclude", attributes:{
tiddler: {type: "string", value: "Transclusion"}
{type: "text", text: "."}
Parse tree nodes are plain JavaScript objects, and do not have a prototype.
! Introduction
The password widget displays a password input box that is bound to a named entry in the TiddlyWiki5 PasswordVault. Passwords are currently stored in the browsers local storage and are not themselves encrypted.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$password>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|name |Name of the password vault entry |
<<.dlink-ex "Percent encoding" "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Percent-encoding">> is a notation that allows otherwise invalid characters to be included in a [[URI]].
Such characters are represented as a percent sign `%` followed by two additional characters.
For example, a space is represented as `%20` and an actual percent sign is represented as `%25`.
Permalinks allow direct links to individual tiddlers within a TiddlyWiki.
! Simple Permalinks
The simplest form of permalink is a single target tiddler title appended to the base URL with `#`:
The tiddler title can contain spaces if required:
[[http://tiddlywiki.com/#Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
Note that double square brackets are not required around the target tiddler title; however, if present they are silently removed.
! Story Permalinks
The permalink can also specify the story list of tiddlers that should be opened alongside the target tiddler as a [[TiddlerFilter|Filters]]:
[[http://tiddlywiki.com/#TiddlerFields:Tiddlers TiddlerTags TiddlerFields ContentType]]
If the target tiddler isn't present in the story list then it is automatically inserted at the top. This means that the following two examples both target the tiddler `Tiddlers` within the story sequence `Tiddlers`, `Tags`, `TiddlerFields`:
[[http://tiddlywiki.com/#Tiddlers:Tags TiddlerFields]]
[[http://tiddlywiki.com/#Tiddlers:Tiddlers Tags TiddlerFields]]
It is also possible to specify a story filter without specifying a target tiddler for navigation:
<a href="http://tiddlywiki.com/#:[tags[task]]">~http://tiddlywiki.com/#:[tags[task]]</a>
! About URL encoding
There are technical restrictions on the legal characters in an URL fragment. To allow all tiddler titles to be addressed, illegal characters are subject to a process called "URL encoding" whereby problematic characters are replaced by their numeric code. For example, the space character is replaced with `%20`.
Both the target tiddler title and the story filter should be URL encoded (but not the separating colon). TiddlyWiki generates properly encoded URLs which can look quite ugly. However, in practice browsers will usually perfectly happily process arbitrary characters in URL fragments. Thus when creating permalinks manually you can choose to ignore URL encoding.
! Permalink Behaviour
Two important aspects of TiddlyWiki's behaviour with permalinks can be controlled via options in the $:/ControlPanel ''Advanced/Settings'' tab:
* Whether to automatically update the address bar at each navigation, and if so whether to include the story sequence as well as the target tiddler
* Whether the updates to the address bar should affect browser history. The default is ''no''; when switched to ''yes'' you can rewind navigation between tiddlers using the browser back and forward buttons
Note that typing or navigating to a permalink will always cause the permalink to be processed, and tiddlers opened and closed as appropriate.
!! Technical Details
When TiddlyWiki starts up it processes permalinks according to the following steps; the same steps are repeated if the permalink changes dynamically (this happens in response to the user editing the address bar, for example).
# If the permalink contains a colon, treat the string before as the ''target'' and the string after it as the ''story filter''
# If the permalink doesn't contain a colon, treat the entire string as the ''target'' and mark the ''story filter'' as //unspecified//
# If the ''story filter'' was unspecified and we're in the process of starting up, then set the ''story filter'' to the empty string if the ''target'' is specified, or to the default tiddlers if the ''target'' is unspecified
# If the ''story filter'' was unspecified and we're not starting up, then set the ''story filter'' to the current story list
# Evaluate the ''story filter'' as the ''story list''
# If the ''target'' is specified and not present in the ''story list'' then add it at the top
# If the ''target'' is specified then navigate to it, otherwise navigate to the first tiddler in the ''story list''
First name: <$edit field="firstname"/><br/>
Surname: <$edit field="surname"/>
Employer: <$select field="employer"><option value=""> -- </option><$list filter="[tag[company]]"><option value=<<currentTiddler>> > <<currentTiddler>> </option></$list></$select>
The purpose of recording and organising information is so that it can be used again. The value of recorded information is directly proportional to the ease with which it can be re-used.
The philosophy of [[tiddlers|Tiddlers]] is that we maximise the possibilities for re-use by slicing information up into the smallest semantically meaningful units with [[rich modelling of relationships between them|Structuring TiddlyWiki]]. Then we use aggregation and composition to weave the fragments together to present narrative stories.
TiddlyWiki aspires to provide an algebra for tiddlers, a concise way of expressing and exploring the relationships between items of information.
[[Plugins]] are bundles of tiddlers that are distributed and managed as a single unit by being packed into a single JSON tiddler. If a tiddler isn't found in the main store, then the registered plugins are searched for it instead.
Tiddlers within plugins behave something like shadow tiddlers in classic TiddlyWiki: they can be freely overwritten by creating a tiddler with the same title, but deleting that tiddler restores the underlying tiddler value from the plugin.
Plugins have a `plugin-type` field that may be (see the table below):
* `plugin` //(default)// - a plain plugin
* `theme` - a theme plugin (see ThemeMechanism)
* `language` - for translations only
Plugins can be used to package ordinary content, or can include JavaScript [[modules|Modules]] that extend and enhance the core TiddlyWiki5 functionality.
Plugins conventionally have a title of the form `$:/plugins/publisher/name`. Plugins that are part of the core TiddlyWiki distribution have titles of the form `$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/name`.
Plugins that define macros, views or other named entities are expected to prefix the name with their publisher identifier, for example: `tiddlytools.slider`.
! Plugin fields
Plugins are stored as tiddlers with the following fields:
|!Field |!Description |
|title |Title of plugin |
|description |Description of plugin |
|author |Author of plugin |
|version |Version string (must conform to SemanticVersioning convention) |
|source |Source URL of plugin |
|type |Must be ''application/json'' |
|plugin-type |Can be ''plugin'' (default), ''language'' or ''theme'' |
|text |JSON encoding of the list of tiddlers comprising the plugin |
|list |Names of exposed plugin information tiddlers (see below) |
|name |Name of the theme (only for themes) |
|dependents |List of dependent plugins (currently only implemented for themes) |
! Plugin folders
On the server, plugins can be stored as ordinary JSON tiddlers but it is often more convenient to store them as separate tiddler files within folders. Plugin folders must contain a `plugin.info` file that contains the metadata for the plugin. It can also optionally identify files external to the plugin folder that should be loaded as tiddlers.
The `plugin.info` file should contain the following JSON structure:
The JSON structure for plugin tiddlers is as follows:
"title": "$:/plugins/publisher/name",
"description": "An exemplary plugin for demonstration purposes",
"author": "JeremyRuston",
"version": "1.2.3-alpha3",
"core-version": ">=5.0.0",
"source": "http://tiddlywiki.com/MyPlugin",
"plugin-type": "plugin",
"list": "readme license history"
By convention, the titles of the individual tiddlers are prefixed with the title of the containing plugin, but they are not restricted to do so.
Note that if the `version` field is omitted from a `plugin.info` file when the plugin folder is packed then it is automatically filled in by the core to the current core version number. This is to ensure that all the core plugins carry the correct version number. Generally plugin authors will want to ensure that they do explicitly specify a version number.
! Plugin library
The standard distribution of TiddlyWiki includes a number of standard plugins in the `plugins` directory.
! Including plugins in a wiki
To be usable in the browser, plugins just need to be included in the wiki. For wikis that are generated on the server, TiddlyWikiFolders can contain a `tiddlywiki.info` file that identifies the plugins to be included in this wiki:
"plugins": [
Plugins names refer to plugin folders listed in TiddlyWiki5's root `plugins` folder.
Plugins can also be included manually by copying them into the `plugins` subfolder of the wiki.
! Plugin processing
The wiki object keeps track of all of the currently loaded plugins. If a request for a tiddler isn't in the store then the wiki looks through the cascade of plugins to find the requested tiddler. It is a similar idea to the way that shadow tiddlers are implemented in classic TiddlyWiki.
In the browser, any constituent tiddlers that are JavaScript modules (ie shadow tiddlers of content type `application/javascript` and possessing the field `module-type`) are executed during startup processing.
!! Disabling Plugins
Plugins can be disabled by creating a tiddler titled `$:/config/Plugins/Disabled/` concatenated with the plugin title, and setting its text to `yes`.
For example, to disable the plugin `$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/highlight`, the title would be:
! Information Tiddlers for Plugins
Plugin authors are encouraged to provide special information and documentation tiddlers that TiddlyWiki can include as plugin information tabs in the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]].
Plugins should provide an icon contained in a tiddler with the title formed of `<plugin-name>/icon` (for example, [[$:/core/icon]]).
Plugins expose the names of the individual information tabs that they wish to display in the `list` field of the plugin tiddler. By convention, some or all of the following should be provided:
* ''readme'': basic information about the plugin
* ''license'': the license under which the plugin is published
The title of the associated information tiddler must be formed as follows:
# `$:/<plugin-name>/<current-language>/<tab-name>` (for example, ''$:/core/en-GB/readme'')
# `$:/<plugin-name>/<tab-name>` (for example, ''$:/core/readme'')
Thus, plugins can provide language-specific versions of each information tiddler.
Note that information tiddlers should not reference other tiddlers within the plugin. This is because plugins containing themes or languages are dynamically switched in and out as they are selected, and so their information tiddlers may not be available for viewing. The control panel uses the 'subtiddler' attribute of the TranscludeWidget to access these tiddlers, which works independently of the plugin switching mechanism.
! Available Plugins
The following plugins are distributed on tiddlywiki.com as part of the main TiddlyWiki distribution.
<<list-links "[tag[Plugins]]">>
! What is a plugin?
A plugin in TiddlyWiki5 is a bundle of tiddlers packaged together as a single tiddler. Plugins are used to distribute optional, custom components for TiddlyWiki.
The tiddlers within a plugin appear as ShadowTiddlers.
Plugins can contain JavaScript modules, style sheets, and templates to extend the functionality of TiddlyWiki itself. Plugins can also be used to distribute ordinary text, images or other content. Plugins can be updated from their source as a unit.
See the PluginMechanism discussion for more details about how plugins are implemented internally.
! Installing a plugin from the plugin library
# Create a backup of your current TiddlyWiki HTML file ([[just in case|The First Rule of Using TiddlyWiki]])
# Open your TiddlyWiki in a browser
# Open the [[$:/ControlPanel]] and click on the ''Plugins'' tab and then the ''Add'' tab
# Click ''open plugin library'' to open the official plugin library
# When the library listing is loaded:
## Use the dropdown to select between ''plugins'', ''themes'' and ''languages''
## Use the ''search'' box to search the plugin details
# Click the ''install'' button to install a plugin
# Save your TiddlyWiki
# ''Refresh the page so that TiddlyWiki loads the new plugin''
# The plugin should now be available for use
! Manually installing a plugin
# Create a backup of your current TiddlyWiki HTML file ([[just in case|The First Rule of Using TiddlyWiki]])
# Open your TiddlyWiki in a browser
# In another browser window, find a link to the plugin, e.g. [[$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/example]]. You will typically find these links on the home page of the plugin (for example, http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/katex/)
# Drag the link [[$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/example]] to the browser window containing your TiddlyWiki
# Save your TiddlyWiki
# ''Refresh the page so that TiddlyWiki loads the new plugin''
# The plugin should now be available for use
! How to uninstall / delete a plugin
# Create a backup of your current TiddlyWiki HTML file ([[just in case|The First Rule of Using TiddlyWiki]])
# Open the [[$:/ControlPanel]] and go to the ''Plugins'' tab
# Click on the plugin you want to delete to open its tiddler
# Click the edit icon and then delete the tiddler
# Save your TiddlyWiki
# ''Refresh the window so that TiddlyWiki completely removes the plugin''
# The plugin should now be deleted
A collection of plugins from TheDiveO.
[[TheDiveO's Third Flow|http://thediveo.github.io/ThirdFlow/]] plugin construction system:
The ~ThirdFlow plugin brings to you another way to develop customization plugins for TiddlyWiki 5. It is not enforcing a specific development flow, it simply tries to help you. Otherwise, it tries to stay out of your way.
[[TheDiveO's FontAwesome|http://thediveo.github.io/TW5FontAwesome/]] plugin:
The FontAwesome plugin supports embedding Font Awesome in TiddlyWiki 5. There is no need to install this font into your operating system in order to use it with TiddlyWiki 5. The font is already embedded in this TiddlyWiki 5 customization plugin instead, so nothing else to install.
<<.operator-examples "plugintiddlers">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[$:/core]plugintiddlers[]]">>
\define display-image(image)
{{Polymer icons##$image$}}
From https://www.polymer-project.org/
{{Polymer icons##{{!!curimage}}}}
<$select field="curimage">
<option value=""> -- </option>
<$list filter="[[Polymer icons]indexes[]]">
<option value=<<currentTiddler>> > <<currentTiddler>> </option>
<svg width="48" height="48" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
<$macrocall $name="display-image" image={{!!curimage}} />
The popup mechanism allows blocks of content to be selectively displayed and positioned with respect to an anchor. It has several parts:
* StateTiddlers to record whether a popup is currently displayed or not
* The RevealWidget to selectively display the popup content
* The ButtonWidget to trigger the display of the popup by setting the state tiddler appropriately
A <<.def pragma>> is a special component of WikiText that provides control over the way the remaining text is parsed.
Pragmas occupy lines that start with `\`. They can only appear at the start of the text, but blank lines are allowed between them. If a pragma line appears in the main body of the text, it is treated as if it was ordinary text.
The following pragmas are available:
: for defining a [[macro|Macros]]
: for adjusting the set of rules used to parse the text
<<.operator-examples "prefix">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[tag[task]!prefix[Go]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[prefix[$:/languages/]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[prefix[$:/]]" "same as `[is[system]]`">>
Ordinarily, at startup TiddlyWiki displays the tiddlers specified as a filter in the tiddler [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]].
Sometimes it's useful to re-open the same tiddlers that were open when the file was saved. To do so, set [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]] to this filter:
This filter returns the tiddlers specified in the [[$:/StoryList]] tiddler, which is the system tiddler that TiddlyWiki uses to store the sequence of tiddlers in the current story.
Each input title is processed in turn, and its predecessor is located in the <<.field list>> field and appended to the output. If a title is not listed in the field, or is the first item there, then it contributes nothing to the output.
<<.operator-examples "previous">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[Wednesday]previous[Days of the Week]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[[Monday]previous[Days of the Week]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "Tuesday Wednesday Thursday +[previous[Days of the Week]]">>
\define showList(state, fieldName)
<$reveal state="$state$" type="match" text="$fieldName$">
<<crazyListHere "$fieldName$">>
\define process_buttons(tiddlerName)
<$set name="state" value="$:/state/process##$tiddlerName$">
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible" tooltip="Requirements"
set=<<state>> setTo="requirement"
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible" tooltip="Components"
set=<<state>> setTo="component"
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible" tooltip="Actors"
set=<<state>> setTo="actor"
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible" tooltip="Prerequisites"
set=<<state>> setTo="prerequisite"
<$reveal state=<<state>> type="nomatch" text="">
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible" tooltip="cancel"
set=<<state>> setTo=""
<$list filter="requirement component actor prerequisite" variable="fieldName">
<$macrocall $name="showList" state=<<state>> fieldName=<<fieldName>> />
<$checkbox tag="step"> Step</$checkbox>
<$list filter="[all[current]!tag[step]]" variable="temp">
Progress Bar:
<$macrocall $name="Progress_Bar"
<$macrocall $name="process_buttons" tiddlerName=<<currentTiddler>> />
<li> Description:
<$macrocall $name="View_Edit"
<$list filter="[all[current]!tag[step]]" variable="temp">
Process Steps
<<crazyListHere "process">>
\define Progress_Bar_Pill(stageTiddler:"", stageFieldName:"stage", stage:"none", macro:"", border-radius:"25", background:blue; width:"40", height:"5", opacity:".3")
border-radius: $border-radius$px;
background: $background$;
width: $width$px;
height: $height$px;
border:1px solid black;
\define Progress_Bar(stagesTiddler:"", stagesFieldName:"stages", stageTiddler:"", stageFieldName:"stage", macro:"")
<!-- Print out a darker pill for each stage before the current stage -->
filter="[list[$stagesTiddler$!!$stagesFieldName$]allbefore{$stageTiddler$!!$stageFieldName$}]" variable="curStage">
<!-- Print out a darker pill for the current stage -->
<!-- Print out a lighter pill for each stage after the current stage -->
<$list filter="[list[$stagesTiddler$!!$stagesFieldName$]allafter{$stageTiddler$!!$stageFieldName$}]" variable="curStage">
`<$macrocall $name="Progress_Bar"
<$macrocall $name="Progress_Bar"
\define Progress_Dashboard(
<!-- Print out table header for each stage in the process -->
<!-- Print out a column of the items that are in each stage -->
<$macrocall $name="Stage_list"
\define Stage_list(stageFieldName:"stage", stage:"none", macro:"")
<$list filter="[has[$stageFieldName$]field:$stageFieldName$[$stage$]]">
`<$macrocall $name="Progress_Dashboard"
<$macrocall $name="Progress_Bar"
<$macrocall $name="Progress_Dashboard"
The <<.def qualify>> [[macro|Macros]] is an important part of the StateMechanism.
It returns a unique string that encodes its position within the [[widget tree|Widgets]], as identified by the stack of transcluded tiddlers that lead to that position.
It is implemented using the <<.vlink transclusion>> variable.
!! Parameters
: The prefix for the returned string, normally a tiddler title
<<.macro-examples "qualify">>
The results returned by the <<.mlink qualify>> macro depend on its location in the transclusion stack.
The two examples below are identical, but produce different results because the second one has been transcluded from [[another tiddler|$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/qualify-transcluded]].
Each example shows the result of calling <<.var qualify>> and then the value of the <<.vlink transclusion>> variable.
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
<li><code><<qualify "BaseTiddler">></code></li>
Wikipedia [[defines a Quine|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quine_(computing)]] as //a computer program which takes no input and produces a copy of its own source code as its only output//.
TiddlyWiki is an unusual example of a practical quine: it is this ability to produce a copy of its own source code that lies at the heart of TiddlyWiki's ability to independently save changes to itself.
! Introduction
The radio widget displays an HTML `<input type="radio">` that reflects whether a given tiddler field has a specified value. Selecting the radio button sets to the tiddler field to the value.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$radio>` widget is displayed within an HTML `<label>` element also containing the radio button. This means that clicking on the content will have the same effect as clicking on the button itself.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |Title of the tiddler to manipulate (defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]) |
|field |The name of the field to which the radio button will be bound |
|value |The value for the tiddler field |
|class |CSS classes to be assigned to the label around the radio button |
! Example
This example uses the radio widget to change the `modifier` field of this tiddler:
<$radio field="modifier" value="JoeBloggs"> Joe Bloggs</$radio>
<$radio field="modifier" value="JaneBloggs"> Jane Bloggs</$radio>
It renders as:
<$radio field="modifier" value="JoeBloggs"> Joe Bloggs</$radio>
<$radio field="modifier" value="JaneBloggs"> Jane Bloggs</$radio>
<<.def "Railroad diagrams">>, sometimes called <<.def "syntax diagrams">>, are a visual way of explaining the syntax rules of a computer language. Reading one is like reading a public transport map.
Each diagram starts on the left and ends on the right. Simply follow any line from the startpoint to the endpoint. All the alternative lines are equally valid. A line will sometimes jump over an item that is optional, or loop back to indicate that an item can be repeated.
<$railroad text="""
start [:optional] {repeated +","} end
In the example above, a comma appears between each occurrence of the `repeated` item. The comma path runs from right to left, and can only be reached by first passing through `repeated`.
Characters in round boxes are literal, i.e. they denote themselves. A name in a rectangular box denotes a further railroad diagram.
The railroad diagrams in ~TiddlyWiki's documentation are generated with the [[Railroad Plugin]].
\define tv-wikilink-template() http://tiddlywiki.com/static/$uri_doubleencoded$.html
<$importvariables filter="[[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Macro]!has[draft.of]]">
Welcome to TiddlyWiki, a non-linear personal web notebook that anyone can use and keep forever, independently of any corporation.
TiddlyWiki is a complete interactive wiki in JavaScript. It can be used as a single HTML file in the browser or as a powerful Node.js application. It is highly customisable: the entire user interface is itself implemented in hackable WikiText.
Learn more and see it in action at http://tiddlywiki.com/
Developer documentation is in progress at http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/
! Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js
{{Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js}}
! Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js
{{Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js}}
! Upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js
{{Upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js}}
! Also see
<<list-links "[tag[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] -[[Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] -[[Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] -[[Upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]">>
//This readme file was automatically generated by TiddlyWiki//
\define tv-wikilink-template() http://tiddlywiki.com/static/$uri_doubleencoded$.html
{{Scripts for TiddlyWiki on Node.js}}
The following topics provide the canonical reference documentation for TiddlyWiki:
<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-selective-expandable 'Reference'>>
<<.def "Reference tiddlers">> offer raw information in a comprehensive interlinked way. The reader is likely to be an intermediate or expert user.
There are several subcategories:
* With definitions, together forming a glossary
;User manual
* Presenting technical details of ~WikiText features
* Subcategorised: messages, operators, widgets, etc
;Developer manual
* Presenting technical details of ~TiddlyWiki's internal architecture
Reference material is written in a terse, formal style that avoids referring to the reader, and instead focuses on how ~TiddlyWiki itself behaves. The passive voice is often suitable:
* <<.word "the template is specified as a tiddler">> rather than <<.word "specify the template as a tiddler">>
* <<.word "the widget can be used for various purposes">> rather than <<.word "you can use the widget for various purposes">>
* But <<.word "this widget has several possible uses">> is better, because it is less convoluted and more succinct
Most contracted verb forms are avoided in reference tiddlers. But those ending in <<.word "n't">> (<<.word "aren't">>, <<.word "doesn't">>, <<.word "hasn't">>, <<.word "isn't">>, etc) are acceptable, as they make it less easy to accidentally overlook the word <<.word not>>.
<<.def "Regular expressions">> are concise strings of characters that denote patterns of text to search for. The format used in ~TiddlyWiki is fully defined in [[this Mozilla reference|https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Regular_Expressions]].
The [[filter syntax|Filter Run]] makes it impossible to directly specify a regular expression that contains square brackets. The solution is to store the expression in a [[variable|Variables]]. See the <<.operator-examples "regexp" "examples">>.
The parameter <<.place X>> can optionally start or end with a string of flags:
<$railroad text=""" "(?" { ("i"|"m"|:"g") } ")" """/>
Only the `i` flag is generally useful: it forces the different between capital and lowercase letters to be ignored.
If <<.place X>> is empty, <<.op regexp>> will match all of the input tiddlers.
<<.operator-examples "regexp">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[!is[system]regexp[Wiki]]" "non-system tiddlers with `Wiki` in their title">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[!is[system]regexp[(?i)Wiki]]" "non-system tiddlers with `Wiki` in their title, ignoring case">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[!is[system]regexp[Wiki(?i)]]" "same again">>
<<.operator-example 4 "[regexp[(?i)\.jpe?g$]]" "tiddlers with titles ending in `.jpg` or `.jpeg`, ignoring case">>
<<.operator-example 5 "[regexp:created[^201408]]" "tiddlers created in August 2014">>
The regular expression `[0-9]{2}` matches two consecutive digits. Because it contains square brackets, the way to use it with the <<.op regexp>> operator is via a [[variable|Variables]], as follows:
src="""<$set name="digit-pattern" value="[0-9]{2}">
<<list-links "[regexp:title<digit-pattern>]">>
This release is the culmination of a large scale refactoring of the widget mechanism of TiddlyWiki5. There are several changes to be aware of if upgrading from earlier versions:
* The following widgets have been removed:
** `<$setstyle>` - use `<div style=<<macroName Param>>>` instead
** `<$video>` - will return in a later release
** `<$datauri>` - use the `<<makedatauri>>` built-in macro instead
** `<$error>` - may return in a later release
** `<$import>` - use the BrowseWidget, DropzoneWidget and NavigatorWidget instead
** `<$info>` - use the `<<changecount>>` built-in macro instead
** `<$version>` - use the `<<version>>` built-in macro instead
* The following widgets have had significant changes:
** EditWidget
** ListWidget - the list widget itself no longer generates HTML nodes, so you'll often need to wrap the template in a `<div>` or a `<span>` to be able to style the content
** ViewWidget - has several changes:
*** `<$view format="link"/>` is no longer available; use an explicit `<$link>` widget instead
*** `<$view format="link"/>` is no longer available; use the TranscludeWidget instead
* The following new widgets have been added:
** BrowseWidget
** DropzoneWidget
** EditTextWidget and EditBitmapWidget
** SetVariableWidget
* Widget attribute names have been made more consistent. In particular, `tiddler` is used to reference a tiddler by title, not `title`
* It is no longer possible to import the macro definitions within another tiddler by transcluding that tiddler
* The `body` element now has the class `tw-body`, which will need to be specified in any overrides
** This was done due to the new support for HTML foreign objects, which makes it possible to have multiple `<body>` elements in a document
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.11...v5.0.0-alpha.12]]//
This minor release just contains fixes for the syncer and related adaptor modules for the TiddlyWeb edition and for TiddlyWiki5's integrated server.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.12...v5.0.0-alpha.13]]//
This release has several bug fixes:
* Fixes to DaveGifford's themes ''blanca'', ''blue'' and ''rocker''
* Fix an issue with the `<$edit-text>` widget
* Documentation updates
* Improved deployment scripts
* Made the modifier field in the subtitle be a link
* Styling improvements for the CodeMirror plugin
* Improved the ViewWidget so that it falls back to displaying its content if the field/property is missing or empty
* Extend use of the built-in `<<tabs>>` macro to the tiddler info panel, the control panel and the sidebar
** This means that you can add new tabs by creating tiddlers with these tags, and optionally a `caption` field for the text of the tab:
*** [[$:/tags/TiddlerInfo]] for tiddler info panel tabs
*** [[$:/tags/ControlPanel]] for control panel tabs
*** [[$:/tags/SideBar]] for sidebar tabs
*** [[$:/tags/MoreSideBar]] for tabs in the "more" sidebar
*** Change the order of tabs by adjusting the `list` field of the corresponding tag tiddler
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.13...v5.0.0-alpha.14]]//
This release has several bug fixes:
* Improved the layout of the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]]
* Fixed problem with using the CheckboxWidget to apply tags to tiddlers that don't have any existing tags
* Fixed problem with default password for the PasswordWidget being the string "null"
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.14...v5.0.0-alpha.15]]//
!! New Features
* Added a dropdown to the edit template for setting the tiddler type
* A saver module for Microsoft Internet Explorer version 10 and above. Clicking save in the sidebar causes the browser to pull up a bar at the bottom of the window where you can click ''save''. You then get a new copy of your wiki in the downloads folder.
* Support for new `tw-close-other-tiddlers` message (eg, <$button message="tw-close-other-tiddlers">close others</$button>)
* For http://five.tiddlywiki.com, add a tiddler info tab with a link to the static representation of the tiddler
* Make more UI elements extensible via system tags:
** [[$:/tags/ViewToolbar]] for the view mode tiddler toolbar
** [[$:/tags/EditTemplate]] for the edit template
** [[$:/tags/EditToolbar]] for the edit mode tiddler toolbar
** [[$:/tags/PageControls]] for the page control tools in the sidebar
!! Improvements
* Rename the `<$setvariable>` to `<$set>`
** `<$setvariable>` will temporarily remain as a synonym for `<$set>` for the next few releases
* Improve the popup mechanism so that the tiddler info panel doesn't close so easily
* Various improvements for working with TiddlyWeb, including:
** Updated control panel
!! Bug fixes
* Fixed bug when creating a tiddler title starting or ending with a space
* Fixed behaviour of tags editor dropdown when search box is empty
* Fixed problem with interpretation of `fields` and `index` attributes of the TranscludeWidget
* Fixed the module type names in the internal tab of the control panel
* Improved styling for embedded PDFs
* Fixed bug with second being omitted from serialised date formats
Contributors to this release include @jermolene and @grayeul.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.15...v5.0.0-alpha.16]]//
!! New Features and Improvements
* Improved appearance of tags editor
* Improved generation of qualified tiddler titles for state storage
** Instead of `$:/state/tab/sidebar-{$:/core/ui/SideBar|$:/core/ui/SideBar||}{$:/core/ui/PageTemplate|$:/core/ui/PageTemplate||}` one gets `$:/state/tab/sidebar-{1743827719}`
* Significant updates to the structure and content of the user documentation
* Added a new plugin for displaying corner ribbons; currently used for a version banner on tw5.com
* Split ''Snow White'' theme into a base ''Vanilla'' theme with all the basic formatting, leaving the decorative bits to ''Snow White''
** Existing TiddlyWikiFolders will need updating to include ''Vanilla'' as an additional theme
* The page building blocks are now driven by the system tag `$:/tags/PageTemplate`
** [[$:/TopSideBar]] and [[$:/LeftSideBar]] are no longer specially treated; use the new tag instead
* Fixed problem that prevented tag configured items from shadow tiddlers interleaving with items from ordinary tiddlers
* Refactored control panel to add ''Saving'' tab that includes TiddlySpot options
* Improved notifications when saving to TiddlySpot
* Added backup URL to TiddlySpot control panel tab
* Extended the ServerCommand to add primitive support for basic authentication when running under [[Node.js]]
!! Bug fixes
* Fixed problem with displaying tiddler titles that contain WikiText syntax
* No longer crashes when encountering an error in a filter string
* Fixed a crash when dragging and dropping tiddlers within TiddlyWiki5
* No longer update the modified date for imported tiddlers
* Automatically forces new field names to be lower case
!! Internal changes
* Added Windows-compatible build scripts
* Changes to the SavingMechanism to allow the tiddlers that are saved to be selected
** This enables the wiki at http://five.tiddlywiki.com/index.html to generate an empty wiki
* The main HTML file template used for saving TiddlyWiki5 documents has changed from `$:/core/templates/tiddlywiki5.template.html` to `$:/core/save/all`
* Moved tw5.com's Google Analytics integration into a proper plugin
Contributors to this release include @jermolene, @asampal and @pmario.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.16...v5.0.0-alpha.17]]//
!! Bug fixes
* Fixes a small but important bug that prevented downloading an empty wiki with alpha.16
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.17...v5.0.1-alpha]]//
!! Improvements
* Changes to the importing process to enable a smoother [[Upgrading]] process
** Ignores attempts to import plugins that are older than currently installed plugins
** System tiddlers are now imported as usual
* If `$:/theme` isn't defined or refers to a missing tiddler, then fallback through ''Snow White'' to ''Vanilla''. This means that `empty.html` now defaults to ''Snow White''
* Added support for [[Block Quotes in WikiText]]
** Contributed by StephanHradek (@Skeeve on GitHub)
!! Bug fixes
* Fixed bug that was preventing `$:/tags/PageControls` tiddlers from being reordered
!! Internal changes
* Changed the [[TiddlyWiki5 Versioning]] policy
** Beta releases will be `5.0.x-beta` and the final release will be `5.1.x`
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.9-beta...v5.0.10-beta]]//
!! Highlights
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ad4b03506a62d7110cb30aaa3d6f8dbfc712f246]] new syntax for [[Images in WikiText]] and a new ImageWidget
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ba576d9f1b2146cec293447b2968e34f0c594a05]] support for a SafeMode that disables customisations
!! Documentation Improvements
* Added DateFormat documentation
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Refactor|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bb42c0ab360760917ad5bde84f15350186a9471a]] sorting to respect accented characters
* [[Support|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/45b0966013c760abab5b3f7faea0e59af2ca5619]] embedded images in Markdown tiddlers
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/821f1f1428f92160ae8bc4fa71dd3f947243f09e]] sidebar hiding action so that the story river border is maintained
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/15d0c27e2a82359616ce6c7883557cd2ef1886cd]] `[is[tag]]` to the <<.olink is>> operator
* [[Hide|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/95d291daac4a26664f0c232175f54780f0fa678f]] the top bars in the print stylesheet
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4758874d13430338da07727997d0c4df7f328ac1]] support for saving changes on Windows network drives
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9fbe72a8778ae94c7d6322ad4b9155c83f753113]] configuration processing so that ordinary tiddlers are processed after shadow tiddlers. This resolves an issue whereby user stylesheets were being overridden by shadow stylesheets
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d6054f10392c535ca430f3e73b9b68d0f8c18498]] issue with offline snapshot of server edition erroneously including shadow tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bd4a031df8a68287475a41ad84b423ad83f735a3]] problem with corrupted upgrades from 5.0.x-prerelease to 5.0.x-beta
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/73cfd1021809e97906ecfd5dacdf2337da3abae9]] bug with `[untagged[]]` filter operator
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d336ffea02621e382f6d7135847d11e49e77bc26]] incorrect background colour for tag pills in the sidebar
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f57e04787738ad30fb05ac0e592239075b90507e]] issues with null fields under TiddlyWeb
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/768489128547cf54e80fc321f3f1f4f5cd191862]] problem with hamburger overlapping scrollbars
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.10-beta...v5.0.11-beta]]//
!! Incompatible Changes
See [[Notes for upgrading to 5.0.11-beta]] for more details of these changes:
* The default output location for command line operations has changed to the `/output` folder within TiddlyWikiFolders (it used to be current directory)
* Note that the shadow tiddler [[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]] has changed with this release. If you've made modifications to it you should copy your modifications to a new tiddler, delete [[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]], perform the upgrade and then manually update the new copy of [[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]]
!! Documentation Improvements
* Added more warnings about taking care to [[backup your data|The First Rule of Using TiddlyWiki]]
!! Usability Improvements
* Many performance optimisations, particularly for filter operations
* Added support for PermaLinks and browser back and forward buttons
* Added support for WikiLinks in Markdown via `[link text](#TiddlerTitle)`
* Added support for explicit external [[Linking in WikiText]] (eg `[ext[tooltip|url]]`)
* [[Replaced|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/580]] hamburger menu icon with double chevron icon
* [[Enhance|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/552657fc584dbb36754d3fcabca2cdef7e916ec9]] plain text parsing to use the CodeBlockWidget, and hence use syntax highlighting if the plugin is installed. This gives us syntax highlighting for JavaScript shadow tiddlers, amongst other things
* Improvements to the German, French, Italian, Japanese and Chinese translations
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/61c3f8a5ba3c815d623c06f6a97d9c00a31a4157]] WikiText tiddlers from the sidebar "Types" tab
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a90339d1e573ec82dba1caeaead0f71717618a80]] various warnings when editing shadow tiddlers
* [[Allow|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0ac4c2b554f045c6bd2dc6ea5daa0d2f0397d04c]] digits in field names
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a4294b55f0a217d019a6e4cbb62f6a8a19668928]] warning banner and when attempting to edit binary tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b84c663215cf7877fff960748af4b2849ae0dbb3]] automatic refreshing of the browser window title from $:/core/wiki/title
!! Hackability Improvements
* Improved vertical layouts of <<.mlink tabs>> macro
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/93566cdc332226b77eaba8a70fa166f3b8fcfe1e]] "standard" tab to [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e83759e86d2a9e05e4b85dae50925fe988f8e239]] new filter operators <<.olink before>> and <<.olink after>>
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/570cad1c7f90e685961130918f09a7f9b2951f8c]] new <<.olink get>> operator
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f7e50e0950c5bf10d94d926576011893418b25f1]] [[BuildCommand]], [[OutputCommand]] and [[ClearPasswordCommand]]
* Added new extensible StartupMechanism for orchestrating startup tasks
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/711b76307c95d0026f79f584e85ae3d4b7289d15]] to new version of CodeMirror
* Added https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5NodeWebkit, a demo of using TiddlyWiki as a library in a node-webkit application
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4e07b3335b570f4039427e11df729fc4a899a671]] `.tid` TiddlerFiles to allow single line text fields
* Renamed `$:/ShowEditPreview` to `$:/state/showeditpreview`
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/cc60ad1428dcf99a7ea0787e43e3b37f5a02fb98]] issue with hovering of the topbar icons in Firefox
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e548dd35af2d3195f82899096d4a4080362a1ff0]] problem with dragging and dropping within a text edit control
!! Contributors
I ([[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]]) would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to helping improve TiddlyWiki:
[[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]], [[@mwfogleman|https://github.com/mwfogleman]], [[@nameanyone|https://github.com/nameanyone]], [[@natecain|https://github.com/natecain]], [[@pekopeko1|https://github.com/pekopeko1]], [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]], [[@sukima|https://github.com/sukima]], [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]].
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.11-beta...v5.0.12-beta]]//
This is an emergency release that fixes a single significant bug with shadow tiddler handling in 5.0.11. See the [[discussion thread|https://groups.google.com/d/topic/tiddlywiki/pNxZsSCVp7c/discussion]] for more details.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.12-beta...v5.0.13-beta]]//
!! Accessibility Improvements
This release includes a number of features designed to improve the experience of TiddlyWiki with a screen reader. Particular thanks to [[@domasofan|https://github.com/domasofan]] for his feedback
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/34e4166dc5f24519b000de66853d5b1aee8f1648]] label and title for show/hide sidebar buttons
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/346b2f86111815c746c993fa09b7f677fa0b4b37]] label and title for advanced search link
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6f859c8d447a477a9120bdc308d1524558a80f20]] label and title for close buttons in "Open" sidebar tab
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/06b0f9adb7209870b46d42f832c1f7ad7a78976f]] ''aria-label'' support to the LinkWidget
* [[Switched|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bc9b67cbc3f363d48aafea86c077fcd5a9c0ca64]] to H1 tags for the page title and H2 tags for tiddler titles
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/eeedcb6d94a25d02e8fec45c89b30c7f2bcdde73]] label and title for tiddler and page toolbar buttons
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9ab0c84140bbc0f31cf65e632bddac616bbadbda]] support for global [[Macros in WikiText]] via the new ImportVariablesWidget
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3182a2d599f0e4b70a73fe369df4f398587dc1a9]] new SelectWidget
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f131c378934a86b741ab5b808437c95694dc5503]] behaviour of `text/html` tiddlers so that they are displayed within an HTML iframe element
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9b576f2a8d39dcca37bcb709183a8f9b27f33ccf]] group headings to the content type dropdown in edit mode
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4d70d5780e51cf0918fba15954cd47549e4e1a9f]] advanced navigation settings in [[$:/ControlPanel]] to use radio buttons
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f7b8813a27141a78980eefa03df70a4a2de9d10b]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3f25db0abe8cd28712c020f218506710cec004b6]]) behaviour of PermaLinks so that now [ext[http://tiddlywiki.com/#HelloThere]] just opens the single specified tiddler
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0c48502e8ed214cee23537d06e7e87efd53592c7]] support for triple-quoted multi-line attributes with [[macros|Macros in WikiText]], [[widgets|Widgets in WikiText]] and [[HTML elements|HTML in WikiText]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/32099b85d3b12f9e590274cb7550e3e531131706]] TableOfContents tab for tw5.com edition
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Restored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1b37d660ea7cd576cfeadfe8b782fe6c62dc9048]] ''escape'' as a shortcut to abandon edits
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9547a1f01c144c604c294f394a68d7dc6dbe4e5d]] support for ExternalImages that are referenced by URI and not stored in the TiddlyWiki HTML file
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d2796d0c9c7ed7a971ae6b0752d7418384072bb5]] new SetFieldCommand
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/305617b632fd6ecf25cd4be85f4dfb5a5a65dfef]] new SaveTiddlersCommand
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f14ecf4eb8965f2e407ccac51d4277330221efe3]] support for system tag [[$:/tags/RawMarkup]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0bdc5b5c70fbbf34aa459afcf0499fc9c8ae6374]] editor type mappings to control panel advanced tab
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1717c93d001ad184a08ca66d1bffb33fb5d32b3a]] CodeMirror (http://tiddlywiki.com/codemirrordemo.html) plugin for simpler configuration
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b2e48d00e9ea068a22b5ac5c0a4c93e8ddbb4a8a]] support for [[Environment Variables on Node.js]]
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/eee3a0cf8e5aa047f8596df06e28194409f38b01]] ServerCommand to allow a path prefix
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4238af2a405c14d22937d7c47a70bfb3d4e6f22d]] the <<.olink listed>> operator to use any list field
!! Bug Fixes
* Fixed [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6fb992690d33940d3509d7d4d74538e7f458e063]] and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0fae9ee99200e7eca30b9db0584c479d58841349]] the problem with state tiddlers being inadvertently saved
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a03a15e7de32a1b41618146ac334b5cd7d432e91]] bug with TextWidget not refreshing correctly
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d8a142fed5b22a8273d93ba05095e5f9c6929cb3]] problem with vertical tabs in Safari
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b8aedf2ca3cfc870be5a46accbb2dc0ddbb6d451]] issue with images in Markdown
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]]
* [[@csugden|https://github.com/csugden]]
* [[@danielo515|https://github.com/danielo515]]
* [[@IreneKnapp|https://github.com/IreneKnapp]]
* [[@jayfresh|https://github.com/jayfresh]]
* [[@mwfogleman|https://github.com/mwfogleman]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.13-beta...v5.0.14-beta]]//
!! Major Changes
!!! Improved Control Panel Plugins Tab
The ''Plugins'' tab of the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] has been improved with the addition of documentation tabs that plugins can use to show documentation. There is also a larger draggable area for dragging tiddlers across to other wikis.
!!! Configurable Button Toolbars
The page toolbar and the tiddler toolbars can now be configured with several new buttons - see the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] under the ''Appearance'' and ''Toolbars'' tabs.
The sidebar tools tab now shows all the available page controls, allowing them to be invoked or checked to appear in the toolbar. The tiddler info area now includes a tools tab that includes buttons for all the tiddler actions.
!!! Upgrade Mechanism
There are two components:
* A more flexible ImportMechanism that:
** Presents incoming tiddlers as a pending import list that allows the user to inspect them and, if necessary, explicitly deselect them from the actual import
** Provides UpgraderModules with an opportunity to process each incoming tiddler
*** The [[plugin upgrader|$:/core/modules/upgraders/plugins.js]] module handles version checking of plugins and upgrading them from a special UpgradeLibrary plugin tiddler
*** The [[system upgrader|$:/core/modules/upgraders/system.js]] module is responsible for suppressing the importing of certain system tiddlers (currently [[$:/StoryList]] and [[$:/HistoryList]])
*** The [[themetweak upgrader|$:/core/modules/upgraders/themetweaks.js]] module handles migrating theme tweaks from their pre-5.0.14-beta format (see below)
* An UpgradePlugin and associated edition that provides a custom, single-purpose user interface for upgrading standalone TiddlyWiki files - see http://tiddlywiki.com/upgrade.html
!!! Improvements to CamelCase Recognition
TiddlyWiki now takes a much more conservative approach to recognising CamelCase terms that should be automatically linked. Previously, the dash and underscore were treated as lower case letters, leading to a number of false positives. See the [[GitHub bug #337|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/337]] for details.
!!! Automatic Permalinking Off by Default
With previous beta releases of TiddlyWiki the browser address bar is automatically updated so that it dynamically reflects the tiddlers that are currently open. This makes it easier to get a permalink for copying and pasting elsewhere, but it leads to much confusion for casual users who don't always understand why unexpected tiddlers are being displayed after they have refreshed the page in the browser.
For 5.0.14-beta, the setting has been changed. Visit [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] ''Advanced''/''Settings'' to switch the setting back to "Include the target tiddler and the current story sequence".
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f6d7d87a3d49f816ccc050bdf4a5394eed37dd51]] previews to the icon dropdown in the [[tag manager|$:/TagManager]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/56945d91d327489478fc44dce5234ece35a01abb]] an indication of unsaved changes by changing the colour of the save changes button
* [[Split|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/7aa6c7c06d8b5359f183e6b9f6f57cf89611cda8]] the wikitext emphasis parsers into separate modules so that they can be independently controlled with the `\rules` pragma
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f43cd5ba9c6e5eda221ec738174e61e34fad2b8d]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a3de93b4eb8b108239b2e4b496308026e9e9eef8]]) ReleaseHistory to place the releases into vertical tabs
* [[Stopped|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3ff7462afd5414b92680c6b6e67274be79233224]] saving [[$:/HistoryList]], thus avoiding it uncontrollably increasing in size
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/73cf1bfdb3cd238ac7800162f58d44a8bb60019b]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d5e4b9b5d1e7db5ad4d769433cc934ef08265f57]]) print stylesheet to remove page background
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/07f13b310d300631267936ad8bc55a338369afc0]] display of plugin tiddlers so that their constituent tiddlers are shown, rather than the raw JSON
* [[Moved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/799a5b059a40a51fdeb1dae7a0eb5bf8a79f5106]] the functionality of the fullscreen plugin into the core
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c23f6af4b5c59f4d09dd8d6704e1939bb9d5b2d3]] TiddlerWidget to add a CSS class corresponding to each tag present on displayed tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d357e1706c91d17a72fb19fedf43e57071fc7dd6]] support for hiding specified fields in the tiddler editor
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/be040ea8a2cc8962f1a28a313e4c9ebc2d5c0e31]] support for variable operands in filters (see [[Filter Parameter]])
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1f16ef6fa88b51d2dad7c8e57fcff014950a7442]] support for widget messages [[tw-permalink|WidgetMessage: tw-permalink]] and [[tw-permaview|WidgetMessage: tw-permaview]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/plugins/tiddlywiki/browser-sniff]] browser sniffing plugin so that tiddlywiki.com can present the correct browser-specific documentation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ef67cc3fd9b267a522598abccdfbb93fbfca240c]] a configuration option for specifying the default location for saving new tiddlers in the client-server configuration
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b4d47858e587c96f3a68cc28cffff181ec45f55f]] support for the InfoMechanism
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f08f57c5d24eb0146ac2cb77472a5fc5f135f1e9]] CheckboxWidget to allow it to toggle fields as well as tags
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/21c137a66c37f010b36697bb6bed5321138fbb9f]] [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] theme tweaks to be stored in individual tiddlers
* [[Extend|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e18d8a88661a1c2caa1b722841747c75ca6af437]] the <<.mlink tabs>> macro to allow tabs to be templated
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/91acad0f7ce8637945a953dfcb122cd31292626d]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8612bc4006e717e4fa3c562fa72a85650206b66f]]) SystemTags support for inserting content above and below the story river
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f793816dfa687ae7791143b33487fd5f95f3265c]] support for transcluding plugin subtiddlers with the TranscludeWidget
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c73853288c5b4b0716da94fea2f2edec09345643]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/08f775eac8cb053d08c1c561e65a5eeb87c4c6b6]]) support for importing from `*.htm` and `*.hta` files as well as the existing support for `*.html` files
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/73d7e85e11c7732080ca8bc4321ebb12afbac09c]] the "sticky titles" theme so that it works when tiddlers are in edit mode
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5b3b62f93da4b7b19e24ccf72d9ce20b9edce6d5]] bug with execution order of BuildCommand targets
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d93da81671a704377209fc1871425c3a7c5db35a]] bug with missing hover colours for external links
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/465f4ac46903070759a572d183c498c5579cb922]] problem with refreshing modal dialogues
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3351ae7e29cbf3bed6fc1925ef33664bcc59fef5]] issue with cookies disabled on Firefox
* [[Relax|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5260899d8b090e8886e41e3aa770fdcf5967ad8c]] the requirement for a newline immediately the closing `\end` of a macro definition
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@ssokolow|https://github.com/ssokolow]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.14-beta...v5.0.15-beta]]//
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Simplified|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c57b00996855f10d9b7fa2aa4e9deb2a2a607d7f]] shadow default tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/32a7ee2683ace619599f0ab73028307ca33f4e4c]] the ability to disable plugins (see PluginMechanism) with a user interface in [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4b05608ad5e77043b01495825ea0f0e76c378760]] page control button for invoking the [[tag manager|$:/TagManager]]
* [[Simplified|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c4b76ceb0bc786bcceb12fc3417bb8c4bfde27a9]] downloading an offline copy of a client-server wiki
* [[Blocked|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2bbe9f76ecf8fc89c789e72be00ac19e811195ee]] temporary state tiddlers from import/upgrade
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c912fed55d94c9bef2d541cd55f458b12172941c]] a banner to the edit template encouraging improvements to the documentation
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f75af2c983e10e8a82639890b993fb5cf042d610]] `saver-handler.js` out of `syncer.js`
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8cf726275c19ed5b4a0ed1cf8354d64d1bc29da5]] [[Table-of-Contents Macros]]
* Simplified startup module organisation (see [[Startup Modules.svg]])
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/25777b147fa4ed2f915150aec503ad1e094e6043]] the overlay text for the DropzoneWidget to make it translateable
* [[Introduced|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/920e11e7921f777170aa2f9e1836c000fec2e26d]] a new [[refresh button|WidgetMessage: tw-browser-refresh]] and reverted [[home button|WidgetMessage: tw-home]] behaviour
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/fbf307c648ae0e92679c54f7d03f197a75b4e101]] ''alt'' attribute to the ImageWidget
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c8830d32f74b8c228553f11f7f55b5be45ae6471]] problem with building TiddlyWiki under Windows
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/34461cb2fe554331a0269fd7795b1d6a879fcba9]] unclickable download ink in upgrade wizard
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9e85ddfec78dd8df71e6173100dce659417551f4]] missing language flag in ''empty.html''
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/18592fe8f810d1858ca040da1a7c4a81fb74cfed]] problem with switching the type of a tiddler between the bitmap and text editor
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/fe6623d7feed1a9068e15bfac57be0b0924e8915]] foreground colour for tag pills in the sidebar
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c912fed55d94c9bef2d541cd55f458b12172941c]] problem with github source links for tiddlywiki.com not working for titles containing colons
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.15-beta...v5.0.16-beta]]//
!! Incompatible Changes
5.0.16-beta brings more incompatible changes than any previous release. These changes are likely to break almost all plugins written for previous releases of TiddlyWiki 5, and will break many customisations.
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/764]] all CSS class prefixes from `tw-` to `tc-` (eg `tw-tiddler-frame` has become `tc-tiddler-frame`; missing prefixes have also been added, so `btn-invisible` has become `tc-btn-invisible`)
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2f69ea362cd673f59b9fadbe11f1f95549a59813]] all message prefixes from `tw-` to `tm-` (eg `tw-close-tiddler` has become `tm-close-tiddler`)
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/89fd5379dd78887fc21746d792072bf5a25f0c56]] all variable prefixes from `tw-` to `tv-` (eg `tw-config-toolbar-icons` has become `tv-config-toolbar-icons`)
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/112a9a95d95e9f62f110c97a4faaf537c5c100b1]] prefix/removeprefix filter operators to be case-sensitive
!! Compatibility with TiddlyWikiClassic
This release includes a preliminary version of a new plugin that provides compatibility with content created for TiddlyWikiClassic:
Subsequent releases will include end-user documentation with step-by-step instructions for migrating content.
Many thanks to @buggyj for his work on this plugin.
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Amended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e47852cb141b384ad2a9097eca795545cb5b2494]] behaviour of the [[tm-browser-refresh|WidgetMessage: tw-browser-refresh]] message so that it no longer clears the location hash
* [[Hide|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/88c9c0c3ee115917b8c1a9126452bb0574061857]] toolbar buttons from static renderings
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Extend|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/48312272adb17610db96d50758e6af947cab7b1d]] the <<.olink all>> operator to be able to select all the source tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/43aeb47fc34f1ba424030c4f78ee907fe7b1d5d8]] problem with single line macro definitions incorrectly including whitespace in the value. (For example, `\define mymacro() yes` would set the macro value to " yes", with a leading space)
* [[Extend|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d2a5a12f2d6b6ccc36dd22a70ac2def08d1d3722]] [[Table-of-Contents Macros]] use the caption field if present
* [[Configurability|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b437f1b450f5f2a3104a9086f7c674299b53b9bc]] for the default tab shown in the tiddler info panel (see [[Configuring the default TiddlerInfo tab]])
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/dcf4e93a3283e3e93cc14e50366f9b0252870835]] <<.olink suffix>> and <<.olink removesuffix>> operators
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Reverted|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ad40223d6b9bed435d9381611cb9de1841b53df6]] incorrect refreshing of the tiddler widget
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/44228ed9f733217557851150f5ae45d9ebb23420]] indentation of selective expandable [[Table-of-Contents Macros]]
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]]
* [[@gernert|https://github.com/gernert]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.16-beta...v5.0.17-beta]]//
!! Highlights
This release includes major improvements from @giffmex to the welcome and tutorial documentation, and new development docs incorporating [[the work|https://github.com/cjrk/saa-tw]] of @cheigele and @cjrk.
!! Incompatible Changes
!!! Change System Tag `$:/tags/stylesheet` with `$:/tags/Stylesheet`
The [[issue|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/824]] is that the capitalisation of `$:/tags/stylesheet` is not consistent with other system tags. This release adds support for `$:/tags/Stylesheet`, and adds a deprecation warning if `$:/tags/stylesheet` is used. Support for `$:/tags/stylesheet` will be removed before the beta.
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f6ff0a7f715bdf12dfba6556f72c49ea2c3016b0]] support for `$:/tags/Stylesheet` and a deprecation warning when `$:/tags/stylesheet` is used
!!! Change ButtonWidget `title` attribute to `tooltip`
The use of the `title` attribute in the ButtonWidget was not consistent with the `tooltip` attribute used by the ImageWidget and LinkWidget. This release adds support for the `tooltip` attribute to the ButtonWidget alongside the existing support for the `title` attribute, but with a deprecation warning.
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b7f638aef3094d0552db2f72330b40a526113bd5]] `tooltip` attribute to ButtonWidget
!!! Removing Support for RegExp Filter Operands
As discussed in [[the associated ticket|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/762]], the support for regular expression filter operands is incomplete and inconsistent. The plan is to remove support for this feature in the next release. A new filter operator has been provided to replace it, along with the addition of a deprecation warning that is displayed whenever regular expression filter operators are used.
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f4fff7a33037ba9dd537379bcb44a52a280868d6]] new <<.olink regexp>> operator
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d45c417c187fe3dcc35ee7a308e64feebc7b185b]] deprecation warning for regular expression filter operators
!!! Repository Reorganisation
The goal is to make the TiddlyWiki repository easier to comprehend for newcomers.
* [[Moved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6e9cd5943703f7137e819fcb85376423b9c930d5]] scripts into a separate `bin` folder
!! Usability Improvements
* Reorganised the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] to make it more logical and usable
!! Hackability Improvements
* Moved developer documentation to http://tiddlywiki.com/dev
* [[Improvements|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/872e6fc2532012f0f9acfb29aa24a9cd5f340b9d]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c8a131ffd4716f2b99ab508567422ff463f2849d]]) to `serve.sh`/`serve.cmd` scripts
* [[Disable|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ac54fe33263cbe48bc294f9c14257ccc146be38e]] plugins when in SafeMode
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c1de85838f3d0d3e6a207152ecc9d61ff08a4b05]] new <<.mlink timeline>> macro
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f16d1832aae9a7ce71dea78b16c11afaf673acf2]] new <<.mlink dumpvariables>> macro
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ba3f8002355607c8b00b7d184f01fa68bbcda152]] [[Table-of-Contents Macros]] so that individual links can be disabled
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/542788bfeba98ec3bac0bb721293c16354bc1b34]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/487c4a40abda2b457b4015033bf1be76bd81dcc9]]) unnecessary `<p>` tag from edit tags and types dropdowns
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ccd916ca7cb45468ac30eb48bfdf86bea704d810]] ''multiple'' attribute to the BrowseWidget
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ab944bbf02e9fae606632a11df1053a46573fa49]] view template to hide bodies of tiddlers with field ''hide-body'' set to ''yes''
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c713eddbef50603e313a86f78c185753bab3d607]] problem with draft tiddlers not counting as dirty
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f87ce7e98a083f1bdcff5b1887b56aa95b731efe]] problem with keyboard shortcuts introduced in 5.0.16-beta
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/756e05504b33c387da7d3f81446a18f9a8fefe49]] problem with stylesheets being parsed in inline mode
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9adc30f69fba169813638021780263ff0df4e2bc]] bug with selective expandable [[Table-of-Contents Macros]]
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]]
* [[@cheigele|https://github.com/cheigele]]
* [[@cjrk|https://github.com/cjrk]]
* [[@giffmex|https://github.com/giffmex]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.17-beta...v5.0.18-beta]]//
This is a minor release prior to the full release of TiddlyWiki on September 20th. The documentation has been cleaned up and improved (with more improvements to come).
!! File Layout of tiddlywiki.com
The layout of files on tiddlywiki.com has been adjusted to make it more logical. See the [[ticket|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/823]] for a discussion. You can see the source files that make up tiddlywiki.com at https://github.com/Jermolene/jermolene.github.com
!! Hackability Improvements
* Added first iteration of a <<.mlink list-links>> macro (further improvements are planned)
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6d9bd4df8a1133c2ba246333edad14e6028d3ea4]] support for importing `.markdown` and `.md` files
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c4123ba3740f74f172468c4aa050451ebc5780d8]] <<.mlink timeline>> macro to support a subfilter
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a9f46525a0b1ecf7ce6d1bdae64e6763a247106b]] problem with digits being classified as lower case letters for wiki link matching
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8cc236b4dca96327c7b28ad45e1eb4c2dce174e5]] crash when sorting missing tiddlers by fields other than title
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/73a4747d05c6746476ccd9e8cb8255853f631d17]] problem with handling `.jpeg` file extensions
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/775482a2428d24a475e0c7df7bea215c190b5574]] problem with RadioWidget and missing tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2571f534aa67c7f9d423d44d36efa32480f4c370]] problem with dragging a partially selected link
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]]
* [[@Eucaly|https://github.com/Eucaly]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.1-alpha...v5.0.2-beta]]//
!! Improvements
* Added support for [[Hard Linebreaks in WikiText]]
* Added a new RadioWidget, contributed by StephanHradek (@Skeeve on GitHub)
* Two new savers for InternetExplorer, both contributed by DavidJade (@davidjade on GitHub)
** ''tiddlyie'' for [[saving with TiddlyIE|Saving with TiddlyIE]], an equivalent of TiddlyFox for InternetExplorer
** ''fsosaver'' that can [[save changes directly with InternetExplorer|Saving on InternetExplorer]] but requires the HTML file to be renamed `*.hta`
!! Bug fixes
* Fixed problem deleting tiddlers under the filesystemadaptor
* Fixed problem with transcluding fields containing lists or dates (eg, `{{!!tags}}`)
* Fixed problem with re-ordering page control tiddlers (ie tiddlers tagged `$:/tags/PageControls`)
* Update template used for deploying to TiddlyWeb
* Fixed problem with tiddler deletions via the file system adaptor
!! Internal changes
* Allowed variable number of arguments to [[JavaScript Macros]]
** Contributed by StephanHradek (@Skeeve on GitHub)
* Changed the format of plugin tiddlers to remove duplicated information (see the PluginMechanism)
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.2-beta...v5.0.3-beta]]//
This release includes minor bug fixes and documentation updates.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.3-beta...v5.0.4-beta]]//
!! Improvements
* Switched to using an HTML5 placeholder for the default text of a new tiddler
* Refactored stylesheet handling so that theme tweaks are now applied immediately, and some ordering issues have been resolved
* Several improvements for running [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]:
** The `tiddlywiki.info` file in the root of [[wiki folder|TiddlyWikiFolders]] file is now optional, falling back to a default configuration suitable for serverside use ([[commit|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0ec2224757dd07f009246ec9ea97cd859d077e72]])
** The file system plugin now automatically creates the `tiddlers` subfolder in the [[wiki folder|TiddlyWikiFolders]]
* Added [[favicon.ico support|Using favicons]]
* Added SaveTiddlerCommand
!! Bug Fixes
* Fixed problem with tiddlers sometimes wrongly opening at the top of the story ([[commit|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b50eb8da302431cdfa7c37ac9ef1414a33d00292]])
* Fixed problem with refreshing RadioWidget
* Fixed problem with the dragger image being visible in some circumstances
* Fixed drag and drop support on InternetExplorer, contributed by DavidJade (@davidjade on GitHub)
* Fixed crash on modifying page template ([[commit|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a5f33d875b1339b08838203a4885f8a3a7d10353]])
* Updated fullscreen plugin to latest version of the API ([[commit|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/638c8b207033f8cb01ac9efdca104d282fd4cffe]])
* Improved handling of double square brackets within tags (thanks to StephanHradek)
This release includes minor bug fixes and documentation updates.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.4-beta...v5.0.5-beta]]//
!! Improvements
* Added support for [[Setting a favicon]]
!! Bug Fixes
* Fixed problem with modal wizard positioning on narrow screens
* Fix problem with static content being included in empty.html when downloaded from the full wiki
* Improved performance of tiddler import with large tiddlers on Firefox
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.5-beta...v5.0.6-beta]]//
!! Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/324]] support for numeric sorting to TiddlerFilters (thanks to StephanHradek)
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/321]] [[Tables in WikiText]] to allow for vertical alignment of cells (thanks to StephanHradek)
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/87fbd988f1fb0164411af190adfe6b6a2404eef3]] experimental support for running [[TiddlyWiki on node-webkit]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3d79eb87d1c609195b8c518c08e167994b20a346]] an [[$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bd7db62da052ec6262c3319eaa11f00e5c452a7b]] support for specifying hostname for the ServerCommand
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b9e80a270b7f67db816e9b06e2f71f9c9dd86c17]] a first pass at generating an all-in-one static HTML representation of a wiki, complete with internal anchor links for wiki links
** See http://tiddlywiki.com/alltiddlers.html
* [[Hide|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/44568dc6ef64be8c1370df8f682777c2c805fee7]] encryption features when running on the server
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2ee50939447cf2948e49e5905520943ea4075975]] [[double backticks|Formatting in WikiText]] as an alternative for delimitting inline code (thanks to StephanHradek)
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ec7dff291dadb3e128e1db34b4ded6b57bc8ed46]] import ''browse'' button
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ef59a3743f02c726f20e035c5d28665000fda79a]] crash when attempting full screen mode on browsers that don't support it
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/307]] requirement for a newline immediately after a horizontal rule, table or typed block (thanks to StephanHradek)
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/318]] problem with ''placeholder'' attibute on InternetExplorer (thanks to DavidJade)
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.6-beta...v5.0.7-beta]]//
!! Incompatible Changes
These are changes that might affect users upgrading from previous betas.
* The [[node-webkit]] saver has been moved into a plugin - [[$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/nodewebkitsaver]]. The plugin is only needed when embedding a single TiddlyWiki in [[node-webkit]] and is not required for TiddlyDesktop, which as of v.0.0.2 uses the existing TiddlyFox saver.
!! Documentation updates
* A new video tutorial: [[TiddlyWiki on Firefox for Android Video]]
* A first pass at [[TiddlyWiki Coding Style Guidelines]]
* Added an explanation of TemplateTiddlers
* Added documentation for [[saving on a custom PHP server|Saving on a PHP Server]]
* Added documentation for TextWidget
* Summary of the approach for [[Naming of System Tiddlers]]
!! Improvements
* Added support for importing encrypted TiddlyWiki documents
* Added several new [[filter operators|TiddlerFilters]], including ''reverse'', ''first'', ''last'', ''butlast'', ''rest'', ''nth''
* Extend ''list'' filter operator to allow other fields to be used via a TextReference
* Added shortcut in [[$:/ControlPanel]] ''Basics'' tab for setting [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]] to retain tiddler story ordering
* Added emacs and vim keymapping support to the [[CodeMirror plugin|http://tiddlywiki.com/codemirrordemo.html]], (thanks to João Bolila, @jbolila on GitHub)
* Added the [[highlight.js|http://highlightjs.org/]] syntax highlighting plugin: http://tiddlywiki.com/highlightdemo.html (thanks to João Bolila, @jbolila on GitHub)
* Added the first export option to the ''Tools'' tab of the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ffcc215e8f8896be96093579abc5bcfb76335e66]] an ellipsis for [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]] next to the search box in the sidebar
* [[Adjusted|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b326315b0e9959096b85aa716dd613f21605705a]] the password dialogue to make it narrower for smaller screens
* [[Adjusted|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b7a1db1e9fb651928a4f86e1881959150dd66a55]] the display of tiddler dictionaries to make them display as plain text
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b06e09a4d3e25087ca0495e624c8662ddb69224e]] problem with default format of ViewWidget substituting seconds for minutes in displayed times
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e0f428b9b2374487a0758ea80716f337e3c643ff]] problem that was causing several animations to fail in Safari
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f2409d4245bbba0ccdf39186dca6a0cbf16d8759]] problem with unclickable sidebar under the Centralised theme
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0fb13e649b6558961fd8436bc7aac83bfd991983]] problem with non-system tiddlers showing up in system tiddler [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b64b7982af4285be41cca85db1fa745fc009ca29]] problem with notifications not always disappearing in Firefox
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b04141fefd2c0103b525726e4f466c32f0385194]] problem with wiki folders including wiki files with tiddlers that do not have a title
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/12770ca3e694a8f4edeb065e054eddd5957353b8]] problem with ServerCommand logging "Serving on undefined:8080"
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.7-beta...v5.0.8-beta]]//
!! Incompatible Changes
See [[Notes for upgrading to 5.0.8-beta]] for more details of these changes:
* Changed rules for parsing content of HTML elements
* Switched SiteTitle and SiteSubtitle to [[$:/SiteTitle]] and [[$:/SiteSubtitle]]
* Changes to commands used with [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
* Changes to naming of some editions
** Notably ''clientserver'' has changed to ''server''
!! Documentation Improvements
* Improved documentation for TiddlerFilters, including a notation of the [[TiddlerFilter Formal Grammar]] contributed by [[@Tikkoneus|https://github.com/Tikkoneus]]
* Improved documentation for WidgetMessages
* Tiddlers on tiddlywiki.com now have a link to the original source on ~GitHub for pull requests (see the "Sources" tab of the tiddler info panel)
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a01bbd4b9c7ca284141078340c8f568b1e0561a2]] [[automatic saving|AutoSave]] on editing a tiddler and a warning when attempting to close the window with unsaved changes
* Added confirmation dialogue when deleting tiddlers
* Add support for switchable (and editable) ColourPalettes
* Added TranslationMechanism and translations for:
** Deutsch (Österreich and Deutschland) by @pmario
** Français (France) by @xcazin
** Chinese (Simplified and Traditional) by @BramChen
* Add error alerts when syncing to a server
* Rejigged [[$:/ControlPanel]] to use nested tabs
* Added [[$:/TagManager]] for easy management of tags
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e3a05625b2368b2167a2a1b30aa82369e96a7538]] experimental KeyboardWidget, including support for ''ctrl-enter'' (or ''cmd-enter'') to finish editing a tiddler
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e6fa9b8a859867c147fb289859169b204dea003e]] number of tags to control panel ''Basics'' tab
* Enhanced link handling so that control/command clicking a link opens the target tiddler without navigating to it
* Importing tiddlers via drag and drop no longer opens all the tiddlers
!! Scalability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/fa5938221552846c255eb50004996528a09534a9]] support for LazyLoading of images
* Extended RevealWidget to allow control over content retention
!! Hackability Improvements
* Added HelpCommand and InitCommand for [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
* Extended ButtonWidget to allow navigating to a tiddler
* Added experimental support for building plugins in the browser: [[How to create plugins in the browser]]
* Extend the TranscludeWidget to display its content as a fallback if the tiddler or field is missing
* Add logging and AlertMechanism
* Added a ''Filter'' tab to [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* Add ''indexes'' [[filter operator|TiddlerFilters]]
* Control over line width and colour for EditBitmapWidget
* Add support for `.multids` MultiTiddlerFiles
* Extend ViewWidget so that it works with indexes
* Added support for Tank, a new service built on TiddlyWeb: https://tank.peermore.com
* Extend relative dates to work in the future
!! Bug Fixes
* Fixed problem with pasting items into the browser
* Fixed problem with colour pickers not showing correct colour in Chrome
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8e8e31fb9f5ed8f2e5deff0271d434dbe91f503c]] problem with tag pills not working inside table cells
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6d3d3322e5c676e63d1f64dce89ce86e58dcd715]] problem in client server configuration with ''%'' in tiddler titles
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/7eafd51a7dd89d2174be3dec97033dc0bb206677]] problem with not using placeholder text when editing missing tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1a54d590e1e67825057d7693ac89466a093b4577]] problem with test data in certain time zones
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5af30086c02b9d4466c133c87aca76f9b85eea49]] problem with non-breaking space characters being converted into '@' symbols
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5d3dda1a1721af05e56e301a8b896e53f9868540]] problem with highlighting plugin only working in the browser
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/175e86078ce2fed34953f337baf2f0edfc093742]] crash when wiki/themes folder contains files that are not themes
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.8-beta...v5.0.9-beta]]//
!! Highlights
* Improved layout, including a ''hamburger'' icon for dismissing the sidebar and expanding the story river to fill the space
* Added new ''Seamless'' theme
* New ''Filter'' tab in [[$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* Initial implementation of CecilyView
* Overhaul of inconsistencies in TiddlerFilters (see [[Changes to filters in 5.0.9-beta]])
* New translations for Italian and Japanese
* Performance improvements, particularly [[during editing|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0aa559cd23b3742c8f10c5ac144860d816699782]]
!! Documentation Improvements
* Improved and reorganised documentation for TiddlerFilters
* Demo of [[Making curved text with SVG]]
* [[Community]] links are now broken up into individual tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a19432541e776bfb63b1b985a60f472e9f1d4352]] overview diagram of [[TiddlyWiki Architecture]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/7b57561160173667031b5bc15a4f7553d8514c1c]] documentation from buggyj: [[Developing plugins using Node.js and GitHub]]
!! Usability Improvements
* Made the dropdown arrow icon [[skinnier|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ec90ac99cf2767b6ff20902d8b01aa1c36778147]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bca1d552803c1839e7385765314f81c5307632b8]] validation of legal characters for fieldnames
* Added blacklisting of unsafe HTML [[elements|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ba6edd42c125cb19d955a1cb3f54a2d367cb79dc]] and [[attributes|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d0caf21b2df9fda9800eb30489003a87cafb1277]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/baa8cf3dd098bab0a7a8c78b24747c69bd40889f]] a warning indicator to tiddlers in TiddlyWikiClassic format
* [[Add|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/42c67cfeb732fccb10b8ab574c84090dc2471352]] tiddler info ''Advanced'' panel with information about plugins and shadow tiddlers
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/96457d801159958b897f98e22aa9af53b97f0e35]] layout of [[$:/ControlPanel]] ''Plugins'' tab
* [[Enhance|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f48701544eda4f79af86b1ad44340e7182bcf024]] viewing of system tiddlers by fading down the `$:/` prefix
* [[Extend|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/dd3ee2a603cba35770a8f109e070f271d72861f8]] [[$:/TagManager]] to allow icons to be assigned to tags
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/87c4839fed789b80e0942014c05175e36aacc157]] support for `list-before` and `list-after` fields for controlling tag ordering (see TiddlerTags for details)
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3afa26b9a318d913ba162d93a63036cb4a94be59]] request for confirmation before abandoning edits to a tiddler
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bdbbf94326f70db0f8ef196270ab9e92bfde10fb]] [[Transclusion in WikiText]] syntax to allow translusion of a template without affecting the current tiddler
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8a7d0f53d380e9ca93ee34d8ad05090d511e95c4]] `sourceURL` handling to `eval()` so that tiddler modules can be [[properly debugged|https://chromedevtools.googlecode.com/svn-history/r421/trunk/tutorials/breapoints/index.html#regular]] in Chrome
* New ScrollableWidget giving better control over scrollable regions
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d3c0296a87198296cff26aa7ce7bb8274cdcc3f7]] new CSS class `tw-site-title` for the site title
* [[Disable|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e397e4d15951c1395c7752a7563f002ca459206e]] the TiddlyWeb sync adaptor unless the wiki is loaded over HTTP
* Added a [[high resolution timer mechanism|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/dcce4879347e4829d75f10248477731b18b829ef]] and a [[performance measurement mechanism|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d402d3c5a619b6b1642ab03c74ff03a864846a0b]]
* Added a [[basic CSV parser|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5a085f792722c74d259464386138c731b2f014cc]]
* Several measures to enforce the TiddlyWiki programming model:
** [[Refactor|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9de17aa206b21df5c4e29e61bba5d6b49aca6c71]] wiki store object to make members be private
** Freeze tiddler object and [[fields|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/279626a3e3fbd75d60fc3be49b68a99d8ba0a95d]] tiddler fields to enforce their immutability
* [[Extend|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f649b5b037bfd2e7c48d1ba65ffa37064456523d]] the ButtonWidget to be able to set text references
* [[Add|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/afa677b9a0b1dff1239dc1ea08edd210b9736af9]] a class to tiddler frames in view mode
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/50cf9678cb469e443e220b063e2355c844e417e7]] support for [[WidgetMessage: tw-home]]
* [[Hidden|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2608a323ebf3d8a8e925eda6d3a10ebb8f41d383]] system tags from the sidebar ''Tags'' tab
* [[Allow|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/98872bbe7c62faa4aa209fa421c2989aeef3aaf2]] pasting and import of HTML content
* [[Add|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a5a2c718b1d5671652d01e3567dba1c6795b7521]] support for a tooltip on the LinkWidget
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/aa631518152cda5643805c143bf0000bca8d767f]] problem with occasional freezes of the sync mechanism - thanks to buggyj
* Fixed problem with [[tiddlers|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1e960ffcac566c742c44b18d6f0e809d4457b249]] or [[fields|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ea46f85a8a5ad29e8602cbb13667c853903681a6]] called `__proto__`
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/aec618793f41b937676a5a165764dc19d9bbb2b2]] with refreshing the D3 plugin
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/67f3d58f7153ca4d50ce5a14ed72d9d4b6ad9b71]] problem with "null" message when unloading under Internet Explorer 11
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.18-beta...v5.1.0]]//
This is the first full release of TiddlyWiki. Documentation updates made up the bulk of the changes since the previous 5.0.18-beta release.
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b239b3d6230a9f7aab4c9ef6a59aefb4158f45b1]] curly braces from qualified identifiers
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9e6dab06cc2db8263fce083510ae570923b21c0b]] problem with Markdown Maruku mode metadata
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@malgam|https://github.com/malgam]]
* [[@gernert|https://github.com/gernert]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.0...v5.1.1]]//
This is a minor bug fix release to improve the documentation and correct some issues with the first full release of TiddlyWiki.
!! Incompatible Changes
Certain features that were deprecated in [[Release 5.0.17-beta]] have now been removed:
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/62edd1e8a3fddc0c11b87c87b3e5b404d8e1e395]] deprecated `title` attribute on the ButtonWidget
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d047ccdc84ab6f23779c3614712e0d6fa0ef63ec]] support for deprecated `$:/tags/stylesheet` system tag
Note that the next release will also remove support for regular expression filter operands, which was also deprecated in 5.0.17-beta.
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/96b7d0eebaf73dcfd4eccb848b90caaa055e5e20]] first implementation of the [[KaTeX Plugin]] for mathematical typesetting
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@TheDiveO|https://github.com/TheDiveO]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.1...v5.1.2]]//
This is another small release with documentation updates and a few bug fixes and improvements.
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b3df07ae3e190cfb6fc23dbe31c6229fe5e39087]] error handling for malformed or unrecognised ~LaTeX content with [[KaTeX Plugin]]
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/42abef6fbf79342ccbd90b142d48f64ab5c1c38a]] styling of separator before the untagged item in the tags sidebar
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/23c2d90ee8e28f8c68f9ba58fcbc13a56f838d61]] error handling for the upload saver (which is used for saving to TiddlySpot)
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/115245a632e80e9d033957327dfec909a3cd1fc8]] storyview error detection
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b1fb0a2a070a6abc78564e56fdb4244076ac44ac]] crash caused by incorrectly formatted plugins
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/eacb9e53ebf2a814d61bf005d68f449f7b9e63b5]] problem with tiddler info not being removed by the syncer after deleting a tiddler
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e2046ce4ffb6b8232a4ad5e7f51c431798917787]] HTTP handling to treat response code 201 as success
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@Evolena|https://github.com/Evolena]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@simonbaird|https://github.com/simonbaird]]
* [[@TheDiveO|https://github.com/TheDiveO]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.2...v5.1.3]]//
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e872f17842809e33eae177980e9ea0650b6a4c03]] "new journal" button; see [[Creating journal tiddlers]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/70984aa39f8a4061162d4e404bfd158e515c7e6e]] "new here" button; see [[Creating and editing tiddlers]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/00cdd04edd49c2bf0e461071c0c7c50f8aab4e42]] "new journal here" button; see [[Creating journal tiddlers]]
* [[Made|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c6951ee912d1f2717a8c208cbb920e54edf9e5d9]] date format strings be translateable
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/languages/ru-RU]] Russian translation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ef1d5310918dae088ce9361c1682ce0f99cf568a]] confirmation when clearing password
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b7bbcfa05659808c1e51a4f2f5f1d6afbc2ed3a1]] additional prompt when setting password
* [[Increased|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/dc9981322aeb508d5ebac0b691b0d703f8c1995e]] size of the clear search button
* [[Upgraded|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/564457de1c991df15263040d2d5526fa8ae879bb]] to [[KaTeX v0.1.1|https://github.com/Khan/KaTeX/releases/tag/v0.1.1]], with support for several additional LaTeX features
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2ffe53f1916e4b746cc6d7e74e8f4ac75c72e38a]] audio "parser" for handling [[Audio]] content
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0dcf54c3b59ed04645928f0ec4ced647e5a0da7f]] support for ActionWidgets
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/65504d5d41e45326ab1b1b6c0c21eea4c9772797]] new <<.olink addprefix>> and <<.olink addsuffix>> operators
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0c8e5380778303cdd3308bed4a15290214841f8b]] support for custom password prompts
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c26bd4c5a872f56c47e9f5cfc3fada468c53ddde]] the <<.mlink list-links>> macro to display ''caption'' field if present
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/12e26009eef5e29140ba1a880ff033428d673630]] ImageWidget to allow percentage width and height to be specified
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/cc576b052e2b05fd93fcb4f3eb8d9ee5278abf3e]] the <<.olink each>> operator to work with missing tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5dd6ebff05a3380db2901294b2cfc89c1a0e71bf]] problem with tiddler width in zoomin storyview with the sidebar hidden
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/09b6540998fec6bf1fb14842be8e8c53dbd5c46a]] bug whereby the `tm-home` message wasn't navigating to a tiddler, causing problems in zoomin storyview
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3ca8d7b6cca46ffa424bcf9bdc134da464fc84f4]] problem with jumping toolbar icons under Firefox
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f85b07e70b71d0622a9459e4b04e2027540abda8]] problem with untagged label being incorrectly coloured
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b3dcd7d625ec83701ef3a77f3fb8101af57c154f]] problem with title background colours with the "Sticky Titles" theme
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5211f9c40c874a167174e8c0d439db34189d3329]] problem with subfilter parameter of <<.mlink timeline>> macro
* [[Exclude|https://groups.google.com/d/topic/tiddlywiki/YPACpXhH9PY/discussion]] search string tiddler from search results
!! Node.js Changes
//These changes are only relevant to people using TiddlyWiki under Node.js//
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/63c174d7ed56284e80ad6cd6ae966b81f9181cc9]] ~KaTeX plugin to be able to work under Node.js to generate static HTML
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/49dc5694a391a391264a4473e4f4422e2472a3b3]] "includeWikis" to merge build targets
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/969]] the build scripts for tiddlywiki.com into a separate repository at https://github.com/Jermolene/build.jermolene.github.io
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/744245ea3249446fd15f504190efb1d828935d01]] boot kernel to raise an error if a missing wiki folder is specified on the command line
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@andrey013|https://github.com/andrey013]]
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]]
* [[@Eucaly|https://github.com/Eucaly]]
* [[@Evolena|https://github.com/Evolena]]
* [[@fghhfg|https://github.com/fghhfg]]
* [[@Marxsal|https://github.com/Marxsal]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@simonbaird|https://github.com/simonbaird]]
* [[@TheDiveO|https://github.com/TheDiveO]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.3...v5.1.4]]//
This is a small release with documentation improvements and some important bug fixes from [[Release 5.1.3]].
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6681a8e1f2fd3f39d92a1480b5b573a6c831515d]] a toolbar button for advanced search
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/53d834c86be2f97599a9486c0eae4777c51d9093]] dragging behaviour so that you can drag a tiddler title into an edit box to insert the title, making link creation easier. (This change doesn't affect the behaviour of dragging tiddler links between TiddlyWiki windows)
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/26e50b81e579b7f2d190ca3662cadcf82764c8a7]] additional theme tweaks for the body text size and line height
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1b620387dda2d16bf387a89071188762455890c4]] the ViewWidget to work with subtiddlers
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ddc74955427f8a7291ee964c42a771a112007789]] problem with search counts
!! Node.js Changes
//These changes are only relevant to people using TiddlyWiki under Node.js//
* Fixed problem with missing wiki folder warnings by [[removing|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9fedf3865778fd3aa50c2f049c2b81061c8cd778]] and [[re-implementing|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e62e38d66c6eb447bbd8f16b5beec0fe0276ea0d]] the fix from [[Release 5.1.3]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5d600ce31b1d1162529ae8043bb342e2165c4b13]] coloured warnings and errors under Node.js
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@danielo515|https://github.com/danielo515]]
* [[@gernert|https://github.com/gernert]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.4...v5.1.5]]//
!! Translation Improvements
* Added new translators edition making it much easier to create and maintain translations of TiddlyWiki
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/615425cf0634233d27f4f1ea430589b2a618feb6]] improved Japanese translation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8ba1a9b72ac5a4f50a4f670a24393d564c137c0c]] new Danish translation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/14a64ef3effc1e4cf1098b35af6d6cb864d77ac2]] new Greek translation
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Improvements|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/09a3f94d79fc6eacbfd46c86594748e996191eb2]] to tooltips for accessibility
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6fc5c70ace43219710983f6d9640f4b01d620908]] export button to tiddler toolbar, page controls and [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]] "filter" tab
* Improved layout of [[$:/TagManager]]
* [[Simplified|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0a986ccd995266bf3a47182fa584d79f9dd3e153]] default tiddler toolbar buttons
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/63b00fd0f80ce0c9917e233287d4a0138e8c385f]] advanced search button to sidebar search results
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4d061d0fee959fdc5ab470dc8f8379bedfa946d9]] search results by listing title matches at the top
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/da1f9f7d2233eb2aacc027bc1fc1053fa8b7bc2e]] input box for specifying new field value in edit template
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0bb8e08edca61f415aa084327b6751c278e45108]] tag pill rendering so that the foreground colour is dynamically chosen for maximum contrast with the background colour
* Enhancements to many of the [[core icons|ImageGallery Example]]
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1dfa6f369bddd8dedba2e47dc4707eba28ccf4e1]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/145713e7668a41320981ed87b448542cd30d13dc]], [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3035badf144abb85f5d42b2b1d395cf0f65fb03e]] and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e69e2c1c91002c296e1789532ca74286fae8d5a4]]) unnecessary confirmations when abandoning or deleting unmodified tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a5c7089bcfe3d2439eb082535527a7cc767891cc]] a subtle rounded corner to tiddlers and tabs
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6f0d581d720e611fade3b3f346ad0409ef5e291b]] automatic focusing of the title of newly created tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/81481588e07ed3cb1e378a6c6f21d26dcbaa8345]] advanced search links on tiddler counts in [[$:/ControlPanel]]
!! Hackability Improvements
* Introduced new ActionSetFieldWidget, ActionDeleteFieldWidget and ActionDeleteTiddlerWidget for manipulating tiddler fields and values
* [[Enhanced|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c7971d3da3bbef4bbc81d4462ee93590adc248f8]] [[WidgetMessage: tm-new-tiddler]] to allow a skeleton to be specified with additional fields
* [[Enhanced|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4a172125768e3b33c30e725e8550454a9d26c5c4]] the EditTextWidget to allow more control over the sizing of textarea editors
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/13726ef73157d9e9d65ae4027d9c32aaa7cdcc90]] new canned filter for recently modified system tiddlers in [[$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c20c935faabbb63f679bc4720b52162c56b6af64]] new system image for videos: [[$:/core/images/video]]
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c13cf94413c94ee56bebc60fab2d9231d1824d88]] search results to allow custom visualisations - see [[Customising search results]]
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a3a50dbf6d96e7441e5e8ec183e40134bc4eb618]] <<.mlink timeline>> macro to be able to use different date fields
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8260d000be1cf1caf35a557f6cd54a0fb8ccf4f0]] the <<.olink search>> operator to allow a field to be specified
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/73491f14dd63612d527632210d2c3873eb81188f]] the highlight plugin to display tabs as spaces
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/91a7c397911726e391ca368f96b50fbe1687d56a]] modal handling to permit variables to be passed to the modal (see [[WidgetMessage: tm-modal]])
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/853f5fd06402b16e271e8f119ef380de485aeff2]] simple logging to help track down drop/paste issues (see http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/#ImportLogging)
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b520efdeb83f6ac7536a69cf5af2bab3f94cf77f]] [[WidgetMessage: tm-download-file]] and [[WidgetMessage: tm-save-wiki]] to allow variables to be specified for the rendering
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f5055c0205d24102a36b9cf3a9dd9306e148a1f0]] [[Example Table of Contents: Tabbed Internal]]
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/79e428757b5562bd4a925b9b0428ea4ba70ad05a]] RevealWidget so that it can be used without specifying a state tiddler
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/90caf5bf42523cfb6cd603b979aadb719ddcede4]] "hooks" mechanism so that plugins can modify the default tiddler list
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b882a0dff12dc2660426de53e64d8c018f3a9d84]] support for nested popups
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/90096cbd367a7a685fb5dc5b2cbaa69a00d8199f]] problem with CodeMirror editor and missing tiddlers
* [[Exclude|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5093cdc86047209f23b9ead5ee0f216d0414e4f2]] drafts from [[Table-of-Contents Macros]]
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5599f9f9338a5f96080143b2192214a78b961509]] problem with encoding of HTML tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/835e3a945244dd8a07f4c7fd570eb890e9fdcc2c]] problem with sticky titles being covered by vertical tabs
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d1bbe7253c135ceed138fd02c82b0f861d5dda6b]] flicker when automatically resizing textareas
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4bf6fe7fe9416f4e304036302ab5727148ae5222]] JSON deserialiser so that all fields can be imported
!! Node.js Changes
//These changes are only relevant to people using TiddlyWiki under Node.js//
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8e685e5150e636aed6655c6caa09c7b6cffdcea2]] ''includeWikis'' mechanism of TiddlyWikiFolders to allow read-only wikis to be included
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/cea963420ca2800b86989e29d42d06ccb7ea2a00]] error handling under Node.js
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/17a594a97ad5655142c834dfd5fa68855a61d201]] UnpackPluginCommand
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/04d26e6fae20671a6d455e113f7b0afedabc7122]] EditionsCommand to list the available editions
!! Changes affecting plugin authors
* [[Disabled|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f7a2849d27bb082e4bbf6b056a800a1edb30f510]] wiki change events for shadow tiddlers
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d93c19daaa126f0938048009a83796cb52690541]] structure of widget messages that have a hashmap parameter
* The support for nested popups has necessitated a change in the way that popups are styled that affects popups that are triggered with the focusPopup attribute of the EditTextWidget: it is now necessary for the widget to be given the class `tc-popup-handle`.
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@andrey013|https://github.com/andrey013]]
* Birthe C
* [[@Braincoke|https://github.com/Braincoke]]
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@danielo515|https://github.com/danielo515]]
* [[@erwanm|https://github.com/erwanm]]
* [[@Evolena|https://github.com/Evolena]]
* [[@giffmex|https://github.com/giffmex]]
* [[@inmysocks|https://github.com/inmysocks]]
* Makoto Hirohashi
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@Skeeve|https://github.com/Skeeve]]
* [[@tobibeer|https://github.com/tobibeer]]
* [[@welford|https://github.com/welford]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.5...v5.1.6]]//
!! Translation Improvements
* Added Dutch translation
* Updated Danish and Japanese translations
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Allow|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b29973312d7c16292cabb493e5914668f7c3f127]] buttons to be styled to look like internal links
* [[Disabled|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5b38c21a417d2e5e2b85aed8010c88af32420e24]] linking when transcluding ''caption'' field in [[Table-of-Contents Macros]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b220c19fb7b789eb6d00c9d1a71414676d87130e]] support for templates to tabbed [[Table-of-Contents Macros]]
* [[Allow|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/31b5eb1578640fabe8712f0cd4edd49708bc4493]] shadow tiddlers to appear in [[Table-of-Contents Macros]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5154a25ab95f0cc08eb079a624be4fd3353e6dbd]] tooltip to BrowseWidget
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/42dba113ccdb18d7e76ac7a773c7dca532207007]] handling of missing tiddlers by the <<.olink has>> and <<.olink field>> operators
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/182c2428ca7b38d00d36d2d6650e761026470e63]] problem with download saver using incorrect filename
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d031a93c6d607d5b10d025149608f10977181e26]] [[problem|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1010]] with processing of date format templates
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a0c13a0856cb6b4a2592acdd46975e44eb7c53a8]] problem with ''storytop'' theme tweak not being respected when the narrow responsive design kicks in
!! Node.js Changes
//These changes are only relevant to people using TiddlyWiki under Node.js//
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bb74be7ac1a24eeaee10a3cb3d3633e3aa318632]] problem with "all tiddlers" static HTML export
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/51db48acc901d8fb298d9b0f7f10b47ffe90df05]] incorrect checking for an empty folder with the InitCommand
!! Changes affecting plugin authors
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1e47a62c2af392f30a492da732b33b89f23a2e4c]] `$tw.utils.each` so that the loop can be broken out of
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@anavarre|https://github.com/anavarre]]
* [[@Drakor|https://github.com/Drakor]]
* [[@dullroar|https://github.com/dullroar]]
* [[@erwanm|https://github.com/erwanm]]
* [[@malgam|https://github.com/malgam]]
* [[@nameanyone|https://github.com/nameanyone]]
* [[@pekopeko1|https://github.com/pekopeko1]]
* [[@Spangenhelm|https://github.com/Spangenhelm]]
* [[@tobibeer|https://github.com/tobibeer]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.6...v5.1.7]]//
This is an hot fix release with the following change over [[Release 5.1.6]]:
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a31aa25d0c00187ff829d74108f018e44b5cb3c5]] typo in GettingStarted
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.7...v5.1.8]]//
This release includes many improvements to the documentation for TiddlyWiki. Many thanks to everyone who has helped out, but especially to our prodigious new contributor Astrid Elocson.
!! Translation Improvements
* Improvements to French, Chinese and Japanese translations
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/cb8caf6a01aeeac480bf28661888961657b0dbd8]] Czech translation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d6918d737f5d1b663346ad9a35421a5ae0ffb9a7]] [[Interlingua|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interlingua]] translation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6721a5eb1b77935226ccc8559008af3a0a05d0cb]] Portuguese translation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b845751d3c549366adb2f6e5c58b0114fa95ba30]] Punjabi and Hindu translations
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/49a9a2c44ca3a71fff3062709f06940aaca4a574]] Slovak translation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5d947ed582fb9d68c01d82a334ab75498a8724ef]] Spanish translation
!! Usability Improvements
* Improved scrolling behaviour, including [[fixing|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3df341621d30b205775288e324cef137c48e9f6e]] problem with unnecessary scrolling at startup
* [[Upgraded|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ae001a19e5b3e43cf5388fd4e8d99788085649fe]] the [[KaTeX Plugin]] to use [[KaTeX v0.2.0|https://github.com/Khan/KaTeX/releases/tag/v0.2.0]], with better symbol support
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/70e419824fab107aab58f87780dbb5a1de70c248]] [[Help Plugin]] providing floating help panel
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8643278a452d1a300cec8d3425c1b18699a17dca]] support for an online plugin library
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/1353]] behaviour of the tag dropdown in the edit template
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ea6e60e66983ee1184f09c5796ef6c8bceae703a]] automatic focusing of the search box at startup
* [[Introduced|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4f3cb8b9aebfc4f65f40c96ef99730887d746b41]] the [[Railroad Plugin]] by Astrid Elocson (see it in action in the new [[Filter Syntax]] documentation)
* [[Migrated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/230066eeae9ace8336612e02c78f8cdaa3f717e4]] functionality of "Sticky Titles" theme into an optional tweak for the "Vanilla"/"Snow White" themes. This means that tiddler titles will stick to the top of the window during scrolling on browsers that support `position: sticky` (such as Safari and Firefox)
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8cb7090c40489c81e8c5dfb8cbbdee2c60998c3e]] icons to [[$:/AdvancedSearch]], [[$:/ControlPanel]] and [[$:/TagManager]]
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b9129d77e99970579074bdb4f9c2ef4b77b812c6]] wording of tiddler "save" button to "store"
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1103]] automatic linking of system tiddlers such as $:/ControlPanel
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9c7936413a8c50817044eb409661a575f7f97563]] new tag dropdown to only list title matches
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/aae56f20af35e7be6f3839a8c727e3f43174efe9]] a warning banner notifying the user when modified plugins require the page to be reloaded
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0bd2ec50e1514ef247182816f9f9e421f52f67bb]] first pass at "stacked" story view
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d340277cb219ffebd212fbf409e8ea804121d105]] [[resolvepath Macro]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/718ce3e4aa04f7af5e9310f90d3415c0d82bee6f]] `class` attribute to CheckboxWidget
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bb10e2b02900ece4701c44c3a7e7c03304e813b7]] support for a special message to be displayed when the main story river is empty
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6e0c7d90221771ae384d620984f08a2090c500dc]] font rendering under Mac OS X
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a2493f80a973b24ad3d3affda945c437b98c2d2e]] support for embedding ZIP files
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1808b1597e5a61379e4e5381d6d78bb73fa3a523]] support for custom elements with the RevealWidget
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/1249]] version number compatibility checks for plugins
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1adfe20508116da0ee4b5c9e72ea9742f24b60c9]] problem with repeatedly cancelling a draft
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/050b643948e24d1d93a83766a23a0d693616d01e]] sandboxing of generated `<iframe>` elements
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b166632bbb76a7a033cd8fc3af14e5dadddfc631]] problem with modal backgrounds on Firefox
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1b87d9134bd0b45be671eebfdcac1d7acadcecf4]] problem with accidentally dragging a tiddler within its originating window
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c9ab873ba393753647f2b0b3b3aa1a8bcf6b1c28]] problem with dragging certain plugins with Safari
!! Node.js Changes
//These changes are only relevant to people using TiddlyWiki under Node.js//
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/cc85368fd48f1e5878018a4e00b6c17d436e67a9]] [[Highlight Plugin]] to work when generating static files under Node.js
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c296f14210545374124df5d4ae9ffb402ed73561]] problem with case-insensitive filing systems (eg Windows)
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/1354]] mobile metadata to static page templates
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/1352]] added "noclean" parameter to RenderTiddlersCommand
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b768dc332b2d5d7ac1f731953cafb5fd1b30dad9]] [[editions Operator]] and [[editiondescription Operator]] for enumerating available editions
!! Changes affecting plugin authors
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@aelocson|https://github.com/aelocson]]
* [[@alexhough|https://github.com/alexhough]]
* [[@Arlen22|https://github.com/Arlen22]]
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@danielo515|https://github.com/danielo515]]
* [[@dpdannemiller|https://github.com/dpdannemiller]]
* [[@Drakor|https://github.com/Drakor]]
* [[@evgeniy-gryaznov|https://github.com/evgeniy-gryaznov]]
* [[@felixhayashi|https://github.com/felixhayashi]]
* [[@gernert|https://github.com/gernert]]
* [[@Infurnoape|https://github.com/Infurnoape]]
* [[@Jc-L|https://github.com/Jc-L]]
* [[@Mathobal|https://github.com/Mathobal]]
* [[@ng110|https://github.com/ng110]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@roma0104|https://github.com/roma0104]]
* [[@simonbaird|https://github.com/simonbaird]]
* [[@Spangenhelm|https://github.com/Spangenhelm]]
* [[@sukima|https://github.com/sukima]]
* [[@tobibeer|https://github.com/tobibeer]]
* [[@twMat|https://github.com/twMat]]
* [[@welford|https://github.com/welford]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
Here are the details of recent releases of TiddlyWiki5. See [[TiddlyWiki5 Versioning]] for details of how releases are named.
(BetaReleases and AlphaReleases are listed separately).
<$list filter="[tag[ReleaseNotes]!sort[created]limit[1]]">
<$macrocall $name="tabs" tabsList="[tag[ReleaseNotes]!sort[created]]"default={{!!title}} class="tc-vertical" template="ReleaseTemplate" />
<h2><$link to=<<currentTab>>><$view tiddler=<<currentTab>> field="title"/></$link></h2>
^^Released <$view tiddler=<<currentTab>> field="released" format="date" template="DDth MMM YYYY at 0hh:0mm">TBA</$view>^^
<$transclude tiddler=<<currentTab>> />
<<.operator-examples "removeprefix">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[My Cat]] [[Your Garden]] [[My Favourite Armchair]] +[removeprefix[My ]]">>
<<.operator-examples "removesuffix">>
<<.operator-example 1 "SIMPLEX Googolplex Complex +[removesuffix[plex]]">>
You can report bugs or problems with TiddlyWiki via our [[discussion groups|Forums]]. If you have a GitHub account then you can raise an issue there:
Unless you are already familiar with GitHub, it's usually easiest to report problems through the discussion groups.
! TiddlyWiki on GitHub
We use GitHub Issues to manage bug reports and feature requests for TiddlyWiki. To maintain their effectiveness we endeavour to have as few open issues as possible.
!! Policies for Managing Issues
Open issues should be actionable: generally either a reproducible bug report, or a specific feature request. From the perspective of the core developers, the issues list behaves like a shared todo list. Every item on the list requires a little bit of attention each time we check the list.
GitHub Issues are not very good for managing ideas that are not immediately actionable. Better to use the [[TiddlyWiki discussion groups|Forums]] for open ended questions, or speculative discussions of new features.
!! Creating Issues
Before creating a GitHub issue it is good etiquette to search through the existing issues to see whether the problem has already been reported. If a search isn't practical, don't worry too much; GitHub makes it easy to merge existing issues.
When you do create an issue, remember that for effective debugging, we need as much information as possible. At a minimum, please try to include:
* A descriptive title
* A summary
* Steps to reproduce
* Expected behaviour
* Context (OS, browser etc.)
Consider also adding screenshots if it makes things clearer.
There's a lot of good material on the web about bug reports:
* http://mhay68.tumblr.com/post/1648223018/what-makes-a-good-bug-report
* http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/bugs.html
<svg stroke-width="5" stroke="#666666" fill="grey" class="tc-image-down-arrow tc-image-button" viewBox="0 0 48 48" width="22pt" height="22pt">
<rect x="5" y="5" width="30" height="40" rx="7" ry="7" fill="none"/>
<path d="M 20 39 L 48 8" fill="none" stroke-width="14" stroke="white"/>
<path d="M 12 22 L 20 39 L 48 10" fill="none" stroke-width="9"/>
The <<.def resolvepath>> [[macro|Macros]] takes a relative path and an absolute path. It interprets the former relative to the latter, and returns the absolute equivalent of the former.
Folders in the paths are delimited by `/`.
The special folder name `.` denotes the current folder, and `..` denotes the parent folder.
If the absolute path indicates a folder, it needs to end with `/`. Anything after the final `/` is treated as an arbitrary filename within the intended path, and is discarded.
If no absolute path is supplied, the relative path is returned unchanged, except that anything after the final `/` is discarded.
The return value is a path, but does <<.em not>> end with `/`.
!! Parameters
: the relative path
: the absolute path
<<.macro-examples "resolvepath">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<<resolvepath "./backup" "http://example.com/store.php">>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2" eg="""<<resolvepath "backup" "http://example.com/store.php">>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="3" eg="""<<resolvepath "../backup" "http://example.com/store.php">>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="4" eg="""<<resolvepath "../jpg/Motovun_Jack.jpg" "http://example.com/resources/images/png/">>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="5" eg="""<<resolvepath "../jpg/../png/Motovun_Jack.png">>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="6" eg="""<<resolvepath "jpg/Motovun_Jack.jpg">>"""/>
These are sites with resources created by the TiddlyWiki [[Community]] help you get the best out of TiddlyWiki: plugins, macros and more. Submit new entries via GitHub, Twitter or by posting in the [[TiddlyWiki Groups]].
<div class="tc-link-info">
<$list filter='[tag[Resources]!sort[modified]]'>
<div class="tc-link-info-item">
! <$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
<div class="tc-subtitle">Posted <$view field="modified" format="relativedate"/></div>
<<.olink butfirst>> and <<.olink bf>> are synonyms for <<.op rest>>.
<<.operator-examples "rest">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]rest[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]rest[3]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O +[rest[5]]">>
! Introduction
The reveal widget hides or shows its content depending upon the value of a [[state tiddler|StateTiddlers]]. The type of the widget determines the condition for the content being displayed:
* type=''match'': the content is displayed if the state tiddler matches a specified value
* type=''nomatch'': the content is displayed if the state tiddler doesn't match a specified value
* type=''popup'': the content is displayed as a popup as described in the PopupMechanism
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$reveal>` widget is displayed according to the rules given above.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|state |The title of the tiddler containing the state |
|tag |Overrides the default HTML element tag (`<div>` in block mode or `<span>` in inline mode) |
|type |The type of matching performed: ''match'', ''nomatch'' or ''popup'' |
|text |The text to match when the type is ''match'' and ''nomatch'' |
|class |An optional CSS class name to be assigned to the HTML element|
|style |An optional CSS style attribute to be assigned to the HTML element |
|position |The position used for the popup when the type is ''popup''. Can be ''left'', ''above'', ''aboveright'', ''right'', ''belowleft'' or ''below'' |
|default |Default value to use when the state tiddler is missing |
|animate |Set to "yes" to animate opening and closure (defaults to "no") |
|retain |Set to "yes" to force the content to be retained even when hidden (defaults to "no")|
Retaining the content when hidden can give poor performance since the hidden content requires refresh processing even though it is not displayed. On the other hand, the content can be revealed much more quickly. Note that setting ''animate="yes"'' will also force ''retain="yes"''.
! Examples
!! Simple content reveal
Here's a simple example of showing and hiding content with buttons:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '<$button set="$:/state/SampleReveal1" setTo="show">Show me</$button>
<$button set="$:/state/SampleReveal1" setTo="hide">Hide me</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/SampleReveal1" text="show">
! This is the revealed content
And this is some text
!! "Slider"
A slider appears as a single button that can be used to toggle the display of the contained content.
<<wikitext-example-without-html '<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/SampleReveal2" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SampleReveal2" setTo="show">Show me</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/SampleReveal2" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SampleReveal2" setTo="hide">Hide me</$button>
! This is the revealed content
And this is some text
!! Popup
Here is a simple example of a popup built with the RevealWidget:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '<$button popup="$:/SamplePopupState">Pop me up!</$button>
<$reveal type="popup" state="$:/SamplePopupState">
<div class="tc-drop-down">
! This is the popup
And this is some text
<<.operator-examples "reverse">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]reverse[]]">>
Even though TiddlyWiki is now out of beta, there are still many improvements planned for the coming months:
* Fixing hangovers from TiddlyWikiClassic
* ~TiddlyWiki file format (to avoid illegal attribute names)
* Aliases (alternative titles for tiddlers)
* Search and replace
* Tiddler renaming
* Rich link tooltips, incorporating a preview
* More keyboard shortcuts
* Keyboard snippet expansion in the text editor
* List editor with drag and drop
* Selective/weighted searching by title, body and fields
* Maths notation
Also see the issues list on GitHub: https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5
This is content in the tiddler "run".
See you can edit the text of the run tiddler in view mode from this interface
The testfield template also allows us to set the field "testfield"
! Introduction
Safe mode provides a way to disabling most customisations in TiddlyWiki. This is useful because if TiddlyWiki is customised incorrectly it can be rendered inoperable. A particular issue is that some customisations break when upgrading to a newer core version of TiddlyWiki (especially during the beta).
! Enabling Safe Mode
Safe mode is enabled in the browser by starting TiddlyWiki with the URL hash set to the string `#:safe`. For example:
! How Safe Mode Works
Safe mode triggers two changes:
* All plugins are temporarily disabled. You can use the control panel to disable individual plugins
* Any tiddlers that override shadow tiddlers are renamed to give them the prefix `SAFE: `, thus restoring the underlying shadow tiddler
A report tiddler is displayed that allows you to inspect the tiddlers that were renamed.
If <<.place D>> is not a valid date, the output is empty.
<<.place D>> may include a time of day, but this is ignored.
<<.operator-examples "sameday">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[sameday[20140410]]" "tiddlers modified on 10 April 2014">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[sameday:created[20140410]]" "tiddlers created on 10 April 2014">>
This is a demonstration alert.
Note that the trashcan icon deletes the tiddler containing this alert. You can also remove it by opening the tiddler SampleAlert and editing it to remove the tag [[$:/tags/Alert]].
! Hello, <<yourName>>
This is an example modal containing the following message:
{{$:/core/images/done-button}} This is a notification!
This is the fourth of our sample tabs.
This is the first of our sample tabs.
This is the third of our sample tabs.
This is the second of our sample tabs.
This is test tiddler SampleTiddlerFirst.
This is test tiddler SampleTiddlerSecond.
This is test tiddler SampleTiddlerThird.
This is a modal wizard dialogue, stored in the tiddler SampleWizard.
{{Motovun Jack.jpg}}
You can <$button message="tm-modal" param="SampleWizard2">nest wizards</$button>.
This is another modal wizard dialogue, stored in the tiddler SampleWizard2.
You can <$button message="tm-modal" param="SampleWizard">nest wizards</$button>.
Available methods for saving changes with TiddlyWiki:
<<list-links "[tag[Saving]]">>
The built-in TiddlySpot saver can also be used to save changes to a simple PHP script that you can run on most hosting providers.
//These are preliminary instructions that need verification//
# Download a copy of ''store.php'' from:
#* https://code.google.com/p/bidix/source/browse/trunk/TiddlyHome/_th/lib/store.php
# Edit your copy of ''store.php'' to add your username(s) and password(s). Find the line `$USERS = array( 'UserName1'=>'Password1', etc)` and replace Username1 and Password1 with your desired username and password
#* Make sure you leave all the punctuation and code, such as the single quotes, intact
# Save the file
# Using FTP or your web interface, upload ''store.php'' to your server. Make sure that the filename is correct
#* If you've uploaded the file correctly you should be able to view it in your browser (eg, http://example.com/store.php)
# In TiddlyWiki, go to the ''Saving'' tab of the control panel and enter the following information:
#* Your username as the wiki name
#* Your password
#* The URL of the ''store.php'' file (//''not'' the URL of the wiki, this must the full URL to the ''store.php'' file//)
The control panel ''Saving'' tab includes the following configuration options:
|!Name |!Description |
|Server URL |The full URL to the ''store.php'' file on your server |
|Upload filename |The filename used to save the TiddlyWiki (defaults to ''index.html'') |
|Upload directory |The relative path from ''store.php'' to the directory used for saving the file |
|Backup directory |The relative path from ''store.php'' to the directory used for backups |
The AndTidWiki app for Android devices makes it possible to edit and save changes to TiddlyWiki5, including working offline without a network connection. [[Download it here|https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.mgsimon.android.andtidwiki]].
//Note that AndTidWiki is published independently of TiddlyWiki//
By default, TiddlyWiki saves changes on InternetExplorer 10 and above using a saver module that downloads the newly modified file, rather than saving it directly. There are two alternatives that both save changes directly to the file:
* [[Use the TiddlyIE browser extension|Saving with TiddlyIE]]
* Use the [[Windows HTA Hack]] by renaming the TiddlyWiki HTML file to have the extension `*.hta`.
The iPad/iPhone app ''TWEdit'' makes it possible to edit and save changes to TiddlyWiki5, including working offline without a network connection. [[Download it here|https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/twedit/id409607956?mt=8]].
Instructions for use:
# Open TWEdit
# Touch the title in the centre of the toolbar in order
#* A text box should appear allowing you to enter a URL
# Enter the URL `http://tiddlywiki.com/empty.html`
# When the empty TiddlyWiki5 has loaded, touch the ''save'' icon (it's the second icon from the right on the top toolbar)
#* An alert box should appear allowing you to enter a local filename
# Enter the filename you wish to use for the document (ending with `.html`)
# Edit your TiddlyWiki as normal
# To save changes, click the ''save'' button in the sidebar
#* A confirmation message should appear at the upper right
//Note that TWEdit is published independently of TiddlyWiki//
This method of saving changes is clunky because it requires manual intervention for each save.
# [[Download]] an empty TiddlyWiki by clicking this button:
#> {{$:/editions/tw5.com/snippets/download-empty-button}}
#> If the button doesn't work save this link: http://tiddlywiki.com/empty.html
#> Your browser may ask you to accept the download before it begins
# Locate the file you just downloaded
#* You may rename it, but be sure to keep the `.html` or `.htm` extension
# Open the file in Safari
# Try creating a new tiddler using the ''new tiddler'' {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar. Type some content for the tiddler, and click the {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''done'' button
# Save your changes by clicking the {{$:/core/images/save-button}} ''save changes'' button in the sidebar
# A popup "Download changes" window is displayed that includes a link labelled //Right-click to save changes//
# Right-click on the link and select "Download Linked File As..." from the popup menu
# Navigate to the folder containing your wiki HTML file and select the existing file
# Click the "Save" button
# Click "Replace" to confirm replacing the existing file
# Verify that your changes have been saved correctly
TiddlySpot is a free hosting service for TiddlyWiki documents from Simon and Daniel Baird. The easiest way to get started is to sign up for a new wiki at http://tiddlyspot.com - by default you'll get the latest release of TiddlyWiki.
You can upload an existing TiddlyWiki document from your local disc to TiddlySpot it by following these steps:
# Sign up for a new wiki at http://tiddlyspot.com/, and remember the wiki name and password
# Open your locally stored TiddlyWiki document in your browser
# Fill in the TiddlySpot wikiname and password in the control panel
# Click the "Save Changes" button. You should get a confirmation notification at the top right saying ''Saved wiki''. Saving can take several seconds if you're on a slow connection or working with a large wiki.
# Navigate to your TiddlySpot URL at http://{wikiname}.tiddlyspot.com/
Note that your password is sent unencrypted when using TiddlySpot. From http://faq.tiddlyspot.com/:
''Is Tiddlyspot secure?''
No. Tiddlyspot does not use SSL/https. Your password is sent in clear text when uploading and when authenticating to access a private site. This means that your Tiddlyspot is vulnerable to packet sniffing and your password could be discovered by a malicious third party. Also your data is transmitted unencrypted when you view your site, even if it is a private site. For this reason please don't put sensitive information such as banking details in your Tiddlyspot and don't use a password that you use for other high security sites.
! Problems with saving on TiddlySpot
In case you run into this error when uploading a new or freshly upgraded local TiddlyWiki to TiddlySpot :
Error while saving:
Error:NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI: Access to restricted URI denied
The upgrade operation falls foul of a security restriction in Firefox. Until this can be resolved, we suggest using Chrome.
*# Use Chrome to open the local TiddlyWiki document you want to upload to TiddlySpot and follow the steps 1 through 5 described above
*# Once you've checked the TiddlySpot-hosted TiddlyWiki loads properly in Chrome, you should be able to access, edit and [[save using TiddlyFox|Saving with TiddlyFox]] again
* After you've uploaded your local document once, further editing and saving of the online version hosted on TiddlySpot should work with any modern browser of your choice.
** Don't forget to fill in the TiddlySpot wikiname and password in your TiddlySpot TiddlyWiki control panel for any new browser you want to use for saving changes
* //See also : [[Upgrading]]//
This method of saving changes is clunky because it requires manual intervention for each save. It has the advantage of working on almost all desktop browsers, and many mobile browsers.
# [[Download]] an empty TiddlyWiki by clicking this button:
#> {{$:/editions/tw5.com/snippets/download-empty-button}}
#> If the button doesn't work save this link: http://tiddlywiki.com/empty.html
#> Your browser may ask you to accept the download before it begins
# Locate the file you just downloaded
#* You may rename it, but be sure to keep the `.html` or `.htm` extension
# Open the file in your browser
# Try creating a new tiddler using the ''new tiddler'' {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar. Type some content for the tiddler, and click the {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''done'' button
# Save your changes by clicking the {{$:/core/images/save-button}} ''save changes'' button in the sidebar
# Your browser will download a new copy of the wiki incorporating your changes
# Locate the newly downloaded file and open it in your browser
# Verify that your changes have been saved correctly
''Tip'': most browsers have an option to prompt each time for the download location. This allows you to select the existing version of the file and replace it.
If you're using [[Firefox for Android]], see the instructions for [[Saving with TiddlyFox on Android]].
# Ensure you have the latest version of [[Firefox]]
#* http://getfirefox.com
# Install the latest release of the TiddlyFox extension from:
#* https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tiddlyfox/
# Restart [[Firefox]]
# [[Download]] an empty TiddlyWiki by clicking this button:
#> {{$:/editions/tw5.com/snippets/download-empty-button}}
# Locate the file you just downloaded
#* You may rename it, but be sure to keep the `.html` or `.htm` extension
# Open the file in [[Firefox]]
# Click ''OK'' in response to the prompt from TiddlyFox that asks whether to enable saving for this file
# Try creating a new tiddler using the ''plus'' {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar. Type some content for the tiddler, and click the {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''tick'' button
# Save your changes by clicking the {{$:/core/images/save-button}} ''Save changes'' button in the sidebar
#* Look for the yellow notification ''Saved wiki'' at the top right of the window
# Refresh the browser window to verify that your changes have been saved correctly
(Alternatively, see the [[video tutorial|TiddlyWiki on Firefox for Android Video]])
# Ensure you have the latest version of [[Firefox for Android]]
#* http://getfirefox.com
# Install the latest release of the TiddlyFox extension from:
#* https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tiddlyfox/
# Install this extension to be able to save the TiddlyWiki file locally:
#* https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/android/addon/save-link-menus/
# [[Download]] an empty TiddlyWiki by saving this link:
#* http://tiddlywiki.com/empty.html
#> (to save the link, ensure you've installed the "save-link-menus" extension and then long-press on the link and choose "Save link")
# When the file has downloaded, click on it within the notification tray or the download manager application
# Choose to open the file in Firefox (rather than the default Android viewer)
# Click ''OK'' in response to the prompt from TiddlyFox that asks whether to enable saving for this file
# Try creating a new tiddler using the ''plus'' {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar. Type some content for the tiddler, and click the {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''tick'' button
# Save your changes by clicking the {{$:/core/images/save-button}} ''Save changes'' button in the sidebar
#* Look for the yellow notification ''Saved wiki'' at the top right of the window
# Refresh the browser window to verify that your changes have been saved correctly
# Install the TiddlyIE add-on from:
#* https://github.com/davidjade/TiddlyIE/releases
# Restart Internet Explorer. IE will prompt you to enable the TiddlyIE add-on.
#> You may also see a prompt to enable the //Microsoft Script Runtime//
# [[Download]] an empty TiddlyWiki by saving this link:
#> http://tiddlywiki.com/empty.html
# Locate the file you just downloaded
#* You may rename it, but be sure to keep the `.html` extension
# Open the file in Internet Explorer
# Try creating a new tiddler using the ''plus'' {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar. Type some content for the tiddler, and click the {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''tick'' button
# Save your changes by clicking the {{$:/core/images/save-button}} ''Save changes'' button in the sidebar. Internet Explorer will ask for your consent to save the file locally by presenting a file ''Save As'' dialog.
# Refresh the browser window to verify that your changes have been saved correctly
You might expect that TiddlyWiki's architecture as a SinglePageApplication would make it unsuitable for large amounts of data. In fact, TiddlyWiki users regularly work with files that are 20 or 30 megabytes without problems - and successful experiments have been done up into the gigabytes.
! Script Files
The TiddlyWiki5 repository contains several scripts in the `bin` folder that you can use to automate common tasks, or as a useful starting point for your own scripts. See [[Scripts for building tiddlywiki.com]] for details of the scripts used to build and release http://tiddlywiki.com/.
All the scripts expect to be run from the root folder of the repository.
!! `serve`: serves tw5.com
./bin/serve.sh -h
./bin/serve.sh [edition dir] [username] [password] [host] [port]
./bin/serve.cmd -h
./bin/serve.cmd [edition dir] [username] [password] [host] [port]
This script starts TiddlyWiki5 running as an HTTP server, defaulting to the content from the `tw5.com-server` edition. By default, the Node.js serves on port 8080. If the optional `username` parameter is provided, it is used for signing edits. If the `password` is provided then HTTP basic authentication is used. Run the script with the `-h` parameter to see online help.
To experiment with this configuration, run the script and then visit `` in a browser.
Changes made in the browser propagate to the server over HTTP (use the browser developer console to see these requests). The server then syncs changes to the file system (and logs each change to the screen).
!! `test`: build and run tests
This script runs the `test` edition of TiddlyWiki on the server to perform the server-side tests and to build `test.html` for running the tests in the browser.
!! `lazy`: serves tw5.com with lazily loaded images
./bin/lazy.sh <username> [<password>]
./bin/lazy.cmd <username> [<password>]
This script serves the `tw5.com-server` edition content with LazyLoading applied to images.
!! `2bld`: builds TiddlyWiki 2.6.5
This script builds TiddlyWiki 2.6.5 from the original source and then displays the differences between them (`diff` is used for *nix, `fc` for Windows).
! Introduction
The scrollable widget wraps its content in a scrollable frame. The user can scroll the contents with the mouse or with touch gestures. Code can use the [[WidgetMessage: tm-scroll]] to programmatically scroll specific DOM nodes into view.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$scrollable>` widget is displayed within a pair of wrapper DIVs. If the inner DIV is larger then it scrolls within the outer one. CSS is used to specify the size of the outer wrapper.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|class |The CSS class(es) to be applied to the outer DIV |
|fallthrough |See below |
If a scrollable widget can't handle the `tm-scroll` message because the inner DIV fits within the outer DIV, then by default the message falls through to the parent widget. Setting the ''fallthrough'' attribute to `no` prevents this behaviour.
! Examples
This example requires the following CSS definitions from [[$:/_tw5.com-styles]]:
.tc-scrollable-demo {
border: 1px solid <<colour message-border>>;
background-color: <<colour message-background>>;
padding: 1em;
height: 400px;
This wiki text shows how to display a list within the scrollable widget:
<<wikitext-example-without-html "<$scrollable class='tc-scrollable-demo'>
<$list filter='[!is[system]]'>
<$view field='title'/>: <$list filter='[all[current]links[]sort[title]]' storyview='pop'>
<$link><$view field='title'/></$link>
When used with a suffix, the <<.op search>> operator is similar to <<.olink regexp>> but less powerful.
If the suffix is omitted, a tiddler is deemed to match if all the search terms appear in the combination of its <<.field tags>>, <<.field text>> and <<.field title>> fields.
The search ignores the difference between capital and lowercase letters.
<<.operator-examples "search">>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-example" n="1" eg="[!is[system]search[table]]" ie="non-system tiddlers containing the word <<.word table>>"/>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-example" n="2" eg="[all[shadows]search[table]]" ie="shadow tiddlers containing the word <<.word table>>"/>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-example" n="3" eg="[search:caption[arch]]" ie="tiddlers containing `arch` in their <<.field caption>> field"/>
Searching is fast and flexible in ~TiddlyWiki.
''Standard search''
Typing text into the search box in the sidebar will turn up a list of all the tiddlers that contain that text.
://(Note that the sidebar tabs will be hidden by the search results until you click the 'x' to the right of the search box to remove the search results)//
''Advanced searching''
Clicking on the magnifying glass icon to the right of the search box will open [[$:/AdvancedSearch]]. This tiddler contains four tabs:
* The ''standard'' tab contains another instance of the search box found in the sidebar
* The ''system'' tab allows you to limit your search to system tiddlers
* The ''shadows'' tab allows you to limit your search to shadow tiddlers
* The ''filter'' tab is not a search box, per se, but a way to obtain a list of all tiddlers that meet the specific criteria described by that [[filter|Filters]], for example, "All tags except system tags"
The output of a [[filter|Filters]] step depends on its [[operator|Filter Operators]]:
* Most operators derive their output from their input. For example, many of them output a subset of their input, and thus truly live up to the name of <<.word filters>>, narrowing down the overall output of the containing [[run|Filter Run]]. These operators are called <<.def "selection modifiers">>.
* A few operators ignore their input and generate an independent output instead. These are called <<.def "selection constructors">>: they construct an entirely new [[selection|Title Selection]].
A good example of a constructor is <<.olink title>>. The output of `[title[A]title[B]]` is just <<.tid B>>. But the <<.olink field>> operator is a modifier, so `[title[A]field:title[B]` outputs nothing at all.
! Introduction
The select widget displays a popup menu based on a [[HTML select element|https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/select]]. The popup (or dropdown) contains a list of items defined by `<option>` and `<optgroup>` elements.
Every time the user selects a new value in the menu, the selected value is written to the text of a specified tiddler field or index. If the tiddler value changes the menu is automatically updated to reflect the new value.
For example, this select widget displays a list of the tags in this wiki:
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler=<<qualify 'select-demo'>> default='HelloThere'>
<$list filter='[all[shadows+tiddlers]tags[]sort[title]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
The <$link to=<<qualify "select-demo">>>state tiddler</$link> currently contains:
<$edit-text tiddler=<<qualify "select-demo">> tag="input" default=""/>
See the text change as you switch entries in the select widget. Try changing the value of the state tiddler and see the select widget change. Notice how the select widget only displays an entry if there is a precise match with the tiddler text.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$select>` widget should be one or more HTML `<option>` or `<optiongroup>` elements that provide the available values.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The title of the tiddler containing the value to be displayed/modified by the select widget (defaults to the current tiddler) |
|field |The field name for the value in the current tiddler (defaults to "text") |
|index |The index of a property in a [[DataTiddler|DataTiddlers]] (takes precedence over the field attribute) |
|class |CSS classes to be assigned to the HTML select element |
|default |Default value to be used if the tiddler, field or index specifies a missing value |
! Examples
!! Simple Lists
This example sets the title of the current wiki [[$:/SiteTitle]] to one of a list of book titles:
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler='$:/SiteTitle'>
<option>A Tale of Two Cities</option>
<option>A New Kind of Science</option>
<option>The Dice Man</option>
!! Value lists
In this example the `value` attribute has been used to specify the text that should be used as the value of the entry instead of the display text.
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler='$:/SiteTitle'>
<option value='cities'>A Tale of Two Cities</option>
<option value='science'>A New Kind of Science</option>
<option value='dice'>The Dice Man</option>
!! Option Groups
Entries in the list can be grouped together with the `<optgroup>` element
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler='$:/SiteTitle'>
<optgroup label='Fiction'>
<option value='cities'>A Tale of Two Cities</option>
<option value='dice'>The Dice Man</option>
<optgroup label='Non-fiction'>
<option value='science'>A New Kind of Science</option>
<option value='recursive'>The Recursive Universe</option>
!! Generated Lists
The ListWidget can be used to generate the options for a select widget. For example, here we combine a select widget listing all the tiddlers tagged ''TableOfContents'' with a transclusion to display the text of the selected one.
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler='$:/generated-list-demo-state'>
<$list filter='[tag[TableOfContents]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<$tiddler tiddler={{$:/generated-list-demo-state}}>
<$transclude mode='block'/>
!! Nested Lists
This example uses a nested pair of list widgets. The outer one generates the `<optgroup>` elements, and the inner one generates `<option>` elements:
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler='$:/generated-list-demo-nestedstate' field='type' default='text/vnd.tiddlywiki'>
<$list filter='[all[shadows+tiddlers]prefix[$:/language/Docs/Types/]each[group]sort[group]]'>
<optgroup label={{!!group}}>
<$list filter='[all[shadows+tiddlers]prefix[$:/language/Docs/Types/]group{!!group}] +[sort[description]]'>
<option value={{!!name}}><$view field='description'><$view field='title'/></$view> (<$view field='name'/>)</option>
"favicons" are small icons that most browsers display to help users identify websites.
! favicons in the Browser
When TiddlyWiki starts up in the browser it looks for a tiddler called [[$:/favicon.ico]] and dynamically uses it as the favicon for the page. If you modify the image then the favicon changes instantly to reflect it.
! favicons on the Server
On the server, the ServerCommand will serve the tiddler [[$:/favicon.ico]] at the path `/favicon.ico`.
The `<$setvariable>` widget is a synonym for `<$set/>`; see SetWidget for more details.
! Introduction
The set variable widget assigns a value to a specified [[variable|Variables]]. The new value of the variable is availale to the content within the set variable widget.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$set>` widget is the scope for the value assigned to the variable.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|name |The name of the variable to assign (defaults to "currentTiddler") |
|value |The value to assign to the variable if the filter is missing or not empty |
|filter |An optional filter to be evaluated and assigned to the variable (see below) |
|emptyValue |The value to assign to the variable if the filter is present and evaluates to an empty list (see below) |
!! Simple Variable Assignment
The simplest way of using set variable widget assigns a string to a variable. The following example assigns a literal string
<$set name="myVariable" value="Some text">
<$text text=<<myVariable>>/>
Both the name and value attributes can be transcluded. For example:
<$set name=<<anotherVariable>> value={{template!!text}}>
<$text text=<<myVariable>>/>
!! Conditional Variable Assignment
This form of the set variable widget chooses one of two specified values according to whether a filter evaluates to an empty list. Here's an example that sets a variable according to whether the current tiddler is called "myMagicTitle":
<$set name="myVariable" filter="[all[current]field:title[myMagicTitle]]" value="It's magic" emptyValue="It's not magic">
<$text text=<<myVariable>>/>
!! Filtered List Variable Assignment
This form of the set variable widget evaluates the filter and assigns the result to the variable as a space-separated list (using double square brackets for titles containing spaces).
<$set name="myVariable" filter="[tag[Introduction]]">
<$text text=<<myVariable>>/>
Each input title is processed in turn. If it denotes a shadow tiddler, the title of its plugin tiddler is [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the output. Non-shadow tiddlers contribute nothing to the output.
<<.operator-examples "shadowsource">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[$:/core/copyright.txt]shadowsource[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "$:/core/copyright.txt $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/railroad/parser.js +[shadowsource[]]">>
ShadowTiddlers are tiddlers that are loaded from within [[Plugins]]. Unlike ordinary tiddlers, they don't appear in most lists.
ShadowTiddlers can be overridden with an ordinary tiddler of the same name. If that tiddler is subsequently deleted then the original shadow tiddler is automatically restored.
The current shadow tiddlers are:
<$list filter="[all[shadows]sort[title]]"/>
You can work on a TiddlyWiki file in Dropbox and publish a URL that anyone can use to see a read-only view of the file.
# Save your TiddlyWiki file within your Dropbox folder
# Select Dropbox's "Share Link" option to obtain a public URL for the file
#* In the Dropbox web interface, this is done by clicking the link icon that appears when you hover over a file. Dropbox also adds a "Share Link" item to the file context menu in Finder on OS X and Explorer on Windows
# The URL generated by Dropbox will have this form:
#> `https://www.dropbox.com/s/<gobbledegook>/mywiki.html`
# Modify the URL like this, carefully preserving the gobbledegook:
#> `https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/<gobbledegook>/mywiki.html`
The result is a "secret" URL that you can send to other people to enable them to see the wiki.
There are a number of ways that people can share tiddlers back and forth:
*You can attach a ~TiddlyWiki to an e-mail
*You can publish your ~TiddlyWiki online, and grab a link to send or message to others:
**A link to the URL of the file itself
**A permalink to a specific tiddler (see [[PermaLinks]])
**A permaview link of all the currently open tiddlers (see [[PermaView]])
*You can grab tiddlers from ~TiddlyWikis that others have published online by clicking on a link to the tiddler within their file, and then dragging and dropping the link into your own file. An import tiddler will appear, and you can click to import the tiddler or tiddlers to your file.
* You can [[share a Dropbox link to your TiddlyWiki|Sharing a TiddlyWiki on Dropbox]]
\define Call_Draw_Bump(bump)
<$macrocall $name="Draw_Bump" bump="$bump$" path={{SVG Bumps##$bump$}} />
\define Draw_Bump(bump, path)
<svg width=20 height=20 fill=none stroke=black>
<defs id="Markers">
<g id="end-arrow">
<path d="M 0 0 L 0 -1 L 2 0 L 0 1 l 0 0" style="stroke:black"/>
<marker id="regular-end-arrow" orient="auto" markerUnits="strokeWidth" overflow="visible">
<use xlink:href="#end-arrow" transform="scale(1,1)"/>
<style type="text/css">
.line-regular-end-arrow {marker-end:url(#regular-end-arrow);stroke:#a5a5a5;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-width:1}
<path d="M 10 10 $path$" class="line-regular-end-arrow"/>
\define Get_Path(bump)
{{SVG Bumps##$bump$}}
\define Build_Path(path-elements)
M 0 0
<$list filter="$path-elements$">
<$macrocall $name="Get_Path" bump=<<currentTiddler>> />
\define Add_Bump(path, path-elements, direction, code)
<!-- show the direction arrow -->
<$macrocall $name="Call_Draw_Bump" bump="$direction$" />
<!-- add the path instructions to the path -->
<$action-setfield $field="path" $value=<<calcString "$path$" "append" "$code$">> />
<!-- add the direction to the list of directions taken -->
<$action-setfield $field="path-elements" $value=<<calcString "$path-elements$" "append" "$direction$">> />
<$action-setfield $field="last_button" $value="$direction$" />
\define Delete_Bump(path, path-elements, length)
<!-- show an x to indicate you are reversing the last action -->
<!-- remove the path instructions from the path -->
<$action-setfield $field="path" $value=<<calcString "$path$" "remove" "$length$">> />
<!-- remove the last direction from the path -->
<$action-setfield $field="path-elements" $value=<<calcString "$path-elements$" "remove" "1">> />
<$action-setfield $field="last_button" $value=<<calcString "$path-elements$" "pop-1">> />
\define Get_Last_Bump()<$list filter="[list[!!path-elements]last[]]"><<currentTiddler>></$list>
\define Get_Direction(direction)
{{SVG Bumps Directions##$direction$}}
\define Draw_Direction(direction, last_button)
<!-- Display a Button which will add a path segment (a bump) to the path -->
<$macrocall $name="Add_Bump"
code={{SVG Bumps##$direction$}}
\define Delete_Direction(last_button)
<!-- Display a button that will delete the last segment in the path -->
<!-- Only if there is a line already visible -->
<$list filter="$last_button$" variable="arglbrk">
<$macrocall $name="Delete_Bump"
length={{SVG Bump Lengths##$last_button$}}
<$list filter="[[SVG Bumps]indexes[]]" variable="index">
<$macrocall $name="Call_Draw_Bump" bump=<<index>> />
<<Draw_Bump "down-bump" "a 5 5 0 1 1 0 10">>
A simple game built with TiddlyWiki, introduced in [[this post|https://groups.google.com/d/topic/tiddlywiki/4aRpZht1vOs/discussion]].
I decided to see if it was possible to make some sort of game using only the core tiddlywiki with no plugins or javascript. I made a very bare bones zork/interactive fiction type game. It is currently the simplest thing I could make and claim it was a game, but I may add on to it in the future. It uses the 5.1.5 prerelease because the action-setfield widget saved lots of work making macros.
One goal of this is to use nothing besides what is contained in the core tiddlywiki, so there is no javascript and no plugins.
A single file application is a web application where all of the assets are delivered in a single static file. This means that it can be downloaded and used offline without losing functionality. It can also be hosted on almost any type of web server.
TiddlyWiki is an unusual single file application because it stores its data within the same file, and is capable of saving changes to itself.
Every single file application must also by definition be a SinglePageApplication, but the converse is not true.
As defined by Wikipedia, a SinglePageApplication is a web application that presents itself as a single HTML document that dynamically loads additional content as the user browses the site. Frequently, single page applications are carefully designed to hide their nature, appearing and functioning as an ordinary static website by respecting the address bar and the back/forward navigation controls.
Unusually, TiddlyWiki is also a SingleFileApplication.
<<crazyListHere slides slide>>
\define Nav_Pill(tiddlerName, opacity)
<!-- Nav_Pill($tiddlerName$, $opacity$) -->
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible button-span' to="$tiddlerName$"
<$list filter="[[$tiddlerName$]is[tiddler]]">
<$action-navigate $to="$tiddlerName$" />
\define Nav_icon(tiddlerName, icon)
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' to="$tiddlerName$"
<$list filter="[[$tiddlerName$]is[tiddler]]">
<$action-navigate $to="$tiddlerName$" />
\define nav_pills(slide_master, cur_slide)
<!-- nav_pills($slide_master$, $cur_slide$) -->
<!-- $cur_slide$ could be blank, so let's check -->
<span style="float:right;font-size:1pt">
<$list filter="[[$cur_slide$]]" variable="curSlideExists" emptyMessage=
<$list filter="[list[$slide_master$!!slides]]" variable="curSlide">
<$macrocall $name="Nav_Pill"
<$list filter="[list[$slide_master$!!slides]allbefore[$cur_slide$]]"
<$macrocall $name="Nav_Pill"
<$macrocall $name="Nav_Pill" tiddlerName="$cur_slide$" opacity="1" />
<$list filter="[list[$slide_master$!!slides]allafter[$cur_slide$]]"
<$macrocall $name="Nav_Pill" tiddlerName=<<curSlide>>
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible button-spacer"> </$button>
\define Slide_Navigation(slide_master:"")
<$tiddler tiddler="$slide_master$">
<$list filter="[all[current]listed[slides]]"
<span style="float:right;font-size:1pt;">
<$macrocall $name="Nav_Pill"
tiddlerName=<<currentTiddler>> opacity="1"
<span style="float:right;font-size:1pt;">
<$macrocall $name="nav_pills"
<!-- We are on a slide that has a parent (or more than 1 parent) So let's climb those trees -->
<$macrocall $name="Slide_Navigation"
\define display_pills(slide_master:"", immediate_child:"", drill_down:"")
<$macrocall $name="nav_pills"
\define prev_slide(slide_master:"")
<$tiddler tiddler="$slide_master$">
<$list filter="[all[current]listed[slides]]"
<$tiddler tiddler=<<parent>> >
<$list filter="[list[!!slides]is[tiddler]before[$slide_master$]]"
<$macrocall $name="Nav_icon"
tiddlerName=<<parent>> icon={{$:/core/images/left-arrow}}
<$macrocall $name="Nav_icon"
tiddlerName=<<prevslide>> icon={{$:/core/images/left-arrow}}
\define next_slide(slide_master:"")
<$tiddler tiddler="$slide_master$">
<$list filter="[all[current]listed[slides]]"
<$list filter="[list[$slide_master$!!slides]is[tiddler]first[]]" variable="firstchild">
<$macrocall $name="Nav_icon"
tiddlerName=<<firstchild>> icon={{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}
<$tiddler tiddler=<<parent>> >
<$list filter="[list[!!slides]is[tiddler]after[$slide_master$]]"
<$list filter="[list[$slide_master$!!slides]is[tiddler]first[]]" variable="firstchild">
<$macrocall $name="Nav_icon"
tiddlerName=<<firstchild>> icon={{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}
<$macrocall $name="Nav_icon"
tiddlerName=<<nextslide>> icon={{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}
<$macrocall $name="prev_slide"
slide_master="Slide 1"
<$macrocall $name="Slide_Navigation"
slide_master="Slide Show"
<$macrocall $name="next_slide"
slide_master="Slide Show"
* Take notes, and use tags and hyperlinking to form relationships between your notes
* Use tabs, tables, tag-based lists, and tables of contents to get organised
* Bookmark your favorite websites (see an example at http://giffmex.org/experiments/tidmarks.html)
* Keep track of tasks and appointments, and organise them by multiple tags (see our TaskManagementExample)
* Inventory just about anything: your recipes, personal library, contacts, music collection, and more
* Create a blog or website
* Write a book
* Organise your images into galleries (see our [[ImageGallery Example]])
* Share the information in your ~TiddlyWiki with others, as an online file, as a file attachment, as a tiddler file, or as a link to a specific online tiddler (try clicking and dragging a tiddler from one ~TiddlyWiki file to another to see what happens)
* Draw a sketch (Edit [[Motovun Jack.jpg]] and start drawing over the image to see what happens)
* Create a modal wizard (also known as a lightbox) - see SampleWizard
* Create a slideshow presentation
* Set up an entire local or online knowledgebase, with a central ~TiddlyWiki file linking to other ~TiddlyWiki files (http://recursos.giffmex.org is a Spanish online example of this)
* Set up a data visualisation using tiddlers as data (see the visualisations at http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/d3/index.html)
\define switchrows(thisrow, switchrow, thisvalue, switchvalue)
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$thisrow$"
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$switchrow$"
\define switchbutton(thisrow, switchrow)
<$macrocall $name="switchrows"
\define putcells(row)
<$list filter="A B C D +[sort[sortorder]before[$row$]]"
<$macrocall $name="switchbutton"
<$list filter="A B C D +[sort[sortorder]after[$row$]]"
<$macrocall $name="switchbutton"
<$list filter="A B C D +[sort[sortorder]]">
<$macrocall $name="putcells" row={{!!title}} />
The difference between capital and lowercase letters is ignored. Compare <<.olink sortcs>>.
<<.operator-examples "sort">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]sort[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]!sort[]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "one two Three four +[sort[]]">>
<<.operator-example 4 "[prefix[Tiddl]sort[text]]">>
<<.operator-example 5 "[has[created]sort[created]limit[10]]" "the oldest 10 tiddlers in the wiki">>
Capital and lowercase letters are treated as different. Compare <<.olink sort>>.
<<.operator-examples "sortcs">>
<<.operator-example 1 "one two Three four +[sortcs[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "one two Three four +[!sortcs[]]">>
* {{Figure out how to wikify arbitrary text.||task}}
* {{Create display macro for each migration action||task}}
* {{Modify source view template to display source migration actions||task}}
* {{Modify target view template to display target migration actions||task}}
* {{Modify xlate view template to display xlate migration actions||task}}
Because ~TiddlyWiki is of British origin, its English documentation uses [[British spelling in preference to US spelling|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_and_British_English_spelling_differences]].
Words like <<.word customise>> are spelled <<.word -ise>>, not <<.word -ize>>.
Standard technical acronyms are written in upper case, without dots: <<.word HTML>>, not <<.word html>> or <<.word H.T.M.L.>>
Avoid arbitrarily abbreviating words and sentences. But the following abbreviations are acceptable:
|!Abbreviation |!Meaning |!Notes |
|e.g. |for example |with a dot after each letter |
|i.e. |that is to say |with a dot after each letter |
|etc |and so on |without a dot |
Each input title is processed in turn.
* A title that contains <<.place S>> contributes everything up to and including <<.place S>>.
* A title that doesn't contain <<.place S>> simply contributes itself to the output.
Contributions are [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the output.
The [[table-of-contents macros|Table-of-Contents Macros]] use this operator with `/` as the parameter.
<<.operator-examples "splitbefore">>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-example" n="1" eg="2015-01-26 2014-07-19 2013 +[splitbefore[-]]"/>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-example" n="2" eg="[[green trees]splitbefore[ee]]"/>
\define Action-Add-Item-To-List(targetTiddler, targetField, item)
\define Action-Delete-Item-To-List(targetTiddler, targetField, item)
\define Add-Item-To-Source-List()
\define Button-Add-Item-To-List()
<$button set=<<state>>
class="tc-btn-invisible draglistinput"
tooltip="Add an item"
\define Button-Drop-To-Delete-List-Item()
<$droppable actions=<<droppable-delete-actions>> >
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible">
\define Button-Save-Item-To-List()
<$button set=<<state>>
\define Widget-Edit-Item-To-List()
placeholder="Add an item"
\define Button-Clear-And-Exit-To-List()
<$button set=<<state>>
\define Action-Toggle-Tag()
<$list filter="[[$(targetTag)$]] -[list[$(curItem)$!!tags]]" variable="xx"
\define Add-Item-To-List()
state=<<qualify "$:/state/$(targetTiddler)$/$(targetField)$">>
temp=<<qualify "$:/temp/$(targetTiddler)$/$(targetField)$">>
<$reveal state=<<state>> type="match" text="" default="">
<$reveal state=<<state>> type="match" text="edit" default="">
<$set name="item" tiddler=<<temp>> field="text">
\define droppable-delete-actions()
\define Select-From-Filter-To-List()
filter="$(sourceFilter)$ +[first[10]count[]]"
<$list filter="$(sourceFilter)$" variable="currentItem">
<option value=<<currentItem>> >
\define Select-From-List-To-List()
\define Select-From-Tag-To-List()
\define Checkmarks-From-List-To-List()
<$list filter="[list[$(sourceTiddler)$!!$(sourceField)$]]" variable="currentItem">
<$list filter="[<currentItem>] -[list[$(targetTiddler)$!!$(targetField)$]]" variable="discardMe"
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible">
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible">
\define Checkmarks-From-Filter-To-List()
<$list filter="$(sourceFilter)$">
<$list filter="[<currentTiddler>] -$(targetFilter)$"
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible">
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible">
\define Checkmarks-From-List-To-List()
\define Checkmarks-From-Tag-To-List()
\define Select-From-List-To-Tag()
\define Select-From-Filter-To-Tag()
From $(sourceFilter)$ To $(targetTag)$
<$list filter="$(sourceFilter)$" variable="curItem">
<$list filter="[<curItem>] -[tag[$(targetTag)$]]" variable="xx"
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible Selected">
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible DeSelected">
\define Checkmarks-From-List-To-Tag()
\define Select-From-Tag-To-Tag()
\define Checkmarks-From-Tag-To-Tag()
\define Checkmarks-From-Filter-To-Tag()
From $(sourceFilter)$ To $(targetTag)$
<$list filter="$(sourceFilter)$" variable="curItem">
<$list filter="[<curItem>] -[tag[$(targetTag)$]]" variable="xx"
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible">
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible">
\define Select-From-Tag-To-List()
From $(sourceTag)$ To $(targetTiddler)$!!$(targetField)$
<$select multiple size=10 tiddler="$(targetTiddler)$" field="$(targetField)$">
<$list filter="[tag[$(sourceTag)$]]" variable="curItem">
<option value=<<curItem>> > <<curItem>> </option>
\define Checkmarks-From-Tag-To-List()
From $(sourceTag)$ To $(targetTiddler)$!!$(targetField)$
\define Drag-From-Source()
<<list-links-draggable "$(sourceTiddler)$" "$(sourceField)$">>
\define Drag-To-Target()
<<list-links-draggable "$(targetTiddler)$" "$(targetField)$">>
\define local-data-entry-row()
\define local-data-manipulation-row()
\define Select-From-Filter-To-Field()
<$select tiddler="$(targetTiddler)$" field="$targetField)$">
<option value=""> -- </option>
<$list filter="$(sourceFilter)$">
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>> <<currentTiddler>> </option>
.draglistinput {border: 1px solid #ccc;border-radius:3px;width:75%;margin-left:20px;}
* Todo: Fix [[$:/snippets/allfields]] so it allows the following
** editing the field descriptions
** List of tiddlers with that field
# sourceTiddler=<<sourceTiddler>>
# sourceField=<<sourceField>>
# sourceFilter=<<sourceFilter>>
# targetFilter=<<targetFilter>>
# targetTiddler=<<targetTiddler>>
# targetField=<<targetField>>
# sourceTiddler!!sourceField
#> {{!!subjects}}
# targetTiddler!!targetField=
#> {{!!overview}}
# sourceFilter=
#> <$list filter=<<sourceFilter>>> <code><<currentTiddler>></code> </$list>
# targetFilter=
#> <$list filter=<<targetFilter>>> <code><<currentTiddler>></code> </$list>
# sourceTag={{!!source-field}}
.fullwidth {width:100%}
|>| Fields |h
| Source | Target |h
| <<sourceField>> | <<targetField>> |
|>| Data Entry |h
|<<Add-Item-To-Source-List>> |<<Add-Item-To-List>> |
|>| Drag and Drop Listing of Fields |h
| Source | Target |h
|<<list-links-draggable "StartHere" "subjects">> |<<list-links-draggable "StartHere" "overview">> |
|>| Select From Source Field To Target Field |h
| Use Select | Use Checkboxes |h
|<<Select-From-List-To-List>> |<<Checkmarks-From-List-To-List>> |
|>| Select From Filter To Target Field |h
| Use Select | Use Checkboxes |h
|<<Select-From-Filter-To-List>> |<<Checkmarks-From-Filter-To-List>> |
|>| Select From Source Field To Tags |h
| Use Select | Use Checkboxes |h
|<<Select-From-List-To-Tag>> |<<Checkmarks-From-List-To-Tag>> |
|>| Select From Source Tag To Target Field |h
| Use Select | Use Checkboxes |h
|<<Select-From-Tag-To-List>> |<<Checkmarks-From-Tag-To-List>> |
|>| Select From Source Tag To Target Tag |h
| Use Select | Use Checkboxes |h
|<<Select-From-Tag-To-Tag>> |<<Checkmarks-From-Tag-To-Tag>> |
|>| Select From Filter To Tag |h
| Use Select | Use Checkboxes |h
|<<Select-From-Filter-To-Tag>> |<<Checkmarks-From-Filter-To-Tag>> |
sourceFilter="Drag Select Checkboxes"
sourceFilter="List Tag Filter"
sourceFilter="List Tag"
The startup mechanism runs the installed startup modules at the end of the [[boot process|BootMechanism]].
! Startup Modules
Modules with their ''module-type'' field set to `startup`:
* Must export a `startup` function
** For synchronous startup modules the startup function is called as `startup()`, asynchronous modules are passed a callback they must invoke on completion: `startup(callback)`
* May export a `name` property that is used to identify the task
* May export a `after` property containing an array of names of dependent tasks that must be run before this one
* May export a `before` property containing an array of names of tasks that must be run after this one
* May export a `platforms` property containing an array of names of platforms that are required in order for the startup module to be executed. The defined platforms are ''node'' and ''browser''. If the `platforms` property is not provided it defaults to `["node","browser"]`
! Startup Processing
Startup modules are executed in sequence according to their declared dependencies.
There is no guarantee of the execution order of tasks that share the same dependencies.
! Startup Modules
The core defines the following startup modules:
{{Startup Modules.svg}}
The StateMechanism in TiddlyWiki is at the heart of how complex user interfaces can be built from WikiText.
In the browser, the TiddlyWiki display is produced by dynamically rendering the tiddler [[$:/core/ui/PageTemplate]]. Through various transclusions and other widgets it renders the entire user interface. The dynamic rendering is accomplished by a mechanism called "binding": any changes to the tiddlers in the store are dynamically reflected in the browser display.
The stack of templates that make up the TiddlyWiki display are complex but we'll focus on the line that displays the main story column:
<$list filter="[list[$:/StoryList]]" history="$:/HistoryList" template="$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate" editTemplate="$:/core/ui/EditTemplate" storyview={{$:/view}} />
Breaking down the attributes applied to the list widget:
* ''filter'': selects the list of tiddlers in the `list` field of the tiddler [[$:/StoryList]]. If a tiddler is added or removed from that list then it is automatically reflected in the displayed list
* ''history'': references the tiddler to be used to store the history stack (see the NavigationMechanism)
* ''template'': identifies a template tiddler to be used for rendering each tiddler in the list
* ''editTemplate'': identifies a different template tiddler to be used for rendering tiddlers that are in [[draft mode|DraftMechanism]]
* ''storyview'': specifies the story view to be used (eg classic, or zoomin)
The [[$:/StoryList]] tiddler is an example of a StateTiddler: a tiddler that is used to hold the state of the user interface. Changes to the user interface are made indirectly, by changing the underlying state tiddlers, and letting TiddlyWiki ripple the changes through the user interface.
Note how this approach makes the ''open'' tab in the sidebar very easy to implement: it is just another list widget referencing the same state tiddler, but with a different template:
<$list filter="[list[$:/StoryList]]" history="$:/HistoryList" storyview="pop">
<$button message="tm-close-tiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-mini">×</$button> <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link>
Now consider the implementation of the info panel within the tiddler template. We want to be able to toggle the info panel open and closed, which means that we must track its current state in a tiddler.
However, we can't track the state in a tiddler called, say, [[$:/InfoPanelState]] because every tiddler would share the same state; changing the value of the tiddler would affect all tiddlers displayed in the story.
The solution is to dynamically generate a unique title for each state tiddler that we need. We need to ensure that the same state tiddler title is generated each time a user interface element is rendered. To do that, we append together tokens representating each of the stack of transclusions that led to the current rendering location. Then that string of symbols is hashed to a simple numeric value.
The process of generating a state tiddler title is encapsulated in the <<.mlink qualify>> macro.
When a tiddler is viewed or edited, then within its branch of the [[widget tree|Widgets]], the <<.def storyTiddler>> [[variable|Variables]] contains the title of that tiddler.
The default [[view template|$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate]] and [[edit template|$:/core/ui/EditTemplate]] initialise <<.var storyTiddler>> to the value of the <<.vlink currentTiddler>> variable. This in turn will have been set by a <<.wlink ListWidget>> widget in [[the relevant part of the page template|$:/core/ui/PageTemplate/story]].
<<.var storyTiddler>> is undefined outside the story river, such as in the sidebar.
<<.variable-examples "storyTiddler">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
<$list filter="[prefix[J]]">
<li><<currentTiddler>>, <<storyTiddler>></li>
The names are those exported by [[modules|Modules]] whose <<.field module-type>> is <<.value storyview>>.
<<.operator-examples "storyviews">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[storyviews[]]">>
TiddlyWiki5 provides several features to help you structure information as [[tiddlers|Tiddlers]], and model the relationships between them:
* TiddlerLinks
* [[Tagging]]
* [[Title Lists|Title List]]
* DataTiddlers
You can use this construction to cause the wrapped content to be assigned specified CSS classes or styles:
<<wikitext-example src:"@@.myStyle
* List One
* List Two
Similar syntax is used to assign styles. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"@@background-color:red;
* List One
* List Two
Multiple styles and classes can be mixed. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"@@.tc-tiddler-frame
Some text
The following core [[macros|Macros]] make it easy to specify alternative browser-specific properties when constructing a [[stylesheet|Cascading Style Sheets]] tiddler:
;`<<box-shadow shadow>>`
: for the `x-box-shadow` properties
;`<<filter filter>>`
: for the `x-filter` properties
;`<<transition transition>>`
: for the `x-transition` properties
;`<<transform-origin origin>>`
: for the `x-transition-origin` properties
;`<<background-linear-gradient gradient>>`
: for the `x-linear-gradient` values of the `background-image` property
The following macros are documented separately:
* <<.mlink colour>>
* <<.mlink datauri>>
All these macros are defined in the [[$:/core/macros/CSS]] tiddler.
<<.operator-examples "suffix">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[suffix[.jpg]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[tag[task]!suffix[ing]]">>
\define drawLine(x:"50", y:"10", width:"100", height:"50", text:"empty")
d="m $x$, $y$
h $width$
v $height$"
h $width$
<$macrocall $name="drawText"
\define drawDocument(x:"50", y:"10", width:"100", height:"50", text:"empty")
d="m $x$, $y$
l $width$,0
l 0,$height$
c -60,-10 -50,40 -$width$,15
z" />
<$macrocall $name="drawText"
\define drawBox(x:"50", y:"10", width:"100", height:"50", text:"empty")
x="$x$" />
<$macrocall $name="drawText"
\define drawCircle(x:"50", y:"10", width:"100", height:"50", text:"empty")
<$macrocall $name="drawText"
\define drawEllipse(x:"50", y:"10", width:"100", height:"50", text:"empty")
<$macrocall $name="drawText"
\define drawText(x:"50", y:"10", width:"100", height:"50", text:"empty")
height="$height$" >
\define displaySVGItem(itemName:"test1", drawingName:"svg",itemType:"Box", text:"test")
<$set name="x" value={{$drawingName$X##$itemName$}} >
<$set name="y" value={{$drawingName$Y##$itemName$}} >
<$set name="width" value={{$drawingName$Width##$itemName$}} >
<$set name="height" value={{$drawingName$Height##$itemName$}} >
\define setSvgValue(drawingName:"svg",attributeName:"X",itemName:"temp1")
<option value=""> -- </option>
<$list filter="5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 480 490">
<option value=<<currentTiddler>> > <<currentTiddler>> </option>
\define setSvgType(drawingName:"svg",attributeName:"Type",itemName:"temp1")
<option value=""> -- </option>
<$list filter="Box Circle Document Line Text Ellipse">
<option value=<<currentTiddler>> > <<currentTiddler>> </option>
\define displayDrawing(drawingName:"svg")
<svg stroke-width="1" stroke="#000000" fill="none" width="600" height="400">
<$list filter="[[$drawingName$Type]indexes[]]" variable="itemName">
<$set filter="[[$drawingName$Type]getindex<itemName>]" name="itemType" >
\define dispayDrawingControls(drawingName:"svg")
<br/>''Drawing to display: ''
<$select tiddler="svgDrawingName" field="caption">
<option value="">--</option>
<$list filter="[[svgDrawingWidth]indexes[]]">
<option value=<<currentTiddler>> >
''New Drawing:'' <$edit tiddler="svgDrawingName" field="caption" />
<br/>''Drawing Attributes:''
Width: <$macrocall
attributeName="Width" />
Height: <$macrocall
attributeName="Height" />
<br/>''Item to edit:''
<$select tiddler="svgBoxName" field="caption">
<option value="">--</option>
<$list filter="[[$drawingName$X]indexes[]]">
<option value=<<currentTiddler>> >
New box: <$edit tiddler="svgBoxName" field="caption" />
<br/>''Item Attributes:''
X: <$macrocall
attributeName="X" />
Y: <$macrocall
attributeName="Y" />
Width: <$macrocall
attributeName="Width" />
Height: <$macrocall
attributeName="Height" />
Type: <$macrocall
attributeName="Type" />
<$macrocall $name="displayDrawing"
<$macrocall $name="dispayDrawingControls"
System tags are used to give special behaviour to tiddlers.
! Available system tags
These are the available system tags
* {{$:/tags/AboveStory||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for elements to be placed at the top of the story river
* {{$:/tags/AdvancedSearch||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for search elements
* {{$:/tags/Alert||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for alerts
* {{$:/tags/BelowStory||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for elements to be placed at the bottom of the story river
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel tabs
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel/Advanced||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel advanced tabs
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel/Appearance||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel appearance tabs
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel/Info||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel info tabs
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel/Settings||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel settings tabs
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel/Toolbars||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel toolbar customisation tabs
* {{$:/tags/EditTemplate||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the edit template
* {{$:/tags/EditToolbar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the edit mode tiddler toolbar
* {{$:/tags/Filter||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for filters in advanced seach sample filter dropdown
* {{$:/tags/Image||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for (core) images
* {{$:/tags/Macro||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for global macros
* {{$:/tags/MoreSideBar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for tabs in the "more" sidebar
* {{$:/tags/PageControls||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the page control tools in the sidebar
* {{$:/tags/PageTemplate||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the main page elements
* {{$:/tags/Palette||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for colour palettes
* {{$:/tags/RawMarkup||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for raw markup to be included in the generated HTML file
* {{$:/tags/SideBar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for sidebar tabs
* {{$:/tags/Stylesheet||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} to indicate that a tiddler should be applied as a CSS stylesheet
* {{$:/tags/TiddlerInfo||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for tiddler info panel tabs
* {{$:/tags/TiddlerInfo/Advanced||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for tabs under the advanced tiddler tab
* {{$:/tags/TopLeftBar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the top left bar
* {{$:/tags/TopRightBar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the top right bar
* {{$:/tags/ViewTemplate||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the view template
* {{$:/tags/ViewToolbar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the view mode tiddler toolbar
! System tags in use
These are the system tags in use in this wiki:
<$list filter="[all[shadows+tiddlers]tags[]prefix[$:/]sort[title]]">
System tiddlers are any tiddler whose title starts with `$:/`; such tiddlers are automatically hidden from most operations. They don't show up in lists or search results, but linking to one directly works in the usual way.
TiddlyWiki models everything as [[tiddlers|Tiddlers]], including its internal components and configuration. Thus, even an apparently empty TiddlyWiki actually contains dozens of tiddlers that are necessary to enable it function correctly. Using system tiddlers prevents them from confusing casual users.
The current system tiddlers are:
<$list filter="[is[system]sort[title]]"/>
~TiddlyWiki provides several macros for generating a tree of tiddler links by analysing [[tags|Tagging]]:
;<<.var toc>>
: A simple tree
;<<.var toc-expandable>>
: A tree in which all the branches can be expanded and collapsed
;<<.var toc-selective-expandable>>
: A tree in which the non-empty branches can be expanded and collapsed
;<<.var toc-tabbed-internal-nav>> and <<.var toc-tabbed-external-nav>>
: A two-panel browser:
:* on the left, a selectively expandable tree that behaves like a set of vertical tabs
:* on the right, the content of whichever tiddler the user selects in the tree
The difference between the last two has to do with what happens when the user clicks a link in the right-hand panel:
;<<.var toc-tabbed-internal-nav>>
: The target tiddler appears in the right-hand panel, replacing the tiddler that contained the link
;<<.var toc-tabbed-external-nav>>
: The target tiddler appears in the normal way (which depends on the user's configured storyview)
!! Structure
The top level of the tree consists of the tiddlers that carry a particular tag, known as the <<.def "root tag">>. Tiddlers tagged with any of those make up the next level down, and so on.
At each level, the tiddlers can be [[ordered|Order of Tagged Tiddlers]] by means of the <<.field list>> field of the parent tag tiddler. They can also be ordered by the macro's <<.param sort>> parameter.
The tree displays the <<.field caption>> field of a tiddler if it has one, or the tiddler's title otherwise.
Each tiddler in the tree is normally displayed as a link. To suppress this, give the tiddler a <<.field toc-link>> field with the the value <<.value no>>. In the [[examples|Table-of-Contents Macros (Examples)]], the SecondThree tiddler is set up like this. Clicking such a tiddler in the tree causes its branch to expand or collapse.
The table of contents is generated as an HTML ordered list. The `<ol>` elements always have the class `tc-toc`. Expandable trees have the additional class `tc-toc-expandable`. Selectively expandable trees (including those in the two-panel browser) have `tc-toc-selective-expandable`.
To make a table of contents appear in the sidebar, see [[How to add a new tab to the sidebar]].
!! Parameters
: The root tag that identifies the top level of the tree
: An optional extra [[filter step|Filter Step]], e.g. `sort[title]`
These two parameters are combined into a single [[filter expression|Filter Expression]] like this:
> `[tag[$tag$]$sort$]`
<<.var toc-tabbed-internal-nav>> and <<.var toc-tabbed-external-nav>> take additional parameters:
: The title of the [[state tiddler|StateMechanism]] for noting the currently selected tiddler, defaulting to `$:/temp/toc/selectedTiddler`. It is recommended that this be a [[system tiddler|SystemTiddlers]]
: The text to display when no tiddler is selected in the tree
: The text to display if the selected tiddler doesn't exist
: Optionally, the title of a tiddler to use as a [[template|TemplateTiddlers]] for transcluding the selected tiddler into the right-hand panel
[[Examples|Table-of-Contents Macros (Examples)]]
These examples derive tables of contents from the root tag <<.tag Contents>>.
You can explore the same structure with these clickable tag pills:
* {{Contents||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}
** {{First||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}
** {{Second||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}
*** {{SecondThree||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}
** {{Third||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}
** {{Fourth||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}
The tabbed example uses the real TableOfContents of this documentation instead.
<<tabs "[tag[table-of-contents-example]nsort[order]]" "Example Table of Contents: Simple">>
<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-selective-expandable 'TableOfContents'>>
! Basics
TiddlyWiki5 formats tables using vertical bar characters like so:
|!Cell1 |!Cell2 |
|Cell3 |Cell3 |
Exclamation marks are used to indicate header cells. The example renders as:
|!Cell1 |!Cell2 |
|Cell3 |Cell3 |
! Cell Alignment
Table cell alignment is controlled by inserting space characters before and/or after the cell content. For example:
|Left aligned content |
| Right aligned content|
| Centred content |
|+++ a very wide column so we can see the alignment +++|
The example renders as:
|Left aligned content |
| Right aligned content|
| Centred content |
|+++ a very wide column so we can see the alignment +++|
! Cell vertical Alignment
Vertical alignment of cells is done by inserting either a `^` for top alignment or a `,` for bottom alignment as the first character of a cell. The normal horizontal alignment is still possible. For example:
|^top left |^ top center |^ top right|
|middle left | middle center | middle right|
|,bottom left |, bottom center |, bottom right|
The example renders as:
| :: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | :: |
| ::<br>:: |^top left |^ top center |^ top right| ::<br>:: |
| ::<br>:: |middle left | middle center | middle right| ::<br>:: |
| ::<br>:: |,bottom left |, bottom center |, bottom right| ::<br>:: |
| :: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | :: |
If you need to have a `^`or a `,` as the first character of a left aligned cell, you can use HTML escaping:
| `^` | &#94; |
| `,` | &#44; |
! Cell Merging
To merge a table cell with the one above, use the special cell text `~`. To merge a cell with the one to its left use the text `<`. To merge one to its right use `>`. For example:
|Cell1 |Cell2 |Cell3 |Cell4 |
|Cell5 |Cell6 |Cell7 |<|
|Cell5 |~|Cell7 |Cell8 |
|>|Cell9 |Cell10 |Cell11 |
Renders as:
|Cell1 |Cell2 |Cell3 |Cell4 |
|Cell5 |Cell6 |Cell7 |<|
|Cell5 |~|Cell7 |Cell8 |
|>|Cell9 |Cell10 |Cell11 |
! Table Classes, Captions, Headers and Footers
Table CSS classes, captions, headers and footers can be specified as special pseudo-rows. The following example:
* assigns the CSS classes "myclass" and "anotherClass" to the table
* gives the table the caption "This is a caption"
* adds a header row of cells with the text "Header"
* adds a footer row of cells with the text "Footer"
|myclass anotherClass|k
|This is a caption |c
|Cell1 |Cell2 |
|Cell3 |Cell3 |
Renders as:
|myclass anotherClass|k
|This is a caption |c
|Cell1 |Cell2 |
|Cell3 |Cell3 |
The <<.def tabs>> [[macro|Macros]] presents a [[selection of tiddlers|Title Selection]] as a set of tabs that the user can switch between.
The tabs display the <<.field caption>> field of a tiddler if it has one, or the tiddler's title otherwise.
By default the tabs are arranged horizontally above the content. To get vertical tabs, set the <<.param class>> parameter to <<.value tc-vertical>>.
!! Parameters
: A [[filter|Filters]] selecting which tiddlers to include
: The title of the tiddler whose tab is to be selected by default
: The prefix for the title of a [[state tiddler|StateMechanism]] for noting the currently selected tab, defaulting to `$:/state/tab`. It is recommended that this be a [[system tiddler|SystemTiddlers]]
: Additional [[CSS|Cascading Style Sheets]] classes for the generated `div` elements. Multiple classes can be separated with spaces
: Optionally, the title of a tiddler to use as a [[template|TemplateTiddlers]] for transcluding the content of the selected tab
Within the template, the title of the selected tab is available in the <<.var currentTab>> variable.
The <<.vlink currentTiddler>> variable is not affected by the <<.var tabs>> macro.
<<.macro-examples "tabs">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<<tabs "SampleTabOne SampleTabTwo SampleTabThree SampleTabFour" "SampleTabOne" "$:/state/tab1">>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2"
eg="""<<tabs "[tag[sampletab]]" "SampleTabTwo" "$:/state/tab2" "tc-vertical">>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="3"
eg="""<<tabs "[tag[sampletab]nsort[order]]" "SampleTabThree" "$:/state/tab3" "tc-vertical">>"""/>
The <<.def tag>> [[macro|Macros]] generates a tag pill for a specified tag.
!! Parameters
: The title of the tag, defaulting to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]
<<.macro-examples "tag">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<<tag>>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2" eg="""<<tag Concepts>>"""/>
The output is [[sorted|Order of Tagged Tiddlers]] using the tag's <<.field list>> field and the tiddlers' <<.field list-before>> and <<.field list-after>> fields.
If <<.place T>> is empty, the output of `tag` is empty, and the output of `!tag` is a copy of the input.
<<.operator-examples "tag">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[tag[task]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[tag[task]!tag[done]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[!tag[task]]">>
<<.operator-example 4 "[all[shadows]tag[$:/tags/Stylesheet]]">>
Tagging is a way of organising tiddlers into categories. For example, if you had tiddlers representing various individuals, you could tag them as ''friend'', ''family'', ''colleague'' etc to indicate these people's relationships to you.
A tag is in fact just a tiddler (or a potential tiddler), and it can have tags of its own. You can add any number of tags to the same tiddler.
See [[Creating and editing tiddlers]] for instructions on how to tag.
By tagging your tiddlers, you can view, navigate and organise your information in numerous additional ways:
* The coloured tag pills on a tiddler give you quick access to all the other tiddlers with the same tag, as well as to the tiddler that represents the tag itself.
* If a tiddler is serving as a tag, then the ''Tagging'' tab in its InfoPanel will show you which tiddlers are currently tagged with it.
* The ''More'' tab of the sidebar has a ''Tags'' tab that presents an overview of all your tags and lets you access all your tagged tiddlers.
* You can use [[filters|Filters]] to create lists of tiddlers based on their tags. You can then display any combination of the [[fields|TiddlerFields]] of those tiddlers. For example, you could build a glossary by listing the title and text of all tiddlers tagged ''Glossary''. Such lists can be formatted in any way you wish: e.g. bulleted, numbered or comma-separated.
* There are a number of special ''system tags'' that control the layout of tiddlers and the entire ~TiddlyWiki page. See [[Page and tiddler layout customisation]] for instructions.
There are two more things you can do with tags:
! Set a tag's colour and icon
You can use the [[tag manager|$:/TagManager]], found on the ''Tags'' tab under ''More'' in the sidebar, to change the colour of a tag's pill or add an icon to the pill.
* To change the colour, click the button in the ''Colour'' column to select from a colour picker. Alternatively, click the icon in the ''Info'' column, then type a [[CSS]] colour value in the ''Colour'' field
* To change the icon, click the {{$:/core/images/down-arrow}} button in the ''Icon'' column and choose from the list of available icons
! Change the order in which tags are listed
By default, tagged tiddlers are listed in alphabetical order.
If you want any other order, add a <<.flink ListField>> field to the tag tiddler, and set its value to be a [[list of the tiddlers|Title List]] in that order.
The ''list'' field doesn't have to mention all of the tiddlers. See the [[precise rules|Order of Tagged Tiddlers]] ~TiddlyWiki uses to order tagged tiddlers.
Each input tag is processed in turn. The list of tiddlers carrying that tag is generated, [[sorted|Order of Tagged Tiddlers]], and then [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's overall output.
<<.operator-examples "tagging">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[task]tagging[]]" "same as `[tag[task]]`">>
<<.operator-example 2 "Concepts task +[tagging[]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[all[current]tagging[]]" "tiddlers tagged with the current one">>
Each input title is processed in turn. The corresponding tiddler's tags are retrieved (in order of appearance in the <<.field tags>> field) and then [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's output.
<<.operator-examples "tags">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[Filter Operators]tags[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[all[shadows]tags[]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[all[shadows+tiddlers]tags[]sort[]]">>
A tag tiddler is any tiddler that is in use as a tag.
The ''Tagging'' tab on the InfoPanel of a tag tiddler shows which tiddlers are tagged with the tag tiddler.
A tag can be used without a corresponding tag tiddler.
{{Add target table structure in a view template||task}}
This is a target Template
<$macrocall $name="newtasks" taskName=<<currentTiddler>> taskType="todos"/>
Start: <$view field="start" format="date" template="MMM-DD-YYYY"></$view>
End: <$view field="end" format="date" template="MMM-DD-YYYY"/>
Start field contents: {{!!start}}
End field contents: {{!!end}}
Start: {{!!start}}
End: {{!!end}}
Start field contents: `<<addDays [[Task 1]] start 4>>`
End field contents: `<<addDays [[Task 1]] start 9>>`
This relies on [[$:/_cpa/macros/addDays]] which makes a call to [[$:/plugin/ajh/tiddlytime/DateTime.js]]
TiddlyWiki5 can be used as a simple task management system without further customisation. The idea is that tasks be tagged `task`, with those that are completed also tagged `done`. In this way it is straightforward to generate task lists.
! Outstanding tasks
<$list filter="[!has[draft.of]tag[task]!tag[done]sort[created]]">
<$checkbox tag="done"> <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link></$checkbox>
! Completed tasks
<$list filter="[!has[draft.of]tag[task]tag[done]sort[created]]">
<$checkbox tag="done"> ~~<$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link>~~</$checkbox>
When writing an [[instruction tiddler|Instruction Tiddlers]], start by planning a route through the information you wish to present. This should be a simple, logical, direct progression of thoughts, with no backtracking or forward references. Use this approach even within individual sentences: always proceed from cause to effect, from the old or known to the new or unknown.
Keep sentences short and simple. A clear technical sentence seldom contains more than one idea. It therefore avoids parenthetical information. Similarly, keep paragraph structure simple. A flat presentation is often easier to understand than a hierarchical one.
It is often possible to simplify a sentence without changing its meaning, merely by adjusting its vocabulary or grammatical structure. <<.word "Execution of the macro is performed">> just means <<.word "The macro runs">>. <<.word "Your expectation might be...">> just means <<.word "You might expect...">>.
Prefer the active voice by default: <<.word "Jane creates a tiddler">> rather than <<.word "a tiddler is created by Jane">>. The passive voice can be useful if you want the reader to focus on the action itself or its result: <<.word "a tiddler is created">>. But it can often be clearer to proceed from cause to effect and say <<.word "this creates a tiddler">> in the active voice.
Documentation often presents two items that are parallel either by similarity or by difference. The reader will more easily detect such a pattern if you use the same sentence or phrase structure for both. But this must be balanced with the need to avoid monotony.
Prefer precise instructions over woolly descriptions. If something has a name, use it. If something lacks a name, give it a tiddler.
A template tiddler is not actually a type of tiddler, it is a role in which a tiddler can be used.
Templates are a way to re-use chunks of WikiText.
Transcluding through a template extends the basic functionality of [[Transclusion]] by combining two tiddlers:
* A template tiddler that contains the WikiText to be displayed. It can contain transclusions that reference fields in the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]
* A target tiddler that identifies which tiddler is to be treated as current when resolving references to fields
The best example of templating is the main story river in TiddlyWiki. Each tiddler in the story river is rendered through a ViewTemplate that specifies how each field is to be rendered.
See [[Transclusion with Templates]] for details.
\define temptask()
<$checkbox tiddler="$:/_cpa/Data/ToDos" tag="$(currentTiddler)$"> $(currentTiddler)$</$checkbox>
<$macrocall $name="temptask" />
# With ~TiddlyWiki you can organise your notes your way, not their way. Your notes conform to your way of thinking rather than being forced into a hierarchical straightjacket of notebooks and tabs.
# ~TiddlyWiki's nonlinear approach will actually make you think about your information in new and helpful ways.
# Finding your notes in ~TiddlyWiki is lightning fast
# There are many ways to customise and adapt every aspect of ~TiddlyWiki
# ~TiddlyWiki is free and is compatible with all platforms. Any web browser will open it. You don't need to purchase an expensive program or pay a subscription fee to use it.
# ~TiddlyWiki files promote the free sharing of information. There are many ways you can share your information from ~TiddlyWiki.
# With ~TiddlyWiki, your information is yours, and you store it where you want to - on your device, on a USB stick, in Dropbox, on your server.
# ~TiddlyWiki features an ever-growing number of plugins, themes, widgets, and languages.
# The online ~TiddlyWiki community is friendly and will do their best to give you the help you need.
# If you are a programmer, you have even more ways to play with ~TiddlyWiki. With ~TiddlyWiki, the more you know, the more fun you can have with it.
`<<calcNumber "3.2767" "toFixed" "3">>`
<<calcNumber "3.2767" "toFixed" "3">>
\define test()
<$list filter="[[$(targetTiddler)$]] [[$(targetField)$]] -[[]] +[count[]] -2" emptyMessage=
its ok
You must set the values of these variables to use the Button-Manage-Item-To-FieldList macro:
<$reveal default="$(targetTiddler)$" text="" type="match">
<$reveal default="$(targetField)$" text="" type="match">
<$vars targetTiddler="test" targetField="testing">
This is a target Template
This is some content from the tiddler [[testfield]] This is a silly example but shows how to create an interface for creating a standard template for editing.<br/>
This sets the value of the field "testfield" in the current tiddler being viewed:
<$radio field="testfield" value="set">Set</$radio><$radio field="testfield" value="unset">Un Set</$radio>
The field testfield in the tiddler {{!!title}} equals {{!!testfield}}
TiddlyWiki5 incorporates the Jasmine JavaScript testing framework (see http://pivotal.github.io/jasmine/). It allows the same tests to be run both in the browser and under Node.js.
! TiddlyWiki5 Testing Components
There are two main elements to the TiddlyWiki5 testing mechanism:
* The plugin `tiddlywiki/jasmine` that wraps Jasmine up into a plugin along with some glue code
* The TiddlyWiki5 edition `test` that contains the core test specifications and includes the Jasmine plugin
! Running the Tests in Node.js
To run the tests under Node.js just load up the `test` wiki:
node ./tiddlywiki.js \
./editions/test \
! Running the Tests in the Browser
To generate a wiki containing the browser tests load up the `test` wiki and save it as an HTML file:
node ./tiddlywiki.js \
./editions/test \
--verbose \
--rendertiddler $:/core/save/all test.html text/plain \
The `test.html` file will be placed in the `output` folder within the wiki folder. Open it in the browser to see the test results. There is a prebuilt version of `test.html` at:
This is some text content for this tiddler
A TextReference identifies a chunk of text from a tiddler that can be retrieved or modified depending on the context.
Text references are made up of several parts, most of which can be optional:
* `<tiddler title>` - the text [[field|TiddlerFields]] of the specified tiddler
* `<tiddler title>!!<metadata field>` - a tiddler metadata [[field|TiddlerFields]] (eg, `modified`, `modifier`, `type` etc)
* `!!<metadata field>` - a metadata [[field|TiddlerFields]] of the current tiddler
* `<tiddler title>##<property index>` - extracts a named property from DataTiddlers
Text references can be used in several places:
* As [[indirect parameters|Filter Parameter]] within [[Filters]] (eg, `<$list filter="[tag{MyTag!!name}]"/>`)
* As IndirectAttributes of an element or widget (eg, `<$widget attrib={{Title!!description}}/>`)
* As the operand of a shortcut transclusion (eg, `{{MyTiddler!!title}}`)
* As the `state` attribute of the RevealWidget and the LinkCatcherWidget
! Introduction
The text widget displays plain text.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$text>` widget is not used.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|text |The text to display |
! Horror Stories
Every so often, TiddlyWiki users report heart-rending tales of personal data loss on the discussion groups:
> My entire TiddlyWiki has just been wiped out when Firefox crashed during saving a tiddly.
> Last time I used it was last night at home on my Windows 7 desktop, hit the check mark to stop editing my last entry, it then saves via TiddlyFox and I eject my USB drive. I came to work this morning, plugged in my USB, enter my TW5 password and it doesn't want to open after several attempts. I browse to my TW5 html file and notice that my file size is no longer 3MB.. instead it is 80KB. This leads me to believe I lost everything.
Don't let it happen to you!
!! The first rule of using TiddlyWiki is:
<p style="font-size:40pt;line-height:48pt;font-weight:700;color:red;">
Backup your data!
TiddlyWiki is a very flexible, customisable system that puts you firmly in charge of your own data. Every care is taken in TiddlyWiki's development to ensure that it is a safe place to preserve your most valuable data but the ultimate responsibility to reduce the risk of data loss falls to users.
The best way to make sure that your data is safe is to practise a rigorous system of backups:
* Consider using services like Dropbox to continuously back up your personal data to the cloud. (Dropbox [[has a neat feature|https://www.dropbox.com/help/11]] whereby they keep track of previous versions of files)
* Retain backups before upgrading to a new version of TiddlyWiki
* Figure out and protect yourself from the worst case scenarios: what if your USB stick or hard drive fails? What if your computer is hit by a ransomeware virus?
* Be defensive and redundant: for example, take multiple backups and keep them in separate physical locations
The <<.def thumbnail>> [[macros|Macros]] are used to create linkable thumbnail panels.
!! Parameters
<<.macro-examples "thumbnail">>
! Examples
Here is an example of the `thumbnail-right` macro used to create a video thumbnail that floats to the right of the text
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<<thumbnail-right link:"Introduction Video" image:"Introduction Video Thumbnail.jpg" caption:"Introduction to ~TiddlyWiki" icon:"{{$:/core/images/video}}" color:"red">>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum."""/>
! <<.olink before>> and <<.olink after>>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]before{!!title}]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]after{!!title}]">>
In accordance with the [[Philosophy of Tiddlers]], documentation tiddlers are typically short and interlinked.
When a tiddler seems as if it needs to contain subheadings, this is often a sign that it should in fact be split into several tiddlers. But it is reasonable for a [[reference tiddler|Reference Tiddlers]] to consist of an untitled introductory section followed by a titled section of details.
Consistency of terminology is essential if the reader is not to become confused. Consistent typography and punctuation lend a professional quality to the documentation. Macros can improve the consistency and maintainability of the text.
Use numbered lists for step-by-step instructions, and bullet points for lists whose order is arbitrary. Use a definition list in preference to a bulleted list if each bulleted item would begin with a term and a colon. If at all possible, avoid burdening the reader with a nested list.
Use a table when information naturally falls into three or more columns, and also for lists of parameters, attributes, etc in [[reference tiddlers|Reference Tiddlers]].
The documentation describes the current reality of ~TiddlyWiki. Avoid discussing future aspirations.
Many documentation tiddlers, especially the [[reference ones|Reference Tiddlers]], are concerned with a single concept. Their titles should be succinct noun phrases like <<.tid "List Widget">> or <<.tid "Tiddler Fields">>.
Each of the main words of such a title begins with a capital letter. Minor words such as <<.word and>>, <<.word or>>, <<.word the>>, <<.word to>> and <<.word with>> do not.
Tags also follow this pattern.
Titles of this kind are plural if they denote a category of items, e.g. <<.tid "Keyboard Shortcuts">> or <<.tid "Tiddler Fields">>. Such titles are used to tag more specific tiddlers within the category.
Where a concept is an item rather than a category, its tiddler has a singular title, e.g. <<.tid "List Widget">>, <<.tid "tag Operator">>.
Start a title with its most distinctive part. For instance, the tiddlers documenting the filter operators have titles like <<.tid "addprefix Operator">>. This helps the reader scan a list of links to find a particular tiddler.
Avoid starting a title with the word <<.word the>>.
In the past, many tiddlers had CamelCase titles. This is gradually being phased out of the documentation to improve readability. ~CamelCase titles should no longer be used, even for tags, except in cases like <<.tid ~JavaScript>> where that is the standard spelling.
[[Instruction tiddlers|Instruction Tiddlers]] often have longer titles that can be more complicated than just a noun phrase, e.g. <<.tid "Ten reasons to switch to ~TiddlyWiki">>. These titles use sentence case, i.e. only the first word (and any proper names) starts with a capital letter.
How-to tiddlers have titles that begin with <<.word "How to">>, e.g. <<.tid "How to edit a tiddler">>. Avoid titles like <<.tid "Editing tiddlers">>, because a less fluent English speaker could misunderstand that as the name of a category of tiddlers.
\define lingo-base() $:/language/Docs/Fields/
TiddlerFields are name:value pairs that make up a [[tiddler|Tiddlers]]. Field names must be lowercase letters, digits or the characters `-` (dash), `_` (underscore) and `.` (period).
The standard fields are:
|!Field Name |!Reference |!Description |
|`title` |TitleField |<<lingo title>> |
|`text` |TextField |<<lingo text>> |
|`modified` |ModifiedField |<<lingo modified>> |
|`modifier` |ModifierField |<<lingo modifier>> |
|`created` |CreatedField |<<lingo created>> |
|`creator` |CreatorField |<<lingo creator>> |
|`tags` |TagsField |<<lingo tags>> |
|`type` |TypeField |<<lingo type>> |
|`list` |ListField |<<lingo list>> |
Other fields used by the core are:
|!Field Name |!Reference |!Description |
|`color` |ColorField |<<lingo color>> |
|`description` |DescriptionField |<<lingo description>> |
|`draft.of` |DraftOfField |<<lingo draft.of>> |
|`draft.title` |DraftTitleField |<<lingo draft.title>> |
|`footer` |FooterField |<<lingo footer>> |
|`library` |LibraryField |<<lingo library>> |
|`name` |NameField |<<lingo name>> |
|`plugin-priority` |PluginPriorityField |<<lingo plugin-priority>> |
|`plugin-type` |PluginTypeField |<<lingo plugin-type>> |
|`source` |SourceField |<<lingo source>> |
|`subtitle` |SubtitleField |<<lingo subtitle>> |
The TiddlyWebAdaptor uses a few more fields:
|!Field Name |!Reference |!Description |
|`bag` |BagField |<<lingo bag>> |
|`revision` |RevisionField |<<lingo revision>> |
See the ''Advanced > TiddlerFields'' tab of the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] for details of the fields used in this wiki.
Tiddlers can be stored in text files in several different formats. Files containing single tiddlers can also have an auxiliary `.meta` file formatted as a sequence of name:value pairs:
title: TheTitle
modifier: someone
!! ~TiddlyWeb-style .tid files
These files consist of a sequence of lines containing name:value pairs, a blank line and then the text of the tiddler. For example:
title: MyTiddler
modifier: Jeremy
This is the text of my tiddler.
Note that many text editors require that files include a terminating newline. If you want to avoid including the terminating newline in the text of the tiddler you can use this alternative syntax:
title: MyTiddler
modifier: Jeremy
text: This is the text of my tiddler.
//The ContentType `application/x-tiddler` is used internally for these files//
!! TiddlyWiki `<DIV>` .tiddler files
In TiddlyWiki 5, `*.tiddler` files look like this:
<div title="AnotherExampleStyleSheet" modifier="blaine" created="201102111106" modified="201102111310" tags="examples" creator="psd">
<pre>Note that there is an embedded <pre> tag, and line feeds are not escaped.
And, weirdly, there is no HTML encoding of the body.</pre>
These `*.tiddler` files are not exactly the same as the tiddlers inside a TiddlyWiki HTML file where they are HTML encoded.
Older `*.tiddler` files more closely matched the store format used by TiddlyWiki at the time:
<div tiddler="AnotherExampleStyleSheet" modifier="JeremyRuston" modified="200508181432" created="200508181432" tags="examples">This is an old-school .tiddler file, without an embedded <pre> tag.\nNote how the body is "HTML encoded" and new lines are escaped to \\n</div>
//The ContentType `application/x-tiddler-html-div` is used internally for these files//
!! ~TiddlyWeb-style JSON files
These files are a straightforward array of hashmaps of `name:value` properties. All field values must be specified as strings.
For example:
"title": "First Tiddler",
"text": "Text of first tiddler",
"tags": "one two [[t h r e e]]"
"title": "Second Tiddler",
"text": "Text of second tiddler",
"modified": "20150216171751154"
//The ContentType `application/json` is used internally for these files//
!! TiddlyWiki HTML files
TiddlyWiki HTML files contain a collection of tiddlers encoded in `<DIV>` format.
For TiddlyWiki to import an unencrypted HTML file, it requires a `<div id="storeArea">` containing tiddler DIVs as explained above. For example:
<div id="storeArea">
<div created="20130302085406905" modified="20130302084548184" tags="Examples" title="A tiddler title">
<pre>HTML encoded text of tiddler
<div created="20140315085406905" modified="20140321084548184" tags="One Two [[Three with Space]]" title="Another title" customfield="field value">
<pre>Text of this tiddler
Links are regions of a tiddler that can be clicked to cause navigation to a different tiddler. The navigation behaviour is determined by the current StoryView; the classic TiddlyWiki view displays the story as a linear sequence of tiddlers.
Holding the ''control'' or ''command'' key while clicking on a tiddler link opens the target tiddler but doesn't navigate to it. This can be a useful way of queueing up tiddlers to be read later.
Links are useful for modelling organic relationships between tiddlers, and particularly for expressing the navigational paths between tiddlers.
The InfoPanel lists incoming links to a tiddler in the tab ''References''.
[[Filters]] can include the following filter operators that work with links:
* `[links[]]` - returns the titles of the tiddlers that are linked from the currently selected tiddler(s)
* `[backlinks[]]` - returns the titles of the tiddlers that link to the currently selected tiddler(s)
TiddlyWiki5 alters the appearance of tiddler links to convey additional information about the target of the link:
|!Link description |!Link appearance |
|To a tiddler that exists |[[LikeThis|TiddlerLinks]] |
|To a tiddler that doesn't exist |[[LikeThis|ATiddlerThatDoesntExist]] |
|To a shadow tiddler that has not been overridden |[[LikeThis|$:/core/copyright.txt]] |
|To a shadow tiddler that has been overridden by an ordinary tiddler |[[LikeThis|$:/SiteTitle]] |
External links are shown like this: http://tiddlywiki.com/ or [[like this|http://tiddlywiki.com/]].
Tiddlers are the fundamental units of information in TiddlyWiki. Tiddlers work best when they are as small as possible so that they can be reused by weaving them together in different ways.
A "tiddler" is an informal British word meaning a small fish, typically a stickleback or a minnow. Other systems have analogous concepts with generic names like "items", "entries", "entities", "nodes" or "records". TiddlyWiki takes the view that it is better to be confusingly distinctive than confusingly generic.
Internally, tiddlers are a list of uniquely named values called fields. The only field that is required is the `title` field, but useful tiddlers also have a `text` field, and some or all of the standard fields listed in TiddlerFields.
Tiddlers are ubiquitous in TiddlyWiki. They are used to store everything from JavaScript code modules to the settings and state associated with the user interface.
! Introduction
The TiddlerWidget sets the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]] that applies for processing its content.
! Content and Attributes
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The title of the tiddler to become the new [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]] |
|class |CSS classes to be added to the generated elements |
! CSS Class Variables
The tiddler widget assigns several useful CSS classes to variables that it creates:
; missingTiddlerClass
: `tc-tiddler-exists` or...
: `tc-tiddler-missing` depending on whether the tiddler exists
: `tc-tiddler-shadow` if the tiddler is a shadow tiddler
:` tc-tiddler-system` if the tiddler is a system tiddler
: a space separated list of CSS classes named `tc-tagged-{tagname}`,<br>e.g. `tc-tagged-introduction`<br><br>''Note:'' tag names are URI encoded which means that the tag [[$:/tags/Macro]] appears as the CSS class `tc-tagged-%24%3A%2Ftags%2FMacro`. See [[How to apply custom styles by tag]] for more details
You can use these variables like this:
<$tiddler tiddler="MyOtherTiddler">
<div class=<<missingTiddlerClass>>>
See also [[$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate]].
BuggyJay's TiddlyClip browser extension for [[Firefox]] permits clipping of text and graphics from web pages:
TiddlyClip allows parts of webpages to be clipped into a TiddlyWiki, and consists of two parts, the browser addon and the TiddlyWiki plugin. The addon is completely memoryless, any configuration is determined by the current TiddlyWiki that the user has select to work with (we say that the addon is docked to the TiddlyWiki). TiddlyClip is designed to work (in a basic mode) without configuration. Once the addon and plugin are installed, all the user has to do is select which TW to dock to.
TiddlyDesktop is an app for working with TiddlyWiki files (both TiddlyWikiClassic and TiddlyWiki version 5). It can be installed on Windows, Mac OS X or Linux. It is compatible with TiddlyWiki version 5 and the older TiddlyWikiClassic.
See the [[Introducing TiddlyDesktop Video]]
! Instructions
# Install the latest release of TiddlyDesktop from https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/releases
# Run TiddlyDesktop
# Use the browse button to open TiddlyWiki files
# Save changes within TiddlyWiki in the usual way
! Source
TiddlyDesktop is based on the OpenSource project [[NW.js]]. The source is on GitHub:
TiddlyFox is an extension for Firefox that allows standalone TiddlyWiki files to save their changes directly to the file system. TiddlyFox works on both desktop and smartphone versions of [[Firefox]]. See [[Saving with TiddlyFox]] or [[Saving with TiddlyFox on Android]] for detailed instructions.
TiddlyFox can be downloaded from the Mozilla Addons site:
You can also install the latest development version of TiddlyFox direct from GitHub:
TiddlyIE is an extension for Internet Explorer that allows standalone TiddlyWiki files to save their changes directly to the file system. TiddlyIE works with the desktop version of Internet Explorer.
See [[Saving with TiddlyIE]].
An interactive network visualisation plugin based on [[Vis.js|http://visjs.org]]. A demo can be found here: {{!!url}}.
~TiddlyMap is a TiddlyWiki plugin that allows you to link your wiki-topics (tiddlers) in order to create clickable graphs. By creating relations between your topics you can easily do the following:
* Create mindmaps and quickly manifest your ideas in tiddlers (wiki entries).
* Create task-dependency graphs to organize and describe your tasks.
* Visualize your topic structures to get an immediate grasp of topics and relations.
In general you may create, visualize and describe any network-structure you have in mind.
TiddlySpace is an environment for discourse on the web, built from TiddlyWeb.
TiddlySpace was originally sponsored by [[Osmosoft]] at [[BT]].
TiddlyWeb is a server application that puts [[Tiddlers]] on the web:
TiddlyWeb can be used to host TiddlyWiki and TiddlyWiki5 wikis, making the individual tiddlers available over a flexible HTTP API.
TiddlyWeb was originally sponsored by [[Osmosoft]] at [[BT]] (along with TiddlySpace).
~TiddlyWiki is a rich, interactive tool for manipulating complex data with structure that doesn't easily fit into conventional tools like spreadsheets or wordprocessors.
~TiddlyWiki is designed to fit around your brain, helping you deal with the things that won't fit. The [[fundamental idea|Philosophy of Tiddlers]] is that information is more useful and reusable if we cut it up into the smallest semantically meaningful chunks -- [[tiddlers|Tiddlers]] -- and give them titles so that they can be [[structured|Structuring TiddlyWiki]] with [[links|TiddlerLinks]], [[tags|Tagging]], [[lists|ListField]] and [[macros|Macros]]. Tiddlers use a WikiText notation that concisely represents a wide range of text formatting and hypertext features. ~TiddlyWiki aims to provide a fluid interface for working with tiddlers, allowing them to be aggregated and composed into longer narratives.
People love using ~TiddlyWiki. Because it can be used without any complicated server infrastructure, and because it is [[open source|OpenSource]], it has bought unprecedented freedom to everyone to keep their precious information under their own control.
~TiddlyWiki was originally created by JeremyRuston and is now a thriving open source project with a busy [[Community]] of independent developers.
The TiddlyWiki community holds regular Google Hangouts, usually every Tuesday from 4pm to 6pm (UK time). They are announced in the [[TiddlyWiki Google group|https://groups.google.com/d/forum/tiddlywiki]] and on the [[TiddlyWiki Twitter account|https://twitter.com/TiddlyWiki]].
Past Hangouts are archived in this ~YouTube playlist:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/videoseries?list=PLVT_2PPd-1p34gGCQ5qpwC8QdykxVAI3u" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
TiddlyWiki in the Sky for TiddlyWeb allows content to be synchronised between TiddlyWiki running in the browser and a TiddlyWeb (or TiddlySpace) server. Features include:
* Lazy loading
* Two way synchronisation between the browser and the server
** Synchronising from the server is accomplished by polling (currently every 60 seconds)
* Throttling so that rapidly changing tiddlers don't overwhelm the server
To try out TiddlyWiki in the Sky for TiddlyWeb:
# If necessary, create an account at http://tiddlyspace.com/
# Create a new space, eg `<myspace>`
# Include the space `tw5tiddlyweb`
# Visit `http://<myspace>.tiddlyspace.com/tw5`
This brief screencast shows how to setup Firefox for Android so you can save changes to TiddlyWiki:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/iikkv9orGGI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Running TiddlyWiki on [[Node.js]] brings several important benefits over and above the single file version:
* You can edit your content on any suitably compatible HTML5 browser, including smartphones and tablets
* Individual tiddlers are stored in separate files, which you can organise as you wish
* The ability to build multiple wikis that blend different combinations of shared and unique content
For more information see:
* [[Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
* [[Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
* [[Upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
This is a pre-release build of TiddlyWiki. <<version>>
It is provided for testing purposes. Please don't try to use it for anything important -- you should use the latest official release from http://tiddlywiki.com.
Try out the experimental system tiddler browser:
\define tv-wikilinks() no
! Building TiddlyWikiClassic
{{Building TiddlyWikiClassic}}
TiddlyWiki5 is a reboot of TiddlyWiki for the next 25 years. It is a complete interactive wiki in JavaScript that can be run in the browser or on the server under [[Node.js]].
Each release of TiddlyWiki5 is identified by a version number that complies with the [[Semantic Versioning 2.0.0|http://semver.org/]] standard.
! TiddlyWiki Core Version
According to the standard:
Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:
MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and
PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes.
Additional labels for pre-release and build metadata are available as extensions to the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format.
!! Alpha and Beta versions
While in alpha TiddlyWiki5 uses the pre-release label "alpha", for example:
Each new alpha or beta release will bump the `PATCH` version number. This breaks the strict semantics of versioning because `PATCH` increments are supposed to be reserved for compatible changes.
//Note that prior to ''5.0.1-alpha'', TiddlyWiki5 used version numbers formatted as ''5.0.0-alpha.19''. The change was made to enable the upgrade mechanism to recognise plugin updates from the version information.//
!! Interim versions
During development when a new release is being prepared, the pre-release label is set to `prerelease`.
! Plugin Versions
Version numbers
TiddlyWiki5 uses the version information attached to plugins for determining which of two plugins is more recent during an upgrade or import. The pre-release label is ignored when performing these comparisons.
"~TiddlyWiki Classic" refers to versions prior to 5.0, when TiddlyWiki was completely rewritten from the ground up. TiddlyWiki Classic is still being maintained at:
MarioPietsch has started a site comparing the syntax and other changes between TiddlyWikiClassic and TiddlyWiki version 5:
As well as traditional single file wikis, [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] supports wikis that are stored as a folder of individual tiddler files.
! Wiki folder files and folders
Wiki folders can contain the following files and folders:
* ''tiddlywiki.info'' - JSON file containing metadata for the wiki
* ''\tiddlers'' - folder containing tiddler files comprising the wiki
* ''\plugins'' - folder containing [[plugin folders|PluginMechanism]] to be included in the wiki
Only the ''tiddlywiki.info'' file is required, the ''tiddlers'' and ''plugins'' folders are optional. Any files and folders not listed above are ignored.
!! Content of `tiddlywiki.info` file
The `tiddlywiki.info` file in a wiki folder contains a JSON object comprising the following fields:
* ''plugins'' - an array of plugin names to be included in the wiki
* ''themes'' - an array of theme names to be included in the wiki
* ''languages'' - an array of language names to be included in the wiki
* ''includeWikis'' - an array of references to external wiki folders to be included in the wiki
* ''build'' - a hashmap of named build targets, each defined by an array of command tokens (see BuildCommand)
* ''config'' - an optional hashmap of configuration options (see below)
!!! ''includeWikis''
The entries in the ''includeWikis'' array can be either a string specifying the relative path to the wiki, or an object with the following fields:
* ''path'' - relative path to wiki folder
* ''read-only'' - set //true// to prevent the tiddlers in the included wiki from being modified. The modifications will be written to the directory specified in ''default-tiddler-location'', described below
!!! ''build''
Note that the build targets of included wikis are merged if a target of that name isn't defined in the current `tiddlywiki.info` file.
!!! ''config''
Configuration options include:
* ''default-tiddler-location'' - a string path to the default location for the filesystem adaptor to save new tiddlers (resolved relative to the wiki folder)
* ''retain-original-tiddler-path'' - If true, the server will generate a tiddler [[$:/config/OriginalTiddlerPaths]] containing the original file paths of each tiddler in the wiki
!!! Example
For example:
"plugins": [
"includeWikis": [
"build": {
"index": [
"favicon": [
"config": {
"retain-original-tiddler-path": true
!! Content of `tiddlers` folder
All the TiddlerFiles in the `tiddlers` folder are read into the wiki at startup. Sub-folders are scanned recursively for TiddlerFiles.
Sub-folders within the `tiddlers` folder can also be given a `tiddlywiki.files` JSON file that overrides the default processing for that folder. The file format is illustrated with this example from the D3 plugin:
"tiddlers": [
"file": "d3.min.js",
"fields": {
"type": "application/javascript",
"title": "$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/d3/d3.js",
"module-type": "library"
"prefix": "var d3;if($tw.browser){\n",
"suffix": "}\nexports.d3 = d3;\n"
"file": "cloud/d3.layout.cloud.js",
"fields": {
"type": "application/javascript",
"title": "$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/d3/d3.layout.cloud.js",
"module-type": "library"
The JSON data consists of an object with a `tiddlers` property that contains an array of information about each tiddler to be loaded into the wiki. That information consists of:
* `file`: the relative or absolute path to the file to include
* `fields`: an object containing fields that override any provided in the tiddler file
* `prefix` & `suffix`: (optional) specify strings to be prefixed and suffixed to the tiddler file text content
The <<.def timeline>> [[macro|Macros]] returns a list of tiddlers in reverse chronological order of modification (or some other [[date field|Date Fields]]), grouped by day.
!! Parameters
: The maximum number of tiddlers to include, defaulting to 100. But if <<.em any>> tiddlers are included for a particular day, <<.em all>> of the other tiddlers for that day will also be included -- even if this exceeds the limit
: A string specifying the desired [[format|DateFormat]], defaulting to `DDth MMM YYYY`
: An optional extra [[filter step|Filter Step]], e.g. `tag[MyTag]`
: The name of the date field to use, defaulting to `modified`
The tiddlers are selected by means of a [[filter expression|Filter Expression]], into which the <<.param subfilter>> and <<.param limit>> parameters are spliced as follows:
> `[!is[system]$subfilter$has[modified]!sort[modified]limit[$limit$]eachday[modified]]`
<<.macro-examples "timeline">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<<timeline format:"DD/MM/YYYY">>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2" eg="""<<timeline limit:30 subfilter:"tag[Definitions]" format:"DD/MM/YYYY">>"""/>
A <<.def "title list">> is a line of text that presents one or more tiddler titles, strung together with a space between each one and the next.
If a title <<.em contains>> a space, it needs double square brackets around it:
`GettingStarted [[Discover TiddlyWiki]] Upgrading`
Title lists are used in various places, including PermaLinks and the ListField.
They are in fact the simplest case of a [[filter|Filters]], and are thus a way of expressing a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]].
`[title[An Example]]` can be shortened to `[[An Example]]`, because <<.op title>> is the default filter operator.
<<.op title>> is a [[constructor|Selection Constructors]] (except in the form `!title`), but <<.olink2 "field:title" field>> is a [[modifier|Selection Constructors]].
<<.operator-examples "title">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[title[HelloThere]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[[HelloThere]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "HelloThere">>
<<.operator-example 4 "[title[HelloThere]] [title[Filter Operators]]">>
<<.operator-example 5 "[[HelloThere]] [[Filter Operators]]">>
<<.operator-example 6 "HelloThere [[Filter Operators]]">>
<<.operator-example 7 "[tag[Filters]] +[!title[Filter Operators]]">>
<<.operator-example 8 "[tag[Filters]] +[![Filter Operators]]">>
<<.operator-example 9 "[tag[Filters]] -[[Filter Operators]]">>
A <<.def "title selection">> is an ordered set of tiddler titles (or similar strings), in which no title appears more than once.
Title selections are important in [[filter|Filters]] processing.
The simplest way to write one down is as a [[title list|Title List]].
`<$macrocall $name="crazyListHere" fieldName="todos" tagName="todo" />`
<<crazyListHere "todos" "todo">>
Due date: {{!!duedate}}
Tickler date: {{!!ticklerdate}}
<$macrocall $name="View_Edit"
editTooltip="Edit description"
\define showTask(current)
<$list filter="[[$:/_cpa/Data/todos]indexes[]]">
<$macrocall $name="showTask" current=<<currentTiddler>> /><br/>
\define tooltipspan(tooltip, text)
<span class="tooltip">$text$
<span class="tooltiptext">$tooltip$</span>
`\define tooltipspan(tooltip, text)
<span class="tooltip">$text$
<span class="tooltiptext">$tooltip$</span>
`<<tooltipspan "This is a tooltip" "I have a bunch of things to say!" >>`
<<tooltipspan "This is a tooltip" "I have a bunch of things to say!" >>
.tooltip {
position: relative;
display: inline-block;
border-bottom: 1px dotted black;
.tooltip .tooltiptext {
visibility: hidden;
width: 120px;
background-color: black;
color: #fff;
text-align: center;
border-radius: 6px;
padding: 5px 0;
position: absolute;
z-index: 1;
bottom: 150%;
left: 50%;
margin-left: -60px;
.tooltip .tooltiptext::after {
content: "";
position: absolute;
top: 100%;
left: 50%;
margin-left: -5px;
border-width: 5px;
border-style: solid;
border-color: black transparent transparent transparent;
.tooltip:hover .tooltiptext {
visibility: visible;
! Introduction
The TranscludeWidget dynamically imports content from another tiddler.
! Attributes
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The title of the tiddler to transclude (defaults to the current tiddler) |
|field |The field name of the current tiddler (defaults to "text"; if present takes precedence over the index attribute) |
|index |The index of a property in a [[DataTiddler|DataTiddlers]] |
|subtiddler |Optional SubTiddler title when the target tiddler is a [[plugin|Plugins]] (see below) |
|mode |Override the default parsing mode for the transcluded text to "block" or "inline" |
The TranscludeWidget treats any contained content as a fallback if the target of the transclusion is not defined (ie a missing tiddler or a missing field).
! Parsing modes
TiddlyWiki parses text in two modes:
* ''inline'' mode recognises character formatting such as emphasis, links
* ''block'' mode recognises all the ''inline'' formatting, and adds block formatting such as tables, headings and lists
Usually, the mode is determined by whether the transclude widget itself has been parsed in block or inline mode. This can be overridden with the `mode` attribute.
For example, consider tiddler "A" with this content:
# Item one
#<$transclude tiddler="B"/>
# Item two
And a tiddler "B" with this content:
# Item one - a
# Item one - b
The result will be something like this:
# Item one
# # Item one - a # Item one - b
# Item two
This can be fixed by amending tiddler "A":
# Item one
#<$transclude tiddler="B" mode="block"/>
# Item two
! SubTiddler Access
The transclude widget allows access to the individual tiddlers stored within a [[plugin|Plugins]].
The following example will transclude the core version of the tiddler [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]] even if it has been overridden:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '
<$transclude tiddler="$:/core" subtiddler="$:/DefaultTiddlers"/>
<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transclusion">Transclusion</a> is the process of referencing one tiddler "A" from another tiddler "B" such that the content of "A" appears to be a part of "B".
Copying and pasting content creates multiple copies of the same content in several different places. With transclusion, there can be a single copy and a special instruction in "B" which indicates the point at which content should be inserted from tiddler "A".
Note that if the content of "A" is modified then the modification automatically appears in "B". This makes it easier to maintain repetitive content, by allowing every piece to be written in a single place, but viewed from many.
The concept of transclusion plays an important role in the [[Philosophy of Tiddlers]] because it is the primary way in which small items of content are combined.
To learn more:
* [[Transclusion in WikiText]]
* [[Transclusion Basic Usage]]
* [[Transclusion with Templates]]
* TextReference
* TemplateTiddlers
* TranscludeWidget
The power of WikiText comes from the ability to use the content of one tiddler inside another one. This ability takes several different forms that can easily be confused.
The main distinction is between a transclusion and a textual substitution:
* A transclusion is replaced dynamically with the value of either:
** a tiddler field
** a variable
* Textual substitutions are performed on the text of macro definitions before they are used
! Tiddler Field Transclusion
[[Transclusion in WikiText]] describes the basics of transclusion. For example:
As described in [[HTML in WikiText]], you can also transclude tiddler field values as attributes of HTML elements and widgets. For example:
<$text text={{MyTiddler}}/>
As described in [[Introduction to Filters]], you can also transclude tiddler field values as filter operands. For example:
{{{ [tag{TiddlerContainingMyTag}] }}}
! Variable/Macro Transclusion
Variables that were defined with parameter or variable substitution are referred to as "macros". The value of a variable/macro can be transcluded with the syntax:
<<myMacro param:"Value of parameter">>
As described in [[HTML in WikiText]], you can also transclude a variable as the value of an attribute of HTML elements and widgets. For example:
<$text text=<<myMacro>>/>
As described in [[Introduction to Filters]], you can also transclude a variable as the value of a filter operand. For example:
{{{ [tag<myMacro>] }}}
! Textual Substitution
Textual substitution occurs when the value of a macro/variable is used. It is described in [[Macros in WikiText]].
The key difference between substitution and transclusion is that substitution occurs before WikiText parsing. This means that you can use substitution to build WikiText constructions. Transclusions are processed independently, and cannot be combined with adjacent text to define WikiText constructions.
! Simple Transclusion
To include some content from [[TiddlerA]] into [[TiddlerB]], edit the latter to include the following text:
This is the content of TiddlerA: {{TiddlerA}}
The result is that the content of the ''text'' field (i.e. the main content) of [[TiddlerA]] is rendered within [[TiddlerB]].
! Usage
The notation ``{{TiddlerA}}`` is a shortcut for ``{{TiddlerA!!text}}``. This is because the default field for transclusion is ''text'', but any other [[field|TiddlerFields]] can be used explicitly. For example, you can print the last time TiddlerA was modified using:
TiddlerA was modified on {{TiddlerA!!modified}}
By omitting the tiddler title, the transclusion notation can also be used to display the content of a field from the current tiddler, for example:
The current tiddler was modified on {{!!modified}}
! Recursion Errors
Notice that using ``{{!!text}}`` or ``{{}}`` causes an error (//Recursive transclusion error in transclude widget//), because it does not make sense to include the content of the current tiddler into the content of the current tiddler (that is, into itself). Whenever you encouter this error message, it means that you are trying to include something into itself, directly or indirectly (for example if tiddler A transcludes tiddler B which transcludes tiddler C which, in turn, transcludes tiddler A).
! Learning More
In TiddlyWiki, transclusions are not limited to including raw content like the above. To learn about more advanced uses of transclusion, see [[Transclusion with Templates]].
See also:
* [[Transclusion]]
* [[Transclusion with Templates]]
* [[Transclusion in WikiText]]
* TextReference
* TiddlerFields.
! Introduction
You can incorporate the content of one tiddler within another using the [[Transclusion]] notation:
* `{{MyTiddler}}` transcludes a single tiddler
* `{{MyTiddler||TemplateTitle}}` displays the tiddler through a specified [[TemplateTiddler|TemplateTiddlers]]
* `{{||TemplateTitle}}` displays the specified template tiddler without altering the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]
!! Transcluding Text References
You can also use a TextReference instead of a tiddler title:
* `{{MyTiddler!!field}}` transcludes a specified field of a tiddler
* `{{!!field}}` transcludes a specified field of the current tiddler
* `{{MyTiddler##index}}` transcludes a specified indexed property of a [[DataTiddler|DataTiddlers]]
* `{{##index}}` transcludes a specified indexed property of the current [[DataTiddler|DataTiddlers]]
!! Filtered Transclusion
A similar syntax can be used to transclude a list of tiddlers matching a specified [[filter|Filters]]:
{{{ [tag[mechanism]] }}}
{{{ [tag[mechanism]] ||TemplateTitle}}}
! Generated Widgets
The WikiText transclusion syntax generates a TiddlerWidget wrapped around a TranscludeWidget. For example, `{{MyTiddler||MyTemplate!!myField}}` generates the following pair of widgets:
<$tiddler tiddler="MyTiddler">
<$transclude tiddler="MyTemplate" field="myField"/>
See also:
* [[Transclusion Basic Usage]]
* [[Transclusion with Templates]]
* TemplateTiddlers
* TranscludeWidget
* [[Confusion between Transclusion and Substitution]]
The <<.def transclusion>> [[variable|Variables]] is set by the <<.wlink TranscludeWidget>> widget to a string that identifies the position of that widget within the [[widget tree|Widgets]].
~TiddlyWiki's core uses it to detect recursive [[transclusion|Transclusion]]. It is also used to implement the <<.mlink qualify>> macro.
The string has the following syntax:
<$railroad text="""
"{" a "|" b "|" c "|" d "|" e "|" "}"
<ol style="list-style-type: lower-alpha;">
<li>the title of the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]</li>
<li>the title of the tiddler being transcluded</li>
<li>the name of the field being transcluded</li>
<li>the name of the property name or index being transcluded</li>
<li>the name of the subtiddler being transcluded from a plugin</li>
Many of the five items are often blank.
In the sidebar, the value of <<.var transclusion>> is:
> `{|$:/core/ui/PageTemplate/sidebar|||}`
When the tiddler <<.tid HelloThere>> is displayed in the story river, <<.var transclusion>> is set to:
> `{HelloThere|HelloThere|||}`
<<.variable-examples "transclusion">>
This example shows how to distinguish between the sidebar and other environments:
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""We are
emptyMessage="in the story river.">
in the sidebar.
In the sidebar, this would show `We are in the sidebar` instead.
! Introduction
In [[Transclusion Basic Usage]] we have seen how to include the content of a tiddler A into a tiddler B. Now suppose that tiddler A contains:
Hello, my title is {{!!title}}
This makes tiddler A display its title with a yellow background (see [[Styles and Classes in WikiText]] to learn about CSS style). Imagine that you want to display the title in the same way in tiddler B. But you don't want to copy/paste the style instructions, because you might want to change the background colour later and you want to keep it consistent among tiddlers. This looks like a typical case of transclusion, so let's try to transclude tiddler A in tiddler B the usual way with ``{{A}}``. You should see the following content in tiddler B:
Hello, my title is A
The style is applied as expected, but the title is wrong: we want ``{{!!title}}`` to refer to the target tiddler B, and not the source tiddler A.
The solution is to use a //template//. In this case, the source tiddler A is called the [[TemplateTiddler|TemplateTiddlers]], and it is //applied// to tiddler B using the notation ``{{||A}}``. The difference is that any TextReference which does not refer explicitly to a specific tiddler is applied to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]], that is, the target tiddler. As a result, tiddler B now looks as expected:
Hello, my title is B
! Usage
Transcluding via a template is like applying a mask: assuming that the source tiddler contains generic references (like eye holes in a mask), these will be replaced with the target tiddlers values (like the eyes of the person who wears the mask).
A template can be applied to any tiddler, not necessarily the current one. This is achieved using the full notation ``{{<target>||<template>}}``. The default ``<target>`` is the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]] (this is what we used in the above example).
! Examples
!! A predefined template to render tags nicely
You can apply the system template ``$:/core/ui/TagTemplate`` to a tag in order to see it as a tag pill with a drop-down menu:
is rendered as {{Transclusion||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}
See also:
* [[Transclusion in WikiText]]
* [[Transclusion Basic Usage]]
* TextReference
* TemplateTiddlers
* TranscludeWidget
* [[Current Tiddler]]
There is a special edition of TiddlyWiki that simplifies creating and maintaining translations:
Note that no knowledge of Node.js or GitHub is required.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/dev for technical details of creating and maintaining translations.
The translation mechanism of TiddlyWiki manages and switches between language plugins that provide translations of the TiddlyWiki user interface. The developer site at http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/ explains how translators can create and submit translations for TiddlyWiki.
The title of the current language plugin is read from the tiddler [[$:/language]]. If the selected plugin changes then any displayed translateable text automatically changes.
Translation plugins are bundles of tiddlers that each contain an indepedent translatable string. The strings are transcluded as needed.
Translatable strings are generally in the namespace `$:/language/`, for example:
* [[$:/language/EditTemplate/Shadow/OverriddenWarning]]
* [[$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/isfilteroperator]]
* [[$:/language/EditTemplate/Fields/Add/Value/Placeholder]]
`"<<calcString " tankeTator " "trim" >>"`
"<<calcString " tankeTator " "trim" >>"
Here are some webpages with tips and tutorials related to ~TiddlyWiki
<div class="tc-link-info">
<$list filter="[tag[Tutorials]!sort[modified]]">
<div class="tc-link-info-item">
! <$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
<div class="tc-subtitle">Posted <$view field="modified" format="relativedate"/></div>
The <<.def tv-auto-open-on-import>> [[variable|Variables]] controls whether the `tm-import-tiddlers` message causes the tiddler [[$:/Import]] (which lists the pending imports) to open in the story river.
By default, the tiddler is opened. But if this variable has the value <<.value no>>, it isn't.
An example of setting this variable to <<.value no>> can be found in the upgrade plugin within the [[TiddlyWiki Upgrade Wizard|http://www.tiddlywiki.com/upgrade.html]]. People can drag their wiki files onto the wizard without triggering the normal import display.
The <<.def tv-config-toolbar-class>> [[variable|Variables]] controls the value of the [[CSS|Cascading Style Sheets]] `class` attribute on the HTML element for a toolbar button.
It can be set prior to transcluding such a button.
In most environments, it defaults to <<.value tc-btn-invisible>>, which removes the button's background colour and border.
<<.variable-examples "tv-config-toolbar-class">>
.green-background {
background-color: green;
fill: white;
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<$set name="tv-config-toolbar-class" value="tc-btn-invisible">
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2"
eg="""<$set name="tv-config-toolbar-class" value="green-background">
The `green-background` [[CSS|Cascading Style Sheets]] class is declared in a stylesheet within this tiddler.
The <<.def tv-config-toolbar-icons>> [[variable|Variables]] controls whether toolbar buttons display icons.
<<.this-is-toolbar-config-variable $:/config/Toolbar/Icons>>
<<.variable-examples "tv-config-toolbar-icons">>
See also <<.vlink tv-config-toolbar-text>>.
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<$set name="tv-config-toolbar-icons" value="no">
<$set name="tv-config-toolbar-text" value="yes">
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2"
eg="""<$set name="tv-config-toolbar-icons" value="yes">
The <<.def tv-config-toolbar-text>> [[variable|Variables]] controls whether toolbar buttons display text.
<<.this-is-toolbar-config-variable $:/config/Toolbar/Text>>
<<.variable-examples "tv-config-toolbar-text">>
See also <<.vlink tv-config-toolbar-icons>>.
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<$set name="tv-config-toolbar-text" value="no">
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2"
eg="""<$set name="tv-config-toolbar-text" value="yes">
The <<.def tv-get-export-image-link>> [[variable|Variables]] controls the value of the `src` attribute on the HTML `img` element generated by the <<.wlink ImageWidget>> widget when the value of its `source` attribute is not the title of a tiddler.
The variable should be a [[macro|Macros]] with the following parameter:
: The value of the `source` attribute -- equivalent to the image name specified in <$link to="Images in WikiText">the shorthand syntax</$link> `[img[source]]`
The ability to override image URIs in this way can be useful when one is using the [[Node.js configuration|TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] to export a static version of a wiki.
<<.variable-examples "tv-get-export-image-link">>
This example fetches [[the TiddlyWiki icon|http://www.tiddlywiki.com/favicon.ico]]:
<$importvariables filter="$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/tv-get-export-image-link">
<$codeblock code={{$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/tv-get-export-image-link}}/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""[img[favicon.ico]]"""/>
The <<.def tv-get-export-link>> [[variable|Variables]] controls the value of the `href` attribute on the HTML `a` element generated by the <<.wlink LinkWidget>> widget.
The variable should be a [[macro|Macros]] with the following parameter:
: The title of the target tiddler of the link, with no escaping
See also <<.vlink tv-wikilink-template>>. If both that variable and this one exist, this one dominates.
The <<.def tv-get-export-path>> [[variable|Variables]] specifies the full pathname to which the <<.clink rendertiddlers RenderTiddlersCommand>> [[Node.js|TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] command writes each tiddler.
The variable should be implemented as a <<.js-macro-link "JavaScript macro">> with the following parameter:
: The title of the tiddler
If no such macro exists, the tiddlers are written to files whose names are [[percent-encoded|Percent Encoding]], in the command's output folder.
The <<.def tv-wikilink-template>> [[variable|Variables]] controls the value of the `href` attribute on the HTML `a` element generated by the <<.wlink LinkWidget>> widget.
The variable is treated as if it was a [[macro|Macros]] with the following parameters:
: The title of the target tiddler of the link, but [[percent-encoded|Percent Encoding]]
: The value of the <<.param uri_encoded>> parameter but percent-encoded again, i.e. with its `%` characters further converted to `%25`
> `\define tv-wikilink-template() ../tiddlers/$uri_encoded$.html`
The variable defaults to `#$uri_encoded$`.
See also the <<.vlink tv-get-export-link>> variable, which dominates over this one.
The <<.def tv-wikilink-tooltip>> [[variable|Variables]] specifies the default value for the <<.attr tooltip>> attribute of the <<.wlink LinkWidget>> widget.
It is often defined as a [[macro|Macros]], and its value parsed as inline WikiText.
<<.variable-examples "tv-wikilink-tooltip">>
This example shows a way of giving links a tooltip derived from the target tiddler's <<.field caption>> field:
<$importvariables filter="$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/tv-wikilink-tooltip">
<$codeblock code={{$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/tv-wikilink-tooltip}}/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""Here is a link to [[backlinks Operator]] with a custom tooltip."""/>
Here is [[a standard link|HelloThere]] for comparison.
The <<.def tv-wikilinks>> [[variable|Variables]] controls the behaviour of the <<.wlink LinkWidget>> widget.
The widget normally produces a link to a tiddler. But if this variable has the value <<.value no>>, the widget suppresses the link and simply displays the text that would otherwise have served as the link.
You can suppress links for a whole tiddler by placing the following line at the start of the tiddler's text:
> `\define tv-wikilinks() no`
This variable has no effect on external links, as those do not involve the <<.wid link>> widget.
<<.variable-examples "tv-wikilinks">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
<$link to="HelloThere">is //this// a link?</$link>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2"
eg="""<$set name="tv-wikilinks" value="no">
<$link to="HelloThere">is //this// a link?</$link>
This experimental plugin adds the ability to display WikiText written for the original Classic version of TiddlyWiki.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/tw2parser/
A collection of community tips and tutorials curated by Andreas Hahn, including a handy "customiser" that simplifies creating an empty TiddlyWiki with selected plugins and enhancements.
The intent of the project is to encourage people to use and actively tweak TiddlyWiki according to their needs. Similar to the old version, I also want to encourage people to share their knowledge and help other people get the most out of this wonderful piece of wiki software.
WikiText can include blocks of text that are rendered with an explicit ContentType like this:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="green" />
This renders as:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="green" />
It is also possible to abbreviate the ContentType to a file extension. For example:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="red" />
This renders as:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="red" />
Unknown types render as plain text:
Some plain text, which will not be //formatted//.
Which renders as:
Some plain text, which will not be //formatted//.
A render type can also be specified, causing a particular text rendering to be displayed. For example:
This is ''some'' wikitext
This is ''some'' wikitext
Renders as:
This is ''some'' wikitext
This is ''some'' wikitext
Use the [[documentation macros|Documentation Macros]] to keep the text maintainable in the face of change.
Be wary of arbitrarily applying raw bold or italic markup in a sentence. If there's a suitable macro, use that instead. If there isn't a suitable macro, write one or request one.
Use simple backticks (<code>`...`</code>) for fragments of WikiText, but not for the names of things like fields and widgets. These have their own macros.
To keep things clean and simple, quotation marks and apostrophes should be straight `'`, not curly `’`, and the ellipsis should be three separate dots `...` rather than `…`.
Use `"` as the primary quotation mark, reserving `'` for the rare case of a nested quotation.
Avoid using a single hyphen `-` as sentence punctuation. Instead, use a double hyphen -- which ~TiddlyWiki renders as an en-dash -- with a space on either side.
Items in lists and tables should only end with a full stop (period in US English) if they are complete sentences. They should have no trailing punctuation otherwise.
It is very rarely necessary to use an exclamation mark in professional documentation.
List of all values in the field `{{!!testfield}}`
`<$list filter="[getfieldlist[testfield]]">
<$list filter="[getfieldlist[testfield]]">
A tiddler is deemed to have no tags if it:
* doesn't exist
* doesn't have a <<.field tags>> field
* has an empty <<.field tags>> field
<<.operator-examples "untagged">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[untagged[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[all[shadows]untagged[]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[list[HelloThere]!untagged[]]">>
# Open upgrade.html
# Includes a data tiddler called `$:/UpgradeLibrary` that contains the latest compatible versions of all plugins in the library
# Drag in old wiki file
# Place tiddlers into a data tiddler `$:/Import` that is typed as a "pending import"
# Kick off import processing for each tiddler
## Give each "upgrader" module a chance to inspect the incoming tiddlers
## Upgrader modules can trigger actions for each tiddler:
##* Display a warning message
##* Don't import
##* Replace with another tiddler from the upgrade library
##* Disable incompatible plugins
# Display the newly created pending import tiddler through a new view template segment
## Displays the payload tiddlers as a list of titles and checkboxes, with a dropdown showing the full details of the tiddler
## Perhaps we also suppress the usual JSON display for data tiddlers behind a reveal widget
# The user can adjust the selection checkboxes
# Clicking "done" unpacks the selected tiddlers from the pending import tiddler
# The pending import tiddler and the upgrade library tiddler are excluded from the subsequent save operation
There are regular releases of TiddlyWiki with bug fixes and improvements. It's a good idea to keep up to date by regularly upgrading to the latest version.
! Introduction
The process described here is for upgrading standalone TiddlyWiki files. There is a [[different procedure|Upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] for upgrading [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]].
When upgrading, please remember the [[The First Rule of Using TiddlyWiki]]:
//You are responsible for looking after your own data; take care to make backups, especially when upgrading the ~TiddlyWiki core//
! Online upgrading
This process will work on most desktop browsers. Note that none of your personal data leaves your browser with this process.
# Locate your TiddlyWiki file in the file system (i.e. using Windows Explorer, the Finder on Mac OS X, or your file manager on Linux)
# Visit http://tiddlywiki.com/upgrade.html in your browser
# Drag your old TiddlyWiki HTML file into the browser window
#* If the file is encrypted you will be prompted for the password
# Review the list of tiddlers that will be upgraded
# Click ''Upgrade''
# Save changes to save the new version
This will download a file called ''upgrade.html'' to your computer. This file is the upgrade of your old file. You may need to open the location where ''upgrade.html'' was downloaded, rename ''upgrade.html'' with the name of the old file you are upgrading, and replace the old file by moving the new file in its place.
! Offline upgrading
You can also download http://tiddlywiki.com/upgrade.html locally and perform the same drag-and-drop procedure to upgrade your files.
! Problems with Upgrades
!! Firefox Security Restrictions
In case you run into this error with the upgrader, upon confirming the upgrade selection :
Error while saving:
Error:NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI: Access to restricted URI denied
The upgrade operation falls foul of a security restriction in Firefox. Until this can be resolved, we suggest either using the offline upgrader, or using Chrome to perform the upgrade:
*# Use Chrome to open http://tiddlywiki.com/upgrade.html, then drag your local TiddlyWiki html file to be upgraded into the upgrader window, as described above in ''Online upgrading''
*# After you've saved your upgraded file, you should be able to open it in Firefox and [[save using TiddlyFox|Saving with TiddlyFox]] again
* //See also : [[Saving on TiddlySpot]]//
!! Incompatible Customisations
It is possible for a customisation applied in a previous version to break when upgraded to the latest version. There are two techniques you can use to help track down issues:
* Try repeating the upgrade having selectively unchecked any tiddlers that may be applying customisations to TiddlyWiki
* Use SafeMode to disable all customisations of shadow tiddlers
You can see which shadow tiddlers have been overridden in the ''Filter'' tab of [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]]. Select "Overridden shadow tiddlers" from the dropdown.
If you've installed [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] on the usual way, when a new version is released you can upgrade it with this command:
npm update -g tiddlywiki
On Mac or Linux you'll need to add ''sudo'' like this:
sudo npm update -g tiddlywiki
A <<.dlink-ex "URI" "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniform_resource_identifier">> (also often known as a <<.def URL>>) is a string of characters used to specify the location of a resource such as a web page.
By default, when running [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]], the server exposes the wiki at the URI formed from the protocol, host and port - for example, ``.
There are two steps to running the wiki at a custom path like ``:
# Configure the server by passing `/path/to/my/wiki` as the ''pathprefix'' argument of the ServerCommand
# Configure the client by creating a tiddler called ''$:/config/tiddlyweb/host'' that contains `$protocol$//$host$/path/to/my/wiki/`
You can use links (normally displayed as blue text) to navigate from one tiddler to another. Clicking on a link to any tiddler will take you to that tiddler. If the tiddler is closed, it will be opened. The wonderful thing about ~TiddlyWiki is that it makes links to tiddlers as accessible as possible. There are links everywhere! Here are the key places where you can find links to tiddlers in ~TiddlyWiki:
* You can ''create a link'' to a tiddler, whether it exists yet or not, in the body of any tiddler. See [[Linking in WikiText]] to see the various easy ways to create links between tiddlers.
* Each ''tag pill'' in your tiddler (such as the ''Working with ~TiddlyWiki'' tag pill below the title of this tiddler) contains a link to that tag's tiddler, as well as lists of all the tiddlers that carry that tag. This lets you go to any of those tiddlers.
* The ''InfoPanel'' of each tiddler gives you access to four tabs containing additional lists of related tiddlers:
** The ''References'' tab lists all the tiddlers that link //to// the current tiddler.
** The ''Tagging'' tab lists all the tiddlers that have been tagged with the current tiddler's title.
** The ''List'' tab lists all the tiddlers (or potential tiddlers) mentioned in the [[list field|ListField]] of the current tiddler.
** The ''Listed'' tab lists all the tiddlers that mention the current tiddler in //their// list fields.
* The ''sidebar tabs'' contain numerous lists of links to tiddlers:
** The ''Open'' tab lists all the tiddlers that are currently open, i.e. visible somewhere on the page.
** The ''Recent'' tab lists the 100 most recently modified tiddlers, beginning with the most recently modified.
** The ''More'' tab offers eight additional lists of tiddlers:
*** ''All'' lists all tiddlers in alphabetical order.
*** ''Tags'' lists all the tags. You can click on the pill for any tag to access a list of the tiddlers tagged with that tag.
*** ''Missing'' lists any tiddlers that don't yet exist, but have been linked to from other tiddlers. This is helpful for finding tiddlers you planned to create, but never got around to.
*** ''Drafts'' lists any tiddlers that are currently in draft mode. ~TiddlyWiki considers a tiddler's draft to be a separate tiddler for as long as you are editing it, so while you're editing a tiddler entitled ''Australia'', there will be two tiddlers, ''Australia'' and ''Draft of 'Australia'''. When you close the draft by saving your changes to it, those changes will be applied to the ''Australia'' tiddler. So treat the ''Drafts'' tab as a way of finding any unfinished drafts you started.
*** ''Orphans'' lists all the tiddlers that are not connected to any other tiddler by links, tags or lists. This is a helpful aid to editing your file - it shows you which tiddlers need to be integrated more carefully with the others.
*** ''Types'' lists any tiddlers with special content, such as images or audio.
*** ''System'' lists all of the SystemTiddlers.
*** ''Shadows'' lists all of the ShadowTiddlers.
* ''Search results'' are a list of the tiddlers that contain the text you type in the search box.
* Finally, you can create your own custom lists of tiddlers by various methods:
** You can transclude a [[filter|Filters]] (see [[Transclusion in WikiText]]). For example, adding `{{{ [tag[mountain]] }}}` to a tiddler will insert a list of all tiddlers tagged with ''mountain''.
** You can use the ListWidget. This is more complicated than transcluding a [[filter|Filters]], but in return it allows you more flexibility in designing and displaying the list exactly as you want it to appear.
The first steps to changing the appearance of TiddlyWiki are to choose and apply one of the available themes, or to modify the [[colour palette|ColourPalettes]].
In addition, custom [[CSS stylesheets|http://www.w3schools.com/css]] can be can defined by tagging a tiddler `$:/tags/Stylesheet`. Try creating a custom stylesheet now with the following content in order to change the page background colour to red:
html body.tc-body {
background: red;
! Overriding Theme Settings
Custom stylesheets are applied independently from theme stylesheets. Therefore, it is often necessary for the css rules in your custom stylesheet to be more specific than those of the theme you want to override. For example, `html body.tc-body` is more specific than `body.tc-body`.
! Stylesheet Types
Usually it is best to use the type `text/css` for stylesheets. This treats them as plain stylesheets, and ensures that TiddlyWiki doesn't apply any wiki processing to them.
If you wish to use macros and transclusions in your stylesheets you should instead use the default WikiText type `text/vnd.tiddlywiki`. This allows full WikiText processing to be performed. Here is an example:
\rules only filteredtranscludeinline transcludeinline macrodef macrocallinline html
body.tc-body pre {
<<box-shadow "inset 0 1px 0 #fff">>
The `\rules` pragma at the top of the tiddler restricts the WikiText to just allow macros and transclusion. This avoids mistakenly triggering unwanted WikiText processing.
A stylesheet tiddler is processed such that it is first wikified and then the text portion of the ouput is extracted to apply as the CSS. Any HTML tags you will use in your stylesheet are thus ignored. For example, HTML elements generated by the RevealWidget will not affect the output. As in the following example, you can wrap CSS rules in `<pre>` tags to display them as a codeblock without affecting processing, including handling the inner macro.
\rules only filteredtranscludeinline transcludeinline macrodef macrocallinline html
<pre>body.tc-body pre {
<<box-shadow "inset 0 1px 0 #fff">>
!! Stylesheet Macros
The ~TiddlyWiki core provides several [[global macros that are helpful in constructing stylesheets|Stylesheet Macros]].
TiddlyWiki5 can be used to produce documentation for GitHub projects. It lets you maintain a single set of documentation as a [[TiddlyWikiFolder|TiddlyWikiFolders]] containing separate tiddler files under source code control, and then use it to produce `readme.md` files for inclusion in project folders, or HTML files for storage in [[GitHub Pages|http://pages.github.com/]]. Both features are demonstrated by TiddlyWiki5 itself.
! Generating `readme.md` files
When displaying the contents of a folder GitHub will look for a `readme.md` file and display it. Note that it will not display full HTML files in this way, just static MarkDown files (this is a security measure). Happily MarkDown permits a safe subset of HTML, and thus to generate a `readme.md` file that is suitable for GitHub it is just necessary for TiddlyWiki5 to generate the content of the `<body>` element of an HTML document, and give it the appropriate filename.
This is done with this command:
--rendertiddler ReadMe ./readme.md text/html
It saves the tiddler ReadMe to the file `./readme.md` in the `text/html` format.
By default, tiddler links will be rendered as `<a>` links to a relative URI consisting of the title of the tiddler. This behaviour can be overridden by defining the macro `tv-wikilink-template`, as is done at the top of the tiddler ReadMe:
\define tv-wikilink-template() http://tiddlywiki.com/static/$uri_doubleencoded$.html
See the LinkWidget for more details.
In this example, tiddler links are rendered as links to the static rendering of tw5.com.
TiddlyWiki5 can be used on the command line to perform an extensive set of operations based on TiddlyWikiFolders, TiddlerFiles and TiddlyWikiFiles.
For example, the following command loads the tiddlers from a TiddlyWiki HTML file and then saves one of them in static HTML:
tiddlywiki --verbose --load mywiki.html --rendertiddler ReadMe ./readme.html
Running `tiddlywiki` from the command line boots the TiddlyWiki kernel, loads the core plugins and establishes an empty wiki store. It then sequentially processes the command line arguments from left to right. The arguments are separated with spaces.
The first argument is the optional path to the [[TiddlyWikiFolder|TiddlyWikiFolders]] to be loaded. If not present, then the current directory is used.
The commands and their individual arguments follow, each command being identified by the prefix `--`.
tiddlywiki [<wikipath>] [--<command> [<arg>[,<arg>]]]
The available commands are:
<<list-links "[tag[Commands]]">>
TiddlyWiki5 allows you to use SVG to display vector graphics in two ways:
* Tiddlers with the type `image/svg+xml` are interpreted as SVG images, and displayed and transcluded as self-contained `<img>` elements with the SVG embedded as a data URI in the `src` attribute.
** For examples of SVG images see [[Motovun Jack.svg]] and [[Tiddler Fishes.svg]]
* WikiText can also include inline SVG elements directly. See below for an example.
! Embedding SVG tiddlers
You can embed an SVG image tiddler using the ordinary transclusion syntax:
{{Motovun Jack.jpg}}
You can also use TypedBlockWikiText to embed an inline SVG tiddler.
The implications of the image being rendered within an `<img>` element are that it is sandboxed; it can't use CSS styles from the parent document, for example. Neither can the image use WikiText features like transclusion.
! Embedding SVG elements
The other way to use SVG is to embed the `<svg>` element directly. For example:
<svg width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="red" />
Note that inline SVG elements don't need an `<?xml version="1.0"?>` directive.
! Including HTML or WikiText content in SVG images
You can include simple text strings in SVG images using the `<text>` element:
<svg width="100px" height="30px" viewBox="0 0 1000 300"><text x="250" y="150" font-family="Verdana" font-size="55">Hello, out there</text><rect x="1" y="1" width="998" height="298" fill="none" stroke-width="2" /></svg>
HTML or WikiText content can be included within inline SVG images using the `<foreignObject>` element. For example:
<svg width="260px" height="260px"><circle cx="150" cy="150" r="100" fill="blue" stoke="red"/><foreignObject x="70" y="110" width="150" height="180"><body>Here is some text that requires a word wrap, and includes a [[link to a tiddler|HelloThere]].</body></foreignObject></svg>
! Transcluding SVG elements
When embedding SVG elements you can also use WikiText features like transclusion. For example, here is an SVG circle with the radius set to the value in the tiddler [[$:/SVGExampleRadius]]:
<svg width="150" height="150"><circle cx="75" cy="75" r={{$:/SVGExampleRadius}} stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="green"/></svg>
You can edit the value of the radius here: <$edit-text tiddler="$:/SVGExampleRadius" tag="input"/>
A <<.def variable>> is a snippet of text that can be accessed by name within a particular branch of the [[widget tree|Widgets]]. The snippet is known as the variable's <<.def value>>.
A new variable is defined using a <<.wlink SetWidget>> widget, and is then available to any of the children of that widget, including transcluded content. A <<.wid set>> widget can reuse an existing name, thus binding a different snippet to that name for the duration of the widget's children.
The <<.wlink ListWidget>> widget also sets a particular variable (<<.var currentTiddler>> by default) to each listed title in turn.
For an overview of how to use variables, see [[Variables in WikiText]].
Despite the term <<.word variable>>, each snippet is a constant string. The apparent variability is actually the result of the presence of multiple variables with the same name in different parts of the widget tree.
[[Macros]] are a special form of variable whose value can contain placeholders that get filled in with parameters whenever the macro is used.
By themselves, the snippets are <<.em not>> parsed as WikiText. However, a variable reference will transclude a snippet into a context where ~WikiText parsing <<.em may>> be occurring. Within a snippet, the only markup detected is `$name$` for a macro parameter transclusion and `$(name)$` for a variable transclusion.
The <<.mlink dumpvariables>> macro lists all variables (including macros) that are available at that position in the widget tree.
~TiddlyWiki's core has [[several variables|Core Variables]] built in.
See also the [[introduction to the concept of variables|Variables]].
To transclude the value of a variable, use the [[macro call syntax|Macro Calls in WikiText]] with no parameters. You can also use a <<.wlink MacroCallWidget>> widget.
A [[macro|Macros]] snippet can contain `$(name$)` as a [[placeholder|Macro Definitions in WikiText]] for which the value of the variable of that name will be substituted.
A variable's value can be used as a [[filter parameter|Filter Parameter]], or as a [[widget attribute|Widgets in WikiText]]. The latter supports macro parameters.
!! Example: defining a variable
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<$set name=animal value=zebra>
!! Example: defining a macro
The `\define` pragma below [[defines a macro|Macros in WikiText]] called <<.var tags>>. The macro returns the value of the tiddler's <<.field tags>> field, and can be accessed from anywhere else in the same tiddler (or in any tiddler that [[imports|ImportVariablesWidget]] it).
<$importvariables filter="$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/tags-of-current-tiddler">
<$codeblock code={{$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/tags-of-current-tiddler}}/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2" eg="""The tags are: <<tags-of-current-tiddler>>"""/>
!! Example: using a variable as a filter parameter
This example uses the <<.olink backlinks>> [[operator|Filter Operators]] to list all tiddlers that link to this one.
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="3" eg="""<<list-links filter:"[<currentTiddler>backlinks[]]">>"""/>
The <<.def version>> [[macro|Macros]] returns the current version number of ~TiddlyWiki.
!! Parameters
<<.macro-examples "version">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""Version number: <<version>>"""/>
The following TiddlyWiki videos are available.
<<list-links "[tag[Videos]]">>
The aim is to curate a series of videos to guide people through getting up and running with TiddlyWiki. [[Contributions|Contributing]] are welcome.
! Introduction
The view widget displays the contents of a tiddler field in a specified format.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$view>` widget is displayed if the field or property is missing or empty.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The title of the tiddler (defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]) |
|field |The name of the field to view (defaults to "text") |
|index |The name of the index to view |
|format |The format for displaying the field (see below) |
|template |Optional template string used with certain formats such as dates |
|subtiddler |Optional SubTiddler title when the target tiddler is a [[plugin|Plugins]] (see below) |
!! Formats
The following formats can be specified in the `format` attribute:
|!Format |!Description |
|''text'' |Plain text |
|''htmlwikified'' |The field is wikified and the resulting HTML returned as plain text |
|''htmlencoded'' |The field is displayed with HTML encoding issues |
|''date'' |The field is interpreted as a UTC date and displayed according to the DateFormat specified in the `template` attribute |
|''relativedate'' |The field is interpreted as a UTC date and displayed as the interval from the present instant |
|''stripcomments'' |The field is interpreted as JavaScript source code and any lines beginning `\\#` are stripped |
|''jsencoded'' |The field is displayed as a JavaScript encoded string |
! SubTiddler Access
The view widget allows access to the individual tiddlers stored within a [[plugin|Plugins]].
The following example will view the core version of the tiddler [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]] even if it has been overridden:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '
<$view tiddler="$:/core" subtiddler="$:/DefaultTiddlers"/>
<a class="tc-float-right tc-bordered-image" href="http://classic.tiddlywiki.com/" target="_blank">[img width="200" [TiddlyWiki Classic.png]]</a>
The original [[Classic|TiddlyWikiClassic]] version of TiddlyWiki is still available at:
Note that the [[current version|TiddlyWiki5]] of TiddlyWiki is not fully backwards compatible with TiddlyWikiClassic. Content can be imported but will need massaging to adapt to the new WikiText format. A ''tw2parser'' plugin is under development that will allow faithful display of most content created for TiddlyWikiClassic:
Currently the default set of tiddlers shows where I am in the following:
# Build an application that automates the grunt work involved in designing and testing ETL transactions (''E''xtract ''T''ransform and ''L''oad - Moving data between systems)
#* Document the source table structure
#** The tiddler [[sourceTable]] should display the list of fields in the source and keys
#** It should also list the SQL queries and screen instructions used to test the migration
#** This display should come from the viewtemplate [[$:/_cpa/ViewTemplates/source]]
#* Document the target table structure
#** The tiddler [[targetTable1]] and [[targetTable2]] should display the list of fields in the destination and keys
#** It should also list the SQL queries and screen instructions used to test the migration
#** This display should come from the viewtemplate [[$:/_cpa/ViewTemplates/target]]
#* Document the SQL script that will be used to compare the source data to the destination tables
#** The tiddler [[sourceTable2targetTable1_xlate]] and [[sourceTable2targetTable2_xlate]] should show the sql scripts and instructions to compare source to target
#* Document the script that will be used to compare the source data to the destination screens
#** The tiddler [[sourceTable2targetTable1_xlate]] and [[sourceTable2targetTable2_xlate]] should show the screen scripts and instructions to compare source to target
# Build an application that allows me to track what needs to be done and what is completed
#* Create a task template that allows the user to create tasks anywhere and stores the task in a task list
#* Allow the user to edit notes attached to the task
#* Allow the user to change the task to a tiddler for more detailed task management
#* Display tasks in both the list and as tiddlers so the visitor can see what is complete and to be completed
The `tm-add-field` message is handled by the FieldManglerWidget. It adds the specified field with a blank value if the field doesn't already exist.
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Name of field to add |
The add field message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the FieldManglerWidget.
The `tm-add-tag` message is handled by the FieldManglerWidget. It adds the specified tag.
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Name of tag to add |
The add tag message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the FieldManglerWidget.
The autosave wiki message causes the current saver module to perform a background save if it is required.
The autosave wiki message should be generated whenever changes are made to the store. For example, the navigator widget generates the autosave wiki message as part of its handling of the [[WidgetMessage: tm-save-tiddler]], [[WidgetMessage: tm-delete-tiddler]] and [[WidgetMessage: tm-perform-import]].
The autosave wiki message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SaverModule|SaverModules]]. Not all SaverModules can handle autosaving.
The `tm-browser-refresh` message refreshes the page, causing the re-initialisation of any plugin tiddlers. It does not require any properties on the `event` object.
The refresh message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the core.
The `tm-cancel-tiddler` message abandons the changes in a draft tiddler. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is being cancelled out of edit mode |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The cancel tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The `tm-clear-password` message clears the current password from the password vault, clearing the [[$:/isEncrypted]] tiddler. See EncryptionMechanism for details.
This message is typically generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the core itself.
The close all tiddlers message empties the story list.
The close all tiddlers message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The `tm-close-other-tiddlers` message removes all but a specified tiddler from the story list. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is not to be closed |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The close other tiddlers message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The `tm-close-tiddler` message removes a specified tiddler from the story list. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is to be closed |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The close tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The `tm-delete-tiddler` message deletes the specified tiddler and removes it from the current story. If the tiddler is a draft then it also deletes the tiddler specified in the `draft.of` field. The delete tiddler message requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is to be deleted |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The delete tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The download file message causes the current saver module to prompt the user to download the result of parsing a specified template tiddler as a file. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of a tiddler to use as a template for the new tiddler |
|paramObject |Optional hashmap of variable values to use for the rendering |
The download file message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget.
The download file message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SaverModule|SaverModules]].
The `tm-edit-tiddler` message replaces the specified tiddler in the current story with a draft version of itself. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is being switched to edit mode |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The edit tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The fullscreen message toggles the "fullscreen" mode of the browser, if it supports it.
The fullscreen message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core.
The `tm-home` message closes any open tiddlers and re-opens the default tiddlers set in [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]]. It also remove any [[permalink|PermaLinks]] from the browser address bar. It does not require any properties on the `event` object.
The home message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the core.
The `tm-import-tiddlers` message inserts a list of tiddlers into the pending import tiddler [[$:/Import]]. It also applies any active ''upgrader'' modules to each tiddler as it arrives (see the UpgradeMechanism for more details).
|!Name |!Description |
|param |JSON text of the array of tiddlers to be imported |
The import tiddlers message is usually generated with the DropzoneWidget or the BrowseWidget, and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
! Configuration Variables
* <<.vlink tv-auto-open-on-import>>
The login message prompts the user for a username and password and attempts to login to the current serverside host. The tiddler [[$:/status/IsLoggedIn]] reflects the current login status with the values "yes" or "no", and [[$:/status/UserName]] reflects the current username.
The login message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SyncAdaptorModule|SyncAdaptorModules]] (typically the ''tiddlywiki/tiddlywebadaptor'' plugin).
The logout message attempts to log the user out of the current serverside host. The tiddler [[$:/status/IsLoggedIn]] reflects the current login status with the values "yes" or "no", and [[$:/status/UserName]] reflects the current username.
The logout message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SyncAdaptorModule|SyncAdaptorModules]] (typically the ''tiddlywiki/tiddlywebadaptor'' plugin).
The modal message displays a specified tiddler in a modal overlay that dims the main page. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler to be displayed |
|paramObject |Hashmap of variables to be provided to the modal |
The "currentTiddler" variable is set to the title of the modal tiddler, but can be overridden by specifying a different value in `paramObject`.
The modal message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget. The modal message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core.
! Example
Here is an example of displaying a modal and passing parameters to it:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src='Your name: <$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/yourName" tag="input" default="Your name"/>
Your message:
<$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/yourMessage" default="Your message"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-modal" $param="SampleModal" yourName={{$:/temp/yourName}} yourMessage={{$:/temp/yourMessage}}/>
Click me!
The `tm-navigate` message inserts the specified tiddler into the story and puts it at the top of the history stack. If the tiddler is not already present in the story then it will be positioned immediately after the tiddler specified in `event.navigateFromTitle`.
The navigate message requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|navigateTo |Title of the tiddler that is being navigated |
|navigateFromTitle |Title of the tiddler from which the navigation was initiated |
|navigateFromClientRect |Bounding rectangle in client page coordinates of the element initiating the navigation |
|navigateSuppressNavigation |''true'' causes the new tiddler to only be added to the story, and not the history stack. This suppresses the scrolling associated with navigating to a tiddler |
The navigate message can be generated by the LinkWidget, the ActionNavigateWidget and the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The new tiddler message creates a new draft tiddler and adds it to the current story. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |The optional title of a tiddler to use as a template for the new tiddler |
|paramObject |Optional hashmap of additional tiddler fields |
|navigateFromTitle |Title of the tiddler from which the navigation to the new tiddler was initiated |
The title for the draft tiddler is chosen according to these rules:
* If a hashmap was used and a title field was specified, use that title
* If a template tiddler was used, use the title of the template tiddler, making it unique with a numeric suffix
* Otherwise, generate a new title based on the default new tiddler title with a numeric suffix to make it unique
The new tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget or ActionSendMessageWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
! Example
To make a button that creates new tiddlers tagged "task", create a tiddler called "TaskTemplate" with that tag, and then make your button like this:
<$button message="tm-new-tiddler" param="TaskTemplate">New Task</$button>
The notify message briefly displays a specified tiddler as a small alert in the upper right corner of the page. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler to be displayed |
The notify message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core.
The perform import message copies tiddlers from a specified plugin into the main store. See the UpgradeMechanism for an overview of how it is used by the core.
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the pending import tiddler. Defaults to ''$:/Import'' |
To select which tiddlers are to be imported, fields with names formed from `selection-` plus the title of the tiddler are used. The value ''unchecked'' causes the tiddler to be skipped from the import.
The perform import message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The `tm-permalink` message changes the browser address bar to form a [[permalink|PermaLinks]] to a specified tiddler, defaulting to the current tiddler.
The permalink message supports the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler to be permalinked |
|tiddlerTitle |The current tiddler (used by default if the tiddler title isn't specified in the `param`) |
The permalink message can be generated by the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the story mechanism.
The `tm-permaview` message changes the browser address bar to form a [[permaview|PermaLinks]] that specifies all the open tiddlers in the main story river, and the tiddler to be navigated, defaulting to the current tiddler.
The permaview message supports the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler to be navigated within the permaview |
|tiddlerTitle |The current tiddler (used by default if the tiddler title isn't specified in the `param`) |
The permaview message can be generated by the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the story mechanism.
The `tm-remove-field` message is handled by the FieldManglerWidget. It removes the specified field.
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Name of field to remove |
The remove field message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the FieldManglerWidget.
The `tm-remove-tag` message is handled by the FieldManglerWidget. It removes the specified tag.
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Name of tag to remove |
The remove tag message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the FieldManglerWidget.
The `tm-save-tiddler` message is applied to draft tiddlers. It saves the draft over the tiddler identified in the `draft.of` field and then deletes the draft. The save tiddler message requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is being switched out of edit mode |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The save tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The save wiki message causes the current saver module to perform a full save operation. The save operation can involve user interaction. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of a tiddler to use as a template for rendering the wiki (defaults to `$:/core/save/all`) |
|paramObject |Optional hashmap of variable values to use for the rendering |
The save wiki message is usually generated by the ButtonWidget.
The save wiki message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SaverModule|SaverModules]].
The server refresh message attempts to synchronise the latest changes to the current serverside host.
The server refresh message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SyncAdaptorModule|SyncAdaptorModules]] (typically the ''tiddlywiki/tiddlywebadaptor'' plugin).
The `tm-set-password` message prompts the user for a new password and stores it in the password vault, replacing any existing password. It also sets the [[$:/isEncrypted]] tiddler. See EncryptionMechanism for details.
This message is typically generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the core itself.
~TiddlyWiki's display is driven by an underlying collection of <<.def widgets>>. These are organised into a tree structure: each widget has a parent widget and zero or more child widgets.
~TiddlyWiki generates this <<.def "widget tree">> by parsing the WikiText of tiddlers. Each component of the WikiText syntax, including even the trivial case of ordinary text, generates a corresponding widget. The widget tree is an intermediate representation that is subsequently rendered into the actual display.
Widgets are analogous to elements in an HTML document. Indeed, HTML tags in WikiText generate dedicated <<.def "element widgets">>.
Each class of widget contributes a specific ability to the overall functionality, such as the ability to <<.wlink2 "display an image" ImageWidget>> or <<.wlink2 "a button" ButtonWidget>>, to <<.wlink2 "call a macro" MacroCallWidget>> or <<.wlink2 "transclude text from elsewhere" TranscludeWidget>>, or to [[mark a piece of text as a heading|HTML in WikiText]].
The more specialised widgets use a general-purpose [[widget syntax|Widgets in WikiText]] as their only possible WikiText representation.
The following classes of widget are built into the core:
<<list-links "[tag[Widgets]]">>
Widgets provide rich functionality within WikiText. They have the same syntax as [[HTML elements|HTML in WikiText]], but the tag name always starts with `$`. For example:
<$button message="tm-close-tiddler">Close Me!</$button>
Note that widgets inherit all the features of [[HTML in WikiText]]:
* Widget attributes can be specified as:
** Unquoted strings (that cannot contain spaces)
** Strings quoted with single or double quotes
** Strings quoted with triple-double quotes
** Macro invocations (eg `attr=<<myMacro>>`)
** Transclusions (eg, `attr={{MyTiddler!!field}}`)
* The content of a widget is parsed in inline mode unless the opening tag is followed by two linebreaks, which forces block mode
** 'Inline mode' means that 'block mode' parse rules like headings, tables and lists are not recognised
See [[HTML in WikiText]] for more details.
The available widgets include:
<<list-links "[tag[Widgets]]">>
Groups of uniquely titled tiddlers are contained in WikiStore objects.
The WikiStore also manages the plugin modules used for widgets, and operations like serializing, deserializing, parsing and rendering tiddlers.
\define getProperTag() {{$(properTitle)$||$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/tags}}
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible" popup="$:/WikiNotePopupState" tooltip="Create a quick tiddler. Add text before adding tags">{{$:/core/images/edit-button}} </$button>
<$reveal type="popup" state="$:/WikiNotePopupState">
<div class="tc-popup-keep">
<div class="tc-tiddler-frame">
!!! <$link to={{$:/temp/Stealth!!newtitle}}>Quick note</$link>
<$edit tiddler="$:/temp/Stealth" field="newtitle" class="tc-edit-texteditor" default="ooo" placeholder="title"/>
<$set name="properTitle" value={{$:/temp/Stealth!!newtitle}}><<getProperTag>></$set>
<$edit field="text" class="tc-edit-texteditor" tiddler={{$:/temp/Stealth!!newtitle}} placeholder="your text"/>
~WikiText is a concise, expressive way of typing a wide range of text formatting, hypertext and interactive features. It allows you to focus on writing without a complex user interface getting in the way. It is designed to be familiar for users of [[MarkDown|http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/]], but with more of a focus on linking and the interactive features.
See [[Formatting text in TiddlyWiki]] for an introduction to WikiText.
The following elements of WikiText syntax are built into the core:
<<list-links "[tag[WikiText]]">>
Under Windows it is possible to convert TiddlyWiki into a true local application by renaming the HTML file to have the extension `*.hta`. The ''fsosaver'' module can then use the ~ActiveX ~FileSystemObject to save changes.
Note that one disadvantage of this approach is that the TiddlyWiki file is saved in UTF-16 format, making it up to twice as large as it would be with the usual UTF-8 encoding. However, opening and saving the file via another saving method will re-encode the file to UTF-8.
See Wikipedia for more details: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML_Application
! Introduction
If you want to [[contribute|Contributing]] to TiddlyWiki's development, rather than [[installing TiddlyWiki in the usual way|Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js]], you can work directly with the GitHub repository.
Mario Pietsch has created a [[short video introduction|Working with the TiddlyWiki5 repository video]].
! Setting Up
# Create an account on GitHub if you don't already have one
# Fork the TiddlyWiki5 GitHub repository from https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5
# Clone a local copy of your fork
# Open a command line terminal and change the current working directory to the root of the repo
# Type `npm link` (Windows) or `sudo npm link` (Mac/Linux) to tell [[npm]] to use this copy of the repo as the globally installed one
After this procedure you can work with TiddlyWiki5 via [[npm]] as though it were installed in the usual way with `npm install -g tiddlywiki`.
See also [[Scripts for TiddlyWiki on Node.js]].
Mario Pietsch has created a short video tutorial on [[working with the TiddlyWiki5 GitHub repository|Working with the TiddlyWiki5 repository]].
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/6ElUruH92tc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Information to help you get started using TiddlyWiki:
<<list-links "[tag[Working with TiddlyWiki]]">>
There are currently 3 macros:
`day-diff` and `year-diff` both take up to 6 inputs:
|!Name |!Purpose |
|year1 |The starting year (default: 1900) |
|month1 |The starting month (default: 1 for January) |
|day1 |The starting day (default: 1) |
|year2 |The ending year (default: 1900) |
|month2 |The ending month (default: 1 for January) |
|day2 |The ending day (default 1) |
`add-time` takes up to 6 inputs:
|!Name |!Purpose |
|years |The number of years to add (default 0) |
|months |The number of months to add (default 0) |
|days |The number of days to add (default 0) |
|hours |The number of hours to add (default 0) |
|minutes |The number of minutes to add (default 0) |
|seconds |The number of seconds to add (default 0) |
All are numeric values. Years should be 4 digits (YYYY), months should be values in the range 1-12, with 1 being January and 12 being December, days should be in the range 1-31 to correspond to the day of the month. If you give a day that is outside of a given month, like 31 for February, it will treat it as March 3rd.
day-diff returns the number of days rounded to the closes full day, year-diff returns the number of years rounded to the closest full year.
Inputs can be given in order or in name:value pairs, so `<<day-diff year1:1985 year2:2015>>` gives <<day-diff year1:1985 year2:2015>> and `<<day-diff 1985 1 1 2015 1 1>>` gives <<day-diff 1985 1 1 2015 1 1>>, which should be the same result.
There are <<day-diff 1985 10 9 2015 2 25>> days between Oct. 9th 1985 and Feb. 25th 2015
There are <<year-diff 1985 10 9 2015 2 25>> years between Oct. 9th 1985 and Feb. 25th 2015
It will be <<add-time 5 3 2>> 5 years 3 months and 2 days from now.
Days and months roll over as expected:
`<<add-time 0 36 200>>` gives <<add-time 0 36 200>>
Difference between two dates in days: (this may not be completely accurate, I think it is a few days off.)
There are <<day-diff 1985 10 9 2015 2 25>> days between Oct. 9th 1985 and Feb. 25th 2015
Difference between two dates in years:
There are <<year-diff 1985 10 9 2015 2 25>> years between Oct. 9th 1985 and Feb. 25th 2015
Date a set time from now:
It will be <<add-time 5 3 2>> 5 years 3 months and 2 days from now.
Days and months roll over as expected:
`<<add-time 0 36 200>>` gives <<add-time 0 36 200>>
<!--<$button>test<$action-setfield test=<<day-diff 1985 10 9 2015 2 25>>/></$button>-->
Using `input` tag and showing time:
<$edit-date showTime showSeconds use24hour/>
Using an icon instead of an `input` field:
<$edit-date icon="$:/plugins/kixam/datepicker/icon" tag=div />
Just drag and drop [[moment.js|$:/plugins/kixam/moment]] and [[DatePicker|$:/plugins/kixam/datepicker]] plugins from the [[Plugins|$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Plugins]] list into your [[TiddlyWiki|http://tiddlywiki.com/#TiddlyWiki]].
The plugin was tested with all the locales listed in the Languages section below.
<$button message='tm-full-screen'>{{$:/core/images/full-screen-button}} Full Screen</$button>
There are other messages that you can send using a button, but for the most part they are being phased out in favour of action-widgets. You can see a full list of messages available in the core [[here|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Messages]].
\define InteractiveCodeDemo(tiddler)
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state=<<qualify $tiddler$>> text='show' tag=span>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<qualify $tiddler$>> text=show/>
<$reveal type='match' state=<<qualify $tiddler$>> text='show' tag=span>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<qualify $tiddler$>> text=hide/>
<$reveal type='match' state=<<qualify $tiddler$>> text='show'>
<$edit-text tiddler="""$tiddler$""" class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
''Rendered result:''
<$transclude tiddler="""$tiddler$""" mode=block/>
<$button>Reset Example
<$action-setfield $tiddler="""$tiddler$""" text={{$tiddler$!!reset_value}}/>
!This is the title of the demo tiddler
Something short and descriptive would be nice.
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Make a demo tiddler' field=tiddler_name class='tc-edit-texteditor' placeholder='Tiddler Title'/>
!This is the description of the demo
It should be a short one line description of the demonstration.
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Make a demo tiddler' field=description class='tc-edit-texteditor' placeholder='Demo Description'/>
!This is the body of the tiddler
It should be the simplest way to unambiguously demonstrate what you want to show. The user will be able to do live edits to this and see the results so in-line comments pointing out useful potential changes are a good idea.
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Make a demo tiddler' class='tc-edit-texteditor' placeholder='Demo Code'/>
!!Rendered code:
<$transclude tiddler='$:/temp/Make a demo tiddler' mode=block/>
<$button>Make Demo Tiddler
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/temp/Make a demo tiddler" title={{$:/temp/Make a demo tiddler!!tiddler_name}} tags=Demo reset_value={{$:/temp/Make a demo tiddler!!text}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/temp/Make a demo tiddler" text='' description='' tiddler_name='' tags=''/>
<$button>{{$:/core/images/globe}} Click me!</$button>
You can change the text `Click me!` on the button to whatever you wish. You can even use SVG or other images.
The demo tiddler should have the content of the demo in the text field, a copy of the content in a field called `reset_value` that is used to reset the demo after it has been edited, and a field called `description` that describes the demo.
`<$macrocall $name=InteractiveCodeDemo tiddler=DemoTiddler/>`
This is how I am planning on using this macro. Using it this way means that you can have a searchable list of all the demos available with the results displayed here. For that use it may be best to put each demo in a silder to avoid confusion, use less space and save on rendering.
<$list filter='[tag[Demo]]' variable=DemoTiddler>
<$macrocall $name=InteractiveCodeDemo tiddler=<<DemoTiddler>>/>
<$list filter='[tag[Demo]]' variable=DemoTiddler>
<$macrocall $name=InteractiveCodeDemo tiddler=<<DemoTiddler>>/>
This is an attempt to make a macro that can be used to demonstrate wikitext code fragments in an interactive way.
* `this.matchRegExp = /~?\$:[^\s<>|]+(?:\/|\b)/mg;`
* $:/foo — $:/foo/ — $:/foo/bar — $:/foo bar — $:/foo|bar
* [[$:/foo/bar]] — [[$:/foo/bar/]]
* $:/config/NewJournal/Tags
* $:/config/PageControlButtons/Visibility/$:/core/ui/Buttons/home
* $:/state/tab--1498284803
* $:/§$&/%``´´~+*#'-_.:,;&/("§! — $:/bar<foo — $:/foo§"$%<*'*
* $:/foo — $:/foo/ — $:/foo/bar — $:/foo bar — $:/foo|bar
* [[$:/foo/bar]] — [[$:/foo/bar/]]
* $:/config/NewJournal/Tags
* $:/config/PageControlButtons/Visibility/$:/core/ui/Buttons/home
* $:/state/tab--1498284803
* $:/§$&/%``´´~+*#'-_.:,;&/("§! — $:/bar<foo — $:/foo§"$%<*'*
With the below modification, the tag popup lists of both, titles used tags as well as non-system tiddlers matching the title. Try searching for `button` in the ''Demo'' below.
As suggested at <<git5 issues/1333#issuecomment-69458861>>, I modified the filter in [[$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/tags]] to try and also list existing tiddler titles matching the search term in the title...
<$list filter="[tags[]search{$:/temp/NewTagName}][!is[system]search:title{$:/temp/NewTagName}] +[sort[]]">
!! Demo
Trying to use CSS3's `column-count:4` for readability but the inline popups get cut off since they are rendered in the element flow...
<div class="tb-taglist-columns">
<$list filter="[tag[Demo]tags[]sort[title]!prefix[$]]">
<div class="tb-taglist-item">
<small class="tc-menu-list-count"><$count filter="[all[current]tagging[]]"/></small>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/core/ui/TagTemplate"/>
See [[$:/.tb/styles]] for the css. Rendered via...
<div class="tb-taglist-columns">
<$list filter="[tag[Demo]tags[]sort[title]!prefix[$]]">
<div class="tb-taglist-item">
<small class="tc-menu-list-count"><$count filter="[all[current]tagging[]]"/></small>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/core/ui/TagTemplate"/>
; based on...
: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/1eVLcslhmLM/23qcvi8I2Z4J
; conditional edit template
: [[$:/.tb/ui/EditTemplate/drop-fields]]
; field visibility and available values stored in `value` fields
: [[$:/config/EditTemplateFields/Visibility/exercise]]
: [[$:/config/EditTemplateFields/Visibility/meditation]]
; TEST: example journal (click edit)
: [[7th January 2015]] {{7th January 2015||$:/core/ui/Buttons/edit}}
\define foo(bar, baz)
<$reveal type=nomatch text="$baz$" default="">
<$reveal type=match text="$baz$" default="">
No baz!!!
This experiment tries to do something depending on whether or not a macro parameter is declared...
\define foo(bar, baz)
<$reveal type=nomatch text="$baz$" default="">
<$reveal type=match text="$baz$" default="">
No baz!!!
<<foo bar>>
<<foo bar>>
<<foo bar baz>>
<<foo bar baz>>
Enter this into your browsers console to get a feel for tiddler sizes. This creates a tiddler called [[$:/temp/tiddler-sizes]] with the sizes listed, counting the characters of all fields. (Haven't yet figured out how to open it in the end.)
With much appreciated [[help from Stephan Hradek|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/hr75FTeEL_g/Yuk_6gxpY_wJ]], here's a bookmark for your browser bookmarks to run the below code: <a href="javascript:void((function()%7Bvar%20e%3D%22%5B!is%5Bshadow%5D!is%5Bsystem%5D%5D%22%2Ct%3Dprompt(%22Please%20define%20a%20filter...%22%2Ce)%3Be%3Dt%7C%7Ce%3Bvar%20n%3D%5B%5D%3B%24tw.utils.each(%24tw.wiki.filterTiddlers(e)%2Cfunction(e)%7Bvar%20t%3D0%2Cr%3D%24tw.wiki.getTiddler(e)%3Bn.push(%7Btitle%3Ae%2Csize%3A%24tw.wiki.getTiddlerAsJson(e).length.toString()%2Cfields%3AObject.keys(r.fields).length%2Ctype%3Ar.fields%5B%22type%22%5D%7C%7C%22%22%7D)%7D)%3Bn.sort(function(e%2Ct)%7Breturn%20t.size-e.size%7D)%3Bvar%20r%3D%22%22%3B%24tw.utils.each(n%2Cfunction(e)%7Br%2B%3De.size%2B%22%20%5B%5B%22%2Be.title%2B%22%5D%5D%2C%20%22%2Be.fields%2B%22%20fields%22%2B(e.type%3F%22%2C%20%22%2Be.type%3A%22%22)%2B%22%5Cn%22%7D)%3Bvar%20i%3D%22%24%3A%2FStoryList%22%2Cs%3D%22%24%3A%2Ftemp%2Ftiddler-sizes%22%2Co%3D%24tw.wiki.getTiddlerList(i)%3B%24tw.wiki.addTiddler(new%20%24tw.Tiddler(%7Btitle%3As%2Ctext%3A'%22%22%22%5Cn'%2Br%2B'%22%22%22'%7D))%3Bif(o.indexOf(s)%3D%3D%3D-1)%7Bo.unshift(s)%7D%24tw.wiki.addTiddler(new%20%24tw.Tiddler(%7Btitle%3Ai%7D%2C%24tw.wiki.getTiddler(i)%2C%7Blist%3Ao%7D))%3Bconsole.log(r)%7D)())%3B" title="Bookmark me!">tiddler sizes</a>
var filter = '[!is[shadow]!is[system]]',
f = prompt('Please define a filter...',filter);
filter = f || filter;
var sizes = [];
var size = 0,
t = $tw.wiki.getTiddler(tiddler);
type:t.fields['type'] || ''
sizes.sort(function(a, b) { return b.size - a.size;});
var out = '';
function (t){
out +=
t.size + ' [[' +
t.title + ']], ' +
t.fields + ' fields' +
(t.type ? ', ' + t.type : '') + '\n';
var story = "$:/StoryList",
temp = "$:/temp/tiddler-sizes",
list = $tw.wiki.getTiddlerList(story);
new $tw.Tiddler({
title: temp,
text: '"""\n' + out + '"""'
if(list.indexOf(temp) === -1) {
$tw.wiki.addTiddler(new $tw.Tiddler(
{title: story},
{list: list}
The following modifications provide a more unified tagging experience between edit-mode and view-mode...
* [[$:/core/macros/tag]] — extended
* [[$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/tags]] — simplified, now uses qualify for temp-new-tag
* [[$:/core/ui/TagTemplate]] — simplified
* [[$:/core/modules/macros/contrastcolour.js]] — enhanced
* [[$:/core/ui/Components/tag-link]] — @@color:red;DELETED@@
''Note'': Notice how on [[tiddlywiki.com|http://tiddlywiki.com]] edit-mode colors do not match view-mode, which is very problematic with bright backgrounds!
\define getCount() <$count filter='[tag[Demo]]'/>
A quote from Jeremy in the above discussion as to why the below does not work:
There is no way at the moment to store the results of wikifying text into a variable or a tiddler. Transcluded attributes on widgets/HTML elements are never wikified; the attribute gets the raw value of the variable or tiddler field.
So, this construct will fail...
\define getCount() <$count filter='[tag[Demo]]'/>
<$button><$action-setfield $field=count $value=<<getCount>>/>set via "$field"</$button>
<$button><$action-setfield count=<<getCount>>/>set via "count"</$button>
<$button><$action-deletefield count/>reset "count"</$button>
<$button><$action-setfield $field=count $value=<<getCount>>/>set via "$field"</$button>
<$button><$action-setfield count=<<getCount>>/>set via "count"</$button>
<$button><$action-deletefield count/>reset "count"</$button>
;count field as text
:<$view field="count" format="text"/> <$list filter="[all[current]has[count]]">@@color:red; This is wong!@@</$list>
;count field wikified
* http://tiddlywiki.com/prerelease/#ActionSetFieldWidget
* http://tiddlywiki.com/prerelease/#ActionDeleteFieldWidget
\define getFoo() <$view tiddler=Foo field=text/>
From [[BJ|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/DxPrh885WC0/SMsAK3Q_l5gJ]]:
<$reveal type=nomatch default="" text="Bar" state="Foo">
Where is [[Foo]]?!?
<$reveal type=match default="" text="Bar" state="Foo">
Ah, there is [[Foo]]!!!
<$action-setfield $tiddler="Foo" text="Bar" tags="Baz"/>
Create Foo with text "Bar" and tag "Baz"
<$reveal type=nomatch default="" text="Bar" state="Foo">
Where is [[Foo]]?!?
<$reveal type=match default="" text="Bar" state="Foo">
Ah, there is [[Foo]]!!!
<$action-setfield $tiddler="Foo" text="Bar" tags="Baz"/>
Create Foo with text "Bar" and tag "Baz"
This tiddler only exists to show how [[Deleting Another Tiddler]] works.
You can use transclusion to render a delete button that deletes any tiddler...
<$list filter="[[Delete Me]is[tiddler]]">
Click the trashcan to delete <$link> <$view tiddler="Delete Me" field=title/></$link>:
{{Delete Me||$:/core/ui/Buttons/delete}}
<$list filter="[[Delete Me]is[tiddler]]">
Click the trashcan to delete <$link> <$view tiddler="Delete Me" field=title/></$link>:
{{Delete Me||$:/core/ui/Buttons/delete}}
Here is the source of the standard delete button...
<<source "$:/core/ui/Buttons/delete">>
; implements
: <<git5 issues/1369>> — each filter and list field(s)
; pull request
: <<git5 pull/1422>> — added list suffix for each filter
; modified
: [[$:/core/modules/filters/each.js]]
When the suffix is `list`, the ''each'' filter interprets the field as a list of individual tiddler titles equivalent to the core list field and returns all titles referenced in the list field of the source list, existing or not.
!! Example
The below lists all missing tiddlers that are referenced in a list field as terms and the tiddlers where they are referenced as definitions.
<$list filter="[each:list[list]is[missing]sort[]]">
<dt><$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field=title/></$link>
<$list filter="[<currentTiddler>listed[]]">
<dd><$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field=title/></$link></dd>
<$list filter="[each:list[list]is[missing]sort[]]">
<dt><$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field=title/></$link>
<$list filter="[<currentTiddler>listed[]]">
<dd><$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field=title/></$link></dd>
The below outputs the tag editor for all tiddlers (requires [[Consolidate Tag Macro]] !)...
<$list filter="[!is[system]sort[title]]">
<dt><$link><$view field="title"/></$link></dt>
<dd class="no-before">{{||$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/tags}}</dd>
<$list filter="[!is[system]sort[title]]">
<dt><$link><$view field="title"/></$link></dt>
<dd class="no-before">{{||$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/tags}}</dd>
; for a workaround, see...
: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/qtlNxMkmfPs/Z6Kz446WePUJ
Trying to edit a field of a tiddler you may run into the problem that the input loses focus with every letter you type.
<$edit field="my-field"/><br>''my-field'': {{!!my-field}}
<$edit field="my-field"/><br>''my-field'': {{!!my-field}}
As [[Jeremy|Jeremy Ruston]] [[suggests here|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!folder/TiddlyWiki/tiddlywiki/qtlNxMkmfPs]], you can use a template tiddler so as to decouple the refreshing from the containing tiddler, e.g.:
using <<source $:/.tb/template/my-field>>
renders as...
@@color:red;Problem solved? — Well, I actually thought so. — But then it's not!@@
Tests that failed...
A demo for folding sections...
A category list of demos in this wiki...
<div class="tb-taglist">
<$list filter="[tag[Demo]tags[]sort[title]!prefix[$]]-[[Demo]]">
<div class="tb-taglist-item">
<small class="tc-menu-list-count"><$count filter="[all[current]tagging[]]"/></small>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/core/ui/TagTemplate"/>
For a whole lot more, see [[solutions on tb5|http://tb5.tiddlyspot.com/#Solutions]].
!!Latest Demonstrations
<$set name="remove" value="Demo">
<$list filter="[tag[Demo]!sort[created]]" template="$:/template/tagged-timeline"/>
<<git5 pull/1375>> — for a data tiddler, returns the value at the index specified in the operand
; [[ExampleData]]
: {{ExampleData##B}} = <$list filter="[[ExampleData]getIndex[B]]"><$view field=title/></$list>
; [[ExampleData]]
: {{ExampleData##B}} = <$list filter="[[ExampleData]getIndex[B]]"><$view field=title/></$list>
!! Code
<<source $:/core/modules/filters/getindex.js>>
; github issue
: <<git5 1328>>
; modified
: [[$:/core/modules/widgets/list.js]]
!! Test Default Iterator
<$list filter="one two three">
<dd>`<<iterator>>` = <<iterator>></dd>
<dd>`<<iterator-even>>` = <<iterator-even>></dd>
<dd>`<<iterator-last>>` = <<iterator-last>></dd>
...displays as:
<$list filter="one two three">
<dd>`<<iterator>>` = <<iterator>></dd>
<dd>`<<iterator-even>>` = <<iterator-even>></dd>
<dd>`<<iterator-last>>` = <<iterator-last>></dd>
!! Test Custom Iterator
<$list filter="one two three" iterator=foo>
<dd>`<<foo>>` = <<foo>></dd>
<dd>`<<foo-even>>` = <<foo-even>></dd>
<dd>`<<foo-last>>` = <<foo-last>></dd>
...displays as:
<$list filter="one two three" iterator=foo>
<dd>`<<foo>>` = <<foo>></dd>
<dd>`<<foo-even>>` = <<foo-even>></dd>
<dd>`<<foo-last>>` = <<foo-last>></dd>
[[Stephan Hradek's solution|http://tb5.tiddlyspot.com/#How%20Big%20Are%20Tiddlers%20In%20Size%3F]] to calculate tiddler sizes. ([[here|length macro and lsort filter]] is an alternative bookmarklet).
!! Installation
Simply drag-n-drop-import both to your wiki:
; length macro
: [[$:/macros/skeeve/length.js]]
; lsort filter
: [[$:/core/modules/filters/lsort.js]]
<$list filter="[!is[system]!is[shadow]!lsort[]]">
<$macrocall $name="length" tiddler={{!!title}}/>
<$link><$view field=title/></$link><br>
<$list filter="[!is[system]!is[shadow]!lsort[]]">
<$macrocall $name="length" tiddler={{!!title}}/>
<$link><$view field=title/></$link><br>
; modified
: [[$:/core/modules/filters/limit.js]]
; introduces
: offset suffix
: negative limit (from end)
; changed
: negation of limit is now proper negation with respect to set theory
: negative limit takes last x
: positive offset removes first x
: negative offset removes last x
: first offset applied, then limit
Following [[these instructions|http://tb5.tiddlyspot.com/#Conditional%20ViewTemplate%20Section]], this wiki implements a template showing a link to the current tiddler at the bottom of each tiddler.
''Note:'' For any open tiddler you also find a link in the ''Open'' tab in the sidebar.
You can simply drag this into your wiki to get the same link at the bottom right <<source $:/.tb/ui/ViewTemplate/tiddler-link>>
@@color:red;''Deprecated:''@@ This was a modification to [[$:/core/modules/widgets/navigator.js]] allows to define the behaviour of TiddlyWiki when the last tiddler in the story is closed by setting the text of [[$:/config/Story/OnEmpty]] to either of:
; `keep`
: will keep the last tiddler open
; `default`
: will open the default tiddler(s)
; `open:foo`
; `show:foo`
; `show= foo `
: either will open the tiddler `foo`, i.e.
:: the first 5 characters are truncated
:: the rest is trimmed
Try modifying [[$:/config/Story/OnEmpty]] right now!
!! Discussion
\define foo()
; <<git5 issues/1373>>
: expose paramString to macro
; modified
: [[$:/core/modules/widgets/macrocall.js]]
: [[$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/macrocallinline.js]]
: [[$:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/macrocallblock.js]]
\define foo()
* "<<foo bar baz>>"
* "<<foo bar baz>>"
@@color:red; The problem is solved. What was needed was to use `$param` instead of `param` in `$action-sendmessage`.@@
To cater for [[Alex|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/tiddlywiki/jELpE-9d4s4]], I allowed to add a note to a story (sidebar).
Deleting a story, I also want to delete the note. However the `$action-sendmessage` in `deleteSnapshot()` throws an errror...
<<source $:/.tb/ui/MoreSideBar/Stories>>
; discussion
: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/hR4LntIK_DY/Fm-gh7nSecEJ
; pull request
: allows custom html element to be created by ''~RevealWidget''
: <<git5 pull/1380>>
; modified
: $:/core/modules/widgets/reveal.js
: introduces ''element'' attribute to the reveal widget
<$reveal default="x" type="match" text="y" element="tr">
<$reveal default="x" type="match" text="y" element="tr">
Note how the above creates a ''tr'' instead of a spurious ''span'' element that breaks the html table.
Implements <<git5 issues/1195>>.
!! Modified Core Components
* $:/core/modules/filters/search.js
* $:/core/modules/wiki.js
* $:/core/modules/tiddler.js
!! Examples
; custom fields foo & bar and title
: `<<list-links filter:"[search:foo:bar:title[baz]]">>`
:> <<list-links filter:"[search:foo:bar:title[baz]]">>
; all custom fields
: `<<list-links filter:"[search:$custom[baz]]">>`
:> <<list-links filter:"[search:$custom[baz]]">>
; all standard text fields
: `<<list-links filter:"[search:$text[baz]]">>`
:> <<list-links filter:"[search:$text[baz]]">>
; all standard fields, including modified & created
: `<<list-links filter:"[search:$standard[baz]]">>`
:> <<list-links filter:"[search:$standard[baz]]">>
; all fields
: `<<list-links filter:"[search:$all[baz]]">>`
:> <<list-links filter:"[search:$all[baz]]">>
this is version: <<version>>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/foo" $index="$:/foo" $value="$:/foo"/>
<$action-navigate $to="Data"/>
Click to set Index "$:/foo" of tiddler "$:/foo" to "$:/foo"!
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/foo" $index="$:/foo" $value="$:/foo"/>
<$action-navigate $to="$:/foo"/>
Click to set Index "$:/foo" of tiddler "$:/foo" to "$:/foo"!
[[Discussed at #1205|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1205#issuecomment-66641227]], I swapped the bold for shadows and propose something less colorful for shadows in wikitext. Now, overriden shadows do stand out in the system tab! (Didn't use purple, because traditionally that indicates a visited link.)
;internal link
:<$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><<currentTiddler>></$link>
;system tiddler — containing the styles
;overriden shadow
;plain shadow
Here's an attempt to show social buttons generated via [[simplesharingbuttons|http://simplesharingbuttons.com/]].
''Note:'' For some reason, a number of buttons do not show __in Chrome__, e.g. the first one should actually be facebook to the very left, followed by twitter. The problem must be related to the generated target urls as the buttons show if I modify that. o.O
!!The buttons
Should actually be more than just the displayed three...
<ul class="social">
<li><a href="https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Ftb5.tiddlyspot.com&t=tb5%20solutions%20for%20TiddlyWiki" target="_blank">{{Facebook.png}}</a></li>
<li><a href="https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?source=http%3A%2F%2Ftb5.tiddlyspot.com&text=tb5%20solutions%20for%20TiddlyWiki:%20http%3A%2F%2Ftb5.tiddlyspot.com&via=beertobias" target="_blank" title="Tweet">{{Twitter.png}}</a></li>
<li><a href="https://plus.google.com/share?url=http%3A%2F%2Ftb5.tiddlyspot.com" target="_blank" title="Share on Google+">{{Google+.png}}</a></li>
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<li><a href="http://pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url=http%3A%2F%2Ftb5.tiddlyspot.com&media=http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x375/tobibeer/img/tiddlywiki/tb5.gif&description=solutions%2C%20plugins%2C%20developer%20info%2C%20core%2C%20references%2C%20markup" target="_blank" title="Pin it">{{Pinterest.png}}</a></li>
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<li><a href="mailto:?subject=tb5%20solutions%20for%20TiddlyWiki&body=solutions%2C%20plugins%2C%20developer%20info%2C%20core%2C%20references%2C%20markup:%20http%3A%2F%2Ftb5.tiddlyspot.com" target="_blank" title="Email">{{Email.png}}</a></li>
.social {
list-style: none;
.social li {
; modified
: $:/core/modules/filters/tagging.js
: $:/core/modules/utils/utils.js
; other tiddler tagged like this one?
: `<<list-links filter:"[all[current]tagging:all[]]">>`
:> <<list-links filter:"[all[current]tagging:all[]]">>
;all tagging to both `Filters` and `Demo`
:`<<list-links filter:"[[Filters]][[Demo]]+[tagging:all[]]">>`
:> <<list-links filter:"[[Filters]][[Demo]]+[tagging:all[]]">>
; relevant / required for
: http://tagfilter.tiddlyspot.com
Especially when iterating via [[lists|http://tiddlywiki.com/#ListWidget]], the following doesn't work as it wikifies all the inner `<$foo bar/>` into an internal link...
[[<$transclude field="title" mode="block"/>]]
[[<$transclude field="title" mode="block"/>]]
Instead, use the [[link widget|http://tiddlywiki.com/#LinkWidget]]...
<$link><$transclude field="title" mode="block"/></$link>
<$link><$transclude field="title" mode="block"/></$link>
Or short...
''demo wikis hosted on TiddlySpot:''
The problem...
[[@danielo515|https://github.com/danielo515]], would you say the below table is really a satisfying answer to solve [[the problem above|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1095#issuecomment-64700373]]?
This table will always put columns at equal width, no matter what the content:
.the-table td {
/* css-3 */
white-space: -o-pre-wrap;
word-wrap: break-word;
white-space: pre-wrap;
white-space: -moz-pre-wrap;
white-space: -pre-wrap;
.the-table {
table-layout: fixed;
width: 100%
.fix-table {
.the-table td {
/* css-3 */
white-space: -o-pre-wrap;
word-wrap: break-word;
white-space: pre-wrap;
white-space: -moz-pre-wrap;
white-space: -pre-wrap;
.the-table {
table-layout: fixed;
width: 100%
.fix-table {
!! For comparison, the proposed solution
I truly don't see what's wrong with a wrapper. It's been the solution to fix problems ever since there were problems.
<div class="fix-table">
Following these notes...
The following twitter share link doesn't seem to work...
the link: <a href="https://twitter.com/share" class="twitter-share-button" data-url="http://tbdemo.tiddlyspot.com/#Twitter" data-via="beertobias">Tweet</a>
the link: <a href="https://twitter.com/share" class="twitter-share-button" data-url="http://tbdemo.tiddlyspot.com/#Twitter" data-via="beertobias">Tweet</a>
I am pretty sure the problem lies in how twitter tries to create the script tag for the actual library so as to load it on demand.
The following tiddler tagged [[$:/tags/RawMarkup]] contains the twitter script <<source $:/.tb/lib/twitter>>
!! ~ModuleType
Using ''module-type: library'' also fails when containing just...
function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src=p+'://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js';fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document, 'script', 'twitter-wjs')
!! Plain Script Tag => Total Failure
Using this directly in the above tiddler, breaks TiddlyWiki entirely after reload...
<script id="twitter.wjs" src="http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" type="text/javascript"/>
!! The Original Source From Twitter
<a href="https://twitter.com/share" class="twitter-share-button" data-url="http://tbdemo.tiddlyspot.com/#Twitter" data-via="beertobias">Tweet</a><script>!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src=p+'://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js';fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document, 'script', 'twitter-wjs');</script>
Make js macros more failsafe by allowing non-string, undefined or null return value.
{{$:/.tb/macros/undefined.js||$:/core/ui/Buttons/delete}} <<source [[$:/.tb/macros/undefined.js]]>>
> <<undefined>>
With [[help from BJ and Astrid|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/m1MVi5B4wBw/nrHhbiQU3iYJ]], the below example now successfully...
* constructs the variable ''currentGroup''
** only one pair of curly brackets!!
* for use in a filter from a dynamic text-reference as calculated via the ''group'' macro.
** no surrounding brackets at all to construct the valid filter!!
For debugging, the actual contents of a variable can be inspected using the ''$text'' widget.
<<source "$:/.demo/Variable Text Reference">>
{{$:/.demo/Variable Text Reference}}
Trying to implement a macro that returns a link to a youtube video id stored in a field at the current tiddler called ''youtube'' ...here with value <code>{{!!youtube}}</code>, like so:
<<y: 00 03 10>>
<<y: 00 03 10>>
''Note:'' Almost all works, except for the bit where I want to read / transclude the __value__ of the youtube ID, which fails (take a look at the contructed link by hovering it).
''I would really finally learn and memorize that trick which always seems to befuddle me more than it's supposed to!''
The macro: <<source $:/.tb/macros/youtube-timed-link>>
The `[img[url]]` syntax creates an instance of the `<$image>` widget. That means that you can use it with URLs or with images that have been imported as tiddlers. The HTML `<img>` syntax only works with URLs.
If you're just manually creating links to images then probably the main reason to use the _canonical_uri approach is so that you can refer to an image via a convenient tiddler title instead of the long URL. Users can also open external image tiddlers directly in the story view, without needing to open a tiddler and type some codes.
The purpose of the _canonical_uri field is to enable us to build TiddlyWikis that refer to image tiddlers via a URL instead of embedding it as a base 64 URI - it was actually implemented in response to your experiments with 80MB TiddlyWiki's containing lots of images.
With external images, we can have a single representation of an image tiddler on the server, but have the freedom to elect to serve it to the browser either as an external image or embedded into the file.
:release notes
z-index for notifications needs to be above top-bar: [[vanilla/base.tid#L1097|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/blob/52d29ac0cf1035b73495676ce035ff3e17aa3426/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/base.tid#L1097]]
* enhanced edit-text widget with `focus="true"` attribute
* modified title template to make it `focus()` and `select()` by default
fixes <<git5 issues/1010>> — formatDateString tiny bug
I can't say how often I had to look for the # permalink button just because it wouldn't be set automatically.
tiddlers not listed in the list field, sorted by title nonetheless, otherwise we get a real poor taglist from [[$:/core/ui/TagTemplate]]
; demo
: working on (any tag at) [[tb5|http://tb5.tiddlyspot.com/#filters]]
the tag button styles in edit mode were not updated yet ...bright backgrounds were entirely unreadable
; consolidated all tag button output in `$:/core/macros/tag`
: introduces `mode` parameter
; simplified templates
: `$:/core/ui/TagTemplate` — also put under **Components**?
: `$:/core/ui/Components/tag-link`
: simplified `EditTemplate/tags`
; demo
: http://tbdemo.tiddlyspot.com/#Consolidate%20Tag%20Macro
; discussion
: [[conditional table rows|https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!folder/TiddlyWiki/tiddlywiki/hR4LntIK_DY]]
Implements <<git5 issues/1216#issuecomment-70498170>>
; $:/core/modules/utils/utils.js
: introduces ''$tw.utils.intersect'' to retrieve an intersection of a variable number of arrays
; $:/core/modules/filters/tagging.js
: updated filter implementing the suffix ''tagging:all''
; demo
: http://tbdemo.tiddlyspot.com/#tagging%3Aall
Extends search and search filter, implementing <<git5 issues/1195>>.
; `[search:foo:bar:title[baz]]`
: search custom fields foo & bar and title field
; `[search:$custom[foo]]`
: search all custom fields
; `[search:$standard[foo]]`
: search all standard fields
; `[search:$text[foo]]`
: search all standard text fields — the above minus modified / creator
; `[search:$all[foo]]`
: search all fields
; demo
: http://tbdemo.tiddlyspot.com/#search%3A%24custom
; relates to
: <<git5 issues/1387>>
; demo
: http://goto.bplaced.net/tw5/5.1.7.html
to have one place to configure / override
; implements
: <<git5 issues/1373>>
: useful in js macros that do their own parsing, if any
; demo
: http://tbdemo.tiddlyspot.com/#paramString
a filter returning a toc as a flat list (based on tagging)<br>
will allow paging with offset via `[limit:<offset>[<limit>]]`
; published
: http://tb5.tiddlyspot.com/#filter%3A%20toc
allows to shift the considered tiddlers by a given number, e.g. for paging
This modification to [[$:/core/modules/widgets/navigator.js]] allows to define the behaviour of TiddlyWiki when the last tiddler in the story is closed by setting the text of [[$:/config/Story/OnEmpty]] to either of:
; keep
: will keep the last tiddler open
; default
: will open the default tiddler(s)
; open:foo
; show:foo
; keep:foo
: either will open the tiddler ''foo''
demo: http://tbdemo.tiddlyspot.com/#OnEmpty
!! Discussion
previously did not correctly handle / match the source but only output the list as is
; implements
: <<git5 issues/1369>>
; demo
: http://tbdemo.tiddlyspot.com/#each%3Alist
When the suffix is list, the each filter interprets the field as a list of individual tiddler titles equivalent to the core list field and returns all titles referenced in the list field of the source list, existing or not.
; replaces
: [[1407-open-default-on-empty]]
added ''~ControlPanel'' settings => reordered ''~ControlPanel / Basics'' a bit to have ''~DefaultTiddlers'' next to ''~EmptyMessage'' but not shifting important stuff too far down.
There is the emptyMessage attribute of the list widget that could be used to display custom content in case the story river is empty. The content wouldn't be displayed as a tiddler (there'd be no toolbar buttons etc.). So, one possibility is to update the list widget for the main story river to read an empty message from $:/config/EmptyStoryMessage. We should also expose it in control panel.
!! Discussion
`<$list filter="[<dataTiddler>index<dataIndex>]"/>`
; demo
: http://tbdemo.tiddlyspot.com/#Index%20Filter
; was
: <<git5 issues/1375>>
Currently ''tm-delete-tiddler'' throws a red error box:
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-delete-tiddler" $param="DoesntExist"/>
delete non-existing
`Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'fields' of undefined`
To include a third party javascript library in the header section...
<script src="js/jquery-1.9.1.js" type="text/javascript"/>
...put the markup into a tiddler and tag it [[$:/tags/RawMarkup]].
; enhance `$edit-text` for
: [[$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/fields]]
; idea
: <<git5 pull/1063#issuecomment-69107417>>
; feedback
: reader => writer
: student => teacher
; discussion
: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/OPHbcxm_75g/u5TK-355vTsJ
Say, one develops a number of plugins intended to support a tw5 based application.
What would you recommend for...
# The bundling process...
#* Split components into an app-core and perhaps optional plugins?
#* I guess the reliable way is to always build against the stable release
# Providing upgrade paths...
#* Can't stop users from upgrading TiddlyWiki independently, right?
#* Would app-packages be dragged to the app, replacing an existing package?
#* What is required for an "upgrader"?
#* Can there be master packages, i.e. plugin-plugins
#** ...thus allowing distros, e.g. basic, full, ...?
; discussion
: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/6Q6TrAOBnFI/_Iu5HeSn5BEJ
''Neil Griffin''
I think the question of who is the target user is an important one.
Most of the discussions I have seen on the forum and in the hangouts seem to be aiming for promoting TW to an audience with relatively low technical capability.
I think this is a mistake both in terms of maximising the audience and maximising the impact of Tiddlywiki.
I would suggest that the aim of marketing TW should be to maximise something like the following product:
size of audience trying TW (A) *
probability of user sticking with TW (B) *
benefit received or impact achieved by user (C)
Targetting a low-tech audience makes A very large, but B and C are likely to be very low.
I think a better result would be achieved by targetting a smaller, but still substantial technically capable audience, for whom B and C are much larger.
In an ideal world, you would target everyone, but with finite resources, it is better to go for the low hanging fruit.
If I were to try to promote it to people I know, I would start with my colleagues and not my Mum.
I don't know if it might be helpful, but in TWC with Internet Explorer in Windows I figured out how to automatically set it using [[ActiveXObject("WScript.Network");|http://bit.ly/1y3I4D6]]
— [[Andrew|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/mip6gql_VVU/rVsCjOaM_AcJ]]
var ax = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Network");
txtUserName: ax.UserName});
var sys = new ActiveXObject("ADSysteminfo");
var username = sys.UserName;
var CN = username.split(" ");
config.options.txtSurName = CN[1];
config.options.txtSurID = CN[3].substring(0,7);
; idea
: create demo app
; mention
: http://tiddlywiki.com/#%22Creating%20a%20baby%20journal%20with%20TiddlyWiki%205%22%20from%20A%20Penguin%20in%20Redmond
[[Yes you can...|http://css-tricks.com/a-couple-of-use-cases-for-calc/]]
.thing {
width: 90%; /* fallback if needed */
width: calc(100% - 3em);
; Test Birthe
: http://bc.classic.tiddlyspot.com
; discussion — Nicolas A-M-B
: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/-qevGMkbWBQ/gU_vMb7QZmgJ
From [[commit|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/1145#issuecomment-64676559]]
no blanks after `,`
var next,f;
blanks ònly after `;` and `)`
for (f=0; f<object.length; f++) {
white space between operator and operand and always use braces
if(next === false) {
! From [[@Dev|http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/#TiddlyWiki%20Coding%20Style%20Guidelines]]
TiddlyWiki is a large project with many interested parties. It benefits everyone if the code is as easy to read as possible. A key part of that it must be written and laid out consistently -- the code should read as though it were written by a single author.
! Guidelines
This list of guidelines isn't exhaustive but captures some of the common problems. The ultimate guide is the existing TiddlyWiki code-base. There are still some places where the coding guidelines aren't used consistently within the core; pull requests are welcome to help resolve those issues.
!! Tabs and whitespace
TiddlyWiki uses 4-character tabs for indenting.
One blank line is used to separate blocks of code. Occasional blank lines are permitted within blocks for clarity, but should be avoided unless they solve a specific readability problem.
!! Layout of basic constructs
See the following example for layout of basic JavaScript constructs:
Multiline comments are used to introduce a block of code such as a function definition
function demoFunction(param,more) {
// Proper sentence capitalisation for comments
if(condition == "something") {
// No space between "if" and the brackets; always spaces around binary operators
something = somethingElse;
myOtherFunction(one,two); // No whitespace within function parameters
do {
myCondition.explore(); // Always use semicolons
} while(myCondition < worsens);
!! Strings
Double quotes are preferred over single quotes for string literals.
<<git5 pull/1332#issuecomment-69508769>>
; discussion
: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/tiddlywiki/HMg-uphNy_w/24T7zb3NWxcJ
: better: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/HMg-uphNy_w/86g6vefBWukJ
: draft: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/HMg-uphNy_w/IUas6IoaeqQJ
; Larry's Cookbook
: http://twcookbook.tiddlyspot.com
; Seantaclaus' Recipes
: http://no-sin.com/wiki/Recipies.htm
; discussion
: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywikidev/PoKze6ZoDfA/ozhWnr7ceG0J
Make fields configurable, i.e. editor, etc...
=> compare to color-picker
; discussion
: https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1449#issuecomment-72676700
: read up on color field
; #903 Extend upgrader to be able to install new plugins
: https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/903
!! Discussion
While writing a macro for my plugin I used all the techniques described in the thread:
!! Browser
* `alert('foo')`
** perhaps better: `if(!confirm('foo')) return;`
* `<<dumpvariables>>`
* `F12`
* `debugger`<div>
# add in js where you want a breakpoint for the dev tools<div>
var foo = 1;
// break here to be able to step into bar()
# open dev tools / F12
# open the wiki or reload / F5, trigger the code
# the debugger should stop at your breakpoint
#* from there you can step into your code, inspect variables, see the Javascript console for errors, etc.
!! Node
* `console.log`
* node error reporting
; John Cleese — Giving Instructions in the Classroom
: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXw7LYWNi5E
: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/6Q6TrAOBnFI/vcdvzTV06jsJ
; Public Folders
: https://www.dropbox.com/en/help/16
: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/l6gGrau3PiQ/Tvsa64fkTZwJ
You grab an item via its handle to the left and drop it onto any of the red bars to insert it there. Clicking on a red bar will create a a new item there.
<div class="tc-drop-list">
<div class="tc-drop-here"> </div>
<$list filter="1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10">
<div class="tc-drop-item"><$view field=title/></div>
<div class="tc-drop-here"> </div>
.tc-drop-list:hover > .tc-drop-here{
padding:5px 5px 5px 20px;
content:" ";
padding:5px 0;
margin:-5px 0 0 -20px;
margin:-10px 0 0 0;
An edition [[is there to|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/831#issue-42623112]] distribute, promote and explain, plugins, themes and languages
; TiddlyWeb
: ''cdent'': https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/tCnPEDRPXFE/9893_8lPgfAJ
:: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/tiddlywebplugins.remotebag
: ''me'': https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/tCnPEDRPXFE/1oinxOBJSAgJ
; Mat
: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/4LulPsfEr-8/ahUWQf6kH1IJ
; Ward Cunningham
: Federated Wiki: http://www.infoq.com/presentations/federated-wiki-cunningham
: Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=federated+wiki
His / the projects github and an actual wiki (interesting interface!)
filter = "[....]";
You dont need a source. a source is just important when you want to decide on which tiddlers to run the filter on, see: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/tiddlywikidev/U6LFRxrJfeU
avoid all[...] if you want source to decide how to iterate
Provide something much more generic!
* use global js object to store rendered footnotes!
** `$tw.footnotes[<NameSpaceID>]`
*** generic `NameSpaceID` is `0`
* declare footnote once — where first used — assign to footnotes namespace
* use macro to reset __temporary__ footnotes namespace object
** allows to reuse same footnotes object when rendering tiddlers
** footnotes object only exists during rendering a tiddler
* use same macro to output footnotes list
** only at the bottom of a tiddler after all footnotes where processed!
* create backlink to inline element having `rel="<NameSpaceID><FootNoteID>"` from bottom to top
** could be multiple instances / a popup!
Possibly open issues...
;[[Simon Baird suggests to read...|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/1016#issuecomment-60742019]]
: [[fork a repo|https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo]]
: [[syncing a fork|https://help.github.com/articles/syncing-a-fork]]
;Dev Wiki
: [[developing plugins using Node.js and GitHub|http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/#Developing%20plugins%20using%20Node.js%20and%20GitHub]]
:see bottom section (thanks, [[PMario|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/jj8gAZZGWOU/E39VUB202sMJ]])
!!Working With Git
checking status and making sure things are clean
`git status`
get updates from upstream master
`git fetch upstream`
also uses tags? => fetch
`git fetch upstream --tags`
check out master and merge updates
`git checkout master`<br>
`git merge upstream/master`
working on features => create branch
`git checkout -b new-feature-branch`
some work done, some commits happen, some time passes...
getting stuff from master up to date...
`git fetch upstream`<br>
`git rebase upstream/master`
getting it up in my repo
`git add .`
`git commit -m "here a concise commit message" `
`git push origin new-feature-branch`
needs more polishing, changes happen on upstream?<br>
rebase local branch on top of the updates from upstream...<br>
`git fetch upstream`<br>
`git rebase upstream/master`
force push onto your remote branch....
`git push -f origin new-feature-branch`
want to make a pull request? => go to [[GitHub|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5]] and do it
Have a remote?
`git remote -v`
Only origin?
`origin https://github.com/tobibeer/TiddlyWiki5.git (push)`
Add remote via...
`git remote add upstream https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5.git`
`git remote add jermolene https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5.git`
!! Pull Requests
> It's OK to send a pull request on your master, but it means that you'll need to create a fork for any further unrelated modifications you might make. @@float:right;[[Jeremy Ruston|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/1396#issuecomment-71644734]]@@
Certain applications, e.g. GTD, would benefit a lot from an ability to dynamically set a global filter that constrains all lists to only those matching that filter, e.g. only ''status:#next'', only ''realm:-work'' or both.
Imagine a "focus" tab in the sidebar, or a corresponding button popup in the toolbar with predefined filter options which when clicked constrain all (filtered) lists to just that.
This would also be a way to provide more flexibility to as well hide things by default in the sense of <<git5 issues/1210>>, e.g. "Admin" pages that are only visible when one clicks a checkbox to remove ''[tag[Admin]]'' from that global "focus filter" and thus have these things listed and searchable.
# Go to the Google Analytics website: http://www.google.com/analytics/
# Click the 'Access Google Analytics' button and follow instructions to set up your account
# Enter the name of your tiddlyspot Domain i.e "mysite.tiddlyspot.com"
# You will be given your own Tracking ID for this domain
# Now go to tiddlywiki.com -- open the More/System tab and copy these three tiddlers across to a local copy of your site
#* [[$:/GoogleAnalyticsDomain]]
#* [[$:/GoogleAnalyticsAccount]]
#* [[$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/googleanalytics]]
# Edit the first two of these tiddlers to reflect your Domain and Tracking ID
# Upload the new version to tiddlyspot
# Return to your Google Analytics page to see if your site is being tracked
; bracketed title
: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/MPEHuh2g4gE/MnX0MW8DN24J
; ace
: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywikidev/9TRHJv1eBHk/AZT-pg52K1EJ
; Boilerplate
: https://github.com/h5bp
; SVG Overlay
: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/MsLl6vnhzwE/0stLZ6qMxcwJ
Danlielo's Test: http://bit.ly/1yZEDyB
; fork
: https://github.com/bartaz/impress.js
: rewrite as propper tw plugin
''Danielo Rodríguez''
I want to build an HTML version of a tiddlywiki that I'm running under node, but I want to remove all the plugins that are not essential for the HTML single edition like the file system sync. How should I construct the rendertiddler command?
''Jeremy Ruston''
If you want to use the same wiki both to produce standalone HTML files and in the client-server configuration then you'll need to adopt the approach you see in the TW5 repo for the editions tw5.com and tw5.com-server.
In other words, store your content in a wiki folder whose tiddlywiki.info file just includes the plugins/themes you want when building a standalone wiki. Then create a new wiki folder for the client-server configuration. It's tiddlywiki.info file would include the plugins/themes you need for the client-server configuration, and use the "includeWikis" feature to include the content from the other standalone wiki.
; implements list iterator variables
: <<git5 issues/1330>>
* standalone "iterate" widget
* feature-set it begs for
* required refresh logic
* format to publish
As [[Jeremy points out|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/886#issuecomment-56657902]], you should be able to include JSON within a triple quoted attribute:
<$text text="""{
!! Problems
; from
: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3076414/ways-to-circumvent-the-same-origin-policy#comment9917457_3076449
!! JSONP Has Two Problems
# You are adding a script tag to the target domain
#* They can send anything back, even regular javascript (XSS attack).
#* So you really have to trust them not to do bad stuff or become hacked
# Any other webpage can add the same script-tag, and steal the data
#* so never ever use JSONP for private data
The problem is that proper authentication is impossible with JSONP.
* A user logs in on site A and then goes to site B, which loads data from A using a JSONP script tag.
** As is well and good.
* Then the user is tricked into visiting evil site C, which also uses a JSONP script tag to load data from A.
* So because the user is authenticated with A, the owner of C can now steal the users data from A.
* And that's even if the user used two factor authentication to authenticated with A.
* The problem is that JSONP is highly insecure.
* JSONP is not presentation, it's insecure data transfer.
* http://tw5topleft.tiddlyspot.com
* http://leftbar.tiddlyspot.com
* http://bc.classic.tiddlyspot.com
;<<git5 issues/1176>> !!!
:storing the output of a filter in a field
Turn [[DateFilter|http://datefilter.tiddlyspot.com/]] into [[LetFilter|http://letfilter.tiddlyspot.com]] ...to compare tiddlers and could also do basic math, etc.
!! extend with
* boolean
* integer
* real
!! accuracy
calculation accuracy for ''num'' as setting
!! calculations
* `let[100+=5*]`
* `let[100-=5*]`
* `let[10*=3]`
* `let[10*=2]`
* `let[100/=10]`
* `let[100/=10]`
* `let:*10:price:func=sum[]`
* `let:+1000:price:func=avg[]`
!! storing results
* `let:set=foo/bar[]`
!! max + 1
;set taskid
;sum fields
; PMario
: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/-02ownrGbN0/yHPjahazfc0J
; Extend link widget to link to a filtered list
: https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/192
see if I can use the ''$image'' widget to allow for `$(currentTiddler)$!!foo`
Both of those lines work for me. There are a couple things to be careful of here.
<iframe src="file:///f:/reboot.txt" frameborder=0 width="100%" height="700"></iframe>`
<object width="100%" height="900" type="application/pdf" data="file:\\E:\binder.pdf #toolbar=0&navpanes=0&statusbar=0">
The following causes a small window to pop up which tells me that "You have chosen to open: daily.xls which is: Microsoft Office Excel 97-2003 from c:/backup." and asks if I want to open it with Microsoft Office Excel.
<a href="file:///c:/backup/daily.xls">View xls</a>
; sidebar search
: http://mockup-sidebar-search.tiddlyspot.com
: trying to bring advanced search and search results into a dynamical sidebar tab
; draggable
: http://draggable.tiddlyspot.com
: extending lists for drag-sorting
Import all of...
* [[$:/config/Toolbar/Text]]
* [[$:/themes/mptw/styles]]
* [[$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/tagginglist]]
* [[$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/taggingsublist]]
:with http://taggly5.tiddlyspot.com
:reveal widget: allow popups to work with column-count layouts
http://tiddlystuff.tiddlyspot.com "Newtiddler Widget"
; TiddlyWeb plugins required to run node.js server
: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/uycBwgEkDqQ/Gw1XkEAisnIJ
"plugins": [
Those 2 plugins are needed, that the server can access the OS file system and knows about the TiddlyWeb API. If the plugins are not loaded, the mechanism fails silently. ... which is a problem.
In the future, there are plans to include those functions into the core, which will remove this problem. ... But there is no roadmap yet.
; ConnectedText
: No android version
; ResophNotes
: syncing is unstable
; Evernote
: linking is awkward
; SimpleNote
: no linking at all
; TreePad
: linking is unwieldy
: the android app requires too many steps to sync
; Wiki On a Stick
: obsolete
: no android version
; Emacs
: an even steeper learning curve than TiddlyWiki
; NoteTab
: text editor
: wiki-linking works great
: no Android text editor that allows for wiki links
; tw setup
: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/2DmWNbPyO3Q/bTO4NUF_IP0J
* https://github.com/nickdesaulniers/What-Open-Source-Means-To-Me
; Scalar
: http://scalar.usc.edu/features/overview
My pull-requests for tw...
<$list filter="[tag[Pull]!sort[title]]" template="$:/.tb/template/tagged-timeline">
[[flat list...|Pull]]
Put [[$:/TagManager]] out of sidebar tab into [[$:/ControlPanel]].
//The only price you have to pay is your patience.// — ''Stephan Hradeck''
; ~TiddlyWeb
: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlyweb/UcYrnvGwNUQ/UJRgSn4VjfYJ
; comparison by PMario
: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywikidev/OKfSSrA_jRA/vX8qpSkXI0sJ
! Ingredients
* 1/2 pound unsalted butter
* 3/4 cup white sugar
* 3/4 cup brown sugar
! Instructions
# Preheat oven to 375°F.
# Bake until lightly browned, about 10 minutes.
Have every recipe tagged with Recipes to easily find them.
Here's an index showing all recipes in alphabetical order with a button to create a new one:
<$button message="tm-new-tiddler" param="$:/skeletons/recipe">Create New Recipe</$button>
<$list filter='[!is[system]tag[Recipes]]'>
<$link><$view field='title'/></$link><br/>
Create a template tiddler with the title "$:/skeletons/recipe" as a starting point:
! Ingredients
* First Ingredient
! Instructions
# First instruction
; via taskgraph
: http://wkpr.de/hosting/tmp/tw5/taskgraph/#Adapter
; #14
: auto-generated views for tagging / references
: https://github.com/felixhayashi/tw-taskgraph/issues/14
:yo bower grunt — scaffold package build
:;yo tiddlywiki
::generator https://www.npmjs.com/package/generator-tiddlywiki
:reusable components, framework for php web projects
;Adobe ~PhoneGap
:;running on cordova
;Intel XDK
; Mario Pietsch — Intro
: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywikidev/kykii6Y4fTs/IyA1dbiID14J
; discussion
: https://github.com/felixhayashi/TW5-TiddlyMap/issues/22#issuecomment-72741823
: Jeremy's blog
: https://jermolene.wordpress.com/2008/11/14/tabbedsinglepagemode-for-tiddlywiki
; reminder
: https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1290#issuecomment-68461347
port ~SectionLinkPlugin to tw5
; TiddlyWiki Infrastructure — Mario Pietsch
: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywikidev/kykii6Y4fTs/oqdWHYk0VB4J
* https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/tiddlywikidev/jRMg6UffJPw
* http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/#RootWidget%20and%20Rendering%20Startup
* http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/#StartupTimeline.png
* http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/#Startup%20Process
* http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/#Startup%20Modules.svg
; thirdflow
: http://thediveo.github.io/ThirdFlow/
;fix headers
;somewhat inconclusive instructions
; export swarms
: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/m6qGAjukiQs/SFWZMqHoBPMJ
!! PMario
; terms recap
: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywikidev/7avA60bauFc/wmiLG2G_qbAJ
; tiddler
: the fundamental unit of information in TiddlyWiki
; plugin
: a bundle of tiddlers packaged together as a single tiddler
: distribute optional, custom components
; swarm
: //"I have come to think of the mechanism that yields plugins as a more general concept of bundling tiddlers to be reused and repurposed for different usecases, like a bundle or a "swarm of tiddlers"... rushing from one place to another."// — Tobias Beer
;bag (TiddlyWeb)
: a container of uniquely named tiddlers
: can have rules for who can edit, delete or read the tiddlers in the bag
: rules are defined in a policy
: recipe (TiddlyWeb)
: an ordered list of bags and filters that generates a list of tiddlers
; tank ([[Tank]])
: a container for your content
: each individual piece of content is called a tiddler
: each tank has a name, an optional description and a policy which controls who can read or manipulate the tiddlers in the tank
; composition ([[Tank]])
: or "comp", combines two or more tanks to achieve an alternate presentation or tool for managing the content in the tanks
;~CouchDB Discussion
;<<git5 issues/238>> — fixed in 5.1.5
:JSON deserialiser doesn't import custom fields<blockquote>
The JSON deserialiser only imports the following fields: title, text, created, creator, modified, modifier, type, tags. It should import all fields, including custom ones.
The reason that it doesn't already import all fields is that the TW2 build process requires us to import tiddlers from TiddlySpace, but we don't want to consume all the TiddlySpace-related custom fields that come with each tiddler. So any fix for this issue will have to leave a way for the TW2 import process to continue to ignore custom fields from the JSON data pulled down from TiddlySpace.
if someone imports tiddlers from a TW with a backend. What happens with the "server." fields?
If they exported from the backend TW via JSON then only the core fields would be imported, and the server.* fields would be dropped. But the referenced thread is about syncing.
;add taggly macro
* [[The Concept of Tags and Tagging — Mat|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/iNVgY_NdVTQ/mteMgoqeXDUJ]]
** http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tag_%28metadata%29
** http://en.support.wordpress.com/posts/categories-vs-tags
; discussion
: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywikidev/wgGmDi4SSZI/Feeihld2qLoJ
:a simple read-only theme for presentations and home pages
:https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/uKikznl1BxQ/VEoE2PYD7M0J <blockquote>
TalkyTalky uses the punch theme. You can use the toolbar buttons hovering them. Use the double chevron in the upper right corner to view sidebar. Going to the system tab you will see, two custom view-templates, `$:/_fullscreen-button` and `$:/_talkytalky-styles`. The tiddlers are listed in default tiddlers.
; authentication
: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/9StCkkvgDlI/ygBj1vQTdfEJ
Understanding the paradigm and its implications...
If we used a state field on the tiddler containing the toc then that tiddler would be modified each time a new tiddler was selected. If the tiddler containing the toc were a shadow tiddler, that would mean that the shadow value would be cloned, meaning that future upgrades wouldn't come through.
In a similar vein, an edition might want to provide a default for the selected tiddler; if we used a field then the edition would need to ship a copy of the entire tiddler containing the toc.
The question of determining the "tiddler containing the toc" is actually quite tricky. The toc might be invoked from a shared global macro; then perhaps we'd want to identify the tiddler containing that macro, not the one containing the toc.
To get a JSON representation of a tiddler you should call `wiki.getTiddlerAsJson(title)`.
The reason is that the tiddler object supports fields of types other than strings. The modified and created fields are JavaScript Date() objects, and the list and tags fields are arrays of strings. So, if you convert the tiddler object directly to JSON you'll end up with those data types used for the fields.
;Danielo Rodríguez
; TW5 and TiddlySpace / TiddlyWeb
: https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1194
; TW5 & TiddlyWeb — instructions by Chris
: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlyweb/UcYrnvGwNUQ/UJRgSn4VjfYJ
; TiddlyWeb plugins required to run node.js server
: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/uycBwgEkDqQ/Gw1XkEAisnIJ
;suggest improvements
<a href="https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/tiddlywiki/Yv7kdCbWtNo"><img src="https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-ISmiQHrFj9E/VH1zyGerj3I/AAAAAAAABqk/boH6sysrvo8/s1600/timelog.gif" title="ui design"/></a>
It is still possible to transclude the original shadow direct from the $:/core plugin:
<$transclude tiddler="$:/core" subtiddler="$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/subtitle"/>
* https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1200#issuecomment-65844250
* https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/690#issuecomment-49288969
* https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=triple
* http://tiddlywiki.com/#HTML%20in%20WikiText
* http://tiddlywiki.com/#Widgets%20in%20WikiText
* http://tiddlywiki.com/#Macros%20in%20WikiText
;a compilation of multiple public tiddlywikis from different authors
* http://tiddlywiki.com
* http://inmysocks.tiddlyspot.com/
* http://wkpr.de/hosting/tmp/tw5/taskgraph/
* http://larigot.avarts.ionio.gr/users/iani/wikis/tw5square.html
* http://tiddlystuff.tiddlyspot.com/
* http://tw5magick.tiddlyspot.com/
* http://www.giffmex.org/tw5mall.htm
* http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/118970/wiki/tw5tribalknowledge.html
* https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bydfk9tNRJHBc3FvclFBMzRreTQ&authuser=0
* http://eucaly-tw5.tiddlyspot.com/
* http://tiddlyclip.tiddlyspot.com/
* http://tw5.scholars.tiddlyspot.com/
* http://wills.tiddlyspot.com/
* http://mathjax-tw5.kantorsite.net/
* http://welford.github.io/
* http://bjtools.tiddlyspot.com/
* http://braintest.tiddlyspot.com/
* http://tb5.tiddlyspot.com
* http://cjhunt.github.io/
* http://tongerner.tiddlyspot.com/
* http://septembertw.tiddlyspot.com/
* http://style.tiddlyspot.com/
:don't use standard twitter button!
;plugin variants, esp. with libraries
:all plugin modules
:all plugin modules in shadows
* [[from Birthe|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/utsLmgHZAhM/KzxqKA9t_sUJ]]:
** https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/tiddlywiki/2Ph1RGBrbIo/2nSNcUDyzx4J
* https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/tiddlywiki/fontawesome/tiddlywiki/EUyVLjVc85w/9Z2hoPVNl2IJ
!! Examples
; http://didaxy.net
: using punch theme
: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/8GmRBO4AsC8/-IwVtYGgPssJ
; compare
: http://www.wikimatrix.org
; discussion
: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/GBil6JtM0Vo/x5soT-nDOvEJ
; TiddlyWeb
: http://cdent.tumblr.com/post/47954625/wsgi-down-your-pipe
;Jed Carty
;Astrid Elocson
;Jeremy Ruston
If you click the button below than comments for this tiddler should open in the sidebar
If you click the button below than comments for this tiddler should open in the sidebar
<$button>Comment Thread Billy
<$action-reload-comments newid=billy permalink="http://ooktech.com/jed/ExampleWikis/DISQUS%20Demo/#!billy" threadTitle='billy'/>
<$button>Comment Thread Bob
<$action-reload-comments newid=bob permalink="http://ooktech.com/jed/ExampleWikis/DISQUS%20Demo/#!bob" threadTitle='bob'/>
<$button>Comment Thread Joe
<$action-reload-comments newid=joe permalink="http://ooktech.com/jed/ExampleWikis/DISQUS%20Demo/#!joe" threadTitle='joe'/>
Click on the `(Re)load Comment Thread` button in [[Example tiddler thread 1]] or [[Example tiddler thread 2]] to open up the comment threads for those tiddlers. The comments will open in the sidebar.
''The first time you tell it to load a comment thread you will get a javascript error, but it will work anyway. No, I don't know why. No, I don't know how to fix it. Yes, it works anyway.''
!Quick overview
!!Tiddlers needed
*[[$:/plugins/inmysocks/DISQUS Comments]]
#Make yourself a [[DISQUS account|https://disqus.com/]] if you don't already have one.
#After you have made your account go [[here|https://disqus.com/websites/]] so you can set everything up on the DISQUS side.
##Click on `Add DISQUS to your site`, it is at the top of the page.
##Enter a site name (the name of the wiki you are adding comments to is a good choice) and a unique DISQUS url (there will be a default suggestion after you give a name, I just used that) for the site and select a category (I used `other`).
##Click `Finish registration`
##The next page says 'Choose your platform', click on 'Universal Code', it should be the top choice.
##In the code that is displayed you need to look at the line that starts with `var disqus_shortname = ` and copy that full line and save it for later. (The disqus_shortname should be the same as whatever you put for your unique DISQUS url above.)
#Import the plugin into your wiki.
#Go to the `DISQUS` tab that is now in the $:/ControlPanel and enter the site url and, if you want, the label for the sidebar tab, the label for the load comments buttons, and the default language to use (if it isn't english).
#Edit the tiddler [[$:/plugins/inmysocks/DISQUS Comments/Disqus JavaScript]] and replace the line `var disqus_shortname = 'ooktechcomjedexternalbrain';` with the one you copied from the DISQUS site above. (The only difference should be that `ooktechcomjedexternalbrain` is replaced with whatever your sites short name is. You don't have to care about what that means.)
** (OPTIONAL) If you want to use a language other than english you also need to change the line `this.language = "en";` so instead of `en` it uses the iso language code for the language you want to use. Also go to the [[$:/plugins/inmysocks/DISQUS Comments/DISQUS Settings]] tiddler (or the `DISQUS` tab in the control panel) and set the language there using the same code so that when you reload comments everything uses the correct language.
Doing all of this will put a tab in your side bar called 'DISQUS Comments', all of the comments will be there. To add comments for a single tiddler you put `<<ReloadDisqusComments>>` in that tiddler. Where you put that macro there will be a button, when you click on the button it will switch the sidebar to the comments tab and load the comments for that tiddler. Unfortunately you can only have a single comment thread displayed on a page at one time, so the comments will be in the sidebar. And you have to click on the button in a tiddler to load comments for that tiddler.
But it is a fully working comment system, enjoy!
!More indepth stuff
Most of this is going to be boring or irrelevant for most people. If you want to learn a bit more about how it works and what you can do to customize it than continue reading.
!!The DISQUS javascript code
The code will be something similar to this:
<div id="disqus_thread"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var disqus_shortname = 'ooktechcomjedexternalbrain';
(function() {
var dsq = document.createElement('script'); dsq.type = 'text/javascript'; dsq.async = true;
dsq.src = '//' + disqus_shortname + '.disqus.com/embed.js';
(document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(dsq);
<noscript>Please enable JavaScript to view the <a href="https://disqus.com/?ref_noscript" rel="nofollow">comments powered by Disqus.</a></noscript>
The `<div id="disqus_thread"></div>` part is what you put in a tiddler to add the comment thread, you can look at what is in [[$:/plugins/inmysocks/DISQUS Comments/DISQUS Comments]] tiddler to see how to do it. The rest of the code needs to be put into a tiddler tagged with `$:/tags/RawMarkup` the way that [[$:/plugins/inmysocks/DISQUS Comments/Disquis JavaScript]] tiddler is.
The part that would be different in yours is the `var disqus_shortname = 'ooktechcomjedexternalbrain';` line. This is also the reason that having multiple threads at the same URL is a problem because you would need to have different scripts for each thread, but the `<div id="disqus_thread"></div>` has no way to specify which thread to embed.
In order to have multiple pages with comments without having to create a new disqus thing for each page you add a line like `var disqus_identifier = 'a unique identifier for each page where Disqus is present';` to the configuration variables section of the script where you enter whatever unique identifier you want. Note that you need to include the script in every page where you have comments.
In order to load each different comment thread you need to use the action widget in [[$:/plugins/inmysocks/DISQUS Comments/action-reload-comments.js]] (so import that tiddler). To see how to use the buttons look at the code in [[DISQUS Comments]]. You make a button similar to this:
<$button>Comment Thread Billy
<$action-reload-comments newid=billy permalink="http://ooktech.com/jed/ExampleWikis/DISQUS%20Demo/#!billy" title='billy'/>
where `newid` gets the unique name for the comment thread (so tiddler title or something like that would work), permalink doesn't actually work, but is required for the function. Give it a permalink like tiddlywiki uses, but it needs `#!` instead of just `#`, which keeps tiddlywiki from loading the correct tiddler. The `title` is the displayed title, so it can also be the tiddler title. You can optionally add a `language=en` parameter which sets the language to english (which it is by default), if you want another language than change the `en` part. I think it uses the iso language codes, but I am not sure.
Then if you put `<<ReloadDisqusComments>>` in a tiddler it will make a button that loads the comment thread for that tiddler (you still need to put `<div id="disqus_thread"></div>` in the body of the tiddler).
!!There are a few things to keep in mind:
*ONLY ONE COMMENT THREAD WILL LOAD. This means that if you have two tiddlers with comment threads open ONLY ONE WILL SHOW UP. If you click on a button to load another thread it will load the new thread, but it will load in the tiddler where the comments are currently displayed, not in the new tiddler. This is why the comments are in the sidebar
*For the moment the comments will only load if the tiddler that has the comments is open when the wiki loads. This should be fixable and is the same problem that muut has. You can click on the 'Reload Comments' button (or whatever you call the button) to load the comments now, or to reload them.
*The permalink to comment threads doesn't work because disqus uses `#!` and tiddlywiki uses `#`
*The first time you click on one of the reload buttons after loading the wiki you may get a javascript error unless a thread has already loaded correctly. Everything works, but you get the error anyway. This may be fixable.
All of the macros are in [[Table Macros]], so you should only have to import that tiddler.
!Simple Row/Column Tables
Row table:
<<RowTable "row tiddler filter" "field filter">>
Column table:
<<ColumnTable "column tiddler filter" "field filter">>
The two macros `ColumnTable` and `RowTable` each take a filter listing tiddlers as input, with an optional second filter listing fields.
The tiddler filter defines which tiddlers are the columns for the `ColumnTable` macro and the rows for the `RowTable` macro.
If the second filter is left out, the rows of the `ColumnTable` macro are defined by the fields in each tiddler returned by the tiddler filter, the columns for the`RowTable` macro are defined by the fields in the returned tiddlers.
For row tables you can click on a column header and sort the table by that column, for column tables you can click on the row label and sort the columns by that row. Unfortunately sorting column tables by the columns or row tables by the rows is probably going to take some javascript that I don't feel like dealing with right now. It requires sorting the fields of a tiddler by their contents.
Examples: [[Simpler Table Macros]]
!Table Wizard
The macro `<<MakeTableWizard>>` will display the table creation tool. It doesn't take any arguments. You set the name of a configuration tiddler that holds the information for a table.
The macro `<<DisplayTable ConfigurationTiddler>>` will display a table made using the creation tool where `ConfiguartionTiddler` is the name of the tiddler given in the creation tool.
Enter a configuration tiddler name, each configuration tiddler will be associated with one table. You can make as many as you want.
Put in subcolumns, or not as you will.
Enter a tag that will be on the tiddler named with your dataset, you can create a new data set using the button. Note that if you try to make one with the same name as an existing tiddler it will overwrite the tag field of that tiddler.
Same for columns, subcolumns and rows. Subcolumns per column should be set to be equal to the number of columns you are using.
Row, column and subcolumn names can be any valid tiddler name.
If you check 'Allow Inline Editing' you can click on a cell in the table to edit the contents of that cell. For the moment this is probably the best way to enter data.
Data is stored it tiddlers using the naming convention:
For tables without subcolumns:
$:/Data/(Row Name)/(Column Name)/(Dataset Name)
The value is stored in the field `column_data`
For tables with subcolumns:
$:/Data/(Row Name)/(Column Name)/(Subcolumn Name)/(Dataset Name)
The value is stored in the field `subcolumn_data`
Yes, this means that you have a tiddler for each cell in the table. To do this any other way I would have had to drop support for subcolumns and use data tiddlers.
!Each column is a tiddler, rows are fields
code: `<<ColumnTable '[tag[Column Data]]'>>`
<<ColumnTable '[tag[Column Data]]'>>
!Each row is a tiddler, columns are fields
code: `<<RowTable '[tag[Column Data]]'>>`
<<RowTable '[tag[Column Data]]'>>
!Or list both columns and rows
When you do this the difference between `ColumnTable` and `RowTable` is if column headers are tiddlers with the rows stored in the fields of the tiddlers or if the row headers are tiddlers with the columns stored in fields. This is important because field names have more restrictions that tiddler titles.
code: `<<ColumnTable '[tag[Column Data]]' 'first second fifth'>>`
<<ColumnTable '[tag[Column Data]]' 'first second fifth'>>
code: `<<RowTable '[tag[Column Data]]' 'third second fifth'>>`
<<RowTable '[tag[Column Data]]' 'third second fifth'>>
Note that for both of them the rows and columns don't have to be existing fields or tiddlers, you can create a table that doesn't use existing tiddlers and when you edit the values for each cell the tiddler is created.
code: `<<ColumnTable """[[This Tiddler]][[Does not Exist]]""" "[[these_ones]][[must_be]][[valid]][[field_names]]">>`
<<ColumnTable """[[This Tiddler]][[Does not Exist]]""" "[[these_ones]][[must_be]][[valid]][[field_names]]">>
\define TableWizardDisplayTableDummyMacro()
<<DisplayTable """$(ConfigTiddler)$""">>
\define TableWizardColumnSelectCheckbox()
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/state/$(ConfigTiddler)$/Display Columns/$(ThisDisplayColumn)$' field='show' checked='$(ThisDisplayColumn)$' unchecked=''>
<$view tiddler="""$(ThisDisplayColumn)$""" field=caption>
\define TableWizardSubcolumnSelectCheckbox()
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/state/$(ConfigTiddler)$/Display Subcolumns/$(ThisDisplaySubcolumn)$' field='show' checked='$(ThisDisplaySubcolumn)$' unchecked=''>
<$view tiddler="""$(ThisDisplaySubcolumn)$""" field=caption>
\define TableWizardRowSelectCheckbox()
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/state/$(ConfigTiddler)$/Display Rows/$(ThisDisplayRow)$' field='show' checked='$(ThisDisplayRow)$' unchecked=''>
<$view tiddler="""$(ThisDisplayRow)$""" field=caption>
\define TableWizardMakeColumnSelectCheckbox()
<$list filter='[tag{$(ConfigTiddler)$!!column_tag}]' variable=ThisDisplayColumn>
\define TableWizardMakeSubcolumnSelectCheckbox()
<$list filter='[tag{$(ConfigTiddler)$!!subcolumn_tag}]' variable=ThisDisplaySubcolumn>
\define TableWizardMakeRowSelectCheckbox()
<$list filter='[tag{$(ConfigTiddler)$!!row_tag}]' variable=ThisDisplayRow>
\define TableWizardButtonSubcolumn()
<$reveal type='nomatch' state="""$:/state/$(ConfigTiddler)$/$(ThisRow)$/$(ThisColumn)$/$(ThisSubcolumn)$""" text='edit'>
<div style='height:100%;width:100%;'>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' style='height:100%;width:100%;'>
<$view tiddler="""$:/Data/$(ThisRow)$/$(ThisColumn)$/$(ThisSubcolumn)$/$(ThisItem)$""" field=subcolumn_data>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="""$:/state/$(ConfigTiddler)$/$(ThisRow)$/$(ThisColumn)$/$(ThisSubcolumn)$""" $value=edit/>
<$reveal type='match' state="""$:/state/$(ConfigTiddler)$/$(ThisRow)$/$(ThisColumn)$/$(ThisSubcolumn)$""" text='edit'>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="""$:/state/$(ConfigTiddler)$/$(ThisRow)$/$(ThisColumn)$/$(ThisSubcolumn)$""" $value=''/>
<$edit-text tiddler="""$:/Data/$(ThisRow)$/$(ThisColumn)$/$(ThisSubcolumn)$/$(ThisItem)$""" field=subcolumn_data size=1/>
\define TableWizardSubcolumnDisplayEntry()
<$reveal type='nomatch' state="""$(ConfigTiddler)$!!allow_edit""" text='yes'>
<$view tiddler="""$:/Data/$(ThisRow)$/$(ThisColumn)$/$(ThisSubcolumn)$/$(ThisItem)$""" field=subcolumn_data>
<$reveal type='match' state="""$(ConfigTiddler)$!!allow_edit""" text='yes'>
\define TableWizardButtonColumn()
<$reveal type='nomatch' state="""$:/state/$(ConfigTiddler)$/$(ThisRow)$/$(ThisColumn)$!!$(ThisColumn)$""" text='edit'>
<div style='height:100%;width:100%;'>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' style='height:100%;width:100%;'>
<$view tiddler="""$:/Data/$(ThisRow)$/$(ThisColumn)$/$(ThisItem)$""" field='column_data'>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="""$:/state/$(ConfigTiddler)$/$(ThisRow)$/$(ThisColumn)$""" $field=$(ThisColumn)$ $value=edit/>
<$reveal type='match' state="""$:/state/$(ConfigTiddler)$/$(ThisRow)$/$(ThisColumn)$!!$(ThisColumn)$""" text='edit'>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="""$:/state/$(ConfigTiddler)$/$(ThisRow)$/$(ThisColumn)$""" $field=$(ThisColumn)$ $value=''/>
<$edit-text tiddler="""$:/Data/$(ThisRow)$/$(ThisColumn)$/$(ThisItem)$""" field=column_data size=1/>
\define TableWizardColumnDisplayEntry()
<$reveal type='nomatch' state="""$(ConfigTiddler)$!!allow_edit""" text='yes'>
<$view tiddler="""$:/Data/$(ThisRow)$/$(ThisColumn)$/$(ThisItem)$""" field='column_data'>
<$reveal type='match' state="""$(ConfigTiddler)$!!allow_edit""" text='yes'>
\define TableWizardDisplayTableWithSubcolumns(DataTag ColumnTag SubcolumnTag RowTag SubcolumnPerColumn EmptyMessage)
<$set name='ColumnList' filter='[prefix[$:/state/$(ConfigTiddler)$/Display Columns]has[show]get[show]tag[$ColumnTag$]sort[title]]-[[text]]-[[title]]-[[modified]]-[[created]]'>
<$set name='SubcolumnList' filter='[prefix[$:/state/$(ConfigTiddler)$/Display Subcolumns]has[show]get[show]tag[$SubcolumnTag$]sort[title]]-[[text]]-[[title]]-[[modified]]-[[created]]'>
<$set name='RowList' filter='[prefix[$:/state/$(ConfigTiddler)$/Display Rows]has[show]get[show]tag[$RowTag$]sort[title]]-[[text]]-[[title]]-[[modified]]-[[created]]'>
<$set name=MissingMessage value='$EmptyMessage$'>
<$set name=ThisItem value={{$(ConfigTiddler)$!!selected_data}}>
<table style='width:100%;border-color:black;'>
<td style='background-color:lightgrey;border-color:black;'>
<$list filter=<<ColumnList>>>
<td colspan="$SubcolumnPerColumn$" style='background-color:lightgrey;border-color:black;'>
<$link to=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$view field='caption'>
<tr style='width:100%;bordor-color:black;'>
<td style='border-left-color:black;'>
<$list filter=<<ColumnList>>>
<$list filter=<<SubcolumnList>> variable=ThisSubcolumn>
<$link to=<<ThisSubcolumn>>>
<$view tiddler=<<ThisSubcolumn>> field=caption>
<$list filter=<<RowList>> variable=ThisRow>
<td style='border-left:0px;'>
<$link to=<<ThisRow>>>
<$view tiddler=<<ThisRow>> field=caption>
<$list filter=<<ColumnList>> variable=ThisColumn>
<$list filter=<<SubcolumnList>> variable=ThisSubcolumn>
\define TableWizardDisplayTableMacro(DataTag ColumnTag RowTag EmptyMessage)
<$set name='ColumnList' filter='[prefix[$:/state/$(ConfigTiddler)$/Display Columns]has[show]get[show]tag[$ColumnTag$]sort[title]]-[[text]]-[[title]]-[[modified]]-[[created]]'>
<$set name='RowList' filter='[prefix[$:/state/$(ConfigTiddler)$/Display Rows]has[show]get[show]tag[$RowTag$]sort[title]]-[[text]]-[[title]]-[[modified]]-[[created]]'>
<$set name=ThisItem value={{$(ConfigTiddler)$!!selected_data}}>
<$set name=MissingMessage value='$EmptyMessage$'>
<table style='width:100%;border-color:black;'>
<td style='background-color:lightgrey;border-color:black;'>
<$list filter=<<ColumnList>>>
<td style='background-color:lightgrey;border-color:black;'>
<$link to=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$view field='caption'>
<$list filter=<<RowList>> variable=ThisRow>
<td style='border-left:0px;'>
<$link to=<<ThisRow>>>
<$view tiddler=<<ThisRow>> field=caption>
<$list filter=<<ColumnList>> variable=ThisColumn>
\define MakeTableWizard()
Enter the name of the configuration tiddler to create:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/MakeTableWizard' field='config_tiddler_name' class='tc-edit-texteditor' placeholder='Configuration Tiddler Name'/>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/temp/MakeTableWizard!!config_tiddler_name' text=''>
You have to enter a configuration tiddler name first.
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/temp/MakeTableWizard!!config_tiddler_name' text=''>
<$set name=ConfigTiddler value={{$:/temp/MakeTableWizard!!config_tiddler_name}}>
<$checkbox tiddler=<<ConfigTiddler>> field='include_subcolumns' checked='yes' unchecked='no'>Include Subcolumns</$checkbox><br>
<$tiddler tiddler=<<ConfigTiddler>>>
Data tag:
<$edit-text field='dataset_tag' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
Select Dataset Name <$reveal type='nomatch' state='!!show_new_dataset' text='true'>(<$button>Create New Datasets<$action-setfield show_new_dataset=true/></$button>):<br><br></$reveal>
<$reveal type='match' state='!!show_new_dataset' text='true'>(<$button>Done Creating Datasets<$action-setfield show_new_dataset=false/></$button>):<br><br>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/MakeTableWizard' field='new_dataset_name' class='tc-edit-texteditor' placeholder='New Dataset Name'/>
<$button>Create Dataset<$action-setfield $tiddler={{$:/temp/MakeTableWizard!!new_dataset_name}} tags={{!!dataset_tag}}/><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/MakeTableWizard' new_dataset_name=''/></$button><br><br>
<$select field='selected_data'><$list filter='[tag{!!dataset_tag}]'><option><<currentTiddler>></option></$list></$select>
<$set name=SelectedData value={{!!selected_data}}>
Column tag:
<$edit-text field='column_tag' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/><br><br>
Select Columns to display <$reveal type='nomatch' state='!!show_new_column' text='true'>(<$button>Create New Columns<$action-setfield show_new_column=true/></$button>):<br><br></$reveal>
<$reveal type='match' state='!!show_new_column' text='true'>(<$button>Done Creating Columns<$action-setfield show_new_column=false/></$button>):<br><br>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/MakeTableWizard' field='new_column_name' class='tc-edit-texteditor' placeholder='New Column Name'/>
<$button>Create Column<$action-setfield $tiddler={{$:/temp/MakeTableWizard!!new_column_name}} tags={{!!column_tag}}/><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/MakeTableWizard' new_column_name=''/></$button><br><br>
<$reveal type='match' state='!!include_subcolumns' text='yes'>
Subcolumn tag:
<$edit-text field='subcolumn_tag' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
Subcolumns per column:
<$edit-text field='subcolumn_per_column' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
Select subcolumns to display <$reveal type='nomatch' state='!!show_new_subcolumn' text='true'>(<$button>Create New Subcolmun<$action-setfield show_new_subcolumn=true/></$button>):<br><br></$reveal>
<$reveal type='match' state='!!show_new_subcolumn' text='true'>(<$button>Done Creating Subcolumns<$action-setfield show_new_subcolumn=false/></$button>):<br><br>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/MakeTableWizard' field='new_subcolumn_name' class='tc-edit-texteditor' placeholder='New Subcolumn Name'/>
<$button>Create Subcolumn<$action-setfield $tiddler={{$:/temp/MakeTableWizard!!new_subcolumn_name}} tags={{!!subcolumn_tag}}/><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/MakeTableWizard' new_subcolumn_name=''/></$button><br><br>
Row tag:
<$edit-text field='row_tag' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/><br><br>
Select rows to display <$reveal type='nomatch' state='!!show_new_row' text='true'>(<$button>Create New Rows<$action-setfield show_new_row=true/></$button>):<br><br></$reveal>
<$reveal type='match' state='!!show_new_row' text='true'>(<$button>Done Creating Rows<$action-setfield show_new_row=false/></$button>):<br><br>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/MakeTableWizard' field='new_row_name' class='tc-edit-texteditor' placeholder='New Row Name'/>
<$button>Create Row<$action-setfield $tiddler={{$:/temp/MakeTableWizard!!new_row_name}} tags={{!!row_tag}}/><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/MakeTableWizard' new_row_name=''/></$button><br><br>
Empty cell message:
<$edit-text field='empty_message' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
<$checkbox field='allow_edit' checked='yes' unchecked='no'>Allow Inline Editing</$checkbox><br>
<$reveal type='match' state='!!show_table' text='yes'>
<$button>Refresh Table
<$action-setfield dummy=1/>
\define TableWizardDisplayTableInside()
<$reveal type='nomatch' state="""$(ConfigTiddler)$!!include_subcolumns""" text='yes'>
<$macrocall $name=TableWizardDisplayTableMacro DataTag={{$(ConfigTiddler)$!!dataset_tag}} ColumnTag={{$(ConfigTiddler)$!!column_tag}} RowTag={{$(ConfigTiddler)$!!row_tag}} EmptyMessage={{$(ConfigTiddler)$!!empty_message}}/>
<$reveal type='match' state="""$(ConfigTiddler)$!!include_subcolumns""" text='yes'>
<$macrocall $name=TableWizardDisplayTableWithSubcolumns DataTag={{$(ConfigTiddler)$!!dataset_tag}} ColumnTag={{$(ConfigTiddler)$!!column_tag}} RowTag={{$(ConfigTiddler)$!!row_tag}} EmptyMessage={{$(ConfigTiddler)$!!empty_message}} SubcolumnTag={{$(ConfigTiddler)$!!subcolumn_tag}} SubcolumnPerColumn={{$(ConfigTiddler)$!!subcolumn_per_column}}/>
\define DisplayTable(ConfigTiddler)
<$set name=ConfigTiddler value="""$ConfigTiddler$""">
\define TableMacrosColumnInnerInnerRows()
<$list filter='$(ColumnList)$+[sort{$(TableMacrosMakeTableSortStateTiddler)$}]'>
<$list filter=<<FieldsList>> variable=ThisField>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set=<<TableMacrosMakeTableSortStateTiddler>> setTo=<<ThisField>>><<ThisField>></$button>
<$list filter='$(ColumnList)$+[sort{$(TableMacrosMakeTableSortStateTiddler)$}]' variable=ThisTiddler>
\define TableMacrosInnerColumnTable()
<$set name=FieldsList1 filter='$(ColumnList)$+[fields[]]-[[text]]-[[title]]-[[modified]]-[[created]]-[[tags]]'>
<$set name=FieldsList filter='[is[system]!is[system]]$(FieldsUsed)$' emptyValue=<<FieldsList1>>>
<$set name=RowOrColumn value=Column>
<$set name=TableSortState value=<<TableMacrosMakeTableSortState>>>
\define TableMacrosMakeTableSortState()
\define TableMacrosMakeTableSortStateTiddler()
\define TableMacrosRowTableInnerInnerRows()
<$list filter='$(RowList)$+[sort{$(TableMacrosMakeTableSortStateTiddler)$}]' variable=ThisTiddler>
<$list filter=<<FieldsList>> variable=ThisField>
\define TableMacrosInnerRowTable()
<$set name=FieldsList1 filter='$(RowList)$+[fields[]]-[[text]]-[[title]]-[[modified]]-[[created]]-[[tags]]'>
<$set name=FieldsList filter='[is[system]!is[system]]$(FieldsUsed)$' emptyValue=<<FieldsList1>>>
<$set name=RowOrColumn value=Row>
<$set name=TableSortState value=<<TableMacrosMakeTableSortState>>>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' style='width:100%;height:100%' set=<<TableMacrosMakeTableSortStateTiddler>> setTo=title>Title</$button>
<$list filter=<<FieldsList>>>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set=<<TableMacrosMakeTableSortStateTiddler>> setTo=<<currentTiddler>>><<currentTiddler>></$button>
\define ColumnTable(filter fields)
<$set name='ColumnList' value='$filter$'>
<$set name='FieldsUsed' value='$fields$'>
\define RowTable(filter fields)
<$set name='RowList' value='$filter$'>
<$set name='FieldsUsed' value='$fields$'>
\define TableMacrosInlineEditButton()
<$reveal type='nomatch' state="""$:/temp/edit/$(ThisTiddler)$/$(ThisField)$""" text='edit'>
<$button set="""$:/temp/edit/$(ThisTiddler)$/$(ThisField)$""" setTo=edit class='tc-btn-invisible' style='width:100%;hegiht:100%'>
<$view tiddler=<<ThisTiddler>> field=<<ThisField>>>--</$view>
<$reveal type='match' state="""$:/temp/edit/$(ThisTiddler)$/$(ThisField)$""" text='edit'>
<$button set="""$:/temp/edit/$(ThisTiddler)$/$(ThisField)$""" setTo=noedit>{{$:/core/images/done-button}}</$button>
<$edit-text tiddler=<<ThisTiddler>> field=<<ThisField>> size=1/>
\define lingo-base() $:/language/Search/
<<lingo Filter/Hint>>
<$linkcatcher to="$:/temp/encrypt/filter">
<div class="tc-search tc-advanced-search">
<$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/encrypt/filter" type="search" tag="input" default="" placeholder="filter tiddlers"/>
<$button popup=<<qualify "$:/state/filterDropdown">> class="tc-btn-invisible">
<$reveal state="$:/temp/encrypt/filter" type="nomatch" text="">
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible">
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/temp/encrypt/filter" $field="text" $value=""/>
<$edit-text tag="input" tiddler="$:/temp/password" placeholder="password" type="password" default="" col="4"/><$encryptTiddler passwordTiddler="$:/temp/password" filter={{$:/temp/encrypt/filter}}>
<$button message="tw-encrypt-tiddler">
<$button message="tw-decrypt-tiddler">
<div class="tc-block-dropdown-wrapper">
<$reveal state=<<qualify "$:/state/filterDropdown">> type="nomatch" text="" default="">
<div class="tc-block-dropdown tc-edit-type-dropdown">
<$list filter="[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Filter]!sort[]] -[[$:/core/Filters/SystemTags]] -[[$:/core/Filters/AllTags]]"><$link to={{!!filter}}><$transclude field="description"/></$link>
<$reveal state="$:/temp/encrypt/filter" type="nomatch" text="">
<$set name="resultCount" value="""<$count filter={{$:/temp/encrypt/filter}}/>""">
<div class="tc-search-results">
<<lingo Filter/Matches>>
<$list filter={{$:/temp/encrypt/filter}} template="$:/plugins/danielo515/encryptTiddler/ui/listItemTemplate"/>
\define lingo-base() $:/language/Search/
<<lingo Filter/Hint>>
<$linkcatcher to="$:/temp/encrypt/filter">
<div class="tc-search tc-advanced-search">
<$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/encrypt/filter" type="search" tag="input" default="" placeholder="filter tiddlers"/>
<$button popup=<<qualify "$:/state/filterDropdown">> class="tc-btn-invisible">
<$reveal state="$:/temp/encrypt/filter" type="nomatch" text="">
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible">
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/temp/encrypt/filter" $field="text" $value=""/>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/plugins/danielo515/encryptTiddler/crypt-batch-button"/>
<div class="tc-block-dropdown-wrapper">
<$reveal state=<<qualify "$:/state/filterDropdown">> type="nomatch" text="" default="">
<div class="tc-block-dropdown tc-edit-type-dropdown">
<$list filter="[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Filter]]"><$link to={{!!filter}}><$transclude field="description"/></$link>
<$reveal state="$:/temp/encrypt/filter" type="nomatch" text="">
<$set name="resultCount" value="""<$count filter={{$:/temp/encrypt/filter}}/>""">
<div class="tc-search-results">
<<lingo Filter/Matches>>
<$list filter={{$:/temp/encrypt/filter}} template="$:/core/ui/ListItemTemplate"/>
One of the new features of 2.1 version is the ability to encrypt several tiddlers at once. To do so go to tiddlywiki's control panel and under //Encrypt Tiddlers// tab select the tab "Batch Encryption". Each tiddler will be encrypted individually.
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/tab-1749438307" $field="text" $value="$:/plugins/danielo515/encryptTiddler/control-panel"/>
<$action-navigate $to="$:/ControlPanel"/>
Go to Control Panel "Batch Encryption" tab
In order to customize some aspects of the widget behavior there is a `Settings` tab under this plugin's control pannel tab.
There you will be able to modify (for now) the placeholder text of the encrypted tiddlers.
This is just a convenience mechanism to edit the contents of the tiddler `$:/plugins/danielo515/encryptTiddler/placeholderText`. You can also edit this tiddler manually.
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/tab-1749438307" $field="text" $value="$:/plugins/danielo515/encryptTiddler/control-panel"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/encryptTiddler/control-panel/tabs-1723749573" $field="text" $value="$:/plugins/danielo515/encryptTiddler/control-panel/settings"/>
<$action-navigate $to="$:/ControlPanel"/>
Go to Control Panel "Encryption Settings" tab
Just drag and drop the following ling to your tiddlywiki:
If you have the previous version installed (`$:/plugins/danielo/encryptTiddler`) please delete it, it is deprecated.
This is not an encrypted tiddler
!This is an encrypted Tiddler
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
\define thisWebsiteTitleFilter()
[tag<CurrentPerson>tag[<Name Plate>]name_plate_type[TiddlyWiki]tag[Website]sort[title]regexp[(?i)$(TitleSearch)$]regexp:description[(?i)$(DescriptionSearch)$]]
\define thisPluginTitleFilter()
[tag<CurrentPerson>tag[<Name Plate>]name_plate_type[TiddlyWiki]tag[Plugin]sort[title]regexp:title[(?i)$(TitleSearch)$]regexp:description[(?i)$(DescriptionSearch)$]]
\define thisEditionTitleFilter()
[tag<CurrentPerson>tag[<Name Plate>]name_plate_type[TiddlyWiki]tag[Edition]sort[title]regexp:title[(?i)$(TitleSearch)$]regexp:description[(?i)$(DescriptionSearch)$]]
!My Stuff:
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/Directory/search' field='show_website' checked='true' unchecked='false'>Show Websites</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/Directory/search' field='show_plugins' checked='true' unchecked='false'>Show Plugins</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/Directory/search' field='show_macros' checked='true' unchecked='false'>Show Macros</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/Directory/search' field='show_editions' checked='true' unchecked='false'>Show Editions</$checkbox>
Title Search: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Directory/search' field=title_search placeholder='Title Search' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
Description Search: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Directory/search' field=description placeholder='Description Search' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
<$set name=TitleSearch value={{$:/temp/Directory/search!!title_search}}>
<$set name=DescriptionSearch value={{$:/temp/Directory/search!!description}}>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/temp/Directory/search!!show_editions' text='true'>
__Editions (demos and under development)__
<$set name=CurrentPerson value="""Jed Carty (inmysocks)""">
<$tiddler tiddler=<<ThisTiddler>>>
<$list filter=<<thisEditionTitleFilter>> template=SiteNamePlateDisplayTemplate>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/temp/Directory/search!!show_website' text='true'>
__Websites (demos and reference)__
<tr><th>Site Name</th><th>Description</th></tr>
<$set name=CurrentPerson value="""Jed Carty (inmysocks)""">
<$tiddler tiddler=<<ThisTiddler>>>
<!--<$list filter='[tag<CurrentPerson>tag[<Name Plate>]name_plate_type[TiddlyWiki]tag[Website]sort[title]]' template=SiteNamePlateDisplayTemplate>-->
<$list filter=<<thisWebsiteTitleFilter>> template=SiteNamePlateDisplayTemplate>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/temp/Directory/search!!show_plugins' text='true'>
<tr><th>Plugin Name</th><th>Description</th></tr>
<$set name=CurrentPerson value="""Jed Carty (inmysocks)""">
<$tiddler tiddler=<<ThisTiddler>>>
<!--<$list filter='[tag<CurrentPerson>tag[<Name Plate>]name_plate_type[TiddlyWiki]tag[Plugin]sort[title]]' template=SiteNamePlateDisplayTemplate>-->
<$list filter=<<thisPluginTitleFilter>> template=SiteNamePlateDisplayTemplate>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/temp/Directory/search!!show_macros' text='true'>
<tr><th>Macro Name</th><th>Description</th></tr>
<$set name=CurrentPerson value="""Jed Carty (inmysocks)""">
<$tiddler tiddler=<<ThisTiddler>>>
<$list filter='[tag<CurrentPerson>tag[<Name Plate>]name_plate_type[TiddlyWiki]tag[Macro]sort[title]]' template=SiteNamePlateDisplayTemplate>
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
<<CategoryList Tag:"Jed Carty (inmysocks)">>
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
<tr><td><a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='caption'/></a></td><td><$view field='description'/></td></tr>
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
\define thisMakeInnerTable()
<tr><td><$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/datasets/Chart1##$(currentTiddler)$' text=true><$button class='tc-btn-invisible'><input type=checkbox/><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/datasets/Chart1' $index=<<currentTiddler>> $value=true/></$button></$reveal><$reveal type='match' state='$:/datasets/Chart1##$(currentTiddler)$' text=true><$button class='tc-btn-invisible'><input type=checkbox checked=true/><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/datasets/Chart1' $index=<<currentTiddler>> $value=false/></$button></$reveal></td><td><$view index="data set name"><$view field='title'/></$view></td>
<$view index='x name'/>
<$view index='y name'/>
<tr><th>Use Data Set?</th><th>Data Set Name</th><th>Independent Variable</th><th>Dependent Variable</th></tr>
<$list filter='[tag[DataSet]]'>
Selected Data:
<$list filter='[[$:/datasets/Chart1]indexes[]]' variable=ThisIndex>
<$list filter='[[$:/datasets/Chart1]getindex<ThisIndex>]+[prefix[true]]'>
<$view tiddler=<<ThisIndex>> index="data set name"><$view tiddler=<<ThisIndex>> field='title'/></$view><br>
\define thisHelpButton(Field)
^^<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' popup='$:/popup/$(currentTiddler)$/$Field$'>(?)</$button><$reveal type=popup state='$:/popup/$(currentTiddler)$/$Field$'>
<div class='tc-drop-down' style='max-width:75vw;overflow:textwrap'>
<$transclude field=$Field$ mode=block/>
Select or enter values for each attribute, default values are automatically assigned.
|Chart height<<thisHelpButton help_chart_height>>|<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/d3extended/Create Barchart Settings Tiddler' field=chart_height size=5/>|
|Chart width<<thisHelpButton help_chart_width>>|<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/d3extended/Create Barchart Settings Tiddler' field=chart_width size=5/>|
|Chart top margin<<thisHelpButton help_chart_top_margin>>|<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/d3extended/Create Barchart Settings Tiddler' field=top_margin size=5/>|
|Chart bottom margin<<thisHelpButton help_chart_bottom_margin>>|<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/d3extended/Create Barchart Settings Tiddler' field=bottom_margin size=5/>|
|Chart left margin<<thisHelpButton help_chart_left_margin>>|<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/d3extended/Create Barchart Settings Tiddler' field=left_margin size=5/>|
|Chart right margin<<thisHelpButton help_chart_right_margin>>|<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/d3extended/Create Barchart Settings Tiddler' field=right_margin size=5/>|
|Transition animation duration<<thisHelpButton help_chart_animation_duration>>|<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/d3extended/Create Barchart Settings Tiddler' field=animation_duration size=5/>|
This is a tool to use when defining variable datasets for use with the d3 barchart widget.
I need to figure out what this is going to do before I can make it.
I think that we will have to dynamically create the data tiddlers based on user actions.
So we have static data tiddlers that hold each individual data sets, then we combine them to create the data tiddler used to define the current chart.
In the existing widget each dataset would be a layer, so we wouldn't need to create a tiddler at all, just a dynamic list of tiddlers to use.
That means that we have a list of datasets here, check the ones you want to use and then create a data tiddler listing them, this data tiddler is then passed to the widget which loads the data from each of the listed tiddlers for display.
This is work I am doing on extending the d3.js plugin past being just a proof of concept. I know next to nothing about all of this so I am learning as I go.
For now I am only working on extending the bar chart widget from the proof of concept plugin so that you can interact with it using native tiddlywiki interfaces. And because of my flailing around trying to learn how it works I broke the stacked version so you only have the grouped version to play with.
If you have datasets that are larger than other sets the largest set is used to determine the values for the independent variable (the x variable) and if one of the sets doesn't have a value than it just isn't displayed.
*The current demo of the bar chart is in the [[Display]] tiddler
*Controls for what to display are in [[Control]], the tiddler holding the data is [[$:/datasets/Chart1]].
*The settings are in [[TestSettings]], they can be edited using [[Edit Barchart Settings Tiddler]]
Chart Data Tiddlers:
*[[$:/data/Dataset 2]]
*[[$:/data/Dataset 3]]
you can add more datasets, the easiest way would be cloning one of the existing sets and editing the content of the tiddler. I will hopefully have a tool to help create these tiddlers at some point.
!!Current problems:
*The display tiddler is really long. Like hundreds of pages long. I have no idea why. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
*If you set the transition time too low than the chart will be displayed incorrectly. I am assuming that this is because the browser doesn't have time to calculate all of the numbers and just makes guesses. The bar width is the most noticeable error when you do this.
!!Planned improvements
*Use range slider inputs for changing chart height/width and maybe other options. Make sure to have a text editor area next to the slider so you can manually set the number too.
*Make a tool for adding datasets, this may be outside tiddlywiki using perl or openoffice.
*Other chart/graph types
*Add the parts so it can all be interactive.
*Add options for chart decoration (titles, grids, etc.).
<$d3bar settings=TestSettings datasets='$:/datasets/Chart1'/>
\define thisHelpButton(Field)
^^<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' popup='$:/popup/$(currentTiddler)$/$Field$'>(?)</$button><$reveal type=popup state='$:/popup/$(currentTiddler)$/$Field$'>
<div class='tc-drop-down' style='max-width:75vw;overflow:textwrap'>
<$transclude field=$Field$ mode=block/>
Select or enter values for each attribute, default values are automatically assigned.
|Chart height<<thisHelpButton help_chart_height>>|<$edit-text tiddler='TestSettings' index=height size=5/>|
|Chart width<<thisHelpButton help_chart_width>>|<$edit-text tiddler='TestSettings' index=width size=5/>|
|Chart top margin<<thisHelpButton help_chart_top_margin>>|<$edit-text tiddler='TestSettings' index=topmargin size=5/>|
|Chart bottom margin<<thisHelpButton help_chart_bottom_margin>>|<$edit-text tiddler='TestSettings' index=bottommargin size=5/>|
|Chart left margin<<thisHelpButton help_chart_left_margin>>|<$edit-text tiddler='TestSettings' index=leftmargin size=5/>|
|Chart right margin<<thisHelpButton help_chart_right_margin>>|<$edit-text tiddler='TestSettings' index=rightmargin size=5/>|
|Transition animation duration<<thisHelpButton help_chart_animation_duration>>|<$edit-text tiddler='TestSettings' index=charttransition size=5/>|
\define NamePlate()
<$text text='<Name Plate>'/>
Could also be called Domino.
[img [A Gift - Image]]
I don't think that being cute and cuddly is enough to get funding for my social enterprise. Sadness.
A rogue-like, similar to The Binding of Issac, but cute instead of disturbing. I have barely made it past the first area two or three times. Unlike nethack you do have persistent progress in the form of more starting money and more options for what to buy at the start. There are unlockable characters, but I have no idea what they are or how to unlock them. I think that they are still putting out game updates pretty regularly and there may be a lot more content added.
And owls are terrible.
By leaving a comment you are giving me permission to store and post theme here on the site or not as I see fit. They will be publicity visible if posted. You don't need to leave a name or anything other than the comments content, but knowing who you are would be nice. If you want to send me a message that isn't displayed on the post than you can say that in the body and I will probably not post it. But if you want to send me a private message there are many other ways to do that.
I have to put the comments onto the site for moderation and stuff, so any comments you leave won't show up until I do that. I should probably put something else here.
You can see comments that didn't make it through moderation [[here|Rejected Comments]].
!!Who is this inmysocks guy?
{{Who is this inmysocks guy?}}
!!About this site
{{About this site}}
This site is my experiment trying to make a blog (and hopefully in the future a distributed social media platform). I am making all of this up as I go along so any ideas, comments or suggestions are welcome. I have cheated a bit and used a [[google form for comments|Comments]] for the main site, but each blog post (click on the title of the post in the 'My Blog' section to open up a specific post) has individual comments if you want to leave one. Comments are moderated and I am often terrible about remembering to check them so your comments won't show up immediately. Comments are done using [[hashover|http://tildehash.com/?page=hashover]], which is an open source PHP-based comment system. I have modified it to play well with tiddlywiki and to add comment moderation. Hashover is released under the AGPL, so here is the [[source code|http://ooktech.com/hashover.zip]] used for comments on this site.
''Navigation'' - This page is generated using ~JavaScript, so for the moment it is only one page. I am hoping to make static pages for each blog post to allow search engines to index the site and make permalinks easier. For the moment if you click on the # button in the upper right of a post than the address bar will be updated with the url for that post. clicking on the {{Menu Icon - Calendar Archive}} button in the upper left will bring you to the archives, clicking on the {{$:/core/ui/Buttons/home}} icon any of the places it shows up will bring you to the default dashboard view. Hovering on the left side of the screen will open up a menu with links to the different parts of the site. The {{Menu Icon - Leave Comment}} icon anywhere it shows up will bring you to a form you can use to leave comments. It uses a google form and isn't what I want, but it is all I have that works at the moment. Other icons do other stuff, they have tooltips and won't break the site. Click on stuff and explore.
If you click on the title of a post in the main dashboard view it will open up that post, you can use this to get a permalink to a post.
This site is a [[TiddlyWiki|http://tiddlywiki.com]], a personal single file wiki created by Jeremy Ruston. It is extremely flexible and can be used for anything from a personal journal or blog (like this site) to an [[interactive fiction engine|http://zorklike.tiddlyspot.com/]]. It can be used in most browsers, online or offline. It is an open source project ([[tiddlywiki on github|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5]]) so contributions are welcome.
This site is a work in progress and will probably always be under development as I decide to try new things.
\define thisTagSelect()
<$select tiddler='$:/state/Bookmarks' field='selected_tag'>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/Bookmarks/BookmarkTags]indexes[]regexp:[(?i)$(tagSearch)$]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
URL: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Bookmarks/NewBookmark' field=url class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
Name: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Bookmarks/NewBookmark' field=name class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
Note: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Bookmarks/NewBookmark' field=note class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
Tags (it will always be tagged with `Bookmark` by default):<br>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/Bookmarks!!add_or_create_tag' text='create'>
New Tag: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Bookmarks' field='tag_temp' placeholder='New Tag'/>
<$reveal type=nomatch state='$:/temp/Bookmarks!!tag_temp' text=''>
<$button>Create Tag
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/data/Bookmarks/BookmarkTags' $index={{$:/temp/Bookmarks!!tag_temp}} $value=1/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Bookmarks' $field='tag_temp' $value=''/>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/temp/Bookmarks!!tag_temp' text=''>
<$button>Create Tag</$button>
<$button set='$:/state/Bookmarks!!add_or_create_tag' setTo='nocreate'>Done</$button><br>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/Bookmarks!!add_or_create_tag' text='create'>
Tag to add:
<$set name=tagSearch value={{$:/temp/Bookmarks!!narrow_tag_select}}>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Bookmarks' field='narrow_tag_select' placeholder='Narrow Tag List'/>
<$fieldmangler tiddler='$:/temp/Bookmarks/NewBookmark'>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Bookmarks/NewBookmark' $field='dummy_field' value='1'/>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param={{$:/state/Bookmarks!!selected_tag}}/>Add Tag
</$button>(<$button set='$:/state/Bookmarks!!add_or_create_tag' setTo='create'>New Tag</$button>)
List of current tags:<br>
<$fieldmangler tiddler='$:/temp/Bookmarks/NewBookmark'>
<$list filter='[[$:/temp/Bookmarks/NewBookmark]tags[]]-[[Bookmark]]'><$view field='title'/> <$button>Remove Tag<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-tag' $param=<<currentTiddler>>/></$button><br> </$list>
<$button>Add Bookmark
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Bookmarks/NewBookmark' $field='title' $value={{$:/temp/Bookmarks/NewBookmark!!name}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Bookmarks/NewBookmark' url='' name='' note='' tags='Bookmark'/>
\define thisSeriesSelect()
<$select tiddler='$:/temp/newbook' field='series' default='None'>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/SeriesTitles]indexes[]sort[title]regexp:[(?i)$(thisSeriesSearch)$]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
\define thisGenreSelect()
<$select tiddler='$:/temp/newbook' field='genre' default='None'>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/BookGenres]indexes[]sort[title]regexp:[(?i)$(thisGenreSearch)$]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
\define thisAuthorSelect()
<$select tiddler='$:/temp/newbook' field='author' default='None'>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/BookAuthors]indexes[]sort[title]regexp:[(?i)$(thisAuthorSearch)$]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
\define thisLocationSelect()
<$select tiddler='$:/temp/newbook' field='location' default='None'>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/BookLocations]indexes[]sort[title]regexp:[(?i)$(thisLocationSearch)$]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
\define thisTagSelect()
<$select tiddler='$:/state/booktag' field='selected_tag'>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/BookTags]indexes[]sort[title]regexp:[(?i)$(thisTagSearch)$]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
Adding books:
Title: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='book_title' class='tc-edit-texteditor' placeholder='Book Title'/>
<!--End Title-->
<$reveal type=match text=true state='Library Tracker Settings!!show_author'>
Author: <$reveal state='$:/state/Library Tracker/add author' type=nomatch text='new'>
<$set name=thisAuthorSearch value={{$:/state/newbook!!narrow_author_select}}>
<<thisAuthorSelect>></$set> <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='narrow_author_select' placeholder='Narrow Author List'/> (<$button set='$:/state/Library Tracker/add author' setTo='new'>New Author</$button>)
<$reveal state='$:/state/Library Tracker/add author' type=match text='new'>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='book_author' placeholder='Author'/><$button><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/data/BookAuthors' $index={{$:/state/newbook!!book_author}} $value=1/><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/newbook' $field='book_author' $value=''/>Add</$button><$button set='$:/state/Library Tracker/add author' setTo='notnew'>Done</$button>
<!--End Author-->
<$reveal type=match text=true state='Library Tracker Settings!!show_series'>
Series: <$reveal state='$:/state/Library Tracker/add series' type=nomatch text='new'>
<$set name=thisSeriesSearch value={{$:/state/newbook!!narrow_series_select}}>
<<thisSeriesSelect>></$set> <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='narrow_series_select' placeholder='Narrow Series List'/> (<$button set='$:/state/Library Tracker/add series' setTo='new'>New Series</$button>)
<$reveal state='$:/state/Library Tracker/add series' type=match text='new'>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='book_series' placeholder='Series Title'/><$button><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/data/SeriesTitles' $index={{$:/state/newbook!!book_series}} $value=1/><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/newbook' $field='book_series' $value=''/>Add</$button><$button set='$:/state/Library Tracker/add series' setTo='notnew'>Done</$button>
<!--End Series-->
<$reveal type=match text=true state='Library Tracker Settings!!show_genre'>
Genre: <$reveal state='$:/state/Library Tracker/add genre' type=nomatch text='new'>
<$set name=thisGenreSearch value={{$:/state/newbook!!narrow_genre_select}}>
<<thisGenreSelect>></$set> <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='narrow_genre_select' placeholder='Narrow Genre List'/> (<$button set='$:/state/Library Tracker/add genre' setTo='new'>New Genre</$button>)
<$reveal state='$:/state/Library Tracker/add genre' type=match text='new'>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='book_genre' placeholder='Genre'/><$button><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/data/BookGenres' $index={{$:/state/newbook!!book_genre}} $value=1/><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/newbook' $field='book_genre' $value=''/>Add</$button><$button set='$:/state/Library Tracker/add genre' setTo='notnew'>Done</$button>
<!--End Genre-->
<$reveal type=match text=true state='Library Tracker Settings!!show_location'>
Locaction: <$reveal state='$:/state/Library Tracker/add location' type=nomatch text='new'>
<$set name=thisLocationSearch value={{$:/state/newbook!!narrow_location_select}}>
<<thisLocationSelect>></$set> <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='narrow_location_select' placeholder='Narrow Location List'/> (<$button set='$:/state/Library Tracker/add location' setTo='new'>New Location</$button>)
<$reveal state='$:/state/Library Tracker/add location' type=match text='new'>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='book_location' placeholder='Location'/><$button><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/data/BookLocations' $index={{$:/state/newbook!!book_location}} $value=1/><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/newbook' $field='book_location' $value=''/>Add</$button><$button set='$:/state/Library Tracker/add location' setTo='notnew'>Done</$button>
<!--End Location-->
<$reveal type=match text=true state='Library Tracker Settings!!show_tags'>
Tags (it will always be tagged with `Book` by default):<br>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/newbook!!add_or_create_tag' text='create'>
New Tag: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/booktag' field='tag_temp' placeholder='New Tag'/>
<$button>Create Tag
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/data/BookTags' $index={{$:/state/booktag!!tag_temp}} $value=1/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/booktag' $field='tag_temp' $value=''/>
<$button set='$:/state/newbook!!add_or_create_tag' setTo='nocreate'>Done</$button><br>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/newbook!!add_or_create_tag' text='create'>
Tag to add:
<$set name=thisTagSearch value={{$:/state/newbook!!narrow_tag_select}}>
<$fieldmangler tiddler='$:/temp/newbook'>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param={{$:/state/booktag!!selected_tag}}/>Add Tag
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='narrow_tag_select' placeholder='Narrow Tag List'/>
(<$button set='$:/state/newbook!!add_or_create_tag' setTo='create'>New Tag</$button>)
List of current tags:<br>
<$fieldmangler tiddler='$:/temp/newbook'>
<$list filter='[[$:/temp/newbook]tags[]]'><$view field='title'/> <$button>Remove Tag<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-tag' $param=<<currentTiddler>>/></$button><br> </$list>
<$fieldmangler tiddler={{$:/state/newbook!!book_title}}>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/newbook' title={{$:/state/newbook!!book_title}}/>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param='Book'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/newbook' book_title=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/newbook' tags=''/>
Add Book</$button>
\define thisMakeImageTiddlerName()
$(ImageName)$ - Image
\define thisMakeCanonicalURI()
\define thisMakeDisplayTiddlerText()
[img [$(ImageTiddlerName)$]]
\define thisMakeTag()
[[Display Image]]
Image name: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/AddImage' field='image_name' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
Image category: <$select tiddler='$:/temp/AddImage' field='image_type'><$list filter='Photograph Drawing'><option><$view field='title'/></option></$list></$select>
File extension: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/AddImage' field='file_extension'/> (with no period)
Image caption: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/AddImage' field='image_caption' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
<$set name=ImageName value={{$:/temp/AddImage!!image_name}}>
<$set name=FileExtension value={{$:/temp/AddImage!!file_extension}}>
<$set name=ImageTiddlerName value=<<thisMakeImageTiddlerName>>>
<$set name=ImageCaption value={{$:/temp/AddImage!!image_caption}}>
<$button>Add Image
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/AddImage/blank' _canonical_uri=<<thisMakeCanonicalURI>>/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/AddImage/blank' type='image/jpeg'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/AddImage/blank' tags={{$:/temp/AddImage!!image_type}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/AddImage/blank' link_to=<<ImageName>>/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/AddImage/blank' title=<<thisMakeImageTiddlerName>>/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/AddImage/blank' _canonical_uri='' link_to='' tags=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/AddImage/blank2' text=<<thisMakeDisplayTiddlerText>>/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/AddImage/blank2' tags=<<thisMakeTag>>/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/AddImage/blank2' title={{$:/temp/AddImage!!image_name}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/AddImage/blank2' tags='' text=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/AddImage' image_name='' image_caption=''/>
''I should add some stuff about how to connect to dreamhost and stuff. I would put in others but that is what I use so it is what I can give reasonable instructions for.''
This requires you to have access to a server with PHP (see the hashover site for the specific requirements). You should extract the zip in
Non-tiddlywiki component:
*[[source code|http://ooktech.com/hashover-modified.zip]] - This is the version I use here, you can use modify the vanilla hashover code for this (from the [[hashover site|http://tildehash.com/?page=hashover]]) but it will require some small changes to make work here. I may make a list showing what needs to be done at some point.
Tiddlers needed:
*[[CommentModerationTemplate]] - the template used for accepting or rejecting a comment.
*[[Check for new comments]] - the tiddler with the comment fetching and moderation interface
*[[hashoverComments.js]] - The javascript macro that creates the comment input form
*[[makeCommentTiddlers.js]] - The javascript macro that pulls information from the comments stored on the server and makes tiddlers using them
*[[countComments.js]] - Used to determine if there are new comments to pull or not
*[[BlogPostCommentTemplate]] - the template I use to display comments after they are accepted.
The page will normally reload after you submit a comment.
Very simple version since I am not in the mood to write everything up at the moment, go to any of the blog posts where you can put in comments and under the comments there is a link called 'source code' click on this link to download the files for using hashover. Then go to the [[official site|http://tildehash.com/?page=hashover]] and follow the instructions using the file you downloaded from here. It has some changes that let it work with tiddlywiki correctly. Then import the tiddler [[hashoverComments.js]] into your wiki. Anywhere you want to have comments you put a macro call like this:
<$macrocall $name=hashoverComments postname=<<currentTiddler>> kickback="ooktech.com/jed/externalbrain/"/>
where you change `ooktech.com/jed/externalbrain/` to the url for your wiki, this should be the same for all comments on your wiki and be the correct url (I think you can have `http://` or `https://` in it, but it isn't required.). The `postname` parameter is used to distinguish between different comment threads on the site and is the tiddler that the page reloads after submitting a comment.
How could you not want to live here?
[img [Albuquerque from the Sandias - Image]]
.tc-tiddler-frame .tc-tiddler-body {
font-family: {{$:/state/Site Accessability Options!!fontfamily}};
font-weight: {{$:/state/Site Accessability Options!!fontweight}};
font-size: {{$:/state/Site Accessability Options!!fontsize}};
line-height: {{$:/state/Site Accessability Options!!lineheight}};
word-spacing: {{$:/state/Site Accessability Options!!wordspacing}};
letter-spacing: {{$:/state/Site Accessability Options!!letterspacing}};
text-decoration: {{$:/state/Site Accessability Options!!textdecoration}};
<$set name=WidthOption value={{$:/settings/apperance/TiddlerWidthSettings!!width_option}}>
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<$set name=TiddlerFrameWidth filter='[[$:/settings/apperance/TiddlerWidthSettings/tiddler_frame]get<WidthOption>]'>
.tc-story-river {
width: <<StoryRiverWidth>>;
left: 0px;
top: 0px;
padding: 42px;
.tc-sidebar-scrollable {
position: fixed;
top: 0px;
left: <<SidebarScrollableLeft>>;
bottom: 0px;
right: 0px;
overflow: auto;
margin: 0px 0px 0px -42px;
padding: 71px 0px 28px 42px;
.tc-tiddler-frame {
padding: 28px 42px 42px;
width: <<TiddlerFrameWidth>>;
border-radius: 2px;
Zoe Keating and Amanda Palmer, pure awesome. Bigger on the inside - http://amandapalmer.bandcamp.com/track/bigger-on-the-inside-3
Javert was spreading conspiracy theories about how I had abandoned them and they would be alone forever when I left yesterday. When I got home all 4 were competing to see who would be the one to trip me and the only way I could move without being in the center of a mass of dogs was to put them in their crates. Then they all tried to fit into Megs crate. They all seemed very excited to lie down for the night.
Only another two weeks of watching a bunch of needy over excited dogs.
It has been a while since this happened. I just didn't get tired. I drew a bit and caught up on the daily show and the nightly show. I like Larry Wilmore. So yeah, in a completely expected turn of events there are riots in Baltimore. Yeah. The commentary I have seen is always either 'these are serious problems that need to be addressed' or 'they are all animals and need to die'.
One thing I have noticed is that the people saying that the rioters are the scum of the earth keep brining up Martin Luther King Jr and how they should have been going to the media. As far as the media goes, the things that sparked the riots have been happening for years and are largely ignored by the large news sources. So people saying that are just saying that everyone who has a problem with the situation should sit down and shut up. And for Martin Luther King Jr, here is what he said about riots:
Now I wanted to say something about the fact that we have lived over these last two or three summers with agony and we have seen our cities going up in flames. And I would be the first to say that I am still committed to militant, powerful, massive, non-violence as the most potent weapon in grappling with the problem from a direct action point of view. I’m absolutely convinced that a riot merely intensifies the fears of the white community while relieving the guilt. And I feel that we must always work with an effective, powerful weapon and method that brings about tangible results. But it is not enough for me to stand before you tonight and condemn riots. It would be morally irresponsible for me to do that without, at the same time, condemning the contingent, intolerable conditions that exist in our society. These conditions are the things that cause individuals to feel that they have no other alternative than to engage in violent rebellions to get attention. And I must say tonight that a riot is the language of the unheard. And what is it America has failed to hear? It has failed to hear that the plight of the negro poor has worsened over the last twelve or fifteen years. It has failed to hear that the promises of freedom and justice have not been met. And it has failed to hear that large segments of white society are more concerned about tranquility and the status quo than about justice and humanity.
Which could be put into a speech about the current situation without any modification. The line "I’m absolutely convinced that a riot merely intensifies the fears of the white community while relieving the guilt." seems to be particularly relevant to many of the responses I have seen. The problem is that people seem to forget about the second half of that paragraph.
Since all the other comments seem to be test comments I thought I would say more. Your work on Twitter within TW5 is very useful to me. I am not a programmer so seeing something like this actually working, is great. I can made other comments if you want. Dialogue me on Twitter.
Also, this: http://www.jimchines.com/2015/03/depression/
Other notable entries: 'Medieval Cornea Scraper' and 'Agencia Nacional Stasi'.
I was feeling ok, then I remembered the next president of the US put white nationalists on his staff.
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
When I said it seemed like Facebook wanted to become the East India company it wasn't a suggestion.
I can post to Facebook through Twitter, and I can post to Twitter from my own site. Close enough.
I really like spiderweb games. Although I am not a fan of how simplified they have made everything. Simpler than the original Exile games is good, but this may be a bit too much.
While running Basset Hounds are also objectively funny, they are not as funny as Corgis.
I made my twitter account in May of 2012. I have a total of 3 tweets, all from the past 24 hours.
I think that my next tattoo will be something like this:
<<imageSlider [[./images/RockSisyphusTattooIdea.jpg]] "Biggest Rock is Best Rock">>
It has many important things:
*Allusion to [[Greek mythology|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sisyphus]]
*[[A silly joke|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_APoSfCYwU]]
*If you are going to try to do something impossible you may as well do something big.
*I like the [[minimalist style|Lines]]
I may change it so that he is pushing [[a golden apple that says KALLISTI|http://www.principiadiscordia.com/book/10.php]] up the hill with 'biggest rock is best rock' written under the line representing the hill.
However it ends up there will probably be a few more versions before I decide on the final design.
And there is of course the question of where I will get the tattoo, my side may not be bad, but tattoos on your ribs hurt.
*3-4 cups flour
*a few table spoons baking powder
*teaspoon baking soda
*between half and whole stick butter (less if using cheese, more if making something like shortbread, for shortbread add about half cup sugar)
*ham and cheese
*cut butter thin, mix it well with flour, then add baking soda and powder and a teaspoon of salt, then ham and cheese
*mix well
*then add milk till its the right texture
*cook at 450 about 12 minutes, make sure to greese pan
A sunset from when we were building my fathers garage. I played with the brightness and stuff a bit.
[img [Black and white sunset - Image]]
<$list filter='[is[current]]'>
I have done nothing for my dissertation today.
A puzzle game with a somehow cute robot. Somehow cute because it is a cube with tiny arms and legs.
\define thisYearMonth()
$(ThisYear)$ - $(ThisMonth)$
\define thisDisplaySelectedPost()
\define thisSelectNumberOfPosts()
Display <$select tiddler='$:/state/Blog Archive' field='list_length'><$list filter='1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 50 100 200 300'><option><<currentTiddler>></option></$list></$select> posts
Click on the calendar button ({{Menu Icon - Calendar Archives}}) in the upper left to open up the calendar based archive.
Select Date:
Year: <$select tiddler='$:/state/Blog Archive' field='selected_year'>
<$list filter='[tag[My Blog]each[year]get[year]nsort[title]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/Blog Archive!!selected_year' text='All'>
Month: <$select tiddler='$:/state/Blog Archive' field='selected_month'>
<$list filter='[tag[My Blog]year{$:/state/Blog Archive!!selected_year}each[month]get[month]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/Blog Archive!!selected_year' text='All'>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/Blog Archive!!selected_month' text='All'>
Day: <$select tiddler='$:/state/Blog Archive' field='selected_day'>
<$list filter='[tag[My Blog]month{$:/state/Blog Archive!!selected_month}each[day]get[day]nsort[title]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Blog Archive!!selected_year' text='All'>
Select Post: <$select tiddler='$:/state/Blog Archive' field='selected_post'>
<$list filter='[tag[My Blog]nsort[year]each[year]get[year]]' variable=ThisYear>
<$list filter='[tag[My Blog]year<ThisYear>each[month]get[month]]' variable=ThisMonth>
<optgroup label=<<thisYearMonth>>>
<$list filter='[tag[My Blog]year<ThisYear>month<ThisMonth>nsort[day]each[day]get[day]]' variable=ThisDay>
<$list filter='[tag[My Blog]year<ThisYear>month<ThisMonth>day<ThisDay>sort[title]]-[[$:/templates/blog/BasicBlogPostTemplate]]' variable=ThisPost>
<option><$view tiddler=<<ThisPost>> field='title'/></option>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Blog Archive!!selected_post' text='All'>
<$list filter='[tag[My Blog]nsort[time]limit{$:/state/Blog Archive!!list_length}]-[[$:/templates/blog/BasicBlogPostTemplate]]'>
<$set name=SelectedPost value=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$set name=Template filter='[title<currentTiddler>get[template]]'>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/Blog Archive!!selected_year' text='All'>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Blog Archive!!selected_month' text='All'>
Select Post: <$select tiddler='$:/state/Blog Archive' field='selected_post'>
<$list filter='[tag[My Blog]year{$:/state/Blog Archive!!selected_year}each[month]get[month]]' variable=ThisMonth>
<optgroup label=<<ThisMonth>>>
<$list filter='[tag[My Blog]year{$:/state/Blog Archive!!selected_year}month<ThisMonth>nsort[day]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Blog Archive!!selected_post' text='All'>
<$list filter='[tag[My Blog]year{$:/state/Blog Archive!!selected_year}nsort[time]limit{$:/state/Blog Archive!!list_length}]'>
<$set name=SelectedPost value=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$set name=Template filter='[title<currentTiddler>get[template]]'>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/Blog Archive!!selected_year' text='All'>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/Blog Archive!!selected_month' text='All'>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Blog Archive!!selected_day' text='All'>
Select Post: <$select tiddler='$:/state/Blog Archive' field='selected_post'>
<$list filter='[tag[My Blog]year{$:/state/Blog Archive!!selected_year}month{$:/state/Blog Archive!!selected_month}each[day]get[day]nsort[title]]' variable=ThisDay>
<optgroup label=<<ThisDay>>>
<$list filter='[tag[My Blog]year{$:/state/Blog Archive!!selected_year}month{$:/state/Blog Archive!!selected_month}day<ThisDay>sort[created]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Blog Archive!!selected_post' text='All'>
<$list filter='[tag[My Blog]year{$:/state/Blog Archive!!selected_year}month{$:/state/Blog Archive!!selected_month}nsort[time]limit{$:/state/Blog Archive!!list_length}]-[[$:/templates/blog/BasicBlogPostTemplate]]'>
<$set name=SelectedPost value=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$set name=Template filter='[title<currentTiddler>get[template]]'>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/Blog Archive!!selected_year' text='All'>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/Blog Archive!!selected_month' text='All'>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/Blog Archive!!selected_day' text='All'>
Select Post: <$select tiddler='$:/state/Blog Archive' field='selected_post'>
<$list filter='[tag[My Blog]year{$:/state/Blog Archive!!selected_year}month{$:/state/Blog Archive!!selected_month}day{$:/state/Blog Archive!!selected_day}sort[created]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Blog Archive!!selected_post' text='All'>
<$list filter='[tag[My Blog]year{$:/state/Blog Archive!!selected_year}month{$:/state/Blog Archive!!selected_month}day{$:/state/Blog Archive!!selected_day}!nsort[time]limit{$:/state/Blog Archive!!list_length}]-[[$:/templates/blog/BasicBlogPostTemplate]]'>
<$set name=SelectedPost value=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$set name=Template filter='[title<currentTiddler>get[template]]'>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/Blog Archive!!selected_post' text='All'>
<$set name=SelectedPost value={{$:/state/Blog Archive!!selected_post}}>
<$set name=Template filter='[title{$:/state/Blog Archive!!selected_post}get[template]]'>
<$list filter='[is[current]tag[My Blog]]'>
<div id='hashover'>
<$macrocall $name=hashoverComments postname=<<currentTiddler>> kickback="ooktech.com/jed/externalbrain/"/>
[[About Commenting]]
Sort Comments: <$radio field='sort_comments' value='oldest'>Oldest First</$radio> <$radio field='sort_comments' value='newest'>Newest First</$radio>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='!!sort_comments' text='newest'>
<$list filter='[tag[Comment]tag[Accepted]tag<currentTiddler>sort[sort_date]]' template=BlogPostCommentTemplate>
<$reveal type='match' state='!!sort_comments' text='newest'>
<$list filter='[tag[Comment]tag[Accepted]tag<currentTiddler>!sort[sort_date]]' template=BlogPostCommentTemplate>
{{$:/core/ui/Buttons/home}} [[About me|Who is this inmysocks guy?]] [[About this site]] [[Blog Archive|Calendar Archives]] [[Leave a message|Comments]] [[hashover source code|http://ooktech.com/hashover-modified.zip]]
<$list filter='[is[current]tag[My Blog]]'>
<div style='text-align:center'><h3><$view field=summary/></h3></div>
''Posted:'' __<$view field='posted'/>__<br>
Display the <$select tiddler='$:/settings/Blog Settings' field='num_recent_posts'><$list filter="1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10"><option><<currentTiddler>></option></$list></$select> most recent posts
<div style='text-align:center'><h2><b><$button class='tc-btn-invisible' to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></$button></b></h2><h3><$view field=summary/></h3></div>
''Posted:'' __<$view field='posted'/>__<br>
<$link to=<<currentTiddler>>>Go to post tiddler to leave a comment</$link>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/temp/New Blog Post/type' text='Small Thing'>
Character count: <$word-count tiddler='$:/temp/NewBlogPost' mode=character colors='green:0,indianred:80,red:102'/>
Post Body:
<$edit-text class='tc-edit-texteditor' tiddler='$:/temp/NewBlogPost' placeholder='Post Body'/>
<h2><b><$view field='author'/></b></h2>
__<$view field='readable_date'/>__
<div class='tc-tiddler-frame' style='width:100%;background-color:beige'>
<$transclude mode='block'/>
<div style='text-align:center'><h2><b><$view field='title'/></b></h2></div>
''Posted:'' __<$view field='posted'/>__<br>
<div style='text-align:center'>
<a href={{!!link}} target="_blank">
<$image width={{!!width}} tooltip={{!!tooltip}} source={{!!image}}/>
Image: <$edit-text class='tc-edit-texteditor' tiddler='$:/temp/NewBlogPost' placeholder='Link to Displayed Image' field='image'/><br>
Caption: <$edit-text class='tc-edit-texteditor' tiddler='$:/temp/NewBlogPost' placeholder='Image Caption' field='image_caption'/><br>
Tooltip: <$edit-text class='tc-edit-texteditor' tiddler='$:/temp/NewBlogPost' placeholder='Image Tooltip' field='tooltip'/><br>
Link: <$edit-text class='tc-edit-texteditor' tiddler='$:/temp/NewBlogPost' placeholder='Link' field='link'/><br>
Width: <$edit-text class='tc-edit-texteditor' tiddler='$:/temp/NewBlogPost' placeholder='Displayed Image Width' field='width'/><br>
\define thisBookList()
<$list filter='[tag[Book]$(SelectedFilterPart)$sort[$(sortType)$]regexp:$(searchField)$[(?i)$(thisSearch)$]]' variable=CurrentBook>
<$link to=<<CurrentBook>>>
<$view tiddler=<<CurrentBook>> field='title'/>
<$view tiddler=<<CurrentBook>> field=author/>
<$view tiddler=<<CurrentBook>> field=series/>
<$view tiddler=<<CurrentBook>> field=genre/>
\define thisBookList2()
<$list filter='[tag[Book]sort[$(sortType)$]regexp:$(searchField)$[(?i)$(thisSearch)$]]' variable=CurrentBook>
<$link to=<<CurrentBook>>>
<$view tiddler=<<CurrentBook>> field='title'/>
<$view tiddler=<<CurrentBook>> field=author/>
<$view tiddler=<<CurrentBook>> field=series/>
<$view tiddler=<<CurrentBook>> field=genre/>
\define thisSelectThing()
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/newbook!!sort' text='author'>
<$select tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='selected_type'>
<option value=''>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/BookAuthors]indexes[]]'>
<$view field='title'/>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/newbook!!sort' text='genre'>
<$select tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='selected_type'>
<option value=''>All</option>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/BookGenres]indexes[]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/newbook!!sort' text='series'>
<$select tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='selected_type'>
<option value=''>All</option>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/SeriesTitles]indexes[]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/newbook!!sort' text='location'>
<$select tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='selected_type'>
<option value=''>All</option>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/BookLocations]indexes[]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
\define thisMakeSelectedValue()
\define count1()
<$count filter='[tag[Book]$(SelectedFilterPart)$sort[$(sortType)$]regexp:$(searchField)$[(?i)$(thisSearch)$]]'/>
\define count2()
<$count filter='[tag[Book]sort[$(sortType)$]regexp:$(searchField)$[(?i)$(thisSearch)$]]'/>
\define thisSetLocation()
<$reveal type='nomatch' state="""$:/state/Library Tracker/$(CurrentBook)$""" text='edit'>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set="""$:/state/Library Tracker/$(CurrentBook)$""" setTo='edit'>
<$view tiddler="""$(CurrentBook)$""" field=location/>
<$reveal type='match' state="""$:/state/Library Tracker/$(CurrentBook)$""" text='edit'>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set="""$:/state/Library Tracker/$(CurrentBook)$""" setTo='noedit'>
<$select tiddler="""$(CurrentBook)$""" field='location'>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/BookLocations]indexes[]]'>
If you select an author/series/location/genre from the drop down menu, then change the `Sort by` option you will have to select from the second dropdown menu again to get it to display things. Despite it showing `all` when you change the sort by option it keeps the previous value, which is invalid now. If I can get a select widget to active action widgets, or to change multiple fields at the same time than I can fix this.
If you click on the location of a book it will allow you to change the books location.
|Sort by |<$select tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='sort' default='title'><option value='author'>Author</option><option value='genre'>Genre</option><option value='series'>Series</option><option value='title'>Title</option><option value=location>Location</option></$select>|<<thisSelectThing>>|
|Search by |<$select tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='search_in' default='title'><option value='author'>Author</option><option value='genre'>Genre</option><option value='series'>Series</option><option value='tags'>Tag</option><option value='title'>Title</option><option value=location>Location</option></$select>|<$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='search_text' placeholder='Search'/>|
<$set name=sortType value={{$:/state/newbook!!sort}}>
<$set name=searchField value={{$:/state/newbook!!search_in}}>
<$set name=thisSearch value={{$:/state/newbook!!search_text}}>
<$set name=SelectedType value={{$:/state/newbook!!selected_type}}>
<$set name=SelectedFilterPart value=<<thisMakeSelectedValue>>>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/newbook!!selected_type' text=''>
Number of matching books: <<count1>>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/newbook!!selected_type' text=''>
Number of matching books: <<count2>>
<a href={{!!url}} target="_blank"><$view field=title/></a> - {{!!note}} (<$link to={{!!title}}>Open Tiddler</$link>)<br>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/reveal/Bookmarks/AddBookmark' text='show'>
<$button set='$:/state/reveal/Bookmarks/AddBookmark' setTo='hide'>Done</$button><br>
<$transclude tiddler='Add Bookmark'/>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/reveal/Bookmarks/AddBookmark' text='show'>
<$button set='$:/state/reveal/Bookmarks/AddBookmark' setTo='show'>New Bookmark</$button>
<<tabs "[[Bookmarks List]][[Bookmarks by Tags]][[Bookmarks Settings]]">>
\define thisBookmarksListByTag()
<!--Tag(s) selected-->
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/Bookmarks/BookmarksByTags' text=''>
<$set name=searchSelection value={{$:/state/Bookmarks/BookmarksByTags}}>
<$set name=searchSelection2 value={{$:/state/Bookmarks/BookmarksByTags2}}>
<$set name=searchSelection3 value={{$:/state/Bookmarks/BookmarksByTags3}}>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/Bookmarks/BookmarkTags]indexes[]<searchSelection>]'>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/core/ui/TagTemplate" mode="inline"/>
<!--One tag selected-->
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Bookmarks/BookmarksByTags2' text=''>
<$list filter='[tag<currentTiddler>tag[Bookmark]sort[title]regexp[(?i)$(SearchString)$]]' template=BookmarkDisplayTemplate>
<!--End one tag selected-->
<!--Two tags selected-->
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/Bookmarks/BookmarksByTags2' text=''>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Bookmarks/BookmarksByTags3' text=''>
<$list filter='[tag<currentTiddler>tag<searchSelection2>tag[Bookmark]sort[title]regexp[(?i)$(SearchString)$]]' template=BookmarkDisplayTemplate>
<!--End two tags selected-->
<!--Three tags selected-->
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/Bookmarks/BookmarksByTags3' text=''>
<$list filter='[tag<currentTiddler>tag<searchSelection2>tag<searchSelection3>tag[Bookmark]sort[title]regexp[(?i)$(SearchString)$]]' template=BookmarkDisplayTemplate>
<!--End three tags selected-->
<!--End tag(s) selected-->
<!--No tag selected-->
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Bookmarks/BookmarksByTags' text=''>
<$set name=searchSelection value={{$:/state/Bookmarks/BookmarksByTags}}>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/Bookmarks/BookmarkTags]indexes[]sort[title]]'>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/core/ui/TagTemplate" mode="inline"/>
<$list filter='[tag<currentTiddler>tag[Bookmark]sort[title]]' template=BookmarkDisplayTemplate>
<!--End no tag selected-->
Select tag to see all bookmarks with that tag:<br><$select tiddler='$:/state/Bookmarks/BookmarksByTags'>
<option value=''>(Show All Tags)</option>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/Bookmarks/BookmarkTags]indexes[]sort[title]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
<$reveal state='$:/state/Bookmarks/BookmarksByTags' type='nomatch' text=''>
<$select tiddler='$:/state/Bookmarks/BookmarksByTags2'>
<option value=''>(All Results)</option>
<$list filter='[tag[Bookmark]tag{$:/state/Bookmarks/BookmarksByTags}tags[]sort[title]]-[[Bookmark]]-[{$:/state/Bookmarks/BookmarksByTags}]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
<$reveal state='$:/state/Bookmarks/BookmarksByTags2' type='nomatch' text=''>
<$select tiddler='$:/state/Bookmarks/BookmarksByTags3'>
<option value=''>(All Results)</option>
<$list filter='[tag[Bookmark]tag{$:/state/Bookmarks/BookmarksByTags}tag{$:/state/Bookmarks/BookmarksByTags2}tags[]sort[title]]-[[Bookmark]]-[{$:/state/Bookmarks/BookmarksByTags}]-[{$:/state/Bookmarks/BookmarksByTags2}]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
Search: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/Bookmarks/Search' field='search'/>
<$set name='SearchString' value={{$:/state/Bookmarks/Search!!search}}>
\define thisBookmarkList()
<$list filter='[tag[Bookmark]regexp[(?i)$(searchString)$]sort[title]]-[[$:/temp/Bookmarks/NewBookmark]]' template=BookmarkDisplayTemplate>
Bookmarks: (Narrow List by Name: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Bookmarks/BookmarkList' field=search_text/>)<br>
<$set name=searchString value={{$:/temp/Bookmarks/BookmarkList!!search_text}}>
\define thisRemoveTag()
Select Tag: <$select tiddler='Bookmarks Settings' field='edit_tag_list'>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/Bookmarks/BookmarkTags]indexes[]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
<$button set='$:/data/Bookmarks/BookmarkTags##$(TagToRemove)$'>Remove Tag</$button>
This is going to contain tools to remove tags from the potential bookmark tag list. This should be exactly what is used in the library tracker, but it isn't working here. I am confused.
<$set name=TagToRemove value={{Bookmarks Settings!!edit_tag_list}}>
<$list filter="[all[current]tag[Bookmark]]">
|!Name |!Note |!Link |
|<$view field=title/> |<$view field=note/> |{{!!url}} |
I am bouncing between being happy it happened and bitter that this tiny step took so much effort.
Now I can post things to twitter correctly. I am le happy. Pizza Time!!
\define thisBlogArchiveMacro(day)
<$set name=Day value=$day$>
<$set name=Month value={{$:/state/Blog Archives!!month}}>
<$set name=Year value={{$:/state/Blog Archives!!year}}>
<$set name=DayTiddlerName value=<<thisCalendarMakeDateString>>>
<$set name=TiddlerExistanceCheck filter='[title<DayTiddlerName>!has[text]]'>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state=<<TiddlerExistanceCheck>> text=''>
<$button to=<<thisCalendarMakeDateString>> class='tc-btn-invisible' style='width:100%;height:100%;overflow:hidden;'>
<div style='height:100%;width:1000%;position:relative;text-align:left;vertical-align:top;z-index=0;overflow:hidden;'>
<$list filter='[year<Year>month<Month>day<Day>]'>
<$view field='title'/><br>
<$reveal type='match' state=<<TiddlerExistanceCheck>> text=''>
<$button to=<<thisCalendarMakeDateString>> class='tc-btn-invisible' style='width:100%;height:100%;overflow:hidden;'>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<DayTiddlerName>> text=<<thisBuildDayTiddlerText>>/>
<div style='height:100%;width:1000%;position:relative;text-align:left;vertical-align:top;z-index=0;overflow:hidden;'>
<$list filter='[year<Year>month<Month>day<Day>]'>
<$view field='title'/><br>
\define thisCalendarMakeDateString()
\define thisBuildDayTiddlerText()
!Blog Posts:
<$list filter='[tag[My Blog]!tag[Small Thing]day[$(Day)$]month[$(Month)$]year[$(Year)$]]'>
<$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></$link> - <$view field='summary'/><br>
!Small Things:
<$list filter='[tag[My Blog]tag[Small Thing]day[$(Day)$]month[$(Month)$]year[$(Year)$]]'>
<$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></$link> - <$view field='summary'/><br>
If there are posts for a day than they are listed in that day. Content is cut off if it doesn't fit into the cell. Clicking on a day will open a tiddler for that day listing any posts made. If this tiddler doesn't exist, cilcking on the day will create it.
I am hoping to make a tiddler gallery that lets you go to a days tiddler and then move between days like you can with the pictures.
Select year: <$select tiddler='$:/state/Blog Archives' default='--' field='year'><option>--</option><$list filter='[tag[My Blog]has[year]each[year]get[year]]'><option><<currentTiddler>></option></$list></$select>
Select month: <$select tiddler='$:/state/Blog Archives' field='month' default='--'><option>--</option><$list filter='[tag[My Blog]has[month]each[month]get[month]]'><option><<currentTiddler>></option></$list></$select>
<$calendar-month year={{$:/state/Blog Archives!!year}} month={{$:/state/Blog Archives!!month}} day_macro='thisBlogArchiveMacro'/>
A history of the changes I have made here in case anyone is interested.
!Recently Changed Tiddlers
Show the <$select field='num_recent'>
<$list filter="0 10 20 30 40">
</$select> most recently modified tiddlers:
<$list filter='[!is[system]has[modified]!sort[modified]limit{!!num_recent}]-[[Change Log]]'>
<$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></$link> - Modified on: <$view field='modified'/><br>
!Description of changes
<$list filter='[tag[Changes]!sort[created]limit{$:/settings/Change Log Settings!!num_recent_posts}]'>
<h1><$view field='title'/></h1>
Change History:
<$list filter='[tag[Changes]]'>
<li><$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></$link></li>
I need to add the nopost property to the xml and from there put it as part of the comments object. Then when making the xml I need to put the post title into the generated xml. Then make the javascript macro take the post title as one of the inputs and only list comments that have the onpost property that matches the post title. It all seems so simple when I put it that way...
*In javascript-mode.php I need to add a thing that gives the title of the current post to whatever it is that stores this information and is used to generate the xml file. The name will be passed as a parameter to the javascript macro so use a variable for that. (add the `(function(){` stuff, add `postname` to the exports vars part, and `var postname = postname || ''` right inside `function.run`
*the like function and maybe others in javascript-mode.php need to be updated to use onpost (or postname, whichever is appropriate)
*Changed javascript-mode.php: wrapped entire thing in the required bits for making it a tiddlywiki javascript macro with the needed inputs. I need to expand this entry.
*Changed others? almost certainly.
*Changed template.xml: added `<post></post>`
*Changed write_comments.php: added `$wirte_cmt->post = (isset($onpost)) ? xml_sanitize(trim($onpost, ' ')) : ''; //THIS LINE`
*Changed javascript-mode.php (changed to CommentsJavascriptMacro.js for tiddlywiki): added `<input type="hidden" name=onpost value='"""'+postname+'"""'>\n\` to the reply place (line 132)
*Changed javascript-mode.php (js macro version): added `<input type="hidden" name="onpost" value='"""'+ postname + '"""'>\n\` to line 187 (edit comment)
Display the <$select tiddler='$:/settings/Change Log Settings' field='num_recent_posts'><$list filter="1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10"><option><<currentTiddler>></option></$list></$select> most recent changes
I added background images, and I added a button that will randomly select a background image when pressed.
The blog now has two categories, one for long posts one for short things. You can also now sort through the archive part by year and month.
I added a mechanism that prevents you from overwriting an existing tiddler with a new blog post.
I fixed the search in the library tracker so that you can type more than one letter now.
The Dashboard now uses tabbed-toc-external-nav and I changed the templates so that clicking on a post title opens the tiddler and lets you get a permalink to that post.
I added the calendar plugin I made to the site and used this to add the calendar based blog archives (icon in the upper left).
In order to allow this I changed how blog posts are labeled with the date, now it is just a number for the date so 1 2 instead of 1st 2nd etc.
I added some h-card stuff and some rel=me links so I can now use this site for [[IndieAuth|https://indieauth.com/]] web sign-in things.
Added the option for image posts
!Dashboard Tabs
!!Main dashboard:
Just the Dashboard plugin from my [[reference site|http://inmysocks.tiddlyspot.com]].
!!!My Blog
Just what it says.
The bookmarks (not yet packaged as a plugin) from my [[reference site|http://inmysocks.tiddlyspot.com]].
!!!Library Tracker:
The same as on my [[reference site|http://inmysocks.tiddlyspot.com]].
A list of twCards, it just has one for [[me|Jed Carty (inmysocks)]] and one for [[Rich Shumaker]] at the moment. Under mine I have a card for each of the different sites I have, both tiddlywiki and non-tiddlywiki sites.
!!Add Image
A form that takes the image name and a caption and makes a tiddler with the `_canonical_uri` field for the image and a tiddler to display the image with the caption, tagged so it is part of the gallery.
!!New Blog Post
Takes a post title, the post body text, a summary of the post and a display template and creates a blog post that is show in the `My Blog` tab of the dashboard.
It has some tabs at the bottom of the tiddler:
*nothing - a blank tab to hide the bottom content
*one is example html,
*another is a form that you can fill in and it will generate the code that you copy and paste into your post.
*another is a preview of your post, the title isn't displayed correctly but the rest should be good
Currently this contains:
*Image links - an image that acts as a link. You set destination, image, size and tooltip.
The gallery currently uses a crude method of navigating between tiddlers, once the update for 5.1.8 happens it will have a much more sophisticated navigation setup.
!Wiki Settings
The wiki settings currently has
*Blog Settings - set the number of recent blog posts to display
*Search and Replace Fields - just what it says, useful for when I messed up making a tiddler
*Search and Replace Tags - ditto. Useful.
*Change Log Settings - set the number of recent changes to display
!Change Log
Lists the changes made
I changed the new blog post interface so that different blog post templates ask for different information. This means that a blog post template needs to have a creation template associated with it. The naming scheme is templateName_creation_template, so BlogDisplayTemplate1 has [[BlogDisplayTemplate1_creation_template]]. I will make more as I feel like it.
I added a tags interface for creating blog posts.
I added a way to view the archive of posts by date, you can view all, all in a year/month/day or a specific post by listing the date and selecting the post. If you view all in a year/month/day than you have an option that lets you set how many posts you want to list.
I need to add a way to page through posts. I will use the stuff I made for the gallery once version 5.1.8 is out. This may not work in the dashboard. I should work on that.
I added a view template so that when you look at a blog post tiddler by itself it displays the posting date. I may add more to this at some point. I would like to override the normal view template so that the normal text doesn't show up. I should ask on the group.
I fixed some things about how old posts were listed in the blog archive.
I made the twitter plugin and added the twitter integration stuff to this wiki.
The tweet links on the individual posts should work correctly now.
There is now an image in the background
Added the menu icon to change the background to a random image
Reorganized the control panel tabs so that the settings I made are under the Custom Settings tab.
The sidebar is now in the right icon menu, it pops out on hover.
The left menu is now set to pop out on hover and has links to different parts of the site. We shall see how this goes. I need a better color scheme.
Added css to allow dynamically sized embedded videos, added this change to the html cheat thing in the new blog post tiddler.
Also added seamless theme, it doesn't look good so I am not using it.
Added the change font icon to the top left menu.
I added a new blog post button to the top bar so that when I make a new post the dashboard isn't saved with the New Blog Post tab open.
I may not have made one of these for when I made the menu on the left something I actually use. I may completely remove the dashboard thing and just use the left menu to navigate.
I can now post to twitter from the new blog post page. If it is short enough I can post the entire content, if it isn't than I can post the title and summary with a link to the original post. The URL is also conditioned to work. The URL part was really annoying.
You can't try posting when the title field is empty.
The post button now triggers saving the wiki.
<$button popup="$:/state/changetiddlerwidthpopup">Change Tiddler Width</$button>
<$reveal type="popup" state="$:/state/changetiddlerwidthpopup">
<div class="tc-drop-down">
\define thisMakeOption()
This is probably going to have some forms I can use to automatically generate some html bits. Because I am lazy, I tend to forget these things, and I can.
Select what you want, fill out the form and then copy and paste the HTML generated into your post.
<$select tiddler='$:/state/CheatWithHTML'>
<option value=''>Nothing</option>
<$list filter='[tag[Cheat With HTML]]'>
<$set name=ThisTiddler value=<<currentTiddler>>>
<option value=<<thisMakeOption>>><$view field='title'/></option>
\define innerFetchComments()
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='!!number_of_comments' text=<<countComments """$(ThisTiddler)$""" "jed/externalbrain/">>>
<$action-setfield number_of_comments=<<countComments """$(ThisTiddler)$""" "jed/externalbrain/">>/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Check for new comments' new_comments=yes/>
<<makeCommentTiddlers """$(ThisTiddler)$""" "ooktech.com/jed/externalbrain/">>
\define fetchComments()
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Check for new comments!!check_comments' text='yes'>
<$action-setfield new_comments=no/>
<$list filter='[tag[My Blog]]'>
<$set name=ThisTiddler value={{!!title}}>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Check for new comments' check_comments='no'/>
\define thisEmptyMessage()
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/state/Check for new comments' field='check_comments' checked='yes' unchecked='no'>
Check this (this will take a while)
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Check for new comments!!check_comments' text='no'>
Check the box first
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/Check for new comments!!check_comments' text='no'>
Click me when it says to
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Check for new comments!!check_comments' text='yes'>
(Now click on the button)
<$list filter='[tag[Comment]!tag[Checked]tags[]]-[[Comment]]-[[Accepted]]-[[Checked]]-[[Rejected]]' emptyMessage=<<thisEmptyMessage>>>
<$list filter="""[tag[Comment]tag<currentTiddler>!tag[Checked]]""" template='CommentModerationTemplate'>
I finally finished moving all of my stuff to my fathers house for storage while I am in Paris. Luckly my body decided to wait until I was finished loading the car to get sick.
At this time yesterday I felt like I was going to die, and that didn't seem like such a bad thing. Now I feel much better, I just feel like I am going to sleep for the next month or so. My bluetooth keyboard refused to connect to my tablet all day today, I finally got it working a minute ago. There is some terrible lag, I am not sure why.
I think that susanna is the only one that hasn't gotten sick. I hope it doesn't hit her on her flight tomorrow. That would be very uncomfortable.
This has been brought to you by Jed being sick and babbling. Now I am probably going to fall asleep again.
<a class="twitter-timeline" href="https://twitter.com/MaybeJed/lists/friends" data-widget-id="574989484938293248">Tweets from https://twitter.com/MaybeJed/lists/friends</a>
I think that by editing the html template used I can make the permalinks work correctly. Mostly, they won't go to specific comments, they will bring you to the correct tiddler. This isn't very useful but it should work. I am also hoping that I can make the javascript macro take inputs that will identify the current tiddler and this will be used to separate the different comment threads.
The biggest problem is that the comments var in the javascript needs to be updated every time a new comment is made. Currently the only way to do this is manually. Hopefully I can make something different. Like when the page is reloaded that part is saved to a tiddler which is read and inserted into the javascript. I may be able to actually make this work.
With some simple edits I could make this so that people could leave comments but they wouldn't be visible. That would be better than the google forms approach I am using now.
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<currentTiddler>>>
<li><$view field='author'/> - <$view field='text'/> - <$button>Accept<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param='Checked'/><$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param='Accepted'/></$button> <$button>Reject<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param='Checked'/><$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param='Rejected'/></$button></li>
These are just general comments/messages to me. They won't be displayed on a post but you should assume that they will be accessible by the people reading the wiki if they put effort into looking, but I am not going to list them here or anything. If you want to send me a private message there are [[plenty of ways to do that|Who is this inmysocks guy?]].
Seriously, comments you post won't show up here. First I have to accept any comments for them to appear at all and second it explicitly says that comments posted on this one won't show up. Stop commenting to just say 'I am posting here just to see if it shows up'.
<div id='hashover'>
<$macrocall $name=hashoverComments postname=<<currentTiddler>> kickback="ooktech.com/jed/externalbrain/"/>
<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1cKQSTSrMxA9hLPv99hgJ54UPfdgMt4Bpf-wGh7udSZA/viewform?embedded=true" width="760" height="500" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">Loading...</iframe>
Comments should be working again. This time without licensing issues. Instructions coming soon.
But do I get emails when someone leaves a comment?
and try another comment now
So try this without the email part
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
<div style='height:100%;padding-left:10px;'>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/settings/toc' text='folder'>
<div class='tc-table-of-contents'>
<<toc-selective-expandable 'Contents' 'sort[list]'>>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/settings/toc' text='folder'>
<div class='tc-table-of-contents'>
<<my-toc-selective-expandable 'Contents' 'sort[list]'>>
A remake/update/thing of the incredible machine. While it may be partly (or mostly) nostalgia, all I can say is OMGYAYOMGOMGOMGLETMEPLAYIT! I really liked the incredible machine when I was little, can you tell?
Cowboy Hat!!!
[img alt={{!!alt-text}} [Cowboy hat - Image]]
<<tabs '[tag[Custom Settings]]'>>
For a company known mainly as a search engine Googles search UI is really terrible, particularly on G+
<<toc-tabbed-external-nav tag:"Dashboard" selectedTiddler:"$:/temp/toc/selectedTiddler" unselectedText:"Select a topic in the table of contents. Click the arrow to expand a topic." default:"Introduction">>
So, some people don't think that easily preventable diseases are killing babies fast enough so, in addition to trying to prevent vaccinations, some people are advocating paleo diets for infants. The only problem is that some of what they propose will give the babies an [[overdose of vitamin A|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypervitaminosis_A]], which seems like a rather uncomfortable way to die. The only good part of this diet, which someone will no doubt try and they will end up killing a baby, is this headline: [[Autism-Busting Paleo Book for Babies Pulled Because It Will Kill Them|http://jezebel.com/autism-busting-paleo-book-for-babies-pulled-because-it-1692592094]].
I sent off the dissertation proposal draft to my advisor. I would be happier, but this should have been done months ago.
I have had comments from two people, and one of them is Felicity. I suppose I don't really expect people to read this much, but I have only had two comments on [[my other site|http://inmysocks.tiddlyspot.com]] also. Do people just not want to give feedback or ask questions?
I am actually interested in what people think about what I make.
There are many pictures of Siberian Huskies [[here|http://vk.com/id153817456]].
Some of the best:
<<imageSlider [[http://cs622026.vk.me/v622026456/1fae7/3RZb8XOPRsw.jpg]] "Hipster Husky">>
<<imageSlider [[http://cs623331.vk.me/v623331456/1eedd/s31TMGTsFyE.jpg]] "Ear Muffs">>
<<imageSlider [[http://cs416819.vk.me/v416819456/7473/PaDDW9k2iTk.jpg]] "I want to go to this place">>
<<imageSlider [[http://cs623227.vk.me/v623227456/1da5a/4RKlHQjkr1c.jpg]] "Husky Boots">>
<<imageSlider [[http://cs623131.vk.me/v623131456/6a2b/x7vHDo7mNZ4.jpg]] "Frozen Lake">>
When people get back I will lose my doggy entourage.
My allergies are worse today, and my body hates me for not riding my bike. This is an unhappy jed.
An unforgiving game sort of like how nethack in unforgiving. I love the art style and the general atmosphere of this game. I may have spent way too much time playing it while it was in beta (and after it came out of beta). I haven't played much of the reign of giants dlc yet. This game can be hard.
If you like and/or use the things I make for ~TiddlyWiki (here and on [[my other sites|Jed Carty (inmysocks)]]) and want to donate Here are options for using BitCoin and PayPal.
Bitcoin (<<fa fa-bitcoin>>):
<a href="bitcoin:19MWZctms7qunsz79GNnYg6qUnyiUtYZaa?label=inmysocks%20TiddlyWiki%20Donation">
<img src="http://ooktech.com/jed/externalbrain/images/qrcode.bmp" height=100px>
<form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post" target="_top">
<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xclick">
<input type="image" src="https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donateCC_LG.gif" border="0" name="submit" alt="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!">
<img alt="" border="0" src="https://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/i/scr/pixel.gif" width="1" height="1">
I am very annoyed that the selective sync option on dropbox uses the local copy of existing files to give you the options for what to sync instead of using the index of all files on the server. I keep having to tell it to stop syncing each new folder as it downloads.
In other news, I would feel much more comfortable if I wasn't expected to have slides to go along with my dissertation proposal.
EYEBROWS!!! A turn-based rogue-like, done well and with humor. Expect a long game, you will die. A lot.
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
The true main chracater of Penny Dreadful is the hair. Images don't do it justice.
[img [Egyptologist Hair - Image]]
\define thisMakeEmbeddedVideoFixedDimensions()
<iframe width='$(VideoWidth)$' height='$(VideoHeight)$' src='http://www.youtube.com/embed/$(VideoID)$?rel=0' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen></iframe>
<iframe width='$(VideoWidth)$' height='$(VideoHeight)$' src='http://www.youtube.com/embed/$(VideoID)$?rel=0' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen></iframe>
\define thisMakeEmbeddeVideoFixedAspectRatio($aspect$)
<div class=$(Aspect)$>
<iframe class='video-iframe-css' src='http://www.youtube.com/embed/$(VideoID)$?rel=0' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen></iframe>
<div class=$(Aspect)$>
<iframe class='video-iframe-css' src='http://www.youtube.com/embed/$(VideoID)$?rel=0' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen></iframe>
Video id (the 11 character string, the url should have a part like ?v=aBpaMz4AcDv, aBpaMz4AcDv is the id):
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Embed Video Cheat' field='video_id' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
<$select tiddler='$:/state/Embed Video Cheat' field='dim_or_aspect'><option>Fixed Dimensions</option><option>Fixed Aspect Ratio</option></$select>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/Embed Video Cheat!!dim_or_aspect' text='Fixed Dimensions'>
Width: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Embed Video Cheat' field='video_width'/> Height: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Embed Video Cheat' field='video_height'/> Measurement Unit: Width Unit: <$select tiddler='$:/state/Embed Video Cheat' field='width_unit'>
<$set name=VideoWidth value={{$:/temp/Embed Video Cheat!!video_width}}>
<$set name=VideoHeight value={{$:/temp/Embed Video Cheat!!video_height}}>
<$set name=VideoID value={{$:/temp/Embed Video Cheat!!video_id}}>
<$set name=VideoUnit value={{$:/state/Embed Video Cheat!!width_unit}}>
Fixed Dimensions:
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/Embed Video Cheat!!dim_or_aspect' text='Fixed Aspect Ratio'>
Aspect Ratio: <$select tiddler='$:/state/Embed Video Cheat' field='aspect_ratio'><option value='video-wrapper-16-9'>16/9</option><option value='video-wrapper-4-3'>4/3</option></$select>
<$set name=VideoID value={{$:/temp/Embed Video Cheat!!video_id}}>
Fixed Aspect Ratio:
<$set name=Aspect value={{$:/state/Embed Video Cheat!!aspect_ratio}}>
Stop! This, here, is the empire of the dead.
[img [Entering the Catacombs - Image]]
I have already been called evil and it isn't even noon yet. It is a good day.
A pi may not be powerful enough to run it well, or it may have to be on a separate pi than the one running node and syncthing. We shall see. I may end up with multiple pi servers.
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
This goes with [[Face in the mirror 2]]
[img [Face in the mirror 1 - Image]]
A charcoal doodle from one of my sketchbooks, goes with [[Face in the mirror 1]]
[img [Face in the mirror 2 - Image]]
While setting up everything so I could push content to twitter took some time to figure out, the examples they have with the documentation actually work and are useful.
On the other hand, Facebook has documentation that apparently assumes that you know something, but I never figured out what. There may be a linear narrative through the examples, but there is no indication of how to follow it. But on the other hand, Facebook promises so many wonderful things with its api, like being able to set up simple liking and sharing and all that stuff. But on the other hand (I just watched a stage production of Fiddler on the Roof, I will not apologise!) none of them work. Not even the simple 'copy and paste this to embed this post' things work. There is no other hand.
So don't expect anything that lets you interact with Facebook from me. I don't want to touch the stuff.
It is like Mine Craft lite underwater. I enjoy it. The main story is short, I beat it the first time in 2 hours. Sandbox mode is fun though. Lots of exploration and kraken. I got it as part of one of the humble bundles for $1, it was certainly worth that. I have only played it a few times so we will see if it keeps my interest.
Also, potatoes.
I don't like the feature sets of my tools being dictated by anyone else. This is why I make things.
There are so many ways to die, but most things turn out to not be horribly unfriendly. There are achievements on steam for finding different ways to die. A relatively short game with great atmosphere.
http://store.steampowered.com/app/259600/ (you can also get it for android and ios, and probably other places. I couldn't find a site for the game itself.)
Look at me!! I am the first to post here!!! Never mind that it is my site and I am the only one who can post here...
This is my new place on the web, and if the development goes according to plan it may be able to work as a social networking tool. Hopefully one that can interact with the other tools like Google+, Facebook, ect.
For the moment there isn't much here, just a bunch of bookmarks, a partial listing of my books so I can keep track of them and some of my drawings. This is all done using [[TiddlyWiki|http://tiddlywiki.com]], which you should go check out and possibly use. It is very useful.
At the moment it isn't very pretty here, but I will be working on that.
\define thisFontFamilyRadio(fontfamily text)
<tr><td><$radio tiddler='$:/state/Site Accessability Options' field=fontfamily value="""$fontfamily$""">$fontfamily$</$radio></td><td>@@font-family:$fontfamily$; $text$@@</td></tr>
\define thisFontWeightRadio(weight)
<$radio tiddler='$:/state/Site Accessability Options' field=fontweight value=$weight$>$weight$</$radio>
\define thisFontSize(size)
<$radio tiddler='$:/state/Site Accessability Options' field=fontsize value=$size$px>$size$</$radio>
\define thisLineHeight(height)
<$radio tiddler='$:/state/Site Accessability Options' field=lineheight value=$height$px>$height$</$radio>
\define thisWordSpacing(spacing)
<$radio tiddler='$:/state/Site Accessability Options' field=wordspacing value=$spacing$>$spacing$</$radio>
\define thisLetterSpacing(spacing)
<$radio tiddler='$:/state/Site Accessability Options' field=letterspacing value=$spacing$>$spacing$</$radio>
\define thisTextDecorations(decoration)
<$radio tiddler='$:/state/Site Accessability Options' field=textdecoration value=$decoration$>$decoration$</$radio>
<$checkbox tiddler="Alternate Text Styles CSS" tag='$:/tags/Stylesheet'>Enable Custom Styles</$checkbox>
<tr><th>Set Tiddler Font Family</th><th></th></tr>
<<thisFontFamilyRadio '"Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, "Lucida Grande", sans-serif' Default>>
<<thisFontFamilyRadio 'Times New Roman' "Newspapers! Good for dense text.">>
<<thisFontFamilyRadio 'Comic Sans MS' "Scientific Press Releases">>
<<thisFontFamilyRadio Courier "Monospaced font">>
<<thisFontFamilyRadio "Zapf Chancery" "How Very Fancy">>
<tr><th>Font Options</th><th></th></tr>
<tr><td>Font Weight</td><td><<thisFontWeightRadio normal>> <<thisFontWeightRadio bold>></td></tr>
<tr><td>Font Size</td><td><<thisFontSize 10>> <<thisFontSize 12>> <<thisFontSize 15>> <<thisFontSize 17>> <<thisFontSize 19>> <<thisFontSize 21>> <<thisFontSize 25>></td></tr>
<tr><td>Line Height</td><td><<thisLineHeight 17>> <<thisLineHeight 19>> <<thisLineHeight 22>> <<thisLineHeight 24>> <<thisLineHeight 26>> <<thisLineHeight 28>> <<thisLineHeight 32>></td></tr>
<tr><td>Word Spacing</td><td><<thisWordSpacing normal>> <<thisWordSpacing 1ex>> <<thisWordSpacing 1.5ex>> <<thisWordSpacing 2ex>> <<thisWordSpacing 3ex>> <<thisWordSpacing 5ex>></td></tr>
<tr><td>Letter Spacing</td><td><<thisLetterSpacing normal>> <<thisLetterSpacing 0.1ex>> <<thisLetterSpacing 0.3ex>> <<thisLetterSpacing 0.75ex>> <<thisLetterSpacing 1ex>></td></tr>
<tr><td>Text Decoration</td><td><<thisTextDecorations none>> <<thisTextDecorations underline>> <<thisTextDecorations overline>></td></tr>
\define fa(iconName)
<i class="fa $iconName$"></i>
\define falg(iconName)
<i class="fa $iconName$ fa-lg"></i>
\define fa2x(iconName)
<i class="fa $iconName$ fa-2x"></i>
\define fa3x(iconName)
<i class="fa $iconName$ fa-3x"></i>
\define fa4x(iconName)
<i class="fa $iconName$ fa-4x"></i>
\define fa5x(iconName)
<i class="fa $iconName$ fa-5x"></i>
\define fafw(iconName)
<i class="fa $iconName$ fa-fw"></i>
In French 80 is four-twenty, 95 is four-twenty-fifteen. This will take a bit of getting used to.
\define thisThing()
<$link to="""$(TiddlerLink)$"""><$image source=<<currentTiddler>> width=30% tooltip={{!!link_to}}/></$link>
<$set name=TiddlerLink value={{!!link_to}}>
These are games I am currently playing when I get around to it. I am listing them here because I enjoy playing them and want to support the developers.
Most are from humble bundles, so I paid far less for them than their normal price would indicate. And I am very inconsistent about which ones I play, so the list doesn't reflect the amount of time I spend on them.
<$list filter='[is[current]tagging[]sort[title]]'>
This is a placeholder for the moment. I am going to be moving to Paris soon and it will be the first time I haven't had access to a reasonably sized gardening space so I am going to try urban horticulture stuff. Probably just inside my apartment, but I may find some larger group to work with. I will put up things I do here.
\define textSlider(label text)
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/$label$" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/$label$" setTo="show">$label$</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/$label$" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/$label$" setTo="hide">$label$</$button>
\define textSliderNoButton(label text)
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/$label$" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/$label$" setTo="show" class="tc-btn-invisible">{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}$label$</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/$label$" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/$label$" setTo="hide" class="tc-btn-invisible">{{$:/core/images/down-arrow}}$label$</$button>
\define tiddlerSlider(tiddlerName)
<$tiddler tiddler="$tiddlerName$">
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/$tiddlerName$" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/$tiddlerName$" setTo="show">Show <<currentTiddler>></$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/$tiddlerName$" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/$tiddlerName$" setTo="hide">Hide <<currentTiddler>></$button>
\define tiddlerSliderNoButton(tiddlerName)
<$tiddler tiddler="$tiddlerName$">
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/$tiddlerName$" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/$tiddlerName$" setTo="show" class="tc-btn-invisible">{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}<<currentTiddler>></$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/$tiddlerName$" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/$tiddlerName$" setTo="hide" class="tc-btn-invisible">{{$:/core/images/down-arrow}}<<currentTiddler>></$button>
\define imageSlider(tiddlerName caption)
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/$tiddlerName$" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/$tiddlerName$" setTo="show" class="tc-btn-invisible tc-tiddler-link"><<fa fa-plus>> $caption$</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/$tiddlerName$" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/$tiddlerName$" setTo="hide" class="tc-btn-invisible"><<fa fa-minus>> $caption$</$button>
[img width=100% [$tiddlerName$]]
Required items:
* A [[raspberry pi|https://www.raspberrypi.org/products/]], it should cost about US$35, plus whatever shipping costs. I think it was about US$40 for me with taxes and shipping.
* A USB keyboard and mouse. These are only needed for the initial setup, if you can borrow them from another computer for half an hour or so you should be fine.
* A connection to the internet
* A class 10 or better microsd card, I think you need at least a 4gig card, people recomend at least an 8gig card. Due to weird prices an 8gig card costs about the same as a 4gig card. The 8gig class 10 card I got cost me about US$5
* A display that can take HDMI input and an HDMI cable, or a display with component input and a 3.5mm to component video cable. This is only needed for setup, if you have access to one for half an hour than you should be just fine. I used the monitor for my desktop computer, but most modern tvs would work.
* An eithernet cable and a place you can leave the raspberry pi plugged into a router or somewhere else it can access the internet. You should be able to do this using a wireless dongle too.
* A powersupply that can give 5V at between around 400mA to 1A through a micro usb cable. I am using a cell phone charger. I tried with a 150mA charger and it wasn't enough to even turn on the pi, so you need more than that. Somewhere in the small text on the charger should something that looks sort of like 5V = 0.7A (it isn't actually an equals sign, it is a solid line with a dotted line above it, I just don't have that symbol here). If the second number has `A` after it than you want the number to be between 0.4 and 1 (you can go above 1, but I burned out a pi because of a faulty power supply so I am paranoid), if the second number is followed by `mA` the number should be between 400 and 1000. Some of the newer tablet chargers use 2A, which shouldn't break anything, but it may trip the fuse on the pi, so I wouldn't use one.
* (''Optional'') a case for your pi. Since my router is in a protected place I just have my pi sitting in the anti-static bag it came in inside a small cardboard box. As long as it is protected from moisture it should be ok. Dust shouldn't hurt anything, but to be careful you want to keep it somewhere mostly free of dust. If yours is going to be somewhere you are worried about it getting disturbed you may want a case. If you are going to have reason to carry around your pi you may also want a case.
# Collect the reqired items listed above.
# Download a [[raspbian noobs image|https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/]] and uncompress the archive onto your microsd card. The card should be newly formatted before doing this. For most cards if you just bought them they will be fine.
# Connect the mouse, keyboard, eithernet cable and hdmi cable to the appropriate ports on the pi and plug in the eithernet and hdmi cable to your router and display respectively.
# Plug the power supply into the raspberry pi. While it shouldn't be a problem, having your display on before you power up the raspberry pi is a good idea. Since everything is solid state there is no on or off button on the pi, once it is plugged in you should see a red led and a green led. The red led should be on all the time when the pi has power, the green led lights up when it is reading from the SD card. So if you see the two LEDs that is good.
# You should see a colorful splash screen on the display, and once the pi starts up (it should only take a few seconds) you should see a menu asking what you want to install. Just pick raspbian and go with the defualt options and tell it to install.
# After the installation is complete you should see another menu, you can change some settings and add users, but for the purposes of this you don't need to worry about that. You should go to advanced settings and make sure that ssh is enabled (it should be by default, so don't worry too much) then select finish in the menu. You may need to use the tab key to get to the finish option.
# After the linux boot sequence has finished it will ask you to log in, unless you changed it in the configuration menu the username is `pi` and the password is `raspberry`. So log in. As you type in the password nothing on the screen will change, this is a security feature of linux so don't worry about it.
You have the basic set up now. If you are going to run your pi headless (that is without a keyboard, mouse or monitor) and have it plugged into your router with an ethernet cable than you are finished. I will put up steps for how to set up wireless access from the command line at some point.
Setting up wireless internet access using the graphical interface (remember that you have to have a usb wifi thing for this to work, the pi doesn't have any builtin wifi support):
First start the gui by typing
this should make a bunch of text scroll on the screen and eventually you should see a graphical desktop.
Click on the menu, then go to internet, then select wireless connections. There should be a button that says `scan`, click on that. After a moment a list of available wireless networks should appear, select your network and enter the password (if there is a password. If not than you should put a password on your wireless network.)
Once that is done your pi should connect to the network, you can open up the browser (menu->internet->browser) and check. If that worked than you are good and you can shut down the pi (menu->shutdown) and remove the keyboard, mouse and display. If you are running your pi headless than you won't need them connected anymore.
For everything else I am going to assume that your pi is connected to the internet and that you are [[accessing it via ssh|Logging into your Raspberry Pi via SSH]] from another computer.
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
Javert hates baths but she is always so much happier after taking one. And I am always soaked.
Going home to Paris! Hopefully I will be around more after the flight.
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
This hasn't been passed, it has to go through the senate where they don't have the offending sections so there is still hope, but the fact that this got as far as it has shows how much the US government is willing to throw out the democratic process.
!Subverting democracy: gutting net neutrality edition!
The United States House Committee on Appropriations voted to include some provisions in the budget that would effectively negate all of the net neutrality progress we have made so far by forbidding the FCC from using any of its funding for the purposes of enforcing any current or future rules regarding net neutrality or the open internet. There are also some parts (namely section 625) forbidding the securities and exchange commission from requiring the disclosure of political contributions, but that is subverting the democratic process in a different way and it has gotten much more news coverage, a bit more on this below. [[Here is the draft of the rules they are proposing|http://appropriations.house.gov/uploadedfiles/bills-114hr-sc-ap-fy2016-fservices-subcommitteedraft.pdf]], the most relevant parts for net neutrality sections 629 and 630. Sections 623 and 628 apply to a lesser extent.
To explain how this is subverting democracy in a very US centric way, here is the fist amendment to the constitution of the united states:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
A working democratic society requires an informed electorate, an informed electorate requires a free press.
While print media may not be strictly dying, it is certainly losing relevance. I haven't gotten anything other than local news from a print source in years, and even most local news I get comes from online.
Almost none of my friends actually follows much news, and from what I know with few exceptions all the news that they get is from online sources.
In the US the first amendment prevents the government from restricting the free press, but, like the freedom of speech, it does nothing to prevent other entities from limiting it.
Entities such as cable companies.
If the proposed rules get enacted than by law no significant regulations applying to cable companies will be enforceable, they will have a literal unregulated monopoly protected by federal law.
In most areas of the US there is already only a single provider so they are effectively monopolies already, but they are currently able to be regulated.
People tend to focus on throttling the speed of communications when talking about net neutrality, but a much more important aspect of it is that a provider can decide to just not allow the connection.
As it is you need to get special permission from your ISP (for most of them anyway) if you want to run your own email server.
The reason centurylink (my current ISP) gives for this is 'emails can contain viruses'.
That is it.
They won't allow me to do it 'for my protection'.
In the same way they could decide that they need to track your activities online, and 'for your protection', block access to vpn services because if you use a vpn you could go to websites without them tracking you... and get viruses.
Or you can't visit unapproved sites, because viruses.
Or you can't visit sites that don't pay a licensing fee, because profit.
Or you can't visit sites that the isp doesn't have a stake in, which has already happened with [[internet.org|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet.org]], because profit (or AOL keywords for those of you who remember them).
While all of that is evil, it isn't directly subverting the democratic process.
But they could selectively allow news sites to only allow approved news, which would in effect destroy the free press because almost everyone gets their news from online sources.
The primary source of news for just about everyone under the age of 30 (and probably most above 30 too) would be filtered by a single controlling entity.
And because it isn't the government, this would be perfectly legal.
We already know that facebook is doing experiments on emotional manipulation of its users.
How would they make money off of this?
By selling premium ad placements in ways that would put a user in a favourable frame of mind while viewing the ad.
Or by displaying political stories in places designed to evoke a specific emotion, positive or negative, in an attempt to influence public policy even more.
And this isn't speculation, facebook is actually studying this and it has been shown to have a [[real impact on people|http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2309703]].
In that context internet.org, which is run and controlled by facebook and is in areas where there isn't another easily accessible form of internet access, becomes a bit more sinister.
Even if the goal of the studies is just to find ways to foster positive feelings in users while using facebook, this sort of manipulation would help prevent users from wanting to switch to other services when they become available.
And that is if the data is only used to make users enjoy using facebook.
What about a free press?
Emotional manipulation of users in an attempt to influence public policy so facebook can maintain its monopoly on internet access sounds like an attractive prospect.
That is just facebook, and in places that don't already have commonly available internet access so there aren't strong regulations in place.
Unfortunately without net neutrality that becomes the norm in the US as soon as the cable companies decide to implement it.
Instead of a state run monopoly on news it would be a corporation run monopoly on news, so it would be legal.
Did I mention that the FCC wouldn't be allowed to regulate any of this?
Which makes the monopoly protected by federal law, because the only regulatory body that should have jurisdiction would be powerless.
This isn't some worst case scenario or paranoid fantasy, without regulation this is what happens.
It is really hard to say I am being alarmist when it is already happening with things like internet.org and google fiber.
Establishing these rules and negating net neutrality puts a few companies into the same position over the entire united states.
These companies already give huge campaign contributions to politicians they like, why wouldn't they use other methods at their disposal as well?
!What do the proposed rules actually say?
I imagine that no one will actually read this section.
We will go section by section:
!!Section 628
SEC. 628.
None of the funds made available by this Act may be used to implement, administer, or enforce any rule (as defined in section 551 of title 5, United States Code), or any amendment or repeal of an existing rule, that is adopted by vote of the Federal Communications Commission after the date of the enactment of this Act, unless the Commission publishes the text of such rule, amendment, or repeal on the Internet Web site of the Commission not later than 21 days before the date on which the vote occurs.
This is by far the mildest of the requirements, but it serves no real purpose other than to put bureaucratic hurdles in place for creating any useful rules. The FCC is slow enough as it is. There isn't much more to be said about this one.
!!Section 629
SEC. 629.
None of the funds made available by this Act may be used to regulate, directly or indirectly, the prices, other fees, or data caps and allowances (as such terms are described in paragraph 164 of the Report and Order on Remand, Declaratory Ruling, and Order in the matter of protecting and promoting the open Internet, adopted by the Federal Communications Commission on February 26, 2015 (FCC 15–24)) charged or imposed by providers of broadband Internet access service (as defined in the final rules in Appendix A of such Report and Order on Remand, Declaratory Ruling, and Order) for such service, regardless of whether such regulation takes the form of requirements for future conduct or enforcement regarding past conduct.
This section says that the FCC is prohibited from regulating how much internet providers charge for their services. These are the companies that already have monopolies because they have voluntary divided the country into sections so they don't compete with each other. This is the reason that we have such shitty internet service in the US. To give an idea of how shitty we have it, in Paris the slowest service available is twice the speed of the fastest non-business connection available in Albuquerque. Also in Paris the cost is less than half of what it is here in Albuquerque. So twice the speed for half the cost. If this goes through than they will have explicit permission to charge as much as they want without having to worry about violating some consumer protection rule or another.
!!Section 630
SEC. 630.
None of the funds made available by this Act may be used to implement, administer, or enforce the Report and Order on Remand, Declaratory Ruling, and Order in the matter of protecting and promoting the open
Internet, adopted by the Federal Communications Commission on February 26, 2015 (FCC 15–24), until the first date on which there has been a final disposition (including the exhaustion of or expiration of the time for any appeals) of all of the following civil actions:
(1) Alamo Broadband Inc. v. Federal Communications Commission, et al., No. 15-60201, pending in the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit as of the date of the enactment of this Act.
(2) United States Telecom Assoc. v. Federal Communications Commission, et al., No. 15-1063, pending in the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit as of the date of the enactment of this Act.
(3) CenturyLink v. Federal Communications Commission, No. 15-1099, pending in the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit as of the date of the enactment of this Act.
This says that the FCC can't actually enforce net neutrality. The court cases listed are being taken against the government by the largest providers in the country. They have for all practical purposes an infinite amount of money to throw at the case so they can drag it on indefinitely, and then all of the appeals will have to also be heard before anything can be done. This section will give the cable companies the freedom to prevent the rules from being enforced until they are somehow forced to end the court cases.
In that one paragraph the house is repealing net neutrality in every meaningful sense.
When combined sections 629 and 630 give existing cable companies an unregulated monopoly that is protected by federal law with all the benefits that implies.
!Other things that are probably terrible (almost all the commentary I give here is sarcastic, in case that somehow wasn't obvious.):
Section 621:
SEC. 621.
None of the funds made available by this Act may be used to pay the salaries and expenses for the following positions:
(1) Director, White House Office of Health Reform, or any substantially similar position.
(2) Assistant to the President for Energy and Climate Change, or any substantially similar position.
(3) Senior Advisor to the Secretary of the Treasury assigned to the Presidential Task Force on the Auto Industry and Senior Counselor for Manufacturing Policy, or any substantially similar position.
(4) White House Director of Urban Affairs, or any substantially similar position.
Because of course we don't care about any social causes, or anything that would protect the environment. That would hurt profits of people (because corporations are people) that give large bribes (also known as campaign contributions).
To further protect these people we have section 625:
SEC. 625.
None of the funds made available by this Act shall be used by the Securities and Exchange Commission to finalize, issue, or implement any rule, regulation, or order regarding the disclosure of political contributions, contributions to tax exempt organizations, or dues paid to trade associations.
Because we don't have any problems with government corruption that need to be looked at. Nope. That would hurt the political power wielded by the people (corporations) that give large bribes.
And of course, we can't have any part of the government that could damage the profits of a company by doing their job to actually enforce regulations (The Securities Exchange Act of 1934 is [[here|http://www.sec.gov/about/laws/sea34.pdf]]). Also, transparency is bad.
SEC. 626.
(a) Section 13(n)(5) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 25 (15 U.S.C. 78m(n)(5)) is amended—
(1) in subparagraph (G)—
(A) in the matter preceding clause (i), by striking ‘‘all’’ and inserting ‘‘security-based swap’’; and
(B) in subclause (v)—
(i) in subclause (II), by striking ‘‘; and’’ and inserting a semicolon;
(ii) in subclause (III), by striking the period at the end and inserting ‘‘; and’’; and
(iii) by adding at the end the following: ‘‘(IV) other foreign authorities.’’; and
(2) by striking subparagraph (H) and inserting the following:
Before the security-based swap data repository may share information with any entity described in subparagraph (G), the security-based swap data repository shall receive a written agreement from each entity stating that the entity shall abide by the confidentiality requirements described in section 24 relating to the information on security-based swap transactions that is provided.’’.
(b) The amendments made by subsection (a) shall take effect as if enacted on July 21, 2010.
Now, none of section 626 looks all that interesting, or relevant until you look at what subparagraph 13(n)(5)(H) currently is:
Before the security-based swap data repository may share information with any entity described in subparagraph (G)—
(i) the security-based swap data repository shall receive a written agreement from each entity stating that the entity shall abide by the confidentiality requirements described in section 24 relating to the information on security-based swap transactions that is provided; and
(ii) each entity shall agree to indemnify the security-based swap data repository and the Commission for any expenses arising from litigation relating to the information provided under section 24
So, what section 626 is doing is removing that pesky little (ii), which would allow people (because corporations are people) to sue the securities and exchange commission for damages if they get sued by a third party. This means that if someone gets sued as a result of information in the data repository people can try to hold the SEC financially responsible instead of actually taking the penalty themselves. ([[Some stuff about security-based swaps|http://www.sec.gov/swaps-chart/swaps-chart.shtml]] and [[why it matters|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subprime_mortgage_crisis#Credit_default_swaps]].)
!Section 627 - Bonus Section!!
SEC 627.
None of the funds made available in this Act may be used by a governmental entity to require the disclosure by a provider of electronic communication service to the public or remote computing service of the contents of a wire or electronic communication that is in electronic storage with the provider (as such terms are defined in sections 2510 and 2711 of title 18, United States Code) in a manner that violates the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.
At first glance this is awesome, it says that service providers can't be compelled to give information. Then there is that last bit: //in a manner that violates the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.// So, the united states government can't use this money to violate the constitution of the united states. Yay pointless provisions!! Note that this doesn't say that requiring the disclosure of information in this context ''IS'' a violation of the 4th amendment, just that they can't violate the 4th amendment.
Here is the text of the 4th amendment to the constitution of the united states, note that it doesn't mention electronic communication:
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
By specifically saying that violating the 4th amendment is the test for what is allowed, this may actually relax the restrictions on data gathering. Yay using rules that were written almost 200 years before the situation in question!
<div style='position:relative;left:75px;width:50vw'>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/hashover.php"></script>
<noscript>You must have JavaScript enabled to use the comments.</noscript>
Click on stuff, you won't break anything.
Menu icon meanings:
{{Menu Icon - Leave Comment}} - leave comment
{{Menu Icon - Calendar Archives}} - Calendar archives (posts arranged in a calendar)
{{Menu Icon - Font Options}} - Font Options (Change the font and word spacing used)
This house shows up a lot in my sketchbooks. I am not sure why.
[img [House - Image]]
This is necessary if you are going to do anything that lets you (or anyone else) outside your network access your Raspberry Pi. Possibly even if it is only people on your network. In situations like college networks there may be a lot of people on your local network.
Fortunately this is easy.
*First [[ssh into your pi|Logging into your Raspberry Pi via SSH]] (or open a terminal if you are using a graphical interface)
*Type the command<div>
You will then be asked for your current password, so type it in, then you will be asked for the new password two times to make sure you typed it in correctly. So enter your new password twice and you should be good. Just to be very clear, you will be asked for the new password, you type the password and press enter, then you will be asked again so yo enter it again and press enter again, you don't type in the password twice at the first prompt.
I adjusted my office chair for the first time. I am not sure why it took me over a year to do this.
If you have some flexibility with form factor the raspberry pi zero may be the most cost effective platform for small scale product manufacture, not just prototyping. At $5 a piece it is cheaper than any other generally accessible embedded solution. For the USB portion alone I spent somewhere around $1 for the required crystal the port itself, and that required me to either etch my own board or have some custom PCBs made. To use surface mount components in any real quantity it is impractical to do by hand except for single prototypes and the cheapest manufacturer I can find requires a minimum of 100in^^2^^, which was around $200 for the board itself so the cost of components needs to be added to that.
So most embedded things that don't require the timing guarantees of DSPs or similar MCUs it is a pre-assembled development platform that is cheap enough to use for small-scale product runs. This makes what I want to do easier.
No, no I am not. Otherwise I wouldn't be typing this.
I have been listening to [[Welcome to Night Vale]] a lot lately. It is both very good and difficult give a good description of it. Something like an existential humour science fiction/horror podcast in the form of a public radio news program for a town in the Southwest US.
I have a new job doing some web design stuff for AUP. It is a 6 month job so I am looking for other work too. I am going to need one in order to stay in France after the current job is finished. I am going to look into getting a professional project visa, but I will still need to get a job so I can pay rent and eat.
I have also been making stuff. Probably the most interesting is an authoring tool for interactive SVG animations and interface things in tiddlywiki. Go look at it [[here|http://ooktech.com/jed/ExampleWikis/SnapSVG/]]. Scroll down on that page (or click [[here|http://ooktech.com/jed/ExampleWikis/SnapSVG/#Animation%20Example]]) and click on the `Play Animation` button to see a simple example of what you can make using it. I just realized that you won't be able to see this part if you are on a smaller screen, but over to the right there is an image of a house, if you click on the door it will open, then clicking on it again will close the door. By itself this isn't anything interesting, but it is the basis for making games or interactive animations using what I made. For the SVG portion I am using the [[Snap.SVG|http://snapsvg.io/]] javascript library. The rest of the site is TiddlyWiki, the same thing I used to make this site.
I haven't been drawing nearly enough lately, and I still don't have a cello here so I haven't played since I moved to France. I think that I may just start focusing on making things using the SVG stuff I am working on. My goal is to make an easy to use flexible tool for creating graphical games similar to how I made the [[interactive fiction engine|http://zorklike.tiddlyspot.com/]] a while ago. I should probably update the interactive fiction stuff at some point, I could make it significantly better now if I put the work into it. But I may be too distracted by the SVG stuff to do that for now.
Also, way too much minecrafting.
Screenshot: http://ooktech.com/jed/externalbrain/#IBeatQWOP
I can carry everything I own. This makes me happy. I'm pretending I don't own the stuff in storage.
My way home is blocked by police in riot gear. I may not get home for a while
The studio where I work is right next to Invalides, which is one of the places where the protests are in Paris. I can taste the tear gas from here. I tried walking home with javert but everything is blocked and after a few minutes javert started coughing, I assume because of the gas.
This is why I should part attention to the news.
Lets start this off by saying that I was diagnosed with unipolar depression a few years ago, and more recently with cyclothymia, which is a more minor version of bipolar disorder (also called manic depressive disorder).
A few days ago I made the mistake of being honest about my motivations making some things for ~TiddlyWiki. Namely that I was bored. Someone responded with something to the effect of 'if this is just you when you are bored, what are you like when you are focused?'
Which has been the question from everyone for as long as I can remember. People see what I do during good times and never seem to understand what is actually going on when I end up being so productive. Explaining things often doesn't help. I was around 20 when I was first diagnosed, and something like 27 before I actually started any sort of treatment. By that time I had graduated from [[Rose-hulman|http://www.rose-hulman.edu/]] with an undergraduate degree in engineering, and was working on my PhD. So yes, I have always been pretty high functioning on average. But it has always been very inconsistent. I got very good at managing my symptoms. So when I was doing well, or at least not horribly, most of the people around me seemed to assume that this was the same as the problems going away. Which made everything much worse when I wasn't doing well. People tend to assume that since you were doing ok before you must have gotten over it and somehow anything bad that happens is a new problem.
As an undergraduate I was unable to function to do much more than feed myself for about a quarter of the time. To make up for this I tended to do a lot when I was feeling good. People would see me do enough work to at least partly make up for the bad times when I was feeling good, and considering I was able to get an engineering degree under these conditions I think I can say without worrying about overselling myself that when I was doing well I was very good at just about anything I was doing, and then see me unable to do even basic things a day or two later and have no idea what was going on. I think there were more than a few people who assumed I was on meth (southern Indiana is known for that).
The most obvious example of all of this is the week before finals during the winter quarter during my junior year. I was on campus studying for finals when the rain knocked out power went out for the entire campus. I have never been able to describe what happened next in an understandable way to anyone who hasn't experienced it, but it wasn't really possible for me to not act. I don't really remember how it started but I ended up in nothing but my boxers running screaming through the rain, and went though all the dorms on campus screaming at people to come play in the rain with me. I am told I am very persuasive when I am like that. I managed to gather 20 or 30 people who were running around in the rain with me for an hour or two.
And then it stopped. I ended up curled up in a ball on the floor in the hallway of one of the dorms. Someone I didn't know eventually dragged/carried me out to their car and gave me a ride home. The next day I went to campus, but I could barely get the motivation to speak or walk to class. I had people from the night before following me around expecting something, but all I wanted to do was stare at a wall and not think about anything.
One of the ways I manage things like this is to find something that I can do without much thought and using it to make complex structures to hold in my mind that prevent anything else from going on. Doing this I can focus on something safe and let the everything else just sit in the background. It is easy to think of it like a cat that has its claws in your leg, and as long as you don't move or pay attention to it than nothing happens, but as soon as you look at it you get attacked.
A side effect of coping with problems like this is I can be very productive in a very narrow way, but this isn't something that I can really direct. So when I get bored or can't focus I try to find something with a suitably complex shape, coding seems to work most of the time, and I hold that in my head to force everything else out. When I am feeling better I don't have any reason to put myself into the state required to hold those shapes in my head and it can be very hard to continue work on what I was doing before because I often don't know how I managed any of it.
I seem to have completely lost the thread of what I was saying here. In short, due to things being asked what I am able to do when I am focused tends to put me in a very bad mood by reminding me how inconsistently I am able to focus and how much I would be able to accomplish if I were able to somehow think clearly all the time.
I don't like being reminded of it.
The airport in Dublin has free Wi-Fi. I will have to come back and spend time outside the airport.
Why do people use whatsapp? Is it just for people that don't understand that xmpp clients exist?
Today I finally saw things that another person made using thing I have made. This made me ridiculously happy. Before now I have had people tell me my stuff is useful, but I hadn't seen anything that someone had made using it. Also I made a plugin library for all of the plugins I have made for TiddilyWiki. I haven't seen anyone else who has done this yet (aside from the official library that Jeremy made, but he is the one who made TiddlyWiki so let me have my moment.)
I also made a mobile friendly theme for tiddlywiki that I still need to work on a bit, and wrote more for the learning tiddlywiki thing I am making.
For a lazy Sunday I think I have accomplished something. I have been feeling a lot better now that I have my proposal out of the way. But soon I am sure that I will realize that I have to publish all the research I have done and graduate, which will take care of my relaxed good mood. But for the moment I am ignoring that and enjoying life.
On a completely unrelated note I forgot to eat today. I should fix that.
Over the past two days I have gotten more work done on my dissertation proposal than I have in the previous month. This isn't actually saying all that much because I have barely gotten any work done.
Either way, another few days like this and my proposal will be written and I can start doing the stuff I need to do to actually propose.
Then back to research and hopefully running off to live in Paris for a bit.
Ignore the branding stuff, I made all the electronics used in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9cBpSRT500
I don't have much I care about enough to pack. None of this is my life, just stuff I have.
Putting an insulated mug in the fridge to cool down its contents doesn't work well.The more you know.
''EDIT 5'' - I am not going to display all of the comments that are variations of 'test', so stop posting them. Go see [[Rejected Comments]] if you really want to see your test comment. Also, I do have to import comments before they show up. If you want to see a bit about how this works go to [[the testing site|http://ooktech.com/jed/externalbrain/testing/#Check%20for%20new%20comments]]
''EDIT 4'' - Ok, comments should actually work now. For real this time.
''EDIT 3'' - PROGRESS!! In a few hours I will either have a working version that isn't part of tiddlywiki to avoid the licensing problems, or I will be at my fathers house eating pizza. Or possibly both. (May 16 2015 15:15)
''EDIT 2'' - Comments are down for a bit while I fix some issues with licensing and stuff.
'' edit'' the defaults for user name and email are set to mine because stuff. I will fix it in the morning. For now just change it, or leave me comments from me.
So I was going to post the stuff that is at the bottom of this (above the comment section!!!) but then I got distracted by the problem of making one of the comment systems work instead of talking about them. So I have a mostly working commenting system now. It is a modification of [[hashover|http://tildehash.com/?page=hashover]] that works with tiddlywiki. It was surprisingly easy to make it work. The biggest problem is that I can't spell. I spent two hours trying to track down a problem that didn't exist because I couldn't tell that write and wirte weren't the same word. I would say that eventually I will learn how to spell, but if I haven't gotten it in 30 years I should just accept that I never will. Anyway, about the comments system! It separates comments by post correctly without any intervention by me, and more than one set of comments can be displayed at the same time. I don't have the comments themselves displayed yet. To do that I need to figure out how to best read a bunch of xml files that contain the contents of each comment. But you can leave comments and I will see them. I may be able to use the php stuff from hashover directly since I am going to be moderating comments so nothing would get posted until I see it anyway. I am pretty sure that I can make a good moderation system using tiddlywiki. The css also breaks when it is inside a tiddler, I don't know why but that should be fixable without too much effort. It is late and I am going to bed, I will work on this more tomorrow.
I am once again stupdily excited.
Also, since this is the first time I have ever touched php, is there someone who has actually used it before that can look over the code to make sure I didn't do something horribly stupid or break some security thing?
And a quick note to myself about how I should set up the moderation stuff:
Take the part of the php script that generates json data, use that as an input to the javascript macro, which will compare the posts there to a list of accepted comments stored in a data tiddler on the wiki here. Any comments listed in the data tiddler get displayed, others don't.
Hopefully that will work. Who knows?
Here is the post I was going to use before I made things work:
These are the three that look like they have the best chance of working:
There are currently comments using hashover, but only for the entire site, not for individual posts. I need to figure out how to either give it the url fragment (which is impossible according to the all knowing internet) or some other way for it to distinguish between posts. The alternative is to generate static html for each post and when you click on a post title instead of opening up the tiddler for that post it brings you to the static site. All I would need to do there is put the javascript in the html for the static sites and everything would work without further input from me. That may be the solution I end up using.
While it looks promising, and uses javascript, I have no idea how to get it to work. There is supposed to be a deb file for it but none of the links I have found actually work. It may also have the same problem as hashover because it requires a script to place the comments, and you can't put javascript inside normal tiddlers.
This also looks promising, but probably has the same problems as isso.
Also, to anyone reading this, you should try to leave a comment at the bottom of the page. I need people to test it. Any help in how I would go about installing isso or juvia would also be greatly appreciated. I just realized that I may be able to make a javascript macro in tiddlywiki that lets me put the comments where I want them and pass them a parameter to for the correct url. I will look into this.
And look!! A comment section!!
This should actually work now!!
Hey Jed, congratulations!
Many thanks -- this is great!
And now a test comment that won't just show up
This looks promising. I will be following this thread.
So is this post now [[imported|<a href="https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/_uB-VTIk2wI/UJzHoFt9Oe4J" target="_blank">https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/_uB-VTIk2wI/UJzHoFt9Oe4J</a>]] and can actually link to [[tiddlers|My Gallery - Drawing and Photography]]?
I looked at the testing site, and it looks not a few step above a regular user. But any progress toward getting comments in TW, and especially TiddlySpace, is tremendous. The day comments can be put in the latter will make my year. I've had hopes of seeing something like Muut joined to TS.
You can put muut on tiddlyspot, but there are some problems. I just put a post in the [[forums|<a href="https://groups.google.com/forum/#" target="_blank">https://groups.google.com/forum/#</a>!topic/tiddlywiki/jkif0vodmNY]] about how to do it.
Some of the links at the bottom don't work. And the text in the comment box isn't cleared when you click inside it. This is a problem with what I did, not with hashover. I am looking into it.
Heyo Jed. Looks good!<br><:-)
I need a new test comment, so ignore this.
I added instructions for how to use node on a Raspberry Pi for TiddlyWiki http://ooktech.com/jed/externalbrain/#Tutorials
I am going to try the apple brie sandwich. For science. I may find this lounge far too amusing.
I just played [[Finding Teddy|http://store.steampowered.com/app/259600/]] and beat it. It is a very short game, but considering I got 11 out of 19 achievements on steam I didn't do everything you can do. It took me about 2 hours to get through. I really like the atmosphere of the game.
Everything kills you. Fortunately, when you die you just go back to where you were before you did whatever killed you, so you don't really lose any progress.
I am very slowly going through the [[humble bundle|https://www.humblebundle.com/]] games I have acquired. There are many of them. Maybe I will start listing and reviewing the ones I play here.
The recorded message started 'Hello senior! Do to your age you are now eligible for a new medical alert system at no cost.' I am not even 30 yet. Has the definition of senior changed and no one told me?
In my search for a replacement for my black forest sour gummy worms I tried some sour gummy worms here called Shiny Acid. Here is a picture of the package:
[img width=700px [http://ooktech.com/jed/externalbrain/images/ShinyAcid.jpg]]
That is all.
Indeed they are. Tasty too.
I got home late last night so Javert is once again convinced that I am going to abondon her.
I find it a bit disturbing how much I depend on my tablet for my news of the outside world.
In case anyone was wondering, there are reasons to dislike things like Google. https://vimeo.com/106681730
Every time I think about if I have completed the classwork requirements for my degree I get very worried that I have missed something. I have checked to make sure I have the requirements many times, and now I have the paperwork to get the final approval filled out. I am still worried I am missing something. This is annoying.
My desktop is online but I have a rather weak signal, I may be able to make it better tomorrow.
[[This page|https://dev.twitter.com/web/javascript/events]] has the javascript stuff for making twitter buttons and stuff reload. I may need to set up a daemon that checks for tiddlers opening, and when one does it updates the twitter things on the page.
Type Comment Here (other fields optionawaoihdasdasl)
Due to laying in bed in the dark for almost all of yesterday I missed chocolate day. Chocolate day is, of course, the best holiday of the year. It comes 3 times in the US, the day after Valentines day, the day after Easter and the day after Halloween. Unfortunately I missed yesterday and it looks like other people got to the sale candy before I got there today. The good news is that I found sour gummy worms, so now I can return to work.
I have a new toy! I finally got around to using the raspberry pi with the broken video out ports. I used my working pi to set up an sd card with [[syncthing|https://syncthing.net/]] configured on a vanilla raspbian install and just put it into the headless pi. It is sitting on top of the router at the moment. This works fine for my desktop and the pi, but my tablet doesn't seem to want to cooperate. The android version of the client is in alpha, so this isn't surprising, it just means that the syncthing server isn't all that helpful. I am going to get it set up on Felicity's computer, which should actually make it useful.
While it does have a web interface, at the moment you can't get single files without syncing one of the defined folders clusters they way you can using the web version of dropbox. But I suppose that is what ftp is for.
The next project for the pi is setting up a node.js server to see how I can get tiddlywiki working. If I am lucky that there will be some good way to set it up as a multi-user wiki and when I move to Paris and have to start doing the tabletop games online we can use it to keep track of everything in more or less real time as we play. If I remember correctly Rich Shumaker has some instructions for setting tiddlywiki stuff up on a raspberry pi, so that part may even be easy.
If I am actually going to set this up as a social networking tool I need to get more people to join in. I know a few people who either have stopped using facebook or are talking about it so I should try to get them to ~~be guinea pigs~~ help me work out how things should work.
I think that it wouldn't be hard to use TiddlyWiki as at least a frontend for a distributed social networking system, similar to what the [[IndieWeb|http://indiewebcamp.com/]] stuff. There are some big things missing that need to be taken care of before it is complete, like being able to leave comments and share content between different sites. Including static versions of pages may be a good idea too so that the sites can be searched by external search engines.
So, ~~which of you can I sucker into helping~~ who wants to try out a distributed social networking system?
I keep finding some little problem or puzzle and getting completely distracted by it until I can solve it. This is keeping me from getting my work done. This is a problem.
I have an appointment with my doctor on Monday, hopefully she will have some helpful advice for this.
At least the things that are distracting me have some use. I have the start of a monthly calendar to track daily events worked out. And once version 5.1.8 comes out I can use the gallery stuff to make a calendar you can page through month by month. I keep getting surprised by how flexible the filters are.
I think that one reason that technology is so uneven is a lack of indexing. The combination of filtering and crosslinking in tiddlywiki makes it a better indexing tool than anything else I have found. I really should study category theory more.
I don't think I have enough new stories lately. I should fix this.
Wikipedia is a good start, but it is too restricted by the insistence on following the example of a normal encyclopedia. You can list all the information in the world, but unless you allow the people consuming it to organize it in ways that they come up with than it isn't going to do much good. The advances in education have come from discovering ways to create information structures that allow it to be applied to useful situations. Basic algebra was difficult to do before a good notation was worked out, but problems that were prohibitively difficult became trivial once a good way to represent the information was discovered.
The problem now isn't that we lack the ideas, it is that we don't have them organized in a way that allows us to connect them together. This bothers me. Things always seem so simple when I can't think straight, but when my mind clears and it is quiet I often find myself back where I started.
Junipers have started blooming in New Mexico. I know this because yesterday I wanted to scratch my eyes out to stop them from hurting. Luckly I still have some of the allergy medicine from last year. I need to get more.
Indexing is important because when I can't keep thoughts straight in my head having well organized information available to me means that I don't have to be able to remember what is going on or keep any sort of plan in my head. I have been working without that crutch for long enough that it feels amazing to be able to actually do something when I don't feel good.
I am starting an art project using electronics and athletes. I may be winning this life thing.
It speaks the truth http://larptrek.com/larptrek/78-khaaaaaaaaaan/
So, I have added the icon menu interface I made here, and on [[my other site|http://inmysocks.tiddlyspot.com]]. You can get to the change tiddler with thing by clicking on the {{Menu Icon - Change Tiddler Size}} button at the top of the menu to the left. That and the gallery stuff is going to stay the way it is for a while, unfortunately the planned improvement that would have allowed me to switch to a better implementation would have done horrible things to everything else. I am hoping that someone gets around to doing what is needed to make a new list widget variant for it before I do.
Things weren't going well in case the previous posts didn't get that point across. I went to see my doctor yesterday and without prompting from me suggested that I get my proposal finished and then start doing school part time and spend the rest of my time trying to get my company off the ground. She has apparently had other patients in a similar situation to where I am and said that it will probably help a lot. And not just dropping school gives me a backup plan.
It is really weird to think of getting my phd as the backup plan. But that is what is going to happen. This will also let me go live with Felicity in Paris or wherever she is for work. That will also have a positive effect on my sanity. We do need to find out if we can get Javert there with us, or if we will have to find some other place for her while we are gone. There are a few people we could bribe to take care of Javert for us if we need to, it would come down to who would be the least upset that we were making them watch our dog for what may be a long time.
Javert has been more needly than usual lately, but that is probably because I haven't been in a good mood. Hopefully new stuff will change that for both of us.
I still have to get this damn proposal finished so I can do all of this. Stupid school.
Javert 'woof woof' me 'I need more than woof woof to understand you' Javert 'woof woof woof'
Well, I guess Javert does not like you using all the time on TiddlyWiki, when you could spend time with Javert
That is almost certainly true. But at the moment I am packing. She doesn't like this either.
I want a spaghetti tree. http://satwcomic.com/real-true-news
I wonder if I could actually get paid for making TiddlyWiki stuff. I would feel really weird asking for donations and whatnot, but someone asking me to make something may not be horrible. The idea of getting paid on an open source project seems wrong somehow.
There is a hurdle at 50m, I ended up pushing, then dragging it for about 15m.
[img [IBeatQWOP - Image]]
<$list filter='[tag[Image Display]sort[title]]'>
<tr><td><$view field='title'/></td><td><$edit-text tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field='order'/></td></tr>
\define thisMakeImageLink()
<a href="$(LinkTo)$">
[img width=$(ImageWidth)$$(ImageWidthUnit)$ tooltip="""$(ImageToolTip)$""" [$(ImageSource)$]]
<a href="$(LinkTo)$">
[img width=$(ImageWidth)$$(ImageWidthUnit)$ tooltip="""$(ImageToolTip)$""" [$(ImageSource)$]]
Link to: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/CheatWithHTML/ImageLink' field='link_to' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
Image source: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/CheatWithHTML/ImageLink' field='image_source' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
Tooltip: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/CheatWithHTML/ImageLink' field='tooltip' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
Width: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/CheatWithHTML/ImageLink' field='width'/>
Width Unit: <$select tiddler='$:/state/CheatWithHTML/ImageLink' field='width_unit'>
<$set name=LinkTo value={{$:/state/CheatWithHTML/ImageLink!!link_to}}>
<$set name=ImageSource value={{$:/state/CheatWithHTML/ImageLink!!image_source}}>
<$set name=ImageWidth value={{$:/state/CheatWithHTML/ImageLink!!width}}>
<$set name=ImageWidthUnit value={{$:/state/CheatWithHTML/ImageLink!!width_unit}}>
<$set name=ImageToolTip value={{$:/state/CheatWithHTML/ImageLink!!tooltip}}>
\define thisDisplayWithTemplate()
!Recent Images:
<$list filter='[tag[Image Post]!nsort[time]limit{$:/settings/Blog Settings!!num_recent_posts}]'>
<$set name=TiddlerToDisplay value=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$set name=TemplateToUse value={{!!template}}>
<h2>Older Images:</h2>
Year: <$select tiddler='$:/state/My Blog/Image Posts/Older Posts' field=year>
<$list filter='[tag[My Blog]tag[Image Post]has[year]each[year]get[year]nsort[year]]'>
Month: <$select tiddler='$:/state/My Blog/Image Posts/Older Posts' field=month>
<$list filter='[tag[My Blog]tag[Image Post]has[month]each[month]get[month]nsort[month]]'>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/My Blog/Image Posts/Older Posts!!year' text='All'>
<$list filter='[tag[My Blog]tag[Image Post]has[year]each[year]get[year]nsort[year]]' variable=CurrentYear>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/My Blog/Image Posts/Older Posts!!month' text='All'>
<$list filter='[tag[My Blog]tag[Image Post]has[month]each[month]get[month]nsort[month]]' variable=CurrentMonth>
<$list filter='[tag[My Blog]tag[Image Post]!tag[Templates]month<CurrentMonth>!nsort[time]]-[[$:/templates/blog/BasicBlogPostTemplate]]'>
<$view field='posted'/>: <$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/> - <$view field='summary'/></$link><br>
<$reveal type=nomatch state='$:/state/My Blog/Image Posts/Older Posts!!month' text='All'>
__{{$:/state/My Blog/Image Posts/Older Posts!!month}}__<br>
<$list filter='[tag[My Blog]tag[Image Post]!tag[Templates]month{$:/state/My Blog/Image Posts/Older Posts!!month}!nsort[time]]-[[$:/templates/blog/BasicBlogPostTemplate]]'>
<$view field='posted'/>: <$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/> - <$view field='summary'/></$link><br>
<$reveal type=nomatch state='$:/state/My Blog/Image Posts/Older Posts!!year' text='All'>
''__{{$:/state/My Blog/Image Posts/Older Posts!!year}}__''<br>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/My Blog/Image Posts/Older Posts!!month' text='All'>
<$list filter='[tag[My Blog]tag[Image Post]has[month]each[month]get[month]nsort[month]]' variable=CurrentMonth>
<$list filter='[tag[My Blog]tag[Image Post]!tag[Templates]month<CurrentMonth>!nsort[time]]-[[$:/templates/blog/BasicBlogPostTemplate]]'>
<$view field='posted'/>: <$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/> - <$view field='summary'/></$link><br>
<$reveal type=nomatch state='$:/state/My Blog/Image Posts/Older Posts!!month' text='All'>
<$list filter='[tag[My Blog]tag[Image Post]!tag[Templates]month{$:/state/My Blog/Image Posts/Older Posts!!month}!nsort[time]]-[[$:/templates/blog/BasicBlogPostTemplate]]'>
<$view field='posted'/>: <$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/> - <$view field='summary'/></$link><br>
\define thisBackButton()
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>
<$action-navigate $to=<<currentTiddler>>/>{{$:/core/images/chevron-left}}
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-close-tiddler' $param="""$(ImageTiddler)$"""/>
\define thisForwardButton()
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>
<$action-navigate $to=<<currentTiddler>>/>{{$:/core/images/chevron-right}}
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-close-tiddler' $param="""$(ImageTiddler)$"""/>
<$list filter="[all[current]tag[Image Display]]" variable=ImageTiddler>
<$set name=thisMinusOne value=<<calc !!order -1>>>
<$set name=thisPlusOne value=<<calc !!order +1>>>
<div style='width:100%'>
<$list filter='[tag[Image Display]order<thisMinusOne>]'>
<div style='width:70%;z-index:99;position:absolute'>
<$list filter='[tag[Image Display]order<thisPlusOne>]'>
<div style='text-align:right;position:absolute;width:80%;z-index:98'>
<div style='text-align:center;position:absolute;z-index:1;width:80%'>
Navigate Images
\define thisBackButton()
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>
<$action-navigate $to=<<currentTiddler>>/>{{$:/core/images/chevron-left}}
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-close-tiddler' $param="""$(ImageTiddler)$"""/>
\define thisForwardButton()
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>
<$action-navigate $to=<<currentTiddler>>/>{{$:/core/images/chevron-right}}
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-close-tiddler' $param="""$(ImageTiddler)$"""/>
\define thisTest()
<$reveal type=match state='!!title' text=<<ImageTiddler>>>
<$set name=thisMinusOne value=<<calc $(test)$ -1>>>
<$set name=thisPlusOne value=<<calc $(test)$ +1>>>
<div style='width:100%'>
<$reveal type=nomatch state='ImageDisplayViewTemplate!!one' text=<<test>>>
<$list filter='[tag<GalleryTag>nth<thisMinusOne>]'>
<div style='width:70%;z-index:99;position:absolute'>
<$list filter='[tag<GalleryTag>nth<thisPlusOne>]'>
<div style='text-align:right;position:absolute;width:80%;z-index:98'>
<div style='text-align:center;position:absolute;z-index:1;width:80%'>
Minus 1: <<thisMinusOne>> Navigate Images test: <<test>> tiddler: <<ImageTiddler>> plus 1: <<thisPlusOne>>
<$set name=GalleryTag value={{Tiddler Gallery Settings!!gallery_tag}}>
<$set name=GallerySort value={{Tiddler Gallery Settings!!gallery_sort}}>
<$list filter="[is[current]tag<GalleryTag>]">
<$list filter="[tag<GalleryTag>sort<GallerySort>]" iterator=test variable=ThisOne>
<$set name=LastTiddler value=<<iterator-last>>>
<$reveal type=nomatch state=<<LastTiddler>> text=<<test>>>
<$list filter="[tag<GalleryTag>nth<test>]" variable=ImageTiddler>
Before anyone starts bitching about hidden problem that have to do with hidden problems from potentially not being able to give services like video streaming or voip special treatment, I am a dissertation away from my phd in electrical engineering specializing in digital communications. Being able to rely on crutches like that causes problems like the position software is currently in, where people have been able to rely on improving hardware being able to make up for inefficient coding. Seriously, fuck you flash. The hardware and protocols should be forced to actually adapt to changing technologies instead of using ad-hoc workarounds in networks that aren't designed for these applications.
That and I think that encrypted communications should be the standard, look at what the NSA and CIA are getting away with doing. If things are encrypted than handling packets based on their content becomes impossible because the content of the packets isn't known.
A quote from the article:
"Opponents of the new rules, led by cable television and telecommunications companies, say adopting the Title II approach opens the door to regulatory meddling in the future and will deter investment and ultimately harm consumers."
This will harm consumers in the same way that having wired telephone network and power distribution as a public utility harms people. In ways like a stable network that has quality standards?
<a href='http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/27/technology/net-neutrality-fcc-vote-internet-utility.html' target='blank'>The news article at nytimes.com</a>
[[The EU said that marriage is a human right|http://www.gazzettadelsud.it/news/english/132877/Same-sex-marriage--civil-and-human-right---EP-says.htm]]. This may be seen a telling the Vatican and Saudi Arabia to go fuck themselves. Possibly also Russia.
<div class='video-wrapper-16-9'>
<iframe width='640' class='video-iframe-css' height='360' src='http://www.youtube.com/embed/LD3DY7z-I8o?rel=0' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen></iframe>
I would say 'is very formulaic and I don't find it very interesting', saying it is too formulaic when there are plenty of people who obviously enjoy it probably makes you an arrogant ass hole.
Also claiming that formulaic music is unique to modern pop music ignores the history of music and insists on a very narrow definition of formulaic. How do you know a waltz is a waltz? or a sonnet a sonnet? Or, you know, disco.
It fits with people bitching about selfies, but only when an attractive young woman takes one. For instance:
the list can go on for a very long time.
If you object because people are using cameras instead of more traditional media than how is your objection anything other than technophobia? Things change, the creation of art is more accessible to a wide range of people. If you are going to seriously claim that the quality of an expression or the amount of work required to create it is what makes a legitimate art form than the correct response may be 'go fuck yourself, you arrogant asshole.'
These two videos have a much milder way of saying it, but the message is similar at least.
<a href='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uT3SBzmDxGk'>2CELLOS - Thunderstruck</a>
<a href='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47dtFZ8CFo8'>Capital Cities - Safe And Sound</a>
On a slightly related topic, this may be one of the most amazing things I have ever seen:
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/jliba/3934321280/">
[img width=500px tooltip="""Ya-TAAHHHH!!!""" [http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2545/3934321280_654256f81a_z.jpg]]
We, that is humans in general, have not learned how to effectively use digital media as a tool (Yeah, it's a split infinitive. I spit on your prescriptive grammar! I may rant about the <abbr title='Oxford English Dictionary'>OED</abbr> later). Wikipedia is a good example. It is incredibly useful as it is, but it doesn't go beyond a physical encyclopedia that you can search through. It does have some useful features like the see also sections, and embedded links in articles, but these are just variations of footnotes. It lacks the indexing that is possible when using a computer. If you took wikipedia and properly indexed it so that you could see connections between ideas and have it presented as shared concepts than I believe you could solve many problems simply by looking connections on the relevant topics. The example I always use is organ transplants. The story goes that a transplant surgeon married a graph theorist. The graph theorist heard about problems with incompatible donors and, using results that were well known in graph theory, came up with a way to match patients and donors that would save thousands of lives each year. The knowledge already existed, it just needed to be matched with the problem it could solve.
Matching problems to solutions like this could be achieved by proper indexing. It is certainly not an easy task, but as the knowledge base grew it would become progressively easier. This indexing would build an object of potentially infinite dimension, so restricting it to a finite understandable basis would be one of the more difficult problems faced. But Wikipedia has an army of editors that work on improving it, so if we can bootstrap some base that shows the usefulness than expanding could be a much easier problem.
I consistently fail at explaining how this would be useful. I am not sure why. I can often explain or demonstrate some situation that uses a small part of the idea, but translating this understanding to the idea as a whole is a harder process than I thought it would be. On a related note, go to youtube and watch [[John Oliver interview Edward Snowden|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEVlyP4_11M]]. If you want to skip to the relevant part start at 25:00. I am very curious to see if anyone who reads this see that as relevant. If you are reading this you should leave some sort of response, either using the [[comments|Comments]] thing here or through Facebook or however you got here.
Back on topic all I am saying should happen is taking what librarians and archivists do and extending it using available technology. This means much more than moving the card catalogue onto a computer. Even if you make it searchable on the computer. The Dewey decimal system is very useful, but it is one dimensional. With the information processing power available to us we are no longer restricted to a one dimensional system.
Being good enough to do what you can do now isn't the same as being good enough. If we only think in terms of what is possible right now than I don't think we can ever make real progress.
Some practice on hands while I was on a plane, first in pencil than in ink.
[img [Inky Hand - Image]]
''A lot of this may be out of date, it looks like they have an easier install option for the Raspberry Pi 2. Go to https://about.gitlab.com/downloads/ and select Raspberry Pi 2 on Raspbian for the new instructions. After I get settled in Paris (so mid August probably) I will reinstall everything on my pi and rewrite these instructions.''
Most of this is adapted from [[this site|https://about.gitlab.com/2015/04/21/gitlab-on-raspberry-pi-2/]].
On the raspberry pi terminal type:
wget https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/downloads-packages/raspberry-pi/gitlab_7.9.0-omnibus.pi-1_armhf.deb
sudo dpkg -i gitlab_7.9.0-omnibus.pi-1_armhf.deb
sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure
check the version numbers here https://about.gitlab.com/installation/ you want to look at the one labelled `Omnibus package for Raspberry Pi 2`. The numbers to look at are the `7.9.0` in the above commands, replace that with whatever the numbers are in the newest package at the link.
*First command downloads the .deb file (the installation file)
*Second command installs gitlab
*Third command sets up gitlab
To open the configuration file use the command:
sudo nano /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb
You need to run the `sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure` command after you change the configuration file in order for the changes to take effect.
To connect:
*When you are on the same network as the pi, just type the IP address of the pi into the address bar of a browser. (so something like ``)
*When you aren't on the same network as the pi you need to:
**Set up port forwarding to the pi (I think it is just port 80 that needs to be forwarded. I will check.)
**[[Set up dynamic dns stuff for the pi|Setting up dynamic DNS on your Raspberry Pi]]
Then you can use the URL for the dynamic dns stuff to access the gitlab server. Just put the url in the browser and you should be brought to the login page. Note that if you are on the local network you have to use the local ip, not the url for the dynamic dns.
!More stuff
In order to access gitlab from outside your local network, and in order to add users (we will get to it, I am very annoyed), you need to set up [[dynamic dns for your Raspberry Pi|Setting up dynamic DNS on your Raspberry Pi]]. So do that.
Then because gitlab doesn't allow you to add users that don't have email addresses and most ISPs don't let you use port 25 (it is used for some types of email, the type that just happens to be what we need. Assholes.), you need to set up forwarding through GMail. Or some other service, but this is the one that I have seen instructions for.
you need to do what it says here http://www.shellhacks.com/en/Postfix-Gmail-as-Relay-Linux-Mint-Ubuntu-Debian with two notes:
*I didn't have to install mailutils, so I skipped the first step. You can probably skip it too.
*The when it asks for the FQDN thing you put in the host from your dynamic DNS stuff, so something.no-ip.org or whatever your host is. Go to your account at noip.com and go to manage hosts, the hostname displayed there is what you put as the FDQN (The full host name, not the Ip address).
And one last annoyance, if the gitlab server is on your local network when you make your user, when you get the confirmation email you need to copy the url and replace everything before the /users/otherstuff part with the ip address of the raspberry pi on the local network. But once you have done that you should be good.
and hopefully it will work.
One last note:
By default anyone can make an account on your gitlab server. There are plans to restrict users with emails on specific domains or other filtering options, but they haven't been implemented yet. Especially if you have your Pi accessible from outside your local network you will probably want to disable user sign up after all of your users have accounts. To disable this, log in as the root/admin user and go to the admin area (it is an icon in the upper right) then go to settings (bottom of the menu that appears on the left) and there should be a list of checkboxes. The top one should be 'enable user creation' or something similiar. Uncheck this box to disable new user creation. To reenable it just re-check the box. I keep mine disabled unless I want to add a new user, then I turn it on long enough for them to make an account before disabling it again.
!Installing using the command line
#Go to https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing/releases, you should see a list of files. There should be one that looks like this: `syncthing-linux-arm-vx.xx.xx.tar.gz` where the `x`s are numbers. You need those numbers, so either leave a tab open in your browser or write down the numbers.
#SSH into your pi. ([[instructions|Logging into your Raspberry Pi via SSH]])
#Download the newest release by typing `wget https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing/releases/download/vx.xx.xx/syncthing-linux-arm-vx.xx.xx.tar.gz` into the terminal. You need to replace the `x.xx.xx` with the numbers from the first step in both places.
#Untar the file you just downloaded by typing: `tar xvzf syncthing-linux-arm-vx.xx.xx.tar.gz`, once again you need to replace `x.xx.xx` with the version number from step 1.
#It makes life easier to have syncthing in a folder without the version number so type ` mv syncthing-linux-arm-vx.xx.xx syncthing` to put change the name of the folder to `syncthing`
#To start syncthing first go into the folder by typing `cd syncthing`, then start syncthing by typing `./syncthing`. This will start syncthing and it will take a while because it needs to generate an RSA key. It took a few minutes for this step to finish on my raspberry pi 2, so have patience. It will probably take longer on one of the original pis.
#Once the previous step is finished and you can see the command prompt again there should be a line from the output that is something like this `[FVCFD] 11:12:13 My ID: <a big string of letters and numbers>` That big string of letters and numbers is the syncthing id of your pi. This number is used as a unique identifier and you need it to connect to other devices. Write it down or copy it somewhere.
#Then make it so you can access the web interface for syncthing from another computer on your network type `nano /home/pi/.config/syncthing/config.xml`. If you changed the user name to something other than `pi` than replace `pi` with your username. This will open up the configuration file for syncthing in the text editor nano. Scroll down to the line that says `<address></address>` and change it to `<address></address>`. How it is by default means that you can only access the web interface for syncthing from the pi itself, when you change it than you can access the interface from any computer. SO REMEMBER TO SET A PASSWORD (the next step). Save and exit by pressing `ctrl+x` and then enter when it asks if you want to save your changes.
#On any computer on your network type the ip address of the pi followed by `:8080`, so something like this ``. This should open the web interface for syncthing. Click on the gear icon in the upper right corner and click on settings. Here you can change various settings for syncthing, the important parts at the moment are the `GUI Authentication User` and `GUI Authentication Password`. Type in a username and password to set the gui username and password. You probably also want to check the boxes `Enable UPnP`, `Global Discovery` and `Local Discovery` in the lower left. After you are done click the save button (in the lower right).
#From here you have syncthing installed and working, but you need to manually start it every time your pi boots. So to make it start automatically when the pi boots up make the script by typing `sudo nano /etc/init.d/syncthing`, then copy and paste the script from [[here|syncthing startup script]], it is originally from [[here|https://gist.github.com/arudmin/5a13e9105814c3f568ec]] if you want to get it from the source. They should be identical. You need to edit two lines.
##If you have changed the username of the raspberry pi you need to change the line `syncthing_USERS="pi"` and replace `pi` with your username.
##If you are following these instructions, the line `DAEMON=/usr/local/bin/syncthing` should be changed to `DAEMON=/home/pi/syncthing/syncthing`. Once again, if you have changed the user name replace `pi` with your username. Now save and exit by pressing `ctrl+x` and then enter when asked if you wish to save.
#Now set the script to be executable by typing `sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/syncthing` and make sure everything is updated by typing `sudo update-rc.d syncthing defaults`
#Now you can start syncthing by either restarting or by typing `/etc/init.d/syncthing start`. Syncthing will start every time your pi boots from now on.
I will hopefully get around to adding steps using the graphical interface, but you really should just open a terminal and follow the command line instructions. I promise it isn't scary.
#(''Grapical Interface'') If you aren't comfortable with the command line than you can use the graphical interface. Type `startx` and the graphical interface should start up. If you have used windows or linux in the past than the desktop should look pretty familiar, click on the button in the top left corner of the screen to open up the menu, the options available should be pretty self explainatory.<div>
#Open the web browser (Menu->Internet->Browser, or click on the globe icon next to the menu in the top bar.) and navigate to `https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing/releases`
#On that page under where it says Downloads there should be a list, you want to click on the one that says `syncthing-linux-arm-v0.11.2.tar.gz`, the numbers may be different but you it will start with `syncthing-linux-arm`
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
!Welcome to ~TiddlyWiki!
''If you just want to import functions into your own existing wiki go to http://inmysocks.tiddlyspot.com/#How%20to%20add%20to%20the%20Dashboard for instructions and a list of the available plugins''
~TiddlyWiki is a personal organizer or personal wiki. This is a version designed specifically so that there is almost no learning required to use it. There will (hopefully) be versions that just accomplish individual tasks, such as a task list or contacts database. This wiki contains all of the available content for the no learning required versions.
!!To get started
If you just want to get started working then you can click on one of the options to the left. Currently `Introduction` is highlighted to show that you are looking at the introduction tab. If you click on another option on the list than you will see the content for that option.
Currently the options are:
*`Citation Library` - a simple citation database
*`Contacts` - a contact database with a simple interface
*`Create or Edit Tiddlers` - a simple interface for adding more tiddlers to this wiki
*`Dictionary` - a searchable and editable dictionary
*`Manage Table of Contents` - a TOC manager for tiddlywiki
*`Minimal Task List` - a task list that just lists tasks and allows you to check them off when they are finished.
*`Quick Notes` - a simple searchable notepad
*`Task List` - a more advanced task list that has options for adding short descriptions, deadlines and a more detailed explanation to the task. On this list if you click on a task name it will open up the details you have given that task.
!!What do these words mean?
Here is a list of words and definitions related to this wiki that you may not be familiar with:
*''Wiki'' - a user editable document. Wikipedia is probably the most famous example of a wiki. A wiki contains pages or articles that can link to each other to allow navigation through the different articles. What you are currently reading is an example of a wiki called ~TiddlyWiki
*''Link'' - A link is a word or phrase that you can click on that will bring you to a new place or open up a new page. Links in this wiki are colored blue and when you hover over one it will become underlined. Clicking on links is one of the main ways to navigate this wiki.
*''Tiddler'' - A single unit used by ~TiddlyWiki. Everything on this wiki is made up of tiddlers, and when you create something here it will be a tiddler. An article on wikipedia would be equivalent to a tiddler. But a tiddler can be significantly more than what is done on wikipedia. Don't worry too much about specifics if you don't want to, the important thing to know now is that when you open something on this wiki what you open is a tiddler. For examples and more explaination go to www.tiddlywiki.com
*''~TiddlyWiki'' - ~TiddlyWiki is a program that can be used in many different ways, what you are reading right now is an example of a ~TiddlyWiki, but there are many more things that can be done with one. <!-- add history or something here -->
!!If you want to get rid of this message
If you want to prevent this message from appearing anymore you can click on the button below. Once you do this than this message won't appear again, so make sure you understand the basics of how to use this wiki before you press it.
If you want this message to stay available than just click on one of the options to the left to get started using the wiki. If you click on the word `Introduction` than this message will appear again.
Click the button down below that says `Don't show this again` and this message will no longer appear when you open your wiki.
<$button message='tm-modal' param=RemoveIntroMessageModal>Don't show this again</$button>
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
"Am I overcome by subtle impression of the uncanny, __racked__ by some existential terror? Or am I merely a bit put __out__?" You have to imagine it is being said by Picard.
The alt text is also awesome. I like this comic. http://larptrek.com/larptrek/105-and-then-georditron-legacy/
It all probably makes a lot more sense if you are familiar with [[Next Generation|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Trek:_The_Next_Generation]] and [[DS9|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Trek:_Deep_Space_Nine]].
Now I really need to get more work done.
I forgot what snow falling at night does to a city. It is almost 10pm and this is what it looks like outside. Not quite light enough to read, but light enough for just about anything else.
<<imageSlider [[Snow at night - Image]] "It is bright outside">>
It looks like I am just not going to sleep tonight. It has been over 2 years since this happened.
I can see why there are jobs dedicated solely to finding relevant grants. They don't make it easy.
There is some really impressive almost constant thunder going on. But it isn't raining.
"If you don't carry a gun then you make yourself a target" Some gun fondler in the US just said that.
If the url for this doesn't work on twitter I will be rather upset. I can post to twitter from here, but it does take multiple button presses. Hopefully I will figure out how to post to my site and to twitter with the same button. And eventually get things pushed to facebook as well.
In addition to that I should find a way to make static pages out of each post, it may help some stuff.
Why aren't there git tools for (collaborative?) document editing? Or do I just not know about them?
The data-sheet was only 436 pages, so I added a few 50 page supplements for good measure. Yay!!
A sarcastic throwback to A Link to the Past, it encourages trying to break the game and speed runs.
They are unsure how they feel being interrupted by someone taking their picture.
[img [Javert and Proper Cow - Image]]
Javert and Sophie wonder if I have snacks for them. If not they are willing to wait until I do.
[img [Javert and Sophie are very interested - Image]]
Javert has started sitting in front of the door so I can't leave without her.
This morning the landlord had the house appraised and I took Javert for a walk because she is way too excited around people to not distract the guy doing the appraisal. She was excited to go for a walk in the morning instead of in the evening, so she was smelling everything extra hard because of course it is all completely different in the morning. Then when we came back home she could smell that there had been someone in the house, so she went sprinting around the house looking for who it was, then got so excited she tripped over herself and fell. I am very sad I didn't get a video of it.
I may have a spoiled dog.
[img [Javert is tired after playing in the snow - Image]]
Javert just saw a video of herself playing and ran behind the computer to go play with the other dog.
Javert moved that pillow so that she would be more comfortable. She may be spoiled.
[img [Javert knows what a pillow is for - Image]]
Javert notices me taking a picture
[img [Javert looks slightly irritated - Image]]
Javert wondering why I am taking a picture of her while she is trying to take a nap.
[img [Javert on her chair - Image]]
Javert sits in the way to try and prevent me from packing to leave.
[img [Javert packing - Image]]
A quick sketch of Javert sitting on my bed.
[img [Javert Sketch - Image]]
Javert asleep on her chair before noticing me
[img [Javert Sleeps - Image]]
Short haired dogs get cold. She wouldn't come out from under her blanket where it was warm.
[img [Javert under her blanket - Image]]
Javert valiantly tried to protect me from the vacuum cleaner before giving up and running away.
''Jed Carty'' preferred online nickname: inmysocks
inmysocks -At- G mail Dot Com (Weirdness to avoid spam)
People sometimes try to call me on my texting device. It is better to talk to me online.
<$list filter='[tag{!!title}tag[<Name Plate>]has[name_plate_type]each[name_plate_type]]' variable=ThisTiddler>
--<b><$view tiddler=<<ThisTiddler>> field='name_plate_type'/></b>--
<$set name=CurrentPerson value={{!!title}}>
<$tiddler tiddler=<<ThisTiddler>>>
<$list filter='[tag<CurrentPerson>tag[<Name Plate>]name_plate_type{!!name_plate_type}]' template=SiteNamePlateDisplayTemplate>
--''IM Things''--
AIM - JedMee (I almost never use this anymore, but pidgin is still set to log in)<br>
Google chat thing whatever it is called - same as my email
!!!__Tiddlers with Jed Carty Tags__
{{{ [tag[Jed Carty]] }}}
profile at bumcheekcity http://bumcheekcity.com/kol/profile.php?u=edwin%20the%20pastinaceous
An amazing browser game. Don't let the art fool you, this game has depth. They are adding content all the time. Great humor and a rather addictive game if you get into it. My character is Edwin the Pastinaceous, if you end up playing send me a message and I can help you out a bit.
Tiny antelope!!
[img [Klipspringer - pen - Image]]
I didn't really capture how huge its beak looks.
[img [Kookaburra - pen - Image]]
When I think about how to say something in French I get the answer in Spanish. This is a problem.
Bienvenue en France et à Paris !<br><br>Utilisateur de TiddlyWiki, j'ai eu l'occasion de remarquer vos contributions sur cet outil bien pratique (in English, not in Spanish ;-)<br><br>Will your new company be somewhat or totally related to France ?
I am going to be doing design for electronics and consumer communication systems, so there isn't anything specific to France. If things go well and we decide to stay in France I am hoping to get an entrepreneur visa.<br><br>I am not sure where I am going to be after this next year so I am making sure the work I do doesn't depend on me being anywhere specific.
.left-menu-text {
width: {{$:/plugins/inmysocks/iconmenus/icon_menu_settings!!left_menu_width}};
.left-menu-text:hover {
<<tabs "[[Book List]] [[Add Books]] [[Manage Books]] [[Library Tracker Settings]]" "[[Book List]]">>
\define thisRemoveAuthor()
Select Author: <$select tiddler='Library Tracker Settings' field='edit_author_list'><$list filter='[[$:/data/BookAuthors]indexes[]]'><option><<currentTiddler>></option></$list></$select> <$button set='$:/data/BookAuthors##$(AuthorToRemove)$'>Remove Author</$button>
\define thisRemoveSeries()
Select Series: <$select tiddler='Library Tracker Settings' field='edit_series_list'><$list filter='[[$:/data/SeriesTitles]indexes[]]'><option><<currentTiddler>></option></$list></$select> <$button set='$:/data/SeriesTitles##$(SeriesToRemove)$'>Remove Series</$button>
\define thisRemoveGenre()
Select Genre: <$select tiddler='Library Tracker Settings' field='edit_genre_list'><$list filter='[[$:/data/BookGenres]indexes[]]'><option><<currentTiddler>></option></$list></$select> <$button set='$:/data/BookGenres##$(GenreToRemove)$'>Remove Genre</$button>
\define thisRemoveLocation()
Select Location: <$select tiddler='Library Tracker Settings' field='edit_location_list'><$list filter='[[$:/data/BookLocations]indexes[]]'><option><<currentTiddler>></option></$list></$select> <$button set='$:/data/BookLocations##$(LocationToRemove)$'>Remove Location</$button>
\define thisRemoveTag()
Select Tag: <$select tiddler='Library Tracker Settings' field='edit_tag_list'><$list filter='[[$:/data/BookTags]indexes[]]'><option><<currentTiddler>></option></$list></$select> <$button set='$:/data/BookTags##$(TagToRemove)$'>Remove Tag</$button>
<$checkbox tiddler='Library Tracker Settings' field='show_author' checked=true unchecked=false>Show Author</$checkbox><br>
<$checkbox tiddler='Library Tracker Settings' field='show_series' checked=true unchecked=false>Show Series</$checkbox><br>
<$checkbox tiddler='Library Tracker Settings' field='show_genre' checked=true unchecked=false>Show Genre</$checkbox><br>
<$checkbox tiddler='Library Tracker Settings' field='show_location' checked=true unchecked=false>Show Location</$checkbox><br>
<$checkbox tiddler='Library Tracker Settings' field='show_tags' checked=true unchecked=false>Show Tags</$checkbox><br>
!!Edit Author List
<$set name=AuthorToRemove value={{Library Tracker Settings!!edit_author_list}}>
!!Edit Series List
<$set name=SeriesToRemove value={{Library Tracker Settings!!edit_series_list}}>
!!Edit Genre List
<$set name=GenreToRemove value={{Library Tracker Settings!!edit_genre_list}}>
!!Edit Location List
<$set name=LocationToRemove value={{Library Tracker Settings!!edit_location_list}}>
!!Edit Tag List
<$set name=TagToRemove value={{Library Tracker Settings!!edit_tag_list}}>
A drawing I did of one of my friends while experimenting with different styles. I like how it turned out.
[img [Lines - Image]]
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
I really should remember to use `<a>` tags for links so I can make links open in a new tab.
I need to get some way to integrate a url shortener.
''I need to add how to get ssh for non-linux systems and hopefully find someone who can write up how to do this on windows or a mac.''
Short version:
Open up a terminal and type (or copy paste, in linux you can paste into a terminal by using ctrl+shift+v)
ssh -l pi <<IP of your raspberry pi>>
You will then be asked for the password, so type in the password (`raspberry` by default, if you changed it than whatever you changed it to). After that you should have a command prompt that looks something like this:
pi@raspberrypi ~ $
and you are in.
If you have changed the username on your raspberry pi than you need to change `pi` to whatever the username is, the command prompt will also have your username instead of pi.
how do you find the ip address if you don't have access to the router? I should figure that out.
I like how this looks.
[img [Long Exposure of the Effel Tower at Night - Image]]
My boss just introduced me as 'the magic realizer of dreams'. I like this job title.
\define thisSeriesSelect()
<$select tiddler={{!!book_title}} field='series' default='None'>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/SeriesTitles]indexes[]sort[title]regexp:[(?i)$(thisSeriesSearch)$]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
\define thisGenreSelect()
<$select tiddler={{!!book_title}} field='genre' default='None'>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/BookGenres]indexes[]sort[title]regexp:[(?i)$(thisGenreSearch)$]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
\define thisAuthorSelect()
<$select tiddler={{!!book_title}} field='author'>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/BookAuthors]indexes[]sort[title]regexp:[(?i)$(thisAuthorSearch)$]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
\define thisLocationSelect()
<$select tiddler={{!!book_title}} field='location' default='None'>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/BookLocations]indexes[]sort[title]regexp:[(?i)$(thisLocationSearch)$]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
\define thisTagSelect()
<$select tiddler='$:/state/booktag' field='selected_tag'>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/BookTags]indexes[]sort[title]regexp:[(?i)$(thisTagSearch)$]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
\define thisBookSelect()
<$select field='book_title'>
<$list filter='[tag[Book]sort[title]regexp:[(?i)$(thisBookSearch)$]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
\define thisRemoveBookButton()
<$button popup='$:/state/test'>Remove Book</$button>
<$reveal type="popup" state="$:/state/test">
<div class="tc-drop-down">
<$set name=thisBookSearch value={{$:/state/newbook!!narrow_book_select}}>
<<thisBookSelect>></$set> <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='narrow_book_select' placeholder='Narrow Book List'/> (<<thisRemoveBookButton>>)
<$reveal type=match text=true state='Library Tracker Settings!!show_author'>
Author: <$reveal state='$:/state/Library Tracker/add author' type=nomatch text='new'>
<$set name=thisAuthorSearch value={{$:/state/newbook!!narrow_author_select}}>
<<thisAuthorSelect>></$set> <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='narrow_author_select' placeholder='Narrow Author List'/> (<$button set='$:/state/Library Tracker/add author' setTo='new'>New Author</$button>)
<$reveal state='$:/state/Library Tracker/add author' type=match text='new'>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='book_author' placeholder='Author'/><$button><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/data/BookAuthors' $index={{$:/state/newbook!!book_author}} $value=1/><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/newbook' $field='book_author' $value=''/>Add</$button><$button set='$:/state/Library Tracker/add author' setTo='notnew'>Done</$button>
<!--End Author-->
<$reveal type=match text=true state='Library Tracker Settings!!show_series'>
Series: <$reveal state='$:/state/Library Tracker/add series' type=nomatch text='new'>
<$set name=thisSeriesSearch value={{$:/state/newbook!!narrow_series_select}}>
<<thisSeriesSelect>></$set> <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='narrow_series_select' placeholder='Narrow Series List'/> (<$button set='$:/state/Library Tracker/add series' setTo='new'>New Series</$button>)
<$reveal state='$:/state/Library Tracker/add series' type=match text='new'>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='book_series' placeholder='Series Title'/><$button><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/data/SeriesTitles' $index={{$:/state/newbook!!book_series}} $value=1/><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/newbook' $field='book_series' $value=''/>Add</$button><$button set='$:/state/Library Tracker/add series' setTo='notnew'>Done</$button>
<!--End Series-->
<$reveal type=match text=true state='Library Tracker Settings!!show_genre'>
Genre: <$reveal state='$:/state/Library Tracker/add genre' type=nomatch text='new'>
<$set name=thisGenreSearch value={{$:/state/newbook!!narrow_genre_select}}>
<<thisGenreSelect>></$set> <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='narrow_genre_select' placeholder='Narrow Genre List'/> (<$button set='$:/state/Library Tracker/add genre' setTo='new'>New Genre</$button>)
<$reveal state='$:/state/Library Tracker/add genre' type=match text='new'>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='book_genre' placeholder='Genre'/><$button><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/data/BookGenres' $index={{$:/state/newbook!!book_genre}} $value=1/><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/newbook' $field='book_genre' $value=''/>Add</$button><$button set='$:/state/Library Tracker/add genre' setTo='notnew'>Done</$button>
<!--End Genre-->
<$reveal type=match text=true state='Library Tracker Settings!!show_location'>
Location: <$reveal state='$:/state/Library Tracker/add location' type=nomatch text='new'>
<$set name=thisLocationSearch value={{$:/state/newbook!!narrow_location_select}}>
<<thisLocationSelect>></$set> <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='narrow_location_select' placeholder='Narrow Location List'/> (<$button set='$:/state/Library Tracker/add location' setTo='new'>New Location</$button>)
<$reveal state='$:/state/Library Tracker/add location' type=match text='new'>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='book_location' placeholder='Location'/><$button><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/data/BookLocations' $index={{$:/state/newbook!!book_location}} $value=1/><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/newbook' $field='book_location' $value=''/>Add</$button><$button set='$:/state/Library Tracker/add location' setTo='notnew'>Done</$button>
<!--End Location-->
<$reveal type=match text=true state='Library Tracker Settings!!show_tags'>
Tags (it will always be tagged with `Book` by default):<br>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/newbook!!add_or_create_tag' text='create'>
New Tag: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/booktag' field='tag_temp' placeholder='New Tag'/>
<$button>Create Tag
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/data/BookTags' $index={{$:/state/booktag!!tag_temp}} $value=1/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/booktag' $field='tag_temp' $value=''/>
<$button set='$:/state/newbook!!add_or_create_tag' setTo='nocreate'>Done</$button><br>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/newbook!!add_or_create_tag' text='create'>
Tag to add:
<$set name=thisTagSearch value={{$:/state/newbook!!narrow_tag_select}}>
<$fieldmangler tiddler={{!!book_title}}>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param={{$:/state/booktag!!selected_tag}}/>Add Tag
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='narrow_tag_select' placeholder='Narrow Tag List'/>
(<$button set='$:/state/newbook!!add_or_create_tag' setTo='create'>New Tag</$button>)
List of current tags:<br>
<$fieldmangler tiddler={{!!book_title}}>
<$list filter='[{!!book_title}tags[]]-Book'><$view field='title'/> <$button>Remove Tag<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-tag' $param=<<currentTiddler>>/></$button><br> </$list>
<!--End Tags-->
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
<li><a href="https://twitter.com/maybejed" rel="me">@maybejed on Twitter</a></li>
<li><a href="https://github.com/inmysocks" rel="me">Inmysocks on Github</a></li>
<li><a href="https://plus.google.com/+JedCarty" rel="me">Google+</a></li>
<li><a href="https://www.facebook.com/jed.carty.3" rel="me">Facebook</a></li>
<li><a href="http://inmysocks.tiddlyspot.com">Wiki Reference Wiki</a></li>
<p class="h-card">
<img class="u-photo" src="./images/zebra-pencil-icon.jpg" alt="Pencil drawing of a zebra" />
<a class="p-nickname u-url" href="http://ooktech.com/jed/externalbrain/">inmysocks</a>
<a rel="me" href="mailto:inmysocks@fastmail.com" class="u-email">inmysocks@fastmail.com</a>
<a rel="me" href="mailto:inmysocks@gmail.com" class="u-email">inmysocks@gmail.com</a>
<p class="p-org">OokTech</p>
<p class="p-note">What did you expect?</p>
And now she is so very tired.
<<imageSlider [[Javert is tired after playing in the snow - Image]] "Javert has no stamina">>
<$button class='left-menu-text tc-btn-invisible' tooltip='Bookmarks Manager'>Bookmarks
<$action-navigate $to='Bookmarks'/>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' popup='$:/state/menuicon/boringstuffpopup' tooltip='Boring Options'>{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}</$button>
<$reveal type='popup' state='$:/state/menuicon/boringstuffpopup'>
<div class='tc-drop-down tc-popup-keep'>
<<MobileMenu MenuName:"BoringStuff" MenuType:Menu ListField:"menu_list" ShowBody:Body>>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' tooltip='Calendar Archives' to='Calendar Archives'><<fa 'fa-calendar'>></$button>
<$button class='left-menu-text tc-btn-invisible'>Change Log
<$action-navigate $to='Change Log'/>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' popup="$:/state/changetiddlerwidthpopup" tooltip='Change Tiddler Width'>{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}</$button>
<$reveal type="popup" state="$:/state/changetiddlerwidthpopup">
<div class="tc-drop-down tc-popup-keep" style='position:relative;left:1em;top:-1em'>
<$button class='left-menu-text tc-btn-invisible' tooltip='Check for new comments' to='Check for new comments'>
Check comments
<$button class='left-menu-text tc-btn-invisible'>Dashboard
<$action-navigate $to='Dashboard'/>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' to='Font Options' tooltip='Change font options'><<fa fa-font>></$button>
<$button class='left-menu-text tc-btn-invisible'>Gallery
<$action-navigate $to='My Gallery - Drawing and Photography'/>
<$button class='left-menu-text tc-btn-invisible'>Games I Play
<$action-navigate $to='Games I Play'/>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' to='About Stuff' tooltip='About me and this site' class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>>><<fa fa-question>></$button>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' to=Comments tooltip='Leave a comment'><<fa fa-comment-o>></$button>
<$button class='left-menu-text tc-btn-invisible'>Library Tracker
<$action-navigate $to='Library Tracker'/>
<$button class='left-menu-text tc-btn-invisible'>Me
<$action-navigate $to='Who is this inmysocks guy?'/>
<$button class='left-menu-text tc-btn-invisible'>My Blog
<$action-navigate $to='My Blog'/>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' to='New Blog Post' tooltip='New Blog Post'><<fa fa-plus-circle>></$button>
<$button class='left-menu-text tc-btn-invisible'>People
<$action-navigate $to='people'/>
<a class="twitter-share-button"
href="https://twitter.com/share" tooltip='Send a Tweet'>
<<fa fa-twitter>>
<$scrollable fallthrough="no">
<div class="tc-sidebar-header">
<h1 class="tc-site-title">
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<$button class='left-menu-text tc-btn-invisible'>Tutorials
<$action-navigate $to='Tutorials'/>
<a class="twitter-mention-button"
<div class='left-menu-text'>
<$button class='left-menu-text tc-btn-invisible'>Twitter
<$action-navigate $to='Twitter Integration'/>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/Random Background URL List]indexes[]nth{$:/state/Random Background!!number}]' variable=ThisIndex>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' tooltip='Change Background Image'><<fa fa-image>>
<$action-storecount $filter='[[$:/data/Random Background URL List]indexes[]]' $tiddler='$:/state/Random Background' $field='total_num'/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='$:/state/Random Background' $field='number' $lower=1 $upper={{$:/state/Random Background!!total_num}} $step=1 $numrolls=1/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Random Background' $field=text $value=<<ThisIndex>>/>
A friend of mine suggested that I start playing minecraft and could be regretting the decision. Giving me legos in a digital format may eat up way too much of my life.
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
I have been putting effort into moving away from using online cloud based services lately. Instead of trying to explain I will give you [[this video|https://ind.ie/about/manifesto/]] of a talk by Aral Balkan. He explains it much more eloquently than I would. These are just some notes about the services I currently use and my progress on moving away from them. In the future I will post step by step instructions for how I set up replacements in case anyone else wants to. Hopefully these instructions won't require any knowledge on your part. Moving out of the cloud is only significant if it is easy enough that people start using the alternatives. Dropbox to syncthing on a raspberry pi is already set up, I just need to write the instructions out in a readable way. For moving away from the social media stuff I am using this site, so it is partially finished. I need to find a way to add comments. I will hopefully have good instructions and whatever else you need here soon. I haven't had a chance to set up ~GitLab on a raspberry pi, but when I do I will put up instructions if it works reasonably well. The email server may take a while, I may wait until I get to France for that.
''Note: Everywhere I talk about a raspberry pi I am using a raspberry pi 2. I am just too lazy to go through and add the 2 in every instance. I think that syncthing will work on an original raspberry pi, I don't know about the rest.''
Online tools that I currently use that are controlled by someone else:
*''Dropbox'' - online file storage
*''GMail'' - email service
*''Google+'' - social media
*''Facebook'' - social media
*''Twitter'' - social media
*''Google Chat/messenger/whatever it is called'' - instant messaging
*''~GitHub'' - git
*''~TiddlySpot'' - online tiddlywiki hosting
There are multiple reasons to stop using Dropbox:
*First, the free 2 gig version isn't enough for what I have been using it for, so I would have to start paying $10/month for the 1TB version.
*I can use [[syncthing|https://syncthing.net/]] and have a dedicated raspberry pi as a server with however much storage I feel like giving it for the price of a raspberry pi (a one time cost of less than US$50 for the pi and other required hardware) plus the cost of whatever extra storage I want. So it would take less than a year for the raspberry pi based server to pay for itself. Because syncthing doesn't require a static ip there are no costs associated with getting a domain or worrying about a dns or any of that.
*Dropbox is controlled by someone else and they have the ability to cut off my access whenever they want. They also have access to everything I put on their servers. I don't like this.
GMail has similar reasons, but may be a bit harder to replace, harder doesn't mean impossible. Also syncthing is really easy to set up. There are instructions for running your own email server many places around the web, either on a normal desktop or using a raspberry pi (multiple sources for instructions [[1|https://samhobbs.co.uk/raspberry-pi-email-server]] [[2|http://www.prismaqf.com/pebble/geek/2012/12/24/1356382140000.html]] [[3|http://www.ducky-pond.com/posts/2012/Jul/installing-citadel-on-rpi/]] and undoubtedly others.). I may even be able to set up the mail server on the same pi as syncthing, since syncthing takes almost no processing power when it isn't actively syncing files. I haven't tested that yet. My biggest concern here is getting everyone to switch to using the new email address, setting GMail to forward everything still gives them all my emails.
I don't actually need a replacement for this, but social media sites have become so common that people expect you to have a profile. This website (the one you are reading) already acts as a replacement for posting content. I put links to what I post here on goolge+ every so often, but since they don't have a way to post to their site through third party applications I have to do it manually and rarely bother. For most practical purposes I have stopped using it other than to browse what other people post. Unless the friends I have there also move away from using it than I will keep the account open. I haven't decided if I am going to remove what is currently there or not.
Same as google+, but using twitter I can post links to facebook from this website. I use facebook to see what other people are posting, but this is happening less frequently than it used to. I use facebook, through twitter, to alert other people when I post things here.
I follow some people and use it to tell people when I post here. I almost never post directly to twitter. If I lose my account my only loss is a convenient way to post links back here. I am ok with how I am currently using it until some better alternative is created. The nice thing about twitter is that I can post to twitter automatically from this site and have twitter post to facebook.
''Google Chat''
This is the one I use the most by far. There are plenty of alternatives, the biggest problem is that because instant messaging necessarily requires multiple people to make any switch meaningful other people have to switch also. I do like [[cryptocat|https://crypto.cat/]], and it can work through facebook's im service. It is encrypted so facebook gets encrypted data. It still uses your account on their service so who you are talking to and how often you say something is still visible to them. I am not actually familiar with any alternatives for video chat (besides skype, which isn't a better option). I should look into this.
I don't really have a problem with ~GitHub aside from it being controlled by someone else who has no real motivation to protect the projects on the site. It is convenient and anything I put on it I want to be public anyway. The controlled by someone else part is my motivation to start to use [[GitLab|https://about.gitlab.com/]] where possible (and for private development for OokTech). Once again, I may be able to put [[GitLab on a raspberry pi|https://about.gitlab.com/2015/04/21/gitlab-on-raspberry-pi-2/]] (I like my toys, the raspberry pi is my newest one. If all have a hammer...). ~GitLab may be too processor intensive to have on the same pi as syncthing and the email server, but I haven't tried yet.
I am not at all worried about ~TiddlySpot, I have [[my TiddlyWiki reference wiki|http://inmysocks.tiddlyspot.com]] hosted there for free. All the information on it is meant to be available to anyone for their own use and the only danger is tiddlyspot going under and me losing the hosting. In that case I would move it to my own domain and it wouldn't really be a problem aside from people possibly not knowing the new location. I have already replaced it in the sense that everything new gets posted to my own domain.
Dropbox and GMail are the biggest ones, and I have a solution for them that I just need to fully implement. There is significant work being done to replace social media services, so that will only take time. ~GitHub and ~TiddlySpot aren't really problems, but I have easy alternatives to them anyway, I just need to start using ~GitLab. All in all I think I am doing pretty well.
<a class="muut" href="https://muut.com/i/jedexternalbrain/comments" type="dynamic">jedexternalbrain forum</a>
<script src="//cdn.muut.com/1/moot.min.js"></script>
If you click on the title of a post it will open up in its own [[tiddler|What is a tiddler?]], you can use this to get a permalink to posts. Click on the # button in the upper right of a post after you open it to set the browser url to the permalink for the post.
''To leave a comment'' - click on the post title and you can leave comments at the bottom of the posts tiddler that opens up.
<<tabs "[[Normal Posts]][[Small Things]][[Image Posts]]" [[Normal Posts]] [[$:/state/My Blog/Tabs]]>>
Click on one of the images to open up its tiddler, at the top of the images tiddler there will be left and right arrows that you can click to go to the previous and next images.
.my-gallery jpg {
width: 6em;
height: 6em;
margin: 1em;
<div class="my-gallery">
<$list filter="[tag[My Drawing]sort[title]][tag[Photograph]sort[title]]" template=GalleryImageTemplate>
I was too sick to go to work this morning and I have been a bit feverish all day so nothing has really seemed real. Felicity had an event this evening which she hadn't told me anything about other than that I should show up. So I walk into the room where the event is and I immediately get introduced to Leila Aichi. For those of you who don't know, she is a senator for the green party here in France.
I was really not expecting that.
As an honest to god Jed I ganerntee that I can actually do what I say. Incidently if you have a lepercan problem, I can solve that too, with nazi-like precision. And if you find weasles in your weaslery I can eat them all no problem. Look at my beard, itsn’t it lovely? Look how it glowsm in the light like a fine mass of hair, look how it shimmers with the leftovers of my coffee. Yes, this is a real beard, I ain’t no faux beard wearer like those you see in the malls around Christmas. Yes, my beard is my defining characteristic. I care not for these others who pretend with their pretend beardsm those damn assholes. If you hire any of them along side me. I will totally run them over with my beard’s forklift. Yes, I bought it its own forklift. Bow before my awesome beard.. BOW
Written by <a href='https://www.facebook.com/chaindrain?fref=ts'>Devon Stevens</a>
It turns out that my raspberry pi works, it just took a while for the polyfuse to reset. Now the problem is that I don't have a display it will work with because my monitor DVI input got fried when the raspberry pi had its troubles. I just tried go get a cheap monitor off of craigs list but the guy sold it to someone else.
Also, I can tweet this and post it to my site at the same time. Hopefully I will find a way to do this with one button instead of two, but two works for now.
Anyway, finding out I didn't break the pi the third day I had it makes me feel a bit better about the world. I am still upset about the monitor though.
In trivial news, my tablet refuses to connect to the WiFi. That is all.
<a class="twitter-timeline" href="https://twitter.com/MaybeJed" data-widget-id="573290794934657024">Tweets by @~MaybeJed</a>
<a class="twitter-timeline" href="https://twitter.com/MaybeJed/lists/neat-stuff" data-widget-id="574996304016732160">Tweets from https://twitter.com/MaybeJed/lists/neat-stuff</a>
Some stuff about her contributions to science: https://embryo.asu.edu/pages/studies-spermatogenesis-1905-nettie-maria-stevens
She started her education in biology in her early 40s and unfortunately she was only actively working as a scientist for a few years years (started studying biology in 1901, died in 1912) before dying of breast cancer. She is one of the easy examples of why the barriers to women in science careers have immeasurably damaged our species. She managed this progress in 11 only years, how many people have been unable to contribute because of these arbitrary barriers?
\define thisMakeTags() [[My Blog]]
\define thisGetCreationTemplate()
\define thisTagSelect()
<$select tiddler='$:/state/New Blog Post' field='selected_tag'>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/New Blog Post/Blog Post Tags]indexes[]regexp:[(?i)$(tagSearch)$]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
\define thisMakeTweetSummary()
\define thisMakePostURL()
Post Title: <$edit-text class='tc-edit-texteditor' tiddler='$:/temp/NewBlogPost' field='new_post_title' placeholder='Post Title'/>
Template: <$select tiddler='$:/templates/blog/BasicBlogPostTemplate' field='template'><$list filter='[tag[Blog Template]]'><option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='caption'/></option></$list></$select>
<$set name=SelectedTemplate value={{$:/templates/blog/BasicBlogPostTemplate!!template}}>
<$transclude tiddler=<<thisGetCreationTemplate>>>
<$edit-text class='tc-edit-texteditor' tiddler='$:/temp/NewBlogPost' field='summary' placeholder='Post Summary'/>
Tags (it will always be tagged with `Blog Post` by default):<br>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/New Blog Post!!add_or_create_tag' text='create'>
New Tag: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/New Blog Post' field='tag_temp' placeholder='New Tag'/>
<$reveal type=nomatch state='$:/temp/New Blog Post!!tag_temp' text=''>
<$button>Create Tag
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/data/New Blog Post/Blog Post Tags' $index={{$:/temp/New Blog Post!!tag_temp}} $value=1/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/New Blog Post' $field='tag_temp' $value=''/>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/temp/New Blog Post!!tag_temp' text=''>
<$button>Create Tag</$button>
<$button set='$:/state/New Blog Post!!add_or_create_tag' setTo='nocreate'>Done</$button><br>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/New Blog Post!!add_or_create_tag' text='create'>
Tag to add:
<$set name=tagSearch value={{$:/temp/New Blog Post!!narrow_tag_select}}>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/New Blog Post' field='narrow_tag_select' placeholder='Narrow Tag List'/>
<$fieldmangler tiddler='$:/templates/blog/BasicBlogPostTemplate'>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/New Blog Post/NewBookmark' $field='dummy_field' value='1'/>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param={{$:/state/New Blog Post!!selected_tag}}/>Add Tag
</$button>(<$button set='$:/state/New Blog Post!!add_or_create_tag' setTo='create'>New Tag</$button>)
List of current tags:<br>
<$fieldmangler tiddler='$:/templates/blog/BasicBlogPostTemplate'>
<$list filter='[[$:/templates/blog/BasicBlogPostTemplate]tags[]]-[[Blog Post]]-[[My Blog]]'><$view field='title'/> <$button>Remove Tag<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-tag' $param=<<currentTiddler>>/></$button><br> </$list>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/temp/NewBlogPost!!new_post_title' text=''>
<$list filter='[{$:/temp/NewBlogPost!!new_post_title}!has[text]]'>
<$fieldmangler tiddler={{$:/temp/NewBlogPost!!new_post_title}}>
<$set name=TITLE value={{$:/temp/NewBlogPost!!new_post_title}}>
<$set name=SUMMARY value={{$:/temp/NewBlogPost!!summary}}>
<$set name=URL value=<<thisMakePostURL>>>
<$set name=TEXT value={{$:/temp/NewBlogPost}}>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/temp/New Blog Post/type' text='Small Thing'>
<$macrocall $name=twitterify-url text=<<thisMakeTweetSummary>> url=<<URL>>/>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/temp/New Blog Post/type' text='Small Thing'>
<$macrocall $name=twitterify-url text=<<TEXT>> url=<<URL>> full=true/>
<$button>Make Post
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/templates/blog/BasicBlogPostTemplate' $field='text' $value={{$:/temp/NewBlogPost}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/templates/blog/BasicBlogPostTemplate' $field='posted' $value=<<now>>/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/templates/blog/BasicBlogPostTemplate' $field='year' $value=<<now YYYY>>/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/templates/blog/BasicBlogPostTemplate' $field='month' $value=<<now MMM>>/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/templates/blog/BasicBlogPostTemplate' $field='day' $value=<<now DD>>/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/templates/blog/BasicBlogPostTemplate' $field='time' $value=<<now YYYY0MM0DD0hh0mm0ss>>/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/templates/blog/BasicBlogPostTemplate' $field='summary' $value={{$:/temp/NewBlogPost!!summary}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/templates/blog/BasicBlogPostTemplate' image={{$:/temp/NewBlogPost!!image}} image_caption={{$:/temp/NewBlogPost!!image_caption}} link={{$:/temp/NewBlogPost!!link}} width={{$:/temp/NewBlogPost!!width}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/templates/blog/BasicBlogPostTemplate' $field='title' $value={{$:/temp/NewBlogPost!!new_post_title}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/NewBlogPost' text='' new_post_title='' tags='' summary='' image='' image_caption='' link='' width='' tooltip=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/templates/blog/BasicBlogPostTemplate' text='' posted='' tags=<<thisMakeTags>> summary='' month='' day='' year='' time='' image='' image_caption='' link='' width=''/>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param={{$:/temp/New Blog Post/type!!text}}/>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-save-wiki'/>
<$radio tiddler='$:/temp/New Blog Post/type' field='text' value='Normal Post'>Normal Post</$radio>
<$radio tiddler='$:/temp/New Blog Post/type' field='text' value='Small Thing'>Small Thing</$radio>
<$radio tiddler='$:/temp/New Blog Post/type' field='text' value='Image Post'>Image Post</$radio>
<$list filter='[{$:/temp/NewBlogPost!!new_post_title}has[text]]'>
''That title is already in use, pick a new title.''
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/temp/NewBlogPost!!new_post_title' text=''>
''You need to give the post a title before you can post it.''
<<tabs "[[Nothing]][[Preview Blog Post]][[Reference HTML]][[Cheat With HTML]]" "[[Nothing]]">>
I now have 2 24" monitors, together they cost me less than a single new one. Craigslist can be awesome.
<$edit tiddler="Stupid spiders it's my shower"/>
<<TestMacro "New Tiddler 1">>
<$macrocall $name=CommentsJavascriptMacro postname={{!!title}} >>
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
No sleep tonight. I can pretend it's because I am adjusting to Paris time, not because I am nervous.
There was some trouble because both the tiddlywiki server and the web interface for syncthing wanted to use port 8080. I changed the port that syncthing was listening on for the web interface, but then in just opened a broken version of it while the port I changed it to worked. So I ended up turning off the web interface before realizing that I could change the port node used for tiddlywiki. I should probably turn the syncthing web interface back on at some point.
That is two projects more or less finished today. I can live with that. They were closely related and pretty small projects to start with, but they could end up being very useful.
A comment here to test it
\define thisDisplayWithTemplate()
!Recent Posts:
<$list filter='[tag[My Blog]tag[Normal Post]!nsort[time]limit{$:/settings/Blog Settings!!num_recent_posts}]'>
<$set name=TiddlerToDisplay value=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$set name=TemplateToUse value={{!!template}}>
<h2>Older Posts:</h2>
Year: <$select tiddler='$:/state/My Blog/Normal Posts/Older Posts' field=year>
<$list filter='[tag[My Blog]tag[Normal Post]has[year]each[year]get[year]nsort[year]]'>
Month: <$select tiddler='$:/state/My Blog/Normal Posts/Older Posts' field=month>
<$list filter='[tag[My Blog]tag[Normal Post]has[month]each[month]get[month]nsort[month]]'>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/My Blog/Normal Posts/Older Posts!!year' text='All'>
<$list filter='[tag[My Blog]tag[Normal Post]has[year]each[year]get[year]nsort[year]]' variable=CurrentYear>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/My Blog/Normal Posts/Older Posts!!month' text='All'>
<$list filter='[tag[My Blog]tag[Normal Post]has[month]each[month]get[month]nsort[month]]' variable=CurrentMonth>
<$list filter='[tag[My Blog]tag[Normal Post]!tag[Templates]month<CurrentMonth>!nsort[time]]-[[$:/templates/blog/BasicBlogPostTemplate]]'>
<$view field='posted'/>: <$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/> - <$view field='summary'/></$link><br>
<$reveal type=nomatch state='$:/state/My Blog/Normal Posts/Older Posts!!month' text='All'>
__{{$:/state/My Blog/Normal Posts/Older Posts!!month}}__<br>
<$list filter='[tag[My Blog]tag[Normal Post]!tag[Templates]month{$:/state/My Blog/Normal Posts/Older Posts!!month}!nsort[time]]-[[$:/templates/blog/BasicBlogPostTemplate]]'>
<$view field='posted'/>: <$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/> - <$view field='summary'/></$link><br>
<$reveal type=nomatch state='$:/state/My Blog/Normal Posts/Older Posts!!year' text='All'>
''__{{$:/state/My Blog/Normal Posts/Older Posts!!year}}__''<br>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/My Blog/Normal Posts/Older Posts!!month' text='All'>
<$list filter='[tag[My Blog]tag[Normal Post]has[month]each[month]get[month]nsort[month]]' variable=CurrentMonth>
<$list filter='[tag[My Blog]tag[Normal Post]!tag[Templates]month<CurrentMonth>!nsort[time]]-[[$:/templates/blog/BasicBlogPostTemplate]]'>
<$view field='posted'/>: <$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/> - <$view field='summary'/></$link><br>
<$reveal type=nomatch state='$:/state/My Blog/Normal Posts/Older Posts!!month' text='All'>
<$list filter='[tag[My Blog]tag[Normal Post]!tag[Templates]month{$:/state/My Blog/Normal Posts/Older Posts!!month}!nsort[time]]-[[$:/templates/blog/BasicBlogPostTemplate]]'>
<$view field='posted'/>: <$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/> - <$view field='summary'/></$link><br>
The raspberry pi boots when plugged into the 2A supply, but not for the 700mA supply. This may be because the fuse hasn't fully recovered. All I know is that the pi boots, I don't have a display to try out because the DVI in on my monitor doesn't work.
I just made pancakes. Pancakes are delicious. I generally use pancakes as an excuse to eat way too much butter.
I just went ice skating on the Eiffel tower. What did you do with your evening?
The email only said 'I have a contract for you'. I demand better quality spam!
And I find out that having ! at the end of a post title breaks things. Le sigh. I will fix it later.
I am about to take apart my computer so I can bring it to Paris. I hope I don't break like last time.
Welcome to Europe! Please arrive safe and sound...you and your computer. As a big fan of your TW-stuff, I seem to be constantly translating into danish and learning a lot by doing it. My lovely big black dog, Vaks wants to ask you, where will Javert be?<br><br>Birthe
Javert flew out last week. She has been keeping Felicity company and learning to woof with a French accent.
I am stupidly excited right now.
I got every thing but the mail server, and it looks like the mail server isn't going to happen anytime soon because I will need a static IP for it. This is because of my ISP, not because of any technical requirements. But I have written out instructions for everything from setting up the Raspberry Pi itself through logging into your ~GitLab server. I may add more detail later. Things are listed [[here|Tutorials]]. I have instructions for:
*[[Getting and setting up a Raspberry Pi]]
*[[Logging into your Raspberry Pi via SSH]]
*[[How to change the default password of your Raspberry Pi]]
*[[Setting up dynamic DNS on your Raspberry Pi]]
*[[Installing syncthing on a Raspberry Pi]]
*[[Installing GitLab on a Raspberry Pi]]
In case you are wondering, this is exactly the list of things I had to do while setting everything up. I now have this in case I need to reinstall it in the future. Everything here can be found elsewhere online, I just put it all in one place.
I have just added [[Setting up node on a Raspberry Pi for TiddlyWiki]] to the list.
Edit 2:
My Raspberry Pi 2 is able to have syncthing, ~GitLab and a node ~TiddlyWiki server going at the same time. The CPU usage hasn't gone above 40% yet, but I am currently the only user. This is with syncthing actively syncing, ~GitLab doing a commit and the node server just running, no active modification of the ~TiddlyWiki. I am only one person.
I got node and tiddlywiki working. I have an apple airport for a router at the moment so I didn't want to get into trying to forward the ports, so I tried weaved.com's software router - it gives you a url like sdjhvkjv.c9.weaved.com and I can get to my tiddlywiki - but I get the error: syncer-browser - 23:06:10 2 7 2015 Sync error while processing '$:/StoryList': XMLHttpRequest error code: 404 - do you think this might something to do with cross-origin requests? or? Weaved works well for ssh connections.<br><br> I suppose I'll have to connect my pi directly to my modem alongside the airport and see if I can open a port to it from there and then get a dynamic DNS. <br><br>Thanks for the instructions, btw - very handy to have all this in one place.
I am going to be moving to Paris this Saturday. Weird.
There isn't much to show here at the moment. This should change in the near future.
<meta property="og:title" content="Jed's Stuff"/>
<meta property="og:type" content="website"/>
<meta property="og:url" content="http://ooktech.com/jed/externalbrain/"/>
<meta property="og:image" content="http://ooktech.com/jed/externalbrain/images/Klipspringer%20-%20pen.JPG"/>
<meta property="og:image:width" content="100" />
<meta property="og:image:height" content="100" />
<meta property="og:description" content="Stuff!! Also things. Blog like things along with bookmarks and stuff I don't want to lose. But mostly stuff."/>
I am in the middle of a bunch of things right now. The three biggest are moving to France from the US, trying to finish my dissertation, and starting up my company OokTech.
The last two were going to be related but the more I look at the channels I would use for starting up a business using my dissertation work the less I want to touch any of it. So this presents me with a rather serious problem: I want to make things that would benefit people and still eat. I know that there are ways to do this, crowd funding is an obvious choice. But the problem with that is I need a way to show a large enough group of people that I am able to make something that they would like enough to give me money so I can eat while doing it.
I would imagine that convincing people of this would require me to have something significant to show already, which requires me to have time to make it and still eat, which brings me back to the original problem.
And I have no idea what would be sufficient to demonstrate that. For the cognitive radio project I want to do would demonstrating a self-organizing mutli-hop mesh network with 10 nodes do it? How about 100? Would presenting the theory and plans for creating the network be enough? Would showing that the network is scalable be required? Would I need to demonstrate the full cognitive aspect of it? Would the mixed collection of hardware that I have at the moment (arduinos and some other general purpose microcontrollers and dsps) be enough to demonstrate that it can be done on a wide range of hardware or would I need to do something like make an android or ios app?
These are my questions, and depending on the answers I could either be ready in a month with what I have no or it could take a year or two and a few thousand dollars in funding. If I would need to code things for ios and/or android probably longer or enough money to get a dedicated coder with experience.
One problem is that I keep starting projects when I probably have too many already. I may have to work on that.
Ok, that is enough of that for now. I am going to go do something more interesting now. There is lots of design work to be done. Or video games. Or play with Javert, she leaves for Paris tomorrow. One way or the other.
<$reveal state='$:/state/reveal/Open source/hardware, eating and the bootstrapping problem' type='nomatch' text='show'>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set='$:/state/reveal/Open source/hardware, eating and the bootstrapping problem' setTo=show>{{$:/core/images/new-button}}If for some reason you want to know the general areas I want to work in with OokTech click here.</$button>
<$reveal state='$:/state/reveal/Open source/hardware, eating and the bootstrapping problem' type='match' text='show'>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set='$:/state/reveal/Open source/hardware, eating and the bootstrapping problem' setTo=hide><<fa fa-minus>>If for some reason you want to know the general areas I want to work in with OokTech click here.</$button>
Things I would like to work on and I have enough experience with to be confident in my ability:
*Cognitive Radio (Mesh networks, decentralized and distributed networks)
*Computer peripherials (custom designs for disabled users, alternate input methods, smart sensors)
*Computer assisted hearing/vision aids – I partly lost my hearing a few years ago and the available hearing aids are way too expensive and lack many things I think should be basic features. Hearing aid design is full of potential patent troubles so I would need some sort of serious backing before I could even start with a commercial application. Vision wouldn't be as bad but would require more development.
*Smart homes (smart sensors, automated control) ← I wouldn't be involved after design and instillation aside from in a possible support role. I wouldn't collect any user data as I would be trying to provide alternatives to services provided by companies based on data mining.
*TiddlyWiki – Because I like playing with it and I am pretty good at making stuff. If I could get paid for it that would be awesome. And I would spend more time on it.
I have a working prototype for one project that may have a large enough audience, but I don't have access to the manufacturing capability that would be required to make them in bulk so I would only be able to go forward with it if I can get a reasonably sized group from crowd funding.
In Denmark we have this organisation <a href="http://opfind.nu/english.aspx" target="_blank">http://opfind.nu/english.aspx</a>, I just saw that the pages is translated into English so you might get the idea. This is for Danes in Denmark, but maybe you could find something similar. Help to evaluate ideas...and the right people to contact. Sorry if I am totally off in my naivity! Also organisations working for the handicapped, elderly and so on might be interested in some of your ideas. They have lots of members, so I would guess potential money also. That would of course need a more for the public understandable description.<br>I think that way because I know, that when you create something of great interest you will be up against the mighty.<br>TiddlyWiki: No doubt your are capable, and in time when TW has more users and are more widely known I think it will be possible.<br>Best wishes for you and your company.<br><br>Birthe
Birthe, that looks like exactly what I need. Now I just need to find something like that I can use. But now I have know that at least one service like that exists, so I have a better idea of what to look for. Thank you.<br><br>Maybe I should start looking for people to work with in Denmark.
2 or 3 years ago all papers wrote about all the new startups and inventors in Paris. Angel funds and all that. Try to search for inventor/startup networking groups, preferable with meetups locally. They might have speakers coming to talk about funding and the juridic pitfalls and some may have local knowledge of other possibilities.
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
\define my-toc-selective-expandable(tag,sort:"",itemClassFilter)
<ol class="tc-toc toc-selective-expandable">
<$list filter="[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$tag$]!has[draft.of]$sort$]">
<$list filter="[all[current]toc-link[no]]" variable="ignore" emptyMessage="<<my-toc-linked-selective-expandable-body tag:'$tag$' sort:'$sort$' itemClassFilter:'$itemClassFilter$'>>">
<<my-toc-unlinked-selective-expandable-body tag:"""$tag$""" sort:"""$sort$""" itemClassFilter:"""$itemClassFilter$""">>
\define my-toc-unlinked-selective-expandable-body(tag,sort:"",itemClassFilter)
<$set name="toc-state" value=<<qualify "$:/state/toc/$tag$-$(currentTiddler)$">>>
<$set name="toc-item-class" filter="""$itemClassFilter$""" value="toc-item-selected" emptyValue="toc-item">
<li class=<<toc-item-class>>>
<$list filter="[all[current]tagging[]limit[1]]" variable="ignore" emptyMessage="<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>{{$:/core/images/blank}}</$button> <$view field='caption'><$view field='title'/></$view>">
<$reveal type="nomatch" state=<<toc-state>> text="open">
<$button set=<<toc-state>> setTo="open" class="tc-btn-invisible">
<$reveal type="match" state=<<toc-state>> text="open">
<$button set=<<toc-state>> setTo="close" class="tc-btn-invisible">
<$reveal type="match" state=<<toc-state>> text="open">
<$macrocall $name="""toc-selective-expandable""" tag=<<currentTiddler>> sort="""$sort$""" itemClassFilter="""$itemClassFilter$"""/>
\define my-toc-linked-selective-expandable-body(tag,sort:"",itemClassFilter)
<$set name="toc-state" value=<<qualify "$:/state/toc/$tag$-$(currentTiddler)$">>>
<$set name="toc-item-class" filter="""$itemClassFilter$""" value="toc-item-selected" emptyValue="toc-item">
<li class=<<toc-item-class>>>
<$list filter="[all[current]tagging[]limit[1]]" variable="ignore" emptyMessage="<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>{{$:/core/images/blank}}</$button>">
<$reveal type="nomatch" state=<<toc-state>> text="open">
<$button set=<<toc-state>> setTo="open" class="tc-btn-invisible">
<$reveal type="match" state=<<toc-state>> text="open">
<$button set=<<toc-state>> setTo="close" class="tc-btn-invisible">
<$reveal type="match" state=<<toc-state>> text="open">
<$macrocall $name="my-toc-selective-expandable" tag=<<currentTiddler>> sort="""$sort$""" itemClassFilter="""$itemClassFilter$"""/>
<$checkbox tiddler='Black Line' tag='$:/tags/ViewTemplate'>Show Horizontal Rule Under Tiddler Titles</$checkbox><br>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/core/ui/PageTemplate/sidebar' tag='$:/tags/PageTemplate'>Toggle Old Sidebar</$checkbox> (This only hides the menu, it doesn't change the size of the tiddlers)
<<imageSlider "http://insidemediatrack.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/timthumb.jpg" "The Egyptologist Hair">>
The actor and character connected isn't bad. But we all know that his hair is the real star of the show. Perhaps one day I can be so amazing.
Another image, because you can never have too many.
<<imageSlider "http://ooktech.com/jed/externalbrain/images/Egyptologist Hair.png" "More Hair">>
People are working on making a social network type thing using TiddlyWiki. This is a crude start to how connecting to people on that hypothetical network may work. Each person/page would have a <<NamePlate>> that contained information about where their wiki is located and whatever is needed to pull information from that wiki. It would probably also contain other small bits of biographical or contact information about the person similar to a social networks profile. This idea is being promoted by [[Rich Shumaker]] and is best articulated at his site [[<Name Plate>@TiddlyWiki Hangouts|http://www.richshumaker.com/tw5/TiddlyWiki-Hangouts.html#%3CName%20Plate%3E]]
This idea is pretty new and needs to be fleshed out a lot, so input is appreciated. The best place to give this input would be on the [[google group page|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/tiddlywiki]].
Note that due to html syntax if you just put the text `<Name Plate>` in a tiddler it wouldn't show up as anything, so I made a macro called [[NamePlate|<Name Plate> Macro]] that will display <<NamePlate>> anywhere you put `<<NamePlate>>`.
Because a single person could have multiple sites they could have site <<NamePlate>>s tagged with their name. These site nameplates would probably be the part that contains the information for pulling information form the site.
<$list filter='[tag[people]]'>
<a class="twitter-timeline" href="https://twitter.com/MaybeJed/lists/people-who-tweet" data-widget-id="574996544404873216">Tweets from https://twitter.com/MaybeJed/lists/people-who-tweet</a>
Probably as much as everyone else I follow combined.
<a class="twitter-timeline" href="https://twitter.com/MaybeJed/lists/people-who-tweet-a-lot" data-widget-id="574997054461636608">Tweets from https://twitter.com/MaybeJed/lists/people-who-tweet-a-lot</a>
An hour ago I felt like I was dying, now I feel great. Was that actually just ibuprofen?
I should find a way to get permalinks from posts and stuff inside the dashboard interface.
*1 1/2 cup water - determines flour to use per crust (use tepid water)
*add 1 package yeat and a couple table spoons flour (rapid rise yeast works well)
*add a few table spoons crushed garlic (if you want)
*a table spoon of salt
*add flour till you can kneed it, kneed it till it is not sticky
*about a quarter cup of olive oil
*nice warm place to let it rise
*brush the top with olive oil, cloth over bowl
*punch it down, roll it out or toss it
*greese or oil the pan before the crust goes on the pan
*brush the top of crust with oil before the sauce
*hormel is bad pepperoni - dont use it
*cheese - put a little shredded cheese before the other stuff
*bake at 450 for 12 minutes - 13 minutes for really dark (you need to watch it)
*take it out and let it sit while the second pizza is cooking and when it is done te first one is ready to eat
*crust less than half inch thick when rolling it out
*need a bit more than a quart sized jar of sauce for this
@tiddlywiki I can post to twitter from my wiki. Facebook may be a bit harder.
\define thisDisplayPreview()
<$set name=ThisTiddler value='$:/temp/NewBlogPost'>
<$set name=ThisTemplate value={{$:/templates/blog/BasicBlogPostTemplate!!template}}>
Do you like what I do with ~TiddlyWiki and want to [[donate to the 'help jed eat and pay rent fund'|Donate]]?
After doing enough work that I could reasonably say that I had accomplished something today I decided that instead of working on one of the many coding projects I have been working on I would draw instead. I haven't drawn in pen for a while so I did a few 5 minute drawings to see how horrible I have become. It turns out not nearly as bad as I expected, out of 3 attempts I have two that are reasonable. The third one is a duck, and everyone knows that ducks are assholes. That and it was a horrible choice for a quick line drawing, I am not sure what I was thinking. So I didn't post the duck. Jerk.
I drew a kookaburra and a klipspringer from pictures I took at the zoo here a while ago. They aren't particularly good, but better than I expected considering I haven't drawn with a fountain pen in well over a year. Also I didn't feel like setting up the scanner so you get pictures I took with my camera so there are some annoying shadows.
<<imageSlider [[Kookaburra - pen - Image]] "A kookaburra. It should have a bigger beak.">>
<<imageSlider [[Klipspringer - pen - Image]] "A klipspringer is a tiny antelope from Africa.">>
The rain yesterday cleaned pollen out of the air. Now I can breathe. I am so very happy.
\define thisCSS()
html body.tc-body { background: url("$(URL)$") no-repeat center center fixed; background-size: cover; height: 100%;}
<$set name=URL value={{$:/state/Random Background}}>
John Scalzi decided to pass time between Christmas and new years by insulting people on twitter. Click below to get a new insult. You can see his post about it [[here|http://whatever.scalzi.com/2015/12/30/insulting-things-i-called-people-on-twitter-today-a-collection/]].
<$set name=CurrentInsult value={{$:/state/Random Insult!!text}}>
<$list filter='[[Scalzi Insult List]indexes[]nth{$:/state/Random Insult!!number}]'>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' tooltip='Random Scalzi Insult'><<fa fa-star>> New Random Scalzi Insult
<$action-storecount $filter='[[Scalzi Insult List]indexes[]]' $tiddler='$:/state/Random Insult' $field='total_num'/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='$:/state/Random Insult' $field='number' $lower=1 $upper={{$:/state/Random Background!!total_num}} $step=1 $numrolls=1/>
<$button>Click here if things stop working<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Random Insult' $field='number' $value=1/></$button>
I really need to get around to making a recipe book plugin
*[[Pizza Recipe]]
*[[Biscuits Recipe]]
Some code snippets so I don't have to remember this stuff.
Adding an image link:
<a href="http://www.smbc-comics.com">
<img src="http://www.smbc-comics.com/comics/20150204.png" width=100px/>
At the moment this mainly consists of test comments made on the blog. Anything offensive will also end up in here, probably with the content either removed or replaced with something about how much the poster loves kitties/puppies/baby goats.
<$list filter='[tag[Comment]tag[Rejected]sort[sort_date]limit[10]]' template= BlogPostCommentTemplate>
older rejected comments:
<$list filter='[tag[Comment]tag[Rejected]sort[sort_date]butfirst[10]]'>
I removed the analytics stuff from my site. It didn't serve anything other than my ego anyway.
Filter that makes the list: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Reorder Lists' field='filter' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
Order field name: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Reorder Lists' field='sort' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/> (use 'order' unless you have a reason to use something different.)
<$list filter={{$:/temp/Reorder Lists!!filter}}>
<tr><td><$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></$link></td><td><$edit-text tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field={{$:/temp/Reorder Lists!!sort}}/></td></tr>
I like the art. A world/civilization building game. It has a kind of slow pace and interesting play style.
''Rich Shumaker'' [img[http://www.richshumaker.com/images/selfportrait1th.jpg]] <<linkimg RichShumakerNamePlate.png RichShumakerNamePlate.png "RichShumakerNamePlate" height="76">>
{{Rich Shumaker.m4a}}
Rich Shu ma k er -At- G mail Dot Com - Crazy format to avoid the spiders of the web that spam-a-lot
Call me and I will let you know if you are talking to me, #heheh. - It would be cool if we could encrypt this and give people the 'passcode' to decrypt it.
--''~TiddlyWiki 5 Stuff on the Net''--
[[5 Steps to TW5|http://www.richshumaker.com/tw5/FiveStepsToTiddlyWiki5.htm]] - This is my attempt to get a TiddlyWiki NOOB up and running
[[LegacyCd Virtual|http://www.contactjuggling.com/LegacyCd.html]] - Currently in Beta - Release date is set for 5-5-15 - 10 years after the original ~LegacyCd Release
[[This Site - TiddlyWiki-Hangouts|http://www.richshumaker.com/tw5/TiddlyWiki-Hangouts.html]]
--''~TiddlyWiki Classic on the Net''--
[[Dream Machine|http://dreammachine.tiddlyspot.com/]] - Currently working on updating this using TW5
--''Not Yet TW Sites''--
[[Rich Shumaker F(V)anity Site|http://www.RichShumaker.com]]
[[Contact Juggling Dot Com|http://www.contactjuggling.com]]
--''Social Site''--
[[Google +|https://plus.google.com/102360582405563354873/posts]]
--''Social Sites I don't use enough''--
--''Almost Archived Social Sites''--
Deviant Art
I am sure I have forgotten some for sure
!!!__Tiddlers with Rich Shumaker Tags__
{{{ [tag[Rich Shumaker]] }}}
Below is the code for the above - I am trying to standardize this stuff so knowing what I did will help to make this more consistent for everyone
--Start of Rich Shumaker [[<Name Plate>]]--
''Rich Shumaker'' [img[http://www.richshumaker.com/images/selfportrait1th.jpg]] <<linkimg RichShumakerNamePlate.png RichShumakerNamePlate.png "RichShumakerNamePlate" height="76">>
{{Rich Shumaker.m4a}}
Rich Shu ma k er -At- G mail Dot Com - Crazy format to avoid the spiders of the web that spam-a-lot
Call me and I will let you know if you are talking to me, #heheh. - It would be cool if we could encrypt this and give people the 'passcode' to decrypt it.
--''~TiddlyWiki 5 Stuff on the Net''--
[[5 Steps to TW5|http://www.richshumaker.com/tw5/FiveStepsToTiddlyWiki5.htm]] - This is my attempt to get a TiddlyWiki NOOB up and running
[[LegacyCd Web|http://www.contactjuggling.com/LegacyCd.html]] - Currently in Beta - Release date is set for 5-5-15 - 10 years after the original ~LegacyCd Release
[[This Site - TiddlyWiki-Hangouts|http://www.richshumaker.com/tw5/TiddlyWiki-Hangouts.html]]
--''~TiddlyWiki Classic on the Net''--
[[Dream Machine|http://dreammachine.tiddlyspot.com/]] - Currently working on updating this using TW5
--''Not Yet TW Sites''--
[[Rich Shumaker F(V)anity Site|http://www.RichShumaker.com]]
[[Contact Juggling Dot Com|http://www.contactjuggling.com]]
--''Social Site''--
[[Google +|https://plus.google.com/102360582405563354873/posts]]
--''Social Sites I don't use enough''--
--''Almost Archived Social Sites''--
Deviant Art
I am sure I have forgotten some for sure
!!!__Tiddlers with Rich Shumaker Tags__
{{{ [tag[Rich Shumaker]] }}}
--End of Rich Shumaker [[<Name Plate>]]--
''Note about the below, This is a useful feature to include in your [[<Name Plate>]] as it allows you to see all references to your name that have been tagged at the site that copies your [[<Name Plate>]]''
Need to create it so that every Tiddler Reference as well as Tags show in the list below so that you get all references to your name in the TW that has this.
!!!Tiddlers with Rich Shumaker Tags
{{{ [tag[Rich Shumaker]] }}}
A side scrolling platformer rogue-like. You die. A lot. And then you die some more. Lava worms almost always kill me. The longer you play, the harder it gets. It has a good multiplayer, if you have it and want to play let me know.
Side scrolling puzzle platformer. You play as a chicken fighting fascist penguins. You have a jetpack and guns. So far it has been every bit as awesome as that sounds.
The first sketch of a tattoo idea. I may stay with the stylized version or I may use a more classical Greek style. Who knows.
[img [RockSisyphusTattooIdea - Image]]
A small alteration to the original. It may look a bit cleaner this way.
[img [RockSisyphusTattooIdea2 - Image]]
With the apple this time. The apple could use some work.
[img [RockSisyphusTattooIdea3 - Image]]
Sidescrolling rogue-like (I seem to play a lot of those) with a fun art style and other stuff. I like it.
\define thisSelectField()
Field Content to replace: <$select field='selected_field'>
<$set name=FieldSearch value={{$:/temp/changefield!!search_field}}>
<$list filter='[fields[]regexp[(?i)$(FieldSearch)$]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
</$select> <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/changefield' field='search_field' class='tc-exit-textexitor' placeholder='Narrow Fields List'/>
This lets you search for all tiddlers with a specific field and selectivly replace the content of the field. Or if the 'Replace With' field is empty just remove the field from the tiddler(s).
Replace With: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/changefield' field='replace_field' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
<tr><th>Tiddler</th><th>Field Content</th><th>Replace?</th></tr>
<$list filter='[has{!!selected_field}]'>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<currentTiddler>>>
<td><$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></$link></td><td><$view field={{Search and Replace Fields!!selected_field}}/></td><td><$button>Replace Content<$action-setfield $field={{Search and Replace Fields!!selected_field}} $value={{$:/temp/changefield!!replace_field}}/></$button></td>
\define thisSelectTag()
Tag to replace: <$select field='selected_tag'>
<$set name=TagSearch value={{$:/temp/changetags!!search_tags}}>
<$list filter='[tags[]regexp[(?i)$(TagSearch)$]sort[title]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
</$select> <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/changetags' field='search_tags' class='tc-exit-textexitor' placeholder='Narrow Tags List'/>
This lets you search for all tiddlers with a specific tag and selectivly replace that tag with another one. Or if the 'Replace With' field is empty just remove the tag from the tiddler(s).
Replace With: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/changetags' field='replace_tag' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
<$list filter='[tag{!!selected_tag}]'>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></$link> <$button>Change Tag<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param={{$:/temp/changetags!!replace_tag}}/><$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-tag' $param={{Search and Replace Tags!!selected_tag}}/></$button><br>
This looks like a good place to start: https://samhobbs.co.uk/raspberry-pi-email-server
For stuff about dynamic dns using dreamhost go here: http://wiki.dreamhost.com/Dynamic_DNS
This is much simpler than any of that. This is simply a redirect, nothing profound or difficult. As always, it is mainly here so I can remember it.
Log into your [[dreamhost panel|https://panel.dreamhost.com/]]. At the top there is a button that says `Add Hosting to a Domain/ Sub-Domain`, click it. Scroll down to the section labeled `Redirect`. In the top option (`Domain to redirect:`) put in a the domain that you have and want to redirect (or a subdomain, like bob.ooktech.com, subdomains are free if you have the domain). In the bottom option (`Redirect to URL:`) put in the domain for your dynamic dns service (like bob.ddns.com). Then click `Redirect this domain`.
You could get confirmation that it is going to do the redirect. In the panel next to the (sub-)domain name there should be a little icon that says 'updating' or something similar. Once that goes away things should be ready. It may take a few hours. I have this set up for my GitLab server, I don't know if you can do things like `bob.ooktech.com:9090` to get to a specific port after the redirect instead of going to `bob.ddns.com:9090`, which does work. Here `bob.ddns.com` is the url for your dynamic dns stuff, `bob.ooktech.com` is the dreamhost sub-domain.
I am using [[no-ip.com|http://www.noip.com]] because I have used them before. These instructions are for their services, you can use whatever you want. There are many tutorials for how to do this around the net.
First, go to https://www.noip.com, if you have an account than sign in, if you don't than make an account. Once you are signed in click on `my account`, it should be in the bar at the top of the page. Then pick `Add Host` from the menu (it is in the middle of the left side of the page. I am bad at finding things on web pages.)
Under Hostname Information enter the name you want and pick the suffix from the list, unless you are paying only the free domains are available.
After you have entered the name and picked a domain click on the `Add Host` button and you are done with this site for now.
[[SSH into your Pi|Logging into your Raspberry Pi via SSH]] (or boot up your pi and open a terminal if you aren't running it headless).
Type these commands in the Raspberry Pi terminal (from https://www.noip.com/support/knowledgebase/installing-the-linux-dynamic-update-client-on-ubuntu/)
cd /usr/local/src/
wget http://www.no-ip.com/client/linux/noip-duc-linux.tar.gz
tar xf noip-duc-linux.tar.gz
cd noip-2.1.9-1/
make install
''Note:'' It may not be `cd noip-2.1.9-1/` for you, to see what you should use type `ls` (see [[Some helpful commands]] for what that means) and one of the things listed should be `noip-x.x.x-x` where the x's are numbers, replace `noip-2.1.9-1` with whatever is listed in the line `cd noip-2.1.9-1/` above.
If you have multiple hosts set up through noip.com than it will ask which one you want to use, otherwise it will pick the only one (the one you just made on their website.)
Then in the terminal type (this configures the noip daemon):
sudo /usr/local/bin/noip2 -C
it will ask for your username and password again (this is your username and password for noip.com, not your root password for the pi) and the update interval. I set the update interval to 300 (that is 300 seconds, so 5 minutes.). This is how often the ip address is checked and updated.
Then run
to start the service. At this point you are almost finished, all you need to do is set things up so that it starts automatically when your pi turns on.
!!Starting the noip service when your pi boots:
In the terminal type:
sudo nano /etc/init.d/rcX.d
then copy and paste this into the editor (to paste into the editor you need to use `ctrl+shift+v` instead of `ctrl+v`):
#! /bin/sh
. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions # uncomment/modify for your killproc
case "$1" in
echo "Starting noip2."
echo -n "Shutting down noip2."
killproc -TERM /usr/local/bin/noip2
echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop}"
exit 1
exit 0
then exit and save (press `ctrl+x` then enter when it asks for where you want to save it)
and you should be done.
!!Installing node (copied from [[here|https://learn.adafruit.com/node-embedded-development/installing-node-dot-js]])
Type the following commands (remember you can copy and past into the command line using `ctrl+c` to copy and `ctrl+shift+v` to paste):
curl -sLS https://apt.adafruit.com/add | sudo bash
sudo apt-get install node
This may take a few minutes. You can check if it worked by checking the version number:
node -v
which should say something like `v0.12.0` (the numbers may be different).
!!Installing TiddlyWiki (copied from [[here|http://tiddlywiki.com/#GettingStarted%20-%20Node.js]]
After installing node, type:
sudo npm install -g tiddlywiki
This will once again take a few minutes. You can check to make sure it worked by typing:
tiddlywiki --version
You should get something like `5.1.8` as the result, this may take a while, it took over a minute on my Raspberry Pi 2 with the ~GitLab and syncthing daemons running.
Once that is done create a new wiki by typing:
tiddlywiki <wikiname> --init server
where you replace `<wikiname>` with the name of the wiki you want to create (this is different from the wiki title or subtitle, this determines the location where the wiki is stored). It will create a wiki called `<wikiname>` in `~/<wikiname>`. If that doesn't mean anything to you don't worry, it won't have any effect on what you do.
To start serving the wiki type:
tiddlywiki <wikiname> --server 9090 $:/core/save/all text/plain text/html "" ""
where you once again replace `<wikiname>` with the name of the wiki (the same one you used for the `tiddlywiki <wikiname> --init server` command).
This will once again take a minute. Nothing visible will happen for a bit then it will say `Serving on` and after that you will see various other things as you use your wiki. The important part is `(press ctrl-C to exit)`, which means that if you want to stop the server when you are finished you should press `ctrl+c` on the command line and it will stop the server. If you look at the image below you can see what happens in a terminal when trying to serve on a port that is in use (in this case port 8080) and a successful start below that.
<<imageSlider [[Starting TiddlyWiki on a Raspberry Pi - Image]] "An example terminal starting a TiddyWiki server">>
Now, to use the tiddlywiki the Raspberry Pi is serving, open a browser and type the ip address of the pi followed by `:9090` in the address bar, so for mine I type in ``. This should bring up your wiki.
!!Some notes:
What each part of the command means:
|tiddlywiki |The command that you are using, you can't change this |
|`<wikiname>` |The name of the wiki that you are running the server for, you can have multiple wikis. |
|--server |The part that tells it that you want to start the server, you can't change this part. |
|`9090` |The port that it is served on, you can change this to some other values, not all will work. This is 9090 instead of the default 8080 because syncthing also defaults to using 8080 for its web interface and if you have both than trying to start the tiddlywiki server on 8080 will give you an error. You can change where syncthing has it's web interface, but it is easier to change here. |
|`$:/core/save/all` |The tiddler to serve at the root |
|`text/plain` | |
|`text/html` | |
|the first `""` | |
|the second `""` | |
|`` |The ip address used. If you don't have this the wiki is only accessible through `` on the machine running the server (in this case the pi, which you aren't on.). Setting this to `` lets any ip address access it. |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
\define tv-wikilink-template() #$uri_encoded$
\define tv-config-toolbar-icons() no
\define tv-config-toolbar-text() no
\define tv-config-toolbar-class() tc-btn-invisible
<textarea rows="20" style='width:100%'>
<$view field=top/>
<$set name="exportFilter" value="[!is[system]!tag[static]!title[Table of Contents]!sort[modifed]]">
<$view field=bottom/>
<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='caption'/></a> - <$view field='description'/><br>
\define thisDisplayWithTemplate()
!Recent Small Things:
<$list filter='[tag[Small Thing]!nsort[time]limit{$:/settings/Blog Settings!!num_recent_posts}]'>
<$set name=TiddlerToDisplay value=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$set name=TemplateToUse value={{!!template}}>
<h2>Older Things:</h2>
Year: <$select tiddler='$:/state/My Blog/Small Things/Older Posts' field=year>
<$list filter='[tag[My Blog]tag[Small Thing]has[year]each[year]get[year]nsort[year]]'>
Month: <$select tiddler='$:/state/My Blog/Small Things/Older Posts' field=month>
<$list filter='[tag[My Blog]tag[Small Thing]has[month]each[month]get[month]nsort[month]]'>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/My Blog/Small Things/Older Posts!!year' text='All'>
<$list filter='[tag[My Blog]tag[Small Thing]has[year]each[year]get[year]nsort[year]]' variable=CurrentYear>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/My Blog/Small Things/Older Posts!!month' text='All'>
<$list filter='[tag[My Blog]tag[Small Thing]has[month]each[month]get[month]nsort[month]]' variable=CurrentMonth>
<$list filter='[tag[My Blog]tag[Small Thing]!tag[Templates]month<CurrentMonth>!nsort[time]]-[[$:/templates/blog/BasicBlogPostTemplate]]'>
<$view field='posted'/>: <$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/> - <$view field='summary'/></$link><br>
<$reveal type=nomatch state='$:/state/My Blog/Small Things/Older Posts!!month' text='All'>
__{{$:/state/My Blog/Small Things/Older Posts!!month}}__<br>
<$list filter='[tag[My Blog]tag[Small Thing]!tag[Templates]month{$:/state/My Blog/Small Things/Older Posts!!month}!nsort[time]]-[[$:/templates/blog/BasicBlogPostTemplate]]'>
<$view field='posted'/>: <$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/> - <$view field='summary'/></$link><br>
<$reveal type=nomatch state='$:/state/My Blog/Small Things/Older Posts!!year' text='All'>
''__{{$:/state/My Blog/Small Things/Older Posts!!year}}__''<br>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/My Blog/Small Things/Older Posts!!month' text='All'>
<$list filter='[tag[My Blog]tag[Small Thing]has[month]each[month]get[month]nsort[month]]' variable=CurrentMonth>
<$list filter='[tag[My Blog]tag[Small Thing]!tag[Templates]month<CurrentMonth>!nsort[time]]-[[$:/templates/blog/BasicBlogPostTemplate]]'>
<$view field='posted'/>: <$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/> - <$view field='summary'/></$link><br>
<$reveal type=nomatch state='$:/state/My Blog/Small Things/Older Posts!!month' text='All'>
<$list filter='[tag[My Blog]tag[Small Thing]!tag[Templates]month{$:/state/My Blog/Small Things/Older Posts!!month}!nsort[time]]-[[$:/templates/blog/BasicBlogPostTemplate]]'>
<$view field='posted'/>: <$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/> - <$view field='summary'/></$link><br>
I think this means that the city will be shut down for the next few weeks.
<<imageSlider [[There is not supposed to be snow in albuquerque - Image]] "You can see Javerts footprints">>
I always forget what snow does to light in a city. It was almost 10pm when I took this picture.
[img [Snow at night - Image]]
I forgot what a city looks like at night when it is snowing. Well, a city like Albuquerue or Terre Haute anyway. New York just looked a bit soggy when it was snowing there.
I just took Javert for a walk, the sun has been down for over an hour and you can see everything clearly outside. It is about as bright as a overcast day. The weird part is that unless you are standing next to an artificial light there are no shadows. Also since it is Albuquerque and people are frightened by this white stuff falling out of the sky no one is around.
Javert really likes the snow and wanted to run the entire time. Unfortunately the snow was a bit slippery and I couldn't run with her, so she spent the entire walk waiting for me to catch up with her and then sprinting to the end of her leash before waiting for me again.
And it is still snowing, we already have a lot of snow by the standards of this city, we may get a reasonable amount of snow by the standards of places that actually get snow. If it does snow a lot I may skip my cello lesson. I am terrible at driving and everyone else will be freaking out because of the snow. It doesn't sound like it would be a good combination. We shall see.
What is this stuff falling from the sky?!??
[img [Snow in Albuquerque - Image]]
Seeing snow fall is strange enough for me to take a picture. The flash is on to make the falling snow show up so it looks much darker outside than it is.
<<imageSlider [[Snow in Albuquerque - Image]] "What is this white stuff falling from the sky?">>
Wonderella has some words of wisdom: http://nonadventures.com/2015/06/20/the-some-of-all-fears/
A drawing from my sketch book.
[img [Some Dude - Image]]
The colors used by your terminal may be different than shown in the example images here. Click on the <<fa fa-plus>> to show the example images.
*`exit` - ends the ssh session (disconnects from the pi)
*`df` - shows you how much space is available on your sd card <<imageSlider [[Output of df command on a Raspberry Pi - image]] "example output of `df` command">>
*`top` - show memory usage <<imageSlider [[Output of top command on Raspberry Pi - image]] "example output of `top` command">>
*`nano` - default command line text editor. The commands are listed at the bottom, note that `^X` means `ctrl+x`, you will be asked if you want to save when you exit. <<imageSlider [[Default view of Nano on Raspberry Pi - image]] "the default view of nano with an empty buffer">>
*`ls` - lists the contents of the current directory (folder) <<imageSlider [[Output of ls command on Raspberry Pi - image]] "Example output of the `ls` command">>
*`cd` - change directory
*`mkdir` - make directory
I am never going to be able to pull off wearing a hat as well as she does.
<a href="http://vintageblackglamour.tumblr.com/post/13736763220/carolathhabsburg-beauty-in-riding-habits-late" target=blank><$image tooltip='Seriously, I never will.' source='http://41.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lsahtt5SrI1qzjmo0o1_1280.jpg'/></a>
There is no part of this picture that I don't like.
<a href='http://www.archives.gov.on.ca/en/explore/online/alvin_mccurdy/big/big_54_unidentified_woman02.aspx' target=blank><$image source='http://www.archives.gov.on.ca/en/explore/online/alvin_mccurdy/pics/24789_520.jpg'/></a>
A pencil drawing that I did and later digitally colored using GIMP. The [[House]] shows up again here.
[img [Sometimes I call the hole in my house a window - Image]]
Sophie would like everyone to know that she is completely ready if you feel the need to let a dog outside.
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
Fun, kinda short. I am having a lot of trouble with the final boss.
This is a random collection of little things that I find interesting. There probably won't be anything too heavy here.
*[[Nettie Stevens]] - She was involved in, and mostly responsible for, the discovery of the significance of the x and y chromosomes. One of the many non-Marie Curie scientists at a time when being a woman in academia presented even more trouble than it does now.
*[[Women Feigning Interest in Western Art History]] - Some great examples of women obviously uninterested in presumably romantic advances show in art. The captions are awesome.
*[[Some Victorian Women’s Fashion]] - Why am I so interested in Victorian fashion? I am going to blame [[Gail Carriger|http://gailcarriger.com/]] for this one.
Here is a list of things I am hoping to do with my various projects. If you are looking for TiddlyWiki specific things go [[here|http://inmysocks.tiddlyspot.com/#Change%20Log]].
<<CategoryList Tag:"Task" FinishedTag:"Done" ListType:"Task" ShowAddItem:"True" ShowSearch:"True" ShowFinished:"True">>
This direct memory access stuff is giving me more trouble than I expected. Stupid microcontrollers.
Don't give into peer pressure and try migraines no matter cool they seem. I am going to lay down now.
I didn't want to move away from Albuquerque, then I found a black widow in my shower.
Run. All the time, go as fast as you can. You will die. And die. Also, meat. A very strange game.
I haven't decided if I am going to allow myself to use too much profanity here, otherwise there would be a lot more of it in the title.
The news in the US has been depressing enough that I haven't spent much time following other places. Let's consider the news story [[Pentagon Considers Turning Cell Phones Into Walkie-Talkies During Emergencies|http://www.nationaljournal.com/defense/pentagon-terrorism-threat-cellphones-walkie-talkies-20150508]]. With that headline it doesn't seem like it would be a problem at all. It sounds neat. In fact it could be a wonderful idea that allows communication during emergency situations when existing infrastructure isn't up to the task. Which in theory is all true. And if the first two words were missing I would be excited about it. That is exactly the sort of thing I am studying and trying to create.
An emergency broadcast system is great. The government sends you a text saying that something has happened, and then uses your phone to transmit the message on to other phones within range. But in order to do this, the Pentagon has to have control over your phone. To use cell phones as an effective emergency broadcast system the government has to prevent you from using your phone for other purposes. The stated use for this would apply to a very narrow range of situations and be beneficial to everyone involved. But, as we have learned from the NSA (and the TSA, and the CIA, and the FBI, and the....) an organization that has access to a system that can gather large amounts of data on people will use that system, often in illegal ways.
At its simplest, this system would involve some mechanism by which the government could send a command to your phone over something other than the cell network, removing even that tiny bit of a check (not that getting the cooperation of the providers actually means anything, but it would at least be an extra step), this message would cause your phone to deliver some message to you, and then make the phone send on the same command and message to any other phones in range. If it stopped there than it wouldn't be too terrible a thing. But for safety reasons, such as times when evacuation is required, it would be completely reasonable to also make the phone send a message back to wherever the message originated with information like your location. That may not be too terrible in disaster situations, anonymous tracking information on practically every person in the US could save many lives. But then this system would unavoidably have security flaws, and as these flaws are found updates would need to be pushed out to fix them. In a mesh network any node can access the network, and in order for the network to reach everyone all of the nodes along the way have to work. Opting out of these updates would cause the network to become disconnected which would compromise security in a disaster situation, so you can't opt out.
All of this means that, for the basic network functions, some government agency would have to have the ability to, without your consent (possibly without your knowledge), control and modify your phone to force it to send and receive information you have no control over. Even without explicitly adding anything to allow for monitoring through the cell phones they have the ability to take full control of your phone for whatever they want. As has been demonstrated by various parts of the US government, this type of ability will be abused. In the name of national security of course. Just like the TSA exists for safety, not solely for the purpose of finding excuses for the TSA to continue existing.
Now, one thing that makes me so angry about this is that the same sort of technology, that is distributed mesh networks, could be used to prevent this sort of surveillance from being possible. At the most secure end of things you would have the equivalent of the TOR network using mobile phones as nodes. In a more generally useful situation you would just have a distributed mesh network where phones or wifi access points or whatever is available is used as a relay in a network that doesn't require controllers past the users in the network. In this situation there is no way for a central authority (or anyone really) to perform any sort of mass surveillance without controlling a large portion of the nodes in the network. So if someone wanted to take down the network they would have to take down every node. Using this same technology the government is planning on making something that does precisely the opposite. They could just remotely disable your phone for one of their updates.
I think that the solution to this is to get there first and design and start implementing a distributed mesh network independent of them. It would have to be made so that it could work with existing networks, but not so that it relies on them. The technology for this exists, and with some of the newer hardware available it could probably be done relatively cheaply. If there is a demand than the cost would drop quickly. We can have a network that is secure and not subject to any central authority. My biggest fear about it is that it will require just a little more effort or knowledge than the alternatives so no one will use it and we will all be carrying around the telescreens in our pockets instead of having them stuck in our living rooms.
I find it hard to feel like I am being alarmist or pessimistic when the NSA is explicitly trying to do this. The government stated that they want total information awareness, it shouldn't be surprising that they are taking steps to achieve that goal.
# Provides: syncthing
# Required-Start: $local_fs $remote_fs
# Required-Stop: $local_fs $remote_fs
# Should-Start: $network
# Should-Stop: $network
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
# Short-Description: Multi-user daemonized version of syncthing.
# Description: Starts the syncthing daemon for all registered users.
# Replace with users you want to run syncthing clients for
# syncthing_USERS="<your name here>"
startd() {
for stuser in $syncthing_USERS; do
HOMEDIR=$(getent passwd $stuser | awk -F: '{print $6}')
if [ -f $config ]; then
echo "Starting syncthing for $stuser"
start-stop-daemon -b -o -c $stuser -S -u $stuser -x $DAEMON
echo "Couldn't start syncthing for $stuser (no $config found)"
stopd() {
for stuser in $syncthing_USERS; do
dbpid=$(pgrep -fu $stuser $DAEMON)
if [ ! -z "$dbpid" ]; then
echo "Stopping syncthing for $stuser"
start-stop-daemon -o -c $stuser -K -u $stuser -x $DAEMON
status() {
for stuser in $syncthing_USERS; do
dbpid=$(pgrep -fu $stuser $DAEMON)
if [ -z "$dbpid" ]; then
echo "syncthing for USER $stuser: not running."
echo "syncthing for USER $stuser: running (pid $dbpid)"
case "$1" in
start) startd
stop) stopd
restart|reload|force-reload) stopd && startd
status) status
*) echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/syncthing {start|stop|reload|force-reload|restart|status}"
exit 1
exit 0
<a class="twitter-timeline" href="https://twitter.com/MaybeJed/lists/tech-people" data-widget-id="597440819356794880">Tech People</a>
\define thisDayMacro(day)
<div style='height:100%;width:100%;overflow:hidden;'>
<$set name=ThisDay value=$day$>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Today!!day' text=$day$>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/Today!!day' text=$day$>
\define thisTodayMacro()
<div style='width:100%;height:100%;background-color:red;'>
\define thisOtherDayMacro()
<$list filter='[tag[My Blog]day[$(ThisDay)$]]'>
<$set name=Today value={{$:/state/Today!!day}}>
<$calendar-month year=2015 month=March day_macro='thisDayMacro'/>
title: TestMacro.js
type: application/javascript
module-type: macro
exports.name = "TestMacro";
exports.params = [
{ name: "postname" }
exports.run = function(postname) {
I now have my computer partially set up. I forgot that I would need new power cables.
I didn't think that they were broken before, but they only had one month to work with and I wasn't sure that it would automatically generate months correctly.
There are bones from over 6 million people there. I just can't wrap my head around that.
[img [The Catacombs - Image]]
Grumpy chameleon babies!
<a href="http://www.zooborns.com/zooborns/2015/03/a-wee-bit-o-green-for-st-patricks-day.html">
[img width=500px tooltip="""The chameleon wants these damn kids off its lawn.""" [http://www.zooborns.com/.a/6a010535647bf3970b01b7c764f3bd970b-800wi]]
I should be able to make every visible part of the comment system use native tiddlywiki things and just have hashover take care of the backend. This would give people control over things like how to take the input and what things to ask for.
Depending on how much is required I may be able to just write something new to use instead of hashover since I have some idea of how things work now. TiddlyWiki does give a very good way to set up the frontend so it may work out well. And if I make something new I can have the comments stored in json to play with tiddlywiki better. Remaking the backend is probably a bit too ambitious a goal for the moment. I will worry about all of that later.
For now I have comments and some comment moderation and stuff. Yay! I still need to write usable instructions for how to put this stuff into someone else's wiki. In the meantime if anyone wants to use this and needs help let me know. I can use that to figure out what needs to go into writing more general instructions. And now you can use the comments to leave messages! I am still very excited about this. I should update the leave a message thing to use this as well instead of the google form.
This is really cool! Keep it up :)
It wouldn't be a trip to Paris if I didn't get this shot.
[img [The Eiffel Tower - Image]]
I just stepped out onto the street to thunderous applause. There was also a dog with French facepaint
No it isn't, that was yesterday but I forget who won.
Twitter tells me it isn't talking to facebook now. Le sigh.
You can't handle the Ruth! http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/ruth-bader-ginsburg-funny-t-shirt-brooklyn-court-article-1.2151495
It looks like the required work for making the plugin directory for TiddlyWiki 5 is nearing completion. Due to reasons, I am going to continue to maintain the list on [[my site|http://inmysocks.tiddlyspot.com]], but it will also be listed on the [[community search|https://rawgit.com/erwanm/tw-aggregator/master/tw-community-search.html]] because that is where people are going to look for this sort of thing.
If this works than I am going to see about getting people to help make a listing of non-reference community wikis that don't have any reason to have their tiddlers indexed (like this one) but would show off what is being done. Something to demonstrate what they can be used for so we can get more users.
I'm an electrical engineer, why do I get emails from the Protein Society asking me to submit papers?
Felicity watched QE2s speech, I watched queen of Irelands speech. https://youtu.be/4vH6vEndT1A
I plugged the board into my new monitor and while the LEDs indicate that it is booting correctly the monitor isn't displaying anything. There seem to be two options, first I may have fried the HDMI out when everything shorted last time, or there is some setting in the OS that is causing problems. The internet only has information about the second one so I am hopeful. But of course I can't find any of my microsd card readers so I can't check that.
Since it is possible to run a raspberry pi headless I will probably make it into a [[syncthing|http://syncthing.net/]] server if the hdmi out is actually fried. I don't think that this raspberry pi is good for my mental health.
And if it is broken that means I need to get another one to actually do the development stuff I wanted to do on it. Although I may be able to get other people to subsidise that, which would be awesome.
Eventually OokTech will be a real thing.
The standing desk is nice but my feet hurt. I didn't anticipate this problem.
Interesting approach to gathering comments. And, I'd like to see a picture of your standing desk! I'm working on one that allows me to either sit or stand and easily adjust during the day....
It is a rough thing my brother made for working on electronics a while ago. Unfortunately it isn't adjustable at all. I will put up a photo of it whenever I figure out where my camera went.
I can actually breathe today. The trees must be luring me into a false sense of security.
Being able to compare the size of a single country with an entire continent is weird. The US is only a little smaller than Europe, and has less than half the population.
When me and Felicity drove from Massena to Albuquerque we drove farther than the distance between Paris and Moscow. And we drove slightly more than half way across the country. This may be part of why a lot of the people in the US seem to think of Europe as a single country.
Also it may be hard to get used to living in Paris. New Mexico is about a quarter of the size of France, and has about the same number of people as the city of Paris. If the internet is to be believed, Albuquerque has an areas of about 190mi^^2^^, and Paris has an area of about 40mi^^2^^. Albuquerque has about half a million people, Paris has a bit over 2 million.
This is going to take a bit of getting used to. Just some random thoughts as I get ready to move.
To allow post titles to have ' in the title, it is temporarily replaced with APOSTROPHEPLACEHOLDER because for some reason the normal options of %27 and " didn't work. I am not proud of this. But I do find it rather funny.
I don't know if anyone will actually understand what is going on in this picture. It isn't particularly clear.
[img [The view from my telescope - Image]]
Tea and cake. This must be some conspiracy by the British.
Click on the image and go read Girl Genius.
<a href="http://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20150422#.VTfHY_DQgmE">
[img width=700 tooltip="""Tea and Cake!""" [http://www.girlgeniusonline.com/ggmain/strips/ggmain20150422.jpg]]
Seriously, what's up with that?
[img [There is not supposed to be snow in albuquerque - Image]]
I can see the messages Felicity sends me. It doesn't look like she can see mine. Tragic.
Look, a puppy:
[img [http://wp.production.patheos.com/blogs/wwjtd/files/2015/03/trust.gif]]
<<textSlider "Lots of news stuff" """
Recently in oblivious American politics, [[a state senator says that mandatory church attendance on Sundays would make any sort of gun laws unnecessary|http://freethoughtblogs.com/dispatches/2015/03/27/arizona-senator-suggests-mandatory-church-attendance/]]. She claims 'any church of your choosing', so I guess that only religions that have regular worship services on Sundays actually count, because apparently freedom of religion really only means freedom to pick between different Christian sects. Or something. Yay theocracy?
In related news, Indiana has decided that discrimination is ok, as long as you are doing it because religion. [[Many people don't like this|http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-32094331]]. [[Arkansas doesn't want to fall behind in bigotry|http://www.arktimes.com/ArkansasBlog/archives/2015/03/27/religious-freedom-bill-passes-senate]].
The good news is that GenCon is probably going to leave Indiana, Yelp has decided that it will pull out of Indiana as much as possible, the city of San Fransisco has banned any non-critical business travel to Indiana for city employes (I doubt that city employees from San Fransisco go to Indiana on official business much). And [[George Takei is calling for a boycott of Indiana|https://twitter.com/GeorgeTakei/status/581141254026608640]]. Remember kids, [[it's ok to be Takei!|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRkIWB3HIEs]].
A representative of Sweden had planned to say some rather bland things about human rights when Saudi Arabia threw a temper tantrum and decided that saying 'women are people too' was meddling in internal affairs and that [['[t]he Kingdom is proud of its Islamic laws, which protects human rights, dignity and private property'|http://www.arabnews.com/saudi-arabia/news/721226]], so it must be true. Also, [[Shariah has guaranteed human rights and preserved people’s lives, possessions, honor and dignity|http://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/middle-east/2015/03/18/Arab-foreign-minister-denounce-Swedish-FM-s-statements-against-Saudi-Arabia.html]], as long as you are not gay, a woman, a cartoonist, a blogger or an apostate. I guess they don't count as humans?
Anyway, now Saudi Arabia has cut off most diplomatic ties with Sweden and is trying to put pressure on the rest of the world to make them apologize or something. [[Here is the speech that offended Saudi Arabia so much|http://www.regeringen.se/sb/d/19230/a/255437]]. It wasn't actually given, Saudi Arabia wouldn't let that happen. So all of this is because of a speech that wasn't given and that doesn't mention Saudi Arabia.
From what I have heard this is the part that led to complaints:
Human rights are a priority in Swedish foreign policy. Freedom of association, assembly, religion and expression are not only fundamental rights and important tools in the creation of vibrant societies. They are indispensable in the fight against extremism and radicalisation. So is a vibrant civil society.
Yesterday was International Women's Day. This is a day to celebrate women's achievements, recognise challenges, and focus attention on women's rights, women's representation and their adequate resources. Our experience is that women's rights do not only benefit women, but society as a whole.
More than 20 years ago, in 1994, the International Conference on Population and Development met here in Cairo to discuss various issues, including education of women and protection of women from all forms of violence, including female genital mutilation and sexual harassment. Many of these issues are still very much in play today and I urge you to contribute to upholding the agreements made here in Cairo 20 years ago.
And so far the rest of Europe and North America hasn't said anything.
In nicer news, [[a city thought to be used as a headquarters for Boko Haram was retaken in Nigeria|http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-32087211]]. Hopefully things will go well in that fight.
And back to the 'what the fuck USA' news, [[the US has given a permit to someone allowing him to import a black rhino if he kills one|http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-32089948]]. The hunter is, of course, from Texas.
As I have said before, [[Google isn't really living up to its 'do no evil' motto|http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-32083188]]. It tried, and failed, to get out of any consequences for illegally circumventing browser preferences for the purposes of advertising.
Some [[other countries are actually persecuting people involved in torture|http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-32051711]], unlike the [[US harboring|http://www.nytimes.com/2014/12/11/us/politics/americans-involved-in-torture-can-be-prosecuted-abroad-analysts-say.html]] [[war criminals|http://ccrjustice.org/case-against-rumsfeld]].
Oh, and [[ebola is still a problem|http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-32083363]], there has just been almost no reporting on it in the US, the Catholic church is [[being the Catholic church|http://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-32004240]] and [[Antarctic ice is still melting|http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-31965454]].
On a slightly nicer note, [[social change through comics in India|http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-30288173]].
One of these days I will probably rant about the perception of comics as all being represented by mid-90s wildcats or 1980s x-men.
I am trying to actually get some work done on the various electronics projects I have, and I can't get the teensy-lc to work. The arduino ide keeps saying that I need to press the button to turn on the boot loader, but pressing the button hasn't worked. Everything else on the computer claims that it is set up with the bootloader. I am annoyed. I guess back to audio stuff. Eventually I will get this working again. I should find some people to work with here in Paris. There should be hacker spaces around somewhere, hopefully with people who speak English. My French isn't anywhere near good enough to talk about electronics.
Indiegogo for a show by Alan Tudyk and Nathan Fillion, you don't need more http://igg.me/at/conman/x
A Siberian Husky wearing earmuffs. What else can I say? http://vk.com/id153817456?z=photo153817456_355403108%2Falbum153817456_00%2Frev
Did this get posted to Facebook?
I was told, in an academic context and with a straight face, that I should treat someone approaching me to collaborate on research as a threat to national security. This is the most depressing thing that happened to me in a long time. What happened to an open exchange of ideas? Wasn't that what I was supposed to be getting by doing academic research?
Unfortunately I imagine that other countries aren't any better.
Now I need to get back to my dissertation so I can leave academia and contribute to the horrible state of higher education in this country.
Eventually people will actually see our engagement photos. Me and Felicity are in the background.
<$image width=100% source='./images/IMG_1410.jpg'/>
Gratulations. Romance and Paris my memory went back 50 years.....oh. sweet memory...and also an old favorit of mine <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjhU-1menXQ." target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjhU-1menXQ.</a> <br><br>May you be very happy!<br>Birthe
Oh my yes, [[this|http://freethoughtblogs.com/pharyngula/2015/03/06/i-did-not-know-this-was-a-thing/]]. Felicity may kill me.
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
<h1>Tiddler Gallery Settings</h1>
Gallery Tag: <$select tiddler='Tiddler Gallery Settings' field='gallery_tag'>
<$list filter='[!is[system]tags[]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
Gallery Sort: <$select tiddler='Tiddler Gallery Settings' field='gallery_sort'>
<option value=title>Title</option>
<option value=modified>Modified</option>
| Set Tiddler Width | What looks good |h
|<$radio tiddler='$:/settings/apperance/TiddlerWidthSettings' field='width_option' value='seventh'> Full Width</$radio>| |
|<$radio tiddler='$:/settings/apperance/TiddlerWidthSettings' field='width_option' value='sixth'> 1500px</$radio>| Looks good on a 24" monitor |
|<$radio tiddler='$:/settings/apperance/TiddlerWidthSettings' field='width_option' value='fifth'> 1200px</$radio>| |
|<$radio tiddler='$:/settings/apperance/TiddlerWidthSettings' field='width_option' value='fourth'> 1000px</$radio>| Looks good on a 17" monitor |
|<$radio tiddler='$:/settings/apperance/TiddlerWidthSettings' field='width_option' value='third'> 900px</$radio>| Looks good on a 10" tablet |
|<$radio tiddler='$:/settings/apperance/TiddlerWidthSettings' field='width_option' value='second'> 770px</$radio>| tiddlywiki.com default |
|<$radio tiddler='$:/settings/apperance/TiddlerWidthSettings' field='width_option' value='first'> 700px</$radio>| |
Between initializing variables and namespaces C++ is going to kill me.
As a note for the future, starting a for loop with 'for (unsigned int a; a < LENGTH; a++)' isn't helpful.
Also, 'using namespace arma' has to come BEFORE function prototypes that use Armadillo data types.
I rant about matlab a lot so I will keep this brief. Code to do the same thing in matlab and in c++ using armadillo results in about 200 lines of code in matlab and about 40 in c++, it takes about 2 minutes to run in matlab and runs in about 0.005 seconds in c++. WHY DO PEOPLE INSIST ON USING MATLAB????? It isn't significantly easier, costs way too much and runs slow enough that even with the time to learn how to code you can do everything faster because of the performance boost. I don't think that this is an argument I will ever win. This bothers me. Stupid vendor lock.
The APOSTROPHIEPLACEHOLDER is because I couldn't get the php/javascript/wikitext combination to work using any of the other escape sequences. I am not proud of this.
Hello how is this implemented?
I have some rather poorly written instructions [[here|Adding comments sections to tiddlers on a tiddlywiki using hashover]]. You need to be able to access the server your wiki is hosted on and the server needs to support at least php version 5.3.3
I tried to get work done today, but after not noticing the time between around 9am and 1pm I realized that I was having a migraine. Then I spent the rest of the day laying down with Javert trying to lay on top of me. I suppose I am happy that it wasn't accompanied by the normal horrible pain and a loss of motor skills, but I am a bit concerned that I didn't notice what was going on for so long. This is the first migraine I have had in months.
I was hoping to be productive today. I need to get this presentation finished.
Isometric hack and slash in the spirit of Diablo. The female characters actually get pants!
Sequel to torchlight. A larger world, different classes. You can have a headcrab or a panda as pets. Or a badger.
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
This is me testing to see if I can make this work, so if you can comment here it works.
Edit: Only sort of, I may not be able to make separate comment threads for different posts. I am looking into it.
<div id="disqus_thread"></div>
<noscript>Please enable JavaScript to view the <a href="https://disqus.com/?ref_noscript" rel="nofollow">comments powered by Disqus.</a></noscript>
Currently this is a placeholder. I have started way too many projects and getting around to this may take a while. I am going to be filling out the tutorials as I complete each thing on my own. I am mainly doing this so I have instructions on how to do it again later.
''All of this is done on the Raspberry Pi 2'' - GitLab may not work on the old raspberry pi but syncthing and node shouldn't have any trouble. Someone should try GitLab on one of the older ones and let me know.
I will try to add screen shots to each of these. They shouldn't be needed but things tend to be a bit nicer when there are images.
If you use any of this please let me know, there are [[many|Who is this inmysocks guy?]] [[options|Comments]] for how to do this. Any comments, requests, suggestions or secret recipes for your grandmothers famous coleslaw are welcome. Also let me know if you have trouble with any of the parts so I can fix it.
If you are going to do any of these things that lets you connect to your pi from outside your local network make sure to change the password to something other than the default `raspberry`, otherwise anyone on the internet will be able to ssh into your pi and do whatever they want with it. ''THIS IS IMPORTANT.''
!List of stuff
This is a list of the things I have done, or things I am planning on doing, and written instructions that other people may find useful.
*For most ~TiddlyWiki related stuff, go to my [[other site|http://inmysocks.tiddlywiki.com]].
*[[Adding comments sections to tiddlers on a tiddlywiki using hashover]] (I am hoping to have a version of this for hosting on a raspberry pi soon, this is how there are comments on the blog part of this site.)
*Raspberry Pi
**[[Getting and setting up a Raspberry Pi]] (since everything is on a pi, this is required before you do the others. It is missing how to set up a wireless connection from the command line)
**[[Logging into your Raspberry Pi via SSH]] (this is required to do the rest on a headless raspberry pi, incomplete, only linux commands, I have no idea how to do this in windows or on a mac)
***[[Some helpful commands]] (Useful commands for controlling your raspberry pi via ssh)
**[[How to change the default password of your Raspberry Pi]] (THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT IF YOU DO ANY OF THE STUFF BELOW)
**[[Setting up dynamic DNS on your Raspberry Pi]] (required to be able to access your pi from outside your local network. Make sure you [[change your password|How to change the default password of your Raspberry Pi]] first if you left it as the default `raspberry`. Seriously, change your password.)
**[[Installing syncthing on a Raspberry Pi]] (only command line instructions and cheating because I point you to another site.)
**[[Installing GitLab on a Raspberry Pi]] (this is missing how to set up port forwarding)
**[[Setting up node on a Raspberry Pi for TiddlyWiki]]
*[[Setting up a redirect from a dreamhost domain to a dynamic dns thing]] (very simple, nothing at all profound, probably the laziest way to do it.)
planned or incomplete tutorials:
*Finding the ip address of your raspberry pi so you can connect to it
*Setting up port forwarding
*~~Setting up a Raspberry Pi as a mail server~~ - this isn't going to happen any time soon because my isp blocks port 25 so the simple options won't work.
*Using a Raspberry Pi as an XMPP (instant messaging) server
[[About Me|Who is this inmysocks guy?]] [[About this site]] [[Leave a comment|Comments]]
Do you find this helpful? Want to help me pay rent/eat so I can continue making stuff like this? You can [[donate here|Donate]].
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
\define thisTweetURL()
Tweet Text: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Twitter Post' field='tweet_text' class='tc-edit-texteditor' placeholder='Tweet text'/>
URL: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Twitter Post' field='tweet_url' class='tc-edit-texteditor' placeholder='Tweet url'/>
<$set name=TweetText value={{$:/temp/Twitter Post!!tweet_text}}>
<$set name=TweetURL value={{$:/temp/Twitter Post!!tweet_url}}>
<a href=<<thisTweetURL>>><<fa fa-twitter>> Tweet</a>
<<tabs "[tag[Twitter List]]" [[My Tweets]]>>
I could turn on a type of commenting using twitter. It wouldn't be hard to make a button that would make a tweet that indicates the post title you are talking about and lets you fill in the rest and post it to me on twitter. But between the post title and pointing it to me you may not get a lot of space for the comments.
The new tweet buttons sort of work, but they have very long urls so not much else can be said. Also, if you click on a post title it will open that post in its own tiddler and have a tweet button. It will also update the url in your browser to be a permalink to that post.
And it isn't a great solution either way. But I am working on it. I think that twitter and facebook play together so I may be able to use posting to twitter as a way to post to facebook. We shall see.
Oh, and people seem to like the calendar plugin. They want me to work on it more. It does what I want it to do so unless someone is going to give me some sort of encouragement it may be a while before I feel like playing with it again.
\define PartialTwitterLink()
<a class="twitter-share-button"
data-url=<<twitterify-permalink "$(ThisTitle)$">>>
\define TwitterShareTiddlerButton()
<$set name=ThisTitle value=<<currentTiddler>>>
<a class="twitter-timeline" href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%40maybejed" data-widget-id="574630789364609025">Tweets about @maybejed</a>
I made one that just moves the location of the words:
<<imageSlider [[./images/RockSisyphusTattooIdea2.jpg]] "Biggest rock is best rock, with moved words">>
and one with the apple instead of a rock:
<<imageSlider [[./images/RockSisyphusTattooIdea3.jpg]] "The apple could use some work">>
So, that is where things are at the moment.
Older game. Many people say this is the best in the series, but I like Ultima VI better.
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
function InitPxVideo(options) {
"use strict";
// Utilities for caption time codes
function video_timecode_min(tc) {
var tcpair = [];
tcpair = tc.split(' --> ');
return videosub_tcsecs(tcpair[0]);
function video_timecode_max(tc) {
var tcpair = [];
tcpair = tc.split(' --> ');
return videosub_tcsecs(tcpair[1]);
function videosub_tcsecs(tc) {
if (tc === null || tc === undefined) {
return 0;
else {
var tc1 = [],
tc2 = [],
tc1 = tc.split(',');
tc2 = tc1[0].split(':');
seconds = Math.floor(tc2[0]*60*60) + Math.floor(tc2[1]*60) + Math.floor(tc2[2]);
return seconds;
// For "manual" captions, adjust caption position when play time changed (via rewind, clicking progress bar, etc.)
function adjustManualCaptions(obj) {
obj.subcount = 0;
while (video_timecode_max(obj.captions[obj.subcount][0]) < obj.movie.currentTime.toFixed(1)) {
if (obj.subcount > obj.captions.length-1) {
obj.subcount = obj.captions.length-1;
// Display captions container and button (for initialization)
function showCaptionContainerAndButton(obj) {
obj.captionsBtnContainer.className = "px-video-captions-btn-container show";
if (obj.isCaptionDefault) {
obj.captionsContainer.className = "px-video-captions show";
obj.captionsBtn.setAttribute("checked", "checked");
// Unfortunately, due to scattered support, browser sniffing is required
function browserSniff() {
var nVer = navigator.appVersion,
nAgt = navigator.userAgent,
browserName = navigator.appName,
fullVersion = ''+parseFloat(navigator.appVersion),
majorVersion = parseInt(navigator.appVersion,10),
// MSIE 11
if ((navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Windows NT") !== -1) && (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("rv:11") !== -1)) {
browserName = "IE";
fullVersion = "11;";
else if ((verOffset=nAgt.indexOf("MSIE")) !== -1) {
browserName = "IE";
fullVersion = nAgt.substring(verOffset+5);
// Chrome
else if ((verOffset=nAgt.indexOf("Chrome")) !== -1) {
browserName = "Chrome";
fullVersion = nAgt.substring(verOffset+7);
// Safari
else if ((verOffset=nAgt.indexOf("Safari")) !== -1) {
browserName = "Safari";
fullVersion = nAgt.substring(verOffset+7);
if ((verOffset=nAgt.indexOf("Version")) !== -1) {
fullVersion = nAgt.substring(verOffset+8);
// Firefox
else if ((verOffset=nAgt.indexOf("Firefox")) !== -1) {
browserName = "Firefox";
fullVersion = nAgt.substring(verOffset+8);
// In most other browsers, "name/version" is at the end of userAgent
else if ( (nameOffset=nAgt.lastIndexOf(' ')+1) < (verOffset=nAgt.lastIndexOf('/')) ) {
browserName = nAgt.substring(nameOffset,verOffset);
fullVersion = nAgt.substring(verOffset+1);
if (browserName.toLowerCase()==browserName.toUpperCase()) {
browserName = navigator.appName;
// Trim the fullVersion string at semicolon/space if present
if ((ix=fullVersion.indexOf(";")) !== -1) {
if ((ix=fullVersion.indexOf(" ")) !== -1) {
// Get major version
majorVersion = parseInt(''+fullVersion,10);
if (isNaN(majorVersion)) {
fullVersion = ''+parseFloat(navigator.appVersion);
majorVersion = parseInt(navigator.appVersion,10);
// Return data
return [browserName, majorVersion];
// launch fullscreen
function launchFullScreen(elem) {
if (!elem.fullscreenElement && // alternative standard method
!elem.mozFullScreenElement && !elem.webkitFullscreenElement && !elem.msFullscreenElement ) { // current working methods
var requestFullScreen = elem.requestFullscreen || elem.msRequestFullscreen || elem.mozRequestFullScreen || elem.webkitRequestFullscreen;
// change styles of fullscreen accordingly
function fullScreenStyles() {
if (document.fullscreen || document.mozFullScreen || document.webkitIsFullScreen || document.msFullscreenElement) {
obj.fullScreenBtn.checked = true;
//must apply other styles in container
obj.container.setAttribute("style", "width: 100%; height: 100%;");
obj.controls.className = "px-video-controls js-fullscreen-controls";
obj.captionsContainer.className = "px-video-captions js-fullscreen-captions";
obj.movie.setAttribute('width', '100%');
obj.movie.setAttribute('height', '100%');
} else {
obj.fullScreenBtn.checked = false;
// revert back to default styles
// obj.container.setAttribute("style", "width:" + obj.movieWidth + "px");
obj.controls.className = "px-video-controls";
obj.captionsContainer.className = "px-video-captions";
obj.movie.setAttribute('width', obj.movieWidth);
obj.movie.setAttribute('height', obj.movieHeight);
// exit fullscreen
function exitFullScreen() {
// get appropriate vendor prefix and then call it with respect to the document
var exitFullScreen = document.exitFullscreen || document.msExitFullscreen || document.mozCancelFullScreen || document.webkitExitFullscreen;
// Global variable
var obj = {};
obj.arBrowserInfo = browserSniff();
obj.browserName = obj.arBrowserInfo[0];
obj.browserMajorVersion = obj.arBrowserInfo[1];
// If IE8, stop customization (use fallback)
// If IE9, stop customization (use native controls)
if (obj.browserName === "IE" && (obj.browserMajorVersion === 8 || obj.browserMajorVersion === 9) ) {
return false;
// If smartphone or tablet, stop customization as video (and captions in latest devices) are handled natively
obj.isSmartphoneOrTablet = /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
if (obj.isSmartphoneOrTablet) {
return false;
// Set debug mode
if (typeof(options.debug)==='undefined') {
options.debug = false;
obj.debug = options.debug;
// Output browser info to log if debug on
if (options.debug) {
console.log(obj.browserName + " " + obj.browserMajorVersion);
// Set up aria-label for Play button with the videoTitle option
if ((typeof(options.videoTitle)==='undefined') || (options.videoTitle==="")) {
obj.playAriaLabel = "Play";
else {
obj.playAriaLabel = "Play video, " + options.videoTitle;
// Get the container, video element, and controls container
obj.container = document.getElementById(options.videoId);
obj.movie = obj.container.getElementsByTagName('video')[0];
obj.controls = obj.container.getElementsByClassName('px-video-controls')[0];
// Remove native video controls
// Generate random number for ID/FOR attribute values for controls
obj.randomNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * (10000));
// Insert custom video controls
if (options.debug) {
console.log("Inserting custom video controls");
obj.controls.innerHTML = '<div class="progress-bar">' +
'<progress class="px-video-progress" max="100" value="0"><span>0</span>% played</progress>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="controls">' +
'<div class="px-video-time">' +
'<span class="sr-only">time</span> <span class="px-video-duration">00:00</span>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="px-video-playback-buttons">' +
'<button class="px-video-restart"><span class="sr-only">Restart</span></button>' +
'<button class="px-video-rewind"><span class="sr-only">rewind <span class="px-seconds">10</span> seconds</span></button>' +
'<button class="px-video-play" aria-label="'+obj.playAriaLabel+'"><span class="sr-only">Play</span></button>' +
'<button class="px-video-pause hide"><span class="sr-only">Pause</span></button>' +
'<button class="px-video-forward"><span class="sr-only">forward <span class="px-seconds">10</span> seconds</span></button>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="px-video-volume-controls">' +
'<div class="px-video-mute-btn-container">' +
'<input class="px-video-mute sr-only" id="btnMute'+obj.randomNum+'" type="checkbox" />' +
'<label id="labelMute'+obj.randomNum+'" for="btnMute'+obj.randomNum+'"><span class="sr-only">Mute</span></label>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="px-video-volume-slider">' +
'<label for="volume'+obj.randomNum+'" class="sr-only">Volume:</label><input id="volume'+obj.randomNum+'" class="px-video-volume" type="range" min="0" max="10" value="5" />' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="px-video-captions-btn-container hide">' +
'<input class="px-video-btnCaptions sr-only" id="btnCaptions'+obj.randomNum+'" type="checkbox" />' +
'<label for="btnCaptions'+obj.randomNum+'"><span class="sr-only">Captions</span></label>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="px-video-fullscreen-btn-container show">' +
'<input class="px-video-btnFullScreen sr-only" id="btnFullscreen'+obj.randomNum+'" type="checkbox" />' +
'<label for="btnFullscreen'+obj.randomNum+'"><span class="sr-only">Fullscreen</span></label>' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
// Adjust layout per width of video - container
obj.movieWidth = obj.movie.width;
if (obj.movieWidth < 360) {
obj.movieWidth = 360;
// obj.container.setAttribute("style", "width:" + obj.movieWidth + "px");
// Adjust layout per width of video - controls/mute offset
obj.labelMute = document.getElementById("labelMute" + obj.randomNum);
obj.labelMuteOffset = obj.movieWidth - 390;
if (obj.browserName==="Firefox") { // adjust for Firefox rendering
obj.labelMuteOffset = obj.labelMuteOffset - 10;
if (obj.labelMuteOffset < 0) {
obj.labelMuteOffset = 0;
obj.labelMute.setAttribute("style", "margin-left:" + obj.labelMuteOffset + "px");
// Get URL of caption file if exists
var captionSrc = "",
children = obj.movie.childNodes;
for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
if (children[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'track') {
kind = children[i].getAttribute('kind');
if (kind === 'captions') {
captionSrc = children[i].getAttribute('src');
// Record if caption file exists or not
obj.captionExists = true;
if (captionSrc === "") {
obj.captionExists = false;
if (options.debug) {
console.log("No caption track found.");
else {
if (options.debug) {
console.log("Caption track found; URI: " + captionSrc);
// Set captions on/off - on by default
if (typeof(options.captionsOnDefault) === 'undefined') {
options.captionsOnDefault = true;
obj.isCaptionDefault = options.captionsOnDefault;
// Number of seconds for rewind and forward buttons
if (typeof(options.seekInterval) === 'undefined') {
options.seekInterval = 10;
obj.seekInterval = options.seekInterval;
// Get the elements for the controls
obj.btnPlay = obj.container.getElementsByClassName('px-video-play')[0];
obj.btnPause = obj.container.getElementsByClassName('px-video-pause')[0];
obj.btnRestart = obj.container.getElementsByClassName('px-video-restart')[0];
obj.btnRewind = obj.container.getElementsByClassName('px-video-rewind')[0];
obj.btnForward = obj.container.getElementsByClassName('px-video-forward')[0];
obj.btnVolume = obj.container.getElementsByClassName('px-video-volume')[0];
obj.btnMute = obj.container.getElementsByClassName('px-video-mute')[0];
obj.progressBar = obj.container.getElementsByClassName('px-video-progress')[0];
obj.progressBarSpan = obj.progressBar.getElementsByTagName('span')[0];
obj.captionsContainer = obj.container.getElementsByClassName('px-video-captions')[0];
obj.captionsBtn = obj.container.getElementsByClassName('px-video-btnCaptions')[0];
obj.captionsBtnContainer = obj.container.getElementsByClassName('px-video-captions-btn-container')[0];
obj.duration = obj.container.getElementsByClassName('px-video-duration')[0];
obj.txtSeconds = obj.container.getElementsByClassName('px-seconds');
obj.fullScreenBtn = obj.container.getElementsByClassName('px-video-btnFullScreen')[0];
obj.fullScreenBtnContainer = obj.container.getElementsByClassName('px-video-fullscreen-btn-container')[0];
// Update number of seconds in rewind and fast forward buttons
obj.txtSeconds[0].innerHTML = obj.seekInterval;
obj.txtSeconds[1].innerHTML = obj.seekInterval;
// Determine if HTML5 textTracks is supported (for captions)
obj.isTextTracks = false;
if (obj.movie.textTracks) {
obj.isTextTracks = true;
// Play
obj.btnPlay.addEventListener('click', function() {
obj.btnPlay.className = "px-video-play hide";
obj.btnPause.className = "px-video-pause px-video-show-inline";
}, false);
// Pause
obj.btnPause.addEventListener('click', function() {
obj.btnPlay.className = "px-video-play px-video-show-inline";
obj.btnPause.className = "px-video-pause hide";
}, false);
// Restart
obj.btnRestart.addEventListener('click', function() {
// Move to beginning
obj.movie.currentTime = 0;
// Special handling for "manual" captions
if (!obj.isTextTracks) {
obj.subcount = 0;
// Play and ensure the play button is in correct state
obj.btnPlay.className = "px-video-play hide";
obj.btnPause.className = "px-video-pause px-video-show-inline";
}, false);
// Rewind
obj.btnRewind.addEventListener('click', function() {
var targetTime = obj.movie.currentTime - obj.seekInterval;
if (targetTime < 0) {
obj.movie.currentTime = 0;
else {
obj.movie.currentTime = targetTime;
// Special handling for "manual" captions
if (!obj.isTextTracks) {
}, false);
// Fast forward
obj.btnForward.addEventListener('click', function() {
var targetTime = obj.movie.currentTime + obj.seekInterval;
if (targetTime > obj.movie.duration) {
obj.movie.currentTime = obj.movie.duration;
else {
obj.movie.currentTime = targetTime;
// Special handling for "manual" captions
if (!obj.isTextTracks) {
}, false);
// Get the HTML5 range input element and append audio volume adjustment on change
obj.btnVolume.addEventListener('change', function() {
obj.movie.volume = parseFloat(this.value / 10);
}, false);
// Mute
obj.btnMute.addEventListener('click', function() {
if (obj.movie.muted === true) {
obj.movie.muted = false;
else {
obj.movie.muted = true;
}, false);
obj.btnMute.onkeypress = function(e) {
if(e.keyCode == 13){ // enter key
if (this.checked == true) {
this.checked = false;
else {
this.checked = true;
if (obj.movie.muted === true) {
obj.movie.muted = false;
else {
obj.movie.muted = true;
// Duration
obj.movie.addEventListener("timeupdate", function() {
obj.secs = parseInt(obj.movie.currentTime % 60);
obj.mins = parseInt((obj.movie.currentTime / 60) % 60);
// Ensure it's two digits. For example, 03 rather than 3.
obj.secs = ("0" + obj.secs).slice(-2);
obj.mins = ("0" + obj.mins).slice(-2);
// Render
obj.duration.innerHTML = obj.mins + ':' + obj.secs;
}, false);
// Progress bar
obj.movie.addEventListener('timeupdate', function() {
obj.percent = (100 / obj.movie.duration) * obj.movie.currentTime;
if (obj.percent > 0) {
obj.progressBar.value = obj.percent;
obj.progressBarSpan.innerHTML = obj.percent;
}, false);
// Skip when clicking progress bar
obj.progressBar.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
obj.pos = (e.pageX - this.offsetLeft) / this.offsetWidth;
obj.movie.currentTime = obj.pos * obj.movie.duration;
// Special handling for "manual" captions
if (!obj.isTextTracks) {
// Toggle display of fullscreen button
obj.fullScreenBtn.addEventListener('click', function() {
if (this.checked) {
} else {
}, false);
obj.fullScreenBtn.onkeypress = function(e) {
if (e.keyCode == 13){ // enter key
if (this.checked == true) {
this.checked = false;
else {
this.checked = true;
// Clear captions at end of video
obj.movie.addEventListener('ended', function() {
obj.captionsContainer.innerHTML = "";
// ***
// Captions
// ***
// Toggle display of captions via captions button
obj.captionsBtn.addEventListener('click', function() {
if (this.checked) {
obj.captionsContainer.className = "px-video-captions show";
} else {
obj.captionsContainer.className = "px-video-captions hide";
// if fullscreen add fullscreen class
if (document.fullscreen || document.mozFullScreen || document.webkitIsFullScreen || document.msFullscreenElement) {
var currClass = obj.captionsContainer.className;
obj.captionsContainer.className = currClass + ' js-fullscreen-captions';
}, false);
obj.captionsBtn.onkeypress = function(e) {
if (e.keyCode == 13){ // enter key
if (this.checked == true) {
this.checked = false;
else {
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Me and Javert have gone on much longer walks than normal the past few days. Walking for about an hour instead of just dashing around the block the way she does when it is cold. There are a few dogs around here that walk around without leashes, I keep telling Javert that if she is good we will be able to do that some day. I don't think she believes me. I may not believe me.
Seriously, they are dangerous.
<a href="http://my-ear-trumpet.tumblr.com/post/115559226170/just-a-friendly-reminder-to-lock-your-doors">
[img width=500px tooltip="""Violent Bunnies""" [http://36.media.tumblr.com/cbd9994537040e33aca27ed933d93720/tumblr_nmbvk30pXj1qzelz9o1_500.jpg]]
</a> <br>
(click the images for more)
More pretty pictures!
<a href="http://www.itsokaytobesmart.com/post/115679833882/nevver-magnetic-north-tiina-tormanen-fun-fact">
[img width=500px tooltip="""Spaaaaaaaaaace!!""" [http://40.media.tumblr.com/49e87dc30d9efe60c212a3e8ca2b156a/tumblr_nme8q9TaKS1qz6f9yo3_1280.jpg]]
<a href="http://www.slate.com/blogs/bad_astronomy/2015/04/08/undulatus_asperatus_rare_wave_cloud_formation_over_south_carolina.html">
[img width=500px tooltip="""Clouds!""" [http://www.slate.com/content/dam/slate/blogs/bad_astronomy/2015/04/07/mcelveen_asperatus_2.jpg.CROP.original-original.jpg]]
If [[this map|http://colchrishadfield.tumblr.com/post/115678976233/day-month-year-makes-the-most-sense-to-me]] is accurate the US is the only place in the world that exclusively uses MDY format for dates. I am almost 30 and have lived here my entire life and I often forget and put the date is DMY format, because that is what actually makes sense.
Go read this comic.<br>
<a href="http://dresdencodak.tumblr.com/post/115827311071/interested-in-my-work-but-dont-know-where-to">
[img width=500px tooltip="""Seriously, it is amazing.""" [http://40.media.tumblr.com/a364f3823baaa53f7ec4b8d81395e608/tumblr_nmh1ismh9H1qcbajko1_500.png]]
And in todays horrific news from the US, [[police once again kill a man who wasn't a threat on camera and claim it was self defense|http://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/08/us/south-carolina-officer-is-charged-with-murder-in-black-mans-death.html]]. And the most shocking part of it is that the officer is actually being charged with murder. Have [[some rather dark humor about the situation|http://freethoughtblogs.com/pharyngula/2015/04/08/sound-advice/]].
After that bit of horribleness, have some baby Fennec Foxes.
<a href="http://www.zooborns.com/zooborns/2015/03/fennec-fox-kits-make-social-media-debut.html">
[img width=500px tooltip="""Click for more fox kits""" [http://www.zooborns.com/.a/6a010535647bf3970b01b7c76e7b40970b-800wi]]
I am not feeling well enough to go through the news from the rest of the world. There are plenty of horrible things in the US.
We are out of Javert's dog treats. She insists I am holding out on her and is watching me like hawk.
I am flying through the clouds right now. We live in the future.
I may have some contract work with a group doing privacy by design research for the EU. I am happy.
I got a raspberry pi 2 that I wanted to play with. I installed raspiban on it and used it a few times to see what it could do, I was planning on using it to do some realtime audio processing with Pure Data. But after spending way too long trying to get puredata installed on my desktop to do development in a nicer environment I finally gave up. Josh said that I was having almost comic amounts of difficulty getting it working on my computer. I had almost everything, but the most useful bits for what I wanted to do, namely the fir object, the generic filter object and the unit delay object, were all missing.
So I set up the raspberry pi to use my nice monitor and plugged it in. There was a rather large spark from the powerbrick I was using to power it. I immediately unplugged it and the power brick is fried now, and smells. The pi doesn't look burnt, but after testing another powerbrick on my phone when I plugged in the pi nothing happened, not even the power led turned on.
I had just gotten the raspberry pi a few days ago, this was the third time I was trying to use it.
I am not amused.
But what may be the best part is that when I put everything back on my desktop, my larger monitor (the one I had the pi plugged into) wouldn't display anything. At this point I wanted to burn down the house and start over. So instead I watched cartoons and startrek on my tablet. I finally got around to watching first contact. So that wasn't horrible.
This morning after unsuccessfully trying to get my monitor to work using the DVI input I tried using the VGA in and it worked. So the monitor isn't completely fried, just the DVI port. According to the internet this may not be hard to fix, but it will require some surface mount soldering and a potentially hard to find fuse.
But since my video card only has DVI and HDMI out and my second monitor only has VGA in now I need to find a second DVI to VGA adapter so I can use my second monitor. That or get a new monitor.
As much as I would like a new monitor I don't think that I can really justify getting one considering the other toys I have bought recently, mainly the raspberry pi, which may be broken. The universe may be angry at me. Luckly the pi uses a [[polyfuse|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resettable_fuse]], so I am going to hope it worked and has reset by now so I can use it again. This time with my smaller monitor.
If I can't fix the fuse or whatever is broken on the monitor myself than I can get a replacement board for the part that is broken, but that would cost ~$40 and if it comes to that I will probably try to get a used monitor with a DVI or HDMI input that is better than my current second monitor. The monitor I can't use because I need an adapter. Did I mention that the universe seems angry at me?
In better news I have created something that lets you effectively run startup scripts in tiddlywiki and may go into the tiddlywiki core. Which would be cool.
That wasn't as hard as I expected. Now to make things I can post with.
And I didn't even die.
My entire committee commented on how great an idea it was for me to bring coffee and doughnuts for everyone. It may have distracted them from asking too many hard questions. This may have been part of my plan. Or I could have just wanted an excuse to have doughnuts. We may never know.
Now that that is done, it may be time to let the stress catch up to me and do nothing but sleep for the next few days. If no one hears from he I probably am just sleeping off the past few months.
I am still bothered that it took me so long, I should have done all of this two years ago. The next deadline is in 5 years. If I take 5 years to finish this now I should just give up. It should take about a year of actual work. Maybe less if I am lucky. Or more if people insist on making hardware implementations. We shall see.
I just sent in application materials for a position as a part time math lecturer for undergraduate math classes at the American University in Paris. I am qualified for the job, I hope that the application I sent in properly reflects this. And thanks everyone who helped me put together my application, no matter how small you may think your contribution was I doubt that I would have been able to put together a reasonable application without you.
Now that I have that sent off I really should put up my resume website. I was planning on doing that as soon as I had a place to host it and now I do. So I am going to do that now.
* Playing around making an SVG authoring tool ([[see a demo here|http://ooktech.com/jed/ExampleWikis/SnapSVG/]])
* Working on my resume/portfolio site, there should be a link to it soon.
* Some webdesign using Drupal and PHP for the American University in Paris
* Learning French
This site is a [[TiddlyWiki|http://tiddlywiki.com]], it is made up of things called tiddlers. Think of them as the atomic unit that a ~TiddlyWiki is made out of. Everything here from the menu across the top to the blog posts themselves are tiddlers.
I am Jed Carty, generally online I go by inmysocks. Except on twitter, some guy who never uses it took the name inmysocks before I got to it. This makes me slightly sad. I am sort of working on finishing up my ~PhD in electrical engineering. I do a lot of work in cognitive radio and wireless communications systems in general. I used to live in Albuquerque, New Mexico (located in the southwestern United States), but I currently live in Paris, France. I am in the process of starting my company OokTech.
I design and create small scale consumer electronics and communications devices, but recently I have been doing small jobs as a web designer using PHP and Drupal.
The things I want to do seem to change from day to day, the only consistent part has been a desire to create a free and open distributed internet.
I spend way too much time playing with my various toys including embedded micro controllers and [[TiddlyWiki|http://tiddlywiki.com]].
I also [[draw and stuff|My Gallery - Drawing and Photography]], nothing too amazing but I like doing it.
I made all the electronics used in this video ([[youtube link|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9cBpSRT500]]). Sorry I don't think it is anywhere accessible other than on youtube.
You can contact me through any of the options listed below, I have a [[linkedin profile|https://www.linkedin.com/pub/jedediah-carty/53/293/7a8]], but as much as I don't like the silo social media sites, I don't like linkedin more so I almost never use it. I am working on a resume/portfolio site but that isn't ready yet.
I can't find a creative commons French-English dictionary. Am I just looking in the wrong place?
As always, this is kind of jumbled and not particularly coherent.
I am not really sure what would be the best place to start with this one. So I am going to pick nuclear weapons.
A bit over a year ago I was all but offered a job at a national lab. The lab in question did lots of different things, including the theory aspects of advanced wireless communication systems, which is my field. Unfortunately the job wasn't with that part of the lab, the job was engineering support for inductive heating (the lab contacted me, I didn't apply for this job). With the sort of thing they wanted me to work with you can get very high quality metal casts, which is important when you are making detonation systems for nuclear weapons. Which is what I would have been doing if I had taken the job.
This job would have put me directly in the manufacturing chain for nuclear weapons. They didn't tell me much during the interview because it is all classified, but there are some things that are easy enough to figure out from context. They didn't tell me what the job was about before the interview, otherwise I probably wouldn't have shown up. I will get back to that probably part in a minute.
This job would have come with a lot of benefits. It would pay between 3x and 4x minimum wage for the internship, and as long as I didn't completely fuck up I was told that I would have an all but guaranteed job at the lab after I graduated. And that after my work on this project I would have an easy time switching to one of the other groups, like the non-terrestrial communications group. So I would have been paid, and paid well, to do the sort of research I wanted to do. It would just require me to work on nuclear weapons for a few months first.
The interview for this job came right after I had been turned down after interviewing for a few other jobs, all of which would have been with civilian telecom companies who don't do government contracts. I was (and still am) well qualified for all of the jobs I interviewed for, but they all turned me down. So the only job where people seemed to want me was in weapons manufacturing. And since then I have started looking into what government labs are researching in my field. It seems to all be things like active jamming systems and other military applications or things that could/would be used to prevent open communication between people. None of this is surprising, but it is relevant since almost all funding for academic research in the area comes from government contracts.
I work on cognitive radio, which is a wireless system that could, without user intervention, determine all of the ways it could connect to a network and pick the best one for whatever application the user wants. So if you wanted a voice connection to someone and you were somewhere where wifi and 3g connectivity were both available it could determine which would be best for your connection. In the future, if things go the way I want them to, we will have a distributed mesh network where the radio would determine what other radios were in range and negotiate with them to find which ones would be willing to act as a relay for your communication, which would be a significantly more complex task than just deciding wifi vs 3g. This is an incomplete description of what cognitive radio is, but no one has come up with a complete description yet and it will do for my purposes here.
The government is very interested in cognitive radio because using it you could develop a network that was robust against node failure, so no single node dropping out of the network would disrupt traffic, and if done well you could lose many nodes and still have a functioning network. The network would adapt to changing topologies as nodes move and none of this would require human intervention. This sort of thing makes people who want information superiority during combat situations start drooling. What they like even more is that each node in the network could find any enemy communications and actively work to disrupt them while avoiding similar disruptions to their own network. This could be applied to ground combat or satellite communications or disrupting a country's existing networks.
Like I said, the military types really want this sort of thing.
But that is only one way that the development could go. Another application is to use similar technology to create a decentralized internet (or internet-like network) where each node is treated equally and there are no central controlling locations. With no central locations any sort of large scale snooping becomes much harder. That is what I want to build, I have both the theory background and I am working on making some prototype hardware now. But this is exactly the sort of thing that would disrupt government surveillance of the sort that the US seems so very enamoured with at the moment. And from what I gather the UK is following suit.
As far as I can see I have 3 options, I can work for some private company to improve existing networks and just ignore all of this, I could work for the government on military applications and probably applications that would actively go against what I would like to create or I could just make the things myself.
The only one of those options that is acceptable to me is to just start making things.
So that is one aspect of why I don't want to finish my degree. Next there is the internet of things and its applications.
By itself the internet of things isn't a bad idea. Having everything you own connected so that you can make everything work together, things like having your oven start preheating before you get home when you are planning on baking something. Or smart grid applications that can automatically do load balancing over a large area to reduce energy costs for everyone. Or any number of health monitoring devices built into everything.
These things don't sound bad on the surface, and in principle they don't need to be a problem.
The problem comes in because the money in these applications comes from large centralized services.
So you get things like [[Nest|https://nest.com/]], which [[gives all your data to Google|http://blogs.wsj.com/digits/2014/06/24/nest-to-share-user-information-with-google-for-first-time/]].
This is being used so that instead of just knowing what you do online, Google gets to know what you are doing offline as well when you are in the supposed privacy of your home.
But somehow people only think this is a problem when a government does it, a corporation like Google getting all that information isn't considered a problem.
This offends me on a very personal level. I started kindergarten when I was 4 and ever since then I have wanted to do pretty much the same thing. What I want has certainly gotten more specific but I am one of what seems like a very small group who is doing what I wanted to do when I was a kid. But there are rather powerful groups working to make all of the things I want to make what I want to help create into a method of mass surveillance instead of using it to create a system that ensures privacy and unrestricted communication.
This is not an acceptable situation.
Most people I talk to about this don't have any objection to what is happening.
Either because they don't understand the implications or because most people truly don't care.
Or in some cases because they don't believe that what is happening is possible, despite it starting already.
But as I said in [[a previous post|Gutting net neutrality is the subversion of the democratic process]], this isn't just a technology issue, because the way people interact with the internet this is a matter of preserving basic democratic principles.
With the attitudes that I have encountered expecting any sort of response from the general public is at best wishful thinking.
The only solution I can see is to make a competing system that is good enough for people to want to use.
That is not a simple task, but it is possible.
I am in a position where I can try, so I am going to.
This does all fit into why I don't want to finish my degree, I promise. Almost anywhere that would hire me would either want me to work on military applications of what I studied or work on unrelated projects. The letters after my name may get people to listen to me a bit more, but I have gone through everything where I am supposed to learn, form this point out I would be doing my own research to show that I can survive the hazing instead of learning more.
Getting my degree pushes back when I can start doing what I want to do, and the places that would want me more because of the letters after my name are the places that I don't want to work with.
So screw that.
I have some reasons why listed [[here|http://inmysocks.tiddlyspot.com/#Why%20TiddlyWiki%3F]]. Surprisingly it wouldn't be classified as a rant.
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
These change the behavior or appearance of the other parts of the wiki.
<<tabs "[tag[Wiki Settings]]">>
This is just to test if I actually fixed the url problem.
'Keep him looking in that direction and I'll keep signalling for help.'
The artists would have had to study the visible indicators of human emotion to develop their skills. I don't think that they are all unintentional.
Today the US got around to taking another step toward the minimum for being a decent society. Yay us.
My writing is terrible. I should work on that.
I hope everyone who's upset helps fix our government. I suggest starting a local pirate party chapter.
I can type résumé correctly now. You needed to know this.
Mat testing to see if any error messages.
Just FYI: No error message from previous posting.<br>(I guess none for this either, when I click "Post Comment".)
Some version names for a library I am using: 'Ankle Biter Deluxe' and 'Intravenous Caffeine Injector'.
Corgis are objectively funny dogs.
I don't think I can interact with the world right now. At times like this I think that leaning to touch type was a very good idea because talking sure as hell isn't going to happen without lots of effort. I an continually surprised that my hands follow my thoughts.
I would very much like to be continue working on my dissertation. I am not sure if I can, I keep losing the thread of what I am doing after a few sentences. I don't think that this will result in readable stuff.
In other news the proposed FCC rules that will be voted on in a few weeks will classify all telecom as common carrier. This is kind of awesome in the way that it would prevent many of the ways that the service providers in the US try to fuck people over.
Perhaps if this goes through the telecom network in the US will actually improve a bit. Or at least not get worse since the providers will still not be allowed to act as gatekeepers for what information can be sent over the networks.
We will find out what the decision is in three weeks.
This paper was written by a guy working for Alcatel-Lucent in Murray Hill. I tried to get internships there. They never responded.
I don't think I took my medication this morning. I should go get the paper that the dude signed for me and then go home. I don't want to move, there is music here.
I may be a little scattered today.
<a href="http://www.smbc-comics.com/index.php?db=comics&id=3631">
<img src="http://www.smbc-comics.com/comics/20150204.png" width=100px/>
I added some stuff so now you can click on the <<fa fa-comment-o>> icon in the upper left next to the calendar button and it will open up some stuff so you can leave a comment. I isn't part of the wiki and isn't visible to anyone but me. So it isn't great, but I am seeing if it works. And if anyone uses it. And if anyone reads this stuff.
So an experiment all around.
Another drawing that probably doesn't actually explain what is going on.
[img [You can only see part of the story - Image]]
A zebra from the Albuquerque zoo.
[img [Zebra - Image]]
Zuko wearing his hood like a hat. Zuko was a friends red hawk.
[img [Zuko wearing his hat - Black and White - Image]]
A pencil drawing of my friends red hawk wearing his hood as a hat. Digitally colored using GIMP.
[img [Zuko wearing his hat - Color - Image]]
A lucky picture of Zuko as he lands.
[img [Zuko Wings - Image]]
These filter operators can be added to your wiki by importing the tiddler $:/plugins/inmysocks/extrafilters
Some notes:
I don't know how this will work with characters that aren't part of the english alphabet, including accented letters. Hopefully I will be able to add good support for them at some point.
If a tiddler doesn't have the field tested it will be treated as 0.
If a tiddler does have the field, but it isn't a numeric value and you are using the numeric operators (`greaterthan` and `lessthan`) the field won`t be considered greater than or less than any number, so it won`t be included in any outputs.
The alphanumeric versions (`angreaterthan` and `anlessthan`) use the same ordering as the `sort` operator, so it is case insensitive and 10 is considered less than 2 for the alphanumeric versions.
The tiddlers tagged with `tag` sorted in the same way as the alphanumeric operators use:
<$list filter='[tag[tag]sort[]]'>
Tiddler name: <$link><<currentTiddler>></$link> - Value in the `number` field: {{!!number}}<br>
!Purely numeric operators
!!!filter used: `[tag[tag]greaterthan[2]]`
Outputs tiddlers with numeric titles that are greater than 2:
<$list filter='[tag[tag]greaterthan[2]]'>
!!!filter used: `[tag[tag]!greaterthan[2]]`
Outputs tiddlers with numeric titles than are not greater than 2 (so <=2)
<$list filter='[tag[tag]!greaterthan[2]]'>
!!!filter used: `[tag[tag]greaterthan:number[2]]`
Outputs tiddlers that have a field called `number` that contains a numeric value greater than 2
<$list filter='[tag[tag]greaterthan:number[2]]'>
!!!filter used: `[tag[tag]lessthan[2]]`
Outputs tiddlers with numeric titles that are less than 2. Tiddlers always have titles so the empty field weirdness doesn't apply here.
<$list filter='[tag[tag]lessthan[2]]'>
!!!filter used: `[tag[tag]!lessthan[2]]`
Outputs tiddlers with numeric titles that are not less than 2 (so >=2)
<$list filter='[tag[tag]!lessthan[2]]'>
!!!filter used: `[tag[tag]lessthan:number[2]]`
Outputs tiddlers that have a field called `number` that contains a numeric value less than 2, AND tiddlers that don't have a field called `number`, or have an empty field called number.
<$list filter='[tag[tag]lessthan:number[2]]'>
!Alphanumeric operators
!!`angreaterthan` operator
!!!filter used: `[tag[tag]angreaterthan[a]]`
Outputs tiddlers with titles that start with letters after `a` in the alphabet.
<$list filter='[tag[tag]angreaterthan[a]]'>
!!!filter used `[tag[tag]angreaterthan[100]]`
Outputs tiddlers that would come after `100` when using the normal `sort` filter operator. So titles starting with the numbers 2 through 9 as well as any letter.
<$list filter='[tag[tag]angreaterthan[100]]'>
  This plugin adds the <$list filter='[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]'><span class='tc-btn-dropdown'>{{$:/core/images/star-filled}}</span></$list> <$list filter='[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]'>{{$:/language/Buttons/Choose/Caption}}</$list> button to the View Toolbar and also the <span class='tc-favorites'>{{$:/core/images/star-filled}}</span> tab to the Sidebar. The button becomes <$list filter='[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]'><span class='tc-favorites'>{{$:/core/images/star-filled}}</span></$list> <$list filter='[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]'>{{$:/language/Buttons/Favorites/Caption}}</$list> when selected and then the tiddler appears in the list on the <span class='tc-favorites'>{{$:/core/images/star-filled}}</span> tab. The list can be sorted using drag and drop. To drag an item, select it, then hold down the mouse or track-pad button while you drag it to a new location in the list. Release the button to drop the item into place. Unneeded favorites can be removed from the list by using the <$list filter='[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]'><span class='tc-favorites'>{{$:/core/images/star-filled}}</span></$list> <$list filter='[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]'>{{$:/language/Buttons/Favorites/Caption}}</$list> button in the tiddler.<br>  Simply drag $:/plugins/ajh/favorites to the top of your tiddlywiki display, save and reload. It includes the tiddlers below packed for easy use:<br>
; field configuration — output as attribute
: https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1461
; modified
: [[$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate]]
; example config
: [[$:/config/fields/summary]]
; demo styles
: `<style>.tc-field-summary .tc-title{color:pink;}</style>` <style>.tc-field-summary .tc-title{color:pink;}</style>
; problems
: @@color:red;the story no longer appears to scroll.@@
; not implemented
: field value checking
; #1448 field editing popups
: https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1448
; modified
: [[$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/fields]]
; try
: editing this tiddler and focusing the new field title input
; problems
: the popup closes as soon as it's opened
: when selected, a new field is immediately added rather than the value set to the input
<$tiddler tiddler=Idea><<summaries>></$tiddler>
Which of the current tags is itself tagged [[Developer]]?
`<<list-links filter:"[all[current]tags[]tag[Developer]]">>`
> <<list-links filter:"[all[current]tags[]tag[Developer]]">>
Which of the current tags has a field `url`?
`<<list-links filter:"[all[current]tags[]has[url]]">>`
> <<list-links filter:"[all[current]tags[]has[url]]">>
<$list filter="[all[current]tagging[]tagging[]sort[title]]" variable="item">
<$tiddler tiddler=<<item>>>
<h3><$link><$view field=title/></$link></h3>
<$list filter="[<item>tags[]] +[tag<currentTiddler>]">
<$link><$view field=title/></$link>
From <$link to=<<currentTidler>>><$view field=title/></$link>...
<div style="background:#f6f6f6;padding:10px">
; based on...
: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/1eVLcslhmLM/23qcvi8I2Z4J
; test: an example journal (click edit)
: [[7th January 2015]] {{7th January 2015||$:/core/ui/Buttons/edit}}
; field visibility and available values stored in `value` fields
: [[$:/config/EditTemplateFields/Visibility/exercise]]
: [[$:/config/EditTemplateFields/Visibility/meditation]]
; the code — a conditional edit template
: <<source "$:/.tb/ui/EditTemplate/drop-fields">>
The following implements a [[Conditional ViewTemplate Section|http://tb5.tiddlyspot.com/#Conditional%20ViewTemplate%20Section]]:
; [[$:/.tb/ui/ViewTemplate/filter]]
: for all tiddlers that have a field `filter`
: outputs that field value in a code block above the tiddler body
@@color:#999;//see below for the code//@@
Rendered via...
<pre><$view tiddler="$:/.tb/template/fields-core"/></pre>
<<list-links "[list[$:/StoryList!!list]]">>
Rendered via <<source "$:/.tb/template/fields-non-standard">>
Rendered via template <<source "$:/.tb/template/fields-custom-current">>
Depending on what you chose at the first select, the below example dynamcally retrieves the secondary options from the fields of the current tiddler. It uses the set widget to store the primary selection in a variable thus accessible to the get filter in the secondary select. A nested list then loops the options retrieved via the outer list filter.
<$select field='primary'>
<$list filter="1 2 3 4 5">
<$set name="primary" value={{!!primary}}>
<$select field='secondary'>
<$list filter="[all[current]get<primary>]">
<$list filter=<<currentTiddler>>>
''first:'' {{!!primary}}<br>
''second:'' {{!!secondary}}
<$select field='primary'>
<$list filter="1 2 3 4 5">
<$set name="primary" value={{!!primary}}>
<$select field='secondary'>
<$list filter="[all[current]get<primary>]">
<$list filter=<<currentTiddler>>>
''first:'' {{!!primary}}<br>
''second:'' {{!!secondary}}
The below example gets the secondary options from corresponding fields of the the system tiddler [[$:/.tb/dummy]].
<$select field='primary'>
<$list filter="1 2 3 4 5">
<$set name="primary" value={{!!primary}}>
<$select field='secondary'>
<$list filter="[[$:/.tb/dummy]get<primary>]">
<$list filter=<<currentTiddler>>>
''first:'' {{!!primary}}<br>
''second:'' {{!!secondary}}
<$select field='primary'>
<$list filter="1 2 3 4 5">
<$set name="primary" value={{!!primary}}>
<$select field='secondary'>
<$list filter="[[$:/.tb/dummy]get<primary>]">
<$list filter=<<currentTiddler>>>
''first:'' {{!!primary}}<br>
''second:'' {{!!secondary}}
\define secondary() $:/.tb/dummy/$(primary)$
The below example gets the secondary options from tiddlers whose name correspond to the selected primary option, e.g. [[$:/.tb/dummy/2]].
\define secondary() $:/dummy/$(primary)$
<$select field='primary'>
<$list filter="1 2 3 4 5">
<$set name="primary" value={{!!primary}}>
<$select field="secondary">
<$list filter="[<secondary>get[text]]">
<$list filter=<<currentTiddler>>>
''first:'' {{!!primary}}<br>
''second:'' {{!!secondary}}
<$select field='primary'>
<$list filter="1 2 3 4 5">
<$set name="primary" value={{!!primary}}>
<$select field="secondary">
<$list filter="[<secondary>get[text]]">
<$list filter=<<currentTiddler>>>
''first:'' {{!!primary}}<br>
''second:'' {{!!secondary}}
The ''draft.of'' field indicates that this tiddler is a a draft of a tiddler currently being edited.
In the below example, all available types are iterated and assigned to a listvariable called type from which radio buttons are rendered:
<$list filter="[each[type]get[type]]" variable="type">
<$radio field="type" value=<<type>>> ''<<type>>'' </$radio><br>
<$list filter="[each[type]get[type]]" variable="type">
<$radio field="type" value=<<type>>> ''<<type>>'' </$radio><br>
''Note:'' Hitting that radio button will actually change this tiddler's type. ;-)
<$list filter="[all[current]tagging[]]">
; list
: {{!!list}}
; reverse
: {{!!reverse}}
\define starts-with() ^$(currentTiddler)$
The following example uses a ''starts-with'' macro concatenating a regular expression string into a variable then used in a filter to match field-values starting with the current tiddlers title...
\define starts-with() ^$(currentTiddler)$
<$set name=regexp value=<<starts-with>>>
<$list filter="[regexp:my-field<regexp>]" mode=block/>
; proof
: <code>{{!!my-field}}</code>
<$set name=regexp value=<<starts-with>>>
<$list filter="[regexp:my-field<regexp>]" mode=block/>
; proof
: <code>{{!!my-field}}</code>
The following wiki markup examples use filters to list implemented fields types and related information...
<<tabs "[[standard fields]] [[core fields]] [[custom fields]] [[fields of current tiddler]] [[custom fields of current tiddler]]" default:"standard" "$:/state/tabs-fields">>
rendered via <<source "$:/core/ui/TiddlerFields">>
This wiki gives examples for various [[filters|Filters]] and their use in the [[list widget|ListWidget]]. A good starting point to understand what filters yield which results also is [[test-filters.js|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/blob/master/editions/test/tiddlers/tests/test-filters.js]].
<div class="overview-link">
[[Grouped By FilterOperator »|FilterOperator]]
<dl class="overview">
placeholder:"Filter all examples..." >>
\define sorted() $(filter)$sort[]]
In the below example, a selected filter is written to a field, then a variable constructs the desired filter by appending a default sort parameter...
<<source "$:/.tb/examples/from-field">>
''Renders as:''
<div style="float:right;font-size:1.2em;">
[[« All Examples|Filter Examples]]
<div class="by-operator overview">
placeholder:"Filter by operator name..." >>
<div class="static pretty">
<iframe src="http://tiddlywiki.com/static/Filters" style="height:560px;" scrolling="yes;"/>
|<<list-search [all[current]tagging[]] search list-search-filters placeholder:"Filter examples...">> |<<list-search [[FilterOperator]tagging[]] search list-search-filter-operators placeholder:"Filter operators...">> |
\define drop-values() $:/config/EditTemplateFields/Visibility/$(field)$
In the below example, the output of the macro `drop-values` is used as a variable to construct a reference to the following tiddler...
; [[$:/config/EditTemplateFields/Visibility/exercise]]
: sets the gobal visibility of the field `exercise` to hidden
: also defines `values` to be used for the select box in a `values` field
Subsequently, its field `values` is extracted using the [[get]] FilterOperator. Another nested list then uses the thus retrieved values to evaluate them as a filter expression...
\define drop-values() $:/config/EditTemplateFields/Visibility/$(field)$
<$set name=field value=exercise>
<$select field=<<field>>>
<$list filter="[<drop-values>get[values]]">
<$list filter=<<currentTiddler>>>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$text text=<<currentTiddler>>/></option>
Renders as...
<$set name=field value=exercise>
<$select field=<<field>>>
<$list filter="[<drop-values>get[values]]">
<$list filter=<<currentTiddler>>>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$text text=<<currentTiddler>>/></option>
For the full example, see [[Conditional EditTemplate Fields]]...
''iterate standard `list` field of ExampleTiddler''
<$list filter="[list[ExampleTiddler]]">
<$list filter="[list[ExampleTiddler]]">
''iterate list field called `reverse` of ExampleTiddler''
<$list filter="[list[ExampleTiddler!!reverse]]">
<$list filter="[list[ExampleTiddler!!reverse]]">
Below, the outer list gathers all items, e.g. publications, tagging to any tiddler tagged [[Author]] sorted by title. The inner list then loops all [[Author]] associated with a publication.
Example <<source Author>>
> {{Author}}
''lists all tiddlers where `foo` is listed in the standard `list` field''
<$list filter="[[foo]listed[]]">
<$list filter="[[foo]listed[]]">
''lists all tiddlers where `bar` is listed in a field called `reverse`''
<$list filter="[[bar]reverse[]]">
<$list filter="[[bar]listed[reverse]]">
<<static ListWidget 800px yes>>
<<list-links filter:"[is[shadow]]">>
> <<list-links filter:"[is[shadow]]">>
A solution to simplify renaming a tag and tagging tiddlers posted by [[Alberto Molina|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/OCntQ79DuwM/_vYCTYRXfaUJ]].
<table class="no-border">
<td colspan=2>
''Step 1:'' First, enter __old__ tag to the left, e.g. GettingStarted<br><br>
<td>''Step 3:'' <$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/RenameTags/search" tag="input" type="text" default="" placeholder="old tag to be removed"/></td>
<td>''Step 2:'' <$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/RenameTags/replace" tag="input" type="text" default="" placeholder="enter, then apply new tag"/></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top;width:50%;">
<$list filter="[!has[draft.of]tag{$:/temp/RenameTags/search}tag{$:/temp/RenameTags/replace}sort[created]]">
<$checkbox tag={{$:/temp/RenameTags/search}}> ~~<$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link>~~</$checkbox><br>
<td style="vertical-align:top;width:50%;">
<$list filter="[!has[draft.of]tag{$:/temp/RenameTags/search}!tag{$:/temp/RenameTags/replace}sort[created]]">
<$checkbox tag={{$:/temp/RenameTags/replace}}><$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link></$checkbox><br>
You can use this in your wiki simply by dragging [[this link|Search And Replace Tag]] over.
<$select field='foo'>
<$list filter="1 2 3 4 5">
''foo:'' {{!!foo}}
<$select field='foo'>
<$list filter="1 2 3 4 5">
''foo:'' {{!!foo}}
The following iterates over all indexes found in the data tiddler [[$:/data/core/widgets]] and outputs it into a select widget as demonstrated in [[Widgets]]...
<$select tiddler="$:/temp/widget-browser" default="action-navigate">
<$list filter='[[$:/data/core/widgets]indexes[]sort[title]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$text text=<<currentTiddler>>/>
[[$:/temp/widget-browser]] => {{$:/temp/widget-browser}}
<$select tiddler="$:/temp/widget-browser" default="action-navigate">
<$list filter='[[$:/data/core/widgets]indexes[]sort[title]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$text text=<<currentTiddler>>/>
[[$:/temp/widget-browser]] => {{$:/temp/widget-browser}}
Rendered via...
<pre><$view tiddler="$:/.tb/template/fields-standard"/></pre>
Here's how to list all system tags and tiddlers that have them:
<$list filter="[tags[]prefix[$:/tags/]]">
<h2><$link><$view field="title"/></$link></h2>
<<list-links "[all[current]tagging[]]">>
''lists all tiddlers tagged FilterOperator''
<$list filter="[tag[FilterOperator]]"/>
<$list filter="[tag[FilterOperator]]"/>
''output at tiddler [[Examples]]:''
<pre><$view tiddler=Examples field=text format=text/></pre>
For more examples, see [[Filters]] or FilterOperator.
''output at tiddler [[TextReference]]:''
''output at tiddler [[Variable]]:''
The above takes the value stored in the variable `<<currentTiddler>>` and uses it to specify the operand for the [[tag]] FilterOperator.
<$list filter="[tag{!!title}]"/>
<$list filter="[tag{!!title}]"/>
In the example below, all tiddlers listed in [[$:/config/Hide/TagButtons]] will be removed from the filter and thus excluded from the tags, e.g...
excluded: <code>{{$:/config/Hide/TagsButtons}}</code>
<<list-links filter:"[all[current]tags[]]-[list[$:/config/Hide/TagButtons!!text]]+[sort[title]]">>
excluded: <code>{{$:/config/Hide/TagButtons}}</code>
<<list-links filter:"[all[current]tags[]]-[list[$:/config/Hide/TagButtons!!text]]+[sort[title]]">>
If you add the following text at [[$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/tags]], the tags listed in [[$:/config/Hide/TagButtons]] will be excluded for all tiddlers...
<div class="tc-tags-wrapper">
<$list filter="[all[current]tags[]]-[list[$:/config/Hide/TagButtons!!text]]+[sort[title]]"
<<list-links filter:"[has[type]each[type]sort[type]]">>
> <<list-links filter:"[has[type]each[type]sort[type]]">>
<$list filter="[tag<currentTiddler>]"/>
<$list filter="[tag<currentTiddler>]"/>
When current tag has a tag itself tagged [[Developer]], show developer information...
<$list filter="[all[current]tags[]tag[Developer]limit[1]]" variable=none>
<$list filter="[all[current]tags[]tag[Developer]]">
<dt><$link><$view field=title/></$link></dt>
<$list filter="[all[current]tags[]tag[Developer]limit[1]]" variable=none>
<$list filter="[all[current]tags[]tag[Developer]]">
<dt><$link><$view field=title/></$link></dt>
!! Live Example
''list when current tiddler has field `foo`''
<$list filter="[all[current]has[foo]]">
has foo
<$list filter="[all[current]has[foo]]">
has foo
The below only renders something when the current tiddler is titled ''foo'', as set by the tiddler widget for demonstration purposes.
<$tiddler tiddler="foo">
<$list filter="[[foo]is[current]]">
This is shown.
<$list filter="[[foo]is[current]]">
This is NOT shown!
<$tiddler tiddler="foo">
<$list filter="[[foo]is[current]]">
This is shown.
<$list filter="[[foo]is[current]]">
This is NOT shown!
This can be used in a conditional template.
!! Example
''list when current tiddler is tagged [[Filters]]''
<$list filter="[all[current]tag[Filters]]">
yes, this one is tagged [[Filters]]
<$list filter="[all[current]tag[Filters]]">
yes, this one is tagged [[Filters]]
\define getValue(data,index) <$view tiddler="$(data)$" index="$(currentTiddler)$" format="text"/>
\define iframe(tiddler)
<$macrocall $name="static" tiddler={{$:/data/core/widgets##$tiddler$}} height="600px" scrolling="yes"/>
Select a widget:
<$select tiddler="$:/temp/widget-browser" default="action-navigate">
<$list filter='[[$:/data/core/widgets]indexes[]sort[title]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>> >
<$text text=<<currentTiddler>>/>
Documentation on ~TiddlyWiki.com...
<$macrocall $name="iframe" tiddler={{$:/temp/widget-browser}}/>
:<<source [[$:/temp/widget-browser]]>>
:<<source "Widget Browser">>
Trying to have the standard theme focus more on content...
* hiding buttons (from visitors)
* hiding the sidebar (perhaps not a good idea for visitors)
<<list-search "[[FontAwesome]tagging[]sort[title]]" search "$:/temp/filter-fa" "$:/.tb/templates/fa-list-item">>
See [[Installation]].
!! Icons
All those icons, neatly listed...
; current version
: FontAwesome {{4.3||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}
<<fa thumbs-o-up 5>>
<<fa thumbs-o-up 5>> Let's get one thing straight, FontAwesome is awesome! Forget hours of searching for useful icons. Also see [[installation instructions|Installation]] and [[how to create and use a custom icon font|Icon Fonts]] like [[these|More Awesome]]. Inspired by: [[TheDiveO|http://thediveo.github.io/TW5FontAwesome]].
<$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/filter-fa" type="search" tag="input" placeholder="filter"/>
<table class='home'>
<tr><th style="width:50%;">Icons</th><th>Tags</th></tr>
.home input{
.home th{
padding:0 0 10px 20px;
.home tr,
.home th,
.home td{
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/Md5LNfZ356A" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[CSS-Tricks.com #113: Creating and Using a Custom Icon Font|http://css-tricks.com/video-screencasts/113-creating-and-using-a-custom-icon-font]]
Drag and drop into your wiki: [[$:/fonts/FontAwesome]]
!! Extensions
For custom extension classes to FontAwesome, tag your stylesheet [[$:/tags/FontAwesome]] and they will automatically be inserted at the end of [[$:/fonts/FontAwesome]].
!!! Example
[[text-only checklist]]
{{text-only checklist}}
!! Updating
# download latest from http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome
# unpack the archive contents into some temporary directory
# replace the old contents of [[$:/fonts/FontAwesome]] with
#* `font-awesome.min.css`
#* perhaps use [[$:/fonts/FontAwesomeEmpty]]
# remove all after base64 from the ``@font-face`` rule
# add the new definition
#* `src: local("FontAwesome"), url(data:application/font-woff;base64,``...``) format("woff");`
#* the three dots signal where to insert the base64-encoded font data later
# go to a base64 encoding web service
#* e.g. http://www.giftofspeed.com/base64-encoder
#* make sure the base64 result is on a ''single'' line
#* base64-encode the woff file
# paste the Base64-encoded result into the ``src`` definition from the ``@font-face`` rule in [[$:/fonts/FontAwesome]]
; [[fontello|http://fontello.com]]
: icon fonts generator
; [[WeLoveIconFonts|http://weloveiconfonts.com]]
: free & open source icon fonts hosting service
: for mockups, reduced test-cases or CodePen
; [[vector icons roundup|http://tagliala.github.io/vectoriconsroundup]]
: a side-by-side comparison between popular icon fonts made for bootstrap
: FontAwesome, Glyphicons, Elusive-Icons
; [[zurb|http://zurb.com/playground/foundation-icons]]
: foundation-icons
; [[FontSquirrel|http://www.fontsquirrel.com]]
: commercial free fonts
;fa-bookmark-o (webapp)
<$list filter="[all[current]tagging[]sort[title]]">
<h1><$link><$view field=title/></$link></h1>
<span class="fa fa-5x preview-fa-icon">{{!!awe}}
</span><span class="preview-fa">
<$view field="awe" format="text/plain"/>
<div class="tb-taglist">
<<list-search "[tag[FontAwesome]tags[]sort[title]] -FontAwesome " search "$:/temp/filter-fa" "$:/.tb/templates/fa-list-item-tag">>
; requires
: [[$:/fonts/FontAwesome]]
: [[$:/fonts/FontAwesome/checklist]]
:: an extension to FontAwesome, holding the css for the checklist
* a one
* and a two
* and a three
* and a four
This wiki is showing off the ~GenTags plugin. The plugin tiddler is [[here|$:/plugins/inmysocks/GenTags]]
See [[More Tags Demo]] for a demo, see [[$:/plugins/inmysocks/GenericTagFields/ReadMe]] for documentation and [[$:/plugins/inmysocks/GenericTagFields/ListLikeTagsMacro]] for some more information about the macros used so you can use them to create your own things or modify them.
This tiddler has three tag fields. The fields used are the default `tags` field, the field `demo` and the field `demo_2`. The field `demo_2` is given the label {{$:/core/images/close-others-button}}.
The tags in the fields `demo` and `demo_2` are given different colors than the default tags, and some tags are given custom colors specific to that tag.
Note that if the same tag is used in multiple fields it uses the background color of the field it is in (like the tag `This tag is in every field`) but if the tag is given a custom color it will use that color in all fields (like the tag `zzz`).
! Summary
Actions are the basic unit of the GSD5 core plugin. The Action is used to represent a basic action or task to be performed.
! Detail
!! Field Variables
The following field variables are used by Actions.
| !Field | !Values | !Note |
|gsd_type |action |Required value. |
|gsd_complete |false | |
|~|true | |
|gsd_contact |<span style="font-style:italic">user-defined</span> |<span style="font-style:italic">Value is an existing tiddler title.</span> |
|gsd_project |<span style="font-style:italic">user-defined</span> |<span style="font-style:italic">Value is an existing tiddler title.</span> |
|gsd_realm |all | |
|~|<span style="font-style:italic">user-defined</span> |<span style="font-style:italic">Value is an existing tiddler title.</span> |
|gsd_status |next | |
|~|waiting | |
|~|future | |
!! UI Controls
Action tiddlers also display specific controls in the [[Blue-Box]]. UI Controls can be added to the Blue-Box using the following system tags.
* [[$:/tags/GSD5ActionCore|GSD5ActionCore]]
* [[$:/tags/GSD5ActionPlugin|GSD5ActionPlugin]]
! Best Practice
If using custom CSS, prefer relative sizing of elements over fixed/absolute.
This item can work inter-realm on tiddlers. To use this ability the item's Realm must be set to `all`.
Ordering of control rendering can be done through creating a ordered list using the tag as the title. However, this can be overwritten by other plugins. Do not depend on controls maintaining order.
! Summary
Contacts can be used as contact cards, a place to store phone, fax, email, and other various contact information. Additionally, the Contact tiddler shows any actions that have been assigned to that Contact.
! Detail
!! Field Variables
The following field variables are used by Contacts.
| !Field | !Values | !Note |
|gsd_type |contact |Required value. |
|gsd_realm |all | |
|~|<span style="font-style:italic">user-defined</span> |<span style="font-style:italic">Value is an existing tiddler title.</span> |
!! UI Controls
Action tiddlers also display specific controls in the [[Blue-Box]]. UI Controls can be added to the Blue-Box using the following system tags.
* [[$:/tags/GSD5ActionCore|GSD5ContactCore]]
* [[$:/tags/GSD5ActionPlugin|GSD5ContactPlugin]]
! Best Practice
* {{BestPractice InterRealm!!text}}
! Summary
Contexts are a means to group Actions by categories that extend beyond just Projects. Contexts make use of the TW5 tagging system. Existing Contexts additionally track all Actions that have been associated with it, allowing the user to create lists or easily track these Actions.
! Detail
!! Field Variables
The following field variables are used by Contexts.
| !Field | !Values | !Note |
|gsd_type |context |Required value. |
|gsd_realm |all | |
|~|<span style="font-style:italic">user-defined</span> |<span style="font-style:italic">Value is an existing tiddler title.</span> |
!! UI Controls
Action tiddlers also display specific controls in the [[Blue-Box]]. UI Controls can be added to the Blue-Box using the following system tags.
* [[$:/tags/GSD5ActionCore|GSD5ContextCore]]
* [[$:/tags/GSD5ActionPlugin|GSD5ContextPlugin]]
! Best Practice
* {{BestPractice InterRealm!!text}}
GTD® and Getting Things Done® are registered trademarks of the [[David Allen Company|http://www.davidco.com]]. GSD5 is not affiliated with or endorsed by the David Allen Company.
The GSD5 API will provide GSD5 plugin authors an easy way to integrate their plugins into the GSD5 framework without heavy editing of the shadow tiddlers (hopefully no editing).
Learning from TW5 plugin model and the use of system tags, the goals is to allow the author spend time crafting their plugin and not integrating it into the GSD5 framework.
! GSD5 System Basics
<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-selective-expandable "GSD5Basics">>
! Overview
GSD5, or Getting-Stuff-Done 5, is a plugin for [[TiddlyWiki5|http://tiddlywiki.com]] that attempts to combine the workflow and philosophy of David Allen's __[[Getting Things Done|http://www.amazon.com/Getting-Things-Done-Stress-Free-Productivity/dp/0142000280/]]__ with the ~TiddlyWiki5 platform. GSD5 is heavily influenced by [[mGSD|http://mgsd.tiddlyspot.com/]] for ~TiddlyWiki classic.
[[Learn More|More About GSD5]]
! Obtaining
To get a copy of the GSD5 plugin:
>Download an entire TW5/GSD5 environment
>Drag-and-drop the following link to your existing TW5 environment.
!! Releases
<$set name="currentRelease" filter="[tag[current release]tag[GSD5]]">
* <$link to=<<currentRelease>>><<currentRelease>></$link>
* [[See all releases|GSD5 Releases]]
! Community
~TiddlyWiki has an active community and members will attempt to help you when they can. If you need more immediate assistance leave a message.
GSD5's API is developing and probably will fluctuate greatly while GSD5 is still beta.
// The GSD5 API may be incomplete and change often. //
[[GSD5 API]]
! Issues/Bugs
Any issues/bugs/enhancement requests can be filed at the project's code host, Github. Additionally, you can leave a reply on the project's Google Groups thread.
Your involvement and input would be greatly appreciated.
Nightly builds are available at [[http://gsd5-nightly.tiddlyspot.com]].
<$set name="currentRelease" filter="[tag[current release]tag[GSD5]]">
<$macrocall $name="tabs" tabsList="[tag[release]!tag[prerelease]!sort[released]tag[GSD5]]" default=<<currentRelease>> state="$:/state/releasetab" class="tc-vertical" template="ReleaseTemplate" />
! Overview
Ticklers are reminders that appear as TiddlyWiki5 alerts. This allows for Actions to have deadlines and allows for the ticklers to be present in your GSD5 tool as opposed to using an existing calendar tool like Google Calendar, Outlook, or the like.
Ticklers are not a calendar tool, just a reminder tool.
! Obtaining
>Drag-and-drop the following link to your existing GSD5 environment.
!! Releases
<$set name="currentRelease" filter="[tag[current release]tag[GSD5Ticklers]]">
* <$link to=<<currentRelease>>><$view tiddler=<<currentRelease>> field="caption"/></$link>
* [[See all releases|GSD5 Ticklers Releases]]
! Community
~TiddlyWiki has an active community and members will attempt to help you when they can. If you need more immediate assistance leave a message.
! Issues/Bugs
Any issues/bugs/enhancement requests can be filed at the project's code host, Github. Additionally, you can leave a reply on the project's Google Groups thread.
Your involvement and input would be greatly appreciated.
<$set name="currentRelease" filter="[tag[current release]tag[GSD5Ticklers]]">
<$macrocall $name="tabs" tabsList="[tag[release]!tag[prerelease]!sort[released]tag[GSD5Ticklers]]" default=<<currentRelease>> state="$:/state/releasetab" class="tc-vertical" template="ReleaseTemplate" />
The GSD5 List Macro unifies previous list macros under a single macro that creates a titled list of desired gsd_type with several desired options.
|>|>| !gsd5-list |
| !Field | !Values | !Note |
|title |<span style="font-style:italic">user-defined</span> | |
|gsd_type |action |<span style="font-style:italic">Default</span> |
|~|project | |
|~|contact | |
|~|reference | |
|~|context | |
|~|realm | |
|gsd_status |next |<span style="font-style:italic">Default; Action Only</span> |
|~|waiting |<span style="font-style:italic">Action Only</span> |
|~|future |<span style="font-style:italic">Action and Project</span> |
|~|active |<span style="font-style:italic">Project Only</span> |
|~|none |<span style="font-style:italic">Ignores value of gsd_status</span> |
|gsd_complete |false |<span style="font-style:italic">Default</span> |
|~|true |Ignores the value of gsd_status. |
|realmAware |false |<span style="font-style:italic">Default</span> |
|~|true | |
|sort |title |<span style="font-style:italic">Default</span> |
|~|<span style="font-style:italic">user-defined</span> | |
|order |ascending |<span style="font-style:italic">Default</span> |
|~|descending | |
|groupBy |none |<span style="font-style:italic">Default; no grouping</span> |
|~|<span style="font-style:italic">user-defined</span> |<span style="font-style:italic">Value is a tiddler field.</span> |
|customFilter |none |<span style="font-style:italic">Default; no custom filter applied.</span> |
|~|<span style="font-style:italic">user-defined</span> |<span style="font-style:italic">Filter operands appended to gsd_type filtering. No outside brackets.</span> |
|dateTemplate |DDth MMM YYYY |<span style="font-style:italic">Default</span> |
|~|<span style="font-style:italic">user-defined</span> |<span style="font-style:italic">String conforming to ~TiddlyWiki <a href="http://tiddlywiki.com/#DateFormat">date template syntax</a>.</span> |
!! Examples
Show Completed Projects
<<gsd5-list title:"Completed Projects" gsd_type:"project" gsd_complete:"true" realmAware:"true" sort:"title" order:"ascending" groupBy:"none" customFilter:"none">>
Show Waiting Actions By Contact
<<gsd5-list title:"Delegated Actions By Contact" gsd_type:"action" gsd_status:"waiting" gsd_complete:"false" realmAware:"true" sort:"title" order:"ascending" groupBy:"gsd_contact" customFilter:"none">>
! Summary
Adds controls to the BlueBox for Actions.
! Detail
The `$:/tags/GSD5ActionCore` tag is used to provide a end-user interface in [[Action]] tiddlers. A tiddler with this tag will have its contents rendered in the left column of the [[Blue-Box]].
! Best Practice
* Generally, plugin authors should avoid tagging their custom controls with this tag and use the [[$:/tags/GSD5ActionPlugin|GSD5ActionPlugin]] tag instead.
* {{BestPractice CustomCSS!!text}}
__''Also See:''__
* [[$:/tags/GSD5ActionPlugin|GSD5ActionPlugin]]
! Summary
Adds custom controls to the BlueBox for Actions.
! Detail
The `$:/tags/GSD5ActionPlugin` tag is used to provide a end-user interface in [[Action]] tiddlers. A tiddler with this tag will have its contents rendered in the right column of the [[Blue-Box]].
! Best Practice
* If creating custom controls prefer this tag over [[$:/tags/GSD5ActionCore|GSD5ActionCore]].
* {{BestPractice OrderedList!!text}}
* {{BestPractice CustomCSS!!text}}
__''Also See:''__
* [[$:/tags/GSD5ActionCore|GSD5ActionCore]]
! Summary
Adds button/link to the Collect tab.
! Detail
The `$:/tags/GSD5Collect` tag is used on tiddlers that provide custom collection buttons.
! Best Practice
! Summary
Adds controls to the BlueBox for Contacts.
! Detail
The `$:/tags/GSD5ContactCore` tag is used to provide a end-user interface in [[Contact]] tiddlers. A tiddler with this tag will have its contents rendered in the left column of the [[Blue-Box]].
! Best Practice
* Generally, plugin authors should avoid tagging their custom controls with this tag and use the [[$:/tags/GSD5ContactPlugin|GSD5ContactPlugin]] instead.
* {{BestPractice CustomCSS!!text}}
__''Also See:''__
* [[$:/tags/GSD5ContactPlugin|GSD5ContactPlugin]]
! Summary
Adds custom controls to the BlueBox for Contacts.
! Detail
The `$:/tags/GSD5ContactPlugin` tag is used to provide a end-user interface in [[Contact]] tiddlers. A tiddler with this tag will have its contents rendered in the right column of the [[Blue-Box]].
! Best Practice
* If creating custom controls prefer this tag over [[$:/tags/GSD5ContactCore|GSD5ContactCore]].
* {{BestPractice OrderedList!!text}}
* {{BestPractice CustomCSS!!text}}
__''Also See:''__
* [[$:/tags/GSD5ContactCore|GSD5ContactCore]]
! Summary
Adds controls to the BlueBox for Contexts.
! Detail
The `$:/tags/GSD5ContextCore` tag is used to provide a end-user interface in [[Context]] tiddlers. A tiddler with this tag will have its contents rendered in the left column of the [[Blue-Box]].
! Best Practice
* Generally, plugin authors should avoid tagging their custom controls with this tag and use the [[$:/tags/GSD5ContextPlugin|GSD5ContextPlugin]] instead.
* {{BestPractice CustomCSS!!text}}
__''Also See:''__
* [[$:/tags/GSD5ContextPlugin|GSD5ContextPlugin]]
! Summary
Adds custom controls to the BlueBox for Contexts.
! Detail
The `$:/tags/GSD5ContextPlugin` tag is used to provide a end-user interface in [[Context]] tiddlers. A tiddler with this tag will have its contents rendered in the right column of the [[Blue-Box]].
! Best Practice
* If creating custom controls prefer this tag over [[$:/tags/GSD5ContextCore|GSD5ContextCore]].
* {{BestPractice OrderedList!!text}}
* {{BestPractice CustomCSS!!text}}
__''Also See:''__
* [[$:/tags/GSD5ContextCore|GSD5ContextCore]]
! Summary
Adds settings to the GSD5 Control Panel.
! Detail
The `$:/tags/GSD5ControlPanel` tag is used on tiddlers that provide a end-user interface for tweaking a plugin's settings. Also referred to a control panel, the tagged tiddler will be rendered in TW5 Control Panel as a tab under the GSD5 tab.
Additionally, providing the field `caption` will allow for a user-friendly name on the tab.
! Best Practice
* {{BestPractice CustomCSS!!text}}
! Summary
Adds controls to the BlueBox for the primary [[Dashboard]].
! Detail
The `$:/tags/GSD5DashboardCore` tag is used to provide a end-user interface in the [[Dashboard]]. A tiddler with this tag will have its contents rendered in the left column of the [[Blue-Box]].
! Best Practice
* Generally, plugin authors should avoid tagging their custom controls with this tag and use the [[$:/tags/GSD5DashboardPlugin|GSD5DashboardPlugin]] instead.
* {{BestPractice CustomCSS!!text}}
__''Also See:''__
* [[$:/tags/GSD5DashboardPlugin|GSD5DashboardPlugin]]
! Summary
Adds custom controls to the BlueBox for the primary [[Dashboard]].
! Detail
The `$:/tags/GSD5DashboardPlugin` tag is used to provide a end-user interface in the [[Dashboard]]. A tiddler with this tag will have its contents rendered in the right column of the [[Blue-Box]].
! Best Practice
* If creating custom controls prefer this tag over [[$:/tags/GSD5DashboardCore|GSD5DashboardCore]].
* {{BestPractice OrderedList!!text}}
* {{BestPractice CustomCSS!!text}}
__''Also See:''__
* [[$:/tags/GSD5DashboardCore|GSD5DashboardCore]]
Most of the GSD5 framework operates using field/value combinations. The benefit of using fields over tags for the GSD5 mechanism is that tags can be used freely by the end user and GSD5 tags won't clutter the interface.
The notable exception of this standard is the [[Context]] mechanism. The Context mechanism uses tags because an [[Actions|Action]] can have multiple Contexts. Contexts can be assigned easily using existing ~TiddlyWiki mechanism, this reduced the amount of custom coding needed. Finally, contexts share similar one word blurbs that provide the user with instant classification notice that user-created tags should provide; the diffrences between context and user-created tags should not impede moste user's workflow.
It would meet the GSD5 canon to use fields when possible while authoring your GSD5 plugin. Using tags is certianly a valid option but be sure the user gains from their use and is not confused from a flood of irreleavant information from their use.
! GSD5 Field Variables List
The following field/value list is used by the GSD5 core.
| !Field | !Values | !Note |
|gsd_complete |false | |
|~|true | |
|gsd_contact |<span style="font-style:italic">user-defined</span> |<span style="font-style:italic">Value is an existing tiddler title.</span> |
|gsd_project |<span style="font-style:italic">user-defined</span> |<span style="font-style:italic">Value is an existing tiddler title.</span> |
|gsd_realm |all | |
|~|<span style="font-style:italic">user-defined</span> |<span style="font-style:italic">Value is an existing tiddler title.</span> |
|gsd_status |next |<span style="font-style:italic">Action Only</span> |
|~|waiting |<span style="font-style:italic">Action Only</span> |
|~|future |<span style="font-style:italic">Action and Project</span> |
|~|active |<span style="font-style:italic">Project Only</span> |
|gsd_type |action | |
|~|project | |
|~|contact | |
|~|reference | |
|~|context | |
|~|realm | |
!Best Practice
* Using the fields for custom plugins is encouraged. However, do realize that custom values assigned to standard fields might break the behaviour of GSD5 widgets or macros.
! Summary
Add lists to the primary [[Dashboard]].
! Detail
The tag `$:/tags/GSD5Lists` allows authors to add a new list view to be included in the possible selection of lists displayed in the Dashboard. Applying this tag to a list will not immediately display the list but include the list in the GSD5/core control panel. Once checked, the list will display on the Dashboard.
Lists are displayed in the order they appear in core control panel. To change the ordering, overwriting of the tiddler `$:/tags/GSD5Lists` will be necessary.
Providing the field `caption` provides a user-friendly caption the shortly summarizes the purpose of the list. This is displayed in the GSD5/core control panel.
The default GSD5 lists for the Dashboard use the [[GSD5 List Macro]].
! Best Practice
* {{BestPractice OrderedList!!text}}
GSD5 macros can assist in creating useful interfaces.
:A large macro that builds a list of items that are a recognized gsd_type value, groups them, and sorts according to user preference. Designed to be non-programmer friendly but still flexible and powerful.
:A macro that builds a filter based upon input values. Used to build the [[gsd5-list]] macro.
:A macro that creates a [[$view widget|http://tiddlywiki.com/#ViewWidget]] that displays data in appropriate formats depending on data requested. Used to build the [[gsd5-list]] macro.
! Summary
Adds controls to the BlueBox for Projects.
! Detail
The `$:/tags/GSD5ProjectCore` tag is used to provide a end-user interface in [[Project]] tiddlers. A tiddler with this tag will have its contents rendered in the left column of the [[Blue-Box]].
! Best Practice
* Generally, plugin authors should avoid tagging their custom controls with this tag and use the [[$:/tags/GSD5ProjectPlugin|GSD5ProjectPlugin]] tag in lieu.
* {{BestPractice CustomCSS!!text}}
__''Also See:''__
* [[$:/tags/GSD5ProjectPlugin|GSD5ProjectPlugin]]
! Summary
Adds custom controls to the BlueBox for Projects.
! Detail
The `$:/tags/GSD5ProjectPlugin` tag is used to provide a end-user interface in [[Project]] tiddlers. A tiddler with this tag will have its contents rendered in the right column of the [[Blue-Box]].
! Best Practice
* If creating custom controls prefer this tag over [[$:/tags/GSD5ProjectCore|GSD5ProjectCore]].
* {{BestPractice OrderedList!!text}}
* {{BestPractice CustomCSS!!text}}
__''Also See:''__
* [[$:/tags/GSD5ProjectCore|GSD5ProjectCore]]
! Summary
Adds controls to the BlueBox for References.
! Detail
The `$:/tags/GSD5ReferenceCore` tag is used to provide a end-user interface in [[Reference]] tiddlers. A tiddler with this tag will have its contents rendered in the left column of the [[Blue-Box]].
! Best Practice
* Generally, plugin authors should avoid tagging their custom controls with this tag and use the [[$:/tags/GSD5ReferencePlugin|GSD5ReferencePlugin]] instead.
* {{BestPractice CustomCSS!!text}}
__''Also See:''__
* [[$:/tags/GSD5ReferencePlugin|GSD5ReferencePlugin]]
! Summary
Adds custom controls to the BlueBox for References.
! Detail
The `$:/tags/GSD5ReferencePlugin` tag is used to provide a end-user interface in [[Reference]] tiddlers. A tiddler with this tag will have its contents rendered in the right column of the [[Blue-Box]].
! Best Practice
* If creating custom controls prefer this tag over [[$:/tags/GSD5ReferenceCore|GSD5ReferenceCore]].
* {{BestPractice OrderedList!!text}}
* {{BestPractice CustomCSS!!text}}
__''Also See:''__
* [[$:/tags/GSD5ReferenceCore|GSD5ReferenceCore]]
! Summary
Adds link to the Review tab.
! Detail
The `$:/tags/GSD5Review` tag is used on tiddlers that provide custom review views and creates a link on the Review tab.
! Best Practice
System tags provide another means of intergrating your plugin with ~TiddlyWiki5 and GSD5. System tags are used extensively throughout the ~TiddlyWiki5 environment and a similar model is used to give GSD5 a modular design.
! Added Features
* Ticklers are back!
* Directly go to an Action by clicking the link in the Tickler/Alert.
!! Limitations
GSD5 Ticklers is very bare-bones at the moment.
* The GSD5 Ticklers plugin only supports the English/Gregorian calendar at this time.
* The week starts on Sunday. [[#3|https://github.com/roma0104/gsd5-ticklers/issues/3]]
* No repeating occurrences. [[#2|https://github.com/roma0104/gsd5-ticklers/issues/2]]
* No snoozing. [[#4|https://github.com/roma0104/gsd5-ticklers/issues/4]]
* "One time firing" of alerts.
* Day granularity only [[#5|https://github.com/roma0104/gsd5-ticklers/issues/5]]
* Manual date entry requires <kbd>Enter</kbd> keystroke.
! Notes
Be sure to upgrade to GSD5 v0.6-beta before using plugin. While it is possible that lesser GSD5 versions will be compatible with Ticklers, I have not tested it.
!! Thanks
Thanks to all who have contributed with bugs, questions and suggestions!
Interaction with GSD5 is primarly through tiddlers that have a `gsd_type`. The different types define interactions and the user interface presented.
!GSD5 Tiddler Types
The following tiddler types is used by the GSD5 core.
| !Type | !Notes |
|[[Action]] |The most basic GSD5 tiddler; represents basic actions or tasks to be performed. |
|[[Project]] |Used to group Actions into a common theme or purpose. |
|[[Contact]] |Tiddler used as a contact card and task accountability. |
|[[Reference]] |Reference tiddlers are used to store information associated with Projects. |
|[[Context]] |Allows for grouping Actions that do not share a Project. |
|[[Realm]] |A grouping mechanic that allows all other types to be divided into usually board categories. |
!Best Practice
* Creating custom tiddler types is permitted. Note that core GSD5 functions will not be aware of custom tiddler types.
GSD5 uses custom widgets to drive the behaviour of the application. Most widgets are based upon existing TiddlyWiki5 widgets and are called using the TiddlyWiki5 element syntax; `<$widget>`.
! GSD5 Widgets
:Mark the current Action or Project completed and then queue the dependent Action or Project as Next.
:Changes the current Action tiddler to a Project tiddler.
:A button that creates a GSD5 tiddler.
:Set another GSD5 tiddler as the current tiddler's prerequisite, then sets the current tiddler's `gsd_status` to future.
:The `<$toggle>` widget gives the `<button>` element the ability to toggle states.
//If you experiencing an issue/bug please check the github page.//
!! Goal
GSD5 will not attempt to do everything. Its goal is to be a bare-bones framework that uses plugin concepts from the ~TiddlyWiki5 development. Allowing plugins to provide enhancements will allow the end-user to tailor their GTD/GSD5 experience.
!! Features
; Realms
: Divide your Actions/Projects into appropriate, custom groups. //(eg Personal, Professional, Volunteer)//
; Projects
: A collection of Actions that have a similar purpose or goal. //An awesome TW5 plugin.//
; Actions (Tasks)
: Short, single step actions that accomplish a task. //Learn about TW5 filters.//
; References
: Place snippets of text, links, or anything else in a tiddler for future reference. //List of good text editors.//
; Contacts
: Have an action that needs some else's expertise? Assign them a waiting action and use the tiddler to keep contact information. //Get a glioblastoma removed by Surgeon Joe.//
; Dashboards for Management
: Take control by overlooking your actions and projects through a number of dashboards.
! GSD5 Plugin Extensions
Expand the capabilities of your GSD5 tool with plugins. Plugins for your plugin!
!! Official Plugins
The "official" plugins (written by myself) will be versioned in lock-step with GSD5 versions at least through GSD5's beta status. This will ensure that if you have matching versions the plugins should play nicely.
* [[GSD5 Ticklers]]
The change from [[version 0.5-beta|v0.5-beta]] to [[version 0.6-beta|v0.6-beta]] resulted in change on how dependent Actions are implemented. The change involves a name change from gsd_prereq to gsd_action; this is a result from implementing an on-the-fly tiddler creation feature. This change renders Actions that are dependent on other Actions non-working in version 0.5beta. This tool should make the transition automated as possible.
Click the `Convert Field` button below and your fields will be updated to the current schema for GSD5. Once your fields have been updated, delete this tiddler.
//Note:// This tool will only convert the `gsd_prereq` fields that currently in use.
''Tiddlers Needing Conversion''
<$list filter="[has[gsd_prereq]]">
<$view field="title"/>
<$action-setfield $field="gsd_action" $value={{!!gsd_prereq}}/>
<$action-deletefield gsd_prereq/>
Convert Field
! Summary
Projects group Actions that have a common purpose or goal.
! Detail
!! Field Variables
The following field variables are used by Projects.
| !Field | !Values | !Note |
|gsd_complete |false | |
|~|true | |
|gsd_contact |<span style="font-style:italic">user-defined</span> |<span style="font-style:italic">Value is an existing tiddler title.</span> |
|gsd_project |<span style="font-style:italic">user-defined</span> |<span style="font-style:italic">Value is an existing tiddler title.</span> |
|gsd_realm |all | |
|~|<span style="font-style:italic">user-defined</span> |<span style="font-style:italic">Value is an existing tiddler title.</span> |
|gsd_status |future | |
|~|active | |
!! UI Controls
Action tiddlers also display specific controls in the [[Blue-Box]]. UI Controls can be added to the Blue-Box using the following system tags.
* [[$:/tags/GSD5ProjectCore|GSD5ProjectCore]]
* [[$:/tags/GSD5ProjectPlugin|GSD5ProjectPlugin]]
! Best Practice
! Summary
Realms can be used to divide most other GSD5 tiddler types into board, non-intersecting categories.
! Detail
!! Field Variables
The following field variables are used by Realms.
| !Field | !Values | !Note |
|gsd_type |realm |Required value. |
!! UI Controls
There are no UI controls displayed on Realm tiddlers.
! Best Practice
* Realm divide most GSD5 tiddlers into non-intersecting or non-overlapping categories; this means items in one Realm normally cannot see items in another Realm.
* Use Realms to divide Actions/Projects into discrete categories that rarely have anything to do with the other. For example: Personal, Professional, Hobby.
* Looking for more list like behaviour, like task lists, shopping lists? Check out the [[Context]] mechanism. This feature is better suited for that task.
The change from [[version 0.3-beta|v0.3-beta]] to [[version 0.4-beta|v0.4-beta]] resulted in change on how Realms are implemented. The change involves the switch from system tags to the use of the gsd_type field. This change can render user-created Realms non-working in version 0.4beta. This tiddler should make the transition automated as possible with the given tools.
Click the `Convert Realm` button below and your realm tiddlers will be updated to the current schema for GSD5. Once your Realm have been updated, delete this tiddler.
''Tiddlers Needing Conversion''
<$list filter="[tag[$:/tags/realm]]">
<$view field="title"/>
<$action-deletefield tags/>
<$action-setfield $field="gsd_type" $value="realm"/>
Convert Realm
! Summary
References are used to store information that is related to a Project but is not actionable in and of itself.
! Detail
!! Field Variables
The following field variables are used by References.
| !Field | !Values | !Note |
|gsd_type |reference |Required value. |
|gsd_project |<span style="font-style:italic">user-defined</span> |<span style="font-style:italic">Value is an existing tiddler title.</span> |
|gsd_realm |all | |
|~|<span style="font-style:italic">user-defined</span> |<span style="font-style:italic">Value is an existing tiddler title.</span> |
!! UI Controls
Action tiddlers also display specific controls in the [[Blue-Box]]. UI Controls can be added to the Blue-Box using the following system tags.
* [[$:/tags/GSD5ActionCore|GSD5ReferenceCore]]
* [[$:/tags/GSD5ActionPlugin|GSD5ReferencePlugin]]
! Best Practice
<h2><$link to=<<currentTab>>><$view tiddler=<<currentTab>> field="title"/></$link></h2>
^^Released <$view tiddler=<<currentTab>> field="released" format="date" template="DDth MMM YYYY at 0hh:0mm">TBA</$view>^^
<$transclude tiddler=<<currentTab>> mode="block"/>
! Added Features
* GSD5 Control Panel
* Select actions/projects lists shown in the dashboard
* Display actions list items by project.
! Notes
The tickler functionality was dropped from GSD5/core. This step was taken to simplify the core but also in response to modern, ubiquitous calendar options that may serve the user better for creating and managing ticklers (e.g. Google Calendar, iCal, Outlook). Ticklers will be made as a plugin for GSD5.
! Added Features
* A References list. Provide a means of viewing references without going through the project tiddler.
* The pseudo-realm 'all'. Allows all actions and project to be viewed at once regardless of assigned realm.
* Allow the user to toggle the display of the realm selector on the Dashboard.
! Corrected Bugs
* Newly created action/projects/contact/reference/realm trigger autosave.
* Projects and actions that are marked completed trigger autosave, after dependent actions/projects are properly resolved.
! Corrected Bugs
* Corrected [[#16|https://github.com/roma0104/gsd5/issues/16]] issue where actions/projects displayed in another/all realm, displayed blank drop-lists or spawned child actions that were of another realm.
! Added Features
* Assign Contacts to Realms. Contacts can be now associated with Realms allowing a user with a large number of Contacts to organise and traverse the list quickly. Contacts are hidden using the same hiding mechanic as Actions/Projects when the non-associated Realm is selected. For Contacts that transcend one Realm, assigning the Contact with no Realm will make that Contact available to all Realms.
* Convert actions to projects. Users can now convert actions that may need to be an project with a click of a button.
* Waiting Actions are now displayed on a Contacts tiddler. Selecting a Contact's tiddler displays all actions delegated to them. Shows actions depending on the selected Realm.
* Waiting/Future Actions are now displayed on a Contacts tiddler. Selecting a Contact's tiddler displays all actions delegated to them. Shows actions depending on the selected Realm.
* No Realm Action List. Actions without a Realm can be found using this Dashboard.
* No Realm Project List. Projects without a Realm can be found using this Dashboard.
! Notes
There is one API change that can break existing Realm definitions. We switched the Realm definitions to use the `gsd_type` model instead of the system tag `$:/tags/realm`. To correct this break we have provided a simple tool to fix your existing Realms. Simple import the following tiddler and follow the instruction upgrade you custom Realms.
[[Realm Conversion Tool]]
!! Updating to v0.4-beta
# Download a GSD5 v0.4-beta environment.
# Import existing user content into the new environment.
# Import the Realm Conversion Tool into the new environment.
# Follow the Instructions of the Realm Conversion Tool.
! Corrected Bugs
* Removing contacts from Project/Actions results in link to Contact's tiddler persisting. [[#31|https://github.com/roma0104/gsd5/issues/31]]
! Added Features
* Collapsible ~BlueBox. The ~BlueBox found on GSD5 tiddlers can be minimized to reduce screen space when needed. A Tiddler View Toolbar button is provided to toggle states. [[Github Issue|https://github.com/roma0104/gsd5/issues/40]]
* Collapsible Lists. Lists created with the [[gsd5-list|GSD5 List Macro]] macro can be hidden by clicking the title of the list. [[Github Issue|https://github.com/roma0104/gsd5/issues/22]]
* GSD5 List Macro rewrite. A new macro is provided to build lists. Combines several smaller macros into a single macro. This should make it easier for non-programmers to create customized lists. There is no formal documentation for the macro at this time. [[Github Issue|https://github.com/roma0104/gsd5/issues/39]]
* Show/hide new GSD5 tiddlers. GSD5 tiddlers can be shown or hidden based upon user preferences. [[Github Issue|https://github.com/roma0104/gsd5/issues/37]]
* Action Contexts. Actions can be given contexts, allows users to further categorise Actions into related groups even though they may not be of the same Project. [[Github Issue|https://github.com/roma0104/gsd5/issues/15]]
* No-Next-Action List. List of Projects that do not have a Next Action associated with it. [[Github Issue|https://github.com/roma0104/gsd5/issues/13]]
* CSS classes on Buttons/Widgets. Buttons and Widgets previously without CSS classes now have GSD5 CSS classes. [[Github Issue|https://github.com/roma0104/gsd5/issues/32]]
! Notes
There is non-critical breakage of user configuration. The solution is to reassert user preferences.
! Added Features
* Correct names for tiddlers. Some tiddlers were going out with incorrect names. [[#57|https://github.com/roma0104/gsd5/issues/57]]
* Renamed the $action widget to better identify its purpose. [[#59|https://github.com/roma0104/gsd5/issues/59]]
* Created a Dashboard to find Contacts easier. [[#60|https://github.com/roma0104/gsd5/issues/60]]
* New GSD5 tiddlers can be created on-the-fly in certain contexts. [[#58|https://github.com/roma0104/gsd5/issues/58]]
* Show the gsd_type of the current GSD5 tiddler. [[#61|https://github.com/roma0104/gsd5/issues/61]]
* BlueBox toggle button improved. [[#52|https://github.com/roma0104/gsd5/issues/52]]
* Completed Actions are now shown in their Project's tiddler. [[#50|https://github.com/roma0104/gsd5/issues/50]]
* New Actions created in Projects respect user's show/hide preference. [[#42|https://github.com/roma0104/gsd5/issues/42]]
* Projects and Actions can be hidden or shown upon creation independently. [[#41|https://github.com/roma0104/gsd5/issues/41]]
* No Next Actions should no longer show Completed Projects. [[#56|https://github.com/roma0104/gsd5/issues/56]]
* Completed Actions display completed date in lists. [[#51|https://github.com/roma0104/gsd5/issues/51]]
* Completed lists are sorted by date. [[#51|https://github.com/roma0104/gsd5/issues/51]]
* Some UI icons have been lightened. [[#51|https://github.com/roma0104/gsd5/issues/51]]
! Corrected Bugs
* gsd5-list macro should show dates in correct order. [[#46|https://github.com/roma0104/gsd5/issues/46]]
! Notes
The change from v0.5-beta to v0.6-beta resulted in changes to how prerequisite Actions are tracked. The change involves the renaming of the `gsd_prereq` field to `gsd_action`. This change break tiddler dependency chains unless corrected with the provided tool.
[[Prerequisite Conversion Tool]]
!! Thanks
Special thanks to the following individuals for their contributions:
* [[@simonbaird|https://github.com/simonbaird]]
Thanks to all who have contributed with bugs, questions and suggestions!
;example image
simple image button using ''caption'' field at the image
`<<ibox lights.jpg>>`
<<ibox lights.jpg>>
image button with custom caption
`<<ibox lights.jpg "amazing ligths">>`
<<ibox lights.jpg "amazing ligths">>
just the image — displays image name as modal title, no captions though
`<<ibox lights.jpg direct:yes>>`
<<ibox lights.jpg direct:yes>>
image button with [[custom style classes|$:/.tb/styles/pretty]]
`<<ibox lights.jpg btn-class:"ibox-btn tc-btn-invisible pretty">>`
<<ibox lights.jpg btn-class:"ibox-btn tc-btn-invisible pretty">>
This wiki shows how to display images in lightboxes in TiddlyWiki version <<version>> using the `<<ibox>>` macro.
* [[Examples]]
* [[Parameters]]
* [[Installation]]
* [[Modal Template]] — [[Lightbox]]
Drag and drop these two into your wiki...
<<source [[Lightbox]]>>
<<source [[$:/.tb/macros/ibox]]>>
<$image source=<<image>> width="100%" height="100%"/><$reveal type=match text="" default=<<caption>>><$transclude tiddler=<<image>> field=caption/></$reveal><$reveal type=nomatch text="" default=caption><<caption>></$reveal>
The default template used for the ibox modal.
<<source [[Lightbox]]>>
`<<ibox image [caption] [template] [btn-class]>>`
|1|''image'' |the image tiddler| |
|2|''caption'' |a custom caption<br>» defaults to ''caption'' field at image| |
|3|''template'' |the template for the modal dialog|[[Lightbox]]|
|4|''btn-class'' |the css class for the image button|`ibox-btn`|
|5|''direct'' |when set to `direct:yes` use the image tiddler as the modal template||
;modal lightbox discussion
;modal image lightbox at twmall
''an amazing selection of free vector icons, flat, line and pictograms, designed for ui''
<<i "http://www.awwwards.com/great-collection-of-free-vector-icons-and-pictograms-for-interfaces-and-responsive-web-design.html" "http://www.awwwards.com/awards/images/2014/01/free-icons-2014-05.jpg">>
<<ia "beautiful-flat-icons-by-elegantthemes.html" "elegantthemes/beautiful-flat/icons-390.jpg">>
<<ia "crystal-clear-icons-by-everaldo.html" "everaldo/crystal-clear/icons-390.jpg">>
<<ia "flag-icons-by-famfamfam.html" "famfamfam/flag/icons-390.jpg">>
<dl class="preview">
placeholder:"Filter font names..." >>
: https://github.com/fontello/fontello#developers-api
!! Listed Icon Fonts
<<ia "flag-icons-by-gosquared.html" "gosquared/flag/icons-390.jpg">>
<<ia "colorful-long-shadow-icons-by-graphicloads.html" "graphicloads/colorful-long-shadow/icons-390.jpg">>
<<ia "100-flat-icons-by-graphicloads.html" "graphicloads/100-flat/icons-390.jpg">>
<<ia "100-flat-2-icons-by-graphicloads.html" "graphicloads/100-flat-2/icons-390.jpg">>
<<ia "battery-icons-by-graphicloads.html" "graphicloads/battery/icons-390.jpg">>
!! App
* browse 4000+ free vector icons
* custom & crisp icon font generator
* import your own vectors to make fonts
* generate CSS sprites with any size or color
* basic glyph editing
* icon packs
!! Icons
* 2000+ vector icons
* handcrafted on a grid
* various formats: SVG, font, etc.
* money back guarantee
* free updates
<dl class="preview">
placeholder:"Filter..." >>
<<ia "ios7-icons-by-icons8.html" "icons8/ios7/icons-390.jpg">>
<<ia "windows-8-icons-by-icons8.html" "icons8/windows-8/icons-390.jpg">>
<<ia "woofunction-icons-by-wefunction.html" "wefunction/woofunction/icons-390.jpg">>
<<font modernpictograms>>
<<ia "oxygen-icons-by-oxygen-icons.org.2.html" "oxygen-icons.org/oxygen/icons-390.jpg">>
<<ia "snowish-icons-by-saki.html" "saki/snowish/icons-390.jpg">>
placeholder="Search icons..."/>
<$list filter="[tag[font]sort[]]" template="$:/.tb/template/search-icons">
! @@color:#ccc; [[fonts|font]] — [[search]] — [[icons]] — [[sites]] — [[tools]]@@
<dl class="preview">
placeholder:"Filter..." >>
<$list filter="[tag[CommunityWikis]]">
<$set name="author" value={{!!author}}>
<$list filter="[<author>has[licence]]" variable="ignore">
<$view field="wiki-address"/>|<$view field="title"/><br/>
\define listDailyThings(day)
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='!!blank' text='$day$'>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' style='width:100%;height:100%'><$action-sendmessage $message='tm-notify' $param='Change Width/Font Size'/>
<$action-navigate $to=<<thisMakeDayTiddlerName>>/>
<$set name=someDay value=$day$>
<$set name=SelectedMonth value={{!!month}}>
<$set name=SelectedYear value={{!!year}}>
<$set name=DateString value=<<thisMakeDateString>>>
<div style='height:100%;width:100%;position:relative;text-align:left;vertical-align:top;z-index=0'>
<$list filter='[has<DateString>]-[[$:/temp/MakeCalendarEntry]]'>
<$view field='title'/> x <$view field=<<DateString>>/><br>
\define thisMakeDateString()
<table class='calendar-table'>
<td><<listDailyThings 1>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 2>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 3>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 4>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 5>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 6>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 7>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 8>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 9>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 10>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 11>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 12>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 13>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 14>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 15>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 16>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 17>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 18>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 19>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 20>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 21>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 22>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 23>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 24>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 25>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 26>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 27>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 28>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 29>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 30>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 31>></td>
\define listDailyThings(day)
<$set name=someDay value=$day$>
<$set name=SelectedMonth value={{!!month}}>
<$set name=SelectedYear value={{!!year}}>
<$set name=DateString value=<<thisMakeDateString>>>
<$list filter='[has<DateString>]-[[$:/temp/MakeCalendarEntry]]'>
<$view field='title'/> x <$view field=<<DateString>>/><br>
\define thisMakeDateString()
This tiddler has two fields: month and year
The month field contains september (note that it is lowercase, this is important) and the year field contains 2014
These fields are what determines the month and year of the entries in the calendar, so if you make other months/years you need to change those fields appropriately. To make a calendar for another month clone this tiddler and edit it in the following ways:
*Give it a new title
*change the parameter passed to the listDailyThings macros in the table below to reflect the days of the week each date falls on
*Change the month and year fields
This demo uses the following tiddlers:
*[[2014 September]] - this tiddler
*[[2014 January]] - another month tiddler for testing
*[[Calendar Totals]] - a tiddler that will show the total number of days each activity has happened, can be broken down by year or month. If something was done multiple times in a single day some math will be required to count. This will require more than just the calc macro from tb5, so I will worry about this later.
*[[Make Calendar Entry]] - the tool to add entries to the calendar
*[[Running]], [[Yoga]], [[Biking]] - the activities that can be added to the calendar. You can ignore these and make your own using the [[Make Calendar Entry]] tiddler.
*[[Calendar Table Style]] - the css stylesheet for how the calendar is displayed. You can ignore this and make your own without breaking anything, just edit this tiddler where it says `<table class='calendar-table'>` to replace `calendar-table` with your class.
For the examples I used having the number of times doesn't make a lot of sense, but it is there in case it is wanted. I may add some configuration so that you can hide it if you don't want it.
<table class='calendar-table'>
<td><<listDailyThings 1>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 2>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 3>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 4>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 5>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 6>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 7>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 8>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 9>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 10>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 11>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 12>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 13>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 14>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 15>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 16>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 17>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 18>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 19>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 20>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 21>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 22>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 23>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 24>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 25>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 26>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 27>></td>
<td><<listDailyThings 28>></td>
<$macrocall $name="youtube-embed" video={{$:/.rich/data/videos##73}} start="00:00:02" end="00:00:10"/>
test long description
<$set name=videoID value={{$:/.rich/data/videos##73}}>
<$macrocall $name="youtube-embed" video=<<videoID>> start="00:00:10" end="00:00:20"/>
test long description
I maintain this list of community plugins and try to keep it up to date but with the number of potential sources, sites moving and time constraints it isn't always possible for me to update everything in a reasonable amount of time.
So, if you would like your plugins listed here it would be very helpful if you would come to this site and use the [[Plugin twCard]] tiddler to create and update the information for your plugins. Since you can't save content on this site I am hoping that you will make/update the info using the appropriate tab and then copy the new/updated tiddler to your plugin site. Then either [[contact me|http://ooktech.com/jed/externalbrain/#Who%20is%20this%20inmysocks%20guy%3F]] or put news on the community site and I will hopefully see it and copy the new or updated tiddler here.
For the moment it is probably best to keep a single listing of the plugin information instead of having the information on each site to prevent duplicate cards appearing on different sites and naming conflicts. We may be able to come up with a solution that doesn't require a list like this at some point, but I don't think we can do that yet.
Also, if you fill out the card than you can include a long description and the other fields (or suggest useful fields for me to add) and then we may be able to put a more complete description on the community search. Only the first 8 fields are currently used (plugin_tiddler and above), but that may change.
Please make or update your plugins! It will help a lot.
!!Who is this inmysocks guy?
People generally call me Jed. I have a site [[over here|http://ooktech.com/jed/externalbrain/]] that acts as the center of my online presence. If you want more go look at that site.
!!And why this wiki?
I started making this offline so I could remember how to do things using tiddlywiki, then I moved it online so I didn't have to worry about syncing it between computers. Then somehow other people thought it was useful. Or possibly lied to me and said it was useful.
Either way, here it is.
I have no idea if people actually find this useful, or if people look at this page. So, feedback is appreciated. Click on the word bubble icon in the upper right to give feedback.
I do like to eat, I am trying to start a small tech company and this is something I do in my spare time. If you would like to help out with the 'making sure jed eats' thing you can [[donate on my other site|http://ooktech.com/jed/externalbrain/#Donate]].
Does it ever seem like I may have too many projects?
The text of teh tiddler should be `<div style='height:xxxpx'></div>` with xxx set to the height we need to offset the top by.
It would probably have more use in the non-tasklist type things.
not a huge deal, but it should be there
It would set fields called:
Yep, it is straight forward enough.
But other people seem to really like the idea.
This may just be a select widget that can select any of the tags currently in use by a visible task. Use the same sort of thing as in the bookmarks.
Also put together a demo site
It is simple, but this one is a text entry field, it will be different than the others.
It will require list widgets and templates.
For most parts, states and such, just add the list name to the tiddler name, so `$:/state/TaskList/<<ListName>>/` as a prefix. But for actually building the lists I am less sure. It would probably have to be a tag because using a field would either restrict the list names to valid field names or only allow each item to be on a single list. I want to avoid both of these things.
This would have to have the same restriction on changing tiddlers that are listened to for changes or else it could cause infinite loops.
Conditions to use:
a certain date
a certain amount of time since the trigger was added
a field is set to a specific value
This happens all the time. No one really minds passing around the books, but being able to figure out where a book is when someone else wants to borrow it would be nice.
All of the show/hide states have the prefix `$:/state/TaskList/ShowCategory/`, so if we just use a list inside a button that sets all of the returned tiddlers to show or hide than that would work.
The problem with this is that if you have multiple lists it will affect every list. I could avoid this by giving lists names so the states would be prefixed with `$:/state/TaskList/<<ListName>>/ShowCategory/`.
It would be every n days, or n weeks or months or whatever.
This would use the same thing as setting an event as done after its date passes, but instead of adding the finished tag to the event/task, it increments the date field by the required amount.
This may require the action-increment widget and the trigger actions plugin. Also it would require the trigger actions plugin to be able to work given a state based trigger instead of on change.
Just some indentation would work.
Because I am moving and I want to actually be able to keep track of my stuff
This lets you search for all tiddlers with a specific tag and selectivly replace that tag with another one. Or if the 'Replace With' field is empty just remove the tag from the tiddler(s).
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/AddTags' field='filter' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
Tag to add: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/AddTags' field='add_tag' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
<tr><th>Tiddler Name</th><th></th></tr>
<$list filter={{$:/temp/AddTags!!filter}}>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<currentTiddler>>>
<tr><td><$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></$link></td><td><$button>Add Tag<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param={{$:/temp/AddTags!!add_tag}}/></$button></td></tr>
I should probably finish them anyway
I could also change it so that the categories list the year, day and month instead of the categories like they do now. Or at least have that option.
This will have to be more than 'sort[year]sort[month]sort[day]'. We could make a variable that is $(year)$$(month)$$(day)$ and nsort using that. This would require us to have an extra field for due date and created date. We could use the output of now for created date, just use `<<now YYYY0MM0DD>>`. We would have to build this for the due date. It wouldn't be terribly hard to do.
\define thisMakeText()
\define thisMakeSegmentName()
$(selectedVideo)$ - $(startTime)$ to $(endTime)$
\define getProperTags() [[$(properTag)$]] [[$(selectedVideo)$]]
\define properTag() [[Video Segment]]
\define thisMakeVideoIframe()
<$set name=videoID value={{$:/.rich/data/videos##$(selectedVideo)$}}>
<$macrocall $name="youtube-embed" video=<<videoID>> start="$(startTime)$" end="$(endTime)$"/>
<$set name=selectedVideo value={{!!selected_video}}>
<!-- inputs for adding a video segment -->
Video Segment (Start and End times should be in hh:mm:ss form):<br>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/videosegment' field=start size='10'/>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/videosegment' field=end size='10'/> (<$button>Set Video Time<$action-setfield embed_start={{$:/temp/videosegment!!start}} embed_end={{$:/temp/videosegment!!end}}/></$button>, <$button>Reset Video Time<$action-setfield embed_start='00:00:00' embed_end='99:99:99'/></$button>)
Short Description:<br><$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/videosegment' field='segment_description' class='tc-edit-texteditor' placeholder='Short description for Video Segment' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/><br>
Long Description:<br><$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/videosegmentlongdescription' field='text' class='tc-edit-texteditor' placeholder='Long description for Video Segment' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/><br>
<!-- Segment tag editor -->
Tags (it will always be tagged with the name of the video by default):<br>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/videosegmenttag!!add_or_create_tag' text='create'>
New Tag: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/videosegmenttag' field='tag_temp' placeholder='New Tag'/><$fieldmangler tiddler='$:/state/videosegmenttag'>
<$button>Create Tag
<$action-setfield $tiddler={{$:/state/videosegmenttag!!tag_temp}} $field='video_tag' $value='true'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/videosegmenttag' $field='tag_temp' $value=''/>
</$fieldmangler><$button set='$:/state/videosegmenttag!!add_or_create_tag' setTo='nocreate'>Done</$button><br>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/videosegmenttag!!add_or_create_tag' text='create'>
Tag to add:
<$select tiddler='$:/state/videosegmenttag' field='selected_tag'>
<$list filter='[video_tag[true]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
<$fieldmangler tiddler='$:/temp/videosegment'>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param={{$:/state/videosegmenttag!!selected_tag}}/>Add Tag
</$button><$button set='$:/state/videosegmenttag!!add_or_create_tag' setTo='create'>New Tag</$button>
List of current tags:<br>
<$fieldmangler tiddler='$:/temp/videosegment'>
<$list filter='[[$:/temp/videosegment]tags[]]'><$view field='title'/> <$button>Remove Tag<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-tag' $param=<<currentTiddler>>/></$button><br> </$list>
<!-- Button to create tiddler for the video segment -->
<$set name=startTime value={{$:/temp/videosegment!!start}}>
<$set name=endTime value={{$:/temp/videosegment!!end}}>
<$set name=properTag value="""Video Segment""">
<$set name=thisLongDescription value={{$:/temp/videosegmentlongdescription!!text}}>
<$set name=thisVideoIframe value=<<thisMakeVideoIframe>>>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<thisMakeSegmentName>>>
<$button>Add Video Segment
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/videosegment' title=<<thisMakeSegmentName>>/>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param=<<properTag>>/>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param=<<selectedVideo>>/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<thisMakeSegmentName>> $field='text' $value=<<thisMakeText>>/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/videosegment' start='' end='' link='' segment_description=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/videosegmentlongdescription' text='' tags=<<properTag>>/>
<!-- List of video segments -->
<$list filter='[tag<selectedVideo>tag[Video Segment]sort[title]]'>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>__{{!!start}} to {{!!end}} - {{!!segment_description}}__<$action-setfield $tiddler='YouTube Video Annotations' embed_start={{!!start}} embed_end={{!!end}}/></$button> <$link to=<<currentTiddler>>>(Open Tiddler)</$link><br>
\define thisMakeTiddlerName(TimeStamp)
$(selectedVideo)$ - $(timeStamp)$
\define getProperTag() [[$(properTag)$]]
\define thisThing(YoutubeID TimeStampName SelectedVideo TimeStamp)
<$button>Add Timestamp
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/videotimestamp' title=<<thisMakeTiddlerName $TimeStamp$>>/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/videotimestamp' timestamp='' link='' description='' tags=<<getProperTag>>/>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param={{!!selected_video}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<thisMakeTiddlerName $TimeStamp$>> vidname={{!!selected_video}} youtubeid={{$:/.rich/data/videos##$SelectedVideo$}} timestamp={{$:/temp/videotimestamp!!timestamp}}/>
\define getYouTubeID(selectedVideo) {{$:/.rich/data/videos##$selectedVideo$}}
\define getYouTubeID2() <$macrocall $name=getYouTubeID selectedVideo={{!!selected_video}}/>
<$set name=selectedVideo value={{!!selected_video}}>
<!-- Timestamp Time -->
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/videotimestamp' field=timestamp size='10' placeholder='Timestamp'/>
<!-- Add timestamp button -->
<$set name=timeStamp value={{$:/temp/videotimestamp!!timestamp}}>
<$set name=timeStampName value=<<thisMakeTiddlerName>>>
<$set name=properTag value="""Video Timestamp""">
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<timeStampName>>>
<$macrocall $name=thisThing TimeStampName=<<timeStampName>> SelectedVideo={{!!selected_video}} TimeStamp={{$:/temp/videotimestamp!!timestamp}}/>
<!-- Timestamp description -->
Description:<br><$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/videotimestamp' field='description' class='tc-edit-texteditor' placeholder='Description for Timestamp' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/><br>
<!-- Timestamp tag editor -->
Tags (it will always be tagged with the name of the video by default):<br>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/videotag!!add_or_create_tag' text='create'>
New Tag: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/videotag' field='tag_temp' placeholder='New Tag'/><$fieldmangler tiddler='$:/state/videotag'>
<$button>Create Tag
<$action-setfield $tiddler={{$:/state/videotag!!tag_temp}} $field='video_tag' $value='true'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/videotag' $field='tag_temp' $value=''/>
</$fieldmangler><$button set='$:/state/videotag!!add_or_create_tag' setTo='nocreate'>Done</$button><br>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/videotag!!add_or_create_tag' text='create'>
Tag to add:
<$select tiddler='$:/state/videotag' field='selected_tag'>
<$list filter='[video_tag[true]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
<$fieldmangler tiddler='$:/temp/videotimestamp'>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param={{$:/state/videotag!!selected_tag}}/>Add Tag
</$button><$button set='$:/state/videotag!!add_or_create_tag' setTo='create'>New Tag</$button>
List of current tags:<br>
<$fieldmangler tiddler='$:/temp/videotimestamp'>
<$list filter='[[$:/temp/videotimestamp]tags[]]'><$view field='title'/> <$button>Remove Tag<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-tag' $param=<<currentTiddler>>/></$button><br> </$list>
<!-- list existing timestamps -->
<$list filter='[tag<selectedVideo>!tag[Video Segment]sort[title]]'>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>__{{!!title}} - {{!!description}}__<$action-setfield $tiddler='YouTube Video Annotations' embed_start={{!!timestamp}} embed_end=99:99:99/></$button> <$macrocall $name=youtube-link video={{!!youtubeid}} time={{!!timestamp}} text='(External Link)'/> <$link to=<<currentTiddler>>>(Open Tiddler)</$link><br>
A single Image can be added to a tiddlers title as an icon. An example is she red checkmark in the title of this tiddler.
To do this you create a field called `icon`, and in that field you list the name of an image tiddler, the image from that tiddler will then be used an the icon. Note that you just put in the tiddlers name without any `{{` and `}}` or other markup.
For images in the core, and possibly other SVG images, you can also create a field called `color` which will give you a color picker that sets the color of the svg icon.
If you want to use an icon from [[font awesome|Using Font Awesome]] you can, but you need to make a tiddler and put the code for the icon in its text field, and then list that tiddler in the icon field of your original tiddler. For font awesome icons you need to set the icons color in the tiddler displaying the icon, you can't use the color field the way you can with the core icons.
These images will not be displayed on the table of contents or tabs created using the tabs macro, in order to do that you have to use [[the caption field|The Caption Field]] of a tiddler.
The css class for this icon is `tc-tiddler-title-icon`.
To add an image you have two main options:
*Importing using the import button on the side menu (it is at the top of this wiki, by default it is on the right side)
*Importing by dragging and dropping a file onto the wiki window
!!Importing using the button
Click on the button, which will open up a dialogue that allows you to navigate to the location of the image you want to import on your computer and select the image and click OK. Then an import tiddler will open listing the name of the picture, click the import button and the picture is now part of your wiki. The the tiddler name is the full image file name, you can open it up by clicking on the name in the tiddler that appears after you import it. If you wish to change the name of the picture in your wiki you can edit the name in the same way as any other tiddler.
!!Importing by dragging and dropping
Find the image you want using a file manager and click on the images name or icon, then still holding down the mouse button drag the icon to the window where you have your wiki open and when your mouse is over some part of your wiki release the mouse button. The import tiddler should appear and you can click import to import the image. The the tiddler name is the full image file name, you can open it up by clicking on the name in the tiddler that appears after you import it. If you wish to change the name of the picture in your wiki you can edit the name in the same way as any other tiddler.
!Using the KaTeX plugin.
!!List of known things that KaTeX can't do:
* `\textbf{}`
* `\begin{}` - nothing that uses this works yet
* There are probably more, but those are the things that have come up for me so far.
This means that you can't have multi-line equations using KaTeX, so you should use the [[SVG image method|Making Latex Equations SVG Images]] or MathJax to do them. I like the SVG images better since you don't need to be online to view them.
TiddlyWiki can do native LaTeX equations using the KaTeX plugin, and doesn't require a connection to the internet. Just surround equations with ``$$`` to get the LaTeX output.
$$p(z) =\sum_{m=0}^{\infty} \frac{e^{-A}A^m}{m!} \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi \sigma^2_m}}e^{-\frac{|z|^2}{2\sigma^2_m}}$$
$$p(z) =\sum_{m=0}^{\infty} \frac{e^{-A}A^m}{m!} \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi \sigma^2_m}}e^{-\frac{|z|^2}{2\sigma^2_m}}$$
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
Add a tag
<$fieldmangler><$button message="tm-add-tag" param="bob">Add tag</$button></$fieldmangler>
<$fieldmangler><$button message="tm-add-tag" param="bob">Add tag</$button></$fieldmangler>
For a more useful example of how this could be used see [[Search and Replace Tags]].
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
.tc-tiddler-frame .tc-tiddler-body {
font-family: {{$:/state/Site Accessability Options!!fontfamily}};
font-weight: {{$:/state/Site Accessability Options!!fontweight}};
font-size: {{$:/state/Site Accessability Options!!fontsize}};
line-height: {{$:/state/Site Accessability Options!!lineheight}};
word-spacing: {{$:/state/Site Accessability Options!!wordspacing}};
letter-spacing: {{$:/state/Site Accessability Options!!letterspacing}};
text-decoration: {{$:/state/Site Accessability Options!!textdecoration}};
<$set name=WidthOption value={{$:/settings/apperance/TiddlerWidthSettings!!width_option}}>
<$set name=StoryRiverWidth filter='[[$:/settings/apperance/TiddlerWidthSettings/story_river]get<WidthOption>]'>
<$set name=SidebarScrollableLeft filter='[[$:/settings/apperance/TiddlerWidthSettings/sidebar_scrollable]get<WidthOption>]'>
<$set name=TiddlerFrameWidth filter='[[$:/settings/apperance/TiddlerWidthSettings/tiddler_frame]get<WidthOption>]'>
.tc-story-river {
width: <<StoryRiverWidth>>;
left: 0px;
top: 0px;
padding: 42px;
.tc-sidebar-scrollable {
position: fixed;
top: 0px;
left: <<SidebarScrollableLeft>>;
bottom: 0px;
right: 0px;
overflow: auto;
margin: 0px 0px 0px -42px;
padding: 71px 0px 28px 42px;
.tc-tiddler-frame {
padding: 28px 42px 42px;
width: <<TiddlerFrameWidth>>;
border-radius: 2px;
Each plugin should have an information tiddler with a standard form that can be displayed on a listing/directory site using a standard template.
It would probably be best to have something like a miniplugin tiddler, that is a tiddler with a standardized set of fields. The text would be a description of the plugin, not necessarily documentation. Each tiddler, or possibly just each widget, will have a field named after them, and the content of the field will be a tiddler devoted to that tiddler or widget.
Of if possible, just a single json data tiddler to it can be dragged and dropped from the source site to the listing site.
For the plugin:
*Current version
*Date of most recent update
*Link to github/source
*A link to the plugin documentation (developers site?)
The tiddlers explaining the individual parts of the plugin, with a standard set of fields.
For each widget/tiddler
*Link to the widget specific documentation (hopefully indepth)
*A link to examples showing how the widget is used
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
See [[TiddlerSlider Macro]] for a macro that does this.
This sets a tiddler to open inside the current tiddler. You can close it by clicking on the x that appears.
You can put whatever code you want inside of this, but the tiddler will be displayed under the `</$navigator>` part, so it won't open the link inside whatever you put here. If you want to have each tiddler open directly under the link than you need one of these chunks of code per link.
Here is the code:
<$navigator story="MySubStoryList" history="MySubHistoryList">
Click a link to get started:
[[Noise Models]]
<$list filter="[list[MySubStoryList]]" history="MySubHistoryList">
! <$button message="tm-close-tiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible">{{$:/core/images/close-button}}</$button> <$view field="title"/>
<$navigator story="MySubStoryList" history="MySubHistoryList">
Click a link to get started:
[[Noise Models]]
<$list filter="[list[MySubStoryList]]" history="MySubHistoryList">
! <$button message="tm-close-tiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible">{{$:/core/images/close-button}}</$button> <$view field="title"/>
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
<$view field='title'/> - <$view field='modified'/><br>
Currently there isn't much you can do other than embed audio in a wiki as discussed in [[Embedding Audio]].
The code here shows how to make a list of everything tagged 'Engineering'.
Change where it says 'Engineering' to whatever tag you want a list for. Lists like this are at the bottom of every tiddler in this wiki, so go look at [[Engineering]] if you want to see what this does. Or at the bottom of almost any tiddler here.
Entries tagged [[Engineering]]
<$list filter="[tag[Engineering]]">
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
Also related to the recurring events implementation.
For the documentation make sure you include examples of how to use each widget, not just the documentation that they have at tiddlywiki.com
Widgets that are part of the core plugin:<br>
Other widgets added to this wiki:<br>
*~~[[Documentation:MakeTidWidget]]~~ - This functionality has been added elsewhere
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
<$list filter='[tag[Awesome Thing]sort[title]]'>
<$link><$view field='title'/></$link> - <$transclude field='description'/> (<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'>Go to site</a>)<br>
This is a tiddler for the calendar demo
<$list filter='[is[current]]'>
To make block quotes you use
quoted text goes here
<<< person/thing quoted
which displays as
quoted text goes here
<<< person/thing quoted
you can leave out the person/thing quoted part if you don't want the citation.
You can also do quotes similar to how lists are done
>first line
>second line
>>second level quote
which displays as
>first line
>second line
>>second level quote
you can also mix this with the [[Static Ordered and Unordered Lists]]
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
<$list filter="[all[current]tag[Book]]" template='BookDisplayTemplate'>
<th><$reveal type=match text=true state='Library Tracker Settings!!show_author'>Author</$reveal></th>
<th><$reveal type=match text=true state='Library Tracker Settings!!show_location'>Location</$reveal></th>
<th><$reveal type=match text=true state='Library Tracker Settings!!show_series'>Series</$reveal></th>
<th><$reveal type=match text=true state='Library Tracker Settings!!show_genre'>Genre</$reveal></th>
<td><$reveal type=match text=true state='Library Tracker Settings!!show_author'>{{!!author}}</$reveal></td>
<td><$reveal type=match text=true state='Library Tracker Settings!!show_location'>{{!!location}}</$reveal></td>
<td><$reveal type=match text=true state='Library Tracker Settings!!show_series'>{{!!series}}</$reveal></td>
<td><$reveal type=match text=true state='Library Tracker Settings!!show_genre'>{{!!genre}}</$reveal></td>
\define thisRemoveTag()
Select Tag: <$select tiddler='Bookmarks Settings' field='edit_tag_list'>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/Bookmarks/BookmarkTags]indexes[]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
<$button set='$:/data/Bookmarks/BookmarkTags##$(TagToRemove)$'>Remove Tag</$button>
This is going to contain tools to remove tags from the potential bookmark tag list. This should be exactly what is used in the library tracker, but it isn't working here. I am confused.
<$set name=TagToRemove value={{Bookmarks Settings!!edit_tag_list}}>
This macro lists all tiddlers that are tagged with the current tiddler along with the text in the `blurb` field of the listed tiddlers. It also makes a `new topic` button that creates and opens a new tiddler tagged with the current tiddler. This is useful for creating tiddlers that will be displayed as children of the current tiddler in the table of contents.
To use this macro import it by clicking this link and dragging it to your wiki [[BottomOfTiddlerMacro]]. If you update the macro in [[BottomOfTiddlerMacro]] than it will be updated on all of the tiddler where you use it.
This is the current code for the macro:
\define getState()
\define getProperTag() [[$(properTag)$]]
\define bottomOfTiddler()
<$tiddler tiddler=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$set name="properTag" value={{!!title}}>
<$button>New Topic
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-new-tiddler" title="New" text="<<bottomOfTiddler>>" blurb=" " tags=<<getProperTag>>/>
<$reveal state=<<getState>> type='match' text='show'>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<getState>> $field='text' $value='hide'/>
Hide</$button> entries tagged <$list filter="[all[current]]"/>
<$list filter="[all[current]tagging[]!has[draft.of]]">
<$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link> - <$view field="blurb"/>
<$reveal state=<<getState>> type='nomatch' text='show'>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<getState>> $field='text' $value='show'/>
Show</$button> entries tagged <$list filter="[all[current]]"/>
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
\define getState()
\define getProperTag() [[$(properTag)$]]
\define bottomOfTiddler()
<$tiddler tiddler=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$set name="properTag" value={{!!title}}>
<$button>New Topic
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-new-tiddler" title="New" text="<<bottomOfTiddler>>" blurb=" " tags=<<getProperTag>>/>
<$reveal state=<<getState>> type='match' text='show'>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<getState>> $field='text' $value='hide'/>
Hide</$button> entries tagged <$list filter="[all[current]]"/>
<$list filter="[all[current]tagging[]!has[draft.of]]">
<$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link> - <$view field="blurb"/>
<$reveal state=<<getState>> type='nomatch' text='show'>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<getState>> $field='text' $value='show'/>
Show</$button> entries tagged <$list filter="[all[current]]"/>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/diceexample' field='num_dice' size=2/> d <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/diceexample' field='dice_size' size=2/> x <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/diceexample' field='multiplier' size=2/> + <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/diceexample' field='bonus' size=2/> = {{$:/state/diceexample!!output2}}
<$prodfield2 filter='[[$:/state/diceexample]]' prodfield='die_roll' prodfield2='multiplier' storefield='output'/>
<$sumfield2 filter='[[$:/state/diceexample]]' sumfield='output' sumfield2='bonus' storefield='output2'/>
<$button>Roll the Dice
<$action-randval $tiddler='$:/state/diceexample' $field='die_roll' $lower=1 $upper={{$:/state/diceexample!!dice_size}} $step=1 $numrolls={{$:/state/diceexample!!num_dice}}/>
Here is a list of builtin css classes, arranged roughly by category:
<$list filter='[tag[Builtin CSS Classes]]'>
<h1><$view field='caption'/></h1>
<$transclude mode=block/>
These are used for general layout of the main TiddlyWiki view.
|!Name |!Description |
|tc-body |? |
|tc-more-sidebar |? |
|tc-page-controls |? |
|tc-sidebar-header |? |
|tc-sidebar-lists |? |
|tc-sidebar-scrollable |? |
|tc-site-title |? |
|tc-story-river |? |
|tc-subtitle |? |
|tc-system-title-prefix |? |
|tc-plugin-reload-warning |? |
|tc-title |? |
|tc-titlebar |? |
|tc-topbar |? |
|tc-topbar-left |? |
|tc-topbar-right |? |
|tc-advanced-search |? |
|tc-alert |? |
|tc-alert-highlight |? |
|tc-alert-subtitle |? |
|tc-alert-toolbar |? |
|tc-alerts |? |
|tc-dropzone |? |
|tc-control-panel |? |
These are other classes that don't seem to fit elsewhere, or I don't know what they are.
|!Name |!Description |
|tc-binary-warning |? |
|tc-bordered-image |? |
|tc-chooser |? |
|tc-chooser-item |? |
|tc-csv-table |? |
|tc-dirty |? |
|tc-dirty-indicator |? |
|tc-dragover |? |
|tc-error |? |
|tc-file-input-wrapper |? |
|tc-float-right |? |
|tc-improvement-banner |? |
|tc-message-box |? |
|tc-missing-tiddler-label |? |
|tc-muted |? |
|tc-notification |? |
|tc-scrollable-demo |Used for the demo for the scrollable widget on tiddlywiki.com |
|tc-search |? |
|tc-search-results |? |
|tc-selected |? |
|tc-small-icon |? |
|tc-static-alert |? |
|tc-static-alert-inner |? |
|tc-storyview-zoomin-tiddler |? |
|tc-swatch |? |
|tc-swatches-horiz |? |
|tc-untagged-label |? |
|tc-untagged-separator |? |
|tc-vertical |? |
These all have something to do with the table of contents
|!Name |!Description |
|tc-tabbed-table-of-contents |? |
|tc-tabbed-table-of-contents-content |? |
|tc-table-of-contents |? |
|toc-item |? |
|toc-item-selective |? |
You can make a button that will bring you to the top of the page whenever you click on it by using the `$action-navigator` widget and the [[$:/StoryList]] tiddler. If you add the tag `$:/tags/PageControls` to the tiddler after you import it into your wiki than it will show up in the page toolbar and be accessible whenever you have the page toolbar visible.
Import this tiddler if you want this in your wiki: [[Menu Icon - Jump To Top]]
The button code is:
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>
<$list variable='Target' filter='[list[$:/StoryList]first[]]'>
<$action-navigate $to=<<Target>>/>
Here is what the button looks like (it is also in the icon menu on the left):
{{Menu Icon - Jump To Top}}
Buttons are one of the main interface tools for tiddlywiki. Almost everything you interact with on this page is either a button (or can be made with a button) or a text field.
This is now all in the [[Calendar Plugin]]. Future work will be on that.
The things listed under this are part of a calendar demo I am working on. The calendar will keep track of which days you do a list of activities.
Tiddlers currently used:
<$list filter='[tag[Calendar Demo]]'>
[[Calendar widget example]] - it doesn't do what I want it to do.
Each date is a button, I need to make it open up a tiddler that shows information about that day. Hopefully a list of things for that day and a place to put notes or something. This will probably be a conditional view template.
*Add date stuff using the javascript date objects. We should be able to make the calendar generate automatically using it.
*With the startup actions plugin I made I can have the wiki make a modal (or notification) appear to remind you of events.
*I can make a list that shows up in the sidebar or somewhere like that listing upcoming events and how long until they arrive.
*Once 5.1.8 is released than I will work on the gallery and use that to let you page through the months of the calendar.
*I will add configuration to it
*I will add the option to list the totals for each month on each months tiddler
*For the counts add a toggle that switches between showing every month/activity and only showing things that aren't zero
*Find some way to auto-generate the calendar months. This may be a more involved process than I want to deal with so it may not happen. They are pretty easy to make as it is so I am not too worried about it.
*I should integrate the task list into this somehow.
Plugin tiddler: [[$:/plugins/inmysocks/Calendar]]
Github: https://github.com/inmysocks/TW5-Calendar
To change the calendar behaviour by creating your own macro there are instructions on [[macros for the calendar widget|Macros for the Calendar Widget]].
<<tiddlerSlider [[Calendar Plugin Roadmap]]>>
<$transclude tiddler='$:/plugins/inmysocks/Calendar/readme' mode=block/>
The `calendar-month` widget probably won't have any significant changes since all it does is build the month, most significant progress will be in the macros included.
*With the startup actions plugin I made I can have the wiki make a modal (or notification) appear to remind you of events.
*I can make a list that shows up in the sidebar or somewhere like that listing upcoming events and how long until they arrive.
*Once 5.1.8 is released than I will work on the gallery and use that to let you page through the months of the calendar. - maybe, the list iterators may not happen in 5.1.8
*I will add configuration to it - this may mainly come from css classes and using different macros
*I will add the option to list the totals for each month on each months tiddler - this would come from a macro
*For the counts add a toggle that switches between showing every month/activity and only showing things that aren't zero - same
*I should integrate the task list into this somehow. - Once again macro.
*I should add more macros that can be distributed as part of the plugin.
If you have specific features you would like to see [[leave a message|User Feedback]].
\define thisMakeCurrentMonth()
Count the number of times an activity has been done in:
<$select tiddler='$:/state/CalendarTotals' field='type'>
<option>All Time</option>
<option>By Year</option>
<option>By Year and Month</option>
Year: <$select tiddler='$:/state/CalendarTotals' field='year'>
<$list filter='[tag[Calendar Month]get[year]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/CalendarTotals!!type' text='All Time'>
<$list filter='[tag[Calendar Activity]]' variable=CurrentActivity>
<$view tiddler=<<CurrentActivity>> field='title'/> -
<$count filter='[title<CurrentActivity>fields[]]-[[title]]-[[created]]-[[modified]]-[[text]]-[[tags]]-[[dummy]]'/><br>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/CalendarTotals!!type' text='By Year'>
<$list filter='[tag[Calendar Month]each[year]get[year]nsort[title]]' variable=CurrentYear>
<$list filter='[tag[Calendar Activity]]' variable=CurrentActivity>
<$view tiddler=<<CurrentActivity>> field='title'/> -
<$count filter='[title<CurrentActivity>fields[]]-[[title]]-[[created]]-[[modified]]-[[text]]-[[tags]]-[[dummy]]+[removeprefix<CurrentYear>]'/><br>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/CalendarTotals!!type' text='By Year and Month'>
<$list filter='[tag[Calendar Month]each[year]get[year]nsort[title]]' variable=CurrentYear>
<$list filter='[list[]]' variable=CurrentMonth>
<$list filter='[tag[Calendar Month]year<CurrentYear>month<CurrentMonth>]'>
<$list filter='[tag[Calendar Activity]]' variable=CurrentActivity>
<$set name=MonthPrefix value=<<thisMakeCurrentMonth>>>
<$view tiddler=<<CurrentActivity>> field='title'/> -
<$count filter='[title<CurrentActivity>fields[]]-[[title]]-[[created]]-[[modified]]-[[text]]-[[tags]]-[[dummy]]+[removeprefix<CurrentYear>]+[removeprefix<MonthPrefix>]'/><br>
<$calendar-month year=2000 month=2/>
A word that is in CamelCase shows up as a link.
A word is in CamelCase if it starts with a capital letter followed by a lower case letter, and has at least one other capital letter in the word.
CamelCase is
CAmelcase isn't
CamelcasE is
displays as:
CamelCase is
CAmelcase isn't
CamelcasE is
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
This plugin is in my plugin library, you can add the library to your wiki by importing [[$:/pluginlibrary/inmysocks/StablePluginLibrary]] and then install the plugin using the `get more plugins` button in the $:/ControlPanel you can also import this plugin directly by importing the plugin tiddler [[$:/plugins/inmysocks/CategoryLists]]
github: https://github.com/inmysocks/TW5-CategoryLists
At the moment this is presented as a task list, but it can be used for other things. I am currently using it as an [[issue tracker and change log|Change Log]] for the work I do with TiddlyWiki.
A task list split into categories. You can see an example [[here|Change Log]]. Clicking on a section title collapses that section, clicking on the {{$:/core/images/info-button}} icon gives information about the task, the checkbox marks the task as finished, the {{$:/core/images/edit-button}} lets you edit a task and the {{$:/core/images/cancel-button}} removes the task from the list.
*multiple independent lists are possibly by changing the `TaskTag` and `FinishedTag` parameters
*collapsible categories
*collapse all/expand all
*searchable by title
*searchable by category
*searchable by tag
*task creation interface
*remove old tasks (this just removes the tags that label it for the list, it doesn't delete the tiddler)
*start dates*
*due dates*
*task creation date*
@@font-size:12px; *At the moment these values aren't used by the list, but I am planning on integrating the task list with my [[calendar plugin|Calendar Plugin]] so that tasks entered on the list can be made to appear on the calendar. @@
__Planned features:__
*add sorting options
*making non-tasklist type lists
*integration with the [[calendar plugin|Calendar Plugin]]
*searchable by due, start and creation dates
*(possibly) allow an infinite number of nested categories, this may not be practical
<<CategoryList TaskTag:"Task" FinishedTag:"Done" ShowAddTask:"True" ShowSearch:"True">>
|!Name |!Description |
|~TaskTag |The tag used to indicate that a tiddler should be on the list (Default: Task) |
|~FinishedTag |The tag added to finished tasks (Default: Done) |
|~ShowAddTask |If this is set to anything other than `True` the `New Task` button doesn't appear. (Default: True) |
|~ShowSearch |If this is set to anything other than `True` than the search interface is hidden. (Default: True) |
If you only want to have a single task list using the tags `Task` and `Done` than simply using `<<CategoryList>>` will work. If you want to have another list that is independent of the first list you can just put `<<CategoryList TaskTag:"School Task">>`. You can have as many lists as you want by changing the `TaskTag`, and if you want the `FinishedTag`.
it should be simple. Just make sure you use the tc-popup-keep class for all of them.
\define thisDisplayChangeLogEntry()
{{$:/data/Change Log##$(ThisEntry)$}} - <$view tiddler=<<ThisEntry>> field='title'><br>
This is my new changelog using my category lists plugin, you can get the plugin from my plugin library. Unfinished Tasks are things I am planning on doing, including updates to plugins and bugfixes. Finished Tasks are things that I have done. Clicking on a section title collapses that section, clicking on the {{$:/core/images/info-button}} icon gives information about the task, the checkbox marks the task as finished, the {{$:/core/images/edit-button}} lets you edit a task and the {{$:/core/images/cancel-button}} removes the task from the list.
<<CategoryList Tag:"Planned Update" FinishedTag:"Change Log">>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/ChangeLog/showoldlog' text='show'>
<$button set='$:/state/ChangeLog/showoldlog' setTo='show'>Show Old Change Log</$button>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/ChangeLog/showoldlog' text='show'>
<$button set='$:/state/ChangeLog/showoldlog' setTo='hide'>Show Old Change Log</$button>
This was started on 10-03-2015, so anything older than that isn't listed.
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Change Log' field='change' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
<$button>Add Entry
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/data/Change Log' $index={{$:/temp/Change Log!!change}} $value=<<now "0DDth MMM YYYY">>/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Change Log' change=''/>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/Change Log]indexes[]]' variable=ThisEntry>
This may be more than is needed, but we shall see.
Actually doing this will take a long time. Probably far longer than I am willing to spend.
<$button popup="$:/state/changetiddlerwidthpopup" style='padding:1px' tooltip='Change Tiddler Width'>Tiddler Width</$button>
<$reveal type="popup" state="$:/state/changetiddlerwidthpopup">
<div class="tc-drop-down">
The button uses these tiddlers (this was updated 03-03-2015):
*[[TiddlerWidthSettings]] - the tiddler that pops up when you click the button
*[[ChangeSizeButton]] - the button itself, you have to add the tag `$:/tags/TopLeftBar` to always show the button in the top left corner.
*[[Alternative Story Style CSS]] - hold the css classes that override the default classes. This should work for other themes. I think.
If you import those tiddlers into your wiki than you will have a working button.
<$button popup="$:/state/changetiddlerwidthpopup">Change Tiddler Width/Font Size</$button>
<$reveal type="popup" state="$:/state/changetiddlerwidthpopup">
<div class="tc-drop-down">
This is the stuff used to change the icons for the expandable table of contents.
This modification is only for the `toc-selective-expandable` version, the same thing can be done with the other types, but this is the only one I have modified.
These tiddlers will add a tab to the control panel called `Table of Contents Settings`, if you use the Contents tiddler listed below than you can toggle between the normal table of contents icons and the icons using font awesome by changing what the drop down menu labeled `Table of contents icons`.
The other two dropdown menus in the settings tab select the close and open images used for the table of contents. After selecting an icon the menu itself won't display the icon, but it will be displayed next to the menu. I don't know why the menu doesn't show the icon, if you know please tell me.
''Note:'' You have to save and reload your wiki after installing the font awesome fonts or they won't show up.
Tiddlers used:
*[[$:/settings/TableOfContentsSettings]] - the settings tab in the control panel
*[[Other TOC Macros]] - the alternate macros
*[[Contents]] - the table of contents tiddler
This also uses the font awesome plugin from http://fontawesome.tiddlyspot.com/ and won't work if you don't have that also.
If you have trouble either ask in [[the google group|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/tiddlywiki]] or using this sites [[User Feedback]] form.
When TiddlyWiki starts up in the browser it looks for a tiddler called [[$:/favicon.ico]] and dynamically uses it as the favicon for the page. If you modify the image then the favicon changes instantly to reflect it.
So if you want to change it just delete the current [[$:/favicon.ico]] and name the desired tiddler [[$:/favicon.ico]]. You may need to reload the tiddlywiki.
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
Themes are complete packages that contain style information for a TiddlyWiki. They can do everything from changing the colours of text to completely changing the layout of the wiki (the mobile theme in this wiki is one example. It is also shown [[here|http://ooktech.com/jed/ExampleWikis/NewBrainTest/]]).
To change the theme of your wiki go to the $:/ControlPanel and click on the `Apperance` tab, then under that click on the `Theme` tab. There will be a list of themes currently available for your wiki. Clicking on one will change to that theme. Changing the theme can be easily undone by changing back to the previous one, so feel free to try out new themes, you won't break anything.
You can get new themes using the plugin library. To access the plugin library go to $:/ControlPanel and click on the `Plugins` tab and click on the button that says `Get More Plugins`.
I'm afraid this happened a few days ago to me too so I carefully removed and reloaded each tiddler, on http://fastnewdev.tiddlyspot.com, and got it to function properly... but it seems to have "reverted". I have no idea why and it must be a bug - @Jed, do you think you could take a look at it?
Here is a simple checkbox example:
<$checkbox field=some_field checked='foo' unchecked='bar'>Some Text</$checkbox>
<$checkbox field=some_field checked='foo' unchecked='bar'>Some Text</$checkbox>
Documentation coming at some point. I hope. If I did things correctly not much should be needed. See [[Dashboard]] for how to import the plugin.
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
\define thisTheOtherStuff()
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/reveal/$(currentTitle)$" text="show">
<$button set="$:/reveal/$(currentTitle)$" setTo='show'>Show Note Section</$button> - Note Name: <$text text="""$(thisNoteName)$"""/>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/reveal/$(currentTitle)$" text="show">
<$button set="$:/reveal/$(currentTitle)$" setTo='hide'>Hide Note Section</$button> <<addQuestionButton>><br>Note Name: <$text text="""$(thisNoteName)$"""/>
<$edit-text tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> class='tc-edit-texteditor' placeholder='Class Notes'/>
\define thisQuestionTiddler()
$:/questions/$(className)$: $(qualifyId)$
\define addQuestionButton()
<$button>Add Question for this Note
<$action-setfield $field=qualify_id $value=<<now "DDth mmm hh:mm:0ss">>/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<thisQuestionTiddler>> question=true class="""$(className)$""" date="""$(currentDate)$""" for_note="""$(thisNoteName)$"""/>
<$set name=qualifyId value={{!!qualify_id}}>
<$set name=currentTitle value={{!!title}}>
<$set name=thisNoteName filter='[is[current]]+[removeprefix[$:/notes/]]'>
\define thisTheOtherStuff()
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/reveal/$(currentTitle)$" text="show">
<$button set="$:/reveal/$(currentTitle)$" setTo='show'>Show Note Section</$button> - Note Name: <$text text="""$(thisNoteName)$"""/>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/reveal/$(currentTitle)$" text="show">
<$button set="$:/reveal/$(currentTitle)$" setTo='hide'>Hide Note Section</$button> <<addQuestionButton>><br>Note Name: <$text text="""$(thisNoteName)$"""/>
<$edit-text tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> class='tc-edit-texteditor' placeholder='Class Notes'/>
\define thisQuestionTiddler()
$:/questions/$(className)$: $(qualifyId2)$
\define addQuestionButton()
<$button>Add Question for this Note
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<thisQuestionTiddler>> question=true class="""$(className)$""" date="""$(currentDate)$""" for_note="""$(thisNoteName)$"""/>
<$set name=qualifyId2 value={{!!question_count}}/>
<$set name=currentTitle value={{!!title}}>
<$set name=thisNoteName filter='[is[current]]+[removeprefix[$:/notes/]]'>
\define thisTheOtherStuff()
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/reveal/$(currentTitle)$" text="show">
<$button set="$:/reveal/$(currentTitle)$" setTo='show'>Show Question</$button> - For Note: <$text text={{!!for_note}}/>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/reveal/$(currentTitle)$" text="show">
<$button set="$:/reveal/$(currentTitle)$" setTo='hide'>Hide Question</$button><br>For Note: <$text text={{!!for_note}}/>
<$edit-text tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> class='tc-edit-texteditor' placeholder='Questions'/>
<$set name=currentTitle value={{!!title}}>
\define thisTheOtherStuff()
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/reveal/$(currentTitle)$" text="show">
<$button set="$:/reveal/$(currentTitle)$" setTo='show'>Show Question</$button> - For Note: <$text text={{!!for_note}}/>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/reveal/$(currentTitle)$" text="show">
<$button set="$:/reveal/$(currentTitle)$" setTo='hide'>Hide Question</$button><br>For Note: <$text text={{!!for_note}}/>
<$edit-text tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> class='tc-edit-texteditor' placeholder='Questions'/>
<$set name=currentTitle value={{!!title}}>
I may not actually be able to do much.
The whole wiki could use work
I don't have anything specific here
<$navigator story='$:/StoryList' history='$:/HistoryList'>
<$button>Clear Plugin Library Data
<$list filter='[prefix[$:/temp/ServerConnection/]][prefix[$:/temp/RemoteAssetInfo/]]'>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-delete-tiddler' $param=<<currentTiddler>>/>
<$set name=videoID value={{$:/.rich/data/videos##Col. Chris Hadfield - A Space Oddity}}>
<$macrocall $name="youtube-embed" video=<<videoID>> start="00:00:00" end="00:00:25"/>
<$set name=videoID value={{$:/.rich/data/videos##Col. Chris Hadfield - A Space Oddity}}>
<$macrocall $name="youtube-embed" video=<<videoID>> start="00:02:31" end="00:02:37"/>
Because why not?
<$set name=videoID value={{$:/.rich/data/videos##Col. Chris Hadfield - A Space Oddity}}>
<$macrocall $name="youtube-embed" video=<<videoID>> start="00:04:04" end="00:04:10"/>
Because why not?
<$set name=videoID value={{$:/.rich/data/videos##Col. Chris Hadfield - A Space Oddity}}>
<$macrocall $name="youtube-embed" video=<<videoID>> start="00:05:12" end="00:05:19"/>
Because why not?
It may not be good to have here. Who knows.
This is a macro that builds a table. It uses each tiddler to make a column. Rows are fields in the tiddler. If a tiddler doesn't have a field other tiddlers used do than it is an empty cell. Click on a cell to edit the contents. If the field doesn't exist it will be created in the tiddler.
This is pacakged along with the [[RowTable Macro]] and the [[Table Wizard Macro]] in the tiddler [[$:/macros/inmysocks/Table Macros]]
|!Parameter |!Description |
|!Filter |A filter, each tiddler returned by this filter is a row in the created table. |
|!Fields |An optional list of fields to include as columns |
|!showTitle |If this is set to `false` than the column with titles aren't shown. |
`<<ColumnTable Filter Fields showTitle>>`
<<ColumnTable '[tag[Wiki Examples]limit[5]]'>>
<<ColumnTable '[tag[Wiki Examples]limit[5]]'>>
<<ColumnTable '[tag[Wiki Examples]limit[5]]' 'blurb creator'>>
<<ColumnTable '[tag[Wiki Examples]limit[5]]' 'blurb creator'>>
<<ColumnTable '[tag[Wiki Examples]limit[5]]' 'blurb creator' false>>
<<ColumnTable '[tag[Wiki Examples]limit[5]]' 'blurb creator' false>>
This is a list of the tiddlers tagged as news for the [[community search|http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/]].
<$list filter='[tag[Community News]]'>
<$link><<currentTiddler>></$link> - <$view field='created' format=date/>
\define buildFirstString()
\define getTransclusion()
''I will add more to this if I find more cases that break or don't act as expected.''
Some explaination of how things work from Jeremy in this thread: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/tiddlywiki/QXaD2i6tWeo
* Invoking a macro with double angle brackets causes the result of the macro (after parameter and variable substitutions) to be wikified (as expected)
* Using a macro as a widget/element attribute (eg `<div class=<<myMacro>>>`) doesn't wikify the result of the macro; the plain result of the macro is assigned to the attribute. ''This one is the reason why the problem in the `Using parameters passed to macros to create strings` part happens. The `<$set name=firstString value=<<buildFirstString>>>` line doesn't wikify the output of `<<buildFirstString>>`. There may be a simpler fix than I have used here.''
* Invoking a macro with double angle brackets doesn't allow parameters to be specified as transclusions or macro invocations; you can only use plain strings. ''This one is why the first example doesn't work.''
* Macros can also be invoked with the `<$macrocall>` widget, which does allow attributes to be specified as transclusions or macro invocations. ''This could fix the first one, I am less certain of the second. I am not sure if it would be simpler using $macrocall or not.''
I will try to write out some examples of what works and what doesn't later.
!Using parameters passed to macros to create strings
I will add this section eventually, but the idea is that `<<someMacro {{!!field_containing_string}}>>` where `someMacro` is
\define someMacro(string)
will not work.
Until I expand this section the tiddler [[Concatenating text to make dynamic URLs]] shows what does work.
!Simplest example using two levels of variables
This is the simplest example I could make of what breaks, because of this there are other ways around this, but situations can come up where this would become a problem.
One example that breaks, note that there are two 'levels', that is a string is built by setting a variable and using that variable in a macro, then the resulting string is set as a variable which is in turn used in another macro to build a second string. This doesn't work.:
\define buildFirstString()
\define getTransclusion()
<$select field='this_field'>
<$set name=tiddlerName value={{!!tiddler_name}}>
<$set name=firstString value=<<buildFirstString>>>
<$button><$action-setfield $field=demonstration1 $value=<<getTransclusion>>/>Set the field</$button>
And the field contains:
<$view field=demonstration1/>
<$select field='this_field'>
<$set name=tiddlerName value={{!!tiddler_name}}>
<$set name=firstString value=<<buildFirstString>>>
<$button><$action-setfield $field=demonstration1 $value=<<getTransclusion>>/>Set the field</$button>
And the field contains:
<$view field=demonstration1/>
Which isn't what we want.
Fortunately there is an easy way around this by using the set widget and filters, so
\define getTransclusion()
\define thisFilter()
<$set name=tidName value={{!!tiddler_name}}>
<$set name=firstString filter='[<tidName>get[this_field]]'>
<$button><$action-setfield $field=demonstration2 $value=<<getTransclusion>>/>Set the field</$button>
And the field contains:
<$view field=demonstration2/>
<$select field='this_field'>
<$set name=tidName value={{!!tiddler_name}}>
<$set name=firstString filter='[<tidName>get[this_field]]'>
<$button><$action-setfield $field=demonstration2 $value=<<getTransclusion>>/>Set the field</$button>
And the field contains:
<$view field=demonstration2/>
\define getAddress()
\define getAddress2()
\define makeOption()
<$set name=optionValue value={{Test Data Tiddler##$(currentThing)$}}>
<option value=<<optionValue>>><$view field='title'/></option>
You can use a macro and set widgets to create URLs based on form input, or other inputs.
!A simple example and the code
Select the page using the dropdown menu and then click on the link to be brought to that page:
<$select field='test_field'>
<$list filter="1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 45 81">
<$set name=page value={{!!test_field}}>
<a href=<<getAddress>> target="_blank">go to page {{!!test_field}}</a>
\define getAddress()
<$select field='test_field'>
<$list filter="1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 45 81">
<$set name=page value={{!!test_field}}>
<a href=<<getAddress>> target="_blank">go to page {{!!test_field}}</a>
!More complex URLs can be built using this same method
<$select field='year'>
<option value='14'>2014</option>
<option value='13'>2013</option>
<option value='12'>2012</option>
<option value='11'>2011</option>
<option value='10'>2010</option>
<option value='09'>2009</option>
<option value='08'>2008</option>
<$select field='month'>
<option value='01'>January</option>
<option value='02'>February</option>
<option value='03'>March</option>
<option value='04'>April</option>
<option value='05'>May</option>
<option value='06'>June</option>
<option value='07'>July</option>
<option value='08'>August</option>
<option value='09'>September</option>
<option value='10'>October</option>
<option value='11'>November</option>
<option value='12'>December</option>
<$select field='day'>
<option value='01'>1</option>
<option value='02'>2</option>
<option value='03'>3</option>
<option value='04'>4</option>
<option value='05'>5</option>
<option value='06'>6</option>
<option value='07'>7</option>
<option value='08'>8</option>
<option value='09'>9</option>
<option value='10'>10</option>
<$select field='day_week'>
<option value='daily'>Daily</option>
<option value='weekly'>Weekly</option>
<$set name=dailyWeekly value={{!!day_week}}>
<$set name=year value={{!!year}}>
<$set name=month value={{!!month}}>
<$set name=day value={{!!day}}>
<a href=<<getAddress2>> target="_blank">go to the comic for {{!!day}}/{{!!month}}/20{{!!year}}</a>
\define getAddress2()
<$select field='year'>
<option value='14'>2014</option>
<option value='13'>2013</option>
<option value='12'>2012</option>
<option value='11'>2011</option>
<option value='10'>2010</option>
<option value='9'>2009</option>
<option value='8'>2008</option>
<$select field='month'>
<option value='01'>January</option>
<option value='02'>February</option>
<option value='03'>March</option>
<option value='04'>April</option>
<option value='05'>May</option>
<option value='06'>June</option>
<option value='07'>July</option>
<option value='08'>August</option>
<option value='09'>September</option>
<option value='10'>October</option>
<option value='11'>November</option>
<option value='12'>December</option>
<$select field='day'>
<option value='01'>1</option>
<option value='02'>2</option>
<option value='03'>3</option>
<option value='04'>4</option>
<option value='05'>5</option>
<option value='06'>6</option>
<option value='07'>7</option>
<option value='08'>8</option>
<option value='09'>9</option>
<option value='10'>10</option>
<$select field='day_week'>
<option value='daily'>Daily</option>
<option value='weekly'>Weekly</option>
<$set name=dailyWeekly value={{!!day_week}}>
<$set name=year value={{!!year}}>
<$set name=month value={{!!month}}>
<$set name=day value={{!!day}}>
<a href=<<getAddress2>> target="_blank">go to comic for {{!!day}}/{{!!month}}/20{{!!year}}</a>
!Using data tiddlers:
The data tiddler: [[Test Data Tiddler]]
<$select field='test_field'>
<$list filter='[[Test Data Tiddler]indexes[]]'>
<$set name=currentThing value=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$set name=page value={{!!test_field}}>
<a href=<<getAddress>> target="_blank">go to page {{!!test_field}}</a>
\define getAddress()
\define makeOption()
<$set name=optionValue value={{Test Data Tiddler##$(currentThing)$}}>
<option value=<<optionValue>>><$view field='title'/></option>
<$select field='test_field'>
<$list filter='[[Test Data Tiddler]indexes[]]'>
<$set name=currentThing value=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$set name=page value={{!!test_field}}>
<a href=<<getAddress>> target="_blank">go to page {{!!test_field}}</a>
<$tiddler tiddler={{!!title}}>
<$set name="tiddlerName" value={{!!title}}>
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
Documentation coming at some point. I hope. If I did things correctly not much should be needed. See [[Dashboard]] for how to import the plugin.
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
This macro is used display the contacts in the [[Contacts]] tiddler.
Editing the code between the line `<$tiddler tiddler=<<currentTiddler>>>` and the line `</$tiddler>` changes what is shown when the button for that contact is pressed in the [[Contacts]] tiddler.
This uses the [[EditField 1 & 2 Macros]], [[ContactAddress Macro]] and the [[ContactAbout Macro]], all of which are in ContactsMacros
The macro code is:
\define contactSlider()
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$" setTo="show">$(tiddlerName)$</$button>
<$view field="blurb"/>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$" setTo="hide">$(tiddlerName)$</$button>
<$tiddler tiddler=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$link to=<<currentTiddler>>>Open Contact</$link>
|!Personal Email Address |<<editField1 personal_email_address>> |<<editField2 personal_email_address>> |
|!Work Email Address |<<editField1 work_email_address>> |<<editField2 work_email_address>> |
|!Other Email Address |<<editField1 other_email_address>> |<<editField2 other_email_address>> |
|!Home Phone Number |<<editField1 home_phone_number>> |<<editField2 home_phone_number>> |
|!Cell Phone Number |<<editField1 cell_phone_number>> |<<editField2 cell_phone_number>> |
|!Work Phone Number |<<editField1 work_phone_number>> |<<editField2 work_phone_number>> |
|!Blurb |<<editField1 blurb>> |<<editField2 blurb>> |
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/settings/toc' text='folder'>
<div class='tc-table-of-contents'>
<<toc-selective-expandable 'Contents' 'sort[list]'>>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/settings/toc' text='folder'>
<div class='tc-table-of-contents'>
<<my-toc-selective-expandable 'Contents' 'sort[list]'>>
Replace whatever is inside the curly braces with your desired changes. See [[list of some relevant CSS properties]] for things you can change.
!Common changes (copy and paste, replace the parts you want to change):
Font size (replace 20px with whatever size you want): `font-size:20px;`
Font color (change blue to whatever color you want): `color:blue;`
Font family (You would never want anything other than comic sans, so you can't change anything here): `font-family:Comic Sans MS;`
Background color: `background-color:pink;`
!Things you can change:
''Full tiddler (can change background color)''
.tc-tiddler-frame {
''Text in tiddler body''
.tc-tiddler-frame .tc-tiddler-body {
font-size: 15px;
line-height: 22px;
color: blue;
''Normal tiddler title:''
.tc-title {
font-family:Comic Sans MS;
''The title while editing a tiddler''
input.tc-titlebar.tc-edit-texteditor {
''The main text editing area of tiddlers in edit mode:''
.tc-tiddler-edit-frame textarea {
''The default tag apperance''
button.tc-tag-label, span.tc-tag-label {
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' to='Copyleft Info' tooltip='Copyleft Info'>
[img height=20px [Copyleft.svg]]
I have written a bit about what I see as the problems with licensing content for TiddlyWiki caused by it being a single page application in [[Thoughts about TiddlyWiki and Licensing]], read that for more information.
For the purposes of this site I am going to mostly ignore the problems caused by single page applications and licensing and claim that plugins and wiki content are distinct entities as far as licenses are concerned. I know that not everyone shares this view.
With that said here is how I am going to claim is the copyright/license status of things on this site:
*The HTML code that isn't in one of the other categories here falls under [[the normal tiddlywiki license on github|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/blob/master/licenses/copyright.md]].
*The core plugin (the $:/core tiddler itself) also falls under the normal TiddlyWiki license.
*Any official TiddlyWiki plugins also use the normal TiddlyWiki license.
*Any plugins that aren't by me on this site have whatever license their original creators gave them.
*Non-plugin tiddlers that aren't created by me (there aren't many on this site) are copyright their respective creators.
*Any plugins I created can be used however you wish, if you must attach a license for some reason use whichever of the permissive licenses best suits your needs as long as it allows modification and distribution. Note that if you use TiddlyWiki the source code is necessarily available to anyone who uses the wiki your create, this is a consequence of how TiddlyWiki works and is unavoidable.
*As much as it is possible to legally do so without violating the above, the content that I have created on this wiki, with content defined as any non-shadow tiddlers (modified or otherwise), is under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. ~~Until I get answers to the questions raised in [[Thoughts about TiddlyWiki and Licensing]] I am going to assume that this works and is legal.~~ (From discussions on the TiddlyWiki forum it was explained to me that this is indeed legal, and not even really in question.)
<a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/"><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-sa/4.0/88x31.png" /></a><br /><span xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" property="dct:title">Wiki Reference Wiki</span> by <span xmlns:cc="http://creativecommons.org/ns#" property="cc:attributionName">inmysocks</span> is licensed under a <a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a>.
Something like listing years horizontally, and inside each year list months vertically. That is a bad example but something like that.
Something that could be used to generate what is discussed in [[this thread|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/tiddlywiki/yb19RzU7j4E]] that can dynamically build the list without a set number of years or sample sites.
Since only books should exist so far it could just make the item_type field and set it to book for every existing item.
Plugin: [[$:/plugins/inmysocks/CategoryLists]]
It is also in my [[stable plugin library|$:/pluginlibrary/inmysocks/StablePluginLibrary]].
It is used to keep track of the [[Change Log]] if you want an example of it in use.
When you want a small bit of static text to pop up when you hover over something like an in line footnote. This is restricted to only text, if you want more see [[Make something pop up when you put the mouse over it]] for a more flexible version.
In this example `Note` is the superscript word that is shown (you can change it to whatever text you want) and `Hi, I am a footnote with further information.` is what pops up. This can only be text and can't reference anything else.
This code
And we have a footnote<<hoverFootnote "Note" "Hi, I am a footnote with further information.">>
displays as:
And we have a footnote<<hoverFootnote "Note" "Hi, I am a footnote with further information.">>
!!Another way:
If you want the footnotes to show up at the bottom of the page as well you use these two bits of code.
First, where you want the footnote to appear in the text you use
Some text that needs a footnote<<hoverRef "label">>
And then at the bottom of the page you put
<<footnotes "label" "This is just like the plain old bottom definition.">>
The two bits of code display as:
Some text that needs a footnote<<hoverRef "label">>
blah blah blah(the rest of the page)
<<footnotes "label" "This is just like the plain old bottom definition.">>
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
Documentation coming at some point. I hope. If I did things correctly not much should be needed. See [[Dashboard]] for how to import the plugin.
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
!The quick solution
is to import this by clicking on the link below and dragging it to your wiki:
Then anything you tag `Contents` will show up in the first level of the table of contents, like `Things to import to make everything work`, `What to do` and `Wiki Examples` are in this wiki. Then anything tagged with the name of a tiddler in the table of contents will be included under that tiddler, like how `CamelCase` is listed under `Wiki Examples` in this wiki.
So any tiddler tagged `Wiki Examples` shows up under Wiki Examples, and any tiddler tagged `Wiki Formatting - text, tables, etc.` shows up in the table of contents under Wiki Formatting - text, tables, etc. and so on.
!To build one of your own
!!__TOC types I created__
*The mobile menu type table of contents (These requires the tiddler [[$:/macros/inmysocks/MobileMenu]])
''Basic mobile toc:''
<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<MobileMenu RootTag:"Contents" MenuType:TOC>>
<$reveal state='$:/state/mobilemenutocexample' type='match' text='show'>
<$button set='$:/state/mobilemenutocexample' setTo='noshow'>Hide Mobile Menu TOC</$button>
<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<MobileMenu RootTag:"Contents" MenuType:TOC>>
<$reveal state='$:/state/mobilemenutocexample' type='nomatch' text='show'>
<$button set='$:/state/mobilemenutocexample' setTo='show'>Show Mobile Menu TOC</$button>
''Selectively expandable mobile toc:''
<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<MobileMenu RootTag:"Contents" MenuType:"TOC-Selective">>
<$reveal state='$:/state/mobilemenuselectivetocexample' type='match' text='show'>
<$button set='$:/state/mobilemenuselectivetocexample' setTo='noshow'>Hide Mobile Menu Selective TOC</$button>
<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<MobileMenu RootTag:"Contents" MenuType:"TOC-Selective">>
<$reveal state='$:/state/mobilemenuselectivetocexample' type='nomatch' text='show'>
<$button set='$:/state/mobilemenuselectivetocexample' setTo='show'>Show Mobile Menu Selective TOC</$button>
!!__Part of the core__
Create a tiddler called `Contents` or `Table of Contents` or `bob`, then put one of the table of contents macros into the tiddler and (optionally) tag the tiddler `$:/tags/SideBar`. If you tag the tiddler with `$:/tags/SideBar` than it will appear in the sidebar like the table of contents on this wiki. Otherwise it will just be in the tiddler you created.
There are a few pre-made table of contents macros available. Here is the code to put into your tiddler along with examples of what each one looks like (click the button in each entry to see the example). Replace `Contents` in the following bits of code with the name of your table of contents tiddler to make it work:
*Expandable - click on the {{$:/core/images/right-arrow}} to expand a section
<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-expandable "Contents">>
<$reveal state='$:/state/expandabletoc' type='match' text='show'>
<$button set='$:/state/expandabletoc' setTo='noshow'>Exapndable TOC</$button>
<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-expandable "Contents">>
<$reveal state='$:/state/expandabletoc' type='nomatch' text='show'>
<$button set='$:/state/expandabletoc' setTo='show'>Exapndable TOC</$button>
*Selective Expandable - click on the {{$:/core/images/right-arrow}} to expand a section, but {{$:/core/images/right-arrow}} only appears when a section isn't empty.
<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-selective-expandable "Contents">>
<$reveal state='$:/state/selectexpandabletoc' type='match' text='show'>
<$button set='$:/state/selectexpandabletoc' setTo='noshow'>Selective Exapndable TOC</$button>
<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-selective-expandable "Contents">>
<$reveal state='$:/state/selectexpandabletoc' type='nomatch' text='show'>
<$button set='$:/state/selectexpandabletoc' setTo='show'>Selective Exapndable TOC</$button>
*Simple - just a listing of contents with indents to show the hierarchy
<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc "Contents">>
<$reveal state='$:/state/simpletoc' type='match' text='show'>
<$button set='$:/state/simpletoc' setTo='noshow'>Simple TOC</$button>
<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc "Contents">>
<$reveal state='$:/state/simpletoc' type='nomatch' text='show'>
<$button set='$:/state/simpletoc' setTo='show'>Simple TOC</$button>
*Sorted Expandable - same as expandable, but sorted by title
<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-expandable "Contents" "sort[title]">>
<$reveal state='$:/state/sortedexpandabletoc' type='match' text='show'>
<$button set='$:/state/sortedexpandabletoc' setTo='noshow'>Expandable TOC - Sorted</$button>
<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-expandable "Contents" "sort[title]">>
<$reveal state='$:/state/sortedexpandabletoc' type='nomatch' text='show'>
<$button set='$:/state/sortedexpandabletoc' setTo='show'>Expandable TOC - Sorted</$button>
*Tabbed - internal navigation - A tabbed table of contents that opens links in the same tiddler (like on the [[Dashboard]])
<<toc-tabbed-internal-nav tag:"Contents" selectedTiddler:"$:/temp/toc/selectedTiddler" unselectedText:"Select a topic in the table of contents. Click the arrow to expand a topic.">>
<$reveal state='$:/state/tabbedinternal' type='match' text='show'>
<$button set='$:/state/tabbedinternal' setTo='noshow'>Tabbed TOC - Internal Navigation</$button>
<<toc-tabbed-internal-nav tag:"Contents" selectedTiddler:"$:/temp/toc/selectedTiddler" unselectedText:"Select a topic in the table of contents. Click the arrow to expand a topic.">>
<$reveal state='$:/state/tabbedinternal' type='nomatch' text='show'>
<$button set='$:/state/tabbedinternal' setTo='show'>Tabbed TOC - Internal Navigation</$button>
*Tabbed - external navigation - A tabbed table of contents that opens links externally (try it out to see what that means)
<<toc-tabbed-external-nav tag:"Contents" selectedTiddler:"$:/temp/toc/selectedTiddler" unselectedText:"Select a topic in the table of contents. Click the arrow to expand a topic.">>
<$reveal state='$:/state/tabbedexternal' type='match' text='show'>
<$button set='$:/state/tabbedexternal' setTo='noshow'>Tabbed TOC - External Navigation</$button>
<<toc-tabbed-external-nav tag:"Contents" selectedTiddler:"$:/temp/toc/selectedTiddler" unselectedText:"Select a topic in the table of contents. Click the arrow to expand a topic.">>
<$reveal state='$:/state/tabbedexternal' type='nomatch' text='show'>
<$button set='$:/state/tabbedexternal' setTo='show'>Tabbed TOC - External Navigation</$button>
!Define your own table of contents macro
The macros used above are stored in [[$:/core/macros/toc]], you can look at them for examples of how the macros are made. If you want to make your own you should put it in a tiddler you make and tag that tiddler with `$:/tags/Macro`, or put the macro in the tiddler that you are using as your table of contents and it won't be available anywhere else in the wiki.
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
These are borders for things that have borders. The most common are probably: $button widget, table, div
|!Name |!Use |!Values Used |
|border |Applies to all borders | |
|border-bottom |Applies to the bottom border |^|
|border-left |Applies to the left border |^|
|border-right |Applies to the right border |^|
|border-top |Applies to the top border |^|
|border-width |Sets the border width | |
|border-bottom-width |Sets the bottom border width | |
|border-left-width |Sets the left border width | |
|border-right-width |Sets the right border width | |
|border-top-width |Sets the top border width | |
|border-bottom-color |Sets the bottom border color | |
|border-left-color |Sets the left border color | |
|border-right-color |Sets the right border color | |
|border-top-color |Sets the top border color | |
|border-bottom-style |Style for the bottom border | |
|border-left-style |Style for the left border | |
|border-right-style |Style for the right border | |
|border-top-style |Style for the top border | |
Color has a lot, so it gets its own thing.
|!Name |!Description |!Values Used |
|color |Sets color of the current element |Hex RGB values, either 3 or 6 long (#xxx or #xxxxxx), or defined colour names (blue, black, forestgreen, burlywood, blanchedalmond, there are many of them) |
|background-color |Sets the color of the background of the current element |Same as color |
For the hex colors, #000 or #000000 is @@color:#000;black@@ and #fff or #ffffff is @@background-color:#000;color:#fff;white@@, #f00 or #ff0000 is @@color:#f00;pure red@@, #0f0 or #00ff00 is @@color:#0f0;pure green@@ and #00f or #0000ff is @@color:#00f; pure blue@@.
Or you can use named colors:
(Note that while the property is spelled `color`, for the color names both `grey` and `gray` are used.)
<<tiddlerSlider "List of CSS Named Colors">>
These are used to define the dimensions of things where that makes sense (table, div, text areas, etc.)
|!Name |!Description |
|width |The width of the element |
|min-width |The minimum width of an element with a dynamically defined width |
|max-width |The maximum width of an element with a dynamically defined width |
|line-height |The height of a line of text, this is independent of the font size |
|height |The height of the element |
|min-height |The minimum height for dynamically defined heights |
|max-height |The maximum height for dynamically defined heights |
Here are properties that have to do with positioning elements
|!Name |!Description |!Values Used |
|position |This sets how the positioning is determined |inherit static relative absolute fixed |
|top |The vertical offset between the top of the element and the top of the parent |inherit auto px em vh vw % (can be negative) |
|right |The offset from the right edge of the element and the right edge of the parent |inherit auto px em vh vw % (can be negative) |
|bottom |The vertical offset between the bottom of the element and the bottom of the parent |inherit auto px em vh vw % (can be negative) |
|left |The offset from the left edge of the element and the left edge of the parent |inherit auto px em vh vw % (can be negative) |
|vertical-align |The vertical alignment of the element inside it's parent |inherit baseline middle top bottom text-top text-bottom super sub px em vh vw % (can be negative) |
|overflow |How to handle content that goes outside the parent container |inherit visible hidden scroll auto |
|overflow-x |Same as overflow, but only horizontally | |
|overflow-y |Same as overflow, but only vertically | |
|z-index |The positioning of the element on the z-axis. If two elements take up the same space on the screen, the element with the larger z-index is shown. |inherit auto (integer value) (can be negative) |
|!Name |!Use |!Values Used |
|word-spacing |The spacing between words, this is in addition to the space taken up by space characters | em px vh vw (can be negative)|
|letter-spacing |Spacing between letters, space characters are counted as letters in this case | em px vh vw (can be negative)|
|white-space | | |
|word-wrap | | |
|text-align |Text justification in the text area |left right center |
|text-align-last | | |
|text-decoration | | |
|text-transform | | |
|text-shadow | | |
|text-indent | | |
|text-underline-position | | |
''Fonts'' - not all fonts support all options
|!Name |!Use |!Values Used |
|font-size-adjust | | |
|font-stretch | | |
|font |You can put values for any of the properties listed below for this one | |
|font-style |Font style options |normal italic oblique inherit (others?) |
|font-variant | | |
|font-weight |How heavy the font is |lighter normal bold bolder 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 |
|font-size |How large the font is |xx-small x-small small medium large x-large xx-large smaller larger px % em vh vw (can't be negative) |
|font-family | | |
Documentation coming at some point. I hope. If I did things correctly not much should be needed. See [[Dashboard]] for how to import the plugin.
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
Here are the currently available plugins for the [[Dashboard|$:/plugins/inmysocks/Dashboard/Dashboard]] with their version numbers and date published. To install a plugin on your wiki click and drag the install link to your wiki.
<$list filter='[tag[Plugin twCard]category[Application]]+[limit[1]]'>
<tr><th>{{!!category}} Plugins</th><th></th><th></th><th></th><th></th><th></th></tr>
<tr><th>Name</th><th>Version</th><th>Date</th><th>Release</th><th>Description</th><th>Install Link</th></tr>
<$set name=currentCategory value={{!!category}}>
<$list filter='[tag[Plugin twCard]category<currentCategory>maintainer[inmysocks]]' template=PlugintwCardDisplayTemplate2>
You can create an n-dash with a double hyphen `--` and an m-dash with a triple hyphen `---`. For example -- this is an example --- and so is this
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
[[Test Dictionary Tiddler]] is an example of a dictionary tiddler. You can add new entries using the `handle:definition` pattern shown in the example. Linebreaks are not allowed in dictionary tiddlers.
The information can be referenced by using the `{{tiddlerName##handle}}` syntax like this:
{{Test Dictionary Tiddler##a}}
which gives:
{{Test Dictionary Tiddler##a}}
The [[hoverData macro|Make data from a dictionary tiddler appear when you hover over something]] uses dictionary tiddlers.
The tiddler [[Dictionary]] on the [[Dashboard]] uses a data tiddler as well. It uses [[$:/data/Dictionary]] and can add entries to the tiddler without editing it directly. I haven't found out how to remove entries without manually editing it yet.
Currently there is limited support for them, but this will change in future versions of TiddlyWiki.
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
There are currently 3 macros:
`day-diff` and `year-diff` both take up to 6 inputs:
|!Name |!Purpose |
|year1 |The starting year (default: 1900) |
|month1 |The starting month (default: 1 for January) |
|day1 |The starting day (default: 1) |
|year2 |The ending year (default: 1900) |
|month2 |The ending month (default: 1 for January) |
|day2 |The ending day (default 1) |
`add-time` takes up to 6 inputs:
|!Name |!Purpose |
|years |The number of years to add (default 0) |
|months |The number of months to add (default 0) |
|days |The number of days to add (default 0) |
|hours |The number of hours to add (default 0) |
|minutes |The number of minutes to add (default 0) |
|seconds |The number of seconds to add (default 0) |
All are numeric values. Years should be 4 digits (YYYY), months should be values in the range 1-12, with 1 being January and 12 being December, days should be in the range 1-31 to correspond to the day of the month. If you give a day that is outside of a given month, like 31 for February, it will treat it as March 3rd.
day-diff returns the number of days rounded to the closes full day, year-diff returns the number of years rounded to the closest full year.
Inputs can be given in order or in name:value pairs, so `<<day-diff year1:1985 year2:2015>>` gives <<day-diff year1:1985 year2:2015>> and `<<day-diff 1985 1 1 2015 1 1>>` gives <<day-diff 1985 1 1 2015 1 1>>, which should be the same result.
There are <<day-diff 1985 10 9 2015 2 25>> days between Oct. 9th 1985 and Feb. 25th 2015
There are <<year-diff 1985 10 9 2015 2 25>> years between Oct. 9th 1985 and Feb. 25th 2015
It will be <<add-time 5 3 2>> 5 years 3 months and 2 days from now.
Days and months roll over as expected:
`<<add-time 0 36 200>>` gives <<add-time 0 36 200>>
Difference between two dates in days: (this may not be completely accurate, I think it is a few days off.)
There are <<day-diff 1985 10 9 2015 2 25>> days between Oct. 9th 1985 and Feb. 25th 2015
Difference between two dates in years:
There are <<year-diff 1985 10 9 2015 2 25>> years between Oct. 9th 1985 and Feb. 25th 2015
Date a set time from now:
It will be <<add-time 5 3 2>> 5 years 3 months and 2 days from now.
Giving add-time no arguments should be the same date as the now macro:
`<<add-time>>` gives <<add-time>>, `<<now>>` gives <<now>>
Days and months roll over as expected:
`<<add-time 0 36 200>>` gives <<add-time 0 36 200>>
Year: <$select field=year><$list filter='1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1985 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020'>
</$select> Month: <$select field=month><$list filter='1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12'>
</$select> Day: <$select field=day><$list filter='1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31'>
Year: <$select field=year2><$list filter='1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1985 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020'>
</$select> Month: <$select field=month2><$list filter='1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12'>
</$select> Day: <$select field=day2><$list filter='1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31'>
Difference in days: <$macrocall $name='day-diff' year1={{!!year}} month1={{!!month}} day1={{!!day}} year2={{!!year2}} month2={{!!month2}} day2={{!!day2}}/>
Difference in years: <$macrocall $name='year-diff' year1={{!!year}} month1={{!!month}} day1={{!!day}} year2={{!!year2}} month2={{!!month2}} day2={{!!day2}}/>
To add formatted definitions you use
;Term to be defined
:definition of term
;Second term to be defined
:definition of second term
which will display as
;Term to be defined
:definition of term
;Second term to be defined
:definition of second term
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
Are you sure you want to delete __{{Manage Books!!book_title}}__ from your collection?
<$set name=newBook filter='[tag[Book]]+[first[]]'>
<$button>Yes, delete {{Manage Books!!book_title}}.
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-delete-tiddler' $param={{Manage Books!!book_title}}/>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-close-tiddler'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='Manage Books' $field='book_title' $value=<<newBook>>/>
<$button>No<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-close-tiddler'/></$button>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/diceexample' field='num_dice' size=2/> d <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/diceexample' field='dice_size' size=2/> x <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/diceexample' field='multiplier' size=2/> + <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/diceexample' field='bonus' size=2/> = {{$:/state/diceexample!!output2}}
<$prodfield2 filter='[[$:/state/diceexample]]' prodfield='die_roll' prodfield2='multiplier' storefield='output'/>
<$sumfield2 filter='[[$:/state/diceexample]]' sumfield='output' sumfield2='bonus' storefield='output2'/>
The actual template tiddlers:
*A field called `display_name` that contains the name displayed in the drop-down menus
*A field called `settings_tiddler` that contains the name of the tiddler for changing the settings. If there are no settings it should be an empty tiddler.
*Tagged with `Templates`
Templates that are for lists (Like in [[Contacts]] or [[Upgraded To-Do List]]):
*One template for displaying each entry on the list with the appropriate tag
**Tagged `ToDoEntryDisplayTemplate` for the [[Upgraded To-Do List]]
**Tagged `ContactDisplayTemplate` for the [[Contacts]] tiddler
*One template for displaying the list itself
**Tagged `TaskListTemplate` for the [[Upgraded To-Do List]]
**Tagged `ContactListTemplate` for [[Contacts]]
All templates should have:
*A settings tiddler, hopefully in the same style as [[Contacts Settings]] and [[To-Do List Settings]] and tagged approprately (`Wiki Settings` for the top-level settings tiddler, others tagged with the top-level tiddler, like [[Contact Settings]] and [[ContactDisplayTemplate1 Settings]] are)
Website: http://ooktech.com/jed/ExampleWikis/DynamicTables/
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
This site shows some dynamic table macros that let you create in-line editable tables based on tiddler fields.
''These macros are used in [[Contacts]] to edit single fields without needing to open the contact tiddler, they may not have much use outside of that without modifications''.
These are macros that make a button that when clicked will open up an editor for the specified field value. There are two macros to make the contacts display correctly in the table format.
<$tiddler tiddler="Macros">
<<editField1 test_field>> <<editField2 test_field>>
Renders as (press the edit button to toggle the editor) :
<$tiddler tiddler="Macros">
<<editField1 test_field>> <<editField2 test_field>>
The `<$tiddler tiddler="Macros">` and `</$tiddler>` parts are needed because this can not be used to edit field in the current tiddler because it forces re-rendering with every keystroke and the cursor loses its place. So you can edit them, but you have to do it one character at a time. So the [[Tiddler Widget|Documentation:TiddlerWidget]] is used to edit the `text_field` value in [[Macros]].
The code for these macros is:
\define editField1(fieldName)
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$$fieldName$" text="show">
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$$fieldName$" text="show">
<$tiddler tiddler=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$edit-text field="$fieldName$" focusPopup="Edit"/>
\define editField2(fieldName)
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$$fieldName$" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$$fieldName$" setTo="show">Edit</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$$fieldName$" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$$fieldName$" setTo="hide">Edit</$button>
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
Similar to [[embedding images|Embedding Images - External Images]] you have have audio added to the wiki file by dragging and dropping the audio file into the browser, or you can embed external audio files.
External audio files are probably better if possible (despite making the wiki no longer a single file application) because otherwise they greatly increase the size of the wiki.
To embed an external audio file first make a tiddler that gives the location of the file by first setting the type to either `audio/mp3` or `audio/ogg` depending on which type of file you want to embed. There may be other supported types but those are the ones I have tested.
Then you [[make a field|How to Add Fields to Tiddlers]] called `_canonical_uri` and in the field you put the location of the audio file. This can be a local file with a path like `./audio/HappyInstrumental1.ogg` (see the HappyInstrumental tiddler) or a file hosted online like `https://archive.org/download/Caruso_part1/Caruso-AveMaria.mp3` (see the AveMaria tiddler).
It is probably easiest to copy any audio files you want to embed into a folder called `audio` in the same folder as the wiki and use relative references so that you can store everything on dropbox.
Either way, to embed the audio simply use this
Which gives:
''This next part was an example using a local file on my computer, since I can't upload files like this to tiddlyspot it doesn't work in this context''
To include the audio pointed to in the HappyInstrumental tiddler.
(Since I can't store things on the tiddlyspot server this doesn't work online)
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
To embed images that you don't want to add to the wiki as tiddlers you can use two different ways:
!First Way - Making a tiddler that points to the image
For this you make a new tiddler and [[add a field|How to Add Fields to Tiddlers]] called `_canonical_uri` and in the field put the URI of the image. You also need to set the content type to something like `image/jpg` for a jpg file or `image/png` for a png file and so on.
This can be an image stored locally, like `./images/AyeAye.jpg` or it can be an address to an image online like `https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/ac/NASA-14090-Comet-C2013A1-SidingSpring-Hubble-20140311.jpg`
For images stored locally you can use the absolute or relative path to the image file. The easiest way to do this is to just put all the images in the `/images` folder in the same folder that contains the wiki and then you just need to put `./images/` before the file name in the tiddler that points to the image. (So for the Aye Aye example, just change where it says `AyeAye.jpg` to whatever the desired image is named, or for the hubble image just put the url into the `_canonical_uri` field of the tiddler.)
Here is the AyeAye tiddler as an example (edit it to see what is going on).
You then use this tiddler like you would use an image added to the wiki, that is
''I don't have the image actually hosted on tiddlyspot, so this doesn't actually work here. So pretend this is a picture of the most adorably ugly creature I have ever seen. Despite not working because the image isn't on tiddlyspot the AyeAye tiddler does show what to do for local images.'' (http://www.zooborns.com/zooborns/aye-aye/)
[img [AyeAye]]
To get
[img [AyeAye]]
(Or by cheating to get the image to display on the web)<br>
[img [http://www.zooborns.com/.a/6a010535647bf3970b0133f34a158f970b-800wi]]
Where all of the options for [[embedding images|Embedding Images - Images added to the wiki]] work normally.
!Second Way - Directly linking to the image
The other option is to directly reference the image like this
[img [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/ac/NASA-14090-Comet-C2013A1-SidingSpring-Hubble-20140311.jpg]]
which gives
[img [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/ac/NASA-14090-Comet-C2013A1-SidingSpring-Hubble-20140311.jpg]]
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
There are a few ways to do this.
First, if you have the image included in the wiki (see [[Adding Images]]) as a tiddler you can simply do
where PrinnySpin is the name of the image tiddler. It displays as
Using this method you have no control over the size of the image. If you don't put linebreaks before and after the image it may be placed strangely.
You can control the size of the image like this
[img width=128 [PrinnySpin]]
[img width=10 [PrinnySpin]]
which gives
[img width=128 [PrinnySpin]]
[img width=10 [PrinnySpin]]
where 128 and 10 are the widths that the image is scaled to.
You can add tooltips to images
[img|a prinny[PrinnySpin]]
hover the mouse over the image to get the tooltip.
[img[a prinny|PrinnySpin]]
Scaled tooltip prinny
[img width=64 [scaled prinny tooltip|PrinnySpin]]
[img width=64 [scaled prinny tooltip|PrinnySpin]]
The placement of the spaces in the code is important here.
You can also link to images via urls, or have external local images displayed. See [[Embedding Images - External Images]].
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
$$ \displaystyle S(\omega) = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} x(t) e^{-j 2 \pi \omega t} dt$$
\define thisSearchMacro()
<$list filter="[$(thisIncludeSystem)$regexp:$(thisField)$[(?i)$(thisSearch)$]]">
<li><$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><<currentTiddler>></$link></li>
\define thisFieldSelect()
<$select tiddler='More Advanced Search Filter Data' field='search_field' default='title'>
<$list filter='[fields[]sort[title]regexp:[(?i)$(thisSearch)$]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
\define thisSearchListMacro()
<tr><td><<currentTiddler>></td><td><$select tiddler='$:/data/search' index=<<currentTiddler>>><option>AND</option><option>OR</option><option>NOT</option></$select></td><td><$button set='$:/data/search##$(currentTiddler)$'>Remove</$button></td></tr>
''Number 2 below actually works, and is on the dashboard''
I am going to try to make a search interface that allows you to easily input tags to use while searching and a regexp search on top of that. We will see how it goes.
*Generate a list of tags that can be selected, I think having a dropdown menu that lets you add tags to a list would be good.
*In that list have check boxes to toggle that tag as part of the search
*Using the result of that use a regexp search
*This is going to be an interface to build a filter expression that is used with the list filter
*I should let the user specify AND/OR/NOT relations also
!Step 1 - Build a list of tags. This one may not work.
Use a select widget to pick them, the selected tags will be put into an automatically generated table, in the table there should be radio buttons to pick the AND/OR/NOT/unused state (or a select widget? that may be better)
I should use a data tiddler to maintain this list, the indicies will be the tag names, the values stored with be the AND/OR/NOT/unused status of the tag.
\define thisSearchListMacro()
<tr><td><<currentTiddler>></td><td><$select tiddler='$:/data/search' index=<<currentTiddler>>><option>AND</option><option>OR</option><option>NOT</option></$select></td><td><$button set='$:/data/search##$(currentTiddler)$'>Remove</$button></td></tr>
\define thisAndMacro(tagName)
\define thisOrMacro(tagName)
<$select tiddler='More Advanced Filter Data' field='current_tag'>
<$list filter='[tags[]sort[title]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
<$button>Add tag
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/data/search' $index={{More Advanced Filter Data!!current_tag}} $value=AND/>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/search]indexes[]]'>
<$select tiddler='More Advanced Filter Data' field='current_tag'>
<$list filter='[tags[]sort[title]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
<$button>Add tag
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/data/search' $index={{More Advanced Filter Data!!current_tag}} $value=AND/>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/search]indexes[]]'>
!Step 2 - regexp
This is going to the pretty much the same as in the dictionary search function. You pick the field you want to search, the `Narrow List` option is a regexp search on the list of fields, so it narrows down the list for the select widget so you can find the field you want to search. Then the `Search` is the search string for the field selected.
\define thisSearchMacro()
<$list filter="[regexp:$(thisField)$[(?i)$(thisSearch)$]]">
<li><$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><<currentTiddler>></$link></li>
\define thisFieldSelect()
<$select tiddler='More Advanced Search Filter Data' field='search_field' default='title'>
<$list filter='[fields[]sort[title]regexp:[(?i)$(thisSearch)$]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
Field to search: <$set name=thisSearch value={{More Advanced Search Filter Data!!narrow_field_select}}>
<$edit-text tiddler='More Advanced Search Filter Data' field='narrow_field_select' placeholder='Narrow Field List'/>
Search: <$edit-text tiddler='More Advanced Search Filter Data' field='search_string' placeholder='Search String'/> <$checkbox tiddler='More Advanced Search Filter Data' field='include_system_tiddlers' checked='' unchecked='!is[system]'> Include System Tiddlers</$checkbox>
<$set name='thisIncludeSystem' value={{More Advanced Search Filter Data!!include_system_tiddlers}}>
<$set name='thisSearch' value={{More Advanced Search Filter Data!!search_string}}>
<$set name='thisField' value={{More Advanced Search Filter Data!!search_field}}>
Field to search: <$set name=thisSearch value={{More Advanced Search Filter Data!!narrow_field_select}}>
<$edit-text tiddler='More Advanced Search Filter Data' field='narrow_field_select' placeholder='Narrow Field List'/>
Search: <$edit-text tiddler='More Advanced Search Filter Data' field='search_string' placeholder='Search String'/> <$checkbox tiddler='More Advanced Search Filter Data' field='include_system_tiddlers' checked='' unchecked='!is[system]'> Include System Tiddlers</$checkbox>
<$set name='thisIncludeSystem' value={{More Advanced Search Filter Data!!include_system_tiddlers}}>
<$set name='thisSearch' value={{More Advanced Search Filter Data!!search_string}}>
<$set name='thisField' value={{More Advanced Search Filter Data!!search_field}}>
!Step 3 - build the filter expression
This is going to be done using a macro. The problem I am seeing is that while I can have fewer than the maximum number of inputs to the macro I don't think I can have a macro that can take an arbitrary number. So start with allowing 5 or fewer tags in the search and worry about the rest later.
the filter macro and call should be something like this
\define thisMakeFilter()
<$set name=tag1 value={{!!tag1_value}}>
<$set name=tag2 value={{!!tag2_value}}>
<$set name=tag3 value={{!!tag3_value}}>
<$set name=tag4 value={{!!tag4_value}}>
<$set name=tag5 value={{!!tag5_value}}>
<$set name=fieldtosearch value={{!!field_to_search}}>
<$set name=regexpsearch value={{!!regexp_search}}>
<$list filter=<<thisMakeFilter>>>
\define thisMakeTags() [[$(currentTiddler)$]]
<$button>Make New Tiddler
<$action-setfield $tiddler='My New Tiddler' tags=<<thisMakeTags>>/>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-edit-tiddler' $param='New Tiddler Bob'/>
details about example task 1
details about example task 2
<$view field='title'/> - <$view field='blurb'/><br>
If the idea is that you could have something like nested tags, where if the path is IT -> Support -> A rather than IT -> A then the two 'A's are treated differently. The problems are that I am not sure how to articulate the idea in a way that makes the uses immediately apparent, and I have no idea how it would be accomplished with the way tags are handled in tiddlywiki. The best explanation I have for what I am talking about is how in the category list I have here (http://inmysocks.tiddlyspot.com/#Change%20Log) going plugin -> calendar -> bugs is completely different set than plugin -> library tracker -> bugs
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
Plugin tiddler: $:/plugins/inmysocks/extrafilters
Demo Wiki: http://ooktech.com/jed/ExampleWikis/ExtraFilterOperators/
A plugin that contains some extra filter operators I made. Most of these are for my own testing.
Current operators:
*`greaterthan` - returns the tiddler if the numeric value of a field is greater than than the operand. Example filter: `[greaterthan:fieldname[numericvalue]]`. If no `fieldname` is given it defaults to title. This filter can be negated by using `!` as a prefix.
*`lessthan` - returns the tiddler if the numeric value of a field is less than the operand. Example filter: `[lessthan:fieldname[numericvalue]]`. If no `fieldname` is given it defaults to title. This filter can be negated by using `!` as a prefix.
*`angreaterthan` - returns the tiddler if the alphanumeric value of the field is greater than the operand. Greater than is defined here as coming after in a list sorted using the `sort` filter operator. Example filter: `[angreaterthan:fieldname[N]]`.
*`anlessthan` - returns the tiddler if the alphanumeric value of the field is less than the operand. Less than is defined here as coming before in a list sorted using the `sort` filter operator. Example filter: `[anlessthan:fieldname[N]]`.
\define getTagPill() {{$(tagPill)$||$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/tags}}
\define thisLockIcon()
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/FastNewTiddler!!locked' text='locked'>
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible">
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/FastNewTiddler' $field='locked' $value='locked'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/FastNewTiddler' $field='current_title' $value={{$:/temp/FastNewTiddler!!newtitle}}/>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/FastNewTiddler!!locked' text='locked'>
<$tiddler tiddler={{$:/state/FastNewTiddler!!current_title}}>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/FastNewTiddler' $field='locked' $value='unlocked'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/FastNewTiddler' $field='newtitle' $value={{!!title}}/>
<div class="tc-tiddler-frame">
<span class="tc-tiddler-controls tc-titlebar">
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible" message='tm-delete-tiddler' param={{$:/temp/FastNewTiddler!!newtitle}}>
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible" message='tm-edit-tiddler' param={{$:/temp/FastNewTiddler!!newtitle}}>
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible" message="tm-remove-tag" param="$:/tags/AboveStory">{{$:/core/images/close-button}}</$button>
<style type="text/css">
.fnt {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0; border-width:0px; width:100%; margin-left:-25px;}
.fnt td{border-style:solid;border-width:0px;overflow:hidden;}
<!-- This should have the title lock (go from edit to view) once there is text in the new tiddler. Lock should let you edit the title of the new tiddler. This may cause many new tiddlers to be created. We should be careful. -->
<!-- The locked/unlocked would be irrelevant if there is no title typed in. -->
<table class="fnt">
<td colspan="2">
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/FastNewTiddler!!locked' text='locked'>
<$edit tiddler="$:/temp/FastNewTiddler" field="newtitle" class="tc-edit-texteditor" placeholder="title"/>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/FastNewTiddler!!locked' text='locked'>
<$edit-text tiddler={{$:/state/FastNewTiddler!!current_title}} field='title' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/FastNewTiddler!!locked' text='locked'>
<$edit field="tags" class="tc-edit-texteditor" tiddler={{$:/temp/FastNewTiddler!!newtitle}} placeholder="tags" />
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/FastNewTiddler!!locked' text='locked'>
<$edit field="tags" class="tc-edit-texteditor" tiddler={{$:/temp/FastNewTiddler!!newtitle}} placeholder="tags" />
<$set name="tagPill" value={{$:/temp/FastNewTiddler!!newtitle}}>
<td colspan="2">
<$edit field="text" class="tc-edit-texteditor" tiddler={{$:/temp/FastNewTiddler!!newtitle}} placeholder="text"/>
<$set name=videoID value={{$:/.rich/data/videos##Feynman Lectures - Part 1 The Law of Gravitation}}>
<$macrocall $name="youtube-embed" video=<<videoID>> start="00:00:00" end="00:00:22"/>
Before the bells start
<$set name=videoID value={{$:/.rich/data/videos##Feynman Lectures - Part 1 The Law of Gravitation}}>
<$macrocall $name="youtube-embed" video=<<videoID>> start="00:00:22" end="00:01:18"/>
Black screens and bells. There isn't much in the first minute.
\define searchInField(field, for)
<$list filter="[field:$field$/$for$/]">
<$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
<$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/advancedsearch" type="search" tag="input"/> <$select field="fieldname" tiddler="$:/temp/advancedsearch">
<option value="Any">Any</option>
<$list filter="[!is[shadow]indexes[]sort[]]" variable="fieldname">
<option value=<<fieldname>>><<fieldname>></option>
<$reveal state="$:/temp/advancedsearch" type="nomatch" text="">
<$reveal state="$:/temp/advancedsearch!!fieldname" type="match" text="Any">
<$list filter="[indexes[]]" variable="fieldname">
Searching in index: <<fieldname>>
<$macrocall $name="searchInField" field=<<fieldname>> for={{$:/temp/advancedsearch}}/>
<$reveal state="$:/temp/advancedsearch!!fieldname" type="nomatch" text="Any">
Searching in field: {{$:/temp/advancedsearch!!fieldname}}
<$macrocall $name="searchInField" field={{$:/temp/advancedsearch!!fieldname}} for={{$:/temp/advancedsearch}}/>
In chrome, the edit and delete task buttons don't show up on my computer, the info button also didn't show up on my tablet.
I should update this stuff more often.
Filters are used to make lists in wikitext. The simplest filter is just a static list of titles like this:
'One Two Three Four'
Titles with spaces can be used by surrounding them with `[[` and `]]` like this:
'[[A title with spaces]] [[Another Title]] three four'
This may not be very hard to do, but I may need to make a new widget that tests the date. Or use the date tools that I have already made. I should stop forgetting about those.
This will require you to add date information to tasks. And probably many other things.
I do have my dates macro things. I keep forgetting about that.
To make recurring tasks I am going to add a time based trigger to the trigger actions daemon. This will trigger the actions after a given time.
I should have a few options:
Trigger if the time is later than the specified time
Trigger if the time is equal to the specified time (this has to be accurate to the minute or hour or day, it can't be exact or it will never work) It may be better to implement this as inside a given time frame, so if it is between 1 and 2 pm and it hasn't triggered today than it should trigger. If it is a recurring thing than it should reset itself after 2pm if it hasn't already.
When you switch to the mobile theme both menus appear on top of each other. I may have to make the icon menus a theme, but I would rather not do that. I like how they are just on top of the existing theme now.
I am not sure how to fix it, there is the same problem in the category list
This is going to be an annoying problem, the state tiddlers don't exist before a category has been expanded so I need to find some other way to find the categories.
The easiest solution (and the only one I can think of) is to create the show/hide state tiddler when an item is created.
subsubsubsubsubsubsubcategory. I am tempted to allow an arbitrary number of subs to be added. I think it could be done without too much trouble using some recursive stuff.
I fixed this problem for the category lists plugin, so look at the solution there.
This will probably be fixed by using the empty image in the core.
This should be an easy fix.
\define thisFontFamilyRadio(fontfamily text)
<tr><td><$radio tiddler='$:/state/Site Accessability Options' field=fontfamily value="""$fontfamily$""">$fontfamily$</$radio></td><td>@@font-family:$fontfamily$; $text$@@</td></tr>
\define thisFontWeightRadio(weight)
<$radio tiddler='$:/state/Site Accessability Options' field=fontweight value=$weight$>$weight$</$radio>
\define thisFontSize(size)
<$radio tiddler='$:/state/Site Accessability Options' field=fontsize value=$size$px>$size$</$radio>
\define thisLineHeight(height)
<$radio tiddler='$:/state/Site Accessability Options' field=lineheight value=$height$px>$height$</$radio>
\define thisWordSpacing(spacing)
<$radio tiddler='$:/state/Site Accessability Options' field=wordspacing value=$spacing$>$spacing$</$radio>
\define thisLetterSpacing(spacing)
<$radio tiddler='$:/state/Site Accessability Options' field=letterspacing value=$spacing$>$spacing$</$radio>
\define thisTextDecorations(decoration)
<$radio tiddler='$:/state/Site Accessability Options' field=textdecoration value=$decoration$>$decoration$</$radio>
Unfortunately I only have a few visual options for now. If you want other options added please let me know using the feedback form ({{Menu Icon - User Feedback}}).
<$checkbox tiddler="Alternate Text Styles CSS" tag='$:/tags/Stylesheet'>Enable Custom Styles</$checkbox> (''Check this to enable the changes you select below.'')
<tr><th>Set Tiddler Font Family</th><th></th></tr>
<<thisFontFamilyRadio '"Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, "Lucida Grande", sans-serif' Default>>
<<thisFontFamilyRadio 'Times New Roman' "Newspapers! Good for dense text.">>
<<thisFontFamilyRadio 'Comic Sans MS' "Scientific Press Releases">>
<<thisFontFamilyRadio Courier "Monospaced font">>
<<thisFontFamilyRadio "Zapf Chancery" "How Very Fancy">>
<tr><th>Font Options</th><th></th></tr>
<tr><td>Font Weight</td><td><<thisFontWeightRadio normal>> <<thisFontWeightRadio bold>></td></tr>
<tr><td>Font Size</td><td><<thisFontSize 10>> <<thisFontSize 12>> <<thisFontSize 15>> <<thisFontSize 17>> <<thisFontSize 19>> <<thisFontSize 21>> <<thisFontSize 25>></td></tr>
<tr><td>Line Height</td><td><<thisLineHeight 17>> <<thisLineHeight 19>> <<thisLineHeight 22>> <<thisLineHeight 24>> <<thisLineHeight 26>> <<thisLineHeight 28>> <<thisLineHeight 32>></td></tr>
<tr><td>Word Spacing</td><td><<thisWordSpacing normal>> <<thisWordSpacing 1ex>> <<thisWordSpacing 1.5ex>> <<thisWordSpacing 2ex>> <<thisWordSpacing 3ex>> <<thisWordSpacing 5ex>></td></tr>
<tr><td>Letter Spacing</td><td><<thisLetterSpacing normal>> <<thisLetterSpacing 0.1ex>> <<thisLetterSpacing 0.3ex>> <<thisLetterSpacing 0.75ex>> <<thisLetterSpacing 1ex>></td></tr>
<tr><td>Text Decoration</td><td><<thisTextDecorations none>> <<thisTextDecorations underline>> <<thisTextDecorations overline>></td></tr>
\define fa(iconName)
<i class="fa $iconName$"></i>
\define falg(iconName)
<i class="fa $iconName$ fa-lg"></i>
\define fa2x(iconName)
<i class="fa $iconName$ fa-2x"></i>
\define fa3x(iconName)
<i class="fa $iconName$ fa-3x"></i>
\define fa4x(iconName)
<i class="fa $iconName$ fa-4x"></i>
\define fa5x(iconName)
<i class="fa $iconName$ fa-5x"></i>
\define fafw(iconName)
<i class="fa $iconName$ fa-fw"></i>
\define hoverRef(label)
<$hover popup="$:/state/$label$"><sup style="color:red">$label$</sup></$hover>
\define definition(label,text)
<$reveal type="popup" state="$:/state/$label$" animate="yes">
<div class="tc-drop-down">
\define hoverFootnote(label,text)
<<hoverRef "$label$">>
<<definition "$label$" "$text$">>
\define footnotes(label,text)
<<definition "$label$" "$text$">>
<sub><span style="color:red">$label$ : </span> $text$</sub>
.tc-drop-down {
padding: 10px;
.tc-drop-down dd {
word-break: break;
This may be confusing, so test it out first.
To force linebreaks you can use the html tag or the wikitext versions.
wikitext version
Linebreaks here will be
when this is rendered
Linebreaks here
be preserved
displays as
Linebreaks here will be
when this is rendered
Linebreaks here
be preserved
If you just want a single linebreak at a specific location than html is probably better
To do a line break you simply add <br> to your code at the desired location.
will display as
To do a line break you simply add <br> to your code at the desired location.
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
Tables are made like this
|!Cell1 |!Cell2 |
|Cell3 |Cell3 |
which makes
|!Cell1 |!Cell2 |
|Cell3 |Cell3 |
!!Horizontally align things in cells
To horizontally align things in cells
you put a blank space either at the front or back or both to make it line up on the left, right or be centered
|Left aligned content |
| Right aligned content|
| Centred content |
|+++ a very wide column so we can see the alignment +++|
|Left aligned content |
| Right aligned content|
| Centred content |
|+++ a very wide column so we can see the alignment +++|
!!You can also set vertical alignment
|^top left |^ top center |^ top right|
|middle left | middle center | middle right|
|,bottom left |, bottom center |, bottom right|
which, when the outside rows are added to make the vertical alignment mean something, gives
| :: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | :: |
| ::<br>:: |^top left |^ top center |^ top right| ::<br>:: |
| ::<br>:: |middle left | middle center | middle right| ::<br>:: |
| ::<br>:: |,bottom left |, bottom center |, bottom right| ::<br>:: |
| :: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | :: |
The outside rows give each cell enough height for the alignment to make a difference, but they make the table code hard to read, so they are left out of the example code. Edit this tiddler to see the whole thing.
!!Merging Cells
to merge a cell with the cell to the left use <, to merge a cell with the cell to the right use > to merge a cell with the cell above it use ~
|Cell1 |Cell2 |Cell3 |Cell4 |
|Cell5 |Cell6 |Cell7 |<|
|Cell5 |~|Cell7 |Cell8 |
|>|Cell9 |Cell10 |Cell11 |
|Cell1 |Cell2 |Cell3 |Cell4 |
|Cell5 |Cell6 |Cell7 |<|
|Cell5 |~|Cell7 |Cell8 |
|>|Cell9 |Cell10 |Cell11 |
!! Other stuff
you can make headers, footers and captions by putting a h at the end of a row for a header, an f at the end of a row for a footer and a c at the end of a row for a caption. Order of the rows doesn't seem to matter for them.
|This is a caption |c
|Cell1 |Cell2 |
|Cell3 |Cell3 |
|This is a caption |c
|Cell1 |Cell2 |
|Cell3 |Cell3 |
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
If you give a tiddler a field called `caption` than whatever is in that field will be displayed for the tiddlers entry in the table of contents.
So if you want a name other than the tiddler name displayed you just put that name in the `caption` field. The for wikis newer than version 5.1.5, the `caption` field supports transclusions so you can make more complex entries in the table of contents.
This tiddler has `{{!!title}}: {{!!modified}}` in it's `caption` field so if you look at it in the table of contents it shows the name and the date it was last modified.
The Fourier transform is magic and is found using this equation
\define textSlider(label text)
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/$label$" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/$label$" setTo="show">$label$</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/$label$" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/$label$" setTo="hide">$label$</$button>
\define textSliderNoButton(label text)
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/$label$" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/$label$" setTo="show" class="tc-btn-invisible">{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}$label$</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/$label$" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/$label$" setTo="hide" class="tc-btn-invisible">{{$:/core/images/down-arrow}}$label$</$button>
\define tiddlerSlider(tiddlerName)
<$tiddler tiddler="$tiddlerName$">
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/$tiddlerName$" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/$tiddlerName$" setTo="show">Show <<currentTiddler>></$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/$tiddlerName$" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/$tiddlerName$" setTo="hide">Hide <<currentTiddler>></$button>
\define tiddlerSliderNoButton(tiddlerName)
<$tiddler tiddler="$tiddlerName$">
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/$tiddlerName$" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/$tiddlerName$" setTo="show" class="tc-btn-invisible">{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}<<currentTiddler>></$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/$tiddlerName$" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/$tiddlerName$" setTo="hide" class="tc-btn-invisible">{{$:/core/images/down-arrow}}<<currentTiddler>></$button>
\define imageSlider(tiddlerName caption)
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/$tiddlerName$" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/$tiddlerName$" setTo="show" class="tc-btn-invisible tc-tiddler-link"><<fa fa-plus>> $caption$</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/$tiddlerName$" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/$tiddlerName$" setTo="hide" class="tc-btn-invisible"><<fa fa-minus>> $caption$</$button>
[img width=100% [$tiddlerName$]]
\define listSlider(filter closedCaption openCaption)
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="""$:/state/$filter$""" text="show">
<$button set="""$:/state/$filter$""" setTo="show" class="tc-btn-invisible tc-tiddler-link"><<fa fa-plus>> $closedCaption$</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="""$:/state/$filter$""" text="show">
<$button set="""$:/state/$filter$""" setTo="hide" class="tc-btn-invisible"><<fa fa-minus>> $openCaption$</$button>
<$list filter='$filter$'>
\define exampleSlider(text closedCaption openCaption name)
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="""$:/state/$name$""" text="show">
<$button set="""$:/state/$name$""" setTo="show" class="tc-btn-invisible tc-tiddler-link"><<fa fa-plus>> $closedCaption$</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="""$:/state/$name$""" text="show">
<$button set="""$:/state/$name$""" setTo="hide" class="tc-btn-invisible"><<fa fa-minus>> $openCaption$</$button>
Website: http://ooktech.com/jed/ExampleWikis/Version518Fun/
Website: http://ooktech.com/jed/ExampleWikis/Version518Fun/
Fields like this:
day_created=<<now DD>>
month_created=<<now MM>>
year_created=<<now YYYY>>
Headings can be made like this
!Biggest heading
!!Next heading
!!!next heading
!!!!then after that it may be normal text
!Biggest heading
!!Next heading
!!!next heading
!!!!then after that it may be normal text
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
!The help tiddler for the Wiki Reference Wiki!
This is currently under construction and hopefully will be improved as time goes on.
This is help for how to use this site, not ~TiddlyWiki. Help using ~TiddlyWiki is what the rest of the site is for.
!!Site organization
This site is organized using the table of contents to the right. If you can't see the table of contents than you may need to adjust the width of the tiddlers by clicking on the button that says `Width/Font Size` in the upper right and selecting a smaller width from the list that appears.
In the table of contents clicking on any entry will open up the associated tiddler. Clicking on the plus sign (<<fa fa-plus>>) next to a name will open up the sub-heading showing the tiddlers listed under that topic. Clicking on the empty circle (<<fa fa-circle-o>>) that replaces the plus sign will collapse that portion of the table of contents. The most useful part for new users is probably the `Wiki Examples` section of the table of contents.
The [[Dashboard|$:/plugins/inmysocks/Dashboard/Dashboard]] section has demos of some things that I have made for my wikis, most of what is shown there is packaged as a plugin that you can import into your own wiki. See [[My Plugins]] for a listing of what I currently have available in plugin form.
There are also menus at the top of the screen and on the left side of the screen. In any of the menus clicking on the {{$:/core/ui/Buttons/home}} icon will bring you back to what was displayed when you loaded this site. Clicking the {{Icon Menu - Help}} icon next to the `Width/Font Size` button in the upper left will open up this message.
If you are looking for something specific you can use the search function. By typing something in the text box above the table of contents you can search for specific tiddlers in this wiki.
The community search is a very powerful tool, but we can make it better and improve the organization of the tiddlywiki universe by adopting some community standards. With this in mind I have [[some requests for plugin authors|http://inmysocks.tiddlyspot.com/#A%20Note%20to%20Plugin%20Authors]] to improve the community plugin listing and a suggestion about [[organizing multiple sites from the same author|http://inmysocks.tiddlyspot.com/#Using%20Directory%20Sites]] for various plugins or techniques.
Because I keep forgetting this stuff. Some of these may be a bit more advanced.
<$list filter='[tag<currentTiddler>]'>
See [[TextSlider Macro]].
To do this use the following:
<<textSlider "button label" "text to reveal">>
Which gives:
<<textSlider "button label" "text to reveal">>
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
To make a horizontal line you use
which displays as
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
A `field` is a generic attribute that can be added to any tiddler. They consist of a name and a string of text. They can have many uses for things like filtering, and they are used for many of the hover macros (like [[Make an image tiddlers blurb field show up like a tooltip]]).
To add a field start editing a tiddler and at the bottom there should be a line that says `Add a new field:` with an input box next to it. Type the name of the field you want to add and click on the `add` button next to it. Then the field will be listed with an input box next to it. Whatever is in that box is the contents of the field.
If you edit this tiddler you will see that it has the field `blurb` with the contents `Adding fields is useful`.
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
Similar to the table of contents, if you want something to appear on the list on the 'Main Dashboard' tab tag it with `Dashboard`. The main dashboard tab transcludes the tiddler DashboardTemplate, so if you want to make any changes go there. Dashboand template is just the macrocall to make the tabbed table of contents. I put it separately to be consistent so I can have each tab be a separate tiddler. That and it is simpler to understand this way.
Note that the plugins requier 5.1.6 or later to work. If you copy the tiddlers individually than earlier versions work.
For those of you who just want the parts as plugins, here is a list of all of them:<br>
*[[$:/plugins/inmysocks/Dashboard]] - The Dashboard interface
*[[$:/plugins/inmysocks/Citations]] - the citation database
*[[$:/plugins/inmysocks/Contacts]] - the contacts database
*[[$:/plugins/inmysocks/CreateEditTiddlers]] - the create or edit tiddlers tool
*[[$:/plugins/inmysocks/ManageTOC]] - the table of contents manager
*[[$:/plugins/inmysocks/MinimalTaskList]] - a minimal task list
*[[$:/plugins/inmysocks/QuickNotes]] - a searchable note taking tool
*[[$:/plugins/inmysocks/SearchableDictionary]] - a simple dictionary tool
*[[$:/plugins/inmysocks/TaskList]] - a not so minimal task list
!!If you are interested in the individal tiddlers they are listed below by the function the are part of
Below is a list of everything that is used for the dashboard.
!Basic Functions:
Or bundled together:
!Documentation and miscellaneous
*[[How to add to the Dashboard]]
{{Tiddlers Needed for Contacts}}
!Create or Edit Tiddlers
{{Tiddlers Needed for Create or Edit Tiddlers}}
!Manage Table of Contents
{{Tiddlers Needed for Manage Table of Contents}}
!!To-Do List - minimal
This is just a single tiddler
*[[Minimal Task List]]
Or, if for some reason you prefer to import it as a plugin:
!!Task List
{{Tiddlers Needed for Task List}}
!!Citation Library
{{Tiddlers Needed for Citation Library}}
!!Searchable Dictionary
{{Tiddlers Needed for Dictionary}}
{{Tiddlers Needed for Quick Notes}}
Anything added to the dashboard (at least added here) should:
*Require no knowledge of WikiText
*Only require plugins available on tiddlywiki.com
*Not break using from using any of the functions in the dashboard, seed the note about the `no_edit` field below.
*Not break any existing pieces of the dashboard. Some may need to be updated for this, but they all need to be able to work together without trouble.
**Have good easy to understand documentation with a very gentle learning curve
**Be intuitive enough that someone who is able to navigate the internet but has no coding experience can use without documentation
To follow the example, use this tiddler: [[Example New Tiddler Button View Template]]
It has the text:
<pre><$view tiddler='Example New Tiddler Button View Template' field='text'/>
!!What this is doing
The `\define thisMakeTags() [[$(currentTiddler)$]]` line is needed in case the tiddler title has spaces, if you don't add the `[[` and `]]` than each word of the title will be added as a separate tag.
The `<$button>` is the opening tag for the button widget, anything between `<$button>` and `</$button>` is part of the button created.
`Make New Tiddler` is just the text that is visible on the button, you can change this to whatever you want.
The line `<$action-setfield $tiddler='My New Tiddler' tags=<<thisMakeTags>>/>` does all the heavy lifting. It sets the tag field of the tiddler called `My New Tiddler` equal to the output of the macro `thisMakeTags`. The macro is defined above. It gives the title of the current tiddler in a form that can be used as a tag.
Setting the tags field of a tiddler doesn't sound particularly useful, but if the tiddler `My New Tiddler` doesn't exist, than it is created and its tag field is set. This can be used in many situations to create new tiddlers that have preset fields without having to make a [[template|Templates]]. The `action-setfield` widget can set any number of fields in a tiddler that you create, just add more to it in the from `field_name="field_contents"`. So, if you wanted to change the button to include a field called `example_field` with the contents `nothing interesting here` to any new tiddler created you would change the line from `<$action-setfield $tiddler='My New Tiddler' tags=<<thisMakeTags>>/>` to `<$action-setfield $tiddler='My New Tiddler' tags=<<thisMakeTags>> example_field="nothing interesting here"/>`.
The action-setfield widget will not open up the tiddler created like this, which is why there is the line `<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-edit-tiddler' $param='My New Tiddler'/>`. This uses the action-sendmessage widget to send the message `tm-edit-tiddler`, which opens up a tiddler in edit mode, and targets the tiddler `My New Tiddler`, which is the one the button creates.
The effect of all of this is that a new tiddler called `My New Tiddler` is created, and then the tiddler is opened in edit mode.
!!How to add this button to other tiddlers
If you want to have this button displayed on every tiddler so you can click on it to create a new tiddler from anywhere than you add the tag `$:/tags/ViewTemplate` to the tiddler containing the button. This will display the button on every open tiddler.
By default the button will be shown at the very bottom of each tiddler. It is probably more useful to have the button displayed right under where a tiddlers tags are shown. To do this open the tiddler that contains the button code (in this case it is [[Example New Tiddler Button View Template]], so you can open it and edit it here.) and add a field called `list-after` and put `$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/tags` as the contents of the field.
If everything works than you should see the button right below where the tags are displayed on every open tiddler.
The easiest way is to just copy this code. Any tiddler with the tag `task` that doesn't have the tag `done` will show up in the `Outstanding tasks` list, when you check the box next to it it will show up in the `Completed tasks` list. If you tag a tiddler as unfinished it shows up in the `Unfinished tiddlers` list. The `New Task` button creates an empty tiddler tagged with `task`. Name that tiddler whatever you want your task to be called and it will show up in the list. Put details about what needs to be done inside the tiddler if you want.
Unchecking the box puts the task back in the outstanding task list.
At the bottom of the tiddler created when you press the `New Task` button there are two [[fields|How to Add Fields to Tiddlers]], `blurb` and `deadline` the contents of which show up in the outstanding tasks list. See the example below for what it looks like.
Look down below the code to see what it looks like.
<$button message="tm-new-tiddler" param="TiddlerTaskTemplate">New Task</$button>
! Outstanding tasks
<$list filter="[!has[draft.of]tag[task]!tag[done]sort[created]!title[TiddlerTaskTemplate]]">
<$checkbox tag="done"> <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link> - <$view field="deadline"/><br><$view field="blurb"/></$checkbox>
! Completed tasks
<$list filter="[!has[draft.of]tag[task]tag[done]sort[created]]">
<$checkbox tag="done"> ~~<$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link>~~</$checkbox>
!Unfinished tiddlers
<$list filter="[tag[unfinished]]">
Which is shown here:
<$button message="tm-new-tiddler" param="TiddlerTaskTemplate">New Task</$button>
! Outstanding tasks
<$list filter="[!has[draft.of]tag[task]!tag[done]sort[created]!title[TiddlerTaskTemplate]]">
<$checkbox tag="done"> <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link> - <$view field="deadline"/><br><$view field="blurb"/></$checkbox>
! Completed tasks
<$list filter="[!has[draft.of]tag[task]tag[done]sort[created]]">
<$checkbox tag="done"> ~~<$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link>~~</$checkbox>
!Unfinished tiddlers
<$list filter="[tag[unfinished]]">
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
\define simpleMacro()
It just says this
The general form of code for a macro is
\define macroName(macroInput1,macroInput2)
(code here)
In the body of the macro code you can reference the inputs by using `$macroInput1$` and `$macroInput2$` etc. and they will be used as variables when the macro is called.
To use the macro the syntax is `<<macroName macroInputValue1 macroInputValue2>>` then in the code for the macro everywhere that `$macroInput1$` shows up, `macroInputValue1` will be used instead, and wherever `$macroInput2$` shows up, `macroInputValue2` will be used instead. This means that a macro is just defines a simple function, if you know what that means.
A marco doesn't need to have only a single input, it can have zero or one or any number of inputs (if there is a limit I don't know it, it may be 2).
The code is just WikiText, the same as anywhere else in the wiki, just with the placeholders for variables.
You can define a macro that is only going to be used in a single tiddler at the very top of the tiddler. It doesn't show up in the displayed portion. At the top of this tiddler there is a simple macro with no inputs defined with the following code
\define simpleMacro()
It just says this
Then anywhere that you put `<<simpleMacro>>` in this tiddler is displays as:
To make a global macro, that is one that can be used anywhere in the wiki, create a tiddler that contains the macro, or macros, that you want and give it the tag `$:/tags/Macro` and it can be used anywhere in the wiki.
!Other example macros
The no input macro above is a simple example. A slightly more complex example of a macro is the global `hoverBlurb` macro used in this wiki. The code for this macro is
\define hoverBlurb(label)
<$hover popup="$:/state/$label$">
<$reveal type="popup" state="$:/state/$label$">
<div class="tc-drop-down">
<$view tiddler="$label$" field="blurb"/>
Note it takes the input `label` and anywhere in the definition where `$label$` is used gets replaced by the input given when the macro is called. so if you use `<<hoverBlurb PrinnySpin>>` it is the same as using all of this code:
<$hover popup="$:/state/PrinnySpin">
<$reveal type="popup" state="$:/state/PrinnySpin">
<div class="tc-drop-down">
<$view tiddler="PrinynSpin" field="blurb"/>
which is much longer than calling the macro, which is the reason macros exist.
The macros described in [[Make a tiddlers blurb popup when you hover over a link]], [[Make an image tiddlers blurb field show up like a tooltip]] and [[Make one tiddler popup when you hover over a link to another tiddler]] are defined in MyHoverMacros and are setup as global macros. The code for each macro is shown in the description tiddlers as reference.
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
These steps will allow you to create new display templates for the contacts list/list entries and add the template to the drop-down menu in the [[Contacts Settings]] tiddler and correctly display the settings tiddler there if you make one.
For example templates look at the templates listed in [[Tiddlers Needed for Contacts]].
#Create a new tiddler and give it a descriptive name with no spaces (spaces make things weird, I will hopefully fix this in the future so you don't have to worry about spaces).
#If you are making a template for how to display each entry add the tag `ContactDisplayTemplate`, if you are making a template for how to display the list of contacts add the tag `ContactListTemplate`.
#Make a field called `display_name` and put the name you want to appear in the settings dropdown menu there, spaces are fine here.
#(Optional) Make a field called `settings_tiddler` and put the name of the tiddler that will change the settings for your template in that field.
#Make the template however you want it
#Each list template should have a field `caption` with the value `Contacts List` so that it displays correctly in the tabs of the contacts tiddler
I have way too many projects. You can look at [[the plans for this site and my tiddlywiki stuff|Change Log]]. I have similarly long lists of things to do with just about everything else I work on. This is on top of working on getting my phd and starting up a company. I don't like when I don't have anything to do. Also see [[Other Wikis I Have]]. Way too many projects.
The icon menus plugin is what adds the icon menus at the top and on the left side of this page.
[[Another demo site is here|http://inmysocks.tiddlyspot.com/#Icon%20Menus%20Plugin]], and I use it on [[my homepage|http://ooktech.com/jed/externalbrain/]].
To install this plugin on your wiki drag and drop this link into your wiki:
This will add a tab in the control panel that lets you configure the menus however you want. There are many options, here are a few of the most important ones:
*When you open the `Icon Menus Settings` tab in the control panel there is a button at the top that says `Set tiddler top position`. If you click this button it sets the default position of the top of the tiddlers to be even with the bottom of the top bar menu. If you don't do this than tiddlers will open with their titles behind the top bar, also if you have a ribbon like the `Powered by TiddlyWiki` one on this site and don't click on the button than the ribbon will be partly covered by the top bar,
*Next is a list of checkboxes and dropdown menus. The check boxes turn each menu on or off, there are currently 10 options here:
**Top Bar - this turns on or off the top bar itself, if this is off than none of the top menus will be visible. If you don't want the bar visible but want the menus you can turn off the top bar border and set the top bar color option to either `transparent` or just make it blank.
**Top Left menu - this is the menu in the top left, in this wiki it shows the `Width/Font` button and the {{Menu Icon - Help}} icon.
**Top Middle menu - this toggles the top middle menu, on this wiki it has the home button, the wiki title and the save wiki button.
**Top Right menu - this toggles the top right menu
**Right menu - this toggles the menu on the right side of the screen
**Left menu - this toggles the menu on the left side of the screen
**Bottom Bar - similar to the top bar, but on the bottom of the screen instead (not turned on in this wiki, you can change the settings in [[$:/ControlPanel]] to see what it looks like)
**Bottom Left menu - the menu on the bottom left (also not shown in this wiki)
**Bottom Middle menu - the menu in the middle of the bottom (also not shown in this wiki)
**Bottom Right menu - the menu on the bottom right (also not shown in this wiki)
*Next to each option there is a dropdown menu that controls the behavior of that menu. Some of the menus currently only have a single option. In this wiki the top bar uses the basic style, and the left menu uses the appear on hover style. There is also a popout on hover style that hides most of the menu until you hover the mouse over it and then it displays the entire menu.
*Below all of that there are a bunch of tabs, one for each menu/bar. This is where you control the icons displayed on each menu and the menu appearance. Hopefully the settings are self explanatory, if not play with them to see what they do, it won't break anything.
*Each menu tab has a list of entries that are currently available to be part of that menu, check the box next to an entry to add it to the menu. The `Order` column determines the order for the menu items. Order goes from top to bottom on the left and right menus and from left to right on all of the others.
Any tiddler tagged with `Menu Icon` will appear on the list of potential menu entries. They don't have to be icons, the `Width/Font Size` button and the wiki title in the top bar are examples of non-icon entries. If you want a menu with text entries you can set the width of the left and right menus to me wide enough for your text and make the menu item tiddlers with the `Menu Icon` tag however you wish. This probably works best with the popout on hover style because the left and right menu widths don't do anything to the position of the tiddlers.
The currently available icons in the plugin are:
<$list filter='[plugintiddlers[]tag[Menu Icon]]'>
<$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='caption'><$view field='title'/></$view></$link> - <$transclude/><br>
Other icons used on this wiki (click and drag the link to import them to your wiki if you want them, be aware that some may require other tiddlers to function):
<$list filter='[tag[Menu Icon]!prefix[$:/]]'>
<$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='caption'><$view field='title'/></$view></$link> - <$transclude/><br>
This won't work until I version 5.1.8 is released.
I have put in comments to explain how it works.
This won't work even then because the comments break the macro definitions.
<!-- For this currentTiddler is set to the previous tiddler in the gallery, and ImageTiddler is set to the tiddler currently being viewed -->
\define thisBackButton()
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>
<!-- Open the previous tiddler -->
<$action-navigate $to=<<currentTiddler>>/>
<!-- The button image -->
<!-- Close the current tiddler -->
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-close-tiddler' $param="""$(ImageTiddler)$"""/>
<!-- For this currentTiddler is set to the next tiddler in the gallery and ImageTiddler is set to the tiddler currently being viewed-->
\define thisForwardButton()
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>
<!-- Open the next tiddler -->
<$action-navigate $to=<<currentTiddler>>/>
<!-- The button image -->
<!-- Close the current tiddler -->
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-close-tiddler' $param="""$(ImageTiddler)$"""/>
\define thisGallery()
<!-- Only display if the current tiddler in the list is the tiddler being viewed -->
<$reveal type=match state='!!title' text=<<ImageTiddler>>>
<!-- use the calc macro to set indicies of the current and next tiddlers in the gallery -->
<$set name=thisMinusOne value=<<calc $(currentListIndex)$ -1>>>
<$set name=thisPlusOne value=<<calc $(currentListIndex)$ +1>>>
<!-- Set the width for the div that holds the buttons -->
<div style='width:100%'>
<!-- This only displays if the tiddler being viewed isn't the first one. ImageDisplayViewTemplate!!one is just the numeral 1 so it can be checked against -->
<$reveal type=nomatch state='ImageDisplayViewTemplate!!one' text=<<currentListIndex>>>
<!-- This pulls out the previous tiddler in the gallery -->
<$list filter='[sort<GallerySort>tag<GalleryTag>$(GalleryFilter)$nth<thisMinusOne>]'>
<!-- The div holding the back button -->
<div style='width:70%;z-index:99;position:absolute'>
<!-- The back button is created using the previous tiddler in the gallery as the variable currentTiddler -->
<!-- This pulls out the tiddler that is next in the gallery, this only returns something when the next tiddler exists, so at the end of the gallery there is nothing on this list and the button isn't displayed -->
<$list filter='[sort<GallerySort>tag<GalleryTag>$(GalleryFilter)$nth<thisPlusOne>]'>
<!-- This is the div holding the forward button -->
<div style='text-align:right;position:absolute;width:80%;z-index:98'>
<!-- This makes the forward button using the next tiddler in the gallery as the variable currentTiddler -->
<!-- This is the div that says Navigate Gallery: -->
<div style='text-align:center;position:absolute;z-index:1;width:80%'>
Navigate Gallery: {{!!gallery}}
<!-- This macro makes the navigation buttons -->
\define thisList()
<!-- This sorts and list the tiddlers with the optional GalleryFilter added on. It sets the iterator and variable as well. -->
<$list filter="[sort<GallerySort>tag<GalleryTag>$(GalleryFilter)$]" iterator=currentListIndex variable=ThisOne>
<!-- Using the built in iterator-last variable we set the number for the last tiddler in the gallery -->
<$set name=LastTiddler value=<<iterator-last>>>
<!-- Show this only if the current tiddler isn't the last tiddler in the gallery, this is the part that removes the next button from the last tiddler -->
<$reveal type=nomatch state=<<LastTiddler>> text=<<currentListIndex>>>
<!-- This uses the same filter as above, but it pulls out the nth tiddler, where n is the currentListIndex, set my the iterator from the above list and sets the variable to ImageTiddler. This is the tiddler currently being viewed -->
<$list filter="[sort<GallerySort>tag<GalleryTag>$(GalleryFilter)$nth<currentListIndex>]" variable=ImageTiddler>
<!-- This macro makes the display -->
<!-- Set the GalleryTag variable based on the settings in the control panel -->
<$set name=GalleryTag value={{$:/settings/TiddlerGallerySettings!!gallery_tag}}>
<!-- This is the list that makes the view template only show up on the correct tiddlers -->
<$list filter="[is[current]tag<GalleryTag>]">
<!-- Set the GallerySort and GalleryFilter variables, this is inside the list because that may reduce the amount of rendering done. I am not actually sure about that. -->
<$set name=GallerySort value={{$:/settings/TiddlerGallerySettings!!gallery_sort}}>
<$set name=GalleryFilter value={{$:/settings/TiddlerGallerySettings!!filter}}>
<!-- This is the macro that makes the navigation buttons -->
There should be date created, deadline and maybe start date (it could be different than date created)
I have no idea how to present this information in the normal table list, it may have to go into the info popup for each task. Or I could have different table styles.
This could also be used to integrate this with the calendar plugin.
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
!Welcome to ~TiddlyWiki!
''If you just want to import functions into your own existing wiki go to http://inmysocks.tiddlyspot.com/#How%20to%20add%20to%20the%20Dashboard for instructions and a list of the available plugins''
~TiddlyWiki is a personal organizer or personal wiki. This is a version designed specifically so that there is almost no learning required to use it. There will (hopefully) be versions that just accomplish individual tasks, such as a task list or contacts database. This wiki contains all of the available content for the no learning required versions.
!!To get started
If you just want to get started working then you can click on one of the options to the left. Currently `Introduction` is highlighted to show that you are looking at the introduction tab. If you click on another option on the list than you will see the content for that option.
Currently the options are:
*`Citation Library` - a simple citation database
*`Contacts` - a contact database with a simple interface
*`Create or Edit Tiddlers` - a simple interface for adding more tiddlers to this wiki
*`Dictionary` - a searchable and editable dictionary
*`Manage Table of Contents` - a TOC manager for tiddlywiki
*`Minimal Task List` - a task list that just lists tasks and allows you to check them off when they are finished.
*`Quick Notes` - a simple searchable notepad
*`Task List` - a more advanced task list that has options for adding short descriptions, deadlines and a more detailed explanation to the task. On this list if you click on a task name it will open up the details you have given that task.
!!What do these words mean?
Here is a list of words and definitions related to this wiki that you may not be familiar with:
*''Wiki'' - a user editable document. Wikipedia is probably the most famous example of a wiki. A wiki contains pages or articles that can link to each other to allow navigation through the different articles. What you are currently reading is an example of a wiki called ~TiddlyWiki
*''Link'' - A link is a word or phrase that you can click on that will bring you to a new place or open up a new page. Links in this wiki are colored blue and when you hover over one it will become underlined. Clicking on links is one of the main ways to navigate this wiki.
*''Tiddler'' - A single unit used by ~TiddlyWiki. Everything on this wiki is made up of tiddlers, and when you create something here it will be a tiddler. An article on wikipedia would be equivalent to a tiddler. But a tiddler can be significantly more than what is done on wikipedia. Don't worry too much about specifics if you don't want to, the important thing to know now is that when you open something on this wiki what you open is a tiddler. For examples and more explaination go to www.tiddlywiki.com
*''~TiddlyWiki'' - ~TiddlyWiki is a program that can be used in many different ways, what you are reading right now is an example of a ~TiddlyWiki, but there are many more things that can be done with one. <!-- add history or something here -->
!!If you want to get rid of this message
If you want to prevent this message from appearing anymore you can click on the button below. Once you do this than this message won't appear again, so make sure you understand the basics of how to use this wiki before you press it.
If you want this message to stay available than just click on one of the options to the left to get started using the wiki. If you click on the word `Introduction` than this message will appear again.
Click the button down below that says `Don't show this again` and this message will no longer appear when you open your wiki.
<$button message='tm-modal' param=RemoveIntroMessageModal>Don't show this again</$button>
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
''Jed Carty'' preferred online nickname: inmysocks
inmysocks -At- G mail Dot Com (Weirdness to avoid spam)
People sometimes try to call me on my texting device. It is better to talk to me online.
--''My ~TiddlyWiki 5 Stuff on the Net''--
<$list filter='[tag{!!title}tag[<Name Plate>]name_plate_type[TiddlyWiki]]' template=SiteNamePlateDisplayTemplate>
--''Social Site''--
[[Google +|https://plus.google.com/u/0/104299822683475347635/posts/]]<br>
[[Sir Hatsworth XVII's photoblog|http://sirhatsworthxvii.blogspot.com/]]
--''IM Things''--
AIM - JedMee (I almost never use this anymore, but pidgin is still set to log in)<br>
Google chat thing whatever it is called - same as my email
!!!__Tiddlers with Jed Carty Tags__
{{{ [tag[Jed Carty]] }}}
Hopefully this link will always point to a page with the newest version of the plugin if it gets updated.
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
''Like everything else on this site, this is a work in progress, there isn't much to see here yet.''
This is the start of what will hopefully become a loosely structured guide to learning how to use some of the more advanced features of TiddlyWiki. If you simply want to use TiddlyWiki to markup text or create static wikis this is probably not going to be very helpful, but if you want to learn how to create dynamically changing wikis this will hopefully help you start.
For a brief overview of what makes ~TiddlyWiki useful, or why you should care, check [[Why TiddlyWiki?]] It will give you background on why using what I present here is helpful in a general way.
!TiddlyWiki Ideas and Concepts
This wiki is an example of a (mostly) statically displayed wiki, there are not many dynamic elements past some automatically generated lists. If you want to see an example of a wiki that is almost completely made up of dynamically generated content you can go to [[http://zorklike.tiddlyspot.com/]], which is a simple interactive fiction engine I created using TiddlyWiki.
While there are many tools available when using WikiText, the four most useful concepts for learning how TiddlyWiki can go far beyond traditional typesetting/word processing, or even other wikis, are:
*[[Lists in WikiText]]
*[[Filters in WikiText]]
*[[Transclusion in WikiText]]
*[[Templates in WikiText]]
While the other tools are important, if you understand these four concepts you can build very complex things using TiddlyWiki.
!Wiki Customization
If you want to learn how to customize your wiki than I have [[learning to customize TiddlyWiki|Learning to Customize TiddlyWiki]], and there are some simple notes in [[Wiki Customization]].
Like what I am doing? You can always [[help|Want to help out?]].
Also see [[Learning TiddlyWiki]]
This is going to cover some more advanced or technical aspects of customizing ~TiddlyWiki. I just started making it so there are a lot of gaps and not everything listed is done yet.
If you have any specific requests feel free to ask through the feedback form (the {{Menu Icon - User Feedback}} icon in the upper left of the screen)
If you just want things I have already made for you, go to [[Copy and Paste Custimizations]].
Easy stuff:
*[[Changing Themes]] - Switching between existing themes, possibly the easiest customization possible.
More advanced:
*[[Modifying CSS]] - Change the wiki layout, font sizes, colours, popups and much more.
*[[Custom View Templates]] - A different sort of changing layout, things like adding new buttons to every tiddler or changing the location of menus, or creating new menus.
Everything comes down to making the correct table it seems.
Facebook and Google+, and possibly other sites, give a preview of sites if you share a link to them. These previews can be built automatically, but if you put the proper metadata on your site than you can control what shows up. The protocol for this is called Open Graph Protocol ([[website|http://ogp.me/]]). Adding the metadata to a wiki is very simple, just make a tiddler tagged with `$:/tags/RawMarkup` and put in the html.
The [[Open Graph Protocol site|http://ogp.me/]] gives information about which tags are available and what they do, here is the code use in this site from the tiddler [[Open Graph Protocol Metadata]]:
<$view tiddler='Open Graph Protocol Metadata'/>
If you don't want to add more metadata you can copy that into a tiddler on your own wiki and change the title, url and description to fit your site. Or I suppose just import the [[Open Graph Protocol Metadata]] tiddler and edit it to fit your site.
After you have added the tiddler, saved and then reloaded your wiki you can check to make sure it worked either by putting the link into the new post editor on facebook or google+ or going to [[the debug tool|https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/og/object/]] facebook has for checking these things.
''Note'' If you have put a link to your wiki on facebook previously than the update may not show, if that is the cage go to the debug tool lined to above, enter the url of your wiki and click on `Fetch new scrape information` to get facebook to update the data is has stored. Google+ apparently checks the data every time so it should work immediately there.
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
\define thisMakeListEntry()
<<currentTiddler>> - {{Iterate Over Fields Example Tiddler!!$(thisTiddler)$}}<br>
This will set all of the fields in the tiddler [[Iterate Over Fields Example Tiddler]] to be whatever value is stored in the `iterate_value` field in this tiddler. The `iterate_value` field is set by the select widget. This works regardless of how many fields are in [[Iterate Over Fields Example Tiddler]] or what the fields are called. It may be possible to have this set the fields to different values, but that may get complex.
The fields are updated whenever the `iterate_value` field is changed.
\define thisMakeListEntry()
<<currentTiddler>> - {{Iterate Over Fields Example Tiddler!!$(thisTiddler)$}}
<$select tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field='iterate_value'>
You can add any fields you want:
<$edit-text tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field='field_to_add' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
<$button>Add field<$action-setfield $tiddler='Iterate Over Fields Example Tiddler' $field={{!!field_to_add}} $value=''/></$button>
<$set name=tidName vaule=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$list filter='[[Iterate Over Fields Example Tiddler]fields[]]-[[title]]-[[created]]-[[modified]]-[[text]]-[[tags]]'>
<$link-fields $sourcetiddler='link-fields Widget - Iterate Over Fields' $sourcefield='iterate_value' $storetiddler='Iterate Over Fields Example Tiddler' $storefield=<<currentTiddler>>/>
<$set name=thisTiddler value=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$select tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field='iterate_value'>
You can add any fields you want:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/iterateoverfieldsaddfield' field='field_to_add' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
<$button>Add field<$action-setfield $tiddler='Iterate Over Fields Example Tiddler' $field={{'$:/temp/iterateoverfieldsaddfield'!!field_to_add}} $value=''/></$button>
<$set name=tidName vaule=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$list filter='[[Iterate Over Fields Example Tiddler]fields[]]-[[title]]-[[created]]-[[modified]]-[[text]]-[[tags]]'>
<$link-fields $sourcetiddler='link-fields Widget - Iterate Over Fields' $sourcefield='iterate_value' $storetiddler='Iterate Over Fields Example Tiddler' $storefield=<<currentTiddler>>/>
<$set name=thisTiddler value=<<currentTiddler>>>
This example shows how the link-fields widget can be used to iterate over a list of tiddlers and set values in each tiddler. To see how to set different values for each tiddler see [[here|link-fields Widget - Set Multiple Fields Using Select]] or [[here|link-fields Widget - Set Multiple Fields Using Select (Data Tiddler Version)]].
How it works:
The dropdown menu sets the value that each tiddlers field, called `this_store_field` in each tiddler, will be set to. The list widget is made so it lists all of the desired tiddlers, in this case every tiddler tagged with `Iterate Over Tiddlers Example - link-fields Widget`, and works the way lists normally work.
The link-fields widget is put in each list entry, with `$storetiddler` set to `<<currentTiddler>>` so the link-fields widget will link the source field to fields in each entry of the list. The reason this works is because the link-fields widget works whenever the widget is being rendered, and in the list here each list entry has a link-fields widget for the tiddler being displayed, so the widget works on each entry of the list.
Select value: <$select field='iterate_value2'>
<$list filter='[tag[Iterate Over Tiddlers link-fields Example]]'>
<$link-fields $sourcetiddler='Iterate Over Tiddlers Example - link-fields Widget' $sourcefield='iterate_value2' $storetiddler=<<currentTiddler>> $storefield='this_store_field'/>
<<currentTiddler>> - {{!!this_store_field}}<br>
This sets the `this_store_field` field of each of the tiddlers returned by the filter ([[Link Fields Iterate Over Tiddlers Example 1]], [[Link Fields Iterate Over Tiddlers Example 2]] and [[Link Fields Iterate Over Tiddlers Example 3]] if nothing has changed) to the value of `iterate_value2` in this tiddler, which is set by this select widget.
Select value: <$select tiddler='Iterate Over Tiddlers Example - link-fields Widget' field='iterate_value2'>
Tiddlers and field values:
<$list filter='[tag[Iterate Over Tiddlers link-fields Example]]'>
<$link-fields $sourcetiddler='Iterate Over Tiddlers Example - link-fields Widget' $sourcefield='iterate_value2' $storetiddler=<<currentTiddler>> $storefield='this_store_field'/>
<<currentTiddler>> - {{!!this_store_field}}<br>
\define thisMakeSourceField()
\define thisListItem()
<$link-fields $sourcetiddler=<<currentTiddler>> $sourcefield=$(sourceField)$ $storetiddler=<<currentTiddler>> $storefield=example_store_field/>
<<currentTiddler>> - {{!!example_store_field}}<br>
To do this requires a bit of work now, I will hopefully change things so that you can make a data tiddler that defines the different values for each field/tiddler. But that comes later.
How it works:
Each of the tiddlers with fields being set have 3 fields called `source_field_1`, `source_field_2` and `source_field_3`. These fields hold the values that the designated fields will hold when the select widget is set to `1`, `2` or `3` respectively. The `thisMakeSourceField` macro puts the string together from the value picked by the select widget (this could also be done using a value list like described here http://tiddlywiki.com/#SelectWidget). Then the list widget builds the link-fields commands using the `thisListItem` macro. This calls the link-fields widget once for each item returned by the filter used by the list widget, which sets the value of the `example_store_field` to whatever is in the selected source field in each tiddler. You could use the same method as used in the `thisMakeSourceField` macro to select different store fields for each option selected by the select widget, and if you wanted you could pull the values from a data tiddler where the indexes were named the same as each option of the select widget and the value stored in each index was the desired field. You would need one data tiddler per store field. If the data tiddler handling is improved than you would be able to use a single data tiddler for all of them, but that may not happen for a long time.
\define thisMakeSourceField()
\define thisListItem()
<$link-fields $sourcetiddler=<<currentTiddler>> $sourcefield=$(sourceField)$ $storetiddler=<<currentTiddler>> $storefield=example_store_field/>
<<currentTiddler>> - {{!!example_store_field}}<br>
<$select field='select_value'>
<$set name=appendNumber filter='[<currentTiddler>get[select_value]]'>
<$set name=sourceField value=<<thisMakeSourceField>>>
<$list filter='[tag[Multiple Fields Select Widget]]'>
Select Value: <$select field='select_value'>
<$set name=appendNumber filter='[<currentTiddler>get[select_value]]'>
<$set name=sourceField value=<<thisMakeSourceField>>>
<$list filter='[tag[Multiple Fields Select Widget]]'>
\define thisGetDataTiddler()
$(tidName)$ - Data
\define thisListItem()
<$link-fields $sourcetiddler=<<thisGetDataTiddler>> $sourceindex="""$(sourceIndexName)$""" $storetiddler=<<tidName>> $storefield='example_store_field'/>
This example works by having a select widget give all of the indexes of a data tiddler as options. There are 3 data tiddlers with identical index names, [[Using Data Tiddlers with link-fields and select Widgets 1 - Data]], [[Using Data Tiddlers with link-fields and select Widgets 2 - Data]] and [[Using Data Tiddlers with link-fields and select Widgets 3 - Data]]. Each data tiddler is associated with a normal tiddler, [[Using Data Tiddlers with link-fields and select Widgets 1]], [[Using Data Tiddlers with link-fields and select Widgets 1]] and [[Using Data Tiddlers with link-fields and select Widgets 1]]. When the select widget is set to the name of an index, a field in each of the tiddlers is set to the value associated with that index in its paired data tiddler. The list building the link-fields widgets works the same as in the [[link-fields Widget - Iterate Over Tiddlers Example]].
\define thisGetDataTiddler()
$(tidName)$ - Data
\define thisListItem()
<$link-fields $sourcetiddler=<<thisGetDataTiddler>> $sourceindex="""$(sourceIndexName)$""" $storetiddler=<<tidName>> $storefield='example_store_field'/>
<$select field='select_value'>
<$list filter='[[Using Data Tiddlers with link-fields and select Widgets 1 - Data]indexes[]]'>
<$set name=sourceIndexName value={{!!select_value}}>
<$list filter='[tag<currentTiddler>]'>
<$set name=tidName value=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$set name=dataTiddlerName value=<<thisGetDataTiddler>>>
<<currentTiddler>> - {{!!example_store_field}}
<$select field='select_value'>
<$list filter='[[Using Data Tiddlers with link-fields and select Widgets 1 - Data]indexes[]]'>
<$set name=sourceIndexName value={{!!select_value}}>
<$list filter='[tag<currentTiddler>]'>
<$set name=tidName value=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$set name=dataTiddlerName value=<<thisGetDataTiddler>>>
<<currentTiddler>> - {{!!example_store_field}}
This demonstrates the basic usage of the link-fields widget, showing both the normal and `field=tiddler` syntax.
Contents of source field: <$select tiddler='link-fields Widget - Simple Example' field='link_fields_example_source_field'>
<$link-fields $sourcetiddler='link-fields Widget - Simple Example' $sourcefield='link_fields_example_source_field' $storetiddler='My Plugins' $storefield='link_fields_example_store_field' other_example_store_field='link-fields Widget - Simple Example'/>
Currently in store fields: {{My Plugins!!link_fields_example_store_field}} and {{link-fields Widget - Simple Example!!other_example_store_field}}
Check the `link_fields_example_store_field` field in the [[My Plugins]] tiddler to see that this is working.
Contents of source field: <$select tiddler='link-fields Widget - Simple Example' field='link_fields_example_source_field'>
<$link-fields $sourcetiddler='link-fields Widget - Simple Example' $sourcefield='link_fields_example_source_field' $storetiddler='My Plugins' $storefield='link_fields_example_store_field' other_example_store_field='link-fields Widget - Simple Example'/>
Currently in store fields: {{My Plugins!!link_fields_example_store_field}} and {{link-fields Widget - Simple Example!!other_example_store_field}}
Select the value using the dropdown menu, then click `Update` to update the fields in the tiddlers returned by the filter.
!!How it works:
The select widget sets the `source_field` normally. The list widget inside the reveal widget is used to create one link-fields widget for each tiddler returned by the list.
The link-fields widget will update the fields whenever it is rendered, but by default the content of a reveal widget isn't rendered while hidden. So putting the list widget that makes the set of link-fields widgets inside a reveal widget prevents the link-fields widget from acting while hidden.
On a button press the state of the reveal widget is set to 'show', which causes the link-field widgets built by the list to be updated. To avoid having to re-hide the content of the reveal widget manually (which effectively turns off the link-fields widgets), a second link-fields widget is used outside the list (but inside the reveal) that sets the reveal state to hide, this is also executed as soon as the reveal state is set to show, hiding the content again and stopping the link-fields widgets after they are evaluated once.
The result is a behaviour like an action widget that only triggers on a button press. Hopefully I will eventually just make an action-widget version of this if an alternative isn't made so you won't have to deal with the roundabout reveal method.
This method can, of course, be used with any of the other link-fields examples.
Select value: <$select field='source_field'>
<$button><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/linkfieldsbutton' text=show/>Update</$button>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/temp/linkfieldsbutton' text=show>
<$list filter='[tag[The link-fields Widget]]'>
<$link-fields $sourcetiddler='link-fields Widget - Update link-fields on a Button Press' $sourcefield='source_field' $storetiddler=<<currentTiddler>> $storefield='test_store'/>
<$link-fields $sourcetiddler='link-fields Widget - Update link-fields on a Button Press' $sourcefield='reset' $storetiddler='$:/temp/linkfieldsbutton' $storefield='text'/>
<$list filter='[tag[The link-fields Widget]]'>
{{!!title}} - {{!!test_store}}<br>
Select value: <$select field='source_field'>
<$button><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/linkfieldsbutton' text=show/>Update</$button>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/temp/linkfieldsbutton' text=show>
<$list filter='[tag[The link-fields Widget]]'>
<$link-fields $sourcetiddler='link-fields Widget - Update link-fields on a Button Press' $sourcefield='source_field' $storetiddler=<<currentTiddler>> $storefield='test_store'/>
<$link-fields $sourcetiddler='link-fields Widget - Update link-fields on a Button Press' $sourcefield='reset' $storetiddler='$:/temp/linkfieldsbutton' $storefield='text'/>
<$list filter='[tag[The link-fields Widget]]'>
{{!!title}} - {{!!test_store}}<br>
To link to another tiddler you use this
[[Wiki Examples]]
which displays as
[[Wiki Examples]]
Anything that is written in CamelCase also shows up as a tiddler. CamelCase is any word that has a capital letter in the first position followed by a lowercase letter and then a capital letter in any other position.
To write something that fits the CamelCase rules but shouldn't show up as a link put a `~` in front of the word.
CamelCase will show up as a link but ~CamelCase won't
displays as
CamelCase will show up as a link but ~CamelCase won't
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
\define thisSearchMacro()
<$list filter='[!is[system]]' variable=useThisOne>
<$list filter='[<useThisOne>fields[]]-[[title]]-[[created]]-[[modified]]-[[tags]]-[[text]]' variable=thisField>
\define thisSearchListItem()
<$list filter="[<useThisOne>has<thisField>regexp:$(thisField)$[(?i)$(thisSearch)$]]">
<$set name='thisTiddler' value={{!!title}}>
\define thisSearchListItem2()
<$reveal type=nomatch state="""$:/temp/searchreplacetiddlers##$(thisTiddler)$""" text=$(thisField)$>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/searchreplacetiddlers' $index=<<currentTiddler>> $value=$(thisField)$/>__"""$(thisTiddler)$"""__ - $(thisField)$</$button><br>
\define thisSelectedList()
<$list filter='[[$:/temp/searchreplacetiddlers]indexes[]]' variable=indexName>
\define thisSelectedListEntry()
<$reveal type=nomatch state="""$:/temp/searchreplacetiddlers##$(indexName)$""" text="""''""">
<$reveal type=nomatch state="""$:/temp/searchreplacetiddlers##$(indexName)$""" text=''>
<$set name=indexValue value={{$:/temp/searchreplacetiddlers##$(indexName)$}}>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>{{$:/core/images/done-button}}<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/searchreplacetiddlers' $index=<<indexName>> $value=''/>__<<indexName>>__ - <<indexValue>></$button>
\define thisSearchReplaceList()
<$list filter='[[$:/temp/searchreplacetiddlers]indexes[]]' variable=thisTiddler>
\define thisSearchReplaceListItem()
<$set name=thisValue value={{$:/temp/searchreplacetiddlers##$(thisTiddler)$}}>
<$reveal type=nomatch state="""$:/temp/searchreplacetiddlers##$(thisTiddler)$""" text="""''""">
\define thisSearchReplaceListItem2()
<$link-fields $sourcetiddler='$:/temp/linkfieldssearchreplace' $sourcefield='replace_string' $storetiddler="""$(thisTiddler)$""" $storefield="""$(thisValue)$"""/>
\define thisClearSelectionButton()
<$button set='links-field Widget - Search and Replace Field Contents!!clear_reveal_state' setTo='show'>Clear Selection</$button>
<$reveal state='links-field Widget - Search and Replace Field Contents!!clear_reveal_state' type='match' text='show'>
<$list filter='[[$:/temp/searchreplacetiddlers]indexes[]]' variable=indexName>
<$link-fields $sourcetiddler='links-field Widget - Search and Replace Field Contents' $sourcefield='reset' $storetiddler='links-field Widget - Search and Replace Field Contents' $storefield=clear_reveal_state/>
\define thisClearSelectionButtonListItem()
<$link-fields $sourcetiddler='links-field Widget - Search and Replace Field Contents' $sourcefield='clear_field' $storetiddler='$:/temp/searchreplacetiddlers' $storeindex="""$(indexName)$"""/>
\define thisReplaceAllButton()
<$button set='links-field Widget - Search and Replace Field Contents!!select_all_reveal_state' setTo='show'>Replace All</$button>
<$reveal state='links-field Widget - Search and Replace Field Contents!!select_all_reveal_state' type='match' text='show'>
<$list filter='[!is[system]]' variable=useThisOne>
<$list filter='[<useThisOne>fields[]]-[[title]]-[[created]]-[[modified]]-[[tags]]-[[text]]' variable=thisField>
<$link-fields $sourcetiddler='links-field Widget - Search and Replace Field Contents' $sourcefield=reset $storetiddler='links-field Widget - Search and Replace Field Contents' $storefield='select_all_reveal_state'/>
\define thisReplaceAllButtonListItem()
<$list filter="[<useThisOne>has<thisField>regexp:$(thisField)$[(?i)$(thisSearch)$]]">
<$set name='thisTiddler' value={{!!title}}>
\define thisReplaceAllButtonListItem2()
<$reveal type=nomatch state="""$:/temp/searchreplacetiddlers##$(thisTiddler)$""" text="""$(thisField)$""">
<$link-fields $sourcetiddler='$:/temp/linkfieldssearchreplace' $sourcefield='replace_string' $storetiddler=<<thisTiddler>> $storefield=<<thisField>>/>
Using this you can search all fields for a string, and then replace that string in all of the fields that it is currently in with another value. Type the search string in the `Search String` text box and the desired replacement in the `Replace With` text box.
Clicking on items that show up in the search result list will select that field to be replaced. ~~Only the entries in the selected fields list with checks next to them will be replaced by clicking the `Replace` button.~~ All fields that match the search will have their values replaced if you click on the `Replace All` button. The replace selected button doesn't work properly at the moment.
I will hopefully write up an explanation of how this works sometime soon.
Search String: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/linkfieldssearchreplace' field='search_string' placeholder='Search String'/>
Replace With: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/linkfieldssearchreplace' field='replace_string' placeholder='Replace String'/>
<$set name='thisSearch' value={{$:/temp/linkfieldssearchreplace!!search_string}}>
<<thisClearSelectionButton>> <$button><$action-setfield $tiddler='links-field Widget - Search and Replace Field Contents' $field='replace_reveal' $value='show'/><$action-setfield $tiddler='links-field Widget - Search and Replace Field Contents' $field='clear_reveal_state' $value='show'/>Replace Selected</$button> <<thisReplaceAllButton>>
Selected Fields:<br>
Unselected Fields:<br>
<$reveal type=match state='links-field Widget - Search and Replace Field Contents!!replace_reveal' text=show>
<$link-fields $sourcetiddler='links-field Widget - Search and Replace Field Contents' $sourcefield='reset' $storetiddler='links-field Widget - Search and Replace Field Contents' $storefield=replace_reveal/>
At the bottom of almost every tiddler I have the following code (and some code from [[Make a button to create new tiddlers from a template]] to make the button):
Entries tagged <$list filter="[all[current]]"/>
<$list filter="[all[current]tagging[]]">
which generates a list of all tiddlers that are tagged with the current tiddler.
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
<$list filter='[tag[Awesome Thing]sort[title]]'>
<$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></$link> - <$transclude field='note'/> (<a href={{!!url}}>Go to site</a>)
\define MakeColorThing()
This is the color $(ThisColor)$
This is a long list of the named colors for CSS, there may be more but this should be most of them.
Most of the background is black so you can see the colors below.
But black doesn't show up on a black background, so:
This is the color black
<div style='background-color:black'>
<$list filter='[[aliceblue]] [[antiquewhite]] [[aquamarine]] [[azure]] [[beige]] [[bisque]] [[black]] [[blanchedalmond]] [[blue]] [[blueviolet]] [[brown]] [[burlywood]] [[cadetblue]] [[chartreuse]] [[chocolate]] [[coral]] [[cornflowerblue]] [[cornsilk]] [[crimson]] [[cyan]] [[darkblue]] [[darkcyan]] [[darkgoldenrod]] [[darkgray]] [[darkgreen]] [[darkgrey]] [[darkkhaki]] [[darkmagenta]] [[darkolivegreen]] [[darkorange]] [[darkorchid]] [[darkred]] [[darksalmon]] [[darkseagreen]] [[darkslateblue]] [[darkslategray]] [[darkslategrey]] [[darkturquoise]] [[darkviolet]] [[deeppink]] [[deepskyblue]] [[dimgray]] [[dimgrey]] [[dodgerblue]] [[firebrick]] [[floralwhite]] [[forestgreen]] [[gainsboro]] [[ghostwhite]] [[gold]] [[goldenrod]] [[gray]] [[green]] [[greenyellow]] [[grey]] [[honeydew]] [[hotpink]] [[indianred]] [[indigo]] [[ivory]] [[khaki]] [[lavender]] [[lavenderblush]] [[lawngreen]] [[lemonchiffon]] [[lightblue]] [[lightcoral]] [[lightcyan]] [[lightgoldenrod]] [[lightgoldenrodyellow]] [[lightgray]] [[lightgreen]] [[lightgrey]] [[lightpink]] [[lightsalmon]] [[lightseagreen]] [[lightskyblue]] [[lightslateblue]] [[lightslategray]] [[lightslategrey]] [[lightsteelblue]] [[lightyellow]] [[limegreen]] [[linen]] [[magenta]] [[maroon]] [[mediumaquamarine]] [[mediumblue]] [[mediumorchid]] [[mediumpurple]] [[mediumseagreen]] [[mediumslateblue]] [[mediumspringgreen]] [[mediumturquoise]] [[mediumvioletred]] [[midnightblue]] [[mintcream]] [[mistyrose]] [[moccasin]] [[navajowhite]] [[navy]] [[navyblue]] [[oldlace]] [[olivedrab]] [[orange]] [[orangered]] [[orchid]] [[palegoldenrod]] [[palegreen]] [[paleturquoise]] [[palevioletred]] [[papayawhip]] [[peachpuff]] [[peru]] [[pink]] [[plum]] [[powderblue]] [[purple]] [[red]] [[rosybrown]] [[royalblue]] [[saddlebrown]] [[salmon]] [[sandybrown]] [[seagreen]] [[seashell]] [[sienna]] [[skyblue]] [[slateblue]] [[slategray]] [[slategrey]] [[snow]] [[springgreen]] [[steelblue]] [[tan]] [[thistle]] [[tomato]] [[turquoise]] [[violet]] [[violetred]] [[wheat]] [[white]] [[whitesmoke]] [[yellow]] [[yellowgreen]]'>
<$set name=ThisColor value=<<currentTiddler>>>
Here are some CSS properties that will probably be helpful:
<$list filter='[tag[list of some relevant CSS properties]]'>
<h1><$view field='caption'/></h1>
<$transclude mode=block/>
<$set name=OuterTiddler value={{!!title}}>
<$list filter='[tag{!!title}sort[order]]' template='SectionsTemplate'>
There is a shorthand way to display lists by placing `{{{` and `}}}` around a filter. Here is how to use it:
{{{[tag[Wiki Examples]]}}}
<<listSlider "[tag[Wiki Examples]]" "Show output" "Hide output">>
You can use a template to display lists using this syntax like this:
{{{[tag[Wiki Examples]]||HelloTemplate}}}
Where HelloTemplate is the template used. See [[Templates]] or [[Templates in WikiText]] for more explanation.
<<textSliderNoButton "Show output" """{{{[tag[Wiki Examples]]||HelloTemplate}}}""">>
Just listing tiddler titles can be useful, but it isn't particularly interesting, so now we will change what is displayed for each entry.
As I mentioned above, the content between the opening and closing tags of the list widget is important. You can use what is between the two tags to customize what is shown for each list entry. This takes advantage of how the list widget sets the currentTiddler variable to the current list entry. If that sentence doesn't mean anything to you don't worry, you don't need to understand it yet. I will return to this later when I discuss variables in lists.
I will start with an example:
<$list filter='[tag[Wiki Examples]]'>
Now look at the output:
<<exampleSlider "<$list filter='[tag[Wiki Examples]]'>
</$list>" """Show Hi! example""" """Hide example""" """lists in wikitext Hi! example""">>
!!What? How does that make sense?
The filter `[tag[Wiki Examples]]` returns a list of all tiddlers tagged with `Wiki Examples`, and normally the list widget will list all of the tiddler names, but when you have something between the opening and closing tags of the list widget that content overrides the default behaviour. So what the example does is display the content between the tags (in this case `Hi!`) once for each entry returned by the filter, so it displays `Hi!` once for each tiddler tagged with `Wiki Examples`. Note that there are no line breaks in the output, adding `<br>` after `Hi!` will add line breaks, or putting a blank line before `Hi!` will add them.
!!Displaying Hi! a bunch of times isn't very helpful
No, it isn't. But that is just a simple illustration of what is possible. A slightly more useful example is:
<$list filter='[tag[Wiki Examples]]'>
<$view field='title'/> - <$view field='modified'/><br>
<<exampleSlider "<$list filter='[tag[Wiki Examples]]'>
<$view field='title'/> - <$view field='modified'/><br>
</$list>" """Show example""" """Hide example""" """lists modified field example""">>
!!So what is going on?
In that example `<$view field='title'/> - <$view field='modified'/><br>` is displayed for each thing returned by the filter. The WikiText is parsed so it displays the results of view widgets for each entry, so you see the title and the modified field of each tiddler returned by the list.
The view widget doesn't have a `tiddler` attribute set, this is because the list widget sets the `currentTiddler` variable to the current item on the list, so most widgets will default to acting on the current list item instead of the tiddler that contains the list. This is important, and is one of the things makes lists so powerful, particularly when you combine lists with templates and transclusions.
Much of what you can do with templates you can do by changing the content of the list widget.
If you want to display the same things in many different lists than it can be much more efficient to use a template instead of manually putting the content in each list. To do this you make a tiddler that contains the same content you would put inside the list widget tags. For example the tiddler AnotherExampleListTemplate contains the following:
`<$view field='title'/> - <$view field='modified'/><br>`
and then make a list using:
<$list filter='[tag[Wiki Examples]]' template=AnotherExampleListTemplate>
Which gives:
<<exampleSlider """<$list filter='[tag[Wiki Examples]]' template=AnotherExampleListTemplate>
</$list>""" """Show example""" """Hide example""" """AnotherExampleListTemplate example""">>
This is the same as putting `<$view field='title'/> - <$view field='modified'/><br>` inside the list widget tags, but it is often easier to use this if you are going to use the same thing in many different places.
You can also do much more complex things using templates, like having templates used recursively to create things like the table of contents, or the table of contents manager on the [[Dashboard|$:/plugins/inmysocks/Dashboard/Dashboard]].
Lists is WikiText go far beyond ordered and unordered lists. Using the list widget, along with filters and templates, you can make things like the table of contents, or the dynamically generated tables in Plugin twCard.
The use of lists and filters are very closely related, and in many cases one is not useful without the other. Because of this, understanding all of the parts of this explanation may require some knowledge of filters, and many of the more advanced uses will also require some knowledge of templates and transclusions. I will start with simple topics and move up to more advanced topics.
*You can set the `emptyMessage` attribute of a list widget. If the filter doesn't return anything for the list to display, than this message is displayed.
The list widget is, unsurprisingly, used to make lists. It is different from normal [[static ordered and unordered lists|Static Ordered and Unordered Lists]].
Documentation for the list widget can be found [[on the main TiddlyWiki site|http://tiddlywiki.com/#ListWidget]].
The simplest way to make a list using the list widget is with something like the following code:
<$list filter='[tag[Wiki Examples]]'>
That code will list each tiddler that has the tag `Wiki Examples`
<<listSlider """[tag[Wiki Examples]]""" "Click to show output" "Click to hide output">>
!!So what is going on?
The above example has two main parts, the widget name `$list`, and the filter `[tag[Wiki Examples]]`. In this `$list` says that this is a list widget, and `filter=[tag[Wiki Examples]]` tells the list widget what it should display (see [[filters in WikiText|Filters in WikiText]] for more about the filter). Note that like HTML there is both an open and closing tag for the list widget, both are surrounded by `<` and `>`, and the closing tag has `/` before the widget name. There doesn't need to be anything between the opening and closing tags for the widget, but putting content between the tags can be very important and will be discussed later.
So, there are two important things so far:
* The `$list` part that identifies it as a list widget
* The `filter=...` part that tells the widget what to list (see [[filters in WikiText|Filters in WikiText]] to see how to create your own filters)
One thing that I didn't learn for a long time is that you can give a list of items as the filter input to the list widget. I had made the first version of my [[interactive fiction engine|http://zorklike.tiddlyspot.com]] before I knew you could do this, so I don't consider it particularly important, but it can simplify things.
<$list filter='1 2 3 4 5 6'>
<<listSlider "1 2 3 4 5 6" "Show output" "Hide output">>
To allow you to refer to the current element of a list when using the list widget you can do two things:
!!Using `<<currentTiddler>>`
Use the `<<currentTiddler>>` variable. Normally putting `<<currentTiddler>>` inside a tiddler will display the name of the containing tiddler, but when it is inside a list widget it will display the name of the current entry of the list, so the code
<$list filter='[tag[Wiki Examples]]'>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/reveal/Lists in WikiText Variables in lists example 1' text='show'>
<$button set='$:/reveal/Lists in WikiText Variables in lists example 1' setTo=show>Show output</$button>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/reveal/Lists in WikiText Variables in lists example 1' text='show'>
<$button set='$:/reveal/Lists in WikiText Variables in lists example 1' setTo=hide>Hide output</$button>
<$list filter='[tag[Wiki Examples]]'>
will list the title of the current tiddler, then list the titles of the tiddlers tagged with `Wiki Examples`. This is boring and not particularly useful, a more useful example is:
<$list filter='[tag[Wiki Examples]]'>
<$checkbox tag=test/> <<currentTiddler>>
Which will list tiddlers tagged with `Wiki Examples` with checkboxes next to them. If you click on the checkbox next to a tiddler than that tiddler will be tagged with `test`, unchecking the box will remove the tag.
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/reveal/Lists in WikiText Variables in lists example 2' text='show'>
<$button set='$:/reveal/Lists in WikiText Variables in lists example 2' setTo=show>Show output</$button>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/reveal/Lists in WikiText Variables in lists example 2' text='show'>
<$button set='$:/reveal/Lists in WikiText Variables in lists example 2' setTo=hide>Hide output</$button>
<$list filter='[tag[Wiki Examples]]'>
<$checkbox tag=test><<currentTiddler>></$checkbox>
!!Using list variables
When using the list widget it can often be useful to be able to reference both the tiddler containing the widget and the tiddler listed in the current entry. One way to do this is to define variables using the set widget, but this can get bulky and isn't required. The easier way is to use the `variable` parameter of the widget.
Using this you can get more complex behavior, like the following which will tag this tiddler with each tiddler checked on the list.
<$list filter='[tag[Wiki Examples]]' variable=ThisItem>
<$checkbox tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> tag=<<ThisItem>>/> <<ThisItem>>
Note that when you use a `variable` parameter than inside the list widget `<<currentTiddler>>` refers to the containing tiddler, not the current item on the list.
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/reveal/Lists in WikiText Variables in lists example 3' text='show'>
<$button set='$:/reveal/Lists in WikiText Variables in lists example 3' setTo=show>Show output</$button>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/reveal/Lists in WikiText Variables in lists example 3' text='show'>
<$button set='$:/reveal/Lists in WikiText Variables in lists example 3' setTo=hide>Hide output</$button>
<$list filter='[tag[Wiki Examples]]' variable=ThisItem>
<$checkbox tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> tag=<<ThisItem>>/> <<ThisItem>>
The listSlider macro is contained in [[GeneralMacros]].
|!Input |!Description |
|filter |The filter that defines the list to display |
|closedCaption |The text to display when the list is hidden |
|openCaption |The text to display when the list is visible |
The listSlider macro is used like this:
<<listSlider filter closedCaption openCaption>>
The macro will display the `closedCaption`, when it is clicked on it will display the `openCaption` and display the output of the input `filter`.
The macro is defined like this:
\define listSlider(filter closedCaption openCaption)
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="""$:/state/$filter$""" text="show">
<$button set="""$:/state/$filter$""" setTo="show" class="tc-btn-invisible tc-tiddler-link"><<fa fa-plus>> $closedCaption$</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="""$:/state/$filter$""" text="show">
<$button set="""$:/state/$filter$""" setTo="hide" class="tc-btn-invisible"><<fa fa-minus>> $openCaption$</$button>
<$list filter='$filter$'>
Then you could have subsubsubsubsubsubsubsubsubsubsubsubsubsubsubcategories, and a subsubsubsubsubsubsubsubsubsubsubsubsubsubsubsubcategory under each of them.
Macros are a way to quickly replicate commonly used pieces of code. They are (mostly) equivalent to defining functions in programming.
The syntax for calling a macro is
<<macroName macroInputs>>
where the inputs are separated by spaces. Note that this means if you are going to use a tiddler with spaces in its title as an input you need to enclose it in double square brackets (`[[ ]]`, see [[Linking to Other Tiddlers]]).
Read [[How to make macros]] for more information.
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
A macro for the [[calendar-month widget|Calendar Plugin]] is given the day of the month as input in the from of a number between 1 and 31 corresponding to the date the macro is contained in.
Currently this is the only input given to the calendar widget, if you have suggestions or requests for additional parameters that can be passed used the [[feedback form|User Feedback]] or post to the [[google group|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/tiddlywiki]].
In order to be useful a macro used should generally have behavior that is specific to each date (using the day, month and year), otherwise there will be no difference in what is displayed on each date, or in what happens when you click on a date (if you have anything happen).
The default macro used is:
\define CalendarListDailyThings(day month year)
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' style='width:100%;height:100%'>
<$action-navigate $to="""$day$-$month$-$year$"""/>
<div style='height:100%;width:100%;position:relative;text-align:left;vertical-align:top;z-index=0'>
<$list filter='[day[$day$]month[$month$]year[$year$]]-[[$:/temp/MakeCalendarEntry]]'>
<$view field='title'/><br>
This macro:
*Sets the entire area of the cell for each date as a button
*This button opens up a tiddler named in the form day-month-year, where the day, month and year correspond to the date clicked on
*Lists all tiddlers that have a fields called `day` `month` and `year` that match the date on the calendar.
The macro is passed the day, month and year as parameters.
!Custom Macros
If you want your calendar to list different things or to have dates do something different when clicked on (or have them do nothing) you can create a custom macro to use.
The macros are passed 3 parameters by the widget, `day`, `month` and `year`, which correspond to the day, month and year of the calendar date. The parameter `month` given to the macro is in the same form as what is passed to the widget.
Note that you don't have to have the month or the year, but if you omit them than you will have the same content displayed in every month.
If you have a specific macro, or a detailed description of a macro you want, that you think would be generally useful and would like it added to the plugin leave a message using the [[feedback form|User Feedback]]. Remember that I unless you give a detailed description of what you are asking for I probably won't be much help, and I will follow any suggestions or not at my discretion and there is no guarantee I will provide any response or assistance.
''Note that if you do this than you give me permission to add any macros you give to the plugin which will be distributed freely.''
This makes a button that creates a new tiddler, if you change the `TiddlerTopicTemplate` to the name of a template that you make the new tiddler will be made according to that template.
A button like this is at the bottom of almost every tiddler in this wiki.
<$button message="tm-new-tiddler" param="TiddlerTopicTemplate">New Tiddler</$button>
<$button message="tm-new-tiddler" param="TiddlerTopicTemplate">New Tiddler</$button>
Just about everything used in the [[Dashboard|$:/plugins/inmysocks/Dashboard/Dashboard]] use this. New contacts are made like this, bookmarks are made like this, and a lot of the other things there use it.
You can look at the [[TiddlerTopicTemplate]] to see what it has.
Here is the text:
<$view tiddler='TiddlerTopicTemplate' field='text'/>
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
This macro (in [[MyHoverMacros]], so import that and [[$:/plugins/ahahn/hoverWidget]] if you haven't already to make this work.) will let you reference entries in a [[Dictionary Tiddler]] and have them show up when hovering over a word, link or image (or other stuff, anything you can put as the `label` part of the input).
\define hoverData(label, datatiddler, field)
<$hover popup="$:/state/$label$">
<$reveal type="popup" state="$:/state/$label$">
<div class="tc-drop-down">
using this macro if you put this
<<hoverData "a reference" [[Test Dictionary Tiddler]] a>>
you get this
<<hoverData "a reference" [[Test Dictionary Tiddler]] a>>
There are quotation marks in `"a reference"` so it will be taken as a single input string, they aren't shown in the output, and `[[Test Dictionary Tiddler]]` has the double square brackets (`[[ ]]`) to show that the entire thing is the tiddler name. If instead of `"a reference"` it used 'bob' than the quotation marks wouldn't be needed and if it were `TestDictionaryTiddler` the square braces wouldn't be needed. Becaus there aren't any spaces in either of them.
This requires another tiddler as a dictionary, the example uses [[Test Dictionary Tiddler]] which contains names and data associated with the names that can be referenced. [[Test Dictionary Tiddler]] contains this:
where `a`, `b` and `c` are the names that are used to reference the values `one`,`two` and `three`. So replacing the names or the values would change what you have to put in as the `field` input to the macro (if you change the names) or what pops up when you hover over the label (if you change the values).
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
So I can measure the length of my short posts on ooktech to see if they fit into a tweet. Because I am apparently now a twit.
This demo makes the scrollable environment by using the `<$scrollable class='tc-scrollable'>` and `</$scrollable>` tags. Anything between these tags is then in a scrollable environment. This example lists everything that isn't a system tiddler and lists everything that they link to inside the environment to get a long list to scroll over. The contents can be anything.
The `class='tc-scrollable'` part is the css style sheet used for the environment. You can edit it but I don't know much about that part. In order for this to work with this setup you need to import this tiddler:
Just click and drag the link to your wiki.
<$scrollable class='tc-scrollable'>
<$list filter='[!is[system]]'>
<$view field='title'/>: <$list filter='[all[current]links[]sort[title]]' storyview='pop'>
<$link><$view field='title'/></$link>
<$scrollable class='tc-scrollable'>
<$list filter='[!is[system]]'>
<$view field='title'/>: <$list filter='[all[current]links[]sort[title]]' storyview='pop'>
<$link><$view field='title'/></$link>
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
One of the macros in [[MyHoverMacros]] implements this, so you need to import that tiddler by clicking on it and dragging it to your wiki for this to wok. It also requires the hover widget so import that too ([[$:/plugins/ahahn/hoverWidget]]) if you haven't already.
You can [[add a field|How to Add Fields to Tiddlers]] to a tiddler called `blurb` then use this macro instead of a normal link and when you hover over the link the text in the `blurb` field of the tiddler that is linked to will popup.
<<hoverBlurb [[Wiki Examples]]>>
Does this (hover over the link):
<<hoverBlurb [[Wiki Examples]]>>
The code for this macro is
\define hoverBlurb(label)
<$hover popup="$:/state/$label$">
<$reveal type="popup" state="$:/state/$label$">
<div class="tc-drop-down">
<$view tiddler="$label$" field="blurb"/>
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
It should be an option, it wouldn't necessarily replace the dropdowns, just be in addition to them.
Because it could be nice to have
One of the macros in [[MyHoverMacros]] implements this, so you need to import that tiddler by clicking on it and dragging it to your wiki for this to wok. It also requires the hover widget so import that too ([[$:/plugins/ahahn/hoverWidget]]) if you haven't already.
Only images should work with this. I am not sure what happens if you try it with something else. Probably nothing.
The `hoverImageBlurb` macro does this. If you [[create a field|How to Add Fields to Tiddlers]] called `blurb` in the image tiddler and set it to whatever you want than you can use this macro like this
<<hoverImageBlurb PrinnySpin>>
To get this (hover over the image):
<<hoverImageBlurb PrinnySpin>>
The code for this macro is
\define hoverImageBlurb(tiddlerImage)
<$hover popup="$:/state/$tiddlerImage$">
[img [$tiddlerImage$]]
<$reveal type="popup" state="$:/state/$tiddlerImage$">
<div class="tc-drop-down">
<$view tiddler="$tiddlerImage$" field="blurb"/>
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
\define thisMakeDateString()
|Year |<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/MakeCalendarEntry' field='year'/>|
|Month |<$select tiddler='$:/temp/MakeCalendarEntry' field='month'><option value=january>January</option><option value=february>February</option><option value=march>March</option><option value=april>April</option><option value=may>May</option><option value=june>June</option><option value=july>July</option><option value=august>August</option><option value=september>September</option><option value=october>October</option><option value=november>November</option><option value=december>December</option></$select>|
|Day |<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/MakeCalendarEntry' field='date'/>|
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/MakeCalendarEntry!!new_activity' text='show'>
Activity: <$select tiddler='$:/state/MakeCalendarEntry' field='selected_activity'>
<$list filter='[tag[Calendar Activity]]'>
</$select> (<$button set='$:/state/MakeCalendarEntry!!new_activity' setTo='show'>New Activity</$button>)
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/MakeCalendarEntry!!new_activity" text="show">
Name: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/MakeCalendarEntry' field='new_activity'/> <$fieldmangler tiddler={{$:/temp/MakeCalendarEntry!!new_activity}}><$button>Add<$action-setfield $tiddler={{$:/temp/MakeCalendarEntry!!new_activity}} dummy=1/><$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param="""Calendar Activity"""/><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/MakeCalendarEntry' new_activity=''/></$button></$fieldmangler> <$button set='$:/state/MakeCalendarEntry!!new_activity' setTo='hide'>Done</$button>
Number of times: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/MakeCalendarEntry' field='number_of_times'/>
<$set name=SelectedYear value={{$:/temp/MakeCalendarEntry!!year}}>
<$set name=SelectedMonth value={{$:/temp/MakeCalendarEntry!!month}}>
<$set name=SelectedDay value={{$:/temp/MakeCalendarEntry!!date}}>
<$button>Add Entry
<$action-setfield $tiddler={{$:/state/MakeCalendarEntry!!selected_activity}} $field=<<thisMakeDateString>> $value={{$:/temp/MakeCalendarEntry!!number_of_times}}/>
See [[Data Tiddlers]] for information about how to make dictionary tiddlers and [[Test Dictionary Tiddler]] as an example dictionary tiddler.
Example usage code:
<<hoverData "test label" [[Test Dictionary Tiddler]] d>>
<<hoverData "test label" [[Test Dictionary Tiddler]] d>>
The macro code is:
\define hoverData(label, datatiddler, field)
<$hover popup="$:/state/$label$">
<$reveal type="popup" state="$:/state/$label$">
<div class="tc-drop-down">
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
This means that for a new user nothing will be visible and they will probably think that everything is broken.
One of the macros in MyHoverMacros implements this, so you need to import that tiddler by clicking on it and dragging it to your wiki for this to wok. It also requires the hover widget so import that too ([[$:/plugins/ahahn/hoverWidget]]) if you haven't already.
The reason `[[Fourier Transform]]` has square brackets and `EquationFourierTransform` doesn't is just because `Fourier Transform` has spaces and it needs to be put into the macro is a form that will give a link. See CamelCase and [[Linking to Other Tiddlers]]
Using this marco you can make a link to one tiddler and when you hover over the link it will make the contents of a second tiddler pop up. So you can have a tiddler [[Fourier Transform]] and a tiddler EquationFourierTransform and use the following code
<<hoverTiddler [[Fourier Transform]] EquationFourierTransform>>
Which gives (hover over it and click on the link to see what is going on):
<<hoverTiddler [[Fourier Transform]] EquationFourierTransform>>
The code for this macro is
\define hoverTiddler(tiddler1,tiddler2)
<$hover popup="$:/state/$tiddler1$">
<$reveal type="popup" state="$:/state/$tiddler1$">
<div class="tc-drop-down">
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
I am not sure how to implement this yet. I will figure it out.
\define pluginInfoTiddlerName()
twCard - Plugin - $(pluginName)$
\define thisAddWidgetsThing()
<$fieldmangler tiddler='$:/temp/addplugininformation/widgetsandtiddlers'>
<$button>Add Widget
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/addplugininformation/widgetsandtiddlers' $field=dummy_field $value=''/>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param="""widget-$(widgetTag)$"""/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/addplugininformation/temp' $field=add_widget $value=''/>
\define thisAddTiddlersThing()
<$fieldmangler tiddler='$:/temp/addplugininformation/widgetsandtiddlers'>
<$button>Add Other Tiddler
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/addplugininformation/widgetsandtiddlers' $field=dummy_field $value=''/>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param="""tiddler-$(tiddlerTag)$"""/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/addplugininformation/temp' $field=add_tiddler $value=''/>
\define thisCreatePlugintwCard()
<$button>Create Plugin twCard
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/addplugininformation' $field=title $value="""$(pluginInfoName)$"""/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="""$(pluginInfoName)$""" $field=tags $value="""$(theseTags)$"""/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='Plugin Info Template' $field=title $value='$:/temp/addplugininformation'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/addplugininformation/temp' $field='plugin_name' $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/addplugininformation/temp' $field='tags' $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/addplugininformation/widgetsandtiddlers' $field='tags' $value=''/>
Enter Plugin Information Here:
Plugin Name: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/addplugininformation/temp' field='plugin_name'/>
Long Description:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/addplugininformation' field=text class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
<$set name=pluginName value={{$:/temp/addplugininformation/temp!!plugin_name}}>
<$set name=pluginInfoTiddler value=<<pluginInfoTiddlerName>>>
<$set name=widgetTag value={{$:/temp/addplugininformation/temp!!add_widget}}>
<<thisAddWidgetsThing>></$set> : <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/addplugininformation/temp' field='add_widget'/><br>
<$set name=tiddlerTag value={{$:/temp/addplugininformation/temp!!add_tiddler}}>
<<thisAddTiddlersThing>></$set> : <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/addplugininformation/temp' field='add_tiddler'/>
<tr><th>Widget List</th></tr>
<$list filter='[[$:/temp/addplugininformation/widgetsandtiddlers]tags[]]+[removeprefix[widget-]]'>
<tr><th>Other Tiddler List</th></tr>
<$list filter='[[$:/temp/addplugininformation/widgetsandtiddlers]tags[]]+[removeprefix[tiddler-]]'>
<$list filter='[[name]][[category]][[revision]][[date]][[maintainer]][[short_description]][[wiki]][[plugin_tiddler]]'>
<tr><td><<currentTiddler>></td><td><$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/addplugininformation' field=<<currentTiddler>> class='tc-edit-texteditor' size=70/></td></tr>
<$list filter='[[Plugin Info Template]fields[]sort[title]]-[[text]]-[[modified]]-[[created]]-[[tags]]-[[title]]-[[name]]-[[revision]]-[[date]]-[[maintainer]]-[[short_description]]-[[wiki]]-[[plugin_tiddler]]-[[category]]'>
<tr><td><<currentTiddler>></td><td><$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/addplugininformation' field=<<currentTiddler>> class='tc-edit-texteditor' size=70/></td></tr>
<$set name=theseTags filter='[[Plugin twCard]][[$:/temp/addplugininformation/widgetsandtiddlers]tags[]]'>
<$set name=pluginInfoName value=<<pluginInfoTiddlerName>>>
See [[Make a tiddlers blurb display popup when you hover over a link]] and for macros that make some uses of this much simpler.
This is almost identical to how using a button to make something pop up works, just replace `$button` with `$hover` and the action will happen when the mouse hovers over it instead of clicking on it.
Anything between `<div class="tc-drop-down">` and `</div>` will be displayed in the popup, including other tiddlers that are [[transcluded|Transclusion (including one tiddler in another)]].
Note: It is possible that having multiple bits of popup code in a single tiddler may act strangely if they all use `state=$:/SamplePopupState` where all the popups will show whenever one is shown. This should go away if you change it to `state=$:/foo` where `foo` is unique for each popup.
The text that is displayed (`Pop me up!` in the example) can be changed to an image or a link or pretty much anything.
The code
<$hover popup="$:/SamplePopupState">Pop me up!</$hover>
<$reveal type="popup" state="$:/SamplePopupState">
<div class="tc-drop-down">
!Look Text!
some text here too
and an image
[img [PrinnySpin]]
makes this (hover over it):
<$hover popup="$:/SamplePopupState">Pop me up!</$hover>
<$reveal type="popup" state="$:/SamplePopupState">
<div class="tc-drop-down">
!Look Text!
some text here too
and an image
[img [PrinnySpin]]
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
They could all be dropdown menus by default.
instead of having an item_type field change it to fields called book, movie, game, etc. and set the field to true. Stupid capital letters may cause troubles. I don't think this is really necessary, or particularly helpful. Just have different entries for each type.
otherwise Alastair Reynolds will be the author of everything.
This can now be done because the reveal widget has the tag parameter, so put a reveal instead of a td or th and set the tag for the reveal to td or th.
Yep, way too many projects.
\define getAddress()
\define makeURL()
<$set name=page value={{!!test_field}}>
<a href=<<getAddress>> target="_blank">go to page {{!!test_field}}</a>
<$select field='test_field'>
\define getAddress()
\define makeURL()
<$set name=page value={{!!test_field}}>
<a href=<<getAddress>> target="_blank">go to page {{!!test_field}}</a>
<$select field='test_field'>
See the demo here for now http://ooktech.com/jed/ExampleWikis/
Once version 5.1.8 is out I will move the demo here.
You can import the tiddler to add my plugins to the plugin library avaliable on your wiki by importing this tiddler: [[$:/pluginlibrary/inmysocks/TestingPluginLibrary]].
The video from the hangout explaining this is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4b7jF0gV8Y starting at about 59:30
#Do the stuff you have to do to make a plugin, including cloning the TiddlyWiki repo (see instructions [[here|http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/#Developing%20plugins%20using%20Node.js%20and%20GitHub]])
#Put your plugins/themes in the appropriate folders in the repo (under /plugins/inmysocks and /themes/inmysocks in my case)
#<div>(optional) edit tiddlywiki.info in the pluginlibrary edition folder (./editions/pluginlibrary/tiddlywiki.info in the repo) so that the line with the savelibrarytiddlers command is this:
"--savelibrarytiddlers","$:/UpgradeLibrary","[prefix[$:/]] -[prefix[$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/]] -[prefix[$:/themes/tiddlywiki/]] -[prefix[$:/languages/]] -[[$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/upgrade]] -[[$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/translators]] -[[$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/pluginlibrary]] -[[$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/jasmine]]","recipes/library/tiddlers/","$:/UpgradeLibrary/List",
That is just adding ` -[prefix[$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/]] -[prefix[$:/themes/tiddlywiki/]] -[prefix[$:/languages/]]` to the filter which removes the core plugins from the plugin library you make (including themes and languages). You don't have to do this, but if you don't than all of the plugins, themes and languages on the main tiddlywiki plugin library will also be in the library you make.
#Open a terminal and run the command `node ./tiddlywiki.js editions/pluginlibrary --build library`. That is assuming you are using a unix type OS. I am using linux mint so that is what I type. If you are using windows it would be something like `node c:\path\to\repo\editions\pluginlibrary --build library`, but it has been long enough since I have used windows that I am not at all certain of that.
#<div>Make a tiddler like this (My plugin library will be located at `http://ooktech.com/jed/pluginlibrary/testing/`)
title: $:/pluginlibrary/inmysocks/MainPluginLibarry
tags: $:/tags/PluginLibrary
url: http://ooktech.com/jed/pluginlibrary/testing/index.html
The plugin library for the plugins made by inmysocks. This library only contains plugins that are mature enough for general use. Be aware that I update these plugins on occasion.
#Using your favourite ftp client, copy everything in the folder `./editions/pluginlibrary/output` in your local repo to your site (`http://ooktech.com/jed/pluginlibrary/testing/` in my case)
#To use the plugin library in a wiki just import the tiddler you created into a wiki and you should be able to access the plugin library through the 'get plugins' part of the $:/ControlPanel
You should be able to do this locally, there is more about that in the hangout video. I don't know much about that part so watch the video for that.
You can also use this website - it has support for equation arrays
Go to this website
type in the equation in latex format, at the bottom of the input box there are a bunch of dropdown menus, change the one on the left to say `svg` and change the size and font if you want to.
''Remember to set the content of the tiddler type!!!'' This is the step I keep forgetting.
!!Option 1 - in browser
Right click on the image and pick 'view image' and then right click again and pick 'view page source' then in the window that pops up there will be a bunch of stuff. Starting where it has `<svg height`... copy everything below that.
Make a new tiddler and where it says `Type: ` at the bottom of the editing thing click and pick `Structured Vector Graphics image (image:svg+xml)` then paste the stuff you copied as text in the tiddler.
The tiddler should now be the image. Either check the preview to make sure it worked or stop editing to check.
!!Option 2 - in text editor
Click the link under where the equation is displayed that says `Click here to Download Image (SVG)` and save the image somewhere. Then open the image in a __text editor__ and copy everything starting where it says `<svg height=`... and below. Leave out anything above that part.
Make a new tiddler and where it says `Type: ` at the bottom of the editing thing click and pick `Structured Vector Graphics image (image:svg+xml)` then paste the stuff you copied as text in the tiddler.
The tiddler should now be the image. Either check the preview to make sure it worked or stop editing to check.
!!On a tablet - use option 2
You will probably have to use hackers keyboard because the website rearranges itself when the keyboard opens and doesn't switch back so you can't actually get to the buttons.
in the file browser long touch on the downloaded .svg file, then pick `more`, then `open as`, then `text` then pick `Es Note Editor`. You have to open the menu and select `edit` in order to be able to copy the content.
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
You can make the images using this thing from google
and then there is a button on the upper left, currently second from the left, that has `<svg>` on it, but the letters are vertical. Press that button and a bunch of code will pop up, copy all of that code into a tiddler and save it. The tiddler should be the image now.
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
To make a template simply create a tiddler and put in all the tags and fields that you want the tiddlers that use the template to have, and any content that will be the same across all of them. Save that tiddler and in the places where you would use a template use that tiddlers name.
Like in [[Make a button to create new tiddlers from a template]].
Example templates:
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
Documentation coming at some point. I hope. If I did things correctly not much should be needed. See [[Dashboard]] for how to import the plugin.
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
Here are the currently available math plugins I have made and their version numbers and date published.
<tr><th>Name</th><th>Version</th><th>Date</th><th>Release</th><th>Description</th><th>Install Link</th></tr>
<$list filter='[tag[Plugin twCard]maintainer[inmysocks]category[Math]]' template=PlugintwCardDisplayTemplate2>
This example takes an increment value, a prefix and a length as inputs and then each time the `Increment` button is pressed it will increment the value in the field `increment_field` by that amount and display the contents of the field, including any zero padding and prefix.
Increment: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/MathyThing/Example2/incrementValue' field='increment_value'/><br>
Prefix: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/MathyThing/Example2/incrementValue' field='prefix'/><br>
Length: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/MathyThing/Example2/incrementValue' field='length'/><br>
<$action-increment $tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> $field=increment_field $increment={{$:/temp/MathyThing/Example2/incrementValue!!increment_value}} $prefix={{$:/temp/MathyThing/Example2/incrementValue!!prefix}} $length={{$:/temp/MathyThing/Example2/incrementValue!!length}}/>
Current Value: {{!!increment_field}}
Increment: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/MathyThing/Example2/incrementValue' field='increment_value'/><br>
Prefix: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/MathyThing/Example2/incrementValue' field='prefix'/><br>
Length: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/MathyThing/Example2/incrementValue' field='length'/><br>
<$action-increment $tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> $field='increment_field' $increment={{$:/temp/MathyThing/Example2/incrementValue!!increment_value}} $prefix={{$:/temp/MathyThing/Example2/incrementValue!!prefix}} $length={{$:/temp/MathyThing/Example2/incrementValue!!length}}/>
Current Value: {{!!increment_field}}
This is part of the [[MathyThing Plugin]].
Github: https://github.com/inmysocks/TW5-MathyThing
Plugin: [[$:/plugins/inmysocks/MathyThing]]
Just this widget: [[$:/plugins/inmysocks/MathyThing/action-increment.js]]
This widget takes the value of a field and increments it by a given amount. Note that the field being incremented has to exist and have a numeric value in it or the widget doesn't do anything. The increment value can be negative or a non-integer.
The widget will clear or create the designated field if it doesn't contain a valid increment-able value according to the current widget inputs. So be careful to not overwrite a field you don't want overwritten.
<$action-increment $tiddler=someTiddler $field=someField $increment=someIncrement/>
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$tiddler |The name tiddler containing the field to increment (defaults to `<<currentTiddler>>` |
|$field |The field to increment, defaults to `make_sure_you_give_a_field_parameter` |
|$increment |The amount to increment the field by (defaults to 1) |
|$length |The minimum length of the numeric output (uses zero padding to get the desired length), defaults to 0 |
|$prefix |An optional prefix to be appended to the front of the numeric result |
|$initial |The initial numeric value for the field, defaults to 0 |
Some notes:
*The initial output with `$prefix='pre-'` and `$length=4` would be `pre-0001`
*The initial value is the value ''before'' the incrementing happens, this means that the first returned value will be the initial value plus the increment value.
*The input `$length` is the ''minimum'' length, not the total length, so if the current value is 1000 and the length is set to 1 the output will still be 1000.
*The increment does not need to be positive or an integer. Value such as -1.2 work as expected. But note that negative numbers will have the minus sign __after__ the prefix, which may look strange.
<<tiddlerSlider "MathyThing - action-increment Widget Example">>
<<tiddlerSlider "MathyThing - action-increment Example 2">>
This example takes an increment value as input and then each time the `Increment` button is pressed it will increment the value in the field `increment_field` by that amount and display the contents of the field.
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/incrementValue' field='increment_value'/>
<$action-increment $tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> $field=increment_field $increment={{$:/temp/incrementValue!!increment_value}}/>
Increment value: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/incrementValue' field='increment_value'/>
<$action-increment $tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> $field=increment_field $increment={{$:/temp/incrementValue!!increment_value}}/>
Current Value: {{!!increment_field}}
This is part of the [[MathyThing Plugin]].
Github: https://github.com/inmysocks/TW5-MathyThing
Plugin: [[$:/plugins/inmysocks/MathyThing]]
The prodfield widget takes a filter input and returns the product over all of the returned tiddlers of a specific field in each tiddler.
<$prodfield $filter=<<someFilter>> $prodfield=prodField $tiddler=storeTiddler $storefield=storeField $defaultvalue=defaultValue/>
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$filter |The filter that returns the tiddlers with the field to take the product over |
|$prodfield |The name of the field field to holding the vaules to take the product of |
|$tiddler |The name of the tiddler in which to store the output |
|$storefield |The name of the field in which to store the output |
|$defaultvalue |The value to return if the output has an invalid value, or if the filter returns no tiddlers |
<<tiddlerSlider "MathyThing - action-prodfield Widget Example">>
This example has you select 3 values using the dropdown menus and stores the product of the numbers in the field `store_field2` and displays the content of the field.
Value 1: <$select tiddler='prod1'>
</$select> Value 2: <$select tiddler='prod2'>
</$select> Value 3: <$select tiddler='prod3'>
<$button>Update Products
<$action-prodfield $filter='[tag[prod]]' $prodfield='text' $storefield='store_field2'/>
Current sum: {{!!store_field2}}
Value 1: <$select tiddler='prod1'>
</$select> Value 2: <$select tiddler='prod2'>
</$select> Value 3: <$select tiddler='prod3'>
<$button>Update Products
<$action-prodfield $filter='[tag[prod]]' $prodfield='text' $storefield='store_field2'/>
Current sum: {{!!store_field2}}
This is part of the [[MathyThing Plugin]].
Github: https://github.com/inmysocks/TW5-MathyThing
Plugin: [[$:/plugins/inmysocks/MathyThing]]
The prodfield widget takes a filter input and returns the product of two specified fields in each tiddler, and stores the value in a third field. If the filter returns a single tiddler than a separate tiddler can be specified to store the result.
<$prodfield2 $filter=<<someFilter>> $prodfield=prodField $prodfield2=prodField2 $tiddler=someTiddler $storefield=storeField $defaultvalue=defaultValue/>
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$filter |The filter that returns the tiddlers with the field to take the product over |
|$prodfield |The name of the field field to holding the vaules to take the product of |
|$prodfield2 |The name of the field field to holding the vaules to take the product of |
|$tiddler |(optional) The name of the tiddler in which to store the output |
|$storefield |The name of the field in which to store the output |
|$defaultvalue |The value to return if the output has an invalid value, or if the filter returns no tiddlers |
<<tiddlerSlider "MathyThing - action-prodfield2 Widget Example">>
This example lets you give 3 sets of two numbers, each set of numbers is multiplied together and the result is displayed.
<$button>Update Product
<$action-prodfield2 $filter='[tag[prod]]' $prodfield='prod_field' $prodfield2='prod_field2' $storefield='store_field3'/>
prod1: <$edit-text tiddler='prod1' field='prod_field' size=2/> x <$edit-text tiddler='prod1' field='prod_field2' size=2/> = {{prod1!!store_field3}} <br>
prod2: <$edit-text tiddler='prod2' field='prod_field' size=2/> x <$edit-text tiddler='prod2' field='prod_field2' size=2/> = {{prod2!!store_field3}}<br>
prod3: <$edit-text tiddler='prod3' field='prod_field' size=2/> x <$edit-text tiddler='prod3' field='prod_field2' size=2/> = {{prod3!!store_field3}}<br>
<$button>Update Product
<$action-prodfield2 $filter='[tag[prod]]' $prodfield='prod_field' $prodfield2='prod_field2' $storefield='store_field3'/>
prod1: <$edit-text tiddler='prod1' field='prod_field' size=2/> x <$edit-text tiddler='prod1' field='prod_field2' size=2/> = {{prod1!!store_field3}} <br>
prod2: <$edit-text tiddler='prod2' field='prod_field' size=2/> x <$edit-text tiddler='prod2' field='prod_field2' size=2/> = {{prod2!!store_field3}}<br>
prod3: <$edit-text tiddler='prod3' field='prod_field' size=2/> x <$edit-text tiddler='prod3' field='prod_field2' size=2/> = {{prod3!!store_field3}}<br>
This is part of the [[MathyThing Plugin]].
Github: https://github.com/inmysocks/TW5-MathyThing
Plugin: [[$:/plugins/inmysocks/MathyThing]]
The action-storecount widget acts like the count widget, but instead of displaying the output it stores the output is a designated field when a button is pressed.
<$button>Store Count
<$action-storecount $filter=<<someFilter>> $tiddler=someTiddler $field=count_field/>
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$filter |The filter whose results will be counted |
|$tiddler |The name tiddler in which to store the results |
|$field |The field in which to store the results |
|$index |An index of a data tiddler in which to store the result instead of in a field |
<<tiddlerSlider """MathyThing - action-storecount Widget Example""">>
This example counts all of the tiddlers tagged with the selected tag (selected using the drop down menu) and when the `Update tiddler count` button is pressed the number of items tagged with the selected tag is stored in the field `count_field` of `<<currentTiddler>>`.
<$select field='tag_to_count'>
<$list filter='[tags[]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field=title/></option>
<$button>Update tiddler count
<$action-storecount $filter='[tag{!!tag_to_count}]' $field='count_field'/>
There are currently {{!!count_field}} tiddlers tagged with that.
Pick a tag: <$select field='tag_to_count'>
<$list filter='[tags[]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field=title/></option>
<$button>Update tiddler count
<$action-storecount $filter='[tag{!!tag_to_count}]' $field='count_field'/>
There are currently {{!!count_field}} tiddlers tagged with that.
This is part of the [[MathyThing Plugin]].
Github: https://github.com/inmysocks/TW5-MathyThing
Plugin: [[$:/plugins/inmysocks/MathyThing]]
This widget sums together a specified field in each tiddler returned by a filter.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$filter |The filter that returns the tiddlers with the field to sum |
|$sumfield |The name of the field field to sum |
|$tiddler |The name of the tiddler in which to store the output |
|$storefield |The name of the field in which to store the output |
|$defaultvalue |The value to return if the output has an invalid value, or if the filter returns no tiddlers |
<<tiddlerSlider "MathyThing - action-sumfield Widget Example">>
This example lets you pick 3 values which are stored in the text field of the tiddlers [[sum1]], [[sum2]] and [[sum3]], which are all tagged with `sum`. It then stores the value of the sum of the text fields of all tiddlers tagged `sum` and stores it in the field `store_field`. You can change the summed values using the dropdown menus.
Value 1: <$select tiddler='sum1'>
</$select> Value 2: <$select tiddler='sum2'>
</$select> Value 3: <$select tiddler='sum3'>
<$button>Update Sum
<$action-sumfield $filter='[tag[sum]]' $sumfield='text' $storefield='store_field'/>
Current sum: {{!!store_field}}
Value 1: <$select tiddler='sum1'>
</$select> Value 2: <$select tiddler='sum2'>
</$select> Value 3: <$select tiddler='sum3'>
<$button>Update Sum
<$action-sumfield $filter='[tag[sum]]' $sumfield='text' $storefield='store_field'/>
Current sum: {{!!store_field}}
This is part of the [[MathyThing Plugin]].
Github: https://github.com/inmysocks/TW5-MathyThing
Plugin: [[$:/plugins/inmysocks/MathyThing]]
This widget takes a filter and in each tiddler returned by the filter takes the sum of two given fields and stores the result in a third field. If the filter returns a single tiddler than a tiddler for storing the result can be specified as well.
Hopefully I will be able to extend this to an arbitrary number of fields in the future, but for now you are limited to two fields.
<$sumfield2 $filter=<<someFilter>> $sumfield='sum_field' $sumfield2='sum_field2' $tiddler=someTiddler $storefield='store_field'/>
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$filter |The filter that returns the tiddlers with the fields to sum |
|$sumfield |The name of the first field field to sum |
|$sumfield2 |The name of the second field field to sum |
|$tiddler | (optional) The name of the tiddler in which to store the output |
|$storefield |The name of the field in which to store the output |
|$defaultvalue |The value to return if the output has an invalid value, or if the filter returns no tiddlers |
<<tiddlerSlider "MathyThing - action-sumfield2 Widget Example">>
This example takes the fields `sum_field` and `sum_field2` from each tiddler tagged with `sum` and stores the result in the field `store_field4` in each tiddler.
You can enter values in the text boxes and the result of the summation will be displayed next to them.
<$button>Update Sum
<$action-sumfield2 $filter='[tag[sum]]' $sumfield='sum_field' $sumfield2='sum_field2' $storefield='store_field4'/>
sum1: <$edit-text tiddler='sum1' field='sum_field' size=2/> + <$edit-text tiddler='sum1' field='sum_field2' size=2/> = {{sum1!!store_field4}} <br>
sum2: <$edit-text tiddler='sum2' field='sum_field' size=2/> + <$edit-text tiddler='sum2' field='sum_field2' size=2/> = {{sum2!!store_field4}}<br>
sum3: <$edit-text tiddler='sum3' field='sum_field' size=2/> + <$edit-text tiddler='sum3' field='sum_field2' size=2/> = {{sum3!!store_field4}}<br>
<$button>Update Sum
<$action-sumfield2 $filter='[tag[sum]]' $sumfield='sum_field' $sumfield2='sum_field2' $storefield='store_field4'/>
sum1: <$edit-text tiddler='sum1' field='sum_field' size=2/> + <$edit-text tiddler='sum1' field='sum_field2' size=2/> = {{sum1!!store_field4}} <br>
sum2: <$edit-text tiddler='sum2' field='sum_field' size=2/> + <$edit-text tiddler='sum2' field='sum_field2' size=2/> = {{sum2!!store_field4}}<br>
sum3: <$edit-text tiddler='sum3' field='sum_field' size=2/> + <$edit-text tiddler='sum3' field='sum_field2' size=2/> = {{sum3!!store_field4}}<br>
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
At the moment this is under development so more will hopefully be available in the future.
Current contents:
*''The action-storecount widget'' - on a button press it counts the number of items returned by a filter (the same as the count widget) and stores the output in a specified field
*''The action-increment widget'' - this widget is triggered by a button press and will increment the value in a given field. The increment amount can be specified and may be negative or a non-integer value if desired.
*''The action-sumfield widget'' - Given a filter and a field to sum, this widget takes ever tiddler returned by the filter and, if the specified field is present and has a numeric value in that tiddler, sums together the given field from all the tiddlers. This value is then stored in a specified tiddler and field.
*''The action-sumfield2 widget'' - Similar to the sumfield widget, but this widget sums fields inside individual tiddlers. By default the sums for each tiddler are stored in a specified field in that tiddler, but if the filter only returns a single tiddler than a tiddler can be specified to store the value.
*''The action-prodfield widget'' - Given a filter and a field to take the product over, this widget takes ever tiddler returned by the filter and, if the specified field is present and has a numeric value in that tiddler, takes the product of the values in the given field from all the tiddlers. This value is then stored in a specified tiddler and field.
*''The action-prodfield2 widget'' - Similar to the prodfield widget, but this widget takes the product of fields inside individual tiddlers. By default the products for each tiddler are stored in a specified field in that tiddler, but if the filter only returns a single tiddler than a tiddler can be specified to store the value.
More information is in [[MathyThing Read Me]]
If you want to look at the github page it is here https://github.com/inmysocks/TW5-MathyThing
!action-storecount widget
<<tiddlerSlider "MathyThing - action-storecount Widget">>
!action-increment widget
<<tiddlerSlider "MathyThing - action-increment Widget">>
!action-sumfield widget
<<tiddlerSlider "MathyThing - action-sumfield Widget">>
!action-sumfield2 widget
<<tiddlerSlider "MathyThing - action-sumfield2 Widget">>
!action-prodfield widget
<<tiddlerSlider "MathyThing - action-prodfield Widget">>
!action-prodfield2 widget
<<tiddlerSlider "MathyThing - action-prodfield2 Widget">>
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
a math plugin for TiddlyWiki5
Currently this plugin contains:
*The action-storecount widget
*The storecount widget
*The sumfield widget
*The sumfield2 widget
*The prodfield widget
*The prodfield2 widget
*The increment widget
''The action-storecount widget'' - an action widget with similar functionality to the count widget. It takes a filter and will count the number of matching tiddlers and, on a button press or other initiating event, store the output in the designated field. It was created by combining the action-setfield and count widgets.
`<$action-storecount $filter=<<someFilter>> $tiddler=someTiddler $field=someField/>`
Since it is a modification of the action-setfield widget and I haven't modifed this part, you may be able to store the output at the given index of a data tiddler, but I haven't tested that yet.
''The storecount widget'' - a widget with similar functionality to the count widget. It takes a filter and will count the number of matching tiddlers and store the output in the designated field. It was created by modifying the sumfield widget below.
`<$storecount $filter=<<someFilter>> $tiddler=someTiddler $field=someField/>`
Since it is a modification of the action-setfield widget and I haven't modifed this part, you may be able to store the output at the given index of a data tiddler, but I haven't tested that yet.
''The sumfield widget'' - a widget that was made by modifying the list widget. It takes a filter and a given field and sums together everything in that field in the filtered tiddlers.
`<$sumfield filter=<<someFilter>> sumfield=sumField tiddler=storeTiddler storefield=storeField defaultvalue=defaultValue/>`
It will take each tiddler listed when using `<<someFilter>>` and take the value in sumField from each of the tiddlers and sum them, the result will be placed in the storeField of the tiddler storeTiddler. If there aren't any numbers to sum than it will display defaultValue.
tiddler defaults to `<<currentTiddler>>` and defaultValue defaults to 0 if they aren't given inputs.
If one of the fields contains a non-numeric value than it is ignored. This includes empty fields.
''The sumfield2 widget'' - a widget that was made by modifying the list widget. It takes a filter and a given field and sums together two fields in the filtered tiddlers and stores the value in a third field.
`<$sumfield2 filter=<<someFilter>> sumfield=sumField sumfield2=sumField2 storefield=storeField defaultvalue=defaultValue/>`
It will take each tiddler listed when using `<<someFilter>>` and take the value in sumField to the value in sumField2 in each of the tiddlers and the result will be placed in the storeField of each tiddler. If there aren't any numbers to sum than it will display defaultValue.
tiddler defaults to `<<currentTiddler>>` and defaultValue defaults to 0 if they aren't given inputs.
If one of the fields contains a non-numeric value than it is ignored. This includes empty fields.
''The prodfield widget'' - a widget that was made by modifying the list widget. It takes a filter and a given field and takes the product of everything in that field in the filtered tiddlers.
`<$prodfield filter=<<someFilter>> prodfield=prodField tiddler=storeTiddler storefield=storeField defaultvalue=defaultValue/>`
It will take each tiddler listed when using `<<someFilter>>` and take the value in prodField from each of the tiddlers and take their product, the result will be placed in the storeField of the tiddler storeTiddler. If there aren't any numbers to sum than it will display defaultValue.
tiddler defaults to `<<currentTiddler>>` and defaultValue defaults to 0 if they aren't given inputs.
If one of the fields contains a non-numeric value than it is ignored. This includes empty fields.
''The prodfield2 widget'' - a widget that was made by modifying the list widget. It takes a filter and a given two fields takes the product of those fields in the filtered tiddlers, then stores the result in a third field in each tiddler.
`<$prodfield2 filter=<<someFilter>> prodfield=prodField prodfield2=prodField2 storefield=storeField defaultvalue=defaultValue/>`
It will take each tiddler listed when using `<<someFilter>>` and multiply the values in prodField and prodField2 in each of the tiddlers and the result will be placed in the storeField of each tiddler. If there aren't any numbers to sum than it will display defaultValue.
tiddler defaults to `<<currentTiddler>>` and defaultValue defaults to 0 if they aren't given inputs.
If one of the fields contains a non-numeric value than it is ignored. This includes empty fields.
''The increment widget'' - a widget that increments a value in a field by a given amount
Note: Both the field and the increment value have to be numeric and exist. If you specifiy an empty field, or a field with a non-numeric value, than the widget won't do anything.
`<$action-increment $tiddler=someTiddler $field=someField $increment=someIncrement/>`
It will take the value of someField and replace it with the value someField+someIncrement
There is no requirement that someIncrement be positive or an integer.
<$button to="About Me" class='tc-btn-invisible' tooltip='Who is this inysocks guy?'><<fa fa-smile-o>></$button>
<!--<<PopoutMenu "{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}" "ChangeTiddlerWidthPopup" "TiddlerWidthSettings">>-->
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' popup="$:/state/changetiddlerwidthpopup" tooltip='Change Tiddler Width'>{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}</$button>
<$reveal type="popup" state="$:/state/changetiddlerwidthpopup">
<div class="tc-drop-down tc-popup-keep" style='position:relative;left:1em;top:-1em'>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' to='Font Options' tooltip='Change font options'><<fa fa-font>></$button>
<$button tooltip='Help' class='tc-btn-invisible' to='Help'><<fa fa-question>></$button>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' tooltip='Jump to top'>
<$list variable='Target' filter='[list[$:/StoryList]first[]]'>
<$action-navigate $to=<<Target>>/>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' tooltip='Toggle Theme'><<fa fa-mobile>>
<$action-setfield $field=current_theme $value={{!!other_theme}}/>
<$action-setfield $field=other_theme $value={{!!current_theme}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/theme' $value={{!!other_theme}}/>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' to='User Feedback' tooltip='GIve Feedback'><<fa fa-comment-o>></$button>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' to="Why TiddlyWiki?" tooltip='Why use TiddlyWiki?'>Why ~TiddlyWiki?</$button>
Documentation coming at some point. I hope. If I did things correctly not much should be needed. See [[Dashboard]] for how to import the plugin.
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
[[Mobile App Menus Examples]]
''__Required tiddlers:__''
This is the only tiddler needed, options are set by input parameters.
''__Demo Wiki:__''
This is still in development, I may change the name and possibly other stuff. Like letting you set the icons used. This is nearing the finished product, so I am going to try keeping any future changes from breaking anything.
''__Usage:__'' `<<MobileMenu "RootTag" "MenuName" "Type" "MenuTitle" "ShowSubtitle" "ShowBody" "ListField">>`
|!Name |!Description |
|~RootTag |The tag that defines the root of the menu, like the root tag of the table of contents (Default: `RootTag`) |
|~MenuName |A unique name for the menu (Default: `Menu`)|
|Type |The type of menu, currently options are `Menu`, `TOC`, `TOC-Selective` and `TOC-Selective-Hierarchical` (Default: `Menu`) |
|~MenuTitle |This is the title displayed above the menu, not the name that is used to track the state of the menu. Two menus can have the same title and be independent, but if two menus share the same name they won't be independent of each other. (Default: No title shown) |
|~ShowSubtitle |If this is set as `Subtitle` than the subtitle field of the tiddler will be shown in the menu above the list of current menu items (Default: no subtitle shown) |
|~ShowBody |If this is set as `Body` than the body (text field) of the tiddler will be shown in the menu below the list of current menu items (Default: body not shown) |
|~ListField |If a value is given for `ListField` than the list in that field of each tiddler is used to determine what is listed in the corresponding sub-menu. If this is given it overrides anything given for `RootTag` (No default) |
''__Differences for the table of contents versions:__''
*Clicking on the tiddler name opens up the tiddler
*Clicking on the arrow icon moves through the table of contents just like in the normal menu version
*''Only `TOC-Selective` type'' - Icons only appear next to tiddlers that have children in the table of contents (I need to look at the core toc macros to see how they line up the tiddler names when there isn't an icon)
__How it works:__
You give the macro two parameters, `RootTag` and `MenuName`, the root tag determines the items that appear on the first level of the menu. `MenuName` is a unique name for that menu. You don't strictly need to have unique names, but if you don't than every menu that shares a name will change with all of the others. Both `RootTag` and `MenuName` have default values so just using `<<MakeMenu>>` will work if you are willing to have `RootTag` be your root tag.
The organization is the same as in the table of contents macros.
Initially you see the list of tiddlers with the root tag, when you click on one than the list is replaced by the tidders tagged with that item. If you are not at the root than a button labeled with {{$:/core/images/chevron-left}} and the name of the tiddler the current list is tagged with will appear at the top, clicking on this button will move you back one level.
Each entry displays the tiddler name with the content of the tiddler (if any) below the name, and below that a list of any tiddlers tagged with the current tiddler. So if you want something other than just the list of tagged tiddlers to show up just put it in the tiddler where you want it to display.
So to add entries to the menu just make a tiddler and tag it with either `Top Level` to put it on the root menu, or tag it with the appropriate tiddler.
__Some stuff:__
*You can have as many menus as you want by giving each one a unique name
*The menus display the contents of the caption field, if one exists in the tiddler, otherwise it uses the tiddler title.
*The menus will display the caption (or name) of the current tiddler, the subtitle below that, a list of the entries at that level below the subtitle and the contents of the tiddler body below that.
*The menu can go to an arbitrary depth, so add as many levels as you want
*The menu 'remembers' how you got to a where you are, so if you have the same entry two places in the menu when you back out you will go up the menu tree the same way you went down.
*I will probably change the names of things at some point
*This doesn't require the icon menus plugin, I just found it convenient to use the two together.
*I am not good with css, and the tiddlywiki popups go away after you click inside them once, so the floating menu uses a normal reveal to display. If anyone wants to help with the css to make that work nicer that would be awesome.
*I may add an option to let you specify a filter in place of a list, so you could give each tiddler a filter that would determine which tiddlers are listed under it.
''These examples look much better in context over at the [[demo site|http://ooktech.com/jed/ExampleWikis/Text%20Menus/]].''
Basic Menu:
<<MobileMenu "Wiki Examples" "BasicMenuExample">>
<<textSlider """Basic Menu Example""" """{{!!basic_menu_example}}""">>
Table of contents type menu
<<MobileMenu "Wiki Examples" "MobileTOCMenuExample" MenuType:TOC>>
<<textSlider """Table of Contents Menu Example""" """{{!!toc_menu_example}}""">>
Selectively expandable table of contents menu
<<MobileMenu "Contents" "MobileTOCMenuExample" MenuType:"TOC-Selective">>
<<textSlider """Selectively expandable Table of Contents Menu Example""" """{{!!selective_toc_menu_example}}""">>
A site showing off the mobile app-type menu macros I made. They can be used as a table of contents or a generic menu.
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
There is a [[list of builtin CSS classes|Builtin CSS Classes]] for TiddlyWiki, modifying these classes can be useful.
There is a [[list of some relevant CSS properties]].
Examples here use styled define in [[Example Stylesheet]].
!WikiText CSS
WikiText inline css is marked with `@@`, so you could set text color like this
Some example text
Some example text
You can also use a stylesheet like this (see stylesheet-example-blue defined in [[Example Stylesheet]].):
Some example text
Some example text
Both of these can be done using the trigger actions plugin, but it would still be nice to have the built in functions.
* a version of the select widget that sets different values in each field. Maybe something that uses a data tiddler and when one field is set to the index name the other field is set to the stored value.
*A modified select widget that can trigger actions or send messages when it is used
A note about it should be put into learning tiddlywiki under lists
\define thisExampleMacro(Number)
<<multicolumnlist "[!is[system]limit{$:/state/Multi-column List!!limit}]" $Number$>>
This is a simple macro that lets you give a filter and a number, it then returns a table with n that lists the results of the filter given.
Macro tiddler to import: [[$:/macros/inmysocks/multicolumnlist]]
`<<multicolumenlist Filter Number Class Template>>`
|!Input |!Description |
|!Filter |The filter used to build the list |
|!Number |The number of columns displayed |
|!Class |An optional class |
|!Template |A template to use for displaying each entry. It can be a tiddler or a string. |
Interactive example:
List length: <$select tiddler='$:/state/Multi-column List' field=limit><$list filter='2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 20 25 37'><option><<currentTiddler>></option></$list></$select>
Number of columns: <$select tiddler='$:/state/Multi-column List' field=number><$list filter='2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12'><option><<currentTiddler>></option></$list></$select>
<$macrocall $name=thisExampleMacro Filter={{$:/state/Multi-column List!!filter}} Number={{$:/state/Multi-column List!!number}}/>
<<multicolumnlist '[!is[system]limit[23]]' 3>>
<<multicolumnlist '[!is[system]limit[23]]' 3>>
Oh look! You should be able to comment on this using muut. There are problems though. Namely, when a new tiddler is opened that has comments embedded in it, the comments won't show up. You have to load the page with the tiddler containing the comments open (using the permalink or permaview) in order for the script to be loaded properly. You may need to reload the page twice for it to work, I had to. Twitter has a function that reloads the javascript as needed which prevents this problem, I don't think that muut has it.
I am probably not leaving this demo up for long, I don't like having unmoderated comments. You can go over to the other demo site [[here|http://ooktech.com/jed/ExampleWikis/TiddlyWiki-muut/]]. I will leave that one up. People will comment whatever they want there and I probably won't ever check it.
<a class="muut" href="https://muut.com/i/inmysocks-tiddlywiki-muut-test/comments:2" type="dynamic">inmysocks-tiddlywiki-muut-test forum</a>
<script src="//cdn.muut.com/1/moot.min.js"></script>
<$list filter='[tag[My Demo Sites]]'>
<$list filter='[tag[My Editions]]'>
<td><$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></$link></td>
<td><$view field='description'/></td>
This is mostly so that I can keep track of them. I keep forgetting about things I have made or that I am working on.
<$list filter='[tag[My Project]]'>
<th>Demo Site</th>
<th>Install Link</th>
<$list filter='[tag[My Macros]]'>
<td><$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></$link></td>
<td><$view field='description'/></td>
These are smaller thing I have made that can improve the usability of your wiki in some cases:
Controls for these are in the tiddler [[Other Tweaks]], if you copy it to your wiki it will become a tab in the control panel. You may have to import the tiddlers listed below to get their effects even if you import the [[Other Tweaks]] tiddler.
* [[Horizontal rule under tiddler titles|Black Line]] - This is the black line under the tiddler titles. I think that this makes the titles more readable.
* Remove old sidebar - This one is taken care of by the [[Other Tweaks]] tiddler so you only need to import that one if you want to remove use this.
* [[Tiddler Breadcrumbs|Tiddler Breadcrumbs Template]]
Plugins by me (click and drag the 'Plugin Tiddler' entry to your wiki to import them):
If you have any questions about my plugins the best thing to do is to go to the user feedback (click here {{Menu Icon - User Feedback}}) tiddler and submit a question.
If you are wondering if a plugin is up to date, here are the current plugin version numbers. The github links for the dashboard plugins all point to the TW5-NoLearningRequired-Full repo which contains all the tiddler used to make the plugins.
<$list filter='[tag[Plugin twCard]maintainer[inmysocks]each[category]]-[[Plugin Info Template]]'>
<tr><th>{{!!category}} Plugins</th><th></th><th></th><th></th><th></th><th></th></tr>
<tr><th>Name</th><th>Version</th><th>Date</th><th>Release</th><th>Description</th><th>Plugin Tiddler</th></tr>
<$set name=currentCategory value={{!!category}}>
<$list filter='[tag[Plugin twCard]maintainer[inmysocks]category<currentCategory>]' template=PlugintwCardDisplayTemplate2>
The dashboard plugins are all demonstrated on the [[Dashboard]]
A simple example using the math plugins:
[[Dice Example]]
The booksmarks plugin idea is based partly on Jim Lemhers ideas in this thread: https://groups.google.com/forum/?nomobile=true#!topic/tiddlywiki/Fs4I4mQRLh0
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
This site has a searchable list of all wiki demo sites I have created.
<th>Install Link</th>
<$list filter='[tag[My Widgets]]'>
<td><$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></$link></td>
<td><$view field='description'/></td>
<td><$link to={{!!install_link}}><$view field='install_link'/></$link></td>
\define hoverBlurb(label)
<$hover popup="$:/state/$label$">
<$reveal type="popup" state="$:/state/$label$">
<div class="tc-drop-down">
<$view tiddler="$label$" field="blurb"/>
\define hoverTiddler(tiddler1,tiddler2)
<$hover popup="$:/state/$tiddler1$">
<$reveal type="popup" state="$:/state/$tiddler1$">
<div class="tc-drop-down">
\define hoverImageBlurb(tiddlerImage)
<$hover popup="$:/state/$tiddlerImage$">
[img [$tiddlerImage$]]
<$reveal type="popup" state="$:/state/$tiddlerImage$">
<div class="tc-drop-down">
<$view tiddler="$tiddlerImage$" field="blurb"/>
\define hoverData(label, datatiddler, field)
<$hover popup="$:/state/$label$">
<$reveal type="popup" state="$:/state/$label$">
<div class="tc-drop-down">
Because I am horrible at remaining consistent with this, I am going to list naming conventions here and stick to them.
!Tiddler names:
General rule: `$:/state/` prefix is used for (semi-)persistent states, like reveal states, select widgets or which tab is selected in a tabs macro. The `$:/temp/` prefix is used for form inputs and other non-persistent states. Any `$:/temp/` tiddler should be able to be deleted without any effects other than losing the information entered into forms.
*Non-system/non-shadow tiddlers: Capitalize the first letter of all words other than prepositions and articles
*System tiddlers: Where reasonable avoid spaces in the tiddler names. Use camel case for removing spaces from tiddler names and use underscores for field names.
*Tiddlers used to hold information typed into forms: The tiddler name should be in the form `$:/temp/(tiddler form name)` with the exited field corresponding to the use of the entered text. If there are multiple long inputs where editing a text field would be appropriate than use `$:/temp/(tiddler form name)/(field name)` to distinguish between them
*Tiddlers used to hold reveal states: should have names in the form `$:/state/reveal/(tiddlername)/(tiddler section, if any)` with further `(name)` parts added as needed to ensure unique names
*Plugin tiddlers: follow the standard form `$:/plugins/(username)/(pluginname)`
*System tiddlers used to hold data for other applications: use `$:/data/(application name)/(specific name)`, this means that `$:/data/BookAuthors` should be renamed `$:/data/LibraryTracker/BookAuthors`
*The various forms I have that allow you to add tags to tiddlers you will create (like the library tracker giving tags to books), those tags should be stored in the same `$:/temp/(tiddler form name)` tiddler as tags, unless there is a compelling reason otherwise.
*Macro names should be camel case, that is they have no spaces, start with a lower case letter and each other word in the title should start with an uppercase letter.
*Non-global macro names should always start with `this`, and no global macros may start with `this`, to avoid the possibility that a global and local macro have the same name.
*Parameters in macro definitions should use camel case, but the first letter of the parameter name should be capitalized
*Variables set by the set widget should always be in camel case and shouldn't start with `this`
.tag1_css a {
.tag1_css a:hover {
.tag2_css a {
.tag2_css a:hover {
.tag3_css a {
.tag3_css a:hover {
\define GetLinkClass()
\define MakeNeatLinkEntry(tiddler tagUsed)
<$list filter='[[$tiddler$]tag[$tagUsed$]]'>
<$set name=TagUsed value=$tagUsed$>
<span class=<<GetLinkClass>>><$link to="$tiddler$">$tiddler$</$link></span>
\define MakeBoringLinkEntry(tiddler)
<$list filter='[[$tiddler$]!tag[tag1]!tag[tag2]!tag[tag3]][[$tiddler$]!has[text]!has[tags]]'>
<$link to="$tiddler$">$tiddler$</$link>
\define NeatLink(tiddler)
<<MakeNeatLinkEntry """$tiddler$""" tag1>>
<<MakeNeatLinkEntry """$tiddler$""" tag2>>
<<MakeNeatLinkEntry """$tiddler$""" tag3>>
<<MakeBoringLinkEntry """$tiddler$""">>
*Recipe book
*A reset button that clears the form inputs without you having to make a new whatever with the form, or clear them manually.
*Make the button that gets rid of the introduction set the current tabbed-toc page to something other than the introduction.
*Add an option to limit the size of the list in the dictionary part. It would just be a select or radio widget that picks a number to be used with a limit[n] addition to the filter.
*Add the 'no_edit' field to the new parts for the dashboard
*Use the task manager you made for the dashboard instead of this list. Why are you using this list when you have a nice tool you made for exactly this purpose?
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
<$list filter='[[No Paper_Subjects]indexes[]]'>
<li><$view field='title'/></li>
<$view tiddler={{!!abstract_tiddler}} field='text'/>
<$macrocall $name=monoSpacedCodeBlock src={{No Paper_BibTex}}/>
\define thisMakeTable()
<tr><td><<addNoteButton>></td><td><<addQuestionButton>> (Specific to this class, but not to any note)</td></tr>
<td style='width:$(width1)$'>
<div class='tc-tiddler-frame' style='width:100%'>
<$list filter="""[is[system]note[true]class[$(className)$]]""" template=ClassNoteTemplate>
<td style='width:$(width2)$'>
<div class='tc-tiddler-frame' style='width:100%'>
<$list filter="""[is[system]question[true]class[$(className)$]]""" template=ClassQuestionTemplate>
\define thisNoteTiddler()
$:/notes/$(className)$: $(qualifyId)$
\define thisQuestionTiddler()
$:/questions/$(className)$: $(qualifyId)$
\define addNoteButton()
<$button>Add Note
<$action-setfield $field=qualify_id $value=<<now "DDth mmm hh:mm:0ss">>/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<thisNoteTiddler>> note=true class="""$(className)$""" date="""$(currentDate)$"""/>
\define addQuestionButton()
<$button>Add Question
<$action-setfield $field=qualify_id $value=<<now "DDth mmm hh:mm:0ss">>/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<thisQuestionTiddler>> question=true class="""$(className)$""" date="""$(currentDate)$""" for_note='No Specific Note'/>
<$reveal type="nomatch" state='$:/reveal/notetakingtestaddclass' text='addclass'>
Select Class: <$select field='selected_class' >
<$list filter='[school_class[true]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
(<$button set='$:/reveal/notetakingtestaddclass' setTo='addclass'>Add Class</$button>)
<$reveal type="match" state='$:/reveal/notetakingtestaddclass' text='addclass'>
Class Name: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/notetakingtestaddclass' field='add_class_name'/><br>
<$action-setfield $tiddler={{$:/state/notetakingtestaddclass!!add_class_name}} $field='school_class' $value='true'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/notetakingtestaddclass' $field='add_class_name' $value=''/>
Add Class</$button>
<$button set='$:/reveal/notetakingtestaddclass' setTo='selectclass'>Done</$button>
Note Width: <$edit-text tiddler='$/temp/notetakingtest1' field='width' size=10/> Question Width: <$edit-text tiddler='$/temp/notetakingtest2' field='width' size=10/>
''The `Add Question` button on the right adds a note with the class field filled in, the `Add Question for this Note` button adds a question with both the class field and the note field filled in so that you can select a note and get questions for it, or select a question and get the relevant note and have questions for a class that aren't associated with any specific note. I will get the searching stuff done eventually.''
<$set name=currentDate value=<<now "DDth mmm">>>
<$set name=qualifyId value={{!!qualify_id}}>
<$set name=className value={{!!selected_class}}>
<$set name=width1 value={{$/temp/notetakingtest1!!width}}>
<$set name=width2 value={{$/temp/notetakingtest2!!width}}>
\define thisMakeTable()
<tr><td><<addNoteButton>></td><td><<addQuestionButton>> (Specific to this class, but not to any note)</td></tr>
<td style='width:$(width1)$'>
<div class='tc-tiddler-frame' style='width:100%'>
<$list filter="""[is[system]note[true]class[$(className)$]]""" template=ClassNoteTemplate2>
<td style='width:$(width2)$'>
<div class='tc-tiddler-frame' style='width:100%'>
<$list filter="""[is[system]question[true]class[$(className)$]]""" template=ClassQuestionTemplate2>
\define thisNoteTiddler()
$:/notes/$(className)$: $(qualifyId)$
\define thisQuestionTiddler()
$:/questions/$(className)$: $(qualifyId2)$
\define addNoteButton()
<$button>Add Note
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<thisNoteTiddler>> note=true class="""$(className)$""" date="""$(currentDate)$"""/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> test=true/>
\define addQuestionButton()
<$button>Add Question
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<thisQuestionTiddler>> question=true class="""$(className)$""" date="""$(currentDate)$""" for_note='No Specific Note'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> test=true/>
<$reveal type="nomatch" state='$:/reveal/notetakingtestaddclass' text='addclass'>
Select Class: <$select field='selected_class' >
<$list filter='[school_class[true]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
(<$button set='$:/reveal/notetakingtestaddclass' setTo='addclass'>Add Class</$button>)
<$reveal type="match" state='$:/reveal/notetakingtestaddclass' text='addclass'>
Class Name: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/notetakingtestaddclass' field='add_class_name'/><br>
<$action-setfield $tiddler={{$:/state/notetakingtestaddclass!!add_class_name}} $field='school_class' $value='true'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/notetakingtestaddclass' $field='add_class_name' $value=''/>
Add Class</$button>
<$button set='$:/reveal/notetakingtestaddclass' setTo='selectclass'>Done</$button>
Note Width: <$edit-text tiddler='$/temp/notetakingtest1' field='width' size=10/> Question Width: <$edit-text tiddler='$/temp/notetakingtest2' field='width' size=10/>
<$action-setfield $field=test $value=true/>
''The `Add Question` button on the right adds a note with the class field filled in, the `Add Question for this Note` button adds a question with both the class field and the note field filled in so that you can select a note and get questions for it, or select a question and get the relevant note and have questions for a class that aren't associated with any specific note. I will get the searching stuff done eventually.''
<$storecount $filter='[is[system]class{!!selected_class}note[true]]' $tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> $field=note_count/>
<$storecount $filter='[is[system]class{!!selected_class}question[true]]' $tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> $field=question_count/>
<$set name=currentDate value=<<now "DDth mmm">>>
<$set name=qualifyId value={{!!note_count}}>
<$set name=qualifyId2 value={{!!question_count}}>
<$set name=className value={{!!selected_class}}>
<$set name=width1 value={{$/temp/notetakingtest1!!width}}>
<$set name=width2 value={{$/temp/notetakingtest2!!width}}>
There are a bunch of places, it may take some effort to find them all
I should have noticed this during testing. Bleh.
<meta property="og:title" content="Wiki Reference Wiki"/>
<meta property="og:type" content="website"/>
<meta property="og:url" content="http://inmysocks.tiddlyspot.com/"/>
<meta property="og:description" content="A wiki containing examples of how to make the wiki do stuff. Wiki wiki wiki. I like saying wiki. wiki."/>
This sets the order field of tiddlers tagged with a selected tag.
Select tag: <$select tiddler='$:/state/Ordering Things' field='selected_tag'><$list filter='[!is[system]tags[]sort[title]]'><option><<currentTiddler>></option></$list></$select>
<$list filter='[tag{$:/state/Ordering Things!!selected_tag}]'>
<tr><td style='width:100%'><$view field='title'/></td><td><$edit-text field='order' size=5/></td></tr>
<$list filter='[[Other paper_Subjects]indexes[]]'>
<li><$view field='title'/></li>
<$view tiddler='Other paper_Abstract' field='text'/>
<$macrocall $name=monoSpacedCodeBlock src={{Other paper_BibTex}}/>
title={Other Paper},
author={some guy},
Community Search:
*https://rawgit.com/erwanm/tw-aggregator/master/tw-community-search.html - a search for tiddlers from many excellent sources (and this site). Very useful.
Much of the content of this wiki was borrowed or derived from these other excellent sources:
*http://www.tiddlywiki.com - The tiddlywiki page. If you managed to get here without knowing about it I am a bit impressed.
*http://twaddle.tiddlyspot.com/ - TWaddle a page full of the thoughts and experiments about TiddlyWiki
*http://tw5magick.tiddlyspot.com/ - a good collection of tips, the start of the contacts example from here.
*http://tiddlystuff.tiddlyspot.com/ - I don't know if i borrowed any of the content from here, but it was a good resource for learning
*https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/tiddlywiki - the tiddlywiki google group. The people there are very helpful, and generally pretty fast answering questions.
*http://braintest.tiddlyspot.com/ - The hoverwidget comes from here, as well as some other examples.
*http://thediveo.github.io/TW5FontAwesome/output/fontawesome.html# - the font awesome plugin
*http://tb5.tiddlyspot.com/#GettingStarted - Probably the most comprehensive reference for how to do things in tiddlywiki. It is set up as more of a reference than a tutorial, so it may be more helpful once you understand tiddlywiki a bit. Then it is one of the most useful places to look. The listed resources here ( http://tb5.tiddlyspot.com/#References ) cover just about everything that people have worked out how to do with TiddlyWiki (publicly anyway), so looking there is probably more useful than looking at this list.
*http://tongerner.tiddlyspot.com/# - a tiddlywiki page with plenty of interesting customizations
*http://ooktech.com/iconmenus/ - Icon menus for tiddlywiki, I made this one. It is an alternate menu interface that can be put on top of the basic tiddlywiki themes.
I am certain that there are other sources that I have forgotten. I will add more as I find or remember them.
If you know of a good resource I should add or see that I copied something and missed giving proper credit please email me at inmysocks (at) gmail (dot) com. There are many very good resources and I would like to make sure that everyone gets credit for their work.
If you have questions that aren't specifically about this reference you should probably post to the google group since they will almost certainly be more helpful and quicker to answer than I would be.
<<tabs "[[Search by field content]] [[Search all fields by content]]">>
\define my-toc-selective-expandable(tag,sort:"",itemClassFilter)
<ol class="tc-toc toc-selective-expandable">
<$list filter="[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$tag$]!has[draft.of]$sort$]">
<$list filter="[all[current]toc-link[no]]" variable="ignore" emptyMessage="<<my-toc-linked-selective-expandable-body tag:'$tag$' sort:'$sort$' itemClassFilter:'$itemClassFilter$'>>">
<<my-toc-unlinked-selective-expandable-body tag:"""$tag$""" sort:"""$sort$""" itemClassFilter:"""$itemClassFilter$""">>
\define my-toc-unlinked-selective-expandable-body(tag,sort:"",itemClassFilter)
<$set name="toc-state" value=<<qualify "$:/state/toc/$tag$-$(currentTiddler)$">>>
<$set name="toc-item-class" filter="""$itemClassFilter$""" value="toc-item-selected" emptyValue="toc-item">
<li class=<<toc-item-class>>>
<$list filter="[all[current]tagging[]limit[1]]" variable="ignore" emptyMessage="<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>{{$:/core/images/blank}}</$button> <$view field='caption'><$view field='title'/></$view>">
<$reveal type="nomatch" state=<<toc-state>> text="open">
<$button set=<<toc-state>> setTo="open" class="tc-btn-invisible">
<$reveal type="match" state=<<toc-state>> text="open">
<$button set=<<toc-state>> setTo="close" class="tc-btn-invisible">
<$reveal type="match" state=<<toc-state>> text="open">
<$macrocall $name="""toc-selective-expandable""" tag=<<currentTiddler>> sort="""$sort$""" itemClassFilter="""$itemClassFilter$"""/>
\define my-toc-linked-selective-expandable-body(tag,sort:"",itemClassFilter)
<$set name="toc-state" value=<<qualify "$:/state/toc/$tag$-$(currentTiddler)$">>>
<$set name="toc-item-class" filter="""$itemClassFilter$""" value="toc-item-selected" emptyValue="toc-item">
<li class=<<toc-item-class>>>
<$list filter="[all[current]tagging[]limit[1]]" variable="ignore" emptyMessage="<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>{{$:/core/images/blank}}</$button>">
<$reveal type="nomatch" state=<<toc-state>> text="open">
<$button set=<<toc-state>> setTo="open" class="tc-btn-invisible">
<$reveal type="match" state=<<toc-state>> text="open">
<$button set=<<toc-state>> setTo="close" class="tc-btn-invisible">
<$reveal type="match" state=<<toc-state>> text="open">
<$macrocall $name="my-toc-selective-expandable" tag=<<currentTiddler>> sort="""$sort$""" itemClassFilter="""$itemClassFilter$"""/>
*<$checkbox tiddler='Black Line' tag='$:/tags/ViewTemplate'>Show Horizontal Rule Under Tiddler Titles</$checkbox>
*<$checkbox tiddler='$:/core/ui/PageTemplate/sidebar' tag='$:/tags/PageTemplate'>Toggle Old Sidebar</$checkbox> (This only hides the menu, it doesn't change the size of the tiddlers)
*<$checkbox tiddler='Tiddler Breadcrumbs Template' tag='$:/tags/ViewTemplate'>Show Breadcrumbs on Each Tiddler</$checkbox>
**Path Length Limit: <$edit-text tiddler='Tiddler Breadcrumbs Template' field='length_limit'/>
**<$checkbox tiddler='Tiddler Breadcrumbs Template' field='use_apex_tag' checked=true unchecked=false>Use Apex Tag</$checkbox>
**Apex Tag: <$edit-text tiddler='Tiddler Breadcrumbs Template' field='apex_tag' size=20/>
<$list filter='[tag[Jed Carty (inmysocks)]tag[<Name Plate>]name_plate_type[TiddlyWiki]has[category]each[category]get[category]]' variable=Category>
<$list filter='[tag[Jed Carty (inmysocks)]tag[<Name Plate>]name_plate_type[TiddlyWiki]category<Category>]' template=SiteNamePlateDisplayTemplate>
Making it a plugin makes things easier for people using it and upgrading it.
and it would let us do recurring events
Paragraphs are separated in WikiText by blank lines.
Otherwise linebreaks are ignored.
This will show
as having
linebreaks wherever the browser
fits them in
renders as
This will show
as having
linebreaks wherever the browser
fits them in
This will show paragraph breaks
wherever there is a blank line
like that
renders as:
This will show linebreaks
wherever there is a blank line
like that
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
People are working on making a social network type thing using TiddlyWiki. This is a crude start to how connecting to people on that hypothetical network may work. Each person/page would have a <<NamePlate>> that contained information about where their wiki is located and whatever is needed to pull information from that wiki. It would probably also contain other small bits of biographical or contact information about the person similar to a social networks profile. This idea is being promoted by [[Rich Shumaker]] and is best articulated at his site [[<Name Plate>@TiddlyWiki Hangouts|http://www.richshumaker.com/tw5/TiddlyWiki-Hangouts.html#%3CName%20Plate%3E]]
This idea is pretty new and needs to be fleshed out a lot, so input is appreciated. The best place to give this input would be on the [[google group page|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/tiddlywiki]].
Note that due to html syntax if you just put the text `<Name Plate>` in a tiddler it wouldn't show up as anything, so I made a macro called [[NamePlate|<Name Plate> Macro]] that will display <<NamePlate>> anywhere you put `<<NamePlate>>`.
Because a single person could have multiple sites they could have site <<NamePlate>>s tagged with their name. These site nameplates would probably be the part that contains the information for pulling information form the site.
<$list filter='[tag[people]]'>
This is a horribly clunky way to do it, when version 5.1.8 comes out this will be much simpler.
This picks {{$:/state/Pick a Random Subset from a List!!limit}} random tiddlers from a list of tiddlers. I want to find a way to have this work
Number of tiddlers to pick <$select tiddler='$:/state/Pick a Random Subset from a List' field='limit'><$list filter='1 2 3 4 5 10 20 30 40 50'><option><<currentTiddler>></option></$list></$select>
<$button>Pick Tiddlers!
<$action-randval $tiddler='List Item 1' $field='sort_field' $lower=1 $upper='100' step='1' numrolls='1'/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='List Item 2' $field='sort_field' $lower=1 $upper='100' step='1' numrolls='1'/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='List Item 3' $field='sort_field' $lower=1 $upper='100' step='1' numrolls='1'/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='List Item 4' $field='sort_field' $lower=1 $upper='100' step='1' numrolls='1'/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='List Item 5' $field='sort_field' $lower=1 $upper='100' step='1' numrolls='1'/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='List Item 6' $field='sort_field' $lower=1 $upper='100' step='1' numrolls='1'/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='List Item 7' $field='sort_field' $lower=1 $upper='100' step='1' numrolls='1'/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='List Item 8' $field='sort_field' $lower=1 $upper='100' step='1' numrolls='1'/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='List Item 9' $field='sort_field' $lower=1 $upper='100' step='1' numrolls='1'/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='List Item 10' $field='sort_field' $lower=1 $upper='100' step='1' numrolls='1'/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='List Item 11' $field='sort_field' $lower=1 $upper='100' step='1' numrolls='1'/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='List Item 12' $field='sort_field' $lower=1 $upper='100' step='1' numrolls='1'/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='List Item 13' $field='sort_field' $lower=1 $upper='100' step='1' numrolls='1'/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='List Item 14' $field='sort_field' $lower=1 $upper='100' step='1' numrolls='1'/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='List Item 15' $field='sort_field' $lower=1 $upper='100' step='1' numrolls='1'/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='List Item 16' $field='sort_field' $lower=1 $upper='100' step='1' numrolls='1'/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='List Item 17' $field='sort_field' $lower=1 $upper='100' step='1' numrolls='1'/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='List Item 18' $field='sort_field' $lower=1 $upper='100' step='1' numrolls='1'/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='List Item 19' $field='sort_field' $lower=1 $upper='100' step='1' numrolls='1'/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='List Item 20' $field='sort_field' $lower=1 $upper='100' step='1' numrolls='1'/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='List Item 21' $field='sort_field' $lower=1 $upper='100' step='1' numrolls='1'/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='List Item 22' $field='sort_field' $lower=1 $upper='100' step='1' numrolls='1'/>
<$action-setfield dummy=1/>
<$list filter='[tag[List Item]sort[sort_field]limit{$:/state/Pick a Random Subset from a List!!limit}]'>
This picks {{$:/state/Pick a Random Subset from a List!!limit}} random tiddlers from a list of tiddlers. I want to find a way to have this work
Number of tiddlers to pick <$select tiddler='$:/state/Pick a Random Subset from a List' field='limit'><$list filter='1 2 3 4 5 10 20 30 40 50'><option><<currentTiddler>></option></$list></$select>
<$button>Pick Tiddlers!
<$action-randval $tiddler='List Item 1' $field='sort_field' $lower=1 $upper='100' step='1' numrolls='1'/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='List Item 2' $field='sort_field' $lower=1 $upper='100' step='1' numrolls='1'/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='List Item 3' $field='sort_field' $lower=1 $upper='100' step='1' numrolls='1'/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='List Item 4' $field='sort_field' $lower=1 $upper='100' step='1' numrolls='1'/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='List Item 5' $field='sort_field' $lower=1 $upper='100' step='1' numrolls='1'/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='List Item 6' $field='sort_field' $lower=1 $upper='100' step='1' numrolls='1'/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='List Item 7' $field='sort_field' $lower=1 $upper='100' step='1' numrolls='1'/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='List Item 8' $field='sort_field' $lower=1 $upper='100' step='1' numrolls='1'/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='List Item 9' $field='sort_field' $lower=1 $upper='100' step='1' numrolls='1'/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='List Item 10' $field='sort_field' $lower=1 $upper='100' step='1' numrolls='1'/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='List Item 11' $field='sort_field' $lower=1 $upper='100' step='1' numrolls='1'/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='List Item 12' $field='sort_field' $lower=1 $upper='100' step='1' numrolls='1'/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='List Item 13' $field='sort_field' $lower=1 $upper='100' step='1' numrolls='1'/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='List Item 14' $field='sort_field' $lower=1 $upper='100' step='1' numrolls='1'/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='List Item 15' $field='sort_field' $lower=1 $upper='100' step='1' numrolls='1'/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='List Item 16' $field='sort_field' $lower=1 $upper='100' step='1' numrolls='1'/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='List Item 17' $field='sort_field' $lower=1 $upper='100' step='1' numrolls='1'/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='List Item 18' $field='sort_field' $lower=1 $upper='100' step='1' numrolls='1'/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='List Item 19' $field='sort_field' $lower=1 $upper='100' step='1' numrolls='1'/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='List Item 20' $field='sort_field' $lower=1 $upper='100' step='1' numrolls='1'/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='List Item 21' $field='sort_field' $lower=1 $upper='100' step='1' numrolls='1'/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='List Item 22' $field='sort_field' $lower=1 $upper='100' step='1' numrolls='1'/>
<$action-setfield dummy=1/>
<$list filter='[tag[List Item]sort[sort_field]limit{$:/state/Pick a Random Subset from a List!!limit}]'>
If you see something wrong on this list, or have a plugin that should be included in this list please let me know either by email or by leaving a message using the feedback button in the upper left corner of the wiki (or click here: {{Menu Icon - User Feedback}}).
This list is one of the sources used for the list of plugins on the community search site [[here|http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/#CommunityPlugins]]. If you can't find what you are looking for here that is a good place to look.
<<tabs "[[twCard Listing - Plugins]][[Make Plugin twCard]][[Update Plugin twCard]][[Tiddlers Used for twCards]][[A Note to Plugin Authors]]">>
<$set name=pluginTitle filter='[<currentTiddler>get[title]]+[removeprefix[TWcard - Plugin - ]]'>
<tr><td><$view field=name/></td><td>{{!!revision}} </td><td>{{!!date}}</td><td><$view field=maintainer/></td><td>{{!!short_description}}</td><td>{{!!wiki}}</td></tr>
<$set name=pluginTitle filter='[<currentTiddler>get[title]]+[removeprefix[twCard - Plugin - ]]'>
<tr><td><$view field='name'/></td><td>{{!!revision}} </td><td>{{!!date}}</td><td>{{!!release}}</td><td>{{!!short_description}}</td><td><$link to={{!!plugin_tiddler}}><$view field='plugin_tiddler'/></$link></td></tr>
You can make a button that when pressed will make some content pop up. The content can be anything that can be included in a tiddler. There may be weird behavior from including images.
Example code:
<$button popup="$:/SamplePopupState">Pop me up!</$button>
<$reveal type="popup" state="$:/SamplePopupState">
<div class="tc-drop-down">
!Look Text!
some text here too
and an image
[img [PrinnySpin]]
displays as
<$button popup="$:/SamplePopupState">Pop me up!</$button>
<$reveal type="popup" state="$:/SamplePopupState">
<div class="tc-drop-down">
!Look Text!
some text here too
and an image
[img [PrinnySpin]]
The `Width/Font Size` button in the upper left uses this.
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
You can make a button that makes an image or tiddler pop up. In the following code replace where it says `PrinnySpin` or `Quadratic Formula` after where it says `param = ` with the tiddler you want to pop up and change where it says `Prinny!` or `Show the Quadratic Formula` before the `</$button>` part with what you want the button to say.
Here is the code:
<$button message ="tm-modal" param="PrinnySpin">Prinny!</$button>
which gives:
<$button message ="tm-modal" param="PrinnySpin">Prinny!</$button>
<$button message ="tm-modal" param="Quadratic Formula">Show the Quadratic Formula</$button>
which gives:
<$button message ="tm-modal" param="Quadratic Formula">Show the Quadratic Formula</$button>
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
Demo site: http://ooktech.com/jed/ExampleWikis/Text%20Menus/upgrade.html
The popups use these two tiddlers:
*[[$:/macros/inmysocks/Popout Menu Macro]]
*[[$:/macros/inmysocks/Popout Menu Macro/Default Styles]]
This tiddler (along with the ribbon) was copied from http://www.richshumaker.com/tw5/TiddlyWiki-Hangouts.html I have made no modifications to it other than adding this message. I think it was originally created by Felix (see the link below).
Here are the files you need to put in your TW to have Powered by ~TiddlyWiki show up as it does on this site Make sure to back up before trying anything new(just in case).
Here are the modifications to $:/_MyRibbon
<div class="github-fork-ribbon-wrapper right">
<div class="github-fork-ribbon" style="background-color:#DF4848;">
<a href="http://tiddlywiki.com">Powered by ~TiddlyWiki</a>
Thanks to the help of Everyone on the [[Google Groups and specifically Felix|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/tiddlywiki/4yvBIdVn3fo]].
Here is how to add 'Powered by ~TiddlyWiki' to your TW5 site. I think the idea of a dedicated button that could be customized would be very cool.
That is store the settings in a non-shadow tiddler. Like $:/settings/Library Tracker/settings or something
Documentation coming at some point. I hope. If I did things correctly not much should be needed. See [[Dashboard]] for how to import the plugin.
<$list filter='[[$:/data/Random Background URL List]indexes[]nth{$:/state/Random Background!!number}]' variable=ThisIndex>
<$button tooltip='Change Background Image'>Change Background
<$action-storecount $filter='[[$:/data/Random Background URL List]indexes[]]' $tiddler='$:/state/Random Background' $field='total_num'/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='$:/state/Random Background' $field='number' $lower=1 $upper={{$:/state/Random Background!!total_num}} $step=1 $numrolls=1/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Random Background' $field=text $value=<<ThisIndex>>/>
html body.tc-body { background: url({{$:/state/Random Background}}) no-repeat center center fixed; background-size: cover; height: 100%;}
The things on this list are supposed to be immediately interesting. This list is a random selection of 5 items from the [[full list|List of Awesome Things]]. There may be duplicates, it is updated every time the wiki is loaded.
<$list filter='[tag[Awesome Thing]sort[title]nth{$:/state/Awesome Things Listing!!first}]'>
<$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></$link> - <$transclude field='description'/> (<a href={{!!url}}>Go to site</a>)
<$list filter='[tag[Awesome Thing]sort[title]nth{$:/state/Awesome Things Listing!!second}]'>
<$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></$link> - <$transclude field='description'/> (<a href={{!!url}}>Go to site</a>)
<$list filter='[tag[Awesome Thing]sort[title]nth{$:/state/Awesome Things Listing!!third}]'>
<$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></$link> - <$transclude field='description'/> (<a href={{!!url}}>Go to site</a>)
<$list filter='[tag[Awesome Thing]sort[title]nth{$:/state/Awesome Things Listing!!fourth}]'>
<$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></$link> - <$transclude field='description'/> (<a href={{!!url}}>Go to site</a>)
<$list filter='[tag[Awesome Thing]sort[title]nth{$:/state/Awesome Things Listing!!fifth}]'>
<$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></$link> - <$transclude field='description'/> (<a href={{!!url}}>Go to site</a>)
Examples of this can be seen [[here|http://ooktech.com/jed/externalbrain/]] and [[here|http://ooktech.com/jed/ExampleWikis/StartupActions/]].
If you would like you can just import the following tiddlers and ignore the rest:
*[[$:/data/Random Background URL List]]
*[[Random Background CSS]]
*The state tiddler will be created the first time you cilck the update button.
*If you want a button to change the background:
**[[Random Background Button]]
*If you want the background to change each time the wiki is loaded (''Will only work with version 5.1.8 and above''):
**[[$:/plugins/inmysocks/StartupActions]] - Note: this may become part of the core, if that happens you should delete this plugin when you upgrade your wiki.
**[[$:/scripts/Change Background on Startup]] - When you import this tiddler you need to give it the tag `$:/tags/StartupAction` in order for it to work.
!How to make your own
This requires a few things:
*A list of potential background image urls
*The [[randVal plugin|RandVal Plugin]]
*A state tiddler
*A css tiddler
*The [[action-storecount widget|MathyThing - action-storecount Widget]]. The action-storecount widget is part of the [[MathyThing Plugin]], but due to some problems with other widgets in that plugin it may be best to just import [[$:/plugins/inmysocks/MathyThing/action-storecount.js]] by itself.
What to do:
*Create a data tiddler that lists the picture urls. The example data tiddler for this is [[$:/data/Random Background URL List]].
*Create the css tiddler (it can have any name, but must be tagged with `$:/tags/Stylesheet` and must __NOT__ have the type set to text/css, just leave the type field empty or the transclusion won't work.
html body.tc-body { background: url({{$:/state/Random Background}}) no-repeat center center fixed; background-size: cover; height: 100%;}
*''If you want a button'' - Create the update button, you can transclude the tiddler with the button in it anywhere and clicking on the button will update the background. You can also change the button text or css class. Button code:
<$list filter='[[$:/data/Random Background URL List]indexes[]nth{$:/state/Random Background!!number}]' variable=ThisIndex>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' tooltip='Change Background Image'>Change Background
<$action-storecount $filter='[[$:/data/Random Background URL List]indexes[]]' $tiddler='$:/state/Random Background' $field='total_num'/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='$:/state/Random Background' $field='number' $lower=1 $upper={{$:/state/Random Background!!total_num}} $step=1 $numrolls=1/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Random Background' $field=text $value=<<ThisIndex>>/>
**Then when that button is pressed the url listed in `$:/state/Random Background` is updated to a random entry from [[$:/data/Random Background URL List]]
*''If you want the background to change everytime the wiki is loaded'' (this may only work in version 5.1.8 and up, I need to test it some more.)
**Import the startup actions plugin: [[$:/plugins/inmysocks/StartupActions]]
**Create a tiddler tagged with `$:/tags/StartupAction` with the following code in the text field:<div>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/Random Background URL List]indexes[]nth{$:/state/Random Background!!number}]' variable=ThisIndex>
<$action-storecount $filter='[[$:/data/Random Background URL List]indexes[]]' $tiddler='$:/state/Random Background' $field='total_num'/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='$:/state/Random Background' $field='number' $lower=1 $upper={{$:/state/Random Background!!total_num}} $step=1 $numrolls=1/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Random Background' $field=text $value=<<ThisIndex>>/>
There is a github repo for this plugin [[here|https://github.com/inmysocks/TW5-randVal]]
The RandVal plugin imports a javascript macro and a widget that allow you to generate random numbers.
You need to import [[$:/plugins/inmysocks/randVal]] to use this.
The widget is a modification of the action-setfield widget that sets a field to a random value. The syntax is:
<$action-randval $tiddler=tiddlerName $field=fieldName $lower=lowerBound $upper=upperBound $step=stepSize $numrolls=numRolls $prefix=prefixString $length=minLength/>
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$lower |The lower bound of the random numbers generated, defaults to 1. |
|$upper |The upper bound on the random numbers generated, defaults to 6. |
|$step |The step size of the random numbers generated (that is all random numbers will be in the form rand = lowerBound+n*stepSize where n is an integer and lowerBound <= rand <= upperBound) stepSize defaults to 1 (so integer outputs). If stepSize > upperBound-lowerBound than the output will always be lowerBound |
|$numrolls |The number of times to roll a random number and sum the results, defaults to 1 if no value is given. |
|$tiddler |The tiddler that will contain the random value, defaults to `<<currentTiddler>>` |
|$field |The field of the specified tiddler that will hold the random value, defaults to `store_field`. |
|$prefix |An optional prefix to the appended to the front of the output number. No default. |
|$length |The minimum length of the output, if the output would be shorter than this than zero padding is used. This will not shorten the output. |
This widget can be triggered by a button or anything else that can trigger action widgets. When called this widget will set the value of the specified field to a random number between lowerBound and upperBound.
!Default Values
* The step size `$step` defaults to 1, which will return integers in the specified range (if the lowerBound is set to an integer, see the readme for details [[$:/plugins/inmysocks/randVal/readme]]).
* The lower bound `$lower` defaults to 1
* The upper bound `$upper` defaults to 6
* The number of random numbers to roll `$numrolls` defaults to 1
* The tiddler name `$tiddler` defaults to `<<currentTiddler>>`
There is no default value for `$field`. If you use the widget with only the `$field` value set it is equivalent to rolling a single 6 sided die.
''Only `$numrolls` needs to be a positive integer. For the other inputs non-integer and/or negative values work as expected.''
!A simple example:
<$button>Simple Example
<$action-randval $field='test_field'/>
<$button>Simple Example
<$action-randval $field='test_field'/>
!A more complex example:
Lower Bound: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/randvaltest' field='lower_bound'/><br>
Upper Bound: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/randvaltest' field='upper_bound'/><br>
Step Size: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/randvaltest' field='step_size'/><br>
Number of Rolls: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/randvaltest' field='num_rolls'/><br>
<$button>Roll the Dice
<$action-randval $tiddler='RandVal Plugin' $field='test_field2' $lower={{$:/temp/randvaltest!!lower_bound}} $upper={{$:/temp/randvaltest!!upper_bound}} $step={{$:/temp/randvaltest!!step_size}} $numrolls={{$:/temp/randvaltest!!num_rolls}}/>
Lower Bound: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/randvaltest' field='lower_bound'/><br>
Upper Bound: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/randvaltest' field='upper_bound'/><br>
Step Size: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/randvaltest' field='step_size'/><br>
Number of Rolls: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/randvaltest' field='num_rolls'/><br>
<$button>Roll the Dice
<$action-randval $tiddler='RandVal Plugin' $field='test_field2' $lower={{$:/temp/randvaltest!!lower_bound}} $upper={{$:/temp/randvaltest!!upper_bound}} $step={{$:/temp/randvaltest!!step_size}} $numrolls={{$:/temp/randvaltest!!num_rolls}}/>
!A more useful example:
This will open a random tiddler from the `Wiki Examples` section of this wiki. It uses the `action-storecount` widget from the [[MathyThing Plugin]]
The code:
<$list filter='[all[]!is[system]nth{!!random_value}]'>
<$action-storecount $filter='[all[]!is[system]]' $tiddler='RandVal Plugin' $field='upper_bound'/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='RandVal Plugin' $field='random_value' $lower=1 $upper={{RandVal Plugin!!upper_bound}} $step=1/>
<$action-navigate $to=<<currentTiddler>>/>
Open Random Tiddler
Will make a button that will open a random non-system tiddler.
It renders as (press the button):
<$list filter='[all[]!is[system]nth{!!random_value}]'>
<$action-storecount $filter='[all[]!is[system]]' $tiddler='RandVal Plugin' $field='upper_bound'/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='RandVal Plugin' $field='random_value' $lower=1 $upper={{RandVal Plugin!!upper_bound}} $step=1/>
<$action-navigate $to=<<currentTiddler>>/>
Open Random Tiddler
If you use this the way it is demonstrated in the last example the tiddler that is opened will be based on the current value of the field, then the field will be updated with a new random value. So it doesn't generate a random value and then open a tiddler based on that value, it uses the previous random value and then generates a new one.
This means that the first time you press it nothing will happen unless you initialize the value stored in your field.
You can probably get around this somehow, but that is how it works in this example.
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
The RandVal plugin contains:
*The action-randVal widget - an action widget that returns a random value based on the passed parameters
Plugin tiddler: $:/plugin/inmysocks/rangewidget/range.js
Github: not set up yet
<$range tiddler=someTiddler field=someField min=minValue max=maxValue step=stepSize class=someCSSClass/>
<$range tiddler=someTiddler index=someIndex min=minValue max=maxValue step=stepSize class=someCSSClass/>
|!Name |!Description |
|tiddler |The tiddler to store the value set by the range widget. |
|field |The field to store the value |
|index |The data tiddler index to store the value |
|min |The minimum value of the widget |
|max |The maximum value of the widget |
|step |The step size used by the widget |
|class |An optional CSS class for the widget |
<$range tiddler='$:/state/Range Widget Plugin/demo' field='demo_field' min=1 max=50 step=1/> The current value is {{$:/state/Range Widget Plugin/demo!!demo_field}}
<$range tiddler='$:/state/Range Widget Plugin/demo' field='demo_field' min=1 max=50 step=1/> The current value is {{$:/state/Range Widget Plugin/demo!!demo_field}}
<$range tiddler='$:/state/Range Widget Plugin/demo' field='demo_field2' min=-100 max=100 step=10/> The current value is {{$:/state/Range Widget Plugin/demo!!demo_field2}}
<$range tiddler='$:/state/Range Widget Plugin/demo' field='demo_field2' min=-100 max=100 step=10/> The current value is {{$:/state/Range Widget Plugin/demo!!demo_field2}}
\define thisDisplayChangeLogEntry()
{{$:/data/Change Log##$(ThisEntry)$}} - <$view tiddler=<<ThisEntry>> field='title'><br>
Show the <$select tiddler='$:/state/Recent Changes' field='num_recent_entries'>
<$list filter="0 10 20 30 40">
</$select> most recent manual entries:
<$list filter='[[$:/data/Change Log]indexes[]limit{$:/state/Recent Changes!!num_recent_entries}]' variable=ThisEntry>
Show the <$select tiddler='$:/state/Recent Changes' field='num_recent_tiddlers'>
<$list filter="0 10 20 30 40">
</$select> most recently modified tiddlers:
<$list filter='[!is[system]has[modified]!sort[modified]limit{$:/state/Recent Changes!!num_recent_tiddlers}]-[[What to do]]'>
<$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></$link> - Modified on: <$view field='modified'/><br>
It should all work, but make sure.
I am bad at writing these things.
''Rich Shumaker'' [img[http://www.richshumaker.com/images/selfportrait1th.jpg]] <<linkimg RichShumakerNamePlate.png RichShumakerNamePlate.png "RichShumakerNamePlate" height="76">>
{{Rich Shumaker.m4a}}
Rich Shu ma k er -At- G mail Dot Com - Crazy format to avoid the spiders of the web that spam-a-lot
Call me and I will let you know if you are talking to me, #heheh. - It would be cool if we could encrypt this and give people the 'passcode' to decrypt it.
--''~TiddlyWiki 5 Stuff on the Net''--
[[5 Steps to TW5|http://www.richshumaker.com/tw5/FiveStepsToTiddlyWiki5.htm]] - This is my attempt to get a TiddlyWiki NOOB up and running
[[LegacyCd Virtual|http://www.contactjuggling.com/LegacyCd.html]] - Currently in Beta - Release date is set for 5-5-15 - 10 years after the original ~LegacyCd Release
[[This Site - TiddlyWiki-Hangouts|http://www.richshumaker.com/tw5/TiddlyWiki-Hangouts.html]]
--''~TiddlyWiki Classic on the Net''--
[[Dream Machine|http://dreammachine.tiddlyspot.com/]] - Currently working on updating this using TW5
--''Not Yet TW Sites''--
[[Rich Shumaker F(V)anity Site|http://www.RichShumaker.com]]
[[Contact Juggling Dot Com|http://www.contactjuggling.com]]
--''Social Site''--
[[Google +|https://plus.google.com/102360582405563354873/posts]]
--''Social Sites I don't use enough''--
--''Almost Archived Social Sites''--
Deviant Art
I am sure I have forgotten some for sure
!!!__Tiddlers with Rich Shumaker Tags__
{{{ [tag[Rich Shumaker]] }}}
Below is the code for the above - I am trying to standardize this stuff so knowing what I did will help to make this more consistent for everyone
--Start of Rich Shumaker [[<Name Plate>]]--
''Rich Shumaker'' [img[http://www.richshumaker.com/images/selfportrait1th.jpg]] <<linkimg RichShumakerNamePlate.png RichShumakerNamePlate.png "RichShumakerNamePlate" height="76">>
{{Rich Shumaker.m4a}}
Rich Shu ma k er -At- G mail Dot Com - Crazy format to avoid the spiders of the web that spam-a-lot
Call me and I will let you know if you are talking to me, #heheh. - It would be cool if we could encrypt this and give people the 'passcode' to decrypt it.
--''~TiddlyWiki 5 Stuff on the Net''--
[[5 Steps to TW5|http://www.richshumaker.com/tw5/FiveStepsToTiddlyWiki5.htm]] - This is my attempt to get a TiddlyWiki NOOB up and running
[[LegacyCd Web|http://www.contactjuggling.com/LegacyCd.html]] - Currently in Beta - Release date is set for 5-5-15 - 10 years after the original ~LegacyCd Release
[[This Site - TiddlyWiki-Hangouts|http://www.richshumaker.com/tw5/TiddlyWiki-Hangouts.html]]
--''~TiddlyWiki Classic on the Net''--
[[Dream Machine|http://dreammachine.tiddlyspot.com/]] - Currently working on updating this using TW5
--''Not Yet TW Sites''--
[[Rich Shumaker F(V)anity Site|http://www.RichShumaker.com]]
[[Contact Juggling Dot Com|http://www.contactjuggling.com]]
--''Social Site''--
[[Google +|https://plus.google.com/102360582405563354873/posts]]
--''Social Sites I don't use enough''--
--''Almost Archived Social Sites''--
Deviant Art
I am sure I have forgotten some for sure
!!!__Tiddlers with Rich Shumaker Tags__
{{{ [tag[Rich Shumaker]] }}}
--End of Rich Shumaker [[<Name Plate>]]--
''Note about the below, This is a useful feature to include in your [[<Name Plate>]] as it allows you to see all references to your name that have been tagged at the site that copies your [[<Name Plate>]]''
Need to create it so that every Tiddler Reference as well as Tags show in the list below so that you get all references to your name in the TW that has this.
!!!Tiddlers with Rich Shumaker Tags
{{{ [tag[Rich Shumaker]] }}}
This is a macro that builds a table. It uses each tiddler to make a row. Columns are fields in the tiddler. If a tiddler doesn't have a field other tiddlers used do than it is an empty cell. Click on a cell to edit the contents. If the field doesn't exist it will be created in the tiddler.
This is pacakged along with the [[ColumnTable Macro]] and the [[Table Wizard Macro]] in the tiddler [[$:/macros/inmysocks/Table Macros]]
|!Parameter |!Description |
|!Filter |A filter, each tiddler returned by this filter is a row in the created table. |
|!Fields |An optional list of fields to include as columns |
|!showTitle |If this is set to `false` than the column with titles aren't shown. |
`<<RowTable Filter Fields showTitle>>`
Basic Output:
<<RowTable '[tag[Wiki Examples]limit[5]]'>>
<<RowTable '[tag[Wiki Examples]limit[5]]'>>
Only show the fields `blurb` and `creator`
<<RowTable '[tag[Wiki Examples]limit[5]]' 'blurb creator'>>
<<RowTable '[tag[Wiki Examples]limit[5]]' 'blurb creator'>>
Only show the fields `blurb` and `creator` but don't show the tiddler title.
<<RowTable '[tag[Wiki Examples]limit[5]]' 'blurb creator' false>>
<<RowTable '[tag[Wiki Examples]limit[5]]' 'blurb creator' false>>
This is a tiddler for the calendar demo
we will have to figure it out.
\define searchInField(field, for)
<$list filter="[!is[shadow]!is[system]field:$field$/$for$/]">$field$:
<ul><li><$link><$view field="title"/></$link> </li></ul></$list>
This will search all fields of all tiddlers for the search string. It can be a bit slow.
Search for: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/temp' field='test_search'/>
<$list filter="[!is[shadow]!is[system]fields[]] -title -text -tags" variable="fieldname">
<$macrocall $name="searchInField" field=<<fieldname>> for={{$:/temp/temp!!test_search}}/>
\define thisMakeIndexName()
\define thisClearSelectionButton()
<$button>Clear Selections
<$list filter='[[$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/SelectedTiddlers]indexes[]]'>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/SelectedTiddlers' $index=<<currentTiddler>> $value='unselected'/>
\define thisMakeTables()
All matches:
<tr><th>Tiddler</th><th>Field Name</th><th>Field Value</th><th>Replace</th></tr>
<$list filter='[!is[system]regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>limit[50]]' variable=ThisOne>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>fields[]regexp<FieldNameSearchRegExp>]$(IncludeTitleField)$$(IncludeModifiedField)$$(IncludeCreatedField)$$(IncludeTagsField)$$(IncludeTextField)$' variable=ThisField>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexName>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>get<ThisField>regexp<FieldContentsSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisFilteredFieldValue>
<tr><td><$view tiddler=<<ThisOne>> field='title'/></td><td><<ThisField>></td><td><$view tiddler=<<ThisOne>> field=<<ThisField>>/></td><td><<thisReplaceFieldContentsButton>></td></tr>
\define thisReplaceFieldContentsButton()
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<ThisOne>> $field=<<ThisField>> $value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!replace_text}}/>
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/ShowInstructions" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/ShowInstructions" setTo="show">Show instructions</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/ShowInstructions" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/ShowInstructions" setTo="hide">Hide instructions</$button>
''How to use this:''
The search results are limited to the fields of 50 tiddlers to prevent it from taking a very long time to render.
Type in your search string into the Search text box. Note that this search only reduces the number of returned entries so if you type `a` //ALL// fields in non-system tiddlers that contain `a` or `A` will be listed. This uses regular expressions and some characters may cause strange behaviour, namely `$`, `[`, `]` and `.` and possibly others.
Type the string you want the field(s) to have into the replace box. Note that this will replace the entire contents of the field, not just the string in the search box. So typing in `foo` will list all fields that have the (case insensitive) string `foo` anywhere in the string in that field. Putting `bar` as the replace string will set the value of all of the selected fields to `bar`, even if `foo` was only part of the previous value.
Click on the `Replace` button next to the field you wish to change to replace the field contents.
Search by tiddler name: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search' placeholder='Search Tiddlers' field=tiddler_search_text/><br>
Search by field name: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search' placeholder='Search Field Names' field=field_name_search_text/><br>
Search by field contents: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search' placeholder='Search Field Contents' field=search_text/><br>
Replace: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search' placeholder='Replacement Contents' field=replace_text/>
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/ShowOptions" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/ShowOptions" setTo="show">Show Options</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/ShowOptions" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/ShowOptions" setTo="hide">Hide Options</$button>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search' field=case_sensitive checked='' unchecked='(?i)'>Case sensitive search</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search' field=include_text checked='' unchecked='-[[text]]'>Include text field</$checkbox> - Be careful using this one
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search' field=include_tags checked='' unchecked='-[[tags]]'>Include tags field</$checkbox> - Be careful using this one
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search' field=include_created checked='' unchecked='-[[created]]'>Include created field</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search' field=include_modified checked='' unchecked='-[[modified]]'>Include modified field</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search' field=include_title checked='' unchecked='-[[title]]'>Include title field</$checkbox>
<$set name=FieldContentsSearchString value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!search_text}}>
<$set name=FieldContentsSearchRegExp value="$(CaseSensitive)$$(FieldContentsSearchString)$">
<$set name=FieldNameSearchString value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!field_name_search_text}}>
<$set name=FieldNameSearchRegExp value="$(CaseSensitive)$$(FieldNameSearchString)$">
<$set name=TiddlerNameSearchString value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!tiddler_search_text}}>
<$set name=TiddlerNameSearchRegExp value="$(CaseSensitive)$$(TiddlerNameSearchString)$">
<$set name=CaseSensitive value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!case_sensitive}}>
<$set name=IncludeTextField value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!include_text}}>
<$set name=IncludeTagsField value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!include_tags}}>
<$set name=IncludeCreatedField value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!include_created}}>
<$set name=IncludeModifiedField value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!include_modified}}>
<$set name=IncludeTitleField value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!include_title}}>
\define thisMakeIndexName()
\define thisMakeTables()
All matches:
<tr><th>Tiddler</th><th>Field Name</th><th>Field Value</th><th>Replace</th></tr>
<$list filter='[!is[system]regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>limit[50]]' variable=ThisOne>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>fields[]regexp<FieldNameSearchRegExp>]$(IncludeTitleField)$$(IncludeModifiedField)$$(IncludeCreatedField)$$(IncludeTagsField)$$(IncludeTextField)$' variable=ThisField>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexName>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>get<ThisField>regexp<FieldNamesSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisFilteredFieldValue>
<tr><td><$view tiddler=<<ThisOne>> field='title'/></td><td><<ThisField>></td><td><$view tiddler=<<ThisOne>> field=<<ThisField>>/></td><td><<thisReplaceFieldNamesButton>></td></tr>
\define thisReplaceFieldNamesButton()
<$button>Rename Field
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<ThisOne>>>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<ThisOne>> $field={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!replace_text}} $value=<<ThisFilteredFieldValue>>/>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-field' $param=<<ThisField>>/>
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/ShowInstructions" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/ShowInstructions" setTo="show">Show instructions</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/ShowInstructions" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/ShowInstructions" setTo="hide">Hide instructions</$button>
''How to use this:''
The search results are limited to the fields in the first 50 tiddlers returned to prevent very long render times.
Type in your search string into the Search text box. Note that this search only reduces the number of returned entries so if you type `a` //ALL// fields in non-system tiddlers that contain `a` or `A` will be listed. This uses regular expressions and some characters may cause strange behaviour, namely `$`, `[`, `]` and `.` and possibly others.
Type the string you want the field(s) to have into the replace box. Note that this will replace the entire contents of the field, not just the string in the search box. So typing in `foo` will list all fields that have the (case insensitive) string `foo` anywhere in the string in that field. Putting `bar` as the replace string will set the value of all of the selected fields to `bar`, even if `foo` was only part of the previous value.
Click on the `Replace` button next to the field you wish to change to replace the fields name.
Search by tiddler name: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search' placeholder='Search Tiddlers' field=tiddler_search_text/><br>
Search by field name: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search' placeholder='Search Field Names' field=field_name_search_text/><br>
Search by field contents: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search' placeholder='Search Field Contents' field=search_text/><br>
Replace: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search' placeholder='Replacement Contents' field=replace_text/>
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/ShowOptions" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/ShowOptions" setTo="show">Show Options</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/ShowOptions" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/ShowOptions" setTo="hide">Hide Options</$button>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search' field=case_sensitive checked='' unchecked='(?i)'>Case sensitive search</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search' field=include_text checked='' unchecked='-[[text]]'>Include text field</$checkbox> - Be careful using this one
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search' field=include_tags checked='' unchecked='-[[tags]]'>Include tags field</$checkbox> - Be careful using this one
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search' field=include_created checked='' unchecked='-[[created]]'>Include created field</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search' field=include_modified checked='' unchecked='-[[modified]]'>Include modified field</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search' field=include_title checked='' unchecked='-[[title]]'>Include title field</$checkbox>
<$set name=FieldNamesSearchString value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!search_text}}>
<$set name=FieldNamesSearchRegExp value="$(CaseSensitive)$$(FieldNamesSearchString)$">
<$set name=FieldNameSearchString value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!field_name_search_text}}>
<$set name=FieldNameSearchRegExp value="$(CaseSensitive)$$(FieldNameSearchString)$">
<$set name=TiddlerNameSearchString value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!tiddler_search_text}}>
<$set name=TiddlerNameSearchRegExp value="$(CaseSensitive)$$(TiddlerNameSearchString)$">
<$set name=CaseSensitive value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!case_sensitive}}>
<$set name=IncludeTextField value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!include_text}}>
<$set name=IncludeTagsField value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!include_tags}}>
<$set name=IncludeCreatedField value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!include_created}}>
<$set name=IncludeModifiedField value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!include_modified}}>
<$set name=IncludeTitleField value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!include_title}}>
\define thisSelectTag()
Tag to replace: <$select field='selected_tag'>
<$set name=TagSearch value={{$:/temp/changetags!!search_tags}}>
<$list filter='[tags[]regexp[(?i)$(TagSearch)$]sort[title]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
</$select> <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/changetags' field='search_tags' class='tc-exit-textexitor' placeholder='Narrow Tags List'/>
This lets you search for all tiddlers with a specific tag and selectivly replace that tag with another one. Or if the 'Replace With' field is empty just remove the tag from the tiddler(s).
Replace With: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/changetags' field='replace_tag' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
<tr><th>Tiddler Name</th><th></th></tr>
<$list filter='[tag{!!selected_tag}]'>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<currentTiddler>>>
<tr><td><$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></$link></td><td><$button>Change Tag<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param={{$:/temp/changetags!!replace_tag}}/><$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-tag' $param={{Search and Replace Tags!!selected_tag}}/></$button></td></tr>
Documentation coming at some point. I hope. If I did things correctly not much should be needed. See [[Dashboard]] for how to import the plugin.
<h1><$view field='caption'/></h1>
<$transclude mode=block/>
Here are the currently available plugins for the integrating third party services into tiddlywiki with their version numbers and date published. To install a plugin on your wiki click and drag the install link to your wiki.
<$list filter='[tag[Plugin twCard]category[Service Integration]]+[limit[1]]'>
<tr><th>{{!!category}} Plugins</th><th></th><th></th><th></th><th></th><th></th></tr>
<tr><th>Name</th><th>Version</th><th>Date</th><th>Release</th><th>Description</th><th>Install Link</th></tr>
<$set name=currentCategory value={{!!category}}>
<$list filter='[tag[Plugin twCard]category<currentCategory>maintainer[inmysocks]]' template=PlugintwCardDisplayTemplate2>
!Using an image given the url:
Create a tiddler with a descriptive name, the name isn't important, and put this in the text field:
html body.tc-body { background: url("http://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/styles/946xvariable_height/public/thumbnails/image/pia19312.jpg") no-repeat center center fixed; background-size: cover; height: 100%;}
and replace the url (in this case `http://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/styles/946xvariable_height/public/thumbnails/image/pia19312.jpg`) with the url of the image you would like as your background.
Tag the tiddler with `$:/tags/Stylesheet` and save it. If things worked correctly you should see the background change as soon as you save the tiddler.
This allows you to give custom css styles to links if the link destination tiddler has a specific tag.
Note: If the destination tiddler has more than one of the listed tags one link for each style associated with the tags it has will be displayed.
If the tiddler you are linking to has spaces in the name you need to put `[[` and `]]` around the name.
!First, the macros (in the tiddler NeatLinkMacros):
\define GetLinkClass()
\define MakeNeatLinkEntry(tiddler tagUsed)
<$list filter='[[$tiddler$]tag[$tagUsed$]]'>
<$set name=TagUsed value=$tagUsed$>
<span class=<<GetLinkClass>>><$link to="$tiddler$">$tiddler$</$link></span>
\define MakeBoringLinkEntry(tiddler)
<$list filter='[[$tiddler$]!tag[tag1]!tag[tag2]!tag[tag3]]'>
<$link to=$tiddler$>$tiddler$</$link>
\define NeatLink(tiddler)
<<MakeNeatLinkEntry """$tiddler$""" tag1>>
<<MakeNeatLinkEntry """$tiddler$""" tag2>>
<<MakeNeatLinkEntry """$tiddler$""" tag3>>
<<MakeBoringLinkEntry """$tiddler$""">>
You will need to change this macro to suit your situation, you need to edit the `NeatLink` macro itself and the `MakeBoringLinkEntry` macro. Specifically, you need to add a line like `<<MakeNeatLinkEntry """$tiddler$""" tagn>>` to the neat link macro for each tag you want a custom link style for, and make sure to replace tag1, tag2, tag3, etc with the tags you actually want to use. You also need to edit the filter in the `MakeBoringEntry` macro so that you replace tag1, tag2, tag3, etc with the tags you are using, adding or removing entries as needed.
!Second, the CSS (in the tiddler NeatLinkCSS)
You need to make css classes for each tag you want special links for, the names have to be in the form `tag1_css`, so if you have a tag bob, the css class associated with it would be bob_css. This means that the tags need to be valid css class names.
You also have to specify the `a` tag in your css. I don't know why, but it doesn't work otherwise.
Example css:
.tag1_css a {
.tag1_css a:hover {
.tag2_css a {
.tag2_css a:hover {
.tag3_css a {
.tag3_css a:hover {
Then to use the links just use the macro `<<NeatLink SomeTiddler>>`.
<<NeatLink NeatLinkExample1>>
<<NeatLink [[Neat Link Example 2]]>>
<<NeatLink [[Neat Link Example 3]]>>
If you want to silently create a tiddler (that is, create a tiddler that doesn't get opened when you create it), use the action-setfield widget like this:
<$button>Create Tiddler Silently
<$action-setfield $title='A silently created tiddler'/>
<$button>Create Tiddler Silently
<$action-setfield $tiddler='A silently created tiddler' title='A silently created tiddler'/>
Normally when you make a new tiddler the newly created tiddler is opened in edit mode, for some purposes this isn't desired behaviour. So, similar to how [[Silently Creating a Tiddler]], you can silently create a new tiddler using a template by:
*Create the template tiddler you want to use, everything but the title should be exactly what you want in the new tiddler.
*Create a button like this:<div>
<$button>Make Tiddler
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<TemplateTiddler>> $field='title' $value=<<NewTiddlerTitle>>/>
Make sure to replace `<<TemplateTiddler>>` and `<<NewTiddlerTitle>>` with the name of the template tiddler and the desired title respectively.
!A quick example:
Enter name:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Silently Creating a Tiddler Using a Template' field='new_title' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
Template to use:
<$select tiddler='$:/state/Silently Creating a Tiddler Using a Template' field='selected_template'>
<$list filter='[tag[Templates]]'>
''Remember, this creates the tiddler silently so it won't open the tiddler. You should look under the `Recent` tab in the sidebar to see the newly created tiddler''.
<$set name=NewTiddlerTitle value={{$:/temp/Silently Creating a Tiddler Using a Template!!new_title}}>
<$set name=TemplateTiddler value={{$:/state/Silently Creating a Tiddler Using a Template!!selected_template}}>
<$button>Make Tiddler
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<TemplateTiddler>> $field='title' $value=<<NewTiddlerTitle>>/>
Enter name:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Silently Creating a Tiddler Using a Template' field='new_title' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
Template to use:
<$select tiddler='$:/state/Silently Creating a Tiddler Using a Template' field='selected_template'>
<$list filter='[tag[Templates]]'>
<$set name=NewTiddlerTitle value={{$:/temp/Silently Creating a Tiddler Using a Template!!new_title}}>
<$set name=TemplateTiddler value={{$:/state/Silently Creating a Tiddler Using a Template!!selected_template}}>
<$button>Make Tiddler
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<TemplateTiddler>> $field='title' $value=<<NewTiddlerTitle>>/>
<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='caption'/></a> - <$view field='description'/><br>
\define slider(label)
<$button popup="$:/state/$label$" class="btn-invisible tw-slider"><$reveal type="match" text="" default="" state="$:/state/$label$">⊞</$reveal><$reveal type="nomatch" text="" default="" state="$:/state/$label$">⊟</$reveal> {{$label$||unwikified}}</$button>
<$reveal type="nomatch" text="" default="" state="$:/state/$label$" animate="yes">
<$macrocall $name="slider" label={{!!title}}/>
There are multiple types of sliders, there are in the GeneralMacros tiddler
<<tiddlerSlider "TextSlider Macro">>
<<tiddlerSlider "TiddlerSlider Macro">>
The `imageSlider` macro is a variation of the tiddlerSliderNoButton macro, but specifically for images. It sets the image width to the full tiddler width, so isn't appropriate in all situations. I use this for image posts [[on my other site|ooktech.com/jed/externalbrain/]].
<<imageSlider PrinnySpin "Spin!!">>
There is also `textSliderNoButton` which is used in the [[What to do]] tiddler, the `tiddlerSliderNoButton` which doesn't have an example yet, but it is the same as the tiddler slider, but doesn't show up as a button.
This is a different slider macro that requires more than just the macro itself. Using one of the ones listed above may be better.
To add a button that when you click on it will display the contents of a tiddler in the current tiddler use this
Where the part before the || is the full name of the tiddler you want to display. It isn't perfect but it works for now.
To use this on another tiddlywiki click and drag these two things on that tiddlywiki
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
<$list filter='[[Some paper_Subjects]indexes[]]'>
<li><$view field='title'/></li>
<$view tiddler='Some paper_Abstract' field='text'/>
<$macrocall $name=monoSpacedCodeBlock src={{Some paper_BibTex}}/>
This paper is about something interesting
This is used in one of the examples in [[Unindexed Miscellanea]], it shows some weird behaviour you can get when a title has both spaces and a CamelCase word.
If you use
<$link to={{!!title}}>{{!!title}}</$link>
you get
<$link to={{!!title}}>{{!!title}}</$link>
<$link to={{!!title}}><$view field=title/></$link>
<$link to={{!!title}}><$view field=title/></$link>
Here is code for a table that will sort by a column when you click on the column header. The table is generated using some html and the data in the table comes from tiddler fields. I don't think there is currently a way to do this with tables holding static content.
Just replace `name` and `maintainer` by whatever fields you wish and add columns as you need them.
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' style='width:100%;height:100%'>
Plugin name
<$action-setfield sort_by='name'/>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' style='width:100%;height:100%'>
Plugin maintainer
<$action-setfield sort_by='maintainer'/>
<$list filter='[tag[Plugin twCard]has[name]has[maintainer]sort{!!sort_by}]'>
<$view field='name'/>
<$view field='maintainer'/>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' style='width:100%;height:100%'>
Plugin name
<$action-setfield sort_by='name'/>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' style='width:100%;height:100%'>
Plugin maintainer
<$action-setfield sort_by='maintainer'/>
<$list filter='[tag[Plugin twCard]has[name]has[maintainer]sort{!!sort_by}]'>
<$view field='name'/>
<$view field='maintainer'/>
There are some special fields used in ~TiddlyWiki. Here is a (partial) list:
*[[title|The Title Field]] - The tiddler title
*[[text|The Text Field]] - The main body/text of a tiddler
*[[modified|The Modified Field]] - The time that the tiddler was last modified
*[[created|The Created Field]] - The time that the tiddler was created
*[[caption|The Caption Field]] - Used in the table of contents (other uses?)
*[[footer|The Footer Field]] - Used for modal dialogues
*[[subtitle|The Subtitle Field]] - Used for modal dialogues
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
<$action-storecount $filter='[tag[Awesome Thing]]' $tiddler='$:/state/Awesome Things Listing' $field=count_field/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='$:/state/Awesome Things Listing' $field=first $lower=1 $upper={{$:/state/Awesome Things Listing!!count_field}} $step=1 $numrolls=1/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='$:/state/Awesome Things Listing' $field=second $lower=1 $upper={{$:/state/Awesome Things Listing!!count_field}} $step=1 $numrolls=1/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='$:/state/Awesome Things Listing' $field=third $lower=1 $upper={{$:/state/Awesome Things Listing!!count_field}} $step=1 $numrolls=1/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='$:/state/Awesome Things Listing' $field=fourth $lower=1 $upper={{$:/state/Awesome Things Listing!!count_field}} $step=1 $numrolls=1/>
<$action-randval $tiddler='$:/state/Awesome Things Listing' $field=fifth $lower=1 $upper={{$:/state/Awesome Things Listing!!count_field}} $step=1 $numrolls=1/>
This is how to make ordered or unordered lists:
!Unordered lists:
*list thing
*other list thing
**sublisting under other thing
*third list thing
which shows up as:
*list thing
*other list thing
**sublisting under other thing
*third list thing
and so on.
Just make sure that you have a blank line before and after the list or there will be weirdness.
!Ordered lists:
#First thing
#second thing
##first under second
###third level
#Back to first level
Which shows up as:
#First thing
#second thing
##first under second
###third level
#Back to first level
and so on.
!Listing quotation stuff
This isn't the same as the other lists, but it uses the same syntax. It comes from [[Block Quotes]]
>First line
>second line
>>second level
>first level again
which displays as
>First line
>second line
>>second level
>first level again
!Mixing lists
The list types can be mixed together like this
* thing
*# other thing
*#* other other thing
*#*>other other thing quote
*#>other other other thing quote
Which gives
* thing
*# other thing
*#* other other thing
*#*>other other thing quote
*#>other other other thing quote
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
[[Creating a table of contents]]
[[Formatting the table of contents]]
<$reveal state='$:/state/expandabletoc' type='match' text='show'>
<$button set='$:/state/expandabletoc' setTo='noshow'>Exapndable TOC</$button>
<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-expandable "Contents">>
<$reveal state='$:/state/expandabletoc' type='nomatch' text='show'>
<$button set='$:/state/expandabletoc' setTo='show'>Exapndable TOC</$button>
<$reveal state='$:/state/selectexpandabletoc' type='match' text='show'>
<$button set='$:/state/selectexpandabletoc' setTo='noshow'>Selective Exapndable TOC</$button>
<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-selective-expandable "Contents">>
<$reveal state='$:/state/selectexpandabletoc' type='nomatch' text='show'>
<$button set='$:/state/selectexpandabletoc' setTo='show'>Selective Exapndable TOC</$button>
<$reveal state='$:/state/simpletoc' type='match' text='show'>
<$button set='$:/state/simpletoc' setTo='noshow'>Simple TOC</$button>
<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc "Contents">>
<$reveal state='$:/state/simpletoc' type='nomatch' text='show'>
<$button set='$:/state/simpletoc' setTo='show'>Simple TOC</$button>
<$reveal state='$:/state/sortedexpandabletoc' type='match' text='show'>
<$button set='$:/state/sortedexpandabletoc' setTo='noshow'>Expandable TOC - Sorted</$button>
<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-expandable "Contents" "sort[title]">>
<$reveal state='$:/state/sortedexpandabletoc' type='nomatch' text='show'>
<$button set='$:/state/sortedexpandabletoc' setTo='show'>Expandable TOC - Sorted</$button>
<$reveal state='$:/state/tabbedinternal' type='match' text='show'>
<$button set='$:/state/tabbedinternal' setTo='noshow'>Tabbed TOC - Internal Navigation</$button>
<<toc-tabbed-internal-nav tag:"Contents" selectedTiddler:"$:/temp/toc/selectedTiddler" unselectedText:"Select a topic in the table of contents. Click the arrow to expand a topic.">>
<$reveal state='$:/state/tabbedinternal' type='nomatch' text='show'>
<$button set='$:/state/tabbedinternal' setTo='show'>Tabbed TOC - Internal Navigation</$button>
<$reveal state='$:/state/tabbedexternal' type='match' text='show'>
<$button set='$:/state/tabbedexternal' setTo='noshow'>Tabbed TOC - External Navigation</$button>
<<toc-tabbed-external-nav tag:"Contents" selectedTiddler:"$:/temp/toc/selectedTiddler" unselectedText:"Select a topic in the table of contents. Click the arrow to expand a topic.">>
<$reveal state='$:/state/tabbedexternal' type='nomatch' text='show'>
<$button set='$:/state/tabbedexternal' setTo='show'>Tabbed TOC - External Navigation</$button>
The table of contents macros are defined in:
Content of the `tags_to_add` field: {{!!tags_to_add}}
This button resets the tags field
<$button>Clear Tiddler Tags
<$action-setfield $field='tags' $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $field='sorted_tags' $value=''/>
<$button>Clear Tiddler Tags
<$action-setfield $field='tags' $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $field='sorted_tags' $value=''/>
This button will give the current tiddler the tags in the `tags_to_add` field.
<$button>Set Tags
<$action-setfield $field='tags' $value={{!!tags_to_add}}/>
<$button>Set Tags
<$action-setfield $field='tags' $value={{!!tags_to_add}}/>
!Sorting tags in multiple steps (see below for a single step version)
This shows the contents of the `tags` field
<$set name="unsorted" filter="[is[current]tags[]]">
<$set name="unsorted" filter="[is[current]tags[]]">
This shows the sorted contents of the `tags` field, and has a button that sets the field `sorted_tags` to the sorted tags list
<$set name="sorted" filter="[is[current]tags[]sort[]]">
This button will sort the tags:
<$button>Sort Tags
<$action-setfield $field='sorted_tags' $value=<<sorted>>/>
<$set name="sorted" filter="[is[current]tags[]sort[]]">
This button will sort the tags and store the output in the field `sorted_tags`:
<$button>Sort Tags
<$action-setfield $field='sorted_tags' $value=<<sorted>>/>
This button will try to set the `tags` field to the value stored in `sorted_tags`
<$button>Sort Tags 2
<$action-setfield $field='tags' $value={{!!sorted_tags}}/>
<$button>Sort Tags 2
<$action-setfield $field='tags' $value={{!!sorted_tags}}/>
!Or you can do it all in one step:
<$set name="sorted" filter="[is[current]tags[]sort[]]">
<$button>Sort Tags One Step
<$action-setfield $field='sorted_tags' $value=<<sorted>>/>
<$action-setfield $field='tags' $value={{!!sorted_tags}}/>
<$set name="sorted" filter="[is[current]tags[]sort[]]">
<$button>Sort Tags One Step
<$action-setfield $field='sorted_tags' $value=<<sorted>>/>
<$action-setfield $field='tags' $value={{!!sorted_tags}}/>
!This way didn't work the first time I tried and now it seems to. I am confused.
This method failed, but not now? Probably because of how the tags field is handled to prevent multiple tags of the same name. I am not certain of that though. I am a bit confused.
Content of the `tags` field: {{!!tags}}
<$set name="sorted" filter="[is[current]tags[]sort[]]">
Sorted list: <<sorted>><br>
This button will try to sort the tags:
<$button>Sort Tags
<$action-setfield $field='tags' $value=<<sorted>>/>
Content of the `tags` field: {{!!tags}}
<$set name="sorted" filter="[is[current]tags[]sort[]]">
Sorted list: Sorted tags: <<sorted>><br>
This button will try to sort the tags:
<$button>Sort Tags
<$action-setfield $field='tags' $value=<<sorted>>/>
Documentation coming at some point. I hope. If I did things correctly not much should be needed. See [[Dashboard]] for how to import the plugin.
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
Template tiddlers can be used in multiple ways, one of the more common ways is formatting the output of the list widget. On the [[Dashboard|$:/plugins/inmysocks/Dashboard/Dashboard]] this is used extensively. [[Manage Table of Contents|$:/plugins/inmysocks/ManageTOC/Manage Table of Contents]] is made using a list widget and a template that is called recursively. The lists in [[Contacts|$:/plugins/inmysocks/Contacts/Contacts]], [[Task List|$:/plugins/inmysocks/TaskList/Task List]], [[Quick Notes|$:/plugins/inmysocks/QuickNotes/Quick Notes]] and [[Dictionary|$:/plugins/inmysocks/SearchableDictionary/Dictionary]] all use much simpler templates to define how the lists are displayed.
[[$:/plugins/inmysocks/TaskList/BasicTaskDisplayTemplate]] is a relatively simple template used in the [[Task List|$:/plugins/inmysocks/TaskList/Task List]] as an example of a display template for a list, [[ContactDisplayTemplate]] is a more complex example of a template.
!Templates used for lists
This is a special use of using a template to display a tiddler, it just happens in a list. Even so it is common enough to warrant attention.
To use templates in a list you use:
<$list filter='[tag[Plugins]]' template='ExampleTemplate'></$list>
Which gives the list (look at ExampleTemplate to see how the template is defined):
<$list filter='[tag[Plugins]]' template='ExampleTemplate'></$list>
What this does is it displays the rendered version of the text field of the template as though it were in each of the listed tiddlers. So in the template `<$view field='title'/>` displays the title of each tiddler in the list, and `<$view field='blurb'/>` displays the blurb field of each tiddler in the list. Note that any text in the template tiddler is displayed ilke this, so if the text in the tiddler is just `Hello!` than the list widget would display `Hello!` once for each tiddler in the list, and nothing else.
<$list filter='[tag[Plugins]]' template='HelloTemplate'></$list>
Which gives the list (look at HelloTemplate to see how the template is defined):
<$list filter='[tag[Plugins]]' template='HelloTemplate'></$list>
Note that since there is no linebreak in the template there are no linebreaks in the list.
!Templates used to display/transclude tiddlers
Templates can be used to display transcluded tiddlers using the syntax `{{TiddlerName||TemplateName}}`. So to display the tiddler containing my contact information from [[Contacts]] using the [[ContactDisplayTemplate]] you would use:
{{Jed Carty (inmysocks)||ContactDisplayTemplate}}
Which would display as:
{{Jed Carty (inmysocks)||ContactDisplayTemplate}}
!Templates used to make tiddlers
Another way to use a template is as a base when creating new tiddlers. For this use, create a tiddler that has all of the tags, fields and text that you want to have in the new tiddlers, and save that that tiddler. Then you can make a new tiddler like described in [[Make a button to create new tiddlers from a template]] and the new tiddlers created this wall will all have the tags, fields, etc of the template.
The tiddler [[TiddlerTopicTemplate]] is an example of this sort of template, and you can create a new tiddler using that template with the following code:
<$button message="tm-new-tiddler" param="TiddlerTopicTemplate">New Tiddler</$button>
Which will render as (click the button to see how it works):
<$button message="tm-new-tiddler" param="TiddlerTopicTemplate">New Tiddler</$button>
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
I am not anticipating anything serious
!!Italicized text:
//Woo! look at me//
displays as
//Woo! look at me//
!!Bold text
''Bold text here''
displays as
''Bold text here''
!!Underlined text
displays as
Text can be made ^^superscript^^
displays as
Text can be made ^^superscript^^
But ,,subscripts,, think they are better
displays as
But ,,subscripts,, think they are better
!!Strike through
~~strikethrough text wonders why it is last~~
displays as
~~strikethrough text wonders why it is last~~
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
This macro is listed in GeneralMacros.
Maybe we should change what the button looks like. Underlined text or something may be better.
This is used to put a button that when pressed displays or hides text.
<<textSlider label "text to display">>
Which gives:
<<textSlider label "text to display">>
You can have a label with spaces if you put quotes around it like this:
<<textSlider "multiword label" "text to display">>
<<textSlider "multiword label" "text to display">>
The code for this macro is:
\define textSlider(label text)
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/$label$" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/$label$" setTo="show">$label$</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/$label$" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/$label$" setTo="hide">$label$</$button>
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
I think I should just put a reveal widget to hide it unless the fields are empty.
The field `caption` has some special properties.
The `caption` field will:
*Override the tiddler name in the [[table of contents|Formatting the table of contents]]
*Other stuff?
but I can replicate it now.
Almost every tiddler has a `created` field that can be referenced using the syntax `{{tiddlerTitle!!created}}`. The title of the `currentTiddler` can be referenced by `{{!!created}}`. The view or transclude widgets can also be used.
The code:
*{{The Title Field!!created}}
*<$view field='created'/>
*<$transclude field='created'/>
Will display as:
*{{The Title Field!!created}}
*<$view field='created'/>
*<$transclude field='created'/>
This can be useful in template tiddlers used with the list widget. Each item in the list will have the variable `currentTiddler` set to the current item on the list, so if you have `{{!!created}}` in the template used by the list it will display the date that tiddler was created in that entry in the list.
Note that the output of the view widget is different from that of the other methods, this is because of differences in how the view and transclude widgets display their output.
The `footer` field is used by modal wizards. By default the window will have a button at the bottom to close the window, but this will be over written by the content of the `footer` field if it exists. You should remember that if you have anything in the `footer` field than close button won't appear unless you include it.
The `footer` field can support transclusions and other wikitext.
Tobias and Jeremy brought up the very good point that this shouldn't be implemented the way that it is because unconditionally triggering actions in lists can cause infinite loops and the like.
Changing this isn't really a bad thing since this started out as a way I can be a bit lazy and avoid some set widgets using filters and macro combinations. That isn't really what it has been used for so a large overhaul would be good.
And maybe a name change to make the function more obvious. Something like set-fields but that isn't very good either.
Make this into an action widget. Let it take a filter to set the target tiddlers and a data tiddler to set the mapping from the sourcefield to the storefield.
Or not an action widget, but something like now, but take the filter as an input instead of putting it inside a list.
Let the action-setfield widget take a filter or data tiddler (or both?) as an input (so like in [[link-fields Widget - Set Multiple Fields Using Select (Data Tiddler Version)]]).
<$link-fields $sourcetiddler=sourceTiddler $sourcefield=sourceField $storetiddler=storeTiddler $storefield=storeField (field_name1=tiddlerName1 field_name2=tiddlerName2 ...)/>
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$sourcetiddler |The title of the tiddler containing the value source value, defaults to `<<currentTiddler>>` |
|$sourcefield |The name of the field containing the source value |
|$sourceindex |The index of a property in a data tiddler holding the source value ($sourcefield takes precedence over $sourceindex if both are present) |
|$storetiddler |The tiddler that contains the field whose value will match the source field or source index |
|$storefield |The field in the store tiddler whose value will be set to match that of the source field/index |
|$storeindex |The index of the store tiddler whose value will be set to match that of the source field/index. ($storefield takes precedence over $storeindex if both are present) |
|Any field=tiddler pair not starting with `$` |Links the given field of the given tiddler to the source field in the source tiddler, so whenever the source field changes the given field changes with it. This only works with fields, not indexes. |
<$list filter='[tag[The link-fields Widget]]'>
<$macrocall $name=tiddlerSlider tiddlerName=<<currentTiddler>>/>
They don't at the moment because they were really wide on my desktop. This isn't a good reason.
Almost every tiddler has a `modified` field that can be referenced using the syntax `{{tiddlerTitle!!modified}}`. The title of the `currentTiddler` can be referenced by `{{!!modified}}`. The view or transclude widgets can also be used.
The code:
*{{The Title Field!!modified}}
*<$view field='modified'/>
*<$transclude field='modified'/>
Will display as:
*{{The Title Field!!modified}}
*<$view field='modified'/>
*<$transclude field='modified'/>
This can be useful in template tiddlers used with the list widget. Each item in the list will have the variable `currentTiddler` set to the current item on the list, so if you have `{{!!modified}}` in the template used by the list it will display the date that tiddler was last modified in that entry in the list.
Note that the output of the view widget is different from that of the other methods, this is because of differences in how the view and transclude widgets display their output.
The `subtitle` field is used by modal wizards. The content of the `subtitle` field is displayed as the title of the wizard.
Almost every tiddler has a `text` field (image tiddlers may not) that can be referenced using the syntax `{{tiddlerTitle!!text}}`. The title of the `currentTiddler` can be referenced by `{{!!text}}`. The view or transclude widgets can also be used.
The code:
<$tiddler tiddler='HelloTemplate'>
*<$view field='text'/>
*<$transclude field='text'/>
Will display as:
<$tiddler tiddler='HelloTemplate'>
*<$view field='text'/>
*<$transclude field='text'/>
This can be useful in template tiddlers used with the list widget. Each item in the list will have the variable `currentTiddler` set to the current item on the list, so if you have `{{!!text}}` in the template used by the list it will display the text of that entry in the list.
In the code the `tiddler` widget was used to set the value of `currentTiddler` to `HelloTemplate` because if you transclude the text of a tiddler in itself you can get recursion errors. And this tiddler has a lot of text so it would take a lot of space.
Every tiddler has a `title` field that can be referenced using the syntax `{{tiddlerTitle!!title}}`. The title of the `currentTiddler` can be referenced by `{{!!title}}`. The view or transclude widgets can also be used.
The code:
*{{The Title Field!!title}}
*<$view field='title'/>
*<$transclude field='title'/>
Will display as:
*{{The Title Field!!title}}
*<$view field='title'/>
*<$transclude field='title'/>
This can be useful in template tiddlers used with the list widget. Each item in the list will have the variable `currentTiddler` set to the current item on the list, so if you have `{{!!title}}` in the template used by the list it will display the title of that entry in the list.
I am not actually sure how to fix it.
I have made:
*[[Editions|My Editions]]
*[[Plugins|My Plugins]]
*[[Widgets|My Widgets]]
*[[Themes|My Themes]]
*[[Macros|My Macros]]
*[[Demo Sites|My Demo Sites]]
*[[Other Tweaks|My Other Tweaks]]
I have a searchable list of what I have made on my [[directory site|http://ooktech.com/jed/ExampleWikis/Directory.html]].
This is a list of things that I want to find ways to do. The import/export part is planned for a future release of TW so I am going to just wait for that.
*Being able to set multiple fields using the select widget - I put in a pull request for this, it isn't perfect but it would work.
*A widget like the reveal widget that is able to send messages (so you give it a state tiddler and when in the correct state instead of revealing content it sends a message or executes the action widgets it contains). This could be used to achieve the same result as having a select widget set multiple fields.
*~~Batch import and export of tiddlers (like being able to take all of the examples in this wiki and import them into another wiki)~~ This can mostly be done by using the same method as making a plugin (or swarm). I may try to make something that bundles tiddlers together based on the output of a filter.
*A way to make a recurring event on the to do list. (something that will show up every day/week/whatever, even if it was completed before)
*A way to make the table of contents that allows you to tag all sub entries under a heading with that heading, but still preserve the hierarchy for the table of contents. So you could tage the [[How to make macros]] tiddler with both [[Macros]] and [[Wiki Examples]] but only have it show up under [[Macros]] because [[Macros]] is already under [[Wiki Examples]]. This could be hard if a tiddler shows up under two other tiddlers with the same parent (some tiddlers are under both [[Macros]] and [[Wiki Widgets - buttons, filters, etc.]], and we want to keep that structure) so you can't just make the tags something like `Wiki Examples:Macros:How to make macros`.
*The `hoverBlurb` macro doesn't work when you use an alias in a wiki link (like `[[Examples|Wiki Examples]]` showing up as [[Examples|Wiki Examples]], the macro won't work with that.) I think we can fix this by using the `$link` widget in the macro.
*A way to make the dashboard display contacts using the template when they are selected on the side bar of the dashboard.
*Add to or change the button in the upper left so that it can change more settings than just the tiddler width, like the font size, etc. It is much easier to do that way and you don't have to worry about accidently making the wiki unusable by setting font size or tiddler width to 0.
*The add citations button will remove any tags from a tiddler if a subject is added with the same name as the tiddler title. I need to prevent this by adding the a tag instead of setting the tags field.
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
''This list is in desperate need of updates, so sorry about that. I will get to it at some point.''
__Note: To update anything here just import it again and you will copy over the old version.__
Just click and drag the following links to your wiki to import them, a list will pop showing the tiddlers you are going to import, then just press the `import` button. You may have to reload the wiki for the plugins to start working, but you only need to do that once after you import them.
For the `Change Tiddler Width` button in the top left corner. This is just a button that opens up what I think is a nicer interface to change the width of tiddlers. It makes switching between different devices go smoother. See [[Change Tiddler Width Button]] for how to import it.
The [[Dashboard]] is a simple unified interface for many of the things I use tiddlywiki for. You can see You can just import the section you want and create your own interface if you don't want to use the dashboard. If you do that I would like to hear how you are using it and what your choice of interface is so that I can improve things here. Email me at inmysocks (at) gmail (dot) com
The macro that makes the stuff at the bottom of the tiddlers work (see [[BottomOfTiddler Macro]]):
<<fa "fa-star fa-spin">> [[Font Awesome|Using Font Awesome]] <<fa fa-flag>> Font awesome is a font that lets you use many different SVG icons. <<fa fa-home>> You should read the page here on it and check out the linked pages for plugin information and more documentation. <<fa fa-heart>> The macros here are described in [[Using Font Awesome]] and are just shortcuts for adding icons. <<fa fa-smile-o>>
Plugin: [[$:/fonts/FontAwesome]]<br>
Macros: FontAwesomeMacro
The [[RandVal Plugin]] (for some reason just importing this plugin tiddler isn't importing everything, you may have to import the tiddlers individually. Click on the plugin name below and import the listed tiddlers.) This plugin adds the widget action-randval that generates a random number in a set range and stores it in a field. See the plugin page for more detail.
KaTeX plugin - [[lets you do LaTeX typesetting in the wiki|Adding LaTeX Equations]]
General Macros - macros that do other stuff. Currently contains: [[TextSlider Macro]], [[TiddlerSlider Macro]], and some other stuff
The HoverWidget to make mouseover popup things work
Macros that implement other hover actions, these require the HoverWidget, so import that also. (currently the [[hoverData|Make data from a dictionary tiddler appear when you hover over something]], [[hoverBlurb|Make a tiddlers blurb popup when you hover over a link]], [[hoverTiddler|Make one tiddler popup when you hover over a link to another tiddler]] , and [[hoverImageBlurb|Make an image tiddlers blurb field show up like a tooltip]] macros are included.)
If you like the spinning prinny than you can import the image
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
So after some surprisingly patient explanations from people in the google group in [[this thread|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/tiddlywiki/Itt-_P-k-Og]] it turns out that while some of the problems listed here exist they aren't nearly as important as I thought. All that is required is some explanation of what is from the core tiddlywiki, what is from plugins and what is wiki content. There are still some fuzzy areas but that will only be a problem if there are plugins with non-BSD-style licenses that limit the use of modified code.
As a single page application used for content creation and distribution TiddlyWiki fits into an area that isn't explicitly addressed by any of the software licenses I have seen. The content of tiddlers should, in my opinion, be considered separate from the tiddlywiki core, and plugins should be considered separate entities from either the content of the wiki or the core itself. Unfortunately while this sounds nice in theory, in practice it raises questions without obvious answers.
Unlink other content creation tools, like photoshop or any of the various word processors, the content created by the user and the program itself are distinct entities but for tiddlywiki, because everything is a tiddler, user created content is contained in a single html file (unless it is run under node), the distinction between wiki content, plugins, and the core is hard do define in a precise way because of the many possible edge cases. If you use a plugin and then overwrite one of the shadow tiddlers in the plugin does the overwritten tiddler become part of the wiki content or is it still part of the plugin? The same applies to the core. It seems obvious that if you are changing the settings used by a plugin and the settings are stored in a shadow tiddler than the overwritten tiddler containing these settings is still part of the plugin, but in the case of the core it doesn't make sense for the content of the tiddlers $:/SiteTitle and $:/SiteSubtitle to be considered part of the core as opposed to wiki content.
This may be able to be resolved in a similar way as the linking exemption allowed under some forms of the GPL for software libraries, but there are people that argue about the validity of those exemptions and they have a much more clearly defined separation between the components with a GPL license and those without.
We might be able to say that plugins (including the core), defined as the collection of unmodified shadow tiddlers, are each distinct entities as far as licensing is concerned and make sure to include a clause in the licenses used that handles the cases where these shadow tiddlers are modified. How this is going to be distinct from a derivative work I don't know. Maybe any modifications to the shadow tiddlers that doesn't alter the fundamental use of the plugin, like changing settings tiddlers, can fit under one clause and derivative works can be defined as repacking the plugin with changes. Or possibly any changes that are made using tools supplied by the plugin itself are in one category and changes that require manually editing are another case.
Then any other tiddlers are considered wiki content and can be handled by a separate license.
So each plugin would be able to have its own license, where the plugin license handles the case of modified shadow tiddlers, and wiki content can have it's own license.
This still leaves some holes, like the situation where a non-shadow tiddler can modify the behavior of a plugin using things like css. Or if a plugin uses the `$:/RawMarkup` tag does the html generated by it fall under the plugin license or the TiddlyWiki license?
While these problems are probably not going to be a big deal for the code side of TiddlyWiki as currently it looks like most people creating code for TiddlyWiki want the code to be free, this may become a problem when people start using TiddlyWiki to create content that they then sell or use commercially in some other way.
| Set Font Size | Set Line Height |h
|<$radio tiddler='$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/bodyfontsize' field='text' value='24px'> 24</$radio> |<$radio tiddler='$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/bodylineheight' field='text' value='30px'> 30</$radio>|
|<$radio tiddler='$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/bodyfontsize' field='text' value='18px'> 18</$radio>|<$radio tiddler='$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/bodylineheight' field='text' value='24px'> 24</$radio>|
|<$radio tiddler='$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/bodyfontsize' field='text' value='15px'> 15</$radio>|<$radio tiddler='$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/bodylineheight' field='text' value='22px'> 22</$radio>|
|<$radio tiddler='$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/bodyfontsize' field='text' value='12px'> 12</$radio>|<$radio tiddler='$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/bodylineheight' field='text' value='18px'> 18</$radio>|
|<$radio tiddler='$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/bodyfontsize' field='text' value='8px'> 8</$radio> |<$radio tiddler='$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/bodylineheight' field='text' value='14px'> 14</$radio>|
\define yetAgain()
<$reveal type='match' state='Tiddler Breadcrumbs Template!!use_apex_tag' text='true'>
<$reveal type='match' state='!!title' text={{Tiddler Breadcrumbs Template!!apex_tag}}>
<$link to=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$view field='title'/>
<$list filter=<<Extra>> emptyMessage=''>
... >
<$list filter="""$(End)$""">
<$link to=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$view field='title'/>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='Tiddler Breadcrumbs Template!!use_apex_tag' text='true'>
<$link to=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$view field='title'/>
<$list filter=<<Extra>> emptyMessage=''>
.. >
<$list filter="""$(End)$""">
<$link to=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$view field='title'/>
\define again()
<$list filter=<<First>>>
\define finalFilter()
<$set name=First filter="""$(TheFilter)$ +[last[]]""">
<$set name=End filter="""$(TheFilter)$ +[butlast[]] +[butfirst[]] +[first{Tiddler Breadcrumbs Template!!length_limit}] +[reverse[]]""">
<$set name=Extra filter="""$(TheFilter)$ +[butlast[]] +[butfirst[]] +[butfirst{Tiddler Breadcrumbs Template!!length_limit}] +[limit[1]]""" emptyValue='[is[system]!is[system]]'>
\define breadcrumbsEmptyMessage()
<$set name=TheFilter filter="""$(TheFilter)$ [<CurrentTag>]"""><<breadcrumbs>></$set>
\define breadcrumbs()
<$list filter='[<CurrentTag>tags[]] -[[$:/tags/SideBar]]' variable=CurrentTag emptyMessage=<<finalFilter>>>
<$list filter="""$(TheFilter)$ +[field:title<CurrentTag>]""" emptyMessage=<<breadcrumbsEmptyMessage>>>
<div style='width:100%'>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/Global/ShowBreadcrumbs' text=true>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set='$:/state/Global/ShowBreadcrumbs' setTo='true'>
{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}} Breadcrumbs:
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Global/ShowBreadcrumbs' text=true>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set='$:/state/Global/ShowBreadcrumbs' setTo='false'>
{{$:/core/images/down-arrow}} Breadcrumbs:
<$set name=CurrentTag value={{!!title}}>
<$set name=TheFilter filter='[is[current]]'>
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
<<tabs "TiddlerWidthSettings [[Tiddler Title Font Settings]] [[Tiddler Body Font Settings]]" TiddlerWidthSettings '$:/state/settingstab' 'tc-vertical'>>
| Set Font Size | Set Line Height |h
|<$radio tiddler='$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/fontsize' field='text' value='24px'> 24</$radio> |<$radio tiddler='$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/lineheight' field='text' value='30px'> 30</$radio>|
|<$radio tiddler='$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/fontsize' field='text' value='18px'> 18</$radio>|<$radio tiddler='$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/lineheight' field='text' value='24px'> 24</$radio>|
|<$radio tiddler='$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/fontsize' field='text' value='14px'> 14</$radio>|<$radio tiddler='$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/lineheight' field='text' value='20px'> 20</$radio>|
|<$radio tiddler='$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/fontsize' field='text' value='12px'> 12</$radio>|<$radio tiddler='$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/lineheight' field='text' value='18px'> 18</$radio>|
|<$radio tiddler='$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/fontsize' field='text' value='8px'> 8</$radio> |<$radio tiddler='$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/lineheight' field='text' value='14px'> 14</$radio>|
<$list filter='[all[]][is[system]][is[shadow]][plugintiddlers[]]-[[$:/library/sjcl.js]] -[[$:/boot/bootprefix.js]] -[[$:/boot/boot.js]] -[[$:/boot/boot.css]] -[[$:/core]] -[[$:/isEncrypted]] -[[$:/themes/tiddlywiki/snowwhite]] -[[$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla]] -[[$:/temp/info-plugin]] -[[$:/StoryList]] -[[$:/HistoryList]] -[[$:/state/tab/sidebar--1835078512]] -[[$:/state/tab/moresidebar-401116514]] -[[$:/Acknowledgements]] -[[$:/AdvancedSearch]] -[[$:/ControlPanel]] -[[$:/DefaultTiddlers]] -[[$:/SiteSubtitle]] -[[$:/SiteTitle]] -[[$:/TagManager]] -[[$:/config/AnimationDuration]] -[[$:/config/AutoSave]] -[[$:/config/BitmapEditor/Colour]] -[[$:/config/BitmapEditor/LineWidth]] -[[$:/config/EditTemplateFields/Visibility/bag]] -[[$:/config/EditTemplateFields/Visibility/created]] -[[$:/config/EditTemplateFields/Visibility/creator]] -[[$:/config/EditTemplateFields/Visibility/draft.of]] -[[$:/config/EditTemplateFields/Visibility/draft.title]] -[[$:/config/EditTemplateFields/Visibility/modified]] -[[$:/config/EditTemplateFields/Visibility/modifier]] -[[$:/config/EditTemplateFields/Visibility/revision]] -[[$:/config/EditTemplateFields/Visibility/tags]] -[[$:/config/EditTemplateFields/Visibility/text]] -[[$:/config/EditTemplateFields/Visibility/title]] -[[$:/config/EditTemplateFields/Visibility/type]] -[[$:/config/EditorTypeMappings/image/gif]] -[[$:/config/EditorTypeMappings/image/jpeg]] -[[$:/config/EditorTypeMappings/image/jpg]] -[[$:/config/EditorTypeMappings/image/png]] -[[$:/config/EditorTypeMappings/image/x-icon]] -[[$:/config/EditorTypeMappings/text/vnd.tiddlywiki]] -[[$:/config/Navigation/UpdateAddressBar]] -[[$:/config/Navigation/UpdateHistory]] -[[$:/config/NewJournal/Tags]] -[[$:/config/NewJournal/Title]] -[[$:/config/PageControlButtons/Visibility/$:/core/ui/Buttons/advanced-search]] -[[$:/config/PageControlButtons/Visibility/$:/core/ui/Buttons/close-all]] 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-[[$:/language/Search/Standard/Matches]] -[[$:/language/Search/System/Caption]] -[[$:/language/Search/System/Hint]] -[[$:/language/Search/System/Matches]] -[[$:/language/SideBar/All/Caption]] -[[$:/language/SideBar/Contents/Caption]] -[[$:/language/SideBar/Drafts/Caption]] -[[$:/language/SideBar/Missing/Caption]] -[[$:/language/SideBar/More/Caption]] -[[$:/language/SideBar/Open/Caption]] -[[$:/language/SideBar/Orphans/Caption]] -[[$:/language/SideBar/Recent/Caption]] -[[$:/language/SideBar/Shadows/Caption]] -[[$:/language/SideBar/System/Caption]] -[[$:/language/SideBar/Tags/Caption]] -[[$:/language/SideBar/Tags/Untagged/Caption]] -[[$:/language/SideBar/Tools/Caption]] -[[$:/language/SideBar/Types/Caption]] -[[$:/language/SystemTiddler/Tooltip]] -[[$:/language/TagManager/Colour/Heading]] -[[$:/language/TagManager/Icon/Heading]] -[[$:/language/TagManager/Info/Heading]] -[[$:/language/TagManager/Tag/Heading]] -[[$:/language/TiddlerInfo/Advanced/Caption]] -[[$:/language/TiddlerInfo/Advanced/PluginInfo/Empty/Hint]] -[[$:/language/TiddlerInfo/Advanced/PluginInfo/Heading]] -[[$:/language/TiddlerInfo/Advanced/PluginInfo/Hint]] -[[$:/language/TiddlerInfo/Advanced/ShadowInfo/Heading]] -[[$:/language/TiddlerInfo/Advanced/ShadowInfo/NotShadow/Hint]] -[[$:/language/TiddlerInfo/Advanced/ShadowInfo/OverriddenShadow/Hint]] -[[$:/language/TiddlerInfo/Advanced/ShadowInfo/Shadow/Hint]] -[[$:/language/TiddlerInfo/Advanced/ShadowInfo/Shadow/Source]] -[[$:/language/TiddlerInfo/Fields/Caption]] -[[$:/language/TiddlerInfo/List/Caption]] -[[$:/language/TiddlerInfo/List/Empty]] -[[$:/language/TiddlerInfo/Listed/Caption]] -[[$:/language/TiddlerInfo/Listed/Empty]] -[[$:/language/TiddlerInfo/References/Caption]] -[[$:/language/TiddlerInfo/References/Empty]] -[[$:/language/TiddlerInfo/Tagging/Caption]] -[[$:/language/TiddlerInfo/Tagging/Empty]] -[[$:/language/TiddlerInfo/Tools/Caption]] -[[$:/language/UnsavedChangesWarning]] -[[$:/languages/en-GB]] -[[$:/languages/en-GB/icon]] -[[$:/palette]] -[[$:/palettes/Blanca]] -[[$:/palettes/Blue]] -[[$:/palettes/Contrast]] -[[$:/palettes/Muted]] -[[$:/palettes/Rocker]] -[[$:/palettes/Vanilla]] -[[$:/snippets/allfields]] -[[$:/snippets/currpalettepreview]] -[[$:/snippets/download-wiki-button]] -[[$:/snippets/languageswitcher]] -[[$:/snippets/minilanguageswitcher]] -[[$:/snippets/minithemeswitcher]] -[[$:/snippets/modules]] -[[$:/snippets/paletteeditor]] -[[$:/snippets/palettepreview]] -[[$:/snippets/paletteswitcher]] -[[$:/snippets/themeswitcher]] -[[$:/snippets/viewswitcher]] -[[$:/tags/AdvancedSearch]] -[[$:/tags/ControlPanel]] -[[$:/tags/ControlPanel/Info]] -[[$:/tags/EditTemplate]] -[[$:/tags/EditToolbar]] -[[$:/tags/MoreSideBar]] -[[$:/tags/PageControls]] -[[$:/tags/PageTemplate]] -[[$:/tags/SideBar]] -[[$:/tags/TiddlerInfo]] -[[$:/tags/TiddlerInfo/Advanced]] -[[$:/tags/ViewTemplate]] -[[$:/tags/ViewToolbar]] -[[$:/temp/advancedsearch]] -[[$:/temp/search]] -[[$:/themes/tiddlywiki/snowwhite/base]] -[[$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/base]] -[[$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/bodyfontsize]] -[[$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/bodylineheight]] -[[$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/fontsize]] -[[$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/lineheight]] -[[$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/sidebarbreakpoint]] -[[$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/storyleft]] -[[$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/storyright]] -[[$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/storytop]] -[[$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/storywidth]] -[[$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/tiddlerwidth]] -[[$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/reset]] -[[$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/settings/fontfamily]] -[[$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/themetweaks]] -[[$:/view]] -[[GettingStarted]]'>
<$list filter='[all[]]-[[$:/library/sjcl.js]] -[[$:/boot/bootprefix.js]] -[[$:/boot/boot.js]] -[[$:/boot/boot.css]] -[[$:/core]] -[[$:/isEncrypted]] -[[$:/themes/tiddlywiki/snowwhite]] -[[$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla]] -[[$:/temp/info-plugin]] -[[$:/StoryList]] -[[$:/HistoryList]]'>
The following tiddlers are needed for the Citation Library:
*[[Citation Library]]
*[[Add Citation]]
Or as a plugin:
These tiddlers are needed to make the [[Contacts]] tiddler function:
*[[Contacts]] - The main tiddler
*[[New Contact Form]] - The input form used to add new contacts
*[[Contacts Settings]] - The tiddler that displays the settings options
*[[GeneralMacros]] - Some slider macros used
*[[ContactsMacros]] - Macros specific to the contacts tiddlers
*[[Contact Group Selector]] - a tiddler used in the [[New Contacts Form]]
*[[ContactDisplayTemplate1]] - The main display template for contacts
*[[ContactDisplayTemplate1 Settings]] - The settings tiddler for Contact Display Template 1
*[[SimpleContactDisplayTemplate]] - A barebones display template
*[[GroupContactListTemplate]] - The template for displaying the contacts split into groups
*[[GroupContactListGroupTemplate]] - The template for how individual groups are handled when using GroupContactListTemplate
*[[GroupContactListTemplate Settings]] - The settings tiddler for how the grouping list works
*[[SimpleContactListTemplate]] - a simple list template for contacts
*[[ContactTemp]] - A temporary tiddler used when adding new contacts
*[[How to make new display templates for contacts]] - not strictly needed, but it has instructions for making new templates
Not necessary but probably useful for new users:
*[[Example Contact (Alias)]]
*[[Example Group]]
These tiddlers are needed for the [[Create or Edit Tiddlers]] tiddler to work.
*[[Create or Edit Tiddlers]]
*[[New Tiddler Form]]
*[[Edit Tiddler Form]]
Or as a plugin:
I would like to thank Stephan Hradek for his help teaching me how to make the dictionary searchable in this thread https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/TiddlyWiki/4XTKPnZLEMg
*[[Dictionary]] - the main tiddler
*[[$:/data/Dictionary]] - where the data is stored
or the plugin:
The following tiddlers are needed for the [[Manage Table of Contents]] tiddler to work.
*[[Manage Table of Contents]]
Or as a plugin:
*[[Quick Notes]] - main display tiddler
*[[Write Quick Note]] - the note creation part
*[[Note List]] - the editable/searchable list of notes
or the plugin, with all the same thing as above where it won't show up in the dashboard on pre-6.1.6 wikis without stuff.:
The following tiddlers are needed for the To-Do list on the dashboard to function properly:
*[[Upgraded Task List]]
*[[Task List]]
*[[Task List Settings]]
Or as a plugin:
if you want to export the tiddlers needed to create and modify the cards without getting all the plugin cards use this filter in the advanced search:
[tag[Plugin twCard]!prefix[twCard - Plugin - ]]
To get all tiddlers including the plugin cards use this filter:
[tag[Plugin twCard]]
Non-plugin info tiddlers:
<$list filter='[tag[Plugin twCard]!prefix[twCard - Plugin - ]]'>
All tiddlers:
<$list filter='[[Plugin twCard]tagging[]][[Plugin twCard]]'>
To create tabs inside a single tiddler you use this code
<<tabs "[[GettingStarted]] [[What to do]] [[Help]]" "[[Help]]">>
Which displays as
<<tabs "[[GettingStarted]] [[What to do]] [[Help]]" "[[Help]]">>
Each tab shows the contents of a tiddler, the first 3 thing are the names of the tiddlers that are displayed in each tab, you can add more than 3. The last one in the default tab, so when you open the tiddler that tab is being displayed.
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
This macro makes a button that when pressed displays a tiddler, and when pressed again hides the tiddler.
<<tiddlerSlider [[What to do]]>>
<<tiddlerSlider "What to do">>
The code for this macro is:
\define tiddlerSlider(tiddlerName)
<$tiddler tiddler="$tiddlerName$">
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/$tiddlerName$" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/$tiddlerName$" setTo="show">Show <<currentTiddler>></$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/$tiddlerName$" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/$tiddlerName$" setTo="hide">Hide <<currentTiddler>></$button>
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
| Set Tiddler Width | What looks good |h
|<$radio tiddler='$:/settings/apperance/TiddlerWidthSettings' field='width_option' value='sixth'> 1500px</$radio>| Looks good on a 24" monitor |
|<$radio tiddler='$:/settings/apperance/TiddlerWidthSettings' field='width_option' value='fifth'> 1200px</$radio>| |
|<$radio tiddler='$:/settings/apperance/TiddlerWidthSettings' field='width_option' value='fourth'> 1000px</$radio>| Looks good on a 17" monitor |
|<$radio tiddler='$:/settings/apperance/TiddlerWidthSettings' field='width_option' value='third'> 900px</$radio>| Looks good on a 10" tablet |
|<$radio tiddler='$:/settings/apperance/TiddlerWidthSettings' field='width_option' value='second'> 770px</$radio>| tiddlywiki.com default |
|<$radio tiddler='$:/settings/apperance/TiddlerWidthSettings' field='width_option' value='first'> 700px</$radio>| |
The thing you are looking at is a TiddlyWiki. See more at http://www.tiddlywiki.com.
This is a place holder.
TiddlyWiki on its own is a reasonable blogging application. There are some definite drawbacks to using tiddlywiki for social networking that need to be worked out before it can really be a viable alternative to the Facebook-type networks.
To see my site where I have these things implemented [[go here|http://ooktech.com/jed/externalbrain/#Twitter%20Integration]].
Things that can't be done yet:
#Comments on or responses to posts
#Being able to search a blog using an external search engine (like google). TiddlyWiki is a single html file that is generated using javascript, so there isn't much for the search engine to index.
#Posting to or getting posts from other services (twitter and facebook have apis for this, we just need to make something that uses them.) ''I can post to twitter using their buttons.''
Almost everything else that normal blogging sites allow you to do can be done in TiddlyWiki using what is currently available, and you can do significantly more than most blogging sites without knowing how to code.
I have started experimenting using google forms embedded in iframes as a way to allow comments. The comments aren't posted to the site, and I don't know if there is a way to automatically generate the from when you make a post, so it may not be a workable solution.
I think that for external search engines creating static html pages for each post and having those pages list the permalink for the post on the tiddlywiki may work well. Pretty much exactly what [[http://tiddlywiki.com]] does. I don't know if they have an automated process for it or not.
The [[ATOM feed plugin|https://github.com/dullroar/TW5-atomfeed]] may also be useful.
[[IndieWeb|http://indiewebcamp.com/]] would be a good alternative to reinventing the wheel when it comes to distributed social networking.
I think that with a few modifications TiddlyWiki could very easily be used as part of the [[indeweb|http://indiewebcamp.com/]], if you have a domain of your own to host your wiki than all you are lacking to be finished with level 2 using the [[IndieMark|http://indiewebcamp.com/IndieMark]] scale is external search integration and implementing [[POSSE|http://indiewebcamp.com/POSSE]].
I think that integration with twitter may be my next real project for [[my other site|http://ooktech.com/jed/externalbrain]], and then the POSSE part will at least be started. Facebook and twitter may play together well so getting twitter to work may allow easy integration with facebook. Google+ doesn't have any posting api, they have been saying it will be available 'soon' for over a year.
!What I have implemented so far:
*View different post types
**Normal posts/article-type posts
**Short posts (twitter-like, but I tend to go on a bit longer than 140 characters)
**Image posts
*Create different post types (this are really only distinguished by content and templates, there isn't a built in limit on what content goes where)
*Different search/archive types:
**Searchable archives - this is the built in tiddlywiki search
**Archives ordered by date - display the posts like the normal blog view, but you pick the dates
**Calendar Archives - Automatically create the calendar month display and populate each day with posts for that day. Clicking on a day will open a tiddler for that day that lists the different posts grouped by post type (the tiddler is created if it doesn't exist).
*Each post can have its own template if you want
*Blog posts can all have tags (I need to add a tag search for the blog posts)
*Some basic twitter integration using [[a plugin|$:/plugins/inmysocks/Twitter]]
**I have improved this so you can post to twitter when making another post, and depending on the post time either put the entire thing on twitter (if it is short enough) or just the title and summary with a link.
**The ~TwitterShareTiddlerButton macro that adds a button to share the permalink to the current tiddler, just put `<<TwitterShareTiddlerButton>>` in a tiddler and it will create the button.
!I am working on comment systems
*[[DISQUS|https://disqus.com/]] - Runs on a third party server and has a free version - It looks like Disqus works to a limited degree. It appears to only allow one comment thread per url, so since the wiki is a singe page there could only be one comment thread. It also has some trouble refreshing JavaScript, so the tiddler with the comments must be open when the page is loaded. If it is closed and reopened the comments will not appear.
*[[Muut|https://muut.com/]] - Runs on a third party server and has a free version - works better this Disqus in that you can set which comment thread to display in a tiddler, but it has the same problems with javascript not refreshing when a tiddler is opened.
*[[Discourse|http://www.discourse.org/faq/]] - Open source, can run on your own server or a paid third party server - It may work with tiddlywiki, but it requires your own external hosting and looks like it is mainly forum stuff. I haven't tried it yet.
*[[Isso|http://posativ.org/isso/]] - could be good, looking into it.
*[[IntenseDebate|http://intensedebate.com/features]] - could be good, looking into it.
Website: http://zorklike.tiddlyspot.com/
This list is mainly tiddlywiki 5 wikis. I may add a section for tiddlywiki classic at some point but I doubt it. (see [[I have too many projects]])
If for some reason you don't want to be listed here let me know. (but why would you have a publicaly available wiki and then object to it being public? Either way, I will remove the listing if you ask.) If you have a wiki and want it listed let me know, either through the [[feedback form|User Feedback]] on this site or [[over on my other site|http://ooktech.com/jed/externalbrain/#Who%20is%20this%20inmysocks%20guy%3F]]. If you go through the trouble of asking to be listed I will probably give you more than just an entry on this list.
This is a very incomplete list of some other tiddlywikis. My wikis aren't included here, if you want to see them go [[here|Other Wikis I Have]]. I am going to just add a link to every one I find here and depending on time I will try to add some information about them as well. Since it is pretty much just going to be a link dump I am not making any sort of statement about quality, usefulness or anything else about them, just that they are publicly available tiddlywikis. Many of these deserve more attention than I am giving them, and many are practically empty. Like I said, I am not making any statement about quality or content by putting them in this list.
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
This is a list of all the topics covered on this site, click on a tag pill to see a list of tiddlers matching that topic:
<$set name=TheField value=topics_tags>
<$list filter='[tags:topics_tags[]]'>
I think this is because it isn't ignoring the subcategory or subsubcategory correctly when one has been selected for another category and not cleared.
In order to include the content of one tiddler in another use
{{Dashes in WikiText}}
which displays the content of [[Dashes in WikiText]] between the double [[Horizontal Rules]] included to show where the included tiddler starts and ends, so you only need `{{Dashes in WikiText}}` to show the tiddler.
{{Dashes in WikiText}}
This has many other uses, I will add more as I figure them out.
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
!''This plugin requires tiddlywiki 5 version 5.1.8-prerelease or newer to work. On any older version it will probably not work.''
Since this wiki isn't using the prerelease it doesn't have the plugin installed, you can get the plugin and see a simple example [[here|http://ooktech.com/jed/ExampleWikis/TriggerActions/]].
This plugin has two parts which will probably be split into separate plugins at some point.
!Trigger Actions
This is a [[daemon|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daemon_%28computing%29]] that works in the background and listens for changes to a set of tiddlers, if one of those tiddlers changes than a list of actions is performed.
How to use the trigger actions functions:
#''Set the expression tiddler filter'' - The plugin adds a tab to the [[$:/ControlPanel]] called `Trigger Actions Settings`, on this tab you can define a filter and each tiddler returned by this filter is considered an expression tiddler. The default filter is `[tag[$:/tags/Trigger]]`, so any tiddler tagged with `$:/tags/Trigger` will be an expression tiddler.
#''Create an expression tiddler'' - Simply create a tiddler with whatever name you want and give it and tag it with `$:/tags/Trigger` or whatever you have chosen using the filter in the first step.
#''Define the expressions for each expression tiddler'' - Each expression tiddler is displayed using a custom view template that has 5 input fields:
#* A checkbox labeled 'Set as active', if this isn't checked than the actions listed in the tiddler won't ever trigger. You should have this unchecked while editing the parameters.
#* A text field labeled 'Listen Filter'. Enter a filter here and tiddlers retuned by this filter will trigger the actions defined in whenever the any of the returned tiddlers are changed. This only happens if the 'Set as active' checkbox is checked.
#* A text field labeled 'Action Filter'. The filter entered here will define the tiddlers to be acted upon. This means that each of the defined actions will be executed with the currentTiddler variable set to each one of the tiddlers returned by this filter in turn.
#* A text field labeled 'Name'. This field requires a valid field name, which means it can contain lower case letters, numbers, and the characters `-` and `_`.
#* A text field labeled 'Action' this field takes an action widget expression.
Once both the Name and Action fields are filled in click the `Add` button and the action will be listed at the bottom of the tiddler. Multiple actions can be added and the actions in the list can be edited if desired. Only one action widget is allowed per action added, anything other than an action widget will be ignored, if there are multiple action widgets listed only the first one will be executed.
When a change is detected in any of the tiddlers returned by the listen filter than the process will iterate through each tiddler returned by the action filter. In each of the tiddlers returned by the action filter, each of the action widgets listed in the expression tiddler will be triggered. Here 'in each of the tiddlers' means that the currentTiddler variable is set to each tiddler in turn. So the action widget expression `<$action-setfield $field=foo $value=bar/>` would set the foo field to bar in each one of the tiddlers returned by the action filter.
''Note:'' To prevent infinite update loops no tiddler that triggers an action can be modified by the trigger actions daemon. If you find a way to violate this please let me know so I can fix it, if this behaviour is allowed than it can cause infinite updating loops which can do terrible things.
!Startup Actions
This is a process that is triggered during the startup sequence of the wiki, and the actions defined are executed each time the wiki is loaded. The actions allowed in the startup actions can be significantly more complex than in the trigger actions part. This is because the trigger acitons expressions are triggered each time there is a change and strict limits on what can be done are required to prevent infinite loops, while the startup actions happen only once and won't cause the same sort of problems if they aren't well thought out.
Triggering startup actions is simpler than the trigger actions daemon:
Any tiddler that has the tag `$:/tags/StartupAction` will be triggered on startup. This means that any action widgets listed will be invoked. Because there are fewer restrictions on the startup actions some more complex behavior can also be used, such as using reveal widgets to conditionally trigger action widgets. The two examples I have for the moment are [[shamelessly stolen from Jeremy||https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1438]]:
Change the palette if the vanilla theme was selected:
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/theme" text="$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/">
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/palette" $value="$:/_myFunkyPalette"/>
Display a license agreement modal if the user hasn't already agreed:
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/_hasAgreedLicense" text="yes">
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-modal" $param="$:/_myLicenseAgreement"/>
This tiddler tells the community search to include my icon menus wiki.
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
''Things I will hopefully add at some point''
*I would like to add a modified select widget that can change multiple fields at the same time.
*Maybe also let the select widget trigger action widgets or send messages.
*Change the link-field widget so it can use a data tiddler to set different values in each field. Sort of done, but I want to be able to give it a data tiddler as input instead of having to list the indicies.
*Make an action widget version of the link-fields widget so that it can be used to reset fields in a reasonable way. The [[update fields on button press|link-fields Widget - Update link-fields on a Button Press]] example does this, but in a rather roundabout way.
*Other stuff?
Readme: [[$:/plugins/inmysocks/TW5Utils/readme]]
Tiddler to import for the plugin: [[$:/plugins/inmysocks/TW5Utils]]
Github: https://github.com/inmysocks/TW5-TW5Utils
Currently this plugin contains:
*[[The link-fields Widget]] - a widget that creates a durable link between a source field and a store field.
**This widget can be used to [[set all of the fields in a specific tiddler or tiddlers to a specific value|link-fields Widget - Iterate Over Fields]] (or set of values [[using fields|link-fields Widget - Set Multiple Fields Using Select]] or [[using data tiddlers|link-fields Widget - Set Multiple Fields Using Select (Data Tiddler Version)]] )
**This widget can be used to set lists of fields or data tiddler indexes from filter expressions
**This widget can be used to [[make a selectt widget set multiple fields|link-fields Widget - Set Multiple Fields Using Select]], to the same or separate values
**All functions can be set to be either triggered on the source field changing (the default behaviour), or [[on a button press|link-fields Widget - Update link-fields on a Button Press]]
!The link-fields Widget
<<tiddlerSlider 'The link-fields Widget'>>
A plugin to make a searchable database of bookmarks
A widget and some macros to allow you to make calendars in your wiki
This plugin adds a macro that creates task lists with collapsible categories
A plugin for the Dashboard that add a citations tracker
A contacts database designed to work with the Dashboard
This widget looks for a word inside a tiddler and shows the result with the searched word highlighted with some of its context.
A simple form that can be filled out to create or edit tiddlers
A consistent interface to use with my dashboard plugins
This widget adds the ability to encrypt your tiddlers individually. This have several advantages:
* You can specify a different password for each tiddler if you want.
* You don't have to encrypt your whole wiky.
* If you forget your password, you only lose a tiddler.
* It's possible to edit the tiddler content , tags and fields ''except the encrypt field'' after encryption. Decrypting your tiddler will restore it to its original state when you encrypted it. This way you can hide the encrypted tiddlers as a "different" thing.
* You can even encrypt images.
* You can have sensible data in a day to day wiky.
* I didn't try this, but theoretically you can apply double encryption by encrypting your wiki too.
A plugin that adds some extra filter operators to tiddlywiki
A plugin that adds the ability to use the font awesome icons in your wiki.
The [[IfTid Widget|$:/plugins/matabele/iftid]] traps [[WidgetMessage: tw-if-tiddler|Widget Messaging in the Stack]] dispatched within its child content by performing this action:
* dispatching a widget message if the specified tiddler (or a specified field of the specified tiddler) exists
* sending a different widget message if the tiddler (or field) does not exist
The widget is used to test for the existence of a tiddler (or field) and to send different widget messages based upon the existence of this tiddler (or field.)
The IfTref Widget traps WidgetMessage: tw-if-tref dispatched within its child content by performing this action:
*dispatching a widget message if there is a match between the value of a TextReference and a specified value
*sending a different widget message if there is no match
The widget is used to test for the value of a TextReference and to send different widget messages based upon whether this value matches the value specified by the 'value=' attribute.
The [[Leaflet maps|$:/plugins/sycom/leaflet]] plugin is an attempt to integrate the [[leaflet|http://leafletjs.com/]] library in TiddlyWiki in order to display geographical purpose tiddlers. An internet connection is needed to work properly since it loads the map backgrounds from the web.
The MakeList Widget traps WidgetMessage: tw-make-list dispatched within its child content by performing any or all of these actions:
*setting the value of a TextReference to the output of a filter expression
*setting a new value for the target tiddler
*passing on or sending a different widget message
The widget may be used to set the value of a field to a list of titles selected with the specified filter expression.
The MakeTid Widget traps WidgetMessage: tw-new-tiddler dispatched within its child content by performing any or all of these actions:
setting the title for the new tiddler
setting the tags for the new tiddler
specifying the template for the new tiddler
controlling navigation to the new tiddler
setting the value for the target tiddler
passing on a different widget message
When used with a prepared template, any number of place holders of the form $(placeholder)$ anywhere within the template will be replaced during creation, with values defined by enclosing set widgets.
A tool for rearranging a table of contents in TiddlyWiki5
The MangleTags Widget traps WidgetMessage: tw-mangle-tags dispatched within its child content by performing any or all of these actions:
appending a tag to the tags field
finding and removing a tag from the tags field
finding and replacing a tag from the tags field
setting a new value for the target tiddler
passing on or sending a different widget message
The widget may be used in a stack to manipulate several tags, either in the same target tiddler or in different target tiddlers (the title of the target is passed up through the stack by default.)
MathyThing is a plugin that adds some math functions to TiddlyWiki5. There are widgets to perform sums and products, as well as modified count widgets that store the output value instead of displaying it. One of the modified count widgets updates whenever the count changes, the other widget is an action-widget that only updates on button presses. The plugin also contains a widget that will increment a numeric field of a tiddler by a specified amount.
The sum and product widgets can be thought of as vector operations, where the filter builds a vector of tiddler fields and you take the sum or product of each element of the vector in the case of sumfield and prodfield, and in sumfield2 and prodfield2 are equivalent to multiplying two vectors together element by element.
I tried to come up with a way to use both normal math notation and the powerful filter operators of TiddlyWiki, but I was unable to come up with a good way to do so.
This widget converts a conventional widget message into an action. Specifically I used this in combination with a keyboard widget to open up all Title matches in the standard search upon pressing 'Enter'.
A simple task list with minimal features
Yes, a plugin to pack tiddlers as plugins. This is a a beta test for early adopt. There is not very good documentation because it was for personal use. But I think that some other people could find it useful.
If you don't know what is this for, the you don't need it.
A simple note pad for tiddlywiki5
A plugin that adds a random number generator to a wiki. It is designed to mimic the behavior of dice, but it isn't limited to only that application. It allows the user to set a lower bound, an upper bound, a step size and the number of random numbers to sum for the output and a field in which to store the output. This is an action widget so the random number generation is trigged by a keypress.
A plugin that adds an html range slider input
An editable and searchable dictionary for tiddlywiki 5
The SetField Widget traps WidgetMessage: tw-set-field dispatched within its child content by performing any or all of these actions:
*setting the value of a TextReference
*setting a new value for the target tiddler
*passing on or sending a different widget message
The widget may be used in a stack to set several fields, either in the same target tiddler or in different target tiddlers (the title of the target is passed up through the stack by default.)
This plugin allows you to refine searches using tags. It's possible to search without any tag and the opposite, using just tags as filter.
A configurable task list for TiddlyWiki5
Tiddlyclip (TC) allows parts of webpages to be clipped into a tiddlywiki (TW), and consists of two parts, the browser Addon and the TW plugin. The Addon is completely memoryless, any configuration is determined by the current TW that the user has select to work with (we say that the Addon is docked to the TW). TC is designed to work (in a basic mode) without configuration. Once the Addon and plugin are installed, all the user has to do is select which TW to dock to.
Some utility plugins I made for TW5. This is in early development and shouldn't be used yet.
\define thisMakeMaintainerField()
\define thisMakeCategoryField()
\define thisMakeList()
<$list filter='[$(CategoryEntry)$$(MaintainerEntry)$tag[Plugin twCard]has[category]sort[category]each[category]]'>
<$set name=currentCategory value={{!!category}}>
<$list filter='[$(MaintainerEntry)$tag[Plugin twCard]category<currentCategory>regexp[(?i)$(SearchString)$]limit[1]]'>
<tr><th>{{!!category}} Plugins</th><th></th><th></th><th></th><th></th><th></th></tr>
<tr><th>Name</th><th>Version</th><th>Date (DD-MM-YYYY)</th><th>Maintainer</th><th>Description</th><th>Wiki</th></tr>
<$list filter='[$(MaintainerEntry)$tag[Plugin twCard]category<currentCategory>sort[title]regexp[(?i)$(SearchString)$]]' template=PluginTWcardDisplayTemplate>
Select maintainer: <$select field='maintainer'>
<option value=''>All</option>
<$list filter='[!is[current]tag[Plugin twCard]each[maintainer]get[maintainer]sort[title]]-[[twCard Listing - Plugins]]' variable=ThisMaintainer>
<option value=<<thisMakeMaintainerField>>><$view tiddler=<<ThisMaintainer>> field='title'/></option>
Select category: <$select field='category'>
<option value=''>All</option>
<$list filter='[!is[current]tag[Plugin twCard]each[category]get[category]sort[title]]-[[twCard Listing - Plugins]]' variable=ThisCategory>
<option value=<<thisMakeCategoryField>>><$view tiddler=<<ThisCategory>> field='title'/></option>
Search by title:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/twCard Listing - Plugins/Title Search' field='search_string' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
<$set name=MaintainerEntry value={{!!maintainer}}>
<$set name=CategoryEntry value={{!!category}}>
<$set name=SearchString value={{$:/temp/twCard Listing - Plugins/Title Search!!search_string}}>
This is the plan for what I am making, it isn't finished yet. Depending on how deveopment goes it could be ready in a few days or next year. Hopefully it will only be a few days.
!How it works
''Note:'' There is no security on this in terms of who can see what. Assume that anything you put on a twederated wiki is public and can be easily viewed. Because it can be. I am working on some ideas for how to change this but I am going to get the initial things working first.
This is all just an example. It is going to be set up so if you don't want to use twederation.tiddlyspot.com you can set up your own federation and have nothing to do with us. You could connect directly to another persons wiki and not involve anyone else if you wish.
This doesn't need to be hosted on tiddlyspot.com. You can use other hosting options and may even be able to host it on dropbox. There should be instructions for different hosting options on twederation.tiddlyspot.com in the future.
All of the code and instructions for how to set everything up will be available as I make them. If you have any questions just ask.
!!Initial Setup
#Edwina decides they want to join the TWederation
#Edwina gets a tiddlyspot
#Edwina installs the twederation plugins
#Edwina uses the form provided in the twederation plugin to add her tiddlyspot site to the twederation listing
#*The form submits data to a google form which stores the data in a google sheet. This is then retrieved by the maintainer of twederation.tiddlyspot.com and the new listing is added to the site.
#*The form also populates the fields of the twCard for Edwinas site.
#*Now that it is listed Edwina can update the info for her site on her own site by using the twCard editing tool and the information will be updated on twederation.tiddlyspot.com the next time the maintainer checks for updates. Checking for updates will be a mostly automated process (there will be a button that will check for updates and pull any new or updated twCards as needed). This update process will only be saved if the maintainer of twederation.tiddlyspot.com saves the wiki afterward, but the process of fetching the new data could be triggered by anyone who uses the site (but the data will only be in their browser, not saved). This way someone can look for new connections even if the maintainer isn't available.
!!First global message
#Edwina makes a message on her wiki (using the tools that come with the plugin) that is addressed to twederation.tiddlyspot.com saying 'Hello TWederation! I just joined!' and then saves her wiki.
#The maintainer of twederation.tiddlyspot.com runs the update process and the message from Edwina is pulled from her wiki and posted to the main wall on twederation.tiddlyspot.com
#*Someone other than the maintainer can fetch the messages (so they don't have to wait for the maintainer), but only the maintainer will be able to save the messages to the twederation.tiddlyspot.com wiki.
!!Connecting to other people
#Edwina wants to connect with Mert who is also listed on twederation.tiddlyspot.com
#Edwina uses the tools from the plugin to pull Mert's twCard from twederation.tiddlyspot.com
#Edwina adds Mert's wiki to her list of sources using the tools from the plugin
#Edwina writes a message requesting to connect to Mert and addresses it to both twederation.tiddlyspot.com and Mert using their respective twCards
#Edwina saves her wiki
#The maintainer of twederation.tiddlyspot.com does an autoupdate, the message from Edwina is saved to the wiki
#Mert opens his wiki and checks for new messages, since he has twederation.tiddlyspot.com listed as a source he sees that there is a message for him on that wiki
#Mert pulls the message from twederation.tiddlyspot.com and decides to connect to Edwina.
#*To do this he pulls Edwina's twCard from twederation.tiddlyspot.com (''or from her site, but it will be easier to go through twederation.tiddlyspot.com'') and adds her wiki to his list of sources.
#Now Edwina and Mert can send messages to each other by just addressing the message directly and twederation.tiddlyspot.com doesn't have to be involved at all.
!!First non-global message
#Edwina wants to send a message to Mert they have already gone through the process above to exchange twCards
#Edwina writes her message to Mert and addresses it using his twCard
#Edwina saves her wiki
#Mert opens his wiki and checks for messages. Since he has Edwina's wiki listed as a source it is automatically checked
#Mert pulls the new message from Edwina's wiki onto his own so he can read it.
!Things I need to make
#A widget to bundle and unbundle tiddlers (finished)
#A widget to fetch tiddlers or bundles from other wikis (finished)
#A widget to submit google forms information. This is only for bootstrapping the initial connection. It could also be used to leave comments if a person doesn't have their own wiki. (already completed)
#A widget to pull the data from google sheets. This is the other part for bootstrapping the initial connection. Or for the comments stuff. (in progress, mostly working)
#A bunch of templates and stuff to make using this easy (in progress)
This is used over at [[my other site|http://ooktech.com/jed/externalbrain]] if you wish to see it working.
''There is something weird going on where the script isn't being used if it is in the plugin. So if you are going to use this import [[$:/plugins/inmysocks/Twitter/TwitterJavaScript]] by itself then import the plugin. If you start getting a lot of javascript errors open [[$:/plugins/inmysocks/Twitter/TwitterJavaScript]] to edit it (on your site) and then save it without changing anything save your wiki and reload. That should let you use it, I don't know why this happens, I will look into it.''
Plugin tiddler: [[$:/plugins/inmysocks/Twitter]]
How to use it:
Import the plugin into your wiki by dragging and dropping the above link into your wiki.
Reload your wiki, this may take more than just using the wikis refresh button, you may have to close the wiki completely and reopen it.
There is a macro called `TwitterShareTiddlerButton` that will create a share button to share the permalink to the current tiddler, you just need to put `<<TwitterShareTiddlerButton>>` in a tiddler to get <<TwitterShareTiddlerButton>>. For this wiki since the site title is so long it completely fills the tweet. I will look into doing something about that.
Then in whatever tiddler you want add the code for one of the buttons described on [[twitters page|https://dev.twitter.com/web/tweet-button]].
You can also [[display widgets, like time lines,|https://twitter.com/settings/widgets]] on a wiki.
''Note:'' You only want the code that is starts `<a class=` and ends with `</a>`, you don't need any of the code between the script tags, the plugin takes care of that part. So for a basic share button you only need to put `<a class="twitter-share-button" href="https://twitter.com/share">Tweet</a>` into your wiki. It gives you this: <a class="twitter-share-button" href="https://twitter.com/share">Tweet</a>
''Also note:'' Some things, like opening a new tab in a tiddler that has tabs, may not trigger the update. If the widgets don't display properly try opening an unrelated tiddler and closing it again, that should trigger the update that will render everything. ''I think this is fixed now''
You can [[see an example here|http://ooktech.com/jed/externalbrain/#Twitter%20Integration]].
<h2>''How do I make these reveal widgets stop breaking my table/select/other stuff??''</h2>
You have two options:
If it is somewhere like a table that has a tag associated with it, and you only need to use the tag with no other input, you can put a `tag=foo` option in the reveal widget. So in a table if you want a cell (`td`) to be visible controlled by the reveal widget you would have something like:
`<$reveal type='match' state=<<someState>> text=<<someText>> tag=td>(content)</$reveal>`
If that won't work because you need to have something special with the tag, like `<option value=foo>` or something, than you can use a list widget instead like this:
`<$list filter='[<someState>text<someText>]'>(content)</$list>`
this works in every case I have come across where a reveal widget breaks things. If your state is the field of a tiddler than you can use a filter in the form `[[tiddlername]fieldname[text]]` to replace a match type reveal, or `[[tiddlername]!fieldname[text]]` for a nomatch type reveal.
<h2>''How can I use something like `{{!!title}}` and make it show up as a link?''</h2>
You use `<$link to={{!!title}}><$view field='title'/></$link>` which gives <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field='title'/></$link><br>
If you use `{{!!title}}` you get {{!!title}}<br>
You can use `<$link to={{!!title}}>{{!!title}}</$link>`, but in some cases that gives strange results.
<h2>''In lists, tiddlers with titles that have both spaces and CamelCase display strangely when I use a template. How do I fix this?''</h2>
You use `<$link to={{!!title}}><$view field='title'/></$link>` in your list or template.
Without the fix:
<$list filter='[[Some Tiddler with ACamelCaseWord]]'>
<$link to={{!!title}}>{{!!title}}</$link> - <$view field='modified'/>
<$list filter='[[Some Tiddler with ACamelCaseWord]]'>
<$link to={{!!title}}>{{!!title}}</$link> - <$view field='modified'/>
With the fix:
<$list filter='[[Some Tiddler with ACamelCaseWord]]'>
<$link to={{!!title}}><$view field='title'/></$link> - <$view field='modified'/>
<$list filter='[[Some Tiddler with ACamelCaseWord]]'>
<$link to={{!!title}}><$view field='title'/></$link> - <$view field='modified'/>
<h2>''Useful built in classes''</h2>
*`tc-popup-keep` - this class, when added to a popup, will keep the popup open when you click inside of it and close the popup when you cilck outside of it. This is different from the default of closing whenever you click anywhere.
*`tc-btn-invisible` - make a button without the button image
\define pluginInfoTiddlerName()
twCard - Plugin - $(pluginName)$
\define thisAddWidgetsThing()
<$fieldmangler tiddler={{$:/state/UpdatePlugintwCard}}>
<$button>Add Widget
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param="""widget-$(widgetTag)$"""/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/UpdatePlugintwCard/temp' $field=add_widget $value=''/>
\define thisAddTiddlersThing()
<$fieldmangler tiddler={{$:/state/UpdatePlugintwCard}}>
<$button>Add Other Tiddler
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param="""tiddler-$(tiddlerTag)$"""/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/UpdatePlugintwCard/temp' $field=add_tiddler $value=''/>
\define thisRemoveWidgetThing()
<$fieldmangler tiddler="""$(currentPlugintwCard)$""">
<$button>Remove Widget
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-tag' $param="""widget-$(widgetTag)$"""/>
\define thisRemoveTiddlerThing()
<$fieldmangler tiddler="""$(currentPlugintwCard)$""">
<$button>Remove Tiddler
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-tag' $param="""tiddler-$(tiddlerTag)$"""/>
\define currentPlugintwCardName() """$(currentPlugintwCard)$"""
Enter Plugin Information Here:
Plugin Name: <$select tiddler='$:/state/UpdatePlugintwCard'>
<$list filter='[tag[Plugin twCard]sort[title]]'>
<$set name=thisTid value=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$list filter='[<currentTiddler>get[title]]+[removeprefix[twCard - Plugin - ]]'>
<option value=<<thisTid>>><$view field='title'/></option>
<$list filter='[[$:/state/UpdatePlugintwCard]get[text]]' variable=currentPlugintwCard>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<currentPlugintwCardName>>>
Long Description:
<$edit-text tiddler={{$:/state/UpdatePlugintwCard}} field=text class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
<$set name=widgetTag value={{$:/temp/UpdatePlugintwCard/temp!!add_widget}}>
<<thisAddWidgetsThing>></$set> : <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/UpdatePlugintwCard/temp' field='add_widget'/><br>
<$set name=tiddlerTag value={{$:/temp/UpdatePlugintwCard/temp!!add_tiddler}}>
<<thisAddTiddlersThing>></$set> : <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/UpdatePlugintwCard/temp' field='add_tiddler'/>
<tr><th>Widget List</th></tr>
<$list filter='[<currentPlugintwCard>tags[]]+[removeprefix[widget-]]'>
<$set name=widgetTag value=<<currentTiddler>>>
<tr><th>Other Tiddler List</th></tr>
<$list filter='[<currentPlugintwCard>tags[]]+[removeprefix[tiddler-]]'>
<$set name=tiddlerTag value=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$list filter='[[Plugin Info Template]fields[]sort[title]]-[[text]]-[[modified]]-[[created]]-[[tags]]-[[title]]'>
<tr><td><<currentTiddler>></td><td><$edit-text tiddler=<<currentPlugintwCard>> field=<<currentTiddler>> class='tc-edit-texteditor' size=70/></td></tr>
Now that 5.1.8 has come out we can actually put it out for general use.
\define makeCitationText()
<$list filter='[[$(subjectsTiddler)$]indexes[]]'>
<li><$view field='title'/></li>
<$view tiddler="""$(abstractTiddler)$""" field='text'/>
\define thisMakeBibtexTiddler()
\define thisMakeAbstractTiddler()
\define thisMakeSubjectTiddler()
\define getBibTex()
<$macrocall $name=monoSpacedCodeBlock src={{$(bibTexTiddler)$}}/>
<$select tiddler='$:/state/UpgradeCitation/selectedtiddler'>
<$list filter='[tag[Citations]has[subject]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<$tiddler tiddler={{$:/state/UpgradeCitation/selectedtiddler}}>
<$set name=currentTitle value=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$set name=bibTexTiddler value=<<thisMakeBibtexTiddler>>>
<$set name=subjectsTiddler value=<<thisMakeSubjectTiddler>>>
<$set name=bibTex value=<<getBibTex>>>
<$set name=abstractTiddler value=<<thisMakeAbstractTiddler>>>
<$action-setfield bibtex_tiddler=<<thisMakeBibtexTiddler>> abstract_tiddler=<<thisMakeAbstractTiddler>> subject_tiddler=<<thisMakeSubjectTiddler>>/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<thisMakeSubjectTiddler>> $index={{!!subject}} $value=1/>
<$action-setfield text=<<makeCitationText>>/>
Put a short list at the top of what to do
Maybe this time it will have the features that get me to keep using it.
Remove the checkbox to mark a task as finished, and possibly take the remove task button out. I could use this for listing plugins and stuff. I am sure I will find other uses as well.
The main thing is resetting the TOC state. I am not sure if there is much more to worry about.
<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1btNNHk0CbdT3hPVJ8N7oF63gha57QXki1dPDooS65tQ/viewform?embedded=true" width="760" height="500" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">Loading...</iframe>
To improve organization in the tiddlywiki universe I think that people who make reference wikis, plugins, demo sites or for some other reason have multiple wikis should create a directory of everything that they have made. This will replicate some of what is on the community search, but it can also be used for smaller demos and projects that for whatever reason aren't listed in the community search. I have a dedicated wiki for this, but even just a listing in your main wiki would be helpful for mapping out the resources that exist for tiddlywiki.
If you do make a directory site you should use the [[follow url feature|http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/#FollowUrlFeature]] of the community search wiki so that your directory site is also indexed.
I think that an interesting project would be using [[tiddlymap|http://tiddlymap.org/]] to create a visualization of the different public tiddlywikis.
You can import the plugin from this wiki with this link [[$:/fonts/FontAwesome]] but it would probably be better to go to [[this site|http://tobibeer.github.io/tw/fa/#GettingStarted]] to make sure you get the newest version of the font plugin.
The macros that I use are available for import here: FontAwesomeMacro
A list of available icons is here http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/icons/
HTML examples: http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/examples/
!Using the font:
There are two ways to use the font, using html (more flexible) or the macros (easier and faster)
You can stack attributes, so you can have a 2x sized icon that spins.
!!Basic use:
*html - `<i class="fa fa-at"></i>` for <i class="fa fa-at"></i>
*macro - `<<fa fa-at>>` for <<fa fa-at>>
!!Changing the size of the icon:
*Using normal html:
**Normal size `<i class="fa fa-at"></i>` for <i class="fa fa-at"></i>
**Large size `<i class="fa fa-at fa-lg"></i>` for <i class="fa fa-at fa-lg"></i>
**2x size `<i class="fa fa-at fa-2x"></i>` for <i class="fa fa-at fa-2x"></i>
**3x size `<i class="fa fa-at fa-3x"></i>` for <i class="fa fa-at fa-3x"></i>
**4x size `<i class="fa fa-at fa-4x"></i>` for <i class="fa fa-at fa-4x"></i>
**5x size `<i class="fa fa-at fa-5x"></i>` for <i class="fa fa-at fa-5x"></i>
*Using one of the macros
**Normal size `<<fa fa-at>>` for <<fa fa-at>>
**Large size `<<falg fa-at>>` for <<falg fa-at>>
**2xsize `<<fa2x fa-at>>` for <<fa2x fa-at>>
**3xsize `<<fa3x fa-at>>` for <<fa3x fa-at>>
**4xsize `<<fa4x fa-at>>` for <<fa4x fa-at>>
**5xsize `<<fa5x fa-at>>` for <<fa5x fa-at>>
!!Using fixed-width icons
*Html - `<i class="fa fa-at fa-fw"></i>` for <i class="fa fa-at fa-fw"></i>
*Macro - `<<fafw fa-at>>` for <<fafw fa-at>>
!!Mixing things
You can mix things together to get multiple effects, here is a 2x sized @ symbol spinning:
*html - `<i class="fa fa-at fa-spin fa-2x"></i>` for <i class="fa fa-at fa-spin fa-2x"></i>
*Macro - `<<fa "fa-at fa-spin fa-2x">>` for <<fa "fa-at fa-spin fa-2x">>
**Remember to put the options inside quotes or it won't work.
There is more you can do, including:
*Replace bullets on lists
*Stack icons
*Add borders
*Make icons spin
*Rotate or flip icons
For how to do these things look at the font awesome documentation: http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/examples/
Where you change the `fa-at` part to the name of the icon you want. Icons and names are listed here: http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/icons/
!Using the macro
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
This shouldn't be too hard. It is mostly done with the startup actions plugin, but it would work well with the category lists and calendar plugins.
Here are the currently available utility plugins I have made with their version numbers and date published.
<tr><th>Name</th><th>Version</th><th>Date</th><th>Release</th><th>Description</th><th>Install Link</th></tr>
<$list filter='[tag[Plugin twCard]maintainer[inmysocks]category[Utility]]' template=PlugintwCardDisplayTemplate2>
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
\define topic(description, timecode)
<$macrocall $name="youtube-link" video={{$:/.rich/data/videos##$(hangout)$}} time="$timecode$"/> <<sep>> $description$
\define thisGetName()
$(tidName)$ - $(timeStamp)$
\define thisGetTags()
$(tidName)$ Hangouts
\define thisMakeURL()
\define thisGetYoutubeID()
<$set name=youtubeid value={{$:/.rich/data/videos##$(selectedVideo)$}}>
''I can't take much credit for most of this, I am ~~mostly stealing~~ heavily borrowing from Rich Shumaker and Astrid Elocson in this thread https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/tiddlywiki/5FugIFRgYLs''
!Look below for version 2 (broken) and version 3 (working)
For taking notes on the video embedded below, fill out the timestamp field in the HH:MM:SS form and then enter a description. Click `Add Timestamp` and it will be added to the list. The dropdown menu selects between the currently available videos. To add a video click on the `Add Video` button and give the video a name and enter the ~YouTube video id, then the video will be available in the dropdown menu. You can add tags to each timestamp. The list of available tags is created slightly differently than most tags, each tiddler that can be used as a tag here has a field `video_tag` set to `true`, this is so that you can use existing tiddlers as tags and create new tags without messing anything up. The list of tags isn't cleared when you make a new timestamp so that you can have a list of tags that are shared by multiple successive timestamps without having to readd all of them.
Things to add:
*An option for the displayed video to jump to the time when the link in each timestamp is clicked.
*An option to remove tags from the potential video tags list
*(Possibly) If/when data tiddlers get upgraded to be able to deal with multi-level json data convert this so that it uses a data tiddler instead of creating a new tiddler for each timestamp. This may be a bad idea if people want to be able to put more extensive notes in a timestamp.
*Is there a way to automatically get the timestamp from a paused video? Because that would be awesome.
*probably some other stuff
<$macrocall $name=embed hangout={{!!selected_video}}/>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/videotimestampreveal' text='show'>
<$select field='selected_video'>
<$list filter='[[$:/.rich/data/videos]indexes[]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
<$button set='$:/state/videotimestampreveal' setTo='show'>New Video</$button>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/videotimestampreveal' text='show'>
~YouTube ID:<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/videotimestame' field='youtubeid' placeholder='YouTube ID'/><br>
Video Name:<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/videotimestame' field='vidname' placeholder='Video Name'/><br>
<$button>Add Video
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/.rich/data/videos' $index={{$:/temp/videotimestame!!vidname}} $value={{$:/temp/videotimestame!!youtubeid}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/videotimestame' vidname='' youtubeid=''/>
<$button set='$:/state/videotimestampreveal' setTo='noshow'>Done</$button>
Timestamp:<br><$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/videotimestame' field='timestamp' size=40 placeholder='hh:mm:ss' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/><br>
Description:<br><$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/videotimestame' field='description' class='tc-edit-texteditor' placeholder='Description for Timestamp' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/><br>
Tags (it will always be tagged with the name of the video by default):<br>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/videotag!!add_or_create_tag' text='create'>
New Tag: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/videotag' field='tag_temp' placeholder='New Tag'/><$fieldmangler tiddler='$:/state/videotag'>
<$button>Create Tag
<$action-setfield $tiddler={{$:/state/videotag!!tag_temp}} $field='video_tag' $value='true'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/videotag' $field='tag_temp' $value=''/>
</$fieldmangler><$button set='$:/state/videotag!!add_or_create_tag' setTo='nocreate'>Done</$button><br>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/videotag!!add_or_create_tag' text='create'>
Tag to add:
<$select tiddler='$:/state/videotag' field='selected_tag'>
<$list filter='[video_tag[true]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
<$fieldmangler tiddler='$:/temp/videotimestame'>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param={{$:/state/videotag!!selected_tag}}/>Add Tag
</$button><$button set='$:/state/videotag!!add_or_create_tag' setTo='create'>New Tag</$button>
List of current tags:<br>
<$fieldmangler tiddler='$:/temp/videotimestame'>
<$list filter='[[$:/temp/videotimestame]tags[]]'><$view field='title'/> <$button>Remove Tag<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-tag' $param=<<currentTiddler>>/></$button><br> </$list>
<$set name=tidName value={{!!selected_video}}>
<$set name=timeStamp value={{$:/temp/videotimestame!!timestamp}}>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<thisGetName>>>
<$button>Add Timestamp
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/videotimestame' title=<<thisGetName>>/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/videotimestame' timestamp='' link='' description=''/>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param=<<tidName>>/>
<$list filter='[tag<tidName>sort[timestamp]]'>
<$set name=hangout value={{Video timestamp test!!selected_video}}>
<$macrocall $name=topic timecode={{!!timestamp}} description={{!!description}}/><br>
!!Version 2
This uses the same video selection as the one above but does it all using only the core wiki. Later we can see about adding in the option to input time in hh:mm:ss form. The big question is why can't I use the `<a>` html tag with it? Or even set a field to the value.
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/test' field=hours size='2'/><$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/test' field=minutes size='2'/><$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/test' field=seconds size='2'/>
<$set name=selectedVideo value={{!!selected_video}}>
<$set name=hours value={{$:/temp/test!!hours}}>
<$set name=minutes value={{$:/temp/test!!minutes}}>
<$set name=seconds value={{$:/temp/test!!seconds}}>
Without using `<a>`: <<thisGetYoutubeID>>
<a href=<<thisGetYoutubeID>>>Using `<a>`</a>
!!Version 3
{{Video Timestamp Version 3}}
\define topic(description, timecode)
<$macrocall $name="youtube-link" video={{$:/.rich/data/videos##$(hangout)$}} time="$timecode$"/> <<sep>> $description$
\define thisGetName()
$(tidName)$ - $(timeStamp)$
\define thisGetTags()
$(tidName)$ Hangouts
\define thisMakeURL()
\define thisGetYoutubeID()
<$set name=youtubeid value={{$:/.rich/data/videos##$(selectedVideo)$}}>
\define thisGetYoutubeID2()
<$set name=youtubeid value=$(somethingHere)$>
\define thisTestAgain()
<a href=<<thisGetYoutubeID>>>Link</a>
\define thisTestAgain2()
!Version 1
<$select field='selected_video'>
<$list filter='[[$:/.rich/data/videos]indexes[]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/test' field=hours size='2'/><$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/test' field=minutes size='2'/><$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/test' field=seconds size='2'/>
<$set name=selectedVideo value={{!!selected_video}}>
<$set name=hours value={{$:/temp/test!!hours}}>
<$set name=minutes value={{$:/temp/test!!minutes}}>
<$set name=seconds value={{$:/temp/test!!seconds}}>
!Version 2
<$select field='selected_video'>
<$list filter='[[$:/.rich/data/videos]indexes[]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/test' field=hours size='2'/><$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/test' field=minutes size='2'/><$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/test' field=seconds size='2'/>
<$set name=selectedVideo value={{!!selected_video}}>
<$set name=hours value={{$:/temp/test!!hours}}>
<$set name=minutes value={{$:/temp/test!!minutes}}>
<$set name=seconds value={{$:/temp/test!!seconds}}>
<$set name=somethingHere value={{$:/.rich/data/videos##58}}>
\define getAddress()
\define makeOption()
<$set name=optionValue value={{$:/.rich/data/videos##$(currentThing)$}}>
<option value=<<optionValue>>><$view field='title'/></option>
\define thisMakeURL()
\define thisMakeEmbedURL()
\define topic(description, timecode)
<$macrocall $name="youtube-link" video={{$:/.rich/data/videos##$(hangout)$}} time="$timecode$"/> <<sep>> $description$
''Setting the start and end times for the embedded video still doesn't work, other than that it works well enough.''
<$set name=startTime value={{$:/temp/test!!start}}>
<$set name=minutes value={{$:/temp/test!!end}}>
<$set name=youtubeid value={{!!test_field}}>
<iframe width='640' height='360' src=<<thisMakeEmbedURL>> frameborder='0' allowfullscreen></iframe>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/test' field=start size='2'/>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/test' field=end size='2'/>
<$select field='test_field'>
<$list filter='[[$:/.rich/data/videos]indexes[]]'>
<$set name=currentThing value=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/test' field=hours size='2'/><$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/test' field=minutes size='2'/><$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/test' field=seconds size='2'/>
<$set name=hours value={{$:/temp/test!!hours}}>
<$set name=minutes value={{$:/temp/test!!minutes}}>
<$set name=seconds value={{$:/temp/test!!seconds}}>
<$set name=youtubeid value={{!!test_field}}>
<a href=<<thisMakeURL>> target="_blank">Go to <<hours>>:<<minutes>>:<<seconds>></a><br>
<$button>Test Storing Link
<$action-setfield $field='test_field2' $value=<<thisMakeURL>>/>
Contents of test_field2: <$view field='test_field2'/>
If you happen to know ~JavaScript, or want to help create documentation or have ideas for improvements to [[tiddlywiki.com|http://tiddlywiki.com]] you can check out the [[TiddlyWiki GitHub page|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5]].
If you are feeling ambitious, you can create your own site on [[TiddlySpot|http://tiddlyspot.com]] ([[instructions|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Saving%20on%20TiddlySpot]]).
If you are feeling less ambitious but you have something neat to show off you can [[post to the google group|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/tiddlywiki]], or you can contact me to get it put up on this site (you will get full credit of course) through the [[feedback form|User Feedback]] on this site or go over to [[my other page|http://ooktech.com/jed/externalbrain/#Me]] which has various methods of contacting me.
If you like the things I do and want me to show some appreciation, leave some feedback somewhere, I like hearing that people are actually using this stuff.
You can also donate to the 'help jed eat and pay rent' fund using paypal or bitcoin (<<fa fa-bitcoin>>) on my other site [[here|http://ooktech.com/jed/externalbrain/#Donate]] (this goes to me specifically, not to ~TiddlyWiki development in general, although it will help me spend more time contributing to ~TiddlyWiki development. Also, in case it wasn't obvious from context, [[I am jed|About Me]]).
<!--<<fa fa-star>> ''I have a question!'' Some people (a whole 2 of them!) have asked about what new things I have been working on. Is there any actual interest in me setting up some sort of notification system? It would probably be using twitter because that is quick and easy. I would rather not spam my personal twitter feed with whatever I am playing with in tiddlywiki. If you want to answer you can use the [[user feedback form|User Feedback]] or [[the other ways to contact me|About Me]].-->
''If you can't see the entire tiddler'', or if you can't see the table of contents to the right you can click on the `Width/Font Size` button in the top right of the page to adjust the width so you can see everything. You can adjust the font and text spacing by clicking on the {{Menu Icon - Font Options}} button text to the change width button.
''If you want to get back to this view'', press the home button in the middle of the top bar or above the table of contents to the right to go back to the default tiddlers. it looks like this: {{$:/plugins/inmysocks/iconmenus/icon/Home}}.
''You can skip directly to [[Learning TiddlyWiki]]'' if you would like. Just be warned that like the rest of the site, it is a work in progress and is continually updated.
''There is also the [[Random List of Awesome Things]]'', a list of interesting TiddlyWiki things that other people have made. The list is randomly generated each time the wiki is loaded, so it should have different content every time you visit this site.
''The list below will help you figure out what you want to do'' if you don't know. The list gets updated pretty often, I add new things to the end of the list so you may need to scroll down to see them.
!Things I have made:
[[Searchable list of most of my things|http://ooktech.com/jed/ExampleWikis/Directory.html]].
From now on I am going to be using the [[Category Lists Plugin]] I made to both list things that I am planning on doing and as a change log. You can see it in the [[plans and change log|Change Log]]. Newest: [[Range Widget Plugin]], added ISBN field and custom user fields to the [[Library Tracker|http://inmysocks.tiddlyspot.com/#Dashboard%20Plugins]], see a demo on the [[Dashboard|$:/plugins/inmysocks/Dashboard/Dashboard]]
!Don't know what to do? Do you...
(click on a list item to get help with that item)
<li style='list-style-type:none'>
<<textSliderNoButton "''Need help using this site?''" "Click the black {{Menu Icon - Help}} icon in the top menu and it will open the help page any time.">>
<li style='list-style-type:none'>
<<textSliderNoButton "''Have questions/comments about the site?''" "Click on the {{Menu Icon - User Feedback}} icon next to the help button to go to the user feedback form. Your responses won't be public.">>
<li style='list-style-type:none'>
<<textSliderNoButton "''Have questions that aren't answered on this site?''" "Go to the [[TiddlyWiki google group|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/tiddlywiki]] and you can ask there.">>
<li style='list-style-type:none'>
<<textSliderNoButton "''Want things that work without having to know how to edit a ~TiddlyWik?''" "Check out the [[Dashboard|$:/plugins/inmysocks/Dashboard/Dashboard]] for the thing I currently have available. They can be installed on your wiki by going to [[Dashboard Plugins]]. Demo Wikis:
<ul><li>http://nolearningrequired-full.tiddlyspot.com/ - Everything that is currently available that uses my dashboard setup </li><li>http://nolearning-contactsdb.tiddlyspot.com/ - The contacts database by itself</li></ul>">>
<li style='list-style-type:none'>
<<textSliderNoButton "''Want to know how to navigate this wiki?''" "The [[Table of Contents|Contents]] tab to the right (or possibly above this if you have a smaller screen) has a table of contents. Using the table of contents is probably the easiest way to navigate this wiki.">>
<li style='list-style-type:none'>
<<textSliderNoButton "''Want to know where to start looking for examples?''" "Start by going through the [[Wiki Examples]] to get a feel for what is possible, also http://tiddlywiki.com/ uses a tiddlywiki and has other examples of how they can be used. You can also look at my [[other example wikis|Other Wikis I Have]].">>
<li style='list-style-type:none'>
<<textSliderNoButton "''Want to see a simple interactive fiction engine I made using ~TiddlyWiki?''" "Check out http://zorklike.tiddlyspot.com/">>
<li style='list-style-type:none'>
<<textSliderNoButton "''Want more resources for learning ~TiddlyWiki?''" "[[Other Places to Look]] lists other resources that have been very helpful for me when learning tiddlywiki. You can also look at the [[Bookmarks|$:/plugins/inmysocks/Bookmarks/Bookmarks]] on the [[Dashboard|$:/plugins/inmysocks/Dashboard/Dashboard]] for things tagged ~TiddlyWiki to get a long list of ~TiddlyWiki related links.">>
<li style='list-style-type:none'>
<<textSliderNoButton "''Want an important message you should remember when using ~TiddlyWiki?''" "BACK UP YOUR WIKI!! DO IT!! Make sure you make at least one backup of your wiki when you are editing it. There can be weirdness that makes you lose all of your data so having a backup will save lots of work. Make a folder wherever your wiki is called `backups` and make a copy of your wiki in that folder before you start editing it every time you are going to edit it. And after you have made any significant edits make a backup copy. ''This is important.'' When I make a backup I add the date to the end of the name, so like `WikiReferenceWiki092514` and keep multiple old copies. You should probably do the same thing.">>
<li style='list-style-type:none'>
<<textSliderNoButton "''Want to know how to get the top bar and left menu on your wiki?''" "Go check out the [[Icon Menus Plugin]] tiddler for more information. You can configure the menu in the `Icon Menu Settings` tab of the [[Control Panel|$:/ControlPanel]]. There is also a demo of the icon menus at http://ooktech.com/iconmenus/.">>
<li style='list-style-type:none'>
<<textSliderNoButton "''Want to see what has been recently changed on this wiki?''" "{{Recent Changes}}">>
<li style='list-style-type:none'>
<<textSliderNoButton "''Want to check if a you should update a plugin I made?''" "[[My Plugins]] has a list of my plugins and lists the current version and date it was updated, as well as the link to install it on your wiki.">>
<li style='list-style-type:none'>
<<textSliderNoButton "''Want to see a list of community pulgins?''" "[[Plugin twCard]] has a list of plugins and lists the current version and date it was updated along with a link to where it is available. This list is incomplete and some entries may be out of date. If you have a plugin you would like listed please email me or leave a comment using the feedback button in the upper left.">>
<li style='list-style-type:none'>
<<textSliderNoButton "''Want to see a list of other wikis I have made?''" "{{Other Wikis I Have}}">>
<li style='list-style-type:none'>
<<textSliderNoButton """''Want to see a list of currently unindexed questions and answers?''""" """[[Unindexed Miscellanea]]""">>
<li style='list-style-type:none'>
<<textSliderNoButton """''Want to see a list of the way too many projects I am currently working on?''""" """[[My List Of Way Too Many Projects]]""">>
<li style='list-style-type:none'>
<<textSliderNoButton """''Want to read my thoughts on the licensing issues surrounding creative works created using TiddlyWiki?''""" """[[Thoughts about TiddlyWiki and Licensing]]""">>
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
!When removing an item from a list used by the select widget
You probably want to set the value of the select widget (or where ever the state is) to another value on the list. Otherwise, despite a value being displayed on the widget, there will be no value stored and if there is only one item left one the list you can't actually set the value using the widget.
This code is used for removing a book from the book list in the [[Library Tracker]] as an example. It picks the first book that gets listed by the list widget and sets the value of the select widget to that book when a book is deleted.
<$set name=newBook filter='[tag[Book]]+[first[]]'>
<$button>Yes, delete {{Manage Books!!book_title}}.
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-delete-tiddler' $param={{Manage Books!!book_title}}/>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-close-tiddler'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='Manage Books' $field='book_title' $value=<<newBook>>/>
<$button>No<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-close-tiddler'/></$button>
Make sure that if you have a form input that adds an index to a data tiddler that you set it so that it can't try to add an empty string an an index. Otherwise it will overwrite the whole tiddler.
To avoid this you can use something like this code:
New Tag: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Bookmarks' field='tag_temp' placeholder='New Tag'/>
<$reveal type=nomatch state='$:/temp/Bookmarks!!tag_temp' text=''>
<$button>Create Tag
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/data/Bookmarks/BookmarkTags' $index={{$:/temp/Bookmarks!!tag_temp}} $value=1/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Bookmarks' $field='tag_temp' $value=''/>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/temp/Bookmarks!!tag_temp' text=''>
<$button>Create Tag</$button>
Where `{{$:/temp/Bookmarks!!tag_temp}}` is the name of the new index being added, this way if it is an empty string nothing happens and your data isn't lost, but the form looks consistent and doesn't have buttons appearing out of nowhere.
The widgets may not update if the tiddler that they are in isn't being rendered. This means that when you press a button that should make something happen it may not work. To avoid this problem you can make your state tiddler include the button that actually initiates the action and transclude the state tiddler, which should only have the button visible, where you want the button on your other (displayed) tiddler. This forces the state tiddler to render each time the button is pressed and will make everything update properly.
This is the code for the tiddler [[Dice Example]] which uses the MathyThing plugin and the RandVal plugin:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/diceexample' field='num_dice' size=2/> d <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/diceexample' field='dice_size' size=2/> x <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/diceexample' field='multiplier' size=2/> + <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/diceexample' field='bonus' size=2/> = {{$:/state/diceexample!!output2}}
<$prodfield2 filter='[[$:/state/diceexample]]' prodfield='die_roll' prodfield2='multiplier' storefield='output'/>
<$sumfield2 filter='[[$:/state/diceexample]]' sumfield='output' sumfield2='bonus' storefield='output2'/>
And [[$:/state/diceexample]] is:
<$button>Roll the Dice
<$action-randval $tiddler='$:/state/diceexample' $field='die_roll' $lower=1 $upper={{$:/state/diceexample!!dice_size}} $step=1 $numrolls={{$:/state/diceexample!!num_dice}}/>
Here is [[Dice Example]] transcluded:
{{Dice Example}}
Here is what doesn't work:
The tiddler [[Broken Dice Example]]:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/diceexample' field='num_dice' size=2/> d <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/diceexample' field='dice_size' size=2/> x <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/diceexample' field='multiplier' size=2/> + <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/diceexample' field='bonus' size=2/> = {{$:/state/diceexample!!output2}}
<$prodfield2 filter='[[$:/state/diceexample]]' prodfield='die_roll' prodfield2='multiplier' storefield='output'/>
<$sumfield2 filter='[[$:/state/diceexample]]' sumfield='output' sumfield2='bonus' storefield='output2'/>
<$button>Roll the Dice
<$action-randval $tiddler='$:/state/diceexample' $field='die_roll' $lower=1 $upper={{$:/state/diceexample!!dice_size}} $step=1 $numrolls={{$:/state/diceexample!!num_dice}}/>
{{Broken Dice Example}}
Note that the `Roll the Dice` button does nothing here unless something else changes the tiddler [[$:/state/diceexample]], like changing the values for the number/type of dice or pressing the working button above. Repeatedly pressing this button is what won't work.
!What is ~TiddlyWiki and why should you care?
Start by thinking about how you would use the internet if Google didn't exist. If you don't use Google to search than imagine that ~DuckDuckGo or whatever search engine you use didn't exist. Or Wikipedia.
The internet would still be full of very useful information, but there would be no simple way to find it. While Google has spread out into many other domains, their first and most used service is indexing. Search engines make the internet usable by organizing, or attempting to organize, the internet in a way that makes sense.
~TiddlyWiki, if used correctly, can be a tool to achieve the same thing for your own thoughts. This is far from the only use for it, but the largest reason for its existence is that ~TiddlyWiki is a powerful and easy to use tool that can be used to index and cross reference data.
If you aren't someone who has had to try sifting through a large amount of unindexed (or poorly indexed) data than this may not sound like something profound. For anyone younger than about 25 there has never really been a time when the answer couldn't be found using Google. And for searching the internet Google does a very good job of indexing things, especially considering how large the dataset is. What Google is much worse at is sorting and indexing email, or contacts, or just about anything else used in a service Google provides.
How do you use Google, or Facebook, or anything that isn't an SQL database, to find the people in your contacts that are over 21, live in your city and could be your designated driver tonight?
Granted, the list of people who meet those criteria may be short enough that you don't need to worry about a search, but it gets the general idea across. Google sort of lets you do searches like this through your email, but you are limited to searching the attributes that they find important, not whatever you define.
The main selling point of using Google (or any similar service) is that you don't have to put any effort or thought into getting your result, and as long as you are ok with only using the services that they make available in the ways that they let you, there is no problem with that.
But, if you want to have a list of hundreds of bookmarked webpages and to be able to find all the links that have to do with both Violin and Cello? Using most available services you would be able to tag links as being about each one, but if you have a large group of both finding the intersection may not be easy. ~TiddlyWiki is a tool that allows you to build (of use something someone else has built, yay open source!) and create something that lets you do that sort of search. Not just through bookmarks (but if you to the [[Dashboard|$:/plugins/inmysocks/Dashboard/Dashboard]] you can do exactly that) but with any thing from work contact information to the random thoughts that you scribble down at 2am.
Indexing the way you want to is where ~TiddlyWiki truly shines. This does take more work upfront than just asking Google, but it can also be much more powerful.
If you don't feel that indexing is a good reason to use ~TiddlyWiki than how about being able to control your own data? For this purpose ~TiddlyWiki has some very important benefits:
*It is portable, it can be used on any device that can use a web browser
*It is a single file so it isn't difficult to backup or transport
*It requires no third party services, nor does it require an internet connection
*It is flexible, if you need something that isn't available you can probably create it
If all you want is a tool to do some specific narrow task than you still may want ~TiddlyWiki, although I don't find that nearly so interesting. There are some examples shown on the [[Dashboard|$:/plugins/inmysocks/Dashboard/Dashboard]] of what you could do, and you can get all of them for free from here. There are many [[Other Places to Look]] for things as well, you can also look through the bookmarks tagged ~TiddlyWiki on the dashboard.
I also use ~TiddlyWiki for blogging and socialmedia-type activities, you can see what I have [[here|ooktech.com/jed/externalbrain/]].
!Still don't like ~TiddlyWiki?
Than I am not sure why you are still here. I don't really sing or dance or anything. Well, I play cello a bit but I am not very good.
!First there are plugins.
My plugins that add new ways to use a wiki are demonstrated on the [[Dashboard|$:/plugins/inmysocks/Dashboard/Dashboard]], the plugins are listed with the links to install them on your wiki are in [[Dashboard Plugins]].
The icon menus at the top and on the right side of the screen come from my [[Icon Menus Plugin]]. There is more explanation and how to install it at that link.
For more advanced users see my [[Math Plugins]] and [[Utility Plugins]].
A list of all my plugins can be found in [[My Plugins]]
For a long list of plugins available from different authors you can browse the [[plugin twCards|Plugin twCard]].
!There there are macros
!!Date Macros
How to use these macros is shown in [[Date Macro Demos]].
*The [[day-diff macro|$:/inmysocks/macros/day-diff.js]] gives the number of full days between two dates
*The [[year-diff macro|$:/inmysocks/macros/year-diff.js]] gives the number of full years between two dates
*The [[add-time macro|$:/inmysocks/macros/add-time.js]] gives the date that is a specificed time away from the current date
!And finally other tools
These are single tiddlers that have some general use in a wiki
*[[Search and Replace Tags]] - search for tags and replace them with new tags
*[[Search and Replace Field Contents]] - search tiddlers and selectively replace the contents of fields
*[[Search and Replace Field Names]] - search tiddlers and selectively change their names
These are ways to customize your wiki:
<$list filter='[is[current]tagging[]]'>
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
A list of examples for how to make different things in the wiki
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
|Name |<$view field='caption'/> |
|Type |<$view field='name_plate_type'/> |
|Description |<$view field='description'/> |
|URL |<a href={{!!url}} target='_blank'><$view field='url'/></a> |
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
WikiText is the markup language used by TiddlyWiki, this is a placeholder for now. See [[Wiki Formatting - text, tables, etc.]] and [[Wiki Widgets - buttons, filters, etc.]] for more.
This is a widget that will display the number of words or characters in a tiddler or text string given to it.
Widget tiddler: [[$:/widgets/inmysocks/word-count.js]]
Remember you have to save and reload your wiki before the widget will work.
|!Parameter |!Description |
|mode |This can be set to `word` or `character` and will count either words or characters, defaults to `word` |
|tiddler |The tiddler with the text to process (defauts to `currentTiddler`) |
|field |The field with the text to process (defaults to the text field) |
|text |A text string for the widget to count, if this is given it overrides the `tiddler` and `field` inputs. |
|colors |(Optional) An input that sets text color when the count reaches a certain number. See the examples below. |
|colorState |(Optional) The name of a state tiddler to use to store the current text color so it can be used to set the color of more than just the displayed number. |
!!!Count the number of words in a string:
<$word-count text='some text string'/>
<$word-count text='some text string'/>
!!!Count the number of characters in a string:
<$word-count text='some text string' mode=character/>
<$word-count text='some text string' mode=character/>
!!!Count the number of words in a field:
<$word-count tiddler='Word Count Widget' field='title' mode=word/>
<$word-count tiddler='Word Count Widget' field='title' mode=word/>
!!!Using the colors parameter:
This uses the `colorState` tiddler.
<$word-count tiddler='$:/temp/Word Count Widget' mode=character colors='#f0f:10,indianred:100,red:122' colorState='$:/state/Word Count Widget/color'/>
<$word-count tiddler='$:/temp/Word Count Widget' mode=character colors='#f0f:10,indianred:100,red:122' colorState='$:/state/Word Count Widget/color'/>
Edit the field here:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Word Count Widget' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
Contents of the color state tiddler:
<$view tiddler='$:/state/Word Count Widget/color'/>
!!!Change colors of text as the number of characters in a field changes:
At the moment the input field loses focus every time the color changes.
<$word-count tiddler='$:/temp/Word Count Widget' mode=character colors='#f0f:10,indianred:100,red:122' colorState='$:/state/Word Count Widget/color'/>
<$word-count tiddler='$:/temp/Word Count Widget' mode=character colors='#f0f:10,indianred:100,red:122' colorState='$:/state/Word Count Widget/color'/>
Edit the field here:
<$set name=CurrentColor value={{$:/state/Word Count Widget/color}}>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Word Count Widget' class='tc-edit-texteditor change-color'/>
Contents of the color state tiddler:
<$view tiddler='$:/state/Word Count Widget/color'/>
.change-color {
color:{{$:/state/Word Count Widget/color}};
The things listed under this in the table of contents are currently under development. Fell free to use them but be aware that they may not work and will probably be modified in the future.
And I think that people would use the plugin if they knew what it does.
Website: http://ooktech.com/jed/ExampleWikis/KeepingTrackOfStuff/
This time with categories!
This is a tiddler for the calendar demo
\define youtubeEmbed(videoName, start, end)
<$macrocall $name="youtube-embed" video={{$:/.rich/data/videos##$videoName$}} start="$start$" end="$end$"/>
\define thisMakeSelectVideoOption()
<option value=<<videoID>>><$view field='title'/></option>
\define thisExternalMakeURL()
\define thisMakeEmbedURL()
\define thisMakeTiddlerName()
$(youtubeID)$ - $(hours)$:$(minutes)$:$(seconds)$
\define thisMakeSegmentName()
$(selectedVideo)$ - $(startTime)$ to $(endTime)$
\define getProperTags() [[$(properTag)$]] [[$(selectedVideo)$]]
\define thisMakeSegmentURL()
\define thisMakeVideoIframe()
<$set name=videoID value={{$:/.rich/data/videos##$(selectedVideo)$}}>
<$macrocall $name="youtube-embed" video=<<videoID>> start=$(startTime)$ end=$(endTime)$/>
\define thisMakeText()
\define thisMakeEmbedIframe()
\define thisEmbideIframe()
<$macrocall $name='youtube-embed' video=$(youtubeID)$ start={{!!embed_start}} end={{!!embed_end}}/>
\define getYouTubeId()
Notes about the state of development:
I still want to add the option to just copy a youtube URL into the add video place and use regular expressions to pull out the video id. You would still have to give it a name. I will get around to that at some point.
Also, the `Add Video Segment` and `Add Video Timestamp` tiddlers don't work outside of their use in this tiddler. You can change this. The problem is that there are a few places in the two tiddlers that have `{{!!selected_video}}`, which in the tabs here references the `selected_video` field of the `YouTube Video Annotations` tiddler, not the individual tiddlers. If you change it to `{{YouTube Video Annotations!!selected_video}}` than they should work. I am leaving it the way it is because this way changing the name of `YouTube Video Annotations` won't break anything.
You can select a video using the drop down menu, if you want to add a new video click on the `New Video` button and in the dialog that appears enter the youtube video id and a name for the video and click `add` to add the video and then `done` to get back to the video selection. Video names ''can't'' have any colons (`:`) in the titles or it will break.
If you enter a start and end time then click `Set Video Time` it will set the embedded video to play the segment between the start and end time. `Reset Video Time` resets this.
By entering a start time, an end time, short and long descriptions and any tags you wish then clicking `Add Video Segment` the segment will be saved. If you click on a segment name in the list at the bottom than the video will be set to play that segment (no autoplay though, I am working on it.)
<$set name=selectedVideo value={{!!selected_video}}>
<$set name=youtubeID value=<<getYouTubeId>>>
<$set name=startTime value={{!!embed_start}}>
<$set name=endTime value={{!!embed_end}}>
<!-- Display the embedded video, with the appropriate start and end times set -->
<$macrocall $name=youtubeEmbed videoName={{!!selected_video}} start={{!!embed_start}} end={{!!embed_end}}/>
<!-- Select or Add video things -->
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/videotimestampreveal' text='show'>
Select Video: <$select field='selected_video'>
<$list filter='[[$:/.rich/data/videos]indexes[]]'>
<$button set='$:/state/videotimestampreveal' setTo='show'>New Video</$button>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/videotimestampreveal' text='show'>
~YouTube ID:<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/videotimestamp' field='youtubeid' placeholder='YouTube ID'/><br>
Video Name:<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/videotimestamp' field='vidname' placeholder='Video Name'/><br>
<$button>Add Video
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/.rich/data/videos' $index={{$:/temp/videotimestamp!!vidname}} $value={{$:/temp/videotimestamp!!youtubeid}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/videotimestamp' vidname='' youtubeid=''/>
<$button set='$:/state/videotimestampreveal' setTo='noshow'>Done</$button>
<<tabs "[[Add Video Segment]] [[Add Video Timestamp]]">>
<$range tiddler=test field='text' default=10 min=-50 max=50 step=1/>
Plugin tiddler: $:/plugin/inmysocks/rangewidget/range.js
Github: not set up yet
<$range tiddler=someTiddler field=someField min=minValue max=maxValue step=stepSize class=someCSSClass/>
<$range tiddler=someTiddler index=someIndex min=minValue max=maxValue step=stepSize class=someCSSClass/>
|!Name |!Description |
|tiddler |The tiddler to store the value set by the range widget. |
|field |The field to store the value |
|index |The data tiddler index to store the value |
|min |The minimum value of the widget |
|max |The maximum value of the widget |
|step |The step size used by the widget |
|class |An optional CSS class for the widget |
<$range tiddler='$:/state/Range Widget Plugin/demo' field='demo_field' min=1 max=50 step=1/> The current value is {{$:/state/Range Widget Plugin/demo!!demo_field}}
<$range tiddler='$:/state/Range Widget Plugin/demo' field='demo_field' min=1 max=50 step=1/> The current value is {{$:/state/Range Widget Plugin/demo!!demo_field}}
<$range tiddler='$:/state/Range Widget Plugin/demo' field='demo_field2' min=-100 max=100 step=10/> The current value is {{$:/state/Range Widget Plugin/demo!!demo_field2}}
<$range tiddler='$:/state/Range Widget Plugin/demo' field='demo_field2' min=-100 max=100 step=10/> The current value is {{$:/state/Range Widget Plugin/demo!!demo_field2}}
var idcomments_acct = '6e2439cd06a6abdd1bce38f71aa8943d';
var idcomments_post_id;
var idcomments_post_url;
<span id="IDCommentsPostTitle" style="display:none"></span>
<script type='text/javascript' src='http://www.intensedebate.com/js/genericCommentWrapperV2.js'></script>
!This is showing how to set up ~IntenseDebate comments on a tiddlywiki.
Go to https://intensedebate.com/ and make an account. When making your account one of the options will be 'Add comments to your own site' select that option (or after you have made an account go to the Dashboard and on the right side there will be a link to install intense debate on your site). Give the url and click on next, when it asks for the platform you use pick generic install and click next. On the next page if your url has any capital letters the iframe won't load correctly, ignore this. Copy the code that it says to paste onto your site and paste it into a tiddler and tag that tiddler with `$:/tags/RawMarkup`. Then save and reload your wiki. The comment thread will be at the very bottom of the wiki.
The code will be something like this:
var idcomments_acct = '6e2439cd06a6abdd1bce38f71aa8943d';
var idcomments_post_id;
var idcomments_post_url;
<span id="IDCommentsPostTitle" style="display:none"></span>
<script type='text/javascript' src='http://www.intensedebate.com/js/genericCommentWrapperV2.js'></script>
The line `var idcomments_acct = '6e2439cd06a6abdd1bce38f71aa8943d';` will be different for you. You should be able to use the same account for different comments by giving a value to the `idcomments_post_id` variable.
!Things to keep in mind:
*I have not yet managed to get intense debate to show comments inside tiddlers, so this is cheating by just putting the code in the raw markup for the wiki. It shouldn't make a difference for static sites or if you just want one comment thread on your wiki. It will appear at the bottom, I don't think you can change that part. The good news is that you never need to worry about reloading to make the comments appear, the bad news is that you can't use tiddlywiki to modify any of it.
*IntenseDebate doesn't understand case sensitive URLs for their previews, but it doesn't break the comments themselves. So don't worry if when you go to the install part of the site it gives you a 404 error in the iframe.
This is a few dollars in change you found in your couch. This is odd considering you searched there yesterday and only found a candy bar. You miss that candy bar.
No. Just no. The bottom drawer contains your dirty underwear. Last time you looked there you woke up a week later in the hospital.
Your key can't be there.
This is a note written in some sort of strange code. If only you were better with words you might be able to decode it.
Oh. You were just holding the paper upside down. It is a note reminding you that the combination to your safe is 519. Numbers are almost as scary as words, but you should be ok with this one.
| Inventory | |h
| <div class='tc-tiddler-frame' style='width:400px; background-color:#ffffff; box-shadow:none; height:200px'><$list filter="[tag[Item]location[inventory]]" template="InventoryContainerListTemplate"></$list></div> | <$button message='tm-close-tiddler'>Close Container</$button> |
Containers are objects that can be in rooms or other containers. They have a description and a location.
Containers can not be moved by the player normally. If you want a container to change location you need to use an event (see the [[Events Documentation]]).
A container has a name, a description and a location. A container can contain items, events and triggers.
A container is created or edited in the same way as an item.
<!-- <br><$view field='title'/> <$button><$action-sendmessage $message='tm-modal' $param={{!!title}}/><$action-setfield $tiddler=MapState $field=container $value={{!!title}}/>Look inside <$view field='title'/> <br> -->
<br><$view field='title'/> <$button><$action-sendmessage $message="tm-modal" $param=ModalContainerViewTemplate ContainerName={{!!title}}/><$action-setfield $tiddler=MapState $field=container $value={{!!title}}/>Look inside <$view field='title'/> <br>
What treasures does your couch hold for you today?
Fill in the room name and description, then check any exits to the room and set the exits destination. Then click the `Create Room` button.
<!-- <$action-sendmessage $message='tm-new-tiddler' $param=RoomTemp tags='Room' title={{$:/tiddlernametemp!!nametemp}}/> -->
Room Name: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/tiddlernametemp' field='nametemp' placeholder='Room Name'/>
<$set name='RoomNameTemp' value={{$:/tiddlernametemp!!nametemp}}>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<RoomNameTemp>> $field=down $value={{RoomTemp!!down}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<RoomNameTemp>> $field=up $value={{RoomTemp!!up}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<RoomNameTemp>> $field=north $value={{RoomTemp!!north}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<RoomNameTemp>> $field=south $value={{RoomTemp!!south}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<RoomNameTemp>> $field=east $value={{RoomTemp!!east}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<RoomNameTemp>> $field=west $value={{RoomTemp!!west}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<RoomNameTemp>> $field=down_button $value={{RoomTemp!!down_button}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<RoomNameTemp>> $field=up_button $value={{RoomTemp!!up_button}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<RoomNameTemp>> $field=north_button $value={{RoomTemp!!north_button}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<RoomNameTemp>> $field=south_button $value={{RoomTemp!!south_button}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<RoomNameTemp>> $field=east_button $value={{RoomTemp!!east_button}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<RoomNameTemp>> $field=west_button $value={{RoomTemp!!west_button}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<RoomNameTemp>> $field=tags $value='Room'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<RoomNameTemp>> $field=text $value={{RoomTemp!!text}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=RoomTemp $field=down_button $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=RoomTemp $field=up_button $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=RoomTemp $field=north_button $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=RoomTemp $field=south_button $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=RoomTemp $field=east_button $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=RoomTemp $field=west_button $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/tiddlernametemp' $field='nametemp' $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/tiddlernametemp' $field='nametemp'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=RoomTemp $field=text $value=''/>
Create Room</$button>
<$set name='roomEditing' value={{!!current_room_editing}}>
| Edit Room Text | Preview | Room Exits | Exit Destinations | Items in room |h
| <div class='tc-tiddler-frame' style='width:300px; background-color:#ffffff; box-shadow:none; height:200px'><$edit-text tiddler={{!!current_room_editing}} size=100px minHeight=400px placeholder='Room Text'/></div> | <div class='tc-tiddler-frame' style='width:400px; background-color:#ffffff; box-shadow:none; height:200px'><$transclude tiddler={{!!current_room_editing}} field=text/></div> | <$checkbox tiddler={{!!current_room_editing}} field='north_button' checked='<<northButton>>' unchecked=''>North</$checkbox> | <$select tiddler={{!!current_room_editing}} field=north><$list filter='[tag[Room]!tag[Template]]'><option><$view field='title'/></option></$list></$select> | Items:<br><$list filter='[tag[Item]location<roomEditing>]'><$view field='title'/><br></$list><br>Containers:<br><$list filter='[tag[Container]location<roomEditing>]'><$view field='title'/><br></$list><br>Events:<br><$list filter='[tag[Event]location<roomEditing>]'><$view field='title'/><br></$list><br>Triggers:<br><$list filter='[tag[Trigger]location<roomEditing>]'><$view field='title'/><br></$list> |
|^|^| <$checkbox tiddler={{!!current_room_editing}} field='south_button' checked='<<southButton>>' unchecked=''>South</$checkbox> | <$select tiddler={{!!current_room_editing}} field=south><$list filter='[tag[Room]!tag[Template]]'><option><$view field='title'/></option></$list></$select> |^|
|^|^| <$checkbox tiddler={{!!current_room_editing}} field='east_button' checked='<<eastButton>>' unchecked=''>East</$checkbox> | <$select tiddler={{!!current_room_editing}} field=east><$list filter='[tag[Room]!tag[Template]]'><option><$view field='title'/></option></$list></$select> |^|
|^|^| <$checkbox tiddler={{!!current_room_editing}} field='west_button' checked='<<westButton>>' unchecked=''>West</$checkbox> | <$select tiddler={{!!current_room_editing}} field=west><$list filter='[tag[Room]!tag[Template]]'><option><$view field='title'/></option></$list></$select> |^|
|^|^| <$checkbox tiddler={{!!current_room_editing}} field='up_button' checked='<<upButton>>' unchecked=''>Up</$checkbox> | <$select tiddler={{!!current_room_editing}} field=up><$list filter='[tag[Room]!tag[Template]]'><option><$view field='title'/></option></$list></$select> |^|
|^|^| <$checkbox tiddler={{!!current_room_editing}} field='down_button' checked='<<downButton>>' unchecked=''>Down</$checkbox> | <$select tiddler={{!!current_room_editing}} field=down><$list filter='[tag[Room]!tag[Template]]'><option><$view field='title'/></option></$list></$select> |^|
Big words are frightening, this book makes them just a little less scary.
Click on the 'open editing screen' button in the upper left.
In the tiddler that opens you will see:
*A dropdown menu to change the map state. This sets the player location to the selected room so it can be viewed in the main playing window.
*A set of radio buttons to serlect the object type being edited
*(possibly) an option to select between creating a new objet or editing an existing object.
*An object type specific editing interface.
The object types available are:
*Rooms: a room is the basic unit in the game. You navigate between rooms via exits and a room has a description. the room description can contain arbitrary wikitext. A room has a description and a list of exits. A room is the largest container and cannot be contained in any other container type, and can contain any other object type.
*Items: items are objects that can be picked up and put into the special inventory location that allows them to be accessed from anywhere the player is. Items have descriptions and locations. Items can contain events and triggers.
*Containers: Containers are generic containers that have a description and a location. Containers can not be moved (aside from manipulation of events, I will talk about this later). Containers can hold items, events and triggers. I may add nested containers later.
*Events: Events are pieces of wikitext that have two states. Which state is displayed is controlled by a trigger assigned to the event. Events can contain items, containers, events and triggers. (I may try to add the option to put room exits to events.)
*Pop-ups: Pop-ups are modal windows that are displayed when a button is pressed. A pop-up can contain events and triggers. (I may change things so that items can be in pop-ups. Items should not be dropped in pop-ups. But that may just be a container.)
*Introduction window: this is what is displayed as an introduction screen, it can contain arbitrary wikitext.
Create or edit rooms:
Change the text to whatever you want, check the check boxes to set which exits a room should have (north, south, east, west, up or down) and select the room that should be navigated to by using that exit. If you want to be able to use the map currently you have to use rooms labeled room1 to room25 in the same layout as in the example game (1 in the upper left and 25 in the lower right counting by rows.) Otherwise the map will do nothing. I am hooing to find a way around this later.
Create or edit containers:
Give the container a name and a description. Events, objects and triggers are placed inside the container by editing the object, not the container.
Create or edit items:
Give the item a name and a location.
Create or edit events:
The event will be in state1 or state2 based on a trigger. When you edit an event you only edit the text in each state and set the trigger for the event. Other events, triggers or items are placed in that event by changing the location of the contained object.
Create or edit triggers:
Give the trigger a name and location for the inactive and active states, and event type and durations. A permanent trigger is set changed from inactive to active by the button and stays that way forever. A switch can be switched between states by the buttons in the locations set. The location of the trigger can be set for both the active and in active states.
The coded note in the example game would be created as follows:
Create an item called `Coded note` and set its location. Leave the description blank.
Create an item called Dictionary and give it a description.
Create a trigger and give it some name, set its type to button and its duration to permanent. set its location to Dictionary.
Create an event and give it some name. In the state one description put the description of the note when it is coded. Write the description of the decoded note in the second state. Set the location of both states to `Coded Note` and set the trigger to the trigger you created.
Unfotunately location based triggers aren't possible yet, so the way the event is handled in the example games isn't possible yet. You could also make triggers and events so that you can have a trigger in the dictionary, and an event inside the state1 of the event in the coded note that is empty in state1, and has a trigger in state2. the trigger in the inside state2 switches the outer event from state 1 to state2, which is the decoded state.
*Coded note
**Event11 - coded state (given location of coded note)
***event2State1 - empty (given a location of event11)
***Event2state2 (given a location of event11)
****Trigger1 for event1 (that is set the trigger when editing event1 to trigger1)
**event12 - decoded state (given location of coded note)
**Description of dictionary - part of dictionary item
**event31 (given location of dictionary) (button called read dictionary or similar)
***Trigger2 for event2 AND event3 (this trigger is given a location of Event31) (this is only one trigger, when editing event2 and event3 set the trigger to Trigger2)
**event32 - empty (given location of Event32) (after dictionary is read no longer display the button)
For now the reset button will need To be updated manually for now, look at and edit ResetButtonModalDialog to update the reset button.
You will need to reset the trigger states, item locations and the initial player location. The lines will follow these patterns.
`<$action-setfield $tiddler=itemName $field=location $value=initialLocation/>`
`<$action-setfield $tiddler=triggerName $field=text $value=inactive/>`
`<$action-setfield $tiddler=MapState $field=text $value=initialRoom/>`
If you want to display the introduction text include leave the following line
`<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/game_state' $field=text $value=start/>`
And always leave the lines closing the tiddler.
!Making new trigger types
Edit the tidder EventTriggerTemplate to make a new trigger type. And the NewTriggerTemplate and TriggerEditTemplate
That should be everything. The triggers should be all that is missing.
\define setItemLocation()
<$tiddler tiddler='$(itemTiddler)$'>
<$select tiddler='$(itemTiddler)$' field='location'>
<optgroup label='Rooms'>
<$list filter='[tag[Room]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<optgroup label='Containers'>
<$list filter='[tag[Container]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<$set name='itemTiddler' value={{Editing Screen!!current_container_editing}}>
<$reveal state='$:/editItemNameState' type='match' text='edit'>
Container Name:(<$button set='$:/editItemNameState' setTo='noedit'>Done Editing</$button>)<br>
<$edit-text tiddler=<<itemTiddler>> field=title/>
<$reveal state='$:/editItemNameState' type='nomatch' text='edit'>
Container Name:(<$button set='$:/editItemNameState' setTo='edit'>Edit Name</$button>)<br>
<$view tiddler=<<itemTiddler>> field=title/>
| Container Description | Location | Things in container |h
| <$edit-text tiddler=<<itemTiddler>>/> | <<setItemLocation>> | Items:<br><$list filter='[tag[Item]location<itemTiddler>]'><$view field='title'/><br></$list><br>Events:<br><$list filter='[tag[Event]location<itemTiddler>]'><$view field='title'/><br></$list><br>Triggers:<br><$list filter='[tag[Trigger]location<itemTiddler>]'><$view field='title'/><br></$list> |
\define getEvent(number)
\define setEventLocation(number)
<$set name="myVariable2" filter=<<getEvent $number$>>>
<$select tiddler=<<myVariable2>> field='location'>
<optgroup label='Rooms'>
<$list filter='[tag[Room]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<optgroup label='Items'>
<$list filter='[tag[Item]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<optgroup label='Containers'>
<$list filter='[tag[Container]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<optgroup label='Events'>
<$list filter='[tag[Event]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<optgroup label='Pop-ups'>
<$list filter='[tag[Popup]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
\define setEventTrigger(number)
<$set name="myVariable3" filter=<<getEvent $number$>>>
<$select tiddler=<<myVariable3>> field='trigger'>
<$list filter='[tag[Trigger]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<$set name="myVariable" value={{Editing Screen!!current_event_editing}}>
<$set name='firstState' value=<<getEvent first>>>
<$set name='secondState' value=<<getEvent second>>>
| | Edit | Preview | Location | Trigger | Things in event state |h
|Initial State |<$list filter=<<getEvent first>>><$edit-text tiddler={{!!title}}/></$list>|<$list filter=<<getEvent first>>><$view field='text'/></$list>| <<setEventLocation first>> | <<setEventTrigger first>> | Events:<br><$list filter='[tag[Event]location<firstState>]'><$view field='title'/><br></$list><br>Triggers:<br><$list filter='[tag[Trigger]location<firstState>]'><$view field='title'/><br></$list> |
|Final State |<$list filter=<<getEvent second>>><$edit-text tiddler={{!!title}}/></$list>|<$list filter=<<getEvent second>>><$view field='text'/></$list>| <<setEventLocation second>> | <<setEventTrigger second>> | Events:<br><$list filter='[tag[Event]location<secondState>]'><$view field='title'/><br></$list><br>Triggers:<br><$list filter='[tag[Trigger]location<secondState>]'><$view field='title'/><br></$list> |
\define explainationPopup1()
<$button popup="$:/ExplainationPopupState1" class='tc-btn-invisible'>(?)</$button>
<$reveal type="popup" state="$:/ExplainationPopupState1">
<div class="tc-drop-down">
!Set Map State:
This will set the current player location. This will allow easier debugging and allow you to preview how each room will be displayed in-game.
\define explainationPopup2()
<$button popup="$:/ExplainationPopupState2" class='tc-btn-invisible'>(?)</$button>
<$reveal type="popup" state="$:/ExplainationPopupState2">
<div class="tc-drop-down">
!Select Type to Edit:
Use this to select which type of object to edit or create.
Click on the names to get documentation about each object type.
\define getEvent(number)
Set Map State^^<<explainationPopup1>>^^: <$select tiddler=MapState field='text'>
<$list filter='[tag[Room]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
Type to edit^^<<explainationPopup2>>^^: <$radio field="what_to_edit" value="rooms">[[Rooms|Rooms Documentation]]</$radio> <$radio field="what_to_edit" value="items">[[Items|Items Documentation]]</$radio> <$radio field="what_to_edit" value="containers">[[Containers|Containers Documentation]]</$radio> <$radio field="what_to_edit" value="events">[[Events|Events Documentation]]</$radio> <$radio field="what_to_edit" value="triggers">[[Triggers|Triggers Documentation]]</$radio> <$radio field="what_to_edit" value="popup">[[Pop-up Message|Pop-up Message Documentation]]</$radio> <$radio field="what_to_edit" value="introduction_message">[[Introduction Message|Introduction Message Documentation]]</$radio> <$radio field="what_to_edit" value="reset_button">[[Reset Button|Reset Button Documentation]]</$radio>
<!-- Room editing -->
<$reveal type='match' state='!!what_to_edit' text='rooms'>
!! <$select tiddler='$:/editroomstate'><option value='existing'>Edit Existing Room</option><option value='new'>Create New Room</option></$select>
<$reveal type="match" state='$:/editroomstate' text='new'>
<$tiddler tiddler=CreateRoomTemplate>
<$reveal type="match" state='$:/editroomstate' text='existing'>
Select Room: <$select tiddler=RoomEditTemplate field='current_room_editing'>
<$list filter='[tag[Room]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<$tiddler tiddler=RoomEditTemplate>
<!-- end room editing -->
<!-- item editing -->
<$reveal type='match' state='!!what_to_edit' text='items'>
!! <$select tiddler='$:/edititemstemplate'><option value='existing'>Edit Existing Item</option><option value='new'>Create New Item</option></$select>
<$reveal type="match" state='$:/edititemstemplate' text='new'>
<$transclude tiddler=NewItemTemplate/>
<$reveal type="match" state='$:/edititemstemplate' text='existing'>
<$select tiddler={{!!title}} field='current_item_editing'>
<$list filter='[tag[Item]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<$transclude tiddler=EditItemTemplate/>
<!-- end item editing -->
<!-- container editing -->
<$reveal type='match' state='!!what_to_edit' text='containers'>
!! <$select tiddler='$:/editcontainerstemplate'><option value='existing'>Edit Existing Container</option><option value='new'>Create New Container</option></$select>
<$reveal type="match" state='$:/editcontainerstemplate' text='new'>
<$transclude tiddler=NewContainerTemplate/>
<$reveal type="match" state='$:/editcontainerstemplate' text='existing'>
<$select tiddler={{!!title}} field='current_container_editing'>
<$list filter='[tag[Container]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<$transclude tiddler=EditContainerTemplate/>
<!-- end container editing -->
<!-- event editing -->
<$reveal type='match' state='!!what_to_edit' text='events'>
!! <$select tiddler='$:/editeventstemplate'><option value='existing'>Edit Existing Events</option><option value='new'>Create New Event</option></$select>
<$reveal type="match" state='$:/editeventstemplate' text='new'>
<$tiddler tiddler=NewEventTemplate>
<$reveal type="match" state='$:/editeventstemplate' text='existing'>
<$select tiddler={{!!title}} field='current_event_editing'>
<$list filter='[tag[Event]!tag[Template]event_order[first]]'>
<option><$view field='event_name'/></option>
<!-- end event editing -->
<!-- trigger editing -->
<$reveal type='match' state='!!what_to_edit' text='triggers'>
!!<$select tiddler='$:/edittriggerstemplate'><option value='existing'>Edit Existing Trigger</option><option value='new'>Create New Trigger</option></$select>
<$reveal type="match" state='$:/edittriggerstemplate' text='new'>
<$reveal type="match" state='$:/edittriggerstemplate' text='existing'>
<!-- end trigger editing -->
<!-- pop-up editing -->
<$reveal type='match' state='!!what_to_edit' text='popup'>
!! <$select tiddler='$:/editpopuptemplate'><option value='existing'>Edit Existing Pop-up</option><option value='new'>Create New Pop-up</option></$select>
<$reveal type="match" state='$:/editpopuptemplate' text='new'>
<$transclude tiddler=NewPopupTemplate/>
<$reveal type="match" state='$:/editpopuptemplate' text='existing'>
<$select tiddler={{!!title}} field='current_popup_editing'>
<$list filter='[tag[Popup]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<$transclude tiddler=EditPopupTemplate/>
<!-- end pop-up editing -->
<!-- Introduction tiddler editing -->
<$reveal type='match' state='!!what_to_edit' text='introduction_message'>
<$transclude tiddler=EditIntroMessageTemplate/>
<!-- end introduction tiddler editing -->
<!-- Reset Macro editing -->
<$reveal type='match' state='!!what_to_edit' text='reset_button'>
<$transclude tiddler=EditResetButtonTemplate/>
<!-- end introduction tiddler editing -->
By editing this you will change the message that shows up at the start of the game as an introduction. This can be normal text or any sort of wikitext input.<br>
Acknowledgement Button Text:<br>
<$edit-text tiddler=IntroductionMessage field='button_text'/>
Introduction text:<br>
<$edit-text tiddler=IntroductionMessage/>
\define setItemLocation()
<$tiddler tiddler='$(itemTiddler)$'>
<$select tiddler='$(itemTiddler)$' field='location'>
<optgroup label='Rooms'>
<$list filter='[tag[Room]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<optgroup label='Containers'>
<$list filter='[tag[Container]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<optgroup label='Events'>
<$list filter='[tag[Event]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<optgroup label='Pop-ups'>
<$list filter='[tag[Popup]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<$set name='itemTiddler' value={{Editing Screen!!current_item_editing}}>
<$reveal state='$:/editItemNameState' type='match' text='edit'>
Item Name:(<$button set='$:/editItemNameState' setTo='noedit'>Done Editing</$button>)<br>
<$edit-text tiddler=<<itemTiddler>> field=title/>
<$reveal state='$:/editItemNameState' type='nomatch' text='edit'>
Item Name:(<$button set='$:/editItemNameState' setTo='edit'>Edit Name</$button>)<br>
<$view tiddler=<<itemTiddler>> field=title/>
| Item Description | Location | Things in item |h
| Item Description:<br><$edit-text tiddler={{Editing Screen!!current_item_editing}} placeholder='Item Description'/> | <<setItemLocation>> | Events:<br><$list filter='[tag[Event]location<itemTiddler>]'><$view field='title'/><br></$list><br>Triggers:<br><$list filter='[tag[Trigger]location<itemTiddler>]'><$view field='title'/><br></$list> |
\define setPopupLocation()
<$tiddler tiddler=$(popupTiddler)$>
<$select tiddler=$(popupTiddler)$ field='location'>
<optgroup label='Rooms'>
<$list filter='[tag[Room]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<optgroup label='Containers'>
<$list filter='[tag[Container]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<optgroup label='Items'>
<$list filter='[tag[Item]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<optgroup label='Events'>
<$list filter='[tag[Event]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<$set name='popupTiddler' value={{Editing Screen!!current_popup_editing}}>
<$reveal state='$:/editPopupNameState' type='match' text='edit'>
Pop-up Name:(<$button set='$:/editPopupNameState' setTo='noedit'>Done Editing</$button>)<br>
<$edit-text tiddler=<<popupTiddler>> field=title/>
<$reveal state='$:/editPopupNameState' type='nomatch' text='edit'>
Pop-up Name:(<$button set='$:/editPopupNameState' setTo='edit'>Edit Name</$button>)<br>
<$view tiddler=<<popupTiddler>> field=title/>
| | Pop-up Text | Location | Things in Pop-up |h
| Button Text<br><$edit-text tiddler=<<popupTiddler>> field='button_text'/><br>Displayed Pop-up Title<br><$edit-text tiddler=<<popupTiddler>> field=subtitle/> | <$edit-text tiddler={{Editing Screen!!current_popup_editing}} placeholder='Pop-up Text'/> | <<setPopupLocation>> | Events:<br><$list filter='[tag[Event]location<popupTiddler>]'><$view field='title'/><br></$list><br>Triggers:<br><$list filter='[tag[Trigger]location<popupTiddler>]'><$view field='title'/><br></$list> |
\define listItems()
<$list filter='[tag[Item]]'>
\define listTriggers()
<$list filter='[tag[Trigger]]'>
| Macro | Items | Triggers |h
| <$edit-text tiddler='ResetButtonMacro'/> | <<listItems>> | <<listTriggers>> |
<$tiddler tiddler={{!!title}}>
<$set name=currentEvent value={{!!title}}>
<$reveal state='!!event_order' type=match text='second'>
<$reveal state={{!!trigger}} type=match text='active'>
<$list filter="[tag[Event]location<currentEvent>]" template=EventDisplayTemplate>
<$list filter="[tag[Trigger]location<currentEvent>text[inactive]]" template=EventTriggerTemplate>
<$list filter="[tag[Trigger]location2<currentEvent>text[active]]" template=EventTriggerTemplate>
<$list filter='[tag[Popup]location<currentEvent>]' template=PopupListTemplate>
<$list filter="[tag[Item]location<currentEvent>]" template=ItemsInRoomListTemplate>
<$reveal state={{!!trigger}} type=match text='inactive'>
<$reveal state='!!event_order' type=match text='first'>
<$list filter="[tag[Event]location<currentEvent>]" template=EventDisplayTemplate>
<$list filter="[tag[Trigger]location<currentEvent>text[inactive]]" template=EventTriggerTemplate>
<$list filter="[tag[Trigger]location2<currentEvent>text[active]]" template=EventTriggerTemplate>
<$list filter='[tag[Popup]location<currentEvent>]' template=PopupListTemplate>
<$list filter="[tag[Item]location<currentEvent>]" template=ItemsInRoomListTemplate>
\define thisFilter()
\define thisFilter2()
\define triggerState()
<$set name='currentTriggerName' value={{!!title}}>
<$list filter=<<thisFilter>>>
<$view field=text/><br>
<$list filter=<<thisFilter2>>>
<$view field=text/><br>
\define thisFilter()
\define thatFilter(order)
<$set name='currentMapState' value={{MapState!!text}}>
<$set name='currentTriggerName' value={{!!title}}>
<$reveal state='!!text' type=match text='inactive'>
<$list filter=<<thisFilter>>>
<$view field=text/><br>
<!-- here I need to list any events or triggers that are inside the listed events -->
<$list filter='[location[current]]'>
Changes in the game world are driven by Events controlled by Triggers. An event is a description or bit of WikiText that is conditionally displayed based on the state of the designated trigger.
An event has two states, the initial state and the final state. An event, depending on the trigger used, may be permanently set to the final state when triggered or it can switch between the two states.
When you create an event called `EventName` it will have two states, the initial state will be called `EventName1` and the final state will be called `EventName2`.
The trigger for both the initial and final states MUST be set to the same trigger. Current limits on TiddlyWiki mean you have to set them individually, but they must be the same trigger in order for the game to work.
An event can be placed into everything other than the introduction message and triggers. An example of how you would use an event is to have a coded message that you can decode by reading a book.
To achieve this you could:
#Create an item called `Code Book` and give it a description
#Create a trigger called `Read Code Book` with type `button`, duration `permanent`, Button Text `Read Book` and location `Code Book`
#Create an item called `Coded Message`, give it a location and leave the description blank.
#Create an event called `Inner Coded Message` and for both states give the same description of the coded message.
#Set the trigger for `Inner Coded Message` to `Read Code Book`
#Create a trigger called `DecodeCodedMessage` with type `button`, duration `permanent` and button text `Decode Message`, place this trigger in `Inner Coded Message2`
#Create an event called `Outer Coded Message` and leave the initial state blank, put the description of the decoded message into the final state. Set the trigger to `DecodeCodedMessage`.
#Set the location of both the initial and final state of `Outer Coded Message` to `Coded Message`
#Set the location of both the initial and final state of `Inner Coded Message` to `Outer Coded Message1`
Then, the sequence of events to decode the message in the game would be:
#Pick up the coded message and the code book
#view the code book item and click on `Read Book`
#view the coded message item and click `Decode Message`
Then the message will be decoded.
Events can be nested inside other events to create more complex interactions. For example to make the `Read Book` not appear after you have read the book once you would create an event with blank states and put both states inside the code book, then place the `Read Code Book` trigger in the initial state of the event, and set the event trigger to `Read Code Book`. This would make the button only appear when the trigger `Read Code Book` was inactive.
Any number of events can use the same trigger.
this is going to be the template that we can use for event triggers, it will need to have different things it can display based on the trigger type for the moment just make it a button to test
Triggering types we should have:
Button - a simple button that triggers the change, it can be located anywhere. Let the user define the text of the button and where it goes, the rest should be done by the authoring tool.
Combination lock (because we already use one in the game) - like the combination lock for the safe, the user defines the number of tumblers and the correct solution and the location.
player location - the trigger is dependent on the player location, the author just sets the location for this one
location of other item - the trigger is dependent on the location of some item in the game. The author sets the item and the location.
We need to have an option for persistent vs temporary triggers. Persistent triggers get changed once and stay that way, temporary triggers are only active when in the triggering state, and go inactive when that state changes.
You could have a hybrid sort of thing, press a button and the trigger is active, later press another button and the trigger goes inactive. This means that the user has to be able to set the location of both of the buttons/triggers.
<!-- button type triggers -->
<$reveal type='match' state='!!trigger_type' text='button'>
<!-- permanent button trigger --> <!-- a permanent button trigger is a button that when pressed sets the trigger as active and it stays that way until the game is reset -->
<$reveal type='match' state='!!trigger_duration' text='permanent'>
<$button set='!!text' setTo='active'>{{!!button_text}}</$button> <!-- this sets the text field of the trigger template to 'active', use this to track them -->
<!--end permanent button trigger -->
<!-- switch button trigger --> <!-- switch triggers can be switched between states by players actions, so one button that when pressed toggles the states -->
<$reveal type='match' state='!!trigger_duration' text='switch'>
<$reveal type='match' state='!!text' text='inactive'>
<$button set='!!text' setTo='active'>{{!!button_text}}</$button> <!-- switch in off state -->
<$reveal type='match' state='!!text' text='active'>
<$button set='!!text' setTo='inactive'>{{!!button_text2}}</$button> <!-- switch in on state -->
<!-- end switch trigger -->
<!-- end button type triggers -->
<!-- Combination Lock Trigger -->
<$reveal type=match state='!!trigger_type' text='combination'>
<!-- combination permanent trigger -->
<$reveal type='match' state='!!text' text='inactive'>
<$select field='tumbler1'>
<$select field='tumbler2'>
<$select field='tumbler3'>
<$set name=target1 value={{!!unlock1}}>
<$set name=target2 value={{!!unlock2}}>
<$set name=target3 value={{!!unlock3}}>
<$list filter="[[all[current]!tumbler1<target1>][all[current]!tumbler2<target2>][all[current]!tumbler3<target3>]">
<$list filter="[all[current]tumbler1<target1>tumbler2<target2>tumbler3<target3>]">
<$button><$action-setfield $field=text $value=active/>{{!!button_text}}</$button>
<!-- end combination permanent trigger -->
<!-- combination switch trigger -->
<$reveal type='match' state='!!trigger_duration' text='switch'>
<$reveal type='match' state='!!text' text='active'>
<$select field='tumbler1'>
<$select field='tumbler2'>
<$select field='tumbler3'>
<$button><$action-setfield $field=text $value=inactive/>{{!!button_text2}}</$button>
<$reveal type='match' state='text' text='active'>
<$button set={{!!text}} setTo='inactive'>{{button_text2}}</$button>
<!-- end combination switch trigger -->
<!-- end combination lock triggers -->
<!-- Item location triggers -->
<$reveal type='match' state='!!trigger_type' text='item_location'>
<!-- Permanent item based trigger - as soon as the item is in the correct location the event is set to active regardless of the items future location -->
<!-- I am not sure if I can do this or not -->
<$reveal type='match' state='!!trigger_duration' text='permanent'>
<!-- end permanent item based switch>
<!-- switch item based trigger - the trigger is active only when the item is in the set location -->
<!-- so if the item location is the same as the trigger location than reveal the content -->
<$reveal type='match' state='!!trigger_duration' text='switch'>
<$set name='switchLocation' value={{!!location}}>
<$tiddler tiddler={{!!item}}>
<$reveal type='match' state='!!location' text=<<switchLocation>>>
<!-- end switch item based trigger -->
<!-- end item location triggers -->
this is going to be the template that we can use for event triggers, it will need to have different things it can display based on the trigger type for the moment just make it a button to test
Triggering types we should have:
Button - a simple button that triggers the change, it can be located anywhere. Let the user define the text of the button and where it goes, the rest should be done by the authoring tool.
Combination lock (because we already use one in the game) - like the combination lock for the safe, the user defines the number of tumblers and the correct solution and the location.
player location - the trigger is dependent on the player location, the author just sets the location for this one
location of other item - the trigger is dependent on the location of some item in the game. The author sets the item and the location.
We need to have an option for persistent vs temporary triggers. Persistent triggers get changed once and stay that way, temporary triggers are only active when in the triggering state, and go inactive when that state changes.
You could have a hybrid sort of thing, press a button and the trigger is active, later press another button and the trigger goes inactive. This means that the user has to be able to set the location of both of the buttons/triggers.
<!-- button type triggers -->
<$reveal type='match' state='!!trigger_type' text='button'>
<!-- permanent button trigger --> <!-- a permanent button trigger is a button that when pressed sets the trigger as active and it stays that way until the game is reset -->
<$reveal type='match' state='!!trigger_duration' text='permanent'>
<$button set='!!text' setTo='active'>{{!!button_text}}</$button> <!-- this sets the text field of the trigger template to 'active', use this to track them -->
<!--end permanent button trigger -->
<!-- switch button trigger --> <!-- switch triggers can be switched between states by players actions, so one button that when pressed toggles the states -->
<$reveal type='match' state='!!trigger_duration' text='switch'>
<$reveal type='match' state='!!text' text='inactive'>
<$button set='!!text' setTo='active'>{{!!button_text}}</$button> <!-- switch in off state -->
<$reveal type='match' state='!!text' text='active'>
<$button set='!!text' setTo='inactive'>{{!!button_text2}}</$button> <!-- switch in on state -->
<!-- end switch trigger -->
<!-- end button type triggers -->
<!-- Item location triggers -->
<$reveal type='match' state='!!trigger_type' text='item_location'>
<!-- Permanent item based trigger - as soon as the item is in the correct location the event is set to active regardless of the items future location -->
<!-- I am not sure if I can do this or not -->
<$reveal type='match' state='!!trigger_duration' text='permanent'>
<!-- end permanent item based switch>
<!-- switch item based trigger - the trigger is active only when the item is in the set location -->
<!-- so if the item location is the same as the trigger location than reveal the content -->
<$reveal type='match' state='!!trigger_duration' text='switch'>
<$set name='switchLocation' value={{!!location}}>
<$tiddler tiddler={{!!item}}>
<$reveal type='match' state='!!location' text=<<switchLocation>>>
<!-- end switch item based trigger -->
<!-- end item location triggers -->
When the game starts or is reset a message is displayed with a button to continue to the game. You change this text by editing the introduction message in the editing screen. You can also set the text displayed on the button to continue.
Oh no! You have locked yourself inside your home and need to get to work! Find the key so you can unlock the front door and leave.
<$list filter="[tag[Item]location[inventory]]" template="InventoryListTemplate">
<$view field="title"/> <$button message="tm-modal" param={{!!title}}>View Item</$button><$fieldmangler tiddler={{MapState!!container}}><$button><$action-setfield $tiddler={{!!title}} $field=location $value={{MapState!!container}}/>Drop</$button></$fieldmangler><br>
<!-- <$view field="title"/> <$button message="tm-modal" param={{!!title}}>View Item</$button><$fieldmangler tiddler={{!!title}}><$button><$action-setfield $tiddler={{!!title}} $field=location $value={{MapState!!text}}/>Drop</$button></$fieldmangler><br> -->
<$view field="title"/> <$button><$action-sendmessage $message="tm-modal" $param=ModalItemViewTemplate ItemName={{!!title}}/>View Item</$button><$fieldmangler tiddler={{!!title}}><$button><$action-setfield $tiddler={{!!title}} $field=location $value={{MapState!!text}}/>Drop</$button></$fieldmangler><br>
Items are objects that the player can pick up and put down. When an item is picked up it will be listed in the players inventory. An item has a description that can be viewed by clicking the `View Item` button in normal game play.
Items can hold events and triggers.
An items has a name, a description and a location. If you want to create an item select the `Items` option in the `Type to edit` menu and select `Create New Item` in the dropdown menu there. Give the item a name and description using the provided text boxes and set the items initial location using the dropdown menu. Then click `Create Item` and the item will be made.
To edit existing items select `Edit Existing Items` in the drop down menu and then in the new drop down menu that appears select the item you wish to edit. You can change the items name, description and location this way.
<!-- <$view field="title"/> <$button message="tm-modal" param={{!!title}}>View Item</$button><$fieldmangler tiddler={{!!title}}><$button><$action-setfield $field=location $value=inventory/><$action-sendmessage $message="tm-remove-tag" $param={{MapState!!text}}/>Pick Up</$button></$fieldmangler><br> -->
<$view field="title"/> <$button><$action-sendmessage $message="tm-modal" $param=ModalItemViewTemplate ItemName={{!!title}}/>View Item</$button><$fieldmangler tiddler={{!!title}}><$button><$action-setfield $field=location $value=inventory/><$action-sendmessage $message="tm-remove-tag" $param={{MapState!!text}}/>Pick Up</$button></$fieldmangler><br>
<$reveal state={{!!title}} type='match' text='inactive'>
<$select field='tumbler1'>
<$select field='tumbler2'>
<$select field='tumbler3'>
<$set name=target1 value={{!!unlock1}}>
<$set name=target2 value={{!!unlock2}}>
<$set name=target3 value={{!!unlock3}}>
<$list filter="[[all[current]!tumbler1<target1>][all[current]!tumbler2<target2>][all[current]!tumbler3<target3>]">
<$list filter="[all[current]tumbler1<target1>tumbler2<target2>tumbler3<target3>]">
<$button><$action-setfield $field=text $value=active/>Unlock</$button>
<$button message='tm-close-tiddler'>Close</$button>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/game_state' text=start>
<$button><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/game_state' $field=text $value=notStart/>{{IntroductionMessage!!button_text}}</$button>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/game_state' text=start>
|Room Description |Inventory |h
|<div class='tc-tiddler-frame' style='width:600px; background-color:#ffffff; box-shadow:none; height:400px'><$scrollable class='tc-scrollable'><$transclude tiddler=RoomDisplayTemplate/></$scrollable></div>|<div class='tc-tiddler-frame' style='width:400px; background-color:#ffffff; box-shadow:none; height:200px'><$transclude tiddler=Inventory/></div> |
<$tiddler tiddler={{MapState!!text}}>
| {{Map!!square1}} | {{Map!!square2}} | {{Map!!square3}} | {{Map!!square4}} | {{Map!!square5}} | {{!!up_button}} | {{!!north_button}} | {{!!down_button}} | | |
| {{Map!!square6}} | {{Map!!square7}} | {{Map!!square8}} | {{Map!!square9}} | {{Map!!square10}} | {{!!west_button}} | | {{!!east_button}} | | |
| {{Map!!square11}} | {{Map!!square12}} | {{Map!!square13}} | {{Map!!square14}} | {{Map!!square15}} | | {{!!south_button}} | | | |
| {{Map!!square16}} | {{Map!!square17}} | {{Map!!square18}} | {{Map!!square19}} | {{Map!!square20}} | | | | | |
| {{Map!!square21}} | {{Map!!square22}} | {{Map!!square23}} | {{Map!!square24}} | {{Map!!square25}} | | | | | |
\define roomMacro(room)
<$reveal state='MapState' type='match' text=$room$ default={{$:core/images/refresh-button}}> {{$:/core/images/star-filled}} </$reveal><$reveal state="$room$!!explored" type='nomatch' text='false' default='true'> {{$:/core/images/new-button}} </$reveal><$reveal state="$room$!!explored" type='match' text='false' default='true'> {{$:/core/images/close-button}} </$reveal>
<$reveal state={{MapState!!current_room}} type='match' text={{!!title}} default={{$:core/images/refresh-button}}>
<$reveal state={{MapState!!current_room}} type='nomatch' text={{!!title}} default={{$:core/images/refresh-button}}>
This is the middle drawer of your dresser. It is supposed to hold your nicely folded pants, but it there are none here. Maybe you should wear pants before you go outside. Nah, that is too much effort.
<$transclude tiddler=<<ContainerName>>/>
<$list filter='[tag[Event]location<ContainerName>]' template=EventDisplayTemplate>
<$list filter='[tag[Trigger]location<ContainerName>]' template=EventTriggerTemplate>
<$list filter='[tag[Popup]location<ContainerName>]' template=PopupListTemplate>
<$list filter='[tag[Item]location<ContainerName>]' template=ItemsInRoomListTemplate>
<$transclude tiddler=<<ItemName>>/>
<$list filter='[tag[Event]location<ItemName>]' template=EventDisplayTemplate>
<$list filter='[tag[Popup]location<ContainerName>]' template=PopupListTemplate>
<$list filter='[tag[Trigger]location<ItemName>]' template=EventTriggerTemplate>
<$transclude tiddler=<<PopupName>>/>
<$list filter='[tag[Event]location<PopupName>]' template=EventDisplayTemplate>
<$list filter='[tag[Trigger]location<PopupName>]' template=EventTriggerTemplate>
<$list filter='[tag[Item]location<PopupName>]' template=ItemsInRoomListTemplate>
\define northButton()
<$fieldmangler tiddler={{!!north}}><$button set=MapState setTo={{!!north}}><$action-setfield $tiddler={{!!north}} $field=explored $value=true/>{{$:/core/images/chevron-up}}North</$button></$fieldmangler>
\define southButton()
<$fieldmangler tiddler={{!!south}}><$button set=MapState setTo={{!!south}}><$action-setfield $tiddler={{!!south}} $field=explored $value=true/>{{$:/core/images/chevron-down}}South</$button></$fieldmangler>
\define eastButton()
<$fieldmangler tiddler={{!!east}}><$button set=MapState setTo={{!!east}}><$action-setfield $tiddler={{!!east}} $field=explored $value=true/>{{$:/core/images/chevron-right}}East</$button></$fieldmangler>
\define westButton()
<$fieldmangler tiddler={{!!west}}><$button set=MapState setTo={{!!west}}><$action-setfield $tiddler={{!!west}} $field=explored $value=true/>{{$:/core/images/chevron-left}}West</$button></$fieldmangler>
\define upButton()
<$fieldmangler tiddler={{!!up}}><$button set=MapState setTo={{!!up}}><$action-setfield $tiddler={{!!up}} $field=explored $value=true/>Up</$button></$fieldmangler>
\define downButton()
<$fieldmangler tiddler={{!!down}}><$button set=MapState setTo={{!!down}}><$action-setfield $tiddler={{!!down}} $field=explored $value=true/>Down</$button></$fieldmangler>
<$list filter='[tag[Trigger]]' template=EventTriggerTemplate>
\define setItemLocation()
<$tiddler tiddler=$(itemTiddler)$>
<$select tiddler=$(itemTiddler)$ field='location'>
<optgroup label='Rooms'>
<$list filter='[tag[Room]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<$set name='itemTiddler' value='ContainerTemplate'>
<!-- <$action-sendmessage $message='tm-new-tiddler' $param=ContainerTemplate tags='Container' title=<<ContainerNameTemp>>/> -->
Item Name:<br>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/tempcontainername' field=ContainerNameTemp placeholder='Container Name'/>
<$set name='ContainerNameTemp' value={{$:/tempcontainername!!ContainerNameTemp}}>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=ContainerTemplate>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<ContainerNameTemp>> $field=text $value={{ContainerTemplate!!text}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<ContainerNameTemp>> $field=location $value={{ContainerTemplate!!location}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<ContainerNameTemp>> $field=tags $value='Container'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=ContainerTemplate $field=text $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=ContainerTemplate $field=location $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/tempcontainername' $field=ContainerNameTemp $value=''/>
Create Container</$button>
| Container Description | Location | Things in Container |h
| <$edit-text tiddler=ContainerTemplate placeholder='Container Description'/> | <<setItemLocation>> | Items:<br><$list filter='[tag[Item]location<itemTiddler>]'><$view field='title'/><br></$list><br>Events:<br><$list filter='[tag[Event]location<itemTiddler>]'><$view field='title'/><br></$list><br>Triggers:<br><$list filter='[tag[Trigger]location<itemTiddler>]'><$view field='title'/><br></$list> |
\define makeName1()
\define makeName2()
\define getEvent(number)
\define setEventLocation1()
<$select tiddler=Event1Template field='location'>
<optgroup label='Rooms'>
<$list filter='[tag[Room]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<optgroup label='Items'>
<$list filter='[tag[Item]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<optgroup label='Containers'>
<$list filter='[tag[Container]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<optgroup label='Events'>
<$list filter='[tag[Event]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<optgroup label='Pop-ups'>
<$list filter='[tag[Popup]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
\define setEventLocation2()
<$select tiddler=Event2Template field='location'>
<optgroup label='Rooms'>
<$list filter='[tag[Room]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<optgroup label='Items'>
<$list filter='[tag[Item]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<optgroup label='Containers'>
<$list filter='[tag[Container]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<optgroup label='Events'>
<$list filter='[tag[Event]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
\define setEventTrigger(number)
<$select tiddler=Event1Template field='trigger'>
<$list filter='[tag[Trigger]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
Fill in the event name, locations and descriptions for the active and inactive states. Set the trigger and then click the `Create Event` button. You may need to create the trigger first.
Event Name: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/tiddlernametemp' field='nametemp' placeholder='Event Name'/>
<$set name='EventNameTemp' value={{$:/tiddlernametemp!!nametemp}}>
<!--<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-new-tiddler' $param=Event1Template tags='Event' event_name=<<EventNameTemp>> title=<<makeName1>>/>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-new-tiddler' $param=Event2Template tags='Event' event_name=<<EventNameTemp>> title=<<makeName2>>/> -->
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<makeName1>> $field=tags $value=Event/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<makeName2>> $field=tags $value=Event/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<makeName1>> $field=trigger $value={{Event1Template!!trigger}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<makeName2>> $field=trigger $value={{Event2Template!!trigger}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<makeName1>> $field=event_name $value=<<EventNameTemp>>/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<makeName2>> $field=event_name $value=<<EventNameTemp>>/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<makeName1>> $field=text $value={{Event1Template!!text}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<makeName2>> $field=text $value={{Event2Template!!text}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<makeName1>> $field=location $value={{Event1Template!!location}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<makeName2>> $field=location $value={{Event2Template!!location}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<makeName1>> $field=event_order $value=first/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<makeName2>> $field=event_order $value=second/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=Event1Template $field=event_name $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=Event1Template $field=text $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=Event1Template $field=location $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=Event2Template $field=event_name $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=Event2Template $field=text $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=Event2Template $field=location $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/tiddlernametemp' $field=nametemp $value=''/>
Create Event</$button>
<$set name="myVariable" value={{Editing Screen!!current_event_editing}}>
<$set name='firstState' value=<<getEvent first>>>
<$set name='secondState' value=<<getEvent second>>>
| | Edit | Preview | Location | Trigger | Things in Event state |h
|Initial State |<$edit-text tiddler=Event1Template/>|<$view tiddler=Event1Template field='text'/>| <<setEventLocation1>> | <<setEventTrigger first>> | Events:<br><$list filter='[tag[Event]location<firstState>]'><$view field='title'/><br></$list><br>Triggers:<br><$list filter='[tag[Trigger]location<firstState>]'><$view field='title'/><br></$list> |
|Final State |<$edit-text tiddler=Event2Template/>|<$view tiddler=Event2Template field='text'/>| <<setEventLocation2>> | <<setEventTrigger second>> | Events:<br><$list filter='[tag[Event]location<secondState>]'><$view field='title'/><br></$list><br>Triggers:<br><$list filter='[tag[Trigger]location<secondState>]'><$view field='title'/><br></$list> |
\define setItemLocation()
<$tiddler tiddler=$(itemTiddler)$>
<$select tiddler=$(itemTiddler)$ field='location'>
<optgroup label='Rooms'>
<$list filter='[tag[Room]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<optgroup label='Containers'>
<$list filter='[tag[Container]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<optgroup label='Events'>
<$list filter='[tag[Event]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<optgroup label='Pop-ups'>
<$list filter='[tag[Popup]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<$set name='itemTiddler' value='ItemTemplate'>
Item Name:<br>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/tempitemname' field=ItemNameTemp placeholder='Item Name'/>
<$set name='ItemNameTemp' value={{$:/tempitemname!!ItemNameTemp}}>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<ItemNameTemp>> $field=location $value={{ItemTemplate!!location}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<ItemNameTemp>> $field=text $value={{ItemTemplate!!text}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<ItemNameTemp>> $field=tags $value='Item'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=ItemTemplate $field=text $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=ItemTemplate $field=location $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/tempitemname' $field=ItemNameTemp $value=''/>
Create Item</$button>
| Item Description | Location | Things in item |h
| <$edit-text tiddler=ItemTemplate placeholder='Item Description'/> | <<setItemLocation>> | Events:<br><$list filter='[tag[Event]location<itemTiddler>]'><$view field='title'/><br></$list><br>Triggers:<br><$list filter='[tag[Trigger]location<itemTiddler>]'><$view field='title'/><br></$list> |
\define setPopupLocation()
<$tiddler tiddler=$(popupTiddler)$>
<$select tiddler=$(popupTiddler)$ field='location'>
<optgroup label='Rooms'>
<$list filter='[tag[Room]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<optgroup label='Containers'>
<$list filter='[tag[Container]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<optgroup label='Items'>
<$list filter='[tag[Item]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<optgroup label='Events'>
<$list filter='[tag[Event]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<$set name='popupTiddler' value=PopupTemplate>
Pop-up Name:<br>
<$edit-text tiddler='popupNameTemp' field='name_temp' placeholder='Pop-up Name'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler={{popupNameTemp!!name_temp}} $field=location $value={{PopupTemplate!!location}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler={{popupNameTemp!!name_temp}} $field=text $value={{PopupTemplate!!text}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler={{popupNameTemp!!name_temp}} $field=subtitle $value={{PopupTemplate!!subtitle}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler={{popupNameTemp!!name_temp}} $field=button_text $value={{PopupTemplate!!button_text}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler={{popupNameTemp!!name_temp}} $field=tags $value='Popup'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=PopupTemplate $field=text $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=PopupTemplate $field=location $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=PopupTemplate $field=subtitle $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=PopupTemplate $field=button_text $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='popupNameTemp' $field='name_temp' $value=''/>
Create Popup</$button>
| | Pop-up Text | Location | Things in Pop-up |h
| Button Text<br><$edit-text tiddler=<<popupTiddler>> field='button_text' placeholder='Button Text'/><br>Displayed Pop-up Title<br><$edit-text tiddler=<<popupTiddler>> field=subtitle placeholder='Displayed Title'/> | <$edit-text tiddler=<<popupTiddler>> placeholder='Pop-up Text'/> | <<setPopupLocation>> | Events:<br><$list filter='[tag[Event]location<popupTiddler>]'><$view field='title'/><br></$list><br>Triggers:<br><$list filter='[tag[Trigger]location<popupTiddler>]'><$view field='title'/><br></$list> |
\define setTriggerLocation()
<$tiddler tiddler=$(triggerTiddler)$>
<$reveal type='match' state='!!trigger_duration' text='switch'>
<$reveal type='match' state='!!trigger_type' text='button'>
<$select tiddler=$(triggerTiddler)$ field='location'>
<optgroup label='Rooms'>
<$list filter='[tag[Room]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<optgroup label='Items'>
<$list filter='[tag[Item]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<optgroup label='Containers'>
<$list filter='[tag[Container]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<optgroup label='Events'>
<$list filter='[tag[Event]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<optgroup label='Pop-ups'>
<$list filter='[tag[Popup]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<$reveal type='match' state='!!trigger_duration' text='switch'>
<$reveal type='match' state='!!trigger_type' text='button'>
<br>Active Location:
<$select tiddler=$(triggerTiddler)$ field='location2'>
<optgroup label='Rooms'>
<$list filter='[tag[Room]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<optgroup label='Items'>
<$list filter='[tag[Item]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<optgroup label='Containers'>
<$list filter='[tag[Container]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<optgroup label='Events'>
<$list filter='[tag[Event]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<optgroup label='Pop-ups'>
<$list filter='[tag[Popup]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
\define setTriggerType()
<$select tiddler=$(triggerTiddler)$ field='trigger_type'>
<option value='button'>Button</option>
<option value='item_location'>Item Location</option>
<option value='combination'>Combination Lock</option>
\define setTriggerDuration()
<$select tiddler=$(triggerTiddler)$ field='trigger_duration'>
<option value='permanent'>Permanent</option>
<option value='switch'>Switch</option>
\define setTriggerButtonText()
<$tiddler tiddler=$(triggerTiddler)$>
<$reveal state='!!trigger_type' type='match' text='button'>
<$reveal state='!!trigger_duration' type='match' text='permanent'>
Button Text:<$edit-text tiddler=$(triggerTiddler)$ field='button_text'/>
<$reveal state='!!trigger_duration' type='match' text='switch'>
Inactive Button Text:<$edit-text tiddler=$(triggerTiddler)$ field='button_text'/>
Active Button Text:<$edit-text tiddler=$(triggerTiddler)$ field='button_text2'/>
<$reveal state='!!trigger_type' type='match' text='combination'>
Locked Button Text:<$edit-text tiddler=$(triggerTiddler)$ field='button_text'/>
<$reveal state='!!trigger_duration' type='match' text='switch'>
Unlocked Button Text:<$edit-text tiddler=$(triggerTiddler)$ field='button_text2'/>
\define toggleTriggerState()
<$reveal state='$(triggerTiddler)$' type='match' text='inactive'>
<$button set=<<triggerTiddler>> setTo='active'>Toggle</$button>
<$reveal state='$(triggerTiddler)$' type='match' text='active'>
<$button set=<<triggerTiddler>> setTo='inactive'>Toggle</$button>
\define setCombination()
<$tiddler tiddler=$(triggerTiddler)$>
<$reveal type='match' state='!!trigger_type' text='combination'>
Set Combination:<br>
<$select tiddler=$(triggerTiddler)$ field=unlock1>
<$select tiddler=$(triggerTiddler)$ field=unlock2>
<$select tiddler=$(triggerTiddler)$ field=unlock3>
Trigger Name: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/triggernametemp' field='nametemp' placeholder='Trigger Name'/>
<$set name='TriggerNameTemp' value={{$:/triggernametemp!!nametemp}}>
<!-- <$action-sendmessage $message='tm-new-tiddler' $param=TriggerTemplate tags='Trigger' title=<<TriggerNameTemp>>/> -->
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<TriggerNameTemp>> $field=trigger_type $value={{TriggerTemplate!!trigger_type}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<TriggerNameTemp>> $field=text $value={{TriggerTemplate!!text}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<TriggerNameTemp>> $field=location $value={{TriggerTemplate!!location}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<TriggerNameTemp>> $field=location2 $value={{TriggerTemplate!!location2}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<TriggerNameTemp>> $field=event_order $value={{TriggerTemplate!!event_order}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<TriggerNameTemp>> $field=event_name $value={{TriggerTemplate!!event_name}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<TriggerNameTemp>> $field=button_text $value={{TriggerTemplate!!button_text}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<TriggerNameTemp>> $field=button_text2 $value={{TriggerTemplate!!button_text2}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<TriggerNameTemp>> $field=unlock1 $value={{TriggerTemplate!!unlock1}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<TriggerNameTemp>> $field=unlock2 $value={{TriggerTemplate!!unlock2}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<TriggerNameTemp>> $field=unlock3 $value={{TriggerTemplate!!unlock3}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<TriggerNameTemp>> $field=tags $value=Trigger/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=TriggerTemplate $field=text $value='inactive'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=TriggerTemplate $field=location $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=TriggerTemplate $field=location2 $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=TriggerTemplate $field=event_order $value='trigger'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=TriggerTemplate $field=event_name $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=TriggerTemplate $field=button_text $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=TriggerTemplate $field=button_text2 $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=TriggerTemplate $field=unlock1 $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=TriggerTemplate $field=unlock2 $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=TriggerTemplate $field=unlock3 $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/triggernametemp' $field='nametemp' $value=''/>
Create Trigger</$button>
<$set name="triggerTiddler" value=TriggerTemplate>
| | Edit | Current State | Location |h
|Trigger |Type:<<setTriggerType>><br>Duration:<<setTriggerDuration>><br><<setTriggerButtonText>><br><<setCombination>> |<<toggleTriggerState>><$list filter=<<triggerTiddler>>><$transclude/></$list>| <<setTriggerLocation>> |
!Note to self:
You lost your key somewhere last night, you need to find it so you can open the front door. You really need to stop losing your key. Or perhaps fix the front door so you don't need the key to open it from the inside.
<$button><$action-navigate $to='Editing Screen'/>Open Editing Screen</$button>
Is this the key to your front door?
I need to come up with a way to automatically generate the reset game button. Or at least provide code to copy and paste into the macro to make it simple. Autogeneration would be best. Can I change the content of a macro like that? Maybe have a bunch of tiddlers that are made, one for each item or other thing that needs to be reset, and the content of that tiddler is the line for the macro to reset that object (so location for items, and state for triggers, that may be all that is needed.) and then the macro would be something like `\define resetMacro() <$list filter='[tag[Reset_State]]'><$transclude field=text/></$list>` and would be called by the `Reset Game` button. I have no idea if that would work or not. I need to try that out. Also this means I need to make the editor create a reset_state tiddler for each object that can be reset when it is made, and add that option for creation and editing.
We need to make the 30 images for rooms (1-4 doors in every configuration, each one of those occupied or unoccupied) - This may be pointless since I don't have a way to auto-generate a map so for something other than the 5x5 grid I have set up you would need to manually make the map. I would like something that generates it based on the room topology, but that would require forcing a square grid layout. I don't think a map is going to happen.
Note: While it would be using something outside the core wiki using the taskgraph plugin by Felix Küppers (or something similar, I haven't explored exactly what the plugin can do) to generate the maps would be awesome. http://wkpr.de/hosting/tmp/tw5/taskgraph/
Triggering types we should have:
*~~Simple Button - a simple button that triggers the change, it can be located anywhere. Let the user define the text of the button and where it goes, the rest should be done by the authoring tool.~~ done (EventTriggerTemplate)
*~~Simple switch - a button that toggles the event between states.~~ done (EventTriggerTemplate)
*Combination lock (because we already use one in the original game) - like the combination lock for the safe, the user defines the number of tumblers and the correct solution and the location. This should be possible without too much effort.
*player location - the trigger is dependent on the player location, the author just sets the location for this one
*location of other item - the trigger is dependent on the location of some item in the game. The author sets the item and the location.
Note: The location based triggers will require some functionality that isn't in the core wiki unless I am missing something (that is without a major rewrite of how the system works, I think it would break more than it would fix). I would rather not use anything outside the core wiki functions for the game because it was meant to be a demonstration of how flexible the core tiddlywiki is. The functionality needed to make this work is a widget that works similar to the reveal widget, but instead of displaying text or other content based on some condition, it triggers a widget message/widget messages.
We need to add temporary triggers are only active when in the triggering state, and go inactive when that state changes. This has the same problems as the location based triggers.
Triggers like this could be tied to the movement buttons or the pickup/drop inventory buttons, but that doesn't work with the rest of the framework for the game.
If I did a complete rewrite and used data tiddlers to store everything I may be able to make something work, but I am not sure.
More is in the comments in EventTriggerTemplate
A pop-up is a modal window that opens and displays stuff. It can have triggers or items in it. At the moment the window opens when a button is pressed and there are no other options. I will look into this.
Find a way to set two fields with a single select widget so that we don't have to set the trigger for an event twice (once for the first state and again for the second state)
Find a Way to let an item transform based on a trigger. like being able to break the Vase.
A pop-up message is a message that takes the focus in response to a button press. This can be used for notifications and displaying the results of actions. A pop-up is currently always triggered by a button. You set the button text, the title of the pop-up window and the text to display and the location.
Pop-ups can contain items, events and triggers. Using events you can change what is displayed in a pop-up (see [[Events Documentation]])
<$button message='tm-modal' param={{!!title}}>{{button_text}}<$button/>
<$button><$action-sendmessage $message="tm-modal" $param=ModalPopupViewTemplate PopupName={{!!title}}/>{{!!button_text}}</$button>
How did you manage to get this? And why isn't it broken?
\define getCount()
<$count filter='[all[]]'/>
\define countMacro()
<$count filter='[all[]]'/>
\define temp()
<$macrocall $name=countMacro $output='text/html'/>
\define randomNumberTry()
<<randVal 1 <$count filter='[all[]]'/>>>
I made a javascript macro called `randVal` that takes 3 inputs: lower, upper and step. It returns a value between lower and upper using step as the interval between potential numbers. So `<<randVal 1 5 0.5>>` returns a number drawn uniformly from the set `{1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5}`. If only given 2 inputs it defaults to step=1 so it returns an integer between lower and upper.
I would like to give the output of `<$count filter='[all[]]'/>` as the input for upper, but instead of passing <$count filter='[all[]]'/> to the macro it passes `<$count filter='[all[]]'/>` as a string.
add a random number between 1 and 10 as a tag
<$fieldmangler><$button><$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param=<<randVal 1 10>>/>New Number</$button></$fieldmangler>
<$fieldmangler><$button><$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param=<<randVal 1 10>>/>New Number</$button></$fieldmangler>
!Doesn't Work
add the output of `<$count filter='[all[]]'/>` as a tag.
<$set name=countVar value=<<temp>>>
<$fieldmangler><$button><$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param=<<countMacro>>/>New Number</$button></$fieldmangler>
<$set name=countVar value=<<temp>>>
<$fieldmangler><$button><$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param=<<countMacro>>/>New Number</$button></$fieldmangler>
!Also doesn't work
using $set to make a variable equal to `<$count filter='[all[]]'/>` and adding that as a tag
<$set name=randomName value=<<countMacro>>>
<$fieldmangler><$button><$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param=<<randomName>>/>New Number</$button></$fieldmangler>
<$set name=randomName value=<<countMacro>>>
<$fieldmangler><$button><$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param=<<randomName>>/>New Number</$button></$fieldmangler>
!Still doesn't work
Using the output of `<$count filter='[all[]]'/>` as the input to a javascript macro.
<<randVal 1 <$count filter='[all[]]'/>>>
<<randVal 1 <$count filter='[all[]]'/>>>
!This seems like it shoud but doesn't
I made randValTest which gives the same output as randVal followed by the input parameters, the upper parameter only indicies 1 to 4 of the upper parameter are output, otherwise it gave the string for the count widget and evaluated it. Can I evaluate that string in the javascript? I will look into this.
\define getCount() <$count filter='[all[]]'/>
<$macrocall $name=randValTest lower=1 upper=<<getCount>>/>
<$macrocall $name=randValTest lower=1 upper=<<getCount>> step=1/>
<$button><$action-setfield $field=test $value=<<getCount>>/>set a field</$button>
There is a `Reset Game` button in the upper left corner. You can edit the macro that is run when that button is pressed in the editing screen by selecting `Reset Button` in the `Type to Edit` options.
To reset the game you should do a few things:
#Set the initial player location
#Reset the location of all items
#Set all triggers to `inactive`
#If you have any combination locks reset the tumblers
To set the initial player location add/edit the line
`<$action-setfield $tiddler=MapState $field=text $value=STARTINGROOM/>`
Where `STARTINGROOM` is the name of the room the player should start in.
For items you have (One line per item):
`<$action-setfield $tiddler=ITEMNAME $field=location $value=ITEMLOCATION/>`
Where you replace `ITEMNAME` with the name of the item, and `ITEMLOCATION` with the location of the item at the start of the game.
You will have one line per item.
For triggers you have (one per trigger, plus combination locks get the stuff below this too):
`<$action-setfield $tiddler=TRIGGERNAME $field=text $value=inactive/>`
Where you replace `TRIGGERNAME` with the name of the trigger.
For combination locks:
After adding the line for the trigger described above you need to add the following three lines:
`<$action-setfield $tiddler=TRIGGERNAME $field=unlock1 $value=0/>`<br>
`<$action-setfield $tiddler=TRIGGERNAME $field=unlock2 $value=0/>`<br>
`<$action-setfield $tiddler=TRIGGERNAME $field=unlock3 $value=0/>`
where `TRIGGERNAME` is the name of the combination lock trigger.
The text editing field has the text to edit. Make sure you leave `\define` at the start and `\end` at the end of the text. Don't do anything other than add lines like described above.
There is a list of all items and all triggers next to the text editing area to help remember what needs to be done. Remember that if any item names, trigger names or locations have spaces in them you need to put the name inside single or double quotes (`' '` or `" "`).
<$button message='tm-modal' param=ResetButtonModalDialog>Reset Game</$button>
\define resetButtonTasks()
<$action-setfield $tiddler=MapState $field=text $value=room1/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='Note Written in Code' $field=location $value=room7/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='A few dollars in change' $field=location $value='Couch Cushions'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='Plain Key' $field=location $value=SafeState2/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='Dictionary' $field=location $value='Your Bookshelf'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='Note' $field=location $value=room1/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='Priceless Vase' $field=location $value=room1/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=DictionaryReadTrigger $field=text $value=inactive/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=Safe $field=tumbler1 $value=0/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=Safe $field=tumbler2 $value=0/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=Safe $field=tumbler3 $value=0/>
Pressing this button will reset the game and you will lose any progress you have made.
<!-- leave these lines if you are using the default rooms -->
<$action-setfield $tiddler=room1 $field=explored $value=true/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=room2 $field=explored $value=false/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=room3 $field=explored $value=false/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=room4 $field=explored $value=false/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=room5 $field=explored $value=false/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=room6 $field=explored $value=false/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=room7 $field=explored $value=false/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=room8 $field=explored $value=false/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=room9 $field=explored $value=false/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=room10 $field=explored $value=false/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=room11 $field=explored $value=false/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=room12 $field=explored $value=false/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=room13 $field=explored $value=false/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=room14 $field=explored $value=false/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=room15 $field=explored $value=false/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=room16 $field=explored $value=false/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=room17 $field=explored $value=false/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=room18 $field=explored $value=false/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=room19 $field=explored $value=false/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=room20 $field=explored $value=false/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=room21 $field=explored $value=false/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=room22 $field=explored $value=false/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=room23 $field=explored $value=false/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=room24 $field=explored $value=false/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=room25 $field=explored $value=false/>
<!-- these are the lines to replace -->
<$action-setfield $tiddler=MapState $field=text $value=room1/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='Note Written in Code' $field=location $value=room7/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='A few dollars in change' $field=location $value='Couch Cushions'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='Plain Key' $field=location $value=SafeState2/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='Dictionary' $field=location $value='Your Bookshelf'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='Note' $field=location $value=room1/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='Priceless Vase' $field=location $value=room1/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=DictionaryReadTrigger $field=text $value=inactive/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=TestSafeTrigger $field=text $value=inactive/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=TestSafeTrigger $field=tumbler1 $value=0/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=TestSafeTrigger $field=tumbler2 $value=0/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=TestSafeTrigger $field=tumbler3 $value=0/>
<!-- leave the lines below here -->
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/game_state' $field=text $value=start/>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-home'/>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-close-tiddler'/>
Yes, Reset Game</$button>
<$button message='tm-close-tiddler'>No, Don't Reset</$button>
You are in a bare room
Exits are North, South, West
You started drawing a dragon on the wall here, but quickly realized you can't draw. So there are some squiggly lines on the wall, it looks sort of like a palm tree.
The wall here has another of your failed attempts at painting. You can't even remember what this blob was supposed to be.
This section of your room has your only bookshelf. Reading is hard, so you avoid it whenever possible.
This corner holds your latest failure at raising a plant. Its brown leaves stare at you accusingly. You feel slightly uncomfortable.
Your awesome couch is here. The searching the cushions never fails to turn up something awesome.
\define isDoorOpen(name)
<$tiddler tiddler='Plain Key'>
<$reveal state='!!location' type='nomatch' text='inventory'>
<$button message='tm-modal' param=LockedDoor>Open Door</$button>
<$reveal state='!!location' type='match' text='inventory'>
<$button message='tm-modal' param=UnlockedDoor>Open Door</$button>
You are in a bare room<br>
There is a door to the north<br>
<<isDoorOpen Key>>
You are standing in front of your dresser. It has 3 drawers.
\define ItemList()
<$list filter="[tag[Item]location[$(roomTitle)$]limit[1]]">
You see:<br>
<$list filter="[tag[Item]location[$(roomTitle)$]]" template=ItemsInRoomListTemplate>
\define ContainerList()
<$list filter="[tag[Container]location[$(roomTitle)$]limit[1]]">
Places to look:
<$list filter="[tag[Container]location[$(roomTitle)$]]" template=ContainersInRoomTemplate>
\define ExitList()
<$list filter='[is[current]has[north]]'>
<$list filter='[is[current]has[south]]'>
<$list filter='[is[current]has[east]]'>
<$list filter='[is[current]has[west]]'>
<$list filter='[is[current]has[up]]'>
<$list filter='[is[current]has[down]]'>
\define RoomEventList()
<$list filter="[tag[Event]location[$(roomTitle)$]]" template=EventDisplayTemplate>
\define RoomTriggerList()
<$list filter="[tag[Trigger]location[$(roomTitle)$]text[inactive]] [tag[Trigger]location2[$(roomTitle)$]text[active]]" template=EventTriggerTemplate>
\define RoomPopupList()
<$list filter='[tag[Popup]location[$(roomTitle)$]]' template=PopupListTemplate>
<$tiddler tiddler={{MapState!!text}}>
<$transclude field='text'/>
<$set name='roomTitle' value={{MapState!!text}}>
<$set name='roomTitle' value={{MapState!!text}}>
<$set name='roomTitle' value={{MapState!!text}}>
<$set name='roomTitle' value={{MapState!!text}}>
<$set name='roomTitle' value={{MapState!!text}}>
Room exits are:<br>
<$set name='roomEditing' value={{!!current_room_editing}}>
| Edit Room Text | Preview | Room Exits | Exit Destinations | Things in room |h
| <div class='tc-tiddler-frame' style='width:300px; background-color:#ffffff; box-shadow:none; height:200px'><$edit-text tiddler={{!!current_room_editing}} size=100px minHeight=400px/></div> | <div class='tc-tiddler-frame' style='width:400px; background-color:#ffffff; box-shadow:none; height:200px'><$transclude tiddler={{!!current_room_editing}} field=text/></div> | <$checkbox tiddler={{!!current_room_editing}} field='north_button' checked='<<northButton>>' unchecked=' '>North</$checkbox> | <$select tiddler={{!!current_room_editing}} field=north><$list filter='[tag[Room]!tag[Template]]'><option><$view field='title'/></option></$list></$select> | Items:<br><$list filter='[tag[Item]location<roomEditing>]'><$view field='title'/><br></$list><br>Containers:<br><$list filter='[tag[Container]location<roomEditing>]'><$view field='title'/><br></$list><br>Events:<br><$list filter='[tag[Event]location<roomEditing>]'><$view field='title'/><br></$list><br>Triggers:<br><$list filter='[tag[Trigger]location<roomEditing>]'><$view field='title'/><br></$list> |
|^|^| <$checkbox tiddler={{!!current_room_editing}} field='south_button' checked='<<southButton>>' unchecked=' '>South</$checkbox> | <$select tiddler={{!!current_room_editing}} field=south><$list filter='[tag[Room]!tag[Template]]'><option><$view field='title'/></option></$list></$select> |^|
|^|^| <$checkbox tiddler={{!!current_room_editing}} field='east_button' checked='<<eastButton>>' unchecked=' '>East</$checkbox> | <$select tiddler={{!!current_room_editing}} field=east><$list filter='[tag[Room]!tag[Template]]'><option><$view field='title'/></option></$list></$select> |^|
|^|^| <$checkbox tiddler={{!!current_room_editing}} field='west_button' checked='<<westButton>>' unchecked=' '>West</$checkbox> | <$select tiddler={{!!current_room_editing}} field=west><$list filter='[tag[Room]!tag[Template]]'><option><$view field='title'/></option></$list></$select> |^|
|^|^| <$checkbox tiddler={{!!current_room_editing}} field='up_button' checked='<<upButton>>' unchecked=' '>Up</$checkbox> | <$select tiddler={{!!current_room_editing}} field=up><$list filter='[tag[Room]!tag[Template]]'><option><$view field='title'/></option></$list></$select> |^|
|^|^| <$checkbox tiddler={{!!current_room_editing}} field='down_button' checked='<<downButton>>' unchecked=' '>Down</$checkbox> | <$select tiddler={{!!current_room_editing}} field=down><$list filter='[tag[Room]!tag[Template]]'><option><$view field='title'/></option></$list></$select> |^|
Rooms are the building blocks of the game. The player navigates between rooms to move around in the game. A room has a description (text or WikiText) and a list of exits. Exits have both a direction (north, south, east, west, up or down) and a destination. The destination of each exit can be any other room.
!Creating a new room
To make a room select the `Rooms` option as the `Type to edit` in the editing screen and make sure that the drop down menu directly below the `Type to edit` selection is set to `Create New Room`.
Give the room a descriptive name (this won't be visible while playing, it is just to identify the room while editing the game.) and type the room description into the text box. The description can be normal text or wikitext. (See www.tiddlywiki.com for more about WikiText).
The preview column of the screen will show the room description the way it will be displayed during the game.
To add exits to the room click on the check box next to the direction you want the exit to be in (North, South, East, West, Up or Down) and for each exit you check select the destination room. If this is the first room you are making than you won't have any options for destination rooms, this is ok, create more rooms and then edit this room to add the destinations.
The far right column will list any events, items, containers, etc. present in the room. If you are making a new room nothing will be listed.
Once you have given the room a description and any exits you want click the `create room` button by the text box where you entered the room name. This will create the room. Look below to see how to edit existing rooms.
!Editing an existing room
Change the drop down menu to `Edit existing room` and use the smaller selection menu to pick the room you wish to edit.
All edits take place immediately, and aside from changing the name of the room everything works the same as for creating a new room. I have not yet added anything to allow you to change the name of rooms you have already created.
Note that if you use anything other than room1, room2, ..., room25 set up in a square grid than the map will not be useful. I will hopefully fix this later.
This is your big safe. You use it to store important things.
This is the top drawer of your dresser. It seems to only contain dirty socks. Maybe you should do laundry.
\define setTriggerLocation()
<$tiddler tiddler=$(triggerTiddler)$>
<$reveal type='match' state='!!trigger_type' text='item_location'>
<$select tiddler=$(triggerTiddler)$ field='item'>
<$list filter='[tag[Item]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<$select tiddler=$(triggerTiddler)$ field='location'>
<option value='inventory'>Inventory</option>
<optgroup label='Rooms'>
<$list filter='[tag[Room]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<optgroup label='Containers'>
<$list filter='[tag[Container]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<$reveal type='match' state='!!trigger_duration' text='switch'>
<$reveal type='match' state='!!trigger_type' text='button'>
<$reveal type='match' state='!!trigger_type' text='combination'>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='!!trigger_type' text='item_location'>
<$select tiddler=$(triggerTiddler)$ field='location'>
<optgroup label='Rooms'>
<$list filter='[tag[Room]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<optgroup label='Items'>
<$list filter='[tag[Item]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<optgroup label='Containers'>
<$list filter='[tag[Container]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<optgroup label='Events'>
<$list filter='[tag[Event]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<optgroup label='Pop-ups'>
<$list filter='[tag[Popup]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<$reveal type='match' state='!!trigger_duration' text='switch'>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='!!trigger_type' text='item_location'>
<br>Active Location:
<$select tiddler=$(triggerTiddler)$ field='location2'>
<optgroup label='Rooms'>
<$list filter='[tag[Room]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<optgroup label='Items'>
<$list filter='[tag[Item]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<optgroup label='Containers'>
<$list filter='[tag[Container]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<optgroup label='Events'>
<$list filter='[tag[Event]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<optgroup label='Pop-ups'>
<$list filter='[tag[Popup]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
\define setTriggerType()
<$select tiddler=$(triggerTiddler)$ field='trigger_type'>
<option value='button'>Button</option>
<option value='item_location'>Item Location</option>
<option value='combination'>Combination Lock</option>
\define setTriggerDuration()
<$select tiddler=$(triggerTiddler)$ field='trigger_duration'>
<option value='permanent'>Permanent</option>
<option value='switch'>Switch</option>
\define setTriggerButtonText()
<$tiddler tiddler=$(triggerTiddler)$>
<$reveal state='!!trigger_type' type='match' text='button'>
<$reveal state='!!trigger_duration' type='match' text='permanent'>
Button Text:<$edit-text tiddler=$(triggerTiddler)$ field='button_text'/>
<$reveal state='!!trigger_duration' type='match' text='switch'>
Inactive Button Text:<$edit-text tiddler=$(triggerTiddler)$ field='button_text'/>
Active Button Text:<$edit-text tiddler=$(triggerTiddler)$ field='button_text2'/>
<$reveal state='!!trigger_type' type='match' text='combination'>
Locked Button Text:<$edit-text tiddler=$(triggerTiddler)$ field='button_text'/>
<$reveal state='!!trigger_duration' type='match' text='switch'>
Unlocked Button Text:<$edit-text tiddler=$(triggerTiddler)$ field='button_text2'/>
\define toggleTriggerState(trigger)
<$reveal state='$(triggerTiddler)$' type='match' text='inactive'>
<$button set=<<triggerTiddler>> setTo='active'>Toggle</$button>
<$reveal state='$(triggerTiddler)$' type='match' text='active'>
<$button set=<<triggerTiddler>> setTo='inactive'>Toggle</$button>
\define listTriggers()
<$select tiddler='Editing Screen' field='current_trigger_editing'>
<$list filter='[tag[Trigger]!tag[Template]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
\define setCombination()
<$tiddler tiddler=$(triggerTiddler)$>
<$reveal type='match' state='!!trigger_type' text='combination'>
Set Combination:<br>
<$select tiddler=$(triggerTiddler)$ field=unlock1>
<$select tiddler=$(triggerTiddler)$ field=unlock2>
<$select tiddler=$(triggerTiddler)$ field=unlock3>
<$set name="triggerTiddler" value={{Editing Screen!!current_trigger_editing}}>
| | Edit | Current State | Location |h
|Trigger:<br><<listTriggers>> |Type:<<setTriggerType>><br>Duration:<<setTriggerDuration>><br><<setTriggerButtonText>><br><<setCombination>> |<<toggleTriggerState>><$list filter=<<triggerTiddler>>><$transclude/></$list>| <<setTriggerLocation>> |
Triggers are used to change the state of events. See [[Events Documentation]] for examples.
The types of triggers currently supported are:
Buttons - permanent and switches
Combination Locks - permanent and switches
''Item location triggers are not implemented yet, and may not be possible using the current structure of the game. I am working on it.'' So location based triggers, while they are listed as an option, don't do anything.
**A permanent button trigger will have the text entered into the `Button Text` text box, and be in the location set in the editor. Once the button is pressed the trigger is set to active and the button goes away and the trigger remains active forever.
**A switch button trigger will have two buttons, one displayed when the trigger is inactive (in the inital state) and the other displayed when the trigger is active (in the final state). The buttons can be places anywhere other than inside other triggers, and don't have to be in the same location.
*Combination locks - a combination lock has 3 tumblers that can take values from 0-9. I will hopefully change this in the future to allow users to set both the number of tumblers and the symbols on each tumbler. But you can't do that yet. The `Set Combination` menus set the combination needed to open the lock.
**Permanent - if the combination lock is set to `permanent` than once it is opened it goes away and can't be changed.
**Switch - if the combination is set to `switch` than the tumblers will be visible in the location set after the lock is opened, and pressing the button will set the trigger back to `inactive`. If it is set to inactive than the combination will need to be entered again in order to open it again.
You unlock the door and head out to work.
<$reveal type='match' state='A few dollars in change!!location' text='inventory'>
You buy yourself a new candy bar with the change from your couch. Today is a good day.
| {{!!title}} | {{Inventory}} |
This is your bookshelf. You keep your books here. If you have any books.
A thesis notebook based on TiddlyWiki.
This is an example of a thesis notebook powered by TiddlyWiki 5.0.8-beta.
TiddlyWiki is a great piece of software created by Jeremy Ruston. It allows you, among other things, to take notes, organize ideas, store information, and display all your stuff the way you want. It is an incredibly flexible tool you can adapt to fit almost all your needs.
This TiddlyWiki has been customized to serve as a philosophy notebook centered around authors, books and papers, concepts and theories, and personal notes. I use it along with Zotero, which is a dedicated bibliography software. Both are free, open source projects. TiddlyWiki can be downloaded at http://tiddlywiki.com.
buggyj has created several useful plugins, including a WYSIWYG HTML editor, a configurable calendar and tag lists with draggable ordering.
A collection of customisations and macros from Danielo Rodriguez.
This is my personal tiddlywiki file for testing.
Here I will post the tools and Macros that I develop for this awesome tool. That way, all the help the comunity gave me can came back to the comunity again.
An adaptor to enable TiddlyWiki to sync changes with a [[CouchDB|http://couchdb.apache.org]] database.
CouchDB sync adaptor for TiddlyWiki 5. Requires TiddlyWiki >= 5.1.2.
Works in limited testing. Not sure how well it handles conflicts.
A guide to creating a baby journal with TiddlyWiki.
Keeping a journal about your baby is fun. It allows you to keep track of those events in your baby's life and development that are most important to you, and to tell them in your own words. [...]
There are plenty of online services that can help to keep such a diary, but you need to have an internet connection to access them, and you have to trust them to keep your data safe.
A collection of hints and tips from Jim Lehmer, published as a static blog generated by TiddlyWiki.
There is a decent write-up on generating static pages using Tiddlywiki on the main TW site. However, there are a few nuances not mentioned on that page, so here are a few of my notes on how I generate the pages for this site.
An adaptation of the [[TiddlyWiki powered GTD® system formerly known as MonkeyGTD|http://mgsd.tiddlyspot.com/]] for TiddlyWiki version 5.
GSD5 is a Getting-Thing-Done tool for TiddlyWiki5 based off the mGSD classic TiddlyWiki.
A guide in Russian to creating an online shop with TiddlyWiki. No serverside code is needed, instead orders are handled by Disqus.
An extensive collection of hints and tips from Jed Carty.
I made this so that some of my friends with absolutely no coding experience could use some of the better features of TW5 without having to learn much. I am hopefully going to continue updating it as I learn new things. There isn't really anything here that isn't available in plenty of other places, but I figured that since I spent a while putting it together and people keep saying that TW needs more documentation I would post it here.
A step by step guide to running TiddlyWiki on a ~CentOS Virtual Private Server.
In this tutorial we will guide you through the steps of installing and running TiddlyWiki on a ~CentOS 6 VPS.
We will also install and configure Nginx as a reverse proxy, so you can run TiddlyWiki behind Nginx.
A Spanish guide to using TiddlyWiki on Android.
Tiddlywiki software is prodigious based on javascript which is capable of holding a notepad that can be edited with Internet Explorer or function as a full blog, contained in a single file.
//Translation by Google Translate//
A quick guide to using TiddlyWiki (written in German)
Those using multiple different computer platforms (if only PC and Android) knows for certain: You would like to sync notes across computers and thereby be independent of any apps or services. I am concerned at any rate so and so I am constantly looking for the perfect solution.
With TiddlyWiki I found it mostly. As the name suggests, it TiddlyWiki is a Wikisystem. In contrast to all other wikis, TiddlyWiki is a single HTML file that runs in the browser and thus can be used on all modern operating systems. And because there is only one file, it can be very easily via the well-known cloud services (Dropbox, Google Drive, ownCloud) or synchronized with FTP or used on a USB stick.
(Translation from German by Google Translate)
A fast Forth interpreter for the [[Commodore PET|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commodore_PET]], written in 6502 assembly language. The TiddlyWiki containing program documentation is automatically generated from the source code: see https://github.com/chitselb/pettil.
Objectives of the project are, in no particular order:
* make a Forth that runs on my Commodore PET 2001
* have fun
* improve my "6502 assembly golf" skills
* find other people who are interested in this project
A gamers guide to using TiddlyWiki.
I’ve been using TiddlyWiki for this game mainly to record the monsters’ locations and the items that they drop. This is so that when I need a certain item to upgrade/create weapons, I can quickly look it up; which monsters drop it and which quests have those monsters.
As I play the game, as I encounter new information, I just input them into my Shining Ark TiddlyWiki. It’s like I’m building a wiki from scratch. The reason why I don’t just use online wikis is that 1) it’s too easy to get spoiled and 2) sometimes online wikis provide too much information (who cares about the non-gameplay related descriptions that can be found in the game, etc).
A collection of tips from Tobias Beer
A collection of references and sandbox for testing concepts around TiddlyWiki 5...
Reaction to TiddlyWiki5 from the translator of the German edition of TiddlyWikiClassic.
There is little software that can still inspire me so even after years, as on the first day. This includes TiddlyWiki, the "pocket-wiki". The latter is because the Wiki completely fits into an HTML file, and this HTML file brings everything - JavaScript program logic, CSS appearance and the entire Wiki content as stored records. So a TiddlyWiki file is then sometimes happy times some megabytes in size, but just has the unbeatable advantage that it works just as fast file created locally in a variety of browsers.
(Translation from German by Google Translate)
An early release of an edition of TiddlyWiki customised for rigorous, academic notetaking.
TiddlyWiki for Scholars is a personal customization of TiddlyWiki 5.0.13-beta I made for note-taking from readings, but it can be useful for other purposes. The idea behind this adaptation is to show and to allow creating relevant data related to the current tiddler without leaving the tiddler.
A collection of tips and guides in French, introduced by this blog post:
Ce guide de prise en main de TiddlyWiki vous permettra de débuter sur ce logiciel : rédiger du texte avec la syntaxe wiki, insérer des images, créer des Tiddler, faire une recherche, ajouter des fonctionnalités, et bien d'autres choses.. Bonne lecture ! Sylvain
Notes and tips by a developer working on writing TiddlyWiki plugins -- including [[TWExe|https://github.com/welford/twexe]], a widget for running Windows scripts and executables.
A collection of articles covering integration with Fargo, Font Awesome and Google Calendar, and tips for managing task lists.
I have become a regular user of TiddlyWiki and have become so accustomed to using Font Awesome icons in Fargo that I wanted to incorporate the icons into my wikis as well.
A translation of the tiddlywiki.com documentation from Bram Chen, TiddlyWiki's Chinese translator.
Dutch blog post about TiddlyWiki
I'm allergic to websites that are highly dependent on JavaScript. I think that JavaScript has many useful applications to add functionality to a site, but content needs to be visible if JavaScript is switched off. I use the NoScript extension for Firefox and surf with pleasure over the Internet without spontaneous things happen that I do not give permission. I love JavaScript on a short leash. More crazier maybe I'm so excited about TiddlyWiki.
(Translation from Dutch by Google Translate)
An extensive collection of tips and resources for users of TiddlyWiki in Japanese.
Chris Hunt's detailed developer tutorials for getting started with writing widgets for TiddlyWiki.
These pages document aspects TiddlyWiki5 programming, sharing "lessons learned" to help developers to get started with TiddlyWiki5 customization and extension.
There are currently two articles in this wiki:
* A Simple Widget
* A More Complex Widget
Huge collection of customisations and tweaks from Ton Gerner.
I am a longtime user of TiddlyWiki Classic and still use it daily since you can't do everything in TiddlyWiki 5 (yet) ;)
I started experimenting with TW5 at the end of September 2013 (alpha10).
Since I missed a few things in the layout I got used to in TiddlyWiki Classic 1, I started with modifying the layout of TW5.
To share my knowledge, I made a few guides about these 'modifications'.
The guides started as a non-linear personal web notebook (yeah, the subtitle of TiddlyWiki!). I started experimenting with layout things and used TW5 to document my experiments.
A wealth of hints, tips and notes about using [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]:
TiddlyWiki is different from other wikis because of its principle of dynamically customizeable "storyline" based on tiddlers as basic units of information. That is, the user "composes" their own version of the webpage by clicking on tiddler links, which add tiddlers to the page in order to compose a storyline.
The Node.js implementation in TiddlyWiki5 adds all the advantages of flat-file markup language based type of site. This makes TiddlyWiki an excellent alternative to flat-file based CMS/webpage/blog authoring systems for the web.
Also very cool is the treatment of tags as menus everywhere.
Stephan Hradek's growing catalogue of tips, tutorials, and other resources. Stephan has also developed several plugins and macros that you can find at http://tiddlystuff.tiddlyspot.com/.
Some things in TiddlyWiki seem like Magic. As my preferred nick is Skeeve, I felt that TW5 Magick is a proper name for this collection of some of the "magic" tricks one can do with TiddlyWiki.
Dave Gifford's growing catalogue of tips and tutorials.
TiddlyWiki 5 is a great tool for note-taking, bookmarking, blogging, organizing to do lists, writing books, and more. But many of the things that can be done in TiddlyWiki 5 are often hidden to the new user, either because the user doesn't know about it or because the user doesn't know how to do it. TW5 mall is a modest catalog of hacks where you can discover new tricks in TiddlyWiki 5 and also find out in layman's terms how to implement them.
Tips and guides for using TiddlyWiki.
I never used Node.js until a couple weeks ago when I wanted to try a TW5 installation on Node and expand my knowledge a bit. I figured someone else may be in the same boat so I wrote it all down
A collection of TiddlyWiki resources from Mario Pietsch, with a focus on cloud deployments. Mario also maintains the German translation of TiddlyWiki.
My name is Mario Pietsch from Austria. I'm living near Salzburg.
This page, will be the portal to my TiddlyWiki, TiddlyWeb related content.
A guide (in French) to using TiddlyWiki on the [[BiblioBox|http://bibliobox.net/]], a variation of the [[PirateBox|http://daviddarts.com/piratebox/]] mobile communication and file sharing system.
I've known TiddlyWiki since its beginning in 2004. For personal or professional needs, I used it regularly for notepad staff in 2007 and 2012. But I admit I ignored the tool during the past two years. And then I said yesterday: but why not put TiddlyWiki on a BiblioBox? Because it is a single HTML file with javascript. In addition I knew the existence of a server version for saving online amendments.
//Hand optimised from a translation by Google Translate//
Matabele's stylish and clean system for personal task management.
This is my work in progress version of TW5, incorporating various features and ideas as and when they intrigue me. To grab any feature you may wish to try, drag the listed tiddlers across to the dropzone of an empty TiddlyWiki 5.0.10-beta
An introduction to TiddlyWiki in Japanese.
Information about the making of TiddlyWiki:
<<list-links "[tag[About]]">>
The output of a [[filter|Filters]] step depends on its [[operator|Filter Operators]]:
* Most operators perform <<.def relative>> to their input. They examine each input title in turn and filter out any that don't match. Such steps narrow down the output of a run.
* <<.def Absolute>> operators ignore their input and generate an independent output instead.
A good example of an absolute operator is <<.olink title>>. The output of `[title[A]title[B]]` is just <<.tid B>>. But the <<.olink field>> operator is relative, so `[title[A]field:title[B]` outputs nothing at all.
TiddlyWiki wouldn't be possible without the ongoing support of the TiddlyWiki [[Community]]. Their attention and feedback has made it possible to gain an understanding of what is wanted from the product, and their passion for it has taught me that it is worth the investment.
! Introduction
The ''action-deletefield'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that deletes specified fields of a tiddler. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.
! Content and Attributes
The ''action-deletefield'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$tiddler |The title of the tiddler whose fields are to be modified (if not provided defaults to the [[WidgetVariable: currentTiddler]] |
|$field |Optional name of a field to delete |
|//{any attributes not starting with $}// |Each attribute name specifies a field to be deleted. The attribute value is ignored and need not be specified |
! Examples
Here is an example of a button that deletes the caption and tags fields of the current tiddler:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-deletefield caption tags/>
Delete "caption" and "tags"
Here is an example of a button that deletes the modified date and tags fields of the tiddler HelloThere:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-deletefield $tiddler="HelloThere" modified tags/>
Delete "modified" and "tags" from ~HelloThere
Here is an example of a button that uses the optional $field attribute to delete the text field of the tiddler HelloThere:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-deletefield $tiddler="HelloThere" $field="text"/>
Delete text from ~HelloThere
! Introduction
The ''action-deletetiddler'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that deletes tiddlers. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.
There are several differences compared to the [[WidgetMessage: tm-delete-tiddler]]:
* The user is not prompted to confirm the deletion
* No automatic updating of the story list
* No special handling of draft tiddlers
! Content and Attributes
The ''action-deletetiddler'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$tiddler |Optional title of the tiddler to be deleted |
|$filter |Optional filter identifying tiddlers to be deleted |
! Examples
Here is an example of a button that deletes the tiddler HelloThere:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-deletetiddler $tiddler="HelloThere"/>
Delete "~HelloThere"
Here is an example of a button that deletes all tiddlers tagged [[TableOfContents]]:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-deletetiddler $filter="[tag[TableOfContents]]"/>
Delete tiddlers tagged "~TableOfContents"
! Introduction
The ''action-increment'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that increments a value in a specified field of a tiddler. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.
! Content and Attributes
The ''action-increment'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$tiddler |The title of the tiddler with the field to be incremented (if not provided defaults to the [[WidgetVariable: currentTiddler]] |
|$field |Name of a field to increment (if not provided defaults to `inc_field`) |
|$increment |The increment amount, this can be negative (if not provided defaults to 1) |
|$length |(optional) The minimum length of the numeric output, if the output would be shorter than this value zero padding is used. |
|$prefix |(optional) The prefix to append to the output. |
|$initial |(optional) The inital value assumed if the field doesn't exist (if none is given 0 is assumed) |
! Examples
Here is an example of a button that increments the field `inc_field1` by 1 each time it is pressed.
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-increment $field=inc_field1/>
Current Value: {{!!inc_field1}}'/>
Here is an example of a button that increments a value that uses a prefix and minimum length
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-increment $field=inc_field2 $length=5 $prefix="pre-"/>
Current Value: {{!!inc_field2}}'/>
! Introduction
The ''action-navigate'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that sends a [[tm-navigate|WidgetMessage: tm-navigate]] message back up the widget tree. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.
! Content and Attributes
The ''action-navigate'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$to |The title of the target tiddler for the navigation (if not provided defaults to the [[WidgetVariable: currentTiddler]] |
|$scroll |Optional parameter determining whether the navigation will also cause a scroll to the target tiddler (see below) |
!! Scroll handling
The optional `$scroll` attribute can be set to "yes" to force scrolling to occur to bring the target tiddler into view. If set to "no" then scrolling does not occur. If the `$scroll` attribute is omitted then scrolling occurs unless either:
* the control key is pressed
* the action was initiated with the middle mouse button (if available)
Note that if navigating to multiple tiddlers at once you should use the same `$scroll` setting for all of them.
! Examples
Here is an example of button that navigates to two different tiddlers at once:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-navigate $to="ButtonWidget"/>
<$action-navigate $to="ActionWidgets"/>
Click me!
! Introduction
The ''action-sendmessage'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that sends a [[message|WidgetMessages]] back up the widget tree. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.
! Content and Attributes
The ''action-sendmessage'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$message |The message to send (eg, [[WidgetMessage: tm-new-tiddler]]) |
|$param |Optional parameter string whose meaning is dependent on the message being sent |
|//{any attributes not starting with $}// |Multiple additional named parameters that are attached to the message |
! Examples
Here is an example of button that displays both a notification and a wizard, and creates a new tiddler with tags and text:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-modal" $param="SampleWizard"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-notify" $param="SampleNotification"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-new-tiddler" title="This is newly created tiddler" tags="OneTag [[Another Tag]]" text=<<now "Today is DDth, MMM YYYY">>/>
Click me!
! Introduction
The ''action-setfield'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that assigns values to the fields of a tiddler. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.
! Content and Attributes
The ''action-setfield'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$tiddler |The title of the tiddler whose fields are to be modified (if not provided defaults to the [[WidgetVariable: currentTiddler]] |
|$field |Optional name of a field to be assigned the $value attribute |
|$index |Optional index of a property in a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]] to be assigned the $value attribute|
|$value |The value to be assigned to the field or index identified by the $field or $index attribute. If neither is specified then the value is assigned to the text field |
|//{any attributes not starting with $}// |Each attribute name specifies a field to be modified with the attribute value providing the value to assign to the field |
! Examples
Here is an example of a pair of buttons that open the control panel directly to specified tabs. They work by using ''action-setfield'' to set the state tiddler for the control panel tabs.
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/tab-1749438307" text="$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Appearance"/>
<$action-navigate $to="$:/ControlPanel"/>
Go to Control Panel "Appearance" tab
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/tab-1749438307" text="$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Settings"/>
<$action-navigate $to="$:/ControlPanel"/>
Go to Control Panel "Settings" tab
Here is an example of a button that assigns tags and fields to the tiddler HelloThere, and then navigates to it and opens the tiddler info panel on the "Fields" tab:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-setfield $tiddler="HelloThere" tags="NewTag [[Another New Tag]]" color="red"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/popup/tiddler-info--1779055697" text="(568,1443,33,39)"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/tab--1890574033" text="$:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/Fields"/>
<$action-navigate $to="HelloThere"/>
Modify ~HelloThere
Here is an example of a button that assigns tags and fields to the tiddler HelloThere, and then initiates editing it:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-setfield $tiddler="HelloThere" tags="MoreTag [[Further More Tags]]" color="green"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-edit-tiddler" $param="HelloThere"/>
Edit ~HelloThere
Here is an example of a button that opens the control panel directly to the "Appearance" tabs:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/tab-1749438307" $field="text" $value="$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Appearance"/>
<$action-navigate $to="$:/ControlPanel"/>
Go to Control Panel "Appearance" tab
Action widgets are a special type of widget that perform an action such as sending a message, navigating to a tiddler, or changing the value of a tiddler. They are used in association with other widgets that trigger those actions (for example, the ButtonWidget).
Action widgets are invisible. They need not be immediate children of their triggering widget, but they must be descendents of it. The actions are performed in sequence. For example, here is a button that triggers two actions of sending different messages:
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-home"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-full-screen"/>
Click me!
The following action widgets are provided:
<<list-links "[tag[ActionWidgets]]">>
Here's a macro that provides a Twitter Follow button for a particular username:
\define twitterFollowButton(username)
<iframe allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets/follow_button.html?screen_name=$username$" style="width:300px; height:20px;"></iframe>
The only change from the version published at https://dev.twitter.com/docs/follow-button is that new lines have been removed.
Note that the src URL is given without a protocol (ie "http" or "https"). It's done this way so that it works on sites whether they are hosted on a HTTP or HTTPS domain. If you want the Twitter button to work while using a TiddlyWiki offline on a "file://" URL, then you'll need to manually add the protocol. For example:
<iframe allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="http://platform.twitter.com/widgets/follow_button.html?screen_name=jermolene" style="width:300px; height:20px;"></iframe>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="a string of characters"
output="the input, but with <<.place s>> added to the start of each title"
<<.operator-examples "addprefix">>
<<.operator-example 1 "Cat Garden [[Favourite Armchair]] +[addprefix[My ]]">>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="a string of characters"
output="the input, but with <<.place s>> added to the end of each title"
<<.operator-examples "addsuffix">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[London]addsuffix[ Underground]]">>
As the structures within your TiddlyWiki documents get more complex it can be hard to keep the titles of tiddlers consistent. For example, should terms be defined in the plural or the singular? Camel case or separate words?
Recording a formal titling policy can help to reduce confusion. For example, the titling policies for this wiki are recorded in the [[Documentation Style Guide]].
! SystemTiddler Titles
A useful convention is to use the prefix `$:/_` for any system tiddlers that you create to ensure that they are near the top of the system tiddler listing in the sidebar
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="one of those titles"
output="the title that immediately follows <<.place t>> in the input"
If <<.place t>> is not present in the input, or is the last title there, then the output is empty.
<<.operator-examples "after">>
<<.using-days-of-week>> The [[Thursday]] tiddler shows a further example.
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]after[Monday]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]after[Sunday]]">>
Alerts are displayed as yellow boxes overlaying the main TiddlyWiki window. Each one corresponds to a tiddler with the tag [[$:/tags/Alert]]. Clicking the delete icon on an alert deletes the corresponding tiddler.
Here's a demo <$fieldmangler tiddler="SampleAlert"><$set name="currentTiddler" value="SampleAlert"><$button message="tm-add-tag" param="$:/tags/Alert">alert</$button></$set></$fieldmangler>.
Alert tiddlers should have the following fields:
|!Field |!Description |
|title |By default, alert titles have the prefix `$:/temp/alerts/` |
|text |The text of the alert message |
|modified |Date of the alert (used for ordering the alerts on screen) |
|component |Component name associated with the alert |
|tags |Must include [[$:/tags/Alert]] |
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="ignored, unless the parameter is empty"
parameter="zero or more categories -- see below"
output="the titles that belong to all the specified categories"
The parameter specifies zero or more fundamental categories using the following syntax:
<$railroad text="""
[{: ("current" | "missing" |: "orphans" | "shadows" | "tiddlers" ) +"+" }]
|!Category |!Members |!Sorted |
|^`current` |just the [[current tiddler|CurrentTiddler]] |^-- |
|^`missing` |all non-existent tiddlers to which there is at least one [[hard link|Hard and Soft Links]] |^no |
|^`orphans` |all tiddlers to which there are <<.em no>> hard links |^by title |
|^`shadows` |all the [[shadow tiddlers|ShadowTiddlers]] that exist, including any that have been overridden with non-shadow tiddlers |^no |
|^`tiddlers` |all the non-shadow tiddlers that exist |no |
If the parameter specifies more than one category, they are processed from left to right. The overall output is initially empty, and each category's output is [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to it in turn. Unrecognised categories contribute nothing to the output.
As a special case, if the parameter is empty, the output is simply a copy of the input. This can be useful when the parameter is [[soft|Filter Parameter]].
The <<.olink is>> operator is similar, but its scope is restricted to its input.
<<.operator-examples "all">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[all[shadows]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[all[shadows+tiddlers]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[all[tiddlers+shadows]]">>
<<.operator-example 4 "[all[orphans+missing+current]]">>
<<.operator-example 5 "[all[current]]">>
<<.operator-example 6 "[all[current]tag[Operator Examples]]">>
<<.operator-example 7 "[all[current]tag[Recipes]]">>
<<.operator-example 8 "Monday Thursday +[all[]]">>
Current tiddlers:
<$list filter="[!is[system]sort[title]]" />
Here are the details of the alpha releases of TiddlyWiki5. See [[TiddlyWiki5 Versioning]] for details of how releases are named.
<<tabs "[tag[AlphaReleaseNotes]!sort[created]]" "Release 5.0.1-alpha" "$:/state/tab2" "tc-vertical" "ReleaseTemplate">>
Here are some recent articles written about ~TiddlyWiki. Submit new articles via GitHub, Twitter or by posting in the [[TiddlyWiki Groups]].
<div class="tc-link-info">
<$list filter="[tag[Articles]!sort[modified]]">
<div class="tc-link-info-item">
! <$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
<div class="tc-subtitle">Posted <$view field="modified" format="relativedate"/></div>
Audio files can be incorporated into TiddlyWiki in a very similar way to [[images|Images in WikiText]].
! Embedded Audio
Small audio files can be embedded directly within TiddlyWiki. Embedding isn't suitable for large files (over a few hundred kilobytes) because it increases the size of the TiddlyWiki file.
For example, the tiddler [[TiddlyWiki.mp3]] contains an MP3 recording of the word "TiddlyWiki". If you visit that tiddler, you should see an audio player that will play back the recording.
You can also transclude audio files. For example:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '{{TiddlyWiki.mp3}}'>>
! External Audio
External audio tiddlers use the ''_canonical_uri'' field to point to an external audio file/stream, and have their ''text'' field blocked. This reduces their size considerably, but still allows for playback.
For example, the tiddler [[Caruso - Ave Maria]] points to an online audio recording hosted on http://archive.org:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '{{Caruso - Ave Maria}}'>>
If there is a SaverModule available that supports it, TiddlyWiki will automatically trigger a save of the current document on clicking {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''tick'' or {{$:/core/images/delete-button}} ''delete'' when editing a tiddler.
You should see a yellow notification at the top right of the window to confirm that an automatic save has taken place.
Automatic saving can be enabled or disabled through the ''Saving'' tab of the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]]. Behind the scenes, it is controlled through the configuration tiddler [[$:/config/AutoSave]], which must have the value ''yes'' to enable automatic saving.
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
output="any non-[[system|SystemTiddlers]] titles that contain [[hard links|Hard and Soft Links]] to the input titles"
Each input title is processed in turn. The corresponding tiddler's list of backlinks is generated, sorted alphabetically by title, and then [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's overall output.
<<.operator-examples "backlinks">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[HelloThere]backlinks[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[tag[TableOfContents]backlinks[]]" "tiddlers that link to tiddlers tagged [[TableOfContents]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[all[current]backlinks[]]" "tiddlers that link to this one">>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="one of those titles"
output="the title that immediately precedes <<.place t>> in the input"
If <<.place t>> is not present in the input, or is the first title there, then the output is empty.
<<.operator-examples "before">>
<<.using-days-of-week>> The [[Thursday]] tiddler shows a further example.
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]before[Saturday]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]before[Monday]]">>
Here are the details of the beta releases of TiddlyWiki5. See [[TiddlyWiki5 Versioning]] for details of how releases are named.
<<tabs "[tag[BetaReleaseNotes]!sort[created]]" "Release 5.0.18-beta" "$:/state/tab2" "tc-vertical" "ReleaseTemplate">>
<<.op bf>> is a synonym for <<.olink rest>>, also known as <<.olink butfirst>>.
There are two ways to produce HTML block quotes in TiddlyWiki5, one for content spread across multiple lines, and one for single line content.
! Multi-line Block Quotes
The syntax for multi-line block quotes is:
<<wikitext-example src:"<<<
This is a block quoted paragraph
written in English
!! Citation
A citation can be added to the quote like this:
<<wikitext-example src:"<<<
Computers are like a bicycle for our minds
<<< Steve Jobs
!! CSS Classes
CSS classes can be added to a block quote:
<<wikitext-example src:"<<<.myClass.another-class
Operating systems are like a brick wall for our minds
<<< Nobody
! Single-line Block Quotes
The single-line syntax for block quotes is actually an extension of the syntax for [[Lists in WikiText]]. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"> Quoted text
> Another line of quoted text
You can also nest quotes like this:
> A top quote
>> A subquote
> Another top quote
Which renders as:
> A top quote
>> A subquote
> Another top quote
You can also mix block quotes with other list items. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"* List One
** List Two
**> A quote
**> Another quote
* List Three
At its heart, TiddlyWiki5 is a relatively small boot kernel that runs either under Node.js or in the browser with all other functionality added via dynamically loaded [[modules|Modules]].
The kernel boots just enough of the TiddlyWiki environment to allow it to load and execute module tiddlers. The module system is compatible with CommonJS and [[Node.js]].
There are many [[different types of module|ModuleType]]: parsers, deserializers, widgets etc. It goes much further than you might expect. For example, individual tiddler fields are modules, too: there's a module that knows how to handle the `tags` field, and another that knows how to handle the special behaviour of the `modified` and `created` fields. Some plugin modules have further sub-plugins: the wikitext parser, for instance, accepts parsing rules as individual plugin modules.
In TiddlyWiki5, [[Plugins]] are bundles of tiddlers that are distributed and managed as one; [[Modules]] are JavaScript tiddlers with a module type identifying when and how they should be executed.
The tiddler [[$:/boot/boot.js]] is a barebones TiddlyWiki kernel that is just sufficient to load the core plugin modules and trigger a startup module to load up the rest of the application.
The boot kernel includes:
* Several short shared utility functions
* A handful of methods implementing the module mechanism
* The `$tw.Tiddler` class (and field definition plugins)
* The `$tw.Wiki` class (and tiddler deserialization methods)
* Code for the browser to load tiddlers from the HTML DOM
* Code for the server to load tiddlers from the file system
Each module is an ordinary CommonJS module, using the `require()` function to access other modules and the `exports` global to return JavaScript values. The boot kernel smooths over the differences between `Node.js` and the browser, allowing the same plugin modules to execute in both environments.
In the browser, `core/boot.js` is packed into a template HTML file that contains the following elements in order:
* Ordinary and system tiddlers, packed as HTML `<DIV>` elements
* `core/bootprefix.js`, containing a few lines to set up the plugin environment
* Optional JavaScript modules, packed as HTML `<SCRIPT>` blocks
* `core/boot.js`, containing the boot kernel
On the server, `core/boot.js` is executed directly. It uses the `Node.js` local file API to load plugins directly from the file system in the `core/modules` directory. The code loading is performed synchronously for brevity (and because the system is in any case inherently blocked until plugins are loaded).
The boot process sets up the `$tw` global variable that is used to store all the state data of the system.
At the end of the boot process the StartupMechanism schedules the execution of startup modules to bring up the rest of TiddlyWiki.
TiddlyWiki is designed to work with HTML5-compatible browsers.
The following table summarises the browser versions that are known to work with TiddlyWiki
|!Browser |!Status |
|Internet Explorer |Version 10 and above |
|Chrome |All recent versions |
|Firefox |All recent versions |
|Firefox for Android |All recent versions |
|Safari |Version 6 and above |
! Introduction
The browse widget displays an HTML file browser button that allows the user to choose one or more files to import. It sends a [[WidgetMessage: tm-import-tiddlers]] carrying a JSON representation of the tiddlers imported from the files up through its parents. This message usually trapped by the NavigatorWidget which adds the tiddlers to the store and updates the story to display them.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$browse>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|multiple |Set to "multiple" to select multiple file upload |
|tooltip |Optional tooltip text |
|message |Optional override of widget message to be generated. The parameter for the message will be the JavaScript object `event.target.files` |
On iPhone/iPad choosing the multiple option will remove the ability to take photographs/videos directly into TiddlyWiki.
renders as:
BT (née British Telecom) is the UK's largest telecommunications company. In 2007, [[Osmosoft]] was acquired by BT. JeremyRuston subsequently left BT in 2011.
See TiddlyWikiFolders for details of defining build targets.
TiddlyWiki5 can be used to build older 2.x.x versions of TiddlyWikiClassic from their constituent components. Doing so involves these features:
* The `tiddlywiki/classictools` plugin, containing a deserializer module which allows tiddlers to be loaded from TiddlyWiki 2.x.x `.recipe` files
* The `stripcomments` format for the ViewWidget, which strips single line JavaScript comments starting `//#`
* The `stripTitlePrefix='yes'` attribute of the FieldsWidget, which removes prefixes wrapped in curly braces from the `title` attribute
** For example, `{tiddler}HelloThere` would be transformed to `HelloThere`
! Usage
TiddlyWikiClassic is built from the command line by running [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]. A typical usage would be:
node ../../tiddlywiki.js \
--verbose \
--load <path_to_recipe_file> \
--rendertiddler $:/core/templates/tiddlywiki2.template.html <path_to_write_index_file> text/plain \
|| exit 1
<<.op butfirst>> is a synonym for <<.olink rest>>, also known as <<.olink bf>>.
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="an integer, defaulting to 1"
output="all but the last <<.place n>> input titles"
<<.operator-examples "butlast">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]butlast[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]butlast[2]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "A B C D E F G H I J K L M +[butlast[7]]">>
! Introduction
The button widget displays an HTML `<button>` element that can perform a combination of optional actions when clicked:
* Executing any ActionWidgets that are immediate children of the button widget
* Execute any integrated actions:
** Navigate to a specified tiddler
** Dispatch a user defined [[widget message|Messages]]
** Trigger a user defined [[popup|PopupMechanism]]
** Assign new text to a specified tiddler
The integrated actions are provided as a shortcut for invoking common actions. The same functionality is available via ActionWidgets, with the exception of the support for highlighting selected popups.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$button>` widget is displayed within the button.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|to |The title of the tiddler to navigate to |
|message |The name of the [[widget message|Messages]] to send when the button is clicked |
|param |The optional parameter to the message |
|set |A TextReference to which a new value will be assigned |
|setTo |The new value to assign to the TextReference identified in the `set` attribute |
|popup |Title of a state tiddler for a popup that is toggled when the button is clicked |
|aria-label |Optional [[Accessibility]] label |
|tooltip |Optional tooltip |
|class |An optional CSS class name to be assigned to the HTML element|
|style |An optional CSS style attribute to be assigned to the HTML element |
|selectedClass |An optional additional CSS class to be assigned if the popup is triggered or the tiddler specified in `set` already has the value specified in `setTo` |
|default |Default value if `set` tiddler is missing for testing against `setTo` to determine `selectedClass` |
''Tip:'' Set ''class'' to `tc-btn-invisble tc-tiddlylink` to have a button look like an internal link.
CamelCase is formed by taking a phrase, capitalising the initial letter of each word, and smashing the words together to form a portmanteau word. Most wikis use CamelCase to signal phrases that should automatically become links.
The changecount macro returns a counter maintained by the TiddlyWiki core that tracks the number of modifications made to each tiddler. The changecount macro always applies to the tiddler named in the CurrentTiddler variable.
For example:
Displays as:
Note how the changecount increases every time this tiddler is modified.
! Introduction
This release resolves a number of inconsistencies with the way that filters are handled. The changes mean that existing filters may need to be updated - particularly those that must deal with missing or shadow tiddlers.
! Changes to ''is'' and addition of ''all''
Most filter operators act by choosing some or all of their source titles to pass through or re-order. Those that add new entries that are not drawn from the source list are referred to as selectors. Prior to 5.0.9-beta, a few filter operators were inconsistent in whether they filtered from the source list or selected new entries into it.
The specific changes are:
* The ''is'' operator now always strictly filters from the currently selected list of tiddlers
* The new ''all'' operator acts as a selector by replacing the current list with a combination of tiddlers from specific sources:
** ''current'' for the current tiddler
** ''missing'' for all missing tiddlers
** ''orphans'' for all orphan tiddlers
** ''shadows'' for all shadow tiddlers
** ''tiddlers'' for all non-shadow tiddlers (including both system and non-system tiddlers)
The sources for the ''all'' operator can be combined with the `+` character. For example, `[all[shadows+tiddlers]]` returns all shadow tiddlers and all ordinary tiddlers.
Previously, it was common to have `[is[shadow]]` at the start of a filter string to select all the shadow tiddlers. In 5.0.9 and above, this will not return all the shadow tiddlers, but instead just those ordinary tiddlers that are also shadow tiddlers (by virtue of having overridden one). The resolution is to use the new ''all'' operator. For example, consider this filter from 5.0.8:
[is[shadow]!has[draft.of]tag[$:/tags/AdvancedSearch]] [!is[shadow]!has[draft.of]tag[$:/tags/AdvancedSearch]] +[tag[$:/tags/AdvancedSearch]]
In 5.0.9, that filter has been changed to:
Note how the ''all'' operator allows operations to be performed on tiddlers from combinations of sources.
!! Changes to `[is[current]]`
One result of the changes is that `[is[current]]` now strictly filters from the source tiddlers; so, if the current tiddler is a missing tiddler not in the source list, then `[is[current]]` will return an empty list.
The solution is generally to use `[all[current]]` instead. It doesn't read as well, but has the required behaviour of returning just the current tiddler, regardless of whether it is in the source tiddlers.
! Changes to ''title'' and ''field''
There are minor changes to the way that the ''title'' and ''field'' operators work.
The ''title'' operator is a selector: it returns the specified title regardless of whether it is in the current source. ''title'' is used as the default operator if none is specified
The ''field'' operator is a filter: it only returns a subset of the source tiddlers. ''field'' is used as the default operator if the supplied operator is not defined (the supplied operator is passed as the suffix to the field operator, so `[description[Missing]]` is equivalent to `[field:description[Missing]]`).
! Introduction
The checkbox widget displays an HTML `<input type="checkbox">` element that is dynamically bound to either:
* the presence or absence of a specified tag on a specified tiddler
* the value of a specified field of a specified tiddler
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$checkbox>` widget is displayed within an HTML `<label>` element immediately after the checkbox itself. This means that clicking on the content will toggle the checkbox.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |Title of the tiddler to manipulate (defaults to the CurrentTiddler) |
|tag |The name of the tag to which the checkbox should be bound |
|field |The name of the field to which the checkbox should be bound |
|checked |The value of the field corresponding to the checkbox being checked |
|unchecked |The value of the field corresponding to the checkbox being unchecked |
|default |The default value to use if the field is not defined |
!! Tag Mode
Using the checkbox widget in tag mode requires the ''tag'' attribute to specify the name of the tag. The ''tiddler'' attribute specifies the tiddler to target, defaulting to the current tiddler if not present.
This example creates a checkbox that flips the ''done'' tag on the current tiddler:
<$checkbox tag="done">Is it done?</$checkbox>
!! Field Mode
Using the checkbox widget in field mode requires the ''field'' attribute to specify the name of the field. The ''checked'' and ''unchecked'' attributes specify the values to be assigned to the field to correspond to its checked and unchecked states respectively. The ''default'' attribute is used as a fallback value if the field is not defined.
This example creates a checkbox that is checked if the field ''status'' is equal to ''open'' and unchecked if the field is equal to ''closed''. If the field is undefined then it defaults to ''closed'', meaning that the checkbox will be unchecked if the ''status'' field is missing.
<$checkbox field="status" checked="open" unchecked="closed" default="closed">Is it open?</$checkbox>
TiddlyWiki 的简体中文翻译版本:
<!-- * ''文件'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/zh-Hans/index.html -->
* ''空白版本'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/zh-Hans/empty.html
另请参阅 [[中文 (正體) 版|Chinese (Traditional) Edition]]。
TiddlyWiki 的正體中文翻譯版本:
<!-- * ''文件'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/zh-Hant/index.html -->
* ''空白版本'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/zh-Hant/empty.html
另請參閱 [[中文 (简体) 版|Chinese (Simplified) Edition]]。
You can use triple backticks <code>```</code> to mark code blocks:
This will be monospaced
Renders as:
This will be monospaced
To be interpreted correctly, the three backticks need to be at the start of the line and immediately followed by a line-break.
Be aware that any preceding paragraph content should be properly terminated with a double line break, too. So, this example is wrong:
This is an ordinary paragraph
This will be monospaced
The correct version is:
This is an ordinary paragraph
This will be monospaced
Note that some keyboard layouts treat the backtick as a [[dead key|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_key]], making it hard to type. The trick is to type three backticks followed by a space. Alternatively, type all six backticks in one go, then a space, and then move the cursor back three characters to type or paste the content.
The CodeMirror plugin adds a sophisticated web-based editor to TiddlyWiki.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/codemirror/
A colour palette is a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]] that supplies a [[CSS]] colour value, such as ''yellow'' or ''#fe0'', for each of several colour names, like this:
page-background: #fe0
table-border: #ccc
Several palettes form part of the core. The system tiddler [[$:/palette]] always contains the title of the currently selected palette tiddler.
To retrieve the value of a named colour from the current palette, e.g. for use in a stylesheet tiddler, use the [[colour macro|$:/core/macros/CSS]]:
<<colour page-background>>
Palette tiddlers should have the following fields:
|!Name |!Value |
|title |Typically starting with `$:/` |
|type |`application/x-tiddler-dictionary` |
|tags |`$:/tags/Palette` |
|description |Displayed in the palette browser |
|text |`name: value` colour definitions |
A <<.def command>> is one of the following words, written with a `--` prefix and used as a command-line option to [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]], indicating which action is desired.
<<list-links "[tag[Commands]]">>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
output="the [[command words|Commands]] that can be given to [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]"
<<.operator-examples "commands">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[commands[]]">>
Here we gather the latest and most useful material from the TiddlyWiki community.
<<tabs "Forums Latest Tutorials Resources Examples Articles Meetups" "Latest">>
//This is a sample task for the TaskManagementExample//
These are the concepts underlying TiddlyWiki. Understanding how these ideas fit together is the key to getting the most from TiddlyWiki.
<<list-links "[tag[Concepts]]">>
The configuration tiddler [[$:/config/TiddlerInfo/Default]] contains the title of the tiddler containing the default tiddler info tab.
The default value is `$:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/Tools` corresponding to the ''Tools'' tab. Other possible values are:
<$list filter="[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/TiddlerInfo]!has[draft.of]]">
<$view field="title"/>
Sample data for TableOfContentsMacro.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Used in Internet protocols to indicate the type that should be used to interpret the content of a web resource.
In TiddlyWiki, the `type` field gives the content type to apply to the main `text` field.
!! List of Common Content Types
|!Group |!Type |!Content of `type` field |
|^''Developer'' |Data dictionary |application/x-tiddler-dictionary|
|~|~JavaScript code |application/javascript|
|~|JSON data |application/json|
|~|Static stylesheet |text/css|
|^''Image''|GIF image |image/gif|
|~|ICO format icon file |image/x-icon|
|~|JPEG image |image/jpeg|
|~|PDF image |application/pdf|
|~|PNG image |image/png|
|~|Structured Vector Graphics image |image/svg+xml|
|^''Text''|HTML markup |text/html|
|~|Cascading Stylesheet text |text/css|
|~|Comma-separated values |text/csv|
|~|Plain text |text/plain|
|~|~TiddlyWiki 5 |text/vnd.tiddlywiki|
|~|~TiddlyWiki Classic |text/x-tiddlywiki|
We welcome contributions to the code and documentation of TiddlyWiki in several ways:
* ReportingBugs
* Helping to [[improve our documentation|Improving TiddlyWiki Documentation]]
* Contributing to the code via [[GitHub|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5]]
** See http://tiddlywiki.com/dev for more details
There are other ways to [[help TiddlyWiki|HelpingTiddlyWiki]] too.
! Contributor License Agreement
Like other OpenSource projects, TiddlyWiki5 needs a signed contributor license agreement from individual contributors. This is a legal agreement that allows contributors to assert that they own the copyright of their contribution, and that they agree to license it to the UnaMesa Association (the legal entity that owns TiddlyWiki on behalf of the community).
* For individuals use: [[licenses/CLA-individual|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/licenses/cla-individual.md]]
* For entities use: [[licenses/CLA-entity|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/licenses/cla-entity.md]]
! How to sign the CLA
Create a GitHub pull request to add your name to `cla-individual.md` or `cla-entity.md`, with the date in the format (YYYY/MM/DD).
''step by step''
# click [[licenses/CLA-individual|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/licenses/cla-individual.md]] or [[licenses/CLA-entity|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/licenses/cla-entity.md]]
# in `cla-individual.md` or `cla-entity.md` click icon on the top-right corner (clicking this button will fork the project so you can edit the file)
# add your name at the bottom
eg: `Jeremy Ruston, @Jermolene, 2011/11/22`
//The CLA documents used for this project were created using [[Harmony Project Templates|http://www.harmonyagreements.org]]. "HA-CLA-I-LIST Version 1.0" for "CLA-individual" and "HA-CLA-E-LIST Version 1.0" for "CLA-entity".//
\define tv-wikilink-template() http://tiddlywiki.com/static/$uri_doubleencoded$.html
! Contributing to TiddlyWiki5
//This file was automatically generated by TiddlyWiki5//
The following individuals have generously given their time to [[contribute to the development of TiddlyWiki|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/graphs/contributors]]:
* Jeremy Ruston ([[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]])
* Dave Gifford ([[@giffmex|https://github.com/giffmex]])
* Bram Chen ([[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]])
* Mario Pietsch ([[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]])
* Xavier Cazin ([[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]])
* Eric Shulman ([[@ericshulman|https://github.com/ericshulman]])
* Stephan Hradek ([[@Skeeve|https://github.com/Skeeve]])
* ~BuggyJef ([[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]])
* Nathan Cain ([[@natecain|https://github.com/natecain]])
* Ton Gerner ([[@gernert|https://github.com/gernert]])
* Devin Weaver ([[@sukima|https://github.com/sukima]])
* João Bolila ([[@jbolila|https://github.com/jbolila]])
* David Johnston ([[@Brennall|https://github.com/Brennall]])
* David Jade ([[@davidjade|https://github.com/davidjade]])
* Bob Robison ([[@grayeul|https://github.com/grayeul]])
* [[@nameanyone|https://github.com/nameanyone]]
* Maurizio Pollio ([[@mpollio|https://github.com/mpollio]])
* Ogoshi Masayuki ([[@ogoshima|https://github.com/ogoshima]])
* Chris Sugden ([[@csugden|https://github.com/csugden]])
* [[@asampal|https://github.com/asampal]]
* Bow Yi Jang ([[@Eucaly|https://github.com/Eucaly]])
* Mal Gamble ([[@malgam|https://github.com/malgam]])
* Michael Fogleman ([[@mwfogleman|https://github.com/mwfogleman]])
* Daniel Barrett ([[@shendaras|https://github.com/shendaras]])
* Simon Baird ([[@simonbaird|https://github.com/simonbaird]])
* James Anderson ([[@welford|https://github.com/welford]])
* Jon Lister ([[@jayfresh|https://github.com/jayfresh]])
* [[@TheDiveO|https://github.com/TheDiveO]]
* Danielo Rodríguez ([[@danielo515|https://github.com/danielo515]])
* [[@willover|https://github.com/willover]]
* [[@slotik|https://github.com/slotik]]
* Irene Knapp ([[@IreneKnapp|https://github.com/IreneKnapp]])
* Brian Shaver ([[@shakerlxxv|https://github.com/shakerlxxv]])
* Tobi Beer ([[@tobibeer|https://github.com/tobibeer]])
* Craig Cook ([[@BoyCook|https://github.com/BoyCook]])
You can copy an individual tiddler from one TiddlyWiki file to another by dragging a link to the tiddler from one browser window to another.
! Introduction
The count widget displays the number of matches to a specified [[filter expression|Filters]].
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$count>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|filter |The filter expression to count |
To create a custom export format that exports tiddlers as their raw body text:
# Create a tiddler with the following fields:
#* ''tags'': [[$:/tags/Exporter]]
#* ''description'': Description of this exporter
#* ''extension'': Default file extension for this export format (including the dot; for example `.tid`)
# Set the following content:
\define renderContent()
{{{ $(exportFilter)$ ||$:/core/templates/plain-text-tiddler}}}
The variable `exportFilter` contains a filter defining which tiddlers should be exported.
! Creating tiddlers
You create a tiddler either by clicking the {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar, or by clicking on a link to a missing tiddler. Links to missing tiddlers are shown in [[blue italics]].
See also:
* [[Creating journal tiddlers]]
! Editing tiddlers
To edit an existing tiddler, click the {{$:/core/images/edit-button}} button at the top right of the tiddler.
!! Draft mode
When you create a new tiddler or edit an existing one, the tiddler will go into draft mode. This presents a control panel for modifying the tiddler in various ways. It has several parts, from top to bottom:
*''The title field'' - Use this to change the title of the tiddler
*''The tag selector'' - Use this to add or remove tags. As you type a tag name in the box, a dropdown list will show you any existing tags that match. You can pick from this list or create a completely new tag. Then click the ''add'' button to add the tag to the tiddler. Each tag is shown as a coloured pill. Click the "×" on a pill to remove that tag
*''The text area'' - Use this to edit the main content of the tiddler. Click the ''show preview'' button to see what your changes will look like
*''The type selector'' - Use this when a tiddler needs to be displayed in a special way, such as an image. See ContentType for a list of the options. The default is `text/vnd.tiddlywiki`, which means the tiddler contains WikiText
*''The field selector'' - Use this to add or remove fields on the tiddler. For example, if you are editing a tiddler that's being used to tag other tiddlers, you can add a [[''list'' field|ListField]] to change the order in which those tiddlers will be listed
! Save, cancel or delete
When you have finished editing, click a button at the top right of the tiddler:
*The ''save'' button ({{$:/core/images/done-button}}) stores your changes to this one tiddler and leaves draft mode. If your wiki is configured to [[AutoSave]], your changes will be permanently saved. Otherwise they will only be stored temporarily in your web browser, and you will lose them if you close your ~TiddlyWiki page without first clicking the master ''save changes'' button {{$:/core/images/save-button}} in the sidebar.
*The ''cancel'' button ({{$:/core/images/cancel-button}}) discards your changes (after asking you to confirm) and leaves draft mode.
*The ''delete'' button ({{$:/core/images/delete-button}}) deletes the entire tiddler (after asking you to confirm).
! Introduction
Journal tiddlers are tiddlers that use a date and/or time as their title. They are typically used as a quick way to record time-stamped information.
You can use additional tags on a journal tiddler to link it to other tiddlers, helping to establish the relationships between items of information.
For example, you might use a journal tiddler called ''10th October 2014'' to record thoughts and information captured on that particular day. The tags ''Shopping'' and ''London'' might be used to indicate that the entry concerns shopping in London.
! Creating a journal tiddler
The easiest way to create a journal tiddler is to use the ''new journal'' button in the ''Tools'' tab of the sidebar. If you find yourself often using the button, click the checkbox next to it to make the button available just above the search box.
The ''new journal'' button creates a journal entry as a blank tiddler with the tag ''Journal'' and a title derived from today's date. If a journal tiddler with that title already exists, then this is opened for editing.
! Creating a tagged journal tiddler
A common sequence of actions is to create (or reopen) today's journal entry and tag it with the title of another tiddler. This can be done with the ''new journal here'' button in the other tiddler's toolbar. You can find this button in the ''Tools'' tab of the tiddler's InfoPanel.
For example, you might be reviewing a tiddler called ''Oxford Street'' and realise that it's relevant for planning your shopping trip. Click the ''new journal here'' button on the ''Oxford Street'' tiddler to bring up a journal entry tagged with ''Oxford Street''.
! Customising journal tiddlers
To configure how new journal entries are created, visit the ''Basics'' tab under ''Info'' in the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]]:
* "Title of new journal tiddlers" specifies how these tiddlers should be named, as a [[date format string|DateFormat]]. The default setting of `DDth MMM YYYY` causes new entries to have titles of the form "10th October 2014"
* "Tags for new journal tiddlers" [specifies|Title List] tags that will automatically appear on new journal entries. For example: `Journal [[Summer vacation]]`
Hint: if you want to create a separate journal tiddler whenever you click ''new journal'' (even if you do this several times in the same day), you can include the clock time in the title format. Specify something like `YYYY-0MM-0DD at 0hhh0mm'0ss''` as the date format.
Another useful trick is to include `$(currentTiddler)$` somewhere in the title format. This means that if you click ''new journal here'' on several different tiddlers, the title of each of those tiddlers will form part of the name of the resulting journal entries.
This example shows how to create a sub-story within a tiddler that is independent of the main story.
Here's the code:
<$navigator story="MySubStoryList" history="MySubHistoryList">
Click this link to get started: HelloThere
<$list filter="[list[MySubStoryList]]" history="MySubHistoryList">
! <$button message="tm-close-tiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible">{{$:/core/images/close-button}}</$button> <$view field="title"/>
Note how you can open the HelloThere tiddler in the substory by clicking on the link below. Links within the substory open within the substory, and not in the main story.
<$navigator story="MySubStoryList" history="MySubHistoryList">
Click this link to get started: HelloThere
<$list filter="[list[MySubStoryList]]" history="MySubHistoryList">
! <$button message="tm-close-tiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible">{{$:/core/images/close-button}}</$button> <$view field="title"/>
The current tiddler provides an ever-changing context or background against which several features of WikiText are interpreted.
For example, `{{!!title}}` denotes the value of the ''title'' field of whatever the current tiddler happens to be. This technique can be used in a [[TemplateTiddler|TemplateTiddlers]] to keep the template generic.
The title of the current tiddler can always be found in the [[currentTiddler variable|WidgetVariable: currentTiddler]].
The current tiddler is set in several ways, including by the ListWidget and the TiddlerWidget.
Information about customising TiddlyWiki
<<list-links "[tag[Customise TiddlyWiki]]">>
By default, the results for the sidebar search box are displayed as a simple list of tiddler titles. The search results can be customised by adding plugin visualisations that show the search results in different ways. (Tabs are shown automatically if an additional search result visualisation is detected).
Search result visualisations are stored in tiddlers tagged [[$:/tags/SearchResults]]. The default search result listing is implemented in the system tiddler [[$:/core/ui/DefaultSearchResultList]].
To create a new search result visualisation:
# Create a new tiddler tagged [[$:/tags/SearchResults]]
# Use the widget variable ''searchTiddler'' to access the title of the tiddler containing the current search term
If you'd like the new visualisation to be the default, create a tiddler called [[$:/config/SearchResults/Default]] containing the title of the tiddler containing the search visualisation that you want to display by default.
Here is an example of an alternative visualisation that displays results in reverse chronological order:
\define searchResults()
<$set name="resultCount" value="""<$count filter="[!is[system]search{$(searchTiddler)$}]"/>""">
<<timeline subfilter:"!is[system]search{$(searchTiddler)$}">>
The D3 plugin integrates the D3 visualisation library with TiddlyWiki.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/d3/
You can create an n-dash with a double hyphen `--` and an m-dash with a triple hyphen `---`. For example -- this is an example --- and so is this
A data tiddler is a miniature database contained within a tiddler.
There are two standard formats:
* DictionaryTiddlers
* [[JSONTiddlers]]
Other formats of tiddler can also be parsed to yield blocks of data that behave like data tiddlers.
Use a TextReference to look up a value by its name. For example, if a [[DictionaryTiddler|DictionaryTiddlers]] called `MonthDays` contains:
... then `{{MonthDays##nov}}` will resolve to the value `30`.
The same is true if `MonthDays` is a [[JSONTiddler|JSONTiddlers]] with the following content:
Note: //It is currently only possible to retrieve data from the immediate properties of the root object of a JSONTiddler.//
Certain [[fields|TiddlerFields]] of a tiddler are used to store dates and times.
The two standard date fields are <<.field created>> and <<.field modified>>.
Values of date fields are 17-character strings:
* 4 digits for the year
* 2 digits for the month
* 2 digits for the day
* 2 digits for the hour
* 2 digits for the minute
* 2 digits for the second
* 3 digits for the millisecond
To avoid problems arising from differences of time zone, TiddlyWiki always uses [[UTC|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coordinated_Universal_Time]].
As an example, the <<.field created>> field of this tiddler has the value <<.value """<$view field="created"/>""">>.
Dates can be [[converted to other formats|DateFormat]] for display:
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html"
src="""<$view field="created" format="date" template="DDD DDth MMM YYYY"/>""">
The ViewWidget accepts a `template` attribute that allows the format of date values to be specified. The format string is processed with the following substitutions:
|!Token |!Substituted Value |
|`DDD` |Day of week in full (eg, "Monday") |
|`ddd` |Short day of week (eg, "Mon") |
|`DD` |Day of month |
|`0DD` |Adds a leading zero |
|`DDth` |Adds a suffix |
|`WW` |ISO-8601 week number of year |
|`0WW` |Adds a leading zero |
|`MMM` |Month in full (eg, "July") |
|`mmm` |Short month (eg, "Jul") |
|`MM` |Month number |
|`0MM` |Adds leading zero |
|`YYYY` |Full year |
|`YY` |Two digit year |
|`wYYYY` |Full year with respect to week number |
|`wYY` |Two digit year with respect to week number |
|`hh` |Hours |
|`0hh` |Adds a leading zero |
|`hh12` |Hours in 12 hour clock |
|`0hh12` |Hours in 12 hour clock with leading zero |
|`mm` |Minutes |
|`0mm` |Minutes with leading zero |
|`ss` |Seconds |
|`0ss` |Seconds with leading zero |
|`am` or `pm` |Lower case AM/PM indicator |
|`AM` or `PM` |Upper case AM/PM indicator |
|`TZD` |Timezone offset |
|`\x` |Used to escape a character that would otherwise have special meaning |
Note that other text is passed through unchanged, allowing commas, colons or other separators to be used.
! Examples
|!Template |!Output |
|`DDth MMM YYYY` |16th February 2011 |
|`DDth MMM \M\M\M YYYY` |16th February MMM 2011 |
|`DDth mmm hh:mm:ss` |16th Feb 2011 11:38:42 |
It has a <<.field list>> field containing the following items:
<<list-links "[list[]]">>
These are definitions of technical words and phrases used in this documentation. (As distinct from the [[Concepts]] that make up TiddlyWiki itself).
<<list-links "[tag[Definitions]]">>
HTML definition lists are created with this syntax:
<<wikitext-example src:"; Term being defined
: Definition of that term
; Another term
: Another definition
Die deutsche Übersetzung von TiddlyWiki ist verfügbar unter:
* ''Dokumentation'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/de-DE/index.html
* ''Leer'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/de-DE/empty.html
Siehe auch: [[Deutsch (Österreich) Edition]].
Die österreichische Übersetzung von TiddlyWiki ist verfügbar unter:
* ''Dokumentation'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/de-AT/index.html
* ''Leer'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/de-AT/empty.html
Siehe auch: [[Deutsch (Deutschland) Edition]].
A dictionary tiddler is a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]] containing a simple list of name/value pairs.
Its [[ContentType]] is `application/x-tiddler-dictionary`.
The `text` field consists of one or more lines of the form <code>//name//: //value//</code>.
[[ColourPalettes]], such as the [[default Vanilla palette|$:/palettes/Vanilla]], are dictionary tiddlers.
Unless you've already seen ~TiddlyWiki, we guarantee you've never seen //anything// like ~TiddlyWiki. ~TiddlyWiki is:
:: a tool,
:: a toolbox,
:: a community,
:: and a philosophy.
! ~TiddlyWiki is a Tool
''~TiddlyWiki is first and foremost a tool:'' it is a free downloadable tool for capturing and organising content from the web, from your documents or from your brain. It’s a tool for note-taking, bookmarking, pinning, writing, managing to-do lists and projects, collaborating, blogging, and publishing.
In ~TiddlyWiki you create or paste content into notes called tiddlers, then connect your tiddlers with hyperlinks and tags. You can then quickly retrieve your notes through features such as tag pills, sidebar tabs, and ~TiddlyWiki's lightning fast search window. You can even dynamically include one tiddler's content inside another - similar to using building blocks - to create articles, lists, presentations and more.
! ~TiddlyWiki is a Toolbox
In addition to being a versatile tool, ''~TiddlyWiki is also a toolbox.''
Where other note-taking products hook you with the basic program then charge you for the really helpful features, ~TiddlyWiki has an ever-expanding collection of completely free visual themes, colour palettes, plugins, widgets and macros, which you can then mix and match so that you can tweak and tailor your ~TiddlyWiki to get it just the way you want it.
! ~TiddlyWiki is also a Community
We are a [[community|Community]] of users and developers who help each other imagine new ways of thinking and organising and create new solutions, so that ~TiddlyWiki is continually adapting to better serve your needs. ~TiddlyWiki users and developers share questions and advice at a ~TiddlyWiki Google group. They also create tutorials, adaptations, and plugins to enhance your ~TiddlyWiki experience. See the section ''Community'' of the TableOfContents for more details.
! Finally, ~TiddlyWiki is a philosophy
The purpose of taking and organising a note (or recording any kind of content) is to be able to retrieve it later. If you can't find your notes in your note-taking system, your note-taking becomes a colossal waste of time.
The [[TiddlyWiki philosophy|Philosophy of Tiddlers]] is that the best way to take notes is to separate them into tiddlers, the smallest semantic units possible. A tiddler might be an image, a webpage link, a concept, the definition of a term, or a specific customisation such as a macro.
These tiddlers can then be woven together to create longer units: stories, articles, lists, image galleries, and much more. ~TiddlyWiki's features such as tagging, hyperlinking, and filters are specially designed to help you relate and connect tiddlers together in multiple ways, facilitating your future retrieval of your notes and even helping you see unexpected relationships among your tiddlers and the information they contain.
The following macros are used throughout ~TiddlyWiki's documentation.
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|.def |the defining instance of a term |<<.def widget>> |
|.em |minor emphasis within a sentence |<<.em not>> |
|.place |a placeholder for the user to fill in |<<.place tagname>> |
|.strong |major emphasis within a tiddler |<<.strong Important!>> |
|.word |a mention of an ordinary word or phrase |<<.word "hello world">> |
|!Macro |!Used for |
|.preamble |an introductory sentence that stands apart from the rest of the tiddler |
!Tiddlers and fields
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|.tid |a tiddler title |<<.tid Example>> |
|.tag |a tag |<<.tag Example>> |
|.field |a field name |<<.field example>> |
|.value |a field value |<<.value "example value">> |
|.op |a filter operator |<<.op backlinks>> |
|.var |a variable or macro nam e|<<.var currentTiddler>> |
|.wid |a widget name |<<.wid list>> |
|.attr |an attribute name |<<.attr filter>> |
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|.link |a link containing WikiText |<<.link "^^an^^ ~~example~~" Example>> |
|.clink |a code link |<<.clink `<$list>` ListWidget>> |
|.flink |a link to a field |<<.flink ListField>> |
|.olink |a link to an operator |<<.olink prefix>> |
|.wlink |a link to a widget |<<.wlink ButtonWidget>> |
!User interface
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|.key |a key on the keyboard |<<.key Escape>> |
|.keycombo |a key combination |<<.keycombo Ctrl Enter>> |
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|.sidebar-tab |the name of a sidebar tab |<<.sidebar-tab More>> |
|.more-tab |the name of a subtab of the More tab |<<.more-tab Shadows>> |
|.info-tab |the name of a tiddler info tab |<<.info-tab Fields>> |
|.controlpanel-tab |the name of a Control Panel tab |<<.controlpanel-tab Settings>> |
|.advancedsearch-tab |the name of an Advanced Search tab |<<.advancedsearch-tab Filter>> |
|.toc-tab |name of the tw5.com TOC tab |<<.toc-tab>> |
|.example-tab |an example tab name |<<.example-tab "Notes">> |
!!Parameters for .sidebar-tab
|Open |<<.sidebar-tab Open>> |
|Recent |<<.sidebar-tab Recent>> |
|Tools |<<.sidebar-tab Tools>> |
|More |<<.sidebar-tab More>> |
!!Parameters for .more-tab
|All |<<.more-tab All>> |
|Recent |<<.more-tab Recent>> |
|Tags |<<.more-tab Tags>> |
|Missing |<<.more-tab Missing>> |
|Drafts |<<.more-tab Drafts>> |
|Orphans |<<.more-tab Orphans>> |
|Types |<<.more-tab Types>> |
|System |<<.more-tab System>> |
|Shadows |<<.more-tab Shadows>> |
!!Parameters for .info-tab
|Tools |<<.info-tab Tools>> |
|References |<<.info-tab References>> |
|Tagging |<<.info-tab Tagging>> |
|List |<<.info-tab List>> |
|Listed |<<.info-tab Listed>> |
|Fields |<<.info-tab Fields>> |
|Advanced |<<.info-tab Advanced>> |
!!Parameters for .controlpanel-tab
|Info |<<.controlpanel-tab Info>> |
|Appearance |<<.controlpanel-tab Appearance>> |
|Settings |<<.controlpanel-tab Settings>> |
|Saving |<<.controlpanel-tab Saving>> |
|Plugins |<<.controlpanel-tab Plugins>> |
!!Parameters for .advancedsearch-tab
|Standard |<<.advancedsearch-tab Standard>> |
|System |<<.advancedsearch-tab System>> |
|Shadows |<<.advancedsearch-tab Shadows>> |
|Filter |<<.advancedsearch-tab Filter>> |
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|.button |a standard button name and icon |<<.button "new-tiddler">> |
!!Parameters for .button
!!!Tiddler toolbar
|clone |<<.button "clone">> |
|close |<<.button "close">> |
|close-others |<<.button "close-others">> |
|edit |<<.button "edit">> |
|export-tiddler |<<.button "export-tiddler">> |
|info |<<.button "info">> |
|more-tiddler-actions |<<.button "more-tiddler-actions">> |
|new-here |<<.button "new-here">> |
|new-journal-here |<<.button "new-journal-here">> |
|permalink |<<.button "permalink">> |
!!!Edit-mode toolbar
|cancel |<<.button "cancel">> |
|delete |<<.button "delete">> |
|save |<<.button "save">> |
!!!Page toolbar
|advanced-search |<<.button "advanced-search">> |
|close-all |<<.button "close-all">> |
|control-panel |<<.button "control-panel">> |
|encryption |<<.button "encryption">> |
|export-page |<<.button "export-page">> |
|full-screen |<<.button "full-screen">> |
|home |<<.button "home">> |
|import |<<.button "import">> |
|language |<<.button "language">> |
|more-page-actions |<<.button "more-page-actions">> |
|new-journal |<<.button "new-journal">> |
|new-tiddler |<<.button "new-tiddler">> |
|permaview |<<.button "permaview">> |
|refresh |<<.button "refresh">> |
|save-wiki |<<.button "save-wiki">> |
|storyview |<<.button "storyview">> |
|tag-manager |<<.button "tag-manager">> |
|theme |<<.button "theme">> |
The documentation for ~TiddlyWiki tries to follow a consistent editorial style. It has two main areas, each with its own tone and audience:
* [[Instruction Tiddlers]]
* [[Reference Tiddlers]]
We keep the two areas distinct. This avoids overwhelming relative newcomers, while still providing quick access to the information that expert users need.
Additional topics:
* [[Tiddler Title Policy]]
* [[Tiddler Structure]]
* [[Spelling]]
* [[Typography]]
* [[Documentation Macros]]
* [[Technical Prose Style]]
[[Filters]] manipulate [[sets of titles|Title Selection]] in which no title may appear more than once. Furthermore, they often need to append one such set to another.
This is done in such a way that, if a title would be duplicated, the earlier copy of that title is discarded. The titles being appended are dominant.
For example, if a selection contains `Andrew Becky Clara Daniel` and `Andrew Barney Clara Daisy` is then appended to it, the result is `Becky Daniel Andrew Barney Clara Daisy`.
Tiddlers that have a `draft.of` field are treated as pending drafts of the tiddler specified in the field. Draft tiddlers should also have a `draft.title` field that specifies the title that will be given to the tiddler when it is saved.
Several features work in concert to give the desired behaviour for draft tiddlers:
* The ListWidget can optionally render draft tiddlers through a different template
* The NavigatorWidget incorporates handlers for the following events:
** `tm-new-tiddler` for creating a new tiddler in draft mode
** `tm-edit-tiddler` for moving a tiddler into edit mode
** `tm-cancel-tiddler` for cancelling a tiddler out of edit mode
** `tm-save-tiddler` for saving a draft tiddler
* Draft tiddlers are automatically excluded from search operations
! Introduction
The dropzone widget creates an area into which the user can drag files and other objects. It also supports pasting via the clipboard, although browser support is currently limited.
It sends a [[WidgetMessage: tm-import-tiddlers]] carrying a JSON representation of the tiddlers to be imported up through its parents. This message usually trapped by the NavigatorWidget which adds the tiddlers to the store and updates the story to display them.
! Content and Attributes
The dropzone widget has no attributes, and displays any contained content within the dropzone.
! Display
The dropzone widget creates an HTML `<div class="tc-dropzone">` to contain its content. During a drag operation the class `tc-dragover` is added. CSS is used to provide user feedback.
! Data types supported
The following data transfer types are supported:
* ''text/vnd.tiddler'' - a list of tiddlers in JSON format (this format is generated by the LinkWidget)
* ''text/plain'' - plain text
* ''text/uri-list'' - a list of URIs as a single tiddler
The ''dumpvariables'' [[macro|Macros]] displays a table with values of all [[variables|Variables]] that are defined in the current scope. It is useful for debugging and exploring TiddlyWiki internals.
''Note:'' Parameters and variable subsitutions for macros are displayed as empty strings. A macro defined as `\define myMacro(text) ''$text$''` thus displays as `''''`.
!! Example
Renders as:
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
suffix="optionally, `list`"
parameter="the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]], defaulting to <<.field title>>"
output="a selection containing the first input title encountered for each distinct value of field <<.place f>>"
Each input title is processed in turn. The value of field <<.place f>> in the corresponding tiddler is examined.
:As long as the field's value has not been encountered before, the title is appended to the output.
:The value is treated as a [[title list|Title List]]. Each title in the list considered in turn. If it has not been encountered before, it is appended to the output.
If a tiddler doesn't contain field <<.place f>>, it is treated as if the field's value was empty.
<<.operator-examples "each">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[each[color]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[sort[title]each[type]]" "the alphabetically first tiddler of each type">>
For an example of using the <<.op each>> operator to generate a two-tier list of groups and members, see [[GroupedLists]].
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="the name of a [[date field|Date Fields]]"
output="a selection containing the first input title encountered for each distinct value (ignoring times of day) of field <<.place f>>"
Each input title is processed in turn. The value of field <<.place f>> in the corresponding tiddler is examined, and as long as this indicates a date that has not been encountered before, the title is appended to the output.
If a tiddler doesn't contain field <<.place f>>, it contributes nothing to the output.
<<.operator-examples "eachday">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[eachday[created]]" "the first tiddler created on each day">>
For an example of using the <<.op eachday>> operator to generate a two-tier list of groups and members, see [[GroupedLists]].
! Introduction
The edit bitmap widget provides a user interface in the browser for editing bitmap tiddlers. It is currently a primitive proof-of-concept, supporting resizing and painting with a single color and line width.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$edit-bitmap>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The tiddler to edit (defaults to the CurrentTiddler) |
! Configuration
The edit bitmap widget can be configured with these system tiddlers:
* [[$:/config/BitmapEditor/LineWidth]] determines the line width: <$edit-text tiddler="$:/config/BitmapEditor/LineWidth" tag="input"/>
* [[$:/config/BitmapEditor/Colour]] determines the line color: <$edit-text tiddler="$:/config/BitmapEditor/Colour" tag="input" type="color"/>
Michael Fogleman has written an [[Emacs|http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/]] major mode called [[tid-mode|https://github.com/mwfogleman/tid-mode]], which is for editing TiddlyWiki .tid files. It is derived from text-mode, uses the useful minor modes org-struct and subword, and updates the modified times when you save a .tid file.
He also wrote two helper functions for using TiddlyWiki in Emacs. The first opens a tiddlers directory in Dired; the second opens TiddlyWiki in the browser.
(defun open-wiki ()
"Opens a TiddlyWiki directory in Dired."
(dired "~/Dropbox/wiki/tiddlers/"))
(defun browse-wiki ()
"Opens TiddlyWiki in the browser."
(browse-url ""))
This latter function may require specifying a browser:
(setq browse-url-browser-function 'browse-url-generic
browse-url-generic-program "chromium")
You can bind either of these functions with the global-set-key function:
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c w") 'open-wiki)
At the moment, these are not integrated into tid-mode.
La traduction en Français (France) de TiddlyWiki démarre ici :
* ''documentation'' : http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/fr-FR/index.html
* ''empty'' : http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/fr-FR/empty.html
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection|Title Selection]] of edition names"
output="the description string of each edition in the input"
Each input title is processed in turn, ignoring any that is not the name of a ~TiddlyWiki edition.
TiddlyWiki is distributed in several different editions that are tuned for specific purposes. Each one consists of the same TiddlyWiki core components along with the required plugins, documentation and sample content.
You can mix and match the components of these editions, to make a unique solution to your particular application.
<<list-links "[tag[Editions]]">>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
output="the name of each ~TiddlyWiki edition, in alphabetical order"
! Introduction
The edit text widget provides a user interface in the browser for editing text tiddler fields. The editing element is dynamically bound to the underlying tiddler value: changes to the tiddler are instantly reflected, and any edits are instantly propogated.
By default, the edit text widget generates a `<textarea>` as the HTML editing element when the `text` field is edited, and a `<input type="text">` element otherwise. This behaviour can be overridden with the `tag` and `type` attributes.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$edit-text>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The tiddler to edit (defaults to the CurrentTiddler) |
|field |The field to edit (defaults to `text`). Takes precedence over the `index` attribute |
|index |The index to edit |
|default |The default text to be provided when the target tiddler doesn't exist |
|class |A CSS class to be assigned to the generated HTML editing element |
|placeholder |Placeholder text to be displayed when the edit field is empty |
|focusPopup |Title of a state tiddler for a popup that is displayed when the editing element has focus |
|focus |Set to "true" to automatically focus the editor after creation |
|tag |Overrides the generated HTML editing element tag. Use `textarea` for a multi-line editor |
|type |Overrides the generated HTML editing element `type` attribute |
|size |The size of the input field (in characters) |
|autoHeight |Either "yes" or "no" to specify whether to automatically resize `textarea` editors to fit their content (defaults to "yes") |
|minHeight |Minimum height for automatically resized `textarea` editors, specified in CSS length units such as "px", "em" or "%" |
! Notes
One trap to be aware of is that the edit text widget cannot be used to edit a field of the tiddler that contains it. Each keypress results in the tiddler being re-rendered, which loses the cursor position within the text field.
Instead, place the edit text widget in a [[template|TemplateTiddlers]] that references the tiddler you want to modify.
For example, if you wanted to edit the value of the "myconfig" field of the tiddler "AppSettings", you might do so by creating a separate tiddler "ChangeAppSettings" that contains the following:
<$edit-text tiddler="AppSettings" field="myconfig"/>
! Introduction
The edit widget provides a general purpose interface for editing a tiddler. It dynamically chooses the appropriate widget depending on the type of the tiddler (currently either the EditTextWidget or the EditBitmapWidget).
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$edit>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The tiddler to edit (defaults to the CurrentTiddler) |
|field |The field to edit (defaults to `text`). Takes precedence over the `index` attribute |
|index |The index to edit |
|class |A CSS class to be added the generated editing widget |
The "empty" edition of TiddlyWiki is a vanilla distribution, with no additional plugins or configuration beyond the core code.
The empty edition can be downloaded from:
When used as a single HTML file, TiddlyWiki5 allows content to be encrypted using the [[Stanford JavaScript Crypto Library]].
# Switch to the ''Tools'' tab in the sidebar and look for the button with a padlock icon
# If the button is labelled "set password" then the current wiki is not encrypted. Clicking the button will prompt for a password that will be used to encrypt subsequent saves
# If the button is labelled "clear password" then the current wiki is already encrypted. Clicking the button will remove the password so that subsequent saves will be unencrypted
# Optionally, open the saved file in a text editor and verify that your data is encrypted
# Open the file in your browser. You will be prompted for a password before the content is displayed
TiddlyWiki5 allows the entire content of a TiddlyWiki HTML file to be encrypted with the Stanford JavaScript Crypto Library. Opening an encrypted TiddlyWiki in the browser prompts for a password before decrypting and displaying the content.
For instructions on how to use TiddlyWiki5's encryption features, see [[Encryption]].
The EncryptionMechanism is implemented with the following elements:
* A PasswordVault within the BootMechanism that holds the current encryption password
* The ability of the BootMechanism to read a block of encrypted tiddlers from the TiddlyWiki file, to prompt the user for a password, and to decrypt the tiddlers
* Handlers for the messages [[WidgetMessage: tm-set-password]] and [[WidgetMessage: tm-clear-password]] that handle the user interface for password changes
* The EncryptWidget within the main file template that encrypts a filtered list of tiddlers with the currently held password
* The [[$:/isEncrypted]] tiddler that contains "yes" or "no" according to whether there is a password in the password vault
** The availability of this tiddler allows the RevealWidget to be used to selectively display user interface elements according to whether encryption is in force
! Introduction
The encrypt widget renders a filtered list of tiddlers to an encrypted block with the password currently held in the PasswordVault. The encrypted block can subsequently be decrypted by the TiddlyWiki5 BootMechanism. See the EncryptionMechanism for more details.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$encrypt>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|filter |Filter defining the tiddlers to be included in the encrypted block. If not specified then all non-system tiddlers are used |
[[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] supports the following OS environment variables for specifying a colon-delimited list of paths to search for plugins and editions:
* `TIDDLYWIKI_PLUGIN_PATH` - Search path for ordinary plugins
* `TIDDLYWIKI_THEME_PATH` - Search path for themes
* `TIDDLYWIKI_LANGUAGE_PATH` - Search path for languages
* `TIDDLYWIKI_EDITION_PATH` - Search path for editions (used by the InitCommand)
The additional paths should each point to folders structured like the equivalent directories in the TiddlyWiki5 GitHub repository: the plugin, theme and language directories contain `publisher/pluginname/<files>` while the edition directories contain `editionname/<files>`
For example:
tiddlywiki mywiki --build index
I collect my tw5 creations on-line as http://eucaly-tw5.tiddlyspot.com/
Available Plugins :
*TitleMe - Return in-place tiddler title, to link / show / edit the source tiddler
*QuickJump - Quick jump to tiddlers in story list
*FlexWidth - Flexibly tweak sidebar width for TiddlyWiki 5 (Inspired by TW5 tristate Sidebar)
*MatchFilter - returns matching text instead of a list of the tiddlers from FieldFilter
*PopupTagger - TagBar / TagTable with popup list of tags (Inspired by MonkeyTaggerMacro for TiddlyWiki classic)
This collection showcases inspiring and interesting examples of TiddlyWiki being used in the wild.
Submit new entries to this collection via GitHub, Twitter or by posting in the [[TiddlyWiki Groups|Forums]].
<div class="tc-link-info">
<$list filter="[tag[Examples]!sort[modified]]">
<div class="tc-link-info-item">
! <$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
<div class="tc-subtitle">Posted <$view field="modified" format="relativedate"/></div>
External images in TiddlyWiki are tiddlers that point to the URI of an image, rather than embedding the full image data. They can perform better than embedded images, particularly with large numbers or sizes of images. However, using them breaks the single file pattern of TiddlyWiki.
External images are used in the browser. They can be created by the Node.js configuration when it builds a TiddlyWiki, or they can be created manually within the browser.
! What is an External Image
An external image is an ordinary image tiddler that has a ''_canonical_uri'' field containing the URI of the image. The URI can be absolute or relative to the HTML document. If the canonical URI is provided then the ''text'' field of the tiddler is ignored and so should be omitted.
! Manually Creating External Images
To manually create an external image just create the tiddler with the appropriate image content type, and add a ''_canonical_uri'' field with a URI pointing to the actual image location.
''IMPORTANT:'' Double-check your spelling. ``_canonical_uri`` is spelled [[URI|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URI#The_relationship_between_URIs.2C_URLs.2C_and_URNs]], not URL.
! Creating external images under Node.js
The following steps are used to create a static HTML file version of a wiki accompanied by an ''images'' folder containing the referenced external images:
# Create image tiddlers in your TiddlyWikiFolders in the usual way
# Save the images as separate files (by convention, in a subfolder named ''images'')
# Externalise the image tiddlers by giving them a ''_canonical_uri'' field
# Save the main HTML file
Note the image files must be saved before they are externalised. Externalising them destroys the ''text'' field within the in-memory copy of the wiki store, meaning that attempts to save them will fail.
For an example see the ''externalimages'' build target of the demo ''tw5.com'' wiki:
--savetiddlers [is[image]] images
--setfield [is[image]] _canonical_uri $:/core/templates/canonical-uri-external-image text/plain
--setfield [is[image]] text "" text/plain
--rendertiddler $:/core/save/all externalimages.html text/plain
!! Saving Separate Image Files
The following `--savetiddlers` command can be used to save the images of a wiki into an ''images'' subfolder:
--savetiddlers [is[image]] images
!! Externalising Image Tiddlers
Two `--setfield` commands are used: the first sets the ''_canonical_uri'' field to a URI derived from the title of the tiddler, and the second clears the text field.
--setfield [is[image]] _canonical_uri $:/core/templates/canonical-uri-external-image text/plain
--setfield [is[image]] text "" text/plain
The template tiddler [[$:/core/templates/canonical-uri-external-image]] contains:
<$view tiddler="$:/core/templates/canonical-uri-external-image" field="text" format="text"/>
Note that these operations modify the tiddlers in the wiki store and so may affect the operation of subsequent commands.
! Using External Images
You can't edit an external image directly in the browser except by changing the URI field to point to a different image.
\define alert-demo()
<$fieldmangler tiddler="SampleAlert"><$set name="currentTiddler" value="SampleAlert"><$button message="tm-add-tag" param="$:/tags/Alert">alerts</$button></$set></$fieldmangler>
Further information about specific TiddlyWiki features:
<<list-links "[tag[Features]]">>
* Familiar user interface elements like <<alert-demo>>, <$button message="tm-modal" param="SampleWizard">wizards</$button> and <$button message="tm-notify" param="SampleNotification">notifications</$button>
* Try out the <$button message="tm-full-screen">full screen support</$button>
* Explore the [[D3.js visualisation plugin|http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/d3/index.html]]
* [[CodeMirror support via a plugin|http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/codemirror/index.html]]
* [[Markdown support via a plugin|http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/markdown/index.html]]
* [[Classic TiddlyWiki markup support via a plugin|http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/tw2parser/index.html]]
* Last but not least, TiddlyWiki is a rare example of a practical [[quine|Quine]]
Federatial Limited is a software consultancy founded by JeremyRuston specializing in understanding the impact of the web on the way that we work together.
See http://federatial.com/ and http://twitter.com/federatial for more information.
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
suffix="the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]]"
parameter="a possible value of field <<.place f>>"
output="those input tiddlers in which field <<.place f>> has the value <<.place s>>"
negationOutput="those input tiddlers in which field <<.place f>> does <<.em not>> have the value <<.place s>>"
If <<.place s>> is empty, <<.op field>> will match both of the following:
* tiddlers that don't contain field <<.place f>>
* tiddlers in which field <<.place f>> exists but has an empty value
The syntax of a [[filter step|Filter Step]] treats any unrecognised [[filter operator|Filter Operators]] as if it was the suffix to the <<.op field>> operator. See the <<.operator-examples "field" "examples">>.
<<.operator-examples "field">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[field:author[JeremyRuston]]" "plugins authored by JeremyRuston">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[plugin-type[theme]author[JeremyRuston]]" "themes authored by JeremyRuston">>
! Introduction
The field mangler widget manipulates the fields and tags of a tiddler. It does so in response to the following [[Messages]]:
|!Message |!Description |
|''tm-remove-field'' |Remove the field specified in `event.param` |
|''tm-add-field'' |Add the field specified in `event.param` |
|''tm-remove-tag'' |Remove the tag specified in `event.param` |
|''tm-add-tag'' |Add the tag specified in `event.param` |
! Content and Attributes
The field mangler widget displays any contained content, and responds to [[Messages]] dispatched within it.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |Title of the tiddler to manipulate (defaults to the CurrentTiddler) |
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
output="all the field names contained in the input tiddlers"
Each input title is processed in turn. Its list of field names is retrieved (in no particular order) and then [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's output.
<<.operator-examples "fields">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[HelloThere]fields[]]" "fields of HelloThere">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[tag[Common Operators]fields[]]" "fields of all tiddlers tagged as [[Common Operators]]">>
! Introduction
The fields widget renders each field of a specified tiddler through a simple text template. A list of fields to exclude can be provided. It is used internally by TiddlyWiki5, notably by the FileSavingMechanism.
!! Template Handling
The provided template is rendered with the following special substitutions:
|!Symbol |!Substitution |
|$name$ |Field name |
|$value$ |Field value |
|$encoded_value$ |HTML encoded form of field value |
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$fields>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |Title of the tiddler from which the fields are to be displayed (defaults to the CurrentTiddler) |
|template |Text of the template (see above) |
|exclude |Lists of fields to be excluded (defaults to "text") |
|stripTitlePrefix |If set to "yes" then curly bracketed prefixes are removed from titles (for example `{prefix}HelloThere` converts to `HelloThere`) |
The `stripTitlePrefix` attribute is used when building TiddlyWiki Classic; see `editions/tw2` in the TiddlyWiki5 repo.
<$railroad text="""
[: [[whitespace|"Filter Whitespace"]] ]
[[run|"Filter Run"]]
A <<.def "filter expression">> is the outermost level of the [[filter syntax|Filter Syntax]]. It consists of one or more [[runs|Filter Run]].
A run's input is normally a list of all the non-[[shadow|ShadowTiddlers]] tiddler titles in the wiki (in no particular order). But the `+` prefix can change this.
* If a run has no `+` or `-` prefix, its output titles are [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the filter's output.
* If a run has a `-` prefix, its output titles are <<.em removed>> from the filter's output (if they were present).
* If a run has a `+` prefix, it receives the filter's output so far as its input. The filter's output is then completely <<.em replaced>> by the run's output. Any subsequent run reverts to receiving all tiddler titles as its input, unless it too has a `+` prefix.
In concise technical terms:
|!Run |!Interpretation |!Output |
|`run` |union of sets |... OR run |
|`+run` |intersection of sets |... AND run |
|`-run` |difference of sets |... AND NOT run |
\define .operator-rows(filter)
<$list filter="$filter$"><tr>
<td><$link to={{!!title}}>{{!!caption}}</$link></td>
<td>{{!!purpose}} <$list filter="[all[current]tag[Common Operators]]">{{$:/core/images/done-button}}</$list></td>
<td align="center"><$list filter="[all[current]tag[Negatable Operators]]">`!`</$list></td>
\define .group-heading(_)
<tr class="doc-table-subheading"><th colspan="3" align="center">$_$</th></tr>
A <<.def "filter operator">> is a predefined keyword attached to an individual [[step|Filter Step]] of a [[filter|Filters]]. It defines the particular action of that step.
The following table lists all the core operators. The commonest ones are checkmarked. The third column indicates which operators allow <$link to="Filter Step">the <code>!</code> prefix</$link> to reverse their meaning.
<th align="left">Operator</th>
<th align="left">Purpose</th>
<th align="left">Neg</th>
<<.operator-rows "[tag[Filter Operators]!tag[Order Operators]!tag[String Operators]!tag[Tag Operators]!tag[Special Operators]sort[]]">>
<<.group-heading "Order Operators">>
<<.operator-rows "[tag[Filter Operators]tag[Order Operators]!tag[String Operators]!tag[Tag Operators]!tag[Special Operators]sort[]]">>
<<.group-heading "String Operators">>
<<.operator-rows "[tag[Filter Operators]!tag[Order Operators]tag[String Operators]!tag[Tag Operators]!tag[Special Operators]sort[]]">>
<<.group-heading "Tag Operators">>
<<.operator-rows "[tag[Filter Operators]!tag[Order Operators]!tag[String Operators]tag[Tag Operators]!tag[Special Operators]sort[]]">>
<<.group-heading "Special Operators">>
<<.operator-rows "[tag[Filter Operators]!tag[Order Operators]!tag[String Operators]!tag[Tag Operators]tag[Special Operators]sort[]]">>
A typical step is written as `[operator[parameter]]`, although not all of the operators need a [[parameter|Filter Parameter]].
Most steps process the [[selection of titles|Title Selection]] that are supplied as their input, but a few are [[absolute|Absolute Operators]]. For the exact rules, see [[Filter Syntax]].
<$railroad text="""
( "[" [:{/"anything but ]"/}] "]"
"{" [:{/"anything but }"/}] "}"
"<" [:{/"anything but >"/}] ">"
The parameter to a [[filter operator|Filter Operators]] can be:
;<<.def hard>>
: `[like this]`
: The parameter is the exact text that appears between the square brackets.
;<<.def soft>>
: <<.def indirect>>
:: `{like this}`
:: The parameter is the text indicated by the [[text reference|TextReference]] whose name appears between the curly brackets, i.e. a [[field|TiddlerFields]] of a specified tiddler, or the value of a property of a specified [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]].
: <<.def variable>>
:: `<like this>`
:: The parameter is the current value of the [[variable|Variables]] whose name appears between the angle brackets.
<$railroad text="""
( "[" { [[step|"Filter Step"]] } "]"
[:{/"anything but [ ] or whitespace"/}]
'"' [:{/'anything but "'/}] '"'
"'" [:{/"anything but '"/}] '"'
A <<.def run>> consists of [[steps|Filter Step]], and it outputs a [[selection|Title Selection]] that contributes to a larger [[filter expression|Filter Expression]].
The steps are processed from left to right. The input to the first step is same as the input to the run. For each subsequent step, the input is the output of the previous step.
{{Absolute Operators}}
The lower three options in the diagram match syntax like `HelloThere`, `"HelloThere"`, `'HelloThere'` and `"Filter Operators"`. They are short for `[title[...]]`.
The quoted options exist to support titles that contain square brackets, as in `"An [[[[Unusual]]]] Tiddler"`.
<$railroad text="""
[: [[operator|"Filter Operators"]] [:":" suffix] ]
[[parameter|"Filter Parameter"]]
A <<.def step>> represents a single operation within a [[filter|Filter Syntax]].
In programming terms, it is akin to a function call to which [[the step's input|Filter Run]] is passed as an implicit parameter. A step's output is a [[selection|Title Selection]] that contributes to a [[run|Filter Run]] and hence to the entire [[filter expression|Filter Expression]] that contains it.
The step's <<.def operator>> is drawn from a list of [[predefined keywords|Filter Operators]], which can be extended by plugins. Any unrecognised operator is treated as if it was the suffix to the <<.olink field>> operator. If a step's operator is omitted altogether, it defaults to `title`.
The <<.def suffix>> is additional text, often the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]], that extends the meaning of certain operators.
Many steps require an explicit <<.def parameter>> value, also known as an <<.def operand>>, that further defines what the step is to do.
<<.preamble """[[Filters]] follow a grammar that is presented here, using [[railroad diagrams|Railroad Diagrams]], for those who find formal syntax descriptions helpful. However, you can [[learn to write filters|Introduction to filter notation]] without needing to understand this group of tiddlers.""">>
A <<.def filter>> is a pipeline for transforming an <<.def input>> into an <<.def output>>. Both the input and the output are [[ordered sets of titles|Title Selection]] of things like tiddlers and fields.
Filters are [[expressions|Filter Expression]] constructed from smaller building blocks, called [[runs|Filter Run]] and [[steps|Filter Step]], each of which also transforms an input to an output.
A filter starts with an empty output. Its runs are processed from left to right, progressively modifying the output.
Here are details of the various building blocks involved:
<<list-links "[tag[Filter Syntax]]">>
<$railroad text="""
{( "space" | "tab" | "linefeed" | "return" | "vertical tab" | "formfeed" )}
Whitespace characters can appear between each [[run|Filter Run]] of a [[filter expression|Filter Expression]].
You can think of TiddlyWiki as a database in which the records are tiddlers. A database typically provides a way of discovering which records match a given pattern, and in ~TiddlyWiki this is done with filters.
A <<.def filter>> is a concise notation for selecting a particular [[set of tiddlers|Title Selection]], known as its <<.def "output">>. Whenever ~TiddlyWiki encounters a filter, it calculates the output. Further work can then be done with just those tiddlers, such as [[counting|CountWidget]] or [[listing|ListWidget]] them.
The following example passes a filter to the [[list-links macro|ListMacro]] to display a list of all tiddlers whose titles start with the letter H:
<<list-links "[prefix[H]]">>
A filter's output can change as tiddlers are added and deleted in the wiki. ~TiddlyWiki recalculates on the fly, automatically updating any filter-based counts or lists as well.
[[Advanced Search|$:/AdvancedSearch]] has a <<.advancedsearch-tab Filter>> tab that makes it easy to experiment with filters.
;Find out more:
* [[Introduction to filter notation]] -- a step-by-step walkthrough
* [[Filter Syntax]] -- the detailed technical rules
* [[Filter Operators]] -- the available methods of filtering
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="an integer, defaulting to 1"
output="the first <<.place n>> input titles"
<<.operator-examples "first">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]first[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]first[5]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[tag[Filter Operators]!sort[title]first[]]">>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Available character formatting includes:
* <code>`backticks`</code> for `code`
** Alternatively, <code>``double backticks allows `embedded` backticks``</code>
* `''bold''` for ''bold text''
* `//italic//` for //italic text//
* `__underscore__` for __underscored text__
* `^^superscript^^` for ^^superscript^^ text
* `,,subscript,,` for ,,subscripted,, text
* `~~strikethrough~~` for ~~strikethrough~~ text
See also: [[Code Blocks in WikiText]]
Within the text of a tiddler you can use special formatting called WikiText to control how the text is displayed.
! Simple Formatting
At its simplest, WikiText lets you use familiar word-processing features like bold, italic, lists and tables. For example:
The ''quick'' brown ~~flea~~ fox //jumps// over the `lazy` dog
… displays as:
The ''quick'' brown ~~flea~~ fox //jumps// over the `lazy` dog
! Working with Tiddlers
In WikiText, you can link to tiddlers using double square brackets, or by taking advantage of the automatic linking of CamelCase words:
This is a link to HelloThere, and one to [[History of TiddlyWiki]]
… displays as:
This is a link to HelloThere, and one to [[History of TiddlyWiki]]
! Macros
Macros let you package repetitive fragments of WikiText so that you can easily reuse them.
For example, here is the definition of a macro that generates a ~YouTube video URL from its unique identifier:
\define youtube(video)
With that definition in place, `<<youtube 1g66s7UbyuU>>` generates the URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1g66s7UbyuU
! Advanced WikiText
Advanced WikiText features allow you to produce automated lists and interactive features like dropdown menus. In fact, the entire user interface of TiddlyWiki itself is written in WikiText, so any feature that you see in TiddlyWiki can be adapted for use in your own wikis.
Some of the advanced features require complex coding. TiddlyWiki includes several built-in macros that simplify common user interface tasks, like tabs, tables of content, and lists of tiddlers.
! Find out more
See [[WikiText]] for a detailed introduction to writing WikiText.
! Users
The ~TiddlyWiki discussion groups are mailing lists for talking about ~TiddlyWiki: requests for help, announcements of new releases and plugins, debating new features, or just sharing experiences. You can participate via the associated website, or subscribe via email.
* The main ~TiddlyWiki group: http://groups.google.com/group/TiddlyWiki
*> Note that you do not need a Google Account to join the discussion groups. Subscribe by sending an email to mailto:tiddlywiki+subscribe@googlegroups.com or mailto:tiddlywikidev+subscribe@googlegroups.com.
* Watch recordings of our regular [[TiddlyWiki Hangouts]]
* Follow [[@TiddlyWiki on Twitter|http://twitter.com/TiddlyWiki]] for the latest news
! Developers
* The TiddlyWikiDev group for developers: http://groups.google.com/group/TiddlyWikiDev
*> Note that you do not need a Google Account to join the discussion groups. Subscribe by sending an email to mailto:tiddlywiki+subscribe@googlegroups.com or mailto:tiddlywikidev+subscribe@googlegroups.com.
* Follow [[@TiddlyWiki on Twitter|http://twitter.com/#!/TiddlyWiki]] for the latest news
* Get involved in the [[development on GitHub|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5]]
New releases of TiddlyWiki, TiddlyDesktop and TiddlyFox are announced via the discussion groups and [[Twitter|https://twitter.com/TiddlyWiki]] (you can also subscribe to an Atom/RSS feed of [[TiddlyWiki releases from GitHub|https://github.com/jermolene/tiddlywiki5/releases.atom]])
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
A manifesto for the preservation of free speech through the exchange of randomized data.
Worried that using encryption will make you stand out from the crowd?
Do something about it!
Preserve our rights to free speech and association by sending Randomized Data to your friends and friends of friends – only to those who have given their consent – and encourage them to do the same.
We call data like that Freedom Bits.
TiddlyWiki is designed with the long term needs of its users in mind. Because it is OpenSource and needs no infrastructure, we can be confident that all we'll need to access a ~TiddlyWiki file even in the far future is an ordinary HTML browser. If you're starting to use ~TiddlyWiki at the beginning of your career you can be confident that it will carry you through to retirement.
TiddlyWiki5 can be used to generate static HTML representations of a TiddlyWiki that doesn't need JavaScript.
There is much flexibility in how the static HTML is generated. The following scenarios are all illustrated on http://tiddlywiki.com.
! Wiki Snapshots and Tiddler Snapshots
You can explore a static representation of this TiddlyWiki at <a href="static.html">static.html</a>. That file is a static snapshot of the current DefaultTiddlers. Any tiddlers that it links to are referred to via URLs of the form `/static/HelloThere.html` that point to static snapshots of individual tiddlers. The tiddler HTML files reference a `static.css` stylesheet file.
The following commands are used to generate the sample static version of the TiddlyWiki5 site:
--rendertiddlers [!is[system]] $:/core/templates/static.tiddler.html static text/plain
--rendertiddler $:/core/templates/static.template.html static.html text/plain
--rendertiddler $:/core/templates/static.template.css static/static.css text/plain
The first RenderTiddlersCommand generates the HTML representations of individual tiddlers, the second RenderTiddlerCommand saves the static version of the DefaultTiddlers, and the final RenderTiddlerCommand saves the stylesheet. (All the files are placed in the `output` folder of the wiki folder).
! Wiki Snapshot with Internal Links
It is also possible to produce a single HTML file that contains static representations of tiddlers, and uses standard HTML anchor links to jump between them.
For example: <a href="alltiddlers.html">alltiddlers.html</a>
The example is built by the following commands:
--rendertiddler $:/core/templates/alltiddlers.template.html alltiddlers.html text/plain
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]]"
output="the values of field <<.place f>> in each of the input titles"
Each input title is processed in turn. If the corresponding tiddler contains field <<.place f>>, and the value of this field is not empty, then its value is appended to the output.
Unlike most other [[Filter Operators]], the [[selection|Title Selection]] output by <<.op get>> can contain duplicates. To avoid duplicates, use `each[f]get[f]`.
<<.operator-examples "get">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[all[current]get[draft.of]]" "the title of the tiddler of which the current tiddler is a draft">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[get[tags]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[each[tags]get[tags]]">>
//This is a sample task for the TaskManagementExample//
This brief tutorial takes you through the basics of saving changes with a standalone TiddlyWiki file.
//Note that the video is a bit out of date, and will be updated soon!//
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/1g66s7UbyuU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
\define default-platform()
GettingStarted - $(browser-name)$
Instructions for getting started using TiddlyWiki on the different platforms and configurations that it supports.
<$set name="browser-name" value={{$:/info/browser/name}}>
<$macrocall $name="tabs" state="$:/state/tabs/platform" tabsList="[prefix[GettingStarted - ]]" default=<<default-platform>> class="tc-vertical"/>
* Don't attempt to use the browser ''File''/''Save'' menu option to save changes (it doesn't work)
See also:
* [[Encryption]] explains how to use TiddlyWiki's built-in encryption to protect your content with a password
* [[Saving on TiddlySpot]], a free service that lets you use TiddlyWiki online
* Saving on TiddlyDesktop, a custom desktop application for working with TiddlyWiki
* You can also download this full TiddlyWiki including all the documentation:
If the button doesn't work save this link:
<a href="http://tiddlywiki.com/index.html" download="index.html">~http://tiddlywiki.com/index.html</a>
Your browser may ask you to accept the download before it begins
There are two options for using TiddlyWiki on Android:
! Using Firefox and TiddlyFox
{{Saving with TiddlyFox on Android}}
! Using the AndTidWiki App
{{Saving on Android}}
TiddlyWiki on Google Chrome can only save changes using the HTML5-compatible fallback saver module.
{{Saving with the HTML5 fallback saver}}
Firefox provides the best user experience for using TiddlyWiki with the TiddlyFox browser extension.
{{Saving with TiddlyFox}}
{{Saving with TiddlyIE}}
The [[Windows HTA Hack]] describes an alternative method of using TiddlyWiki with Internet Explorer.
{{Saving on iPad/iPhone}}
{{Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js}}
TiddlyWiki on Safari can only save changes using the HTML5-compatible fallback saver module.
{{Saving on Safari}}
GitHub is a commercial organisation that operates a service for hosting code that includes powerful collaborative features.
The code and documentation of TiddlyWiki is hosted on GitHub at:
//This is a sample task for the TaskManagementExample//
The following sidebar tabs give examples of grouped lists created by nesting.
!! Types Tab
For the [[Types|$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/Types]] tab, the outer list filter as shown below selects each discrete value found in the `type` field. The inner list filter selects all the (non-system) tiddlers with that type.
<<tw-code "$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/Types">>
!! Recent Tab
The list in the [[Recent|$:/core/ui/SideBar/Recent]] tab is generated using the TimelineMacro. Here, the outer list filter selects each discrete day found in the `modified` field, while the inner list filter selects all the tiddlers dated the same day in the `modified` field.
<<tw-code-link "$:/core/macros/timeline">>
TiddlyWiki makes a great GuerillaWiki in situations where it is not practical to use a traditional wiki.
For instance, in a corporate setting, persuading an over-worked IT department to install a Wiki server for you is seldom going to be possible overnight. And if your PC is locked down you can't install a conventional Wiki yourself. Equally, you can't go and use one of the public hosted Wiki services because your Information Security department would not allow all that corporate data to flow into an outside server.
TiddlyWiki slices through those barriers by being usable on virtually all PCs.
A <<.def "hard link">> is one that can be detected by a superficial examination of WikiText.
A link is <<.def "soft">> if it is:
* contained in text [[trancluded|Transclusion]] from elsewhere
* supplied via a [[macro|Macros]] or [[variable|Variables]]
* generated by a link widget whose <<.attr to>> attribute is a transclusion, macro or variable
Soft links are not detected by link-related filter operators such as <<.olink backlinks>>, <<.olink links>>, <<.olink all>> and <<.olink is>>.
The usual handling of [[paragraphs in wikitext|Paragraphs in WikiText]] causes single line breaks to be ignored, and double linebreaks to be interpreted as the end of a paragraph.
This behaviour isn't convenient when dealing with material that incorporates hard linebreaks - for instance, poetry. You can mark a block of content as containing hard line breaks like this:
<<wikitext-example src:'"""
This is a line
and this is a new line
while this is yet another line
and this is the final one
apart from this one
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]]"
output="those input tiddlers in which field <<.place f>> has a non-empty value"
negationOutput="those input tiddlers in which field <<.place f>> does <<.em not>> exist or has an empty value"
<<.operator-examples "has">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[has[color]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[tag[Concepts]!has[modified]]">>
Headings are specified with one or more leading `!` characters:
! This is a level 1 heading
!! This is a level 2 heading
!!! This is a level 3 heading
CSS classes can be assigned to individual headings like this:
!.myStyle This heading has the class `myStyle`
Welcome to ~TiddlyWiki, a versatile note-taking web application you can download for free, store wherever you like and customise however you wish. Use it to capture, organise and share your notes in ways that word processors and other note-taking tools cannot.
<$button class="tc-btn-big-green" to="Introduction Video" style="background:red;">
{{$:/core/images/video}} Watch a video introduction
~TiddlyWiki is designed to be non-linear, structuring content with stories, tags, hyperlinks, and other features. You can organise and retrieve your notes in ways that conform to your personal thought patterns, rather than feel chained to one preset organisational structure.
You can use ~TiddlyWiki as a single file that you view and edit through any web browser, whether you are online or offline. Or you can use it as a powerful [[Node.js application|TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] that stores each of your notes as a separate file.
How can you make ~TiddlyWiki work for you? We recommend you start with our introductory documentation listed below, and then browse the TableOfContents, available in the Contents tab in the sidebar. Or just [[follow our simple instructions|GettingStarted]] and try it out for yourself!
<<list-links "[tag[HelloThere]]">>
Also see:
* [ext[Developer Documentation|./dev/index.html]]
If you find TiddlyWiki useful, there are lots of ways you can help assure its future and make it better.
! Teach and Tell
OpenSource projects like ~TiddlyWiki thrive on the feedback and engagement of users. ~TiddlyWiki becomes more useful to everyone as more and more people use it. So, if you find ~TiddlyWiki useful, spread the word. The best possible way to assure its future is for it to become a hundred times more popular than before.
* [[Tweet about TiddlyWiki|https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=I+love+TiddlyWiki+because...&source=tiddlywiki5]]
* [[Star the TiddlyWiki5 GitHub Repository|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5]]
! Help improve the documentation and code
There are many ways you can contribute to ~TiddlyWiki:
* Writing tutorials
* Contributing to the documentation on tiddlywiki.com
* Making video screencasts
* Curating relevant links, hints and tips on a wiki
The main ~TiddlyWiki documentation and code lives on GitHub, and welcomes [[contributions|Contributing]]:
* https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5
The Highlight plugin provides the ability to apply syntax colouring to text.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/highlight/
//These are personal reflections on the history and development of TiddlyWiki from JeremyRuston//
! Origins of TiddlyWiki
Back in 1997 a colleague introduced me to [[Ward Cunningham's original wiki|http://c2.com/cgi/wiki]]. I was impressed that something so powerful could fit into just 700 lines of Perl, and fascinated by the radical reimagining of security and permissions. Like many other developers, I took every opportunity I could to try out various wikis, and to explore their use at work.
The allure of the wiki for me was the feeling that it could eventually disrupt the prevailing paradigm of print-oriented documents and emails.
After watching people use wikis for a few years, I noticed that power users made extensive use of the ability to open multiple wiki pages at once in several browser tabs, making it easier for them to compare and review pages, to copy text between them and to act as a sort of queue of pages yet to be read.
I felt that this ability to manipulate multiple pages at once was central to the ability to refactor a wiki, and it is generally accepted that a wiki that is lovingly refactored tends to be more useful. And yet, standard wiki user interfaces have always been designed exclusively for the presentation and manipulation of single pages at once.
All of these thoughts came together when I saw GMail in April 2004, which used Ajax cleverly to blend individual emails into threaded conversations.
I started experimenting with HTML and JavaScript to explore the idea further. I'd had virtually no experience of either, just having put together some static pages and simple ASP sites in previous lives. Getting my head around these client-side technologies was painful; like everyone else, I was horrified to discover how appalling were the incompatibilities and inconsistencies of web programming.
! Launch of TiddlyWiki
So, in September 2004 I released a primitive [[first version of TiddlyWiki|http://classic.tiddlywiki.com/firstversion.html]]. It was the smallest possible thing that demonstrated the idea: it was a simple, self-contained static 48KB HTML file.
The downside of writing the first version of TiddlyWiki in this way was that it made it completely impractical to use for editing - when you click 'save changes' it just pops up a window showing the data that would be saved if it were possible for an HTML page to write to the file system.
Much of the early feedback was that TiddlyWiki was neat, but that it would be more useful when it was possible to properly save changes. I was a little frustrated, as I thought I knew that it was impossible for an HTML file running in the browser to save changes to the local file system.
Within a few months I saw an experimental Firefox extension that enabled TiddlyWiki to save changes in the browser. Examining the code, I realised that the APIs that it used to write to the file system were actually available in ordinary HTML files - as long as they were loaded via a `file://` URI.
I adapted the Firefox code into the core of TiddlyWiki, and soon added a similar ability for Internet Explorer (making use of an old ActiveX control that Microsoft distributed with Internet Explorer).
! Growth of TiddlyWiki
A major milestone in the growth of TiddlyWiki was the creation of "GTDTiddlyWiki" by Nathan Bowers. He took the vanilla TiddlyWiki product and adapted it for the specific application of keeping track of tasks using the popular Getting Things Done methodology. GTDTiddlyWiki was an immediate hit, being enthusiastically greeted on websites like LifeHacker.
Over the next couple of years TiddlyWiki continued to grow in popularity, and gained new features and capabilities. Within a year I was able to support myself by performing bespoke development work on TiddlyWiki, notably working with wiki pioneer SocialText on the ability to synchronise changes with an online server
! BT Acquisition
In May 2007, [[BT]] acquired [[Osmosoft]], my consultancy company. It was an unusual decision to acquire a company with a single employee and a tiny trickle of revenue - [[Osmosoft]] didn't even own the intellectual property in TiddlyWiki since I had handed it over to UnaMesa to assure its future for the community.
[[BT]]'s motivation was to help them understand community-based ecosystems. I joined the organisation as "Head of Open Source Innovation", taking responsibility for open source governance, and providing advice and expertise on how to participate in open soure communities.
! [[Osmosoft]] and TiddlySpace
I built a team in BT under the name [[Osmosoft]]. Our purpose was to evangelise the benefits of open source, and to help other teams realise those benefits in practice. We also found that it was necessary to evangelise the use of the web in general, and web standards in particular.
Our approach was to focus on showing rather than telling. We worked with the TiddlyWiki community to extend the ecosystem and we built numerous internal systems for BT (some based on TiddlyWiki and some not).
[[Osmosoft]]'s chief contribution to the TiddlyWiki community was the creation of TiddlyWeb and TiddlySpace. TiddlyWeb was a robust, internet scale server for tiddlers that could also compose TiddlyWiki views of those tiddlers. TiddlySpace was an attempt to package TiddlyWeb into a more directly usable form.
! Leaving BT
By the end of 2011 I was increasingly feeling that I would be better placed to realise the potential of TiddlyWiki outside of the corporate confines BT. Accordingly, I left and started work as an independent developer, primarily working on a brand new reboot of TiddlyWiki in the shape of TiddlyWiki5.
! Development of TiddlyWiki5
I worked on new release of TiddlyWiki from November 2011. As a programmer, working on "version 2.0" of something that I had already written is a very attractive proposition. It means that the requirements were fully understood, allowing me to focus on evolving the architecture needed to support the desired functionality.
! The Future
Now that TiddlyWiki5 has finally left "beta" status behind, my hope is that it will have a long life. Because it only uses standard features of HTML5 and Node.js, there is no reason why it cannot be fully operational for many years to come. My goal is for it to last for at least 25 years.
//Jeremy Ruston, 20th September 2014//
The system tiddler [[$:/HistoryList]] keeps track of a list of tiddlers comprising the navigation history. Each time you click on a link to a tiddler, the title of the target tiddler is added to the top of the stack.
The history list is stored in JSON to allow additional details about the coordinates of the DOM node that initiated the navigation.
The history list also maintains the field ''current-tiddler'' that contains the name of the tiddler at the top of the stack. This field can be used like so:
<$list filter="[list[$:/StoryList]]" history="$:/HistoryList" storyview="pop">
<$button message="tm-close-tiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-mini">×</$button> <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/> <$reveal type="match" state="$:/HistoryList!!current-tiddler" text=<<currentTiddler>>>✓</$reveal></$link>
Which renders the same as the "Open" sidebar tab, with the addition of a tick against the tiddler that was last navigated to.
<$list filter="[list[$:/StoryList]]" history="$:/HistoryList" storyview="pop">
<$button message="tm-close-tiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-mini">×</$button> <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/> <$reveal type="match" state="$:/HistoryList!!current-tiddler" text=<<currentTiddler>>>✓</$reveal></$link>
You can include a horizontal rule with three or more dashes on their own on a line:
<<wikitext-example src:"
When you edit a tiddler on http://tiddlywiki.com you will see a small ribbon inviting you to edit the source of the tiddler on GitHub.
If you are using Node.js, you can replicate this feature for your own TiddlyWiki-based site as follows:
# Make sure the following setting is included in the `tiddlywiki.info` file in your WikiFolder:
#> <pre><code> "config": {
"retain-original-tiddler-path": true
# Copy the tiddler [[$:/ContributionBanner]] to your wiki
# Make the following changes:
## Adjust the GitHub link URL from https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/edit/master/editions/tw5.com/tiddlers/ to point to your own GitHub repo
## Make sure the wording of the text starting "Can you help us improve this documentation?" is appropriate for your visitors
## Adjust the link to [[Improving TiddlyWiki Documentation]] to point to your own tiddler with instructions for the contribution procedure
To create a new tab in the sidebar menu:
# Create a tiddler and tag it with the [[SystemTag|SystemTags]] tag [[$:/tags/SideBar]]
#* To create a table of contents you can populate the new tab tiddler using the [[TableOfContentsMacro]]. For example, see the [[TableOfContents]] used here
# By default, the tiddler title is used as the tab title but you can override it using the `caption` field
# To define the tab ordering, use the `list-after` or `list-before` fields as discussed in [[Tagging]]
#* For example: set `list-after` to [[$:/core/ui/SideBar/Open]] to place a sidebar tab immediately after the "Open" tab
Note that you can create new tabs under the "More" tab in the same way by using the tag `$:/tags/MoreSideBar`.
You can apply custom styles to tiddlers that have a particular tag by defining a CSS class with the name `tc-tagged-<Tag Name>`.
For example, to make tiddlers tagged "NightReader" appear in a special colour scheme suitable for night-time reading, [[create a stylesheet|Using Stylesheets]] defining the class `tc-tagged-NightReader` like this:
.tc-tagged-NightReader {
color: orange;
padding: 35px 35px;
.tc-tagged-NightReader .tc-tiddler-body {
font-size: 1.5em;
The `tc-tagged-NightReader` class is applied to the entire tiddler and not just the tiddler text. If you want to target a smaller portion of the tiddler you can qualify the CSS selector, as is done here with `.tc-tagged-NightReader .tc-tiddler-body`.
Note that tags containing spaces or non-alphanumeric characters will be converted using URI encoding, making the generated CSS classname hard to predict. For example:
|!Tag |!Generated Class Name |
|`$:/mytag` |`tc-tagged-%24%3A%2Fmytag` |
|`one two` |`tc-tagged-one%20two` |
|`£35.23` |`tc-tagged-%C2%A335.23` |
First install TiddlyWiki as described in [[Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js]].
# Create an empty [[TiddlyWikiFolder|TiddlyWikiFolders]]
## Create a new folder in a convenient place (for example `~/MyWiki`)
## Create a file called `tiddlywiki.info` containing the following text:
##* `{"themes": ["tiddlywiki/vanilla","tiddlywiki/snowwhite"]}`
## Create a subfolder called `tiddlers`
##* Alternatively, just copy the `editions/empty` folder from the TiddlyWiki5 repo
# Create individual TiddlerFiles in the `~/MyWiki/tiddlers` directory
# Execute the following command from the TiddlyWiki5 root directory to build a TiddlyWiki5 file from the tiddlers:
## `tiddlywiki ~/MyWiki --rendertiddler $:/core/save/all index.html text/plain`
Here's how to display the last modification date of a wiki in a banner in the corner of the window:
# Copy the plugin [[$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/github-fork-ribbon]] to your TiddlyWiki
# Save and reload your wiki
# Create a new tiddler called [[$:/_MyRibbon]] tagged [[$:/tags/PageControls]] and containing:<div>
<div class="github-fork-ribbon-wrapper right">
<div class="github-fork-ribbon" style="background-color:#DF4848;">
<$list filter="[!is[system]!has[draft.of]!sort[modified]limit[1]]">
<$view field="modified" format="date" template="DD mmm YYYY at 0hh:0mm"/>
# If required, change the background-color value to your preference
# You can also try changing the positioning class from `right` to `right-bottom`
## To make the banner appear at the top left you'll need to tag the tiddler [[$:/tags/PageTemplate]] instead of [[$:/tags/PageControls]] and then change the position class to `left`
HTML tags and comments can be used directly in WikiText. For example:
<article class="hello">
This is my nice and simple block of text. HelloThere
<!-- This comment will not appear in the wikified output -->
! Content Parsing
The content of an HTML element will be parsed in inline mode unless the opening tag is followed by two linebreaks, in which case it is parsed in block mode. (Inline mode means that block mode formatting such as tables, lists and headings is not recognised).
! Attributes
Attributes in HTML tags can be specified as a literal, a transclusion or a macro invocation. For example, here the value of the `href` attribute will be set to the value of the tiddler MyLinkDestination:
<a href={{MyLinkDestination}}>link</a>
Here an attribute is specified as a macro invocation:
<a href=<<MyMacro "Brian">>>link</a>
Literal attribute values can include line breaks. For example:
<div data-address="Mouse House,
Mouse Lane,
By using triple-double quotes you can specify attribute values that include single double quotes. For example:
<div data-address="""Mouse House,
"Mouse" Lane,
Here is an example of using the ListWidget and the TranscludeWidget to show a grid of all system images (ie, tiddlers tagged [[$:/tags/Image]]).
.my-gallery svg {
width: 6em;
height: 6em;
margin: 1em;
<div class="my-gallery">
<$list filter="[all[tiddlers+shadows]tag[$:/tags/Image]]">
! Image Formatting
Images can be included in WikiText with the following syntax:
[img[Motovun Jack.jpg]]
If the image source is the title of an image tiddler then that tiddler is directly displayed. Otherwise it is interpreted as a URL and an HTML `<img>` tag is generated with the `src` attribute containing the URL.
A tooltip can also be specified:
[img[An explanatory tooltip|Motovun Jack.jpg]]
Attributes can be provided to specify CSS classes and the image width and height:
[img width=32 [Motovun Jack.jpg]]
[img width=32 class="tc-image" [Motovun Jack.jpg]]
Note that attributes can be specified as transclusions or variable references:
[img width={{!!mywidth}} class=<<image-classes>> [Motovun Jack.jpg]]
The image syntax is a shorthand for invoking the ImageWidget.
! Displaying Images via Transclusion
You can also display an image stored in a tiddler by transcluding that tiddler. The disadvantage of this approach is that there is no direct way to control the size of the image.
{{Motovun Jack.jpg}}
Renders as:
{{Motovun Jack.jpg}}
! Introduction
The image widget displays images that can be specified as a remote URL or the title of a local tiddler containing the image.
! Content and Attributes
Any content of the `<$image>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|source |The URL of the image, or the title of an image tiddler |
|width |The width of the image |
|height |The height of the image |
|tooltip |The tooltip to be displayed over the image |
|alt |The alternative text to be associated with the image |
|class |CSS classes to be assigned to the `<img>` element |
The width and the height can be specified as pixel values (eg "23" or "23px") or percentages (eg "23%"). They are both optional; if not provided the browser will use CSS rules to size the image.
! External Images and the ''_canonical_uri'' field
When used to display tiddler-based images, the image widget operates in two distinct modes:
* If the ''_canonical_uri'' field is present then it is used as the ''src'' attribute of the generated `<img>` element and the ''text'' field is ignored
* Without the ''_canonical_uri'' field, the image widget generates an `<img>` element that embeds the image data directly using a `data:` URI.
See ExternalImages for more details.
You can import content into a TiddlyWiki file in several ways:
* Use the ''import'' button (under the ''Tools'' tab in the sidebar) to select a local file
* Drag and drop files from Windows Explorer or Mac OS X Finder into the TiddlyWiki browser window
* Paste content directly from the clipboard using the menu or keyboard shortcut (control-V or command-V)
** GoogleChrome is currently the only browser to support pasting
! Introduction
The ImportVariablesWidget imports macro and variable definitions from a list of other tiddlers and makes them available to its children. For example:
<$importvariables filter="[tag[mySpecialMacros]]">
All the macros defined in tiddlers with the tag "mySpecialMacros" are available here
! Attributes and Content
The content of the importvariables widget is the scope within which the imported variable definitions are available.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|filter |[[Tiddler filter|Filters]] defining the tiddlers from which macro definitions will be imported |
! Global Macros
So-called global macros are implemented within the main page template ([[$:/core/ui/PageTemplate]]) by wrapping the page content in the following importvariables widget:
<$importvariables filter="[[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Macro]!has[draft.of]]">
Anyone can submit improvements to the TiddlyWiki documentation that appears on http://tiddlywiki.com.
# Read and observe the [[Documentation Style Guide]]
# Create an account on https://github.com if you don't already have one
# On http://tiddlywiki.com, click "edit" on the tiddler you want to improve
# You should see a pink banner with the text: //Can you help us improve this documentation? Find out how to edit this tiddler on ~GitHub//
# Click on the external link ...''this tiddler on ~GitHub''
## You will be prompted that "you need to fork this repository to propose changes". A "fork" is your own copy of the repository that incorporates the changes you are proposing
# A new browser tab should open ready to edit the tiddler on github.com
# Below the edit box for the tiddler text you should see a box labelled ''Propose file change''
# Enter a brief title to explain the change (eg, "Clarify attribute syntax instability")
# If necessary, enter a longer description too
# Click the green button labelled ''Propose file change''
# On the following screen, click the green button labelled ''Create pull request''
[[Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] or one of the other core developers will then have the opportunity to merge your pull request so that it is incorporated into the next build of http://tiddlywiki.com.
Mario Pietsch has created these short video tutorials:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/L4zTkMYcri8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/6ElUruH92tc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/axFCk9KsMFc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
output="all the property names or indices contained in the input data tiddlers"
Each input title is processed in turn, and is ignored if it does not denote a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]]. The list of property names is retrieved from the data tiddler (in no particular order) and then [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's output.
Where a tiddler's [[content is JSON|JSONTiddlers]] with an array as its root, the <<.op indexes>> operator retrieves a selection of integer indices instead.
<<.operator-examples "indexes">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[{$:/palette}indexes[]sort[title]]" "all the colours defined in the current [[colour palette|ColourPalettes]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[[$:/HistoryList]indexes[]]" "integer output because the [[history list|$:/HistoryList]] is an array">>
System tiddlers in the namespace `$:/info/` are used to expose information about the system (including the current browser) so that WikiText applications can adapt themselves to available features.
! Information Tiddlers
|!Title |!Description |
|[[$:/info/browser]] |Running in the browser? ("yes" or "no") |
|[[$:/info/node]] |Running under [[Node.js]]? ("yes" or "no") |
Each tiddler has a panel of additional information. To reveal it, click the {{$:/core/images/down-arrow}} button in the tiddler's toolbar and then choose {{$:/core/images/info-button}} ''info'' from the dropdown list.
The info panel has the following tabs:
* ''Tools'' - This offers buttons for various actions you can perform on the tiddler. The checkbox next to each button lets you promote an action to the tiddler's toolbar - this will affect all of the tiddlers in your wiki
* ''References'', ''Tagging'', ''List'' and ''Listed'' - These list various kinds of related tiddlers. See [[Using links to navigate between tiddlers]]
* ''Fields'' - This summarises all of the tiddler's [[fields|TiddlerFields]], except for ''text''
* ''Advanced'' - This indicates whether the tiddler is a [[shadow|ShadowTiddlers]]. If it is, this also reveals which plugin it comes from and whether it has been overridden by an ordinary tiddler
To close the info panel, click anywhere outside it.
See also:
* [[Environment Variables on Node.js]]
# Install [[Node.js]] from http://nodejs.org
# Open a command line terminal and type:
#> `npm install -g tiddlywiki`
#> If it fails with an error you may need to re-run the command as an administrator:
#> `npm install -g tiddlywiki` (Windows)
#> `sudo npm install -g tiddlywiki` (Mac/Linux)
# Check TiddlyWiki is installed by typing:
#> `tiddlywiki --version`
# In response, you should see TiddlyWiki report its current version (eg `<<version>>`; you may also see other debugging information reported)
# Try it out:
## `tiddlywiki mynewwiki --init server` to create a folder for a new wiki that includes server-related components
## `tiddlywiki mynewwiki --server` to start TiddlyWiki
## Visit in your browser
## Try editing and creating tiddlers
The `-g` flag causes TiddlyWiki to be installed globally. Without it, TiddlyWiki will only be available in the directory where you installed it.
<<.def "Instruction tiddlers">> talk directly to the reader and guide them through a process. The reader is likely to be a beginner or an intermediate user.
Such tiddlers can be subcategorised as:
* What is ~TiddlyWiki and why should I care?
* Demonstrations of key features and benefits
* Frequently asked questions
* Examples of ~TiddlyWiki in the field
* Information about the project itself
* An ordered presentation of material for beginners
* Each tiddler introduces one new point or concept
* Its main content contains very few links
* A revealable <<.word "Find out more">> section at the end can offer related links
* Accompanying a tutorial tiddler
* Solution revealed on demand
* A list of numbered steps for performing a small specific task
* Concise, with links to reference tiddlers where appropriate
* Often has a preamble to clarify the nature of the task
* Accompanying a [[reference tiddler|Reference Tiddlers]]
* Can contain explanations and similar commentary
* Kept separate to keep the reference tiddler pure
Instruction tiddlers talk directly to the reader as <<.word you>>. They can be reasonably chatty.
But they avoid excessively colloquial language, cultural or topical references and attempts at humour, as these can baffle or even offend the international readership. They also avoid potentially frustrating the reader with descriptions of features as <<.word convenient>> or <<.word easy>>.
This brief introduction shows how to install and use TiddlyDesktop:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/i3Bggkm7paA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<<.preamble """This explains the basics of writing a [[filter|Filters]] to select a set of tiddlers. For a more technical presentation, see [[Filter Syntax]].""">>
<$macrocall $name=".note" _="""Filters do nothing if you just type them into a tiddler on their own. They need a context. An easy way to experiment with filters is to type them into the <<.advancedsearch-tab Filter>> tab of [[Advanced Search|$:/AdvancedSearch]]."""/>
The simplest case is where you already know exactly which tiddlers you want. Type each title in double square brackets, with a space between each one and the next:
[[Recipe book]] [[ScrambledEggs]] [[Mom's apple pie]]
You can omit the square brackets when a title doesn't contain any spaces:
[[Recipe book]] ScrambledEggs [[Mom's apple pie]]
The double square brackets are actually a shorthand for this:
... which gives us the <<.def "general model">> for any filter:
For instance, here's how to select all the tiddlers that have been tagged <<.tag Recipe>>:
We can reverse the meaning by adding an exclamation mark `!` just before the operator. For example, we can select any tiddlers that do <<.em not>> have the <<.tag Recipe>> tag:
Tiddlers can be filtered by other fields than just title and tags:
That example will select any tiddlers that have <<.value 4>> in their <<.field serving>> field.
As the word "serving" isn't a standard filter operator (and isn't likely to become one), you can safely omit the `field:` prefix:
The filters we've looked at so far have involved just one step each. But you can <<.def run>> several steps together like this:
Notice how the entire run is contained in a single pair of square brackets.
A tiddler has to match <<.em all>> of the steps in a run. So the example above retrieves vegetarian recipes (other than soups) for 4 people.
A sequence of separate runs will select the tiddlers that match <<.em any>> of the runs. We can use this to find recipes that serve either 3, 4 or 5 people:
[serving[3]] [serving[4]] [serving[5]]
If we want to ignore vegetarian recipes that serve 4, we can say this:
[serving[3]] [serving[4]!tag[Vegetarian]] [serving[5]]
By default, each run considers every tiddler in the wiki. But we can use a `+` sign to force a run to consider only the tiddlers that were selected by the preceding runs:
[serving[3]] [serving[4]] [serving[5]] +[tag[Vegetarian]] +[sort[title]]
This selects recipes for 3, 4 or 5 people, then filters <<.em those>> to remove the vegetarian ones, and finally sorts any that are left into alphabetical order of title.
In a similar way, we can use a `-` sign to <<.em remove>> a run's tiddlers from the result so far. Here we select all vegetarian recipes apart from two:
[tag[Vegetarian]] -[title[ScrambledEggs]] -BeansOnToast
!Special parameters
The parameter of each step we've seen so far has been in square brackets, meaning that ~TiddlyWiki treats it literally. But two other kinds of bracket are possible:
<<.def "Curly brackets">> `{}` mean that the parameter is a TextReference, and that its value is to be looked up in a specified tiddler. For example, if we have a tiddler called <<.tid Preference>> whose text happens to be the word <<.value Vegetarian>>, we can say
as an alternative to `[tag[Vegetarian]]`. This allows the preference to change over time.
<<.def "Angle brackets">> `<>` mean that the parameter is the name of a [[variable|Variables]] whose value is to be used instead. Here we use the built-in <<.clink currentTiddler "WidgetVariable: currentTiddler">> variable in a filter that selects any tiddlers whose text contains the title of the current one:
This brief presentation explains the basic principles of TiddlyWiki.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/KtCUr83XgyE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
The TiddlyWiki used to produce the video can be found here:
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="a category -- see below"
output="those input tiddlers that belong to category <<.place c>>"
negationOutput="those input tiddlers that do <<.em not>> belong to category <<.place c>>"
The parameter <<.place c>> is one of the following fundamental categories:
|!Category |!Matches any tiddler that... |
|^`current` |is the [[current tiddler|CurrentTiddler]] |
|^`image` |has an image ContentType |
|^`missing` |does not exist (other than possibly as a non-shadow tiddler), regardless of whether there are any links it |
|^`orphan` |has no [[hard links|Hard and Soft Links]] to it |
|^`shadow` |is a [[shadow tiddler|ShadowTiddlers]], regardless of whether it has been overridden with a non-shadow tiddler |
|^`system` |is a [[system tiddler|SystemTiddlers]], i.e. its title starts with `$:/` |
|^`tag` |is in use as a tag |
|^`tiddler` |exists as a non-shadow tiddler |
If <<.place c>> is anything else, the output is an error message.
`!is[tiddler]` is a synonym for `is[missing]`, and vice versa.
When <<.op is[missing]>> is the first operator in a [[run|Filter Run]], its output is always empty. And when <<.op is[shadow]>> comes first, it outputs only those shadow tiddlers that have been overridden. This is because the [[initial input to a run|Filter Expression]] contains only <<.em non>>-shadow tiddlers.
The <<.olink all>> operator is similar, but its scope is the whole wiki.
<<.operator-examples "is">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[is[tag]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[!is[tag]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[all[shadows]!is[system]]" "shadow tiddlers that don't start with `$:/`">>
<<.operator-example 4 "[is[system]tag[$:/tags/Stylesheet]]" "system stylesheets">>
<<.operator-example 5 "[all[shadows]is[system]tag[$:/tags/Stylesheet]]" "shadow system stylesheets">>
<<.operator-example 6 "[is[shadow]]" "overridden shadow tiddlers">>
<<.operator-example 7 "[is[missing]]" "empty because its input contains only tiddlers that exist">>
The ListWidget exposes the following iterator variables during list processing:
; `<<iterator>>`
: set to the current index, e.g. `1`
; `<<iterator-even>>`
: set to `true` for an even index, otherwise `false`
; `<<iterator-last>>`
: set to `true` for last index, otherwise `false`
The ListWidget allows to declare an `iterator` attribute through which you can declare a custom iterator variable prefix:
<$list filter="[tag[foo]]" iterator="my-foo">
!!Using Iterator Variables
You can use iterator variables with the RevealWidget to conditionally render output depending on the current index...
''only show for item at index 1, i.e. the first item''
<$reveal type=match default=1 text=<<my-foo>>>
''show for all except first index''
<$reveal type=nomatch default=1 text=<<my-foo>>>
''only show at even indexes''
<$reveal type=match default=true text=<<my-foo-even>>>
''only show at uneven indexes''
<$reveal type=nomatch default=true text=<<my-foo-even>>>
''only show for last index''
<$reveal type=match default=true text=<<my-foo-last>>>
!! Live Example
<$list filter="one two three" iterator=foo>
<dd>`<<foo>>` = <<foo>></dd>
<dd>`<<foo-even>>` = <<foo-even>></dd>
<dd>`<<foo-last>>` = <<foo-last>></dd>
Displays as:
<$list filter="one two three" iterator=foo>
<dd>`<<foo>>` = <<foo>></dd>
<dd>`<<foo-even>>` = <<foo-even>></dd>
<dd>`<<foo-last>>` = <<foo-last>></dd>
~JavaScript is a computer language that was originally introduced by browsers as a way of scripting web pages. At first it was considered a poorly designed toy, but over the years has become recognised as a powerful language in its own right, and has been adopted widely beyond the browser.
~JavaScript looks like this:
function circleArea(radius) {
return radius * 2 * 3.141592653;
I'm the original inventor of TiddlyWiki. You can find me on these services:
* jeremy (at) jermolene (dot) com
* [[Jermolene on GitHub|https://github.com/Jermolene]]
* [[Jermolene on GitTip|https://www.gittip.com/Jermolene/]], a micropayment service
* [[@Jermolene on Twitter|http://twitter.com/#!/jermolene]]
* [[Jermy on LinkedIn|http://www.linkedin.com/in/jermy]]
* [[Jermy on Flickr|http://www.flickr.com/photos/jermy/]]
Further information:
* An [[interview with me in The Inquirer|http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/feature/2105529/bt-software-engineer-tells-telco-source]] by Wendy Grossman
* A [[hilarious interview with me|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auyIhw8MTmQ]] from British television in 1983
* Here's a video of a presentation I did in 2007 called [["How to Start an Open Source Project"|http://vimeo.com/856110]].
A JSON tiddler is a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]] containing a [[JSON]] structure in its `text` field.
Its [[ContentType]] is `application/json`.
The [[history list|$:/HistoryList]] is a good example of a JSON tiddler.
This plugin adds the ability to display mathematical notation written in ~LaTeX.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/katex/
Keyboard shortcut support is currently very limited but will be improved in later releases.
! Editing Shortcuts
|Key |Shortcut description |
|`Ctrl-Enter` |Confirm changes to the draft tiddler containing the keyboard focus |
|`Escape` |Abandon changes to the draft tiddler containing the keyboard focus |
! Introduction
The keyboard widget allows [[Messages]] to be generated in response to key presses.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$keyboard>` widget is rendered normally. The keyboard shortcut only takes effect within the contained content.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|message |The title of the [[WidgetMessage|Messages]] to generate |
|param |The parameter to be passed with the [[WidgetMessage|Messages]] |
|key |Key string identifying the key to be trapped (see below) |
|class |A CSS class to be assigned to the generated HTML DIV element |
! Key Strings
Key strings are made up of zero or more of the modifiers ''alt'', ''shift'' or ''ctrl'' followed by the name of a key, all joined with "+" plus symbols. Key names are either the letter or digit printed on the key (eg "a" or "1"), or one of the special keys ''backspace'', ''tab'', ''enter'' or ''escape''.
For example:
//This is a sample task for the TaskManagementExample//
Language plugins provide translations of the core TiddlyWiki interface.
The following languages are currently available:
<<list-links "[tag[Languages]]">>
You can contribute by learning how to [[translate TiddlyWiki into your language|Translate TiddlyWiki into your language]].
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="an integer, defaulting to 1"
output="the last <<.place n>> input titles"
<<.operator-examples "last">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]last[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]last[5]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[tag[Concepts]!sort[title]last[3]]">>
The latest news, articles, resources and examples.
<div class="tc-link-info">
<$list filter="[tag[Articles]] [tag[Examples]] [tag[Resources]] [tag[Tutorials]] +[!sort[modified]limit[8]]">
<div class="tc-link-info-item">
! <$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
<div class="tc-subtitle">Posted <$view field="modified" format="relativedate"/></div>
Ordinarily with TiddlyWiki, the full content of all tiddlers is embedded into the main HTML file. Lazy loading refers to the technique of only embedding metadata about the tiddler (in other words all fields except the ''text'' field), and requesting the body from the server when required.
Lazy loading can be used in two configurations:
* When running [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]], image tiddlers can be subject to lazy loading
* When running [[TiddlyWiki in the Sky for TiddlyWeb]], all tiddlers are subject to lazy loading
See the LazyLoadingMechanism for details of how lazy loading is implemented.
! Lazy loading under Node.js
To run TiddlyWiki with lazy loading for images, use this alternative ServerCommand to start the server:
tiddlywiki --server 8080 $:/core/save/lazy-images
! Lazy loading under TiddlyWeb
With the current configuration, lazy loading is enabled by default.
TiddlyWiki currently only implements LazyLoading when it is running in the browser talking to a TiddlyWeb-compatible server.
In the [[configuration for TiddlyWeb|TiddlyWiki in the Sky for TiddlyWeb]], the browser first requests a "skinny" version of each tiddler (consisting of all the fields apart from the text field). Subsequently, an attempt to read those skinny tiddlers with `wiki.getTiddler()` returns just the skinny fields, but an attempt to read one using `wiki.getTiddlerText()` will trigger an asynchronous load of the full tiddler text, which in turn triggers a refresh cycle, updating the display to reflect the newly loaded tiddler. Widgets that loop through all tiddlers are fine; it's only if they trigger `wiki.getTiddlerText()` for a tiddler that it will get loaded.
Lazy loading can also be used with TiddlyWiki's own server. The core provides a template that enables images to be lazily loaded while other tiddlers are packaged into the initial HTML file in the usual way.
The browser-based search built into TiddlyWiki5 will only search the text of tiddlers that have been fully loaded. The expectation is that when lazy loading is used in a client-server configuration, then it is the server that really needs to handle search operations, because it is only the server that can "see" the text of all tiddlers. So, the plan is to integrate the built in search with TiddlyWeb's search API. The simplest approach is that any local search triggers an asynchronous server side search. The results of the search would be asynchronously loaded such that they would dynamically appear in the local search results.
Learn more about using TiddlyWiki:
<<list-links "[tag[Learning]]">>
Also see the complete [[Reference]], including advanced WikiText, macros, widgets, filters etc.
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="an integer, defaulting to 0"
output="the first <<.place n>> input titles"
negationOutput="the last <<.place n>> input titles"
`limit[n]` and `!limit[n]` are synonyms for `first[n]` and `last[n]` respectively.
<<.operator-examples "limit">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[sort[modified]!limit[20]]" "the 20 most recently modified tiddlers">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[has[created]sort[created]limit[10]]" "the oldest 10 tiddlers in the wiki">>
! Introduction
The link catcher widget traps [[WidgetMessage: tm-navigate]] dispatched within its child content by performing any or all of these actions:
* sending a different widget message
* setting a tiddler to the title of the navigated tiddler
* setting a tiddler to a specified value
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$linkcatcher>` widget is displayed normally.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|to |Optional title of the tiddler to be set to the title of the navigated tiddler |
|message |Optional identifier for a [[widget message|Messages]] to be sent when a navigation is caught |
|set |Optional title of the tiddler to be set to a specified value when navigation occurs |
|setTo |Value to be assigned by the `set` attribute |
A key capability of WikiText is the ability to make links to other tiddlers or to external websites.
! Manual Links
Link to a tiddler by title:
[[Tiddler Title]]
To link to a tiddler and specify the text of the link:
[[Displayed Link Title|Tiddler Title]]
! ~CamelCase Links
For tiddler titles that match the CamelCase rules, just typing the title without double square brackets will automatically create a link.
You can suppress a link from being recognised by preceding it with `~`. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"* ~HelloThere is not a link
* ~http://google.com/ is not a link">>
! External Links
To link to an external website, type the full URL of the site:
For this syntax to work, the URL has to be recognisable as an URL, including a protocol such as `http://` or `file://`. You can force an external link with the extended syntax:
[ext[caption for link|http://tiddlywiki.com]]
! Customising Tiddler Links
See the LinkWidget for details of the underlying widget used to implement tiddler links, including macros that can be used to customise its behaviour.
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
output="the titles to which the input tiddlers contain [[hard links|Hard and Soft Links]]"
Each input title is processed in turn. The corresponding tiddler's list of links is generated, in the order in which they appear in the tiddler's text, and [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's overall output.
<<.operator-examples "links">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[HelloThere]links[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[all[current]links[]]" "tiddlers [[hard-linked|Hard and Soft Links]] from the current one">>
Here are some hard links:
* HelloThere
* [[Filter Operators]]
* [[links Operator]]
The `link` widget generates links to tiddlers. (Use the HTML `<a>` element to generate external links).
! Content and Attributes
|!Attribute |!Description |
|to |The title of the target tiddler for the link (defaults to the CurrentTiddler) |
|aria-label |Optional [[Accessibility]] label |
|tooltip |Optional tooltip WikiText |
The content of the link widget is rendered within the `<a>` tag.
The default value of the tooltip attribute is `<<tv-wikilink-tooltip>>`.
This means that you can control the text of a link tooltip in several ways:
<$link to="HelloThere" tooltip="Custom tooltip">Link 1</$link>
<$set name="tv-wikilink-tooltip" value="I'm a link to {{!!title}}">
<$link to="HelloThere">Link 2</$link>
Renders as:
<$link to="HelloThere" tooltip="Custom tooltip">Link 1</$link>
<$set name="tv-wikilink-tooltip" value="I'm a link to {{!!title}}">
<$link to="HelloThere">Link 2</$link>
Note that the tooltip is rendered with the current tiddler set to the target of the link.
A useful convention is to set the tooltip like this:
\define tv-wikilink-tooltip()
<$transclude field="tooltip"><$transclude field="title"/></$transclude>
This causes the tooltip to be the ''tooltip'' field of the target tiddler. If the field isn't present, then the title is used instead.
! CSS Classes
* `tc-tiddlylink` - applied to all links
* `tc-tiddlylink-external` - applied to external, non-tiddler links
* `tc-tiddlylink-internal` - applied to tiddler links
* `tc-tiddlylink-missing` - applied to tiddler links where the target tiddler doesn't exist
* `tc-tiddlylink-resolves` - applied to tiddler links when the target tiddler does exist
! Configuration macros
Configuration macros can be used to modify the behaviour of the link widget.
!! tv-wikilinks
Links are suppressed if the macro `tv-wikilinks` evaluates to the string `no`. For example:
\define tv-wikilinks() no
!! tv-wikilink-template
The target of the link widget defaults to the URL encoded title of the tiddler. The `href` can be templated by defining the configuration macro `tv-wikilink-template`, and including within it the token `$uri_encoded$`. For example:
\define tv-wikilink-template() http://tiddlywiki.com/#$uri_encoded$
The token `$uri_doubleencoded$` is replaced by the double encoded title of the tiddler.
Note that in the browser the `<a>` element generated by the link widget has a JavaScript event handler that navigates directly to the target tiddler, ignoring the `href` attribute.
!! tv-wikilink-tooltip
Provides default text for the link tooltip:
\define tv-wikilink-tooltip() This is a link to {{!!title}}
<$link to="HelloThere"/>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
negationInput="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="a [[reference|TextReference]] to a [[field|TiddlerFields]] or [[property|DataTiddlers]] of a particular tiddler"
output="the titles stored as a [[title list|Title List]] at <<.place r>>"
negationOutput="those input titles that are <<.em not>> mentioned at <<.place r>>"
<<.place r>> can reference either a field or a property. See [[TextReference]] for the syntax.
* If neither is specified, the <<.field list>> field is used by default. So `[list[T]]` outputs the titles listed in the <<.field list>> of tiddler T.
* If <<.place r>> consists of <<.em only>> a field or a property, the tiddler part of the reference defaults to the CurrentTiddler. So `[list[!!tags]]` outputs the titles listed in the <<.field tags>> field of the current tiddler.
<<.operator-examples "list">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[HelloThere]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week!!short]]">>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]], defaulting to <<.field list>>"
output="the titles in which field <<.place f>> mentions any of the input titles"
<<.field f>> is assumed to be a [[title list|Title List]].
Each input title is processed in turn. A list of tiddlers whose <<.place f>> field mentions it is generated (in no particular order) and [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's overall output.
<<.operator-examples "listed">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[HelloThere]listed[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[all[current]listed[my-special-list]]">>
The `list` [[field of a tiddler|TiddlerFields]] is an optional feature that can be used to help structure your content. Its value is a [[title list|Title List]], and it can be used in several ways:
* The `list` field of a tiddler that is being used as a tag determines the ordering of the tiddlers that carry that tag - see [[Tagging]] for details
* The `list` [[filter|Filters]] selects the entries from a list
* The `listed` [[filter|Filters]] selects the tiddlers that list the selected tiddler(s)
* The NavigatorWidget manipulates a StoryList tiddler containing a `list` field of the tiddlers that are displayed in the main story column
The list macro is a family of macros that produce a list of tiddlers.
There are several variants of the macro:
* `<<list-links>>` produces a list of links to tiddlers that match a filter expression. If the tiddler has a //caption// field, it is displayed in lieu of the //title// field.
! Parameters
|!Position |!Name |!Description |!Default |
|1st |filter |Filter expression | |
|2nd |type |HTML tag to be used for the list wrapper |"ul" |
|3rd |subtype |HTML tag to be used for list entries |"li" |
|4th |class |An optional CSS class to be applied to the list wrapper element (eg `<ul class="three-columns">`) | |
! Examples
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src='<<list-links filter:"[tag[HelloThere]]">>
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src='<<list-links filter:"[tag[HelloThere]]" type:"ol">>
! Unordered Lists
You can create unordered lists with `*` characters:
<<wikitext-example src:"* First list item
* Second list item
** A subitem
* Third list item
! Ordered Lists
Ordered lists use `#` instead of `*`:
# First item
# Second item
# Third item
You can also mix ordered and unordered list items:
<<wikitext-example src:"* To do today
*# Eat
* To get someone else to do
*# This
*# That
*## And the other
Here's an example the other way around, with numbers as the first level:
<<wikitext-example src:"# To do today
#* Eat
# To get someone else to do
#* This
#* That
#** And the other
! CSS Classes
You can also assign a CSS class to an individual member of a list with this notation:
<<wikitext-example src:"* List One
*.MyClass List Two
* List Three
! Mixing Lists and Block Quotes
Note that [[Block Quotes in WikiText]] can be mixed with lists. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"* List One
** List Two
**> A quote
**> Another quote
* List Three
! Paragraphs in Lists
Entries in the list are delimited with a linebreak, making it impossible to include linebreaks within a list entry. There are a couple of workarounds.
First, you can transclude paragraph content from another tiddler. For example:
* First entry
* <$transclude tiddler="MyTiddler" mode="block"/>
* Third entry
Secondly, you can use an HTML "div" element to contain the multiline content. For example:
# Step 1
# Step 2
# Step 3<div>
Here is the first of several paragraphs. Note that the double linebreak preceding this paragraph is significant.
And here is the second of several paragraphs.
# Step 4
# Step 5
# Step 6
! Introduction
The list widget displays a sequence of tiddlers matching a [[filter|Filters]]. It is vital for a various use-cases, e.g.:
* Displaying custom lists, e.g. "all tiddlers tagged ''task'' not tagged ''done''"
* Listing the tags of a tiddler
* Displaying lists of links, like in the sidebar
* Handling the main story river
! Examples
''plain list''
<$list filter="[tag[ListWidget]sort[title]]"/>
Displays as:
<$list filter="[tag[ListWidget]sort[title]]"/>
''custom item output''
<$list filter="[tag[ListWidget]sort[title]]">
Displays as:
<$list filter="[tag[ListWidget]sort[title]]">
''custom item template''
<$list filter="[tag[ListWidget]sort[title]]" template="$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/subtitle"/>
Displays as:
<$list filter="[tag[ListWidget]sort[title]]" template="$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/subtitle"/>
!! Grouped Lists
See GroupedLists for how to generate nested and grouped lists using the ListWidget.
! Content and Attributes
A number of options controll the list behaviour....
|!Attribute |!Description |
|filter |The [[tiddler filter|Filters]] to display |
|template |The title of a template tiddler for transcluding each tiddler in the list. When no template is specified, the body of the ListWidget serves as the item template. With no body, a simple link to the tiddler is returned. |
|editTemplate |An alternative template to use for [[DraftTiddlers|DraftMechanism]] in edit mode |
|variable |The name for a [[variable|Variables]] in which the title of each listed tiddler is stored. Defaults to ''currentTiddler'' |
|iterator|a custom iterator prefix, see IteratorVariables|
|emptyMessage |Message to be displayed when the list is empty |
|storyview |Optional name of module responsible for animating/processing the list |
|history |The title of the tiddler containing the navigation history |
!! Edit mode
The `<$list>` widget can optionally render draft tiddlers through a different template to handle editing, see DraftMechanism.
!! `storyview` attribute
The `storyview` attribute specifies the name of an optional module that can animate changes to the list (including navigation). The core ships with the following storyview modules:
* `classic`: renders the list as an ordered sequence of tiddlers
* `zoomin`: just renders the current tiddler from the list, with a zoom animation for navigating between tiddlers
* `pop`: shrinks items in and out of place
In order for the storyviews to animate correctly each entry in the list should be a single block mode DOM element.
!! History and navigation
The optional `history` attribute specifies the name of a tiddler that is used to track the current tiddler for navigation purposes. When the history tiddler changes the list view responds by telling the listview to handle navigating to the new tiddler. See HistoryMechanism for details.
! Introduction
The macro call widget provides an alternative syntax for invoking macros. The advantage of the widget form is that it allows macro parameters to be specified as widget attributes, thus allowing indirection and macro values to be set.
For example, a macro called `italicise` that takes a single parameter called `text` can be invoked in any of these ways:
<<italicise "Text to be made into italics">>
<<italicise text:"Text to be made into italics">>
<$macrocall $name="italicise" text="Text to be made into italics"/>
<$macrocall $name="italicise" text={{Title of tiddler containing text to be italicised}}/>
<$macrocall $name="italicise" text=<<textMaker "Another macro to generate the text to be italicised">>/>
You can see several examples of the macro call widget within the core:
* Listing module information: [[$:/snippets/modules]]
* Listing field information: [[$:/snippets/allfields]]
* Generating `data:` URIs: [[$:/themes/tiddlywiki/starlight/styles.tid]]
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$macrocall>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$name |Name of the macro to invoke |
|$type |ContentType with which the macro text should be parsed (defaults to `text/vnd.tiddlywiki`) |
|$output |ContentType for the output rendering (defaults to `text/html`, can also be `text/plain`) |
|//parameters// |Macro parameters specified as attributes |
Macros are snippets of text, inserted with the following shortcut syntax:
You can define and use [[Macros in WikiText]] or write [[JavaScript Macros|http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/index.html#JavaScript%20Macros]] for more flexibility.
The following macros are provided by the TiddlyWiki core:
<<list-links "[tag[Macros]]">>
! Defining Macros
Macros are snippets of text that can be inserted with a concise shortcut.
Multi-line macros are defined like this:
\define mysamplemacro(name:"Bugs Bunny",address:"Rabbit Hole Hill")
Hi, I'm $name$ and I live in $address$
!! Parameter Substitution
The first line of the definition specifies the macro name and any parameters. Parameters are named and can optionally have default values that are used if the parameter isn't specified at the time of calling. The body of the macro definition follows, terminated with `\end` on a line by itself.
The text of the macro can reference parameters using the `$name$` syntax. The value of the parameter is substituted at the time the macro is invoked.
!! Variable Substitution
The values of named variables can also be substituted into the text of a macro using the syntax `$(variable)$`. For example:
\define mysamplemacro2()
Hi, I'm $(name)$ and I live in $(address)$
\define name() Bugs Bunny
<$set name="address" value="Rabbit Hole Hill">
The result is: `Hi, I'm Bugs Bunny and I live in Rabbit Hole Hill`.
!! Single Line macros
Single-line macros can omit the `\end` marker like this:
\define mysamplemacro3(name:"Bugs Bunny") Hi, I'm $name$
!! Macro Scope
Macro definitions must be placed at the top of a tiddler. Macros are available to the tiddler that defines them, plus any tiddlers that it transcludes.
Global macros can be defined in any tiddler with the tag [[$:/tags/Macro]]. They are then available within all tiddlers.
Macros can be imported from other tiddlers with the ImportVariablesWidget.
[[JavaScript Macros|http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/index.html#JavaScript%20Macros]] can also be used for more flexibility.
! Using Macros
In their simplest form, macros are used like this:
<<mysamplemacro "Donald Duck">>
<<mysamplemacro "Mickey Mouse" "Mouse House">>
<<mysamplemacro name:"Minnie Mouse" address:"Mouse House">>
Resulting in:
Hi I'm Bugs Bunny and I live in Rabbit Hole Hill
Hi I'm Donald Duck and I live in Rabbit Hole Hill
Hi I'm Mickey Mouse and I live in Mouse House
Hi I'm Minnie Mouse and I live in Mouse House
Note that parameter values that do not specify names are mapped in sequence to the parameters defined in the macro.
!! Multiline Parameters
Parameters can include line breaks. For example:
<<mysamplemacro "Mickey Mouse" "Mouse House,
Mouse Lane,
By using triple-double quotes you can specify parameter values that include single double quotes. For example:
<<mysamplemacro "Mickey Mouse" """Mouse House,
"Mouse" Lane,
! Using Macros with the MacroCallWidget
Macros can also be invoked with the MacroCallWidget
<<italicise "Text to be made into italics">>
<<italicise text:"Text to be made into italics">>
<$macrocall $name="italicise" text="Text to be made into italics"/>
<$macrocall $name="italicise" text={{Title of tiddler containing text to be italicised}}/>
<$macrocall $name="italicise" text=<<textMaker "Another macro to generate the text to be italicised">>/>
Also see:
* [[Macros]]
* [[MacroCallWidget]]
//This is a sample task for the TaskManagementExample//
The makedatauri macro constructs a data URI from a block of text and an associated ContentType. It is commonly used within stylesheets to generate an inline image or font.
! Parameters
|!Position |!Name |!Description |!Default |
|1st |text |Text to be converted to a data URI | |
|2nd |type |ContentType of text | |
! Examples
A trivial example to show how the macro works:
<<makedatauri "HelloThere" "text/plain">>
<<makedatauri "HelloThere" "text/plain">>
A user-defined macro such as this would typically be used within a stylesheet:
\define datauri(title)
<$macrocall $name="makedatauri" type={{$title$!!type}} text={{$title$}}/>
Then one can write CSS rules like this:
background: url(<<datauri "$:/themes/tiddlywiki/starlight/ltbg.jpg">>);
See the UpgradeMechanism for more details.
\define textOnPath(text)
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 1000 300" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
<path id="MyPath" d="M 100 200 C 200 100 300 0 400 100 C 500 200 600 300 700 200 C 800 100 900 100 900 100"/>
<use xlink:href="#MyPath" fill="none" stroke="#ddd"/>
<text font-family="'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif" font-size="42.5">
<textPath xlink:href="#MyPath">
This demo shows how to use SVG to render transcluded text along a path. Enter some text in the textbox below to try it out; view the source to see how it is done.
<$edit-text tiddler="$:/CurvedText" tag="input" placeholder="Type text here" default=""/>
<$macrocall $name="textOnPath" text={{$:/CurvedText}}/>
The Markdown plugin enables you to use tiddlers that are written in standard Markdown markup.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/markdown/
An experimental MathJax plugin for TiddlyWiki version 5. As Martin says, the implementation is a bit of a hack but may be useful until we have a better alternative.
Welcome. I have created plugin for TiddlyWiki 5 which allows you to use MathJax (math in TeX and MathML) inside TiddlyWiki 5. It's unofficial plugin and it doesn't follow general policy of TiddlyWiki as stand-alone solution but it works. So you can use it if you want.
MathML is a markup language for mathematical notation that can be used with HTML.
If your browser supports it, MathML elements can be used in TiddlyWiki5 WikiText just like HTML.
Here is an example MathML equation from [[the W3C|http://www.w3.org/Math/XSL/csmall2.xml]]:
Renders as:
These are the internal mechanisms that fit together to make up TiddlyWiki.
<<list-links "[tag[Mechanisms]]">>
Local meetings of ~TiddlyWiki enthusiasts around the world:
* [[OXTWIG]], the ''Oxford ~TiddlyWiki Interest Group'' meets monthly in Oxford, UK to share experiences of using TiddlyWiki
//If you are a ~TiddlyWiki enthusiast please consider starting a local TWIG in your area, it's a great way to spread the word about using TiddlyWiki//
Widget messages are generated by widgets in response to user actions. They flow up the widget tree until they are handled by an ancestor widget.
The following widget messages are implemented by the core:
<<list-links "[tag[Messages]]">>
A //module// in TiddlyWiki5 is a tiddler containing executable JavaScript, of the type `application/javascript` and with the field `module-type` set to the ModuleType of the module.
See the ''Internals'' tab of the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] for lists of the currently loaded modules.
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection|Title Selection]] of module types"
output="the title of each module with any of the input types"
<<.operator-examples "modules">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[filteroperator]modules[]]">>
\define describe() {{$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/$(type)$}}
The `module-type` field of a [[JavaScript module|Modules]] is a string that identifies the type of the module. Here is a list of the module types used in this wiki:
<$list filter="[moduletypes[]]">
<$set name=type value=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
output="the name of each known ~TiddlyWiki [[module type|ModuleType]], in alphabetical order"
<<.operator-examples "moduletypes">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[moduletypes[]]">>
MultiTiddlerFiles allow multiple tiddlers to be concisely represented in a single text file.
The goals of this format are:
* To be easy to type and easy to read
* Optimised for single line strings
* To allow common fields or tags to be shared within groups of tiddlers
* To be simple to process with external tools
MultiTiddlerFiles have the extension `multids`. The file is structured as a block of shared fields followed by a blank line. The rest of the file is a sequence of comments and tiddlers. Tiddlers are specified by their title, followed by a colon, at least one space character, and then the rest of the line is the text field for the tiddler.
For example:
title: $:/language/ControlPanel/
tags: strings
modifier: JoeBloggs
Basics/Caption: Basics
# This is a comment
Basics/Version: ~TiddlyWiki Version
This example defines two tiddlers, [[$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/Caption]] and [[$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/Version]].
If a `title` field is specified in the header then it is treated as a prefix for the individual tiddlers defined in the title.
The system tiddlers provided as part of the core are named according to the following rules:
|!Namespace |!Format |!Description |
|`$:/*` |~CamelCase |Root user interface tiddlers (eg control panel, advanced search) |
|`$:/config/*` |~CamelCase |User-oriented configuration setting |
|`$:/core/images/*` |hyphen-case |Core images |
|`$:/core/modules/*` |lowercase |JavaScript module tiddlers |
|`$:/core/save/*` |lowercase |Saving templates for creating TiddlyWiki documents |
|`$:/core/templates/*` |//inconsistent// |Templates needed for TiddlyWiki to operate. Currently uses a mix of dashes and periods to separate words |
|`$:/core/ui/*` |//inconsistent// |Tiddlers comprising the default user interface of TiddlyWiki. Currently uses a mix of ~CamelCase and lowercase naming conventions |
|`$:/core/wiki/*` |lowercase |Metadata about the entire wiki |
|`$:/docs/*` |lowercase |Documentation tiddlers |
|`$:/messages/*` |~CamelCase |System messages |
|`$:/plugins/*` |lowercase |Plugin tiddlers, and plugin content |
|`$:/snippets/*` |//inconsistent// |Reusable snippets (will be replaced by macros) |
|`$:/state/*` |lowercase |User interface state tiddlers |
|`$:/tags/*` |~CamelCase |User interface configuration tags |
|`$:/temp/*` |lowercase |Temporary tiddlers that shouldn't be saved |
|`$:/themes/*` |lowercase |Theme plugins |
In the format column:
* ''hyphen-case'' refers to joining multiple lowercase words with hyphens
* ''~CamelCase'' refers to joining mulitple initial capitaled words with hyphens
* ''lowercase'' refers to directly joining multiple lowercase words
* ''inconsistent'' marks namespaces that are currently titled inconsistently
In the default "classic" storyview mode, open tiddlers are displayed in a vertical column called the "story river". There are a number of ways you can navigate the story river - that is, how you can jump back and forth between the open tiddlers.
* The best approach is to ''use the Open tab'' in the sidebar to click on the open tiddler to which you wish to navigate.
** The ''Open'' tab contains a list of all the open tiddlers. You can click on any tiddler in the list to jump to it, or click the "×" next to a tiddler link to close it. There is also a handy ''close all'' button at the bottom of the list of open tiddlers.
* Another way is to simply ''scroll the page up and down'' using the story river scrollbar to the right.
** Note that when both the story river and the sidebar extend below the visible screen, there will be //two// scrollbars. The outer or far-right scrollbar controls the story river. The inner scrollbar controls the sidebar.
* A clunky approach that many new users try is to ''close tiddlers one by one'' until they get to the tiddler they are looking for.
** Closing any tiddler at the top or in the middle of the story river will cause all the tiddlers below it to slide up the river. The tiddler immediately below the tiddler you closed will slide up to take its place.
** Closing the bottom tiddler will close it and the bottom of the tiddler above it will come into view.
! Introduction
The navigator widget manipulates the current store, the story list and history lists in response to various [[Messages]].
! Content and Attributes
The navigator widget displays any contained content, and responds to Messages dispatched within it.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|story |Name of the tiddler containing the story list to be manipulated |
|history |Name of the tiddler containing the history list to be manipulated |
! Widget Messages
The following [[Messages]] are handled by the navigator widget:
<$list filter="[tag[navigator-message]]">
<$link to={{!!title}}>
<$view field="title"/>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="a tiddler title"
output="a selection containing each title that immediately follows each of the input titles in the <<.field list>> field of <<.place t>>"
Each input title is processed in turn, and its successor is located in the <<.field list>> field and appended to the output. If a title is not listed in the field, or is the last title there, then it contributes nothing to the output.
<<.operator-examples "next">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[Monday]next[Days of the Week]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[[Sunday]next[Days of the Week]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "Tuesday Wednesday Thursday +[next[Days of the Week]]">>
node-webkit is an OpenSource application that fuses the functionality of a web browser with that of [[Node.js]]. It makes it possible to use web applications as though they were native apps, with full access to the file system and other native facilities. Learn more from the [[official site|https://github.com/rogerwang/node-webkit]] or [[this introductory blog post|http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/javascript-ajax/introduction-to-html5-desktop-apps-with-node-webkit/]].
See [[TiddlyWiki on node-webkit]] for details of how to use TiddlyWiki with node-webkit.
''Node.js'' is a downloadable application for your PC, Mac or Linux computer that lets it run JavaScript applications. Unlike ~JavaScript applications running in a web browser, Node.js code has full access to the file system and other resources of the computer, enabling it to perform the roles that have traditionally been the preserve of languages like Java, PHP and Python. See http://nodejs.org for more details.
For ~TiddlyWiki, Node.js means that we can have a single code base that can run in the browser or on the server, giving great flexibility in how it is used.
For end users, Node.js is no more complicated to install than a web browser, but unlocks powerful capabilities such as the ability to run ~TiddlyWiki as a web server that you can connect to from other devices.
See [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] for more details.
Version 5.0.11-beta includes some changes that can break content from earlier releases of ~TiddlyWiki 5.
! Command line changes
Previously, commands that generate output files would interpret the specified path to the file as being relative to the current working directory. So, for example, the following command would write `index.html` to the current directory:
tiddlywiki mywiki --rendertiddler $:/core/save/all index.html text/plain
In 5.0.11-beta this behaviour has changed, and now the specified filename is resolved relative to an `output` folder within the TiddlyWikiFolder. So the command above will now write the file `index.html` to `mywiki/output/index.html`.
You can override this behaviour with the OutputCommand. For example, to generate the `index.html` file within the current directory:
tiddlywiki mywiki --output . --rendertiddler $:/core/save/all index.html text/plain
A further change is that the `--rendertiddlers` command now clears the output folder before it writes any files. This means that any previous `--rendertiddler` commands to the same folder will have their output deleted.
Version 5.0.8-beta includes some changes that can break content from earlier releases of ~TiddlyWiki 5.
! Change to [[$:/SiteTitle]] and [[$:/SiteSubtitle]]
You should rename any existing SiteTitle and SiteSubtitle tiddlers to [[$:/SiteTitle]] and [[$:/SiteSubtitle]] respectively.
! Changed parsing rules for content of HTML elements
Version 5.0.8-beta marks a change in the way that TiddlyWiki determines whether to parse the content of an HTML element or widget in //block mode// or //inline mode//.
* In block mode, TiddlyWiki parses text into paragraphs, creating `<p>` tags to wrap them. It also recognises block syntax like headings, lists and tables.
* In inline mode, TiddlyWiki ignores paragraph formatting, and just recognises character formatting, like bold and italic.
It's important to be able to control which type of parsing is performed for different situations.
Prior to 5.0.8-beta, TiddlyWiki parsed the content of an element in inline mode unless the opening tag of the element were immediately followed by a line break. This meant that much of the time element tags would be shunted together into a long line, hindering readability.
The new behaviour for 5.0.8-beta is to parse the content of an element in inline mode unless the opening tag is immediately followed by two line breaks.
To adjust existing content for 5.0.8-beta you will need to manually add the additional line break after the opening tag of elements and widgets whose content should be parsed in block mode.
The positive aspect of the change is that it removes the need to pack multiple HTML tags onto a single line, improving readability.
!! Examples
Consider the difference between these two examples. First, here's an HTML tag that starts with two line breaks:
<<wikitext-example src:"
! This is a heading
And a paragraph of text.
Secondly, here's an HTML tag with just a single line break. Notice how the heading is no longer recognised as a heading
<<wikitext-example src:"
! This is a heading
And a paragraph of text.
! Changed commands for [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
The handling of wiki folders has changed. Previously, if the `tiddlywiki` command was run against a wiki folder that didn't have the necessary `tiddlywiki.info` file then it would be automatically created. Now, the wiki folder must be initialised with the InitCommand.
This is how to create and start a new server-based wiki:
tiddlywiki mywikifolder --init server
tiddlywiki mywikifolder --server
Note that the name of the ''clientserver'' edition has changed to ''server''.
The 'now' macro returns the current date and time, formatted with an optional format string.
! Parameters
|!Position |!Name |!Description |!Default |
|1st |format |DateFormat string specifying the format for the date/time |`0hh:0mm, DDth MMM YYYY` |
! Examples
For example:
* <<now>>
* <<now "DDth MMM YYYY">>
* <<now>>
* <<now "DDth MMM YYYY">>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]], defaulting to <<.field title>>"
output="the input, sorted into ascending order by field <<.field f>>, treating field values as numbers"
negationOutput="the input, likewise sorted into descending order"
Non-numeric values are treated as having a higher value than any number, and the difference between capital and lowercase letters is ignored. Compare <<.olink nsortcs>>.
<<.operator-examples "nsort">>
<<.operator-example 1 "10 010 1000 100 +[nsort[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "10 010 ALPHA beta alpha 1000 100 +[nsort[]]">>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]], defaulting to <<.field title>>"
output="the input, sorted into ascending order by field <<.field f>>, treating field values as numbers"
negationOutput="the input, likewise sorted into descending order"
Non-numeric values are treated as having a higher value than any number, and capital and lowercase letters are treated as different. Compare <<.olink nsort>>.
<<.operator-examples "nsortcs">>
<<.operator-example 1 "10 010 1000 100 +[nsortcs[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "10 010 ALPHA beta alpha 1000 100 +[nsortcs[]]">>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="an integer, defaulting to 1"
output="the <<.place n>>th input title"
<<.place n>> is one-based. In other words, `nth[1]` has the same effect as the <<.olink first>> operator.
<<.operator-examples "nth">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]nth[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]nth[5]]">>
An introduction to the biblical book of Obadiah by Dave Gifford using the table of contents macro and various custom tweaks to ~TiddlyWiki: custom new here buttons, [[this custom viewtemplate addition|http://giffmex.org/experiments/obadiah.html#%24%3A%2F_aa%2FViewTemplate%2FNoteList]] to add notes or images within any tiddler, and a tiddler transcluding all the content, in order to facilitate printing ([[this tiddler|http://giffmex.org/experiments/obadiah.html#An%20introduction%20to%20Obadiah]]).
OpenSource is [[defined by Wikipedia|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_source]] as //a philosophy, or pragmatic methodology that promotes free redistribution and access to an end product's design and implementation details//.
When ~TiddlyWiki generates a list of the tiddlers that have a particular tag (e.g. the dropdown list of a tag pill), it orders the tiddlers using the following rules:
# Start with any that are [[declared|Title List]] in the <<.field list>> field of the tag tiddler, in the order given there.
# In each remaining tiddler <<.place T>>, look for a <<.field list-before>> field. If this has a tiddler title as its value, place <<.place T>> just <<.em before>> that one.
#* As a special case, if the field exists but its value is empty, place <<.place T>> at the very start of the list.
# In each remaining tiddler <<.place T>>, look for a <<.field list-after>> field. If this has a tiddler title as its value, place tiddler <<.place T>> just <<.em after>> that one.
# If any tiddlers still remain, place them at the end of the list in ascending alphabetical order of title. The difference between capital and lowercase letters is ignored.
Founded in 2004 by JeremyRuston, Osmosoft was originally a consultancy for software services around TiddlyWiki. Notable engagements included working with Socialtext on [[Socialtext Unplugged|https://www.socialtext.net/open/socialtext_unplugged]].
In 2007, Osmosoft was acquired by [[BT]] and became the champions for open source within the enterprise. As part of BT, Osmosoft has worked on a diverse range of projects within BT and for BT's customers.
See http://osmosoft.com/
The ''Oxford ~TiddlyWiki Interest Group'' meets monthly for discussions and demonstrations about TiddlyWiki.
See https://oxtwig.eventbrite.co.uk/ for details of our next meeting.
We have an email discussion list, too: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!members/oxtwig
The second OXTWIG meeting was held on Thursday 16th January 2014:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/WOK_nVBf_6U" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
The first OXTWIG meeting was held on Thursday 21st November 2013:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/tpNf_Dms_TE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
One major feature of TiddlyWiki that many new users are unaware of is the degree to which TiddlyWiki can be customised, just by adding or removing SystemTags in key shadow tiddlers or in your own custom tiddlers.
* You can add and remove default features in tiddlers in either viewing or editing mode (let's say you find the tiddler subtitle distracting, or you want to add yourself a reminder that you will see when you edit tiddlers)
* You can also add and remove default features from the general page layout (maybe you want to add a clock to the sidebar, or replace one of the page control buttons with your own)
* You can also rearrange the order in which these features are displayed (perhaps you would like tags above tiddler titles, or the subtitle of your TiddlyWiki below the page control buttons)
Once you know what you are doing, all of these things are actually pretty easy to do.
! Adding custom-made tiddlers to the user interface
You can also create any tiddler you want and tag it with the appropriate SystemTag, and it will appear in that place. For example, if you create a tiddler 'Reminder to self', add the text 'This is a reminder' and tag it `$:/tags/EditTemplate`, the words 'This is a reminder' will appear inside every tiddler when you edit it.
When you add new tiddlers to be displayed within tiddlers or within the page layout, you will also probably need to reposition it so that it appears precisely where you want it to appear. To do this, edit the appropriate shadow tiddler with the prefix `$:/tags/`, and insert the title of your tiddler in the proper place in the list field. For example, if you want the words 'This is a reminder' from the example above to appear above the tags editor in editing mode, edit the tiddler $:/tags/EditTemplate, go to the 'list' field, and insert `[[Reminder to self]]` right before `$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/tags`.
! Creating new buttons for the ViewToolbar and page controls
Let's say you have a skeleton tiddler called 'Recipe template', and you want to have a button available in the tiddler ViewToolbar to create new recipe tiddlers on demand. This will require the following steps:
# You will want an image for your button. If none of the core images (shadow tiddlers with the prefix $:/core/images/) work for you, then you will need to create or acquire an SVG image (for example, one of the images at http://flaticon.com), drag it into your file so that it becomes a tiddler, edit the tiddler and adjust the height and width to 22px
# You will want to create the tiddler that contains your tiddler. Create it, title it, and add the button code (see the code at the bottom of this tiddler for an example, with hints where you will need to adapt it). Tag it [[$:/tags/ViewToolbar]]
# You will need to create a tiddler that tells TiddlyWiki whether your button should be visible in the toolbar or hidden. Let's title it [[$:/config/ViewToolbarButtons/Visibility/Recipe]]. Type `reveal` into the text area, and save.
# You will want to position the button properly. Open the tiddler $:/tags/ViewToolbar and insert your button tiddler's title in the appropriate place in the list field.
\define newHereButtonTags()
\define newHereButton()
<$button class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>>>
title="New tiddler"
tags=<<newHereButtonTags>> />
<$list filter="[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]">
<$list filter="[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]">
<span class="tc-btn-text"><$text text="CAPTION FOR YOUR BUTTON"/></span>
! Removing shadow tiddlers from the user interface
In the More > Shadows tab you will find a list of all the shadow tiddlers. In this list you will find many tiddlers with the prefix `$:/core/ui/`. These are the core tiddlers that define the user interface. These tiddlers are tagged with SystemTags, and removing or adding these tags will adjust the tiddler and page layouts.
For example, $:/core/ui/SideBar/More is the tiddler for the More tab in the Sidebar, and it is tagged with the SystemTag `$:/tags/SideBar` so that it appears in the Sidebar. Removing the tag from that tiddler will remove the More tab from the Sidebar, and reinserting the Sidebar tag to that tiddler will make it reappear in the Sidebar.
You can use the same process for any of the core user interface tiddlers with the $:/core/ui/ prefix. For example, removing the SystemTag `$:/tags/ViewTemplate` from the tiddler `$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/subtitle` will remove the subtitles from all tiddlers.
If you modify a shadow tiddler in this way you will overwrite the pre-installed value. If you want to revert, just delete the modified tiddler to restore the underlying shadow tiddler.
To mark the end of a paragraph in TiddlyWiki you need to type `enter` twice to create a double line break:
This is the first paragraph.
And this is the second paragraph.
Single line breaks are ignored within paragraphs. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"This is a
paragraph made
up of
short lines">>
For situations where this behaviour isn't convenient, you can also use [[Hard Linebreaks in WikiText]].
! Introduction
The parsing mechanism analyses the text of a tiddler against a set of parsing rules, producing a tree representing the structure of the text. The RenderingMechanism is used to transform parse trees into render trees of widget nodes.
TiddlyWiki5 includes ParserModules for several types of tiddler:
* WikiText
* Raw HTML
* Plain text
* Images (bitmap, SVG and PDF)
The WikiText parser is the most complex, comprising separate individual WikiRuleModules encapsulating each parsing rule.
! Parse Trees
The output of parsing a tiddler is an object containing a tree of parse nodes corresponding to the original text. For example:
> JSON.stringify($tw.wiki.parseText("text/vnd.tiddlywiki","Some //italics// and a {{Transclusion}}.").tree)
{type: "element", tag: "p", children: [
{type: "text", text: "Some "},
{type: "element", tag: "em", children: [
{type: "text", text: "italics"}
{type: "text", text: " and a "},
{type: "tiddler", attributes:{
tiddler: {type: "string", value: "Transclusion"}
}, children:[
{type: "transclude", attributes:{
tiddler: {type: "string", value: "Transclusion"}
{type: "text", text: "."}
Parse tree nodes are plain JavaScript objects, and do not have a prototype.
! Introduction
The password widget displays a password input box that is bound to a named entry in the TiddlyWiki5 PasswordVault. Passwords are currently stored in the browsers local storage and are not themselves encrypted.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$password>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|name |Name of the password vault entry |
Permalinks allow direct links to individual tiddlers within a TiddlyWiki.
! Simple Permalinks
The simplest form of permalink is a single target tiddler title appended to the base URL with `#`:
The tiddler title can contain spaces if required:
[[http://tiddlywiki.com/#Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
Note that double square brackets are not required around the target tiddler title; however, if present they are silently removed.
! Story Permalinks
The permalink can also specify the story list of tiddlers that should be opened alongside the target tiddler as a [[TiddlerFilter|Filters]]:
[[http://tiddlywiki.com/#TiddlerFields:Tiddlers TiddlerTags TiddlerFields ContentType]]
If the target tiddler isn't present in the story list then it is automatically inserted at the top. This means that the following two examples both target the tiddler `Tiddlers` within the story sequence `Tiddlers`, `Tags`, `TiddlerFields`:
[[http://tiddlywiki.com/#Tiddlers:Tags TiddlerFields]]
[[http://tiddlywiki.com/#Tiddlers:Tiddlers Tags TiddlerFields]]
It is also possible to specify a story filter without specifying a target tiddler for navigation:
<a href="http://tiddlywiki.com/#:[tags[task]]">~http://tiddlywiki.com/#:[tags[task]]</a>
! About URL encoding
There are technical restrictions on the legal characters in an URL fragment. To allow all tiddler titles to be addressed, illegal characters are subject to a process called "URL encoding" whereby problematic characters are replaced by their numeric code. For example, the space character is replaced with `%20`.
Both the target tiddler title and the story filter should be URL encoded (but not the separating colon). TiddlyWiki generates properly encoded URLs which can look quite ugly. However, in practice browsers will usually perfectly happily process arbitrary characters in URL fragments. Thus when creating permalinks manually you can choose to ignore URL encoding.
! Permalink Behaviour
Two important aspects of TiddlyWiki's behaviour with permalinks can be controlled via options in the $:/ControlPanel ''Advanced/Settings'' tab:
* Whether to automatically update the address bar at each navigation, and if so whether to include the story sequence as well as the target tiddler
* Whether the updates to the address bar should affect browser history. The default is ''no''; when switched to ''yes'' you can rewind navigation between tiddlers using the browser back and forward buttons
Note that typing or navigating to a permalink will always cause the permalink to be processed, and tiddlers opened and closed as appropriate.
!! Technical Details
When TiddlyWiki starts up it processes permalinks according to the following steps; the same steps are repeated if the permalink changes dynamically (this happens in response to the user editing the address bar, for example).
# If the permalink contains a colon, treat the string before as the ''target'' and the string after it as the ''story filter''
# If the permalink doesn't contain a colon, treat the entire string as the ''target'' and mark the ''story filter'' as //unspecified//
# If the ''story filter'' was unspecified and we're in the process of starting up, then set the ''story filter'' to the empty string if the ''target'' is specified, or to the default tiddlers if the ''target'' is unspecified
# If the ''story filter'' was unspecified and we're not starting up, then set the ''story filter'' to the current story list
# Evaluate the ''story filter'' as the ''story list''
# If the ''target'' is specified and not present in the ''story list'' then add it at the top
# If the ''target'' is specified then navigate to it, otherwise navigate to the first tiddler in the ''story list''
The purpose of recording and organising information is so that it can be used again. The value of recorded information is directly proportional to the ease with which it can be re-used.
The philosophy of [[tiddlers|Tiddlers]] is that we maximise the possibilities for re-use by slicing information up into the smallest semantically meaningful units with [[rich modelling of relationships between them|Structuring TiddlyWiki]]. Then we use aggregation and composition to weave the fragments together to present narrative stories.
TiddlyWiki aspires to provide an algebra for tiddlers, a concise way of expressing and exploring the relationships between items of information.
[[Plugins]] are bundles of tiddlers that are distributed and managed as a single unit by being packed into a single JSON tiddler. If a tiddler isn't found in the main store, then the registered plugins are searched for it instead.
Tiddlers within plugins behave something like shadow tiddlers in classic TiddlyWiki: they can be freely overwritten by creating a tiddler with the same title, but deleting that tiddler restores the underlying tiddler value from the plugin.
Plugins have a `plugin-type` field that may be:
* `plugin` //(default)// - a plain plugin
* `theme` - a theme plugin (see ThemeMechanism)
Plugins can be used to package ordinary content, or can include JavaScript [[modules|Modules]] that extend and enhance the core TiddlyWiki5 functionality.
Plugins conventionally have a title of the form `$:/plugins/publisher/name`. Plugins that are part of the core TiddlyWiki distribution have titles of the form `$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/name`.
Plugins that define macros, views or other named entities are expected to prefix the name with their publisher identifier, for example: `tiddlytools.slider`.
! Plugin fields
Plugins are stored as tiddlers with the following fields:
|!Field |!Description |
|title |Title of plugin |
|description |Description of plugin |
|author |Author of plugin |
|version |Version string (must conform to SemanticVersioning convention) |
|source |Source URL of plugin |
|type |Must be ''application/json'' |
|plugin-type |Can be ''plugin'' (default) or ''theme'' |
|text |JSON encoding of the list of tiddlers comprising the plugin |
|list |Names of exposed plugin information tiddlers (see below) |
|name |Name of the theme (only for themes) |
|dependents |List of dependent plugins (currently only implemented for themes) |
! Plugin folders
On the server, plugins can be stored as ordinary JSON tiddlers but it is often more convenient to store them as separate tiddler files within folders. Plugin folders must contain a `plugin.info` file that contains the metadata for the plugin. It can also optionally identify files external to the plugin folder that should be loaded as tiddlers.
The `plugin.info` file should contain the following JSON structure:
The JSON structure for plugin tiddlers is as follows:
"title": "$:/plugins/publisher/name",
"description": "An exemplary plugin for demonstration purposes",
"author": "JeremyRuston",
"version": "1.2.3-alpha3",
"core-version": ">=5.0.0",
"source": "http://tiddlywiki.com/MyPlugin",
"plugin-type": "plugin",
"list": "readme license history"
By convention, the titles of the individual tiddlers are prefixed with the title of the containing plugin, but they are not restricted to do so.
Note that if the `version` field is omitted from a `plugin.info` file when the plugin folder is packed then it is automatically filled in by the core to the current core version number. This is to ensure that all the core plugins carry the correct version number. Generally plugin authors will want to ensure that they do explicitly specify a version number.
! Plugin library
The standard distribution of TiddlyWiki includes a number of standard plugins in the `plugins` directory.
! Including plugins in a wiki
To be usable in the browser, plugins just need to be included in the wiki. For wikis that are generated on the server, TiddlyWikiFolders can contain a `tiddlywiki.info` file that identifies the plugins to be included in this wiki:
"plugins": [
Plugins names refer to plugin folders listed in TiddlyWiki5's root `plugins` folder.
Plugins can also be included manually by copying them into the `plugins` subfolder of the wiki.
! Plugin processing
The wiki object keeps track of all of the currently loaded plugins. If a request for a tiddler isn't in the store then the wiki looks through the cascade of plugins to find the requested tiddler. It is a similar idea to the way that shadow tiddlers are implemented in classic TiddlyWiki.
In the browser, any constituent tiddlers that are JavaScript modules (ie shadow tiddlers of content type `application/javascript` and possessing the field `module-type`) are executed during startup processing.
!! Disabling Plugins
Plugins can be disabled by creating a tiddler titled `$:/config/Plugins/Disabled/` concatenated with the plugin title, and setting its text to `yes`.
For example, to disable the plugin `$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/highlight`, the title would be:
! Information Tiddlers for Plugins
Plugin authors are encouraged to provide special information and documentation tiddlers that TiddlyWiki can include as plugin information tabs in the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]].
Plugins should provide an icon contained in a tiddler with the title formed of `<plugin-name>/icon` (for example, [[$:/core/icon]]).
Plugins expose the names of the individual information tabs that they wish to display in the `list` field of the plugin tiddler. By convention, some or all of the following should be provided:
* ''readme'': basic information about the plugin
* ''license'': the license under which the plugin is published
The title of the associated information tiddler must be formed as follows:
# `$:/<plugin-name>/<current-language>/<tab-name>` (for example, ''$:/core/en-GB/readme'')
# `$:/<plugin-name>/<tab-name>` (for example, ''$:/core/readme'')
Thus, plugins can provide language-specific versions of each information tiddler.
Note that information tiddlers should not reference other tiddlers within the plugin. This is because plugins containing themes or languages are dynamically switched in and out as they are selected, and so their information tiddlers may not be available for viewing. The control panel uses the 'subtiddler' attribute of the TranscludeWidget to access these tiddlers, which works independently of the plugin switching mechanism.
! Available Plugins
The following plugins are distributed on tiddlywiki.com as part of the main TiddlyWiki distribution.
<<list-links "[tag[Plugins]]">>
! What is a plugin?
A plugin in TiddlyWiki5 is a bundle of tiddlers packaged together as a single tiddler. Plugins are used to distribute optional, custom components for TiddlyWiki.
The tiddlers within a plugin appear as ShadowTiddlers.
Plugins can contain JavaScript modules, style sheets, and templates to extend the functionality of TiddlyWiki itself. Plugins can also be used to distribute ordinary text, images or other content. Plugins can be updated from their source as a unit.
See the PluginMechanism discussion for more details about how plugins are implemented internally.
! How to install a plugin
# Create a backup of your current TiddlyWiki HTML file ([[just in case|The First Rule of Using TiddlyWiki]])
# Open your TiddlyWiki in a browser
# In another browser window, find a link to the plugin, e.g. [[$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/example]]. You will typically find links to plugins on the home page of the plugin (for example, http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/katex/)
# Drag the link [[$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/example]] to the browser window containing your TiddlyWiki
# Save your TiddlyWiki
# Refresh the window
# The plugin should now be available for use
A collection of plugins from TheDiveO.
[[TheDiveO's Third Flow|http://thediveo.github.io/ThirdFlow/]] plugin construction system:
The ~ThirdFlow plugin brings to you another way to develop customization plugins for TiddlyWiki 5. It is not enforcing a specific development flow, it simply tries to help you. Otherwise, it tries to stay out of your way.
[[TheDiveO's FontAwesome|http://thediveo.github.io/TW5FontAwesome/]] plugin:
The FontAwesome plugin supports embedding Font Awesome in TiddlyWiki 5. There is no need to install this font into your operating system in order to use it with TiddlyWiki 5. The font is already embedded in this TiddlyWiki 5 customization plugin instead, so nothing else to install.
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection|Title Selection]] of plugin tiddler titles"
output="all shadow titles contained in the input plugins"
<<.operator-examples "plugintiddlers">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[$:/core]plugintiddlers[]]">>
The popup mechanism allows blocks of content to be selectively displayed and positioned with respect to an anchor. It has several parts:
* StateTiddlers to record whether a popup is currently displayed or not
* The RevealWidget to selectively display the popup content
* The ButtonWidget to trigger the display of the popup by setting the state tiddler appropriately
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="a string of characters"
output="those input titles that start with <<.place s>>"
negationOutput="those input tiddlers that do <<.em not>> start with <<.place s>>"
<<.operator-examples "prefix">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[tag[task]!prefix[Go]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[prefix[$:/languages/]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[prefix[$:/]]" "same as `[is[system]]`">>
Ordinarily, at startup TiddlyWiki displays the tiddlers specified as a filter in the tiddler [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]].
Sometimes it's useful to re-open the same tiddlers that were open when the file was saved. To do so, set [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]] to this filter:
This filter returns the tiddlers specified in the [[$:/StoryList]] tiddler, which is the system tiddler that TiddlyWiki uses to store the sequence of tiddlers in the current story.
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="a tiddler title"
output="a selection containing each title that immediately precedes each of the input titles in the <<.field list>> field of <<.place t>>"
Each input title is processed in turn, and its predecessor is located in the <<.field list>> field and appended to the output. If a title is not listed in the field, or is the first item there, then it contributes nothing to the output.
<<.operator-examples "previous">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[Wednesday]previous[Days of the Week]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[[Monday]previous[Days of the Week]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "Tuesday Wednesday Thursday +[previous[Days of the Week]]">>
The qualify macro is part of the StateMechanism. Given a base tiddler title it generates a unique string that includes a hashed encoding of a position within the widget render tree, identified by the stack of transcluded tiddlers that leads to that position.
! Parameters
|!Position |!Name |!Description |!Default |
|1st |title |Base tiddler title | |
! Examples
The results returned by the qualify macro will depend upon where it is used. For example:
<<qualify "base">>
<<qualify "base">>
Wikipedia [[defines a Quine|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quine_(computing)]] as //a computer program which takes no input and produces a copy of its own source code as its only output//.
TiddlyWiki is an unusual example of a practical quine: it is this ability to produce a copy of its own source code that lies at the heart of TiddlyWiki's ability to independently save changes to itself.
! Introduction
The radio widget displays an HTML `<input type="radio">` that reflects whether a given tiddler field has a specified value. Selecting the radio button sets to the tiddler field to the value.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$radio>` widget is displayed within an HTML `<label>` element also containing the radio button. This means that clicking on the content will have the same effect as clicking on the button itself.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |Title of the tiddler to manipulate (defaults to the CurrentTiddler) |
|field |The name of the field to which the radio button will be bound |
|value |The value for the tiddler field |
|class |CSS classes to be assigned to the label around the radio button |
! Example
This example uses the radio widget to change the `modifier` field of this tiddler:
<$radio field="modifier" value="JoeBloggs"> Joe Bloggs</$radio>
<$radio field="modifier" value="JaneBloggs"> Jane Bloggs</$radio>
It renders as:
<$radio field="modifier" value="JoeBloggs"> Joe Bloggs</$radio>
<$radio field="modifier" value="JaneBloggs"> Jane Bloggs</$radio>
<<.def "Railroad diagrams">>, sometimes called <<.def "syntax diagrams">>, are a visual way of explaining the syntax rules of a computer language. Reading one is like reading a public transport map.
Each diagram starts on the left and ends on the right. Simply follow any line from the startpoint to the endpoint. All the alternative lines are equally valid. A line will sometimes jump over an item that is optional, or loop back to indicate that an item can be repeated.
<$railroad text="""
start [:optional] {repeated +","} end
In the example above, a comma appears between each occurrence of the `repeated` item. The comma path runs from right to left, and can only be reached by first passing through `repeated`.
Characters in round boxes are literal, i.e. they denote themselves. A name in a rectangular box denotes a further railroad diagram.
The railroad diagrams in ~TiddlyWiki's documentation are generated with the [[Railroad Plugin]].
\define tv-wikilink-template() http://tiddlywiki.com/static/$uri_doubleencoded$.html
<$importvariables filter="[[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Macro]!has[draft.of]]">
Welcome to TiddlyWiki, a non-linear personal web notebook that anyone can use and keep forever, independently of any corporation.
TiddlyWiki is a complete interactive wiki in JavaScript. It can be used as a single HTML file in the browser or as a powerful Node.js application. It is highly customisable: the entire user interface is itself implemented in hackable WikiText.
Learn more and see it in action at http://tiddlywiki.com/
Developer documentation is in progress at http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/
! Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js
{{Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js}}
! Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js
{{Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js}}
! Upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js
{{Upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js}}
! Also see
<<list-links "[tag[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] -[[Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] -[[Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] -[[Upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]">>
//This readme file was automatically generated by TiddlyWiki//
\define tv-wikilink-template() http://tiddlywiki.com/static/$uri_doubleencoded$.html
{{Scripts for TiddlyWiki on Node.js}}
The following topics provide the canonical reference documentation for TiddlyWiki:
<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-selective-expandable 'Reference'>>
<<.def "Reference tiddlers">> offer raw information in a comprehensive interlinked way. The reader is likely to be an intermediate or expert user.
There are several subcategories:
* With definitions, together forming a glossary
;User manual
* Presenting technical details of ~WikiText features
* Subcategorised: messages, operators, widgets, etc
;Developer manual
* Presenting technical details of ~TiddlyWiki's internal architecture
Reference material is written in a terse, formal style that avoids referring to the reader, and instead focuses on how ~TiddlyWiki itself behaves. The passive voice is often suitable:
* <<.word "the template is specified as a tiddler">> rather than <<.word "specify the template as a tiddler">>
* <<.word "the widget can be used for various purposes">> rather than <<.word "you can use the widget for various purposes">>
* But <<.word "this widget has several possible uses">> is better, because it is less convoluted and more succinct
Most contracted verb forms are avoided in reference tiddlers. But those ending in <<.word "n't">> (<<.word "aren't">>, <<.word "doesn't">>, <<.word "hasn't">>, <<.word "isn't">>, etc) are acceptable, as they make it less easy to accidentally overlook the word <<.word not>>.
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
suffix="the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]]"
parameter="a regular expression"
output="those input tiddlers in which field <<.place f>> matches <<.place x>>"
negationOutput="those input tiddlers in which field <<.place f>> does <<.em not>> match <<.place x>>"
<<.def "Regular expressions">> are concise strings of characters that denote patterns of text to search for. The format used in ~TiddlyWiki is fully defined in [[this Mozilla reference|https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Regular_Expressions]].
The [[filter syntax|Filter Run]] makes it impossible to directly specify a regular expression that contains square brackets. The solution is to store the expression in a [[variable|Variables]]. See the <<.operator-examples "regexp" "examples">>.
The parameter <<.place x>> can optionally start or end with a string of flags:
<$railroad text=""" "(?" { ("i"|"m"|:"g") } ")" """/>
Only the `i` flag is generally useful: it forces the different between capital and lowercase letters to be ignored.
If <<.place x>> is empty, <<.op regexp>> will match all of the input tiddlers.
<<.operator-examples "regexp">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[!is[system]regexp[Wiki]]" "non-system tiddlers with `Wiki` in their title">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[!is[system]regexp[(?i)Wiki]]" "non-system tiddlers with `Wiki` in their title, ignoring case">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[!is[system]regexp[Wiki(?i)]]" "same again">>
<<.operator-example 4 "[regexp[(?i)\.jpe?g$]]" "tiddlers with titles ending in `.jpg` or `.jpeg`, ignoring case">>
<<.operator-example 5 "[regexp:created[^201408]]" "tiddlers created in August 2014">>
The regular expression `[0-9]{2}` matches two consecutive digits. Because it contains square brackets, the way to use it with the <<.op regexp>> operator is via a [[variable|Variables]], as follows:
src="""<$set name="digit-pattern" value="[0-9]{2}">
<<list-links "[regexp:title<digit-pattern>]">>
This release is the culmination of a large scale refactoring of the widget mechanism of TiddlyWiki5. There are several changes to be aware of if upgrading from earlier versions:
* The following widgets have been removed:
** `<$setstyle>` - use `<div style=<<macroName Param>>>` instead
** `<$video>` - will return in a later release
** `<$datauri>` - use the `<<makedatauri>>` built-in macro instead
** `<$error>` - may return in a later release
** `<$import>` - use the BrowseWidget, DropzoneWidget and NavigatorWidget instead
** `<$info>` - use the `<<changecount>>` built-in macro instead
** `<$version>` - use the `<<version>>` built-in macro instead
* The following widgets have had significant changes:
** EditWidget
** ListWidget - the list widget itself no longer generates HTML nodes, so you'll often need to wrap the template in a `<div>` or a `<span>` to be able to style the content
** ViewWidget - has several changes:
*** `<$view format="link"/>` is no longer available; use an explicit `<$link>` widget instead
*** `<$view format="link"/>` is no longer available; use the TranscludeWidget instead
* The following new widgets have been added:
** BrowseWidget
** DropzoneWidget
** EditTextWidget and EditBitmapWidget
** SetVariableWidget
* Widget attribute names have been made more consistent. In particular, `tiddler` is used to reference a tiddler by title, not `title`
* It is no longer possible to import the macro definitions within another tiddler by transcluding that tiddler
* The `body` element now has the class `tw-body`, which will need to be specified in any overrides
** This was done due to the new support for HTML foreign objects, which makes it possible to have multiple `<body>` elements in a document
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.11...v5.0.0-alpha.12]]//
This minor release just contains fixes for the syncer and related adaptor modules for the TiddlyWeb edition and for TiddlyWiki5's integrated server.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.12...v5.0.0-alpha.13]]//
This release has several bug fixes:
* Fixes to DaveGifford's themes ''blanca'', ''blue'' and ''rocker''
* Fix an issue with the `<$edit-text>` widget
* Documentation updates
* Improved deployment scripts
* Made the modifier field in the subtitle be a link
* Styling improvements for the CodeMirror plugin
* Improved the ViewWidget so that it falls back to displaying its content if the field/property is missing or empty
* Extend use of the built-in `<<tabs>>` macro to the tiddler info panel, the control panel and the sidebar
** This means that you can add new tabs by creating tiddlers with these tags, and optionally a `caption` field for the text of the tab:
*** [[$:/tags/TiddlerInfo]] for tiddler info panel tabs
*** [[$:/tags/ControlPanel]] for control panel tabs
*** [[$:/tags/SideBar]] for sidebar tabs
*** [[$:/tags/MoreSideBar]] for tabs in the "more" sidebar
*** Change the order of tabs by adjusting the `list` field of the corresponding tag tiddler
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.13...v5.0.0-alpha.14]]//
This release has several bug fixes:
* Improved the layout of the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]]
* Fixed problem with using the CheckboxWidget to apply tags to tiddlers that don't have any existing tags
* Fixed problem with default password for the PasswordWidget being the string "null"
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.14...v5.0.0-alpha.15]]//
!! New Features
* Added a dropdown to the edit template for setting the tiddler type
* A saver module for Microsoft Internet Explorer version 10 and above. Clicking save in the sidebar causes the browser to pull up a bar at the bottom of the window where you can click ''save''. You then get a new copy of your wiki in the downloads folder.
* Support for new `tw-close-other-tiddlers` message (eg, <$button message="tw-close-other-tiddlers">close others</$button>)
* For http://five.tiddlywiki.com, add a tiddler info tab with a link to the static representation of the tiddler
* Make more UI elements extensible via system tags:
** [[$:/tags/ViewToolbar]] for the view mode tiddler toolbar
** [[$:/tags/EditTemplate]] for the edit template
** [[$:/tags/EditToolbar]] for the edit mode tiddler toolbar
** [[$:/tags/PageControls]] for the page control tools in the sidebar
!! Improvements
* Rename the `<$setvariable>` to `<$set>`
** `<$setvariable>` will temporarily remain as a synonym for `<$set>` for the next few releases
* Improve the popup mechanism so that the tiddler info panel doesn't close so easily
* Various improvements for working with TiddlyWeb, including:
** Updated control panel
!! Bug fixes
* Fixed bug when creating a tiddler title starting or ending with a space
* Fixed behaviour of tags editor dropdown when search box is empty
* Fixed problem with interpretation of `fields` and `index` attributes of the TranscludeWidget
* Fixed the module type names in the internal tab of the control panel
* Improved styling for embedded PDFs
* Fixed bug with second being omitted from serialised date formats
Contributors to this release include @jermolene and @grayeul.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.15...v5.0.0-alpha.16]]//
!! New Features and Improvements
* Improved appearance of tags editor
* Improved generation of qualified tiddler titles for state storage
** Instead of `$:/state/tab/sidebar-{$:/core/ui/SideBar|$:/core/ui/SideBar||}{$:/core/ui/PageTemplate|$:/core/ui/PageTemplate||}` one gets `$:/state/tab/sidebar-{1743827719}`
* Significant updates to the structure and content of the user documentation
* Added a new plugin for displaying corner ribbons; currently used for a version banner on tw5.com
* Split ''Snow White'' theme into a base ''Vanilla'' theme with all the basic formatting, leaving the decorative bits to ''Snow White''
** Existing TiddlyWikiFolders will need updating to include ''Vanilla'' as an additional theme
* The page building blocks are now driven by the system tag `$:/tags/PageTemplate`
** [[$:/TopSideBar]] and [[$:/LeftSideBar]] are no longer specially treated; use the new tag instead
* Fixed problem that prevented tag configured items from shadow tiddlers interleaving with items from ordinary tiddlers
* Refactored control panel to add ''Saving'' tab that includes TiddlySpot options
* Improved notifications when saving to TiddlySpot
* Added backup URL to TiddlySpot control panel tab
* Extended the ServerCommand to add primitive support for basic authentication when running under [[Node.js]]
!! Bug fixes
* Fixed problem with displaying tiddler titles that contain WikiText syntax
* No longer crashes when encountering an error in a filter string
* Fixed a crash when dragging and dropping tiddlers within TiddlyWiki5
* No longer update the modified date for imported tiddlers
* Automatically forces new field names to be lower case
!! Internal changes
* Added Windows-compatible build scripts
* Changes to the SavingMechanism to allow the tiddlers that are saved to be selected
** This enables the wiki at http://five.tiddlywiki.com/index.html to generate an empty wiki
* The main HTML file template used for saving TiddlyWiki5 documents has changed from `$:/core/templates/tiddlywiki5.template.html` to `$:/core/save/all`
* Moved tw5.com's Google Analytics integration into a proper plugin
Contributors to this release include @jermolene, @asampal and @pmario.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.16...v5.0.0-alpha.17]]//
!! Bug fixes
* Fixes a small but important bug that prevented downloading an empty wiki with alpha.16
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.17...v5.0.1-alpha]]//
!! Improvements
* Changes to the importing process to enable a smoother [[Upgrading]] process
** Ignores attempts to import plugins that are older than currently installed plugins
** System tiddlers are now imported as usual
* If `$:/theme` isn't defined or refers to a missing tiddler, then fallback through ''Snow White'' to ''Vanilla''. This means that `empty.html` now defaults to ''Snow White''
* Added support for [[Block Quotes in WikiText]]
** Contributed by StephanHradek (@Skeeve on GitHub)
!! Bug fixes
* Fixed bug that was preventing `$:/tags/PageControls` tiddlers from being reordered
!! Internal changes
* Changed the [[TiddlyWiki5 Versioning]] policy
** Beta releases will be `5.0.x-beta` and the final release will be `5.1.x`
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.9-beta...v5.0.10-beta]]//
!! Highlights
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ad4b03506a62d7110cb30aaa3d6f8dbfc712f246]] new syntax for [[Images in WikiText]] and a new ImageWidget
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ba576d9f1b2146cec293447b2968e34f0c594a05]] support for a SafeMode that disables customisations
!! Documentation Improvements
* Added DateFormat documentation
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Refactor|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bb42c0ab360760917ad5bde84f15350186a9471a]] sorting to respect accented characters
* [[Support|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/45b0966013c760abab5b3f7faea0e59af2ca5619]] embedded images in Markdown tiddlers
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/821f1f1428f92160ae8bc4fa71dd3f947243f09e]] sidebar hiding action so that the story river border is maintained
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/15d0c27e2a82359616ce6c7883557cd2ef1886cd]] `[is[tag]]` to the <<.olink is>> operator
* [[Hide|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/95d291daac4a26664f0c232175f54780f0fa678f]] the top bars in the print stylesheet
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4758874d13430338da07727997d0c4df7f328ac1]] support for saving changes on Windows network drives
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9fbe72a8778ae94c7d6322ad4b9155c83f753113]] configuration processing so that ordinary tiddlers are processed after shadow tiddlers. This resolves an issue whereby user stylesheets were being overridden by shadow stylesheets
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d6054f10392c535ca430f3e73b9b68d0f8c18498]] issue with offline snapshot of server edition erroneously including shadow tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bd4a031df8a68287475a41ad84b423ad83f735a3]] problem with corrupted upgrades from 5.0.x-prerelease to 5.0.x-beta
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/73cfd1021809e97906ecfd5dacdf2337da3abae9]] bug with `[untagged[]]` filter operator
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d336ffea02621e382f6d7135847d11e49e77bc26]] incorrect background colour for tag pills in the sidebar
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f57e04787738ad30fb05ac0e592239075b90507e]] issues with null fields under TiddlyWeb
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/768489128547cf54e80fc321f3f1f4f5cd191862]] problem with hamburger overlapping scrollbars
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.10-beta...v5.0.11-beta]]//
!! Incompatible Changes
See [[Notes for upgrading to 5.0.11-beta]] for more details of these changes:
* The default output location for command line operations has changed to the `/output` folder within TiddlyWikiFolders (it used to be current directory)
* Note that the shadow tiddler [[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]] has changed with this release. If you've made modifications to it you should copy your modifications to a new tiddler, delete [[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]], perform the upgrade and then manually update the new copy of [[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]]
!! Documentation Improvements
* Added more warnings about taking care to [[backup your data|The First Rule of Using TiddlyWiki]]
!! Usability Improvements
* Many performance optimisations, particularly for filter operations
* Added support for PermaLinks and browser back and forward buttons
* Added support for WikiLinks in Markdown via `[link text](#TiddlerTitle)`
* Added support for explicit external [[Linking in WikiText]] (eg `[ext[tooltip|url]]`)
* [[Replaced|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/580]] hamburger menu icon with double chevron icon
* [[Enhance|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/552657fc584dbb36754d3fcabca2cdef7e916ec9]] plain text parsing to use the CodeBlockWidget, and hence use syntax highlighting if the plugin is installed. This gives us syntax highlighting for JavaScript shadow tiddlers, amongst other things
* Improvements to the German, French, Italian, Japanese and Chinese translations
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/61c3f8a5ba3c815d623c06f6a97d9c00a31a4157]] WikiText tiddlers from the sidebar "Types" tab
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a90339d1e573ec82dba1caeaead0f71717618a80]] various warnings when editing shadow tiddlers
* [[Allow|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0ac4c2b554f045c6bd2dc6ea5daa0d2f0397d04c]] digits in field names
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a4294b55f0a217d019a6e4cbb62f6a8a19668928]] warning banner and when attempting to edit binary tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b84c663215cf7877fff960748af4b2849ae0dbb3]] automatic refreshing of the browser window title from $:/core/wiki/title
!! Hackability Improvements
* Improved vertical layouts of TabsMacro
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/93566cdc332226b77eaba8a70fa166f3b8fcfe1e]] "standard" tab to [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e83759e86d2a9e05e4b85dae50925fe988f8e239]] new filter operators <<.olink before>> and <<.olink after>>
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/570cad1c7f90e685961130918f09a7f9b2951f8c]] new <<.olink get>> operator
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f7e50e0950c5bf10d94d926576011893418b25f1]] [[BuildCommand]], [[OutputCommand]] and [[ClearPasswordCommand]]
* Added new extensible StartupMechanism for orchestrating startup tasks
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/711b76307c95d0026f79f584e85ae3d4b7289d15]] to new version of CodeMirror
* Added https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5NodeWebkit, a demo of using TiddlyWiki as a library in a node-webkit application
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4e07b3335b570f4039427e11df729fc4a899a671]] `.tid` TiddlerFiles to allow single line text fields
* Renamed `$:/ShowEditPreview` to `$:/state/showeditpreview`
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/cc60ad1428dcf99a7ea0787e43e3b37f5a02fb98]] issue with hovering of the topbar icons in Firefox
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e548dd35af2d3195f82899096d4a4080362a1ff0]] problem with dragging and dropping within a text edit control
!! Contributors
I ([[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]]) would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to helping improve TiddlyWiki:
[[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]], [[@mwfogleman|https://github.com/mwfogleman]], [[@nameanyone|https://github.com/nameanyone]], [[@natecain|https://github.com/natecain]], [[@pekopeko1|https://github.com/pekopeko1]], [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]], [[@sukima|https://github.com/sukima]], [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]].
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.11-beta...v5.0.12-beta]]//
This is an emergency release that fixes a single significant bug with shadow tiddler handling in 5.0.11. See the [[discussion thread|https://groups.google.com/d/topic/tiddlywiki/pNxZsSCVp7c/discussion]] for more details.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.12-beta...v5.0.13-beta]]//
!! Accessibility Improvements
This release includes a number of features designed to improve the experience of TiddlyWiki with a screen reader. Particular thanks to [[@domasofan|https://github.com/domasofan]] for his feedback
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/34e4166dc5f24519b000de66853d5b1aee8f1648]] label and title for show/hide sidebar buttons
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/346b2f86111815c746c993fa09b7f677fa0b4b37]] label and title for advanced search link
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6f859c8d447a477a9120bdc308d1524558a80f20]] label and title for close buttons in "Open" sidebar tab
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/06b0f9adb7209870b46d42f832c1f7ad7a78976f]] ''aria-label'' support to the LinkWidget
* [[Switched|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bc9b67cbc3f363d48aafea86c077fcd5a9c0ca64]] to H1 tags for the page title and H2 tags for tiddler titles
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/eeedcb6d94a25d02e8fec45c89b30c7f2bcdde73]] label and title for tiddler and page toolbar buttons
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9ab0c84140bbc0f31cf65e632bddac616bbadbda]] support for global [[Macros in WikiText]] via the new ImportVariablesWidget
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3182a2d599f0e4b70a73fe369df4f398587dc1a9]] new SelectWidget
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f131c378934a86b741ab5b808437c95694dc5503]] behaviour of `text/html` tiddlers so that they are displayed within an HTML iframe element
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9b576f2a8d39dcca37bcb709183a8f9b27f33ccf]] group headings to the content type dropdown in edit mode
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4d70d5780e51cf0918fba15954cd47549e4e1a9f]] advanced navigation settings in [[$:/ControlPanel]] to use radio buttons
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f7b8813a27141a78980eefa03df70a4a2de9d10b]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3f25db0abe8cd28712c020f218506710cec004b6]]) behaviour of PermaLinks so that now [ext[http://tiddlywiki.com/#HelloThere]] just opens the single specified tiddler
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0c48502e8ed214cee23537d06e7e87efd53592c7]] support for triple-quoted multi-line attributes with [[macros|Macros in WikiText]], [[widgets|Widgets in WikiText]] and [[HTML elements|HTML in WikiText]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/32099b85d3b12f9e590274cb7550e3e531131706]] TableOfContents tab for tw5.com edition
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Restored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1b37d660ea7cd576cfeadfe8b782fe6c62dc9048]] ''escape'' as a shortcut to abandon edits
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9547a1f01c144c604c294f394a68d7dc6dbe4e5d]] support for ExternalImages that are referenced by URI and not stored in the TiddlyWiki HTML file
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d2796d0c9c7ed7a971ae6b0752d7418384072bb5]] new SetFieldCommand
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/305617b632fd6ecf25cd4be85f4dfb5a5a65dfef]] new SaveTiddlersCommand
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f14ecf4eb8965f2e407ccac51d4277330221efe3]] support for system tag [[$:/tags/RawMarkup]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0bdc5b5c70fbbf34aa459afcf0499fc9c8ae6374]] editor type mappings to control panel advanced tab
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1717c93d001ad184a08ca66d1bffb33fb5d32b3a]] CodeMirror (http://tiddlywiki.com/codemirrordemo.html) plugin for simpler configuration
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b2e48d00e9ea068a22b5ac5c0a4c93e8ddbb4a8a]] support for [[Environment Variables on Node.js]]
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/eee3a0cf8e5aa047f8596df06e28194409f38b01]] ServerCommand to allow a path prefix
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4238af2a405c14d22937d7c47a70bfb3d4e6f22d]] the <<.olink listed>> operator to use any list field
!! Bug Fixes
* Fixed [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6fb992690d33940d3509d7d4d74538e7f458e063]] and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0fae9ee99200e7eca30b9db0584c479d58841349]] the problem with state tiddlers being inadvertently saved
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a03a15e7de32a1b41618146ac334b5cd7d432e91]] bug with TextWidget not refreshing correctly
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d8a142fed5b22a8273d93ba05095e5f9c6929cb3]] problem with vertical tabs in Safari
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b8aedf2ca3cfc870be5a46accbb2dc0ddbb6d451]] issue with images in Markdown
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]]
* [[@csugden|https://github.com/csugden]]
* [[@danielo515|https://github.com/danielo515]]
* [[@IreneKnapp|https://github.com/IreneKnapp]]
* [[@jayfresh|https://github.com/jayfresh]]
* [[@mwfogleman|https://github.com/mwfogleman]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.13-beta...v5.0.14-beta]]//
!! Major Changes
!!! Improved Control Panel Plugins Tab
The ''Plugins'' tab of the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] has been improved with the addition of documentation tabs that plugins can use to show documentation. There is also a larger draggable area for dragging tiddlers across to other wikis.
!!! Configurable Button Toolbars
The page toolbar and the tiddler toolbars can now be configured with several new buttons - see the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] under the ''Appearance'' and ''Toolbars'' tabs.
The sidebar tools tab now shows all the available page controls, allowing them to be invoked or checked to appear in the toolbar. The tiddler info area now includes a tools tab that includes buttons for all the tiddler actions.
!!! Upgrade Mechanism
There are two components:
* A more flexible ImportMechanism that:
** Presents incoming tiddlers as a pending import list that allows the user to inspect them and, if necessary, explicitly deselect them from the actual import
** Provides UpgraderModules with an opportunity to process each incoming tiddler
*** The [[plugin upgrader|$:/core/modules/upgraders/plugins.js]] module handles version checking of plugins and upgrading them from a special UpgradeLibrary plugin tiddler
*** The [[system upgrader|$:/core/modules/upgraders/system.js]] module is responsible for suppressing the importing of certain system tiddlers (currently [[$:/StoryList]] and [[$:/HistoryList]])
*** The [[themetweak upgrader|$:/core/modules/upgraders/themetweaks.js]] module handles migrating theme tweaks from their pre-5.0.14-beta format (see below)
* An UpgradePlugin and associated edition that provides a custom, single-purpose user interface for upgrading standalone TiddlyWiki files - see http://tiddlywiki.com/upgrade.html
!!! Improvements to CamelCase Recognition
TiddlyWiki now takes a much more conservative approach to recognising CamelCase terms that should be automatically linked. Previously, the dash and underscore were treated as lower case letters, leading to a number of false positives. See the [[GitHub bug #337|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/337]] for details.
!!! Automatic Permalinking Off by Default
With previous beta releases of TiddlyWiki the browser address bar is automatically updated so that it dynamically reflects the tiddlers that are currently open. This makes it easier to get a permalink for copying and pasting elsewhere, but it leads to much confusion for casual users who don't always understand why unexpected tiddlers are being displayed after they have refreshed the page in the browser.
For 5.0.14-beta, the setting has been changed. Visit [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] ''Advanced''/''Settings'' to switch the setting back to "Include the target tiddler and the current story sequence".
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f6d7d87a3d49f816ccc050bdf4a5394eed37dd51]] previews to the icon dropdown in the [[tag manager|$:/TagManager]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/56945d91d327489478fc44dce5234ece35a01abb]] an indication of unsaved changes by changing the colour of the save changes button
* [[Split|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/7aa6c7c06d8b5359f183e6b9f6f57cf89611cda8]] the wikitext emphasis parsers into separate modules so that they can be independently controlled with the `\rules` pragma
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f43cd5ba9c6e5eda221ec738174e61e34fad2b8d]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a3de93b4eb8b108239b2e4b496308026e9e9eef8]]) ReleaseHistory to place the releases into vertical tabs
* [[Stopped|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3ff7462afd5414b92680c6b6e67274be79233224]] saving [[$:/HistoryList]], thus avoiding it uncontrollably increasing in size
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/73cf1bfdb3cd238ac7800162f58d44a8bb60019b]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d5e4b9b5d1e7db5ad4d769433cc934ef08265f57]]) print stylesheet to remove page background
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/07f13b310d300631267936ad8bc55a338369afc0]] display of plugin tiddlers so that their constituent tiddlers are shown, rather than the raw JSON
* [[Moved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/799a5b059a40a51fdeb1dae7a0eb5bf8a79f5106]] the functionality of the fullscreen plugin into the core
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c23f6af4b5c59f4d09dd8d6704e1939bb9d5b2d3]] TiddlerWidget to add a CSS class corresponding to each tag present on displayed tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d357e1706c91d17a72fb19fedf43e57071fc7dd6]] support for hiding specified fields in the tiddler editor
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/be040ea8a2cc8962f1a28a313e4c9ebc2d5c0e31]] support for variable operands in filters (see [[Filter Parameter]])
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1f16ef6fa88b51d2dad7c8e57fcff014950a7442]] support for widget messages [[tw-permalink|WidgetMessage: tw-permalink]] and [[tw-permaview|WidgetMessage: tw-permaview]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/plugins/tiddlywiki/browser-sniff]] browser sniffing plugin so that tiddlywiki.com can present the correct browser-specific documentation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ef67cc3fd9b267a522598abccdfbb93fbfca240c]] a configuration option for specifying the default location for saving new tiddlers in the client-server configuration
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b4d47858e587c96f3a68cc28cffff181ec45f55f]] support for the InfoMechanism
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f08f57c5d24eb0146ac2cb77472a5fc5f135f1e9]] CheckboxWidget to allow it to toggle fields as well as tags
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/21c137a66c37f010b36697bb6bed5321138fbb9f]] [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] theme tweaks to be stored in individual tiddlers
* [[Extend|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e18d8a88661a1c2caa1b722841747c75ca6af437]] the TabsMacro to allow tabs to be templated
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/91acad0f7ce8637945a953dfcb122cd31292626d]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8612bc4006e717e4fa3c562fa72a85650206b66f]]) SystemTags support for inserting content above and below the story river
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f793816dfa687ae7791143b33487fd5f95f3265c]] support for transcluding plugin subtiddlers with the TranscludeWidget
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c73853288c5b4b0716da94fea2f2edec09345643]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/08f775eac8cb053d08c1c561e65a5eeb87c4c6b6]]) support for importing from `*.htm` and `*.hta` files as well as the existing support for `*.html` files
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/73d7e85e11c7732080ca8bc4321ebb12afbac09c]] the "sticky titles" theme so that it works when tiddlers are in edit mode
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5b3b62f93da4b7b19e24ccf72d9ce20b9edce6d5]] bug with execution order of BuildCommand targets
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d93da81671a704377209fc1871425c3a7c5db35a]] bug with missing hover colours for external links
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/465f4ac46903070759a572d183c498c5579cb922]] problem with refreshing modal dialogues
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3351ae7e29cbf3bed6fc1925ef33664bcc59fef5]] issue with cookies disabled on Firefox
* [[Relax|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5260899d8b090e8886e41e3aa770fdcf5967ad8c]] the requirement for a newline immediately the closing `\end` of a macro definition
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@ssokolow|https://github.com/ssokolow]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.14-beta...v5.0.15-beta]]//
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Simplified|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c57b00996855f10d9b7fa2aa4e9deb2a2a607d7f]] shadow default tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/32a7ee2683ace619599f0ab73028307ca33f4e4c]] the ability to disable plugins (see PluginMechanism) with a user interface in [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4b05608ad5e77043b01495825ea0f0e76c378760]] page control button for invoking the [[tag manager|$:/TagManager]]
* [[Simplified|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c4b76ceb0bc786bcceb12fc3417bb8c4bfde27a9]] downloading an offline copy of a client-server wiki
* [[Blocked|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2bbe9f76ecf8fc89c789e72be00ac19e811195ee]] temporary state tiddlers from import/upgrade
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c912fed55d94c9bef2d541cd55f458b12172941c]] a banner to the edit template encouraging improvements to the documentation
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f75af2c983e10e8a82639890b993fb5cf042d610]] `saver-handler.js` out of `syncer.js`
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8cf726275c19ed5b4a0ed1cf8354d64d1bc29da5]] TableOfContentsMacro support
* Simplified startup module organisation (see [[Startup Modules.svg]])
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/25777b147fa4ed2f915150aec503ad1e094e6043]] the overlay text for the DropzoneWidget to make it translateable
* [[Introduced|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/920e11e7921f777170aa2f9e1836c000fec2e26d]] a new [[refresh button|WidgetMessage: tw-browser-refresh]] and reverted [[home button|WidgetMessage: tw-home]] behaviour
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/fbf307c648ae0e92679c54f7d03f197a75b4e101]] ''alt'' attribute to the ImageWidget
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c8830d32f74b8c228553f11f7f55b5be45ae6471]] problem with building TiddlyWiki under Windows
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/34461cb2fe554331a0269fd7795b1d6a879fcba9]] unclickable download ink in upgrade wizard
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9e85ddfec78dd8df71e6173100dce659417551f4]] missing language flag in ''empty.html''
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/18592fe8f810d1858ca040da1a7c4a81fb74cfed]] problem with switching the type of a tiddler between the bitmap and text editor
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/fe6623d7feed1a9068e15bfac57be0b0924e8915]] foreground colour for tag pills in the sidebar
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c912fed55d94c9bef2d541cd55f458b12172941c]] problem with github source links for tiddlywiki.com not working for titles containing colons
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.15-beta...v5.0.16-beta]]//
!! Incompatible Changes
5.0.16-beta brings more incompatible changes than any previous release. These changes are likely to break almost all plugins written for previous releases of TiddlyWiki 5, and will break many customisations.
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/764]] all CSS class prefixes from `tw-` to `tc-` (eg `tw-tiddler-frame` has become `tc-tiddler-frame`; missing prefixes have also been added, so `btn-invisible` has become `tc-btn-invisible`)
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2f69ea362cd673f59b9fadbe11f1f95549a59813]] all message prefixes from `tw-` to `tm-` (eg `tw-close-tiddler` has become `tm-close-tiddler`)
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/89fd5379dd78887fc21746d792072bf5a25f0c56]] all variable prefixes from `tw-` to `tv-` (eg `tw-config-toolbar-icons` has become `tv-config-toolbar-icons`)
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/112a9a95d95e9f62f110c97a4faaf537c5c100b1]] prefix/removeprefix filter operators to be case-sensitive
!! Compatibility with TiddlyWikiClassic
This release includes a preliminary version of a new plugin that provides compatibility with content created for TiddlyWikiClassic:
Subsequent releases will include end-user documentation with step-by-step instructions for migrating content.
Many thanks to @buggyj for his work on this plugin.
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Amended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e47852cb141b384ad2a9097eca795545cb5b2494]] behaviour of the [[tm-browser-refresh|WidgetMessage: tw-browser-refresh]] message so that it no longer clears the location hash
* [[Hide|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/88c9c0c3ee115917b8c1a9126452bb0574061857]] toolbar buttons from static renderings
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Extend|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/48312272adb17610db96d50758e6af947cab7b1d]] the <<.olink all>> operator to be able to select all the source tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/43aeb47fc34f1ba424030c4f78ee907fe7b1d5d8]] problem with single line macro definitions incorrectly including whitespace in the value. (For example, `\define mymacro() yes` would set the macro value to " yes", with a leading space)
* [[Extend|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d2a5a12f2d6b6ccc36dd22a70ac2def08d1d3722]] TableOfContentsMacro to use the caption field if present
* [[Configurability|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b437f1b450f5f2a3104a9086f7c674299b53b9bc]] for the default tab shown in the tiddler info panel (see [[Configuring the default TiddlerInfo tab]])
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/dcf4e93a3283e3e93cc14e50366f9b0252870835]] <<.olink suffix>> and <<.olink removesuffix>> operators
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Reverted|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ad40223d6b9bed435d9381611cb9de1841b53df6]] incorrect refreshing of the tiddler widget
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/44228ed9f733217557851150f5ae45d9ebb23420]] indentation of selective expandable TableOfContentsMacro
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]]
* [[@gernert|https://github.com/gernert]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.16-beta...v5.0.17-beta]]//
!! Highlights
This release includes major improvements from @giffmex to the welcome and tutorial documentation, and new development docs incorporating [[the work|https://github.com/cjrk/saa-tw]] of @cheigele and @cjrk.
!! Incompatible Changes
!!! Change System Tag `$:/tags/stylesheet` with `$:/tags/Stylesheet`
The [[issue|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/824]] is that the capitalisation of `$:/tags/stylesheet` is not consistent with other system tags. This release adds support for `$:/tags/Stylesheet`, and adds a deprecation warning if `$:/tags/stylesheet` is used. Support for `$:/tags/stylesheet` will be removed before the beta.
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f6ff0a7f715bdf12dfba6556f72c49ea2c3016b0]] support for `$:/tags/Stylesheet` and a deprecation warning when `$:/tags/stylesheet` is used
!!! Change ButtonWidget `title` attribute to `tooltip`
The use of the `title` attribute in the ButtonWidget was not consistent with the `tooltip` attribute used by the ImageWidget and LinkWidget. This release adds support for the `tooltip` attribute to the ButtonWidget alongside the existing support for the `title` attribute, but with a deprecation warning.
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b7f638aef3094d0552db2f72330b40a526113bd5]] `tooltip` attribute to ButtonWidget
!!! Removing Support for RegExp Filter Operands
As discussed in [[the associated ticket|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/762]], the support for regular expression filter operands is incomplete and inconsistent. The plan is to remove support for this feature in the next release. A new filter operator has been provided to replace it, along with the addition of a deprecation warning that is displayed whenever regular expression filter operators are used.
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f4fff7a33037ba9dd537379bcb44a52a280868d6]] new <<.olink regexp>> operator
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d45c417c187fe3dcc35ee7a308e64feebc7b185b]] deprecation warning for regular expression filter operators
!!! Repository Reorganisation
The goal is to make the TiddlyWiki repository easier to comprehend for newcomers.
* [[Moved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6e9cd5943703f7137e819fcb85376423b9c930d5]] scripts into a separate `bin` folder
!! Usability Improvements
* Reorganised the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] to make it more logical and usable
!! Hackability Improvements
* Moved developer documentation to http://tiddlywiki.com/dev
* [[Improvements|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/872e6fc2532012f0f9acfb29aa24a9cd5f340b9d]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c8a131ffd4716f2b99ab508567422ff463f2849d]]) to `serve.sh`/`serve.cmd` scripts
* [[Disable|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ac54fe33263cbe48bc294f9c14257ccc146be38e]] plugins when in SafeMode
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c1de85838f3d0d3e6a207152ecc9d61ff08a4b05]] new TimelineMacro
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f16d1832aae9a7ce71dea78b16c11afaf673acf2]] new DumpVariablesMacro
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ba3f8002355607c8b00b7d184f01fa68bbcda152]] TableOfContentsMacro so that individual links can be disabled
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/542788bfeba98ec3bac0bb721293c16354bc1b34]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/487c4a40abda2b457b4015033bf1be76bd81dcc9]]) unnecessary `<p>` tag from edit tags and types dropdowns
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ccd916ca7cb45468ac30eb48bfdf86bea704d810]] ''multiple'' attribute to the BrowseWidget
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ab944bbf02e9fae606632a11df1053a46573fa49]] view template to hide bodies of tiddlers with field ''hide-body'' set to ''yes''
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c713eddbef50603e313a86f78c185753bab3d607]] problem with draft tiddlers not counting as dirty
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f87ce7e98a083f1bdcff5b1887b56aa95b731efe]] problem with keyboard shortcuts introduced in 5.0.16-beta
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/756e05504b33c387da7d3f81446a18f9a8fefe49]] problem with stylesheets being parsed in inline mode
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9adc30f69fba169813638021780263ff0df4e2bc]] bug with selective expandable TableOfContentsMacro
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]]
* [[@cheigele|https://github.com/cheigele]]
* [[@cjrk|https://github.com/cjrk]]
* [[@giffmex|https://github.com/giffmex]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.17-beta...v5.0.18-beta]]//
This is a minor release prior to the full release of TiddlyWiki on September 20th. The documentation has been cleaned up and improved (with more improvements to come).
!! File Layout of tiddlywiki.com
The layout of files on tiddlywiki.com has been adjusted to make it more logical. See the [[ticket|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/823]] for a discussion. You can see the source files that make up tiddlywiki.com at https://github.com/Jermolene/jermolene.github.com
!! Hackability Improvements
* Added first iteration of a ListMacro (further improvements are planned)
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6d9bd4df8a1133c2ba246333edad14e6028d3ea4]] support for importing `.markdown` and `.md` files
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c4123ba3740f74f172468c4aa050451ebc5780d8]] TimelineMacro to support a subfilter
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a9f46525a0b1ecf7ce6d1bdae64e6763a247106b]] problem with digits being classified as lower case letters for wiki link matching
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8cc236b4dca96327c7b28ad45e1eb4c2dce174e5]] crash when sorting missing tiddlers by fields other than title
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/73a4747d05c6746476ccd9e8cb8255853f631d17]] problem with handling `.jpeg` file extensions
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/775482a2428d24a475e0c7df7bea215c190b5574]] problem with RadioWidget and missing tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2571f534aa67c7f9d423d44d36efa32480f4c370]] problem with dragging a partially selected link
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]]
* [[@Eucaly|https://github.com/Eucaly]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.1-alpha...v5.0.2-beta]]//
!! Improvements
* Added support for [[Hard Linebreaks in WikiText]]
* Added a new RadioWidget, contributed by StephanHradek (@Skeeve on GitHub)
* Two new savers for InternetExplorer, both contributed by DavidJade (@davidjade on GitHub)
** ''tiddlyie'' for [[saving with TiddlyIE|Saving with TiddlyIE]], an equivalent of TiddlyFox for InternetExplorer
** ''fsosaver'' that can [[save changes directly with InternetExplorer|Saving on InternetExplorer]] but requires the HTML file to be renamed `*.hta`
!! Bug fixes
* Fixed problem deleting tiddlers under the filesystemadaptor
* Fixed problem with transcluding fields containing lists or dates (eg, `{{!!tags}}`)
* Fixed problem with re-ordering page control tiddlers (ie tiddlers tagged `$:/tags/PageControls`)
* Update template used for deploying to TiddlyWeb
* Fixed problem with tiddler deletions via the file system adaptor
!! Internal changes
* Allowed variable number of arguments to [[JavaScript Macros]]
** Contributed by StephanHradek (@Skeeve on GitHub)
* Changed the format of plugin tiddlers to remove duplicated information (see the PluginMechanism)
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.2-beta...v5.0.3-beta]]//
This release includes minor bug fixes and documentation updates.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.3-beta...v5.0.4-beta]]//
!! Improvements
* Switched to using an HTML5 placeholder for the default text of a new tiddler
* Refactored stylesheet handling so that theme tweaks are now applied immediately, and some ordering issues have been resolved
* Several improvements for running [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]:
** The `tiddlywiki.info` file in the root of [[wiki folder|TiddlyWikiFolders]] file is now optional, falling back to a default configuration suitable for serverside use ([[commit|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0ec2224757dd07f009246ec9ea97cd859d077e72]])
** The file system plugin now automatically creates the `tiddlers` subfolder in the [[wiki folder|TiddlyWikiFolders]]
* Added [[favicon.ico support|Using favicons]]
* Added SaveTiddlerCommand
!! Bug Fixes
* Fixed problem with tiddlers sometimes wrongly opening at the top of the story ([[commit|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b50eb8da302431cdfa7c37ac9ef1414a33d00292]])
* Fixed problem with refreshing RadioWidget
* Fixed problem with the dragger image being visible in some circumstances
* Fixed drag and drop support on InternetExplorer, contributed by DavidJade (@davidjade on GitHub)
* Fixed crash on modifying page template ([[commit|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a5f33d875b1339b08838203a4885f8a3a7d10353]])
* Updated fullscreen plugin to latest version of the API ([[commit|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/638c8b207033f8cb01ac9efdca104d282fd4cffe]])
* Improved handling of double square brackets within tags (thanks to StephanHradek)
This release includes minor bug fixes and documentation updates.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.4-beta...v5.0.5-beta]]//
!! Improvements
* Added support for [[Setting a favicon]]
!! Bug Fixes
* Fixed problem with modal wizard positioning on narrow screens
* Fix problem with static content being included in empty.html when downloaded from the full wiki
* Improved performance of tiddler import with large tiddlers on Firefox
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.5-beta...v5.0.6-beta]]//
!! Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/324]] support for numeric sorting to TiddlerFilters (thanks to StephanHradek)
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/321]] [[Tables in WikiText]] to allow for vertical alignment of cells (thanks to StephanHradek)
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/87fbd988f1fb0164411af190adfe6b6a2404eef3]] experimental support for running [[TiddlyWiki on node-webkit]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3d79eb87d1c609195b8c518c08e167994b20a346]] an [[$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bd7db62da052ec6262c3319eaa11f00e5c452a7b]] support for specifying hostname for the ServerCommand
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b9e80a270b7f67db816e9b06e2f71f9c9dd86c17]] a first pass at generating an all-in-one static HTML representation of a wiki, complete with internal anchor links for wiki links
** See http://tiddlywiki.com/alltiddlers.html
* [[Hide|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/44568dc6ef64be8c1370df8f682777c2c805fee7]] encryption features when running on the server
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2ee50939447cf2948e49e5905520943ea4075975]] [[double backticks|Formatting in WikiText]] as an alternative for delimitting inline code (thanks to StephanHradek)
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ec7dff291dadb3e128e1db34b4ded6b57bc8ed46]] import ''browse'' button
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ef59a3743f02c726f20e035c5d28665000fda79a]] crash when attempting full screen mode on browsers that don't support it
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/307]] requirement for a newline immediately after a horizontal rule, table or typed block (thanks to StephanHradek)
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/318]] problem with ''placeholder'' attibute on InternetExplorer (thanks to DavidJade)
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.6-beta...v5.0.7-beta]]//
!! Incompatible Changes
These are changes that might affect users upgrading from previous betas.
* The [[node-webkit]] saver has been moved into a plugin - [[$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/nodewebkitsaver]]. The plugin is only needed when embedding a single TiddlyWiki in [[node-webkit]] and is not required for TiddlyDesktop, which as of v.0.0.2 uses the existing TiddlyFox saver.
!! Documentation updates
* A new video tutorial: [[TiddlyWiki on Firefox for Android Video]]
* A first pass at [[TiddlyWiki Coding Style Guidelines]]
* Added an explanation of TemplateTiddlers
* Added documentation for [[saving on a custom PHP server|Saving on a PHP Server]]
* Added documentation for TextWidget
* Summary of the approach for [[Naming of System Tiddlers]]
!! Improvements
* Added support for importing encrypted TiddlyWiki documents
* Added several new [[filter operators|TiddlerFilters]], including ''reverse'', ''first'', ''last'', ''butlast'', ''rest'', ''nth''
* Extend ''list'' filter operator to allow other fields to be used via a TextReference
* Added shortcut in [[$:/ControlPanel]] ''Basics'' tab for setting [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]] to retain tiddler story ordering
* Added emacs and vim keymapping support to the [[CodeMirror plugin|http://tiddlywiki.com/codemirrordemo.html]], (thanks to João Bolila, @jbolila on GitHub)
* Added the [[highlight.js|http://highlightjs.org/]] syntax highlighting plugin: http://tiddlywiki.com/highlightdemo.html (thanks to João Bolila, @jbolila on GitHub)
* Added the first export option to the ''Tools'' tab of the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ffcc215e8f8896be96093579abc5bcfb76335e66]] an ellipsis for [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]] next to the search box in the sidebar
* [[Adjusted|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b326315b0e9959096b85aa716dd613f21605705a]] the password dialogue to make it narrower for smaller screens
* [[Adjusted|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b7a1db1e9fb651928a4f86e1881959150dd66a55]] the display of tiddler dictionaries to make them display as plain text
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b06e09a4d3e25087ca0495e624c8662ddb69224e]] problem with default format of ViewWidget substituting seconds for minutes in displayed times
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e0f428b9b2374487a0758ea80716f337e3c643ff]] problem that was causing several animations to fail in Safari
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f2409d4245bbba0ccdf39186dca6a0cbf16d8759]] problem with unclickable sidebar under the Centralised theme
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0fb13e649b6558961fd8436bc7aac83bfd991983]] problem with non-system tiddlers showing up in system tiddler [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b64b7982af4285be41cca85db1fa745fc009ca29]] problem with notifications not always disappearing in Firefox
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b04141fefd2c0103b525726e4f466c32f0385194]] problem with wiki folders including wiki files with tiddlers that do not have a title
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/12770ca3e694a8f4edeb065e054eddd5957353b8]] problem with ServerCommand logging "Serving on undefined:8080"
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.7-beta...v5.0.8-beta]]//
!! Incompatible Changes
See [[Notes for upgrading to 5.0.8-beta]] for more details of these changes:
* Changed rules for parsing content of HTML elements
* Switched SiteTitle and SiteSubtitle to [[$:/SiteTitle]] and [[$:/SiteSubtitle]]
* Changes to commands used with [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
* Changes to naming of some editions
** Notably ''clientserver'' has changed to ''server''
!! Documentation Improvements
* Improved documentation for TiddlerFilters, including a notation of the [[TiddlerFilter Formal Grammar]] contributed by [[@Tikkoneus|https://github.com/Tikkoneus]]
* Improved documentation for WidgetMessages
* Tiddlers on tiddlywiki.com now have a link to the original source on ~GitHub for pull requests (see the "Sources" tab of the tiddler info panel)
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a01bbd4b9c7ca284141078340c8f568b1e0561a2]] [[automatic saving|AutoSave]] on editing a tiddler and a warning when attempting to close the window with unsaved changes
* Added confirmation dialogue when deleting tiddlers
* Add support for switchable (and editable) ColourPalettes
* Added TranslationMechanism and translations for:
** Deutsch (Österreich and Deutschland) by @pmario
** Français (France) by @xcazin
** Chinese (Simplified and Traditional) by @BramChen
* Add error alerts when syncing to a server
* Rejigged [[$:/ControlPanel]] to use nested tabs
* Added [[$:/TagManager]] for easy management of tags
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e3a05625b2368b2167a2a1b30aa82369e96a7538]] experimental KeyboardWidget, including support for ''ctrl-enter'' (or ''cmd-enter'') to finish editing a tiddler
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e6fa9b8a859867c147fb289859169b204dea003e]] number of tags to control panel ''Basics'' tab
* Enhanced link handling so that control/command clicking a link opens the target tiddler without navigating to it
* Importing tiddlers via drag and drop no longer opens all the tiddlers
!! Scalability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/fa5938221552846c255eb50004996528a09534a9]] support for LazyLoading of images
* Extended RevealWidget to allow control over content retention
!! Hackability Improvements
* Added HelpCommand and InitCommand for [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
* Extended ButtonWidget to allow navigating to a tiddler
* Added experimental support for building plugins in the browser: [[How to create plugins in the browser]]
* Extend the TranscludeWidget to display its content as a fallback if the tiddler or field is missing
* Add logging and AlertMechanism
* Added a ''Filter'' tab to [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* Add ''indexes'' [[filter operator|TiddlerFilters]]
* Control over line width and colour for EditBitmapWidget
* Add support for `.multids` MultiTiddlerFiles
* Extend ViewWidget so that it works with indexes
* Added support for Tank, a new service built on TiddlyWeb: https://tank.peermore.com
* Extend relative dates to work in the future
!! Bug Fixes
* Fixed problem with pasting items into the browser
* Fixed problem with colour pickers not showing correct colour in Chrome
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8e8e31fb9f5ed8f2e5deff0271d434dbe91f503c]] problem with tag pills not working inside table cells
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6d3d3322e5c676e63d1f64dce89ce86e58dcd715]] problem in client server configuration with ''%'' in tiddler titles
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/7eafd51a7dd89d2174be3dec97033dc0bb206677]] problem with not using placeholder text when editing missing tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1a54d590e1e67825057d7693ac89466a093b4577]] problem with test data in certain time zones
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5af30086c02b9d4466c133c87aca76f9b85eea49]] problem with non-breaking space characters being converted into '@' symbols
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5d3dda1a1721af05e56e301a8b896e53f9868540]] problem with highlighting plugin only working in the browser
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/175e86078ce2fed34953f337baf2f0edfc093742]] crash when wiki/themes folder contains files that are not themes
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.8-beta...v5.0.9-beta]]//
!! Highlights
* Improved layout, including a ''hamburger'' icon for dismissing the sidebar and expanding the story river to fill the space
* Added new ''Seamless'' theme
* New ''Filter'' tab in [[$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* Initial implementation of CecilyView
* Overhaul of inconsistencies in TiddlerFilters (see [[Changes to filters in 5.0.9-beta]])
* New translations for Italian and Japanese
* Performance improvements, particularly [[during editing|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0aa559cd23b3742c8f10c5ac144860d816699782]]
!! Documentation Improvements
* Improved and reorganised documentation for TiddlerFilters
* Demo of [[Making curved text with SVG]]
* [[Community]] links are now broken up into individual tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a19432541e776bfb63b1b985a60f472e9f1d4352]] overview diagram of [[TiddlyWiki Architecture]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/7b57561160173667031b5bc15a4f7553d8514c1c]] documentation from buggyj: [[Developing plugins using Node.js and GitHub]]
!! Usability Improvements
* Made the dropdown arrow icon [[skinnier|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ec90ac99cf2767b6ff20902d8b01aa1c36778147]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bca1d552803c1839e7385765314f81c5307632b8]] validation of legal characters for fieldnames
* Added blacklisting of unsafe HTML [[elements|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ba6edd42c125cb19d955a1cb3f54a2d367cb79dc]] and [[attributes|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d0caf21b2df9fda9800eb30489003a87cafb1277]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/baa8cf3dd098bab0a7a8c78b24747c69bd40889f]] a warning indicator to tiddlers in TiddlyWikiClassic format
* [[Add|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/42c67cfeb732fccb10b8ab574c84090dc2471352]] tiddler info ''Advanced'' panel with information about plugins and shadow tiddlers
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/96457d801159958b897f98e22aa9af53b97f0e35]] layout of [[$:/ControlPanel]] ''Plugins'' tab
* [[Enhance|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f48701544eda4f79af86b1ad44340e7182bcf024]] viewing of system tiddlers by fading down the `$:/` prefix
* [[Extend|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/dd3ee2a603cba35770a8f109e070f271d72861f8]] [[$:/TagManager]] to allow icons to be assigned to tags
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/87c4839fed789b80e0942014c05175e36aacc157]] support for `list-before` and `list-after` fields for controlling tag ordering (see TiddlerTags for details)
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3afa26b9a318d913ba162d93a63036cb4a94be59]] request for confirmation before abandoning edits to a tiddler
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bdbbf94326f70db0f8ef196270ab9e92bfde10fb]] [[Transclusion in WikiText]] syntax to allow translusion of a template without affecting the current tiddler
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8a7d0f53d380e9ca93ee34d8ad05090d511e95c4]] `sourceURL` handling to `eval()` so that tiddler modules can be [[properly debugged|https://chromedevtools.googlecode.com/svn-history/r421/trunk/tutorials/breapoints/index.html#regular]] in Chrome
* New ScrollableWidget giving better control over scrollable regions
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d3c0296a87198296cff26aa7ce7bb8274cdcc3f7]] new CSS class `tw-site-title` for the site title
* [[Disable|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e397e4d15951c1395c7752a7563f002ca459206e]] the TiddlyWeb sync adaptor unless the wiki is loaded over HTTP
* Added a [[high resolution timer mechanism|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/dcce4879347e4829d75f10248477731b18b829ef]] and a [[performance measurement mechanism|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d402d3c5a619b6b1642ab03c74ff03a864846a0b]]
* Added a [[basic CSV parser|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5a085f792722c74d259464386138c731b2f014cc]]
* Several measures to enforce the TiddlyWiki programming model:
** [[Refactor|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9de17aa206b21df5c4e29e61bba5d6b49aca6c71]] wiki store object to make members be private
** Freeze tiddler object and [[fields|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/279626a3e3fbd75d60fc3be49b68a99d8ba0a95d]] tiddler fields to enforce their immutability
* [[Extend|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f649b5b037bfd2e7c48d1ba65ffa37064456523d]] the ButtonWidget to be able to set text references
* [[Add|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/afa677b9a0b1dff1239dc1ea08edd210b9736af9]] a class to tiddler frames in view mode
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/50cf9678cb469e443e220b063e2355c844e417e7]] support for [[WidgetMessage: tw-home]]
* [[Hidden|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2608a323ebf3d8a8e925eda6d3a10ebb8f41d383]] system tags from the sidebar ''Tags'' tab
* [[Allow|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/98872bbe7c62faa4aa209fa421c2989aeef3aaf2]] pasting and import of HTML content
* [[Add|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a5a2c718b1d5671652d01e3567dba1c6795b7521]] support for a tooltip on the LinkWidget
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/aa631518152cda5643805c143bf0000bca8d767f]] problem with occasional freezes of the sync mechanism - thanks to buggyj
* Fixed problem with [[tiddlers|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1e960ffcac566c742c44b18d6f0e809d4457b249]] or [[fields|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ea46f85a8a5ad29e8602cbb13667c853903681a6]] called `__proto__`
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/aec618793f41b937676a5a165764dc19d9bbb2b2]] with refreshing the D3 plugin
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/67f3d58f7153ca4d50ce5a14ed72d9d4b6ad9b71]] problem with "null" message when unloading under Internet Explorer 11
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.18-beta...v5.1.0]]//
This is the first full release of TiddlyWiki. Documentation updates made up the bulk of the changes since the previous 5.0.18-beta release.
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b239b3d6230a9f7aab4c9ef6a59aefb4158f45b1]] curly braces from qualified identifiers
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9e6dab06cc2db8263fce083510ae570923b21c0b]] problem with Markdown Maruku mode metadata
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@malgam|https://github.com/malgam]]
* [[@gernert|https://github.com/gernert]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.0...v5.1.1]]//
This is a minor bug fix release to improve the documentation and correct some issues with the first full release of TiddlyWiki.
!! Incompatible Changes
Certain features that were deprecated in [[Release 5.0.17-beta]] have now been removed:
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/62edd1e8a3fddc0c11b87c87b3e5b404d8e1e395]] deprecated `title` attribute on the ButtonWidget
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d047ccdc84ab6f23779c3614712e0d6fa0ef63ec]] support for deprecated `$:/tags/stylesheet` system tag
Note that the next release will also remove support for regular expression filter operands, which was also deprecated in 5.0.17-beta.
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/96b7d0eebaf73dcfd4eccb848b90caaa055e5e20]] first implementation of the [[KaTeX Plugin]] for mathematical typesetting
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@TheDiveO|https://github.com/TheDiveO]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.1...v5.1.2]]//
This is another small release with documentation updates and a few bug fixes and improvements.
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b3df07ae3e190cfb6fc23dbe31c6229fe5e39087]] error handling for malformed or unrecognised ~LaTeX content with [[KaTeX Plugin]]
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/42abef6fbf79342ccbd90b142d48f64ab5c1c38a]] styling of separator before the untagged item in the tags sidebar
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/23c2d90ee8e28f8c68f9ba58fcbc13a56f838d61]] error handling for the upload saver (which is used for saving to TiddlySpot)
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/115245a632e80e9d033957327dfec909a3cd1fc8]] storyview error detection
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b1fb0a2a070a6abc78564e56fdb4244076ac44ac]] crash caused by incorrectly formatted plugins
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/eacb9e53ebf2a814d61bf005d68f449f7b9e63b5]] problem with tiddler info not being removed by the syncer after deleting a tiddler
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e2046ce4ffb6b8232a4ad5e7f51c431798917787]] HTTP handling to treat response code 201 as success
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@Evolena|https://github.com/Evolena]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@simonbaird|https://github.com/simonbaird]]
* [[@TheDiveO|https://github.com/TheDiveO]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.2...v5.1.3]]//
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e872f17842809e33eae177980e9ea0650b6a4c03]] "new journal" button; see [[Creating journal tiddlers]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/70984aa39f8a4061162d4e404bfd158e515c7e6e]] "new here" button; see [[Creating and editing tiddlers]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/00cdd04edd49c2bf0e461071c0c7c50f8aab4e42]] "new journal here" button; see [[Creating journal tiddlers]]
* [[Made|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c6951ee912d1f2717a8c208cbb920e54edf9e5d9]] date format strings be translateable
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/languages/ru-RU]] Russian translation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ef1d5310918dae088ce9361c1682ce0f99cf568a]] confirmation when clearing password
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b7bbcfa05659808c1e51a4f2f5f1d6afbc2ed3a1]] additional prompt when setting password
* [[Increased|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/dc9981322aeb508d5ebac0b691b0d703f8c1995e]] size of the clear search button
* [[Upgraded|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/564457de1c991df15263040d2d5526fa8ae879bb]] to [[KaTeX v0.1.1|https://github.com/Khan/KaTeX/releases/tag/v0.1.1]], with support for several additional LaTeX features
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2ffe53f1916e4b746cc6d7e74e8f4ac75c72e38a]] audio "parser" for handling [[Audio]] content
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0dcf54c3b59ed04645928f0ec4ced647e5a0da7f]] support for ActionWidgets
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/65504d5d41e45326ab1b1b6c0c21eea4c9772797]] new <<.olink addprefix>> and <<.olink addsuffix>> operators
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0c8e5380778303cdd3308bed4a15290214841f8b]] support for custom password prompts
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c26bd4c5a872f56c47e9f5cfc3fada468c53ddde]] the ListMacro to display ''caption'' field if present
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/12e26009eef5e29140ba1a880ff033428d673630]] ImageWidget to allow percentage width and height to be specified
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/cc576b052e2b05fd93fcb4f3eb8d9ee5278abf3e]] the <<.olink each>> operator to work with missing tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5dd6ebff05a3380db2901294b2cfc89c1a0e71bf]] problem with tiddler width in zoomin storyview with the sidebar hidden
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/09b6540998fec6bf1fb14842be8e8c53dbd5c46a]] bug whereby the `tm-home` message wasn't navigating to a tiddler, causing problems in zoomin storyview
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3ca8d7b6cca46ffa424bcf9bdc134da464fc84f4]] problem with jumping toolbar icons under Firefox
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f85b07e70b71d0622a9459e4b04e2027540abda8]] problem with untagged label being incorrectly coloured
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b3dcd7d625ec83701ef3a77f3fb8101af57c154f]] problem with title background colours with the "Sticky Titles" theme
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5211f9c40c874a167174e8c0d439db34189d3329]] problem with subfilter parameter of TimelineMacro
* [[Exclude|https://groups.google.com/d/topic/tiddlywiki/YPACpXhH9PY/discussion]] search string tiddler from search results
!! Node.js Changes
//These changes are only relevant to people using TiddlyWiki under Node.js//
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/63c174d7ed56284e80ad6cd6ae966b81f9181cc9]] ~KaTeX plugin to be able to work under Node.js to generate static HTML
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/49dc5694a391a391264a4473e4f4422e2472a3b3]] "includeWikis" to merge build targets
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/969]] the build scripts for tiddlywiki.com into a separate repository at https://github.com/Jermolene/build.jermolene.github.io
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/744245ea3249446fd15f504190efb1d828935d01]] boot kernel to raise an error if a missing wiki folder is specified on the command line
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@andrey013|https://github.com/andrey013]]
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]]
* [[@Eucaly|https://github.com/Eucaly]]
* [[@Evolena|https://github.com/Evolena]]
* [[@fghhfg|https://github.com/fghhfg]]
* [[@Marxsal|https://github.com/Marxsal]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@simonbaird|https://github.com/simonbaird]]
* [[@TheDiveO|https://github.com/TheDiveO]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.3...v5.1.4]]//
This is a small release with documentation improvements and some important bug fixes from [[Release 5.1.3]].
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6681a8e1f2fd3f39d92a1480b5b573a6c831515d]] a toolbar button for advanced search
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/53d834c86be2f97599a9486c0eae4777c51d9093]] dragging behaviour so that you can drag a tiddler title into an edit box to insert the title, making link creation easier. (This change doesn't affect the behaviour of dragging tiddler links between TiddlyWiki windows)
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/26e50b81e579b7f2d190ca3662cadcf82764c8a7]] additional theme tweaks for the body text size and line height
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1b620387dda2d16bf387a89071188762455890c4]] the ViewWidget to work with subtiddlers
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ddc74955427f8a7291ee964c42a771a112007789]] problem with search counts
!! Node.js Changes
//These changes are only relevant to people using TiddlyWiki under Node.js//
* Fixed problem with missing wiki folder warnings by [[removing|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9fedf3865778fd3aa50c2f049c2b81061c8cd778]] and [[re-implementing|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e62e38d66c6eb447bbd8f16b5beec0fe0276ea0d]] the fix from [[Release 5.1.3]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5d600ce31b1d1162529ae8043bb342e2165c4b13]] coloured warnings and errors under Node.js
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@danielo515|https://github.com/danielo515]]
* [[@gernert|https://github.com/gernert]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.4...v5.1.5]]//
!! Translation Improvements
* Added new translators edition making it much easier to create and maintain translations of TiddlyWiki
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/615425cf0634233d27f4f1ea430589b2a618feb6]] improved Japanese translation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8ba1a9b72ac5a4f50a4f670a24393d564c137c0c]] new Danish translation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/14a64ef3effc1e4cf1098b35af6d6cb864d77ac2]] new Greek translation
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Improvements|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/09a3f94d79fc6eacbfd46c86594748e996191eb2]] to tooltips for accessibility
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6fc5c70ace43219710983f6d9640f4b01d620908]] export button to tiddler toolbar, page controls and [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]] "filter" tab
* Improved layout of [[$:/TagManager]]
* [[Simplified|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0a986ccd995266bf3a47182fa584d79f9dd3e153]] default tiddler toolbar buttons
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/63b00fd0f80ce0c9917e233287d4a0138e8c385f]] advanced search button to sidebar search results
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4d061d0fee959fdc5ab470dc8f8379bedfa946d9]] search results by listing title matches at the top
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/da1f9f7d2233eb2aacc027bc1fc1053fa8b7bc2e]] input box for specifying new field value in edit template
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0bb8e08edca61f415aa084327b6751c278e45108]] tag pill rendering so that the foreground colour is dynamically chosen for maximum contrast with the background colour
* Enhancements to many of the [[core icons|ImageGallery Example]]
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1dfa6f369bddd8dedba2e47dc4707eba28ccf4e1]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/145713e7668a41320981ed87b448542cd30d13dc]], [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3035badf144abb85f5d42b2b1d395cf0f65fb03e]] and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e69e2c1c91002c296e1789532ca74286fae8d5a4]]) unnecessary confirmations when abandoning or deleting unmodified tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a5c7089bcfe3d2439eb082535527a7cc767891cc]] a subtle rounded corner to tiddlers and tabs
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6f0d581d720e611fade3b3f346ad0409ef5e291b]] automatic focusing of the title of newly created tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/81481588e07ed3cb1e378a6c6f21d26dcbaa8345]] advanced search links on tiddler counts in [[$:/ControlPanel]]
!! Hackability Improvements
* Introduced new ActionSetFieldWidget, ActionDeleteFieldWidget and ActionDeleteTiddlerWidget for manipulating tiddler fields and values
* [[Enhanced|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c7971d3da3bbef4bbc81d4462ee93590adc248f8]] [[WidgetMessage: tm-new-tiddler]] to allow a skeleton to be specified with additional fields
* [[Enhanced|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4a172125768e3b33c30e725e8550454a9d26c5c4]] the EditTextWidget to allow more control over the sizing of textarea editors
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/13726ef73157d9e9d65ae4027d9c32aaa7cdcc90]] new canned filter for recently modified system tiddlers in [[$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c20c935faabbb63f679bc4720b52162c56b6af64]] new system image for videos: [[$:/core/images/video]]
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c13cf94413c94ee56bebc60fab2d9231d1824d88]] search results to allow custom visualisations - see [[Customising search results]]
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a3a50dbf6d96e7441e5e8ec183e40134bc4eb618]] TimelineMacro to be able to use different date fields
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8260d000be1cf1caf35a557f6cd54a0fb8ccf4f0]] the <<.olink search>> operator to allow a field to be specified
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/73491f14dd63612d527632210d2c3873eb81188f]] the highlight plugin to display tabs as spaces
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/91a7c397911726e391ca368f96b50fbe1687d56a]] modal handling to permit variables to be passed to the modal (see [[WidgetMessage: tm-modal]])
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/853f5fd06402b16e271e8f119ef380de485aeff2]] simple logging to help track down drop/paste issues (see http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/#ImportLogging)
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b520efdeb83f6ac7536a69cf5af2bab3f94cf77f]] [[WidgetMessage: tm-download-file]] and [[WidgetMessage: tm-save-wiki]] to allow variables to be specified for the rendering
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f5055c0205d24102a36b9cf3a9dd9306e148a1f0]] [[TableOfContentsMacro Tabbed Example]]
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/79e428757b5562bd4a925b9b0428ea4ba70ad05a]] RevealWidget so that it can be used without specifying a state tiddler
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/90caf5bf42523cfb6cd603b979aadb719ddcede4]] "hooks" mechanism so that plugins can modify the default tiddler list
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b882a0dff12dc2660426de53e64d8c018f3a9d84]] support for nested popups
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/90096cbd367a7a685fb5dc5b2cbaa69a00d8199f]] problem with CodeMirror editor and missing tiddlers
* [[Exclude|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5093cdc86047209f23b9ead5ee0f216d0414e4f2]] drafts from TableOfContentsMacro
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5599f9f9338a5f96080143b2192214a78b961509]] problem with encoding of HTML tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/835e3a945244dd8a07f4c7fd570eb890e9fdcc2c]] problem with sticky titles being covered by vertical tabs
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d1bbe7253c135ceed138fd02c82b0f861d5dda6b]] flicker when automatically resizing textareas
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4bf6fe7fe9416f4e304036302ab5727148ae5222]] JSON deserialiser so that all fields can be imported
!! Node.js Changes
//These changes are only relevant to people using TiddlyWiki under Node.js//
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8e685e5150e636aed6655c6caa09c7b6cffdcea2]] ''includeWikis'' mechanism of TiddlyWikiFolders to allow read-only wikis to be included
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/cea963420ca2800b86989e29d42d06ccb7ea2a00]] error handling under Node.js
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/17a594a97ad5655142c834dfd5fa68855a61d201]] UnpackPluginCommand
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/04d26e6fae20671a6d455e113f7b0afedabc7122]] EditionsCommand to list the available editions
!! Changes affecting plugin authors
* [[Disabled|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f7a2849d27bb082e4bbf6b056a800a1edb30f510]] wiki change events for shadow tiddlers
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d93c19daaa126f0938048009a83796cb52690541]] structure of widget messages that have a hashmap parameter
* The support for nested popups has necessitated a change in the way that popups are styled that affects popups that are triggered with the focusPopup attribute of the EditTextWidget: it is now necessary for the widget to be given the class `tc-popup-handle`.
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@andrey013|https://github.com/andrey013]]
* Birthe C
* [[@Braincoke|https://github.com/Braincoke]]
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@danielo515|https://github.com/danielo515]]
* [[@erwanm|https://github.com/erwanm]]
* [[@Evolena|https://github.com/Evolena]]
* [[@giffmex|https://github.com/giffmex]]
* [[@inmysocks|https://github.com/inmysocks]]
* Makoto Hirohashi
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@Skeeve|https://github.com/Skeeve]]
* [[@tobibeer|https://github.com/tobibeer]]
* [[@welford|https://github.com/welford]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.5...v5.1.6]]//
!! Translation Improvements
* Added Dutch translation
* Updated Danish and Japanese translations
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Allow|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b29973312d7c16292cabb493e5914668f7c3f127]] buttons to be styled to look like internal links
* [[Disabled|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5b38c21a417d2e5e2b85aed8010c88af32420e24]] linking when transcluding ''caption'' field in TableOfContentsMacro
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b220c19fb7b789eb6d00c9d1a71414676d87130e]] support for templates to tabbed TableOfContentsMacro
* [[Allow|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/31b5eb1578640fabe8712f0cd4edd49708bc4493]] shadow tiddlers to appear in TableOfContentsMacro
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5154a25ab95f0cc08eb079a624be4fd3353e6dbd]] tooltip to BrowseWidget
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/42dba113ccdb18d7e76ac7a773c7dca532207007]] handling of missing tiddlers by the <<.olink has>> and <<.olink field>> operators
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/182c2428ca7b38d00d36d2d6650e761026470e63]] problem with download saver using incorrect filename
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d031a93c6d607d5b10d025149608f10977181e26]] [[problem|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1010]] with processing of date format templates
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a0c13a0856cb6b4a2592acdd46975e44eb7c53a8]] problem with ''storytop'' theme tweak not being respected when the narrow responsive design kicks in
!! Node.js Changes
//These changes are only relevant to people using TiddlyWiki under Node.js//
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bb74be7ac1a24eeaee10a3cb3d3633e3aa318632]] problem with "all tiddlers" static HTML export
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/51db48acc901d8fb298d9b0f7f10b47ffe90df05]] incorrect checking for an empty folder with the InitCommand
!! Changes affecting plugin authors
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1e47a62c2af392f30a492da732b33b89f23a2e4c]] `$tw.utils.each` so that the loop can be broken out of
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@anavarre|https://github.com/anavarre]]
* [[@Drakor|https://github.com/Drakor]]
* [[@dullroar|https://github.com/dullroar]]
* [[@erwanm|https://github.com/erwanm]]
* [[@malgam|https://github.com/malgam]]
* [[@nameanyone|https://github.com/nameanyone]]
* [[@pekopeko1|https://github.com/pekopeko1]]
* [[@Spangenhelm|https://github.com/Spangenhelm]]
* [[@tobibeer|https://github.com/tobibeer]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.6...v5.1.7]]//
This is an hot fix release with the following change over [[Release 5.1.6]]:
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a31aa25d0c00187ff829d74108f018e44b5cb3c5]] typo in GettingStarted
Here are the details of recent releases of TiddlyWiki5. See [[TiddlyWiki5 Versioning]] for details of how releases are named.
(BetaReleases and AlphaReleases are listed separately).
<$list filter="[tag[ReleaseNotes]!sort[created]limit[1]]">
<$macrocall $name="tabs" tabsList="[tag[ReleaseNotes]!sort[created]]"default={{!!title}} class="tc-vertical" template="ReleaseTemplate" />
<h2><$link to=<<currentTab>>><$view tiddler=<<currentTab>> field="title"/></$link></h2>
^^Released <$view tiddler=<<currentTab>> field="released" format="date" template="DDth MMM YYYY at 0hh:0mm">TBA</$view>^^
<$transclude tiddler=<<currentTab>> />
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="a string of characters"
output="those input titles that start with <<.place s>>, but with those characters discarded"
<<.operator-examples "removeprefix">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[My Cat]] [[Your Garden]] [[My Favourite Armchair]] +[removeprefix[My ]]">>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="a string of characters"
output="those input titles that end with <<.place s>>, but with those characters discarded"
<<.operator-examples "removesuffix">>
<<.operator-example 1 "SIMPLEX Googolplex Complex +[removesuffix[plex]]">>
You can report bugs or problems with TiddlyWiki via our [[discussion groups|Forums]]. If you have a GitHub account then you can raise an issue there:
Unless you are already familiar with GitHub, it's usually easiest to report problems through the discussion groups.
! TiddlyWiki on GitHub
We use GitHub Issues to manage bug reports and feature requests for TiddlyWiki. To maintain their effectiveness we endeavour to have as few open issues as possible.
!! Policies for Managing Issues
Open issues should be actionable: generally either a reproducible bug report, or a specific feature request. From the perspective of the core developers, the issues list behaves like a shared todo list. Every item on the list requires a little bit of attention each time we check the list.
GitHub Issues are not very good for managing ideas that are not immediately actionable. Better to use the [[TiddlyWiki discussion groups|Forums]] for open ended questions, or speculative discussions of new features.
!! Creating Issues
Before creating a GitHub issue it is good etiquette to search through the existing issues to see whether the problem has already been reported. If a search isn't practical, don't worry too much; GitHub makes it easy to merge existing issues.
When you do create an issue, remember that for effective debugging, we need as much information as possible. At a minimum, please try to include:
* A descriptive title
* A summary
* Steps to reproduce
* Expected behaviour
* Context (OS, browser etc.)
Consider also adding screenshots if it makes things clearer.
There's a lot of good material on the web about bug reports:
* http://mhay68.tumblr.com/post/1648223018/what-makes-a-good-bug-report
* http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/bugs.html
These are sites with resources created by the TiddlyWiki [[Community]] help you get the best out of TiddlyWiki: plugins, macros and more. Submit new entries via GitHub, Twitter or by posting in the [[TiddlyWiki Groups]].
<div class="tc-link-info">
<$list filter='[tag[Resources]!sort[modified]]'>
<div class="tc-link-info-item">
! <$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
<div class="tc-subtitle">Posted <$view field="modified" format="relativedate"/></div>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="an integer, defaulting to 1"
output="all but the first <<.place n>> input titles"
<<.olink butfirst>> and <<.olink bf>> are synonyms for <<.op rest>>.
<<.operator-examples "rest">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]rest[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]rest[3]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O +[rest[5]]">>
! Introduction
The reveal widget hides or shows its content depending upon the value of a [[state tiddler|StateTiddlers]]. The type of the widget determines the condition for the content being displayed:
* type=''match'': the content is displayed if the state tiddler matches a specified value
* type=''nomatch'': the content is displayed if the state tiddler doesn't match a specified value
* type=''popup'': the content is displayed as a popup as described in the PopupMechanism
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$reveal>` widget is displayed according to the rules given above.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|state |The title of the tiddler containing the state |
|type |The type of matching performed: ''match'', ''nomatch'' or ''popup'' |
|text |The text to match when the type is ''match'' and ''nomatch'' |
|position |The position used for the popup when the type is ''popup''. Can be ''left'', ''above'', ''aboveright'', ''right'', ''belowleft'' or ''below'' |
|default |Default value to use when the state tiddler is missing |
|animate |Set to "yes" to animate opening and closure (defaults to "no") |
|retain |Set to "yes" to force the content to be retained even when hidden (defaults to "no")|
Retaining the content when hidden can give poor performance since the hidden content requires refresh processing even though it is not displayed. On the other hand, the content can be revealed much more quickly. Note that setting ''animate="yes"'' will also force ''retain="yes"''.
! Examples
!! Simple content reveal
Here's a simple example of showing and hiding content with buttons:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '<$button set="$:/state/SampleReveal1" setTo="show">Show me</$button>
<$button set="$:/state/SampleReveal1" setTo="hide">Hide me</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/SampleReveal1" text="show">
! This is the revealed content
And this is some text
!! "Slider"
A slider appears as a single button that can be used to toggle the display of the contained content.
<<wikitext-example-without-html '<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/SampleReveal2" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SampleReveal2" setTo="show">Show me</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/SampleReveal2" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SampleReveal2" setTo="hide">Hide me</$button>
! This is the revealed content
And this is some text
!! Popup
Here is a simple example of a popup built with the RevealWidget:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '<$button popup="$:/SamplePopupState">Pop me up!</$button>
<$reveal type="popup" state="$:/SamplePopupState">
<div class="tc-drop-down">
! This is the popup
And this is some text
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
output="the input, in reverse order"
<<.operator-examples "reverse">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]reverse[]]">>
Even though TiddlyWiki is now out of beta, there are still many improvements planned for the coming months:
* Fixing hangovers from TiddlyWikiClassic
* ~TiddlyWiki file format (to avoid illegal attribute names)
* Aliases (alternative titles for tiddlers)
* Search and replace
* Tiddler renaming
* Rich link tooltips, incorporating a preview
* More keyboard shortcuts
* Keyboard snippet expansion in the text editor
* List editor with drag and drop
* Selective/weighted searching by title, body and fields
* Maths notation
Also see the issues list on GitHub: https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5
! Introduction
Safe mode provides a way to disabling most customisations in TiddlyWiki. This is useful because if TiddlyWiki is customised incorrectly it can be rendered inoperable. A particular issue is that some customisations break when upgrading to a newer core version of TiddlyWiki (especially during the beta).
! Enabling Safe Mode
Safe mode is enabled in the browser by starting TiddlyWiki with the URL hash set to the string `#:safe`. For example:
! How Safe Mode Works
Safe mode triggers two changes:
* All plugins are temporarily disabled. You can use the control panel to disable individual plugins
* Any tiddlers that override shadow tiddlers are renamed to give them the prefix `SAFE: `, thus restoring the underlying shadow tiddler
A report tiddler is displayed that allows you to inspect the tiddlers that were renamed.
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
suffix="the name of a [[date field|Date Fields]], defaulting to <<.field modified>>"
parameter="a date, in the [[format|DateFormat]] `YYYYMMDD`"
output="those input tiddlers in which field <<.place f>> has the value <<.place d>>, ignoring time"
If <<.place d>> is not a valid date, the output is empty.
<<.place d>> may include a time of day, but this is ignored.
<<.operator-examples "sameday">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[sameday[20140410]]" "tiddlers modified on 10 April 2014">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[sameday:created[20140410]]" "tiddlers created on 10 April 2014">>
This is a demonstration alert.
Note that the trashcan icon deletes the tiddler containing this alert. You can also remove it by opening the tiddler SampleAlert and editing it to remove the tag [[$:/tags/Alert]].
! Hello, <<yourName>>
This is an example modal containing the following message:
{{$:/core/images/done-button}} This is a notification!
This is the fourth of our sample tabs.
This is the first of our sample tabs.
This is the third of our sample tabs.
This is the second of our sample tabs.
This is test tiddler SampleTiddlerFirst.
This is test tiddler SampleTiddlerSecond.
This is test tiddler SampleTiddlerThird.
This is a modal wizard dialogue, stored in the tiddler SampleWizard.
{{Motovun Jack.jpg}}
You can <$button message="tm-modal" param="SampleWizard2">nest wizards</$button>.
This is another modal wizard dialogue, stored in the tiddler SampleWizard2.
You can <$button message="tm-modal" param="SampleWizard">nest wizards</$button>.
Available methods for saving changes with TiddlyWiki:
<<list-links "[tag[Saving]]">>
The built-in TiddlySpot saver can also be used to save changes to a simple PHP script that you can run on most hosting providers.
//These are preliminary instructions that need verification//
# Download a copy of ''store.php'' from:
#* https://code.google.com/p/bidix/source/browse/trunk/TiddlyHome/_th/lib/store.php
# Edit your copy of ''store.php'' to add your username(s) and password(s). Find the line `$USERS = array( 'UserName1'=>'Password1', etc)` and replace Username1 and Password1 with your desired username and password
#* Make sure you leave all the punctuation and code, such as the single quotes, intact
# Save the file
# Using FTP or your web interface, upload ''store.php'' to your server. Make sure that the filename is correct
#* If you've uploaded the file correctly you should be able to view it in your browser (eg, http://example.com/store.php)
# In TiddlyWiki, go to the ''Saving'' tab of the control panel and enter the following information:
#* Your username as the wiki name
#* Your password
#* The URL of the ''store.php'' file (//''not'' the URL of the wiki, this must the full URL to the ''store.php'' file//)
The control panel ''Saving'' tab includes the following configuration options:
|!Name |!Description |
|Server URL |The full URL to the ''store.php'' file on your server |
|Upload filename |The filename used to save the TiddlyWiki (defaults to ''index.html'') |
|Upload directory |The relative path from ''store.php'' to the directory used for saving the file |
|Backup directory |The relative path from ''store.php'' to the directory used for backups |
The AndTidWiki app for Android devices makes it possible to edit and save changes to TiddlyWiki5, including working offline without a network connection. [[Download it here|https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.mgsimon.android.andtidwiki]].
//Note that AndTidWiki is published independently of TiddlyWiki//
By default, TiddlyWiki saves changes on InternetExplorer 10 and above using a saver module that downloads the newly modified file, rather than saving it directly. There are two alternatives that both save changes directly to the file:
* [[Use the TiddlyIE browser extension|Saving with TiddlyIE]]
* Use the [[Windows HTA Hack]] by renaming the TiddlyWiki HTML file to have the extension `*.hta`.
The iPad/iPhone app ''TWEdit'' makes it possible to edit and save changes to TiddlyWiki5, including working offline without a network connection. [[Download it here|https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/twedit/id409607956?mt=8]].
Instructions for use:
# Open TWEdit
# Touch the title in the centre of the toolbar in order
#* A text box should appear allowing you to enter a URL
# Enter the URL `http://tiddlywiki.com/empty.html`
# When the empty TiddlyWiki5 has loaded, touch the ''save'' icon (it's the second icon from the right on the top toolbar)
#* An alert box should appear allowing you to enter a local filename
# Enter the filename you wish to use for the document (ending with `.html`)
# Edit your TiddlyWiki as normal
# To save changes, click the ''save'' button in the sidebar
#* A confirmation message should appear at the upper right
//Note that TWEdit is published independently of TiddlyWiki//
This method of saving changes is clunky because it requires manual intervention for each save.
# [[Download]] an empty TiddlyWiki by clicking this button:
#> {{$:/editions/tw5.com/snippets/download-empty-button}}
#> If the button doesn't work save this link: http://tiddlywiki.com/empty.html
#> Your browser may ask you to accept the download before it begins
# Locate the file you just downloaded
#* You may rename it, but be sure to keep the `.html` or `.htm` extension
# Open the file in Safari
# Try creating a new tiddler using the ''new tiddler'' {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar. Type some content for the tiddler, and click the {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''done'' button
# Save your changes by clicking the {{$:/core/images/save-button}} ''save changes'' button in the sidebar
# A popup "Download changes" window is displayed that includes a link labelled //Right-click to save changes//
# Right-click on the link and select "Download Linked File As..." from the popup menu
# Navigate to the folder containing your wiki HTML file and select the existing file
# Click the "Save" button
# Click "Replace" to confirm replacing the existing file
# Verify that your changes have been saved correctly
TiddlySpot is a free hosting service for TiddlyWiki documents from Simon and Daniel Baird. The easiest way to get started is to sign up for a new wiki at http://tiddlyspot.com - by default you'll get the latest release of TiddlyWiki.
You can upload an existing TiddlyWiki document from your local disc to TiddlySpot it by following these steps:
# Sign up for a new wiki at http://tiddlyspot.com/, and remember the wiki name and password
# Open your locally stored TiddlyWiki document in your browser
# Fill in the TiddlySpot wikiname and password in the control panel
# Click the "Save Changes" button. You should get a confirmation notification at the top right saying ''Saved wiki''. Saving can take several seconds if you're on a slow connection or working with a large wiki.
# Navigate to your TiddlySpot URL at http://{wikiname}.tiddlyspot.com/
Note that your password is sent unencrypted when using TiddlySpot. From http://faq.tiddlyspot.com/:
''Is Tiddlyspot secure?''
No. Tiddlyspot does not use SSL/https. Your password is sent in clear text when uploading and when authenticating to access a private site. This means that your Tiddlyspot is vulnerable to packet sniffing and your password could be discovered by a malicious third party. Also your data is transmitted unencrypted when you view your site, even if it is a private site. For this reason please don't put sensitive information such as banking details in your Tiddlyspot and don't use a password that you use for other high security sites.
! Problems with saving on TiddlySpot
In case you run into this error when uploading a new or freshly upgraded local TiddlyWiki to TiddlySpot :
Error while saving:
Error:NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI: Access to restricted URI denied
The upgrade operation falls foul of a security restriction in Firefox. Until this can be resolved, we suggest using Chrome.
*# Use Chrome to open the local TiddlyWiki document you want to upload to TiddlySpot and follow the steps 1 through 5 described above
*# Once you've checked the TiddlySpot-hosted TiddlyWiki loads properly in Chrome, you should be able to access, edit and [[save using TiddlyFox|Saving with TiddlyFox]] again
* After you've uploaded your local document once, further editing and saving of the online version hosted on TiddlySpot should work with any modern browser of your choice.
** Don't forget to fill in the TiddlySpot wikiname and password in your TiddlySpot TiddlyWiki control panel for any new browser you want to use for saving changes
* //See also : [[Upgrading]]//
This method of saving changes is clunky because it requires manual intervention for each save. It has the advantage of working on almost all desktop browsers, and many mobile browsers.
# [[Download]] an empty TiddlyWiki by clicking this button:
#> {{$:/editions/tw5.com/snippets/download-empty-button}}
#> If the button doesn't work save this link: http://tiddlywiki.com/empty.html
#> Your browser may ask you to accept the download before it begins
# Locate the file you just downloaded
#* You may rename it, but be sure to keep the `.html` or `.htm` extension
# Open the file in your browser
# Try creating a new tiddler using the ''new tiddler'' {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar. Type some content for the tiddler, and click the {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''done'' button
# Save your changes by clicking the {{$:/core/images/save-button}} ''save changes'' button in the sidebar
# Your browser will download a new copy of the wiki incorporating your changes
# Locate the newly downloaded file and open it in your browser
# Verify that your changes have been saved correctly
''Tip'': most browsers have an option to prompt each time for the download location. This allows you to select the existing version of the file and replace it.
If you're using [[Firefox for Android]], see the instructions for [[Saving with TiddlyFox on Android]].
# Ensure you have the latest version of [[Firefox]]
#* http://getfirefox.com
# Install the latest release of the TiddlyFox extension from:
#* https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tiddlyfox/
# Restart [[Firefox]]
# [[Download]] an empty TiddlyWiki by clicking this button:
#> {{$:/editions/tw5.com/snippets/download-empty-button}}
# Locate the file you just downloaded
#* You may rename it, but be sure to keep the `.html` or `.htm` extension
# Open the file in [[Firefox]]
# Click ''OK'' in response to the prompt from TiddlyFox that asks whether to enable saving for this file
# Try creating a new tiddler using the ''plus'' {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar. Type some content for the tiddler, and click the {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''tick'' button
# Save your changes by clicking the {{$:/core/images/save-button}} ''Save changes'' button in the sidebar
#* Look for the yellow notification ''Saved wiki'' at the top right of the window
# Refresh the browser window to verify that your changes have been saved correctly
(Alternatively, see the [[video tutorial|TiddlyWiki on Firefox for Android Video]])
# Ensure you have the latest version of [[Firefox for Android]]
#* http://getfirefox.com
# Install the latest release of the TiddlyFox extension from:
#* https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tiddlyfox/
# Install this extension to be able to save the TiddlyWiki file locally:
#* https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/android/addon/save-link-menus/
# [[Download]] an empty TiddlyWiki by saving this link:
#* http://tiddlywiki.com/empty.html
#> (to save the link, ensure you've installed the "save-link-menus" extension and then long-press on the link and choose "Save link")
# When the file has downloaded, click on it within the notification tray or the download manager application
# Choose to open the file in Firefox (rather than the default Android viewer)
# Click ''OK'' in response to the prompt from TiddlyFox that asks whether to enable saving for this file
# Try creating a new tiddler using the ''plus'' {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar. Type some content for the tiddler, and click the {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''tick'' button
# Save your changes by clicking the {{$:/core/images/save-button}} ''Save changes'' button in the sidebar
#* Look for the yellow notification ''Saved wiki'' at the top right of the window
# Refresh the browser window to verify that your changes have been saved correctly
# Install the TiddlyIE add-on from:
#* https://github.com/davidjade/TiddlyIE/releases
# Restart Internet Explorer. IE will prompt you to enable the TiddlyIE add-on.
#> You may also see a prompt to enable the //Microsoft Script Runtime//
# [[Download]] an empty TiddlyWiki by saving this link:
#> http://tiddlywiki.com/empty.html
# Locate the file you just downloaded
#* You may rename it, but be sure to keep the `.html` extension
# Open the file in Internet Explorer
# Try creating a new tiddler using the ''plus'' {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar. Type some content for the tiddler, and click the {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''tick'' button
# Save your changes by clicking the {{$:/core/images/save-button}} ''Save changes'' button in the sidebar. Internet Explorer will ask for your consent to save the file locally by presenting a file ''Save As'' dialog.
# Refresh the browser window to verify that your changes have been saved correctly
You might expect that TiddlyWiki's architecture as a SinglePageApplication would make it unsuitable for large amounts of data. In fact, TiddlyWiki users regularly work with files that are 20 or 30 megabytes without problems - and successful experiments have been done up into the gigabytes.
! Script Files
The TiddlyWiki5 repository contains several scripts in the `bin` folder that you can use to automate common tasks, or as a useful starting point for your own scripts. See [[Scripts for building tiddlywiki.com]] for details of the scripts used to build and release http://tiddlywiki.com/.
All the scripts expect to be run from the root folder of the repository.
!! `serve`: serves tw5.com
./bin/serve.sh -h
./bin/serve.sh [edition dir] [username] [password] [host] [port]
./bin/serve.cmd -h
./bin/serve.cmd [edition dir] [username] [password] [host] [port]
This script starts TiddlyWiki5 running as an HTTP server, defaulting to the content from the `tw5.com-server` edition. By default, the Node.js serves on port 8080. If the optional `username` parameter is provided, it is used for signing edits. If the `password` is provided then HTTP basic authentication is used. Run the script with the `-h` parameter to see online help.
To experiment with this configuration, run the script and then visit `` in a browser.
Changes made in the browser propagate to the server over HTTP (use the browser developer console to see these requests). The server then syncs changes to the file system (and logs each change to the screen).
!! `test`: build and run tests
This script runs the `test` edition of TiddlyWiki on the server to perform the server-side tests and to build `test.html` for running the tests in the browser.
!! `lazy`: serves tw5.com with lazily loaded images
./bin/lazy.sh <username> [<password>]
./bin/lazy.cmd <username> [<password>]
This script serves the `tw5.com-server` edition content with LazyLoading applied to images.
!! `2bld`: builds TiddlyWiki 2.6.5
This script builds TiddlyWiki 2.6.5 from the original source and then displays the differences between them (`diff` is used for *nix, `fc` for Windows).
! Introduction
The scrollable widget wraps its content in a scrollable frame. The user can scroll the contents with the mouse or with touch gestures. Code can use the [[WidgetMessage: tm-scroll]] to programmatically scroll specific DOM nodes into view.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$scrollable>` widget is displayed within a pair of wrapper DIVs. If the inner DIV is larger then it scrolls within the outer one. CSS is used to specify the size of the outer wrapper.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|class |The CSS class(es) to be applied to the outer DIV |
|fallthrough |See below |
If a scrollable widget can't handle the `tm-scroll` message because the inner DIV fits within the outer DIV, then by default the message falls through to the parent widget. Setting the ''fallthrough'' attribute to `no` prevents this behaviour.
! Examples
This example requires the following CSS definitions from [[$:/_tw5.com-styles]]:
.tc-scrollable-demo {
border: 1px solid <<colour message-border>>;
background-color: <<colour message-background>>;
padding: 1em;
height: 400px;
This wiki text shows how to display a list within the scrollable widget:
<<wikitext-example-without-html "<$scrollable class='tc-scrollable-demo'>
<$list filter='[!is[system]]'>
<$view field='title'/>: <$list filter='[all[current]links[]sort[title]]' storyview='pop'>
<$link><$view field='title'/></$link>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
suffix="optionally, the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]]"
parameter="one or more search terms, separated by spaces"
output="those input tiddlers in which <<.em all>> of the search terms can be found in the value of field <<.place f>>"
negationOutput="those input tiddlers in which <<.em not>> all of the search terms can be so found"
When used with a suffix, the <<.op search>> operator is similar to <<.olink regexp>> but less powerful.
If the suffix is omitted, a tiddler is deemed to match if all the search terms appear in the combination of its <<.field tags>>, <<.field text>> and <<.field title>> fields.
The search ignores the difference between capital and lowercase letters.
<<.operator-examples "search">>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-example" n="1" eg="[!is[system]search[table]]" ie="non-system tiddlers containing the word <<.word table>>"/>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-example" n="2" eg="[all[shadows]search[table]]" ie="shadow tiddlers containing the word <<.word table>>"/>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-example" n="3" eg="[search:caption[arch]]" ie="tiddlers containing `arch` in their <<.field caption>> field"/>
Searching is fast and flexible in ~TiddlyWiki.
''Standard search''
Typing text into the search box in the sidebar will turn up a list of all the tiddlers that contain that text.
://(Note that the sidebar tabs will be hidden by the search results until you click the 'x' to the right of the search box to remove the search results)//
''Advanced searching''
Clicking on the magnifying glass icon to the right of the search box will open [[$:/AdvancedSearch]]. This tiddler contains four tabs:
* The ''standard'' tab contains another instance of the search box found in the sidebar
* The ''system'' tab allows you to limit your search to system tiddlers
* The ''shadows'' tab allows you to limit your search to shadow tiddlers
* The ''filter'' tab is not a search box, per se, but a way to obtain a list of all tiddlers that meet the specific criteria described by that [[filter|Filters]], for example, "All tags except system tags"
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
! Introduction
The select widget displays a popup menu based on a [[HTML select element|https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/select]]. The popup (or dropdown) contains a list of items defined by `<option>` and `<optgroup>` elements.
Every time the user selects a new value in the menu, the selected value is written to the text of a specified tiddler field or index. If the tiddler value changes the menu is automatically updated to reflect the new value.
For example, this select widget displays a list of the tags in this wiki:
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler=<<qualify 'select-demo'>> default='HelloThere'>
<$list filter='[all[shadows+tiddlers]tags[]sort[title]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
The <$link to=<<qualify "select-demo">>>state tiddler</$link> currently contains:
<$edit-text tiddler=<<qualify "select-demo">> tag="input" default=""/>
See the text change as you switch entries in the select widget. Try changing the value of the state tiddler and see the select widget change. Notice how the select widget only displays an entry if there is a precise match with the tiddler text.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$select>` widget should be one or more HTML `<option>` or `<optiongroup>` elements that provide the available values.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The title of the tiddler containing the value to be displayed/modified by the select widget (defaults to the current tiddler) |
|field |The field name for the value in the current tiddler (defaults to "text") |
|index |The index of a property in a [[DataTiddler|DataTiddlers]] (takes precedence over the field attribute) |
|class |CSS classes to be assigned to the HTML select element |
|default |Default value to be used if the tiddler, field or index specifies a missing value |
! Examples
!! Simple Lists
This example sets the title of the current wiki [[$:/SiteTitle]] to one of a list of book titles:
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler='$:/SiteTitle'>
<option>A Tale of Two Cities</option>
<option>A New Kind of Science</option>
<option>The Dice Man</option>
!! Value lists
In this example the `value` attribute has been used to specify the text that should be used as the value of the entry instead of the display text.
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler='$:/SiteTitle'>
<option value='cities'>A Tale of Two Cities</option>
<option value='science'>A New Kind of Science</option>
<option value='dice'>The Dice Man</option>
!! Option Groups
Entries in the list can be grouped together with the `<optgroup>` element
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler='$:/SiteTitle'>
<optgroup label='Fiction'>
<option value='cities'>A Tale of Two Cities</option>
<option value='dice'>The Dice Man</option>
<optgroup label='Non-fiction'>
<option value='science'>A New Kind of Science</option>
<option value='recursive'>The Recursive Universe</option>
!! Generated Lists
The ListWidget can be used to generate the options for a select widget. For example, here we combine a select widget listing all the tiddlers tagged ''TableOfContents'' with a transclusion to display the text of the selected one.
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler='$:/generated-list-demo-state'>
<$list filter='[tag[TableOfContents]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<$tiddler tiddler={{$:/generated-list-demo-state}}>
<$transclude mode='block'/>
!! Nested Lists
This example uses a nested pair of list widgets. The outer one generates the `<optgroup>` elements, and the inner one generates `<option>` elements:
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler='$:/generated-list-demo-nestedstate' field='type' default='text/vnd.tiddlywiki'>
<$list filter='[all[shadows+tiddlers]prefix[$:/language/Docs/Types/]each[group]sort[group]]'>
<optgroup label={{!!group}}>
<$list filter='[all[shadows+tiddlers]prefix[$:/language/Docs/Types/]group{!!group}] +[sort[description]]'>
<option value={{!!name}}><$view field='description'><$view field='title'/></$view> (<$view field='name'/>)</option>
"favicons" are small icons that most browsers display to help users identify websites.
! favicons in the Browser
When TiddlyWiki starts up in the browser it looks for a tiddler called [[$:/favicon.ico]] and dynamically uses it as the favicon for the page. If you modify the image then the favicon changes instantly to reflect it.
! favicons on the Server
On the server, the ServerCommand will serve the tiddler [[$:/favicon.ico]] at the path `/favicon.ico`.
The `<$setvariable>` widget is a synonym for `<$set/>`; see SetWidget for more details.
! Introduction
The set variable widget assigns a value to a specified [[variable|WidgetVariables]]. The new value of the variable is availale to the content within the set variable widget.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$set>` widget is the scope for the value assigned to the variable.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|name |The name of the variable to assign (defaults to "currentTiddler") |
|value |The value to assign to the variable if the filter is missing or not empty |
|filter |An optional filter to be evaluated and assigned to the variable (see below) |
|emptyValue |The value to assign to the variable if the filter is present and evaluates to an empty list (see below) |
!! Simple Variable Assignment
The simplest way of using set variable widget assigns a string to a variable. The following example assigns a literal string
<$set name="myVariable" value="Some text">
<$text text=<<myVariable>>/>
Both the name and value attributes can be transcluded. For example:
<$set name=<<anotherVariable>> value={{template!!text}}>
<$text text=<<myVariable>>/>
!! Conditional Variable Assignment
This form of the set variable widget chooses one of two specified values according to whether a filter evaluates to an empty list. Here's an example that sets a variable according to whether the current tiddler is called "myMagicTitle":
<$set name="myVariable" filter="[all[current]field:title[myMagicTitle]]" value="It's magic" emptyValue="It's not magic">
<$text text=<<myVariable>>/>
!! Filtered List Variable Assignment
This form of the set variable widget evaluates the filter and assigns the result to the variable as a space-separated list (using double square brackets for titles containing spaces).
<$set name="myVariable" filter="[tag[Introduction]]">
<$text text=<<myVariable>>/>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection|Title Selection]] of [[shadow titles|ShadowTiddlers]]"
output="the [[plugins|Plugins]] that contain the input tiddlers"
Each input title is processed in turn. If it denotes a shadow tiddler, the title of its plugin tiddler is [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the output. Non-shadow tiddlers contribute nothing to the output.
<<.operator-examples "shadowsource">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[$:/core/copyright.txt]shadowsource[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "$:/core/copyright.txt $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/railroad/parser.js +[shadowsource[]]">>
ShadowTiddlers are tiddlers that are loaded from within [[Plugins]]. Unlike ordinary tiddlers, they don't appear in most lists.
ShadowTiddlers can be overridden with an ordinary tiddler of the same name. If that tiddler is subsequently deleted then the original shadow tiddler is automatically restored.
The current shadow tiddlers are:
<$list filter="[all[shadows]sort[title]]"/>
You can work on a TiddlyWiki file in Dropbox and publish a URL that anyone can use to see a read-only view of the file.
# Save your TiddlyWiki file within your Dropbox folder
# Select Dropbox's "Share Link" option to obtain a public URL for the file
#* In the Dropbox web interface, this is done by clicking the link icon that appears when you hover over a file. Dropbox also adds a "Share Link" item to the file context menu in Finder on OS X and Explorer on Windows
# The URL generated by Dropbox will have this form:
#> `https://www.dropbox.com/s/<gobbledegook>/mywiki.html`
# Modify the URL like this, carefully preserving the gobbledegook:
#> `https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/<gobbledegook>/mywiki.html`
The result is a "secret" URL that you can send to other people to enable them to see the wiki.
There are a number of ways that people can share tiddlers back and forth:
*You can attach a ~TiddlyWiki to an e-mail
*You can publish your ~TiddlyWiki online, and grab a link to send or message to others:
**A link to the URL of the file itself
**A permalink to a specific tiddler (see [[PermaLinks]])
**A permaview link of all the currently open tiddlers (see [[PermaView]])
*You can grab tiddlers from ~TiddlyWikis that others have published online by clicking on a link to the tiddler within their file, and then dragging and dropping the link into your own file. An import tiddler will appear, and you can click to import the tiddler or tiddlers to your file.
* You can [[share a Dropbox link to your TiddlyWiki|Sharing a TiddlyWiki on Dropbox]]
A simple game built with TiddlyWiki, introduced in [[this post|https://groups.google.com/d/topic/tiddlywiki/4aRpZht1vOs/discussion]].
I decided to see if it was possible to make some sort of game using only the core tiddlywiki with no plugins or javascript. I made a very bare bones zork/interactive fiction type game. It is currently the simplest thing I could make and claim it was a game, but I may add on to it in the future. It uses the 5.1.5 prerelease because the action-setfield widget saved lots of work making macros.
One goal of this is to use nothing besides what is contained in the core tiddlywiki, so there is no javascript and no plugins.
A single file application is a web application where all of the assets are delivered in a single static file. This means that it can be downloaded and used offline without losing functionality. It can also be hosted on almost any type of web server.
TiddlyWiki is an unusual single file application because it stores its data within the same file, and is capable of saving changes to itself.
Every single file application must also by definition be a SinglePageApplication, but the converse is not true.
As defined by Wikipedia, a SinglePageApplication is a web application that presents itself as a single HTML document that dynamically loads additional content as the user browses the site. Frequently, single page applications are carefully designed to hide their nature, appearing and functioning as an ordinary static website by respecting the address bar and the back/forward navigation controls.
Unusually, TiddlyWiki is also a SingleFileApplication.
* Take notes, and use tags and hyperlinking to form relationships between your notes
* Use tabs, tables, tag-based lists, and tables of contents to get organised
* Bookmark your favorite websites (see an example at http://giffmex.org/experiments/tidmarks.html)
* Keep track of tasks and appointments, and organise them by multiple tags (see our TaskManagementExample)
* Inventory just about anything: your recipes, personal library, contacts, music collection, and more
* Create a blog or website
* Write a book
* Organise your images into galleries (see our [[ImageGallery Example]])
* Share the information in your ~TiddlyWiki with others, as an online file, as a file attachment, as a tiddler file, or as a link to a specific online tiddler (try clicking and dragging a tiddler from one ~TiddlyWiki file to another to see what happens)
* Draw a sketch (Edit [[Motovun Jack.jpg]] and start drawing over the image to see what happens)
* Create a modal wizard (also known as a lightbox) - see SampleWizard
* Create a slideshow presentation
* Set up an entire local or online knowledgebase, with a central ~TiddlyWiki file linking to other ~TiddlyWiki files (http://recursos.giffmex.org is a Spanish online example of this)
* Set up a data visualisation using tiddlers as data (see the visualisations at http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/d3/index.html)
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]], defaulting to <<.field title>>"
output="the input, sorted into ascending order by field <<.field f>>, treating field values as text"
negationOutput="the input, likewise sorted into descending order"
The difference between capital and lowercase letters is ignored. Compare <<.olink sortcs>>.
<<.operator-examples "sort">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]sort[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]!sort[]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "one two Three four +[sort[]]">>
<<.operator-example 4 "[prefix[Tiddl]sort[text]]">>
<<.operator-example 5 "[has[created]sort[created]limit[10]]" "the oldest 10 tiddlers in the wiki">>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]], defaulting to <<.field title>>"
output="the input, sorted into ascending order by field <<.field f>>, treating field values as text"
negationOutput="the input, likewise sorted into descending order"
Capital and lowercase letters are treated as different. Compare <<.olink sort>>.
<<.operator-examples "sortcs">>
<<.operator-example 1 "one two Three four +[sortcs[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "one two Three four +[!sortcs[]]">>
Because ~TiddlyWiki is of British origin, its English documentation uses [[British spelling in preference to US spelling|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_and_British_English_spelling_differences]].
Words like <<.word customise>> are spelled <<.word -ise>>, not <<.word -ize>>.
Standard technical acronyms are written in upper case, without dots: <<.word HTML>>, not <<.word html>> or <<.word H.T.M.L.>>
Avoid arbitrarily abbreviating words and sentences. But the following abbreviations are acceptable:
|!Abbreviation |!Meaning |!Notes |
|e.g. |for example |with a dot after each letter |
|i.e. |that is to say |with a dot after each letter |
|etc |and so on |without a dot |
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="a string of characters marking the end of the prefix"
output="the prefix, up to and including <<.place S>>, of each input title"
Each input title is processed in turn.
* A title that contains <<.place s>> contributes everything up to and including <<.place s>>.
* A title that doesn't contain <<.place s>> simply contributes itself to the output.
Contributions are [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the output.
The <<.clink "`toc`" TableOfContentsMacro>> macros use this operator with `/` as the parameter.
<<.operator-examples "splitbefore">>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-example" n="1" eg="2015-01-26 2014-07-19 2013 +[splitbefore[-]]"/>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-example" n="2" eg="[[green trees]splitbefore[ee]]"/>
The startup mechanism runs the installed startup modules at the end of the [[boot process|BootMechanism]].
! Startup Modules
Modules with their ''module-type'' field set to `startup`:
* Must export a `startup` function
** For synchronous startup modules the startup function is called as `startup()`, asynchronous modules are passed a callback they must invoke on completion: `startup(callback)`
* May export a `name` property that is used to identify the task
* May export a `after` property containing an array of names of dependent tasks that must be run before this one
* May export a `before` property containing an array of names of tasks that must be run after this one
* May export a `platforms` property containing an array of names of platforms that are required in order for the startup module to be executed. The defined platforms are ''node'' and ''browser''. If the `platforms` property is not provided it defaults to `["node","browser"]`
! Startup Processing
Startup modules are executed in sequence according to their declared dependencies.
There is no guarantee of the execution order of tasks that share the same dependencies.
! Startup Modules
The core defines the following startup modules:
{{Startup Modules.svg}}
The StateMechanism in TiddlyWiki is at the heart of how complex user interfaces can be built from WikiText.
In the browser, the TiddlyWiki display is produced by dynamically rendering the tiddler [[$:/core/ui/PageTemplate]]. Through various transclusions and other widgets it renders the entire user interface. The dynamic rendering is accomplished by a mechanism called "binding": any changes to the tiddlers in the store are dynamically reflected in the browser display.
The stack of templates that make up the TiddlyWiki display are complex but we'll focus on the line that displays the main story column:
<$list filter="[list[$:/StoryList]]" history="$:/HistoryList" template="$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate" editTemplate="$:/core/ui/EditTemplate" storyview={{$:/view}} />
Breaking down the attributes applied to the list widget:
* ''filter'': selects the list of tiddlers in the `list` field of the tiddler [[$:/StoryList]]. If a tiddler is added or removed from that list then it is automatically reflected in the displayed list
* ''history'': references the tiddler to be used to store the history stack (see the NavigationMechanism)
* ''template'': identifies a template tiddler to be used for rendering each tiddler in the list
* ''editTemplate'': identifies a different template tiddler to be used for rendering tiddlers that are in [[draft mode|DraftMechanism]]
* ''storyview'': specifies the story view to be used (eg classic, or zoomin)
The [[$:/StoryList]] tiddler is an example of a StateTiddler: a tiddler that is used to hold the state of the user interface. Changes to the user interface are made indirectly, by changing the underlying state tiddlers, and letting TiddlyWiki ripple the changes through the user interface.
Note how this approach makes the ''open'' tab in the sidebar very easy to implement: it is just another list widget referencing the same state tiddler, but with a different template:
<$list filter="[list[$:/StoryList]]" history="$:/HistoryList" storyview="pop">
<$button message="tm-close-tiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-mini">×</$button> <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link>
Now consider the implementation of the info panel within the tiddler template. We want to be able to toggle the info panel open and closed, which means that we must track its current state in a tiddler.
However, we can't track the state in a tiddler called, say, [[$:/InfoPanelState]] because every tiddler would share the same state; changing the value of the tiddler would affect all tiddlers displayed in the story.
The solution is to dynamically generate a unique title for each state tiddler that we need. We need to ensure that the same state tiddler title is generated each time a user interface element is rendered. To do that, we append together tokens representating each of the stack of transclusions that led to the current rendering location. Then that string of symbols is hashed to a simple numeric value.
The process of generating a state tiddler title is encapsulated in the QualifyMacro.
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
output="the name of each story view"
The names are those exported by [[modules|Modules]] whose <<.field module-type>> is <<.value storyview>>.
<<.operator-examples "storyviews">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[storyviews[]]">>
TiddlyWiki5 provides several features to help you structure information as [[tiddlers|Tiddlers]], and model the relationships between them:
* TiddlerLinks
* [[Tagging]]
* [[Title Lists|Title List]]
* DataTiddlers
You can use this construction to cause the wrapped content to be assigned specified CSS classes or styles:
<<wikitext-example src:"@@.myStyle
* List One
* List Two
Similar syntax is used to assign styles. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"@@background-color:red;
* List One
* List Two
Multiple styles and classes can be mixed. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"@@.tc-tiddler-frame
Some text
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="a string of characters"
output="those input titles that end with <<.place p>>"
negationOutput="those input tiddlers that do <<.em not>> end with <<.place p>>"
<<.operator-examples "suffix">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[suffix[.jpg]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[tag[task]!suffix[ing]]">>
System tags are used to give special behaviour to tiddlers.
! Available system tags
These are the available system tags
* {{$:/tags/AboveStory||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for elements to be placed at the top of the story river
* {{$:/tags/AdvancedSearch||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for search elements
* {{$:/tags/Alert||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for alerts
* {{$:/tags/BelowStory||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for elements to be placed at the bottom of the story river
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel tabs
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel/Advanced||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel advanced tabs
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel/Appearance||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel appearance tabs
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel/Info||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel info tabs
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel/Settings||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel settings tabs
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel/Toolbars||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel toolbar customisation tabs
* {{$:/tags/EditTemplate||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the edit template
* {{$:/tags/EditToolbar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the edit mode tiddler toolbar
* {{$:/tags/Filter||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for filters in advanced seach sample filter dropdown
* {{$:/tags/Image||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for (core) images
* {{$:/tags/Macro||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for global macros
* {{$:/tags/MoreSideBar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for tabs in the "more" sidebar
* {{$:/tags/PageControls||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the page control tools in the sidebar
* {{$:/tags/PageTemplate||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the main page elements
* {{$:/tags/Palette||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for colour palettes
* {{$:/tags/RawMarkup||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for raw markup to be included in the generated HTML file
* {{$:/tags/SideBar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for sidebar tabs
* {{$:/tags/Stylesheet||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} to indicate that a tiddler should be applied as a CSS stylesheet
* {{$:/tags/TiddlerInfo||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for tiddler info panel tabs
* {{$:/tags/TiddlerInfo/Advanced||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for tabs under the advanced tiddler tab
* {{$:/tags/TopLeftBar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the top left bar
* {{$:/tags/TopRightBar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the top right bar
* {{$:/tags/ViewTemplate||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the view template
* {{$:/tags/ViewToolbar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the view mode tiddler toolbar
! System tags in use
These are the system tags in use in this wiki:
<$list filter="[all[shadows+tiddlers]tags[]prefix[$:/]sort[title]]">
System tiddlers are any tiddler whose title starts with `$:/`; such tiddlers are automatically hidden from most operations. They don't show up in lists or search results, but linking to one directly works in the usual way.
TiddlyWiki models everything as [[tiddlers|Tiddlers]], including its internal components and configuration. Thus, even an apparently empty TiddlyWiki actually contains dozens of tiddlers that are necessary to enable it function correctly. Using system tiddlers prevents them from confusing casual users.
The current system tiddlers are:
<$list filter="[is[system]sort[title]]"/>
<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-selective-expandable 'TableOfContents'>>
The table of contents macro produces a hierarchical tree of tiddlers based on their tags.
The top level entries of the table of contents are defined by a root tag. The subentries under each of those entries are tagged with the title of the entry. Entries can be ordered using the `list` field of the tag tiddler as described in [[Tagging]].
The text for each entry is taken from the ''caption'' field if it is present, otherwise the ''title'' is used.
Entries are rendered as a link to the corresponding tiddler unless the tiddler has the value ''no'' in the field ''toc-link''. In the examples below, the entry SecondThree is set up in this way to not appear as a link.
There are several variants of the macro:
* `<<toc>>` produces a simple hierarchical tree of links
* `<<toc-expandable>>` produces an expandable tree of links
* `<<toc-selective-expandable>>` produces an expandable tree of links where the expand/contract buttons are only shown for entries that possess child nodes
The macros all generate HTML ordered lists. The `<ol>` elements are given the class `tc-toc`, with the expandable variant also having the class `tc-toc-expandable` and the selective expandable variant also having the class `tc-toc-selective-expandable`.
! Parameters
|!Position |!Name |!Description |!Default |
|1st |tag |The root tag that identifies the top level of the hierarchy | |
|2nd |sort |Optional sorting subfilter (eg `sort[title]`) | |
The ''tag'' and ''sort'' parameters are combined to make a filter expression of the form:
! Examples
In these examples, the top level entries of the table of contents examples are defined by the root tag ''Contents''. The subentries under each of those entries are tagged with the title of the parent entry, here ''First'', ''Second'', ''Third'', and ''Fourth''. One level deeper only ''~SecondThree'' has subentries.
Here is the tag structure shown with clickable tag pills:
For instructions on adding a table of contents to the sidebar, see: [[How to add a new tab to the sidebar]].
<<tabs "[tag[table-of-contents-example]]" "TableOfContentsMacro Simple Example">>
!! Expandable Table of Contents
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src='<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-expandable "Contents">>
!! Selective Expandable Table of Contents
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src='<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-selective-expandable "Contents">>
!! Simple Table of Contents
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src='<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc "Contents">>
!! Sorted Expandable Table of Contents
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src='<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-expandable "Contents" "sort[title]">>
!! Tabbed Table of Contents
The tabbed table of contents macro renders a selective expandable table of contents with an attached panel that displays the currently selected tiddler.
!!! Parameters
|!Position |!Name |!Description |!Default |
|1st |tag |Tag to be used for constructing the table of contents | |
|2nd |sort |Optional sorting subfilter (eg `sort[title]`) | |
|3rd |selectedTiddler |Title of the tiddler containing the title of the currently displayed tiddler |"$:/temp/toc/selectedTiddler" |
|4th |unselectedText |Text to be displayed when no tiddler is selected | |
|5th |missingText |Text to be displayed when the selected tiddler is missing | |
|6th |template |Optional title of a tiddler to be used as a template for rendering the selected tiddler | |
!!! Internal navigation
This example shows how to construct a tabbed table of contents with internal navigation, so that clicking links in the displayed tiddler will replace the displayed tiddler.
<<toc-tabbed-internal-nav tag:"TableOfContents" selectedTiddler:"$:/temp/toc/selectedTiddler" unselectedText:"Select a topic in the table of contents. Click the arrow to expand a topic.">>
!!! External navigation
This example shows how to construct a tabbed table of contents with external navigation, so that clicking links in the displayed tiddler will open those tiddlers in the story river in the usual way.
<<toc-tabbed-external-nav tag:"TableOfContents" selectedTiddler:"$:/temp/toc/selectedTiddler" unselectedText:"Select a topic in the table of contents. Click the arrow to expand a topic.">>
!! Example
Type: <$select tiddler="TabbedExampleType">
<option value="toc-tabbed-internal-nav">Open tiddler links internally (toc-tabbed-internal-nav)</option>
<option value="toc-tabbed-external-nav">Open tiddler links externally (toc-tabbed-external-nav)</option>
<$macrocall $name={{TabbedExampleType}} tag="TableOfContents" selectedTiddler="$:/temp/toc/selectedTiddler" unselectedText="<p>Select a topic in the table of contents. Click the arrow to expand a topic.</p>" missingText="<p>Missing tiddler.</p>"/>
! Basics
TiddlyWiki5 formats tables using vertical bar characters like so:
|!Cell1 |!Cell2 |
|Cell3 |Cell3 |
Exclamation marks are used to indicate header cells. The example renders as:
|!Cell1 |!Cell2 |
|Cell3 |Cell3 |
! Cell Alignment
Table cell alignment is controlled by inserting space characters before and/or after the cell content. For example:
|Left aligned content |
| Right aligned content|
| Centred content |
|+++ a very wide column so we can see the alignment +++|
The example renders as:
|Left aligned content |
| Right aligned content|
| Centred content |
|+++ a very wide column so we can see the alignment +++|
! Cell vertical Alignment
Vertical alignment of cells is done by inserting either a `^` for top alignment or a `,` for bottom alignment as the first character of a cell. The normal horizontal alignment is still possible. For example:
|^top left |^ top center |^ top right|
|middle left | middle center | middle right|
|,bottom left |, bottom center |, bottom right|
The example renders as:
| :: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | :: |
| ::<br>:: |^top left |^ top center |^ top right| ::<br>:: |
| ::<br>:: |middle left | middle center | middle right| ::<br>:: |
| ::<br>:: |,bottom left |, bottom center |, bottom right| ::<br>:: |
| :: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | :: |
If you need to have a `^`or a `,` as the first character of a left aligned cell, you can use HTML escaping:
| `^` | &#94; |
| `,` | &#44; |
! Cell Merging
To merge a table cell with the one above, use the special cell text `~`. To merge a cell with the one to its left use the text `<`. To merge one to its right use `>`. For example:
|Cell1 |Cell2 |Cell3 |Cell4 |
|Cell5 |Cell6 |Cell7 |<|
|Cell5 |~|Cell7 |Cell8 |
|>|Cell9 |Cell10 |Cell11 |
Renders as:
|Cell1 |Cell2 |Cell3 |Cell4 |
|Cell5 |Cell6 |Cell7 |<|
|Cell5 |~|Cell7 |Cell8 |
|>|Cell9 |Cell10 |Cell11 |
! Table Classes, Captions, Headers and Footers
Table CSS classes, captions, headers and footers can be specified as special pseudo-rows. The following example:
* assigns the CSS classes "myclass" and "anotherClass" to the table
* gives the table the caption "This is a caption"
* adds a header row of cells with the text "Header"
* adds a footer row of cells with the text "Footer"
|myclass anotherClass|k
|This is a caption |c
|Cell1 |Cell2 |
|Cell3 |Cell3 |
Renders as:
|myclass anotherClass|k
|This is a caption |c
|Cell1 |Cell2 |
|Cell3 |Cell3 |
The tabs macro displays a list of tiddlers as a tab control. The user can switch between tabs by clicking on them. The tabs are labelled with the title of the corresponding tiddler, unless there is a `caption` field present in which case it is used instead.
By default the tab control arranges the tabs horizontally with the content underneath. You can also choose to have the tabs arranged vertically by passing the class `tc-vertical`.
! Parameters
|!Position |!Name |!Description |!Default |
|1st |tabsList |Filter giving the tiddlers to be displayed | |
|2nd |default |Name of the tiddler containing the default tab | |
|3rd |state |String to distinguish multiple tabs within the same tiddler (use of the system tiddler prefix is recommended) |''$:/state/tab'' |
|4th |class |Additional CSS classes for the three wrapper DIVs that make up the tabs (multiple classes can be separated with spaces) | |
|5th |template |Optional template through which to render the tab content | |
Within the template the title of the current tab is available in the widget variable ''currentTab''. The ''currentTiddler'' variable is not affected by the tabs macro.
! Examples
Here are some examples of the tabs macro:
<<tabs "SampleTabOne SampleTabTwo SampleTabThree SampleTabFour" "SampleTabThree" "$:/state/tab1">>
<<tabs "[tag[sampletab]]" "SampleTabTwo" "$:/state/tab2" "tc-vertical">>
<<tabs "SampleTabOne SampleTabTwo SampleTabThree SampleTabFour" "SampleTabThree" "$:/state/tab1">>
<<tabs "[tag[sampletab]]" "SampleTabTwo" "$:/state/tab2" "tc-vertical">>
//Exercise//: how would you make sure that the second tab list is correctly sorted? Hint : read [[Tagging]] until the end.
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="the title of a [[tag|Tagging]]"
output="those input tiddlers that have tag <<.place t>>"
negationOutput="those input tiddlers that do <<.em not>> have tag <<.place t>>"
The output is [[sorted|Order of Tagged Tiddlers]] using the tag's <<.field list>> field and the tiddlers' <<.field list-before>> and <<.field list-after>> fields.
If <<.place t>> is empty, the output of `tag` is empty, and the output of `!tag` is a copy of the input.
<<.operator-examples "tag">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[tag[task]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[tag[task]!tag[done]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[!tag[task]]">>
<<.operator-example 4 "[all[shadows]tag[$:/tags/Stylesheet]]">>
This tiddler is to demonstrate the TagMacro.
Tagging is a way of organising tiddlers into categories. For example, if you had tiddlers representing various individuals, you could tag them as ''friend'', ''family'', ''colleague'' etc to indicate these people's relationships to you.
A tag is in fact just a tiddler (or a potential tiddler), and it can have tags of its own. You can add any number of tags to the same tiddler.
See [[Creating and editing tiddlers]] for instructions on how to tag.
By tagging your tiddlers, you can view, navigate and organise your information in numerous additional ways:
* The coloured tag pills on a tiddler give you quick access to all the other tiddlers with the same tag, as well as to the tiddler that represents the tag itself.
* If a tiddler is serving as a tag, then the ''Tagging'' tab in its InfoPanel will show you which tiddlers are currently tagged with it.
* The ''More'' tab of the sidebar has a ''Tags'' tab that presents an overview of all your tags and lets you access all your tagged tiddlers.
* You can use [[filters|Filters]] to create lists of tiddlers based on their tags. You can then display any combination of the [[fields|TiddlerFields]] of those tiddlers. For example, you could build a glossary by listing the title and text of all tiddlers tagged ''Glossary''. Such lists can be formatted in any way you wish: e.g. bulleted, numbered or comma-separated.
* There are a number of special ''system tags'' that control the layout of tiddlers and the entire ~TiddlyWiki page. See [[Page and tiddler layout customisation]] for instructions.
There are two more things you can do with tags:
! Set a tag's colour and icon
You can use the [[tag manager|$:/TagManager]], found on the ''Tags'' tab under ''More'' in the sidebar, to change the colour of a tag's pill or add an icon to the pill.
* To change the colour, click the button in the ''Colour'' column to select from a colour picker. Alternatively, click the icon in the ''Info'' column, then type a [[CSS]] colour value in the ''Colour'' field
* To change the icon, click the {{$:/core/images/down-arrow}} button in the ''Icon'' column and choose from the list of available icons
! Change the order in which tags are listed
By default, tagged tiddlers are listed in alphabetical order.
If you want any other order, add a <<.flink ListField>> field to the tag tiddler, and set its value to be a [[list of the tiddlers|Title List]] in that order.
The ''list'' field doesn't have to mention all of the tiddlers. See the [[precise rules|Order of Tagged Tiddlers]] ~TiddlyWiki uses to order tagged tiddlers.
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection|Title Selection]] of [[tags|Tagging]]"
output="the titles of any tiddlers that carry the input tags"
Each input tag is processed in turn. The list of tiddlers carrying that tag is generated, [[sorted|Order of Tagged Tiddlers]], and then [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's overall output.
<<.operator-examples "tagging">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[task]tagging[]]" "same as `[tag[task]]`">>
<<.operator-example 2 "Concepts task +[tagging[]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[all[current]tagging[]]" "tiddlers tagged with the current one">>
The 'tag' macro displays a tag pill for a specified tag.
! Parameters
|!Position |!Name |!Description |!Default |
|1st |tag |Title of tag |The current tiddler |
! Examples
For example:
* <<tag>>
* <<tag "HelloThere">>
* <<tag>>
* <<tag "HelloThere">>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
output="all the tags carried by the input tiddlers"
Each input title is processed in turn. The corresponding tiddler's tags are retrieved (in order of appearance in the <<.field tags>> field) and then [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's output.
<<.operator-examples "tags">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[Filter Operators]tags[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[all[shadows]tags[]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[all[shadows+tiddlers]tags[]sort[]]">>
A tag tiddler is any tiddler that is in use as a tag.
The ''Tagging'' tab on the InfoPanel of a tag tiddler shows which tiddlers are tagged with the tag tiddler.
A tag can be used without a corresponding tag tiddler.
Sample tasks for the TaskManagementExample.
TiddlyWiki5 can be used as a simple task management system without further customisation. The idea is that tasks be tagged `task`, with those that are completed also tagged `done`. In this way it is straightforward to generate task lists.
! Outstanding tasks
<$list filter="[!has[draft.of]tag[task]!tag[done]sort[created]]">
<$checkbox tag="done"> <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link></$checkbox>
! Completed tasks
<$list filter="[!has[draft.of]tag[task]tag[done]sort[created]]">
<$checkbox tag="done"> ~~<$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link>~~</$checkbox>
When writing an [[instruction tiddler|Instruction Tiddlers]], start by planning a route through the information you wish to present. This should be a simple, logical, direct progression of thoughts, with no backtracking or forward references. Use this approach even within individual sentences: always proceed from cause to effect, from the old or known to the new or unknown.
Keep sentences short and simple. A clear technical sentence seldom contains more than one idea. It therefore avoids parenthetical information. Similarly, keep paragraph structure simple. A flat presentation is often easier to understand than a hierarchical one.
It is often possible to simplify a sentence without changing its meaning, merely by adjusting its vocabulary or grammatical structure. <<.word "Execution of the macro is performed">> just means <<.word "The macro runs">>. <<.word "Your expectation might be...">> just means <<.word "You might expect...">>.
Prefer the active voice by default: <<.word "Jane creates a tiddler">> rather than <<.word "a tiddler is created by Jane">>. The passive voice can be useful if you want the reader to focus on the action itself or its result: <<.word "a tiddler is created">>. But it can often be clearer to proceed from cause to effect and say <<.word "this creates a tiddler">> in the active voice.
Documentation often presents two items that are parallel either by similarity or by difference. The reader will more easily detect such a pattern if you use the same sentence or phrase structure for both. But this must be balanced with the need to avoid monotony.
Prefer precise instructions over woolly descriptions. If something has a name, use it. If something lacks a name, give it a tiddler.
A template tiddler is not actually a type of tiddler, it is a role in which a tiddler can be used.
Templates are a way to re-use chunks of WikiText.
Transcluding through a template extends the basic functionality of [[Transclusion]] by combining two tiddlers:
* A template tiddler that contains the WikiText to be displayed. It can contain transclusions that reference fields in the CurrentTiddler
* A target tiddler that identifies the CurrentTiddler to be used when resolving references to fields
The best example of templating is the main story river in TiddlyWiki. Each tiddler in the story river is rendered through a ViewTemplate that specifies how each field is to be rendered.
See [[Transclusion with Templates]] for details.
# With ~TiddlyWiki you can organise your notes your way, not their way. Your notes conform to your way of thinking rather than being forced into a hierarchical straightjacket of notebooks and tabs.
# ~TiddlyWiki's nonlinear approach will actually make you think about your information in new and helpful ways.
# Finding your notes in ~TiddlyWiki is lightning fast
# There are many ways to customise and adapt every aspect of ~TiddlyWiki
# ~TiddlyWiki is free and is compatible with all platforms. Any web browser will open it. You don't need to purchase an expensive program or pay a subscription fee to use it.
# ~TiddlyWiki files promote the free sharing of information. There are many ways you can share your information from ~TiddlyWiki.
# With ~TiddlyWiki, your information is yours, and you store it where you want to - on your device, on a USB stick, in Dropbox, on your server.
# ~TiddlyWiki features an ever-growing number of plugins, themes, widgets, and languages.
# The online ~TiddlyWiki community is friendly and will do their best to give you the help you need.
# If you are a programmer, you have even more ways to play with ~TiddlyWiki. With ~TiddlyWiki, the more you know, the more fun you can have with it.
TiddlyWiki5 incorporates the Jasmine JavaScript testing framework (see http://pivotal.github.io/jasmine/). It allows the same tests to be run both in the browser and under Node.js.
! TiddlyWiki5 Testing Components
There are two main elements to the TiddlyWiki5 testing mechanism:
* The plugin `tiddlywiki/jasmine` that wraps Jasmine up into a plugin along with some glue code
* The TiddlyWiki5 edition `test` that contains the core test specifications and includes the Jasmine plugin
! Running the Tests in Node.js
To run the tests under Node.js just load up the `test` wiki:
node ./tiddlywiki.js \
./editions/test \
! Running the Tests in the Browser
To generate a wiki containing the browser tests load up the `test` wiki and save it as an HTML file:
node ./tiddlywiki.js \
./editions/test \
--verbose \
--rendertiddler $:/core/save/all test.html text/plain \
The `test.html` file will be placed in the `output` folder within the wiki folder. Open it in the browser to see the test results. There is a prebuilt version of `test.html` at:
A TextReference identifies a chunk of text from a tiddler that can be retrieved or modified depending on the context.
Text references are made up of several parts, most of which can be optional:
* `<tiddler title>` - the text [[field|TiddlerFields]] of the specified tiddler
* `<tiddler title>!!<metadata field>` - a tiddler metadata [[field|TiddlerFields]] (eg, `modified`, `modifier`, `type` etc)
* `!!<metadata field>` - a metadata [[field|TiddlerFields]] of the current tiddler
* `<tiddler title>##<property index>` - extracts a named property from DataTiddlers
Text references can be used in several places:
* As [[indirect parameters|Filter Parameter]] within [[Filters]] (eg, `<$list filter="[tag{MyTag!!name}]"/>`)
* As IndirectAttributes of an element or widget (eg, `<$widget attrib={{Title!!description}}/>`)
* As the operand of a shortcut transclusion (eg, `{{MyTiddler!!title}}`)
* As the `state` attribute of the RevealWidget and the LinkCatcherWidget
! Introduction
The text widget displays plain text.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$text>` widget is not used.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|text |The text to display |
! Horror Stories
Every so often, TiddlyWiki users report heart-rending tales of personal data loss on the discussion groups:
> My entire TiddlyWiki has just been wiped out when Firefox crashed during saving a tiddly.
> Last time I used it was last night at home on my Windows 7 desktop, hit the check mark to stop editing my last entry, it then saves via TiddlyFox and I eject my USB drive. I came to work this morning, plugged in my USB, enter my TW5 password and it doesn't want to open after several attempts. I browse to my TW5 html file and notice that my file size is no longer 3MB.. instead it is 80KB. This leads me to believe I lost everything.
Don't let it happen to you!
!! The first rule of using TiddlyWiki is:
<p style="font-size:40pt;line-height:48pt;font-weight:700;color:red;">
Backup your data!
TiddlyWiki is a very flexible, customisable system that puts you firmly in charge of your own data. Every care is taken in TiddlyWiki's development to ensure that it is a safe place to preserve your most valuable data but the ultimate responsibility to reduce the risk of data loss falls to users.
The best way to make sure that your data is safe is to practise a rigorous system of backups:
* Consider using services like Dropbox to continuously back up your personal data to the cloud. (Dropbox [[has a neat feature|https://www.dropbox.com/help/11]] whereby they keep track of previous versions of files)
* Retain backups before upgrading to a new version of TiddlyWiki
* Figure out and protect yourself from the worst case scenarios: what if your USB stick or hard drive fails? What if your computer is hit by a ransomeware virus?
* Be defensive and redundant: for example, take multiple backups and keep them in separate physical locations
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
! <<.olink before>> and <<.olink after>>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]before{!!title}]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]after{!!title}]">>
In accordance with the [[Philosophy of Tiddlers]], documentation tiddlers are typically short and interlinked.
When a tiddler seems as if it needs to contain subheadings, this is often a sign that it should in fact be split into several tiddlers. But it is reasonable for a [[reference tiddler|Reference Tiddlers]] to consist of an untitled introductory section followed by a titled section of details.
Consistency of terminology is essential if the reader is not to become confused. Consistent typography and punctuation lend a professional quality to the documentation. Macros can improve the consistency and maintainability of the text.
Use numbered lists for step-by-step instructions, and bullet points for lists whose order is arbitrary. Use a definition list in preference to a bulleted list if each bulleted item would begin with a term and a colon. If at all possible, avoid burdening the reader with a nested list.
Use a table when information naturally falls into three or more columns, and also for lists of parameters, attributes, etc in [[reference tiddlers|Reference Tiddlers]].
The documentation describes the current reality of ~TiddlyWiki. Avoid discussing future aspirations.
Many documentation tiddlers, especially the [[reference ones|Reference Tiddlers]], are concerned with a single concept. Their titles should be succinct noun phrases like <<.tid "List Widget">> or <<.tid "Tiddler Fields">>.
Each of the main words of such a title begins with a capital letter. Minor words such as <<.word and>>, <<.word or>>, <<.word the>>, <<.word to>> and <<.word with>> do not.
Tags also follow this pattern.
Titles of this kind are plural if they denote a category of items, e.g. <<.tid "Keyboard Shortcuts">> or <<.tid "Tiddler Fields">>. Such titles are used to tag more specific tiddlers within the category.
Where a concept is an item rather than a category, its tiddler has a singular title, e.g. <<.tid "List Widget">>, <<.tid "tag Operator">>.
Start a title with its most distinctive part. For instance, the tiddlers documenting the filter operators have titles like <<.tid "addprefix Operator">>. This helps the reader scan a list of links to find a particular tiddler.
Avoid starting a title with the word <<.word the>>.
In the past, many tiddlers had CamelCase titles. This is gradually being phased out of the documentation to improve readability. ~CamelCase titles should no longer be used, even for tags, except in cases like <<.tid ~JavaScript>> where that is the standard spelling.
[[Instruction tiddlers|Instruction Tiddlers]] often have longer titles that can be more complicated than just a noun phrase, e.g. <<.tid "Ten reasons to switch to ~TiddlyWiki">>. These titles use sentence case, i.e. only the first word (and any proper names) starts with a capital letter.
How-to tiddlers have titles that begin with <<.word "How to">>, e.g. <<.tid "How to edit a tiddler">>. Avoid titles like <<.tid "Editing tiddlers">>, because a less fluent English speaker could misunderstand that as the name of a category of tiddlers.
\define lingo-base() $:/language/Docs/Fields/
TiddlerFields are name:value pairs that make up a [[tiddler|Tiddlers]]. Field names must be lowercase letters, digits or the characters `-` (dash), `_` (underscore) and `.` (period).
The standard fields are:
|!Field Name |!Reference |!Description |
|`title` |TitleField |<<lingo title>> |
|`text` |TextField |<<lingo text>> |
|`modified` |ModifiedField |<<lingo modified>> |
|`modifier` |ModifierField |<<lingo modifier>> |
|`created` |CreatedField |<<lingo created>> |
|`creator` |CreatorField |<<lingo creator>> |
|`tags` |TagsField |<<lingo tags>> |
|`type` |TypeField |<<lingo type>> |
|`list` |ListField |<<lingo list>> |
Other fields used by the core are:
|!Field Name |!Reference |!Description |
|`color` |ColorField |<<lingo color>> |
|`description` |DescriptionField |<<lingo description>> |
|`draft.of` |DraftOfField |<<lingo draft.of>> |
|`draft.title` |DraftTitleField |<<lingo draft.title>> |
|`footer` |FooterField |<<lingo footer>> |
|`library` |LibraryField |<<lingo library>> |
|`name` |NameField |<<lingo name>> |
|`plugin-priority` |PluginPriorityField |<<lingo plugin-priority>> |
|`plugin-type` |PluginTypeField |<<lingo plugin-type>> |
|`source` |SourceField |<<lingo source>> |
|`subtitle` |SubtitleField |<<lingo subtitle>> |
The TiddlyWebAdaptor uses a few more fields:
|!Field Name |!Reference |!Description |
|`bag` |BagField |<<lingo bag>> |
|`revision` |RevisionField |<<lingo revision>> |
See the ''Advanced > TiddlerFields'' tab of the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] for details of the fields used in this wiki.
Tiddlers can be stored in text files in several different formats. Files containing single tiddlers can also have an auxiliary `.meta` file formatted as a sequence of name:value pairs:
title: TheTitle
modifier: someone
!! ~TiddlyWeb-style .tid files
These files consist of a sequence of lines containing name:value pairs, a blank line and then the text of the tiddler. For example:
title: MyTiddler
modifier: Jeremy
This is the text of my tiddler.
Note that many text editors require that files include a terminating newline. If you want to avoid including the terminating newline in the text of the tiddler you can use this alternative syntax:
title: MyTiddler
modifier: Jeremy
text: This is the text of my tiddler.
//The ContentType `application/x-tiddler` is used internally for these files//
!! TiddlyWiki `<DIV>` .tiddler files
Modern `*.tiddler` files look like this:
<div title="AnotherExampleStyleSheet" modifier="blaine" created="201102111106" modified="201102111310" tags="examples" creator="psd">
<pre>Note that there is an embedded <pre> tag, and line feeds are not escaped.
And, weirdly, there is no HTML encoding of the body.</pre>
These `*.tiddler` files are therefore not quite the same as the tiddlers found inside a TiddlyWiki HTML file, where the body is HTML encoded in the expected way.
Older `*.tiddler` files more closely matched the store format used by TiddlyWiki at the time:
<div tiddler="AnotherExampleStyleSheet" modifier="JeremyRuston" modified="200508181432" created="200508181432" tags="examples">This is an old-school .tiddler file, without an embedded <pre> tag.\nNote how the body is "HTML encoded" and new lines are escaped to \\n</div>
//The ContentType `application/x-tiddler-html-div` is used internally for these files//
!! ~TiddlyWeb-style JSON files
These files are a straightforward array of hashmaps of name:value fields. Currently only these known fields are processed: `title`, `text`, `created`, `creator`, `modified`, `modifier`, `type` and `tags`.
//The ContentType `application/json` is used internally for these files//
!! TiddlyWiki HTML files
TiddlyWiki HTML files contain a collection of tiddlers encoded in `<DIV>` format.
The minimal requirement for an HTML file to be importable as an unencrypted TW file is that it has a `<div id="storeArea">` immediately preceding the tiddler DIVs, which must be followed by a `</div>`. For example:
<div id="storeArea">
<div created="20130302085406905" modified="20130302084548184" tags="Examples" title="A tiddler title">
<pre>HTML encoded text of tiddler
<div created="20140315085406905" modified="20140321084548184" tags="One Two [[Three with Space]]" title="Another title" customfield="field value">
<pre>Text of this tiddler
Links are regions of a tiddler that can be clicked to cause navigation to a different tiddler. The navigation behaviour is determined by the current StoryView; the classic TiddlyWiki view displays the story as a linear sequence of tiddlers.
Holding the ''control'' or ''command'' key while clicking on a tiddler link opens the target tiddler but doesn't navigate to it. This can be a useful way of queueing up tiddlers to be read later.
Links are useful for modelling organic relationships between tiddlers, and particularly for expressing the navigational paths between tiddlers.
The InfoPanel lists incoming links to a tiddler in the tab ''References''.
[[Filters]] can include the following filter operators that work with links:
* `[links[]]` - returns the titles of the tiddlers that are linked from the currently selected tiddler(s)
* `[backlinks[]]` - returns the titles of the tiddlers that link to the currently selected tiddler(s)
TiddlyWiki5 alters the appearance of tiddler links to convey additional information about the target of the link:
|!Link description |!Link appearance |
|To a tiddler that exists |[[LikeThis|TiddlerLinks]] |
|To a tiddler that doesn't exist |[[LikeThis|ATiddlerThatDoesntExist]] |
|To a shadow tiddler that has not been overridden |[[LikeThis|$:/core/copyright.txt]] |
|To a shadow tiddler that has been overridden by an ordinary tiddler |[[LikeThis|$:/SiteTitle]] |
External links are shown like this: http://tiddlywiki.com/ or [[like this|http://tiddlywiki.com/]].
Tiddlers are the fundamental units of information in TiddlyWiki. Tiddlers work best when they are as small as possible so that they can be reused by weaving them together in different ways.
A "tiddler" is an informal British word meaning a small fish, typically a stickleback or a minnow. Other systems have analogous concepts with generic names like "items", "entries", "entities", "nodes" or "records". TiddlyWiki takes the view that it is better to be confusingly distinctive than confusingly generic.
Internally, tiddlers are a list of uniquely named values called fields. The only field that is required is the `title` field, but useful tiddlers also have a `text` field, and some or all of the standard fields listed in TiddlerFields.
Tiddlers are ubiquitous in TiddlyWiki. They are used to store everything from JavaScript code modules to the settings and state associated with the user interface.
! Introduction
The TiddlerWidget sets the CurrentTiddler that applies for processing its content.
! Content and Attributes
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The title of the tiddler to become the new CurrentTiddler |
|class |CSS classes to be added to the generated elements |
! CSS Class Variables
The tiddler widget assigns several useful CSS classes to variables that it creates:
; missingTiddlerClass
: `tc-tiddler-exists` or...
: `tc-tiddler-missing` depending on whether the tiddler exists
: `tc-tiddler-shadow` if the tiddler is a shadow tiddler
:` tc-tiddler-system` if the tiddler is a system tiddler
: a space separated list of CSS classes named `tc-tagged-{tagname}`,<br>e.g. `tc-tagged-introduction`<br><br>''Note:'' tag names are URI encoded which means that the tag [[$:/tags/Macro]] appears as the CSS class `tc-tagged-%24%3A%2Ftags%2FMacro`. See [[How to apply custom styles by tag]] for more details
You can use these variables like this:
<$tiddler tiddler="MyOtherTiddler">
<div class=<<missingTiddlerClass>>>
See also [[$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate]].
BuggyJay's TiddlyClip browser extension for FireFox permits clipping of text and graphics from web pages:
TiddlyClip allows parts of webpages to be clipped into a TiddlyWiki, and consists of two parts, the browser addon and the TiddlyWiki plugin. The addon is completely memoryless, any configuration is determined by the current TiddlyWiki that the user has select to work with (we say that the addon is docked to the TiddlyWiki). TiddlyClip is designed to work (in a basic mode) without configuration. Once the addon and plugin are installed, all the user has to do is select which TW to dock to.
TiddlyDesktop is an app for working with TiddlyWiki files (both TiddlyWikiClassic and TiddlyWiki version 5). It can be installed on Windows, Mac OS X or Linux. It is compatible with TiddlyWiki version 5 and the older TiddlyWikiClassic.
See the [[Introducing TiddlyDesktop Video]]
! Instructions
# Install the latest release of TiddlyDesktop from https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/releases
# Run TiddlyDesktop
# Use the browse button to open TiddlyWiki files
# Save changes within TiddlyWiki in the usual way
! Source
TiddlyDesktop is based on the OpenSource project [[node-webkit]]. The source is on GitHub:
TiddlyFox is an extension for Firefox that allows standalone TiddlyWiki files to save their changes directly to the file system. TiddlyFox works on both desktop and smartphone versions of [[Firefox]]. See [[Saving with TiddlyFox]] or [[Saving with TiddlyFox on Android]] for detailed instructions.
TiddlyFox can be downloaded from the Mozilla Addons site:
You can also install the latest development version of TiddlyFox direct from GitHub:
TiddlyIE is an extension for Internet Explorer that allows standalone TiddlyWiki files to save their changes directly to the file system. TiddlyIE works with the desktop version of Internet Explorer.
See [[Saving with TiddlyIE]].
An interactive network visualisation plugin based on [[Vis.js|http://visjs.org]]. A demo can be found here: {{!!url}}.
~TiddlyMap is a TiddlyWiki plugin that allows you to link your wiki-topics (tiddlers) in order to create clickable graphs. By creating relations between your topics you can easily do the following:
* Create mindmaps and quickly manifest your ideas in tiddlers (wiki entries).
* Create task-dependency graphs to organize and describe your tasks.
* Visualize your topic structures to get an immediate grasp of topics and relations.
In general you may create, visualize and describe any network-structure you have in mind.
TiddlySpace is an environment for discourse on the web, built from TiddlyWeb.
TiddlySpace was originally sponsored by [[Osmosoft]] at [[BT]].
TiddlyWeb is a server application that puts [[Tiddlers]] on the web:
TiddlyWeb can be used to host TiddlyWiki and TiddlyWiki5 wikis, making the individual tiddlers available over a flexible HTTP API.
TiddlyWeb was originally sponsored by [[Osmosoft]] at [[BT]] (along with TiddlySpace).
~TiddlyWiki is a rich, interactive tool for manipulating complex data with structure that doesn't easily fit into conventional tools like spreadsheets or wordprocessors.
~TiddlyWiki is designed to fit around your brain, helping you deal with the things that won't fit. The [[fundamental idea|Philosophy of Tiddlers]] is that information is more useful and reusable if we cut it up into the smallest semantically meaningful chunks -- [[tiddlers|Tiddlers]] -- and give them titles so that they can be [[structured|Structuring TiddlyWiki]] with [[links|TiddlerLinks]], [[tags|Tagging]], [[lists|ListField]] and [[macros|Macros]]. Tiddlers use a WikiText notation that concisely represents a wide range of text formatting and hypertext features. ~TiddlyWiki aims to provide a fluid interface for working with tiddlers, allowing them to be aggregated and composed into longer narratives.
People [[love using|Raves]] ~TiddlyWiki. Because it can be used without any complicated server infrastructure, and because it is [[open source|OpenSource]], it has bought unprecedented freedom to people to keep their precious information under their own control. ~TiddlyWiki was originally created by JeremyRuston and is now a thriving open source project with a busy [[Community]] of independent developers.
<<list-links "[tag[TiddlyWiki Configurations]]">>
The TiddlyWiki community holds regular Google Hangouts, usually every Tuesday from 4pm to 6pm (UK time). They are announced in the [[TiddlyWiki Google group|https://groups.google.com/d/forum/tiddlywiki]] and on the [[TiddlyWiki Twitter account|https://twitter.com/TiddlyWiki]].
Past Hangouts are archived in this ~YouTube playlist:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/videoseries?list=PLVT_2PPd-1p34gGCQ5qpwC8QdykxVAI3u" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
TiddlyWiki in the Sky for TiddlyWeb allows content to be synchronised between TiddlyWiki running in the browser and a TiddlyWeb (or TiddlySpace) server. Features include:
* Lazy loading
* Two way synchronisation between the browser and the server
** Synchronising from the server is accomplished by polling (currently every 60 seconds)
* Throttling so that rapidly changing tiddlers don't overwhelm the server
To try out TiddlyWiki in the Sky for TiddlyWeb:
# If necessary, create an account at http://tiddlyspace.com/
# Create a new space, eg `<myspace>`
# Include the space `tw5tiddlyweb`
# Visit `http://<myspace>.tiddlyspace.com/tw5`
This brief screencast shows how to setup Firefox for Android so you can save changes to TiddlyWiki:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/iikkv9orGGI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Running TiddlyWiki on [[Node.js]] brings several important benefits over and above the single file version:
* You can edit your content on any suitably compatible HTML5 browser, including smartphones and tablets
* Individual tiddlers are stored in separate files, which you can organise as you wish
* The ability to build multiple wikis that blend different combinations of shared and unique content
For more information see:
* [[Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
* [[Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
* [[Upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
\define tv-wikilinks() no
! Building TiddlyWikiClassic
{{Building TiddlyWikiClassic}}
TiddlyWiki5 is a reboot of TiddlyWiki for the next 25 years. It is a complete interactive wiki in JavaScript that can be run in the browser or on the server under [[Node.js]].
Each release of TiddlyWiki5 is identified by a version number that complies with the [[Semantic Versioning 2.0.0|http://semver.org/]] standard.
! TiddlyWiki Core Version
According to the standard:
Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:
MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and
PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes.
Additional labels for pre-release and build metadata are available as extensions to the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format.
!! Alpha and Beta versions
While in alpha TiddlyWiki5 uses the pre-release label "alpha", for example:
Each new alpha or beta release will bump the `PATCH` version number. This breaks the strict semantics of versioning because `PATCH` increments are supposed to be reserved for compatible changes.
//Note that prior to ''5.0.1-alpha'', TiddlyWiki5 used version numbers formatted as ''5.0.0-alpha.19''. The change was made to enable the upgrade mechanism to recognise plugin updates from the version information.//
!! Interim versions
During development when a new release is being prepared, the pre-release label is set to `prerelease`.
! Plugin Versions
Version numbers
TiddlyWiki5 uses the version information attached to plugins for determining which of two plugins is more recent during an upgrade or import. The pre-release label is ignored when performing these comparisons.
"~TiddlyWiki Classic" refers to versions prior to 5.0, when TiddlyWiki was completely rewritten from the ground up. TiddlyWiki Classic is still being maintained at:
MarioPietsch has started a site comparing the syntax and other changes between TiddlyWikiClassic and TiddlyWiki version 5:
As well as traditional single file wikis, [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] supports wikis that are stored as a folder of individual tiddler files.
! Wiki folder files and folders
Wiki folders can contain the following files and folders:
* ''tiddlywiki.info'' - JSON file containing metadata for the wiki
* ''\tiddlers'' - folder containing tiddler files comprising the wiki
* ''\plugins'' - folder containing [[plugin folders|PluginMechanism]] to be included in the wiki
Only the ''tiddlywiki.info'' file is required, the ''tiddlers'' and ''plugins'' folders are optional. Any files and folders not listed above are ignored.
!! Content of `tiddlywiki.info` file
The `tiddlywiki.info` file in a wiki folder contains a JSON object comprising the following fields:
* ''plugins'' - an array of plugin names to be included in the wiki
* ''themes'' - an array of theme names to be included in the wiki
* ''languages'' - an array of language names to be included in the wiki
* ''includeWikis'' - an array of references to external wiki folders to be included in the wiki
* ''build'' - a hashmap of named build targets, each defined by an array of command tokens (see BuildCommand)
* ''config'' - an optional hashmap of configuration options (see below)
!!! ''includeWikis''
The entries in the ''includeWikis'' array can be either a string specifying the relative path to the wiki, or an object with the following fields:
* ''path'' - relative path to wiki folder
* ''read-only'' - set //true// to prevent the tiddlers in the included wiki from being modified. The modifications will be written to the directory specified in ''default-tiddler-location'', described below
!!! ''build''
Note that the build targets of included wikis are merged if a target of that name isn't defined in the current `tiddlywiki.info` file.
!!! ''config''
Configuration options include:
* ''default-tiddler-location'' - a string path to the default location for the filesystem adaptor to save new tiddlers (resolved relative to the wiki folder)
* ''retain-original-tiddler-path'' - If true, the server will generate a tiddler [[$:/config/OriginalTiddlerPaths]] containing the original file paths of each tiddler in the wiki
!!! Example
For example:
"plugins": [
"includeWikis": [
"build": {
"index": [
"favicon": [
"config": {
"retain-original-tiddler-path": true
!! Content of `tiddlers` folder
All the TiddlerFiles in the `tiddlers` folder are read into the wiki at startup. Sub-folders are scanned recursively for TiddlerFiles.
Sub-folders within the `tiddlers` folder can also be given a `tiddlywiki.files` JSON file that overrides the default processing for that folder. The file format is illustrated with this example from the D3 plugin:
"tiddlers": [
"file": "d3.min.js",
"fields": {
"type": "application/javascript",
"title": "$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/d3/d3.js",
"module-type": "library"
"prefix": "var d3;if($tw.browser){\n",
"suffix": "}\nexports.d3 = d3;\n"
"file": "cloud/d3.layout.cloud.js",
"fields": {
"type": "application/javascript",
"title": "$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/d3/d3.layout.cloud.js",
"module-type": "library"
The JSON data consists of an object with a `tiddlers` property that contains an array of information about each tiddler to be loaded into the wiki. That information consists of:
* `file`: the relative or absolute path to the file to include
* `fields`: an object containing fields that override any provided in the tiddler file
* `prefix` & `suffix`: (optional) specify strings to be prefixed and suffixed to the tiddler file text content
The timeline macro produces a list of tiddlers in reverse chronological order of modification date that is grouped by the date of the day of modification.
! Parameters
|!Position |!Name |!Description |!Default |
|1st |limit |The maximum number of tiddlers to list (see below) |100 |
|2nd |format |A DateFormat string for formatting the date |DDth MMM YYYY |
|3rd |subfilter |A subfilter to include in the timeline filter (see below) | |
|4th |dateField |Optional name of date field to use |modified |
The subfilter and limit parameters are spliced into the filter string like this:
To restrict the timeline to a particular tag, the subfilter can be set to something like `tag[mytag]`:
<<timeline limit:10 subfilter:"tag[mytag]">>
Note that the timeline macro does not truncate the entries for a particular day, instead always displaying all the tiddlers under each displayed day heading. This means that the limit parameter works in an unexpected way because it is possible for more than the specified number of tiddlers to be displayed.
! Examples
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html"
src="<<timeline limit:30 format:'DD/MM/YYYY'>>
A <<.def "title list">> is a line of text that presents one or more tiddler titles, strung together with a space between each one and the next.
If a title <<.em contains>> a space, it needs double square brackets around it:
`GettingStarted [[Discover TiddlyWiki]] Upgrading`
Title lists are used in various places, including PermaLinks and the ListField.
They are in fact the simplest case of a [[filter|Filters]], and are thus a way of expressing a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]].
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
negationInput="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="a tiddler title"
output="a selection containing only <<.place t>>"
negationOutput="the input, but with tiddler <<.place t>> filtered out if it exists in the wiki"
`[title[An Example]]` can be shortened to `[[An Example]]`, because <<.op title>> is the default filter operator.
<<.op title>> is an [[absolute operator|Absolute Operators]] (except in the form `!title`), but <<.olink2 "field:title" field>> is relative.
<<.operator-examples "title">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[title[HelloThere]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[[HelloThere]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "HelloThere">>
<<.operator-example 4 "[title[HelloThere]] [title[Filter Operators]]">>
<<.operator-example 5 "[[HelloThere]] [[Filter Operators]]">>
<<.operator-example 6 "HelloThere [[Filter Operators]]">>
<<.operator-example 7 "[tag[Filters]] +[!title[Filter Operators]]">>
<<.operator-example 8 "[tag[Filters]] +[![Filter Operators]]">>
<<.operator-example 9 "[tag[Filters]] -[[Filter Operators]]">>
A <<.def "title selection">> is an ordered set of tiddler titles (or similar strings), in which no title appears more than once.
Title selections are important in [[filter|Filters]] processing.
The simplest way to write one down is as a [[title list|Title List]].
! Introduction
The TranscludeWidget dynamically imports content from another tiddler.
! Attributes
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The title of the tiddler to transclude (defaults to the current tiddler) |
|field |The field name of the current tiddler (defaults to "text"; if present takes precedence over the index attribute) |
|index |The index of a property in a [[DataTiddler|DataTiddlers]] |
|subtiddler |Optional SubTiddler title when the target tiddler is a [[plugin|Plugins]] (see below) |
|mode |Override the default parsing mode for the transcluded text to "block" or "inline" |
The TranscludeWidget treats any contained content as a fallback if the target of the transclusion is not defined (ie a missing tiddler or a missing field).
! Parsing modes
TiddlyWiki parses text in two modes:
* ''inline'' mode recognises character formatting such as emphasis, links
* ''block'' mode recognises all the ''inline'' formatting, and adds block formatting such as tables, headings and lists
Usually, the mode is determined by whether the transclude widget itself has been parsed in block or inline mode. This can be overridden with the `mode` attribute.
For example, consider tiddler "A" with this content:
# Item one
#<$transclude tiddler="B"/>
# Item two
And a tiddler "B" with this content:
# Item one - a
# Item one - b
The result will be something like this:
# Item one
# # Item one - a # Item one - b
# Item two
This can be fixed by amending tiddler "A":
# Item one
#<$transclude tiddler="B" mode="block"/>
# Item two
! SubTiddler Access
The transclude widget allows access to the individual tiddlers stored within a [[plugin|Plugins]].
The following example will transclude the core version of the tiddler [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]] even if it has been overridden:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '
<$transclude tiddler="$:/core" subtiddler="$:/DefaultTiddlers"/>
<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transclusion">Transclusion</a> is the process of referencing one tiddler "A" from another tiddler "B" such that the content of "A" appears to be a part of "B".
Copying and pasting content creates multiple copies of the same content in several different places. With transclusion, there can be a single copy and a special instruction in "B" which indicates the point at which content should be inserted from tiddler "A".
Note that if the content of "A" is modified then the modification automatically appears in "B". This makes it easier to maintain repetitive content, by allowing every piece to be written in a single place, but viewed from many.
The concept of transclusion plays an important role in the [[Philosophy of Tiddlers]] because it is the primary way in which small items of content are combined.
To learn more:
* [[Transclusion in WikiText]]
* [[Transclusion Basic Usage]]
* [[Transclusion with Templates]]
* TextReference
* TemplateTiddlers
* TranscludeWidget
! Simple Transclusion
To include some content from [[TiddlerA]] into [[TiddlerB]], edit the latter to include the following text:
This is the content of TiddlerA: {{TiddlerA}}
The result is that the content of the ''text'' field (i.e. the main content) of [[TiddlerA]] is rendered within [[TiddlerB]].
! Usage
The notation ``{{TiddlerA}}`` is a shortcut for ``{{TiddlerA!!text}}``. This is because the default field for transclusion is ''text'', but any other [[field|TiddlerFields]] can be used explicitly. For example, you can print the last time TiddlerA was modified using:
TiddlerA was modified on {{TiddlerA!!modified}}
By omitting the tiddler title, the transclusion notation can also be used to display the content of a field from the current tiddler, for example:
The current tiddler was modified on {{!!modified}}
! Recursion Errors
Notice that using ``{{!!text}}`` or ``{{}}`` causes an error (//Recursive transclusion error in transclude widget//), because it does not make sense to include the content of the current tiddler into the content of the current tiddler (that is, into itself). Whenever you encouter this error message, it means that you are trying to include something into itself, directly or indirectly (for example if tiddler A transcludes tiddler B which transcludes tiddler C which, in turn, transcludes tiddler A).
! Learning More
In TiddlyWiki, transclusions are not limited to including raw content like the above. To learn about more advanced uses of transclusion, see [[Transclusion with Templates]].
See also:
* [[Transclusion]]
* [[Transclusion with Templates]]
* [[Transclusion in WikiText]]
* TextReference
* TiddlerFields.
! Introduction
You can incorporate the content of one tiddler within another using the [[Transclusion]] notation:
* `{{MyTiddler}}` transcludes a single tiddler
* `{{MyTiddler||TemplateTitle}}` displays the tiddler through a specified [[TemplateTiddler|TemplateTiddlers]]
* `{{||TemplateTitle}}` displays the specified template tiddler without altering the CurrentTiddler
!! Transcluding Text References
You can also use a TextReference instead of a tiddler title:
* `{{MyTiddler!!field}}` transcludes a specified field of a tiddler
* `{{!!field}}` transcludes a specified field of the current tiddler
* `{{MyTiddler##index}}` transcludes a specified indexed property of a [[DataTiddler|DataTiddlers]]
* `{{##index}}` transcludes a specified indexed property of the current [[DataTiddler|DataTiddlers]]
!! Filtered Transclusion
A similar syntax can be used to transclude a list of tiddlers matching a specified [[filter|Filters]]:
{{{ [tag[mechanism]] }}}
{{{ [tag[mechanism]] ||TemplateTitle}}}
! Generated Widgets
The WikiText transclusion syntax generates a TiddlerWidget wrapped around a TranscludeWidget. For example, `{{MyTiddler||MyTemplate!!myField}}` generates the following pair of widgets:
<$tiddler tiddler="MyTiddler">
<$transclude tiddler="MyTemplate" field="myField"/>
See also:
* [[Transclusion Basic Usage]]
* [[Transclusion with Templates]]
* TemplateTiddlers
* TranscludeWidget
* [[Confusion between Transclusion and Substitution]]
! Introduction
In [[Transclusion Basic Usage]] we have seen how to include the content of a tiddler A into a tiddler B. Now suppose that tiddler A contains:
Hello, my title is {{!!title}}
This makes tiddler A display its title with a yellow background (see [[Styles and Classes in WikiText]] to learn about CSS style). Imagine that you want to display the title in the same way in tiddler B. But you don't want to copy/paste the style instructions, because you might want to change the background colour later and you want to keep it consistent among tiddlers. This looks like a typical case of transclusion, so let's try to transclude tiddler A in tiddler B the usual way with ``{{A}}``. You should see the following content in tiddler B:
Hello, my title is A
The style is applied as expected, but the title is wrong: we want ``{{!!title}}`` to refer to the target tiddler B, and not the source tiddler A.
The solution is to use a //template//. In this case, the source tiddler A is called the [[TemplateTiddler|TemplateTiddlers]], and it is //applied// to tiddler B using the notation ``{{||A}}``. The difference is that any TextReference which does not refer explicitly to a specific tiddler is applied to the [[current tiddler|CurrentTiddler]], that is, the target tiddler. As a result, tiddler B now looks as expected:
Hello, my title is B
! Usage
Transcluding via a template is like applying a mask: assuming that the source tiddler contains generic references (like eye holes in a mask), these will be replaced with the target tiddlers values (like the eyes of the person who wears the mask).
A template can be applied to any tiddler, not necessarily the current one. This is achieved using the full notation ``{{<target>||<template>}}``. The default ``<target>`` is the [[current tiddler|CurrentTiddler]] (this is what we used in the above example).
! Examples
!! A predefined template to render tags nicely
You can apply the system template ``$:/core/ui/TagTemplate`` to a tag in order to see it as a tag pill with a drop-down menu:
is rendered as {{Transclusion||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}
See also:
* [[Transclusion in WikiText]]
* [[Transclusion Basic Usage]]
* TextReference
* TemplateTiddlers
* TranscludeWidget
* CurrentTiddler
There is a special edition of TiddlyWiki that simplifies creating and maintaining translations:
Note that no knowledge of Node.js or GitHub is required.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/dev for technical details of creating and maintaining translations.
The translation mechanism of TiddlyWiki manages and switches between language plugins that provide translations of the TiddlyWiki user interface. The developer site at http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/ explains how translators can create and submit translations for TiddlyWiki.
The title of the current language plugin is read from the tiddler [[$:/language]]. If the selected plugin changes then any displayed translateable text automatically changes.
Translation plugins are bundles of tiddlers that each contain an indepedent translatable string. The strings are transcluded as needed.
Translatable strings are generally in the namespace `$:/language/`, for example:
* [[$:/language/EditTemplate/Shadow/OverriddenWarning]]
* [[$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/isfilteroperator]]
* [[$:/language/EditTemplate/Fields/Add/Value/Placeholder]]
Here are some webpages with tips and tutorials related to ~TiddlyWiki
<div class="tc-link-info">
<$list filter="[tag[Tutorials]!sort[modified]]">
<div class="tc-link-info-item">
! <$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
<div class="tc-subtitle">Posted <$view field="modified" format="relativedate"/></div>
This experimental plugin adds the ability to display WikiText written for the original Classic version of TiddlyWiki.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/tw2parser/
A collection of community tips and tutorials curated by Andreas Hahn, including a handy "customiser" that simplifies creating an empty TiddlyWiki with selected plugins and enhancements.
The intent of the project is to encourage people to use and actively tweak TiddlyWiki according to their needs. Similar to the old version, I also want to encourage people to share their knowledge and help other people get the most out of this wonderful piece of wiki software.
WikiText can include blocks of text that are rendered with an explicit ContentType like this:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="green" />
This renders as:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="green" />
It is also possible to abbreviate the ContentType to a file extension. For example:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="red" />
This renders as:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="red" />
Unknown types render as plain text:
Some plain text, which will not be //formatted//.
Which renders as:
Some plain text, which will not be //formatted//.
A render type can also be specified, causing a particular text rendering to be displayed. For example:
This is ''some'' wikitext
This is ''some'' wikitext
Renders as:
This is ''some'' wikitext
This is ''some'' wikitext
Use the [[documentation macros|Documentation Macros]] to keep the text maintainable in the face of change.
Be wary of arbitrarily applying raw bold or italic markup in a sentence. If there's a suitable macro, use that instead. If there isn't a suitable macro, write one or request one.
Use simple backticks (<code>`...`</code>) for fragments of WikiText, but not for the names of things like fields and widgets. These have their own macros.
To keep things clean and simple, quotation marks and apostrophes should be straight `'`, not curly `’`, and the ellipsis should be three separate dots `...` rather than `…`.
Use `"` as the primary quotation mark, reserving `'` for the rare case of a nested quotation.
Avoid using a single hyphen `-` as sentence punctuation. Instead, use a double hyphen -- which ~TiddlyWiki renders as an en-dash -- with a space on either side.
Items in lists and tables should only end with a full stop (period in US English) if they are complete sentences. They should have no trailing punctuation otherwise.
It is very rarely necessary to use an exclamation mark in professional documentation.
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
output="those input tiddlers that have no tags"
negationOutput="those input tiddlers that have at least one tag"
A tiddler is deemed to have no tags if it:
* doesn't exist
* doesn't have a <<.field tags>> field
* has an empty <<.field tags>> field
<<.operator-examples "untagged">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[untagged[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[all[shadows]untagged[]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[list[HelloThere]!untagged[]]">>
# Open upgrade.html
# Includes a data tiddler called `$:/UpgradeLibrary` that contains the latest compatible versions of all plugins in the library
# Drag in old wiki file
# Place tiddlers into a data tiddler `$:/Import` that is typed as a "pending import"
# Kick off import processing for each tiddler
## Give each "upgrader" module a chance to inspect the incoming tiddlers
## Upgrader modules can trigger actions for each tiddler:
##* Display a warning message
##* Don't import
##* Replace with another tiddler from the upgrade library
##* Disable incompatible plugins
# Display the newly created pending import tiddler through a new view template segment
## Displays the payload tiddlers as a list of titles and checkboxes, with a dropdown showing the full details of the tiddler
## Perhaps we also suppress the usual JSON display for data tiddlers behind a reveal widget
# The user can adjust the selection checkboxes
# Clicking "done" unpacks the selected tiddlers from the pending import tiddler
# The pending import tiddler and the upgrade library tiddler are excluded from the subsequent save operation
There are regular releases of TiddlyWiki with bug fixes and improvements. It's a good idea to keep up to date by regularly upgrading to the latest version.
! Introduction
The process described here is for upgrading standalone TiddlyWiki files. There is a [[different procedure|Upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] for upgrading [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]].
When upgrading, please remember the [[The First Rule of Using TiddlyWiki]]:
//You are responsible for looking after your own data; take care to make backups, especially when upgrading the ~TiddlyWiki core//
! Online upgrading
This process will work on most desktop browsers. Note that none of your personal data leaves your browser with this process.
# Locate your TiddlyWiki file in the file system (i.e. using Windows Explorer, the Finder on Mac OS X, or your file manager on Linux)
# Visit http://tiddlywiki.com/upgrade.html in your browser
# Drag your old TiddlyWiki HTML file into the browser window
#* If the file is encrypted you will be prompted for the password
# Review the list of tiddlers that will be upgraded
# Click ''Upgrade''
# Save changes to save the new version
This will download a file called ''upgrade.html'' to your computer. This file is the upgrade of your old file. You may need to open the location where ''upgrade.html'' was downloaded, rename ''upgrade.html'' with the name of the old file you are upgrading, and replace the old file by moving the new file in its place.
! Offline upgrading
You can also download http://tiddlywiki.com/upgrade.html locally and perform the same drag-and-drop procedure to upgrade your files.
! Problems with Upgrades
!! Firefox Security Restrictions
In case you run into this error with the upgrader, upon confirming the upgrade selection :
Error while saving:
Error:NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI: Access to restricted URI denied
The upgrade operation falls foul of a security restriction in Firefox. Until this can be resolved, we suggest either using the offline upgrader, or using Chrome to perform the upgrade:
*# Use Chrome to open http://tiddlywiki.com/upgrade.html, then drag your local TiddlyWiki html file to be upgraded into the upgrader window, as described above in ''Online upgrading''
*# After you've saved your upgraded file, you should be able to open it in Firefox and [[save using TiddlyFox|Saving with TiddlyFox]] again
* //See also : [[Saving on TiddlySpot]]//
!! Incompatible Customisations
It is possible for a customisation applied in a previous version to break when upgraded to the latest version. There are two techniques you can use to help track down issues:
* Try repeating the upgrade having selectively unchecked any tiddlers that may be applying customisations to TiddlyWiki
* Use SafeMode to disable all customisations of shadow tiddlers
You can see which shadow tiddlers have been overridden in the ''Filter'' tab of [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]]. Select "Overridden shadow tiddlers" from the dropdown.
If you've installed [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] on the usual way, when a new version is released you can upgrade it with this command:
npm update -g tiddlywiki
On Mac or Linux you'll need to add ''sudo'' like this:
sudo npm update -g tiddlywiki
By default, when running [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]], the server exposes the wiki at the URI formed from the protocol, host and port - for example, ``.
There are two steps to running the wiki at a custom path like ``:
# Configure the server by passing `/path/to/my/wiki` as the ''pathprefix'' argument of the ServerCommand
# Configure the client by creating a tiddler called ''$:/config/tiddlyweb/host'' that contains `$protocol$//$host$/path/to/my/wiki/`
You can use links (normally displayed as blue text) to navigate from one tiddler to another. Clicking on a link to any tiddler will take you to that tiddler. If the tiddler is closed, it will be opened. The wonderful thing about ~TiddlyWiki is that it makes links to tiddlers as accessible as possible. There are links everywhere! Here are the key places where you can find links to tiddlers in ~TiddlyWiki:
* You can ''create a link'' to a tiddler, whether it exists yet or not, in the body of any tiddler. See [[Linking in WikiText]] to see the various easy ways to create links between tiddlers.
* Each ''tag pill'' in your tiddler (such as the ''Working with ~TiddlyWiki'' tag pill below the title of this tiddler) contains a link to that tag's tiddler, as well as lists of all the tiddlers that carry that tag. This lets you go to any of those tiddlers.
* The ''InfoPanel'' of each tiddler gives you access to four tabs containing additional lists of related tiddlers:
** The ''References'' tab lists all the tiddlers that link //to// the current tiddler.
** The ''Tagging'' tab lists all the tiddlers that have been tagged with the current tiddler's title.
** The ''List'' tab lists all the tiddlers (or potential tiddlers) mentioned in the [[list field|ListField]] of the current tiddler.
** The ''Listed'' tab lists all the tiddlers that mention the current tiddler in //their// list fields.
* The ''sidebar tabs'' contain numerous lists of links to tiddlers:
** The ''Open'' tab lists all the tiddlers that are currently open, i.e. visible somewhere on the page.
** The ''Recent'' tab lists the 100 most recently modified tiddlers, beginning with the most recently modified.
** The ''More'' tab offers eight additional lists of tiddlers:
*** ''All'' lists all tiddlers in alphabetical order.
*** ''Tags'' lists all the tags. You can click on the pill for any tag to access a list of the tiddlers tagged with that tag.
*** ''Missing'' lists any tiddlers that don't yet exist, but have been linked to from other tiddlers. This is helpful for finding tiddlers you planned to create, but never got around to.
*** ''Drafts'' lists any tiddlers that are currently in draft mode. ~TiddlyWiki considers a tiddler's draft to be a separate tiddler for as long as you are editing it, so while you're editing a tiddler entitled ''Australia'', there will be two tiddlers, ''Australia'' and ''Draft of 'Australia'''. When you close the draft by saving your changes to it, those changes will be applied to the ''Australia'' tiddler. So treat the ''Drafts'' tab as a way of finding any unfinished drafts you started.
*** ''Orphans'' lists all the tiddlers that are not connected to any other tiddler by links, tags or lists. This is a helpful aid to editing your file - it shows you which tiddlers need to be integrated more carefully with the others.
*** ''Types'' lists any tiddlers with special content, such as images or audio.
*** ''System'' lists all of the SystemTiddlers.
*** ''Shadows'' lists all of the ShadowTiddlers.
* ''Search results'' are a list of the tiddlers that contain the text you type in the search box.
* Finally, you can create your own custom lists of tiddlers by various methods:
** You can transclude a [[filter|Filters]] (see [[Transclusion in WikiText]]). For example, adding `{{{ [tag[mountain]] }}}` to a tiddler will insert a list of all tiddlers tagged with ''mountain''.
** You can use the ListWidget. This is more complicated than transcluding a [[filter|Filters]], but in return it allows you more flexibility in designing and displaying the list exactly as you want it to appear.
The first steps to changing the appearance of TiddlyWiki are to choose and apply one of the available themes, or to modify the [[colour palette|ColourPalettes]].
In addition, custom [[CSS stylesheets|http://www.w3schools.com/css]] can be can defined by tagging a tiddler `$:/tags/Stylesheet`. Try creating a custom stylesheet now with the following content in order to change the page background colour to red:
html body.tc-body {
background: red;
! Overriding Theme Settings
Custom stylesheets are applied independently from theme stylesheets. Therefore, it is often necessary for the css rules in your custom stylesheet to be more specific than those of the theme you want to override. For example, `html body.tc-body` is more specific than `body.tc-body`.
! Stylesheet Types
Usually it is best to use the type `text/css` for stylesheets. This treats them as plain stylesheets, and ensures that TiddlyWiki doesn't apply any wiki processing to them.
If you wish to use macros and transclusions in your stylesheets you should instead use the default WikiText type `text/vnd.tiddlywiki`. This allows full WikiText processing to be performed. Here is an example:
\rules only filteredtranscludeinline transcludeinline macrodef macrocallinline html
body.tc-body pre {
<<box-shadow "inset 0 1px 0 #fff">>
The `\rules` pragma at the top of the tiddler restricts the WikiText to just allow macros and transclusion. This avoids mistakenly triggering unwanted WikiText processing.
A stylesheet tiddler is processed such that it is first wikified and then the text portion of the ouput is extracted to apply as the CSS. Any HTML tags you will use in your stylesheet are thus ignored. For example, HTML elements generated by the RevealWidget will not affect the output. As in the following example, you can wrap CSS rules in `<pre>` tags to display them as a codeblock without affecting processing, including handling the inner macro.
\rules only filteredtranscludeinline transcludeinline macrodef macrocallinline html
<pre>body.tc-body pre {
<<box-shadow "inset 0 1px 0 #fff">>
!! Stylesheet Macros
Several globally available macros are provided that are helpful in constructing stylesheets. See [[$:/core/macros/CSS]] for the definitions of these macros.
* `<<colour name>>` and `<<color name>>` retrieve named colours from the current [[colour palette|ColourPalettes]]
* `<<box-shadow shadow>>` specify a box-shadow
* `<<filter filter>>` specify a CSS filter
* `<<transition transition>>` specify a CSS transition
* `<<transform-origin origin>>` specify the CSS transform origin
* `<<background-linear-gradient gradient>>` specify a linear gradient
* `<<datauri title>>` retrieves the base64 content of a tiddler for use via the CSS `url()` operator
TiddlyWiki5 can be used to produce documentation for GitHub projects. It lets you maintain a single set of documentation as a [[TiddlyWikiFolder|TiddlyWikiFolders]] containing separate tiddler files under source code control, and then use it to produce `readme.md` files for inclusion in project folders, or HTML files for storage in [[GitHub Pages|http://pages.github.com/]]. Both features are demonstrated by TiddlyWiki5 itself.
! Generating `readme.md` files
When displaying the contents of a folder GitHub will look for a `readme.md` file and display it. Note that it will not display full HTML files in this way, just static MarkDown files (this is a security measure). Happily MarkDown permits a safe subset of HTML, and thus to generate a `readme.md` file that is suitable for GitHub it is just necessary for TiddlyWiki5 to generate the content of the `<body>` element of an HTML document, and give it the appropriate filename.
This is done with this command:
--rendertiddler ReadMe ./readme.md text/html
It saves the tiddler ReadMe to the file `./readme.md` in the `text/html` format.
By default, tiddler links will be rendered as `<a>` links to a relative URI consisting of the title of the tiddler. This behaviour can be overridden by defining the macro `tv-wikilink-template`, as is done at the top of the tiddler ReadMe:
\define tv-wikilink-template() http://tiddlywiki.com/static/$uri_doubleencoded$.html
See the LinkWidget for more details.
In this example, tiddler links are rendered as links to the static rendering of tw5.com.
TiddlyWiki5 can be used on the command line to perform an extensive set of operations based on TiddlyWikiFolders, TiddlerFiles and TiddlyWikiFiles.
For example, the following command loads the tiddlers from a TiddlyWiki HTML file and then saves one of them in static HTML:
tiddlywiki --verbose --load mywiki.html --rendertiddler ReadMe ./readme.html
Running `tiddlywiki` from the command line boots the TiddlyWiki kernel, loads the core plugins and establishes an empty wiki store. It then sequentially processes the command line arguments from left to right. The arguments are separated with spaces.
The first argument is the optional path to the [[TiddlyWikiFolder|TiddlyWikiFolders]] to be loaded. If not present, then the current directory is used.
The commands and their individual arguments follow, each command being identified by the prefix `--`.
tiddlywiki [<wikipath>] [--<command> [<arg>[,<arg>]]]
The available commands are:
<<list-links "[tag[Commands]]">>
TiddlyWiki5 allows you to use SVG to display vector graphics in two ways:
* Tiddlers with the type `image/svg+xml` are interpreted as SVG images, and displayed and transcluded as self-contained `<img>` elements with the SVG embedded as a data URI in the `src` attribute.
** For examples of SVG images see [[Motovun Jack.svg]] and [[Tiddler Fishes.svg]]
* WikiText can also include inline SVG elements directly. See below for an example.
! Embedding SVG tiddlers
You can embed an SVG image tiddler using the ordinary transclusion syntax:
{{Motovun Jack.jpg}}
You can also use TypedBlockWikiText to embed an inline SVG tiddler.
The implications of the image being rendered within an `<img>` element are that it is sandboxed; it can't use CSS styles from the parent document, for example. Neither can the image use WikiText features like transclusion.
! Embedding SVG elements
The other way to use SVG is to embed the `<svg>` element directly. For example:
<svg width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="red" />
Note that inline SVG elements don't need an `<?xml version="1.0"?>` directive.
! Including HTML or WikiText content in SVG images
You can include simple text strings in SVG images using the `<text>` element:
<svg width="100px" height="30px" viewBox="0 0 1000 300"><text x="250" y="150" font-family="Verdana" font-size="55">Hello, out there</text><rect x="1" y="1" width="998" height="298" fill="none" stroke-width="2" /></svg>
HTML or WikiText content can be included within inline SVG images using the `<foreignObject>` element. For example:
<svg width="260px" height="260px"><circle cx="150" cy="150" r="100" fill="blue" stoke="red"/><foreignObject x="70" y="110" width="150" height="180"><body>Here is some text that requires a word wrap, and includes a [[link to a tiddler|HelloThere]].</body></foreignObject></svg>
! Transcluding SVG elements
When embedding SVG elements you can also use WikiText features like transclusion. For example, here is an SVG circle with the radius set to the value in the tiddler [[$:/SVGExampleRadius]]:
<svg width="150" height="150"><circle cx="75" cy="75" r={{$:/SVGExampleRadius}} stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="green"/></svg>
You can edit the value of the radius here: <$edit-text tiddler="$:/SVGExampleRadius" tag="input"/>
[[Variables]] are an essential component of dynamic WikiText, as are [[Widgets]] and [[Macros]]. In fact, a variable is a shorthand of a macro.
You can define custom [[Variables in WikiText]] or use one of the standard variables...
<<list-links "[tag[Variables]]">>
The [[<<dumpvariables>>|DumpVariablesMacro]] macro lists all variables defined in the current scope, allowing you to see and edit their values.
\define tags() {{!!tags}}
[[Variables]] contain values. They are available within the scope of the [[widget|Widgets]] in which they are defined, as well as all child widgets in the widget tree.
!!Defining Variables
Variables are defined by...
; [[Macros|Macros in WikiText]]
: in fact, variables are macro shorthands (see example below)
; SetWidget
: sets a variable to a value
; ListWidget
: sets list-item and iterator variabes
; TiddlyWiki
: in the core and core templates
!!Using Variables
Variables are used...
; via shorthand
; via variable substitution within [[macros|Macros]]
; as parameters to [[filter steps|Filters]]
: `[operator<variableName>]`
; in [[widgets|Widgets]]
: internally, or as widget attributes
: `<$edit tiddler=<<currentTiddler>>/>`
!! Examples
''defining a variable via SetWidget''
<$set name=foo value=bar>
<$set name=foo value=bar>
''a variable is a macro''
Below, the `\define` pragma at the beginning of a tiddler [[defines the macro|Macros in WikiText]] `<<tags>>`, valid in the scope of the CurrentTiddler, returning the value of the standard `tags` field.
\define tags() {{!!tags}}
''using a filter variable to get all incoming links''
Using the <<olink backlinks>> [[filter operator|Filter Operators]] to get all tiddlers linking to this one...
<<list-links filter:"[<currentTiddler>backlinks[]]">>
<<list-links filter:"[<currentTiddler>backlinks[]]">>
The version macro returns the current TiddlyWiki version number.
! Example
The version macro takes no parameters:
Version number: <<version>>
Version number: <<version>>
The following TiddlyWiki videos are available.
<<list-links "[tag[Videos]]">>
The aim is to curate a series of videos to guide people through getting up and running with TiddlyWiki. [[Contributions|Contributing]] are welcome.
! Introduction
The view widget displays the contents of a tiddler field in a specified format.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$view>` widget is displayed if the field or property is missing or empty.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The title of the tiddler (defaults to the CurrentTiddler) |
|field |The name of the field to view (defaults to "text") |
|index |The name of the index to view |
|format |The format for displaying the field (see below) |
|template |The optional template used with certain formats |
|subtiddler |Optional SubTiddler title when the target tiddler is a [[plugin|Plugins]] (see below) |
!! Formats
The following formats can be specified in the `format` attribute:
|!Format |!Description |
|''text'' |Plain text |
|''htmlwikified'' |The field is wikified and the resulting HTML returned as plain text |
|''htmlencoded'' |The field is displayed with HTML encoding issues |
|''date'' |The field is interpreted as a UTC date and displayed according to the DateFormat specified in the `template` attribute |
|''relativedate'' |The field is interpreted as a UTC date and displayed as the interval from the present instant |
|''stripcomments'' |The field is interpreted as JavaScript source code and any lines beginning `\\#` are stripped |
|''jsencoded'' |The field is displayed as a JavaScript encoded string |
! SubTiddler Access
The view widget allows access to the individual tiddlers stored within a [[plugin|Plugins]].
The following example will view the core version of the tiddler [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]] even if it has been overridden:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '
<$view tiddler="$:/core" subtiddler="$:/DefaultTiddlers"/>
<a class="tc-float-right tc-bordered-image" href="http://classic.tiddlywiki.com/" target="_blank">[img width="200" [TiddlyWiki Classic.png]]</a>
The original [[Classic|TiddlyWikiClassic]] version of TiddlyWiki is still available at:
Note that the [[current version|TiddlyWiki5]] of TiddlyWiki is not fully backwards compatible with TiddlyWikiClassic. Content can be imported but will need massaging to adapt to the new WikiText format. A ''tw2parser'' plugin is under development that will allow faithful display of most content created for TiddlyWikiClassic:
The `tm-add-field` message is handled by the FieldManglerWidget. It adds the specified field with a blank value if the field doesn't already exist.
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Name of field to add |
The add field message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the FieldManglerWidget.
The `tm-add-tag` message is handled by the FieldManglerWidget. It adds the specified tag.
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Name of tag to add |
The add tag message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the FieldManglerWidget.
The autosave wiki message causes the current saver module to perform a background save if it is required.
The autosave wiki message should be generated whenever changes are made to the store. For example, the navigator widget generates the autosave wiki message as part of its handling of the [[WidgetMessage: tm-save-tiddler]], [[WidgetMessage: tm-delete-tiddler]] and [[WidgetMessage: tm-perform-import]].
The autosave wiki message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SaverModule|SaverModules]]. Not all SaverModules can handle autosaving.
The `tm-browser-refresh` message refreshes the page, causing the re-initialisation of any plugin tiddlers. It does not require any properties on the `event` object.
The refresh message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the core.
The `tm-cancel-tiddler` message abandons the changes in a draft tiddler. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is being cancelled out of edit mode |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The cancel tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The `tm-clear-password` message clears the current password from the password vault, clearing the [[$:/isEncrypted]] tiddler. See EncryptionMechanism for details.
This message is typically generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the core itself.
The close all tiddlers message empties the story list.
The close all tiddlers message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The `tm-close-other-tiddlers` message removes all but a specified tiddler from the story list. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is not to be closed |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The close other tiddlers message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The `tm-close-tiddler` message removes a specified tiddler from the story list. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is to be closed |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The close tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The `tm-delete-tiddler` message deletes the specified tiddler and removes it from the current story. If the tiddler is a draft then it also deletes the tiddler specified in the `draft.of` field. The delete tiddler message requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is to be deleted |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The delete tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The download file message causes the current saver module to prompt the user to download the result of parsing a specified template tiddler as a file. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of a tiddler to use as a template for the new tiddler |
|paramObject |Optional hashmap of variable values to use for the rendering |
The download file message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget.
The download file message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SaverModule|SaverModules]].
The `tm-edit-tiddler` message replaces the specified tiddler in the current story with a draft version of itself. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is being switched to edit mode |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The edit tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The fullscreen message toggles the "fullscreen" mode of the browser, if it supports it.
The fullscreen message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core.
The `tm-home` message closes any open tiddlers and re-opens the default tiddlers set in [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]]. It also remove any [[permalink|PermaLinks]] from the browser address bar. It does not require any properties on the `event` object.
The home message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the core.
The `tm-import-tiddlers` message inserts a list of tiddlers into the pending import tiddler [[$:/Import]]. It also applies any active ''upgrader'' modules to each tiddler as it arrives (see the UpgradeMechanism for more details).
|!Name |!Description |
|param |JSON text of the array of tiddlers to be imported |
The import tiddlers message is usually generated with the DropzoneWidget or the BrowseWidget, and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
! Configuration Variables
The variable `tv-auto-open-on-import` controls whether the `tm-import-tiddlers` message automatically triggers the display of the pending import tiddler [[$:/Import]]:
* ''no'': The pending import tiddler is not opened in the story
* ''yes'': The pending import tiddler is opened in th story. This is the default
The login message prompts the user for a username and password and attempts to login to the current serverside host. The tiddler [[$:/status/IsLoggedIn]] reflects the current login status with the values "yes" or "no", and [[$:/status/UserName]] reflects the current username.
The login message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SyncAdaptorModule|SyncAdaptorModules]] (typically the ''tiddlywiki/tiddlywebadaptor'' plugin).
The logout message attempts to log the user out of the current serverside host. The tiddler [[$:/status/IsLoggedIn]] reflects the current login status with the values "yes" or "no", and [[$:/status/UserName]] reflects the current username.
The logout message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SyncAdaptorModule|SyncAdaptorModules]] (typically the ''tiddlywiki/tiddlywebadaptor'' plugin).
The modal message displays a specified tiddler in a modal overlay that dims the main page. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler to be displayed |
|paramObject |Hashmap of variables to be provided to the modal |
The "currentTiddler" variable is set to the title of the modal tiddler, but can be overridden by specifying a different value in `paramObject`.
The modal message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget. The modal message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core.
! Example
Here is an example of displaying a modal and passing parameters to it:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src='Your name: <$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/yourName" tag="input" default="Your name"/>
Your message:
<$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/yourMessage" default="Your message"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-modal" $param="SampleModal" yourName={{$:/temp/yourName}} yourMessage={{$:/temp/yourMessage}}/>
Click me!
The `tm-navigate` message inserts the specified tiddler into the story and puts it at the top of the history stack. If the tiddler is not already present in the story then it will be positioned immediately after the tiddler specified in `event.navigateFromTitle`.
The navigate message requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|navigateTo |Title of the tiddler that is being navigated |
|navigateFromTitle |Title of the tiddler from which the navigation was initiated |
|navigateFromClientRect |Bounding rectangle in client page coordinates of the element initiating the navigation |
|navigateSuppressNavigation |''true'' causes the new tiddler to only be added to the story, and not the history stack. This suppresses the scrolling associated with navigating to a tiddler |
The navigate message can be generated by the LinkWidget, the ActionNavigateWidget and the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The new tiddler message creates a new draft tiddler and adds it to the current story. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |The optional title of a tiddler to use as a template for the new tiddler |
|paramObject |Optional hashmap of additional tiddler fields |
|navigateFromTitle |Title of the tiddler from which the navigation to the new tiddler was initiated |
The title for the draft tiddler is chosen according to these rules:
* If a hashmap was used and a title field was specified, use that title
* If a template tiddler was used, use the title of the template tiddler, making it unique with a numeric suffix
* Otherwise, generate a new title based on the default new tiddler title with a numeric suffix to make it unique
The new tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget or ActionSendMessageWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
! Example
To make a button that creates new tiddlers tagged "task", create a tiddler called "TaskTemplate" with that tag, and then make your button like this:
<$button message="tm-new-tiddler" param="TaskTemplate">New Task</$button>
The notify message briefly displays a specified tiddler as a small alert in the upper right corner of the page. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler to be displayed |
The notify message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core.
The perform import message copies tiddlers from a specified plugin into the main store. See the UpgradeMechanism for an overview of how it is used by the core.
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the pending import tiddler. Defaults to ''$:/Import'' |
To select which tiddlers are to be imported, fields with names formed from `selection-` plus the title of the tiddler are used. The value ''unchecked'' causes the tiddler to be skipped from the import.
The perform import message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The `tm-permalink` message changes the browser address bar to form a [[permalink|PermaLinks]] to a specified tiddler, defaulting to the current tiddler.
The permalink message supports the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler to be permalinked |
|tiddlerTitle |The current tiddler (used by default if the tiddler title isn't specified in the `param`) |
The permalink message can be generated by the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the story mechanism.
The `tm-permaview` message changes the browser address bar to form a [[permaview|PermaLinks]] that specifies all the open tiddlers in the main story river, and the tiddler to be navigated, defaulting to the current tiddler.
The permaview message supports the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler to be navigated within the permaview |
|tiddlerTitle |The current tiddler (used by default if the tiddler title isn't specified in the `param`) |
The permaview message can be generated by the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the story mechanism.
The `tm-remove-field` message is handled by the FieldManglerWidget. It removes the specified field.
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Name of field to remove |
The remove field message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the FieldManglerWidget.
The `tm-remove-tag` message is handled by the FieldManglerWidget. It removes the specified tag.
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Name of tag to remove |
The remove tag message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the FieldManglerWidget.
The `tm-save-tiddler` message is applied to draft tiddlers. It saves the draft over the tiddler identified in the `draft.of` field and then deletes the draft. The save tiddler message requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is being switched out of edit mode |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The save tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The save wiki message causes the current saver module to perform a full save operation. The save operation can involve user interaction. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of a tiddler to use as a template for rendering the wiki (defaults to `$:/core/save/all`) |
|paramObject |Optional hashmap of variable values to use for the rendering |
The save wiki message is usually generated by the ButtonWidget.
The save wiki message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SaverModule|SaverModules]].
The server refresh message attempts to synchronise the latest changes to the current serverside host.
The server refresh message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SyncAdaptorModule|SyncAdaptorModules]] (typically the ''tiddlywiki/tiddlywebadaptor'' plugin).
The `tm-set-password` message prompts the user for a new password and stores it in the password vault, replacing any existing password. It also sets the [[$:/isEncrypted]] tiddler. See EncryptionMechanism for details.
This message is typically generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the core itself.
Widgets add dynamic functionality to WikiText.
The following widgets are built into the core:
<<list-links "[tag[Widgets]]">>
Widgets provide rich functionality within WikiText. They have the same syntax as [[HTML elements|HTML in WikiText]], but the tag name always starts with `$`. For example:
<$button message="tm-close-tiddler">Close Me!</$button>
Note that widgets inherit all the features of [[HTML in WikiText]]:
* Widget attributes can be specified as:
** Unquoted strings (that cannot contain spaces)
** Strings quoted with single or double quotes
** Strings quoted with triple-double quotes
** Macro invocations (eg `attr=<<myMacro>>`)
** Transclusions (eg, `attr={{MyTiddler!!field}}`)
* The content of a widget is parsed in inline mode unless the opening tag is followed by two linebreaks, which forces block mode
** 'Inline mode' means that 'block mode' parse rules like headings, tables and lists are not recognised
See [[HTML in WikiText]] for more details.
The available widgets include:
<<list-links "[tag[Widgets]]">>
*For the checkbox-invoke-actions widget you need to use reveal widgets to trigger different actions for checking or unchecking, otherwise the same actions are triggered each time.
!Checkbox widget:
<$checkboxInvokeActions tag='woo'>Something
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='!!test' text=yep>
<$action-setfield test='yep'/>
<$reveal type='match' state='!!test' text=yep>
<$action-setfield test='nope'/>
<$checkboxInvokeActions tag='woo'>Something
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='!!test' text=yep>
<$action-setfield test='yep'/>
<$reveal type='match' state='!!test' text=yep>
<$action-setfield test='nope'/>
!Link Widget:
<$linkInvokeActions to=HelloThere>Hello!
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-modal' $param=About/>
<$linkInvokeActions to=HelloThere>Hello!
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-modal' $param=About/>
The currentOption variable is the value the radio button uses so you can have changes depend on the one you switch it to. This may not be needed.
<$radioInvokeActions field='radio_test' value='First'>First
<$action-navigate $to=<<currentOption>>/>
<$radioInvokeActions field='radio_test' value='Second'>Second
<$action-navigate $to=<<currentOption>>/>
<$radioInvokeActions field='radio_test' value='Third'>Third
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-modal' $param=HelloThere/>
<$radioInvokeActions field='radio_test' value='HelloThere'><<setValue>>HelloThere
<$action-navigate $to=<<currentOption>>/>
<$radioInvokeActions field='radio_test' value='New Tiddler'>New Tiddler<$action-navigate $to=<<currentOption>>/>
<$radioInvokeActions field='radio_test' value='Third'>Third
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-modal' $param=HelloThere/>
<$selectInvokeActions field='select_test'>
<option><$action-setfield $tiddler='Widgets Invoking Actions' select_field=1/>First Option</option>
<option>Second Option<$action-setfield $tiddler='Widgets Invoking Actions' select_field=2/></option>
<option value=bob>Third Option<$action-setfield $tiddler='Widgets Invoking Actions' select_field=3/></option>
<option>Fourth Option<$action-setfield $tiddler='Widgets Invoking Actions' select_field={{!!select_test}}/></option>
<$selectInvokeActions field='select_test'>
<option><$action-setfield $tiddler='Widgets Invoking Actions' select_field=1/>First Option</option>
<option>Second Option<$action-setfield $tiddler='Widgets Invoking Actions' select_field=2/></option>
<option value=bob>Third Option<$action-setfield $tiddler='Widgets Invoking Actions' select_field=3/></option>
<option>Fourth Option<$action-setfield $tiddler='Widgets Invoking Actions' select_field={{!!select_test}}/></option>
The ''currentTiddler'' [[variable|Variables]] contains the title of the current tiddler.
!! Usage
Various [[Widgets]] and [[Macros]] are by default applied with respect to the tiddler referenced via ''currentTiddler''. Within the [[ListWidget]] or TemplateTiddlers you are thus often not required to specify the tiddler title.
The following two examples are thus equivalent...
* `<$view field=title/>`
* `<$view field=title tiddler=<<currentTiddler>>/>`
: when [[transcluding|Transclusion]] a tiddler, ''currentTiddler'' is set to the tiddler being transcluded,
: e.g. when using the [[WikiText shorthand|Transclusion in WikiText]]: `{{||TemplateTiddlerTitle}}`
; ListWidget
: overrides the ''currentTiddler'' variable with the currently iterated list-item,
: unless a custom `variable` attribute is specified
; TiddlerWidget
: sets the ''currentTiddler'' variable for its inner scope
!! Example
<$view tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field=title/>
<$view tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field=title/>
!! Other Standard Variables
* [[WidgetVariable: storyTiddler]]
* [[WidgetVariable: transclusion]]
The ''storyTiddler'' [[variable|Variables]] is set by the [[default view-template|$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate]] to the title of the tiddler in the story river. It is therefore undefined in elements like the ''sidebar''.
!! Example
<$view tiddler=<<storyTiddler>> field=title/>
<$view tiddler=<<storyTiddler>> field=title/>
!! Other Standard Variables
* [[WidgetVariable: currentTiddler]]
* [[WidgetVariable: transclusion]]
The ''transclusion'' [[variable|Variables]] is automatically set by the TranscludeWidget to contain a string identifying the position of the current node within the widget tree.
With the ''transclusion'' variable, the QualifyMacro identifies the stack of transcluded tiddlers.
In the sidebar, the ''transclusion'' variable is set to:<br>
When the tiddler "HelloThere" is displayed in the story river ''transclusion'' is set to:<br> `{HelloThere|HelloThere|||}`
Each nested level of transclusion appends another curly bracketed list of symbols.
!! Example
''identifying if we're in the sidebar or not''
\define mymacro()
We are
emptyMessage="in the story river.">
in the sidebar.
Result in a story tiddler:
We are in the story river.
Result in the sidebar:
We are in the sidebar.
Groups of uniquely titled tiddlers are contained in WikiStore objects.
The WikiStore also manages the plugin modules used for widgets, and operations like serializing, deserializing, parsing and rendering tiddlers.
~WikiText is a concise, expressive way of typing a wide range of text formatting, hypertext and interactive features. It allows you to focus on writing without a complex user interface getting in the way. It is designed to be familiar for users of [[MarkDown|http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/]], but with more of a focus on linking and the interactive features.
See [[Formatting text in TiddlyWiki]] for an introduction to WikiText.
The following elements of WikiText syntax are built into the core:
<<list-links "[tag[WikiText]]">>
Under Windows it is possible to convert TiddlyWiki into a true local application by renaming the HTML file to have the extension `*.hta`. The ''fsosaver'' module can then use the ~ActiveX ~FileSystemObject to save changes.
Note that one disadvantage of this approach is that the TiddlyWiki file is saved in UTF-16 format, making it up to twice as large as it would be with the usual UTF-8 encoding. However, opening and saving the file via another saving method will re-encode the file to UTF-8.
See Wikipedia for more details: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML_Application
! Introduction
If you want to [[contribute|Contributing]] to TiddlyWiki's development, rather than [[installing TiddlyWiki in the usual way|Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js]], you can work directly with the GitHub repository.
Mario Pietsch has created a [[short video introduction|Working with the TiddlyWiki5 repository video]].
! Setting Up
# Create an account on GitHub if you don't already have one
# Fork the TiddlyWiki5 GitHub repository from https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5
# Clone a local copy of your fork
# Open a command line terminal and change the current working directory to the root of the repo
# Type `npm link` (Windows) or `sudo npm link` (Mac/Linux) to tell [[npm]] to use this copy of the repo as the globally installed one
After this procedure you can work with TiddlyWiki5 via [[npm]] as though it were installed in the usual way with `npm install -g tiddlywiki`.
See also [[Scripts for TiddlyWiki on Node.js]].
Mario Pietsch has created a short video tutorial on [[working with the TiddlyWiki5 GitHub repository|Working with the TiddlyWiki5 repository]].
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/6ElUruH92tc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Information to help you get started using TiddlyWiki:
<<list-links "[tag[Working with TiddlyWiki]]">>
In English:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Add Adjective' field='english' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
In French:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Add Adjective' field='masculin' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Add Adjective' field='feminin' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
Pluriel Masculin
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Add Adjective' field='pluriel_masculin' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
Pluriel Féminin
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Add Adjective' field='pluriel_feminin' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/Add Adjective' tag=Nationality>Nationality</$checkbox>
Add Adjective
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Add Adjective' title={{$:/temp/Add Adjective!!english}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Add Adjective' english='' masculin='' feminin='' pluriel_masculin='' pluriel_feminin=''/>
In English:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Add Noun' field='english' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
In French:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Add Noun' field='masculin' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Add Noun' field='feminin' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
Pluriel Masculin
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Add Noun' field='pluriel_masculin' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
Pluriel Féminin
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Add Noun' field='pluriel_feminin' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/Add Noun' tag=Profession>Profession</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/Add Noun' tag=Month>Month</$checkbox>
Add Noun
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Add Noun' title={{$:/temp/Add Noun!!english}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Add Noun' english='' masculin='' feminin='' pluriel_masculin='' pluriel_feminin=''/>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Add Number' field='number' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Add Number' field='english' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Add Number' field='français' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
Add Number
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Add Number' title={{$:/temp/Add Number!!english}} tags='Number Word'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Add Number' number='' english='' français='' tags=Number/>
Select Adjective:
<$select tiddler='$:/state/Edit Adjective' field='selected_adjective'>
<$list filter='[!is[system]tag[Adjective]search:title{$:/state/Edit Adjective!!search_adjectives}]'>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/Edit Adjective' field='search_adjectives'/>
<$edit-text tiddler={{$:/state/Edit Adjective!!selected_adjective}} field='english' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
<$edit-text tiddler={{$:/state/Edit Adjective!!selected_adjective}} field='masculin' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
<$edit-text tiddler={{$:/state/Edit Adjective!!selected_adjective}} field='feminin' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
Pluriel Masculin
<$edit-text tiddler={{$:/state/Edit Adjective!!selected_adjective}} field='pluriel_masculin' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
Pluriel Fèminin
<$edit-text tiddler={{$:/state/Edit Adjective!!selected_adjective}} field='pluriel_feminin' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
Select Noun:
<$select tiddler='$:/state/Edit Noun' field='selected_noun'>
<$list filter='[!is[system]tag[Noun]search:title{$:/state/Edit Noun!!search_nouns}]'>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/Edit Noun' field='search_nouns'/>
<$edit-text tiddler={{$:/state/Edit Noun!!selected_noun}} field='english' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
<$edit-text tiddler={{$:/state/Edit Noun!!selected_noun}} field='masculin' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
<$edit-text tiddler={{$:/state/Edit Noun!!selected_noun}} field='feminin' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
Pluriel Masculin
<$edit-text tiddler={{$:/state/Edit Noun!!selected_noun}} field='pluriel_masculin' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
Pluriel Fèminin
<$edit-text tiddler={{$:/state/Edit Noun!!selected_noun}} field='pluriel_feminin' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
<$checkbox tiddler={{$:/state/Edit Noun!!selected_noun}} tag=Profession>Profession</$checkbox>
\define thisDisplayNounCard()
<$transclude tiddler='$:/templates/Noun Template' mode=block/>
\define thisDisplayNumberCard()
<$transclude tiddler='$:/templates/Number Template' mode=block/>
\define thisDisplayVerbCard()
<$transclude tiddler='$:/templates/Verb Template' mode=block/>
\define thisDisplayAdjectiveCard()
<$transclude tiddler='$:/templates/Adjective Template' mode=block/>
\define thisStartButton()
<$button style='border:1px solid black;'>
Back to Start
<$action-setfield $tiddler='Flash Cards' $field='current_card' $value="""$(FirstWord)$"""/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Noun Card Answers' $field=masculin $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Noun Card Answers' $field=feminin $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Noun Card Answers' $field=pluriel_masculin $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Noun Card Answers' $field=pluriel_feminin $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Adjective Card Answers' $field=masculin $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Adjective Card Answers' $field=feminin $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Adjective Card Answers' $field=pluriel_masculin $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Adjective Card Answers' $field=pluriel_feminin $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/View Current Card' $field='show_answers' $value='false'/>
\define thisNavigationBar()
<table style='width:100%; border:0px;border-top:0px;border-left:0px;padding-bottom:0;margin-bottom:0;'>
<td style='border-top:0px;border-left:0px;'>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/sometiddilerthatshouldntexistseriouslywhydoyouhavethingisth' text="""$(PreviousWord)$""">
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>
{{$:/core/images/chevron-left}} <$view tiddler="""$(PreviousWord)$""" field=english/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='Flash Cards' $field='current_card' $value="""$(PreviousWord)$"""/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Noun Card Answers' $field=masculin $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Noun Card Answers' $field=feminin $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Noun Card Answers' $field=pluriel_masculin $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Noun Card Answers' $field=pluriel_feminin $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Adjective Card Answers' $field=masculin $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Adjective Card Answers' $field=feminin $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Adjective Card Answers' $field=pluriel_masculin $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Adjective Card Answers' $field=pluriel_feminin $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/View Current Card' $field='show_answers' $value='false'/>
<td style='text-align:right;align:right;border-top:0px;border-left:0px;'>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/sometiddilerthatshouldntexistseriouslywhydoyouhavethingisth' text="""$(NextWord)$""">
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>
<$view tiddler="""$(NextWord)$""" field=english/> {{$:/core/images/chevron-right}}
<$action-setfield $tiddler='Flash Cards' $field='current_card' $value="""$(NextWord)$"""/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Noun Card Answers' $field=masculin $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Noun Card Answers' $field=feminin $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Noun Card Answers' $field=pluriel_masculin $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Noun Card Answers' $field=pluriel_feminin $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Adjective Card Answers' $field=masculin $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Adjective Card Answers' $field=feminin $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Adjective Card Answers' $field=pluriel_masculin $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Adjective Card Answers' $field=pluriel_feminin $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/View Current Card' $field='show_answers' $value='false'/>
\define thisInsideList()
<$list filter='[{Flash Cards!!current_card}tag[Noun]]'>
<$list filter='[{Flash Cards!!current_card}tag[Verb]]'>
<$list filter='[{Flash Cards!!current_card}tag[Number]]'>
<$list filter='[{Flash Cards!!current_card}tag[Adjective]]'>
\define thisMakeCard()
<$list variable=FirstWord filter="""[!is[system]tag[Word]$(SelectedTag)$$(SelectedSubCategory)$first[]limit[1]]""">
<$list variable=NextWord filter="""[!is[system]tag[Word]$(SelectedTag)$$(SelectedSubCategory)$after{Flash Cards!!current_card}limit[1]]""" emptyMessage=<<thisInsideList>>>
<$list variable=PreviousWord filter="""[!is[system]tag[Word]$(SelectedTag)$$(SelectedSubCategory)$before{Flash Cards!!current_card}limit[1]]""" emptyMessage=<<thisInsideList>>>
<$list variable=CurrentCard filter="""[{Flash Cards!!current_card}]""">
\define thisSubCategoryOptionsList()
<$list filter='[!is[system]tag[Word]$(SelectedTag)$tags[]]-[[Word]]' variable=ThisSubcategory>
\define thisSubCategoryListItem()
<option value='tag[$(ThisSubcategory)$]'><<ThisSubcategory>></option>
Select category:
<$select tiddler='$:/state/Flash Cards' field='category'>
<option value=''>All</option>
<option value='tag[Adjective]'>Adjective</option>
<option value='tag[Noun]'>Noun</option>
<option value='tag[Number]'>Number</option>
<option value='tag[Verb]'>Verb</option>
<$set name=SelectedTag value={{$:/state/Flash Cards!!category}}>
Select sub-category:
<$select tiddler='$:/state/Flash Cards' field='subcategory'>
<option value=''>All</option>
<$set name=SelectedSubCategory value={{$:/state/Flash Cards!!subcategory}}>
\define thisCheckboxItem()
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/state/List/Search Nouns/Selected Classes' tag="""$(CurrentClass)$""">$(CurrentClass)$</$checkbox>
\define thisList()
<$list filter='[!is[system]tag[Adjective]]'>
<$list filter='[tag[Adjective]tags[]]
-[[Noun]]' variable=CurrentClass>
<$vars ProfessionTag='!tag[Profession]'>
\define thisCheckboxItem()
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/state/List/Search Nouns/Selected Classes' tag="""$(CurrentClass)$""">$(CurrentClass)$</$checkbox>
\define thisList()
<$list filter='[!is[system]tag[Noun]]'>
<$list filter='[tag[Noun]tags[]]
-[[Noun]]' variable=CurrentClass>
<$vars ProfessionTag='!tag[Profession]'>
<$list filter='[is[current]tag[Noun]]'>
|!English |>|>|>|>|
|{{!!english}} |>|>|>|>|
|!Français |>|>|>|>|
|Masculin |Feminin |Pluriel Masculin |Pluriel Feminin |
|{{!!masculin}} |{{!!feminin}} |{{!!pluriel_masculin}} |{{!!pluriel_feminin}} |
<$list filter='[is[current]tag[Number]]'>
|!Number |!English |!Français |
|{{!!number}} |{{!!english}} |{{!!français}} |
; `<undeclared>`
* all [[DATE]] are compared with day accuracy only
* all [[BOOL]] that are not ''false'' or ''0'' are interpreted as ''true''
!!Date Example
;`[!is[system]let:DATE LE ![20141127120000]]`
:all non-system tiddlers modified up until exactly noon of 27 Nov. 2014
:.tb-links <$list filter="[!is[system]let:DATE LE ![20141127120000]]"/>
<$list filter="[list[OPERATION]]" variable=category>
<h1 style="width:100%;text-align:center;"><$link to=<<category>>><$view field=title tiddler=<<category>>/></$link></h1>
<$list filter="[list<category>]" variable=operation>
<h1><$link to=<<operation>>><$view tiddler=<<operation>> field=title/></$link></h1>
<div class="tb-summary"><$transclude tiddler=<<operation>> field=summary/></div>
<$transclude tiddler=<<operation>> field=text/>
<h1 style="width:100%;text-align:center;">[[! exact]]</h1>
{{! exact}}
;`<$list filter="[let:AND check[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>`
:verifies if all tiddlers with field ''check'' have it set to [[Truthy]]
:<$list filter="[let:AND check[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>
;tiddlers (<$count filter="[has[check]]"/>)
:.tb-links <$list filter="[has[check]sort[title]]"/>
;`<$list filter="[tag[Truthy]let:AND check[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>`
:verifies if all tiddlers tagged [[Truthy]] with field ''check'' have it set to [[Truthy]]
:<$list filter="[tag[Truthy]let:AND check[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>
;tiddlers (<$count filter="[tag[Truthy]has[check]]"/>)
:.tb-links <$list filter="[tag[Truthy]has[check]sort[title]]"/>
;`<$list filter="[tag[Falsy]let:AND check[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>`
:verifies if all tiddlers tagged [[Falsy]] with field ''check'' have it set to [[Truthy]]
:<$list filter="[tag[Falsy]let:AND check[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>
;tiddlers (<$count filter="[tag[Falsy]]"/>)
:.tb-links <$list filter="[tag[Falsy]sort[title]]"/>
;`<$list filter="[[1]][[blank = 0 or false]]+[let:AND check BLANKS[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>`
:checks [[tiddlers|Boolean]] [[1]], and [[blank = 0 or false]] if field ''check'' set to [[Truthy]], not ignoring blanks
:<$list filter="[[1]][[blank = 0 or false]]+[let:AND check BLANKS[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>
;`<$list filter="[[1]][[blank = 0 or false]]+[let:AND check[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>`
:checks [[tiddlers|Boolean]] [[1]], and [[blank = 0 or false]] if field ''check'' set to [[Truthy]], ignoring blanks
:<$list filter="[[1]][[blank = 0 or false]]+[let:AND check[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>
<$list filter="[list[]]">
<td><$link><$view field=title/></$link></td>
If not specified, the default input type any of these operations is [[NUM|TYPE]].
!!Number Example
;`<$list filter="[let:AVG number[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>`
:calculate the average of all tiddlers with a field ''number''
:<$list filter="[let:AVG number[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>
;tiddlers (<$count filter="[has[number]]"/>)
:.tb-links <$list filter="[has[number]sort[title]]"/>
;`<$list filter="[let:AVG number BLANKS[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>`
:calculate the average of all tiddlers with a field ''number'', including [[BLANKS]]
:<$list filter="[let:AVG number BLANKS[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>
;tiddlers (<$count filter="[tag[Number]]"/>)
:.tb-links <$list filter="[tag[Number]sort[title]]"/>
!!Integer Example
;`<$list filter="[let:AVG count[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>`
:calculate the average of all tiddlers with a field ''count''
:<$list filter="[let:AVG count[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>
;tiddlers (<$count filter="[has[count]]"/>)
:.tb-links <$list filter="[has[count]sort[title]]"/>
;`<$list filter="[let:AVG count BLANKS[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>`
:calculate the average of all tiddlers with a field ''count'', including [[BLANKS]]
:<$list filter="[let:AVG count BLANKS[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>
;tiddlers (<$count filter="[tag[Integer]]"/>)
:.tb-links <$list filter="[tag[Integer]sort[title]]"/>
Declared in @@color:#dd1144; UPPERCASE@@ letters, ''BLANKS'' interprets fields that are defined yet don't have a value as...
|![[TYPE]] |!Interpreted As |
|[[NUM]] |0 |
|[[INT]] |0 |
|[[BOOL]] |false |
:by default, blanks are ignored in any [[OPERATION]]
!!Boolean Example
;`<$list filter="[[1]][[blank]]
+[let:check AND BLANKS[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>`
:checks [[tiddlers|Boolean]] [[1]], and [[blank = 0 or false]] if field ''check'' set to [[Truthy]], ignoring blanks
:<$list filter="[[1]][[blank = 0 or false]]
+[let:check AND BLANKS[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>
;`<$list filter="[[1]][[blank = 0 or false]]
+[let:check AND[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>`
:checks [[tiddlers|Boolean]] [[1]], and [[blank = 0 or false]] if field ''check'' set to [[Truthy]], ignoring blanks
:<$list filter="[[1]][[blank = 0 or false]]
+[let:check AND[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>
!! Integer Example
;`<$list filter="[[3]][[blank]]
+[let:AVG INT count BLANKS[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>`
:calculates the average of field ''count'' for [[tiddlers|Integer]] [[3]], and [[blank = 0 or false]], ''not'' ignoring blanks
:<$list filter="[[3]][[blank = 0 or false]]
+[let: AVG INT count BLANKS[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>
;`<$list filter="[[3]][[blank = 0 or false]]
+[let: AVG INT count[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>`
:calculates the average of [[INT]] field ''count'' for [[tiddlers|Integer]] [[3]], and [[blank = 0 or false]], ignoring blanks
:<$list filter="[[3]][[blank = 0 or false]]
+[let:AVG INT count[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>
!! Number Example
;`<$list filter="[[2.2]][[blank = 0 or false]]
+[let: AVG NUM number BLANKS[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>`
:calculates the average of [[NUM]] field ''number'' for [[tiddlers|Integer]] [[2.2]], and [[blank = 0 or false]], ''not'' ignoring blanks
:<$list filter="[[2.2]][[blank = 0 or false]]
+[let:AVG NUM number BLANKS[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>
;`<$list filter="[[2.2]][[blank = 0 or false]]
+[let:AVG NUM number[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>`
:calculates the average of field ''count'' for [[tiddlers|Integer]] [[2.2]], and [[blank = 0 or false]], ignoring blanks
:<$list filter="[[2.2]][[blank = 0 or false]]
+[let:AVG NUM number[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>
Boolean fields are interpreted in a case-insensitive manner as ''true'' or ''false'' when...
|!|>|![[! exact]]|
|~|!No<br>@@font-weight:normal;(default)@@|!Yes<br> |
|![[Falsy]] w/o [[BLANKS]] |all `"0"` or `"false"`|all `"0"` or `"false"`|
|![[Falsy]] w/ [[BLANKS]] |all `"0"`, `"false"` or `""`|all `"0"`, `"false"` or `""`|
|![[Truthy]] |all not `"0"` or `"false"`|all `"1"` or `"true"` |
<$list filter="[list[]]">
<td><$link><$view field=title/></$link></td>
<th>Supported [[Types|TYPE]]</th>
<$list filter="[list[]]">
<td><$link><$view field=title/></$link></td>
:when not specified, always compares equality
!!Filter Example
;`[let:DATE LT[20141224120000]]`
:all modified before 24. December 2014
This filter is is compatible with TiddlyWiki version 5.1.5.
The following filter plugins provide a subset of similar functions...
;date.js / lesser.js / greater.js
:» from [[welford|https://gist.github.com/welford/63cd1b6ab7d4db1ed54b]]
:» https://gist.github.com/welford/63cd1b6ab7d4db1ed54b
!! Dates
Then a target date to be compared against is given via the filter operand:
...the date can be shifted using addition or subtraction:
:plus one year
:minus 10 days
;full example
:`[let:DATE GE +1M[20141231]]`
:get all where ''modified'' date is greater or equal one month after 31. Dec 2014
!! In Gerneral
:`+` or `-`
:any integer
`Y` Years<br>
`M` Months<br>
`D` Days<br>
`h` hours<br>
`m` minutes<br>
`s` seconds
!! Date Examples
;`[let: DATE GE +1Y{Version1!!created}]`
:all modified 1 year and later after ''Version1'' was created
$let="budget - expenses"
$let="budget - expenses"
$let="budget - expenses"
<$list filter="[tag[ProjectX]tag[Task]]">
\define taskSavings()
<$list filter="[all[current]let:budget - expenses[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>
\define projectSavings()
<$list filter="$(filter)$+[let:SUM ( budget - expenses ) []]">{{!!title}}</$list>
<$set name="filter" value="[tag[ProjectX]tag[Task]]">
<$list filter=<<filter>>>
<$action-setfield tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> taskSavings=<<taskSavings>>/>
<$action-setfield tiddler=ProjectX projectSavings=<<projectSavings>>/>
<$list filter=<<filter>>>
\define getResultAll()
<$list filter="[tag[Boolean]let:valA + valB[]]"{{!!title}}</$list>>
\define getResult()
<$list filter="[let:valA + valB[]]"{{!!title}}</$list>>
<<currentTiddler>> result="foo"/>
\define getResultAction()
<$list filter="[tag[Boolean]]">
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> result="foo"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=All result=<<getResultAll>>/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="foo" result=<<getResult>>/>
<$action-navigate $to="foo"/>
set bar at foo to evaluated getResult (?!?) and open foo
<$action-setfield $tiddler="foo" text=<<getResult>>/>
<$action-navigate $to="foo"/>
set text at foo to evaluated getResult (?!?) and open foo
<$macrocall $name=getResultAction/>
:all modified today
:same as `[let: DATE EQ []]` or `[let: DATE modified EQ []]`
;`[let: DATE [20141224120000]]`
:all from 24 Dec. 2014
:same as `[sameday[20141224120000]]`, or `[let: DATE EQ [20141224120000]]`
!!Number Example
;`<$list filter="[let:NUM number[5.5]]"/>`
:get [[all tiddlers|Number]] where the field ''number'' of [[TYPE]] [[NUM|TYPE]] is ''equal to'' 5.5
;`<$list filter="[let:NUM number EQ[5.5]]"/>`
:since [[EQ]] is the [[default operation|OPERATION]] it does not need to be specified, but can be
:.tb-links <$list filter="[let:NUM number EQ[5.5]]"/>
!!Integer Example
;`<$list filter="[let:INT count[3]]"/>`
:get [[all tiddlers|Integer]] where the field ''count'' of [[TYPE]] [[INT|TYPE]] is ''equal to'' 3
;`<$list filter=[let:INT count EQ[3]]"/>`
:since [[EQ]] is the [[default operation|OPERATION]] it does not need to be specified, but can be
:.tb-links <$list filter="[let:INT count[3]]"/>
!!Boolean Example
;`<$list filter="[let:BOOL check[true]]"/>`
:get [[all tiddlers|Boolean]] where the field ''check'' of [[TYPE]] [[BOOL|TYPE]] is ''equal to'' [[Truthy]]
;`<$list filter="[let:BOOL check EQ[true]]"/>`
:since [[EQ]] is the [[default operation|OPERATION]] it does not need to be specified, but can be
;`<$list filter="[let:BOOL check[1]]"/>`
:same but with 1
:.tb-links <$list filter="[let:BOOL check[1]]"/>
;`<$list filter="[let:BOOL check ![true]]"/>`
:get [[all tiddlers|Boolean]] where the field ''check'' of [[TYPE]] [[BOOL|TYPE]] is [[exactly|! exact]] ''equal to'' [[Truthy]], thus only when ''1'' or ''true''
:.tb-links <$list filter="[let:BOOL check ![1]]"/>
;`<$list filter="[let:BOOL check[false]]"/>`
:get [[all tiddlers|Boolean]] where the field ''check'' of [[TYPE]] [[BOOL|TYPE]] is ''equal to'' [[Falsy]]
;`<$list filter="[let:BOOL check[0]]"/>`
:same with 0
;`<$list filter="[let:BOOL check[]]"/>`
:same with no operand
:.tb-links <$list filter="[let:BOOL check[false]]"/>
;`<$list filter="[let:BOOL check BLANKS[false]]"/>`
:get [[all tiddlers|Boolean]] where the field ''check'' of [[TYPE]] [[BOOL|TYPE]] is ''equal to'' [[Falsy]], including blanks
:.tb-links <$list filter="[let:BOOL check BLANKS[false]]"/>
;with or without [[! exact]]
:all values that are `0` or any variant of `false`, `FALSE`, `faLSE` are falsy
;with [[BLANKS]]
:with this suboperator blanks `""` are also considered falsy
In @@color:#dd1144; lowercase@@ letters, name the field you wish to either compare or calculate with.
For [[TYPE]] = [[DATE]], specify a date field that follows the core date format.
:by default compares against the modified date of a tiddler for [[TYPE]] = [[DATE]]
!!Filter Example
;`[let:DATE LE created[20140101]]`
:all created before and including 01. Jan 2014
!! Number Examples
;`<$list filter="[let:NUM number GE[2.2]]"/>`
:get [[all tiddlers|Number]] where the field ''number'' of [[TYPE]] [[NUM|TYPE]] is less than or equal to 2.2
:.tb-links <$list filter="[let:NUM number GE[2.2]]"/>
!! Integer Examples
;`<$list filter="[let: INT count GE [3]]"/>`
:get [[all tiddlers|Integer]] where the field ''number'' of [[TYPE]] [[INT|TYPE]] is less than or equal to 3
:.tb-links <$list filter="[let:INT count GE[3]]"/>
!! Date Examples
;`<$list filter="[!is[system]let:DATE created GE[20141130]sort[title]]"/>`
:get all non-system tiddlers that were modified at the sameday or after 30 Nov. 2014
;result (<$count filter="[!is[system]let:DATE created GE[20141130]sort[title]]"/>)
:.tb-links <$list filter="[!is[system]let:DATE created GE[20141130]sort[title]]"/>
;`<$list filter="[!is[system]let:DATE GE{GettingStarted!!modified}sort[title]]"/>`
:get all non-system tiddlers that were modified after or at the same day GettingStarted was last modified
;result (<$count filter="[!is[system]let:DATE GE{GettingStarted!!modified}]"/>)
:.tb-links <$list filter="[!is[system]let:DATE GE{GettingStarted!!modified}sort[title]]"/>
<<list-links filter:"[field:module-type[filteroperator]]">>
''Important!'' I have decided to __[[change the BASIC SYNTAX again (!)|Syntax Changes]]__, for one, to drop the colons. Anyhow, this is still in beta, so please test. It will at some point be packaged as a plugin. So that will / might change soon.
[[LetFilter|$:/plugins/tobibeer/letfilter/let.js]] allows to compare and calculate fields of tiddlers in a filter list, e.g.:
* [[compare|Comparators]] a given [[date|TYPE]] [[field]] against a specified [[date|TYPE]]
** by default, both dates are [[compared|OPERATION]] with [[day accuracy|! exact]]
* [[compare|Comparators]] a [[boolean|TYPE]] [[field]] against a specified [[boolean|TYPE]]
* [[compare|Comparators]] a [[number|TYPE]] / [[integer|TYPE]] [[field]] against a specified [[number|TYPE]] / [[integer|TYPE]]
* [[calculate|Arithmetic Operations]] a [[number|TYPE]] / [[integer|TYPE]] [[field]] using [[basic arithmetics|Arithmetic Operations]]
* [[calculate|Boolean Operations]] a [[boolean|TYPE]] [[field]] using [[basic boolean operations|Boolean Operations]]
* define whether to consider [[blank field values|BLANKS]] in its operations or not
* return a [[random|RANDOM]] number of items from a result list
To install, simply drag this link: [[$:/plugins/tobibeer/letfilter/let.js]] onto your TiddlyWiki.
!! A First Example
Tiddlers created the day after the tiddler [[Tobias Beer]] was created...
filter:"[!is[system][let: DATE created +1D {Tobias Beer!!created}]">>
filter:"[!is[system]let:DATE created +1D {GettingStarted!!created}]">>
Don't trust the result? Verify against the [[Timeline]].
''Note:'' There does seem to be some core date conversion going on that I haven't quite understood yet being on CET and seeing all created dates are always only stored with day accuracy or by the hour, not sure.
!! Number Example
;`<$list filter="[let:NUM number GT[3]]"/>`
:get [[all tiddlers|Number]] where the field ''number'' of [[TYPE]] [[NUM|TYPE]] is ''greater than'' 3
:.tb-links <$list filter="[let:NUM number GT[3]]"/>
!! Integer Example
;`<$list filter="filter="[let:INT count GT[3]]"/>`
:get [[all tiddlers|Number]] where the field ''count'' of [[TYPE]] [[INT|TYPE]] is ''greater than'' 3
:.tb-links <$list filter="[let:INT count GT[3]]"/>
!! Date Examples
;`<$list filter="[!is[system]let:DATE created GT[20141129]sort[title]]"/>`
:get all non-system tiddlers that were modified after 29 Nov. 2014
;result (<$count filter="[!is[system]let:DATE created GT[20141129]sort[title]]"/>)
:.tb-links <$list filter="[!is[system]let:DATE created GT[20141129]sort[title]]"/>
;`<$list filter="[!is[system]let:DATE GT{GettingStarted!!modified}sort[title]]"/>`
:get all non-system tiddlers that were modified after GettingStarted was last modified
;result (<$count filter="[!is[system]let:DATE GT{GettingStarted!!modified}]"/>)
:.tb-links <$list filter="[!is[system]let:DATE GT{GettingStarted!!modified}sort[title]]"/>
!! Number Example
;`<$list filter="[let:NUM number LE[5.5]]"/>`
:get all tiddlers where the field ''number'' of [[TYPE]] [[NUM|TYPE]] is less than or equal to 5.5
:.tb-links <$list filter="[let:NUM number LE[5.5]]"/>
!! Integer Example
;`<$list filter="[let:INT count LE[3]]"/>`
:get all tiddlers where the field ''count'' of [[TYPE]] [[INT|TYPE]] is less than or equal to 3
:.tb-links <$list filter="[let:INT count LE[3]]"/>
!! Date Example
;`<$list filter="[tag[TYPE]let:DATE LE ![20141129000000]]"/>`
:all tagged [[TYPE]] modified before the dawn of 29 Nov. 2014, midnight up to the second
:.tb-links <$list filter="[tag[TYPE]let:DATE LE ![20141129000000]]"/>
!! Number Example
;`<$list filter="[let:NUM number LT[5]]"/>`
:get all tiddlers where the field ''number'' of [[TYPE]] [[NUM|TYPE]] is ''less than'' 5
:.tb-links <$list filter="[let:NUM number LT[5]]"/>
;`<$list filter="[let:NUM number BLANKS LT[5]]"/>`
:get all tiddlers where the field ''number'' of [[TYPE]] [[NUM|TYPE]] is ''less than'' 5 including [[BLANKS]]
:.tb-links <$list filter="[let:NUM number BLANKS LT[5]]"/>
!! Integer Example
;`<$list filter="[let:INT count LT[5]]"/>`
:get all tiddlers where the field ''count'' of [[TYPE]] [[INT|TYPE]] is ''less than'' 5
:.tb-links <$list filter="[let:INT count LT[5]]"/>
;`<$list filter="[let:INT count BLANK LT[5]]"/>`
:get all tiddlers where the field ''count'' of [[TYPE]] [[INT|TYPE]] is ''less than'' 5 including [[BLANKS]]
:.tb-links <$list filter="[let:INT count BLANKS LT[5]]"/>
!! Number Example
;`<$list filter="[let:MAX number[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>`
:calculate the maximum of all tiddlers with a field ''number''
:<$list filter="[let:MAX number[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>
;tiddlers (<$count filter="[has[number]]"/>)
:.tb-links <$list filter="[has[number]sort[title]]"/>
!! Integer Example
;`<$list filter="[let:MAX count[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>`
:calculate the maximum of all tiddlers with a field ''count''
:<$list filter="[let:MAX count[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>
;tiddlers (<$count filter="[has[count]]"/>)
:.tb-links <$list filter="[has[count]sort[title]]"/>
! Number Example
;`<$list filter="[let:MIN number[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>`
:calculate the minimum of all tiddlers with a field ''number''
:<$list filter="[let:MIN number[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>
;tiddlers (<$count filter="[has[number]]"/>)
:.tb-links <$list filter="[has[number]sort[title]]"/>
! Integer Example
;`<$list filter="[let:MIN count[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>`
:calculate the minimum of all tiddlers with a field ''count''
:<$list filter="[let:MIN count[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>
;tiddlers (<$count filter="[has[count]]"/>)
:.tb-links <$list filter="[has[count]sort[title]]"/>
!! Date Example
;`<$list filter="[tag[TYPE]let:DATE NEQ[20141128230000]]"/>`
:all tagged [[TYPE]] not modified on 28 Nov. 2014
:.tb-links <$list filter="[tag[TYPE]let:DATE NEQ[20141128230000]]"/>
!! Number Example
;`<$list filter="[let:NUM number NEQ[5.5]]"/>`
:get all tiddlers where the field ''number'' of [[TYPE]] [[NUM|TYPE]] is ''not equal to'' 5.5
:.tb-links <$list filter="[let:NUM number NEQ[5.5]]"/>
!!Integer Example
;`<$list filter="[let:INT count NEQ[3]]"/>`
:get [[all tiddlers|Integer]] where the field ''count'' of [[TYPE]] [[INT|TYPE]] is ''not equal to'' 3
:.tb-links <$list filter="[let:INT count NEQ[3]]"/>
!!Boolean Example
;`<$list filter="[let:BOOL check NEQ[true]]"/>`
:get [[all tiddlers|Boolean]] where the field ''check'' of [[TYPE]] [[BOOL|TYPE]] is ''not equal to'' [[Truthy]], by default ignoring blanks
:.tb-links <$list filter="[let:BOOL check NEQ[true]]"/>
;`<$list filter="[let:BOOL check NEQ[1]]"/>`
:same but with 1 instead of true
:.tb-links <$list filter="[let:BOOL check NEQ[1]]"/>
;`<$list filter="[let:BOOL check NEQ BLANKS[1]]"/>`
:get [[all tiddlers|Boolean]] where the field ''check'' of [[TYPE]] [[BOOL|TYPE]] is ''not equal to'' [[Truthy]], including blanks
:.tb-links <$list filter="[let:BOOL check NEQ BLANKS[true]]"/>
;`<$list filter="[let:BOOL check NEQ[false]]"/>`
:get [[all tiddlers|Boolean]] where the field ''check'' of [[TYPE]] [[BOOL|TYPE]] is ''not equal to'' [[Falsy]], ''not'' including blanks
:.tb-links <$list filter="[let:BOOL check NEQ[false]]"/>
;`<$list filter="[let:BOOL check NEQ ![false]]"/>`
:get [[all tiddlers|Boolean]] where the field ''check'' of [[TYPE]] [[BOOL|TYPE]] is ''not equal to'' [[Falsy]], ''not'' including blanks but [[! exact]]
:.tb-links <$list filter="[let:BOOL check NEQ ![false]]"/>
;`<$list filter="[let:NOR check[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>`
:checks [[all tiddlers|Boolean]] if field ''check'' is not set to ''true'' or ''1''
:<$list filter="[let:NOR check[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>
;tiddlers (<$count filter="[has[check]]"/>)
:.tb-links <$list filter="[has[check]sort[title]]"/>
;`<$list filter="[tag[Falsy]let:NOR check[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>`
:checks [[all tiddlers|Boolean]] tagged [[Falsy]] if field ''check'' not set to ''true'' or ''1''
:<$list filter="[tag[Falsy]let:NOR check[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>
;tiddlers (<$count filter="[tag[Falsy]]"/>)
:.tb-links <$list filter="[tag[Falsy]sort[title]]"/>
;`<$list filter="[tag[Falsy]let:check NOR ![]]">{{!!title}}</$list>`
:checks [[all tiddlers|Boolean]] tagged [[Falsy]] if field ''check'' not set to ''true'' or ''1'', ignoring blanks
:<$list filter="[tag[Falsy]let:check NOR ![]]">{{!!title}}</$list>
;tiddlers (<$count filter="[tag[Falsy]]"/>)
:.tb-links <$list filter="[tag[Falsy]sort[title]]"/>
;`<$list filter="[tag[Truthy]let:NOR check[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>`
:checks [[all tiddlers|Boolean]] tagged [[Truthy]] if field ''check'' not set to ''true'' or ''1''
:<$list filter="[tag[Truthy]let:NOR check[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>
;tiddlers (<$count filter="[tag[Truthy]]"/>)
:.tb-links <$list filter="[tag[Truthy]sort[title]]"/>
Seet [[To Do]] for what's posibly in the pipe...
!!Release Notes
;0.5.0 BETA
:introduces all of... <table>
<tr><th>[[TYPE]]</th><td>[[DATE]], [[NUM]], [[INT]], [[BOOL]]</td></tr>
<tr><th>[[Comparators]]</th><td>[[EQ]], [[NEQ]], [[LE]], [[LT]], [[GE]], [[GT]]</td></tr>
<tr><th>[[Arithmetic Operations]]</th><td>[[SUM]], [[AVG]], [[MAX]], [[MIN]]</td></tr>
<tr><th>[[Boolean Operations]]</th><td>[[AND]], [[OR]], [[NOR]]</td></tr>
<tr><th>[[! exact]]</th><td>allowing to compare dates exactly rather than just on a day basis and only considers [[BOOL]] ''1'' or ''true'' as [[Truthy]]</td></tr>
<tr><th>[[BLANKS]]</th><td>also considers fields where the value is <blank> for either of [[NUM]] or [[INT]] as ''0'' and for [[BOOL]] as [[Falsy]]</td></tr>
<tr><th>[[field]]</th><td>allowing to specify a field to compare or compute</td></tr>
<tr><th>[[compute]]</th><td>when comparing dates, allows to shift a target date in the operand by a number of years, months, days, hours, minutes or seconds</td></tr>
<tr><th>[[RANDOM]]</th><td>allows to make a random draw of x tiddlers from the filter results</td></tr>
@@color:#dd1144; ''Note:'' You can only use a single [[comparative|Comparators]], [[arithmetic|Arithmetic Operations]] or [[boolean operation|Boolean Operations]] at a time.@@
Required to be specified in @@color:#dd1144; UPPERCASE@@, supported operations are...
<$list filter="[list<currentTiddler>]" variable="operation">
<dt><$link to=<<operation>>><$view tiddler=<<operation>> field=title/></$link></dt>
<dd class="tb-links"><$transclude tiddler=<<operation>> field=summary/>:
<br><$list filter="[tag<operation>]"/></dd>
;`<$list filter="[let:OR check[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>`
:checks [[all tiddlers|Boolean]] with field ''check'' if any set to [[Truthy]]
:<$list filter="[let:OR check[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>
;tiddlers(<$count filter="[has[check]]"/>)
:.tb-links <$list filter="[has[check]sort[title]]"/>
;`<$list filter="[tag[Truthy]let:OR check[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>`
:checks [[all tiddlers|Boolean]] tagged [[Truthy]] with field ''check'' if any set to [[Truthy]]
:<$list filter="[tag[Truthy]let:OR check[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>
;tiddlers(<$count filter="[tag[Truthy]]"/>)
:.tb-links <$list filter="[tag[Truthy]]"/>
;`<$list filter="[tag[Falsy]let:OR check[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>`
:checks [[all tiddlers|Boolean]] tagged [[Falsy]] with field ''check'' if any set to [[Truthy]]
:<$list filter="[tag[Falsy]let:OR check[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>
;tiddlers(<$count filter="[tag[Falsy]]"/>)
:.tb-links <$list filter="[tag[Falsy]]"/>
Declared in @@color:#dd1144; UPPERCASE@@ letters, RANDOM arbitrarily choses a number of tiddlers from the filter results as specified via the operand. Specifying a [[field]], only tiddlers having that field will be considered.
@@color:#dd1144; ''Note:'' This filter is going to be updated on most every user action, so make sure that this kind of random set generation is actually useful to you.@@
:if none is specified, 1 random result is returned
!!Filter Examples
;`<$list filter="[let:RANDOM[]]"/>`
:returns a random tiddler
:<$list filter="[let:RANDOM[]]"/>
;`<<list-links filter:"[!is[system]let:RANDOM[3]sort[title]]">>`
:randomly returns links to three out of all non-system tiddlers
:<<list-links filter:"[!is[system]let:RANDOM[3]sort[title]]">>
<$list filter="[list<currentTiddler>]">
!! Number Example
;`<$list filter="[let:SUM number[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>`
: calculate the sum of all tiddlers with a field ''number''
:<$list filter="[let:SUM number[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>
;tiddlers (<$count filter="[has[number]]"/>):
:.tb-links <$list filter="[has[number]sort[title]]"/>
!! Integer Example
;`<$list filter="[let:SUM count[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>`
:calculate the sum of all tiddlers with a field ''count''
:<$list filter="[let:SUM count[]]">{{!!title}}</$list>
;tiddlers (<$count filter="[has[count]]"/>):
:.tb-links <$list filter="[has[count]sort[title]]"/>
The `[let[]]` filter implements multiple suboperators in the operator suffix.
A filter in TiddlyWiki usually looks like this:
Here is how the ''let'' filter extends that with [[suboperators|Suboperators]]:
.syntax a {
.syntax a{
border-bottom:1px solid #f99;
.syntax a:hover{
border-bottom:2px solid #f00;
<div class="syntax">
[let: [[TYPE]] [[OPERATION]] [[compute]] [[field]] [[BLANKS]] [[!|! exact]] [<operand>]]<br>
For example...
;`[let: DATE created LE ! [20140101010000]]`<br>
:gets all with date field `created` before exactly 1 am of Jan 01. 2014
For specifics on all the things you can do using the ''let'' filter, see [[suboperators|Suboperators]].
*.ok first of all, remove colons
*use [[math.js|http://mathjs.org]]
**.ok basic text
* the comparators will be: `== != < <= => >`
** `[let: INT count == [4]]`
** `[let: BOOL check != [true]]`
** `[let: DATE < [20141224]]`
** `[let: NUM number < [123]]`
** `[let: DATE created > [20141224]]`
** `[let: INT SUM > [100]]`
* there will be plain arithmetic operators: `+ - * /`
** //type defaults to NUM, if not specified//
** `[let: fieldA + fieldB []]`
** `[let: fieldB - fieldA []]`
** `[let: INT fieldA * NUM fieldB []]`
** `[let: NUM fieldB / INT fieldA []]`
* it will thus be possible to use multiple operands and operations, e.g. arithmetic first, comparator last: `a + b > [?!?]`
** `[let: NUM fieldB / INT fieldA <= [20]]`
* eventually also allowing bracketing: `(a - b) * c`
** //I will need help & pointers on that one, to use regexp!//
** `[let: (fieldB - fieldB) / fieldC <= [20]]`
* possibly allow predefined formulas
** //I will need help & pointers on that one, to use regexp!//
** `[let: {formulaAsText!!reference} [20]]`
** `[let: $(formulaAsVariable or Macro)$ [20]]`
<$set name="f" value="[let:NUM:GT:foo:![1.4]!sort[created]]">
<$count filter=<<f>>/><$list filter=<<f>>>
;<$link><$view field="title"/></$link><br>
: modified: {{!!modified}}<br>
: created: {{!!created}}
.no-border, .no-border > tr, .no-border > tr > td {border:0;}
<table class="no-border">
<$list filter="[all[]has[modified]!is[system]!sort[modified]]">
<td><$view field=modified format=date template="YYYY-0MM-0DD 0hh:0mm:0ss"/></td>
<td><$link><$view field=title/></$link></td>
<$list filter="[all[]has[created]!is[system]!sort[created]]">
<td><$view field=created format=date template="YYYY-0MM-0DD 0hh:0mm:0ss"/></td>
<td><$link><$view field=title/></$link></td>
* fix [[BLANKS]] vs. [[! exact]] before release
* package as plugin
* any widgets?
* enable [[compute]] for [[INT]] and [[NUM]] to do something with the field values before doing [[Arithmetic Operations]] ...and perhaps to declare a final operation, e.g. "divide by x" at the end, x being a transcluded value, perhaps also computed via `[let[]]`
* find a use for the operand in [[arithmetic|Arithmetic Operations]] or [[boolean operations|Boolean Operations]]
** with [[SUM]], could mean to only to sum up those of a certain value
*** that would be irrelevant for [[MIN]], [[MAX]], [[AVG]] as the result would be pretty clear ;)
** could also be something like `>3`
*** e.g. only do the calculation for anything greater X
*** `3-10`
*** `<20`
*** this would not work well with `[let<Variable>]` or `[let{textReference}]`
;without [[! exact]] (default)
:all values that are not `0` and not any variant of `false`, `FALSE`, `faLSE` are considered truthy, i.e. also `foO` would be true or `100.6`
;with [[! exact]]
:only `1` or any variant of `true`, `TRUE`, `trUE` are considered truthy
:all modified at 01. Jan 2014 (using [[EQ|OPERATION]], the default comparision [[OPERATION]])
!! Specification
Required to be specified in @@color:#dd1144; UPPERCASE@@, supported field types are...
|[[DATE]]|a valid date|`20140102030405`|
|[[NUM]]|a floating point number|`3.33`|
|[[INT]]|an integer value|`3`|
|[[BOOL]]|a truth value|`false`|
Enter a filter and all tiddlers returned by that filter will be listed. Enter a tag and the checkboxes will indicate if each tiddler has that tag or not. Checking a box adds the tag, unchecking a box removes it. The buttons do exactly what they say.
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/BatchAddTags' field='filter' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
Tag: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/BatchAddTags' field='add_tag' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
<tr><th>Tiddler Name</th><th>Has Tag?</th></tr>
<$list filter={{$:/temp/BatchAddTags!!filter}}>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<currentTiddler>>>
<tr><td><$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></$link></td><td><$checkbox tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> tag={{$:/temp/BatchAddTags!!add_tag}}/></td></tr>
This lets you search for all tiddlers with a specific tag and selectivly replace that tag with another one. Or if the 'Replace With' field is empty just remove the tag from the tiddler(s).
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/AddTags' field='filter' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
Tag to add: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/AddTags' field='add_tag' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
<tr><th>Tiddler Name</th><th></th></tr>
<$list filter={{$:/temp/AddTags!!filter}}>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<currentTiddler>>>
<tr><td><$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></$link></td><td><$button>Add Tag<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param={{$:/temp/AddTags!!add_tag}}/></$button></td></tr>
Enter a filter and all tiddlers returned by that filter will be listed. Enter a tag and the checkboxes will indicate if each tiddler has that tag or not. Checking a box adds the tag, unchecking a box removes it. The buttons do exactly what they say.
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/BatchAddTags' field='filter' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
Tag: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/BatchAddTags' field='add_tag' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
<$button>Add Tag to All Listed Tiddlers
<$list filter={{$:/temp/BatchAddTags!!filter}}>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param={{$:/temp/BatchAddTags!!add_tag}}/>
<$button>Remove Tag from All Listed Tiddlers
<$list filter={{$:/temp/BatchAddTags!!filter}}>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-tag' $param={{$:/temp/BatchAddTags!!add_tag}}/>
<tr><th>Tiddler Name</th><th>Has Tag?</th></tr>
<$list filter={{$:/temp/BatchAddTags!!filter}}>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<currentTiddler>>>
<tr><td><$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></$link></td><td><$checkbox tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> tag={{$:/temp/BatchAddTags!!add_tag}}/></td></tr>
\define thisMakeSelectionButton()
<$reveal type=nomatch state='$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/SelectedTiddlers##$(ThisIndexName)$' text=selected>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'><$text text="""$(ThisOne)$"""/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="""$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/SelectedTiddlers""" $index="""$(ThisIndexName)$""" $value=selected/>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/SelectedTiddlers##$(ThisIndexName)$' text=selected>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>{{$:/core/images/done-button}}<$text text="""$(ThisOne)$"""/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="""$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/SelectedTiddlers""" $index="""$(ThisIndexName)$""" $value=unselected/>
\define thisMakeIndexName()
\define thisClearSelectionButton()
<$button>Clear Selections
<$list filter='[[$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/SelectedTiddlers]indexes[]]'>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/SelectedTiddlers' $index=<<currentTiddler>> $value='unselected'/>
\define thisMakeTables()
Selected matches (<$button>Replace Selected Matches
<$list filter='$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<!--<$list filter='[!is[system]regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>-->
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>fields[]regexp<FieldNameSearchRegExp>]$(IncludeTitleField)$$(IncludeModifiedField)$$(IncludeCreatedField)$$(IncludeTagsField)$$(IncludeTextField)$' variable=ThisField>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexName>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>get<ThisField>regexp<FieldContentsSearchRegExp>]'>
<$list filter='[[$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/SelectedTiddlers]getindex<ThisIndexName>prefix[selected]]'>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<ThisOne>> $field=<<ThisField>> $value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!replace_text}}/>
</$button> <<thisClearSelectionButton>>):
<tr><th>Tiddler</th><th>Field Name</th><th>Field Value</th></tr>
<$list filter='$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<!--<$list filter='[!is[system]regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>-->
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>fields[]regexp<FieldNameSearchRegExp>]$(IncludeTitleField)$$(IncludeModifiedField)$$(IncludeCreatedField)$$(IncludeTagsField)$$(IncludeTextField)$' variable=ThisField>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexName>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>get<ThisField>regexp<FieldContentsSearchRegExp>]'>
<$list filter='[[$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/SelectedTiddlers]getindex<ThisIndexName>prefix[selected]]'>
<tr><td><<thisMakeSelectionButton>></td><td><<ThisField>></td><td><$view tiddler=<<ThisOne>> field=<<ThisField>>/></td></tr>
All matches (<$button>Replace All Matches
<$list filter='$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<!--<$list filter='[!is[system]regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>-->
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>fields[]regexp<FieldNameSearchRegExp>]$(IncludeTitleField)$$(IncludeModifiedField)$$(IncludeCreatedField)$$(IncludeTagsField)$$(IncludeTextField)$' variable=ThisField>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexName>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>get<ThisField>regexp<FieldContentsSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisFilteredFieldValue>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<ThisOne>> $field=<<ThisField>> $value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!replace_text}}/>
<tr><th>Tiddler</th><th>Field Name</th><th>Field Value</th></tr>
<$list filter='$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<!--<$list filter='[!is[system]regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>-->
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>fields[]regexp<FieldNameSearchRegExp>]$(IncludeTitleField)$$(IncludeModifiedField)$$(IncludeCreatedField)$$(IncludeTagsField)$$(IncludeTextField)$' variable=ThisField>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexName>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>get<ThisField>regexp<FieldContentsSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisFilteredFieldValue>
<tr><td><<ThisFilteredField>><<thisMakeSelectionButton>></td><td><<ThisField>></td><td><$view tiddler=<<ThisOne>> field=<<ThisField>>/></td></tr>
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/ShowInstructions" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/ShowInstructions" setTo="show">Show instructions</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/ShowInstructions" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/ShowInstructions" setTo="hide">Hide instructions</$button>
''How to use this:''
Type in your search string into the Search text box. Note that this search only reduces the number of returned entries so if you type `a` //ALL// fields in non-system tiddlers that contain `a` or `A` will be listed. This uses regular expressions and some characters may cause strange behaviour, namely `$`, `[`, `]` and `.` and possibly others.
Type the string you want the field(s) to have into the replace box. Note that this will replace the entire contents of the field, not just the string in the search box. So typing in `foo` will list all fields that have the (case insensitive) string `foo` anywhere in the string in that field. Putting `bar` as the replace string will set the value of all of the selected fields to `bar`, even if `foo` was only part of the previous value.
You can select specific tiddlers to change the field values of, or you can change the value in all the listed tiddlers. To select or unselect a tiddler click on its name and a checkmark will be put beside the tiddler name and it will appear in the selected tiddlers list.
Search by tiddler name:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search' placeholder='Search Tiddlers' field=tiddler_search_text class='tc-edit-texteditor'/><br>
Search by field name:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search' placeholder='Search Field Names' field=field_name_search_text class='tc-edit-texteditor'/><br>
Search by field contents:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search' placeholder='Search Field Contents' field=search_text class='tc-edit-texteditor'/><br>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search' placeholder='Replacement Contents' field=replace_text class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/ShowOptions" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/ShowOptions" setTo="show">Show Options</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/ShowOptions" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/ShowOptions" setTo="hide">Hide Options</$button>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search' field=include_system_tiddlers checked="""[all[]]""" unchecked="""[!is[system]]"""> Check this to include system tiddlers</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search' field=case_sensitive checked='' unchecked='(?i)'>Case sensitive search</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search' field=include_text checked='' unchecked='-[[text]]'>Include text field</$checkbox> - Be careful using this one
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search' field=include_tags checked='' unchecked='-[[tags]]'>Include tags field</$checkbox> - Be careful using this one
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search' field=include_created checked='' unchecked='-[[created]]'>Include created field</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search' field=include_modified checked='' unchecked='-[[modified]]'>Include modified field</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search' field=include_title checked='' unchecked='-[[title]]'>Include title field</$checkbox>
<$set name=FieldContentsSearchString value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!search_text}}>
<$set name=FieldContentsSearchRegExp value="$(CaseSensitive)$$(FieldContentsSearchString)$">
<$set name=FieldNameSearchString value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!field_name_search_text}}>
<$set name=FieldNameSearchRegExp value="$(CaseSensitive)$$(FieldNameSearchString)$">
<$set name=TiddlerNameSearchString value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!tiddler_search_text}}>
<$set name=TiddlerNameSearchRegExp value="$(CaseSensitive)$$(TiddlerNameSearchString)$">
<$set name=CaseSensitive value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!case_sensitive}}>
<$set name=IncludeSystemTiddlers value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!include_system_tiddlers}}>
<$set name=IncludeTextField value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!include_text}}>
<$set name=IncludeTagsField value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!include_tags}}>
<$set name=IncludeCreatedField value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!include_created}}>
<$set name=IncludeModifiedField value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!include_modified}}>
<$set name=IncludeTitleField value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!include_title}}>
\define thisMakeSelectionButton()
<$reveal type=nomatch state='$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/SelectedTiddlers##$(ThisIndexName)$' text=selected>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'><$text text="""$(ThisOne)$"""/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="""$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/SelectedTiddlers""" $index="""$(ThisIndexName)$""" $value=selected/>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/SelectedTiddlers##$(ThisIndexName)$' text=selected>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>{{$:/core/images/done-button}}<$text text="""$(ThisOne)$"""/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="""$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/SelectedTiddlers""" $index="""$(ThisIndexName)$""" $value=unselected/>
\define thisMakeIndexName()
\define thisClearSelectionButton()
<$button>Clear Selections
<$list filter='[[$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/SelectedTiddlers]indexes[]]'>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/SelectedTiddlers' $index=<<currentTiddler>> $value='unselected'/>
\define thisMakeTables()
Selected matches (<$button>Replace Selected Matches
<$list filter='$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<!--<$list filter='[!is[system]regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>-->
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>fields[]regexp<FieldNameSearchRegExp>]$(IncludeTitleField)$$(IncludeModifiedField)$$(IncludeCreatedField)$$(IncludeTagsField)$$(IncludeTextField)$' variable=ThisField>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexName>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>get<ThisField>regexp<FieldContentsSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisFieldValue>
<$list filter='[[$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/SelectedTiddlers]getindex<ThisIndexName>prefix[selected]]'>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<ThisOne>>>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<ThisOne>> $field={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!replace_text}} $value=<<ThisFieldValue>>/>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-field' $param=<<ThisField>>/>
</$button> <<thisClearSelectionButton>>):
<tr><th>Tiddler</th><th>Field Name</th><th>Field Value</th></tr>
<$list filter='$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<!--<$list filter='[!is[system]regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>-->
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>fields[]regexp<FieldNameSearchRegExp>]$(IncludeTitleField)$$(IncludeModifiedField)$$(IncludeCreatedField)$$(IncludeTagsField)$$(IncludeTextField)$' variable=ThisField>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexName>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>get<ThisField>regexp<FieldContentsSearchRegExp>]'>
<$list filter='[[$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/SelectedTiddlers]getindex<ThisIndexName>prefix[selected]]'>
<tr><td><<thisMakeSelectionButton>></td><td><<ThisField>></td><td><$view tiddler=<<ThisOne>> field=<<ThisField>>/></td></tr>
All matches (<$button>Replace All Matches
<$list filter='$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<!--<$list filter='[!is[system]regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>-->
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>fields[]regexp<FieldNameSearchRegExp>]$(IncludeTitleField)$$(IncludeModifiedField)$$(IncludeCreatedField)$$(IncludeTagsField)$$(IncludeTextField)$' variable=ThisField>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexName>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>get<ThisField>regexp<FieldContentsSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisFilteredFieldValue>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<ThisOne>>>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<ThisOne>> $field={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!replace_text}} $value=<<ThisFilteredFieldValue>>/>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-field' $param=<<ThisField>>/>
<tr><th>Tiddler</th><th>Field Name</th><th>Field Value</th></tr>
<$list filter='$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<!--<$list filter='[!is[system]regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>-->
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>fields[]regexp<FieldNameSearchRegExp>]$(IncludeTitleField)$$(IncludeModifiedField)$$(IncludeCreatedField)$$(IncludeTagsField)$$(IncludeTextField)$' variable=ThisField>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexName>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>get<ThisField>regexp<FieldContentsSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisFilteredFieldValue>
<tr><td><<ThisFilteredField>><<thisMakeSelectionButton>></td><td><<ThisField>></td><td><$view tiddler=<<ThisOne>> field=<<ThisField>>/></td></tr>
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/ShowInstructions" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/ShowInstructions" setTo="show">Show instructions</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/ShowInstructions" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/ShowInstructions" setTo="hide">Hide instructions</$button>
''How to use this:''
Type in your search string into the Search text box. Note that this search only reduces the number of returned entries so if you type `a` //ALL// fields in non-system tiddlers that contain `a` or `A` will be listed. This uses regular expressions and some characters may cause strange behaviour, namely `$`, `[`, `]` and `.` and possibly others.
Type the new name you want the field(s) to have into the replace box. Note that each tiddler can only have one field of a given name, so if you select two fields in the same tiddler only one will remain after, and the value of that field will come from the last value on the list of fields to replace. So unless you want this you should only select at most one field per tiddler.
You can select specific fields to change the field names, or you can change the name in all the listed tiddlers. To select or unselect a tiddler click on its name and a checkmark will be put beside the tiddler name and it will appear in the selected tiddlers list.
Search by tiddler name:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search' placeholder='Search Tiddler Names' field=tiddler_name_search_text class='tc-edit-texteditor'/><br>
Search by field name:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search' placeholder='Search Field Names' field=field_name_search_text class='tc-edit-texteditor'/><br>
Search by field contents:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search' placeholder='Search Field Contents' field=field_contents_search_text class='tc-edit-texteditor'/><br>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search' placeholder='Replacement Name' field=replace_text class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/ShowOptions" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/ShowOptions" setTo="show">Show Options</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/ShowOptions" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/ShowOptions" setTo="hide">Hide Options</$button>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search' field=include_system_tiddlers checked="""[all[]]""" unchecked="""[!is[system]]"""> Check this to include system tiddlers</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search' field=case_sensitive checked='' unchecked='(?i)'>Case sensitive search</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search' field=include_text checked='' unchecked='-[[text]]'>Include text field</$checkbox> - Be careful using this one
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search' field=include_tags checked='' unchecked='-[[tags]]'>Include tags field</$checkbox> - Be careful using this one
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search' field=include_created checked='' unchecked='-[[created]]'>Include created field</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search' field=include_modified checked='' unchecked='-[[modified]]'>Include modified field</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search' field=include_title checked='' unchecked='-[[title]]'>Include title field</$checkbox>
<$set name=FieldContentsSearchString value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!field_contents_search_text}}>
<$set name=FieldContentsSearchRegExp value="$(CaseSensitive)$$(FieldContentsSearchString)$">
<$set name=FieldNameSearchString value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!field_name_search_text}}>
<$set name=FieldNameSearchRegExp value="$(CaseSensitive)$$(FieldNameSearchString)$">
<$set name=TiddlerNameSearchString value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!tiddler_name_search_text}}>
<$set name=TiddlerNameSearchRegExp value="$(CaseSensitive)$$(TiddlerNameSearchString)$">
<$set name=CaseSensitive value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!case_sensitive}}>
<$set name=SearchRegExp value="$(CaseSensitive)$$(SearchString)$">
<$set name=IncludeSystemTiddlers value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!include_system_tiddlers}}>
<$set name=IncludeTextField value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!include_text}}>
<$set name=IncludeTagsField value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!include_tags}}>
<$set name=IncludeCreatedField value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!include_created}}>
<$set name=IncludeModifiedField value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!include_modified}}>
<$set name=IncludeTitleField value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!include_title}}>
\define thisMakeSelectionButton()
<$reveal type=nomatch state='$:/state/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/SelectedTiddlers##$(ThisIndexName)$' text=selected>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'><$text text="""$(ThisOne)$"""/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="""$:/state/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/SelectedTiddlers""" $index="""$(ThisIndexName)$""" $value=selected/>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/SelectedTiddlers##$(ThisIndexName)$' text=selected>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>{{$:/core/images/done-button}}<$text text="""$(ThisOne)$"""/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="""$:/state/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/SelectedTiddlers""" $index="""$(ThisIndexName)$""" $value=unselected/>
\define thisMakeIndexName()
\define thisClearSelectionButton()
<$button>Clear Selections
<$list filter='[[$:/state/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/SelectedTiddlers]indexes[]]'>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/SelectedTiddlers' $index=<<currentTiddler>> $value='unselected'/>
\define thisMakeTables()
Selected matches (<$button>Replace Selected Matches
<$list filter='$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<!--<$list filter='[!is[system]regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>-->
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>indexes[]regexp<IndexNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisIndex>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexName>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>getindex<ThisIndex>regexp<IndexContentsSearchRegExp>]'>
<$list filter='[[$:/state/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/SelectedTiddlers]getindex<ThisIndexName>prefix[selected]]'>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<ThisOne>> $index=<<ThisIndex>> $value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/Search!!replace_text}}/>
</$button> <<thisClearSelectionButton>>):
<tr><th>Tiddler</th><th>Index Name</th><th>Index Value</th></tr>
<$list filter='$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<!--<$list filter='[!is[system]regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>-->
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>indexes[]regexp<IndexNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisIndex>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexName>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>getindex<ThisIndex>regexp<IndexContentsSearchRegExp>]'>
<$list filter='[[$:/state/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/SelectedTiddlers]getindex<ThisIndexName>prefix[selected]]'>
<tr><td><<thisMakeSelectionButton>></td><td><<ThisIndex>></td><td><$view tiddler=<<ThisOne>> index=<<ThisIndex>>/></td></tr>
All matches (<$button>Replace All Matches
<$list filter='$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<!--<$list filter='[!is[system]regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>-->
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>indexes[]regexp<IndexNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisIndex>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexName>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>getindex<ThisIndex>regexp<IndexContentsSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisFilteredIndexValue>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<ThisOne>> $index=<<ThisIndex>> $value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/Search!!replace_text}}/>
<tr><th>Tiddler</th><th>Index Name</th><th>Index Value</th></tr>
<$list filter='$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<!--<$list filter='[!is[system]regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>-->
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>indexes[]regexp<IndexNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisIndex>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexName>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>getindex<ThisIndex>regexp<IndexContentsSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisFilteredIndexValue>
<tr><td><<ThisFilteredIndex>><<thisMakeSelectionButton>></td><td><<ThisIndex>></td><td><$view tiddler=<<ThisOne>> index=<<ThisIndex>>/></td></tr>
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/ShowInstructions" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/ShowInstructions" setTo="show">Show instructions</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/ShowInstructions" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/ShowInstructions" setTo="hide">Hide instructions</$button>
''How to use this:''
Type in your search string into the Search text box. Note that this search only reduces the number of returned entries so if you type `a` //ALL// indexes in non-system tiddlers that contain `a` or `A` will be listed. This uses regular expressions and some characters may cause strange behaviour, namely `$`, `[`, `]` and `.` and possibly others.
Type the string you want the index/indicies to have into the replace box. Note that this will replace the entire contents of the index, not just the string in the search box. So typing in `foo` will list all indexes that have the (case insensitive) string `foo` anywhere in the string in that index. Putting `bar` as the replace string will set the value of all of the selected indexes to `bar`, even if `foo` was only part of the previous value.
You can select specific tiddlers to change the index values of, or you can change the value in all the listed tiddlers. To select or unselect a tiddler click on its name and a checkmark will be put beside the tiddler name and it will appear in the selected tiddlers list.
Search by tiddler name:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/Search' placeholder='Search Tiddlers' field=tiddler_search_text class='tc-edit-texteditor'/><br>
Search by index name:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/Search' placeholder='Search Index Names' field=index_name_search_text class='tc-edit-texteditor'/><br>
Search by index contents:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/Search' placeholder='Search Index Contents' field=search_text class='tc-edit-texteditor'/><br>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/Search' placeholder='Replacement Contents' field=replace_text class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/ShowOptions" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/ShowOptions" setTo="show">Show Options</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/ShowOptions" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/ShowOptions" setTo="hide">Hide Options</$button>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/Search' field=include_system_tiddlers checked="""[all[]]""" unchecked="""[!is[system]]"""> Check this to include system tiddlers</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/Search' field=case_sensitive checked='' unchecked='(?i)'>Case sensitive search</$checkbox>
<$set name=IndexContentsSearchString value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/Search!!search_text}}>
<$set name=IndexContentsSearchRegExp value="$(CaseSensitive)$$(IndexContentsSearchString)$">
<$set name=IndexNameSearchString value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/Search!!index_name_search_text}}>
<$set name=IndexNameSearchRegExp value="$(CaseSensitive)$$(IndexNameSearchString)$">
<$set name=TiddlerNameSearchString value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/Search!!tiddler_search_text}}>
<$set name=TiddlerNameSearchRegExp value="$(CaseSensitive)$$(TiddlerNameSearchString)$">
<$set name=CaseSensitive value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/Search!!case_sensitive}}>
<$set name=IncludeSystemTiddlers value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/Search!!include_system_tiddlers}}>
\define GetLinkClass()
\define MakeNeatLinkEntry(tiddler tagUsed)
<$list filter='[[$tiddler$]tag[$tagUsed$]]'>
<$set name=TagUsed value=$tagUsed$>
<$link to="$tiddler$" class=<<GetLinkClass>>>$tiddler$</$link>
\define NeatLink(tiddler)
<<MakeNeatLinkEntry $tiddler$ tag1>>
<<MakeNeatLinkEntry $tiddler$ tag2>>
<<MakeNeatLinkEntry $tiddler$ tag3>>
<<NeatLink TestTag1>>
<<NeatLink TestTag2>>
<<NeatLink TestTag3>>
\define thisMakeIndexName()
\define thisClearSelectionButton()
<$button>Clear Selections
<$list filter='[[$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/SelectedTiddlers]indexes[]]'>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/SelectedTiddlers' $index=<<currentTiddler>> $value='unselected'/>
\define thisMakeTables()
All matches:
<tr><th>Tiddler</th><th>Field Name</th><th>Field Value</th><th>Replace</th></tr>
<$list filter='[!is[system]regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>fields[]regexp<FieldNameSearchRegExp>]$(IncludeTitleField)$$(IncludeModifiedField)$$(IncludeCreatedField)$$(IncludeTagsField)$$(IncludeTextField)$' variable=ThisField>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexName>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>get<ThisField>regexp<FieldContentsSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisFilteredFieldValue>
<tr><td><$view tiddler=<<ThisOne>> field='title'/></td><td><<ThisField>></td><td><$view tiddler=<<ThisOne>> field=<<ThisField>>/></td><td><<thisReplaceFieldContentsButton>></td></tr>
\define thisReplaceFieldContentsButton()
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<ThisOne>> $field=<<ThisField>> $value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!replace_text}}/>
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/ShowInstructions" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/ShowInstructions" setTo="show">Show instructions</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/ShowInstructions" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/ShowInstructions" setTo="hide">Hide instructions</$button>
''How to use this:''
Type in your search string into the Search text box. Note that this search only reduces the number of returned entries so if you type `a` //ALL// fields in non-system tiddlers that contain `a` or `A` will be listed. This uses regular expressions and some characters may cause strange behaviour, namely `$`, `[`, `]` and `.` and possibly others.
Type the string you want the field(s) to have into the replace box. Note that this will replace the entire contents of the field, not just the string in the search box. So typing in `foo` will list all fields that have the (case insensitive) string `foo` anywhere in the string in that field. Putting `bar` as the replace string will set the value of all of the selected fields to `bar`, even if `foo` was only part of the previous value.
Click on the `Replace` button next to the field you wish to change to replace the field contents.
Search by tiddler name:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search' placeholder='Search Tiddlers' field=tiddler_search_text class='tc-edit-texteditor'/><br>
Search by field name:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search' placeholder='Search Field Names' field=field_name_search_text class='tc-edit-texteditor'/><br>
Search by field contents:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search' placeholder='Search Field Contents' field=search_text class='tc-edit-texteditor'/><br>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search' placeholder='Replacement Contents' field=replace_text class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/ShowOptions" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/ShowOptions" setTo="show">Show Options</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/ShowOptions" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/ShowOptions" setTo="hide">Hide Options</$button>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search' field=case_sensitive checked='' unchecked='(?i)'>Case sensitive search</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search' field=include_text checked='' unchecked='-[[text]]'>Include text field</$checkbox> - Be careful using this one
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search' field=include_tags checked='' unchecked='-[[tags]]'>Include tags field</$checkbox> - Be careful using this one
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search' field=include_created checked='' unchecked='-[[created]]'>Include created field</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search' field=include_modified checked='' unchecked='-[[modified]]'>Include modified field</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search' field=include_title checked='' unchecked='-[[title]]'>Include title field</$checkbox>
<$set name=FieldContentsSearchString value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!search_text}}>
<$set name=FieldContentsSearchRegExp value="$(CaseSensitive)$$(FieldContentsSearchString)$">
<$set name=FieldNameSearchString value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!field_name_search_text}}>
<$set name=FieldNameSearchRegExp value="$(CaseSensitive)$$(FieldNameSearchString)$">
<$set name=TiddlerNameSearchString value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!tiddler_search_text}}>
<$set name=TiddlerNameSearchRegExp value="$(CaseSensitive)$$(TiddlerNameSearchString)$">
<$set name=CaseSensitive value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!case_sensitive}}>
<$set name=IncludeTextField value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!include_text}}>
<$set name=IncludeTagsField value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!include_tags}}>
<$set name=IncludeCreatedField value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!include_created}}>
<$set name=IncludeModifiedField value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!include_modified}}>
<$set name=IncludeTitleField value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!include_title}}>
\define thisMakeIndexName()
\define thisMakeTables()
All matches:
<tr><th>Tiddler</th><th>Field Name</th><th>Field Value</th><th>Replace</th></tr>
<$list filter='[!is[system]regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>limit[50]]' variable=ThisOne>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>fields[]regexp<FieldNameSearchRegExp>]$(IncludeTitleField)$$(IncludeModifiedField)$$(IncludeCreatedField)$$(IncludeTagsField)$$(IncludeTextField)$' variable=ThisField>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexName>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>get<ThisField>regexp<FieldNamesSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisFilteredFieldValue>
<tr><td><$view tiddler=<<ThisOne>> field='title'/></td><td><<ThisField>></td><td><$view tiddler=<<ThisOne>> field=<<ThisField>>/></td><td><<thisReplaceFieldNamesButton>></td></tr>
\define thisReplaceFieldNamesButton()
<$button>Rename Field
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<ThisOne>>>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<ThisOne>> $field={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!replace_text}} $value=<<ThisFilteredFieldValue>>/>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-field' $param=<<ThisField>>/>
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/ShowInstructions" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/ShowInstructions" setTo="show">Show instructions</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/ShowInstructions" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/ShowInstructions" setTo="hide">Hide instructions</$button>
''How to use this:''
The search results are limited to the fields in the first 50 tiddlers returned to prevent very long render times.
Type in your search string into the Search text box. Note that this search only reduces the number of returned entries so if you type `a` //ALL// fields in non-system tiddlers that contain `a` or `A` will be listed. This uses regular expressions and some characters may cause strange behaviour, namely `$`, `[`, `]` and `.` and possibly others.
Type the string you want the field(s) to have into the replace box. Note that this will replace the entire contents of the field, not just the string in the search box. So typing in `foo` will list all fields that have the (case insensitive) string `foo` anywhere in the string in that field. Putting `bar` as the replace string will set the value of all of the selected fields to `bar`, even if `foo` was only part of the previous value.
Click on the `Replace` button next to the field you wish to change to replace the fields name.
Search by tiddler name:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search' placeholder='Search Tiddlers' field=tiddler_search_text class='tc-edit-texteditor'/><br>
Search by field name:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search' placeholder='Search Field Names' field=field_name_search_text class='tc-edit-texteditor'/><br>
Search by field contents:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search' placeholder='Search Field Contents' field=search_text class='tc-edit-texteditor'/><br>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search' placeholder='Replacement Contents' field=replace_text class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/ShowOptions" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/ShowOptions" setTo="show">Show Options</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/ShowOptions" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/ShowOptions" setTo="hide">Hide Options</$button>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search' field=case_sensitive checked='' unchecked='(?i)'>Case sensitive search</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search' field=include_text checked='' unchecked='-[[text]]'>Include text field</$checkbox> - Be careful using this one
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search' field=include_tags checked='' unchecked='-[[tags]]'>Include tags field</$checkbox> - Be careful using this one
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search' field=include_created checked='' unchecked='-[[created]]'>Include created field</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search' field=include_modified checked='' unchecked='-[[modified]]'>Include modified field</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search' field=include_title checked='' unchecked='-[[title]]'>Include title field</$checkbox>
<$set name=FieldNamesSearchString value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!search_text}}>
<$set name=FieldNamesSearchRegExp value="$(CaseSensitive)$$(FieldNamesSearchString)$">
<$set name=FieldNameSearchString value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!field_name_search_text}}>
<$set name=FieldNameSearchRegExp value="$(CaseSensitive)$$(FieldNameSearchString)$">
<$set name=TiddlerNameSearchString value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!tiddler_search_text}}>
<$set name=TiddlerNameSearchRegExp value="$(CaseSensitive)$$(TiddlerNameSearchString)$">
<$set name=CaseSensitive value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!case_sensitive}}>
<$set name=IncludeTextField value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!include_text}}>
<$set name=IncludeTagsField value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!include_tags}}>
<$set name=IncludeCreatedField value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!include_created}}>
<$set name=IncludeModifiedField value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!include_modified}}>
<$set name=IncludeTitleField value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!include_title}}>
This tiddler has the following fields:
<$list filter='[is[current]fields[]]'>
This tiddler has the following fields:
<$list filter='[is[current]fields[]]'>
!Tools that work with 5.1.7 and up
*[[Search and Replace Field Contents]]
*[[Search and Replace Field Names]]
*[[Add or Remove Tags]]
!Tools that work with 5.1.8 and up
*[[Batch Add or Remove Tags]]
*[[Batch Search and Replace Index Contents]]
*[[Batch Search and Replace Field Contents]]
*[[Batch Search and Replace Field Names]]
Name: action-editlist
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$tiddler |The tiddler to act on, defaults to currentTiddler |
|$field |The field to act on, default to tags |
|$item |The list item to add or remove |
|$action |The action, defaults to add |
|$at |The index for an operation |
|$after |The name of the tiddler directly after the desired location |
|$before |The name of the tiddler before the desired location |
|$sort |Not yet implemented, in the future it will take sorting options for the list |
Hopefully $tiddler, $field and $item are easy enough to understand
Possible actions are `add`, `remove`. More may be added later. Add will add an item to the list, remove will remove an item from the list.
This selects the location that an item will be added to or removed from. If this is used with add than the existing item at this location is overwritten. This can be a numeric index, the list uses zero-based indexing so the first item is 0, or this can be 'start' or 'end' which will select the start or end of the list.
This selects the location that an item will be added to or removed from by specifying the entry directly before the desired location by title. Using this with add won't overwrite the existing item, it will just insert the new item in the list.
This selects the location that an item will be added to or removed from by specifying the entry directly after the desired location by title. Using this with add won't overwrite the existing item, it will just insert the new item in the list.
''$before'' and ''$after'' take the name of an item in the list
options for ''$at''
''Any number'' the index of the desired location
''start'' works with add or remove, the start of the list, same as index 0
''end'' works with add or remove, the end of the list
''first'' This only works with remove, it will remove the first instance of the item given
''last'' this only works with remove, it will remove the last instance of the item given.
This example uses the default values for $tiddler, $field and $action to add to the tags field of the current tiddler. It wil add a tag called 'bob' from the current tiddler.
Add the tag 'bob'
<$action-editlist $item=bob/>
Add the tag 'bob'
<$action-editlist $item=bob/>
This example removes the tag added by the above example
Add the tag 'bob'
<$action-editlist $action=remove $item=bob/>
Remove the tag 'bob'
<$action-editlist $action=remove $item=bob/>
This example adds 'bob' to a list in the field called 'eddie'
Add 'bob' to eddie
<$action-editlist $action=add $item=bob $field='eddie'/>
Remove 'bob' from eddie
<$action-editlist $action=remove $item=bob $field='eddie'/>
Add 'bob' to eddie
<$action-editlist $action=add $item=bob $field='eddie'/>
Remove 'bob' from eddie
<$action-editlist $action=remove $item=bob $field='eddie'/>
Here you can give a field name and an item name to add items to that field.
<$vars thing1={{$:/temp/thistempthing!!action}} thing2={{$:/temp/thistempthing!!modifier}}>
Action: <$select tiddler='$:/temp/thistempthing' field='action'><option>add</option><option>remove</option></$select>
<$select tiddler='$:/temp/thistempthing' field='modifier'>
<option value=''>--</option>
<$list filter='[[$:/temp/thistempthing]action[remove]]'>
<$list filter='[[$:/temp/thistempthing]action[add]]'>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/temp/thistempthing!!action' text='add'>
Field to use:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/thistempthing' field='somefield'/>
Item to add:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/thistempthing' field='someotherfield'/>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/temp/thistempthing!!modifier' text=''>
{{$:/temp/thistempthing!!action}} item
<$action-editlist $action={{$:/temp/thistempthing!!action}} $item={{$:/temp/thistempthing!!someotherfield}} $field={{$:/temp/thistempthing!!somefield}}/>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/temp/thistempthing!!modifier' text=''>
{{$:/temp/thistempthing!!action}} {{$:/temp/thistempthing!!modifier}} item
<$action-editlist $action={{$:/temp/thistempthing!!action}} $at={{$:/temp/thistempthing!!modifier}} $item={{$:/temp/thistempthing!!someotherfield}} $field={{$:/temp/thistempthing!!somefield}}/>
Remove first item in field
<$action-editlist $action=remove $at=start $field={{$:/temp/thistempthing!!somefield}}/>
Remove last item in field
<$action-editlist $action=remove $at=end $field={{$:/temp/thistempthing!!somefield}}/>
Sort list by title ascending
<$action-editlist $field={{$:/temp/thistempthing!!somefield}} $sort='title'/>
Sort list by title descending
<$action-editlist $field={{$:/temp/thistempthing!!somefield}} $sort='!title'/>
nsort list ascending
<$action-editlist $field={{$:/temp/thistempthing!!somefield}} $sort='nsort'/>
nsort list descending
<$action-editlist $field={{$:/temp/thistempthing!!somefield}} $sort='!nsort'/>
Remove duplicates
<$action-editlist $field={{$:/temp/thistempthing!!somefield}} $duplicates=no/>
Remove duplicates of {{$:/temp/thistempthing!!someotherfield}}
<$action-editlist $field={{$:/temp/thistempthing!!somefield}} $item={{$:/temp/thistempthing!!someotherfield}} $duplicates=no/>
The contents of the field {{$:/temp/thistempthing!!somefield}}:
Transclude field:
<$transclude field={{$:/temp/thistempthing!!somefield}}/>
View field:
<$view field={{$:/temp/thistempthing!!somefield}}/>
Of the emergency broadcast agency
title: ttt
Due date: <$view field="created" format="date"template="mmm DDth YYYY"/>
<$date field="due"/>
\define TiddlerItemManager(itemName, fieldName, tagName:"Done")
<!-- Check to see if the tiddler exists -->
<$list filter="[title[$tiddlerName$]is[tiddler]]" emptyMessage="""
<!-- It doesn't exist. Add tag and View or edit Note -->
<<addTagToNote "$tiddlerName$" "$fieldName$" "$tagName$">>
<<openOrAddTiddlerFromNote "$tiddlerName$" "$fieldName$" "$tagName$">>
<<decideViewOrEditNote "$tiddlerName$" "$fieldName$" "$tagName$">>
<!-- It does exist, Add tag and View or edit Tiddler -->
<<addTagToTiddler "$tiddlerName$" "$fieldName$" "$tagName$">>
<$link to="$tiddlerName$" tooltip="Open task to edit">
<<decideViewOrEditTiddler "$tiddlerName$" "$fieldName$" "$tagName$">>
\define EditOneTaskTiddlerGlobally(
<<tiddlerTaskNote "$itemName$" "$fieldName$">>
$itemName$ <<decideViewOrEditNote "$itemName$" "$fieldName$">>
\define EditOneTaskTiddlerHere(
<$macrocall $name="EditOneTaskTiddlerInTiddler"
tiddlerName =<<currentTiddler>>
fieldName ="$fieldName$"
itemName ="$itemName$"
\define EditOneTaskTiddlerInTiddler(
<$macrocall $name="IsItemInTiddlerField"
tiddlerName ="$tiddlerName$"
fieldName ="$fieldName$"
itemName ="$itemName$"
macroName ="""
<<tiddlerTaskNote "$itemName$" "$fieldName$">>
\define EditOneTaskNoteGlobally(
<<tiddlerTaskNote "$itemName$" "$fieldName$">>
$itemName$ <<decideViewOrEditNote "$itemName$" "$fieldName$">>
\define EditOneTaskNoteHere(
<$macrocall $name="EditOneTaskNoteInTiddler"
tiddlerName =<<currentTiddler>>
fieldName ="$fieldName$"
itemName ="$itemName$"
\define EditOneTaskNoteInTiddler(
<$macrocall $name="IsItemInTiddlerField"
tiddlerName ="$tiddlerName$"
fieldName ="$fieldName$"
itemName ="$itemName$"
macroName ="""
<<tiddlerTaskNote "$itemName$" "$fieldName$">>
\define EditOneItemGlobally(
<<tiddlerNote "$itemName$" "$fieldName$">>
$itemName$ <<decideViewOrEditNote "$itemName$" "$fieldName$">>
\define EditOneItemHere(
<$macrocall $name="EditOneItemInTiddler"
tiddlerName =<<currentTiddler>>
fieldName ="$fieldName$"
itemName ="$itemName$"
\define EditOneItemInTiddler(
<$macrocall $name="IsItemInTiddlerField"
tiddlerName ="$tiddlerName$"
fieldName ="$fieldName$"
itemName ="$itemName$"
macroName ="""
<<tiddlerNote "$itemName$" "$fieldName$">>
\define EditOneTiddlerGlobally(
<<decideViewOrEditTiddler "$itemName$" "$fieldName$">>
$itemName$ <<decideViewOrEditNote "$itemName$" "$fieldName$">>
\define EditOneTiddlerHere(
<$macrocall $name="EditOneTiddlerInTiddler"
tiddlerName =<<currentTiddler>>
fieldName ="$fieldName$"
itemName ="$itemName$"
\define EditOneTiddlerInTiddler(
<$macrocall $name="IsItemInTiddlerField"
tiddlerName ="$tiddlerName$"
fieldName ="$fieldName$"
itemName ="$itemName$"
macroName ="""
<<decideViewOrEditTiddler "$itemName$" "$fieldName$">>
\define DisplayAllTaskItemHere(
<$macrocall $name="DisplayAllTaskItemInTiddler"
\define DisplayAllTaskItemInTiddler(
<$list filter="[list[$tiddlerName$!!$fieldName$]]" variable="curItem">
<$macrocall $name="DisplayOneTaskItemInTiddler" tiddlerName="$tiddlerName$" fieldName="$fieldName$" itemName=<<curItem>> />
\define DisplayAllTaskTiddlerHere(
<$macrocall $name="DisplayAllTaskTiddlerInTiddler"
\define DisplayAllTaskTiddlerInTiddler(
<$list filter="[list[$tiddlerName$!!$fieldName$]]" variable="curItem">
<$macrocall $name="DisplayOneTaskTiddlerInTiddler" tiddlerName="$tiddlerName$" fieldName="$fieldName$" itemName=<<curItem>> />
\define DisplayAllTaskNoteHere(
<$macrocall $name="DisplayAllTaskNoteInTiddler"
\define DisplayAllTaskNoteInTiddler(
<$list filter="[list[$tiddlerName$!!$fieldName$]]" variable="curItem">
<$macrocall $name="DisplayOneTaskNoteInTiddler" tiddlerName="$tiddlerName$" fieldName="$fieldName$" itemName=<<curItem>> />
\define DisplayAllTiddlerHere(
<$macrocall $name="DisplayAllTiddlerInTiddler"
\define DisplayAllTiddlerInTiddler(
<$list filter="[list[$tiddlerName$!!$fieldName$]]" variable="curItem">
<$macrocall $name="DisplayOneTiddlerInTiddler" tiddlerName="$tiddlerName$" fieldName="$fieldName$" itemName=<<curItem>> />
\define DisplayAllNoteHere(
<$macrocall $name="DisplayAllNoteInTiddler"
\define DisplayAllNoteInTiddler(
<$list filter="[list[$tiddlerName$!!$fieldName$]]" variable="curItem">
<$macrocall $name="DisplayOneNoteInTiddler" tiddlerName="$tiddlerName$" fieldName="$fieldName$" itemName=<<curItem>> />
\define DisplayAllItemHere(
<$macrocall $name="DisplayAllItemInTiddler"
\define DisplayAllItemInTiddler(
<$list filter="[list[$tiddlerName$!!$fieldName$]]" variable="curItem">
<$macrocall $name="DisplayOneItemInTiddler" tiddlerName="$tiddlerName$" fieldName="$fieldName$" itemName=<<curItem>> />
\define DisplayAllItemGlobally(
<$list filter="[[$:/_cpa/Data/$fieldName$]indexes[]] [tag[$fieldName$]]" variable="curItem">
<$macrocall $name="DisplayOneItemGlobally" fieldName="$fieldName$" itemName=<<curItem>> />
\define DisplayAllTaskItemGlobally(
<$list filter="[[$:/_cpa/Data/$fieldName$]indexes[]] [tag[$fieldName$]]" variable="curItem">
<$macrocall $name="DisplayOneTaskItemGlobally" fieldName="$fieldName$" itemName=<<curItem>> />
\define DisplayAllNoteGlobally(
<$list filter="[[$:/_cpa/Data/$fieldName$]indexes[]]" variable="curItem">
<$macrocall $name="DisplayOneNoteGlobally" fieldName="$fieldName$" itemName=<<curItem>> />
\define DisplayAllTiddlerGlobally(
<$list filter="[tag[$fieldName$]]" variable="curItem">
<$macrocall $name="DisplayOneTiddlerGlobally" fieldName="$fieldName$" itemName=<<curItem>> />
\define DisplayAllTaskNoteGlobally(
<$list filter="[[$:/_cpa/Data/$fieldName$]indexes[]]" variable="curItem">
<$macrocall $name="DisplayOneTaskNoteGlobally" fieldName="$fieldName$" itemName=<<curItem>> />
\define DisplayAllTaskTiddlerGlobally(
<$list filter="[tag[$fieldName$]]" variable="curItem">
<$macrocall $name="DisplayOneTaskTiddlerGlobally" fieldName="$fieldName$" itemName=<<curItem>> />
\define IsItemInTiddlerField(
macroName:"No Macro Passed to IsItemInTiddlerField")
<$list filter="[list[$tiddlerName$!!$fieldName$]regexp[$itemName$]]"
<$macrocall $name="addThisItemToFieldButton"
tiddlerName ="$tiddlerName$"
fieldName ="$fieldName$"
fieldValue ={{$tiddlerName$!!$fieldName$}}
itemName ="$itemName$"
\define decideViewTiddler(fieldName, itemName)
<$reveal state="$:/state/$fieldName$/NoteState" type="nomatch" text="$itemName$">
<<showTiddlerButton "$itemName$" "$fieldName$">>
<$reveal state="$:/state/$fieldName$/NoteState" type="match" text="$itemName$">
<<hideTiddlerButton "$itemName$" "$fieldName$">>
<<displayTiddlerText "$itemName$" "$fieldName$">>
\define decideViewNote(fieldName, itemName)
<$reveal state="$:/state/$fieldName$/NoteState"
<<showTiddlerButton "$itemName$" "$fieldName$">>
<$reveal state="$:/state/$fieldName$/NoteState"
type="match" text="$itemName$"
<<hideTiddlerButton "$itemName$" "$fieldName$">>
<<displayNoteText "$itemName$" "$fieldName$">>
\define addThisItemToFieldButton(
<$button set="$tiddlerName$!!$fieldName$"
setTo="$fieldValue$ [[$itemName$]]"
tooltip="Add [[$itemName$]] to $tiddlerName$'s field: $fieldName$"
\define EditOneNoteGlobally(
<<decideViewOrEditNote "$itemName$" "$fieldName$">>
$itemName$ <<decideViewOrEditNote "$itemName$" "$fieldName$">>
\define EditOneNoteHere(
<$macrocall $name="EditOneNoteInTiddler"
tiddlerName =<<currentTiddler>>
fieldName ="$fieldName$"
itemName ="$itemName$"
\define EditOneNoteInTiddler(
<$macrocall $name="IsItemInTiddlerField"
tiddlerName ="$tiddlerName$"
fieldName ="$fieldName$"
itemName ="$itemName$"
macroName ="""
<<decideViewOrEditNote "$itemName$" "$fieldName$">>
\define DisplayOneNoteHere(
fieldName:"examplefield", itemName:"exampleItem", tagName="exampleTag")
<$macrocall $name="DisplayOneNoteInTiddler"
tiddlerName =<<currentTiddler>>
fieldName ="$fieldName$"
itemName ="$itemName$"
\define DisplayOneTiddlerHere(
fieldName:"examplefield", itemName:"exampleItem", tagName="exampleTag")
<$macrocall $name="DisplayOneTiddlerInTiddler"
tiddlerName =<<currentTiddler>>
fieldName ="$fieldName$"
itemName ="$itemName$"
\define DisplayOneNoteInTiddler(
<$macrocall $name="IsItemInTiddlerField"
tiddlerName ="$tiddlerName$"
fieldName ="$fieldName$"
itemName ="$itemName$"
macroName ="""
<<decideViewNote "$fieldName$" "$itemName$">>
\define DisplayOneTiddlerInTiddler(
<$macrocall $name="IsItemInTiddlerField"
tiddlerName ="$tiddlerName$"
fieldName ="$fieldName$"
itemName ="$itemName$"
macroName ="""
<<decideViewTiddler "$fieldName$" "$itemName$">>
\define DisplayOneNoteGlobally(
<!-- Display the note even if it doesn't exist -->
<<decideViewNote "$fieldName$" "$itemName$">>
\define DisplayOneTaskNoteGlobally(
<!-- Display the note even if it doesn't exist -->
<<addTagToNote "$itemName$" "$fieldName$" "$tagName$">>
<<decideViewNote "$fieldName$" "$itemName$">>
\define DisplayOneTaskTiddlerGlobally(
<!-- Display the note even if it doesn't exist -->
<<addTagToTiddler "$itemName$" "$fieldName$" "$tagName$">>
<<decideViewTiddler "$fieldName$" "$itemName$">>
\define DisplayOneTaskItemGlobally(
<$list filter="[[$itemName$]]" variable="curItem" emptyMessage="""
<$macrocall $name="DisplayOneTaskNoteGlobally"
tiddlerName ="$tiddlerName$"
fieldName ="$fieldName$"
itemName ="$itemName$"
tagName ="$tagName$"
<$macrocall $name="DisplayOneTaskTiddlerGlobally"
tiddlerName ="$tiddlerName$"
fieldName ="$fieldName$"
itemName ="$itemName$"
tagName ="$tagName$"
\define DisplayOneTaskNoteInTiddler(
<$macrocall $name="IsItemInTiddlerField"
tiddlerName ="$tiddlerName$"
fieldName ="$fieldName$"
itemName ="$itemName$"
macroName ="""<$macrocall $name="DisplayOneTaskNoteGlobally"
tiddlerName ="$tiddlerName$"
fieldName ="$fieldName$"
itemName ="$itemName$"
tagName ="$tagName$"
\define DisplayOneTaskTiddlerInTiddler(
<$macrocall $name="IsItemInTiddlerField"
tiddlerName ="$tiddlerName$"
fieldName ="$fieldName$"
itemName ="$itemName$"
macroName ="""<$macrocall $name="DisplayOneTaskTiddlerGlobally"
tiddlerName ="$tiddlerName$"
fieldName ="$fieldName$"
itemName ="$itemName$"
tagName ="$tagName$"
\define DisplayOneTaskItemInTiddler(
<$macrocall $name="IsItemInTiddlerField"
tiddlerName ="$tiddlerName$"
fieldName ="$fieldName$"
itemName ="$itemName$"
macroName =" "
<$list filter="[[$itemName$]]" variable="curItem" emptyMessage="""
<$macrocall $name="DisplayOneTaskNoteGlobally"
tiddlerName ="$tiddlerName$"
fieldName ="$fieldName$"
itemName ="$itemName$"
tagName ="$tagName$"
<$macrocall $name="DisplayOneTaskTiddlerGlobally"
tiddlerName ="$tiddlerName$"
fieldName ="$fieldName$"
itemName ="$itemName$"
tagName ="$tagName$"
\define DisplayOneTaskNoteHere(
<$macrocall $name="DisplayOneTaskNoteInTiddler"
tiddlerName =<<currentTiddler>>
fieldName ="$fieldName$"
itemName ="$itemName$"
tagName ="$tagName$"
\define DisplayOneTaskTiddlerHere(
<$macrocall $name="DisplayOneTaskTiddlerInTiddler"
tiddlerName =<<currentTiddler>>
fieldName ="$fieldName$"
itemName ="$itemName$"
tagName ="$tagName$"
\define DisplayOneTaskItemHere(
<$macrocall $name="DisplayOneTaskItemInTiddler"
tiddlerName =<<currentTiddler>>
fieldName ="$fieldName$"
itemName ="$itemName$"
tagName ="$tagName$"
\define DisplayOneTiddlerGlobally(
<!-- Display the note even if it doesn't exist -->
<<decideViewTiddler "$fieldName$" "$itemName$">>
\define DisplayOneItemGlobally(
<$list filter="[[$itemName$]]" emptyMessage="""
<<decideViewNote "$fieldName$" "$itemName$">>
<<decideViewTiddler "$fieldName$" "$itemName$">>
\define DisplayOneItemHere(
<$macrocall $name="DisplayOneItemInTiddler"
tiddlerName =<<currentTiddler>>
fieldName ="$fieldName$"
itemName ="$itemName$"
\define DisplayOneItemInTiddler(
<$macrocall $name="IsItemInTiddlerField"
tiddlerName ="$tiddlerName$"
fieldName ="$fieldName$"
itemName ="$itemName$"
macroName ="""
<$macrocall $name="DisplayOneItemGlobally"
tiddlerName ="$tiddlerName$"
fieldName ="$fieldName$"
itemName ="$itemName$"
\define GetTaggedOptions(tagName)
<$list filter="[tag[$tagName$]]">
<option value=<<currentTiddler>> ><<currentTiddler>></option>
\define GetIndexOptions(fieldName)
<$list filter="[[$:/_cpa/Data/$fieldName$]indexes[]]">
<option value=<<currentTiddler>> ><<currentTiddler>></option>
\define GetFieldOptions(fieldName)
<$list filter="[has[$fieldName$]sort[]]">
<option value=<<currentTiddler>> ><<currentTiddler>></option>
\define pickTiddler()
<$select tiddler="$:/temp/Pick/Tiddler">
<option value="">--</option>
<option value="exampleTiddler">exampleTiddler</option>
<option value="test">test</option>
<$macrocall $name="GetFieldOptions" fieldName={{$:/temp/Pick/Type}} />
<$macrocall $name="GetTaggedOptions" tagName={{$:/temp/Pick/Type}} />
<$macrocall $name="GetIndexOptions" fieldName={{$:/temp/Pick/Type}} />
\define pickItem()
<$select tiddler="$:/temp/Pick/Item">
<option value="">--</option>
<option value="exampleItem">exampleItem</option>
<option value="test">test</option>
<$macrocall $name="GetTaggedOptions" tagName={{$:/temp/Pick/Type}} />
<$macrocall $name="GetIndexOptions" fieldName={{$:/temp/Pick/Type}} />
\define GetDefault(Default, Supplied)
<$macrocall $name=".if"
\define ExecuteChosenAction()
<$macrocall $name="ExecutePickChoice"
Action ={{$:/temp/Pick/Action}}
What ={{$:/temp/Pick/What}}
Where ={{$:/temp/Pick/Where}}
\define ExecutePickChoice(Action, What, Where)
<tr><td colspan=4>
<$macrocall $name="~$Action$$What$$Where$"
tiddlerName ="{{$:/temp/Pick/Tiddler}}"
fieldName ="{{$:/temp/Pick/Type}}"
itemName ="{{$:/temp/Pick/Item}}"
tagName ={{$:/temp/Pick/Tag}}
</td></tr><tr><td colspan=4>
<$macrocall $name="$Action$$What$$Where$"
tiddlerName ={{$:/temp/Pick/Tiddler}}
fieldName ={{$:/temp/Pick/Type}}
itemName ={{$:/temp/Pick/Item}}
tagName ={{$:/temp/Pick/Tag}}
\define pickAction()
<$select tiddler="$:/temp/Pick/Action">
<option value="">--</option>
<option value="DisplayOne">Display One</option>
<option value="DisplayAll">Display All</option>
<option value="EditOne">Edit One</option>
<option value="DeleteOne">Delete One</option>
<option value="ManageOne">Manage One</option>
<option value="ManageAll">Manage All</option>
\define pickWhat()
<$select tiddler="$:/temp/Pick/What">
<option value="">--</option>
<option value="Note">Note</option>
<option value="Tiddler">Tiddler</option>
<option value="Item">Item</option>
<option value="TaskNote">Task Note </option>
<option value="TaskTiddler">Task Tiddler </option>
<option value="TaskItem">Task Item </option>
\define pickWhere()
<$select tiddler="$:/temp/Pick/Where">
<option value="">--</option>
<option value="Globally">Globally</option>
<option value="InTiddler">In Tiddler</option>
<option value="Here">Here</option>
\define pickField()
<$select tiddler="$:/temp/Pick/Type">
<option value="">--</option>
<option value="exampleField">exampleField</option>
<option value="test">test</option>
<$list filter="[fields[]sort[]]">
<option value=<<currentTiddler>> ><<currentTiddler>></option>
\define pickTag()
<$select tiddler="$:/temp/Pick/Tag">
<option value="">--</option>
<option value="exampleTag">exampleTag</option>
<option value="test">test</option>
<option value="Active">Active</option>
<option value="Deferred">Deferred</option>
<option value="Done">Done</option>
\define getfield(tiddlerName, fieldName)<$view tiddler="$tiddlerName$" field="$fieldName$"/>
\define clearTiddlerField(tiddlerName, fieldName)<$button set="$tiddlerName$!!$fieldName$" setTo="">clear</$button>
<table><tr><th colspan=3>Field / Tag Related Actions</th></tr>
<tr><th>Action</th><th>What</th><th>Where </th></tr>
<tr><td><<pickAction>> </td><td><<pickWhat>> </td><td><<pickWhere>> </td></tr>
<tr><th>Tiddler Name </th><th>Field Name </th><th>Item Name </th><th>Tag Name </th></tr>
<tr><td><<pickTiddler>> </td><td><<pickField>> </td><td><<pickItem>> </td><td><<pickTag>> </td></tr>
__Fields in this tiddler__
<table><tr><th>Field Name</th><th>Field Value</th></tr>
<$list filter="[all[current]fields[]] -created -text -modified -tags -title -draft.title -draft.of" variable="curfield">
<$macrocall $name="getfield" tiddlerName=<<currentTiddler>> fieldName=<<curfield>> /></td><td><$macrocall $name="clearTiddlerField" tiddlerName=<<currentTiddler>> fieldName=<<curfield>> /></td></tr>
__Fields in Tiddler: {{$:/temp/Pick/Tiddler}}__
<table><tr><th>Field Name</th><th>Field Value</th></tr>
<$list filter="[{$:/temp/Pick/Tiddler}fields[]] -created -text -modified -tags -title -draft.title -draft.of" variable="curfield">
<$macrocall $name="getfield" tiddlerName={{$:/temp/Pick/Tiddler}} fieldName=<<curfield>> /></td><td><$macrocall $name="clearTiddlerField" tiddlerName={{$:/temp/Pick/Tiddler}} fieldName=<<curfield>> /></td></tr>
\define listname(fieldName)
<$list filter="[has[$fieldName$]]">
<li><$link><$view field="title"/></$link> - <$view field="$fieldName$"/></li>
<$list filter="[fields[]]">
<$button set="$:/temp/fieldname" setTo=<<currentTiddler>> ><<currentTiddler>></$button>
<$list filter="[fields[]]">
<$reveal state="$:/temp/fieldname" type="match" text=<<currentTiddler>> >
<ul><li>__<<currentTiddler>>__</li><$macrocall $name="listname" fieldName=<<currentTiddler>> /></ul>
\define getTiddlerField(tiddlerName,fieldName)
<th>Field Name</th>
<$list filter="[list[!!fields]]">
<$list filter="[tag[field]]" variable="curField">
<$list filter="[list[!!fields]]">
<$macrocall $name="getTiddlerField"
<$list filter="[tag[field]]">
<$link to=<<currentTiddler>> > <<currentTiddler>> </$link>
tagName="field" />
<$list filter="[tag[table]]">
<$link to=<<currentTiddler>> > <<currentTiddler>> </$link>
tagName="table" />
Incoming Links:
<$list filter="[<currentTiddler>tag[edit]]" variable="xxx" emptyMessage="""
<$view tiddler=<<currentTiddler>>
<$edit tiddler=<<currentTiddler>>
\define requirement(roleName, requirementName)
# Need to be able to add fields to tiddlers at random
#* `<<listHere fieldname>>` <<listHere fieldname>>
# Once the field is established, need to be able to define how that field behaves
#* `<<defineField fieldname>>` <<defineField fieldname>>
#* Is it editable from the view template
#** `<$reveal state="$fieldName$!!fieldeditable" type="match" text="Yes">`
#* Is there a macro that auto-assigns its value?
#** `<$view tiddler="$fieldName$" field="fieldmacro" />`
#* What is its label when displayed in its tiddler?
#** `<$view tiddler="$fieldName$" field="fieldlabel" />`
#* What type is it?
#** `<$view tiddler="$fieldName$" field="fieldtype" />`
#*# Text
#*# Date
#*# Yes/No
#*# List
#*# Select
#* Can we create values ad-hoc to add to the list or select?
#** `<$reveal state="$fieldName$!!fieldadhoc" type="match" text="Yes">`
#* If populating the list or select with a new value, what tag should be assigned the new tiddler when created?
#*# `<$view tiddler="$fieldName$" field="fieldtag" />`
#* What filter is used to populate the list or select?
#** `<$view tiddler="$fieldName$" field="fieldfilter" />`
#* When the list or select refers to another tiddler, what label should it display if this tiddler's name is displayed in the target tiddler?
#** `<$view tiddler="$fieldName$" field="fieldparent" />`
# And then find that field after it is defined
#* `<$list filter="[tag[field]]">` <$list filter="[tag[field]]"><$view field="title"/>, </$list>
# Need to be able to define tags that, when they are assigned to a tiddler, that tiddler displays a list of fields as defined above
#* `<$list filter="[tag[table]]">` <$list filter="[tag[table]]"><$view field="title"/>, </$list>
#* `<<defineTable tableName>>` <<defineTable tableName>>
#* Need to identify tiddlers that can be a target of one of these list or select field links
#** `<<listHere incominglinks>>`
#* In a list or select target tiddler, need to be able to identify the tiddlers that link here
#* In a tiddler that is tagged as a type of tiddler that holds a collection of fields, need to be able to list the fields in other tiddlers that link to here
# When there are relationships between tiddlers defined by one tiddler's name being in the content of another tiddler's field, need to be able to edit that relationship from both the source and target tiddlers
# Need to be able to define the list of fields in tiddlers that may refer to this tiddler when this tiddler is defined as holding a collection of fields
# How its done now
#* <span>
`<$list filter="[tag[field]]">
<$link to=<<currentTiddler>> > <<currentTiddler>> </$link>
tagName="field" />
<$list filter="[tag[table]]">
<$link to=<<currentTiddler>> > <<currentTiddler>> </$link>
tagName="table" />
Incoming Links:
<$list filter="[<currentTiddler>tag[edit]]" variable="xxx" emptyMessage="""
<$view tiddler=<<currentTiddler>>
<$edit tiddler=<<currentTiddler>>
This is a test. And so is this.
\define fieldEditButton(title)
<$reveal state="$:/state/fieldedit/$title$" type="nomatch" text="$title$">
<$button set="$:/state/fieldedit/$title$" setTo="$title$">
<$reveal state="$:/state/fieldedit/$title$" type="match" text="$title$">
<$action-deletetiddler $tiddler="$:/state/fieldedit/$title$"/>
\define renderheader(title)
<$reveal state="$:/state/fieldedit/$title$" type="nomatch" text="$title$">
<$reveal state="$:/state/fieldedit/$title$" type="match" text="$title$">
<th>Field Label</th><th>Field Type</th>
\define renderfieldlabel(title)
<$reveal state="$:/state/fieldedit/$title$" type="nomatch" text="$title$">
<$view tiddler="$title$" field="fieldlabel" />
<$reveal state="$:/state/fieldedit/$title$" type="match" text="$title$">
<$edit tiddler="$title$" field="fieldlabel" />
\define renderfieldtype(title)
<$reveal state="$:/state/fieldedit/$title$" type="nomatch" text="$title$">
<$view tiddler="$title$" field="fieldtype" />
<$reveal state="$:/state/fieldedit/$title$" type="match" text="$title$">
<$edit tiddler="$title$" field="fieldtype" />
\define renderfielddescription(title)
<$reveal state="$:/state/fieldedit/$title$" type="nomatch" text="$title$">
<$view tiddler="$:/language/Docs/Fields/$title$" field="text" />
<$reveal state="$:/state/fieldedit/$title$" type="match" text="$title$">
<$edit tiddler="$:/language/Docs/Fields/$title$" field="text" />
\define renderfield(title)
<tr class="tc-view-field">
<td class="tc-view-field-name">''$title$'':</td>
<td><<renderfielddescription "$title$">></td>
<td><<fieldEditButton "$title$">></td>
<td><<renderfieldlabel "$title$">></td>
<td><<renderfieldtype "$title$">></td>
<table class="tc-view-field-table">
<<renderheader "$title$">>
<$list filter="[fields[]sort[title]]" variable="listItem"><$macrocall $name="renderfield" title=<<listItem>>/></$list>
|edit |view |h
|<$edit-text tag="textarea" tiddler="ttt" field="test" /> |<$transclude mode="block" tiddler="ttt" field="test" /> |
\define svgdefs()
<marker id="Triangle"
viewBox="0 0 10 10"
refX="1" refY="5"
<path d="M 0 0 L 10 5 L 0 10 z" />
I have a lovely bunch of coconuts. Too
<svg width="120" height="120" viewBox="0 0 120 120"
xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1"
<polyline points="10,90 50,80 90,20"
fill="none" stroke="black"
marker-end="url(#Triangle)" />
<$list filter="[tag[svgitem]]">
<rect x={{!!svgx}} y={{!!svgy}} width={{!!svgwidth}} height={{!!svgheight}} fill="none" stroke="black" />
Choose item:
<$select tiddler="$:/temp/svgitem">
<option value=""> -- </option>
<$list filter="[tag[svgitem]]">
<option value=<<currentTiddler>> > <<currentTiddler>> </option>
x: <$edit tiddler={{$:/temp/svgitem}} field="svgx" />
y: <$edit tiddler={{$:/temp/svgitem}} field="svgy" />
width: <$edit tiddler={{$:/temp/svgitem}} field="svgwidth" />
height: <$edit tiddler={{$:/temp/svgitem}} field="svgheight" />
\define addTagToNote(fieldName, itemName, tagName) <$checkbox tiddler="$:/_cpa/Data/$fieldName$" tag="$tagName$:$itemName$"></$checkbox>
\define addTagToTiddler(fieldName, itemName, tagName)<$checkbox tiddler="$itemName$" tag="$tagName$"></$checkbox>
\define editNote(fieldName, itemName, tagName)<$edit tiddler="$:/_cpa/Data/$fieldName$" index="$itemName$" />
\define editTiddler(fieldName, itemName, tagName)<$edit tiddler="$itemName$" />
\define viewNote(fieldName, itemName, tagName)<$view tiddler="$:/_cpa/Data/$fieldName$" index="$itemName$" />
\define viewTiddler(fieldName, itemName, tagName)<$view tiddler="$itemName$" />
\define editItem(fieldName, itemName, tagName)
<$list filter="[title[$itemName$]is[tiddler]]"
<<editNote "$fieldName$" "$itemName$" "$tagName$">>
<<editTiddler "$fieldName$" "$itemName$" "$tagName$">>
\define viewItem(fieldName, itemName, tagName)
<$list filter="[title[$itemName$]is[tiddler]]"
<<viewNote "$fieldName$" "$itemName$" "$tagName$">>
<<viewTiddler "$fieldName$" "$itemName$" "$tagName$">>
\define addTagToItem(fieldName, itemName, tagName)
<$list filter="[title[$itemName$]is[tiddler]]"
<<addTagToNote "$fieldName$" "$itemName$" "$tagName$">>
<<addTagToTiddler "$fieldName$" "$itemName$" "$tagName$">>
\define editSaveItemButton(fieldName, itemName, tagName, editButton:{{$:/core/images/edit-button}})
<$reveal state="$:/temp/viewedit/$fieldName$/$itemName$"
<$button set="$:/temp/viewedit/$fieldName$/$itemName$"
class="tc-btn-invisible tc-tiddlylink"
<$reveal state="$:/temp/viewedit/$fieldName$/$itemName$"
<$button set="$:/temp/viewedit/$fieldName$/$itemName$"
class="tc-btn-invisible tc-tiddlylink"
\define viewHideItemButton(fieldName, itemName, tagName)
<$reveal state="$:/temp/viewedit/$fieldName$/$itemName$"
<$button set="$:/temp/viewedit/$fieldName$/$itemName$"
class="tc-btn-invisible tc-tiddlylink"
<$reveal state="$:/temp/viewedit/$fieldName$/$itemName$"
<$button set="$:/temp/viewedit/$fieldName$/$itemName$"
class="tc-btn-invisible tc-tiddlylink"
\define editViewItem(fieldName, itemName, tagName)
<$reveal state="$:/temp/viewedit/$fieldName$/$itemName$"
<<viewItem "$fieldName$" "$itemName$" "$tagName$">>
<$reveal state="$:/temp/viewedit/$fieldName$/$itemName$"
<<editItem "$fieldName$" "$itemName$" "$tagName$">>
\define linkToItem(fieldName, itemName, tagName)
<$list filter="[title[$itemName$]is[tiddler]]"
<!-- There is no tiddler. Display a button to create one -->
<$button tooltip="Move note to new tiddler"
class="tc-btn-invisible tc-tiddlylink">
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$itemName$"
text={{$:/_cpa/Data/$fieldName$##$itemName$}} />
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/_cpa/Data/$fieldName$"
$index="$itemName$" $value="" />
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$itemName$"
<!-- There is a tiddler. Link to it -->
<$fieldmangler tiddler="$itemName$">
<$button tooltip="Open tiddler"
class="tc-btn-invisible tc-tiddlylink"
\define showItem(fieldName, itemName, tagName)
<<addTagToItem "$fieldName$" "$itemName$" "$tagName$">> <<linkToItem "$fieldName$" "$itemName$" "$tagName$">>
<$list filter="[title[$itemName$]is[tiddler]] +[[$:/_cpa/Data/$fieldName$]getindex[$itemName$]] +[first[]]" variable="blahblah" emptyMessage="""
<<editSaveItemButton "$fieldName$" "$itemName$" "$tagName$" {{$:/core/images/new-button}} >>
<<editSaveItemButton "$fieldName$" "$itemName$" "$tagName$">>
<<viewHideItemButton "$fieldName$" "$itemName$" "$tagName$">>
\define temp()
<<{{$:/temp/1234}} "test" "exampleItem" "exampleTag">>
Outputs this→
<$macrocall $name={{$:/temp/1234}} fieldName="test" itemName="exampleItem" tagName="exampleTag" />
\define appendTwoItemsToFieldButton(tiddlerName, fieldName, itemOne, itemTwo, buttonText:"Add")
<!-- Originally from $:/danielo515/macros/ui/Buttons/addToken -->
<$button set="$tiddlerName$!!$fieldName$"
setTo="$itemOne$ [[$itemTwo$]]"
tooltip="Add $itemTwo$ to $tiddlerName$'s $fieldName$"
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/temp/addItemToList/$fieldName$" text=""/>
\define editFieldItem(fieldName)
<$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/addItemToList/$fieldName$" tag="input" default=""/>
\define appendItemToListButton(tiddlerName, fieldName)
<$reveal state="$:/_cpa/controls/debug" type="match" text="debug">
fieldName="$fieldName$", itemName="$itemName$")<br/>
<$macrocall $name="appendTwoItemsToFieldButton"
\define displayAddList(tiddlerName, fieldName)
<$select tiddler="$:/temp/addItemToList/$fieldName$">
<option value="">--</option>
<$list filter="[[$:/_cpa/Data/$fieldName$]indexes[]sort[title]] -[list[$tiddlerName$!!$fieldName$]]">
<option value=<<currentTiddler>> >
\define deleteItemFromListButton(tiddlerName, fieldName, itemName)
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible"
tooltip="Remove '$itemName$' from $fieldName$ in $tiddlerName$"
\define addItemToListButton(tiddlerName, fieldName, itemName, buttonText:"Add")
<$macrocall $name="appendTwoItemsToFieldButton"
\define manageOneListItem(tiddlerName, fieldName, tagName:"Done")
<$macrocall $name="deleteItemFromListButton"
itemName=<<curitem>> />
<$macrocall $name="showItem"
tagName="exampleTag" />
<$macrocall $name="editViewItem"
tagName="$tagName$" />
\define listItemsInTiddler(tiddlerName, fieldName, tagName:"Done")
<$list filter="[list[$tiddlerName$!!$fieldName$]]" variable="curitem">
<$macrocall $name="manageOneListItem"
itemName=<<curitem>> />
\define addItemsToTiddlerList(tiddlerName, fieldName)
<$macrocall $name="displayAddList" tiddlerName="$tiddlerName$" fieldName="test" />
<$macrocall $name="editFieldItem" fieldName="$fieldName$" />
<$macrocall $name="addItemToListButton" tiddlerName="$tiddlerName$" fieldName="$fieldName$" itemName={{$:/temp/addItemToList/$fieldName$}} />
\define manageOneTreeItem(tiddlerName, fieldName, itemName, tagName:"Done")
<$macrocall $name="deleteItemFromListButton"
itemName="$itemName$" />
<$macrocall $name="showItem"
tagName="exampleTag" />
<$macrocall $name="editViewItem"
tagName="$tagName$" />
\define listChildren(tiddlerName, fieldName, itemName, tagName)
<!-- list the tiddlers tagged in this tiddler's childof field -->
<$list filter="[list[$tiddlerName$!!$fieldName$]]">
<$macrocall $name="manageOneTreeItem"
tagName="$tagName$" />
\define listParentOf(tiddlerName, fieldName, itemName, tagName)
<!-- list the tiddlers tagged in this tiddler's parentof field -->
<$list filter="[list[$tiddlerName$!!$fieldName$]]">
<$macrocall $name="manageOneTreeItem"
tagName="$tagName$" />
\define treeListItemsInTiddler(tiddlerName, fieldName, tagName:"Done")
<!-- Display the item and allow it to be edited or viewed -->
Tree based on the spec found in: ''<$link to="$fieldName$">$fieldName$</$link>''<br/>
<$reveal state=<<qualify "$:/state/Slide_Macro">> type="nomatch" text="show">
<$button set=<<qualify "$:/state/Slide_Macro">> setTo="show"
<$reveal state=<<qualify "$:/state/Slide_Macro">> type="match" text="show">
<$button set=<<qualify "$:/state/Slide_Macro">> setTo="hide"
<$macrocall $name="manageOneTreeItem"
tagName="$tagName$" />
<$reveal state=<<qualify "$:/state/Slide_Macro">> type="match" text="show">
<$list filter="[list[$fieldName$!!childof]]" variable="curChild">
<$macrocall $name="listChildren"
tagName="$tagName$" />
<$list filter="[list[$fieldName$!!parentof]]" variable="curChild">
<!-- list the tiddlers tagged in this tiddler's parentof field -->
<$macrocall $name="listParentOf"
tagName="$tagName$" />
\define addItemsToTiddlerList(tiddlerName, fieldName)
<$macrocall $name="displayAddList" tiddlerName="$tiddlerName$" fieldName="test" />
<$macrocall $name="editFieldItem" fieldName="$fieldName$" />
<$macrocall $name="addItemToListButton" tiddlerName="$tiddlerName$" fieldName="$fieldName$" itemName={{$:/temp/addItemToList/$fieldName$}} />
<$select tiddler="$:/temp/1234">
<option value="addTagToNote">addTagToNote</option>
<option value="addTagToTiddler">addTagToTiddler</option>
<option value="addTagToItem">addTagToItem</option>
<option value="viewNote">viewNote</option>
<option value="viewTiddler">viewTiddler</option>
<option value="viewItem">viewItem</option>
<option value="editNote">editNote</option>
<option value="editTiddler">editTiddler</option>
<option value="editItem">editItem</option>
<option value="editSaveItemButton">editSaveItemButton</option>
<option value="viewHideItemButton">viewHideItemButton</option>
<option value="editViewItem">editViewItem</option>
<option value="linkToItem">linkToItem</option>
<option value="showItem">showItem</option>
</$select> <<temp>>
Overall outcome: `<<showItem fieldName:"test" itemName:"exampleItem" tagName:"exampleTag">>`
<<showItem fieldName:"test" itemName:"exampleItem" tagName:"exampleTag">>
<<editViewItem "test" "exampleItem" "exampleTag">>
<<showItem fieldName:"test" itemName:"nonexistant" tagName:"exampleTag">>
<<editViewItem "test" "nonexistant" "exampleTag">>
<tr><td>exampleItem</td><td>tags</td><td><$view tiddler="exampleItem" field="tags"/></td></tr>
<tr><td>exampleItem</td><td>text</td><td><$view tiddler="exampleItem" field="text"/></td></tr>
<tr><td>$:/_cpa/Data/test</td><td>exampleItem</td><td><$view tiddler="$:/_cpa/Data/test" index="exampleItem"/></td></tr>
<tr><td>$:/_cpa/Data/test</td><td>tags</td><td><$view tiddler="$:/_cpa/Data/test" field="tags"/></td></tr>
`<$macrocall $name="addItemsToTiddlerList"
fieldName="test" />`
`<$macrocall $name="listItemsInTiddler"
tagName="Done" />`
<$macrocall $name="addItemsToTiddlerList" tiddlerName=<<currentTiddler>> fieldName="test" />
<$macrocall $name="listItemsInTiddler" tiddlerName=<<currentTiddler>> fieldName="test" tagName="Done" />
`<$macrocall $name="addItemsToTiddlerList"
fieldName="test" />`
`<$macrocall $name="listItemsInTiddler"
tagName="Done" />`
<$macrocall $name="addItemsToTiddlerList" tiddlerName=<<currentTiddler>> fieldName="test" />
<$macrocall $name="listItemsInTiddler" tiddlerName=<<currentTiddler>> fieldName="test" tagName="Done" />
<<treeListItemsInTiddler exampleTiddler test exampleItem>>
<<treeListItemsInTiddler HITOL test exampleItem>>
A thesis notebook based on TiddlyWiki.
This is an example of a thesis notebook powered by TiddlyWiki 5.0.8-beta.
TiddlyWiki is a great piece of software created by Jeremy Ruston. It allows you, among other things, to take notes, organize ideas, store information, and display all your stuff the way you want. It is an incredibly flexible tool you can adapt to fit almost all your needs.
This TiddlyWiki has been customized to serve as a philosophy notebook centered around authors, books and papers, concepts and theories, and personal notes. I use it along with Zotero, which is a dedicated bibliography software. Both are free, open source projects. TiddlyWiki can be downloaded at http://tiddlywiki.com.
buggyj has created several useful plugins, including a WYSIWYG HTML editor, a configurable calendar and tag lists with draggable ordering.
A collection of customisations and macros from Danielo Rodriguez.
This is my personal tiddlywiki file for testing.
Here I will post the tools and Macros that I develop for this awesome tool. That way, all the help the comunity gave me can came back to the comunity again.
An adaptor to enable TiddlyWiki to sync changes with a [[CouchDB|http://couchdb.apache.org]] database.
CouchDB sync adaptor for TiddlyWiki 5. Requires TiddlyWiki >= 5.1.2.
Works in limited testing. Not sure how well it handles conflicts.
A guide to creating a baby journal with TiddlyWiki.
Keeping a journal about your baby is fun. It allows you to keep track of those events in your baby's life and development that are most important to you, and to tell them in your own words. [...]
There are plenty of online services that can help to keep such a diary, but you need to have an internet connection to access them, and you have to trust them to keep your data safe.
A collection of hints and tips from Jim Lehmer, published as a static blog generated by TiddlyWiki.
There is a decent write-up on generating static pages using Tiddlywiki on the main TW site. However, there are a few nuances not mentioned on that page, so here are a few of my notes on how I generate the pages for this site.
A plugin that allows to encrypt your tiddlers individually Danielo Rodriguez.
* You can specify a different password for each tiddler if you want.
* You don't have to encrypt your whole wiky.
* If you forget your password, you only lose a tiddler.
* It's possible to edit the tiddler content , tags and fields except the encrypt field after encryption.
* [...]
An adaptation of the [[TiddlyWiki powered GTD® system formerly known as MonkeyGTD|http://mgsd.tiddlyspot.com/]] for TiddlyWiki version 5.
GSD5 is a Getting-Thing-Done tool for TiddlyWiki5 based off the mGSD classic TiddlyWiki.
A guide in Russian to creating an online shop with TiddlyWiki. No serverside code is needed, instead orders are handled by Disqus.
An extensive collection of hints and tips from Jed Carty.
I made this so that some of my friends with absolutely no coding experience could use some of the better features of TW5 without having to learn much. I am hopefully going to continue updating it as I learn new things. There isn't really anything here that isn't available in plenty of other places, but I figured that since I spent a while putting it together and people keep saying that TW needs more documentation I would post it here.
A step by step guide to running TiddlyWiki on a ~CentOS Virtual Private Server.
In this tutorial we will guide you through the steps of installing and running TiddlyWiki on a ~CentOS 6 VPS.
We will also install and configure Nginx as a reverse proxy, so you can run TiddlyWiki behind Nginx.
A Spanish guide to using TiddlyWiki on Android.
Tiddlywiki software is prodigious based on javascript which is capable of holding a notepad that can be edited with Internet Explorer or function as a full blog, contained in a single file.
//Translation by Google Translate//
A quick guide to using TiddlyWiki (written in German)
Those using multiple different computer platforms (if only PC and Android) knows for certain: You would like to sync notes across computers and thereby be independent of any apps or services. I am concerned at any rate so and so I am constantly looking for the perfect solution.
With TiddlyWiki I found it mostly. As the name suggests, it TiddlyWiki is a Wikisystem. In contrast to all other wikis, TiddlyWiki is a single HTML file that runs in the browser and thus can be used on all modern operating systems. And because there is only one file, it can be very easily via the well-known cloud services (Dropbox, Google Drive, ownCloud) or synchronized with FTP or used on a USB stick.
(Translation from German by Google Translate)
A fast Forth interpreter for the [[Commodore PET|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commodore_PET]], written in 6502 assembly language. The TiddlyWiki containing program documentation is automatically generated from the source code: see https://github.com/chitselb/pettil.
Objectives of the project are, in no particular order:
* make a Forth that runs on my Commodore PET 2001
* have fun
* improve my "6502 assembly golf" skills
* find other people who are interested in this project
Detailed description of setting up [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] on OS X.
For a new job, I decided to set up a personal wiki to keep notes. I wanted to keep it simple, meeting these requirements:
* All the data is in a Dropbox folder (so it can be automatically synced between machines)
* It must support Markdown syntax
After looking at the options, I settled on TiddlyWiki. I've used "classic TiddlyWiki" before, and liked its simplicity, but I was always a little annoyed with the weird steps you have to go through to save changes. The new version of TiddlyWiki includes support for running it as a real HTTP server, so you can use it just like an online wiki.
But it took me a couple of hours to figure out how to set that up. The TiddlyWiki documentation is not clear ("not clear" is a euphemistic way of saying "terrible"). So, I've written up these instructions in the hope it will spare somebody else all the frustration I had.
A gamers guide to using TiddlyWiki.
I’ve been using TiddlyWiki for this game mainly to record the monsters’ locations and the items that they drop. This is so that when I need a certain item to upgrade/create weapons, I can quickly look it up; which monsters drop it and which quests have those monsters.
As I play the game, as I encounter new information, I just input them into my Shining Ark TiddlyWiki. It’s like I’m building a wiki from scratch. The reason why I don’t just use online wikis is that 1) it’s too easy to get spoiled and 2) sometimes online wikis provide too much information (who cares about the non-gameplay related descriptions that can be found in the game, etc).
A collection of tips from Tobias Beer
A collection of references and sandbox for testing concepts around TiddlyWiki 5...
Reaction to TiddlyWiki5 from the translator of the German edition of TiddlyWikiClassic.
There is little software that can still inspire me so even after years, as on the first day. This includes TiddlyWiki, the "pocket-wiki". The latter is because the Wiki completely fits into an HTML file, and this HTML file brings everything - JavaScript program logic, CSS appearance and the entire Wiki content as stored records. So a TiddlyWiki file is then sometimes happy times some megabytes in size, but just has the unbeatable advantage that it works just as fast file created locally in a variety of browsers.
(Translation from German by Google Translate)
An early release of an edition of TiddlyWiki customised for rigorous, academic notetaking.
TiddlyWiki for Scholars is a personal customization of TiddlyWiki 5.0.13-beta I made for note-taking from readings, but it can be useful for other purposes. The idea behind this adaptation is to show and to allow creating relevant data related to the current tiddler without leaving the tiddler.
A collection of tips and guides in French, introduced by this blog post:
Ce guide de prise en main de TiddlyWiki vous permettra de débuter sur ce logiciel : rédiger du texte avec la syntaxe wiki, insérer des images, créer des Tiddler, faire une recherche, ajouter des fonctionnalités, et bien d'autres choses.. Bonne lecture ! Sylvain
Notes and tips by a developer working on writing TiddlyWiki plugins -- including [[TWExe|https://github.com/welford/twexe]], a widget for running Windows scripts and executables.
A collection of articles covering integration with Fargo, Font Awesome and Google Calendar, and tips for managing task lists.
I have become a regular user of TiddlyWiki and have become so accustomed to using Font Awesome icons in Fargo that I wanted to incorporate the icons into my wikis as well.
A translation of the tiddlywiki.com documentation from Bram Chen, TiddlyWiki's Chinese translator.
Dutch blog post about TiddlyWiki
I'm allergic to websites that are highly dependent on JavaScript. I think that JavaScript has many useful applications to add functionality to a site, but content needs to be visible if JavaScript is switched off. I use the NoScript extension for Firefox and surf with pleasure over the Internet without spontaneous things happen that I do not give permission. I love JavaScript on a short leash. More crazier maybe I'm so excited about TiddlyWiki.
(Translation from Dutch by Google Translate)
An extensive collection of tips and resources for users of TiddlyWiki in Japanese.
Chris Hunt's detailed developer tutorials for getting started with writing widgets for TiddlyWiki.
These pages document aspects TiddlyWiki5 programming, sharing "lessons learned" to help developers to get started with TiddlyWiki5 customization and extension.
There are currently two articles in this wiki:
* A Simple Widget
* A More Complex Widget
Huge collection of customisations and tweaks from Ton Gerner.
I am a longtime user of TiddlyWiki Classic and still use it daily since you can't do everything in TiddlyWiki 5 (yet) ;)
I started experimenting with TW5 at the end of September 2013 (alpha10).
Since I missed a few things in the layout I got used to in TiddlyWiki Classic 1, I started with modifying the layout of TW5.
To share my knowledge, I made a few guides about these 'modifications'.
The guides started as a non-linear personal web notebook (yeah, the subtitle of TiddlyWiki!). I started experimenting with layout things and used TW5 to document my experiments.
A wealth of hints, tips and notes about using [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]:
TiddlyWiki is different from other wikis because of its principle of dynamically customizeable "storyline" based on tiddlers as basic units of information. That is, the user "composes" their own version of the webpage by clicking on tiddler links, which add tiddlers to the page in order to compose a storyline.
The Node.js implementation in TiddlyWiki5 adds all the advantages of flat-file markup language based type of site. This makes TiddlyWiki an excellent alternative to flat-file based CMS/webpage/blog authoring systems for the web.
Also very cool is the treatment of tags as menus everywhere.
Stephan Hradek's growing catalogue of tips, tutorials, and other resources. Stephan has also developed several plugins and macros that you can find at http://tiddlystuff.tiddlyspot.com/.
Some things in TiddlyWiki seem like Magic. As my preferred nick is Skeeve, I felt that TW5 Magick is a proper name for this collection of some of the "magic" tricks one can do with TiddlyWiki.
Dave Gifford's growing catalogue of tips and tutorials.
TiddlyWiki 5 is a great tool for note-taking, bookmarking, blogging, organizing to do lists, writing books, and more. But many of the things that can be done in TiddlyWiki 5 are often hidden to the new user, either because the user doesn't know about it or because the user doesn't know how to do it. TW5 mall is a modest catalog of hacks where you can discover new tricks in TiddlyWiki 5 and also find out in layman's terms how to implement them.
Tips and guides for using TiddlyWiki.
I never used Node.js until a couple weeks ago when I wanted to try a TW5 installation on Node and expand my knowledge a bit. I figured someone else may be in the same boat so I wrote it all down
An alternative LaTeX plugin for TiddlyWiki5. It supports a wider set of LaTeX commands than [[KaTeX|KaTeX Plugin]], though not as extensive as MathJax
This plugin provides LaTeX support in TiddlyWiki5, using the [[TeXZilla|https://github.com/fred-wang/TeXZilla]] latex parser to generate MathML.
Only Firefox and Safari support MathML at the moment, so the plugin is only useful if you're using one of these browsers. It might be possible to combine this plugin with MathJax to convert MathML to something that other browsers can understand, e.g. HTML+CSS, but I haven't tried this.
A collection of TiddlyWiki resources from Mario Pietsch, with a focus on cloud deployments. Mario also maintains the German translation of TiddlyWiki.
My name is Mario Pietsch from Austria. I'm living near Salzburg.
This page, will be the portal to my TiddlyWiki, TiddlyWeb related content.
A guide (in French) to using TiddlyWiki on the [[BiblioBox|http://bibliobox.net/]], a variation of the [[PirateBox|http://daviddarts.com/piratebox/]] mobile communication and file sharing system.
I've known TiddlyWiki since its beginning in 2004. For personal or professional needs, I used it regularly for notepad staff in 2007 and 2012. But I admit I ignored the tool during the past two years. And then I said yesterday: but why not put TiddlyWiki on a BiblioBox? Because it is a single HTML file with javascript. In addition I knew the existence of a server version for saving online amendments.
//Hand optimised from a translation by Google Translate//
Matabele's stylish and clean system for personal task management.
This is my work in progress version of TW5, incorporating various features and ideas as and when they intrigue me. To grab any feature you may wish to try, drag the listed tiddlers across to the dropzone of an empty TiddlyWiki 5.0.10-beta
An introduction to TiddlyWiki in Japanese.
TiddlyWiki is an incredibly flexible and versatile tool that is conceived and constructed differently than most software. This can make it hard to understand until the moment when it clicks, and becomes a seamless extension of your brain.
Starting with the basics, TiddlyWiki is a note-taking web application you can download for free, store wherever you like and customise however you wish. Use it to capture, organise and share your notes in ways that word processors and other note-taking tools cannot.
~TiddlyWiki is designed to be non-linear, structuring content with stories, tags, hyperlinks, and other features. You can organise and retrieve your notes in ways that conform to your personal thought patterns, rather than feel chained to one preset organisational structure.
You can use ~TiddlyWiki as a single file that you view and edit through any web browser, whether you are online or offline. Or you can use it as a powerful [[Node.js application|TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] that stores each of your notes as a separate file.
How can you make ~TiddlyWiki work for you? We recommend you start with our introductory documentation listed below, and then browse the TableOfContents, available in the Contents tab in the sidebar. Or just [[follow our simple instructions|GettingStarted]] and try it out for yourself!
<<list-links "[tag[HelloThere]]">>
Also see [[TiddlyWiki Video Tutorials by Francis Meetze]]
Information about the making of TiddlyWiki:
<<list-links "[tag[About]]">>
A plugin to integrate the [[Ace editor|https://github.com/ajaxorg/ace]] into TiddlyWiki.
Being quite new to TW5 development I tried my best to draft a SyncAdaptor to store tiddlers in IndexedDb. This is quite useful if an application / plugin installation is not possible (we have quite some restrictions at work...).
TiddlyWiki wouldn't be possible without the ongoing support of the TiddlyWiki [[Community]]. Their attention and feedback has made it possible to gain an understanding of what is wanted from the product, and their passion for it has taught me that it is worth the investment.
! Introduction
The ''action-deletefield'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that deletes specified fields of a tiddler. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.
! Content and Attributes
The ''action-deletefield'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$tiddler |The title of the tiddler whose fields are to be modified (if not provided defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]] |
|$field |Optional name of a field to delete |
|//{any attributes not starting with $}// |Each attribute name specifies a field to be deleted. The attribute value is ignored and need not be specified |
! Examples
Here is an example of a button that deletes the caption and tags fields of the current tiddler:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-deletefield caption tags/>
Delete "caption" and "tags"
Here is an example of a button that deletes the modified date and tags fields of the tiddler HelloThere:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-deletefield $tiddler="HelloThere" modified tags/>
Delete "modified" and "tags" from ~HelloThere
Here is an example of a button that uses the optional $field attribute to delete the text field of the tiddler HelloThere:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-deletefield $tiddler="HelloThere" $field="text"/>
Delete text from ~HelloThere
! Introduction
The ''action-deletetiddler'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that deletes tiddlers. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.
There are several differences compared to the [[WidgetMessage: tm-delete-tiddler]]:
* The user is not prompted to confirm the deletion
* No automatic updating of the story list
* No special handling of draft tiddlers
! Content and Attributes
The ''action-deletetiddler'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$tiddler |Optional title of the tiddler to be deleted |
|$filter |Optional filter identifying tiddlers to be deleted |
! Examples
Here is an example of a button that deletes the tiddler HelloThere:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-deletetiddler $tiddler="HelloThere"/>
Delete "~HelloThere"
Here is an example of a button that deletes all tiddlers tagged [[TableOfContents]]:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-deletetiddler $filter="[tag[TableOfContents]]"/>
Delete tiddlers tagged "~TableOfContents"
\define .operator-rows(filter)
<$list filter="$filter$"><tr>
<td><$link to={{!!title}}>{{!!caption}}</$link></td>
<td>{{!!op-purpose}} <$list filter="[all[current]tag[Common Operators]]">{{$:/core/images/done-button}}</$list></td>
<td align="center"><$list filter="[all[current]tag[Negatable Operators]]">`!`</$list></td>
\define .group-heading(_)
<tr class="doc-table-subheading"><th colspan="3" align="center">$_$</th></tr>
! Introduction
The ''action-listops'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that manipulates user lists in any field or data index. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.
! Content and Attributes
The ''action-listops'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$tiddler |The title of the tiddler whose lists are to be modified (if not provided defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]] |
|$field |The name of a field to be manipulated as a list (defaults to 'list') |
|$index |Optional index of a property in a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]] index to be manipulated as a list |
|$filter |An optional filter expression, the output of which will be saved to the field/index being manipulated |
|$subfilter |An optional subfilter expression, which takes the list being manipulated as input, and saves the modified list back to the field/index being manipulated |
|$tags |An optional subfilter expression, which takes the 'tags' field of the target tiddler as input, and saves the modified list of tags back to the 'tags' field |
! Extended Filter Operators
A number of [[extended filter operators|The Extended Listops Filters]] are necessary for the manipulation of lists. These operators have been designed primarily for use in subfilter expressions whereby the modified current list is returned in place of the current list.
<<.group-heading "Listops Operators">>
<th align="left">Operator</th>
<th align="left">Purpose</th>
<<.operator-rows "[tag[Filter Operators]tag[Listops Operators]tag[Order Operators]!tag[String Operators]!tag[Tag Operators]!tag[Special Operators]sort[]]">>
! Examples
In this example we shall populate and then clear a list in an ordinary field (myfield) of this tiddler (the default.)
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-listops $field="myfield" $subfilter="efg hlm pqr"/>
Populate 'myfield'
<$action-listops $field="myfield" $subfilter="abc xyz"/>
Append More Items
<$action-listops $field="myfield" $subfilter="-abc -hlm"/>
Remove Items
<$action-listops $field="myfield" $filter="[[]]"/>
Clear 'myfield'
<$list filter="[list[!!myfield]]">
In this example we shall append and remove items from a list in an ordinary field (myfield) of this tiddler (the default) and sort the resultant list. We shall then remove some of the appended items and sort the resulting list in reverse order.
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-listops $field="myfield" $subfilter="-efg ijk xyz [[this is a title]] +[sort[]]"/>
Mangle List
<$action-listops $field="myfield" $subfilter="-xyz -[[this is a title]] +[!sort[]]"/>
Unmangle List
<$list filter="[list[!!myfield]]">
In this example we shall append a few tags to the 'tags' field of this tiddler (the default.) We shall then remove some of the appended tags.
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-listops $tags="+[append{Days of the Week!!short}] $:/tag1 $:/tag2 $:/tag3"/>
Populate 'tags'
<$action-listops $tags="+[!remove:2{!!tags}]"/>
Remove Last Two Tags
<$action-listops $tags="+[!prefix[$:/]]"/>
Remove System Tags
<$action-listops $tags="-Mon -Tue"/>
Remove Mon and Tue
<$action-listops $tags="+[prefix[$:/]] ActionWidgets Widgets"/>
Remove User Tags
<$action-listops $tags="+[[]] ActionWidgets Widgets"/>
Clear Tags
<$list filter="[list[!!tags]]">
! Introduction
The ''action-navigate'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that sends a [[tm-navigate|WidgetMessage: tm-navigate]] message back up the widget tree. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.
! Content and Attributes
The ''action-navigate'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$to |The title of the target tiddler for the navigation (if not provided defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]] |
|$scroll |Optional parameter determining whether the navigation will also cause a scroll to the target tiddler (see below) |
!! Scroll handling
The optional `$scroll` attribute can be set to "yes" to force scrolling to occur to bring the target tiddler into view. If set to "no" then scrolling does not occur. If the `$scroll` attribute is omitted then scrolling occurs unless either:
* the control key is pressed
* the action was initiated with the middle mouse button (if available)
Note that if navigating to multiple tiddlers at once you should use the same `$scroll` setting for all of them.
! Examples
Here is an example of button that navigates to two different tiddlers at once:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-navigate $to="ButtonWidget"/>
<$action-navigate $to="ActionWidgets"/>
Click me!
! Introduction
The ''action-sendmessage'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that sends a [[message|WidgetMessages]] back up the widget tree. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.
! Content and Attributes
The ''action-sendmessage'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$message |The message to send (eg, [[WidgetMessage: tm-new-tiddler]]) |
|$param |Optional parameter string whose meaning is dependent on the message being sent |
|$name |Optional name of additional parameter |
|$value |Value for optional parameter whose name is specified in `$name` |
|//{any attributes not starting with $}// |Multiple additional, optional named parameters that are attached to the message |
! Examples
Here is an example of button that displays both a notification and a wizard, and creates a new tiddler with tags and text:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-modal" $param="SampleWizard"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-notify" $param="SampleNotification"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-new-tiddler" title="This is newly created tiddler" tags="OneTag [[Another Tag]]" text=<<now "Today is DDth, MMM YYYY">>/>
Click me!
! Introduction
The ''action-setfield'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that assigns values to the fields of a tiddler. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.
! Content and Attributes
The ''action-setfield'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$tiddler |The title of the tiddler whose fields are to be modified (if not provided defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]] |
|$field |Optional name of a field to be assigned the $value attribute |
|$index |Optional index of a property in a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]] to be assigned the $value attribute|
|$value |The value to be assigned to the field or index identified by the $field or $index attribute. If neither is specified then the value is assigned to the text field. If no value is specified, $field or $index will be deleted.|
|$timestamp |Specifies whether the timestamp(s) of the target tiddler will be updated (''modified'' and ''modifier'', plus ''created'' and ''creator'' for newly created tiddlers). Can be "yes" (the default) or "no" |
|//{any attributes not starting with $}// |Each attribute name specifies a field to be modified with the attribute value providing the value to assign to the field |
! Examples
Here is an example of a pair of buttons that open the control panel directly to specified tabs. They work by using ''action-setfield'' to set the state tiddler for the control panel tabs.
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/tab-1749438307" text="$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Appearance"/>
<$action-navigate $to="$:/ControlPanel"/>
Go to Control Panel "Appearance" tab
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/tab-1749438307" text="$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Settings"/>
<$action-navigate $to="$:/ControlPanel"/>
Go to Control Panel "Settings" tab
Here is an example of a button that assigns tags and fields to the tiddler HelloThere, and then navigates to it and opens the tiddler info panel on the "Fields" tab:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-setfield $tiddler="HelloThere" tags="NewTag [[Another New Tag]]" color="red"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/popup/tiddler-info--1779055697" text="(568,1443,33,39)"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/tab--1890574033" text="$:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/Fields"/>
<$action-navigate $to="HelloThere"/>
Modify ~HelloThere
Here is an example of a button that assigns tags and fields to the tiddler HelloThere, and then initiates editing it:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-setfield $tiddler="HelloThere" tags="MoreTag [[Further More Tags]]" color="green"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-edit-tiddler" $param="HelloThere"/>
Edit ~HelloThere
Here is an example of a button that opens the control panel directly to the "Appearance" tabs:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/tab-1749438307" $field="text" $value="$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Appearance"/>
<$action-navigate $to="$:/ControlPanel"/>
Go to Control Panel "Appearance" tab
Action widgets are a special type of widget that perform an action such as sending a message, navigating to a tiddler, or changing the value of a tiddler. They are used in association with other widgets that trigger those actions (for example, the ButtonWidget).
Action widgets are invisible. They need not be immediate children of their triggering widget, but they must be descendents of it. The actions are performed in sequence. For example, here is a button that triggers two actions of sending different messages:
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-home"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-full-screen"/>
Click me!
The following action widgets are provided:
<<list-links "[tag[ActionWidgets]]">>
Here's a macro that provides a Twitter Follow button for a particular username:
\define twitterFollowButton(username)
<iframe allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets/follow_button.html?screen_name=$username$" style="width:300px; height:20px;"></iframe>
The only change from the version published at https://dev.twitter.com/docs/follow-button is that new lines have been removed.
Note that the src URL is given without a protocol (ie "http" or "https"). It's done this way so that it works on sites whether they are hosted on a HTTP or HTTPS domain. If you want the Twitter button to work while using a TiddlyWiki offline on a "file://" URL, then you'll need to manually add the protocol. For example:
<iframe allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="http://platform.twitter.com/widgets/follow_button.html?screen_name=jermolene" style="width:300px; height:20px;"></iframe>
<<.operator-examples "addprefix">>
<<.operator-example 1 "Cat Garden [[Favourite Armchair]] +[addprefix[My ]]">>
<<.operator-examples "addsuffix">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[London]addsuffix[ Underground]]">>
As the structures within your TiddlyWiki documents get more complex it can be hard to keep the titles of tiddlers consistent. For example, should terms be defined in the plural or the singular? Camel case or separate words?
Recording a formal titling policy can help to reduce confusion. For example, the titling policies for this wiki are recorded in the [[Documentation Style Guide]].
! SystemTiddler Titles
A useful convention is to use the prefix `$:/_` for any system tiddlers that you create to ensure that they are near the top of the system tiddler listing in the sidebar
If <<.place T>> is not present in the input, or is the last title there, then the output is empty.
<<.operator-examples "after">>
<<.using-days-of-week>> The [[Thursday]] tiddler shows a further example.
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]after[Monday]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]after[Sunday]]">>
Alerts are displayed as yellow boxes overlaying the main TiddlyWiki window. Each one corresponds to a tiddler with the tag [[$:/tags/Alert]]. Clicking the delete icon on an alert deletes the corresponding tiddler.
Here's a demo <$fieldmangler tiddler="SampleAlert"><$set name="currentTiddler" value="SampleAlert"><$button message="tm-add-tag" param="$:/tags/Alert">alert</$button></$set></$fieldmangler>.
Alert tiddlers should have the following fields:
|!Field |!Description |
|title |By default, alert titles have the prefix `$:/temp/alerts/` |
|text |The text of the alert message |
|modified |Date of the alert (used for ordering the alerts on screen) |
|component |Component name associated with the alert |
|tags |Must include [[$:/tags/Alert]] |
The parameter specifies zero or more fundamental categories using the following syntax:
<$railroad text="""
[{: ("current" | "missing" |: "orphans" | "shadows" | "tiddlers" ) +"+" }]
|!Category |!Members |!Sorted |
|^`current` |just the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]] |^-- |
|^`missing` |all non-existent tiddlers to which there is at least one [[hard link|Hard and Soft Links]] |^no |
|^`orphans` |all tiddlers to which there are <<.em no>> hard links |^by title |
|^`shadows` |all the [[shadow tiddlers|ShadowTiddlers]] that exist, including any that have been overridden with non-shadow tiddlers |^no |
|^`tiddlers` |all the non-shadow tiddlers that exist |no |
If the parameter specifies more than one category, they are processed from left to right. The overall output is initially empty, and each category's output is [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to it in turn. Unrecognised categories contribute nothing to the output.
As a special case, if the parameter is empty, the output is simply a copy of the input. This can be useful when the parameter is [[soft|Filter Parameter]].
The <<.olink is>> operator is similar, but its scope is restricted to its input.
<<.operator-examples "all">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[all[shadows]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[all[shadows+tiddlers]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[all[tiddlers+shadows]]">>
<<.operator-example 4 "[all[orphans+missing+current]]">>
<<.operator-example 5 "[all[current]]">>
<<.operator-example 6 "[all[current]tag[Operator Examples]]">>
<<.operator-example 7 "[all[current]tag[Recipes]]">>
<<.operator-example 8 "Monday Thursday +[all[]]">>
<<.operator-examples "allafter">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]] +[allafter[Wednesday]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]] +[allafter:include[Wednesday]]">>
<<.operator-examples "allbefore">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]allbefore[Wednesday]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]allbefore:include[Wednesday]]">>
Current tiddlers:
<$list filter="[!is[system]sort[title]]" />
Here are the details of the alpha releases of TiddlyWiki5. See [[TiddlyWiki5 Versioning]] for details of how releases are named.
<<tabs "[tag[AlphaReleaseNotes]!sort[created]]" "Release 5.0.1-alpha" "$:/state/tab2" "tc-vertical" "ReleaseTemplate">>
<<.operator-examples "append">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]append[Tomorrow]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]append[Yesterday Today Tomorrow]]">>
;Append the first 4 short days of the week to our list
<<.operator-example 3 "[list[Days of the Week]append:4{Days of the Week!!short}]">>
Here are some recent articles written about ~TiddlyWiki. Submit new articles via GitHub, Twitter or by posting in the [[TiddlyWiki Groups]].
<div class="tc-link-info">
<$list filter="[tag[Articles]!sort[modified]]">
<div class="tc-link-info-item">
! <$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
<div class="tc-subtitle">Posted <$view field="modified" format="relativedate"/></div>
Audio files can be incorporated into TiddlyWiki in a very similar way to [[images|Images in WikiText]].
! Embedded Audio
Small audio files can be embedded directly within TiddlyWiki. Embedding isn't suitable for large files (over a few hundred kilobytes) because it increases the size of the TiddlyWiki file.
For example, the tiddler [[TiddlyWiki.mp3]] contains an MP3 recording of the word "TiddlyWiki". If you visit that tiddler, you should see an audio player that will play back the recording.
You can also transclude audio files. For example:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '{{TiddlyWiki.mp3}}'>>
! External Audio
External audio tiddlers use the ''_canonical_uri'' field to point to an external audio file/stream, and have their ''text'' field blocked. This reduces their size considerably, but still allows for playback.
For example, the tiddler [[Caruso - Ave Maria]] points to an online audio recording hosted on http://archive.org:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '{{Caruso - Ave Maria}}'>>
If there is a SaverModule available that supports it, TiddlyWiki will automatically trigger a save of the current document on clicking {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''tick'' or {{$:/core/images/delete-button}} ''delete'' when editing a tiddler.
You should see a yellow notification at the top right of the window to confirm that an automatic save has taken place.
Automatic saving can be enabled or disabled through the ''Saving'' tab of the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]]. Behind the scenes, it is controlled through the configuration tiddler [[$:/config/AutoSave]], which must have the value ''yes'' to enable automatic saving.
Each input title is processed in turn. The corresponding tiddler's list of backlinks is generated, sorted alphabetically by title, and then [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's overall output.
<<.operator-examples "backlinks">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[HelloThere]backlinks[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[tag[TableOfContents]backlinks[]]" "tiddlers that link to tiddlers tagged [[TableOfContents]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[all[current]backlinks[]]" "tiddlers that link to this one">>
<<.dlink-ex Base64 "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base64">> is a way of representing binary data, such an image, as a string of text.
If <<.place T>> is not present in the input, or is the first title there, then the output is empty.
<<.operator-examples "before">>
<<.using-days-of-week>> The [[Thursday]] tiddler shows a further example.
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]before[Saturday]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]before[Monday]]">>
Here are the details of the beta releases of TiddlyWiki5. See [[TiddlyWiki5 Versioning]] for details of how releases are named.
<<tabs "[tag[BetaReleaseNotes]!sort[created]]" "Release 5.0.18-beta" "$:/state/tab2" "tc-vertical" "ReleaseTemplate">>
There are two ways to produce HTML block quotes in TiddlyWiki5, one for content spread across multiple lines, and one for single line content.
! Multi-line Block Quotes
The syntax for multi-line block quotes is:
<<wikitext-example src:"<<<
This is a block quoted paragraph
written in English
!! Citation
A citation can be added to the quote like this:
<<wikitext-example src:"<<<
Computers are like a bicycle for our minds
<<< Steve Jobs
!! CSS Classes
CSS classes can be added to a block quote:
<<wikitext-example src:"<<<.myClass.another-class
Operating systems are like a brick wall for our minds
<<< Nobody
! Single-line Block Quotes
The single-line syntax for block quotes is actually an extension of the syntax for [[Lists in WikiText]]. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"> Quoted text
> Another line of quoted text
You can also nest quotes like this:
> A top quote
>> A subquote
> Another top quote
Which renders as:
> A top quote
>> A subquote
> Another top quote
You can also mix block quotes with other list items. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"* List One
** List Two
**> A quote
**> Another quote
* List Three
The ''Blog'' edition of TiddlyWiki contains tools to help publish static HTML blogs written in TiddlyWiki. It is currently designed for use under Node.js.
While documentation is being prepared, see https://github.com/Jermolene-blog/blog for an example of use.
TiddlyWiki is designed to work with HTML5-compatible browsers.
The following table summarises the browser versions that are known to work with TiddlyWiki
|!Browser |!Status |
|Internet Explorer |Version 10 and above |
|Chrome |All recent versions |
|Firefox |All recent versions |
|Firefox for Android |All recent versions |
|Safari |Version 6 and above |
! Introduction
The browse widget displays an HTML file browser button that allows the user to choose one or more files to import. It sends a [[WidgetMessage: tm-import-tiddlers]] carrying a JSON representation of the tiddlers imported from the files up through its parents. This message usually trapped by the NavigatorWidget which adds the tiddlers to the store and updates the story to display them.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$browse>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|multiple |Set to "multiple" to select multiple file upload |
|tooltip |Optional tooltip text |
|message |Optional override of widget message to be generated. The parameter for the message will be the JavaScript object `event.target.files` |
On iPhone/iPad choosing the multiple option will remove the ability to take photographs/videos directly into TiddlyWiki.
renders as:
BT (née British Telecom) is the UK's largest telecommunications company. In 2007, [[Osmosoft]] was acquired by BT. JeremyRuston subsequently left BT in 2011.
See TiddlyWikiFolders for details of defining build targets.
TiddlyWiki5 can be used to build older 2.x.x versions of TiddlyWikiClassic from their constituent components. Doing so involves these features:
* The `tiddlywiki/classictools` plugin, containing a deserializer module which allows tiddlers to be loaded from TiddlyWiki 2.x.x `.recipe` files
* The `stripcomments` format for the ViewWidget, which strips single line JavaScript comments starting `//#`
* The `stripTitlePrefix='yes'` attribute of the FieldsWidget, which removes prefixes wrapped in curly braces from the `title` attribute
** For example, `{tiddler}HelloThere` would be transformed to `HelloThere`
! Usage
TiddlyWikiClassic is built from the command line by running [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]. A typical usage would be:
node ../../tiddlywiki.js \
--verbose \
--load <path_to_recipe_file> \
--rendertiddler $:/core/templates/tiddlywiki2.template.html <path_to_write_index_file> text/plain \
|| exit 1
<<.operator-examples "butlast">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]butlast[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]butlast[2]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "A B C D E F G H I J K L M +[butlast[7]]">>
! Introduction
The button widget displays an HTML `<button>` element that can perform a combination of optional actions when clicked:
* Executing any ActionWidgets that are immediate children of the button widget
* Execute any integrated actions:
** Navigate to a specified tiddler
** Dispatch a user defined [[widget message|Messages]]
** Trigger a user defined [[popup|PopupMechanism]]
** Assign new text to a specified tiddler
The integrated actions are provided as a shortcut for invoking common actions. The same functionality is available via ActionWidgets, with the exception of the support for highlighting selected popups.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$button>` widget is displayed within the button.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|to |The title of the tiddler to navigate to |
|message |The name of the [[widget message|Messages]] to send when the button is clicked |
|param |The optional parameter to the message |
|set |A TextReference to which a new value will be assigned |
|setTo |The new value to assign to the TextReference identified in the `set` attribute |
|popup |Title of a state tiddler for a popup that is toggled when the button is clicked |
|aria-label |Optional [[Accessibility]] label |
|tooltip |Optional tooltip |
|class |An optional CSS class name to be assigned to the HTML element|
|style |An optional CSS style attribute to be assigned to the HTML element |
|selectedClass |An optional additional CSS class to be assigned if the popup is triggered or the tiddler specified in `set` already has the value specified in `setTo` |
|tag |An optional html tag to use instead of the default "button" |
|default |Default value if `set` tiddler is missing for testing against `setTo` to determine `selectedClass` |
''Note:'' In almost all other cases where a TextReference is used as a widget attribute, it will be placed between curly brackets, to [[transclude|Transclusion in WikiText]] the value currently stored there. However, when we use a TextReference as the value of a button widget's `set` attribute, we are referencing //the storage location itself//, rather than the value stored there, so we do ''not'' use curly brackets there. //Example:// we could code a button widget that sets the `caption` field of TiddlerA to be the same as that of TiddlerB as:
<$button set="TiddlerA!!caption" setTo={{TiddlerB!!caption}} >
Press me!
''Tip:'' Set ''class'' to `tc-btn-invisible tc-tiddlylink` to have a button look like an internal link.
CamelCase is formed by taking a phrase, capitalising the initial letter of each word, and smashing the words together to form a portmanteau word. Most wikis use CamelCase to signal phrases that should automatically become links.
<<.dlink-ex CSS "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cascading_Style_Sheets">> is a standard plain-text format used for defining the presentational style of the various elements on a web page.
The <<.def changecount>> [[macro|Macros]] returns the number of times the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]] has been created, stored or deleted during the current ~TiddlyWiki session.
If a tiddler is deleted and subsequently recreated, its <<.var changecount>> will go up by two.
!! Parameters
<<.macro-examples "changecount">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<<changecount>>"""/>
The value will increase if you edit this tiddler and store it again, even without making any changes to its content.
To access the <<.var changecount>> of a different tiddler, use a <<.wlink TiddlerWidget>> widget:
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2"
eg="""<$tiddler tiddler="Draft of 'New Tiddler'">
The value shown will increase whenever you create, store or delete [[New Tiddler]].
! Introduction
This release resolves a number of inconsistencies with the way that filters are handled. The changes mean that existing filters may need to be updated - particularly those that must deal with missing or shadow tiddlers.
! Changes to ''is'' and addition of ''all''
Most filter operators act by choosing some or all of their source titles to pass through or re-order. Those that add new entries that are not drawn from the source list are referred to as selectors. Prior to 5.0.9-beta, a few filter operators were inconsistent in whether they filtered from the source list or selected new entries into it.
The specific changes are:
* The ''is'' operator now always strictly filters from the currently selected list of tiddlers
* The new ''all'' operator acts as a selector by replacing the current list with a combination of tiddlers from specific sources:
** ''current'' for the current tiddler
** ''missing'' for all missing tiddlers
** ''orphans'' for all orphan tiddlers
** ''shadows'' for all shadow tiddlers
** ''tiddlers'' for all non-shadow tiddlers (including both system and non-system tiddlers)
The sources for the ''all'' operator can be combined with the `+` character. For example, `[all[shadows+tiddlers]]` returns all shadow tiddlers and all ordinary tiddlers.
Previously, it was common to have `[is[shadow]]` at the start of a filter string to select all the shadow tiddlers. In 5.0.9 and above, this will not return all the shadow tiddlers, but instead just those ordinary tiddlers that are also shadow tiddlers (by virtue of having overridden one). The resolution is to use the new ''all'' operator. For example, consider this filter from 5.0.8:
[is[shadow]!has[draft.of]tag[$:/tags/AdvancedSearch]] [!is[shadow]!has[draft.of]tag[$:/tags/AdvancedSearch]] +[tag[$:/tags/AdvancedSearch]]
In 5.0.9, that filter has been changed to:
Note how the ''all'' operator allows operations to be performed on tiddlers from combinations of sources.
!! Changes to `[is[current]]`
One result of the changes is that `[is[current]]` now strictly filters from the source tiddlers; so, if the current tiddler is a missing tiddler not in the source list, then `[is[current]]` will return an empty list.
The solution is generally to use `[all[current]]` instead. It doesn't read as well, but has the required behaviour of returning just the current tiddler, regardless of whether it is in the source tiddlers.
! Changes to ''title'' and ''field''
There are minor changes to the way that the ''title'' and ''field'' operators work.
The ''title'' operator is a selector: it returns the specified title regardless of whether it is in the current source. ''title'' is used as the default operator if none is specified
The ''field'' operator is a filter: it only returns a subset of the source tiddlers. ''field'' is used as the default operator if the supplied operator is not defined (the supplied operator is passed as the suffix to the field operator, so `[description[Missing]]` is equivalent to `[field:description[Missing]]`).
! Introduction
The checkbox widget displays an HTML `<input type="checkbox">` element that is dynamically bound to either:
* the presence or absence of a specified tag on a specified tiddler
* the value of a specified field of a specified tiddler
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$checkbox>` widget is displayed within an HTML `<label>` element immediately after the checkbox itself. This means that clicking on the content will toggle the checkbox.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |Title of the tiddler to manipulate (defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]) |
|tag |The name of the tag to which the checkbox should be bound |
|invertTag |When set to ''yes'', flips the tag binding logic so that the absence of the tag causes the checkbox to be checked |
|field |The name of the field to which the checkbox should be bound |
|checked |The value of the field corresponding to the checkbox being checked |
|unchecked |The value of the field corresponding to the checkbox being unchecked |
|default |The default value to use if the field is not defined |
|class |The class that will be assigned to the label element |
!! Tag Mode
Using the checkbox widget in tag mode requires the ''tag'' attribute to specify the name of the tag. The ''tiddler'' attribute specifies the tiddler to target, defaulting to the current tiddler if not present.
This example creates a checkbox that flips the ''done'' tag on the current tiddler:
<$checkbox tag="done">Is it done?</$checkbox>
!! Field Mode
Using the checkbox widget in field mode requires the ''field'' attribute to specify the name of the field. The ''checked'' and ''unchecked'' attributes specify the values to be assigned to the field to correspond to its checked and unchecked states respectively. The ''default'' attribute is used as a fallback value if the field is not defined.
This example creates a checkbox that is checked if the field ''status'' is equal to ''open'' and unchecked if the field is equal to ''closed''. If the field is undefined then it defaults to ''closed'', meaning that the checkbox will be unchecked if the ''status'' field is missing.
<$checkbox field="status" checked="open" unchecked="closed" default="closed">Is it open?</$checkbox>
TiddlyWiki 的简体中文翻译版本:
<!-- * ''文件'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/zh-Hans/index.html -->
* ''空白版本'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/zh-Hans/empty.html
另请参阅 [[中文 (正體) 版|Chinese (Traditional) Edition]]。
TiddlyWiki 的正體中文翻譯版本:
<!-- * ''文件'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/zh-Hant/index.html -->
* ''空白版本'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/zh-Hant/empty.html
另請參閱 [[中文 (简体) 版|Chinese (Simplified) Edition]]。
You can use triple backticks <code>```</code> to mark code blocks:
This will be monospaced
Renders as:
This will be monospaced
To be interpreted correctly, the three backticks need to be at the start of the line and immediately followed by a line-break.
Be aware that any preceding paragraph content should be properly terminated with a double line break, too. So, this example is wrong:
This is an ordinary paragraph
This will be monospaced
The correct version is:
This is an ordinary paragraph
This will be monospaced
Note that some keyboard layouts treat the backtick as a [[dead key|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_key]], making it hard to type. The trick is to type three backticks followed by a space. Alternatively, type all six backticks in one go, then a space, and then move the cursor back three characters to type or paste the content.
! Introduction
The ''codeblock'' widget renders text in `<pre>` and `<code>` blocks, causing it to be
displayed monospace. A language may optionally be specified using the
''language'' attribute, however syntax highlighting will only be used if the
[[Highlight Plugin]] is installed.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$codeblock>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description|
|code|Contents of the block to render as code|
|language|Programming language for syntax highlighting|
! Examples
Here is an example embedding the contents of a tiddler as a code block.
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src='<$codeblock code={{$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/say-hi}} />' />
A codeblock may also specify a language.
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src='<$codeblock code="SELECT * FROM users WHERE deleted = false" language="sql" />' />
The CodeMirror plugin adds a sophisticated web-based editor to TiddlyWiki.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/codemirror/
The <<.def colour>> (or <<.def color>>) [[macro|Macros]] returns the [[CSS|Cascading Style Sheets]] value of one the colours in the current [[palette|ColourPalettes]].
If no such entry exists in the current palette, the [[vanilla palette|$:/palettes/Vanilla]] is used instead.
!! Parameters
: The name of the palette entry, e.g. `page-background`
<<.macro-examples "colour">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<<colour code-border>>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2" eg="""<<colour foreground>>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="3" eg="""<<colour page-background>>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="4" eg="""<<colour sidebar-tab-background>>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="5" eg="""<<colour tag-foreground>>"""/>
A colour palette is a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]] that supplies a [[CSS]] colour value, such as ''yellow'' or ''#fe0'', for each of several colour names, like this:
page-background: #fe0
table-border: #ccc
Several palettes form part of the core. The system tiddler [[$:/palette]] always contains the title of the currently selected palette tiddler.
To retrieve the value of a named colour from the current palette, e.g. for use in a stylesheet tiddler, use the <<.mlink colour>> macro:
<<colour page-background>>
Palette tiddlers should have the following fields:
|!Name |!Value |
|title |Typically starting with `$:/` |
|type |`application/x-tiddler-dictionary` |
|tags |`$:/tags/Palette` |
|description |Displayed in the palette browser |
|text |`name: value` colour definitions |
<<.dlink-ex CSV "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comma-separated_values">> is a standard plain-text format for storing a table of data.
Each row of the table is called a <<.def record>> and occupies one line.
The columns are called <<.def fields>>. Each field of a row is separated from the next by a comma, and is often delimited by quotation marks.
The <<.mlink csvtiddlers>> macro returns tiddler content in this format.
A <<.def command>> is one of the following words, written with a `--` prefix and used as a command-line option to [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]], indicating which action is desired.
<<list-links "[tag[Commands]]">>
<<.operator-examples "commands">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[commands[]]">>
Here we gather the latest and most useful material from the TiddlyWiki community.
<<tabs "Forums Latest Tutorials Resources Examples Articles Meetups" "Latest">>
//This is a sample task for the TaskManagementExample//
These are the concepts underlying TiddlyWiki. Understanding how these ideas fit together is the key to getting the most from TiddlyWiki.
<<list-links "[tag[Concepts]]">>
The configuration tiddler [[$:/config/TiddlerInfo/Default]] contains the title of the tiddler containing the default tiddler info tab.
The default value is `$:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/Tools` corresponding to the ''Tools'' tab. Other possible values are:
<$list filter="[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/TiddlerInfo]!has[draft.of]]">
<$view field="title"/>
Used in Internet protocols to indicate the type that should be used to interpret the content of a web resource.
In TiddlyWiki, the `type` field gives the content type to apply to the main `text` field.
!! List of Common Content Types
|!Group |!Type |!Content of `type` field |
|^''Developer'' |Data dictionary |application/x-tiddler-dictionary|
|~|~JavaScript code |application/javascript|
|~|JSON data |application/json|
|~|Static stylesheet |text/css|
|^''Image''|GIF image |image/gif|
|~|ICO format icon file |image/x-icon|
|~|JPEG image |image/jpeg|
|~|PDF image |application/pdf|
|~|PNG image |image/png|
|~|Structured Vector Graphics image |image/svg+xml|
|^''Text''|HTML markup |text/html|
|~|[[CSS|Cascading Style Sheets]] stylesheet |text/css|
|~|[[Comma-separated values|Comma-Separated Values]] |text/csv|
|~|Plain text |text/plain|
|~|~TiddlyWiki 5 |text/vnd.tiddlywiki|
|~|~TiddlyWiki Classic |text/x-tiddlywiki|
The <<.def contrastcolour>> [[macro|Macros]] returns whichever of two given [[CSS|Cascading Style Sheets]] colours is deemed to contrast best with another.
An example can be seen in the [[template tiddler for tag pills|$:/core/ui/TagTemplate]].
!! Parameters
: The colour to contrast against (typically a background colour)
: An alternative colour to contrast against. This is used when <<.param target>> is undefined or not a valid colour
: The first of the two colours to choose between
: The second of the two colours to choose between
We welcome contributions to the code and documentation of TiddlyWiki in several ways:
* ReportingBugs
* Helping to [[improve our documentation|Improving TiddlyWiki Documentation]]
* Contributing to the code via [[GitHub|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5]]
** See http://tiddlywiki.com/dev for more details
There are other ways to [[help TiddlyWiki|HelpingTiddlyWiki]] too.
! Contributor License Agreement
{{Contributor License Agreement}}
! How to sign the CLA
{{Signing the Contributor License Agreement}}
//The CLA documents used for this project were created using [[Harmony Project Templates|http://www.harmonyagreements.org]]. "HA-CLA-I-LIST Version 1.0" for "CLA-individual" and "HA-CLA-E-LIST Version 1.0" for "CLA-entity".//
**When not owning the copyright in the entire work of authorship**
In this case, please clearly state so, since otherwise we assume that you are the legal copyright holder of the contributed work! Please provide links and additional information that clarify under which license the rest of the code is distributed.
\define tv-wikilink-template() http://tiddlywiki.com/static/$uri_doubleencoded$.html
! Contributing to TiddlyWiki5
//This file was automatically generated by TiddlyWiki5//
Like other OpenSource projects, TiddlyWiki5 needs a signed contributor license agreement from individual contributors. This is a legal agreement that allows contributors to assert that they own the copyright of their contribution, and that they agree to license it to the UnaMesa Association (the legal entity that owns TiddlyWiki on behalf of the community).
* For individuals use: [[licenses/CLA-individual|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/licenses/cla-individual.md]]
* For entities use: [[licenses/CLA-entity|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/licenses/cla-entity.md]]
The following individuals have generously given their time to [[contribute to the development of TiddlyWiki|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/graphs/contributors]]:
* Jeremy Ruston ([[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]])
* Dave Gifford ([[@giffmex|https://github.com/giffmex]])
* Bram Chen ([[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]])
* Mario Pietsch ([[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]])
* Xavier Cazin ([[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]])
* Eric Shulman ([[@ericshulman|https://github.com/ericshulman]])
* Stephan Hradek ([[@Skeeve|https://github.com/Skeeve]])
* ~BuggyJef ([[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]])
* Nathan Cain ([[@natecain|https://github.com/natecain]])
* Ton Gerner ([[@gernert|https://github.com/gernert]])
* Devin Weaver ([[@sukima|https://github.com/sukima]])
* João Bolila ([[@jbolila|https://github.com/jbolila]])
* David Johnston ([[@Brennall|https://github.com/Brennall]])
* David Jade ([[@davidjade|https://github.com/davidjade]])
* Bob Robison ([[@grayeul|https://github.com/grayeul]])
* [[@nameanyone|https://github.com/nameanyone]]
* Maurizio Pollio ([[@mpollio|https://github.com/mpollio]])
* Ogoshi Masayuki ([[@ogoshima|https://github.com/ogoshima]])
* Chris Sugden ([[@csugden|https://github.com/csugden]])
* [[@asampal|https://github.com/asampal]]
* Bow Yi Jang ([[@Eucaly|https://github.com/Eucaly]])
* Mal Gamble ([[@malgam|https://github.com/malgam]])
* Michael Fogleman ([[@mwfogleman|https://github.com/mwfogleman]])
* Daniel Barrett ([[@shendaras|https://github.com/shendaras]])
* Simon Baird ([[@simonbaird|https://github.com/simonbaird]])
* James Anderson ([[@welford|https://github.com/welford]])
* Jon Lister ([[@jayfresh|https://github.com/jayfresh]])
* [[@TheDiveO|https://github.com/TheDiveO]]
* Danielo Rodríguez ([[@danielo515|https://github.com/danielo515]])
* [[@willover|https://github.com/willover]]
* [[@slotik|https://github.com/slotik]]
* Irene Knapp ([[@IreneKnapp|https://github.com/IreneKnapp]])
* Brian Shaver ([[@shakerlxxv|https://github.com/shakerlxxv]])
* Tobi Beer ([[@tobibeer|https://github.com/tobibeer]])
* Craig Cook ([[@BoyCook|https://github.com/BoyCook]])
You can copy an individual tiddler from one TiddlyWiki file to another by dragging a link to the tiddler from one browser window to another.
The following [[macros|Macros]] are built into ~TiddlyWiki's core:
<<list-links "[tag[Core Macros]]">>
The following [[variables|Variables]] are built into ~TiddlyWiki's core:
<<list-links "[tag[Core Variables]] -[tag[Configuration Variables]]">>
The core will also use various configuration variables and macros if you define them:
<<list-links "[tag[Configuration Variables]]">>
! Introduction
The count widget displays the number of matches to a specified [[filter expression|Filters]].
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$count>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|filter |The filter expression to count |
To create a custom export format that exports tiddlers as their raw body text:
# Create a tiddler with the following fields:
#* ''tags'': [[$:/tags/Exporter]]
#* ''description'': Description of this exporter
#* ''extension'': Default file extension for this export format (including the dot; for example `.tid`)
# Set the following content:
\define renderContent()
{{{ $(exportFilter)$ ||$:/core/templates/plain-text-tiddler}}}
The variable `exportFilter` contains a filter defining which tiddlers should be exported.
! Creating tiddlers
You create a tiddler either by clicking the {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar, or by clicking on a link to a missing tiddler. Links to missing tiddlers are shown in [[blue italics]].
See also:
* [[Creating journal tiddlers]]
! Editing tiddlers
To edit an existing tiddler, click the {{$:/core/images/edit-button}} button at the top right of the tiddler.
!! Draft mode
When you create a new tiddler or edit an existing one, the tiddler will go into draft mode. This presents a control panel for modifying the tiddler in various ways. It has several parts, from top to bottom:
*''The title field'' - Use this to change the title of the tiddler
*''The tag selector'' - Use this to add or remove tags. As you type a tag name in the box, a dropdown list will show you any existing tags that match. You can pick from this list or create a completely new tag. Then click the ''add'' button to add the tag to the tiddler. Each tag is shown as a coloured pill. Click the "×" on a pill to remove that tag
*''The text area'' - Use this to edit the main content of the tiddler. Click the ''show preview'' button to see what your changes will look like
*''The type selector'' - Use this when a tiddler needs to be displayed in a special way, such as an image. See ContentType for a list of the options. The default is `text/vnd.tiddlywiki`, which means the tiddler contains WikiText
*''The field selector'' - Use this to add or remove fields on the tiddler. For example, if you are editing a tiddler that's being used to tag other tiddlers, you can add a [[''list'' field|ListField]] to change the order in which those tiddlers will be listed
! Save, cancel or delete
When you have finished editing, click a button at the top right of the tiddler:
*The ''save'' button ({{$:/core/images/done-button}}) stores your changes to this one tiddler and leaves draft mode. If your wiki is configured to [[AutoSave]], your changes will be permanently saved. Otherwise they will only be stored temporarily in your web browser, and you will lose them if you close your ~TiddlyWiki page without first clicking the master ''save changes'' button {{$:/core/images/save-button}} in the sidebar.
*The ''cancel'' button ({{$:/core/images/cancel-button}}) discards your changes (after asking you to confirm) and leaves draft mode.
*The ''delete'' button ({{$:/core/images/delete-button}}) deletes the entire tiddler (after asking you to confirm).
! Introduction
Journal tiddlers are tiddlers that use a date and/or time as their title. They are typically used as a quick way to record time-stamped information.
You can use additional tags on a journal tiddler to link it to other tiddlers, helping to establish the relationships between items of information.
For example, you might use a journal tiddler called ''10th October 2014'' to record thoughts and information captured on that particular day. The tags ''Shopping'' and ''London'' might be used to indicate that the entry concerns shopping in London.
! Creating a journal tiddler
The easiest way to create a journal tiddler is to use the ''new journal'' button in the ''Tools'' tab of the sidebar. If you find yourself often using the button, click the checkbox next to it to make the button available just above the search box.
The ''new journal'' button creates a journal entry as a blank tiddler with the tag ''Journal'' and a title derived from today's date. If a journal tiddler with that title already exists, then this is opened for editing.
! Creating a tagged journal tiddler
A common sequence of actions is to create (or reopen) today's journal entry and tag it with the title of another tiddler. This can be done with the ''new journal here'' button in the other tiddler's toolbar. You can find this button in the ''Tools'' tab of the tiddler's InfoPanel.
For example, you might be reviewing a tiddler called ''Oxford Street'' and realise that it's relevant for planning your shopping trip. Click the ''new journal here'' button on the ''Oxford Street'' tiddler to bring up a journal entry tagged with ''Oxford Street''.
! Customising journal tiddlers
To configure how new journal entries are created, visit the ''Basics'' tab under ''Info'' in the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]]:
* "Title of new journal tiddlers" specifies how these tiddlers should be named, as a [[date format string|DateFormat]]. The default setting of `DDth MMM YYYY` causes new entries to have titles of the form "10th October 2014"
* "Tags for new journal tiddlers" [specifies|Title List] tags that will automatically appear on new journal entries. For example: `Journal [[Summer vacation]]`
Hint: if you want to create a separate journal tiddler whenever you click ''new journal'' (even if you do this several times in the same day), you can include the clock time in the title format. Specify something like `YYYY-0MM-0DD at 0hhh0mm'0ss''` as the date format.
Another useful trick is to include `$(currentTiddler)$` somewhere in the title format. This means that if you click ''new journal here'' on several different tiddlers, the title of each of those tiddlers will form part of the name of the resulting journal entries.
This example shows how to create a sub-story within a tiddler that is independent of the main story.
Here's the code:
<$navigator story="MySubStoryList" history="MySubHistoryList">
Click this link to get started: HelloThere
<$list filter="[list[MySubStoryList]]" history="MySubHistoryList">
! <$button message="tm-close-tiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible">{{$:/core/images/close-button}}</$button> <$view field="title"/>
Note how you can open the HelloThere tiddler in the substory by clicking on the link below. Links within the substory open within the substory, and not in the main story.
<$navigator story="MySubStoryList" history="MySubHistoryList">
Click this link to get started: HelloThere
<$list filter="[list[MySubStoryList]]" history="MySubHistoryList">
! <$button message="tm-close-tiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible">{{$:/core/images/close-button}}</$button> <$view field="title"/>
The <<.def csvtiddlers>> [[macro|Macros]] returns the fields of a [[selection of tiddlers|Title Selection]] in [[CSV|Comma-Separated Values]] form, with one record (row) per tiddler.
An example can be seen in the [[template tiddler for CSV exports|$:/core/templates/exporters/CsvFile]].
!! Parameters
: A [[filter|Filters]] selecting which tiddlers to include
: Reserved for future extension. Should be set to `quoted-comma-sep`
The <<.def "current tiddler">> provides the context in which several aspects of WikiText are interpreted.
For example, `{{!!title}}` denotes the value of the <<.field title>> field of whatever the current tiddler happens to be. This technique can be used to create general-purpose [[template tiddlers|TemplateTiddlers]].
The title of the current tiddler can always be found in the <<.vlink currentTiddler>> variable.
The two most common ways in which the current tiddler is changed are:
* the <<.wlink TiddlerWidget>> widget
* the <<.wlink ListWidget>> widget (when its <<.attr variable>> attribute is not overridden)
The current tiddler is therefore often <<.em not>> the same as the [[tiddler that is being viewed or edited|storyTiddler Variable]].
The <<.def currentTiddler>> [[variable|Variables]] contains the title of the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]].
Several aspects of WikiText use this tiddler as their context. As a result, within a <<.wlink ListWidget>> widget or a [[template tiddler|TemplateTiddlers]], there is often no need to explicitly specify a tiddler title.
Compare <<.vlink storyTiddler>>.
<<.variable-examples "currentTiddler">>
The following two examples have the same meaning:
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<$view field=title/>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2" eg="""<$view tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field=title/>"""/>
This next example shows how the <<.wlink ListWidget>> widget changes the current tiddler:
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="3"
<$list filter="[prefix[J]]">
Information about customising TiddlyWiki
<<list-links "[tag[Customise TiddlyWiki]]">>
By default, the results for the sidebar search box are displayed as a simple list of tiddler titles. The search results can be customised by adding plugin visualisations that show the search results in different ways. (Tabs are shown automatically if an additional search result visualisation is detected).
Search result visualisations are stored in tiddlers tagged [[$:/tags/SearchResults]]. The default search result listing is implemented in the system tiddler [[$:/core/ui/DefaultSearchResultList]].
To create a new search result visualisation:
# Create a new tiddler tagged [[$:/tags/SearchResults]]
# Use the widget variable ''searchTiddler'' to access the title of the tiddler containing the current search term
If you'd like the new visualisation to be the default, create a tiddler called [[$:/config/SearchResults/Default]] containing the title of the tiddler containing the search visualisation that you want to display by default.
Here is an example of an alternative visualisation that displays results in reverse chronological order:
\define searchResults()
<$set name="resultCount" value="""<$count filter="[!is[system]search{$(searchTiddler)$}]"/>""">
<<timeline subfilter:"!is[system]search{$(searchTiddler)$}">>
<<.operator-examples "cycle">>
<$list filter="[list[!!tags]sort[]]"> <<tag>></$list>
;Cycle a tag from a list of items specified in the operator operand
: In this case, the 'tags' field of the current tiddler is specified as the target by using the '$tags=' attribute, and the reference list is directly specified in the operand.
:__Note__: A list specified in this way may not contain any item with spaces
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src="""<$button><$action-listops $tags="+[cycle[_Mon _Tue _Wed _Thu _Fri _Sat _Sun]]"/>Cycle Tag</$button>
<$button><$action-listops $tags="+[!cycle[_Mon _Tue _Wed _Thu _Fri _Sat _Sun]]"/>Reverse Cycle Tag</$button>"""/>
;Cycle items in an index from reference lists contained in a Data Dictionary
: In this case the target is specified via the '$tiddler=' and '$index=' attributes, and the reference lists are specified using TextReferences within curly brackets (useful for lists containing items with spaces, and for generic lists.)
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src="""<$button class="tc-btn-invisible"><$action-listops $tiddler="Target" $index="cycled-tags" $subfilter="+[cycle{Lists##status}]"/>Status {{$:/core/images/chevron-right}}</$button>
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible"><$action-listops $tiddler="Target" $index="cycled-tags" $subfilter="+[cycle{Lists##context}]"/>Context {{$:/core/images/chevron-right}}</$button>
;Cycle items in an index from reference list contained in a variable
: In this case the target is specified via the '$tiddler=' and '$index=' attributes, and the reference list is specified via a variable (useful for lists containing items with spaces.)
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src="""<$vars authors="[[Joe Bloggs]] [[Mark Spark]] [[Cedric Leo]] [[Oli Phant]]"><$button class="tc-btn-invisible"><$action-listops $tiddler="Target" $index="cycled-tags" $subfilter="+[cycle<authors>]"/>Author {{$:/core/images/chevron-right}}</$button></$vars>
;Cycle items in a field from reference lists contained in a Data Dictionary
: In this case a field is targetted using the '$tiddler=' and '$field=' attributes, and the reference list is specified with a TextReference within curly brackets. The label is configured to clear the target index of all items in the reference list (useful for lists containing items with spaces, and for generic lists.)
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src="""<$button class="tc-btn-invisible"><$action-listops $tiddler="Target" $field="cycled-tags" $subfilter="+[!cycle{Lists##dates}]"/>{{$:/core/images/chevron-left}}</$button>
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible"><$action-listops $tiddler="Target" $field="cycled-tags" $subfilter="+[remove{Lists##dates}]"/>Dates</$button>
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible"><$action-listops $tiddler="Target" $field="cycled-tags" $subfilter="+[cycle{Lists##dates}]"/>{{$:/core/images/chevron-right}}</$button>
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible"><$action-listops $tiddler="Target" $field="cycled-tags" $subfilter="+[!cycle{Lists##months}]"/>{{$:/core/images/chevron-left}}</$button>
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible"><$action-listops $tiddler="Target" $field="cycled-tags" $subfilter="+[remove{Lists##months}]"/>Months</$button>
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible"><$action-listops $tiddler="Target" $field="cycled-tags" $subfilter="+[cycle{Lists##months}]"/>{{$:/core/images/chevron-right}}</$button>
|Target!!cycled-tags |<$view tiddler="Target" field="cycled-tags"/>|"""/>
The D3 plugin integrates the D3 visualisation library with TiddlyWiki.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/d3/
You can create an n-dash with a double hyphen `--` and an m-dash with a triple hyphen `---`. For example -- this is an example --- and so is this
A <<.dlink-ex "data URI" "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_URI_scheme">> is a way of storing data (such as an image) in a way that is compatible with the addresses used by web pages and [[stylesheets|Cascading Style Sheets]] to access external resources.
The <<.mlink datauri>> macro can be used to generate data URIs within ~TiddlyWiki.
A data tiddler is a miniature database contained within a tiddler.
There are two standard formats:
* DictionaryTiddlers
* [[JSONTiddlers]]
Other formats of tiddler can also be parsed to yield blocks of data that behave like data tiddlers.
Use a TextReference to look up a value by its name. For example, if a [[DictionaryTiddler|DictionaryTiddlers]] called `MonthDays` contains:
... then `{{MonthDays##nov}}` will resolve to the value `30`.
The same is true if `MonthDays` is a [[JSONTiddler|JSONTiddlers]] with the following content:
Note: //It is currently only possible to retrieve data from the immediate properties of the root object of a JSONTiddler.//
The <<.def datauri>> [[macro|Macros]] returns a [[data URI|Data URI]] for the content of a tiddler.
It is often used in [[stylesheet|Cascading Style Sheets]] tiddlers to reference things like inline images and fonts:
> `background: url(<<datauri "Motovun Jack.jpg">>);`
The data URI is automatically [[base64|Base64]]-encoded in the case of a non-text tiddler.
!! Parameters
: The title of a tiddler, such as an image
<<.macro-examples "datauri">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2"
.jack {
background: url(<$macrocall $name="datauri" title="Motovun Jack.jpg" $output="text/plain"/>);
height: 300px;
<div class="jack"/>"""/>
The example has to invoke <<.var datauri>> through the <<.wid macrocall>> widget. It needs to prevent the macro's output from being parsed as WikiText, as that would transform the data URI into a <<.wlink LinkWidget>> widget and break the example. If the example was in a CSS tiddler, you could simply write:
> `background: url(<<datauri "Motovun Jack.jpg">>);`
Certain [[fields|TiddlerFields]] of a tiddler are used to store dates and times.
The two standard date fields are <<.field created>> and <<.field modified>>.
Values of date fields are 17-character strings:
* 4 digits for the year
* 2 digits for the month
* 2 digits for the day
* 2 digits for the hour
* 2 digits for the minute
* 2 digits for the second
* 3 digits for the millisecond
To avoid problems arising from differences of time zone, TiddlyWiki always uses [[UTC|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coordinated_Universal_Time]].
As an example, the <<.field created>> field of this tiddler has the value <<.value """<$view field="created"/>""">>.
Dates can be [[converted to other formats|DateFormat]] for display:
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html"
src="""<$view field="created" format="date" template="DDD DDth MMM YYYY"/>""">
The ViewWidget accepts a `template` attribute that allows the format of date values to be specified. The format string is processed with the following substitutions:
|!Token |!Substituted Value |
|`DDD` |Day of week in full (eg, "Monday") |
|`ddd` |Short day of week (eg, "Mon") |
|`DD` |Day of month |
|`0DD` |Adds a leading zero |
|`DDth` |Adds a suffix |
|`WW` |ISO-8601 week number of year |
|`0WW` |Adds a leading zero |
|`MMM` |Month in full (eg, "July") |
|`mmm` |Short month (eg, "Jul") |
|`MM` |Month number |
|`0MM` |Adds leading zero |
|`YYYY` |Full year |
|`YY` |Two digit year |
|`wYYYY` |Full year with respect to week number |
|`wYY` |Two digit year with respect to week number |
|`hh` |Hours |
|`0hh` |Adds a leading zero |
|`hh12` |Hours in 12 hour clock |
|`0hh12` |Hours in 12 hour clock with leading zero |
|`mm` |Minutes |
|`0mm` |Minutes with leading zero |
|`ss` |Seconds |
|`0ss` |Seconds with leading zero |
|`am` or `pm` |Lower case AM/PM indicator |
|`AM` or `PM` |Upper case AM/PM indicator |
|`TZD` |Timezone offset |
|`\x` |Used to escape a character that would otherwise have special meaning |
Note that other text is passed through unchanged, allowing commas, colons or other separators to be used.
! Examples
|!Template |!Output |
|`DDth MMM YYYY` |16th February 2011 |
|`DDth MMM \M\M\M YYYY` |16th February MMM 2011 |
|`DDth mmm hh:mm:ss` |16th Feb 2011 11:38:42 |
An interactive date picker plugin based on [[Pikaday|https://github.com/dbushell/Pikaday]]. A demo can be found here: {{!!url}}.
datepicker is a TiddlyWiki plugin that allows you to use a widget much like EditTextWidget to pick a date (not a time). It shows a nice interactive mini-calendar when clicked, allows you to set a date format for display, and is compatible with core date fields such as `modified` and `created`.
It has a <<.field list>> field containing the following items:
<<list-links "[list[]]">>
Select tiddlers where a specified date field (default "modified") is withing a specified date range. Time portion is ignored.
<<.operator-examples "days">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[days[-14]]" "tiddlers modified within the last 14 days">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[!days:created[-800]]" "tiddlers created more than 800 days ago">>
The filter can be used to highlight new items in a list. For example:
$name="wikitext-example-without-html" src=
<$list filter="[tag[ReleaseNotes]!<currentTiddler>!sort[modified]]">
<$link><$view field="title"/></$link><$list filter="[<currentTiddler>days[-120]]"> @@color:red;^^new^^@@</$list>
These are definitions of technical words and phrases used in this documentation. (As distinct from the [[Concepts]] that make up TiddlyWiki itself).
<<list-links "[tag[Definitions]]">>
HTML definition lists are created with this syntax:
<<wikitext-example src:"; Term being defined
: Definition of that term
; Another term
: Another definition
Die deutsche Übersetzung von TiddlyWiki ist verfügbar unter:
* ''Dokumentation'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/de-DE/index.html
* ''Leer'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/de-DE/empty.html
Siehe auch: [[Deutsch (Österreich) Edition]].
Die österreichische Übersetzung von TiddlyWiki ist verfügbar unter:
* ''Dokumentation'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/de-AT/index.html
* ''Leer'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/de-AT/empty.html
Siehe auch: [[Deutsch (Deutschland) Edition]].
There are several resources for developers to learn more about TiddlyWiki and to discuss and contribute to its development.
* [[tiddlywiki.com/dev|http://tiddlywiki.com/dev]] is the official developer documentation
* [[TiddlyWikiDev group|http://groups.google.com/group/TiddlyWikiDev]] for discussions about TiddlyWiki development
* https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5 for the source code and development activity
A dictionary tiddler is a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]] containing a simple list of name/value pairs.
Its [[ContentType]] is `application/x-tiddler-dictionary`.
The `text` field consists of one or more lines of the form <code>//name//: //value//</code>.
[[ColourPalettes]], such as the [[default Vanilla palette|$:/palettes/Vanilla]], are dictionary tiddlers.
You've never seen //anything// like ~TiddlyWiki. ~TiddlyWiki is:
:: a tool,
:: a toolbox,
:: a community,
:: and a philosophy.
! ~TiddlyWiki is a Tool
''~TiddlyWiki is first and foremost a tool:'' it is a free downloadable tool for capturing and organising content from the web, from your documents or from your brain. It is a tool for note-taking, bookmarking, pinning, writing, managing to-do lists and projects, collaborating, blogging, and publishing.
In ~TiddlyWiki you create or paste content into notes called tiddlers, then connect your tiddlers with hyperlinks and tags. You can then quickly retrieve your notes through features such as tag pills, sidebar tabs, and ~TiddlyWiki's lightning fast search window. You can even dynamically include one tiddler's content inside another - similar to using building blocks - to create articles, lists, presentations and more.
! ~TiddlyWiki is a Toolbox
In addition to being a versatile tool, ''~TiddlyWiki is also a toolbox.''
Where other note-taking products hook you with the basic program then charge you for the really helpful features, ~TiddlyWiki has an ever-expanding collection of completely free visual themes, colour palettes, plugins, widgets and macros, which you can then mix and match so that you can tweak and tailor your ~TiddlyWiki to get it just the way you want it.
! ~TiddlyWiki is also a Community
We are a [[community|Community]] of users and developers who help each other imagine new ways of thinking and organising and create new solutions, so that ~TiddlyWiki is continually adapting to better serve your needs. ~TiddlyWiki users and developers share questions and advice at a ~TiddlyWiki Google group. They also create tutorials, adaptations, and plugins to enhance your ~TiddlyWiki experience. See the section ''Community'' of the TableOfContents for more details.
! Finally, ~TiddlyWiki is a philosophy
The purpose of taking and organising a note (or recording any kind of content) is to be able to retrieve it later. If you can't find your notes in your note-taking system, your note-taking becomes a colossal waste of time.
The [[TiddlyWiki philosophy|Philosophy of Tiddlers]] is that the best way to take notes is to separate them into tiddlers, the smallest semantic units possible. A tiddler might be an image, a webpage link, a concept, the definition of a term, or a specific customisation such as a macro.
These tiddlers can then be woven together to create longer units: stories, articles, lists, image galleries, and much more. ~TiddlyWiki's features such as tagging, hyperlinking, and filters are specially designed to help you relate and connect tiddlers together in multiple ways, facilitating your future retrieval of your notes and even helping you see unexpected relationships among your tiddlers and the information they contain.
The <<.dlink-ex DOM "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Document_Object_Model">> of a web page is a tree-shaped model of its content, maintained internally by the web browser as the user interacts with that content. Each point in the tree is called a <<.def node>>.
When ~TiddlyWiki is running in a web browser, its [[widgets|Widgets]] are rendered into DOM nodes for display.
When ~TiddlyWiki is running on [[Node.js|TiddlyWiki on Node.js]], it uses a fake DOM to simulate the behaviour of a browser.
The following macros are used throughout ~TiddlyWiki's documentation. Their names start with a dot to keep them out of the way of names that a user might try experimenting with.
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|.def |the defining instance of a term |<<.def widget>> |
|.em |minor emphasis within a sentence |<<.em not>> |
|.place |a placeholder for the user to fill in |<<.place tagname>> |
|.strong |major emphasis within a tiddler |<<.strong Important!>> |
|.word |a mention of an ordinary word or phrase |<<.word "hello world">> |
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|^.tip |^hints and tips |<<.tip "Turn your screen on, otherwise<br>you won't be able to see much.">> |
|^.warning |^warning advice |<<.warning "Make a backup of your file<br>before you upgrade.">> |
|!Macro |!Used for |
|.preamble |an introductory sentence that stands apart from the rest of the tiddler |
!Tiddlers and fields
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|.tid |a tiddler title |<<.tid Example>> |
|.tag |a tag |<<.tag Example>> |
|.field |a field name |<<.field example>> |
|.value |a field value |<<.value "example value">> |
|.op |a filter operator |<<.op backlinks>> |
|.var |a variable or macro name |<<.var currentTiddler>> |
|.wid |a widget name |<<.wid list>> |
|.attr |an attribute name |<<.attr filter>> |
|.param |a macro parameter name |<<.param text>> |
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|.link |a link containing WikiText |<<.link "^^an^^ ~~example~~" Example>> |
|.clink |a code link |<<.clink `<$list>` ListWidget>> |
|.dlink |a link on a defining instance of a term |<<.dlink widget Widgets>> |
|.dlink-ex |an external link on a defining instance of a term |<<.dlink-ex Example "http://example.com/">> |
|.flink |a link to a field |<<.flink ListField>> |
|.mlink |a link to a macro |<<.mlink qualify>> |
|.mlink2 |a link to a macro, with specified target |<<.mlink2 foo "Examples of Macros">> |
|.olink |a link to an operator |<<.olink prefix>> |
|.olink2 |a link to an operator, with specified target |<<.olink2 foo prefix>> |
|.vlink |a link to a variable |<<.vlink currentTiddler>> |
|.vlink2 |a link to a variable, with specified target |<<.vlink2 foo "Examples of Variables">> |
|.wlink |a link to a widget |<<.wlink ButtonWidget>> |
|.wlink2 |a link to a widget, with specified text |<<.wlink2 foo ButtonWidget>> |
!User interface
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|.key |a key on the keyboard |<<.key Escape>> |
|.keycombo |a key combination |<<.keycombo Ctrl Enter>> |
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|.sidebar-tab |the name of a sidebar tab |<<.sidebar-tab More>> |
|.more-tab |the name of a subtab of the More tab |<<.more-tab Shadows>> |
|.info-tab |the name of a tiddler info tab |<<.info-tab Fields>> |
|.controlpanel-tab |the name of a Control Panel tab |<<.controlpanel-tab Settings>> |
|.advancedsearch-tab |the name of an Advanced Search tab |<<.advancedsearch-tab Filter>> |
|.toc-tab |name of the tw5.com TOC tab |<<.toc-tab>> |
|.example-tab |an example tab name |<<.example-tab "Notes">> |
!!Parameters for .sidebar-tab
|Open |<<.sidebar-tab Open>> |
|Recent |<<.sidebar-tab Recent>> |
|Tools |<<.sidebar-tab Tools>> |
|More |<<.sidebar-tab More>> |
!!Parameters for .more-tab
|All |<<.more-tab All>> |
|Recent |<<.more-tab Recent>> |
|Tags |<<.more-tab Tags>> |
|Missing |<<.more-tab Missing>> |
|Drafts |<<.more-tab Drafts>> |
|Orphans |<<.more-tab Orphans>> |
|Types |<<.more-tab Types>> |
|System |<<.more-tab System>> |
|Shadows |<<.more-tab Shadows>> |
!!Parameters for .info-tab
|Tools |<<.info-tab Tools>> |
|References |<<.info-tab References>> |
|Tagging |<<.info-tab Tagging>> |
|List |<<.info-tab List>> |
|Listed |<<.info-tab Listed>> |
|Fields |<<.info-tab Fields>> |
|Advanced |<<.info-tab Advanced>> |
!!Parameters for .controlpanel-tab
|Info |<<.controlpanel-tab Info>> |
|Appearance |<<.controlpanel-tab Appearance>> |
|Settings |<<.controlpanel-tab Settings>> |
|Saving |<<.controlpanel-tab Saving>> |
|Plugins |<<.controlpanel-tab Plugins>> |
!!Parameters for .advancedsearch-tab
|Standard |<<.advancedsearch-tab Standard>> |
|System |<<.advancedsearch-tab System>> |
|Shadows |<<.advancedsearch-tab Shadows>> |
|Filter |<<.advancedsearch-tab Filter>> |
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|.button |a standard button name and icon |<<.button "new-tiddler">> |
!!Parameters for .button
!!!Tiddler toolbar
|clone |<<.button "clone">> |
|close |<<.button "close">> |
|close-others |<<.button "close-others">> |
|edit |<<.button "edit">> |
|export-tiddler |<<.button "export-tiddler">> |
|info |<<.button "info">> |
|more-tiddler-actions |<<.button "more-tiddler-actions">> |
|new-here |<<.button "new-here">> |
|new-journal-here |<<.button "new-journal-here">> |
|permalink |<<.button "permalink">> |
!!!Edit-mode toolbar
|cancel |<<.button "cancel">> |
|delete |<<.button "delete">> |
|save |<<.button "save">> |
!!!Page toolbar
|advanced-search |<<.button "advanced-search">> |
|close-all |<<.button "close-all">> |
|control-panel |<<.button "control-panel">> |
|encryption |<<.button "encryption">> |
|export-page |<<.button "export-page">> |
|full-screen |<<.button "full-screen">> |
|home |<<.button "home">> |
|import |<<.button "import">> |
|language |<<.button "language">> |
|more-page-actions |<<.button "more-page-actions">> |
|new-journal |<<.button "new-journal">> |
|new-tiddler |<<.button "new-tiddler">> |
|permaview |<<.button "permaview">> |
|refresh |<<.button "refresh">> |
|save-wiki |<<.button "save-wiki">> |
|storyview |<<.button "storyview">> |
|tag-manager |<<.button "tag-manager">> |
|theme |<<.button "theme">> |
The documentation for ~TiddlyWiki tries to follow a consistent editorial style. It has two main areas, each with its own tone and audience:
* [[Instruction Tiddlers]]
* [[Reference Tiddlers]]
We keep the two areas distinct. This avoids overwhelming relative newcomers, while still providing quick access to the information that expert users need.
Additional topics:
* [[Tiddler Title Policy]]
* [[Tiddler Structure]]
* [[Spelling]]
* [[Typography]]
* [[Documentation Macros]]
* [[Technical Prose Style]]
[[Filters]] manipulate [[sets of titles|Title Selection]] in which no title may appear more than once. Furthermore, they often need to append one such set to another.
This is done in such a way that, if a title would be duplicated, the earlier copy of that title is discarded. The titles being appended are dominant.
For example, if a selection contains `Andrew Becky Clara Daniel` and `Andrew Barney Clara Daisy` is then appended to it, the result is `Becky Daniel Andrew Barney Clara Daisy`.
Tiddlers that have a `draft.of` field are treated as pending drafts of the tiddler specified in the field. Draft tiddlers should also have a `draft.title` field that specifies the title that will be given to the tiddler when it is saved.
Several features work in concert to give the desired behaviour for draft tiddlers:
* The ListWidget can optionally render draft tiddlers through a different template
* The NavigatorWidget incorporates handlers for the following events:
** `tm-new-tiddler` for creating a new tiddler in draft mode
** `tm-edit-tiddler` for moving a tiddler into edit mode
** `tm-cancel-tiddler` for cancelling a tiddler out of edit mode
** `tm-save-tiddler` for saving a draft tiddler
* Draft tiddlers are automatically excluded from search operations
! Introduction
The dropzone widget creates an area into which the user can drag files and other objects. It also supports pasting via the clipboard, although browser support is currently limited.
It sends a [[WidgetMessage: tm-import-tiddlers]] carrying a JSON representation of the tiddlers to be imported up through its parents. This message usually trapped by the NavigatorWidget which adds the tiddlers to the store and updates the story to display them.
! Content and Attributes
The dropzone widget has no attributes, and displays any contained content within the dropzone.
! Display
The dropzone widget creates an HTML `<div class="tc-dropzone">` to contain its content. During a drag operation the class `tc-dragover` is added. CSS is used to provide user feedback.
! Data types supported
The following data transfer types are supported:
* ''text/vnd.tiddler'' - a list of tiddlers in JSON format (this format is generated by the LinkWidget)
* ''text/plain'' - plain text
* ''text/uri-list'' - a list of URIs as a single tiddler
The <<.def dumpvariables>> [[macro|Macros]] returns a table showing the values of all [[variables|Variables]] and [[macros|Macros]] that exist at that position in the [[widget tree|Widgets]].
It is useful for debugging and exploring ~TiddlyWiki's internals.
Placeholders are replaced with values in the normal way, but using the default values for all macro parameters.
!! Parameters
<<.macro-examples "dumpvariables">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<$set name="EXAMPLE" value="123.$(EXAMPLE2)$.789">
<$set name="EXAMPLE2" value="456">
Each input title is processed in turn. The value of field <<.place F>> in the corresponding tiddler is examined.
:As long as the field's value has not been encountered before, the title is appended to the output.
:The value is treated as a [[title list|Title List]]. Each title in the list considered in turn. If it has not been encountered before, it is appended to the output.
If a tiddler doesn't contain field <<.place F>>, it is treated as if the field's value was empty.
<<.operator-examples "each">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[each[color]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[sort[title]each[type]]" "the alphabetically first tiddler of each type">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[each:list-item[list]]" "all tiddlers listed anywhere in the core list field">>
For an example of using the <<.op each>> operator to generate a two-tier list of groups and members, see [[GroupedLists]].
Each input title is processed in turn. The value of field <<.place F>> in the corresponding tiddler is examined, and as long as this indicates a date that has not been encountered before, the title is appended to the output.
If a tiddler doesn't contain field <<.place F>>, it contributes nothing to the output.
<<.operator-examples "eachday">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[eachday[created]]" "the first tiddler created on each day">>
For an example of using the <<.op eachday>> operator to generate a two-tier list of groups and members, see [[GroupedLists]].
! Introduction
The edit bitmap widget provides a user interface in the browser for editing bitmap tiddlers. It is currently a primitive proof-of-concept, supporting resizing and painting with a single color and line width.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$edit-bitmap>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The tiddler to edit (defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]) |
! Configuration
The edit bitmap widget can be configured with these system tiddlers:
* [[$:/config/BitmapEditor/LineWidth]] determines the line width: <$edit-text tiddler="$:/config/BitmapEditor/LineWidth" tag="input"/>
* [[$:/config/BitmapEditor/Colour]] determines the line color: <$edit-text tiddler="$:/config/BitmapEditor/Colour" tag="input" type="color"/>
Michael Fogleman has written an [[Emacs|http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/]] major mode called [[tid-mode|https://github.com/mwfogleman/tid-mode]], which is for editing TiddlyWiki .tid files. It is derived from text-mode, uses the useful minor modes org-struct and subword, and updates the modified times when you save a .tid file.
He also wrote two helper functions for using TiddlyWiki in Emacs. The first opens a tiddlers directory in Dired; the second opens TiddlyWiki in the browser.
(defun open-wiki ()
"Opens a TiddlyWiki directory in Dired."
(dired "~/Dropbox/wiki/tiddlers/"))
(defun browse-wiki ()
"Opens TiddlyWiki in the browser."
(browse-url ""))
This latter function may require specifying a browser:
(setq browse-url-browser-function 'browse-url-generic
browse-url-generic-program "chromium")
You can bind either of these functions with the global-set-key function:
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c w") 'open-wiki)
At the moment, these are not integrated into tid-mode.
La traduction en Français (France) de TiddlyWiki démarre ici :
* ''documentation'' : http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/fr-FR/index.html
* ''empty'' : http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/fr-FR/empty.html
Each input title is processed in turn, ignoring any that is not the name of a ~TiddlyWiki edition.
TiddlyWiki is distributed in several distinct editions that are tuned for specific purposes.
An edition consists of the TiddlyWiki core components along with plugins, documentation and sample content to get you up and running as quickly as possible.
You can mix and match the components of these editions, to make a unique solution for your particular application.
<<list-links "[tag[Editions]]">>
<$macrocall $name=".tip" _="""Note that editions should not be confused with the [[platforms|Platforms]] on which TiddlyWiki runs (eg as a [[single HTML file|Saving]] vs. [[under Node.js|TiddlyWiki on Node.js]])"""/>
! Introduction
The edit text widget provides a user interface in the browser for editing text tiddler fields. The editing element is dynamically bound to the underlying tiddler value: changes to the tiddler are instantly reflected, and any edits are instantly propogated.
By default, the edit text widget generates a `<textarea>` as the HTML editing element when the `text` field is edited, and a `<input type="text">` element otherwise. This behaviour can be overridden with the `tag` and `type` attributes.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$edit-text>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The tiddler to edit (defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]) |
|field |The field to edit (defaults to `text`). Takes precedence over the `index` attribute |
|index |The index to edit |
|default |The default text to be provided when the target tiddler doesn't exist |
|class |A CSS class to be assigned to the generated HTML editing element |
|placeholder |Placeholder text to be displayed when the edit field is empty |
|focusPopup |Title of a state tiddler for a popup that is displayed when the editing element has focus |
|focus |Set to "true" to automatically focus the editor after creation |
|tag |Overrides the generated HTML editing element tag. Use `textarea` for a multi-line editor |
|type |Overrides the generated HTML editing element `type` attribute |
|size |The size of the input field (in characters) |
|autoHeight |Either "yes" or "no" to specify whether to automatically resize `textarea` editors to fit their content (defaults to "yes") |
|minHeight |Minimum height for automatically resized `textarea` editors, specified in CSS length units such as "px", "em" or "%" |
|rows|Sets the rows attribute of a generated textarea |
! Notes
One trap to be aware of is that the edit text widget //cannot be used// to edit a field of the tiddler that contains it. Each keypress results in the tiddler being re-rendered, which loses the cursor position within the text field.
Instead, place the edit text widget in a [[template|TemplateTiddlers]] that references the tiddler you want to modify.
For example, if you wanted the tiddler GettingStarted to edit the value of the "myconfig" field of the tiddler "AppSettings", you might do so by creating a separate tiddler "ChangeAppSettings" that contains the following:
<$edit-text tiddler="AppSettings" field="myconfig"/>
And reference the template in any other tiddler (e.g. GettingStarted) with `{{ChangeAppSettings}}`.
This works when your use of the tiddler //is not// the AppSettings itself which would cause a recursion problem. In this latter case you have to save the fields to a temporary (or alternative) tiddler (sort of the reverse of above) like so:
<$edit-text tiddler="StoreAppSettings" field="myconfig"/>
In short the EditTextWidget //can not// change properties of the tiddler it is embedded in or part of. It can only change fields of //other// tiddlers. One could use ShadowTiddlers to accomplish the field storage if needed.
! Introduction
The edit widget provides a general purpose interface for editing a tiddler. It dynamically chooses the appropriate widget depending on the type of the tiddler (currently either the EditTextWidget or the EditBitmapWidget).
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$edit>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The tiddler to edit (defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]) |
|field |The field to edit (defaults to `text`). Takes precedence over the `index` attribute |
|index |The index to edit |
|class |A CSS class to be added the generated editing widget |
The "empty" edition of TiddlyWiki is a vanilla distribution, with no additional plugins or configuration beyond the core code.
The empty edition can be downloaded from:
<a href="empty.html" target="_blank">empty.html</a>
When used as a single HTML file, TiddlyWiki5 allows content to be encrypted using the [[Stanford JavaScript Crypto Library]].
# Switch to the ''Tools'' tab in the sidebar and look for the button with a padlock icon
# If the button is labelled "set password" then the current wiki is not encrypted. Clicking the button will prompt for a password that will be used to encrypt subsequent saves
# If the button is labelled "clear password" then the current wiki is already encrypted. Clicking the button will remove the password so that subsequent saves will be unencrypted
# Optionally, open the saved file in a text editor and verify that your data is encrypted
# Open the file in your browser. You will be prompted for a password before the content is displayed
Note that TiddlyWiki has two other unrelated features concerned with passwords/encryption:
* The ability to set a password when saving to TiddlySpot. This is done in the "Saving" tab of control panel
* The ability to use standard HTTP basic authentication with the [[Node.js|TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] server configuration. This is done on the command line with the ServerCommand. Combined with SSL, this gives the same level of transit encryption as you'd get with online services like Google or Dropbox, but there is no encryption of data on disk
! Introduction
The encrypt widget renders a filtered list of tiddlers to an encrypted block with the password currently held in the PasswordVault. The encrypted block can subsequently be decrypted by the TiddlyWiki5 BootMechanism. See the EncryptionMechanism for more details.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$encrypt>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|filter |Filter defining the tiddlers to be included in the encrypted block. If not specified then all non-system tiddlers are used |
[[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] supports the following OS environment variables for specifying a colon-delimited list of paths to search for plugins and editions:
* `TIDDLYWIKI_PLUGIN_PATH` - Search path for ordinary plugins
* `TIDDLYWIKI_THEME_PATH` - Search path for themes
* `TIDDLYWIKI_LANGUAGE_PATH` - Search path for languages
* `TIDDLYWIKI_EDITION_PATH` - Search path for editions (used by the InitCommand)
The additional paths should each point to folders structured like the equivalent directories in the TiddlyWiki5 GitHub repository: the plugin, theme and language directories contain `publisher/pluginname/<files>` while the edition directories contain `editionname/<files>`
For example:
tiddlywiki mywiki --build index
I collect my tw5 creations on-line as http://eucaly-tw5.tiddlyspot.com/
Available Plugins :
*TitleMe - Return in-place tiddler title, to link / show / edit the source tiddler
*QuickJump - Quick jump to tiddlers in story list
*FlexWidth - Flexibly tweak sidebar width for TiddlyWiki 5 (Inspired by TW5 tristate Sidebar)
*MatchFilter - returns matching text instead of a list of the tiddlers from FieldFilter
*PopupTagger - TagBar / TagTable with popup list of tags (Inspired by MonkeyTaggerMacro for TiddlyWiki classic)
This tiddler exists to demonstrate the <<.mlink tag>> macro.
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-expandable "Contents">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-selective-expandable "Contents">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc "Contents">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-expandable "Contents" "sort[title]">>
unselectedText="<p>Select a topic in the table of contents. Click the arrow to expand a topic.</p>"
missingText="<p>Missing tiddler.</p>"
unselectedText="<p>Select a topic in the table of contents. Click the arrow to expand a topic.</p>"
missingText="<p>Missing tiddler.</p>"
unselectedText="<p>Select a topic in the table of contents. Click the arrow to expand a topic.</p>"
missingText="<p>Missing tiddler.</p>"
unselectedText="<p>Select a topic in the table of contents. Click the arrow to expand a topic.</p>"
missingText="<p>Missing tiddler.</p>"
This collection showcases inspiring and interesting examples of TiddlyWiki being used in the wild.
Submit new entries to this collection via GitHub, Twitter or by posting in the [[TiddlyWiki Groups|Forums]].
<div class="tc-link-info">
<$list filter="[tag[Examples]!sort[modified]]">
<div class="tc-link-info-item">
! <$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
<div class="tc-subtitle">Posted <$view field="modified" format="relativedate"/></div>
The material may be navigated by clicking the left and right chevrons -- this will move you to the previous or next slide respectively. This slideshow is itself an example of the use of the cycle[] operator.
External images in TiddlyWiki are tiddlers that point to the URI of an image, rather than embedding the full image data. They can perform better than embedded images, particularly with large numbers or sizes of images. However, using them breaks the single file pattern of TiddlyWiki.
External images are used in the browser. They can be created by the Node.js configuration when it builds a TiddlyWiki, or they can be created manually within the browser.
! What is an External Image
An external image is an ordinary image tiddler that has a ''_canonical_uri'' field containing the URI of the image. The URI can be absolute or relative to the HTML document. If the canonical URI is provided then the ''text'' field of the tiddler is ignored and so should be omitted.
! Manually Creating External Images
To manually create an external image just create the tiddler with the appropriate image content type, and add a ''_canonical_uri'' field with a URI pointing to the actual image location.
''IMPORTANT:'' Double-check your spelling. ``_canonical_uri`` is spelled [[URI|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URI#The_relationship_between_URIs.2C_URLs.2C_and_URNs]], not URL.
! Creating external images under Node.js
The following steps are used to create a static HTML file version of a wiki accompanied by an ''images'' folder containing the referenced external images:
# Create image tiddlers in your TiddlyWikiFolders in the usual way
# Save the images as separate files (by convention, in a subfolder named ''images'')
# Externalise the image tiddlers by giving them a ''_canonical_uri'' field
# Save the main HTML file
Note the image files must be saved before they are externalised. Externalising them destroys the ''text'' field within the in-memory copy of the wiki store, meaning that attempts to save them will fail.
For an example see the ''externalimages'' build target of the demo ''tw5.com'' wiki:
--savetiddlers [is[image]] images
--setfield [is[image]] _canonical_uri $:/core/templates/canonical-uri-external-image text/plain
--setfield [is[image]] text "" text/plain
--rendertiddler $:/core/save/all externalimages.html text/plain
!! Saving Separate Image Files
The following `--savetiddlers` command can be used to save the images of a wiki into an ''images'' subfolder:
--savetiddlers [is[image]] images
!! Externalising Image Tiddlers
Two `--setfield` commands are used: the first sets the ''_canonical_uri'' field to a URI derived from the title of the tiddler, and the second clears the text field.
--setfield [is[image]] _canonical_uri $:/core/templates/canonical-uri-external-image text/plain
--setfield [is[image]] text "" text/plain
The template tiddler [[$:/core/templates/canonical-uri-external-image]] contains:
<$view tiddler="$:/core/templates/canonical-uri-external-image" field="text" format="text"/>
Note that these operations modify the tiddlers in the wiki store and so may affect the operation of subsequent commands.
! Using External Images
You can't edit an external image directly in the browser except by changing the URI field to point to a different image.
Further information about specific TiddlyWiki features:
<<list-links "[tag[Features]]">>
Last but not least, TiddlyWiki is a rare example of a practical [[quine|Quine]]
Federatial Limited is a software consultancy founded by JeremyRuston specializing in understanding the impact of the web on the way that we work together.
See http://federatial.com/ and http://twitter.com/federatial for more information.
If <<.place S>> is empty, <<.op field>> will match both of the following:
* tiddlers that don't contain field <<.place F>>
* tiddlers in which field <<.place F>> exists but has an empty value
The syntax of a [[filter step|Filter Step]] treats any unrecognised [[filter operator|Filter Operators]] as if it was the suffix to the <<.op field>> operator. See the <<.operator-examples "field" "examples">>.
<<.operator-examples "field">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[field:author[JeremyRuston]]" "plugins authored by JeremyRuston">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[plugin-type[theme]author[JeremyRuston]]" "themes authored by JeremyRuston">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
Add tag ''example'' to this tiddler (current)<$button message="tm-add-tag" param="example">{{$:/core/images/new-button}}</$button>
Remove tag ''example'' to this tiddler (current)<$button message="tm-remove-tag" param="example">{{$:/core/images/delete-button}}</$button>
! Introduction
The field mangler widget manipulates the fields and tags of a tiddler. It does so in response to the following [[Messages]]:
|!Message |!Description |
|''tm-remove-field'' |Remove the field specified in `event.param` |
|''tm-add-field'' |Add the field specified in `event.param` |
|''tm-remove-tag'' |Remove the tag specified in `event.param` |
|''tm-add-tag'' |Add the tag specified in `event.param` |
! Content and Attributes
The field mangler widget displays any contained content, and responds to [[Messages]] dispatched within it.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |Title of the tiddler to manipulate (defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]) |
<<.widget-examples "FieldMangler">>
Each input title is processed in turn. Its list of field names is retrieved (in no particular order) and then [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's output.
<<.operator-examples "fields">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[HelloThere]fields[]]" "fields of HelloThere">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[tag[Common Operators]fields[]]" "fields of all tiddlers tagged as [[Common Operators]]">>
! Introduction
The fields widget renders each field of a specified tiddler through a simple text template. A list of fields to exclude can be provided. It is used internally by TiddlyWiki5, notably by the FileSavingMechanism.
!! Template Handling
The provided template is rendered with the following special substitutions:
|!Symbol |!Substitution |
|$name$ |Field name |
|$value$ |Field value |
|$encoded_value$ |HTML encoded form of field value |
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$fields>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |Title of the tiddler from which the fields are to be displayed (defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]) |
|template |Text of the template (see above) |
|exclude |Lists of fields to be excluded (defaults to "text") |
|stripTitlePrefix |If set to "yes" then curly bracketed prefixes are removed from titles (for example `{prefix}HelloThere` converts to `HelloThere`) |
The `stripTitlePrefix` attribute is used when building TiddlyWiki Classic; see `editions/tw2` in the TiddlyWiki5 repo.
<$railroad text="""
[: [[whitespace|"Filter Whitespace"]] ]
[[run|"Filter Run"]]
A <<.def "filter expression">> is the outermost level of the [[filter syntax|Filter Syntax]]. It consists of one or more [[runs|Filter Run]].
A run's input is normally a list of all the non-[[shadow|ShadowTiddlers]] tiddler titles in the wiki (in no particular order). But the `+` prefix can change this.
* If a run has no `+` or `-` prefix, its output titles are [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the filter's output.
* If a run has a `-` prefix, its output titles are <<.em removed>> from the filter's output (if they were present).
* If a run has a `+` prefix, it receives the filter's output so far as its input. The filter's output is then completely <<.em replaced>> by the run's output. Any subsequent run reverts to receiving all tiddler titles as its input, unless it too has a `+` prefix.
In concise technical terms:
|!Run |!Interpretation |!Output |
|`run` |union of sets |... OR run |
|`+run` |intersection of sets |... AND run |
|`-run` |difference of sets |... AND NOT run |
\define .operator-rows(filter)
<$list filter="$filter$"><tr>
<td><$link to={{!!title}}>{{!!caption}}</$link></td>
<td>{{!!op-purpose}} <$list filter="[all[current]tag[Common Operators]]">{{$:/core/images/done-button}}</$list></td>
<td align="center"><$list filter="[all[current]tag[Negatable Operators]]">`!`</$list></td>
\define .group-heading(_)
<tr class="doc-table-subheading"><th colspan="3" align="center">$_$</th></tr>
A <<.def "filter operator">> is a predefined keyword attached to an individual [[step|Filter Step]] of a [[filter|Filters]]. It defines the particular action of that step.
The following table lists all the core operators. The commonest ones are checkmarked. The third column indicates which operators allow <$link to="Filter Step">the <code>!</code> prefix</$link> to reverse their meaning.
<th align="left">Operator</th>
<th align="left">Purpose</th>
<th align="left">Neg</th>
<<.operator-rows "[tag[Filter Operators]!tag[Order Operators]!tag[String Operators]!tag[Tag Operators]!tag[Special Operators]sort[]]">>
<<.group-heading "Order Operators">>
<<.operator-rows "[tag[Filter Operators]tag[Order Operators]!tag[Listops Operators]!tag[String Operators]!tag[Tag Operators]!tag[Special Operators]sort[]]">>
<<.group-heading "Listops Operators">>
<<.operator-rows "[tag[Filter Operators]tag[Listops Operators]tag[Order Operators]!tag[String Operators]!tag[Tag Operators]!tag[Special Operators]sort[]]">>
<<.group-heading "String Operators">>
<<.operator-rows "[tag[Filter Operators]!tag[Order Operators]tag[String Operators]!tag[Tag Operators]!tag[Special Operators]sort[]]">>
<<.group-heading "Tag Operators">>
<<.operator-rows "[tag[Filter Operators]!tag[Order Operators]!tag[String Operators]tag[Tag Operators]!tag[Special Operators]sort[]]">>
<<.group-heading "Special Operators">>
<<.operator-rows "[tag[Filter Operators]!tag[Order Operators]!tag[String Operators]!tag[Tag Operators]tag[Special Operators]sort[]]">>
A typical step is written as `[operator[parameter]]`, although not all of the operators need a [[parameter|Filter Parameter]].
Most steps process the [[selection of titles|Title Selection]] that are supplied as their input, but a few [[construct an entirely new selection|Selection Constructors]] instead. For the exact rules, see [[Filter Syntax]].
<$railroad text="""
( "[" [:{/"anything but ]"/}] "]"
"{" [:{/"anything but }"/}] "}"
"<" [:{/"anything but >"/}] ">"
The parameter to a [[filter operator|Filter Operators]] can be:
;<<.def hard>>
: `[like this]`
: The parameter is the exact text that appears between the square brackets.
;<<.def soft>>
: <<.def indirect>>
:: `{like this}`
:: The parameter is the text indicated by the [[text reference|TextReference]] whose name appears between the curly brackets, i.e. a [[field|TiddlerFields]] of a specified tiddler, or the value of a property of a specified [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]].
: <<.def variable>>
:: `<like this>`
:: The parameter is the current value of the [[variable|Variables]] whose name appears between the angle brackets. Macro parameters are <<.em not>> supported.
<$railroad text="""
( "[" { [[step|"Filter Step"]] } "]"
[:{/"anything but [ ] or whitespace"/}]
'"' [:{/'anything but "'/}] '"'
"'" [:{/"anything but '"/}] "'"
A <<.def run>> consists of [[steps|Filter Step]], and it outputs a [[selection|Title Selection]] that contributes to a larger [[filter expression|Filter Expression]].
The steps are processed from left to right. The input to the first step is same as the input to the run. For each subsequent step, the input is the output of the previous step.
{{Selection Constructors}}
The lower three options in the diagram match syntax like `HelloThere`, `"HelloThere"`, `'HelloThere'` and `"Filter Operators"`. They are short for `[title[...]]`.
The quoted options exist to support titles that contain square brackets, as in `"An [[[[Unusual]]]] Tiddler"`.
<$railroad text="""
[: [[operator|"Filter Operators"]] [:":" suffix] ]
[[parameter|"Filter Parameter"]]
A <<.def step>> represents a single operation within a [[filter|Filter Syntax]].
In programming terms, it is akin to a function call to which [[the step's input|Filter Run]] is passed as an implicit parameter. A step's output is a [[selection|Title Selection]] that contributes to a [[run|Filter Run]] and hence to the entire [[filter expression|Filter Expression]] that contains it.
The step's <<.def operator>> is drawn from a list of [[predefined keywords|Filter Operators]], which can be extended by plugins. Any unrecognised operator is treated as if it was the suffix to the <<.olink field>> operator. If a step's operator is omitted altogether, it defaults to `title`.
The <<.def suffix>> is additional text, often the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]], that extends the meaning of certain operators.
Many steps require an explicit <<.def parameter>> value, also known as an <<.def operand>>, that further defines what the step is to do.
<<.preamble """[[Filters]] follow a grammar that is presented here, using [[railroad diagrams|Railroad Diagrams]], for those who find formal syntax descriptions helpful. However, you can [[learn to write filters|Introduction to filter notation]] without needing to understand this group of tiddlers.""">>
A <<.def filter>> is a pipeline for transforming an <<.def input>> into an <<.def output>>. Both the input and the output are [[ordered sets of titles|Title Selection]] of things like tiddlers and fields.
Filters are [[expressions|Filter Expression]] constructed from smaller building blocks, called [[runs|Filter Run]] and [[steps|Filter Step]], each of which also transforms an input to an output.
A filter starts with an empty output. Its runs are processed from left to right, progressively modifying the output.
Here are details of the various building blocks involved:
<<list-links "[tag[Filter Syntax]]">>
<$railroad text="""
{( "space" | "tab" | "linefeed" | "return" | "vertical tab" | "formfeed" )}
Whitespace characters can appear between each [[run|Filter Run]] of a [[filter expression|Filter Expression]].
You can think of TiddlyWiki as a database in which the records are tiddlers. A database typically provides a way of discovering which records match a given pattern, and in ~TiddlyWiki this is done with filters.
A <<.def filter>> is a concise notation for selecting a particular [[set of tiddlers|Title Selection]], known as its <<.def "output">>. Whenever ~TiddlyWiki encounters a filter, it calculates the output. Further work can then be done with just those tiddlers, such as [[counting|CountWidget]] or [[listing|ListWidget]] them.
The following example passes a filter to the <<.mlink list-links>> macro to display a list of all tiddlers whose titles start with the letter H:
> `<<list-links "[prefix[H]]">>`
A filter's output can change as tiddlers are added and deleted in the wiki. ~TiddlyWiki recalculates on the fly, automatically updating any filter-based counts or lists as well.
[[Advanced Search|$:/AdvancedSearch]] has a <<.advancedsearch-tab Filter>> tab that makes it easy to experiment with filters.
;Find out more:
* [[Introduction to filter notation]] -- a step-by-step walkthrough
* [[Filter Syntax]] -- the detailed technical rules
* [[Filter Operators]] -- the available methods of filtering
<<.operator-examples "first">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]first[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]first[5]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[tag[Filter Operators]!sort[title]first[]]">>
Available character formatting includes:
* <code>`backticks`</code> for `code`
** Alternatively, <code>``double backticks allows `embedded` backticks``</code>
* `''bold''` for ''bold text''
* `//italic//` for //italic text//
* `__underscore__` for __underscored text__
* `^^superscript^^` for ^^superscript^^ text
* `,,subscript,,` for ,,subscripted,, text
* `~~strikethrough~~` for ~~strikethrough~~ text
See also: [[Code Blocks in WikiText]]
Within the text of a tiddler you can use special formatting called WikiText to control how the text is displayed.
! Simple Formatting
At its simplest, WikiText lets you use familiar word-processing features like bold, italic, lists and tables. For example:
The ''quick'' brown ~~flea~~ fox //jumps// over the `lazy` dog
… displays as:
The ''quick'' brown ~~flea~~ fox //jumps// over the `lazy` dog
! Working with Tiddlers
In WikiText, you can link to tiddlers using double square brackets, or by taking advantage of the automatic linking of CamelCase words:
This is a link to HelloThere, and one to [[History of TiddlyWiki]]
… displays as:
This is a link to HelloThere, and one to [[History of TiddlyWiki]]
! Macros
Macros let you package repetitive fragments of WikiText so that you can easily reuse them.
For example, here is the definition of a macro that generates a ~YouTube video URL from its unique identifier:
\define youtube(video)
With that definition in place, `<<youtube 1g66s7UbyuU>>` generates the URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1g66s7UbyuU
! Advanced WikiText
Advanced WikiText features allow you to produce automated lists and interactive features like dropdown menus. In fact, the entire user interface of TiddlyWiki itself is written in WikiText, so any feature that you see in TiddlyWiki can be adapted for use in your own wikis.
Some of the advanced features require complex coding. TiddlyWiki includes several built-in macros that simplify common user interface tasks, like tabs, tables of content, and lists of tiddlers.
! Find out more
See [[WikiText]] for a detailed introduction to writing WikiText.
! Users
The ~TiddlyWiki discussion groups are mailing lists for talking about ~TiddlyWiki: requests for help, announcements of new releases and plugins, debating new features, or just sharing experiences. You can participate via the associated website, or subscribe via email.
* The main ~TiddlyWiki group: http://groups.google.com/group/TiddlyWiki
*> Note that you do not need a Google Account to join the discussion groups. Subscribe by sending an email to mailto:tiddlywiki+subscribe@googlegroups.com or mailto:tiddlywikidev+subscribe@googlegroups.com.
* Watch recordings of our regular [[TiddlyWiki Hangouts]]
* Follow [[@TiddlyWiki on Twitter|http://twitter.com/TiddlyWiki]] for the latest news
! Developers
* The TiddlyWikiDev group for developers: http://groups.google.com/group/TiddlyWikiDev
*> Note that you do not need a Google Account to join the discussion groups. Subscribe by sending an email to mailto:tiddlywiki+subscribe@googlegroups.com or mailto:tiddlywikidev+subscribe@googlegroups.com.
* Follow [[@TiddlyWiki on Twitter|http://twitter.com/#!/TiddlyWiki]] for the latest news
* Get involved in the [[development on GitHub|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5]]
New releases of TiddlyWiki, TiddlyDesktop and TiddlyFox are announced via the discussion groups and [[Twitter|https://twitter.com/TiddlyWiki]] (you can also subscribe to an Atom/RSS feed of [[TiddlyWiki releases from GitHub|https://github.com/jermolene/tiddlywiki5/releases.atom]])
The "full" edition of TiddlyWiki consists of all the available languages, themes and plugins for TiddlyWiki. It is intended for use in testing TiddlyWiki - in particular, for switching between all the available language plugins.
The full edition can be downloaded from:
<a href="editions/full/index.html" target="_blank">editions/full/index.html</a>
TiddlyWiki is designed with the long term needs of its users in mind. Because it is OpenSource and needs no infrastructure, we can be confident that all we'll need to access a ~TiddlyWiki file even in the far future is an ordinary HTML browser. If you're starting to use ~TiddlyWiki at the beginning of your career you can be confident that it will carry you through to retirement.
TiddlyWiki5 can be used to generate static HTML representations of a TiddlyWiki that doesn't need JavaScript.
There is much flexibility in how the static HTML is generated. The following scenarios are all illustrated on http://tiddlywiki.com.
! Wiki Snapshots and Tiddler Snapshots
You can explore a static representation of this TiddlyWiki at <a href="static.html">static.html</a>. That file is a static snapshot of the current DefaultTiddlers. Any tiddlers that it links to are referred to via URLs of the form `/static/HelloThere.html` that point to static snapshots of individual tiddlers. The tiddler HTML files reference a `static.css` stylesheet file.
The following commands are used to generate the sample static version of the TiddlyWiki5 site:
--rendertiddlers [!is[system]] $:/core/templates/static.tiddler.html static text/plain
--rendertiddler $:/core/templates/static.template.html static.html text/plain
--rendertiddler $:/core/templates/static.template.css static/static.css text/plain
The first RenderTiddlersCommand generates the HTML representations of individual tiddlers, the second RenderTiddlerCommand saves the static version of the DefaultTiddlers, and the final RenderTiddlerCommand saves the stylesheet. (All the files are placed in the `output` folder of the wiki folder).
! Wiki Snapshot with Internal Links
It is also possible to produce a single HTML file that contains static representations of tiddlers, and uses standard HTML anchor links to jump between them.
For example: <a href="alltiddlers.html">alltiddlers.html</a>
The example is built by the following commands:
--rendertiddler $:/core/templates/alltiddlers.template.html alltiddlers.html text/plain
Each input title is processed in turn. If the corresponding tiddler contains field <<.place F>>, and the value of this field is not empty, then its value is appended to the output.
Unlike most other [[Filter Operators]], the [[selection|Title Selection]] output by <<.op get>> can contain duplicates. To avoid duplicates, use `each[F]get[F]`.
<<.operator-examples "get">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[all[current]get[draft.of]]" "the title of the tiddler of which the current tiddler is a draft">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[get[tags]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[each[tags]get[tags]]">>
//This is a sample task for the TaskManagementExample//
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="the name of a [[property|DataTiddlers]]"
output="the values of property <<.place P>> in each of the input titles"
Each input title is processed in turn, and is ignored if it does not denote a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]]. If the tiddler contains property <<.place P>>, the value of that property is [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the output.
<<.operator-examples "getindex">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[$:/palettes/Vanilla]getindex[background]]" "returns the value at index ''background'' of the [[DataTiddler|DataTiddlers]] [[$:/palettes/Vanilla]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[tag[$:/tags/Palette]getindex[background]]" "returns all background colors defined in any of the ColourPalettes">>
This brief tutorial takes you through the basics of saving changes with a standalone TiddlyWiki file.
//Note that the video is a bit out of date, and will be updated soon!//
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/1g66s7UbyuU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
\define default-platform()
GettingStarted - $(browser-name)$
Brief instructions for getting started on the different platforms and configurations that TiddlyWiki supports. See the [[A Gentle Guide to TiddlyWiki]] for a more leisurely introduction.
<$set name="browser-name" value={{$:/info/browser/name}}>
<$macrocall $name="tabs" state="$:/state/tabs/platform" tabsList="[prefix[GettingStarted - ]]" default=<<default-platform>> class="tc-vertical"/>
* Don't attempt to use the browser ''File''/''Save'' menu option to save changes (it doesn't work)
See also:
* [[Encryption]] explains how to use TiddlyWiki's built-in encryption to protect your content with a password
* [[Saving on TiddlySpot]], a free service that lets you use TiddlyWiki online
* Saving on TiddlyDesktop, a custom desktop application for working with TiddlyWiki
* You can also download this full TiddlyWiki including all the documentation:
If the button doesn't work save this link:
<a href="http://tiddlywiki.com/index.html" download="index.html">~http://tiddlywiki.com/index.html</a>
Your browser may ask you to accept the download before it begins
There are two options for using TiddlyWiki on Android:
! Using Firefox and TiddlyFox
{{Saving with TiddlyFox on Android}}
! Using the AndTidWiki App
{{Saving on Android}}
TiddlyWiki on Google Chrome can only save changes using the HTML5-compatible fallback saver module.
{{Saving with the HTML5 fallback saver}}
Firefox provides the best user experience for using TiddlyWiki with the TiddlyFox browser extension.
{{Saving with TiddlyFox}}
{{Saving with TiddlyIE}}
The [[Windows HTA Hack]] describes an alternative method of using TiddlyWiki with Internet Explorer.
{{Saving on iPad/iPhone}}
{{Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js}}
TiddlyWiki on Safari can only save changes using the manual HTML5-compatible fallback saver module.
{{Saving on Safari}}
GitHub is a hosting service for distributed projects that use git as their version-control system. It allows free hosting and management of open-source projects and facilitates collaborative developement on the source code. Using GitHub for non-open-source endeavors requires additional fees.
The code and documentation of TiddlyWiki is hosted on GitHub at:
//This is a sample task for the TaskManagementExample//
The following sidebar tabs give examples of grouped lists created by nesting.
!! Types Tab
For the [[Types|$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/Types]] tab, the outer list filter as shown below selects each discrete value found in the `type` field. The inner list filter selects all the (non-system) tiddlers with that type.
<<tw-code "$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/Types">>
!! Recent Tab
The list in the [[Recent|$:/core/ui/SideBar/Recent]] tab is generated using the <<.mlink timeline>> macro. Here, the outer list filter selects each discrete day found in the `modified` field, while the inner list filter selects all the tiddlers dated the same day in the `modified` field.
<<tw-code-link "$:/core/macros/timeline">>
TiddlyWiki makes a great GuerillaWiki in situations where it is not practical to use a traditional wiki.
For instance, in a corporate setting, persuading an over-worked IT department to install a Wiki server for you is seldom going to be possible overnight. And if your PC is locked down you can't install a conventional Wiki yourself. Equally, you can't go and use one of the public hosted Wiki services because your Information Security department would not allow all that corporate data to flow into an outside server.
TiddlyWiki slices through those barriers by being usable on virtually all PCs.
A <<.def "hard link">> is one that can be detected by a superficial examination of WikiText.
A link is <<.def "soft">> if it is:
* contained in text [[trancluded|Transclusion]] from elsewhere
* supplied via a [[macro|Macros]] or [[variable|Variables]]
* generated by a link widget whose <<.attr to>> attribute is a transclusion, macro or variable
<$macrocall $name=".warning" _="""Soft links are not detected by link-related filter operators such as <<.olink backlinks>>, <<.olink links>>, <<.olink all>> and <<.olink is>>."""/>
The usual handling of [[paragraphs in wikitext|Paragraphs in WikiText]] causes single line breaks to be ignored, and double linebreaks to be interpreted as the end of a paragraph.
This behaviour isn't convenient when dealing with material that incorporates hard linebreaks - for instance, poetry. You can mark a block of content as containing hard line breaks like this:
<<wikitext-example src:'"""
This is a line
and this is a new line
while this is yet another line
and this is the final one
apart from this one
<<.operator-examples "has">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[has[color]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[tag[Concepts]!has[modified]]">>
A tiddler is deemed to have been modified if it has been written back to the wiki since the start of the current ~TiddlyWiki session. If you edit a tiddler and immediately store it again without making any changes, that is enough to mark it as modified.
<<.operator-examples "haschanged">>
Headings are specified with one or more leading `!` characters:
! This is a level 1 heading
!! This is a level 2 heading
!!! This is a level 3 heading
CSS classes can be assigned to individual headings like this:
!.myStyle This heading has the class `myStyle`
''Have you ever had the feeling that your head is not quite big enough to hold everything you need to remember?''
Welcome to TiddlyWiki, a unique [[non-linear|Philosophy of Tiddlers]] notebook for [[capturing|Creating and editing tiddlers]], [[organising|Structuring TiddlyWiki]] and [[sharing|Sharing your tiddlers with others]] complex information.
Use it to keep your [[to-do list|TaskManagementExample]], to plan an [[essay or novel|"TiddlyWiki for Scholars" by Alberto Molina]], or to organise your wedding. Record every thought that crosses your brain, or build a flexible and responsive website.
<div style="font-size:0.7em;text-align:center;margin-top:2em;margin-bottom:2em;">
<<list-thumbnails filter:"[tag[HelloThumbnail]]" width:"168" height:"95">>
Unlike conventional online services, TiddlyWiki lets you choose where to keep your data, guaranteeing that in the decades to come you will still be able to use the notes you take today.
<div style="font-size:0.7em;text-align:center;margin-top:3em;margin-bottom:3em;">
<a href="http://groups.google.com/group/TiddlyWiki" class="tc-btn-big-green" style="background-color:#FF8C19;" target="_blank">
{{$:/core/images/mail}} ~TiddlyWiki Mailing List
<a href="https://twitter.com/TiddlyWiki" class="tc-btn-big-green" style="background-color:#5E9FCA;" target="_blank">
{{$:/core/images/twitter}} @~TiddlyWiki on Twitter
<a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5" class="tc-btn-big-green" style="background-color:#444;" target="_blank">
{{$:/core/images/github}} ~TiddlyWiki on ~GitHub
If you find TiddlyWiki useful, there are lots of ways you can help assure its future and make it better.
! Teach and Tell
OpenSource projects like ~TiddlyWiki thrive on the feedback and engagement of users. ~TiddlyWiki becomes more useful to everyone as more and more people use it. So, if you find ~TiddlyWiki useful, spread the word. The best possible way to assure its future is for it to become a hundred times more popular than before.
* [img[https://img.shields.io/twitter/url/http/tiddlywiki.com.svg?style=social]]
* Tweet about ~TiddlyWiki: [[I love TiddlyWiki because...|https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=I+love+TiddlyWiki+because...&source=tiddlywiki5]]
* [img[https://img.shields.io/github/stars/jermolene/tiddlywiki5.svg?style=social&label=Star]]
* [[Star the TiddlyWiki5 GitHub Repository|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5]]
* [[Display the TiddlyWiki Poster|http://tiddlywiki.com/poster]]
[img width=232 [Tiddler Poster.png]]
! Help improve the documentation and code
There are many ways you can contribute to ~TiddlyWiki:
* Writing tutorials
* Contributing to the documentation on tiddlywiki.com
* Making video screencasts
* Curating relevant links, hints and tips on a wiki
The main ~TiddlyWiki documentation and code lives on GitHub, and welcomes [[contributions|Contributing]]:
* https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5
Until a proper user interface is built, KeyboardShortcuts can only be altered via hidden settings:
$:/config/shortcuts/cancel-edit-tiddler - keyboard shortcut for cancelling editing
$:/config/shortcuts/save-tiddler - keyboard shortcut for confirming editing a tiddler
When TiddlyWiki first opens in the browser the search box is automatically given the focus by default. If this causes problems, you can change the default by changing this value from ''true'' to ''false'':
TiddlyWiki defers processing changes to draft tiddlers until a timeout has elapsed. The default value of 400ms gives a good balance of responsiveness in most cases but isn't always optimal on lower powered mobile devices.
The timeout can now be changed by changing this value (in milliseconds):
The most useful configuration settings for TiddlyWiki are exposed in the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] but some more advanced settings do not have a full user interface. Instead, the underlying configuration tiddlers are edited directly.
To change these settings on an empty TiddlyWiki, you can drag the links to the individual configuration tiddlers directly from this wiki into yours.
<<list-links "[tag[Hidden Settings]]">>
The Highlight plugin provides the ability to apply syntax colouring to text.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/highlight/
//These are personal reflections on the history and development of TiddlyWiki from JeremyRuston//
! Origins of TiddlyWiki
Back in 1997 a colleague introduced me to [[Ward Cunningham's original wiki|http://c2.com/cgi/wiki]]. I was impressed that something so powerful could fit into just 700 lines of Perl, and fascinated by the radical reimagining of security and permissions. Like many other developers, I took every opportunity I could to try out various wikis, and to explore their use at work.
The allure of the wiki for me was the feeling that it could eventually disrupt the prevailing paradigm of print-oriented documents and emails.
After watching people use wikis for a few years, I noticed that power users made extensive use of the ability to open multiple wiki pages at once in several browser tabs, making it easier for them to compare and review pages, to copy text between them and to act as a sort of queue of pages yet to be read.
I felt that this ability to manipulate multiple pages at once was central to the ability to refactor a wiki, and it is generally accepted that a wiki that is lovingly refactored tends to be more useful. And yet, standard wiki user interfaces have always been designed exclusively for the presentation and manipulation of single pages at once.
All of these thoughts came together when I saw GMail in April 2004, which used Ajax cleverly to blend individual emails into threaded conversations.
I started experimenting with HTML and JavaScript to explore the idea further. I'd had virtually no experience of either, just having put together some static pages and simple ASP sites in previous lives. Getting my head around these client-side technologies was painful; like everyone else, I was horrified to discover how appalling were the incompatibilities and inconsistencies of web programming.
! Launch of TiddlyWiki
So, in September 2004 I released a primitive [[first version of TiddlyWiki|http://classic.tiddlywiki.com/firstversion.html]]. It was the smallest possible thing that demonstrated the idea: it was a simple, self-contained static 48KB HTML file.
The downside of writing the first version of TiddlyWiki in this way was that it made it completely impractical to use for editing - when you click 'save changes' it just pops up a window showing the data that would be saved if it were possible for an HTML page to write to the file system.
Much of the early feedback was that TiddlyWiki was neat, but that it would be more useful when it was possible to properly save changes. I was a little frustrated, as I thought I knew that it was impossible for an HTML file running in the browser to save changes to the local file system.
Within a few months I saw an experimental Firefox extension that enabled TiddlyWiki to save changes in the browser. Examining the code, I realised that the APIs that it used to write to the file system were actually available in ordinary HTML files - as long as they were loaded via a `file://` URI.
I adapted the Firefox code into the core of TiddlyWiki, and soon added a similar ability for Internet Explorer (making use of an old ActiveX control that Microsoft distributed with Internet Explorer).
! Growth of TiddlyWiki
A major milestone in the growth of TiddlyWiki was the creation of "GTDTiddlyWiki" by Nathan Bowers. He took the vanilla TiddlyWiki product and adapted it for the specific application of keeping track of tasks using the popular Getting Things Done methodology. GTDTiddlyWiki was an immediate hit, being enthusiastically greeted on websites like LifeHacker.
Over the next couple of years TiddlyWiki continued to grow in popularity, and gained new features and capabilities. Within a year I was able to support myself by performing bespoke development work on TiddlyWiki, notably working with wiki pioneer SocialText on the ability to synchronise changes with an online server
! BT Acquisition
In May 2007, [[BT]] acquired [[Osmosoft]], my consultancy company. It was an unusual decision to acquire a company with a single employee and a tiny trickle of revenue - [[Osmosoft]] didn't even own the intellectual property in TiddlyWiki since I had handed it over to UnaMesa to assure its future for the community.
[[BT]]'s motivation was to help them understand community-based ecosystems. I joined the organisation as "Head of Open Source Innovation", taking responsibility for open source governance, and providing advice and expertise on how to participate in open soure communities.
! [[Osmosoft]] and TiddlySpace
I built a team in BT under the name [[Osmosoft]]. Our purpose was to evangelise the benefits of open source, and to help other teams realise those benefits in practice. We also found that it was necessary to evangelise the use of the web in general, and web standards in particular.
Our approach was to focus on showing rather than telling. We worked with the TiddlyWiki community to extend the ecosystem and we built numerous internal systems for BT (some based on TiddlyWiki and some not).
[[Osmosoft]]'s chief contribution to the TiddlyWiki community was the creation of TiddlyWeb and TiddlySpace. TiddlyWeb was a robust, internet scale server for tiddlers that could also compose TiddlyWiki views of those tiddlers. TiddlySpace was an attempt to package TiddlyWeb into a more directly usable form.
! Leaving BT
By the end of 2011 I was increasingly feeling that I would be better placed to realise the potential of TiddlyWiki outside of the corporate confines BT. Accordingly, I left and started work as an independent developer, primarily working on a brand new reboot of TiddlyWiki in the shape of TiddlyWiki5.
! Development of TiddlyWiki5
I worked on new release of TiddlyWiki from November 2011. As a programmer, working on "version 2.0" of something that I had already written is a very attractive proposition. It means that the requirements were fully understood, allowing me to focus on evolving the architecture needed to support the desired functionality.
! The Future
Now that TiddlyWiki5 has finally left "beta" status behind, my hope is that it will have a long life. Because it only uses standard features of HTML5 and Node.js, there is no reason why it cannot be fully operational for many years to come. My goal is for it to last for at least 25 years.
//Jeremy Ruston, 20th September 2014//
The system tiddler [[$:/HistoryList]] keeps track of a list of tiddlers comprising the navigation history. Each time you click on a link to a tiddler, the title of the target tiddler is added to the top of the stack.
The history list is stored in JSON to allow additional details about the coordinates of the DOM node that initiated the navigation.
The history list also maintains the field ''current-tiddler'' that contains the name of the tiddler at the top of the stack. This field can be used like so:
<$list filter="[list[$:/StoryList]]" history="$:/HistoryList" storyview="pop">
<$button message="tm-close-tiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-mini">×</$button> <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/> <$reveal type="match" state="$:/HistoryList!!current-tiddler" text=<<currentTiddler>>>✓</$reveal></$link>
Which renders the same as the "Open" sidebar tab, with the addition of a tick against the tiddler that was last navigated to.
<$list filter="[list[$:/StoryList]]" history="$:/HistoryList" storyview="pop">
<$button message="tm-close-tiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-mini">×</$button> <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/> <$reveal type="match" state="$:/HistoryList!!current-tiddler" text=<<currentTiddler>>>✓</$reveal></$link>
!! Empty Story
To display content when the story is empty, create $:/config/EmptyStoryMessage and enter the desired contents. The following would show the GettingStarted tiddler when all others are closed.
You can include a horizontal rule with three or more dashes on their own on a line:
<<wikitext-example src:"
When you edit a tiddler on http://tiddlywiki.com you will see a small ribbon inviting you to edit the source of the tiddler on GitHub.
If you are using Node.js, you can replicate this feature for your own TiddlyWiki-based site as follows:
# Make sure the following setting is included in the `tiddlywiki.info` file in your WikiFolder:
#> <pre><code> "config": {
"retain-original-tiddler-path": true
# Copy the tiddler [[$:/ContributionBanner]] to your wiki
# Make the following changes:
## Adjust the GitHub link URL from https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/edit/master/editions/tw5.com/tiddlers/ to point to your own GitHub repo
## Make sure the wording of the text starting "Can you help us improve this documentation?" is appropriate for your visitors
## Adjust the link to [[Improving TiddlyWiki Documentation]] to point to your own tiddler with instructions for the contribution procedure
To create a new tab in the sidebar menu:
# Create a tiddler and tag it with the [[SystemTag|SystemTags]] tag [[$:/tags/SideBar]]
#* To create a table of contents you can populate the new tab tiddler using the [[table-of-contents macros|Table-of-Contents Macros]]. For example, see the [[TableOfContents]] used here
# By default, the tiddler title is used as the tab title but you can override it using the `caption` field
# To define the tab ordering, use the `list-after` or `list-before` fields as discussed in [[Tagging]]
#* For example: set `list-after` to [[$:/core/ui/SideBar/Open]] to place a sidebar tab immediately after the "Open" tab
Note that you can create new tabs under the "More" tab in the same way by using the tag `$:/tags/MoreSideBar`.
You can apply custom styles to tiddlers that have a particular tag by defining a CSS class with the name `tc-tagged-<Tag Name>`.
For example, to make tiddlers tagged "NightReader" appear in a special colour scheme suitable for night-time reading, [[create a stylesheet|Using Stylesheets]] defining the class `tc-tagged-NightReader` like this:
.tc-tagged-NightReader {
color: orange;
padding: 35px 35px;
.tc-tagged-NightReader .tc-tiddler-body {
font-size: 1.5em;
The `tc-tagged-NightReader` class is applied to the entire tiddler and not just the tiddler text. If you want to target a smaller portion of the tiddler you can qualify the CSS selector, as is done here with `.tc-tagged-NightReader .tc-tiddler-body`.
Note that tags containing spaces or non-alphanumeric characters will be converted using URI encoding, making the generated CSS classname hard to predict. For example:
|!Tag |!Generated Class Name |
|`$:/mytag` |`tc-tagged-%24%3A%2Fmytag` |
|`Doctor Who` |`tc-tagged-Doctor%20Who` |
|`£35.23` |`tc-tagged-%C2%A335.23` |
Although ~TiddlyWiki will generate these tags, to actually use them in your css, you will need to escape the percent character in your stylesheet, like:
.tc-tagged-Doctor\%20Who {
background-image: url(./tardis_back.svg);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: right;
A utility function is available in JavaScript to perform the conversion:
Generates the following output:
First install TiddlyWiki as described in [[Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js]].
# Create an empty [[TiddlyWikiFolder|TiddlyWikiFolders]]
## Create a new folder in a convenient place (for example `~/MyWiki`)
## Create a file called `tiddlywiki.info` containing the following text:
##* `{"themes": ["tiddlywiki/vanilla","tiddlywiki/snowwhite"]}`
## Create a subfolder called `tiddlers`
##* Alternatively, just copy the `editions/empty` folder from the TiddlyWiki5 repo
# Create individual TiddlerFiles in the `~/MyWiki/tiddlers` directory
# Execute the following command from the TiddlyWiki5 root directory to build a TiddlyWiki5 file from the tiddlers:
## `tiddlywiki ~/MyWiki --rendertiddler $:/core/save/all index.html text/plain`
!!! Selecting All tiddlers for export
To export ''all'' tiddlers click on the "Tools" tab of the Sidebar. Find and click the ``export all`` ({{$:/core/ui/Buttons/export-tiddler}}) button. A pop-up menu will offer you the chance to export tiddlers in multiple formats.
!!! Exporting a tiddler
If you want to export a particular tiddler, first navigate to that tiddler. Then click on the More Actions icon ({{$:/core/ui/Buttons/more-tiddler-actions}}) that appears above the tiddler. From the list that appears select ``export tiddler``. A pop-up menu will offer you the chance to export the tiddler in multiple formats.
!!! Exporting tiddlers matching a criteria (filter)
To export a selection of tiddlers, click the little magnifying glass next to the search area on the sidebar. This will open the [[Advanced Search|$:/AdvancedSearch]] tiddler. Click on the ``Filter`` tab of the Advanced Search tiddler. Only the [[Filter|Filters]] tab will allow you to export a selection of tiddlers. [[Filters]] follow a particular syntax. Click on this [[Filters|Filters]] link to learn about how to make filters.
Once you have written a filter, a list of tiddlers matching the filter will appear. Now you can click on the export icon ({{$:/core/ui/Buttons/export-tiddler}}) to the right of the filter input field. A pop-up menu will offer you the chance to export tiddlers in multiple formats.
!!! Export formats
Currently, the export formats available are:
* CSV file format
* JSON file format
* Static HTML file
* ".tid" file format
The ``".tid"`` format is unique from the other formats in that only one tiddler will be exported, even if you are attempting to export all tiddlers or a selection of tiddlers.
Here's how to display the last modification date of a wiki in a banner in the corner of the window:
# Copy the plugin [[$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/github-fork-ribbon]] to your TiddlyWiki
# Save and reload your wiki
# Create a new tiddler called [[$:/_MyRibbon]] tagged [[$:/tags/PageControls]] and containing:<div>
<div class="github-fork-ribbon-wrapper right">
<div class="github-fork-ribbon" style="background-color:#DF4848;">
<$list filter="[!is[system]!has[draft.of]!sort[modified]limit[1]]">
<$view field="modified" format="date" template="DD mmm YYYY at 0hh:0mm"/>
# If required, change the background-color value to your preference
# You can also try changing the positioning class from `right` to `right-bottom`
## To make the banner appear at the top left you'll need to tag the tiddler [[$:/tags/PageTemplate]] instead of [[$:/tags/PageControls]] and then change the position class to `left`
HTML tags and comments can be used directly in WikiText. For example:
<article class="hello">
This is my nice and simple block of text. HelloThere
<!-- This comment will not appear in the wikified output -->
! Content Parsing
The content of an HTML element will be parsed in inline mode unless the opening tag is followed by two linebreaks, in which case it is parsed in block mode. (Inline mode means that block mode formatting such as tables, lists and headings is not recognised).
! Attributes
Attributes in HTML tags can be specified as a literal, a transclusion or a macro invocation. For example, here the value of the `href` attribute will be set to the value of the tiddler MyLinkDestination:
<a href={{MyLinkDestination}}>link</a>
Here an attribute is specified as a macro invocation:
<a href=<<MyMacro "Brian">>>link</a>
Literal attribute values can include line breaks. For example:
<div data-address="Mouse House,
Mouse Lane,
By using triple-double quotes you can specify attribute values that include single double quotes. For example:
<div data-address="""Mouse House,
"Mouse" Lane,
<<.dlink-ex HTML "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML">> is a standard plain-text format used for defining the content of a web page.
It consists of a tree of elements expressed using a system of special <<.def tags>> enclosed in angle brackets.
Almost the whole of HTML can be used unchanged in the WikiText of a tiddler.
Here is an example of using the ListWidget and the TranscludeWidget to show a grid of all system images (ie, tiddlers tagged [[$:/tags/Image]]).
.my-gallery svg {
width: 6em;
height: 6em;
margin: 1em;
<div class="my-gallery">
<$list filter="[all[tiddlers+shadows]tag[$:/tags/Image]]">
<span title=<<currentTiddler>>>
! Image Formatting
Images can be included in WikiText with the following syntax:
[img[Motovun Jack.jpg]]
If the image source is the title of an image tiddler then that tiddler is directly displayed. Otherwise it is interpreted as a URL and an HTML `<img>` tag is generated with the `src` attribute containing the URL.
A tooltip can also be specified:
[img[An explanatory tooltip|Motovun Jack.jpg]]
Attributes can be provided to specify CSS classes and the image width and height:
[img width=32 [Motovun Jack.jpg]]
[img width=32 class="tc-image" [Motovun Jack.jpg]]
Note that attributes can be specified as transclusions or variable references:
[img width={{!!mywidth}} class=<<image-classes>> [Motovun Jack.jpg]]
The image syntax is a shorthand for invoking the ImageWidget.
! Displaying Images via Transclusion
You can also display an image stored in a tiddler by transcluding that tiddler. The disadvantage of this approach is that there is no direct way to control the size of the image.
{{Motovun Jack.jpg}}
Renders as:
{{Motovun Jack.jpg}}
! Introduction
The image widget displays images that can be specified as a remote URL or the title of a local tiddler containing the image.
! Content and Attributes
Any content of the `<$image>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|source |The URL of the image, or the title of an image tiddler |
|width |The width of the image |
|height |The height of the image |
|tooltip |The tooltip to be displayed over the image |
|alt |The alternative text to be associated with the image |
|class |CSS classes to be assigned to the `<img>` element |
The width and the height can be specified as pixel values (eg "23" or "23px") or percentages (eg "23%"). They are both optional; if not provided the browser will use CSS rules to size the image.
! External Images and the ''_canonical_uri'' field
When used to display tiddler-based images, the image widget operates in two distinct modes:
* If the ''_canonical_uri'' field is present then it is used as the ''src'' attribute of the generated `<img>` element and the ''text'' field is ignored
* Without the ''_canonical_uri'' field, the image widget generates an `<img>` element that embeds the image data directly using a `data:` URI.
See ExternalImages for more details.
You can import content into a TiddlyWiki file in several ways:
* Use the ''import'' button (under the ''Tools'' tab in the sidebar) to select a local file
* Drag and drop files from Windows Explorer or Mac OS X Finder into the TiddlyWiki browser window
* Paste content directly from the clipboard using the menu or keyboard shortcut (control-V or command-V)
** GoogleChrome is currently the only browser to support pasting
! Introduction
The ImportVariablesWidget imports macro and variable definitions from a list of other tiddlers and makes them available to its children. For example:
<$importvariables filter="[tag[mySpecialMacros]]">
All the macros defined in tiddlers with the tag "mySpecialMacros" are available here
! Attributes and Content
The content of the importvariables widget is the scope within which the imported variable definitions are available.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|filter |[[Tiddler filter|Filters]] defining the tiddlers from which macro definitions will be imported |
! Global Macros
So-called global macros are implemented within the main page template ([[$:/core/ui/PageTemplate]]) by wrapping the page content in the following importvariables widget:
<$importvariables filter="[[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Macro]!has[draft.of]]">
Anyone can submit improvements to the TiddlyWiki documentation that appears on http://tiddlywiki.com.
# Read and observe the [[Documentation Style Guide]]
# Create an account on https://github.com if you don't already have one
# If you haven't done so already, sign the [[Contributor License Agreement]] as described in [[Signing the Contributor License Agreement]]
# On http://tiddlywiki.com, click "edit" on the tiddler you want to improve
# You should see a pink banner with the text: //Can you help us improve this documentation? Find out how to edit this tiddler on ~GitHub//
# Click on the external link ...''this tiddler on ~GitHub''
## You will be prompted that "you need to fork this repository to propose changes". A "fork" is your own copy of the repository that incorporates the changes you are proposing
# A new browser tab should open ready to edit the tiddler on github.com
# Below the edit box for the tiddler text you should see a box labelled ''Propose file change''
# Enter a brief title to explain the change (eg, "Clarify attribute syntax instability")
# If necessary, enter a longer description too
# Click the green button labelled ''Propose file change''
# On the following screen, click the green button labelled ''Create pull request''
[[Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] or one of the other core developers will then have the opportunity to merge your pull request so that it is incorporated into the next build of http://tiddlywiki.com.
Mario Pietsch has created these short video tutorials:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/L4zTkMYcri8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/6ElUruH92tc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/axFCk9KsMFc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
A plugin that allows changes to be synchronised with the IndexedDB database that is built-in to most browsers.
Being quite new to TW5 development I tried my best to draft a SyncAdaptor to store tiddlers in IndexedDb. This is quite useful if an application / plugin installation is not possible (we have quite some restrictions at work...).
Each input title is processed in turn, and is ignored if it does not denote a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]]. The list of property names is retrieved from the data tiddler (in no particular order) and then [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's output.
Where a tiddler's [[content is JSON|JSONTiddlers]] with an array as its root, the <<.op indexes>> operator retrieves a selection of integer indices instead.
<<.operator-examples "indexes">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[{$:/palette}indexes[]sort[title]]" "all the colours defined in the current [[colour palette|ColourPalettes]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[[$:/HistoryList]indexes[]]" "integer output because the [[history list|$:/HistoryList]] is an array">>
System tiddlers in the namespace `$:/info/` are used to expose information about the system (including the current browser) so that WikiText applications can adapt themselves to available features.
! Information Tiddlers
|!Title |!Description |
|[[$:/info/browser]] |Running in the browser? ("yes" or "no") |
|[[$:/info/node]] |Running under [[Node.js]]? ("yes" or "no") |
Each tiddler has a panel of additional information. To reveal it, click the {{$:/core/images/down-arrow}} button in the tiddler's toolbar and then choose {{$:/core/images/info-button}} ''info'' from the dropdown list.
The info panel has the following tabs:
* ''Tools'' - This offers buttons for various actions you can perform on the tiddler. The checkbox next to each button lets you promote an action to the tiddler's toolbar - this will affect all of the tiddlers in your wiki
* ''References'', ''Tagging'', ''List'' and ''Listed'' - These list various kinds of related tiddlers. See [[Using links to navigate between tiddlers]]
* ''Fields'' - This summarises all of the tiddler's [[fields|TiddlerFields]], except for ''text''
* ''Advanced'' - This indicates whether the tiddler is a [[shadow|ShadowTiddlers]]. If it is, this also reveals which plugin it comes from and whether it has been overridden by an ordinary tiddler
To close the info panel, click anywhere outside it.
See also:
* [[Environment Variables on Node.js]]
# Create a backup of your current TiddlyWiki HTML file ([[just in case|The First Rule of Using TiddlyWiki]])
# Open your TiddlyWiki in a browser
# Open the [[$:/ControlPanel]], click on the ''Plugins'' tab and then the ''Get more plugins'' button
# Click ''open plugin library'' to open the official plugin library
# When the library listing is loaded:
## Use the dropdown to select between ''plugins'', ''themes'' and ''languages''
## Use the ''search'' box to search the plugin details
# Click the ''install'' button to install a plugin
# Save your TiddlyWiki
# ''Refresh the page so that TiddlyWiki loads the new plugin''
# The plugin should now be available for use
# Install [[Node.js]] from http://nodejs.org
# Open a command line terminal and type:
#> `npm install -g tiddlywiki`
#> If it fails with an error you may need to re-run the command as an administrator:
#> `sudo npm install -g tiddlywiki` (Mac/Linux)
# Check TiddlyWiki is installed by typing:
#> `tiddlywiki --version`
# In response, you should see TiddlyWiki report its current version (eg "<<version>>"; you may also see other debugging information reported)
# Try it out:
## `tiddlywiki mynewwiki --init server` to create a folder for a new wiki that includes server-related components
## `tiddlywiki mynewwiki --server` to start TiddlyWiki
## Visit in your browser
## Try editing and creating tiddlers
The `-g` flag causes TiddlyWiki to be installed globally. Without it, TiddlyWiki will only be available in the directory where you installed it.
If you are using Debian or Debian-based Linux and you are reciving a `node: command not found` error though node.js package is installed, you may need to create a symbolic link between `nodejs` and `node`. Consult your distro's manual and `whereis` to correctly create a link. See github [[issue 1434|http://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1434]]
Example Debian v8.0: `sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node`
# Clone a local copy of the TiddlyWiki5 GitHub repository from https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5
# Open a command line terminal and change the current working directory to the root of the TiddlyWiki5 repo
# Type `npm link` (Windows) or `sudo npm link` (Mac/Linux) to tell [[npm]] to use this copy of the repo as the globally installed one
After this procedure you can work with TiddlyWiki5 via [[npm]] as though it had been installed in the usual way with `npm install -g tiddlywiki`.
Update the clone from time to time in order to ensure that you have the latest code.
<<.def "Instruction tiddlers">> talk directly to the reader and guide them through a process. The reader is likely to be a beginner or an intermediate user.
Such tiddlers can be subcategorised as:
* What is ~TiddlyWiki and why should I care?
* Demonstrations of key features and benefits
* Frequently asked questions
* Examples of ~TiddlyWiki in the field
* Information about the project itself
* An ordered presentation of material for beginners
* Each tiddler introduces one new point or concept
* Its main content contains very few links
* A revealable <<.word "Find out more">> section at the end can offer related links
* Accompanying a tutorial tiddler
* Solution revealed on demand
* A list of numbered steps for performing a small specific task
* Concise, with links to reference tiddlers where appropriate
* Often has a preamble to clarify the nature of the task
* Accompanying a [[reference tiddler|Reference Tiddlers]]
* Can contain explanations and similar commentary
* Kept separate to keep the reference tiddler pure
Instruction tiddlers talk directly to the reader as <<.word you>>. They can be reasonably chatty.
But they avoid excessively colloquial language, cultural or topical references and attempts at humour, as these can baffle or even offend the international readership. They also avoid potentially frustrating the reader with descriptions of features as <<.word convenient>> or <<.word easy>>.
A git choose-your-own-adventure!ⓡ for walking yourself though fixing a //broken// Git repository.
This document is an attempt to be a fairly comprehensive guide to recovering from what you did not mean to do when using git. It isn't that git is so complicated that you need a large document to take care or your particular problem, it is more that the set of things that you might have done is so large that different techniques are needed depending on exactly what you have done and what you want to have happen.
This brief introduction shows how to install and use TiddlyDesktop:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/i3Bggkm7paA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<<.preamble """This explains the basics of writing a [[filter|Filters]] to select a set of tiddlers. For a more technical presentation, see [[Filter Syntax]].""">>
<$macrocall $name=".tip" _="""Filters do nothing if you just type them into a tiddler on their own. They need a context. An easy way to experiment with filters is to type them into the <<.advancedsearch-tab Filter>> tab of [[Advanced Search|$:/AdvancedSearch]]."""/>
The simplest case is where you already know exactly which tiddlers you want. Type each title in double square brackets, with a space between each one and the next:
> `[[Recipe book]] [[ScrambledEggs]] [[Mom's apple pie]]`
You can omit the square brackets when a title doesn't contain any spaces:
> `[[Recipe book]] ScrambledEggs [[Mom's apple pie]]`
The double square brackets are actually a shorthand for this:
> `[title[ScrambledEggs]]`
... which gives us the <<.def "general model">> for any filter:
> `[operator[parameter]]`
For instance, here's how to select all the tiddlers that have been tagged <<.tag Recipe>>:
> `[tag[Recipe]]`
We can reverse the meaning by adding an exclamation mark `!` just before the operator. For example, we can select any tiddlers that do <<.em not>> have the <<.tag Recipe>> tag:
> `[!tag[Recipe]]`
Tiddlers can be filtered by other fields than just title and tags:
> `[field:serving[4]]`
That example will select any tiddlers that have <<.value 4>> in their <<.field serving>> field.
As the word "serving" isn't a standard filter operator (and isn't likely to become one), you can safely omit the `field:` prefix:
> `[serving[4]]`
The filters we've looked at so far have involved just one step each. But you can <<.def run>> several steps together like this:
> `[tag[Vegetarian]!tag[soup]serving[4]]`
Notice how the entire run is contained in a single pair of square brackets.
A tiddler has to match <<.em all>> of the steps in a run. So the example above retrieves vegetarian recipes (other than soups) for 4 people.
A sequence of separate runs will select the tiddlers that match <<.em any>> of the runs. We can use this to find recipes that serve either 3, 4 or 5 people:
> `[serving[3]] [serving[4]] [serving[5]]`
If we want to ignore vegetarian recipes that serve 4, we can say this:
> `[serving[3]] [serving[4]!tag[Vegetarian]] [serving[5]]`
By default, each run considers every tiddler in the wiki. But we can use a `+` sign to force a run to consider only the tiddlers that were selected by the preceding runs:
> `[serving[3]] [serving[4]] [serving[5]] +[tag[Vegetarian]] +[sort[title]]`
This selects recipes for 3, 4 or 5 people, then filters <<.em those>> to keep only the vegetarian ones, and finally sorts any that are left into alphabetical order of title.
In a similar way, we can use a `-` sign to <<.em remove>> a run's tiddlers from the result so far. Here we select all vegetarian recipes apart from two:
> `[tag[Vegetarian]] -[title[ScrambledEggs]] -BeansOnToast`
!Special parameters
The parameter of each step we've seen so far has been in square brackets, meaning that ~TiddlyWiki treats it literally. But two other kinds of bracket are possible:
<<.def "Curly brackets">> `{}` mean that the parameter is a TextReference, and that its value is to be looked up in a specified tiddler. For example, if we have a tiddler called <<.tid Preference>> whose text happens to be the word <<.value Vegetarian>>, we can say
> `[tag{Preference}]`
as an alternative to `[tag[Vegetarian]]`. This allows the preference to change over time.
<<.def "Angle brackets">> `<>` mean that the parameter is the name of a [[variable|Variables]] whose value is to be used instead. Here we use the built-in <<.vlink currentTiddler>> variable in a filter that selects any tiddlers whose text contains the title of the current one:
> `[search<currentTiddler>]`
This brief presentation explains the basic principles of TiddlyWiki.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/KtCUr83XgyE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
The TiddlyWiki used to produce the video can be found here:
The parameter <<.place C>> is one of the following fundamental categories:
|!Category |!Matches any tiddler that... |
|^`current` |is the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]] |
|^`image` |has an image ContentType |
|^`missing` |does not exist (other than possibly as a shadow tiddler), regardless of whether there are any links it |
|^`orphan` |has no [[hard links|Hard and Soft Links]] to it |
|^`shadow` |is a [[shadow tiddler|ShadowTiddlers]], regardless of whether it has been overridden with a non-shadow tiddler |
|^`system` |is a [[system tiddler|SystemTiddlers]], i.e. its title starts with `$:/` |
|^`tag` |is in use as a tag |
|^`tiddler` |exists as a non-shadow tiddler |
If <<.place C>> is anything else, the output is an error message.
`!is[tiddler]` is a synonym for `is[missing]`, and vice versa.
When <<.op is[missing]>> is the first operator in a [[run|Filter Run]], its output is always empty. And when <<.op is[shadow]>> comes first, it outputs only those shadow tiddlers that have been overridden. This is because the [[initial input to a run|Filter Expression]] contains only <<.em non>>-shadow tiddlers.
The <<.olink all>> operator is similar, but its scope is the whole wiki.
<<.operator-examples "is">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[is[tag]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[!is[tag]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[all[shadows]!is[system]]" "shadow tiddlers that don't start with `$:/`">>
<<.operator-example 4 "[is[system]tag[$:/tags/Stylesheet]]" "system stylesheets">>
<<.operator-example 5 "[all[shadows]is[system]tag[$:/tags/Stylesheet]]" "shadow system stylesheets">>
<<.operator-example 6 "[is[shadow]]" "overridden shadow tiddlers">>
<<.operator-example 7 "[is[missing]]" "empty because its input contains only tiddlers that exist">>
~JavaScript is a computer language that was originally introduced by browsers as a way of scripting web pages. At first it was considered a poorly designed toy, but over the years has become recognised as a powerful language in its own right, and has been adopted widely beyond the browser.
~JavaScript looks like this:
function circleArea(radius) {
return radius * 2 * 3.141592653;
<<.dlink-ex JSON "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSON">> is a standard plain-text format used for modelling hierarchical structures of objects that contain named fields.
DataTiddlers can have JSON content.
The <<.mlink jsontiddlers>> macro returns tiddler content in JSON format.
I'm the original inventor of TiddlyWiki. You can find me on these services:
* jeremy (at) jermolene (dot) com
* [[Jermolene on GitHub|https://github.com/Jermolene]]
* [[Jermolene on GitTip|https://www.gittip.com/Jermolene/]], a micropayment service
* [[@Jermolene on Twitter|http://twitter.com/#!/jermolene]]
* [[Jermy on LinkedIn|http://www.linkedin.com/in/jermy]]
* [[Jermy on Flickr|http://www.flickr.com/photos/jermy/]]
Further information:
* An [[interview with me in The Inquirer|http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/feature/2105529/bt-software-engineer-tells-telco-source]] by Wendy Grossman
* A [[hilarious interview with me|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auyIhw8MTmQ]] from British television in 1983
* Here's a video of a presentation I did in 2007 called [["How to Start an Open Source Project"|http://vimeo.com/856110]].
A JSON tiddler is a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]] containing a [[JSON|JavaScript Object Notation]] structure in its `text` field.
Its [[ContentType]] is `application/json`.
The [[history list|$:/HistoryList]] is a good example of a JSON tiddler.
The <<.def jsontiddlers>> [[macro|Macros]] returns the fields of a [[selection of tiddlers|Title Selection]] in [[JSON|JavaScript Object Notation]] form.
An example can be seen in the [[template tiddler for JSON exports|$:/core/templates/exporters/JsonFile]].
!! Parameters
: A [[filter|Filters]] selecting which tiddlers to include
This plugin adds the ability to display mathematical notation written in ~LaTeX.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/katex/
<<.operator-examples "keep">>
;Keep only those items from a list that occur in the reference list
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]] +[keep[Mon Tuesday Wed Thursday Fri ]]">>
;Keep only those items from a list that don't occur in the reference list
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]] +[!keep[Monday Friday Saturday]]">>
;Cycle a tag from a reference list, with button label indicating current item
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src="""<ul><$list filter="[tag[Features]]">
<$link><<currentTiddler>> </$link><$button class="tc-btn-invisible" tooltip="cycle context">
<$action-listops $tags="+[cycle{keep Operator (Examples)!!context}]"/>
@<$list filter="[is[current]tags[]] +[keep{keep Operator (Examples)!!context}]" variable="item">
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible" tooltip="cycle status">
<$action-listops $tags="+[cycle{keep Operator (Examples)!!status}]"/>
#<$list filter="[is[current]tags[]] +[keep{keep Operator (Examples)!!status}]" variable="item">
Keyboard shortcut support is currently very limited but will be improved in later releases.
! Editing Shortcuts
|Key |Shortcut description |
|<kbd>ctrl-enter</kbd> |Confirm changes to the draft tiddler containing the keyboard focus |
|<kbd>escape</kbd> |Abandon changes to the draft tiddler containing the keyboard focus |
! Introduction
The keyboard widget allows ActionWidgets to be triggered by specific key combinations. There is also a shorthand for generating [[Messages]].
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$keyboard>` widget is rendered normally. The keyboard shortcut only takes effect within the contained content.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|message |The title of the [[WidgetMessage|Messages]] to generate |
|param |The parameter to be passed with the [[WidgetMessage|Messages]] |
|key |Key string identifying the key to be trapped (see below) |
|class |A CSS class to be assigned to the generated HTML DIV element |
! Key Strings
Key strings are made up of zero or more of the modifiers <kbd>alt</kbd>, <kbd>shift</kbd> or <kbd>ctrl</kbd> followed by the name of a key, all joined with "+" plus symbols. Key names are either the letter or digit printed on the key (eg "a" or "1"), or one of the special keys <kbd>backspace</kbd>, <kbd>tab</kbd>, <kbd>enter</kbd> or <kbd>escape</kbd>.
For example:
//This is a sample task for the TaskManagementExample//
Here is an example of using the ListWidget and the TranscludeWidget to show a grid of all language icons (ie, tiddlers tagged [[Language]] and [[Icon]]).
.language-gallery img {
width: 5em;
height: auto;
margin: 0.5em;
-webkit-box-shadow: 2px 2px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
-moz-box-shadow: 2px 2px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
box-shadow: 2px 2px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
<div class="language-gallery">
<$list filter="[all[tiddlers+shadows]tag[Language]tag[Icon]]">
<span title=<<currentTiddler>>>
!! Language Plugins
The core TiddlyWiki user interface is available in over 20 languages. You can install language plugins using the plugin manager under the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] ''plugins'' tab.
You can contribute a new language to the library by learning how to [[translate TiddlyWiki into your language|Translate TiddlyWiki into your language]].
!! Language Editions
For some languages, there are pre-built editions with additional translated documentation:
<<list-links "[tag[Languages]]">>
<<.operator-examples "last">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]last[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]last[5]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[tag[Concepts]!sort[title]last[3]]">>
The latest news, articles, resources and examples.
<div class="tc-link-info">
<$list filter="[tag[Articles]] [tag[Examples]] [tag[Resources]] [tag[Tutorials]] +[!sort[modified]limit[8]]">
<div class="tc-link-info-item">
! <$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
<div class="tc-subtitle">Posted <$view field="modified" format="relativedate"/></div>
Ordinarily with TiddlyWiki, the full content of all tiddlers is embedded into the main HTML file. Lazy loading refers to the technique of only embedding metadata about the tiddler (in other words all fields except the ''text'' field), and requesting the body from the server when required.
Lazy loading can be used in two configurations:
* When running [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]], just image tiddlers or all non-system tiddlers can be subject to lazy loading
* When running [[TiddlyWiki in the Sky for TiddlyWeb]], all tiddlers are subject to lazy loading
See the LazyLoadingMechanism for details of how lazy loading is implemented.
! Lazy loading under Node.js
To start TiddlyWiki with lazy loading for image tiddlers use this command:
tiddlywiki --server 8080 $:/core/save/lazy-images
To apply lazy loading to all non-system tiddlers use this command:
tiddlywiki --server 8080 $:/core/save/lazy-all
! Lazy loading under TiddlyWeb
With the current configuration, lazy loading is enabled by default.
Learn more about using TiddlyWiki:
<<list-links "[tag[Learning]]">>
Also see the complete [[Reference]], including advanced WikiText, macros, widgets, filters etc.
`limit[N]` and `!limit[N]` are synonyms for `first[N]` and `last[N]` respectively.
<<.operator-examples "limit">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[sort[modified]!limit[20]]" "the 20 most recently modified tiddlers">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[has[created]sort[created]limit[10]]" "the oldest 10 tiddlers in the wiki">>
The <<.def lingo>> [[macro|Macros]] relates to the translation of ~TiddlyWiki's user interface into other languages. It returns a piece of text in the user's currently selected language.
Translatable text is supplied by language plugins containing tiddlers with specific titles that start with `$:/language/`.
!! Parameters
: The title of the shadow tiddler that contains the text. The prefix `$:/language/` is added automatically
<<.macro-examples "lingo">>
This example shows the text used as the basis for the title of a newly created tiddler:
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<<lingo DefaultNewTiddlerTitle>>"""/>
This example shows the name of the eighth month of the year, for use in [[formatting dates|DateFormat]]:
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2" eg="""<<lingo Date/Long/Month/8>>"""/>
! Introduction
The link catcher widget traps [[WidgetMessage: tm-navigate]] dispatched within its child content by performing any or all of these actions:
* sending a different widget message
* setting a tiddler to the title of the navigated tiddler
* setting a tiddler to a specified value
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$linkcatcher>` widget is displayed normally.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|to |Optional title of the tiddler to be set to the title of the navigated tiddler |
|message |Optional identifier for a [[widget message|Messages]] to be sent when a navigation is caught |
|set |Optional title of the tiddler to be set to a specified value when navigation occurs |
|setTo |Value to be assigned by the `set` attribute |
A key capability of WikiText is the ability to make links to other tiddlers or to external websites.
! Manual Links
Link to a tiddler by title:
[[Tiddler Title]]
To link to a tiddler and specify the text of the link:
[[Displayed Link Title|Tiddler Title]]
! ~CamelCase Links
For tiddler titles that match the CamelCase rules, just typing the title without double square brackets will automatically create a link.
You can suppress a link from being recognised by preceding it with `~`. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"* ~HelloThere is not a link
* ~http://google.com/ is not a link">>
! External Links
To link to an external [[resource|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_resource]] such as a website or a file, type its //full// [[URL|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URL]], including the [[URI scheme|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URI_scheme]] such as a protocol (e.g. `http://`, `file://`) or `mailto`:
[[Mail me|mailto:me@where.net]]
For this syntax to work, the URL has to be recognisable as a URL. Otherwise, it is treated as a tiddler title. As a result, in case you want to link to a resource locatable using a relative path, use the extended syntax:
[ext[Open file|index.html]]
[ext[Open file|./index.html]]
[ext[Open file|../README.md]]
The extended syntax still works with full URLs, although in that case it is not necessary:
You can also use the extended syntax to force an external link:
! Customising Tiddler Links
See the LinkWidget for details of the underlying widget used to implement tiddler links, including macros that can be used to customise its behaviour.
Each input title is processed in turn. The corresponding tiddler's list of links is generated, in the order in which they appear in the tiddler's text, and [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's overall output.
<<.operator-examples "links">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[HelloThere]links[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[all[current]links[]]" "tiddlers [[hard-linked|Hard and Soft Links]] from the current one">>
Here are some hard links:
* HelloThere
* [[Filter Operators]]
* [[links Operator]]
The `link` widget generates links to tiddlers. (Use the HTML `<a>` element to generate external links).
! Content and Attributes
|!Attribute |!Description |
|to |The title of the target tiddler for the link (defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]) |
|aria-label |Optional [[Accessibility]] label |
|tooltip |Optional tooltip WikiText |
|tabindex |Optional numeric [[tabindex|https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement/tabIndex]] |
|draggable |"yes" to enable the link to be draggable (defaults to "yes") |
|tag |Optional tag to override the default "a" element |
The content of the link widget is rendered within the `<a>` tag.
The default value of the tooltip attribute is supplied by the <<.vlink tv-wikilink-tooltip>> variable.
This means that you can control the text of a link tooltip in several ways:
<$link to="HelloThere" tooltip="Custom tooltip">Link 1</$link>
<$set name="tv-wikilink-tooltip" value="I'm a link to {{!!title}}">
<$link to="HelloThere">Link 2</$link>
Renders as:
<$link to="HelloThere" tooltip="Custom tooltip">Link 1</$link>
<$set name="tv-wikilink-tooltip" value="I'm a link to {{!!title}}">
<$link to="HelloThere">Link 2</$link>
Note that the tooltip is rendered with the current tiddler set to the target of the link.
A useful convention is to set the tooltip like this:
\define tv-wikilink-tooltip()
<$transclude field="tooltip"><$transclude field="title"/></$transclude>
This causes the tooltip to be the ''tooltip'' field of the target tiddler. If the field isn't present, then the title is used instead.
! CSS Classes
* `tc-tiddlylink` - applied to all links
* `tc-tiddlylink-external` - applied to external, non-tiddler links
* `tc-tiddlylink-internal` - applied to tiddler links
* `tc-tiddlylink-missing` - applied to tiddler links where the target tiddler doesn't exist
* `tc-tiddlylink-resolves` - applied to tiddler links when the target tiddler does exist
! Configuration variables
* <<.vlink tv-wikilinks>>
* <<.vlink tv-wikilink-template>>
* <<.vlink tv-wikilink-tooltip>>
* <<.vlink tv-get-export-link>>
<<.place R>> can reference either a field or a property. See [[TextReference]] for the syntax.
* If neither is specified, the <<.field list>> field is used by default. So `[list[T]]` outputs the titles listed in the <<.field list>> of tiddler T.
* If <<.place R>> consists of <<.em only>> a field or a property, the tiddler part of the reference defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]. So `[list[!!tags]]` outputs the titles listed in the <<.field tags>> field of the current tiddler.
<<.operator-examples "list">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[HelloThere]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week!!short]]">>
The <<.def list-links>> [[macro|Macros]] returns a formatted list of links to a [[selection of tiddlers|Title Selection]].
If a tiddler has a <<.field caption>> field, this is shown instead of the tiddler's title.
!! Parameters
: A [[filter|Filters]] selecting which tiddlers to include
: An HTML element to use for the overall list element, defaulting to `ul`
: An HTML element to use for each item in the list, defaulting to `li`
: A [[CSS|Cascading Style Sheets]] class for the overall list element
<<.macro-examples "list-links">>
This example lists all the tiddlers whose titles start with J:
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<<list-links filter:"[prefix[J]]">>"""/>
This example lists the documentation tiddlers for the core macros, each of which has a <<.field caption>> field:
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2" eg="""<<list-links filter:"[tag[Core Macros]]">>"""/>
<<.field F>> is assumed to be a [[title list|Title List]].
Each input title is processed in turn. A list of tiddlers whose <<.place F>> field mentions it is generated (in no particular order) and [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's overall output.
<<.operator-examples "listed">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[HelloThere]listed[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[all[current]listed[my-special-list]]">>
The `list` [[field of a tiddler|TiddlerFields]] is an optional feature that can be used to help structure your content. Its value is a [[title list|Title List]], and it can be used in several ways:
* The `list` field of a tiddler that is being used as a tag determines the ordering of the tiddlers that carry that tag - see [[Tagging]] for details
* The `list` [[filter|Filters]] selects the entries from a list
* The `listed` [[filter|Filters]] selects the tiddlers that list the selected tiddler(s)
* The NavigatorWidget manipulates a StoryList tiddler containing a `list` field of the tiddlers that are displayed in the main story column
! Unordered Lists
You can create unordered lists with `*` characters:
<<wikitext-example src:"* First list item
* Second list item
** A subitem
* Third list item
! Ordered Lists
Ordered lists use `#` instead of `*`:
# First item
# Second item
# Third item
You can also mix ordered and unordered list items:
<<wikitext-example src:"* To do today
*# Eat
* To get someone else to do
*# This
*# That
*## And the other
Here's an example the other way around, with numbers as the first level:
<<wikitext-example src:"# To do today
#* Eat
# To get someone else to do
#* This
#* That
#** And the other
! CSS Classes
You can also assign a CSS class to an individual member of a list with this notation:
<<wikitext-example src:"* List One
*.MyClass List Two
* List Three
! Mixing Lists and Block Quotes
Note that [[Block Quotes in WikiText]] can be mixed with lists. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"* List One
** List Two
**> A quote
**> Another quote
* List Three
! Paragraphs in Lists
Entries in the list are delimited with a linebreak, making it impossible to include linebreaks within a list entry. There are a couple of workarounds.
First, you can transclude paragraph content from another tiddler. For example:
* First entry
* <$transclude tiddler="MyTiddler" mode="block"/>
* Third entry
Secondly, you can use an HTML "div" element to contain the multiline content. For example:
# Step 1
# Step 2
# Step 3<div>
Here is the first of several paragraphs. Note that the double linebreak preceding this paragraph is significant.
And here is the second of several paragraphs.
# Step 4
# Step 5
# Step 6
! Introduction
The list widget displays a sequence of tiddlers that match a [[tiddler filter|Filters]]. It can be used for many purposes:
* Displaying custom lists of links, like in TiddlyWiki5's sidebar
* Custom lists, such as "all tiddlers tagged 'task' that are not tagged 'done'"
* Listing each of the tags applied to a tiddler
* Handling the main story river
The tiddlers are displayed by transcluding each in turn through a template. There are several ways to specify the template and for controlling the behaviour of the list.
! Examples
''plain list''
<$list filter="[tag[ListWidget]sort[title]]"/>
Displays as:
<$list filter="[tag[ListWidget]sort[title]]"/>
''custom item output''
<$list filter="[tag[ListWidget]sort[title]]">
Displays as:
<$list filter="[tag[ListWidget]sort[title]]">
''custom item template''
<$list filter="[tag[ListWidget]sort[title]]" template="$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/subtitle"/>
Displays as:
<$list filter="[tag[ListWidget]sort[title]]" template="$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/subtitle"/>
!! Grouped Lists
See NestedLists for how to generate nested and grouped lists using the ListWidget.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$list>` widget is an optional template to use for rendering each tiddler in the list. Alternatively, the template can be specified as a tiddler title in the ``template`` attribute. As a fallback, the default template just displays the tiddler title.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|filter |The [[tiddler filter|Filters]] to display |
|template |The title of a template tiddler for transcluding each tiddler in the list. When no template is specified, the body of the ListWidget serves as the item template. With no body, a simple link to the tiddler is returned. |
|editTemplate |An alternative template to use for [[DraftTiddlers|DraftMechanism]] in edit mode |
|variable |The name for a [[variable|Variables]] in which the title of each listed tiddler is stored. Defaults to ''currentTiddler'' |
|emptyMessage |Message to be displayed when the list is empty |
|storyview |Optional name of module responsible for animating/processing the list |
|history |The title of the tiddler containing the navigation history |
!! Edit mode
The `<$list>` widget can optionally render draft tiddlers through a different template to handle editing, see DraftMechanism.
!! `storyview` attribute
The `storyview` attribute specifies the name of an optional module that can animate changes to the list (including navigation). The core ships with the following storyview modules:
* `classic`: renders the list as an ordered sequence of tiddlers
* `zoomin`: just renders the current tiddler from the list, with a zoom animation for navigating between tiddlers
* `pop`: shrinks items in and out of place
In order for the storyviews to animate correctly each entry in the list should be a single block mode DOM element.
!! History and navigation
The optional `history` attribute specifies the name of a tiddler that is used to track the current tiddler for navigation purposes. When the history tiddler changes the list view responds by telling the listview to handle navigating to the new tiddler. See HistoryMechanism for details.
<<.preamble """What follows is a formal presentation of the syntax of the WikiText syntax for macro calls, using [[railroad diagrams|Railroad Diagrams]]. A [[simpler overview|Macro Calls in WikiText]] is also available.""">>
<$railroad text="""
"<<" name [: space [:{param-value}] ]">>"
<<.place space>> denotes a sequence of [[whitespace characters|Filter Whitespace]].
The [[macro|Macros]]'s <<.place name>> is a sequence of non-whitespace characters other than `(` or `>`.
Each individual <<.place param-value>> has the following syntax:
<$railroad text="""
[: param-name [:space] ":" [:space] ] value [: space]
The <<.place param-name>> is a sequence of letters (`A`--`Z`, `a`--`z`), digits (`0`--`9`), hyphens (`-`) and underscores (`_`).
The <<.place value>> is specified as follows:
<$railroad text={{$:/editions/tw5.com/railroad/macro-parameter-value}}/>
To call a [[macro|Macros]], place `<<`double angle brackets`>>` around the name and any parameter values.
By default, parameters are listed in the same order as in the macro's definition. A parameter can be labelled with its name, either for clarity or to modify the order.
If no value is specified for a parameter, the default value given for that parameter in the macro's definition is used instead. (If no default value was defined, the parameter is simply blank.)
Each parameter value can be enclosed in `'`single quotes`'`, `"`double quotes`"`, `"""`triple double quotes`"""` or `[[`double square brackets`]]`. Triple double quotes allow a value to contain almost anything. If a value contains no spaces or single or double quotes, it requires no delimiters.
A more formal [[presentation|Macro Call Syntax]] of this syntax is also available.
The syntax is actually a shorthand for a <<.wlink MacroCallWidget>> widget. The widget itself offers greater flexibility, including the ability to [[transclude|Transclusion]] parameter values or generate them via additional macros.
As macros are simply parameterised [[variables|Variables]], a variable's value can be inserted using the same techniques.
[[Examples|Macro Calls in WikiText (Examples)]]
\define sayhi-example-1() <<sayhi>>
\define sayhi-example-2() <<sayhi Bugs>>
\define sayhi-example-3() <<sayhi "Donald Duck" Disneyland>>
\define sayhi-example-4() <<sayhi "Mickey Mouse" "Mouse House">>
\define sayhi-example-5() <<sayhi name:'Minnie Mouse' address:[[Mouse House]]>>
\define sayhi-example-6() <<sayhi address:"Quacky Towers" name:"Donald Duck">>
\define sayhi-example-7()
<<sayhi "Mickey Mouse" """"Mouse House",
Rodent's Lane,
<$importvariables filter="$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/say-hi">
<$codeblock code={{$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/say-hi}}/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg=<<sayhi-example-1>>/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2" eg=<<sayhi-example-2>>/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="3" eg=<<sayhi-example-3>>/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="4" eg=<<sayhi-example-4>>/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="5" eg=<<sayhi-example-5>>/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="6" eg=<<sayhi-example-6>>/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="7" egvar="sayhi-example-7"/>
<<.preamble """What follows is a formal presentation of the syntax of the `\define` pragma, using [[railroad diagrams|Railroad Diagrams]]. A [[simpler overview|Macro Definitions in WikiText]] is also available.""">>
<$railroad text="""
"\define" space name params [:space] rest
<<.place space>> denotes a sequence of [[whitespace characters|Filter Whitespace]].
The [[macro|Macros]]'s <<.place name>> is a sequence of non-whitespace characters other than `(` or `>`.
The parameter declaration list (<<.place params>>) has the following syntax:
<$railroad text="""
"(" [:sep] [:{ param sep }] ")"
The parameter separator (<<.place sep>>) is any sequence of characters that does not match a <<.place param-name>>. Among other things, this includes commas, spaces and linefeeds.
A <<.place param-name>> is a sequence of letters (`A`--`Z`, `a`--`z`), digits (`0`--`9`), hyphens (`-`) and underscores (`_`).
Each individual <<.place param>> has the following syntax:
<$railroad text="""
param-name [: [:space] ":" [:space] default ]
The optional <<.place default>> value of a parameter is specified as follows:
<$railroad text={{$:/editions/tw5.com/railroad/macro-parameter-value}}/>
The <<.place rest>> of the definition has the following syntax:
<$railroad text="""
( snippet | lf snippet lf "\end" [:space] ) lf
<<.place lf>> denotes a linefeed.
The <<.place snippet>> is any sequence of characters that doesn't terminate the macro definition. That is to say, a single-line snippet cannot contain a linefeed, and a multi-line snippet cannot contain `\end` on a line of its own.
The snippet can contain placeholders with the following syntax:
<$railroad text="""
( "$" name "$" | "$" "(" name ")" "$" )
A [[macro|Macros]] is defined using a `\define` [[pragma|Pragma]]. Like any pragma, this can only appear at the start of a tiddler.
The first line of the definition specifies the macro name and any parameters. Each parameter has a name, and optionally a default value that is used if no value is supplied on a particular call to the macro. The lines that follow contain the macro's text (i.e. the snippet represented by the macro name), until `\end` appears on a line by itself:
<$codeblock code={{$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/say-hi}}/>
Alternatively, the entire definition can be presented on a single line, without an `\end` marker:
\define sayhi(name:"Bugs Bunny") Hi, I'm $name$.
A more formal [[presentation|Macro Definition Syntax]] of this syntax is also available.
!! Placeholders
The snippet can contain placeholders for parameters. These consist of a parameter name between dollar signs, like `$this$`.
It can also contain placeholders for [[variables|Variables]]. These consist of a variable name (or macro name) between dollar signs and round brackets, like `$(this)$`.
The actual value of the parameter or variable is substituted for the placeholder whenever the macro is called:
<$importvariables filter="$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/say-hi-using-variables">
<$codeblock code={{$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/say-hi-using-variables}}/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<$set name="address" value="Rabbit Hole Hill">
!! Scope
Macros are available to the tiddler that defines them, plus any tiddlers that it transcludes.
To make a macro available to all tiddlers, define it in a tiddler that has the tag <<.tag $:/tags/Macro>>.
It is also possible to write a macro as a [[JavaScript module|http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/index.html#JavaScript%20Macros]]. ~JavaScript macros are available to all tiddlers, and offer the maximum flexibility.
A tiddler can manually import macro definitions from a [[selection|Title Selection]] of other tiddlers by using the <<.wlink ImportVariablesWidget>> widget.
<<list-links filter:"[tag[Macro Syntax]]">>
! Introduction
The macro call widget provides an alternative syntax for invoking macros. The advantage of the widget form is that it allows macro parameters to be specified as widget attributes, thus allowing indirection and macro values to be set.
For example, a macro called `italicise` that takes a single parameter called `text` can be invoked in any of these ways:
<<italicise "Text to be made into italics">>
<<italicise text:"Text to be made into italics">>
<$macrocall $name="italicise" text="Text to be made into italics"/>
<$macrocall $name="italicise" text={{Title of tiddler containing text to be italicised}}/>
<$macrocall $name="italicise" text=<<textMaker "Another macro to generate the text to be italicised">>/>
You can see several examples of the macro call widget within the core:
* Listing module information: [[$:/snippets/modules]]
* Listing field information: [[$:/snippets/allfields]]
* Generating `data:` URIs: [[$:/themes/tiddlywiki/starlight/styles.tid]]
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$macrocall>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$name |Name of the macro to invoke |
|$type |ContentType with which the macro text should be parsed (defaults to `text/vnd.tiddlywiki`) |
|$output |ContentType for the output rendering (defaults to `text/html`, can also be `text/plain`) |
|//parameters// |Macro parameters specified as attributes |
A <<.def macro>> is a named snippet of text. WikiText can use the name as a shorthand way of [[transcluding|Transclusion]] the snippet. Such transclusions are known as <<.def "macro calls">>, and each call can supply a different set of parameters that get substituted for special placeholders within the snippet.
For the syntax, see [[Macros in WikiText]].
Most macros are in fact just parameterised [[variables|Variables]].
They are created using the `\define` [[pragma|Pragma]]. (Behind the scenes, this is transformed into a <<.wlink SetWidget>>, i.e. macros and variables are two sides of the same coin.)
The snippet and its incoming parameter values are treated as simple strings of characters with no WikiText meaning, at least until the placeholders have been filled in and the macro call has returned. This means that a macro can assemble and return the complete syntax of a ~WikiText component, such as a [[link|Linking in WikiText]]. (See [[Transclusion and Substitution]] for further discussion of this.)
The string returned by a macro call is parsed separately from any surrounding ~WikiText components. So a safe way to insert a special character sequence (such as `[[` or `<`) without triggering its normal ~WikiText meaning is to wrap it in a macro.
Within a snippet itself, the only markup detected is `$name$` (a placeholder for a macro parameter) and `$(name)$` (a placeholder for a [[variable|Variables]]).
The <<.mlink dumpvariables>> macro lists all variables (including macros) that are available at that position in the widget tree.
An <<.wlink ImportVariablesWidget>> widget can be used to copy macro definitions to another branch of the [[widget tree|Widgets]]. ~TiddlyWiki uses this technique internally to implement global macros -- namely any macros defined in tiddlers with the <<.tag $:/tags/Macro>> tag.
For maximum flexibility, macros can also be <<.js-macro-link "written as JavaScript modules">>.
A similar effect to a parameterised macro call can be produced by setting [[variables|Variables]] around a [[transclusion|Transclusion]].
~TiddlyWiki's core has [[several macros|Core Macros]] built in.
The use of [[macros|Macros]] in WikiText has two distinct aspects:
* [[Defining macros|Macro Definitions in WikiText]]
* [[Calling macros|Macro Calls in WikiText]]
//This is a sample task for the TaskManagementExample//
The <<.def makedatauri>> [[macro|Macros]] takes a piece of text and an associated ContentType, and returns a corresponding [[data URI|Data URI]].
<<.var makedatauri>> is used to implement the <<.mlink datauri>> macro.
!! Parameters
: The text to be converted to a data URI
: The ContentType of the text
<<.macro-examples "makedatauri">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<<makedatauri "some example text" "text/plain">>"""/>
See the UpgradeMechanism for more details.
\define textOnPath(text)
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 1000 300" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" style="background:white;">
<path id="MyPath" d="M 100 200 C 200 100 300 0 400 100 C 500 200 600 300 700 200 C 800 100 900 100 900 100"/>
<use xlink:href="#MyPath" fill="none" stroke="#ddd"/>
<text font-family="'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif" font-size="42.5">
<textPath xlink:href="#MyPath">
This demo shows how to use SVG to render transcluded text along a path. Enter some text in the textbox below to try it out; [[view the source|Making curved text with SVG]] to see how it is done.
<$edit-text tiddler="$:/CurvedText" tag="input" placeholder="Type text here" default=""/>
<$macrocall $name="textOnPath" text={{$:/CurvedText}}/>
# Create a backup of your current TiddlyWiki HTML file ([[just in case|The First Rule of Using TiddlyWiki]])
# Open your TiddlyWiki in a browser
# In another browser window, find a link to the plugin, e.g. [[$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/example]]. You will typically find these links on the home page of the plugin (for example, http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/katex/)
# Drag the link [[$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/example]] to the browser window containing your TiddlyWiki
# Save your TiddlyWiki
# ''Refresh the page so that TiddlyWiki loads the new plugin''
# The plugin should now be available for use
The Markdown plugin enables you to use tiddlers that are written in standard Markdown markup.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/markdown/
An experimental MathJax plugin for TiddlyWiki version 5. As Martin says, the implementation is a bit of a hack but may be useful until we have a better alternative.
Welcome. I have created plugin for TiddlyWiki 5 which allows you to use MathJax (math in TeX and MathML) inside TiddlyWiki 5. It's unofficial plugin and it doesn't follow general policy of TiddlyWiki as stand-alone solution but it works. So you can use it if you want.
MathML is a markup language for mathematical notation that can be used with HTML.
If your browser supports it, MathML elements can be used in TiddlyWiki5 WikiText just like HTML.
Here is an example MathML equation from [[the W3C|http://www.w3.org/Math/XSL/csmall2.xml]]:
Renders as:
These are the internal mechanisms that fit together to make up TiddlyWiki.
<<list-links "[tag[Mechanisms]]">>
Local meetings around the world for ~TiddlyWiki people:
* [[OXTWIG]], the ''Oxford ~TiddlyWiki Interest Group'' meets monthly in Oxford, UK to share experiences of using TiddlyWiki
* ''[[TiddlyWiki Camp Paris]]'' is an all day celebration and exploration of TiddlyWiki for experienced users and beginners alike
//If you are a ~TiddlyWiki enthusiast please consider starting a local TWIG in your area, it's a great way to spread the word about using TiddlyWiki//
Widget messages are generated by widgets in response to user actions. They flow up the widget tree until they are handled by an ancestor widget.
The following widget messages are implemented by the core:
<<list-links "[tag[Messages]]">>
Modals (or "wizards") fade the main TiddlyWiki window to display an isolated tiddler that must be explicitly dismissed by the user.
Modals are displayed with the [[WidgetMessage: tm-modal]].
<$button message="tm-modal" param="SampleWizard">Open demo modal</$button>
A //module// in TiddlyWiki5 is a tiddler containing executable JavaScript, of the type `application/javascript` and with the field `module-type` set to the ModuleType of the module.
See [[ControlPanel|$:/ControlPanel]] > ''Info'' > ''Advanced'' > ''Loaded Modules'' for a list of currently loaded modules.
<<.operator-examples "modules">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[filteroperator]modules[]]">>
\define describe() {{$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/$(type)$}}
The `module-type` field of a [[JavaScript module|Modules]] is a string that identifies the type of the module. Here is a list of the module types used in this wiki:
<$list filter="[moduletypes[]]">
<$set name=type value=<<currentTiddler>>>
<<.operator-examples "moduletypes">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[moduletypes[]]">>
\rules only html
<pre style="font-size:10px; font-family: monospace; line-height:13px">
';. .;c'
:XNo ,kjack' .:dd
,K0X: '0l Tiddly:',..,Wiki.
jacK' .dk. '';jack .xk;
Jack; ..',','... '0c .0c
:0:c0l. .:dTidllyc::cjoWikioc:,,,,;;:cJACKc:;;d0. 'K:
l0:'jack,... ...',:lkxc. ..';:ccc:;;,'...',:loc .Kc
,xk:..,jackjackjack;'. :K,
.lxxl;.. . .Ox.
.':lTiddlyWikI. .xk.
`` ;0; . ;Od.
.dO' .0Ojackx,
cOo' .kk'.'..
.k0' .cOo.
lO; ... .jack.
.xk' .jackTiddlyWikijackO, .lkd;.
;Oo. .dO. .ok. ,Oo.
l0; .c, ,0: .kd l0.
.xk. .xNx lO. lO. ;0,
.Od. ,XW0, :0; dk. .kx.
.kx. jACKx' cOl. .Ol ;0:
.oO: .JACKx. .jack;'. .0: c0;
'dkc ,lXKd' .'jack. .Ol cOc.
.;ljack,.;xkc,...,oK, 'xxjack. .oko.
`` 'cljack' .okdlcJack.
<<.operator-examples "move">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]] +[move[Wednesday]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]] +[move:-2[Wednesday]]">>
MultiTiddlerFiles allow multiple tiddlers to be concisely represented in a single text file.
The goals of this format are:
* To be easy to type and easy to read
* Optimised for single line strings
* To allow common fields or tags to be shared within groups of tiddlers
* To be simple to process with external tools
MultiTiddlerFiles have the extension `multids`. The file is structured as a block of shared fields followed by a blank line. The rest of the file is a sequence of comments and tiddlers. Tiddlers are specified by their title, followed by a colon, at least one space character, and then the rest of the line is the text field for the tiddler.
For example:
title: $:/language/ControlPanel/
tags: strings
modifier: JoeBloggs
Basics/Caption: Basics
# This is a comment
Basics/Version: ~TiddlyWiki Version
This example defines two tiddlers, [[$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/Caption]] and [[$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/Version]].
If a `title` field is specified in the header then it is treated as a prefix for the individual tiddlers defined in the title.
!! Syntax Specification
!!! MultiTiddlerFiles
<$railroad text="""
{<"Header Line">} "Blank Line" {(<"Tiddler Descriptor Line"> | <"Comment Line">)}
!!! Header Line
<$railroad text="""
<"Identifier"> ":" {"Whitespace"} <"Value"> "New Line"
!!! Tiddler Descriptor Line
<$railroad text="""
<"File Path"> ":" {"Whitespace"} <"Tiddler Title"> "New Line"
!!! Comment Line
<$railroad text="""
"#" {("Text" | "Whitespace")} "New Line"
The <<.def namespace>> [[variable|Variables]] is used internally by [[HTML|HyperText Markup Language]] widgets to keep track of the correct namespace for the [[DOM|Document Object Model]] elements they generate.
An `svg` or `math` element supplies a distinct namespace for itself and any child elements it contains.
The system tiddlers provided as part of the core are named according to the following rules:
|!Namespace |!Format |!Description |
|`$:/*` |~CamelCase |Root user interface tiddlers (eg control panel, advanced search) |
|`$:/config/*` |~CamelCase |User-oriented configuration setting |
|`$:/core/images/*` |hyphen-case |Core images |
|`$:/core/modules/*` |lowercase |JavaScript module tiddlers |
|`$:/core/save/*` |lowercase |Saving templates for creating TiddlyWiki documents |
|`$:/core/templates/*` |//inconsistent// |Templates needed for TiddlyWiki to operate. Currently uses a mix of dashes and periods to separate words |
|`$:/core/ui/*` |//inconsistent// |Tiddlers comprising the default user interface of TiddlyWiki. Currently uses a mix of ~CamelCase and lowercase naming conventions |
|`$:/core/wiki/*` |lowercase |Metadata about the entire wiki |
|`$:/docs/*` |lowercase |Documentation tiddlers |
|`$:/messages/*` |~CamelCase |System messages |
|`$:/plugins/*` |lowercase |Plugin tiddlers, and plugin content |
|`$:/snippets/*` |//inconsistent// |Reusable snippets (will be replaced by macros) |
|`$:/state/*` |lowercase |User interface state tiddlers |
|`$:/tags/*` |~CamelCase |User interface configuration tags |
|`$:/temp/*` |lowercase |Temporary tiddlers that shouldn't be saved |
|`$:/themes/*` |lowercase |Theme plugins |
In the format column:
* ''hyphen-case'' refers to joining multiple lowercase words with hyphens
* ''~CamelCase'' refers to joining mulitple initial capitaled words with hyphens
* ''lowercase'' refers to directly joining multiple lowercase words
* ''inconsistent'' marks namespaces that are currently titled inconsistently
In the default "classic" storyview mode, open tiddlers are displayed in a vertical column called the "story river". There are a number of ways you can navigate the story river - that is, how you can jump back and forth between the open tiddlers.
* The best approach is to ''use the Open tab'' in the sidebar to click on the open tiddler to which you wish to navigate.
** The ''Open'' tab contains a list of all the open tiddlers. You can click on any tiddler in the list to jump to it, or click the "×" next to a tiddler link to close it. There is also a handy ''close all'' button at the bottom of the list of open tiddlers.
* Another way is to simply ''scroll the page up and down'' using the story river scrollbar to the right.
** Note that when both the story river and the sidebar extend below the visible screen, there will be //two// scrollbars. The outer or far-right scrollbar controls the story river. The inner scrollbar controls the sidebar.
* A clunky approach that many new users try is to ''close tiddlers one by one'' until they get to the tiddler they are looking for.
** Closing any tiddler at the top or in the middle of the story river will cause all the tiddlers below it to slide up the river. The tiddler immediately below the tiddler you closed will slide up to take its place.
** Closing the bottom tiddler will close it and the bottom of the tiddler above it will come into view.
! Introduction
The navigator widget manipulates the current store, the story list and history lists in response to various [[Messages]].
! Content and Attributes
The navigator widget displays any contained content, and responds to Messages dispatched within it.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|story |Name of the tiddler containing the story list to be manipulated |
|history |Name of the tiddler containing the history list to be manipulated |
|openLinkFromInsideRiver |Determines the location for opening new tiddlers from links within the story river: at the ''top'' or ''bottom'' of the story river, or ''above'' or ''below'' the current tiddler |
|openLinkFromOutsideRiver|Determines the location for opening new tiddlers from linkes outside the story river: at the ''top'' or ''bottom'' of the story river|
! Widget Messages
The following [[Messages]] are handled by the navigator widget:
<$list filter="[tag[navigator-message]]">
<$link to={{!!title}}>
<$view field="title"/>
Each input title is processed in turn, and its successor is located in the <<.field list>> field and appended to the output. If a title is not listed in the field, or is the last title there, then it contributes nothing to the output.
<<.operator-examples "next">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[Monday]next[Days of the Week]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[[Sunday]next[Days of the Week]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "Tuesday Wednesday Thursday +[next[Days of the Week]]">>
"node-webkit" was the original name for the project now known as [[NW.js]].
''Node.js'' is a downloadable application for your PC, Mac or Linux computer that lets it run JavaScript applications. Unlike ~JavaScript applications running in a web browser, Node.js code has full access to the file system and other resources of the computer, enabling it to perform the roles that have traditionally been the preserve of languages like Java, PHP and Python. See http://nodejs.org for more details.
For ~TiddlyWiki, Node.js means that we can have a single code base that can run in the browser or on the server, giving great flexibility in how it is used.
For end users, Node.js is no more complicated to install than a web browser, but unlocks powerful capabilities such as the ability to run ~TiddlyWiki as a web server that you can connect to from other devices.
See [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] for more details.
Version 5.0.11-beta includes some changes that can break content from earlier releases of ~TiddlyWiki 5.
! Command line changes
Previously, commands that generate output files would interpret the specified path to the file as being relative to the current working directory. So, for example, the following command would write `index.html` to the current directory:
tiddlywiki mywiki --rendertiddler $:/core/save/all index.html text/plain
In 5.0.11-beta this behaviour has changed, and now the specified filename is resolved relative to an `output` folder within the TiddlyWikiFolder. So the command above will now write the file `index.html` to `mywiki/output/index.html`.
You can override this behaviour with the OutputCommand. For example, to generate the `index.html` file within the current directory:
tiddlywiki mywiki --output . --rendertiddler $:/core/save/all index.html text/plain
A further change is that the `--rendertiddlers` command now clears the output folder before it writes any files. This means that any previous `--rendertiddler` commands to the same folder will have their output deleted.
Version 5.0.8-beta includes some changes that can break content from earlier releases of ~TiddlyWiki 5.
! Change to [[$:/SiteTitle]] and [[$:/SiteSubtitle]]
You should rename any existing SiteTitle and SiteSubtitle tiddlers to [[$:/SiteTitle]] and [[$:/SiteSubtitle]] respectively.
! Changed parsing rules for content of HTML elements
Version 5.0.8-beta marks a change in the way that TiddlyWiki determines whether to parse the content of an HTML element or widget in //block mode// or //inline mode//.
* In block mode, TiddlyWiki parses text into paragraphs, creating `<p>` tags to wrap them. It also recognises block syntax like headings, lists and tables.
* In inline mode, TiddlyWiki ignores paragraph formatting, and just recognises character formatting, like bold and italic.
It's important to be able to control which type of parsing is performed for different situations.
Prior to 5.0.8-beta, TiddlyWiki parsed the content of an element in inline mode unless the opening tag of the element were immediately followed by a line break. This meant that much of the time element tags would be shunted together into a long line, hindering readability.
The new behaviour for 5.0.8-beta is to parse the content of an element in inline mode unless the opening tag is immediately followed by two line breaks.
To adjust existing content for 5.0.8-beta you will need to manually add the additional line break after the opening tag of elements and widgets whose content should be parsed in block mode.
The positive aspect of the change is that it removes the need to pack multiple HTML tags onto a single line, improving readability.
!! Examples
Consider the difference between these two examples. First, here's an HTML tag that starts with two line breaks:
<<wikitext-example src:"
! This is a heading
And a paragraph of text.
Secondly, here's an HTML tag with just a single line break. Notice how the heading is no longer recognised as a heading
<<wikitext-example src:"
! This is a heading
And a paragraph of text.
! Changed commands for [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
The handling of wiki folders has changed. Previously, if the `tiddlywiki` command was run against a wiki folder that didn't have the necessary `tiddlywiki.info` file then it would be automatically created. Now, the wiki folder must be initialised with the InitCommand.
This is how to create and start a new server-based wiki:
tiddlywiki mywikifolder --init server
tiddlywiki mywikifolder --server
Note that the name of the ''clientserver'' edition has changed to ''server''.
Notifications are small informational messages that appear at the top right of the TiddlyWiki window, and automatically disappear after a preset time.
<$button message="tm-notify" param="SampleNotification">Display sample notification</$button>
The <<.def now>> [[macro|Macros]] returns the current date and time in a specified [[format|DateFormat]].
The value doesn't update automatically, like a ticking clock. It updates whenever the macro call is rendered, such as when the containing tiddler's display needs to be refreshed for some other reason.
!! Parameters
: A string specifying the desired [[format|DateFormat]], defaulting to `0hh:0mm, DDth MMM YYYY`
<<.macro-examples "now">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<<now>>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2" eg="""<<now YYYY-0MM-0DD>>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="3" eg="""<<now "hh:0mm:0sspm">>"""/>
Non-numeric values are treated as having a higher value than any number, and the difference between capital and lowercase letters is ignored. Compare <<.olink nsortcs>>.
<<.operator-examples "nsort">>
<<.operator-example 1 "10 010 1000 100 +[nsort[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "10 010 ALPHA beta alpha 1000 100 +[nsort[]]">>
Non-numeric values are treated as having a higher value than any number, and capital and lowercase letters are treated as different. Compare <<.olink nsort>>.
<<.operator-examples "nsortcs">>
<<.operator-example 1 "10 010 1000 100 +[nsortcs[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "10 010 ALPHA beta alpha 1000 100 +[nsortcs[]]">>
<<.place N>> is one-based. In other words, `nth[1]` has the same effect as the <<.olink first>> operator.
<<.operator-examples "nth">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]nth[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]nth[5]]">>
NW.js is an OpenSource application that fuses the functionality of a web browser with that of [[Node.js]]. It makes it possible to use web applications as though they were native apps, with full access to the file system and other native facilities. Learn more from the [[official site|https://github.com/nwjs/nw.js]] or [[this introductory blog post|http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/javascript-ajax/introduction-to-html5-desktop-apps-with-node-webkit/]].
See [[TiddlyWiki on NW.js]] for details of how to use TiddlyWiki with NW.js.
An introduction to the biblical book of Obadiah by Dave Gifford using the table of contents macro and various custom tweaks to ~TiddlyWiki: custom new here buttons, [[this custom viewtemplate addition|http://giffmex.org/experiments/obadiah.html#%24%3A%2F_aa%2FViewTemplate%2FNoteList]] to add notes or images within any tiddler, and a tiddler transcluding all the content, in order to facilitate printing ([[this tiddler|http://giffmex.org/experiments/obadiah.html#An%20introduction%20to%20Obadiah]]).
OpenSource is [[defined by Wikipedia|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_source]] as //a philosophy, or pragmatic methodology that promotes free redistribution and access to an end product's design and implementation details//.
When ~TiddlyWiki generates a list of the tiddlers that have a particular tag (e.g. the dropdown list of a tag pill), it orders the tiddlers using the following rules:
# Start with any that are [[declared|Title List]] in the <<.field list>> field of the tag tiddler, in the order given there.
# In each remaining tiddler <<.place T>>, look for a <<.field list-before>> field. If this has a tiddler title as its value, place <<.place T>> just <<.em before>> that one.
#* As a special case, if the field exists but its value is empty, place <<.place T>> at the very start of the list.
# In each remaining tiddler <<.place T>>, look for a <<.field list-after>> field. If this has a tiddler title as its value, place tiddler <<.place T>> just <<.em after>> that one.
# If any tiddlers still remain, place them at the end of the list in ascending alphabetical order of title. The difference between capital and lowercase letters is ignored.
Founded in 2004 by JeremyRuston, Osmosoft was originally a consultancy for software services around TiddlyWiki. Notable engagements included working with Socialtext on [[Socialtext Unplugged|https://www.socialtext.net/open/socialtext_unplugged]].
In 2007, Osmosoft was acquired by [[BT]] and became the champions for open source within the enterprise. As part of BT, Osmosoft has worked on a diverse range of projects within BT and for BT's customers.
See http://osmosoft.com/
The ''Oxford ~TiddlyWiki Interest Group'' meets monthly for discussions and demonstrations about TiddlyWiki.
See https://oxtwig.eventbrite.co.uk/ for details of our next meeting.
We have an email discussion list, too: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!members/oxtwig
The second OXTWIG meeting was held on Thursday 16th January 2014:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/WOK_nVBf_6U" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
The first OXTWIG meeting was held on Thursday 21st November 2013:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/tpNf_Dms_TE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
One major feature of TiddlyWiki that many new users are unaware of is the degree to which TiddlyWiki can be customised, just by adding or removing SystemTags in key shadow tiddlers or in your own custom tiddlers.
* You can add and remove default features in tiddlers in either viewing or editing mode (let's say you find the tiddler subtitle distracting, or you want to add yourself a reminder that you will see when you edit tiddlers)
* You can also add and remove default features from the general page layout (maybe you want to add a clock to the sidebar, or replace one of the page control buttons with your own)
* You can also rearrange the order in which these features are displayed (perhaps you would like tags above tiddler titles, or the subtitle of your TiddlyWiki below the page control buttons)
Once you know what you are doing, all of these things are actually pretty easy to do.
! Adding custom-made tiddlers to the user interface
You can also create any tiddler you want and tag it with the appropriate SystemTag, and it will appear in that place. For example, if you create a tiddler 'Reminder to self', add the text 'This is a reminder' and tag it `$:/tags/EditTemplate`, the words 'This is a reminder' will appear inside every tiddler when you edit it.
When you add new tiddlers to be displayed within tiddlers or within the page layout, you will also probably need to reposition it so that it appears precisely where you want it to appear. To do this, edit the appropriate shadow tiddler with the prefix `$:/tags/`, and insert the title of your tiddler in the proper place in the list field. For example, if you want the words 'This is a reminder' from the example above to appear above the tags editor in editing mode, edit the tiddler $:/tags/EditTemplate, go to the 'list' field, and insert `[[Reminder to self]]` right before `$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/tags`.
! Creating new buttons for the ViewToolbar and page controls
Let's say you have a skeleton tiddler called 'Recipe template', and you want to have a button available in the tiddler ViewToolbar to create new recipe tiddlers on demand. This will require the following steps:
# You will want an image for your button. If none of the core images (shadow tiddlers with the prefix $:/core/images/) work for you, then you will need to create or acquire an SVG image (for example, one of the images at http://flaticon.com), drag it into your file so that it becomes a tiddler, edit the tiddler and adjust the height and width to 22px
# You will want to create the tiddler that contains your tiddler. Create it, title it, and add the button code (see the code at the bottom of this tiddler for an example, with hints where you will need to adapt it). Tag it [[$:/tags/ViewToolbar]]
# You will need to create a tiddler that tells TiddlyWiki whether your button should be visible in the toolbar or hidden. Let's title it [[$:/config/ViewToolbarButtons/Visibility/Recipe]]. Type `reveal` into the text area, and save.
# You will want to position the button properly. Open the tiddler $:/tags/ViewToolbar and insert your button tiddler's title in the appropriate place in the list field.
\define newHereButtonTags()
\define newHereButton()
<$button class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>>>
title="New tiddler"
tags=<<newHereButtonTags>> />
<$list filter="[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]">
<$list filter="[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]">
<span class="tc-btn-text"><$text text="CAPTION FOR YOUR BUTTON"/></span>
! Removing shadow tiddlers from the user interface
In the More > Shadows tab you will find a list of all the shadow tiddlers. In this list you will find many tiddlers with the prefix `$:/core/ui/`. These are the core tiddlers that define the user interface. These tiddlers are tagged with SystemTags, and removing or adding these tags will adjust the tiddler and page layouts.
For example, $:/core/ui/SideBar/More is the tiddler for the More tab in the Sidebar, and it is tagged with the SystemTag `$:/tags/SideBar` so that it appears in the Sidebar. Removing the tag from that tiddler will remove the More tab from the Sidebar, and reinserting the Sidebar tag to that tiddler will make it reappear in the Sidebar.
You can use the same process for any of the core user interface tiddlers with the $:/core/ui/ prefix. For example, removing the SystemTag `$:/tags/ViewTemplate` from the tiddler `$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/subtitle` will remove the subtitles from all tiddlers.
If you modify a shadow tiddler in this way you will overwrite the pre-installed value. If you want to revert, just delete the modified tiddler to restore the underlying shadow tiddler.
To mark the end of a paragraph in TiddlyWiki you need to type `enter` twice to create a double line break:
This is the first paragraph.
And this is the second paragraph.
Single line breaks are ignored within paragraphs. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"This is a
paragraph made
up of
short lines">>
For situations where this behaviour isn't convenient, you can also use [[Hard Linebreaks in WikiText]].
! Introduction
The password widget displays a password input box that is bound to a named entry in the TiddlyWiki5 PasswordVault. Passwords are currently stored in the browsers local storage and are not themselves encrypted.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$password>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|name |Name of the password vault entry |
<<.dlink-ex "Percent encoding" "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Percent-encoding">> is a notation that allows otherwise invalid characters to be included in a [[URI]].
Such characters are represented as a percent sign `%` followed by two additional characters.
For example, a space is represented as `%20` and an actual percent sign is represented as `%25`.
TiddlyWiki ships with defaults that are designed to get the best out of modern devices from smartphones to desktop computers. If you need to work on older, less powerful devices, or work with large amounts of content, there are a few steps you can take to improve performance.
* ''Avoid the "Recent" tab''. It is computationally slow to generate and update in response to tiddler changes.
* ''Use the "Vanilla" theme''. The default "Snow White" theme includes visual effects like shadows, transparency and blurring that can be slow to render on older devices
* ''Avoid large tiddlers''. Large bitmaps can significantly slow TiddlyWiki's performance. For example, an image taken with a modern smartphone will often be 5MB or more. Use ExternalImages whenever possible
* ''Don't have too many tiddlers open at once''. Every tiddler you have open will require processing to keep it up to date as the store changes (for example, while you type into a draft tiddler). It is particularly easy when using zoomin story view to end up with dozens of tiddlers listed in the ''Open'' tab in the sidebar. Get into the habit of periodically closing all open tiddlers with the ''close all'' button
Permalinks allow direct links to individual tiddlers within a TiddlyWiki.
! Simple Permalinks
The simplest form of permalink is a single target tiddler title appended to the base URL with `#`:
The tiddler title can contain spaces if required:
[[http://tiddlywiki.com/#Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
Note that double square brackets are not required around the target tiddler title; however, if present they are silently removed.
! Story Permalinks
The permalink can also specify the story list of tiddlers that should be opened alongside the target tiddler as a [[TiddlerFilter|Filters]]:
[[http://tiddlywiki.com/#TiddlerFields:Tiddlers TiddlerTags TiddlerFields ContentType]]
If the target tiddler isn't present in the story list then it is automatically inserted at the top. This means that the following two examples both target the tiddler `Tiddlers` within the story sequence `Tiddlers`, `Tags`, `TiddlerFields`:
[[http://tiddlywiki.com/#Tiddlers:Tags TiddlerFields]]
[[http://tiddlywiki.com/#Tiddlers:Tiddlers Tags TiddlerFields]]
It is also possible to specify a story filter without specifying a target tiddler for navigation:
<a href="http://tiddlywiki.com/#:[tags[task]]">~http://tiddlywiki.com/#:[tags[task]]</a>
! About URL encoding
There are technical restrictions on the legal characters in an URL fragment. To allow all tiddler titles to be addressed, illegal characters are subject to a process called "URL encoding" whereby problematic characters are replaced by their numeric code. For example, the space character is replaced with `%20`.
Both the target tiddler title and the story filter should be URL encoded (but not the separating colon). TiddlyWiki generates properly encoded URLs which can look quite ugly. However, in practice browsers will usually perfectly happily process arbitrary characters in URL fragments. Thus when creating permalinks manually you can choose to ignore URL encoding.
! Permalink Behaviour
Two important aspects of TiddlyWiki's behaviour with permalinks can be controlled via options in the $:/ControlPanel ''Advanced/Settings'' tab:
* Whether to automatically update the address bar at each navigation, and if so whether to include the story sequence as well as the target tiddler
* Whether the updates to the address bar should affect browser history. The default is ''no''; when switched to ''yes'' you can rewind navigation between tiddlers using the browser back and forward buttons
Note that typing or navigating to a permalink will always cause the permalink to be processed, and tiddlers opened and closed as appropriate.
!! Technical Details
When TiddlyWiki starts up it processes permalinks according to the following steps; the same steps are repeated if the permalink changes dynamically (this happens in response to the user editing the address bar, for example).
# If the permalink contains a colon, treat the string before as the ''target'' and the string after it as the ''story filter''
# If the permalink doesn't contain a colon, treat the entire string as the ''target'' and mark the ''story filter'' as //unspecified//
# If the ''story filter'' was unspecified and we're in the process of starting up, then set the ''story filter'' to the empty string if the ''target'' is specified, or to the default tiddlers if the ''target'' is unspecified
# If the ''story filter'' was unspecified and we're not starting up, then set the ''story filter'' to the current story list
# Evaluate the ''story filter'' as the ''story list''
# If the ''target'' is specified and not present in the ''story list'' then add it at the top
# If the ''target'' is specified then navigate to it, otherwise navigate to the first tiddler in the ''story list''
A system for lesson planning built with TiddlyWiki.
I built a program to help enter and store lesson plan information and then facilitate/automate some of the tedious work involved in creating the actual lesson plan document.
The purpose of recording and organising information is so that it can be used again. The value of recorded information is directly proportional to the ease with which it can be re-used.
The philosophy of [[tiddlers|Tiddlers]] is that we maximise the possibilities for re-use by slicing information up into the smallest semantically meaningful units with [[rich modelling of relationships between them|Structuring TiddlyWiki]]. Then we use aggregation and composition to weave the fragments together to present narrative stories.
TiddlyWiki aspires to provide an algebra for tiddlers, a concise way of expressing and exploring the relationships between items of information.
TiddlyWiki can be used on several platforms:
<<list-links "[tag[Platforms]]">>
These editions contain simple demos of the original set of TiddlyWiki plugins. They were prepared for earlier versions of TiddlyWiki that lacked the plugin library.
<<list-links "[tag[Plugin Editions]]">>
[[Plugins]] are bundles of tiddlers that are distributed and managed as a single unit by being packed into a single JSON tiddler. If a tiddler isn't found in the main store, then the registered plugins are searched for it instead.
Tiddlers within plugins behave something like shadow tiddlers in classic TiddlyWiki: they can be freely overwritten by creating a tiddler with the same title, but deleting that tiddler restores the underlying tiddler value from the plugin.
Plugins have a `plugin-type` field that may be (see the table below):
* `plugin` //(default)// - a plain plugin
* `theme` - a theme plugin (see ThemeMechanism)
* `language` - for translations only
Plugins can be used to package ordinary content, or can include JavaScript [[modules|Modules]] that extend and enhance the core TiddlyWiki5 functionality.
Plugins conventionally have a title of the form `$:/plugins/publisher/name`. Plugins that are part of the core TiddlyWiki distribution have titles of the form `$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/name`.
Plugins that define macros, views or other named entities are expected to prefix the name with their publisher identifier, for example: `tiddlytools.slider`.
! Plugin fields
Plugins are stored as tiddlers with the following fields:
|!Field |!Description |
|title |Title of plugin |
|description |Description of plugin |
|author |Author of plugin |
|version |Version string (must conform to SemanticVersioning convention) |
|source |Source URL of plugin |
|type |Must be ''application/json'' |
|plugin-type |Can be ''plugin'' (default), ''language'' or ''theme'' |
|text |JSON encoding of the list of tiddlers comprising the plugin |
|list |Names of exposed plugin information tiddlers (see below) |
|name |Name of the theme (only for themes) |
|dependents |List of dependent plugins (currently only implemented for themes) |
! Plugin folders
On the server, plugins can be stored as ordinary JSON tiddlers but it is often more convenient to store them as separate tiddler files within folders. Plugin folders must contain a `plugin.info` file that contains the metadata for the plugin. It can also optionally identify files external to the plugin folder that should be loaded as tiddlers.
The `plugin.info` file should contain the following JSON structure:
The JSON structure for plugin tiddlers is as follows:
"title": "$:/plugins/publisher/name",
"description": "An exemplary plugin for demonstration purposes",
"author": "JeremyRuston",
"version": "1.2.3-alpha3",
"core-version": ">=5.0.0",
"source": "http://tiddlywiki.com/MyPlugin",
"plugin-type": "plugin",
"list": "readme license history"
By convention, the titles of the individual tiddlers are prefixed with the title of the containing plugin, but they are not restricted to do so.
Note that if the `version` field is omitted from a `plugin.info` file when the plugin folder is packed then it is automatically filled in by the core to the current core version number. This is to ensure that all the core plugins carry the correct version number. Generally plugin authors will want to ensure that they do explicitly specify a version number.
! Plugin library
The standard distribution of TiddlyWiki includes a number of standard plugins in the `plugins` directory.
! Including plugins in a wiki
To be usable in the browser, plugins just need to be included in the wiki. For wikis that are generated on the server, TiddlyWikiFolders can contain a `tiddlywiki.info` file that identifies the plugins to be included in this wiki:
"plugins": [
Plugins names refer to plugin folders listed in TiddlyWiki5's root `plugins` folder.
Plugins can also be included manually by copying them into the `plugins` subfolder of the wiki.
! Plugin processing
The wiki object keeps track of all of the currently loaded plugins. If a request for a tiddler isn't in the store then the wiki looks through the cascade of plugins to find the requested tiddler. It is a similar idea to the way that shadow tiddlers are implemented in classic TiddlyWiki.
In the browser, any constituent tiddlers that are JavaScript modules (ie shadow tiddlers of content type `application/javascript` and possessing the field `module-type`) are executed during startup processing.
!! Disabling Plugins
Plugins can be disabled by creating a tiddler titled `$:/config/Plugins/Disabled/` concatenated with the plugin title, and setting its text to `yes`.
For example, to disable the plugin `$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/highlight`, the title would be:
! Information Tiddlers for Plugins
Plugin authors are encouraged to provide special information and documentation tiddlers that TiddlyWiki can include as plugin information tabs in the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]].
Plugins should provide an icon contained in a tiddler with the title formed of `<plugin-name>/icon` (for example, [[$:/core/icon]]).
Plugins expose the names of the individual information tabs that they wish to display in the `list` field of the plugin tiddler. By convention, some or all of the following should be provided:
* ''readme'': basic information about the plugin
* ''license'': the license under which the plugin is published
The title of the associated information tiddler must be formed as follows:
# `$:/<plugin-name>/<current-language>/<tab-name>` (for example, ''$:/core/en-GB/readme'')
# `$:/<plugin-name>/<tab-name>` (for example, ''$:/core/readme'')
Thus, plugins can provide language-specific versions of each information tiddler.
Note that information tiddlers should not reference other tiddlers within the plugin. This is because plugins containing themes or languages are dynamically switched in and out as they are selected, and so their information tiddlers may not be available for viewing. The control panel uses the 'subtiddler' attribute of the TranscludeWidget to access these tiddlers, which works independently of the plugin switching mechanism.
Plugins in TiddlyWiki5 are used to distribute optional components that customise and extend TiddlyWiki. You can install them from the [[official plugin library|Installing a plugin from the plugin library]] or from [[community sites|Resources]].
Internally, plugins are a bundle of tiddlers packaged together as a single tiddler that can be installed, copied or deleted as a unit. The individual tiddlers within a plugin appear as ShadowTiddlers. See the PluginMechanism discussion for more details about how plugins are implemented internally.
Plugins can contain JavaScript modules, style sheets, and templates. Plugins can also be used to distribute ordinary text, images or any other content.
<<list-links "[tag[Plugins]]">>
A collection of plugins from TheDiveO.
[[TheDiveO's Third Flow|http://thediveo.github.io/ThirdFlow/]] plugin construction system:
The ~ThirdFlow plugin brings to you another way to develop customization plugins for TiddlyWiki 5. It is not enforcing a specific development flow, it simply tries to help you. Otherwise, it tries to stay out of your way.
[[TheDiveO's FontAwesome|http://thediveo.github.io/TW5FontAwesome/]] plugin:
The FontAwesome plugin supports embedding Font Awesome in TiddlyWiki 5. There is no need to install this font into your operating system in order to use it with TiddlyWiki 5. The font is already embedded in this TiddlyWiki 5 customization plugin instead, so nothing else to install.
<<.operator-examples "plugintiddlers">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[$:/core]plugintiddlers[]]">>
The popup mechanism allows blocks of content to be selectively displayed and positioned with respect to an anchor. It has several parts:
* [[StateTiddlers|StateMechanism]] to record whether a popup is currently displayed or not
* The RevealWidget to selectively display the popup content
** For "sticky" popups — those that don't close when clicking inside one — set the ''class'' attribute to `tc-popup-keep`
* The ButtonWidget to trigger the display of the popup by setting the state tiddler appropriately
A <<.def pragma>> is a special component of WikiText that provides control over the way the remaining text is parsed.
Pragmas occupy lines that start with `\`. They can only appear at the start of the text, but blank lines are allowed between them. If a pragma line appears in the main body of the text, it is treated as if it was ordinary text.
The following pragmas are available:
: for defining a [[macro|Macros]]
: for adjusting the set of rules used to parse the text
<<.operator-examples "prefix">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[tag[task]!prefix[Go]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[prefix[$:/languages/]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[prefix[$:/]]" "same as `[is[system]]`">>
<<.operator-examples "prepend">>
The operator may be used to prepend a number of items to the list.
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]prepend[Yesterday Today Tomorrow]]">>
The operand may list only items without spaces -- to include items with spaces, use a reference to an array e.g. prepend the last three short days of the week to the list
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]!prepend:3{Days of the Week!!short}]">>
Ordinarily, at startup TiddlyWiki displays the tiddlers specified as a filter in the tiddler [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]].
Sometimes it's useful to re-open the same tiddlers that were open when the file was saved. To do so, set [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]] to this filter:
This filter returns the tiddlers specified in the [[$:/StoryList]] tiddler, which is the system tiddler that TiddlyWiki uses to store the sequence of tiddlers in the current story.
Each input title is processed in turn, and its predecessor is located in the <<.field list>> field and appended to the output. If a title is not listed in the field, or is the first item there, then it contributes nothing to the output.
<<.operator-examples "previous">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[Wednesday]previous[Days of the Week]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[[Monday]previous[Days of the Week]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "Tuesday Wednesday Thursday +[previous[Days of the Week]]">>
<<.operator-examples "putafter">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]] +[putafter[Wednesday]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]] +[putafter:2[Tuesday]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[list[Days of the Week]] [[Yesterday]] [[Today]] [[Tomorrow]] +[putafter:3[Tuesday]]">>
<<.operator-examples "putbefore">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]] +[putbefore[Wednesday]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]] +[putbefore:2[Tuesday]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[list[Days of the Week]] [[Yesterday]] [[Today]] [[Tomorrow]] +[putbefore:3[Tuesday]]">>
<<.operator-examples "putfirst">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]] +[putfirst[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]] +[putfirst:2[]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[list[Days of the Week]] [[Yesterday]] [[Today]] [[Tomorrow]] +[putfirst:-2[]]">>
<<.operator-examples "putlast">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]] +[putlast[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]] +[putlast:2[]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "one two three [list[Days of the Week]] +[putlast:-3[]]">>
The <<.def qualify>> [[macro|Macros]] is an important part of the StateMechanism.
It returns a unique string that encodes its position within the [[widget tree|Widgets]], as identified by the stack of transcluded tiddlers that lead to that position.
It is implemented using the <<.vlink transclusion>> variable.
!! Parameters
: The prefix for the returned string, normally a tiddler title
<<.macro-examples "qualify">>
The results returned by the <<.mlink qualify>> macro depend on its location in the transclusion stack.
The two examples below are identical, but produce different results because the second one has been transcluded from [[another tiddler|$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/qualify-transcluded]].
Each example shows the result of calling <<.var qualify>> and then the value of the <<.vlink transclusion>> variable.
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
<li><code><<qualify "BaseTiddler">></code></li>
Wikipedia [[defines a Quine|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quine_(computing)]] as //a computer program which takes no input and produces a copy of its own source code as its only output//.
TiddlyWiki is an unusual example of a practical quine: it is this ability to produce a copy of its own source code that lies at the heart of TiddlyWiki's ability to independently save changes to itself.
! Introduction
The radio widget displays an HTML `<input type="radio">` that reflects whether a given tiddler field has a specified value. Selecting the radio button sets to the tiddler field to the value.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$radio>` widget is displayed within an HTML `<label>` element also containing the radio button. This means that clicking on the content will have the same effect as clicking on the button itself.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |Title of the tiddler to manipulate (defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]) |
|field |The name of the field to which the radio button will be bound |
|value |The value for the tiddler field |
|class |CSS classes to be assigned to the label around the radio button |
! Example
This example uses the radio widget to change the `modifier` field of this tiddler:
<$radio field="modifier" value="JoeBloggs"> Joe Bloggs</$radio>
<$radio field="modifier" value="JaneBloggs"> Jane Bloggs</$radio>
It renders as:
<$radio field="modifier" value="JoeBloggs"> Joe Bloggs</$radio>
<$radio field="modifier" value="JaneBloggs"> Jane Bloggs</$radio>
<<.def "Railroad diagrams">>, sometimes called <<.def "syntax diagrams">>, are a visual way of explaining the syntax rules of a computer language. Reading one is like reading a public transport map.
Each diagram starts on the left and ends on the right. Simply follow any line from the startpoint to the endpoint. All the alternative lines are equally valid. A line will sometimes jump over an item that is optional, or loop back to indicate that an item can be repeated.
<$railroad text="""
start [:optional] {repeated +","} end
In the example above, a comma appears between each occurrence of the `repeated` item. The comma path runs from right to left, and can only be reached by first passing through `repeated`.
Characters in round boxes are literal, i.e. they denote themselves. A name in a rectangular box denotes a further railroad diagram.
The railroad diagrams in ~TiddlyWiki's documentation are generated with the [[Railroad Plugin]].
Featuring plugins that integrate two interesting new capabilities:
* [[SocialCalc|https://www.socialtext.net/open/socialcalc]] providing a powerful spreadsheet
* [[Three.js|http://threejs.org/]] providing interactive 3D graphics
I developed some plugins related to engineering tasks.
After using them for personal projects I'm glad to share with TiddlyWiki community.
\define tv-wikilink-template() http://tiddlywiki.com/static/$uri_doubleencoded$.html
<$importvariables filter="[[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Macro]!has[draft.of]]">
Welcome to TiddlyWiki, a non-linear personal web notebook that anyone can use and keep forever, independently of any corporation.
TiddlyWiki is a complete interactive wiki in JavaScript. It can be used as a single HTML file in the browser or as a powerful Node.js application. It is highly customisable: the entire user interface is itself implemented in hackable WikiText.
Learn more and see it in action at http://tiddlywiki.com/
Developer documentation is in progress at http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/
! Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js
{{Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js}}
! Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js
{{Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js}}
! Upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js
{{Upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js}}
! Also see
<<list-links "[tag[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] -[[Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] -[[Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] -[[Upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]">>
//This readme file was automatically generated by TiddlyWiki//
\define tv-wikilink-template() http://tiddlywiki.com/static/$uri_doubleencoded$.html
{{Scripts for TiddlyWiki on Node.js}}
The following topics provide the canonical reference documentation for TiddlyWiki:
<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-selective-expandable 'Reference'>>
<<.def "Reference tiddlers">> offer raw information in a comprehensive interlinked way. The reader is likely to be an intermediate or expert user.
There are several subcategories:
* With definitions, together forming a glossary
;User manual
* Presenting technical details of ~WikiText features
* Subcategorised: messages, operators, widgets, etc
;Developer manual
* Presenting technical details of ~TiddlyWiki's internal architecture
Reference material is written in a terse, formal style that avoids referring to the reader, and instead focuses on how ~TiddlyWiki itself behaves. The passive voice is often suitable:
* <<.word "the template is specified as a tiddler">> rather than <<.word "specify the template as a tiddler">>
* <<.word "the widget can be used for various purposes">> rather than <<.word "you can use the widget for various purposes">>
* But <<.word "this widget has several possible uses">> is better, because it is less convoluted and more succinct
Most contracted verb forms are avoided in reference tiddlers. But those ending in <<.word "n't">> (<<.word "aren't">>, <<.word "doesn't">>, <<.word "hasn't">>, <<.word "isn't">>, etc) are acceptable, as they make it less easy to accidentally overlook the word <<.word not>>.
<<.def "Regular expressions">> are concise strings of characters that denote patterns of text to search for. The format used in ~TiddlyWiki is fully defined in [[this Mozilla reference|https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Regular_Expressions]].
The [[filter syntax|Filter Run]] makes it impossible to directly specify a regular expression that contains square brackets. The solution is to store the expression in a [[variable|Variables]]. See the <<.operator-examples "regexp" "examples">>.
The parameter <<.place X>> can optionally start or end with a string of flags:
<$railroad text=""" "(?" { ("i"|"m"|:"g") } ")" """/>
Only the `i` flag is generally useful: it forces the different between capital and lowercase letters to be ignored.
If <<.place X>> is empty, <<.op regexp>> will match all of the input tiddlers.
<<.operator-examples "regexp">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[!is[system]regexp[Wiki]]" "non-system tiddlers with `Wiki` in their title">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[!is[system]regexp[(?i)Wiki]]" "non-system tiddlers with `Wiki` in their title, ignoring case">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[!is[system]regexp[Wiki(?i)]]" "same again">>
<<.operator-example 4 "[regexp[(?i)\.jpe?g$]]" "tiddlers with titles ending in `.jpg` or `.jpeg`, ignoring case">>
<<.operator-example 5 "[regexp:created[^201408]]" "tiddlers created in August 2014">>
The regular expression `[0-9]{2}` matches two consecutive digits. Because it contains square brackets, the way to use it with the <<.op regexp>> operator is via a [[variable|Variables]], as follows:
src="""<$set name="digit-pattern" value="[0-9]{2}">
<<list-links "[regexp:title<digit-pattern>]">>
This release is the culmination of a large scale refactoring of the widget mechanism of TiddlyWiki5. There are several changes to be aware of if upgrading from earlier versions:
* The following widgets have been removed:
** `<$setstyle>` - use `<div style=<<macroName Param>>>` instead
** `<$video>` - will return in a later release
** `<$datauri>` - use the `<<makedatauri>>` built-in macro instead
** `<$error>` - may return in a later release
** `<$import>` - use the BrowseWidget, DropzoneWidget and NavigatorWidget instead
** `<$info>` - use the `<<changecount>>` built-in macro instead
** `<$version>` - use the `<<version>>` built-in macro instead
* The following widgets have had significant changes:
** EditWidget
** ListWidget - the list widget itself no longer generates HTML nodes, so you'll often need to wrap the template in a `<div>` or a `<span>` to be able to style the content
** ViewWidget - has several changes:
*** `<$view format="link"/>` is no longer available; use an explicit `<$link>` widget instead
*** `<$view format="link"/>` is no longer available; use the TranscludeWidget instead
* The following new widgets have been added:
** BrowseWidget
** DropzoneWidget
** EditTextWidget and EditBitmapWidget
** SetVariableWidget
* Widget attribute names have been made more consistent. In particular, `tiddler` is used to reference a tiddler by title, not `title`
* It is no longer possible to import the macro definitions within another tiddler by transcluding that tiddler
* The `body` element now has the class `tw-body`, which will need to be specified in any overrides
** This was done due to the new support for HTML foreign objects, which makes it possible to have multiple `<body>` elements in a document
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.11...v5.0.0-alpha.12]]//
This minor release just contains fixes for the syncer and related adaptor modules for the TiddlyWeb edition and for TiddlyWiki5's integrated server.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.12...v5.0.0-alpha.13]]//
This release has several bug fixes:
* Fixes to DaveGifford's themes ''blanca'', ''blue'' and ''rocker''
* Fix an issue with the `<$edit-text>` widget
* Documentation updates
* Improved deployment scripts
* Made the modifier field in the subtitle be a link
* Styling improvements for the CodeMirror plugin
* Improved the ViewWidget so that it falls back to displaying its content if the field/property is missing or empty
* Extend use of the built-in `<<tabs>>` macro to the tiddler info panel, the control panel and the sidebar
** This means that you can add new tabs by creating tiddlers with these tags, and optionally a `caption` field for the text of the tab:
*** [[$:/tags/TiddlerInfo]] for tiddler info panel tabs
*** [[$:/tags/ControlPanel]] for control panel tabs
*** [[$:/tags/SideBar]] for sidebar tabs
*** [[$:/tags/MoreSideBar]] for tabs in the "more" sidebar
*** Change the order of tabs by adjusting the `list` field of the corresponding tag tiddler
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.13...v5.0.0-alpha.14]]//
This release has several bug fixes:
* Improved the layout of the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]]
* Fixed problem with using the CheckboxWidget to apply tags to tiddlers that don't have any existing tags
* Fixed problem with default password for the PasswordWidget being the string "null"
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.14...v5.0.0-alpha.15]]//
!! New Features
* Added a dropdown to the edit template for setting the tiddler type
* A saver module for Microsoft Internet Explorer version 10 and above. Clicking save in the sidebar causes the browser to pull up a bar at the bottom of the window where you can click ''save''. You then get a new copy of your wiki in the downloads folder.
* Support for new `tw-close-other-tiddlers` message (eg, <$button message="tw-close-other-tiddlers">close others</$button>)
* For http://five.tiddlywiki.com, add a tiddler info tab with a link to the static representation of the tiddler
* Make more UI elements extensible via system tags:
** [[$:/tags/ViewToolbar]] for the view mode tiddler toolbar
** [[$:/tags/EditTemplate]] for the edit template
** [[$:/tags/EditToolbar]] for the edit mode tiddler toolbar
** [[$:/tags/PageControls]] for the page control tools in the sidebar
!! Improvements
* Rename the `<$setvariable>` to `<$set>`
** `<$setvariable>` will temporarily remain as a synonym for `<$set>` for the next few releases
* Improve the popup mechanism so that the tiddler info panel doesn't close so easily
* Various improvements for working with TiddlyWeb, including:
** Updated control panel
!! Bug fixes
* Fixed bug when creating a tiddler title starting or ending with a space
* Fixed behaviour of tags editor dropdown when search box is empty
* Fixed problem with interpretation of `fields` and `index` attributes of the TranscludeWidget
* Fixed the module type names in the internal tab of the control panel
* Improved styling for embedded PDFs
* Fixed bug with second being omitted from serialised date formats
Contributors to this release include @jermolene and @grayeul.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.15...v5.0.0-alpha.16]]//
!! New Features and Improvements
* Improved appearance of tags editor
* Improved generation of qualified tiddler titles for state storage
** Instead of `$:/state/tab/sidebar-{$:/core/ui/SideBar|$:/core/ui/SideBar||}{$:/core/ui/PageTemplate|$:/core/ui/PageTemplate||}` one gets `$:/state/tab/sidebar-{1743827719}`
* Significant updates to the structure and content of the user documentation
* Added a new plugin for displaying corner ribbons; currently used for a version banner on tw5.com
* Split ''Snow White'' theme into a base ''Vanilla'' theme with all the basic formatting, leaving the decorative bits to ''Snow White''
** Existing TiddlyWikiFolders will need updating to include ''Vanilla'' as an additional theme
* The page building blocks are now driven by the system tag `$:/tags/PageTemplate`
** [[$:/TopSideBar]] and [[$:/LeftSideBar]] are no longer specially treated; use the new tag instead
* Fixed problem that prevented tag configured items from shadow tiddlers interleaving with items from ordinary tiddlers
* Refactored control panel to add ''Saving'' tab that includes TiddlySpot options
* Improved notifications when saving to TiddlySpot
* Added backup URL to TiddlySpot control panel tab
* Extended the ServerCommand to add primitive support for basic authentication when running under [[Node.js]]
!! Bug fixes
* Fixed problem with displaying tiddler titles that contain WikiText syntax
* No longer crashes when encountering an error in a filter string
* Fixed a crash when dragging and dropping tiddlers within TiddlyWiki5
* No longer update the modified date for imported tiddlers
* Automatically forces new field names to be lower case
!! Internal changes
* Added Windows-compatible build scripts
* Changes to the SavingMechanism to allow the tiddlers that are saved to be selected
** This enables the wiki at http://five.tiddlywiki.com/index.html to generate an empty wiki
* The main HTML file template used for saving TiddlyWiki5 documents has changed from `$:/core/templates/tiddlywiki5.template.html` to `$:/core/save/all`
* Moved tw5.com's Google Analytics integration into a proper plugin
Contributors to this release include @jermolene, @asampal and @pmario.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.16...v5.0.0-alpha.17]]//
!! Bug fixes
* Fixes a small but important bug that prevented downloading an empty wiki with alpha.16
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.17...v5.0.1-alpha]]//
!! Improvements
* Changes to the importing process to enable a smoother [[Upgrading]] process
** Ignores attempts to import plugins that are older than currently installed plugins
** System tiddlers are now imported as usual
* If `$:/theme` isn't defined or refers to a missing tiddler, then fallback through ''Snow White'' to ''Vanilla''. This means that `empty.html` now defaults to ''Snow White''
* Added support for [[Block Quotes in WikiText]]
** Contributed by StephanHradek (@Skeeve on GitHub)
!! Bug fixes
* Fixed bug that was preventing `$:/tags/PageControls` tiddlers from being reordered
!! Internal changes
* Changed the [[TiddlyWiki5 Versioning]] policy
** Beta releases will be `5.0.x-beta` and the final release will be `5.1.x`
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.9-beta...v5.0.10-beta]]//
!! Highlights
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ad4b03506a62d7110cb30aaa3d6f8dbfc712f246]] new syntax for [[Images in WikiText]] and a new ImageWidget
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ba576d9f1b2146cec293447b2968e34f0c594a05]] support for a SafeMode that disables customisations
!! Documentation Improvements
* Added DateFormat documentation
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Refactor|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bb42c0ab360760917ad5bde84f15350186a9471a]] sorting to respect accented characters
* [[Support|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/45b0966013c760abab5b3f7faea0e59af2ca5619]] embedded images in Markdown tiddlers
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/821f1f1428f92160ae8bc4fa71dd3f947243f09e]] sidebar hiding action so that the story river border is maintained
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/15d0c27e2a82359616ce6c7883557cd2ef1886cd]] `[is[tag]]` to the <<.olink is>> operator
* [[Hide|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/95d291daac4a26664f0c232175f54780f0fa678f]] the top bars in the print stylesheet
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4758874d13430338da07727997d0c4df7f328ac1]] support for saving changes on Windows network drives
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9fbe72a8778ae94c7d6322ad4b9155c83f753113]] configuration processing so that ordinary tiddlers are processed after shadow tiddlers. This resolves an issue whereby user stylesheets were being overridden by shadow stylesheets
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d6054f10392c535ca430f3e73b9b68d0f8c18498]] issue with offline snapshot of server edition erroneously including shadow tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bd4a031df8a68287475a41ad84b423ad83f735a3]] problem with corrupted upgrades from 5.0.x-prerelease to 5.0.x-beta
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/73cfd1021809e97906ecfd5dacdf2337da3abae9]] bug with `[untagged[]]` filter operator
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d336ffea02621e382f6d7135847d11e49e77bc26]] incorrect background colour for tag pills in the sidebar
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f57e04787738ad30fb05ac0e592239075b90507e]] issues with null fields under TiddlyWeb
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/768489128547cf54e80fc321f3f1f4f5cd191862]] problem with hamburger overlapping scrollbars
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.10-beta...v5.0.11-beta]]//
!! Incompatible Changes
See [[Notes for upgrading to 5.0.11-beta]] for more details of these changes:
* The default output location for command line operations has changed to the `/output` folder within TiddlyWikiFolders (it used to be current directory)
* Note that the shadow tiddler [[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]] has changed with this release. If you've made modifications to it you should copy your modifications to a new tiddler, delete [[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]], perform the upgrade and then manually update the new copy of [[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]]
!! Documentation Improvements
* Added more warnings about taking care to [[backup your data|The First Rule of Using TiddlyWiki]]
!! Usability Improvements
* Many performance optimisations, particularly for filter operations
* Added support for PermaLinks and browser back and forward buttons
* Added support for WikiLinks in Markdown via `[link text](#TiddlerTitle)`
* Added support for explicit external [[Linking in WikiText]] (eg `[ext[tooltip|url]]`)
* [[Replaced|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/580]] hamburger menu icon with double chevron icon
* [[Enhance|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/552657fc584dbb36754d3fcabca2cdef7e916ec9]] plain text parsing to use the CodeBlockWidget, and hence use syntax highlighting if the plugin is installed. This gives us syntax highlighting for JavaScript shadow tiddlers, amongst other things
* Improvements to the German, French, Italian, Japanese and Chinese translations
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/61c3f8a5ba3c815d623c06f6a97d9c00a31a4157]] WikiText tiddlers from the sidebar "Types" tab
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a90339d1e573ec82dba1caeaead0f71717618a80]] various warnings when editing shadow tiddlers
* [[Allow|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0ac4c2b554f045c6bd2dc6ea5daa0d2f0397d04c]] digits in field names
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a4294b55f0a217d019a6e4cbb62f6a8a19668928]] warning banner and when attempting to edit binary tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b84c663215cf7877fff960748af4b2849ae0dbb3]] automatic refreshing of the browser window title from $:/core/wiki/title
!! Hackability Improvements
* Improved vertical layouts of <<.mlink tabs>> macro
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/93566cdc332226b77eaba8a70fa166f3b8fcfe1e]] "standard" tab to [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e83759e86d2a9e05e4b85dae50925fe988f8e239]] new filter operators <<.olink before>> and <<.olink after>>
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/570cad1c7f90e685961130918f09a7f9b2951f8c]] new <<.olink get>> operator
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f7e50e0950c5bf10d94d926576011893418b25f1]] [[BuildCommand]], [[OutputCommand]] and [[ClearPasswordCommand]]
* Added new extensible StartupMechanism for orchestrating startup tasks
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/711b76307c95d0026f79f584e85ae3d4b7289d15]] to new version of CodeMirror
* Added https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5NodeWebkit, a demo of using TiddlyWiki as a library in a node-webkit application
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4e07b3335b570f4039427e11df729fc4a899a671]] `.tid` TiddlerFiles to allow single line text fields
* Renamed `$:/ShowEditPreview` to `$:/state/showeditpreview`
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/cc60ad1428dcf99a7ea0787e43e3b37f5a02fb98]] issue with hovering of the topbar icons in Firefox
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e548dd35af2d3195f82899096d4a4080362a1ff0]] problem with dragging and dropping within a text edit control
!! Contributors
I ([[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]]) would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to helping improve TiddlyWiki:
[[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]], [[@mwfogleman|https://github.com/mwfogleman]], [[@nameanyone|https://github.com/nameanyone]], [[@natecain|https://github.com/natecain]], [[@pekopeko1|https://github.com/pekopeko1]], [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]], [[@sukima|https://github.com/sukima]], [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]].
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.11-beta...v5.0.12-beta]]//
This is an emergency release that fixes a single significant bug with shadow tiddler handling in 5.0.11. See the [[discussion thread|https://groups.google.com/d/topic/tiddlywiki/pNxZsSCVp7c/discussion]] for more details.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.12-beta...v5.0.13-beta]]//
!! Accessibility Improvements
This release includes a number of features designed to improve the experience of TiddlyWiki with a screen reader. Particular thanks to [[@domasofan|https://github.com/domasofan]] for his feedback
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/34e4166dc5f24519b000de66853d5b1aee8f1648]] label and title for show/hide sidebar buttons
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/346b2f86111815c746c993fa09b7f677fa0b4b37]] label and title for advanced search link
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6f859c8d447a477a9120bdc308d1524558a80f20]] label and title for close buttons in "Open" sidebar tab
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/06b0f9adb7209870b46d42f832c1f7ad7a78976f]] ''aria-label'' support to the LinkWidget
* [[Switched|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bc9b67cbc3f363d48aafea86c077fcd5a9c0ca64]] to H1 tags for the page title and H2 tags for tiddler titles
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/eeedcb6d94a25d02e8fec45c89b30c7f2bcdde73]] label and title for tiddler and page toolbar buttons
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9ab0c84140bbc0f31cf65e632bddac616bbadbda]] support for global [[Macros in WikiText]] via the new ImportVariablesWidget
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3182a2d599f0e4b70a73fe369df4f398587dc1a9]] new SelectWidget
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f131c378934a86b741ab5b808437c95694dc5503]] behaviour of `text/html` tiddlers so that they are displayed within an HTML iframe element
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9b576f2a8d39dcca37bcb709183a8f9b27f33ccf]] group headings to the content type dropdown in edit mode
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4d70d5780e51cf0918fba15954cd47549e4e1a9f]] advanced navigation settings in [[$:/ControlPanel]] to use radio buttons
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f7b8813a27141a78980eefa03df70a4a2de9d10b]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3f25db0abe8cd28712c020f218506710cec004b6]]) behaviour of PermaLinks so that now [ext[http://tiddlywiki.com/#HelloThere]] just opens the single specified tiddler
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0c48502e8ed214cee23537d06e7e87efd53592c7]] support for triple-quoted multi-line attributes with [[macros|Macros in WikiText]], [[widgets|Widgets in WikiText]] and [[HTML elements|HTML in WikiText]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/32099b85d3b12f9e590274cb7550e3e531131706]] TableOfContents tab for tw5.com edition
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Restored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1b37d660ea7cd576cfeadfe8b782fe6c62dc9048]] ''escape'' as a shortcut to abandon edits
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9547a1f01c144c604c294f394a68d7dc6dbe4e5d]] support for ExternalImages that are referenced by URI and not stored in the TiddlyWiki HTML file
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d2796d0c9c7ed7a971ae6b0752d7418384072bb5]] new SetFieldCommand
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/305617b632fd6ecf25cd4be85f4dfb5a5a65dfef]] new SaveTiddlersCommand
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f14ecf4eb8965f2e407ccac51d4277330221efe3]] support for system tag [[$:/tags/RawMarkup]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0bdc5b5c70fbbf34aa459afcf0499fc9c8ae6374]] editor type mappings to control panel advanced tab
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1717c93d001ad184a08ca66d1bffb33fb5d32b3a]] CodeMirror (http://tiddlywiki.com/codemirrordemo.html) plugin for simpler configuration
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b2e48d00e9ea068a22b5ac5c0a4c93e8ddbb4a8a]] support for [[Environment Variables on Node.js]]
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/eee3a0cf8e5aa047f8596df06e28194409f38b01]] ServerCommand to allow a path prefix
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4238af2a405c14d22937d7c47a70bfb3d4e6f22d]] the <<.olink listed>> operator to use any list field
!! Bug Fixes
* Fixed [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6fb992690d33940d3509d7d4d74538e7f458e063]] and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0fae9ee99200e7eca30b9db0584c479d58841349]] the problem with state tiddlers being inadvertently saved
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a03a15e7de32a1b41618146ac334b5cd7d432e91]] bug with TextWidget not refreshing correctly
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d8a142fed5b22a8273d93ba05095e5f9c6929cb3]] problem with vertical tabs in Safari
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b8aedf2ca3cfc870be5a46accbb2dc0ddbb6d451]] issue with images in Markdown
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]]
* [[@csugden|https://github.com/csugden]]
* [[@danielo515|https://github.com/danielo515]]
* [[@IreneKnapp|https://github.com/IreneKnapp]]
* [[@jayfresh|https://github.com/jayfresh]]
* [[@mwfogleman|https://github.com/mwfogleman]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.13-beta...v5.0.14-beta]]//
!! Major Changes
!!! Improved Control Panel Plugins Tab
The ''Plugins'' tab of the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] has been improved with the addition of documentation tabs that plugins can use to show documentation. There is also a larger draggable area for dragging tiddlers across to other wikis.
!!! Configurable Button Toolbars
The page toolbar and the tiddler toolbars can now be configured with several new buttons - see the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] under the ''Appearance'' and ''Toolbars'' tabs.
The sidebar tools tab now shows all the available page controls, allowing them to be invoked or checked to appear in the toolbar. The tiddler info area now includes a tools tab that includes buttons for all the tiddler actions.
!!! Upgrade Mechanism
There are two components:
* A more flexible ImportMechanism that:
** Presents incoming tiddlers as a pending import list that allows the user to inspect them and, if necessary, explicitly deselect them from the actual import
** Provides UpgraderModules with an opportunity to process each incoming tiddler
*** The [[plugin upgrader|$:/core/modules/upgraders/plugins.js]] module handles version checking of plugins and upgrading them from a special UpgradeLibrary plugin tiddler
*** The [[system upgrader|$:/core/modules/upgraders/system.js]] module is responsible for suppressing the importing of certain system tiddlers (currently [[$:/StoryList]] and [[$:/HistoryList]])
*** The [[themetweak upgrader|$:/core/modules/upgraders/themetweaks.js]] module handles migrating theme tweaks from their pre-5.0.14-beta format (see below)
* An UpgradePlugin and associated edition that provides a custom, single-purpose user interface for upgrading standalone TiddlyWiki files - see http://tiddlywiki.com/upgrade.html
!!! Improvements to CamelCase Recognition
TiddlyWiki now takes a much more conservative approach to recognising CamelCase terms that should be automatically linked. Previously, the dash and underscore were treated as lower case letters, leading to a number of false positives. See the [[GitHub bug #337|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/337]] for details.
!!! Automatic Permalinking Off by Default
With previous beta releases of TiddlyWiki the browser address bar is automatically updated so that it dynamically reflects the tiddlers that are currently open. This makes it easier to get a permalink for copying and pasting elsewhere, but it leads to much confusion for casual users who don't always understand why unexpected tiddlers are being displayed after they have refreshed the page in the browser.
For 5.0.14-beta, the setting has been changed. Visit [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] ''Advanced''/''Settings'' to switch the setting back to "Include the target tiddler and the current story sequence".
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f6d7d87a3d49f816ccc050bdf4a5394eed37dd51]] previews to the icon dropdown in the [[tag manager|$:/TagManager]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/56945d91d327489478fc44dce5234ece35a01abb]] an indication of unsaved changes by changing the colour of the save changes button
* [[Split|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/7aa6c7c06d8b5359f183e6b9f6f57cf89611cda8]] the wikitext emphasis parsers into separate modules so that they can be independently controlled with the `\rules` pragma
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f43cd5ba9c6e5eda221ec738174e61e34fad2b8d]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a3de93b4eb8b108239b2e4b496308026e9e9eef8]]) ReleaseHistory to place the releases into vertical tabs
* [[Stopped|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3ff7462afd5414b92680c6b6e67274be79233224]] saving [[$:/HistoryList]], thus avoiding it uncontrollably increasing in size
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/73cf1bfdb3cd238ac7800162f58d44a8bb60019b]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d5e4b9b5d1e7db5ad4d769433cc934ef08265f57]]) print stylesheet to remove page background
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/07f13b310d300631267936ad8bc55a338369afc0]] display of plugin tiddlers so that their constituent tiddlers are shown, rather than the raw JSON
* [[Moved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/799a5b059a40a51fdeb1dae7a0eb5bf8a79f5106]] the functionality of the fullscreen plugin into the core
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c23f6af4b5c59f4d09dd8d6704e1939bb9d5b2d3]] TiddlerWidget to add a CSS class corresponding to each tag present on displayed tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d357e1706c91d17a72fb19fedf43e57071fc7dd6]] support for hiding specified fields in the tiddler editor
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/be040ea8a2cc8962f1a28a313e4c9ebc2d5c0e31]] support for variable operands in filters (see [[Filter Parameter]])
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1f16ef6fa88b51d2dad7c8e57fcff014950a7442]] support for widget messages [[tw-permalink|WidgetMessage: tw-permalink]] and [[tw-permaview|WidgetMessage: tw-permaview]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/plugins/tiddlywiki/browser-sniff]] browser sniffing plugin so that tiddlywiki.com can present the correct browser-specific documentation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ef67cc3fd9b267a522598abccdfbb93fbfca240c]] a configuration option for specifying the default location for saving new tiddlers in the client-server configuration
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b4d47858e587c96f3a68cc28cffff181ec45f55f]] support for the InfoMechanism
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f08f57c5d24eb0146ac2cb77472a5fc5f135f1e9]] CheckboxWidget to allow it to toggle fields as well as tags
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/21c137a66c37f010b36697bb6bed5321138fbb9f]] [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] theme tweaks to be stored in individual tiddlers
* [[Extend|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e18d8a88661a1c2caa1b722841747c75ca6af437]] the <<.mlink tabs>> macro to allow tabs to be templated
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/91acad0f7ce8637945a953dfcb122cd31292626d]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8612bc4006e717e4fa3c562fa72a85650206b66f]]) SystemTags support for inserting content above and below the story river
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f793816dfa687ae7791143b33487fd5f95f3265c]] support for transcluding plugin subtiddlers with the TranscludeWidget
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c73853288c5b4b0716da94fea2f2edec09345643]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/08f775eac8cb053d08c1c561e65a5eeb87c4c6b6]]) support for importing from `*.htm` and `*.hta` files as well as the existing support for `*.html` files
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/73d7e85e11c7732080ca8bc4321ebb12afbac09c]] the "sticky titles" theme so that it works when tiddlers are in edit mode
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5b3b62f93da4b7b19e24ccf72d9ce20b9edce6d5]] bug with execution order of BuildCommand targets
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d93da81671a704377209fc1871425c3a7c5db35a]] bug with missing hover colours for external links
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/465f4ac46903070759a572d183c498c5579cb922]] problem with refreshing modal dialogues
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3351ae7e29cbf3bed6fc1925ef33664bcc59fef5]] issue with cookies disabled on Firefox
* [[Relax|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5260899d8b090e8886e41e3aa770fdcf5967ad8c]] the requirement for a newline immediately the closing `\end` of a macro definition
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@ssokolow|https://github.com/ssokolow]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.14-beta...v5.0.15-beta]]//
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Simplified|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c57b00996855f10d9b7fa2aa4e9deb2a2a607d7f]] shadow default tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/32a7ee2683ace619599f0ab73028307ca33f4e4c]] the ability to disable plugins (see PluginMechanism) with a user interface in [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4b05608ad5e77043b01495825ea0f0e76c378760]] page control button for invoking the [[tag manager|$:/TagManager]]
* [[Simplified|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c4b76ceb0bc786bcceb12fc3417bb8c4bfde27a9]] downloading an offline copy of a client-server wiki
* [[Blocked|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2bbe9f76ecf8fc89c789e72be00ac19e811195ee]] temporary state tiddlers from import/upgrade
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c912fed55d94c9bef2d541cd55f458b12172941c]] a banner to the edit template encouraging improvements to the documentation
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f75af2c983e10e8a82639890b993fb5cf042d610]] `saver-handler.js` out of `syncer.js`
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8cf726275c19ed5b4a0ed1cf8354d64d1bc29da5]] [[Table-of-Contents Macros]]
* Simplified startup module organisation (see [[Startup Modules.svg]])
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/25777b147fa4ed2f915150aec503ad1e094e6043]] the overlay text for the DropzoneWidget to make it translateable
* [[Introduced|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/920e11e7921f777170aa2f9e1836c000fec2e26d]] a new [[refresh button|WidgetMessage: tw-browser-refresh]] and reverted [[home button|WidgetMessage: tw-home]] behaviour
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/fbf307c648ae0e92679c54f7d03f197a75b4e101]] ''alt'' attribute to the ImageWidget
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c8830d32f74b8c228553f11f7f55b5be45ae6471]] problem with building TiddlyWiki under Windows
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/34461cb2fe554331a0269fd7795b1d6a879fcba9]] unclickable download ink in upgrade wizard
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9e85ddfec78dd8df71e6173100dce659417551f4]] missing language flag in ''empty.html''
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/18592fe8f810d1858ca040da1a7c4a81fb74cfed]] problem with switching the type of a tiddler between the bitmap and text editor
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/fe6623d7feed1a9068e15bfac57be0b0924e8915]] foreground colour for tag pills in the sidebar
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c912fed55d94c9bef2d541cd55f458b12172941c]] problem with github source links for tiddlywiki.com not working for titles containing colons
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.15-beta...v5.0.16-beta]]//
!! Incompatible Changes
5.0.16-beta brings more incompatible changes than any previous release. These changes are likely to break almost all plugins written for previous releases of TiddlyWiki 5, and will break many customisations.
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/764]] all CSS class prefixes from `tw-` to `tc-` (eg `tw-tiddler-frame` has become `tc-tiddler-frame`; missing prefixes have also been added, so `btn-invisible` has become `tc-btn-invisible`)
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2f69ea362cd673f59b9fadbe11f1f95549a59813]] all message prefixes from `tw-` to `tm-` (eg `tw-close-tiddler` has become `tm-close-tiddler`)
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/89fd5379dd78887fc21746d792072bf5a25f0c56]] all variable prefixes from `tw-` to `tv-` (eg `tw-config-toolbar-icons` has become `tv-config-toolbar-icons`)
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/112a9a95d95e9f62f110c97a4faaf537c5c100b1]] prefix/removeprefix filter operators to be case-sensitive
!! Compatibility with TiddlyWikiClassic
This release includes a preliminary version of a new plugin that provides compatibility with content created for TiddlyWikiClassic:
Subsequent releases will include end-user documentation with step-by-step instructions for migrating content.
Many thanks to @buggyj for his work on this plugin.
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Amended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e47852cb141b384ad2a9097eca795545cb5b2494]] behaviour of the [[tm-browser-refresh|WidgetMessage: tw-browser-refresh]] message so that it no longer clears the location hash
* [[Hide|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/88c9c0c3ee115917b8c1a9126452bb0574061857]] toolbar buttons from static renderings
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Extend|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/48312272adb17610db96d50758e6af947cab7b1d]] the <<.olink all>> operator to be able to select all the source tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/43aeb47fc34f1ba424030c4f78ee907fe7b1d5d8]] problem with single line macro definitions incorrectly including whitespace in the value. (For example, `\define mymacro() yes` would set the macro value to " yes", with a leading space)
* [[Extend|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d2a5a12f2d6b6ccc36dd22a70ac2def08d1d3722]] [[Table-of-Contents Macros]] use the caption field if present
* [[Configurability|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b437f1b450f5f2a3104a9086f7c674299b53b9bc]] for the default tab shown in the tiddler info panel (see [[Configuring the default TiddlerInfo tab]])
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/dcf4e93a3283e3e93cc14e50366f9b0252870835]] <<.olink suffix>> and <<.olink removesuffix>> operators
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Reverted|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ad40223d6b9bed435d9381611cb9de1841b53df6]] incorrect refreshing of the tiddler widget
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/44228ed9f733217557851150f5ae45d9ebb23420]] indentation of selective expandable [[Table-of-Contents Macros]]
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]]
* [[@gernert|https://github.com/gernert]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.16-beta...v5.0.17-beta]]//
!! Highlights
This release includes major improvements from @giffmex to the welcome and tutorial documentation, and new development docs incorporating [[the work|https://github.com/cjrk/saa-tw]] of @cheigele and @cjrk.
!! Incompatible Changes
!!! Change System Tag `$:/tags/stylesheet` with `$:/tags/Stylesheet`
The [[issue|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/824]] is that the capitalisation of `$:/tags/stylesheet` is not consistent with other system tags. This release adds support for `$:/tags/Stylesheet`, and adds a deprecation warning if `$:/tags/stylesheet` is used. Support for `$:/tags/stylesheet` will be removed before the beta.
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f6ff0a7f715bdf12dfba6556f72c49ea2c3016b0]] support for `$:/tags/Stylesheet` and a deprecation warning when `$:/tags/stylesheet` is used
!!! Change ButtonWidget `title` attribute to `tooltip`
The use of the `title` attribute in the ButtonWidget was not consistent with the `tooltip` attribute used by the ImageWidget and LinkWidget. This release adds support for the `tooltip` attribute to the ButtonWidget alongside the existing support for the `title` attribute, but with a deprecation warning.
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b7f638aef3094d0552db2f72330b40a526113bd5]] `tooltip` attribute to ButtonWidget
!!! Removing Support for RegExp Filter Operands
As discussed in [[the associated ticket|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/762]], the support for regular expression filter operands is incomplete and inconsistent. The plan is to remove support for this feature in the next release. A new filter operator has been provided to replace it, along with the addition of a deprecation warning that is displayed whenever regular expression filter operators are used.
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f4fff7a33037ba9dd537379bcb44a52a280868d6]] new <<.olink regexp>> operator
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d45c417c187fe3dcc35ee7a308e64feebc7b185b]] deprecation warning for regular expression filter operators
!!! Repository Reorganisation
The goal is to make the TiddlyWiki repository easier to comprehend for newcomers.
* [[Moved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6e9cd5943703f7137e819fcb85376423b9c930d5]] scripts into a separate `bin` folder
!! Usability Improvements
* Reorganised the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] to make it more logical and usable
!! Hackability Improvements
* Moved developer documentation to http://tiddlywiki.com/dev
* [[Improvements|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/872e6fc2532012f0f9acfb29aa24a9cd5f340b9d]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c8a131ffd4716f2b99ab508567422ff463f2849d]]) to `serve.sh`/`serve.cmd` scripts
* [[Disable|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ac54fe33263cbe48bc294f9c14257ccc146be38e]] plugins when in SafeMode
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c1de85838f3d0d3e6a207152ecc9d61ff08a4b05]] new <<.mlink timeline>> macro
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f16d1832aae9a7ce71dea78b16c11afaf673acf2]] new <<.mlink dumpvariables>> macro
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ba3f8002355607c8b00b7d184f01fa68bbcda152]] [[Table-of-Contents Macros]] so that individual links can be disabled
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/542788bfeba98ec3bac0bb721293c16354bc1b34]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/487c4a40abda2b457b4015033bf1be76bd81dcc9]]) unnecessary `<p>` tag from edit tags and types dropdowns
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ccd916ca7cb45468ac30eb48bfdf86bea704d810]] ''multiple'' attribute to the BrowseWidget
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ab944bbf02e9fae606632a11df1053a46573fa49]] view template to hide bodies of tiddlers with field ''hide-body'' set to ''yes''
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c713eddbef50603e313a86f78c185753bab3d607]] problem with draft tiddlers not counting as dirty
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f87ce7e98a083f1bdcff5b1887b56aa95b731efe]] problem with keyboard shortcuts introduced in 5.0.16-beta
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/756e05504b33c387da7d3f81446a18f9a8fefe49]] problem with stylesheets being parsed in inline mode
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9adc30f69fba169813638021780263ff0df4e2bc]] bug with selective expandable [[Table-of-Contents Macros]]
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]]
* [[@cheigele|https://github.com/cheigele]]
* [[@cjrk|https://github.com/cjrk]]
* [[@giffmex|https://github.com/giffmex]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.17-beta...v5.0.18-beta]]//
This is a minor release prior to the full release of TiddlyWiki on September 20th. The documentation has been cleaned up and improved (with more improvements to come).
!! File Layout of tiddlywiki.com
The layout of files on tiddlywiki.com has been adjusted to make it more logical. See the [[ticket|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/823]] for a discussion. You can see the source files that make up tiddlywiki.com at https://github.com/Jermolene/jermolene.github.com
!! Hackability Improvements
* Added first iteration of a <<.mlink list-links>> macro (further improvements are planned)
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6d9bd4df8a1133c2ba246333edad14e6028d3ea4]] support for importing `.markdown` and `.md` files
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c4123ba3740f74f172468c4aa050451ebc5780d8]] <<.mlink timeline>> macro to support a subfilter
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a9f46525a0b1ecf7ce6d1bdae64e6763a247106b]] problem with digits being classified as lower case letters for wiki link matching
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8cc236b4dca96327c7b28ad45e1eb4c2dce174e5]] crash when sorting missing tiddlers by fields other than title
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/73a4747d05c6746476ccd9e8cb8255853f631d17]] problem with handling `.jpeg` file extensions
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/775482a2428d24a475e0c7df7bea215c190b5574]] problem with RadioWidget and missing tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2571f534aa67c7f9d423d44d36efa32480f4c370]] problem with dragging a partially selected link
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]]
* [[@Eucaly|https://github.com/Eucaly]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.1-alpha...v5.0.2-beta]]//
!! Improvements
* Added support for [[Hard Linebreaks in WikiText]]
* Added a new RadioWidget, contributed by StephanHradek (@Skeeve on GitHub)
* Two new savers for InternetExplorer, both contributed by DavidJade (@davidjade on GitHub)
** ''tiddlyie'' for [[saving with TiddlyIE|Saving with TiddlyIE]], an equivalent of TiddlyFox for InternetExplorer
** ''fsosaver'' that can [[save changes directly with InternetExplorer|Saving on InternetExplorer]] but requires the HTML file to be renamed `*.hta`
!! Bug fixes
* Fixed problem deleting tiddlers under the filesystemadaptor
* Fixed problem with transcluding fields containing lists or dates (eg, `{{!!tags}}`)
* Fixed problem with re-ordering page control tiddlers (ie tiddlers tagged `$:/tags/PageControls`)
* Update template used for deploying to TiddlyWeb
* Fixed problem with tiddler deletions via the file system adaptor
!! Internal changes
* Allowed variable number of arguments to [[JavaScript Macros]]
** Contributed by StephanHradek (@Skeeve on GitHub)
* Changed the format of plugin tiddlers to remove duplicated information (see the PluginMechanism)
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.2-beta...v5.0.3-beta]]//
This release includes minor bug fixes and documentation updates.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.3-beta...v5.0.4-beta]]//
!! Improvements
* Switched to using an HTML5 placeholder for the default text of a new tiddler
* Refactored stylesheet handling so that theme tweaks are now applied immediately, and some ordering issues have been resolved
* Several improvements for running [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]:
** The `tiddlywiki.info` file in the root of [[wiki folder|TiddlyWikiFolders]] file is now optional, falling back to a default configuration suitable for serverside use ([[commit|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0ec2224757dd07f009246ec9ea97cd859d077e72]])
** The file system plugin now automatically creates the `tiddlers` subfolder in the [[wiki folder|TiddlyWikiFolders]]
* Added [[favicon.ico support|Using favicons]]
* Added SaveTiddlerCommand
!! Bug Fixes
* Fixed problem with tiddlers sometimes wrongly opening at the top of the story ([[commit|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b50eb8da302431cdfa7c37ac9ef1414a33d00292]])
* Fixed problem with refreshing RadioWidget
* Fixed problem with the dragger image being visible in some circumstances
* Fixed drag and drop support on InternetExplorer, contributed by DavidJade (@davidjade on GitHub)
* Fixed crash on modifying page template ([[commit|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a5f33d875b1339b08838203a4885f8a3a7d10353]])
* Updated fullscreen plugin to latest version of the API ([[commit|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/638c8b207033f8cb01ac9efdca104d282fd4cffe]])
* Improved handling of double square brackets within tags (thanks to StephanHradek)
This release includes minor bug fixes and documentation updates.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.4-beta...v5.0.5-beta]]//
!! Improvements
* Added support for [[Setting a favicon]]
!! Bug Fixes
* Fixed problem with modal wizard positioning on narrow screens
* Fix problem with static content being included in empty.html when downloaded from the full wiki
* Improved performance of tiddler import with large tiddlers on Firefox
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.5-beta...v5.0.6-beta]]//
!! Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/324]] support for numeric sorting to TiddlerFilters (thanks to StephanHradek)
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/321]] [[Tables in WikiText]] to allow for vertical alignment of cells (thanks to StephanHradek)
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/87fbd988f1fb0164411af190adfe6b6a2404eef3]] experimental support for running [[TiddlyWiki on node-webkit]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3d79eb87d1c609195b8c518c08e167994b20a346]] an [[$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bd7db62da052ec6262c3319eaa11f00e5c452a7b]] support for specifying hostname for the ServerCommand
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b9e80a270b7f67db816e9b06e2f71f9c9dd86c17]] a first pass at generating an all-in-one static HTML representation of a wiki, complete with internal anchor links for wiki links
** See http://tiddlywiki.com/alltiddlers.html
* [[Hide|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/44568dc6ef64be8c1370df8f682777c2c805fee7]] encryption features when running on the server
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2ee50939447cf2948e49e5905520943ea4075975]] [[double backticks|Formatting in WikiText]] as an alternative for delimitting inline code (thanks to StephanHradek)
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ec7dff291dadb3e128e1db34b4ded6b57bc8ed46]] import ''browse'' button
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ef59a3743f02c726f20e035c5d28665000fda79a]] crash when attempting full screen mode on browsers that don't support it
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/307]] requirement for a newline immediately after a horizontal rule, table or typed block (thanks to StephanHradek)
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/318]] problem with ''placeholder'' attibute on InternetExplorer (thanks to DavidJade)
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.6-beta...v5.0.7-beta]]//
!! Incompatible Changes
These are changes that might affect users upgrading from previous betas.
* The [[node-webkit]] saver has been moved into a plugin - [[$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/nodewebkitsaver]]. The plugin is only needed when embedding a single TiddlyWiki in [[node-webkit]] and is not required for TiddlyDesktop, which as of v.0.0.2 uses the existing TiddlyFox saver.
!! Documentation updates
* A new video tutorial: [[TiddlyWiki on Firefox for Android Video]]
* A first pass at [[TiddlyWiki Coding Style Guidelines]]
* Added an explanation of TemplateTiddlers
* Added documentation for [[saving on a custom PHP server|Saving on a PHP Server]]
* Added documentation for TextWidget
* Summary of the approach for [[Naming of System Tiddlers]]
!! Improvements
* Added support for importing encrypted TiddlyWiki documents
* Added several new [[filter operators|TiddlerFilters]], including ''reverse'', ''first'', ''last'', ''butlast'', ''rest'', ''nth''
* Extend ''list'' filter operator to allow other fields to be used via a TextReference
* Added shortcut in [[$:/ControlPanel]] ''Basics'' tab for setting [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]] to retain tiddler story ordering
* Added emacs and vim keymapping support to the [[CodeMirror plugin|http://tiddlywiki.com/codemirrordemo.html]], (thanks to João Bolila, @jbolila on GitHub)
* Added the [[highlight.js|http://highlightjs.org/]] syntax highlighting plugin: http://tiddlywiki.com/highlightdemo.html (thanks to João Bolila, @jbolila on GitHub)
* Added the first export option to the ''Tools'' tab of the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ffcc215e8f8896be96093579abc5bcfb76335e66]] an ellipsis for [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]] next to the search box in the sidebar
* [[Adjusted|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b326315b0e9959096b85aa716dd613f21605705a]] the password dialogue to make it narrower for smaller screens
* [[Adjusted|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b7a1db1e9fb651928a4f86e1881959150dd66a55]] the display of tiddler dictionaries to make them display as plain text
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b06e09a4d3e25087ca0495e624c8662ddb69224e]] problem with default format of ViewWidget substituting seconds for minutes in displayed times
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e0f428b9b2374487a0758ea80716f337e3c643ff]] problem that was causing several animations to fail in Safari
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f2409d4245bbba0ccdf39186dca6a0cbf16d8759]] problem with unclickable sidebar under the Centralised theme
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0fb13e649b6558961fd8436bc7aac83bfd991983]] problem with non-system tiddlers showing up in system tiddler [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b64b7982af4285be41cca85db1fa745fc009ca29]] problem with notifications not always disappearing in Firefox
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b04141fefd2c0103b525726e4f466c32f0385194]] problem with wiki folders including wiki files with tiddlers that do not have a title
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/12770ca3e694a8f4edeb065e054eddd5957353b8]] problem with ServerCommand logging "Serving on undefined:8080"
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.7-beta...v5.0.8-beta]]//
!! Incompatible Changes
See [[Notes for upgrading to 5.0.8-beta]] for more details of these changes:
* Changed rules for parsing content of HTML elements
* Switched SiteTitle and SiteSubtitle to [[$:/SiteTitle]] and [[$:/SiteSubtitle]]
* Changes to commands used with [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
* Changes to naming of some editions
** Notably ''clientserver'' has changed to ''server''
!! Documentation Improvements
* Improved documentation for TiddlerFilters, including a notation of the [[TiddlerFilter Formal Grammar]] contributed by [[@Tikkoneus|https://github.com/Tikkoneus]]
* Improved documentation for WidgetMessages
* Tiddlers on tiddlywiki.com now have a link to the original source on ~GitHub for pull requests (see the "Sources" tab of the tiddler info panel)
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a01bbd4b9c7ca284141078340c8f568b1e0561a2]] [[automatic saving|AutoSave]] on editing a tiddler and a warning when attempting to close the window with unsaved changes
* Added confirmation dialogue when deleting tiddlers
* Add support for switchable (and editable) ColourPalettes
* Added TranslationMechanism and translations for:
** Deutsch (Österreich and Deutschland) by @pmario
** Français (France) by @xcazin
** Chinese (Simplified and Traditional) by @BramChen
* Add error alerts when syncing to a server
* Rejigged [[$:/ControlPanel]] to use nested tabs
* Added [[$:/TagManager]] for easy management of tags
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e3a05625b2368b2167a2a1b30aa82369e96a7538]] experimental KeyboardWidget, including support for ''ctrl-enter'' (or ''cmd-enter'') to finish editing a tiddler
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e6fa9b8a859867c147fb289859169b204dea003e]] number of tags to control panel ''Basics'' tab
* Enhanced link handling so that control/command clicking a link opens the target tiddler without navigating to it
* Importing tiddlers via drag and drop no longer opens all the tiddlers
!! Scalability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/fa5938221552846c255eb50004996528a09534a9]] support for LazyLoading of images
* Extended RevealWidget to allow control over content retention
!! Hackability Improvements
* Added HelpCommand and InitCommand for [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
* Extended ButtonWidget to allow navigating to a tiddler
* Added experimental support for building plugins in the browser: [[How to create plugins in the browser]]
* Extend the TranscludeWidget to display its content as a fallback if the tiddler or field is missing
* Add logging and AlertMechanism
* Added a ''Filter'' tab to [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* Add ''indexes'' [[filter operator|TiddlerFilters]]
* Control over line width and colour for EditBitmapWidget
* Add support for `.multids` MultiTiddlerFiles
* Extend ViewWidget so that it works with indexes
* Added support for Tank, a new service built on TiddlyWeb: https://tank.peermore.com
* Extend relative dates to work in the future
!! Bug Fixes
* Fixed problem with pasting items into the browser
* Fixed problem with colour pickers not showing correct colour in Chrome
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8e8e31fb9f5ed8f2e5deff0271d434dbe91f503c]] problem with tag pills not working inside table cells
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6d3d3322e5c676e63d1f64dce89ce86e58dcd715]] problem in client server configuration with ''%'' in tiddler titles
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/7eafd51a7dd89d2174be3dec97033dc0bb206677]] problem with not using placeholder text when editing missing tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1a54d590e1e67825057d7693ac89466a093b4577]] problem with test data in certain time zones
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5af30086c02b9d4466c133c87aca76f9b85eea49]] problem with non-breaking space characters being converted into '@' symbols
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5d3dda1a1721af05e56e301a8b896e53f9868540]] problem with highlighting plugin only working in the browser
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/175e86078ce2fed34953f337baf2f0edfc093742]] crash when wiki/themes folder contains files that are not themes
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.8-beta...v5.0.9-beta]]//
!! Highlights
* Improved layout, including a ''hamburger'' icon for dismissing the sidebar and expanding the story river to fill the space
* Added new ''Seamless'' theme
* New ''Filter'' tab in [[$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* Initial implementation of CecilyView
* Overhaul of inconsistencies in TiddlerFilters (see [[Changes to filters in 5.0.9-beta]])
* New translations for Italian and Japanese
* Performance improvements, particularly [[during editing|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0aa559cd23b3742c8f10c5ac144860d816699782]]
!! Documentation Improvements
* Improved and reorganised documentation for TiddlerFilters
* Demo of [[Making curved text with SVG]]
* [[Community]] links are now broken up into individual tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a19432541e776bfb63b1b985a60f472e9f1d4352]] overview diagram of [[TiddlyWiki Architecture]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/7b57561160173667031b5bc15a4f7553d8514c1c]] documentation from buggyj: [[Developing plugins using Node.js and GitHub]]
!! Usability Improvements
* Made the dropdown arrow icon [[skinnier|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ec90ac99cf2767b6ff20902d8b01aa1c36778147]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bca1d552803c1839e7385765314f81c5307632b8]] validation of legal characters for fieldnames
* Added blacklisting of unsafe HTML [[elements|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ba6edd42c125cb19d955a1cb3f54a2d367cb79dc]] and [[attributes|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d0caf21b2df9fda9800eb30489003a87cafb1277]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/baa8cf3dd098bab0a7a8c78b24747c69bd40889f]] a warning indicator to tiddlers in TiddlyWikiClassic format
* [[Add|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/42c67cfeb732fccb10b8ab574c84090dc2471352]] tiddler info ''Advanced'' panel with information about plugins and shadow tiddlers
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/96457d801159958b897f98e22aa9af53b97f0e35]] layout of [[$:/ControlPanel]] ''Plugins'' tab
* [[Enhance|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f48701544eda4f79af86b1ad44340e7182bcf024]] viewing of system tiddlers by fading down the `$:/` prefix
* [[Extend|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/dd3ee2a603cba35770a8f109e070f271d72861f8]] [[$:/TagManager]] to allow icons to be assigned to tags
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/87c4839fed789b80e0942014c05175e36aacc157]] support for `list-before` and `list-after` fields for controlling tag ordering (see TiddlerTags for details)
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3afa26b9a318d913ba162d93a63036cb4a94be59]] request for confirmation before abandoning edits to a tiddler
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bdbbf94326f70db0f8ef196270ab9e92bfde10fb]] [[Transclusion in WikiText]] syntax to allow translusion of a template without affecting the current tiddler
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8a7d0f53d380e9ca93ee34d8ad05090d511e95c4]] `sourceURL` handling to `eval()` so that tiddler modules can be [[properly debugged|https://chromedevtools.googlecode.com/svn-history/r421/trunk/tutorials/breapoints/index.html#regular]] in Chrome
* New ScrollableWidget giving better control over scrollable regions
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d3c0296a87198296cff26aa7ce7bb8274cdcc3f7]] new CSS class `tw-site-title` for the site title
* [[Disable|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e397e4d15951c1395c7752a7563f002ca459206e]] the TiddlyWeb sync adaptor unless the wiki is loaded over HTTP
* Added a [[high resolution timer mechanism|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/dcce4879347e4829d75f10248477731b18b829ef]] and a [[performance measurement mechanism|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d402d3c5a619b6b1642ab03c74ff03a864846a0b]]
* Added a [[basic CSV parser|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5a085f792722c74d259464386138c731b2f014cc]]
* Several measures to enforce the TiddlyWiki programming model:
** [[Refactor|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9de17aa206b21df5c4e29e61bba5d6b49aca6c71]] wiki store object to make members be private
** Freeze tiddler object and [[fields|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/279626a3e3fbd75d60fc3be49b68a99d8ba0a95d]] tiddler fields to enforce their immutability
* [[Extend|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f649b5b037bfd2e7c48d1ba65ffa37064456523d]] the ButtonWidget to be able to set text references
* [[Add|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/afa677b9a0b1dff1239dc1ea08edd210b9736af9]] a class to tiddler frames in view mode
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/50cf9678cb469e443e220b063e2355c844e417e7]] support for [[WidgetMessage: tw-home]]
* [[Hidden|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2608a323ebf3d8a8e925eda6d3a10ebb8f41d383]] system tags from the sidebar ''Tags'' tab
* [[Allow|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/98872bbe7c62faa4aa209fa421c2989aeef3aaf2]] pasting and import of HTML content
* [[Add|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a5a2c718b1d5671652d01e3567dba1c6795b7521]] support for a tooltip on the LinkWidget
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/aa631518152cda5643805c143bf0000bca8d767f]] problem with occasional freezes of the sync mechanism - thanks to buggyj
* Fixed problem with [[tiddlers|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1e960ffcac566c742c44b18d6f0e809d4457b249]] or [[fields|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ea46f85a8a5ad29e8602cbb13667c853903681a6]] called `__proto__`
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/aec618793f41b937676a5a165764dc19d9bbb2b2]] with refreshing the D3 plugin
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/67f3d58f7153ca4d50ce5a14ed72d9d4b6ad9b71]] problem with "null" message when unloading under Internet Explorer 11
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.18-beta...v5.1.0]]//
This is the first full release of TiddlyWiki. Documentation updates made up the bulk of the changes since the previous 5.0.18-beta release.
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b239b3d6230a9f7aab4c9ef6a59aefb4158f45b1]] curly braces from qualified identifiers
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9e6dab06cc2db8263fce083510ae570923b21c0b]] problem with Markdown Maruku mode metadata
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@malgam|https://github.com/malgam]]
* [[@gernert|https://github.com/gernert]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.0...v5.1.1]]//
This is a minor bug fix release to improve the documentation and correct some issues with the first full release of TiddlyWiki.
!! Incompatible Changes
Certain features that were deprecated in [[Release 5.0.17-beta]] have now been removed:
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/62edd1e8a3fddc0c11b87c87b3e5b404d8e1e395]] deprecated `title` attribute on the ButtonWidget
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d047ccdc84ab6f23779c3614712e0d6fa0ef63ec]] support for deprecated `$:/tags/stylesheet` system tag
Note that the next release will also remove support for regular expression filter operands, which was also deprecated in 5.0.17-beta.
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/96b7d0eebaf73dcfd4eccb848b90caaa055e5e20]] first implementation of the [[KaTeX Plugin]] for mathematical typesetting
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@TheDiveO|https://github.com/TheDiveO]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.9...v5.1.10]]//
! Major Improvements
!! Performance Optimisations
This release includes several low-level performance optimisations that should improve speed and responsiveness in many common operations.
* [[Caching the results of parsing a tiddler|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b0cb17cd83dde89753ec159e27c920a7bf22bee1]]
* [[Loop optimisations|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c6e48ebc2db4af895f5b3935b3f575b8aab292fe]]
* [[Tiddler iteration optimisations|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8f63e2a959a7ac44533ae2b6192716ee17a1ce93]]
* [[State qualifier generation|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/848a7f4e744c8f4dcb4ec88a0e99c4ae6aac25e5]]
* [[Caching data tiddlers|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/32f6d7f1b01474b82debcbdd5d76c49c59303265]]
* [[Removed expensive visual effects|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4f5cf4597abb08af787b62c2e2ee1b8c667dad1e]]
There is a new setting in the control panel to enable performance instrumentation, making it much easier to measure and improve performance issues.
!! New Editions
Three new editions of TiddlyWiki are included in this release. These can be used as starting points for creating your own wiki for several purposes:
* The [[Résumé Builder Edition]] by @inmysocks is a custom edition to guide you through the process of using TiddlyWiki to create a good looking résumé (or curriculum vitæ)
* The [[Blog Edition]] provides tools for using TiddlyWiki under Node.js to create a static HTML blog that can be published on GitHub pages (or similar)
* The [[Text-Slicer Edition]] is a custom edition with tools to help advanced users slice longer texts up into individual tiddlers.
!! External Text Tiddlers
Limited support for tiddlers stored in external `.tid` files:
* standalone TiddlyWiki HTML files with external text tiddlers can be built under Node.js
* wikis with external text tiddlers can be worked with in the browser, automatically lazily loading the content of external text tiddlers when it is first referenced
** saving changes in the browser doesn't work as expected: if edited, the external text tiddler is replaced with an ordinary tiddler
** lazy loading of external text tiddlers doesn't work in Chrome when viewing the TiddlyWiki HTML file on a ''file:'' URI; it works OK in Firefox
** lazy loading works on an HTTP URI on all browsers as long as the target file is either stored on the same domain or is served by a [[server that supports CORS|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-origin_resource_sharing]]
See [[Alice in Wonderland]] for an example. Try opening it without a network connection.
!! New "Tight" Theme
A new theme called "Tight" uses reduced padding, margins and font-sizes to pack as much text as possible:
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/theme" text="$:/themes/tiddlywiki/tight"/>
Try it out
</$button> <$button>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/theme" text="$:/themes/tiddlywiki/snowwhite"/>
! Other Improvements
!! Translation Improvements
* Added Swedish translation by @Superdos
* Added Korean (Korean Republic) translation by @araname
* Improved Catalan, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish translations
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Enhanced|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e6529af04e004b59093921f74758ac7132e1b19d]] the tiddler editor to accept new fields and tags when clicking confirm, without having to click "Add tag" or "Add field"
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5d43cd740863be188e43fd49893dc8dddcd5b937]] new ''fold'' and ''fold others'' buttons to the tiddler toolbar to temporarily hide the body of a tiddler, and also [[added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ac08dc2e35d99eb563ab8c4449ce1fcfe30f3bf7]] new ''fold all'' and ''unfold all'' page buttons
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d5e690a06d523a2047eaf9b623b633bb72c18af9]] ability to disable individual WikiText parser rules (see the ''Advanced'' tab of $:/ControlPanel). Also [[added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/58188cf8053bef87dbe97e4b05cdba67f75c615d]] a simple setting for disabling automatic linking of ~CamelCase words
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2cb6400773096b02b71c1851fb0fac5dfefbbd6f]] support for automatically linked system tiddler titles to include digits and underscore
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2c9b1ae2579f8d2452c60217aa3e153a29d32d1f]] warning when trying to use plugins designed for TiddlyWiki Classic
* Upgraded to version v8.8.0 of highlight.js for the [[Highlight Plugin]]
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/1981]] the need to manually confirm deleting alerts
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/2147]] optional tooltips to [[tabs Macro]]
!! Hackability Improvements
* Updated to KaTeX v0.5.1, with [[several new features|https://github.com/Khan/KaTeX/releases]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e0aacc84d5f084ff7a53153c590fbff3d24f2e2c]] `publishFilter` to default save template
* [[Allow|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/7dddc925ae93725552b98bc348a07572895da96c]] ''delete'' button to be used in the tiddler view-mode toolbar
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/742161675421a942051abed01cb47c0394f4db6d]] a new [[hidden setting for keyboard shortcuts|Hidden Setting: Keyboard Shortcuts]]
* [[Update|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e5cd8313a0d1a4a3dea17457a8a883675243b9c7]] ActionSetFieldWidget to allow timestamp to be preserved
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/fdce67399d175a9911df908981b83ac3edfb1142]] option to suppress navigation for edit/cancel/save
* [[Enhance|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5176f008f0bc15751e36933c95ae299c1ee5971a]] SaveTiddlersCommand with do not delete option
* [[Enhance|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4ccdaf3fafda2f1d0766ed69c68d030a7db2bbc6]] RenderTiddlerCommand with template option
* [[Extend|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/51d771a07493f91c32145b69e4f5534724416d2e]] tm-open-window to pass variables
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/7b8928886bf101b0cf4a8cc2d2dd2e576ec1c8d8]] new utility method `$tw.utils.tagToCssSelector(tagName)` for converting tag titles into a form suitable for matching the `tc-tagged-*` [[classes generated by TiddlyWiki|How to apply custom styles by tag]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/99df9f46f7cc4c1d3aa0320347f9b6c1bc458c60]] support for tiddlers containing mp4 videos
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/fd997c45814e6bb5b576137bf62bad5575b0a28c]] the ActionSetFieldWidget to enable it to be used to delete a field or indexed property
* [[Made|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/746aab2cf6bbe3c1905efd5caf80e40e23b914b0]] the tw5.com documentation available as a plugin and an <a href="editions/tw5.com-docs/index.html" target="_blank">edition</a>, simplifying some scenarios for re-using it
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0035a0046315ee0203b1adfb75efdbb0e854a7f6]] rendering of "More" sidebar tab gradients in the "Snow White" theme
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/33563d01baed4b4092fc834eb6a1df55e1671418]] option in [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] to enable the display of detailed performance instrumentation in the browser developer console
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bc0cbf907063ccd484da7d56c8e42cf5e90489b8]] a LazyLoading template for all non-system tiddlers
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1984]] handling of TiddlerLinks in Markdown tiddlers
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/2004]] FieldManglerWidget to create the target tiddler if it does not exist
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/2049]] KeyboardWidget to trigger ActionWidgets
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/2074]] SelectWidget to support multiple selections
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/1909]] new [[days Operator]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/231d0a3dc8385fcb2173436754f00f464d7b018e]] official plugin wrappers for the JavaScript libraries [[async.js|https://github.com/caolan/async]] and [[JSZip|https://stuk.github.io/jszip/]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/2037]] new ActionListopsWidget
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/791f97983e8bbbbb209cf0e7068f858dfd2d38eb]] ''rows'' attribute to EditTextWidget
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1882]] problem introduced in 5.1.9 with processing `tiddlywiki.info` files
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3fbf29093b32c00941b0c03951250de7c0cc8d6f]] problem with invisible icons in $:/AdvancedSearch
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/862e358b57fde74595420e7948bf44fdadf690dc]] check for required plugins in ServerCommand
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/709126dd643207adab725569c214f8617c28fbeb]] problem with queueing change events for deleting non-existent tiddlers
* [[Ensure|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/85553609b10ccc813662c867d4043e5df78efcec]] EditTextWidget fixes height even if refresh isn't required
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8a763e9d838fcb571d12c4175952cd4e15e95e00]] the gradient on the sidebar tabs divider
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6add992bf2e9cedd077c74c3471758bbe9d6e1b2]] problem with tiddler titles such as `$:/templates/something` being erroneously classed as `$:/temp` tiddlers, and so excluded from syncing
* [[Switched|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/acbf87657b6c88719148266100b91a61e29a0546]] to absolute date format in tiddler subtitles
!! Node.js Improvements
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/dc020276b07fd0ec365c13000eb868a87a3376b9]] problem with the filesystem adaptor saving new image files as base64-encoded .tid files instead of as native binary files with an accompanying `.meta` file
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/803d70225a2ce1f1f7992e493bbaf7a78b15c04d]] `tiddlywiki.files` support in TiddlyWikiFolders to allow directories to be loaded recursively, as well as individual files
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@afeldspar|https://github.com/afeldspar]]
* [[@araname|https://github.com/araname]]
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@danielo515|https://github.com/danielo515]]
* [[@Drakor|https://github.com/Drakor]]
* [[@erwanm|https://github.com/erwanm]]
* [[@felixhayashi|https://github.com/felixhayashi]]
* [[@Evolena|https://github.com/Evolena]]
* [[@hegart-dmishiv|https://github.com/hegart-dmishiv]]
* [[@idoine|https://github.com/idoine]]
* [[@inmysocks|https://github.com/inmysocks]]
* [[@IreneKnapp|https://github.com/IreneKnapp]]
* [[@gernert|https://github.com/gernert]]
* [[@kixam|https://github.com/kixam]]
* [[@Marxsal|https://github.com/Marxsal]]
* [[@matabele|https://github.com/matabele]]
* [[@mklauber|https://github.com/mklauber]]
* [[@nameanyone|https://github.com/nameanyone]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@senevoldsen90|https://github.com/senevoldsen90]]
* [[@Spangenhelm|https://github.com/Spangenhelm]]
* [[@spelufo|https://github.com/spelufo]]
* [[@SuperDOS|https://github.com/SuperDOS]]
* [[@tgrosinger|https://github.com/tgrosinger]]
* [[@tobibeer|https://github.com/tobibeer]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
* [[@zahlman|https://github.com/zahlman]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.1...v5.1.2]]//
This is another small release with documentation updates and a few bug fixes and improvements.
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b3df07ae3e190cfb6fc23dbe31c6229fe5e39087]] error handling for malformed or unrecognised ~LaTeX content with [[KaTeX Plugin]]
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/42abef6fbf79342ccbd90b142d48f64ab5c1c38a]] styling of separator before the untagged item in the tags sidebar
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/23c2d90ee8e28f8c68f9ba58fcbc13a56f838d61]] error handling for the upload saver (which is used for saving to TiddlySpot)
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/115245a632e80e9d033957327dfec909a3cd1fc8]] storyview error detection
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b1fb0a2a070a6abc78564e56fdb4244076ac44ac]] crash caused by incorrectly formatted plugins
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/eacb9e53ebf2a814d61bf005d68f449f7b9e63b5]] problem with tiddler info not being removed by the syncer after deleting a tiddler
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e2046ce4ffb6b8232a4ad5e7f51c431798917787]] HTTP handling to treat response code 201 as success
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@Evolena|https://github.com/Evolena]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@simonbaird|https://github.com/simonbaird]]
* [[@TheDiveO|https://github.com/TheDiveO]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.2...v5.1.3]]//
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e872f17842809e33eae177980e9ea0650b6a4c03]] "new journal" button; see [[Creating journal tiddlers]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/70984aa39f8a4061162d4e404bfd158e515c7e6e]] "new here" button; see [[Creating and editing tiddlers]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/00cdd04edd49c2bf0e461071c0c7c50f8aab4e42]] "new journal here" button; see [[Creating journal tiddlers]]
* [[Made|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c6951ee912d1f2717a8c208cbb920e54edf9e5d9]] date format strings be translateable
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/languages/ru-RU]] Russian translation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ef1d5310918dae088ce9361c1682ce0f99cf568a]] confirmation when clearing password
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b7bbcfa05659808c1e51a4f2f5f1d6afbc2ed3a1]] additional prompt when setting password
* [[Increased|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/dc9981322aeb508d5ebac0b691b0d703f8c1995e]] size of the clear search button
* [[Upgraded|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/564457de1c991df15263040d2d5526fa8ae879bb]] to [[KaTeX v0.1.1|https://github.com/Khan/KaTeX/releases/tag/v0.1.1]], with support for several additional LaTeX features
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2ffe53f1916e4b746cc6d7e74e8f4ac75c72e38a]] audio "parser" for handling [[Audio]] content
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0dcf54c3b59ed04645928f0ec4ced647e5a0da7f]] support for ActionWidgets
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/65504d5d41e45326ab1b1b6c0c21eea4c9772797]] new <<.olink addprefix>> and <<.olink addsuffix>> operators
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0c8e5380778303cdd3308bed4a15290214841f8b]] support for custom password prompts
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c26bd4c5a872f56c47e9f5cfc3fada468c53ddde]] the <<.mlink list-links>> macro to display ''caption'' field if present
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/12e26009eef5e29140ba1a880ff033428d673630]] ImageWidget to allow percentage width and height to be specified
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/cc576b052e2b05fd93fcb4f3eb8d9ee5278abf3e]] the <<.olink each>> operator to work with missing tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5dd6ebff05a3380db2901294b2cfc89c1a0e71bf]] problem with tiddler width in zoomin storyview with the sidebar hidden
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/09b6540998fec6bf1fb14842be8e8c53dbd5c46a]] bug whereby the `tm-home` message wasn't navigating to a tiddler, causing problems in zoomin storyview
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3ca8d7b6cca46ffa424bcf9bdc134da464fc84f4]] problem with jumping toolbar icons under Firefox
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f85b07e70b71d0622a9459e4b04e2027540abda8]] problem with untagged label being incorrectly coloured
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b3dcd7d625ec83701ef3a77f3fb8101af57c154f]] problem with title background colours with the "Sticky Titles" theme
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5211f9c40c874a167174e8c0d439db34189d3329]] problem with subfilter parameter of <<.mlink timeline>> macro
* [[Exclude|https://groups.google.com/d/topic/tiddlywiki/YPACpXhH9PY/discussion]] search string tiddler from search results
!! Node.js Changes
//These changes are only relevant to people using TiddlyWiki under Node.js//
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/63c174d7ed56284e80ad6cd6ae966b81f9181cc9]] ~KaTeX plugin to be able to work under Node.js to generate static HTML
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/49dc5694a391a391264a4473e4f4422e2472a3b3]] "includeWikis" to merge build targets
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/969]] the build scripts for tiddlywiki.com into a separate repository at https://github.com/Jermolene/build.jermolene.github.io
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/744245ea3249446fd15f504190efb1d828935d01]] boot kernel to raise an error if a missing wiki folder is specified on the command line
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@andrey013|https://github.com/andrey013]]
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]]
* [[@Eucaly|https://github.com/Eucaly]]
* [[@Evolena|https://github.com/Evolena]]
* [[@fghhfg|https://github.com/fghhfg]]
* [[@Marxsal|https://github.com/Marxsal]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@simonbaird|https://github.com/simonbaird]]
* [[@TheDiveO|https://github.com/TheDiveO]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.3...v5.1.4]]//
This is a small release with documentation improvements and some important bug fixes from [[Release 5.1.3]].
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6681a8e1f2fd3f39d92a1480b5b573a6c831515d]] a toolbar button for advanced search
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/53d834c86be2f97599a9486c0eae4777c51d9093]] dragging behaviour so that you can drag a tiddler title into an edit box to insert the title, making link creation easier. (This change doesn't affect the behaviour of dragging tiddler links between TiddlyWiki windows)
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/26e50b81e579b7f2d190ca3662cadcf82764c8a7]] additional theme tweaks for the body text size and line height
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1b620387dda2d16bf387a89071188762455890c4]] the ViewWidget to work with subtiddlers
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ddc74955427f8a7291ee964c42a771a112007789]] problem with search counts
!! Node.js Changes
//These changes are only relevant to people using TiddlyWiki under Node.js//
* Fixed problem with missing wiki folder warnings by [[removing|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9fedf3865778fd3aa50c2f049c2b81061c8cd778]] and [[re-implementing|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e62e38d66c6eb447bbd8f16b5beec0fe0276ea0d]] the fix from [[Release 5.1.3]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5d600ce31b1d1162529ae8043bb342e2165c4b13]] coloured warnings and errors under Node.js
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@danielo515|https://github.com/danielo515]]
* [[@gernert|https://github.com/gernert]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.4...v5.1.5]]//
!! Translation Improvements
* Added new translators edition making it much easier to create and maintain translations of TiddlyWiki
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/615425cf0634233d27f4f1ea430589b2a618feb6]] improved Japanese translation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8ba1a9b72ac5a4f50a4f670a24393d564c137c0c]] new Danish translation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/14a64ef3effc1e4cf1098b35af6d6cb864d77ac2]] new Greek translation
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Improvements|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/09a3f94d79fc6eacbfd46c86594748e996191eb2]] to tooltips for accessibility
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6fc5c70ace43219710983f6d9640f4b01d620908]] export button to tiddler toolbar, page controls and [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]] "filter" tab
* Improved layout of [[$:/TagManager]]
* [[Simplified|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0a986ccd995266bf3a47182fa584d79f9dd3e153]] default tiddler toolbar buttons
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/63b00fd0f80ce0c9917e233287d4a0138e8c385f]] advanced search button to sidebar search results
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4d061d0fee959fdc5ab470dc8f8379bedfa946d9]] search results by listing title matches at the top
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/da1f9f7d2233eb2aacc027bc1fc1053fa8b7bc2e]] input box for specifying new field value in edit template
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0bb8e08edca61f415aa084327b6751c278e45108]] tag pill rendering so that the foreground colour is dynamically chosen for maximum contrast with the background colour
* Enhancements to many of the [[core icons|ImageGallery Example]]
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1dfa6f369bddd8dedba2e47dc4707eba28ccf4e1]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/145713e7668a41320981ed87b448542cd30d13dc]], [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3035badf144abb85f5d42b2b1d395cf0f65fb03e]] and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e69e2c1c91002c296e1789532ca74286fae8d5a4]]) unnecessary confirmations when abandoning or deleting unmodified tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a5c7089bcfe3d2439eb082535527a7cc767891cc]] a subtle rounded corner to tiddlers and tabs
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6f0d581d720e611fade3b3f346ad0409ef5e291b]] automatic focusing of the title of newly created tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/81481588e07ed3cb1e378a6c6f21d26dcbaa8345]] advanced search links on tiddler counts in [[$:/ControlPanel]]
!! Hackability Improvements
* Introduced new ActionSetFieldWidget, ActionDeleteFieldWidget and ActionDeleteTiddlerWidget for manipulating tiddler fields and values
* [[Enhanced|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c7971d3da3bbef4bbc81d4462ee93590adc248f8]] [[WidgetMessage: tm-new-tiddler]] to allow a skeleton to be specified with additional fields
* [[Enhanced|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4a172125768e3b33c30e725e8550454a9d26c5c4]] the EditTextWidget to allow more control over the sizing of textarea editors
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/13726ef73157d9e9d65ae4027d9c32aaa7cdcc90]] new canned filter for recently modified system tiddlers in [[$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c20c935faabbb63f679bc4720b52162c56b6af64]] new system image for videos: [[$:/core/images/video]]
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c13cf94413c94ee56bebc60fab2d9231d1824d88]] search results to allow custom visualisations - see [[Customising search results]]
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a3a50dbf6d96e7441e5e8ec183e40134bc4eb618]] <<.mlink timeline>> macro to be able to use different date fields
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8260d000be1cf1caf35a557f6cd54a0fb8ccf4f0]] the <<.olink search>> operator to allow a field to be specified
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/73491f14dd63612d527632210d2c3873eb81188f]] the highlight plugin to display tabs as spaces
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/91a7c397911726e391ca368f96b50fbe1687d56a]] modal handling to permit variables to be passed to the modal (see [[WidgetMessage: tm-modal]])
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/853f5fd06402b16e271e8f119ef380de485aeff2]] simple logging to help track down drop/paste issues (see http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/#ImportLogging)
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b520efdeb83f6ac7536a69cf5af2bab3f94cf77f]] [[WidgetMessage: tm-download-file]] and [[WidgetMessage: tm-save-wiki]] to allow variables to be specified for the rendering
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f5055c0205d24102a36b9cf3a9dd9306e148a1f0]] [[Example Table of Contents: Tabbed Internal]]
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/79e428757b5562bd4a925b9b0428ea4ba70ad05a]] RevealWidget so that it can be used without specifying a state tiddler
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/90caf5bf42523cfb6cd603b979aadb719ddcede4]] "hooks" mechanism so that plugins can modify the default tiddler list
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b882a0dff12dc2660426de53e64d8c018f3a9d84]] support for nested popups
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/90096cbd367a7a685fb5dc5b2cbaa69a00d8199f]] problem with CodeMirror editor and missing tiddlers
* [[Exclude|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5093cdc86047209f23b9ead5ee0f216d0414e4f2]] drafts from [[Table-of-Contents Macros]]
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5599f9f9338a5f96080143b2192214a78b961509]] problem with encoding of HTML tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/835e3a945244dd8a07f4c7fd570eb890e9fdcc2c]] problem with sticky titles being covered by vertical tabs
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d1bbe7253c135ceed138fd02c82b0f861d5dda6b]] flicker when automatically resizing textareas
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4bf6fe7fe9416f4e304036302ab5727148ae5222]] JSON deserialiser so that all fields can be imported
!! Node.js Changes
//These changes are only relevant to people using TiddlyWiki under Node.js//
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8e685e5150e636aed6655c6caa09c7b6cffdcea2]] ''includeWikis'' mechanism of TiddlyWikiFolders to allow read-only wikis to be included
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/cea963420ca2800b86989e29d42d06ccb7ea2a00]] error handling under Node.js
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/17a594a97ad5655142c834dfd5fa68855a61d201]] UnpackPluginCommand
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/04d26e6fae20671a6d455e113f7b0afedabc7122]] EditionsCommand to list the available editions
!! Changes affecting plugin authors
* [[Disabled|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f7a2849d27bb082e4bbf6b056a800a1edb30f510]] wiki change events for shadow tiddlers
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d93c19daaa126f0938048009a83796cb52690541]] structure of widget messages that have a hashmap parameter
* The support for nested popups has necessitated a change in the way that popups are styled that affects popups that are triggered with the focusPopup attribute of the EditTextWidget: it is now necessary for the widget to be given the class `tc-popup-handle`.
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@andrey013|https://github.com/andrey013]]
* Birthe C
* [[@Braincoke|https://github.com/Braincoke]]
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@danielo515|https://github.com/danielo515]]
* [[@erwanm|https://github.com/erwanm]]
* [[@Evolena|https://github.com/Evolena]]
* [[@giffmex|https://github.com/giffmex]]
* [[@inmysocks|https://github.com/inmysocks]]
* Makoto Hirohashi
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@Skeeve|https://github.com/Skeeve]]
* [[@tobibeer|https://github.com/tobibeer]]
* [[@welford|https://github.com/welford]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.5...v5.1.6]]//
!! Translation Improvements
* Added Dutch translation
* Updated Danish and Japanese translations
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Allow|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b29973312d7c16292cabb493e5914668f7c3f127]] buttons to be styled to look like internal links
* [[Disabled|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5b38c21a417d2e5e2b85aed8010c88af32420e24]] linking when transcluding ''caption'' field in [[Table-of-Contents Macros]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b220c19fb7b789eb6d00c9d1a71414676d87130e]] support for templates to tabbed [[Table-of-Contents Macros]]
* [[Allow|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/31b5eb1578640fabe8712f0cd4edd49708bc4493]] shadow tiddlers to appear in [[Table-of-Contents Macros]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5154a25ab95f0cc08eb079a624be4fd3353e6dbd]] tooltip to BrowseWidget
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/42dba113ccdb18d7e76ac7a773c7dca532207007]] handling of missing tiddlers by the <<.olink has>> and <<.olink field>> operators
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/182c2428ca7b38d00d36d2d6650e761026470e63]] problem with download saver using incorrect filename
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d031a93c6d607d5b10d025149608f10977181e26]] [[problem|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1010]] with processing of date format templates
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a0c13a0856cb6b4a2592acdd46975e44eb7c53a8]] problem with ''storytop'' theme tweak not being respected when the narrow responsive design kicks in
!! Node.js Changes
//These changes are only relevant to people using TiddlyWiki under Node.js//
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bb74be7ac1a24eeaee10a3cb3d3633e3aa318632]] problem with "all tiddlers" static HTML export
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/51db48acc901d8fb298d9b0f7f10b47ffe90df05]] incorrect checking for an empty folder with the InitCommand
!! Changes affecting plugin authors
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1e47a62c2af392f30a492da732b33b89f23a2e4c]] `$tw.utils.each` so that the loop can be broken out of
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@anavarre|https://github.com/anavarre]]
* [[@Drakor|https://github.com/Drakor]]
* [[@dullroar|https://github.com/dullroar]]
* [[@erwanm|https://github.com/erwanm]]
* [[@malgam|https://github.com/malgam]]
* [[@nameanyone|https://github.com/nameanyone]]
* [[@pekopeko1|https://github.com/pekopeko1]]
* [[@Spangenhelm|https://github.com/Spangenhelm]]
* [[@tobibeer|https://github.com/tobibeer]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.6...v5.1.7]]//
This is an hot fix release with the following change over [[Release 5.1.6]]:
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a31aa25d0c00187ff829d74108f018e44b5cb3c5]] typo in GettingStarted
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.7...v5.1.8]]//
This release includes many improvements to the documentation for TiddlyWiki. Many thanks to everyone who has helped out, but especially to our prodigious new contributor Astrid Elocson.
!! Translation Improvements
* Improvements to French, Danish, Chinese and Japanese translations
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/cb8caf6a01aeeac480bf28661888961657b0dbd8]] Czech translation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d6918d737f5d1b663346ad9a35421a5ae0ffb9a7]] [[Interlingua|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interlingua]] translation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6721a5eb1b77935226ccc8559008af3a0a05d0cb]] Portuguese translation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b845751d3c549366adb2f6e5c58b0114fa95ba30]] Punjabi and Hindu translations
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/49a9a2c44ca3a71fff3062709f06940aaca4a574]] Slovak translation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5d947ed582fb9d68c01d82a334ab75498a8724ef]] Spanish translation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2c367c5476da70ce9c2b37838febcdf437b9aca4]] localisation for encryption prompt
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/987bfcfd5b49b992e5fd45f3428497f6f55cae53]] user interface for [[setting a page background image|Setting a page background image]]
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3df341621d30b205775288e324cef137c48e9f6e]] problem with unnecessary scrolling at startup
* [[Upgraded|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ae001a19e5b3e43cf5388fd4e8d99788085649fe]] the [[KaTeX Plugin]] to use [[KaTeX v0.2.0|https://github.com/Khan/KaTeX/releases/tag/v0.2.0]], with better symbol support
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/70e419824fab107aab58f87780dbb5a1de70c248]] [[Help Plugin]] providing floating help panel
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8643278a452d1a300cec8d3425c1b18699a17dca]] support for an online plugin library
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ea6e60e66983ee1184f09c5796ef6c8bceae703a]] automatic focusing of the search box at startup
* [[Introduced|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4f3cb8b9aebfc4f65f40c96ef99730887d746b41]] the [[Railroad Plugin]] by Astrid Elocson (see it in action in the new [[Filter Syntax]] documentation)
* [[Migrated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/230066eeae9ace8336612e02c78f8cdaa3f717e4]] functionality of "Sticky Titles" theme into an optional tweak for the "Vanilla"/"Snow White" themes. This means that tiddler titles will stick to the top of the window during scrolling on browsers that support `position: sticky` (such as Safari and Firefox)
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8cb7090c40489c81e8c5dfb8cbbdee2c60998c3e]] icons to [[$:/AdvancedSearch]], [[$:/ControlPanel]] and [[$:/TagManager]]
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/21b6ce71ffc617f61d4da0065a3ee695be535e2a]] wording of tiddler "save" button to "confirm"
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1103]] automatic linking of system tiddlers such as $:/ControlPanel
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9c7936413a8c50817044eb409661a575f7f97563]] new tag dropdown to only list title matches
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/aae56f20af35e7be6f3839a8c727e3f43174efe9]] a warning banner notifying the user when modified plugins require the page to be reloaded
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0bd2ec50e1514ef247182816f9f9e421f52f67bb]] first pass at "stacked" story view
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/421ac16389cf07e8c00611ef5a858da0b89f7584]] modal headers and footers to be parsed in inline mode by default (avoiding unneeded `<p>` tags)
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d340277cb219ffebd212fbf409e8ea804121d105]] [[resolvepath Macro]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/718ce3e4aa04f7af5e9310f90d3415c0d82bee6f]] ''class'' attribute to CheckboxWidget
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bb10e2b02900ece4701c44c3a7e7c03304e813b7]] support for a special message to be displayed when the main story river is empty
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6e0c7d90221771ae384d620984f08a2090c500dc]] font rendering under Mac OS X
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a2493f80a973b24ad3d3affda945c437b98c2d2e]] support for embedding ZIP files
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1808b1597e5a61379e4e5381d6d78bb73fa3a523]] support for custom elements with the RevealWidget
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bd6472c1d10bc86eaf1b317c35b86f84086ee3c8]] ''style'' attribute to RevealWidget
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0b4ed3c72de16148ffe62abf1c5c06f2d2ce47f1]] text inputs to use palette colours
* Several new [[core icons|ImageGallery Example]]: <span style="fill:#aaa;"><span title="$:/core/images/github">{{$:/core/images/github}}</span> <span title="$:/core/images/help">{{$:/core/images/help}}</span> <span title="$:/core/images/mail">{{$:/core/images/mail}}</span> <span title="$:/core/images/tip">{{$:/core/images/tip}}</span> <span title="$:/core/images/warning">{{$:/core/images/warning}}</span> <span title="$:/core/images/twitter">{{$:/core/images/twitter}}</span> <span title="$:/core/images/video">{{$:/core/images/video}}</span> <span title="$:/core/images/up-arrow">{{$:/core/images/up-arrow}}</span> <span title="$:/core/images/left-arrow">{{$:/core/images/left-arrow}}</span></span>
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/1520]] the [[sameday Operator]] and [[eachday Operator]] to accept TW5 date strings
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/1249]] version number compatibility checks for plugins
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1adfe20508116da0ee4b5c9e72ea9742f24b60c9]] problem with repeatedly cancelling a draft
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/050b643948e24d1d93a83766a23a0d693616d01e]] sandboxing of generated `<iframe>` elements
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b166632bbb76a7a033cd8fc3af14e5dadddfc631]] problem with modal backgrounds on Firefox
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1b87d9134bd0b45be671eebfdcac1d7acadcecf4]] problem with accidentally dragging a tiddler within its originating window
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c9ab873ba393753647f2b0b3b3aa1a8bcf6b1c28]] problem with dragging certain plugins with Safari
* [[Partially fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2f8837a44508687223c4d78e718cf82a9b35c97b]] problem with SVG icons being clipped by 1 pixel on the right and bottom
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f3ed9bf7e4936dd9bbe3e237673828bbe89326f9]] problem with double quotes in a new field value
!! Node.js Changes
//These changes are only relevant to people using TiddlyWiki under Node.js//
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/cc85368fd48f1e5878018a4e00b6c17d436e67a9]] [[Highlight Plugin]] to work when generating static files under Node.js
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c296f14210545374124df5d4ae9ffb402ed73561]] problem with case-insensitive filing systems (eg Windows)
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/1354]] mobile metadata to static page templates
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/1352]] added "noclean" parameter to RenderTiddlersCommand
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b768dc332b2d5d7ac1f731953cafb5fd1b30dad9]] [[editions Operator]] and [[editiondescription Operator]] for enumerating available editions
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@aelocson|https://github.com/aelocson]]
* [[@andreasabeck|https://github.com/andreasabeck]]
* [[@alexhough|https://github.com/alexhough]]
* [[@Arlen22|https://github.com/Arlen22]]
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@danielo515|https://github.com/danielo515]]
* [[@dpdannemiller|https://github.com/dpdannemiller]]
* [[@Drakor|https://github.com/Drakor]]
* [[@evgeniy-gryaznov|https://github.com/evgeniy-gryaznov]]
* [[@felixhayashi|https://github.com/felixhayashi]]
* [[@gernert|https://github.com/gernert]]
* [[@Infurnoape|https://github.com/Infurnoape]]
* [[@Jc-L|https://github.com/Jc-L]]
* [[@le-pako|https://github.com/le-pako]]
* [[@Mathobal|https://github.com/Mathobal]]
* [[@ng110|https://github.com/ng110]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@reflectionist|https://github.com/reflectionist]]
* [[@roma0104|https://github.com/roma0104]]
* [[@simonbaird|https://github.com/simonbaird]]
* [[@Spangenhelm|https://github.com/Spangenhelm]]
* [[@sukima|https://github.com/sukima]]
* [[@tobibeer|https://github.com/tobibeer]]
* [[@twMat|https://github.com/twMat]]
* [[@welford|https://github.com/welford]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.8...v5.1.9]]//
! Major Improvements
!! New "Powered by ~TiddlyWiki" plugin
An experimental plugin to add a simple "Powered by ~TiddlyWiki" banner to your site. It is included in this prerelease but will not be on the main tiddlywiki.com wiki.
!! New "Fluid story, fixed sidebar" mode
It is now possible to arrange the main window so that the sidebar has a fixed width and the story river expands to fill the remaining space.
To switch it on, visit ''Theme Tweaks'' in the $:/ControlPanel ''Appearance'' tab and use the following options:
* Sidebar layout:
** ''Fixed story, fluid sidebar'' (default) - the story river has a fixed width and the sidebar fills the remaining space
** ''Fluid story, fixed sidebar'' - the story river expands to fill horizontal space remaining after the fixed width sidebar
* Sidebar width:
** The width of the sidebar. Can be specified in pixels (eg ''350px''), a percentage (eg ''25%'') or other [[CSS unit|https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/CSS/length]]
!! Toolbar Button Style Setting
A new setting in $:/ControlPanel ''Settings'' tab allows the toolbar button style to be chosen from the following options:
* <$button set="$:/config/Toolbar/ButtonClass" setTo="tc-btn-invisible">borderless</$button> the existing style
* <$button set="$:/config/Toolbar/ButtonClass" setTo="tc-btn-boxed">boxed</$button>, which adds a thin border box around the button
* <$button set="$:/config/Toolbar/ButtonClass" setTo="tc-btn-rounded">rounded</$button>, which rounds the button corners and inverts the button colours
Plugins can add new style options.
!! New Tiddler Toolbar Button: "Open in new window"
An experimental new tiddler toolbar button opens a single tiddler in a separate pop-up browser window. The tiddler will be dynamically updated just as in the main window. There are several uses:
* Arranging reference tiddlers for easy access while editing in the main window
* Making good use of multi-screen layouts
* Printing the content of a single tiddler
* Running presentations in a separate window while maintaining notes in the main window
!! Improvements for visually impaired users
* Improved monochrome palette variants:
** <$button>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/theme" text="$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/palette" text="$:/palettes/ContrastDark"/>
Dark palette
</$button>. Foreground: <<colour-picker "$:/palettes/ContrastDark" "foreground">>, Background: <<colour-picker "$:/palettes/ContrastDark" "background">>
** <$button>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/theme" text="$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/palette" text="$:/palettes/ContrastLight"/>
Light palette
</$button>. Foreground: <<colour-picker "$:/palettes/ContrastLight" "foreground">>, Background: <<colour-picker "$:/palettes/ContrastLight" "background">>
** <$button>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/theme" text="$:/themes/tiddlywiki/snowwhite"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/palette" text="$:/palettes/Vanilla"/>
!! New "Solar Flare" palette
There's a new core palette "Solar Flare", contributed by Rustem Akbulatov (@nameanyone).
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/theme" text="$:/themes/tiddlywiki/snowwhite"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/palette" text="$:/palettes/SolarFlare"/>
Try it out
</$button> <$button>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/theme" text="$:/themes/tiddlywiki/snowwhite"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/palette" text="$:/palettes/Vanilla"/>
!! Options for Story Control
There are new options for controlling the position in the story river of newly opened tiddlers. Visit the ''Settings'' tab of $:/ControlPanel and look for "Tiddler Opening Behaviour".
!! New Hidden Settings
Two new [[hidden settings|Hidden Settings]] for advanced configuration:
* [[Hidden Setting: Search AutoFocus]]
* [[Hidden Setting: Typing Refresh Delay]]
!! New Vars widget
[[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/1678]] VarsWidget for setting multiple variables in one operation:
<$vars greeting="Hi" me={{!!title}} sentence=<<helloworld>>>
<<greeting>>! I am <<me>> and I say: <<sentence>>
! Other Improvements
!! Translation Improvements
* Updates to the Dutch, Chinese, Italian and German translations
* New Catalan (Spain) translation
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/789069bb6b9ca1bd9da75e035b18728e83eb232c]] new page control icon for setting the palette: <$set name="tv-config-toolbar-class" value="btn">
<$set name="tv-config-toolbar-icons" value="yes">
<$set name="tv-config-toolbar-text" value="yes">
* Added new icons for <span style="fill:#aaa;">
palette <span title="$:/core/images/palette">{{$:/core/images/palette}}</span>
and "open new window" <span title="$:/core/images/open-window">{{$:/core/images/open-window}}</span>
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/648f670bcbba088780bc76f0c33cbe378d283bbd]] the theme icon to better match the new palette icon: <span style="fill:#aaa;">
<span title="$:/core/images/theme-button">{{$:/core/images/theme-button}}</span>
<span title="$:/core/images/plugin-generic-theme">{{$:/core/images/plugin-generic-theme}}</span>
* [[Avoid|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/7b4153f87f8b4793fa055ec287a659ece3150d99]] glitch with autofocusing the search box in the plugin library
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9f92c086c31a528a2ffb6bc9fed53d4cc016480f]] information about TiddlyDesktop to [[Releases]]
* [[Stopped|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4a3a5bf1f06c4efb8449c860e90c214f707954f6]] autosaving after cancelling an edit
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/062aa03c5acf6ac506169e9f3bac9cb0307667e4]] dropdown to edit template to allow existing field names to be selected
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5f3587c38c2968ff63780552ef50b52d87ada3ca]] to ~KaTeX version 0.4.3, with the following editions since the previous 0.2.0 release that was distributed with TiddlyWiki 5.1.8:
** Added support for some `\begin`/`\end` environments, including support for `array`, `matrix`, `pmatrix`, `bmatrix`, `vmatrix`, and `Vmatrix`
** Added support for optional `\sqrt` arguments, e.g. `\sqrt[3]{x}`
** Add support for `\phantom`
** Add `\#`, `\&`
** See the [[KaTeX GitHub page|https://github.com/Khan/KaTeX/releases]] for full release details
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9b4b9d4d8878b8646112de7b5a7b282f50a4d1cb]] ActionSendMessageWidget for more flexible passing of named parameters via new `$name` and `$value` attributes
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6942efa6289c9f1d99ea9f63972aa314ac06a8b1]] styling for `<kbd>` elements such as <kbd>escape</kbd> and <kbd>enter</kbd>
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/637aaca2fc3563cc695ab5603fc0cde222a770da]] subtle new "pin stripe" pattern for page background - <$button>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/settings/backgroundimage" text="Pinstripe.gif"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/settings/backgroundimageattachment" text="fixed"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/settings/backgroundimagesize" text="auto"/>
Try it out
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/139496209f92d229feadf5c2883edec9090c0a0a]] support for custom elements to the ButtonWidget
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d8366cc45f25d16c9085e05ee18965e626e218ff]] CodeMirror plugin to automatically refresh when a tiddler type changes
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0d5033e2a00e34a7665c2cff58c0d15da224dd2b]] new setting in $:/ControlPanel to render tiddler titles as links, which can be convenient for drag and drop
* [[Simplified|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f42842f80104e8e892545c758ea0b997cacbdd31]] detecting the preview pane with the [[tv-tiddler-preview Variable]]
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/50c6ce8b73aef692920d7a03b1c9c46c35f972d6]] automatic linking of system tiddler titles by restricting them to letters and the characters `/.-`
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5a6249894d5e79ee4e472c72be8956ce59558797]] problem with special characters in field names
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/230f40c3bd71177eb7b1f7e8252a5164e99a12c5]] static banner layout on mobile devices
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/df84e932833b3643ce600499ddd5fef497bec908]] popups within the scrollable widget by adding `position: relative;` to example scrollable widget styles
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]]
* [[@cehmke|https://github.com/cehmke]]
* [[@danielo515|https://github.com/danielo515]]
* [[@Drakor|https://github.com/Drakor]]
* [[@ericshulman|https://github.com/ericshulman]]
* [[@felixhayashi|https://github.com/felixhayashi]]
* [[@gernert|https://github.com/gernert]]
* [[@heroboy|https://github.com/heroboy]]
* [[@idoine|https://github.com/idoine]]
* [[@infurnoape|https://github.com/infurnoape]]
* [[@inmysocks|https://github.com/inmysocks]]
* [[@kixam|https://github.com/kixam]]
* [[@lolole13|https://github.com/lolole13]]
* [[@marcor|https://github.com/marcor]]
* [[@Marxsal|https://github.com/Marxsal]]
* [[@nameanyone|https://github.com/nameanyone]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@r1chard5mith|https://github.com/r1chard5mith]]
* [[@roma0104|https://github.com/roma0104]]
* [[@silvyn|https://github.com/silvyn]]
* [[@slovuj|https://github.com/slovuj]]
* [[@StevenMcD|https://github.com/StevenMcD]]
* [[@sukima|https://github.com/sukima]]
* [[@vouko|https://github.com/vouko]]
* [[@welford|https://github.com/welford]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
<<tabs "[[TiddlyWiki Releases]] [[TiddlyDesktop Releases]]" "TiddlyWiki Releases" "$:/state/tab">>
<h2><$link to=<<currentTab>>><$view tiddler=<<currentTab>> field="title"/></$link></h2>
^^Released <$view tiddler=<<currentTab>> field="released" format="date" template="DDth MMM YYYY at 0hh:0mm">TBA</$view>^^
<$transclude tiddler=<<currentTab>> />
<<.operator-examples "remove">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]] +[remove[Tuesday Wednesday Thursday]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]] +[remove:3[Monday Wednesday Friday Saturday]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[list[Days of the Week]] +[!remove:2{Days of the Week!!list}]">>
<<.operator-examples "removeprefix">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[My Cat]] [[Your Garden]] [[My Favourite Armchair]] +[removeprefix[My ]]">>
<<.operator-examples "removesuffix">>
<<.operator-example 1 "SIMPLEX Googolplex Complex +[removesuffix[plex]]">>
<<.operator-examples "replace">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]] Last +[replace[Wednesday]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]] Last +[replace:2[Tuesday]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[list[Days of the Week]] [[Yesterday]] [[Today]] [[Tomorrow]] +[replace:3[Tuesday]]">>
You can report bugs or problems with TiddlyWiki via our [[discussion groups|Forums]]. If you have a GitHub account then you can raise an issue there:
Unless you are already familiar with GitHub, it's usually easiest to report problems through the discussion groups.
! TiddlyWiki on GitHub
We use GitHub Issues to manage bug reports and feature requests for TiddlyWiki. To maintain their effectiveness we endeavour to have as few open issues as possible.
!! Policies for Managing Issues
Open issues should be actionable: generally either a reproducible bug report, or a specific feature request. From the perspective of the core developers, the issues list behaves like a shared todo list. Every item on the list requires a little bit of attention each time we check the list.
GitHub Issues are not very good for managing ideas that are not immediately actionable. Better to use the [[TiddlyWiki discussion groups|Forums]] for open ended questions, or speculative discussions of new features.
!! Creating Issues
Before creating a GitHub issue it is good etiquette to search through the existing issues to see whether the problem has already been reported. If a search isn't practical, don't worry too much; GitHub makes it easy to merge existing issues.
When you do create an issue, remember that for effective debugging, we need as much information as possible. At a minimum, please try to include:
* A descriptive title
* A summary
* Steps to reproduce
* Expected behaviour
* Context (OS, browser etc.)
Consider also adding screenshots if it makes things clearer.
There's a lot of good material on the web about bug reports:
* http://mhay68.tumblr.com/post/1648223018/what-makes-a-good-bug-report
* http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/bugs.html
The <<.def resolvepath>> [[macro|Macros]] takes a relative path and an absolute path. It interprets the former relative to the latter, and returns the absolute equivalent of the former.
Folders in the paths are delimited by `/`.
The special folder name `.` denotes the current folder, and `..` denotes the parent folder.
If the absolute path indicates a folder, it needs to end with `/`. Anything after the final `/` is treated as an arbitrary filename within the intended path, and is discarded.
If no absolute path is supplied, the relative path is returned unchanged, except that anything after the final `/` is discarded.
The return value is a path, but does <<.em not>> end with `/`.
!! Parameters
: the relative path
: the absolute path
<<.macro-examples "resolvepath">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<<resolvepath "./backup" "http://example.com/store.php">>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2" eg="""<<resolvepath "backup" "http://example.com/store.php">>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="3" eg="""<<resolvepath "../backup" "http://example.com/store.php">>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="4" eg="""<<resolvepath "../jpg/Motovun_Jack.jpg" "http://example.com/resources/images/png/">>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="5" eg="""<<resolvepath "../jpg/../png/Motovun_Jack.png">>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="6" eg="""<<resolvepath "jpg/Motovun_Jack.jpg">>"""/>
These are sites with resources created by the TiddlyWiki [[Community]] help you get the best out of TiddlyWiki: plugins, macros and more. Submit new entries via GitHub, Twitter or by posting in the [[TiddlyWiki Groups]].
<div class="tc-link-info">
<$list filter='[tag[Resources]!sort[modified]]'>
<div class="tc-link-info-item">
! <$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
<div class="tc-subtitle">Posted <$view field="modified" format="relativedate"/></div>
<<.olink butfirst>> and <<.olink bf>> are synonyms for <<.op rest>>.
<<.operator-examples "rest">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]rest[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]rest[3]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O +[rest[5]]">>
The ''Résumé Builder'' edition of TiddlyWiki gets you started with a simple way to create a professional resume that you can save to the web or print.
<a href="editions/resumebuilder/index.html" target="_blank">editions/resumebuilder/index.html</a>
! Introduction
The reveal widget hides or shows its content depending upon the value of a [[state tiddler|StateTiddlers]]. The type of the widget determines the condition for the content being displayed:
* type=''match'': the content is displayed if the state tiddler matches a specified value
* type=''nomatch'': the content is displayed if the state tiddler doesn't match a specified value
* type=''popup'': the content is displayed as a popup as described in the PopupMechanism
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$reveal>` widget is displayed according to the rules given above.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|state |A TextReference containing the state |
|tag |Overrides the default HTML element tag (`<div>` in block mode or `<span>` in inline mode) |
|type |The type of matching performed: ''match'', ''nomatch'' or ''popup'' |
|text |The text to match when the type is ''match'' and ''nomatch'' |
|class |An optional CSS class name to be assigned to the HTML element<br/>» Set to `tc-popup-keep` to make a popup "sticky", so it won't close when you click inside of it|
|style |An optional CSS style attribute to be assigned to the HTML element |
|position |The position used for the popup when the type is ''popup''. Can be ''left'', ''above'', ''aboveright'', ''right'', ''belowleft'' or ''below'' |
|default |Default value to use when the state tiddler is missing |
|animate |Set to "yes" to animate opening and closure (defaults to "no") |
|retain |Set to "yes" to force the content to be retained even when hidden (defaults to "no")|
Retaining the content when hidden can give poor performance since the hidden content requires refresh processing even though it is not displayed. On the other hand, the content can be revealed much more quickly. Note that setting ''animate="yes"'' will also force ''retain="yes"''.
! Examples
!! Simple content reveal
Here's a simple example of showing and hiding content with buttons:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '<$button set="$:/state/SampleReveal1" setTo="show">Show me</$button>
<$button set="$:/state/SampleReveal1" setTo="hide">Hide me</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/SampleReveal1" text="show">
! This is the revealed content
And this is some text
!! Accordion or Slider
An "accordion" or "slider" is a button that can be used to toggle the display of associated content.
<<wikitext-example-without-html '<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/SampleReveal2" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SampleReveal2" setTo="show">Show me</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/SampleReveal2" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SampleReveal2" setTo="hide">Hide me</$button>
! This is the revealed content
And this is some text
!! Popup
Here is a simple example of a popup built with the RevealWidget:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '<$button popup="$:/SamplePopupState">Pop me up!</$button>
<$reveal type="popup" state="$:/SamplePopupState">
<div class="tc-drop-down">
! This is the popup
And this is some text
<<.operator-examples "reverse">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]reverse[]]">>
Even though TiddlyWiki is now out of beta, there are still many improvements planned for the coming months:
* Fixing hangovers from TiddlyWikiClassic
* ~TiddlyWiki file format (to avoid illegal attribute names)
* Aliases (alternative titles for tiddlers)
* Search and replace
* Tiddler renaming
* Rich link tooltips, incorporating a preview
* More keyboard shortcuts
* Keyboard snippet expansion in the text editor
* List editor with drag and drop
* Selective/weighted searching by title, body and fields
* Maths notation
Also see the issues list on GitHub: https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5
! Introduction
Safe mode provides a way to disabling most customisations in TiddlyWiki. This is useful because if TiddlyWiki is customised incorrectly it can be rendered inoperable. A particular issue is that some customisations break when upgrading to a newer core version of TiddlyWiki (especially during the beta).
! Enabling Safe Mode
Safe mode is enabled in the browser by starting TiddlyWiki with the URL hash set to the string `#:safe`. For example:
! How Safe Mode Works
Safe mode triggers two changes:
* All plugins are temporarily disabled. You can use the control panel to disable individual plugins
* Any tiddlers that override shadow tiddlers are renamed to give them the prefix `SAFE: `, thus restoring the underlying shadow tiddler
* Certain configuration options are ignored, and the default settings used instead:
** WikiParserRuleConfiguration
A report tiddler is displayed that allows you to inspect the tiddlers that were renamed.
If <<.place D>> is not a valid date, the output is empty.
<<.place D>> may include a time of day, but this is ignored.
<<.operator-examples "sameday">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[sameday[20140410]]" "tiddlers modified on 10 April 2014">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[sameday:created[20140410]]" "tiddlers created on 10 April 2014">>
This is a demonstration alert.
Note that the trashcan icon deletes the tiddler containing this alert. You can also remove it by opening the tiddler SampleAlert and editing it to remove the tag [[$:/tags/Alert]].
! Hello, <<yourName>>
This is an example modal containing the following message:
{{$:/core/images/done-button}} This is a notification!
This is the fourth of our sample tabs.
This is the first of our sample tabs.
This is the third of our sample tabs.
This is the second of our sample tabs.
This is test tiddler SampleTiddlerFirst.
This is test tiddler SampleTiddlerSecond.
This is test tiddler SampleTiddlerThird.
This is a modal wizard dialogue, stored in the tiddler SampleWizard.
{{Motovun Jack.jpg}}
You can <$button message="tm-modal" param="SampleWizard2">nest wizards</$button>.
This is another modal wizard dialogue, stored in the tiddler SampleWizard2.
You can <$button message="tm-modal" param="SampleWizard">nest wizards</$button>.
Available methods for saving changes with TiddlyWiki:
<<list-links "[tag[Saving]]">>
The built-in TiddlySpot saver can also be used to save changes to a simple PHP script that you can run on most hosting providers.
//These are preliminary instructions that need verification//
# Download a copy of ''store.php'' from:
#* https://code.google.com/p/bidix/source/browse/trunk/TiddlyHome/_th/lib/store.php
# Edit your copy of ''store.php'' to add your username(s) and password(s). Find the line `$USERS = array( 'UserName1'=>'Password1', etc)` and replace Username1 and Password1 with your desired username and password
#* Make sure you leave all the punctuation and code, such as the single quotes, intact
# Save the file
# Using FTP or your web interface, upload ''store.php'' to your server. Make sure that the filename is correct
#* If you've uploaded the file correctly you should be able to view it in your browser (eg, http://example.com/store.php)
# In TiddlyWiki, go to the ''Saving'' tab of the control panel and enter the following information:
#* Your username as the wiki name
#* Your password
#* The URL of the ''store.php'' file (//''not'' the URL of the wiki, this must the full URL to the ''store.php'' file//)
The control panel ''Saving'' tab includes the following configuration options:
|!Name |!Description |
|Server URL |The full URL to the ''store.php'' file on your server |
|Upload filename |The filename used to save the TiddlyWiki (defaults to ''index.html'') |
|Upload directory |The relative path from ''store.php'' to the directory used for saving the file |
|Backup directory |The relative path from ''store.php'' to the directory used for backups |
The AndTidWiki app for Android devices makes it possible to edit and save changes to TiddlyWiki5, including working offline without a network connection. [[Download it here|https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.mgsimon.android.andtidwiki]].
//Note that AndTidWiki is published independently of TiddlyWiki//
By default, TiddlyWiki saves changes on InternetExplorer 10 and above using a saver module that downloads the newly modified file, rather than saving it directly. There are two alternatives that both save changes directly to the file:
* [[Use the TiddlyIE browser extension|Saving with TiddlyIE]]
* Use the [[Windows HTA Hack]] by renaming the TiddlyWiki HTML file to have the extension `*.hta`.
The iPad/iPhone app ''TWEdit'' makes it possible to edit and save changes to TiddlyWiki5, including working offline without a network connection. [[Download it here|https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/twedit/id409607956?mt=8]].
Instructions for use:
# Open TWEdit
# Touch the title in the centre of the toolbar in order
#* A text box should appear allowing you to enter a URL
# Enter the URL `http://tiddlywiki.com/empty.html`
# When the empty TiddlyWiki5 has loaded, touch the ''save'' icon (it's the second icon from the right on the top toolbar)
#* An alert box should appear allowing you to enter a local filename
# Enter the filename you wish to use for the document (ending with `.html`)
# Edit your TiddlyWiki as normal
# To save changes, click the ''save'' button in the sidebar
#* A confirmation message should appear at the upper right
//Note that TWEdit is published independently of TiddlyWiki//
This method of saving changes is clunky because it requires manual intervention for each save.
# [[Download]] an empty TiddlyWiki by clicking this button:
#> {{$:/editions/tw5.com/snippets/download-empty-button}}
#> If the button doesn't work save this link: http://tiddlywiki.com/empty.html
#> Your browser may ask you to accept the download before it begins
# Locate the file you just downloaded
#* You may rename it, but be sure to keep the `.html` or `.htm` extension
# Open the file in Safari
# Try creating a new tiddler using the ''new tiddler'' {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar. Type some content for the tiddler, and click the {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''done'' button
# Save your changes by clicking the {{$:/core/images/save-button}} ''save changes'' button in the sidebar
# A popup "Download changes" window is displayed that includes a link labelled //Right-click to save changes//
# Right-click on the link and select "Download Linked File As..." from the popup menu
# Navigate to the folder containing your wiki HTML file and select the existing file
# Click the "Save" button
# Click "Replace" to confirm replacing the existing file
# Verify that your changes have been saved correctly
TiddlySpot is a free hosting service for TiddlyWiki documents from Simon and Daniel Baird. The easiest way to get started is to sign up for a new wiki at http://tiddlyspot.com - by default you'll get the latest release of TiddlyWiki Classic.
You can upload an existing TiddlyWiki5 document from your local disc to TiddlySpot by following these steps:
# Sign up for a new wiki at http://tiddlyspot.com/, and remember the wiki name and password
# Open your locally stored TiddlyWiki document in your browser
# Fill in the TiddlySpot wikiname and password in the control panel
# Click the "Save Changes" button. You should get a confirmation notification at the top right saying ''Saved wiki''. Saving can take several seconds if you're on a slow connection or working with a large wiki.
# Navigate to your TiddlySpot URL at http://{wikiname}.tiddlyspot.com/
Note that your password is sent unencrypted when using TiddlySpot. From http://faq.tiddlyspot.com/:
''Is Tiddlyspot secure?''
No. Tiddlyspot does not use SSL/https. Your password is sent in clear text when uploading and when authenticating to access a private site. This means that your Tiddlyspot is vulnerable to packet sniffing and your password could be discovered by a malicious third party. Also your data is transmitted unencrypted when you view your site, even if it is a private site. For this reason please don't put sensitive information such as banking details in your Tiddlyspot and don't use a password that you use for other high security sites.
! Problems with saving on TiddlySpot
In case you run into this error when uploading a new or freshly upgraded local TiddlyWiki to TiddlySpot :
Error while saving:
Error:NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI: Access to restricted URI denied
The upgrade operation falls foul of a security restriction in Firefox. Until this can be resolved, we suggest using Chrome.
*# Use Chrome to open the local TiddlyWiki document you want to upload to TiddlySpot and follow the steps 1 through 5 described above
*# Once you've checked the TiddlySpot-hosted TiddlyWiki loads properly in Chrome, you should be able to access, edit and [[save using TiddlyFox|Saving with TiddlyFox]] again
* After you've uploaded your local document once, further editing and saving of the online version hosted on TiddlySpot should work with any modern browser of your choice.
** Don't forget to fill in the TiddlySpot wikiname and password in your TiddlySpot TiddlyWiki control panel for any new browser you want to use for saving changes
* //See also : [[Upgrading]]//
This method of saving changes is clunky because it requires manual intervention for each save. It has the advantage of working on almost all desktop browsers, and many mobile browsers.
# [[Download]] an empty TiddlyWiki by clicking this button:
#> {{$:/editions/tw5.com/snippets/download-empty-button}}
#> If the button doesn't work save this link: http://tiddlywiki.com/empty.html
#> Your browser may ask you to accept the download before it begins
# Locate the file you just downloaded
#* You may rename it, but be sure to keep the `.html` or `.htm` extension
# Open the file in your browser
# Try creating a new tiddler using the ''new tiddler'' {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar. Type some content for the tiddler, and click the {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''done'' button
# Save your changes by clicking the {{$:/core/images/save-button}} ''save changes'' button in the sidebar
# Your browser will download a new copy of the wiki incorporating your changes
# Locate the newly downloaded file and open it in your browser
# Verify that your changes have been saved correctly
''Tip'': most browsers have an option to prompt each time for the download location. This allows you to select the existing version of the file and replace it.
If you're using [[Firefox for Android]], see the instructions for [[Saving with TiddlyFox on Android]].
# Ensure you have the latest version of [[Firefox]]
#* http://getfirefox.com
# Install the latest release of the TiddlyFox extension from:
#* https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tiddlyfox/
# Restart [[Firefox]]
# [[Download]] an empty TiddlyWiki by clicking this button:
#> {{$:/editions/tw5.com/snippets/download-empty-button}}
# Locate the file you just downloaded
#* You may rename it, but be sure to keep the `.html` or `.htm` extension
# Open the file in [[Firefox]]
# Click ''OK'' in response to the prompt from TiddlyFox that asks whether to enable saving for this file
# Try creating a new tiddler using the ''plus'' {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar. Type some content for the tiddler, and click the {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''tick'' button
# Save your changes by clicking the {{$:/core/images/save-button}} ''Save changes'' button in the sidebar
#* Look for the yellow notification ''Saved wiki'' at the top right of the window
# Refresh the browser window to verify that your changes have been saved correctly
(Alternatively, see the [[video tutorial|TiddlyWiki on Firefox for Android Video]])
# Ensure you have the latest version of [[Firefox for Android]]
#* http://getfirefox.com
# Install the latest release of the TiddlyFox extension from:
#* https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tiddlyfox/
# Install this extension to be able to save the TiddlyWiki file locally:
#* https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/android/addon/save-link-menus/
# [[Download]] an empty TiddlyWiki by saving this link:
#* http://tiddlywiki.com/empty.html
#> (to save the link, ensure you've installed the "save-link-menus" extension and then long-press on the link and choose "Save link")
# When the file has downloaded, click on it within the notification tray or the download manager application
# Choose to open the file in Firefox (rather than the default Android viewer)
# Click ''OK'' in response to the prompt from TiddlyFox that asks whether to enable saving for this file
# Try creating a new tiddler using the ''plus'' {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar. Type some content for the tiddler, and click the {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''tick'' button
# Save your changes by clicking the {{$:/core/images/save-button}} ''Save changes'' button in the sidebar
#* Look for the yellow notification ''Saved wiki'' at the top right of the window
# Refresh the browser window to verify that your changes have been saved correctly
# Install the TiddlyIE add-on from:
#* https://github.com/davidjade/TiddlyIE/releases
# Restart Internet Explorer. IE will prompt you to enable the TiddlyIE add-on.
#> You may also see a prompt to enable the //Microsoft Script Runtime//
# [[Download]] an empty TiddlyWiki by saving this link:
#> http://tiddlywiki.com/empty.html
# Locate the file you just downloaded
#* You may rename it, but be sure to keep the `.html` extension
# Open the file in Internet Explorer
# Try creating a new tiddler using the ''plus'' {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar. Type some content for the tiddler, and click the {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''tick'' button
# Save your changes by clicking the {{$:/core/images/save-button}} ''Save changes'' button in the sidebar. Internet Explorer will ask for your consent to save the file locally by presenting a file ''Save As'' dialog.
# Refresh the browser window to verify that your changes have been saved correctly
The SavingMechanism is the mechanism by which TiddlyWiki generates a new HTML file and stores it. It is different from the SyncMechanism, which is concerned with synchronising changes to individual tiddlers back to a server.
The following steps are involved:
# The saver mechanism uses the filter defined in $:/config/SaverFilter to specify which modified tiddlers trigger the dirty state for the wiki
# The ButtonWidget is used to generate a [[tm-save-wiki|WidgetMessage: tm-save-wiki]] message to trigger the save operation
# The optional parameter for the message specifies the template that will be used for generating the HTML file, defaulting to $:/core/save/all
#* The plugin $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/tiddlyweb in the client-server configuration replaces the default template with $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/tiddlyweb/save/offline
# The template includes a variable assignment that specifies a filter to select the tiddlers that should be included in the saved file. It then transcludes the main page template `$:/core/templates/tiddlywiki5.html`
#* The template includes a reference to `$(publishFilter)$` that allows the filter to be customised via a global variable
# The [[tm-save-wiki|WidgetMessage: tm-save-wiki]] handler renders the template to generate the HTML file
# The message handler chooses the highest priority "saver" module that can handle saving the file
#* See http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/#Saver for more details
You might expect that TiddlyWiki's architecture as a SinglePageApplication would make it unsuitable for large amounts of data. In fact, TiddlyWiki users regularly work with files that are 20 or 30 megabytes without problems - and successful experiments have been done up into the gigabytes.
! Script Files
The TiddlyWiki5 repository contains several scripts in the `bin` folder that you can use to automate common tasks, or as a useful starting point for your own scripts. See [[Scripts for building tiddlywiki.com]] for details of the scripts used to build and release http://tiddlywiki.com/.
All the scripts expect to be run from the root folder of the repository.
!! `serve`: serves tw5.com
./bin/serve.sh -h
./bin/serve.sh [edition dir] [username] [password] [host] [port]
./bin/serve.cmd -h
./bin/serve.cmd [edition dir] [username] [password] [host] [port]
This script starts TiddlyWiki5 running as an HTTP server, defaulting to the content from the `tw5.com-server` edition. By default, the Node.js serves on port 8080. If the optional `username` parameter is provided, it is used for signing edits. If the `password` is provided then HTTP basic authentication is used. Run the script with the `-h` parameter to see online help.
To experiment with this configuration, run the script and then visit `` in a browser.
Changes made in the browser propagate to the server over HTTP (use the browser developer console to see these requests). The server then syncs changes to the file system (and logs each change to the screen).
!! `test`: build and run tests
This script runs the `test` edition of TiddlyWiki on the server to perform the server-side tests and to build `test.html` for running the tests in the browser.
!! `lazy`: serves tw5.com with lazily loaded images
./bin/lazy.sh <username> [<password>]
./bin/lazy.cmd <username> [<password>]
This script serves the `tw5.com-server` edition content with LazyLoading applied to images.
!! `2bld`: builds TiddlyWiki 2.6.5
This script builds TiddlyWiki 2.6.5 from the original source and then displays the differences between them (`diff` is used for *nix, `fc` for Windows).
! Introduction
The scrollable widget wraps its content in a scrollable frame. The user can scroll the contents with the mouse or with touch gestures. Code can use the [[WidgetMessage: tm-scroll]] to programmatically scroll specific DOM nodes into view.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$scrollable>` widget is displayed within a pair of wrapper DIVs. If the inner DIV is larger then it scrolls within the outer one. CSS is used to specify the size of the outer wrapper.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|class |The CSS class(es) to be applied to the outer DIV |
|fallthrough |See below |
If a scrollable widget can't handle the `tm-scroll` message because the inner DIV fits within the outer DIV, then by default the message falls through to the parent widget. Setting the ''fallthrough'' attribute to `no` prevents this behaviour.
! Examples
This example requires the following CSS definitions from [[$:/_tw5.com-styles]]:
.tc-scrollable-demo {
border: 1px solid <<colour message-border>>;
background-color: <<colour message-background>>;
padding: 1em;
height: 400px;
position: relative;
This wiki text shows how to display a list within the scrollable widget:
<<wikitext-example-without-html "<$scrollable class='tc-scrollable-demo'>
<$list filter='[!is[system]]'>
<$view field='title'/>: <$list filter='[all[current]links[]sort[title]]' storyview='pop'>
<$link><$view field='title'/></$link>
When used with a suffix, the <<.op search>> operator is similar to <<.olink regexp>> but less powerful.
If the suffix is omitted, a tiddler is deemed to match if all the search terms appear in the combination of its <<.field tags>>, <<.field text>> and <<.field title>> fields.
The search ignores the difference between capital and lowercase letters.
<<.operator-examples "search">>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-example" n="1" eg="[!is[system]search[table]]" ie="non-system tiddlers containing the word <<.word table>>"/>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-example" n="2" eg="[all[shadows]search[table]]" ie="shadow tiddlers containing the word <<.word table>>"/>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-example" n="3" eg="[search:caption[arch]]" ie="tiddlers containing `arch` in their <<.field caption>> field"/>
Searching is fast and flexible in ~TiddlyWiki.
''Standard search''
Typing text into the search box in the sidebar will turn up a list of all the tiddlers that contain that text.
://(Note that the sidebar tabs will be hidden by the search results until you click the 'x' to the right of the search box to remove the search results)//
''Advanced searching''
Clicking on the magnifying glass icon to the right of the search box will open [[$:/AdvancedSearch]]. This tiddler contains four tabs:
* The ''standard'' tab contains another instance of the search box found in the sidebar
* The ''system'' tab allows you to limit your search to system tiddlers
* The ''shadows'' tab allows you to limit your search to shadow tiddlers
* The ''filter'' tab is not a search box, per se, but a way to obtain a list of all tiddlers that meet the specific criteria described by that [[filter|Filters]], for example, "All tags except system tags"
A simple technique for adding tag-based cross references to the default view template.
See also: - is a feature to generate a "See also:" section after the tiddler text, somewhat like in Wikipedia articles.
The output of a [[filter|Filters]] step depends on its [[operator|Filter Operators]]:
* Most operators derive their output from their input. For example, many of them output a subset of their input, and thus truly live up to the name of <<.word filters>>, narrowing down the overall output of the containing [[run|Filter Run]]. These operators are called <<.def "selection modifiers">>.
* A few operators ignore their input and generate an independent output instead. These are called <<.def "selection constructors">>: they construct an entirely new [[selection|Title Selection]].
A good example of a constructor is <<.olink title>>. The output of `[title[A]title[B]]` is just <<.tid B>>. But the <<.olink field>> operator is a modifier, so `[title[A]field:title[B]` outputs nothing at all.
! Introduction
The select widget displays a popup menu based on a [[HTML select element|https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/select]]. The popup (or dropdown) contains a list of items defined by `<option>` and `<optgroup>` elements.
Every time the user selects a new value in the menu, the selected value is written to the text of a specified tiddler field or index. If the tiddler value changes the menu is automatically updated to reflect the new value.
In multiple selection mode, the list of selected values is bound to the specified tiddler field or index. Browsers generally use the <kbd>ctrl</kbd> or <kbd>cmd</kbd> keys for multiple selection.
For example, this select widget displays a list of the tags in this wiki:
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler=<<qualify 'select-demo'>> default='HelloThere'>
<$list filter='[all[shadows+tiddlers]tags[]sort[title]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
The <$link to=<<qualify "select-demo">>>state tiddler</$link> currently contains:
<$edit-text tiddler=<<qualify "select-demo">> tag="input" default=""/>
See the text change as you switch entries in the select widget. Try changing the value of the state tiddler and see the select widget change. Notice how the select widget only displays an entry if there is a precise match with the tiddler text.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$select>` widget should be one or more HTML `<option>` or `<optiongroup>` elements that provide the available values.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The title of the tiddler containing the value to be displayed/modified by the select widget (defaults to the current tiddler) |
|field |The field name for the value in the current tiddler (defaults to "text") |
|index |The index of a property in a [[DataTiddler|DataTiddlers]] (takes precedence over the field attribute) |
|class |CSS classes to be assigned to the HTML select element |
|default |Default value to be used if the tiddler, field or index specifies a missing value |
|multiple |If present, switches to multiple selection mode |
|size |The number of rows to display in multiple selection mode |
! Examples
!! Simple Lists
This example sets the title of the current wiki [[$:/SiteTitle]] to one of a list of book titles:
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler='$:/SiteTitle'>
<option>A Tale of Two Cities</option>
<option>A New Kind of Science</option>
<option>The Dice Man</option>
!! Value lists
In this example the `value` attribute has been used to specify the text that should be used as the value of the entry instead of the display text.
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler='$:/SiteTitle'>
<option value='cities'>A Tale of Two Cities</option>
<option value='science'>A New Kind of Science</option>
<option value='dice'>The Dice Man</option>
!! Option Groups
Entries in the list can be grouped together with the `<optgroup>` element
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler='$:/SiteTitle'>
<optgroup label='Fiction'>
<option value='cities'>A Tale of Two Cities</option>
<option value='dice'>The Dice Man</option>
<optgroup label='Non-fiction'>
<option value='science'>A New Kind of Science</option>
<option value='recursive'>The Recursive Universe</option>
!! Generated Lists
The ListWidget can be used to generate the options for a select widget. For example, here we combine a select widget listing all the tiddlers tagged ''TableOfContents'' with a transclusion to display the text of the selected one.
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler='$:/generated-list-demo-state'>
<$list filter='[tag[TableOfContents]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<$tiddler tiddler={{$:/generated-list-demo-state}}>
<$transclude mode='block'/>
!! Nested Lists
This example uses a nested pair of list widgets. The outer one generates the `<optgroup>` elements, and the inner one generates `<option>` elements:
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler='$:/generated-list-demo-nestedstate' field='type' default='text/vnd.tiddlywiki'>
<$list filter='[all[shadows+tiddlers]prefix[$:/language/Docs/Types/]each[group]sort[group]]'>
<optgroup label={{!!group}}>
<$list filter='[all[shadows+tiddlers]prefix[$:/language/Docs/Types/]group{!!group}] +[sort[description]]'>
<option value={{!!name}}><$view field='description'><$view field='title'/></$view> (<$view field='name'/>)</option>
!! Multiple Selections
This example uses the `multiple` keyword to specify that we should be able to select multiple items.
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler='$:/generated-list-demo-state' field='testing' multiple size='8'>
<$list filter='[tag[TableOfContents]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
</$select><br />
<$list filter='[list[$:/generated-list-demo-state!!testing]]'>
<$view field='title' /><br />
"favicons" are small icons that most browsers display to help users identify websites.
! favicons in the Browser
When TiddlyWiki starts up in the browser it looks for a tiddler called [[$:/favicon.ico]] and dynamically uses it as the favicon for the page. If you modify the image then the favicon changes instantly to reflect it.
! favicons on the Server
On the server, the ServerCommand will serve the tiddler [[$:/favicon.ico]] at the path `/favicon.ico`.
# Import your image as a tiddler (see [[Images in WikiText]])
#* You can also use an [[external image|ExternalImages]]
# Open the $:/ControlPanel and switch to the ''Appearance''/''Theme Tweaks'' tab
# Select your image from the dropdown labelled "Page background image"
# Set "Page background image attachment" to "Fixed to window" to have the background stay stationary and the content to scroll over the top of it, or "Scroll with tiddlers" to have it move (note that the iPhone/iPad [[doesn't support the fixed setting|http://stackoverflow.com/a/20444219]] for performance reasons)
# Set "Page background image size" as follows:
#* ''Auto'' causes the background image to be tiled over the page background
#* ''Cover'' causes the background image to be sized so that it completely covers the page. Some of the image may be clipped
#* ''Contain'' causes the background image to be sized so that it fits within the page
Note that the palette ''DarkPhotos'' is provided to make the sidebar more readable on dark background images.
The `<$setvariable>` widget is a synonym for `<$set/>`; see SetWidget for more details.
! Introduction
The set variable widget assigns a value to a specified [[variable|Variables]]. The new value of the variable is available to the content within the set variable widget.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$set>` widget is the scope for the value assigned to the variable.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|name |The name of the variable to assign (defaults to "currentTiddler") |
|value |The value to assign to the variable if the filter is missing or not empty |
|filter |An optional filter to be evaluated and assigned to the variable (see below) |
|emptyValue |The value to assign to the variable if the filter is present and evaluates to an empty list (see below) |
!! Simple Variable Assignment
The simplest way of using set variable widget assigns a string to a variable. The following example assigns a literal string
<$set name="myVariable" value="Some text">
<$text text=<<myVariable>>/>
Both the name and value attributes can be transcluded. For example:
<$set name=<<anotherVariable>> value={{template!!text}}>
<$text text=<<myVariable>>/>
!! Conditional Variable Assignment
This form of the set variable widget chooses one of two specified values according to whether a filter evaluates to an empty list. Here's an example that sets a variable according to whether the current tiddler is called "myMagicTitle":
<$set name="myVariable" filter="[all[current]field:title[myMagicTitle]]" value="It's magic" emptyValue="It's not magic">
<$text text=<<myVariable>>/>
!! Filtered List Variable Assignment
This form of the set variable widget evaluates the filter and assigns the result to the variable as a space-separated list (using double square brackets for titles containing spaces).
<$set name="myVariable" filter="[tag[HelloThere]]">
<$text text=<<myVariable>>/>
Each input title is processed in turn. If it denotes a shadow tiddler, the title of its plugin tiddler is [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the output. Non-shadow tiddlers contribute nothing to the output.
<<.operator-examples "shadowsource">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[$:/core/copyright.txt]shadowsource[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "$:/core/copyright.txt $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/railroad/parser.js +[shadowsource[]]">>
ShadowTiddlers are tiddlers that are loaded from within [[Plugins]]. Unlike ordinary tiddlers, they don't appear in most lists.
ShadowTiddlers can be overridden with an ordinary tiddler of the same name. If that tiddler is subsequently deleted then the original shadow tiddler is automatically restored.
The current shadow tiddlers are:
<$list filter="[all[shadows]sort[title]]"/>
You can work on a TiddlyWiki file in Dropbox and publish a URL that anyone can use to see a read-only view of the file.
# Save your TiddlyWiki file within your Dropbox folder
# Select Dropbox's "Share Link" option to obtain a public URL for the file
#* In the Dropbox web interface, this is done by clicking the link icon that appears when you hover over a file. Dropbox also adds a "Share Link" item to the file context menu in Finder on OS X and Explorer on Windows
# The URL generated by Dropbox will have this form:
#> `https://www.dropbox.com/s/<gobbledegook>/mywiki.html`
# Modify the URL like this, carefully preserving the gobbledegook:
#> `https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/<gobbledegook>/mywiki.html`
The result is a "secret" URL that you can send to other people to enable them to see the wiki.
Enter a generated URL here and you can copy and paste the secret URL:
<$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/dropboxurl" default="https://www.dropbox.com/s/<gobbledegook>/mywiki.html" tag="input" type="text" size="60"/>
<$macrocall $name="dropbox-url" url={{$:/temp/dropboxurl}}/>
There are a number of ways that people can share tiddlers:
*You can attach a ~TiddlyWiki to an e-mail
*You can publish your ~TiddlyWiki online, and grab a link to send or message to others:
**A link to the URL of the file itself
**A permalink to a specific tiddler (see [[PermaLinks]])
**A permaview link of all the currently open tiddlers (see [[PermaView]])
*You can grab tiddlers from ~TiddlyWikis that others have published online by clicking on a link to the tiddler within their file, and then dragging and dropping the link into your own file. An import tiddler will appear, and you can click to import the tiddler or tiddlers to your file.
* You can [[share a Dropbox link to your TiddlyWiki|Sharing a TiddlyWiki on Dropbox]]
* You can [[export tiddlers|How to export tiddlers]] in a variety of formats including text, static HTML, comma separated values (ie spreadsheet compatible)
Create a GitHub pull request to add your name to `cla-individual.md` or `cla-entity.md`, with the date in the format (YYYY/MM/DD).
''step by step''
# Navigate to [[licenses/CLA-individual|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/licenses/cla-individual.md]] or [[licenses/CLA-entity|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/licenses/cla-entity.md]] according to whether you are signing as an individual or representative of an organisation
# Click the edit button at the top-right corner (clicking this button will fork the project so you can edit the file)
# Add your name at the bottom
#* eg: `Jeremy Ruston, @Jermolene, 2011/11/22`
# Below the edit box for the CLA text you should see a box labelled ''Propose file change''
# Enter a brief title to explain the change (eg, "Signing the CLA")
# Click the green button labelled ''Propose file change''
# On the following screen, click the green button labelled ''Create pull request''
A simple game built with TiddlyWiki, introduced in [[this post|https://groups.google.com/d/topic/tiddlywiki/4aRpZht1vOs/discussion]].
I decided to see if it was possible to make some sort of game using only the core tiddlywiki with no plugins or javascript. I made a very bare bones zork/interactive fiction type game. It is currently the simplest thing I could make and claim it was a game, but I may add on to it in the future. It uses the 5.1.5 prerelease because the action-setfield widget saved lots of work making macros.
One goal of this is to use nothing besides what is contained in the core tiddlywiki, so there is no javascript and no plugins.
A single file application is a web application where all of the assets are delivered in a single static file. This means that it can be downloaded and used offline without losing functionality. It can also be hosted on almost any type of web server.
TiddlyWiki is an unusual single file application because it stores its data within the same file, and is capable of saving changes to itself.
Every single file application must also by definition be a SinglePageApplication, but the converse is not true.
As defined by Wikipedia, a SinglePageApplication is a web application that presents itself as a single HTML document that dynamically loads additional content as the user browses the site. Frequently, single page applications are carefully designed to hide their nature, appearing and functioning as an ordinary static website by respecting the address bar and the back/forward navigation controls.
Unusually, TiddlyWiki is also a SingleFileApplication.
* Take notes, and use tags and hyperlinking to form relationships between your notes
* Use tabs, tables, tag-based lists, and tables of contents to get organised
* Bookmark your favorite websites (see an example at http://giffmex.org/experiments/tidmarks.html)
* Keep track of tasks and appointments, and organise them by multiple tags (see our TaskManagementExample)
* Inventory just about anything: your recipes, personal library, contacts, music collection, and more
* Create a blog or website
* Write a book
* Organise your images into galleries (see our [[ImageGallery Example]])
* Share the information in your ~TiddlyWiki with others, as an online file, as a file attachment, as a tiddler file, or as a link to a specific online tiddler (try clicking and dragging a tiddler from one ~TiddlyWiki file to another to see what happens)
* Draw a sketch (Edit [[Motovun Jack.jpg]] and start drawing over the image to see what happens)
* Use familiar web user interface elements such as lightboxes - see SampleWizard
* Create a slideshow presentation
* Set up an entire local or online knowledgebase, with a central ~TiddlyWiki file linking to other ~TiddlyWiki files (http://recursos.giffmex.org is a Spanish online example of this)
* Set up a data visualisation using tiddlers as data (see the visualisations at http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/d3/index.html)
The difference between capital and lowercase letters is ignored. Compare <<.olink sortcs>>.
<<.operator-examples "sort">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]sort[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]!sort[]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "one two Three four +[sort[]]">>
<<.operator-example 4 "[prefix[Tiddl]sort[text]]">>
<<.operator-example 5 "[has[created]sort[created]limit[10]]" "the oldest 10 tiddlers in the wiki">>
<<.operator-examples "sortby">>
<<.operator-example 1 "10 6 4 9 3 2 8 +[sortby[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "Friday Tuesday Monday Thursday Sunday +[sortby{Days of the Week!!list}]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "1 Mon 5 Fri 4 Tue Sun 2 +[sortby{Days of the Week!!short}]">>
Capital and lowercase letters are treated as different. Compare <<.olink sort>>.
<<.operator-examples "sortcs">>
<<.operator-example 1 "one two Three four +[sortcs[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "one two Three four +[!sortcs[]]">>
Because ~TiddlyWiki is of British origin, its English documentation uses [[British spelling in preference to US spelling|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_and_British_English_spelling_differences]].
Words like <<.word customise>> are spelled <<.word -ise>>, not <<.word -ize>>. Words like <<.word colour>> will also be spelled using UK English unless they are being used for reserved words in code, such as in CSS or JavaScript.
Standard technical acronyms are written in upper case, without dots: <<.word HTML>>, not <<.word html>> or <<.word H.T.M.L.>>
Avoid arbitrarily abbreviating words and sentences. But the following abbreviations are acceptable:
|!Abbreviation |!Meaning |!Notes |
|e.g. |for example |with a dot after each letter |
|i.e. |that is to say |with a dot after each letter |
|etc |and so on |without a dot |
Each input title is processed in turn.
* A title that contains <<.place S>> contributes everything up to and including <<.place S>>.
* A title that doesn't contain <<.place S>> simply contributes itself to the output.
Contributions are [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the output.
The [[table-of-contents macros|Table-of-Contents Macros]] use this operator with `/` as the parameter.
<<.operator-examples "splitbefore">>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-example" n="1" eg="2015-01-26 2014-07-19 2013 +[splitbefore[-]]"/>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-example" n="2" eg="[[green trees]splitbefore[ee]]"/>
The Stanford Javascript Crypto Library is a project by the Stanford Computer Security Lab to build a secure, powerful, fast, small, easy-to-use, cross-browser library for cryptography in Javascript.
The StateMechanism in TiddlyWiki is at the heart of how complex user interfaces can be built from WikiText.
In the browser, the TiddlyWiki display is produced by dynamically rendering the tiddler [[$:/core/ui/PageTemplate]]. Through various transclusions and other widgets it renders the entire user interface. The dynamic rendering is accomplished by a mechanism called "binding": any changes to the tiddlers in the store are dynamically reflected in the browser display.
The stack of templates that make up the TiddlyWiki display are complex but we'll focus on the line that displays the main story column:
<$list filter="[list[$:/StoryList]]" history="$:/HistoryList" template="$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate" editTemplate="$:/core/ui/EditTemplate" storyview={{$:/view}} />
Breaking down the attributes applied to the list widget:
* ''filter'': selects the list of tiddlers in the `list` field of the tiddler [[$:/StoryList]]. If a tiddler is added or removed from that list then it is automatically reflected in the displayed list
* ''history'': references the tiddler to be used to store the history stack (see the NavigationMechanism)
* ''template'': identifies a template tiddler to be used for rendering each tiddler in the list
* ''editTemplate'': identifies a different template tiddler to be used for rendering tiddlers that are in [[draft mode|DraftMechanism]]
* ''storyview'': specifies the story view to be used (eg classic, or zoomin)
The [[$:/StoryList]] tiddler is an example of a StateTiddler: a tiddler that is used to hold the state of the user interface. Changes to the user interface are made indirectly, by changing the underlying state tiddlers, and letting TiddlyWiki ripple the changes through the user interface.
Note how this approach makes the ''open'' tab in the sidebar very easy to implement: it is just another list widget referencing the same state tiddler, but with a different template:
<$list filter="[list[$:/StoryList]]" history="$:/HistoryList" storyview="pop">
<$button message="tm-close-tiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-mini">×</$button> <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link>
Now consider the implementation of the info panel within the tiddler template. We want to be able to toggle the info panel open and closed, which means that we must track its current state in a tiddler.
However, we can't track the state in a tiddler called, say, [[$:/InfoPanelState]] because every tiddler would share the same state; changing the value of the tiddler would affect all tiddlers displayed in the story.
The solution is to dynamically generate a unique title for each state tiddler that we need. We need to ensure that the same state tiddler title is generated each time a user interface element is rendered. To do that, we append together tokens representating each of the stack of transclusions that led to the current rendering location. Then that string of symbols is hashed to a simple numeric value.
The process of generating a state tiddler title is encapsulated in the <<.mlink qualify>> macro.
The "story river" (sometimes abbreviated to "story") is the sequence of [[tiddlers|Tiddlers]] in the main column of the display.
When a tiddler is viewed or edited, then within its branch of the [[widget tree|Widgets]], the <<.def storyTiddler>> [[variable|Variables]] contains the title of that tiddler.
The default [[view template|$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate]] and [[edit template|$:/core/ui/EditTemplate]] initialise <<.var storyTiddler>> to the value of the <<.vlink currentTiddler>> variable. This in turn will have been set by a <<.wlink ListWidget>> widget in [[the relevant part of the page template|$:/core/ui/PageTemplate/story]].
<<.var storyTiddler>> is undefined outside the story river, such as in the sidebar.
<<.variable-examples "storyTiddler">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
<$list filter="[prefix[J]]">
<li><<currentTiddler>>, <<storyTiddler>></li>
The names are those exported by [[modules|Modules]] whose <<.field module-type>> is <<.value storyview>>.
<<.operator-examples "storyviews">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[storyviews[]]">>
TiddlyWiki5 provides several features to help you structure information as [[tiddlers|Tiddlers]], and model the relationships between them:
* TiddlerLinks
* [[Tagging]]
* [[Title Lists|Title List]]
* DataTiddlers
You can use this construction to cause the wrapped content to be assigned specified CSS classes or styles:
<<wikitext-example src:"@@.myStyle
* List One
* List Two
Similar syntax is used to assign styles. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"@@background-color:red;
* List One
* List Two
Multiple styles and classes can be mixed. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"@@.tc-tiddler-frame
Some text
The following core [[macros|Macros]] make it easy to specify alternative browser-specific properties when constructing a [[stylesheet|Cascading Style Sheets]] tiddler:
;`<<box-shadow shadow>>`
: for the `x-box-shadow` properties
;`<<filter filter>>`
: for the `x-filter` properties
;`<<transition transition>>`
: for the `x-transition` properties
;`<<transform-origin origin>>`
: for the `x-transition-origin` properties
;`<<background-linear-gradient gradient>>`
: for the `x-linear-gradient` values of the `background-image` property
The following macros are documented separately:
* <<.mlink colour>>
* <<.mlink datauri>>
All these macros are defined in the [[$:/core/macros/CSS]] tiddler.
<<.operator-examples "suffix">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[suffix[.jpg]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[tag[task]!suffix[ing]]">>
System tags are used to give special behaviour to tiddlers.
! Available system tags
These are the available system tags
* {{$:/tags/AboveStory||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for elements to be placed at the top of the story river
* {{$:/tags/AdvancedSearch||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for search elements
* {{$:/tags/Alert||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for alerts
* {{$:/tags/BelowStory||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for elements to be placed at the bottom of the story river
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel tabs
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel/Advanced||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel advanced tabs
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel/Appearance||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel appearance tabs
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel/Info||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel info tabs
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel/Settings||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel settings tabs
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel/Toolbars||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel toolbar customisation tabs
* {{$:/tags/EditTemplate||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the edit template
* {{$:/tags/EditToolbar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the edit mode tiddler toolbar
* {{$:/tags/Exporter||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the exporters
* {{$:/tags/Filter||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for filters in advanced seach sample filter dropdown
* {{$:/tags/Image||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for (core) images
* {{$:/tags/Macro||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for global macros
* {{$:/tags/MoreSideBar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for tabs in the "more" sidebar
* {{$:/tags/PageControls||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the page control tools in the sidebar
* {{$:/tags/PageTemplate||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the main page elements
* {{$:/tags/Palette||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for colour palettes
* {{$:/tags/PluginLibrary||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the plugin library
* {{$:/tags/RawMarkup||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for raw markup to be included in the generated HTML file
* {{$:/tags/SearchResults||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for customised search results
* {{$:/tags/SideBar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for sidebar tabs
* {{$:/tags/Stylesheet||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} to indicate that a tiddler should be applied as a CSS stylesheet
* {{$:/tags/TiddlerInfo||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for tiddler info panel tabs
* {{$:/tags/TiddlerInfo/Advanced||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for tabs under the advanced tiddler tab
* {{$:/tags/TopLeftBar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the top left bar
* {{$:/tags/TopRightBar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the top right bar
* {{$:/tags/ViewTemplate||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the view template
* {{$:/tags/ViewToolbar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the view mode tiddler toolbar
! System tags in use
These are the system tags in use in this wiki:
<$list filter="[all[shadows+tiddlers]tags[]prefix[$:/]sort[title]]">
System tiddlers are any tiddler whose title starts with `$:/`; such tiddlers are automatically hidden from most operations. They don't show up in lists or search results, but linking to one directly works in the usual way.
TiddlyWiki models everything as [[tiddlers|Tiddlers]], including its internal components and configuration. Thus, even an apparently empty TiddlyWiki actually contains dozens of tiddlers that are necessary to enable it function correctly. Using system tiddlers prevents them from confusing casual users.
The current system tiddlers are:
<$list filter="[is[system]sort[title]]"/>
~TiddlyWiki provides several macros for generating a tree of tiddler links by analysing [[tags|Tagging]]:
;<<.var toc>>
: A simple tree
;<<.var toc-expandable>>
: A tree in which all the branches can be expanded and collapsed
;<<.var toc-selective-expandable>>
: A tree in which the non-empty branches can be expanded and collapsed
;<<.var toc-tabbed-internal-nav>> and <<.var toc-tabbed-external-nav>>
: A two-panel browser:
:* on the left, a selectively expandable tree that behaves like a set of vertical tabs
:* on the right, the content of whichever tiddler the user selects in the tree
The difference between the last two has to do with what happens when the user clicks a link in the right-hand panel:
;<<.var toc-tabbed-internal-nav>>
: The target tiddler appears in the right-hand panel, replacing the tiddler that contained the link
;<<.var toc-tabbed-external-nav>>
: The target tiddler appears in the normal way (which depends on the user's configured storyview)
!! Structure
The top level of the tree consists of the tiddlers that carry a particular tag, known as the <<.def "root tag">>. Tiddlers tagged with any of those make up the next level down, and so on.
At each level, the tiddlers can be [[ordered|Order of Tagged Tiddlers]] by means of the <<.field list>> field of the parent tag tiddler. They can also be ordered by the macro's <<.param sort>> parameter.
The tree displays the <<.field caption>> field of a tiddler if it has one, or the tiddler's title otherwise.
Each tiddler in the tree is normally displayed as a link. To suppress this, give the tiddler a <<.field toc-link>> field with the the value <<.value no>>. In the [[examples|Table-of-Contents Macros (Examples)]], the SecondThree tiddler is set up like this. Clicking such a tiddler in the tree causes its branch to expand or collapse.
The table of contents is generated as an HTML ordered list. The `<ol>` elements always have the class `tc-toc`. Expandable trees have the additional class `tc-toc-expandable`. Selectively expandable trees (including those in the two-panel browser) have `tc-toc-selective-expandable`.
To make a table of contents appear in the sidebar, see [[How to add a new tab to the sidebar]].
!! Parameters
: The root tag that identifies the top level of the tree
: An optional extra [[filter step|Filter Step]], e.g. `sort[title]`
These two parameters are combined into a single [[filter expression|Filter Expression]] like this:
> `[tag[$tag$]$sort$]`
<<.var toc-tabbed-internal-nav>> and <<.var toc-tabbed-external-nav>> take additional parameters:
: The title of the [[state tiddler|StateMechanism]] for noting the currently selected tiddler, defaulting to `$:/temp/toc/selectedTiddler`. It is recommended that this be a [[system tiddler|SystemTiddlers]]
: The text to display when no tiddler is selected in the tree
: The text to display if the selected tiddler doesn't exist
: Optionally, the title of a tiddler to use as a [[template|TemplateTiddlers]] for transcluding the selected tiddler into the right-hand panel
[[Examples|Table-of-Contents Macros (Examples)]]
These examples derive tables of contents from the root tag <<.tag Contents>>.
You can explore the same structure with these clickable tag pills:
* {{Contents||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}
** {{First||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}
** {{Second||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}
*** {{SecondThree||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}
** {{Third||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}
** {{Fourth||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}
The tabbed example uses the real TableOfContents of this documentation instead.
<<tabs "[tag[table-of-contents-example]nsort[order]]" "Example Table of Contents: Simple">>
<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-selective-expandable 'TableOfContents'>>
! Basics
TiddlyWiki5 formats tables using vertical bar characters like so:
|!Cell1 |!Cell2 |
|Cell3 |Cell3 |
Exclamation marks are used to indicate header cells. The example renders as:
|!Cell1 |!Cell2 |
|Cell3 |Cell3 |
! Cell Alignment
Table cell alignment is controlled by inserting space characters before and/or after the cell content. For example:
|Left aligned content |
| Right aligned content|
| Centred content |
|+++ a very wide column so we can see the alignment +++|
The example renders as:
|Left aligned content |
| Right aligned content|
| Centred content |
|+++ a very wide column so we can see the alignment +++|
! Cell vertical Alignment
Vertical alignment of cells is done by inserting either a `^` for top alignment or a `,` for bottom alignment as the first character of a cell. The normal horizontal alignment is still possible. For example:
|^top left |^ top center |^ top right|
|middle left | middle center | middle right|
|,bottom left |, bottom center |, bottom right|
The example renders as:
| :: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | :: |
| ::<br>:: |^top left |^ top center |^ top right| ::<br>:: |
| ::<br>:: |middle left | middle center | middle right| ::<br>:: |
| ::<br>:: |,bottom left |, bottom center |, bottom right| ::<br>:: |
| :: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | :: |
If you need to have a `^`or a `,` as the first character of a left aligned cell, you can use HTML escaping:
| `^` | &#94; |
| `,` | &#44; |
! Cell Merging
To merge a table cell with the one above, use the special cell text `~`. To merge a cell with the one to its left use the text `<`. To merge one to its right use `>`. For example:
|Cell1 |Cell2 |Cell3 |Cell4 |
|Cell5 |Cell6 |Cell7 |<|
|Cell5 |~|Cell7 |Cell8 |
|>|Cell9 |Cell10 |Cell11 |
Renders as:
|Cell1 |Cell2 |Cell3 |Cell4 |
|Cell5 |Cell6 |Cell7 |<|
|Cell5 |~|Cell7 |Cell8 |
|>|Cell9 |Cell10 |Cell11 |
! Table Classes, Captions, Headers and Footers
Table CSS classes, captions, headers and footers can be specified as special pseudo-rows. The following example:
* assigns the CSS classes "myclass" and "anotherClass" to the table
* gives the table the caption "This is a caption"
* adds a header row of cells with the text "Header"
* adds a footer row of cells with the text "Footer"
|myclass anotherClass|k
|This is a caption |c
|Cell1 |Cell2 |
|Cell3 |Cell3 |
Renders as:
|myclass anotherClass|k
|This is a caption |c
|Cell1 |Cell2 |
|Cell3 |Cell3 |
The <<.def tabs>> [[macro|Macros]] presents a [[selection of tiddlers|Title Selection]] as a set of tabs that the user can switch between.
The tabs display the <<.field caption>> field of a tiddler if it has one, or the tiddler's title otherwise. If specified, the tabs display the <<.field tooltip>> field of a tiddler as the respective button tooltip.
By default the tabs are arranged horizontally above the content. To get vertical tabs, set the <<.param class>> parameter to <<.value tc-vertical>>.
!! Parameters
: A [[filter|Filters]] selecting which tiddlers to include
: The title of the tiddler whose tab is to be selected by default
: The prefix for the title of a [[state tiddler|StateMechanism]] for noting the currently selected tab, defaulting to `$:/state/tab`. It is recommended that this be a [[system tiddler|SystemTiddlers]]
: Additional [[CSS|Cascading Style Sheets]] classes for the generated `div` elements. Multiple classes can be separated with spaces
: Optionally, the title of a tiddler to use as a [[template|TemplateTiddlers]] for transcluding the content of the selected tab
Within the template, the title of the selected tab is available in the <<.var currentTab>> variable.
The <<.vlink currentTiddler>> variable is not affected by the <<.var tabs>> macro.
<<.macro-examples "tabs">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<<tabs "SampleTabOne SampleTabTwo SampleTabThree SampleTabFour" "SampleTabOne" "$:/state/tab1">>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2"
eg="""<<tabs "[tag[sampletab]]" "SampleTabTwo" "$:/state/tab2" "tc-vertical">>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="3"
eg="""<<tabs "[tag[sampletab]nsort[order]]" "SampleTabThree" "$:/state/tab3" "tc-vertical">>"""/>
The <<.def tag>> [[macro|Macros]] generates a tag pill for a specified tag.
!! Parameters
: The title of the tag, defaulting to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]
<<.macro-examples "tag">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<<tag>>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2" eg="""<<tag Concepts>>"""/>
The output is [[sorted|Order of Tagged Tiddlers]] using the tag's <<.field list>> field and the tiddlers' <<.field list-before>> and <<.field list-after>> fields.
If <<.place T>> is empty, the output of `tag` is empty, and the output of `!tag` is a copy of the input.
<<.operator-examples "tag">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[tag[task]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[tag[task]!tag[done]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[!tag[task]]">>
<<.operator-example 4 "[all[shadows]tag[$:/tags/Stylesheet]]">>
Tagging is a way of organising tiddlers into categories. For example, if you had tiddlers representing various individuals, you could tag them as ''friend'', ''family'', ''colleague'' etc to indicate these people's relationships to you.
A tag is in fact just a tiddler (or a potential tiddler), and it can have tags of its own. You can add any number of tags to the same tiddler.
See [[Creating and editing tiddlers]] for instructions on how to tag.
By tagging your tiddlers, you can view, navigate and organise your information in numerous additional ways:
* The coloured tag pills on a tiddler give you quick access to all the other tiddlers with the same tag, as well as to the tiddler that represents the tag itself.
* If a tiddler is serving as a tag, then the ''Tagging'' tab in its InfoPanel will show you which tiddlers are currently tagged with it.
* The ''More'' tab of the sidebar has a ''Tags'' tab that presents an overview of all your tags and lets you access all your tagged tiddlers.
* You can use [[filters|Filters]] to create lists of tiddlers based on their tags. You can then display any combination of the [[fields|TiddlerFields]] of those tiddlers. For example, you could build a glossary by listing the title and text of all tiddlers tagged ''Glossary''. Such lists can be formatted in any way you wish: e.g. bulleted, numbered or comma-separated.
* There are a number of special ''system tags'' that control the layout of tiddlers and the entire ~TiddlyWiki page. See [[Page and tiddler layout customisation]] for instructions.
There are two more things you can do with tags:
! Set a tag's colour and icon
You can use the [[tag manager|$:/TagManager]], found on the ''Tags'' tab under ''More'' in the sidebar, to change the colour of a tag's pill or add an icon to the pill.
* To change the colour, click the button in the ''Colour'' column to select from a colour picker. Alternatively, click the icon in the ''Info'' column, then type a [[CSS]] colour value in the ''Colour'' field
* To change the icon, click the {{$:/core/images/down-arrow}} button in the ''Icon'' column and choose from the list of available icons
! Change the order in which tags are listed
By default, tagged tiddlers are listed in alphabetical order.
If you want any other order, add a <<.flink ListField>> field to the tag tiddler, and set its value to be a [[list of the tiddlers|Title List]] in that order.
The ''list'' field doesn't have to mention all of the tiddlers. See the [[precise rules|Order of Tagged Tiddlers]] ~TiddlyWiki uses to order tagged tiddlers.
Each input tag is processed in turn. The list of tiddlers carrying that tag is generated, [[sorted|Order of Tagged Tiddlers]], and then [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's overall output.
<<.operator-examples "tagging">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[task]tagging[]]" "same as `[tag[task]]`">>
<<.operator-example 2 "Concepts task +[tagging[]]" "tiddlers that are tagged ''Concepts'' or ''task''">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[all[current]tagging[]]" "tiddlers tagged with the current one">>
Each input title is processed in turn. The corresponding tiddler's tags are retrieved (in order of appearance in the <<.field tags>> field) and then [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's output.
<<.operator-examples "tags">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[Filter Operators]tags[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[all[shadows]tags[]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[all[shadows+tiddlers]tags[]sort[]]">>
A tag tiddler is any tiddler that is in use as a tag.
The ''Tagging'' tab on the InfoPanel of a tag tiddler shows which tiddlers are tagged with the tag tiddler.
A tag can be used without a corresponding tag tiddler.
Sample tasks for the TaskManagementExample.
TiddlyWiki5 can be used as a simple task management system without further customisation. The idea is that tasks be tagged `task`, with those that are completed also tagged `done`. In this way it is straightforward to generate task lists.
! Outstanding tasks
<$list filter="[!has[draft.of]tag[task]!tag[done]sort[created]]">
<$checkbox tag="done"> <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link></$checkbox>
! Completed tasks
<$list filter="[!has[draft.of]tag[task]tag[done]sort[created]]">
<$checkbox tag="done"> ~~<$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link>~~</$checkbox>
When writing an [[instruction tiddler|Instruction Tiddlers]], start by planning a route through the information you wish to present. This should be a simple, logical, direct progression of thoughts, with no backtracking or forward references. Use this approach even within individual sentences: always proceed from cause to effect, from the old or known to the new or unknown.
Keep sentences short and simple. A clear technical sentence seldom contains more than one idea. It therefore avoids parenthetical information. Similarly, keep paragraph structure simple. A flat presentation is often easier to understand than a hierarchical one.
It is often possible to simplify a sentence without changing its meaning, merely by adjusting its vocabulary or grammatical structure. <<.word "Execution of the macro is performed">> just means <<.word "The macro runs">>. <<.word "Your expectation might be...">> just means <<.word "You might expect...">>.
Prefer the active voice by default: <<.word "Jane creates a tiddler">> rather than <<.word "a tiddler is created by Jane">>. The passive voice can be useful if you want the reader to focus on the action itself or its result: <<.word "a tiddler is created">>. But it can often be clearer to proceed from cause to effect and say <<.word "this creates a tiddler">> in the active voice.
Documentation often presents two items that are parallel either by similarity or by difference. The reader will more easily detect such a pattern if you use the same sentence or phrase structure for both. But this must be balanced with the need to avoid monotony.
Prefer precise instructions over woolly descriptions. If something has a name, use it. If something lacks a name, give it a tiddler.
A template tiddler is not actually a type of tiddler, it is a role in which a tiddler can be used.
Templates are a way to re-use chunks of WikiText.
Transcluding through a template extends the basic functionality of [[Transclusion]] by combining two tiddlers:
* A template tiddler that contains the WikiText to be displayed. It can contain transclusions that reference fields in the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]
* A target tiddler that identifies which tiddler is to be treated as current when resolving references to fields
The best example of templating is the main story river in TiddlyWiki. Each tiddler in the story river is rendered through a ViewTemplate that specifies how each field is to be rendered.
See [[Transclusion with Templates]] for details.
# With ~TiddlyWiki you can organise your notes your way, not their way. Your notes conform to your way of thinking rather than being forced into a hierarchical straightjacket of notebooks and tabs
# ~TiddlyWiki's nonlinear approach will actually make you think about your information in new and helpful ways
# Finding your notes in ~TiddlyWiki is lightning fast
# There are many ways to customise and adapt every aspect of ~TiddlyWiki
# ~TiddlyWiki is free and is compatible with all platforms. Any web browser will open it. You don't need to purchase an expensive program or pay a subscription fee to use it
# ~TiddlyWiki files promote the free sharing of information. There are many ways you can share your information from ~TiddlyWiki
# With ~TiddlyWiki, your information is yours, and you store it where you want to - on your device, on a USB stick, in Dropbox, on your server
# ~TiddlyWiki features an ever-growing number of plugins, themes, widgets, and languages
# The online ~TiddlyWiki community is friendly and will do their best to give you the help you need
# If you are a programmer, you have even more ways to play with ~TiddlyWiki. With ~TiddlyWiki, the more you know, the more fun you can have with it
The ''Text-Slicer'' edition of TiddlyWiki contains tools to help advanced users slice long texts up into individual tiddlers.
<a href="editions/text-slicer/index.html" target="_blank">editions/text-slicer/index.html</a>
A TextReference identifies a chunk of text from a tiddler that can be retrieved or modified depending on the context.
Text references are made up of several parts, most of which can be optional:
* `tiddlerTitle` - the text [[field|TiddlerFields]] of the specified tiddler
* `tiddlerTitle!!field` - a [[tiddler field|TiddlerFields]] (eg, `modified`, `modifier`, `type` etc)
* `!!field` - a [[field|TiddlerFields]] of the current tiddler
* `tiddlerTitle##propertyIndex` - extracts a named property from DataTiddlers
Text references can be used in several places:
* As [[indirect parameters|Filter Parameter]] within [[Filters]] (eg, `<$list filter="[tag{MyTag!!name}]"/>`)
* As IndirectAttributes of an element or widget (eg, `<$widget attrib={{Title!!description}}/>`)
* As the operand of a shortcut transclusion (eg, `{{MyTiddler!!title}}`)
* As the `state` attribute of the RevealWidget and the LinkCatcherWidget
! Introduction
The text widget displays plain text.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$text>` widget is not used.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|text |The text to display |
! Introduction
A number of extended filters are necessary to manipulate lists.
The first set of filters are designed to move items from the tail of the list and insert them at specified locations in the list. Items are often appended to the list before using these filters. In general, these filters accept a suffix specifying the number of items to move (default to 1.)
A second set of filters are designed to either add or remove from the list, a selected range of items from an array. These filters are best used with a reference to an array, stored in a field or data index elsewhere in the wiki (they may be used with a simple list of items, provided the items do not include white space.) In general, these filters accept a suffix specifying the number of items to move (default to All.)
A third set of filters are especially designed to work with the ~ActionListops widget, and have specialised functions:
* The cycle[] operator selects the next/previous item from a reference list, to the first item in the current list which matches any item in the reference list. This may be used to cycle an item through the values in the reference list.
* The keep[] operator, selects only those items matching an item in the reference list. This may be used to display the currently selected item from the reference list.
! Examples
In this example we shall populate the '~DataIndex' index of the tiddler '~MyData' with the names of the days of the week, then clear this list.
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-listops $tiddler="ListopsData" $index="DataIndex" $filter="[list[Days of the Week]]"/>
Get days-of-the-week
<$action-listops $tiddler="ListopsData" $index="DataIndex" $filter="[[]]"/>
In this example we shall slice the populated list from the 'DaysOfTheWeek' index of the tiddler '~MyData' in order to insert items before and after a marker item (Wednesday) that are first appended to the list.
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-listops $tiddler="ListopsData" $index="DataIndex" $subfilter="one two +[putbefore:2[Wednesday]]"/>
Put 2 Items Before Wednesday
<$action-listops $tiddler="ListopsData" $index="DataIndex" $subfilter="four five +[putafter:2[Wednesday]] three +[putbefore[Wednesday]]"/>
Put One Item Before & Two Items After Wednesday
In this example we shall slice the populated list from the 'DaysOfTheWeek' index of the tiddler '~MyData' in order to replace the marker item (Wednesday) with items which are first appended to the list. We shall then move 3 items to the head of the list which have first been appended to the list from referenced fields.
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-listops $tiddler="ListopsData" $index="DataIndex" $subfilter="[[---o]] [[o---]] +[replace:2{!!marker}]"/>
Replace '!!marker' with 2 Items
<$action-listops $tiddler="ListopsData" $index="DataIndex" $subfilter="[{!!item1}] [{!!item2}] [{!!item3}] +[putfirst:3[]]"/>
Put 3 Items First
In this example we shall slice the populated list from the 'DaysOfTheWeek' index of the tiddler '~MyData' in order to append to the truncated list, items from a referenced field. We shall then remove the first two of the items added.
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src="""|list: |<$view field="list"/> |
<$action-listops $tiddler="ListopsData" $index="DataIndex" $subfilter="+[allbefore:include[Wednesday]] +[prepend{!!list}]"/>
Prepend '!!list' to items before 'Wednesday'
<$action-listops $tiddler="ListopsData" $index="DataIndex" $subfilter="+[remove:2{!!list}]"/>
Remove first two items in '!!list' from current list
<$action-listops $tiddler="ListopsData" $index="DataIndex" $subfilter="+[!remove:1{!!list}]"/>
Remove last item in '!!list' from current list
In this example we shall populate the list with numbers, then move items one by one from the head to the tail and from the tail to the head (best seen by clicking the lower buttons several times.)
This example illustrates that the append[] and prepend[] operators do not enforce unique instances of an item and that, with the next run, any duplicates are removed.
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-listops $tiddler="ListopsData" $index="DataIndex" $filter="[[]]" $subfilter="+[append:3{!!numbers}]"/>
Setup some numbers
<$action-listops $tiddler="ListopsData" $index="DataIndex" $subfilter="+[!append:6{!!numbers}]"/>
Append more numbers
<$action-listops $tiddler="ListopsData" $index="DataIndex" $subfilter="+[putfirst:2[]]"/>
Move last 2 items to the head
<$action-listops $tiddler="ListopsData" $index="DataIndex" $subfilter="+[putlast[]]"/>
Move the head to the last item
! Horror Stories
Every so often, TiddlyWiki users report heart-rending tales of personal data loss on the discussion groups:
> My entire TiddlyWiki has just been wiped out when Firefox crashed during saving a tiddly.
> Last time I used it was last night at home on my Windows 7 desktop, hit the check mark to stop editing my last entry, it then saves via TiddlyFox and I eject my USB drive. I came to work this morning, plugged in my USB, enter my TW5 password and it doesn't want to open after several attempts. I browse to my TW5 html file and notice that my file size is no longer 3MB.. instead it is 80KB. This leads me to believe I lost everything.
Don't let it happen to you!
!! The first rule of using TiddlyWiki is:
<p style="font-size:40pt;line-height:48pt;font-weight:700;color:red;">
Backup your data!
TiddlyWiki is a very flexible, customisable system that puts you firmly in charge of your own data. Every care is taken in TiddlyWiki's development to ensure that it is a safe place to preserve your most valuable data but the ultimate responsibility to reduce the risk of data loss falls to users.
The best way to make sure that your data is safe is to practise a rigorous system of backups:
* Consider using services like Dropbox to continuously back up your personal data to the cloud. (Dropbox [[has a neat feature|https://www.dropbox.com/help/11]] whereby they keep track of previous versions of files)
* Retain backups before upgrading to a new version of TiddlyWiki
* Figure out and protect yourself from the worst case scenarios: what if your USB stick or hard drive fails? What if your computer is hit by a ransomeware virus?
* Be defensive and redundant: for example, take multiple backups and keep them in separate physical locations
The <<.def thumbnail>> [[macros|Macros]] are used to create linkable thumbnail panels.
!! Parameters
<<.macro-examples "thumbnail">>
! Examples
Here is an example of the `thumbnail-right` macro used to create a video thumbnail that floats to the right of the text
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<<thumbnail-right link:"Introduction Video" image:"Introduction Video Thumbnail.jpg" caption:"Introduction to ~TiddlyWiki" icon:"{{$:/core/images/video}}" color:"red">>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum."""/>
! <<.olink before>> and <<.olink after>>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]before{!!title}]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]after{!!title}]">>
In accordance with the [[Philosophy of Tiddlers]], documentation tiddlers are typically short and interlinked.
When a tiddler seems as if it needs to contain subheadings, this is often a sign that it should in fact be split into several tiddlers. But it is reasonable for a [[reference tiddler|Reference Tiddlers]] to consist of an untitled introductory section followed by a titled section of details.
Consistency of terminology is essential if the reader is not to become confused. Consistent typography and punctuation lend a professional quality to the documentation. Macros can improve the consistency and maintainability of the text.
Use numbered lists for step-by-step instructions, and bullet points for lists whose order is arbitrary. Use a definition list in preference to a bulleted list if each bulleted item would begin with a term and a colon. If at all possible, avoid burdening the reader with a nested list.
Use a table when information naturally falls into three or more columns, and also for lists of parameters, attributes, etc in [[reference tiddlers|Reference Tiddlers]].
The documentation describes the current reality of ~TiddlyWiki. Avoid discussing future aspirations.
Many documentation tiddlers, especially the [[reference ones|Reference Tiddlers]], are concerned with a single concept. Their titles should be succinct noun phrases like <<.tid "List Widget">> or <<.tid "Tiddler Fields">>.
Each of the main words of such a title begins with a capital letter. Minor words such as <<.word and>>, <<.word or>>, <<.word the>>, <<.word to>> and <<.word with>> do not.
Tags also follow this pattern.
Titles of this kind are plural if they denote a category of items, e.g. <<.tid "Keyboard Shortcuts">> or <<.tid "Tiddler Fields">>. Such titles are used to tag more specific tiddlers within the category.
Where a concept is an item rather than a category, its tiddler has a singular title, e.g. <<.tid "List Widget">>, <<.tid "tag Operator">>.
Start a title with its most distinctive part. For instance, the tiddlers documenting the filter operators have titles like <<.tid "addprefix Operator">>. This helps the reader scan a list of links to find a particular tiddler.
Avoid starting a title with the word <<.word the>>.
In the past, many tiddlers had CamelCase titles. This is gradually being phased out of the documentation to improve readability. ~CamelCase titles should no longer be used, even for tags, except in cases like <<.tid ~JavaScript>> where that is the standard spelling.
[[Instruction tiddlers|Instruction Tiddlers]] often have longer titles that can be more complicated than just a noun phrase, e.g. <<.tid "Ten reasons to switch to ~TiddlyWiki">>. These titles use sentence case, i.e. only the first word (and any proper names) starts with a capital letter.
How-to tiddlers have titles that begin with <<.word "How to">>, e.g. <<.tid "How to edit a tiddler">>. Avoid titles like <<.tid "Editing tiddlers">>, because a less fluent English speaker could misunderstand that as the name of a category of tiddlers.
\define lingo-base() $:/language/Docs/Fields/
TiddlerFields are name:value pairs that make up a [[tiddler|Tiddlers]]. Field names must be lowercase letters, digits or the characters `-` (dash), `_` (underscore) and `.` (period).
The standard fields are:
|!Field Name |!Reference |!Description |
|`title` |TitleField |<<lingo title>> |
|`text` |TextField |<<lingo text>> |
|`modified` |ModifiedField |<<lingo modified>> |
|`modifier` |ModifierField |<<lingo modifier>> |
|`created` |CreatedField |<<lingo created>> |
|`creator` |CreatorField |<<lingo creator>> |
|`tags` |TagsField |<<lingo tags>> |
|`type` |TypeField |<<lingo type>> |
|`list` |ListField |<<lingo list>> |
Other fields used by the core are:
|!Field Name |!Reference |!Description |
|`color` |ColorField |<<lingo color>> |
|`description` |DescriptionField |<<lingo description>> |
|`draft.of` |DraftOfField |<<lingo draft.of>> |
|`draft.title` |DraftTitleField |<<lingo draft.title>> |
|`footer` |FooterField |<<lingo footer>> |
|`library` |LibraryField |<<lingo library>> |
|`name` |NameField |<<lingo name>> |
|`plugin-priority` |PluginPriorityField |<<lingo plugin-priority>> |
|`plugin-type` |PluginTypeField |<<lingo plugin-type>> |
|`source` |SourceField |<<lingo source>> |
|`subtitle` |SubtitleField |<<lingo subtitle>> |
The TiddlyWebAdaptor uses a few more fields:
|!Field Name |!Reference |!Description |
|`bag` |BagField |<<lingo bag>> |
|`revision` |RevisionField |<<lingo revision>> |
See the ''Advanced > TiddlerFields'' tab of the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] for details of the fields used in this wiki.
Tiddlers can be stored in text files in several different formats. Files containing single tiddlers can also have an auxiliary `.meta` file formatted as a sequence of name:value pairs:
title: TheTitle
modifier: someone
!! ~TiddlyWeb-style .tid files
These files consist of a sequence of lines containing name:value pairs, a blank line and then the text of the tiddler. For example:
title: MyTiddler
modifier: Jeremy
This is the text of my tiddler.
Note that many text editors require that files include a terminating newline. If you want to avoid including the terminating newline in the text of the tiddler you can use this alternative syntax:
title: MyTiddler
modifier: Jeremy
text: This is the text of my tiddler.
//The ContentType `application/x-tiddler` is used internally for these files//
!! TiddlyWiki `<DIV>` .tiddler files
In TiddlyWiki 5, `*.tiddler` files look like this:
<div title="AnotherExampleStyleSheet" modifier="blaine" created="201102111106" modified="201102111310" tags="examples" creator="psd">
<pre>Note that there is an embedded <pre> tag, and line feeds are not escaped.
And, weirdly, there is no HTML encoding of the body.</pre>
These `*.tiddler` files are not exactly the same as the tiddlers inside a TiddlyWiki HTML file where they are HTML encoded.
Older `*.tiddler` files more closely matched the store format used by TiddlyWiki at the time:
<div tiddler="AnotherExampleStyleSheet" modifier="JeremyRuston" modified="200508181432" created="200508181432" tags="examples">This is an old-school .tiddler file, without an embedded <pre> tag.\nNote how the body is "HTML encoded" and new lines are escaped to \\n</div>
//The ContentType `application/x-tiddler-html-div` is used internally for these files//
!! ~TiddlyWeb-style JSON files
These files are a straightforward array of hashmaps of `name:value` properties. All field values must be specified as strings.
For example:
"title": "First Tiddler",
"text": "Text of first tiddler",
"tags": "one two [[t h r e e]]"
"title": "Second Tiddler",
"text": "Text of second tiddler",
"modified": "20150216171751154"
//The ContentType `application/json` is used internally for these files//
!! TiddlyWiki HTML files
TiddlyWiki HTML files contain a collection of tiddlers encoded in `<DIV>` format.
For TiddlyWiki to import an unencrypted HTML file, it requires a `<div id="storeArea">` containing tiddler DIVs as explained above. For example:
<div id="storeArea">
<div created="20130302085406905" modified="20130302084548184" tags="Examples" title="A tiddler title">
<pre>HTML encoded text of tiddler
<div created="20140315085406905" modified="20140321084548184" tags="One Two [[Three with Space]]" title="Another title" customfield="field value">
<pre>Text of this tiddler
Links are regions of a tiddler that can be clicked to cause navigation to a different tiddler. The navigation behaviour is determined by the current StoryView; the classic TiddlyWiki view displays the story as a linear sequence of tiddlers.
Holding the ''control'' or ''command'' key while clicking on a tiddler link opens the target tiddler but doesn't navigate to it. This can be a useful way of queueing up tiddlers to be read later.
Links are useful for modelling organic relationships between tiddlers, and particularly for expressing the navigational paths between tiddlers.
The InfoPanel lists incoming links to a tiddler in the tab ''References''.
[[Filters]] can include the following filter operators that work with links:
* `[links[]]` - returns the titles of the tiddlers that are linked from the currently selected tiddler(s)
* `[backlinks[]]` - returns the titles of the tiddlers that link to the currently selected tiddler(s)
TiddlyWiki5 alters the appearance of tiddler links to convey additional information about the target of the link:
|!Link description |!Link appearance |
|To a tiddler that exists |[[LikeThis|TiddlerLinks]] |
|To a tiddler that doesn't exist |[[LikeThis|ATiddlerThatDoesntExist]] |
|To a shadow tiddler that has not been overridden |[[LikeThis|$:/core/copyright.txt]] |
|To a shadow tiddler that has been overridden by an ordinary tiddler |[[LikeThis|$:/SiteTitle]] |
External links are shown like this: http://tiddlywiki.com/ or [[like this|http://tiddlywiki.com/]].
Tiddlers are the fundamental units of information in TiddlyWiki. Tiddlers work best when they are as small as possible so that they can be reused by weaving them together in different ways.
A "tiddler" is an informal British word meaning a small fish, typically a stickleback or a minnow. Other systems have analogous concepts with generic names like "items", "entries", "entities", "nodes" or "records". TiddlyWiki takes the view that it is better to be confusingly distinctive than confusingly generic.
Internally, tiddlers are a list of uniquely named values called fields. The only field that is required is the `title` field, but useful tiddlers also have a `text` field, and some or all of the standard fields listed in TiddlerFields.
Tiddlers are ubiquitous in TiddlyWiki. They are used to store everything from JavaScript code modules to the settings and state associated with the user interface.
! Introduction
The TiddlerWidget sets the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]] that applies for processing its content.
! Content and Attributes
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The title of the tiddler to become the new [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]] |
|class |CSS classes to be added to the generated elements |
! CSS Class Variables
The tiddler widget assigns several useful CSS classes to variables that it creates:
; missingTiddlerClass
: `tc-tiddler-exists` or...
: `tc-tiddler-missing` depending on whether the tiddler exists
: `tc-tiddler-shadow` if the tiddler is a shadow tiddler
:` tc-tiddler-system` if the tiddler is a system tiddler
: a space separated list of CSS classes named `tc-tagged-{tagname}`,<br>e.g. `tc-tagged-introduction`<br><br>''Note:'' tag names are URI encoded which means that the tag [[$:/tags/Macro]] appears as the CSS class `tc-tagged-%24%3A%2Ftags%2FMacro`. See [[How to apply custom styles by tag]] for more details
You can use these variables like this:
<$tiddler tiddler="MyOtherTiddler">
<div class=<<missingTiddlerClass>>>
See also [[$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate]].
BuggyJay's TiddlyClip browser extension for [[Firefox]] permits clipping of text and graphics from web pages:
TiddlyClip allows parts of webpages to be clipped into a TiddlyWiki, and consists of two parts, the browser addon and the TiddlyWiki plugin. The addon is completely memoryless, any configuration is determined by the current TiddlyWiki that the user has select to work with (we say that the addon is docked to the TiddlyWiki). TiddlyClip is designed to work (in a basic mode) without configuration. Once the addon and plugin are installed, all the user has to do is select which TW to dock to.
TiddlyDesktop is an app for working with TiddlyWiki files (both TiddlyWikiClassic and TiddlyWiki version 5). It can be installed on Windows, Mac OS X or Linux. It is compatible with TiddlyWiki version 5 and the older TiddlyWikiClassic.
See the [[Introducing TiddlyDesktop Video]]
! Instructions
# Install the latest release of TiddlyDesktop from https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/releases
# Run TiddlyDesktop
# Use the browse button to open TiddlyWiki files
# Save changes within TiddlyWiki in the usual way
! Source
TiddlyDesktop is based on the OpenSource project [[NW.js]]. The source is on GitHub:
See [[TiddlyDesktop Releases]]
<a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/releases/tag/v0.0.1" class="tc-btn-big-green" target="_blank">
{{$:/core/images/github}} Download from ~GitHub
First release - use with extreme caution
<a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/releases/tag/v0.0.2" class="tc-btn-big-green" target="_blank">
{{$:/core/images/github}} Download from ~GitHub
[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/compare/v0.0.1...v0.0.2]]
This second version of TiddlyDesktop has the following fixes and improvements:
*The saving mechanism is now TiddlyFox compatible, so TiddlyWiki5 wikis don't need a special plugin to work with TiddlyDesktop
*TiddlyDesktop is now compatible with TiddlyWiki Classic
*Chromium Developer Tools now accessible via a pulldown menu
*Each TiddlyWiki document is now sandboxed, so it isn't possible for malicious or buggy JavaScript to affect other documents
*Linux 32-bit and 64-bit builds
<a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/releases/tag/v0.0.3" class="tc-btn-big-green" target="_blank">
{{$:/core/images/github}} Download from ~GitHub
[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/compare/v0.0.2...v0.0.3]]
This third version of TiddlyDesktop has the following fixes and improvements:
*Access Chromium developer tools with F12
*No menu bars
*Fixed problem with paths containing spaces
*Enabled webkit experimental features
*Adjusted the main window toolbar to be position: sticky
*Fixed problem with relative inter-wiki links not working
*Add "file not found" error indication
<a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/releases/tag/v0.0.4" class="tc-btn-big-green" target="_blank">
{{$:/core/images/github}} Download from ~GitHub
[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/compare/v0.0.3...v0.0.4]]
This release includes a major reworking of the internals of TiddlyDesktop.
Please report any problems or suggestions via GitHub issues, or post to the TiddlyWiki discussion group:
!New Features
*Warning message when closing windows with unsaved changes (TWC and TW 5.1.8 and above only)
*Help window
*Toolbar for TiddlyWiki windows
*Reveal original file in Finder/Explorer
*Automatic backups
Note that there is currently no way to hide the toolbar for TiddlyWiki windows. This will be remedied soon!
!New Architecture
TiddlyDesktop itself is now an instance of the Node.js edition of TiddlyWiki. TiddlyWiki HTML files are run within embedded, sandboxed iframes with the "backstage" TiddlyWiki providing services such as saving to the file system.
The advantage of this approach is that the user interface and functionality of the desktop application can now be customised and extended with exactly the same techniques that are used in regular TiddlyWiki.
!Coming Soon
The functionality of this release barely matches that of the previous v0.0.3 version, but it lays the groundwork for a number of other features such as:
*Configurable toolbars
*Page zoom
*Creating new wikis from standard editions and custom templates
*Dragging _canonical_uri links from the file system
*Multiple languages
*One-click copying of text to the clipboard from within TiddlyWiki
*Global keyboard shortcut for clipping content etc.
<a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/releases/tag/v0.0.5" class="tc-btn-big-green" target="_blank">
{{$:/core/images/github}} Download from ~GitHub
[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/compare/v0.0.4...v0.0.5]]
This is an important bug fix release.
Please report any problems or suggestions via GitHub issues, or post to the TiddlyWiki discussion group:
* Upgraded to the latest stable v12.0.3 of nw.js, fixing a number of bugs in the process, including one that prevented v0.0.4 from being used successfully under Windows
** Bugs fixed: <a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/issues/66">#66</a>, <a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/issues/65">#65</a>, <a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/issues/61">#61</a>, <a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/issues/57">#57</a>, <a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/issues/53">#53</a>, <a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/issues/52">#52</a>
* Added a warning about disrupting the backstage wiki
* Switched to using "Settings" instead of "Control Panel", to reduce confusion with TiddlyWiki's control panel
* Updated app icon
* Cleaned up TiddlyWiki build products, fixing <a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/issues/67">#67</a>
<a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/releases/tag/v0.0.6" class="tc-btn-big-green" target="_blank">
{{$:/core/images/github}} Download from ~GitHub
[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/compare/v0.0.5...v0.0.6]]
A minor bug fix release.
Please report any problems or suggestions via GitHub issues, or post to the TiddlyWiki discussion group:
* Added ability to drag and drop TiddlyWiki files into the wiki list window from Windows Explorer/Mac Finder
* Fixed bug triggered by moving TiddlyDesktop executable after first running it
* Added custom user agent string identifying TiddlyDesktop
** eg ``Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2272.76 Safari/537.36 TiddlyDesktop/0.0.6``
<a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/releases/tag/v0.0.7" class="tc-btn-big-green" target="_blank">
{{$:/core/images/github}} Download from ~GitHub
[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/compare/v0.0.6...v0.0.7]]
Please report any problems or suggestions via GitHub issues, or post to the TiddlyWiki discussion group:
* Experimental support for "wiki folders" (the Node.js format for TiddlyWiki, where each tiddler is a separate file), including the ability to serve wiki folders over HTTP so that you can use any browser or device to access them
* Switched from representing wikis as thumbnails to favicons
* New system tray/menu icon for quick access to TiddlyDesktop
* Fixed problem with restarting after quitting with minimised windows on Windows (#77)
* Added TiddlyDesktop version number to "Help" window
Note: Upgrading to this release will clear your list of loaded wiki files. The files themselves are not affected; you can re-add them by dragging and dropping them into the wiki list window.
<a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/releases/tag/v0.0.8" class="tc-btn-big-green" target="_blank">
{{$:/core/images/github}} Download from ~GitHub
[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/compare/v0.0.7...v0.0.8]]
A minor bug fix release.
Please report any problems or suggestions via GitHub issues, or post to the TiddlyWiki discussion group:
* Fixes crash when clicking on external links
* Added warning when attempting to remove a wiki folder window that has been opened
Here are the details of recent releases of TiddlyDesktop
<$list filter="[tag[TiddlyDesktopReleaseNotes]!sort[created]limit[1]]">
<$macrocall $name="tabs" tabsList="[tag[TiddlyDesktopReleaseNotes]!sort[created]]"default={{!!title}} class="tc-vertical" template="ReleaseTemplate" />
TiddlyFox is an extension for Firefox that allows standalone TiddlyWiki files to save their changes directly to the file system. TiddlyFox works on both desktop and smartphone versions of [[Firefox]]. See [[Saving with TiddlyFox]] or [[Saving with TiddlyFox on Android]] for detailed instructions.
TiddlyFox can be downloaded from the Mozilla Addons site:
You can also install the latest development version of TiddlyFox direct from GitHub:
TiddlyIE is an extension for Internet Explorer that allows standalone TiddlyWiki files to save their changes directly to the file system. TiddlyIE works with the desktop version of Internet Explorer.
See [[Saving with TiddlyIE]].
An interactive network visualisation plugin based on [[Vis.js|http://visjs.org]]. A demo that also contains installation instructions can be found here: {{!!url}}. The plugin's GitHub repository can be found [[here|https://github.com/felixhayashi/TW5-TiddlyMap]].
~TiddlyMap is a TiddlyWiki plugin that allows you to link your wiki-topics (tiddlers) in order to create clickable graphs. By creating relations between your topics you can easily do the following:
* Create concept maps and quickly manifest your ideas in tiddlers.
* Create task-dependency graphs to organize and describe your tasks.
* Visualize your topic structures to get an immediate grasp of topics and relations.
In general you may create, visualize and describe any network-structure you have in mind.
TiddlySpace is an environment for discourse on the web, built from TiddlyWeb.
TiddlySpace was originally sponsored by [[Osmosoft]] at [[BT]].
TiddlyWeb is a server application that puts [[Tiddlers]] on the web:
TiddlyWeb can be used to host TiddlyWiki and TiddlyWiki5 wikis, making the individual tiddlers available over a flexible HTTP API.
TiddlyWeb was originally sponsored by [[Osmosoft]] at [[BT]] (along with TiddlySpace).
~TiddlyWiki is a rich, interactive tool for manipulating complex data with structure that doesn't easily fit into conventional tools like spreadsheets or wordprocessors.
~TiddlyWiki is designed to fit around your brain, helping you deal with the things that won't fit. The [[fundamental idea|Philosophy of Tiddlers]] is that information is more useful and reusable if we cut it up into the smallest semantically meaningful chunks -- [[tiddlers|Tiddlers]] -- and give them titles so that they can be [[structured|Structuring TiddlyWiki]] with [[links|TiddlerLinks]], [[tags|Tagging]], [[lists|ListField]] and [[macros|Macros]]. Tiddlers use a WikiText notation that concisely represents a wide range of text formatting and hypertext features. ~TiddlyWiki aims to provide a fluid interface for working with tiddlers, allowing them to be aggregated and composed into longer narratives.
People love using ~TiddlyWiki. Because it can be used without any complicated server infrastructure, and because it is [[open source|OpenSource]], it has bought unprecedented freedom to everyone to keep their precious information under their own control.
~TiddlyWiki was originally created by JeremyRuston and is now a thriving open source project with a busy [[Community]] of independent developers.
The first TiddlyWiki Camp Paris was held on Saturday 6th June 2015.
> Bienvenue sur le site du TiddlyWiki Camp. Un évènement pour rencontrer la communauté de ce logiciel Open Source, libre et gratuit. Découvrez ce bloc note personnel polyvalent et adoptez-le pour gérer votre quotidien !
The TiddlyWiki community holds regular Google Hangouts, usually every Tuesday from 4pm to 6pm (UK time). They are announced in the [[TiddlyWiki Google group|https://groups.google.com/d/forum/tiddlywiki]] and on the [[TiddlyWiki Twitter account|https://twitter.com/TiddlyWiki]].
Past Hangouts are archived in this ~YouTube playlist:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/videoseries?list=PLVT_2PPd-1p34gGCQ5qpwC8QdykxVAI3u" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
TiddlyWiki in the Sky for TiddlyWeb allows content to be synchronised between TiddlyWiki running in the browser and a TiddlyWeb (or TiddlySpace) server. Features include:
* Lazy loading
* Two way synchronisation between the browser and the server
** Synchronising from the server is accomplished by polling (currently every 60 seconds)
* Throttling so that rapidly changing tiddlers don't overwhelm the server
To try out TiddlyWiki in the Sky for TiddlyWeb:
# If necessary, create an account at http://tiddlyspace.com/
# Create a new space, eg `<myspace>`
# Include the space `tw5tiddlyweb`
# Visit `http://<myspace>.tiddlyspace.com/tw5`
A catchy jingle for TiddlyWiki.
Even if it sounds like some ol' jazz tune it ''IS'' an original composition and it should be quite obvious that the "hook of the melody" is a trill made by singing Tidd-ly Wiki :-).
My lacking skills for writing text/lyrics should be apparent in the fact that the text consists of 12 Tidd-ly Wikis and some extra "tiddly's" - just for the sake of getting the message delivered ;-)...
I've recorded every instrument on my guitar via a guitar synth on a loop machine (except for the drums - they were played live/in sync with the loop station on a "~BeatBuddy" drum pedal..) - no pc was involved..
This brief screencast shows how to setup Firefox for Android so you can save changes to TiddlyWiki:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/iikkv9orGGI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Running TiddlyWiki on [[Node.js]] brings several important benefits over and above the single file version:
* You can edit your content on any suitably compatible HTML5 browser, including smartphones and tablets
* Individual tiddlers are stored in separate files, which you can organise as you wish
* The ability to build multiple wikis that blend different combinations of shared and unique content
For more information see:
* [[Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
* [[Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
* [[Upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
Here are the details of recent releases of TiddlyWiki5. See [[TiddlyWiki5 Versioning]] for details of how releases are named.
(BetaReleases and AlphaReleases are listed separately).
<$list filter="[tag[ReleaseNotes]!sort[created]limit[1]]">
<$macrocall $name="tabs" tabsList="[tag[ReleaseNotes]!sort[created]]" default={{!!title}} class="tc-vertical" template="ReleaseTemplate" />
An extensive tutorial for getting started with TiddlyWiki. Recommended
This tutorial is aimed at giving you a basic foundation so that you can start using TiddlyWiki right away. Here we take a look at the technology behind Tiddlywiki, how to install it and create your first Tiddler.
\define tv-wikilinks() no
! Building TiddlyWikiClassic
{{Building TiddlyWikiClassic}}
TiddlyWiki5 is a reboot of TiddlyWiki for the next 25 years. It is a complete interactive wiki in JavaScript that can be run in the browser or on the server under [[Node.js]].
Each release of TiddlyWiki5 is identified by a version number that complies with the [[Semantic Versioning 2.0.0|http://semver.org/]] standard.
! TiddlyWiki Core Version
According to the standard:
Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:
MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and
PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes.
Additional labels for pre-release and build metadata are available as extensions to the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format.
!! Alpha and Beta versions
While in alpha TiddlyWiki5 uses the pre-release label "alpha", for example:
Each new alpha or beta release will bump the `PATCH` version number. This breaks the strict semantics of versioning because `PATCH` increments are supposed to be reserved for compatible changes.
//Note that prior to ''5.0.1-alpha'', TiddlyWiki5 used version numbers formatted as ''5.0.0-alpha.19''. The change was made to enable the upgrade mechanism to recognise plugin updates from the version information.//
!! Interim versions
During development when a new release is being prepared, the pre-release label is set to `prerelease`.
! Plugin Versions
Version numbers
TiddlyWiki5 uses the version information attached to plugins for determining which of two plugins is more recent during an upgrade or import. The pre-release label is ignored when performing these comparisons.
"~TiddlyWiki Classic" refers to versions prior to 5.0, when TiddlyWiki was completely rewritten from the ground up. TiddlyWiki Classic is still being maintained at:
MarioPietsch has started a site comparing the syntax and other changes between TiddlyWikiClassic and TiddlyWiki version 5:
As well as traditional single file wikis, [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] supports wikis that are stored as a folder of individual tiddler files.
! Wiki folder files and folders
Wiki folders can contain the following files and folders:
* ''tiddlywiki.info'' - JSON file containing metadata for the wiki
* ''\tiddlers'' - folder containing tiddler files comprising the wiki
* ''\plugins'' - folder containing [[plugin folders|PluginMechanism]] to be included in the wiki
Only the ''tiddlywiki.info'' file is required, the ''tiddlers'' and ''plugins'' folders are optional. Any files and folders not listed above are ignored.
!! Content of `tiddlywiki.info` file
The `tiddlywiki.info` file in a wiki folder contains a JSON object comprising the following fields:
* ''plugins'' - an array of plugin names to be included in the wiki
* ''themes'' - an array of theme names to be included in the wiki
* ''languages'' - an array of language names to be included in the wiki
* ''includeWikis'' - an array of references to external wiki folders to be included in the wiki
* ''build'' - a hashmap of named build targets, each defined by an array of command tokens (see BuildCommand)
* ''config'' - an optional hashmap of configuration options (see below)
!!! ''includeWikis''
The entries in the ''includeWikis'' array can be either a string specifying the relative path to the wiki, or an object with the following fields:
* ''path'' - relative path to wiki folder
* ''read-only'' - set //true// to prevent the tiddlers in the included wiki from being modified. The modifications will be written to the directory specified in ''default-tiddler-location'', described below
!!! ''build''
Note that the build targets of included wikis are merged if a target of that name isn't defined in the current `tiddlywiki.info` file.
!!! ''config''
Configuration options include:
* ''default-tiddler-location'' - a string path to the default location for the filesystem adaptor to save new tiddlers (resolved relative to the wiki folder)
* ''retain-original-tiddler-path'' - If true, the server will generate a tiddler [[$:/config/OriginalTiddlerPaths]] containing the original file paths of each tiddler in the wiki
!!! Example
For example:
"plugins": [
"includeWikis": [
"build": {
"index": [
"favicon": [
"config": {
"retain-original-tiddler-path": true
!! Content of `tiddlers` folder
All the TiddlerFiles in the `tiddlers` folder are read into the wiki at startup. Sub-folders are scanned recursively for TiddlerFiles.
Sub-folders within the `tiddlers` folder can also be given a `tiddlywiki.files` JSON file that overrides the default processing for that folder. The file format is illustrated with this example:
"tiddlers": [
"file": "d3.min.js",
"fields": {
"type": "application/javascript",
"title": "$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/d3/d3.js",
"module-type": "library"
"prefix": "var d3;if($tw.browser){\n",
"suffix": "}\nexports.d3 = d3;\n"
"file": "cloud/d3.layout.cloud.js",
"fields": {
"type": "application/javascript",
"title": "$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/d3/d3.layout.cloud.js",
"module-type": "library"
"file": "local/mytiddler.tid",
"isTiddlerFile": true,
"fields": {
"title": "A different title"
"directories": [
The JSON data consists of an object with a `tiddlers` property that contains an array of information about each tiddler to be loaded into the wiki. That information consists of:
* The relative or absolute path to the file to include as either:
** `file`: the file containing the tiddler
** `isTiddlerFile`: if `true`, the file will be deserialised to extract the tiddlers. Otherwise, the raw content of the file is assigned to the `text` field without any parsing
* `fields`: an object containing fields that override any provided in the tiddler file
* `prefix` & `suffix`: (optional) specify strings to be prefixed and suffixed to the tiddler file text content
The ''directories'' property allows a list of directories to be specified. All tiddlers will be recursively loaded from each directory listed.
The <<.def timeline>> [[macro|Macros]] returns a list of tiddlers in reverse chronological order of modification (or some other [[date field|Date Fields]]), grouped by day.
!! Parameters
: The maximum number of tiddlers to include, defaulting to 100. But if <<.em any>> tiddlers are included for a particular day, <<.em all>> of the other tiddlers for that day will also be included -- even if this exceeds the limit
: A string specifying the desired [[format|DateFormat]], defaulting to `DDth MMM YYYY`
: An optional extra [[filter step|Filter Step]], e.g. `tag[MyTag]`
: The name of the date field to use, defaulting to `modified`
The tiddlers are selected by means of a [[filter expression|Filter Expression]], into which the <<.param subfilter>> and <<.param limit>> parameters are spliced as follows:
> `[!is[system]$subfilter$has[modified]!sort[modified]limit[$limit$]eachday[modified]]`
<<.macro-examples "timeline">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<<timeline format:"DD/MM/YYYY">>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2" eg="""<<timeline limit:30 subfilter:"tag[Definitions]" format:"DD/MM/YYYY">>"""/>
A <<.def "title list">> is a line of text that presents one or more tiddler titles, strung together with a space between each one and the next.
If a title <<.em contains>> a space, it needs double square brackets around it:
`GettingStarted [[Discover TiddlyWiki]] Upgrading`
Title lists are used in various places, including PermaLinks and the ListField.
They are in fact the simplest case of a [[filter|Filters]], and are thus a way of expressing a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]].
`[title[An Example]]` can be shortened to `[[An Example]]`, because <<.op title>> is the default filter operator.
<<.op title>> is a [[constructor|Selection Constructors]] (except in the form `!title`), but <<.olink2 "field:title" field>> is a [[modifier|Selection Constructors]].
<<.operator-examples "title">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[title[HelloThere]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[[HelloThere]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "HelloThere">>
<<.operator-example 4 "[title[HelloThere]] [title[Filter Operators]]">>
<<.operator-example 5 "[[HelloThere]] [[Filter Operators]]">>
<<.operator-example 6 "HelloThere [[Filter Operators]]">>
<<.operator-example 7 "[tag[Filters]] +[!title[Filter Operators]]">>
<<.operator-example 8 "[tag[Filters]] +[![Filter Operators]]">>
<<.operator-example 9 "[tag[Filters]] -[[Filter Operators]]">>
A <<.def "title selection">> is an ordered set of tiddler titles (or similar strings), in which no title appears more than once.
Title selections are important in [[filter|Filters]] processing.
The simplest way to write one down is as a [[title list|Title List]].
! Introduction
The TranscludeWidget dynamically imports content from another tiddler.
! Attributes
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The title of the tiddler to transclude (defaults to the current tiddler) |
|field |The field name of the current tiddler (defaults to "text"; if present takes precedence over the index attribute) |
|index |The index of a property in a [[DataTiddler|DataTiddlers]] |
|subtiddler |Optional SubTiddler title when the target tiddler is a [[plugin|Plugins]] (see below) |
|mode |Override the default parsing mode for the transcluded text to "block" or "inline" |
The TranscludeWidget treats any contained content as a fallback if the target of the transclusion is not defined (ie a missing tiddler or a missing field).
! Parsing modes
TiddlyWiki parses text in two modes:
* ''inline'' mode recognises character formatting such as emphasis, links
* ''block'' mode recognises all the ''inline'' formatting, and adds block formatting such as tables, headings and lists
Usually, the mode is determined by whether the transclude widget itself has been parsed in block or inline mode. This can be overridden with the `mode` attribute.
For example, consider tiddler "A" with this content:
# Item one
#<$transclude tiddler="B"/>
# Item two
And a tiddler "B" with this content:
# Item one - a
# Item one - b
The result will be something like this:
# Item one
# # Item one - a # Item one - b
# Item two
This can be fixed by amending tiddler "A":
# Item one
#<$transclude tiddler="B" mode="block"/>
# Item two
! SubTiddler Access
The transclude widget allows access to the individual tiddlers stored within a [[plugin|Plugins]].
The following example will transclude the core version of the tiddler [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]] even if it has been overridden:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '
<$transclude tiddler="$:/core" subtiddler="$:/DefaultTiddlers"/>
[[Transclusion|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transclusion]] is the process of referencing one tiddler "A" from another tiddler "B" such that the content of "A" appears to be a part of "B".
Copying and pasting content creates multiple copies of the same content in several different places. With transclusion, there can be a single copy and a special instruction in "B" which indicates the point at which content should be inserted from tiddler "A".
Note that if the content of "A" is modified then the modification automatically appears in "B". This makes it easier to maintain repetitive content, by allowing every piece to be written in a single place, but viewed from many.
The concept of transclusion plays an important role in the [[Philosophy of Tiddlers]] because it is the primary way in which small items of content are combined.
To learn more:
* [[Transclusion in WikiText]]
* [[Transclusion Basic Usage]]
* [[Transclusion with Templates]]
* [[Transclusion and Substitution]]
* TextReference
* TemplateTiddlers
* TranscludeWidget
The power of WikiText comes from the ability to use the content of one tiddler inside another one. This ability takes several different forms that can easily be confused.
The main distinction is between a transclusion and a textual substitution:
* A transclusion is replaced dynamically with the value of either:
** a tiddler field
** a variable
* Textual substitutions are performed on the text of macro definitions before they are used
! Tiddler Field Transclusion
[[Transclusion in WikiText]] describes the basics of transclusion. For example:
As described in [[HTML in WikiText]], you can also transclude tiddler field values as attributes of HTML elements and widgets. For example:
<$text text={{MyTiddler}}/>
As described in [[Introduction to Filters]], you can also transclude tiddler field values as filter operands. For example:
{{{ [tag{TiddlerContainingMyTag}] }}}
! Variable/Macro Transclusion
Variables that were defined with parameter or variable substitution are referred to as "macros". The value of a variable/macro can be transcluded with the syntax:
<<myMacro param:"Value of parameter">>
As described in [[HTML in WikiText]], you can also transclude a variable as the value of an attribute of HTML elements and widgets. For example:
<$text text=<<myMacro>>/>
As described in [[Introduction to Filters]], you can also transclude a variable as the value of a filter operand. For example:
{{{ [tag<myMacro>] }}}
! Textual Substitution
Textual substitution occurs when the value of a macro/variable is used. It is described in [[Macros in WikiText]].
The key difference between substitution and transclusion is that substitution occurs before WikiText parsing. This means that you can use substitution to build WikiText constructions. Transclusions are processed independently, and cannot be combined with adjacent text to define WikiText constructions.
! Simple Transclusion
To include some content from [[TiddlerA]] into [[TiddlerB]], edit the latter to include the following text:
This is the content of TiddlerA: {{TiddlerA}}
The result is that the content of the ''text'' field (i.e. the main content) of [[TiddlerA]] is rendered within [[TiddlerB]].
! Usage
The notation ``{{TiddlerA}}`` is a shortcut for ``{{TiddlerA!!text}}``. This is because the default field for transclusion is ''text'', but any other [[field|TiddlerFields]] can be used explicitly. For example, you can print the last time TiddlerA was modified using:
TiddlerA was modified on {{TiddlerA!!modified}}
By omitting the tiddler title, the transclusion notation can also be used to display the content of a field from the current tiddler, for example:
The current tiddler was modified on {{!!modified}}
! Recursion Errors
Notice that using ``{{!!text}}`` or ``{{}}`` causes an error (//Recursive transclusion error in transclude widget//), because it does not make sense to include the content of the current tiddler into the content of the current tiddler (that is, into itself). Whenever you encouter this error message, it means that you are trying to include something into itself, directly or indirectly (for example if tiddler A transcludes tiddler B which transcludes tiddler C which, in turn, transcludes tiddler A).
! Learning More
In TiddlyWiki, transclusions are not limited to including raw content like the above. To learn about more advanced uses of transclusion, see [[Transclusion with Templates]].
See also:
* [[Transclusion]]
* [[Transclusion with Templates]]
* [[Transclusion in WikiText]]
* TextReference
* TiddlerFields.
! Introduction
You can incorporate the content of one tiddler within another using the [[Transclusion]] notation:
* `{{MyTiddler}}` transcludes a single tiddler
* `{{MyTiddler||TemplateTitle}}` displays the tiddler through a specified [[TemplateTiddler|TemplateTiddlers]]
* `{{||TemplateTitle}}` displays the specified template tiddler without altering the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]
!! Transcluding Text References
You can also use a TextReference instead of a tiddler title:
* `{{MyTiddler!!field}}` transcludes a specified field of a tiddler
* `{{!!field}}` transcludes a specified field of the current tiddler
* `{{MyTiddler##index}}` transcludes a specified indexed property of a [[DataTiddler|DataTiddlers]]
* `{{##index}}` transcludes a specified indexed property of the current [[DataTiddler|DataTiddlers]]
!! Filtered Transclusion
A similar syntax can be used to transclude a list of tiddlers matching a specified [[filter|Filters]]:
{{{ [tag[mechanism]] }}}
{{{ [tag[mechanism]] ||TemplateTitle}}}
! Generated Widgets
The WikiText transclusion syntax generates a TiddlerWidget wrapped around a TranscludeWidget. For example, `{{MyTiddler||MyTemplate!!myField}}` generates the following pair of widgets:
<$tiddler tiddler="MyTiddler">
<$transclude tiddler="MyTemplate" field="myField"/>
See also:
* [[Transclusion Basic Usage]]
* [[Transclusion with Templates]]
* TemplateTiddlers
* TranscludeWidget
* [[Transclusion and Substitution]]
The <<.def transclusion>> [[variable|Variables]] is set by the <<.wlink TranscludeWidget>> widget to a string that identifies the position of that widget within the [[widget tree|Widgets]].
~TiddlyWiki's core uses it to detect recursive [[transclusion|Transclusion]]. It is also used to implement the <<.mlink qualify>> macro.
The string has the following syntax:
<$railroad text="""
"{" a "|" b "|" c "|" d "|" e "|" "}"
<ol style="list-style-type: lower-alpha;">
<li>the title of the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]</li>
<li>the title of the tiddler being transcluded</li>
<li>the name of the field being transcluded</li>
<li>the name of the property name or index being transcluded</li>
<li>the name of the subtiddler being transcluded from a plugin</li>
Many of the five items are often blank.
In the sidebar, the value of <<.var transclusion>> is:
> `{|$:/core/ui/PageTemplate/sidebar|||}`
When the tiddler <<.tid HelloThere>> is displayed in the story river, <<.var transclusion>> is set to:
> `{HelloThere|HelloThere|||}`
<<.variable-examples "transclusion">>
This example shows how to distinguish between the sidebar and other environments:
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""We are
emptyMessage="in the story river.">
in the sidebar.
In the sidebar, this would show `We are in the sidebar` instead.
! Introduction
In [[Transclusion Basic Usage]] we have seen how to include the content of a tiddler A into a tiddler B. Now suppose that tiddler A contains:
Hello, my title is {{!!title}}
This makes tiddler A display its title with a yellow background (see [[Styles and Classes in WikiText]] to learn about CSS style). Imagine that you want to display the title in the same way in tiddler B. But you don't want to copy/paste the style instructions, because you might want to change the background colour later and you want to keep it consistent among tiddlers. This looks like a typical case of transclusion, so let's try to transclude tiddler A in tiddler B the usual way with ``{{A}}``. You should see the following content in tiddler B:
Hello, my title is A
The style is applied as expected, but the title is wrong: we want ``{{!!title}}`` to refer to the target tiddler B, and not the source tiddler A.
The solution is to use a //template//. In this case, the source tiddler A is called the [[TemplateTiddler|TemplateTiddlers]], and it is //applied// to tiddler B using the notation ``{{||A}}``. The difference is that any TextReference which does not refer explicitly to a specific tiddler is applied to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]], that is, the target tiddler. As a result, tiddler B now looks as expected:
Hello, my title is B
! Usage
Transcluding via a template is like applying a mask: assuming that the source tiddler contains generic references (like eye holes in a mask), these will be replaced with the target tiddlers values (like the eyes of the person who wears the mask).
A template can be applied to any tiddler, not necessarily the current one. This is achieved using the full notation ``{{<target>||<template>}}``. The default ``<target>`` is the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]] (this is what we used in the above example).
! Examples
!! A predefined template to render tags nicely
You can apply the system template ``$:/core/ui/TagTemplate`` to a tag in order to see it as a tag pill with a drop-down menu:
is rendered as {{Transclusion||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}
See also:
* [[Transclusion in WikiText]]
* [[Transclusion Basic Usage]]
* TextReference
* TemplateTiddlers
* TranscludeWidget
* [[Current Tiddler]]
There is a special edition of TiddlyWiki that simplifies creating and maintaining translations:
Note that no knowledge of Node.js or GitHub is required.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/dev for technical details of creating and maintaining translations.
The translation mechanism of TiddlyWiki manages and switches between language plugins that provide translations of the TiddlyWiki user interface. The developer site at http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/ explains how translators can create and submit translations for TiddlyWiki.
The title of the current language plugin is read from the tiddler [[$:/language]]. If the selected plugin changes then any displayed translateable text automatically changes.
Translation plugins are bundles of tiddlers that each contain an indepedent translatable string. The strings are transcluded as needed.
Translatable strings are generally in the namespace `$:/language/`, for example:
* [[$:/language/EditTemplate/Shadow/OverriddenWarning]]
* [[$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/isfilteroperator]]
* [[$:/language/EditTemplate/Fields/Add/Value/Placeholder]]
Here are some webpages with tips and tutorials related to ~TiddlyWiki
<div class="tc-link-info">
<$list filter="[tag[Tutorials]!sort[modified]]">
<div class="tc-link-info-item">
! <$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
<div class="tc-subtitle">Posted <$view field="modified" format="relativedate"/></div>
The <<.def tv-auto-open-on-import>> [[variable|Variables]] controls whether the `tm-import-tiddlers` message causes the tiddler [[$:/Import]] (which lists the pending imports) to open in the story river.
By default, the tiddler is opened. But if this variable has the value <<.value no>>, it isn't.
An example of setting this variable to <<.value no>> can be found in the upgrade plugin within the [[TiddlyWiki Upgrade Wizard|http://www.tiddlywiki.com/upgrade.html]]. People can drag their wiki files onto the wizard without triggering the normal import display.
The <<.def tv-config-toolbar-class>> [[variable|Variables]] controls the value of the [[CSS|Cascading Style Sheets]] `class` attribute on the HTML element for a toolbar button.
It can be set prior to transcluding such a button.
In most environments, it defaults to <<.value tc-btn-invisible>>, which removes the button's background colour and border.
<<.variable-examples "tv-config-toolbar-class">>
.green-background {
background-color: green;
fill: white;
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<$set name="tv-config-toolbar-class" value="tc-btn-invisible">
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2"
eg="""<$set name="tv-config-toolbar-class" value="green-background">
The `green-background` [[CSS|Cascading Style Sheets]] class is declared in a stylesheet within this tiddler.
The <<.def tv-config-toolbar-icons>> [[variable|Variables]] controls whether toolbar buttons display icons.
<<.this-is-toolbar-config-variable $:/config/Toolbar/Icons>>
<<.variable-examples "tv-config-toolbar-icons">>
See also <<.vlink tv-config-toolbar-text>>.
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<$set name="tv-config-toolbar-icons" value="no">
<$set name="tv-config-toolbar-text" value="yes">
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2"
eg="""<$set name="tv-config-toolbar-icons" value="yes">
The <<.def tv-config-toolbar-text>> [[variable|Variables]] controls whether toolbar buttons display text.
<<.this-is-toolbar-config-variable $:/config/Toolbar/Text>>
<<.variable-examples "tv-config-toolbar-text">>
See also <<.vlink tv-config-toolbar-icons>>.
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<$set name="tv-config-toolbar-text" value="no">
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2"
eg="""<$set name="tv-config-toolbar-text" value="yes">
The <<.def tv-get-export-image-link>> [[variable|Variables]] controls the value of the `src` attribute on the HTML `img` element generated by the <<.wlink ImageWidget>> widget when the value of its `source` attribute is not the title of a tiddler.
The variable should be a [[macro|Macros]] with the following parameter:
: The value of the `source` attribute -- equivalent to the image name specified in <$link to="Images in WikiText">the shorthand syntax</$link> `[img[source]]`
The ability to override image URIs in this way can be useful when one is using the [[Node.js configuration|TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] to export a static version of a wiki.
<<.variable-examples "tv-get-export-image-link">>
This example fetches [[the TiddlyWiki icon|http://www.tiddlywiki.com/favicon.ico]]:
<$importvariables filter="$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/tv-get-export-image-link">
<$codeblock code={{$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/tv-get-export-image-link}}/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""[img[favicon.ico]]"""/>
The <<.def tv-get-export-link>> [[variable|Variables]] controls the value of the `href` attribute on the HTML `a` element generated by the <<.wlink LinkWidget>> widget.
The variable should be a [[macro|Macros]] with the following parameter:
: The title of the target tiddler of the link, with no escaping
See also <<.vlink tv-wikilink-template>>. If both that variable and this one exist, this one dominates.
The <<.def tv-get-export-path>> [[variable|Variables]] specifies the full pathname to which the <<.clink rendertiddlers RenderTiddlersCommand>> [[Node.js|TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] command writes each tiddler.
The variable should be implemented as a <<.js-macro-link "JavaScript macro">> with the following parameter:
: The title of the tiddler
If no such macro exists, the tiddlers are written to files whose names are [[percent-encoded|Percent Encoding]], in the command's output folder.
The <<.def tv-tiddler-preview>> [[variable|Variables]] indicates whether content is being rendered in a tiddler preview panel.
The value is ''yes'' within the preview panel, and undefined elsewhere.
The <<.def tv-wikilink-template>> [[variable|Variables]] controls the value of the `href` attribute on the HTML `a` element generated by the <<.wlink LinkWidget>> widget.
The variable is treated as if it was a [[macro|Macros]] with the following parameters:
: The title of the target tiddler of the link, but [[percent-encoded|Percent Encoding]]
: The value of the <<.param uri_encoded>> parameter but percent-encoded again, i.e. with its `%` characters further converted to `%25`
> `\define tv-wikilink-template() ../tiddlers/$uri_encoded$.html`
The variable defaults to `#$uri_encoded$`.
See also the <<.vlink tv-get-export-link>> variable, which dominates over this one.
The <<.def tv-wikilink-tooltip>> [[variable|Variables]] specifies the default value for the <<.attr tooltip>> attribute of the <<.wlink LinkWidget>> widget.
It is often defined as a [[macro|Macros]], and its value parsed as inline WikiText.
<<.variable-examples "tv-wikilink-tooltip">>
This example shows a way of giving links a tooltip derived from the target tiddler's <<.field caption>> field:
<$importvariables filter="$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/tv-wikilink-tooltip">
<$codeblock code={{$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/tv-wikilink-tooltip}}/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""Here is a link to [[backlinks Operator]] with a custom tooltip."""/>
Here is [[a standard link|HelloThere]] for comparison.
The <<.def tv-wikilinks>> [[variable|Variables]] controls the behaviour of the <<.wlink LinkWidget>> widget.
The widget normally produces a link to a tiddler. But if this variable has the value <<.value no>>, the widget suppresses the link and simply displays the text that would otherwise have served as the link.
You can suppress links for a whole tiddler by placing the following line at the start of the tiddler's text:
> `\define tv-wikilinks() no`
This variable has no effect on external links, as those do not involve the <<.wid link>> widget.
<<.variable-examples "tv-wikilinks">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
<$link to="HelloThere">is //this// a link?</$link>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2"
eg="""<$set name="tv-wikilinks" value="no">
<$link to="HelloThere">is //this// a link?</$link>
This experimental plugin adds the ability to display WikiText written for the original Classic version of TiddlyWiki.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/tw2parser/
A collection of hints and tips, musings and proposals from long-time TiddlyWiki contributor Mat Goldman.
This is Mat's, a.k.a <:-) little man-cave in the ~TiddlyVerse.
Most TW development is, understandably, based on the premise that //"Improve code ➔ Better TW"//. ''TWaddle'' is also about developing TW but from the perspective that [[Bigger community ⇄ Better TW]]. Thus, TWaddle looks more to people issues - how to attract them, how to make them stick with TW etc.
I'm not a programmer but I //am// a TW enthusiast so I tiddlefiddle enough to make the occasional discovery of something cool. Given the amount of words I utter, it is also a mere numbers game before I say something that makes sense. TWaddle is intended to capture these eventualities.
The [[CommunitySearch wiki|http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search]] aggregates many public wikis from the community. It is updated automatically every day. At the time of writing, more than 5000 tiddlers are indexed, thus giving access to the largest known collection of TW content.
It lets you search for some specific content among a preselected list of wikis. The indexed content is mostly focused on TW usage, so you would typically use this search system to find information about a particular aspect of TiddlyWiki. Say for example that you want to learn how to make a table of content, type "table of content" in the [[CommunitySearch box|http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/#CommunitySearch]] (also accessible in the default tiddler [[GettingStarted|http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/#GettingStarted]]). The search results are links to various wikis, and point directly to the specific tiddlers containing your request.
The ~CommunitySearch wiki also lets you:
* Browse the [[list of wikis|http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/#CommunityWikis]]
* Browse the [[list of author|http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/#CommunityAuthors]]
* Browse the [[list of plugins|http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/#CommunityPlugins]]
* Access content by [[tag|http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/#CommunityTags]] (see also [[BookmarkingTags|http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/#BookmarkingTags]])
* Follow the [[latest news|http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/#CommunityNews]] from the community (and [[publish your own news|http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/#PublishingInCommunityNews]] if you are a wiki author)
A collection of community tips and tutorials curated by Andreas Hahn, including a handy "customiser" that simplifies creating an empty TiddlyWiki with selected plugins and enhancements.
Updated to include [[Tinka|http://twguides.org/tinka.html]], a plugin that "provides a GUI to create and modify plugins more easily, therefore saving time on the packaging process".
The intent of the project is to encourage people to use and actively tweak TiddlyWiki according to their needs. Similar to the old version, I also want to encourage people to share their knowledge and help other people get the most out of this wonderful piece of wiki software.
WikiText can include blocks of text that are rendered with an explicit ContentType like this:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="green" />
This renders as:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="green" />
It is also possible to abbreviate the ContentType to a file extension. For example:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="red" />
This renders as:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="red" />
Unknown types render as plain text:
Some plain text, which will not be //formatted//.
Which renders as:
Some plain text, which will not be //formatted//.
A render type can also be specified, causing a particular text rendering to be displayed. For example:
This is ''some'' wikitext
This is ''some'' wikitext
Renders as:
This is ''some'' wikitext
This is ''some'' wikitext
Use the [[documentation macros|Documentation Macros]] to keep the text maintainable in the face of change.
Be wary of arbitrarily applying raw bold or italic markup in a sentence. If there's a suitable macro, use that instead. If there isn't a suitable macro, write one or request one.
Use simple backticks (<code>`...`</code>) for fragments of WikiText, but not for the names of things like fields and widgets. These have their own macros.
To keep things clean and simple, quotation marks and apostrophes should be straight `'`, not curly `’`, and the ellipsis should be three separate dots `...` rather than `…`.
Use `"` as the primary quotation mark, reserving `'` for the rare case of a nested quotation.
Avoid using a single hyphen `-` as sentence punctuation. Instead, use a double hyphen -- which ~TiddlyWiki renders as an en-dash -- with a space on either side.
Items in lists and tables should only end with a full stop (period in US English) if they are complete sentences. They should have no trailing punctuation otherwise.
It is very rarely necessary to use an exclamation mark in professional documentation.
# Create a backup of your current TiddlyWiki HTML file ([[just in case|The First Rule of Using TiddlyWiki]])
# Open the [[$:/ControlPanel]] and go to the ''Plugins'' tab
# Click on the plugin you want to delete to open its tiddler
# Click the edit icon and then delete the tiddler
# Save your TiddlyWiki
# ''Refresh the window so that TiddlyWiki completely removes the plugin''
# The plugin should now be deleted
A tiddler is deemed to have no tags if it:
* doesn't exist
* doesn't have a <<.field tags>> field
* has an empty <<.field tags>> field
<<.operator-examples "untagged">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[untagged[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[all[shadows]untagged[]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[list[HelloThere]!untagged[]]">>
# Open upgrade.html
# Includes a data tiddler called `$:/UpgradeLibrary` that contains the latest compatible versions of all plugins in the library
# Drag in old wiki file
# Place tiddlers into a data tiddler `$:/Import` that is typed as a "pending import"
# Kick off import processing for each tiddler
## Give each "upgrader" module a chance to inspect the incoming tiddlers
## Upgrader modules can trigger actions for each tiddler:
##* Display a warning message
##* Don't import
##* Replace with another tiddler from the upgrade library
##* Disable incompatible plugins
# Display the newly created pending import tiddler through a new view template segment
## Displays the payload tiddlers as a list of titles and checkboxes, with a dropdown showing the full details of the tiddler
## Perhaps we also suppress the usual JSON display for data tiddlers behind a reveal widget
# The user can adjust the selection checkboxes
# Clicking "done" unpacks the selected tiddlers from the pending import tiddler
# The pending import tiddler and the upgrade library tiddler are excluded from the subsequent save operation
There are regular releases of TiddlyWiki with bug fixes and improvements. It's a good idea to keep up to date by regularly upgrading to the latest version.
! Introduction
The process described here is for upgrading standalone TiddlyWiki files. There is a [[different procedure|Upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] for upgrading [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]].
When upgrading, please remember the [[The First Rule of Using TiddlyWiki]]:
//You are responsible for looking after your own data; take care to make backups, especially when upgrading the ~TiddlyWiki core//
! Online upgrading
This process will work on most desktop browsers. Note that none of your personal data leaves your browser with this process.
# Locate your TiddlyWiki file in the file system (i.e. using Windows Explorer, the Finder on Mac OS X, or your file manager on Linux)
# Visit http://tiddlywiki.com/upgrade.html in your browser
# Drag your old TiddlyWiki HTML file into the browser window
#* If the file is encrypted you will be prompted for the password
# Review the list of tiddlers that will be upgraded
# Click ''Upgrade''
# Save changes to save the new version
This will download a file called ''upgrade.html'' to your computer. This file is the upgrade of your old file. You may need to open the location where ''upgrade.html'' was downloaded, rename ''upgrade.html'' with the name of the old file you are upgrading, and replace the old file by moving the new file in its place.
! Offline upgrading
You can also download http://tiddlywiki.com/upgrade.html locally and perform the same drag-and-drop procedure to upgrade your files.
! Problems with Upgrades
!! Firefox Security Restrictions
The following error occurs when trying to perform the online upgrade procedure using Firefox:
Error while saving:
Error:NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI: Access to restricted URI denied
The upgrade operation falls foul of a security restriction in Firefox. Until this can be resolved, we suggest either using the offline upgrader, or using Chrome to perform the upgrade:
# Use Chrome to open http://tiddlywiki.com/upgrade.html, then drag the TiddlyWiki HTML file to be upgraded into the upgrader window, as described above in ''Online upgrading''
# After you've saved your upgraded file, you should be able to open it in Firefox and [[save using TiddlyFox|Saving with TiddlyFox]] again
!! Incompatible Customisations
It is possible for a customisation applied in a previous version to break when upgraded to the latest version. There are two techniques you can use to help track down issues:
* Try repeating the upgrade having selectively unchecked any tiddlers that may be applying customisations to TiddlyWiki
* Use SafeMode to disable all customisations of shadow tiddlers
You can see which shadow tiddlers have been overridden in the ''Filter'' tab of [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]]. Select "Overridden shadow tiddlers" from the dropdown.
If you've installed [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] on the usual way, when a new version is released you can upgrade it with this command:
npm update -g tiddlywiki
On Mac or Linux you'll need to add ''sudo'' like this:
sudo npm update -g tiddlywiki
A <<.dlink-ex "URI" "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniform_resource_identifier">> (also often known as a <<.def URL>>) is a string of characters used to specify the location of a resource such as a web page.
By default, when running [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]], the server exposes the wiki at the URI formed from the protocol, host and port - for example, ``.
There are two steps to running the wiki at a custom path like ``:
# Configure the server by passing `/path/to/my/wiki` as the ''pathprefix'' argument of the ServerCommand
# Configure the client by creating a tiddler called `$:/config/tiddlyweb/host` that contains `$protocol$//$host$/path/to/my/wiki/`
You can use links (normally displayed as blue text) to navigate from one tiddler to another. Clicking on a link to any tiddler will take you to that tiddler. If the tiddler is closed, it will be opened. The wonderful thing about ~TiddlyWiki is that it makes links to tiddlers as accessible as possible. There are links everywhere! Here are the key places where you can find links to tiddlers in ~TiddlyWiki:
* You can ''create a link'' to a tiddler, whether it exists yet or not, in the body of any tiddler. See [[Linking in WikiText]] to see the various easy ways to create links between tiddlers.
* Each ''tag pill'' in your tiddler (such as the ''Working with ~TiddlyWiki'' tag pill below the title of this tiddler) contains a link to that tag's tiddler, as well as lists of all the tiddlers that carry that tag. This lets you go to any of those tiddlers.
* The ''InfoPanel'' of each tiddler gives you access to four tabs containing additional lists of related tiddlers:
** The ''References'' tab lists all the tiddlers that link //to// the current tiddler.
** The ''Tagging'' tab lists all the tiddlers that have been tagged with the current tiddler's title.
** The ''List'' tab lists all the tiddlers (or potential tiddlers) mentioned in the [[list field|ListField]] of the current tiddler.
** The ''Listed'' tab lists all the tiddlers that mention the current tiddler in //their// list fields.
* The ''sidebar tabs'' contain numerous lists of links to tiddlers:
** The ''Open'' tab lists all the tiddlers that are currently open, i.e. visible somewhere on the page.
** The ''Recent'' tab lists the 100 most recently modified tiddlers, beginning with the most recently modified.
** The ''More'' tab offers eight additional lists of tiddlers:
*** ''All'' lists all tiddlers in alphabetical order.
*** ''Tags'' lists all the tags. You can click on the pill for any tag to access a list of the tiddlers tagged with that tag.
*** ''Missing'' lists any tiddlers that don't yet exist, but have been linked to from other tiddlers. This is helpful for finding tiddlers you planned to create, but never got around to.
*** ''Drafts'' lists any tiddlers that are currently in draft mode. ~TiddlyWiki considers a tiddler's draft to be a separate tiddler for as long as you are editing it, so while you're editing a tiddler entitled ''Australia'', there will be two tiddlers, ''Australia'' and ''Draft of 'Australia'''. When you close the draft by saving your changes to it, those changes will be applied to the ''Australia'' tiddler. So treat the ''Drafts'' tab as a way of finding any unfinished drafts you started.
*** ''Orphans'' lists all the tiddlers that are not connected to any other tiddler by links, tags or lists. This is a helpful aid to editing your file - it shows you which tiddlers need to be integrated more carefully with the others.
*** ''Types'' lists any tiddlers with special content, such as images or audio.
*** ''System'' lists all of the SystemTiddlers.
*** ''Shadows'' lists all of the ShadowTiddlers.
* ''Search results'' are a list of the tiddlers that contain the text you type in the search box.
* Finally, you can create your own custom lists of tiddlers by various methods:
** You can transclude a [[filter|Filters]] (see [[Transclusion in WikiText]]). For example, adding `{{{ [tag[mountain]] }}}` to a tiddler will insert a list of all tiddlers tagged with ''mountain''.
** You can use the ListWidget. This is more complicated than transcluding a [[filter|Filters]], but in return it allows you more flexibility in designing and displaying the list exactly as you want it to appear.
The first steps to changing the appearance of TiddlyWiki are to choose and apply one of the available themes, or to modify the [[colour palette|ColourPalettes]].
In addition, custom [[CSS stylesheets|http://www.w3schools.com/css]] can be defined by tagging a tiddler `$:/tags/Stylesheet`. Try creating a custom stylesheet now with the following content in order to change the page background colour to red:
html body.tc-body {
background: red;
! Overriding Theme Settings
Custom stylesheets are applied independently from theme stylesheets. Therefore, it is often necessary for the css rules in your custom stylesheet to be more specific than those of the theme you want to override. For example, `html body.tc-body` is more specific than `body.tc-body`.
! Stylesheet Types
Usually it is best to use the type `text/css` for stylesheets. This treats them as plain stylesheets, and ensures that TiddlyWiki doesn't apply any wiki processing to them.
If you wish to use macros and transclusions in your stylesheets you should instead use the default WikiText type `text/vnd.tiddlywiki`. This allows full WikiText processing to be performed. Here is an example:
\rules only filteredtranscludeinline transcludeinline macrodef macrocallinline html
body.tc-body pre {
<<box-shadow "inset 0 1px 0 #fff">>
The `\rules` pragma at the top of the tiddler restricts the WikiText to just allow macros and transclusion. This avoids mistakenly triggering unwanted WikiText processing.
A stylesheet tiddler is processed such that it is first wikified and then the text portion of the ouput is extracted to apply as the CSS. Any HTML tags you will use in your stylesheet are thus ignored. For example, HTML elements generated by the RevealWidget will not affect the output. As in the following example, you can wrap CSS rules in `<pre>` tags to display them as a codeblock without affecting processing, including handling the inner macro.
\rules only filteredtranscludeinline transcludeinline macrodef macrocallinline html
<pre>body.tc-body pre {
<<box-shadow "inset 0 1px 0 #fff">>
!! Stylesheet Macros
The ~TiddlyWiki core provides several [[global macros that are helpful in constructing stylesheets|Stylesheet Macros]].
TiddlyWiki5 can be used to produce documentation for GitHub projects. It lets you maintain a single set of documentation as a [[TiddlyWikiFolder|TiddlyWikiFolders]] containing separate tiddler files under source code control, and then use it to produce `readme.md` files for inclusion in project folders, or HTML files for storage in [[GitHub Pages|http://pages.github.com/]]. Both features are demonstrated by TiddlyWiki5 itself.
! Generating `readme.md` files
When displaying the contents of a folder GitHub will look for a `readme.md` file and display it. Note that it will not display full HTML files in this way, just static MarkDown files (this is a security measure). Happily MarkDown permits a safe subset of HTML, and thus to generate a `readme.md` file that is suitable for GitHub it is just necessary for TiddlyWiki5 to generate the content of the `<body>` element of an HTML document, and give it the appropriate filename.
This is done with this command:
--rendertiddler ReadMe ./readme.md text/html
It saves the tiddler ReadMe to the file `./readme.md` in the `text/html` format.
By default, tiddler links will be rendered as `<a>` links to a relative URI consisting of the title of the tiddler. This behaviour can be overridden by defining the macro `tv-wikilink-template`, as is done at the top of the tiddler ReadMe:
\define tv-wikilink-template() http://tiddlywiki.com/static/$uri_doubleencoded$.html
See the LinkWidget for more details.
In this example, tiddler links are rendered as links to the static rendering of tw5.com.
TiddlyWiki5 can be used on the command line to perform an extensive set of operations based on TiddlyWikiFolders, TiddlerFiles and TiddlyWikiFiles.
For example, the following command loads the tiddlers from a TiddlyWiki HTML file and then saves one of them in static HTML:
tiddlywiki --verbose --load mywiki.html --rendertiddler ReadMe ./readme.html
Running `tiddlywiki` from the command line boots the TiddlyWiki kernel, loads the core plugins and establishes an empty wiki store. It then sequentially processes the command line arguments from left to right. The arguments are separated with spaces.
The first argument is the optional path to the [[TiddlyWikiFolder|TiddlyWikiFolders]] to be loaded. If not present, then the current directory is used.
The commands and their individual arguments follow, each command being identified by the prefix `--`.
tiddlywiki [<wikipath>] [--<command> [<arg>[,<arg>]]]
The available commands are:
<<list-links "[tag[Commands]]">>
TiddlyWiki5 allows you to use SVG to display vector graphics in two ways:
* Tiddlers with the type `image/svg+xml` are interpreted as SVG images, and displayed and transcluded as self-contained `<img>` elements with the SVG embedded as a data URI in the `src` attribute.
** For examples of SVG images see [[Motovun Jack.svg]] and [[Tiddler Fishes.svg]]
* WikiText can also include inline SVG elements directly. See below for an example.
! Embedding SVG tiddlers
You can embed an SVG image tiddler using the ordinary transclusion syntax:
{{Motovun Jack.jpg}}
You can also use TypedBlockWikiText to embed an inline SVG tiddler.
The implications of the image being rendered within an `<img>` element are that it is sandboxed; it can't use CSS styles from the parent document, for example. Neither can the image use WikiText features like transclusion.
! Embedding SVG elements
The other way to use SVG is to embed the `<svg>` element directly. For example:
<svg width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="red" />
Note that inline SVG elements don't need an `<?xml version="1.0"?>` directive.
! Including HTML or WikiText content in SVG images
You can include simple text strings in SVG images using the `<text>` element:
<svg width="100px" height="30px" viewBox="0 0 1000 300"><text x="250" y="150" font-family="Verdana" font-size="55">Hello, out there</text><rect x="1" y="1" width="998" height="298" fill="none" stroke-width="2" /></svg>
HTML or WikiText content can be included within inline SVG images using the `<foreignObject>` element. For example:
<svg width="260px" height="260px"><circle cx="150" cy="150" r="100" fill="blue" stoke="red"/><foreignObject x="70" y="110" width="150" height="180"><body>Here is some text that requires a word wrap, and includes a [[link to a tiddler|HelloThere]].</body></foreignObject></svg>
! Transcluding SVG elements
When embedding SVG elements you can also use WikiText features like transclusion. For example, here is an SVG circle with the radius set to the value in the tiddler [[$:/SVGExampleRadius]]:
<svg width="150" height="150"><circle cx="75" cy="75" r={{$:/SVGExampleRadius}} stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="green"/></svg>
You can edit the value of the radius here: <$edit-text tiddler="$:/SVGExampleRadius" tag="input"/>
! Making curved text with SVG
{{Making curved text with SVG}}
A <<.def variable>> is a snippet of text that can be accessed by name within a particular branch of the [[widget tree|Widgets]]. The snippet is known as the variable's <<.def value>>.
A new variable is defined using a <<.wlink SetWidget>> widget, and is then available to any of the children of that widget, including transcluded content. A <<.wid set>> widget can reuse an existing name, thus binding a different snippet to that name for the duration of the widget's children.
The <<.wlink ListWidget>> widget also sets a particular variable (<<.var currentTiddler>> by default) to each listed title in turn.
For an overview of how to use variables, see [[Variables in WikiText]].
Despite the term <<.word variable>>, each snippet is a constant string. The apparent variability is actually the result of the presence of multiple variables with the same name in different parts of the widget tree.
[[Macros]] are a special form of variable whose value can contain placeholders that get filled in with parameters whenever the macro is used.
By themselves, the snippets are <<.em not>> parsed as WikiText. However, a variable reference will transclude a snippet into a context where ~WikiText parsing <<.em may>> be occurring. Within a snippet, the only markup detected is `$name$` for a macro parameter transclusion and `$(name)$` for a variable transclusion.
The <<.mlink dumpvariables>> macro lists all variables (including macros) that are available at that position in the widget tree.
~TiddlyWiki's core has [[several variables|Core Variables]] built in.
See also the [[introduction to the concept of variables|Variables]].
To transclude the value of a variable, use the [[macro call syntax|Macro Calls in WikiText]] with no parameters. You can also use a <<.wlink MacroCallWidget>> widget.
A [[macro|Macros]] snippet can contain `$(name)$` as a [[placeholder|Macro Definitions in WikiText]] for which the value of the variable of that name will be substituted.
A variable's value can be used as a [[filter parameter|Filter Parameter]], or as a [[widget attribute|Widgets in WikiText]]. The latter supports macro parameters.
!! Example: defining a variable
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<$set name=animal value=zebra>
!! Example: defining a macro
The `\define` pragma below [[defines a macro|Macros in WikiText]] called <<.var tags-of-current-tiddler>>. The macro returns the value of the tiddler's <<.field tags>> field, and can be accessed from anywhere else in the same tiddler (or in any tiddler that [[imports|ImportVariablesWidget]] it).
<$importvariables filter="$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/tags-of-current-tiddler">
<$codeblock code={{$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/tags-of-current-tiddler}}/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2" eg="""The tags are: <<tags-of-current-tiddler>>"""/>
!! Example: using a variable as a filter parameter
This example uses the <<.olink backlinks>> [[operator|Filter Operators]] to list all tiddlers that link to this one.
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="3" eg="""<<list-links filter:"[<currentTiddler>backlinks[]]">>"""/>
! Introduction
The ''vars'' widget allows multiple variables to be set in one operation. In some situations it can result in simpler code than using the more flexible SetWidget.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$vars>` widget is the scope for the value assigned to the variable.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|//{attributes not starting with $}// |Each attribute name specifies a variable name. The attribute value is assigned to the variable |
! Examples
Consider a case where you need to set multiple variables.
Using the `<$vars>` widget, this situation may be handled in the following way:
\define helloworld() Hello world!
<$vars greeting="Hi" me={{!!title}} sentence=<<helloworld>>>
<<greeting>>! I am <<me>> and I say: <<sentence>>
In contrast, here is the same example using the `<$set>` widget:
<$set name="greeting" value="Hi" />
<$set name="me" value={{!!title}} />
<$set name="sentence" value=<<helloworld>> />
<<greeting>>! I am <<me>> and I say: <<sentence>>
! Remarks
It should be noted that this widget differs from the set widget in the following ways:
* A fallback (also known as "emptyValue") cannot be specified
* Filters cannot be used to produce a conditional variable assignement
* Variable names must be literal strings
The <<.def version>> [[macro|Macros]] returns the current version number of ~TiddlyWiki.
!! Parameters
<<.macro-examples "version">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""Version number: <<version>>"""/>
The following TiddlyWiki videos are available.
<<list-links "[tag[Videos]]">>
The aim is to curate a series of videos to guide people through getting up and running with TiddlyWiki. [[Contributions|Contributing]] are welcome.
! Introduction
The view widget displays the contents of a tiddler field in a specified format.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$view>` widget is displayed if the field or property is missing or empty.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The title of the tiddler (defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]) |
|field |The name of the field to view (defaults to "text") |
|index |The name of the index to view |
|format |The format for displaying the field (see below) |
|template |Optional template string used with certain formats such as dates |
|subtiddler |Optional SubTiddler title when the target tiddler is a [[plugin|Plugins]] (see below) |
!! Formats
The following formats can be specified in the `format` attribute:
|!Format |!Description |
|''text'' |Plain text |
|''htmlwikified'' |The field is wikified and the resulting HTML returned as plain text |
|''htmlencoded'' |The field is displayed with HTML encoding issues |
|''date'' |The field is interpreted as a UTC date and displayed according to the DateFormat specified in the `template` attribute |
|''relativedate'' |The field is interpreted as a UTC date and displayed as the interval from the present instant |
|''stripcomments'' |The field is interpreted as JavaScript source code and any lines beginning `\\#` are stripped |
|''jsencoded'' |The field is displayed as a JavaScript encoded string |
! SubTiddler Access
The view widget allows access to the individual tiddlers stored within a [[plugin|Plugins]].
The following example will view the core version of the tiddler [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]] even if it has been overridden:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '
<$view tiddler="$:/core" subtiddler="$:/DefaultTiddlers"/>
An interactive timeline visualisation plugin based on [[Vis.js|http://visjs.org]]. A demo can be found here: {{!!url}}.
vis.js Timeline is a TiddlyWiki plugin that allows you to link your wiki-topics (tiddlers) in order to create clickable timelines. This project is a direct continuation of [[emkay's plugin|https://github.com/emkayonline/tw5visjs]].
<a class="tc-float-right tc-bordered-image" href="http://classic.tiddlywiki.com/" target="_blank">[img width="200" [TiddlyWiki Classic.png]]</a>
The original [[Classic|TiddlyWikiClassic]] version of TiddlyWiki is still available at:
Note that the [[current version|TiddlyWiki5]] of TiddlyWiki is not fully backwards compatible with TiddlyWikiClassic. Content can be imported but will need massaging to adapt to the new WikiText format. A ''tw2parser'' plugin is under development that will allow faithful display of most content created for TiddlyWikiClassic:
The `tm-add-field` message is handled by the FieldManglerWidget. It adds the specified field with a blank value if the field doesn't already exist.
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Name of field to add |
The add field message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the FieldManglerWidget.
The `tm-add-tag` message is handled by the FieldManglerWidget. It adds the specified tag.
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Name of tag to add |
The add tag message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the FieldManglerWidget.
The autosave wiki message causes the current saver module to perform a background save if it is required.
The autosave wiki message should be generated whenever changes are made to the store. For example, the navigator widget generates the autosave wiki message as part of its handling of the [[WidgetMessage: tm-save-tiddler]], [[WidgetMessage: tm-delete-tiddler]] and [[WidgetMessage: tm-perform-import]].
The autosave wiki message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SaverModule|SaverModules]]. Not all SaverModules can handle autosaving.
The `tm-browser-refresh` message refreshes the page, causing the re-initialisation of any plugin tiddlers. It does not require any properties on the `event` object.
The refresh message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the core.
The `tm-cancel-tiddler` message abandons the changes in a draft tiddler. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is being cancelled out of edit mode |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The cancel tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The `tm-clear-password` message clears the current password from the password vault, clearing the [[$:/isEncrypted]] tiddler. See EncryptionMechanism for details.
This message is typically generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the core itself.
The close all tiddlers message empties the story list.
The close all tiddlers message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The `tm-close-other-tiddlers` message removes all but a specified tiddler from the story list. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is not to be closed |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The close other tiddlers message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The `tm-close-tiddler` message removes a specified tiddler from the story list. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is to be closed |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The close tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The `tm-delete-tiddler` message deletes the specified tiddler and removes it from the current story. If the tiddler is a draft then it also deletes the tiddler specified in the `draft.of` field. The delete tiddler message requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is to be deleted |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The delete tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The download file message causes the current saver module to prompt the user to download the result of parsing a specified template tiddler as a file. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of a tiddler to use as a template for the new tiddler |
|paramObject |Optional hashmap of variable values to use for the rendering |
The download file message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget.
The download file message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SaverModule|SaverModules]].
The `tm-edit-tiddler` message replaces the specified tiddler in the current story with a draft version of itself. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is being switched to edit mode |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The edit tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget or the ActionSendMessageWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The fullscreen message toggles the "fullscreen" mode of the browser, if it supports it.
The fullscreen message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core.
The `tm-home` message closes any open tiddlers and re-opens the default tiddlers set in [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]]. It also remove any [[permalink|PermaLinks]] from the browser address bar. It does not require any properties on the `event` object.
The home message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the core.
The `tm-import-tiddlers` message inserts a list of tiddlers into the pending import tiddler [[$:/Import]]. It also applies any active ''upgrader'' modules to each tiddler as it arrives (see the UpgradeMechanism for more details).
|!Name |!Description |
|param |JSON text of the array of tiddlers to be imported |
The import tiddlers message is usually generated with the DropzoneWidget or the BrowseWidget, and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
! Configuration Variables
* <<.vlink tv-auto-open-on-import>>
The login message prompts the user for a username and password and attempts to login to the current serverside host. The tiddler [[$:/status/IsLoggedIn]] reflects the current login status with the values "yes" or "no", and [[$:/status/UserName]] reflects the current username.
The login message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SyncAdaptorModule|SyncAdaptorModules]] (typically the ''tiddlywiki/tiddlywebadaptor'' plugin).
The logout message attempts to log the user out of the current serverside host. The tiddler [[$:/status/IsLoggedIn]] reflects the current login status with the values "yes" or "no", and [[$:/status/UserName]] reflects the current username.
The logout message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SyncAdaptorModule|SyncAdaptorModules]] (typically the ''tiddlywiki/tiddlywebadaptor'' plugin).
The modal message displays a specified tiddler in a modal overlay that dims the main page. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler to be displayed |
|paramObject |Hashmap of variables to be provided to the modal |
The "currentTiddler" variable is set to the title of the modal tiddler, but can be overridden by specifying a different value in `paramObject`.
The modal message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget. The modal message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core.
! Example
Here is an example of displaying a modal and passing parameters to it:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src='Your name: <$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/yourName" tag="input" default="Your name"/>
Your message:
<$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/yourMessage" default="Your message"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-modal" $param="SampleModal" yourName={{$:/temp/yourName}} yourMessage={{$:/temp/yourMessage}}/>
Click me!
The `tm-navigate` message inserts the specified tiddler into the story and puts it at the top of the history stack. If the tiddler is not already present in the story then it will be positioned immediately after the tiddler specified in `event.navigateFromTitle`.
The navigate message requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|navigateTo |Title of the tiddler that is being navigated |
|navigateFromTitle |Title of the tiddler from which the navigation was initiated |
|navigateFromClientRect |Bounding rectangle in client page coordinates of the element initiating the navigation |
|navigateSuppressNavigation |''true'' causes the new tiddler to only be added to the story, and not the history stack. This suppresses the scrolling associated with navigating to a tiddler |
The navigate message can be generated by the LinkWidget, the ActionNavigateWidget and the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The new tiddler message creates a new draft tiddler and adds it to the current story. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |The optional title of a tiddler to use as a template for the new tiddler |
|paramObject |Optional hashmap of additional tiddler fields |
|navigateFromTitle |Title of the tiddler from which the navigation to the new tiddler was initiated |
The title for the draft tiddler is chosen according to these rules:
* If a hashmap was used and a title field was specified, use that title
* If a template tiddler was used, use the title of the template tiddler, making it unique with a numeric suffix
* Otherwise, generate a new title based on the default new tiddler title with a numeric suffix to make it unique
The new tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget or ActionSendMessageWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
! Example
To make a button that creates new tiddlers tagged "task", create a tiddler called "TaskTemplate" with that tag, and then make your button like this:
<$button message="tm-new-tiddler" param="TaskTemplate">New Task</$button>
The notify message briefly displays a specified tiddler as a small alert in the upper right corner of the page. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler to be displayed |
The notify message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core.
The perform import message copies tiddlers from a specified plugin into the main store. See the UpgradeMechanism for an overview of how it is used by the core.
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the pending import tiddler. Defaults to ''$:/Import'' |
To select which tiddlers are to be imported, fields with names formed from `selection-` plus the title of the tiddler are used. The value ''unchecked'' causes the tiddler to be skipped from the import.
The perform import message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The `tm-permalink` message changes the browser address bar to form a [[permalink|PermaLinks]] to a specified tiddler, defaulting to the current tiddler.
The permalink message supports the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler to be permalinked |
|tiddlerTitle |The current tiddler (used by default if the tiddler title isn't specified in the `param`) |
The permalink message can be generated by the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the story mechanism.
The `tm-permaview` message changes the browser address bar to form a [[permaview|PermaLinks]] that specifies all the open tiddlers in the main story river, and the tiddler to be navigated, defaulting to the current tiddler.
The permaview message supports the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler to be navigated within the permaview |
|tiddlerTitle |The current tiddler (used by default if the tiddler title isn't specified in the `param`) |
The permaview message can be generated by the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the story mechanism.
The `tm-remove-field` message is handled by the FieldManglerWidget. It removes the specified field.
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Name of field to remove |
The remove field message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the FieldManglerWidget.
The `tm-remove-tag` message is handled by the FieldManglerWidget. It removes the specified tag.
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Name of tag to remove |
The remove tag message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the FieldManglerWidget.
The `tm-save-tiddler` message is applied to draft tiddlers. It saves the draft over the tiddler identified in the `draft.of` field and then deletes the draft. The save tiddler message requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is being switched out of edit mode |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The save tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The save wiki message causes the current saver module to perform a full save operation. The save operation can involve user interaction. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of a tiddler to use as a template for rendering the wiki (defaults to `$:/core/save/all`) |
|paramObject |Optional hashmap of variable values to use for the rendering |
The save wiki message is usually generated by the ButtonWidget.
The save wiki message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SaverModule|SaverModules]].
The server refresh message attempts to synchronise the latest changes to the current serverside host.
The server refresh message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SyncAdaptorModule|SyncAdaptorModules]] (typically the ''tiddlywiki/tiddlywebadaptor'' plugin).
The `tm-set-password` message prompts the user for a new password and stores it in the password vault, replacing any existing password. It also sets the [[$:/isEncrypted]] tiddler. See EncryptionMechanism for details.
This message is typically generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the core itself.
~TiddlyWiki's display is driven by an underlying collection of <<.def widgets>>. These are organised into a tree structure: each widget has a parent widget and zero or more child widgets.
~TiddlyWiki generates this <<.def "widget tree">> by parsing the WikiText of tiddlers. Each component of the WikiText syntax, including even the trivial case of ordinary text, generates a corresponding widget. The widget tree is an intermediate representation that is subsequently rendered into the actual display.
Widgets are analogous to elements in an HTML document. Indeed, HTML tags in WikiText generate dedicated <<.def "element widgets">>.
Each class of widget contributes a specific ability to the overall functionality, such as the ability to <<.wlink2 "display an image" ImageWidget>> or <<.wlink2 "a button" ButtonWidget>>, to <<.wlink2 "call a macro" MacroCallWidget>> or <<.wlink2 "transclude text from elsewhere" TranscludeWidget>>, or to [[mark a piece of text as a heading|HTML in WikiText]].
The more specialised widgets use a general-purpose [[widget syntax|Widgets in WikiText]] as their only possible WikiText representation.
The following classes of widget are built into the core:
<<list-links "[tag[Widgets]]">>
Widgets provide rich functionality within WikiText. They have the same syntax as [[HTML elements|HTML in WikiText]], but the tag name always starts with `$`. For example:
<$button message="tm-close-tiddler">Close Me!</$button>
Note that widgets inherit all the features of [[HTML in WikiText]]:
* Widget attributes can be specified as:
** Unquoted strings (that cannot contain spaces)
** Strings quoted with single or double quotes
** Strings quoted with triple-double quotes
** Macro invocations (eg `attr=<<myMacro>>`)
** Transclusions (eg, `attr={{MyTiddler!!field}}`)
* The content of a widget is parsed in inline mode unless the opening tag is followed by two linebreaks, which forces block mode
** 'Inline mode' means that 'block mode' parse rules like headings, tables and lists are not recognised
See [[HTML in WikiText]] for more details.
The available widgets include:
<<list-links "[tag[Widgets]]">>
Groups of uniquely titled tiddlers are contained in WikiStore objects.
The WikiStore also manages the plugin modules used for widgets, and operations like serializing, deserializing, parsing and rendering tiddlers.
~WikiText is a concise, expressive way of typing a wide range of text formatting, hypertext and interactive features. It allows you to focus on writing without a complex user interface getting in the way. It is designed to be familiar for users of [[MarkDown|http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/]], but with more of a focus on linking and the interactive features.
See [[Formatting text in TiddlyWiki]] for an introduction to WikiText.
The following elements of WikiText syntax are built into the core:
<<list-links "[tag[WikiText]]">>
Under Windows it is possible to convert TiddlyWiki into a true local application by renaming the HTML file to have the extension `*.hta`. The ''fsosaver'' module can then use the ~ActiveX ~FileSystemObject to save changes.
Note that one disadvantage of this approach is that the TiddlyWiki file is saved in UTF-16 format, making it up to twice as large as it would be with the usual UTF-8 encoding. However, opening and saving the file via another saving method will re-encode the file to UTF-8.
See Wikipedia for more details: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML_Application
! Introduction
If you want to [[contribute|Contributing]] to TiddlyWiki's development, rather than [[installing TiddlyWiki in the usual way|Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js]], you can work directly with the GitHub repository.
Mario Pietsch has created a [[short video introduction|Working with the TiddlyWiki5 repository video]].
! Setting Up
# Create an account on GitHub if you don't already have one
# Fork the TiddlyWiki5 GitHub repository from https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5
# Clone a local copy of your fork
# Open a command line terminal and change the current working directory to the root of the repo
# Type `npm link` (Windows) or `sudo npm link` (Mac/Linux) to tell [[npm]] to use this copy of the repo as the globally installed one
After this procedure you can work with TiddlyWiki5 via [[npm]] as though it were installed in the usual way with `npm install -g tiddlywiki`.
See also [[Scripts for TiddlyWiki on Node.js]].
Mario Pietsch has created a short video tutorial on [[working with the TiddlyWiki5 GitHub repository|Working with the TiddlyWiki5 repository]].
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/6ElUruH92tc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Information to help you get started using TiddlyWiki:
<<list-links "[tag[Working with TiddlyWiki]]">>
A thesis notebook based on TiddlyWiki.
This is an example of a thesis notebook powered by TiddlyWiki 5.0.8-beta.
TiddlyWiki is a great piece of software created by Jeremy Ruston. It allows you, among other things, to take notes, organize ideas, store information, and display all your stuff the way you want. It is an incredibly flexible tool you can adapt to fit almost all your needs.
This TiddlyWiki has been customized to serve as a philosophy notebook centered around authors, books and papers, concepts and theories, and personal notes. I use it along with Zotero, which is a dedicated bibliography software. Both are free, open source projects. TiddlyWiki can be downloaded at http://tiddlywiki.com.
buggyj has created several useful plugins, including a WYSIWYG HTML editor, a configurable calendar and tag lists with draggable ordering.
A collection of customisations and macros from Danielo Rodriguez.
This is my personal tiddlywiki file for testing.
Here I will post the tools and Macros that I develop for this awesome tool. That way, all the help the comunity gave me can came back to the comunity again.
An adaptor to enable TiddlyWiki to sync changes with a [[CouchDB|http://couchdb.apache.org]] database.
CouchDB sync adaptor for TiddlyWiki 5. Requires TiddlyWiki >= 5.1.2.
Works in limited testing. Not sure how well it handles conflicts.
A guide to creating a baby journal with TiddlyWiki.
Keeping a journal about your baby is fun. It allows you to keep track of those events in your baby's life and development that are most important to you, and to tell them in your own words. [...]
There are plenty of online services that can help to keep such a diary, but you need to have an internet connection to access them, and you have to trust them to keep your data safe.
A collection of hints and tips from Jim Lehmer, published as a static blog generated by TiddlyWiki.
There is a decent write-up on generating static pages using Tiddlywiki on the main TW site. However, there are a few nuances not mentioned on that page, so here are a few of my notes on how I generate the pages for this site.
A plugin that allows to encrypt your tiddlers individually Danielo Rodriguez.
* You can specify a different password for each tiddler if you want.
* You don't have to encrypt your whole wiky.
* If you forget your password, you only lose a tiddler.
* It's possible to edit the tiddler content , tags and fields except the encrypt field after encryption.
* [...]
An adaptation of the [[TiddlyWiki powered GTD® system formerly known as MonkeyGTD|http://mgsd.tiddlyspot.com/]] for TiddlyWiki version 5.
GSD5 is a Getting-Thing-Done tool for TiddlyWiki5 based off the mGSD classic TiddlyWiki.
A guide in Russian to creating an online shop with TiddlyWiki. No serverside code is needed, instead orders are handled by Disqus.
An extensive collection of hints and tips from Jed Carty.
I made this so that some of my friends with absolutely no coding experience could use some of the better features of TW5 without having to learn much. I am hopefully going to continue updating it as I learn new things. There isn't really anything here that isn't available in plenty of other places, but I figured that since I spent a while putting it together and people keep saying that TW needs more documentation I would post it here.
A step by step guide to running TiddlyWiki on a ~CentOS Virtual Private Server.
In this tutorial we will guide you through the steps of installing and running TiddlyWiki on a ~CentOS 6 VPS.
We will also install and configure Nginx as a reverse proxy, so you can run TiddlyWiki behind Nginx.
A Spanish guide to using TiddlyWiki on Android.
Tiddlywiki software is prodigious based on javascript which is capable of holding a notepad that can be edited with Internet Explorer or function as a full blog, contained in a single file.
//Translation by Google Translate//
A quick guide to using TiddlyWiki (written in German)
Those using multiple different computer platforms (if only PC and Android) knows for certain: You would like to sync notes across computers and thereby be independent of any apps or services. I am concerned at any rate so and so I am constantly looking for the perfect solution.
With TiddlyWiki I found it mostly. As the name suggests, it TiddlyWiki is a Wikisystem. In contrast to all other wikis, TiddlyWiki is a single HTML file that runs in the browser and thus can be used on all modern operating systems. And because there is only one file, it can be very easily via the well-known cloud services (Dropbox, Google Drive, ownCloud) or synchronized with FTP or used on a USB stick.
(Translation from German by Google Translate)
A fast Forth interpreter for the [[Commodore PET|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commodore_PET]], written in 6502 assembly language. The TiddlyWiki containing program documentation is automatically generated from the source code: see https://github.com/chitselb/pettil.
Objectives of the project are, in no particular order:
* make a Forth that runs on my Commodore PET 2001
* have fun
* improve my "6502 assembly golf" skills
* find other people who are interested in this project
Detailed description of setting up [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] on OS X.
For a new job, I decided to set up a personal wiki to keep notes. I wanted to keep it simple, meeting these requirements:
* All the data is in a Dropbox folder (so it can be automatically synced between machines)
* It must support Markdown syntax
After looking at the options, I settled on TiddlyWiki. I've used "classic TiddlyWiki" before, and liked its simplicity, but I was always a little annoyed with the weird steps you have to go through to save changes. The new version of TiddlyWiki includes support for running it as a real HTTP server, so you can use it just like an online wiki.
But it took me a couple of hours to figure out how to set that up. The TiddlyWiki documentation is not clear ("not clear" is a euphemistic way of saying "terrible"). So, I've written up these instructions in the hope it will spare somebody else all the frustration I had.
A gamers guide to using TiddlyWiki.
I’ve been using TiddlyWiki for this game mainly to record the monsters’ locations and the items that they drop. This is so that when I need a certain item to upgrade/create weapons, I can quickly look it up; which monsters drop it and which quests have those monsters.
As I play the game, as I encounter new information, I just input them into my Shining Ark TiddlyWiki. It’s like I’m building a wiki from scratch. The reason why I don’t just use online wikis is that 1) it’s too easy to get spoiled and 2) sometimes online wikis provide too much information (who cares about the non-gameplay related descriptions that can be found in the game, etc).
A collection of tips from Tobias Beer
A collection of references and sandbox for testing concepts around TiddlyWiki 5...
Reaction to TiddlyWiki5 from the translator of the German edition of TiddlyWikiClassic.
There is little software that can still inspire me so even after years, as on the first day. This includes TiddlyWiki, the "pocket-wiki". The latter is because the Wiki completely fits into an HTML file, and this HTML file brings everything - JavaScript program logic, CSS appearance and the entire Wiki content as stored records. So a TiddlyWiki file is then sometimes happy times some megabytes in size, but just has the unbeatable advantage that it works just as fast file created locally in a variety of browsers.
(Translation from German by Google Translate)
An early release of an edition of TiddlyWiki customised for rigorous, academic notetaking.
TiddlyWiki for Scholars is a personal customization of TiddlyWiki 5.0.13-beta I made for note-taking from readings, but it can be useful for other purposes. The idea behind this adaptation is to show and to allow creating relevant data related to the current tiddler without leaving the tiddler.
A collection of tips and guides in French, introduced by this blog post:
Ce guide de prise en main de TiddlyWiki vous permettra de débuter sur ce logiciel : rédiger du texte avec la syntaxe wiki, insérer des images, créer des Tiddler, faire une recherche, ajouter des fonctionnalités, et bien d'autres choses.. Bonne lecture ! Sylvain
Notes and tips by a developer working on writing TiddlyWiki plugins -- including [[TWExe|https://github.com/welford/twexe]], a widget for running Windows scripts and executables.
A collection of articles covering integration with Fargo, Font Awesome and Google Calendar, and tips for managing task lists.
I have become a regular user of TiddlyWiki and have become so accustomed to using Font Awesome icons in Fargo that I wanted to incorporate the icons into my wikis as well.
A translation of the tiddlywiki.com documentation from Bram Chen, TiddlyWiki's Chinese translator.
Dutch blog post about TiddlyWiki
I'm allergic to websites that are highly dependent on JavaScript. I think that JavaScript has many useful applications to add functionality to a site, but content needs to be visible if JavaScript is switched off. I use the NoScript extension for Firefox and surf with pleasure over the Internet without spontaneous things happen that I do not give permission. I love JavaScript on a short leash. More crazier maybe I'm so excited about TiddlyWiki.
(Translation from Dutch by Google Translate)
An extensive collection of tips and resources for users of TiddlyWiki in Japanese.
Chris Hunt's detailed developer tutorials for getting started with writing widgets for TiddlyWiki.
These pages document aspects TiddlyWiki5 programming, sharing "lessons learned" to help developers to get started with TiddlyWiki5 customization and extension.
There are currently two articles in this wiki:
* A Simple Widget
* A More Complex Widget
Huge collection of customisations and tweaks from Ton Gerner.
I am a longtime user of TiddlyWiki Classic and still use it daily since you can't do everything in TiddlyWiki 5 (yet) ;)
I started experimenting with TW5 at the end of September 2013 (alpha10).
Since I missed a few things in the layout I got used to in TiddlyWiki Classic 1, I started with modifying the layout of TW5.
To share my knowledge, I made a few guides about these 'modifications'.
The guides started as a non-linear personal web notebook (yeah, the subtitle of TiddlyWiki!). I started experimenting with layout things and used TW5 to document my experiments.
A wealth of hints, tips and notes about using [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]:
TiddlyWiki is different from other wikis because of its principle of dynamically customizeable "storyline" based on tiddlers as basic units of information. That is, the user "composes" their own version of the webpage by clicking on tiddler links, which add tiddlers to the page in order to compose a storyline.
The Node.js implementation in TiddlyWiki5 adds all the advantages of flat-file markup language based type of site. This makes TiddlyWiki an excellent alternative to flat-file based CMS/webpage/blog authoring systems for the web.
Also very cool is the treatment of tags as menus everywhere.
Stephan Hradek's growing catalogue of tips, tutorials, and other resources. Stephan has also developed several plugins and macros that you can find at http://tiddlystuff.tiddlyspot.com/.
Some things in TiddlyWiki seem like Magic. As my preferred nick is Skeeve, I felt that TW5 Magick is a proper name for this collection of some of the "magic" tricks one can do with TiddlyWiki.
Dave Gifford's growing catalogue of tips and tutorials.
TiddlyWiki 5 is a great tool for note-taking, bookmarking, blogging, organizing to do lists, writing books, and more. But many of the things that can be done in TiddlyWiki 5 are often hidden to the new user, either because the user doesn't know about it or because the user doesn't know how to do it. TW5 mall is a modest catalog of hacks where you can discover new tricks in TiddlyWiki 5 and also find out in layman's terms how to implement them.
Tips and guides for using TiddlyWiki.
I never used Node.js until a couple weeks ago when I wanted to try a TW5 installation on Node and expand my knowledge a bit. I figured someone else may be in the same boat so I wrote it all down
An alternative LaTeX plugin for TiddlyWiki5. It supports a wider set of LaTeX commands than [[KaTeX|KaTeX Plugin]], though not as extensive as MathJax
This plugin provides LaTeX support in TiddlyWiki5, using the [[TeXZilla|https://github.com/fred-wang/TeXZilla]] latex parser to generate MathML.
Only Firefox and Safari support MathML at the moment, so the plugin is only useful if you're using one of these browsers. It might be possible to combine this plugin with MathJax to convert MathML to something that other browsers can understand, e.g. HTML+CSS, but I haven't tried this.
A collection of TiddlyWiki resources from Mario Pietsch, with a focus on cloud deployments. Mario also maintains the German translation of TiddlyWiki.
My name is Mario Pietsch from Austria. I'm living near Salzburg.
This page, will be the portal to my TiddlyWiki, TiddlyWeb related content.
A guide (in French) to using TiddlyWiki on the [[BiblioBox|http://bibliobox.net/]], a variation of the [[PirateBox|http://daviddarts.com/piratebox/]] mobile communication and file sharing system.
I've known TiddlyWiki since its beginning in 2004. For personal or professional needs, I used it regularly for notepad staff in 2007 and 2012. But I admit I ignored the tool during the past two years. And then I said yesterday: but why not put TiddlyWiki on a BiblioBox? Because it is a single HTML file with javascript. In addition I knew the existence of a server version for saving online amendments.
//Hand optimised from a translation by Google Translate//
Matabele's stylish and clean system for personal task management.
This is my work in progress version of TW5, incorporating various features and ideas as and when they intrigue me. To grab any feature you may wish to try, drag the listed tiddlers across to the dropzone of an empty TiddlyWiki 5.0.10-beta
An introduction to TiddlyWiki in Japanese.
TiddlyWiki is an incredibly flexible and versatile tool that is conceived and constructed differently than most software. This can make it hard to understand until the moment when it clicks, and becomes a seamless extension of your brain.
Starting with the basics, TiddlyWiki is a note-taking web application you can download for free, store wherever you like and customise however you wish. Use it to capture, organise and share your notes in ways that word processors and other note-taking tools cannot.
~TiddlyWiki is designed to be non-linear, structuring content with stories, tags, hyperlinks, and other features. You can organise and retrieve your notes in ways that conform to your personal thought patterns, rather than feel chained to one preset organisational structure.
You can use ~TiddlyWiki as a single file that you view and edit through any web browser, whether you are online or offline. Or you can use it as a powerful [[Node.js application|TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] that stores each of your notes as a separate file.
How can you make ~TiddlyWiki work for you? We recommend you start with our introductory documentation listed below, and then browse the TableOfContents, available in the Contents tab in the sidebar. Or just [[follow our simple instructions|GettingStarted]] and try it out for yourself!
<<list-links "[tag[HelloThere]]">>
Also see [[TiddlyWiki Video Tutorials by Francis Meetze]]
Information about the making of TiddlyWiki:
<<list-links "[tag[About]]">>
A plugin to integrate the [[Ace editor|https://github.com/ajaxorg/ace]] into TiddlyWiki.
Being quite new to TW5 development I tried my best to draft a SyncAdaptor to store tiddlers in IndexedDb. This is quite useful if an application / plugin installation is not possible (we have quite some restrictions at work...).
TiddlyWiki wouldn't be possible without the ongoing support of the TiddlyWiki [[Community]]. Their attention and feedback has made it possible to gain an understanding of what is wanted from the product, and their passion for it has taught me that it is worth the investment.
! Introduction
The ''action-deletefield'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that deletes specified fields of a tiddler. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.
! Content and Attributes
The ''action-deletefield'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$tiddler |The title of the tiddler whose fields are to be modified (if not provided defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]] |
|$field |Optional name of a field to delete |
|//{any attributes not starting with $}// |Each attribute name specifies a field to be deleted. The attribute value is ignored and need not be specified |
! Examples
Here is an example of a button that deletes the caption and tags fields of the current tiddler:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-deletefield caption tags/>
Delete "caption" and "tags"
Here is an example of a button that deletes the modified date and tags fields of the tiddler HelloThere:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-deletefield $tiddler="HelloThere" modified tags/>
Delete "modified" and "tags" from ~HelloThere
Here is an example of a button that uses the optional $field attribute to delete the text field of the tiddler HelloThere:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-deletefield $tiddler="HelloThere" $field="text"/>
Delete text from ~HelloThere
! Introduction
The ''action-deletetiddler'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that deletes tiddlers. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.
There are several differences compared to the [[WidgetMessage: tm-delete-tiddler]]:
* The user is not prompted to confirm the deletion
* No automatic updating of the story list
* No special handling of draft tiddlers
! Content and Attributes
The ''action-deletetiddler'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$tiddler |Optional title of the tiddler to be deleted |
|$filter |Optional filter identifying tiddlers to be deleted |
! Examples
Here is an example of a button that deletes the tiddler HelloThere:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-deletetiddler $tiddler="HelloThere"/>
Delete "~HelloThere"
Here is an example of a button that deletes all tiddlers tagged [[TableOfContents]]:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-deletetiddler $filter="[tag[TableOfContents]]"/>
Delete tiddlers tagged "~TableOfContents"
\define .operator-rows(filter)
<$list filter="$filter$"><tr>
<td><$link to={{!!title}}>{{!!caption}}</$link></td>
<td>{{!!op-purpose}} <$list filter="[all[current]tag[Common Operators]]">{{$:/core/images/done-button}}</$list></td>
<td align="center"><$list filter="[all[current]tag[Negatable Operators]]">`!`</$list></td>
\define .group-heading(_)
<tr class="doc-table-subheading"><th colspan="3" align="center">$_$</th></tr>
! Introduction
The ''action-listops'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that manipulates user lists in any field or data index. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.
! Content and Attributes
The ''action-listops'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$tiddler |The title of the tiddler whose lists are to be modified (if not provided defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]] |
|$field |The name of a field to be manipulated as a list (defaults to 'list') |
|$index |Optional index of a property in a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]] index to be manipulated as a list |
|$filter |An optional filter expression, the output of which will be saved to the field/index being manipulated |
|$subfilter |An optional subfilter expression, which takes the list being manipulated as input, and saves the modified list back to the field/index being manipulated |
|$tags |An optional subfilter expression, which takes the 'tags' field of the target tiddler as input, and saves the modified list of tags back to the 'tags' field |
! Extended Filter Operators
A number of [[extended filter operators|The Extended Listops Filters]] are necessary for the manipulation of lists. These operators have been designed primarily for use in subfilter expressions whereby the modified current list is returned in place of the current list.
<<.group-heading "Listops Operators">>
<th align="left">Operator</th>
<th align="left">Purpose</th>
<<.operator-rows "[tag[Filter Operators]tag[Listops Operators]tag[Order Operators]!tag[String Operators]!tag[Tag Operators]!tag[Special Operators]sort[]]">>
! Examples
In this example we shall populate and then clear a list in an ordinary field (myfield) of this tiddler (the default.)
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-listops $field="myfield" $subfilter="efg hlm pqr"/>
Populate 'myfield'
<$action-listops $field="myfield" $subfilter="abc xyz"/>
Append More Items
<$action-listops $field="myfield" $subfilter="-abc -hlm"/>
Remove Items
<$action-listops $field="myfield" $filter="[[]]"/>
Clear 'myfield'
<$list filter="[list[!!myfield]]">
In this example we shall append and remove items from a list in an ordinary field (myfield) of this tiddler (the default) and sort the resultant list. We shall then remove some of the appended items and sort the resulting list in reverse order.
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-listops $field="myfield" $subfilter="-efg ijk xyz [[this is a title]] +[sort[]]"/>
Mangle List
<$action-listops $field="myfield" $subfilter="-xyz -[[this is a title]] +[!sort[]]"/>
Unmangle List
<$list filter="[list[!!myfield]]">
In this example we shall append a few tags to the 'tags' field of this tiddler (the default.) We shall then remove some of the appended tags.
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-listops $tags="+[append{Days of the Week!!short}] $:/tag1 $:/tag2 $:/tag3"/>
Populate 'tags'
<$action-listops $tags="+[!remove:2{!!tags}]"/>
Remove Last Two Tags
<$action-listops $tags="+[!prefix[$:/]]"/>
Remove System Tags
<$action-listops $tags="-Mon -Tue"/>
Remove Mon and Tue
<$action-listops $tags="+[prefix[$:/]] ActionWidgets Widgets"/>
Remove User Tags
<$action-listops $tags="+[[]] ActionWidgets Widgets"/>
Clear Tags
<$list filter="[list[!!tags]]">
! Introduction
The ''action-maketid'' widget is an action widget designed to create a new tiddler, with the built in functionality to set the values of the title, tags and fields. The new tiddler may be hidden, displayed in the story river or opened for editing.
To get the plugin: [[$:/plugins/matabele/action-maketid]]
The ''action-maketid'' widget may be used to do any of the following.
* create a new tiddler with or without the use of a template
* set a unique title for the new tiddler
* manipulate the 'tags' field by applying a sub-filter expression
* set the values for any number of fields for the new tiddler (overwriting template values)
* hide the new tiddler in the background, navigate to the new tiddler (the default) or open the new tiddler for editing
! Content and Attributes
|Attribute |Explanation |h
|$title |The title for the new tiddler (if not provided, defaults to 'currentTiddler') |
|$tags |Option to apply a subfilter to the 'tags' field |
|$template |Option to name the template to use |
|$navigate= |"show" navigates to the new tiddler (default) : "hide" creates the new tiddler in the background : "edit" navigates to and opens the new tiddler for editing |
|{attributes not starting with $} |Values may be set for any number of fields (overwriting template values) -- each attribute name specifies a field, with the attribute value providing the value to assign to the field |
! Examples
In this example we shall create a button to make a new tiddler from scratch, add a couple of tags, further modify the 'tags' field and set the values for some fields.
Each click of the button will create another tiddler with a unique title (appended integer)
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-maketid $title="Tiddler" tags="[[first tag]] [[another tag]]" $tags="[{!!title}] +[append:3{Days of the Week!!short}]" text="
|Field Name |Value |h
|Field1 |{{!!field1}} |
|Field2 |{{!!field2}} |"
field1="value from field one" field2="value from field two"/>
Make New Tiddler
In this example we shall use the ''action-maketid'' widget in combination with the ''maketid[]'' filter operator to create a number of tiddlers from a template. Unique titles are generated with a '$list' widget utilising the ''maketid[]'' filter operator with various options. The 'tags=' attribute is here used to clear the tags field before additional tags are added with the '$tags=' attribute.
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src="""<$vars here={{!!title}}>
<$list filter="[[]maketid[Tiddler %count%/%max% <<now>> \max:3]]">
<$action-maketid tags="" $tags="[<here>] [[new tag]]" myfield="text from a field" $skeleton="$:/_mytemplate"/>
</$list>Make Tiddlers</$button></$vars>"""/>
! Introduction
The ''action-navigate'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that sends a [[tm-navigate|WidgetMessage: tm-navigate]] message back up the widget tree. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.
! Content and Attributes
The ''action-navigate'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$to |The title of the target tiddler for the navigation (if not provided defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]] |
|$scroll |Optional parameter determining whether the navigation will also cause a scroll to the target tiddler (see below) |
!! Scroll handling
The optional `$scroll` attribute can be set to "yes" to force scrolling to occur to bring the target tiddler into view. If set to "no" then scrolling does not occur. If the `$scroll` attribute is omitted then scrolling occurs unless either:
* the control key is pressed
* the action was initiated with the middle mouse button (if available)
Note that if navigating to multiple tiddlers at once you should use the same `$scroll` setting for all of them.
! Examples
Here is an example of button that navigates to two different tiddlers at once:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-navigate $to="ButtonWidget"/>
<$action-navigate $to="ActionWidgets"/>
Click me!
! Introduction
The ''action-sendmessage'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that sends a [[message|WidgetMessages]] back up the widget tree. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.
! Content and Attributes
The ''action-sendmessage'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$message |The message to send (eg, [[WidgetMessage: tm-new-tiddler]]) |
|$param |Optional parameter string whose meaning is dependent on the message being sent |
|$name |Optional name of additional parameter |
|$value |Value for optional parameter whose name is specified in `$name` |
|//{any attributes not starting with $}// |Multiple additional, optional named parameters that are attached to the message |
! Examples
Here is an example of button that displays both a notification and a wizard, and creates a new tiddler with tags and text:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-modal" $param="SampleWizard"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-notify" $param="SampleNotification"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-new-tiddler" title="This is newly created tiddler" tags="OneTag [[Another Tag]]" text=<<now "Today is DDth, MMM YYYY">>/>
Click me!
! Introduction
The ''action-setfield'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that assigns values to the fields of a tiddler. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.
! Content and Attributes
The ''action-setfield'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$tiddler |The title of the tiddler whose fields are to be modified (if not provided defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]] |
|$field |Optional name of a field to be assigned the $value attribute |
|$index |Optional index of a property in a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]] to be assigned the $value attribute|
|$value |The value to be assigned to the field or index identified by the $field or $index attribute. If neither is specified then the value is assigned to the text field. If no value is specified, $field or $index will be deleted.|
|$timestamp |Specifies whether the timestamp(s) of the target tiddler will be updated (''modified'' and ''modifier'', plus ''created'' and ''creator'' for newly created tiddlers). Can be "yes" (the default) or "no" |
|//{any attributes not starting with $}// |Each attribute name specifies a field to be modified with the attribute value providing the value to assign to the field |
! Examples
Here is an example of a pair of buttons that open the control panel directly to specified tabs. They work by using ''action-setfield'' to set the state tiddler for the control panel tabs.
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/tab-1749438307" text="$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Appearance"/>
<$action-navigate $to="$:/ControlPanel"/>
Go to Control Panel "Appearance" tab
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/tab-1749438307" text="$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Settings"/>
<$action-navigate $to="$:/ControlPanel"/>
Go to Control Panel "Settings" tab
Here is an example of a button that assigns tags and fields to the tiddler HelloThere, and then navigates to it and opens the tiddler info panel on the "Fields" tab:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-setfield $tiddler="HelloThere" tags="NewTag [[Another New Tag]]" color="red"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/popup/tiddler-info--1779055697" text="(568,1443,33,39)"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/tab--1890574033" text="$:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/Fields"/>
<$action-navigate $to="HelloThere"/>
Modify ~HelloThere
Here is an example of a button that assigns tags and fields to the tiddler HelloThere, and then initiates editing it:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-setfield $tiddler="HelloThere" tags="MoreTag [[Further More Tags]]" color="green"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-edit-tiddler" $param="HelloThere"/>
Edit ~HelloThere
Here is an example of a button that opens the control panel directly to the "Appearance" tabs:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/tab-1749438307" $field="text" $value="$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Appearance"/>
<$action-navigate $to="$:/ControlPanel"/>
Go to Control Panel "Appearance" tab
Action widgets are a special type of widget that perform an action such as sending a message, navigating to a tiddler, or changing the value of a tiddler. They are used in association with other widgets that trigger those actions (for example, the ButtonWidget).
Action widgets are invisible. They need not be immediate children of their triggering widget, but they must be descendents of it. The actions are performed in sequence. For example, here is a button that triggers two actions of sending different messages:
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-home"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-full-screen"/>
Click me!
The following action widgets are provided:
<<list-links "[tag[ActionWidgets]]">>
Here's a macro that provides a Twitter Follow button for a particular username:
\define twitterFollowButton(username)
<iframe allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets/follow_button.html?screen_name=$username$" style="width:300px; height:20px;"></iframe>
The only change from the version published at https://dev.twitter.com/docs/follow-button is that new lines have been removed.
Note that the src URL is given without a protocol (ie "http" or "https"). It's done this way so that it works on sites whether they are hosted on a HTTP or HTTPS domain. If you want the Twitter button to work while using a TiddlyWiki offline on a "file://" URL, then you'll need to manually add the protocol. For example:
<iframe allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="http://platform.twitter.com/widgets/follow_button.html?screen_name=jermolene" style="width:300px; height:20px;"></iframe>
<<.operator-examples "addprefix">>
<<.operator-example 1 "Cat Garden [[Favourite Armchair]] +[addprefix[My ]]">>
<<.operator-examples "addsuffix">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[London]addsuffix[ Underground]]">>
As the structures within your TiddlyWiki documents get more complex it can be hard to keep the titles of tiddlers consistent. For example, should terms be defined in the plural or the singular? Camel case or separate words?
Recording a formal titling policy can help to reduce confusion. For example, the titling policies for this wiki are recorded in the [[Documentation Style Guide]].
! SystemTiddler Titles
A useful convention is to use the prefix `$:/_` for any system tiddlers that you create to ensure that they are near the top of the system tiddler listing in the sidebar
If <<.place T>> is not present in the input, or is the last title there, then the output is empty.
<<.operator-examples "after">>
<<.using-days-of-week>> The [[Thursday]] tiddler shows a further example.
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]after[Monday]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]after[Sunday]]">>
Alerts are displayed as yellow boxes overlaying the main TiddlyWiki window. Each one corresponds to a tiddler with the tag [[$:/tags/Alert]]. Clicking the delete icon on an alert deletes the corresponding tiddler.
Here's a demo <$fieldmangler tiddler="SampleAlert"><$set name="currentTiddler" value="SampleAlert"><$button message="tm-add-tag" param="$:/tags/Alert">alert</$button></$set></$fieldmangler>.
Alert tiddlers should have the following fields:
|!Field |!Description |
|title |By default, alert titles have the prefix `$:/temp/alerts/` |
|text |The text of the alert message |
|modified |Date of the alert (used for ordering the alerts on screen) |
|component |Component name associated with the alert |
|tags |Must include [[$:/tags/Alert]] |
The parameter specifies zero or more fundamental categories using the following syntax:
<$railroad text="""
[{: ("current" | "missing" |: "orphans" | "shadows" | "tiddlers" ) +"+" }]
|!Category |!Members |!Sorted |
|^`current` |just the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]] |^-- |
|^`missing` |all non-existent tiddlers to which there is at least one [[hard link|Hard and Soft Links]] |^no |
|^`orphans` |all tiddlers to which there are <<.em no>> hard links |^by title |
|^`shadows` |all the [[shadow tiddlers|ShadowTiddlers]] that exist, including any that have been overridden with non-shadow tiddlers |^no |
|^`tiddlers` |all the non-shadow tiddlers that exist |no |
If the parameter specifies more than one category, they are processed from left to right. The overall output is initially empty, and each category's output is [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to it in turn. Unrecognised categories contribute nothing to the output.
As a special case, if the parameter is empty, the output is simply a copy of the input. This can be useful when the parameter is [[soft|Filter Parameter]].
The <<.olink is>> operator is similar, but its scope is restricted to its input.
<<.operator-examples "all">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[all[shadows]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[all[shadows+tiddlers]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[all[tiddlers+shadows]]">>
<<.operator-example 4 "[all[orphans+missing+current]]">>
<<.operator-example 5 "[all[current]]">>
<<.operator-example 6 "[all[current]tag[Operator Examples]]">>
<<.operator-example 7 "[all[current]tag[Recipes]]">>
<<.operator-example 8 "Monday Thursday +[all[]]">>
<<.operator-examples "allafter">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]] +[allafter[Wednesday]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]] +[allafter:include[Wednesday]]">>
<<.operator-examples "allbefore">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]allbefore[Wednesday]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]allbefore:include[Wednesday]]">>
Current tiddlers:
<$list filter="[!is[system]sort[title]]" />
Here are the details of the alpha releases of TiddlyWiki5. See [[TiddlyWiki5 Versioning]] for details of how releases are named.
<<tabs "[tag[AlphaReleaseNotes]!sort[created]]" "Release 5.0.1-alpha" "$:/state/tab2" "tc-vertical" "ReleaseTemplate">>
<<.operator-examples "append">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]append[Tomorrow]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]append[Yesterday Today Tomorrow]]">>
;Append the first 4 short days of the week to our list
<<.operator-example 3 "[list[Days of the Week]append:4{Days of the Week!!short}]">>
Here are some recent articles written about ~TiddlyWiki. Submit new articles via GitHub, Twitter or by posting in the [[TiddlyWiki Groups]].
<div class="tc-link-info">
<$list filter="[tag[Articles]!sort[modified]]">
<div class="tc-link-info-item">
! <$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
<div class="tc-subtitle">Posted <$view field="modified" format="relativedate"/></div>
Audio files can be incorporated into TiddlyWiki in a very similar way to [[images|Images in WikiText]].
! Embedded Audio
Small audio files can be embedded directly within TiddlyWiki. Embedding isn't suitable for large files (over a few hundred kilobytes) because it increases the size of the TiddlyWiki file.
For example, the tiddler [[TiddlyWiki.mp3]] contains an MP3 recording of the word "TiddlyWiki". If you visit that tiddler, you should see an audio player that will play back the recording.
You can also transclude audio files. For example:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '{{TiddlyWiki.mp3}}'>>
! External Audio
External audio tiddlers use the ''_canonical_uri'' field to point to an external audio file/stream, and have their ''text'' field blocked. This reduces their size considerably, but still allows for playback.
For example, the tiddler [[Caruso - Ave Maria]] points to an online audio recording hosted on http://archive.org:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '{{Caruso - Ave Maria}}'>>
If there is a SaverModule available that supports it, TiddlyWiki will automatically trigger a save of the current document on clicking {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''tick'' or {{$:/core/images/delete-button}} ''delete'' when editing a tiddler.
You should see a yellow notification at the top right of the window to confirm that an automatic save has taken place.
Automatic saving can be enabled or disabled through the ''Saving'' tab of the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]]. Behind the scenes, it is controlled through the configuration tiddler [[$:/config/AutoSave]], which must have the value ''yes'' to enable automatic saving.
Each input title is processed in turn. The corresponding tiddler's list of backlinks is generated, sorted alphabetically by title, and then [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's overall output.
<<.operator-examples "backlinks">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[HelloThere]backlinks[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[tag[TableOfContents]backlinks[]]" "tiddlers that link to tiddlers tagged [[TableOfContents]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[all[current]backlinks[]]" "tiddlers that link to this one">>
<<.dlink-ex Base64 "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base64">> is a way of representing binary data, such an image, as a string of text.
If <<.place T>> is not present in the input, or is the first title there, then the output is empty.
<<.operator-examples "before">>
<<.using-days-of-week>> The [[Thursday]] tiddler shows a further example.
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]before[Saturday]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]before[Monday]]">>
Here are the details of the beta releases of TiddlyWiki5. See [[TiddlyWiki5 Versioning]] for details of how releases are named.
<<tabs "[tag[BetaReleaseNotes]!sort[created]]" "Release 5.0.18-beta" "$:/state/tab2" "tc-vertical" "ReleaseTemplate">>
There are two ways to produce HTML block quotes in TiddlyWiki5, one for content spread across multiple lines, and one for single line content.
! Multi-line Block Quotes
The syntax for multi-line block quotes is:
<<wikitext-example src:"<<<
This is a block quoted paragraph
written in English
!! Citation
A citation can be added to the quote like this:
<<wikitext-example src:"<<<
Computers are like a bicycle for our minds
<<< Steve Jobs
!! CSS Classes
CSS classes can be added to a block quote:
<<wikitext-example src:"<<<.myClass.another-class
Operating systems are like a brick wall for our minds
<<< Nobody
! Single-line Block Quotes
The single-line syntax for block quotes is actually an extension of the syntax for [[Lists in WikiText]]. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"> Quoted text
> Another line of quoted text
You can also nest quotes like this:
> A top quote
>> A subquote
> Another top quote
Which renders as:
> A top quote
>> A subquote
> Another top quote
You can also mix block quotes with other list items. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"* List One
** List Two
**> A quote
**> Another quote
* List Three
The ''Blog'' edition of TiddlyWiki contains tools to help publish static HTML blogs written in TiddlyWiki. It is currently designed for use under Node.js.
While documentation is being prepared, see https://github.com/Jermolene-blog/blog for an example of use.
TiddlyWiki is designed to work with HTML5-compatible browsers.
The following table summarises the browser versions that are known to work with TiddlyWiki
|!Browser |!Status |
|Internet Explorer |Version 10 and above |
|Chrome |All recent versions |
|Firefox |All recent versions |
|Firefox for Android |All recent versions |
|Safari |Version 6 and above |
! Introduction
The browse widget displays an HTML file browser button that allows the user to choose one or more files to import. It sends a [[WidgetMessage: tm-import-tiddlers]] carrying a JSON representation of the tiddlers imported from the files up through its parents. This message usually trapped by the NavigatorWidget which adds the tiddlers to the store and updates the story to display them.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$browse>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|multiple |Set to "multiple" to select multiple file upload |
|tooltip |Optional tooltip text |
|message |Optional override of widget message to be generated. The parameter for the message will be the JavaScript object `event.target.files` |
On iPhone/iPad choosing the multiple option will remove the ability to take photographs/videos directly into TiddlyWiki.
renders as:
BT (née British Telecom) is the UK's largest telecommunications company. In 2007, [[Osmosoft]] was acquired by BT. JeremyRuston subsequently left BT in 2011.
See TiddlyWikiFolders for details of defining build targets.
TiddlyWiki5 can be used to build older 2.x.x versions of TiddlyWikiClassic from their constituent components. Doing so involves these features:
* The `tiddlywiki/classictools` plugin, containing a deserializer module which allows tiddlers to be loaded from TiddlyWiki 2.x.x `.recipe` files
* The `stripcomments` format for the ViewWidget, which strips single line JavaScript comments starting `//#`
* The `stripTitlePrefix='yes'` attribute of the FieldsWidget, which removes prefixes wrapped in curly braces from the `title` attribute
** For example, `{tiddler}HelloThere` would be transformed to `HelloThere`
! Usage
TiddlyWikiClassic is built from the command line by running [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]. A typical usage would be:
node ../../tiddlywiki.js \
--verbose \
--load <path_to_recipe_file> \
--rendertiddler $:/core/templates/tiddlywiki2.template.html <path_to_write_index_file> text/plain \
|| exit 1
<<.operator-examples "butlast">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]butlast[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]butlast[2]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "A B C D E F G H I J K L M +[butlast[7]]">>
! Introduction
The button widget displays an HTML `<button>` element that can perform a combination of optional actions when clicked:
* Executing any ActionWidgets that are immediate children of the button widget
* Execute any integrated actions:
** Navigate to a specified tiddler
** Dispatch a user defined [[widget message|Messages]]
** Trigger a user defined [[popup|PopupMechanism]]
** Assign new text to a specified tiddler
The integrated actions are provided as a shortcut for invoking common actions. The same functionality is available via ActionWidgets, with the exception of the support for highlighting selected popups.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$button>` widget is displayed within the button.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|to |The title of the tiddler to navigate to |
|message |The name of the [[widget message|Messages]] to send when the button is clicked |
|param |The optional parameter to the message |
|set |A TextReference to which a new value will be assigned |
|setTo |The new value to assign to the TextReference identified in the `set` attribute |
|popup |Title of a state tiddler for a popup that is toggled when the button is clicked |
|aria-label |Optional [[Accessibility]] label |
|tooltip |Optional tooltip |
|class |An optional CSS class name to be assigned to the HTML element|
|style |An optional CSS style attribute to be assigned to the HTML element |
|selectedClass |An optional additional CSS class to be assigned if the popup is triggered or the tiddler specified in `set` already has the value specified in `setTo` |
|tag |An optional html tag to use instead of the default "button" |
|default |Default value if `set` tiddler is missing for testing against `setTo` to determine `selectedClass` |
''Note:'' In almost all other cases where a TextReference is used as a widget attribute, it will be placed between curly brackets, to [[transclude|Transclusion in WikiText]] the value currently stored there. However, when we use a TextReference as the value of a button widget's `set` attribute, we are referencing //the storage location itself//, rather than the value stored there, so we do ''not'' use curly brackets there. //Example:// we could code a button widget that sets the `caption` field of TiddlerA to be the same as that of TiddlerB as:
<$button set="TiddlerA!!caption" setTo={{TiddlerB!!caption}} >
Press me!
''Tip:'' Set ''class'' to `tc-btn-invisible tc-tiddlylink` to have a button look like an internal link.
CamelCase is formed by taking a phrase, capitalising the initial letter of each word, and smashing the words together to form a portmanteau word. Most wikis use CamelCase to signal phrases that should automatically become links.
<<.dlink-ex CSS "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cascading_Style_Sheets">> is a standard plain-text format used for defining the presentational style of the various elements on a web page.
The <<.def changecount>> [[macro|Macros]] returns the number of times the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]] has been created, stored or deleted during the current ~TiddlyWiki session.
If a tiddler is deleted and subsequently recreated, its <<.var changecount>> will go up by two.
!! Parameters
<<.macro-examples "changecount">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<<changecount>>"""/>
The value will increase if you edit this tiddler and store it again, even without making any changes to its content.
To access the <<.var changecount>> of a different tiddler, use a <<.wlink TiddlerWidget>> widget:
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2"
eg="""<$tiddler tiddler="Draft of 'New Tiddler'">
The value shown will increase whenever you create, store or delete [[New Tiddler]].
! Introduction
This release resolves a number of inconsistencies with the way that filters are handled. The changes mean that existing filters may need to be updated - particularly those that must deal with missing or shadow tiddlers.
! Changes to ''is'' and addition of ''all''
Most filter operators act by choosing some or all of their source titles to pass through or re-order. Those that add new entries that are not drawn from the source list are referred to as selectors. Prior to 5.0.9-beta, a few filter operators were inconsistent in whether they filtered from the source list or selected new entries into it.
The specific changes are:
* The ''is'' operator now always strictly filters from the currently selected list of tiddlers
* The new ''all'' operator acts as a selector by replacing the current list with a combination of tiddlers from specific sources:
** ''current'' for the current tiddler
** ''missing'' for all missing tiddlers
** ''orphans'' for all orphan tiddlers
** ''shadows'' for all shadow tiddlers
** ''tiddlers'' for all non-shadow tiddlers (including both system and non-system tiddlers)
The sources for the ''all'' operator can be combined with the `+` character. For example, `[all[shadows+tiddlers]]` returns all shadow tiddlers and all ordinary tiddlers.
Previously, it was common to have `[is[shadow]]` at the start of a filter string to select all the shadow tiddlers. In 5.0.9 and above, this will not return all the shadow tiddlers, but instead just those ordinary tiddlers that are also shadow tiddlers (by virtue of having overridden one). The resolution is to use the new ''all'' operator. For example, consider this filter from 5.0.8:
[is[shadow]!has[draft.of]tag[$:/tags/AdvancedSearch]] [!is[shadow]!has[draft.of]tag[$:/tags/AdvancedSearch]] +[tag[$:/tags/AdvancedSearch]]
In 5.0.9, that filter has been changed to:
Note how the ''all'' operator allows operations to be performed on tiddlers from combinations of sources.
!! Changes to `[is[current]]`
One result of the changes is that `[is[current]]` now strictly filters from the source tiddlers; so, if the current tiddler is a missing tiddler not in the source list, then `[is[current]]` will return an empty list.
The solution is generally to use `[all[current]]` instead. It doesn't read as well, but has the required behaviour of returning just the current tiddler, regardless of whether it is in the source tiddlers.
! Changes to ''title'' and ''field''
There are minor changes to the way that the ''title'' and ''field'' operators work.
The ''title'' operator is a selector: it returns the specified title regardless of whether it is in the current source. ''title'' is used as the default operator if none is specified
The ''field'' operator is a filter: it only returns a subset of the source tiddlers. ''field'' is used as the default operator if the supplied operator is not defined (the supplied operator is passed as the suffix to the field operator, so `[description[Missing]]` is equivalent to `[field:description[Missing]]`).
! Introduction
The checkbox widget displays an HTML `<input type="checkbox">` element that is dynamically bound to either:
* the presence or absence of a specified tag on a specified tiddler
* the value of a specified field of a specified tiddler
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$checkbox>` widget is displayed within an HTML `<label>` element immediately after the checkbox itself. This means that clicking on the content will toggle the checkbox.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |Title of the tiddler to manipulate (defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]) |
|tag |The name of the tag to which the checkbox should be bound |
|invertTag |When set to ''yes'', flips the tag binding logic so that the absence of the tag causes the checkbox to be checked |
|field |The name of the field to which the checkbox should be bound |
|checked |The value of the field corresponding to the checkbox being checked |
|unchecked |The value of the field corresponding to the checkbox being unchecked |
|default |The default value to use if the field is not defined |
|class |The class that will be assigned to the label element |
!! Tag Mode
Using the checkbox widget in tag mode requires the ''tag'' attribute to specify the name of the tag. The ''tiddler'' attribute specifies the tiddler to target, defaulting to the current tiddler if not present.
This example creates a checkbox that flips the ''done'' tag on the current tiddler:
<$checkbox tag="done">Is it done?</$checkbox>
!! Field Mode
Using the checkbox widget in field mode requires the ''field'' attribute to specify the name of the field. The ''checked'' and ''unchecked'' attributes specify the values to be assigned to the field to correspond to its checked and unchecked states respectively. The ''default'' attribute is used as a fallback value if the field is not defined.
This example creates a checkbox that is checked if the field ''status'' is equal to ''open'' and unchecked if the field is equal to ''closed''. If the field is undefined then it defaults to ''closed'', meaning that the checkbox will be unchecked if the ''status'' field is missing.
<$checkbox field="status" checked="open" unchecked="closed" default="closed">Is it open?</$checkbox>
TiddlyWiki 的简体中文翻译版本:
<!-- * ''文件'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/zh-Hans/index.html -->
* ''空白版本'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/zh-Hans/empty.html
另请参阅 [[中文 (正體) 版|Chinese (Traditional) Edition]]。
TiddlyWiki 的正體中文翻譯版本:
<!-- * ''文件'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/zh-Hant/index.html -->
* ''空白版本'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/zh-Hant/empty.html
另請參閱 [[中文 (简体) 版|Chinese (Simplified) Edition]]。
<$action-deletetiddler $filter="[prefix[$:/state/]]"/>
<$action-deletetiddler $filter="[prefix[$:/temp/]]"/>
{{{ [prefix[$:/state/]] }}}
{{{ [prefix[$:/temp/]] }}}
You can use triple backticks <code>```</code> to mark code blocks:
This will be monospaced
Renders as:
This will be monospaced
To be interpreted correctly, the three backticks need to be at the start of the line and immediately followed by a line-break.
Be aware that any preceding paragraph content should be properly terminated with a double line break, too. So, this example is wrong:
This is an ordinary paragraph
This will be monospaced
The correct version is:
This is an ordinary paragraph
This will be monospaced
Note that some keyboard layouts treat the backtick as a [[dead key|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_key]], making it hard to type. The trick is to type three backticks followed by a space. Alternatively, type all six backticks in one go, then a space, and then move the cursor back three characters to type or paste the content.
! Introduction
The ''codeblock'' widget renders text in `<pre>` and `<code>` blocks, causing it to be
displayed monospace. A language may optionally be specified using the
''language'' attribute, however syntax highlighting will only be used if the
[[Highlight Plugin]] is installed.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$codeblock>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description|
|code|Contents of the block to render as code|
|language|Programming language for syntax highlighting|
! Examples
Here is an example embedding the contents of a tiddler as a code block.
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src='<$codeblock code={{$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/say-hi}} />' />
A codeblock may also specify a language.
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src='<$codeblock code="SELECT * FROM users WHERE deleted = false" language="sql" />' />
The CodeMirror plugin adds a sophisticated web-based editor to TiddlyWiki.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/codemirror/
The <<.def colour>> (or <<.def color>>) [[macro|Macros]] returns the [[CSS|Cascading Style Sheets]] value of one the colours in the current [[palette|ColourPalettes]].
If no such entry exists in the current palette, the [[vanilla palette|$:/palettes/Vanilla]] is used instead.
!! Parameters
: The name of the palette entry, e.g. `page-background`
<<.macro-examples "colour">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<<colour code-border>>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2" eg="""<<colour foreground>>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="3" eg="""<<colour page-background>>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="4" eg="""<<colour sidebar-tab-background>>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="5" eg="""<<colour tag-foreground>>"""/>
A colour palette is a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]] that supplies a [[CSS]] colour value, such as ''yellow'' or ''#fe0'', for each of several colour names, like this:
page-background: #fe0
table-border: #ccc
Several palettes form part of the core. The system tiddler [[$:/palette]] always contains the title of the currently selected palette tiddler.
To retrieve the value of a named colour from the current palette, e.g. for use in a stylesheet tiddler, use the <<.mlink colour>> macro:
<<colour page-background>>
Palette tiddlers should have the following fields:
|!Name |!Value |
|title |Typically starting with `$:/` |
|type |`application/x-tiddler-dictionary` |
|tags |`$:/tags/Palette` |
|description |Displayed in the palette browser |
|text |`name: value` colour definitions |
<<.dlink-ex CSV "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comma-separated_values">> is a standard plain-text format for storing a table of data.
Each row of the table is called a <<.def record>> and occupies one line.
The columns are called <<.def fields>>. Each field of a row is separated from the next by a comma, and is often delimited by quotation marks.
The <<.mlink csvtiddlers>> macro returns tiddler content in this format.
A <<.def command>> is one of the following words, written with a `--` prefix and used as a command-line option to [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]], indicating which action is desired.
<<list-links "[tag[Commands]]">>
<<.operator-examples "commands">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[commands[]]">>
Here we gather the latest and most useful material from the TiddlyWiki community.
<<tabs "Forums Latest Tutorials Resources Examples Articles Meetups" "Latest">>
//This is a sample task for the TaskManagementExample//
These are the concepts underlying TiddlyWiki. Understanding how these ideas fit together is the key to getting the most from TiddlyWiki.
<<list-links "[tag[Concepts]]">>
The configuration tiddler [[$:/config/TiddlerInfo/Default]] contains the title of the tiddler containing the default tiddler info tab.
The default value is `$:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/Tools` corresponding to the ''Tools'' tab. Other possible values are:
<$list filter="[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/TiddlerInfo]!has[draft.of]]">
<$view field="title"/>
Used in Internet protocols to indicate the type that should be used to interpret the content of a web resource.
In TiddlyWiki, the `type` field gives the content type to apply to the main `text` field.
!! List of Common Content Types
|!Group |!Type |!Content of `type` field |
|^''Developer'' |Data dictionary |application/x-tiddler-dictionary|
|~|~JavaScript code |application/javascript|
|~|JSON data |application/json|
|~|Static stylesheet |text/css|
|^''Image''|GIF image |image/gif|
|~|ICO format icon file |image/x-icon|
|~|JPEG image |image/jpeg|
|~|PDF image |application/pdf|
|~|PNG image |image/png|
|~|Structured Vector Graphics image |image/svg+xml|
|^''Text''|HTML markup |text/html|
|~|[[CSS|Cascading Style Sheets]] stylesheet |text/css|
|~|[[Comma-separated values|Comma-Separated Values]] |text/csv|
|~|Plain text |text/plain|
|~|~TiddlyWiki 5 |text/vnd.tiddlywiki|
|~|~TiddlyWiki Classic |text/x-tiddlywiki|
The <<.def contrastcolour>> [[macro|Macros]] returns whichever of two given [[CSS|Cascading Style Sheets]] colours is deemed to contrast best with another.
An example can be seen in the [[template tiddler for tag pills|$:/core/ui/TagTemplate]].
!! Parameters
: The colour to contrast against (typically a background colour)
: An alternative colour to contrast against. This is used when <<.param target>> is undefined or not a valid colour
: The first of the two colours to choose between
: The second of the two colours to choose between
We welcome contributions to the code and documentation of TiddlyWiki in several ways:
* ReportingBugs
* Helping to [[improve our documentation|Improving TiddlyWiki Documentation]]
* Contributing to the code via [[GitHub|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5]]
** See http://tiddlywiki.com/dev for more details
There are other ways to [[help TiddlyWiki|HelpingTiddlyWiki]] too.
! Contributor License Agreement
{{Contributor License Agreement}}
! How to sign the CLA
{{Signing the Contributor License Agreement}}
//The CLA documents used for this project were created using [[Harmony Project Templates|http://www.harmonyagreements.org]]. "HA-CLA-I-LIST Version 1.0" for "CLA-individual" and "HA-CLA-E-LIST Version 1.0" for "CLA-entity".//
**When not owning the copyright in the entire work of authorship**
In this case, please clearly state so, since otherwise we assume that you are the legal copyright holder of the contributed work! Please provide links and additional information that clarify under which license the rest of the code is distributed.
\define tv-wikilink-template() http://tiddlywiki.com/static/$uri_doubleencoded$.html
! Contributing to TiddlyWiki5
//This file was automatically generated by TiddlyWiki5//
Like other OpenSource projects, TiddlyWiki5 needs a signed contributor license agreement from individual contributors. This is a legal agreement that allows contributors to assert that they own the copyright of their contribution, and that they agree to license it to the UnaMesa Association (the legal entity that owns TiddlyWiki on behalf of the community).
* For individuals use: [[licenses/CLA-individual|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/licenses/cla-individual.md]]
* For entities use: [[licenses/CLA-entity|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/licenses/cla-entity.md]]
The following individuals have generously given their time to [[contribute to the development of TiddlyWiki|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/graphs/contributors]]:
* Jeremy Ruston ([[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]])
* Dave Gifford ([[@giffmex|https://github.com/giffmex]])
* Bram Chen ([[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]])
* Mario Pietsch ([[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]])
* Xavier Cazin ([[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]])
* Eric Shulman ([[@ericshulman|https://github.com/ericshulman]])
* Stephan Hradek ([[@Skeeve|https://github.com/Skeeve]])
* ~BuggyJef ([[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]])
* Nathan Cain ([[@natecain|https://github.com/natecain]])
* Ton Gerner ([[@gernert|https://github.com/gernert]])
* Devin Weaver ([[@sukima|https://github.com/sukima]])
* João Bolila ([[@jbolila|https://github.com/jbolila]])
* David Johnston ([[@Brennall|https://github.com/Brennall]])
* David Jade ([[@davidjade|https://github.com/davidjade]])
* Bob Robison ([[@grayeul|https://github.com/grayeul]])
* [[@nameanyone|https://github.com/nameanyone]]
* Maurizio Pollio ([[@mpollio|https://github.com/mpollio]])
* Ogoshi Masayuki ([[@ogoshima|https://github.com/ogoshima]])
* Chris Sugden ([[@csugden|https://github.com/csugden]])
* [[@asampal|https://github.com/asampal]]
* Bow Yi Jang ([[@Eucaly|https://github.com/Eucaly]])
* Mal Gamble ([[@malgam|https://github.com/malgam]])
* Michael Fogleman ([[@mwfogleman|https://github.com/mwfogleman]])
* Daniel Barrett ([[@shendaras|https://github.com/shendaras]])
* Simon Baird ([[@simonbaird|https://github.com/simonbaird]])
* James Anderson ([[@welford|https://github.com/welford]])
* Jon Lister ([[@jayfresh|https://github.com/jayfresh]])
* [[@TheDiveO|https://github.com/TheDiveO]]
* Danielo Rodríguez ([[@danielo515|https://github.com/danielo515]])
* [[@willover|https://github.com/willover]]
* [[@slotik|https://github.com/slotik]]
* Irene Knapp ([[@IreneKnapp|https://github.com/IreneKnapp]])
* Brian Shaver ([[@shakerlxxv|https://github.com/shakerlxxv]])
* Tobi Beer ([[@tobibeer|https://github.com/tobibeer]])
* Craig Cook ([[@BoyCook|https://github.com/BoyCook]])
You can copy an individual tiddler from one TiddlyWiki file to another by dragging a link to the tiddler from one browser window to another.
The following [[macros|Macros]] are built into ~TiddlyWiki's core:
<<list-links "[tag[Core Macros]]">>
The following [[variables|Variables]] are built into ~TiddlyWiki's core:
<<list-links "[tag[Core Variables]] -[tag[Configuration Variables]]">>
The core will also use various configuration variables and macros if you define them:
<<list-links "[tag[Configuration Variables]]">>
! Introduction
The count widget displays the number of matches to a specified [[filter expression|Filters]].
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$count>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|filter |The filter expression to count |
To create a custom export format that exports tiddlers as their raw body text:
# Create a tiddler with the following fields:
#* ''tags'': [[$:/tags/Exporter]]
#* ''description'': Description of this exporter
#* ''extension'': Default file extension for this export format (including the dot; for example `.tid`)
# Set the following content:
\define renderContent()
{{{ $(exportFilter)$ ||$:/core/templates/plain-text-tiddler}}}
The variable `exportFilter` contains a filter defining which tiddlers should be exported.
! Creating tiddlers
You create a tiddler either by clicking the {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar, or by clicking on a link to a missing tiddler. Links to missing tiddlers are shown in [[blue italics]].
See also:
* [[Creating journal tiddlers]]
! Editing tiddlers
To edit an existing tiddler, click the {{$:/core/images/edit-button}} button at the top right of the tiddler.
!! Draft mode
When you create a new tiddler or edit an existing one, the tiddler will go into draft mode. This presents a control panel for modifying the tiddler in various ways. It has several parts, from top to bottom:
*''The title field'' - Use this to change the title of the tiddler
*''The tag selector'' - Use this to add or remove tags. As you type a tag name in the box, a dropdown list will show you any existing tags that match. You can pick from this list or create a completely new tag. Then click the ''add'' button to add the tag to the tiddler. Each tag is shown as a coloured pill. Click the "×" on a pill to remove that tag
*''The text area'' - Use this to edit the main content of the tiddler. Click the ''show preview'' button to see what your changes will look like
*''The type selector'' - Use this when a tiddler needs to be displayed in a special way, such as an image. See ContentType for a list of the options. The default is `text/vnd.tiddlywiki`, which means the tiddler contains WikiText
*''The field selector'' - Use this to add or remove fields on the tiddler. For example, if you are editing a tiddler that's being used to tag other tiddlers, you can add a [[''list'' field|ListField]] to change the order in which those tiddlers will be listed
! Save, cancel or delete
When you have finished editing, click a button at the top right of the tiddler:
*The ''save'' button ({{$:/core/images/done-button}}) stores your changes to this one tiddler and leaves draft mode. If your wiki is configured to [[AutoSave]], your changes will be permanently saved. Otherwise they will only be stored temporarily in your web browser, and you will lose them if you close your ~TiddlyWiki page without first clicking the master ''save changes'' button {{$:/core/images/save-button}} in the sidebar.
*The ''cancel'' button ({{$:/core/images/cancel-button}}) discards your changes (after asking you to confirm) and leaves draft mode.
*The ''delete'' button ({{$:/core/images/delete-button}}) deletes the entire tiddler (after asking you to confirm).
! Introduction
Journal tiddlers are tiddlers that use a date and/or time as their title. They are typically used as a quick way to record time-stamped information.
You can use additional tags on a journal tiddler to link it to other tiddlers, helping to establish the relationships between items of information.
For example, you might use a journal tiddler called ''10th October 2014'' to record thoughts and information captured on that particular day. The tags ''Shopping'' and ''London'' might be used to indicate that the entry concerns shopping in London.
! Creating a journal tiddler
The easiest way to create a journal tiddler is to use the ''new journal'' button in the ''Tools'' tab of the sidebar. If you find yourself often using the button, click the checkbox next to it to make the button available just above the search box.
The ''new journal'' button creates a journal entry as a blank tiddler with the tag ''Journal'' and a title derived from today's date. If a journal tiddler with that title already exists, then this is opened for editing.
! Creating a tagged journal tiddler
A common sequence of actions is to create (or reopen) today's journal entry and tag it with the title of another tiddler. This can be done with the ''new journal here'' button in the other tiddler's toolbar. You can find this button in the ''Tools'' tab of the tiddler's InfoPanel.
For example, you might be reviewing a tiddler called ''Oxford Street'' and realise that it's relevant for planning your shopping trip. Click the ''new journal here'' button on the ''Oxford Street'' tiddler to bring up a journal entry tagged with ''Oxford Street''.
! Customising journal tiddlers
To configure how new journal entries are created, visit the ''Basics'' tab under ''Info'' in the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]]:
* "Title of new journal tiddlers" specifies how these tiddlers should be named, as a [[date format string|DateFormat]]. The default setting of `DDth MMM YYYY` causes new entries to have titles of the form "10th October 2014"
* "Tags for new journal tiddlers" [specifies|Title List] tags that will automatically appear on new journal entries. For example: `Journal [[Summer vacation]]`
Hint: if you want to create a separate journal tiddler whenever you click ''new journal'' (even if you do this several times in the same day), you can include the clock time in the title format. Specify something like `YYYY-0MM-0DD at 0hhh0mm'0ss''` as the date format.
Another useful trick is to include `$(currentTiddler)$` somewhere in the title format. This means that if you click ''new journal here'' on several different tiddlers, the title of each of those tiddlers will form part of the name of the resulting journal entries.
This example shows how to create a sub-story within a tiddler that is independent of the main story.
Here's the code:
<$navigator story="MySubStoryList" history="MySubHistoryList">
Click this link to get started: HelloThere
<$list filter="[list[MySubStoryList]]" history="MySubHistoryList">
! <$button message="tm-close-tiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible">{{$:/core/images/close-button}}</$button> <$view field="title"/>
Note how you can open the HelloThere tiddler in the substory by clicking on the link below. Links within the substory open within the substory, and not in the main story.
<$navigator story="MySubStoryList" history="MySubHistoryList">
Click this link to get started: HelloThere
<$list filter="[list[MySubStoryList]]" history="MySubHistoryList">
! <$button message="tm-close-tiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible">{{$:/core/images/close-button}}</$button> <$view field="title"/>
The <<.def csvtiddlers>> [[macro|Macros]] returns the fields of a [[selection of tiddlers|Title Selection]] in [[CSV|Comma-Separated Values]] form, with one record (row) per tiddler.
An example can be seen in the [[template tiddler for CSV exports|$:/core/templates/exporters/CsvFile]].
!! Parameters
: A [[filter|Filters]] selecting which tiddlers to include
: Reserved for future extension. Should be set to `quoted-comma-sep`
The <<.def "current tiddler">> provides the context in which several aspects of WikiText are interpreted.
For example, `{{!!title}}` denotes the value of the <<.field title>> field of whatever the current tiddler happens to be. This technique can be used to create general-purpose [[template tiddlers|TemplateTiddlers]].
The title of the current tiddler can always be found in the <<.vlink currentTiddler>> variable.
The two most common ways in which the current tiddler is changed are:
* the <<.wlink TiddlerWidget>> widget
* the <<.wlink ListWidget>> widget (when its <<.attr variable>> attribute is not overridden)
The current tiddler is therefore often <<.em not>> the same as the [[tiddler that is being viewed or edited|storyTiddler Variable]].
The <<.def currentTiddler>> [[variable|Variables]] contains the title of the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]].
Several aspects of WikiText use this tiddler as their context. As a result, within a <<.wlink ListWidget>> widget or a [[template tiddler|TemplateTiddlers]], there is often no need to explicitly specify a tiddler title.
Compare <<.vlink storyTiddler>>.
<<.variable-examples "currentTiddler">>
The following two examples have the same meaning:
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<$view field=title/>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2" eg="""<$view tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field=title/>"""/>
This next example shows how the <<.wlink ListWidget>> widget changes the current tiddler:
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="3"
<$list filter="[prefix[J]]">
Information about customising TiddlyWiki
<<list-links "[tag[Customise TiddlyWiki]]">>
By default, the results for the sidebar search box are displayed as a simple list of tiddler titles. The search results can be customised by adding plugin visualisations that show the search results in different ways. (Tabs are shown automatically if an additional search result visualisation is detected).
Search result visualisations are stored in tiddlers tagged [[$:/tags/SearchResults]]. The default search result listing is implemented in the system tiddler [[$:/core/ui/DefaultSearchResultList]].
To create a new search result visualisation:
# Create a new tiddler tagged [[$:/tags/SearchResults]]
# Use the widget variable ''searchTiddler'' to access the title of the tiddler containing the current search term
If you'd like the new visualisation to be the default, create a tiddler called [[$:/config/SearchResults/Default]] containing the title of the tiddler containing the search visualisation that you want to display by default.
Here is an example of an alternative visualisation that displays results in reverse chronological order:
\define searchResults()
<$set name="resultCount" value="""<$count filter="[!is[system]search{$(searchTiddler)$}]"/>""">
<<timeline subfilter:"!is[system]search{$(searchTiddler)$}">>
The D3 plugin integrates the D3 visualisation library with TiddlyWiki.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/d3/
You can create an n-dash with a double hyphen `--` and an m-dash with a triple hyphen `---`. For example -- this is an example --- and so is this
A <<.dlink-ex "data URI" "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_URI_scheme">> is a way of storing data (such as an image) in a way that is compatible with the addresses used by web pages and [[stylesheets|Cascading Style Sheets]] to access external resources.
The <<.mlink datauri>> macro can be used to generate data URIs within ~TiddlyWiki.
A data tiddler is a miniature database contained within a tiddler.
There are two standard formats:
* DictionaryTiddlers
* [[JSONTiddlers]]
Other formats of tiddler can also be parsed to yield blocks of data that behave like data tiddlers.
Use a TextReference to look up a value by its name. For example, if a [[DictionaryTiddler|DictionaryTiddlers]] called `MonthDays` contains:
... then `{{MonthDays##nov}}` will resolve to the value `30`.
The same is true if `MonthDays` is a [[JSONTiddler|JSONTiddlers]] with the following content:
Note: //It is currently only possible to retrieve data from the immediate properties of the root object of a JSONTiddler.//
The <<.def datauri>> [[macro|Macros]] returns a [[data URI|Data URI]] for the content of a tiddler.
It is often used in [[stylesheet|Cascading Style Sheets]] tiddlers to reference things like inline images and fonts:
> `background: url(<<datauri "Motovun Jack.jpg">>);`
The data URI is automatically [[base64|Base64]]-encoded in the case of a non-text tiddler.
!! Parameters
: The title of a tiddler, such as an image
<<.macro-examples "datauri">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2"
.jack {
background: url(<$macrocall $name="datauri" title="Motovun Jack.jpg" $output="text/plain"/>);
height: 300px;
<div class="jack"/>"""/>
The example has to invoke <<.var datauri>> through the <<.wid macrocall>> widget. It needs to prevent the macro's output from being parsed as WikiText, as that would transform the data URI into a <<.wlink LinkWidget>> widget and break the example. If the example was in a CSS tiddler, you could simply write:
> `background: url(<<datauri "Motovun Jack.jpg">>);`
Certain [[fields|TiddlerFields]] of a tiddler are used to store dates and times.
The two standard date fields are <<.field created>> and <<.field modified>>.
Values of date fields are 17-character strings:
* 4 digits for the year
* 2 digits for the month
* 2 digits for the day
* 2 digits for the hour
* 2 digits for the minute
* 2 digits for the second
* 3 digits for the millisecond
To avoid problems arising from differences of time zone, TiddlyWiki always uses [[UTC|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coordinated_Universal_Time]].
As an example, the <<.field created>> field of this tiddler has the value <<.value """<$view field="created"/>""">>.
Dates can be [[converted to other formats|DateFormat]] for display:
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html"
src="""<$view field="created" format="date" template="DDD DDth MMM YYYY"/>""">
The ViewWidget accepts a `template` attribute that allows the format of date values to be specified. The format string is processed with the following substitutions:
|!Token |!Substituted Value |
|`DDD` |Day of week in full (eg, "Monday") |
|`ddd` |Short day of week (eg, "Mon") |
|`DD` |Day of month |
|`0DD` |Adds a leading zero |
|`DDth` |Adds a suffix |
|`WW` |ISO-8601 week number of year |
|`0WW` |Adds a leading zero |
|`MMM` |Month in full (eg, "July") |
|`mmm` |Short month (eg, "Jul") |
|`MM` |Month number |
|`0MM` |Adds leading zero |
|`YYYY` |Full year |
|`YY` |Two digit year |
|`wYYYY` |Full year with respect to week number |
|`wYY` |Two digit year with respect to week number |
|`hh` |Hours |
|`0hh` |Adds a leading zero |
|`hh12` |Hours in 12 hour clock |
|`0hh12` |Hours in 12 hour clock with leading zero |
|`mm` |Minutes |
|`0mm` |Minutes with leading zero |
|`ss` |Seconds |
|`0ss` |Seconds with leading zero |
|`am` or `pm` |Lower case AM/PM indicator |
|`AM` or `PM` |Upper case AM/PM indicator |
|`TZD` |Timezone offset |
|`\x` |Used to escape a character that would otherwise have special meaning |
Note that other text is passed through unchanged, allowing commas, colons or other separators to be used.
! Examples
|!Template |!Output |
|`DDth MMM YYYY` |16th February 2011 |
|`DDth MMM \M\M\M YYYY` |16th February MMM 2011 |
|`DDth mmm hh:mm:ss` |16th Feb 2011 11:38:42 |
An interactive date picker plugin based on [[Pikaday|https://github.com/dbushell/Pikaday]]. A demo can be found here: {{!!url}}.
datepicker is a TiddlyWiki plugin that allows you to use a widget much like EditTextWidget to pick a date (not a time). It shows a nice interactive mini-calendar when clicked, allows you to set a date format for display, and is compatible with core date fields such as `modified` and `created`.
It has a <<.field list>> field containing the following items:
<<list-links "[list[]]">>
Select tiddlers where a specified date field (default "modified") is withing a specified date range. Time portion is ignored.
<<.operator-examples "days">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[days[-14]]" "tiddlers modified within the last 14 days">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[!days:created[-800]]" "tiddlers created more than 800 days ago">>
The filter can be used to highlight new items in a list. For example:
$name="wikitext-example-without-html" src=
<$list filter="[tag[ReleaseNotes]!<currentTiddler>!sort[modified]]">
<$link><$view field="title"/></$link><$list filter="[<currentTiddler>days[-120]]"> @@color:red;^^new^^@@</$list>
These are definitions of technical words and phrases used in this documentation. (As distinct from the [[Concepts]] that make up TiddlyWiki itself).
<<list-links "[tag[Definitions]]">>
HTML definition lists are created with this syntax:
<<wikitext-example src:"; Term being defined
: Definition of that term
; Another term
: Another definition
Die deutsche Übersetzung von TiddlyWiki ist verfügbar unter:
* ''Dokumentation'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/de-DE/index.html
* ''Leer'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/de-DE/empty.html
Siehe auch: [[Deutsch (Österreich) Edition]].
Die österreichische Übersetzung von TiddlyWiki ist verfügbar unter:
* ''Dokumentation'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/de-AT/index.html
* ''Leer'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/de-AT/empty.html
Siehe auch: [[Deutsch (Deutschland) Edition]].
There are several resources for developers to learn more about TiddlyWiki and to discuss and contribute to its development.
* [[tiddlywiki.com/dev|http://tiddlywiki.com/dev]] is the official developer documentation
* [[TiddlyWikiDev group|http://groups.google.com/group/TiddlyWikiDev]] for discussions about TiddlyWiki development
* https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5 for the source code and development activity
A dictionary tiddler is a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]] containing a simple list of name/value pairs.
Its [[ContentType]] is `application/x-tiddler-dictionary`.
The `text` field consists of one or more lines of the form <code>//name//: //value//</code>.
[[ColourPalettes]], such as the [[default Vanilla palette|$:/palettes/Vanilla]], are dictionary tiddlers.
You've never seen //anything// like ~TiddlyWiki. ~TiddlyWiki is:
:: a tool,
:: a toolbox,
:: a community,
:: and a philosophy.
! ~TiddlyWiki is a Tool
''~TiddlyWiki is first and foremost a tool:'' it is a free downloadable tool for capturing and organising content from the web, from your documents or from your brain. It is a tool for note-taking, bookmarking, pinning, writing, managing to-do lists and projects, collaborating, blogging, and publishing.
In ~TiddlyWiki you create or paste content into notes called tiddlers, then connect your tiddlers with hyperlinks and tags. You can then quickly retrieve your notes through features such as tag pills, sidebar tabs, and ~TiddlyWiki's lightning fast search window. You can even dynamically include one tiddler's content inside another - similar to using building blocks - to create articles, lists, presentations and more.
! ~TiddlyWiki is a Toolbox
In addition to being a versatile tool, ''~TiddlyWiki is also a toolbox.''
Where other note-taking products hook you with the basic program then charge you for the really helpful features, ~TiddlyWiki has an ever-expanding collection of completely free visual themes, colour palettes, plugins, widgets and macros, which you can then mix and match so that you can tweak and tailor your ~TiddlyWiki to get it just the way you want it.
! ~TiddlyWiki is also a Community
We are a [[community|Community]] of users and developers who help each other imagine new ways of thinking and organising and create new solutions, so that ~TiddlyWiki is continually adapting to better serve your needs. ~TiddlyWiki users and developers share questions and advice at a ~TiddlyWiki Google group. They also create tutorials, adaptations, and plugins to enhance your ~TiddlyWiki experience. See the section ''Community'' of the TableOfContents for more details.
! Finally, ~TiddlyWiki is a philosophy
The purpose of taking and organising a note (or recording any kind of content) is to be able to retrieve it later. If you can't find your notes in your note-taking system, your note-taking becomes a colossal waste of time.
The [[TiddlyWiki philosophy|Philosophy of Tiddlers]] is that the best way to take notes is to separate them into tiddlers, the smallest semantic units possible. A tiddler might be an image, a webpage link, a concept, the definition of a term, or a specific customisation such as a macro.
These tiddlers can then be woven together to create longer units: stories, articles, lists, image galleries, and much more. ~TiddlyWiki's features such as tagging, hyperlinking, and filters are specially designed to help you relate and connect tiddlers together in multiple ways, facilitating your future retrieval of your notes and even helping you see unexpected relationships among your tiddlers and the information they contain.
The <<.dlink-ex DOM "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Document_Object_Model">> of a web page is a tree-shaped model of its content, maintained internally by the web browser as the user interacts with that content. Each point in the tree is called a <<.def node>>.
When ~TiddlyWiki is running in a web browser, its [[widgets|Widgets]] are rendered into DOM nodes for display.
When ~TiddlyWiki is running on [[Node.js|TiddlyWiki on Node.js]], it uses a fake DOM to simulate the behaviour of a browser.
The following macros are used throughout ~TiddlyWiki's documentation. Their names start with a dot to keep them out of the way of names that a user might try experimenting with.
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|.def |the defining instance of a term |<<.def widget>> |
|.em |minor emphasis within a sentence |<<.em not>> |
|.place |a placeholder for the user to fill in |<<.place tagname>> |
|.strong |major emphasis within a tiddler |<<.strong Important!>> |
|.word |a mention of an ordinary word or phrase |<<.word "hello world">> |
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|^.tip |^hints and tips |<<.tip "Turn your screen on, otherwise<br>you won't be able to see much.">> |
|^.warning |^warning advice |<<.warning "Make a backup of your file<br>before you upgrade.">> |
|!Macro |!Used for |
|.preamble |an introductory sentence that stands apart from the rest of the tiddler |
!Tiddlers and fields
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|.tid |a tiddler title |<<.tid Example>> |
|.tag |a tag |<<.tag Example>> |
|.field |a field name |<<.field example>> |
|.value |a field value |<<.value "example value">> |
|.op |a filter operator |<<.op backlinks>> |
|.var |a variable or macro name |<<.var currentTiddler>> |
|.wid |a widget name |<<.wid list>> |
|.attr |an attribute name |<<.attr filter>> |
|.param |a macro parameter name |<<.param text>> |
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|.link |a link containing WikiText |<<.link "^^an^^ ~~example~~" Example>> |
|.clink |a code link |<<.clink `<$list>` ListWidget>> |
|.dlink |a link on a defining instance of a term |<<.dlink widget Widgets>> |
|.dlink-ex |an external link on a defining instance of a term |<<.dlink-ex Example "http://example.com/">> |
|.flink |a link to a field |<<.flink ListField>> |
|.mlink |a link to a macro |<<.mlink qualify>> |
|.mlink2 |a link to a macro, with specified target |<<.mlink2 foo "Examples of Macros">> |
|.olink |a link to an operator |<<.olink prefix>> |
|.olink2 |a link to an operator, with specified target |<<.olink2 foo prefix>> |
|.vlink |a link to a variable |<<.vlink currentTiddler>> |
|.vlink2 |a link to a variable, with specified target |<<.vlink2 foo "Examples of Variables">> |
|.wlink |a link to a widget |<<.wlink ButtonWidget>> |
|.wlink2 |a link to a widget, with specified text |<<.wlink2 foo ButtonWidget>> |
!User interface
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|.key |a key on the keyboard |<<.key Escape>> |
|.keycombo |a key combination |<<.keycombo Ctrl Enter>> |
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|.sidebar-tab |the name of a sidebar tab |<<.sidebar-tab More>> |
|.more-tab |the name of a subtab of the More tab |<<.more-tab Shadows>> |
|.info-tab |the name of a tiddler info tab |<<.info-tab Fields>> |
|.controlpanel-tab |the name of a Control Panel tab |<<.controlpanel-tab Settings>> |
|.advancedsearch-tab |the name of an Advanced Search tab |<<.advancedsearch-tab Filter>> |
|.toc-tab |name of the tw5.com TOC tab |<<.toc-tab>> |
|.example-tab |an example tab name |<<.example-tab "Notes">> |
!!Parameters for .sidebar-tab
|Open |<<.sidebar-tab Open>> |
|Recent |<<.sidebar-tab Recent>> |
|Tools |<<.sidebar-tab Tools>> |
|More |<<.sidebar-tab More>> |
!!Parameters for .more-tab
|All |<<.more-tab All>> |
|Recent |<<.more-tab Recent>> |
|Tags |<<.more-tab Tags>> |
|Missing |<<.more-tab Missing>> |
|Drafts |<<.more-tab Drafts>> |
|Orphans |<<.more-tab Orphans>> |
|Types |<<.more-tab Types>> |
|System |<<.more-tab System>> |
|Shadows |<<.more-tab Shadows>> |
!!Parameters for .info-tab
|Tools |<<.info-tab Tools>> |
|References |<<.info-tab References>> |
|Tagging |<<.info-tab Tagging>> |
|List |<<.info-tab List>> |
|Listed |<<.info-tab Listed>> |
|Fields |<<.info-tab Fields>> |
|Advanced |<<.info-tab Advanced>> |
!!Parameters for .controlpanel-tab
|Info |<<.controlpanel-tab Info>> |
|Appearance |<<.controlpanel-tab Appearance>> |
|Settings |<<.controlpanel-tab Settings>> |
|Saving |<<.controlpanel-tab Saving>> |
|Plugins |<<.controlpanel-tab Plugins>> |
!!Parameters for .advancedsearch-tab
|Standard |<<.advancedsearch-tab Standard>> |
|System |<<.advancedsearch-tab System>> |
|Shadows |<<.advancedsearch-tab Shadows>> |
|Filter |<<.advancedsearch-tab Filter>> |
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|.button |a standard button name and icon |<<.button "new-tiddler">> |
!!Parameters for .button
!!!Tiddler toolbar
|clone |<<.button "clone">> |
|close |<<.button "close">> |
|close-others |<<.button "close-others">> |
|edit |<<.button "edit">> |
|export-tiddler |<<.button "export-tiddler">> |
|info |<<.button "info">> |
|more-tiddler-actions |<<.button "more-tiddler-actions">> |
|new-here |<<.button "new-here">> |
|new-journal-here |<<.button "new-journal-here">> |
|permalink |<<.button "permalink">> |
!!!Edit-mode toolbar
|cancel |<<.button "cancel">> |
|delete |<<.button "delete">> |
|save |<<.button "save">> |
!!!Page toolbar
|advanced-search |<<.button "advanced-search">> |
|close-all |<<.button "close-all">> |
|control-panel |<<.button "control-panel">> |
|encryption |<<.button "encryption">> |
|export-page |<<.button "export-page">> |
|full-screen |<<.button "full-screen">> |
|home |<<.button "home">> |
|import |<<.button "import">> |
|language |<<.button "language">> |
|more-page-actions |<<.button "more-page-actions">> |
|new-journal |<<.button "new-journal">> |
|new-tiddler |<<.button "new-tiddler">> |
|permaview |<<.button "permaview">> |
|refresh |<<.button "refresh">> |
|save-wiki |<<.button "save-wiki">> |
|storyview |<<.button "storyview">> |
|tag-manager |<<.button "tag-manager">> |
|theme |<<.button "theme">> |
The documentation for ~TiddlyWiki tries to follow a consistent editorial style. It has two main areas, each with its own tone and audience:
* [[Instruction Tiddlers]]
* [[Reference Tiddlers]]
We keep the two areas distinct. This avoids overwhelming relative newcomers, while still providing quick access to the information that expert users need.
Additional topics:
* [[Tiddler Title Policy]]
* [[Tiddler Structure]]
* [[Spelling]]
* [[Typography]]
* [[Documentation Macros]]
* [[Technical Prose Style]]
[[Filters]] manipulate [[sets of titles|Title Selection]] in which no title may appear more than once. Furthermore, they often need to append one such set to another.
This is done in such a way that, if a title would be duplicated, the earlier copy of that title is discarded. The titles being appended are dominant.
For example, if a selection contains `Andrew Becky Clara Daniel` and `Andrew Barney Clara Daisy` is then appended to it, the result is `Becky Daniel Andrew Barney Clara Daisy`.
Tiddlers that have a `draft.of` field are treated as pending drafts of the tiddler specified in the field. Draft tiddlers should also have a `draft.title` field that specifies the title that will be given to the tiddler when it is saved.
Several features work in concert to give the desired behaviour for draft tiddlers:
* The ListWidget can optionally render draft tiddlers through a different template
* The NavigatorWidget incorporates handlers for the following events:
** `tm-new-tiddler` for creating a new tiddler in draft mode
** `tm-edit-tiddler` for moving a tiddler into edit mode
** `tm-cancel-tiddler` for cancelling a tiddler out of edit mode
** `tm-save-tiddler` for saving a draft tiddler
* Draft tiddlers are automatically excluded from search operations
! Introduction
The dropzone widget creates an area into which the user can drag files and other objects. It also supports pasting via the clipboard, although browser support is currently limited.
It sends a [[WidgetMessage: tm-import-tiddlers]] carrying a JSON representation of the tiddlers to be imported up through its parents. This message usually trapped by the NavigatorWidget which adds the tiddlers to the store and updates the story to display them.
! Content and Attributes
The dropzone widget has no attributes, and displays any contained content within the dropzone.
! Display
The dropzone widget creates an HTML `<div class="tc-dropzone">` to contain its content. During a drag operation the class `tc-dragover` is added. CSS is used to provide user feedback.
! Data types supported
The following data transfer types are supported:
* ''text/vnd.tiddler'' - a list of tiddlers in JSON format (this format is generated by the LinkWidget)
* ''text/plain'' - plain text
* ''text/uri-list'' - a list of URIs as a single tiddler
The <<.def dumpvariables>> [[macro|Macros]] returns a table showing the values of all [[variables|Variables]] and [[macros|Macros]] that exist at that position in the [[widget tree|Widgets]].
It is useful for debugging and exploring ~TiddlyWiki's internals.
Placeholders are replaced with values in the normal way, but using the default values for all macro parameters.
!! Parameters
<<.macro-examples "dumpvariables">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<$set name="EXAMPLE" value="123.$(EXAMPLE2)$.789">
<$set name="EXAMPLE2" value="456">
Each input title is processed in turn. The value of field <<.place F>> in the corresponding tiddler is examined.
:As long as the field's value has not been encountered before, the title is appended to the output.
:The value is treated as a [[title list|Title List]]. Each title in the list considered in turn. If it has not been encountered before, it is appended to the output.
If a tiddler doesn't contain field <<.place F>>, it is treated as if the field's value was empty.
<<.operator-examples "each">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[each[color]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[sort[title]each[type]]" "the alphabetically first tiddler of each type">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[each:list-item[list]]" "all tiddlers listed anywhere in the core list field">>
For an example of using the <<.op each>> operator to generate a two-tier list of groups and members, see [[GroupedLists]].
Each input title is processed in turn. The value of field <<.place F>> in the corresponding tiddler is examined, and as long as this indicates a date that has not been encountered before, the title is appended to the output.
If a tiddler doesn't contain field <<.place F>>, it contributes nothing to the output.
<<.operator-examples "eachday">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[eachday[created]]" "the first tiddler created on each day">>
For an example of using the <<.op eachday>> operator to generate a two-tier list of groups and members, see [[GroupedLists]].
! Introduction
The edit bitmap widget provides a user interface in the browser for editing bitmap tiddlers. It is currently a primitive proof-of-concept, supporting resizing and painting with a single color and line width.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$edit-bitmap>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The tiddler to edit (defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]) |
! Configuration
The edit bitmap widget can be configured with these system tiddlers:
* [[$:/config/BitmapEditor/LineWidth]] determines the line width: <$edit-text tiddler="$:/config/BitmapEditor/LineWidth" tag="input"/>
* [[$:/config/BitmapEditor/Colour]] determines the line color: <$edit-text tiddler="$:/config/BitmapEditor/Colour" tag="input" type="color"/>
Michael Fogleman has written an [[Emacs|http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/]] major mode called [[tid-mode|https://github.com/mwfogleman/tid-mode]], which is for editing TiddlyWiki .tid files. It is derived from text-mode, uses the useful minor modes org-struct and subword, and updates the modified times when you save a .tid file.
He also wrote two helper functions for using TiddlyWiki in Emacs. The first opens a tiddlers directory in Dired; the second opens TiddlyWiki in the browser.
(defun open-wiki ()
"Opens a TiddlyWiki directory in Dired."
(dired "~/Dropbox/wiki/tiddlers/"))
(defun browse-wiki ()
"Opens TiddlyWiki in the browser."
(browse-url ""))
This latter function may require specifying a browser:
(setq browse-url-browser-function 'browse-url-generic
browse-url-generic-program "chromium")
You can bind either of these functions with the global-set-key function:
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c w") 'open-wiki)
At the moment, these are not integrated into tid-mode.
La traduction en Français (France) de TiddlyWiki démarre ici :
* ''documentation'' : http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/fr-FR/index.html
* ''empty'' : http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/fr-FR/empty.html
Each input title is processed in turn, ignoring any that is not the name of a ~TiddlyWiki edition.
TiddlyWiki is distributed in several distinct editions that are tuned for specific purposes.
An edition consists of the TiddlyWiki core components along with plugins, documentation and sample content to get you up and running as quickly as possible.
You can mix and match the components of these editions, to make a unique solution for your particular application.
<<list-links "[tag[Editions]]">>
<$macrocall $name=".tip" _="""Note that editions should not be confused with the [[platforms|Platforms]] on which TiddlyWiki runs (eg as a [[single HTML file|Saving]] vs. [[under Node.js|TiddlyWiki on Node.js]])"""/>
! Introduction
The edit text widget provides a user interface in the browser for editing text tiddler fields. The editing element is dynamically bound to the underlying tiddler value: changes to the tiddler are instantly reflected, and any edits are instantly propogated.
By default, the edit text widget generates a `<textarea>` as the HTML editing element when the `text` field is edited, and a `<input type="text">` element otherwise. This behaviour can be overridden with the `tag` and `type` attributes.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$edit-text>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The tiddler to edit (defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]) |
|field |The field to edit (defaults to `text`). Takes precedence over the `index` attribute |
|index |The index to edit |
|default |The default text to be provided when the target tiddler doesn't exist |
|class |A CSS class to be assigned to the generated HTML editing element |
|placeholder |Placeholder text to be displayed when the edit field is empty |
|focusPopup |Title of a state tiddler for a popup that is displayed when the editing element has focus |
|focus |Set to "true" to automatically focus the editor after creation |
|tag |Overrides the generated HTML editing element tag. Use `textarea` for a multi-line editor |
|type |Overrides the generated HTML editing element `type` attribute |
|size |The size of the input field (in characters) |
|autoHeight |Either "yes" or "no" to specify whether to automatically resize `textarea` editors to fit their content (defaults to "yes") |
|minHeight |Minimum height for automatically resized `textarea` editors, specified in CSS length units such as "px", "em" or "%" |
|rows|Sets the rows attribute of a generated textarea |
! Notes
One trap to be aware of is that the edit text widget //cannot be used// to edit a field of the tiddler that contains it. Each keypress results in the tiddler being re-rendered, which loses the cursor position within the text field.
Instead, place the edit text widget in a [[template|TemplateTiddlers]] that references the tiddler you want to modify.
For example, if you wanted the tiddler GettingStarted to edit the value of the "myconfig" field of the tiddler "AppSettings", you might do so by creating a separate tiddler "ChangeAppSettings" that contains the following:
<$edit-text tiddler="AppSettings" field="myconfig"/>
And reference the template in any other tiddler (e.g. GettingStarted) with `{{ChangeAppSettings}}`.
This works when your use of the tiddler //is not// the AppSettings itself which would cause a recursion problem. In this latter case you have to save the fields to a temporary (or alternative) tiddler (sort of the reverse of above) like so:
<$edit-text tiddler="StoreAppSettings" field="myconfig"/>
In short the EditTextWidget //can not// change properties of the tiddler it is embedded in or part of. It can only change fields of //other// tiddlers. One could use ShadowTiddlers to accomplish the field storage if needed.
! Introduction
The edit widget provides a general purpose interface for editing a tiddler. It dynamically chooses the appropriate widget depending on the type of the tiddler (currently either the EditTextWidget or the EditBitmapWidget).
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$edit>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The tiddler to edit (defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]) |
|field |The field to edit (defaults to `text`). Takes precedence over the `index` attribute |
|index |The index to edit |
|class |A CSS class to be added the generated editing widget |
The "empty" edition of TiddlyWiki is a vanilla distribution, with no additional plugins or configuration beyond the core code.
The empty edition can be downloaded from:
<a href="empty.html" target="_blank">empty.html</a>
When used as a single HTML file, TiddlyWiki5 allows content to be encrypted using the [[Stanford JavaScript Crypto Library]].
# Switch to the ''Tools'' tab in the sidebar and look for the button with a padlock icon
# If the button is labelled "set password" then the current wiki is not encrypted. Clicking the button will prompt for a password that will be used to encrypt subsequent saves
# If the button is labelled "clear password" then the current wiki is already encrypted. Clicking the button will remove the password so that subsequent saves will be unencrypted
# Optionally, open the saved file in a text editor and verify that your data is encrypted
# Open the file in your browser. You will be prompted for a password before the content is displayed
Note that TiddlyWiki has two other unrelated features concerned with passwords/encryption:
* The ability to set a password when saving to TiddlySpot. This is done in the "Saving" tab of control panel
* The ability to use standard HTTP basic authentication with the [[Node.js|TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] server configuration. This is done on the command line with the ServerCommand. Combined with SSL, this gives the same level of transit encryption as you'd get with online services like Google or Dropbox, but there is no encryption of data on disk
! Introduction
The encrypt widget renders a filtered list of tiddlers to an encrypted block with the password currently held in the PasswordVault. The encrypted block can subsequently be decrypted by the TiddlyWiki5 BootMechanism. See the EncryptionMechanism for more details.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$encrypt>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|filter |Filter defining the tiddlers to be included in the encrypted block. If not specified then all non-system tiddlers are used |
[[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] supports the following OS environment variables for specifying a colon-delimited list of paths to search for plugins and editions:
* `TIDDLYWIKI_PLUGIN_PATH` - Search path for ordinary plugins
* `TIDDLYWIKI_THEME_PATH` - Search path for themes
* `TIDDLYWIKI_LANGUAGE_PATH` - Search path for languages
* `TIDDLYWIKI_EDITION_PATH` - Search path for editions (used by the InitCommand)
The additional paths should each point to folders structured like the equivalent directories in the TiddlyWiki5 GitHub repository: the plugin, theme and language directories contain `publisher/pluginname/<files>` while the edition directories contain `editionname/<files>`
For example:
tiddlywiki mywiki --build index
I collect my tw5 creations on-line as http://eucaly-tw5.tiddlyspot.com/
Available Plugins :
*TitleMe - Return in-place tiddler title, to link / show / edit the source tiddler
*QuickJump - Quick jump to tiddlers in story list
*FlexWidth - Flexibly tweak sidebar width for TiddlyWiki 5 (Inspired by TW5 tristate Sidebar)
*MatchFilter - returns matching text instead of a list of the tiddlers from FieldFilter
*PopupTagger - TagBar / TagTable with popup list of tags (Inspired by MonkeyTaggerMacro for TiddlyWiki classic)
This tiddler exists to demonstrate the <<.mlink tag>> macro.
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-expandable "Contents">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-selective-expandable "Contents">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc "Contents">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-expandable "Contents" "sort[title]">>
unselectedText="<p>Select a topic in the table of contents. Click the arrow to expand a topic.</p>"
missingText="<p>Missing tiddler.</p>"
unselectedText="<p>Select a topic in the table of contents. Click the arrow to expand a topic.</p>"
missingText="<p>Missing tiddler.</p>"
unselectedText="<p>Select a topic in the table of contents. Click the arrow to expand a topic.</p>"
missingText="<p>Missing tiddler.</p>"
unselectedText="<p>Select a topic in the table of contents. Click the arrow to expand a topic.</p>"
missingText="<p>Missing tiddler.</p>"
This collection showcases inspiring and interesting examples of TiddlyWiki being used in the wild.
Submit new entries to this collection via GitHub, Twitter or by posting in the [[TiddlyWiki Groups|Forums]].
<div class="tc-link-info">
<$list filter="[tag[Examples]!sort[modified]]">
<div class="tc-link-info-item">
! <$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
<div class="tc-subtitle">Posted <$view field="modified" format="relativedate"/></div>
External images in TiddlyWiki are tiddlers that point to the URI of an image, rather than embedding the full image data. They can perform better than embedded images, particularly with large numbers or sizes of images. However, using them breaks the single file pattern of TiddlyWiki.
External images are used in the browser. They can be created by the Node.js configuration when it builds a TiddlyWiki, or they can be created manually within the browser.
! What is an External Image
An external image is an ordinary image tiddler that has a ''_canonical_uri'' field containing the URI of the image. The URI can be absolute or relative to the HTML document. If the canonical URI is provided then the ''text'' field of the tiddler is ignored and so should be omitted.
! Manually Creating External Images
To manually create an external image just create the tiddler with the appropriate image content type, and add a ''_canonical_uri'' field with a URI pointing to the actual image location.
''IMPORTANT:'' Double-check your spelling. ``_canonical_uri`` is spelled [[URI|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URI#The_relationship_between_URIs.2C_URLs.2C_and_URNs]], not URL.
! Creating external images under Node.js
The following steps are used to create a static HTML file version of a wiki accompanied by an ''images'' folder containing the referenced external images:
# Create image tiddlers in your TiddlyWikiFolders in the usual way
# Save the images as separate files (by convention, in a subfolder named ''images'')
# Externalise the image tiddlers by giving them a ''_canonical_uri'' field
# Save the main HTML file
Note the image files must be saved before they are externalised. Externalising them destroys the ''text'' field within the in-memory copy of the wiki store, meaning that attempts to save them will fail.
For an example see the ''externalimages'' build target of the demo ''tw5.com'' wiki:
--savetiddlers [is[image]] images
--setfield [is[image]] _canonical_uri $:/core/templates/canonical-uri-external-image text/plain
--setfield [is[image]] text "" text/plain
--rendertiddler $:/core/save/all externalimages.html text/plain
!! Saving Separate Image Files
The following `--savetiddlers` command can be used to save the images of a wiki into an ''images'' subfolder:
--savetiddlers [is[image]] images
!! Externalising Image Tiddlers
Two `--setfield` commands are used: the first sets the ''_canonical_uri'' field to a URI derived from the title of the tiddler, and the second clears the text field.
--setfield [is[image]] _canonical_uri $:/core/templates/canonical-uri-external-image text/plain
--setfield [is[image]] text "" text/plain
The template tiddler [[$:/core/templates/canonical-uri-external-image]] contains:
<$view tiddler="$:/core/templates/canonical-uri-external-image" field="text" format="text"/>
Note that these operations modify the tiddlers in the wiki store and so may affect the operation of subsequent commands.
! Using External Images
You can't edit an external image directly in the browser except by changing the URI field to point to a different image.
Further information about specific TiddlyWiki features:
<<list-links "[tag[Features]]">>
Last but not least, TiddlyWiki is a rare example of a practical [[quine|Quine]]
Federatial Limited is a software consultancy founded by JeremyRuston specializing in understanding the impact of the web on the way that we work together.
See http://federatial.com/ and http://twitter.com/federatial for more information.
If <<.place S>> is empty, <<.op field>> will match both of the following:
* tiddlers that don't contain field <<.place F>>
* tiddlers in which field <<.place F>> exists but has an empty value
The syntax of a [[filter step|Filter Step]] treats any unrecognised [[filter operator|Filter Operators]] as if it was the suffix to the <<.op field>> operator. See the <<.operator-examples "field" "examples">>.
<<.operator-examples "field">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[field:author[JeremyRuston]]" "plugins authored by JeremyRuston">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[plugin-type[theme]author[JeremyRuston]]" "themes authored by JeremyRuston">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
Add tag ''example'' to this tiddler (current)<$button message="tm-add-tag" param="example">{{$:/core/images/new-button}}</$button>
Remove tag ''example'' to this tiddler (current)<$button message="tm-remove-tag" param="example">{{$:/core/images/delete-button}}</$button>
! Introduction
The field mangler widget manipulates the fields and tags of a tiddler. It does so in response to the following [[Messages]]:
|!Message |!Description |
|''tm-remove-field'' |Remove the field specified in `event.param` |
|''tm-add-field'' |Add the field specified in `event.param` |
|''tm-remove-tag'' |Remove the tag specified in `event.param` |
|''tm-add-tag'' |Add the tag specified in `event.param` |
! Content and Attributes
The field mangler widget displays any contained content, and responds to [[Messages]] dispatched within it.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |Title of the tiddler to manipulate (defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]) |
<<.widget-examples "FieldMangler">>
Each input title is processed in turn. Its list of field names is retrieved (in no particular order) and then [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's output.
<<.operator-examples "fields">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[HelloThere]fields[]]" "fields of HelloThere">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[tag[Common Operators]fields[]]" "fields of all tiddlers tagged as [[Common Operators]]">>
! Introduction
The fields widget renders each field of a specified tiddler through a simple text template. A list of fields to exclude can be provided. It is used internally by TiddlyWiki5, notably by the FileSavingMechanism.
!! Template Handling
The provided template is rendered with the following special substitutions:
|!Symbol |!Substitution |
|$name$ |Field name |
|$value$ |Field value |
|$encoded_value$ |HTML encoded form of field value |
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$fields>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |Title of the tiddler from which the fields are to be displayed (defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]) |
|template |Text of the template (see above) |
|exclude |Lists of fields to be excluded (defaults to "text") |
|stripTitlePrefix |If set to "yes" then curly bracketed prefixes are removed from titles (for example `{prefix}HelloThere` converts to `HelloThere`) |
The `stripTitlePrefix` attribute is used when building TiddlyWiki Classic; see `editions/tw2` in the TiddlyWiki5 repo.
<$railroad text="""
[: [[whitespace|"Filter Whitespace"]] ]
[[run|"Filter Run"]]
A <<.def "filter expression">> is the outermost level of the [[filter syntax|Filter Syntax]]. It consists of one or more [[runs|Filter Run]].
A run's input is normally a list of all the non-[[shadow|ShadowTiddlers]] tiddler titles in the wiki (in no particular order). But the `+` prefix can change this.
* If a run has no `+` or `-` prefix, its output titles are [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the filter's output.
* If a run has a `-` prefix, its output titles are <<.em removed>> from the filter's output (if they were present).
* If a run has a `+` prefix, it receives the filter's output so far as its input. The filter's output is then completely <<.em replaced>> by the run's output. Any subsequent run reverts to receiving all tiddler titles as its input, unless it too has a `+` prefix.
In concise technical terms:
|!Run |!Interpretation |!Output |
|`run` |union of sets |... OR run |
|`+run` |intersection of sets |... AND run |
|`-run` |difference of sets |... AND NOT run |
\define .operator-rows(filter)
<$list filter="$filter$"><tr>
<td><$link to={{!!title}}>{{!!caption}}</$link></td>
<td>{{!!op-purpose}} <$list filter="[all[current]tag[Common Operators]]">{{$:/core/images/done-button}}</$list></td>
<td align="center"><$list filter="[all[current]tag[Negatable Operators]]">`!`</$list></td>
\define .group-heading(_)
<tr class="doc-table-subheading"><th colspan="3" align="center">$_$</th></tr>
A <<.def "filter operator">> is a predefined keyword attached to an individual [[step|Filter Step]] of a [[filter|Filters]]. It defines the particular action of that step.
The following table lists all the core operators. The commonest ones are checkmarked. The third column indicates which operators allow <$link to="Filter Step">the <code>!</code> prefix</$link> to reverse their meaning.
<th align="left">Operator</th>
<th align="left">Purpose</th>
<th align="left">Neg</th>
<<.operator-rows "[tag[Filter Operators]!tag[Order Operators]!tag[String Operators]!tag[Tag Operators]!tag[Special Operators]sort[]]">>
<<.group-heading "Order Operators">>
<<.operator-rows "[tag[Filter Operators]tag[Order Operators]!tag[Listops Operators]!tag[String Operators]!tag[Tag Operators]!tag[Special Operators]sort[]]">>
<<.group-heading "Listops Operators">>
<<.operator-rows "[tag[Filter Operators]tag[Listops Operators]tag[Order Operators]!tag[String Operators]!tag[Tag Operators]!tag[Special Operators]sort[]]">>
<<.group-heading "String Operators">>
<<.operator-rows "[tag[Filter Operators]!tag[Order Operators]tag[String Operators]!tag[Tag Operators]!tag[Special Operators]sort[]]">>
<<.group-heading "Tag Operators">>
<<.operator-rows "[tag[Filter Operators]!tag[Order Operators]!tag[String Operators]tag[Tag Operators]!tag[Special Operators]sort[]]">>
<<.group-heading "Special Operators">>
<<.operator-rows "[tag[Filter Operators]!tag[Order Operators]!tag[String Operators]!tag[Tag Operators]tag[Special Operators]sort[]]">>
A typical step is written as `[operator[parameter]]`, although not all of the operators need a [[parameter|Filter Parameter]].
Most steps process the [[selection of titles|Title Selection]] that are supplied as their input, but a few [[construct an entirely new selection|Selection Constructors]] instead. For the exact rules, see [[Filter Syntax]].
<$railroad text="""
( "[" [:{/"anything but ]"/}] "]"
"{" [:{/"anything but }"/}] "}"
"<" [:{/"anything but >"/}] ">"
The parameter to a [[filter operator|Filter Operators]] can be:
;<<.def hard>>
: `[like this]`
: The parameter is the exact text that appears between the square brackets.
;<<.def soft>>
: <<.def indirect>>
:: `{like this}`
:: The parameter is the text indicated by the [[text reference|TextReference]] whose name appears between the curly brackets, i.e. a [[field|TiddlerFields]] of a specified tiddler, or the value of a property of a specified [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]].
: <<.def variable>>
:: `<like this>`
:: The parameter is the current value of the [[variable|Variables]] whose name appears between the angle brackets. Macro parameters are <<.em not>> supported.
<$railroad text="""
( "[" { [[step|"Filter Step"]] } "]"
[:{/"anything but [ ] or whitespace"/}]
'"' [:{/'anything but "'/}] '"'
"'" [:{/"anything but '"/}] "'"
A <<.def run>> consists of [[steps|Filter Step]], and it outputs a [[selection|Title Selection]] that contributes to a larger [[filter expression|Filter Expression]].
The steps are processed from left to right. The input to the first step is same as the input to the run. For each subsequent step, the input is the output of the previous step.
{{Selection Constructors}}
The lower three options in the diagram match syntax like `HelloThere`, `"HelloThere"`, `'HelloThere'` and `"Filter Operators"`. They are short for `[title[...]]`.
The quoted options exist to support titles that contain square brackets, as in `"An [[[[Unusual]]]] Tiddler"`.
<$railroad text="""
[: [[operator|"Filter Operators"]] [:":" suffix] ]
[[parameter|"Filter Parameter"]]
A <<.def step>> represents a single operation within a [[filter|Filter Syntax]].
In programming terms, it is akin to a function call to which [[the step's input|Filter Run]] is passed as an implicit parameter. A step's output is a [[selection|Title Selection]] that contributes to a [[run|Filter Run]] and hence to the entire [[filter expression|Filter Expression]] that contains it.
The step's <<.def operator>> is drawn from a list of [[predefined keywords|Filter Operators]], which can be extended by plugins. Any unrecognised operator is treated as if it was the suffix to the <<.olink field>> operator. If a step's operator is omitted altogether, it defaults to `title`.
The <<.def suffix>> is additional text, often the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]], that extends the meaning of certain operators.
Many steps require an explicit <<.def parameter>> value, also known as an <<.def operand>>, that further defines what the step is to do.
<<.preamble """[[Filters]] follow a grammar that is presented here, using [[railroad diagrams|Railroad Diagrams]], for those who find formal syntax descriptions helpful. However, you can [[learn to write filters|Introduction to filter notation]] without needing to understand this group of tiddlers.""">>
A <<.def filter>> is a pipeline for transforming an <<.def input>> into an <<.def output>>. Both the input and the output are [[ordered sets of titles|Title Selection]] of things like tiddlers and fields.
Filters are [[expressions|Filter Expression]] constructed from smaller building blocks, called [[runs|Filter Run]] and [[steps|Filter Step]], each of which also transforms an input to an output.
A filter starts with an empty output. Its runs are processed from left to right, progressively modifying the output.
Here are details of the various building blocks involved:
<<list-links "[tag[Filter Syntax]]">>
<$railroad text="""
{( "space" | "tab" | "linefeed" | "return" | "vertical tab" | "formfeed" )}
Whitespace characters can appear between each [[run|Filter Run]] of a [[filter expression|Filter Expression]].
You can think of TiddlyWiki as a database in which the records are tiddlers. A database typically provides a way of discovering which records match a given pattern, and in ~TiddlyWiki this is done with filters.
A <<.def filter>> is a concise notation for selecting a particular [[set of tiddlers|Title Selection]], known as its <<.def "output">>. Whenever ~TiddlyWiki encounters a filter, it calculates the output. Further work can then be done with just those tiddlers, such as [[counting|CountWidget]] or [[listing|ListWidget]] them.
The following example passes a filter to the <<.mlink list-links>> macro to display a list of all tiddlers whose titles start with the letter H:
> `<<list-links "[prefix[H]]">>`
A filter's output can change as tiddlers are added and deleted in the wiki. ~TiddlyWiki recalculates on the fly, automatically updating any filter-based counts or lists as well.
[[Advanced Search|$:/AdvancedSearch]] has a <<.advancedsearch-tab Filter>> tab that makes it easy to experiment with filters.
;Find out more:
* [[Introduction to filter notation]] -- a step-by-step walkthrough
* [[Filter Syntax]] -- the detailed technical rules
* [[Filter Operators]] -- the available methods of filtering
<<.operator-examples "first">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]first[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]first[5]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[tag[Filter Operators]!sort[title]first[]]">>
Available character formatting includes:
* <code>`backticks`</code> for `code`
** Alternatively, <code>``double backticks allows `embedded` backticks``</code>
* `''bold''` for ''bold text''
* `//italic//` for //italic text//
* `__underscore__` for __underscored text__
* `^^superscript^^` for ^^superscript^^ text
* `,,subscript,,` for ,,subscripted,, text
* `~~strikethrough~~` for ~~strikethrough~~ text
See also: [[Code Blocks in WikiText]]
Within the text of a tiddler you can use special formatting called WikiText to control how the text is displayed.
! Simple Formatting
At its simplest, WikiText lets you use familiar word-processing features like bold, italic, lists and tables. For example:
The ''quick'' brown ~~flea~~ fox //jumps// over the `lazy` dog
… displays as:
The ''quick'' brown ~~flea~~ fox //jumps// over the `lazy` dog
! Working with Tiddlers
In WikiText, you can link to tiddlers using double square brackets, or by taking advantage of the automatic linking of CamelCase words:
This is a link to HelloThere, and one to [[History of TiddlyWiki]]
… displays as:
This is a link to HelloThere, and one to [[History of TiddlyWiki]]
! Macros
Macros let you package repetitive fragments of WikiText so that you can easily reuse them.
For example, here is the definition of a macro that generates a ~YouTube video URL from its unique identifier:
\define youtube(video)
With that definition in place, `<<youtube 1g66s7UbyuU>>` generates the URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1g66s7UbyuU
! Advanced WikiText
Advanced WikiText features allow you to produce automated lists and interactive features like dropdown menus. In fact, the entire user interface of TiddlyWiki itself is written in WikiText, so any feature that you see in TiddlyWiki can be adapted for use in your own wikis.
Some of the advanced features require complex coding. TiddlyWiki includes several built-in macros that simplify common user interface tasks, like tabs, tables of content, and lists of tiddlers.
! Find out more
See [[WikiText]] for a detailed introduction to writing WikiText.
! Users
The ~TiddlyWiki discussion groups are mailing lists for talking about ~TiddlyWiki: requests for help, announcements of new releases and plugins, debating new features, or just sharing experiences. You can participate via the associated website, or subscribe via email.
* The main ~TiddlyWiki group: http://groups.google.com/group/TiddlyWiki
*> Note that you do not need a Google Account to join the discussion groups. Subscribe by sending an email to mailto:tiddlywiki+subscribe@googlegroups.com or mailto:tiddlywikidev+subscribe@googlegroups.com.
* Watch recordings of our regular [[TiddlyWiki Hangouts]]
* Follow [[@TiddlyWiki on Twitter|http://twitter.com/TiddlyWiki]] for the latest news
! Developers
* The TiddlyWikiDev group for developers: http://groups.google.com/group/TiddlyWikiDev
*> Note that you do not need a Google Account to join the discussion groups. Subscribe by sending an email to mailto:tiddlywiki+subscribe@googlegroups.com or mailto:tiddlywikidev+subscribe@googlegroups.com.
* Follow [[@TiddlyWiki on Twitter|http://twitter.com/#!/TiddlyWiki]] for the latest news
* Get involved in the [[development on GitHub|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5]]
New releases of TiddlyWiki, TiddlyDesktop and TiddlyFox are announced via the discussion groups and [[Twitter|https://twitter.com/TiddlyWiki]] (you can also subscribe to an Atom/RSS feed of [[TiddlyWiki releases from GitHub|https://github.com/jermolene/tiddlywiki5/releases.atom]])
The "full" edition of TiddlyWiki consists of all the available languages, themes and plugins for TiddlyWiki. It is intended for use in testing TiddlyWiki - in particular, for switching between all the available language plugins.
The full edition can be downloaded from:
<a href="editions/full/index.html" target="_blank">editions/full/index.html</a>
TiddlyWiki is designed with the long term needs of its users in mind. Because it is OpenSource and needs no infrastructure, we can be confident that all we'll need to access a ~TiddlyWiki file even in the far future is an ordinary HTML browser. If you're starting to use ~TiddlyWiki at the beginning of your career you can be confident that it will carry you through to retirement.
TiddlyWiki5 can be used to generate static HTML representations of a TiddlyWiki that doesn't need JavaScript.
There is much flexibility in how the static HTML is generated. The following scenarios are all illustrated on http://tiddlywiki.com.
! Wiki Snapshots and Tiddler Snapshots
You can explore a static representation of this TiddlyWiki at <a href="static.html">static.html</a>. That file is a static snapshot of the current DefaultTiddlers. Any tiddlers that it links to are referred to via URLs of the form `/static/HelloThere.html` that point to static snapshots of individual tiddlers. The tiddler HTML files reference a `static.css` stylesheet file.
The following commands are used to generate the sample static version of the TiddlyWiki5 site:
--rendertiddlers [!is[system]] $:/core/templates/static.tiddler.html static text/plain
--rendertiddler $:/core/templates/static.template.html static.html text/plain
--rendertiddler $:/core/templates/static.template.css static/static.css text/plain
The first RenderTiddlersCommand generates the HTML representations of individual tiddlers, the second RenderTiddlerCommand saves the static version of the DefaultTiddlers, and the final RenderTiddlerCommand saves the stylesheet. (All the files are placed in the `output` folder of the wiki folder).
! Wiki Snapshot with Internal Links
It is also possible to produce a single HTML file that contains static representations of tiddlers, and uses standard HTML anchor links to jump between them.
For example: <a href="alltiddlers.html">alltiddlers.html</a>
The example is built by the following commands:
--rendertiddler $:/core/templates/alltiddlers.template.html alltiddlers.html text/plain
Each input title is processed in turn. If the corresponding tiddler contains field <<.place F>>, and the value of this field is not empty, then its value is appended to the output.
Unlike most other [[Filter Operators]], the [[selection|Title Selection]] output by <<.op get>> can contain duplicates. To avoid duplicates, use `each[F]get[F]`.
<<.operator-examples "get">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[all[current]get[draft.of]]" "the title of the tiddler of which the current tiddler is a draft">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[get[tags]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[each[tags]get[tags]]">>
//This is a sample task for the TaskManagementExample//
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="the name of a [[property|DataTiddlers]]"
output="the values of property <<.place P>> in each of the input titles"
Each input title is processed in turn, and is ignored if it does not denote a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]]. If the tiddler contains property <<.place P>>, the value of that property is [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the output.
<<.operator-examples "getindex">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[$:/palettes/Vanilla]getindex[background]]" "returns the value at index ''background'' of the [[DataTiddler|DataTiddlers]] [[$:/palettes/Vanilla]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[tag[$:/tags/Palette]getindex[background]]" "returns all background colors defined in any of the ColourPalettes">>
This brief tutorial takes you through the basics of saving changes with a standalone TiddlyWiki file.
//Note that the video is a bit out of date, and will be updated soon!//
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/1g66s7UbyuU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
\define default-platform()
GettingStarted - $(browser-name)$
Brief instructions for getting started on the different platforms and configurations that TiddlyWiki supports. See the [[A Gentle Guide to TiddlyWiki]] for a more leisurely introduction.
<$set name="browser-name" value={{$:/info/browser/name}}>
<$macrocall $name="tabs" state="$:/state/tabs/platform" tabsList="[prefix[GettingStarted - ]]" default=<<default-platform>> class="tc-vertical"/>
* Don't attempt to use the browser ''File''/''Save'' menu option to save changes (it doesn't work)
See also:
* [[Encryption]] explains how to use TiddlyWiki's built-in encryption to protect your content with a password
* [[Saving on TiddlySpot]], a free service that lets you use TiddlyWiki online
* Saving on TiddlyDesktop, a custom desktop application for working with TiddlyWiki
* You can also download this full TiddlyWiki including all the documentation:
If the button doesn't work save this link:
<a href="http://tiddlywiki.com/index.html" download="index.html">~http://tiddlywiki.com/index.html</a>
Your browser may ask you to accept the download before it begins
There are two options for using TiddlyWiki on Android:
! Using Firefox and TiddlyFox
{{Saving with TiddlyFox on Android}}
! Using the AndTidWiki App
{{Saving on Android}}
TiddlyWiki on Google Chrome can only save changes using the HTML5-compatible fallback saver module.
{{Saving with the HTML5 fallback saver}}
Firefox provides the best user experience for using TiddlyWiki with the TiddlyFox browser extension.
{{Saving with TiddlyFox}}
{{Saving with TiddlyIE}}
The [[Windows HTA Hack]] describes an alternative method of using TiddlyWiki with Internet Explorer.
{{Saving on iPad/iPhone}}
{{Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js}}
TiddlyWiki on Safari can only save changes using the manual HTML5-compatible fallback saver module.
{{Saving on Safari}}
GitHub is a hosting service for distributed projects that use git as their version-control system. It allows free hosting and management of open-source projects and facilitates collaborative developement on the source code. Using GitHub for non-open-source endeavors requires additional fees.
The code and documentation of TiddlyWiki is hosted on GitHub at:
//This is a sample task for the TaskManagementExample//
The following sidebar tabs give examples of grouped lists created by nesting.
!! Types Tab
For the [[Types|$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/Types]] tab, the outer list filter as shown below selects each discrete value found in the `type` field. The inner list filter selects all the (non-system) tiddlers with that type.
<<tw-code "$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/Types">>
!! Recent Tab
The list in the [[Recent|$:/core/ui/SideBar/Recent]] tab is generated using the <<.mlink timeline>> macro. Here, the outer list filter selects each discrete day found in the `modified` field, while the inner list filter selects all the tiddlers dated the same day in the `modified` field.
<<tw-code-link "$:/core/macros/timeline">>
TiddlyWiki makes a great GuerillaWiki in situations where it is not practical to use a traditional wiki.
For instance, in a corporate setting, persuading an over-worked IT department to install a Wiki server for you is seldom going to be possible overnight. And if your PC is locked down you can't install a conventional Wiki yourself. Equally, you can't go and use one of the public hosted Wiki services because your Information Security department would not allow all that corporate data to flow into an outside server.
TiddlyWiki slices through those barriers by being usable on virtually all PCs.
A <<.def "hard link">> is one that can be detected by a superficial examination of WikiText.
A link is <<.def "soft">> if it is:
* contained in text [[trancluded|Transclusion]] from elsewhere
* supplied via a [[macro|Macros]] or [[variable|Variables]]
* generated by a link widget whose <<.attr to>> attribute is a transclusion, macro or variable
<$macrocall $name=".warning" _="""Soft links are not detected by link-related filter operators such as <<.olink backlinks>>, <<.olink links>>, <<.olink all>> and <<.olink is>>."""/>
The usual handling of [[paragraphs in wikitext|Paragraphs in WikiText]] causes single line breaks to be ignored, and double linebreaks to be interpreted as the end of a paragraph.
This behaviour isn't convenient when dealing with material that incorporates hard linebreaks - for instance, poetry. You can mark a block of content as containing hard line breaks like this:
<<wikitext-example src:'"""
This is a line
and this is a new line
while this is yet another line
and this is the final one
apart from this one
<<.operator-examples "has">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[has[color]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[tag[Concepts]!has[modified]]">>
A tiddler is deemed to have been modified if it has been written back to the wiki since the start of the current ~TiddlyWiki session. If you edit a tiddler and immediately store it again without making any changes, that is enough to mark it as modified.
<<.operator-examples "haschanged">>
Headings are specified with one or more leading `!` characters:
! This is a level 1 heading
!! This is a level 2 heading
!!! This is a level 3 heading
CSS classes can be assigned to individual headings like this:
!.myStyle This heading has the class `myStyle`
''Have you ever had the feeling that your head is not quite big enough to hold everything you need to remember?''
Welcome to TiddlyWiki, a unique [[non-linear|Philosophy of Tiddlers]] notebook for [[capturing|Creating and editing tiddlers]], [[organising|Structuring TiddlyWiki]] and [[sharing|Sharing your tiddlers with others]] complex information.
Use it to keep your [[to-do list|TaskManagementExample]], to plan an [[essay or novel|"TiddlyWiki for Scholars" by Alberto Molina]], or to organise your wedding. Record every thought that crosses your brain, or build a flexible and responsive website.
<div style="font-size:0.7em;text-align:center;margin-top:2em;margin-bottom:2em;">
<<list-thumbnails filter:"[tag[HelloThumbnail]]" width:"168" height:"95">>
Unlike conventional online services, TiddlyWiki lets you choose where to keep your data, guaranteeing that in the decades to come you will still be able to use the notes you take today.
<div style="font-size:0.7em;text-align:center;margin-top:3em;margin-bottom:3em;">
<a href="http://groups.google.com/group/TiddlyWiki" class="tc-btn-big-green" style="background-color:#FF8C19;" target="_blank">
{{$:/core/images/mail}} ~TiddlyWiki Mailing List
<a href="https://twitter.com/TiddlyWiki" class="tc-btn-big-green" style="background-color:#5E9FCA;" target="_blank">
{{$:/core/images/twitter}} @~TiddlyWiki on Twitter
<a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5" class="tc-btn-big-green" style="background-color:#444;" target="_blank">
{{$:/core/images/github}} ~TiddlyWiki on ~GitHub
If you find TiddlyWiki useful, there are lots of ways you can help assure its future and make it better.
! Teach and Tell
OpenSource projects like ~TiddlyWiki thrive on the feedback and engagement of users. ~TiddlyWiki becomes more useful to everyone as more and more people use it. So, if you find ~TiddlyWiki useful, spread the word. The best possible way to assure its future is for it to become a hundred times more popular than before.
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* [[Star the TiddlyWiki5 GitHub Repository|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5]]
* [[Display the TiddlyWiki Poster|http://tiddlywiki.com/poster]]
[img width=232 [Tiddler Poster.png]]
! Help improve the documentation and code
There are many ways you can contribute to ~TiddlyWiki:
* Writing tutorials
* Contributing to the documentation on tiddlywiki.com
* Making video screencasts
* Curating relevant links, hints and tips on a wiki
The main ~TiddlyWiki documentation and code lives on GitHub, and welcomes [[contributions|Contributing]]:
* https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5
Until a proper user interface is built, KeyboardShortcuts can only be altered via hidden settings:
$:/config/shortcuts/cancel-edit-tiddler - keyboard shortcut for cancelling editing
$:/config/shortcuts/save-tiddler - keyboard shortcut for confirming editing a tiddler
When TiddlyWiki first opens in the browser the search box is automatically given the focus by default. If this causes problems, you can change the default by changing this value from ''true'' to ''false'':
TiddlyWiki defers processing changes to draft tiddlers until a timeout has elapsed. The default value of 400ms gives a good balance of responsiveness in most cases but isn't always optimal on lower powered mobile devices.
The timeout can now be changed by changing this value (in milliseconds):
The most useful configuration settings for TiddlyWiki are exposed in the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] but some more advanced settings do not have a full user interface. Instead, the underlying configuration tiddlers are edited directly.
To change these settings on an empty TiddlyWiki, you can drag the links to the individual configuration tiddlers directly from this wiki into yours.
<<list-links "[tag[Hidden Settings]]">>
The Highlight plugin provides the ability to apply syntax colouring to text.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/highlight/
//These are personal reflections on the history and development of TiddlyWiki from JeremyRuston//
! Origins of TiddlyWiki
Back in 1997 a colleague introduced me to [[Ward Cunningham's original wiki|http://c2.com/cgi/wiki]]. I was impressed that something so powerful could fit into just 700 lines of Perl, and fascinated by the radical reimagining of security and permissions. Like many other developers, I took every opportunity I could to try out various wikis, and to explore their use at work.
The allure of the wiki for me was the feeling that it could eventually disrupt the prevailing paradigm of print-oriented documents and emails.
After watching people use wikis for a few years, I noticed that power users made extensive use of the ability to open multiple wiki pages at once in several browser tabs, making it easier for them to compare and review pages, to copy text between them and to act as a sort of queue of pages yet to be read.
I felt that this ability to manipulate multiple pages at once was central to the ability to refactor a wiki, and it is generally accepted that a wiki that is lovingly refactored tends to be more useful. And yet, standard wiki user interfaces have always been designed exclusively for the presentation and manipulation of single pages at once.
All of these thoughts came together when I saw GMail in April 2004, which used Ajax cleverly to blend individual emails into threaded conversations.
I started experimenting with HTML and JavaScript to explore the idea further. I'd had virtually no experience of either, just having put together some static pages and simple ASP sites in previous lives. Getting my head around these client-side technologies was painful; like everyone else, I was horrified to discover how appalling were the incompatibilities and inconsistencies of web programming.
! Launch of TiddlyWiki
So, in September 2004 I released a primitive [[first version of TiddlyWiki|http://classic.tiddlywiki.com/firstversion.html]]. It was the smallest possible thing that demonstrated the idea: it was a simple, self-contained static 48KB HTML file.
The downside of writing the first version of TiddlyWiki in this way was that it made it completely impractical to use for editing - when you click 'save changes' it just pops up a window showing the data that would be saved if it were possible for an HTML page to write to the file system.
Much of the early feedback was that TiddlyWiki was neat, but that it would be more useful when it was possible to properly save changes. I was a little frustrated, as I thought I knew that it was impossible for an HTML file running in the browser to save changes to the local file system.
Within a few months I saw an experimental Firefox extension that enabled TiddlyWiki to save changes in the browser. Examining the code, I realised that the APIs that it used to write to the file system were actually available in ordinary HTML files - as long as they were loaded via a `file://` URI.
I adapted the Firefox code into the core of TiddlyWiki, and soon added a similar ability for Internet Explorer (making use of an old ActiveX control that Microsoft distributed with Internet Explorer).
! Growth of TiddlyWiki
A major milestone in the growth of TiddlyWiki was the creation of "GTDTiddlyWiki" by Nathan Bowers. He took the vanilla TiddlyWiki product and adapted it for the specific application of keeping track of tasks using the popular Getting Things Done methodology. GTDTiddlyWiki was an immediate hit, being enthusiastically greeted on websites like LifeHacker.
Over the next couple of years TiddlyWiki continued to grow in popularity, and gained new features and capabilities. Within a year I was able to support myself by performing bespoke development work on TiddlyWiki, notably working with wiki pioneer SocialText on the ability to synchronise changes with an online server
! BT Acquisition
In May 2007, [[BT]] acquired [[Osmosoft]], my consultancy company. It was an unusual decision to acquire a company with a single employee and a tiny trickle of revenue - [[Osmosoft]] didn't even own the intellectual property in TiddlyWiki since I had handed it over to UnaMesa to assure its future for the community.
[[BT]]'s motivation was to help them understand community-based ecosystems. I joined the organisation as "Head of Open Source Innovation", taking responsibility for open source governance, and providing advice and expertise on how to participate in open soure communities.
! [[Osmosoft]] and TiddlySpace
I built a team in BT under the name [[Osmosoft]]. Our purpose was to evangelise the benefits of open source, and to help other teams realise those benefits in practice. We also found that it was necessary to evangelise the use of the web in general, and web standards in particular.
Our approach was to focus on showing rather than telling. We worked with the TiddlyWiki community to extend the ecosystem and we built numerous internal systems for BT (some based on TiddlyWiki and some not).
[[Osmosoft]]'s chief contribution to the TiddlyWiki community was the creation of TiddlyWeb and TiddlySpace. TiddlyWeb was a robust, internet scale server for tiddlers that could also compose TiddlyWiki views of those tiddlers. TiddlySpace was an attempt to package TiddlyWeb into a more directly usable form.
! Leaving BT
By the end of 2011 I was increasingly feeling that I would be better placed to realise the potential of TiddlyWiki outside of the corporate confines BT. Accordingly, I left and started work as an independent developer, primarily working on a brand new reboot of TiddlyWiki in the shape of TiddlyWiki5.
! Development of TiddlyWiki5
I worked on new release of TiddlyWiki from November 2011. As a programmer, working on "version 2.0" of something that I had already written is a very attractive proposition. It means that the requirements were fully understood, allowing me to focus on evolving the architecture needed to support the desired functionality.
! The Future
Now that TiddlyWiki5 has finally left "beta" status behind, my hope is that it will have a long life. Because it only uses standard features of HTML5 and Node.js, there is no reason why it cannot be fully operational for many years to come. My goal is for it to last for at least 25 years.
//Jeremy Ruston, 20th September 2014//
The system tiddler [[$:/HistoryList]] keeps track of a list of tiddlers comprising the navigation history. Each time you click on a link to a tiddler, the title of the target tiddler is added to the top of the stack.
The history list is stored in JSON to allow additional details about the coordinates of the DOM node that initiated the navigation.
The history list also maintains the field ''current-tiddler'' that contains the name of the tiddler at the top of the stack. This field can be used like so:
<$list filter="[list[$:/StoryList]]" history="$:/HistoryList" storyview="pop">
<$button message="tm-close-tiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-mini">×</$button> <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/> <$reveal type="match" state="$:/HistoryList!!current-tiddler" text=<<currentTiddler>>>✓</$reveal></$link>
Which renders the same as the "Open" sidebar tab, with the addition of a tick against the tiddler that was last navigated to.
<$list filter="[list[$:/StoryList]]" history="$:/HistoryList" storyview="pop">
<$button message="tm-close-tiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-mini">×</$button> <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/> <$reveal type="match" state="$:/HistoryList!!current-tiddler" text=<<currentTiddler>>>✓</$reveal></$link>
!! Empty Story
To display content when the story is empty, create $:/config/EmptyStoryMessage and enter the desired contents. The following would show the GettingStarted tiddler when all others are closed.
You can include a horizontal rule with three or more dashes on their own on a line:
<<wikitext-example src:"
When you edit a tiddler on http://tiddlywiki.com you will see a small ribbon inviting you to edit the source of the tiddler on GitHub.
If you are using Node.js, you can replicate this feature for your own TiddlyWiki-based site as follows:
# Make sure the following setting is included in the `tiddlywiki.info` file in your WikiFolder:
#> <pre><code> "config": {
"retain-original-tiddler-path": true
# Copy the tiddler [[$:/ContributionBanner]] to your wiki
# Make the following changes:
## Adjust the GitHub link URL from https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/edit/master/editions/tw5.com/tiddlers/ to point to your own GitHub repo
## Make sure the wording of the text starting "Can you help us improve this documentation?" is appropriate for your visitors
## Adjust the link to [[Improving TiddlyWiki Documentation]] to point to your own tiddler with instructions for the contribution procedure
To create a new tab in the sidebar menu:
# Create a tiddler and tag it with the [[SystemTag|SystemTags]] tag [[$:/tags/SideBar]]
#* To create a table of contents you can populate the new tab tiddler using the [[table-of-contents macros|Table-of-Contents Macros]]. For example, see the [[TableOfContents]] used here
# By default, the tiddler title is used as the tab title but you can override it using the `caption` field
# To define the tab ordering, use the `list-after` or `list-before` fields as discussed in [[Tagging]]
#* For example: set `list-after` to [[$:/core/ui/SideBar/Open]] to place a sidebar tab immediately after the "Open" tab
Note that you can create new tabs under the "More" tab in the same way by using the tag `$:/tags/MoreSideBar`.
You can apply custom styles to tiddlers that have a particular tag by defining a CSS class with the name `tc-tagged-<Tag Name>`.
For example, to make tiddlers tagged "NightReader" appear in a special colour scheme suitable for night-time reading, [[create a stylesheet|Using Stylesheets]] defining the class `tc-tagged-NightReader` like this:
.tc-tagged-NightReader {
color: orange;
padding: 35px 35px;
.tc-tagged-NightReader .tc-tiddler-body {
font-size: 1.5em;
The `tc-tagged-NightReader` class is applied to the entire tiddler and not just the tiddler text. If you want to target a smaller portion of the tiddler you can qualify the CSS selector, as is done here with `.tc-tagged-NightReader .tc-tiddler-body`.
Note that tags containing spaces or non-alphanumeric characters will be converted using URI encoding, making the generated CSS classname hard to predict. For example:
|!Tag |!Generated Class Name |
|`$:/mytag` |`tc-tagged-%24%3A%2Fmytag` |
|`Doctor Who` |`tc-tagged-Doctor%20Who` |
|`£35.23` |`tc-tagged-%C2%A335.23` |
Although ~TiddlyWiki will generate these tags, to actually use them in your css, you will need to escape the percent character in your stylesheet, like:
.tc-tagged-Doctor\%20Who {
background-image: url(./tardis_back.svg);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: right;
A utility function is available in JavaScript to perform the conversion:
Generates the following output:
First install TiddlyWiki as described in [[Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js]].
# Create an empty [[TiddlyWikiFolder|TiddlyWikiFolders]]
## Create a new folder in a convenient place (for example `~/MyWiki`)
## Create a file called `tiddlywiki.info` containing the following text:
##* `{"themes": ["tiddlywiki/vanilla","tiddlywiki/snowwhite"]}`
## Create a subfolder called `tiddlers`
##* Alternatively, just copy the `editions/empty` folder from the TiddlyWiki5 repo
# Create individual TiddlerFiles in the `~/MyWiki/tiddlers` directory
# Execute the following command from the TiddlyWiki5 root directory to build a TiddlyWiki5 file from the tiddlers:
## `tiddlywiki ~/MyWiki --rendertiddler $:/core/save/all index.html text/plain`
!!! Selecting All tiddlers for export
To export ''all'' tiddlers click on the "Tools" tab of the Sidebar. Find and click the ``export all`` ({{$:/core/ui/Buttons/export-tiddler}}) button. A pop-up menu will offer you the chance to export tiddlers in multiple formats.
!!! Exporting a tiddler
If you want to export a particular tiddler, first navigate to that tiddler. Then click on the More Actions icon ({{$:/core/ui/Buttons/more-tiddler-actions}}) that appears above the tiddler. From the list that appears select ``export tiddler``. A pop-up menu will offer you the chance to export the tiddler in multiple formats.
!!! Exporting tiddlers matching a criteria (filter)
To export a selection of tiddlers, click the little magnifying glass next to the search area on the sidebar. This will open the [[Advanced Search|$:/AdvancedSearch]] tiddler. Click on the ``Filter`` tab of the Advanced Search tiddler. Only the [[Filter|Filters]] tab will allow you to export a selection of tiddlers. [[Filters]] follow a particular syntax. Click on this [[Filters|Filters]] link to learn about how to make filters.
Once you have written a filter, a list of tiddlers matching the filter will appear. Now you can click on the export icon ({{$:/core/ui/Buttons/export-tiddler}}) to the right of the filter input field. A pop-up menu will offer you the chance to export tiddlers in multiple formats.
!!! Export formats
Currently, the export formats available are:
* CSV file format
* JSON file format
* Static HTML file
* ".tid" file format
The ``".tid"`` format is unique from the other formats in that only one tiddler will be exported, even if you are attempting to export all tiddlers or a selection of tiddlers.
Here's how to display the last modification date of a wiki in a banner in the corner of the window:
# Copy the plugin [[$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/github-fork-ribbon]] to your TiddlyWiki
# Save and reload your wiki
# Create a new tiddler called [[$:/_MyRibbon]] tagged [[$:/tags/PageControls]] and containing:<div>
<div class="github-fork-ribbon-wrapper right">
<div class="github-fork-ribbon" style="background-color:#DF4848;">
<$list filter="[!is[system]!has[draft.of]!sort[modified]limit[1]]">
<$view field="modified" format="date" template="DD mmm YYYY at 0hh:0mm"/>
# If required, change the background-color value to your preference
# You can also try changing the positioning class from `right` to `right-bottom`
## To make the banner appear at the top left you'll need to tag the tiddler [[$:/tags/PageTemplate]] instead of [[$:/tags/PageControls]] and then change the position class to `left`
HTML tags and comments can be used directly in WikiText. For example:
<article class="hello">
This is my nice and simple block of text. HelloThere
<!-- This comment will not appear in the wikified output -->
! Content Parsing
The content of an HTML element will be parsed in inline mode unless the opening tag is followed by two linebreaks, in which case it is parsed in block mode. (Inline mode means that block mode formatting such as tables, lists and headings is not recognised).
! Attributes
Attributes in HTML tags can be specified as a literal, a transclusion or a macro invocation. For example, here the value of the `href` attribute will be set to the value of the tiddler MyLinkDestination:
<a href={{MyLinkDestination}}>link</a>
Here an attribute is specified as a macro invocation:
<a href=<<MyMacro "Brian">>>link</a>
Literal attribute values can include line breaks. For example:
<div data-address="Mouse House,
Mouse Lane,
By using triple-double quotes you can specify attribute values that include single double quotes. For example:
<div data-address="""Mouse House,
"Mouse" Lane,
<<.dlink-ex HTML "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML">> is a standard plain-text format used for defining the content of a web page.
It consists of a tree of elements expressed using a system of special <<.def tags>> enclosed in angle brackets.
Almost the whole of HTML can be used unchanged in the WikiText of a tiddler.
Here is an example of using the ListWidget and the TranscludeWidget to show a grid of all system images (ie, tiddlers tagged [[$:/tags/Image]]).
.my-gallery svg {
width: 6em;
height: 6em;
margin: 1em;
<div class="my-gallery">
<$list filter="[all[tiddlers+shadows]tag[$:/tags/Image]]">
<span title=<<currentTiddler>>>
! Image Formatting
Images can be included in WikiText with the following syntax:
[img[Motovun Jack.jpg]]
If the image source is the title of an image tiddler then that tiddler is directly displayed. Otherwise it is interpreted as a URL and an HTML `<img>` tag is generated with the `src` attribute containing the URL.
A tooltip can also be specified:
[img[An explanatory tooltip|Motovun Jack.jpg]]
Attributes can be provided to specify CSS classes and the image width and height:
[img width=32 [Motovun Jack.jpg]]
[img width=32 class="tc-image" [Motovun Jack.jpg]]
Note that attributes can be specified as transclusions or variable references:
[img width={{!!mywidth}} class=<<image-classes>> [Motovun Jack.jpg]]
The image syntax is a shorthand for invoking the ImageWidget.
! Displaying Images via Transclusion
You can also display an image stored in a tiddler by transcluding that tiddler. The disadvantage of this approach is that there is no direct way to control the size of the image.
{{Motovun Jack.jpg}}
Renders as:
{{Motovun Jack.jpg}}
! Introduction
The image widget displays images that can be specified as a remote URL or the title of a local tiddler containing the image.
! Content and Attributes
Any content of the `<$image>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|source |The URL of the image, or the title of an image tiddler |
|width |The width of the image |
|height |The height of the image |
|tooltip |The tooltip to be displayed over the image |
|alt |The alternative text to be associated with the image |
|class |CSS classes to be assigned to the `<img>` element |
The width and the height can be specified as pixel values (eg "23" or "23px") or percentages (eg "23%"). They are both optional; if not provided the browser will use CSS rules to size the image.
! External Images and the ''_canonical_uri'' field
When used to display tiddler-based images, the image widget operates in two distinct modes:
* If the ''_canonical_uri'' field is present then it is used as the ''src'' attribute of the generated `<img>` element and the ''text'' field is ignored
* Without the ''_canonical_uri'' field, the image widget generates an `<img>` element that embeds the image data directly using a `data:` URI.
See ExternalImages for more details.
You can import content into a TiddlyWiki file in several ways:
* Use the ''import'' button (under the ''Tools'' tab in the sidebar) to select a local file
* Drag and drop files from Windows Explorer or Mac OS X Finder into the TiddlyWiki browser window
* Paste content directly from the clipboard using the menu or keyboard shortcut (control-V or command-V)
** GoogleChrome is currently the only browser to support pasting
! Introduction
The ImportVariablesWidget imports macro and variable definitions from a list of other tiddlers and makes them available to its children. For example:
<$importvariables filter="[tag[mySpecialMacros]]">
All the macros defined in tiddlers with the tag "mySpecialMacros" are available here
! Attributes and Content
The content of the importvariables widget is the scope within which the imported variable definitions are available.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|filter |[[Tiddler filter|Filters]] defining the tiddlers from which macro definitions will be imported |
! Global Macros
So-called global macros are implemented within the main page template ([[$:/core/ui/PageTemplate]]) by wrapping the page content in the following importvariables widget:
<$importvariables filter="[[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Macro]!has[draft.of]]">
Anyone can submit improvements to the TiddlyWiki documentation that appears on http://tiddlywiki.com.
# Read and observe the [[Documentation Style Guide]]
# Create an account on https://github.com if you don't already have one
# If you haven't done so already, sign the [[Contributor License Agreement]] as described in [[Signing the Contributor License Agreement]]
# On http://tiddlywiki.com, click "edit" on the tiddler you want to improve
# You should see a pink banner with the text: //Can you help us improve this documentation? Find out how to edit this tiddler on ~GitHub//
# Click on the external link ...''this tiddler on ~GitHub''
## You will be prompted that "you need to fork this repository to propose changes". A "fork" is your own copy of the repository that incorporates the changes you are proposing
# A new browser tab should open ready to edit the tiddler on github.com
# Below the edit box for the tiddler text you should see a box labelled ''Propose file change''
# Enter a brief title to explain the change (eg, "Clarify attribute syntax instability")
# If necessary, enter a longer description too
# Click the green button labelled ''Propose file change''
# On the following screen, click the green button labelled ''Create pull request''
[[Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] or one of the other core developers will then have the opportunity to merge your pull request so that it is incorporated into the next build of http://tiddlywiki.com.
Mario Pietsch has created these short video tutorials:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/L4zTkMYcri8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/6ElUruH92tc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/axFCk9KsMFc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
A plugin that allows changes to be synchronised with the IndexedDB database that is built-in to most browsers.
Being quite new to TW5 development I tried my best to draft a SyncAdaptor to store tiddlers in IndexedDb. This is quite useful if an application / plugin installation is not possible (we have quite some restrictions at work...).
Each input title is processed in turn, and is ignored if it does not denote a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]]. The list of property names is retrieved from the data tiddler (in no particular order) and then [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's output.
Where a tiddler's [[content is JSON|JSONTiddlers]] with an array as its root, the <<.op indexes>> operator retrieves a selection of integer indices instead.
<<.operator-examples "indexes">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[{$:/palette}indexes[]sort[title]]" "all the colours defined in the current [[colour palette|ColourPalettes]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[[$:/HistoryList]indexes[]]" "integer output because the [[history list|$:/HistoryList]] is an array">>
System tiddlers in the namespace `$:/info/` are used to expose information about the system (including the current browser) so that WikiText applications can adapt themselves to available features.
! Information Tiddlers
|!Title |!Description |
|[[$:/info/browser]] |Running in the browser? ("yes" or "no") |
|[[$:/info/node]] |Running under [[Node.js]]? ("yes" or "no") |
Each tiddler has a panel of additional information. To reveal it, click the {{$:/core/images/down-arrow}} button in the tiddler's toolbar and then choose {{$:/core/images/info-button}} ''info'' from the dropdown list.
The info panel has the following tabs:
* ''Tools'' - This offers buttons for various actions you can perform on the tiddler. The checkbox next to each button lets you promote an action to the tiddler's toolbar - this will affect all of the tiddlers in your wiki
* ''References'', ''Tagging'', ''List'' and ''Listed'' - These list various kinds of related tiddlers. See [[Using links to navigate between tiddlers]]
* ''Fields'' - This summarises all of the tiddler's [[fields|TiddlerFields]], except for ''text''
* ''Advanced'' - This indicates whether the tiddler is a [[shadow|ShadowTiddlers]]. If it is, this also reveals which plugin it comes from and whether it has been overridden by an ordinary tiddler
To close the info panel, click anywhere outside it.
See also:
* [[Environment Variables on Node.js]]
# Create a backup of your current TiddlyWiki HTML file ([[just in case|The First Rule of Using TiddlyWiki]])
# Open your TiddlyWiki in a browser
# Open the [[$:/ControlPanel]], click on the ''Plugins'' tab and then the ''Get more plugins'' button
# Click ''open plugin library'' to open the official plugin library
# When the library listing is loaded:
## Use the dropdown to select between ''plugins'', ''themes'' and ''languages''
## Use the ''search'' box to search the plugin details
# Click the ''install'' button to install a plugin
# Save your TiddlyWiki
# ''Refresh the page so that TiddlyWiki loads the new plugin''
# The plugin should now be available for use
# Install [[Node.js]] from http://nodejs.org
# Open a command line terminal and type:
#> `npm install -g tiddlywiki`
#> If it fails with an error you may need to re-run the command as an administrator:
#> `sudo npm install -g tiddlywiki` (Mac/Linux)
# Check TiddlyWiki is installed by typing:
#> `tiddlywiki --version`
# In response, you should see TiddlyWiki report its current version (eg "<<version>>"; you may also see other debugging information reported)
# Try it out:
## `tiddlywiki mynewwiki --init server` to create a folder for a new wiki that includes server-related components
## `tiddlywiki mynewwiki --server` to start TiddlyWiki
## Visit in your browser
## Try editing and creating tiddlers
The `-g` flag causes TiddlyWiki to be installed globally. Without it, TiddlyWiki will only be available in the directory where you installed it.
If you are using Debian or Debian-based Linux and you are reciving a `node: command not found` error though node.js package is installed, you may need to create a symbolic link between `nodejs` and `node`. Consult your distro's manual and `whereis` to correctly create a link. See github [[issue 1434|http://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1434]]
Example Debian v8.0: `sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node`
# Clone a local copy of the TiddlyWiki5 GitHub repository from https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5
# Open a command line terminal and change the current working directory to the root of the TiddlyWiki5 repo
# Type `npm link` (Windows) or `sudo npm link` (Mac/Linux) to tell [[npm]] to use this copy of the repo as the globally installed one
After this procedure you can work with TiddlyWiki5 via [[npm]] as though it had been installed in the usual way with `npm install -g tiddlywiki`.
Update the clone from time to time in order to ensure that you have the latest code.
<<.def "Instruction tiddlers">> talk directly to the reader and guide them through a process. The reader is likely to be a beginner or an intermediate user.
Such tiddlers can be subcategorised as:
* What is ~TiddlyWiki and why should I care?
* Demonstrations of key features and benefits
* Frequently asked questions
* Examples of ~TiddlyWiki in the field
* Information about the project itself
* An ordered presentation of material for beginners
* Each tiddler introduces one new point or concept
* Its main content contains very few links
* A revealable <<.word "Find out more">> section at the end can offer related links
* Accompanying a tutorial tiddler
* Solution revealed on demand
* A list of numbered steps for performing a small specific task
* Concise, with links to reference tiddlers where appropriate
* Often has a preamble to clarify the nature of the task
* Accompanying a [[reference tiddler|Reference Tiddlers]]
* Can contain explanations and similar commentary
* Kept separate to keep the reference tiddler pure
Instruction tiddlers talk directly to the reader as <<.word you>>. They can be reasonably chatty.
But they avoid excessively colloquial language, cultural or topical references and attempts at humour, as these can baffle or even offend the international readership. They also avoid potentially frustrating the reader with descriptions of features as <<.word convenient>> or <<.word easy>>.
A git choose-your-own-adventure!ⓡ for walking yourself though fixing a //broken// Git repository.
This document is an attempt to be a fairly comprehensive guide to recovering from what you did not mean to do when using git. It isn't that git is so complicated that you need a large document to take care or your particular problem, it is more that the set of things that you might have done is so large that different techniques are needed depending on exactly what you have done and what you want to have happen.
This brief introduction shows how to install and use TiddlyDesktop:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/i3Bggkm7paA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<<.preamble """This explains the basics of writing a [[filter|Filters]] to select a set of tiddlers. For a more technical presentation, see [[Filter Syntax]].""">>
<$macrocall $name=".tip" _="""Filters do nothing if you just type them into a tiddler on their own. They need a context. An easy way to experiment with filters is to type them into the <<.advancedsearch-tab Filter>> tab of [[Advanced Search|$:/AdvancedSearch]]."""/>
The simplest case is where you already know exactly which tiddlers you want. Type each title in double square brackets, with a space between each one and the next:
> `[[Recipe book]] [[ScrambledEggs]] [[Mom's apple pie]]`
You can omit the square brackets when a title doesn't contain any spaces:
> `[[Recipe book]] ScrambledEggs [[Mom's apple pie]]`
The double square brackets are actually a shorthand for this:
> `[title[ScrambledEggs]]`
... which gives us the <<.def "general model">> for any filter:
> `[operator[parameter]]`
For instance, here's how to select all the tiddlers that have been tagged <<.tag Recipe>>:
> `[tag[Recipe]]`
We can reverse the meaning by adding an exclamation mark `!` just before the operator. For example, we can select any tiddlers that do <<.em not>> have the <<.tag Recipe>> tag:
> `[!tag[Recipe]]`
Tiddlers can be filtered by other fields than just title and tags:
> `[field:serving[4]]`
That example will select any tiddlers that have <<.value 4>> in their <<.field serving>> field.
As the word "serving" isn't a standard filter operator (and isn't likely to become one), you can safely omit the `field:` prefix:
> `[serving[4]]`
The filters we've looked at so far have involved just one step each. But you can <<.def run>> several steps together like this:
> `[tag[Vegetarian]!tag[soup]serving[4]]`
Notice how the entire run is contained in a single pair of square brackets.
A tiddler has to match <<.em all>> of the steps in a run. So the example above retrieves vegetarian recipes (other than soups) for 4 people.
A sequence of separate runs will select the tiddlers that match <<.em any>> of the runs. We can use this to find recipes that serve either 3, 4 or 5 people:
> `[serving[3]] [serving[4]] [serving[5]]`
If we want to ignore vegetarian recipes that serve 4, we can say this:
> `[serving[3]] [serving[4]!tag[Vegetarian]] [serving[5]]`
By default, each run considers every tiddler in the wiki. But we can use a `+` sign to force a run to consider only the tiddlers that were selected by the preceding runs:
> `[serving[3]] [serving[4]] [serving[5]] +[tag[Vegetarian]] +[sort[title]]`
This selects recipes for 3, 4 or 5 people, then filters <<.em those>> to keep only the vegetarian ones, and finally sorts any that are left into alphabetical order of title.
In a similar way, we can use a `-` sign to <<.em remove>> a run's tiddlers from the result so far. Here we select all vegetarian recipes apart from two:
> `[tag[Vegetarian]] -[title[ScrambledEggs]] -BeansOnToast`
!Special parameters
The parameter of each step we've seen so far has been in square brackets, meaning that ~TiddlyWiki treats it literally. But two other kinds of bracket are possible:
<<.def "Curly brackets">> `{}` mean that the parameter is a TextReference, and that its value is to be looked up in a specified tiddler. For example, if we have a tiddler called <<.tid Preference>> whose text happens to be the word <<.value Vegetarian>>, we can say
> `[tag{Preference}]`
as an alternative to `[tag[Vegetarian]]`. This allows the preference to change over time.
<<.def "Angle brackets">> `<>` mean that the parameter is the name of a [[variable|Variables]] whose value is to be used instead. Here we use the built-in <<.vlink currentTiddler>> variable in a filter that selects any tiddlers whose text contains the title of the current one:
> `[search<currentTiddler>]`
This brief presentation explains the basic principles of TiddlyWiki.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/KtCUr83XgyE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
The TiddlyWiki used to produce the video can be found here:
The parameter <<.place C>> is one of the following fundamental categories:
|!Category |!Matches any tiddler that... |
|^`current` |is the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]] |
|^`image` |has an image ContentType |
|^`missing` |does not exist (other than possibly as a shadow tiddler), regardless of whether there are any links it |
|^`orphan` |has no [[hard links|Hard and Soft Links]] to it |
|^`shadow` |is a [[shadow tiddler|ShadowTiddlers]], regardless of whether it has been overridden with a non-shadow tiddler |
|^`system` |is a [[system tiddler|SystemTiddlers]], i.e. its title starts with `$:/` |
|^`tag` |is in use as a tag |
|^`tiddler` |exists as a non-shadow tiddler |
If <<.place C>> is anything else, the output is an error message.
`!is[tiddler]` is a synonym for `is[missing]`, and vice versa.
When <<.op is[missing]>> is the first operator in a [[run|Filter Run]], its output is always empty. And when <<.op is[shadow]>> comes first, it outputs only those shadow tiddlers that have been overridden. This is because the [[initial input to a run|Filter Expression]] contains only <<.em non>>-shadow tiddlers.
The <<.olink all>> operator is similar, but its scope is the whole wiki.
<<.operator-examples "is">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[is[tag]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[!is[tag]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[all[shadows]!is[system]]" "shadow tiddlers that don't start with `$:/`">>
<<.operator-example 4 "[is[system]tag[$:/tags/Stylesheet]]" "system stylesheets">>
<<.operator-example 5 "[all[shadows]is[system]tag[$:/tags/Stylesheet]]" "shadow system stylesheets">>
<<.operator-example 6 "[is[shadow]]" "overridden shadow tiddlers">>
<<.operator-example 7 "[is[missing]]" "empty because its input contains only tiddlers that exist">>
~JavaScript is a computer language that was originally introduced by browsers as a way of scripting web pages. At first it was considered a poorly designed toy, but over the years has become recognised as a powerful language in its own right, and has been adopted widely beyond the browser.
~JavaScript looks like this:
function circleArea(radius) {
return radius * 2 * 3.141592653;
<<.dlink-ex JSON "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSON">> is a standard plain-text format used for modelling hierarchical structures of objects that contain named fields.
DataTiddlers can have JSON content.
The <<.mlink jsontiddlers>> macro returns tiddler content in JSON format.
I'm the original inventor of TiddlyWiki. You can find me on these services:
* jeremy (at) jermolene (dot) com
* [[Jermolene on GitHub|https://github.com/Jermolene]]
* [[Jermolene on GitTip|https://www.gittip.com/Jermolene/]], a micropayment service
* [[@Jermolene on Twitter|http://twitter.com/#!/jermolene]]
* [[Jermy on LinkedIn|http://www.linkedin.com/in/jermy]]
* [[Jermy on Flickr|http://www.flickr.com/photos/jermy/]]
Further information:
* An [[interview with me in The Inquirer|http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/feature/2105529/bt-software-engineer-tells-telco-source]] by Wendy Grossman
* A [[hilarious interview with me|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auyIhw8MTmQ]] from British television in 1983
* Here's a video of a presentation I did in 2007 called [["How to Start an Open Source Project"|http://vimeo.com/856110]].
A JSON tiddler is a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]] containing a [[JSON|JavaScript Object Notation]] structure in its `text` field.
Its [[ContentType]] is `application/json`.
The [[history list|$:/HistoryList]] is a good example of a JSON tiddler.
The <<.def jsontiddlers>> [[macro|Macros]] returns the fields of a [[selection of tiddlers|Title Selection]] in [[JSON|JavaScript Object Notation]] form.
An example can be seen in the [[template tiddler for JSON exports|$:/core/templates/exporters/JsonFile]].
!! Parameters
: A [[filter|Filters]] selecting which tiddlers to include
This plugin adds the ability to display mathematical notation written in ~LaTeX.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/katex/
Keyboard shortcut support is currently very limited but will be improved in later releases.
! Editing Shortcuts
|Key |Shortcut description |
|<kbd>ctrl-enter</kbd> |Confirm changes to the draft tiddler containing the keyboard focus |
|<kbd>escape</kbd> |Abandon changes to the draft tiddler containing the keyboard focus |
! Introduction
The keyboard widget allows ActionWidgets to be triggered by specific key combinations. There is also a shorthand for generating [[Messages]].
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$keyboard>` widget is rendered normally. The keyboard shortcut only takes effect within the contained content.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|message |The title of the [[WidgetMessage|Messages]] to generate |
|param |The parameter to be passed with the [[WidgetMessage|Messages]] |
|key |Key string identifying the key to be trapped (see below) |
|class |A CSS class to be assigned to the generated HTML DIV element |
! Key Strings
Key strings are made up of zero or more of the modifiers <kbd>alt</kbd>, <kbd>shift</kbd> or <kbd>ctrl</kbd> followed by the name of a key, all joined with "+" plus symbols. Key names are either the letter or digit printed on the key (eg "a" or "1"), or one of the special keys <kbd>backspace</kbd>, <kbd>tab</kbd>, <kbd>enter</kbd> or <kbd>escape</kbd>.
For example:
//This is a sample task for the TaskManagementExample//
Here is an example of using the ListWidget and the TranscludeWidget to show a grid of all language icons (ie, tiddlers tagged [[Language]] and [[Icon]]).
.language-gallery img {
width: 5em;
height: auto;
margin: 0.5em;
-webkit-box-shadow: 2px 2px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
-moz-box-shadow: 2px 2px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
box-shadow: 2px 2px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
<div class="language-gallery">
<$list filter="[all[tiddlers+shadows]tag[Language]tag[Icon]]">
<span title=<<currentTiddler>>>
!! Language Plugins
The core TiddlyWiki user interface is available in over 20 languages. You can install language plugins using the plugin manager under the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] ''plugins'' tab.
You can contribute a new language to the library by learning how to [[translate TiddlyWiki into your language|Translate TiddlyWiki into your language]].
!! Language Editions
For some languages, there are pre-built editions with additional translated documentation:
<<list-links "[tag[Languages]]">>
<<.operator-examples "last">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]last[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]last[5]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[tag[Concepts]!sort[title]last[3]]">>
The latest news, articles, resources and examples.
<div class="tc-link-info">
<$list filter="[tag[Articles]] [tag[Examples]] [tag[Resources]] [tag[Tutorials]] +[!sort[modified]limit[8]]">
<div class="tc-link-info-item">
! <$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
<div class="tc-subtitle">Posted <$view field="modified" format="relativedate"/></div>
Ordinarily with TiddlyWiki, the full content of all tiddlers is embedded into the main HTML file. Lazy loading refers to the technique of only embedding metadata about the tiddler (in other words all fields except the ''text'' field), and requesting the body from the server when required.
Lazy loading can be used in two configurations:
* When running [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]], just image tiddlers or all non-system tiddlers can be subject to lazy loading
* When running [[TiddlyWiki in the Sky for TiddlyWeb]], all tiddlers are subject to lazy loading
See the LazyLoadingMechanism for details of how lazy loading is implemented.
! Lazy loading under Node.js
To start TiddlyWiki with lazy loading for image tiddlers use this command:
tiddlywiki --server 8080 $:/core/save/lazy-images
To apply lazy loading to all non-system tiddlers use this command:
tiddlywiki --server 8080 $:/core/save/lazy-all
! Lazy loading under TiddlyWeb
With the current configuration, lazy loading is enabled by default.
Learn more about using TiddlyWiki:
<<list-links "[tag[Learning]]">>
Also see the complete [[Reference]], including advanced WikiText, macros, widgets, filters etc.
`limit[N]` and `!limit[N]` are synonyms for `first[N]` and `last[N]` respectively.
<<.operator-examples "limit">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[sort[modified]!limit[20]]" "the 20 most recently modified tiddlers">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[has[created]sort[created]limit[10]]" "the oldest 10 tiddlers in the wiki">>
The <<.def lingo>> [[macro|Macros]] relates to the translation of ~TiddlyWiki's user interface into other languages. It returns a piece of text in the user's currently selected language.
Translatable text is supplied by language plugins containing tiddlers with specific titles that start with `$:/language/`.
!! Parameters
: The title of the shadow tiddler that contains the text. The prefix `$:/language/` is added automatically
<<.macro-examples "lingo">>
This example shows the text used as the basis for the title of a newly created tiddler:
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<<lingo DefaultNewTiddlerTitle>>"""/>
This example shows the name of the eighth month of the year, for use in [[formatting dates|DateFormat]]:
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2" eg="""<<lingo Date/Long/Month/8>>"""/>
! Introduction
The link catcher widget traps [[WidgetMessage: tm-navigate]] dispatched within its child content by performing any or all of these actions:
* sending a different widget message
* setting a tiddler to the title of the navigated tiddler
* setting a tiddler to a specified value
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$linkcatcher>` widget is displayed normally.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|to |Optional title of the tiddler to be set to the title of the navigated tiddler |
|message |Optional identifier for a [[widget message|Messages]] to be sent when a navigation is caught |
|set |Optional title of the tiddler to be set to a specified value when navigation occurs |
|setTo |Value to be assigned by the `set` attribute |
A key capability of WikiText is the ability to make links to other tiddlers or to external websites.
! Manual Links
Link to a tiddler by title:
[[Tiddler Title]]
To link to a tiddler and specify the text of the link:
[[Displayed Link Title|Tiddler Title]]
! ~CamelCase Links
For tiddler titles that match the CamelCase rules, just typing the title without double square brackets will automatically create a link.
You can suppress a link from being recognised by preceding it with `~`. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"* ~HelloThere is not a link
* ~http://google.com/ is not a link">>
! External Links
To link to an external [[resource|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_resource]] such as a website or a file, type its //full// [[URL|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URL]], including the [[URI scheme|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URI_scheme]] such as a protocol (e.g. `http://`, `file://`) or `mailto`:
[[Mail me|mailto:me@where.net]]
For this syntax to work, the URL has to be recognisable as a URL. Otherwise, it is treated as a tiddler title. As a result, in case you want to link to a resource locatable using a relative path, use the extended syntax:
[ext[Open file|index.html]]
[ext[Open file|./index.html]]
[ext[Open file|../README.md]]
The extended syntax still works with full URLs, although in that case it is not necessary:
You can also use the extended syntax to force an external link:
! Customising Tiddler Links
See the LinkWidget for details of the underlying widget used to implement tiddler links, including macros that can be used to customise its behaviour.
Each input title is processed in turn. The corresponding tiddler's list of links is generated, in the order in which they appear in the tiddler's text, and [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's overall output.
<<.operator-examples "links">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[HelloThere]links[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[all[current]links[]]" "tiddlers [[hard-linked|Hard and Soft Links]] from the current one">>
Here are some hard links:
* HelloThere
* [[Filter Operators]]
* [[links Operator]]
The `link` widget generates links to tiddlers. (Use the HTML `<a>` element to generate external links).
! Content and Attributes
|!Attribute |!Description |
|to |The title of the target tiddler for the link (defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]) |
|aria-label |Optional [[Accessibility]] label |
|tooltip |Optional tooltip WikiText |
|tabindex |Optional numeric [[tabindex|https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement/tabIndex]] |
|draggable |"yes" to enable the link to be draggable (defaults to "yes") |
|tag |Optional tag to override the default "a" element |
The content of the link widget is rendered within the `<a>` tag.
The default value of the tooltip attribute is supplied by the <<.vlink tv-wikilink-tooltip>> variable.
This means that you can control the text of a link tooltip in several ways:
<$link to="HelloThere" tooltip="Custom tooltip">Link 1</$link>
<$set name="tv-wikilink-tooltip" value="I'm a link to {{!!title}}">
<$link to="HelloThere">Link 2</$link>
Renders as:
<$link to="HelloThere" tooltip="Custom tooltip">Link 1</$link>
<$set name="tv-wikilink-tooltip" value="I'm a link to {{!!title}}">
<$link to="HelloThere">Link 2</$link>
Note that the tooltip is rendered with the current tiddler set to the target of the link.
A useful convention is to set the tooltip like this:
\define tv-wikilink-tooltip()
<$transclude field="tooltip"><$transclude field="title"/></$transclude>
This causes the tooltip to be the ''tooltip'' field of the target tiddler. If the field isn't present, then the title is used instead.
! CSS Classes
* `tc-tiddlylink` - applied to all links
* `tc-tiddlylink-external` - applied to external, non-tiddler links
* `tc-tiddlylink-internal` - applied to tiddler links
* `tc-tiddlylink-missing` - applied to tiddler links where the target tiddler doesn't exist
* `tc-tiddlylink-resolves` - applied to tiddler links when the target tiddler does exist
! Configuration variables
* <<.vlink tv-wikilinks>>
* <<.vlink tv-wikilink-template>>
* <<.vlink tv-wikilink-tooltip>>
* <<.vlink tv-get-export-link>>
<<.place R>> can reference either a field or a property. See [[TextReference]] for the syntax.
* If neither is specified, the <<.field list>> field is used by default. So `[list[T]]` outputs the titles listed in the <<.field list>> of tiddler T.
* If <<.place R>> consists of <<.em only>> a field or a property, the tiddler part of the reference defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]. So `[list[!!tags]]` outputs the titles listed in the <<.field tags>> field of the current tiddler.
<<.operator-examples "list">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[HelloThere]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week!!short]]">>
The <<.def list-links>> [[macro|Macros]] returns a formatted list of links to a [[selection of tiddlers|Title Selection]].
If a tiddler has a <<.field caption>> field, this is shown instead of the tiddler's title.
!! Parameters
: A [[filter|Filters]] selecting which tiddlers to include
: An HTML element to use for the overall list element, defaulting to `ul`
: An HTML element to use for each item in the list, defaulting to `li`
: A [[CSS|Cascading Style Sheets]] class for the overall list element
<<.macro-examples "list-links">>
This example lists all the tiddlers whose titles start with J:
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<<list-links filter:"[prefix[J]]">>"""/>
This example lists the documentation tiddlers for the core macros, each of which has a <<.field caption>> field:
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2" eg="""<<list-links filter:"[tag[Core Macros]]">>"""/>
<<.field F>> is assumed to be a [[title list|Title List]].
Each input title is processed in turn. A list of tiddlers whose <<.place F>> field mentions it is generated (in no particular order) and [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's overall output.
<<.operator-examples "listed">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[HelloThere]listed[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[all[current]listed[my-special-list]]">>
The `list` [[field of a tiddler|TiddlerFields]] is an optional feature that can be used to help structure your content. Its value is a [[title list|Title List]], and it can be used in several ways:
* The `list` field of a tiddler that is being used as a tag determines the ordering of the tiddlers that carry that tag - see [[Tagging]] for details
* The `list` [[filter|Filters]] selects the entries from a list
* The `listed` [[filter|Filters]] selects the tiddlers that list the selected tiddler(s)
* The NavigatorWidget manipulates a StoryList tiddler containing a `list` field of the tiddlers that are displayed in the main story column
! Unordered Lists
You can create unordered lists with `*` characters:
<<wikitext-example src:"* First list item
* Second list item
** A subitem
* Third list item
! Ordered Lists
Ordered lists use `#` instead of `*`:
# First item
# Second item
# Third item
You can also mix ordered and unordered list items:
<<wikitext-example src:"* To do today
*# Eat
* To get someone else to do
*# This
*# That
*## And the other
Here's an example the other way around, with numbers as the first level:
<<wikitext-example src:"# To do today
#* Eat
# To get someone else to do
#* This
#* That
#** And the other
! CSS Classes
You can also assign a CSS class to an individual member of a list with this notation:
<<wikitext-example src:"* List One
*.MyClass List Two
* List Three
! Mixing Lists and Block Quotes
Note that [[Block Quotes in WikiText]] can be mixed with lists. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"* List One
** List Two
**> A quote
**> Another quote
* List Three
! Paragraphs in Lists
Entries in the list are delimited with a linebreak, making it impossible to include linebreaks within a list entry. There are a couple of workarounds.
First, you can transclude paragraph content from another tiddler. For example:
* First entry
* <$transclude tiddler="MyTiddler" mode="block"/>
* Third entry
Secondly, you can use an HTML "div" element to contain the multiline content. For example:
# Step 1
# Step 2
# Step 3<div>
Here is the first of several paragraphs. Note that the double linebreak preceding this paragraph is significant.
And here is the second of several paragraphs.
# Step 4
# Step 5
# Step 6
! Introduction
The list widget displays a sequence of tiddlers that match a [[tiddler filter|Filters]]. It can be used for many purposes:
* Displaying custom lists of links, like in TiddlyWiki5's sidebar
* Custom lists, such as "all tiddlers tagged 'task' that are not tagged 'done'"
* Listing each of the tags applied to a tiddler
* Handling the main story river
The tiddlers are displayed by transcluding each in turn through a template. There are several ways to specify the template and for controlling the behaviour of the list.
! Examples
''plain list''
<$list filter="[tag[ListWidget]sort[title]]"/>
Displays as:
<$list filter="[tag[ListWidget]sort[title]]"/>
''custom item output''
<$list filter="[tag[ListWidget]sort[title]]">
Displays as:
<$list filter="[tag[ListWidget]sort[title]]">
''custom item template''
<$list filter="[tag[ListWidget]sort[title]]" template="$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/subtitle"/>
Displays as:
<$list filter="[tag[ListWidget]sort[title]]" template="$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/subtitle"/>
!! Grouped Lists
See NestedLists for how to generate nested and grouped lists using the ListWidget.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$list>` widget is an optional template to use for rendering each tiddler in the list. Alternatively, the template can be specified as a tiddler title in the ``template`` attribute. As a fallback, the default template just displays the tiddler title.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|filter |The [[tiddler filter|Filters]] to display |
|template |The title of a template tiddler for transcluding each tiddler in the list. When no template is specified, the body of the ListWidget serves as the item template. With no body, a simple link to the tiddler is returned. |
|editTemplate |An alternative template to use for [[DraftTiddlers|DraftMechanism]] in edit mode |
|variable |The name for a [[variable|Variables]] in which the title of each listed tiddler is stored. Defaults to ''currentTiddler'' |
|emptyMessage |Message to be displayed when the list is empty |
|storyview |Optional name of module responsible for animating/processing the list |
|history |The title of the tiddler containing the navigation history |
!! Edit mode
The `<$list>` widget can optionally render draft tiddlers through a different template to handle editing, see DraftMechanism.
!! `storyview` attribute
The `storyview` attribute specifies the name of an optional module that can animate changes to the list (including navigation). The core ships with the following storyview modules:
* `classic`: renders the list as an ordered sequence of tiddlers
* `zoomin`: just renders the current tiddler from the list, with a zoom animation for navigating between tiddlers
* `pop`: shrinks items in and out of place
In order for the storyviews to animate correctly each entry in the list should be a single block mode DOM element.
!! History and navigation
The optional `history` attribute specifies the name of a tiddler that is used to track the current tiddler for navigation purposes. When the history tiddler changes the list view responds by telling the listview to handle navigating to the new tiddler. See HistoryMechanism for details.
<<.preamble """What follows is a formal presentation of the syntax of the WikiText syntax for macro calls, using [[railroad diagrams|Railroad Diagrams]]. A [[simpler overview|Macro Calls in WikiText]] is also available.""">>
<$railroad text="""
"<<" name [: space [:{param-value}] ]">>"
<<.place space>> denotes a sequence of [[whitespace characters|Filter Whitespace]].
The [[macro|Macros]]'s <<.place name>> is a sequence of non-whitespace characters other than `(` or `>`.
Each individual <<.place param-value>> has the following syntax:
<$railroad text="""
[: param-name [:space] ":" [:space] ] value [: space]
The <<.place param-name>> is a sequence of letters (`A`--`Z`, `a`--`z`), digits (`0`--`9`), hyphens (`-`) and underscores (`_`).
The <<.place value>> is specified as follows:
<$railroad text={{$:/editions/tw5.com/railroad/macro-parameter-value}}/>
To call a [[macro|Macros]], place `<<`double angle brackets`>>` around the name and any parameter values.
By default, parameters are listed in the same order as in the macro's definition. A parameter can be labelled with its name, either for clarity or to modify the order.
If no value is specified for a parameter, the default value given for that parameter in the macro's definition is used instead. (If no default value was defined, the parameter is simply blank.)
Each parameter value can be enclosed in `'`single quotes`'`, `"`double quotes`"`, `"""`triple double quotes`"""` or `[[`double square brackets`]]`. Triple double quotes allow a value to contain almost anything. If a value contains no spaces or single or double quotes, it requires no delimiters.
A more formal [[presentation|Macro Call Syntax]] of this syntax is also available.
The syntax is actually a shorthand for a <<.wlink MacroCallWidget>> widget. The widget itself offers greater flexibility, including the ability to [[transclude|Transclusion]] parameter values or generate them via additional macros.
As macros are simply parameterised [[variables|Variables]], a variable's value can be inserted using the same techniques.
[[Examples|Macro Calls in WikiText (Examples)]]
\define sayhi-example-1() <<sayhi>>
\define sayhi-example-2() <<sayhi Bugs>>
\define sayhi-example-3() <<sayhi "Donald Duck" Disneyland>>
\define sayhi-example-4() <<sayhi "Mickey Mouse" "Mouse House">>
\define sayhi-example-5() <<sayhi name:'Minnie Mouse' address:[[Mouse House]]>>
\define sayhi-example-6() <<sayhi address:"Quacky Towers" name:"Donald Duck">>
\define sayhi-example-7()
<<sayhi "Mickey Mouse" """"Mouse House",
Rodent's Lane,
<$importvariables filter="$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/say-hi">
<$codeblock code={{$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/say-hi}}/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg=<<sayhi-example-1>>/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2" eg=<<sayhi-example-2>>/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="3" eg=<<sayhi-example-3>>/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="4" eg=<<sayhi-example-4>>/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="5" eg=<<sayhi-example-5>>/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="6" eg=<<sayhi-example-6>>/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="7" egvar="sayhi-example-7"/>
<<.preamble """What follows is a formal presentation of the syntax of the `\define` pragma, using [[railroad diagrams|Railroad Diagrams]]. A [[simpler overview|Macro Definitions in WikiText]] is also available.""">>
<$railroad text="""
"\define" space name params [:space] rest
<<.place space>> denotes a sequence of [[whitespace characters|Filter Whitespace]].
The [[macro|Macros]]'s <<.place name>> is a sequence of non-whitespace characters other than `(` or `>`.
The parameter declaration list (<<.place params>>) has the following syntax:
<$railroad text="""
"(" [:sep] [:{ param sep }] ")"
The parameter separator (<<.place sep>>) is any sequence of characters that does not match a <<.place param-name>>. Among other things, this includes commas, spaces and linefeeds.
A <<.place param-name>> is a sequence of letters (`A`--`Z`, `a`--`z`), digits (`0`--`9`), hyphens (`-`) and underscores (`_`).
Each individual <<.place param>> has the following syntax:
<$railroad text="""
param-name [: [:space] ":" [:space] default ]
The optional <<.place default>> value of a parameter is specified as follows:
<$railroad text={{$:/editions/tw5.com/railroad/macro-parameter-value}}/>
The <<.place rest>> of the definition has the following syntax:
<$railroad text="""
( snippet | lf snippet lf "\end" [:space] ) lf
<<.place lf>> denotes a linefeed.
The <<.place snippet>> is any sequence of characters that doesn't terminate the macro definition. That is to say, a single-line snippet cannot contain a linefeed, and a multi-line snippet cannot contain `\end` on a line of its own.
The snippet can contain placeholders with the following syntax:
<$railroad text="""
( "$" name "$" | "$" "(" name ")" "$" )
A [[macro|Macros]] is defined using a `\define` [[pragma|Pragma]]. Like any pragma, this can only appear at the start of a tiddler.
The first line of the definition specifies the macro name and any parameters. Each parameter has a name, and optionally a default value that is used if no value is supplied on a particular call to the macro. The lines that follow contain the macro's text (i.e. the snippet represented by the macro name), until `\end` appears on a line by itself:
<$codeblock code={{$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/say-hi}}/>
Alternatively, the entire definition can be presented on a single line, without an `\end` marker:
\define sayhi(name:"Bugs Bunny") Hi, I'm $name$.
A more formal [[presentation|Macro Definition Syntax]] of this syntax is also available.
!! Placeholders
The snippet can contain placeholders for parameters. These consist of a parameter name between dollar signs, like `$this$`.
It can also contain placeholders for [[variables|Variables]]. These consist of a variable name (or macro name) between dollar signs and round brackets, like `$(this)$`.
The actual value of the parameter or variable is substituted for the placeholder whenever the macro is called:
<$importvariables filter="$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/say-hi-using-variables">
<$codeblock code={{$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/say-hi-using-variables}}/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<$set name="address" value="Rabbit Hole Hill">
!! Scope
Macros are available to the tiddler that defines them, plus any tiddlers that it transcludes.
To make a macro available to all tiddlers, define it in a tiddler that has the tag <<.tag $:/tags/Macro>>.
It is also possible to write a macro as a [[JavaScript module|http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/index.html#JavaScript%20Macros]]. ~JavaScript macros are available to all tiddlers, and offer the maximum flexibility.
A tiddler can manually import macro definitions from a [[selection|Title Selection]] of other tiddlers by using the <<.wlink ImportVariablesWidget>> widget.
<<list-links filter:"[tag[Macro Syntax]]">>
! Introduction
The macro call widget provides an alternative syntax for invoking macros. The advantage of the widget form is that it allows macro parameters to be specified as widget attributes, thus allowing indirection and macro values to be set.
For example, a macro called `italicise` that takes a single parameter called `text` can be invoked in any of these ways:
<<italicise "Text to be made into italics">>
<<italicise text:"Text to be made into italics">>
<$macrocall $name="italicise" text="Text to be made into italics"/>
<$macrocall $name="italicise" text={{Title of tiddler containing text to be italicised}}/>
<$macrocall $name="italicise" text=<<textMaker "Another macro to generate the text to be italicised">>/>
You can see several examples of the macro call widget within the core:
* Listing module information: [[$:/snippets/modules]]
* Listing field information: [[$:/snippets/allfields]]
* Generating `data:` URIs: [[$:/themes/tiddlywiki/starlight/styles.tid]]
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$macrocall>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$name |Name of the macro to invoke |
|$type |ContentType with which the macro text should be parsed (defaults to `text/vnd.tiddlywiki`) |
|$output |ContentType for the output rendering (defaults to `text/html`, can also be `text/plain`) |
|//parameters// |Macro parameters specified as attributes |
A <<.def macro>> is a named snippet of text. WikiText can use the name as a shorthand way of [[transcluding|Transclusion]] the snippet. Such transclusions are known as <<.def "macro calls">>, and each call can supply a different set of parameters that get substituted for special placeholders within the snippet.
For the syntax, see [[Macros in WikiText]].
Most macros are in fact just parameterised [[variables|Variables]].
They are created using the `\define` [[pragma|Pragma]]. (Behind the scenes, this is transformed into a <<.wlink SetWidget>>, i.e. macros and variables are two sides of the same coin.)
The snippet and its incoming parameter values are treated as simple strings of characters with no WikiText meaning, at least until the placeholders have been filled in and the macro call has returned. This means that a macro can assemble and return the complete syntax of a ~WikiText component, such as a [[link|Linking in WikiText]]. (See [[Transclusion and Substitution]] for further discussion of this.)
The string returned by a macro call is parsed separately from any surrounding ~WikiText components. So a safe way to insert a special character sequence (such as `[[` or `<`) without triggering its normal ~WikiText meaning is to wrap it in a macro.
Within a snippet itself, the only markup detected is `$name$` (a placeholder for a macro parameter) and `$(name)$` (a placeholder for a [[variable|Variables]]).
The <<.mlink dumpvariables>> macro lists all variables (including macros) that are available at that position in the widget tree.
An <<.wlink ImportVariablesWidget>> widget can be used to copy macro definitions to another branch of the [[widget tree|Widgets]]. ~TiddlyWiki uses this technique internally to implement global macros -- namely any macros defined in tiddlers with the <<.tag $:/tags/Macro>> tag.
For maximum flexibility, macros can also be <<.js-macro-link "written as JavaScript modules">>.
A similar effect to a parameterised macro call can be produced by setting [[variables|Variables]] around a [[transclusion|Transclusion]].
~TiddlyWiki's core has [[several macros|Core Macros]] built in.
The use of [[macros|Macros]] in WikiText has two distinct aspects:
* [[Defining macros|Macro Definitions in WikiText]]
* [[Calling macros|Macro Calls in WikiText]]
//This is a sample task for the TaskManagementExample//
The <<.def makedatauri>> [[macro|Macros]] takes a piece of text and an associated ContentType, and returns a corresponding [[data URI|Data URI]].
<<.var makedatauri>> is used to implement the <<.mlink datauri>> macro.
!! Parameters
: The text to be converted to a data URI
: The ContentType of the text
<<.macro-examples "makedatauri">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<<makedatauri "some example text" "text/plain">>"""/>
See the UpgradeMechanism for more details.
\define textOnPath(text)
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 1000 300" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" style="background:white;">
<path id="MyPath" d="M 100 200 C 200 100 300 0 400 100 C 500 200 600 300 700 200 C 800 100 900 100 900 100"/>
<use xlink:href="#MyPath" fill="none" stroke="#ddd"/>
<text font-family="'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif" font-size="42.5">
<textPath xlink:href="#MyPath">
This demo shows how to use SVG to render transcluded text along a path. Enter some text in the textbox below to try it out; [[view the source|Making curved text with SVG]] to see how it is done.
<$edit-text tiddler="$:/CurvedText" tag="input" placeholder="Type text here" default=""/>
<$macrocall $name="textOnPath" text={{$:/CurvedText}}/>
# Create a backup of your current TiddlyWiki HTML file ([[just in case|The First Rule of Using TiddlyWiki]])
# Open your TiddlyWiki in a browser
# In another browser window, find a link to the plugin, e.g. [[$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/example]]. You will typically find these links on the home page of the plugin (for example, http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/katex/)
# Drag the link [[$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/example]] to the browser window containing your TiddlyWiki
# Save your TiddlyWiki
# ''Refresh the page so that TiddlyWiki loads the new plugin''
# The plugin should now be available for use
The Markdown plugin enables you to use tiddlers that are written in standard Markdown markup.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/markdown/
An experimental MathJax plugin for TiddlyWiki version 5. As Martin says, the implementation is a bit of a hack but may be useful until we have a better alternative.
Welcome. I have created plugin for TiddlyWiki 5 which allows you to use MathJax (math in TeX and MathML) inside TiddlyWiki 5. It's unofficial plugin and it doesn't follow general policy of TiddlyWiki as stand-alone solution but it works. So you can use it if you want.
MathML is a markup language for mathematical notation that can be used with HTML.
If your browser supports it, MathML elements can be used in TiddlyWiki5 WikiText just like HTML.
Here is an example MathML equation from [[the W3C|http://www.w3.org/Math/XSL/csmall2.xml]]:
Renders as:
These are the internal mechanisms that fit together to make up TiddlyWiki.
<<list-links "[tag[Mechanisms]]">>
Local meetings around the world for ~TiddlyWiki people:
* [[OXTWIG]], the ''Oxford ~TiddlyWiki Interest Group'' meets monthly in Oxford, UK to share experiences of using TiddlyWiki
* ''[[TiddlyWiki Camp Paris]]'' is an all day celebration and exploration of TiddlyWiki for experienced users and beginners alike
//If you are a ~TiddlyWiki enthusiast please consider starting a local TWIG in your area, it's a great way to spread the word about using TiddlyWiki//
Widget messages are generated by widgets in response to user actions. They flow up the widget tree until they are handled by an ancestor widget.
The following widget messages are implemented by the core:
<<list-links "[tag[Messages]]">>
Modals (or "wizards") fade the main TiddlyWiki window to display an isolated tiddler that must be explicitly dismissed by the user.
Modals are displayed with the [[WidgetMessage: tm-modal]].
<$button message="tm-modal" param="SampleWizard">Open demo modal</$button>
A //module// in TiddlyWiki5 is a tiddler containing executable JavaScript, of the type `application/javascript` and with the field `module-type` set to the ModuleType of the module.
See [[ControlPanel|$:/ControlPanel]] > ''Info'' > ''Advanced'' > ''Loaded Modules'' for a list of currently loaded modules.
<<.operator-examples "modules">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[filteroperator]modules[]]">>
\define describe() {{$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/$(type)$}}
The `module-type` field of a [[JavaScript module|Modules]] is a string that identifies the type of the module. Here is a list of the module types used in this wiki:
<$list filter="[moduletypes[]]">
<$set name=type value=<<currentTiddler>>>
<<.operator-examples "moduletypes">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[moduletypes[]]">>
\rules only html
<pre style="font-size:10px; font-family: monospace; line-height:13px">
';. .;c'
:XNo ,kjack' .:dd
,K0X: '0l Tiddly:',..,Wiki.
jacK' .dk. '';jack .xk;
Jack; ..',','... '0c .0c
:0:c0l. .:dTidllyc::cjoWikioc:,,,,;;:cJACKc:;;d0. 'K:
l0:'jack,... ...',:lkxc. ..';:ccc:;;,'...',:loc .Kc
,xk:..,jackjackjack;'. :K,
.lxxl;.. . .Ox.
.':lTiddlyWikI. .xk.
`` ;0; . ;Od.
.dO' .0Ojackx,
cOo' .kk'.'..
.k0' .cOo.
lO; ... .jack.
.xk' .jackTiddlyWikijackO, .lkd;.
;Oo. .dO. .ok. ,Oo.
l0; .c, ,0: .kd l0.
.xk. .xNx lO. lO. ;0,
.Od. ,XW0, :0; dk. .kx.
.kx. jACKx' cOl. .Ol ;0:
.oO: .JACKx. .jack;'. .0: c0;
'dkc ,lXKd' .'jack. .Ol cOc.
.;ljack,.;xkc,...,oK, 'xxjack. .oko.
`` 'cljack' .okdlcJack.
<<.operator-examples "move">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]] +[move[Wednesday]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]] +[move:-2[Wednesday]]">>
MultiTiddlerFiles allow multiple tiddlers to be concisely represented in a single text file.
The goals of this format are:
* To be easy to type and easy to read
* Optimised for single line strings
* To allow common fields or tags to be shared within groups of tiddlers
* To be simple to process with external tools
MultiTiddlerFiles have the extension `multids`. The file is structured as a block of shared fields followed by a blank line. The rest of the file is a sequence of comments and tiddlers. Tiddlers are specified by their title, followed by a colon, at least one space character, and then the rest of the line is the text field for the tiddler.
For example:
title: $:/language/ControlPanel/
tags: strings
modifier: JoeBloggs
Basics/Caption: Basics
# This is a comment
Basics/Version: ~TiddlyWiki Version
This example defines two tiddlers, [[$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/Caption]] and [[$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/Version]].
If a `title` field is specified in the header then it is treated as a prefix for the individual tiddlers defined in the title.
!! Syntax Specification
!!! MultiTiddlerFiles
<$railroad text="""
{<"Header Line">} "Blank Line" {(<"Tiddler Descriptor Line"> | <"Comment Line">)}
!!! Header Line
<$railroad text="""
<"Identifier"> ":" {"Whitespace"} <"Value"> "New Line"
!!! Tiddler Descriptor Line
<$railroad text="""
<"File Path"> ":" {"Whitespace"} <"Tiddler Title"> "New Line"
!!! Comment Line
<$railroad text="""
"#" {("Text" | "Whitespace")} "New Line"
The <<.def namespace>> [[variable|Variables]] is used internally by [[HTML|HyperText Markup Language]] widgets to keep track of the correct namespace for the [[DOM|Document Object Model]] elements they generate.
An `svg` or `math` element supplies a distinct namespace for itself and any child elements it contains.
The system tiddlers provided as part of the core are named according to the following rules:
|!Namespace |!Format |!Description |
|`$:/*` |~CamelCase |Root user interface tiddlers (eg control panel, advanced search) |
|`$:/config/*` |~CamelCase |User-oriented configuration setting |
|`$:/core/images/*` |hyphen-case |Core images |
|`$:/core/modules/*` |lowercase |JavaScript module tiddlers |
|`$:/core/save/*` |lowercase |Saving templates for creating TiddlyWiki documents |
|`$:/core/templates/*` |//inconsistent// |Templates needed for TiddlyWiki to operate. Currently uses a mix of dashes and periods to separate words |
|`$:/core/ui/*` |//inconsistent// |Tiddlers comprising the default user interface of TiddlyWiki. Currently uses a mix of ~CamelCase and lowercase naming conventions |
|`$:/core/wiki/*` |lowercase |Metadata about the entire wiki |
|`$:/docs/*` |lowercase |Documentation tiddlers |
|`$:/messages/*` |~CamelCase |System messages |
|`$:/plugins/*` |lowercase |Plugin tiddlers, and plugin content |
|`$:/snippets/*` |//inconsistent// |Reusable snippets (will be replaced by macros) |
|`$:/state/*` |lowercase |User interface state tiddlers |
|`$:/tags/*` |~CamelCase |User interface configuration tags |
|`$:/temp/*` |lowercase |Temporary tiddlers that shouldn't be saved |
|`$:/themes/*` |lowercase |Theme plugins |
In the format column:
* ''hyphen-case'' refers to joining multiple lowercase words with hyphens
* ''~CamelCase'' refers to joining mulitple initial capitaled words with hyphens
* ''lowercase'' refers to directly joining multiple lowercase words
* ''inconsistent'' marks namespaces that are currently titled inconsistently
In the default "classic" storyview mode, open tiddlers are displayed in a vertical column called the "story river". There are a number of ways you can navigate the story river - that is, how you can jump back and forth between the open tiddlers.
* The best approach is to ''use the Open tab'' in the sidebar to click on the open tiddler to which you wish to navigate.
** The ''Open'' tab contains a list of all the open tiddlers. You can click on any tiddler in the list to jump to it, or click the "×" next to a tiddler link to close it. There is also a handy ''close all'' button at the bottom of the list of open tiddlers.
* Another way is to simply ''scroll the page up and down'' using the story river scrollbar to the right.
** Note that when both the story river and the sidebar extend below the visible screen, there will be //two// scrollbars. The outer or far-right scrollbar controls the story river. The inner scrollbar controls the sidebar.
* A clunky approach that many new users try is to ''close tiddlers one by one'' until they get to the tiddler they are looking for.
** Closing any tiddler at the top or in the middle of the story river will cause all the tiddlers below it to slide up the river. The tiddler immediately below the tiddler you closed will slide up to take its place.
** Closing the bottom tiddler will close it and the bottom of the tiddler above it will come into view.
! Introduction
The navigator widget manipulates the current store, the story list and history lists in response to various [[Messages]].
! Content and Attributes
The navigator widget displays any contained content, and responds to Messages dispatched within it.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|story |Name of the tiddler containing the story list to be manipulated |
|history |Name of the tiddler containing the history list to be manipulated |
|openLinkFromInsideRiver |Determines the location for opening new tiddlers from links within the story river: at the ''top'' or ''bottom'' of the story river, or ''above'' or ''below'' the current tiddler |
|openLinkFromOutsideRiver|Determines the location for opening new tiddlers from linkes outside the story river: at the ''top'' or ''bottom'' of the story river|
! Widget Messages
The following [[Messages]] are handled by the navigator widget:
<$list filter="[tag[navigator-message]]">
<$link to={{!!title}}>
<$view field="title"/>
Each input title is processed in turn, and its successor is located in the <<.field list>> field and appended to the output. If a title is not listed in the field, or is the last title there, then it contributes nothing to the output.
<<.operator-examples "next">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[Monday]next[Days of the Week]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[[Sunday]next[Days of the Week]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "Tuesday Wednesday Thursday +[next[Days of the Week]]">>
"node-webkit" was the original name for the project now known as [[NW.js]].
''Node.js'' is a downloadable application for your PC, Mac or Linux computer that lets it run JavaScript applications. Unlike ~JavaScript applications running in a web browser, Node.js code has full access to the file system and other resources of the computer, enabling it to perform the roles that have traditionally been the preserve of languages like Java, PHP and Python. See http://nodejs.org for more details.
For ~TiddlyWiki, Node.js means that we can have a single code base that can run in the browser or on the server, giving great flexibility in how it is used.
For end users, Node.js is no more complicated to install than a web browser, but unlocks powerful capabilities such as the ability to run ~TiddlyWiki as a web server that you can connect to from other devices.
See [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] for more details.
Version 5.0.11-beta includes some changes that can break content from earlier releases of ~TiddlyWiki 5.
! Command line changes
Previously, commands that generate output files would interpret the specified path to the file as being relative to the current working directory. So, for example, the following command would write `index.html` to the current directory:
tiddlywiki mywiki --rendertiddler $:/core/save/all index.html text/plain
In 5.0.11-beta this behaviour has changed, and now the specified filename is resolved relative to an `output` folder within the TiddlyWikiFolder. So the command above will now write the file `index.html` to `mywiki/output/index.html`.
You can override this behaviour with the OutputCommand. For example, to generate the `index.html` file within the current directory:
tiddlywiki mywiki --output . --rendertiddler $:/core/save/all index.html text/plain
A further change is that the `--rendertiddlers` command now clears the output folder before it writes any files. This means that any previous `--rendertiddler` commands to the same folder will have their output deleted.
Version 5.0.8-beta includes some changes that can break content from earlier releases of ~TiddlyWiki 5.
! Change to [[$:/SiteTitle]] and [[$:/SiteSubtitle]]
You should rename any existing SiteTitle and SiteSubtitle tiddlers to [[$:/SiteTitle]] and [[$:/SiteSubtitle]] respectively.
! Changed parsing rules for content of HTML elements
Version 5.0.8-beta marks a change in the way that TiddlyWiki determines whether to parse the content of an HTML element or widget in //block mode// or //inline mode//.
* In block mode, TiddlyWiki parses text into paragraphs, creating `<p>` tags to wrap them. It also recognises block syntax like headings, lists and tables.
* In inline mode, TiddlyWiki ignores paragraph formatting, and just recognises character formatting, like bold and italic.
It's important to be able to control which type of parsing is performed for different situations.
Prior to 5.0.8-beta, TiddlyWiki parsed the content of an element in inline mode unless the opening tag of the element were immediately followed by a line break. This meant that much of the time element tags would be shunted together into a long line, hindering readability.
The new behaviour for 5.0.8-beta is to parse the content of an element in inline mode unless the opening tag is immediately followed by two line breaks.
To adjust existing content for 5.0.8-beta you will need to manually add the additional line break after the opening tag of elements and widgets whose content should be parsed in block mode.
The positive aspect of the change is that it removes the need to pack multiple HTML tags onto a single line, improving readability.
!! Examples
Consider the difference between these two examples. First, here's an HTML tag that starts with two line breaks:
<<wikitext-example src:"
! This is a heading
And a paragraph of text.
Secondly, here's an HTML tag with just a single line break. Notice how the heading is no longer recognised as a heading
<<wikitext-example src:"
! This is a heading
And a paragraph of text.
! Changed commands for [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
The handling of wiki folders has changed. Previously, if the `tiddlywiki` command was run against a wiki folder that didn't have the necessary `tiddlywiki.info` file then it would be automatically created. Now, the wiki folder must be initialised with the InitCommand.
This is how to create and start a new server-based wiki:
tiddlywiki mywikifolder --init server
tiddlywiki mywikifolder --server
Note that the name of the ''clientserver'' edition has changed to ''server''.
Notifications are small informational messages that appear at the top right of the TiddlyWiki window, and automatically disappear after a preset time.
<$button message="tm-notify" param="SampleNotification">Display sample notification</$button>
The <<.def now>> [[macro|Macros]] returns the current date and time in a specified [[format|DateFormat]].
The value doesn't update automatically, like a ticking clock. It updates whenever the macro call is rendered, such as when the containing tiddler's display needs to be refreshed for some other reason.
!! Parameters
: A string specifying the desired [[format|DateFormat]], defaulting to `0hh:0mm, DDth MMM YYYY`
<<.macro-examples "now">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<<now>>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2" eg="""<<now YYYY-0MM-0DD>>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="3" eg="""<<now "hh:0mm:0sspm">>"""/>
Non-numeric values are treated as having a higher value than any number, and the difference between capital and lowercase letters is ignored. Compare <<.olink nsortcs>>.
<<.operator-examples "nsort">>
<<.operator-example 1 "10 010 1000 100 +[nsort[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "10 010 ALPHA beta alpha 1000 100 +[nsort[]]">>
Non-numeric values are treated as having a higher value than any number, and capital and lowercase letters are treated as different. Compare <<.olink nsort>>.
<<.operator-examples "nsortcs">>
<<.operator-example 1 "10 010 1000 100 +[nsortcs[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "10 010 ALPHA beta alpha 1000 100 +[nsortcs[]]">>
<<.place N>> is one-based. In other words, `nth[1]` has the same effect as the <<.olink first>> operator.
<<.operator-examples "nth">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]nth[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]nth[5]]">>
NW.js is an OpenSource application that fuses the functionality of a web browser with that of [[Node.js]]. It makes it possible to use web applications as though they were native apps, with full access to the file system and other native facilities. Learn more from the [[official site|https://github.com/nwjs/nw.js]] or [[this introductory blog post|http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/javascript-ajax/introduction-to-html5-desktop-apps-with-node-webkit/]].
See [[TiddlyWiki on NW.js]] for details of how to use TiddlyWiki with NW.js.
An introduction to the biblical book of Obadiah by Dave Gifford using the table of contents macro and various custom tweaks to ~TiddlyWiki: custom new here buttons, [[this custom viewtemplate addition|http://giffmex.org/experiments/obadiah.html#%24%3A%2F_aa%2FViewTemplate%2FNoteList]] to add notes or images within any tiddler, and a tiddler transcluding all the content, in order to facilitate printing ([[this tiddler|http://giffmex.org/experiments/obadiah.html#An%20introduction%20to%20Obadiah]]).
OpenSource is [[defined by Wikipedia|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_source]] as //a philosophy, or pragmatic methodology that promotes free redistribution and access to an end product's design and implementation details//.
When ~TiddlyWiki generates a list of the tiddlers that have a particular tag (e.g. the dropdown list of a tag pill), it orders the tiddlers using the following rules:
# Start with any that are [[declared|Title List]] in the <<.field list>> field of the tag tiddler, in the order given there.
# In each remaining tiddler <<.place T>>, look for a <<.field list-before>> field. If this has a tiddler title as its value, place <<.place T>> just <<.em before>> that one.
#* As a special case, if the field exists but its value is empty, place <<.place T>> at the very start of the list.
# In each remaining tiddler <<.place T>>, look for a <<.field list-after>> field. If this has a tiddler title as its value, place tiddler <<.place T>> just <<.em after>> that one.
# If any tiddlers still remain, place them at the end of the list in ascending alphabetical order of title. The difference between capital and lowercase letters is ignored.
Founded in 2004 by JeremyRuston, Osmosoft was originally a consultancy for software services around TiddlyWiki. Notable engagements included working with Socialtext on [[Socialtext Unplugged|https://www.socialtext.net/open/socialtext_unplugged]].
In 2007, Osmosoft was acquired by [[BT]] and became the champions for open source within the enterprise. As part of BT, Osmosoft has worked on a diverse range of projects within BT and for BT's customers.
See http://osmosoft.com/
The ''Oxford ~TiddlyWiki Interest Group'' meets monthly for discussions and demonstrations about TiddlyWiki.
See https://oxtwig.eventbrite.co.uk/ for details of our next meeting.
We have an email discussion list, too: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!members/oxtwig
The second OXTWIG meeting was held on Thursday 16th January 2014:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/WOK_nVBf_6U" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
The first OXTWIG meeting was held on Thursday 21st November 2013:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/tpNf_Dms_TE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
One major feature of TiddlyWiki that many new users are unaware of is the degree to which TiddlyWiki can be customised, just by adding or removing SystemTags in key shadow tiddlers or in your own custom tiddlers.
* You can add and remove default features in tiddlers in either viewing or editing mode (let's say you find the tiddler subtitle distracting, or you want to add yourself a reminder that you will see when you edit tiddlers)
* You can also add and remove default features from the general page layout (maybe you want to add a clock to the sidebar, or replace one of the page control buttons with your own)
* You can also rearrange the order in which these features are displayed (perhaps you would like tags above tiddler titles, or the subtitle of your TiddlyWiki below the page control buttons)
Once you know what you are doing, all of these things are actually pretty easy to do.
! Adding custom-made tiddlers to the user interface
You can also create any tiddler you want and tag it with the appropriate SystemTag, and it will appear in that place. For example, if you create a tiddler 'Reminder to self', add the text 'This is a reminder' and tag it `$:/tags/EditTemplate`, the words 'This is a reminder' will appear inside every tiddler when you edit it.
When you add new tiddlers to be displayed within tiddlers or within the page layout, you will also probably need to reposition it so that it appears precisely where you want it to appear. To do this, edit the appropriate shadow tiddler with the prefix `$:/tags/`, and insert the title of your tiddler in the proper place in the list field. For example, if you want the words 'This is a reminder' from the example above to appear above the tags editor in editing mode, edit the tiddler $:/tags/EditTemplate, go to the 'list' field, and insert `[[Reminder to self]]` right before `$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/tags`.
! Creating new buttons for the ViewToolbar and page controls
Let's say you have a skeleton tiddler called 'Recipe template', and you want to have a button available in the tiddler ViewToolbar to create new recipe tiddlers on demand. This will require the following steps:
# You will want an image for your button. If none of the core images (shadow tiddlers with the prefix $:/core/images/) work for you, then you will need to create or acquire an SVG image (for example, one of the images at http://flaticon.com), drag it into your file so that it becomes a tiddler, edit the tiddler and adjust the height and width to 22px
# You will want to create the tiddler that contains your tiddler. Create it, title it, and add the button code (see the code at the bottom of this tiddler for an example, with hints where you will need to adapt it). Tag it [[$:/tags/ViewToolbar]]
# You will need to create a tiddler that tells TiddlyWiki whether your button should be visible in the toolbar or hidden. Let's title it [[$:/config/ViewToolbarButtons/Visibility/Recipe]]. Type `reveal` into the text area, and save.
# You will want to position the button properly. Open the tiddler $:/tags/ViewToolbar and insert your button tiddler's title in the appropriate place in the list field.
\define newHereButtonTags()
\define newHereButton()
<$button class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>>>
title="New tiddler"
tags=<<newHereButtonTags>> />
<$list filter="[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]">
<$list filter="[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]">
<span class="tc-btn-text"><$text text="CAPTION FOR YOUR BUTTON"/></span>
! Removing shadow tiddlers from the user interface
In the More > Shadows tab you will find a list of all the shadow tiddlers. In this list you will find many tiddlers with the prefix `$:/core/ui/`. These are the core tiddlers that define the user interface. These tiddlers are tagged with SystemTags, and removing or adding these tags will adjust the tiddler and page layouts.
For example, $:/core/ui/SideBar/More is the tiddler for the More tab in the Sidebar, and it is tagged with the SystemTag `$:/tags/SideBar` so that it appears in the Sidebar. Removing the tag from that tiddler will remove the More tab from the Sidebar, and reinserting the Sidebar tag to that tiddler will make it reappear in the Sidebar.
You can use the same process for any of the core user interface tiddlers with the $:/core/ui/ prefix. For example, removing the SystemTag `$:/tags/ViewTemplate` from the tiddler `$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/subtitle` will remove the subtitles from all tiddlers.
If you modify a shadow tiddler in this way you will overwrite the pre-installed value. If you want to revert, just delete the modified tiddler to restore the underlying shadow tiddler.
To mark the end of a paragraph in TiddlyWiki you need to type `enter` twice to create a double line break:
This is the first paragraph.
And this is the second paragraph.
Single line breaks are ignored within paragraphs. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"This is a
paragraph made
up of
short lines">>
For situations where this behaviour isn't convenient, you can also use [[Hard Linebreaks in WikiText]].
! Introduction
The password widget displays a password input box that is bound to a named entry in the TiddlyWiki5 PasswordVault. Passwords are currently stored in the browsers local storage and are not themselves encrypted.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$password>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|name |Name of the password vault entry |
<<.dlink-ex "Percent encoding" "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Percent-encoding">> is a notation that allows otherwise invalid characters to be included in a [[URI]].
Such characters are represented as a percent sign `%` followed by two additional characters.
For example, a space is represented as `%20` and an actual percent sign is represented as `%25`.
TiddlyWiki ships with defaults that are designed to get the best out of modern devices from smartphones to desktop computers. If you need to work on older, less powerful devices, or work with large amounts of content, there are a few steps you can take to improve performance.
* ''Avoid the "Recent" tab''. It is computationally slow to generate and update in response to tiddler changes.
* ''Use the "Vanilla" theme''. The default "Snow White" theme includes visual effects like shadows, transparency and blurring that can be slow to render on older devices
* ''Avoid large tiddlers''. Large bitmaps can significantly slow TiddlyWiki's performance. For example, an image taken with a modern smartphone will often be 5MB or more. Use ExternalImages whenever possible
* ''Don't have too many tiddlers open at once''. Every tiddler you have open will require processing to keep it up to date as the store changes (for example, while you type into a draft tiddler). It is particularly easy when using zoomin story view to end up with dozens of tiddlers listed in the ''Open'' tab in the sidebar. Get into the habit of periodically closing all open tiddlers with the ''close all'' button
Permalinks allow direct links to individual tiddlers within a TiddlyWiki.
! Simple Permalinks
The simplest form of permalink is a single target tiddler title appended to the base URL with `#`:
The tiddler title can contain spaces if required:
[[http://tiddlywiki.com/#Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
Note that double square brackets are not required around the target tiddler title; however, if present they are silently removed.
! Story Permalinks
The permalink can also specify the story list of tiddlers that should be opened alongside the target tiddler as a [[TiddlerFilter|Filters]]:
[[http://tiddlywiki.com/#TiddlerFields:Tiddlers TiddlerTags TiddlerFields ContentType]]
If the target tiddler isn't present in the story list then it is automatically inserted at the top. This means that the following two examples both target the tiddler `Tiddlers` within the story sequence `Tiddlers`, `Tags`, `TiddlerFields`:
[[http://tiddlywiki.com/#Tiddlers:Tags TiddlerFields]]
[[http://tiddlywiki.com/#Tiddlers:Tiddlers Tags TiddlerFields]]
It is also possible to specify a story filter without specifying a target tiddler for navigation:
<a href="http://tiddlywiki.com/#:[tags[task]]">~http://tiddlywiki.com/#:[tags[task]]</a>
! About URL encoding
There are technical restrictions on the legal characters in an URL fragment. To allow all tiddler titles to be addressed, illegal characters are subject to a process called "URL encoding" whereby problematic characters are replaced by their numeric code. For example, the space character is replaced with `%20`.
Both the target tiddler title and the story filter should be URL encoded (but not the separating colon). TiddlyWiki generates properly encoded URLs which can look quite ugly. However, in practice browsers will usually perfectly happily process arbitrary characters in URL fragments. Thus when creating permalinks manually you can choose to ignore URL encoding.
! Permalink Behaviour
Two important aspects of TiddlyWiki's behaviour with permalinks can be controlled via options in the $:/ControlPanel ''Advanced/Settings'' tab:
* Whether to automatically update the address bar at each navigation, and if so whether to include the story sequence as well as the target tiddler
* Whether the updates to the address bar should affect browser history. The default is ''no''; when switched to ''yes'' you can rewind navigation between tiddlers using the browser back and forward buttons
Note that typing or navigating to a permalink will always cause the permalink to be processed, and tiddlers opened and closed as appropriate.
!! Technical Details
When TiddlyWiki starts up it processes permalinks according to the following steps; the same steps are repeated if the permalink changes dynamically (this happens in response to the user editing the address bar, for example).
# If the permalink contains a colon, treat the string before as the ''target'' and the string after it as the ''story filter''
# If the permalink doesn't contain a colon, treat the entire string as the ''target'' and mark the ''story filter'' as //unspecified//
# If the ''story filter'' was unspecified and we're in the process of starting up, then set the ''story filter'' to the empty string if the ''target'' is specified, or to the default tiddlers if the ''target'' is unspecified
# If the ''story filter'' was unspecified and we're not starting up, then set the ''story filter'' to the current story list
# Evaluate the ''story filter'' as the ''story list''
# If the ''target'' is specified and not present in the ''story list'' then add it at the top
# If the ''target'' is specified then navigate to it, otherwise navigate to the first tiddler in the ''story list''
A system for lesson planning built with TiddlyWiki.
I built a program to help enter and store lesson plan information and then facilitate/automate some of the tedious work involved in creating the actual lesson plan document.
The purpose of recording and organising information is so that it can be used again. The value of recorded information is directly proportional to the ease with which it can be re-used.
The philosophy of [[tiddlers|Tiddlers]] is that we maximise the possibilities for re-use by slicing information up into the smallest semantically meaningful units with [[rich modelling of relationships between them|Structuring TiddlyWiki]]. Then we use aggregation and composition to weave the fragments together to present narrative stories.
TiddlyWiki aspires to provide an algebra for tiddlers, a concise way of expressing and exploring the relationships between items of information.
TiddlyWiki can be used on several platforms:
<<list-links "[tag[Platforms]]">>
These editions contain simple demos of the original set of TiddlyWiki plugins. They were prepared for earlier versions of TiddlyWiki that lacked the plugin library.
<<list-links "[tag[Plugin Editions]]">>
[[Plugins]] are bundles of tiddlers that are distributed and managed as a single unit by being packed into a single JSON tiddler. If a tiddler isn't found in the main store, then the registered plugins are searched for it instead.
Tiddlers within plugins behave something like shadow tiddlers in classic TiddlyWiki: they can be freely overwritten by creating a tiddler with the same title, but deleting that tiddler restores the underlying tiddler value from the plugin.
Plugins have a `plugin-type` field that may be (see the table below):
* `plugin` //(default)// - a plain plugin
* `theme` - a theme plugin (see ThemeMechanism)
* `language` - for translations only
Plugins can be used to package ordinary content, or can include JavaScript [[modules|Modules]] that extend and enhance the core TiddlyWiki5 functionality.
Plugins conventionally have a title of the form `$:/plugins/publisher/name`. Plugins that are part of the core TiddlyWiki distribution have titles of the form `$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/name`.
Plugins that define macros, views or other named entities are expected to prefix the name with their publisher identifier, for example: `tiddlytools.slider`.
! Plugin fields
Plugins are stored as tiddlers with the following fields:
|!Field |!Description |
|title |Title of plugin |
|description |Description of plugin |
|author |Author of plugin |
|version |Version string (must conform to SemanticVersioning convention) |
|source |Source URL of plugin |
|type |Must be ''application/json'' |
|plugin-type |Can be ''plugin'' (default), ''language'' or ''theme'' |
|text |JSON encoding of the list of tiddlers comprising the plugin |
|list |Names of exposed plugin information tiddlers (see below) |
|name |Name of the theme (only for themes) |
|dependents |List of dependent plugins (currently only implemented for themes) |
! Plugin folders
On the server, plugins can be stored as ordinary JSON tiddlers but it is often more convenient to store them as separate tiddler files within folders. Plugin folders must contain a `plugin.info` file that contains the metadata for the plugin. It can also optionally identify files external to the plugin folder that should be loaded as tiddlers.
The `plugin.info` file should contain the following JSON structure:
The JSON structure for plugin tiddlers is as follows:
"title": "$:/plugins/publisher/name",
"description": "An exemplary plugin for demonstration purposes",
"author": "JeremyRuston",
"version": "1.2.3-alpha3",
"core-version": ">=5.0.0",
"source": "http://tiddlywiki.com/MyPlugin",
"plugin-type": "plugin",
"list": "readme license history"
By convention, the titles of the individual tiddlers are prefixed with the title of the containing plugin, but they are not restricted to do so.
Note that if the `version` field is omitted from a `plugin.info` file when the plugin folder is packed then it is automatically filled in by the core to the current core version number. This is to ensure that all the core plugins carry the correct version number. Generally plugin authors will want to ensure that they do explicitly specify a version number.
! Plugin library
The standard distribution of TiddlyWiki includes a number of standard plugins in the `plugins` directory.
! Including plugins in a wiki
To be usable in the browser, plugins just need to be included in the wiki. For wikis that are generated on the server, TiddlyWikiFolders can contain a `tiddlywiki.info` file that identifies the plugins to be included in this wiki:
"plugins": [
Plugins names refer to plugin folders listed in TiddlyWiki5's root `plugins` folder.
Plugins can also be included manually by copying them into the `plugins` subfolder of the wiki.
! Plugin processing
The wiki object keeps track of all of the currently loaded plugins. If a request for a tiddler isn't in the store then the wiki looks through the cascade of plugins to find the requested tiddler. It is a similar idea to the way that shadow tiddlers are implemented in classic TiddlyWiki.
In the browser, any constituent tiddlers that are JavaScript modules (ie shadow tiddlers of content type `application/javascript` and possessing the field `module-type`) are executed during startup processing.
!! Disabling Plugins
Plugins can be disabled by creating a tiddler titled `$:/config/Plugins/Disabled/` concatenated with the plugin title, and setting its text to `yes`.
For example, to disable the plugin `$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/highlight`, the title would be:
! Information Tiddlers for Plugins
Plugin authors are encouraged to provide special information and documentation tiddlers that TiddlyWiki can include as plugin information tabs in the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]].
Plugins should provide an icon contained in a tiddler with the title formed of `<plugin-name>/icon` (for example, [[$:/core/icon]]).
Plugins expose the names of the individual information tabs that they wish to display in the `list` field of the plugin tiddler. By convention, some or all of the following should be provided:
* ''readme'': basic information about the plugin
* ''license'': the license under which the plugin is published
The title of the associated information tiddler must be formed as follows:
# `$:/<plugin-name>/<current-language>/<tab-name>` (for example, ''$:/core/en-GB/readme'')
# `$:/<plugin-name>/<tab-name>` (for example, ''$:/core/readme'')
Thus, plugins can provide language-specific versions of each information tiddler.
Note that information tiddlers should not reference other tiddlers within the plugin. This is because plugins containing themes or languages are dynamically switched in and out as they are selected, and so their information tiddlers may not be available for viewing. The control panel uses the 'subtiddler' attribute of the TranscludeWidget to access these tiddlers, which works independently of the plugin switching mechanism.
Plugins in TiddlyWiki5 are used to distribute optional components that customise and extend TiddlyWiki. You can install them from the [[official plugin library|Installing a plugin from the plugin library]] or from [[community sites|Resources]].
Internally, plugins are a bundle of tiddlers packaged together as a single tiddler that can be installed, copied or deleted as a unit. The individual tiddlers within a plugin appear as ShadowTiddlers. See the PluginMechanism discussion for more details about how plugins are implemented internally.
Plugins can contain JavaScript modules, style sheets, and templates. Plugins can also be used to distribute ordinary text, images or any other content.
<<list-links "[tag[Plugins]]">>
A collection of plugins from TheDiveO.
[[TheDiveO's Third Flow|http://thediveo.github.io/ThirdFlow/]] plugin construction system:
The ~ThirdFlow plugin brings to you another way to develop customization plugins for TiddlyWiki 5. It is not enforcing a specific development flow, it simply tries to help you. Otherwise, it tries to stay out of your way.
[[TheDiveO's FontAwesome|http://thediveo.github.io/TW5FontAwesome/]] plugin:
The FontAwesome plugin supports embedding Font Awesome in TiddlyWiki 5. There is no need to install this font into your operating system in order to use it with TiddlyWiki 5. The font is already embedded in this TiddlyWiki 5 customization plugin instead, so nothing else to install.
<<.operator-examples "plugintiddlers">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[$:/core]plugintiddlers[]]">>
The popup mechanism allows blocks of content to be selectively displayed and positioned with respect to an anchor. It has several parts:
* [[StateTiddlers|StateMechanism]] to record whether a popup is currently displayed or not
* The RevealWidget to selectively display the popup content
** For "sticky" popups — those that don't close when clicking inside one — set the ''class'' attribute to `tc-popup-keep`
* The ButtonWidget to trigger the display of the popup by setting the state tiddler appropriately
A <<.def pragma>> is a special component of WikiText that provides control over the way the remaining text is parsed.
Pragmas occupy lines that start with `\`. They can only appear at the start of the text, but blank lines are allowed between them. If a pragma line appears in the main body of the text, it is treated as if it was ordinary text.
The following pragmas are available:
: for defining a [[macro|Macros]]
: for adjusting the set of rules used to parse the text
<<.operator-examples "prefix">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[tag[task]!prefix[Go]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[prefix[$:/languages/]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[prefix[$:/]]" "same as `[is[system]]`">>
<<.operator-examples "prepend">>
The operator may be used to prepend a number of items to the list.
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]prepend[Yesterday Today Tomorrow]]">>
The operand may list only items without spaces -- to include items with spaces, use a reference to an array e.g. prepend the last three short days of the week to the list
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]!prepend:3{Days of the Week!!short}]">>
Ordinarily, at startup TiddlyWiki displays the tiddlers specified as a filter in the tiddler [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]].
Sometimes it's useful to re-open the same tiddlers that were open when the file was saved. To do so, set [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]] to this filter:
This filter returns the tiddlers specified in the [[$:/StoryList]] tiddler, which is the system tiddler that TiddlyWiki uses to store the sequence of tiddlers in the current story.
Each input title is processed in turn, and its predecessor is located in the <<.field list>> field and appended to the output. If a title is not listed in the field, or is the first item there, then it contributes nothing to the output.
<<.operator-examples "previous">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[Wednesday]previous[Days of the Week]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[[Monday]previous[Days of the Week]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "Tuesday Wednesday Thursday +[previous[Days of the Week]]">>
<<.operator-examples "putafter">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]] +[putafter[Wednesday]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]] +[putafter:2[Tuesday]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[list[Days of the Week]] [[Yesterday]] [[Today]] [[Tomorrow]] +[putafter:3[Tuesday]]">>
<<.operator-examples "putbefore">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]] +[putbefore[Wednesday]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]] +[putbefore:2[Tuesday]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[list[Days of the Week]] [[Yesterday]] [[Today]] [[Tomorrow]] +[putbefore:3[Tuesday]]">>
<<.operator-examples "putfirst">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]] +[putfirst[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]] +[putfirst:2[]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[list[Days of the Week]] [[Yesterday]] [[Today]] [[Tomorrow]] +[putfirst:-2[]]">>
<<.operator-examples "putlast">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]] +[putlast[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]] +[putlast:2[]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "one two three [list[Days of the Week]] +[putlast:-3[]]">>
The <<.def qualify>> [[macro|Macros]] is an important part of the StateMechanism.
It returns a unique string that encodes its position within the [[widget tree|Widgets]], as identified by the stack of transcluded tiddlers that lead to that position.
It is implemented using the <<.vlink transclusion>> variable.
!! Parameters
: The prefix for the returned string, normally a tiddler title
<<.macro-examples "qualify">>
The results returned by the <<.mlink qualify>> macro depend on its location in the transclusion stack.
The two examples below are identical, but produce different results because the second one has been transcluded from [[another tiddler|$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/qualify-transcluded]].
Each example shows the result of calling <<.var qualify>> and then the value of the <<.vlink transclusion>> variable.
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
<li><code><<qualify "BaseTiddler">></code></li>
Wikipedia [[defines a Quine|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quine_(computing)]] as //a computer program which takes no input and produces a copy of its own source code as its only output//.
TiddlyWiki is an unusual example of a practical quine: it is this ability to produce a copy of its own source code that lies at the heart of TiddlyWiki's ability to independently save changes to itself.
! Introduction
The radio widget displays an HTML `<input type="radio">` that reflects whether a given tiddler field has a specified value. Selecting the radio button sets to the tiddler field to the value.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$radio>` widget is displayed within an HTML `<label>` element also containing the radio button. This means that clicking on the content will have the same effect as clicking on the button itself.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |Title of the tiddler to manipulate (defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]) |
|field |The name of the field to which the radio button will be bound |
|value |The value for the tiddler field |
|class |CSS classes to be assigned to the label around the radio button |
! Example
This example uses the radio widget to change the `modifier` field of this tiddler:
<$radio field="modifier" value="JoeBloggs"> Joe Bloggs</$radio>
<$radio field="modifier" value="JaneBloggs"> Jane Bloggs</$radio>
It renders as:
<$radio field="modifier" value="JoeBloggs"> Joe Bloggs</$radio>
<$radio field="modifier" value="JaneBloggs"> Jane Bloggs</$radio>
<<.def "Railroad diagrams">>, sometimes called <<.def "syntax diagrams">>, are a visual way of explaining the syntax rules of a computer language. Reading one is like reading a public transport map.
Each diagram starts on the left and ends on the right. Simply follow any line from the startpoint to the endpoint. All the alternative lines are equally valid. A line will sometimes jump over an item that is optional, or loop back to indicate that an item can be repeated.
<$railroad text="""
start [:optional] {repeated +","} end
In the example above, a comma appears between each occurrence of the `repeated` item. The comma path runs from right to left, and can only be reached by first passing through `repeated`.
Characters in round boxes are literal, i.e. they denote themselves. A name in a rectangular box denotes a further railroad diagram.
The railroad diagrams in ~TiddlyWiki's documentation are generated with the [[Railroad Plugin]].
Featuring plugins that integrate two interesting new capabilities:
* [[SocialCalc|https://www.socialtext.net/open/socialcalc]] providing a powerful spreadsheet
* [[Three.js|http://threejs.org/]] providing interactive 3D graphics
I developed some plugins related to engineering tasks.
After using them for personal projects I'm glad to share with TiddlyWiki community.
\define tv-wikilink-template() http://tiddlywiki.com/static/$uri_doubleencoded$.html
<$importvariables filter="[[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Macro]!has[draft.of]]">
Welcome to TiddlyWiki, a non-linear personal web notebook that anyone can use and keep forever, independently of any corporation.
TiddlyWiki is a complete interactive wiki in JavaScript. It can be used as a single HTML file in the browser or as a powerful Node.js application. It is highly customisable: the entire user interface is itself implemented in hackable WikiText.
Learn more and see it in action at http://tiddlywiki.com/
Developer documentation is in progress at http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/
! Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js
{{Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js}}
! Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js
{{Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js}}
! Upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js
{{Upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js}}
! Also see
<<list-links "[tag[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] -[[Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] -[[Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] -[[Upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]">>
//This readme file was automatically generated by TiddlyWiki//
\define tv-wikilink-template() http://tiddlywiki.com/static/$uri_doubleencoded$.html
{{Scripts for TiddlyWiki on Node.js}}
The following topics provide the canonical reference documentation for TiddlyWiki:
<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-selective-expandable 'Reference'>>
<<.def "Reference tiddlers">> offer raw information in a comprehensive interlinked way. The reader is likely to be an intermediate or expert user.
There are several subcategories:
* With definitions, together forming a glossary
;User manual
* Presenting technical details of ~WikiText features
* Subcategorised: messages, operators, widgets, etc
;Developer manual
* Presenting technical details of ~TiddlyWiki's internal architecture
Reference material is written in a terse, formal style that avoids referring to the reader, and instead focuses on how ~TiddlyWiki itself behaves. The passive voice is often suitable:
* <<.word "the template is specified as a tiddler">> rather than <<.word "specify the template as a tiddler">>
* <<.word "the widget can be used for various purposes">> rather than <<.word "you can use the widget for various purposes">>
* But <<.word "this widget has several possible uses">> is better, because it is less convoluted and more succinct
Most contracted verb forms are avoided in reference tiddlers. But those ending in <<.word "n't">> (<<.word "aren't">>, <<.word "doesn't">>, <<.word "hasn't">>, <<.word "isn't">>, etc) are acceptable, as they make it less easy to accidentally overlook the word <<.word not>>.
<<.def "Regular expressions">> are concise strings of characters that denote patterns of text to search for. The format used in ~TiddlyWiki is fully defined in [[this Mozilla reference|https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Regular_Expressions]].
The [[filter syntax|Filter Run]] makes it impossible to directly specify a regular expression that contains square brackets. The solution is to store the expression in a [[variable|Variables]]. See the <<.operator-examples "regexp" "examples">>.
The parameter <<.place X>> can optionally start or end with a string of flags:
<$railroad text=""" "(?" { ("i"|"m"|:"g") } ")" """/>
Only the `i` flag is generally useful: it forces the different between capital and lowercase letters to be ignored.
If <<.place X>> is empty, <<.op regexp>> will match all of the input tiddlers.
<<.operator-examples "regexp">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[!is[system]regexp[Wiki]]" "non-system tiddlers with `Wiki` in their title">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[!is[system]regexp[(?i)Wiki]]" "non-system tiddlers with `Wiki` in their title, ignoring case">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[!is[system]regexp[Wiki(?i)]]" "same again">>
<<.operator-example 4 "[regexp[(?i)\.jpe?g$]]" "tiddlers with titles ending in `.jpg` or `.jpeg`, ignoring case">>
<<.operator-example 5 "[regexp:created[^201408]]" "tiddlers created in August 2014">>
The regular expression `[0-9]{2}` matches two consecutive digits. Because it contains square brackets, the way to use it with the <<.op regexp>> operator is via a [[variable|Variables]], as follows:
src="""<$set name="digit-pattern" value="[0-9]{2}">
<<list-links "[regexp:title<digit-pattern>]">>
This release is the culmination of a large scale refactoring of the widget mechanism of TiddlyWiki5. There are several changes to be aware of if upgrading from earlier versions:
* The following widgets have been removed:
** `<$setstyle>` - use `<div style=<<macroName Param>>>` instead
** `<$video>` - will return in a later release
** `<$datauri>` - use the `<<makedatauri>>` built-in macro instead
** `<$error>` - may return in a later release
** `<$import>` - use the BrowseWidget, DropzoneWidget and NavigatorWidget instead
** `<$info>` - use the `<<changecount>>` built-in macro instead
** `<$version>` - use the `<<version>>` built-in macro instead
* The following widgets have had significant changes:
** EditWidget
** ListWidget - the list widget itself no longer generates HTML nodes, so you'll often need to wrap the template in a `<div>` or a `<span>` to be able to style the content
** ViewWidget - has several changes:
*** `<$view format="link"/>` is no longer available; use an explicit `<$link>` widget instead
*** `<$view format="link"/>` is no longer available; use the TranscludeWidget instead
* The following new widgets have been added:
** BrowseWidget
** DropzoneWidget
** EditTextWidget and EditBitmapWidget
** SetVariableWidget
* Widget attribute names have been made more consistent. In particular, `tiddler` is used to reference a tiddler by title, not `title`
* It is no longer possible to import the macro definitions within another tiddler by transcluding that tiddler
* The `body` element now has the class `tw-body`, which will need to be specified in any overrides
** This was done due to the new support for HTML foreign objects, which makes it possible to have multiple `<body>` elements in a document
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.11...v5.0.0-alpha.12]]//
This minor release just contains fixes for the syncer and related adaptor modules for the TiddlyWeb edition and for TiddlyWiki5's integrated server.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.12...v5.0.0-alpha.13]]//
This release has several bug fixes:
* Fixes to DaveGifford's themes ''blanca'', ''blue'' and ''rocker''
* Fix an issue with the `<$edit-text>` widget
* Documentation updates
* Improved deployment scripts
* Made the modifier field in the subtitle be a link
* Styling improvements for the CodeMirror plugin
* Improved the ViewWidget so that it falls back to displaying its content if the field/property is missing or empty
* Extend use of the built-in `<<tabs>>` macro to the tiddler info panel, the control panel and the sidebar
** This means that you can add new tabs by creating tiddlers with these tags, and optionally a `caption` field for the text of the tab:
*** [[$:/tags/TiddlerInfo]] for tiddler info panel tabs
*** [[$:/tags/ControlPanel]] for control panel tabs
*** [[$:/tags/SideBar]] for sidebar tabs
*** [[$:/tags/MoreSideBar]] for tabs in the "more" sidebar
*** Change the order of tabs by adjusting the `list` field of the corresponding tag tiddler
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.13...v5.0.0-alpha.14]]//
This release has several bug fixes:
* Improved the layout of the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]]
* Fixed problem with using the CheckboxWidget to apply tags to tiddlers that don't have any existing tags
* Fixed problem with default password for the PasswordWidget being the string "null"
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.14...v5.0.0-alpha.15]]//
!! New Features
* Added a dropdown to the edit template for setting the tiddler type
* A saver module for Microsoft Internet Explorer version 10 and above. Clicking save in the sidebar causes the browser to pull up a bar at the bottom of the window where you can click ''save''. You then get a new copy of your wiki in the downloads folder.
* Support for new `tw-close-other-tiddlers` message (eg, <$button message="tw-close-other-tiddlers">close others</$button>)
* For http://five.tiddlywiki.com, add a tiddler info tab with a link to the static representation of the tiddler
* Make more UI elements extensible via system tags:
** [[$:/tags/ViewToolbar]] for the view mode tiddler toolbar
** [[$:/tags/EditTemplate]] for the edit template
** [[$:/tags/EditToolbar]] for the edit mode tiddler toolbar
** [[$:/tags/PageControls]] for the page control tools in the sidebar
!! Improvements
* Rename the `<$setvariable>` to `<$set>`
** `<$setvariable>` will temporarily remain as a synonym for `<$set>` for the next few releases
* Improve the popup mechanism so that the tiddler info panel doesn't close so easily
* Various improvements for working with TiddlyWeb, including:
** Updated control panel
!! Bug fixes
* Fixed bug when creating a tiddler title starting or ending with a space
* Fixed behaviour of tags editor dropdown when search box is empty
* Fixed problem with interpretation of `fields` and `index` attributes of the TranscludeWidget
* Fixed the module type names in the internal tab of the control panel
* Improved styling for embedded PDFs
* Fixed bug with second being omitted from serialised date formats
Contributors to this release include @jermolene and @grayeul.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.15...v5.0.0-alpha.16]]//
!! New Features and Improvements
* Improved appearance of tags editor
* Improved generation of qualified tiddler titles for state storage
** Instead of `$:/state/tab/sidebar-{$:/core/ui/SideBar|$:/core/ui/SideBar||}{$:/core/ui/PageTemplate|$:/core/ui/PageTemplate||}` one gets `$:/state/tab/sidebar-{1743827719}`
* Significant updates to the structure and content of the user documentation
* Added a new plugin for displaying corner ribbons; currently used for a version banner on tw5.com
* Split ''Snow White'' theme into a base ''Vanilla'' theme with all the basic formatting, leaving the decorative bits to ''Snow White''
** Existing TiddlyWikiFolders will need updating to include ''Vanilla'' as an additional theme
* The page building blocks are now driven by the system tag `$:/tags/PageTemplate`
** [[$:/TopSideBar]] and [[$:/LeftSideBar]] are no longer specially treated; use the new tag instead
* Fixed problem that prevented tag configured items from shadow tiddlers interleaving with items from ordinary tiddlers
* Refactored control panel to add ''Saving'' tab that includes TiddlySpot options
* Improved notifications when saving to TiddlySpot
* Added backup URL to TiddlySpot control panel tab
* Extended the ServerCommand to add primitive support for basic authentication when running under [[Node.js]]
!! Bug fixes
* Fixed problem with displaying tiddler titles that contain WikiText syntax
* No longer crashes when encountering an error in a filter string
* Fixed a crash when dragging and dropping tiddlers within TiddlyWiki5
* No longer update the modified date for imported tiddlers
* Automatically forces new field names to be lower case
!! Internal changes
* Added Windows-compatible build scripts
* Changes to the SavingMechanism to allow the tiddlers that are saved to be selected
** This enables the wiki at http://five.tiddlywiki.com/index.html to generate an empty wiki
* The main HTML file template used for saving TiddlyWiki5 documents has changed from `$:/core/templates/tiddlywiki5.template.html` to `$:/core/save/all`
* Moved tw5.com's Google Analytics integration into a proper plugin
Contributors to this release include @jermolene, @asampal and @pmario.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.16...v5.0.0-alpha.17]]//
!! Bug fixes
* Fixes a small but important bug that prevented downloading an empty wiki with alpha.16
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.17...v5.0.1-alpha]]//
!! Improvements
* Changes to the importing process to enable a smoother [[Upgrading]] process
** Ignores attempts to import plugins that are older than currently installed plugins
** System tiddlers are now imported as usual
* If `$:/theme` isn't defined or refers to a missing tiddler, then fallback through ''Snow White'' to ''Vanilla''. This means that `empty.html` now defaults to ''Snow White''
* Added support for [[Block Quotes in WikiText]]
** Contributed by StephanHradek (@Skeeve on GitHub)
!! Bug fixes
* Fixed bug that was preventing `$:/tags/PageControls` tiddlers from being reordered
!! Internal changes
* Changed the [[TiddlyWiki5 Versioning]] policy
** Beta releases will be `5.0.x-beta` and the final release will be `5.1.x`
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.9-beta...v5.0.10-beta]]//
!! Highlights
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ad4b03506a62d7110cb30aaa3d6f8dbfc712f246]] new syntax for [[Images in WikiText]] and a new ImageWidget
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ba576d9f1b2146cec293447b2968e34f0c594a05]] support for a SafeMode that disables customisations
!! Documentation Improvements
* Added DateFormat documentation
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Refactor|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bb42c0ab360760917ad5bde84f15350186a9471a]] sorting to respect accented characters
* [[Support|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/45b0966013c760abab5b3f7faea0e59af2ca5619]] embedded images in Markdown tiddlers
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/821f1f1428f92160ae8bc4fa71dd3f947243f09e]] sidebar hiding action so that the story river border is maintained
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/15d0c27e2a82359616ce6c7883557cd2ef1886cd]] `[is[tag]]` to the <<.olink is>> operator
* [[Hide|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/95d291daac4a26664f0c232175f54780f0fa678f]] the top bars in the print stylesheet
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4758874d13430338da07727997d0c4df7f328ac1]] support for saving changes on Windows network drives
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9fbe72a8778ae94c7d6322ad4b9155c83f753113]] configuration processing so that ordinary tiddlers are processed after shadow tiddlers. This resolves an issue whereby user stylesheets were being overridden by shadow stylesheets
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d6054f10392c535ca430f3e73b9b68d0f8c18498]] issue with offline snapshot of server edition erroneously including shadow tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bd4a031df8a68287475a41ad84b423ad83f735a3]] problem with corrupted upgrades from 5.0.x-prerelease to 5.0.x-beta
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/73cfd1021809e97906ecfd5dacdf2337da3abae9]] bug with `[untagged[]]` filter operator
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d336ffea02621e382f6d7135847d11e49e77bc26]] incorrect background colour for tag pills in the sidebar
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f57e04787738ad30fb05ac0e592239075b90507e]] issues with null fields under TiddlyWeb
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/768489128547cf54e80fc321f3f1f4f5cd191862]] problem with hamburger overlapping scrollbars
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.10-beta...v5.0.11-beta]]//
!! Incompatible Changes
See [[Notes for upgrading to 5.0.11-beta]] for more details of these changes:
* The default output location for command line operations has changed to the `/output` folder within TiddlyWikiFolders (it used to be current directory)
* Note that the shadow tiddler [[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]] has changed with this release. If you've made modifications to it you should copy your modifications to a new tiddler, delete [[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]], perform the upgrade and then manually update the new copy of [[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]]
!! Documentation Improvements
* Added more warnings about taking care to [[backup your data|The First Rule of Using TiddlyWiki]]
!! Usability Improvements
* Many performance optimisations, particularly for filter operations
* Added support for PermaLinks and browser back and forward buttons
* Added support for WikiLinks in Markdown via `[link text](#TiddlerTitle)`
* Added support for explicit external [[Linking in WikiText]] (eg `[ext[tooltip|url]]`)
* [[Replaced|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/580]] hamburger menu icon with double chevron icon
* [[Enhance|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/552657fc584dbb36754d3fcabca2cdef7e916ec9]] plain text parsing to use the CodeBlockWidget, and hence use syntax highlighting if the plugin is installed. This gives us syntax highlighting for JavaScript shadow tiddlers, amongst other things
* Improvements to the German, French, Italian, Japanese and Chinese translations
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/61c3f8a5ba3c815d623c06f6a97d9c00a31a4157]] WikiText tiddlers from the sidebar "Types" tab
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a90339d1e573ec82dba1caeaead0f71717618a80]] various warnings when editing shadow tiddlers
* [[Allow|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0ac4c2b554f045c6bd2dc6ea5daa0d2f0397d04c]] digits in field names
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a4294b55f0a217d019a6e4cbb62f6a8a19668928]] warning banner and when attempting to edit binary tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b84c663215cf7877fff960748af4b2849ae0dbb3]] automatic refreshing of the browser window title from $:/core/wiki/title
!! Hackability Improvements
* Improved vertical layouts of <<.mlink tabs>> macro
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/93566cdc332226b77eaba8a70fa166f3b8fcfe1e]] "standard" tab to [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e83759e86d2a9e05e4b85dae50925fe988f8e239]] new filter operators <<.olink before>> and <<.olink after>>
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/570cad1c7f90e685961130918f09a7f9b2951f8c]] new <<.olink get>> operator
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f7e50e0950c5bf10d94d926576011893418b25f1]] [[BuildCommand]], [[OutputCommand]] and [[ClearPasswordCommand]]
* Added new extensible StartupMechanism for orchestrating startup tasks
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/711b76307c95d0026f79f584e85ae3d4b7289d15]] to new version of CodeMirror
* Added https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5NodeWebkit, a demo of using TiddlyWiki as a library in a node-webkit application
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4e07b3335b570f4039427e11df729fc4a899a671]] `.tid` TiddlerFiles to allow single line text fields
* Renamed `$:/ShowEditPreview` to `$:/state/showeditpreview`
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/cc60ad1428dcf99a7ea0787e43e3b37f5a02fb98]] issue with hovering of the topbar icons in Firefox
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e548dd35af2d3195f82899096d4a4080362a1ff0]] problem with dragging and dropping within a text edit control
!! Contributors
I ([[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]]) would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to helping improve TiddlyWiki:
[[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]], [[@mwfogleman|https://github.com/mwfogleman]], [[@nameanyone|https://github.com/nameanyone]], [[@natecain|https://github.com/natecain]], [[@pekopeko1|https://github.com/pekopeko1]], [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]], [[@sukima|https://github.com/sukima]], [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]].
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.11-beta...v5.0.12-beta]]//
This is an emergency release that fixes a single significant bug with shadow tiddler handling in 5.0.11. See the [[discussion thread|https://groups.google.com/d/topic/tiddlywiki/pNxZsSCVp7c/discussion]] for more details.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.12-beta...v5.0.13-beta]]//
!! Accessibility Improvements
This release includes a number of features designed to improve the experience of TiddlyWiki with a screen reader. Particular thanks to [[@domasofan|https://github.com/domasofan]] for his feedback
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/34e4166dc5f24519b000de66853d5b1aee8f1648]] label and title for show/hide sidebar buttons
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/346b2f86111815c746c993fa09b7f677fa0b4b37]] label and title for advanced search link
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6f859c8d447a477a9120bdc308d1524558a80f20]] label and title for close buttons in "Open" sidebar tab
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/06b0f9adb7209870b46d42f832c1f7ad7a78976f]] ''aria-label'' support to the LinkWidget
* [[Switched|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bc9b67cbc3f363d48aafea86c077fcd5a9c0ca64]] to H1 tags for the page title and H2 tags for tiddler titles
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/eeedcb6d94a25d02e8fec45c89b30c7f2bcdde73]] label and title for tiddler and page toolbar buttons
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9ab0c84140bbc0f31cf65e632bddac616bbadbda]] support for global [[Macros in WikiText]] via the new ImportVariablesWidget
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3182a2d599f0e4b70a73fe369df4f398587dc1a9]] new SelectWidget
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f131c378934a86b741ab5b808437c95694dc5503]] behaviour of `text/html` tiddlers so that they are displayed within an HTML iframe element
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9b576f2a8d39dcca37bcb709183a8f9b27f33ccf]] group headings to the content type dropdown in edit mode
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4d70d5780e51cf0918fba15954cd47549e4e1a9f]] advanced navigation settings in [[$:/ControlPanel]] to use radio buttons
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f7b8813a27141a78980eefa03df70a4a2de9d10b]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3f25db0abe8cd28712c020f218506710cec004b6]]) behaviour of PermaLinks so that now [ext[http://tiddlywiki.com/#HelloThere]] just opens the single specified tiddler
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0c48502e8ed214cee23537d06e7e87efd53592c7]] support for triple-quoted multi-line attributes with [[macros|Macros in WikiText]], [[widgets|Widgets in WikiText]] and [[HTML elements|HTML in WikiText]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/32099b85d3b12f9e590274cb7550e3e531131706]] TableOfContents tab for tw5.com edition
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Restored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1b37d660ea7cd576cfeadfe8b782fe6c62dc9048]] ''escape'' as a shortcut to abandon edits
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9547a1f01c144c604c294f394a68d7dc6dbe4e5d]] support for ExternalImages that are referenced by URI and not stored in the TiddlyWiki HTML file
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d2796d0c9c7ed7a971ae6b0752d7418384072bb5]] new SetFieldCommand
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/305617b632fd6ecf25cd4be85f4dfb5a5a65dfef]] new SaveTiddlersCommand
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f14ecf4eb8965f2e407ccac51d4277330221efe3]] support for system tag [[$:/tags/RawMarkup]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0bdc5b5c70fbbf34aa459afcf0499fc9c8ae6374]] editor type mappings to control panel advanced tab
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1717c93d001ad184a08ca66d1bffb33fb5d32b3a]] CodeMirror (http://tiddlywiki.com/codemirrordemo.html) plugin for simpler configuration
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b2e48d00e9ea068a22b5ac5c0a4c93e8ddbb4a8a]] support for [[Environment Variables on Node.js]]
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/eee3a0cf8e5aa047f8596df06e28194409f38b01]] ServerCommand to allow a path prefix
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4238af2a405c14d22937d7c47a70bfb3d4e6f22d]] the <<.olink listed>> operator to use any list field
!! Bug Fixes
* Fixed [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6fb992690d33940d3509d7d4d74538e7f458e063]] and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0fae9ee99200e7eca30b9db0584c479d58841349]] the problem with state tiddlers being inadvertently saved
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a03a15e7de32a1b41618146ac334b5cd7d432e91]] bug with TextWidget not refreshing correctly
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d8a142fed5b22a8273d93ba05095e5f9c6929cb3]] problem with vertical tabs in Safari
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b8aedf2ca3cfc870be5a46accbb2dc0ddbb6d451]] issue with images in Markdown
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]]
* [[@csugden|https://github.com/csugden]]
* [[@danielo515|https://github.com/danielo515]]
* [[@IreneKnapp|https://github.com/IreneKnapp]]
* [[@jayfresh|https://github.com/jayfresh]]
* [[@mwfogleman|https://github.com/mwfogleman]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.13-beta...v5.0.14-beta]]//
!! Major Changes
!!! Improved Control Panel Plugins Tab
The ''Plugins'' tab of the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] has been improved with the addition of documentation tabs that plugins can use to show documentation. There is also a larger draggable area for dragging tiddlers across to other wikis.
!!! Configurable Button Toolbars
The page toolbar and the tiddler toolbars can now be configured with several new buttons - see the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] under the ''Appearance'' and ''Toolbars'' tabs.
The sidebar tools tab now shows all the available page controls, allowing them to be invoked or checked to appear in the toolbar. The tiddler info area now includes a tools tab that includes buttons for all the tiddler actions.
!!! Upgrade Mechanism
There are two components:
* A more flexible ImportMechanism that:
** Presents incoming tiddlers as a pending import list that allows the user to inspect them and, if necessary, explicitly deselect them from the actual import
** Provides UpgraderModules with an opportunity to process each incoming tiddler
*** The [[plugin upgrader|$:/core/modules/upgraders/plugins.js]] module handles version checking of plugins and upgrading them from a special UpgradeLibrary plugin tiddler
*** The [[system upgrader|$:/core/modules/upgraders/system.js]] module is responsible for suppressing the importing of certain system tiddlers (currently [[$:/StoryList]] and [[$:/HistoryList]])
*** The [[themetweak upgrader|$:/core/modules/upgraders/themetweaks.js]] module handles migrating theme tweaks from their pre-5.0.14-beta format (see below)
* An UpgradePlugin and associated edition that provides a custom, single-purpose user interface for upgrading standalone TiddlyWiki files - see http://tiddlywiki.com/upgrade.html
!!! Improvements to CamelCase Recognition
TiddlyWiki now takes a much more conservative approach to recognising CamelCase terms that should be automatically linked. Previously, the dash and underscore were treated as lower case letters, leading to a number of false positives. See the [[GitHub bug #337|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/337]] for details.
!!! Automatic Permalinking Off by Default
With previous beta releases of TiddlyWiki the browser address bar is automatically updated so that it dynamically reflects the tiddlers that are currently open. This makes it easier to get a permalink for copying and pasting elsewhere, but it leads to much confusion for casual users who don't always understand why unexpected tiddlers are being displayed after they have refreshed the page in the browser.
For 5.0.14-beta, the setting has been changed. Visit [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] ''Advanced''/''Settings'' to switch the setting back to "Include the target tiddler and the current story sequence".
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f6d7d87a3d49f816ccc050bdf4a5394eed37dd51]] previews to the icon dropdown in the [[tag manager|$:/TagManager]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/56945d91d327489478fc44dce5234ece35a01abb]] an indication of unsaved changes by changing the colour of the save changes button
* [[Split|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/7aa6c7c06d8b5359f183e6b9f6f57cf89611cda8]] the wikitext emphasis parsers into separate modules so that they can be independently controlled with the `\rules` pragma
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f43cd5ba9c6e5eda221ec738174e61e34fad2b8d]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a3de93b4eb8b108239b2e4b496308026e9e9eef8]]) ReleaseHistory to place the releases into vertical tabs
* [[Stopped|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3ff7462afd5414b92680c6b6e67274be79233224]] saving [[$:/HistoryList]], thus avoiding it uncontrollably increasing in size
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/73cf1bfdb3cd238ac7800162f58d44a8bb60019b]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d5e4b9b5d1e7db5ad4d769433cc934ef08265f57]]) print stylesheet to remove page background
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/07f13b310d300631267936ad8bc55a338369afc0]] display of plugin tiddlers so that their constituent tiddlers are shown, rather than the raw JSON
* [[Moved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/799a5b059a40a51fdeb1dae7a0eb5bf8a79f5106]] the functionality of the fullscreen plugin into the core
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c23f6af4b5c59f4d09dd8d6704e1939bb9d5b2d3]] TiddlerWidget to add a CSS class corresponding to each tag present on displayed tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d357e1706c91d17a72fb19fedf43e57071fc7dd6]] support for hiding specified fields in the tiddler editor
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/be040ea8a2cc8962f1a28a313e4c9ebc2d5c0e31]] support for variable operands in filters (see [[Filter Parameter]])
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1f16ef6fa88b51d2dad7c8e57fcff014950a7442]] support for widget messages [[tw-permalink|WidgetMessage: tw-permalink]] and [[tw-permaview|WidgetMessage: tw-permaview]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/plugins/tiddlywiki/browser-sniff]] browser sniffing plugin so that tiddlywiki.com can present the correct browser-specific documentation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ef67cc3fd9b267a522598abccdfbb93fbfca240c]] a configuration option for specifying the default location for saving new tiddlers in the client-server configuration
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b4d47858e587c96f3a68cc28cffff181ec45f55f]] support for the InfoMechanism
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f08f57c5d24eb0146ac2cb77472a5fc5f135f1e9]] CheckboxWidget to allow it to toggle fields as well as tags
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/21c137a66c37f010b36697bb6bed5321138fbb9f]] [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] theme tweaks to be stored in individual tiddlers
* [[Extend|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e18d8a88661a1c2caa1b722841747c75ca6af437]] the <<.mlink tabs>> macro to allow tabs to be templated
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/91acad0f7ce8637945a953dfcb122cd31292626d]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8612bc4006e717e4fa3c562fa72a85650206b66f]]) SystemTags support for inserting content above and below the story river
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f793816dfa687ae7791143b33487fd5f95f3265c]] support for transcluding plugin subtiddlers with the TranscludeWidget
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c73853288c5b4b0716da94fea2f2edec09345643]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/08f775eac8cb053d08c1c561e65a5eeb87c4c6b6]]) support for importing from `*.htm` and `*.hta` files as well as the existing support for `*.html` files
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/73d7e85e11c7732080ca8bc4321ebb12afbac09c]] the "sticky titles" theme so that it works when tiddlers are in edit mode
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5b3b62f93da4b7b19e24ccf72d9ce20b9edce6d5]] bug with execution order of BuildCommand targets
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d93da81671a704377209fc1871425c3a7c5db35a]] bug with missing hover colours for external links
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/465f4ac46903070759a572d183c498c5579cb922]] problem with refreshing modal dialogues
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3351ae7e29cbf3bed6fc1925ef33664bcc59fef5]] issue with cookies disabled on Firefox
* [[Relax|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5260899d8b090e8886e41e3aa770fdcf5967ad8c]] the requirement for a newline immediately the closing `\end` of a macro definition
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@ssokolow|https://github.com/ssokolow]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.14-beta...v5.0.15-beta]]//
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Simplified|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c57b00996855f10d9b7fa2aa4e9deb2a2a607d7f]] shadow default tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/32a7ee2683ace619599f0ab73028307ca33f4e4c]] the ability to disable plugins (see PluginMechanism) with a user interface in [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4b05608ad5e77043b01495825ea0f0e76c378760]] page control button for invoking the [[tag manager|$:/TagManager]]
* [[Simplified|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c4b76ceb0bc786bcceb12fc3417bb8c4bfde27a9]] downloading an offline copy of a client-server wiki
* [[Blocked|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2bbe9f76ecf8fc89c789e72be00ac19e811195ee]] temporary state tiddlers from import/upgrade
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c912fed55d94c9bef2d541cd55f458b12172941c]] a banner to the edit template encouraging improvements to the documentation
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f75af2c983e10e8a82639890b993fb5cf042d610]] `saver-handler.js` out of `syncer.js`
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8cf726275c19ed5b4a0ed1cf8354d64d1bc29da5]] [[Table-of-Contents Macros]]
* Simplified startup module organisation (see [[Startup Modules.svg]])
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/25777b147fa4ed2f915150aec503ad1e094e6043]] the overlay text for the DropzoneWidget to make it translateable
* [[Introduced|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/920e11e7921f777170aa2f9e1836c000fec2e26d]] a new [[refresh button|WidgetMessage: tw-browser-refresh]] and reverted [[home button|WidgetMessage: tw-home]] behaviour
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/fbf307c648ae0e92679c54f7d03f197a75b4e101]] ''alt'' attribute to the ImageWidget
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c8830d32f74b8c228553f11f7f55b5be45ae6471]] problem with building TiddlyWiki under Windows
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/34461cb2fe554331a0269fd7795b1d6a879fcba9]] unclickable download ink in upgrade wizard
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9e85ddfec78dd8df71e6173100dce659417551f4]] missing language flag in ''empty.html''
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/18592fe8f810d1858ca040da1a7c4a81fb74cfed]] problem with switching the type of a tiddler between the bitmap and text editor
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/fe6623d7feed1a9068e15bfac57be0b0924e8915]] foreground colour for tag pills in the sidebar
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c912fed55d94c9bef2d541cd55f458b12172941c]] problem with github source links for tiddlywiki.com not working for titles containing colons
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.15-beta...v5.0.16-beta]]//
!! Incompatible Changes
5.0.16-beta brings more incompatible changes than any previous release. These changes are likely to break almost all plugins written for previous releases of TiddlyWiki 5, and will break many customisations.
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/764]] all CSS class prefixes from `tw-` to `tc-` (eg `tw-tiddler-frame` has become `tc-tiddler-frame`; missing prefixes have also been added, so `btn-invisible` has become `tc-btn-invisible`)
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2f69ea362cd673f59b9fadbe11f1f95549a59813]] all message prefixes from `tw-` to `tm-` (eg `tw-close-tiddler` has become `tm-close-tiddler`)
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/89fd5379dd78887fc21746d792072bf5a25f0c56]] all variable prefixes from `tw-` to `tv-` (eg `tw-config-toolbar-icons` has become `tv-config-toolbar-icons`)
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/112a9a95d95e9f62f110c97a4faaf537c5c100b1]] prefix/removeprefix filter operators to be case-sensitive
!! Compatibility with TiddlyWikiClassic
This release includes a preliminary version of a new plugin that provides compatibility with content created for TiddlyWikiClassic:
Subsequent releases will include end-user documentation with step-by-step instructions for migrating content.
Many thanks to @buggyj for his work on this plugin.
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Amended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e47852cb141b384ad2a9097eca795545cb5b2494]] behaviour of the [[tm-browser-refresh|WidgetMessage: tw-browser-refresh]] message so that it no longer clears the location hash
* [[Hide|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/88c9c0c3ee115917b8c1a9126452bb0574061857]] toolbar buttons from static renderings
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Extend|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/48312272adb17610db96d50758e6af947cab7b1d]] the <<.olink all>> operator to be able to select all the source tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/43aeb47fc34f1ba424030c4f78ee907fe7b1d5d8]] problem with single line macro definitions incorrectly including whitespace in the value. (For example, `\define mymacro() yes` would set the macro value to " yes", with a leading space)
* [[Extend|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d2a5a12f2d6b6ccc36dd22a70ac2def08d1d3722]] [[Table-of-Contents Macros]] use the caption field if present
* [[Configurability|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b437f1b450f5f2a3104a9086f7c674299b53b9bc]] for the default tab shown in the tiddler info panel (see [[Configuring the default TiddlerInfo tab]])
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/dcf4e93a3283e3e93cc14e50366f9b0252870835]] <<.olink suffix>> and <<.olink removesuffix>> operators
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Reverted|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ad40223d6b9bed435d9381611cb9de1841b53df6]] incorrect refreshing of the tiddler widget
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/44228ed9f733217557851150f5ae45d9ebb23420]] indentation of selective expandable [[Table-of-Contents Macros]]
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]]
* [[@gernert|https://github.com/gernert]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.16-beta...v5.0.17-beta]]//
!! Highlights
This release includes major improvements from @giffmex to the welcome and tutorial documentation, and new development docs incorporating [[the work|https://github.com/cjrk/saa-tw]] of @cheigele and @cjrk.
!! Incompatible Changes
!!! Change System Tag `$:/tags/stylesheet` with `$:/tags/Stylesheet`
The [[issue|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/824]] is that the capitalisation of `$:/tags/stylesheet` is not consistent with other system tags. This release adds support for `$:/tags/Stylesheet`, and adds a deprecation warning if `$:/tags/stylesheet` is used. Support for `$:/tags/stylesheet` will be removed before the beta.
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f6ff0a7f715bdf12dfba6556f72c49ea2c3016b0]] support for `$:/tags/Stylesheet` and a deprecation warning when `$:/tags/stylesheet` is used
!!! Change ButtonWidget `title` attribute to `tooltip`
The use of the `title` attribute in the ButtonWidget was not consistent with the `tooltip` attribute used by the ImageWidget and LinkWidget. This release adds support for the `tooltip` attribute to the ButtonWidget alongside the existing support for the `title` attribute, but with a deprecation warning.
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b7f638aef3094d0552db2f72330b40a526113bd5]] `tooltip` attribute to ButtonWidget
!!! Removing Support for RegExp Filter Operands
As discussed in [[the associated ticket|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/762]], the support for regular expression filter operands is incomplete and inconsistent. The plan is to remove support for this feature in the next release. A new filter operator has been provided to replace it, along with the addition of a deprecation warning that is displayed whenever regular expression filter operators are used.
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f4fff7a33037ba9dd537379bcb44a52a280868d6]] new <<.olink regexp>> operator
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d45c417c187fe3dcc35ee7a308e64feebc7b185b]] deprecation warning for regular expression filter operators
!!! Repository Reorganisation
The goal is to make the TiddlyWiki repository easier to comprehend for newcomers.
* [[Moved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6e9cd5943703f7137e819fcb85376423b9c930d5]] scripts into a separate `bin` folder
!! Usability Improvements
* Reorganised the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] to make it more logical and usable
!! Hackability Improvements
* Moved developer documentation to http://tiddlywiki.com/dev
* [[Improvements|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/872e6fc2532012f0f9acfb29aa24a9cd5f340b9d]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c8a131ffd4716f2b99ab508567422ff463f2849d]]) to `serve.sh`/`serve.cmd` scripts
* [[Disable|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ac54fe33263cbe48bc294f9c14257ccc146be38e]] plugins when in SafeMode
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c1de85838f3d0d3e6a207152ecc9d61ff08a4b05]] new <<.mlink timeline>> macro
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f16d1832aae9a7ce71dea78b16c11afaf673acf2]] new <<.mlink dumpvariables>> macro
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ba3f8002355607c8b00b7d184f01fa68bbcda152]] [[Table-of-Contents Macros]] so that individual links can be disabled
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/542788bfeba98ec3bac0bb721293c16354bc1b34]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/487c4a40abda2b457b4015033bf1be76bd81dcc9]]) unnecessary `<p>` tag from edit tags and types dropdowns
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ccd916ca7cb45468ac30eb48bfdf86bea704d810]] ''multiple'' attribute to the BrowseWidget
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ab944bbf02e9fae606632a11df1053a46573fa49]] view template to hide bodies of tiddlers with field ''hide-body'' set to ''yes''
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c713eddbef50603e313a86f78c185753bab3d607]] problem with draft tiddlers not counting as dirty
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f87ce7e98a083f1bdcff5b1887b56aa95b731efe]] problem with keyboard shortcuts introduced in 5.0.16-beta
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/756e05504b33c387da7d3f81446a18f9a8fefe49]] problem with stylesheets being parsed in inline mode
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9adc30f69fba169813638021780263ff0df4e2bc]] bug with selective expandable [[Table-of-Contents Macros]]
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]]
* [[@cheigele|https://github.com/cheigele]]
* [[@cjrk|https://github.com/cjrk]]
* [[@giffmex|https://github.com/giffmex]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.17-beta...v5.0.18-beta]]//
This is a minor release prior to the full release of TiddlyWiki on September 20th. The documentation has been cleaned up and improved (with more improvements to come).
!! File Layout of tiddlywiki.com
The layout of files on tiddlywiki.com has been adjusted to make it more logical. See the [[ticket|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/823]] for a discussion. You can see the source files that make up tiddlywiki.com at https://github.com/Jermolene/jermolene.github.com
!! Hackability Improvements
* Added first iteration of a <<.mlink list-links>> macro (further improvements are planned)
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6d9bd4df8a1133c2ba246333edad14e6028d3ea4]] support for importing `.markdown` and `.md` files
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c4123ba3740f74f172468c4aa050451ebc5780d8]] <<.mlink timeline>> macro to support a subfilter
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a9f46525a0b1ecf7ce6d1bdae64e6763a247106b]] problem with digits being classified as lower case letters for wiki link matching
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8cc236b4dca96327c7b28ad45e1eb4c2dce174e5]] crash when sorting missing tiddlers by fields other than title
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/73a4747d05c6746476ccd9e8cb8255853f631d17]] problem with handling `.jpeg` file extensions
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/775482a2428d24a475e0c7df7bea215c190b5574]] problem with RadioWidget and missing tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2571f534aa67c7f9d423d44d36efa32480f4c370]] problem with dragging a partially selected link
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]]
* [[@Eucaly|https://github.com/Eucaly]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.1-alpha...v5.0.2-beta]]//
!! Improvements
* Added support for [[Hard Linebreaks in WikiText]]
* Added a new RadioWidget, contributed by StephanHradek (@Skeeve on GitHub)
* Two new savers for InternetExplorer, both contributed by DavidJade (@davidjade on GitHub)
** ''tiddlyie'' for [[saving with TiddlyIE|Saving with TiddlyIE]], an equivalent of TiddlyFox for InternetExplorer
** ''fsosaver'' that can [[save changes directly with InternetExplorer|Saving on InternetExplorer]] but requires the HTML file to be renamed `*.hta`
!! Bug fixes
* Fixed problem deleting tiddlers under the filesystemadaptor
* Fixed problem with transcluding fields containing lists or dates (eg, `{{!!tags}}`)
* Fixed problem with re-ordering page control tiddlers (ie tiddlers tagged `$:/tags/PageControls`)
* Update template used for deploying to TiddlyWeb
* Fixed problem with tiddler deletions via the file system adaptor
!! Internal changes
* Allowed variable number of arguments to [[JavaScript Macros]]
** Contributed by StephanHradek (@Skeeve on GitHub)
* Changed the format of plugin tiddlers to remove duplicated information (see the PluginMechanism)
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.2-beta...v5.0.3-beta]]//
This release includes minor bug fixes and documentation updates.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.3-beta...v5.0.4-beta]]//
!! Improvements
* Switched to using an HTML5 placeholder for the default text of a new tiddler
* Refactored stylesheet handling so that theme tweaks are now applied immediately, and some ordering issues have been resolved
* Several improvements for running [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]:
** The `tiddlywiki.info` file in the root of [[wiki folder|TiddlyWikiFolders]] file is now optional, falling back to a default configuration suitable for serverside use ([[commit|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0ec2224757dd07f009246ec9ea97cd859d077e72]])
** The file system plugin now automatically creates the `tiddlers` subfolder in the [[wiki folder|TiddlyWikiFolders]]
* Added [[favicon.ico support|Using favicons]]
* Added SaveTiddlerCommand
!! Bug Fixes
* Fixed problem with tiddlers sometimes wrongly opening at the top of the story ([[commit|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b50eb8da302431cdfa7c37ac9ef1414a33d00292]])
* Fixed problem with refreshing RadioWidget
* Fixed problem with the dragger image being visible in some circumstances
* Fixed drag and drop support on InternetExplorer, contributed by DavidJade (@davidjade on GitHub)
* Fixed crash on modifying page template ([[commit|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a5f33d875b1339b08838203a4885f8a3a7d10353]])
* Updated fullscreen plugin to latest version of the API ([[commit|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/638c8b207033f8cb01ac9efdca104d282fd4cffe]])
* Improved handling of double square brackets within tags (thanks to StephanHradek)
This release includes minor bug fixes and documentation updates.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.4-beta...v5.0.5-beta]]//
!! Improvements
* Added support for [[Setting a favicon]]
!! Bug Fixes
* Fixed problem with modal wizard positioning on narrow screens
* Fix problem with static content being included in empty.html when downloaded from the full wiki
* Improved performance of tiddler import with large tiddlers on Firefox
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.5-beta...v5.0.6-beta]]//
!! Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/324]] support for numeric sorting to TiddlerFilters (thanks to StephanHradek)
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/321]] [[Tables in WikiText]] to allow for vertical alignment of cells (thanks to StephanHradek)
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/87fbd988f1fb0164411af190adfe6b6a2404eef3]] experimental support for running [[TiddlyWiki on node-webkit]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3d79eb87d1c609195b8c518c08e167994b20a346]] an [[$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bd7db62da052ec6262c3319eaa11f00e5c452a7b]] support for specifying hostname for the ServerCommand
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b9e80a270b7f67db816e9b06e2f71f9c9dd86c17]] a first pass at generating an all-in-one static HTML representation of a wiki, complete with internal anchor links for wiki links
** See http://tiddlywiki.com/alltiddlers.html
* [[Hide|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/44568dc6ef64be8c1370df8f682777c2c805fee7]] encryption features when running on the server
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2ee50939447cf2948e49e5905520943ea4075975]] [[double backticks|Formatting in WikiText]] as an alternative for delimitting inline code (thanks to StephanHradek)
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ec7dff291dadb3e128e1db34b4ded6b57bc8ed46]] import ''browse'' button
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ef59a3743f02c726f20e035c5d28665000fda79a]] crash when attempting full screen mode on browsers that don't support it
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/307]] requirement for a newline immediately after a horizontal rule, table or typed block (thanks to StephanHradek)
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/318]] problem with ''placeholder'' attibute on InternetExplorer (thanks to DavidJade)
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.6-beta...v5.0.7-beta]]//
!! Incompatible Changes
These are changes that might affect users upgrading from previous betas.
* The [[node-webkit]] saver has been moved into a plugin - [[$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/nodewebkitsaver]]. The plugin is only needed when embedding a single TiddlyWiki in [[node-webkit]] and is not required for TiddlyDesktop, which as of v.0.0.2 uses the existing TiddlyFox saver.
!! Documentation updates
* A new video tutorial: [[TiddlyWiki on Firefox for Android Video]]
* A first pass at [[TiddlyWiki Coding Style Guidelines]]
* Added an explanation of TemplateTiddlers
* Added documentation for [[saving on a custom PHP server|Saving on a PHP Server]]
* Added documentation for TextWidget
* Summary of the approach for [[Naming of System Tiddlers]]
!! Improvements
* Added support for importing encrypted TiddlyWiki documents
* Added several new [[filter operators|TiddlerFilters]], including ''reverse'', ''first'', ''last'', ''butlast'', ''rest'', ''nth''
* Extend ''list'' filter operator to allow other fields to be used via a TextReference
* Added shortcut in [[$:/ControlPanel]] ''Basics'' tab for setting [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]] to retain tiddler story ordering
* Added emacs and vim keymapping support to the [[CodeMirror plugin|http://tiddlywiki.com/codemirrordemo.html]], (thanks to João Bolila, @jbolila on GitHub)
* Added the [[highlight.js|http://highlightjs.org/]] syntax highlighting plugin: http://tiddlywiki.com/highlightdemo.html (thanks to João Bolila, @jbolila on GitHub)
* Added the first export option to the ''Tools'' tab of the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ffcc215e8f8896be96093579abc5bcfb76335e66]] an ellipsis for [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]] next to the search box in the sidebar
* [[Adjusted|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b326315b0e9959096b85aa716dd613f21605705a]] the password dialogue to make it narrower for smaller screens
* [[Adjusted|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b7a1db1e9fb651928a4f86e1881959150dd66a55]] the display of tiddler dictionaries to make them display as plain text
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b06e09a4d3e25087ca0495e624c8662ddb69224e]] problem with default format of ViewWidget substituting seconds for minutes in displayed times
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e0f428b9b2374487a0758ea80716f337e3c643ff]] problem that was causing several animations to fail in Safari
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f2409d4245bbba0ccdf39186dca6a0cbf16d8759]] problem with unclickable sidebar under the Centralised theme
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0fb13e649b6558961fd8436bc7aac83bfd991983]] problem with non-system tiddlers showing up in system tiddler [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b64b7982af4285be41cca85db1fa745fc009ca29]] problem with notifications not always disappearing in Firefox
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b04141fefd2c0103b525726e4f466c32f0385194]] problem with wiki folders including wiki files with tiddlers that do not have a title
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/12770ca3e694a8f4edeb065e054eddd5957353b8]] problem with ServerCommand logging "Serving on undefined:8080"
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.7-beta...v5.0.8-beta]]//
!! Incompatible Changes
See [[Notes for upgrading to 5.0.8-beta]] for more details of these changes:
* Changed rules for parsing content of HTML elements
* Switched SiteTitle and SiteSubtitle to [[$:/SiteTitle]] and [[$:/SiteSubtitle]]
* Changes to commands used with [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
* Changes to naming of some editions
** Notably ''clientserver'' has changed to ''server''
!! Documentation Improvements
* Improved documentation for TiddlerFilters, including a notation of the [[TiddlerFilter Formal Grammar]] contributed by [[@Tikkoneus|https://github.com/Tikkoneus]]
* Improved documentation for WidgetMessages
* Tiddlers on tiddlywiki.com now have a link to the original source on ~GitHub for pull requests (see the "Sources" tab of the tiddler info panel)
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a01bbd4b9c7ca284141078340c8f568b1e0561a2]] [[automatic saving|AutoSave]] on editing a tiddler and a warning when attempting to close the window with unsaved changes
* Added confirmation dialogue when deleting tiddlers
* Add support for switchable (and editable) ColourPalettes
* Added TranslationMechanism and translations for:
** Deutsch (Österreich and Deutschland) by @pmario
** Français (France) by @xcazin
** Chinese (Simplified and Traditional) by @BramChen
* Add error alerts when syncing to a server
* Rejigged [[$:/ControlPanel]] to use nested tabs
* Added [[$:/TagManager]] for easy management of tags
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e3a05625b2368b2167a2a1b30aa82369e96a7538]] experimental KeyboardWidget, including support for ''ctrl-enter'' (or ''cmd-enter'') to finish editing a tiddler
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e6fa9b8a859867c147fb289859169b204dea003e]] number of tags to control panel ''Basics'' tab
* Enhanced link handling so that control/command clicking a link opens the target tiddler without navigating to it
* Importing tiddlers via drag and drop no longer opens all the tiddlers
!! Scalability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/fa5938221552846c255eb50004996528a09534a9]] support for LazyLoading of images
* Extended RevealWidget to allow control over content retention
!! Hackability Improvements
* Added HelpCommand and InitCommand for [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
* Extended ButtonWidget to allow navigating to a tiddler
* Added experimental support for building plugins in the browser: [[How to create plugins in the browser]]
* Extend the TranscludeWidget to display its content as a fallback if the tiddler or field is missing
* Add logging and AlertMechanism
* Added a ''Filter'' tab to [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* Add ''indexes'' [[filter operator|TiddlerFilters]]
* Control over line width and colour for EditBitmapWidget
* Add support for `.multids` MultiTiddlerFiles
* Extend ViewWidget so that it works with indexes
* Added support for Tank, a new service built on TiddlyWeb: https://tank.peermore.com
* Extend relative dates to work in the future
!! Bug Fixes
* Fixed problem with pasting items into the browser
* Fixed problem with colour pickers not showing correct colour in Chrome
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8e8e31fb9f5ed8f2e5deff0271d434dbe91f503c]] problem with tag pills not working inside table cells
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6d3d3322e5c676e63d1f64dce89ce86e58dcd715]] problem in client server configuration with ''%'' in tiddler titles
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/7eafd51a7dd89d2174be3dec97033dc0bb206677]] problem with not using placeholder text when editing missing tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1a54d590e1e67825057d7693ac89466a093b4577]] problem with test data in certain time zones
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5af30086c02b9d4466c133c87aca76f9b85eea49]] problem with non-breaking space characters being converted into '@' symbols
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5d3dda1a1721af05e56e301a8b896e53f9868540]] problem with highlighting plugin only working in the browser
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/175e86078ce2fed34953f337baf2f0edfc093742]] crash when wiki/themes folder contains files that are not themes
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.8-beta...v5.0.9-beta]]//
!! Highlights
* Improved layout, including a ''hamburger'' icon for dismissing the sidebar and expanding the story river to fill the space
* Added new ''Seamless'' theme
* New ''Filter'' tab in [[$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* Initial implementation of CecilyView
* Overhaul of inconsistencies in TiddlerFilters (see [[Changes to filters in 5.0.9-beta]])
* New translations for Italian and Japanese
* Performance improvements, particularly [[during editing|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0aa559cd23b3742c8f10c5ac144860d816699782]]
!! Documentation Improvements
* Improved and reorganised documentation for TiddlerFilters
* Demo of [[Making curved text with SVG]]
* [[Community]] links are now broken up into individual tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a19432541e776bfb63b1b985a60f472e9f1d4352]] overview diagram of [[TiddlyWiki Architecture]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/7b57561160173667031b5bc15a4f7553d8514c1c]] documentation from buggyj: [[Developing plugins using Node.js and GitHub]]
!! Usability Improvements
* Made the dropdown arrow icon [[skinnier|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ec90ac99cf2767b6ff20902d8b01aa1c36778147]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bca1d552803c1839e7385765314f81c5307632b8]] validation of legal characters for fieldnames
* Added blacklisting of unsafe HTML [[elements|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ba6edd42c125cb19d955a1cb3f54a2d367cb79dc]] and [[attributes|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d0caf21b2df9fda9800eb30489003a87cafb1277]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/baa8cf3dd098bab0a7a8c78b24747c69bd40889f]] a warning indicator to tiddlers in TiddlyWikiClassic format
* [[Add|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/42c67cfeb732fccb10b8ab574c84090dc2471352]] tiddler info ''Advanced'' panel with information about plugins and shadow tiddlers
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/96457d801159958b897f98e22aa9af53b97f0e35]] layout of [[$:/ControlPanel]] ''Plugins'' tab
* [[Enhance|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f48701544eda4f79af86b1ad44340e7182bcf024]] viewing of system tiddlers by fading down the `$:/` prefix
* [[Extend|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/dd3ee2a603cba35770a8f109e070f271d72861f8]] [[$:/TagManager]] to allow icons to be assigned to tags
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/87c4839fed789b80e0942014c05175e36aacc157]] support for `list-before` and `list-after` fields for controlling tag ordering (see TiddlerTags for details)
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3afa26b9a318d913ba162d93a63036cb4a94be59]] request for confirmation before abandoning edits to a tiddler
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bdbbf94326f70db0f8ef196270ab9e92bfde10fb]] [[Transclusion in WikiText]] syntax to allow translusion of a template without affecting the current tiddler
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8a7d0f53d380e9ca93ee34d8ad05090d511e95c4]] `sourceURL` handling to `eval()` so that tiddler modules can be [[properly debugged|https://chromedevtools.googlecode.com/svn-history/r421/trunk/tutorials/breapoints/index.html#regular]] in Chrome
* New ScrollableWidget giving better control over scrollable regions
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d3c0296a87198296cff26aa7ce7bb8274cdcc3f7]] new CSS class `tw-site-title` for the site title
* [[Disable|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e397e4d15951c1395c7752a7563f002ca459206e]] the TiddlyWeb sync adaptor unless the wiki is loaded over HTTP
* Added a [[high resolution timer mechanism|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/dcce4879347e4829d75f10248477731b18b829ef]] and a [[performance measurement mechanism|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d402d3c5a619b6b1642ab03c74ff03a864846a0b]]
* Added a [[basic CSV parser|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5a085f792722c74d259464386138c731b2f014cc]]
* Several measures to enforce the TiddlyWiki programming model:
** [[Refactor|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9de17aa206b21df5c4e29e61bba5d6b49aca6c71]] wiki store object to make members be private
** Freeze tiddler object and [[fields|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/279626a3e3fbd75d60fc3be49b68a99d8ba0a95d]] tiddler fields to enforce their immutability
* [[Extend|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f649b5b037bfd2e7c48d1ba65ffa37064456523d]] the ButtonWidget to be able to set text references
* [[Add|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/afa677b9a0b1dff1239dc1ea08edd210b9736af9]] a class to tiddler frames in view mode
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/50cf9678cb469e443e220b063e2355c844e417e7]] support for [[WidgetMessage: tw-home]]
* [[Hidden|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2608a323ebf3d8a8e925eda6d3a10ebb8f41d383]] system tags from the sidebar ''Tags'' tab
* [[Allow|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/98872bbe7c62faa4aa209fa421c2989aeef3aaf2]] pasting and import of HTML content
* [[Add|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a5a2c718b1d5671652d01e3567dba1c6795b7521]] support for a tooltip on the LinkWidget
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/aa631518152cda5643805c143bf0000bca8d767f]] problem with occasional freezes of the sync mechanism - thanks to buggyj
* Fixed problem with [[tiddlers|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1e960ffcac566c742c44b18d6f0e809d4457b249]] or [[fields|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ea46f85a8a5ad29e8602cbb13667c853903681a6]] called `__proto__`
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/aec618793f41b937676a5a165764dc19d9bbb2b2]] with refreshing the D3 plugin
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/67f3d58f7153ca4d50ce5a14ed72d9d4b6ad9b71]] problem with "null" message when unloading under Internet Explorer 11
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.18-beta...v5.1.0]]//
This is the first full release of TiddlyWiki. Documentation updates made up the bulk of the changes since the previous 5.0.18-beta release.
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b239b3d6230a9f7aab4c9ef6a59aefb4158f45b1]] curly braces from qualified identifiers
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9e6dab06cc2db8263fce083510ae570923b21c0b]] problem with Markdown Maruku mode metadata
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@malgam|https://github.com/malgam]]
* [[@gernert|https://github.com/gernert]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.0...v5.1.1]]//
This is a minor bug fix release to improve the documentation and correct some issues with the first full release of TiddlyWiki.
!! Incompatible Changes
Certain features that were deprecated in [[Release 5.0.17-beta]] have now been removed:
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/62edd1e8a3fddc0c11b87c87b3e5b404d8e1e395]] deprecated `title` attribute on the ButtonWidget
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d047ccdc84ab6f23779c3614712e0d6fa0ef63ec]] support for deprecated `$:/tags/stylesheet` system tag
Note that the next release will also remove support for regular expression filter operands, which was also deprecated in 5.0.17-beta.
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/96b7d0eebaf73dcfd4eccb848b90caaa055e5e20]] first implementation of the [[KaTeX Plugin]] for mathematical typesetting
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@TheDiveO|https://github.com/TheDiveO]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.9...v5.1.10]]//
! Major Improvements
!! Performance Optimisations
This release includes several low-level performance optimisations that should improve speed and responsiveness in many common operations.
* [[Caching the results of parsing a tiddler|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b0cb17cd83dde89753ec159e27c920a7bf22bee1]]
* [[Loop optimisations|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c6e48ebc2db4af895f5b3935b3f575b8aab292fe]]
* [[Tiddler iteration optimisations|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8f63e2a959a7ac44533ae2b6192716ee17a1ce93]]
* [[State qualifier generation|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/848a7f4e744c8f4dcb4ec88a0e99c4ae6aac25e5]]
* [[Caching data tiddlers|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/32f6d7f1b01474b82debcbdd5d76c49c59303265]]
* [[Removed expensive visual effects|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4f5cf4597abb08af787b62c2e2ee1b8c667dad1e]]
There is a new setting in the control panel to enable performance instrumentation, making it much easier to measure and improve performance issues.
!! New Editions
Three new editions of TiddlyWiki are included in this release. These can be used as starting points for creating your own wiki for several purposes:
* The [[Résumé Builder Edition]] by @inmysocks is a custom edition to guide you through the process of using TiddlyWiki to create a good looking résumé (or curriculum vitæ)
* The [[Blog Edition]] provides tools for using TiddlyWiki under Node.js to create a static HTML blog that can be published on GitHub pages (or similar)
* The [[Text-Slicer Edition]] is a custom edition with tools to help advanced users slice longer texts up into individual tiddlers.
!! External Text Tiddlers
Limited support for tiddlers stored in external `.tid` files:
* standalone TiddlyWiki HTML files with external text tiddlers can be built under Node.js
* wikis with external text tiddlers can be worked with in the browser, automatically lazily loading the content of external text tiddlers when it is first referenced
** saving changes in the browser doesn't work as expected: if edited, the external text tiddler is replaced with an ordinary tiddler
** lazy loading of external text tiddlers doesn't work in Chrome when viewing the TiddlyWiki HTML file on a ''file:'' URI; it works OK in Firefox
** lazy loading works on an HTTP URI on all browsers as long as the target file is either stored on the same domain or is served by a [[server that supports CORS|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-origin_resource_sharing]]
See [[Alice in Wonderland]] for an example. Try opening it without a network connection.
!! New "Tight" Theme
A new theme called "Tight" uses reduced padding, margins and font-sizes to pack as much text as possible:
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/theme" text="$:/themes/tiddlywiki/tight"/>
Try it out
</$button> <$button>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/theme" text="$:/themes/tiddlywiki/snowwhite"/>
! Other Improvements
!! Translation Improvements
* Added Swedish translation by @Superdos
* Added Korean (Korean Republic) translation by @araname
* Improved Catalan, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish translations
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Enhanced|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e6529af04e004b59093921f74758ac7132e1b19d]] the tiddler editor to accept new fields and tags when clicking confirm, without having to click "Add tag" or "Add field"
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5d43cd740863be188e43fd49893dc8dddcd5b937]] new ''fold'' and ''fold others'' buttons to the tiddler toolbar to temporarily hide the body of a tiddler, and also [[added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ac08dc2e35d99eb563ab8c4449ce1fcfe30f3bf7]] new ''fold all'' and ''unfold all'' page buttons
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d5e690a06d523a2047eaf9b623b633bb72c18af9]] ability to disable individual WikiText parser rules (see the ''Advanced'' tab of $:/ControlPanel). Also [[added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/58188cf8053bef87dbe97e4b05cdba67f75c615d]] a simple setting for disabling automatic linking of ~CamelCase words
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2cb6400773096b02b71c1851fb0fac5dfefbbd6f]] support for automatically linked system tiddler titles to include digits and underscore
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2c9b1ae2579f8d2452c60217aa3e153a29d32d1f]] warning when trying to use plugins designed for TiddlyWiki Classic
* Upgraded to version v8.8.0 of highlight.js for the [[Highlight Plugin]]
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/1981]] the need to manually confirm deleting alerts
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/2147]] optional tooltips to [[tabs Macro]]
!! Hackability Improvements
* Updated to KaTeX v0.5.1, with [[several new features|https://github.com/Khan/KaTeX/releases]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e0aacc84d5f084ff7a53153c590fbff3d24f2e2c]] `publishFilter` to default save template
* [[Allow|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/7dddc925ae93725552b98bc348a07572895da96c]] ''delete'' button to be used in the tiddler view-mode toolbar
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/742161675421a942051abed01cb47c0394f4db6d]] a new [[hidden setting for keyboard shortcuts|Hidden Setting: Keyboard Shortcuts]]
* [[Update|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e5cd8313a0d1a4a3dea17457a8a883675243b9c7]] ActionSetFieldWidget to allow timestamp to be preserved
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/fdce67399d175a9911df908981b83ac3edfb1142]] option to suppress navigation for edit/cancel/save
* [[Enhance|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5176f008f0bc15751e36933c95ae299c1ee5971a]] SaveTiddlersCommand with do not delete option
* [[Enhance|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4ccdaf3fafda2f1d0766ed69c68d030a7db2bbc6]] RenderTiddlerCommand with template option
* [[Extend|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/51d771a07493f91c32145b69e4f5534724416d2e]] tm-open-window to pass variables
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/7b8928886bf101b0cf4a8cc2d2dd2e576ec1c8d8]] new utility method `$tw.utils.tagToCssSelector(tagName)` for converting tag titles into a form suitable for matching the `tc-tagged-*` [[classes generated by TiddlyWiki|How to apply custom styles by tag]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/99df9f46f7cc4c1d3aa0320347f9b6c1bc458c60]] support for tiddlers containing mp4 videos
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/fd997c45814e6bb5b576137bf62bad5575b0a28c]] the ActionSetFieldWidget to enable it to be used to delete a field or indexed property
* [[Made|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/746aab2cf6bbe3c1905efd5caf80e40e23b914b0]] the tw5.com documentation available as a plugin and an <a href="editions/tw5.com-docs/index.html" target="_blank">edition</a>, simplifying some scenarios for re-using it
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0035a0046315ee0203b1adfb75efdbb0e854a7f6]] rendering of "More" sidebar tab gradients in the "Snow White" theme
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/33563d01baed4b4092fc834eb6a1df55e1671418]] option in [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] to enable the display of detailed performance instrumentation in the browser developer console
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bc0cbf907063ccd484da7d56c8e42cf5e90489b8]] a LazyLoading template for all non-system tiddlers
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1984]] handling of TiddlerLinks in Markdown tiddlers
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/2004]] FieldManglerWidget to create the target tiddler if it does not exist
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/2049]] KeyboardWidget to trigger ActionWidgets
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/2074]] SelectWidget to support multiple selections
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/1909]] new [[days Operator]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/231d0a3dc8385fcb2173436754f00f464d7b018e]] official plugin wrappers for the JavaScript libraries [[async.js|https://github.com/caolan/async]] and [[JSZip|https://stuk.github.io/jszip/]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/2037]] new ActionListopsWidget
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/791f97983e8bbbbb209cf0e7068f858dfd2d38eb]] ''rows'' attribute to EditTextWidget
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1882]] problem introduced in 5.1.9 with processing `tiddlywiki.info` files
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3fbf29093b32c00941b0c03951250de7c0cc8d6f]] problem with invisible icons in $:/AdvancedSearch
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/862e358b57fde74595420e7948bf44fdadf690dc]] check for required plugins in ServerCommand
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/709126dd643207adab725569c214f8617c28fbeb]] problem with queueing change events for deleting non-existent tiddlers
* [[Ensure|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/85553609b10ccc813662c867d4043e5df78efcec]] EditTextWidget fixes height even if refresh isn't required
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8a763e9d838fcb571d12c4175952cd4e15e95e00]] the gradient on the sidebar tabs divider
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6add992bf2e9cedd077c74c3471758bbe9d6e1b2]] problem with tiddler titles such as `$:/templates/something` being erroneously classed as `$:/temp` tiddlers, and so excluded from syncing
* [[Switched|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/acbf87657b6c88719148266100b91a61e29a0546]] to absolute date format in tiddler subtitles
!! Node.js Improvements
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/dc020276b07fd0ec365c13000eb868a87a3376b9]] problem with the filesystem adaptor saving new image files as base64-encoded .tid files instead of as native binary files with an accompanying `.meta` file
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/803d70225a2ce1f1f7992e493bbaf7a78b15c04d]] `tiddlywiki.files` support in TiddlyWikiFolders to allow directories to be loaded recursively, as well as individual files
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@afeldspar|https://github.com/afeldspar]]
* [[@araname|https://github.com/araname]]
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@danielo515|https://github.com/danielo515]]
* [[@Drakor|https://github.com/Drakor]]
* [[@erwanm|https://github.com/erwanm]]
* [[@felixhayashi|https://github.com/felixhayashi]]
* [[@Evolena|https://github.com/Evolena]]
* [[@hegart-dmishiv|https://github.com/hegart-dmishiv]]
* [[@idoine|https://github.com/idoine]]
* [[@inmysocks|https://github.com/inmysocks]]
* [[@IreneKnapp|https://github.com/IreneKnapp]]
* [[@gernert|https://github.com/gernert]]
* [[@kixam|https://github.com/kixam]]
* [[@Marxsal|https://github.com/Marxsal]]
* [[@matabele|https://github.com/matabele]]
* [[@mklauber|https://github.com/mklauber]]
* [[@nameanyone|https://github.com/nameanyone]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@senevoldsen90|https://github.com/senevoldsen90]]
* [[@Spangenhelm|https://github.com/Spangenhelm]]
* [[@spelufo|https://github.com/spelufo]]
* [[@SuperDOS|https://github.com/SuperDOS]]
* [[@tgrosinger|https://github.com/tgrosinger]]
* [[@tobibeer|https://github.com/tobibeer]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
* [[@zahlman|https://github.com/zahlman]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.1...v5.1.2]]//
This is another small release with documentation updates and a few bug fixes and improvements.
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b3df07ae3e190cfb6fc23dbe31c6229fe5e39087]] error handling for malformed or unrecognised ~LaTeX content with [[KaTeX Plugin]]
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/42abef6fbf79342ccbd90b142d48f64ab5c1c38a]] styling of separator before the untagged item in the tags sidebar
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/23c2d90ee8e28f8c68f9ba58fcbc13a56f838d61]] error handling for the upload saver (which is used for saving to TiddlySpot)
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/115245a632e80e9d033957327dfec909a3cd1fc8]] storyview error detection
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b1fb0a2a070a6abc78564e56fdb4244076ac44ac]] crash caused by incorrectly formatted plugins
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/eacb9e53ebf2a814d61bf005d68f449f7b9e63b5]] problem with tiddler info not being removed by the syncer after deleting a tiddler
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e2046ce4ffb6b8232a4ad5e7f51c431798917787]] HTTP handling to treat response code 201 as success
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@Evolena|https://github.com/Evolena]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@simonbaird|https://github.com/simonbaird]]
* [[@TheDiveO|https://github.com/TheDiveO]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.2...v5.1.3]]//
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e872f17842809e33eae177980e9ea0650b6a4c03]] "new journal" button; see [[Creating journal tiddlers]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/70984aa39f8a4061162d4e404bfd158e515c7e6e]] "new here" button; see [[Creating and editing tiddlers]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/00cdd04edd49c2bf0e461071c0c7c50f8aab4e42]] "new journal here" button; see [[Creating journal tiddlers]]
* [[Made|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c6951ee912d1f2717a8c208cbb920e54edf9e5d9]] date format strings be translateable
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/languages/ru-RU]] Russian translation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ef1d5310918dae088ce9361c1682ce0f99cf568a]] confirmation when clearing password
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b7bbcfa05659808c1e51a4f2f5f1d6afbc2ed3a1]] additional prompt when setting password
* [[Increased|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/dc9981322aeb508d5ebac0b691b0d703f8c1995e]] size of the clear search button
* [[Upgraded|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/564457de1c991df15263040d2d5526fa8ae879bb]] to [[KaTeX v0.1.1|https://github.com/Khan/KaTeX/releases/tag/v0.1.1]], with support for several additional LaTeX features
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2ffe53f1916e4b746cc6d7e74e8f4ac75c72e38a]] audio "parser" for handling [[Audio]] content
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0dcf54c3b59ed04645928f0ec4ced647e5a0da7f]] support for ActionWidgets
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/65504d5d41e45326ab1b1b6c0c21eea4c9772797]] new <<.olink addprefix>> and <<.olink addsuffix>> operators
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0c8e5380778303cdd3308bed4a15290214841f8b]] support for custom password prompts
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c26bd4c5a872f56c47e9f5cfc3fada468c53ddde]] the <<.mlink list-links>> macro to display ''caption'' field if present
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/12e26009eef5e29140ba1a880ff033428d673630]] ImageWidget to allow percentage width and height to be specified
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/cc576b052e2b05fd93fcb4f3eb8d9ee5278abf3e]] the <<.olink each>> operator to work with missing tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5dd6ebff05a3380db2901294b2cfc89c1a0e71bf]] problem with tiddler width in zoomin storyview with the sidebar hidden
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/09b6540998fec6bf1fb14842be8e8c53dbd5c46a]] bug whereby the `tm-home` message wasn't navigating to a tiddler, causing problems in zoomin storyview
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3ca8d7b6cca46ffa424bcf9bdc134da464fc84f4]] problem with jumping toolbar icons under Firefox
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f85b07e70b71d0622a9459e4b04e2027540abda8]] problem with untagged label being incorrectly coloured
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b3dcd7d625ec83701ef3a77f3fb8101af57c154f]] problem with title background colours with the "Sticky Titles" theme
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5211f9c40c874a167174e8c0d439db34189d3329]] problem with subfilter parameter of <<.mlink timeline>> macro
* [[Exclude|https://groups.google.com/d/topic/tiddlywiki/YPACpXhH9PY/discussion]] search string tiddler from search results
!! Node.js Changes
//These changes are only relevant to people using TiddlyWiki under Node.js//
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/63c174d7ed56284e80ad6cd6ae966b81f9181cc9]] ~KaTeX plugin to be able to work under Node.js to generate static HTML
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/49dc5694a391a391264a4473e4f4422e2472a3b3]] "includeWikis" to merge build targets
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/969]] the build scripts for tiddlywiki.com into a separate repository at https://github.com/Jermolene/build.jermolene.github.io
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/744245ea3249446fd15f504190efb1d828935d01]] boot kernel to raise an error if a missing wiki folder is specified on the command line
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@andrey013|https://github.com/andrey013]]
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]]
* [[@Eucaly|https://github.com/Eucaly]]
* [[@Evolena|https://github.com/Evolena]]
* [[@fghhfg|https://github.com/fghhfg]]
* [[@Marxsal|https://github.com/Marxsal]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@simonbaird|https://github.com/simonbaird]]
* [[@TheDiveO|https://github.com/TheDiveO]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.3...v5.1.4]]//
This is a small release with documentation improvements and some important bug fixes from [[Release 5.1.3]].
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6681a8e1f2fd3f39d92a1480b5b573a6c831515d]] a toolbar button for advanced search
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/53d834c86be2f97599a9486c0eae4777c51d9093]] dragging behaviour so that you can drag a tiddler title into an edit box to insert the title, making link creation easier. (This change doesn't affect the behaviour of dragging tiddler links between TiddlyWiki windows)
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/26e50b81e579b7f2d190ca3662cadcf82764c8a7]] additional theme tweaks for the body text size and line height
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1b620387dda2d16bf387a89071188762455890c4]] the ViewWidget to work with subtiddlers
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ddc74955427f8a7291ee964c42a771a112007789]] problem with search counts
!! Node.js Changes
//These changes are only relevant to people using TiddlyWiki under Node.js//
* Fixed problem with missing wiki folder warnings by [[removing|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9fedf3865778fd3aa50c2f049c2b81061c8cd778]] and [[re-implementing|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e62e38d66c6eb447bbd8f16b5beec0fe0276ea0d]] the fix from [[Release 5.1.3]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5d600ce31b1d1162529ae8043bb342e2165c4b13]] coloured warnings and errors under Node.js
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@danielo515|https://github.com/danielo515]]
* [[@gernert|https://github.com/gernert]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.4...v5.1.5]]//
!! Translation Improvements
* Added new translators edition making it much easier to create and maintain translations of TiddlyWiki
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/615425cf0634233d27f4f1ea430589b2a618feb6]] improved Japanese translation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8ba1a9b72ac5a4f50a4f670a24393d564c137c0c]] new Danish translation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/14a64ef3effc1e4cf1098b35af6d6cb864d77ac2]] new Greek translation
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Improvements|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/09a3f94d79fc6eacbfd46c86594748e996191eb2]] to tooltips for accessibility
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6fc5c70ace43219710983f6d9640f4b01d620908]] export button to tiddler toolbar, page controls and [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]] "filter" tab
* Improved layout of [[$:/TagManager]]
* [[Simplified|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0a986ccd995266bf3a47182fa584d79f9dd3e153]] default tiddler toolbar buttons
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/63b00fd0f80ce0c9917e233287d4a0138e8c385f]] advanced search button to sidebar search results
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4d061d0fee959fdc5ab470dc8f8379bedfa946d9]] search results by listing title matches at the top
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/da1f9f7d2233eb2aacc027bc1fc1053fa8b7bc2e]] input box for specifying new field value in edit template
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0bb8e08edca61f415aa084327b6751c278e45108]] tag pill rendering so that the foreground colour is dynamically chosen for maximum contrast with the background colour
* Enhancements to many of the [[core icons|ImageGallery Example]]
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1dfa6f369bddd8dedba2e47dc4707eba28ccf4e1]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/145713e7668a41320981ed87b448542cd30d13dc]], [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3035badf144abb85f5d42b2b1d395cf0f65fb03e]] and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e69e2c1c91002c296e1789532ca74286fae8d5a4]]) unnecessary confirmations when abandoning or deleting unmodified tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a5c7089bcfe3d2439eb082535527a7cc767891cc]] a subtle rounded corner to tiddlers and tabs
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6f0d581d720e611fade3b3f346ad0409ef5e291b]] automatic focusing of the title of newly created tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/81481588e07ed3cb1e378a6c6f21d26dcbaa8345]] advanced search links on tiddler counts in [[$:/ControlPanel]]
!! Hackability Improvements
* Introduced new ActionSetFieldWidget, ActionDeleteFieldWidget and ActionDeleteTiddlerWidget for manipulating tiddler fields and values
* [[Enhanced|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c7971d3da3bbef4bbc81d4462ee93590adc248f8]] [[WidgetMessage: tm-new-tiddler]] to allow a skeleton to be specified with additional fields
* [[Enhanced|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4a172125768e3b33c30e725e8550454a9d26c5c4]] the EditTextWidget to allow more control over the sizing of textarea editors
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/13726ef73157d9e9d65ae4027d9c32aaa7cdcc90]] new canned filter for recently modified system tiddlers in [[$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c20c935faabbb63f679bc4720b52162c56b6af64]] new system image for videos: [[$:/core/images/video]]
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c13cf94413c94ee56bebc60fab2d9231d1824d88]] search results to allow custom visualisations - see [[Customising search results]]
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a3a50dbf6d96e7441e5e8ec183e40134bc4eb618]] <<.mlink timeline>> macro to be able to use different date fields
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8260d000be1cf1caf35a557f6cd54a0fb8ccf4f0]] the <<.olink search>> operator to allow a field to be specified
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/73491f14dd63612d527632210d2c3873eb81188f]] the highlight plugin to display tabs as spaces
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/91a7c397911726e391ca368f96b50fbe1687d56a]] modal handling to permit variables to be passed to the modal (see [[WidgetMessage: tm-modal]])
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/853f5fd06402b16e271e8f119ef380de485aeff2]] simple logging to help track down drop/paste issues (see http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/#ImportLogging)
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b520efdeb83f6ac7536a69cf5af2bab3f94cf77f]] [[WidgetMessage: tm-download-file]] and [[WidgetMessage: tm-save-wiki]] to allow variables to be specified for the rendering
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f5055c0205d24102a36b9cf3a9dd9306e148a1f0]] [[Example Table of Contents: Tabbed Internal]]
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/79e428757b5562bd4a925b9b0428ea4ba70ad05a]] RevealWidget so that it can be used without specifying a state tiddler
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/90caf5bf42523cfb6cd603b979aadb719ddcede4]] "hooks" mechanism so that plugins can modify the default tiddler list
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b882a0dff12dc2660426de53e64d8c018f3a9d84]] support for nested popups
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/90096cbd367a7a685fb5dc5b2cbaa69a00d8199f]] problem with CodeMirror editor and missing tiddlers
* [[Exclude|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5093cdc86047209f23b9ead5ee0f216d0414e4f2]] drafts from [[Table-of-Contents Macros]]
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5599f9f9338a5f96080143b2192214a78b961509]] problem with encoding of HTML tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/835e3a945244dd8a07f4c7fd570eb890e9fdcc2c]] problem with sticky titles being covered by vertical tabs
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d1bbe7253c135ceed138fd02c82b0f861d5dda6b]] flicker when automatically resizing textareas
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4bf6fe7fe9416f4e304036302ab5727148ae5222]] JSON deserialiser so that all fields can be imported
!! Node.js Changes
//These changes are only relevant to people using TiddlyWiki under Node.js//
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8e685e5150e636aed6655c6caa09c7b6cffdcea2]] ''includeWikis'' mechanism of TiddlyWikiFolders to allow read-only wikis to be included
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/cea963420ca2800b86989e29d42d06ccb7ea2a00]] error handling under Node.js
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/17a594a97ad5655142c834dfd5fa68855a61d201]] UnpackPluginCommand
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/04d26e6fae20671a6d455e113f7b0afedabc7122]] EditionsCommand to list the available editions
!! Changes affecting plugin authors
* [[Disabled|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f7a2849d27bb082e4bbf6b056a800a1edb30f510]] wiki change events for shadow tiddlers
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d93c19daaa126f0938048009a83796cb52690541]] structure of widget messages that have a hashmap parameter
* The support for nested popups has necessitated a change in the way that popups are styled that affects popups that are triggered with the focusPopup attribute of the EditTextWidget: it is now necessary for the widget to be given the class `tc-popup-handle`.
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@andrey013|https://github.com/andrey013]]
* Birthe C
* [[@Braincoke|https://github.com/Braincoke]]
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@danielo515|https://github.com/danielo515]]
* [[@erwanm|https://github.com/erwanm]]
* [[@Evolena|https://github.com/Evolena]]
* [[@giffmex|https://github.com/giffmex]]
* [[@inmysocks|https://github.com/inmysocks]]
* Makoto Hirohashi
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@Skeeve|https://github.com/Skeeve]]
* [[@tobibeer|https://github.com/tobibeer]]
* [[@welford|https://github.com/welford]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.5...v5.1.6]]//
!! Translation Improvements
* Added Dutch translation
* Updated Danish and Japanese translations
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Allow|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b29973312d7c16292cabb493e5914668f7c3f127]] buttons to be styled to look like internal links
* [[Disabled|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5b38c21a417d2e5e2b85aed8010c88af32420e24]] linking when transcluding ''caption'' field in [[Table-of-Contents Macros]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b220c19fb7b789eb6d00c9d1a71414676d87130e]] support for templates to tabbed [[Table-of-Contents Macros]]
* [[Allow|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/31b5eb1578640fabe8712f0cd4edd49708bc4493]] shadow tiddlers to appear in [[Table-of-Contents Macros]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5154a25ab95f0cc08eb079a624be4fd3353e6dbd]] tooltip to BrowseWidget
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/42dba113ccdb18d7e76ac7a773c7dca532207007]] handling of missing tiddlers by the <<.olink has>> and <<.olink field>> operators
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/182c2428ca7b38d00d36d2d6650e761026470e63]] problem with download saver using incorrect filename
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d031a93c6d607d5b10d025149608f10977181e26]] [[problem|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1010]] with processing of date format templates
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a0c13a0856cb6b4a2592acdd46975e44eb7c53a8]] problem with ''storytop'' theme tweak not being respected when the narrow responsive design kicks in
!! Node.js Changes
//These changes are only relevant to people using TiddlyWiki under Node.js//
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bb74be7ac1a24eeaee10a3cb3d3633e3aa318632]] problem with "all tiddlers" static HTML export
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/51db48acc901d8fb298d9b0f7f10b47ffe90df05]] incorrect checking for an empty folder with the InitCommand
!! Changes affecting plugin authors
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1e47a62c2af392f30a492da732b33b89f23a2e4c]] `$tw.utils.each` so that the loop can be broken out of
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@anavarre|https://github.com/anavarre]]
* [[@Drakor|https://github.com/Drakor]]
* [[@dullroar|https://github.com/dullroar]]
* [[@erwanm|https://github.com/erwanm]]
* [[@malgam|https://github.com/malgam]]
* [[@nameanyone|https://github.com/nameanyone]]
* [[@pekopeko1|https://github.com/pekopeko1]]
* [[@Spangenhelm|https://github.com/Spangenhelm]]
* [[@tobibeer|https://github.com/tobibeer]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.6...v5.1.7]]//
This is an hot fix release with the following change over [[Release 5.1.6]]:
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a31aa25d0c00187ff829d74108f018e44b5cb3c5]] typo in GettingStarted
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.7...v5.1.8]]//
This release includes many improvements to the documentation for TiddlyWiki. Many thanks to everyone who has helped out, but especially to our prodigious new contributor Astrid Elocson.
!! Translation Improvements
* Improvements to French, Danish, Chinese and Japanese translations
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/cb8caf6a01aeeac480bf28661888961657b0dbd8]] Czech translation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d6918d737f5d1b663346ad9a35421a5ae0ffb9a7]] [[Interlingua|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interlingua]] translation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6721a5eb1b77935226ccc8559008af3a0a05d0cb]] Portuguese translation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b845751d3c549366adb2f6e5c58b0114fa95ba30]] Punjabi and Hindu translations
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/49a9a2c44ca3a71fff3062709f06940aaca4a574]] Slovak translation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5d947ed582fb9d68c01d82a334ab75498a8724ef]] Spanish translation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2c367c5476da70ce9c2b37838febcdf437b9aca4]] localisation for encryption prompt
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/987bfcfd5b49b992e5fd45f3428497f6f55cae53]] user interface for [[setting a page background image|Setting a page background image]]
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3df341621d30b205775288e324cef137c48e9f6e]] problem with unnecessary scrolling at startup
* [[Upgraded|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ae001a19e5b3e43cf5388fd4e8d99788085649fe]] the [[KaTeX Plugin]] to use [[KaTeX v0.2.0|https://github.com/Khan/KaTeX/releases/tag/v0.2.0]], with better symbol support
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/70e419824fab107aab58f87780dbb5a1de70c248]] [[Help Plugin]] providing floating help panel
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8643278a452d1a300cec8d3425c1b18699a17dca]] support for an online plugin library
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ea6e60e66983ee1184f09c5796ef6c8bceae703a]] automatic focusing of the search box at startup
* [[Introduced|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4f3cb8b9aebfc4f65f40c96ef99730887d746b41]] the [[Railroad Plugin]] by Astrid Elocson (see it in action in the new [[Filter Syntax]] documentation)
* [[Migrated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/230066eeae9ace8336612e02c78f8cdaa3f717e4]] functionality of "Sticky Titles" theme into an optional tweak for the "Vanilla"/"Snow White" themes. This means that tiddler titles will stick to the top of the window during scrolling on browsers that support `position: sticky` (such as Safari and Firefox)
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8cb7090c40489c81e8c5dfb8cbbdee2c60998c3e]] icons to [[$:/AdvancedSearch]], [[$:/ControlPanel]] and [[$:/TagManager]]
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/21b6ce71ffc617f61d4da0065a3ee695be535e2a]] wording of tiddler "save" button to "confirm"
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1103]] automatic linking of system tiddlers such as $:/ControlPanel
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9c7936413a8c50817044eb409661a575f7f97563]] new tag dropdown to only list title matches
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/aae56f20af35e7be6f3839a8c727e3f43174efe9]] a warning banner notifying the user when modified plugins require the page to be reloaded
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0bd2ec50e1514ef247182816f9f9e421f52f67bb]] first pass at "stacked" story view
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/421ac16389cf07e8c00611ef5a858da0b89f7584]] modal headers and footers to be parsed in inline mode by default (avoiding unneeded `<p>` tags)
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d340277cb219ffebd212fbf409e8ea804121d105]] [[resolvepath Macro]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/718ce3e4aa04f7af5e9310f90d3415c0d82bee6f]] ''class'' attribute to CheckboxWidget
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bb10e2b02900ece4701c44c3a7e7c03304e813b7]] support for a special message to be displayed when the main story river is empty
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6e0c7d90221771ae384d620984f08a2090c500dc]] font rendering under Mac OS X
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a2493f80a973b24ad3d3affda945c437b98c2d2e]] support for embedding ZIP files
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1808b1597e5a61379e4e5381d6d78bb73fa3a523]] support for custom elements with the RevealWidget
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bd6472c1d10bc86eaf1b317c35b86f84086ee3c8]] ''style'' attribute to RevealWidget
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0b4ed3c72de16148ffe62abf1c5c06f2d2ce47f1]] text inputs to use palette colours
* Several new [[core icons|ImageGallery Example]]: <span style="fill:#aaa;"><span title="$:/core/images/github">{{$:/core/images/github}}</span> <span title="$:/core/images/help">{{$:/core/images/help}}</span> <span title="$:/core/images/mail">{{$:/core/images/mail}}</span> <span title="$:/core/images/tip">{{$:/core/images/tip}}</span> <span title="$:/core/images/warning">{{$:/core/images/warning}}</span> <span title="$:/core/images/twitter">{{$:/core/images/twitter}}</span> <span title="$:/core/images/video">{{$:/core/images/video}}</span> <span title="$:/core/images/up-arrow">{{$:/core/images/up-arrow}}</span> <span title="$:/core/images/left-arrow">{{$:/core/images/left-arrow}}</span></span>
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/1520]] the [[sameday Operator]] and [[eachday Operator]] to accept TW5 date strings
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/1249]] version number compatibility checks for plugins
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1adfe20508116da0ee4b5c9e72ea9742f24b60c9]] problem with repeatedly cancelling a draft
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/050b643948e24d1d93a83766a23a0d693616d01e]] sandboxing of generated `<iframe>` elements
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b166632bbb76a7a033cd8fc3af14e5dadddfc631]] problem with modal backgrounds on Firefox
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1b87d9134bd0b45be671eebfdcac1d7acadcecf4]] problem with accidentally dragging a tiddler within its originating window
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c9ab873ba393753647f2b0b3b3aa1a8bcf6b1c28]] problem with dragging certain plugins with Safari
* [[Partially fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2f8837a44508687223c4d78e718cf82a9b35c97b]] problem with SVG icons being clipped by 1 pixel on the right and bottom
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f3ed9bf7e4936dd9bbe3e237673828bbe89326f9]] problem with double quotes in a new field value
!! Node.js Changes
//These changes are only relevant to people using TiddlyWiki under Node.js//
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/cc85368fd48f1e5878018a4e00b6c17d436e67a9]] [[Highlight Plugin]] to work when generating static files under Node.js
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c296f14210545374124df5d4ae9ffb402ed73561]] problem with case-insensitive filing systems (eg Windows)
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/1354]] mobile metadata to static page templates
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/1352]] added "noclean" parameter to RenderTiddlersCommand
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b768dc332b2d5d7ac1f731953cafb5fd1b30dad9]] [[editions Operator]] and [[editiondescription Operator]] for enumerating available editions
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@aelocson|https://github.com/aelocson]]
* [[@andreasabeck|https://github.com/andreasabeck]]
* [[@alexhough|https://github.com/alexhough]]
* [[@Arlen22|https://github.com/Arlen22]]
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@danielo515|https://github.com/danielo515]]
* [[@dpdannemiller|https://github.com/dpdannemiller]]
* [[@Drakor|https://github.com/Drakor]]
* [[@evgeniy-gryaznov|https://github.com/evgeniy-gryaznov]]
* [[@felixhayashi|https://github.com/felixhayashi]]
* [[@gernert|https://github.com/gernert]]
* [[@Infurnoape|https://github.com/Infurnoape]]
* [[@Jc-L|https://github.com/Jc-L]]
* [[@le-pako|https://github.com/le-pako]]
* [[@Mathobal|https://github.com/Mathobal]]
* [[@ng110|https://github.com/ng110]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@reflectionist|https://github.com/reflectionist]]
* [[@roma0104|https://github.com/roma0104]]
* [[@simonbaird|https://github.com/simonbaird]]
* [[@Spangenhelm|https://github.com/Spangenhelm]]
* [[@sukima|https://github.com/sukima]]
* [[@tobibeer|https://github.com/tobibeer]]
* [[@twMat|https://github.com/twMat]]
* [[@welford|https://github.com/welford]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.8...v5.1.9]]//
! Major Improvements
!! New "Powered by ~TiddlyWiki" plugin
An experimental plugin to add a simple "Powered by ~TiddlyWiki" banner to your site. It is included in this prerelease but will not be on the main tiddlywiki.com wiki.
!! New "Fluid story, fixed sidebar" mode
It is now possible to arrange the main window so that the sidebar has a fixed width and the story river expands to fill the remaining space.
To switch it on, visit ''Theme Tweaks'' in the $:/ControlPanel ''Appearance'' tab and use the following options:
* Sidebar layout:
** ''Fixed story, fluid sidebar'' (default) - the story river has a fixed width and the sidebar fills the remaining space
** ''Fluid story, fixed sidebar'' - the story river expands to fill horizontal space remaining after the fixed width sidebar
* Sidebar width:
** The width of the sidebar. Can be specified in pixels (eg ''350px''), a percentage (eg ''25%'') or other [[CSS unit|https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/CSS/length]]
!! Toolbar Button Style Setting
A new setting in $:/ControlPanel ''Settings'' tab allows the toolbar button style to be chosen from the following options:
* <$button set="$:/config/Toolbar/ButtonClass" setTo="tc-btn-invisible">borderless</$button> the existing style
* <$button set="$:/config/Toolbar/ButtonClass" setTo="tc-btn-boxed">boxed</$button>, which adds a thin border box around the button
* <$button set="$:/config/Toolbar/ButtonClass" setTo="tc-btn-rounded">rounded</$button>, which rounds the button corners and inverts the button colours
Plugins can add new style options.
!! New Tiddler Toolbar Button: "Open in new window"
An experimental new tiddler toolbar button opens a single tiddler in a separate pop-up browser window. The tiddler will be dynamically updated just as in the main window. There are several uses:
* Arranging reference tiddlers for easy access while editing in the main window
* Making good use of multi-screen layouts
* Printing the content of a single tiddler
* Running presentations in a separate window while maintaining notes in the main window
!! Improvements for visually impaired users
* Improved monochrome palette variants:
** <$button>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/theme" text="$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/palette" text="$:/palettes/ContrastDark"/>
Dark palette
</$button>. Foreground: <<colour-picker "$:/palettes/ContrastDark" "foreground">>, Background: <<colour-picker "$:/palettes/ContrastDark" "background">>
** <$button>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/theme" text="$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/palette" text="$:/palettes/ContrastLight"/>
Light palette
</$button>. Foreground: <<colour-picker "$:/palettes/ContrastLight" "foreground">>, Background: <<colour-picker "$:/palettes/ContrastLight" "background">>
** <$button>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/theme" text="$:/themes/tiddlywiki/snowwhite"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/palette" text="$:/palettes/Vanilla"/>
!! New "Solar Flare" palette
There's a new core palette "Solar Flare", contributed by Rustem Akbulatov (@nameanyone).
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/theme" text="$:/themes/tiddlywiki/snowwhite"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/palette" text="$:/palettes/SolarFlare"/>
Try it out
</$button> <$button>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/theme" text="$:/themes/tiddlywiki/snowwhite"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/palette" text="$:/palettes/Vanilla"/>
!! Options for Story Control
There are new options for controlling the position in the story river of newly opened tiddlers. Visit the ''Settings'' tab of $:/ControlPanel and look for "Tiddler Opening Behaviour".
!! New Hidden Settings
Two new [[hidden settings|Hidden Settings]] for advanced configuration:
* [[Hidden Setting: Search AutoFocus]]
* [[Hidden Setting: Typing Refresh Delay]]
!! New Vars widget
[[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/1678]] VarsWidget for setting multiple variables in one operation:
<$vars greeting="Hi" me={{!!title}} sentence=<<helloworld>>>
<<greeting>>! I am <<me>> and I say: <<sentence>>
! Other Improvements
!! Translation Improvements
* Updates to the Dutch, Chinese, Italian and German translations
* New Catalan (Spain) translation
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/789069bb6b9ca1bd9da75e035b18728e83eb232c]] new page control icon for setting the palette: <$set name="tv-config-toolbar-class" value="btn">
<$set name="tv-config-toolbar-icons" value="yes">
<$set name="tv-config-toolbar-text" value="yes">
* Added new icons for <span style="fill:#aaa;">
palette <span title="$:/core/images/palette">{{$:/core/images/palette}}</span>
and "open new window" <span title="$:/core/images/open-window">{{$:/core/images/open-window}}</span>
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/648f670bcbba088780bc76f0c33cbe378d283bbd]] the theme icon to better match the new palette icon: <span style="fill:#aaa;">
<span title="$:/core/images/theme-button">{{$:/core/images/theme-button}}</span>
<span title="$:/core/images/plugin-generic-theme">{{$:/core/images/plugin-generic-theme}}</span>
* [[Avoid|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/7b4153f87f8b4793fa055ec287a659ece3150d99]] glitch with autofocusing the search box in the plugin library
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9f92c086c31a528a2ffb6bc9fed53d4cc016480f]] information about TiddlyDesktop to [[Releases]]
* [[Stopped|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4a3a5bf1f06c4efb8449c860e90c214f707954f6]] autosaving after cancelling an edit
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/062aa03c5acf6ac506169e9f3bac9cb0307667e4]] dropdown to edit template to allow existing field names to be selected
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5f3587c38c2968ff63780552ef50b52d87ada3ca]] to ~KaTeX version 0.4.3, with the following editions since the previous 0.2.0 release that was distributed with TiddlyWiki 5.1.8:
** Added support for some `\begin`/`\end` environments, including support for `array`, `matrix`, `pmatrix`, `bmatrix`, `vmatrix`, and `Vmatrix`
** Added support for optional `\sqrt` arguments, e.g. `\sqrt[3]{x}`
** Add support for `\phantom`
** Add `\#`, `\&`
** See the [[KaTeX GitHub page|https://github.com/Khan/KaTeX/releases]] for full release details
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9b4b9d4d8878b8646112de7b5a7b282f50a4d1cb]] ActionSendMessageWidget for more flexible passing of named parameters via new `$name` and `$value` attributes
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6942efa6289c9f1d99ea9f63972aa314ac06a8b1]] styling for `<kbd>` elements such as <kbd>escape</kbd> and <kbd>enter</kbd>
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/637aaca2fc3563cc695ab5603fc0cde222a770da]] subtle new "pin stripe" pattern for page background - <$button>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/settings/backgroundimage" text="Pinstripe.gif"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/settings/backgroundimageattachment" text="fixed"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/settings/backgroundimagesize" text="auto"/>
Try it out
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/139496209f92d229feadf5c2883edec9090c0a0a]] support for custom elements to the ButtonWidget
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d8366cc45f25d16c9085e05ee18965e626e218ff]] CodeMirror plugin to automatically refresh when a tiddler type changes
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0d5033e2a00e34a7665c2cff58c0d15da224dd2b]] new setting in $:/ControlPanel to render tiddler titles as links, which can be convenient for drag and drop
* [[Simplified|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f42842f80104e8e892545c758ea0b997cacbdd31]] detecting the preview pane with the [[tv-tiddler-preview Variable]]
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/50c6ce8b73aef692920d7a03b1c9c46c35f972d6]] automatic linking of system tiddler titles by restricting them to letters and the characters `/.-`
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5a6249894d5e79ee4e472c72be8956ce59558797]] problem with special characters in field names
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/230f40c3bd71177eb7b1f7e8252a5164e99a12c5]] static banner layout on mobile devices
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/df84e932833b3643ce600499ddd5fef497bec908]] popups within the scrollable widget by adding `position: relative;` to example scrollable widget styles
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]]
* [[@cehmke|https://github.com/cehmke]]
* [[@danielo515|https://github.com/danielo515]]
* [[@Drakor|https://github.com/Drakor]]
* [[@ericshulman|https://github.com/ericshulman]]
* [[@felixhayashi|https://github.com/felixhayashi]]
* [[@gernert|https://github.com/gernert]]
* [[@heroboy|https://github.com/heroboy]]
* [[@idoine|https://github.com/idoine]]
* [[@infurnoape|https://github.com/infurnoape]]
* [[@inmysocks|https://github.com/inmysocks]]
* [[@kixam|https://github.com/kixam]]
* [[@lolole13|https://github.com/lolole13]]
* [[@marcor|https://github.com/marcor]]
* [[@Marxsal|https://github.com/Marxsal]]
* [[@nameanyone|https://github.com/nameanyone]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@r1chard5mith|https://github.com/r1chard5mith]]
* [[@roma0104|https://github.com/roma0104]]
* [[@silvyn|https://github.com/silvyn]]
* [[@slovuj|https://github.com/slovuj]]
* [[@StevenMcD|https://github.com/StevenMcD]]
* [[@sukima|https://github.com/sukima]]
* [[@vouko|https://github.com/vouko]]
* [[@welford|https://github.com/welford]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
<<tabs "[[TiddlyWiki Releases]] [[TiddlyDesktop Releases]]" "TiddlyWiki Releases" "$:/state/tab">>
<h2><$link to=<<currentTab>>><$view tiddler=<<currentTab>> field="title"/></$link></h2>
^^Released <$view tiddler=<<currentTab>> field="released" format="date" template="DDth MMM YYYY at 0hh:0mm">TBA</$view>^^
<$transclude tiddler=<<currentTab>> />
<<.operator-examples "remove">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]] +[remove[Tuesday Wednesday Thursday]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]] +[remove:3[Monday Wednesday Friday Saturday]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[list[Days of the Week]] +[!remove:2{Days of the Week!!list}]">>
<<.operator-examples "removeprefix">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[My Cat]] [[Your Garden]] [[My Favourite Armchair]] +[removeprefix[My ]]">>
<<.operator-examples "removesuffix">>
<<.operator-example 1 "SIMPLEX Googolplex Complex +[removesuffix[plex]]">>
<<.operator-examples "replace">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]] Last +[replace[Wednesday]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]] Last +[replace:2[Tuesday]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[list[Days of the Week]] [[Yesterday]] [[Today]] [[Tomorrow]] +[replace:3[Tuesday]]">>
You can report bugs or problems with TiddlyWiki via our [[discussion groups|Forums]]. If you have a GitHub account then you can raise an issue there:
Unless you are already familiar with GitHub, it's usually easiest to report problems through the discussion groups.
! TiddlyWiki on GitHub
We use GitHub Issues to manage bug reports and feature requests for TiddlyWiki. To maintain their effectiveness we endeavour to have as few open issues as possible.
!! Policies for Managing Issues
Open issues should be actionable: generally either a reproducible bug report, or a specific feature request. From the perspective of the core developers, the issues list behaves like a shared todo list. Every item on the list requires a little bit of attention each time we check the list.
GitHub Issues are not very good for managing ideas that are not immediately actionable. Better to use the [[TiddlyWiki discussion groups|Forums]] for open ended questions, or speculative discussions of new features.
!! Creating Issues
Before creating a GitHub issue it is good etiquette to search through the existing issues to see whether the problem has already been reported. If a search isn't practical, don't worry too much; GitHub makes it easy to merge existing issues.
When you do create an issue, remember that for effective debugging, we need as much information as possible. At a minimum, please try to include:
* A descriptive title
* A summary
* Steps to reproduce
* Expected behaviour
* Context (OS, browser etc.)
Consider also adding screenshots if it makes things clearer.
There's a lot of good material on the web about bug reports:
* http://mhay68.tumblr.com/post/1648223018/what-makes-a-good-bug-report
* http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/bugs.html
The <<.def resolvepath>> [[macro|Macros]] takes a relative path and an absolute path. It interprets the former relative to the latter, and returns the absolute equivalent of the former.
Folders in the paths are delimited by `/`.
The special folder name `.` denotes the current folder, and `..` denotes the parent folder.
If the absolute path indicates a folder, it needs to end with `/`. Anything after the final `/` is treated as an arbitrary filename within the intended path, and is discarded.
If no absolute path is supplied, the relative path is returned unchanged, except that anything after the final `/` is discarded.
The return value is a path, but does <<.em not>> end with `/`.
!! Parameters
: the relative path
: the absolute path
<<.macro-examples "resolvepath">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<<resolvepath "./backup" "http://example.com/store.php">>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2" eg="""<<resolvepath "backup" "http://example.com/store.php">>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="3" eg="""<<resolvepath "../backup" "http://example.com/store.php">>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="4" eg="""<<resolvepath "../jpg/Motovun_Jack.jpg" "http://example.com/resources/images/png/">>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="5" eg="""<<resolvepath "../jpg/../png/Motovun_Jack.png">>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="6" eg="""<<resolvepath "jpg/Motovun_Jack.jpg">>"""/>
These are sites with resources created by the TiddlyWiki [[Community]] help you get the best out of TiddlyWiki: plugins, macros and more. Submit new entries via GitHub, Twitter or by posting in the [[TiddlyWiki Groups]].
<div class="tc-link-info">
<$list filter='[tag[Resources]!sort[modified]]'>
<div class="tc-link-info-item">
! <$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
<div class="tc-subtitle">Posted <$view field="modified" format="relativedate"/></div>
<<.olink butfirst>> and <<.olink bf>> are synonyms for <<.op rest>>.
<<.operator-examples "rest">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]rest[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]rest[3]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O +[rest[5]]">>
The ''Résumé Builder'' edition of TiddlyWiki gets you started with a simple way to create a professional resume that you can save to the web or print.
<a href="editions/resumebuilder/index.html" target="_blank">editions/resumebuilder/index.html</a>
! Introduction
The reveal widget hides or shows its content depending upon the value of a [[state tiddler|StateTiddlers]]. The type of the widget determines the condition for the content being displayed:
* type=''match'': the content is displayed if the state tiddler matches a specified value
* type=''nomatch'': the content is displayed if the state tiddler doesn't match a specified value
* type=''popup'': the content is displayed as a popup as described in the PopupMechanism
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$reveal>` widget is displayed according to the rules given above.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|state |A TextReference containing the state |
|tag |Overrides the default HTML element tag (`<div>` in block mode or `<span>` in inline mode) |
|type |The type of matching performed: ''match'', ''nomatch'' or ''popup'' |
|text |The text to match when the type is ''match'' and ''nomatch'' |
|class |An optional CSS class name to be assigned to the HTML element<br/>» Set to `tc-popup-keep` to make a popup "sticky", so it won't close when you click inside of it|
|style |An optional CSS style attribute to be assigned to the HTML element |
|position |The position used for the popup when the type is ''popup''. Can be ''left'', ''above'', ''aboveright'', ''right'', ''belowleft'' or ''below'' |
|default |Default value to use when the state tiddler is missing |
|animate |Set to "yes" to animate opening and closure (defaults to "no") |
|retain |Set to "yes" to force the content to be retained even when hidden (defaults to "no")|
Retaining the content when hidden can give poor performance since the hidden content requires refresh processing even though it is not displayed. On the other hand, the content can be revealed much more quickly. Note that setting ''animate="yes"'' will also force ''retain="yes"''.
! Examples
!! Simple content reveal
Here's a simple example of showing and hiding content with buttons:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '<$button set="$:/state/SampleReveal1" setTo="show">Show me</$button>
<$button set="$:/state/SampleReveal1" setTo="hide">Hide me</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/SampleReveal1" text="show">
! This is the revealed content
And this is some text
!! Accordion or Slider
An "accordion" or "slider" is a button that can be used to toggle the display of associated content.
<<wikitext-example-without-html '<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/SampleReveal2" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SampleReveal2" setTo="show">Show me</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/SampleReveal2" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SampleReveal2" setTo="hide">Hide me</$button>
! This is the revealed content
And this is some text
!! Popup
Here is a simple example of a popup built with the RevealWidget:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '<$button popup="$:/SamplePopupState">Pop me up!</$button>
<$reveal type="popup" state="$:/SamplePopupState">
<div class="tc-drop-down">
! This is the popup
And this is some text
<<.operator-examples "reverse">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]reverse[]]">>
Even though TiddlyWiki is now out of beta, there are still many improvements planned for the coming months:
* Fixing hangovers from TiddlyWikiClassic
* ~TiddlyWiki file format (to avoid illegal attribute names)
* Aliases (alternative titles for tiddlers)
* Search and replace
* Tiddler renaming
* Rich link tooltips, incorporating a preview
* More keyboard shortcuts
* Keyboard snippet expansion in the text editor
* List editor with drag and drop
* Selective/weighted searching by title, body and fields
* Maths notation
Also see the issues list on GitHub: https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5
! Introduction
Safe mode provides a way to disabling most customisations in TiddlyWiki. This is useful because if TiddlyWiki is customised incorrectly it can be rendered inoperable. A particular issue is that some customisations break when upgrading to a newer core version of TiddlyWiki (especially during the beta).
! Enabling Safe Mode
Safe mode is enabled in the browser by starting TiddlyWiki with the URL hash set to the string `#:safe`. For example:
! How Safe Mode Works
Safe mode triggers two changes:
* All plugins are temporarily disabled. You can use the control panel to disable individual plugins
* Any tiddlers that override shadow tiddlers are renamed to give them the prefix `SAFE: `, thus restoring the underlying shadow tiddler
* Certain configuration options are ignored, and the default settings used instead:
** WikiParserRuleConfiguration
A report tiddler is displayed that allows you to inspect the tiddlers that were renamed.
If <<.place D>> is not a valid date, the output is empty.
<<.place D>> may include a time of day, but this is ignored.
<<.operator-examples "sameday">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[sameday[20140410]]" "tiddlers modified on 10 April 2014">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[sameday:created[20140410]]" "tiddlers created on 10 April 2014">>
This is a demonstration alert.
Note that the trashcan icon deletes the tiddler containing this alert. You can also remove it by opening the tiddler SampleAlert and editing it to remove the tag [[$:/tags/Alert]].
! Hello, <<yourName>>
This is an example modal containing the following message:
{{$:/core/images/done-button}} This is a notification!
This is the fourth of our sample tabs.
This is the first of our sample tabs.
This is the third of our sample tabs.
This is the second of our sample tabs.
This is test tiddler SampleTiddlerFirst.
This is test tiddler SampleTiddlerSecond.
This is test tiddler SampleTiddlerThird.
This is a modal wizard dialogue, stored in the tiddler SampleWizard.
{{Motovun Jack.jpg}}
You can <$button message="tm-modal" param="SampleWizard2">nest wizards</$button>.
This is another modal wizard dialogue, stored in the tiddler SampleWizard2.
You can <$button message="tm-modal" param="SampleWizard">nest wizards</$button>.
Available methods for saving changes with TiddlyWiki:
<<list-links "[tag[Saving]]">>
The built-in TiddlySpot saver can also be used to save changes to a simple PHP script that you can run on most hosting providers.
//These are preliminary instructions that need verification//
# Download a copy of ''store.php'' from:
#* https://code.google.com/p/bidix/source/browse/trunk/TiddlyHome/_th/lib/store.php
# Edit your copy of ''store.php'' to add your username(s) and password(s). Find the line `$USERS = array( 'UserName1'=>'Password1', etc)` and replace Username1 and Password1 with your desired username and password
#* Make sure you leave all the punctuation and code, such as the single quotes, intact
# Save the file
# Using FTP or your web interface, upload ''store.php'' to your server. Make sure that the filename is correct
#* If you've uploaded the file correctly you should be able to view it in your browser (eg, http://example.com/store.php)
# In TiddlyWiki, go to the ''Saving'' tab of the control panel and enter the following information:
#* Your username as the wiki name
#* Your password
#* The URL of the ''store.php'' file (//''not'' the URL of the wiki, this must the full URL to the ''store.php'' file//)
The control panel ''Saving'' tab includes the following configuration options:
|!Name |!Description |
|Server URL |The full URL to the ''store.php'' file on your server |
|Upload filename |The filename used to save the TiddlyWiki (defaults to ''index.html'') |
|Upload directory |The relative path from ''store.php'' to the directory used for saving the file |
|Backup directory |The relative path from ''store.php'' to the directory used for backups |
The AndTidWiki app for Android devices makes it possible to edit and save changes to TiddlyWiki5, including working offline without a network connection. [[Download it here|https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.mgsimon.android.andtidwiki]].
//Note that AndTidWiki is published independently of TiddlyWiki//
By default, TiddlyWiki saves changes on InternetExplorer 10 and above using a saver module that downloads the newly modified file, rather than saving it directly. There are two alternatives that both save changes directly to the file:
* [[Use the TiddlyIE browser extension|Saving with TiddlyIE]]
* Use the [[Windows HTA Hack]] by renaming the TiddlyWiki HTML file to have the extension `*.hta`.
The iPad/iPhone app ''TWEdit'' makes it possible to edit and save changes to TiddlyWiki5, including working offline without a network connection. [[Download it here|https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/twedit/id409607956?mt=8]].
Instructions for use:
# Open TWEdit
# Touch the title in the centre of the toolbar in order
#* A text box should appear allowing you to enter a URL
# Enter the URL `http://tiddlywiki.com/empty.html`
# When the empty TiddlyWiki5 has loaded, touch the ''save'' icon (it's the second icon from the right on the top toolbar)
#* An alert box should appear allowing you to enter a local filename
# Enter the filename you wish to use for the document (ending with `.html`)
# Edit your TiddlyWiki as normal
# To save changes, click the ''save'' button in the sidebar
#* A confirmation message should appear at the upper right
//Note that TWEdit is published independently of TiddlyWiki//
This method of saving changes is clunky because it requires manual intervention for each save.
# [[Download]] an empty TiddlyWiki by clicking this button:
#> {{$:/editions/tw5.com/snippets/download-empty-button}}
#> If the button doesn't work save this link: http://tiddlywiki.com/empty.html
#> Your browser may ask you to accept the download before it begins
# Locate the file you just downloaded
#* You may rename it, but be sure to keep the `.html` or `.htm` extension
# Open the file in Safari
# Try creating a new tiddler using the ''new tiddler'' {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar. Type some content for the tiddler, and click the {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''done'' button
# Save your changes by clicking the {{$:/core/images/save-button}} ''save changes'' button in the sidebar
# A popup "Download changes" window is displayed that includes a link labelled //Right-click to save changes//
# Right-click on the link and select "Download Linked File As..." from the popup menu
# Navigate to the folder containing your wiki HTML file and select the existing file
# Click the "Save" button
# Click "Replace" to confirm replacing the existing file
# Verify that your changes have been saved correctly
TiddlySpot is a free hosting service for TiddlyWiki documents from Simon and Daniel Baird. The easiest way to get started is to sign up for a new wiki at http://tiddlyspot.com - by default you'll get the latest release of TiddlyWiki Classic.
You can upload an existing TiddlyWiki5 document from your local disc to TiddlySpot by following these steps:
# Sign up for a new wiki at http://tiddlyspot.com/, and remember the wiki name and password
# Open your locally stored TiddlyWiki document in your browser
# Fill in the TiddlySpot wikiname and password in the control panel
# Click the "Save Changes" button. You should get a confirmation notification at the top right saying ''Saved wiki''. Saving can take several seconds if you're on a slow connection or working with a large wiki.
# Navigate to your TiddlySpot URL at http://{wikiname}.tiddlyspot.com/
Note that your password is sent unencrypted when using TiddlySpot. From http://faq.tiddlyspot.com/:
''Is Tiddlyspot secure?''
No. Tiddlyspot does not use SSL/https. Your password is sent in clear text when uploading and when authenticating to access a private site. This means that your Tiddlyspot is vulnerable to packet sniffing and your password could be discovered by a malicious third party. Also your data is transmitted unencrypted when you view your site, even if it is a private site. For this reason please don't put sensitive information such as banking details in your Tiddlyspot and don't use a password that you use for other high security sites.
! Problems with saving on TiddlySpot
In case you run into this error when uploading a new or freshly upgraded local TiddlyWiki to TiddlySpot :
Error while saving:
Error:NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI: Access to restricted URI denied
The upgrade operation falls foul of a security restriction in Firefox. Until this can be resolved, we suggest using Chrome.
*# Use Chrome to open the local TiddlyWiki document you want to upload to TiddlySpot and follow the steps 1 through 5 described above
*# Once you've checked the TiddlySpot-hosted TiddlyWiki loads properly in Chrome, you should be able to access, edit and [[save using TiddlyFox|Saving with TiddlyFox]] again
* After you've uploaded your local document once, further editing and saving of the online version hosted on TiddlySpot should work with any modern browser of your choice.
** Don't forget to fill in the TiddlySpot wikiname and password in your TiddlySpot TiddlyWiki control panel for any new browser you want to use for saving changes
* //See also : [[Upgrading]]//
This method of saving changes is clunky because it requires manual intervention for each save. It has the advantage of working on almost all desktop browsers, and many mobile browsers.
# [[Download]] an empty TiddlyWiki by clicking this button:
#> {{$:/editions/tw5.com/snippets/download-empty-button}}
#> If the button doesn't work save this link: http://tiddlywiki.com/empty.html
#> Your browser may ask you to accept the download before it begins
# Locate the file you just downloaded
#* You may rename it, but be sure to keep the `.html` or `.htm` extension
# Open the file in your browser
# Try creating a new tiddler using the ''new tiddler'' {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar. Type some content for the tiddler, and click the {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''done'' button
# Save your changes by clicking the {{$:/core/images/save-button}} ''save changes'' button in the sidebar
# Your browser will download a new copy of the wiki incorporating your changes
# Locate the newly downloaded file and open it in your browser
# Verify that your changes have been saved correctly
''Tip'': most browsers have an option to prompt each time for the download location. This allows you to select the existing version of the file and replace it.
If you're using [[Firefox for Android]], see the instructions for [[Saving with TiddlyFox on Android]].
# Ensure you have the latest version of [[Firefox]]
#* http://getfirefox.com
# Install the latest release of the TiddlyFox extension from:
#* https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tiddlyfox/
# Restart [[Firefox]]
# [[Download]] an empty TiddlyWiki by clicking this button:
#> {{$:/editions/tw5.com/snippets/download-empty-button}}
# Locate the file you just downloaded
#* You may rename it, but be sure to keep the `.html` or `.htm` extension
# Open the file in [[Firefox]]
# Click ''OK'' in response to the prompt from TiddlyFox that asks whether to enable saving for this file
# Try creating a new tiddler using the ''plus'' {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar. Type some content for the tiddler, and click the {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''tick'' button
# Save your changes by clicking the {{$:/core/images/save-button}} ''Save changes'' button in the sidebar
#* Look for the yellow notification ''Saved wiki'' at the top right of the window
# Refresh the browser window to verify that your changes have been saved correctly
(Alternatively, see the [[video tutorial|TiddlyWiki on Firefox for Android Video]])
# Ensure you have the latest version of [[Firefox for Android]]
#* http://getfirefox.com
# Install the latest release of the TiddlyFox extension from:
#* https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tiddlyfox/
# Install this extension to be able to save the TiddlyWiki file locally:
#* https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/android/addon/save-link-menus/
# [[Download]] an empty TiddlyWiki by saving this link:
#* http://tiddlywiki.com/empty.html
#> (to save the link, ensure you've installed the "save-link-menus" extension and then long-press on the link and choose "Save link")
# When the file has downloaded, click on it within the notification tray or the download manager application
# Choose to open the file in Firefox (rather than the default Android viewer)
# Click ''OK'' in response to the prompt from TiddlyFox that asks whether to enable saving for this file
# Try creating a new tiddler using the ''plus'' {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar. Type some content for the tiddler, and click the {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''tick'' button
# Save your changes by clicking the {{$:/core/images/save-button}} ''Save changes'' button in the sidebar
#* Look for the yellow notification ''Saved wiki'' at the top right of the window
# Refresh the browser window to verify that your changes have been saved correctly
# Install the TiddlyIE add-on from:
#* https://github.com/davidjade/TiddlyIE/releases
# Restart Internet Explorer. IE will prompt you to enable the TiddlyIE add-on.
#> You may also see a prompt to enable the //Microsoft Script Runtime//
# [[Download]] an empty TiddlyWiki by saving this link:
#> http://tiddlywiki.com/empty.html
# Locate the file you just downloaded
#* You may rename it, but be sure to keep the `.html` extension
# Open the file in Internet Explorer
# Try creating a new tiddler using the ''plus'' {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar. Type some content for the tiddler, and click the {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''tick'' button
# Save your changes by clicking the {{$:/core/images/save-button}} ''Save changes'' button in the sidebar. Internet Explorer will ask for your consent to save the file locally by presenting a file ''Save As'' dialog.
# Refresh the browser window to verify that your changes have been saved correctly
The SavingMechanism is the mechanism by which TiddlyWiki generates a new HTML file and stores it. It is different from the SyncMechanism, which is concerned with synchronising changes to individual tiddlers back to a server.
The following steps are involved:
# The saver mechanism uses the filter defined in $:/config/SaverFilter to specify which modified tiddlers trigger the dirty state for the wiki
# The ButtonWidget is used to generate a [[tm-save-wiki|WidgetMessage: tm-save-wiki]] message to trigger the save operation
# The optional parameter for the message specifies the template that will be used for generating the HTML file, defaulting to $:/core/save/all
#* The plugin $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/tiddlyweb in the client-server configuration replaces the default template with $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/tiddlyweb/save/offline
# The template includes a variable assignment that specifies a filter to select the tiddlers that should be included in the saved file. It then transcludes the main page template `$:/core/templates/tiddlywiki5.html`
#* The template includes a reference to `$(publishFilter)$` that allows the filter to be customised via a global variable
# The [[tm-save-wiki|WidgetMessage: tm-save-wiki]] handler renders the template to generate the HTML file
# The message handler chooses the highest priority "saver" module that can handle saving the file
#* See http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/#Saver for more details
You might expect that TiddlyWiki's architecture as a SinglePageApplication would make it unsuitable for large amounts of data. In fact, TiddlyWiki users regularly work with files that are 20 or 30 megabytes without problems - and successful experiments have been done up into the gigabytes.
! Script Files
The TiddlyWiki5 repository contains several scripts in the `bin` folder that you can use to automate common tasks, or as a useful starting point for your own scripts. See [[Scripts for building tiddlywiki.com]] for details of the scripts used to build and release http://tiddlywiki.com/.
All the scripts expect to be run from the root folder of the repository.
!! `serve`: serves tw5.com
./bin/serve.sh -h
./bin/serve.sh [edition dir] [username] [password] [host] [port]
./bin/serve.cmd -h
./bin/serve.cmd [edition dir] [username] [password] [host] [port]
This script starts TiddlyWiki5 running as an HTTP server, defaulting to the content from the `tw5.com-server` edition. By default, the Node.js serves on port 8080. If the optional `username` parameter is provided, it is used for signing edits. If the `password` is provided then HTTP basic authentication is used. Run the script with the `-h` parameter to see online help.
To experiment with this configuration, run the script and then visit `` in a browser.
Changes made in the browser propagate to the server over HTTP (use the browser developer console to see these requests). The server then syncs changes to the file system (and logs each change to the screen).
!! `test`: build and run tests
This script runs the `test` edition of TiddlyWiki on the server to perform the server-side tests and to build `test.html` for running the tests in the browser.
!! `lazy`: serves tw5.com with lazily loaded images
./bin/lazy.sh <username> [<password>]
./bin/lazy.cmd <username> [<password>]
This script serves the `tw5.com-server` edition content with LazyLoading applied to images.
!! `2bld`: builds TiddlyWiki 2.6.5
This script builds TiddlyWiki 2.6.5 from the original source and then displays the differences between them (`diff` is used for *nix, `fc` for Windows).
! Introduction
The scrollable widget wraps its content in a scrollable frame. The user can scroll the contents with the mouse or with touch gestures. Code can use the [[WidgetMessage: tm-scroll]] to programmatically scroll specific DOM nodes into view.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$scrollable>` widget is displayed within a pair of wrapper DIVs. If the inner DIV is larger then it scrolls within the outer one. CSS is used to specify the size of the outer wrapper.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|class |The CSS class(es) to be applied to the outer DIV |
|fallthrough |See below |
If a scrollable widget can't handle the `tm-scroll` message because the inner DIV fits within the outer DIV, then by default the message falls through to the parent widget. Setting the ''fallthrough'' attribute to `no` prevents this behaviour.
! Examples
This example requires the following CSS definitions from [[$:/_tw5.com-styles]]:
.tc-scrollable-demo {
border: 1px solid <<colour message-border>>;
background-color: <<colour message-background>>;
padding: 1em;
height: 400px;
position: relative;
This wiki text shows how to display a list within the scrollable widget:
<<wikitext-example-without-html "<$scrollable class='tc-scrollable-demo'>
<$list filter='[!is[system]]'>
<$view field='title'/>: <$list filter='[all[current]links[]sort[title]]' storyview='pop'>
<$link><$view field='title'/></$link>
When used with a suffix, the <<.op search>> operator is similar to <<.olink regexp>> but less powerful.
If the suffix is omitted, a tiddler is deemed to match if all the search terms appear in the combination of its <<.field tags>>, <<.field text>> and <<.field title>> fields.
The search ignores the difference between capital and lowercase letters.
<<.operator-examples "search">>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-example" n="1" eg="[!is[system]search[table]]" ie="non-system tiddlers containing the word <<.word table>>"/>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-example" n="2" eg="[all[shadows]search[table]]" ie="shadow tiddlers containing the word <<.word table>>"/>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-example" n="3" eg="[search:caption[arch]]" ie="tiddlers containing `arch` in their <<.field caption>> field"/>
Searching is fast and flexible in ~TiddlyWiki.
''Standard search''
Typing text into the search box in the sidebar will turn up a list of all the tiddlers that contain that text.
://(Note that the sidebar tabs will be hidden by the search results until you click the 'x' to the right of the search box to remove the search results)//
''Advanced searching''
Clicking on the magnifying glass icon to the right of the search box will open [[$:/AdvancedSearch]]. This tiddler contains four tabs:
* The ''standard'' tab contains another instance of the search box found in the sidebar
* The ''system'' tab allows you to limit your search to system tiddlers
* The ''shadows'' tab allows you to limit your search to shadow tiddlers
* The ''filter'' tab is not a search box, per se, but a way to obtain a list of all tiddlers that meet the specific criteria described by that [[filter|Filters]], for example, "All tags except system tags"
A simple technique for adding tag-based cross references to the default view template.
See also: - is a feature to generate a "See also:" section after the tiddler text, somewhat like in Wikipedia articles.
The output of a [[filter|Filters]] step depends on its [[operator|Filter Operators]]:
* Most operators derive their output from their input. For example, many of them output a subset of their input, and thus truly live up to the name of <<.word filters>>, narrowing down the overall output of the containing [[run|Filter Run]]. These operators are called <<.def "selection modifiers">>.
* A few operators ignore their input and generate an independent output instead. These are called <<.def "selection constructors">>: they construct an entirely new [[selection|Title Selection]].
A good example of a constructor is <<.olink title>>. The output of `[title[A]title[B]]` is just <<.tid B>>. But the <<.olink field>> operator is a modifier, so `[title[A]field:title[B]` outputs nothing at all.
! Introduction
The select widget displays a popup menu based on a [[HTML select element|https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/select]]. The popup (or dropdown) contains a list of items defined by `<option>` and `<optgroup>` elements.
Every time the user selects a new value in the menu, the selected value is written to the text of a specified tiddler field or index. If the tiddler value changes the menu is automatically updated to reflect the new value.
In multiple selection mode, the list of selected values is bound to the specified tiddler field or index. Browsers generally use the <kbd>ctrl</kbd> or <kbd>cmd</kbd> keys for multiple selection.
For example, this select widget displays a list of the tags in this wiki:
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler=<<qualify 'select-demo'>> default='HelloThere'>
<$list filter='[all[shadows+tiddlers]tags[]sort[title]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
The <$link to=<<qualify "select-demo">>>state tiddler</$link> currently contains:
<$edit-text tiddler=<<qualify "select-demo">> tag="input" default=""/>
See the text change as you switch entries in the select widget. Try changing the value of the state tiddler and see the select widget change. Notice how the select widget only displays an entry if there is a precise match with the tiddler text.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$select>` widget should be one or more HTML `<option>` or `<optiongroup>` elements that provide the available values.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The title of the tiddler containing the value to be displayed/modified by the select widget (defaults to the current tiddler) |
|field |The field name for the value in the current tiddler (defaults to "text") |
|index |The index of a property in a [[DataTiddler|DataTiddlers]] (takes precedence over the field attribute) |
|class |CSS classes to be assigned to the HTML select element |
|default |Default value to be used if the tiddler, field or index specifies a missing value |
|multiple |If present, switches to multiple selection mode |
|size |The number of rows to display in multiple selection mode |
! Examples
!! Simple Lists
This example sets the title of the current wiki [[$:/SiteTitle]] to one of a list of book titles:
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler='$:/SiteTitle'>
<option>A Tale of Two Cities</option>
<option>A New Kind of Science</option>
<option>The Dice Man</option>
!! Value lists
In this example the `value` attribute has been used to specify the text that should be used as the value of the entry instead of the display text.
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler='$:/SiteTitle'>
<option value='cities'>A Tale of Two Cities</option>
<option value='science'>A New Kind of Science</option>
<option value='dice'>The Dice Man</option>
!! Option Groups
Entries in the list can be grouped together with the `<optgroup>` element
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler='$:/SiteTitle'>
<optgroup label='Fiction'>
<option value='cities'>A Tale of Two Cities</option>
<option value='dice'>The Dice Man</option>
<optgroup label='Non-fiction'>
<option value='science'>A New Kind of Science</option>
<option value='recursive'>The Recursive Universe</option>
!! Generated Lists
The ListWidget can be used to generate the options for a select widget. For example, here we combine a select widget listing all the tiddlers tagged ''TableOfContents'' with a transclusion to display the text of the selected one.
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler='$:/generated-list-demo-state'>
<$list filter='[tag[TableOfContents]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<$tiddler tiddler={{$:/generated-list-demo-state}}>
<$transclude mode='block'/>
!! Nested Lists
This example uses a nested pair of list widgets. The outer one generates the `<optgroup>` elements, and the inner one generates `<option>` elements:
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler='$:/generated-list-demo-nestedstate' field='type' default='text/vnd.tiddlywiki'>
<$list filter='[all[shadows+tiddlers]prefix[$:/language/Docs/Types/]each[group]sort[group]]'>
<optgroup label={{!!group}}>
<$list filter='[all[shadows+tiddlers]prefix[$:/language/Docs/Types/]group{!!group}] +[sort[description]]'>
<option value={{!!name}}><$view field='description'><$view field='title'/></$view> (<$view field='name'/>)</option>
!! Multiple Selections
This example uses the `multiple` keyword to specify that we should be able to select multiple items.
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler='$:/generated-list-demo-state' field='testing' multiple size='8'>
<$list filter='[tag[TableOfContents]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
</$select><br />
<$list filter='[list[$:/generated-list-demo-state!!testing]]'>
<$view field='title' /><br />
"favicons" are small icons that most browsers display to help users identify websites.
! favicons in the Browser
When TiddlyWiki starts up in the browser it looks for a tiddler called [[$:/favicon.ico]] and dynamically uses it as the favicon for the page. If you modify the image then the favicon changes instantly to reflect it.
! favicons on the Server
On the server, the ServerCommand will serve the tiddler [[$:/favicon.ico]] at the path `/favicon.ico`.
# Import your image as a tiddler (see [[Images in WikiText]])
#* You can also use an [[external image|ExternalImages]]
# Open the $:/ControlPanel and switch to the ''Appearance''/''Theme Tweaks'' tab
# Select your image from the dropdown labelled "Page background image"
# Set "Page background image attachment" to "Fixed to window" to have the background stay stationary and the content to scroll over the top of it, or "Scroll with tiddlers" to have it move (note that the iPhone/iPad [[doesn't support the fixed setting|http://stackoverflow.com/a/20444219]] for performance reasons)
# Set "Page background image size" as follows:
#* ''Auto'' causes the background image to be tiled over the page background
#* ''Cover'' causes the background image to be sized so that it completely covers the page. Some of the image may be clipped
#* ''Contain'' causes the background image to be sized so that it fits within the page
Note that the palette ''DarkPhotos'' is provided to make the sidebar more readable on dark background images.
The `<$setvariable>` widget is a synonym for `<$set/>`; see SetWidget for more details.
! Introduction
The set variable widget assigns a value to a specified [[variable|Variables]]. The new value of the variable is available to the content within the set variable widget.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$set>` widget is the scope for the value assigned to the variable.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|name |The name of the variable to assign (defaults to "currentTiddler") |
|value |The value to assign to the variable if the filter is missing or not empty |
|filter |An optional filter to be evaluated and assigned to the variable (see below) |
|emptyValue |The value to assign to the variable if the filter is present and evaluates to an empty list (see below) |
!! Simple Variable Assignment
The simplest way of using set variable widget assigns a string to a variable. The following example assigns a literal string
<$set name="myVariable" value="Some text">
<$text text=<<myVariable>>/>
Both the name and value attributes can be transcluded. For example:
<$set name=<<anotherVariable>> value={{template!!text}}>
<$text text=<<myVariable>>/>
!! Conditional Variable Assignment
This form of the set variable widget chooses one of two specified values according to whether a filter evaluates to an empty list. Here's an example that sets a variable according to whether the current tiddler is called "myMagicTitle":
<$set name="myVariable" filter="[all[current]field:title[myMagicTitle]]" value="It's magic" emptyValue="It's not magic">
<$text text=<<myVariable>>/>
!! Filtered List Variable Assignment
This form of the set variable widget evaluates the filter and assigns the result to the variable as a space-separated list (using double square brackets for titles containing spaces).
<$set name="myVariable" filter="[tag[HelloThere]]">
<$text text=<<myVariable>>/>
Each input title is processed in turn. If it denotes a shadow tiddler, the title of its plugin tiddler is [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the output. Non-shadow tiddlers contribute nothing to the output.
<<.operator-examples "shadowsource">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[$:/core/copyright.txt]shadowsource[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "$:/core/copyright.txt $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/railroad/parser.js +[shadowsource[]]">>
ShadowTiddlers are tiddlers that are loaded from within [[Plugins]]. Unlike ordinary tiddlers, they don't appear in most lists.
ShadowTiddlers can be overridden with an ordinary tiddler of the same name. If that tiddler is subsequently deleted then the original shadow tiddler is automatically restored.
The current shadow tiddlers are:
<$list filter="[all[shadows]sort[title]]"/>
You can work on a TiddlyWiki file in Dropbox and publish a URL that anyone can use to see a read-only view of the file.
# Save your TiddlyWiki file within your Dropbox folder
# Select Dropbox's "Share Link" option to obtain a public URL for the file
#* In the Dropbox web interface, this is done by clicking the link icon that appears when you hover over a file. Dropbox also adds a "Share Link" item to the file context menu in Finder on OS X and Explorer on Windows
# The URL generated by Dropbox will have this form:
#> `https://www.dropbox.com/s/<gobbledegook>/mywiki.html`
# Modify the URL like this, carefully preserving the gobbledegook:
#> `https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/<gobbledegook>/mywiki.html`
The result is a "secret" URL that you can send to other people to enable them to see the wiki.
Enter a generated URL here and you can copy and paste the secret URL:
<$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/dropboxurl" default="https://www.dropbox.com/s/<gobbledegook>/mywiki.html" tag="input" type="text" size="60"/>
<$macrocall $name="dropbox-url" url={{$:/temp/dropboxurl}}/>
There are a number of ways that people can share tiddlers:
*You can attach a ~TiddlyWiki to an e-mail
*You can publish your ~TiddlyWiki online, and grab a link to send or message to others:
**A link to the URL of the file itself
**A permalink to a specific tiddler (see [[PermaLinks]])
**A permaview link of all the currently open tiddlers (see [[PermaView]])
*You can grab tiddlers from ~TiddlyWikis that others have published online by clicking on a link to the tiddler within their file, and then dragging and dropping the link into your own file. An import tiddler will appear, and you can click to import the tiddler or tiddlers to your file.
* You can [[share a Dropbox link to your TiddlyWiki|Sharing a TiddlyWiki on Dropbox]]
* You can [[export tiddlers|How to export tiddlers]] in a variety of formats including text, static HTML, comma separated values (ie spreadsheet compatible)
Create a GitHub pull request to add your name to `cla-individual.md` or `cla-entity.md`, with the date in the format (YYYY/MM/DD).
''step by step''
# Navigate to [[licenses/CLA-individual|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/licenses/cla-individual.md]] or [[licenses/CLA-entity|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/licenses/cla-entity.md]] according to whether you are signing as an individual or representative of an organisation
# Click the edit button at the top-right corner (clicking this button will fork the project so you can edit the file)
# Add your name at the bottom
#* eg: `Jeremy Ruston, @Jermolene, 2011/11/22`
# Below the edit box for the CLA text you should see a box labelled ''Propose file change''
# Enter a brief title to explain the change (eg, "Signing the CLA")
# Click the green button labelled ''Propose file change''
# On the following screen, click the green button labelled ''Create pull request''
A simple game built with TiddlyWiki, introduced in [[this post|https://groups.google.com/d/topic/tiddlywiki/4aRpZht1vOs/discussion]].
I decided to see if it was possible to make some sort of game using only the core tiddlywiki with no plugins or javascript. I made a very bare bones zork/interactive fiction type game. It is currently the simplest thing I could make and claim it was a game, but I may add on to it in the future. It uses the 5.1.5 prerelease because the action-setfield widget saved lots of work making macros.
One goal of this is to use nothing besides what is contained in the core tiddlywiki, so there is no javascript and no plugins.
A single file application is a web application where all of the assets are delivered in a single static file. This means that it can be downloaded and used offline without losing functionality. It can also be hosted on almost any type of web server.
TiddlyWiki is an unusual single file application because it stores its data within the same file, and is capable of saving changes to itself.
Every single file application must also by definition be a SinglePageApplication, but the converse is not true.
As defined by Wikipedia, a SinglePageApplication is a web application that presents itself as a single HTML document that dynamically loads additional content as the user browses the site. Frequently, single page applications are carefully designed to hide their nature, appearing and functioning as an ordinary static website by respecting the address bar and the back/forward navigation controls.
Unusually, TiddlyWiki is also a SingleFileApplication.
* Take notes, and use tags and hyperlinking to form relationships between your notes
* Use tabs, tables, tag-based lists, and tables of contents to get organised
* Bookmark your favorite websites (see an example at http://giffmex.org/experiments/tidmarks.html)
* Keep track of tasks and appointments, and organise them by multiple tags (see our TaskManagementExample)
* Inventory just about anything: your recipes, personal library, contacts, music collection, and more
* Create a blog or website
* Write a book
* Organise your images into galleries (see our [[ImageGallery Example]])
* Share the information in your ~TiddlyWiki with others, as an online file, as a file attachment, as a tiddler file, or as a link to a specific online tiddler (try clicking and dragging a tiddler from one ~TiddlyWiki file to another to see what happens)
* Draw a sketch (Edit [[Motovun Jack.jpg]] and start drawing over the image to see what happens)
* Use familiar web user interface elements such as lightboxes - see SampleWizard
* Create a slideshow presentation
* Set up an entire local or online knowledgebase, with a central ~TiddlyWiki file linking to other ~TiddlyWiki files (http://recursos.giffmex.org is a Spanish online example of this)
* Set up a data visualisation using tiddlers as data (see the visualisations at http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/d3/index.html)
The difference between capital and lowercase letters is ignored. Compare <<.olink sortcs>>.
<<.operator-examples "sort">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]sort[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]!sort[]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "one two Three four +[sort[]]">>
<<.operator-example 4 "[prefix[Tiddl]sort[text]]">>
<<.operator-example 5 "[has[created]sort[created]limit[10]]" "the oldest 10 tiddlers in the wiki">>
<<.operator-examples "sortby">>
<<.operator-example 1 "10 6 4 9 3 2 8 +[sortby[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "Friday Tuesday Monday Thursday Sunday +[sortby{Days of the Week!!list}]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "1 Mon 5 Fri 4 Tue Sun 2 +[sortby{Days of the Week!!short}]">>
Capital and lowercase letters are treated as different. Compare <<.olink sort>>.
<<.operator-examples "sortcs">>
<<.operator-example 1 "one two Three four +[sortcs[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "one two Three four +[!sortcs[]]">>
Because ~TiddlyWiki is of British origin, its English documentation uses [[British spelling in preference to US spelling|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_and_British_English_spelling_differences]].
Words like <<.word customise>> are spelled <<.word -ise>>, not <<.word -ize>>. Words like <<.word colour>> will also be spelled using UK English unless they are being used for reserved words in code, such as in CSS or JavaScript.
Standard technical acronyms are written in upper case, without dots: <<.word HTML>>, not <<.word html>> or <<.word H.T.M.L.>>
Avoid arbitrarily abbreviating words and sentences. But the following abbreviations are acceptable:
|!Abbreviation |!Meaning |!Notes |
|e.g. |for example |with a dot after each letter |
|i.e. |that is to say |with a dot after each letter |
|etc |and so on |without a dot |
Each input title is processed in turn.
* A title that contains <<.place S>> contributes everything up to and including <<.place S>>.
* A title that doesn't contain <<.place S>> simply contributes itself to the output.
Contributions are [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the output.
The [[table-of-contents macros|Table-of-Contents Macros]] use this operator with `/` as the parameter.
<<.operator-examples "splitbefore">>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-example" n="1" eg="2015-01-26 2014-07-19 2013 +[splitbefore[-]]"/>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-example" n="2" eg="[[green trees]splitbefore[ee]]"/>
The Stanford Javascript Crypto Library is a project by the Stanford Computer Security Lab to build a secure, powerful, fast, small, easy-to-use, cross-browser library for cryptography in Javascript.
The StateMechanism in TiddlyWiki is at the heart of how complex user interfaces can be built from WikiText.
In the browser, the TiddlyWiki display is produced by dynamically rendering the tiddler [[$:/core/ui/PageTemplate]]. Through various transclusions and other widgets it renders the entire user interface. The dynamic rendering is accomplished by a mechanism called "binding": any changes to the tiddlers in the store are dynamically reflected in the browser display.
The stack of templates that make up the TiddlyWiki display are complex but we'll focus on the line that displays the main story column:
<$list filter="[list[$:/StoryList]]" history="$:/HistoryList" template="$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate" editTemplate="$:/core/ui/EditTemplate" storyview={{$:/view}} />
Breaking down the attributes applied to the list widget:
* ''filter'': selects the list of tiddlers in the `list` field of the tiddler [[$:/StoryList]]. If a tiddler is added or removed from that list then it is automatically reflected in the displayed list
* ''history'': references the tiddler to be used to store the history stack (see the NavigationMechanism)
* ''template'': identifies a template tiddler to be used for rendering each tiddler in the list
* ''editTemplate'': identifies a different template tiddler to be used for rendering tiddlers that are in [[draft mode|DraftMechanism]]
* ''storyview'': specifies the story view to be used (eg classic, or zoomin)
The [[$:/StoryList]] tiddler is an example of a StateTiddler: a tiddler that is used to hold the state of the user interface. Changes to the user interface are made indirectly, by changing the underlying state tiddlers, and letting TiddlyWiki ripple the changes through the user interface.
Note how this approach makes the ''open'' tab in the sidebar very easy to implement: it is just another list widget referencing the same state tiddler, but with a different template:
<$list filter="[list[$:/StoryList]]" history="$:/HistoryList" storyview="pop">
<$button message="tm-close-tiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-mini">×</$button> <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link>
Now consider the implementation of the info panel within the tiddler template. We want to be able to toggle the info panel open and closed, which means that we must track its current state in a tiddler.
However, we can't track the state in a tiddler called, say, [[$:/InfoPanelState]] because every tiddler would share the same state; changing the value of the tiddler would affect all tiddlers displayed in the story.
The solution is to dynamically generate a unique title for each state tiddler that we need. We need to ensure that the same state tiddler title is generated each time a user interface element is rendered. To do that, we append together tokens representating each of the stack of transclusions that led to the current rendering location. Then that string of symbols is hashed to a simple numeric value.
The process of generating a state tiddler title is encapsulated in the <<.mlink qualify>> macro.
The "story river" (sometimes abbreviated to "story") is the sequence of [[tiddlers|Tiddlers]] in the main column of the display.
When a tiddler is viewed or edited, then within its branch of the [[widget tree|Widgets]], the <<.def storyTiddler>> [[variable|Variables]] contains the title of that tiddler.
The default [[view template|$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate]] and [[edit template|$:/core/ui/EditTemplate]] initialise <<.var storyTiddler>> to the value of the <<.vlink currentTiddler>> variable. This in turn will have been set by a <<.wlink ListWidget>> widget in [[the relevant part of the page template|$:/core/ui/PageTemplate/story]].
<<.var storyTiddler>> is undefined outside the story river, such as in the sidebar.
<<.variable-examples "storyTiddler">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
<$list filter="[prefix[J]]">
<li><<currentTiddler>>, <<storyTiddler>></li>
The names are those exported by [[modules|Modules]] whose <<.field module-type>> is <<.value storyview>>.
<<.operator-examples "storyviews">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[storyviews[]]">>
TiddlyWiki5 provides several features to help you structure information as [[tiddlers|Tiddlers]], and model the relationships between them:
* TiddlerLinks
* [[Tagging]]
* [[Title Lists|Title List]]
* DataTiddlers
You can use this construction to cause the wrapped content to be assigned specified CSS classes or styles:
<<wikitext-example src:"@@.myStyle
* List One
* List Two
Similar syntax is used to assign styles. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"@@background-color:red;
* List One
* List Two
Multiple styles and classes can be mixed. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"@@.tc-tiddler-frame
Some text
The following core [[macros|Macros]] make it easy to specify alternative browser-specific properties when constructing a [[stylesheet|Cascading Style Sheets]] tiddler:
;`<<box-shadow shadow>>`
: for the `x-box-shadow` properties
;`<<filter filter>>`
: for the `x-filter` properties
;`<<transition transition>>`
: for the `x-transition` properties
;`<<transform-origin origin>>`
: for the `x-transition-origin` properties
;`<<background-linear-gradient gradient>>`
: for the `x-linear-gradient` values of the `background-image` property
The following macros are documented separately:
* <<.mlink colour>>
* <<.mlink datauri>>
All these macros are defined in the [[$:/core/macros/CSS]] tiddler.
<<.operator-examples "suffix">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[suffix[.jpg]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[tag[task]!suffix[ing]]">>
System tags are used to give special behaviour to tiddlers.
! Available system tags
These are the available system tags
* {{$:/tags/AboveStory||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for elements to be placed at the top of the story river
* {{$:/tags/AdvancedSearch||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for search elements
* {{$:/tags/Alert||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for alerts
* {{$:/tags/BelowStory||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for elements to be placed at the bottom of the story river
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel tabs
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel/Advanced||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel advanced tabs
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel/Appearance||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel appearance tabs
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel/Info||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel info tabs
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel/Settings||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel settings tabs
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel/Toolbars||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel toolbar customisation tabs
* {{$:/tags/EditTemplate||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the edit template
* {{$:/tags/EditToolbar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the edit mode tiddler toolbar
* {{$:/tags/Exporter||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the exporters
* {{$:/tags/Filter||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for filters in advanced seach sample filter dropdown
* {{$:/tags/Image||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for (core) images
* {{$:/tags/Macro||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for global macros
* {{$:/tags/MoreSideBar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for tabs in the "more" sidebar
* {{$:/tags/PageControls||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the page control tools in the sidebar
* {{$:/tags/PageTemplate||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the main page elements
* {{$:/tags/Palette||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for colour palettes
* {{$:/tags/PluginLibrary||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the plugin library
* {{$:/tags/RawMarkup||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for raw markup to be included in the generated HTML file
* {{$:/tags/SearchResults||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for customised search results
* {{$:/tags/SideBar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for sidebar tabs
* {{$:/tags/Stylesheet||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} to indicate that a tiddler should be applied as a CSS stylesheet
* {{$:/tags/TiddlerInfo||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for tiddler info panel tabs
* {{$:/tags/TiddlerInfo/Advanced||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for tabs under the advanced tiddler tab
* {{$:/tags/TopLeftBar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the top left bar
* {{$:/tags/TopRightBar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the top right bar
* {{$:/tags/ViewTemplate||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the view template
* {{$:/tags/ViewToolbar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the view mode tiddler toolbar
! System tags in use
These are the system tags in use in this wiki:
<$list filter="[all[shadows+tiddlers]tags[]prefix[$:/]sort[title]]">
System tiddlers are any tiddler whose title starts with `$:/`; such tiddlers are automatically hidden from most operations. They don't show up in lists or search results, but linking to one directly works in the usual way.
TiddlyWiki models everything as [[tiddlers|Tiddlers]], including its internal components and configuration. Thus, even an apparently empty TiddlyWiki actually contains dozens of tiddlers that are necessary to enable it function correctly. Using system tiddlers prevents them from confusing casual users.
The current system tiddlers are:
<$list filter="[is[system]sort[title]]"/>
~TiddlyWiki provides several macros for generating a tree of tiddler links by analysing [[tags|Tagging]]:
;<<.var toc>>
: A simple tree
;<<.var toc-expandable>>
: A tree in which all the branches can be expanded and collapsed
;<<.var toc-selective-expandable>>
: A tree in which the non-empty branches can be expanded and collapsed
;<<.var toc-tabbed-internal-nav>> and <<.var toc-tabbed-external-nav>>
: A two-panel browser:
:* on the left, a selectively expandable tree that behaves like a set of vertical tabs
:* on the right, the content of whichever tiddler the user selects in the tree
The difference between the last two has to do with what happens when the user clicks a link in the right-hand panel:
;<<.var toc-tabbed-internal-nav>>
: The target tiddler appears in the right-hand panel, replacing the tiddler that contained the link
;<<.var toc-tabbed-external-nav>>
: The target tiddler appears in the normal way (which depends on the user's configured storyview)
!! Structure
The top level of the tree consists of the tiddlers that carry a particular tag, known as the <<.def "root tag">>. Tiddlers tagged with any of those make up the next level down, and so on.
At each level, the tiddlers can be [[ordered|Order of Tagged Tiddlers]] by means of the <<.field list>> field of the parent tag tiddler. They can also be ordered by the macro's <<.param sort>> parameter.
The tree displays the <<.field caption>> field of a tiddler if it has one, or the tiddler's title otherwise.
Each tiddler in the tree is normally displayed as a link. To suppress this, give the tiddler a <<.field toc-link>> field with the the value <<.value no>>. In the [[examples|Table-of-Contents Macros (Examples)]], the SecondThree tiddler is set up like this. Clicking such a tiddler in the tree causes its branch to expand or collapse.
The table of contents is generated as an HTML ordered list. The `<ol>` elements always have the class `tc-toc`. Expandable trees have the additional class `tc-toc-expandable`. Selectively expandable trees (including those in the two-panel browser) have `tc-toc-selective-expandable`.
To make a table of contents appear in the sidebar, see [[How to add a new tab to the sidebar]].
!! Parameters
: The root tag that identifies the top level of the tree
: An optional extra [[filter step|Filter Step]], e.g. `sort[title]`
These two parameters are combined into a single [[filter expression|Filter Expression]] like this:
> `[tag[$tag$]$sort$]`
<<.var toc-tabbed-internal-nav>> and <<.var toc-tabbed-external-nav>> take additional parameters:
: The title of the [[state tiddler|StateMechanism]] for noting the currently selected tiddler, defaulting to `$:/temp/toc/selectedTiddler`. It is recommended that this be a [[system tiddler|SystemTiddlers]]
: The text to display when no tiddler is selected in the tree
: The text to display if the selected tiddler doesn't exist
: Optionally, the title of a tiddler to use as a [[template|TemplateTiddlers]] for transcluding the selected tiddler into the right-hand panel
[[Examples|Table-of-Contents Macros (Examples)]]
These examples derive tables of contents from the root tag <<.tag Contents>>.
You can explore the same structure with these clickable tag pills:
* {{Contents||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}
** {{First||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}
** {{Second||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}
*** {{SecondThree||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}
** {{Third||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}
** {{Fourth||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}
The tabbed example uses the real TableOfContents of this documentation instead.
<<tabs "[tag[table-of-contents-example]nsort[order]]" "Example Table of Contents: Simple">>
<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-selective-expandable 'TableOfContents'>>
! Basics
TiddlyWiki5 formats tables using vertical bar characters like so:
|!Cell1 |!Cell2 |
|Cell3 |Cell3 |
Exclamation marks are used to indicate header cells. The example renders as:
|!Cell1 |!Cell2 |
|Cell3 |Cell3 |
! Cell Alignment
Table cell alignment is controlled by inserting space characters before and/or after the cell content. For example:
|Left aligned content |
| Right aligned content|
| Centred content |
|+++ a very wide column so we can see the alignment +++|
The example renders as:
|Left aligned content |
| Right aligned content|
| Centred content |
|+++ a very wide column so we can see the alignment +++|
! Cell vertical Alignment
Vertical alignment of cells is done by inserting either a `^` for top alignment or a `,` for bottom alignment as the first character of a cell. The normal horizontal alignment is still possible. For example:
|^top left |^ top center |^ top right|
|middle left | middle center | middle right|
|,bottom left |, bottom center |, bottom right|
The example renders as:
| :: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | :: |
| ::<br>:: |^top left |^ top center |^ top right| ::<br>:: |
| ::<br>:: |middle left | middle center | middle right| ::<br>:: |
| ::<br>:: |,bottom left |, bottom center |, bottom right| ::<br>:: |
| :: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | :: |
If you need to have a `^`or a `,` as the first character of a left aligned cell, you can use HTML escaping:
| `^` | &#94; |
| `,` | &#44; |
! Cell Merging
To merge a table cell with the one above, use the special cell text `~`. To merge a cell with the one to its left use the text `<`. To merge one to its right use `>`. For example:
|Cell1 |Cell2 |Cell3 |Cell4 |
|Cell5 |Cell6 |Cell7 |<|
|Cell5 |~|Cell7 |Cell8 |
|>|Cell9 |Cell10 |Cell11 |
Renders as:
|Cell1 |Cell2 |Cell3 |Cell4 |
|Cell5 |Cell6 |Cell7 |<|
|Cell5 |~|Cell7 |Cell8 |
|>|Cell9 |Cell10 |Cell11 |
! Table Classes, Captions, Headers and Footers
Table CSS classes, captions, headers and footers can be specified as special pseudo-rows. The following example:
* assigns the CSS classes "myclass" and "anotherClass" to the table
* gives the table the caption "This is a caption"
* adds a header row of cells with the text "Header"
* adds a footer row of cells with the text "Footer"
|myclass anotherClass|k
|This is a caption |c
|Cell1 |Cell2 |
|Cell3 |Cell3 |
Renders as:
|myclass anotherClass|k
|This is a caption |c
|Cell1 |Cell2 |
|Cell3 |Cell3 |
The <<.def tabs>> [[macro|Macros]] presents a [[selection of tiddlers|Title Selection]] as a set of tabs that the user can switch between.
The tabs display the <<.field caption>> field of a tiddler if it has one, or the tiddler's title otherwise. If specified, the tabs display the <<.field tooltip>> field of a tiddler as the respective button tooltip.
By default the tabs are arranged horizontally above the content. To get vertical tabs, set the <<.param class>> parameter to <<.value tc-vertical>>.
!! Parameters
: A [[filter|Filters]] selecting which tiddlers to include
: The title of the tiddler whose tab is to be selected by default
: The prefix for the title of a [[state tiddler|StateMechanism]] for noting the currently selected tab, defaulting to `$:/state/tab`. It is recommended that this be a [[system tiddler|SystemTiddlers]]
: Additional [[CSS|Cascading Style Sheets]] classes for the generated `div` elements. Multiple classes can be separated with spaces
: Optionally, the title of a tiddler to use as a [[template|TemplateTiddlers]] for transcluding the content of the selected tab
Within the template, the title of the selected tab is available in the <<.var currentTab>> variable.
The <<.vlink currentTiddler>> variable is not affected by the <<.var tabs>> macro.
<<.macro-examples "tabs">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<<tabs "SampleTabOne SampleTabTwo SampleTabThree SampleTabFour" "SampleTabOne" "$:/state/tab1">>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2"
eg="""<<tabs "[tag[sampletab]]" "SampleTabTwo" "$:/state/tab2" "tc-vertical">>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="3"
eg="""<<tabs "[tag[sampletab]nsort[order]]" "SampleTabThree" "$:/state/tab3" "tc-vertical">>"""/>
The <<.def tag>> [[macro|Macros]] generates a tag pill for a specified tag.
!! Parameters
: The title of the tag, defaulting to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]
<<.macro-examples "tag">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<<tag>>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2" eg="""<<tag Concepts>>"""/>
The output is [[sorted|Order of Tagged Tiddlers]] using the tag's <<.field list>> field and the tiddlers' <<.field list-before>> and <<.field list-after>> fields.
If <<.place T>> is empty, the output of `tag` is empty, and the output of `!tag` is a copy of the input.
<<.operator-examples "tag">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[tag[task]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[tag[task]!tag[done]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[!tag[task]]">>
<<.operator-example 4 "[all[shadows]tag[$:/tags/Stylesheet]]">>
Tagging is a way of organising tiddlers into categories. For example, if you had tiddlers representing various individuals, you could tag them as ''friend'', ''family'', ''colleague'' etc to indicate these people's relationships to you.
A tag is in fact just a tiddler (or a potential tiddler), and it can have tags of its own. You can add any number of tags to the same tiddler.
See [[Creating and editing tiddlers]] for instructions on how to tag.
By tagging your tiddlers, you can view, navigate and organise your information in numerous additional ways:
* The coloured tag pills on a tiddler give you quick access to all the other tiddlers with the same tag, as well as to the tiddler that represents the tag itself.
* If a tiddler is serving as a tag, then the ''Tagging'' tab in its InfoPanel will show you which tiddlers are currently tagged with it.
* The ''More'' tab of the sidebar has a ''Tags'' tab that presents an overview of all your tags and lets you access all your tagged tiddlers.
* You can use [[filters|Filters]] to create lists of tiddlers based on their tags. You can then display any combination of the [[fields|TiddlerFields]] of those tiddlers. For example, you could build a glossary by listing the title and text of all tiddlers tagged ''Glossary''. Such lists can be formatted in any way you wish: e.g. bulleted, numbered or comma-separated.
* There are a number of special ''system tags'' that control the layout of tiddlers and the entire ~TiddlyWiki page. See [[Page and tiddler layout customisation]] for instructions.
There are two more things you can do with tags:
! Set a tag's colour and icon
You can use the [[tag manager|$:/TagManager]], found on the ''Tags'' tab under ''More'' in the sidebar, to change the colour of a tag's pill or add an icon to the pill.
* To change the colour, click the button in the ''Colour'' column to select from a colour picker. Alternatively, click the icon in the ''Info'' column, then type a [[CSS]] colour value in the ''Colour'' field
* To change the icon, click the {{$:/core/images/down-arrow}} button in the ''Icon'' column and choose from the list of available icons
! Change the order in which tags are listed
By default, tagged tiddlers are listed in alphabetical order.
If you want any other order, add a <<.flink ListField>> field to the tag tiddler, and set its value to be a [[list of the tiddlers|Title List]] in that order.
The ''list'' field doesn't have to mention all of the tiddlers. See the [[precise rules|Order of Tagged Tiddlers]] ~TiddlyWiki uses to order tagged tiddlers.
Each input tag is processed in turn. The list of tiddlers carrying that tag is generated, [[sorted|Order of Tagged Tiddlers]], and then [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's overall output.
<<.operator-examples "tagging">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[task]tagging[]]" "same as `[tag[task]]`">>
<<.operator-example 2 "Concepts task +[tagging[]]" "tiddlers that are tagged ''Concepts'' or ''task''">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[all[current]tagging[]]" "tiddlers tagged with the current one">>
Each input title is processed in turn. The corresponding tiddler's tags are retrieved (in order of appearance in the <<.field tags>> field) and then [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's output.
<<.operator-examples "tags">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[Filter Operators]tags[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[all[shadows]tags[]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[all[shadows+tiddlers]tags[]sort[]]">>
A tag tiddler is any tiddler that is in use as a tag.
The ''Tagging'' tab on the InfoPanel of a tag tiddler shows which tiddlers are tagged with the tag tiddler.
A tag can be used without a corresponding tag tiddler.
Sample tasks for the TaskManagementExample.
TiddlyWiki5 can be used as a simple task management system without further customisation. The idea is that tasks be tagged `task`, with those that are completed also tagged `done`. In this way it is straightforward to generate task lists.
! Outstanding tasks
<$list filter="[!has[draft.of]tag[task]!tag[done]sort[created]]">
<$checkbox tag="done"> <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link></$checkbox>
! Completed tasks
<$list filter="[!has[draft.of]tag[task]tag[done]sort[created]]">
<$checkbox tag="done"> ~~<$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link>~~</$checkbox>
When writing an [[instruction tiddler|Instruction Tiddlers]], start by planning a route through the information you wish to present. This should be a simple, logical, direct progression of thoughts, with no backtracking or forward references. Use this approach even within individual sentences: always proceed from cause to effect, from the old or known to the new or unknown.
Keep sentences short and simple. A clear technical sentence seldom contains more than one idea. It therefore avoids parenthetical information. Similarly, keep paragraph structure simple. A flat presentation is often easier to understand than a hierarchical one.
It is often possible to simplify a sentence without changing its meaning, merely by adjusting its vocabulary or grammatical structure. <<.word "Execution of the macro is performed">> just means <<.word "The macro runs">>. <<.word "Your expectation might be...">> just means <<.word "You might expect...">>.
Prefer the active voice by default: <<.word "Jane creates a tiddler">> rather than <<.word "a tiddler is created by Jane">>. The passive voice can be useful if you want the reader to focus on the action itself or its result: <<.word "a tiddler is created">>. But it can often be clearer to proceed from cause to effect and say <<.word "this creates a tiddler">> in the active voice.
Documentation often presents two items that are parallel either by similarity or by difference. The reader will more easily detect such a pattern if you use the same sentence or phrase structure for both. But this must be balanced with the need to avoid monotony.
Prefer precise instructions over woolly descriptions. If something has a name, use it. If something lacks a name, give it a tiddler.
A template tiddler is not actually a type of tiddler, it is a role in which a tiddler can be used.
Templates are a way to re-use chunks of WikiText.
Transcluding through a template extends the basic functionality of [[Transclusion]] by combining two tiddlers:
* A template tiddler that contains the WikiText to be displayed. It can contain transclusions that reference fields in the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]
* A target tiddler that identifies which tiddler is to be treated as current when resolving references to fields
The best example of templating is the main story river in TiddlyWiki. Each tiddler in the story river is rendered through a ViewTemplate that specifies how each field is to be rendered.
See [[Transclusion with Templates]] for details.
# With ~TiddlyWiki you can organise your notes your way, not their way. Your notes conform to your way of thinking rather than being forced into a hierarchical straightjacket of notebooks and tabs
# ~TiddlyWiki's nonlinear approach will actually make you think about your information in new and helpful ways
# Finding your notes in ~TiddlyWiki is lightning fast
# There are many ways to customise and adapt every aspect of ~TiddlyWiki
# ~TiddlyWiki is free and is compatible with all platforms. Any web browser will open it. You don't need to purchase an expensive program or pay a subscription fee to use it
# ~TiddlyWiki files promote the free sharing of information. There are many ways you can share your information from ~TiddlyWiki
# With ~TiddlyWiki, your information is yours, and you store it where you want to - on your device, on a USB stick, in Dropbox, on your server
# ~TiddlyWiki features an ever-growing number of plugins, themes, widgets, and languages
# The online ~TiddlyWiki community is friendly and will do their best to give you the help you need
# If you are a programmer, you have even more ways to play with ~TiddlyWiki. With ~TiddlyWiki, the more you know, the more fun you can have with it
The ''Text-Slicer'' edition of TiddlyWiki contains tools to help advanced users slice long texts up into individual tiddlers.
<a href="editions/text-slicer/index.html" target="_blank">editions/text-slicer/index.html</a>
A TextReference identifies a chunk of text from a tiddler that can be retrieved or modified depending on the context.
Text references are made up of several parts, most of which can be optional:
* `tiddlerTitle` - the text [[field|TiddlerFields]] of the specified tiddler
* `tiddlerTitle!!field` - a [[tiddler field|TiddlerFields]] (eg, `modified`, `modifier`, `type` etc)
* `!!field` - a [[field|TiddlerFields]] of the current tiddler
* `tiddlerTitle##propertyIndex` - extracts a named property from DataTiddlers
Text references can be used in several places:
* As [[indirect parameters|Filter Parameter]] within [[Filters]] (eg, `<$list filter="[tag{MyTag!!name}]"/>`)
* As IndirectAttributes of an element or widget (eg, `<$widget attrib={{Title!!description}}/>`)
* As the operand of a shortcut transclusion (eg, `{{MyTiddler!!title}}`)
* As the `state` attribute of the RevealWidget and the LinkCatcherWidget
! Introduction
The text widget displays plain text.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$text>` widget is not used.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|text |The text to display |
! Introduction
A number of extended filters are necessary to manipulate lists.
The first set of filters are designed to move items from the tail of the list and insert them at specified locations in the list. Items are often appended to the list before using these filters. In general, these filters accept a suffix specifying the number of items to move (default to 1.)
A second set of filters are designed to either add or remove from the list, a selected range of items from an array. These filters are best used with a reference to an array, stored in a field or data index elsewhere in the wiki (they may be used with a simple list of items, provided the items do not include white space.) In general, these filters accept a suffix specifying the number of items to move (default to All.)
! Examples
In this example we shall populate the '~DataIndex' index of the tiddler '~MyData' with the names of the days of the week, then clear this list.
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-listops $tiddler="ListopsData" $index="DataIndex" $filter="[list[Days of the Week]]"/>
Get days-of-the-week
<$action-listops $tiddler="ListopsData" $index="DataIndex" $filter="[[]]"/>
In this example we shall slice the populated list from the 'DaysOfTheWeek' index of the tiddler '~MyData' in order to insert items before and after a marker item (Wednesday) that are first appended to the list.
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-listops $tiddler="ListopsData" $index="DataIndex" $subfilter="one two +[putbefore:2[Wednesday]]"/>
Put 2 Items Before Wednesday
<$action-listops $tiddler="ListopsData" $index="DataIndex" $subfilter="four five +[putafter:2[Wednesday]] three +[putbefore[Wednesday]]"/>
Put One Item Before & Two Items After Wednesday
In this example we shall slice the populated list from the 'DaysOfTheWeek' index of the tiddler '~MyData' in order to replace the marker item (Wednesday) with items which are first appended to the list. We shall then move 3 items to the head of the list which have first been appended to the list from referenced fields.
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-listops $tiddler="ListopsData" $index="DataIndex" $subfilter="[[---o]] [[o---]] +[replace:2{!!marker}]"/>
Replace '!!marker' with 2 Items
<$action-listops $tiddler="ListopsData" $index="DataIndex" $subfilter="[{!!item1}] [{!!item2}] [{!!item3}] +[putfirst:3[]]"/>
Put 3 Items First
In this example we shall slice the populated list from the 'DaysOfTheWeek' index of the tiddler '~MyData' in order to append to the truncated list, items from a referenced field. We shall then remove the first two of the items added.
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src="""|list: |<$view field="list"/> |
<$action-listops $tiddler="ListopsData" $index="DataIndex" $subfilter="+[allbefore:include[Wednesday]] +[prepend{!!list}]"/>
Prepend '!!list' to items before 'Wednesday'
<$action-listops $tiddler="ListopsData" $index="DataIndex" $subfilter="+[remove:2{!!list}]"/>
Remove first two items in '!!list' from current list
<$action-listops $tiddler="ListopsData" $index="DataIndex" $subfilter="+[!remove:1{!!list}]"/>
Remove last item in '!!list' from current list
In this example we shall populate the list with numbers, then move items one by one from the head to the tail and from the tail to the head (best seen by clicking the lower buttons several times.)
This example illustrates that the append[] and prepend[] operators do not enforce unique instances of an item and that, with the next run, any duplicates are removed.
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-listops $tiddler="ListopsData" $index="DataIndex" $filter="[[]]" $subfilter="+[append:3{!!numbers}]"/>
Setup some numbers
<$action-listops $tiddler="ListopsData" $index="DataIndex" $subfilter="+[!append:6{!!numbers}]"/>
Append more numbers
<$action-listops $tiddler="ListopsData" $index="DataIndex" $subfilter="+[putfirst:2[]]"/>
Move last 2 items to the head
<$action-listops $tiddler="ListopsData" $index="DataIndex" $subfilter="+[putlast[]]"/>
Move the head to the last item
! Horror Stories
Every so often, TiddlyWiki users report heart-rending tales of personal data loss on the discussion groups:
> My entire TiddlyWiki has just been wiped out when Firefox crashed during saving a tiddly.
> Last time I used it was last night at home on my Windows 7 desktop, hit the check mark to stop editing my last entry, it then saves via TiddlyFox and I eject my USB drive. I came to work this morning, plugged in my USB, enter my TW5 password and it doesn't want to open after several attempts. I browse to my TW5 html file and notice that my file size is no longer 3MB.. instead it is 80KB. This leads me to believe I lost everything.
Don't let it happen to you!
!! The first rule of using TiddlyWiki is:
<p style="font-size:40pt;line-height:48pt;font-weight:700;color:red;">
Backup your data!
TiddlyWiki is a very flexible, customisable system that puts you firmly in charge of your own data. Every care is taken in TiddlyWiki's development to ensure that it is a safe place to preserve your most valuable data but the ultimate responsibility to reduce the risk of data loss falls to users.
The best way to make sure that your data is safe is to practise a rigorous system of backups:
* Consider using services like Dropbox to continuously back up your personal data to the cloud. (Dropbox [[has a neat feature|https://www.dropbox.com/help/11]] whereby they keep track of previous versions of files)
* Retain backups before upgrading to a new version of TiddlyWiki
* Figure out and protect yourself from the worst case scenarios: what if your USB stick or hard drive fails? What if your computer is hit by a ransomeware virus?
* Be defensive and redundant: for example, take multiple backups and keep them in separate physical locations
The <<.def thumbnail>> [[macros|Macros]] are used to create linkable thumbnail panels.
!! Parameters
<<.macro-examples "thumbnail">>
! Examples
Here is an example of the `thumbnail-right` macro used to create a video thumbnail that floats to the right of the text
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<<thumbnail-right link:"Introduction Video" image:"Introduction Video Thumbnail.jpg" caption:"Introduction to ~TiddlyWiki" icon:"{{$:/core/images/video}}" color:"red">>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum."""/>
! <<.olink before>> and <<.olink after>>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]before{!!title}]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]after{!!title}]">>
In accordance with the [[Philosophy of Tiddlers]], documentation tiddlers are typically short and interlinked.
When a tiddler seems as if it needs to contain subheadings, this is often a sign that it should in fact be split into several tiddlers. But it is reasonable for a [[reference tiddler|Reference Tiddlers]] to consist of an untitled introductory section followed by a titled section of details.
Consistency of terminology is essential if the reader is not to become confused. Consistent typography and punctuation lend a professional quality to the documentation. Macros can improve the consistency and maintainability of the text.
Use numbered lists for step-by-step instructions, and bullet points for lists whose order is arbitrary. Use a definition list in preference to a bulleted list if each bulleted item would begin with a term and a colon. If at all possible, avoid burdening the reader with a nested list.
Use a table when information naturally falls into three or more columns, and also for lists of parameters, attributes, etc in [[reference tiddlers|Reference Tiddlers]].
The documentation describes the current reality of ~TiddlyWiki. Avoid discussing future aspirations.
Many documentation tiddlers, especially the [[reference ones|Reference Tiddlers]], are concerned with a single concept. Their titles should be succinct noun phrases like <<.tid "List Widget">> or <<.tid "Tiddler Fields">>.
Each of the main words of such a title begins with a capital letter. Minor words such as <<.word and>>, <<.word or>>, <<.word the>>, <<.word to>> and <<.word with>> do not.
Tags also follow this pattern.
Titles of this kind are plural if they denote a category of items, e.g. <<.tid "Keyboard Shortcuts">> or <<.tid "Tiddler Fields">>. Such titles are used to tag more specific tiddlers within the category.
Where a concept is an item rather than a category, its tiddler has a singular title, e.g. <<.tid "List Widget">>, <<.tid "tag Operator">>.
Start a title with its most distinctive part. For instance, the tiddlers documenting the filter operators have titles like <<.tid "addprefix Operator">>. This helps the reader scan a list of links to find a particular tiddler.
Avoid starting a title with the word <<.word the>>.
In the past, many tiddlers had CamelCase titles. This is gradually being phased out of the documentation to improve readability. ~CamelCase titles should no longer be used, even for tags, except in cases like <<.tid ~JavaScript>> where that is the standard spelling.
[[Instruction tiddlers|Instruction Tiddlers]] often have longer titles that can be more complicated than just a noun phrase, e.g. <<.tid "Ten reasons to switch to ~TiddlyWiki">>. These titles use sentence case, i.e. only the first word (and any proper names) starts with a capital letter.
How-to tiddlers have titles that begin with <<.word "How to">>, e.g. <<.tid "How to edit a tiddler">>. Avoid titles like <<.tid "Editing tiddlers">>, because a less fluent English speaker could misunderstand that as the name of a category of tiddlers.
\define lingo-base() $:/language/Docs/Fields/
TiddlerFields are name:value pairs that make up a [[tiddler|Tiddlers]]. Field names must be lowercase letters, digits or the characters `-` (dash), `_` (underscore) and `.` (period).
The standard fields are:
|!Field Name |!Reference |!Description |
|`title` |TitleField |<<lingo title>> |
|`text` |TextField |<<lingo text>> |
|`modified` |ModifiedField |<<lingo modified>> |
|`modifier` |ModifierField |<<lingo modifier>> |
|`created` |CreatedField |<<lingo created>> |
|`creator` |CreatorField |<<lingo creator>> |
|`tags` |TagsField |<<lingo tags>> |
|`type` |TypeField |<<lingo type>> |
|`list` |ListField |<<lingo list>> |
Other fields used by the core are:
|!Field Name |!Reference |!Description |
|`color` |ColorField |<<lingo color>> |
|`description` |DescriptionField |<<lingo description>> |
|`draft.of` |DraftOfField |<<lingo draft.of>> |
|`draft.title` |DraftTitleField |<<lingo draft.title>> |
|`footer` |FooterField |<<lingo footer>> |
|`library` |LibraryField |<<lingo library>> |
|`name` |NameField |<<lingo name>> |
|`plugin-priority` |PluginPriorityField |<<lingo plugin-priority>> |
|`plugin-type` |PluginTypeField |<<lingo plugin-type>> |
|`source` |SourceField |<<lingo source>> |
|`subtitle` |SubtitleField |<<lingo subtitle>> |
The TiddlyWebAdaptor uses a few more fields:
|!Field Name |!Reference |!Description |
|`bag` |BagField |<<lingo bag>> |
|`revision` |RevisionField |<<lingo revision>> |
See the ''Advanced > TiddlerFields'' tab of the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] for details of the fields used in this wiki.
Tiddlers can be stored in text files in several different formats. Files containing single tiddlers can also have an auxiliary `.meta` file formatted as a sequence of name:value pairs:
title: TheTitle
modifier: someone
!! ~TiddlyWeb-style .tid files
These files consist of a sequence of lines containing name:value pairs, a blank line and then the text of the tiddler. For example:
title: MyTiddler
modifier: Jeremy
This is the text of my tiddler.
Note that many text editors require that files include a terminating newline. If you want to avoid including the terminating newline in the text of the tiddler you can use this alternative syntax:
title: MyTiddler
modifier: Jeremy
text: This is the text of my tiddler.
//The ContentType `application/x-tiddler` is used internally for these files//
!! TiddlyWiki `<DIV>` .tiddler files
In TiddlyWiki 5, `*.tiddler` files look like this:
<div title="AnotherExampleStyleSheet" modifier="blaine" created="201102111106" modified="201102111310" tags="examples" creator="psd">
<pre>Note that there is an embedded <pre> tag, and line feeds are not escaped.
And, weirdly, there is no HTML encoding of the body.</pre>
These `*.tiddler` files are not exactly the same as the tiddlers inside a TiddlyWiki HTML file where they are HTML encoded.
Older `*.tiddler` files more closely matched the store format used by TiddlyWiki at the time:
<div tiddler="AnotherExampleStyleSheet" modifier="JeremyRuston" modified="200508181432" created="200508181432" tags="examples">This is an old-school .tiddler file, without an embedded <pre> tag.\nNote how the body is "HTML encoded" and new lines are escaped to \\n</div>
//The ContentType `application/x-tiddler-html-div` is used internally for these files//
!! ~TiddlyWeb-style JSON files
These files are a straightforward array of hashmaps of `name:value` properties. All field values must be specified as strings.
For example:
"title": "First Tiddler",
"text": "Text of first tiddler",
"tags": "one two [[t h r e e]]"
"title": "Second Tiddler",
"text": "Text of second tiddler",
"modified": "20150216171751154"
//The ContentType `application/json` is used internally for these files//
!! TiddlyWiki HTML files
TiddlyWiki HTML files contain a collection of tiddlers encoded in `<DIV>` format.
For TiddlyWiki to import an unencrypted HTML file, it requires a `<div id="storeArea">` containing tiddler DIVs as explained above. For example:
<div id="storeArea">
<div created="20130302085406905" modified="20130302084548184" tags="Examples" title="A tiddler title">
<pre>HTML encoded text of tiddler
<div created="20140315085406905" modified="20140321084548184" tags="One Two [[Three with Space]]" title="Another title" customfield="field value">
<pre>Text of this tiddler
Links are regions of a tiddler that can be clicked to cause navigation to a different tiddler. The navigation behaviour is determined by the current StoryView; the classic TiddlyWiki view displays the story as a linear sequence of tiddlers.
Holding the ''control'' or ''command'' key while clicking on a tiddler link opens the target tiddler but doesn't navigate to it. This can be a useful way of queueing up tiddlers to be read later.
Links are useful for modelling organic relationships between tiddlers, and particularly for expressing the navigational paths between tiddlers.
The InfoPanel lists incoming links to a tiddler in the tab ''References''.
[[Filters]] can include the following filter operators that work with links:
* `[links[]]` - returns the titles of the tiddlers that are linked from the currently selected tiddler(s)
* `[backlinks[]]` - returns the titles of the tiddlers that link to the currently selected tiddler(s)
TiddlyWiki5 alters the appearance of tiddler links to convey additional information about the target of the link:
|!Link description |!Link appearance |
|To a tiddler that exists |[[LikeThis|TiddlerLinks]] |
|To a tiddler that doesn't exist |[[LikeThis|ATiddlerThatDoesntExist]] |
|To a shadow tiddler that has not been overridden |[[LikeThis|$:/core/copyright.txt]] |
|To a shadow tiddler that has been overridden by an ordinary tiddler |[[LikeThis|$:/SiteTitle]] |
External links are shown like this: http://tiddlywiki.com/ or [[like this|http://tiddlywiki.com/]].
Tiddlers are the fundamental units of information in TiddlyWiki. Tiddlers work best when they are as small as possible so that they can be reused by weaving them together in different ways.
A "tiddler" is an informal British word meaning a small fish, typically a stickleback or a minnow. Other systems have analogous concepts with generic names like "items", "entries", "entities", "nodes" or "records". TiddlyWiki takes the view that it is better to be confusingly distinctive than confusingly generic.
Internally, tiddlers are a list of uniquely named values called fields. The only field that is required is the `title` field, but useful tiddlers also have a `text` field, and some or all of the standard fields listed in TiddlerFields.
Tiddlers are ubiquitous in TiddlyWiki. They are used to store everything from JavaScript code modules to the settings and state associated with the user interface.
! Introduction
The TiddlerWidget sets the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]] that applies for processing its content.
! Content and Attributes
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The title of the tiddler to become the new [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]] |
|class |CSS classes to be added to the generated elements |
! CSS Class Variables
The tiddler widget assigns several useful CSS classes to variables that it creates:
; missingTiddlerClass
: `tc-tiddler-exists` or...
: `tc-tiddler-missing` depending on whether the tiddler exists
: `tc-tiddler-shadow` if the tiddler is a shadow tiddler
:` tc-tiddler-system` if the tiddler is a system tiddler
: a space separated list of CSS classes named `tc-tagged-{tagname}`,<br>e.g. `tc-tagged-introduction`<br><br>''Note:'' tag names are URI encoded which means that the tag [[$:/tags/Macro]] appears as the CSS class `tc-tagged-%24%3A%2Ftags%2FMacro`. See [[How to apply custom styles by tag]] for more details
You can use these variables like this:
<$tiddler tiddler="MyOtherTiddler">
<div class=<<missingTiddlerClass>>>
See also [[$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate]].
BuggyJay's TiddlyClip browser extension for [[Firefox]] permits clipping of text and graphics from web pages:
TiddlyClip allows parts of webpages to be clipped into a TiddlyWiki, and consists of two parts, the browser addon and the TiddlyWiki plugin. The addon is completely memoryless, any configuration is determined by the current TiddlyWiki that the user has select to work with (we say that the addon is docked to the TiddlyWiki). TiddlyClip is designed to work (in a basic mode) without configuration. Once the addon and plugin are installed, all the user has to do is select which TW to dock to.
TiddlyDesktop is an app for working with TiddlyWiki files (both TiddlyWikiClassic and TiddlyWiki version 5). It can be installed on Windows, Mac OS X or Linux. It is compatible with TiddlyWiki version 5 and the older TiddlyWikiClassic.
See the [[Introducing TiddlyDesktop Video]]
! Instructions
# Install the latest release of TiddlyDesktop from https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/releases
# Run TiddlyDesktop
# Use the browse button to open TiddlyWiki files
# Save changes within TiddlyWiki in the usual way
! Source
TiddlyDesktop is based on the OpenSource project [[NW.js]]. The source is on GitHub:
See [[TiddlyDesktop Releases]]
<a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/releases/tag/v0.0.1" class="tc-btn-big-green" target="_blank">
{{$:/core/images/github}} Download from ~GitHub
First release - use with extreme caution
<a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/releases/tag/v0.0.2" class="tc-btn-big-green" target="_blank">
{{$:/core/images/github}} Download from ~GitHub
[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/compare/v0.0.1...v0.0.2]]
This second version of TiddlyDesktop has the following fixes and improvements:
*The saving mechanism is now TiddlyFox compatible, so TiddlyWiki5 wikis don't need a special plugin to work with TiddlyDesktop
*TiddlyDesktop is now compatible with TiddlyWiki Classic
*Chromium Developer Tools now accessible via a pulldown menu
*Each TiddlyWiki document is now sandboxed, so it isn't possible for malicious or buggy JavaScript to affect other documents
*Linux 32-bit and 64-bit builds
<a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/releases/tag/v0.0.3" class="tc-btn-big-green" target="_blank">
{{$:/core/images/github}} Download from ~GitHub
[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/compare/v0.0.2...v0.0.3]]
This third version of TiddlyDesktop has the following fixes and improvements:
*Access Chromium developer tools with F12
*No menu bars
*Fixed problem with paths containing spaces
*Enabled webkit experimental features
*Adjusted the main window toolbar to be position: sticky
*Fixed problem with relative inter-wiki links not working
*Add "file not found" error indication
<a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/releases/tag/v0.0.4" class="tc-btn-big-green" target="_blank">
{{$:/core/images/github}} Download from ~GitHub
[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/compare/v0.0.3...v0.0.4]]
This release includes a major reworking of the internals of TiddlyDesktop.
Please report any problems or suggestions via GitHub issues, or post to the TiddlyWiki discussion group:
!New Features
*Warning message when closing windows with unsaved changes (TWC and TW 5.1.8 and above only)
*Help window
*Toolbar for TiddlyWiki windows
*Reveal original file in Finder/Explorer
*Automatic backups
Note that there is currently no way to hide the toolbar for TiddlyWiki windows. This will be remedied soon!
!New Architecture
TiddlyDesktop itself is now an instance of the Node.js edition of TiddlyWiki. TiddlyWiki HTML files are run within embedded, sandboxed iframes with the "backstage" TiddlyWiki providing services such as saving to the file system.
The advantage of this approach is that the user interface and functionality of the desktop application can now be customised and extended with exactly the same techniques that are used in regular TiddlyWiki.
!Coming Soon
The functionality of this release barely matches that of the previous v0.0.3 version, but it lays the groundwork for a number of other features such as:
*Configurable toolbars
*Page zoom
*Creating new wikis from standard editions and custom templates
*Dragging _canonical_uri links from the file system
*Multiple languages
*One-click copying of text to the clipboard from within TiddlyWiki
*Global keyboard shortcut for clipping content etc.
<a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/releases/tag/v0.0.5" class="tc-btn-big-green" target="_blank">
{{$:/core/images/github}} Download from ~GitHub
[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/compare/v0.0.4...v0.0.5]]
This is an important bug fix release.
Please report any problems or suggestions via GitHub issues, or post to the TiddlyWiki discussion group:
* Upgraded to the latest stable v12.0.3 of nw.js, fixing a number of bugs in the process, including one that prevented v0.0.4 from being used successfully under Windows
** Bugs fixed: <a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/issues/66">#66</a>, <a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/issues/65">#65</a>, <a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/issues/61">#61</a>, <a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/issues/57">#57</a>, <a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/issues/53">#53</a>, <a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/issues/52">#52</a>
* Added a warning about disrupting the backstage wiki
* Switched to using "Settings" instead of "Control Panel", to reduce confusion with TiddlyWiki's control panel
* Updated app icon
* Cleaned up TiddlyWiki build products, fixing <a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/issues/67">#67</a>
<a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/releases/tag/v0.0.6" class="tc-btn-big-green" target="_blank">
{{$:/core/images/github}} Download from ~GitHub
[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/compare/v0.0.5...v0.0.6]]
A minor bug fix release.
Please report any problems or suggestions via GitHub issues, or post to the TiddlyWiki discussion group:
* Added ability to drag and drop TiddlyWiki files into the wiki list window from Windows Explorer/Mac Finder
* Fixed bug triggered by moving TiddlyDesktop executable after first running it
* Added custom user agent string identifying TiddlyDesktop
** eg ``Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2272.76 Safari/537.36 TiddlyDesktop/0.0.6``
<a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/releases/tag/v0.0.7" class="tc-btn-big-green" target="_blank">
{{$:/core/images/github}} Download from ~GitHub
[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/compare/v0.0.6...v0.0.7]]
Please report any problems or suggestions via GitHub issues, or post to the TiddlyWiki discussion group:
* Experimental support for "wiki folders" (the Node.js format for TiddlyWiki, where each tiddler is a separate file), including the ability to serve wiki folders over HTTP so that you can use any browser or device to access them
* Switched from representing wikis as thumbnails to favicons
* New system tray/menu icon for quick access to TiddlyDesktop
* Fixed problem with restarting after quitting with minimised windows on Windows (#77)
* Added TiddlyDesktop version number to "Help" window
Note: Upgrading to this release will clear your list of loaded wiki files. The files themselves are not affected; you can re-add them by dragging and dropping them into the wiki list window.
<a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/releases/tag/v0.0.8" class="tc-btn-big-green" target="_blank">
{{$:/core/images/github}} Download from ~GitHub
[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/compare/v0.0.7...v0.0.8]]
A minor bug fix release.
Please report any problems or suggestions via GitHub issues, or post to the TiddlyWiki discussion group:
* Fixes crash when clicking on external links
* Added warning when attempting to remove a wiki folder window that has been opened
Here are the details of recent releases of TiddlyDesktop
<$list filter="[tag[TiddlyDesktopReleaseNotes]!sort[created]limit[1]]">
<$macrocall $name="tabs" tabsList="[tag[TiddlyDesktopReleaseNotes]!sort[created]]"default={{!!title}} class="tc-vertical" template="ReleaseTemplate" />
TiddlyFox is an extension for Firefox that allows standalone TiddlyWiki files to save their changes directly to the file system. TiddlyFox works on both desktop and smartphone versions of [[Firefox]]. See [[Saving with TiddlyFox]] or [[Saving with TiddlyFox on Android]] for detailed instructions.
TiddlyFox can be downloaded from the Mozilla Addons site:
You can also install the latest development version of TiddlyFox direct from GitHub:
TiddlyIE is an extension for Internet Explorer that allows standalone TiddlyWiki files to save their changes directly to the file system. TiddlyIE works with the desktop version of Internet Explorer.
See [[Saving with TiddlyIE]].
An interactive network visualisation plugin based on [[Vis.js|http://visjs.org]]. A demo that also contains installation instructions can be found here: {{!!url}}. The plugin's GitHub repository can be found [[here|https://github.com/felixhayashi/TW5-TiddlyMap]].
~TiddlyMap is a TiddlyWiki plugin that allows you to link your wiki-topics (tiddlers) in order to create clickable graphs. By creating relations between your topics you can easily do the following:
* Create concept maps and quickly manifest your ideas in tiddlers.
* Create task-dependency graphs to organize and describe your tasks.
* Visualize your topic structures to get an immediate grasp of topics and relations.
In general you may create, visualize and describe any network-structure you have in mind.
TiddlySpace is an environment for discourse on the web, built from TiddlyWeb.
TiddlySpace was originally sponsored by [[Osmosoft]] at [[BT]].
TiddlyWeb is a server application that puts [[Tiddlers]] on the web:
TiddlyWeb can be used to host TiddlyWiki and TiddlyWiki5 wikis, making the individual tiddlers available over a flexible HTTP API.
TiddlyWeb was originally sponsored by [[Osmosoft]] at [[BT]] (along with TiddlySpace).
~TiddlyWiki is a rich, interactive tool for manipulating complex data with structure that doesn't easily fit into conventional tools like spreadsheets or wordprocessors.
~TiddlyWiki is designed to fit around your brain, helping you deal with the things that won't fit. The [[fundamental idea|Philosophy of Tiddlers]] is that information is more useful and reusable if we cut it up into the smallest semantically meaningful chunks -- [[tiddlers|Tiddlers]] -- and give them titles so that they can be [[structured|Structuring TiddlyWiki]] with [[links|TiddlerLinks]], [[tags|Tagging]], [[lists|ListField]] and [[macros|Macros]]. Tiddlers use a WikiText notation that concisely represents a wide range of text formatting and hypertext features. ~TiddlyWiki aims to provide a fluid interface for working with tiddlers, allowing them to be aggregated and composed into longer narratives.
People love using ~TiddlyWiki. Because it can be used without any complicated server infrastructure, and because it is [[open source|OpenSource]], it has bought unprecedented freedom to everyone to keep their precious information under their own control.
~TiddlyWiki was originally created by JeremyRuston and is now a thriving open source project with a busy [[Community]] of independent developers.
The first TiddlyWiki Camp Paris was held on Saturday 6th June 2015.
> Bienvenue sur le site du TiddlyWiki Camp. Un évènement pour rencontrer la communauté de ce logiciel Open Source, libre et gratuit. Découvrez ce bloc note personnel polyvalent et adoptez-le pour gérer votre quotidien !
The TiddlyWiki community holds regular Google Hangouts, usually every Tuesday from 4pm to 6pm (UK time). They are announced in the [[TiddlyWiki Google group|https://groups.google.com/d/forum/tiddlywiki]] and on the [[TiddlyWiki Twitter account|https://twitter.com/TiddlyWiki]].
Past Hangouts are archived in this ~YouTube playlist:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/videoseries?list=PLVT_2PPd-1p34gGCQ5qpwC8QdykxVAI3u" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
TiddlyWiki in the Sky for TiddlyWeb allows content to be synchronised between TiddlyWiki running in the browser and a TiddlyWeb (or TiddlySpace) server. Features include:
* Lazy loading
* Two way synchronisation between the browser and the server
** Synchronising from the server is accomplished by polling (currently every 60 seconds)
* Throttling so that rapidly changing tiddlers don't overwhelm the server
To try out TiddlyWiki in the Sky for TiddlyWeb:
# If necessary, create an account at http://tiddlyspace.com/
# Create a new space, eg `<myspace>`
# Include the space `tw5tiddlyweb`
# Visit `http://<myspace>.tiddlyspace.com/tw5`
A catchy jingle for TiddlyWiki.
Even if it sounds like some ol' jazz tune it ''IS'' an original composition and it should be quite obvious that the "hook of the melody" is a trill made by singing Tidd-ly Wiki :-).
My lacking skills for writing text/lyrics should be apparent in the fact that the text consists of 12 Tidd-ly Wikis and some extra "tiddly's" - just for the sake of getting the message delivered ;-)...
I've recorded every instrument on my guitar via a guitar synth on a loop machine (except for the drums - they were played live/in sync with the loop station on a "~BeatBuddy" drum pedal..) - no pc was involved..
This brief screencast shows how to setup Firefox for Android so you can save changes to TiddlyWiki:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/iikkv9orGGI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Running TiddlyWiki on [[Node.js]] brings several important benefits over and above the single file version:
* You can edit your content on any suitably compatible HTML5 browser, including smartphones and tablets
* Individual tiddlers are stored in separate files, which you can organise as you wish
* The ability to build multiple wikis that blend different combinations of shared and unique content
For more information see:
* [[Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
* [[Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
* [[Upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
Here are the details of recent releases of TiddlyWiki5. See [[TiddlyWiki5 Versioning]] for details of how releases are named.
(BetaReleases and AlphaReleases are listed separately).
<$list filter="[tag[ReleaseNotes]!sort[created]limit[1]]">
<$macrocall $name="tabs" tabsList="[tag[ReleaseNotes]!sort[created]]" default={{!!title}} class="tc-vertical" template="ReleaseTemplate" />
An extensive tutorial for getting started with TiddlyWiki. Recommended
This tutorial is aimed at giving you a basic foundation so that you can start using TiddlyWiki right away. Here we take a look at the technology behind Tiddlywiki, how to install it and create your first Tiddler.
\define tv-wikilinks() no
! Building TiddlyWikiClassic
{{Building TiddlyWikiClassic}}
TiddlyWiki5 is a reboot of TiddlyWiki for the next 25 years. It is a complete interactive wiki in JavaScript that can be run in the browser or on the server under [[Node.js]].
Each release of TiddlyWiki5 is identified by a version number that complies with the [[Semantic Versioning 2.0.0|http://semver.org/]] standard.
! TiddlyWiki Core Version
According to the standard:
Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:
MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and
PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes.
Additional labels for pre-release and build metadata are available as extensions to the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format.
!! Alpha and Beta versions
While in alpha TiddlyWiki5 uses the pre-release label "alpha", for example:
Each new alpha or beta release will bump the `PATCH` version number. This breaks the strict semantics of versioning because `PATCH` increments are supposed to be reserved for compatible changes.
//Note that prior to ''5.0.1-alpha'', TiddlyWiki5 used version numbers formatted as ''5.0.0-alpha.19''. The change was made to enable the upgrade mechanism to recognise plugin updates from the version information.//
!! Interim versions
During development when a new release is being prepared, the pre-release label is set to `prerelease`.
! Plugin Versions
Version numbers
TiddlyWiki5 uses the version information attached to plugins for determining which of two plugins is more recent during an upgrade or import. The pre-release label is ignored when performing these comparisons.
"~TiddlyWiki Classic" refers to versions prior to 5.0, when TiddlyWiki was completely rewritten from the ground up. TiddlyWiki Classic is still being maintained at:
MarioPietsch has started a site comparing the syntax and other changes between TiddlyWikiClassic and TiddlyWiki version 5:
As well as traditional single file wikis, [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] supports wikis that are stored as a folder of individual tiddler files.
! Wiki folder files and folders
Wiki folders can contain the following files and folders:
* ''tiddlywiki.info'' - JSON file containing metadata for the wiki
* ''\tiddlers'' - folder containing tiddler files comprising the wiki
* ''\plugins'' - folder containing [[plugin folders|PluginMechanism]] to be included in the wiki
Only the ''tiddlywiki.info'' file is required, the ''tiddlers'' and ''plugins'' folders are optional. Any files and folders not listed above are ignored.
!! Content of `tiddlywiki.info` file
The `tiddlywiki.info` file in a wiki folder contains a JSON object comprising the following fields:
* ''plugins'' - an array of plugin names to be included in the wiki
* ''themes'' - an array of theme names to be included in the wiki
* ''languages'' - an array of language names to be included in the wiki
* ''includeWikis'' - an array of references to external wiki folders to be included in the wiki
* ''build'' - a hashmap of named build targets, each defined by an array of command tokens (see BuildCommand)
* ''config'' - an optional hashmap of configuration options (see below)
!!! ''includeWikis''
The entries in the ''includeWikis'' array can be either a string specifying the relative path to the wiki, or an object with the following fields:
* ''path'' - relative path to wiki folder
* ''read-only'' - set //true// to prevent the tiddlers in the included wiki from being modified. The modifications will be written to the directory specified in ''default-tiddler-location'', described below
!!! ''build''
Note that the build targets of included wikis are merged if a target of that name isn't defined in the current `tiddlywiki.info` file.
!!! ''config''
Configuration options include:
* ''default-tiddler-location'' - a string path to the default location for the filesystem adaptor to save new tiddlers (resolved relative to the wiki folder)
* ''retain-original-tiddler-path'' - If true, the server will generate a tiddler [[$:/config/OriginalTiddlerPaths]] containing the original file paths of each tiddler in the wiki
!!! Example
For example:
"plugins": [
"includeWikis": [
"build": {
"index": [
"favicon": [
"config": {
"retain-original-tiddler-path": true
!! Content of `tiddlers` folder
All the TiddlerFiles in the `tiddlers` folder are read into the wiki at startup. Sub-folders are scanned recursively for TiddlerFiles.
Sub-folders within the `tiddlers` folder can also be given a `tiddlywiki.files` JSON file that overrides the default processing for that folder. The file format is illustrated with this example:
"tiddlers": [
"file": "d3.min.js",
"fields": {
"type": "application/javascript",
"title": "$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/d3/d3.js",
"module-type": "library"
"prefix": "var d3;if($tw.browser){\n",
"suffix": "}\nexports.d3 = d3;\n"
"file": "cloud/d3.layout.cloud.js",
"fields": {
"type": "application/javascript",
"title": "$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/d3/d3.layout.cloud.js",
"module-type": "library"
"file": "local/mytiddler.tid",
"isTiddlerFile": true,
"fields": {
"title": "A different title"
"directories": [
The JSON data consists of an object with a `tiddlers` property that contains an array of information about each tiddler to be loaded into the wiki. That information consists of:
* The relative or absolute path to the file to include as either:
** `file`: the file containing the tiddler
** `isTiddlerFile`: if `true`, the file will be deserialised to extract the tiddlers. Otherwise, the raw content of the file is assigned to the `text` field without any parsing
* `fields`: an object containing fields that override any provided in the tiddler file
* `prefix` & `suffix`: (optional) specify strings to be prefixed and suffixed to the tiddler file text content
The ''directories'' property allows a list of directories to be specified. All tiddlers will be recursively loaded from each directory listed.
The <<.def timeline>> [[macro|Macros]] returns a list of tiddlers in reverse chronological order of modification (or some other [[date field|Date Fields]]), grouped by day.
!! Parameters
: The maximum number of tiddlers to include, defaulting to 100. But if <<.em any>> tiddlers are included for a particular day, <<.em all>> of the other tiddlers for that day will also be included -- even if this exceeds the limit
: A string specifying the desired [[format|DateFormat]], defaulting to `DDth MMM YYYY`
: An optional extra [[filter step|Filter Step]], e.g. `tag[MyTag]`
: The name of the date field to use, defaulting to `modified`
The tiddlers are selected by means of a [[filter expression|Filter Expression]], into which the <<.param subfilter>> and <<.param limit>> parameters are spliced as follows:
> `[!is[system]$subfilter$has[modified]!sort[modified]limit[$limit$]eachday[modified]]`
<<.macro-examples "timeline">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<<timeline format:"DD/MM/YYYY">>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2" eg="""<<timeline limit:30 subfilter:"tag[Definitions]" format:"DD/MM/YYYY">>"""/>
A <<.def "title list">> is a line of text that presents one or more tiddler titles, strung together with a space between each one and the next.
If a title <<.em contains>> a space, it needs double square brackets around it:
`GettingStarted [[Discover TiddlyWiki]] Upgrading`
Title lists are used in various places, including PermaLinks and the ListField.
They are in fact the simplest case of a [[filter|Filters]], and are thus a way of expressing a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]].
`[title[An Example]]` can be shortened to `[[An Example]]`, because <<.op title>> is the default filter operator.
<<.op title>> is a [[constructor|Selection Constructors]] (except in the form `!title`), but <<.olink2 "field:title" field>> is a [[modifier|Selection Constructors]].
<<.operator-examples "title">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[title[HelloThere]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[[HelloThere]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "HelloThere">>
<<.operator-example 4 "[title[HelloThere]] [title[Filter Operators]]">>
<<.operator-example 5 "[[HelloThere]] [[Filter Operators]]">>
<<.operator-example 6 "HelloThere [[Filter Operators]]">>
<<.operator-example 7 "[tag[Filters]] +[!title[Filter Operators]]">>
<<.operator-example 8 "[tag[Filters]] +[![Filter Operators]]">>
<<.operator-example 9 "[tag[Filters]] -[[Filter Operators]]">>
A <<.def "title selection">> is an ordered set of tiddler titles (or similar strings), in which no title appears more than once.
Title selections are important in [[filter|Filters]] processing.
The simplest way to write one down is as a [[title list|Title List]].
! Introduction
The TranscludeWidget dynamically imports content from another tiddler.
! Attributes
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The title of the tiddler to transclude (defaults to the current tiddler) |
|field |The field name of the current tiddler (defaults to "text"; if present takes precedence over the index attribute) |
|index |The index of a property in a [[DataTiddler|DataTiddlers]] |
|subtiddler |Optional SubTiddler title when the target tiddler is a [[plugin|Plugins]] (see below) |
|mode |Override the default parsing mode for the transcluded text to "block" or "inline" |
The TranscludeWidget treats any contained content as a fallback if the target of the transclusion is not defined (ie a missing tiddler or a missing field).
! Parsing modes
TiddlyWiki parses text in two modes:
* ''inline'' mode recognises character formatting such as emphasis, links
* ''block'' mode recognises all the ''inline'' formatting, and adds block formatting such as tables, headings and lists
Usually, the mode is determined by whether the transclude widget itself has been parsed in block or inline mode. This can be overridden with the `mode` attribute.
For example, consider tiddler "A" with this content:
# Item one
#<$transclude tiddler="B"/>
# Item two
And a tiddler "B" with this content:
# Item one - a
# Item one - b
The result will be something like this:
# Item one
# # Item one - a # Item one - b
# Item two
This can be fixed by amending tiddler "A":
# Item one
#<$transclude tiddler="B" mode="block"/>
# Item two
! SubTiddler Access
The transclude widget allows access to the individual tiddlers stored within a [[plugin|Plugins]].
The following example will transclude the core version of the tiddler [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]] even if it has been overridden:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '
<$transclude tiddler="$:/core" subtiddler="$:/DefaultTiddlers"/>
[[Transclusion|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transclusion]] is the process of referencing one tiddler "A" from another tiddler "B" such that the content of "A" appears to be a part of "B".
Copying and pasting content creates multiple copies of the same content in several different places. With transclusion, there can be a single copy and a special instruction in "B" which indicates the point at which content should be inserted from tiddler "A".
Note that if the content of "A" is modified then the modification automatically appears in "B". This makes it easier to maintain repetitive content, by allowing every piece to be written in a single place, but viewed from many.
The concept of transclusion plays an important role in the [[Philosophy of Tiddlers]] because it is the primary way in which small items of content are combined.
To learn more:
* [[Transclusion in WikiText]]
* [[Transclusion Basic Usage]]
* [[Transclusion with Templates]]
* [[Transclusion and Substitution]]
* TextReference
* TemplateTiddlers
* TranscludeWidget
The power of WikiText comes from the ability to use the content of one tiddler inside another one. This ability takes several different forms that can easily be confused.
The main distinction is between a transclusion and a textual substitution:
* A transclusion is replaced dynamically with the value of either:
** a tiddler field
** a variable
* Textual substitutions are performed on the text of macro definitions before they are used
! Tiddler Field Transclusion
[[Transclusion in WikiText]] describes the basics of transclusion. For example:
As described in [[HTML in WikiText]], you can also transclude tiddler field values as attributes of HTML elements and widgets. For example:
<$text text={{MyTiddler}}/>
As described in [[Introduction to Filters]], you can also transclude tiddler field values as filter operands. For example:
{{{ [tag{TiddlerContainingMyTag}] }}}
! Variable/Macro Transclusion
Variables that were defined with parameter or variable substitution are referred to as "macros". The value of a variable/macro can be transcluded with the syntax:
<<myMacro param:"Value of parameter">>
As described in [[HTML in WikiText]], you can also transclude a variable as the value of an attribute of HTML elements and widgets. For example:
<$text text=<<myMacro>>/>
As described in [[Introduction to Filters]], you can also transclude a variable as the value of a filter operand. For example:
{{{ [tag<myMacro>] }}}
! Textual Substitution
Textual substitution occurs when the value of a macro/variable is used. It is described in [[Macros in WikiText]].
The key difference between substitution and transclusion is that substitution occurs before WikiText parsing. This means that you can use substitution to build WikiText constructions. Transclusions are processed independently, and cannot be combined with adjacent text to define WikiText constructions.
! Simple Transclusion
To include some content from [[TiddlerA]] into [[TiddlerB]], edit the latter to include the following text:
This is the content of TiddlerA: {{TiddlerA}}
The result is that the content of the ''text'' field (i.e. the main content) of [[TiddlerA]] is rendered within [[TiddlerB]].
! Usage
The notation ``{{TiddlerA}}`` is a shortcut for ``{{TiddlerA!!text}}``. This is because the default field for transclusion is ''text'', but any other [[field|TiddlerFields]] can be used explicitly. For example, you can print the last time TiddlerA was modified using:
TiddlerA was modified on {{TiddlerA!!modified}}
By omitting the tiddler title, the transclusion notation can also be used to display the content of a field from the current tiddler, for example:
The current tiddler was modified on {{!!modified}}
! Recursion Errors
Notice that using ``{{!!text}}`` or ``{{}}`` causes an error (//Recursive transclusion error in transclude widget//), because it does not make sense to include the content of the current tiddler into the content of the current tiddler (that is, into itself). Whenever you encouter this error message, it means that you are trying to include something into itself, directly or indirectly (for example if tiddler A transcludes tiddler B which transcludes tiddler C which, in turn, transcludes tiddler A).
! Learning More
In TiddlyWiki, transclusions are not limited to including raw content like the above. To learn about more advanced uses of transclusion, see [[Transclusion with Templates]].
See also:
* [[Transclusion]]
* [[Transclusion with Templates]]
* [[Transclusion in WikiText]]
* TextReference
* TiddlerFields.
! Introduction
You can incorporate the content of one tiddler within another using the [[Transclusion]] notation:
* `{{MyTiddler}}` transcludes a single tiddler
* `{{MyTiddler||TemplateTitle}}` displays the tiddler through a specified [[TemplateTiddler|TemplateTiddlers]]
* `{{||TemplateTitle}}` displays the specified template tiddler without altering the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]
!! Transcluding Text References
You can also use a TextReference instead of a tiddler title:
* `{{MyTiddler!!field}}` transcludes a specified field of a tiddler
* `{{!!field}}` transcludes a specified field of the current tiddler
* `{{MyTiddler##index}}` transcludes a specified indexed property of a [[DataTiddler|DataTiddlers]]
* `{{##index}}` transcludes a specified indexed property of the current [[DataTiddler|DataTiddlers]]
!! Filtered Transclusion
A similar syntax can be used to transclude a list of tiddlers matching a specified [[filter|Filters]]:
{{{ [tag[mechanism]] }}}
{{{ [tag[mechanism]] ||TemplateTitle}}}
! Generated Widgets
The WikiText transclusion syntax generates a TiddlerWidget wrapped around a TranscludeWidget. For example, `{{MyTiddler||MyTemplate!!myField}}` generates the following pair of widgets:
<$tiddler tiddler="MyTiddler">
<$transclude tiddler="MyTemplate" field="myField"/>
See also:
* [[Transclusion Basic Usage]]
* [[Transclusion with Templates]]
* TemplateTiddlers
* TranscludeWidget
* [[Transclusion and Substitution]]
The <<.def transclusion>> [[variable|Variables]] is set by the <<.wlink TranscludeWidget>> widget to a string that identifies the position of that widget within the [[widget tree|Widgets]].
~TiddlyWiki's core uses it to detect recursive [[transclusion|Transclusion]]. It is also used to implement the <<.mlink qualify>> macro.
The string has the following syntax:
<$railroad text="""
"{" a "|" b "|" c "|" d "|" e "|" "}"
<ol style="list-style-type: lower-alpha;">
<li>the title of the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]</li>
<li>the title of the tiddler being transcluded</li>
<li>the name of the field being transcluded</li>
<li>the name of the property name or index being transcluded</li>
<li>the name of the subtiddler being transcluded from a plugin</li>
Many of the five items are often blank.
In the sidebar, the value of <<.var transclusion>> is:
> `{|$:/core/ui/PageTemplate/sidebar|||}`
When the tiddler <<.tid HelloThere>> is displayed in the story river, <<.var transclusion>> is set to:
> `{HelloThere|HelloThere|||}`
<<.variable-examples "transclusion">>
This example shows how to distinguish between the sidebar and other environments:
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""We are
emptyMessage="in the story river.">
in the sidebar.
In the sidebar, this would show `We are in the sidebar` instead.
! Introduction
In [[Transclusion Basic Usage]] we have seen how to include the content of a tiddler A into a tiddler B. Now suppose that tiddler A contains:
Hello, my title is {{!!title}}
This makes tiddler A display its title with a yellow background (see [[Styles and Classes in WikiText]] to learn about CSS style). Imagine that you want to display the title in the same way in tiddler B. But you don't want to copy/paste the style instructions, because you might want to change the background colour later and you want to keep it consistent among tiddlers. This looks like a typical case of transclusion, so let's try to transclude tiddler A in tiddler B the usual way with ``{{A}}``. You should see the following content in tiddler B:
Hello, my title is A
The style is applied as expected, but the title is wrong: we want ``{{!!title}}`` to refer to the target tiddler B, and not the source tiddler A.
The solution is to use a //template//. In this case, the source tiddler A is called the [[TemplateTiddler|TemplateTiddlers]], and it is //applied// to tiddler B using the notation ``{{||A}}``. The difference is that any TextReference which does not refer explicitly to a specific tiddler is applied to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]], that is, the target tiddler. As a result, tiddler B now looks as expected:
Hello, my title is B
! Usage
Transcluding via a template is like applying a mask: assuming that the source tiddler contains generic references (like eye holes in a mask), these will be replaced with the target tiddlers values (like the eyes of the person who wears the mask).
A template can be applied to any tiddler, not necessarily the current one. This is achieved using the full notation ``{{<target>||<template>}}``. The default ``<target>`` is the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]] (this is what we used in the above example).
! Examples
!! A predefined template to render tags nicely
You can apply the system template ``$:/core/ui/TagTemplate`` to a tag in order to see it as a tag pill with a drop-down menu:
is rendered as {{Transclusion||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}
See also:
* [[Transclusion in WikiText]]
* [[Transclusion Basic Usage]]
* TextReference
* TemplateTiddlers
* TranscludeWidget
* [[Current Tiddler]]
There is a special edition of TiddlyWiki that simplifies creating and maintaining translations:
Note that no knowledge of Node.js or GitHub is required.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/dev for technical details of creating and maintaining translations.
The translation mechanism of TiddlyWiki manages and switches between language plugins that provide translations of the TiddlyWiki user interface. The developer site at http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/ explains how translators can create and submit translations for TiddlyWiki.
The title of the current language plugin is read from the tiddler [[$:/language]]. If the selected plugin changes then any displayed translateable text automatically changes.
Translation plugins are bundles of tiddlers that each contain an indepedent translatable string. The strings are transcluded as needed.
Translatable strings are generally in the namespace `$:/language/`, for example:
* [[$:/language/EditTemplate/Shadow/OverriddenWarning]]
* [[$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/isfilteroperator]]
* [[$:/language/EditTemplate/Fields/Add/Value/Placeholder]]
Here are some webpages with tips and tutorials related to ~TiddlyWiki
<div class="tc-link-info">
<$list filter="[tag[Tutorials]!sort[modified]]">
<div class="tc-link-info-item">
! <$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
<div class="tc-subtitle">Posted <$view field="modified" format="relativedate"/></div>
The <<.def tv-auto-open-on-import>> [[variable|Variables]] controls whether the `tm-import-tiddlers` message causes the tiddler [[$:/Import]] (which lists the pending imports) to open in the story river.
By default, the tiddler is opened. But if this variable has the value <<.value no>>, it isn't.
An example of setting this variable to <<.value no>> can be found in the upgrade plugin within the [[TiddlyWiki Upgrade Wizard|http://www.tiddlywiki.com/upgrade.html]]. People can drag their wiki files onto the wizard without triggering the normal import display.
The <<.def tv-config-toolbar-class>> [[variable|Variables]] controls the value of the [[CSS|Cascading Style Sheets]] `class` attribute on the HTML element for a toolbar button.
It can be set prior to transcluding such a button.
In most environments, it defaults to <<.value tc-btn-invisible>>, which removes the button's background colour and border.
<<.variable-examples "tv-config-toolbar-class">>
.green-background {
background-color: green;
fill: white;
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<$set name="tv-config-toolbar-class" value="tc-btn-invisible">
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2"
eg="""<$set name="tv-config-toolbar-class" value="green-background">
The `green-background` [[CSS|Cascading Style Sheets]] class is declared in a stylesheet within this tiddler.
The <<.def tv-config-toolbar-icons>> [[variable|Variables]] controls whether toolbar buttons display icons.
<<.this-is-toolbar-config-variable $:/config/Toolbar/Icons>>
<<.variable-examples "tv-config-toolbar-icons">>
See also <<.vlink tv-config-toolbar-text>>.
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<$set name="tv-config-toolbar-icons" value="no">
<$set name="tv-config-toolbar-text" value="yes">
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2"
eg="""<$set name="tv-config-toolbar-icons" value="yes">
The <<.def tv-config-toolbar-text>> [[variable|Variables]] controls whether toolbar buttons display text.
<<.this-is-toolbar-config-variable $:/config/Toolbar/Text>>
<<.variable-examples "tv-config-toolbar-text">>
See also <<.vlink tv-config-toolbar-icons>>.
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<$set name="tv-config-toolbar-text" value="no">
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2"
eg="""<$set name="tv-config-toolbar-text" value="yes">
The <<.def tv-get-export-image-link>> [[variable|Variables]] controls the value of the `src` attribute on the HTML `img` element generated by the <<.wlink ImageWidget>> widget when the value of its `source` attribute is not the title of a tiddler.
The variable should be a [[macro|Macros]] with the following parameter:
: The value of the `source` attribute -- equivalent to the image name specified in <$link to="Images in WikiText">the shorthand syntax</$link> `[img[source]]`
The ability to override image URIs in this way can be useful when one is using the [[Node.js configuration|TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] to export a static version of a wiki.
<<.variable-examples "tv-get-export-image-link">>
This example fetches [[the TiddlyWiki icon|http://www.tiddlywiki.com/favicon.ico]]:
<$importvariables filter="$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/tv-get-export-image-link">
<$codeblock code={{$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/tv-get-export-image-link}}/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""[img[favicon.ico]]"""/>
The <<.def tv-get-export-link>> [[variable|Variables]] controls the value of the `href` attribute on the HTML `a` element generated by the <<.wlink LinkWidget>> widget.
The variable should be a [[macro|Macros]] with the following parameter:
: The title of the target tiddler of the link, with no escaping
See also <<.vlink tv-wikilink-template>>. If both that variable and this one exist, this one dominates.
The <<.def tv-get-export-path>> [[variable|Variables]] specifies the full pathname to which the <<.clink rendertiddlers RenderTiddlersCommand>> [[Node.js|TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] command writes each tiddler.
The variable should be implemented as a <<.js-macro-link "JavaScript macro">> with the following parameter:
: The title of the tiddler
If no such macro exists, the tiddlers are written to files whose names are [[percent-encoded|Percent Encoding]], in the command's output folder.
The <<.def tv-tiddler-preview>> [[variable|Variables]] indicates whether content is being rendered in a tiddler preview panel.
The value is ''yes'' within the preview panel, and undefined elsewhere.
The <<.def tv-wikilink-template>> [[variable|Variables]] controls the value of the `href` attribute on the HTML `a` element generated by the <<.wlink LinkWidget>> widget.
The variable is treated as if it was a [[macro|Macros]] with the following parameters:
: The title of the target tiddler of the link, but [[percent-encoded|Percent Encoding]]
: The value of the <<.param uri_encoded>> parameter but percent-encoded again, i.e. with its `%` characters further converted to `%25`
> `\define tv-wikilink-template() ../tiddlers/$uri_encoded$.html`
The variable defaults to `#$uri_encoded$`.
See also the <<.vlink tv-get-export-link>> variable, which dominates over this one.
The <<.def tv-wikilink-tooltip>> [[variable|Variables]] specifies the default value for the <<.attr tooltip>> attribute of the <<.wlink LinkWidget>> widget.
It is often defined as a [[macro|Macros]], and its value parsed as inline WikiText.
<<.variable-examples "tv-wikilink-tooltip">>
This example shows a way of giving links a tooltip derived from the target tiddler's <<.field caption>> field:
<$importvariables filter="$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/tv-wikilink-tooltip">
<$codeblock code={{$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/tv-wikilink-tooltip}}/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""Here is a link to [[backlinks Operator]] with a custom tooltip."""/>
Here is [[a standard link|HelloThere]] for comparison.
The <<.def tv-wikilinks>> [[variable|Variables]] controls the behaviour of the <<.wlink LinkWidget>> widget.
The widget normally produces a link to a tiddler. But if this variable has the value <<.value no>>, the widget suppresses the link and simply displays the text that would otherwise have served as the link.
You can suppress links for a whole tiddler by placing the following line at the start of the tiddler's text:
> `\define tv-wikilinks() no`
This variable has no effect on external links, as those do not involve the <<.wid link>> widget.
<<.variable-examples "tv-wikilinks">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
<$link to="HelloThere">is //this// a link?</$link>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2"
eg="""<$set name="tv-wikilinks" value="no">
<$link to="HelloThere">is //this// a link?</$link>
This experimental plugin adds the ability to display WikiText written for the original Classic version of TiddlyWiki.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/tw2parser/
A collection of hints and tips, musings and proposals from long-time TiddlyWiki contributor Mat Goldman.
This is Mat's, a.k.a <:-) little man-cave in the ~TiddlyVerse.
Most TW development is, understandably, based on the premise that //"Improve code ➔ Better TW"//. ''TWaddle'' is also about developing TW but from the perspective that [[Bigger community ⇄ Better TW]]. Thus, TWaddle looks more to people issues - how to attract them, how to make them stick with TW etc.
I'm not a programmer but I //am// a TW enthusiast so I tiddlefiddle enough to make the occasional discovery of something cool. Given the amount of words I utter, it is also a mere numbers game before I say something that makes sense. TWaddle is intended to capture these eventualities.
The [[CommunitySearch wiki|http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search]] aggregates many public wikis from the community. It is updated automatically every day. At the time of writing, more than 5000 tiddlers are indexed, thus giving access to the largest known collection of TW content.
It lets you search for some specific content among a preselected list of wikis. The indexed content is mostly focused on TW usage, so you would typically use this search system to find information about a particular aspect of TiddlyWiki. Say for example that you want to learn how to make a table of content, type "table of content" in the [[CommunitySearch box|http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/#CommunitySearch]] (also accessible in the default tiddler [[GettingStarted|http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/#GettingStarted]]). The search results are links to various wikis, and point directly to the specific tiddlers containing your request.
The ~CommunitySearch wiki also lets you:
* Browse the [[list of wikis|http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/#CommunityWikis]]
* Browse the [[list of author|http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/#CommunityAuthors]]
* Browse the [[list of plugins|http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/#CommunityPlugins]]
* Access content by [[tag|http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/#CommunityTags]] (see also [[BookmarkingTags|http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/#BookmarkingTags]])
* Follow the [[latest news|http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/#CommunityNews]] from the community (and [[publish your own news|http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/#PublishingInCommunityNews]] if you are a wiki author)
A collection of community tips and tutorials curated by Andreas Hahn, including a handy "customiser" that simplifies creating an empty TiddlyWiki with selected plugins and enhancements.
Updated to include [[Tinka|http://twguides.org/tinka.html]], a plugin that "provides a GUI to create and modify plugins more easily, therefore saving time on the packaging process".
The intent of the project is to encourage people to use and actively tweak TiddlyWiki according to their needs. Similar to the old version, I also want to encourage people to share their knowledge and help other people get the most out of this wonderful piece of wiki software.
WikiText can include blocks of text that are rendered with an explicit ContentType like this:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="green" />
This renders as:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="green" />
It is also possible to abbreviate the ContentType to a file extension. For example:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="red" />
This renders as:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="red" />
Unknown types render as plain text:
Some plain text, which will not be //formatted//.
Which renders as:
Some plain text, which will not be //formatted//.
A render type can also be specified, causing a particular text rendering to be displayed. For example:
This is ''some'' wikitext
This is ''some'' wikitext
Renders as:
This is ''some'' wikitext
This is ''some'' wikitext
Use the [[documentation macros|Documentation Macros]] to keep the text maintainable in the face of change.
Be wary of arbitrarily applying raw bold or italic markup in a sentence. If there's a suitable macro, use that instead. If there isn't a suitable macro, write one or request one.
Use simple backticks (<code>`...`</code>) for fragments of WikiText, but not for the names of things like fields and widgets. These have their own macros.
To keep things clean and simple, quotation marks and apostrophes should be straight `'`, not curly `’`, and the ellipsis should be three separate dots `...` rather than `…`.
Use `"` as the primary quotation mark, reserving `'` for the rare case of a nested quotation.
Avoid using a single hyphen `-` as sentence punctuation. Instead, use a double hyphen -- which ~TiddlyWiki renders as an en-dash -- with a space on either side.
Items in lists and tables should only end with a full stop (period in US English) if they are complete sentences. They should have no trailing punctuation otherwise.
It is very rarely necessary to use an exclamation mark in professional documentation.
# Create a backup of your current TiddlyWiki HTML file ([[just in case|The First Rule of Using TiddlyWiki]])
# Open the [[$:/ControlPanel]] and go to the ''Plugins'' tab
# Click on the plugin you want to delete to open its tiddler
# Click the edit icon and then delete the tiddler
# Save your TiddlyWiki
# ''Refresh the window so that TiddlyWiki completely removes the plugin''
# The plugin should now be deleted
A tiddler is deemed to have no tags if it:
* doesn't exist
* doesn't have a <<.field tags>> field
* has an empty <<.field tags>> field
<<.operator-examples "untagged">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[untagged[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[all[shadows]untagged[]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[list[HelloThere]!untagged[]]">>
# Open upgrade.html
# Includes a data tiddler called `$:/UpgradeLibrary` that contains the latest compatible versions of all plugins in the library
# Drag in old wiki file
# Place tiddlers into a data tiddler `$:/Import` that is typed as a "pending import"
# Kick off import processing for each tiddler
## Give each "upgrader" module a chance to inspect the incoming tiddlers
## Upgrader modules can trigger actions for each tiddler:
##* Display a warning message
##* Don't import
##* Replace with another tiddler from the upgrade library
##* Disable incompatible plugins
# Display the newly created pending import tiddler through a new view template segment
## Displays the payload tiddlers as a list of titles and checkboxes, with a dropdown showing the full details of the tiddler
## Perhaps we also suppress the usual JSON display for data tiddlers behind a reveal widget
# The user can adjust the selection checkboxes
# Clicking "done" unpacks the selected tiddlers from the pending import tiddler
# The pending import tiddler and the upgrade library tiddler are excluded from the subsequent save operation
There are regular releases of TiddlyWiki with bug fixes and improvements. It's a good idea to keep up to date by regularly upgrading to the latest version.
! Introduction
The process described here is for upgrading standalone TiddlyWiki files. There is a [[different procedure|Upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] for upgrading [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]].
When upgrading, please remember the [[The First Rule of Using TiddlyWiki]]:
//You are responsible for looking after your own data; take care to make backups, especially when upgrading the ~TiddlyWiki core//
! Online upgrading
This process will work on most desktop browsers. Note that none of your personal data leaves your browser with this process.
# Locate your TiddlyWiki file in the file system (i.e. using Windows Explorer, the Finder on Mac OS X, or your file manager on Linux)
# Visit http://tiddlywiki.com/upgrade.html in your browser
# Drag your old TiddlyWiki HTML file into the browser window
#* If the file is encrypted you will be prompted for the password
# Review the list of tiddlers that will be upgraded
# Click ''Upgrade''
# Save changes to save the new version
This will download a file called ''upgrade.html'' to your computer. This file is the upgrade of your old file. You may need to open the location where ''upgrade.html'' was downloaded, rename ''upgrade.html'' with the name of the old file you are upgrading, and replace the old file by moving the new file in its place.
! Offline upgrading
You can also download http://tiddlywiki.com/upgrade.html locally and perform the same drag-and-drop procedure to upgrade your files.
! Problems with Upgrades
!! Firefox Security Restrictions
The following error occurs when trying to perform the online upgrade procedure using Firefox:
Error while saving:
Error:NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI: Access to restricted URI denied
The upgrade operation falls foul of a security restriction in Firefox. Until this can be resolved, we suggest either using the offline upgrader, or using Chrome to perform the upgrade:
# Use Chrome to open http://tiddlywiki.com/upgrade.html, then drag the TiddlyWiki HTML file to be upgraded into the upgrader window, as described above in ''Online upgrading''
# After you've saved your upgraded file, you should be able to open it in Firefox and [[save using TiddlyFox|Saving with TiddlyFox]] again
!! Incompatible Customisations
It is possible for a customisation applied in a previous version to break when upgraded to the latest version. There are two techniques you can use to help track down issues:
* Try repeating the upgrade having selectively unchecked any tiddlers that may be applying customisations to TiddlyWiki
* Use SafeMode to disable all customisations of shadow tiddlers
You can see which shadow tiddlers have been overridden in the ''Filter'' tab of [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]]. Select "Overridden shadow tiddlers" from the dropdown.
If you've installed [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] on the usual way, when a new version is released you can upgrade it with this command:
npm update -g tiddlywiki
On Mac or Linux you'll need to add ''sudo'' like this:
sudo npm update -g tiddlywiki
A <<.dlink-ex "URI" "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniform_resource_identifier">> (also often known as a <<.def URL>>) is a string of characters used to specify the location of a resource such as a web page.
By default, when running [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]], the server exposes the wiki at the URI formed from the protocol, host and port - for example, ``.
There are two steps to running the wiki at a custom path like ``:
# Configure the server by passing `/path/to/my/wiki` as the ''pathprefix'' argument of the ServerCommand
# Configure the client by creating a tiddler called `$:/config/tiddlyweb/host` that contains `$protocol$//$host$/path/to/my/wiki/`
You can use links (normally displayed as blue text) to navigate from one tiddler to another. Clicking on a link to any tiddler will take you to that tiddler. If the tiddler is closed, it will be opened. The wonderful thing about ~TiddlyWiki is that it makes links to tiddlers as accessible as possible. There are links everywhere! Here are the key places where you can find links to tiddlers in ~TiddlyWiki:
* You can ''create a link'' to a tiddler, whether it exists yet or not, in the body of any tiddler. See [[Linking in WikiText]] to see the various easy ways to create links between tiddlers.
* Each ''tag pill'' in your tiddler (such as the ''Working with ~TiddlyWiki'' tag pill below the title of this tiddler) contains a link to that tag's tiddler, as well as lists of all the tiddlers that carry that tag. This lets you go to any of those tiddlers.
* The ''InfoPanel'' of each tiddler gives you access to four tabs containing additional lists of related tiddlers:
** The ''References'' tab lists all the tiddlers that link //to// the current tiddler.
** The ''Tagging'' tab lists all the tiddlers that have been tagged with the current tiddler's title.
** The ''List'' tab lists all the tiddlers (or potential tiddlers) mentioned in the [[list field|ListField]] of the current tiddler.
** The ''Listed'' tab lists all the tiddlers that mention the current tiddler in //their// list fields.
* The ''sidebar tabs'' contain numerous lists of links to tiddlers:
** The ''Open'' tab lists all the tiddlers that are currently open, i.e. visible somewhere on the page.
** The ''Recent'' tab lists the 100 most recently modified tiddlers, beginning with the most recently modified.
** The ''More'' tab offers eight additional lists of tiddlers:
*** ''All'' lists all tiddlers in alphabetical order.
*** ''Tags'' lists all the tags. You can click on the pill for any tag to access a list of the tiddlers tagged with that tag.
*** ''Missing'' lists any tiddlers that don't yet exist, but have been linked to from other tiddlers. This is helpful for finding tiddlers you planned to create, but never got around to.
*** ''Drafts'' lists any tiddlers that are currently in draft mode. ~TiddlyWiki considers a tiddler's draft to be a separate tiddler for as long as you are editing it, so while you're editing a tiddler entitled ''Australia'', there will be two tiddlers, ''Australia'' and ''Draft of 'Australia'''. When you close the draft by saving your changes to it, those changes will be applied to the ''Australia'' tiddler. So treat the ''Drafts'' tab as a way of finding any unfinished drafts you started.
*** ''Orphans'' lists all the tiddlers that are not connected to any other tiddler by links, tags or lists. This is a helpful aid to editing your file - it shows you which tiddlers need to be integrated more carefully with the others.
*** ''Types'' lists any tiddlers with special content, such as images or audio.
*** ''System'' lists all of the SystemTiddlers.
*** ''Shadows'' lists all of the ShadowTiddlers.
* ''Search results'' are a list of the tiddlers that contain the text you type in the search box.
* Finally, you can create your own custom lists of tiddlers by various methods:
** You can transclude a [[filter|Filters]] (see [[Transclusion in WikiText]]). For example, adding `{{{ [tag[mountain]] }}}` to a tiddler will insert a list of all tiddlers tagged with ''mountain''.
** You can use the ListWidget. This is more complicated than transcluding a [[filter|Filters]], but in return it allows you more flexibility in designing and displaying the list exactly as you want it to appear.
The first steps to changing the appearance of TiddlyWiki are to choose and apply one of the available themes, or to modify the [[colour palette|ColourPalettes]].
In addition, custom [[CSS stylesheets|http://www.w3schools.com/css]] can be defined by tagging a tiddler `$:/tags/Stylesheet`. Try creating a custom stylesheet now with the following content in order to change the page background colour to red:
html body.tc-body {
background: red;
! Overriding Theme Settings
Custom stylesheets are applied independently from theme stylesheets. Therefore, it is often necessary for the css rules in your custom stylesheet to be more specific than those of the theme you want to override. For example, `html body.tc-body` is more specific than `body.tc-body`.
! Stylesheet Types
Usually it is best to use the type `text/css` for stylesheets. This treats them as plain stylesheets, and ensures that TiddlyWiki doesn't apply any wiki processing to them.
If you wish to use macros and transclusions in your stylesheets you should instead use the default WikiText type `text/vnd.tiddlywiki`. This allows full WikiText processing to be performed. Here is an example:
\rules only filteredtranscludeinline transcludeinline macrodef macrocallinline html
body.tc-body pre {
<<box-shadow "inset 0 1px 0 #fff">>
The `\rules` pragma at the top of the tiddler restricts the WikiText to just allow macros and transclusion. This avoids mistakenly triggering unwanted WikiText processing.
A stylesheet tiddler is processed such that it is first wikified and then the text portion of the ouput is extracted to apply as the CSS. Any HTML tags you will use in your stylesheet are thus ignored. For example, HTML elements generated by the RevealWidget will not affect the output. As in the following example, you can wrap CSS rules in `<pre>` tags to display them as a codeblock without affecting processing, including handling the inner macro.
\rules only filteredtranscludeinline transcludeinline macrodef macrocallinline html
<pre>body.tc-body pre {
<<box-shadow "inset 0 1px 0 #fff">>
!! Stylesheet Macros
The ~TiddlyWiki core provides several [[global macros that are helpful in constructing stylesheets|Stylesheet Macros]].
TiddlyWiki5 can be used to produce documentation for GitHub projects. It lets you maintain a single set of documentation as a [[TiddlyWikiFolder|TiddlyWikiFolders]] containing separate tiddler files under source code control, and then use it to produce `readme.md` files for inclusion in project folders, or HTML files for storage in [[GitHub Pages|http://pages.github.com/]]. Both features are demonstrated by TiddlyWiki5 itself.
! Generating `readme.md` files
When displaying the contents of a folder GitHub will look for a `readme.md` file and display it. Note that it will not display full HTML files in this way, just static MarkDown files (this is a security measure). Happily MarkDown permits a safe subset of HTML, and thus to generate a `readme.md` file that is suitable for GitHub it is just necessary for TiddlyWiki5 to generate the content of the `<body>` element of an HTML document, and give it the appropriate filename.
This is done with this command:
--rendertiddler ReadMe ./readme.md text/html
It saves the tiddler ReadMe to the file `./readme.md` in the `text/html` format.
By default, tiddler links will be rendered as `<a>` links to a relative URI consisting of the title of the tiddler. This behaviour can be overridden by defining the macro `tv-wikilink-template`, as is done at the top of the tiddler ReadMe:
\define tv-wikilink-template() http://tiddlywiki.com/static/$uri_doubleencoded$.html
See the LinkWidget for more details.
In this example, tiddler links are rendered as links to the static rendering of tw5.com.
TiddlyWiki5 can be used on the command line to perform an extensive set of operations based on TiddlyWikiFolders, TiddlerFiles and TiddlyWikiFiles.
For example, the following command loads the tiddlers from a TiddlyWiki HTML file and then saves one of them in static HTML:
tiddlywiki --verbose --load mywiki.html --rendertiddler ReadMe ./readme.html
Running `tiddlywiki` from the command line boots the TiddlyWiki kernel, loads the core plugins and establishes an empty wiki store. It then sequentially processes the command line arguments from left to right. The arguments are separated with spaces.
The first argument is the optional path to the [[TiddlyWikiFolder|TiddlyWikiFolders]] to be loaded. If not present, then the current directory is used.
The commands and their individual arguments follow, each command being identified by the prefix `--`.
tiddlywiki [<wikipath>] [--<command> [<arg>[,<arg>]]]
The available commands are:
<<list-links "[tag[Commands]]">>
TiddlyWiki5 allows you to use SVG to display vector graphics in two ways:
* Tiddlers with the type `image/svg+xml` are interpreted as SVG images, and displayed and transcluded as self-contained `<img>` elements with the SVG embedded as a data URI in the `src` attribute.
** For examples of SVG images see [[Motovun Jack.svg]] and [[Tiddler Fishes.svg]]
* WikiText can also include inline SVG elements directly. See below for an example.
! Embedding SVG tiddlers
You can embed an SVG image tiddler using the ordinary transclusion syntax:
{{Motovun Jack.jpg}}
You can also use TypedBlockWikiText to embed an inline SVG tiddler.
The implications of the image being rendered within an `<img>` element are that it is sandboxed; it can't use CSS styles from the parent document, for example. Neither can the image use WikiText features like transclusion.
! Embedding SVG elements
The other way to use SVG is to embed the `<svg>` element directly. For example:
<svg width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="red" />
Note that inline SVG elements don't need an `<?xml version="1.0"?>` directive.
! Including HTML or WikiText content in SVG images
You can include simple text strings in SVG images using the `<text>` element:
<svg width="100px" height="30px" viewBox="0 0 1000 300"><text x="250" y="150" font-family="Verdana" font-size="55">Hello, out there</text><rect x="1" y="1" width="998" height="298" fill="none" stroke-width="2" /></svg>
HTML or WikiText content can be included within inline SVG images using the `<foreignObject>` element. For example:
<svg width="260px" height="260px"><circle cx="150" cy="150" r="100" fill="blue" stoke="red"/><foreignObject x="70" y="110" width="150" height="180"><body>Here is some text that requires a word wrap, and includes a [[link to a tiddler|HelloThere]].</body></foreignObject></svg>
! Transcluding SVG elements
When embedding SVG elements you can also use WikiText features like transclusion. For example, here is an SVG circle with the radius set to the value in the tiddler [[$:/SVGExampleRadius]]:
<svg width="150" height="150"><circle cx="75" cy="75" r={{$:/SVGExampleRadius}} stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="green"/></svg>
You can edit the value of the radius here: <$edit-text tiddler="$:/SVGExampleRadius" tag="input"/>
! Making curved text with SVG
{{Making curved text with SVG}}
A <<.def variable>> is a snippet of text that can be accessed by name within a particular branch of the [[widget tree|Widgets]]. The snippet is known as the variable's <<.def value>>.
A new variable is defined using a <<.wlink SetWidget>> widget, and is then available to any of the children of that widget, including transcluded content. A <<.wid set>> widget can reuse an existing name, thus binding a different snippet to that name for the duration of the widget's children.
The <<.wlink ListWidget>> widget also sets a particular variable (<<.var currentTiddler>> by default) to each listed title in turn.
For an overview of how to use variables, see [[Variables in WikiText]].
Despite the term <<.word variable>>, each snippet is a constant string. The apparent variability is actually the result of the presence of multiple variables with the same name in different parts of the widget tree.
[[Macros]] are a special form of variable whose value can contain placeholders that get filled in with parameters whenever the macro is used.
By themselves, the snippets are <<.em not>> parsed as WikiText. However, a variable reference will transclude a snippet into a context where ~WikiText parsing <<.em may>> be occurring. Within a snippet, the only markup detected is `$name$` for a macro parameter transclusion and `$(name)$` for a variable transclusion.
The <<.mlink dumpvariables>> macro lists all variables (including macros) that are available at that position in the widget tree.
~TiddlyWiki's core has [[several variables|Core Variables]] built in.
See also the [[introduction to the concept of variables|Variables]].
To transclude the value of a variable, use the [[macro call syntax|Macro Calls in WikiText]] with no parameters. You can also use a <<.wlink MacroCallWidget>> widget.
A [[macro|Macros]] snippet can contain `$(name)$` as a [[placeholder|Macro Definitions in WikiText]] for which the value of the variable of that name will be substituted.
A variable's value can be used as a [[filter parameter|Filter Parameter]], or as a [[widget attribute|Widgets in WikiText]]. The latter supports macro parameters.
!! Example: defining a variable
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<$set name=animal value=zebra>
!! Example: defining a macro
The `\define` pragma below [[defines a macro|Macros in WikiText]] called <<.var tags-of-current-tiddler>>. The macro returns the value of the tiddler's <<.field tags>> field, and can be accessed from anywhere else in the same tiddler (or in any tiddler that [[imports|ImportVariablesWidget]] it).
<$importvariables filter="$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/tags-of-current-tiddler">
<$codeblock code={{$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/tags-of-current-tiddler}}/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2" eg="""The tags are: <<tags-of-current-tiddler>>"""/>
!! Example: using a variable as a filter parameter
This example uses the <<.olink backlinks>> [[operator|Filter Operators]] to list all tiddlers that link to this one.
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="3" eg="""<<list-links filter:"[<currentTiddler>backlinks[]]">>"""/>
! Introduction
The ''vars'' widget allows multiple variables to be set in one operation. In some situations it can result in simpler code than using the more flexible SetWidget.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$vars>` widget is the scope for the value assigned to the variable.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|//{attributes not starting with $}// |Each attribute name specifies a variable name. The attribute value is assigned to the variable |
! Examples
Consider a case where you need to set multiple variables.
Using the `<$vars>` widget, this situation may be handled in the following way:
\define helloworld() Hello world!
<$vars greeting="Hi" me={{!!title}} sentence=<<helloworld>>>
<<greeting>>! I am <<me>> and I say: <<sentence>>
In contrast, here is the same example using the `<$set>` widget:
<$set name="greeting" value="Hi" />
<$set name="me" value={{!!title}} />
<$set name="sentence" value=<<helloworld>> />
<<greeting>>! I am <<me>> and I say: <<sentence>>
! Remarks
It should be noted that this widget differs from the set widget in the following ways:
* A fallback (also known as "emptyValue") cannot be specified
* Filters cannot be used to produce a conditional variable assignement
* Variable names must be literal strings
The <<.def version>> [[macro|Macros]] returns the current version number of ~TiddlyWiki.
!! Parameters
<<.macro-examples "version">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""Version number: <<version>>"""/>
The following TiddlyWiki videos are available.
<<list-links "[tag[Videos]]">>
The aim is to curate a series of videos to guide people through getting up and running with TiddlyWiki. [[Contributions|Contributing]] are welcome.
! Introduction
The view widget displays the contents of a tiddler field in a specified format.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$view>` widget is displayed if the field or property is missing or empty.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The title of the tiddler (defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]) |
|field |The name of the field to view (defaults to "text") |
|index |The name of the index to view |
|format |The format for displaying the field (see below) |
|template |Optional template string used with certain formats such as dates |
|subtiddler |Optional SubTiddler title when the target tiddler is a [[plugin|Plugins]] (see below) |
!! Formats
The following formats can be specified in the `format` attribute:
|!Format |!Description |
|''text'' |Plain text |
|''htmlwikified'' |The field is wikified and the resulting HTML returned as plain text |
|''htmlencoded'' |The field is displayed with HTML encoding issues |
|''date'' |The field is interpreted as a UTC date and displayed according to the DateFormat specified in the `template` attribute |
|''relativedate'' |The field is interpreted as a UTC date and displayed as the interval from the present instant |
|''stripcomments'' |The field is interpreted as JavaScript source code and any lines beginning `\\#` are stripped |
|''jsencoded'' |The field is displayed as a JavaScript encoded string |
! SubTiddler Access
The view widget allows access to the individual tiddlers stored within a [[plugin|Plugins]].
The following example will view the core version of the tiddler [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]] even if it has been overridden:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '
<$view tiddler="$:/core" subtiddler="$:/DefaultTiddlers"/>
An interactive timeline visualisation plugin based on [[Vis.js|http://visjs.org]]. A demo can be found here: {{!!url}}.
vis.js Timeline is a TiddlyWiki plugin that allows you to link your wiki-topics (tiddlers) in order to create clickable timelines. This project is a direct continuation of [[emkay's plugin|https://github.com/emkayonline/tw5visjs]].
<a class="tc-float-right tc-bordered-image" href="http://classic.tiddlywiki.com/" target="_blank">[img width="200" [TiddlyWiki Classic.png]]</a>
The original [[Classic|TiddlyWikiClassic]] version of TiddlyWiki is still available at:
Note that the [[current version|TiddlyWiki5]] of TiddlyWiki is not fully backwards compatible with TiddlyWikiClassic. Content can be imported but will need massaging to adapt to the new WikiText format. A ''tw2parser'' plugin is under development that will allow faithful display of most content created for TiddlyWikiClassic:
The `tm-add-field` message is handled by the FieldManglerWidget. It adds the specified field with a blank value if the field doesn't already exist.
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Name of field to add |
The add field message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the FieldManglerWidget.
The `tm-add-tag` message is handled by the FieldManglerWidget. It adds the specified tag.
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Name of tag to add |
The add tag message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the FieldManglerWidget.
The autosave wiki message causes the current saver module to perform a background save if it is required.
The autosave wiki message should be generated whenever changes are made to the store. For example, the navigator widget generates the autosave wiki message as part of its handling of the [[WidgetMessage: tm-save-tiddler]], [[WidgetMessage: tm-delete-tiddler]] and [[WidgetMessage: tm-perform-import]].
The autosave wiki message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SaverModule|SaverModules]]. Not all SaverModules can handle autosaving.
The `tm-browser-refresh` message refreshes the page, causing the re-initialisation of any plugin tiddlers. It does not require any properties on the `event` object.
The refresh message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the core.
The `tm-cancel-tiddler` message abandons the changes in a draft tiddler. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is being cancelled out of edit mode |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The cancel tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The `tm-clear-password` message clears the current password from the password vault, clearing the [[$:/isEncrypted]] tiddler. See EncryptionMechanism for details.
This message is typically generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the core itself.
The close all tiddlers message empties the story list.
The close all tiddlers message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The `tm-close-other-tiddlers` message removes all but a specified tiddler from the story list. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is not to be closed |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The close other tiddlers message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The `tm-close-tiddler` message removes a specified tiddler from the story list. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is to be closed |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The close tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The `tm-delete-tiddler` message deletes the specified tiddler and removes it from the current story. If the tiddler is a draft then it also deletes the tiddler specified in the `draft.of` field. The delete tiddler message requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is to be deleted |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The delete tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The download file message causes the current saver module to prompt the user to download the result of parsing a specified template tiddler as a file. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of a tiddler to use as a template for the new tiddler |
|paramObject |Optional hashmap of variable values to use for the rendering |
The download file message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget.
The download file message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SaverModule|SaverModules]].
The `tm-edit-tiddler` message replaces the specified tiddler in the current story with a draft version of itself. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is being switched to edit mode |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The edit tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget or the ActionSendMessageWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The fullscreen message toggles the "fullscreen" mode of the browser, if it supports it.
The fullscreen message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core.
The `tm-home` message closes any open tiddlers and re-opens the default tiddlers set in [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]]. It also remove any [[permalink|PermaLinks]] from the browser address bar. It does not require any properties on the `event` object.
The home message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the core.
The `tm-import-tiddlers` message inserts a list of tiddlers into the pending import tiddler [[$:/Import]]. It also applies any active ''upgrader'' modules to each tiddler as it arrives (see the UpgradeMechanism for more details).
|!Name |!Description |
|param |JSON text of the array of tiddlers to be imported |
The import tiddlers message is usually generated with the DropzoneWidget or the BrowseWidget, and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
! Configuration Variables
* <<.vlink tv-auto-open-on-import>>
The login message prompts the user for a username and password and attempts to login to the current serverside host. The tiddler [[$:/status/IsLoggedIn]] reflects the current login status with the values "yes" or "no", and [[$:/status/UserName]] reflects the current username.
The login message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SyncAdaptorModule|SyncAdaptorModules]] (typically the ''tiddlywiki/tiddlywebadaptor'' plugin).
The logout message attempts to log the user out of the current serverside host. The tiddler [[$:/status/IsLoggedIn]] reflects the current login status with the values "yes" or "no", and [[$:/status/UserName]] reflects the current username.
The logout message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SyncAdaptorModule|SyncAdaptorModules]] (typically the ''tiddlywiki/tiddlywebadaptor'' plugin).
The modal message displays a specified tiddler in a modal overlay that dims the main page. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler to be displayed |
|paramObject |Hashmap of variables to be provided to the modal |
The "currentTiddler" variable is set to the title of the modal tiddler, but can be overridden by specifying a different value in `paramObject`.
The modal message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget. The modal message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core.
! Example
Here is an example of displaying a modal and passing parameters to it:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src='Your name: <$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/yourName" tag="input" default="Your name"/>
Your message:
<$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/yourMessage" default="Your message"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-modal" $param="SampleModal" yourName={{$:/temp/yourName}} yourMessage={{$:/temp/yourMessage}}/>
Click me!
The `tm-navigate` message inserts the specified tiddler into the story and puts it at the top of the history stack. If the tiddler is not already present in the story then it will be positioned immediately after the tiddler specified in `event.navigateFromTitle`.
The navigate message requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|navigateTo |Title of the tiddler that is being navigated |
|navigateFromTitle |Title of the tiddler from which the navigation was initiated |
|navigateFromClientRect |Bounding rectangle in client page coordinates of the element initiating the navigation |
|navigateSuppressNavigation |''true'' causes the new tiddler to only be added to the story, and not the history stack. This suppresses the scrolling associated with navigating to a tiddler |
The navigate message can be generated by the LinkWidget, the ActionNavigateWidget and the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The new tiddler message creates a new draft tiddler and adds it to the current story. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |The optional title of a tiddler to use as a template for the new tiddler |
|paramObject |Optional hashmap of additional tiddler fields |
|navigateFromTitle |Title of the tiddler from which the navigation to the new tiddler was initiated |
The title for the draft tiddler is chosen according to these rules:
* If a hashmap was used and a title field was specified, use that title
* If a template tiddler was used, use the title of the template tiddler, making it unique with a numeric suffix
* Otherwise, generate a new title based on the default new tiddler title with a numeric suffix to make it unique
The new tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget or ActionSendMessageWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
! Example
To make a button that creates new tiddlers tagged "task", create a tiddler called "TaskTemplate" with that tag, and then make your button like this:
<$button message="tm-new-tiddler" param="TaskTemplate">New Task</$button>
The notify message briefly displays a specified tiddler as a small alert in the upper right corner of the page. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler to be displayed |
The notify message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core.
The perform import message copies tiddlers from a specified plugin into the main store. See the UpgradeMechanism for an overview of how it is used by the core.
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the pending import tiddler. Defaults to ''$:/Import'' |
To select which tiddlers are to be imported, fields with names formed from `selection-` plus the title of the tiddler are used. The value ''unchecked'' causes the tiddler to be skipped from the import.
The perform import message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The `tm-permalink` message changes the browser address bar to form a [[permalink|PermaLinks]] to a specified tiddler, defaulting to the current tiddler.
The permalink message supports the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler to be permalinked |
|tiddlerTitle |The current tiddler (used by default if the tiddler title isn't specified in the `param`) |
The permalink message can be generated by the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the story mechanism.
The `tm-permaview` message changes the browser address bar to form a [[permaview|PermaLinks]] that specifies all the open tiddlers in the main story river, and the tiddler to be navigated, defaulting to the current tiddler.
The permaview message supports the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler to be navigated within the permaview |
|tiddlerTitle |The current tiddler (used by default if the tiddler title isn't specified in the `param`) |
The permaview message can be generated by the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the story mechanism.
The `tm-remove-field` message is handled by the FieldManglerWidget. It removes the specified field.
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Name of field to remove |
The remove field message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the FieldManglerWidget.
The `tm-remove-tag` message is handled by the FieldManglerWidget. It removes the specified tag.
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Name of tag to remove |
The remove tag message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the FieldManglerWidget.
The `tm-save-tiddler` message is applied to draft tiddlers. It saves the draft over the tiddler identified in the `draft.of` field and then deletes the draft. The save tiddler message requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is being switched out of edit mode |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The save tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The save wiki message causes the current saver module to perform a full save operation. The save operation can involve user interaction. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of a tiddler to use as a template for rendering the wiki (defaults to `$:/core/save/all`) |
|paramObject |Optional hashmap of variable values to use for the rendering |
The save wiki message is usually generated by the ButtonWidget.
The save wiki message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SaverModule|SaverModules]].
The server refresh message attempts to synchronise the latest changes to the current serverside host.
The server refresh message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SyncAdaptorModule|SyncAdaptorModules]] (typically the ''tiddlywiki/tiddlywebadaptor'' plugin).
The `tm-set-password` message prompts the user for a new password and stores it in the password vault, replacing any existing password. It also sets the [[$:/isEncrypted]] tiddler. See EncryptionMechanism for details.
This message is typically generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the core itself.
~TiddlyWiki's display is driven by an underlying collection of <<.def widgets>>. These are organised into a tree structure: each widget has a parent widget and zero or more child widgets.
~TiddlyWiki generates this <<.def "widget tree">> by parsing the WikiText of tiddlers. Each component of the WikiText syntax, including even the trivial case of ordinary text, generates a corresponding widget. The widget tree is an intermediate representation that is subsequently rendered into the actual display.
Widgets are analogous to elements in an HTML document. Indeed, HTML tags in WikiText generate dedicated <<.def "element widgets">>.
Each class of widget contributes a specific ability to the overall functionality, such as the ability to <<.wlink2 "display an image" ImageWidget>> or <<.wlink2 "a button" ButtonWidget>>, to <<.wlink2 "call a macro" MacroCallWidget>> or <<.wlink2 "transclude text from elsewhere" TranscludeWidget>>, or to [[mark a piece of text as a heading|HTML in WikiText]].
The more specialised widgets use a general-purpose [[widget syntax|Widgets in WikiText]] as their only possible WikiText representation.
The following classes of widget are built into the core:
<<list-links "[tag[Widgets]]">>
Widgets provide rich functionality within WikiText. They have the same syntax as [[HTML elements|HTML in WikiText]], but the tag name always starts with `$`. For example:
<$button message="tm-close-tiddler">Close Me!</$button>
Note that widgets inherit all the features of [[HTML in WikiText]]:
* Widget attributes can be specified as:
** Unquoted strings (that cannot contain spaces)
** Strings quoted with single or double quotes
** Strings quoted with triple-double quotes
** Macro invocations (eg `attr=<<myMacro>>`)
** Transclusions (eg, `attr={{MyTiddler!!field}}`)
* The content of a widget is parsed in inline mode unless the opening tag is followed by two linebreaks, which forces block mode
** 'Inline mode' means that 'block mode' parse rules like headings, tables and lists are not recognised
See [[HTML in WikiText]] for more details.
The available widgets include:
<<list-links "[tag[Widgets]]">>
Groups of uniquely titled tiddlers are contained in WikiStore objects.
The WikiStore also manages the plugin modules used for widgets, and operations like serializing, deserializing, parsing and rendering tiddlers.
~WikiText is a concise, expressive way of typing a wide range of text formatting, hypertext and interactive features. It allows you to focus on writing without a complex user interface getting in the way. It is designed to be familiar for users of [[MarkDown|http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/]], but with more of a focus on linking and the interactive features.
See [[Formatting text in TiddlyWiki]] for an introduction to WikiText.
The following elements of WikiText syntax are built into the core:
<<list-links "[tag[WikiText]]">>
Under Windows it is possible to convert TiddlyWiki into a true local application by renaming the HTML file to have the extension `*.hta`. The ''fsosaver'' module can then use the ~ActiveX ~FileSystemObject to save changes.
Note that one disadvantage of this approach is that the TiddlyWiki file is saved in UTF-16 format, making it up to twice as large as it would be with the usual UTF-8 encoding. However, opening and saving the file via another saving method will re-encode the file to UTF-8.
See Wikipedia for more details: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML_Application
! Introduction
If you want to [[contribute|Contributing]] to TiddlyWiki's development, rather than [[installing TiddlyWiki in the usual way|Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js]], you can work directly with the GitHub repository.
Mario Pietsch has created a [[short video introduction|Working with the TiddlyWiki5 repository video]].
! Setting Up
# Create an account on GitHub if you don't already have one
# Fork the TiddlyWiki5 GitHub repository from https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5
# Clone a local copy of your fork
# Open a command line terminal and change the current working directory to the root of the repo
# Type `npm link` (Windows) or `sudo npm link` (Mac/Linux) to tell [[npm]] to use this copy of the repo as the globally installed one
After this procedure you can work with TiddlyWiki5 via [[npm]] as though it were installed in the usual way with `npm install -g tiddlywiki`.
See also [[Scripts for TiddlyWiki on Node.js]].
Mario Pietsch has created a short video tutorial on [[working with the TiddlyWiki5 GitHub repository|Working with the TiddlyWiki5 repository]].
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/6ElUruH92tc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Information to help you get started using TiddlyWiki:
<<list-links "[tag[Working with TiddlyWiki]]">>
;<$text text="""Result is <$calc>1 + 1</$calc>""" />
:Result is <$calc>1 + 1</$calc>
;<$text text="""Result is <$calc>{{!!test}} + 1</$calc>""" />
:Result is <$calc>{{!!test}} + 1</$calc>
It's also possible to use the list widget inside the <$text text="""<$calc>""" /> widget to create sums of lists.
The <$text text="""<$calc>""" /> widget is a simple wrapper around [ext[math.js|http://mathjs.org/]]'s eval function. For those of you not familiar with math.js and eval, the short of it is that eval is able to intelligently evaluate mathematical expressions while not exposing th typical security issues inherent in eval.
In addition to just being able to evaluate standard expressions, I've added support for TextReferences among the code, so now you can store data in fields or data tiddlers and write expressions based on that data.
To import this plugin drag this link: [[$:/plugins/mklauber/math.js]]
Development on this plugin is managed at https://github.com/mklauber/tiddly-mathjs. Feel free to open a issue or PR.
This is an usage example of the macros. The macros does not modify any field or tiddler, you have to use any widget for that, for example a button. Here you have an example using the macro with a button widget. Hitting the button will add one to the current value of the order field.
<$edit-text size=1 tag="input" field="order"/>
<$button set=!!order setTo=<<sum "" "order" 1>> class="tc-btn-invisible">{{$:/core/images/chevron-up}}</$button>
Button code
<$button set=!!order setTo=<<sum "" "order" 1>> class="tc-btn-invisible">{{$:/core/images/chevron-up}}</$button>
This is the same example but using the subtract macro
<$edit-text size=1 tag="input" field="order"/>
<$button set=!!order setTo=<<subtract "" "order" 1>> class="tc-btn-invisible">{{$:/core/images/chevron-down}}</$button>
Button code
<$button set=!!order setTo=<<subtract "" "order" 1>> class="tc-btn-invisible">{{$:/core/images/chevron-down}}</$button>
This is an example in how to order a list using an order field and the sum and subtract macros:
<$list filter="[tag[item]!sort[order]]">
{{!!order}} {{!!title}} <$button set=!!order setTo=<<sum "" "order" 1>> class="tc-btn-invisible">{{$:/core/images/chevron-up}}</$button> <$button set=!!order setTo=<<subtract "" "order" 1>> class="tc-btn-invisible">{{$:/core/images/chevron-down}}</$button>
The code is very simple. Just a list with a very common filter and the buttons code from
the previous [[example|Basic example]].
<$list filter="[tag[item]!sort[order]]">
{{!!order}} {{!!title}} <$button set=!!order setTo=<<sum "" "order" 1>> class="tc-btn-invisible">{{$:/core/images/chevron-up}}</$button> <$button set=!!order setTo=<<subtract "" "order" 1>> class="tc-btn-invisible">{{$:/core/images/chevron-down}}</$button>
This wiki is a demonstration of two javascript macros for basic mathematic operations.
There are two macros, [[sum|$:/widgets/danielo515/sum.js]] and [[subtract|$:/widgets/danielo515/subtract.js]].
They sums or subtract to a value stored on the specified field of the specified tiddler.
The macros ''does not modify the tiddler'' in any way, this is an important detail.
They just return the result of the operation, is your responsibility to store that result at some place.
Please see the examples if you want to use the macros to modify the value in a permanent way.
To install any of the macros, just drag the follwing links to your wiki like they were a file on your file explorer:
* [[sum|$:/widgets/danielo515/sum.js]]
* [[subtract|$:/widgets/danielo515/subtract.js]].
Here is a list of the parameters the macros accepts:
|! parameter |! default value |! description |
| tiddler | current tiddler | the tiddler to take the field from |
| field | 0 | The field from where you want to take the start value |
| ammount | 1 | the value to add or subtract to the value hold at the field |
| max/min | none | The maximun (for sum) or minimun (for subtract) value the macro can reach |
A thesis notebook based on TiddlyWiki.
This is an example of a thesis notebook powered by TiddlyWiki 5.0.8-beta.
TiddlyWiki is a great piece of software created by Jeremy Ruston. It allows you, among other things, to take notes, organize ideas, store information, and display all your stuff the way you want. It is an incredibly flexible tool you can adapt to fit almost all your needs.
This TiddlyWiki has been customized to serve as a philosophy notebook centered around authors, books and papers, concepts and theories, and personal notes. I use it along with Zotero, which is a dedicated bibliography software. Both are free, open source projects. TiddlyWiki can be downloaded at http://tiddlywiki.com.
buggyj has created several useful plugins, including a WYSIWYG HTML editor, a configurable calendar and tag lists with draggable ordering.
A collection of customisations and macros from Danielo Rodriguez.
This is my personal tiddlywiki file for testing.
Here I will post the tools and Macros that I develop for this awesome tool. That way, all the help the comunity gave me can came back to the comunity again.
An adaptation of the [[TiddlyWiki powered GTD® system formerly known as MonkeyGTD|http://mgsd.tiddlyspot.com/]] for TiddlyWiki version 5.
Briefcase is a Getting-Thing-Done tool for TiddlyWiki5 based off the mGSD classic TiddlyWiki.
An adaptor to enable TiddlyWiki to sync changes with a [[CouchDB|http://couchdb.apache.org]] database.
CouchDB sync adaptor for TiddlyWiki 5. Requires TiddlyWiki >= 5.1.2.
Works in limited testing. Not sure how well it handles conflicts.
A guide to creating a baby journal with TiddlyWiki.
Keeping a journal about your baby is fun. It allows you to keep track of those events in your baby's life and development that are most important to you, and to tell them in your own words. [...]
There are plenty of online services that can help to keep such a diary, but you need to have an internet connection to access them, and you have to trust them to keep your data safe.
An extensive collection of hints and tips from Jed Carty.
I made this so that some of my friends with absolutely no coding experience could use some of the better features of TW5 without having to learn much. I am hopefully going to continue updating it as I learn new things. There isn't really anything here that isn't available in plenty of other places, but I figured that since I spent a while putting it together and people keep saying that TW needs more documentation I would post it here.
A step by step guide to running TiddlyWiki on a ~CentOS Virtual Private Server.
In this tutorial we will guide you through the steps of installing and running TiddlyWiki on a ~CentOS 6 VPS.
We will also install and configure Nginx as a reverse proxy, so you can run TiddlyWiki behind Nginx.
A Spanish guide to using TiddlyWiki on Android.
Tiddlywiki software is prodigious based on javascript which is capable of holding a notepad that can be edited with Internet Explorer or function as a full blog, contained in a single file.
//Translation by Google Translate//
A quick guide to using TiddlyWiki (written in German)
Those using multiple different computer platforms (if only PC and Android) knows for certain: You would like to sync notes across computers and thereby be independent of any apps or services. I am concerned at any rate so and so I am constantly looking for the perfect solution.
With TiddlyWiki I found it mostly. As the name suggests, it TiddlyWiki is a Wikisystem. In contrast to all other wikis, TiddlyWiki is a single HTML file that runs in the browser and thus can be used on all modern operating systems. And because there is only one file, it can be very easily via the well-known cloud services (Dropbox, Google Drive, ownCloud) or synchronized with FTP or used on a USB stick.
(Translation from German by Google Translate)
A fast Forth interpreter for the [[Commodore PET|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commodore_PET]], written in 6502 assembly language. The TiddlyWiki containing program documentation is automatically generated from the source code: see https://github.com/chitselb/pettil.
Objectives of the project are, in no particular order:
* make a Forth that runs on my Commodore PET 2001
* have fun
* improve my "6502 assembly golf" skills
* find other people who are interested in this project
A gamers guide to using TiddlyWiki.
I’ve been using TiddlyWiki for this game mainly to record the monsters’ locations and the items that they drop. This is so that when I need a certain item to upgrade/create weapons, I can quickly look it up; which monsters drop it and which quests have those monsters.
As I play the game, as I encounter new information, I just input them into my Shining Ark TiddlyWiki. It’s like I’m building a wiki from scratch. The reason why I don’t just use online wikis is that 1) it’s too easy to get spoiled and 2) sometimes online wikis provide too much information (who cares about the non-gameplay related descriptions that can be found in the game, etc).
An interactive network visualisation plugin based on [[Vis.js|http://visjs.org]].
TW-Taskgraph is a TiddlyWiki plugin that allows you to link your wiki-topics (tiddlers) in order to create clickable graphs. By creating relations between your topics you can easily do the following:
* Create mindmaps and quickly manifest your ideas in tiddlers (wiki entries).
* Create task-dependency graphs to organize and describe your tasks.
* Visualize your topic structures to get an immediate grasp of topics and relations.
In general you may create, visualize and describe any network-structure you have in mind.
A collection of tips from Tobias Beer
A collection of references and sandbox for testing concepts around TiddlyWiki 5...
Reaction to TiddlyWiki5 from the translator of the German edition of TiddlyWikiClassic.
There is little software that can still inspire me so even after years, as on the first day. This includes TiddlyWiki, the "pocket-wiki". The latter is because the Wiki completely fits into an HTML file, and this HTML file brings everything - JavaScript program logic, CSS appearance and the entire Wiki content as stored records. So a TiddlyWiki file is then sometimes happy times some megabytes in size, but just has the unbeatable advantage that it works just as fast file created locally in a variety of browsers.
(Translation from German by Google Translate)
An early release of an edition of TiddlyWiki customised for rigorous, academic notetaking.
TiddlyWiki for Scholars is a personal customization of TiddlyWiki 5.0.13-beta I made for note-taking from readings, but it can be useful for other purposes. The idea behind this adaptation is to show and to allow creating relevant data related to the current tiddler without leaving the tiddler.
A collection of tips and guides in French, introduced by this blog post:
Ce guide de prise en main de TiddlyWiki vous permettra de débuter sur ce logiciel : rédiger du texte avec la syntaxe wiki, insérer des images, créer des Tiddler, faire une recherche, ajouter des fonctionnalités, et bien d'autres choses.. Bonne lecture ! Sylvain
Notes and tips by a developer working on writing TiddlyWiki plugins -- including [[TWExe|https://github.com/welford/twexe]], a widget for running Windows scripts and executables.
A collection of articles covering integration with Fargo, Font Awesome and Google Calendar, and tips for managing task lists.
I have become a regular user of TiddlyWiki and have become so accustomed to using Font Awesome icons in Fargo that I wanted to incorporate the icons into my wikis as well.
A translation of the tiddlywiki.com documentation from Bram Chen, TiddlyWiki's Chinese translator.
Dutch blog post about TiddlyWiki
I'm allergic to websites that are highly dependent on JavaScript. I think that JavaScript has many useful applications to add functionality to a site, but content needs to be visible if JavaScript is switched off. I use the NoScript extension for Firefox and surf with pleasure over the Internet without spontaneous things happen that I do not give permission. I love JavaScript on a short leash. More crazier maybe I'm so excited about TiddlyWiki.
(Translation from Dutch by Google Translate)
An extensive collection of tips and resources for users of TiddlyWiki in Japanese.
Chris Hunt's detailed developer tutorials for getting started with writing widgets for TiddlyWiki.
These pages document aspects TiddlyWiki5 programming, sharing "lessons learned" to help developers to get started with TiddlyWiki5 customization and extension.
There are currently two articles in this wiki:
* A Simple Widget
* A More Complex Widget
Huge collection of customisations and tweaks from Ton Gerner.
I am a longtime user of TiddlyWiki Classic and still use it daily since you can't do everything in TiddlyWiki 5 (yet) ;)
I started experimenting with TW5 at the end of September 2013 (alpha10).
Since I missed a few things in the layout I got used to in TiddlyWiki Classic 1, I started with modifying the layout of TW5.
To share my knowledge, I made a few guides about these 'modifications'.
The guides started as a non-linear personal web notebook (yeah, the subtitle of TiddlyWiki!). I started experimenting with layout things and used TW5 to document my experiments.
A wealth of hints, tips and notes about using [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]:
TiddlyWiki is different from other wikis because of its principle of dynamically customizeable "storyline" based on tiddlers as basic units of information. That is, the user "composes" their own version of the webpage by clicking on tiddler links, which add tiddlers to the page in order to compose a storyline.
The Node.js implementation in TiddlyWiki5 adds all the advantages of flat-file markup language based type of site. This makes TiddlyWiki an excellent alternative to flat-file based CMS/webpage/blog authoring systems for the web.
Also very cool is the treatment of tags as menus everywhere.
Stephan Hradek's growing catalogue of tips, tutorials, and other resources. Stephan has also developed several plugins and macros that you can find at http://tiddlystuff.tiddlyspot.com/.
Some things in TiddlyWiki seem like Magic. As my preferred nick is Skeeve, I felt that TW5 Magick is a proper name for this collection of some of the "magic" tricks one can do with TiddlyWiki.
Dave Gifford's growing catalogue of tips and tutorials.
TiddlyWiki 5 is a great tool for note-taking, bookmarking, blogging, organizing to do lists, writing books, and more. But many of the things that can be done in TiddlyWiki 5 are often hidden to the new user, either because the user doesn't know about it or because the user doesn't know how to do it. TW5 mall is a modest catalog of hacks where you can discover new tricks in TiddlyWiki 5 and also find out in layman's terms how to implement them.
Tips and guides for using TiddlyWiki.
I never used Node.js until a couple weeks ago when I wanted to try a TW5 installation on Node and expand my knowledge a bit. I figured someone else may be in the same boat so I wrote it all down
A collection of TiddlyWiki resources from Mario Pietsch, with a focus on cloud deployments. Mario also maintains the German translation of TiddlyWiki.
My name is Mario Pietsch from Austria. I'm living near Salzburg.
This page, will be the portal to my TiddlyWiki, TiddlyWeb related content.
A guide (in French) to using TiddlyWiki on the [[BiblioBox|http://bibliobox.net/]], a variation of the [[PirateBox|http://daviddarts.com/piratebox/]] mobile communication and file sharing system.
I've known TiddlyWiki since its beginning in 2004. For personal or professional needs, I used it regularly for notepad staff in 2007 and 2012. But I admit I ignored the tool during the past two years. And then I said yesterday: but why not put TiddlyWiki on a BiblioBox? Because it is a single HTML file with javascript. In addition I knew the existence of a server version for saving online amendments.
//Hand optimised from a translation by Google Translate//
Matabele's stylish and clean system for personal task management.
This is my work in progress version of TW5, incorporating various features and ideas as and when they intrigue me. To grab any feature you may wish to try, drag the listed tiddlers across to the dropzone of an empty TiddlyWiki 5.0.10-beta
An introduction to TiddlyWiki in Japanese.
Information about the making of TiddlyWiki:
<<list-links "[tag[About]]">>
TiddlyWiki wouldn't be possible without the ongoing support of the TiddlyWiki [[Community]]. Their attention and feedback has made it possible to gain an understanding of what is wanted from the product, and their passion for it has taught me that it is worth the investment.
! Introduction
The ''action-deletefield'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that deletes specified fields of a tiddler. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.
! Content and Attributes
The ''action-deletefield'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$tiddler |The title of the tiddler whose fields are to be modified (if not provided defaults to the [[WidgetVariable: currentTiddler]] |
|$field |Optional name of a field to delete |
|//{any attributes not starting with $}// |Each attribute name specifies a field to be deleted. The attribute value is ignored and need not be specified |
! Examples
Here is an example of a button that deletes the caption and tags fields of the current tiddler:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-deletefield caption tags/>
Delete "caption" and "tags"
Here is an example of a button that deletes the modified date and tags fields of the tiddler HelloThere:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-deletefield $tiddler="HelloThere" modified tags/>
Delete "modified" and "tags" from ~HelloThere
Here is an example of a button that uses the optional $field attribute to delete the text field of the tiddler HelloThere:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-deletefield $tiddler="HelloThere" $field="text"/>
Delete text from ~HelloThere
! Introduction
The ''action-deletetiddler'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that deletes tiddlers. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.
There are several differences compared to the [[WidgetMessage: tm-delete-tiddler]]:
* The user is not prompted to confirm the deletion
* No automatic updating of the story list
* No special handling of draft tiddlers
! Content and Attributes
The ''action-deletetiddler'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$tiddler |Optional title of the tiddler to be deleted |
|$filter |Optional filter identifying tiddlers to be deleted |
! Examples
Here is an example of a button that deletes the tiddler HelloThere:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-deletetiddler $tiddler="HelloThere"/>
Delete "~HelloThere"
Here is an example of a button that deletes all tiddlers tagged [[TableOfContents]]:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-deletetiddler $filter="[tag[TableOfContents]]"/>
Delete tiddlers tagged "~TableOfContents"
! Introduction
The ''action-increment'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that increments a value in a specified field of a tiddler. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.
! Content and Attributes
The ''action-increment'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$tiddler |The title of the tiddler with the field to be incremented (if not provided defaults to the [[WidgetVariable: currentTiddler]] |
|$field |Name of a field to increment (if not provided defaults to `inc_field`) |
|$increment |The increment amount, this can be negative (if not provided defaults to 1) |
|$length |(optional) The minimum length of the numeric output, if the output would be shorter than this value zero padding is used. |
|$prefix |(optional) The prefix to append to the output. |
|$initial |(optional) The inital value assumed if the field doesn't exist (if none is given 0 is assumed) |
! Examples
Here is an example of a button that increments the field `inc_field1` by 1 each time it is pressed.
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-increment $field=inc_field1/>
Current Value: {{!!inc_field1}}'/>
Here is an example of a button that increments a value that uses a prefix and minimum length
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-increment $field=inc_field2 $length=5 $prefix="pre-"/>
Current Value: {{!!inc_field2}}'/>
! Introduction
The ''action-navigate'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that sends a [[tm-navigate|WidgetMessage: tm-navigate]] message back up the widget tree. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.
! Content and Attributes
The ''action-navigate'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$to |The title of the target tiddler for the navigation (if not provided defaults to the [[WidgetVariable: currentTiddler]] |
|$scroll |Optional parameter determining whether the navigation will also cause a scroll to the target tiddler (see below) |
!! Scroll handling
The optional `$scroll` attribute can be set to "yes" to force scrolling to occur to bring the target tiddler into view. If set to "no" then scrolling does not occur. If the `$scroll` attribute is omitted then scrolling occurs unless either:
* the control key is pressed
* the action was initiated with the middle mouse button (if available)
Note that if navigating to multiple tiddlers at once you should use the same `$scroll` setting for all of them.
! Examples
Here is an example of button that navigates to two different tiddlers at once:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-navigate $to="ButtonWidget"/>
<$action-navigate $to="ActionWidgets"/>
Click me!
! Introduction
The ''action-sendmessage'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that sends a [[message|WidgetMessages]] back up the widget tree. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.
! Content and Attributes
The ''action-sendmessage'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$message |The message to send (eg, [[WidgetMessage: tm-new-tiddler]]) |
|$param |Optional parameter string whose meaning is dependent on the message being sent |
|//{any attributes not starting with $}// |Multiple additional named parameters that are attached to the message |
! Examples
Here is an example of button that displays both a notification and a wizard, and creates a new tiddler with tags and text:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-modal" $param="SampleWizard"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-notify" $param="SampleNotification"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-new-tiddler" title="This is newly created tiddler" tags="OneTag [[Another Tag]]" text=<<now "Today is DDth, MMM YYYY">>/>
Click me!
! Introduction
The ''action-setfield'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that assigns values to the fields of a tiddler. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.
! Content and Attributes
The ''action-setfield'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$tiddler |The title of the tiddler whose fields are to be modified (if not provided defaults to the [[WidgetVariable: currentTiddler]] |
|$field |Optional name of a field to be assigned the $value attribute |
|$index |Optional index of a property in a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]] to be assigned the $value attribute|
|$value |The value to be assigned to the field or index identified by the $field or $index attribute. If neither is specified then the value is assigned to the text field |
|//{any attributes not starting with $}// |Each attribute name specifies a field to be modified with the attribute value providing the value to assign to the field |
! Examples
Here is an example of a pair of buttons that open the control panel directly to specified tabs. They work by using ''action-setfield'' to set the state tiddler for the control panel tabs.
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/tab-1749438307" text="$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Appearance"/>
<$action-navigate $to="$:/ControlPanel"/>
Go to Control Panel "Appearance" tab
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/tab-1749438307" text="$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Settings"/>
<$action-navigate $to="$:/ControlPanel"/>
Go to Control Panel "Settings" tab
Here is an example of a button that assigns tags and fields to the tiddler HelloThere, and then navigates to it and opens the tiddler info panel on the "Fields" tab:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-setfield $tiddler="HelloThere" tags="NewTag [[Another New Tag]]" color="red"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/popup/tiddler-info--1779055697" text="(568,1443,33,39)"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/tab--1890574033" text="$:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/Fields"/>
<$action-navigate $to="HelloThere"/>
Modify ~HelloThere
Here is an example of a button that assigns tags and fields to the tiddler HelloThere, and then initiates editing it:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-setfield $tiddler="HelloThere" tags="MoreTag [[Further More Tags]]" color="green"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-edit-tiddler" $param="HelloThere"/>
Edit ~HelloThere
Here is an example of a button that opens the control panel directly to the "Appearance" tabs:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/tab-1749438307" $field="text" $value="$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Appearance"/>
<$action-navigate $to="$:/ControlPanel"/>
Go to Control Panel "Appearance" tab
Action widgets are a special type of widget that perform an action such as sending a message, navigating to a tiddler, or changing the value of a tiddler. They are used in association with other widgets that trigger those actions (for example, the ButtonWidget).
Action widgets are invisible. They must be the immediate children of their parent triggering widget. The actions are performed in sequence. For example, here is a button that triggers two actions of sending different messages:
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-home"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-full-screen"/>
Click me!
Take care not to accidentally introduce an extra line break after the opening tag of the button widget. Doing so will trigger the WikiText parser to wrap the action widgets in a paragraph element. This means that the action widgets will not be triggered as they are no longer immediate children of the triggering widget.
The following action widgets are provided:
<<list-links "[tag[ActionWidgets]]">>
Here's a macro that provides a Twitter Follow button for a particular username:
\define twitterFollowButton(username)
<iframe allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets/follow_button.html?screen_name=$username$" style="width:300px; height:20px;"></iframe>
The only change from the version published at https://dev.twitter.com/docs/follow-button is that new lines have been removed.
Note that the src URL is given without a protocol (ie "http" or "https"). It's done this way so that it works on sites whether they are hosted on a HTTP or HTTPS domain. If you want the Twitter button to work while using a TiddlyWiki offline on a "file://" URL, then you'll need to manually add the protocol. For example:
<iframe allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="http://platform.twitter.com/widgets/follow_button.html?screen_name=jermolene" style="width:300px; height:20px;"></iframe>
As the structures within your TiddlyWiki documents get more complex it can be hard to keep the titles of tiddlers consistent. For example, should terms be defined in the plural or the singular? Camel case or separate words?
Recording a formal titling policy can help to reduce confusion. For example, the titling policies for this wiki are recorded in the [[Documentation Style Guide]].
! SystemTiddler Titles
A useful convention is to use the prefix `$:/_` for any system tiddlers that you create to ensure that they are near the top of the system tiddler listing in the sidebar
Alerts are displayed as yellow boxes overlaying the main TiddlyWiki window. Each one corresponds to a tiddler with the tag [[$:/tags/Alert]]. Clicking the delete icon on an alert deletes the corresponding tiddler.
Here's a demo <$fieldmangler tiddler="SampleAlert"><$set name="currentTiddler" value="SampleAlert"><$button message="tm-add-tag" param="$:/tags/Alert">alert</$button></$set></$fieldmangler>.
Alert tiddlers should have the following fields:
|!Field |!Description |
|title |By default, alert titles have the prefix `$:/temp/alerts/` |
|text |The text of the alert message |
|modified |Date of the alert (used for ordering the alerts on screen) |
|component |Component name associated with the alert |
|tags |Must include [[$:/tags/Alert]] |
Current tiddlers:
<$list filter="[!is[system]sort[title]]" />
Here are the details of the alpha releases of TiddlyWiki5. See [[TiddlyWiki5 Versioning]] for details of how releases are named.
<<tabs "[tag[AlphaReleaseNotes]!sort[created]]" "Release 5.0.1-alpha" "$:/state/tab2" "tc-vertical" "ReleaseTemplate">>
Here are some recent articles written about ~TiddlyWiki. Submit new articles via GitHub, Twitter or by posting in the [[TiddlyWiki Groups]].
<div class="tc-link-info">
<$list filter="[tag[Articles]!sort[modified]]">
<div class="tc-link-info-item">
! <$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
<div class="tc-subtitle">Posted <$view field="modified" format="relativedate"/></div>
Audio files can be incorporated into TiddlyWiki in a very similar way to [[images|Images in WikiText]].
! Embedded Audio
Small audio files can be embedded directly within TiddlyWiki. Embedding isn't suitable for large files (over a few hundred kilobytes) because it increases the size of the TiddlyWiki file.
For example, the tiddler [[TiddlyWiki.mp3]] contains an MP3 recording of the word "TiddlyWiki". Viewing the tiddler directly should show an audio player that allows playback.
You can also transclude audio files. For example:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '{{TiddlyWiki.mp3}}'>>
! External Audio
External audio tiddlers use the ''_canonical_uri'' field to point to an external audio file/stream, and have a block ''text'' field. This reduces their size considerably, and still allows for playback.
For example, the tiddler [[Caruso - Ave Maria]] points to an online audio recording hosted on http://archive.org:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '{{Caruso - Ave Maria}}'>>
If there is a SaverModule available that supports it, TiddlyWiki will automatically trigger a save of the current document on clicking {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''tick'' or {{$:/core/images/delete-button}} ''delete'' when editing a tiddler.
You should see a yellow notification at the top right of the window to confirm that an automatic save has taken place.
Automatic saving can be enabled or disabled through the ''Saving'' tab of the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]]. Behind the scenes, it is controlled through the configuration tiddler [[$:/config/AutoSave]], which must have the value ''yes'' to enable automatic saving.
Here are the details of the beta releases of TiddlyWiki5. See [[TiddlyWiki5 Versioning]] for details of how releases are named.
<<tabs "[tag[BetaReleaseNotes]!sort[created]]" "Release 5.0.18-beta" "$:/state/tab2" "tc-vertical" "ReleaseTemplate">>
There are two ways to produce HTML block quotes in TiddlyWiki5, one for content spread across multiple lines, and one for single line content.
! Multi-line Block Quotes
The syntax for multi-line block quotes is:
<<wikitext-example src:"<<<
This is a block quoted paragraph
written in English
!! Citation
A citation can be added to the quote like this:
<<wikitext-example src:"<<<
Computers are like a bicycle for our minds
<<< Steve Jobs
!! CSS Classes
CSS classes can be added to a block quote:
<<wikitext-example src:"<<<.myClass.another-class
Operating systems are like a brick wall for our minds
<<< Nobody
! Single-line Block Quotes
The single-line syntax for block quotes is actually an extension of the syntax for [[Lists in WikiText]]. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"> Quoted text
> Another line of quoted text
You can also nest quotes like this:
> A top quote
>> A subquote
> Another top quote
Which renders as:
> A top quote
>> A subquote
> Another top quote
You can also mix block quotes with other list items. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"* List One
** List Two
**> A quote
**> Another quote
* List Three
At its heart, TiddlyWiki5 is a relatively small boot kernel that runs either under Node.js or in the browser with all other functionality added via dynamically loaded [[modules|Modules]].
The kernel boots just enough of the TiddlyWiki environment to allow it to load and execute module tiddlers. The module system is compatible with CommonJS and [[Node.js]].
There are many [[different types of module|ModuleType]]: parsers, deserializers, widgets etc. It goes much further than you might expect. For example, individual tiddler fields are modules, too: there's a module that knows how to handle the `tags` field, and another that knows how to handle the special behaviour of the `modified` and `created` fields. Some plugin modules have further sub-plugins: the wikitext parser, for instance, accepts parsing rules as individual plugin modules.
In TiddlyWiki5, [[Plugins]] are bundles of tiddlers that are distributed and managed as one; [[Modules]] are JavaScript tiddlers with a module type identifying when and how they should be executed.
The tiddler [[$:/boot/boot.js]] is a barebones TiddlyWiki kernel that is just sufficient to load the core plugin modules and trigger a startup module to load up the rest of the application.
The boot kernel includes:
* Several short shared utility functions
* A handful of methods implementing the module mechanism
* The `$tw.Tiddler` class (and field definition plugins)
* The `$tw.Wiki` class (and tiddler deserialization methods)
* Code for the browser to load tiddlers from the HTML DOM
* Code for the server to load tiddlers from the file system
Each module is an ordinary CommonJS module, using the `require()` function to access other modules and the `exports` global to return JavaScript values. The boot kernel smooths over the differences between `Node.js` and the browser, allowing the same plugin modules to execute in both environments.
In the browser, `core/boot.js` is packed into a template HTML file that contains the following elements in order:
* Ordinary and system tiddlers, packed as HTML `<DIV>` elements
* `core/bootprefix.js`, containing a few lines to set up the plugin environment
* Optional JavaScript modules, packed as HTML `<SCRIPT>` blocks
* `core/boot.js`, containing the boot kernel
On the server, `core/boot.js` is executed directly. It uses the `Node.js` local file API to load plugins directly from the file system in the `core/modules` directory. The code loading is performed synchronously for brevity (and because the system is in any case inherently blocked until plugins are loaded).
The boot process sets up the `$tw` global variable that is used to store all the state data of the system.
At the end of the boot process the StartupMechanism schedules the execution of startup modules to bring up the rest of TiddlyWiki.
TiddlyWiki is designed to work with HTML5-compatible browsers.
The following table summarises the browser versions that are known to work with TiddlyWiki
|!Browser |!Status |
|Internet Explorer |Version 10 and above |
|Chrome |All recent versions |
|Firefox |All recent versions |
|Firefox for Android |All recent versions |
|Safari |Version 6 and above |
! Introduction
The browse widget displays an HTML file browser button that allows the user to choose one or more files to import. It sends a [[WidgetMessage: tm-import-tiddlers]] carrying a JSON representation of the tiddlers imported from the files up through its parents. This message usually trapped by the NavigatorWidget which adds the tiddlers to the store and updates the story to display them.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$browse>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|multiple |Set to "multiple" to select multiple file upload |
|message |Optional override of widget message to be generated. The parameter for the message will be the JavaScript object `event.target.files` |
On iPhone/iPad choosing the multiple option will remove the ability to take photographs/videos directly into TiddlyWiki.
renders as:
BT (née British Telecom) is the UK's largest telecommunications company. In 2007, [[Osmosoft]] was acquired by BT. JeremyRuston subsequently left BT in 2011.
See TiddlyWikiFolders for details of defining build targets.
TiddlyWiki5 can be used to build older 2.x.x versions of TiddlyWikiClassic from their constituent components. Doing so involves these features:
* The `tiddlywiki/classictools` plugin, containing a deserializer module which allows tiddlers to be loaded from TiddlyWiki 2.x.x `.recipe` files
* The `stripcomments` format for the ViewWidget, which strips single line JavaScript comments starting `//#`
* The `stripTitlePrefix='yes'` attribute of the FieldsWidget, which removes prefixes wrapped in curly braces from the `title` attribute
** For example, `{tiddler}HelloThere` would be transformed to `HelloThere`
! Usage
TiddlyWikiClassic is built from the command line by running [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]. A typical usage would be:
node ../../tiddlywiki.js \
--verbose \
--load <path_to_recipe_file> \
--rendertiddler $:/core/templates/tiddlywiki2.template.html <path_to_write_index_file> text/plain \
|| exit 1
! Introduction
The button widget displays an HTML `<button>` element that can perform a combination of optional actions when clicked:
* Executing any ActionWidgets that are immediate children of the button widget
* Execute any integrated actions:
** Navigate to a specified tiddler
** Dispatch a user defined [[widget message|Messages]]
** Trigger a user defined [[popup|PopupMechanism]]
** Assign new text to a specified tiddler
The integrated actions are provided as a shortcut for invoking common actions. The same functionality is available via ActionWidgets, with the exception of the support for highlighting selected popups.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$button>` widget is displayed within the button.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|to |The title of the tiddler to navigate to |
|message |The name of the [[widget message|Messages]] to send when the button is clicked |
|param |The optional parameter to the message |
|set |A TextReference to which a new value will be assigned |
|setTo |The new value to assign to the TextReference identified in the `set` attribute |
|popup |Title of a state tiddler for a popup that is toggled when the button is clicked |
|aria-label |Optional [[Accessibility]] label |
|tooltip |Optional tooltip |
|class |An optional CSS class name to be assigned to the HTML element |
|style |An optional CSS style attribute to be assigned to the HTML element |
|selectedClass |An optional additional CSS class to be assigned if the popup is triggered or the tiddler specified in `set` already has the value specified in `setTo` |
|default |Default value if `set` tiddler is missing for testing against `setTo` to determine `selectedClass` |
CamelCase is formed by taking a phrase, capitalising each initial letter and smashing them together to form a portmanteau word. Most wikis use CamelCase to signal phrases that should be automatically linked.
The changecount macro returns a counter maintained by the TiddlyWiki core that tracks the number of modifications made to each tiddler. The changecount macro always applies to the tiddler named in the CurrentTiddler variable.
For example:
Displays as:
Note how the changecount increases every time this tiddler is modified.
! Introduction
This release resolves a number of inconsistencies with the way that filters are handled. The changes mean that existing filters may need to be updated - particularly those that must deal with missing or shadow tiddlers.
! Changes to ''is'' and addition of ''all''
Most filter operators act by choosing some or all of their source titles to pass through or re-order. Those that add new entries that are not drawn from the source list are referred to as selectors. Prior to 5.0.9-beta, a few filter operators were inconsistent in whether they filtered from the source list or selected new entries into it.
The specific changes are:
* The ''is'' operator now always strictly filters from the currently selected list of tiddlers
* The new ''all'' operator acts as a selector by replacing the current list with a combination of tiddlers from specific sources:
** ''current'' for the current tiddler
** ''missing'' for all missing tiddlers
** ''orphans'' for all orphan tiddlers
** ''shadows'' for all shadow tiddlers
** ''tiddlers'' for all non-shadow tiddlers (including both system and non-system tiddlers)
The sources for the ''all'' operator can be combined with the `+` character. For example, `[all[shadows+tiddlers]]` returns all shadow tiddlers and all ordinary tiddlers.
Previously, it was common to have `[is[shadow]]` at the start of a filter string to select all the shadow tiddlers. In 5.0.9 and above, this will not return all the shadow tiddlers, but instead just those ordinary tiddlers that are also shadow tiddlers (by virtue of having overridden one). The resolution is to use the new ''all'' operator. For example, consider this filter from 5.0.8:
[is[shadow]!has[draft.of]tag[$:/tags/AdvancedSearch]] [!is[shadow]!has[draft.of]tag[$:/tags/AdvancedSearch]] +[tag[$:/tags/AdvancedSearch]]
In 5.0.9, that filter has been changed to:
Note how the ''all'' operator allows operations to be performed on tiddlers from combinations of sources.
!! Changes to `[is[current]]`
One result of the changes is that `[is[current]]` now strictly filters from the source tiddlers; so, if the current tiddler is a missing tiddler not in the source list, then `[is[current]]` will return an empty list.
The solution is generally to use `[all[current]]` instead. It doesn't read as well, but has the required behaviour of returning just the current tiddler, regardless of whether it is in the source tiddlers.
! Changes to ''title'' and ''field''
There are minor changes to the way that the ''title'' and ''field'' operators work.
The ''title'' operator is a selector: it returns the specified title regardless of whether it is in the current source. ''title'' is used as the default operator if none is specified
The ''field'' operator is a filter: it only returns a subset of the source tiddlers. ''field'' is used as the default operator if the supplied operator is not defined (the supplied operator is passed as the suffix to the field operator, so `[description[Missing]]` is equivalent to `[field:description[Missing]]`).
! Introduction
The checkbox widget displays an HTML `<input type="checkbox">` element that is dynamically bound to either:
* the presence or absence of a specified tag on a specified tiddler
* the value of a specified field of a specified tiddler
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$checkbox>` widget is displayed within an HTML `<label>` element immediately after the checkbox itself. This means that clicking on the content will toggle the checkbox.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |Title of the tiddler to manipulate (defaults to the CurrentTiddler) |
|tag |The name of the tag to which the checkbox should be bound |
|field |The name of the field to which the checkbox should be bound |
|checked |The value of the field corresponding to the checkbox being checked |
|unchecked |The value of the field corresponding to the checkbox being unchecked |
|default |The default value to use if the field is not defined |
!! Tag Mode
Using the checkbox widget in tag mode requires the ''tag'' attribute to specify the name of the tag. The ''tiddler'' attribute specifies the tiddler to target, defaulting to the current tiddler if not present.
This example creates a checkbox that flips the ''done'' tag on the current tiddler:
<$checkbox tag="done">Is it done?</$checkbox>
!! Field Mode
Using the checkbox widget in field mode requires the ''field'' attribute to specify the name of the field. The ''checked'' and ''unchecked'' attributes specify the values to be assigned to the field to correspond to its checked and unchecked states respectively. The ''default'' attribute is used as a fallback value if the field is not defined.
This example creates a checkbox that is checked if the field ''status'' is equal to ''open'' and unchecked if the field is equal to ''closed''. If the field is undefined then it defaults to ''closed'', meaning that the checkbox will be unchecked if the ''status'' field is missing.
<$checkbox field="status" checked="open" unchecked="closed" default="closed">Is it open?</$checkbox>
TiddlyWiki 的简体中文翻译版本:
<!-- * ''文件'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/zh-Hans/index.html -->
* ''空白版本'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/zh-Hans/empty.html
另请参阅 [[中文 (正體) 版|Chinese (Traditional) Edition]]。
TiddlyWiki 的正體中文翻譯版本:
<!-- * ''文件'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/zh-Hant/index.html -->
* ''空白版本'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/zh-Hant/empty.html
另請參閱 [[中文 (简体) 版|Chinese (Simplified) Edition]]。
You can use triple backticks <code>```</code> to mark code blocks:
This will be monospaced
Renders as:
This will be monospaced
To be interpreted correctly, the three backticks need to be at the start of the line and immediately followed by a line-break.
Be aware that any preceding paragraph content should be properly terminated with a double line break, too. So, this example is wrong:
This is an ordinary paragraph
This will be monospaced
The correct version is:
This is an ordinary paragraph
This will be monospaced
Note that some keyboard layouts treat the backtick as a [[dead key|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_key]], making it hard to type. The trick is to type three backticks followed by a space. Alternatively, type all six backticks in one go, then a space, and then move the cursor back three characters to type or paste the content.
The CodeMirror plugin adds a sophisticated web-based editor to TiddlyWiki.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/codemirror/
Colour palettes bind logical colour names (such as ''page-background'') to actual CSS colours (such as ''#fe0'').
Entire colour palettes are stored in a single [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]].
The title of the tiddler containing the current colour palette is identified by the tiddler [[$:/palette]].
To retrieve a named colour from the current palette you can use the ''colour'' macro:
<<colour page-background>>
The ''colour'' macro is defined like this:
\define colour(name)
<$transclude tiddler={{$:/palette}} index="$name$"/>
By convention, each theme provides a default colour palette in the tiddler [[$:/config/DefaultPalette]] tiddler. Thus, setting the tiddler [[$:/theme]] to the string `$:/config/DefaultPalette` will revert to the palette packaged with the current theme (as long as it hasn't been redefined, since it is a shadow tiddler).
Palette tiddlers should have the following fields:
|!Field |!Description |
|title |Any title can be used, typically a system title starting with "$:/" |
|type |`application/x-tiddler-dictionary` to identify this tiddler as a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]] |
|tags |`$:/tags/Palette` to identify this tiddler as a palette |
|description |Description to be displayed in palette browser |
|text |Colour definitions (see below) |
The text of a palette tiddler consists of name value pairs like this:
foreground: #000
background: #fff
Commands are used with [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js|Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js]].
<<list-links "[tag[Commands]]">>
Here we gather the latest and most useful material from the TiddlyWiki community.
<<tabs "Forums Latest Tutorials Resources Examples Articles Meetups" "Latest">>
//This is a sample task for the TaskManagementExample//
These are the concepts underlying TiddlyWiki. Understanding how these ideas fit together is the key to getting the most from TiddlyWiki.
<<list-links "[tag[Concepts]]">>
The configuration tiddler [[$:/config/TiddlerInfo/Default]] contains the title of the tiddler containing the default tiddler info tab.
The default value is `$:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/Tools` corresponding to the ''Tools'' tab. Other possible values are:
<$list filter="[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/TiddlerInfo]!has[draft.of]]">
<$view field="title"/>
Sample data for TableOfContentsMacro.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Used in Internet protocols to indicate the type that should be used to interpret the content of a web resource.
In TiddlyWiki, the `type` field gives the content type to apply to the main `text` field.
!! List of Common Content Types
|!Group |!Type |!Content of `type` field |
|^''Developer'' |Data dictionary |application/x-tiddler-dictionary|
|~|~JavaScript code |application/javascript|
|~|JSON data |application/json|
|~|Static stylesheet |text/css|
|^''Image''|GIF image |image/gif|
|~|ICO format icon file |image/x-icon|
|~|JPEG image |image/jpeg|
|~|PDF image |application/pdf|
|~|PNG image |image/png|
|~|Structured Vector Graphics image |image/svg+xml|
|^''Text''|HTML markup |text/html|
|~|Cascading Stylesheet text |text/css|
|~|Comma-separated values |text/csv|
|~|Plain text |text/plain|
|~|~TiddlyWiki 5 |text/vnd.tiddlywiki|
|~|~TiddlyWiki Classic |text/x-tiddlywiki|
We welcome contributions to the code and documentation of TiddlyWiki in several ways:
* ReportingBugs
* Helping to [[improve our documentation|Improving TiddlyWiki Documentation]]
* Contributing to the code via [[GitHub|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5]]
** See http://tiddlywiki.com/dev for more details
There are other ways to [[help TiddlyWiki|HelpingTiddlyWiki]] too.
! Contributor License Agreement
Like other OpenSource projects, TiddlyWiki5 needs a signed contributor license agreement from individual contributors. This is a legal agreement that allows contributors to assert that they own the copyright of their contribution, and that they agree to license it to the UnaMesa Association (the legal entity that owns TiddlyWiki on behalf of the community).
* For individuals use: [[licenses/CLA-individual|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/licenses/cla-individual.md]]
* For entities use: [[licenses/CLA-entity|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/licenses/cla-entity.md]]
! How to sign the CLA
Create a GitHub pull request to add your name to `cla-individual.md` or `cla-entity.md`, with the date in the format (YYYY/MM/DD).
''step by step''
# click [[licenses/CLA-individual|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/licenses/cla-individual.md]] or [[licenses/CLA-entity|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/licenses/cla-entity.md]]
# in `cla-individual.md` or `cla-entity.md` click icon on the top-right corner (clicking this button will fork the project so you can edit the file)
# add your name at the bottom
eg: `Jeremy Ruston, @Jermolene, 2011/11/22`
//The CLA documents used for this project were created using [[Harmony Project Templates|http://www.harmonyagreements.org]]. "HA-CLA-I-LIST Version 1.0" for "CLA-individual" and "HA-CLA-E-LIST Version 1.0" for "CLA-entity".//
\define tv-wikilink-template() http://tiddlywiki.com/static/$uri_doubleencoded$.html
! Contributing to TiddlyWiki5
//This file was automatically generated by TiddlyWiki5//
The following individuals have generously given their time to [[contribute to the development of TiddlyWiki|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/graphs/contributors]]:
* Jeremy Ruston ([[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]])
* Dave Gifford ([[@giffmex|https://github.com/giffmex]])
* Bram Chen ([[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]])
* Mario Pietsch ([[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]])
* Xavier Cazin ([[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]])
* Eric Shulman ([[@ericshulman|https://github.com/ericshulman]])
* Stephan Hradek ([[@Skeeve|https://github.com/Skeeve]])
* ~BuggyJef ([[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]])
* Nathan Cain ([[@natecain|https://github.com/natecain]])
* Ton Gerner ([[@gernert|https://github.com/gernert]])
* Devin Weaver ([[@sukima|https://github.com/sukima]])
* João Bolila ([[@jbolila|https://github.com/jbolila]])
* David Johnston ([[@Brennall|https://github.com/Brennall]])
* David Jade ([[@davidjade|https://github.com/davidjade]])
* Bob Robison ([[@grayeul|https://github.com/grayeul]])
* [[@nameanyone|https://github.com/nameanyone]]
* Maurizio Pollio ([[@mpollio|https://github.com/mpollio]])
* Ogoshi Masayuki ([[@ogoshima|https://github.com/ogoshima]])
* Chris Sugden ([[@csugden|https://github.com/csugden]])
* [[@asampal|https://github.com/asampal]]
* Bow Yi Jang ([[@Eucaly|https://github.com/Eucaly]])
* Mal Gamble ([[@malgam|https://github.com/malgam]])
* Michael Fogleman ([[@mwfogleman|https://github.com/mwfogleman]])
* Daniel Barrett ([[@shendaras|https://github.com/shendaras]])
* Simon Baird ([[@simonbaird|https://github.com/simonbaird]])
* James Anderson ([[@welford|https://github.com/welford]])
* Jon Lister ([[@jayfresh|https://github.com/jayfresh]])
* [[@TheDiveO|https://github.com/TheDiveO]]
* Danielo Rodríguez ([[@danielo515|https://github.com/danielo515]])
* [[@willover|https://github.com/willover]]
* [[@slotik|https://github.com/slotik]]
* Irene Knapp ([[@IreneKnapp|https://github.com/IreneKnapp]])
* Brian Shaver ([[@shakerlxxv|https://github.com/shakerlxxv]])
* Tobi Beer ([[@tobibeer|https://github.com/tobibeer]])
* Craig Cook ([[@BoyCook|https://github.com/BoyCook]])
You can copy an individual tiddler from one TiddlyWiki file to another by dragging a link to the tiddler from one browser window to another.
! Introduction
The count widget displays the number of matches to a specified [[filter expression|Filters]].
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$count>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|filter |The filter expression to count |
To create a custom export format that exports tiddlers as their raw body text:
# Create a tiddler with the following fields:
#* ''tags'': [[$:/tags/Exporter]]
#* ''description'': Description of this exporter
#* ''extension'': Default file extension for this export format (including the dot; for example `.tid`)
# Set the following content:
\define renderContent()
{{{ $(exportFilter)$ ||$:/core/templates/plain-text-tiddler}}}
The variable `exportFilter` contains a filter defining which tiddlers should be exported.
! Creating tiddlers
You create a tiddler either by clicking the {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar, or by clicking on a link to a missing tiddler (links to missing tiddlers will appear in [[blue italic text]]).
See also:
* [[Creating journal tiddlers]]
! Editing tiddlers
You can edit an existing tiddler by clicking the {{$:/core/images/edit-button}} button at the top right of the tiddler.
! The ~EditTemplate
Creating new tiddlers and editing existing tiddlers both open up the ~EditTemplate. This is your control panel for modifying the tiddler in different ways. The ~EditTemplate has several areas:
*''The title editor'' Use this to edit the title of the tiddler
*''The tag editor'' Use this to add or remove tags to the tiddler. Type a tag name and either select a tag from the dropdown list or finish typing to create a new tag. Then click the 'add' button to add it to the tiddler. Delete tags from a tiddler by clicking the 'x' on the tag pill
*''The text editor'' Use this to add content to the tiddler. You can also use the preview button to preview changes to the tiddler text
*''The type editor'' Use this when you have a specific type of content that needs to be displayed in a different way, such as an image. See ContentType for a list of possible content types. The default is text/vnd.tiddlywiki)
*''The field editor'' Use this to add fields to the tiddler. For example, you can use a [[list field|ListField]] to display the order of tiddlers tagged with the current tiddler's title in ways that are not alphabetical
! Save, cancel or delete
When you are finished editing, select the desired button at the top of the ~EditTemplate:
*The 'done' button ({{$:/core/images/done-button}}) saves your changes and returns to view mode.
*The 'cancel' button ({{$:/core/images/cancel-button}}) cancels the changes and returns to view mode.
*The 'delete' button ({{$:/core/images/delete-button}}) deletes the entire tiddler.
! Introduction
Journal tiddlers are tiddlers that use a date and/or time as their title. They are typically used as a quick way to record time-stamped information.
Additional tags on a journal tiddler can be used to link it to other tiddlers, helping to establish the relationships between items of information.
For example, a journal tiddler called "10th October 2014" might be used to record thoughts and information captured on that particular day. The tags "Shopping" and "London" might be used to indicate that the entry concerns shopping in London.
! Creating a journal tiddler
The easiest way to create a journal tiddler is to use the ''new journal'' button in the tools tab of the sidebar. If you find yourself often using the button then click the checkbox to display the button in the page control toolbar where it is more easily accessible.
The new journal button creates the journal tiddler as a blank tiddler with the tag "Journal" and a title derived from todays date. If there is already an existing journal tiddler then it is opened for editing.
! Creating a tagged journal tiddler
A common sequence of actions is creating (or re-opening) todays journal and adding a tag for the current tiddler. This can be done with the ''new journal here'' button in the tiddler toolbar (you can find this button in the tools tab of the tiddler info panel).
For example, one might be reviewing a tiddler called "Oxford Street" and realise that it is relevant for planning the shopping trip. Clicking the ''new journal here'' button on the "Oxford Street" tiddler will bring up a journal tagged with "Oxford Street".
! Customising journal tiddlers
Visit the control panel Info/Basics tab to configure new journal creation:
* "Title of new journal tiddlers" specifies the naming of journal tiddlers as a [[date format string|DateFormat]]. The default setting of "DDth MMM YYYY" causes new journals to have titles of the form "10th October 2014"
* "Tags for new journal tiddlers" specifies one or more optional tags that are automatically applied to new journal tiddlers. Multiple tags should be separated with spaces. Tags containing spaces should be surrounded by double square brackes. For example: `Journal [[Multi-word tag]]`
One useful hint is to use a title format such as `YYYY-0MM-0DD at 0hhh0mm'0ss''` which causes the time (including seconds) to be included in the journal title. This means that a new, separate journal tiddler will be created each time the button is clicked.
Another useful trick is to include the string `$(currentTiddler)$` in the journal title format string which causes the title of the current tiddler to be included. This means that a separate journal tiddler will be created each time "new journal here" is used on a different tiddler.
This example shows how to create a sub-story within a tiddler that is independent of the main story.
Here's the code:
<$navigator story="MySubStoryList" history="MySubHistoryList">
Click this link to get started: HelloThere
<$list filter="[list[MySubStoryList]]" history="MySubHistoryList">
! <$button message="tm-close-tiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible">{{$:/core/images/close-button}}</$button> <$view field="title"/>
Note how you can open the HelloThere tiddler in the substory by clicking on the link below. Links within the substory open within the substory, and not in the main story.
<$navigator story="MySubStoryList" history="MySubHistoryList">
Click this link to get started: HelloThere
<$list filter="[list[MySubStoryList]]" history="MySubHistoryList">
! <$button message="tm-close-tiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible">{{$:/core/images/close-button}}</$button> <$view field="title"/>
The CurrentTiddler is the current tiddler during WikiText rendering. It is usually set by the TiddlerWidget. It allows you to write references like `<$view field="title"/>` in TemplateTiddlers without explicitly specifying the tiddler that it applies to.
The title of the current tiddler is contained in the [[WidgetVariable: currentTiddler]].
By default, the results for the sidebar search box are displayed as a simple list of tiddler titles. The search results can be customised by adding plugin visualisations that show the search results in different ways. (Tabs are shown automatically if an additional search result visualisation is detected).
Search result visualisations are stored in tiddlers tagged [[$:/tags/SearchResults]]. The default search result listing is implemented in the system tiddler [[$:/core/ui/DefaultSearchResultList]].
To create a new search result visualisation:
# Create a new tiddler tagged [[$:/tags/SearchResults]]
# Use the widget variable ''searchTiddler'' to access the title of the tiddler containing the current search term
If you'd like the new visualisation to be the default, create a tiddler called [[$:/config/SearchResults/Default]] containing the title of the tiddler containing the search visualisation that you want to display by default.
Here is an example of an alternative visualisation that displays results in reverse chronological order:
\define searchResults()
<$set name="resultCount" value="""<$count filter="[!is[system]search{$(searchTiddler)$}]"/>""">
<<timeline subfilter:"!is[system]search{$(searchTiddler)$}">>
The D3 plugin integrates the D3 visualisation library with TiddlyWiki.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/d3/
You can create an n-dash with a double hyphen `--` and an m-dash with a triple hyphen `---`. For example -- this is an example --- and so is this
Data tiddlers provide a way to access blocks of [[JSON]] data within the `text` field of a tiddler.
//The implementation of data tiddlers is preliminary, with some intentional limitations.//
! Data tiddler format
A native data tiddler must have:
* The ContentType field `type` set to `application/json`
* Valid JSON data in the `text` field
For example, the [[history list|$:/HistoryList]] tiddler is a data tiddler.
Other tiddler types with alternative formats can also be parsed to yield a block of data that behaves like a data tiddler.
!! Tiddler dictionary format
The tiddler dictionary format is an alternative syntax for data tiddlers:
* The ContentType field `type` is set to `application/x-tiddler-dictionary`
* The `text` field consists of one or more lines of the form `<name>:<value>`
For example, palettes such as the [[default Vanilla palette|$:/palettes/Vanilla]] are tiddler dictionaries.
! Accessing data within data tiddlers
Currently, it is only possible to access the top level properties of the data using TextReference syntax.
For example, given a `application/json` tiddler containing:
Or the equivalent tiddler dictionary of type `application/x-tiddler-dictionary`:
With either of those definitions `{{TiddlerTitle##b}}` would have the value `two`.
The ViewWidget accepts a `template` attribute that allows the format of date values to be specified. The format string is processed with the following substitutions:
|!Token |!Substituted Value |
|`DDD` |Day of week in full (eg, "Monday") |
|`ddd` |Short day of week (eg, "Mon") |
|`DD` |Day of month |
|`0DD` |Adds a leading zero |
|`DDth` |Adds a suffix |
|`WW` |~ISO-8601 week number of year |
|`0WW` |Adds a leading zero |
|`MMM` |Month in full (eg, "July") |
|`mmm` |Short month (eg, "Jul") |
|`MM` |Month number |
|`0MM` |Adds leading zero |
|`YYYY` |Full year |
|`YY` |Two digit year |
|`wYYYY` |Full year with respect to week number |
|`wYY` |Two digit year with respect to week number |
|`hh` |Hours |
|`0hh` |Adds a leading zero |
|`hh12` |Hours in 12 hour clock |
|`0hh12` |Hours in 12 hour clock with leading zero |
|`mm` |Minutes |
|`0mm` |Minutes with leading zero |
|`ss` |Seconds |
|`0ss` |Seconds with leading zero |
|`am` or `pm` |Lower case AM/PM indicator |
|`AM` or `PM` |Upper case AM/PM indicator |
|`TZD` |Timezone offset |
|`\x` |Used to escape a character that would otherwise have special meaning |
Note that other text is passed through unchanged, allowing commas, colons or other separators to be used.
! Examples
|!Template |!Output |
|`DDth MMM YYYY` |16th February 2011 |
|`DDth MMM \M\M\M YYYY` |16th February MMM 2011 |
|`DDth mmm hh:mm:ss` |16th Feb 2011 11:38:42 |
These are definitions of technical words and phrases used in this documentation. (As distinct from the [[Concepts]] that make up TiddlyWiki itself).
<<list-links "[tag[Definitions]]">>
HTML definition lists are created with this syntax:
<<wikitext-example src:"; Term being defined
: Definition of that term
; Another term
: Another definition
Die deutsche Übersetzung von TiddlyWiki ist verfügbar unter:
* ''Dokumentation'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/de-DE/index.html
* ''Leer'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/de-DE/empty.html
Siehe auch: [[Deutsch (Österreich) Edition]].
Die österreichische Übersetzung von TiddlyWiki ist verfügbar unter:
* ''Dokumentation'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/de-AT/index.html
* ''Leer'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/de-AT/empty.html
Siehe auch: [[Deutsch (Deutschland) Edition]].
Unless you've already seen ~TiddlyWiki, we guarantee you've never seen //anything// like ~TiddlyWiki. ~TiddlyWiki is:
:: a tool,
:: a toolbox,
:: a community,
:: and a philosophy.
! ~TiddlyWiki is a Tool
''~TiddlyWiki is first and foremost a tool:'' it is a free downloadable tool for capturing and organising content from the web, from your documents or from your brain. It’s a tool for note-taking, bookmarking, pinning, writing, managing to-do lists and projects, collaborating, blogging, and publishing.
In ~TiddlyWiki you create or paste content into notes called tiddlers, then connect your tiddlers with hyperlinks and tags. You can then quickly retrieve your notes through features such as tag pills, sidebar tabs, and ~TiddlyWiki's lightning fast search window. You can even dynamically include one tiddler's content inside another - similar to using building blocks - to create articles, lists, presentations and more.
! ~TiddlyWiki is a Toolbox
In addition to being a versatile tool, ''~TiddlyWiki is also a toolbox.''
Where other note-taking products hook you with the basic program then charge you for the really helpful features, ~TiddlyWiki has an ever-expanding collection of completely free visual themes, colour palettes, plugins, widgets and macros, which you can then mix and match so that you can tweak and tailor your ~TiddlyWiki to get it just the way you want it.
! ~TiddlyWiki is also a Community
We are a [[community|Community]] of users and developers who help each other imagine new ways of thinking and organising and create new solutions, so that ~TiddlyWiki is continually adapting to better serve your needs. ~TiddlyWiki users and developers share questions and advice at a ~TiddlyWiki Google group. They also create tutorials, adaptations, and plugins to enhance your ~TiddlyWiki experience. See the section ''Community'' of the TableOfContents for more details.
! Finally, ~TiddlyWiki is a philosophy
The purpose of taking and organising a note (or recording any kind of content) is to be able to retrieve it later. If you can't find your notes in your note-taking system, your note-taking becomes a colossal waste of time.
The [[TiddlyWiki philosophy|Philosophy of Tiddlers]] is that the best way to take notes is to separate them into tiddlers, the smallest semantic units possible. A tiddler might be an image, a webpage link, a concept, the definition of a term, or a specific customisation such as a macro.
These tiddlers can then be woven together to create longer units: stories, articles, lists, image galleries, and much more. ~TiddlyWiki's features such as tagging, hyperlinking, and filters are specially designed to help you relate and connect tiddlers together in multiple ways, facilitating your future retrieval of your notes and even helping you see unexpected relationships among your tiddlers and the information they contain.
The documentation for ~TiddlyWiki tries to follow a consistent style. The aim is to ensure that documentation from different authors reads consistently.
! Tone
Tutorial documentation may address the user as "you" for clarity and immediacy. Reference documentation should use a more formal [[passive voice|http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/passive.htm]].
For example, this would be reasonable for tutorial documentation:
> You can add a new sidebar tab by creating a specially tagged tiddler
But for reference documentation this would be better:
> Tiddlers with a special tag are displayed as sidebar tabs
! Tiddler Title Policy
The following conventions govern how tiddler titles are composed:
* Use lowercase single words for tags
** e.g. [[task]], [[demo]]
* Use CamelCase for definitions and concepts
** e.g. TiddlerFields, DeveloperDocs
* Use separate words for titles that are full phrases or sentences, such as FAQ, howtos or tasks
** e.g. [[How to build a TiddlyWiki5 from individual tiddlers]]
* Where TiddlyWiki or TiddlyWiki5 is used as a qualifier at the start of the title, always use separate words
** e.g. [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
! Spelling
Use [[British spellings in preference to US spellings|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_and_British_English_spelling_differences]].
! Abbreviations
We try to avoid abbreviations, but the following are acceptable:
* `e.g.` for ''for example''
* `i.e.` for ''that is to say''
Note that the periods should not be omitted from these abbreviations.
! Typographic Standards
!! Referring to Titles, Fields, Tags
* ''Titles'' of tiddlers should usually be typed as links
* ''Tag names'' should usually be typed as links
* ''Field names'' should be typed in bold: e.g. ''title'', ''tags'', ''caption''
* ''Tab names'' should be typed in bold: e.g.
!! Headings
Initial capitalisation is preferred, where the initial letter of most words is capitalised. The exceptions are small conjunctions and prepositions like "and", "or", "the", "to", etc.
"""!! How to Configure Default Tiddlers"""
"""!! How to configure default tiddlers"""
Tiddlers that have a `draft.of` field are treated as pending drafts of the tiddler specified in the field. Draft tiddlers should also have a `draft.title` field that specifies the title that will be given to the tiddler when it is saved.
Several features work in concert to give the desired behaviour for draft tiddlers:
* The ListWidget can optionally render draft tiddlers through a different template
* The NavigatorWidget incorporates handlers for the following events:
** `tm-new-tiddler` for creating a new tiddler in draft mode
** `tm-edit-tiddler` for moving a tiddler into edit mode
** `tm-cancel-tiddler` for cancelling a tiddler out of edit mode
** `tm-save-tiddler` for saving a draft tiddler
* Draft tiddlers are automatically excluded from search operations
! Introduction
The dropzone widget creates an area into which the user can drag files and other objects. It also supports pasting via the clipboard, although browser support is currently limited.
It sends a [[WidgetMessage: tm-import-tiddlers]] carrying a JSON representation of the tiddlers to be imported up through its parents. This message usually trapped by the NavigatorWidget which adds the tiddlers to the store and updates the story to display them.
! Content and Attributes
The dropzone widget has no attributes, and displays any contained content within the dropzone.
! Display
The dropzone widget creates an HTML `<div class="tc-dropzone">` to contain its content. During a drag operation the class `tc-dragover` is added. CSS is used to provide user feedback.
! Data types supported
The following data transfer types are supported:
* ''text/vnd.tiddler'' - a list of tiddlers in JSON format (this format is generated by the LinkWidget)
* ''text/plain'' - plain text
* ''text/uri-list'' - a list of URIs as a single tiddler
The dumpvariables macro displays a table containing the values of all the variables defined at that location in the widget tree. It can be useful for exploring the mechanisms of TiddlyWiki and for debugging.
! Parameters
The dumpvariables macro does not require any parameters
! Examples
The results returned by the dumpvariables macro will depend upon where it is used.
Note that the values displayed for macros are displayed with all the parameters and variable subsitutions set to an empty string. So, a macro defined as `\define myMacro(text) ''$text$''` will display as `''''`.
! Introduction
The edit bitmap widget provides a user interface in the browser for editing bitmap tiddlers. It is currently a primitive proof-of-concept, supporting resizing and painting with a single color and line width.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$edit-bitmap>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The tiddler to edit (defaults to the CurrentTiddler) |
! Configuration
The edit bitmap widget can be configured with these system tiddlers:
* [[$:/config/BitmapEditor/LineWidth]] determines the line width: <$edit-text tiddler="$:/config/BitmapEditor/LineWidth" tag="input"/>
* [[$:/config/BitmapEditor/Colour]] determines the line color: <$edit-text tiddler="$:/config/BitmapEditor/Colour" tag="input" type="color"/>
Michael Fogleman has written an [[Emacs|http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/]] major mode called [[tid-mode|https://github.com/mwfogleman/tid-mode]], which is for editing TiddlyWiki .tid files. It is derived from text-mode, uses the useful minor modes org-struct and subword, and updates the modified times when you save a .tid file.
He also wrote two helper functions for using TiddlyWiki in Emacs. The first opens a tiddlers directory in Dired; the second opens TiddlyWiki in the browser.
(defun open-wiki ()
"Opens a TiddlyWiki directory in Dired."
(dired "~/Dropbox/wiki/tiddlers/"))
(defun browse-wiki ()
"Opens TiddlyWiki in the browser."
(browse-url ""))
This latter function may require specifying a browser:
(setq browse-url-browser-function 'browse-url-generic
browse-url-generic-program "chromium")
You can bind either of these functions with the global-set-key function:
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c w") 'open-wiki)
At the moment, these are not integrated into tid-mode.
La traduction en Français (France) de TiddlyWiki démarre ici :
* ''documentation'' : http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/fr-FR/index.html
* ''empty'' : http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/fr-FR/empty.html
TiddlyWiki is distributed in several different editions that are tuned for specific purposes. Each one consists of the same TiddlyWiki core components along with the required plugins, documentation and sample content.
You can mix and match the components of these editions, to make a unique solution to your particular application.
<<list-links "[tag[Editions]]">>
! Introduction
The edit text widget provides a user interface in the browser for editing text tiddler fields. The editing element is dynamically bound to the underlying tiddler value: changes to the tiddler are instantly reflected, and any edits are instantly propogated.
By default, the edit text widget generates a `<textarea>` as the HTML editing element when the `text` field is edited, and a `<input type="text">` element otherwise. This behaviour can be overridden with the `tag` and `type` attributes.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$edit-text>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The tiddler to edit (defaults to the CurrentTiddler) |
|field |The field to edit (defaults to `text`). Takes precedence over the `index` attribute |
|index |The index to edit |
|default |The default text to be provided when the target tiddler doesn't exist |
|class |A CSS class to be assigned to the generated HTML editing element |
|placeholder |Placeholder text to be displayed when the edit field is empty |
|focusPopup |Title of a state tiddler for a popup that is displayed when the editing element has focus |
|tag |Overrides the generated HTML editing element tag. Use `textarea` for a multi-line editor |
|type |Overrides the generated HTML editing element `type` attribute |
|size |The size of the input field (in characters) |
|autoHeight |Either "yes" or "no" to specify whether to automatically resize `textarea` editors to fit their content (defaults to "yes") |
|minHeight |Minimum height for automatically resized `textarea` editors, specified in CSS length units such as "px", "em" or "%" |
! Notes
One trap to be aware of is that the edit text widget cannot be used to edit a field of the tiddler that contains it. Each keypress results in the tiddler being re-rendered, which loses the cursor position within the text field.
Instead, place the edit text widget in a [[template|TemplateTiddlers]] that references the tiddler you want to modify.
For example, if you wanted to edit the value of the "myconfig" field of the tiddler "AppSettings", you might do so by creating a separate tiddler "ChangeAppSettings" that contains the following:
<$edit-text tiddler="AppSettings" field="myconfig"/>
! Introduction
The edit widget provides a general purpose interface for editing a tiddler. It dynamically chooses the appropriate widget depending on the type of the tiddler (currently either the EditTextWidget or the EditBitmapWidget).
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$edit>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The tiddler to edit (defaults to the CurrentTiddler) |
|field |The field to edit (defaults to `text`). Takes precedence over the `index` attribute |
|index |The index to edit |
|class |A CSS class to be added the generated editing widget |
The "empty" edition of TiddlyWiki is a vanilla distribution, with no additional plugins or configuration beyond the core code.
The empty edition can be downloaded from:
When used as a single HTML file, TiddlyWiki5 allows content to be encrypted using the [[Stanford JavaScript Crypto Library]].
# Switch to the ''Tools'' tab in the sidebar and look for the button with a padlock icon
# If the button is labelled "set password" then the current wiki is not encrypted. Clicking the button will prompt for a password that will be used to encrypt subsequent saves
# If the button is labelled "clear password" then the current wiki is already encrypted. Clicking the button will remove the password so that subsequent saves will be unencrypted
# Optionally, open the saved file in a text editor and verify that your data is encrypted
# Open the file in your browser. You will be prompted for a password before the content is displayed
TiddlyWiki5 allows the entire content of a TiddlyWiki HTML file to be encrypted with the Stanford JavaScript Crypto Library. Opening an encrypted TiddlyWiki in the browser prompts for a password before decrypting and displaying the content.
For instructions on how to use TiddlyWiki5's encryption features, see [[Encryption]].
The EncryptionMechanism is implemented with the following elements:
* A PasswordVault within the BootMechanism that holds the current encryption password
* The ability of the BootMechanism to read a block of encrypted tiddlers from the TiddlyWiki file, to prompt the user for a password, and to decrypt the tiddlers
* Handlers for the messages [[WidgetMessage: tm-set-password]] and [[WidgetMessage: tm-clear-password]] that handle the user interface for password changes
* The EncryptWidget within the main file template that encrypts a filtered list of tiddlers with the currently held password
* The [[$:/isEncrypted]] tiddler that contains "yes" or "no" according to whether there is a password in the password vault
** The availability of this tiddler allows the RevealWidget to be used to selectively display user interface elements according to whether encryption is in force
! Introduction
The encrypt widget renders a filtered list of tiddlers to an encrypted block with the password currently held in the PasswordVault. The encrypted block can subsequently be decrypted by the TiddlyWiki5 BootMechanism. See the EncryptionMechanism for more details.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$encrypt>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|filter |Filter defining the tiddlers to be included in the encrypted block. If not specified then all non-system tiddlers are used |
[[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] supports the following OS environment variables for specifying a colon-delimited list of paths to search for plugins and editions:
* `TIDDLYWIKI_PLUGIN_PATH` - Search path for ordinary plugins
* `TIDDLYWIKI_THEME_PATH` - Search path for themes
* `TIDDLYWIKI_LANGUAGE_PATH` - Search path for languages
* `TIDDLYWIKI_EDITION_PATH` - Search path for editions (used by the InitCommand)
The additional paths should each point to folders structured like the equivalent directories in the TiddlyWiki5 GitHub repository: the plugin, theme and language directories contain `publisher/pluginname/<files>` while the edition directories contain `editionname/<files>`
For example:
tiddlywiki mywiki --build index
I collect my tw5 creations on-line as http://eucaly-tw5.tiddlyspot.com/
Available Plugins :
*TitleMe - Return in-place tiddler title, to link / show / edit the source tiddler
*QuickJump - Quick jump to tiddlers in story list
*FlexWidth - Flexibly tweak sidebar width for TiddlyWiki 5 (Inspired by TW5 tristate Sidebar)
*MatchFilter - returns matching text instead of a list of the tiddlers from FieldFilter
*PopupTagger - TagBar / TagTable with popup list of tags (Inspired by MonkeyTaggerMacro for TiddlyWiki classic)
This collection showcases inspiring and interesting examples of TiddlyWiki being used in the wild.
Submit new entries to this collection via GitHub, Twitter or by posting in the [[TiddlyWiki Groups|Forums]].
<div class="tc-link-info">
<$list filter="[tag[Examples]!sort[modified]]">
<div class="tc-link-info-item">
! <$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
<div class="tc-subtitle">Posted <$view field="modified" format="relativedate"/></div>
External images in TiddlyWiki are tiddlers that point to the URI of an image, rather than embedding the full image data. They can perform better than embedded images, particularly with large numbers or sizes of images. However, using them breaks the single file pattern of TiddlyWiki.
External images are used in the browser. They can be created by the Node.js configuration when it builds a TiddlyWiki, or they can be created manually within the browser.
! What is an External Image
An external image is an ordinary image tiddler that has a ''_canonical_uri'' field containing the URI of the image. The URI can be absoluate or relative to the HTML document. If the canonical URI is provided then the ''text'' field of the tiddler is ignored and so should be omitted.
! Manually Creating External Images
To manually create an external image just create the tiddler with the appropriate image content type, and add a ''_canonical_uri'' field with a URI pointing to the actual image location.
''IMPORTANT:'' Double-check your spelling. ``_canonical_uri`` is spelled [[URI|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URI#The_relationship_between_URIs.2C_URLs.2C_and_URNs]], not URL.
! Creating external images under Node.js
The following steps are used to create a static HTML file version of a wiki accompanied by an ''images'' folder containing the referenced external images:
# Create image tiddlers in your TiddlyWikiFolders in the usual way
# Save the images as separate files (by convention, in a subfolder named ''images'')
# Externalise the image tiddlers by giving them a ''_canonical_uri'' field
# Save the main HTML file
Note the image files must be saved before they are externalised. Externalising them destroys the ''text'' field within the in-memory copy of the wiki store, meaning that attempts to save them will fail.
For an example see the ''externalimages'' build target of the demo ''tw5.com'' wiki:
--savetiddlers [is[image]] images
--setfield [is[image]] _canonical_uri $:/core/templates/canonical-uri-external-image text/plain
--setfield [is[image]] text "" text/plain
--rendertiddler $:/core/save/all externalimages.html text/plain
!! Saving Separate Image Files
The following `--savetiddlers` command can be used to save the images of a wiki into an ''images'' subfolder:
--savetiddlers [is[image]] images
!! Externalising Image Tiddlers
Two `--setfield` commands are used: the first sets the ''_canonical_uri'' field to a URI derived from the title of the tiddler, and the second clears the text field.
--setfield [is[image]] _canonical_uri $:/core/templates/canonical-uri-external-image text/plain
--setfield [is[image]] text "" text/plain
The template tiddler [[$:/core/templates/canonical-uri-external-image]] contains:
<$view tiddler="$:/core/templates/canonical-uri-external-image" field="text" format="text"/>
Note that these operations modify the tiddlers in the wiki store and so may affect the operation of subsequent commands.
! Using External Images
You can't edit an external image directly in the browser except by changing the URI field to point to a different image.
\define alert-demo()
<$fieldmangler tiddler="SampleAlert"><$set name="currentTiddler" value="SampleAlert"><$button message="tm-add-tag" param="$:/tags/Alert">alerts</$button></$set></$fieldmangler>
Further information about specific TiddlyWiki features:
<<list-links "[tag[Features]]">>
* Familiar user interface elements like <<alert-demo>>, <$button message="tm-modal" param="SampleWizard">wizards</$button> and <$button message="tm-notify" param="SampleNotification">notifications</$button>
* Try out the <$button message="tm-full-screen">full screen support</$button>
* Explore the [[D3.js visualisation plugin|http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/d3/index.html]]
* [[CodeMirror support via a plugin|http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/codemirror/index.html]]
* [[Markdown support via a plugin|http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/markdown/index.html]]
* [[Classic TiddlyWiki markup support via a plugin|http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/tw2parser/index.html]]
* Last but not least, TiddlyWiki is a rare example of a practical [[quine|Quine]]
Federatial Limited is a software consultancy founded by JeremyRuston specializing in understanding the impact of the web on the way that we work together.
See http://federatial.com/ and http://twitter.com/federatial for more information.
! Introduction
The field mangler widget manipulates the fields and tags of a tiddler. It does so in response to the following [[Messages]]:
|!Message |!Description |
|''tm-remove-field'' |Remove the field specified in `event.param` |
|''tm-add-field'' |Add the field specified in `event.param` |
|''tm-remove-tag'' |Remove the tag specified in `event.param` |
|''tm-add-tag'' |Add the tag specified in `event.param` |
! Content and Attributes
The field mangler widget displays any contained content, and responds to [[Messages]] dispatched within it.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |Title of the tiddler to manipulate (defaults to the CurrentTiddler) |
! Introduction
The fields widget renders each field of a specified tiddler through a simple text template. A list of fields to exclude can be provided. It is used internally by TiddlyWiki5, notably by the FileSavingMechanism.
!! Template Handling
The provided template is rendered with the following special substitutions:
|!Symbol |!Substitution |
|$name$ |Field name |
|$value$ |Field value |
|$encoded_value$ |HTML encoded form of field value |
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$fields>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |Title of the tiddler from which the fields are to be displayed (defaults to the CurrentTiddler) |
|template |Text of the template (see above) |
|exclude |Lists of fields to be excluded (defaults to "text") |
|stripTitlePrefix |If set to "yes" then curly bracketed prefixes are removed from titles (for example `{prefix}HelloThere` converts to `HelloThere`) |
The `stripTitlePrefix` attribute is used when building TiddlyWiki Classic; see `editions/tw2` in the TiddlyWiki5 repo.
[[Filters]] follow a formal grammar that is presented here for users who are familiar with the notation. It isn't necessary to understand this grammar in order to write your own filter expressions.
''<filter-string>'' ::= ''<opt-whitespaces>'' ''<filter-operand>'' | ''<opt-whitespaces>'' ''<filter-operand>'' ''<filter-string>''
Whitespace is matched with javascript "\s+", which matches space, tab, carriage return, new line, vertical tab, and form feed.
''<opt-whitespaces>'' ::= ''<opt-whitespace>'' | ''<opt-whitespace>'' ''<opt-whitespaces>''
''<opt-whitespace>'' ::= " " | "\t" | "0xD" | "0xA" | "0xB" | "0xC"
''<filter-operand>'' ::= ''<opt-operation-prefix>'' ''<string-or-operator-list>''
''<opt-operation-prefix>'' ::= "+" | "-" | ""
''<string-or-operator-list>'' ::= ''<operation>'' | "\"" ''<string>'' "\"" | "'" ''<string>'' "'" | ''<string>''
''<operation>'' ::= "[" ''<operator-list>'' "]"
''<operator-list>'' ::= ''<operator>'' | ''<operator>'' ''<operator-list>''
''<operator>'' ::= ''<opt-operator-prefix>''''<operator>''''<operand>''
''<opt-operator-prefix>'' ::= "!" | ""
''<operator>'' ::= ''<operator-name>'' | ''<operator-name>'' ":" ''<opt-operator-suffix>''
''<operator-name>'' ::= "" | "is" | "has" | "each" | "field" ...
''<opt-operator-suffix>'' ::= ''<string>'' | ""
''<operand>'' ::= "[" ''<search-string>'' "]" | "{" ''<indirect-search-string>'' "}" | "<" ''<variable-name-string>'' ">"
''<string>'' ::= ''<string-type-1>'' | ''<string-type-2>'' | ...
At the end of parsing you end up with some or all of:
* ''<opt-operation-prefix>''
* ''<opt-operator-prefix>''
* ''<operator-name>''
* ''<opt-operator-suffix>'', and
* ''<operand>''
These are used differently by the different operators. For example, the field filter operator supports:
* ''<opt-operator-prefix>'' to negate the result
* ''<regex>'' or ''<string>'' operand (note that this must be explicitly supported by each filter operator)
* ''<opt-operator-suffix>'' to specify a fieldname against which to filter
* The ''<string>'' is a terminal that generally supports single- or double- quoted strings which match, respectively, strings of non-single and non-double quotes. Unquoted strings include the extra exclusion of whitespace and square bracket characters.
* In the case where the ''<string-or-operator-list>'' is NOT an ''<operation>'' it is treated as the operand passed to the default operator (see next bullet). It is not parsed as a full ''<operation>''.
* If ''<operator-name>'' is the empty string then it will be set to "title" (i.e. the title filter operator is the default operator)
* Results are collected and each operation is applied in turn. The ''<opt-operation-prefix>'' can be used to specify how the corresponding operation is used. Suppose T is the set of all tiddlers, R0 is the current set of results, and Fx is the xth operation. Then:
** No prefix (""): R0 = R0 U Fx(T) (set union)
** "-": R0 = R0 - Fx(T) (set difference)
** "+": R0 = Fx(R0)
Note that ''<filter-operand>''s are not commutative!
* The parser was simplified by treating regex "/" as a "bracket" of sorts, meaning there could only be a start and end bracket. Thus the regex arguments, like i, are included in parenthesis immediately following the trailing "/".
The ''addprefix'' filter operator add a prefix to all titles in the current list.
For example:
|!Filter String |!Description |
|`one two three +[addprefix[tid-]]` |Returns `tid-one`, `tid-two`, `tid-three` |
See also [[FilterOperator: prefix]], [[FilterOperator: suffix]], [[FilterOperator: addsuffix]], [[FilterOperator: removeprefix]] and [[FilterOperator: removesuffix]].
The ''addsuffix'' filter operator adds a suffix to all titles in the current list.
For example:
|!Filter String |!Description |
|`one two three +[addsuffix[-tid]]` |Returns `one-tid`, `two-tid`, `three-tid` |
See also [[FilterOperator: suffix]], [[FilterOperator: prefix]], [[FilterOperator: addprefix]], [[FilterOperator: removesuffix]], and [[FilterOperator: removeprefix]].
The ''after'' filter operator returns the tiddler from the current list that is after the tiddler named in the operand.
The following examples assume a tiddler called `MyList` with a `list` field containing:
one two three four five
|!Filter String |!Description |
|`[list[MyList]after[two]]` |Returns `three` |
|`[list[MyList]after[five]]` |Returns an empty list |
|`[list[MyList]after{!!title}]` |Returns `five` if the current tiddler is `four` |
See also [[FilterOperator: before]], [[FilterOperator: previous]] and [[FilterOperator: next]].
The ''all'' filter operator is used to select combinations of lists of tiddlers for subsequent operations.
The operand of the ''all'' operator is a list of names of tiddler sources joined with `+`.
For example:
|!Filter String |!Description |
|`[all[tiddlers]]` |Selects all 'real' tiddlers (both system and non-system), excluding shadow tiddlers |
|`[all[shadows]]` |Selects all ShadowTiddlers, including those that have been overridden with real tiddlers |
|`[all[shadows+tiddlers]]` |Selects all ShadowTiddlers and all 'real' tiddlers together |
|`[all[current]]` |Selects the current tiddler |
|`[all[missing]]` |Selects all MissingTiddlers |
|`[all[orphans]]` |Selects all OrphanTiddlers |
|`[all[]]` |Selects all the source tiddlers available to the filter |
The ''backlinks'' filter operator replaces the current list with a list of the non-system tiddlers that link to them.
For example:
|!Filter String |!Description |
|`[[HelloThere]backlinks[]]` |Selects all tiddlers that contain links to the tiddler `HelloThere` |
|`[tag[Personal]backlinks[]]` |Selects all tiddlers that contain links to tiddlers tagged `Personal` |
|`[all[current]backlinks[]]` |Selects all tiddlers that contain links to the current tiddler |
The ''before'' filter operator returns the tiddler from the current list that is before the tiddler named in the operand.
The following examples assume a tiddler called `MyList` with a `list` field containing:
one two three four five
|!Filter String |!Description |
|`[list[MyList]before[two]]` |Returns `one` |
|`[list[MyList]before[one]]` |Returns an empty list |
|`[list[MyList]before{!!title}]` |Returns `three` if the current tiddler is `four` |
See also [[FilterOperator: after]], [[FilterOperator: previous]] and [[FilterOperator: next]].
The ''bf'' filter operator is a synonym for [[FilterOperator: rest]].
The ''butfirst'' filter operator is a synonym for [[FilterOperator: rest]].
Without an operand, the ''butlast'' filter operator returns all but the last entry in the current list. The optional operand specifies the number of entries to omit.
For example:
|!Filter String |!Description |
|`one two three four five +[butlast[]]` |Returns `one`, `two`, `three`, `four` |
|`one two three four five +[butlast[2]]` |Returns `one`, `two`, `three` |
The ''commands'' filter operator replaces the current list with a list of the available commands (see the HelpCommand for details).
For example:
|!Filter String |!Description |
|`[commands[]]` |Returns a list of the available command names |
The ''each'' filter operator filters the current list to leave only the first tiddler with each distinct value for a specified field.
For example:
|!Filter String |!Description |
|`[all[tiddlers]sort[title]each[type]]` |Returns a list of the first tiddler with each distinct ''type'' field |
The ''each'' operator can be used to group tiddlers. For example, the following example creates a list of tiddlers split into types:
<$list filter="[!is[system]has[type]!type[text/vnd.tiddlywiki]each[type]sort[type]]">
! <$view field="type"/>
<$list filter="[type{!!type}!is[system]sort[title]]">
<$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link>
The ''eachday'' filter operator filters the current list to leave only the first tiddler that has a distinct value for a specified date field.
For example:
|!Filter String |!Description |
|`[eachday[created]]` |Returns a list of the first tiddler created on each distinct day |
The ''eachday'' operator can be used to group tiddlers. For example, the following wiki text creates a list of the number of tiddlers that were modified on each day:
<$list filter="[!is[system]eachday[modified]!sort[modified]]">
<$view field="modified" format="date" template="DD MMM YYYY"/>: <$count filter="[sameday{!!modified}]"/> modifications
The ''field'' filter operator filters the current list according to whether a field matches a specified value.
The operand is the value to match, and the suffix is used to identify the field. For example:
|!Filter String |!Description |
|`[field:modifier[JeremyRuston]]` |Returns a list of the tiddlers created by `JeremyRuston` |
|`[modifier[JeremyRuston]]` |Returns a list of the tiddlers created by `JeremyRuston` |
Note that if an unknown filter operator `[unknown[xxx]]` is encountered it is interpreted as `[field:unknown[xxx]]`.
The ''fields'' filter operator returns the names of all the fields used in the currently selected tiddlers.
|!Filter String |!Description |
|`[[HelloThere]fields[]]` |Returns the fields present in the tiddler `HelloThere` |
|`[tag[myTag]fields[]]` |Returns the aggregate of all the fields present on tiddlers that have the tag `myTag` |
The ''first'' filter operator returns the first entries in the current list. The optional operand specifies the number of entries to return.
For example:
|!Filter String |!Description |
|`one two three +[first[]]` |Returns `one` |
|`one two three +[first[2]]` |Returns `one`, `two` |
The ''get'' filter operator replaces the titles of the tiddlers in the current list with the values of the field specified by the operand.
For example:
|!Filter String |!Description |
|`[all[current]get[draft.of]]` |If the current tiddler is a draft, returns the original tiddler, otherwise returns an empty list |
The ''has'' filter operator chooses tiddlers from the current list that have a non-empty value for the field specified in the operand.
For example:
|!Filter String |!Description |
|`[has[modifier]]` |Returns tiddlers that have a `modifier` field |
The ''indexes'' filter operator returns a list of all the property indexes found in the DataTiddlers in the current list. Tiddlers that are not DataTiddlers are ignored.
For example:
|!Filter String |!Description |
|`[[MyData]indexes[]]` |Returns the indexes of all properties in the data tiddler `MyData` |
|`[{$:/palette}indexes[]sort[title]]` |Returns the names of all the colours defined in the current [[colour palette|ColourPalettes]] |
The ''is'' filter operator selects tiddlers from the current list according to their membership of the category specified in the operand:
* `[is[current]]` - returns any tiddler that matches the title of the current tiddler
* `[is[image]]` - tiddlers that contain an image (eg, GIF, JPEG, PNG etc.)
* `[is[missing]]` - MissingTiddlers that are referenced but undefined
* `[is[orphan]]` - OrphanTiddlers that are not referenced from any other tiddler
* `[is[shadow]]` - tiddlers that are ShadowTiddlers
* `[is[system]]` - tiddlers that are SystemTiddlers
* `[is[tiddler]]` - tiddlers that are not MissingTiddlers
* `[is[tag]]` - tiddlers that are being used as tags
For example:
|!Filter String |!Description |
|`[tag[task]is[shadow]]` |Returns ShadowTiddlers tagged `task` |
|`[tag[task]!is[system]]` |Returns non-SystemTiddlers tagged `task` |
|`[is[shadow]]` |Returns ShadowTiddlers that have been overridden by a 'real' tiddler |
|`[!is[shadow]]` |Returns ordinary tiddlers that are not shadow tiddlers |
|`[!is[tag]]` |Returns all tiddlers that are not being used as tags |
|`[is[missing]]` |Returns an empty list (see note below) |
Note that the ''is'' filter operator strictly filters the current list by choosing whether or not to include each one in the output. It never adds tiddlers to the results that are not already listed. This means that when used at the start of a run of filter operators the ''is'' operator will be choosing from the currently existing tiddlers, and so will never return missing tiddlers, or shadow tiddlers that haven't been overridden.
The ''last'' filter operator returns the last entries in the current list. The optional operand specifies the number of entries to return.
For example:
|!Filter String |!Description |
|`one two three +[last[]]` |Returns `three` |
|`one two three +[last[2]]` |Returns `two`, `three` |
The ''limit'' filter operator trims the current list to the length specified in the operator. Usually the first tiddlers in the list are returned; preceding the operator with ''!'' causes it to instead return the last tiddlers in the list.
For example:
|!Filter String |!Description |
|`[sort[modified]!limit[20]]` |Returns the titles of the last 20 tiddlers to have been modified |
|`[has[created]sort[created]limit[10]]` |Returns the titles of the oldest 10 tiddlers to have been created |
The ''links'' filter operator replaces the current list with a list of the targets of outgoing links from those tiddlers.
For example:
|!Filter String |!Description |
|`[[HelloThere]links[]]` |Returns the titles of tiddlers linked from `HelloThere` |
|`[all[current]links[]]` |Returns the titles of tiddlers linked from the current tiddler |
The ''list'' filter operator replaces the current list with the list contained in the TextReference specified in the operand. The default field for the text reference is `list`.
Preceding the operator name with `!` inverts the logic so that the filter only returns the tiddlers in the current list that are not listed in the specified list.
For example:
|!Filter String |!Description |
|`[list[HelloThere]]` |Returns the list of tiddlers in the `list` field of the tiddler `HelloThere` |
|`[list[HelloThere!!mylist]]` |Returns the list of tiddlers in the `mylist` field of the tiddler `HelloThere` |
The ''listed'' filter operator returns the titles of the tiddlers that have `list` fields that contain any members of the current list. The optional operand can be used to specify a different field.
For example:
|!Filter String |!Description |
|`[[HelloThere]listed[]]` |Returns the titles of any tiddlers containing `HelloThere` in their `list` fields |
|`[all[current]listed[my-special-list]]` |Returns the titles of any tiddlers containing the current tiddler in their `my-special-list` fields |
The ''modules'' filter operator treats the current list as a list of [[module types|ModuleType]], and returns the titles of all of the modules of those types.
For example:
|!Filter String |!Description |
|`[[filteroperator]modules[]]` |Returns a list of the modules of type `filteroperator` |
See also [[FilterOperator: moduletypes]].
The ''moduletypes'' filter operator replaces the current list with a list of the types of the currently loaded modules.
For example:
|!Filter String |!Description |
|`[moduletypes[]]` |Returns a list of the types of the currently loaded modules |
See also [[FilterOperator: modules]].
The ''next'' filter operator takes each tiddler in the current list and looks it up in the `list` field of the tiddler specified in the operand, and then returns the immediately following tiddler title.
The following examples assume a tiddler called `MyList` with a `list` field containing:
one two three four five
|!Filter String |!Description |
|`[[three]next[MyList]]` |Returns `four` |
|`[[five]next[MyList]]` |Returns an empty list |
|`one three +[next[MyList]]` |Returns `two`, `four` |
See also [[FilterOperator: previous]].
The ''nsort'' filter operator sorts the current list as numeric values, along the field specified in the operand (which defaults to `title`). String values are sorted case insensitively (upper and lower case letters are considered equivalent). Preceding the operator with `!` reverses the sort order.
For example:
|!Filter String |!Description |
|`10 010 1000 100 +[nsort[]]` |Returns `10`, `010`, `100`, `1000` |
|`10 010 alpha 1000 100 +[nsort[]]` |Returns `10`, `010`, `100`, `1000`, `alpha` |
See also [[FilterOperator: sort]], [[FilterOperator: sortcs]] and [[FilterOperator: nsortcs]].
The ''nsortcs'' filter operator sorts the current list as numeric values, along the field specified in the operand (which defaults to `title`). String values are sorted case sensitively (upper and lower case letters are considered different). Preceding the operator with `!` reverses the sort order.
For example:
|!Filter String |!Description |
|`10 010 1000 100 +[nsortcs[]]` |Returns `10`, `010`, `100`, `1000` |
|`10 010 alpha 1000 100 +[nsortcs[]]` |Returns `10`, `010`, `100`, `1000`, `alpha` |
See also [[FilterOperator: sort]], [[FilterOperator: sortcs]] and [[FilterOperator: nsort]].
Without an operand, the ''nth'' filter operator returns the first entry in the current list. The optional operand specifies the position of the entry in the list.
For example:
|!Filter String |!Description |
|`one two three four five +[nth[]]` |Returns `one` |
|`one two three four five +[nth[3]]` |Returns `three` |
The ''plugintiddlers'' filter operator returns the titles of the shadow tiddlers within any plugin tiddlers in the current list.
For example:
|!Filter String |!Description |
|`[[$:/core]plugintiddlers[]]` |Returns a list of the shadow tiddlers within the [[$:/core]] module |
See also [[FilterOperator: shadowsource]].
The ''prefix'' filter operator returns the titles in the current list that start with a specified prefix. If the ''prefix'' operator is preceded by `!` then it returns the titles that do not start with the specified prefix.
For example:
|!Filter String |!Description |
|`[tag[task]!prefix[hidden]]` |Returns tiddlers tagged `task` whose titles do not start with `hidden` |
|`[prefix[$:/]]` |Equivalent to `[is[system]]` |
See also [[FilterOperator: removeprefix]], [[FilterOperator: removesuffix]], [[FilterOperator: removesuffix]], [[FilterOperator: addprefix]], and [[FilterOperator: addsuffix]].
The ''previous'' filter operator takes each tiddler in the current list and looks it up in the `list` field of the tiddler specified in the operand, and then returns the immediately preceding tiddler title.
The following examples assume a tiddler called `MyList` with a `list` field containing:
one two three four five
|!Filter String |!Description |
|`[[three]previous[MyList]]` |Returns `two` |
|`[[one]previous[MyList]]` |Returns an empty list |
|`two four +[previous[MyList]]` |Returns `one`, `three` |
See also [[FilterOperator: next]].
The ''regexp'' filter operator filters tiddlers that match a regular expression.
Regular expressions are a way of encoding complex string matching criteria. The format is defined fully in [[this Mozilla reference|https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Regular_Expressions]].
The regexp filter operator takes a fieldname as the optional suffix (defaulting to `title`).
The regular expression itself can start or end with an optional string to specify flags in the format `(?flags)` where flags can be "g", "m" or "i". Only the "i" flag is generally useful: it forces the match to be case-insensitive (ie upper and lower case letters are considered the same).
For example:
|!Filter String |!Description |
|`[all[tiddlers]regexp[EggCup]]` |Selects all tiddlers that have the CamelCase string "EggCup" in their title |
|`[all[tiddlers]regexp[eggcup(?i)]]` |Selects all tiddlers that have the string "eggcup" in their title (ignoring case) |
|`[all[tiddlers]regexp[(?i)\.jpe?g$]]` |Selects all tiddlers with titles ending in ".jpg" or ".jpeg" (ignoring case) |
|`[all[tiddlers]regexp:modified[^2014]]` |Selects all tiddlers whose modified field starts with the string "2014" |
! Regular Expressions with Square Brackets
Note that the filter syntax doesn't allow you to directly enter regular expressions that include square brackets. Instead, you should use a variable to store the filter string. For example, the following regular expression matches all titles that contain any combination the letters "a", "b" and "c" (with no other characters present).
<$set name="myfilter" value="^[abc]*$">
<$list filter="[regexp:title<myfilter>]">
<$view field="title"/>
The ''removeprefix'' filter operator returns the titles in the current list that start with a specified prefix with the prefix removed.
For example:
|!Filter String |!Description |
|`tid-one tid-two three +[removeprefix[tid-]]` |Returns `one`, `two` |
See also [[FilterOperator: prefix]], [[FilterOperator: suffix]], [[FilterOperator: removesuffix]], [[FilterOperator: addprefix]], and [[FilterOperator: addsuffix]].
The ''removesuffix'' filter operator returns the titles in the current list that end with a specified suffix with the suffix removed.
For example:
|!Filter String |!Description |
|`one-tid two-tid three +[removesuffix[-tid]]` |Returns `one`, `two` |
See also [[FilterOperator: suffix]], [[FilterOperator: prefix]], [[FilterOperator: removeprefix]], [[FilterOperator: addprefix]], and [[FilterOperator: addsuffix]].
Without an operand, the ''rest'' filter operator returns all but the first entry in the current list. The optional operand specifies the number of entries to omit.
For example:
|!Filter String |!Description |
|`one two three four five +[rest[]]` |Returns `two`, `three`, `four`, `five` |
|`one two three four five +[rest[2]]` |Returns `three`, `four`, `five` |
The ''reverse'' filter operator reverses the order of the titles in the current list.
For example:
|!Filter String |!Description |
|`one two three +[reverse[]]` |Returns the list `three`, `two`, `one` |
The ''sameday'' filter operator filters the current list to leave only those tiddlers whose `modified` field is on the same day as the date provided as the operand. The optional suffix allows a different field to be specified.
For example:
|!Filter String |!Description |
|`[sameday[20140410]]` |Returns a list of the tiddlers modified on the 10th April 2014 |
|`[sameday:created[20140410]]` |Returns a list of the tiddlers created on the 10th April 2014 |
See [[FilterOperator: eachday]] for an example.
The ''search'' filter operator filters the current list to leave only those tiddlers that include the operand text in their title, body or tags. Preceding the operator with `!` returns all tiddlers that do not include the specified text. The search is case-insenstive.
Optionally, a field can be specified to restrict the search.
For example:
|!Filter String |!Description |
|`[search[alsatian]]` |Returns a list of the tiddlers containing the text "alsatian" |
|`[all[shadows]search[alsatian]]` |Returns a list of the shadow tiddlers containing the text "alsatian" |
|`[search:caption[spaniel]]` |Returns a list of the tiddlers containing the text "spaniel" in their caption field |
The ''shadowsource'' filter operator returns the titles of the plugin tiddlers containing any ShadowTiddlers in the current list.
For example:
|!Filter String |!Description |
|`[[$:/core/copyright.txt]shadowsource[]]` |Returns `$:/core`, which is the plugin that contains the shadow tiddler [[$:/core/copyright.txt]] |
See also [[FilterOperator: plugintiddlers]].
The ''sort'' filter operator sorts the current list case insensitively (upper and lower case letters are considered equivalent), along the field specified in the operand (which defaults to `title`). Preceding the operator with `!` reverses the sort order.
For example:
|!Filter String |!Description |
|`one two three four +[sort[]]` |Returns `four`, `one`, `three`, `two` |
|`one two Three four +[sort[]]` |Returns `four`, `one`, `Three`, `two` |
For an example of use with explicit operands, see [[FilterOperator: limit]].
See also [[FilterOperator: nsort]], [[FilterOperator: sortcs]] and [[FilterOperator: nsortcs]].
The ''sortcs'' filter operator sorts the current list case sensitively (upper and lower case letters are considered different), along the field specified in the operand (which defaults to `title`). Preceding the operator with `!` reverses the sort order.
For example:
|!Filter String |!Description |
|`one two Three four +[sortcs[]]` |Returns `Three`, `four`, `one`, `two` |
See also [[FilterOperator: sort]], [[FilterOperator: nsort]] and [[FilterOperator: nsortcs]].
The ''suffix'' filter operator returns the titles in the current list that end with a specified suffix. If the ''suffix'' operator is preceded by `!` then it returns the titles that do not end with the specified suffix.
For example:
|!Filter String |!Description |
|`[tag[task]!suffix[hidden]]` |Returns tiddlers tagged `task` whose titles do not end with `hidden` |
|`[suffix[.jpg]]` |Returns tiddlers whose titles end with `.jpg` |
See also [[FilterOperator: removesuffix]], [[FilterOperator: prefix]], [[FilterOperator: removeprefix]], [[FilterOperator: addprefix]], and [[FilterOperator: addsuffix]].
The ''tag'' filter operator returns the tiddlers in the current list that have the tag specified in the operand. Preceding the operator with `!` returns tiddlers that do not have the specified tag.
For example:
|!Filter String |!Description |
|`[tag[mytag]]` |Returns all tiddlers tagged `mytag` |
|`[all[shadows]tag[mytag]]` |Returns all ShadowTiddlers tagged `mytag` |
|`[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[mytag]]` |Returns all ShadowTiddlers and non-ShadowTiddlers tagged `mytag` |
|`[!tag[mytag]]` |Returns all tiddlers not tagged `mytag` |
|`[tag[mytag]!tag[exclude]]` |Returns all tiddlers tagged `mytag` that are not tagged `exclude` |
See also [[FilterOperator: tagging]], [[FilterOperator: tags]] and [[FilterOperator: untagged]].
The ''tagging'' filter operator returns all the tiddlers that are tagged by the tiddlers in the current list.
For example:
|!Filter String |!Description |
|`[[mytag]tagging[]]` |Returns all tiddlers tagged `mytag` |
|`[all[current]tagging[]]` |Returns all tiddlers tagged by the current tiddler |
See also [[FilterOperator: tag]], [[FilterOperator: tags]] and [[FilterOperator: untagged]].
The ''tags'' filter operator returns all the tags present on the tiddlers in the current list.
For example:
|!Filter String |!Description |
|`[[mytiddler]tags[]]` |Returns all tags for the tiddler `mytiddler` |
|`[all[shadows+tiddlers]tags[]]` |Returns all the tags used on ShadowTiddlers or non-ShadowTiddlers |
See also [[FilterOperator: tag]], [[FilterOperator: tagging]] and [[FilterOperator: untagged]].
The ''title'' filter operator replaces the current list with the title specified in the operand.
For example:
|!Filter String |!Description |
|`[[mytiddler]]` |Returns the title `mytiddler` |
|`[title[mytiddler]]` |Returns the title `mytiddler` |
Note that the ''title'' operator is the default when no operator name is specified.
The ''untagged'' filter operator selects from the current list any tiddlers that do not have any tags.
For example:
|!Filter String |!Description |
|`[untagged[]]` |Returns the titles of all tiddlers without tags |
|`[all[shadows]untagged[]]` |Returns all the ShadowTiddlers without tags |
See also [[FilterOperator: tag]], [[FilterOperator: tagging]] and [[FilterOperator: tags]].
Filter operators are the individual elements of [[filters|Filters]]. See [[Introduction to Filters]] for details.
The full list of available filter operators is:
<<list-links "[tag[Filters]]">>
Filters are used in TiddlyWiki to choose tiddlers by specifying simple match criteria. They are used by widgets like the ListWidget and the CountWidget to perform operations on multiple tiddlers at once.
* [[Introduction to Filters]] is a step-by-step introduction to how filters are used
* [[Filter Formal Grammar]] is a technical explanation of the filter syntax.
The most common filter operators are:
<<list-links "[tag[CommonFilters]]">>
See FilterOperators for a complete list of available filter operators
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Available character formatting includes:
* <code>`backticks`</code> for `code`
** Alternatively, <code>``double backticks allows `embedded` backticks``</code>
* `''bold''` for ''bold text''
* `//italic//` for //italic text//
* `__underscore__` for __underscored text__
* `^^superscript^^` for ^^superscript^^ text
* `,,subscript,,` for ,,subscripted,, text
* `~~strikethrough~~` for ~~strikethrough~~ text
See also: [[Code Blocks in WikiText]]
Within the text of a tiddler you can use special formatting called WikiText to control how the text is displayed.
! Simple Formatting
At its simplest, WikiText lets you use familiar word-processing features like bold, italic, lists and tables. For example:
The ''quick'' brown ~~flea~~ fox //jumps// over the `lazy` dog
Displays as:
The ''quick'' brown ~~flea~~ fox //jumps// over the `lazy` dog
! Working with Tiddlers
WikiText allows you to link to tiddlers using double square brackets, or taking advantage of the automatic linking of CamelCase words:
This is a link to HelloThere, and one to [[History of TiddlyWiki]]
Displays as:
This is a link to HelloThere, and one to [[History of TiddlyWiki]]
! Macros
Macros let you package repetitive fragments of WikiText so that you can easily reuse them.
For example, here is the definition of a macro that generates a YouTube video URL from its unique identifier:
\define youtube(video)
With that definition in place, `<<youtube 1g66s7UbyuU>>` generates the URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1g66s7UbyuU
! Advanced WikiText
Advanced WikiText features allow you to produce automated lists and interactive features like dropdown menus. In fact, the entire user interface of TiddlyWiki itself is written in WikiText, so any feature that you see in TiddlyWiki can be adapted for use in your own wikis.
Some of the advanced features require complex coding. TiddlyWiki includes several built-in macros that simplify common user interface tasks, like tabs, tables of content, and lists of tiddlers.
! Find out more
See [[WikiText]] for a detailed introduction to writing WikiText.
! Users
The ~TiddlyWiki discussion groups are mailing lists for talking about ~TiddlyWiki: requests for help, announcements of new releases and plugins, debating new features, or just sharing experiences. You can participate via the associated website, or subscribe via email.
* The main ~TiddlyWiki group: http://groups.google.com/group/TiddlyWiki
*> Note that you do not need a Google Account to join the discussion groups. Subscribe by sending an email to mailto:tiddlywiki+subscribe@googlegroups.com or mailto:tiddlywikidev+subscribe@googlegroups.com.
* Watch recordings of our regular [[TiddlyWiki Hangouts]]
* Follow [[@TiddlyWiki on Twitter|http://twitter.com/TiddlyWiki]] for the latest news
! Developers
* The TiddlyWikiDev group for developers: http://groups.google.com/group/TiddlyWikiDev
*> Note that you do not need a Google Account to join the discussion groups. Subscribe by sending an email to mailto:tiddlywiki+subscribe@googlegroups.com or mailto:tiddlywikidev+subscribe@googlegroups.com.
* Follow [[@TiddlyWiki on Twitter|http://twitter.com/#!/TiddlyWiki]] for the latest news
* Get involved in the [[development on GitHub|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5]]
New releases of TiddlyWiki, TiddlyDesktop and TiddlyFox are announced via the discussion groups and [[Twitter|https://twitter.com/TiddlyWiki]] (you can also subscribe to an Atom/RSS feed of [[TiddlyWiki releases from GitHub|https://github.com/jermolene/tiddlywiki5/releases.atom]])
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
A manifesto for the preservation of free speech through the exchange of randomized data.
Worried that using encryption will make you stand out from the crowd?
Do something about it!
Preserve our rights to free speech and association by sending Randomized Data to your friends and friends of friends – only to those who have given their consent – and encourage them to do the same.
We call data like that Freedom Bits.
TiddlyWiki is designed with the long term needs of its users in mind. Because it is OpenSource and needs no infrastructure, we can be confident that all we'll need to access a ~TiddlyWiki file even in the far future is an ordinary HTML browser. If you're starting to use ~TiddlyWiki at the beginning of your career you can be confident that it will carry you through to retirement.
TiddlyWiki5 can be used to generate static HTML representations of a TiddlyWiki that doesn't need JavaScript.
There is much flexibility in how the static HTML is generated. The following scenarios are all illustrated on http://tiddlywiki.com.
! Wiki Snapshots and Tiddler Snapshots
You can explore a static representation of this TiddlyWiki at <a href="static.html">static.html</a>. That file is a static snapshot of the current DefaultTiddlers. Any tiddlers that it links to are referred to via URLs of the form `/static/HelloThere.html` that point to static snapshots of individual tiddlers. The tiddler HTML files reference a `static.css` stylesheet file.
The following commands are used to generate the sample static version of the TiddlyWiki5 site:
--rendertiddlers [!is[system]] $:/core/templates/static.tiddler.html static text/plain
--rendertiddler $:/core/templates/static.template.html static.html text/plain
--rendertiddler $:/core/templates/static.template.css static/static.css text/plain
The first RenderTiddlersCommand generates the HTML representations of individual tiddlers, the second RenderTiddlerCommand saves the static version of the DefaultTiddlers, and the final RenderTiddlerCommand saves the stylesheet. (All the files are placed in the `output` folder of the wiki folder).
! Wiki Snapshot with Internal Links
It is also possible to produce a single HTML file that contains static representations of tiddlers, and uses standard HTML anchor links to jump between them.
For example: <a href="alltiddlers.html">alltiddlers.html</a>
The example is built by the following commands:
--rendertiddler $:/core/templates/alltiddlers.template.html alltiddlers.html text/plain
//This is a sample task for the TaskManagementExample//
This brief tutorial takes you through the basics of saving changes with a standalone TiddlyWiki file.
//Note that the video is a bit out of date, and will be updated soon!//
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/1g66s7UbyuU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
\define default-platform()
GettingStarted - $(browser-name)$
Instructions for getting started using TiddlyWiki on the different platforms and configurations that it supports.
<$set name="browser-name" value={{$:/info/browser/name}}>
<$macrocall $name="tabs" state="$:/state/tabs/platform" tabsList="[prefix[GettingStarted - ]]" default=<<default-platform>> class="tc-vertical"/>
See also:
* [[Encryption]] explains how to use TiddlyWiki's built-in encryption to protect your content with a password
* [[Saving on TiddlySpot]], a free service that lets you use TiddlyWiki online
* Saving on TiddlyDesktop, a custom desktop application for working with TiddlyWiki
* You can also download this full TiddlyWiki including all the documentation:
If the button doesn't work save this link:
<a href="http://tiddlywiki.com/index.html" download="index.html">~http://tiddlywiki.com/index.html</a>
Your browser may ask you to accept the download before it begins
There are two options for using TiddlyWiki on Android:
! Using Firefox and TiddlyFox
{{Saving with TiddlyFox on Android}}
! Using the AndTidWiki App
{{Saving on Android}}
TiddlyWiki on Google Chrome can only save changes using the HTML5-compatible fallback saver module.
{{Saving with the HTML5 fallback saver}}
Firefox provides the best user experience for using TiddlyWiki with the TiddlyFox browser extension.
{{Saving with TiddlyFox}}
{{Saving with TiddlyIE}}
The [[Windows HTA Hack]] describes an alternative method of using TiddlyWiki with Internet Explorer.
{{Saving on iPad/iPhone}}
{{Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js}}
TiddlyWiki on Safari can only save changes using the HTML5-compatible fallback saver module.
{{Saving on Safari}}
GitHub is a commercial organisation that operates a service for hosting code that includes powerful collaborative features.
The code and documentation of TiddlyWiki is hosted on GitHub at:
//This is a sample task for the TaskManagementExample//
TiddlyWiki makes a great GuerillaWiki in situations where it is not practical to use a traditional wiki.
For instance, in a corporate setting, persuading an over-worked IT department to install a Wiki server for you is seldom going to be possible overnight. And if your PC is locked down you can't install a conventional Wiki yourself. Equally, you can't go and use one of the public hosted Wiki services because your Information Security department would not allow all that corporate data to flow into an outside server.
TiddlyWiki slices through those barriers by being usable on virtually all PCs.
The usual handling of [[paragraphs in wikitext|Paragraphs in WikiText]] causes single line breaks to be ignored, and double linebreaks to be interpreted as the end of a paragraph.
This behaviour isn't convenient when dealing with material that incorporates hard linebreaks - for instance, poetry. You can mark a block of content as containing hard line breaks like this:
<<wikitext-example src:'"""
This is a line
and this is a new line
while this is yet another line
and this is the final one
apart from this one
Headings are specified with one or more leading `!` characters:
! This is a level 1 heading
!! This is a level 2 heading
!!! This is a level 3 heading
CSS classes can be assigned to individual headings like this:
!.myStyle This heading has the class `myStyle`
Welcome to ~TiddlyWiki, a versatile note-taking web application you can download for free, store wherever you like and customise however you wish. Use it to capture, organise and share your notes in ways that word processors and other note-taking tools cannot.
<$button class="tc-btn-big-green" to="Introduction Video" style="background:red;">
{{$:/core/images/video}} Watch a video introduction
~TiddlyWiki is designed to be non-linear, structuring content with stories, tags, hyperlinks, and other features. You can organise and retrieve your notes in ways that conform to your personal thought patterns, rather than feel chained to one preset organisational structure.
You can use ~TiddlyWiki as a single file that you view and edit through any web browser, whether you are online or offline. Or you can use it as a powerful [[Node.js application|TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] that stores each of your notes as a separate file.
How can you make ~TiddlyWiki work for you? We recommend you start with our introductory documentation listed below, and then browse the TableOfContents, available in the Contents tab in the sidebar. Or just [[follow our simple instructions|GettingStarted]] and try it out for yourself!
* [[Discover TiddlyWiki]]
* [[Some of the things you can do with TiddlyWiki]]
* [[Ten reasons to switch to TiddlyWiki]]
* [[Examples of TiddlyWiki being used in the wild|Examples]]
* [[History of TiddlyWiki]]
* [[What happened to the original TiddlyWiki?]]
* [ext[Developer Documentation|./dev/index.html]]
If you find TiddlyWiki useful, there are lots of ways you can help assure its future and make it better.
! Teach and Tell
OpenSource projects like ~TiddlyWiki thrive on the feedback and engagement of users. ~TiddlyWiki becomes more useful to everyone as more and more people use it. So, if you find ~TiddlyWiki useful, spread the word. The best possible way to assure its future is for it to become a hundred times more popular than before.
* [[Tweet about TiddlyWiki|https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=I+love+TiddlyWiki+because...&source=tiddlywiki5]]
* [[Star the TiddlyWiki5 GitHub Repository|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5]]
! Help improve the documentation and code
There are many ways you can contribute to ~TiddlyWiki:
* Writing tutorials
* Contributing to the documentation on tiddlywiki.com
* Making video screencasts
* Curating relevant links, hints and tips on a wiki
The main ~TiddlyWiki documentation and code lives on GitHub, and welcomes [[contributions|Contributing]]:
* https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5
The Highlight plugin provides the ability to apply syntax colouring to text.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/highlight/
//These are personal reflections on the history and development of TiddlyWiki from JeremyRuston//
! Origins of TiddlyWiki
Back in 1997 a colleague introduced me to [[Ward Cunningham's original wiki|http://c2.com/cgi/wiki]]. I was impressed that something so powerful could fit into just 700 lines of Perl, and fascinated by the radical reimagining of security and permissions. Like many other developers, I took every opportunity I could to try out various wikis, and to explore their use at work.
The allure of the wiki for me was the feeling that it could eventually disrupt the prevailing paradigm of print-oriented documents and emails.
After watching people use wikis for a few years, I noticed that power users made extensive use of the ability to open multiple wiki pages at once in several browser tabs, making it easier for them to compare and review pages, to copy text between them and to act as a sort of queue of pages yet to be read.
I felt that this ability to manipulate multiple pages at once was central to the ability to refactor a wiki, and it is generally accepted that a wiki that is lovingly refactored tends to be more useful. And yet, standard wiki user interfaces have always been designed exclusively for the presentation and manipulation of single pages at once.
All of these thoughts came together when I saw GMail in April 2004, which used Ajax cleverly to blend individual emails into threaded conversations.
I started experimenting with HTML and JavaScript to explore the idea further. I'd had virtually no experience of either, just having put together some static pages and simple ASP sites in previous lives. Getting my head around these client-side technologies was painful; like everyone else, I was horrified to discover how appalling were the incompatibilities and inconsistencies of web programming.
! Launch of TiddlyWiki
So, in September 2004 I released a primitive [[first version of TiddlyWiki|http://classic.tiddlywiki.com/firstversion.html]]. It was the smallest possible thing that demonstrated the idea: it was a simple, self-contained static 48KB HTML file.
The downside of writing the first version of TiddlyWiki in this way was that it made it completely impractical to use for editing - when you click 'save changes' it just pops up a window showing the data that would be saved if it were possible for an HTML page to write to the file system.
Much of the early feedback was that TiddlyWiki was neat, but that it would be more useful when it was possible to properly save changes. I was a little frustrated, as I thought I knew that it was impossible for an HTML file running in the browser to save changes to the local file system.
Within a few months I saw an experimental Firefox extension that enabled TiddlyWiki to save changes in the browser. Examining the code, I realised that the APIs that it used to write to the file system were actually available in ordinary HTML files - as long as they were loaded via a `file://` URI.
I adapted the Firefox code into the core of TiddlyWiki, and soon added a similar ability for Internet Explorer (making use of an old ActiveX control that Microsoft distributed with Internet Explorer).
! Growth of TiddlyWiki
A major milestone in the growth of TiddlyWiki was the creation of "GTDTiddlyWiki" by Nathan Bowers. He took the vanilla TiddlyWiki product and adapted it for the specific application of keeping track of tasks using the popular Getting Things Done methodology. GTDTiddlyWiki was an immediate hit, being enthusiastically greeted on websites like LifeHacker.
Over the next couple of years TiddlyWiki continued to grow in popularity, and gained new features and capabilities. Within a year I was able to support myself by performing bespoke development work on TiddlyWiki, notably working with wiki pioneer SocialText on the ability to synchronise changes with an online server
! BT Acquisition
In May 2007, [[BT]] acquired [[Osmosoft]], my consultancy company. It was an unusual decision to acquire a company with a single employee and a tiny trickle of revenue - [[Osmosoft]] didn't even own the intellectual property in TiddlyWiki since I had handed it over to UnaMesa to assure its future for the community.
[[BT]]'s motivation was to help them understand community-based ecosystems. I joined the organisation as "Head of Open Source Innovation", taking responsibility for open source governance, and providing advice and expertise on how to participate in open soure communities.
! [[Osmosoft]] and TiddlySpace
I built a team in BT under the name [[Osmosoft]]. Our purpose was to evangelise the benefits of open source, and to help other teams realise those benefits in practice. We also found that it was necessary to evangelise the use of the web in general, and web standards in particular.
Our approach was to focus on showing rather than telling. We worked with the TiddlyWiki community to extend the ecosystem and we built numerous internal systems for BT (some based on TiddlyWiki and some not).
[[Osmosoft]]'s chief contribution to the TiddlyWiki community was the creation of TiddlyWeb and TiddlySpace. TiddlyWeb was a robust, internet scale server for tiddlers that could also compose TiddlyWiki views of those tiddlers. TiddlySpace was an attempt to package TiddlyWeb into a more directly usable form.
! Leaving BT
By the end of 2011 I was increasingly feeling that I would be better placed to realise the potential of TiddlyWiki outside of the corporate confines BT. Accordingly, I left and started work as an independent developer, primarily working on a brand new reboot of TiddlyWiki in the shape of TiddlyWiki5.
! Development of TiddlyWiki5
I worked on new release of TiddlyWiki from November 2011. As a programmer, working on "version 2.0" of something that I had already written is a very attractive proposition. It means that the requirements were fully understood, allowing me to focus on evolving the architecture needed to support the desired functionality.
! The Future
Now that TiddlyWiki5 has finally left "beta" status behind, my hope is that it will have a long life. Because it only uses standard features of HTML5 and Node.js, there is no reason why it cannot be fully operational for many years to come. My goal is for it to last for at least 25 years.
//Jeremy Ruston, 20th September 2014//
The system tiddler [[$:/HistoryList]] keeps track of a list of tiddlers comprising the navigation history. Each time you click on a link to a tiddler, the title of the target tiddler is added to the top of the stack.
The history list is stored in JSON to allow additional details about the coordinates of the DOM node that initiated the navigation.
The history list also maintains the field ''current-tiddler'' that contains the name of the tiddler at the top of the stack. This field can be used like so:
<$list filter="[list[$:/StoryList]]" history="$:/HistoryList" storyview="pop">
<$button message="tm-close-tiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-mini">×</$button> <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/> <$reveal type="match" state="$:/HistoryList!!current-tiddler" text=<<currentTiddler>>>✓</$reveal></$link>
Which renders the same as the "Open" sidebar tab, with the addition of a tick against the tiddler that was last navigated to.
<$list filter="[list[$:/StoryList]]" history="$:/HistoryList" storyview="pop">
<$button message="tm-close-tiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-mini">×</$button> <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/> <$reveal type="match" state="$:/HistoryList!!current-tiddler" text=<<currentTiddler>>>✓</$reveal></$link>
You can include a horizontal rule with three or more dashes on their own on a line:
<<wikitext-example src:"
When you edit a tiddler on http://tiddlywiki.com you will see a small ribbon inviting you to edit the source of the tiddler on GitHub.
If you are using Node.js, you can replicate this feature for your own TiddlyWiki-based site as follows:
# Make sure the following setting is included in the `tiddlywiki.info` file in your WikiFolder:
#> <pre><code> "config": {
"retain-original-tiddler-path": true
# Copy the tiddler [[$:/ContributionBanner]] to your wiki
# Make the following changes:
## Adjust the GitHub link URL from https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/edit/master/editions/tw5.com/tiddlers/ to point to your own GitHub repo
## Make sure the wording of the text starting "Can you help us improve this documentation?" is appropriate for your visitors
## Adjust the link to [[Improving TiddlyWiki Documentation]] to point to your own tiddler with instructions for the contribution procedure
To create a new tab in the sidebar menu:
# Create a tiddler and tag it with the [[SystemTag|SystemTags]] tag [[$:/tags/SideBar]]
#* To create a table of contents you can can populate the new tab tiddler using the [[TableOfContentsMacro]]. For example, see the [[TableOfContents]] used here
# By default, the tiddler title is used as the tab title but you can override it using the ``caption`` field
# To define the tab ordering, use the `list-after` or `list-before` fields as discussed in [[Tagging]]
#* For example: set `list-after` to [[$:/core/ui/SideBar/Open]] to place a sidebar tab immediately after the "Open" tab
Note that you can create new tabs under the "More" tab in the same way by using the tag ``$:/tags/MoreSideBar``.
You can apply custom styles to tiddlers that have a particular tag by defining a CSS class with the name `tc-tagged-<Tag Name>`.
For example, to make tiddlers tagged "NightReader" appear in a special colour scheme suitable for night-time reading, [[create a stylesheet|Using Stylesheets]] defining the class `tc-tagged-NightReader` like this:
.tc-tagged-NightReader {
color: orange;
padding: 35px 35px;
.tc-tagged-NightReader .tc-tiddler-body {
font-size: 1.5em;
The `tc-tagged-NightReader` class is applied to the entire tiddler and not just the tiddler text. If you want to target a smaller portion of the tiddler you can qualify the CSS selector, as is done here with `.tc-tagged-NightReader .tc-tiddler-body`.
Note that tags containing spaces or non-alphanumeric characters will be converted using URI encoding, making the generated CSS classname hard to predict. For example:
|!Tag |!Generated Class Name |
|`$:/mytag` |`tc-tagged-%24%3A%2Fmytag` |
|`one two` |`tc-tagged-one%20two` |
|`£35.23` |`tc-tagged-%C2%A335.23` |
First install TiddlyWiki as described in [[Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js]].
# Create an empty [[TiddlyWikiFolder|TiddlyWikiFolders]]
## Create a new folder in a convenient place (for example `~/MyWiki`)
## Create a file called `tiddlywiki.info` containing the following text:
##* `{"themes": ["tiddlywiki/vanilla","tiddlywiki/snowwhite"]}`
## Create a subfolder called `tiddlers`
##* Alternatively, just copy the `editions/empty` folder from the TiddlyWiki5 repo
# Create individual TiddlerFiles in the `~/MyWiki/tiddlers` directory
# Execute the following command from the TiddlyWiki5 root directory to build a TiddlyWiki5 file from the tiddlers:
## `tiddlywiki ~/MyWiki --rendertiddler $:/core/save/all index.html text/plain`
Here's how to display the last modification date of a wiki in a banner in the corner of the window:
# Copy the plugin [[$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/github-fork-ribbon]] to your TiddlyWiki
# Save and reload your wiki
# Create a new tiddler called [[$:/_MyRibbon]] tagged [[$:/tags/PageControls]] and containing:<div>
<div class="github-fork-ribbon-wrapper right">
<div class="github-fork-ribbon" style="background-color:#DF4848;">
<$list filter="[!is[system]!has[draft.of]!sort[modified]limit[1]]">
<$view field="modified" format="date" template="DD mmm YYYY at 0hh:0mm"/>
# If required, change the background-color value to your preference
# You can also try changing the positioning class from `right` to `right-bottom`
## To make the banner appear at the top left you'll need to tag the tiddler [[$:/tags/PageTemplate]] instead of [[$:/tags/PageControls]] and then change the position class to `left`
HTML tags and comments can be used directly in WikiText. For example:
<article class="hello">
This is my nice and simple block of text. HelloThere
<!-- This comment will not appear in the wikified output -->
! Content Parsing
The content of an HTML element will be parsed in inline mode unless the opening tag is followed by two linebreaks, in which case it is parsed in block mode. (Inline mode means that block mode formatting such as tables, lists and headings is not recognised).
! Attributes
Attributes in HTML tags can be specified as a literal, a transclusion or a macro invocation. For example, here the value of the `href` attribute will be set to the value of the tiddler MyLinkDestination:
<a href={{MyLinkDestination}}>link</a>
Here an attribute is specified as a macro invocation:
<a href=<<MyMacro "Brian">>>link</a>
Literal attribute values can include line breaks. For example:
<div data-address="Mouse House,
Mouse Lane,
By using triple-double quotes you can specify attribute values that include single double quotes. For example:
<div data-address="""Mouse House,
"Mouse" Lane,
Here is an example of using the ListWidget and the TranscludeWidget to show a grid of all system images (ie, tiddlers tagged [[$:/tags/Image]]).
.my-gallery svg {
width: 6em;
height: 6em;
margin: 1em;
<div class="my-gallery">
<$list filter="[all[tiddlers+shadows]tag[$:/tags/Image]]">
! Image Formatting
Images can be included in WikiText with the following syntax:
[img[Motovun Jack.jpg]]
If the image source is the title of an image tiddler then that tiddler is directly displayed. Otherwise it is interpreted as a URL and an HTML `<img>` tag is generated with the `src` attribute containing the URL.
A tooltip can also be specified:
[img[An explanatory tooltip|Motovun Jack.jpg]]
Attributes can be provided to specify CSS classes and the image width and height:
[img width=32 [Motovun Jack.jpg]]
[img width=32 class="tc-image" [Motovun Jack.jpg]]
Note that attributes can be specified as transclusions or variable references:
[img width={{!!mywidth}} class=<<image-classes>> [Motovun Jack.jpg]]
The image syntax is a shorthand for invoking the ImageWidget.
! Displaying Images via Transclusion
You can also display an image stored in a tiddler by transcluding that tiddler. The disadvantage of this approach is that there is no direct way to control the size of the image.
{{Motovun Jack.jpg}}
Renders as:
{{Motovun Jack.jpg}}
! Introduction
The image widget displays images that can be specified as a remote URL or the title of a local tiddler containing the image.
! Content and Attributes
Any content of the `<$image>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|source |The URL of the image, or the title of an image tiddler |
|width |The width of the image |
|height |The height of the image |
|tooltip |The tooltip to be displayed over the image |
|alt |The alternative text to be associated with the image |
|class |CSS classes to be assigned to the `<img>` element |
The width and the height can be specified as pixel values (eg "23" or "23px") or percentages (eg "23%"). They are both optional; if not provided the browser will use CSS rules to size the image.
! External Images and the ''_canonical_uri'' field
When used to display tiddler-based images, the image widget operates in two distinct modes:
* If the ''_canonical_uri'' field is present then it is used as the ''src'' attribute of the generated `<img>` element and the ''text'' field is ignored
* Without the ''_canonical_uri'' field, the image widget generates an `<img>` element that embeds the image data directly using a `data:` URI.
See ExternalImages for more details.
You can import content into a TiddlyWiki file in several ways:
* Use the ''import'' button (under the ''Tools'' tab in the sidebar) to select a local file
* Drag and drop files from Windows Explorer or Mac OS X Finder into the TiddlyWiki browser window
* Paste content directly from the clipboard using the menu or keyboard shortcut (control-V or command-V)
** GoogleChrome is currently the only browser to support pasting
! Introduction
The ImportVariablesWidget imports macro and variable definitions from a list of other tiddlers and makes them available to its children. For example:
<$importvariables filter="[tag[mySpecialMacros]]">
All the macros defined in tiddlers with the tag "mySpecialMacros" are available here
! Attributes and Content
The content of the importvariables widget is the scope within which the imported variable definitions are available.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|filter |[[Tiddler filter|Filters]] defining the tiddlers from which macro definitions will be imported |
! Global Macros
So-called global macros are implemented within the main page template ([[$:/core/ui/PageTemplate]]) by wrapping the page content in the following importvariables widget:
<$importvariables filter="[[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Macro]!has[draft.of]]">
Anyone can submit improvements to the TiddlyWiki documentation that appears on http://tiddlywiki.com.
# Read and observe the [[Documentation Style Guide]]
# Create an account on https://github.com if you don't already have one
# On http://tiddlywiki.com, click "edit" on the tiddler you want to improve
# You should see a pink banner with the text: //Can you help us improve this documentation? Find out how to edit this tiddler on ~GitHub//
# Click on the external link ...''this tiddler on ~GitHub''
## You will be prompted that "you need to fork this repository to propose changes". A "fork" is your own copy of the repository that incorporates the changes you are proposing
# A new browser tab should open ready to edit the tiddler on github.com
# Below the edit box for the tiddler text you should see a box labelled ''Propose file change''
# Enter a brief title to explain the change (eg, "Clarify attribute syntax instability")
# If necessary, enter a longer description too
# Click the green button labelled ''Propose file change''
# On the following screen, click the green button labelled ''Create pull request''
[[Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] or one of the other core developers will then have the opportunity to merge your pull request so that it is incorporated into the next build of http://tiddlywiki.com.
Mario Pietsch has created these short video tutorials:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/L4zTkMYcri8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/6ElUruH92tc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/axFCk9KsMFc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
System tiddlers in the namespace `$:/info/` are used to expose information about the system (including the current browser) so that WikiText applications can adapt themselves to available features.
! Information Tiddlers
|!Title |!Description |
|[[$:/info/browser]] |Running in the browser? ("yes" or "no") |
|[[$:/info/node]] |Running under [[Node.js]]? ("yes" or "no") |
See also:
* [[Environment Variables on Node.js]]
# Install [[Node.js]] from http://nodejs.org
# Open a command line terminal and type:
#> `npm install -g tiddlywiki`
#> If it fails with an error you may need to re-run the command as an administrator:
#> `npm install -g tiddlywiki` (Windows)
#> `sudo npm install -g tiddlywiki` (Mac/Linux)
# Check TiddlyWiki is installed by typing:
#> `tiddlywiki --version`
# In response, you should see TiddlyWiki report its current version (eg `5.0.8-beta`; you may also see other debugging information reported)
# Try it out:
## `tiddlywiki mynewwiki --init server` to create a folder for a new wiki that includes server-related components
## `tiddlywiki mynewwiki --server` to start TiddlyWiki
## Visit in your browser
## Try editing and creating tiddlers
The `-g` flag causes TiddlyWiki to be installed globally. Without it, TiddlyWiki will only be available in the directory where you installed it.
This brief introduction shows how to install and use TiddlyDesktop:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/i3Bggkm7paA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
A step by step introduction to how [[Filters]] are used.
! Using Filters
Filters are a special language within WikiText for expressing lists of tiddlers.
Filters are used in the ListMacro, TabsMacro, ListWidget, CountWidget, and many other areas of TiddlyWiki.
For example, this is how the ListMacro would be used to display the first example below:
<<list-links "HelloThere Introduction [[Title with Spaces]]">>
The easiest way to experiment with tiddler filters is by typing them into the "Filter" tab of the [[advanced search panel|$:/AdvancedSearch]].
! Simple Filters
List tiddlers with title `HelloThere`, `Concepts`, or `Title with Spaces`:
HelloThere Concepts [[Title with Spaces]]
Use double square brackets `[[ ]]` if your title has spaces.
The titles must be separated by one or more spaces and/or linebreaks.
Why there are always show some empty tiddlers? Check [[TiddlerLinks]].
! Filter Operators
List all tiddlers tagged "Concepts":
This filter consists of a single operation that selects all tiddlers tagged "Concepts".
The word "tag" is the ''operator'' and "Concepts" is the ''operand''.
See [[Filters]] for a complete list of the available operators.
!! Default Filter Operator
The operator defaults to `title` if omitted, so `[[HelloThere]]` is equivalent to `[title[HelloThere]]`. If there are no spaces in the title, then the double square brackets can also be omitted: `HelloThere`.
! Negating Filter Operators
Filter operations can be negated by preceding the operator with an exclamation mark (!). This example selects all tiddlers that are not tagged "Concepts":
! Operator Suffixes
Some filter operators can take an optional suffix that provides further information for the operation. For example, the "field" operator takes a suffix indicating the field to be compared. The following filter returns all tiddlers that have "JeremyRuston" in the "modifier" field:
! Field Operator Shortcut
If an unknown operator is used then it is instead interpreted as the suffix of the "field" operator. Thus, these two filters both return all the tiddlers that contain the string "create" in their "caption" field:
! Indirect Operands
If a filter operator is written with curly brackets around the operand then it is taken to be a TextReference to the actual value. For example, this filter selects all tiddlers containing the string contained in the tiddler titled "$:/temp/search"
! Variable Operands
If a filter operator is written with angle brackets around the operand then it is taken to be the name of a variable containing the actual value. For example, this filter selects all tiddlers containing the title of the current tiddler:
(Note that the `currentTiddler` variable is used to track the current tiddler).
! ORing Multiple Filter Operators
You can use multiple filter operations at once. This example selects all tiddlers that are either tagged "Concepts" or "Features":
[tag[Concepts]] [tag[Features]]
Each separate operator is processed in turn, accumulating the tiddlers that they select.
Here's an example that returns tiddlers tagged ''alpha'' or ''beta'' that are also tagged ''task'' and not tagged ''done'':
[tag[alpha]] [tag[beta]] +[tag[task]!tag[done]]
! ANDing Multiple Filter Operators
A sequence of operators can be logically ANDed together by bashing them together and merging the outer square brackets. This is called a "run" of operations. For example, here we select tiddlers that are tagged "Concepts" and also tagged "Features":
Here's another example that selects all tiddlers tagged "Concepts" that are not tagged "Features":
! Negating Runs of Filter Operators
Ordinarily, each run of filter operations adds to the accumulated results. Prefixing a run with `-` causes the list of tiddlers to instead be removed from the results. For example, this example returns all the tiddlers tagged "Concepts" apart from `HelloThere` and `Title with Spaces`:
[tag[Concepts]] -HelloThere -[[Title with Spaces]]
This example returns all tiddlers tagged "Concepts" that are not also tagged "Features":
[tag[Concepts]] -[tag[Features]]
! Working with Filter Results
Usually, each run of filter operations takes as its source the entire store of available tiddlers. Prefixing a run with `+` causes the accumulated results to be used as the source instead.
For example, this filter selects tiddlers tagged "Concepts" or "Features" and then sorts the resulting list by the "title" field:
[tag[Concepts]] [tag[Features]] +[sort[title]]
This brief presentation explains the basic principles of TiddlyWiki.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/KtCUr83XgyE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
The TiddlyWiki used to produce the video can be found here:
~JavaScript is a computer language that was originally introduced by browsers as a way of scripting web pages. At first it was considered a poorly designed toy, but over the years has become recognised as a powerful language in its own right, and has been adopted widely beyond the browser.
~JavaScript looks like this:
function circleArea(radius) {
return radius * 2 * 3.141592653;
I'm the original inventor of TiddlyWiki. You can find me on these services:
* jeremy (at) jermolene (dot) com
* [[Jermolene on GitHub|https://github.com/Jermolene]]
* [[Jermolene on GitTip|https://www.gittip.com/Jermolene/]], a micropayment service
* [[@Jermolene on Twitter|http://twitter.com/#!/jermolene]]
* [[Jermy on LinkedIn|http://www.linkedin.com/in/jermy]]
* [[Jermy on Flickr|http://www.flickr.com/photos/jermy/]]
Further information:
* An [[interview with me in The Inquirer|http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/feature/2105529/bt-software-engineer-tells-telco-source]] by Wendy Grossman
* A [[hilarious interview with me|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auyIhw8MTmQ]] from British television in 1983
* Here's a video of a presentation I did in 2007 called [["How to Start an Open Source Project"|http://vimeo.com/856110]].
This plugin adds the ability to display mathematical notation written in ~LaTeX.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/katex/
Keyboard shortcut support is currently very limited but will be improved in later releases.
! Editing Shortcuts
|Key |Shortcut description |
|`Ctrl-Enter` |Confirm changes to the draft tiddler containing the keyboard focus |
|`Escape` |Abandon changes to the draft tiddler containing the keyboard focus |
! Introduction
The keyboard widget allows [[Messages]] to be generated in response to key presses.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$keyboard>` widget is rendered normally. The keyboard shortcut only takes effect within the contained content.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|message |The title of the [[WidgetMessage|Messages]] to generate |
|param |The parameter to be passed with the [[WidgetMessage|Messages]] |
|key |Key string identifying the key to be trapped (see below) |
|class |A CSS class to be assigned to the generated HTML DIV element |
! Key Strings
Key strings are made up of zero or more of the modifiers ''alt'', ''shift'' or ''ctrl'' followed by the name of a key, all joined with "+" plus symbols. Key names are either the letter or digit printed on the key (eg "a" or "1"), or one of the special keys ''backspace'', ''tab'', ''enter'' or ''escape''.
For example:
//This is a sample task for the TaskManagementExample//
Language plugins provide translations of the core TiddlyWiki interface.
The following languages are currently available:
<<list-links "[tag[Languages]]">>
You can contribute by learning how to [[translate TiddlyWiki into your language|Translate TiddlyWiki into your language]].
The latest news, articles, resources and examples.
<div class="tc-link-info">
<$list filter="[tag[Articles]] [tag[Examples]] [tag[Resources]] [tag[Tutorials]] +[!sort[modified]limit[8]]">
<div class="tc-link-info-item">
! <$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
<div class="tc-subtitle">Posted <$view field="modified" format="relativedate"/></div>
Ordinarily with TiddlyWiki, the full content of all tiddlers is embedded into the main HTML file. Lazy loading refers to the technique of only embedding metadata about the tiddler (in other words all fields except the ''text'' field), and requesting the body from the server when required.
Lazy loading can be used in two configurations:
* When running [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]], image tiddlers can be subject to lazy loading
* When running [[TiddlyWiki in the Sky for TiddlyWeb]], all tiddlers are subject to lazy loading
See the LazyLoadingMechanism for details of how lazy loading is implemented.
! Lazy loading under Node.js
To run TiddlyWiki with lazy loading for images, use this alternative ServerCommand to start the server:
tiddlywiki --server 8080 $:/core/save/lazy-images
! Lazy loading under TiddlyWeb
With the current configuration, lazy loading is enabled by default.
TiddlyWiki currently only implements LazyLoading when it is running in the browser talking to a TiddlyWeb-compatible server.
In the [[configuration for TiddlyWeb|TiddlyWiki in the Sky for TiddlyWeb]], the browser first requests a "skinny" version of each tiddler (consisting of all the fields apart from the text field). Subsequently, an attempt to read those skinny tiddlers with `wiki.getTiddler()` returns just the skinny fields, but an attempt to read one using `wiki.getTiddlerText()` will trigger an asynchronous load of the full tiddler text, which in turn triggers a refresh cycle, updating the display to reflect the newly loaded tiddler. Widgets that loop through all tiddlers are fine; it's only if they trigger `wiki.getTiddlerText()` for a tiddler that it will get loaded.
Lazy loading can also be used with TiddlyWiki's own server. The core provides a template that enables images to be lazily loaded while other tiddlers are packaged into the initial HTML file in the usual way.
The browser-based search built into TiddlyWiki5 will only search the text of tiddlers that have been fully loaded. The expectation is that when lazy loading is used in a client-server configuration, then it is the server that really needs to handle search operations, because it is only the server that can "see" the text of all tiddlers. So, the plan is to integrate the built in search with TiddlyWeb's search API. The simplest approach is that any local search triggers an asynchronous server side search. The results of the search would be asynchronously loaded such that they would dynamically appear in the local search results.
Learn more about using TiddlyWiki:
<<list-links "[tag[Learning]]">>
Also see the complete [[Reference]], including advanced WikiText, macros, widgets, filters etc.
! Introduction
The link catcher widget traps [[WidgetMessage: tm-navigate]] dispatched within its child content by performing any or all of these actions:
* sending a different widget message
* setting a tiddler to the title of the navigated tiddler
* setting a tiddler to a specified value
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$linkcatcher>` widget is displayed normally.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|to |Optional title of the tiddler to be set to the title of the navigated tiddler |
|message |Optional identifier for a [[widget message|Messages]] to be sent when a navigation is caught |
|set |Optional title of the tiddler to be set to a specified value when navigation occurs |
|setTo |Value to be assigned by the `set` attribute |
A key capability of WikiText is the ability to make links to other tiddlers or to external websites.
! Manual Links
Link to a tiddler by title:
[[Tiddler Title]]
To link to a tiddler and specify the text of the link:
[[Displayed Link Title|Tiddler Title]]
! ~CamelCase Links
For tiddler titles that match the CamelCase rules, just typing the title without double square brackets will automatically create a link.
You can suppress a link from being recognised by preceding it with `~`. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"* ~HelloThere is not a link
* ~http://google.com/ is not a link">>
! External Links
To link to an external website, type the full URL of the site:
For this syntax to work, the URL has to be recognisable as an URL, including a protocol such as `http://` or `file://`. You can force an external link with the extended syntax:
[ext[caption for link|http://tiddlywiki.com]]
! Customising Tiddler Links
See the LinkWidget for details of the underlying widget used to implement tiddler links, including macros that can be used to customise its behaviour.
The `link` widget generates links to tiddlers. (Use the HTML `<a>` element to generate external links).
! Content and Attributes
|!Attribute |!Description |
|to |The title of the target tiddler for the link (defaults to the CurrentTiddler) |
|aria-label |Optional [[Accessibility]] label |
|tooltip |Optional tooltip WikiText |
The content of the link widget is rendered within the `<a>` tag.
The default value of the tooltip attribute is `<<tv-wikilink-tooltip>>`.
This means that you can control the text of a link tooltip in several ways:
<$link to="HelloThere" tooltip="Custom tooltip">Link 1</$link>
<$set name="tv-wikilink-tooltip" value="I'm a link to {{!!title}}">
<$link to="HelloThere">Link 2</$link>
Renders as:
<$link to="HelloThere" tooltip="Custom tooltip">Link 1</$link>
<$set name="tv-wikilink-tooltip" value="I'm a link to {{!!title}}">
<$link to="HelloThere">Link 2</$link>
Note that the tooltip is rendered with the current tiddler set to the target of the link.
A useful convention is to set the tooltip like this:
\define tv-wikilink-tooltip()
<$transclude field="tooltip"><$transclude field="title"/></$transclude>
This causes the tooltip to be the ''tooltip'' field of the target tiddler. If the field isn't present, then the title is used instead.
! CSS Classes
* `tc-tiddlylink` - applied to all links
* `tc-tiddlylink-external` - applied to external, non-tiddler links
* `tc-tiddlylink-internal` - applied to tiddler links
* `tc-tiddlylink-missing` - applied to tiddler links where the target tiddler doesn't exist
* `tc-tiddlylink-resolves` - applied to tiddler links when the target tiddler does exist
! Configuration macros
Configuration macros can be used to modify the behaviour of the link widget.
!! tv-wikilinks
Links are suppressed if the macro `tv-wikilinks` evaluates to the string `no`. For example:
\define tv-wikilinks() no
!! tv-wikilink-template
The target of the link widget defaults to the URL encoded title of the tiddler. The `href` can be templated by defining the configuration macro `tv-wikilink-template`, and including within it the token `$uri_encoded$`. For example:
\define tv-wikilink-template() http://tiddlywiki.com/#$uri_encoded$
The token `$uri_doubleencoded$` is replaced by the double encoded title of the tiddler.
Note that in the browser the `<a>` element generated by the link widget has a JavaScript event handler that navigates directly to the target tiddler, ignoring the `href` attribute.
!! tv-wikilink-tooltip
Provides default text for the link tooltip:
\define tv-wikilink-tooltip() This is a link to {{!!title}}
<$link to="HelloThere"/>
The `list` [[field of a tiddler|TiddlerFields]] is an optional feature that can be used to help structure your content. It is defined as an ordered sequence of tiddler titles, and it can be used in several ways:
* The `list` field of a tiddler that is being used as a tag determines the ordering of the tiddlers that carry that tag - see [[Tagging]] for details
* The `list` [[filter|Filters]] selects the entries from a list
* The `listed` [[filter|Filters]] selects the tiddlers that list the selected tiddler(s)
* The NavigatorWidget manipulates a StoryList tiddler containing a `list` field of the tiddlers that are displayed in the main story column
The list macro is a family of macros that produce a list of tiddlers.
There are several variants of the macro:
* `<<list-links>>` produces a list of links to tiddlers that match a filter expression. If the tiddler has a //caption// field, it is displayed in lieu of the //title// field.
! Parameters
|!Position |!Name |!Description |!Default |
|1st |filter |Filter expression | |
|2nd |type |HTML tag to be used for the list wrapper |"ul" |
|3rd |subtype |HTML tag to be used for list entries |"li" |
|4th |class |An optional CSS class to be applied to the list wrapper element (eg `<ul class="three-columns">`) | |
! Examples
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src='<<list-links filter:"[tag[HelloThere]]">>
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src='<<list-links filter:"[tag[HelloThere]]" type:"ol">>
! Unordered Lists
You can create unordered lists with `*` characters:
<<wikitext-example src:"* First list item
* Second list item
** A subitem
* Third list item
! Ordered Lists
Ordered lists use `#` instead of `*`:
# First item
# Second item
# Third item
You can also mix ordered and unordered list items:
<<wikitext-example src:"* To do today
*# Eat
* To get someone else to do
*# This
*# That
*## And the other
Here's an example the other way around, with numbers as the first level:
<<wikitext-example src:"# To do today
#* Eat
# To get someone else to do
#* This
#* That
#** And the other
! CSS Classes
You can also assign a CSS class to an individual member of a list with this notation:
<<wikitext-example src:"* List One
*.MyClass List Two
* List Three
! Mixing Lists and Block Quotes
Note that [[Block Quotes in WikiText]] can be mixed with lists. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"* List One
** List Two
**> A quote
**> Another quote
* List Three
! Paragraphs in Lists
Entries in the list are delimited with a linebreak, making it impossible to include linebreaks within a list entry. There are a couple of workarounds.
First, you can transclude paragraph content from another tiddler. For example:
* First entry
* <$transclude tiddler="MyTiddler" mode="block"/>
* Third entry
Secondly, you can use an HTML "div" element to contain the multiline content. For example:
# Step 1
# Step 2
# Step 3<div>
Here is the first of several paragraphs. Note that the double linebreak preceding this paragraph is significant.
And here is the second of several paragraphs.
# Step 4
# Step 5
# Step 6
! Introduction
The list widget displays a sequence of tiddlers that match a [[tiddler filter|Filters]]. It can be used for many purposes:
* Displaying custom lists of links, like in TiddlyWiki5's sidebar
* Custom lists, such as "all tiddlers tagged 'task' that are not tagged 'done'"
* Listing each of the tags applied to a tiddler
* Handling the main story river
The tiddlers are displayed by transcluding each in turn through a template. There are several ways to specify the template and for controlling the behaviour of the list.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$list>` widget is an optional template to use for rendering each tiddler in the list. Alternatively, the template can be specified as a tiddler title in the ``template`` attribute. As a fallback, the default template just displays the tiddler title.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|filter |The [[tiddler filter|Filters]] to display |
|template |The title of a template tiddler for rendering each tiddler in the list |
|editTemplate |An alternative template to use for DraftTiddlers in edit mode |
|variable |The [[widget variable|WidgetVariables]] name to be assigned the title of each tiddler in the list. Defaults to ''currentTiddler'' |
|emptyMessage |Message to be displayed when the list is empty |
|storyview |Optional name of module responsible for animating/processing the list |
|history |The title of the tiddler containing the navigation history |
!! Handling edit mode
The `<$list>` widget can optionally render draft tiddlers through a different template tiddler than ordinary tiddlers -- see DraftMechanism for a discussion of how this capability is used.
!! `storyview` attribute
The `storyview` attribute specifies the name of an optional module that can animate changes to the list (including navigation). The core ships with the following storyview modules:
* `classic`: renders the list as an ordered sequence of tiddlers
* `zoomin`: just renders the current tiddler from the list, with a zoom animation for navigating between tiddlers
* `pop`: shrinks items in and out of place
In order for the storyviews to animate correctly each entry in the list should be a single block mode DOM element.
!! Handling history and navigation
The optional `history` attribute specifies the name of a tiddler that is used to track the current tiddler for navigation purposes. When the history tiddler changes the list view responds by telling the listview to handle navigating to the new tiddler. See the NavigationMechanism for more details.
! Examples
!! Creating nested lists
The ''types'' and ''recent'' tabs in the sidebar give two examples of a grouped list created by nesting.
The ''types'' listing is performed with this markup:
<$list filter="[!is[system]has[type]each[type]sort[type]]">
<div class="tc-menu-list-item">
<$view field="type"/>
<$list filter="[type{!!type}!is[system]sort[title]]">
<div class="tc-menu-list-subitem">
<$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link>
The outer list filter selects each discrete value found in the `type` field. The inner list filter selects all the (non-system) tiddlers with that type.
The ''recent'' listing is performed with this markup:
<$list filter="[!is[system]has[modified]!sort[modified]limit[100]eachday[modified]]">
<div class="tc-menu-list-item">
<$view field="modified" format="date" template="DDth MMM YYYY"/>
<$list filter="[sameday{!!modified}!is[system]!sort[modified]]">
<div class="tc-menu-list-subitem">
<$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link>
Here the outer list filter selects each discrete day found in the `modified` field, while the inner list filter selects all the tiddlers dated the same day in the `modified` field.
! Introduction
The macro call widget provides an alternative syntax for invoking macros. The advantage of the widget form is that it allows macro parameters to be specified as widget attributes, thus allowing indirection and macro values to be set.
For example, a macro called `italicise` that takes a single parameter called `text` can be invoked in any of these ways:
<<italicise "Text to be made into italics">>
<<italicise text:"Text to be made into italics">>
<$macrocall $name="italicise" text="Text to be made into italics"/>
<$macrocall $name="italicise" text={{Title of tiddler containing text to be italicised}}/>
<$macrocall $name="italicise" text=<<textMaker "Another macro to generate the text to be italicised">>/>
You can see several examples of the macro call widget within the core:
* Listing module information: [[$:/snippets/modules]]
* Listing field information: [[$:/snippets/allfields]]
* Generating `data:` URIs: [[$:/themes/tiddlywiki/starlight/styles.tid]]
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$macrocall>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$name |Name of the macro to invoke |
|$type |ContentType with which the macro text should be parsed (defaults to `text/vnd.tiddlywiki`) |
|$output |ContentType for the output rendering (defaults to `text/html`, can also be `text/plain`) |
|//parameters// |Macro parameters specified as attributes |
Macros are snippets of text that can be inserted with a concise shortcut:
You can write your own [[Macros in WikiText]] or for more flexibility you can write [[JavaScript Macros|http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/index.html#JavaScript%20Macros]].
The following macros are built-in to the TiddlyWiki core:
<<list-links "[tag[Macros]]">>
! Defining Macros
Macros are snippets of text that can be inserted with a concise shortcut.
Multi-line macros are defined like this:
\define mysamplemacro(name:"Bugs Bunny",address:"Rabbit Hole Hill")
Hi, I'm $name$ and I live in $address$
!! Parameter Substitution
The first line of the definition specifies the macro name and any parameters. Parameters are named and can optionally have default values that are used if the parameter isn't specified at the time of calling. The body of the macro definition follows, terminated with `\end` on a line by itself.
The text of the macro can reference parameters using the `$name$` syntax. The value of the parameter is substituted at the time the macro is invoked.
!! Variable Substitution
The values of named variables can also be substituted into the text of a macro using the syntax `$(variable)$`. For example:
\define mysamplemacro2()
Hi, I'm $(name)$ and I live in $(address)$
\define name() Bugs Bunny
<$set name="address" value="Rabbit Hole Hill">
The result is: `Hi, I'm Bugs Bunny and I live in Rabbit Hole Hill`.
!! Single Line macros
Single-line macros can omit the `\end` marker like this:
\define mysamplemacro3(name:"Bugs Bunny") Hi, I'm $name$
!! Macro Scope
Macro definitions must be placed at the top of a tiddler. Macros are available to the tiddler that defines them, plus any tiddlers that it transcludes.
Global macros can be defined in any tiddler with the tag [[$:/tags/Macro]]. They are then available within all tiddlers.
Macros can be imported from other tiddlers with the ImportVariablesWidget.
[[JavaScript Macros|http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/index.html#JavaScript%20Macros]] can also be used for more flexibility.
! Using Macros
In their simplest form, macros are used like this:
<<mysamplemacro "Donald Duck">>
<<mysamplemacro "Mickey Mouse" "Mouse House">>
<<mysamplemacro name:"Minnie Mouse" address:"Mouse House">>
Resulting in:
Hi I'm Bugs Bunny and I live in Rabbit Hole Hill
Hi I'm Donald Duck and I live in Rabbit Hole Hill
Hi I'm Mickey Mouse and I live in Mouse House
Hi I'm Minnie Mouse and I live in Mouse House
Note that parameter values that do not specify names are mapped in sequence to the parameters defined in the macro.
!! Multiline Parameters
Parameters can include line breaks. For example:
<<mysamplemacro "Mickey Mouse" "Mouse House,
Mouse Lane,
By using triple-double quotes you can specify parameter values that include single double quotes. For example:
<<mysamplemacro "Mickey Mouse" """Mouse House,
"Mouse" Lane,
! Using Macros with the MacroCallWidget
Macros can also be invoked with the MacroCallWidget
<<italicise "Text to be made into italics">>
<<italicise text:"Text to be made into italics">>
<$macrocall $name="italicise" text="Text to be made into italics"/>
<$macrocall $name="italicise" text={{Title of tiddler containing text to be italicised}}/>
<$macrocall $name="italicise" text=<<textMaker "Another macro to generate the text to be italicised">>/>
Also see:
* [[Macros]]
* [[MacroCallWidget]]
//This is a sample task for the TaskManagementExample//
The makedatauri macro constructs a data URI from a block of text and an associated ContentType. It is commonly used within stylesheets to generate an inline image or font.
! Parameters
|!Position |!Name |!Description |!Default |
|1st |text |Text to be converted to a data URI | |
|2nd |type |ContentType of text | |
! Examples
A trivial example to show how the macro works:
<<makedatauri "HelloThere" "text/plain">>
<<makedatauri "HelloThere" "text/plain">>
A user-defined macro such as this would typically be used within a stylesheet:
\define datauri(title)
<$macrocall $name="makedatauri" type={{$title$!!type}} text={{$title$}}/>
Then one can write CSS rules like this:
background: url(<<datauri "$:/themes/tiddlywiki/starlight/ltbg.jpg">>);
See the UpgradeMechanism for more details.
\define textOnPath(text)
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 1000 300" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
<path id="MyPath" d="M 100 200 C 200 100 300 0 400 100 C 500 200 600 300 700 200 C 800 100 900 100 900 100"/>
<use xlink:href="#MyPath" fill="none" stroke="#ddd"/>
<text font-family="'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif" font-size="42.5">
<textPath xlink:href="#MyPath">
This demo shows how to use SVG to render transcluded text along a path. Enter some text in the textbox below to try it out; view the source to see how it is done.
<$edit-text tiddler="$:/CurvedText" tag="input" placeholder="Type text here" default=""/>
<$macrocall $name="textOnPath" text={{$:/CurvedText}}/>
The Markdown plugin enables you to use tiddlers that are written in standard Markdown markup.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/markdown/
An experimental MathJax plugin for TiddlyWiki version 5. As Martin says, the implementation is a bit of a hack but may be useful until we have a better alternative.
Welcome. I have created plugin for TiddlyWiki 5 which allows you to use MathJax (math in TeX and MathML) inside TiddlyWiki 5. It's unofficial plugin and it doesn't follow general policy of TiddlyWiki as stand-alone solution but it works. So you can use it if you want.
MathML is a markup language for mathematical notation that can be used with HTML.
If your browser supports it, MathML elements can be used in TiddlyWiki5 WikiText just like HTML.
Here is an example MathML equation from [[the W3C|http://www.w3.org/Math/XSL/csmall2.xml]]:
Renders as:
These are the internal mechanisms that fit together to make up TiddlyWiki.
<<list-links "[tag[Mechanisms]]">>
Local meetings of ~TiddlyWiki enthusiasts around the world:
* [[OXTWIG]], the ''Oxford ~TiddlyWiki Interest Group'' meets monthly in Oxford, UK to share experiences of using TiddlyWiki
//If you are a ~TiddlyWiki enthusiast please consider starting a local TWIG in your area, it's a great way to spread the word about using TiddlyWiki//
Widget messages are generated by widgets in response to user actions. They flow up the widget tree until they are handled by an ancestor widget.
The following widget messages are implemented by the core:
<<list-links "[tag[Messages]]">>
A //module// in TiddlyWiki5 is a tiddler containing executable JavaScript, of the type `application/javascript` and with the field `module-type` set to the ModuleType of the module.
See the ''Internals'' tab of the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] for lists of the currently loaded modules.
\define describe() {{$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/$(type)$}}
The `module-type` field of a [[JavaScript module|Modules]] is a string that identifies the type of the module. Here is a list of the module types used in this wiki:
<$list filter="[moduletypes[]]">
<$set name=type value=<<currentTiddler>>>
MultiTiddlerFiles allow multiple tiddlers to be concisely represented in a single text file.
The goals of this format are:
* To be easy to type and easy to read
* Optimised for single line strings
* To allow common fields or tags to be shared within groups of tiddlers
* To be simple to process with external tools
MultiTiddlerFiles have the extension `multids`. The file is structured as a block of shared fields followed by a blank line. The rest of the file is a sequence of comments and tiddlers. Tiddlers are specified by their title, followed by a colon, at least one space character, and then the rest of the line is the text field for the tiddler.
For example:
title: $:/language/ControlPanel/
tags: strings
modifier: JoeBloggs
Basics/Caption: Basics
# This is a comment
Basics/Version: ~TiddlyWiki Version
This example defines two tiddlers, [[$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/Caption]] and [[$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/Version]].
If a `title` field is specified in the header then it is treated as a prefix for the individual tiddlers defined in the title.
The system tiddlers provided as part of the core are named according to the following rules:
|!Namespace |!Format |!Description |
|`$:/*` |~CamelCase |Root user interface tiddlers (eg control panel, advanced search) |
|`$:/config/*` |~CamelCase |User-oriented configuration setting |
|`$:/core/images/*` |hyphen-case |Core images |
|`$:/core/modules/*` |lowercase |JavaScript module tiddlers |
|`$:/core/save/*` |lowercase |Saving templates for creating TiddlyWiki documents |
|`$:/core/templates/*` |//inconsistent// |Templates needed for TiddlyWiki to operate. Currently uses a mix of dashes and periods to separate words |
|`$:/core/ui/*` |//inconsistent// |Tiddlers comprising the default user interface of TiddlyWiki. Currently uses a mix of ~CamelCase and lowercase naming conventions |
|`$:/core/wiki/*` |lowercase |Metadata about the entire wiki |
|`$:/docs/*` |lowercase |Documentation tiddlers |
|`$:/messages/*` |~CamelCase |System messages |
|`$:/plugins/*` |lowercase |Plugin tiddlers, and plugin content |
|`$:/snippets/*` |//inconsistent// |Reusable snippets (will be replaced by macros) |
|`$:/state/*` |lowercase |User interface state tiddlers |
|`$:/tags/*` |~CamelCase |User interface configuration tags |
|`$:/temp/*` |lowercase |Temporary tiddlers that shouldn't be saved |
|`$:/themes/*` |lowercase |Theme plugins |
In the format column:
* ''hyphen-case'' refers to joining multiple lowercase words with hyphens
* ''~CamelCase'' refers to joining mulitple initial capitaled words with hyphens
* ''lowercase'' refers to directly joining multiple lowercase words
* ''inconsistent'' marks namespaces that are currently titled inconsistently
In the default 'classic' storyview mode, open tiddlers are displayed in a vertical column called the 'story river.' There are a number of ways you can navigate the story river - that is, how you can jump back and forth between the open tiddlers.
* One obvious way is to ''scroll the page up and down'' using the story river scrollbar to the right.
** Note that when both the story river and the sidebar extend below the visible screen, there will be //two// scrollbars. The outer or far-right scrollbar controls the story river. The inner scrollbar controls the sidebar.
* One clunky way that many new users attempt is to ''close tiddlers one by one'' until they get to the tiddler they are looking for.
** Closing any tiddler at the top or in the middle of the story river will cause all the tiddlers below it to slide up the river. The tiddler immediately below the tiddler you closed will slide up to take its place.
** Closing the bottom tiddler will close it and the bottom of the tiddler above it will come into view.
* The best approach is to ''use the open tab'' in the sidebar to click on the open tiddler to which you wish to navigate.
** The 'Open' tab contains a list of all the open tiddlers. You can click on any tiddler in the list to jump to it, or click the 'x' next to a tiddler link to close it. There is also a handy 'close all' button at the bottom of the list of open tiddlers.
! Introduction
The navigator widget manipulates the current store, the story list and history lists in response to various [[Messages]].
! Content and Attributes
The navigator widget displays any contained content, and responds to Messages dispatched within it.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|story |Name of the tiddler containing the story list to be manipulated |
|history |Name of the tiddler containing the history list to be manipulated |
! Widget Messages
The following [[Messages]] are handled by the navigator widget:
<$list filter="[tag[navigator-message]]">
<$link to={{!!title}}>
<$view field="title"/>
node-webkit is an OpenSource application that fuses the functionality of a web browser with that of [[Node.js]]. It makes it possible to use web applications as though they were native apps, with full access to the file system and other native facilities. Learn more from the [[official site|https://github.com/rogerwang/node-webkit]] or [[this introductory blog post|http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/javascript-ajax/introduction-to-html5-desktop-apps-with-node-webkit/]].
See [[TiddlyWiki on node-webkit]] for details of how to use TiddlyWiki with node-webkit.
''Node.js'' is a downloadable application for your PC, Mac or Linux computer that lets it run JavaScript applications. Unlike ~JavaScript applications running in a web browser, Node.js code has full access to the file system and other resources of the computer, enabling it to perform the roles that have traditionally been the preserve of languages like Java, PHP and Python. See http://nodejs.org for more details.
For ~TiddlyWiki, Node.js means that we can have a single code base that can run in the browser or on the server, giving great flexibility in how it is used.
For end users, Node.js is no more complicated to install than a web browser, but unlocks powerful capabilities such as the ability to run ~TiddlyWiki as a web server that you can connect to from other devices.
See [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] for more details.
Version 5.0.11-beta includes some changes that can break content from earlier releases of ~TiddlyWiki 5.
! Command line changes
Previously, commands that generate output files would interpret the specified path to the file as being relative to the current working directory. So, for example, the following command would write `index.html` to the current directory:
tiddlywiki mywiki --rendertiddler $:/core/save/all index.html text/plain
In 5.0.11-beta this behaviour has changed, and now the specified filename is resolved relative to an `output` folder within the TiddlyWikiFolder. So the command above will now write the file `index.html` to `mywiki/output/index.html`.
You can override this behaviour with the OutputCommand. For example, to generate the `index.html` file within the current directory:
tiddlywiki mywiki --output . --rendertiddler $:/core/save/all index.html text/plain
A further change is that the `--rendertiddlers` command now clears the output folder before it writes any files. This means that any previous `--rendertiddler` commands to the same folder will have their output deleted.
Version 5.0.8-beta includes some changes that can break content from earlier releases of ~TiddlyWiki 5.
! Change to [[$:/SiteTitle]] and [[$:/SiteSubtitle]]
You should rename any existing SiteTitle and SiteSubtitle tiddlers to [[$:/SiteTitle]] and [[$:/SiteSubtitle]] respectively.
! Changed parsing rules for content of HTML elements
Version 5.0.8-beta marks a change in the way that TiddlyWiki determines whether to parse the content of an HTML element or widget in //block mode// or //inline mode//.
* In block mode, TiddlyWiki parses text into paragraphs, creating `<p>` tags to wrap them. It also recognises block syntax like headings, lists and tables.
* In inline mode, TiddlyWiki ignores paragraph formatting, and just recognises character formatting, like bold and italic.
It's important to be able to control which type of parsing is performed for different situations.
Prior to 5.0.8-beta, TiddlyWiki parsed the content of an element in inline mode unless the opening tag of the element were immediately followed by a line break. This meant that much of the time element tags would be shunted together into a long line, hindering readability.
The new behaviour for 5.0.8-beta is to parse the content of an element in inline mode unless the opening tag is immediately followed by two line breaks.
To adjust existing content for 5.0.8-beta you will need to manually add the additional line break after the opening tag of elements and widgets whose content should be parsed in block mode.
The positive aspect of the change is that it removes the need to pack multiple HTML tags onto a single line, improving readability.
!! Examples
Consider the difference between these two examples. First, here's an HTML tag that starts with two line breaks:
<<wikitext-example src:"
! This is a heading
And a paragraph of text.
Secondly, here's an HTML tag with just a single line break. Notice how the heading is no longer recognised as a heading
<<wikitext-example src:"
! This is a heading
And a paragraph of text.
! Changed commands for [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
The handling of wiki folders has changed. Previously, if the `tiddlywiki` command was run against a wiki folder that didn't have the necessary `tiddlywiki.info` file then it would be automatically created. Now, the wiki folder must be initialised with the InitCommand.
This is how to create and start a new server-based wiki:
tiddlywiki mywikifolder --init server
tiddlywiki mywikifolder --server
Note that the name of the ''clientserver'' edition has changed to ''server''.
The 'now' macro returns the current date and time, formatted with an optional format string.
! Parameters
|!Position |!Name |!Description |!Default |
|1st |format |DateFormat string specifying the format for the date/time |`0hh:0mm, DDth MMM YYYY` |
! Examples
For example:
* <<now>>
* <<now "DDth MMM YYYY">>
* <<now>>
* <<now "DDth MMM YYYY">>
An introduction to the biblical book of Obadiah by Dave Gifford using the table of contents macro and various custom tweaks to ~TiddlyWiki: custom new here buttons, [[this custom viewtemplate addition|http://giffmex.org/experiments/obadiah.html#%24%3A%2F_aa%2FViewTemplate%2FNoteList]] to add notes or images within any tiddler, and a tiddler transcluding all the content, in order to facilitate printing ([[this tiddler|http://giffmex.org/experiments/obadiah.html#An%20introduction%20to%20Obadiah]]).
OpenSource is [[defined by Wikipedia|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_source]] as //a philosophy, or pragmatic methodology that promotes free redistribution and access to an end product's design and implementation details//.
Founded in 2004 by JeremyRuston, Osmosoft was originally a consultancy for software services around TiddlyWiki. Notable engagements included working with Socialtext on [[Socialtext Unplugged|https://www.socialtext.net/open/socialtext_unplugged]].
In 2007, Osmosoft was acquired by [[BT]] and became the champions for open source within the enterprise. As part of BT, Osmosoft has worked on a diverse range of projects within BT and for BT's customers.
See http://osmosoft.com/
The ''Oxford ~TiddlyWiki Interest Group'' meets monthly for discussions and demonstrations about TiddlyWiki.
See https://oxtwig.eventbrite.co.uk/ for details of our next meeting.
We have an email discussion list, too: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!members/oxtwig
The second OXTWIG meeting was held on Thursday 16th January 2014:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/WOK_nVBf_6U" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
The first OXTWIG meeting was held on Thursday 21st November 2013:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/tpNf_Dms_TE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
One major feature of TiddlyWiki that many new users are unaware of is the degree to which TiddlyWiki can be customised, just by adding or removing SystemTags in key shadow tiddlers or in your own custom tiddlers.
* You can add and remove default features in tiddlers in either viewing or editing mode (let's say you find the tiddler subtitle distracting, or you want to add yourself a reminder that you will see when you edit tiddlers)
* You can also add and remove default features from the general page layout (maybe you want to add a clock to the sidebar, or replace one of the page control buttons with your own)
* You can also rearrange the order in which these features are displayed (perhaps you would like tags above tiddler titles, or the subtitle of your TiddlyWiki below the page control buttons)
Once you know what you are doing, all of these things are actually pretty easy to do.
! Adding custom-made tiddlers to the user interface
You can also create any tiddler you want and tag it with the appropriate SystemTag, and it will appear in that place. For example, if you create a tiddler 'Reminder to self', add the text 'This is a reminder' and tag it `$:/tags/EditTemplate`, the words 'This is a reminder' will appear inside every tiddler when you edit it.
When you add new tiddlers to be displayed within tiddlers or within the page layout, you will also probably need to reposition it so that it appears precisely where you want it to appear. To do this, edit the appropriate shadow tiddler with the prefix `$:/tags/`, and insert the title of your tiddler in the proper place in the list field. For example, if you want the words 'This is a reminder' from the example above to appear above the tags editor in editing mode, edit the tiddler $:/tags/EditTemplate, go to the 'list' field, and insert `[[Reminder to self]]` right before `$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/tags`.
! Creating new buttons for the ViewToolbar and page controls
Let's say you have a skeleton tiddler called 'Recipe template', and you want to have a button available in the tiddler ViewToolbar to create new recipe tiddlers on demand. This will require the following steps:
# You will want an image for your button. If none of the core images (shadow tiddlers with the prefix $:/core/images/) work for you, then you will need to create or acquire an SVG image (for example, one of the images at http://flaticon.com), drag it into your file so that it becomes a tiddler, edit the tiddler and adjust the height and width to 22px
# You will want to create the tiddler that contains your tiddler. Create it, title it, and add the button code (see the code at the bottom of this tiddler for an example, with hints where you will need to adapt it). Tag it [[$:/tags/ViewToolbar]]
# You will need to create a tiddler that tells TiddlyWiki whether your button should be visible in the toolbar or hidden. Let's title it [[$:/config/ViewToolbarButtons/Visibility/Recipe]]. Type `reveal` into the text area, and save.
# You will want to position the button properly. Open the tiddler $:/tags/ViewToolbar and insert your button tiddler's title in the appropriate place in the list field.
\define newHereButtonTags()
\define newHereButton()
<$button class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>>>
title="New tiddler"
tags=<<newHereButtonTags>> />
<$list filter="[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]">
<$list filter="[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]">
<span class="tc-btn-text"><$text text="CAPTION FOR YOUR BUTTON"/></span>
! Removing shadow tiddlers from the user interface
In the More > Shadows tab you will find a list of all the shadow tiddlers. In this list you will find many tiddlers with the prefix `$:/core/ui/`. These are the core tiddlers that define the user interface. These tiddlers are tagged with SystemTags, and removing or adding these tags will adjust the tiddler and page layouts.
For example, $:/core/ui/SideBar/More is the tiddler for the More tab in the Sidebar, and it is tagged with the SystemTag `$:/tags/SideBar` so that it appears in the Sidebar. Removing the tag from that tiddler will remove the More tab from the Sidebar, and reinserting the Sidebar tag to that tiddler will make it reappear in the Sidebar.
You can use the same process for any of the core user interface tiddlers with the $:/core/ui/ prefix. For example, removing the SystemTag `$:/tags/ViewTemplate` from the tiddler `$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/subtitle` will remove the subtitles from all tiddlers.
If you modify a shadow tiddler in this way you will overwrite the pre-installed value. If you want to revert, just delete the modified tiddler to restore the underlying shadow tiddler.
To mark the end of a paragraph in TiddlyWiki you need to type `enter` twice to create a double line break:
This is the first paragraph.
And this is the second paragraph.
Single line breaks are ignored within paragraphs. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"This is a
paragraph made
up of
short lines">>
For situations where this behaviour isn't convenient, you can also use [[Hard Linebreaks in WikiText]].
! Introduction
The parsing mechanism analyses the text of a tiddler against a set of parsing rules, producing a tree representing the structure of the text. The RenderingMechanism is used to transform parse trees into render trees of widget nodes.
TiddlyWiki5 includes ParserModules for several types of tiddler:
* WikiText
* Raw HTML
* Plain text
* Images (bitmap, SVG and PDF)
The WikiText parser is the most complex, comprising separate individual WikiRuleModules encapsulating each parsing rule.
! Parse Trees
The output of parsing a tiddler is an object containing a tree of parse nodes corresponding to the original text. For example:
> JSON.stringify($tw.wiki.parseText("text/vnd.tiddlywiki","Some //italics// and a {{Transclusion}}.").tree)
{type: "element", tag: "p", children: [
{type: "text", text: "Some "},
{type: "element", tag: "em", children: [
{type: "text", text: "italics"}
{type: "text", text: " and a "},
{type: "tiddler", attributes:{
tiddler: {type: "string", value: "Transclusion"}
}, children:[
{type: "transclude", attributes:{
tiddler: {type: "string", value: "Transclusion"}
{type: "text", text: "."}
Parse tree nodes are plain JavaScript objects, and do not have a prototype.
! Introduction
The password widget displays a password input box that is bound to a named entry in the TiddlyWiki5 PasswordVault. Passwords are currently stored in the browsers local storage and are not themselves encrypted.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$password>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|name |Name of the password vault entry |
Permalinks allow direct links to individual tiddlers within a TiddlyWiki.
! Simple Permalinks
The simplest form of permalink is a single target tiddler title appended to the base URL with `#`:
The tiddler title can contain spaces if required:
[[http://tiddlywiki.com/#Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
Note that double square brackets are not required around the target tiddler title; however, if present they are silently removed.
! Story Permalinks
The permalink can also specify the story list of tiddlers that should be opened alongside the target tiddler as a [[TiddlerFilter|Filters]]:
[[http://tiddlywiki.com/#TiddlerFields:Tiddlers TiddlerTags TiddlerFields ContentType]]
If the target tiddler isn't present in the story list then it is automatically inserted at the top. This means that the following two examples both target the tiddler `Tiddlers` within the story sequence `Tiddlers`, `Tags`, `TiddlerFields`:
[[http://tiddlywiki.com/#Tiddlers:Tags TiddlerFields]]
[[http://tiddlywiki.com/#Tiddlers:Tiddlers Tags TiddlerFields]]
It is also possible to specify a story filter without specifying a target tiddler for navigation:
<a href="http://tiddlywiki.com/#:[tags[task]]">~http://tiddlywiki.com/#:[tags[task]]</a>
! About URL encoding
There are technical restrictions on the legal characters in an URL fragment. To allow all tiddler titles to be addressed, illegal characters are subject to a process called "URL encoding" whereby problematic characters are replaced by their numeric code. For example, the space character is replaced with `%20`.
Both the target tiddler title and the story filter should be URL encoded (but not the separating colon). TiddlyWiki generates properly encoded URLs which can look quite ugly. However, in practice browsers will usually perfectly happily process arbitrary characters in URL fragments. Thus when creating permalinks manually you can choose to ignore URL encoding.
! Permalink Behaviour
Two important aspects of TiddlyWiki's behaviour with permalinks can be controlled via options in the $:/ControlPanel ''Advanced/Settings'' tab:
* Whether to automatically update the address bar at each navigation, and if so whether to include the story sequence as well as the target tiddler
* Whether the updates to the address bar should affect browser history. The default is ''no''; when switched to ''yes'' you can rewind navigation between tiddlers using the browser back and forward buttons
Note that typing or navigating to a permalink will always cause the permalink to be processed, and tiddlers opened and closed as appropriate.
!! Technical Details
When TiddlyWiki starts up it processes permalinks according to the following steps; the same steps are repeated if the permalink changes dynamically (this happens in response to the user editing the address bar, for example).
# If the permalink contains a colon, treat the string before as the ''target'' and the string after it as the ''story filter''
# If the permalink doesn't contain a colon, treat the entire string as the ''target'' and mark the ''story filter'' as //unspecified//
# If the ''story filter'' was unspecified and we're in the process of starting up, then set the ''story filter'' to the empty string if the ''target'' is specified, or to the default tiddlers if the ''target'' is unspecified
# If the ''story filter'' was unspecified and we're not starting up, then set the ''story filter'' to the current story list
# Evaluate the ''story filter'' as the ''story list''
# If the ''target'' is specified and not present in the ''story list'' then add it at the top
# If the ''target'' is specified then navigate to it, otherwise navigate to the first tiddler in the ''story list''
The purpose of recording and organising information is so that it can be used again. The value of recorded information is directly proportional to the ease with which it can be re-used.
The philosophy of [[tiddlers|Tiddlers]] is that we maximise the possibilities for re-use by slicing information up into the smallest semantically meaningful units with [[rich modelling of relationships between them|Structuring TiddlyWiki]]. Then we use aggregation and composition to weave the fragments together to present narrative stories.
TiddlyWiki aspires to provide an algebra for tiddlers, a concise way of expressing and exploring the relationships between items of information.
[[Plugins]] are bundles of tiddlers that are distributed and managed as a single unit by being packed into a single JSON tiddler. If a tiddler isn't found in the main store, then the registered plugins are searched for it instead.
Tiddlers within plugins behave something like shadow tiddlers in classic TiddlyWiki: they can be freely overwritten by creating a tiddler with the same title, but deleting that tiddler restores the underlying tiddler value from the plugin.
Plugins have a `plugin-type` field that may be:
* `plugin` //(default)// - a plain plugin
* `theme` - a theme plugin (see ThemeMechanism)
Plugins can be used to package ordinary content, or can include JavaScript [[modules|Modules]] that extend and enhance the core TiddlyWiki5 functionality.
Plugins conventionally have a title of the form `$:/plugins/publisher/name`. Plugins that are part of the core TiddlyWiki distribution have titles of the form `$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/name`.
Plugins that define macros, views or other named entities are expected to prefix the name with their publisher identifier, for example: `tiddlytools.slider`.
! Plugin fields
Plugins are stored as tiddlers with the following fields:
|!Field |!Description |
|title |Title of plugin |
|description |Description of plugin |
|author |Author of plugin |
|version |Version string (must conform to SemanticVersioning convention) |
|source |Source URL of plugin |
|type |Must be ''application/json'' |
|plugin-type |Can be ''plugin'' (default) or ''theme'' |
|text |JSON encoding of the list of tiddlers comprising the plugin |
|list |Names of exposed plugin information tiddlers (see below) |
|name |Name of the theme (only for themes) |
|dependents |List of dependent plugins (currently only implemented for themes) |
! Plugin folders
On the server, plugins can be stored as ordinary JSON tiddlers but it is often more convenient to store them as separate tiddler files within folders. Plugin folders must contain a `plugin.info` file that contains the metadata for the plugin. It can also optionally identify files external to the plugin folder that should be loaded as tiddlers.
The `plugin.info` file should contain the following JSON structure:
The JSON structure for plugin tiddlers is as follows:
"title": "$:/plugins/publisher/name",
"description": "An exemplary plugin for demonstration purposes",
"author": "JeremyRuston",
"version": "1.2.3-alpha3",
"core-version": ">=5.0.0",
"source": "http://tiddlywiki.com/MyPlugin",
"plugin-type": "plugin",
"list": "readme license history"
By convention, the titles of the individual tiddlers are prefixed with the title of the containing plugin, but they are not restricted to do so.
Note that if the `version` field is omitted from a `plugin.info` file when the plugin folder is packed then it is automatically filled in by the core to the current core version number. This is to ensure that all the core plugins carry the correct version number. Generally plugin authors will want to ensure that they do explicitly specify a version number.
! Plugin library
The standard distribution of TiddlyWiki includes a number of standard plugins in the `plugins` directory.
! Including plugins in a wiki
To be usable in the browser, plugins just need to be included in the wiki. For wikis that are generated on the server, TiddlyWikiFolders can contain a `tiddlywiki.info` file that identifies the plugins to be included in this wiki:
"plugins": [
Plugins names refer to plugin folders listed in TiddlyWiki5's root `plugins` folder.
Plugins can also be included manually by copying them into the `plugins` subfolder of the wiki.
! Plugin processing
The wiki object keeps track of all of the currently loaded plugins. If a request for a tiddler isn't in the store then the wiki looks through the cascade of plugins to find the requested tiddler. It is a similar idea to the way that shadow tiddlers are implemented in classic TiddlyWiki.
In the browser, any constituent tiddlers that are JavaScript modules (ie shadow tiddlers of content type `application/javascript` and possessing the field `module-type`) are executed during startup processing.
!! Disabling Plugins
Plugins can be disabled by creating a tiddler titled `$:/config/Plugins/Disabled/` concatenated with the plugin title, and setting its text to `yes`.
For example, to disable the plugin `$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/highlight`, the title would be:
! Information Tiddlers for Plugins
Plugin authors are encouraged to provide special information and documentation tiddlers that TiddlyWiki can include as plugin information tabs in the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]].
Plugins should provide an icon contained in a tiddler with the title formed of `<plugin-name>/icon` (for example, [[$:/core/icon]]).
Plugins expose the names of the individual information tabs that they wish to display in the `list` field of the plugin tiddler. By convention, some or all of the following should be provided:
* ''readme'': basic information about the plugin
* ''license'': the license under which the plugin is published
The title of the associated information tiddler must be formed as follows:
# `$:/<plugin-name>/<current-language>/<tab-name>` (for example, ''$:/core/en-GB/readme'')
# `$:/<plugin-name>/<tab-name>` (for example, ''$:/core/readme'')
Thus, plugins can provide language-specific versions of each information tiddler.
Note that information tiddlers should not reference other tiddlers within the plugin. This is because plugins containing themes or languages are dynamically switched in and out as they are selected, and so their information tiddlers may not be available for viewing. The control panel uses the 'subtiddler' attribute of the TranscludeWidget to access these tiddlers, which works independently of the plugin switching mechanism.
! Available Plugins
The following plugins are distributed on tiddlywiki.com as part of the main TiddlyWiki distribution.
<<list-links "[tag[Plugins]]">>
! What is a plugin?
A plugin in TiddlyWiki5 is a bundle of tiddlers packaged together as a single tiddler. Plugins are used to distribute optional, custom components for TiddlyWiki.
The tiddlers within a plugin appear as ShadowTiddlers.
Plugins can contain JavaScript modules, style sheets, and templates to extend the functionality of TiddlyWiki itself. Plugins can also be used to distribute ordinary text, images or other content. Plugins can be updated from their source as a unit.
See the PluginMechanism discussion for more details about how plugins are implemented internally.
! How to install a plugin
# Create a backup of your current TiddlyWiki HTML file ([[just in case|The First Rule of Using TiddlyWiki]])
# Open your TiddlyWiki in a browser
# In another browser window, find a link to the plugin, e.g. [[$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/example]]. You will typically find links to plugins on the home page of the plugin (for example, http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/katex/)
# Drag the link [[$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/example]] to the browser window containing your TiddlyWiki
# Save your TiddlyWiki
# Refresh the window
# The plugin should now be available for use
A collection of plugins from TheDiveO.
[[TheDiveO's Third Flow|http://thediveo.github.io/ThirdFlow/]] plugin construction system:
The ~ThirdFlow plugin brings to you another way to develop customization plugins for TiddlyWiki 5. It is not enforcing a specific development flow, it simply tries to help you. Otherwise, it tries to stay out of your way.
[[TheDiveO's FontAwesome|http://thediveo.github.io/TW5FontAwesome/]] plugin:
The FontAwesome plugin supports embedding Font Awesome in TiddlyWiki 5. There is no need to install this font into your operating system in order to use it with TiddlyWiki 5. The font is already embedded in this TiddlyWiki 5 customization plugin instead, so nothing else to install.
The popup mechanism allows blocks of content to be selectively displayed and positioned with respect to an anchor. It has several parts:
* StateTiddlers to record whether a popup is currently displayed or not
* The RevealWidget to selectively display the popup content
* The ButtonWidget to trigger the display of the popup by setting the state tiddler appropriately
Ordinarily, at startup TiddlyWiki displays the tiddlers specified as a filter in the tiddler [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]].
Sometimes it's useful to re-open the same tiddlers that were open when the file was saved. To do so, set [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]] to this filter:
This filter returns the tiddlers specified in the [[$:/StoryList]] tiddler, which is the system tiddler that TiddlyWiki uses to store the sequence of tiddlers in the current story.
The qualify macro is part of the StateMechanism. Given a base tiddler title it generates a unique string that includes a hashed encoding of a position within the widget render tree, identified by the stack of transcluded tiddlers that leads to that position.
! Parameters
|!Position |!Name |!Description |!Default |
|1st |title |Base tiddler title | |
! Examples
The results returned by the qualify macro will depend upon where it is used. For example:
<<qualify "base">>
<<qualify "base">>
Wikipedia [[defines a Quine|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quine_(computing)]] as //a computer program which takes no input and produces a copy of its own source code as its only output//.
TiddlyWiki is an unusual example of a practical quine: it is this ability to produce a copy of its own source code that lies at the heart of TiddlyWiki's ability to independently save changes to itself.
! Introduction
The radio widget displays an HTML `<input type="radio">` that reflects whether a given tiddler field has a specified value. Selecting the radio button sets to the tiddler field to the value.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$radio>` widget is displayed within an HTML `<label>` element also containing the radio button. This means that clicking on the content will have the same effect as clicking on the button itself.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |Title of the tiddler to manipulate (defaults to the CurrentTiddler) |
|field |The name of the field to which the radio button will be bound |
|value |The value for the tiddler field |
|class |CSS classes to be assigned to the label around the radio button |
! Example
This example uses the radio widget to change the `modifier` field of this tiddler:
<$radio field="modifier" value="JoeBloggs"> Joe Bloggs</$radio>
<$radio field="modifier" value="JaneBloggs"> Jane Bloggs</$radio>
It renders as:
<$radio field="modifier" value="JoeBloggs"> Joe Bloggs</$radio>
<$radio field="modifier" value="JaneBloggs"> Jane Bloggs</$radio>
\define tv-wikilink-template() http://tiddlywiki.com/static/$uri_doubleencoded$.html
<$importvariables filter="[[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Macro]!has[draft.of]]">
Welcome to TiddlyWiki, a non-linear personal web notebook that anyone can use and keep forever, independently of any corporation.
TiddlyWiki is a complete interactive wiki in JavaScript. It can be used as a single HTML file in the browser or as a powerful Node.js application. It is highly customisable: the entire user interface is itself implemented in hackable WikiText.
Learn more and see it in action at http://tiddlywiki.com/
Developer documentation is in progress at http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/
! Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js
{{Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js}}
! Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js
{{Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js}}
! Upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js
{{Upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js}}
! Also see
<<list-links "[tag[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] -[[Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] -[[Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] -[[Upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]">>
//This readme file was automatically generated by TiddlyWiki//
\define tv-wikilink-template() http://tiddlywiki.com/static/$uri_doubleencoded$.html
{{Scripts for TiddlyWiki on Node.js}}
The following topics provide the canonical reference documentation for TiddlyWiki:
<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-selective-expandable 'Reference'>>
This release is the culmination of a large scale refactoring of the widget mechanism of TiddlyWiki5. There are several changes to be aware of if upgrading from earlier versions:
* The following widgets have been removed:
** `<$setstyle>` - use `<div style=<<macroName Param>>>` instead
** `<$video>` - will return in a later release
** `<$datauri>` - use the `<<makedatauri>>` built-in macro instead
** `<$error>` - may return in a later release
** `<$import>` - use the BrowseWidget, DropzoneWidget and NavigatorWidget instead
** `<$info>` - use the `<<changecount>>` built-in macro instead
** `<$version>` - use the `<<version>>` built-in macro instead
* The following widgets have had significant changes:
** EditWidget
** ListWidget - the list widget itself no longer generates HTML nodes, so you'll often need to wrap the template in a `<div>` or a `<span>` to be able to style the content
** ViewWidget - has several changes:
*** `<$view format="link"/>` is no longer available; use an explicit `<$link>` widget instead
*** `<$view format="link"/>` is no longer available; use the TranscludeWidget instead
* The following new widgets have been added:
** BrowseWidget
** DropzoneWidget
** EditTextWidget and EditBitmapWidget
** SetVariableWidget
* Widget attribute names have been made more consistent. In particular, `tiddler` is used to reference a tiddler by title, not `title`
* It is no longer possible to import the macro definitions within another tiddler by transcluding that tiddler
* The `body` element now has the class `tw-body`, which will need to be specified in any overrides
** This was done due to the new support for HTML foreign objects, which makes it possible to have multiple `<body>` elements in a document
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.11...v5.0.0-alpha.12]]//
This minor release just contains fixes for the syncer and related adaptor modules for the TiddlyWeb edition and for TiddlyWiki5's integrated server.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.12...v5.0.0-alpha.13]]//
This release has several bug fixes:
* Fixes to DaveGifford's themes ''blanca'', ''blue'' and ''rocker''
* Fix an issue with the `<$edit-text>` widget
* Documentation updates
* Improved deployment scripts
* Made the modifier field in the subtitle be a link
* Styling improvements for the CodeMirror plugin
* Improved the ViewWidget so that it falls back to displaying its content if the field/property is missing or empty
* Extend use of the built-in `<<tabs>>` macro to the tiddler info panel, the control panel and the sidebar
** This means that you can add new tabs by creating tiddlers with these tags, and optionally a `caption` field for the text of the tab:
*** [[$:/tags/TiddlerInfo]] for tiddler info panel tabs
*** [[$:/tags/ControlPanel]] for control panel tabs
*** [[$:/tags/SideBar]] for sidebar tabs
*** [[$:/tags/MoreSideBar]] for tabs in the "more" sidebar
*** Change the order of tabs by adjusting the `list` field of the corresponding tag tiddler
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.13...v5.0.0-alpha.14]]//
This release has several bug fixes:
* Improved the layout of the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]]
* Fixed problem with using the CheckboxWidget to apply tags to tiddlers that don't have any existing tags
* Fixed problem with default password for the PasswordWidget being the string "null"
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.14...v5.0.0-alpha.15]]//
!! New Features
* Added a dropdown to the edit template for setting the tiddler type
* A saver module for Microsoft Internet Explorer version 10 and above. Clicking save in the sidebar causes the browser to pull up a bar at the bottom of the window where you can click ''save''. You then get a new copy of your wiki in the downloads folder.
* Support for new `tw-close-other-tiddlers` message (eg, <$button message="tw-close-other-tiddlers">close others</$button>)
* For http://five.tiddlywiki.com, add a tiddler info tab with a link to the static representation of the tiddler
* Make more UI elements extensible via system tags:
** [[$:/tags/ViewToolbar]] for the view mode tiddler toolbar
** [[$:/tags/EditTemplate]] for the edit template
** [[$:/tags/EditToolbar]] for the edit mode tiddler toolbar
** [[$:/tags/PageControls]] for the page control tools in the sidebar
!! Improvements
* Rename the `<$setvariable>` to `<$set>`
** `<$setvariable>` will temporarily remain as a synonym for `<$set>` for the next few releases
* Improve the popup mechanism so that the tiddler info panel doesn't close so easily
* Various improvements for working with TiddlyWeb, including:
** Updated control panel
!! Bug fixes
* Fixed bug when creating a tiddler title starting or ending with a space
* Fixed behaviour of tags editor dropdown when search box is empty
* Fixed problem with interpretation of `fields` and `index` attributes of the TranscludeWidget
* Fixed the module type names in the internal tab of the control panel
* Improved styling for embedded PDFs
* Fixed bug with second being omitted from serialised date formats
Contributors to this release include @jermolene and @grayeul.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.15...v5.0.0-alpha.16]]//
!! New Features and Improvements
* Improved appearance of tags editor
* Improved generation of qualified tiddler titles for state storage
** Instead of `$:/state/tab/sidebar-{$:/core/ui/SideBar|$:/core/ui/SideBar||}{$:/core/ui/PageTemplate|$:/core/ui/PageTemplate||}` one gets `$:/state/tab/sidebar-{1743827719}`
* Significant updates to the structure and content of the user documentation
* Added a new plugin for displaying corner ribbons; currently used for a version banner on tw5.com
* Split ''Snow White'' theme into a base ''Vanilla'' theme with all the basic formatting, leaving the decorative bits to ''Snow White''
** Existing TiddlyWikiFolders will need updating to include ''Vanilla'' as an additional theme
* The page building blocks are now driven by the system tag `$:/tags/PageTemplate`
** [[$:/TopSideBar]] and [[$:/LeftSideBar]] are no longer specially treated; use the new tag instead
* Fixed problem that prevented tag configured items from shadow tiddlers interleaving with items from ordinary tiddlers
* Refactored control panel to add ''Saving'' tab that includes TiddlySpot options
* Improved notifications when saving to TiddlySpot
* Added backup URL to TiddlySpot control panel tab
* Extended the ServerCommand to add primitive support for basic authentication when running under [[Node.js]]
!! Bug fixes
* Fixed problem with displaying tiddler titles that contain WikiText syntax
* No longer crashes when encountering an error in a filter string
* Fixed a crash when dragging and dropping tiddlers within TiddlyWiki5
* No longer update the modified date for imported tiddlers
* Automatically forces new field names to be lower case
!! Internal changes
* Added Windows-compatible build scripts
* Changes to the SavingMechanism to allow the tiddlers that are saved to be selected
** This enables the wiki at http://five.tiddlywiki.com/index.html to generate an empty wiki
* The main HTML file template used for saving TiddlyWiki5 documents has changed from `$:/core/templates/tiddlywiki5.template.html` to `$:/core/save/all`
* Moved tw5.com's Google Analytics integration into a proper plugin
Contributors to this release include @jermolene, @asampal and @pmario.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.16...v5.0.0-alpha.17]]//
!! Bug fixes
* Fixes a small but important bug that prevented downloading an empty wiki with alpha.16
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.17...v5.0.1-alpha]]//
!! Improvements
* Changes to the importing process to enable a smoother [[Upgrading]] process
** Ignores attempts to import plugins that are older than currently installed plugins
** System tiddlers are now imported as usual
* If `$:/theme` isn't defined or refers to a missing tiddler, then fallback through ''Snow White'' to ''Vanilla''. This means that `empty.html` now defaults to ''Snow White''
* Added support for [[Block Quotes in WikiText]]
** Contributed by StephanHradek (@Skeeve on GitHub)
!! Bug fixes
* Fixed bug that was preventing `$:/tags/PageControls` tiddlers from being reordered
!! Internal changes
* Changed the [[TiddlyWiki5 Versioning]] policy
** Beta releases will be `5.0.x-beta` and the final release will be `5.1.x`
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.9-beta...v5.0.10-beta]]//
!! Highlights
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ad4b03506a62d7110cb30aaa3d6f8dbfc712f246]] new syntax for [[Images in WikiText]] and a new ImageWidget
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ba576d9f1b2146cec293447b2968e34f0c594a05]] support for a SafeMode that disables customisations
!! Documentation Improvements
* Added DateFormat documentation
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Refactor|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bb42c0ab360760917ad5bde84f15350186a9471a]] sorting to respect accented characters
* [[Support|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/45b0966013c760abab5b3f7faea0e59af2ca5619]] embedded images in Markdown tiddlers
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/821f1f1428f92160ae8bc4fa71dd3f947243f09e]] sidebar hiding action so that the story river border is maintained
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/15d0c27e2a82359616ce6c7883557cd2ef1886cd]] `[is[tag]]` to the [[FilterOperator: is]]
* [[Hide|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/95d291daac4a26664f0c232175f54780f0fa678f]] the top bars in the print stylesheet
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4758874d13430338da07727997d0c4df7f328ac1]] support for saving changes on Windows network drives
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9fbe72a8778ae94c7d6322ad4b9155c83f753113]] configuration processing so that ordinary tiddlers are processed after shadow tiddlers. This resolves an issue whereby user stylesheets were being overridden by shadow stylesheets
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d6054f10392c535ca430f3e73b9b68d0f8c18498]] issue with offline snapshot of server edition erroneously including shadow tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bd4a031df8a68287475a41ad84b423ad83f735a3]] problem with corrupted upgrades from 5.0.x-prerelease to 5.0.x-beta
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/73cfd1021809e97906ecfd5dacdf2337da3abae9]] bug with `[untagged[]]` filter operator
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d336ffea02621e382f6d7135847d11e49e77bc26]] incorrect background colour for tag pills in the sidebar
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f57e04787738ad30fb05ac0e592239075b90507e]] issues with null fields under TiddlyWeb
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/768489128547cf54e80fc321f3f1f4f5cd191862]] problem with hamburger overlapping scrollbars
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.10-beta...v5.0.11-beta]]//
!! Incompatible Changes
See [[Notes for upgrading to 5.0.11-beta]] for more details of these changes:
* The default output location for command line operations has changed to the `/output` folder within TiddlyWikiFolders (it used to be current directory)
* Note that the shadow tiddler [[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]] has changed with this release. If you've made modifications to it you should copy your modifications to a new tiddler, delete [[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]], perform the upgrade and then manually update the new copy of [[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]]
!! Documentation Improvements
* Added more warnings about taking care to [[backup your data|The First Rule of Using TiddlyWiki]]
!! Usability Improvements
* Many performance optimisations, particularly for filter operations
* Added support for PermaLinks and browser back and forward buttons
* Added support for WikiLinks in Markdown via `[link text](#TiddlerTitle)`
* Added support for explicit external [[Linking in WikiText]] (eg `[ext[tooltip|url]]`)
* [[Replaced|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/580]] hamburger menu icon with double chevron icon
* [[Enhance|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/552657fc584dbb36754d3fcabca2cdef7e916ec9]] plain text parsing to use the CodeBlockWidget, and hence use syntax highlighting if the plugin is installed. This gives us syntax highlighting for JavaScript shadow tiddlers, amongst other things
* Improvements to the German, French, Italian, Japanese and Chinese translations
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/61c3f8a5ba3c815d623c06f6a97d9c00a31a4157]] WikiText tiddlers from the sidebar "Types" tab
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a90339d1e573ec82dba1caeaead0f71717618a80]] various warnings when editing shadow tiddlers
* [[Allow|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0ac4c2b554f045c6bd2dc6ea5daa0d2f0397d04c]] digits in field names
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a4294b55f0a217d019a6e4cbb62f6a8a19668928]] warning banner and when attempting to edit binary tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b84c663215cf7877fff960748af4b2849ae0dbb3]] automatic refreshing of the browser window title from $:/core/wiki/title
!! Hackability Improvements
* Improved vertical layouts of TabsMacro
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/93566cdc332226b77eaba8a70fa166f3b8fcfe1e]] "standard" tab to [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e83759e86d2a9e05e4b85dae50925fe988f8e239]] new filter operators [[before|FilterOperator: before]] and [[after|FilterOperator: after]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/570cad1c7f90e685961130918f09a7f9b2951f8c]] new [[FilterOperator: get]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f7e50e0950c5bf10d94d926576011893418b25f1]] [[BuildCommand]], [[OutputCommand]] and [[ClearPasswordCommand]]
* Added new extensible StartupMechanism for orchestrating startup tasks
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/711b76307c95d0026f79f584e85ae3d4b7289d15]] to new version of CodeMirror
* Added https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5NodeWebkit, a demo of using TiddlyWiki as a library in a node-webkit application
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4e07b3335b570f4039427e11df729fc4a899a671]] `.tid` TiddlerFiles to allow single line text fields
* Renamed `$:/ShowEditPreview` to `$:/state/showeditpreview`
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/cc60ad1428dcf99a7ea0787e43e3b37f5a02fb98]] issue with hovering of the topbar icons in Firefox
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e548dd35af2d3195f82899096d4a4080362a1ff0]] problem with dragging and dropping within a text edit control
!! Contributors
I ([[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]]) would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to helping improve TiddlyWiki:
[[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]], [[@mwfogleman|https://github.com/mwfogleman]], [[@nameanyone|https://github.com/nameanyone]], [[@natecain|https://github.com/natecain]], [[@pekopeko1|https://github.com/pekopeko1]], [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]], [[@sukima|https://github.com/sukima]], [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]].
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.11-beta...v5.0.12-beta]]//
This is an emergency release that fixes a single significant bug with shadow tiddler handling in 5.0.11. See the [[discussion thread|https://groups.google.com/d/topic/tiddlywiki/pNxZsSCVp7c/discussion]] for more details.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.12-beta...v5.0.13-beta]]//
!! Accessibility Improvements
This release includes a number of features designed to improve the experience of TiddlyWiki with a screen reader. Particular thanks to [[@domasofan|https://github.com/domasofan]] for his feedback
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/34e4166dc5f24519b000de66853d5b1aee8f1648]] label and title for show/hide sidebar buttons
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/346b2f86111815c746c993fa09b7f677fa0b4b37]] label and title for advanced search link
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6f859c8d447a477a9120bdc308d1524558a80f20]] label and title for close buttons in "Open" sidebar tab
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/06b0f9adb7209870b46d42f832c1f7ad7a78976f]] ''aria-label'' support to the LinkWidget
* [[Switched|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bc9b67cbc3f363d48aafea86c077fcd5a9c0ca64]] to H1 tags for the page title and H2 tags for tiddler titles
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/eeedcb6d94a25d02e8fec45c89b30c7f2bcdde73]] label and title for tiddler and page toolbar buttons
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9ab0c84140bbc0f31cf65e632bddac616bbadbda]] support for global [[Macros in WikiText]] via the new ImportVariablesWidget
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3182a2d599f0e4b70a73fe369df4f398587dc1a9]] new SelectWidget
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f131c378934a86b741ab5b808437c95694dc5503]] behaviour of `text/html` tiddlers so that they are displayed within an HTML iframe element
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9b576f2a8d39dcca37bcb709183a8f9b27f33ccf]] group headings to the content type dropdown in edit mode
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4d70d5780e51cf0918fba15954cd47549e4e1a9f]] advanced navigation settings in [[$:/ControlPanel]] to use radio buttons
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f7b8813a27141a78980eefa03df70a4a2de9d10b]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3f25db0abe8cd28712c020f218506710cec004b6]]) behaviour of PermaLinks so that now [ext[http://tiddlywiki.com/#HelloThere]] just opens the single specified tiddler
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0c48502e8ed214cee23537d06e7e87efd53592c7]] support for triple-quoted multi-line attributes with [[macros|Macros in WikiText]], [[widgets|Widgets in WikiText]] and [[HTML elements|HTML in WikiText]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/32099b85d3b12f9e590274cb7550e3e531131706]] TableOfContents tab for tw5.com edition
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Restored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1b37d660ea7cd576cfeadfe8b782fe6c62dc9048]] ''escape'' as a shortcut to abandon edits
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9547a1f01c144c604c294f394a68d7dc6dbe4e5d]] support for ExternalImages that are referenced by URI and not stored in the TiddlyWiki HTML file
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d2796d0c9c7ed7a971ae6b0752d7418384072bb5]] new SetFieldCommand
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/305617b632fd6ecf25cd4be85f4dfb5a5a65dfef]] new SaveTiddlersCommand
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f14ecf4eb8965f2e407ccac51d4277330221efe3]] support for system tag [[$:/tags/RawMarkup]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0bdc5b5c70fbbf34aa459afcf0499fc9c8ae6374]] editor type mappings to control panel advanced tab
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1717c93d001ad184a08ca66d1bffb33fb5d32b3a]] CodeMirror (http://tiddlywiki.com/codemirrordemo.html) plugin for simpler configuration
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b2e48d00e9ea068a22b5ac5c0a4c93e8ddbb4a8a]] support for [[Environment Variables on Node.js]]
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/eee3a0cf8e5aa047f8596df06e28194409f38b01]] ServerCommand to allow a path prefix
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4238af2a405c14d22937d7c47a70bfb3d4e6f22d]] [[FilterOperator: listed]] to use any list field
!! Bug Fixes
* Fixed [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6fb992690d33940d3509d7d4d74538e7f458e063]] and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0fae9ee99200e7eca30b9db0584c479d58841349]] the problem with state tiddlers being inadvertently saved
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a03a15e7de32a1b41618146ac334b5cd7d432e91]] bug with TextWidget not refreshing correctly
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d8a142fed5b22a8273d93ba05095e5f9c6929cb3]] problem with vertical tabs in Safari
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b8aedf2ca3cfc870be5a46accbb2dc0ddbb6d451]] issue with images in Markdown
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]]
* [[@csugden|https://github.com/csugden]]
* [[@danielo515|https://github.com/danielo515]]
* [[@IreneKnapp|https://github.com/IreneKnapp]]
* [[@jayfresh|https://github.com/jayfresh]]
* [[@mwfogleman|https://github.com/mwfogleman]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.13-beta...v5.0.14-beta]]//
!! Major Changes
!!! Improved Control Panel Plugins Tab
The ''Plugins'' tab of the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] has been improved with the addition of documentation tabs that plugins can use to show documentation. There is also a larger draggable area for dragging tiddlers across to other wikis.
!!! Configurable Button Toolbars
The page toolbar and the tiddler toolbars can now be configured with several new buttons - see the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] under the ''Appearance'' and ''Toolbars'' tabs.
The sidebar tools tab now shows all the available page controls, allowing them to be invoked or checked to appear in the toolbar. The tiddler info area now includes a tools tab that includes buttons for all the tiddler actions.
!!! Upgrade Mechanism
There are two components:
* A more flexible ImportMechanism that:
** Presents incoming tiddlers as a pending import list that allows the user to inspect them and, if necessary, explicitly deselect them from the actual import
** Provides UpgraderModules with an opportunity to process each incoming tiddler
*** The [[plugin upgrader|$:/core/modules/upgraders/plugins.js]] module handles version checking of plugins and upgrading them from a special UpgradeLibrary plugin tiddler
*** The [[system upgrader|$:/core/modules/upgraders/system.js]] module is responsible for suppressing the importing of certain system tiddlers (currently [[$:/StoryList]] and [[$:/HistoryList]])
*** The [[themetweak upgrader|$:/core/modules/upgraders/themetweaks.js]] module handles migrating theme tweaks from their pre-5.0.14-beta format (see below)
* An UpgradePlugin and associated edition that provides a custom, single-purpose user interface for upgrading standalone TiddlyWiki files - see http://tiddlywiki.com/upgrade.html
!!! Improvements to CamelCase Recognition
TiddlyWiki now takes a much more conservative approach to recognising CamelCase terms that should be automatically linked. Previously, the dash and underscore were treated as lower case letters, leading to a number of false positives. See the [[GitHub bug #337|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/337]] for details.
!!! Automatic Permalinking Off by Default
With previous beta releases of TiddlyWiki the browser address bar is automatically updated so that it dynamically reflects the tiddlers that are currently open. This makes it easier to get a permalink for copying and pasting elsewhere, but it leads to much confusion for casual users who don't always understand why unexpected tiddlers are being displayed after they have refreshed the page in the browser.
For 5.0.14-beta, the setting has been changed. Visit [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] ''Advanced''/''Settings'' to switch the setting back to "Include the target tiddler and the current story sequence".
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f6d7d87a3d49f816ccc050bdf4a5394eed37dd51]] previews to the icon dropdown in the [[tag manager|$:/TagManager]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/56945d91d327489478fc44dce5234ece35a01abb]] an indication of unsaved changes by changing the colour of the save changes button
* [[Split|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/7aa6c7c06d8b5359f183e6b9f6f57cf89611cda8]] the wikitext emphasis parsers into separate modules so that they can be independently controlled with the `\rules` pragma
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f43cd5ba9c6e5eda221ec738174e61e34fad2b8d]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a3de93b4eb8b108239b2e4b496308026e9e9eef8]]) ReleaseHistory to place the releases into vertical tabs
* [[Stopped|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3ff7462afd5414b92680c6b6e67274be79233224]] saving [[$:/HistoryList]], thus avoiding it uncontrollably increasing in size
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/73cf1bfdb3cd238ac7800162f58d44a8bb60019b]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d5e4b9b5d1e7db5ad4d769433cc934ef08265f57]]) print stylesheet to remove page background
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/07f13b310d300631267936ad8bc55a338369afc0]] display of plugin tiddlers so that their constituent tiddlers are shown, rather than the raw JSON
* [[Moved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/799a5b059a40a51fdeb1dae7a0eb5bf8a79f5106]] the functionality of the fullscreen plugin into the core
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c23f6af4b5c59f4d09dd8d6704e1939bb9d5b2d3]] TiddlerWidget to add a CSS class corresponding to each tag present on displayed tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d357e1706c91d17a72fb19fedf43e57071fc7dd6]] support for hiding specified fields in the tiddler editor
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/be040ea8a2cc8962f1a28a313e4c9ebc2d5c0e31]] support for variable operands in filters (see [[Introduction to Filters]])
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1f16ef6fa88b51d2dad7c8e57fcff014950a7442]] support for widget messages [[tw-permalink|WidgetMessage: tw-permalink]] and [[tw-permaview|WidgetMessage: tw-permaview]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/plugins/tiddlywiki/browser-sniff]] browser sniffing plugin so that tiddlywiki.com can present the correct browser-specific documentation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ef67cc3fd9b267a522598abccdfbb93fbfca240c]] a configuration option for specifying the default location for saving new tiddlers in the client-server configuration
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b4d47858e587c96f3a68cc28cffff181ec45f55f]] support for the InfoMechanism
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f08f57c5d24eb0146ac2cb77472a5fc5f135f1e9]] CheckboxWidget to allow it to toggle fields as well as tags
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/21c137a66c37f010b36697bb6bed5321138fbb9f]] [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] theme tweaks to be stored in individual tiddlers
* [[Extend|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e18d8a88661a1c2caa1b722841747c75ca6af437]] the TabsMacro to allow tabs to be templated
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/91acad0f7ce8637945a953dfcb122cd31292626d]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8612bc4006e717e4fa3c562fa72a85650206b66f]]) SystemTags support for inserting content above and below the story river
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f793816dfa687ae7791143b33487fd5f95f3265c]] support for transcluding plugin subtiddlers with the TranscludeWidget
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c73853288c5b4b0716da94fea2f2edec09345643]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/08f775eac8cb053d08c1c561e65a5eeb87c4c6b6]]) support for importing from `*.htm` and `*.hta` files as well as the existing support for `*.html` files
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/73d7e85e11c7732080ca8bc4321ebb12afbac09c]] the "sticky titles" theme so that it works when tiddlers are in edit mode
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5b3b62f93da4b7b19e24ccf72d9ce20b9edce6d5]] bug with execution order of BuildCommand targets
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d93da81671a704377209fc1871425c3a7c5db35a]] bug with missing hover colours for external links
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/465f4ac46903070759a572d183c498c5579cb922]] problem with refreshing modal dialogues
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3351ae7e29cbf3bed6fc1925ef33664bcc59fef5]] issue with cookies disabled on Firefox
* [[Relax|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5260899d8b090e8886e41e3aa770fdcf5967ad8c]] the requirement for a newline immediately the closing `\end` of a macro definition
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@ssokolow|https://github.com/ssokolow]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.14-beta...v5.0.15-beta]]//
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Simplified|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c57b00996855f10d9b7fa2aa4e9deb2a2a607d7f]] shadow default tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/32a7ee2683ace619599f0ab73028307ca33f4e4c]] the ability to disable plugins (see PluginMechanism) with a user interface in [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4b05608ad5e77043b01495825ea0f0e76c378760]] page control button for invoking the [[tag manager|$:/TagManager]]
* [[Simplified|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c4b76ceb0bc786bcceb12fc3417bb8c4bfde27a9]] downloading an offline copy of a client-server wiki
* [[Blocked|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2bbe9f76ecf8fc89c789e72be00ac19e811195ee]] temporary state tiddlers from import/upgrade
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c912fed55d94c9bef2d541cd55f458b12172941c]] a banner to the edit template encouraging improvements to the documentation
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f75af2c983e10e8a82639890b993fb5cf042d610]] `saver-handler.js` out of `syncer.js`
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8cf726275c19ed5b4a0ed1cf8354d64d1bc29da5]] TableOfContentsMacro support
* Simplified startup module organisation (see [[Startup Modules.svg]])
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/25777b147fa4ed2f915150aec503ad1e094e6043]] the overlay text for the DropzoneWidget to make it translateable
* [[Introduced|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/920e11e7921f777170aa2f9e1836c000fec2e26d]] a new [[refresh button|WidgetMessage: tw-browser-refresh]] and reverted [[home button|WidgetMessage: tw-home]] behaviour
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/fbf307c648ae0e92679c54f7d03f197a75b4e101]] ''alt'' attribute to the ImageWidget
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c8830d32f74b8c228553f11f7f55b5be45ae6471]] problem with building TiddlyWiki under Windows
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/34461cb2fe554331a0269fd7795b1d6a879fcba9]] unclickable download ink in upgrade wizard
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9e85ddfec78dd8df71e6173100dce659417551f4]] missing language flag in ''empty.html''
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/18592fe8f810d1858ca040da1a7c4a81fb74cfed]] problem with switching the type of a tiddler between the bitmap and text editor
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/fe6623d7feed1a9068e15bfac57be0b0924e8915]] foreground colour for tag pills in the sidebar
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c912fed55d94c9bef2d541cd55f458b12172941c]] problem with github source links for tiddlywiki.com not working for titles containing colons
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.15-beta...v5.0.16-beta]]//
!! Incompatible Changes
5.0.16-beta brings more incompatible changes than any previous release. These changes are likely to break almost all plugins written for previous releases of TiddlyWiki 5, and will break many customisations.
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/764]] all CSS class prefixes from `tw-` to `tc-` (eg `tw-tiddler-frame` has become `tc-tiddler-frame`; missing prefixes have also been added, so `btn-invisible` has become `tc-btn-invisible`)
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2f69ea362cd673f59b9fadbe11f1f95549a59813]] all message prefixes from `tw-` to `tm-` (eg `tw-close-tiddler` has become `tm-close-tiddler`)
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/89fd5379dd78887fc21746d792072bf5a25f0c56]] all variable prefixes from `tw-` to `tv-` (eg `tw-config-toolbar-icons` has become `tv-config-toolbar-icons`)
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/112a9a95d95e9f62f110c97a4faaf537c5c100b1]] prefix/removeprefix filter operators to be case-sensitive
!! Compatibility with TiddlyWikiClassic
This release includes a preliminary version of a new plugin that provides compatibility with content created for TiddlyWikiClassic:
Subsequent releases will include end-user documentation with step-by-step instructions for migrating content.
Many thanks to @buggyj for his work on this plugin.
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Amended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e47852cb141b384ad2a9097eca795545cb5b2494]] behaviour of the [[tm-browser-refresh|WidgetMessage: tw-browser-refresh]] message so that it no longer clears the location hash
* [[Hide|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/88c9c0c3ee115917b8c1a9126452bb0574061857]] toolbar buttons from static renderings
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Extend|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/48312272adb17610db96d50758e6af947cab7b1d]] the [[FilterOperator: all]] to be able to select all the source tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/43aeb47fc34f1ba424030c4f78ee907fe7b1d5d8]] problem with single line macro definitions incorrectly including whitespace in the value. (For example, `\define mymacro() yes` would set the macro value to " yes", with a leading space)
* [[Extend|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d2a5a12f2d6b6ccc36dd22a70ac2def08d1d3722]] TableOfContentsMacro to use the caption field if present
* [[Configurability|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b437f1b450f5f2a3104a9086f7c674299b53b9bc]] for the default tab shown in the tiddler info panel (see [[Configuring the default TiddlerInfo tab]])
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/dcf4e93a3283e3e93cc14e50366f9b0252870835]] [[suffix|FilterOperator: suffix]] and [[removesuffix|FilterOperator: removesuffix]] filter operators
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Reverted|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ad40223d6b9bed435d9381611cb9de1841b53df6]] incorrect refreshing of the tiddler widget
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/44228ed9f733217557851150f5ae45d9ebb23420]] indentation of selective expandable TableOfContentsMacro
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]]
* [[@gernert|https://github.com/gernert]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.16-beta...v5.0.17-beta]]//
!! Highlights
This release includes major improvements from @giffmex to the welcome and tutorial documentation, and new development docs incorporating [[the work|https://github.com/cjrk/saa-tw]] of @cheigele and @cjrk.
!! Incompatible Changes
!!! Change System Tag `$:/tags/stylesheet` with `$:/tags/Stylesheet`
The [[issue|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/824]] is that the capitalisation of `$:/tags/stylesheet` is not consistent with other system tags. This release adds support for `$:/tags/Stylesheet`, and adds a deprecation warning if `$:/tags/stylesheet` is used. Support for `$:/tags/stylesheet` will be removed before the beta.
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f6ff0a7f715bdf12dfba6556f72c49ea2c3016b0]] support for `$:/tags/Stylesheet` and a deprecation warning when `$:/tags/stylesheet` is used
!!! Change ButtonWidget `title` attribute to `tooltip`
The use of the `title` attribute in the ButtonWidget was not consistent with the `tooltip` attribute used by the ImageWidget and LinkWidget. This release adds support for the `tooltip` attribute to the ButtonWidget alongside the existing support for the `title` attribute, but with a deprecation warning.
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b7f638aef3094d0552db2f72330b40a526113bd5]] `tooltip` attribute to ButtonWidget
!!! Removing Support for RegExp Filter Operands
As discussed in [[the associated ticket|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/762]], the support for regular expression filter operands is incomplete and inconsistent. The plan is to remove support for this feature in the next release. A new filter operator has been provided to replace it, along with the addition of a deprecation warning that is displayed whenever regular expression filter operators are used.
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f4fff7a33037ba9dd537379bcb44a52a280868d6]] new [[FilterOperator: regexp]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d45c417c187fe3dcc35ee7a308e64feebc7b185b]] deprecation warning for regular expression filter operators
!!! Repository Reorganisation
The goal is to make the TiddlyWiki repository easier to comprehend for newcomers.
* [[Moved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6e9cd5943703f7137e819fcb85376423b9c930d5]] scripts into a separate `bin` folder
!! Usability Improvements
* Reorganised the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] to make it more logical and usable
!! Hackability Improvements
* Moved developer documentation to http://tiddlywiki.com/dev
* [[Improvements|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/872e6fc2532012f0f9acfb29aa24a9cd5f340b9d]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c8a131ffd4716f2b99ab508567422ff463f2849d]]) to `serve.sh`/`serve.cmd` scripts
* [[Disable|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ac54fe33263cbe48bc294f9c14257ccc146be38e]] plugins when in SafeMode
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c1de85838f3d0d3e6a207152ecc9d61ff08a4b05]] new TimelineMacro
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f16d1832aae9a7ce71dea78b16c11afaf673acf2]] new DumpVariablesMacro
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ba3f8002355607c8b00b7d184f01fa68bbcda152]] TableOfContentsMacro so that individual links can be disabled
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/542788bfeba98ec3bac0bb721293c16354bc1b34]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/487c4a40abda2b457b4015033bf1be76bd81dcc9]]) unnecessary `<p>` tag from edit tags and types dropdowns
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ccd916ca7cb45468ac30eb48bfdf86bea704d810]] ''multiple'' attribute to the BrowseWidget
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ab944bbf02e9fae606632a11df1053a46573fa49]] view template to hide bodies of tiddlers with field ''hide-body'' set to ''yes''
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c713eddbef50603e313a86f78c185753bab3d607]] problem with draft tiddlers not counting as dirty
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f87ce7e98a083f1bdcff5b1887b56aa95b731efe]] problem with keyboard shortcuts introduced in 5.0.16-beta
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/756e05504b33c387da7d3f81446a18f9a8fefe49]] problem with stylesheets being parsed in inline mode
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9adc30f69fba169813638021780263ff0df4e2bc]] bug with selective expandable TableOfContentsMacro
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]]
* [[@cheigele|https://github.com/cheigele]]
* [[@cjrk|https://github.com/cjrk]]
* [[@giffmex|https://github.com/giffmex]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.17-beta...v5.0.18-beta]]//
This is a minor release prior to the full release of TiddlyWiki on September 20th. The documentation has been cleaned up and improved (with more improvements to come).
!! File Layout of tiddlywiki.com
The layout of files on tiddlywiki.com has been adjusted to make it more logical. See the [[ticket|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/823]] for a discussion. You can see the source files that make up tiddlywiki.com at https://github.com/Jermolene/jermolene.github.com
!! Hackability Improvements
* Added first iteration of a ListMacro (further improvements are planned)
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6d9bd4df8a1133c2ba246333edad14e6028d3ea4]] support for importing `.markdown` and `.md` files
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c4123ba3740f74f172468c4aa050451ebc5780d8]] TimelineMacro to support a subfilter
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a9f46525a0b1ecf7ce6d1bdae64e6763a247106b]] problem with digits being classified as lower case letters for wiki link matching
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8cc236b4dca96327c7b28ad45e1eb4c2dce174e5]] crash when sorting missing tiddlers by fields other than title
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/73a4747d05c6746476ccd9e8cb8255853f631d17]] problem with handling `.jpeg` file extensions
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/775482a2428d24a475e0c7df7bea215c190b5574]] problem with RadioWidget and missing tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2571f534aa67c7f9d423d44d36efa32480f4c370]] problem with dragging a partially selected link
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]]
* [[@Eucaly|https://github.com/Eucaly]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.1-alpha...v5.0.2-beta]]//
!! Improvements
* Added support for [[Hard Linebreaks in WikiText]]
* Added a new RadioWidget, contributed by StephanHradek (@Skeeve on GitHub)
* Two new savers for InternetExplorer, both contributed by DavidJade (@davidjade on GitHub)
** ''tiddlyie'' for [[saving with TiddlyIE|Saving with TiddlyIE]], an equivalent of TiddlyFox for InternetExplorer
** ''fsosaver'' that can [[save changes directly with InternetExplorer|Saving on InternetExplorer]] but requires the HTML file to be renamed `*.hta`
!! Bug fixes
* Fixed problem deleting tiddlers under the filesystemadaptor
* Fixed problem with transcluding fields containing lists or dates (eg, `{{!!tags}}`)
* Fixed problem with re-ordering page control tiddlers (ie tiddlers tagged `$:/tags/PageControls`)
* Update template used for deploying to TiddlyWeb
* Fixed problem with tiddler deletions via the file system adaptor
!! Internal changes
* Allowed variable number of arguments to [[JavaScript Macros]]
** Contributed by StephanHradek (@Skeeve on GitHub)
* Changed the format of plugin tiddlers to remove duplicated information (see the PluginMechanism)
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.2-beta...v5.0.3-beta]]//
This release includes minor bug fixes and documentation updates.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.3-beta...v5.0.4-beta]]//
!! Improvements
* Switched to using an HTML5 placeholder for the default text of a new tiddler
* Refactored stylesheet handling so that theme tweaks are now applied immediately, and some ordering issues have been resolved
* Several improvements for running [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]:
** The `tiddlywiki.info` file in the root of [[wiki folder|TiddlyWikiFolders]] file is now optional, falling back to a default configuration suitable for serverside use ([[commit|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0ec2224757dd07f009246ec9ea97cd859d077e72]])
** The file system plugin now automatically creates the `tiddlers` subfolder in the [[wiki folder|TiddlyWikiFolders]]
* Added [[favicon.ico support|Using favicons]]
* Added SaveTiddlerCommand
!! Bug Fixes
* Fixed problem with tiddlers sometimes wrongly opening at the top of the story ([[commit|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b50eb8da302431cdfa7c37ac9ef1414a33d00292]])
* Fixed problem with refreshing RadioWidget
* Fixed problem with the dragger image being visible in some circumstances
* Fixed drag and drop support on InternetExplorer, contributed by DavidJade (@davidjade on GitHub)
* Fixed crash on modifying page template ([[commit|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a5f33d875b1339b08838203a4885f8a3a7d10353]])
* Updated fullscreen plugin to latest version of the API ([[commit|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/638c8b207033f8cb01ac9efdca104d282fd4cffe]])
* Improved handling of double square brackets within tags (thanks to StephanHradek)
This release includes minor bug fixes and documentation updates.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.4-beta...v5.0.5-beta]]//
!! Improvements
* Added support for [[Setting a favicon]]
!! Bug Fixes
* Fixed problem with modal wizard positioning on narrow screens
* Fix problem with static content being included in empty.html when downloaded from the full wiki
* Improved performance of tiddler import with large tiddlers on Firefox
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.5-beta...v5.0.6-beta]]//
!! Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/324]] support for numeric sorting to TiddlerFilters (thanks to StephanHradek)
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/321]] [[Tables in WikiText]] to allow for vertical alignment of cells (thanks to StephanHradek)
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/87fbd988f1fb0164411af190adfe6b6a2404eef3]] experimental support for running [[TiddlyWiki on node-webkit]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3d79eb87d1c609195b8c518c08e167994b20a346]] an [[$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bd7db62da052ec6262c3319eaa11f00e5c452a7b]] support for specifying hostname for the ServerCommand
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b9e80a270b7f67db816e9b06e2f71f9c9dd86c17]] a first pass at generating an all-in-one static HTML representation of a wiki, complete with internal anchor links for wiki links
** See http://tiddlywiki.com/alltiddlers.html
* [[Hide|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/44568dc6ef64be8c1370df8f682777c2c805fee7]] encryption features when running on the server
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2ee50939447cf2948e49e5905520943ea4075975]] [[double backticks|Formatting in WikiText]] as an alternative for delimitting inline code (thanks to StephanHradek)
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ec7dff291dadb3e128e1db34b4ded6b57bc8ed46]] import ''browse'' button
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ef59a3743f02c726f20e035c5d28665000fda79a]] crash when attempting full screen mode on browsers that don't support it
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/307]] requirement for a newline immediately after a horizontal rule, table or typed block (thanks to StephanHradek)
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/318]] problem with ''placeholder'' attibute on InternetExplorer (thanks to DavidJade)
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.6-beta...v5.0.7-beta]]//
!! Incompatible Changes
These are changes that might affect users upgrading from previous betas.
* The [[node-webkit]] saver has been moved into a plugin - [[$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/nodewebkitsaver]]. The plugin is only needed when embedding a single TiddlyWiki in [[node-webkit]] and is not required for TiddlyDesktop, which as of v.0.0.2 uses the existing TiddlyFox saver.
!! Documentation updates
* A new video tutorial: [[TiddlyWiki on Firefox for Android Video]]
* A first pass at [[TiddlyWiki Coding Style Guidelines]]
* Added an explanation of TemplateTiddlers
* Added documentation for [[saving on a custom PHP server|Saving on a PHP Server]]
* Added documentation for TextWidget
* Summary of the approach for [[Naming of System Tiddlers]]
!! Improvements
* Added support for importing encrypted TiddlyWiki documents
* Added several new [[filter operators|TiddlerFilters]], including ''reverse'', ''first'', ''last'', ''butlast'', ''rest'', ''nth''
* Extend ''list'' filter operator to allow other fields to be used via a TextReference
* Added shortcut in [[$:/ControlPanel]] ''Basics'' tab for setting [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]] to retain tiddler story ordering
* Added emacs and vim keymapping support to the [[CodeMirror plugin|http://tiddlywiki.com/codemirrordemo.html]], (thanks to João Bolila, @jbolila on GitHub)
* Added the [[highlight.js|http://highlightjs.org/]] syntax highlighting plugin: http://tiddlywiki.com/highlightdemo.html (thanks to João Bolila, @jbolila on GitHub)
* Added the first export option to the ''Tools'' tab of the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ffcc215e8f8896be96093579abc5bcfb76335e66]] an ellipsis for [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]] next to the search box in the sidebar
* [[Adjusted|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b326315b0e9959096b85aa716dd613f21605705a]] the password dialogue to make it narrower for smaller screens
* [[Adjusted|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b7a1db1e9fb651928a4f86e1881959150dd66a55]] the display of tiddler dictionaries to make them display as plain text
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b06e09a4d3e25087ca0495e624c8662ddb69224e]] problem with default format of ViewWidget substituting seconds for minutes in displayed times
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e0f428b9b2374487a0758ea80716f337e3c643ff]] problem that was causing several animations to fail in Safari
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f2409d4245bbba0ccdf39186dca6a0cbf16d8759]] problem with unclickable sidebar under the Centralised theme
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0fb13e649b6558961fd8436bc7aac83bfd991983]] problem with non-system tiddlers showing up in system tiddler [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b64b7982af4285be41cca85db1fa745fc009ca29]] problem with notifications not always disappearing in Firefox
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b04141fefd2c0103b525726e4f466c32f0385194]] problem with wiki folders including wiki files with tiddlers that do not have a title
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/12770ca3e694a8f4edeb065e054eddd5957353b8]] problem with ServerCommand logging "Serving on undefined:8080"
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.7-beta...v5.0.8-beta]]//
!! Incompatible Changes
See [[Notes for upgrading to 5.0.8-beta]] for more details of these changes:
* Changed rules for parsing content of HTML elements
* Switched SiteTitle and SiteSubtitle to [[$:/SiteTitle]] and [[$:/SiteSubtitle]]
* Changes to commands used with [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
* Changes to naming of some editions
** Notably ''clientserver'' has changed to ''server''
!! Documentation Improvements
* Improved documentation for TiddlerFilters, including a notation of the [[TiddlerFilter Formal Grammar]] contributed by [[@Tikkoneus|https://github.com/Tikkoneus]]
* Improved documentation for WidgetMessages
* Tiddlers on tiddlywiki.com now have a link to the original source on ~GitHub for pull requests (see the "Sources" tab of the tiddler info panel)
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a01bbd4b9c7ca284141078340c8f568b1e0561a2]] [[automatic saving|AutoSave]] on editing a tiddler and a warning when attempting to close the window with unsaved changes
* Added confirmation dialogue when deleting tiddlers
* Add support for switchable (and editable) ColourPalettes
* Added TranslationMechanism and translations for:
** Deutsch (Österreich and Deutschland) by @pmario
** Français (France) by @xcazin
** Chinese (Simplified and Traditional) by @BramChen
* Add error alerts when syncing to a server
* Rejigged [[$:/ControlPanel]] to use nested tabs
* Added [[$:/TagManager]] for easy management of tags
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e3a05625b2368b2167a2a1b30aa82369e96a7538]] experimental KeyboardWidget, including support for ''ctrl-enter'' (or ''cmd-enter'') to finish editing a tiddler
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e6fa9b8a859867c147fb289859169b204dea003e]] number of tags to control panel ''Basics'' tab
* Enhanced link handling so that control/command clicking a link opens the target tiddler without navigating to it
* Importing tiddlers via drag and drop no longer opens all the tiddlers
!! Scalability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/fa5938221552846c255eb50004996528a09534a9]] support for LazyLoading of images
* Extended RevealWidget to allow control over content retention
!! Hackability Improvements
* Added HelpCommand and InitCommand for [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
* Extended ButtonWidget to allow navigating to a tiddler
* Added experimental support for building plugins in the browser: [[How to create plugins in the browser]]
* Extend the TranscludeWidget to display its content as a fallback if the tiddler or field is missing
* Add logging and AlertMechanism
* Added a ''Filter'' tab to [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* Add ''indexes'' [[filter operator|TiddlerFilters]]
* Control over line width and colour for EditBitmapWidget
* Add support for `.multids` MultiTiddlerFiles
* Extend ViewWidget so that it works with indexes
* Added support for Tank, a new service built on TiddlyWeb: https://tank.peermore.com
* Extend relative dates to work in the future
!! Bug Fixes
* Fixed problem with pasting items into the browser
* Fixed problem with colour pickers not showing correct colour in Chrome
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8e8e31fb9f5ed8f2e5deff0271d434dbe91f503c]] problem with tag pills not working inside table cells
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6d3d3322e5c676e63d1f64dce89ce86e58dcd715]] problem in client server configuration with ''%'' in tiddler titles
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/7eafd51a7dd89d2174be3dec97033dc0bb206677]] problem with not using placeholder text when editing missing tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1a54d590e1e67825057d7693ac89466a093b4577]] problem with test data in certain time zones
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5af30086c02b9d4466c133c87aca76f9b85eea49]] problem with non-breaking space characters being converted into '@' symbols
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5d3dda1a1721af05e56e301a8b896e53f9868540]] problem with highlighting plugin only working in the browser
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/175e86078ce2fed34953f337baf2f0edfc093742]] crash when wiki/themes folder contains files that are not themes
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.8-beta...v5.0.9-beta]]//
!! Highlights
* Improved layout, including a ''hamburger'' icon for dismissing the sidebar and expanding the story river to fill the space
* Added new ''Seamless'' theme
* New ''Filter'' tab in [[$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* Initial implementation of CecilyView
* Overhaul of inconsistencies in TiddlerFilters (see [[Changes to filters in 5.0.9-beta]])
* New translations for Italian and Japanese
* Performance improvements, particularly [[during editing|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0aa559cd23b3742c8f10c5ac144860d816699782]]
!! Documentation Improvements
* Improved and reorganised documentation for TiddlerFilters
* Demo of [[Making curved text with SVG]]
* [[Community]] links are now broken up into individual tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a19432541e776bfb63b1b985a60f472e9f1d4352]] overview diagram of [[TiddlyWiki Architecture]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/7b57561160173667031b5bc15a4f7553d8514c1c]] documentation from buggyj: [[Developing plugins using Node.js and GitHub]]
!! Usability Improvements
* Made the dropdown arrow icon [[skinnier|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ec90ac99cf2767b6ff20902d8b01aa1c36778147]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bca1d552803c1839e7385765314f81c5307632b8]] validation of legal characters for fieldnames
* Added blacklisting of unsafe HTML [[elements|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ba6edd42c125cb19d955a1cb3f54a2d367cb79dc]] and [[attributes|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d0caf21b2df9fda9800eb30489003a87cafb1277]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/baa8cf3dd098bab0a7a8c78b24747c69bd40889f]] a warning indicator to tiddlers in TiddlyWikiClassic format
* [[Add|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/42c67cfeb732fccb10b8ab574c84090dc2471352]] tiddler info ''Advanced'' panel with information about plugins and shadow tiddlers
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/96457d801159958b897f98e22aa9af53b97f0e35]] layout of [[$:/ControlPanel]] ''Plugins'' tab
* [[Enhance|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f48701544eda4f79af86b1ad44340e7182bcf024]] viewing of system tiddlers by fading down the `$:/` prefix
* [[Extend|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/dd3ee2a603cba35770a8f109e070f271d72861f8]] [[$:/TagManager]] to allow icons to be assigned to tags
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/87c4839fed789b80e0942014c05175e36aacc157]] support for `list-before` and `list-after` fields for controlling tag ordering (see TiddlerTags for details)
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3afa26b9a318d913ba162d93a63036cb4a94be59]] request for confirmation before abandoning edits to a tiddler
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bdbbf94326f70db0f8ef196270ab9e92bfde10fb]] [[Transclusion in WikiText]] syntax to allow translusion of a template without affecting the current tiddler
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8a7d0f53d380e9ca93ee34d8ad05090d511e95c4]] `sourceURL` handling to `eval()` so that tiddler modules can be [[properly debugged|https://chromedevtools.googlecode.com/svn-history/r421/trunk/tutorials/breapoints/index.html#regular]] in Chrome
* New ScrollableWidget giving better control over scrollable regions
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d3c0296a87198296cff26aa7ce7bb8274cdcc3f7]] new CSS class `tw-site-title` for the site title
* [[Disable|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e397e4d15951c1395c7752a7563f002ca459206e]] the TiddlyWeb sync adaptor unless the wiki is loaded over HTTP
* Added a [[high resolution timer mechanism|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/dcce4879347e4829d75f10248477731b18b829ef]] and a [[performance measurement mechanism|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d402d3c5a619b6b1642ab03c74ff03a864846a0b]]
* Added a [[basic CSV parser|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5a085f792722c74d259464386138c731b2f014cc]]
* Several measures to enforce the TiddlyWiki programming model:
** [[Refactor|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9de17aa206b21df5c4e29e61bba5d6b49aca6c71]] wiki store object to make members be private
** Freeze tiddler object and [[fields|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/279626a3e3fbd75d60fc3be49b68a99d8ba0a95d]] tiddler fields to enforce their immutability
* [[Extend|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f649b5b037bfd2e7c48d1ba65ffa37064456523d]] the ButtonWidget to be able to set text references
* [[Add|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/afa677b9a0b1dff1239dc1ea08edd210b9736af9]] a class to tiddler frames in view mode
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/50cf9678cb469e443e220b063e2355c844e417e7]] support for [[WidgetMessage: tw-home]]
* [[Hidden|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2608a323ebf3d8a8e925eda6d3a10ebb8f41d383]] system tags from the sidebar ''Tags'' tab
* [[Allow|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/98872bbe7c62faa4aa209fa421c2989aeef3aaf2]] pasting and import of HTML content
* [[Add|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a5a2c718b1d5671652d01e3567dba1c6795b7521]] support for a tooltip on the LinkWidget
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/aa631518152cda5643805c143bf0000bca8d767f]] problem with occasional freezes of the sync mechanism - thanks to buggyj
* Fixed problem with [[tiddlers|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1e960ffcac566c742c44b18d6f0e809d4457b249]] or [[fields|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ea46f85a8a5ad29e8602cbb13667c853903681a6]] called `__proto__`
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/aec618793f41b937676a5a165764dc19d9bbb2b2]] with refreshing the D3 plugin
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/67f3d58f7153ca4d50ce5a14ed72d9d4b6ad9b71]] problem with "null" message when unloading under Internet Explorer 11
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.18-beta...v5.1.0]]//
This is the first full release of TiddlyWiki. Documentation updates made up the bulk of the changes since the previous 5.0.18-beta release.
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b239b3d6230a9f7aab4c9ef6a59aefb4158f45b1]] curly braces from qualified identifiers
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9e6dab06cc2db8263fce083510ae570923b21c0b]] problem with Markdown Maruku mode metadata
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@malgam|https://github.com/malgam]]
* [[@gernert|https://github.com/gernert]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.0...v5.1.1]]//
This is a minor bug fix release to improve the documentation and correct some issues with the first full release of TiddlyWiki.
!! Incompatible Changes
Certain features that were deprecated in [[Release 5.0.17-beta]] have now been removed:
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/62edd1e8a3fddc0c11b87c87b3e5b404d8e1e395]] deprecated `title` attribute on the ButtonWidget
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d047ccdc84ab6f23779c3614712e0d6fa0ef63ec]] support for deprecated `$:/tags/stylesheet` system tag
Note that the next release will also remove support for regular expression filter operands, which was also deprecated in 5.0.17-beta.
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/96b7d0eebaf73dcfd4eccb848b90caaa055e5e20]] first implementation of the [[KaTeX Plugin]] for mathematical typesetting
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@TheDiveO|https://github.com/TheDiveO]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.1...v5.1.2]]//
This is another small release with documentation updates and a few bug fixes and improvements.
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b3df07ae3e190cfb6fc23dbe31c6229fe5e39087]] error handling for malformed or unrecognised ~LaTeX content with [[KaTeX Plugin]]
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/42abef6fbf79342ccbd90b142d48f64ab5c1c38a]] styling of separator before the untagged item in the tags sidebar
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/23c2d90ee8e28f8c68f9ba58fcbc13a56f838d61]] error handling for the upload saver (which is used for saving to TiddlySpot)
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/115245a632e80e9d033957327dfec909a3cd1fc8]] storyview error detection
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b1fb0a2a070a6abc78564e56fdb4244076ac44ac]] crash caused by incorrectly formatted plugins
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/eacb9e53ebf2a814d61bf005d68f449f7b9e63b5]] problem with tiddler info not being removed by the syncer after deleting a tiddler
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e2046ce4ffb6b8232a4ad5e7f51c431798917787]] HTTP handling to treat response code 201 as success
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@Evolena|https://github.com/Evolena]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@simonbaird|https://github.com/simonbaird]]
* [[@TheDiveO|https://github.com/TheDiveO]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.2...v5.1.3]]//
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e872f17842809e33eae177980e9ea0650b6a4c03]] "new journal" button; see [[Creating journal tiddlers]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/70984aa39f8a4061162d4e404bfd158e515c7e6e]] "new here" button; see [[Creating and editing tiddlers]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/00cdd04edd49c2bf0e461071c0c7c50f8aab4e42]] "new journal here" button; see [[Creating journal tiddlers]]
* [[Made|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c6951ee912d1f2717a8c208cbb920e54edf9e5d9]] date format strings be translateable
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/languages/ru-RU]] Russian translation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ef1d5310918dae088ce9361c1682ce0f99cf568a]] confirmation when clearing password
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b7bbcfa05659808c1e51a4f2f5f1d6afbc2ed3a1]] additional prompt when setting password
* [[Increased|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/dc9981322aeb508d5ebac0b691b0d703f8c1995e]] size of the clear search button
* [[Upgraded|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/564457de1c991df15263040d2d5526fa8ae879bb]] to [[KaTeX v0.1.1|https://github.com/Khan/KaTeX/releases/tag/v0.1.1]], with support for several additional LaTeX features
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2ffe53f1916e4b746cc6d7e74e8f4ac75c72e38a]] audio "parser" for handling [[Audio]] content
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0dcf54c3b59ed04645928f0ec4ced647e5a0da7f]] support for ActionWidgets
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/65504d5d41e45326ab1b1b6c0c21eea4c9772797]] new [[FilterOperator: addprefix]] and [[FilterOperator: addsuffix]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0c8e5380778303cdd3308bed4a15290214841f8b]] support for custom password prompts
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c26bd4c5a872f56c47e9f5cfc3fada468c53ddde]] the ListMacro to display ''caption'' field if present
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/12e26009eef5e29140ba1a880ff033428d673630]] ImageWidget to allow percentage width and height to be specified
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/cc576b052e2b05fd93fcb4f3eb8d9ee5278abf3e]] [[FilterOperator: each]] to work with missing tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5dd6ebff05a3380db2901294b2cfc89c1a0e71bf]] problem with tiddler width in zoomin storyview with the sidebar hidden
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/09b6540998fec6bf1fb14842be8e8c53dbd5c46a]] bug whereby the `tm-home` message wasn't navigating to a tiddler, causing problems in zoomin storyview
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3ca8d7b6cca46ffa424bcf9bdc134da464fc84f4]] problem with jumping toolbar icons under Firefox
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f85b07e70b71d0622a9459e4b04e2027540abda8]] problem with untagged label being incorrectly coloured
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b3dcd7d625ec83701ef3a77f3fb8101af57c154f]] problem with title background colours with the "Sticky Titles" theme
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5211f9c40c874a167174e8c0d439db34189d3329]] problem with subfilter parameter of TimelineMacro
* [[Exclude|https://groups.google.com/d/topic/tiddlywiki/YPACpXhH9PY/discussion]] search string tiddler from search results
!! Node.js Changes
//These changes are only relevant to people using TiddlyWiki under Node.js//
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/63c174d7ed56284e80ad6cd6ae966b81f9181cc9]] ~KaTeX plugin to be able to work under Node.js to generate static HTML
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/49dc5694a391a391264a4473e4f4422e2472a3b3]] "includeWikis" to merge build targets
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/969]] the build scripts for tiddlywiki.com into a separate repository at https://github.com/Jermolene/build.jermolene.github.io
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/744245ea3249446fd15f504190efb1d828935d01]] boot kernel to raise an error if a missing wiki folder is specified on the command line
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@andrey013|https://github.com/andrey013]]
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]]
* [[@Eucaly|https://github.com/Eucaly]]
* [[@Evolena|https://github.com/Evolena]]
* [[@fghhfg|https://github.com/fghhfg]]
* [[@Marxsal|https://github.com/Marxsal]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@simonbaird|https://github.com/simonbaird]]
* [[@TheDiveO|https://github.com/TheDiveO]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.3...v5.1.4]]//
This is a small release with documentation improvements and some important bug fixes from [[Release 5.1.3]].
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6681a8e1f2fd3f39d92a1480b5b573a6c831515d]] a toolbar button for advanced search
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/53d834c86be2f97599a9486c0eae4777c51d9093]] dragging behaviour so that you can drag a tiddler title into an edit box to insert the title, making link creation easier. (This change doesn't affect the behaviour of dragging tiddler links between TiddlyWiki windows)
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/26e50b81e579b7f2d190ca3662cadcf82764c8a7]] additional theme tweaks for the body text size and line height
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1b620387dda2d16bf387a89071188762455890c4]] the ViewWidget to work with subtiddlers
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ddc74955427f8a7291ee964c42a771a112007789]] problem with search counts
!! Node.js Changes
//These changes are only relevant to people using TiddlyWiki under Node.js//
* Fixed problem with missing wiki folder warnings by [[removing|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9fedf3865778fd3aa50c2f049c2b81061c8cd778]] and [[re-implementing|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e62e38d66c6eb447bbd8f16b5beec0fe0276ea0d]] the fix from [[Release 5.1.3]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5d600ce31b1d1162529ae8043bb342e2165c4b13]] coloured warnings and errors under Node.js
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@danielo515|https://github.com/danielo515]]
* [[@gernert|https://github.com/gernert]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.4...v5.1.5]]//
!! Translation Improvements
* Added new translators edition making it much easier to create and maintain translations of TiddlyWiki
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/615425cf0634233d27f4f1ea430589b2a618feb6]] improved Japanese translation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8ba1a9b72ac5a4f50a4f670a24393d564c137c0c]] new Danish translation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/14a64ef3effc1e4cf1098b35af6d6cb864d77ac2]] new Greek translation
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Improvements|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/09a3f94d79fc6eacbfd46c86594748e996191eb2]] to tooltips for accessibility
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6fc5c70ace43219710983f6d9640f4b01d620908]] export button to tiddler toolbar, page controls and [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]] "filter" tab
* Improved layout of [[$:/TagManager]]
* [[Simplified|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0a986ccd995266bf3a47182fa584d79f9dd3e153]] default tiddler toolbar buttons
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/63b00fd0f80ce0c9917e233287d4a0138e8c385f]] advanced search button to sidebar search results
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4d061d0fee959fdc5ab470dc8f8379bedfa946d9]] search results by listing title matches at the top
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/da1f9f7d2233eb2aacc027bc1fc1053fa8b7bc2e]] input box for specifying new field value in edit template
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0bb8e08edca61f415aa084327b6751c278e45108]] tag pill rendering so that the foreground colour is dynamically chosen for maximum contrast with the background colour
* Enhancements to many of the [[core icons|ImageGallery Example]]
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1dfa6f369bddd8dedba2e47dc4707eba28ccf4e1]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/145713e7668a41320981ed87b448542cd30d13dc]], [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3035badf144abb85f5d42b2b1d395cf0f65fb03e]] and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e69e2c1c91002c296e1789532ca74286fae8d5a4]]) unnecessary confirmations when abandoning or deleting unmodified tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a5c7089bcfe3d2439eb082535527a7cc767891cc]] a subtle rounded corner to tiddlers and tabs
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6f0d581d720e611fade3b3f346ad0409ef5e291b]] automatic focusing of the title of newly created tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/81481588e07ed3cb1e378a6c6f21d26dcbaa8345]] advanced search links on tiddler counts in [[$:/ControlPanel]]
!! Hackability Improvements
* Introduced new ActionSetFieldWidget, ActionDeleteFieldWidget and ActionDeleteTiddlerWidget for manipulating tiddler fields and values
* [[Enhanced|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c7971d3da3bbef4bbc81d4462ee93590adc248f8]] [[WidgetMessage: tm-new-tiddler]] to allow a skeleton to be specified with additional fields
* [[Enhanced|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4a172125768e3b33c30e725e8550454a9d26c5c4]] the EditTextWidget to allow more control over the sizing of textarea editors
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/13726ef73157d9e9d65ae4027d9c32aaa7cdcc90]] new canned filter for recently modified system tiddlers in [[$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c20c935faabbb63f679bc4720b52162c56b6af64]] new system image for videos: [[$:/core/images/video]]
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c13cf94413c94ee56bebc60fab2d9231d1824d88]] search results to allow custom visualisations - see [[Customising search results]]
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a3a50dbf6d96e7441e5e8ec183e40134bc4eb618]] TimelineMacro to be able to use different date fields
* [[Update|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8260d000be1cf1caf35a557f6cd54a0fb8ccf4f0]] [[FilterOperator: search]] to allow a field to be specified
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/73491f14dd63612d527632210d2c3873eb81188f]] the highlight plugin to display tabs as spaces
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/91a7c397911726e391ca368f96b50fbe1687d56a]] modal handling to permit variables to be passed to the modal (see [[WidgetMessage: tm-modal]])
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/853f5fd06402b16e271e8f119ef380de485aeff2]] simple logging to help track down drop/paste issues (see http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/#ImportLogging)
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b520efdeb83f6ac7536a69cf5af2bab3f94cf77f]] [[WidgetMessage: tm-download-file]] and [[WidgetMessage: tm-save-wiki]] to allow variables to be specified for the rendering
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f5055c0205d24102a36b9cf3a9dd9306e148a1f0]] [[TableOfContentsMacro Tabbed Example]]
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/79e428757b5562bd4a925b9b0428ea4ba70ad05a]] RevealWidget so that it can be used without specifying a state tiddler
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/90caf5bf42523cfb6cd603b979aadb719ddcede4]] "hooks" mechanism so that plugins can modify the default tiddler list
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b882a0dff12dc2660426de53e64d8c018f3a9d84]] support for nested popups
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/90096cbd367a7a685fb5dc5b2cbaa69a00d8199f]] problem with CodeMirror editor and missing tiddlers
* [[Exclude|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5093cdc86047209f23b9ead5ee0f216d0414e4f2]] drafts from TableOfContentsMacro
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5599f9f9338a5f96080143b2192214a78b961509]] problem with encoding of HTML tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/835e3a945244dd8a07f4c7fd570eb890e9fdcc2c]] problem with sticky titles being covered by vertical tabs
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d1bbe7253c135ceed138fd02c82b0f861d5dda6b]] flicker when automatically resizing textareas
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4bf6fe7fe9416f4e304036302ab5727148ae5222]] JSON deserialiser so that all fields can be imported
!! Node.js Changes
//These changes are only relevant to people using TiddlyWiki under Node.js//
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8e685e5150e636aed6655c6caa09c7b6cffdcea2]] ''includeWikis'' mechanism of TiddlyWikiFolders to allow read-only wikis to be included
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/cea963420ca2800b86989e29d42d06ccb7ea2a00]] error handling under Node.js
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/17a594a97ad5655142c834dfd5fa68855a61d201]] UnpackPluginCommand
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/04d26e6fae20671a6d455e113f7b0afedabc7122]] EditionsCommand to list the available editions
!! Changes affecting plugin authors
* [[Disabled|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f7a2849d27bb082e4bbf6b056a800a1edb30f510]] wiki change events for shadow tiddlers
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d93c19daaa126f0938048009a83796cb52690541]] structure of widget messages that have a hashmap parameter
* The support for nested popups has necessitated a change in the way that popups are styled that affects popups that are triggered with the focusPopup attribute of the EditTextWidget: it is now necessary for the widget to be given the class `tc-popup-handle`.
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@andrey013|https://github.com/andrey013]]
* Birthe C
* [[@Braincoke|https://github.com/Braincoke]]
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@danielo515|https://github.com/danielo515]]
* [[@erwanm|https://github.com/erwanm]]
* [[@Evolena|https://github.com/Evolena]]
* [[@giffmex|https://github.com/giffmex]]
* [[@inmysocks|https://github.com/inmysocks]]
* Makoto Hirohashi
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@Skeeve|https://github.com/Skeeve]]
* [[@tobibeer|https://github.com/tobibeer]]
* [[@welford|https://github.com/welford]]
Here are the details of recent releases of TiddlyWiki5. See [[TiddlyWiki5 Versioning]] for details of how releases are named.
(BetaReleases and AlphaReleases are listed separately).
<<tabs "[tag[ReleaseNotes]!sort[created]]" "Release 5.1.5" "$:/state/tab2" "tc-vertical" "ReleaseTemplate">>
<h2><$link to=<<currentTab>>><$view tiddler=<<currentTab>> field="title"/></$link></h2>
^^Released <$view tiddler=<<currentTab>> field="released" format="date" template="DDth MMM YYYY at 0hh:0mm">TBA</$view>^^
<$transclude tiddler=<<currentTab>> />
You can report bugs or problems with TiddlyWiki via our [[discussion groups|Forums]]. If you have a GitHub account then you can raise an issue there:
Unless you are already familiar with GitHub, it's usually easiest to report problems through the discussion groups.
! TiddlyWiki on GitHub
We use GitHub Issues to manage bug reports and feature requests for TiddlyWiki. To maintain their effectiveness we endeavour to have as few open issues as possible.
!! Policies for Managing Issues
Open issues should be actionable: generally either a reproducible bug report, or a specific feature request. From the perspective of the core developers, the issues list behaves like a shared todo list. Every item on the list requires a little bit of attention each time we check the list.
GitHub Issues are not very good for managing ideas that are not immediately actionable. Better to use the [[TiddlyWiki discussion groups|Forums]] for open ended questions, or speculative discussions of new features.
!! Creating Issues
Before creating a GitHub issue it is good etiquette to search through the existing issues to see whether the problem has already been reported. If a search isn't practical, don't worry too much; GitHub makes it easy to merge existing issues.
When you do create an issue, remember that for effective debugging, we need as much information as possible. At a minimum, please try to include:
* A descriptive title
* A summary
* Steps to reproduce
* Expected behaviour
* Context (OS, browser etc.)
Consider also adding screenshots if it makes things clearer.
There's a lot of good material on the web about bug reports:
* http://mhay68.tumblr.com/post/1648223018/what-makes-a-good-bug-report
* http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/bugs.html
These are sites with resources created by the TiddlyWiki [[Community]] help you get the best out of TiddlyWiki: plugins, macros and more. Submit new entries via GitHub, Twitter or by posting in the [[TiddlyWiki Groups]].
<div class="tc-link-info">
<$list filter='[tag[Resources]!sort[modified]]'>
<div class="tc-link-info-item">
! <$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
<div class="tc-subtitle">Posted <$view field="modified" format="relativedate"/></div>
! Introduction
The reveal widget hides or shows its content depending upon the value of a [[state tiddler|StateTiddlers]]. The type of the widget determines the condition for the content being displayed:
* type=''match'': the content is displayed if the state tiddler matches a specified value
* type=''nomatch'': the content is displayed if the state tiddler doesn't match a specified value
* type=''popup'': the content is displayed as a popup as described in the PopupMechanism
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$reveal>` widget is displayed according to the rules given above.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|state |The title of the tiddler containing the state |
|type |The type of matching performed: ''match'', ''nomatch'' or ''popup'' |
|text |The text to match when the type is ''match'' and ''nomatch'' |
|position |The position used for the popup when the type is ''popup''. Can be ''left'', ''above'', ''aboveright'', ''right'', ''belowleft'' or ''below'' |
|default |Default value to use when the state tiddler is missing |
|animate |Set to "yes" to animate opening and closure (defaults to "no") |
|retain |Set to "yes" to force the content to be retained even when hidden (defaults to "no")|
Retaining the content when hidden can give poor performance since the hidden content requires refresh processing even though it is not displayed. On the other hand, the content can be revealed much more quickly. Note that setting ''animate="yes"'' will also force ''retain="yes"''.
! Examples
!! Simple content reveal
Here's a simple example of showing and hiding content with buttons:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '<$button set="$:/SampleRevealState1" setTo="show">Show me</$button>
<$button set="$:/SampleRevealState1" setTo="hide">Hide me</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/SampleRevealState1" text="show">
! This is the revealed content
And this is some text
!! "Slider"
A slider appears as a single button that can be used to toggle the display of the contained content.
<<wikitext-example-without-html '<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/SampleRevealState2" text="show">
<$button set="$:/SampleRevealState2" setTo="show">Show me</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/SampleRevealState2" text="show">
<$button set="$:/SampleRevealState2" setTo="hide">Hide me</$button>
! This is the revealed content
And this is some text
!! Popup
Here is a simple example of a popup built with the RevealWidget:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '<$button popup="$:/SamplePopupState">Pop me up!</$button>
<$reveal type="popup" state="$:/SamplePopupState">
<div class="tc-drop-down">
! This is the popup
And this is some text
Even though TiddlyWiki is now out of beta, there are still many improvements planned for the coming months:
* Fixing hangovers from TiddlyWikiClassic
* ~TiddlyWiki file format (to avoid illegal attribute names)
* Aliases (alternative titles for tiddlers)
* Search and replace
* Tiddler renaming
* Rich link tooltips, incorporating a preview
* More keyboard shortcuts
* Keyboard snippet expansion in the text editor
* List editor with drag and drop
* Selective/weighted searching by title, body and fields
* Maths notation
Also see the issues list on GitHub: https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5
! Introduction
Safe mode provides a way to disabling most customisations in TiddlyWiki. This is useful because if TiddlyWiki is customised incorrectly it can be rendered inoperable. A particular issue is that some customisations break when upgrading to a newer core version of TiddlyWiki (especially during the beta).
! Enabling Safe Mode
Safe mode is enabled in the browser by starting TiddlyWiki with the URL hash set to the string `#:safe`. For example:
! How Safe Mode Works
Safe mode triggers two changes:
* All plugins are temporarily disabled. You can use the control panel to disable individual plugins
* Any tiddlers that override shadow tiddlers are renamed to give them the prefix `SAFE: `, thus restoring the underlying shadow tiddler
A report tiddler is displayed that allows you to inspect the tiddlers that were renamed.
This is a demonstration alert.
Note that the trashcan icon deletes the tiddler containing this alert. You can also remove it by opening the tiddler SampleAlert and editing it to remove the tag [[$:/tags/Alert]].
! Hello, <<yourName>>
This is an example modal containing the following message:
{{$:/core/images/done-button}} This is a notification!
This is the fourth of our sample tabs.
This is the first of our sample tabs.
This is the third of our sample tabs.
This is the second of our sample tabs.
This is test tiddler SampleTiddlerFirst.
This is test tiddler SampleTiddlerSecond.
This is test tiddler SampleTiddlerThird.
This is a modal wizard dialogue, stored in the tiddler SampleWizard.
{{Motovun Jack.jpg}}
You can <$button message="tm-modal" param="SampleWizard2">nest wizards</$button>.
This is another modal wizard dialogue, stored in the tiddler SampleWizard2.
You can <$button message="tm-modal" param="SampleWizard">nest wizards</$button>.
Available methods for saving changes with TiddlyWiki:
<<list-links "[tag[Saving]]">>
The built-in TiddlySpot saver can also be used to save changes to a simple PHP script that you can run on most hosting providers.
//These are preliminary instructions that need verification//
# Download a copy of ''store.php'' from:
#* https://code.google.com/p/bidix/source/browse/trunk/TiddlyHome/_th/lib/store.php
# Edit your copy of ''store.php'' to add your username(s) and password(s). Find the line `$USERS = array( 'UserName1'=>'Password1', etc)` and replace Username1 and Password1 with your desired username and password
#* Make sure you leave all the punctuation and code, such as the single quotes, intact
# Save the file
# Using FTP or your web interface, upload ''store.php'' to your server. Make sure that the filename is correct
#* If you've uploaded the file correctly you should be able to view it in your browser (eg, http://example.com/store.php)
# In TiddlyWiki, go to the ''Saving'' tab of the control panel and enter the following information:
#* Your username as the wiki name
#* Your password
#* The URL of the ''store.php'' file (//''not'' the URL of the wiki, this must the full URL to the ''store.php'' file//)
The control panel ''Saving'' tab includes the following configuration options:
|!Name |!Description |
|Server URL |The full URL to the ''store.php'' file on your server |
|Upload filename |The filename used to save the TiddlyWiki (defaults to ''index.html'') |
|Upload directory |The relative path from ''store.php'' to the directory used for saving the file |
|Backup directory |The relative path from ''store.php'' to the directory used for backups |
The AndTidWiki app for Android devices makes it possible to edit and save changes to TiddlyWiki5, including working offline without a network connection. [[Download it here|https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.mgsimon.android.andtidwiki]].
//Note that AndTidWiki is published independently of TiddlyWiki//
By default, TiddlyWiki saves changes on InternetExplorer 10 and above using a saver module that downloads the newly modified file, rather than saving it directly. There are two alternatives that both save changes directly to the file:
* [[Use the TiddlyIE browser extension|Saving with TiddlyIE]]
* Use the [[Windows HTA Hack]] by renaming the TiddlyWiki HTML file to have the extension `*.hta`.
The iPad/iPhone app ''TWEdit'' makes it possible to edit and save changes to TiddlyWiki5, including working offline without a network connection. [[Download it here|https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/twedit/id409607956?mt=8]].
Instructions for use:
# Open TWEdit
# Touch the title in the centre of the toolbar in order
#* A text box should appear allowing you to enter a URL
# Enter the URL `http://tiddlywiki.com/empty.html`
# When the empty TiddlyWiki5 has loaded, touch the ''save'' icon (it's the second icon from the right on the top toolbar)
#* An alert box should appear allowing you to enter a local filename
# Enter the filename you wish to use for the document (ending with `.html`)
# Edit your TiddlyWiki as normal
# To save changes, click the ''save'' button in the sidebar
#* A confirmation message should appear at the upper right
//Note that TWEdit is published independently of TiddlyWiki//
This method of saving changes is clunky because it requires manual intervention for each save.
# [[Download]] an empty TiddlyWiki by clicking this button:
#> {{$:/editions/tw5.com/snippets/download-empty-button}}
#> If the button doesn't work save this link: http://tiddlywiki.com/empty.html
#> Your browser may ask you to accept the download before it begins
# Locate the file you just downloaded
#* You may rename it, but be sure to keep the `.html` or `.htm` extension
# Open the file in Safari
# Try creating a new tiddler using the ''new tiddler'' {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar. Type some content for the tiddler, and click the {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''done'' button
# Save your changes by clicking the {{$:/core/images/save-button}} ''save changes'' button in the sidebar
# A popup "Download changes" window is displayed that includes a link labelled //Right-click to save changes//
# Right-click on the link and select "Download Linked File As..." from the popup menu
# Navigate to the folder containing your wiki HTML file and select the existing file
# Click the "Save" button
# Click "Replace" to confirm replacing the existing file
# Verify that your changes have been saved correctly
TiddlySpot is a free hosting service for TiddlyWiki documents from Simon and Daniel Baird. The easiest way to get started is to sign up for a new wiki at http://tiddlyspot.com - by default you'll get the latest release of TiddlyWiki.
You can upload an existing TiddlyWiki document from your local disc to TiddlySpot it by following these steps:
# Sign up for a new wiki at http://tiddlyspot.com/, and remember the wiki name and password
# Open your locally stored TiddlyWiki document in your browser
# Fill in the TiddlySpot wikiname and password in the control panel
# Click the "Save Changes" button. You should get a confirmation notification at the top right saying ''Saved wiki''. Saving can take several seconds if you're on a slow connection or working with a large wiki.
# Navigate to your TiddlySpot URL at http://{wikiname}.tiddlyspot.com/
Note that your password is sent unencrypted when using TiddlySpot. From http://faq.tiddlyspot.com/:
''Is Tiddlyspot secure?''
No. Tiddlyspot does not use SSL/https. Your password is sent in clear text when uploading and when authenticating to access a private site. This means that your Tiddlyspot is vulnerable to packet sniffing and your password could be discovered by a malicious third party. Also your data is transmitted unencrypted when you view your site, even if it is a private site. For this reason please don't put sensitive information such as banking details in your Tiddlyspot and don't use a password that you use for other high security sites.
! Problems with saving on TiddlySpot
In case you run into this error when uploading a new or freshly upgraded local TiddlyWiki to TiddlySpot :
Error while saving:
Error:NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI: Access to restricted URI denied
The upgrade operation falls foul of a security restriction in Firefox. Until this can be resolved, we suggest using Chrome.
*# Use Chrome to open the local TiddlyWiki document you want to upload to TiddlySpot and follow the steps 1 through 5 described above
*# Once you've checked the TiddlySpot-hosted TiddlyWiki loads properly in Chrome, you should be able to access, edit and [[save using TiddlyFox|Saving with TiddlyFox]] again
* After you've uploaded your local document once, further editing and saving of the online version hosted on TiddlySpot should work with any modern browser of your choice.
** Don't forget to fill in the TiddlySpot wikiname and password in your TiddlySpot TiddlyWiki control panel for any new browser you want to use for saving changes
* //See also : [[Upgrading]]//
This method of saving changes is clunky because it requires manual intervention for each save. It has the advantage of working on almost all desktop browsers, and many mobile browsers.
# [[Download]] an empty TiddlyWiki by clicking this button:
#> {{$:/editions/tw5.com/snippets/download-empty-button}}
#> If the button doesn't work save this link: http://tiddlywiki.com/empty.html
#> Your browser may ask you to accept the download before it begins
# Locate the file you just downloaded
#* You may rename it, but be sure to keep the `.html` or `.htm` extension
# Open the file in your browser
# Try creating a new tiddler using the ''new tiddler'' {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar. Type some content for the tiddler, and click the {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''done'' button
# Save your changes by clicking the {{$:/core/images/save-button}} ''save changes'' button in the sidebar
# Your browser will download a new copy of the wiki incorporating your changes
# Locate the newly downloaded file and open it in your browser
# Verify that your changes have been saved correctly
''Tip'': most browsers have an option to prompt each time for the download location. This allows you to select the existing version of the file and replace it.
If you're using [[Firefox for Android]], see the instructions for [[Saving with TiddlyFox on Android]].
# Ensure you have the latest version of [[Firefox]]
#* http://getfirefox.com
# Install the latest release of the TiddlyFox extension from:
#* https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tiddlyfox/
# Restart [[Firefox]]
# [[Download]] an empty TiddlyWiki by clicking this button:
#> {{$:/editions/tw5.com/snippets/download-empty-button}}
# Locate the file you just downloaded
#* You may rename it, but be sure to keep the `.html` or `.htm` extension
# Open the file in [[Firefox]]
# Click ''OK'' in response to the prompt from TiddlyFox that asks whether to enable saving for this file
# Try creating a new tiddler using the ''plus'' {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar. Type some content for the tiddler, and click the {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''tick'' button
# Save your changes by clicking the {{$:/core/images/save-button}} ''download'' button in the sidebar
#* Look for the yellow notification ''Saved wiki'' at the top right of the window
# Refresh the browser window to verify that your changes have been saved correctly
(Alternatively, see the [[video tutorial|TiddlyWiki on Firefox for Android Video]])
# Ensure you have the latest version of [[Firefox for Android]]
#* http://getfirefox.com
# Install the latest release of the TiddlyFox extension from:
#* https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tiddlyfox/
# Install this extension to be able to save the TiddlyWiki file locally:
#* https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/android/addon/save-link-menus/
# [[Download]] an empty TiddlyWiki by saving this link:
#* http://tiddlywiki.com/empty.html
#> (to save the link, ensure you've installed the "save-link-menus" extension and then long-press on the link and choose "Save link")
# When the file has downloaded, click on it within the notification tray or the download manager application
# Choose to open the file in Firefox (rather than the default Android viewer)
# Click ''OK'' in response to the prompt from TiddlyFox that asks whether to enable saving for this file
# Try creating a new tiddler using the ''plus'' {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar. Type some content for the tiddler, and click the {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''tick'' button
# Save your changes by clicking the {{$:/core/images/save-button}} ''download'' button in the sidebar
#* Look for the yellow notification ''Saved wiki'' at the top right of the window
# Refresh the browser window to verify that your changes have been saved correctly
# Install the TiddlyIE add-on from:
#* https://github.com/davidjade/TiddlyIE/releases
# Restart Internet Explorer. IE will prompt you to enable the TiddlyIE add-on.
#> You may also see a prompt to enable the //Microsoft Script Runtime//
# [[Download]] an empty TiddlyWiki by saving this link:
#> http://tiddlywiki.com/empty.html
# Locate the file you just downloaded
#* You may rename it, but be sure to keep the `.html` extension
# Open the file in Internet Explorer
# Try creating a new tiddler using the ''plus'' {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar. Type some content for the tiddler, and click the {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''tick'' button
# Save your changes by clicking the {{$:/core/images/save-button}} ''download'' button in the sidebar. Internet Explorer will ask for your consent to save the file locally by presenting a file ''Save As'' dialog.
# Refresh the browser window to verify that your changes have been saved correctly
You might expect that TiddlyWiki's architecture as a SinglePageApplication would make it unsuitable for large amounts of data. In fact, TiddlyWiki users regularly work with files that are 20 or 30 megabytes without problems - and successful experiments have been done up into the gigabytes.
! Script Files
The TiddlyWiki5 repository contains several scripts in the `bin` folder that you can use to automate common tasks, or as a useful starting point for your own scripts. See [[Scripts for building tiddlywiki.com]] for details of the scripts used to build and release http://tiddlywiki.com/.
All the scripts expect to be run from the root folder of the repository.
!! `serve`: serves tw5.com
./bin/serve.sh -h
./bin/serve.sh [edition dir] [username] [password] [host] [port]
./bin/serve.cmd -h
./bin/serve.cmd [edition dir] [username] [password] [host] [port]
This script starts TiddlyWiki5 running as an HTTP server, defaulting to the content from the `tw5.com-server` edition. By default, the Node.js serves on port 8080. If the optional `username` parameter is provided, it is used for signing edits. If the `password` is provided then HTTP basic authentication is used. Run the script with the `-h` parameter to see online help.
To experiment with this configuration, run the script and then visit `` in a browser.
Changes made in the browser propagate to the server over HTTP (use the browser developer console to see these requests). The server then syncs changes to the file system (and logs each change to the screen).
!! `test`: build and run tests
This script runs the `test` edition of TiddlyWiki on the server to perform the server-side tests and to build `test.html` for running the tests in the browser.
!! `lazy`: serves tw5.com with lazily loaded images
./bin/lazy.sh <username> [<password>]
./bin/lazy.cmd <username> [<password>]
This script serves the `tw5.com-server` edition content with LazyLoading applied to images.
!! `2bld`: builds TiddlyWiki 2.6.5
This script builds TiddlyWiki 2.6.5 from the original source and then displays the differences between them (`diff` is used for *nix, `fc` for Windows).
! Introduction
The scrollable widget wraps its content in a scrollable frame. The user can scroll the contents with the mouse or with touch gestures. Code can use the [[WidgetMessage: tm-scroll]] to programmatically scroll specific DOM nodes into view.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$scrollable>` widget is displayed within a pair of wrapper DIVs. If the inner DIV is larger then it scrolls within the outer one. CSS is used to specify the size of the outer wrapper.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|class |The CSS class(es) to be applied to the outer DIV |
|fallthrough |See below |
If a scrollable widget can't handle the `tm-scroll` message because the inner DIV fits within the outer DIV, then by default the message falls through to the parent widget. Setting the ''fallthrough'' attribute to `no` prevents this behaviour.
! Examples
This example requires the following CSS definitions from [[$:/_tw5.com-styles]]:
.tc-scrollable-demo {
border: 1px solid <<colour message-border>>;
background-color: <<colour message-background>>;
padding: 1em;
height: 400px;
This wiki text shows how to display a list within the scrollable widget:
<<wikitext-example-without-html "<$scrollable class='tc-scrollable-demo'>
<$list filter='[!is[system]]'>
<$view field='title'/>: <$list filter='[all[current]links[]sort[title]]' storyview='pop'>
<$link><$view field='title'/></$link>
Searching is fast and flexible in ~TiddlyWiki.
''Standard search''
Typing text into the search box in the sidebar will turn up a list of all the tiddlers that contain that text.
://(Note that the sidebar tabs will be hidden by the search results until you click the 'x' to the right of the search box to remove the search results)//
''Advanced searching''
Clicking on the magnifying glass icon to the right of the search box will open [[$:/AdvancedSearch]]. This tiddler contains four tabs:
* The ''standard'' tab contains another instance of the search box found in the sidebar
* The ''system'' tab allows you to limit your search to system tiddlers
* The ''shadows'' tab allows you to limit your search to shadow tiddlers
* The ''filter'' tab is not a search box, per se, but a way to obtain a list of all tiddlers that meet the specific criteria described by that filter, for example, "All tags except system tags". More information in [[Introduction to Filters]]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
! Introduction
The select widget displays a popup menu based on a [[HTML select element|https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/select]]. The popup (or dropdown) contains a list of items defined by `<option>` and `<optgroup>` elements.
Every time the user selects a new value in the menu, the selected value is written to the text of a specified tiddler field or index. If the tiddler value changes the menu is automatically updated to reflect the new value.
For example, this select widget displays a list of the tags in this wiki:
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler=<<qualify 'select-demo'>> default='HelloThere'>
<$list filter='[all[shadows+tiddlers]tags[]sort[title]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
The <$link to=<<qualify "select-demo">>>state tiddler</$link> currently contains:
<$edit-text tiddler=<<qualify "select-demo">> tag="input" default=""/>
See the text change as you switch entries in the select widget. Try changing the value of the state tiddler and see the select widget change. Notice how the select widget only displays an entry if there is a precise match with the tiddler text.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$select>` widget should be one or more HTML `<option>` or `<optiongroup>` elements that provide the available values.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The title of the tiddler containing the value to be displayed/modified by the select widget (defaults to the current tiddler) |
|field |The field name for the value in the current tiddler (defaults to "text") |
|index |The index of a property in a [[DataTiddler|DataTiddlers]] (takes precedence over the field attribute) |
|class |CSS classes to be assigned to the HTML select element |
|default |Default value to be used if the tiddler, field or index specifies a missing value |
! Examples
!! Simple Lists
This example sets the title of the current wiki [[$:/SiteTitle]] to one of a list of book titles:
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler='$:/SiteTitle'>
<option>A Tale of Two Cities</option>
<option>A New Kind of Science</option>
<option>The Dice Man</option>
!! Value lists
In this example the `value` attribute has been used to specify the text that should be used as the value of the entry instead of the display text.
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler='$:/SiteTitle'>
<option value='cities'>A Tale of Two Cities</option>
<option value='science'>A New Kind of Science</option>
<option value='dice'>The Dice Man</option>
!! Option Groups
Entries in the list can be grouped together with the `<optgroup>` element
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler='$:/SiteTitle'>
<optgroup label='Fiction'>
<option value='cities'>A Tale of Two Cities</option>
<option value='dice'>The Dice Man</option>
<optgroup label='Non-fiction'>
<option value='science'>A New Kind of Science</option>
<option value='recursive'>The Recursive Universe</option>
!! Generated Lists
The ListWidget can be used to generate the options for a select widget. For example, here we combine a select widget listing all the tiddlers tagged ''TableOfContents'' with a transclusion to display the text of the selected one.
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler='$:/generated-list-demo-state'>
<$list filter='[tag[TableOfContents]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<$tiddler tiddler={{$:/generated-list-demo-state}}>
<$transclude mode='block'/>
!! Nested Lists
This example uses a nested pair of list widgets. The outer one generates the `<optgroup>` elements, and the inner one generates `<option>` elements:
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler='$:/generated-list-demo-nestedstate' field='type' default='text/vnd.tiddlywiki'>
<$list filter='[all[shadows+tiddlers]prefix[$:/language/Docs/Types/]each[group]sort[group]]'>
<optgroup label={{!!group}}>
<$list filter='[all[shadows+tiddlers]prefix[$:/language/Docs/Types/]group{!!group}] +[sort[description]]'>
<option value={{!!name}}><$view field='description'><$view field='title'/></$view> (<$view field='name'/>)</option>
"favicons" are small icons that most browsers display to help users identify websites.
! favicons in the Browser
When TiddlyWiki starts up in the browser it looks for a tiddler called [[$:/favicon.ico]] and dynamically uses it as the favicon for the page. If you modify the image then the favicon changes instantly to reflect it.
! favicons on the Server
On the server, the ServerCommand will serve the tiddler [[$:/favicon.ico]] at the path `/favicon.ico`.
The `<$setvariable>` widget is a synonym for `<$set/>`; see SetWidget for more details.
! Introduction
The set variable widget assigns a value to a specified [[variable|WidgetVariables]]. The new value of the variable is availale to the content within the set variable widget.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$set>` widget is the scope for the value assigned to the variable.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|name |The name of the variable to assign (defaults to "currentTiddler") |
|value |The value to assign to the variable if the filter is missing or not empty |
|filter |An optional filter to be evaluated and assigned to the variable (see below) |
|emptyValue |The value to assign to the variable if the filter is present and evaluates to an empty list (see below) |
!! Simple Variable Assignment
The simplest way of using set variable widget assigns a string to a variable. The following example assigns a literal string
<$set name="myVariable" value="Some text">
<$text text=<<myVariable>>/>
Both the name and value attributes can be transcluded. For example:
<$set name=<<anotherVariable>> value={{template!!text}}>
<$text text=<<myVariable>>/>
!! Conditional Variable Assignment
This form of the set variable widget chooses one of two specified values according to whether a filter evaluates to an empty list. Here's an example that sets a variable according to whether the current tiddler is called "myMagicTitle":
<$set name="myVariable" filter="[all[current]field:title[myMagicTitle]]" value="It's magic" emptyValue="It's not magic">
<$text text=<<myVariable>>/>
!! Filtered List Variable Assignment
This form of the set variable widget evaluates the filter and assigns the result to the variable as a space-separated list (using double square brackets for titles containing spaces).
<$set name="myVariable" filter="[tag[Introduction]]">
<$text text=<<myVariable>>/>
ShadowTiddlers are tiddlers that are loaded from within [[Plugins]]. Unlike ordinary tiddlers, they don't appear in most lists.
ShadowTiddlers can be overridden with an ordinary tiddler of the same name. If that tiddler is subsequently deleted then the original shadow tiddler is automatically restored.
The current shadow tiddlers are:
<$list filter="[all[shadows]sort[title]]"/>
You can work on a TiddlyWiki file in Dropbox and publish a URL that anyone can use to see a read-only view of the file.
# Save your TiddlyWiki file within your Dropbox folder
# Select Dropbox's "Share Link" option to obtain a public URL for the file
#* In the Dropbox web interface, this is done by clicking the link icon that appears when you hover over a file. Dropbox also adds a "Share Link" item to the file context menu in Finder on OS X and Explorer on Windows
# The URL generated by Dropbox will have this form:
#> `https://www.dropbox.com/s/<gobbledegook>/mywiki.html`
# Modify the URL like this, carefully preserving the gobbledegook:
#> `https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/<gobbledegook>/mywiki.html`
The result is a "secret" URL that you can send to other people to enable them to see the wiki.
There are a number of ways that people can share tiddlers back and forth:
*You can attach a ~TiddlyWiki to an e-mail
*You can publish your ~TiddlyWiki online, and grab a link to send or message to others:
**A link to the URL of the file itself
**A permalink to a specific tiddler (see [[PermaLinks]])
**A permaview link of all the currently open tiddlers (see [[PermaView]])
*You can grab tiddlers from ~TiddlyWikis that others have published online by clicking on a link to the tiddler within their file, and then dragging and dropping the link into your own file. An import tiddler will appear, and you can click to import the tiddler or tiddlers to your file.
* You can [[share a Dropbox link to your TiddlyWiki|Sharing a TiddlyWiki on Dropbox]]
A simple game built with TiddlyWiki, introduced in [[this post|https://groups.google.com/d/topic/tiddlywiki/4aRpZht1vOs/discussion]].
I decided to see if it was possible to make some sort of game using only the core tiddlywiki with no plugins or javascript. I made a very bare bones zork/interactive fiction type game. It is currently the simplest thing I could make and claim it was a game, but I may add on to it in the future. It uses the 5.1.5 prerelease because the action-setfield widget saved lots of work making macros.
One goal of this is to use nothing besides what is contained in the core tiddlywiki, so there is no javascript and no plugins.
A single file application is a web application where all of the assets are delivered in a single static file. This means that it can be downloaded and used offline without losing functionality. It can also be hosted on almost any type of web server.
TiddlyWiki is an unusual single file application because it stores its data within the same file, and is capable of saving changes to itself.
Every single file application must also by definition be a SinglePageApplication, but the converse is not true.
As defined by Wikipedia, a SinglePageApplication is a web application that presents itself as a single HTML document that dynamically loads additional content as the user browses the site. Frequently, single page applications are carefully designed to hide their nature, appearing and functioning as an ordinary static website by respecting the address bar and the back/forward navigation controls.
Unusually, TiddlyWiki is also a SingleFileApplication.
* Take notes, and use tags and hyperlinking to form relationships between your notes
* Use tabs, tables, tag-based lists, and tables of contents to get organised
* Bookmark your favorite websites (see an example at http://giffmex.org/experiments/tidmarks.html)
* Keep track of tasks and appointments, and organise them by multiple tags (see our TaskManagementExample)
* Inventory just about anything: your recipes, personal library, contacts, music collection, and more
* Create a blog or website
* Write a book
* Organise your images into galleries (see our [[ImageGallery Example]])
* Share the information in your ~TiddlyWiki with others, as an online file, as a file attachment, as a tiddler file, or as a link to a specific online tiddler (try clicking and dragging a tiddler from one ~TiddlyWiki file to another to see what happens)
* Draw a sketch (Edit [[Motovun Jack.jpg]] and start drawing over the image to see what happens)
* Create a modal wizard (also known as a lightbox) - see SampleWizard
* Create a slideshow presentation
* Set up an entire local or online knowledgebase, with a central ~TiddlyWiki file linking to other ~TiddlyWiki files (http://recursos.giffmex.org is a Spanish online example of this)
* Set up a data visualization using tiddlers as data (see the visualizations at http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/d3/index.html)
The startup mechanism runs the installed startup modules at the end of the [[boot process|BootMechanism]].
! Startup Modules
Modules with their ''module-type'' field set to `startup`:
* Must export a `startup` function
** For synchronous startup modules the startup function is called as `startup()`, asynchronous modules are passed a callback they must invoke on completion: `startup(callback)`
* May export a `name` property that is used to identify the task
* May export a `after` property containing an array of names of dependent tasks that must be run before this one
* May export a `before` property containing an array of names of tasks that must be run after this one
* May export a `platforms` property containing an array of names of platforms that are required in order for the startup module to be executed. The defined platforms are ''node'' and ''browser''. If the `platforms` property is not provided it defaults to `["node","browser"]`
! Startup Processing
Startup modules are executed in sequence according to their declared dependencies.
There is no guarantee of the execution order of tasks that share the same dependencies.
! Startup Modules
The core defines the following startup modules:
{{Startup Modules.svg}}
The StateMechanism in TiddlyWiki is at the heart of how complex user interfaces can be built from WikiText.
In the browser, the TiddlyWiki display is produced by dynamically rendering the tiddler [[$:/core/ui/PageTemplate]]. Through various transclusions and other widgets it renders the entire user interface. The dynamic rendering is accomplished by a mechanism called "binding": any changes to the tiddlers in the store are dynamically reflected in the browser display.
The stack of templates that make up the TiddlyWiki display are complex but we'll focus on the line that displays the main story column:
<$list filter="[list[$:/StoryList]]" history="$:/HistoryList" template="$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate" editTemplate="$:/core/ui/EditTemplate" storyview={{$:/view}} />
Breaking down the attributes applied to the list widget:
* ''filter'': selects the list of tiddlers in the `list` field of the tiddler [[$:/StoryList]]. If a tiddler is added or removed from that list then it is automatically reflected in the displayed list
* ''history'': references the tiddler to be used to store the history stack (see the NavigationMechanism)
* ''template'': identifies a template tiddler to be used for rendering each tiddler in the list
* ''editTemplate'': identifies a different template tiddler to be used for rendering tiddlers that are in [[draft mode|DraftMechanism]]
* ''storyview'': specifies the story view to be used (eg classic, or zoomin)
The [[$:/StoryList]] tiddler is an example of a StateTiddler: a tiddler that is used to hold the state of the user interface. Changes to the user interface are made indirectly, by changing the underlying state tiddlers, and letting TiddlyWiki ripple the changes through the user interface.
Note how this approach makes the ''open'' tab in the sidebar very easy to implement: it is just another list widget referencing the same state tiddler, but with a different template:
<$list filter="[list[$:/StoryList]]" history="$:/HistoryList" storyview="pop">
<$button message="tm-close-tiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-mini">×</$button> <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link>
Now consider the implementation of the info panel within the tiddler template. We want to be able to toggle the info panel open and closed, which means that we must track its current state in a tiddler.
However, we can't track the state in a tiddler called, say, [[$:/InfoPanelState]] because every tiddler would share the same state; changing the value of the tiddler would affect all tiddlers displayed in the story.
The solution is to dynamically generate a unique title for each state tiddler that we need. We need to ensure that the same state tiddler title is generated each time a user interface element is rendered. To do that, we append together tokens representating each of the stack of transclusions that led to the current rendering location. Then that string of symbols is hashed to a simple numeric value.
The process of generating a state tiddler title is encapsulated in the QualifyMacro.
TiddlyWiki5 provides several features to help you structure information as [[tiddlers|Tiddlers]], and model the relationships between them:
* TiddlerLinks
* [[Tagging]]
* TiddlerLists
* DataTiddlers
You can use this construction to cause the wrapped content to be assigned specified CSS classes or styles:
<<wikitext-example src:"@@.myStyle
* List One
* List Two
Similar syntax is used to assign styles. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"@@background-color:red;
* List One
* List Two
Multiple styles and classes can be mixed. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"@@.tc-tiddler-frame
Some text
System tags are used to give special behaviour to tiddlers.
! Available system tags
These are the available system tags
* {{$:/tags/AboveStory||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for elements to be placed at the top of the story river
* {{$:/tags/AdvancedSearch||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for search elements
* {{$:/tags/Alert||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for alerts
* {{$:/tags/BelowStory||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for elements to be placed at the bottom of the story river
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel tabs
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel/Advanced||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel advanced tabs
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel/Appearance||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel appearance tabs
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel/Info||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel info tabs
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel/Settings||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel settings tabs
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel/Toolbars||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel toolbar customisation tabs
* {{$:/tags/EditTemplate||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the edit template
* {{$:/tags/EditToolbar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the edit mode tiddler toolbar
* {{$:/tags/Filter||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for filters in advanced seach sample filter dropdown
* {{$:/tags/Image||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for (core) images
* {{$:/tags/Macro||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for global macros
* {{$:/tags/MoreSideBar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for tabs in the "more" sidebar
* {{$:/tags/PageControls||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the page control tools in the sidebar
* {{$:/tags/PageTemplate||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the main page elements
* {{$:/tags/Palette||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for colour palettes
* {{$:/tags/RawMarkup||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for raw markup to be included in the generated HTML file
* {{$:/tags/SideBar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for sidebar tabs
* {{$:/tags/Stylesheet||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} to indicate that a tiddler should be applied as a CSS stylesheet
* {{$:/tags/TiddlerInfo||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for tiddler info panel tabs
* {{$:/tags/TiddlerInfo/Advanced||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for tabs under the advanced tiddler tab
* {{$:/tags/TopLeftBar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the top left bar
* {{$:/tags/TopRightBar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the top right bar
* {{$:/tags/ViewTemplate||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the view template
* {{$:/tags/ViewToolbar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the view mode tiddler toolbar
! System tags in use
These are the system tags in use in this wiki:
<$list filter="[all[shadows+tiddlers]tags[]prefix[$:/]sort[title]]">
System tiddlers are any tiddler whose title starts with `$:/`; such tiddlers are automatically hidden from most operations. They don't show up in lists or search results, but linking to one directly works in the usual way.
TiddlyWiki models everything as [[tiddlers|Tiddlers]], including its internal components and configuration. Thus, even an apparently empty TiddlyWiki actually contains dozens of tiddlers that are necessary to enable it function correctly. Using system tiddlers prevents them from confusing casual users.
The current system tiddlers are:
<$list filter="[is[system]sort[title]]"/>
<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-selective-expandable 'TableOfContents'>>
The table of contents macro produces a hierarchical tree of tiddlers based on their tags.
The top level entries of the table of contents are defined by a root tag. The subentries under each of those entries are tagged with the title of the entry. Entries can be ordered using the `list` field of the tag tiddler as described in [[Tagging]].
The text for each entry is taken from the ''caption'' field if it is present, otherwise the ''title'' is used.
Entries are rendered as a link to the corresponding tiddler unless the tiddler has the value ''no'' in the field ''toc-link''. In the examples below, the entry SecondThree is set up in this way to not appear as a link.
There are several variants of the macro:
* `<<toc>>` produces a simple hierarchical tree of links
* `<<toc-expandable>>` produces an expandable tree of links
* `<<toc-selective-expandable>>` produces an expandable tree of links where the expand/contract buttons are only shown for entries that possess child nodes
The macros all generate HTML ordered lists. The `<ol>` elements are given the class `tc-toc`, with the expandable variant also having the class `tc-toc-expandable` and the selective expandable variant also having the class `tc-toc-selective-expandable`.
! Parameters
|!Position |!Name |!Description |!Default |
|1st |tag |The root tag that identifies the top level of the hierarchy | |
|2nd |sort |Optional sorting subfilter (eg `sort[title]`) | |
The ''tag'' and ''sort'' parameters are combined to make a filter expression of the form:
! Examples
In these examples, the top level entries of the table of contents examples are defined by the root tag ''Contents''. The subentries under each of those entries are tagged with the title of the parent entry, here ''First'', ''Second'', ''Third'', and ''Fourth''. One level deeper only ''~SecondThree'' has subentries.
Here is the tag structure shown with clickable tag pills:
For instructions on adding a table of contents to the sidebar, see: {{How to add a new tab to the sidebar}}.
<<tabs "[tag[table-of-contents-example]]" "TableOfContentsMacro Simple Example">>
!! Expandable Table of Contents
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src='<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-expandable "Contents">>
!! Selective Expandable Table of Contents
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src='<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-selective-expandable "Contents">>
!! Simple Table of Contents
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src='<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc "Contents">>
!! Sorted Expandable Table of Contents
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src='<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-expandable "Contents" "sort[title]">>
!! Tabbed Table of Contents
The tabbed table of contents macro renders a selective expandable table of contents with an attached panel that displays the currently selected tiddler.
!!! Parameters
|!Position |!Name |!Description |!Default |
|1st |tag |Tag to be used for constructing the table of contents | |
|2nd |sort |Optional sorting subfilter (eg `sort[title]`) | |
|3rd |selectedTiddler |Title of the tiddler containing the title of the currently displayed tiddler |"$:/temp/toc/selectedTiddler" |
|4th |unselectedText |Text to be displayed when no tiddler is selected | |
|5th |missingText |Text to be displayed when the selected tiddler is missing | |
|6th |template |Optional title of a tiddler to be used as a template for rendering the selected tiddler | |
!!! Internal navigation
This example shows how to construct a tabbed table of contents with internal navigation, so that clicking links in the displayed tiddler will replace the displayed tiddler.
<<toc-tabbed-internal-nav tag:"TableOfContents" selectedTiddler:"$:/temp/toc/selectedTiddler" unselectedText:"Select a topic in the table of contents. Click the arrow to expand a topic.">>
!!! External navigation
This example shows how to construct a tabbed table of contents with external navigation, so that clicking links in the displayed tiddler will open those tiddlers in the story river in the usual way.
<<toc-tabbed-external-nav tag:"TableOfContents" selectedTiddler:"$:/temp/toc/selectedTiddler" unselectedText:"Select a topic in the table of contents. Click the arrow to expand a topic.">>
!! Example
Type: <$select tiddler="TabbedExampleType">
<option value="toc-tabbed-internal-nav">Open tiddler links internally (toc-tabbed-internal-nav)</option>
<option value="toc-tabbed-external-nav">Open tiddler links externally (toc-tabbed-external-nav)</option>
<$macrocall $name={{TabbedExampleType}} tag="TableOfContents" selectedTiddler="$:/temp/toc/selectedTiddler" unselectedText="<p>Select a topic in the table of contents. Click the arrow to expand a topic.</p>" missingText="<p>Missing tiddler.</p>"/>
! Basics
TiddlyWiki5 formats tables using vertical bar characters like so:
|!Cell1 |!Cell2 |
|Cell3 |Cell3 |
Exclamation marks are used to indicate header cells. The example renders as:
|!Cell1 |!Cell2 |
|Cell3 |Cell3 |
! Cell Alignment
Table cell alignment is controlled by inserting space characters before and/or after the cell content. For example:
|Left aligned content |
| Right aligned content|
| Centred content |
|+++ a very wide column so we can see the alignment +++|
The example renders as:
|Left aligned content |
| Right aligned content|
| Centred content |
|+++ a very wide column so we can see the alignment +++|
! Cell vertical Alignment
Vertical alignment of cells is done by inserting either a `^` for top alignment or a `,` for bottom alignment as the first character of a cell. The normal horizontal alignment is still possible. For example:
|^top left |^ top center |^ top right|
|middle left | middle center | middle right|
|,bottom left |, bottom center |, bottom right|
The example renders as:
| :: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | :: |
| ::<br>:: |^top left |^ top center |^ top right| ::<br>:: |
| ::<br>:: |middle left | middle center | middle right| ::<br>:: |
| ::<br>:: |,bottom left |, bottom center |, bottom right| ::<br>:: |
| :: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | :: |
If you need to have a `^`or a `,` as the first character of a left aligned cell, you can use HTML escaping:
| `^` | &#94; |
| `,` | &#44; |
! Cell Merging
To merge a table cell with the one above, use the special cell text `~`. To merge a cell with the one to its left use the text `<`. To merge one to its right use `>`. For example:
|Cell1 |Cell2 |Cell3 |Cell4 |
|Cell5 |Cell6 |Cell7 |<|
|Cell5 |~|Cell7 |Cell8 |
|>|Cell9 |Cell10 |Cell11 |
Renders as:
|Cell1 |Cell2 |Cell3 |Cell4 |
|Cell5 |Cell6 |Cell7 |<|
|Cell5 |~|Cell7 |Cell8 |
|>|Cell9 |Cell10 |Cell11 |
! Table Classes, Captions, Headers and Footers
Table CSS classes, captions, headers and footers can be specified as special pseudo-rows. The following example:
* assigns the CSS classes "myclass" and "anotherClass" to the table
* gives the table the caption "This is a caption"
* adds a header row of cells with the text "Header"
* adds a footer row of cells with the text "Footer"
|myclass anotherClass|k
|This is a caption |c
|Cell1 |Cell2 |
|Cell3 |Cell3 |
Renders as:
|myclass anotherClass|k
|This is a caption |c
|Cell1 |Cell2 |
|Cell3 |Cell3 |
The tabs macro displays a list of tiddlers as a tab control. The user can switch between tabs by clicking on them. The tabs are labelled with the title of the corresponding tiddler, unless there is a `caption` field present in which case it is used instead.
By default the tab control arranges the tabs horizontally with the content underneath. You can also choose to have the tabs arranged vertically by passing the class `tc-vertical`.
! Parameters
|!Position |!Name |!Description |!Default |
|1st |tabsList |Filter giving the tiddlers to be displayed | |
|2nd |default |Name of the tiddler containing the default tab | |
|3rd |state |String to distinguish multiple tabs within the same tiddler (use of the system tiddler prefix is recommended) |''$:/state/tab'' |
|4th |class |Additional CSS classes for the three wrapper DIVs that make up the tabs (multiple classes can be separated with spaces) | |
|5th |template |Optional template through which to render the tab content | |
Within the template the title of the current tab is available in the widget variable ''currentTab''. The ''currentTiddler'' variable is not affected by the tabs macro.
! Examples
Here are some examples of the tabs macro:
<<tabs "SampleTabOne SampleTabTwo SampleTabThree SampleTabFour" "SampleTabThree" "$:/state/tab1">>
<<tabs "[tag[sampletab]]" "SampleTabTwo" "$:/state/tab2" "tc-vertical">>
<<tabs "SampleTabOne SampleTabTwo SampleTabThree SampleTabFour" "SampleTabThree" "$:/state/tab1">>
<<tabs "[tag[sampletab]]" "SampleTabTwo" "$:/state/tab2" "tc-vertical">>
This tiddler is to demonstrate the TagMacro.
Tagging a tiddler assigns a tiddler to a category of your choosing (see [[Creating and editing tiddlers]] for instructions on how to tag). For example, tiddlers representing individuals might be tagged ''friend'', ''family'', ''colleague'' etc to indicate the relationship to the author. Multiple tags can be applied to the same tiddler.
Tagging tiddlers gives you numerous additional ways to view, navigate and organise your information:
* The coloured tag pills on a tagged tiddler gives you links to all the other tiddlers with the same tag, as well as to the tiddler representing the tag itself.
* The tagging tab in the tiddler info panel (accessed by clicking the {{$:/core/images/info-button}} button) gives you links to all the tiddlers tagged with the title of the current tiddler.
* You can use the tags tab in the 'More' sidebar tab to view all your tags and access your tagged tiddlers.
* You can use [[filters|Filters]] to create lists of tiddlers based on tags, then display whichever combination of tiddler fields you wish. For example, you can create a list that shows both the title and the text of all tiddlers tagged 'Glossary.' Such lists can be formatted however you wish: for example: bulleted, numbered, or comma-separated.
* System tags can be used to customise the layout of tiddlers and the entire ~TiddlyWiki page. See [[Page and tiddler layout customisation]] for instructions.
There are two more things you can do with tags:
! Assign colours and icons to a tag
You can use the [[tag manager|$:/TagManager]], found in the 'Tags' tab of the 'More' sidebar tab, to assign background colours and/or icons to a tag.
* Colours can be assigned to a tag either by specifying the CSS colour value in the upper window in the colour column, or choosing a colour from the dropdown colour picker provided.
* Icons can be assigned to a tag by clicking the {{$:/core/images/down-arrow}} button in the icon column and choosing one of the icons listed.
! Use list fields to adjust the ordering of tag lists
* If you want to create a list of tagged tiddlers with a [[filter|Filters]], but want the tiddlers to be listed in a special order rather than the default alphabetical order, you can create a field called 'list' in the tag tiddler, and add the titles of the tiddlers to the field in the order you wish. ~TiddlyWiki will order lists of tagged tiddlers in the following order of priority:
** First, any tiddlers that are listed in the ListField of the tag tiddler are placed into a new list in the same order
** Second, any unplaced tiddlers that have the field ''list-before'' are placed before the tiddler specified in the field
*** (if the ''list-before'' field is empty then the unplaced tiddler is placed at the start of the list)
** Third, if any unplaced tiddlers have the field ''list-after'' then they placed immediately after the tiddler specified in the field
** Finally, any remaining unplaced tiddlers are placed at the end of the list
The 'tag' macro displays a tag pill for a specified tag.
! Parameters
|!Position |!Name |!Description |!Default |
|1st |tag |Title of tag |The current tiddler |
! Examples
For example:
* <<tag>>
* <<tag "HelloThere">>
* <<tag>>
* <<tag "HelloThere">>
Sample tasks for the TaskManagementExample.
TiddlyWiki5 can be used as a simple task management system without further customisation. The idea is that tasks be tagged `task`, with those that are completed also tagged `done`. In this way it is straightforward to generate task lists.
! Outstanding tasks
<$list filter="[!has[draft.of]tag[task]!tag[done]sort[created]]">
<$checkbox tag="done"> <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link></$checkbox>
! Completed tasks
<$list filter="[!has[draft.of]tag[task]tag[done]sort[created]]">
<$checkbox tag="done"> ~~<$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link>~~</$checkbox>
A template tiddler is not actually a type of tiddler, it is a role in which a tiddler can be used.
Templates are a way to re-use chunks of WikiText.
Transcluding through a template extends the basic functionality of [[Transclusion]] by combining two tiddlers:
* A template tiddler that contains the WikiText to be displayed. It can contain transclusions that reference fields in the CurrentTiddler
* A target tiddler that identifies the CurrentTiddler to be used when resolving references to fields
The best example of templating is the main story river in TiddlyWiki. Each tiddler in the story river is rendered through a ViewTemplate that specifies how each field is to be rendered.
See [[Transclusion with Templates]] for details.
# With ~TiddlyWiki you can organise your notes your way, not their way. Your notes conform to your way of thinking rather than being forced into a hierarchical straightjacket of notebooks and tabs.
# ~TiddlyWiki's nonlinear approach will actually make you think about your information in new and helpful ways.
# Finding your notes in ~TiddlyWiki is lightning fast
# There are many ways to customize and adapt every aspect of ~TiddlyWiki
# ~TiddlyWiki is free and is compatible with all platforms. Any web browser will open it. You don't need to purchase an expensive program or pay a subscription fee to use it.
# ~TiddlyWiki files promote the free sharing of information. There are many ways you can share your information from ~TiddlyWiki.
# With ~TiddlyWiki, your information is yours, and you store it where you want to - on your device, on a USB stick, in Dropbox, on your server.
# ~TiddlyWiki features an ever-growing number of plugins, themes, widgets, and languages.
# The online ~TiddlyWiki community is friendly and will do their best to give you the help you need.
# If you are a programmer, you have even more ways to play with ~TiddlyWiki. With ~TiddlyWiki, the more you know, the more fun you can have with it.
TiddlyWiki5 incorporates the Jasmine JavaScript testing framework (see http://pivotal.github.io/jasmine/). It allows the same tests to be run both in the browser and under Node.js.
! TiddlyWiki5 Testing Components
There are two main elements to the TiddlyWiki5 testing mechanism:
* The plugin `tiddlywiki/jasmine` that wraps Jasmine up into a plugin along with some glue code
* The TiddlyWiki5 edition `test` that contains the core test specifications and includes the Jasmine plugin
! Running the Tests in Node.js
To run the tests under Node.js just load up the `test` wiki:
node ./tiddlywiki.js \
./editions/test \
! Running the Tests in the Browser
To generate a wiki containing the browser tests load up the `test` wiki and save it as an HTML file:
node ./tiddlywiki.js \
./editions/test \
--verbose \
--rendertiddler $:/core/save/all test.html text/plain \
The `test.html` file will be placed in the `output` folder within the wiki folder. Open it in the browser to see the test results. There is a prebuilt version of `test.html` at:
A TextReference identifies a chunk of text from a tiddler that can be retrieved or modified depending on the context.
Text references are made up of several parts, most of which can be optional:
* `<tiddler title>` - the text [[field|TiddlerFields]] of the specified tiddler
* `<tiddler title>!!<metadata field>` - a tiddler metadata [[field|TiddlerFields]] (eg, `modified`, `modifier`, `type` etc)
* `!!<metadata field>` - a metadata [[field|TiddlerFields]] of the current tiddler
* `<tiddler title>##<property index>` - extracts a named property from DataTiddlers
Text references can be used in several places:
* As IndirectOperands within [[Filters]] (eg, `<$list filter="[tag{MyTag!!name}]"/>`)
* As IndirectAttributes of an element or widget (eg, `<$widget attrib={{Title!!description}}/>`)
* As the operand of a shortcut transclusion (eg, `{{MyTiddler!!title}}`)
* As the `state` attribute of the RevealWidget and the LinkCatcherWidget
! Introduction
The text widget displays plain text.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$text>` widget is not used.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|text |The text to display |
! Horror Stories
Every so often, TiddlyWiki users report heart-rending tales of personal data loss on the discussion groups:
> My entire TiddlyWiki has just been wiped out when Firefox crashed during saving a tiddly.
> Last time I used it was last night at home on my Windows 7 desktop, hit the check mark to stop editing my last entry, it then saves via TiddlyFox and I eject my USB drive. I came to work this morning, plugged in my USB, enter my TW5 password and it doesn't want to open after several attempts. I browse to my TW5 html file and notice that my file size is no longer 3MB.. instead it is 80KB. This leads me to believe I lost everything.
Don't let it happen to you!
!! The first rule of using TiddlyWiki is:
<p style="font-size:40pt;line-height:48pt;font-weight:700;color:red;">
Backup your data!
TiddlyWiki is a very flexible, customisable system that puts you firmly in charge of your own data. Every care is taken in TiddlyWiki's development to ensure that it is a safe place to preserve your most valuable data but the ultimate responsibility to reduce the risk of data loss falls to users.
The best way to make sure that your data is safe is to practice a rigorous system of backups:
* Consider using services like Dropbox to continuously back up your personal data to the cloud. (Dropbox [[has a neat feature|https://www.dropbox.com/help/11]] whereby they keep track of previous versions of files)
* Retain backups before upgrading to a new version of TiddlyWiki
* Figure out and protect yourself from the worst case scenarios: what if your USB stick or hard drive fails? What if your computer is hit by a ransomeware virus?
* Be defensive and redundant: for example, take multiple backups and keep them in separate physical locations
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
\define lingo-base() $:/language/Docs/Fields/
TiddlerFields are name:value pairs that make up a [[tiddler|Tiddlers]]. Field names must be lowercase letters, digits or the characters `-` (dash), `_` (underscore) and `.` (period).
The standard fields are:
|!Field Name |!Reference |!Description |
|`title` |TitleField |<<lingo title>> |
|`text` |TextField |<<lingo text>> |
|`modified` |ModifiedField |<<lingo modified>> |
|`modifier` |ModifierField |<<lingo modifier>> |
|`created` |CreatedField |<<lingo created>> |
|`creator` |CreatorField |<<lingo creator>> |
|`tags` |TagsField |<<lingo tags>> |
|`type` |TypeField |<<lingo type>> |
|`list` |ListField |<<lingo list>> |
Other fields used by the core are:
|!Field Name |!Reference |!Description |
|`color` |ColorField |<<lingo color>> |
|`description` |DescriptionField |<<lingo description>> |
|`draft.of` |DraftOfField |<<lingo draft.of>> |
|`draft.title` |DraftTitleField |<<lingo draft.title>> |
|`footer` |FooterField |<<lingo footer>> |
|`library` |LibraryField |<<lingo library>> |
|`name` |NameField |<<lingo name>> |
|`plugin-priority` |PluginPriorityField |<<lingo plugin-priority>> |
|`plugin-type` |PluginTypeField |<<lingo plugin-type>> |
|`source` |SourceField |<<lingo source>> |
|`subtitle` |SubtitleField |<<lingo subtitle>> |
The TiddlyWebAdaptor uses a few more fields:
|!Field Name |!Reference |!Description |
|`bag` |BagField |<<lingo bag>> |
|`revision` |RevisionField |<<lingo revision>> |
See the ''Advanced > TiddlerFields'' tab of the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] for details of the fields used in this wiki.
Tiddlers can be stored in text files in several different formats. Files containing single tiddlers can also have an auxiliary `.meta` file formatted as a sequence of name:value pairs:
title: TheTitle
modifier: someone
!! ~TiddlyWeb-style .tid files
These files consist of a sequence of lines containing name:value pairs, a blank line and then the text of the tiddler. For example:
title: MyTiddler
modifier: Jeremy
This is the text of my tiddler.
Note that many text editors require that files include a terminating newline. If you want to avoid including the terminating newline in the text of the tiddler you can use this alternative syntax:
title: MyTiddler
modifier: Jeremy
text: This is the text of my tiddler.
//The ContentType `application/x-tiddler` is used internally for these files//
!! TiddlyWiki `<DIV>` .tiddler files
Modern `*.tiddler` files look like this:
<div title="AnotherExampleStyleSheet" modifier="blaine" created="201102111106" modified="201102111310" tags="examples" creator="psd">
<pre>Note that there is an embedded <pre> tag, and line feeds are not escaped.
And, weirdly, there is no HTML encoding of the body.</pre>
These `*.tiddler` files are therefore not quite the same as the tiddlers found inside a TiddlyWiki HTML file, where the body is HTML encoded in the expected way.
Older `*.tiddler` files more closely matched the store format used by TiddlyWiki at the time:
<div tiddler="AnotherExampleStyleSheet" modifier="JeremyRuston" modified="200508181432" created="200508181432" tags="examples">This is an old-school .tiddler file, without an embedded <pre> tag.\nNote how the body is "HTML encoded" and new lines are escaped to \\n</div>
//The ContentType `application/x-tiddler-html-div` is used internally for these files//
!! ~TiddlyWeb-style JSON files
These files are a straightforward array of hashmaps of name:value fields. Currently only these known fields are processed: `title`, `text`, `created`, `creator`, `modified`, `modifier`, `type` and `tags`.
//The ContentType `application/json` is used internally for these files//
!! TiddlyWiki HTML files
TiddlyWiki HTML files contain a collection of tiddlers encoded in `<DIV>` format.
The minimal requirement for an HTML file to be importable as an unencrypted TW file is that it has a `<div id="storeArea">` immediately preceding the tiddler DIVs, which must be followed by a `</div>`. For example:
<div id="storeArea">
<div created="20130302085406905" modified="20130302084548184" tags="Examples" title="A tiddler title">
<pre>HTML encoded text of tiddler
<div created="20140315085406905" modified="20140321084548184" tags="One Two [[Three with Space]]" title="Another title" customfield="field value">
<pre>Text of this tiddler
Links are regions of a tiddler that can be clicked to cause navigation to a different tiddler. The navigation behaviour is determined by the current StoryView; the classic TiddlyWiki view displays the story as a linear sequence of tiddlers.
Holding the ''control'' or ''command'' key while clicking on a tiddler link opens the target tiddler but doesn't navigate to it. This can be a useful way of queueing up tiddlers to be read later.
Links are useful for modelling organic relationships between tiddlers, and particularly for expressing the navigational paths between tiddlers.
The TiddlerInfoPanel lists incoming links to a tiddler in the tab ''References''.
[[Filters]] can include the following filter operators that work with links:
* `[links[]]` - returns the titles of the tiddlers that are linked from the currently selected tiddler(s)
* `[backlinks[]]` - returns the titles of the tiddlers that link to the currently selected tiddler(s)
TiddlyWiki5 alters the appearance of tiddler links to convey additional information about the target of the link:
|!Link description |!Link appearance |
|To a tiddler that exists |[[LikeThis|TiddlerLinks]] |
|To a tiddler that doesn't exist |[[LikeThis|ATiddlerThatDoesntExist]] |
|To a shadow tiddler that has not been overridden |[[LikeThis|$:/core/copyright.txt]] |
|To a shadow tiddler that has been overridden by an ordinary tiddler |[[LikeThis|$:/SiteTitle]] |
External links are shown like this: http://tiddlywiki.com/ or [[like this|http://tiddlywiki.com/]].
Tiddlers are the fundamental units of information in TiddlyWiki. Tiddlers work best when they are as small as possible so that they can be reused by weaving them together in different ways.
A "tiddler" is an informal British word meaning a small fish, typically a stickleback or a minnow. Other systems have analogous concepts with generic names like "items", "entries", "entities", "nodes" or "records". TiddlyWiki takes the view that it is better to be confusingly distinctive than confusingly generic.
Internally, tiddlers are a list of uniquely named values called fields. The only field that is required is the `title` field, but useful tiddlers also have a `text` field, and some or all of the standard fields listed in TiddlerFields.
Tiddlers are ubiquitous in TiddlyWiki. They are used to store everything from JavaScript code modules to the settings and state associated with the user interface.
! Introduction
The TiddlerWidget sets the CurrentTiddler that applies for processing its content.
! Content and Attributes
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The title of the tiddler to become the new CurrentTiddler |
|class |CSS classes to be added to the generated elements |
! CSS Class Variables
The tiddler widget assigns several useful CSS classes to variables that it creates:
* ''missingTiddlerClass'': ''"tc-tiddler-exists"'' or ''"tc-tiddler-missing"'' depending upon whether the target tiddler exists
* ''shadowTiddlerClass'': ''"tc-tiddler-shadow"'' if the tiddler is a shadow tiddler
* ''systemTiddlerClass'': ''"tc-tiddler-system"'' if the tiddler is a system tiddler
* ''tiddlerTagClasses'': A space separated list of CSS classes named ''"tc-tagged-{tagname}"''. For example ''"tc-tagged-introduction"''. Note that tag names are UrlEncoded which means that the tag ''$:/tags/Macro'' appears as the CSS class ''"tc-tagged-%24%3A%2Ftags%2FMacro"''
You can use these variables like this:
<$tiddler tiddler="MyOtherTiddler">
<div class=<<missingTiddlerClass>>>
See also [[$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate]].
BuggyJay's TiddlyClip browser extension for FireFox permits clipping of text and graphics from web pages:
TiddlyClip allows parts of webpages to be clipped into a TiddlyWiki, and consists of two parts, the browser addon and the TiddlyWiki plugin. The addon is completely memoryless, any configuration is determined by the current TiddlyWiki that the user has select to work with (we say that the addon is docked to the TiddlyWiki). TiddlyClip is designed to work (in a basic mode) without configuration. Once the addon and plugin are installed, all the user has to do is select which TW to dock to.
TiddlyDesktop is an app for working with TiddlyWiki files (both TiddlyWikiClassic and TiddlyWiki version 5). It can be installed on Windows, Mac OS X or Linux. It is compatible with TiddlyWiki version 5 and the older TiddlyWikiClassic.
See the [[Introducing TiddlyDesktop Video]]
! Instructions
# Install the latest release of TiddlyDesktop from https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/releases
# Run TiddlyDesktop
# Use the browse button to open TiddlyWiki files
# Save changes within TiddlyWiki in the usual way
! Source
TiddlyDesktop is based on the OpenSource project [[node-webkit]]. The source is on GitHub:
TiddlyFox is an extension for Firefox that allows standalone TiddlyWiki files to save their changes directly to the file system. TiddlyFox works on both desktop and smartphone versions of [[Firefox]]. See [[Saving with TiddlyFox]] or [[Saving with TiddlyFox on Android]] for detailed instructions.
TiddlyFox can be downloaded from the Mozilla Addons site:
You can also install the latest development version of TiddlyFox direct from GitHub:
TiddlyIE is an extension for Internet Explorer that allows standalone TiddlyWiki files to save their changes directly to the file system. TiddlyIE works with the desktop version of Internet Explorer.
See [[Saving with TiddlyIE]].
TiddlySpace is an environment for discourse on the web, built from TiddlyWeb.
TiddlySpace was originally sponsored by [[Osmosoft]] at [[BT]].
TiddlyWeb is a server application that puts [[Tiddlers]] on the web:
TiddlyWeb can be used to host TiddlyWiki and TiddlyWiki5 wikis, making the individual tiddlers available over a flexible HTTP API.
TiddlyWeb was originally sponsored by [[Osmosoft]] at [[BT]] (along with TiddlySpace).
~TiddlyWiki is a rich, interactive tool for manipulating complex data with structure that doesn't easily fit into conventional tools like spreadsheets or wordprocessors.
~TiddlyWiki is designed to fit around your brain, helping you deal with the things that won't fit. The [[fundamental idea|Philosophy of Tiddlers]] is that information is more useful and reusable if we cut it up into the smallest semantically meaningful chunks -- [[tiddlers|Tiddlers]] -- and give them titles so that they can be [[structured|Structuring TiddlyWiki]] with [[links|TiddlerLinks]], [[tags|Tagging]], [[lists|ListField]] and [[macros|Macros]]. Tiddlers use a WikiText notation that concisely represents a wide range of text formatting and hypertext features. ~TiddlyWiki aims to provide a fluid interface for working with tiddlers, allowing them to be aggregated and composed into longer narratives.
People [[love using|Raves]] ~TiddlyWiki. Because it can be used without any complicated server infrastructure, and because it is [[open source|OpenSource]], it has bought unprecedented freedom to people to keep their precious information under their own control. ~TiddlyWiki was originally created by JeremyRuston and is now a thriving open source project with a busy [[Community]] of independent developers.
The TiddlyWiki community holds regular Google Hangouts, usually every Tuesday from 4pm to 6pm (UK time). They are announced in the [[TiddlyWiki Google group|https://groups.google.com/d/forum/tiddlywiki]] and on the [[TiddlyWiki Twitter account|https://twitter.com/TiddlyWiki]].
Past Hangouts are archived in this YouTube playlist:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/videoseries?list=PLVT_2PPd-1p34gGCQ5qpwC8QdykxVAI3u" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
TiddlyWiki in the Sky for TiddlyWeb allows content to be synchronised between TiddlyWiki running in the browser and a TiddlyWeb (or TiddlySpace) server. Features include:
* Lazy loading
* Two way synchronisation between the browser and the server
** Synchronising from the server is accomplished by polling (currently every 60 seconds)
* Throttling so that rapidly changing tiddlers don't overwhelm the server
To try out TiddlyWiki in the Sky for TiddlyWeb:
# If necessary, create an account at http://tiddlyspace.com/
# Create a new space, eg `<myspace>`
# Include the space `tw5tiddlyweb`
# Visit `http://<myspace>.tiddlyspace.com/tw5`
This brief screencast shows how to setup Firefox for Android so you can save changes to TiddlyWiki:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/iikkv9orGGI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Running TiddlyWiki on [[Node.js]] brings several important benefits over and above the single file version:
* You can edit your content on any suitably compatible HTML5 browser, including smartphones and tablets
* Individual tiddlers are stored in separate files, which you can organise as you wish
* The ability to build multiple wikis that blend different combinations of shared and unique content
For more information see:
* [[Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
* [[Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
* [[Upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
\define tv-wikilinks() no
! Building TiddlyWikiClassic
{{Building TiddlyWikiClassic}}
TiddlyWiki5 is a reboot of TiddlyWiki for the next 25 years. It is a complete interactive wiki in JavaScript that can be run in the browser or on the server under [[Node.js]].
Each release of TiddlyWiki5 is identified by a version number that complies with the [[Semantic Versioning 2.0.0|http://semver.org/]] standard.
! TiddlyWiki Core Version
According to the standard:
Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:
MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and
PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes.
Additional labels for pre-release and build metadata are available as extensions to the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format.
!! Alpha and Beta versions
While in alpha TiddlyWiki5 uses the pre-release label "alpha", for example:
Each new alpha or beta release will bump the `PATCH` version number. This breaks the strict semantics of versioning because `PATCH` increments are supposed to be reserved for compatible changes.
//Note that prior to ''5.0.1-alpha'', TiddlyWiki5 used version numbers formatted as ''5.0.0-alpha.19''. The change was made to enable the upgrade mechanism to recognise plugin updates from the version information.//
!! Interim versions
During development when a new release is being prepared, the pre-release label is set to `prerelease`.
! Plugin Versions
Version numbers
TiddlyWiki5 uses the version information attached to plugins for determining which of two plugins is more recent during an upgrade or import. The pre-release label is ignored when performing these comparisons.
"~TiddlyWiki Classic" refers to versions prior to 5.0, when TiddlyWiki was completely rewritten from the ground up. TiddlyWiki Classic is still being maintained at:
MarioPietsch has started a site comparing the syntax and other changes between TiddlyWikiClassic and TiddlyWiki version 5:
As well as traditional single file wikis, [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] supports wikis that are stored as a folder of individual tiddler files.
! Wiki folder files and folders
Wiki folders can contain the following files and folders:
* ''tiddlywiki.info'' - JSON file containing metadata for the wiki
* ''\tiddlers'' - folder containing tiddler files comprising the wiki
* ''\plugins'' - folder containing [[plugin folders|PluginMechanism]] to be included in the wiki
Only the ''tiddlywiki.info'' file is required, the ''tiddlers'' and ''plugins'' folders are optional. Any files and folders not listed above are ignored.
!! Content of `tiddlywiki.info` file
The `tiddlywiki.info` file in a wiki folder contains a JSON object comprising the following fields:
* ''plugins'' - an array of plugin names to be included in the wiki
* ''themes'' - an array of theme names to be included in the wiki
* ''languages'' - an array of language names to be included in the wiki
* ''includeWikis'' - an array of references to external wiki folders to be included in the wiki
* ''build'' - a hashmap of named build targets, each defined by an array of command tokens (see BuildCommand)
* ''config'' - an optional hashmap of configuration options (see below)
!!! ''includeWikis''
The entries in the ''includeWikis'' array can be either a string specifying the relative path to the wiki, or an object with the following fields:
* ''path'' - relative path to wiki folder
* ''read-only'' - set //true// to prevent the tiddlers in the included wiki from being modified. The modifications will be written to the directory specified in ''default-tiddler-location'', described below
!!! ''build''
Note that the build targets of included wikis are merged if a target of that name isn't defined in the current `tiddlywiki.info` file.
!!! ''config''
Configuration options include:
* ''default-tiddler-location'' - a string path to the default location for the filesystem adaptor to save new tiddlers (resolved relative to the wiki folder)
* ''retain-original-tiddler-path'' - If true, the server will generate a tiddler [[$:/config/OriginalTiddlerPaths]] containing the original file paths of each tiddler in the wiki
!!! Example
For example:
"plugins": [
"includeWikis": [
"build": {
"index": [
"favicon": [
"config": {
"retain-original-tiddler-path": true
!! Content of `tiddlers` folder
All the TiddlerFiles in the `tiddlers` folder are read into the wiki at startup. Sub-folders are scanned recursively for TiddlerFiles.
Sub-folders within the `tiddlers` folder can also be given a `tiddlywiki.files` JSON file that overrides the default processing for that folder. The file format is illustrated with this example from the D3 plugin:
"tiddlers": [
"file": "d3.min.js",
"fields": {
"type": "application/javascript",
"title": "$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/d3/d3.js",
"module-type": "library"
"prefix": "var d3;if($tw.browser){\n",
"suffix": "}\nexports.d3 = d3;\n"
"file": "cloud/d3.layout.cloud.js",
"fields": {
"type": "application/javascript",
"title": "$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/d3/d3.layout.cloud.js",
"module-type": "library"
The JSON data consists of an object with a `tiddlers` property that contains an array of information about each tiddler to be loaded into the wiki. That information consists of:
* `file`: the relative or absolute path to the file to include
* `fields`: an object containing fields that override any provided in the tiddler file
* `prefix` & `suffix`: (optional) specify strings to be prefixed and suffixed to the tiddler file text content
The timeline macro produces a list of tiddlers in reverse chronological order of modification date that is grouped by the date of the day of modification.
! Parameters
|!Position |!Name |!Description |!Default |
|1st |limit |The maximum number of tiddlers to list (see below) |100 |
|2nd |format |A DateFormat string for formatting the date |DDth MMM YYYY |
|3rd |subfilter |A subfilter to include in the timeline filter (see below) | |
|4th |dateField |Optional name of date field to use |modified |
The subfilter and limit parameters are spliced into the filter string like this:
To restrict the timeline to a particular tag, the subfilter can be set to something like `tag[mytag]`:
<<timeline limit:10 subfilter:"tag[mytag]">>
Note that the timeline macro does not truncate the entries for a particular day, instead always displaying all the tiddlers under each displayed day heading. This means that the limit parameter works in an unexpected way because it is possible for more than the specified number of tiddlers to be displayed.
! Examples
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html"
src="<<timeline limit:30 format:'DD/MM/YYYY'>>
! Introduction
The TranscludeWidget dynamically imports content from another tiddler.
! Attributes
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The title of the tiddler to transclude (defaults to the current tiddler) |
|field |The field name of the current tiddler (defaults to "text"; if present takes precedence over the index attribute) |
|index |The index of a property in a [[DataTiddler|DataTiddlers]] |
|subtiddler |Optional SubTiddler title when the target tiddler is a [[plugin|Plugins]] (see below) |
|mode |Override the default parsing mode for the transcluded text to "block" or "inline" |
The TranscludeWidget treats any contained content as a fallback if the target of the transclusion is not defined (ie a missing tiddler or a missing field).
! Parsing modes
TiddlyWiki parses text in two modes:
* ''inline'' mode recognises character formatting such as emphasis, links
* ''block'' mode recognises all the ''inline'' formatting, and adds block formatting such as tables, headings and lists
Usually, the mode is determined by whether the transclude widget itself has been parsed in block or inline mode. This can be overridden with the `mode` attribute.
For example, consider tiddler "A" with this content:
# Item one
#<$transclude tiddler="B"/>
# Item two
And a tiddler "B" with this content:
# Item one - a
# Item one - b
The result will be something like this:
# Item one
# # Item one - a # Item one - b
# Item two
This can be fixed by amending tiddler "A":
# Item one
#<$transclude tiddler="B" mode="block"/>
# Item two
! SubTiddler Access
The transclude widget allows access to the individual tiddlers stored within a [[plugin|Plugins]].
The following example will transclude the core version of the tiddler [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]] even if it has been overridden:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '
<$transclude tiddler="$:/core" subtiddler="$:/DefaultTiddlers"/>
<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transclusion">Transclusion</a> is the process of referencing one tiddler "A" from another tiddler "B" such that the content of "A" appears to be a part of "B".
Copying and pasting content creates multiple copies of the same content in several different places. With transclusion, there can be a single copy and a special instruction in "B" which indicates the point at which content should be inserted from tiddler "A".
Note that if the content of "A" is modified then the modification automatically appears in "B". This makes it easier to maintain repetitive content, by allowing every piece to be written in a single place, but viewed from many.
The concept of transclusion plays an important role in the [[Philosophy of Tiddlers]] because it is the primary way in which small items of content are combined.
To learn more:
* [[Transclusion in WikiText]]
* [[Transclusion Basic Usage]]
* [[Transclusion with Templates]]
* TextReference
* TemplateTiddlers
* TranscludeWidget
! Simple Transclusion
To include some content from [[TiddlerA]] into [[TiddlerB]], edit the latter to include the following text:
This is the content of TiddlerA: {{TiddlerA}}
The result is that the content of the ''text'' field (i.e. the main content) of [[TiddlerA]] is rendered within [[TiddlerB]].
! Usage
The notation ``{{TiddlerA}}`` is a shortcut for ``{{TiddlerA!!text}}``. This is because the default field for transclusion is ''text'', but any other [[field|TiddlerFields]] can be used explicitly. For example, you can print the last time TiddlerA was modified using:
TiddlerA was modified on {{TiddlerA!!modified}}
By omitting the tiddler title, the transclusion notation can also be used to display the content of a field from the current tiddler, for example:
The current tiddler was modified on {{!!modified}}
! Recursion Errors
Notice that using ``{{!!text}}`` or ``{{}}`` causes an error (//Recursive transclusion error in transclude widget//), because it does not make sense to include the content of the current tiddler into the content of the current tiddler (that is, into itself). Whenever you encouter this error message, it means that you are trying to include something into itself, directly or indirectly (for example if tiddler A transcludes tiddler B which transcludes tiddler C which, in turn, transcludes tiddler A).
! Learning More
In TiddlyWiki, transclusions are not limited to including raw content like the above. To learn about more advanced uses of transclusion, see [[Transclusion with Templates]].
See also:
* [[Transclusion]]
* [[Transclusion with Templates]]
* [[Transclusion in WikiText]]
* TextReference
* TiddlerFields.
You can incorporate the content of one tiddler within another using the [[Transclusion]] notation:
* `{{MyTiddler}}` transcludes a single tiddler
* `{{MyTiddler||TemplateTitle}}` displays the tiddler through a specified [[TemplateTiddler|TemplateTiddlers]]
* `{{||TemplateTitle}}` displays the specified template tiddler without altering the CurrentTiddler
You can also use a TextReference instead of a tiddler title:
* `{{MyTiddler!!field}}` transcludes a specified field of a tiddler
* `{{!!field}}` transcludes a specified field of the current tiddler
* `{{MyTiddler##index}}` transcludes a specified indexed property of a [[DataTiddler|DataTiddlers]]
* `{{##index}}` transcludes a specified indexed property of the current [[DataTiddler|DataTiddlers]]
A similar syntax can be used to transclude a list of tiddlers matching a specified [[filter|Filters]]:
{{{ [tag[mechanism]] }}}
{{{ [tag[mechanism]] ||TemplateTitle}}}
See also:
* [[Transclusion Basic Usage]]
* [[Transclusion with Templates]]
* TemplateTiddlers
* TranscludeWidget
* [[Confusion between Transclusion and Substitution]]
! Introduction
In [[Transclusion Basic Usage]] we have seen how to include the content of a tiddler A into a tiddler B. Now suppose that tiddler A contains:
Hello, my title is {{!!title}}
This makes tiddler A display its title with a yellow background (see [[Styles and Classes in WikiText]] to learn about CSS style). Imagine that you want to display the title in the same way in tiddler B. But you don't want to copy/paste the style instructions, because you might want to change the background colour later and you want to keep it consistent among tiddlers. This looks like a typical case of transclusion, so let's try to transclude tiddler A in tiddler B the usual way with ``{{A}}``. You should see the following content in tiddler B:
Hello, my title is A
The style is applied as expected, but the title is wrong: we want ``{{!!title}}`` to refer to the target tiddler B, and not the source tiddler A.
The solution is to use a \\template\\. In this case, the source tiddler A is called the [[TemplateTiddler|TemplateTiddlers]], and it is //applied// to tiddler B using the notation ``{{||A}}``. The difference is that any TextReference which does not refer explicitly to a specific tiddler is applied to the [[current tiddler|CurrentTiddler]], that is, the target tiddler. As a result, tiddler B now looks as expected:
Hello, my title is B
! Usage
Transcluding via a template is like applying a mask: assuming that the source tiddler contains generic references (like eye holes in a mask), these will be replaced with the target tiddlers values (like the eyes of the person who wears the mask).
A template can be applied to any tiddler, not necessarily the current one. This is achieved using the full notation ``{{<target>||<template>}}``. The default ``<target>`` is the [[current tiddler|CurrentTiddler]] (this is what we used in the above example).
! Examples
!! A predefined template to render tags nicely
You can apply the system template ``$:/core/ui/TagTemplate`` to a tag in order to see it as a tag pill with a drop-down menu:
is rendered as {{Transclusion||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}
See also:
* [[Transclusion in WikiText]]
* [[Transclusion Basic Usage]]
* TextReference
* TemplateTiddlers
* TranscludeWidget
* CurrentTiddler
There is a special edition of TiddlyWiki that simplifies creating and maintaining translations:
Note that no knowledge of Node.js or GitHub is required.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/dev for technical details of creating and maintaining translations.
The translation mechanism of TiddlyWiki manages and switches between language plugins that provide translations of the TiddlyWiki user interface. The developer site at http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/ explains how translators can create and submit translations for TiddlyWiki.
The title of the current language plugin is read from the tiddler [[$:/language]]. If the selected plugin changes then any displayed translateable text automatically changes.
Translation plugins are bundles of tiddlers that each contain an indepedent translatable string. The strings are transcluded as needed.
Translatable strings are generally in the namespace `$:/language/`, for example:
* [[$:/language/EditTemplate/Shadow/OverriddenWarning]]
* [[$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/isfilteroperator]]
* [[$:/language/EditTemplate/Fields/Add/Value/Placeholder]]
Here are some webpages with tips and tutorials related to ~TiddlyWiki
<div class="tc-link-info">
<$list filter="[tag[Tutorials]!sort[modified]]">
<div class="tc-link-info-item">
! <$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
<div class="tc-subtitle">Posted <$view field="modified" format="relativedate"/></div>
This experimental plugin adds the ability to display WikiText written for the original Classic version of TiddlyWiki.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/tw2parser/
A collection of community tips and tutorials curated by Andreas Hahn, including a handy "customiser" that simplifies creating an empty TiddlyWiki with selected plugins and enhancements.
The intent of the project is to encourage people to use and actively tweak TiddlyWiki according to their needs. Similar to the old version, I also want to encourage people to share their knowledge and help other people get the most out of this wonderful piece of wiki software.
WikiText can include blocks of text that are rendered with an explicit ContentType like this:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="green" />
This renders as:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="green" />
It is also possible to abbreviate the ContentType to a file extension. For example:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="red" />
This renders as:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="red" />
Unknown types render as plain text:
Some plain text, which will not be //formatted//.
Which renders as:
Some plain text, which will not be //formatted//.
A render type can also be specified, causing a particular text rendering to be displayed. For example:
This is ''some'' wikitext
This is ''some'' wikitext
Renders as:
This is ''some'' wikitext
This is ''some'' wikitext
# Open upgrade.html
# Includes a data tiddler called `$:/UpgradeLibrary` that contains the latest compatible versions of all plugins in the library
# Drag in old wiki file
# Place tiddlers into a data tiddler `$:/Import` that is typed as a "pending import"
# Kick off import processing for each tiddler
## Give each "upgrader" module a chance to inspect the incoming tiddlers
## Upgrader modules can trigger actions for each tiddler:
##* Display a warning message
##* Don't import
##* Replace with another tiddler from the upgrade library
##* Disable incompatible plugins
# Display the newly created pending import tiddler through a new view template segment
## Displays the payload tiddlers as a list of titles and checkboxes, with a dropdown showing the full details of the tiddler
## Perhaps we also suppress the usual JSON display for data tiddlers behind a reveal widget
# The user can adjust the selection checkboxes
# Clicking "done" unpacks the selected tiddlers from the pending import tiddler
# The pending import tiddler and the upgrade library tiddler are excluded from the subsequent save operation
There are regular releases of TiddlyWiki with bug fixes and improvements. It's a good idea to keep up to date by regularly upgrading to the latest version.
! Introduction
The process described here is for upgrading standalone TiddlyWiki files. There is a [[different procedure|Upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] for upgrading [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]].
When upgrading, please remember the [[The First Rule of Using TiddlyWiki]]:
//You are responsible for looking after your own data; take care to make backups, especially when upgrading the ~TiddlyWiki core//
! Online upgrading
This process will work on most desktop browsers. Note that none of your personal data leaves your browser with this process.
# Locate your TiddlyWiki file in the file system (ie using Windows Explorer, the Finder on Mac OS X, or your file manager on Linux)
# Visit http://tiddlywiki.com/upgrade.html in your browser
# Drag your old TiddlyWiki HTML file into the browser window
#* If the file is encrypted you will be prompted for the password
# Review the list of tiddlers that will be upgraded
# Click ''Upgrade''
# Save changes to save the new version
This will download a file called ''upgrade.html'' to your computer. This file is the upgrade of your old file. You may need to open the location where ''upgrade.html'' was downloaded, rename ''upgrade.html'' with the name of the old file you are upgrading, and replace the old file by moving the new file in its place.
! Offline upgrading
You can also download http://tiddlywiki.com/upgrade.html locally and perform the same drag-and-drop procedure to upgrade your files.
! Problems with Upgrades
!! Firefox Security Restrictions
In case you run into this error with the upgrader, upon confirming the upgrade selection :
Error while saving:
Error:NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI: Access to restricted URI denied
The upgrade operation falls foul of a security restriction in Firefox. Until this can be resolved, we suggest either using the offline upgrader, or using Chrome to perform the upgrade:
*# Use Chrome to open http://tiddlywiki.com/upgrade.html, then drag your local TiddlyWiki html file to be upgraded into the upgrader window, as described above in ''Online upgrading''
*# After you've saved your upgraded file, you should be able to open it in Firefox and [[save using TiddlyFox|Saving with TiddlyFox]] again
* //See also : [[Saving on TiddlySpot]]//
!! Incompatible Customisations
It is possible for a customisation applied in a previous version to break when upgraded to the latest version. There are two techniques you can use to help track down issues:
* Try repeating the upgrade having selectively unchecked any tiddlers that may be applying customisations to TiddlyWiki
* Use SafeMode to disable all customisations of shadow tiddlers
You can see which shadow tiddlers have been overridden in the ''Filter'' tab of [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]]. Select "Overridden shadow tiddlers" from the dropdown.
If you've installed [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] on the usual way, when a new version is released you can upgrade it with this command:
npm update -g tiddlywiki
On Mac or Linux you'll need to add ''sudo'' like this:
sudo npm update -g tiddlywiki
By default, when running [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]], the server exposes the wiki at the URI formed from the protocol, host and port - for example, ``.
There are two steps to running the wiki at a custom path like ``:
# Configure the server by passing `/path/to/my/wiki` as the ''pathprefix'' argument of the ServerCommand
# Configure the client by creating a tiddler called ''$:/config/tiddlyweb/host'' that contains `$protocol$//$host$/path/to/my/wiki/`
You can use internal hyperlinks (links between tiddlers, normally displayed in blue text) to navigate between your tiddlers. Clicking on a link to any tiddler will take you to that tiddler. If the tiddler is closed, it will be opened. The wonderful thing about ~Tiddlywiki is that it has made links to tiddlers as accessible as possible. There are links everywhere! Here are the key places where you can find links to tiddlers in ~TiddlyWiki:
* You can ''create a link'' to a tiddler, whether it exists yet or not, in the body of any tiddler. See [[Linking in WikiText]] to see the various, easy ways to create links between tiddlers.
* Each ''tag pill'' found in your tiddler (such as the 'Working with ~TiddlyWiki' tag pill under the title of this tiddler) contains a link to that tag tiddler, as well a lists of all the tiddlers tagged with that tag. This allows you to go to any of those tiddlers.
* The ''~TiddlerInfo section'' of each tiddler, accessed by clicking the {{$:/core/images/info-button}} button at the top of the tiddler, gives you access to four additional lists of tiddlers related to your tiddler:
** The ''References'' tab lists all the tiddlers that contain links back to the current tiddler.
** The ''Tagging'' tab lists all the tiddlers which are tagged with the current tiddler's title.
** The ''List'' tab lists all the tiddlers or potential tiddlers contained in the list field of the current tiddler. See [[ListField]] for more on list fields.
** The ''Listed'' tab lists all the tiddlers which contain the current tiddler in their list fields.
* The ''sidebar tabs'' contain numerous lists of links to tiddlers:
** The ''Open'' tab lists all currently open tiddlers.
** The ''Recent'' tab lists the 100 most recently modified tiddlers, beginning with the most recently modified.
** The ''More'' tab contains eight additional lists of tiddlers:
*** ''All'' lists all tiddlers, ordered alphabetically.
*** ''Tags'' lists all the tags. You can click on the pill for any tag to access a list of the tiddlers tagged with that tag.
*** ''Missing'' lists all the hyperlinks found in tiddler text for which no tiddler currently exists. This is helpful for finding tiddlers you at some point expected to create, but never got around to creating.
*** ''Drafts'' lists all unfinished tiddlers still in edit mode. A tiddler draft is considered a separate tiddler by ~TiddlyWiki until it is closed, so if you edit a tiddler entitled "Australia," there will then be two tiddlers, 'Australia' and 'Draft of "Australia."' When you save or cancel your changes to close the draft, it will apply those changes to the 'Australia' tiddler. So treat the Drafts tab as a way of finding any unfinished drafts you started.
*** ''Orphans'' lists all the tiddlers which are not related to any other tiddler by links, tags or lists. This is a helpful aid to editing your file - it shows you the tiddlers that need to be integrated more carefully with the other tiddlers.
*** ''Types'' lists tiddlers by special content types, such as images.
*** ''System'' lists all SystemTiddlers.
*** ''Shadows'' lists all ShadowTiddlers.
* ''Search results'' are lists of tiddlers that match the text you enter into the search window.
* Finally, you can create your own custom lists of tiddlers by various methods:
** You can transclude a [[filter|Filters]] (see [[Transclusion in WikiText]]). For example, adding `{{{ [tag[mountain]] }}}` to a tiddler will insert a list of all tiddlers tagged with 'mountain'.
** You can use the ListWidget. This is more complicated than transcluding a [[filter|Filters]], but in return allows you more flexibility in designing and displaying the list exactly as you want it to appear.
The usual way of modifying the appearance of a TiddlyWiki is to use one of the available themes, or to modify the [[colour palette|ColourPalettes]].
You can also use custom CSS stylesheets by tagging tiddlers with `$:/tags/Stylesheet`. For example, create a tiddler with the tag `$:/tags/Stylesheet` and the following content in order to change the page background colour to red:
html body.tc-body {
background: red;
! Overriding Theme Settings
Note that custom stylesheets are applied independently to the theme stylesheets. This means that it is frequently necessary to use CSS specificity to reliably override settings within the theme. This means ensuring that the CSS rule in your custom stylesheet is more specific than the theme rule that you are overriding. "More specific" generally means using more CSS rules. So, `html body.tc-body` is more specific than `body.tc-body`.
! Stylesheet Types
Usually it is best to use the type `text/css` for stylesheets. This treats them as plain stylesheets, and ensures that TiddlyWiki doesn't apply any wiki processing to them.
If you wish to use macros and transclusions in your stylesheets you should instead use the default WikiText type `text/vnd.tiddlywiki`. This allows full WikiText processing to be performed. Here is an example:
\rules only filteredtranscludeinline transcludeinline macrodef macrocallinline
body.tc-body pre {
<<box-shadow "inset 0 1px 0 #fff">>
The `\rules` pragma at the top of the tiddler restricts the WikiText to just allow macros and transclusion. This avoids mistakenly triggering unwanted WikiText processing.
!! Stylesheet Macros
Several globally available macros are provided that are helpful in constructing stylesheets. See [[$:/core/ui/PageStylesheet]] for the definitions of these macros.
* `<<colour name>>` and `<<color name>>` retrieve named colours from the current [[colour palette|ColourPalettes]]
* `<<box-shadow shadow>>` specify a box-shadow
* `<<filter filter>>` specify a CSS filter
* `<<transition transition>>` specify a CSS transition
* `<<transform-origin origin>>` specify the CSS transform origin
* `<<background-linear-gradient gradient>>` specify a linear gradient
* `<<datauri title>>` retrieves the base64 content of a tiddler for use via the CSS `url()` operator
TiddlyWiki5 can be used to produce documentation for GitHub projects. It lets you maintain a single set of documentation as a [[TiddlyWikiFolder|TiddlyWikiFolders]] containing separate tiddler files under source code control, and then use it to produce `readme.md` files for inclusion in project folders, or HTML files for storage in [[GitHub Pages|http://pages.github.com/]]. Both features are demonstrated by TiddlyWiki5 itself.
! Generating `readme.md` files
When displaying the contents of a folder GitHub will look for a `readme.md` file and display it. Note that it will not display full HTML files in this way, just static MarkDown files (this is a security measure). Happily MarkDown permits a safe subset of HTML, and thus to generate a `readme.md` file that is suitable for GitHub it is just necessary for TiddlyWiki5 to generate the content of the `<body>` element of an HTML document, and give it the appropriate filename.
This is done with this command:
--rendertiddler ReadMe ./readme.md text/html
It saves the tiddler ReadMe to the file `./readme.md` in the `text/html` format.
By default, tiddler links will be rendered as `<a>` links to a relative URI consisting of the title of the tiddler. This behaviour can be overridden by defining the macro `tv-wikilink-template`, as is done at the top of the tiddler ReadMe:
\define tv-wikilink-template() http://tiddlywiki.com/static/$uri_doubleencoded$.html
See the LinkWidget for more details.
In this example, tiddler links are rendered as links to the static rendering of tw5.com.
TiddlyWiki5 can be used on the command line to perform an extensive set of operations based on TiddlyWikiFolders, TiddlerFiles and TiddlyWikiFiles.
For example, the following command loads the tiddlers from a TiddlyWiki HTML file and then saves one of them in static HTML:
tiddlywiki --verbose --load mywiki.html --rendertiddler ReadMe ./readme.html
Running `tiddlywiki` from the command line boots the TiddlyWiki kernel, loads the core plugins and establishes an empty wiki store. It then sequentially processes the command line arguments from left to right. The arguments are separated with spaces.
The first argument is the optional path to the [[TiddlyWikiFolder|TiddlyWikiFolders]] to be loaded. If not present, then the current directory is used.
The commands and their individual arguments follow, each command being identified by the prefix `--`.
tiddlywiki [<wikipath>] [--<command> [<arg>[,<arg>]]]
The available commands are:
<<list-links "[tag[Commands]]">>
TiddlyWiki5 allows you to use SVG to display vector graphics in two ways:
* Tiddlers with the type `image/svg+xml` are interpreted as SVG images, and displayed and transcluded as self-contained `<img>` elements with the SVG embedded as a data URI in the `src` attribute.
** For examples of SVG images see [[Motovun Jack.svg]] and [[Tiddler Fishes.svg]]
* WikiText can also include inline SVG elements directly. See below for an example.
! Embedding SVG tiddlers
You can embed an SVG image tiddler using the ordinary transclusion syntax:
{{Motovun Jack.jpg}}
You can also use TypedBlockWikiText to embed an inline SVG tiddler.
The implications of the image being rendered within an `<img>` element are that it is sandboxed; it can't use CSS styles from the parent document, for example. Neither can the image use WikiText features like transclusion.
! Embedding SVG elements
The other way to use SVG is to embed the `<svg>` element directly. For example:
<svg width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="red" />
Note that inline SVG elements don't need an `<?xml version="1.0"?>` directive.
! Including HTML or WikiText content in SVG images
You can include simple text strings in SVG images using the `<text>` element:
<svg width="100px" height="30px" viewBox="0 0 1000 300"><text x="250" y="150" font-family="Verdana" font-size="55">Hello, out there</text><rect x="1" y="1" width="998" height="298" fill="none" stroke-width="2" /></svg>
HTML or WikiText content can be included within inline SVG images using the `<foreignObject>` element. For example:
<svg width="260px" height="260px"><circle cx="150" cy="150" r="100" fill="blue" stoke="red"/><foreignObject x="70" y="110" width="150" height="180"><body>Here is some text that requires a word wrap, and includes a [[link to a tiddler|HelloThere]].</body></foreignObject></svg>
! Transcluding SVG elements
When embedding SVG elements you can also use WikiText features like transclusion. For example, here is an SVG circle with the radius set to the value in the tiddler [[$:/SVGExampleRadius]]:
<svg width="150" height="150"><circle cx="75" cy="75" r={{$:/SVGExampleRadius}} stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="green"/></svg>
You can edit the value of the radius here: <$edit-text tiddler="$:/SVGExampleRadius" tag="input"/>
Variables together with [[Widgets]] and [[Macros]] are essential for dynamic WikiText.
You can define your own [[Variables in WikiText]] or use built-in variables.
More detailed information of built-in variables could be found in below:
<<list-links "[tag[Variables]]">>
See also DumpVariablesMacro
! Defining Variables
Variables contains values defined by [[Widgets]].
Variables are available within the widget that defines them, and the child widgets in the widget tree.
Variables are defined by:
* TiddlyWiki core and viewtemplate
* SetWidget
* ListWidget
* [[Macro definition|Macros in WikiText]]
! Using Variables
Variables are used in:
* Variable substitution `$(name)$`
* Concise shortcut `<<name>>`
* [[Filter expression|Introduction to Filters]] `[operator<variable-operand>]`
* Some default behaviors of [[Widgets]]
See also [[currentTiddler|WidgetVariable: currentTiddler]] variable, built-in [[variables|Variables]] and [[Confusion between Transclusion and Substitution]].
The version macro returns the current TiddlyWiki version number.
! Example
The version macro takes no parameters:
Version number: <<version>>
Version number: <<version>>
The following TiddlyWiki videos are available.
<<list-links "[tag[Videos]]">>
The aim is to curate a series of videos to guide people through getting up and running with TiddlyWiki. [[Contributions|Contributing]] are welcome.
! Introduction
The view widget displays the contents of a tiddler field in a specified format.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$view>` widget is displayed if the field or property is missing or empty.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The title of the tiddler (defaults to the CurrentTiddler) |
|field |The name of the field to view (defaults to "text") |
|index |The name of the index to view |
|format |The format for displaying the field (see below) |
|template |The optional template used with certain formats |
|subtiddler |Optional SubTiddler title when the target tiddler is a [[plugin|Plugins]] (see below) |
!! Formats
The following formats can be specified in the `format` attribute:
|!Format |!Description |
|''text'' |Plain text |
|''htmlwikified'' |The field is wikified and the resulting HTML returned as plain text |
|''htmlencoded'' |The field is displayed with HTML encoding issues |
|''date'' |The field is interpreted as a UTC date and displayed according to the DateFormat specified in the `template` attribute |
|''relativedate'' |The field is interpreted as a UTC date and displayed as the interval from the present instant |
|''stripcomments'' |The field is interpreted as JavaScript source code and any lines beginning `\\#` are stripped |
|''jsencoded'' |The field is displayed as a JavaScript encoded string |
! SubTiddler Access
The view widget allows access to the individual tiddlers stored within a [[plugin|Plugins]].
The following example will view the core version of the tiddler [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]] even if it has been overridden:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '
<$view tiddler="$:/core" subtiddler="$:/DefaultTiddlers"/>
<a class="tc-float-right tc-bordered-image" href="http://classic.tiddlywiki.com/" target="_blank">[img width="200" [TiddlyWiki Classic.png]]</a>
The original [[Classic|TiddlyWikiClassic]] version of TiddlyWiki is still available at:
Note that the [[current version|TiddlyWiki5]] of TiddlyWiki is not fully backwards compatible with TiddlyWikiClassic. Content can be imported but will need massaging to adapt to the new WikiText format. A ''tw2parser'' plugin is under development that will allow faithful display of most content created for TiddlyWikiClassic:
The `tm-add-field` message is handled by the FieldManglerWidget. It adds the specified field with a blank value if the field doesn't already exist.
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Name of field to add |
The add field message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the FieldManglerWidget.
The `tm-add-tag` message is handled by the FieldManglerWidget. It adds the specified tag.
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Name of tag to add |
The add tag message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the FieldManglerWidget.
The autosave wiki message causes the current saver module to perform a background save if it is required.
The autosave wiki message should be generated whenever changes are made to the store. For example, the navigator widget generates the autosave wiki message as part of its handling of the [[WidgetMessage: tm-save-tiddler]], [[WidgetMessage: tm-delete-tiddler]] and [[WidgetMessage: tm-perform-import]].
The autosave wiki message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SaverModule|SaverModules]]. Not all SaverModules can handle autosaving.
The `tm-browser-refresh` message refreshes the page, causing the re-initialisation of any plugin tiddlers. It does not require any properties on the `event` object.
The refresh message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the core.
The `tm-cancel-tiddler` message abandons the changes in a draft tiddler. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is being cancelled out of edit mode |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The cancel tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The `tm-clear-password` message clears the current password from the password vault, clearing the [[$:/isEncrypted]] tiddler. See EncryptionMechanism for details.
This message is typically generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the core itself.
The close all tiddlers message empties the story list.
The close all tiddlers message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The `tm-close-other-tiddlers` message removes all but a specified tiddler from the story list. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is not to be closed |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The close other tiddlers message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The `tm-close-tiddler` message removes a specified tiddler from the story list. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is to be closed |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The close tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The `tm-delete-tiddler` message deletes the specified tiddler and removes it from the current story. If the tiddler is a draft then it also deletes the tiddler specified in the `draft.of` field. The delete tiddler message requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is to be deleted |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The delete tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The download file message causes the current saver module to prompt the user to download the result of parsing a specified template tiddler as a file. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of a tiddler to use as a template for the new tiddler |
|paramObject |Optional hashmap of variable values to use for the rendering |
The download file message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget.
The download file message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SaverModule|SaverModules]].
The `tm-edit-tiddler` message replaces the specified tiddler in the current story with a draft version of itself. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is being switched to edit mode |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The edit tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The fullscreen message toggles the "fullscreen" mode of the browser, if it supports it.
The fullscreen message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core.
The `tm-home` message closes any open tiddlers and re-opens the default tiddlers set in [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]]. It also remove any [[permalink|PermaLinks]] from the browser address bar. It does not require any properties on the `event` object.
The home message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the core.
The `tm-import-tiddlers` message inserts a list of tiddlers into the pending import tiddler [[$:/Import]]. It also applies any active ''upgrader'' modules to each tiddler as it arrives (see the UpgradeMechanism for more details).
|!Name |!Description |
|param |JSON text of the array of tiddlers to be imported |
The import tiddlers message is usually generated with the DropzoneWidget or the BrowseWidget, and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
! Configuration Variables
The variable `tv-auto-open-on-import` controls whether the `tm-import-tiddlers` message automatically triggers the display of the pending import tiddler [[$:/Import]]:
* ''no'': The pending import tiddler is not opened in the story
* ''yes'': The pending import tiddler is opened in th story. This is the default
The login message prompts the user for a username and password and attempts to login to the current serverside host. The tiddler [[$:/status/IsLoggedIn]] reflects the current login status with the values "yes" or "no", and [[$:/status/UserName]] reflects the current username.
The login message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SyncAdaptorModule|SyncAdaptorModules]] (typically the ''tiddlywiki/tiddlywebadaptor'' plugin).
The logout message attempts to log the user out of the current serverside host. The tiddler [[$:/status/IsLoggedIn]] reflects the current login status with the values "yes" or "no", and [[$:/status/UserName]] reflects the current username.
The logout message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SyncAdaptorModule|SyncAdaptorModules]] (typically the ''tiddlywiki/tiddlywebadaptor'' plugin).
The modal message displays a specified tiddler in a modal overlay that dims the main page. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler to be displayed |
|paramObject |Hashmap of variables to be provided to the modal |
The "currentTiddler" variable is set to the title of the modal tiddler, but can be overridden by specifying a different value in `paramObject`.
The modal message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget. The modal message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core.
! Example
Here is an example of displaying a modal and passing parameters to it:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src='Your name: <$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/yourName" tag="input" default="Your name"/>
Your message:
<$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/yourMessage" default="Your message"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-modal" $param="SampleModal" yourName={{$:/temp/yourName}} yourMessage={{$:/temp/yourMessage}}/>
Click me!
The `tm-navigate` message inserts the specified tiddler into the story and puts it at the top of the history stack. If the tiddler is not already present in the story then it will be positioned immediately after the tiddler specified in `event.navigateFromTitle`.
The navigate message requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|navigateTo |Title of the tiddler that is being navigated |
|navigateFromTitle |Title of the tiddler from which the navigation was initiated |
|navigateFromClientRect |Bounding rectangle in client page coordinates of the element initiating the navigation |
|navigateSuppressNavigation |''true'' causes the new tiddler to only be added to the story, and not the history stack. This suppresses the scrolling associated with navigating to a tiddler |
The navigate message can be generated by the LinkWidget, the ActionNavigateWidget and the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The new tiddler message creates a new draft tiddler and adds it to the current story. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |The optional title of a tiddler to use as a template for the new tiddler |
|paramObject |Optional hashmap of additional tiddler fields |
|navigateFromTitle |Title of the tiddler from which the navigation to the new tiddler was initiated |
The title for the draft tiddler is chosen according to these rules:
* If a hashmap was used and a title field was specified, use that title
* If a template tiddler was used, use the title of the template tiddler, making it unique with a numeric suffix
* Otherwise, generate a new title based on the default new tiddler title with a numeric suffix to make it unique
The new tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget or ActionSendMessageWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
! Example
To make a button that creates new tiddlers tagged "task", create a tiddler called "TaskTemplate" with that tag, and then make your button like this:
<$button message="tm-new-tiddler" param="TaskTemplate">New Task</$button>
The notify message briefly displays a specified tiddler as a small alert in the upper right corner of the page. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler to be displayed |
The notify message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core.
The perform import message copies tiddlers from a specified plugin into the main store. See the UpgradeMechanism for an overview of how it is used by the core.
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the pending import tiddler. Defaults to ''$:/Import'' |
To select which tiddlers are to be imported, fields with names formed from `selection-` plus the title of the tiddler are used. The value ''unchecked'' causes the tiddler to be skipped from the import.
The perform import message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The `tm-permalink` message changes the browser address bar to form a [[permalink|PermaLinks]] to a specified tiddler, defaulting to the current tiddler.
The permalink message supports the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler to be permalinked |
|tiddlerTitle |The current tiddler (used by default if the tiddler title isn't specified in the `param`) |
The permalink message can be generated by the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the story mechanism.
The `tm-permaview` message changes the browser address bar to form a [[permaview|PermaLinks]] that specifies all the open tiddlers in the main story river, and the tiddler to be navigated, defaulting to the current tiddler.
The permaview message supports the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler to be navigated within the permaview |
|tiddlerTitle |The current tiddler (used by default if the tiddler title isn't specified in the `param`) |
The permaview message can be generated by the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the story mechanism.
The `tm-remove-field` message is handled by the FieldManglerWidget. It removes the specified field.
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Name of field to remove |
The remove field message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the FieldManglerWidget.
The `tm-remove-tag` message is handled by the FieldManglerWidget. It removes the specified tag.
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Name of tag to remove |
The remove tag message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the FieldManglerWidget.
The `tm-save-tiddler` message is applied to draft tiddlers. It saves the draft over the tiddler identified in the `draft.of` field and then deletes the draft. The save tiddler message requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is being switched out of edit mode |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The save tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The save wiki message causes the current saver module to perform a full save operation. The save operation can involve user interaction. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of a tiddler to use as a template for rendering the wiki (defaults to `$:/core/save/all`) |
|paramObject |Optional hashmap of variable values to use for the rendering |
The save wiki message is usually generated by the ButtonWidget.
The save wiki message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SaverModule|SaverModules]].
The server refresh message attempts to synchronise the latest changes to the current serverside host.
The server refresh message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SyncAdaptorModule|SyncAdaptorModules]] (typically the ''tiddlywiki/tiddlywebadaptor'' plugin).
The `tm-set-password` message prompts the user for a new password and stores it in the password vault, replacing any existing password. It also sets the [[$:/isEncrypted]] tiddler. See EncryptionMechanism for details.
This message is typically generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the core itself.
Widgets add dynamic functionality to WikiText.
The following widgets are built into the core:
<<list-links "[tag[Widgets]]">>
Widgets provide rich functionality within WikiText. They have the same syntax as [[HTML elements|HTML in WikiText]], but the tag name always starts with `$`. For example:
<$button message="tm-close-tiddler">Close Me!</$button>
Note that widgets inherit all the features of [[HTML in WikiText]]:
* Widget attributes can be specified as:
** Unquoted strings (that cannot contain spaces)
** Strings quoted with single or double quotes
** Strings quoted with triple-double quotes
** Macro invocations (eg `attr=<<myMacro>>`)
** Transclusions (eg, `attr={{MyTiddler!!field}}`)
* The content of a widget is parsed in inline mode unless the opening tag is followed by two linebreaks, which forces block mode
** 'Inline mode' means that 'block mode' parse rules like headings, tables and lists are not recognised
See [[HTML in WikiText]] for more details.
The available widgets include:
<<list-links "[tag[Widgets]]">>
! Mechanism
The ''currentTiddler'' variable contains the title of the current tiddler.
The ListWidget assigns the list result to the ''currentTiddler'' variable, unless the `variable` attribute is specified.
A couple of [[Widgets]] and [[Macros]] by default apply to the tiddler according to the ''currentTiddler'' variable.
The TranscludeWidget (or WikiText `{{||TemplateTitle}}`) transcludes a tiddler without changing the ''currentTiddler'' variable.
! Using currentTiddler Variable
These mechanisms together allow you to write references like `<$view field="title" format="link"/>` in TemplateTiddlers or inside the ListWidget hierarchy without explicitly specifying the tiddler that it applies to.
See also [[WidgetVariable: storyTiddler]] and [[WidgetVariable: currentTiddler]]
The ''storyTiddler'' variable is set by the [[default viewtemplate|$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate]] to the name of the current tiddler within tiddlers in the story river, and is not defined within the sidebar.
See also [[WidgetVariable: currentTiddler]]
! Mechanism
The ''transclusion'' variable is set automatically by the transclude widget to contain a string that identifies the position of the current node within the widget tree. In the sidebar it is set to `{|$:/core/ui/PageTemplate/sidebar|||}` and within the tiddler "HelloThere" in the story river it is set to `{HelloThere|HelloThere|||}`. Each nested level of transclusion appends another curly bracketed list of symbols.
The QualifyMacro uses the ''transclusion'' variable to identify the stack of transcluded tiddlers.
! Example
\define mymacro()
Hello from mymacro
<$list filter="[<transclusion>prefix[{|$:/core/ui/PageTemplate/sidebar|||}]]" emptyMessage="in a tiddler">
in the sidebar
Result in story tiddler
Hello from mymacro in a tiddler
Result in the sidebar
Hello from mymacro in the sidebar
Groups of uniquely titled tiddlers are contained in WikiStore objects.
The WikiStore also manages the plugin modules used for widgets, and operations like serializing, deserializing, parsing and rendering tiddlers.
~WikiText is a concise, expressive way of typing a wide range of text formatting, hypertext and interactive features. It allows you to focus on writing without a complex user interface getting in the way. It is designed to be familiar for users of [[MarkDown|http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/]], but with more of a focus on linking and the interactive features.
See [[Formatting text in TiddlyWiki]] for an introduction to WikiText.
The following elements of WikiText syntax are built into the core:
<<list-links "[tag[WikiText]]">>
Under Windows it is possible to convert TiddlyWiki into a true local application by renaming the HTML file to have the extension `*.hta`. The ''fsosaver'' module can then use the ~ActiveX ~FileSystemObject to save changes.
Note that one disadvantage of this approach is that the TiddlyWiki file is saved in UTF-16 format, making it up to twice as large as it would be with the usual UTF-8 encoding. However, opening and saving the file via another saving method will re-encode the file to UTF-8.
See Wikipedia for more details: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML_Application
! Introduction
If you want to [[contribute|Contributing]] to TiddlyWiki's development, rather than [[installing TiddlyWiki in the usual way|Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js]], you can work directly with the GitHub repository.
Mario Pietsch has created a [[short video introduction|Working with the TiddlyWiki5 repository video]].
! Setting Up
# Create an account on GitHub if you don't already have one
# Fork the TiddlyWiki5 GitHub repository from https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5
# Clone a local copy of your fork
# Open a command line terminal and change the current working directory to the root of the repo
# Type `npm link` (Windows) or `sudo npm link` (Mac/Linux) to tell [[npm]] to use this copy of the repo as the globally installed one
After this procedure you can work with TiddlyWiki5 via [[npm]] as though it were installed in the usual way with `npm install -g tiddlywiki`.
See also [[Scripts for TiddlyWiki on Node.js]].
Mario Pietsch has created a short video tutorial on [[working with the TiddlyWiki5 GitHub repository|Working with the TiddlyWiki5 repository]].
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/6ElUruH92tc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Information to help you get started using TiddlyWiki:
<<list-links "[tag[Working with TiddlyWiki]]">>
@@.ltgray Genealogy@@ @@.sky Childhood events@@<br>
@@.yellow Teachings@@ @@.gold Parables@@ @@.orange Woes@@ @@.red Disputes@@ @@.burgundy Passion predictions@@<br>
@@.pink1 Conversations w/ others@@ @@.pink2 John the Baptist@@<br>
@@.green Miracles@@ @@.gray Narrator comments@@<br>
@@.blue Passion events@@ @@.purple Resurrection events@@
''Hover'' over a box to see the passage and description. ''Click the link'' in the box to open the passage and take notes.
|1|<span class="tooltip"><span class="ltgray"><$link to="Matthew 1.1-17 - Jesus' genealogy">A</$link></span><span class="tooltiptext">Matthew 1.1-17 - Jesus' genealogy</span></span><span class="tooltip"><span class="sky"><$link to="Matthew 1.18-25 - Jesus' birth">A</$link></span><span class="tooltiptext">Matthew 1.18-25 - Jesus' birth</span></span>|15|<span class="tooltip"><span class="red"><$link to="Matthew 15.1-9 - Dispute over uncleanness">A</$link></span><span class="tooltiptext">Matthew 15.1-9 - Dispute over uncleanness</span></span><span class="tooltip"><span class="gold"><$link to="Matthew 15.10-11 - A 'parable' of uncleanness">A</$link></span><span class="tooltiptext">Matthew 15.10-11 - A 'parable' of uncleanness</span></span><span class="tooltip"><span class="yellow"><$link to="Matthew 15.12-14 - The Pharisees are blind guides">A</$link></span><span class="tooltiptext">Matthew 15.12-14 - The Pharisees are blind guides</span></span><span class="tooltip"><span class="yellow"><$link to="Matthew 15.15-20 - Explanation of the parable of uncleanness">A</$link></span><span class="tooltiptext">Matthew 15.15-20 - Explanation of the parable of uncleanness</span></span><span class="tooltip"><span class="green"><$link to="Matthew 15.21-28 - The request of the Canaanite woman">A</$link></span><span class="tooltiptext">Matthew 15.21-28 - The request of the Canaanite woman</span></span><span class="tooltip"><span class="green"><$link to="Matthew 15.29-39 - Jesus feeds 4,000 people">A</$link></span><span class="tooltiptext">Matthew 15.29-39 - Jesus feeds 4,000 people</span></span>|
|2|<span class="tooltip"><span class="sky"><$link to="Matthew 2.1-12 - The visit of the Magi">A</$link></span><span class="tooltiptext">Matthew 2.1-12 - The visit of the Magi</span></span><span class="tooltip"><span class="sky"><$link to="Matthew 2.13-18 - Jesus' family escapes to Egypt">A</$link></span><span class="tooltiptext">Matthew 2.13-18 - Jesus' family escapes to Egypt</span></span><span class="tooltip"><span class="sky"><$link to="Matthew 2.19-23 - Jesus' family settles in Nazareth">A</$link></span><span class="tooltiptext">Matthew 2.19-23 - Jesus' family settles in Nazareth</span></span>|16|<span class="tooltip"><span class="red"><$link to="Matthew 16.1-4 - The request for a sign">A</$link></span><span class="tooltiptext">Matthew 16.1-4 - The request for a sign</span></span><span class="tooltip"><span class="yellow"><$link to="Matthew 16.5-12 - The yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees">A</$link></span><span class="tooltiptext">Matthew 16.5-12 - The yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees</span></span><span class="tooltip"><span class="yellow"><$link to="Matthew 16.13-20 - Peter's confession">A</$link></span><span class="tooltiptext">Matthew 16.13-20 - Peter's confession</span></span><span class="tooltip"><span class="burgundy"><$link to="Matthew 16.21 - Jesus predicts his passion">A</$link></span><span class="tooltiptext">Matthew 16.21 - Jesus predicts his passion</span></span><span class="tooltip"><span class="yellow"><$link to="Matthew 16.22-28 - Jesus rebukes Peter and insists on sacrificial discipleship">A</$link></span><span class="tooltiptext">Matthew 16.22-28 - Jesus rebukes Peter and insists on sacrificial discipleship</span></span>|
|3|<span class="pink2"><$link to="Matthew 3.1-12" tooltip="Matthew 3.1-12 - The ministry of John the Baptist">A</$link></span><span class="pink2"><$link to="Matthew 3.13-17" tooltip="Matthew 3.13-17 - John baptizes Jesus">A</$link></span>|17|<span class="green"><$link to="Matthew 17.1-8" tooltip="Matthew 17.1-8 - The transfiguration">A</$link></span><span class="yellow"><$link to="Matthew 17.9-13" tooltip="Matthew 17.9-13 - Jesus explains about Elijah">A</$link></span><span class="green"><$link to="Matthew 17.14-18" tooltip="Matthew 17.14-18 - The demon-posessed boy">A</$link></span><span class="yellow"><$link to="Matthew 17.19-21" tooltip="Matthew 17.19-21 - Jesus explains the difficulty of the exorcism">A</$link></span><span class="burgundy"><$link to="Matthew 17.22-23" tooltip="Matthew 17.22-23 - Jesus predicts his passion">A</$link></span><span class="yellow"><$link to="Matthew 17.24-27" tooltip="Matthew 17.24-27 - Jesus pays the temple tax">A</$link></span>|
|4|<span class="red"><$link to="Matthew 4.1-11" tooltip="Matthew 4.1-11 - The devil tempts Jesus">A</$link></span><span class="gray"><$link to="Matthew 4.12-17" tooltip="Matthew 4.12-17 - The beginning of Jesus' ministry">A</$link></span><span class="yellow"><$link to="Matthew 4.18-22" tooltip="Matthew 4.18-22 - Jesus calls his first disciples">A</$link></span><span class="gray"><$link to="Matthew 4.23-25" tooltip="Matthew 4.23-25 - The popularity of Jesus' healing ministry">A</$link></span>|18|<span class="yellow"><$link to="Matthew 18.1-11" tooltip="Matthew 18.1-11 - Becoming like little children">A</$link></span><span class="gold"><$link to="Matthew 18.12-14" tooltip="Matthew 18.12-14 - The parable of the lost sheep">A</$link></span><span class="yellow"><$link to="Matthew 18.15-20" tooltip="Matthew 18.15-20 - Procedure when sinned against">A</$link></span><span class="gold"><$link to="Matthew 18.21-35" tooltip="Matthew 18.21-35 - The parable of the unmerciful servant">A</$link></span>|
|5|<span class="yellow"><$link to="Matthew 5.1-12" tooltip="Matthew 5.1-12 - The beatitudes">A</$link></span><span class="yellow"><$link to="Matthew 5.13" tooltip="Matthew 5.13 - The salt of the earth">A</$link></span><span class="yellow"><$link to="Matthew 5.14-16" tooltip="Matthew 5.14-16 - The light of the world">A</$link></span><span class="yellow"><$link to="Matthew 5.17-20" tooltip="Matthew 5.17-20 - Jesus came to fulfill the law">A</$link></span><span class="yellow"><$link to="Matthew 5.21-26" tooltip="Matthew 5.21-26 - Antithesis about murder">A</$link></span><span class="yellow"><$link to="Matthew 5.27-30" tooltip="Matthew 5.27-30 - Antithesis about adultery">A</$link></span><span class="yellow"><$link to="Matthew 5.31-32" tooltip="Matthew 5.31-32 - Antithesis about divorce">A</$link></span><span class="yellow"><$link to="Matthew 5.33-37" tooltip="Matthew 5.33-37 - Antithesis about oaths">A</$link></span><span class="yellow"><$link to="Matthew 5.38-42" tooltip="Matthew 5.38-42 - Antithesis about revenge">A</$link></span><span class="yellow"><$link to="Matthew 5.43-48" tooltip="Matthew 5.43-48 - Antithesis about love">A</$link></span>|19|<span class="gray"><$link to="Matthew 19.1-2" tooltip="Matthew 19.1-2 - Jesus travels to Judea">A</$link></span><span class="red"><$link to="Matthew 19.3-12" tooltip="Matthew 19.3-12 - Dispute over divorce">A</$link></span><span class="yellow"><$link to="Matthew 19.13-15" tooltip="Matthew 19.13-15 - Jesus welcomes little children">A</$link></span><span class="pink1"><$link to="Matthew 19.16-24" tooltip="Matthew 19.16-24 - The rich young man">A</$link></span><span class="yellow"><$link to="Matthew 19.25-30" tooltip="Matthew 19.25-30 - Jesus on riches and salvation">A</$link></span>|
|6|<span class="yellow"><$link to="Matthew 6.1-4" tooltip="Matthew 6.1-4 - Giving in secret">A</$link></span><span class="yellow"><$link to="Matthew 6.5-8" tooltip="Matthew 6.5-8 - Praying in secret">A</$link></span><span class="yellow"><$link to="Matthew 6.9-15" tooltip="Matthew 6.9-15 - The Lord's prayer">A</$link></span><span class="yellow"><$link to="Matthew 6.16-18" tooltip="Matthew 6.16-18 - Fasting in secret">A</$link></span><span class="yellow"><$link to="Matthew 6.19-21" tooltip="Matthew 6.19-21 - Treasures in heaven">A</$link></span><span class="yellow"><$link to="Matthew 6.22-23" tooltip="Matthew 6.22-23 - The eye is a lamp">A</$link></span><span class="yellow"><$link to="Matthew 6.24" tooltip="Matthew 6.24 - Serving two masters">A</$link></span><span class="yellow"><$link to="Matthew 6.25-34" tooltip="Matthew 6.25-34 - Do not worry">A</$link></span>|20|<span class="gold"><$link to="Matthew 20.1-16" tooltip="Matthew 20.1-16 - The parable of the workers in the vineyard">A</$link></span><span class="burgundy"><$link to="Matthew 20.17-19" tooltip="Matthew 20.17-19 - Jesus predicts his passion">A</$link></span><span class="yellow"><$link to="Matthew 20.20-28" tooltip="Matthew 20.20-28 - James and John request thrones next to Jesus">A</$link></span><span class="green"><$link to="Matthew 20.29-34" tooltip="Matthew 20.29-34 - The healing of two blind men from Jericho">A</$link></span>|
|7|<span class="yellow"><$link to="Matthew 7.1-5" tooltip="Matthew 7.1-5 - Do not judge">A</$link></span><span class="yellow"><$link to="Matthew 7.6" tooltip="Matthew 7.6 - Throwing jewels to dogs and pigs">A</$link></span><span class="yellow"><$link to="Matthew 7.7-12" tooltip="Matthew 7.7-12 - The Father answers his children's prayers">A</$link></span><span class="yellow"><$link to="Matthew 7.13-14" tooltip="Matthew 7.13-14 - The narrow and wide gates">A</$link></span><span class="yellow"><$link to="Matthew 7.15-20" tooltip="Matthew 7.15-20 - Trees are known by their fruit">A</$link></span><span class="yellow"><$link to="Matthew 7.21-23" tooltip="Matthew 7.21-23 - Not everyone will enter the kingdom">A</$link></span><span class="yellow"><$link to="Matthew 7.24-27" tooltip="Matthew 7.24-27 - The wise and foolish builders">A</$link></span><span class="gray"><$link to="Matthew 7.28" tooltip="Matthew 7.28 - The crowd's reaction to the sermon">A</$link></span>|21|<span class="blue"><$link to="Matthew 21.1-11" tooltip="Matthew 21.1-11 - The triumphal entry">A</$link></span><span class="red"><$link to="Matthew 21.12-17" tooltip="Matthew 21.12-17 - Jesus throws out the money-changers">A</$link></span><span class="green"><$link to="Matthew 21.18-22" tooltip="Matthew 21.18-22 - Jesus curses the fig tree">A</$link></span><span class="red"><$link to="Matthew 21.23-27" tooltip="Matthew 21.23-27 - Dispute over Jesus' authority">A</$link></span><span class="gold"><$link to="Matthew 21.28-32" tooltip="Matthew 21.28-32 - The parable of the two sons">A</$link></span><span class="gold"><$link to="Matthew 21.33-44" tooltip="Matthew 21.33-44 - The parable of the tenants">A</$link></span><span class="gray"><$link to="Matthew 21.45-46" tooltip="Matthew 21.45-46 - The reaction of the leaders to the parables">A</$link></span>|
|8|<span class="green"><$link to="Matthew 8.1-4" tooltip="Matthew 8.1-4 - Jesus heals a leper">A</$link></span><span class="green"><$link to="Matthew 8.5-13" tooltip="Matthew 8.5-13 - Jesus heals a centurion's servant">A</$link></span><span class="green"><$link to="Matthew 8.14-15" tooltip="Matthew 8.14-15 - Jesus heals Peter's mother-in-law">A</$link></span><span class="gray"><$link to="Matthew 8.16-17" tooltip="Matthew 8.16-17 - Summary of Jesus' healing ministry">A</$link></span><span class="pink1"><$link to="Matthew 8.18-20" tooltip="Matthew 8.18-20 - A would-be disciple">A</$link></span><span class="pink1"><$link to="Matthew 8.21-22" tooltip="Matthew 8.21-22 - Another would-be disciple">A</$link></span><span class="green"><$link to="Matthew 8.23-27" tooltip="Matthew 8.23-27 - Jesus calms the storm">A</$link></span><span class="green"><$link to="Matthew 8.28-34" tooltip="Matthew 8.28-34 - Jesus frees two demon-possessed men">A</$link></span>|22|<span class="gold"><$link to="Matthew 22.1-14" tooltip="Matthew 22.1-14 - The parable of the wedding banquet">A</$link></span><span class="red"><$link to="Matthew 22.15-22" tooltip="Matthew 22.15-22 - The dispute over taxes to Caesar">A</$link></span><span class="red"><$link to="Matthew 22.23-33" tooltip="Matthew 22.23-33 - The dispute over the resurrection">A</$link></span><span class="red"><$link to="Matthew 22.34-40" tooltip="Matthew 22.34-40 - The dispute over the greatest commandment">A</$link></span><span class="red"><$link to="Matthew 22.41-46" tooltip="Matthew 22.41-46 - The dispute over the Messiah as David's son">A</$link></span>|
|9|<span class="green"><$link to="Matthew 9.1-8" tooltip="Matthew 9.1-8 - The dispute over the healing of the paralytic">A</$link></span><span class="red"><$link to="Matthew 9.1-8" tooltip="Matthew 9.1-8 - The dispute over the healing of the paralytic">A</$link></span><span class="red"><$link to="Matthew 9.9-13" tooltip="Matthew 9.9-13 - The dispute over tax collectors as disciples">A</$link></span><span class="red"><$link to="Matthew 9.14-17" tooltip="Matthew 9.14-17 - The dispute over fasting">A</$link></span><span class="orange"><$link to="Matthew 9.14-17" tooltip="Matthew 9.14-17 - The dispute over fasting">A</$link></span><span class="green"><$link to="Matthew 9.18-26" tooltip="Matthew 9.18-26 - Miracles for a ruler's daughter and a bleeding woman">A</$link></span><span class="green"><$link to="Matthew 9.27-31" tooltip="Matthew 9.27-31 - The healing of two blind men">A</$link></span><span class="green"><$link to="Matthew 9.32-34" tooltip="Matthew 9.32-34 - The healing of a mute demon-possessed man">A</$link></span><span class="yellow"><$link to="Matthew 9.35-37" tooltip="Matthew 9.35-37 - Jesus' compassion / prayer for workers">A</$link></span>|23|<span class="yellow"><$link to="Matthew 23.1-12" tooltip="Matthew 23.1-12 - Jesus' disciples must not be like the religious leaders">A</$link></span><span class="orange"><$link to="Matthew 23.13-14" tooltip="Matthew 23.13-14 - Woe #1: shutting the kingdom of heaven">A</$link></span><span class="orange"><$link to="Matthew 23.15" tooltip="Matthew 23.15 - Woe #2: hellish evangelism">A</$link></span><span class="orange"><$link to="Matthew 23.16-22" tooltip="Matthew 23.16-22 - Woe #3: swearing by the gold of the temple">A</$link></span><span class="orange"><$link to="Matthew 23.23-24" tooltip="Matthew 23.23-24 - Woe #4: tithing without justice">A</$link></span><span class="orange"><$link to="Matthew 23.25-26" tooltip="Matthew 23.25-26 - Woe #5: cleansing only the outside">A</$link></span><span class="orange"><$link to="Matthew 23.27-28" tooltip="Matthew 23.27-28 - Woe #6: white-washed tombs">A</$link></span><span class="orange"><$link to="Matthew 23.29-36" tooltip="Matthew 23.29-36 - Woe #7: tombs for the prophets">A</$link></span><span class="orange"><$link to="Matthew 23.37-39" tooltip="Matthew 23.37-39 - Lament for Jerusalem">A</$link></span>|
|10|<span class="gray"><$link to="Matthew 10.1-4" tooltip="Matthew 10.1-4 - The calling of the twelve disciples">A</$link></span><span class="yellow"><$link to="Matthew 10.5-42" tooltip="Matthew 10.5-42 - The missionary discourse">A</$link></span>|24|<span class="yellow"><$link to="Matthew 24.1-41" tooltip="Matthew 24.1-41 - The eschatological discourse">A</$link></span><span class="gold"><$link to="Matthew 24.42-44" tooltip="Matthew 24.42-44 - The parable of the thief and the home owner">A</$link></span><span class="gold"><$link to="Matthew 24.45-51" tooltip="Matthew 24.45-51 - The parable of the two servants">A</$link></span>|
|11|<span class="gray"><$link to="Matthew 11.1" tooltip="Matthew 11.1 - Jesus sends his disciples on a mission">A</$link></span><span class="pink1"><$link to="Matthew 11.2-6" tooltip="Matthew 11.2-6 - John's question from prison">A</$link></span><span class="yellow"><$link to="Matthew 11.7-19" tooltip="Matthew 11.7-19 - Jesus' teaching about John">A</$link></span><span class="orange"><$link to="Matthew 11.20-24" tooltip="Matthew 11.20-24 - Woe against Korazin and Bethsaida">A</$link></span><span class="yellow"><$link to="Matthew 11.25-30" tooltip="Matthew 11.25-30 - Jesus offers rest to the weary">A</$link></span>|25|<span class="gold"><$link to="Matthew 25.1-13" tooltip="Matthew 25.1-13 - The parable of the ten virgins">A</$link></span><span class="gold"><$link to="Matthew 25.14-30" tooltip="Matthew 25.14-30 - The parable of the talents">A</$link></span><span class="gold"><$link to="Matthew 25.31-46" tooltip="Matthew 25.31-46 - The 'parable' of the sheep and the goats">A</$link></span>|
|12|<span class="red"><$link to="Matthew 12.1-8" tooltip="Matthew 12.1-8 - Dispute over grains on the Sabbath">A</$link></span><span class="red"><$link to="Matthew 12.9-14" tooltip="Matthew 12.9-14 - Dispute over healing on the Sabbath">A</$link></span><span class="gray"><$link to="Matthew 12.15-21" tooltip="Matthew 12.15-21 - Jesus is the Servant of Isaiah">A</$link></span><span class="green"><$link to="Matthew 12.22-37" tooltip="Matthew 12.22-37 - Miracle and dispute over Beelzbub">A</$link></span><span class="red"><$link to="Matthew 12.22-37" tooltip="Matthew 12.22-37 - Miracle and dispute over Beelzbub">A</$link></span><span class="red"><$link to="Matthew 12.38-42" tooltip="Matthew 12.38-42 - The request for a sign">A</$link></span><span class="gold"><$link to="Matthew 12.43-45" tooltip="Matthew 12.43-45 - The parable of the evil spirits">A</$link></span><span class="yellow"><$link to="Matthew 12.46-50" tooltip="Matthew 12.46-50 - Jesus' mother and brothers">A</$link></span>|26|<span class="blue"><$link to="Matthew 26.1-5" tooltip="Matthew 26.1-5 - The leaders plot against Jesus">A</$link></span><span class="blue"><$link to="Matthew 26.6-13" tooltip="Matthew 26.6-13 - A woman anoints Jesus">A</$link></span><span class="blue"><$link to="Matthew 26.14-16" tooltip="Matthew 26.14-16 - Judas agrees to betray Jesus">A</$link></span><span class="blue"><$link to="Matthew 26.17-30" tooltip="Matthew 26.17-30 - Jesus predicts his betrayal and celebrates the Lord's Supper">A</$link></span><span class="blue"><$link to="Matthew 26.31-35" tooltip="Matthew 26.31-35 - Jesus predicts Peter's betrayal">A</$link></span><span class="blue"><$link to="Matthew 26.36-46" tooltip="Matthew 26.36-46 - Jesus prays at Gethsemane">A</$link></span><span class="blue"><$link to="Matthew 26.47-56" tooltip="Matthew 26.47-56 - Jesus' arrest">A</$link></span><span class="blue"><$link to="Matthew 26.57-68" tooltip="Matthew 26.57-68 - Jesus' Jewish trial">A</$link></span><span class="blue"><$link to="Matthew 26.69-75" tooltip="Matthew 26.69-75 - Peter denies Jesus">A</$link></span>|
|13|<span class="gold"><$link to="Matthew 13.1-9" tooltip="Matthew 13.1-9 - The parable of the sower">A</$link></span><span class="yellow"><$link to="Matthew 13.10-17" tooltip="Matthew 13.10-17 - The purpose of the parables">A</$link></span><span class="yellow"><$link to="Matthew 13.18-23" tooltip="Matthew 13.18-23 - The explanation of the parable of the sower">A</$link></span><span class="gold"><$link to="Matthew 13.24-30" tooltip="Matthew 13.24-30 - The parable of the weeds">A</$link></span><span class="gold"><$link to="Matthew 13.31-32" tooltip="Matthew 13.31-32 - The parable of the mustard seed">A</$link></span><span class="gold"><$link to="Matthew 13.33" tooltip="Matthew 13.33 - The parable of the yeast">A</$link></span><span class="gray"><$link to="Matthew 13.34-35" tooltip="Matthew 13.34-35 - A comment on the parables">A</$link></span><span class="yellow"><$link to="Matthew 13.36-43" tooltip="Matthew 13.36-43 - The explanation of the parable of the weeds">A</$link></span><span class="gold"><$link to="Matthew 13.44" tooltip="Matthew 13.44 - The parable of the hidden treasure">A</$link></span><span class="gold"><$link to="Matthew 13.45-46" tooltip="Matthew 13.45-46 - The parable of the pearl">A</$link></span><span class="gold"><$link to="Matthew 13.47-52" tooltip="Matthew 13.47-52 - The parable of the dragnet">A</$link></span><span class="gray"><$link to="Matthew 13.53-58" tooltip="Matthew 13.53-58 - Jesus is rejected in his hometown">A</$link></span>|27||
|14|<span class="pink2"><$link to="Matthew 14.1-12" tooltip="Matthew 14.1-12 - The execution of John the Baptist">A</$link></span><span class="green"><$link to="Matthew 14.13-21" tooltip="Matthew 14.13-21 - Jesus feeds 5,000 people">A</$link></span><span class="green"><$link to="Matthew 14.22-36" tooltip="Matthew 14.22-36 - Jesus walks on water">A</$link></span>|28|<span class="purple"><$link to="Matthew 28.1-10" tooltip="Matthew 28.1-10 - The resurrection of Jesus">A</$link></span><span class="purple"><$link to="Matthew 28.11-15" tooltip="Matthew 28.11-15 - The report of the guards">A</$link></span><span class="yellow"><$link to="Matthew 28.16-20" tooltip="Matthew 28.16-20 - The great commission">A</$link></span>|
<span class="blue"><$link to="Matthew 27." tooltip="Matthew 27. - The 'parable' of the sheep and the goats">A</$link></span>
<span class="blue"><$link to="Matthew 25.31-46" tooltip="Matthew 25.31-46 - The 'parable' of the sheep and the goats">A</$link></span>
<span class="blue"><$link to="Matthew 25.31-46" tooltip="Matthew 25.31-46 - The 'parable' of the sheep and the goats">A</$link></span>
<span class="blue"><$link to="Matthew 25.31-46" tooltip="Matthew 25.31-46 - The 'parable' of the sheep and the goats">A</$link></span>
<span class="purple"><$link to="Matthew 25.31-46" tooltip="Matthew 25.31-46 - The 'parable' of the sheep and the goats">A</$link></span>
<span class="purple"><$link to="Matthew 25.31-46" tooltip="Matthew 25.31-46 - The 'parable' of the sheep and the goats">A</$link></span>|
The menus on the left and the two table of contents tabs in the sidebar to the right are the interesting parts, try clicking on one of the entries. You can also click on the {{$:/core/images/chevron-down}} icon at the top of the screen to see the menu presented in a different way.
This is still in development, I may change the name and possibly other stuff. Like letting you set the icons used.
''__Usage:__'' `<<MobileMenu "RootTag" "MenuName" "Type" "MenuTitle" "Subtitle" "Body" "ListField">>`
|!Name |!Description |
|~RootTag |The tag that defines the root of the menu, like the root tag of the table of contents (Default: `RootTag`) |
|~MenuName |A unique name for the menu (Default: `Menu`)|
|Type |The type of menu, currently options are `Menu`, `TOC` and `TOC-Selective` (Default: `Menu`) |
|~MenuTitle |This is the title displayed above the menu, not the name that is used to track the state of the menu. Two menus can have the same title and be independent, but if two menus share the same name they won't be independent of each other. (Default: No title shown) |
|Subtitle |If this is set as `Subtitle` than the subtitle field of the tiddler will be shown in the menu above the list of current menu items (Default: no subtitle shown) |
|Body |If this is set as `Body` than the body (text field) of the tiddler will be shown in the menu below the list of current menu items (Default: body not shown) |
|~ListField |If a value is given for `ListField` than the list in that field of each tiddler is used to determine what is listed in the corresponding sub-menu. If this is given it overrides anything given for `RootTag` (No default) |
''__Differences for the table of contents versions:__''
*Clicking on the tiddler name opens up the tiddler
*Clicking on the arrow icon moves through the table of contents just like in the normal menu version
*''Only `TOC-Selective` type'' - Icons only appear next to tiddlers that have children in the table of contents (I need to look at the core toc macros to see how they line up the tiddler names when there isn't an icon)
__How it works:__
You give the macro two parameters, `RootTag` and `MenuName`, the root tag determines the items that appear on the first level of the menu. `MenuName` is a unique name for that menu. You don't strictly need to have unique names, but if you don't than every menu that shares a name will change with all of the others. Both `RootTag` and `MenuName` have default values so just using `<<MakeMenu>>` will work if you are willing to have `RootTag` be your root tag.
The organization is the same as in the table of contents macros.
Initially you see the list of tiddlers with the root tag, when you click on one than the list is replaced by the tidders tagged with that item. If you are not at the root than a button labeled with {{$:/core/images/chevron-left}} and the name of the tiddler the current list is tagged with will appear at the top, clicking on this button will move you back one level.
Each entry displays the tiddler name with the content of the tiddler (if any) below the name, and below that a list of any tiddlers tagged with the current tiddler. So if you want something other than just the list of tagged tiddlers to show up just put it in the tiddler where you want it to display.
So to add entries to the menu just make a tiddler and tag it with either `Top Level` to put it on the root menu, or tag it with the appropriate tiddler.
__Some stuff:__
*You can have as many menus as you want by giving each one a unique name
*The menus display the contents of the caption field, if one exists in the tiddler, otherwise it uses the tiddler title.
*The menus will display the caption (or name) of the current tiddler, the subtitle below that, a list of the entries at that level below the subtitle and the contents of the tiddler body below that.
*The menu can go to an arbitrary depth, so add as many levels as you want
*The menu 'remembers' how you got to a where you are, so if you have the same entry two places in the menu when you back out you will go up the menu tree the same way you went down.
*I will probably change the names of things at some point
*This doesn't require the icon menus plugin, I just found it convenient to use the two together.
*I am not good with css, and the tiddlywiki popups go away after you click inside them once, so the floating menu uses a normal reveal to display. If anyone wants to help with the css to make that work nicer that would be awesome.
*I may add an option to let you specify a filter in place of a list, so you could give each tiddler a filter that would determine which tiddlers are listed under it.
__Required tiddlers:__
This is the only tiddler needed, options are set by input parameters.
The main content of the tiddler is shown here.
Something interesting here, buttons or something.
Some content for item 2 that I am far to lazy to make
<<MobileMenu "Top Level" "Test2" Menu "This menu shows the tiddler subtitles, but not the body" Subtitle Body>>
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/floatingmenuicon" text=show>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set="$:/state/floatingmenuicon" setTo=show tooltip='Floating menu demo'>{{$:/core/images/chevron-down}}</$button> <- Click here to show floating menu
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/floatingmenuicon" text=show>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set="$:/state/floatingmenuicon" setTo=hide tooltip='Floating menu demo'>{{$:/core/images/chevron-up}}</$button>
<- Click here to hide floating menu<div class="tc-drop-down">
<<MobileMenu "Top Level" "Floating Menu">>
\define inmysocksMobileMenusMakeState(MenuName)
\define inmysocksMobileMenusMakeParentState(MenuName)
\define inmysocksMobileMenusEmptyMessage(MenuName MenuType)
<$reveal type='match' state="Menu Macro!!normal_menu" text=$MenuType$>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>
<$tiddler tiddler={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}}>
''<$view field=caption>
<$view field=title/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value=''/>
<$reveal type='match' state="Menu Macro!!table_of_contents" text=$MenuType$>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value=''/>
<$link to={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}}>
''<$view tiddler={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}} field=caption><$view tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' field=text/></$view>''
<$reveal type='match' state="Menu Macro!!table_of_contents_selective" text=$MenuType$>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value=''/>
<$link to={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}}>
''<$view tiddler={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}} field=caption><$view tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' field=text/></$view>''
\define inmysocksMobileMenusEmptyMessage2(MenuName MenuType)
<$list filter='[tag<CurrentTiddler>]'>
<$reveal type='match' state="Menu Macro!!normal_menu" text=$MenuType$ tag=span>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set=<<inmysocksMobileMenusMakeState """$MenuName$""">> setTo=<<currentTiddler>>>
{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}<$view tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field='caption'><$view tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field='title'/></$view>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value={{!!title}}/>
<$reveal type='match' state="Menu Macro!!table_of_contents" text=$MenuType$>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set=<<inmysocksMobileMenusMakeState """$MenuName$""" """$MenuType$""">> setTo=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value={{!!title}}/>
<$link to=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$view tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field='caption'><$view tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field='title'/></$view>
<$reveal type='match' state="Menu Macro!!table_of_contents_selective" text=$MenuType$>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set=<<inmysocksMobileMenusMakeState """$MenuName$""" """$MenuType$""">> setTo=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value={{!!title}}/>
<$link to=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$view tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field='caption'><$view tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field='title'/></$view>
\define inmysocksMobileMenusTemplate(MenuName MenuType)
<$set name=CurrentTiddler value={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}}>
<$list filter='[text<CurrentTiddler>removeprefix[$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/]]-[[current]]+[limit[1]]' variable=ParentTiddler emptyMessage=<<inmysocksMobileMenusEmptyMessage2 """$MenuName$""" """$MenuType$""">>>
<$list filter='[tag<CurrentTiddler>]' variable=ThisTiddler2>
<$reveal type='match' state="Menu Macro!!normal_menu" text=$MenuType$>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set=<<inmysocksMobileMenusMakeState """$MenuName$""">> setTo=<<ThisTiddler2>>>
{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}<$view tiddler=<<ThisTiddler2>> field='caption'><$view tiddler=<<ThisTiddler2>> field='title'/></$view>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value=<<ThisTiddler2>>/>
<$reveal type='match' state="Menu Macro!!table_of_contents" text=$MenuType$>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set=<<inmysocksMobileMenusMakeState """$MenuName$""" """$MenuType$""">> setTo=<<ThisTiddler2>>>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value=<<ThisTiddler2>>/>
<$link to=<<ThisTiddler2>>>
<$view tiddler=<<ThisTiddler2>> field='caption'><$view tiddler=<<ThisTiddler2>> field='title'/></$view>
<$reveal type='match' state="Menu Macro!!table_of_contents_selective" text=$MenuType$>
<$list filter='[tag{ThisTiddler2}limit[1]]' variable=dummy>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set=<<inmysocksMobileMenusMakeState """$MenuName$""" """$MenuType$""">> setTo=<<ThisTiddler2>>>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value=<<ThisTiddler2>>/>
<$link to=<<ThisTiddler2>>>
<$view tiddler=<<ThisTiddler2>> field='caption'><$view tiddler=<<ThisTiddler2>> field='title'/></$view>
\define MobileMenu(RootTag:"RootTag" MenuName:Menu MenuType:Menu MenuTitle:"" ShowSubtitle:no ShowBody:no)
<$reveal type=nomatch state="""Menu Macro!!include_title""" text="""$MenuTitle$""">
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' text=''>
<$list filter='[tag[$RootTag$]]'>
<$reveal type='match' state="Menu Macro!!normal_menu" text=$MenuType$>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' setTo={{!!title}}>
{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}<$view field='caption'><$view field='title'/></$view>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value={{!!title}}/>
<$reveal type='match' state="Menu Macro!!table_of_contents" text=$MenuType$>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' setTo={{!!title}}>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value={{!!title}}/>
<$view field='caption'><$view field='title'/></$view>
<$reveal type='match' state="Menu Macro!!table_of_contents_selective" text=$MenuType$>
<$list filter='[tag{!!title}limit[1]]' variable=dummy>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' setTo={{!!title}}>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value={{!!title}}/>
<$view field='caption'><$view field='title'/></$view>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' text=''>
<$list filter='[is[system]prefix[$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/]has[text]]-[[$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current]]+[limit[1]]' emptyMessage=<<inmysocksMobileMenusEmptyMessage """$MenuName$""" """$MenuType$""">>> </$list>
<$list filter='[text{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}removeprefix[$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/]]-[[current]]+[limit[1]]' variable=ParentTiddler>
<$reveal type='match' state="Menu Macro!!normal_menu" text=$MenuType$>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' style='text-align:left'>
''<$view tiddler={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}} field=caption><$view tiddler={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}} field=title/></$view>''
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value=<<ParentTiddler>>/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<inmysocksMobileMenusMakeParentState """$MenuName$""">> $value=''/>
<$reveal type='match' state="Menu Macro!!table_of_contents" text=$MenuType$>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value=<<ParentTiddler>>/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<inmysocksMobileMenusTOCMakeParentState """$MenuName$""">> $value=''/>
<$link to={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}}>
''<$view tiddler={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}} field=caption><$view tiddler={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}} field=title/></$view>''
<$reveal type='match' state="Menu Macro!!table_of_contents_selective" text=$MenuType$>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value=<<ParentTiddler>>/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<inmysocksMobileMenusTOCSelectiveMakeParentState """$MenuName$""">> $value=''/>
<$link to={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}}>
''<$view tiddler={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}} field=caption><$view tiddler={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}} field=title/></$view>''
<$reveal type='match' state='Menu Macro!!include_subtitle' text=$ShowSubtitle$>
<$transclude tiddler={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}} field='subtitle' mode=block/>
<$list filter='[tag{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}limit[1]]' variable=ThisTiddler>
<<inmysocksMobileMenusTemplate """$MenuName$""" """$MenuType$""">>
<$reveal type='match' state='Menu Macro!!include_body' text=$ShowBody$>
<$transclude tiddler={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}} mode=block/>
\define inmysocksMobileMenusMakeState(MenuName)
\define inmysocksMobileMenusMakeParentState(MenuName)
\define inmysocksMobileMenusEmptyMessage(MenuName MenuType)
<$reveal type='match' state="Menu Macro!!normal_menu" text=$MenuType$>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>{{$:/core/images/chevron-left}} ''<$view tiddler={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}} field=caption><$view tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' field=text/></$view>''<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value=''/></$button>
<$reveal type='match' state="Menu Macro!!table_of_contents" text=$MenuType$>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>{{$:/core/images/chevron-left}}<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value=''/></$button><$link to={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}}>''<$view tiddler={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}} field=caption><$view tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' field=text/></$view>''</$link>
<$reveal type='match' state="Menu Macro!!table_of_contents_selective" text=$MenuType$>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>{{$:/core/images/chevron-left}}<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value=''/></$button><$link to={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}}>''<$view tiddler={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}} field=caption><$view tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' field=text/></$view>''</$link>
\define inmysocksMobileMenusEmptyMessage2(MenuName MenuType)
<$list filter='[tag<CurrentTiddler>]'>
<$reveal type='match' state="Menu Macro!!normal_menu" text=$MenuType$>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set=<<inmysocksMobileMenusMakeState """$MenuName$""">> setTo=<<currentTiddler>>>{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}<$view tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field='caption'><$view tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field='title'/></$view><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value={{!!title}}/></$button><br>
<$reveal type='match' state="Menu Macro!!table_of_contents" text=$MenuType$>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set=<<inmysocksMobileMenusMakeState """$MenuName$""" """$MenuType$""">> setTo=<<currentTiddler>>>{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value={{!!title}}/></$button><$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field='caption'><$view tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field='title'/></$view></$link><br>
<$reveal type='match' state="Menu Macro!!table_of_contents_selective" text=$MenuType$>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set=<<inmysocksMobileMenusMakeState """$MenuName$""" """$MenuType$""">> setTo=<<currentTiddler>>>{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value={{!!title}}/></$button><$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field='caption'><$view tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field='title'/></$view></$link><br>
\define inmysocksMobileMenusTemplate(MenuName MenuType)
<$set name=CurrentTiddler value={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}}>
<$list filter='[text<CurrentTiddler>removeprefix[$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/]]-[[current]]+[limit[1]]' variable=ParentTiddler emptyMessage=<<inmysocksMobileMenusEmptyMessage2 """$MenuName$""" """$MenuType$""">>>
<$list filter='[tag<CurrentTiddler>]' variable=ThisTiddler2>
<$reveal type='match' state="Menu Macro!!normal_menu" text=$MenuType$>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set=<<inmysocksMobileMenusMakeState """$MenuName$""">> setTo=<<ThisTiddler2>>>{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}<$view tiddler=<<ThisTiddler2>> field='caption'><$view tiddler=<<ThisTiddler2>> field='title'/></$view><$tiddler tiddler=<<ThisTiddler2>>><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value={{!!title}}/></$tiddler></$button><br>
<$reveal type='match' state="Menu Macro!!table_of_contents" text=$MenuType$>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set=<<inmysocksMobileMenusMakeState """$MenuName$""" """$MenuType$""">> setTo=<<ThisTiddler2>>>{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}<$tiddler tiddler=<<ThisTiddler2>>><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value={{!!title}}/></$tiddler></$button><$link to=<<ThisTiddler2>>><$view tiddler=<<ThisTiddler2>> field='caption'><$view tiddler=<<ThisTiddler2>> field='title'/></$view></$link><br>
<$reveal type='match' state="Menu Macro!!table_of_contents_selective" text=$MenuType$>
<$list filter='[tag{ThisTiddler2}limit[1]]' variable=dummy><$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set=<<inmysocksMobileMenusMakeState """$MenuName$""" """$MenuType$""">> setTo=<<ThisTiddler2>>>{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}<$tiddler tiddler=<<ThisTiddler2>>><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value={{!!title}}/></$tiddler></$button></$list><$link to=<<ThisTiddler2>>><$view tiddler=<<ThisTiddler2>> field='caption'><$view tiddler=<<ThisTiddler2>> field='title'/></$view></$link><br>
\define MobileMenu(RootTag:"RootTag" MenuName:Menu MenuType:Menu ShowSubtitle:no ShowBody:no)
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' text=''>
<$list filter='[tag[$RootTag$]]'>
<$reveal type='match' state="Menu Macro!!normal_menu" text=$MenuType$>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' setTo={{!!title}}>{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}<$view field='caption'><$view field='title'/></$view><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value={{!!title}}/></$button><br>
<$reveal type='match' state="Menu Macro!!table_of_contents" text=$MenuType$>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' setTo={{!!title}}>{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value={{!!title}}/></$button><$link><$view field='caption'><$view field='title'/></$view></$link><br>
<$reveal type='match' state="Menu Macro!!table_of_contents_selective" text=$MenuType$>
<$list filter='[tag{!!title}limit[1]]' variable=dummy><$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' setTo={{!!title}}>{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value={{!!title}}/></$button></$list><$link><$view field='caption'><$view field='title'/></$view></$link><br>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' text=''>
<$list filter='[is[system]prefix[$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/]has[text]]-[[$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current]]+[limit[1]]' emptyMessage=<<inmysocksMobileMenusEmptyMessage """$MenuName$""" """$MenuType$""">>>
'' ''
<$list filter='[text{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}removeprefix[$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/]]-[[current]]+[limit[1]]' variable=ParentTiddler>
<$reveal type='match' state="Menu Macro!!normal_menu" text=$MenuType$>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>{{$:/core/images/chevron-left}} ''<$view tiddler={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}} field=caption><$view tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' field=text/></$view>''<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value=<<ParentTiddler>>/><$action-setfield $tiddler=<<inmysocksMobileMenusMakeParentState """$MenuName$""">> $value=''/></$button>
<$reveal type='match' state="Menu Macro!!table_of_contents" text=$MenuType$>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>{{$:/core/images/chevron-left}}<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value=<<ParentTiddler>>/><$action-setfield $tiddler=<<inmysocksMobileMenusTOCMakeParentState """$MenuName$""">> $value=''/></$button><$link to={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}}>''<$view tiddler={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}} field=caption><$view tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' field=text/></$view>''</$link>
<$reveal type='match' state="Menu Macro!!table_of_contents_selective" text=$MenuType$>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>{{$:/core/images/chevron-left}}<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value=<<ParentTiddler>>/><$action-setfield $tiddler=<<inmysocksMobileMenusTOCSelectiveMakeParentState """$MenuName$""">> $value=''/></$button><$link to={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}}>''<$view tiddler={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}} field=caption><$view tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' field=text/></$view>''</$link>
<$reveal type='match' state='Menu Macro!!include_subtitle' text=$ShowSubtitle$>
<$transclude tiddler={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}} field='subtitle' mode=block/>
<$list filter='[tag{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}limit[1]]' variable=ThisTiddler>
<<inmysocksMobileMenusTemplate """$MenuName$""" """$MenuType$""">>
<$reveal type='match' state='Menu Macro!!include_body' text=$ShowBody$>
<$transclude tiddler={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}} mode=block/>
<<MobileMenu "Top Level" "Test" Menu """''This is a menu title''""">>
\define inmysocksMobileMenusTOCMakeState(MenuName)
\define inmysocksMobileMenusTOCMakeParentState(MenuName)
\define inmysocksMobileMenusTOCEmptyMessage(MenuName)
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>{{$:/core/images/chevron-left}}<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value=''/></$button><$link to={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}}>''<$view tiddler={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}} field=caption><$view tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' field=text/></$view>''</$link>
\define inmysocksMobileMenusTOCEmptyMessage2(MenuName)
<$list filter='[tag<CurrentTiddler>]'>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set=<<inmysocksMobileMenusTOCMakeState """$MenuName$""">> setTo=<<currentTiddler>>>{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value={{!!title}}/></$button><$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field='caption'><$view tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field='title'/></$view></$link><br>
\define inmysocksMobileMenusTOCTemplate(MenuName)
<$set name=CurrentTiddler value={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}}>
<$list filter='[text<CurrentTiddler>removeprefix[$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/]]-[[current]]+[limit[1]]' variable=ParentTiddler emptyMessage=<<inmysocksMobileMenusTOCEmptyMessage2 """$MenuName$""">>>
<$list filter='[tag<CurrentTiddler>]' variable=ThisTiddler2>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set=<<inmysocksMobileMenusTOCMakeState """$MenuName$""">> setTo=<<ThisTiddler2>>>{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}<$tiddler tiddler=<<ThisTiddler2>>><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value={{!!title}}/></$tiddler></$button><$link to=<<ThisTiddler2>>><$view tiddler=<<ThisTiddler2>> field='caption'><$view tiddler=<<ThisTiddler2>> field='title'/></$view></$link><br>
\define MakeTOCMenu(RootTag:"RootTag" MenuName:Menu)
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' text=''>
<$list filter='[tag[$RootTag$]]'>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' setTo={{!!title}}>{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value={{!!title}}/></$button><$link><$view field='caption'><$view field='title'/></$view></$link><br>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' text=''>
<$list filter='[is[system]prefix[$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/]has[text]]-[[$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current]]+[limit[1]]' emptyMessage=<<inmysocksMobileMenusTOCEmptyMessage """$MenuName$""">>>
'' ''
<$list filter='[text{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}removeprefix[$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/]]-[[current]]+[limit[1]]' variable=ParentTiddler>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>{{$:/core/images/chevron-left}}<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value=<<ParentTiddler>>/><$action-setfield $tiddler=<<inmysocksMobileMenusTOCMakeParentState """$MenuName$""">> $value=''/></$button><$link to={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}}>''<$view tiddler={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}} field=caption><$view tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' field=text/></$view>''</$link>
<$list filter='[tag{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}limit[1]]' variable=ThisTiddler>
<<inmysocksMobileMenusTOCTemplate """$MenuName$""">>
\define inmysocksMobileMenusTOCSelectiveMakeState(MenuName)
\define inmysocksMobileMenusTOCSelectiveMakeParentState(MenuName)
\define inmysocksMobileMenusTOCSelectiveEmptyMessage(MenuName)
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>{{$:/core/images/chevron-left}}<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value=''/></$button><$link to={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}}>''<$view tiddler={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}} field=caption><$view tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' field=text/></$view>''</$link>
\define inmysocksMobileMenusTOCSelectiveEmptyMessage2(MenuName)
<$list filter='[tag<CurrentTiddler>]'>
<$list filter='[tag{!!title}limit[1]]' variable=dummy><$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set=<<inmysocksMobileMenusTOCSelectiveMakeState """$MenuName$""">> setTo=<<currentTiddler>>>{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value={{!!title}}/></$button></$list><$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field='caption'><$view tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field='title'/></$view></$link><br>
\define inmysocksMobileMenusTOCSelectiveTemplate(MenuName)
<$set name=CurrentTiddler value={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}}>
<$list filter='[text<CurrentTiddler>removeprefix[$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/]]-[[current]]+[limit[1]]' variable=ParentTiddler emptyMessage=<<inmysocksMobileMenusTOCSelectiveEmptyMessage2 """$MenuName$""">>>
<$list filter='[tag<CurrentTiddler>]' variable=ThisTiddler2>
<$list filter='[tag{ThisTiddler2}limit[1]]' variable=dummy><$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set=<<inmysocksMobileMenusTOCSelectiveMakeState """$MenuName$""">> setTo=<<ThisTiddler2>>>{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}<$tiddler tiddler=<<ThisTiddler2>>><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value={{!!title}}/></$tiddler></$button></$list><$link to=<<ThisTiddler2>>><$view tiddler=<<ThisTiddler2>> field='caption'><$view tiddler=<<ThisTiddler2>> field='title'/></$view></$link><br>
\define MakeTOCMenuSelective(RootTag:"RootTag" MenuName:Menu)
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' text=''>
<$list filter='[tag[$RootTag$]]'>
<$list filter='[tag{!!title}limit[1]]' variable=dummy><$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' setTo={{!!title}}>{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value={{!!title}}/></$button></$list><$link><$view field='caption'><$view field='title'/></$view></$link><br>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' text=''>
<$list filter='[is[system]prefix[$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/]has[text]]-[[$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current]]+[limit[1]]' emptyMessage=<<inmysocksMobileMenusTOCSelectiveEmptyMessage """$MenuName$""">>>
'' ''
<$list filter='[text{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}removeprefix[$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/]]-[[current]]+[limit[1]]' variable=ParentTiddler>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>{{$:/core/images/chevron-left}}<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value=<<ParentTiddler>>/><$action-setfield $tiddler=<<inmysocksMobileMenusTOCSelectiveMakeParentState """$MenuName$""">> $value=''/></$button><$link to={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}}>''<$view tiddler={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}} field=caption><$view tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' field=text/></$view>''</$link>
<$list filter='[tag{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}limit[1]]' variable=ThisTiddler>
<<inmysocksMobileMenusTOCSelectiveTemplate """$MenuName$""">>
<<MobileMenu MenuName:ListFieldMenu MenuType:Menu MenuTitle:"List Field Menu" ShowSubtitle:no ShowBody:no ListField:"list">>
\define inmysocksMobileMenusMakeState(MenuName)
\define inmysocksMobileMenusMakeParentState(MenuName)
\define inmysocksMobileMenusEmptyMessage(MenuName MenuType)
<$reveal type='match' state="$:/macros/inmysocks/MobileMenu!!normal_menu" text=$MenuType$>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>
<$tiddler tiddler={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}}>
''<$view field=caption>
<$view field=title/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value=''/>
<$reveal type='match' state="$:/macros/inmysocks/MobileMenu!!table_of_contents" text=$MenuType$>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value=''/>
<$link to={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}}>
''<$view tiddler={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}} field=caption><$view tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' field=text/></$view>''
<$reveal type='match' state="$:/macros/inmysocks/MobileMenu!!table_of_contents_selective" text=$MenuType$>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value=''/>
<$link to={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}}>
''<$view tiddler={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}} field=caption><$view tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' field=text/></$view>''
\define inmysocksMobileMenusEmptyMessage2ListItem(MenuName MenuType)
<$reveal type='match' state="$:/macros/inmysocks/MobileMenu!!normal_menu" text=$MenuType$ tag=span>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set=<<inmysocksMobileMenusMakeState """$MenuName$""">> setTo=<<currentTiddler>>>
{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}<$view tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field='caption'><$view tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field='title'/></$view>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value={{!!title}}/>
<$reveal type='match' state="$:/macros/inmysocks/MobileMenu!!table_of_contents" text=$MenuType$>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set=<<inmysocksMobileMenusMakeState """$MenuName$""" """$MenuType$""">> setTo=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value={{!!title}}/>
<$link to=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$view tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field='caption'><$view tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field='title'/></$view>
<$reveal type='match' state="$:/macros/inmysocks/MobileMenu!!table_of_contents_selective" text=$MenuType$>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set=<<inmysocksMobileMenusMakeState """$MenuName$""" """$MenuType$""">> setTo=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value={{!!title}}/>
<$link to=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$view tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field='caption'><$view tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field='title'/></$view>
\define inmysocksMobileMenusEmptyMessage2(MenuName MenuType ListField)
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/macros/inmysocks/MobileMenu!!empty_field' text="""$ListField$""">
<$list filter='[tag<CurrentTiddler>]'>
<<inmysocksMobileMenusEmptyMessage2ListItem """$MenuName$""" """$MenuType$""">>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/macros/inmysocks/MobileMenu!!empty_field' text="""$ListField$""">
<$list filter={{!!$ListField$}}>
<<inmysocksMobileMenusEmptyMessage2ListItem """$MenuName$""" """$MenuType$""">>
\define inmysocksMobileMenusTemplateListItemTOCSelectiveIsSpecial(MenuName MenuType ListField)
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/macros/inmysocks/MobileMenu!!empty_field' text="""$ListField$""">
<$list filter='[tag<ThisTiddler2>limit[1]]' variable=dummy>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set=<<inmysocksMobileMenusMakeState """$MenuName$""" """$MenuType$""">> setTo=<<ThisTiddler2>>>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value=<<ThisTiddler2>>/>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/macros/inmysocks/MobileMenu!!empty_field' text="""$ListField$""">
<$list filter={{!!$ListField$}} variable=dummy>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set=<<inmysocksMobileMenusMakeState """$MenuName$""" """$MenuType$""">> setTo=<<ThisTiddler2>>>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value=<<ThisTiddler2>>/>
\define inmysocksMobileMenusTemplateListItem(MenuName MenuType ListField)
<$reveal type='match' state="$:/macros/inmysocks/MobileMenu!!normal_menu" text=$MenuType$>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set=<<inmysocksMobileMenusMakeState """$MenuName$""">> setTo=<<ThisTiddler2>>>
{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}<$view tiddler=<<ThisTiddler2>> field='caption'><$view tiddler=<<ThisTiddler2>> field='title'/></$view>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value=<<ThisTiddler2>>/>
<$reveal type='match' state="$:/macros/inmysocks/MobileMenu!!table_of_contents" text=$MenuType$>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set=<<inmysocksMobileMenusMakeState """$MenuName$""" """$MenuType$""">> setTo=<<ThisTiddler2>>>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value=<<ThisTiddler2>>/>
<$link to=<<ThisTiddler2>>>
<$view tiddler=<<ThisTiddler2>> field='caption'><$view tiddler=<<ThisTiddler2>> field='title'/></$view>
<$reveal type='match' state="$:/macros/inmysocks/MobileMenu!!table_of_contents_selective" text=$MenuType$>
<<inmysocksMobileMenusTemplateListItemTOCSelectiveIsSpecial """$MenuName$""" """$MenuType$""" """$ListField$""">>
<$link to=<<ThisTiddler2>>>
<$view tiddler=<<ThisTiddler2>> field='caption'><$view tiddler=<<ThisTiddler2>> field='title'/></$view>
\define inmysocksMobileMenusTemplate(MenuName MenuType ListField)
<$set name=CurrentTiddler value={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}}>
<$list filter='[text<CurrentTiddler>removeprefix[$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/]]-[[current]]+[limit[1]]' variable=ParentTiddler emptyMessage=<<inmysocksMobileMenusEmptyMessage2 """$MenuName$""" """$MenuType$""" """$ListField$""">>>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/macros/inmysocks/MobileMenu!!empty_field' text="""$ListField$""">
<$list filter='[tag<CurrentTiddler>]' variable=ThisTiddler2>
<<inmysocksMobileMenusTemplateListItem """$MenuName$""" """$MenuType$""" """$ListField$""">>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/macros/inmysocks/MobileMenu!!empty_field' text="""$ListField$""">
<$list filter={{!!$ListField$}} variable=ThisTiddler2>
<<inmysocksMobileMenusTemplateListItem """$MenuName$""" """$MenuType$""" """$ListField$""">>
\define inmysocksMobileMenusRootListEntry(MenuName MenuType)
<$reveal type='match' state="$:/macros/inmysocks/MobileMenu!!normal_menu" text=$MenuType$>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' setTo={{!!title}}>
{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}<$view field='caption'><$view field='title'/></$view>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value={{!!title}}/>
<$reveal type='match' state="$:/macros/inmysocks/MobileMenu!!table_of_contents" text=$MenuType$>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' setTo={{!!title}}>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value={{!!title}}/>
<$view field='caption'><$view field='title'/></$view>
<$reveal type='match' state="$:/macros/inmysocks/MobileMenu!!table_of_contents_selective" text=$MenuType$>
<$list filter='[tag{!!title}limit[1]]' variable=dummy>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' setTo={{!!title}}>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value={{!!title}}/>
<$view field='caption'><$view field='title'/></$view>
\define MobileMenu(RootTag:"RootTag" MenuName:Menu MenuType:Menu MenuTitle:"" ShowSubtitle:no ShowBody:no ListField:"")
<$reveal type=nomatch state="""$:/macros/inmysocks/MobileMenu!!include_title""" text="""$MenuTitle$""">
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' text=''>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/macros/inmysocks/MobileMenu!!empty_field' text="""$ListField$""">
<$list filter='[tag[$RootTag$]]'>
<<inmysocksMobileMenusRootListEntry """$MenuName$""" """$MenuType$""">>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/macros/inmysocks/MobileMenu!!empty_field' text="""$ListField$""">
<$list filter={{!!$ListField$}}>
<<inmysocksMobileMenusRootListEntry """$MenuName$""" """$MenuType$""">>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' text=''>
<$list filter='[is[system]prefix[$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/]has[text]]-[[$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current]]+[limit[1]]' emptyMessage=<<inmysocksMobileMenusEmptyMessage """$MenuName$""" """$MenuType$""">>> </$list>
<$list filter='[text{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}removeprefix[$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/]]-[[current]]+[limit[1]]' variable=ParentTiddler>
<$reveal type='match' state="$:/macros/inmysocks/MobileMenu!!normal_menu" text=$MenuType$>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' style='text-align:left'>
''<$view tiddler={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}} field=caption><$view tiddler={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}} field=title/></$view>''
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value=<<ParentTiddler>>/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<inmysocksMobileMenusMakeParentState """$MenuName$""">> $value=''/>
<$reveal type='match' state="$:/macros/inmysocks/MobileMenu!!table_of_contents" text=$MenuType$>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value=<<ParentTiddler>>/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<inmysocksMobileMenusTOCMakeParentState """$MenuName$""">> $value=''/>
<$link to={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}}>
''<$view tiddler={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}} field=caption><$view tiddler={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}} field=title/></$view>''
<$reveal type='match' state="$:/macros/inmysocks/MobileMenu!!table_of_contents_selective" text=$MenuType$>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value=<<ParentTiddler>>/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<inmysocksMobileMenusTOCSelectiveMakeParentState """$MenuName$""">> $value=''/>
<$link to={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}}>
''<$view tiddler={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}} field=caption><$view tiddler={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}} field=title/></$view>''
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/macros/inmysocks/MobileMenu!!include_subtitle' text=$ShowSubtitle$>
<$transclude tiddler={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}} field='subtitle' mode=block/>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/macros/inmysocks/MobileMenu!!empty_field' text="""$ListField$""">
<$list filter='[tag{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}limit[1]]' variable=ThisTiddler>
<<inmysocksMobileMenusTemplate """$MenuName$""" """$MenuType$""" """$ListField$""">>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/macros/inmysocks/MobileMenu!!empty_field' text="""$ListField$""">
<$list filter={{!!$ListField$}} variable=ThisTiddler>
<<inmysocksMobileMenusTemplate """$MenuName$""" """$MenuType$""" """$ListField$""">>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/macros/inmysocks/MobileMenu!!include_body' text=$ShowBody$>
<$transclude tiddler={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}} mode=block/>
<<MobileMenu "Top Level" "Other Test" Menu "This menu shows both the body and the subtitle" Subtitle Body>>
<<MobileMenu "Top Level" "TOC" "TOC">>
<<MobileMenu "Top Level" "SelectiveTOC" "TOC-Selective">>
Now that I have done my proposal work I have finally gotten around to the task of putting the things I have created together into something useful. This is my first attempt at making a mobile friendly tiddlywiki interface for me to use.
The icons on the left are configuration and administration things, the icons on the right open up specific applications that I use tiddlywiki for. Home, full-screen, save and reload are all in the top bar.
The <<fa fa-plus>> icon on the left has a menu to create a bunch of different things.
Some stuff:
*The theme is available through my plugin library, you can add the library to your wiki by importing [[this tiddler|$:/pluginlibrary/inmysocks/StablePluginLibrary]] and then install the plugin through the plugin tab in the control panel.
*This theme was built using large parts of my icon menus plugin and the two don't play well together. They will try to display menus on top of each other. I am going to try and update the icon menus plugin to avoid this, but for the moment watch out.
*The top and bottom menus only appear if they have at least one icon on them, otherwise there is an invisible div that prevents interaction with whatever is under it.
*You can not disable the control panel icon, otherwise you could turn off all of the icons and close all the tiddlers, getting locked out of any configuration options. This would ruin your wiki if you have autosave turned on.
*There is a new smaller interface for configuring the icons and menus, hopefully it is straight forward and usable. I may change the configuration for the full icon menus to be like this.
*There is no longer an option to change the menu styles, the other style I have made only do things on hover, which isn't available for most mobile devices.
*You can create preset layouts in the control panel under the `Mobile Theme Settings` tab, there are two there by default, one is the current layout and one is a layout without the top bar.
*The theme plugin tiddler is [[$:/themes/inmysocks/Mobile]] if you would like to use it.
*The default icons use the font awesome plugin, it is included with the theme. I may decide to take it out, which would require you to import the font awesome plugin to have many of the default icons work.
*For more stuff see [[my reference site|http://inmysocks.tiddlyspot.com/]].
Many thanks to everyone who has helped, of particular interest are (so I remember and to give credit where it is due):
*Måns Mårtensson for his suggestions and help testing
*James Anderson for suggestions, help testing and ideas from [[his site|http://welford.github.io/]].
*Duarte Farrajota Ramos for ideas and inspiration from his [[theme and ui mockups|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/tiddlywiki/yk-M7XRmFKY]].
*Jan for giving me the idea of [[making a mobile menu|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/tiddlywiki/y6C35wtmjrc]]. I am very sorry that I don't have a TWC solution for you.
*Jeremy Ruston because he made TiddlyWiki
!Selecting what to include on the menu
To select which buttons you want on your mobile menu, just go to the [[$:/ControlPanel]] and under `apareance > toolbars` open ''Mobile Bar''
This is my particular vision of a mobile theme for tiddlywiki5.
This is not a theme at all, but just a bunch of customizations to make TW5 more responsibe for small screens. Currently this is just a showcase, but the idea is to turn it into a plugin for easy install.
!!How to test it
The theme customizations are only visible on narrow screens. You can simulate this making this window smaller. Try making it less than {{$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/sidebarbreakpoint}} wide.
\define thisMakeMenu()
<<MobileMenu """$(SelectedTopic)$""" """$(currentTiddler)$""" "TOC-Selective-Hierarchical">>
''Bug'' - Because the displayed items don't have to have the root tag. This is ok for the central listing, but if you click on something like Teensy-LC you can get things that aren't tagged with Teensy-LC anywhere above the root level.
Select the root tag to use:
<$select tiddler='$:/state/Central Listing' field='selected_topic'>
<option value='Central Listing'>(Default View)</option>
<$list filter='[!is[system]sort[title]tags[]]-[[Central Listing]]-[[$:/tags/Macro]]-[[$:/tags/ViewTemplate]]-[[Templates]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<$set name=SelectedTopic value={{$:/state/Central Listing!!selected_topic}}>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state=<<makeRevealState>> text='show'>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set=<<makeRevealState>> setTo=show>{{$:/core/images/chevron-right}}</$button><$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='caption'><$view field='title'/></$view></$link><br>
<$reveal type='match' state=<<makeRevealState>> text='show'>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set=<<makeRevealState>> setTo=hide>{{$:/core/images/chevron-down}}</$button><$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='caption'><$view field='title'/></$view></$link><br>
<$list filter='[tag<currentTiddler>]'>
\define makeRevealState()
<$list filter='[is[current]!title[An alternative mindmap/toc thing]]'>
<<MobileMenu """$(currentTiddler)$""" """$(currentTiddler)$""" "TOC-Selective-Hierarchical">>
If you poke this very much than you will get a too much recursion or stack overflow javascript error, but all of the tagging on the times in the menu is useful.
This uses both Audio and Microcontrollers because they have some attributes with the same names that refer to mostly separate things. So 8-bit audio and 8-bit microcontrollers both exist, but when you look under microcontrollers->8-bit than 'NES audio' shouldn't show up, despite it being tagged as 8-bit, and it would fit under Audio->8-bit. The normal toc will have 'NES audio' to show up in both places, but my alternative method (shown in the next tiddler below this one) it only shows up when you get to 8-bit via Audio instead of through Microcontroller. There are some other things to give a small demo.
A note: each level contains all of the tiddlers that are in any of its children. In that sense this is a tag search. You choose one tag, then another (and another and...) to get a list of tiddlers tagged with all of the tags you have selected. It may become unwieldy when you have a very large list of tags, but I haven't had a chance to really test that.
<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-selective-expandable "Central Listing">>
Following the instructions at [[Conditional ViewTemplate Section|http://tb5.tiddlyspot.com/#Conditional%20ViewTemplate%20Section]] the above toc is displayed above the body of each tiddler having subtiddlers under the same "namespace" and is automatically generated via <<source [[$:/template/chapter-toc]]>>
A more toc without truncation could be generated using <<source [[$:/template/chapter-toc-basic]]>>
unas notas sobre [[ Capitulo 02|El Libro / Capitulo 02]] de [[El Libro]]
<$list filter="[prefix[El Libro]sort[title]]-[[El Libro]]" variable="sub">
<$set name="remove" value="El Libro {{$:/config/ChapterDelimiter}} ">
now trying to remove "<<remove>>" from "<<sub>>"
<$list filter="[<sub>removeprefix<remove>]" variable="truncated">
<$link to=<<sub>>><<truncated>></$link><br>
The below code should gather all endings of filtered titles according to a delimiter, but `<prefix + delimiter>` won't yield a valid filter for the inner loop when set through a variable?! Compare to [[$:/template/chapter-toc]] with [[El Libro]].
[[$:/config/ChapterDelimiter]] = "{{$:/config/ChapterDelimiter}}"
Also, setting the delimiter to " / " truncates the leading blank upon transclusion. ''Bug!''
This wiki explores handling sections in for TiddlyWiki using namespaces.
Take a look at [[El Libro]] to find a subtiddler-toc automaticall generated based on naming conventions like...
<$list filter="[prefix[El Libro]]">
To achieve this, the template [[$:/template/chapter-toc]] is leveraged along with a configuration variable to specify a delimiter of your preference [[$:/config/NameSpaceDelimiter]].
Are we headed towards a NameSpaceWidget?
This entire exercise reminds me an awful lot of [[NameSpacePlugin|http://namespace.tiddlyspace.com]] and so I am thinking that we're headed towards the almighty ''$namespace'' widget, e.g. to dissect...
[[El Libro / Capitulo 01 / 002]]
|`tiddler`|specifies the tiddler for the action|any tiddler name|`currentTiddler`|
|`link`|creates link(s)|`current`|returns the child title of currentTiddler, e.g. the last part of the namespace|
|~|~|`parent`|creates link to parent of `tiddler`|
|~|~|`children`|outputs a list of direct children to `tiddler`|
|~|~|`toc`|outputs a toc of all children to `tiddler`<br><br>when `tiddler` is set to `!all` outputs a toc for all tiddlers the namespace is comprised of|
|~|~|`crumbs`|outputs breadcrumbs for `currentTiddler`, see [[example|http://namespace.tiddlyspace.com/#%5B%5B2013.01%3AArticles%3AHow%20we%20landed%20on%20the%20moon%5D%5D]]|
|`level`|specifies the level for `link=parent`|`0` .. `n`|the parent of `currentTiddler`|
|`new`|creates child in namespace|`child`|creates child for `currentTiddler`|
|`delimiter`|specifies the namespace delimiter|any text|[[$:/config/NameSpaceDelimiter]]|
!!Markup Examples
;`<$namespace link="parent"/>`
:» link to parent of current tiddler
;`<$namespace link="parent" level="n"/>`
:» link to parent of level n, 0 being the outermost
;`<$namespace link="parent" level="0" tiddler="foo"/>`
:» link to parent of level 0 for tiddler foo
;`<$namespace link="parent" level="0" tiddler="foo" delimiter=" : "/>`
:» link to parent of level 0 for tiddler foo using the namespace-delimiter ` : `
;`<$namespace link="children"/>`
:» list children of current tiddler
;`<$namespace link="children" tiddler="parentFoo"/>`
:» list children of tiddler parentFoo
;`<$namespace link="toc"/>`
:» generate namespace toc for all tiddlers using namespace delimiters
:»» including self-evident parents, i.e. those having children
:»» including those that are specifically marked as parents
;`<$namespace link="toc" tiddler="foo"/>`
:» generate namespace toc for tiddler foo
;`<$namespace new="child"/>`
:» adds a child under the namespace of the current tiddler
;`<$namespace new="child" tiddler="foo"/>`
:» adds a child under the namespace of tiddler ''foo''
;`<$namespace link="crumbs"/>`
:» outputs crumbs for current tiddler
;`<$namespace link="crumbs" tiddler="foo"/>`
:» outputs crumbs for tiddler ''foo''
<$list filter="[prefix[El Libro]sort[title]]-[[El Libro]]" variable="sub">
<$list filter="[<sub>removeprefix[El Libro / ]]" variable="truncated">
<$link to=<<sub>>><<truncated>></$link><br>
\define thisTagSelect()
<$select tiddler='$:/state/Bookmarks' field='selected_tag'>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/Bookmarks/BookmarkTags]indexes[]regexp:[(?i)$(tagSearch)$]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
URL: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Bookmarks/NewBookmark' field=url class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
Name: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Bookmarks/NewBookmark' field=name class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
Note: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Bookmarks/NewBookmark' field=note class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
Tags (it will always be tagged with `Bookmark` by default):<br>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/Bookmarks!!add_or_create_tag' text='create'>
New Tag: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Bookmarks' field='tag_temp' placeholder='New Tag'/>
<$reveal type=nomatch state='$:/temp/Bookmarks!!tag_temp' text=''>
<$button>Create Tag
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/data/Bookmarks/BookmarkTags' $index={{$:/temp/Bookmarks!!tag_temp}} $value=1/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Bookmarks' $field='tag_temp' $value=''/>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/temp/Bookmarks!!tag_temp' text=''>
<$button>Create Tag</$button>
<$button set='$:/state/Bookmarks!!add_or_create_tag' setTo='nocreate'>Done</$button><br>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/Bookmarks!!add_or_create_tag' text='create'>
Tag to add:
<$set name=tagSearch value={{$:/temp/Bookmarks!!narrow_tag_select}}>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Bookmarks' field='narrow_tag_select' placeholder='Narrow Tag List'/>
<$fieldmangler tiddler='$:/temp/Bookmarks/NewBookmark'>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Bookmarks/NewBookmark' $field='dummy_field' value='1'/>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param={{$:/state/Bookmarks!!selected_tag}}/>Add Tag
</$button>(<$button set='$:/state/Bookmarks!!add_or_create_tag' setTo='create'>New Tag</$button>)
List of current tags:<br>
<$fieldmangler tiddler='$:/temp/Bookmarks/NewBookmark'>
<$list filter='[[$:/temp/Bookmarks/NewBookmark]tags[]]-[[Bookmark]]'><$view field='title'/> <$button>Remove Tag<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-tag' $param=<<currentTiddler>>/></$button><br> </$list>
<$button>Add Bookmark
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Bookmarks/NewBookmark' $field='title' $value={{$:/temp/Bookmarks/NewBookmark!!name}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Bookmarks/NewBookmark' url='' name='' note='' tags='Bookmark'/>
\define thisSeriesSelect()
<$select tiddler='$:/temp/newbook' field='series' default='None'>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/SeriesTitles]indexes[]sort[title]regexp:[(?i)$(thisSeriesSearch)$]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
\define thisGenreSelect()
<$select tiddler='$:/temp/newbook' field='genre' default='None'>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/BookGenres]indexes[]sort[title]regexp:[(?i)$(thisGenreSearch)$]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
\define thisAuthorSelect()
<$select tiddler='$:/temp/newbook' field='author' default='None'>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/BookAuthors]indexes[]sort[title]regexp:[(?i)$(thisAuthorSearch)$]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
\define thisLocationSelect()
<$select tiddler='$:/temp/newbook' field='location' default='None'>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/BookLocations]indexes[]sort[title]regexp:[(?i)$(thisLocationSearch)$]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
\define thisTagSelect()
<$select tiddler='$:/state/booktag' field='selected_tag'>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/BookTags]indexes[]sort[title]regexp:[(?i)$(thisTagSearch)$]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
Adding books:
Title: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='book_title' class='tc-edit-texteditor' placeholder='Book Title'/>
<!--End Title-->
<$reveal type=match text=true state='Library Tracker Settings!!show_author'>
Author: <$reveal state='$:/state/Library Tracker/add author' type=nomatch text='new'>
<$set name=thisAuthorSearch value={{$:/state/newbook!!narrow_author_select}}>
<<thisAuthorSelect>></$set> <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='narrow_author_select' placeholder='Narrow Author List'/> (<$button set='$:/state/Library Tracker/add author' setTo='new'>New Author</$button>)
<$reveal state='$:/state/Library Tracker/add author' type=match text='new'>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='book_author' placeholder='Author'/><$button><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/data/BookAuthors' $index={{$:/state/newbook!!book_author}} $value=1/><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/newbook' $field='book_author' $value=''/>Add</$button><$button set='$:/state/Library Tracker/add author' setTo='notnew'>Done</$button>
<!--End Author-->
<$reveal type=match text=true state='Library Tracker Settings!!show_series'>
Series: <$reveal state='$:/state/Library Tracker/add series' type=nomatch text='new'>
<$set name=thisSeriesSearch value={{$:/state/newbook!!narrow_series_select}}>
<<thisSeriesSelect>></$set> <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='narrow_series_select' placeholder='Narrow Series List'/> (<$button set='$:/state/Library Tracker/add series' setTo='new'>New Series</$button>)
<$reveal state='$:/state/Library Tracker/add series' type=match text='new'>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='book_series' placeholder='Series Title'/><$button><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/data/SeriesTitles' $index={{$:/state/newbook!!book_series}} $value=1/><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/newbook' $field='book_series' $value=''/>Add</$button><$button set='$:/state/Library Tracker/add series' setTo='notnew'>Done</$button>
<!--End Series-->
<$reveal type=match text=true state='Library Tracker Settings!!show_genre'>
Genre: <$reveal state='$:/state/Library Tracker/add genre' type=nomatch text='new'>
<$set name=thisGenreSearch value={{$:/state/newbook!!narrow_genre_select}}>
<<thisGenreSelect>></$set> <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='narrow_genre_select' placeholder='Narrow Genre List'/> (<$button set='$:/state/Library Tracker/add genre' setTo='new'>New Genre</$button>)
<$reveal state='$:/state/Library Tracker/add genre' type=match text='new'>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='book_genre' placeholder='Genre'/><$button><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/data/BookGenres' $index={{$:/state/newbook!!book_genre}} $value=1/><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/newbook' $field='book_genre' $value=''/>Add</$button><$button set='$:/state/Library Tracker/add genre' setTo='notnew'>Done</$button>
<!--End Genre-->
<$reveal type=match text=true state='Library Tracker Settings!!show_location'>
Locaction: <$reveal state='$:/state/Library Tracker/add location' type=nomatch text='new'>
<$set name=thisLocationSearch value={{$:/state/newbook!!narrow_location_select}}>
<<thisLocationSelect>></$set> <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='narrow_location_select' placeholder='Narrow Location List'/> (<$button set='$:/state/Library Tracker/add location' setTo='new'>New Location</$button>)
<$reveal state='$:/state/Library Tracker/add location' type=match text='new'>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='book_location' placeholder='Location'/><$button><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/data/BookLocations' $index={{$:/state/newbook!!book_location}} $value=1/><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/newbook' $field='book_location' $value=''/>Add</$button><$button set='$:/state/Library Tracker/add location' setTo='notnew'>Done</$button>
<!--End Location-->
<$reveal type=match text=true state='Library Tracker Settings!!show_tags'>
Tags (it will always be tagged with `Book` by default):<br>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/newbook!!add_or_create_tag' text='create'>
New Tag: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/booktag' field='tag_temp' placeholder='New Tag'/>
<$button>Create Tag
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/data/BookTags' $index={{$:/state/booktag!!tag_temp}} $value=1/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/booktag' $field='tag_temp' $value=''/>
<$button set='$:/state/newbook!!add_or_create_tag' setTo='nocreate'>Done</$button><br>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/newbook!!add_or_create_tag' text='create'>
Tag to add:
<$set name=thisTagSearch value={{$:/state/newbook!!narrow_tag_select}}>
<$fieldmangler tiddler='$:/temp/newbook'>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param={{$:/state/booktag!!selected_tag}}/>Add Tag
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='narrow_tag_select' placeholder='Narrow Tag List'/>
(<$button set='$:/state/newbook!!add_or_create_tag' setTo='create'>New Tag</$button>)
List of current tags:<br>
<$fieldmangler tiddler='$:/temp/newbook'>
<$list filter='[[$:/temp/newbook]tags[]]'><$view field='title'/> <$button>Remove Tag<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-tag' $param=<<currentTiddler>>/></$button><br> </$list>
<$fieldmangler tiddler={{$:/state/newbook!!book_title}}>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/newbook' title={{$:/state/newbook!!book_title}}/>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param='Book'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/newbook' book_title=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/newbook' tags=''/>
Add Book</$button>
\define thisGetIndex()
\define makeCitationText()
<$list filter='[[$(subjectsTiddler)$]indexes[]]'>
<li><$view field='title'/></li>
<$view tiddler="""$(abstractTiddler)$""" field='text'/>
\define makeAbstractTiddler()
\define makeBibTexTiddler()
\define makeSubjectsTiddler()
\define getBibTex()
<$macrocall $name=monoSpacedCodeBlock src={{$(bibTexTiddler)$}}/>
Paper Title: <$edit-text class='tc-edit-texteditor' tiddler='$:/state/addcitation' field='paper_title' placeholder='papertitle' size=70/><br>
Abstract:<br> <$edit-text class='tc-edit-texteditor' tiddler='$:/state/addcitation' placeholder='Abstract'/>
Bibtex Citation:<br> <$edit-text class='tc-edit-texteditor' tiddler='$:/state/addcitation/bibtex' placeholder='BibTex Citation'/>
<$set name=tiddlerTitle value={{$:/state/addcitation!!paper_title}}>
<$set name=abstractTiddler value=<<makeAbstractTiddler>>>
<$set name=bibTexTiddler value=<<makeBibTexTiddler>>>
<$set name=subjectsTiddler value=<<makeSubjectsTiddler>>>
<$set name=bibTex value=<<getBibTex>>>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/addcition/addsubject' text='newsubject'>
Subject: <$select tiddler='$:/state/addcitation/subject' default='No Subject'>
<$list filter='[tag[CitationsSubject]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
<$button>Add Subject
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/AddCitation/SubjectsList' $index={{$:/state/addcitation/subject}} $value='1'/>
<$button set='$:/state/addcition/addsubject' setTo='newsubject'>New Subject</$button>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/addcition/addsubject' text='newsubject'>
Subject Name: <$edit-text class='tc-edit-texteditor' tiddler='$:/state/addcition/addsubject' field='newsubjectname'/><br>
<$button>Add Subject
<$action-setfield $tiddler={{$:/state/addcition/addsubject!!newsubjectname}} tags=CitationsSubject/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/addcition/addsubject' $field='newsubjectname' $value=''/>
<$button set='$:/state/addcition/addsubject' setTo='nonewsubject'>Done</$button>
Current Subjects:
<$list filter='[[$:/temp/AddCitation/SubjectsList]indexes[]]'>
<$set name=ThisTiddler value=<<currentTiddler>>>
<li><$view field='title'/> <$button set=<<thisGetIndex>>>Remove Subject</$button></li>
<$button>Add Citation
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<abstractTiddler>> text={{$:/state/addcitation}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<bibTexTiddler>> text={{$:/state/addcitation/bibtex}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/AddCitation/SubjectsList' $field='title' $value=<<makeSubjectsTiddler>>/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<tiddlerTitle>> text=<<makeCitationText>>/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<tiddlerTitle>> tags='Citations'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<tiddlerTitle>> subject_tiddler=<<subjectsTiddler>> bibtex_tiddler=<<bibTexTiddler>> abstract_tiddler=<<abstractTiddler>>/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/addcitation' text=''/><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/addcitation' $field='paper_title' $value=''/><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/addcitation/bibtex' text=''/>
<$button>Clear Form
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/addcitation' text=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/addcitation' $field='paper_title' $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/addcitation/bibtex' text=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="""I hope you don't name a tiddler this""" $field='title' $value="""$:/temp/AddCitation/SubjectsList"""/>
<$checkbox tag="done"> ~~<$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link>~~</$checkbox><br>
<$checkbox tag="done"> <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link> - <$view field="deadline"/><br><$view field="description"/></$checkbox><br>
<$list filter=[tag[task]] template= {{Upgraded Task List!!entry_display_template}}>
<$checkbox tag="done"> <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link> - <$view field="deadline"/><br><$view field="blurb"/></$checkbox>
\define thisBookList()
<$list filter='[tag[Book]$(SelectedFilterPart)$sort[$(sortType)$]regexp:$(searchField)$[(?i)$(thisSearch)$]]'>
<tr><td><$link to={{!!title}}><$view field='title'/></$link></td><td><$view field=author/></td><td><$view field=location/></td><td><$view field=series/></td><td><$view field=genre/></td></tr>
\define thisBookList2()
<$list filter='[tag[Book]sort[$(sortType)$]regexp:$(searchField)$[(?i)$(thisSearch)$]]'>
<tr><td><$link to={{!!title}}><$view field='title'/></$link></td><td><$view field=author/></td><td><$view field=location/></td><td><$view field=series/></td><td><$view field=genre/></td></tr>
\define thisSelectThing()
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/newbook!!sort' text='author'>
<$select tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='selected_type'>
<option value=''>All</option>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/BookAuthors]indexes[]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/newbook!!sort' text='genre'>
<$select tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='selected_type'>
<option value=''>All</option>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/BookGenres]indexes[]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/newbook!!sort' text='series'>
<$select tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='selected_type'>
<option value=''>All</option>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/SeriesTitles]indexes[]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/newbook!!sort' text='location'>
<$select tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='selected_type'>
<option value=''>All</option>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/BookLocations]indexes[]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
\define thisMakeSelectedValue()
\define count1()
<$count filter='[tag[Book]$(SelectedFilterPart)$sort[$(sortType)$]regexp:$(searchField)$[(?i)$(thisSearch)$]]'/>
\define count2()
<$count filter='[tag[Book]sort[$(sortType)$]regexp:$(searchField)$[(?i)$(thisSearch)$]]'/>
If you select an author/series/location/genre from the drop down menu, then change the `Sort by` option you will have to select from the second dropdown menu again to get it to display things. Despite it showing `all` when you change the sort by option it keeps the previous value, which is invalid now. If I can get a select widget to active action widgets, or to change multiple fields at the same time than I can fix this.
<$set name=sortType value={{$:/state/newbook!!sort}}>
<$set name=searchField value={{$:/state/newbook!!search_in}}>
<$set name=thisSearch value={{$:/state/newbook!!search_text}}>
<$set name=SelectedType value={{$:/state/newbook!!selected_type}}>
<$set name=SelectedFilterPart value=<<thisMakeSelectedValue>>>
|Sort by |<$select tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='sort' default='title'><option value='author'>Author</option><option value='genre'>Genre</option><option value='series'>Series</option><option value='title'>Title</option><option value=location>Location</option></$select>|<<thisSelectThing>>|
|Search by |<$select tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='search_in' default='title'><option value='author'>Author</option><option value='genre'>Genre</option><option value='series'>Series</option><option value='tags'>Tag</option><option value='title'>Title</option><option value=location>Location</option></$select>|<$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='search_text' placeholder='Search'/>|
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/newbook!!selected_type' text=''>
Number of matching books: <<count1>>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/newbook!!selected_type' text=''>
Number of matching books: <<count2>>
<a href={{!!url}} target="_blank"><$view field=title/></a> - {{!!note}} (<$link to={{!!title}}>Open Tiddler</$link>)<br>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/reveal/Bookmarks/AddBookmark' text='show'>
<$button set='$:/state/reveal/Bookmarks/AddBookmark' setTo='hide'>Done</$button><br>
<$transclude tiddler='Add Bookmark'/>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/reveal/Bookmarks/AddBookmark' text='show'>
<$button set='$:/state/reveal/Bookmarks/AddBookmark' setTo='show'>New Bookmark</$button>
<<tabs "[[Bookmarks List]][[Bookmarks by Tags]][[Bookmarks Settings]]">>
Select tag to see all bookmarks with that tag:<br><$select tiddler='$:/state/Bookmarks/BookmarksByTags'>
<option value=''>(Show All Tags)</option>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/Bookmarks/BookmarkTags]indexes[]sort[title]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
<$reveal state='$:/state/Bookmarks/BookmarksByTags' type='nomatch' text=''>
<$select tiddler='$:/state/Bookmarks/BookmarksByTags2'>
<option value=''>(All Results)</option>
<$list filter='[tag{$:/state/Bookmarks/BookmarksByTags}tags[]sort[title]]-[[Bookmark]]-[{$:/state/Bookmarks/BookmarksByTags}]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
<$reveal state='$:/state/Bookmarks/BookmarksByTags2' type='nomatch' text=''>
<$select tiddler='$:/state/Bookmarks/BookmarksByTags3'>
<option value=''>(All Results)</option>
<$list filter='[tag{$:/state/Bookmarks/BookmarksByTags}tag{$:/state/Bookmarks/BookmarksByTags2}tags[]sort[title]]-[[Bookmark]]-[{$:/state/Bookmarks/BookmarksByTags}]-[{$:/state/Bookmarks/BookmarksByTags2}]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
<!--Tag(s) selected-->
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/Bookmarks/BookmarksByTags' text=''>
<$set name=searchSelection value={{$:/state/Bookmarks/BookmarksByTags}}>
<$set name=searchSelection2 value={{$:/state/Bookmarks/BookmarksByTags2}}>
<$set name=searchSelection3 value={{$:/state/Bookmarks/BookmarksByTags3}}>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/Bookmarks/BookmarkTags]indexes[]<searchSelection>]'>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/core/ui/TagTemplate" mode="inline"/>
<!--One tag selected-->
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Bookmarks/BookmarksByTags2' text=''>
<$list filter='[tag<currentTiddler>tag[Bookmark]sort[title]]' template=BookmarkDisplayTemplate>
<!--End one tag selected-->
<!--Two tags selected-->
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/Bookmarks/BookmarksByTags2' text=''>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Bookmarks/BookmarksByTags3' text=''>
<$list filter='[tag<currentTiddler>tag<searchSelection2>tag[Bookmark]sort[title]]' template=BookmarkDisplayTemplate>
<!--End two tags selected-->
<!--Three tags selected-->
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/Bookmarks/BookmarksByTags3' text=''>
<$list filter='[tag<currentTiddler>tag<searchSelection2>tag<searchSelection3>tag[Bookmark]sort[title]]' template=BookmarkDisplayTemplate>
<!--End three tags selected-->
<!--End tag(s) selected-->
<!--No tag selected-->
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Bookmarks/BookmarksByTags' text=''>
<$set name=searchSelection value={{$:/state/Bookmarks/BookmarksByTags}}>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/Bookmarks/BookmarkTags]indexes[]sort[title]]'>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/core/ui/TagTemplate" mode="inline"/>
<$list filter='[tag<currentTiddler>tag[Bookmark]sort[title]]' template=BookmarkDisplayTemplate>
<!--End no tag selected-->
\define thisBookmarkList()
<$list filter='[tag[Bookmark]regexp[(?i)$(searchString)$]sort[title]]-[[$:/temp/Bookmarks/NewBookmark]]' template=BookmarkDisplayTemplate>
Bookmarks: (Narrow List by Name: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Bookmarks/BookmarkList' field=search_text/>)<br>
<$set name=searchString value={{$:/temp/Bookmarks/BookmarkList!!search_text}}>
\define thisRemoveTag()
Select Tag: <$select tiddler='Bookmarks Settings' field='edit_tag_list'>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/Bookmarks/BookmarkTags]indexes[]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
<$button set='$:/data/Bookmarks/BookmarkTags##$(TagToRemove)$'>Remove Tag</$button>
This is going to contain tools to remove tags from the potential bookmark tag list. This should be exactly what is used in the library tracker, but it isn't working here. I am confused.
<$set name=TagToRemove value={{Bookmarks Settings!!edit_tag_list}}>
<<tabs "Citations [[Add Citation]] [[View Citation]] [[Edit Citations]]" Citations>>
List Citations:
Subject: <$select tiddler='$:/state/viewcitation/subject' default='All'>
<option value='alltitle'>All (sort by title)</option>
<option value='allsubject'>All (sort by subject)</option>
<$list filter='[tag[CitationsSubject]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
<$reveal state='$:/state/viewcitation/subject' type='nomatch' text='alltitle'>
<$reveal state='$:/state/viewcitation/subject' type='nomatch' text='allsubject'>
<$list filter='[tag[Citations]]' variable=currentCitation>
<$list filter='[title<currentCitation>get[subject_tiddler]]' variable=subjectsTiddler>
<$list filter='[title<subjectsTiddler>indexes[]]' variable=currentSubject>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/viewcitation/subject' text=<<currentSubject>>>
<li><$link to=<<currentCitation>>><$view tiddler=<<currentCitation>> field='title'/></$link></li>
<$reveal state='$:/state/viewcitation/subject' type='match' text='alltitle'>
<$list filter='[tag[Citations]sort[title]]'>
<li><$link to=<<currentCitation>>><$view tiddler=<<currentCitation>> field='title'/></$link></li>
<$reveal state='$:/state/viewcitation/subject' type='match' text='allsubject'>
<$list filter='[tag[Citations]get[subject_tiddler]indexes[]]' variable=subjectsTiddler>
<$list filter='[tag[Citations]]' variable=currentCitation>
<$list filter='[title<currentCitation>get[subject_tiddler]]' variable=innerSubjectsTiddler>
<$list filter='[title<innerSubjectsTiddler>indexes[]each[index]]'>
<$list filter='[title<subjectsTiddler>is[current]]'>
<li><$link to=<<currentCitation>>><$view tiddler=<<currentCitation>> field='title'/></$link></li>
\define monoSpacedCodeBlock(src)
<$select tiddler='ContactTemp' field='group'>
<$list filter='[tag[ContactGroup]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<$tiddler tiddler={{!!title}}>
<$set name="tiddlerName" value={{!!title}}>
<$set name="textstyle1" value={{ContactDisplayTemplate1!!text_style}}>
<<contactSlider {{ContactDisplayTemplate1!!button_type}}>>
<p class='tc-tiddler-frame' style='width:100%; background-color:#f1f1f1'>
__Button Style__:
<$select tiddler='ContactDisplayTemplate1' field="button_type">
<option value='tc-btn-invisible'>No button</option>
<option value=''>Normal button</option></$select>
__Text Style__:
<$select tiddler='ContactDisplayTemplate1' field="text_style">
<option value="">Plain text</option>
<option value="''">Bold text</option>
<option value="//">Italic text</option>
<option value="__">Underlined text</option>
\define contactsTabsMacro()
<<tabs "$(thing)$ [[New Contact Form]] [[Contacts Settings]]" $(thing)$>>
<$set name=thing value={{!!contact_list_template}}>
<<contactsTabsMacro {{!!contact_list_template}}>>
<$tiddler tiddler={{!!contact_list_template}}>
<<tiddlerSlider "New Contact Form">>
<<tiddlerSlider "Contacts Settings">>
!!Contact Display template to use:
This is how each individual contact will be displayed in the list of contacts<br>
<div class='tc-tiddler-frame' style='width:100%; background-color:#fafafa'>
<$select tiddler='Contacts' field='contact_display_template'>
<$list filter='[plugintiddlers[]tag[ContactDisplayTemplate]][tag[ContactDisplayTemplate]]'>
<option value={{!!title}}><$view field='display_name'/></option>
<$tiddler tiddler={{Contacts!!contact_display_template}}>
<$transclude tiddler={{!!settings_tiddler}}/>
Preview: <br>
<div class='tc-tiddler-frame' style='width:100%; background-color:#f0f0f0'>
<$tiddler tiddler={{Contacts!!contact_display_template}}><$transclude/></$tiddler>
!!Contact List template to use:
This is the template used to generate the list of contacts, click on the name to see the template (How it looks changes based on the display template selected above).<br>
<div class='tc-tiddler-frame' style='width:100%; background-color:#fafafa'>
<$select tiddler='Contacts' field='contact_list_template'>
<$list filter='[plugintiddlers[]tag[ContactListTemplate]][tag[ContactListTemplate]]'>
<option value={{!!title}}><$view field=display_name/></option>
<$tiddler tiddler={{Contacts!!contact_list_template}}>
<$transclude tiddler={{!!settings_tiddler}}/>
<div class='tc-tiddler-frame' style='width:100%; background-color:#f0f0f0'>
<$tiddler tiddler={{Contacts!!contact_list_template}}>
\define contactSlider(buttonType)
<$tiddler tiddler="""$(tiddlerName)$""">
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$" setTo="show" class=$buttonType$>{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}$(textstyle1)$$(tiddlerName)$$(textstyle1)$</$button> - {{$(tiddlerName)$!!blurb}}
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$" setTo="hide" class=$buttonType$>{{$:/core/images/down-arrow}}$(textstyle1)$$(tiddlerName)$$(textstyle1)$</$button> - {{$(tiddlerName)$!!blurb}}
<$link to="$(tiddlerName)$">Open Contact</$link>
|!Personal Email Address |<<editEmailField1 personal_email_address>> |<<editField2 personal_email_address>> |
|!Work Email Address |<<editEmailField1 work_email_address>> |<<editField2 work_email_address>> |
|!Other Email Address |<<editEmailField1 other_email_address>> |<<editField2 other_email_address>> |
|!Home Phone Number |<<editField1 home_phone_number>> |<<editField2 home_phone_number>> |
|!Cell Phone Number |<<editField1 cell_phone_number>> |<<editField2 cell_phone_number>> |
|!Work Phone Number |<<editField1 work_phone_number>> |<<editField2 work_phone_number>> |
|!Blurb |<<editField1 blurb>> |<<editField2 blurb>> |
|!Group |<<contactEditGroup group>> |<<editField2 group>> |
\define getAddress()
\define editEmailField1(fieldName)
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$$fieldName$" text="show">
<$set name=address value={{$(tiddlerName)$!!$fieldName$}}>
<a href=<<getAddress>> target="_top">{{$(tiddlerName)$!!$fieldName$}}</a>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$$fieldName$" text="show">
<$edit-text tiddler="$(tiddlerName)$" field="$fieldName$"/>
\define editField1(fieldName)
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$$fieldName$" text="show">
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$$fieldName$" text="show">
<$edit-text tiddler="$(tiddlerName)$" field="$fieldName$"/>
\define editField2(fieldName)
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$$fieldName$" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$$fieldName$" setTo="show">Edit</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$$fieldName$" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$$fieldName$" setTo="hide">Edit</$button>
\define contactAddress()
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$Address" text="show">
Address (<$button set="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$Address" setTo="show">Edit</$button>) :<br>
{{$(tiddlerName)$!!city}}, {{$(tiddlerName)$!!state_or_provence}}<br>
{{$(tiddlerName)$!!zip_code}} {{$(tiddlerName)$!!country}}
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$Address" text="show">
Address (<$button set="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$Address" setTo="hide">Edit</$button>): <br>
<$edit-text tiddler="$(tiddlerName)$" field="street_address" focusPopup="Edit" placeholder="Street Address"/> <br>
<$edit-text tiddler="$(tiddlerName)$" field="city" focusPopup="Edit" placeholder="City"/>, <$edit-text tiddler="$(tiddlerName)$" field="state_or_provence" focusPopup="Edit" placeholder="State or Provence"/> <br>
<$edit-text tiddler="$(tiddlerName)$" field="zip_code" focusPopup="Edit" placeholder="Zip Code"/> <$edit-text tiddler="$(tiddlerName)$" field="country" focusPopup="Edit" placeholder="Country"/>
\define contactAbout()
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$About" text="show">
About (<$button set="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$About" setTo="show">Edit</$button>) :<br>
<$view tiddler="$(tiddlerName)$" field="text"/>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$About" text="show">
About (<$button set="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$About" setTo="hide">Edit</$button>): <br>
<$edit-text tiddler="$(tiddlerName)$" field="text" size="120" class='tc-edit-texteditor'/> <br>
\define newContactAddGroup1()
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/NewContactFormAddGroup" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/NewContactFormAddGroup" setTo="show">New Group</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/NewContactFormAddGroup" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/NewContactFormAddGroup" setTo="hide">
<$action-setfield $tiddler={{ContactTemp!!group}} tags="ContactGroup" title={{ContactTemp!!group}}/>Add Group</$button>
<$button set="$:/state/NewContactFormAddGroup" setTo="hide">Cancel</$button>
\define newContactAddGroup2()
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/NewContactFormAddGroup" text="show">
{{Contact Group Selector}}
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/NewContactFormAddGroup" text="show">
<$edit-text tiddler="ContactTemp" field="group" size="20"/>
\define contactEditGroup(fieldName)
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$$fieldName$" text="show">
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/$(tiddlerName)$$fieldName$" text="show">
<$select tiddler='$(tiddlerName)$' field='group'>
<$list filter='[tag[ContactGroup]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<div class='tc-table-of-contents'>
<<toc-selective-expandable 'Contents' 'sort[list]'>>
Do you wish to: <$select tiddler='$:/state/CreateOrEditTiddler'><option value='create'>Create a New Tiddler</option><option value='edit'>Edit an Existing Tiddler</option></$select>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/CreateOrEditTiddler' text='create'>
<$transclude tiddler='New Tiddler Form'/>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/CreateOrEditTiddler' text='edit'>
<$transclude tiddler='Edit Tiddler Form'/>
<<tabs "DashboardTemplate [tag[Dashboard Tab]]" DashboardTemplate>>
<<toc-tabbed-internal-nav tag:"Dashboard" selectedTiddler:"$:/temp/toc/selectedTiddler" unselectedText:"Select a topic in the table of contents. Click the arrow to expand a topic." default:"Introduction">>
\define thisListMacro()
<$view field=title/> - {{$:/data/Dictionary##$(thisIndex)$}}<br>
\define thisEditListMacro()
<$view field=title/> - {{$:/data/Dictionary##$(thisIndex)$}} <$button>Remove<$action-deletefield $tiddler='$:/data/Dictionary' $field=$(thisIndex)$ $value=''/></$button><br>
\define thisRegEx()
\define thisSearchMacro()
<$list filter="[[$:/data/Dictionary]indexes[]regexp:title[(?i)$(thisSearch)$]]">
<li><<currentTiddler>> - <$transclude tiddler="$:/data/Dictionary" index=<<currentTiddler>>/></li>
\define thisEditMacro()
<$list filter="[[$:/data/Dictionary]indexes[]regexp:title[(?i)$(thisSearch)$]]">
<$set name=thisItem value=<<currentTiddler>>>
<li><<thisDeleteButton>> <<currentTiddler>> - <$transclude tiddler="$:/data/Dictionary" index=<<currentTiddler>>/></li>
\define thisDeleteButton()
<$button set='$:/data/Dictionary##$(thisItem)$'>{{$:/core/images/delete-button}}</$button>
Term: <$edit-text class='tc-edit-texteditor' tiddler='$:/temp/dictionary' field='name'/><br>
Meaning: <$edit-text class='tc-edit-texteditor' tiddler='$:/temp/dictionary' field='meaning'/><br>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/temp/dictionary!!name' text=''>
<$button>Add Term</$button>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/temp/dictionary!!name' text=''>
<$button>Add Term
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/data/Dictionary' $index={{$:/temp/dictionary!!name}} $value={{$:/temp/dictionary!!meaning}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/dictionary' name='' meaning=''/>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/dictionary/editreveal' text='edit'>
<$button set='$:/state/dictionary/editreveal' setTo='edit'>Edit Dictionary</$button>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/dictionary/editreveal' text='edit'>
<$button set='$:/state/dictionary/editreveal' setTo='noedit'>Done Editing</$button>
Search: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/dictionary' field='search'/><br>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/dictionary/editreveal' text='edit'>
Type in the search box to find specific items on the list
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/dictionary/editreveal' text='edit'>
Click on the trashcan icon to remove an item
<$set name='thisSearch' value={{$:/temp/dictionary!!search}}>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/dictionary/editreveal' text='edit'>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/dictionary/editreveal' text='edit'>
\define thisEditSubjects()
<li><$view field='title'/> <$button set='$(subjectTiddler)$##$(currentSubject)$'>Remove Subject</$button></li>
<tr><th>List of all tiddlers </th><th>List by subject</th></tr>
<$select tiddler='$:/state/CitationsLibrary/EditCitations/SelectedCitation'>
<$list filter='[tag[Citations]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<$select tiddler='$:/state/CitationsLibrary/EditCitations/SelectedCitation'>
<$list filter='[tag[Citations]get[subject_tiddler]indexes[]]' variable=subjectsTiddler>
<optgroup label=<<subjectsTiddler>>>
<$list filter='[tag[Citations]]' variable=currentCitation>
<$list filter='[title<currentCitation>get[subject_tiddler]]' variable=innerSubjectsTiddler>
<$list filter='[title<innerSubjectsTiddler>indexes[]]'>
<$list filter='[title<subjectsTiddler>is[current]]'>
<option><$view tiddler=<<currentCitation>> field='title'/></option>
<tr><th>Abstract Tiddler</th><td><$edit-text tiddler={{$:/state/CitationsLibrary/EditCitations/SelectedCitation}} field='abstract_tiddler'/></td></tr>
<tr><th>Bibtex Tiddler</th><td><$edit-text tiddler={{$:/state/CitationsLibrary/EditCitations/SelectedCitation}} field='bibtex_tiddler'/></td></tr>
<tr><th>Subject Tiddler</th><td><$edit-text tiddler={{$:/state/CitationsLibrary/EditCitations/SelectedCitation}} field='subject_tiddler'/></td></tr>
Citation Title: {{$:/state/CitationsLibrary/EditCitations/SelectedCitation}}
<$tiddler tiddler={{$:/state/CitationsLibrary/EditCitations/SelectedCitation}}>
<$edit-text tiddler={{!!abstract_tiddler}} class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
<$edit-text tiddler={{!!bibtex_tiddler}} class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/editcition/addsubject' text='newsubject'>
Subject: <$select tiddler='$:/state/editcitation/subject' default='No Subject'>
<$list filter='[tag[CitationsSubject]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
<$button>Add Subject
<$action-setfield $tiddler={{!!subject_tiddler}} $index={{$:/state/editcitation/subject}} $value='1'/>
<$button set='$:/state/editcition/addsubject' setTo='newsubject'>New Subject</$button>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/editcition/addsubject' text='newsubject'>
Subject Name: <$edit-text class='tc-edit-texteditor' tiddler='$:/state/editcition/addsubject' field='newsubjectname'/><br>
<$button>Add Subject
<$action-setfield $tiddler={{$:/state/editcition/addsubject!!newsubjectname}} tags=CitationsSubject/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/editcition/addsubject' $field='newsubjectname' $value=''/>
<$button set='$:/state/editcition/addsubject' setTo='nonewsubject'>Done</$button>
<$set name=subjectTiddler value={{!!subject_tiddler}}>
<$list filter='[{!!subject_tiddler}indexes[]]'>
<$set name=currentSubject value=<<currentTiddler>>>
!!Step 1 - ''Pick the tiddler to edit''
<$select tiddler='$:/state/EditTiddlerForm'>
<$list filter='[all[]!is[system]sort[title]!prefix[-]!tag[Templates]!has[no_edit]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
!!Step 2 - ''Fill in tiddler text''
You can use any WikiText here, see [[Wiki Formatting - text, tables, etc.]] for some easy examples of text formatting.
You can resize the exiting field by clicking and dragging the lower right corner.
<$edit-text class='tc-edit-texteditor' tiddler={{$:/state/EditTiddlerForm}} field='text' placeholder='Tiddler Text' size=100/><br>
!!Step 3 - ''Give the tiddler a description'' (optional)
This can be used as a short description or summary of what each tiddler is. It can be useful in lists.
<$edit-text class='tc-edit-texteditor' tiddler={{$:/state/EditTiddlerForm}} field='description' placeholder='Tiddler Description' size=70/><br>
!!Step 4 - ''Add a tag or tags to the tiddler'' (optional)
Tags are used for the table of contents, so it may be advisable to add tags to new tiddlers. For example, if you wanted to add a tiddler that would be displayed under 'Tools' in the table of contents you would add the 'Tools' tag to the tiddler.
<$select tiddler='$:/state/EditTiddlerForm' field='add_or_create_tag'>
<option value='existing'>Add existing tag</option>
<option value='create'>Add a new tag</option>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/EditTiddlerForm!!add_or_create_tag' text='create'>
New Tag Name: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/EditTiddlerForm' field='tag_to_add' placeholder='New Tag'/><$fieldmangler tiddler={{$:/state/EditTiddlerForm!!text}}>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param={{$:/state/EditTiddlerForm!!tag_to_add}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/EditTiddlerForm' $field=tag_to_add value=''/>Add Tag
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/EditTiddlerForm!!add_or_create_tag' text='existing'>
Tag to add: <$select tiddler='$:/state/EditTiddlerForm' field='tag_to_add'>
<$list filter='[tags[]sort[title]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<$fieldmangler tiddler={{$:/state/EditTiddlerForm!!text}}>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param={{$:/state/EditTiddlerForm!!tag_to_add}}/>Add Tag
List of current tags:<br>
<$fieldmangler tiddler={{$:/state/EditTiddlerForm!!text}}>
<$set name=tiddlerEditing value={{$:/state/EditTiddlerForm}}>
<$list filter='[title<tiddlerEditing>tags[]]'><$view field='title'/> <$button>Remove Tag<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-tag' $param=<<currentTiddler>>/></$button><br> </$list>
!!Step 5 - ''View the tiddler'' (Optional)
Press this button and the tiddler will be opened so you can view it.
<$button>Open Tiddler
<$action-navigate $to={{$:/state/EditTiddlerForm}}/>
details about example task 1
details about example task 2
\define collapsibleGroupContactListTemplate()
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/$(tiddlerGroup)$" text="show">
!!<$button set="$:/state/$(tiddlerGroup)$" setTo="show" class={{GroupContactListTemplate!!button_type}}>{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}$(textstyle)${{$(tiddlerTitle)$!!group}}$(textstyle)$</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/$(tiddlerGroup)$"text="show">
!!<$button set="$:/state/$(tiddlerGroup)$" setTo="hide" class={{GroupContactListTemplate!!button_type}}>{{$:/core/images/down-arrow}}$(textstyle)${{$(tiddlerTitle)$!!group}}$(textstyle)$</$button>
<$list filter="[tag[Contacts]sort[title]group{$(tiddlerTitle)$!!group}]" template={{Contacts!!contact_display_template}}>
\define groupContactListTemplate()
<$list filter="[tag[Contacts]sort[title]group{$(tiddlerTitle)$!!group}]" template={{Contacts!!contact_display_template}}>
<$tiddler tiddler={{!!title}}>
<$set name="textstyle" value={{GroupContactListTemplate!!text_style}}>
<$set name="tiddlerGroup" value={{!!group}}>
<$set name="tiddlerTitle" value={{!!title}}>
\define allButtonMacro()
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/GroupContactListTemplateAll" text="show">
!!<$button set="$:/state/GroupContactListTemplateAll" setTo="show" class={{GroupContactListTemplate!!button_type}}>{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}$(textstyle)$All$(textstyle)$</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/GroupContactListTemplateAll" text="show">
!!<$button set="$:/state/GroupContactListTemplateAll" setTo="hide" class={{GroupContactListTemplate!!button_type}}>{{$:/core/images/down-arrow}}$(textstyle)$All$(textstyle)$</$button>
<$list filter="[tag[Contacts]!tag[Templates]]" template={{Contacts!!contact_display_template}}>
<$list filter="[tag[Contacts]sort[group]each[group]]" template="GroupContactListGroupTemplate">
<$view field="group"/>
<$set name="textstyle" value={{GroupContactListTemplate!!text_style}}>
<p class='tc-tiddler-frame' style='width:100%; background-color:#f1f1f1'>
__Grouping Type__:
<$select tiddler='GroupContactListGroupTemplate' field="group_type">
<option value='<<collapsibleGroupContactListTemplate>>'>Collapsible Groups</option>
<option value='<<groupContactListTemplate>>'>Static Groups</option></$select>
__Button Style__:
<$select tiddler='GroupContactListTemplate' field="button_type">
<option value='tc-btn-invisible'>No button</option>
<option value=''>Normal button</option></$select>
__Text Style__:
<$select tiddler='GroupContactListTemplate' field="text_style">
<option value="">Plain text</option>
<option value="''">Bold text</option>
<option value="//">Italic text</option>
<option value="__">Underlined text</option>
!Welcome to ~TiddlyWiki!
''If you just want to import functions into your own existing wiki go to http://inmysocks.tiddlyspot.com/#How%20to%20add%20to%20the%20Dashboard for instructions and a list of the available plugins''
~TiddlyWiki is a personal organizer or personal wiki. This is a version designed specifically so that there is almost no learning required to use it. There will (hopefully) be versions that just accomplish individual tasks, such as a task list or contacts database. This wiki contains all of the available content for the no learning required versions.
!!To get started
If you just want to get started working then you can click on one of the options to the left. Currently `Introduction` is highlighted to show that you are looking at the introduction tab. If you click on another option on the list than you will see the content for that option.
Currently the options are:
*`Citation Library` - a simple citation database
*`Contacts` - a contact database with a simple interface
*`Create or Edit Tiddlers` - a simple interface for adding more tiddlers to this wiki
*`Dictionary` - a searchable and editable dictionary
*`Manage Table of Contents` - a TOC manager for tiddlywiki
*`Minimal Task List` - a task list that just lists tasks and allows you to check them off when they are finished.
*`Quick Notes` - a simple searchable notepad
*`Task List` - a more advanced task list that has options for adding short descriptions, deadlines and a more detailed explanation to the task. On this list if you click on a task name it will open up the details you have given that task.
!!What do these words mean?
Here is a list of words and definitions related to this wiki that you may not be familiar with:
*''Wiki'' - a user editable document. Wikipedia is probably the most famous example of a wiki. A wiki contains pages or articles that can link to each other to allow navigation through the different articles. What you are currently reading is an example of a wiki called ~TiddlyWiki
*''Link'' - A link is a word or phrase that you can click on that will bring you to a new place or open up a new page. Links in this wiki are colored blue and when you hover over one it will become underlined. Clicking on links is one of the main ways to navigate this wiki.
*''Tiddler'' - A single unit used by ~TiddlyWiki. Everything on this wiki is made up of tiddlers, and when you create something here it will be a tiddler. An article on wikipedia would be equivalent to a tiddler. But a tiddler can be significantly more than what is done on wikipedia. Don't worry too much about specifics if you don't want to, the important thing to know now is that when you open something on this wiki what you open is a tiddler. For examples and more explaination go to www.tiddlywiki.com
*''~TiddlyWiki'' - ~TiddlyWiki is a program that can be used in many different ways, what you are reading right now is an example of a ~TiddlyWiki, but there are many more things that can be done with one. <!-- add history or something here -->
!!If you want to get rid of this message
If you want to prevent this message from appearing anymore you can click on the button below. Once you do this than this message won't appear again, so make sure you understand the basics of how to use this wiki before you press it.
If you want this message to stay available than just click on one of the options to the left to get started using the wiki. If you click on the word `Introduction` than this message will appear again.
Click the button down below that says `Don't show this again` and this message will no longer appear when you open your wiki.
<$button message='tm-modal' param=RemoveIntroMessageModal>Don't show this again</$button>
<<tabs "[[Book List]] [[Add Books]] [[Manage Books]] [[Library Tracker Settings]]" "[[Book List]]">>
\define thisRemoveAuthor()
Select Author: <$select tiddler='Library Tracker Settings' field='edit_author_list'><$list filter='[[$:/data/BookAuthors]indexes[]]'><option><<currentTiddler>></option></$list></$select> <$button set='$:/data/BookAuthors##$(AuthorToRemove)$'>Remove Author</$button>
\define thisRemoveSeries()
Select Series: <$select tiddler='Library Tracker Settings' field='edit_series_list'><$list filter='[[$:/data/SeriesTitles]indexes[]]'><option><<currentTiddler>></option></$list></$select> <$button set='$:/data/SeriesTitles##$(SeriesToRemove)$'>Remove Series</$button>
\define thisRemoveGenre()
Select Genre: <$select tiddler='Library Tracker Settings' field='edit_genre_list'><$list filter='[[$:/data/BookGenres]indexes[]]'><option><<currentTiddler>></option></$list></$select> <$button set='$:/data/BookGenres##$(GenreToRemove)$'>Remove Genre</$button>
\define thisRemoveLocation()
Select Location: <$select tiddler='Library Tracker Settings' field='edit_location_list'><$list filter='[[$:/data/BookLocations]indexes[]]'><option><<currentTiddler>></option></$list></$select> <$button set='$:/data/BookLocations##$(LocationToRemove)$'>Remove Location</$button>
\define thisRemoveTag()
Select Tag: <$select tiddler='Library Tracker Settings' field='edit_tag_list'><$list filter='[[$:/data/BookTags]indexes[]]'><option><<currentTiddler>></option></$list></$select> <$button set='$:/data/BookTags##$(TagToRemove)$'>Remove Tag</$button>
<$checkbox tiddler='Library Tracker Settings' field='show_author' checked=true unchecked=false>Show Author</$checkbox><br>
<$checkbox tiddler='Library Tracker Settings' field='show_series' checked=true unchecked=false>Show Series</$checkbox><br>
<$checkbox tiddler='Library Tracker Settings' field='show_genre' checked=true unchecked=false>Show Genre</$checkbox><br>
<$checkbox tiddler='Library Tracker Settings' field='show_location' checked=true unchecked=false>Show Location</$checkbox><br>
<$checkbox tiddler='Library Tracker Settings' field='show_tags' checked=true unchecked=false>Show Tags</$checkbox><br>
!!Edit Author List
<$set name=AuthorToRemove value={{Library Tracker Settings!!edit_author_list}}>
!!Edit Series List
<$set name=SeriesToRemove value={{Library Tracker Settings!!edit_series_list}}>
!!Edit Genre List
<$set name=GenreToRemove value={{Library Tracker Settings!!edit_genre_list}}>
!!Edit Location List
<$set name=LocationToRemove value={{Library Tracker Settings!!edit_location_list}}>
!!Edit Tag List
<$set name=TagToRemove value={{Library Tracker Settings!!edit_tag_list}}>
Subject: {{!!subject}}<br>
Machine-to-Machine (M2M) refers to technologies with various applications. In order to provide the vision and goals of M2M, an M2M ecosystem with a service platform must be established by the key players in industrial domains so as to substantially reduce development costs and improve time to market of M2M devices and services. The service platform must be supported by M2M enabling technologies and standardization. In this paper, we present a survey of existing M2M service platforms and explore the various research issues and challenges involved in enabling an M2M service platform. We first classify M2M nodes according to their characteristics and required functions, and we then highlight the features of M2M traffic. With these in mind, we discuss the necessity of M2M platforms. By comparing and analyzing the existing approaches and solutions of M2M platforms, we identify the requirements and functionalities of the ideal M2M service platform. Based on these, we propose an M2M service platform (M2SP) architecture and its functionalities, and present the M2M ecosystem with this platform. Different application scenarios are given to illustrate the interaction between the components of the proposed platform. In addition, we discuss the issues and challenges of enabling technologies and standardization activities, and outline future research directions for the M2M network.
author={JaeWoo Kim and Jaiyong Lee and Jaeho Kim and Jaeseok Yun},
journal={Communications Surveys Tutorials, IEEE},
title={M2M Service Platforms: Survey, Issues, and Enabling Technologies},
keywords={telecommunication networks;telecommunication traffic;M2M network;M2M service platforms;M2M traffic;M2SP architecture;development cost reduction;machine-to-machine communication;machine-to-machine service platforms;Business;Computer architecture;Ecosystems;IP networks;Protocols;Robot sensing systems;Standards;Addressing;Architecture;Communication and Networking;Identification;Machine-to-Machine;Management;Peer-to-peer;Service Platform;Standardization},
<<bottomOfTiddler {{!!title}}>>
\define thisSeriesSelect()
<$select tiddler={{!!book_title}} field='series' default='None'>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/SeriesTitles]indexes[]sort[title]regexp:[(?i)$(thisSeriesSearch)$]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
\define thisGenreSelect()
<$select tiddler={{!!book_title}} field='genre' default='None'>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/BookGenres]indexes[]sort[title]regexp:[(?i)$(thisGenreSearch)$]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
\define thisAuthorSelect()
<$select tiddler={{!!book_title}} field='author'>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/BookAuthors]indexes[]sort[title]regexp:[(?i)$(thisAuthorSearch)$]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
\define thisLocationSelect()
<$select tiddler={{!!book_title}} field='location' default='None'>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/BookLocations]indexes[]sort[title]regexp:[(?i)$(thisLocationSearch)$]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
\define thisTagSelect()
<$select tiddler='$:/state/booktag' field='selected_tag'>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/BookTags]indexes[]sort[title]regexp:[(?i)$(thisTagSearch)$]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
\define thisBookSelect()
<$select field='book_title'>
<$list filter='[tag[Book]sort[title]regexp:[(?i)$(thisBookSearch)$]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
\define thisRemoveBookButton()
<$button popup='$:/state/test'>Remove Book</$button>
<$reveal type="popup" state="$:/state/test">
<div class="tc-drop-down">
<$set name=thisBookSearch value={{$:/state/newbook!!narrow_book_select}}>
<<thisBookSelect>></$set> <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='narrow_book_select' placeholder='Narrow Book List'/> (<<thisRemoveBookButton>>)
<$reveal type=match text=true state='Library Tracker Settings!!show_author'>
Author: <$reveal state='$:/state/Library Tracker/add author' type=nomatch text='new'>
<$set name=thisAuthorSearch value={{$:/state/newbook!!narrow_author_select}}>
<<thisAuthorSelect>></$set> <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='narrow_author_select' placeholder='Narrow Author List'/> (<$button set='$:/state/Library Tracker/add author' setTo='new'>New Author</$button>)
<$reveal state='$:/state/Library Tracker/add author' type=match text='new'>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='book_author' placeholder='Author'/><$button><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/data/BookAuthors' $index={{$:/state/newbook!!book_author}} $value=1/><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/newbook' $field='book_author' $value=''/>Add</$button><$button set='$:/state/Library Tracker/add author' setTo='notnew'>Done</$button>
<!--End Author-->
<$reveal type=match text=true state='Library Tracker Settings!!show_series'>
Series: <$reveal state='$:/state/Library Tracker/add series' type=nomatch text='new'>
<$set name=thisSeriesSearch value={{$:/state/newbook!!narrow_series_select}}>
<<thisSeriesSelect>></$set> <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='narrow_series_select' placeholder='Narrow Series List'/> (<$button set='$:/state/Library Tracker/add series' setTo='new'>New Series</$button>)
<$reveal state='$:/state/Library Tracker/add series' type=match text='new'>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='book_series' placeholder='Series Title'/><$button><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/data/SeriesTitles' $index={{$:/state/newbook!!book_series}} $value=1/><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/newbook' $field='book_series' $value=''/>Add</$button><$button set='$:/state/Library Tracker/add series' setTo='notnew'>Done</$button>
<!--End Series-->
<$reveal type=match text=true state='Library Tracker Settings!!show_genre'>
Genre: <$reveal state='$:/state/Library Tracker/add genre' type=nomatch text='new'>
<$set name=thisGenreSearch value={{$:/state/newbook!!narrow_genre_select}}>
<<thisGenreSelect>></$set> <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='narrow_genre_select' placeholder='Narrow Genre List'/> (<$button set='$:/state/Library Tracker/add genre' setTo='new'>New Genre</$button>)
<$reveal state='$:/state/Library Tracker/add genre' type=match text='new'>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='book_genre' placeholder='Genre'/><$button><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/data/BookGenres' $index={{$:/state/newbook!!book_genre}} $value=1/><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/newbook' $field='book_genre' $value=''/>Add</$button><$button set='$:/state/Library Tracker/add genre' setTo='notnew'>Done</$button>
<!--End Genre-->
<$reveal type=match text=true state='Library Tracker Settings!!show_location'>
Location: <$reveal state='$:/state/Library Tracker/add location' type=nomatch text='new'>
<$set name=thisLocationSearch value={{$:/state/newbook!!narrow_location_select}}>
<<thisLocationSelect>></$set> <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='narrow_location_select' placeholder='Narrow Location List'/> (<$button set='$:/state/Library Tracker/add location' setTo='new'>New Location</$button>)
<$reveal state='$:/state/Library Tracker/add location' type=match text='new'>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='book_location' placeholder='Location'/><$button><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/data/BookLocations' $index={{$:/state/newbook!!book_location}} $value=1/><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/newbook' $field='book_location' $value=''/>Add</$button><$button set='$:/state/Library Tracker/add location' setTo='notnew'>Done</$button>
<!--End Location-->
<$reveal type=match text=true state='Library Tracker Settings!!show_tags'>
Tags (it will always be tagged with `Book` by default):<br>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/newbook!!add_or_create_tag' text='create'>
New Tag: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/booktag' field='tag_temp' placeholder='New Tag'/>
<$button>Create Tag
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/data/BookTags' $index={{$:/state/booktag!!tag_temp}} $value=1/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/booktag' $field='tag_temp' $value=''/>
<$button set='$:/state/newbook!!add_or_create_tag' setTo='nocreate'>Done</$button><br>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/newbook!!add_or_create_tag' text='create'>
Tag to add:
<$set name=thisTagSearch value={{$:/state/newbook!!narrow_tag_select}}>
<$fieldmangler tiddler={{!!book_title}}>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param={{$:/state/booktag!!selected_tag}}/>Add Tag
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='narrow_tag_select' placeholder='Narrow Tag List'/>
(<$button set='$:/state/newbook!!add_or_create_tag' setTo='create'>New Tag</$button>)
List of current tags:<br>
<$fieldmangler tiddler={{!!book_title}}>
<$list filter='[{!!book_title}tags[]]-Book'><$view field='title'/> <$button>Remove Tag<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-tag' $param=<<currentTiddler>>/></$button><br> </$list>
<!--End Tags-->
You can use this to rearrange the table of contents displayed above under the `Table of Contents` tab. (To display the table of contents click on the tab).
''How to use this'':
Find the tiddler that you want to move in the table of contents and click the `Update Location` button next to its name. This will open up a small drop down that will list the current location of the tiddler in the table of contents and a dropdown menu you can use to select the new location. Once you have selected the new location press the `Move Tiddler` button. The tiddler will be immediately moved to the new location in the table of contents, so you will need to look in the new location to find it.
<$set name='above' value=Contents>
<$list filter='[plugintiddlers[]tag[Contents]][tag[Contents]]' template='TOCArrangeTemplate'>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/Basic Task List' field='task_name' class='tc-edit-texteditor' placeholder='Task Name'/><$button>New Task
<$action-setfield $tiddler={{$:/state/Basic Task List!!task_name}} tags='task'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Basic Task List' task_name=''/>
! Outstanding tasks
<$list filter="[!has[draft.of]tag[task]!tag[done]sort[created]!title[TiddlerTaskTemplate]]">
<$checkbox tag="done"> <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link></$checkbox>
! Completed tasks
<$list filter="[!has[draft.of]tag[task]tag[done]sort[created]]">
<$checkbox tag="done"> ~~<$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link>~~</$checkbox>
\define getFullName() $(FirstName)$ $(LastName)$ ($(NickName)$)
|!First Name |<$edit-text tiddler="ContactTemp" field="firstname" placeholder="First Name" size="40"/>|
|!Last Name |<$edit-text tiddler="ContactTemp" field="lastname" placeholder="Last Name" size="40"/>|
|!Nick Name |<$edit-text tiddler="ContactTemp" field="nickname" placeholder="Nick Name" size="40"/>|
|!Personal Email Address |<$edit-text tiddler="ContactTemp" field="personalemailaddress" placeholder="Personal Email Address" size="40"/>|
|!Work Email Address |<$edit-text tiddler="ContactTemp" field="workemailaddress" placeholder="Work Email Address" size="40"/>|
|!Other Email Address |<$edit-text tiddler="ContactTemp" field="otheremailaddress" placeholder="Other Email Address" size="40"/>|
|!Home Phone Number |<$edit-text tiddler="ContactTemp" field="homephonenumber" placeholder="Home Phone Number" size="40"/>|
|!Cell Phone Number |<$edit-text tiddler="ContactTemp" field="cellphonenumber" placeholder="Cell Phone Number" size="40"/>|
|!Work Phone Number |<$edit-text tiddler="ContactTemp" field="workphonenumber" placeholder="Work Phone Number" size="40"/>|
|!Street Address |<$edit-text tiddler="ContactTemp" field="streetaddress" placeholder="Street Address" size="40"/>|
|!City |<$edit-text tiddler="ContactTemp" field="city" placeholder="City" size="40"/>|
|!State/Provence |<$edit-text tiddler="ContactTemp" field="stateprovence" placeholder="State/Provence" size="40"/>|
|!Zip Code |<$edit-text tiddler="ContactTemp" field="zipcode" placeholder="Zip Code" size="40"/>|
|!Country |<$edit-text tiddler="ContactTemp" field="country" placeholder="Country" size="40"/>|
|!Blurb |<$edit-text tiddler="ContactTemp" field="blurb" placeholder="Quick description" size="40"/>|
|!Group |<<newContactAddGroup2>> <<newContactAddGroup1>>|
<$set name="FirstName" value={{ContactTemp!!firstname}}>
<$set name="LastName" value={{ContactTemp!!lastname}}>
<$set name="NickName" value={{ContactTemp!!nickname}}>
<$set name="grouptag" value={{ContactTemp!!group}}>
<$button>Create Contact
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<getFullName>> first_name={{ContactTemp!!firstname}} last_name={{ContactTemp!!lastname}} nick_name={{ContactTemp!!nickname}} personal_email_address={{ContactTemp!!personalemailaddress}} work_email_address={{ContactTemp!!workemailaddress}} other_email_address={{ContactTemp!!otheremailaddress}} home_phone_number={{ContactTemp!!homephonenumber}} work_phone_number={{ContactTemp!!workphonenumber}} cell_phone_number={{ContactTemp!!cellphonenumber}} street_address={{ContactTemp!!streetaddress}} country={{ContactTemp!!country}} state_or_provence={{ContactTemp!!stateprovence}} zip_code={{ContactTemp!!zipcode}} city={{ContactTemp!!city}} blurb={{ContactTemp!!blurb}} group={{ContactTemp!!group}} tags="Contacts"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=ContactTemp firstname="" lastname="" nickname="" personalemailaddress="" workemailaddress="" otheremailaddress="" homephonenumber="" workphonenumber="" cellphonenumber="" streetaddress="" country="" stateprovence="" zipcode="" city="" blurb=""/>
<$button>Clear Form
<$action-setfield $tiddler=ContactTemp firstname="" lastname="" nickname="" personalemailaddress="" workemailaddress="" otheremailaddress="" homephonenumber="" workphonenumber="" cellphonenumber="" streetaddress="" country="" stateprovence="" zipcode="" city="" blurb=""/>
!!Step 1 - ''Give the tiddler a name''
<$edit-text class='tc-edit-texteditor' tiddler='$:/state/NewTiddlerForm' field='name_temp' placeholder='Tiddler Name'/><br>
!!Step 2 - ''Fill in tiddler text''
You can use any WikiText here, see [[Wiki Formatting - text, tables, etc.]] for some easy examples of text formatting.
You can resize the exiting field by clicking and dragging the lower right corner.
<$edit-text class='tc-edit-texteditor' tiddler='$:/state/NewTiddlerForm' field='text' placeholder='Tiddler Text'/><br>
!!Step 3 - ''Give the tiddler a description'' (optional)
This can be used as a short description or summary of what each tiddler is. It can be useful in lists.
<$edit-text class='tc-edit-texteditor' tiddler='$:/state/NewTiddlerForm' field='description' placeholder='Tiddler Description'/><br>
!!Step 4 - ''Add a tag or tags to the tiddler'' (optional)
Tags are used for the table of contents, so it may be advisable to add tags to new tiddlers. For example, if you wanted to add a tiddler that would be displayed under 'Tools' in the table of contents you would add the 'Tools' tag to the tiddler.
<$select tiddler='$:/state/NewTiddlerForm' field='add_or_create_tag'>
<option value='existing'>Add existing tag</option>
<option value='create'>Add a new tag</option>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/NewTiddlerForm!!add_or_create_tag' text='create'>
New Tag Name: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/NewTiddlerForm' field='tag_temp' placeholder='New Tag'/><$fieldmangler tiddler='$:/state/NewTiddlerForm'>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param={{$:/state/NewTiddlerForm!!tag_temp}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/NewTiddlerForm' $field='tag_temp' $value=''/>Add Tag
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/NewTiddlerForm!!add_or_create_tag' text='existing'>
Tag to add: <$select tiddler='$:/state/NewTiddlerForm' field='tag_temp'>
<$list filter='[tags[]sort[title]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<$fieldmangler tiddler='$:/state/NewTiddlerForm'>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param={{$:/state/NewTiddlerForm!!tag_temp}}/>Add Tag
List of current tags:<br>
<$fieldmangler tiddler='$:/state/NewTiddlerForm'>
<$set name=tiddlerEditing value='$:/state/NewTiddlerForm'>
<$list filter='[[$:/state/NewTiddlerForm]tags[]]'><$view field='title'/> <$button>Remove Tag<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-tag' $param=<<currentTiddler>>/></$button><br> </$list>
!!Step 5 - ''Create the tiddler''
Press this button and the tiddler will be created and opened so you can view it.
<$button>Create Tiddler
<$action-setfield $tiddler={{$:/state/NewTiddlerForm!!name_temp}} text={{$:/state/NewTiddlerForm!!text}} description={{$:/state/NewTiddlerForm!!description}} tags={{$:/state/NewTiddlerForm!!tags}}/>
<$action-navigate $to={{$:/state/NewTiddlerForm!!name_temp}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/NewTiddlerForm' name_temp='' text='' description='' tags=''/>
<$button>Clear Form
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/NewTiddlerForm' name_temp='' text='' description='' tags=''/>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/NewTaskButton' text='show'>
<$button set='$:/state/NewTaskButton' setTo='show'>Create New Task</$button>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/NewTaskButton' text='show'>
<$button set='$:/state/NewTaskButton' setTo='noshow'>Hide Form</$button>
<$button>Add Task
<$action-setfield $tiddler={{$:/state/NewTask!!new_task_name}} due_date={{$:/state/NewTask!!due_date}} description={{$:/state/NewTask!!description}} text={{$:/state/NewTask!!text}} tags='task'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/NewTask' new_task_name='' due_date='' description='' text=''/>
Task Title: <$edit-text class='tc-edit-texteditor' tiddler='$:/state/NewTask' field='new_task_name' placeholder='Task Title'/><br>
Due Date: <$edit-text class='tc-edit-texteditor' tiddler='$:/state/NewTask' field='due_date' placeholder='Due Date'/><br>
Description: <$edit-text class='tc-edit-texteditor' tiddler='$:/state/NewTask' field='description' placeholder='Description'/><br>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/NewTaskDetails' text='show'>
<$button set='$:/state/NewTaskDetails' setTo='show'>Add Details</$button>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/NewTaskDetails' text='show'>
Details: (<$button set='$:/state/NewTaskDetails' setTo='noshow'>Cancel</$button>)<br>
<$edit-text class='tc-edit-texteditor' tiddler='$:/state/NewTask' field='text' placeholder='Task Details'/>
This is going to control the configuration for the upgraded task list. It should control both the Create New Task button and how the tasks are displayed (normal list, in groups, show/hide completed tasks, show/hide a delete task button, etc.)
\define thisSearchMacro()
<$list filter="[tag[Note]regexp:title[(?i)$(thisSearch)$]]">
<li><$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><<currentTiddler>></$link></li>
\define thisEditMacro()
<$list filter="[tag[Note]regexp:title[(?i)$(thisSearch)$]]">
<$set name=thisItem value=<<currentTiddler>>>
<li><$button message='tm-delete-tiddler' param=<<currentTiddler>>>{{$:/core/images/delete-button}}</$button><$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><<currentTiddler>></$link></li>
\define thisRegEx()
Search: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/notelist' field='search'/>(
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/notelist/editreveal' text='edit'>
<$button set='$:/state/notelist/editreveal' setTo='edit'>Edit List</$button>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/notelist/editreveal' text='edit'>
<$button set='$:/state/notelist/editreveal' setTo='noedit'>Done Editing</$button>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/notelist/editreveal' text='edit'>
Type in the search box to search by name
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/notelist/editreveal' text='edit'>
Click on the trashcan icon to remove a note
<$set name='thisSearch' value={{$:/temp/notelist!!search}}>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/notelist/editreveal' text='edit'>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/notelist/editreveal' text='edit'>
<<tabs "[[Write Quick Note]] [[Note List]]" [[Write Quick Note]]>>
Are you sure you want to remove the introduction message? Even if you remove it here you can still view it by going to the `Table of Contents` tab and clicking on it there.
<$fieldmangler tiddler=Introduction><$button><$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-tag' $param=Dashboard/><$action-sendmessage $message='tm-close-tiddler'/><$action-sendmessage $message='tm-delete-tiddler' $param='$:/temp/toc/selectedTiddler'/>Yes</$button></$fieldmangler> <$button message='tm-close-tiddler'>No</$button>
<$link to={{!!title}}>{{!!title}}</$link><br>
<$list filter=[tag[Contacts]] template= {{Contacts!!contact_display_template}}>
<$transclude tiddler=NewTaskButton/>
! Outstanding tasks
<$list filter="[!has[draft.of]tag[task]!tag[done]sort[created]!title[TiddlerTaskTemplate]]" template={{!!entry_display_template}}>
<$checkbox tag="done"> <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link> - <$view field="deadline"/><br><$view field="blurb"/></$checkbox>
! Completed tasks
<$list filter="[!has[draft.of]tag[task]tag[done]sort[created]]" template={{!!list_template}} template={{!!finished_task_display_template}}>
!!Unfinished Task Display template to use:
This is how each individual task will be displayed in the list<br>
<div class='tc-tiddler-frame' style='width:600px; background-color:#fafafa'>
<$select tiddler='Upgraded Task List' field='entry_display_template'>
<$list filter='[plugintiddlers[]tag[ToDoEntryDisplayTemplate]!has[draft.of]][tag[ToDoEntryDisplayTemplate]!has[draft.of]]'>
<option value={{!!title}}><$view field='display_name'/></option>
<$tiddler tiddler={{Upgraded Task List!!entry_display_template}}>
<$transclude tiddler={{!!settings_tiddler}}/>
Preview: <br>
<div class='tc-tiddler-frame' style='width:500px; background-color:#f0f0f0'>
<$tiddler tiddler={{Upgraded Task List!!entry_display_template}}><$transclude/></$tiddler>
!!Finished Task Display template to use:
This is the template used to generate the list of tasks, click on the name to see the template (How it looks changes based on the display template selected above).<br>
<div class='tc-tiddler-frame' style='width:600px; background-color:#fafafa'>
<$select tiddler='Upgraded Task List' field='finished_task_list_template'>
<$list filter='[plugintiddlers[]tag[ToDoEntryDisplayTemplate]!has[draft.of]][tag[ToDoEntryDisplayTemplate]!has[draft.of]]'>
<option value={{!!title}}><$view field=display_name/></option>
<$tiddler tiddler={{Upgraded Task List!!finished_task_list_template}}>
<$transclude tiddler={{!!settings_tiddler}}/>
<div class='tc-tiddler-frame' style='width:500px; background-color:#f0f0f0'>
<$tiddler tiddler={{Upgraded Task List!!finished_task_list_template}}>
!!Unfinished Task List template to use:
This is the template used to generate the list of tasks, click on the name to see the template (How it looks changes based on the display template selected above).<br>
<div class='tc-tiddler-frame' style='width:600px; background-color:#fafafa'>
<$select tiddler='Upgraded Task List' field='task_list_template'>
<$list filter='[plugintiddlers[]tag[TaskListTemplate]!has[draft.of]][tag[TaskListTemplate]!has[draft.of]]'>
<option value={{!!title}}><$view field=display_name/></option>
<$tiddler tiddler={{Upgraded Task List!!task_list_template}}>
<$transclude tiddler={{!!settings_tiddler}}/>
<div class='tc-tiddler-frame' style='width:500px; background-color:#f0f0f0'>
<$tiddler tiddler={{Upgraded Task List!!task_list_template}}>
!!Finished Task List template to use:
This is the template used to generate the list of tasks, click on the name to see the template (How it looks changes based on the display template selected above).<br>
<div class='tc-tiddler-frame' style='width:600px; background-color:#fafafa'>
<$select tiddler='Upgraded Task List' field='task_list_template'>
<$list filter='[plugintiddlers[]tag[TaskListTemplate]!has[draft.of]][tag[TaskListTemplate]!has[draft.of]]'>
<option value={{!!title}}><$view field=display_name/></option>
<$tiddler tiddler={{Upgraded Task List!!finished_task_list_template}}>
<$transclude tiddler={{!!settings_tiddler}}/>
<div class='tc-tiddler-frame' style='width:500px; background-color:#f0f0f0'>
<$tiddler tiddler={{Upgraded Task List!!finished_task_list_template}}>
<li><$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></$link>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state=<<qualify>> text='update'>
<$button set=<<qualify>> setTo='update'>Update Location</$button>
<$reveal type='match' state=<<qualify>> text='update'>
<$button set=<<qualify>> setTo='noupdate'>Done</$button>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$button>Move Tiddler
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param={{$:/state/temporaryTocLocation}}/>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-tag' $param=<<above>>/>
Current location: <<above>> <br>
Select New Location: <$select tiddler='$:/state/temporaryTocLocation'>
<$list filter='[tag[Contents]]' template=TOCArrangeTemplate2>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
<$set name=above value=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$list filter='[tag<currentTiddler>]' template='TOCArrangeTemplate'>
<$view field='title'/><br>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
<$list filter='[tag<currentTiddler>]' template=TOCArrangeTemplate2>
<$view field='title'/><br>
\define makeCitationText()
<$list filter='[[$(subjectsTiddler)$]indexes[]]'>
<li><$view field='title'/></li>
<$view tiddler="""$(abstractTiddler)$""" field='text'/>
\define thisMakeBibtexTiddler()
\define thisMakeAbstractTiddler()
\define thisMakeSubjectTiddler()
\define getBibTex()
<$macrocall $name=monoSpacedCodeBlock src={{$(bibTexTiddler)$}}/>
<$select tiddler='$:/state/UpgradeCitation/selectedtiddler'>
<$list filter='[tag[Citations]has[subject]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<$tiddler tiddler={{$:/state/UpgradeCitation/selectedtiddler}}>
<$set name=currentTitle value=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$set name=bibTexTiddler value=<<thisMakeBibtexTiddler>>>
<$set name=subjectsTiddler value=<<thisMakeSubjectTiddler>>>
<$set name=bibTex value=<<getBibTex>>>
<$set name=abstractTiddler value=<<thisMakeAbstractTiddler>>>
<$action-setfield bibtex_tiddler=<<thisMakeBibtexTiddler>> abstract_tiddler=<<thisMakeAbstractTiddler>> subject_tiddler=<<thisMakeSubjectTiddler>>/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<thisMakeSubjectTiddler>> $index={{!!subject}} $value=1/>
<$action-setfield text=<<makeCitationText>>/>
<<tabs "[[Task List]] [[Task List Settings]]" [[Task List]]>>
<<tabs "[[View Citation by Subject]][[View Citation by Title]]" "[[View Citation by Subject]]">>
Subject: <$select tiddler='$:/state/viewcitation/subject' default='No Subject'>
<$list filter='[tag[CitationsSubject]sort[title]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
Citation: <$select tiddler='$:/state/viewcitation/citationbysubject'>
<$list filter='[tag[Citations]sort[title]]' variable=currentCitation>
<$list filter='[title<currentCitation>get[subject_tiddler]]' variable=subjectsTiddler>
<$list filter='[title<subjectsTiddler>indexes[]]'><!-- variable=currentSubject>-->
<$list filter='[title{$:/state/viewcitation/subject}is[current]]'>
<option><$view tiddler=<<currentCitation>> field='title'/></option>
<$transclude tiddler={{$:/state/viewcitation/citationbysubject}}>
Citation: <$select tiddler='$:/state/viewcitation/citationbytitle'>
<$list filter='[tag[Citations]sort[title]]'>
<option><$view tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field='title'/></option>
<$transclude tiddler={{$:/state/viewcitation/citationbytitle}}>
These tiddlers change the behavior or appearance of the other parts of the wiki.
<$list filter='[tag[Wiki Settings]]'>
\define thisTempTiddler(stateNumber)
<$set name=someName value=<<qualify>>>
<$tiddler tiddler=<<thisTempTiddler>>>
Note Name: <$edit-text tiddler=<<thisTempTiddler>> field='name' class='tc-edit-texteditor' placeholder='Note Name'/>
<$edit-text tiddler=<<thisTempTiddler>> field='text' class='tc-edit-texteditor' placeholder='Note Text'/>
<$button>Create Note
<$action-setfield $tiddler={{!!name}} $field='text' $value={{!!text}} tags='Note'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<thisTempTiddler>> $field='text' $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<thisTempTiddler>> $field='name' $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<thisTempTiddler>> $field='text' $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<thisTempTiddler>> $field='name' $value=''/>
<<hl "Defining Builds">>
See [[tiddlywiki.info]] for defining build targets.
Also see [[--init]] [[command|commands]].
<<hl Editions>>
When not specified, the [[<edition>]] defaults to the ''empty'' [[edition|editions]]. Any `includeWikis` definitions in an [[editions]]' [[tiddlywiki.info]] file are ignored.
When multiple editions are specified, those initialised later overwrite any files from those initialized before, the `tiddlywiki.info` file also copied from the last initialized edition.
The [[--editions]] [[comand|commands]] returns a list of available [[editions]].
Also see: [[environment-variables]].
''Note:'' For any plugins are already loaded, no older version will be loaded by [[tiddlywiki]].
!! Loading Encrypted Wikis
To load from an encrypted [[tiddlywiki]] file, first use the [[--password]] [[command|commands]] first:
tiddlywiki ./MyWiki --password pa55w0rd --load my_encrypted_wiki.html
The upgrade library is constructed as an ordinary plugin tiddler with the plugin type `library`. It contains a copy of all [[plugins]], [[themes]] and [[languages]] of the [[tiddlywiki]] repo.
See the <<tw UpgradeMechanism>> for more details.
<<hl Authentication>>
<<hl Encryption>>
With SSL you can achieve the same level of transit encryption as with online services like Google or Dropbox.
<$macrocall $name="note" text="""With [[tiddlywiki]] for [[node.js]] there is no encryption of data on the disk. You can only <<tw EncryptionMechanism "encrypt your wiki in the browser">>."""/>
[[<username>]] and [[<password>]] provide basic HTTP authentication. When specified, the browser prompts the user for both.
<<note """The [[<password>]] is transmitted in __plain text__. So, this implementation isn't suitable for general use!""">>>
Running [[tiddlywiki]] on [[node.js]], the [[--server]] [[command|commands]] by default exposes the wiki at a uri formed from protocol, host, and port, e.g.
To run the wiki for a custom path like:
follow these steps:
# use the [[--server]] [[command|commands]] passing the [[<pathprefix>]] argument as:<div>
# configure the client by creating the following tiddler:<div>
title: `$:/config/tiddlyweb/host`<br>
text: `$protocol$//$host$/path/to/my/wiki/`
The kernel boots just enough of the [[tiddlywiki]] environment to allow it to load and execute module tiddlers. The module system is compatible with CommonJS and [[node.js]].
There are many different types of [[modules]]: parsers, deserializers, widgets etc. Even the core fields are defined via a modules; one specifies how the `tags` field is handled, and others for the `modified` and `created` fields. Some modules have sub-modules, e.g. the wikitext parser accepts parsing rules as individual plugin modules.
The tiddler [[$:/boot/boot.js]] is a barebones [[tiddlywiki]] kernel that is just sufficient to load the core plugin [[modules]] and trigger a [[startup]] module to load up the rest of the application.
Each module is an ordinary CommonJS module, using the `require()` function to access other modules and the `exports` global to return [[javascript]] values.
The [[boot]] kernel smooths over the differences between [[node.js]] and the browser, allowing the same plugin modules to execute in both environments.
The boot kernel includes:
* several short shared utility functions
* methods implementing the module mechanism
* the `$tw.Tiddler` class and field definition plugins
* the `$tw.Wiki` class, and tiddler deserialization methods
* code for the browser to load tiddlers from the HTML DOM
* code for the server to load tiddlers from the file system
!! Browser
In the browser, `core/boot.js` is packed into a template HTML file that contains the following elements in order:
* ordinary and system tiddlers, packed as [[html]] `<div>` elements
* `core/bootprefix.js`, containing a few lines to set up the plugin environment
* optional [[javascript]] [[modules]], packed as [[html]] `<script>` blocks
* `core/boot.js`, containing the boot kernel
!! Server
On the server, `core/boot.js` is executed directly. It uses the [[node.js]] local file API to load plugins directly from the file system in the `core/modules` directory. The code loading is performed synchronously for brevity and because the system is in any case inherently blocked until [[plugins]] are loaded.
The boot process sets up the `$tw` global variable that is used to store all the state data of the system.
At the end of the boot process the [[startup]] mechanism schedules the execution of startup modules to bring up the rest of [[tiddlywiki]].
Also see [[plugins]].
Before you can [[build|--build]] a [[standalone]] [[wiki]], make sure you have [[installed|Installing TiddlyWiki]] both [[node.js]] and [[tiddlywiki]]. Then use the [[--build]] [[command|commands]] on the <<cl>> to create the desired output wiki.
!! Example
Execute the following command from your [[wiki]] folder to build a [[standalone]] wiki:
tiddlywiki --rendertiddler $:/core/save/all index.html text/plain
!! Components
To build a classic version the following components are used:
; tiddlywiki/classictools
: a plugin with a deserializer module to load tiddlers from [[tiddlywiki]] 2.x.x `.recipe` files
; $view widget
: `format="stripcomments"` strips single-line [[javascript]] comments starting `//#`
; $fields widget
: `stripTitlePrefix='yes'` removes curly braced prefixes from the `title` attribute
: e.g. `{tiddler}HelloThere` becomes `HelloThere`
! Build
To build a classic [[tiddlywiki]] under [[node.js]]...
node ../../tiddlywiki.js \
--verbose \
--load <path_to_recipe_file> \
--rendertiddler $:/core/templates/tiddlywiki2.template.html <path_to_write_index_file> text/plain \
|| exit 1
Any [[tiddlywiki]] [[commands]] run from the <<cl>> are interpreted from left to right with their available [[parameters]], all arguments separated with spaces.
Available [[commands]] are prefixed `--`, their parameters are not:
tiddlywiki [<wikipath>] [--<command> [<arg>[,<arg>]]]
; [[<wikipath>]]
: {{!!p.wikipath}}
''available commands''
<<summaries "[tag[commands]sort[title]]">>
<$list filter="[has[content-type]sort[title]]">
<dt><$view field="content-type"/></dt>
<dd>see <$link><$view field="title"/></$link></dd>
<<summaries "[tag<currentTiddler>sort[title]]">>
# create an empty [[wiki]] folder in a convenient place
# to have [[tiddlywiki]] initialize your new wiki for you, use the [[--init]] command
#* alternatively, create a file called [[tiddlywiki.info]] containing the text:<div>
`{"themes": ["tiddlywiki/vanilla","tiddlywiki/snowwhite"]}`
#* or use the one of the [[empty edition|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/blob/master/editions/empty/tiddlywiki.info]] from the <<repo>>
# create a [[tiddlers (folder)]] inside of your [[wiki]] folder
# create new [[.tid]] files in it and use the [[--build]] command to generate a standalone wiki from them in the [[output (folder)]] of your [[wiki]] folder
# use the [[--server]] command to start the basic server and create / edit tiddlers in your browser, eventually placed back in your [[tiddlers (folder)]] by the server
The <<.dlink-ex DOM "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Document_Object_Model">> of a web page is a tree-shaped model of its content, maintained internally by the web browser as the user interacts with that content. Each point in the tree is called a <<.def node>>.
When ~TiddlyWiki is running in a web browser, its [[widgets|Widgets]] are rendered into DOM nodes for display.
When ~TiddlyWiki is running on [[Node.js|TiddlyWiki on Node.js]], it uses a fake DOM to simulate the behaviour of a browser.
Specified as a colon-delimited list of paths to have [[tiddlywiki]] search for:
; plugins
; themes
; languages
; editions
: `TIDDLYWIKI_EDITION_PATH` - used by the [[--init]] [[command|commands]]
Paths should point to folders equivalent to those in the [[tiddlywiki github repository|http://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/]]:
; [[plugins]], [[themes]], [[languages]]
: folders structured as `publisher/plugin-name/<files>`
; [[editions]]
: containing edition folders `edition-name/<files>`
!! Example
tiddlywiki mywiki --build index
Also see <<tw TiddlerFields>>.
<<summaries field:"content-type">>
Using command-line operations with [[node.js]], [[tiddlywiki]] can perform a number of operations on [[wiki]] folders, tiddler [[files]] and [[standalone]] wiki files.
For example, the following command loads the tiddlers from a [[tiddlywiki]] [[html]] file and then saves one of them in [[static]] html:
tiddlywiki --verbose --load mywiki.html --rendertiddler ReadMe ./readme.html
Running `tiddlywiki` from your <<cl>> [[boots|boot]] [[tiddlywiki]] kernel, loads the core [[plugins]] and establishes an empty [[wiki]] store and then runs the specified [[commands]], in the above example [[--verbose]], [[--load]] and finally [[--rendertiddler]].
To explore a static representation of <<twcom>>, see <a href="http://tiddlywiki.com/static.html" target="_blank">static.html</a>. This is a static snapshot of the wiki as it is displayed on startup.
Links to other tiddlers point to static snapshots of the tiddlers in the form `/static/HelloThere.html`. Each [[static]] tiddler [[html]] file references a `static.css` stylesheet file.
The following commands generate the sample static version of <<twcom>>:
--rendertiddlers [!is[system]] $:/core/templates/static.tiddler.html static text/plain
--rendertiddler $:/core/templates/static.template.html static.html text/plain
--rendertiddler $:/core/templates/static.template.css static/static.css text/plain
* the first [[--rendertiddlers]] [[command|commands]] generates the [[html]] representation of all tiddlers
* the second [[--rendertiddler]] command saves the static version of $:/DefaultTiddlers
* the final [[--rendertiddler]] command saves the stylesheet
* all static files are placed in the ''output'' folder of the [[wiki]] folder
! Full Wiki Snapshot
You can produce a single [[html]] file containing a [[static]] representation of all tiddlers using standard [[html]] anchor links to jump between them.
For an example, see <a href="http://tiddlywiki.com/alltiddlers.html">alltiddlers.html</a> which is built with the following [[command|commands]]:
--rendertiddler $:/core/templates/alltiddlers.template.html alltiddlers.html text/plain
!! Hosting
; ~GitHub Pages
: allow you to to host static files alongside your GitHub project
: http://pages.github.com
You have a number of options to leverage [[tiddlywiki]] for your project documentation...
* easily produce a [[readme.md]] for inclusion in your project
* public access via [[github pages|github]] you can...
** generate a [[standalone]] [[wiki]] for project documentation
** generate [[static]] [[html]] files
All of the above methods are used by [[tiddlywiki]] the project itself.
The system tiddler [[$:/HistoryList]] keeps track of a list of tiddlers comprising the navigation history. Each time you click on a link to a tiddler, the title of the target tiddler is added to the top of the stack.
The history list is stored in JSON to allow additional details about the coordinates of the DOM node that initiated the navigation.
The history list also maintains the field ''current-tiddler'' that contains the name of the tiddler at the top of the stack. This field can be used like so:
<$list filter="[list[$:/StoryList]]" history="$:/HistoryList" storyview="pop">
<$button message="tm-close-tiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-mini">×</$button> <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/> <$reveal type="match" state="$:/HistoryList!!current-tiddler" text=<<currentTiddler>>>✓</$reveal></$link>
Which renders the same as the "Open" sidebar tab, with the addition of a tick against the tiddler that was last navigated to.
<$list filter="[list[$:/StoryList]]" history="$:/HistoryList" storyview="pop">
<$button message="tm-close-tiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-mini">×</$button> <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/> <$reveal type="match" state="$:/HistoryList!!current-tiddler" text=<<currentTiddler>>>✓</$reveal></$link>
!! Empty Story
To display content when the story is empty, create $:/config/EmptyStoryMessage and enter the desired contents. The following would show the GettingStarted tiddler when all others are closed.
~TiddlyWiki is different from other wikis because of its principle of dynamically customizeable "storyline" based on tiddlers as basic units of information. That is, the user "composes" their own version of the webpage by clicking on tiddler links, which add tiddlers to the page in order to compose a storyline.
The Node.js implementation in ~TiddlyWiki5 adds all the advantages of flat-file markup language based type of site. This makes ~TiddlyWiki an excellent alternative to flat-file based CMS/webpage/blog authoring systems for the web.
Also very cool is the treatment of tags as menus everywhere.
External images in [[tiddlywiki]] are tiddlers that point to the URI of an image, rather than embedding the full image data. They can perform better than embedded images, particularly with large numbers or sizes of images. However, using them breaks the single file pattern of [[tiddlywiki]].
External images are used in the browser. They can be created by the Node.js configuration when it builds a [[tiddlywiki]], or they can be created manually within the browser.
! What is an External Image
An external image is an ordinary image tiddler that has a ''_canonical_uri'' field containing the URI of the image. The URI can be absolute or relative to the HTML document. If the canonical URI is provided then the ''text'' field of the tiddler is ignored and so should be omitted.
! Manually Creating External Images
To manually create an external image just create the tiddler with the appropriate image content type, and add a ''_canonical_uri'' field with a URI pointing to the actual image location.
''IMPORTANT:'' Double-check your spelling. ``_canonical_uri`` is spelled [[URI|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URI#The_relationship_between_URIs.2C_URLs.2C_and_URNs]], not URL.
! Creating external images under Node.js
The following steps are used to create a static HTML file version of a wiki accompanied by an ''images'' folder containing the referenced external images:
# Create image tiddlers in your [[tiddlywiki]]Folders in the usual way
# Save the images as separate files (by convention, in a subfolder named ''images'')
# Externalise the image tiddlers by giving them a ''_canonical_uri'' field
# Save the main HTML file
Note the image files must be saved before they are externalised. Externalising them destroys the ''text'' field within the in-memory copy of the wiki store, meaning that attempts to save them will fail.
For an example, take a look at the ''externalimages'' [[build|--build]] [[target|<target>]] of the ''tw5.com'' wiki:
--savetiddlers [is[image]] images
--setfield [is[image]] _canonical_uri $:/core/templates/canonical-uri-external-image text/plain
--setfield [is[image]] text "" text/plain
--rendertiddler $:/core/save/all externalimages.html text/plain
!! Saving Separate Image Files
The following `--savetiddlers` command can be used to save the images of a wiki into an ''images'' subfolder:
--savetiddlers [is[image]] images
!! Externalising Image Tiddlers
Two `--setfield` commands are used: the first sets the ''_canonical_uri'' field to a URI derived from the title of the tiddler, and the second clears the text field.
--setfield [is[image]] _canonical_uri $:/core/templates/canonical-uri-external-image text/plain
--setfield [is[image]] text "" text/plain
The template tiddler [[$:/core/templates/canonical-uri-external-image]] contains:
<$view tiddler="$:/core/templates/canonical-uri-external-image" field="text" format="text"/>
Note that these operations modify the tiddlers in the wiki store and so may affect the operation of subsequent commands.
! Using External Images
You can't edit an external image directly in the browser except by changing the URI field to point to a different image.
|!Tiddler |!Info |!Values |
|[[$:/info/browser]] |running in the browser?| `yes` / `no` |
|[[$:/info/node]] |running under [[node.js]]?| `yes` / `no` |
<<note """The [[browser-sniff|http://tiddlywiki.com/#%24%3A%2Fplugins%2Ftiddlywiki%2Fbrowser-sniff]] plugin extends this method by providing details about the current browser environment.""">>
# ''install'' [[node.js]]
#* from http://nodejs.org
# ''install'' [[tiddlywiki]]
#* as an administrator, enter on your ([[node.js]]) command-line:
#* `npm install -g tiddlywiki` or...
#* `sudo npm install -g tiddlywiki` (to run as admin on linux/mac)
#* `-g` installs [[tiddlywiki]] globally; otherwise it is only available where installed
# ''verify''
#* `tiddlywiki --version`
#* [[tiddlywiki]] should report its version, e.g. <<version>> (and other debug info)
# ''test''
## on the command-line, navigate to a desired target folder for your new wiki
## create a new [[wiki]] folders with a basic configuration, e.g. [[tiddlywiki.info]]:
##* `tiddlywiki mywiki --init server` (see [[--init]])
## start the [[tiddlywiki]] server:
##* `tiddlywiki mywiki --server` (see [[--server]])
## open your browser and visit:
##* ``
## create and edit tiddlers observing the command-line and [[tiddlers (folder)]]
!! Debian
If you receive a `node: command not found` error even though [[node.js]] is installed, you need to create a symbolic link between `nodejs` and `node`.
; debian v8.0
: `sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node`
See github [[issue 1434|http://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1434]].
''JSON'' specifies a compact and efficient file format to transport data over the web.
For a new job, I decided to set up a personal wiki to keep notes. I wanted to keep it simple, meeting these requirements...
* All the data is in a Dropbox folder (so it can be automatically synced between machines)
* It must support Markdown syntax
After looking at the options, I settled on ~TiddlyWiki. I've used "classic ~TiddlyWiki" before, and liked its simplicity, but I was always a little annoyed with the weird steps you have to go through to save changes. The new version of ~TiddlyWiki includes support for running it as a real HTTP server, so you can use it just like an online wiki.
But it took me a couple of hours to figure out how to set that up. The ~TiddlyWiki documentation is not clear ("not clear" is a euphemistic way of saying "terrible"). So, I've written up these instructions in the hope it will spare somebody else all the frustration I had.
In a [[standalone]] [[tiddlywiki]] [[html]] file, all tiddlers are fully embedded. By contrast, in a client-server environment, lazy loading refers to serving only metadata about a tiddler, that is all fields except the `text` field which is served only when requested.
Currently, lazy loading is only implemented for a [[tiddlywiki]] running in a browser talking to a [[tiddlyweb]]-compatible server in one of the following configurations:
# for [[tiddlywiki]] served via [[node.js]], image tiddlers can be subject to lazy loading
#* to enable, use the [[--server]] [[command|commands]] as follows:<div>
`tiddlywiki --server 8080 $:/core/save/lazy-images`
# when syncing with [[tiddlyweb]], all tiddlers are subject to lazy loading
!! Node.js
For lazy loading via the [[--server]] [[command|commands]] for [[node.js]], the [[tiddlywiki]] core provides a template that enables images to be lazily loaded while other tiddlers are packaged into the initial html file in the usual way.
!! ~TiddlyWeb
The [[tiddlyweb]] plugin implements lazy loading by first requesting a "skinny" version of each tiddler, that is all fields of a tiddler except `text`. Subsequently, reading from skinny tiddlers via `wiki.getTiddler()` returns just the skinny fields whereas. Only a call to `wiki.getTiddlerText()` triggers an asynchronous load of the full tiddler text, in turn refreshing the display to reflect the newly loaded tiddler.
!! Search
The browser-based search in [[tiddlywiki]] only searches the text of fully loaded tiddlers. In a client-server configuration the expectation is that is should be the server that handles search operations, as it only the server has access to the text field. For the future, the plan is to integrate the built in search with the [[tiddleweb]] search apo. In a basic approach, a local search triggers an asynchronous server side search. The results of the search is asynchronously loaded and dynamically appears in the local search results.
!! Loaded Modules
Important benefits of using [[tiddlywiki] on [[node.js]] brings over a [[stnadalone]] version are:
* tiddlers are stored in individual files that you can organise to your liking
* build multiple wikis blending different combinations of unique or shared content
* edit content in your favorite editor or any suitable browser
\define param-link() <$link to="<$(param)$>"><$text text="<$(param)$>"></$link>
\define param-field() p.$(param)$
\define param-commands()
<$list filter="[has<param-field>sort[title]]"><$link><$view field=title/></$link> </$list>
<$list filter="[tag[parameters]removeprefix[<]removesuffix[>]sort[title]]" variable="param">
When a repository is visited, [[github]] will look for a `readme.md` file and display it. As a security measure, github displays [[markdown]] instead of full [[html]] files.
Based on the safe subset of html elements permitted by markdown, you can use the [[--rendertiddler]] command on the <<cl>> to have [[tiddlywiki]] save the contents of the html representation of a tiddler as a ''readme.md'' suitable for github:
--rendertiddler ReadMe ./readme.md text/html
» renders the tiddler <<tw ReadMe>><br>
» saves it to the file `./readme.md`<br>
» in the format `text/html`
By default, internal wiki links are rendered as html `<a>` elements to a relative uri consisting of the title of the tiddler.
Depending on whether you use a [[standalone]] wiki or [[static]] files, add or modify the macro `tv-wikilink-template`, see source of <<tw ReadMe>>:
\define tv-wikilink-template() http://tiddlywiki.com/static/$uri_doubleencoded$.html
The above redirect all internal links to static [[html]] files for tiddlers on <<twcom>>. See the <<tw LinkWidget>> for more details.
\define tv-wikilink-template() http://tiddlywiki.com/static/$uri_doubleencoded$.html
{{Scripts for TiddlyWiki on Node.js}}
The following steps are involved:
# the filter in $:/config/SaverFilter specifies which tiddlers when modified trigger the dirty state for the [[wiki]] in a browser, "dirty" meaning: the wiki needs saving
# the ''save button'' {{$:/core/ui/Buttons/save}} is used to dispatch a <<tw "WidgetMessage%3A%20tm-save-wiki" tm-save-wiki>> message that triggers the saving operation
# the optional parameter for ''tm-save-wiki'' specifies the template used for generating the [[html]] file, defaulting to $:/core/save/all
#* in the client-server configuration, the [[tiddlyweb]] plugin uses the template [[$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/tiddlyweb/save/offline|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/blob/master/plugins/tiddlywiki/tiddlyweb/save-offline.tid]] instead
# a variable assignment in the template specifies a filter for all tiddlers to be included in the saved file while transcluding the main page template [[$:/core/templates/tiddlywiki5.html]]
#* the template includes a reference that allows you to customise the filter by defining a global variable called ''publishFilter''
# eventually, ''tm-save-wiki'' renders the template to generate the [[html]] file chosing the highest priority saver module to handle saving the file
For more details, see: http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/#Saver
I never used [[node.js]] until a couple weeks ago when I wanted to try a [[TW5|tiddlywiki]] installation on [[node|node.js]] and expand my knowledge a bit. I figured someone else may be in the same boat so I wrote it all down.
For [[tiddlywiki]] to show external resources in the browser you have to use [[--build]] to output a [[standalone]] wiki or [[static]] folders referencing these image files.
To serve external resources like images you could use a second server that knows how to handle images. However, the two servers need to run at different ports / addresses. Which means that simple canonical addresses will ''not'' work. Instead, you'll need to alter $:/core/templates/canonical-uri-external-image to create a long path for the image, e.g.
Anytime you change image server address or port, or when creating a stand-alone version, you would need to change the paths for all images.
The startup mechanism runs the installed startup modules at the end of the [[boot]] process.
!! Startup Modules
Modules with their ''module-type'' field set to `startup`:
* Must export a `startup` function
** For synchronous startup modules the startup function is called as `startup()`, asynchronous modules are passed a callback they must invoke on completion: `startup(callback)`
* May export a `name` property that is used to identify the task
* May export a `after` property containing an array of names of dependent tasks that must be run before this one
* May export a `before` property containing an array of names of tasks that must be run after this one
* May export a `platforms` property containing an array of names of platforms that are required in order for the startup module to be executed. The defined platforms are ''node'' and ''browser''. If the `platforms` property is not provided it defaults to `["node","browser"]`
!! Startup Processing
Startup modules are executed in sequence according to their declared dependencies.
There is no guarantee of the execution order of tasks that share the same dependencies.
!! Startup Modules
The core defines the following startup modules:
{{Startup Modules.svg}}
For [[javascript]] testing [[tiddlywiki]] incorporates the [[jasmine|http://pivotal.github.io/jasmine]] framework which allows the same tests to be run both in a [[standalone]] [[wiki]] in the browser and under [[node.js]].
!! Components
There are two main elements testing in [[tiddlywiki]]:
* the plugin ''tiddlywiki/jasmine'' which wraps ''jasmine'' into a plugin
* the edition `test` containing the core test specifications, including the ''jasmine'' plugin
!! Running Tests
To run the tests under [[node.js]] navigate to the ''test'' <<s edition>> in your <<cl>>.
To display test results right on the command-line run:
To generate a [[standalone]] wiki run:
tiddlywiki --verbose --rendertiddler $:/core/save/all test.html text/plain
Open ''test.html'' in the ''output'' folder to see the test results in your browser.
A prebuilt version of ''test.html'' can be found at: http://tiddlywiki.com/test.html
You can synchronize a <<tw>> running in the browser with <<twb>> / <<ts>>.
The [[--server]] [[command|commands]] generates a [[standalone]] wiki containing the plugin $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/tiddlyweb providing the necessary interface which...
* by default implements [[lazy-loading]]
* provides two way synchronisation between browser and server
** synchronising from the server is accomplished by polling (every 60 seconds)
* throttles communication so that rapid changes don't overwhelm the server
** e.g. drafts / tiddlerss in edit-mode
To try it out...
# create an account at <<ts>>
# create a new space, eg `<myspace>`
# include the space `tw5tiddlyweb` in your <<ts>> controlpanel
# visit `http://<myspace>.tiddlyspace.com/tw5`
Also take a look at the <<repo>>.
The JSON data consists of an object with a `tiddlers` property containing an array of tiddlers and information as to how to load each into the wiki, consistsing of:
; file
: the relative or absolute path to the file to include
; fields
: an object containing fields that override any provided in the tiddler file
; prefix / suffix
: (optional) specify strings to be prefixed and suffixed to the tiddler file text content
!! Example
Velow the content of the [[tiddlywiki.files]] in the [[tiddlers (folder)]] of the [[D3 plugin|http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/d3]]:
<$codeblock language="javascript" code={{$:/.node/examples/tiddlywiki.files}}/>
The [[tiddlywiki.info]] file in a wiki folder defines a JSON object with following fields:
; plugins
: an array of plugin names to be included in the wiki
; themes
: an array of theme names to be included in the wiki
; languages
: an array of language names to be included in the wiki
; includeWikis
: an array of references to external wiki folders to be included in the wiki
; build
: a hashmap of named targets, each defined as an array of commands, see [[--build]]
; config
: an optional hashmap of configuration options (see below)
!!! ''includeWikis''
The entries in the ''includeWikis'' array can be either a string specifying the relative path to the wiki, or an object with the following fields:
* ''path'' - relative path to wiki folder
* ''read-only'' - set //true// to prevent the tiddlers in the included wiki from being modified. The modifications will be written to the directory specified in ''default-tiddler-location'', described below
!!! ''build''
Note that the build targets of included wikis are merged if a target of that name isn't defined in the current `tiddlywiki.info` file.
!!! ''config''
Configuration options include:
* ''default-tiddler-location'' - a string path to the default location for the filesystem adaptor to save new tiddlers (resolved relative to the wiki folder)
* ''retain-original-tiddler-path'' - If true, the server will generate a tiddler [[$:/config/OriginalTiddlerPaths]] containing the original file paths of each tiddler in the wiki
!!! Example
<$codeblock language="javascript" code={{$:/.node/examples/tiddlywiki.info}}/>
The <<.def tv-get-export-image-link>> [[variable|Variables]] controls the value of the `src` attribute on the HTML `img` element generated by the <<.wlink ImageWidget>> widget when the value of its `source` attribute is not the title of a tiddler.
The variable should be a [[macro|Macros]] with the following parameter:
: The value of the `source` attribute -- equivalent to the image name specified in <$link to="Images in WikiText">the shorthand syntax</$link> `[img[source]]`
The ability to override image URIs in this way can be useful when one is using the [[Node.js configuration|TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] to export a static version of a wiki.
<<.variable-examples "tv-get-export-image-link">>
The <<.def tv-get-export-path>> [[variable|Variables]] specifies the full pathname to which the <<.clink rendertiddlers RenderTiddlersCommand>> [[Node.js|TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] command writes each tiddler.
The variable should be implemented as a <<.js-macro-link "JavaScript macro">> with the following parameter:
: The title of the tiddler
If no such macro exists, the tiddlers are written to files whose names are [[percent-encoded|Percent Encoding]], in the command's output folder.
With any core update, please remember ''The First Rule Of Using ~TiddlyWiki'':
//You are responsible for looking after your own data; take care to make backups, especially when upgrading the ~TiddlyWiki core.//
To update [[tiddlywiki]] on [[node.js]], run as an administrator from your command-line:
`npm update -g tiddlywiki`
To run as admin on linux / mac:
`sudo npm update -g tiddlywiki`
For upgrading a [[standalone]] wiki, see <<tw Upgrading>>.
This wiki provides an overview for using [[tiddlywiki]] under [[node.js]] on the basis of related content from ''tiddlywiki.com''.
<<summaries "[[concepts]tagging[]]">>
By default, [[tiddlywiki]] on [[node.js]] stores individual tiddler [[files]]. These can be edited in a browser using the default client-server configuration via the [[--server]] [[command|commands]]. Additionally, it can generate [[standalone]] wikis for display in browser using the [[--build]] [[command|commands]] or turn tiddlers into static html files using the [[--rendertiddlers]] [[command|commands]].
A wiki folder is comprised of the following:
<$list filter="[[wiki]tagging[]]">
<dt><$link><$view field="caption"><$view field="title"/></$view></$link></dt>
<dd><$list filter="[all[current]has[is]]">({{!!is}}) </$list>{{!!summary}}</dd>
Any files and folders not listed above are ignored.
NoteSelf was created and is developed by
[ext[Danielo Rodríguez Rivero|https://danielorodriguez.com]], a single JavaScript developer.
I only do this because of my own interest in having something like this.
I have been looking for a similar solution for years but
I didn't find anything, so I decided to create one myself.
NoteSelf stands on the shoulders of two giants that made this project possible:
[ext[TiddlyWiki|https://tiddlywiki.com]] and [ext[PouchDb|https://pouchdb.com]].
If you don't know those projects, please visit their home pages,
they deserve your attention.
We all love TiddlyWiki. It is powerful, free, highly customizable and open source.
But don't you miss something? Yes exactly! Sync capabilities like Evernote has.
On the other hand, probably you love Evernote's sync ability, but don't you miss something?
Yes exactly! Customization.
TiddlyPouch fills that gap, bringing to TiddlyWiki a sync mechanism that allows you to
work offline and sync when you come back online. Create your own, free and open sourced
note taking tool! With sync.
Here is the list of attributions that made this project possible
* TiddlyPouch runs on top of [[tiddlywiki|https://tiddlywiki.com]], created by the great Jeremy Ruston
* Local storage and synchronization are possible thanks to [[PouchDB|https://pouchdb.com]]
* Some Icons were made by <a href="http://www.flaticon.com/authors/madebyoliver" title="Madebyoliver">Madebyoliver</a> from <a href="http://www.flaticon.com" title="Flaticon">www.flaticon.com</a> is licensed by <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/" title="Creative Commons BY 3.0" target="_blank">CC 3.0 BY</a>
!! I love this! Can I use for production/very important things?
We would love to answer yes, but for now please don't do it. Noteself is still in Beta stage and has to be extensively tested.
But if you are an early adopter and want to try new and exciting technologies NoteSelf is stable enough to give a try.
!!Where is my data stored?
Your data is stored inside your browser. We use PouchDB in the background, which creates a database in your browser's LocalStorage.
If LocalStorage is not available it will fallback to WebSQL.
In any case, your information is stored locally within your browser.
!!How can I sync multiple devices?
The best way at this moment is to use a remote `couchdb` server. There are plenty of compatible servers but for simplicity, price and availability we recommend [[cloudant|https://cloudant.com/]]
Here is a small video tutorial about how to configure `cloudant` for multi-device synchronization:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Oc5lNND8dZE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
!!I just opened my Wiki in a different browser and I have nothing!
That's because data is stored in your browser. This means inside your browser
literally. If you open your wiki again with the browser you were previously using
all your data should be there.
!! How can I install regular TiddlyWiki plugins?
It is easy! Just go to the `Control Panel`, open the plugins tab and open the plugin library.
After a plugin is installed all you have to do is refresh the page. No need to download the file or save the wiki.
If you want it //"hardcoded"// into your file, install the plugin and ''after that'' open the `Control Panel` ( ,,{{$:/core/images/options-button}},, ),
navigate to the `TiddlyPouch` tab and click on `Save config`.
!! I'm a regular TW user. What are the advantages of NoteSelf?
* Synchronization between multiple devices
* Save your tiddlers on a remote server of your choice
* Work totally online if you want, without downloading any file
* Tiddlers revisions: navigate through previous versions of the same tiddler
!! I don't want server synchronization, is NoteSelf still atractive?
Yes it is! Here are some features that you can take advantage of:
* Manage several "//notebooks//" ,,(databases),, with a single file
* Configuration changes do not require to re-download the file
* Tiddlers revisions work perfectly fine without any synchronization
* You can install plugins without downloading any file, do it directly in the online version
!! I got an error about `Access-Control-Allow-Origin`
In order to synchronize NoteSelf to a remote database you have to enable CORS on that remote database.
!! Still not clear?
Just visit the project's [[site|https://github.com/NoteSelf/NoteSelf.github.io/issues]] and open an issue!
Or maybe ask for some help on [[our forum|https://forum.noteself.org/]]. There are very nice and helpful people there.
Not awesome enough? Check this other features too....
<span class="tc-image-wrapper tc-image-left tc-image-small">{{database.svg}}</span>
* ''Synchronize'' between multiple devices: Mobile, tablet, computer...
* Two way synchronization with ''any'' remote CouchDB server
* Work offline, sync when you get back online
* Work totally offline if you want
* ''Free'' and personal: you choose where to store your data
* Works out of the box on ''your browser'', does not require any plugin
* ''Plug and Play'', No installation or configuration required.
<div class="tc-page-controls tc-footer tc-tiddler-frame">
<a href="https://pouchdb.com" target="_blank" class="tc-footer-icon tc-pouch-logo"></a>
<a href="https://tiddlywiki.com/" target="_blank" class="tc-footer-icon tc-tiddlywiki-logo"></a>
<a href="https://github.com/NoteSelf/NoteSelf.github.io" target="_blank" class="tc-footer-icon">{{$:/core/images/github}}</a>
NoteSelf does not require any installation.
It works directly in your browser which includes most modern web browsers
and many mobile browsers.
How you play it is up to you:
* Online, directly from your browser.
* Or you can download a personal copy and run it from your hard drive.
<div class="tc-centered">
{{$:/NoteSelf/Site/Buttons/Online}} {{$:/TiddlyPouch/Site/Buttons/Download}}
If you decide to download a copy you can start using it by just opening your browser's download section and click on the `empty.html` file you just downloaded.
''If you want to rename the file, do it before saving any note in it''!
!!! Congratulations - you've got your own Notebook!
,,Although NoteSelf is more of a TiddlyWiki version than a mere plugin,
if you are only interested on the plugin itself, there is
also a method for [[installing the plugin|$:/plugins/danielo515/tiddlypouch/Installation]]
into your own TiddlyWiki.,,
<div class="tc-image-wrapper tc-image-left tc-image-border tc-image-medium">[img[plugins.gif]]</div>
Plugins just landed in NoteSelf!
How many times have you ''wanted to test a plugin'' but you didn't want to go through all the hassle of installing it?<br>
Now this is easier than ever:
* Go to the control panel
* Click on the plugins tab
* Open the plugins library
* Click install on the interesting plugin
* Wait a second and refresh the page
That's all! No need to download the file, no need for complex configurations, just plug and play as promised!
,,Note: The plugin library is just a subset of the official TiddlyWiki plugin library. All the plugins there belong to their respective authors.,,
! HelloThere
!!! Note revisions
<span class="tc-image-wrapper tc-image-medium tc-image-right tc-image-border tc-image-revisions">[img[revisions.gif]]</span>
# Create a note
# Add some text and save the note
# Edit the same note
# ''Add more text'', save the note
# Repeat the previous process as many times as you want
Do you want to see previous versions?
Open ''the revisions tab'' and explore them!!!<br>
Navigate back and forth in time: see the notes ''exactly as they were'', this includes text, tags, modification time...
<span class="tc-image-wrapper">[img[ExampleNotebooks]]</span>
NoteSelf is your personal, private, customizable, Evernote-like experience.
You want cloud? Fine! You don't? Fine too! It's all yours, it's your decision!
Why not be a bit selfish?
NoteSelf is the perfect place to store your ideas, notes, thoughts, tips, tricks, recipes...
whatever you want to put into it! NoteSelf will store, index, and make it easily
searchable so you will find it instantly whenever you need it!
You already know and love Evernote, we know. It is comfortable, it syncs, has search capabilities...
Wow, it's almost perfect, but what about:
* Privacy - Everything is stored on Evernote's servers!
* Customization - If you don't like the interface of Evernote, there's nothing you can do
NoteSelf is built on top of TiddlyWiki, a powerful, free, highly customizable and open-source personal wiki.
We took the best of it, it's powerful customization system, and mixed it with one of the best
embedded databases available, [[PouchDb|http://www.pouchdb.com]], to bring in the synchronization capabilities you need.
Do you want to know more? Take a look at the [[Features]]!
*[[1 Corinthians 14.34-35]]
*[[The structure of Ecclesiastes]]
*[[Definitions of the church]]
*[[Church and kingdom]]
*[[Images for the church]]
*[[Visible church vs invisible church]]
*[[The church universal]]
*[[Attributes of the church]]
*[[Marks of the church]]
*[[Church government]]
**[[Episcopal, presbyterian and congregational church governments]]
**[[Church discipline]]
**[[Women elders]]
*[[Worship, nurture and witness]]
*[[The means of grace]]
****[[The mode of baptism]]
****[[Infant baptism]]
***[[The Lord's Supper]]
*[[Definitions of the kingdom of God]]
*[[Church and kingdom]]
*[[Logos books on theology]]: bibliographic data
*[[In process]]: done ch 46-49
*Still to do chs 1-45, 50-52, two appendices
*Christ died for a people, the church, not just for individuals (Ac 20.28)
!!!46. The church
*Church going back to Genesis 4.26 and to the qahal (congregation) at Sinai (1018)
*One people of God, not two
*[[Definitions of the church]] (1019) - "the people in covenant with God through Christ"
*[[Visible church vs invisible church]] (1019)
|Invisible|Elect|Covenant keepers|As God sees it|
|Visible|Elect and non-elect|includes covenant breakers|As humankind sees it|
*Elders are not the Holy Spirit - determine if apparent sincere commitment to Christ, but be aware there are true inward Christians and mere outward Christians in the church, just as in Israel (Romans 2.28-29) (1020)
*Verses that refer to [[The church universal]] (1020-1)
*[[Church and kingdom]] (1021, 1033)
*[[Images for the church]] (1021-1022)
*[[Attributes of the church]] (1022-1023)
**[[Denominationalism]] as an 'offense against God' (1022-23)
*[[Marks of the church]] (1023-1024)
**Difficulty of using the marks (1023)
**[[Love]], [[worship|Theology of worship]] and [[The Great Commission]] as other marks of the church (1024)
*[[Church government]] (1025)
**Three purposes of [[Church discipline]] (1025)
**Teaching as discipline (1025-26)
**Both the offender (Mt 5.23-26) and the offended (Mt 18) should seek reconciliation. Should be a magnetic pull toward reconciliation on both sides. (1026)
*[[Episcopal, presbyterian and congregational church governments]] (1027)
**Scripture not clear, but presbyterian system is most balanced (1028)
**Each form of government reflects a concern (1028 and see the moral)
!!!47. The task of the church
*Against "the task is the nature" and "service, not status" (1032)
*[[Definitions of the gospel]] as the report of the coming of the kingdom (1033)
*[[Definitions of the kingdom of God]] (1021, 1033) as God's historical program, not just a synonym for God's sovereignty
*Two aspects of the task of the church, which are fundamentally one
**[[The cultural mandate]] (1033-34, including discussion of [[Genesis 01.16-18]]) - he has the same idea as me, that the Great Commission is about getting humankind back to fulfilling the cultural mandate
**[[The Great Commission]] (1035)
*[[Centripetal and centrifugal mission]] (1036)
*Three activities in the task of the church:
**[[Worship, nurture and witness]] (1037-1040)
***[[Criteria for evaluating worship]] (1038-1039)
***[[One another texts in the NT]] (1039)
*[[Women elders]] (1041) including discussion of [[1 Corinthians 14.34-35]]
*Various ministries and connections to offices (1041-1042):
|Ministries of the word|(Teaching) elders|
|Ministries of rule|(Ruling) elders|
|Ministries of mercy|Deacons|
*Against the idea of [[Diakonia]] for members only (1042-3) - Gal 6.10, Good Samaritan
!!!48. Means of grace
*Word, fellowship and prayer as [[The means of grace]]? (1047ff) (sacraments as part of fellowship)
*Word (1048)
**The word as active, vv
*[[Fellowship]] (1050)
**Worship, [[Generosity]], doing good as forms of fellowship
*[[Prayer]] (1053)
**Why pray if God is sovereign
**Three reasons to pray (1053)
**Prayer in spheres: in Christ, in the Spirit, according to his will, in faith, in obedience (1054-1056)
**Important attitudes for prayer: humility, persistence, earnestness, (1056)
**Reasons God is not answering unanswered prayers (1057)
!!!49. [[Sacraments]]
*Three main aspects of sacraments: sign, divine actions (seals), and means of divine presence (1060)
*[[Baptism]] (1062)
**Sign of repentance, cleansing and union with Christ (1062)
**[[The mode of baptism]] - immersion? arguments pro and con (1063)
**Evidence for sprinkling and pouring (1064)
**All legitimate
**[[Infant baptism]] (1064)
***Covenant and circumcision argument (1065)
***Household baptisms argument (1065)
***1 Corinthians 7.14 argument (1066)
*[[The Lord's Supper]] (1066)
**Past, present and future references
**The presence of Christ in the Supper (1067)
**Not a continuing sacrifice
**Lutheran and Zwinglian views (1067)
**Table fellowship with God and how to approach the table (1067)
!!!50. Heaven and hell
*[[Carrying the cross]] - Paul's life goal was the salvation of others (1 Cor 9.22, 10.33), and he called us to imitate him in this (11.1)
*[[Genesis 01.16-18]]
**[[The cultural mandate]]
*[[TOC]]s, [[Sources]]
!!!Four types of tiddlers
*''Notes'' - created with + button in sidebar. 'note' field=yes.
*''Topics'' - created by linking from other tiddlers.
*''Sources'' - created by clicking the square source button in the sidebar.
*''TOCs'' - created by clicking 'new here' from [[TOC]].
*Don't create topic tiddlers from links until ready to create TOCs.
* ''Random notetaking from reflecting, brainstorming and browsing:'' new note, and paste source and link topics
* ''Dictionary article:'' dictionary as source, links to articles, links to topics, topics in TOCs.
* ''Books to index and consult:'' book as source, build index with topic links, take notes as needed and note progress.
* ''Books to read once:'' book as source, take notes as needed and note progress
* ''Build TOCs'': go to [[TOC]] and new here to create TOC. Add links to subtopics. Use Missing tab to catch up on topics not saved to TOCs
!!!View templates
|!Viewer|!Shows|!From|!Good for|
|''Read''|Gallery of full tiddler texts|tiddlers that both backlink to this tiddler AND where note field is 'yes'|Reading and printing|
|''Edit''|Gallery of full tiddler texts and links to edit|tiddlers that both backlink to this tiddler AND where note field is 'yes'|Editing|
|''List''|List of links to tiddler titles|from all tiddlers backlinking to this tiddler.|Navigating|
|''Closed''|Nothing but the tiddler.|!|Navigating and keeping file from slowing down|
*[[Definitions of the gospel]]
*[[The Great Commission]]
*[[Centripetal and centrifugal mission]]
*[[Carrying the cross]]
*[[Church unity]]
*[[The cultural mandate]]
!!Project 1: The structure of Eccl 1.1-8.1, July 2, 2016
Compared Stek, Dorsey, Murphy, Longman and my old outline.
Results (the descriptions are only provisional, the passages are what matter).
@@.red Need nicer verse descriptions, and find larger sections@@
Then hope to do a philosophy of Ecclesiastes for philosophy course packet.
|1.1-11 Introduction|1.2|Suerscription|
|~|1.2|Opening bracket summary statement (see 12.8 for closing bracket)|
|~|1.3-11|"Everything comes back around"|
|1.12-2.26 The author's project|1.12-18|"Introduction to the author's thought"|
|~|2.1-11|"Trying out the accumulation of pleasures and treasures"|
|~|2.12-16|"Trying out wisdom"|
|~|2.17-23|"The irony of toiling"|
|~|2.24-26|"//''Author's conclusion''// based on 1.12-2.23" (ties together work, pleasure and wisdom)|
||3.1-8|"A time for..."|
||3.9-11|"The weight of eternity"|
||3.12-15|//''"Author's conclusion''// based on 3.1-11"|
||3.16-17|"God's judgment on wickedness" (note how 3.17 points back to 3.1-8)|
||3.18-21|"Man and animals"|
||3.22|//''"Author's conclusion''// based on 3.16-21"|
||4.4-6|"Finding a mean between the extremes of ambitious toil and idleness"|
||4.7-12|"On loneliness and companionship"|
||4.13-16|"On kings"|
||5.1-7|"Reverence for God, vows, the mouth"|
||5.8-9|"Oppression and taxes"|
||5.10-17|"Accumulation and greed"|
||5.18-20|//''"Author's conclusion''// based on preceding (4.1-5.7?)|
||6.1-6|"Not living long enough to enjoy the fruits of one's labors"|
||6.7-9|"Appetite and wisdom"|
|6.10-8.1 First collection of assorted briefer observations|6.10a||
||8.7-8|No one can...so no one will...|
||8.9-14|On the wicked|
||8.15|Author's conclusion|
||8.16-9.6|We are in God's hands and share the same destiny|
||9.7-10|Author's conclusion|
||9.11-12|Time and chance happen to all|
|10.1-11.6 Second collection of assorted briefer observations|10.1||
|11.7-12.7 Remember your Creator|11.7-8|Light is nice but darkness will come|
|~|11.9-10|Youth is nice but God will judge you|
|~|12.1-7|Remember your Creator before...(analogies)|
|12.8-14 Editor's appendix|12.8|Closing bracket around the Teacher's content (opening bracket is 1.2)|
|~|12.9-10|"The teacher"|
|~|12.11-12|"On books"|
|~|12.13-14|"Final conclusions"|
Tagged TOC:
<$list filter="[all[current]tagging[]sort[title]] -$:/StoryList"><$link><$view field="title" mode="block"/><br></$link></$list>
*[[Theology of worship]]
*[[Criteria for evaluating worship]]
@@color: orange;
''Warning: the CommunityTags have been renamed. If you have a bookmark to this tiddler, please change the permalink to <$link to={{!!new-tiddler}}>{{!!new-tiddler}}</$link>''. See [[here|CommunitySearch: CommunityTags renamed, update your bookmarks!]] for more details.
<$tiddler tiddler={{!!new-tiddler}}><$transclude mode="block">Oops! unless you're currently looking at [[$:/ObsoleteCommunityTagTemplate]], if you can see this message it means that there's a bug somewhere, please [[report it!|Contact]]</$transclude></$tiddler>
  This plugin adds the {{$:/plugins/ajh/openall/template}} button to the tag manager drop down menu using the{{$:/tags/TagDropdown||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}system tag. The open all button opens all non system tiddlers tagged with that drop down tag.<br>
  Simply drag $:/plugins/ajh/openall to the top of your tiddlywiki display, save and reload. It includes the tiddlers below packed for easy use:<br>
*[[example]] - see edit view
\define openalltagged(label)
<$button class="openalltagged">
<$list filter="[tag[$label$]]" variable="tid">
<$action-navigate $to=<<tid>>/>
\define thisMakeQuestionTiddlerTitle()
$:/answer/multiple choice/$(QuestionTitle)$ $(TiddlerQuestionNumber)$
\define thisMakeResponseTiddlerTitle()
$:/response/multiple choice/$(QuestionTitle)$ $(TiddlerQuestionNumber)$
Multiple choice questions will have the following parts:
*The question title - title of the tiddler containing the question
*The question itself - text field of a tiddler
*Each potential answer - a tiddler, it should be titled something like (question title) - answer n
*A response to each answer - a tiddler, it should be titled something like (question title) - response n
*(''I haven't made this part yet.'') Optionally, hints - a sequence of tiddlers, titles should be (question title) - hint n
The response to an answer is what shows up when that answer is selected and the 'Check Answer' button is pressed. So, something like 'correct' or 'no, that isn't the answer' or something.
Question (contained in the main question tiddler):
Question title:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Multiple Choice Questions' field='question_title' class='tc-edit-texteditor' placeholder='Give the question a title'/>
Question Content:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Multiple Choice Questions' field='text' class='tc-edit-texteditor' placeholder='Enter question content'/>
Set the number of possible answers: <$select tiddler='$:/temp/Multiple Choice Questions' field='number_of_possible_answers'><$list filter='1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10'><option><<currentTiddler>></option></$list></$select>
Possible Answers:
<$list filter='[prefix[$:/temp/Multiple Choice Questions/possible answer]nsort[order]limit{$:/temp/Multiple Choice Questions!!number_of_possible_answers}]' template=AddMultipleChoicePossibleAnswerTemplate>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/temp/Multiple Choice Questions' text=''>
''You have to give the question a title before you can create it.''
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/temp/Multiple Choice Questions' text=''>
<$button>Create Question
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Multiple Choice Questions' $field='title' $value={{$:/temp/Multiple Choice Questions!!question_title}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler={{$:/temp/Multiple Choice Questions!!question_title}} tags="[[Multiple Choice]] Question"/>
<$list filter='[prefix[$:/temp/Multiple Choice Questions/possible answer]nsort[order]limit{$:/temp/Multiple Choice Questions!!number_of_possible_answers}]'>
<$set name=TiddlerQuestionNumber value={{!!order}}>
<$set name=QuestionTitle value={{$:/temp/Multiple Choice Questions!!question_title}}>
<$action-setfield $field='title' $value=<<thisMakeQuestionTiddlerTitle>> tags=""/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<thisMakeQuestionTiddlerTitle>> question={{$:/temp/Multiple Choice Questions!!question_title}} response_tiddler=<<thisMakeResponseTiddlerTitle>> tags="[[Multiple Choice]] Answer"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler={{!!response_tiddler}} $field='title' $value=<<thisMakeResponseTiddlerTitle>> question={{$:/temp/Multiple Choice Questions!!question_title}} tags=""/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<thisMakeResponseTiddlerTitle>> question={{$:/temp/Multiple Choice Questions!!question_title}} order={{!!order}} tags="[[Multiple Choice]] Response"/>
<$action-setfield text=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler={{!!response_tiddler}} text=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Multiple Choice Questions' text='' question_title=''/>
Possible answer <$view field='order'/>
<$edit-text class='tc-edit-texteditor' placeholder='Answer text'/>
Response for answer <$view field='order'/>
<$edit-text tiddler={{!!response_tiddler}} class='tc-edit-texteditor' placeholder='Response text'/>
What am I doing this time?
\define thisAnswerEntry()
<$radio tiddler="$:/question/multiple choice/$(CurrentQuestion)$/selected response" value={{!!order}}><$transclude/> </$radio><br>
\define thisMakeState()
$:/question/multiple choice/$(CurrentQuestion)$/selected response!!show_response
\define thisShowResponse()
Your answer:<br><br>
<$list filter='[tag[Multiple Choice]tag[Answer]question<CurrentQuestion>order{$:/question/multiple choice/$(CurrentQuestion)$/selected response}]'>
<$set name=ResponseNumber value={{$:/question/multiple choice/$(CurrentQuestion)$/selected response}}>
<$list filter='[tag[Response]question<CurrentQuestion>order<ResponseNumber>]'>
<h2><$view tiddler=<<CurrentQuestion>> field='title'/></h2>
<$view tiddler=<<CurrentQuestion>> field='text'/><br>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state=<<thisMakeState>> text=show>
<$list filter='[tag[Multiple Choice]tag[Answer]question<CurrentQuestion>]'>
<$button set=<<thisMakeState>> setTo=show>Check Answer</$button>
<$reveal type='match' state=<<thisMakeState>> text=show>
<$set name=dummy value={{$:/state/Edit Multiple Choice Questions!!selected_question}}>
Select question to edit: <$select tiddler='$:/state/Edit Multiple Choice Questions' field='selected_question'>
<$list filter='[!is[system]tag[Multiple Choice]tag[Question]nsort[display_order]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
Set the number of possible answers: <$select tiddler={{$:/state/Edit Multiple Choice Questions!!selected_question}} field='number_of_possible_answers'><$list filter='1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10'><option><$view field='title'/></option></$list></$select>
</$set> (''Changing this number doesn't do anything yet'')
Question text:
<$edit-text tiddler={{$:/state/Edit Multiple Choice Questions!!selected_question}} class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
<$list filter='[prefix[$:/answer/multiple choice/]question{$:/state/Edit Multiple Choice Questions!!selected_question}nsort[order]]' template=EditMultipleChoicePossibleAnswerTemplate>
Possible answer <$view field='order'/> <$tiddler tiddler={{!!response_tiddler}}>Set next question: <$select field='next_question'><$list filter='[!is[system]tag[Question]]'><option><$view field='title'/></option></$list></$select></$tiddler>
<$edit-text class='tc-edit-texteditor' placeholder='Answer text'/>
Response for answer <$view field='order'/>
<$edit-text tiddler={{!!response_tiddler}} class='tc-edit-texteditor' placeholder='Response text'/>
[[Add Multiple Choice Questions]] - to add questions
[[Edit Multiple Choice Questions]] - to edit existing questions
[[View multiple choice questions]] - to see the questions listed according to the order defined in [[Order Questions]]
[[Main]] - lets you go through questions on by one, the next question is based on the answer you give to the current question. You can control this order in [[Edit Multiple Choice Questions]]. I don't have anything to set this in [[Add Multiple Choice Questions]] yet.
{{Reset Answers}} - this button resets the questions after you click on the check answer button.
This isn't actually a question is it?
\define thisMacroThatIsNeeded()
<$set name=CurrentQuestion value={{$:/Current Question}}>
Is this an example question?
<tr><th>Question Title</th><th>Order</th></tr>
<$list filter='[!is[system]tag[Question]nsort[display_order]]'>
<tr><td><$view field='title'/></td><td><$edit-text field='display_order'/></td></tr>
<$list filter='[suffix[selected response]]'>
<$action-setfield show_response=hide/>
\define thisAnswerEntry()
<$radio tiddler="$:/question/multiple choice/$(CurrentQuestion)$/selected response" value={{!!order}}><$transclude/> </$radio><br>
\define thisMakeState()
$:/question/multiple choice/$(CurrentQuestion)$/selected response!!show_response
\define thisShowResponse()
Your answer:<br><br>
<$list filter='[tag[Multiple Choice]tag[Answer]question<CurrentQuestion>order{$:/question/multiple choice/$(CurrentQuestion)$/selected response}]'>
<$set name=ResponseNumber value={{$:/question/multiple choice/$(CurrentQuestion)$/selected response}}>
<$list filter='[tag[Response]question<CurrentQuestion>order<ResponseNumber>]'>
<$button>Next Question
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/Current Question' text={{!!next_question}}/>
<h2><$view tiddler=<<CurrentQuestion>> field='title'/></h2>
<$view tiddler=<<CurrentQuestion>> field='text'/><br>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state=<<thisMakeState>> text=show>
<$list filter='[tag[Multiple Choice]tag[Answer]question<CurrentQuestion>]'>
<$button set=<<thisMakeState>> setTo=show>Check Answer</$button>
<$reveal type='match' state=<<thisMakeState>> text=show>
This is the question content
<$list filter='[!is[system]tag[Multiple Choice]tag[Question]nsort[display_order]]' variable=CurrentQuestion template=DisplayMultipleChoiceQuestion>
<<ConfigurationWizard PhotoGallery>>
There is also a view template for images in this plugin. If you open an image tiddler on it's own it will have a header like that one when you view a gallery in single image mode, but it will let you page through every image you have on your wiki instead of being limited to a single gallery.
That should be everything, if you have any questions [[let us know|$:/plugins/OokTech/OokTechInfo]].
Displaying a gallery is very simple. All you need to do is go to the [[Edit Photo Gallery|$:/plugins/OokTech/Photo Gallery/Edit Photo Gallery]] tiddler, select the gallery you want to display and then copy the text under where it says `To display this gallery in a tiddler copy this into the text field of the tiddler: `. It should be in the form of `<<PhotoGallery GalleryName>>` where the gallery name is the name of the gallery you want to display.
Anywhere you paste that in the text of a tiddler it will show the gallery.
When viewing a gallery the default view is a list of the images all set to whatever height you gave as the default height (or 100 pixels tall if you didn't give a value). If you click on an image in this gallery you go to the single image view, where a single image is displayed at its normal size. You can change page through the images in the gallery using the <$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>{{$:/core/images/chevron-left}} and {{$:/core/images/chevron-right}} </$button> buttons above the image. If you have given the image a caption than the caption is also displayed when you are in single image mode.
!!Sorting images
You may have noticed that the default images are sorted by the values in the `Order` column but the filter for the gallery doesn't have any sort term in it. This is because by defalut `+[nsort[order]]` is added to the end of any filter you use for a gallery. If for some reason you don't want this for your gallery you can change the macrocall to something like this:
<<PhotoGallery GalleryName sort:'+[sort[title]]'>>
and then the gallery `GalleryName` will be displayed and will be sorted by the tiddler titles instead of the order column. Or you could use
<<PhotoGallery GalleryName sort:''>>
And no sorting will be done. This way you can make your filter by listing individual tiddler is the order you want them and that order won't be changed.
Currently each image only has one order value so you can't have an image be set to 5 in one gallery and 10 in another. I am working on allowing this and you should be able to do it in a future version of this plugin.
This is the demo site showing how to use my Photo Gallery plugin. Look at the tiddler [[Demo]] to jump straight to a demo, or you can use this to get a guided tour of the plugin and its features. The tour is done using my [[WizardWizard plugin|http://ooktech.com/jed/ExampleWikis/WizardWizard/]]. Click on the forward button below to get to the next slide.
If you would rather see all of the information in a single tiddler and not have to page though it you can see it [[here|Non-Wizard Version]].
To import the photo gallery plugin simply import this tiddler into your wiki: $:/plugins/OokTech/PhotoGallery
Or you can add [[the OokTech plugin library|$:/pluginlibrary/OokTech/OokTechPlugins]] to your wiki and install the plugin using the control panel.
The first step is getting the images you want in your gallery into tiddlywiki. To do this you have a few options.
!!Embedding images in a wiki
!!!Draging and dropping images
The simplest option is to simply drag and drop your images into your wiki from your computer. When you do this you should be a little careful about where you drop the images, a green bar will appear at the top of the wiki when you have the image somewhere you can drop it. If you drop it on top of a tiddler it should be fine, but if you try to drop it over a text input box than the path to the image will be put in the box instead of importing the image. Also if you drop the image without the green bar appearing your browser may try to open the image instead of importing it into your wiki.
!!!Using the wiki import button
You can also use the import button to import images. To make it appear go to the [[$:/ControlPanel]]. In the control panel click on the `Appearance` tab, then under that tab select the `Toolbars` tab, and on the left side under that tab select `Page Toolbar`, check the box next to `Import` and the icon will appear on the page toolbar under the wiki title. The icon looks like this: {{$:/core/ui/Buttons/import}}. When you click on that you can navigate to wherever you have images on your computer and select them to import.
!!External Images
!!!Using the `Add External Photo` button
In the [[Edit Photo Gallery|$:/plugins/OokTech/Photo Gallery/Edit Photo Gallery]] tiddler you can also use the `Add External Photo` button to add a photo to the gallery.
When you click on the button you need to provide two things, a name for the photo in your gallery and the path to the photo.
If you are using your wiki on your computer and it won't be online than you can use locations on your computer, if you are posting the wiki online than any locations you give need to be accessable online.
The path to an image online is a url like for a website, it generally starts with http or https and should end with something like `.jpg` or `.png`. A simple check is done to see if you are pointing the wiki to a valid image, but it isn't gaurenteed to work. Once you have entered the name and given the path click `Add Photo` and it will be added. When you are done clicking `Done` next to the `Add Photo` button will close the add image interface.
!!!Manually using the _canonical_uri field
Don't be scared by the name of this, it isn't very complex. To use the `_canonical_uri` to use images you create a tiddler and give it the name you want for your image and then create a field called `_canonical_uri`, spelled exactly like that, and then put the path to the image in that field. This means that if you want to use an image that is online you can copy the url for that image and paste it into the `_canonical_uri` field, or if it is a local file on your computer you can give the path to the image. To get the path to an image on your computer you can find the image you want in a file manager, select `copy` on the file, then paste into the `_canonical_uri` field of the tiddler and the correct path to the image will be pasted.
You can see an example tiddler that uses the `_canonical_uri` field [[here|A quick sketch of Javert]]. Try editing the tiddler to see what happens.
''Note that if you use local images and then put your wiki online you won't be able to see them!'' Also if you move an image on your computer and don't update the path manually you will no longer be able to see the image in your wiki. If you want to host a wiki online you either need to use images that are also online or embed them in your wiki.
<$list filter='[tag[PhotoGallery]sort[order]]'>
!<$view field='title'/>
The Photo Gallery plugin is meant to be an easy to use way to make a photo gallery in tiddlywiki.
All you need to do is have pictures in your wiki, either by embedding them or using a data uri, and then you can create your gallery and customize it without any wikitext. You are even given the macro you use to place the gallery wherever you want to view it.
The general philosophy we follow when making plugins is (this is a work in progress, we will work on being more concise.):
You shouldn't need to know anything about wikitext or anything else to use it. As much as possible you should be able to modify both the function and the interface of anything you use to better suit your purposes.
This is important both in terms of functionality but also for accessibility.
To better achieve that I try to make tools that give you as much control as possible while requiring little or no knowledge to use. This doesn't mean that you won't be able to do more if you know more about how something works, but my goal is that for most uses someone without any knowledge of any sort of coding or markup languages can use what I make to create tools that they can use easily.
Obviously not everything we make actually lives up to that, but that is the goal.
This is a demo of the ~PhotoGallery plugin made my [[OokTech|$:/plugins/OokTech/OokTechInfo]].
This plugin is for making and managing photo galleries in ~TiddlyWiki. See below for a demo. You can take a guided tour of what this plugin can do by opening the tiddler [[A guided tour]].
If you wish to install this plugin in your wiki than you can drag and drop the plugin tiddler below into your wiki. If you wish to install this plugin thorugh the plugin library drag and drop the plugin library tiddler below into your wiki, then you can install the plugins via the control panel.
Plugin Tiddler: [[$:/plugins/OokTech/PhotoGallery]]
Plugin Library: [[$:/pluginlibrary/OokTech/OokTechPlugins]]
Plugin ~ReadMe: [[$:/plugins/OokTech/PhotoGallery/readme]]
!!Other Information
See [[Acknowledgements|$:/plugins/OokTech/PhotoGallery/Acknowledgements]] for authoring and acknowledgement information, and the [[license|$:/plugins/OokTech/PhotoGallery/License]] for license information for this plugin.
<$list filter="[tag[CommunityPlugins]has[twcs-error]each[twcs-error]sort[twcs-error]]">
<div class="tc-menu-list-item">
<strong><$view field="twcs-error"/></strong>
<$list filter="[twcs-error{!!twcs-error}]">
<div class="tc-menu-list-subitem">
<$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link>
\define slider-label(prefix,suffix)
@@.grey-svg $prefix$<$text text="$(currentTiddler)$"/>$suffix$@@
''Note:'' The key to implementing an accordion menu is to define the same ''state'' tiddler for all list items.
Uses a helper macro for slider buttons to create a list of tiddlers opening as sliders:
\define slider-label(prefix,suffix)
@@.grey-svg $prefix$<$text text="$(currentTiddler)$"/>$suffix$@@
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$list filter="[all[shadows]prefix[$:/plugins/tobibeer/appear/]sort[title]]">
show=<<slider-label suffix:"{{$:/core/images/chevron-right}}">>
tooltip="show/hide tiddler"
<$transclude mode="block"/>
Some attributes of the ''appear'' widget directly specify its behavior while others map to the corresponding <<x ButtonWidget>> or <<x RevealWidget>> it creates:
| !Name | !Description | !Default |
|>|>| !Globals |
|''show''|the label for the button|<code>{{$:/plugins/tobibeer/appear/defaults/show}}</code><br/>see [[defaults|appear-Defaults]]|
|''hide''|the label for the hide-button|same as ''show''|
|''type''|for a popup, set to `popup`<br>» if unspecified, the inner reveal will be rendered as either an inline- or block-level element, e.g. a slider||
|''once''|if set, hides the button once the content is revealed (not for popups)||
|''$state''|a simplified state-id appended to an already qualified default state generated for you<br>» in other words, there is no need for you to specify a complicated system tiddler path|<code><$text text={{$:/plugins/tobibeer/appear/defaults/default-state}}/>...<br/></code>see [[defaults|appear-Defaults]] & [[states|appear-States]]|
|''mode''|whether or not the inner reveal is rendered in block or inline mode||
|''keep''|when set to `yes` or `true`, makes a popup sticky so it won't close when clicked inside|<code>{{$:/plugins/tobibeer/appear/defaults/keep}}</code><br/>see [[defaults|appear-Defaults]]|
|''handle''|specifies a handler type for an appear widget used in a placeholder template tagged ''$:/tags/PageTemplate'' to remotely output the contents of all appear widgets whose ''handler'' attribute matches the same type<br>» by default handled via the state `$:/temp/appear-handler/<handle>`||
|''handler''|specifies the handler type of the remote appear widget that is configured to ''handle'' this appear widget's inner reveal||
|''variables''|should you have specified a remote ''handler'', specify context variables you wish preserved for the inner reveal as it is rendered in a different context|`currentTiddler`|
|>|>| ![[Button Attributes|http://tiddlywiki.com/#ButtonWidget]] |
|''button-class''|maps to the ''class'' attribute of the button|see [[Defaults|appear-Defaults]]|
|''button-style''|maps to the ''style'' attribute of the button|~|
|''button-tag''|maps to the ''tag'' attribute of the button|~|
|''tooltip''|a tooltip applied to the button|~|
|''style''|css applied to the button|~|
|''selectedClass''|css class applied to the button when the slider / popup is open|~|
|>|>| ![[Reveal Attributes|http://tiddlywiki.com/#RevealWidget]] |
|''class'',<br>''position'',<br>''retain'',<br>''state'',<br>''style'',<br>''tag''|see <<x RevealWidget>><br>» note that the type attribute of the reveal is explicitly handled by the appear widget|see [[Defaults|appear-Defaults]]|
The eventual widget configuration taking effect follows this order of precedence:
# a specifically declared widget attribute value
# any configured global default for the value
# a hard-coded fallback for the value
!! Global Defaults
The appear widget allows to define attribute defaults for __all instances__ using the configuration namespace `$:/tobibeer/plugins/appear/defaults/`:
<$list filter="[all[shadows]prefix[$:/plugins/tobibeer/appear/defaults/]sort[title]]">
show=<<slider-label suffix:""" <$link>»</$link>""">>
<$transclude mode="block"/>
''Note:'' One exception above is the //default-state// which is not an attribute of the appear widget but rather specifies the default namespace under which all qualified states are saved when no state is specified or ''$state'' is used.
While you can thus define global defaults for all attributes, including those that not shipped by default, be mindful about the impact. Defaults may break compatibility with solutions imported later or require fine-tuning to achieve the intended results.
!! Deleting Defaults
The above listed defaults are shipped with the plugin. This makes them shadow tiddlers that you cannot actually delete. Since setting any default to an empty string may actually be a permissible configuration, to entirely disable any default, set the field ''undefined'' at the configuration tiddler to ''true''.
!! Hard-Coded Fallbacks
The following attributes have failsafe fallbacks that you cannot actually set to undefined:
; show
: default: <code>»</code>
; default-state
: default: `$:/temp/appear/`
<div class="grey-svg">
!! Simple Slider
<<` """before <$appear>
! Some Heading
Some more text.</$appear> after""">>
''Note:'' The <<x StateMechanism state>> is automatically qualified for you and sufficient for most use cases.
!! Simple Popup
<<` """before <$appear type="popup">
! I Am Sticky
Clicking anywhere outside will close me.</$appear> after""">>
By [[default|appear-Defaults]], all popups created by <<tb appear>> are "sticky". Meaning: they do not close if you click inside the popup.
!! Non-Sticky Popup
// to make a popup non-sticky set the attribute ''keep'' to anything but `yes` or `true`.//
<<` """before <$appear type="popup" keep="no" $state="sticky">
! Non-Sticky Popup
I will close as well when you click inside me.</$appear> after""">>
''Note:'' The above uses the ''$state'' attribute to specify a shortcut way to qualify a unique state with respect to the current tiddler.
!! Nested Popups
// You can nest popups like so://
<<` """<$appear type="popup" $state="click" show="click">
<$appear type="popup" $state="again" show="again">
<$appear type="popup" $state="once more" show="once more" style="width:600px">
!! Simple Slider With Custom Button
<<` """before <$appear show="slide down" $state="slider-button">
! Sliding
Some content for you.</$appear> after""">>
!! Simple Slider With Button With Selected Class
<<` """before <$appear show="slide down" $state="pink-button" selectedClass="pink">
! Sliding
Some content for you.</$appear> after""">>
<style>button.pink {color:deeppink}</style>
!! Simple Slider With Custom Show / Hide Buttons
<<` """before <$appear show="open »" hide="« close" $state="slider-buttons">
! Slider Buttons
Can have different states.</$appear> after""">>
!! Inline Slider With Custom Hide Button
<<` """before <$appear hide="«" mode="inline" $state="inline">//I will be shown inline.//</$appear> after""">>
!! Same As Above In Block-Mode
<<` """before <$appear hide="«" $state="block">//I will be shown as a block.//</$appear> after""">>
!! Same As Above With Custom Mode
Any non-standard mode is interpreted as //block// mode, however without applying the default slider-styles:
<<` """before <$appear hide="«" mode="custom" $state="custom-block">//And I am a "plain block".//</$appear> after""">>
!! Custom Button With HTML Markup
Click on the heading to see it unfold...
<<` """<$appear show="<h1>A heading!</h1>" mode="custom" $state="html-markup">
And some content for you.</$appear>""">>
!! Inline Slider Only Showing Once
<<` """before <$appear once mode="inline" $state="inline-once">//I am text, and you cannot hide me once you see me.//</$appear> after""">>
!! Slider With Image Buttons
<<` """before <$appear show="open {{$:/core/images/chevron-right}}" hide="{{$:/core/images/chevron-left}} close" $state="image-buttons">
! Image Buttons
Look real nice.</$appear> after""">>
!! Popup With Custom Button
<<` """before <$appear show="open popup" type=popup $state="popup-button">
! Popups Buttons
Can be customized just as well.</$appear> after""">>
!! Tiddler Slider
<$macrocall $name=`
text="""<$vars tid="GettingStarted">
<$appear show="<$text text=<<tid>>/>" $state="tiddler-slider" mode="block">
<$transclude mode="block" tiddler=<<tid>>/>
!! List Popup
<$macrocall $name=`
text="""before <$appear type="popup" $state="list-popup" class="tc-popup-keep">
</$appear> after"""/>
''Note:'' The above popup is also made sticky via `tc-popup-keep`.
!! Remote Popup Handler
// Actually renders the popup into the <<x SystemTags PageTemplate>> [[$:/.tb/ui/PageTemplate/popups]]://
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""| <$appear show="click to show" type="popup" $state="popups-handler" handler="popups">I [[appear]] when you tell me to.</$appear> |eenie meenie miney mo |eenie meenie miney mo <br/><br/> |"""/>
The ''appear'' widget displays a button which when clicked reveals hidden content to produce the following results:
* ''popups'', taken out of the document flow if you want them to
* ''sliders'', block or inline
* accordion ''menus''
* interactive ''stories''
Under the hood, there is at least one <<x ButtonWidget>> and one <<x RevealWidget>> created by the appear widget which may be further wrapped in more reveal widgets, as needed, so as to achieve the desired output.
<<plugin-docs-cp appear>>
<<plugin-install appear>>
!! Version History
; 0.6.2 / 2016-09-09
: fixed bug in hijack of core reveal widget affecting the sidebar toggle
; 0.6.1 / 2016-01-22
: fixed bug concerning search "dropdown"
; 0.6.0 / 2016-01-20
: refactored & improved absolute popup handling
: nesting support, i.e. for sticky popups with class "tc-popup-keep"
: new attribute ''keep'' now by default makes popups "sticky"
; 0.5.7 / 2015-12-29
: non-functional fixes to readme
; 0.5.5 / 2015-12-29
: initial release
Depending on your use of line-breaks, TiddlyWiki detects whether or not to render content in block or inline mode. As this may be contrary to how you want the output to behave, you can specifically instruct the appear widget to render in modes:
; mode
: use this attribute to specify whether the inner reveal is set to //block// or //inline// mode
:: the inner reveal is given the css classes `appear appear-<mode>`
:: any keyword other than //inline// or //block// will be interpreted as block mode
Notice, however, that using inline mode will not necessarily display all contents inline. A heading will still be a heading and a paragraph a paragraph.
!! Examples
Here's what setting different modes will do to the same text:
<<` """before <$appear mode="block">text</$appear> after""">>
<<` """before <$appear mode="inline">text</$appear> after""">>
<<` """before <$appear mode="custom">text</$appear> after""">>
''none'' — same as ''block''
<<` """before <$appear $state="none">text</$appear> after""">>
The appear widget simplifies <<x StateMechanism "state handling">> for you, by default not even requiring you to specify a state at all. In that case, a state is automatically qualified for you using the <<x "qualify Macro">> algorithm and a few extra bits extracted from the attributes.
What's more, you do not need to know anything about how to correctly match the different state attributes of the underlying <<x ButtonWidget>> or <<x RevealWidget>>, i.e. no "popup" attribute for you to specify. All you need to declare is the state you wish to use and the type with which you wish it displayed.
If the automatically qualified state should not be good enough to create a unique state, you can use the ''$state'' attribute to simply append a unique string to the qualified state already calculated for you.
Last but not least, should you ever wish full control over the eventual state tiddler, simply use the ''state'' attribute as usual.
Unless you change the [[default-state|appear-Defaults]], as you can see in the [[defaults|appear-Defaults]], all state tiddlers are by default put under `$:/temp/` and are thus not persisted.
''Note:'' Except for `type="popup"`, the state value is set to the current tiddler title, which eventually is what makes accordion style menus work, see [[examples|appear-Examples]].
!! Handler States
Should you render inner reveals at remote locations away from the document flow, the corresponding handler state is managed at a tiddler under the namespace `$:/temp/appear-handlers/`.
For an example, <$appear show="click me" type="popup" handler="popups">
This popup content is actually handled by:<br>
Here is the handler state for the widget that does `handle="popups"`:<br>
{{{ [prefix[$:/temp/appear-handler/]] }}}
''Technical Note:'' It merely contains the title of the last appear widget state being set so as to trigger a refresh cycle. The parse-tree rendered into the appear widget specifying `handle="popups"`, e.g. [[$:/.tb/ui/PageTemplate/popups]] is actually retrieved from a global cache object.
!! Currently Saved States
You will find all current appear-widget state tiddlers in this wiki listed below after you played with the [[Examples|appear-Examples]] or <$appear once show="click me" mode="inline">now there's a state tiddler for you</$appear>:
{{{ [prefix[$:/temp/appear/]] }}}
The default styles for the appear-widget are defined in <<source "$:/plugins/tobibeer/appear/styles">>
!! CSS Classes
The following css classes are automatically set by the appear widget:
; appear
: set at all buttons or reveals created by the appear widget
; appear-button
: set at each button widget to trigger an appear popup or slider
; appear-reveal
: set at each reveal widget being the popup or slider
; appear-inline, appear-block
: set at both button and reveal depending on the specified mode
; appear-show
: set at the button widget that opens the slider
; appear-hide
: set at the button widget that closes the slider
; appear-once
: set at both button and reveal when an appear widget is specified to only show the button once
The below examples all make use of <<source $:/templates/text>>
!! Encode Operand
<<` """{{{ [base64[foo]] || $:/templates/text }}}""">>
!! Decode Operand
<<` """{{{ [base64:decode[Zm9v]] || $:/templates/text }}}""">>
!! Encode Title(s)
<<` """{{{ [[foo]base64[]] || $:/templates/text }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ foo bar +[base64[]] || $:/templates/text }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ [[foo]] [[bar]] +[base64[]] || $:/templates/text }}}""">>
!! Decode Title[s]
<<` """{{{ [[Zm9v]base64:decode[]] || $:/templates/text }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ [[Zm9v]] [[YmFy]] +[base64:decode[]] || $:/templates/text }}}""">>
The plugin $:/plugins/tobibeer/base64 provides:
; base64[]
: a filter to encode text to base64
; base64:decode[]
: and dencode base64 to text
<<plugin-docs-cp base64>>
<<plugin-install base64>>
!! Version History
; 0.5.0 / 2017-12-06
: initial version
Simply use the following to...
; Encode
: the operand:<div>
//This is a set creating operation, i.e. any input titles are ignored / discarded.//
: the input title(s):<div>
[[some text]base64[]]
; Decode
: the operand:<div>
[base64:decode[some base64 string]]
//This is a set creating operation, i.e. any input titles are ignored / discarded.//
: the input title(s):<div>
[[some base64 string]base64:decode[]]
\define intro(which) <br>@@.summary {{contains!!$which$}}...@@
\define case(title)
<$tiddler tiddler="""$title$""">
@@.summary {{!!summary}}@@<br>
<code><$link><$view field="title"/></$link></code>
''Note:'' All variants support ''negation'' via `!contains ...[...]`.
<div class="contains-variants">
# ''compare input titles against title(s) in the operand:''<<intro titles>>
## <<case "contains[<value>]">>
## <<case "contains:$any[<list>]">>
## <<case "contains:$all[<list>]">>
## <<case "contains:$exactly[<list>]">>
# ''compare list fields of input titles against title(s) in the operand:''<<intro listfield>>
## <<case "contains:<listfield>[<value>]">>
## <<case "contains:<listfield> $any[<list>]">>
## <<case "contains:<listfield> $all[<list>]">>
## <<case "contains:<listfield> $exactly[<list>]">>
</div><style>.contains-variants li li .intro {display:none}</style>
The plugin [[$:/plugins/tobibeer/contains]] provides the filter:
; contains[]
: @@.summary returns all input titles whose title / titles in a list-field contain a single title or any / all / exactly those titles specified in the operand@@
; Variants
: see [[Examples|contains-Examples]]
: all [[Variants|contains-Examples]] support negation via `!contains`
: ''Note:'' When passing an empty value or list — except for ''$exactly'' — the contains filter will always return the input titles. In other words an empty value or empty list is always contained in a list being tested.
<<plugin-install contains>>
!! Version History
; 0.6.0 / 2016-12-18
: added `$exactly`
: added ''negation'' support
: created regression tests for all variants
; 0.5.0 / 2015-11-25
: initial release
!! Core Proposal
The following issue proposes the `contains[]` filter to the core:
''#1216 filter operator for "list contains an item or any / all items of another list"''
Using a variable:
<<` """<$vars list="foo bar">
<$list filter="[contains:listfield $all<list>]">
<dt><$link><$view field="title"/></$link></dt>
<dd>''field:'' {{!!listfield}}</dd>
If the items should be single words, you can use them directly in the operand:
<<` """<dl>
<$list filter="[contains:listfield $all[foo bar]]">
<dt><$link><$view field="title"/></$link></dt>
<dd>''field:'' {{!!listfield}}</dd>
Does not find matches, because no tiddler is listing "bar baz" in the field ''field'':
<$list filter="""[contains:listfield $all[foo "bar baz"]]""" emptyMessage="""none for "bar baz" """>
<dt><$link><$view field="title"/></$link></dt>
<dd>''field:'' {{!!listfield}}</dd>
<$list filter="""[contains:listfield $all[foo "bar baz"]]""" emptyMessage="""none for "bar baz" """>
<dt><$link><$view field="title"/></$link></dt>
<dd>''field:'' {{!!listfield}}</dd>
<<` """<$vars list="foo bar">
<$list filter="[tag[contains]has[listfield]!contains:listfield $all<list>]">
<dt><$link><$view field="title"/></$link></dt>
<dd>''field:'' {{!!listfield}}</dd>
Can use single word titles directly:
<<` """<dl>
<$list filter="[contains:listfield $any[foo bar]]">
<dt><$link><$view field="title"/></$link></dt>
<dd>''listfield:'' {{!!listfield}}</dd>
Or using a variable:
<<` """<$vars list="baz">
<$list filter="[contains:listfield $any<list>]">
<dt><$link><$view field="title"/></$link></dt>
<dd>''listfield:'' {{!!listfield}}</dd>
In the following example, negation means: "where the field ''listfield'' of the input titles contain none of the titles in the operand":
<<` """<dl>
<$list filter="[tag[contains]has[listfield]!contains:listfield $any[bar baz]]">
<dt><$link><$view field="title"/></$link></dt>
<dd>''listfield:'' {{!!listfield}}</dd>
Can use single word titles directly:
<<` """<dl>
<$list filter="[contains:listfield $exactly[foo]]">
<dt><$link><$view field="title"/></$link></dt>
<dd>''listfield:'' {{!!listfield}}</dd>
Or using a variable:
<<` """<$vars list="bar baz">
<$list filter="[contains:listfield $exactly<list>]">
<dt><$link><$view field="title"/></$link></dt>
<dd>''listfield:'' {{!!listfield}}</dd>
<<` """<dl>
<$list filter="[tag[contains]has[listfield]!contains:listfield $exactly[foo bar]]">
<dt><$link><$view field="title"/></$link></dt>
<dd>''listfield:'' {{!!listfield}}</dd>
<<` """<dl>
<$list filter="[contains:listfield[foo]]">
<dt><$link><$view field="title"/></$link></dt>
<dd>''listfield:'' {{!!listfield}}</dd>
<<` """<dl>
<$list filter="[tag[contains]has[listfield]!contains:listfield[foo]]">
<dt><$link><$view field="title"/></$link></dt>
<dd>''field:'' {{!!listfield}}</dd>
You can use single word titles directly:
<<` "{{{ foo bar baz +[contains:$all[foo bar]] }}}">>
Or use a variable:
<<` """<$vars list="foo bar baz">
<$list filter="foo bar +[contains:$all<list>]" emptyMessage="doesn't"/>
Once more chaining the contains filter in a filter run:
<<` """<$vars list="contains:<listfield>[<value>] contains[<value>]">
{{{ [tag[contains]contains:$all<list>] }}}
Some extraneous character and nothing passes:
<<` """<$vars list="contains:field[<value>] contains:[<value>]">
<$list filter="[tag[contains]contains:$all<list>]" emptyMessage="find the error ;-)"/>
<<` "{{{ foo bar +[!contains:$all[foo bar baz]] }}}">>
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$vars list="foo bar">
<$list filter="foo bar baz +[!contains:$all<list>]" emptyMessage="but it does contain all of ''<<list>>''"/>
You can use titles that are single words directly.
<<` "{{{ foo bar baz +[contains:$any[foo bar]] }}}">>
Using a variable:
<<` """<$vars list="foo bar baz">
{{{ foo bar +[contains:$any<list>] }}}
Doesn't contain titles:
<<` """<$vars list="no not these">
<$list filter="foo bar +[contains:$any<list>]" emptyMessage="doesn't"/>
Once more, letting them all pass if there's a single match:
<<` """<$vars list="contains:<listfield>[<value>] notThisOne">
{{{ [tag[contains]contains:$any<list>] }}}
In the following example, negation means: "where the input titles contain ''none'' of the titles in the operand":
<<` "{{{ mumble frotz gronk +[!contains:$any[foo bar]] }}}">>
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$vars list="foo bar baz">
<$list filter="foo bar +[!contains:$any<list>]" emptyMessage="one of ''<<list>>'' was included"/>
You can use single word titles directly:
<<` """{{{ foo bar +[contains:$exactly[foo bar]] }}}""">>
Or use a variable:
<<` """<$vars list="foo bar">
<$list filter="foo bar +[contains:$exactly<list>]" emptyMessage="doesn't">
<$text text={{!!title}}/><br>
Since there are more than two, so you get nothing:
<<` """<$vars list="contains:listfield[<value>] contains:[<value>]">
<$list filter="[tag[contains]contains:$exactly<list>]" emptyMessage="as I said, nothing"/>
<<` """{{{ foo bar baz +[!contains:!$exactly[foo bar]] }}}""">>
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$vars list="foo bar">
<$list filter="bar foo +[!contains:$exactly<list>]" emptyMessage="but the input titles were exactly ''<<list>>''">
<$text text={{!!title}}/><br>
<<` "{{{ [tag[contains]contains<currentTiddler>] }}}">>
<<` "{{{ foo bar baz +[contains[foo]] }}}">>
<<` """<$list filter="[tag[contains]contains[none]]" emptyMessage="none"/>""">>
<<` "{{{ [tag[contains]!contains[DoesntExist]] }}}">>
<<` "{{{ foo bar baz +[!contains[mumble]] }}}">>
<<` """<$list filter="[tag[contains]!contains<currentTiddler>]" emptyMessage="well, but ''<$text text={{!!title}}/>'' is contained"/>""">>
!! Simple Count
<<` """{{{ [[a]count[]] }}} """>>
!! Count As Independent Run
<<` """{{{ a b c +[count[]] }}} """>>
!! Return Count If Matching
<<` """{{{ a b c +[count[3]] }}} """>>
!! Not Returning Count If Not Matching
<<` """<$list filter="a b c +[count[1]]"
emptyMessage="not matching count"/>""">>
!! Count Comparison
<<` """{{{ a b c +[count:gt[1]] }}} """>>
!! Comparison Not True
<<` """<$list filter="a b c +[count:LT[3]]"
emptyMessage="got at least three"/>""">>
!! Return Input Titles If Matching Count
<<` """{{{ a b c +[count:$[3]] }}} """>>
!! Not Returning Titles If Not Matching Count
<<` """<$list filter="a b c +[count:$[1]]"
emptyMessage="not matching count"/>""">>
!! Return Input Titles If Comparison True
<<` """{{{ a b c +[count:$ gt[1]] }}} """>>
!! Not Returning Titles If Comparison False
<<` """<$list filter="a b c +[count:$ lt[3]]"
emptyMessage="got at least three"/>""">>
!! Zero Test
<<` """{{{ [tag[doesntexist]count[0]] }}} """>>
<<` """<$list filter="[tag[doesntexist]count:$[0]]"
emptyMessage="no matching items indeed"/>""">>
!! Invalid Number
<<` """{{{ a b c +[count[foo]] }}} """>>
!! Invalid Comparison
<<` """{{{ a b c +[count:equals[3]] }}} """>>
The plugin $:/plugins/tobibeer/count provides:
; count[]
: a filter to count input titles or compare the count against a number specified in the operand
<<plugin-docs-cp count>>
<<plugin-install count>>
!! Version History
; 0.5.0 / 2015-12-29
: initial version
Without any parameters, the `count[]` filter simply counts input titles and returns the count. In addition, you can use the following operand and suffixes:
!! Operand
If specified, the count will be checked against this ''number'' and return the count, e.g.:
<<` """{{{ a b +[count[2]] }}}""">>
''Note:'' If the count does not match the number, nothing is returned. You can negate operand comparison using filter negation, see below.
!! Suffixes
You can use the following comparison modes (lower- or upper-case letters) alongside a specified numeric operand:
; eq
: ''eq''uals — the default comparison, if not otherwise specified
:: `count:eq[2]`
; neq
: ''n''ot ''eq''uals
:: `count:neq[2]`
; gt
: ''g''reater ''t''han
:: `count:gt[2]`
; gte
: ''g''reater ''t''han or ''e''quals
:: `count:gte[2]`
; lt
: ''l''ess ''t''han
:: `count:lt[2]`
; lte
: ''l''ess ''t''han or ''e''quals
:: `count:lte[2]`
!!! Passing Input Titles
Depending on whether or not the comparison is true, you can have the count filter return or "pass" the ''input titles'' using the ''suffix'' `$` as follows:
// if count is two, pass titles: //
<<` """{{{ a b +[count:$[2]] }}}""">>
// if count is greater than 1, pass titles: //
<<` """{{{ a b +[count:$ gt[1]] }}}""">>
!! Negation
With a specified operand, although technically not needed, you can use the prefix `!` to negate the count filter, so you don't have to wrap your mind around formulating the equivalent comparison that corresponds to negation.
// if count is not 1, pass titles: //
<<` """{{{ a b +[!count:$[1]] }}}""">>
// same as above, but using equivalent comparison: //
<<` """{{{ a b +[count:$ neq[1]] }}}""">>
// if count is not less than 3, pass titles: //
<<` """<$list filter="a b +[!count:$ lt[3]]"
emptyMessage="shown if the count is less than 3"/>""">>
// same as previous, using the equivalent comparison: //
<<` """<$list filter="a b +[count:$ gte[3]]"
emptyMessage="the count is not 3 or more"/>""">>
In the below example, we iterate through the simple filter of the titles `A B C` and use:
; <<tb make>>
: to add a counter as a prefix separated by colons `::` to each title
; <<tb split>>
: to extract the ''count'' into a variable by that name using
: to extract the original ''title'' into a variable by that name
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$list filter="A B C +[make[%count%::%title%]]">
<$set name="count" filter="[all[current]split:first[::]]">
<$set name="title" filter="[all[current]split:last[::]]">
<code><$text text=<<currentTiddler>>/></code>
__<$text text=<<count>>/>__: ''<$text text=<<title>>/>''<br>
_eval = """[[]eval[and(
_multiply = "[[]eval[
{{setvars-Conditionals!!ten}} *
_divide = "[[]eval[
{{setvars-Conditionals!!ten}} /
result="([eval] == \true\ ? [multiply]) || [divide]">
!! ''Result'' = <<result>><br/>
''true'' = "{{setvars-Conditionals!!true}}"<br/>
''false'' = "{{setvars-Conditionals!!false}}"<br/>
''ten'' = "{{setvars-Conditionals!!ten}}"<br/>
''five'' = "{{setvars-Conditionals!!five}}"<br/>
_eval = """[[]eval[and(
_multiply = "[[]eval[
{{setvars-Conditionals!!ten}} *
_divide = "[[]eval[
{{setvars-Conditionals!!ten}} /
result="([eval] == \true\ ? [multiply]) || [divide]">
!! ''Result'' = <<result>><br/>
''true'' = "{{setvars-Conditionals!!true}}"<br/>
''false'' = "{{setvars-Conditionals!!false}}"<br/>
''ten'' = "{{setvars-Conditionals!!ten}}"<br/>
''five'' = "{{setvars-Conditionals!!five}}"<br/>
You can specify a [[default template macro|dict-Templates]] at:
; [[$:/plugins/tobibeer/dict/config/template]]
: <$edit-text tiddler="$:/plugins/tobibeer/dict/config/template" tag="input"/>
[[Available macro templates and working with them...|dict-Templates]]
You can fetch definitions for terms and acronyms from <<tw DictionaryTiddlers>>. These are tiddlers of ''type'' `application/x-tiddler-dictionary`.
The dict plugin ships with a default dictionary at [[$:/plugins/tobibeer/dict/terms]]:
This dictionary is the default dictionary by virtue of having the field ''dict'' set to `default`.
You can use it to specify all your dictionary entries and then display them simply as:
`<<? term>>`
> <<? term>>
To read from another dictionary, use the `dict` parameter:
`<<? term dict:default>>`
> <<? term dict:default>>
The above retrieves the definition for `term` from a dictionary tiddler where the field ''dict'' is set to `default`.
» [[more examples|dict-Examples]]
''from default dictionary''
`<<? term>>`
> <<? term>>
''from default dictionary. with custom title''
`<<? term as:Term>>`
> <<? term as:Term>>
''defined inline''
`<<? term "inline definition">>`
> <<? term "inline definition">>
''defined at field `some-field`'' (see <<tw TextReference "text references">>)
`<<? term at:"!!some-field">>`
> <<? term at:"!!some-field">>
''defined at field `some-field`, with custom title''
`<<? term at:"!!some-field" as:Term>>`
> <<? term at:"!!some-field" as:Term>>
''from dictionary where field `dict` is set to `default`''
`<<? term dict:default>>`
> <<? term dict:default>>
''using a custom template macro `?dl` to output a definition list''
`<<? term via:?dl>>`
> <<? term via:?dl>>
The plugin $:/plugins/tobibeer/dict provides:
; <<?>>
: a macro to display a definition for a term / acronym, optionally fetched form a dictionary
<<plugin-docs-cp dict>>
<<plugin-install dict>>
!! Version History
; 0.6.0 / 2015-11-19
: reorganized repo, modifications to ''plugin.info'' and ''dictionary'' tab in control panel
; 0.5.1 / 2015-11-14
: renamed params to ''term'', ''def'', ''at'', ''dict'', ''as'', ''via''
; 0.5.0 / 2015-11-13
: initial release with all of these params: ''title'', ''text'', ''at'', ''dict'', ''as'', ''via''
The ''<<?>>'' macro provides the following parameters:
|!# |!Parameter |!Description |
| 1 |''term''|the term to be displayed and perhaps looked up in a ''dict''ionary<br>without further parameters, will be looked up in the default [[dictionary|dict-Dictionaries]]|
| 2 |''def''|a text defining the ''term''|
| 3 |''at''|a text reference from where to fetch the definition to be used instead of ''def''|
| 4 |''dict''|a dictionary from which to fetch the definition for the ''term'', see [[Dictionaries|dict-Dictionaries]]|
| 5 |''as''|an alternative text to be displayed for a given ''term'', e.g. a "pretty title"|
| 6 |''via''|a macro to be used as a template for the output, see [[Templates|dict-Templates]]|
Templates define how a definition for a term is displayed, by default using the html ''<abbr>'' element, e.g.:
`<abbr title="some info">hover me</abbr>`
> <abbr title="some info">hover me</abbr>
Templates for ''dict'' are specified as <<x Macros "global macros">> accepting the following parameters:
# ''dt'' — the term
# ''dd'' — the definition
Preconfigured template macros are provided in: [[$:/plugins/tobibeer/dict/templates]]
This is what their output looks like:
> <<? term>>
> <<? term via:?dl>>
Let's create an element with a unique ''id'':
; element
: `<p id="foo" class="bar"><i>10</i></p>`
:> <p id="foo" class="bar"><i>10</i></p>
Using the ''domtext'' macro you can now retrieve the properties of that element:
; textContent / innerText
: `<<domtext foo>>`
:> <<domtext foo>>
; innerHTML as text
: `<pre><$text text=<<domtext foo $innerHTML>>/></pre>`
:> <pre><$text text=<<domtext foo $innerHTML>>/></pre>
; class attribute
: `<<domtext foo class>>`
:> <<domtext foo class>>
; calculated contents
: retrieves the output computed via the eval widget of [[tobibeer/eval|eval]] for the next Fibonacci number contained in a hidden element, to store it in the field
<$macrocall $name="`"
text="""''current:'' {{!!fibonacci}}
<p id="my-result" style="display:none;">
<$button>next fibonacci number
<$action-setfield $field="last" $value={{!!fibonacci}}/>
<$action-setfield $field="fibonacci" $value=<<domtext my-result>>/>
The plugin [[$:/plugins/tobibeer/dom]] provides:
; <<domtext>>
: a macro to read properties of a dom element referenced by a unique id
:: by default the plain text content of the dom node
: intended for use with [[mklauber/math.js|http://mklauber.github.io/tiddly-mathjs/]]
:: to retrieve the calculated output of the calc widget
''Important:'' Using the [[tobibeer/eval|eval]] (instead of [[mklauber/math.js|http://mklauber.github.io/tiddly-mathjs/]]) [[tobibeer/dom|dom]] is not needed anymore if your goal is to assign computed values to variables.
<<plugin-docs-cp dom>>
<<plugin-install dom>>
!! Version History
; 0.5.0 / 2015-11-22
: initial release
<<source "$://macro/route">>
''Note:'' Notice how the link variable refers to the title variable declared before it!
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""Want to <<route "Customise TiddlyWiki" "customize">> TiddlyWiki? Go check out my <<route Plugins plugins>>!"""/>
\define regex() (\n|\r)title:( |\t)*$(escaped)$( |\t)*(\n|\r)
The below example shows how to search for an escaped string pattern via regexp, e.g. `$:/core/modules/filters/regexp.js`, used for a poor man's matching for the title field of any system or shadow tiddler.
\define regex() (\n|\r)title:( |\t)*$(escaped)$( |\t)*(\n|\r)
<$set name="escaped"
{{{ [all[system+shadows]regexp:text<regex>] }}}
<$set name="escaped"
{{{ [all[system+shadows]regexp:text<regex>] }}}
In the above...
# the macro regex defines the pattern used with the <<tw "regexp Operator">> below
# the set widget evaluates a filter to a variable while escaping the defined title
# the list then finds any system or shadow tiddler matching the defined regexp
The regexp `(\n|\r)title:( |\t)*$(escaped)$( |\t)*(\n|\r)` [[translates to|https://regexper.com/#(%5Cn%7C%5Cr)title%3A(%20%7C%5Ct)*%24(escaped)%24(%20%7C%5Ct)*(%5Cn%7C%5Cr)]]:
# a newline or carriage return
# the word `title`
# a colon `:`
# 0 or more blanks or tabs
# the escaped version of `$:/core/modules/filters/regexp.js`
# 0 or more blanks or tabs
# a newline or carriage return
The plugin $:/plugins/tobibeer/escape provides:
; escape[]
: a filter to escape characters in a title to make it safe for use in regular expressions
<<plugin-docs-cp escape>>
<<plugin-install escape>>
!! Version History
; 0.5.0 / 2016-10-02
: initial version
Escaping input titles is straight forward:
`[[any string]escape[]]`
`[tag[foo]] +[escape[]]`
This plugin is designed for evaluating expressions using [[math.js]] by default. As different sources may provide it, you can configure libraries to be loaded via the <<x JSONTiddlers "JSON tiddler">> $:/plugins/tobibeer/eval/libraries: <$transclude tiddler="$:/plugins/tobibeer/eval" subtiddler="$:/plugins/tobibeer/eval/libraries"/>
''Note:'' Specified libraries are parsed in sequence. The first one actually found will be the one this plugin uses by default to evaluate expressions for a given //type//.
In fact, so long as a library implements an `eval` function, you can use ''tobibeer/eval'' with other 3rd party libraries similar to [[math.js]] in order to evaluate expressions. If you actually do so, let us know [[in the groups|https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!forum/tiddlywiki]].
!! Native ~JavaScript Eval
While it is highly recommended that you install and use [[math.js]] to evaluate expressions, you are free to use this plugin with <<pop "native ~JavaScript eval" "eval-JS" "pretty pop-tiddler" btn-class:"tc-btn-invisible abbr">>, by adding it as a pseudo-library to the JSON configuration [[as is done in this demo wiki|$:/plugins/tobibeer/eval/libraries]]:
<$transclude tiddler="$:/plugins/tobibeer/eval/libraries"/>
''Note:'' If you add `{"type":"js"}` to the end, it will serve as a fallback when no other library is found. If you put it first, native js eval will be the default "library".
In order to suppress the console notification indicating that you are using native js eval, specify some otherwise not important ''id'' other than `js/eval`.
''just evaluate an operand:''
<<` """{{{ [[]eval[1+2]] }}}""">>
''by means of comparison:''
<<` """{{{ [[]eval[1>2]] }}}""">>
''evaluating a reference''
<<` """{{eval-Examples!!cubed}} =
<$list filter="[[]eval{eval-Examples!!cubed}]"/> =
<$list filter="[[]eval[{{eval-Examples!!cubed}}]]"/> """>>
''evaluating a wikitext variable:''
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$vars expression="1+2">
{{{ [[]eval<expression>] }}} =
{{{ [[]eval[<<expression>>]] }}}
''watch out for brackets:''
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$vars expression="1+2">
{{{ [[]eval[(<<expression>>) / 3]] }}} <>
{{{ [[]eval[<<expression>> / 3]] }}}
''using the set widget''
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$set name="foo" filter="[[]eval[1+2]]">
''evaluating an input title using the `title` variable or a text reference:''
<<` """<$list filter="[[1+2]eval[title]]"/> =
<$list filter="[[1+2]eval[{{!!title}}]]"/> """>>
''using a math.js function and the `title` variable:''
<<` """{{{ [[1]eval[min(title,2)]] }}}""">>
''without the `value` variable?''<br>
//you may just end up evaluating only the last input title!//
<<` """{{{ 1 2 +[eval[title]] }}}""">>
''so, here's how to sum up input titles using the `value` variable:''
<<` """{{{ 1 2 +[eval[value + title]] }}}""">>
''using init:''
<<` """{{{ 1 2 +[eval[value + title \ init: -1]] }}}""">>
''using a final expression:''
<<` """{{{ 1 2 +[eval[value + title \ final: value / 3]] }}}""">>
''getting the count of input titles using the final expression:''
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""{{{ a b c +[eval[final: count]] }}}"""/>
''using a custom [[math.js format|http://mathjs.org/docs/reference/functions/format.html]]:''
<<` """{{{ [[]eval[1/3 \ format: notation: 'fixed', precision: 2]] }}}""">>
''outputting values:''
<<` """{{{ 1 2 +[eval:$val[value + title]] }}}""">>
''outputting expressions:''
<<` """{{{ 1 2 +[eval:$expr[value + title]] }}}""">>
''outputting equations:''
<<` """{{{ 1 2 +[eval:$eq[value + title]] }}}""">>
''outputting equations with titles:''
<<` """{{{ 1 2 +[eval:$eq[value + title \ current: => for %title%]] }}}""">>
''outputting equations with a final expression:''
<<` """{{{ 1 2 +[eval:$eq[value + title \ final: value + 3 ]] }}}""">>
''outputting input titles with a [[truthy|http://lmgtfy.com/?q=truthy+falsy+javascript]] value:''
<<` """{{{ 1 2 3 +[eval:$[value + title \ init: -3]] }}}""">>
''outputting all input titles when one has a truthy value:''
<<` """{{{ 0 1 +[eval:$all[title]] }}}""">>
''input titles with a truthy value and a funny comparison:''
<<` """{{{ 1 2 +[eval:$[title == 1]] }}} =
{{{ 1 2 +[eval:$[title == "1"]] }}} """>>
''evaluate using a specified library''<br>
//go take a look at the console//
<<` """{{{ [[1]eval[lib:js \
var n=title+1;
console.log("A NUMBER:",n);
''specifying an undefined value''
<<` """<$list filter="[[]eval[{{!!foo}}]]"/> <>
<$list filter="[[]eval[{{!!foo;3}}]]"/> """>>
''taking only a substring of a reference value''
<<` """{{{ [[123foo]eval[{{!!title;;0,3}}]] }}}""">>
''splitting a reference value''
<<` """{{{ [[123foo]eval[{{!!title;;,,foo}}]] }}}""">>
''same for variables''<br>
//nope, you cannot pass macro parameters//
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$vars foo="123foo">
{{{ [[]eval[<<doesntexist;1>>]] }}} <br>
{{{ [[]eval[<<foo;;0,3>>]] }}}
The ''eval'' filter allows to evaluate an expression as:
The suffix is optional and the operand by default evaluated as the main expression.
!! Operand
Use the operand to specify expressions, separated via `\`, as any of...
# a main expression
# computational variables
# configuration options
Declare computational variables or configuration options using the `name: value` notation. The first expression not declaring either is taken as the main expression, e.g.:
<<` "{{{ 1 2 +[eval[value + {{!!title}} \\ init: 10]] }}}">>
Here, the main expression is `value + {{!!title}}`, meaning: "at each iteration, take the value of the variable called ''value'' and add the ''title'' of the current tiddler as a number to it. Additionally, a special variable is declared, namely ''init'' with the value `10`.
!!! Special Variables
Some variables have a special meaning using the eval filter:
; value
: the result of evaluating the expression with respect to the previous input title
:: for the first input title, if defined, defaults to ''init'' (see below), otherwise ''0''
; title
: the current input title being processed
''Note:'' While only the main expression may use the running variables ''value'' and ''title'', none of the other variables below shall be used in it, except ''init''.
; init
: the value with which ''value'' is initialized before iterating input titles
; final
: an expression evaluated after all input titles have been processed
; format
: a desired [[output format for math.js|http://mathjs.org/docs/reference/functions/format.html]]
: not available when using [[native js eval|eval-Configure]]
; count
: a counter for each input titles
:: can be initialized to something other than 0
; current
: the output format for the current tiddler title as displayed in an //output mode// that supports it, see ''Suffixes'' below
:: use the placeholder `%title%` for the current input title
; lib
: the library used to evaluate the expression, see [[configuration|eval-Configure]]
:: specify as `lib:<type>`, e.g. `lib:math.js` or `lib:js`
:: only those types are available for which there are [[configured|eval-Configure]] __and__ loaded libraries
!! Custom Variables
To simplify your main expression, you are free to declare any custom variables you may need, using simple words other than those reserved for the above special variables.
''Note:'' To avoid any conflicts with potential future default variables, consider using a prefix for your variables such as ''$'' or ''_'', e.g. ''_rate''.
Custom variables...
* may __only__ be used in either the ''main'' or the ''final'' expression
* are __only__ evaluated __before__ iterating input titles, never during
* shall __not__ reference each other
!!! Text References and ~WikiText Variables
To use <<x TextReference "text references">> in your expressions, use single curly brackets, e.g. `{!!some-field}`. For <<x Variables wikitext-variables>> use single angle brackets, e.g. `<variable-name>`. To safely use "less than" in your expressions, use a blank, e.g. `value < init`.
For text references in the ''main'' expression, the <<x "Current Tiddler" "current tiddler">> points to the input title being processed, otherwise to that of the given context.
!! Suffix
In the operator suffix, you can specify one of the following //output modes// for the eval filter, all prefixed ''$'':
; $
: returns a list of those input titles where ''value'' is truthy
; $all
: returns all input titles if there is a truthy ''value'' for any input title
; $val
: output a list of item values for each input title — supports ''current''
; $expr
: output the expressions to be evaluated per input title — supports ''current''
; $eq
: output equations as ''expr = value'' per input title — supports ''current''
:: this includes the ''final'' expression, if defined
The plugin [[$:/plugins/tobibeer/eval]] provides:
; eval[<expression>]
: a ''filter'' to evaluate an expression against input titles
; <$eval>{{!!foo}} + 1</$eval>
: a ''widget'' evaluating its inner content as an expression
It is designed to work with:
; [[tobibeer/math.js|math.js]]
: providing the library [[math.js]] as a plugin
: needs to be [[installed separately|math.js-Install]]
; javascript
: [[native eval|eval-JS]] is supported as well, but needs to be [[specifically activated|eval-Configure]]
<<plugin-docs-cp eval>>
<<plugin-install eval>>
''Important:'' The plugin ''tobibeer/eval'' is designed to be used with [[math.js|http://mathjs.org]], but does __not__ ship with it! You therefore need to install [[tobibeer/math.js|math.js]] as a separate plugin. Should you have [[mklauber/math.js]] installed, there's nothing for you to do since ''tobibeer/eval'''s library handling knows how load the ''math.js'' it ships with.
!! Version History
; 0.6.9 BETA / 2015-12-16
: added count variable
; 0.6.8 BETA / 2015-12-08
: bugfix release => threw error with no configured library available
; 0.6.7 BETA / 2015-12-07
: initial release
If you don't know native ~JavaScript eval, perhaps don't get started. If you do, consider the fact that your wiki will be slightly more vulnerable thanks to:
* you making serious mistakes that may lead to data loss
* visitors / users executing arbitrary ~JavaScript, directly in wikitext
The plugin ''tobibeer/eval'' provides the ''<$eval>'' widget. Equivalent to the ''calc'' widget of [[mklauber/math.js|http://mklauber.github.io/tiddly-mathjs/]], it evaluates its inner content as an expression, e.g.:
<<` "''count:'' {{eval-Widget!!count}} =>
''add 1:'' <$eval>{{eval-Widget!!count}} + 1</$eval>">>
However, the ''eval'' widget evaluates the expression using the [[default library|eval-Configure]], providing the following attributes:
| !Attribute | !Description | !Default |
|''lib''|the library type to be used, e.g. `lib=js`<br>» only those both [[configured|eval-Configure]] __and__ loaded|the default library,<br>see [[configuration|eval-Configure]]|
|''quiet''|whether the widget shows detailed evaluation errors|`false`|
|''undefined''|a fallback value returned,<br> should the expression yield undefined|`undefined`|
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$set name="evaled" filter="[[1]eval[1 + title]]">
''Note:'' For js eval to be available, it needs to be [[configured|eval-Configure]]. Now, take a look at the browser console.
<<` """<$eval lib="js">
var e = {{eval-Widget!!count}} + 1;
''Note:'' For js eval to be available, it needs to be [[configured|eval-Configure]]. Now, take a look at the browser console.
Demonstations of my [[plugins|Plugins]]:
Before you can embed tiddlers from external wikis, create a configuration for __each__ wiki under `$:/config/ExternalWiki/<External Wiki Name>` and specify the ''url'' of the external wiki in the tiddler body. Then:
# use this title pattern to create tiddlers embedding a remote tiddler via the [[template|external-Template]]:
#* `<External Wiki Name>: <External Tiddler Title>`
# use the [[macro|external-Macro]] to embed external tiddlers in wikitext
!! Options
These options can be specified as [[macro parameters|external-Configure]], and otherwise apply as:
; top
: for a vertical offset for a __wiki__, e.g. to ignore any headers
:: set the field `top` at the wiki configuration tiddler to the desired value
:: otherwise defaults to <<source "$:/plugins/tobibeer/external/defaults/top">>
; height
: to specify a height for the embedded tiddler
:: set the `height` field at the tiddler rendering the external tiddler
:: defaults to <<source "$:/plugins/tobibeer/external/defaults/height">>
; wiki
: to define a default wiki for use with the [[external-tiddler|external-Macro]] macro
:: set its title at <<source "$:/plugins/tobibeer/external/defaults/wiki">>
; link
: to specify if a link to the external tiddler is displayed above the iframe
:: set the field `link` at the wiki configuration tiddler to `yes` or `no`
:: defaults to <<source "$:/plugins/tobibeer/external/defaults/link">>
:: specify the link text at <<source "$:/plugins/tobibeer/external/lingo/open">>
::: you can also use `<<TITLE>>`
!! Example
An example configuration for a wiki called ''tobibeer'' that points to the below url is defined at <<source "$:/config/ExternalWiki/tobibeer">>
Here's the top offset for the ''tobibeer'' wiki:
<<` """;top
And here's the result: [[tobibeer: external-Install]].
''Important:'' <<tb external>> depends on <<tb setvars>> and <<tb split>>. Before use, make sure all dependencies are installed.
!! Basic Example
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<<external-tiddler title:"external-Install" height:"100px">>"""/>
!! Via Reference
You can also use the <<x TiddlerWidget>> to create a proper context:
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$tiddler tiddler="tobibeer: external-Install">
!! Via Template
Open [[tobibeer: external-Install]] to find the tiddler ''external-Install'' automatically embedded via this template from the external wiki called ''tobibeer'' defined at <<source "$:/config/ExternalWiki/tobibeer">>
The plugin $:/plugins/tobibeer/external provides:
; <<external-tiddler>>
: a [[macro|external-Macro]] to render an iframe with a tiddler of an external wiki
; $:/plugins/tobibeer/external/template
: a view-template displaying an external tiddler when:
:: 1. the title matches the [[external tiddler title pattern|external-Template]]
:: 2. the remote wiki is [[configured|external-Configure]]<br>
<<plugin-docs-cp external>>
<<plugin-install external>>
!! Version History
; 0.5.3 / 2016-06-04
: improved view-template
: fixed css default for top
; 0.5.2 / 2016-01-13
: removed explicit wiki url check
: fixed version number
; 0.5.1 / 2016-01-13
: fixed iframe height
; 0.5.0 / 2016-01-13
: initial version
\define default(option) <code>{{$:/plugins/tobibeer/external/defaults/$option$}}</code>
The [[external-tiddler|$:/plugins/tobibeer/external/macro]] macro embeds a tiddler from an external wiki using an iframe. It is automatically invoked via the [[view template|external-Template]] for tiddlers following this title pattern:
<External Wiki Name>: <External Tiddler Title>
!! Parameters
All the below parameters are optional:
| !# | !Parameter | !Description | !Default |
| 1 |wiki|a [[configured|external-Configure]] external wiki which when unspecified:<br>» is extracted from the current title<br>» otherwise take from the wiki [[configuration|external-Configure]]<br>» otherwise the global default|define at [[/defaults/wiki|$:/plugins/tobibeer/external/defaults/wiki]]|
| 2 |title|the external tiddler title which when unspecified:<br>» is extracted from the current title||
| 3 |height|the height of the iframe|<<default height>>|
| 4 |top|the negative top offset of the iframe|<<default top>>|
| 5 |link|whether to display a link above the iframe|`yes`|
!! Source
Here is the source code for the ''external-tiddler'' macro providing a good example for using both the widget <<tb setvars>> as well as the filter <<tb split>>:
<pre><$view tiddler="$:/plugins/tobibeer/external/macro"/></pre>
The [[external-tiddler|external-Macro]] macro wraps the iframe it creates in a //div// of the class:
While the height and top offset are dynamically computed by the macro, some styles are applied to the wrapper and iframe as defined in <<source "$:/plugins/tobibeer/external/styles">>
The template $:/plugins/tobibeer/external/template provides a view-template that automatically renders the [[external-tiddler|external-Macro]] macro when:
# the current tiddler title matches this pattern
#* `<External Wiki Name>: <External Tiddler Title>`
# there is a configuration for the external wiki at:
#* `$:/config/ExternalWiki/<External Wiki Name>`
To disable the template, remove the tag $:/tags/ViewTemplate from it.
!! Source
This is the template wikitext for <<source "$:/plugins/tobibeer/external/template">>
Here's how you can use the <<tw "splitbefore Operator">> to extract introductory lines at the beginning of a tiddler~~~~, separated from the rest of the content using a separator like `~~~~`.
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$list filter="[all[current]get[text]splitbefore[~~~~]addsuffix[...]]">
Take a look at the source of this tiddler to find the separator right where you expect it.
//''Note:'' One __major__ pitfall of this method is that you __cannot__ define <<tw Macros>> in the source tiddler. If you definitely want support for macro definitions, keep on reading...//
!! Methods Of Extraction
To extract a summary, abstract or excerpt for a tiddler you have a wide range of options.
The first thing you want to decide is where you want to store the introduction. My preferred method so far has been to use a ''summary'' field which I could then transclude where needed or show using a [[Conditional ViewTemplate Section|http://tobibeer.github.io/tb5/#Conditional%20ViewTemplate%20Section]] at the current tiddler.
However, TiddlyWiki currently lacks sufficient support for multi-line fields, especially under <<tw Node.js>>. This means that if you want to have line breaks in such a field, you have to literally declare them as html elements, e.g. `<br>`.
!! Using Macros
The following global ''intro'' macro provides a handy way to extract an excerpt from either the current tiddler or the one specified as the first parameter while making use of and depending on the plugin <<tb split>>.
Here, in order to define an introduction, you would use the following markup using a macro called `intro:` which won't output anything at all until you create a <<tw Macros "global macro">> for it that does:
<<intro: """
A multi-line intro with...
; some lists
: and stuff""">>
''Note'': The triple single quotes are very much part of the detection pattern and thus mandatory.
This method does not interfere with macro definitions at the top of a tiddler. As a fallback, the ''intro'' macro below retrieves the introduction from a ''summary'' field.
<<source $:/.tb/macros/intro>>
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<<intro>>"""/>
This one would fallback to extracting the ''summary'' field from the tiddler [[Library]] since it does not contain any ''intro:'' macro holding an introduction:
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<<intro Library>>"""/>
To show such a hidden intro or summary for every tiddler, you can use a [[Conditional ViewTemplate Section|http://tobibeer.github.io/tb5/#Conditional%20ViewTemplate%20Section]] like this:
title: $:/.tb/ui/ViewTemplate/intro
tags: $:/tags/ViewTemplate
list-before: $:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/body
To actually show an intro where defined using the provided ''intro:'' macro, simply declare its second parameter as `show`, e.g.:
<<intro: """Actually show this where defined.""" show>>
> <<intro: """Actually show this where defined.""" show>>
!! Fetching HTML Comments
Another, equally as safe method — avoiding the problem of leading macro definitions — could be to extract an excerpt from an html comment that otherwise does not get rendered. It is perfect when you don't necessarily want a multi-line introduction to always be displayed directly in the tiddler where it is defined.
This is what the comment might look like:
This is a very hidden multi-line introduction:
* Open this tiddler, its actually in this very code block. ;-)
* Crazy, right?
And this is how you would display it:
<$list filter="[all[current]get[text]
<$list filter="[all[current]get[text]split:pos=2[<!--:]split:first[-->]limit[1]]">
!! Fetching The First Paragraph
You could also extract the first paragraph as the introduction, i.e. up to the first two line-breaks. As [[sini-Kit kindly pointed out|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/uxErdg4wPWk/9BrcEH20EwAJ]], you can actually achieve the desired result simply using the core <<tw "splitbefore Operator">> like so:
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$list filter="[all[current]get[text]splitbefore[
//''Note:'' Again, this method suffers from no support for leading macro definitions.//
With ''filter'''s powerful syntax allowing you to [[specify flexible subfilters|filter-Syntax]] it is rather easy to construct an invalid subfilter expression, i.e. one that produces a filter error.
Therefore, as of ''version 0.5.7'' onwards, ''filter'' returns any filter errors it encounters as its result and nothing else.
!! Example
Here's what an error looks like based on a modified example of [[Search Multiple Fields With A Subfilter]] where we accidentally feed the default output of the <<x "all Operator" "all filter operator">> to the subfilter and thus construct an invalid expression with nearly every system tiddler title being passed along:
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$vars term="evaluate"
<$count filter="[filter<find>]"/>:
{{{ [filter<find>] }}}
''Tip'': Take a look at you browser's console. You will find that the part `/library/` was interpreted as being the deprecated regexp filter operand. So, anything that follows it was assumed to be a new <<x "Filter Step" "filter step">>.
The subfilter is always evaluated for each input title in turn with a given variable set to the currently processed title, e.g. ''inputTitle''. There are three ways to define the ''source'' of tiddlers against which the subfilter is evaluated:
; 1. each input title
: by default, the subfilter in the operand is evaluated against ''each'' input title in turn
: `a b c +[filter<foo>]`
:: //evaluates ''foo'' three times, each time given the respective input title as its source to iterate on//
; 2. all input titles
: using the ''input'' suffix, the subfilter is evaluated against ''all'' input titles for ''each'' input title in turn
: `a b c +[filter:input<foo>]`
:: //evaluates ''foo'' three times as well, each time given all three input title as the source to iterate on//
; 3. any titles
: the subfilter can be evaluated for each input title in turn against any arbitrary titles by using a "set-creating" filter such as the <<x "all Operator" "all operator">>
:: another filter operator creating sets is [[make]]
: `a b c +[filter<foo>]`
:: //also evaluates ''foo'' three times; however, using `[all[tiddlers]]` within ''foo'' the subfilter is evaluated at each turn against any titles imaginable//
:: the difference to ''1.'' is merely in how the subfilter is defined
// This first example returns all tags of tiddlers prefixed `filter` using a subfilter retrieved from a text-reference, replacing the __default__ variable ''inputTitle'' with each input title in turn: //
<<` """; subfilter
: <$text text={{filter-Examples!!test}}/>
{{{ [prefix[filter]filter{filter-Examples!!test}] }}}""">>
''Note:'' By default, the subfilter is given only the currently processed input title as its source. To pass all input titles to the subfilter, use the suffix ''input''; see further down. To access all tiddlers in a subfilter, start it by using the <<x "all Operator" "all[] filter operator">>, e.g.:<br/>
!! Using Context Variables
// In this example a lot of context variables are replaced in the subfilter://
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$vars
{{{ [prefix[filter]filter<subfilter>] }}}
{{{ [prefix[filter]] }}}
filter-tag="[tag<inputTitle>]" >
// The next examples use the variable ''filter-backlinks'' as their subfilter: //
> <code><<filter-backlinks>></code>
// For verification, let's fetch all tiddlers that are backlinks to any prefixed `filter`://
<<` """{{{ [prefix[filter]backlinks[]] }}}""">>
!! Simple Subfilter
// Evaluates a subfilter to retrieve backlinks of tiddlers prefixed `filter`: //
<<` """{{{ [prefix[filter]filter<filter-backlinks>] }}}""">>
!! Subfilter $
// Retrieves the tiddlers for which the subfilter has matches, those with backlinks: //
<<` """{{{ [prefix[filter]filter:$<filter-backlinks>] }}}""">>
!! Subfilter $all
// Checks te subfilter against all prefixed `filter`, however returning all input titles, should any have backlinks: //
<<` """{{{ [prefix[filter]filter:$all<filter-backlinks>] }}}""">>
// The next examples use the variable ''filter-listed'' as their subfilter: //
> <code><$text text=<<filter-listed>>/></code>
!! Subfilter Variable
// When evaluating the subfilter, the variable ''currentTiddler'' is set to each input title in turn, fetching all titles listed in the ''tabs'' field of any tiddler prefixed `filter`://
<<` """{{{ [prefix[filter]filter: var:currentTiddler<filter-listed>] }}}""">>
''Note:'' By setting ''currentTiddler'' we define a different context for the list filter operator.
!! Subfilter Variable $
// Instead of titles listed in the ''tabs'' field, returns those input titles that have titles listed in it: //
<<` """{{{ [prefix[filter]filter:$ var:currentTiddler<filter-listed>] }}}""">>
!! Subfilter Variable $all
// Finally, returns all prefixed `filter` if any has titles listed in a ''tabs'' field: //
<<` """{{{ [prefix[filter]filter:$all var:currentTiddler<filter-listed>] }}}""">>
// The next examples use the variable ''filter-tag'' as their subfilter: //
> <code><$text text=<<filter-tag>>/></code>
!! Subfilter Source Titles
// Below, using the suffix ''input'', the subfilter is evaluated against all input titles, not just the currently iterated one. In the subfilter, the __default__ variable ''inputTitle'' is replaced with each input title in turn, fetching all input titles that are prefixed `contains` and have any other titles thus prefixed as a tag://
<<` """{{{ [prefix[contains]filter:input<filter-tag>] }}}""">>
!! Subfilter Source Titles $
// Instead of the tagged tiddlers, returns those input titles where the filter had matches, i.e. titles that have other tiddlers prefixed `contains` tagging to them: //
<<` """{{{ [prefix[contains]filter:$ input<filter-tag>] }}}""">>
!! Subfilter Source Titles $all
// Finally, rather than matches, returns all input titles if any had matches: //
<<` """{{{ [prefix[contains]filter:$all input<filter-tag>] }}}""">>
The plugin $:/plugins/tobibeer/filter provides:
; filter[]
: a filter allowing to evaluate subfilters in a filter expression
: with respect to a given set of input titles
: at each turn against different [[input sources|filter-Evaluation]] of titles
: hop over to the [[examples|filter-Examples]] to see how it works
!! Why?
* to avoid having to nest list widgets in list widgets
** that may not even allow to retrieve the same aggregated results
* to avail nested filters to a single <<x SetWidget>> or [[setvars]] widget instance
<<plugin-docs-cp filter>>
<<plugin-install filter>>
!! Version History
; 0.5.7 / 2017-01-10
: now reports back on any (fatal) filter errors
; 0.5.6 / 2016-01-08
: variable placeholders for use anywhere via `%variable-name%`
; 0.5.5 / 2015-12-29
: first release
:: fixes evaluation algorithm, build error
:: added tests
; 0.5.0 / 2015-12-21
: initial version — retracted
The filter operator called ''filter'' is specified as follows:
; operand
: the <<x "Filter Step" operand>> specifies the subfilter to be evaluated
:: use a variable or text reference as the operand to pass the subfilter
::: `[filter<some-variable>]` — variable operand
::: `[filter{tiddler!!field}]` — text-reference operand
; suffixes
: `input` — instead of the current input title (default), passes all input titles as the source to the subfilter when evaluating it with respect to each input title in turn
: `$` — instead of titles returned by evaluating the subfilter for each input title in turn, returns any input titles for which the subfilter yielded matches
: `$all` — if any of the input titles evaluated against the subfilter yielded any matches, then ''all'' input titles will be returned, unmodified
: `var:var-name` — instead of ''inputTitle'', define a variable in which each input title is stored in turn
; placeholders
: `%variable-name%` — use this markup for placeholders of any context variables that can be used freely in the sub-filter
:: so, you could do this: `[%prefix%%filter%:%suffix%%operand%]`
:: not just via the core <<x "Filter Parameter" "indirect operand">> syntax: `[tag<tagName>]`
Below, the action details of a button are specified with a [[setvars]] widget that refreshes at every click and uses the [[make]] filter to join text-bits into the two variables that it sets, a description and a unique, zero-padded invoice number used as the title.
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$setvars $refresh
_desc="[[]make[{{!!customer}}, {{!!division}}]]"
New Invoice
{{{ [tag[Invoice]] }}}
The plugin $:/plugins/tobibeer/hash provides:
; hash[]
: a filter to URI-encode tiddler titles to permalink or permaview hashes or decode hashes back to titles
: ''encodes'' an input title or operand to a <<x "WidgetMessage: tm-permalink" permalink>> hash
:: encodes more than one input title to a <<x "WidgetMessage: tm-permaview" permaview>> hash
: ''decodes'' permalink or permaview hashes or fully qualified urls
:: returning tiddler titles
<<plugin-docs-cp hash>>
<<plugin-install hash>>
!! Version History
; 0.5.0 / 2015-12-31
: initial version
!! Encoding Titles
The ''hash'' filter <<x PermaLinks "uri encodes">> a title specified in the filter operand or a __single__ input title to a <<x "WidgetMessage: tm-permalink" "permalink hash">>, the bit after the hash `#` in a TiddlyWiki url:
<<` """{{{ [[foo bar]hash[]] }}} = <$list filter="[hash[foo bar]]"/>""">>
Given __multiple__ input titles and __no operand__, the hash is encoded to a <<x "WidgetMessage: tm-permaview" "permaview hash">>:
<<` """{{{"foo bar" baz +[hash[]] }}}""">>
To create a fully qualified url, use the <<x "addprefix Operator" "addprefix operator">>, e.g.
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$set name=url
filter="[[WidgetMessage: tm-permalink]] [[WidgetMessage: tm-permaview]] +[hash[]addprefix[http://tiddlywiki.com#]]">
<a href=<<url>> target="_blank">Click</a>
!! Decoding Hashes
You can also decode uri hashes back to tiddler titles, using the suffix ''decode'':
<<` """{{{ [[foo bar]hash[]hash:decode[]] }}}""">>
To decode a fully qualified url back to tiddler titles, use both the suffixes ''decode'' and ''full'':
<<` """{{{ HelloThere [[Customize TiddlyWiki]]
+[hash[]addprefix[http://tiddlywiki.com#]hash:decode full[]] }}}""">>
!! Macro Example
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""Want to <<route "Customise TiddlyWiki" "customize">> TiddlyWiki? Go check out my <<route Plugins plugins>>!"""/>
In the route macro below, the [[setvars]] widget creates a link to tiddlywiki.com if no local tiddler for the title exists, encoding it using the [[hash]] filter, showing a pretty title if given:
<<source "$://macro/route">>
Specify the buttons displayed in the on-hover toolbar at $:/plugins/tobibeer/inc/toolbar:
<$edit-text tiddler="$:/plugins/tobibeer/inc/toolbar" class="tc-edit-texteditor"/>
''Tip:'' Try removing one or two buttons above and take another look at the examples.
!! Tabs
For using <<tb inc>> to edit tab contents, please refer to [[Quick Edit Tabs]] which uses the template <<source "$:/plugins/tobibeer/inc/templates/tabs">>
!! Styles
The default styles for ''tobibeer/inc'' are defined at <<source $:/plugins/tobibeer/inc/styles>>
Hover over the transcluded tiddler below and find a tiddler toolbar appear to the top-right of it, the transclusion also being mildly highlighted...
`<<{ inc-Install>>`
> <<{ inc-Install>>
Using the macro in a list widget:
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<dl>
<$list filter="inc-Info inc-Configure inc-Install">
<dt><$text text=<<currentTiddler>>/></dt>
<dd class="no-before"><<{>></dd>
The plugin $:/plugins/tobibeer/inc provides:
; `<<{>>`
: a macro to include / transclude a tiddler's text with a [[customizable|inc-Configure]] on-hover toolbar
:: to open, edit, or delete the transcluded tiddler or any other button you may want
: the first and only parameter is an ''optional'' tiddler title
:: defaults to `<<currentTiddler>>`
:: optional, so you can easily use it in a <<x ListWidget>>
; `<<tb-inc tiddler-title>>`
: an alias for `<<{>>`
:: however, requiring you to specify a tiddler title
<<plugin-install inc>>
!! Version History
; 0.5.2 / 2016.01.18
: tab content support, see [[Quick Edit Tabs]]
: style simplifications
; 0.5.1 / 2015.12.08
: add docs link to readme
; 0.5.0 / 2015.12.08
: initial release
"tiddlers": {
"$:/plugins/inmysocks/extrafilters/angreaterthan.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/plugins/inmysocks/extrafilters/angreaterthan.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator for checking if an alphanumeric value is greater than an operand.\nHere greater than means comes after in an alphanumeric sort, so b > a and 2 > 10.\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.angreaterthan = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [],\n\tfieldname = (operator.suffix || \"title\").toLowerCase();\n\tif(operator.prefix === \"!\") {\n\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\tif(tiddler) {\n\t\t\t\tvar text = tiddler.getFieldString(fieldname);\n\t\t\t\tif(text.toLowerCase() <= operator.operand.toLowerCase()) {\n\t\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t} else {\n\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\tif(tiddler) {\n\t\t\t\tvar text = tiddler.getFieldString(fieldname);\n\t\t\t\tif(text.toLowerCase() > operator.operand.toLowerCase()) {\n\t\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n\n",
"title": "$:/plugins/inmysocks/extrafilters/angreaterthan.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/plugins/inmysocks/extrafilters/anlessthan.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/plugins/inmysocks/extrafilters/anlessthan.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator for checking if an alphanumeric value is less than an operand. `lessthan` in this case means 'comes before in an alphabetical sort'.\nSo a < b and 10 < 2\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.anlessthan = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [],\n\t\tfieldname = (operator.suffix || \"title\").toLowerCase();\n\tif(operator.prefix === \"!\") {\n\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\tif(tiddler) {\n\t\t\t\tvar text = tiddler.getFieldString(fieldname);\n\t\t\t\tif(text.toLowerCase() >= operator.operand.toLowerCase()) {\n\t\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t} else {\n\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\tif(tiddler) {\n\t\t\t\tvar text = tiddler.getFieldString(fieldname);\n\t\t\t\tif(text.toLowerCase() < operator.operand.toLowerCase()) {\n\t\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n\n",
"title": "$:/plugins/inmysocks/extrafilters/anlessthan.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/plugins/inmysocks/extrafilters/greaterthan.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/plugins/inmysocks/extrafilters/greaterthan.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator for checking if a numeric value is greater than an operand\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.greaterthan = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [],\n\tfieldname = (operator.suffix || \"title\").toLowerCase();\n\tif(operator.prefix === \"!\") {\n\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\tif(tiddler) {\n\t\t\t\tvar text = tiddler.getFieldString(fieldname);\n\t\t\t\tif(Number(text) <= Number(operator.operand)) {\n\t\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t} else {\n\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\tif(tiddler) {\n\t\t\t\tvar text = tiddler.getFieldString(fieldname);\n\t\t\t\tif(Number(text) > Number(operator.operand)) {\n\t\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n\n",
"title": "$:/plugins/inmysocks/extrafilters/greaterthan.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
"$:/plugins/inmysocks/extrafilters/lessthan.js": {
"text": "/*\\\ntitle: $:/plugins/inmysocks/extrafilters/lessthan.js\ntype: application/javascript\nmodule-type: filteroperator\n\nFilter operator for checking if a numeric value is less than an operand\n\n\\*/\n(function(){\n\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\n/*global $tw: false */\n\"use strict\";\n\n/*\nExport our filter function\n*/\nexports.lessthan = function(source,operator,options) {\n\tvar results = [],\n\t\tfieldname = (operator.suffix || \"title\").toLowerCase();\n\tif(operator.prefix === \"!\") {\n\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\tif(tiddler) {\n\t\t\t\tvar text = tiddler.getFieldString(fieldname);\n\t\t\t\tif(Number(text) >= Number(operator.operand)) {\n\t\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t} else {\n\t\tsource(function(tiddler,title) {\n\t\t\tif(tiddler) {\n\t\t\t\tvar text = tiddler.getFieldString(fieldname);\n\t\t\t\tif(Number(text) < Number(operator.operand)) {\n\t\t\t\t\tresults.push(title);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\treturn results;\n};\n\n})();\n\n",
"title": "$:/plugins/inmysocks/extrafilters/lessthan.js",
"type": "application/javascript",
"module-type": "filteroperator"
All the below examples use:
; $set
: the <<x SetWidget>>, to define a variable ''result'' through which we evaluate the filter
; code
: a wrapper that outputs the result as inline-code
; $text
: the <<x TextWidget>> whichoutputs the ''result'' as is, not wikified
!! Simple Join
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$set name="result" filter="A B C +[join[]]">
<code><$text text=<<result>>/></code>
!! Join With Separator
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$set name="result" filter="A B C +[join[sep:-]]">
<code><$text text=<<result>>/></code>
!! Join With Final Prefix And Suffix
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$set name="result" filter="A B C +[join[prefix:<\\suffix:>]]">
<code><$text text=<<result>>/></code>
!! Join Item With Item-Prefix And Item-Suffix
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$set name="result" filter="[all[current]join[prefix-%title%-suffix]]">
<code><$text text=<<result>>/></code>
!! Custom Item Template And Separator
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$set name="result" filter="A B C +[join[prefix-%title%\\ sep:+]]">
<code><$text text=<<result>>/></code>
!! Join With Separator Having Blanks
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$set name="result" filter="A B C +[join[sep: - ]]">
<code><$text text=<<result>>/></code>
!! Join With Input Titles Having Blanks
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$set name="result" filter="[[ A ]] [[ B ]] [[ C ]] +[join[]]">
<code><$text text=<<result>>/></code>
!! Trim Result
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$set name="result" filter="[[ A ]] [[ B ]] [[ C ]] +[join[trim:result]]">
<code><$text text=<<result>>/></code>
!! Trim Each Input Title
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$set name="result" filter="[[ A ]] [[ B ]] [[ C ]] +[join[trim:each]]">
<code><$text text=<<result>>/></code>
!! Trim Each Title And Use A Separator With Blanks
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$set name="result" filter="[[ A ]] [[ B ]] [[ C ]] +[join[trim:each \\ sep: - ]]">
<code><$text text=<<result>>/></code>
The plugin $:/plugins/tobibeer/join provides:
; join[]
: a filter to join input titles into one string
:: allowing prefixes, suffixes, separators or to trim titles or result
<<plugin-docs-cp join>>
<<plugin-install join>>
!! Version History
; 0.5.1 / 2017-01-09
: allow newlines in operand options, e.g. ''sep''
; 0.5.0 / 2015-12-21
: initial version
Through its operand, you can specify an item template for the ''join[]'' filter, as well as further options separated via `\` should you need more than one.
!! Item Template
The default item template is `%title%`. It specifies a placeholder `%title%` that will be replaced with each input title in turn, e.g.:
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$set name="result" filter="A +[join[prefix-%title%-suffix]]"><code><$text text=<<result>>/></code>
!! Options
Specify any of these options as `key:value` pairs:
; sep
: a separator joining input titles, white-space preserved
:: `[[ A ]] [[ B ]] +[join[sep:- ]]` => `A- B`
; prefix
: a final prefix, white-space preserved
:: `A B +[join[prefix:+ ]]` => `+ AB`
; suffix
: a final suffix, white-space preserved
:: `A B +[join[suffix:+ ]]` => `AB+ `
; trim
: `each` — trims each input tite in turn
:: `[[ A ]] [[ B ]] +[join[trim:each]]` => `AB`
: `result` — trims the output string
:: `[[ A ]] [[ B ]] +[join[trim:result]]` => `A B`
@@color:purple;''Important'': Adding my library does not pre-install any of my plugins in your wiki but just adds a reference to it, i.e. you need internet access to actually install plugins from it.@@
Drag this tiddler to your wiki to access my plugin library from your [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]]: $:/pluginlibrary/tobibeer/official
!! {{$:/pluginlibrary/tobibeer/official!!caption}}
''Tip:'' You can actually try it out right here in this wiki.<br>
Open: {{$:/core/ui/Buttons/control-panel}} ''~ControlPanel'' > ''Plugins'' > ''Get more plugins'' > ''Open plugin library''
!! Simple
// Creates a new unique title based on the current tiddler: //
<<` """{{{ [[]make[]] }}}""">>
!! Make Three
<<` """{{{ [[]make[max:3]] }}}""">>
!! Operating on input titles
// Replaces the `%title%` placeholder with each input title in turn: //
<<` """{{{ a b c +[make[prefix %title% suffix]] }}}""">>
!! Understanding Max
// Max is interpreted as: //
''1 (default) if no input titles are used:''
<<` """{{{ [[]make[%count%/%max%]] }}}""">>
''the number of input titles if not specified as an option:''
<<` """{{{ a b c +[make[%count%/%max%]] }}}""">>
''specified max, if smaller than the number of input titles:''
<<` """{{{ a b c +[make[%count%/%max%\max:2]] }}}""">>
''the number of input titles if smaller than specified max:''
<<` """{{{ a b c +[make[%count%/%max%\max:5]] }}}""">>
!! Zero-Pad Count
''Zero-pad count to max:''
<<` """{{{ [[]make[%count%\max:31\pad:max]limit[3]] }}}""">>
''Zero-pad count to 5 digits:''
<<` """{{{ [[]make[%count%\max:3\pad:5]] }}}""">>
!! No Separator Before Unique Number
<<` """{{{ [[]make[sep:]] }}}""">>
!! Custom Separator
<<` """{{{ [[]make[sep:-]] }}}""">>
!! Specified Tiddler
<<` """{{{ [[]make[%tiddler% tabs: {{!!tabs}}\tiddler:make]] }}}
; proof
: {{make!!tabs}}""">>
!! Variable
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""{{{ [[]make[<<version>>]] }}}"""/>
!! Text-Reference
<<` """{{{ [[]make[{{!!modified}}]] }}}""">>
!! Date-Stamp For Current Time
// The ~TiddlyWiki default as `YYYY0MM0DD0hh0mm0ss...` up to the millisecond: //
<<` """{{{ [[]make[%date%]] }}}""">>
!! Date-/ Time-Stamp With Custom Format
<<` """{{{ [[]make[%date% \ date-format:0hh:0mm:0ss]] }}}""">>
!! Random
// alphanumeric, default length is 16 characters://
<<` """* {{{ [[]make[RANDOM()]] }}}
* {{{ [[]make[RANDOM(8)]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ [[]make[%uuid%]] }}}""">>
!! Simple Increment
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""{{{ [[]make[<<currentTiddler>> %count% \ max:3]] }}}"""/>
!! Complex Increment
<<` """{{{ [[]make[
Incremented To %count%
\ min:1 \ inc:2 \ max:10
]] }}}""">>
!! Unique Field
// Returns `title1`, since this tiddler already has a ''title'' field://
<<` """{{{ [[]make[title\unique:field\max:2]] }}}""">>
!! Unique Index
// Creates two unique indexes using a custom separator for the index `background:` for the defined ''tiddler'' $:/palettes/Vanilla, which already has this index defined://
<<` """{{{ [[]make[background\
]] }}}""">>
!! Placeholder Parade
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""{{{ [[]make[
<<currentTiddler>>—{{appear-Examples!!bar}}—%count%/%max%—%date%—RANDOM(): %uuid% \
]] }}}"""/>
The plugin $:/plugins/tobibeer/make provides:
; ''make[]''
: a filter that allows to create unique or random tiddler titles
If no input titles are passed to it, e.g. via `[[]make[]]` it will create unique, even random output titles, otherwise operate on given input titles. There are many ways for you to specify exactly how you want your titles to be created using the [[operand|make-Operand]].
!! Unique
The titles created by the ''make[]'' filter will always be unique in these ways:
# no two titles in the output of make will be the same
## no existing tiddler will have a title generated by make OR
## no field at a given tiddler will have the string generated by make OR
## no index at a given data-tiddler will have the string generated by make
!! Refreshing
Be aware that, as of TiddlyWiki <<version>>, using this filter with the <<x ListWidget>> or <<x SetWidget>> will ''recompute'' the titles at each refresh, i.e. at every single event, even just clicking a link. To prevent this refresh behaviour, use the [[setvars]] widget.
While this can be very useful for creating unique titles, i.e. when using the <<x ActionSetFieldWidget>>, it is not so much, if you plan on rendering a list and don't expect it to update with every move you make.
<<plugin-docs-cp make>>
<<plugin-install make>>
!! Version History
; 0.6.0 / 2015-01-07
: allow to use zero-padding for increment when no `%count%` is used
: performance increase for increment
; 0.5.6 / 2015-12-31
: added zero-padding as operand option via `pad:max` or `pad:4`
; 0.5.5 / 2015-12-19
: now handles input titles as well
: added options `sep`, `tiddler`, `unique`
: added placeholders `%title%`, `%tiddler%`
: added test-suite
; 0.5.0 / 2015-12-17
: initial release
The operand of the ''make'' filter allows you to specify how and how many titles you want created.
You can specify a title pattern based on whichever strings you desire and various placeholders. You can specify further options, separated via backslash `\` and always declared as `option:value`, e.g.:
<<` """{{{ [make[the pattern %count% \ max:2]] }}}""">>
!! Pattern Placeholders
''Note:'' Should you not specify a pattern, it will default to `<<currentTiddler>>`.
; `%date%`
: a datestamp of the current time
:: by default the format also used at the ''modified'' field: `YYYY0MM0DD0hh0mm0ss`
; `%count%`
: the current count
; `%max%`
: the maximum number generated
; `<<variable>>`
: a wikitext variable
:: no support for actual macro invocations
; `{{text!!reference}}`
: a text reference retrieving a given tiddler's text or another field / data
; `%tiddler%`
: the tiddler defined using the ''tiddler'' option, see below
; `%title%`
: when operating on input titles, the currently handled title
: when not operating on input titles, the (current) tiddler title
; `random()`
: by default, a 16 letter random alphanumeric string
: for a custom length, specify a number in the brackets, e.g. `random(8)`
; `%uuid%`
: a generated, universally unique identifier
!! Make Options
; `min:<number>`
: the starting number
; `inc:<number>`
: an increment number
; `max:<number>`
: a maximum number
; `sep:<separator-string>`
: a separator used before the unique count
; `date-format:<dateFormatString>`
: a format-string used to format the `%date%` placeholder
; `tiddler:<title>`
: a tiddler used as a fallback for text-references, instead of current tiddler
: also used for ''unique'', below
; `unique:field` / `unique:index`
: does not check uniqueness based on tiddler titles but rather for a field or index of a specified ''tiddler'', by default the current tiddler
; `pad:max` / `pad:5`
: zero-pads `%count%` to either the length of max or the specified number of digits
:: `pad:5` => `00001`
:: if you do not use the `%count%` placeholder, the appended unique increment will be zero-padded instead
The plugin [[$:/plugins/tobibeer/math.js]] provides:
; [[math.js|http://mathjs.org]]
: a math library for use in other plugins
:: as a single tiddler: $:/lib/math.js
<$list filter="[field:title[eval]]"><div class="note">''Note:'' For [[tobibeer/eval|eval]] it is not needed should you use [[mklauber/math.js]].</div></$list>
<<plugin-install math.js>>
!! Version History
; 2.5.0 (2015-12-30)
: official release: 2015-12-05
; 2.4.2 (2015-12-06)
: official release: 2015-11-14
; repo
: https://github.com/mklauber/tiddly-mathjs
This is a beta for the [[plantuml]] plugin version 0.5.0.
\define default()
<$edit-text tag=input tiddler="$(defaults)$$(option)$"/>
You can set these global defaults / fallbacks:
<dl class="plantuml-defaults">
<$vars defaults="$:/plugins/tobibeer/plantuml/defaults/">
<$list filter="[all[tiddlers+shadows]removeprefix<defaults>sort[title]]" variable="option">
<style>.plantuml-defaults input {width:90%;}</style>
!! Sources
# the top-menu on [[PlantUML.com|http://plantuml.com]] provides plenty diagrams variants and examples
# [[PlantText.com|http://www.planttext.com/planttext]] offers a live editor, able to load examples
''Note:'' All of the below examples use the [[wikitext|plantuml-WikiText]] syntax but could have been equally formulated using the [[widget|plantuml-Widget]].
!! Basic
<<` """[[plantuml[
:Me: -left-> (LEFT)
:Me: -right-> (RIGHT)
:Me: -up-> (UP)
:Me: -down-> (DOWN)
!! Tooltip
<<` """[[plantuml tooltip="Is this a nice UI or what?" [
User Name:| "Joe Blogs "
Password: | "**** "
[Ok ] | [ Close ]
!! Text Output
// Specifying `txt` output with a custom height, defaults to [[400px|plantuml-Styles]] for iframed text://
<<` """[[plantuml output="txt" height="130px" tooltip="a class diagram" [
class Dwelling {
+Int Windows
+void Lock()
!! Custom Class
//Uses the class pretty for a nice drop-shadow://
<<` """[[plantuml class="pretty" [
Bob -[#red]> Alice : hello
Alice -[#0000FF]->Bob : ok
!! Custom Width
//Using the width attribute, a pretty class and the <<x LinkWidget>> to create a thumbnail://
<<` """<$link to="plantuml" tooltip="open docs">
[[plantuml width=64 class=pretty [
Employee -up-|> User
Client -up-|> User
Supervisor -up-|> User
Employee --> (Login)
Supervisor --> (Login)
Client ..> (Login) : NO!!!!
Supervisor --> (Create / Delete User): I am god
!! Source Output
// Setting the ''output'' attribute to `src` returns the specified markup in a codeblock://
<<` """[[plantuml class="pretty" output="src" [
title "Messages - Sequence Diagram"
actor User
boundary "Web GUI" as GUI
control "Shopping Cart" as SC
entity Widget
database Widgets
User -> GUI : To boundary
GUI -> SC : To control
SC -> Widget : To entity
Widget -> Widgets : To database
The plugin $:/plugins/tobibeer/plantuml provides:
; `<$plantuml source="""plantuml code here"""/>`
: a [[widget|plantuml-Widget]] to render [[PlantUML|http://plantuml.com]] diagrams __online__ as either image or text
:: retrieving the image from the [[plantuml.com|http://plantuml.com]] server
::: based on an encoded uri generated from the given plantuml markup
; `[[plantuml[<plantuml code here>]]]`
: a [[wikitext|plantuml-WikiText]] markup instantiating the above plantuml [[widget|plantuml-Widget]]
: implements all of the core <<x "Images in WikiText" "image attributes">> for its [[wikitext syntax|plantuml-WikiText]]
:: as well as other [[plantuml widget|plantuml-Widget]] specific attributes
<$link to="plantuml-Examples" tooltip="more examples">
:Hello World;
note right
We will have a lot of:
* Fun
* More Fun
* Endless Fun
end note
''Important:'' To function, this plugin requires you to be online since all representations are retrieved from [ext[plantuml.com|http://plantuml.com]]!
; [[PlantUML.com|http://plantuml.com]]
: official [[plantuml]] website and server
:: form which the generated images and text representations are retrieved
: providing basic reference instructions for [[implementing plantuml in JavaScript|http://plantuml.com/codejavascript.html]]
; [[PlantText.com|http://www.planttext.com/planttext]]
: [[plantuml]] online editor and demos
:: its editor is the one linked at when using the ''edit'' attribute of the [[widget|plantuml-Widget]]
:: output links to: `png`, `svg`, `txt`, `edit` (loads the editor)
; [[anibalch/tiddlywiki-plantuml|https://github.com/anibalch/tiddlywiki-plantuml]]
: a [[plantuml]] plugin for [[TiddlyWiki Classic|http://classic.tiddlywiki.com]]
<<plugin-docs-cp plantuml>>
<<plugin-install plantuml>>
!! Version History
; 0.5.0 / 2016-01-15
: initial version
These css classes are created by the [[widget|plantuml-Widget]]:
; tc-plantuml-txt
: added to iframes generated via `output="txt"` for text output
; tc-plantuml-txt-title
: with a specified ''tooltip'', a class for a div holding the tooltip put before the iframe for text output
; tc-plantuml-edit
: class added to the edit link being the image or a link placed before an iframe for text output
The default css that comes with <<tb plantuml>> is defined in <<source "$:/plugins/tobibeer/plantuml/styles">>
Leveraging the core <<x ImageWidget>>, the ''$plantuml'' widget displays images and text representations by:
# encoding a block of plantuml to a url
# retrieving the image from [[plantuml.com|http://plantuml.com]]
# embedding the image
! Content and Attributes
Any content of the `<$plantuml>` widget is ignored.
| !Attribute | !Description |
|>|!~PlantUML Widget Specific Attributes |
|''source''|required, the plantuml source markup |
|''output''|optional, any of:<br>» `svg` (default) — embeds a svg<br>» `img` — embeds a png<br>» `txt` — embeds a text representation<br>» `src` — embeds the source in a codeblock|
|''edit''|optional, if set to `yes` or `true`, turns the image to a clickable link to the [[PlantText.com|http://PlantText.com]] editor<br>» defaults to $:/plugins/tobibeer/plantuml/defaults/edit (<code>{{$:/plugins/tobibeer/plantuml/defaults/edit}}</code>) |
|>|!Supported Core Image Widget Attributes |
|''width''|The width of the image |
|''height''|The height of the image |
|''tooltip''|The tooltip to be displayed over the image |
|''alt''|The alternative text to be associated with the image |
|''class''|CSS classes to be assigned to the `<img>` element |
As for rules concerning ''$image'' widgetattributes, please refer to the <<x ImageWidget "official documentation">>.
!! Basic Example
// Here's how to specify the [[basic wikitext example|plantuml-WikiText]] using the widget directly://
!! Basic Example
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$plantuml
tooltip="The Real Hunger Games™?"
title Vegan Nutrition
while (Hungry?) is (Yes)
:Eat Healthy;
note right
No Animal Products
Certainly No Dairy
end note
endwhile (No)
repeatwhile (Go To Sleep)
The wikirule parser for ''plantuml'' allows to use the very same attribute syntax as is allowed for core images all the way from:
[[plantuml[<plantuml code>]]]
[[plantuml width={{!!mywidth}} class=<<image-classes>> [
<plantuml code>
''Note:'' Please refer to the [[widget documentation|plantuml-Widget]] for allowed attributes as well as the core documentation at <<x "Images in WikiText">> for the image attribute syntax.
!! Basic Example
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""[[plantuml width="300px" tooltip="The Real Hunger Games™?" [
title Vegan Nutrition
while (Hungry?) is (Yes)
:Eat Healthy;
note right
No Animal Products
Certainly No Dairy
end note
endwhile (No)
repeatwhile (Go To Sleep)
<$list filter="Enhance Examples Filters Macros Libraries Templates Widgets">
<div class="tb-taglist-item">
<small class="tc-menu-list-count"><$count filter="[all[current]tagging[]]"/></small>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/.tb/templates/TagTemplate"/>
The plugin provides the following global configuration tiddlers which you also find in the plugin listing for <<tb preview>> in the [[ControlPanel|$:/ControlPanel]] of your wiki:
''Important:'' <<tb preview>> depends on <<tb appear>> 0.6.1 for positioning popups absolutely, and reusing popup styles. Hence, be sure to install it (first).
The plugin $:/plugins/tobibeer/preview enhances the core <<x LinkWidget>> to display a preview of tiddlers when hovering an internal link.
* link preview popups can even be nested a few levels
* you can define a ''delay'' or keyboard modifier ''keys'' in the [[configuration|preview-Configure]]
** or exclude elements cia css ''classes'' or titles using an ''exclude'' filter
** and make preview popups "sticky" using the class `tc-popup-keep`
* design a custom [[template|preview-Configure]] or use custom [[styles|preview-Styles]] via css
<<plugin-docs-cp preview>>
<<plugin-install preview>>
!! Version History
; 0.5.6 / 2016-01-22
: fixed positioning issue for link-previews in preview-popups
; 0.5.5 / 2016-01-20
: requires <<tb appear>> [[0.6.0|https://github.com/tobibeer/tw5-appear/releases/tag/0.6.0]]!
: improved handling for nested popups
: fixed keyboard support
: fixed bug for iOS devices throwing js error
; 0.5.2 / 2016-01-14
: initial version
The following classes are set to by <<tb preview>>:
; for internal links:
: `tc-popup-handle` — indicates the link is a popup handle
: `tc-popup-absolute` — to calculate the popup position absolutely
; for the popup:
: `tc-popup-keep` — makes the popups sticky (via [[defaults/class|preview-Configure]])
: `tc-popup` — standard popup class
: `appear appear-block` — appear widget styles
: `tc-preview-tiddler tc-preview-tiddler-<level>` — mark popup as preview
The default styles for <<tb preview>> are defined in <<source "$:/plugins/tobibeer/preview/styles">>
Some styles by <<tb appear>> also apply as defined in <<source "$:/plugins/tobibeer/appear/styles">>
The below modifications allow to use <<tb inc>> for tab-contents. To make the solution work in your wiki with <<tb inc>> installed, copy these tiddlers to your wiki:
# $:/core/macros/tabs
#* a modified version of the core <<x "tabs Macro" tabs>> macro using a default template
# $:/config/templates/tabs
#* specifies the default template for tab contents
!! Details
As of TiddlyWiki <<version>>, the core does not yet use [[a template for default tab contents|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/2236]]. In this wiki, a default template is defined in an ''overwritten'' version of the core ''tabs'' macro using a <<x SetWidget>> around the tab contents in [[$:/core/macros/tabs]]:
<$set name="tab-template" value="""$template$"""
<$transclude tiddler=<<tab-template>> mode="block"/>
Here, if a template parameter is specified for the ''tabs'' macro it is always used otherwise the template is read from <<source "$:/config/templates/tabs">>
Whereas <<source "$:/plugins/tobibeer/inc/templates/tabs">>
!! Example
Notice the toolbar of <<tb inc>> when hovering the tab contents in the transcluded $:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Appearance below.
!! A Random Tiddler
<<` """{{{ [prefix[random]random[]] }}}""">>
''Important:'' Notice how the examples will change at every click you make. Try clicking in the sidebar.
!! No Refresh
// Install and use the [[setvars]] widget to avoid constant refreshing://
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$setvars _r="[prefix[random]random[]]" random="\{{{\ [r] \}}}\">
!! Three Random Tiddlers
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$setvars _r="[prefix[random]random[3]]" random="\{{{\ [r] \}}}\">
!! A Random Plugin
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$setvars _r="[tag[Plugins]random[]]" random="\{{{\ [r] \}}}\">
!! No More
// The random filter can and will only retrieve as many as there are titles in the input set://
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$setvars _r="[[random]random[5]]" random="\{{{\ [r] \}}}\">
The plugin $:/plugins/tobibeer/random provides:
; random[]
: a filter retrieving one or more random titles from the input set
!! Number Of Random Titles
Use the ''operand'' to specify the number of titles to retrieve from the input set:
* defaults to `1` if not specified or not a number
* cannot be greater than the number of input titles
* `[tag[Plugins]random[3]]`
** get 3 random tiddlers tagged `Plugins`
!! Refresh Behaviour
''Note'': The core <<x ListWidget>> or <<x SetWidget>> will refresh at every single event if you use the ''random[]'' filter with it.
To avoid this refresh behavior and only evaluate the filter when a tiddler or its widgets are first rendered, install and use [[setvars]].
<<plugin-install random>>
!! Version History
; 0.1.0 / 2015-12-21
: initial version
<$tiddler tiddler="rate-Info">
// To avoid refreshing, all the below examples are applied to the tiddler [[rate-Info]]://
''Tip:'' Notice the dim remove button @@color:#ccc; -@@ after the ratings to reset ratings.
!! Simple Rating
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<<rate>> => rating = {{!!rating}}"""/>
!! Rate Another Tiddler
// use the <<x TiddlerWidget>>://
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$tiddler tiddler="rate"><<rate>></$tiddler>"""/>
!! Custom Symbol
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<<rate symbol:"✧">>"""/>
!! Custom Class
// The `light` class comes shipped with the plugin, see [[styles|rate-Styles]]: //
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<<rate class:"tc-rating light">>"""/>
!! Custom Values
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<<rate values:"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10">>"""/>
!! Custom Reset
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<<rate reset:"before:Ø">>"""/>
!! Custom Reset After
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<<rate reset:"after:Ø">>"""/>
!! No Reset
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<<rate reset:none>>"""/>
!! Custom Field
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<<rate field:"movie-rating">> => movie-rating = {{!!movie-rating}}"""/>
!! Read-Only Ratings
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<<rate readOnly:yes>>"""/>
!! Danger Zone
// Stores the rating in the field `danger` using the [[classes|rate-Styles]] `light` and [[alert|$:/.tb/styles/rating]]: //
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<<rate ⚡ field:"danger" class:"tc-rating light alert">> => danger: {{!!danger}}"""/>
The plugin $:/plugins/tobibeer/rate provides:
; <<rate>>
: a macro to rate tiddlers
: stores the rating as a value in the `rating` field (or any other)
:: by default as the numbers: `1`, `2`, `3`, `4`, `5`
; <<ratings>>
: a macro displaying a [[rating summary|rate-Summary]] as a table
; template
: a [[view-template|rate-Template]] to display tiddler ratings below the tiddler toolbar
<<plugin-docs-cp rate>>
<<plugin-install rate>>
!! Version History
; 0.6.1 / 2016-01-05
: fixed version number
: fixed reset button style
; 0.6.0 / 2016-01-05
: added [[ratings|rate-Summary]] macro
; 0.5.0 / 2016-01-05
: initial version
The ''rate'' macro can be used with the following parameters:
| !# | !Parameter | !Description | !Default |
|1|''symbol''|the rating symbol|`★`|
|2|''class''|css classes assigned to the wrapper<br>» add class `light` for opacity (see [[examples|rate-Examples]])|`tc-rating`|
|3|''values''|the values assigned with each button|`1 2 3 4 5`|
|4|''reset''|shows a button to remove a rating as either:<br>» `after:<label>` — displayed after ratings<br>» `before:<label>` — displayed before ratings<br>» `none` — no reset button|`after:-`|
|5|''field''|the field where the rating is stored|`rating`|
|6|''readOnly''|makes rating buttons read-only<br>» set to `yes` for read-only mode|`tc-rate`|
The ''rate'' macro uses the following css classes:
; tc-rating
: the div wrapping the rating controls
; tc-rate
: each rating button
; tc-selected
: selected rating button
; tc-rating-<value>
: each rating button, e.g.: `tc-rating-5`
: allows to style individual ratings differently
:: see `light` class in styles below
; tc-reset-rating
: the button to remove ratings
; tc-rating-template
: the div wrapping the ratings view-template
; light
: a class in addition to `tc-rating` for an opacity effect, see [[examples|rate-Examples]]
The default styles are defined in:
<<source "$:/plugins/tobibeer/rate/styles">>
In addition to the ''rate'' macro, you can use the ''ratings'' macro to show a summary table of all used rating values and tiddlers having them, e.g.:
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<<ratings>>"""/>
!! Parameters
The following parameters can be used with the ''ratings'' macro:
| !# | !Parameter | !Description | !Default |
| 1 |''field''|the rating field|`rating`|
| 2 |''filter''|a filter to constrain or sort listed titles|`[all[]sort[title]]`|
| 3 |''template''|the template used to display items|`$:/core/ui/ListItemTemplate`|
| 4 |''values''|the rating values to be indexed|`1 2 3 4 5`|
| 5 |''all-values''|the full range of available rating values for the field|`1 2 3 4 5`|
| 6 |''symbol''|the symbol used for the rating<br>» set to `value` to show the values instead|`★`|
| 7 |''class''|the class for the ratings wrapper|`tc-ratings`|
!! Examples
''only 5 stars''
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<<ratings values:"5">>"""/>
''custom template — $:/.tb/demo/rate/template-plain''
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<<ratings template:"$:/.tb/demo/rate/template-plain">>"""/>
''danger ratings''
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<<ratings field:"danger" symbol:"⚡" class:"tc-rating light alert">>"""/>
The following view-template provided with [[tobibeer/rate|rate]] shows ratings for tiddlers underneath the tiddler toolbar:
<<source "$:/plugins/tobibeer/rate/template">>
To restrict the tiddlers for which the [[template|rate-Template]] is displayed, modify the <<x Filters filter>> defined in $:/plugins/tobibeer/rate/config/filter:
<pre><$view tiddler="$:/plugins/tobibeer/rate" subtiddler="$:/plugins/tobibeer/rate/config/filter"/></pre>
Here's how that tiddler is defined in this wiki so that it is only shown for tiddlers documenting this plugin:
Below, the variable ''find'' defines a subfilter to be searched using the filter operator ''filter'' to search for the word `evaluate` in both the ''title'' or ''summary'' fields, replaced in the ''find'' subfilter in turn using the placeholder `%inputTitle%`:
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$vars term="evaluate"
<$count filter="title summary +[filter<find>]"/>:
{{{ title summary +[filter<find>] }}}
You can also feed a number of fields using a variable and the [[split]] filter like so:
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$vars term="evaluate"
fields="title summary"
<$count filter="[<fields>split[ ]filter<find>]"/>:
{{{ [<fields>split[ ]filter<find>] }}}
Here's the same using a named variable:
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$vars term="evaluate"
fields="title summary"
<$count filter="[<fields>split[ ]filter:var:field<find>]"/>:
{{{ [<fields>split[ ]filter:var:field<find>] }}}
Here's the equivalent output using OR syntax:
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$vars term="evaluate">
<$count filter="
This example returns the actual fields where the search term could be found in the fields ''title'', ''tags'', ''summary'' and ''doesnt-exist'':
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$vars term="evaluate"
fields="title tags summary doesnt-exist"
<$count filter="[<fields>split[ ]filter:$<find>]"/>:
{{{ [<fields>split[ ]filter:$<find>] }}}
In the below example, the [[setvars]] widget is used to declare a variable called ''7th'' evaluating the attribute ''items'' with the [[split]] filter returning the seventh item in the list:
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$setvars 7th="[items[7]]" _items="[[1 0 0 0 0 3 4 8 9 10]split[ ]]">
!! Duplicates
''Important:'' By default, TiddlyWiki does not allowing duplicate titles in filters.
For example:
<<` """{{{ 1 0 0 0 0 3 4 8 9 10 }}} """>>
And then:
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$setvars 7th="[items[7]]" _items="1 0 0 0 0 3 4 8 9 10">
With ''setvars'' you can use basic conditionals using ''OR'' logic or ''IF'' clauses in [[variable declarations|setvars-Syntax]] as follows:
; OR
: `a || b || c`
: returns the first non-empty value, ignoring the rest
; some OR and some more
: `a b || c d`
:: always returns ''a'', followed ''b'' (if non-empty), otherwise ''c'', always appending ''d''
; IF clauses
: `(condition ? then-value)`
:: or `if(condition ? then-value)`
: the condition is interpreted as ''true'' when non-empty<div class="note">''Important:'' `if` clauses or bracketed arguments can__not__ be nested!</div>
: you can use ''OR'' logic in the value, e.g:
:: `(condition ? value || other)`
::: ''meaning:'' if the ''condition'' evaluates to non-empty, take the ''value'', otherwise — should the ''value'' be empty — take the ''other'' value
: in the ''condition'' you can compare:
:: `a == b` — for equality
:: `a != b` — for non-equality
::: if the comparison is successful, the result is `true` otherwise an empty string
::: for more complex comparison needs use ''setvars'' with [[tobibeer/eval]]
: `IF(condition ? then-value) || else-value`
: append an ''OR'' clause to an ''IF'' clause to yield ''ELSE'' logic
; IF and complex ELSE
: `(condition ? then-value) || (else \and a literal and a\ value)`
: using brackets without a condition marker `?` joins all contained arguments
: `(a ? x) || (b ? y) || (c ? z)`
: join ''IF'' clauses with ''IF'' clauses via ''OR'' to formulate "else if" constructs
!! Constraints
While ''setvars'' provides basic conditionals, it does in no way aspire to support the entirety of the [[boolean algebra|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boolean_algebra]]. To model more complex logic or calculations, use [[tobibeer/eval]] in combination with ''setvars''.
!! Examples
''simple OR''
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$setvars _only="this" _ignore="Nobody want's me!"
foo="only || ignore || \ignore\ \ and that\">
''lots of OR''
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$setvars
_hey="Hey, you. "
_finally="Gotcha! "
_ignore="Nobody want's me, still. "
_stop="Stop messing about!"
foo="hey no || false || finally || ignore stop">
''IF true THEN this''
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$setvars foo="if(true ? then) great"
_great=" => was true">
''IF equal or not''
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$setvars _a="this" _b="that"
foo="(a == b ? \true\) || \false\"
bar="(a != b ? \true\) || \false\">
''foo'' = <<foo>><br/>
''bar'' = <<bar>>
''IF true THEN this OR that''
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$setvars foo="if(true ? then) || or more"
_more=" => was not the OR value">
''IF false THEN this OR that''
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$setvars foo="if(true ? then) || or more"
_more=" => was something else, you see?">
''IF true THEN this OR IF true THEN that''
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$setvars foo="if(this ? then) || if(that ? else) more"
_then="this "
_else="that "
_more="=> shows the initial statement was true">
''IF false THEN this OR IF true THEN that''
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$setvars foo="(this ? then) || (that ? else) more"
_then="this "
_else="that "
_more="=> shows the initial statement was not true">
\define nice() Nice to meet you.
''Note:'' For examples of using conditionals in ''setvars'' [[see here|setvars-Conditionals]].
'' the literal ` text `, with leading and trailing white-space''
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$setvars foo="\ text \ \<= notice the white-space\">
''set foo via bar and its value, the current title''
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$setvars foo="bar" _bar={{!!title}}>
''set two complex variables in one go''
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$setvars
foo="bar \ => \ baz"
mumble="frotz \ => \ gronk">
'' parse bar as a list and returns the first item''
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$setvars foo="bar[1]" _bar="1 2 3">
''returns only the second item''
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$setvars foo="bar[2] \ <= here the same as => \ [bar[2]]" _bar="1 2 3">
''returns the second item or `fallback` if that is undefined''
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$setvars foo="bar[2][fallback]" _bar="1">
''evaluates as a filter and returns the third item or `empty` if undefined''
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$setvars foo="[bar[3][empty]]" _bar="1 2">
''joins the titles''
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$setvars foo="[bar[2,3][][]]" _bar="[[a b]][[c d]][[e f]]">
''joins the titles with a joiner''
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$setvars foo="[bar[2,3][][ - ]]" _bar="[[a b]][[c d]][[e f]]">
'' return the last item''
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$setvars foo="
bar[n] \ = \
bar[-1] \ = \
[bar[n]] \ = \
[bar[-1]]" _bar="a b c">
''returns 3 items, starting from the second''
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$setvars foo="bar[2,3]" _bar="a b c d e">
'' returns 2 items, starting from the last, going backwards''
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$setvars foo="bar[n,-2]" _bar="a b c d e">
''returns the third last item''
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$setvars foo="bar[-3]" _bar="a b c d e">
''evaluates as a filter and returns two items, starting with the third last item''
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$setvars foo="bar[-3,2]" _bar="a b c d e">
''returns two items, starting with the third last item, going backwards''
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$setvars foo="bar[-3,-2]" _bar="a b c d e">
''returns however many items there are from the third last to the end''
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$setvars foo="bar[-3,n]" _bar="a b c d e">
''returns however many items there are from the first to the third last''
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$setvars foo="bar[-3,-n]" _bar="a b c d e">
''bar[3,-n] is actually the same as bar[1,3]''
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$setvars foo="bar[3,-n] \ = \ bar[1,3]" _bar="a b c d e">
''don't be weird, just use bar[1]''
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$setvars foo="bar[1] \ = \ bar[-n]" _bar="a b c d e">
!! Full Circle
\define nice() Nice to meet you.
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$setvars
_list= "a test [all[current]]"
foo="hi \, [[\ me \]]! \ nice \<br>\ [list[2,3][][ ✦ ]]"
bar="hi \, again! ;-)\">
The plugin $:/plugins/tobibeer/setvars provides:
; `<$setvars/>`
: a widget to declare multiple variables while joining a range of attribute values
: allows basic [[conditional expressions|setvars-Conditionals]] using OR logic or IF clauses
<<plugin-docs-cp setvars>>
<<plugin-install setvars>>
!! Version History
; 0.6.0 / 2016-01-03
: fixed bug in OR logic
: added bracketed OR argument
:: also allowing shorthand `if` clause as `(condition? then)`
: allows (non-)equality checks in `if` clause condition
; 0.5.8 / 2015-12-25
: added [[$refresh|setvars-Refresh]] to allow recalculating filter attributes and force refresh on changes
; 0.5.7 / 2015-12-20
: refer to variables previously declared in the same setvars widget
; 0.5.6 / 2015-12-19
: simplified conditionals
: removed unnecessary ternary style clauses
; 0.5.5 / 2015-12-18
: conditionals
; 0.5.2 / 2015-12-18
: bugfix for stringifying single values as a filter
; 0.5.1 / 2015-12-09
: removed leftover console log statements
; 0.5.0 / 2015-12-09
: initial release
The setvars widget evaluates any ''filter'' arguments only when first rendered, not with every refresh event. Therefore, so long as any text-reference- or variable-attributes do not change, setvars will only compute variables once.
''Note:'' To force setvars to recompute filter attributes and any dependent variables and to re-render upon changes to the filter outputs, set the attribute ''$refresh''.
Compare the following examples that use the [[make]] filter to generate random numbers. The first example will not recompute the filter attribute `_random`:
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$setvars _random="[[]make[random()]]" R="[random]">
<$text text=<<R>>/>
The next example will refresh with every event handled by the wiki:
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$setvars $refresh _random="[[]make[random()]]" R="[random]">
<$text text=<<R>>/>
''Note:'' To notice the effect, try changing a tab in the sidebar.
Using the ''setvars'' widget is straight forward. For each desired variable, simply declare:
; 1. Variable Attributes
: prefixed with an underscore `_` and eventually replaced in the variable declaration:<br>`_bar="hello" _baz={{!!title}}`
; 2. The Variable Declaration
: specify which attributes and literals make up the variable:<br>`foo="bar baz"`
: may contain literals enclosed in backslashes<br>`foo="bar \I will be a literal\ baz"`
All put together, this is the result of it:
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$setvars _foo="hello" _bar={{!!title}} baz="foo \ \ bar">
''Note:'' You can address a variable previously defined in the same ''setvars'' instance by its name. Therefore, avoid using the same name for a variable and an attribute.
!! Conditionals
The widget allows to evaluate basic conditional statements and set variables accordingly. For details see [[conditionals|setvars-Conditionals]].
!! Variable Declaration
The attributes you wish to use in a variable declaration can be interpreted in a number of ways, in general either literal, as a value or as a filter:
; literal
: `\<literal-text>\`
; value
: `<text-attribute>[<start>,<length>][<empty>]`
; filter
: `[<filter-attribute>[<start>,<length>][<empty>][<joiner>]]`
Whereas __all__ `<options>` are, well, optional.
!! Syntax Examples
Here's how you can use the above to construct variable declarations:
; \ text \
: returns the literal ` text `, with leading and trailing white-space @@.demo-items '' text ''@@
; foo
: refers to the attribute ''_foo'' and its value @@.demo-items ''a b c d e''@@
; [foo]
: evaluates ''_foo'' as a filter expression @@.demo-items ''a b c d e''@@
; foo[1]
: parses''_foo'' as a list and returns the first item@@.demo-items ''a'' b c d e@@
; [foo[1]]
: evaluates ''_foo'' as a filter and returns the first item@@.demo-items ''a'' b c d e@@
; foo[2]
: returns only the 2nd item@@.demo-items a ''b'' c d e@@
; foo[2][fallback]
: returns the 2nd item or `fallback` if that is undefined@@.demo-items a ''b'' c d e@@
; [foo[3][empty]]
: evaluates as a filter and returns the 3rd item or `empty` if undefined@@.demo-items a b ''c'' d e@@
; [foo[][][ ]]
: evaluates as a filter and joins all items with an empty string@@.demo-items ''a b c d e''@@
; [foo[][][ - ]]
: evaluates as a filter and joins all items with ` - `@@.demo-items ''a - b - c - d - e''@@
; foo[n]
: parses''_foo'' as a list and returns the last item, as does ''foo[-1]''@@.demo-items a b c d ''e''@@
; [foo[n]]
: evaluates ''_foo'' as a filter and returns the last item as above @@.demo-items a b c d ''e''@@
; foo[2,3]
: returns 3 items, starting from the second@@.demo-items a ''b c d'' e@@
; foo[n,-2]
: returns 2 items, starting from the last, going backwards@@.demo-items a b c ''d e''@@
:: the last two items, so to speak
; foo[-3]
: returns the third last item@@.demo-items a b ''c'' d e@@
; [foo[-3,2]]
: evaluates as a filter and returns two items, starting with the third last item@@.demo-items a b ''c d'' e@@
; foo[-3,-2]
: returns two items, starting with the third last item, going backwards@@.demo-items a ''b c'' d e@@
; foo[-3,n]
: returns however many items there are from the third last to the end@@.demo-items a b ''c d e''@@
; foo[-3,-n]
: returns however many items there are from the first to the third last@@.demo-items ''a b c'' d e@@
; foo[3,-n]
: is actually the same as ''foo[1,3]''@@.demo-items ''a b c'' d e@@
; foo[-n]
: don't be weird, just use ''foo[1]''@@.demo-items ''a'' b c d e@@
.demo-items {
color: #ccc;
.demo-items strong{
color: #909;
The sparkl widget allows to define global [[attribute defaults|sparkl-Syntax]] under the namespace `$:/tobibeer/plugins/sparkl/defaults/`:
<th colspan="3">
Defaults for widget attributes, see [[Syntax|sparkl-Syntax]]
<$list filter="[all[shadows]prefix[$:/plugins/tobibeer/sparkl/defaults/]!prefix[$:/plugins/tobibeer/sparkl/defaults/colors]sort[title]]">
<$set name="name" filter="[all[current]removeprefix[$:/plugins/tobibeer/sparkl/defaults/]]">
<td><$link><$text text=<<name>>/></$link></td>
<td><$transclude tiddler="$:/.tb/demo/sparkl/defaults" index=<<name>>/></td>
<td><code><$view field="text"/></code></td>
<th colspan="3">
Defaults for colors, see [[Styles|sparkl-Styles]]
<$list filter="[all[shadows]prefix[$:/plugins/tobibeer/sparkl/defaults/colors/]sort[title]]">
<$set name="name" filter="[all[current]removeprefix[$:/plugins/tobibeer/sparkl/defaults/colors/]]">
<td><$link><$text text=<<name>>/></$link></td>
<td><$transclude tiddler="$:/.tb/demo/sparkl/defaults" index=<<name>>/></td>
<td><code><$view field="text"/></code></td>
\define default(id)
Reading values from a ''number'' field...
<<` """before <$sparkl
titles="[prefix[sparkl]sort[number]]"/> after""">>
The same, but not linking to titles...
<<` """before <$sparkl
link="no"/> after""">>
As dots...
<<` """before <$sparkl values="2 4 8 2 4 8" as="dots"/> after""">>
Low accuracy via few segments, margin suppressed...
<<` """before <$sparkl
values="11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20"
segments="3"/> after""">>
In the examples below, try to understand the scale variations rendered, especially with respect to ''min'' and ''max'':
In this example, the defaults <<default min>> and <<default max>> apply:
<<` """before <$sparkl
values="11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20"
width="5px"/> after""">>
Let's see how the output changes with ''min'' set to the minimum value via ''min''=`"min"`:
<<` """before <$sparkl
values="11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20"
min="min"/> after""">>
Now with ''min'' as a percent value and a value for ''max'' greater than the maximum value:
<<` """before <$sparkl
values="11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20"
max="25"/> after""">>
Now the same, but with a ''max'' lower than the actual maximum value:
<<` """before <$sparkl
values="11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20"
max="15"/> after""">>
Or with ''min'' greater than the actual minimum value:
<<` """before <$sparkl
values="11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20"
min="15"/> after""">>
Very few values make each bar wider.
<<` """before <$sparkl
segments="10"/> after""">>
<<` """before <$sparkl
values="10 15"
segments="10"/> after""">>
<<` """before <$sparkl
values="10 15 20"
segments="10"/> after""">>
The plugin $:/plugins/tobibeer/sparkl provides:
; <$text text="<$sparkl/>"/>
: a widget to render simple sparkline diagrams like <<sparkl "2 4 8 4 2">> or <<sparkl "0 3 6" as:dots>>
: with a similar bar-graph look to [[sparkline diagrams in TWC|http://classic.tiddlywiki.com/coreplugins.html]], a bit more [[customizable|sparkl-Syntax]]
; <$text text="<<sparkl>>"/>
: a [[macro|sparkl-Macro]] wrapper for the ''sparkl'' widget
<<plugin-docs-cp sparkl>>
<<plugin-install sparkl>>
!! Version History
; 0.5.2 / 2017-02-18
: had to disabple rendering under node, since TW's DOM can't handle it
; 0.5.1 / 2017-01-17
: added ''link'' pattern via filter, similar to ''values''
: added ''as'', ''as=dots'' & ''dot-size''
: slightly increased the default width
: changed position computation to pixels, not ''em''
:: browsers appear to inconsistently render the bar width when in ''em''
; 0.5.0 / 2017-01-15
: initial version
The ''sparkle'' macro simply passes all attributes to the widget <<source $:/plugins/tobibeer/sparkl/macro>>
So, you can do:
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""before <<sparkl "1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1" as:dots>> after"""/>
The sparkl widget creates elements with these classes:
|`tc-sparkl`|a wrapper for the sparkline diagram|
|`tc-sparkl-bar`|each bar in a sparkline diagram with vertical bars<br>» a bar contains a ''b'' element where...<br>» ''border-bottom''=`<value>`, ''border-top''=`<background>`|
|`tc-sparkl-dots`|assigned to the diagram wrapper when `as=dots`|
|`tc-sparkl-dot`|assigned to each dot when `as=dots`|
In the default styles, colors are defined via [[defaults|sparkl-Defaults]] so you don't need to modify the stylesheet just to change colors. They are shipped via <<source "$:/plugins/tobibeer/sparkl/css">>
\define defaults(d)
<<` """before <$sparkl values="1 2 3 4 5 6 7"/> after""">>
The ''sparkl'' widget allows for the following attributes:
| !Name | !Description | !Default |
|''values''|a space separated list of values<br> » use a filter like `[[%title%]get[foo]]` to compute the value for each `%title%` in ''titles''<br> » this is the only ''mandatory'' attribute | |
|''titles''|a <<tw Filters filter>> defining the titles| |
|''class''|a css class for the sparkl|always assigned:<br>`tc-sparkl` |
|''default''|the default value should a tiddler not exist or not have the defined field |<<defaults default>>|
|''min''|the minimum value for the scale<br>» when `min`, uses the minimum value<br> » when `30%`, sets min to the defined % value of the range between max and min, i.e. to suggest that values don't actually start at the bottom end |<<defaults min>>|
|''max''|the maximum value for the scale<br> » when `max`, uses the maximum value|<<defaults max>>|
|''width''|the width for each value<br>''note:'' I would have preferred ''em'' but that would make browsers display bars at irregular widths|<<defaults width>>|
|''margin''|the left margin for each value|<<defaults margin>>|
|''segments''|the number of segments for values, i.e. the accuracy |<<defaults segments>>|
|''link''|when `yes`, turns a bars into a clickable link to a title<br> » use a filter like `[[%title%]addprefix[$:/foo/]]` to compute the link target for each `%title%` in ''titles''<br>» the default only applies when ''values'' are determined via filter|<<defaults link>>|
|''as''|by default, sparklines are rendered as a bar graph<br>» outputs a dotted graph for `as=dots`|<<defaults as>>|
|''dot-size''|when ''as=dots'', the size of each dot in ''px''|<<defaults dot-size>>|
For [[example|sparkl-Examples]]...
<<` """before <$sparkl
values="11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20"
titles="a b c d e f g h i j"
segments="10"/> after""">>
The styles to that <<source $:/.tb/demo/sparkl/styles>>
For details, see [[split syntax|split-Syntax]]...
!! Basics
<<` """{{{ [[1-2-1]split[-]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ [[1-2-1]split:unique[-]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ "foo-bar" baz +[split[-]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ "foo-bar" baz +[split:keep[-]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ [[foo.bar.baz]split:before[.]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ [[foo.bar.baz]split:after[.]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ [[foo.bar.baz]split:beforelast[.]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ [[foo.bar.baz]split:afterlast[.]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ [[foo.bar.baz]split:keep before[?]] }}}""">>
!! [[Operand List and List Fields|split-Lists]]
// Split the <<x "Filter Parameter" "operand">> — especially a "soft" operand — interpreted as a "stringified list" into listed titles://
<<` """; example list
: <$text text={{split-Examples!!list}}/>
{{{ [split:list{split-Examples!!list}] }}}""">>
''Note:'' Using the suffix `list` with an operand __generates__ titles by parsing and splitting the operand as a stringified list of titles, thus __entirely ignoring__ any given input titles!
// Retrieve items in the ''list'' field of __''any''__ tiddler prefixed `$:/plugins`:<br/>
(using limit to keep things short)//
<<` """{{{ [prefix[$:/plugins]split:list[]limit[5]] }}}""">>
compare to:
<<` """{{{ [list[$:/plugins/tobibeer/split]] }}}""">>
''Note:'' Unlike the core ''list'' filter, `split:list[]` can handle __any number__ of input titles.
// Retrieve titles listed in the ''authors'' list field of the tiddler [[split]]://
either using a "soft" operand being a text-reference:
<<` """{{{ [split:list{split!!authors}] }}}""">>
or addressing the ''authors'' list field for the input title "split":
<<` """{{{ [[split]split:list=authors[]] }}}""">>
// Retrieve titles in the list field ''authors'' of <<x "all Operator" "[all[]]">> tiddlers://
<<` """{{{ [split:list=authors[]] }}}""">>
// Same as above, but unique titles://
<<` """{{{ [split:list=authors unique[]] }}}""">>
// Retrieve tiddlers that have __at least__ two titles listed in the ''authors'' field://
<<` """{{{ [split:$ list=authors num=2 strict[]] }}}""">>
''Note:'' Using the suffix `strict`, the split filter considers only those input titles that yield (at least) the number of [[split items|split-Items]] specified via ''num''. Using the suffix `$`, rather than the matches, titles having matches are returned.
compare to:
<<` """{{{ [has[authors]] }}}""">>
!! Split By Operand
<<` """{{{ "foo-bar" baz [[mumble-frotz]] +[split[-]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ "foo-bar" +[split:+[-]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ "foo-bar" +[split:+\...\[-]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ "foo-bar" +[split:\...\+[-]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ "foo-bar-baz" +[split:first[-]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ "foo-bar-baz" "mumble-frotz-gronk" +[split:first[-]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ "foo-bar-baz" "mumble-frotz-gronk" +[split:$first[-]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ "foo - bar - baz" +[split:first + trim[-]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ "foo-bar-baz" +[split:!first[-]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ "foo-bar-baz" +[split:last[-]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ "foo-bar-baz" "mumble-frotz-gronk" +[split:last[-]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ "foo-bar-baz" "mumble-frotz-gronk" +[split:$last[-]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ "foo-bar-baz" +[split:!last[-]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ "foo-bar" baz +[split:$[-]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ [split:list $first{split-Examples!!list}] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ 123456 +[split:at[4]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ 123456 +[split:first at[4]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ 123456 +[split:at[4,2]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ 123456 +[split:!at[4,2]] }}}""">>
<<` """<$list filter="[[123456]split:at[10]]" emptyMessage="none"/>""">>
<<` """<$list filter="[[123456]split:keep at[10]]" emptyMessage="none"/>""">>
<<` """<$list filter="[[123456]split:at[10,2]]" emptyMessage="none"/>""">>
<<` """<$list filter="[[123456]split:keep at[10,2]]" emptyMessage="none"/>""">>
<<` """<$list filter="[[foo]split[-]]" emptyMessage="none"/>""">>
<<` """<$list filter="[[foo]split:keep[-]]" emptyMessage="none"/>""">>
<$macrocall $name=` text="""{{{ [[foo - bar]] +[split[-]addsuffix[x]] }}}"""/>
<$macrocall $name=` text="""{{{[[foo - bar]] +[split:trim[-]addsuffix[x]] }}}"""/>
<<` """{{{ [split:$[split-]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ [prefix[split]split:$[-I]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ [prefix[split]split:$all[-I]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ [prefix[split]split:$ keep[-I]] }}}""">>
!! All [[Items|split-Items]] Examples
<<` """{{{ a-b-c d-e-f +[split:first[-]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ a-b-c d-e-f +[split:pos=1[-]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ a-b-c d-e-f +[split:!first[-]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ a-b-c d-e-f +[split:pos=n[-]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ a-b-c d-e-f +[split:pos=n[-]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ a-b-c d-e-f +[split:!last[-]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ a-b-c d-e-f +[split:pos=1 num=2[-]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ a-b-c d-e-f +[split:pos=2[-]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ a-b-c d-e-f +[split:pos=2 num=2[-]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ a-b-c d-e-f +[split:pos=2 num=n[-]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ a-b-c d-e-f +[split:pos=-2[-]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ a-b-c d-e-f +[split:pos=-2 num=-n[-]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ a-b-c d-e-f +[split:num=4[-]] }}}""">>
<<` """<$list filter="a-b-c d-e-f +[split:num=4 strict[-]]" emptyMessage="only got less than 4 each"/>""">>
<<` """{{{ a-b-c d-e-f +[split:$first[-]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ a-b-c d-e-f +[split:$pos=1[-]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ a-b-c d-e-f +[split:$last[-]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ a-b-c d-e-f +[split:$pos=n[-]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ a-b-c d-e-f +[split:$pos=1 $num=3[-]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ a-b-c d-e-f +[split:$pos=3[-]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ a-b-c d-e-f +[split:$pos=3 $num=3[-]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ a-b-c d-e-f +[split:$pos=3 $num=n[-]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ a-b-c d-e-f +[split:$pos=-3[-]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ a-b-c d-e-f +[split:$pos=-3 $num=n[-]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ a-b-c d-e-f +[split:$pos=-3 $num=-n[-]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ a-b-c d-e-f +[split:$num=7[-]] }}}""">>
<<` """<$list filter="a-b-c d-e-f +[split:$num=7 $strict[-]]" emptyMessage="got less than 7 total"/>""">>
''split a javascript array into items''<br>
a [[reply to Danielo Rodriguez|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/wC2uxrw5gPg/_eurbeqPBgAJ]]
<$macrocall $name ="`" text="""<$vars array="[ 1, 2 ,3 , 4 , 5]" p="[" s="]">
<$list filter="[<array>removeprefix<p>removesuffix<s>split:trim[,]]">
The plugin [[$:/plugins/tobibeer/split]] provides:
; split[]
: a filter to split titles by a given operand or at a given character position
:: to [[slice and dice the output list|split-Items]] as needed
:: to parse any list field of input titles, e.g.:
::: `[tag[Foo]split:list[]]`
::: `[tag[Foo]split:list=some-list[]]`
:: to parse any <<x "Filter Parameter" "soft operand">> (variable or text reference) into a list, e.g.:
::: `[split:list{Some!!list}]`
<<plugin-docs-cp split>>
<<plugin-install split>>
!! Version History
; 0.8.0 / 2017-01-19
: `split:before[.]` to return input title ''up until'' the ''first'' match of `.`
: `split:after[.]` to return input title ''after'' the ''first'' match of `.`
: `split:beforelast[.]` to return input title ''up until'' the ''last'' match of `.`
: `split:afterlast[.]` return input title ''after'' the ''last'' match of `.`
: unit tests for the above & `split:at[1,2]`
; 0.7.2 / 2017-01-17
: added `at[<character>,<length>]` to emulate substr (starting at 1, though)
: added `!at[<character>,<length>]` to cut out what substr would have fetched
; 0.7.0 / 2015-12-30
: introducing suffix `list` to parse any soft operand as a stringified list of titles
; 0.6.6 / 2015-12-25
: fixed bugs where...
:: split did not properly identify __non-splits__ and thus returned unexpected items
:: ''$strict'' was ignored due to wrong regex
; 0.6.5 / 2015-12-24
: added ''pos'', ''num'', and ''strict''
: separate options for split items of each input title or final result list
:: ''pos'', ''num'', ''first'', ''!first'', ''last'', ''!last''
:: ''$pos'', ''$num'', ''$first'', ''!$first'', ''$last'', ''!$last''
: extracted ''getArrayItems'' into utils function
: added test edition
; 0.6.0 / 2015-12-22
: modified default behavior to allow duplicates in the output
: consequently added suffix ''unique'' to still allow producing unique sets
; 0.5.8 / 2015-12-08
: now ignores blanks, should the split characters be at the beginning or end
; 0.5.7 / 2015-12-08
: now returns empty results for ''!last'' and ''!first'' should split have a length of 1
; 0.5.6 / 2015-12-08
: ''bugfix'' — mixed up `+(...)` and `(...)+` in ''0.5.5''
; 0.5.5 / 2015-12-08
: added suffixed ''at'' & ''keep''
: safer suffix parsing
: now minified
; 0.5.0 / 2015-11-27
: initial release
The ''split[]'' filter may return one __or more__ split titles. To further constrain which items to return use the following ''suffixes'':
; pos=`<number>` / num=`<number>`
: for each input title in turn, retrieves a ''num''ber of split items starting from a ''pos''ition
: ''num'' defaults to `1` if unspecified
: ''num=1'' and ''num=-1'' both mean: take item at ''pos''
: ''pos=2'' => second item
: ''pos=n'' => last item
: ''pos=-2'' => second last item
: ''pos=-n'' => first item
: ''num=2'' => including the item at ''pos'', two items to the right
: ''num=n'' => starting from ''pos'', all items to the right up until the last item
: ''num=-2'' => including the item at ''pos'', two items to the left
: ''num=-n'' => starting from ''pos'', all items to the left up until the first item
; first / last
: for each input item in turn, retrieves the ''first'' or ''last'' split item
: ''first'' is same as ''pos=1''
: ''last'' is same as ''pos=n''
; !first / !last
: for each input item in turn, retrieves all but the ''first'' or ''last'' split item
: ''!first'' is same as ''pos=2 num=n''
: ''!last'' is same as ''pos=-2 num=-n''
; strict
: if specified, expects the defined ''num''ber of returned split items, otherwise returns nothing at all
: for `[[1-2]] +[split:num=3 strict[-]]` we get nothing, since `1-2` does not have three items when splitting at `-`
; $pos=`<number>` / $num=`<number>` / $first / !$first / $last / !$last / $strict
: for the __final output__, retrieves a ''$num''ber of split items starting from a ''$pos''ition
: ''$num'' defaults to `1` if unspecified
: all options behave equivalent to ''num'', ''pos'', ''first'', ''!first'', ''last'', ''!last'', ''$strict'' above, however with respect to the final output
''Note:'' At the bottom of the [[examples|split-Examples]] is a live-demo of each example below.
How these suffixes behave with respect to the two input titles `a-b-c` and `d-e-f`:
; first / pos=1
: 1st split item each@@.demo-items ''a'' b c ''d'' e f@@
; !first
: all but the 1st split item each@@.demo-items a ''b c'' d ''e f''@@
; last / pos=n
: last split item each@@.demo-items a b ''c'' d e ''f''@@
; !last
: all but the last split item each@@.demo-items ''a b'' c ''d e'' f@@
; pos=1 num=2
: the first two split items each@@.demo-items ''a b'' c ''d e'' f@@
; pos=2
: the 2nd split item each@@.demo-items a ''b'' c d ''e'' f@@
; pos=2 num=2
: two split items each, starting from the 2nd@@.demo-items a ''b c'' d ''e f''@@
; pos=2 num=n
: all split items to the right of and including the 2nd each@@.demo-items a ''b c'' d ''e f''@@
; pos=-2
: 2nd last split item each@@.demo-items a ''b'' c d ''e'' f@@
; pos=-2 num=-n
: all split items to the left of and including the 2nd last each@@.demo-items ''a b'' c ''d e'' f@@
; num=4
: four items each@@.demo-items ''a b c d e f''@@
; num=4 strict
: four items each, strict@@.demo-items a b c d e f@@
; $first / $pos=1
: 1st item@@.demo-items ''a'' b c d e f@@
; $last / $pos=n
: last item@@.demo-items a b c d e ''f''@@
; $pos=1 $num=3
: first three items@@.demo-items ''a b c'' d e f@@
; $pos=3
: the 3rd item@@.demo-items a b ''c'' d e f@@
; $pos=3 $num=3
: three items, starting from the 3rd@@.demo-items a b ''c d e'' f@@
; $pos=3 $num=n
: all items starting from the 3rd@@.demo-items a b ''c d e f''@@
; $pos=-3
: 3rd last item@@.demo-items a b c ''d'' e f@@
; $pos=-3 $num=n
: all to the right of the 3rd last@@.demo-items a b c ''d e f''@@
; $pos=-3 $num=-n
: all to the left of the 3rd last item@@.demo-items ''a b c d'' e f@@
; $num=7
: seven items@@.demo-items ''a b c d e f''@@
; $num=7 strict
: seven items, strict@@.demo-items a b c d e f@@
.demo-items {
color: #ccc;
.demo-items strong{
color: #909;
Parse stringified lists with the ''split'' filter by using the suffix `list` specifying either:
# a list field (optional)
#* from which titles are retrieved for each input title in turn
#* e.g. ''list'' (default), ''tags'', or any custom list field
# an <<x "Filter Parameter" operand>>, especially a "soft" operand
#* interpreted as a stringified list, i.e. parsed like the core ''list'' or ''tags'' <<x TiddlerFields fields>>
#* in this mode, all input titles are __ignored__ and titles are __created__ by parsing titles listed in the operand
''Note:'' Depending on the chosen variant above, you can combine `list` with other [[suffixes|split-Syntax]], including those further constraining [[items|split-Items]].
!! Variants
; `split:list[]`
: parses the ''list'' field of __all__ input titles
; `split:list=tags[]`
: parses the ''tags'' field of __all__ input titles
; `split:list=foo[]`
: parses field ''foo'' of __all__ input titles as a list field
: splits the "soft" <<x "Filter Parameter" operand>> in the form of the variable ''bar'' into listed titles<div class="note">''Note:'' Since no input titles are considered above, use ''$pos'', ''$num'', ''$first'', etc... to further constrain the final list, see [[Items|split-Items]].</div>
!! Operand
Unless used with the suffix `list`, the operand of ''split[]'' defines the characters by which to split input titles.
!! Suffix
You can define a number of suffix elements some of which can be meaningfully combined, e.g:
`split:suffix suffix suffix[operand]`
; $
: instead of the split items, returns all those input titles that yield split items
; $all
: instead of the split items, if any of the input titles that yield split items, returns all input titles, unmodified
; +
: adds the operand to the split items
; +\string\
: appends `string` to the split items
; \string\+
: prepends `string` to the split items
; trim
: trims all blanks from split items
; pos, num, first, !first, last, !last, strict<br/>$pos, $num, $first, !$first, $last, !$last, $strict
: see [[Items|split-Items]]
; at
: splits the input title in two items at the character specified as a number in the operand
: returns nothing should the input title be shorter than the specified number
: `at[4,2]` splits at the `4`th character for a length of `2` characters
: `!at[4,2]` returns the input title with the above return value being cut out
; before, after
: return input title ''up until'' or ''after'' the ''first'' match of the operand
; beforelast, afterlast
: return input title ''up until'' or ''after'' the ''last'' match of the operand
; keep
: returns the input title even it was not split as requested
; unique
: prevents duplicates in the output
:: this would be the default behavior of ~TiddlyWiki filters that treat titles more as sets of unique titles rather than lists of arbitrary strings
; list
: see [[Lists|split-Lists]]
<$transclude tiddler="$:/plugins/tobibeer/sysinfo/readme" mode="block"/>
!! Inspiration
<<plugin-install sysinfo>>
!! Version History
; 0.6.0 / 2017-02-18
: added `env` & minified
; 0.5.0 / 2015-11-26
: initial release
When used as a widget attribute, the macro will update should the underlying system information change.
Used plainly in wikitext this is not the case. Therefore, to make sure the rendered contents are updated accordingly, defer showing the information using a widget, e.g.:
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$set name="href" value=<<sysinfo location href>>>
Instead of just...
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<<sysinfo location href>>"""/>
''Test'': Try to open a new tiddler in this wiki. You should see the first option update while the second will not.
To test whether you're in a node or browser environment you could use:
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$vars env=<<sysinfo env>>>
<$list filter="[<env>!prefix[node]]">
only shown when not under node, i.e. when in the browser
<$list filter="[<env>prefix[node]]">
only shown when under node, e.g. when rendering static pages
You can use the above along with some [[Conditional ViewTemplate Section|http://tobibeer.github.io/tb5/#Conditional%20ViewTemplate%20Section]]
The next example demonstrates how to show content depending on whether we're local or over the web:
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$vars host=<<sysinfo location href>>>
We're at: <<host>>
So, I'm assuming we're served
>over the web</$list>.@@
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<div class="tb-taglist-columns">
<$list filter="Filters Libraries Macros Plugins Widgets">
<div class="tb-taglist-item">
<small class="tc-menu-list-count"><$count filter="[all[current]tagging[]]"/></small>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/.tb/templates/TagTemplate"/>
button.pink {
''Note:'' The popups of the above example would be cut-off at the column edge without using the handler attribute, e.g. if using the core <<x PopupMechanism>> alone.
; $:/.tb/templates/TagTemplate
: the above uses a modified version of $:/core/ui/TagTemplate, implementing the appear widget and taking popups out of the flow to not cut popups off within columns
!! Comparison
Here is what the core, unfortunately, would make of the above. Try clicking a tag button to see the problem.
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<div class="tb-taglist-columns">
<$list filter="Filters Libraries Macros Plugins Widgets">
<div class="tb-taglist-item">
<small class="tc-menu-list-count"><$count filter="[all[current]tagging[]]"/></small>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/core/ui/TagTemplate"/>
Lists all node commands and opens the help tiddlers as sticky popups rendered into the global popup handler so as to not cut the popups off at the right tiddler margin:
; Node Commands
: <$list filter="[all[shadows]prefix[$:/language/Help]sort[title]]">
class="tc-popup-keep max800"
show="""<$list filter"[all[current]removeprefix[$:/language/Help/]]">{{!!title}}</$list>""">
<$transclude mode="block"/>
</$list><style>.max800 {max-width:800px;}</style>
; Node Commands
: <$list filter="[all[shadows]prefix[$:/language/Help]sort[title]]">
class="tc-popup-keep max600"
show="""<$set name="title" filter="[all[current]removeprefix[$:/language/Help/]]"><<title>></$set>""">
<$transclude mode="block"/>
</$list><style>.max600 {max-width:600px;}</style>
Implements custom arrows with a helper macro, wrapped using the <<x TiddlerWidget>> to set a different context:
\define slider-label(prefix,suffix)
@@.grey-svg $prefix$<$text text="$(currentTiddler)$"/>$suffix$@@
<$macrocall $name=`
text="""<$tiddler tiddler="GettingStarted">
show=<<slider-label "" " {{$:/core/images/chevron-right}}">>
hide=<<slider-label "" " {{$:/core/images/chevron-down}}">>
<$transclude mode="block"/>
"tiddlers": {
"$:/config/HighlightPlugin/TypeMappings/application/javascript": {
"title": "$:/config/HighlightPlugin/TypeMappings/application/javascript",
"text": "javascript"
"$:/config/HighlightPlugin/TypeMappings/application/json": {
"title": "$:/config/HighlightPlugin/TypeMappings/application/json",
"text": "json"
"$:/config/HighlightPlugin/TypeMappings/text/css": {
"title": "$:/config/HighlightPlugin/TypeMappings/text/css",
"text": "css"
"$:/config/HighlightPlugin/TypeMappings/text/html": {
"title": "$:/config/HighlightPlugin/TypeMappings/text/html",
"text": "html"
"$:/config/HighlightPlugin/TypeMappings/image/svg+xml": {
"title": "$:/config/HighlightPlugin/TypeMappings/image/svg+xml",
"text": "xml"
"$:/config/HighlightPlugin/TypeMappings/text/x-markdown": {
"title": "$:/config/HighlightPlugin/TypeMappings/text/x-markdown",
"text": "markdown"
"$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/highlight/highlight.js": {
"text": "var hljs = require(\"$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/highlight/highlight.js\");\n!function(e){\"undefined\"!=typeof exports?e(exports):(window.hljs=e({}),\"function\"==typeof define&&define.amd&&define(\"hljs\",[],function(){return window.hljs}))}(function(e){function n(e){return e.replace(/&/gm,\"&\").replace(/</gm,\"<\").replace(/>/gm,\">\")}function t(e){return e.nodeName.toLowerCase()}function r(e,n){var t=e&&e.exec(n);return t&&0==t.index}function a(e){return/^(no-?highlight|plain|text)$/i.test(e)}function i(e){var n,t,r,i=e.className+\" \";if(i+=e.parentNode?e.parentNode.className:\"\",t=/\\blang(?:uage)?-([\\w-]+)\\b/i.exec(i))return w(t[1])?t[1]:\"no-highlight\";for(i=i.split(/\\s+/),n=0,r=i.length;r>n;n++)if(w(i[n])||a(i[n]))return i[n]}function o(e,n){var t,r={};for(t in e)r[t]=e[t];if(n)for(t in n)r[t]=n[t];return r}function u(e){var n=[];return function r(e,a){for(var i=e.firstChild;i;i=i.nextSibling)3==i.nodeType?a+=i.nodeValue.length:1==i.nodeType&&(n.push({event:\"start\",offset:a,node:i}),a=r(i,a),t(i).match(/br|hr|img|input/)||n.push({event:\"stop\",offset:a,node:i}));return a}(e,0),n}function c(e,r,a){function i(){return e.length&&r.length?e[0].offset!=r[0].offset?e[0].offset<r[0].offset?e:r:\"start\"==r[0].event?e:r:e.length?e:r}function o(e){function r(e){return\" \"+e.nodeName+'=\"'+n(e.value)+'\"'}f+=\"<\"+t(e)+Array.prototype.map.call(e.attributes,r).join(\"\")+\">\"}function u(e){f+=\"</\"+t(e)+\">\"}function c(e){(\"start\"==e.event?o:u)(e.node)}for(var s=0,f=\"\",l=[];e.length||r.length;){var g=i();if(f+=n(a.substr(s,g[0].offset-s)),s=g[0].offset,g==e){l.reverse().forEach(u);do c(g.splice(0,1)[0]),g=i();while(g==e&&g.length&&g[0].offset==s);l.reverse().forEach(o)}else\"start\"==g[0].event?l.push(g[0].node):l.pop(),c(g.splice(0,1)[0])}return f+n(a.substr(s))}function s(e){function n(e){return e&&e.source||e}function t(t,r){return new RegExp(n(t),\"m\"+(e.cI?\"i\":\"\")+(r?\"g\":\"\"))}function r(a,i){if(!a.compiled){if(a.compiled=!0,a.k=a.k||a.bK,a.k){var u={},c=function(n,t){e.cI&&(t=t.toLowerCase()),t.split(\" \").forEach(function(e){var t=e.split(\"|\");u[t[0]]=[n,t[1]?Number(t[1]):1]})};\"string\"==typeof a.k?c(\"keyword\",a.k):Object.keys(a.k).forEach(function(e){c(e,a.k[e])}),a.k=u}a.lR=t(a.l||/\\b\\w+\\b/,!0),i&&(a.bK&&(a.b=\"\\\\b(\"+a.bK.split(\" \").join(\"|\")+\")\\\\b\"),a.b||(a.b=/\\B|\\b/),a.bR=t(a.b),a.e||a.eW||(a.e=/\\B|\\b/),a.e&&(a.eR=t(a.e)),a.tE=n(a.e)||\"\",a.eW&&i.tE&&(a.tE+=(a.e?\"|\":\"\")+i.tE)),a.i&&(a.iR=t(a.i)),void 0===a.r&&(a.r=1),a.c||(a.c=[]);var s=[];a.c.forEach(function(e){e.v?e.v.forEach(function(n){s.push(o(e,n))}):s.push(\"self\"==e?a:e)}),a.c=s,a.c.forEach(function(e){r(e,a)}),a.starts&&r(a.starts,i);var f=a.c.map(function(e){return e.bK?\"\\\\.?(\"+e.b+\")\\\\.?\":e.b}).concat([a.tE,a.i]).map(n).filter(Boolean);a.t=f.length?t(f.join(\"|\"),!0):{exec:function(){return null}}}}r(e)}function f(e,t,a,i){function o(e,n){for(var t=0;t<n.c.length;t++)if(r(n.c[t].bR,e))return n.c[t]}function u(e,n){if(r(e.eR,n)){for(;e.endsParent&&e.parent;)e=e.parent;return e}return e.eW?u(e.parent,n):void 0}function c(e,n){return!a&&r(n.iR,e)}function g(e,n){var t=N.cI?n[0].toLowerCase():n[0];return e.k.hasOwnProperty(t)&&e.k[t]}function h(e,n,t,r){var a=r?\"\":E.classPrefix,i='<span class=\"'+a,o=t?\"\":\"</span>\";return i+=e+'\">',i+n+o}function p(){if(!L.k)return n(y);var e=\"\",t=0;L.lR.lastIndex=0;for(var r=L.lR.exec(y);r;){e+=n(y.substr(t,r.index-t));var a=g(L,r);a?(B+=a[1],e+=h(a[0],n(r[0]))):e+=n(r[0]),t=L.lR.lastIndex,r=L.lR.exec(y)}return e+n(y.substr(t))}function d(){var e=\"string\"==typeof L.sL;if(e&&!x[L.sL])return n(y);var t=e?f(L.sL,y,!0,M[L.sL]):l(y,L.sL.length?L.sL:void 0);return L.r>0&&(B+=t.r),e&&(M[L.sL]=t.top),h(t.language,t.value,!1,!0)}function b(){return void 0!==L.sL?d():p()}function v(e,t){var r=e.cN?h(e.cN,\"\",!0):\"\";e.rB?(k+=r,y=\"\"):e.eB?(k+=n(t)+r,y=\"\"):(k+=r,y=t),L=Object.create(e,{parent:{value:L}})}function m(e,t){if(y+=e,void 0===t)return k+=b(),0;var r=o(t,L);if(r)return k+=b(),v(r,t),r.rB?0:t.length;var a=u(L,t);if(a){var i=L;i.rE||i.eE||(y+=t),k+=b();do L.cN&&(k+=\"</span>\"),B+=L.r,L=L.parent;while(L!=a.parent);return i.eE&&(k+=n(t)),y=\"\",a.starts&&v(a.starts,\"\"),i.rE?0:t.length}if(c(t,L))throw new Error('Illegal lexeme \"'+t+'\" for mode \"'+(L.cN||\"<unnamed>\")+'\"');return y+=t,t.length||1}var N=w(e);if(!N)throw new Error('Unknown language: \"'+e+'\"');s(N);var R,L=i||N,M={},k=\"\";for(R=L;R!=N;R=R.parent)R.cN&&(k=h(R.cN,\"\",!0)+k);var y=\"\",B=0;try{for(var C,j,I=0;;){if(L.t.lastIndex=I,C=L.t.exec(t),!C)break;j=m(t.substr(I,C.index-I),C[0]),I=C.index+j}for(m(t.substr(I)),R=L;R.parent;R=R.parent)R.cN&&(k+=\"</span>\");return{r:B,value:k,language:e,top:L}}catch(O){if(-1!=O.message.indexOf(\"Illegal\"))return{r:0,value:n(t)};throw O}}function l(e,t){t=t||E.languages||Object.keys(x);var r={r:0,value:n(e)},a=r;return t.forEach(function(n){if(w(n)){var t=f(n,e,!1);t.language=n,t.r>a.r&&(a=t),t.r>r.r&&(a=r,r=t)}}),a.language&&(r.second_best=a),r}function g(e){return E.tabReplace&&(e=e.replace(/^((<[^>]+>|\\t)+)/gm,function(e,n){return n.replace(/\\t/g,E.tabReplace)})),E.useBR&&(e=e.replace(/\\n/g,\"<br>\")),e}function h(e,n,t){var r=n?R[n]:t,a=[e.trim()];return e.match(/\\bhljs\\b/)||a.push(\"hljs\"),-1===e.indexOf(r)&&a.push(r),a.join(\" \").trim()}function p(e){var n=i(e);if(!a(n)){var t;E.useBR?(t=document.createElementNS(\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\",\"div\"),t.innerHTML=e.innerHTML.replace(/\\n/g,\"\").replace(/<br[ \\/]*>/g,\"\\n\")):t=e;var r=t.textContent,o=n?f(n,r,!0):l(r),s=u(t);if(s.length){var 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"text": "Copyright (c) 2006, Ivan Sagalaev\nAll rights reserved.\nRedistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\nmodification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\n\n * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright\n notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright\n notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the\n documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.\n * Neither the name of highlight.js nor the names of its contributors\n may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software\n without specific prior written permission.\n\nTHIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY\nEXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED\nWARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE\nDISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY\nDIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES\n(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES;\nLOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND\nON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT\n(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS\nSOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n"
"$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/highlight/readme": {
"title": "$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/highlight/readme",
"text": "This plugin provides syntax highlighting of code blocks using v8.8.0 of [[highlight.js|https://github.com/isagalaev/highlight.js]] from Ivan Sagalaev.\n\n! Usage\n\nWhen the plugin is installed it automatically applies highlighting to all codeblocks defined with triple backticks or with the CodeBlockWidget.\n\nThe language can optionally be specified after the opening triple braces:\n\n<$codeblock code=\"\"\"```css\n * { margin: 0; padding: 0; } /* micro reset */\n\nhtml { font-size: 62.5%; }\nbody { font-size: 14px; font-size: 1.4rem; } /* =14px */\nh1 { font-size: 24px; font-size: 2.4rem; } /* =24px */\n```\"\"\"/>\n\nIf no language is specified highlight.js will attempt to automatically detect the language.\n\n! Built-in Language Brushes\n\nThe plugin includes support for the following languages (referred to as \"brushes\" by highlight.js):\n\n* apache\n* bash\n* coffeescript\n* cpp\n* cs\n* css\n* diff\n* http\n* ini\n* java\n* javascript\n* json\n* makefile\n* markdown\n* nginx\n* objectivec\n* perl\n* php\n* python\n* ruby\n* sql\n* xml\n\nYou can also specify the language as a MIME content type (eg `text/html` or `text/css`). The mapping is accomplished via mapping tiddlers whose titles start with `$:/config/HighlightPlugin/TypeMappings/`.\n"
"$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/highlight/styles": {
"title": "$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/highlight/styles",
"tags": "[[$:/tags/Stylesheet]]",
"text": ".hljs{display:block;overflow-x:auto;padding:.5em;color:#333;background:#f8f8f8;-webkit-text-size-adjust:none}.hljs-comment,.diff .hljs-header,.hljs-javadoc{color:#998;font-style:italic}.hljs-keyword,.css .rule .hljs-keyword,.hljs-winutils,.nginx .hljs-title,.hljs-subst,.hljs-request,.hljs-status{color:#333;font-weight:bold}.hljs-number,.hljs-hexcolor,.ruby .hljs-constant{color:teal}.hljs-string,.hljs-tag .hljs-value,.hljs-phpdoc,.hljs-dartdoc,.tex .hljs-formula{color:#d14}.hljs-title,.hljs-id,.scss .hljs-preprocessor{color:#900;font-weight:bold}.hljs-list .hljs-keyword,.hljs-subst{font-weight:normal}.hljs-class .hljs-title,.hljs-type,.vhdl .hljs-literal,.tex .hljs-command{color:#458;font-weight:bold}.hljs-tag,.hljs-tag .hljs-title,.hljs-rule .hljs-property,.django .hljs-tag .hljs-keyword{color:navy;font-weight:normal}.hljs-attribute,.hljs-variable,.lisp .hljs-body,.hljs-name{color:teal}.hljs-regexp{color:#009926}.hljs-symbol,.ruby .hljs-symbol .hljs-string,.lisp .hljs-keyword,.clojure .hljs-keyword,.scheme .hljs-keyword,.tex .hljs-special,.hljs-prompt{color:#990073}.hljs-built_in{color:#0086b3}.hljs-preprocessor,.hljs-pragma,.hljs-pi,.hljs-doctype,.hljs-shebang,.hljs-cdata{color:#999;font-weight:bold}.hljs-deletion{background:#fdd}.hljs-addition{background:#dfd}.diff .hljs-change{background:#0086b3}.hljs-chunk{color:#aaa}"
"$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/highlight/usage": {
"title": "$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/highlight/usage",
"text": "! Usage\n\nFenced code blocks can have a language specifier added to trigger highlighting in a specific language. Otherwise heuristics are used to detect the language.\n\n```\n ```js\n var a = b + c; // Highlighted as JavaScript\n ```\n```\n! Adding Themes\n\nYou can add themes from highlight.js by copying the CSS to a new tiddler and tagging it with [[$:/tags/Stylesheet]]. The available themes can be found on GitHub:\n\nhttps://github.com/isagalaev/highlight.js/tree/master/src/styles\n"
"tiddlers": {
"$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/powered-by-tiddlywiki/banner": {
"title": "$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/powered-by-tiddlywiki/banner",
"tags": "$:/tags/PageTemplate",
"text": "<a href=\"http://tiddlywiki.com\" target=\"_blank\">\n[img width=\"160px\" class=\"tc-powered-by-tiddlywiki-banner\" [$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/powered-by-tiddlywiki/powered-by-tiddlywiki.svg]]\n</a>\n"
"$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/powered-by-tiddlywiki/powered-by-tiddlywiki.svg": {
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L588.28,95.216 L580.984,95.216 L580.984,88.304 Z M580.984,100.912 L588.28,100.912 L588.28,134 L580.984,134 L580.984,100.912 Z M627.384,134 L620.472,134 L620.472,129.52 L620.344,129.52 C619.362662,131.44001 617.933343,132.815996 616.056,133.648 C614.178657,134.480004 612.194677,134.896 610.104,134.896 C607.50132,134.896 605.229343,134.437338 603.288,133.52 C601.346657,132.602662 599.736006,131.354675 598.456,129.776 C597.175994,128.197325 596.216003,126.330677 595.576,124.176 C594.935997,122.021323 594.616,119.706679 594.616,117.232 C594.616,114.245318 595.021329,111.664011 595.832,109.488 C596.642671,107.311989 597.719993,105.520007 599.064,104.112 C600.408007,102.703993 601.943991,101.669337 603.672,101.008 C605.400009,100.346663 607.159991,100.016 608.952,100.016 C609.976005,100.016 611.021328,100.111999 612.088,100.304 C613.154672,100.496001 614.178662,100.805331 615.16,101.232 C616.141338,101.658669 617.047996,102.202663 617.88,102.864 C618.712004,103.525337 619.405331,104.303996 619.96,105.2 L620.088,105.2 L620.088,88.304 L627.384,88.304 L627.384,134 Z M601.912,117.808 C601.912,119.216007 602.093332,120.60266 602.456,121.968 C602.818668,123.33334 603.37333,124.549328 604.12,125.616 C604.86667,126.682672 605.815994,127.535997 606.968,128.176 C608.120006,128.816003 609.485325,129.136 611.064,129.136 C612.685341,129.136 614.082661,128.79467 615.256,128.112 C616.429339,127.42933 617.38933,126.533339 618.136,125.424 C618.88267,124.314661 619.437332,123.066674 619.8,121.68 C620.162668,120.293326 620.344,118.874674 620.344,117.424 C620.344,113.754648 619.522675,110.89601 617.88,108.848 C616.237325,106.79999 614.008014,105.776 611.192,105.776 C609.485325,105.776 608.045339,106.127996 606.872,106.832 C605.698661,107.536004 604.73867,108.453328 603.992,109.584 C603.24533,110.714672 602.712002,111.99466 602.392,113.424 C602.071998,114.85334 601.912,116.314659 601.912,117.808 L601.912,117.808 Z M666.488,134 L659.576,134 L659.576,129.52 L659.448,129.52 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M783.672,100.912 L790.968,100.912 L790.968,134 L783.672,134 L783.672,100.912 Z M799.096,88.304 L806.392,88.304 L806.392,114.288 L819.576,100.912 L828.536,100.912 L815.864,113.072 L829.752,134 L820.856,134 L810.744,117.936 L806.392,122.16 L806.392,134 L799.096,134 L799.096,88.304 Z M833.464,88.304 L840.76,88.304 L840.76,95.216 L833.464,95.216 L833.464,88.304 Z M833.464,100.912 L840.76,100.912 L840.76,134 L833.464,134 L833.464,100.912 Z\" fill=\"#FFFFFF\"></path>\n <path d=\"M48.592,108.656 L48.72,108.656 C48.9760013,107.845329 49.4026637,106.949338 50,105.968 C50.5973363,104.986662 51.3866618,104.080004 52.368,103.248 C53.3493382,102.415996 54.5333264,101.722669 55.92,101.168 C57.3066736,100.613331 58.895991,100.336 60.688,100.336 C63.2053459,100.336 65.3919907,100.805329 67.248,101.744 C69.1040093,102.682671 70.6399939,103.941325 71.856,105.52 C73.0720061,107.098675 73.9786637,108.933323 74.576,111.024 C75.1733363,113.114677 75.472,115.311988 75.472,117.616 C75.472,120.133346 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51.376,107.12 C50.4159952,108.528007 49.7226688,110.138658 49.296,111.952 C48.8693312,113.765342 48.656,115.653324 48.656,117.616 C48.656,119.578676 48.8479981,121.466658 49.232,123.28 C49.6160019,125.093342 50.2666621,126.693326 51.184,128.08 C52.1013379,129.466674 53.3386589,130.575996 54.896,131.408 C56.4533411,132.240004 58.3839885,132.656 60.688,132.656 L60.688,132.656 Z M79.632,117.552 C79.632,115.205322 79.9626634,112.997344 80.624,110.928 C81.2853366,108.858656 82.2559936,107.034675 83.536,105.456 C84.8160064,103.877325 86.3946573,102.629338 88.272,101.712 C90.1493427,100.794662 92.3039878,100.336 94.736,100.336 C97.1680122,100.336 99.3226573,100.794662 101.2,101.712 C103.077343,102.629338 104.655994,103.877325 105.936,105.456 C107.216006,107.034675 108.186663,108.858656 108.848,110.928 C109.509337,112.997344 109.84,115.205322 109.84,117.552 C109.84,119.898678 109.509337,122.117323 108.848,124.208 C108.186663,126.298677 107.216006,128.122659 105.936,129.68 C104.655994,131.237341 103.077343,132.474662 101.2,133.392 C99.3226573,134.309338 97.1680122,134.768 94.736,134.768 C92.3039878,134.768 90.1493427,134.309338 88.272,133.392 C86.3946573,132.474662 84.8160064,131.237341 83.536,129.68 C82.2559936,128.122659 81.2853366,126.298677 80.624,124.208 C79.9626634,122.117323 79.632,119.898678 79.632,117.552 L79.632,117.552 Z M82.064,117.552 C82.064,119.514676 82.3413306,121.402658 82.896,123.216 C83.4506694,125.029342 84.261328,126.639993 85.328,128.048 C86.394672,129.456007 87.7173254,130.575996 89.296,131.408 C90.8746746,132.240004 92.6879898,132.656 94.736,132.656 C96.7840102,132.656 98.5973254,132.240004 100.176,131.408 C101.754675,130.575996 103.077328,129.456007 104.144,128.048 C105.210672,126.639993 106.021331,125.029342 106.576,123.216 C107.130669,121.402658 107.408,119.514676 107.408,117.552 C107.408,115.589324 107.130669,113.701342 106.576,111.888 C106.021331,110.074658 105.210672,108.464007 104.144,107.056 C103.077328,105.647993 101.754675,104.528004 100.176,103.696 C98.5973254,102.863996 96.7840102,102.448 94.736,102.448 C92.6879898,102.448 90.8746746,102.863996 89.296,103.696 C87.7173254,104.528004 86.394672,105.647993 85.328,107.056 C84.261328,108.464007 83.4506694,110.074658 82.896,111.888 C82.3413306,113.701342 82.064,115.589324 82.064,117.552 L82.064,117.552 Z M123.728,131.184 L123.856,131.184 L132.816,101.104 L136.08,101.104 L145.104,131.184 L145.232,131.184 L154.448,101.104 L157.136,101.104 L146.576,134 L143.568,134 L134.544,104.176 L134.416,104.176 L125.328,134 L122.256,134 L111.824,101.104 L114.448,101.104 L123.728,131.184 Z M161.552,117.872 L161.552,118.256 C161.552,120.17601 161.807997,122.010658 162.32,123.76 C162.832003,125.509342 163.589328,127.045327 164.592,128.368 C165.594672,129.690673 166.853326,130.735996 168.368,131.504 C169.882674,132.272004 171.642657,132.656 173.648,132.656 C176.93335,132.656 179.53599,131.792009 181.456,130.064 C183.37601,128.335991 184.698663,125.936015 185.424,122.864 L187.856,122.864 C187.130663,126.704019 185.562679,129.64799 183.152,131.696 C180.741321,133.74401 177.55202,134.768 173.584,134.768 C171.151988,134.768 169.029342,134.330671 167.216,133.456 C165.402658,132.581329 163.888006,131.386674 162.672,129.872 C161.455994,128.357326 160.549336,126.565344 159.952,124.496 C159.354664,122.426656 159.056,120.197345 159.056,117.808 C159.056,115.503988 159.36533,113.296011 159.984,111.184 C160.60267,109.071989 161.53066,107.216008 162.768,105.616 C164.00534,104.015992 165.551991,102.736005 167.408,101.776 C169.264009,100.815995 171.450654,100.336 173.968,100.336 C176.272012,100.336 178.309324,100.762662 180.08,101.616 C181.850676,102.469338 183.333327,103.631993 184.528,105.104 C185.722673,106.576007 186.62933,108.282657 187.248,110.224 C187.86667,112.165343 188.176,114.245322 188.176,116.464 C188.176,116.677334 188.165333,116.922665 188.144,117.2 C188.122667,117.477335 188.112,117.701332 188.112,117.872 L161.552,117.872 Z M185.68,115.76 C185.594666,113.967991 185.296003,112.272008 184.784,110.672 C184.271997,109.071992 183.514672,107.664006 182.512,106.448 C181.509328,105.231994 180.29334,104.261337 178.864,103.536 C177.43466,102.810663 175.802676,102.448 173.968,102.448 C172.005324,102.448 170.277341,102.82133 168.784,103.568 C167.290659,104.31467 166.032005,105.295994 165.008,106.512 C163.983995,107.728006 163.194669,109.146659 162.64,110.768 C162.085331,112.389341 161.744001,114.053325 161.616,115.76 L185.68,115.76 Z M196.24,108.4 L196.432,108.4 C196.730668,107.333328 197.274663,106.330671 198.064,105.392 C198.853337,104.453329 199.813328,103.64267 200.944,102.96 C202.074672,102.27733 203.333326,101.754668 204.72,101.392 C206.106674,101.029332 207.546659,100.869333 209.04,100.912 L209.04,103.344 C207.759994,103.173332 206.298675,103.301331 204.656,103.728 C203.013325,104.154669 201.445341,105.093326 199.952,106.544 C199.354664,107.184003 198.832002,107.802664 198.384,108.4 C197.935998,108.997336 197.562668,109.658663 197.264,110.384 C196.965332,111.109337 196.730668,111.919996 196.56,112.816 C196.389332,113.712004 196.282667,114.77866 196.24,116.016 L196.24,134 L193.808,134 L193.808,101.104 L196.24,101.104 L196.24,108.4 Z M211.792,117.872 L211.792,118.256 C211.792,120.17601 212.047997,122.010658 212.56,123.76 C213.072003,125.509342 213.829328,127.045327 214.832,128.368 C215.834672,129.690673 217.093326,130.735996 218.608,131.504 C220.122674,132.272004 221.882657,132.656 223.888,132.656 C227.17335,132.656 229.77599,131.792009 231.696,130.064 C233.61601,128.335991 234.938663,125.936015 235.664,122.864 L238.096,122.864 C237.370663,126.704019 235.802679,129.64799 233.392,131.696 C230.981321,133.74401 227.79202,134.768 223.824,134.768 C221.391988,134.768 219.269342,134.330671 217.456,133.456 C215.642658,132.581329 214.128006,131.386674 212.912,129.872 C211.695994,128.357326 210.789336,126.565344 210.192,124.496 C209.594664,122.426656 209.296,120.197345 209.296,117.808 C209.296,115.503988 209.60533,113.296011 210.224,111.184 C210.84267,109.071989 211.77066,107.216008 213.008,105.616 C214.24534,104.015992 215.791991,102.736005 217.648,101.776 C219.504009,100.815995 221.690654,100.336 224.208,100.336 C226.512012,100.336 228.549324,100.762662 230.32,101.616 C232.090676,102.469338 233.573327,103.631993 234.768,105.104 C235.962673,106.576007 236.86933,108.282657 237.488,110.224 C238.10667,112.165343 238.416,114.245322 238.416,116.464 C238.416,116.677334 238.405333,116.922665 238.384,117.2 C238.362667,117.477335 238.352,117.701332 238.352,117.872 L211.792,117.872 Z M235.92,115.76 C235.834666,113.967991 235.536003,112.272008 235.024,110.672 C234.511997,109.071992 233.754672,107.664006 232.752,106.448 C231.749328,105.231994 230.53334,104.261337 229.104,103.536 C227.67466,102.810663 226.042676,102.448 224.208,102.448 C222.245324,102.448 220.517341,102.82133 219.024,103.568 C217.530659,104.31467 216.272005,105.295994 215.248,106.512 C214.223995,107.728006 213.434669,109.146659 212.88,110.768 C212.325331,112.389341 211.984001,114.053325 211.856,115.76 L235.92,115.76 Z M269.456,126.96 L269.328,126.96 C267.96266,129.56268 266.25601,131.51466 264.208,132.816 C262.15999,134.11734 259.664015,134.768 256.72,134.768 C254.245321,134.768 252.112009,134.298671 250.32,133.36 C248.527991,132.421329 247.056006,131.162675 245.904,129.584 C244.751994,128.005325 243.898669,126.181344 243.344,124.112 C242.789331,122.042656 242.512,119.877345 242.512,117.616 C242.512,115.183988 242.810664,112.912011 243.408,110.8 C244.005336,108.687989 244.911994,106.864008 246.128,105.328 C247.344006,103.791992 248.869324,102.576004 250.704,101.68 C252.538676,100.783996 254.693321,100.336 257.168,100.336 C258.490673,100.336 259.791994,100.517332 261.072,100.88 C262.352006,101.242668 263.535995,101.76533 264.624,102.448 C265.712005,103.13067 266.661329,103.983995 267.472,105.008 C268.282671,106.032005 268.901331,107.183994 269.328,108.464 L269.456,108.464 L269.456,88.304 L271.888,88.304 L271.888,134 L269.456,134 L269.456,126.96 Z M257.232,132.656 C259.322677,132.656 261.125326,132.229338 262.64,131.376 C264.154674,130.522662 265.413328,129.392007 266.416,127.984 C267.418672,126.575993 268.165331,124.965342 268.656,123.152 C269.146669,121.338658 269.392,119.493343 269.392,117.616 C269.392,115.69599 269.146669,113.829342 268.656,112.016 C268.165331,110.202658 267.429338,108.58134 266.448,107.152 C265.466662,105.72266 264.197341,104.581338 262.64,103.728 C261.082659,102.874662 259.258677,102.448 257.168,102.448 C254.991989,102.448 253.136008,102.863996 251.6,103.696 C250.063992,104.528004 248.794672,105.647993 247.792,107.056 C246.789328,108.464007 246.064002,110.085324 245.616,111.92 C245.167998,113.754676 244.944,115.653324 244.944,117.616 C244.944,119.53601 245.189331,121.402658 245.68,123.216 C246.170669,125.029342 246.917328,126.639993 247.92,128.048 C248.922672,129.456007 250.191992,130.575996 251.728,131.408 C253.264008,132.240004 255.098656,132.656 257.232,132.656 L257.232,132.656 Z M298,88.304 L300.432,88.304 L300.432,108.08 L300.56,108.08 C301.029336,106.799994 301.690662,105.680005 302.544,104.72 C303.397338,103.759995 304.378661,102.949337 305.488,102.288 C306.597339,101.626663 307.791994,101.136002 309.072,100.816 C310.352006,100.495998 311.67466,100.336 313.04,100.336 C315.472012,100.336 317.573324,100.762662 319.344,101.616 C321.114676,102.469338 322.597327,103.642659 323.792,105.136 C324.986673,106.629341 325.871997,108.36799 326.448,110.352 C327.024003,112.33601 327.312,114.479988 327.312,116.784 C327.312,120.709353 326.778672,123.855988 325.712,126.224 C324.645328,128.592012 323.365341,130.405327 321.872,131.664 C320.378659,132.922673 318.821341,133.754665 317.2,134.16 C315.578659,134.565335 314.192006,134.768 313.04,134.768 C310.863989,134.768 309.018674,134.42667 307.504,133.744 C305.989326,133.06133 304.741338,132.261338 303.76,131.344 C302.778662,130.426662 302.032003,129.520004 301.52,128.624 C301.007997,127.727996 300.688001,127.066669 300.56,126.64 L300.432,126.64 L300.432,134 L298,134 L298,88.304 Z M313.04,132.656 C315.216011,132.656 317.050659,132.186671 318.544,131.248 C320.037341,130.309329 321.253329,129.082674 322.192,127.568 C323.130671,126.053326 323.813331,124.346676 324.24,122.448 C324.666669,120.549324 324.88,118.661343 324.88,116.784 C324.88,114.949324 324.634669,113.178675 324.144,111.472 C323.653331,109.765325 322.906672,108.240007 321.904,106.896 C320.901328,105.551993 319.664007,104.474671 318.192,103.664 C316.719993,102.853329 315.002676,102.448 313.04,102.448 C310.906656,102.448 309.050675,102.810663 307.472,103.536 C305.893325,104.261337 304.592005,105.263994 303.568,106.544 C302.543995,107.824006 301.776003,109.338658 301.264,111.088 C300.751997,112.837342 300.496,114.73599 300.496,116.784 C300.496,118.789343 300.730664,120.75199 301.2,122.672 C301.669336,124.59201 302.405328,126.287993 303.408,127.76 C304.410672,129.232007 305.701325,130.415996 307.28,131.312 C308.858675,132.208004 310.778655,132.656 313.04,132.656 L313.04,132.656 Z M329.04,101.104 L331.92,101.104 L344.144,131.12 L355.408,101.104 L358.16,101.104 L344.08,137.52 C343.39733,139.141341 342.768003,140.538661 342.192,141.712 C341.615997,142.885339 340.965337,143.749331 340.24,144.304 C339.386662,144.98667 338.373339,145.402666 337.2,145.552 C336.026661,145.701334 334.48001,145.776 332.56,145.776 L332.56,143.664 C334.309342,143.664 335.674662,143.525335 336.656,143.248 C337.637338,142.970665 338.554662,142.405338 339.408,141.552 C339.877336,141.082664 340.367997,140.218673 340.88,138.96 C341.392003,137.701327 342.031996,135.984011 342.8,133.808 L329.04,101.104 Z\" fill=\"#FFFFFF\"></path>\n </g>\n</svg>\n"
"$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/powered-by-tiddlywiki/readme": {
"title": "$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/powered-by-tiddlywiki/readme",
"text": "This plugin adds a \"Powered by ~TiddlyWiki\" banner that links back to http://tiddlywiki.com\n\nIt's very basic at the moment, but the plan is to improve it by making it more customisable.\n"
"$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/powered-by-tiddlywiki/styles": {
"title": "$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/powered-by-tiddlywiki/styles",
"tags": "$:/tags/Stylesheet",
"text": ".tc-powered-by-tiddlywiki-banner {\n\tposition: fixed;\n\tright: 1em;\n\tbottom: 0;\n z-index: 2000;\n}"
; Github
: https://github.com/tobibeer
The Examples are built around the following tagging- / list-hierarchies:
<table class="noborder">
<th>Tagging Via `tags` Field</th>
<th>Listed Via `parents` Field</th>
* [[ToC]]
** [[Foo]]
*** [[Bar]]
**** [[Baz]]
***** [[Mumble]]
***** [[Frotz]]
***** [[Gronk]]
* [[ToC]]
** [[Mumble]]
*** [[Frotz]]
**** [[Gronk]]
***** [[Foo]]
***** [[Bar]]
***** [[Baz]]
<<` """{{{ [toc[ToC]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ [toc:sort=title[ToC]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ [toc:sort=!title[ToC]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ [toc:level=1[ToC]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ [toc:level=2[ToC]] }}}""">>
<<` """<$vars X="Bar Baz">
{{{ [toc:exclude=X[ToC]] }}}
<<` """<$vars X="Baz">
{{{ [toc:exclude=X[ToC]] }}}
<<` """<$vars T="Bar Baz">
{{{ [toc:truncate=T[ToC]] }}}
<<` """<$vars T="Baz">
{{{ [toc:truncate=T[ToC]] }}}
<<` """{{{ [toc:list=parents[ToC]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ [toc:list=parents sort=!title[ToC]] }}}""">>
<<` """{{{ [toc:list=parents level=2[ToC]] }}}""">>
<<` """<$vars X="Baz">
{{{ [toc:list=parents exclude=X[ToC]] }}}
<<` """<$vars T="Gronk">
{{{ [toc:list=parents truncate=T[ToC]] }}}
The plugin $:/plugins/tobibeer/toc provides:
; toc[]
: a filter to fetch titles in a ''Table of Contents''
; Why?
: for an index of all titles in a toc
: to search in the context of titles in a toc only
: for pagination through titles in a toc, accross levels
<<plugin-docs-cp toc>>
<<plugin-install toc>>
!! Version History
; 0.5.0 / 2017-01-11
: initial version
The ''toc'' filter allows to specify a ''root'' element for your <<tw "Table-of-Contents Macros" "table of contents">> in the <<tw Filters filter>> ''operand'', as well as a range of options in the ''suffix'':
Both suffix and operand are optional. The default root element is the value of `<<currentTiddler>>` or `TableOfContents` when undefined.
The ''toc'' filter supports the following suffixes that are declared as `name=<value>`, separated with spaces.
| !Suffix | !Description | !Default |
|''level''|the numeric level down to which the tree is calculated|`-1`<br>(none)|
|''exclude''|a variable defining a filter of elements to be excluded| |
|''truncate''|a variable defining a filter of elements to be truncated,<br>i.e. they are indexed but not further inspected for children| |
|''list''|the field defining the tree, i.e. a tagging tree|`tags`|
|''sort''|a field by which to sort the titles __for each level__ in ascending order<br>» prepend `!` to sort in descending order, e.g. `sort=!order`| |
To see the available options in action, take a look at the [[examples|toc-Examples]].
//testing for an empty list...//
<<` """{{{ [has[doesntexist]value[]] }}}""">>
You can use the above syntax to test for an empty list similar to using the `emptyMessage` attribute of the core <<tw ListWidget>> like so:
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$list filter="<<doesntexist>> +[value[]]">
Show this, if the filter condition yields an empty list.
// the value of `foo` is `foo`://
<<` """{{{ [[foo]value[foo]] }}}""">>
// is the value of `foo` actually `foo`?//
<<` """{{{ [[foo]value:is[foo]] }}}""">>
// is the value of `foo` actually `bar`?//
<<` """{{{ [[foo]value:is[bar]] }}}""">>
// is the value of `foo` not `bar`?//
<<` """{{{ [[foo]!value:is[bar]] }}}""">>
// `foo` is not `foo`?//
<<` """<$list filter="[[foo]!value[foo]]" emptyMessage="looks like the value of `foo` is `foo`, after all"/>""">>
// give me `bar` if it's not of value `foo`://
<<` """{{{ [[bar]!value[foo]] }}}""">>
// in `foo` and `bar` there is one with value `foo`://
<<` """{{{ foo bar +[value[foo]] }}}""">>
// in `foo` and `bar` there is one with value `bar`://
<<` """{{{ foo bar +[value[bar]] }}}""">>
// `foo` is not empty, after all://
<<` """{{{ [[foo]!value[]] }}}""">>
// neither `foo` nor `bar` are of empty value://
<<` """{{{ foo bar +[!value[]] }}}""">>
// Is neither `foo` nor `bar` of empty value?//
<<` """{{{ foo bar +[!value:is[]] }}}""">>
// Is the value of either `foo` or `bar` actually `foo`?//
<<` """{{{ foo bar +[value:is[foo]] }}}""">>
// Is `foo` indeed not empty?//
<<` """{{{ [[foo]!value:is[]] }}}""">>
// Are neither `foo` nor `bar` empty?//
<<` """{{{ foo bar +[!value:is[]] }}}""">>
The plugin $:/plugins/tobibeer/value provides:
; value[]
: a filter to test input titles for a given value
<<plugin-docs-cp value>>
<<plugin-install value>>
!! Version History
; 0.5.1 / 2016-12-19
: removed console.log
; 0.5.0 / 2016-09-18
: initial version
The ''value'' filter tests input titles against a value specified in the ''operand'', e.g.
<<` """<$vars this="that">
<$list filter="[<this>value[that]]"/>
Above, `that` is the operand against which all input titles are tested, whereas the input title being tested is defined in the variable ''this'' to be precisely `that`.
If you wish to return the filter result as more of a boolean expression, you can use the `is` ''suffix'' returning either `yes` or `no`, e.g.:
<<` """<$vars this="that">
<$list filter="[<this>value:is[something else]]"/>
This wiki provides the documentation for all [[TiddlyWiki]] plugins by [[Tobias Beer]].
''Tip:'' To keep up to date or find new plugins, add my [[Library]] to your wiki.
For more TiddlyWiki solutions, see:
The documentation for $:/plugins/tobibeer/xlist is at:
<<plugin-install xlist>>
!! Version History
; 0.5.0 / 2015-11-25
: initial release as a plugin
\define concat-tiddler-link()
\define sourceLink()
<$list filter="[all[current]has[twcs-extracted-plugin-tiddler]]">
<$tiddler tiddler={{!!twcs-extracted-plugin-tiddler}}>
<$set name="address" filter="[all[current]get[source-wiki-id]get[wiki-address]]">
<$set name="tiddler-title" value={{!!source-tiddler-title-as-link}}>
<a href=<<concat-tiddler-link>> target="_blank">{{ $:/core/images/chevron-right }}</a>
<td><$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field=name/></$link></td>
<td><$link to={{!!twcs-wiki-id}}><$text text={{!!twcs-wiki-id}}/></$link></td>
<<PopoutMenuScrollable "{{$:/core/images/options-button}}" "ControlPanelPopout" "$:/ControlPanel">>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' popup="$:/state/floatingmenuicon" tooltip='Floating menu demo'>{{$:/core/images/chevron-right}}</$button>
<$reveal type="popup" state="$:/state/floatingmenuicon">
<div style='background:white;border:solid;border-color:lightgrey;border-width:1px;position:relative;left:30px;top:-45px;width:500px'>
<$scrollable style='tc-scrollable-demo'>
<div class='tc-popup-keep' style='height:500px;background:white;'>
<<MakeMenu "Top Level" "Floating Menu">>
<<PopoutMenu "{{$:/core/images/chevron-right}}" "FloatingMenuPopout" "Menu Mk. 3">>
There are some icons to the right of the story river, the {{$:/core/images/chevron-right}}, {{$:/core/images/advanced-search-button}} and {{$:/core/images/options-button}} icons open up special menus, try them out. The tiddlers defining each of them should be open above if you would like to see how it they work.
This uses my [[icon menus plugin|http://inmysocks.tiddlyspot.com/#Icon%20Menus%20Plugin]] for the menu and icon placement.
There are two macros, `PopoutMenu` and `PopoutMenuScrollable`. `PopoutMenu` is just a macro to help create popups. It has the `tc-popup-keep` class which means that the popup will stay open if you click inside it, but it will close if you click outside of it.
`PopoutMenuScrollable` is the same as `PopoutMenu`, but it uses a scrollable widget so if the content is too big it will scroll. (Look at the advanced search and control panel icons in the menu to the right to see examples of this. The {{$:/core/images/chevron-right}} button opens up a menu that uses the `PopoutMenu` macro.
All you need to import is [[$:/macros/inmysocks/Popout Menu Macro]], but [[$:/macros/inmysocks/Popout Menu Macro/Default Styles]] has the default styles used, so unless you want to make your own styles you should get that too.
Normal Popup:
`<<PopoutMenu Icon Name Tiddler Tooltip PopupClass ButtonClass>>`
Scrollable Popup:
`<<PopoutMenuScrollable Icon Name Tiddler Tooltip PopupClass ButtonClass ScrollClass>>`
|!Parameter |!Description |
|Icon |The icon to use on the button. This can also be text. |
|Name |The unique name for the popup |
|Tiddler |The tiddler to display in the popup |
|~PopupClass |An optional CSS class for the popup (Default: tc-popup-keep tc-popup-menu-default) |
|~ButtonClass |An optional CSS class for the button (Default: tc-btn-invisible) |
|~ScrollClass |(`PopupMenuScrollable` only) An optional CSS class for the scrollable widget (Default: tc-scrollable-menu-default) |
Popout Macro:
[[$:/macros/inmysocks/Popout Menu Macro]]
Default Styles:
[[$:/macros/inmysocks/Popout Menu Macro/Default Styles]]
Button tiddlers:
*[[Search popout menu]]
*[[Control Panel Popout]]
*[[Floating Menu]]
The main content of the tiddler is shown here.
Something interesting here, buttons or something.
Some content for item 2 that I am far to lazy to make
This is a second menu that acts independently of the first
<<MakeMenu "Top Level" "Test2">>
\define inmysocksMobileMenusMakeState(MenuName)
\define inmysocksMobileMenusMakeParentState(MenuName)
\define inmysocksMobileMenusEmptyMessage(MenuName)
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>{{$:/core/images/chevron-left}} ''<$view tiddler={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}} field=caption><$view tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' field=text/></$view>''<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value=''/></$button>
\define inmysocksMobileMenusEmptyMessage2(MenuName)
<$list filter='[tag<CurrentTiddler>]'>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set=<<inmysocksMobileMenusMakeState """$MenuName$""">> setTo=<<currentTiddler>>>{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}<$view tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field='caption'><$view tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field='title'/></$view><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value={{!!title}}/></$button><br>
\define inmysocksMobileMenusTemplate(MenuName)
<$set name=CurrentTiddler value={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}}>
<$list filter='[text<CurrentTiddler>removeprefix[$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/]]-[[current]]+[limit[1]]' variable=ParentTiddler emptyMessage=<<inmysocksMobileMenusEmptyMessage2 """$MenuName$""">>>
<$list filter='[tag<CurrentTiddler>]' variable=ThisTiddler2>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set=<<inmysocksMobileMenusMakeState """$MenuName$""">> setTo=<<ThisTiddler2>>>{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}<$view tiddler=<<ThisTiddler2>> field='caption'><$view tiddler=<<ThisTiddler2>> field='title'/></$view><$tiddler tiddler=<<ThisTiddler2>>><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value={{!!title}}/></$tiddler></$button><br>
\define MakeMenu(RootTag:"RootTag" MenuName:Menu)
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' text=''>
<$list filter='[tag[$RootTag$]]'>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' setTo={{!!title}}>{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}<$view field='caption'><$view field='title'/></$view><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value={{!!title}}/></$button><br>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' text=''>
<$list filter='[is[system]prefix[$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/]has[text]]-[[$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current]]+[limit[1]]' emptyMessage=<<inmysocksMobileMenusEmptyMessage """$MenuName$""">>>
'' ''
<$list filter='[text{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}removeprefix[$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/]]-[[current]]+[limit[1]]' variable=ParentTiddler>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>{{$:/core/images/chevron-left}} ''<$view tiddler={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}} field=caption><$view tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' field=text/></$view>''<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value=<<ParentTiddler>>/><$action-setfield $tiddler=<<inmysocksMobileMenusMakeParentState """$MenuName$""">> $value=''/></$button>
<$transclude tiddler={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}} field='subtitle' mode=block/>
<$list filter='[tag{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}limit[1]]' variable=ThisTiddler>
<<inmysocksMobileMenusTemplate """$MenuName$""">>
<$transclude tiddler={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}} mode=block/>
<<MakeMenu "Top Level" "Test">>
\define inmysocksMobileMenusTOCMakeState(MenuName)
\define inmysocksMobileMenusTOCMakeParentState(MenuName)
\define inmysocksMobileMenusTOCEmptyMessage(MenuName)
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>{{$:/core/images/chevron-left}}<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value=''/></$button><$link to={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}}>''<$view tiddler={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}} field=caption><$view tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' field=text/></$view>''</$link>
\define inmysocksMobileMenusTOCEmptyMessage2(MenuName)
<$list filter='[tag<CurrentTiddler>]'>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set=<<inmysocksMobileMenusTOCMakeState """$MenuName$""">> setTo=<<currentTiddler>>>{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value={{!!title}}/></$button><$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field='caption'><$view tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field='title'/></$view></$link><br>
\define inmysocksMobileMenusTOCTemplate(MenuName)
<$set name=CurrentTiddler value={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}}>
<$list filter='[text<CurrentTiddler>removeprefix[$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/]]-[[current]]+[limit[1]]' variable=ParentTiddler emptyMessage=<<inmysocksMobileMenusTOCEmptyMessage2 """$MenuName$""">>>
<$list filter='[tag<CurrentTiddler>]' variable=ThisTiddler2>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set=<<inmysocksMobileMenusTOCMakeState """$MenuName$""">> setTo=<<ThisTiddler2>>>{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}<$tiddler tiddler=<<ThisTiddler2>>><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value={{!!title}}/></$tiddler></$button><$link to=<<ThisTiddler2>>><$view tiddler=<<ThisTiddler2>> field='caption'><$view tiddler=<<ThisTiddler2>> field='title'/></$view></$link><br>
\define MakeTOCMenu(RootTag:"RootTag" MenuName:Menu)
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' text=''>
<$list filter='[tag[$RootTag$]]'>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' setTo={{!!title}}>{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value={{!!title}}/></$button><$link><$view field='caption'><$view field='title'/></$view></$link><br>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' text=''>
<$list filter='[is[system]prefix[$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/]has[text]]-[[$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current]]+[limit[1]]' emptyMessage=<<inmysocksMobileMenusTOCEmptyMessage """$MenuName$""">>>
'' ''
<$list filter='[text{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}removeprefix[$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/]]-[[current]]+[limit[1]]' variable=ParentTiddler>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>{{$:/core/images/chevron-left}}<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value=<<ParentTiddler>>/><$action-setfield $tiddler=<<inmysocksMobileMenusTOCMakeParentState """$MenuName$""">> $value=''/></$button><$link to={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}}>''<$view tiddler={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}} field=caption><$view tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' field=text/></$view>''</$link>
<$list filter='[tag{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}limit[1]]' variable=ThisTiddler>
<<inmysocksMobileMenusTOCTemplate """$MenuName$""">>
\define inmysocksMobileMenusTOCSelectiveMakeState(MenuName)
\define inmysocksMobileMenusTOCSelectiveMakeParentState(MenuName)
\define inmysocksMobileMenusTOCSelectiveEmptyMessage(MenuName)
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>{{$:/core/images/chevron-left}}<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value=''/></$button><$link to={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}}>''<$view tiddler={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}} field=caption><$view tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' field=text/></$view>''</$link>
\define inmysocksMobileMenusTOCSelectiveEmptyMessage2(MenuName)
<$list filter='[tag<CurrentTiddler>]'>
<$list filter='[tag{!!title}limit[1]]' variable=dummy><$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set=<<inmysocksMobileMenusTOCSelectiveMakeState """$MenuName$""">> setTo=<<currentTiddler>>>{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value={{!!title}}/></$button></$list><$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field='caption'><$view tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field='title'/></$view></$link><br>
\define inmysocksMobileMenusTOCSelectiveTemplate(MenuName)
<$set name=CurrentTiddler value={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}}>
<$list filter='[text<CurrentTiddler>removeprefix[$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/]]-[[current]]+[limit[1]]' variable=ParentTiddler emptyMessage=<<inmysocksMobileMenusTOCSelectiveEmptyMessage2 """$MenuName$""">>>
<$list filter='[tag<CurrentTiddler>]' variable=ThisTiddler2>
<$list filter='[tag{ThisTiddler2}limit[1]]' variable=dummy><$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set=<<inmysocksMobileMenusTOCSelectiveMakeState """$MenuName$""">> setTo=<<ThisTiddler2>>>{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}<$tiddler tiddler=<<ThisTiddler2>>><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value={{!!title}}/></$tiddler></$button></$list><$link to=<<ThisTiddler2>>><$view tiddler=<<ThisTiddler2>> field='caption'><$view tiddler=<<ThisTiddler2>> field='title'/></$view></$link><br>
\define MakeTOCMenuSelective(RootTag:"RootTag" MenuName:Menu)
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' text=''>
<$list filter='[tag[$RootTag$]]'>
<$list filter='[tag{!!title}limit[1]]' variable=dummy><$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' setTo={{!!title}}>{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value={{!!title}}/></$button></$list><$link><$view field='caption'><$view field='title'/></$view></$link><br>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' text=''>
<$list filter='[is[system]prefix[$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/]has[text]]-[[$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current]]+[limit[1]]' emptyMessage=<<inmysocksMobileMenusTOCSelectiveEmptyMessage """$MenuName$""">>>
'' ''
<$list filter='[text{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}removeprefix[$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/]]-[[current]]+[limit[1]]' variable=ParentTiddler>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>{{$:/core/images/chevron-left}}<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' $value=<<ParentTiddler>>/><$action-setfield $tiddler=<<inmysocksMobileMenusTOCSelectiveMakeParentState """$MenuName$""">> $value=''/></$button><$link to={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}}>''<$view tiddler={{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}} field=caption><$view tiddler='$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current' field=text/></$view>''</$link>
<$list filter='[tag{$:/state/Menu/$MenuName$/current}limit[1]]' variable=ThisTiddler>
<<inmysocksMobileMenusTOCSelectiveTemplate """$MenuName$""">>
<$checkbox tiddler='Black Line' tag='$:/tags/ViewTemplate'>Show Horizontal Rule Under Tiddler Titles</$checkbox><br>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/core/ui/PageTemplate/sidebar' tag='$:/tags/PageTemplate'>Toggle Old Sidebar</$checkbox> (This only hides the menu, it doesn't change the size of the tiddlers)
<<PopoutMenuScrollable "{{$:/core/images/advanced-search-button}}" "AdvancedSearchPopoutMenu" "$:/AdvancedSearch" "Advanced Search">>
<<MakeTOCMenu "Top Level" "TOC">>
<<MakeTOCMenuSelective "Top Level" "SelectiveTOC">>
The ''~PublicSidebar'' lets you display different sidebars depending on domain (url).
For instance, you may prefer the regular sidebar lists when you admin your TW but a conventional menu when it's uploaded for the public.
//Note:// No core tiddlers are overwritten. Instead CSS is used to redefine what is displayed.
Drag these three tiddlers into your TW from here and @@color:crimson; ''//reload//''@@ your TW afterwards.
|$:/PublicSidebar/main|Specifies the public URL and redefines CSS to hide/show parts. You must of course tweak these things. See [[here|Sidebar CSS overview]] for details. |
|PublicMenu|Sample menu, seen on right. To be tweaked by you, see [[here|Set up your menu tiddler like this]] for guidance.|
|$:/macros/buggyj/misc/location.js|The macro detecting the current url is from fellow ~BuggyJ ([[source|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/bDAOWS5fcHw/5jr5Xtd9CQAJ]]). @@color:crimson; ''//Thank you ~BuggyJ !//''@@|
@@font-size:small; //[[TWaddling|http://twaddle.tiddlyspot.com]] since 1915//@@
What if ''you did not know'' about TW?<br>
Would you be grateful if someone told you about it?<br>
''Who'' will you tell? ...<br>
<div class="public">
So this is a __[[public menu|PublicMenu]]__ that can contain<br>
and be styled any way you want, including<br>
the title etc above here, of course.
*[[About PublicSidebar]]
*PublicMenu (this menu)
*[[Sidebar CSS overview]]
*[[Set up your menu tiddler like this]]
<br><br><br>@@margin-left:70px; <$link to="Bigger community ⇄ Better TW">[img width=100 [You didn't import this image or the tiddler it leads to|$:/img/fishclick]]</$link>@@
If you want a menu to behave(!) similar to what is demo'ed here, you can simply edit the PublicMenu tiddler here or just create a new tiddler that is:
*is tagged `$:/tags/SideBar` so to be displayed as a tab in the sidebar... IF sidebar tabs are displayed.
*Note that the //contents// of the ~PublicMenu are displayed in this demo //even if // the tab lists are hidden.
*In $:/PublicSidebar/main the tabs are hidden using `.tc-sidebar-lists{visibility:hidden;}` but this is reverted for the desired public menu content by defining the extra class, i.e `.public {visibility:visible;}` that is then applied in PublicMenu
*AND you must ensure that it is your menu that is the //active// tab by default via $:/ControlPanel > Settings. Set the DefaultSidebarTab to be your public menu tiddler or else some other tab will be the active one but it is set to "visibility:hidden" so the sidebar will appear blank there...
This is a runthrough of the default TW stylings to the default sidebar elements, i.e these are the stylings which values you can change for different effects.
#$:/core/ui/PageTemplate/sidebar with the style ''.tc-sidebar-scrollable'' for all content and contains...
##''sidebar header'' (no separate tiddler) with ''.tc-sidebar-header'' that in turn contains..
###the TW title - ''.tc-site-title''
###subtitle - ''.tc-site-subtitle''
##$:/core/ui/PageTemplate/pagecontrols with ''.tc-page-controls'' for all pagecontrol buttons
##$:/core/ui/SideBarLists with ''.tc-sidebar-lists'' for all its content which includes...<br>
###the search engine - ''.tc-search''<br>$:/core/ui/SearchResults - ''.tc-search-results''
###a direct macro call for the tabs lists that unfortunately does not specify a class so we can't manipulate them directly/specifically
A tip for playing around with styling in an easy way is to use my [[SideEditor|http://sideeditor.tiddlyspot.com/]] plugin. This lets you edit the $:/PublicSidebar/main "live" so you see the effects without having to save the tiddler all the time.
<$set name="var" value="[all[missing]]">
<$list filter=<<var>>/>
<$set name="var" value="[all[missing]]">
<$list filter=<<var>>/>
<$list filter="[all[missing]]">
<$list filter="[all[missing]]">
\define foo(bar)
<$set name="baz" value="mumble">
<<list-links filter:"[[$bar$]] [[$(baz)$]]">>
\define foo(bar)
<$set name="baz" value="mumble">
<<list-links filter:"[[$bar$]] [[$(baz)$]]">>
<<foo GettingStarted>>
<<foo GettingStarted>>
* [[GettingStarted]]
* [[mumble]]
@@color:red; Interestingly, the param gets replaced within the quotes but not the variable.@@
\define foo(bar)
\define foo(bar)
<<foo GettingStarted>>
<<foo GettingStarted>>
@@color:red; This one is particularly confusing as I definitely expected it to work.@@
\define foo(bar)
<<list-links filter:<bar> >>
\define foo(bar)
<<list-links filter:<baz> >>
<<foo GettingStarted>>
* [[GettingStarted]]
@@color:red; Someone suggested that variables should work in filters using single angle brackets. o.O@@
\define foo(bar)
<<list-links filter:"<bar>">>
\define foo(bar)
<<list-links filter:"<baz>">>
<<foo GettingStarted>>
* [[GettingStarted]]
@@color:red; Someone suggested that variables should work in filters using single angle brackets. o.O@@
\define foo(bar)
<$set name="baz" value="mumble">
<<list-links filter:"$bar$ $(baz)$">>
\define foo(bar)
<$set name="baz" value="mumble">
<<list-links filter:"$bar$ $(baz)$">>
<<foo GettingStarted>>
<<foo GettingStarted>>
* [[GettingStarted]]
* [[mumble]]
@@color:red; Interestingly, the param gets replaced within the quotes but not the variable.@@
\define foo(bar)
<$set name="baz" value="[[mumble]]">
<<list-links filter:<baz> >>
\define foo(bar)
<$set name="baz" value="[[mumble]]">
<<list-links filter:<baz> >>
<<foo GettingStarted>>
* [[GettingStarted]]
@@color:red; Someone suggested that either macro parameters or variables should work in filters using single angle brackets. o.O@@
\define foo(bar)
<$set name="baz" value="[[mumble]]">
<<list-links filter:"<baz>">>
\define foo(bar)
<$set name="baz" value="[[mumble]]">
<<list-links filter:"<baz>">>
<<foo GettingStarted>>
* [[GettingStarted]]
* [[mumble]]
@@color:red; Someone suggested that either macro parameters or variables should work in filters using single angle brackets. o.O@@
\define foo(bar)
<$set name="myvar" value="$bar$">
\define foo(bar)
<$set name="myvar" value="$bar$">
<<foo GettingStarted>>
<<foo GettingStarted>>
@@color:red; Is there a case where $(~ParamOrVar)$ ever works?@@
\define foo(bar)
<$set name="myvar" value="$bar$">
\define foo(bar)
<$set name="myvar" value="$bar$">
<<foo GettingStarted>>
<<foo GettingStarted>>
@@color:red; Is there a case where $(~ParamOrVar)$ ever works?@@
This summary is based on excellent posts by [[Jed Carty|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/_x9CDAFtwQc/XKGuffTkLVwJ]] and [[Danielo Rodrigues|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/1BjhyWKpTgg/b4mFt4CqYt4J]] on using variables and parameters. Also see:
* [[Variables vs. Parameters|http://tb5.tiddlyspot.com/#Variables%20vs.%20Parameters]] — short and sweet
* [[Variables In Nested Lists|http://tb5.tiddlyspot.com/#Variables%20In%20Nested%20Lists]]
* [[Passing Parameters To A Transclusion|http://tb5.tiddlyspot.com/#Passing%20Parameters%20To%20A%20Transclusion]]
!Defining Variables
!! `<$set>`
Set variables inside or outside a macro:
<$set name='var' value='foo'>
<<var>> "<<var>>"
<$set name='var' value='foo'>
<<var>> "<<var>>"
When the value is set as a filter it can be used as a filter:
<$set name="var" value="[all[missing]]">
<$list filter=<<var>>/>
<$set name="var" value="[all[missing]]">
<$list filter=<<var>>/>
!! `<$list>`
`<<currentTiddler>>` inside the list will be the item!
<$list filter="[tag[Foo]]">
<$list filter="[tag[Foo]]">
On the other hand, the parameter `variable` sets a variable at each iteration to the current list item:
Parent / Item...<br>
<$list filter="[tag[Foo]]" variable="myItem">
<<currentTiddler>> / <<myItem>><br>
Parent / Item...<br>
<$list filter="[tag[Foo]]" variable="myItem">
<<currentTiddler>> / <<myItem>><br>
!Using Variables And Macro Parameters
a [[variable|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Variables]] acting the same inside a macro as outside
;~~`$var$`~~ and ~~`"$var$"`~~
:with ''var'' being an actual variable, these are @@ciolor:red; just strings@@
:no substitution will take place, inside or outside a macro
As macro parameters, both `$param$` and `"$param$"` are substituted fine!
Using <<source MacroTest>>
<$set name='var' value={{!!title}}>
<<test GettingStarted>>
<$set name='var' value={{!!title}}>
<<test GettingStarted>>
''Note:'' `<<test "<<var>>">>` does @@color:red; NOT@@ work!
!! `$(var)$`
to reference variables when calling another macro from within a macro
Using <<source MacroLink>>
<$set name="var" value="Foo">>
<$set name="var" value="Foo">>
:used as a filter, gives tiddlers tagged `$(var)$` @@color:red; ...without any substitution!@@
Using transcluded parameters can be tricky.
For example, trying to use <<source MacroLink>>
@@color:red; Fails with:@@
<<link {{!!title}}>>
<<link {{!!title}}>>
Instead, use the `$macrocall` widget, paying attention with the variable ''__$__''name:
<$macrocall $name="link" tiddler={{!!title}}/>
<$macrocall $name="link" tiddler={{!!title}}/>
Quotes around the transcluded parameter @@color:red; will fail, too!@@
<$macrocall $name="link" tiddler="{{!!title}}"/>
<$macrocall $name="link" tiddler="{{!!title}}"/>
Does __only__ work as a __filter variable__, inside or outside a macro:
<$set name='var' value='Foo'>
<$list filter='[tag<var>]'/>
<$set name='var' value='Foo'>
<$list filter='[tag<var>]'/>
Example for using `<var>` inside <<source MacroTaggingByVar>>
<$set name='var' value='Foo'>
<$set name='var' value='Foo'>
''@@color:red; Important:@@'' Make sure not to enclose `<var>` in angle brackets: ~~`[tag[<var>]]`~~!
:__in wikitext__ is parsed as any other html tag, so it's @@color:red; not a valid variable@@
:is the same as putting quotes around any tag where it displays quotes
:treated as a string, so it creates a link to [[<var>]]
!! @@color:green; Good luck now!@@
\define link(tiddler) [[$tiddler$]]
\define doLink()
<<link $(var)$>>
\define taggingByVar()
<$list filter="[tag<var>]"/>
\define test(param)
<br> $param$
<br> "$param$"
<br> [[$param$]]
<br> <<var>>
<br> $(var)$
\define foo(bar)
<$set name="baz" value="mumble">
<<list-links filter:"[[$bar$]] <<baz>>">>
\define foo(bar)
<$set name="baz" value="mumble">
<<list-links filter:"[[$bar$]] <<baz>>">>
<<foo GettingStarted>>
<<foo GettingStarted>>
* [[GettingStarted]]
* [[mumble]]
@@color:orange; Expected not to work as there's a macro within a macro and I didn't expect that to be supported, or is it?@@
\define foo(bar)
<$set name="baz" value="$bar$ [[mumble]]">
<$list filter="<<baz>>"/>
\define foo(bar)
<$set name="baz" value="$bar$ [[mumble]]">
<$list filter="<<baz>>"/>
<<foo GettingStarted>>
<<foo GettingStarted>>
@@color:orange; I expected that not to work, as I thought variable filter params in a widget call are not to be put into quotes.@@
<$set name="myvar" value="GettingStarted">
<$set name="myvar" value=$bar$>
@@color:orange; I expected that not to render the value as we're not in the scope of a macro.@@
\define foo(bar)
<$set name="baz" value="$bar$ [[mumble]]">
<$list filter=<<baz>>/>
\define foo(bar)
<$set name="baz" value="$bar$ [[mumble]]">
<$list filter=<<baz>>/>
<<foo GettingStarted>>
<<foo GettingStarted>>
\define foo(bar)
\define foo(bar)
<<foo GettingStarted>>
<<foo GettingStarted>>
\define foo(bar)
<$set name="myVar" value=$bar$>
\define foo(bar)
<$set name="myVar" value="$bar$">
<<foo GettingStarted>>
<<foo GettingStarted>>
*`OK`, i.e. tested OK
*`nOK` or not OK ...meaning: failure was expected
*`FAIL`ed test
*`:` rather sure
*`?` doubt
.iframeframe {
border: 2px solid;
width: 100%;
resize: vertical;
overflow: auto;
.iframeframe iframe{
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
<$link><$view field=title/></$link>
<$button><$action-setfield reset="reset"/>Go!</$button>
<div style="text-align: center ; "><h1>Python Playground - by BJ</h1> modify the testcode and press the Go! button</div>
\define lingo-base() $:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/
Welcome to ~TiddlyWiki and the ~TiddlyWiki community
Before you start storing important information in ~TiddlyWiki it is important to make sure that you can reliably save changes. See http://tiddlywiki.com/#GettingStarted for details
!! Set up this ~TiddlyWiki
<div class="tc-control-panel">
|<$link to="$:/SiteTitle"><<lingo Title/Prompt>></$link> |<$edit-text tiddler="$:/SiteTitle" default="" tag="input"/> |
|<$link to="$:/SiteSubtitle"><<lingo Subtitle/Prompt>></$link> |<$edit-text tiddler="$:/SiteSubtitle" default="" tag="input"/> |
|<$link to="$:/DefaultTiddlers"><<lingo DefaultTiddlers/Prompt>></$link> |<<lingo DefaultTiddlers/TopHint>><br> <$edit-text tag="textarea" tiddler="$:/DefaultTiddlers"/><br>//<<lingo DefaultTiddlers/BottomHint>>// |
See the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] for more options.
<$importvariables filter="[[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Macro]!has[draft.of]]">
<<make_python pythontest>>
input = 1739
brk = "f"
print "is ", input, " prime"
for n in range(2, input):
if input%n == 0:
print "no, try ", n
brk = "t"
if (brk =="f"): print "yes"
<<jtinker pythonnjson pythontest>>
@@color:crimson;border:1px crimson solid; STILL IN BETA@@
''QuickTid'' (QT) lets you create individual tiddlers very fast. Features include
*direct edit template access
*"pin" content to reuse it
*pre-made, selectable, content
*silent creation of tiddler
*Hover or click (to pin) the faded pin button {{unpinned.png}} in the upper left corner of this TW page.
*A good first test is to type in some text and then select the "Example with prepost" to see what happens.
*The rest should be rather self explanatory<br>...but don't miss out on the difference between the two done-buttons.
*Drag $:/plugins/TWaddle/QuickTid into your TW.
*Drag whichever of the tiddlers tagged <<tag ContentExample>> that you're interested in - but it is easy to make your own templates:
**prefix title with `Content/<type>/` where type is either //Tool, Styling// or //Text//<br>- see for example tiddler [[Content/Text/Example with prepost]] in edit view.
*QuickTid should work without problems but the code does need some cleaning up.
*A/the earlier version of QuickTid called FastNewTiddler can be found [[here|http://fastnewtiddler.tiddlyspot.com]].
*As noted there, @@color:crimson; cred@@ go to ''Jed Carty / inmysocks '' and ''Alberto Molina''.
*Cred in this version also to Eric Shulman for [[filters/count.js]].
What if ''you did not know'' about TW?<br>
Would you be grateful if someone told you about it?<br>
''Who'' will you tell? ...<br>
#fishclick {
visibility: hidden;
AFTER CONTENT - this is predefined content text inserted after your content. See source in the text field of [[Content/Text/Example with prepost]].
Here you can insert <b>code</b> and it cannot be executed because it is inside an iframe that is sandboxed!<br>
You can <i>style the content within the srcdoc attribute</i> using HTML but you must <b>escape all quotes (use ") and double-escape all ampersands (use &amp; for a single ampersand)</b> - see this text in viewmode vs editmode
Heres an <a href="iframe">external link</a> about iframes and srcdoc
@@color:crimson;border:1px crimson solid; STILL IN BETA@@
*The body text editor should expand to full text height
*Selecting content - when selecting from bottom of dropdown, and it then closes, one is not hovering over QT anymore so it hides.
*The border-lines below the thumb-tacks should not be there
*First tryout on mobile size screen shows unresponsive sizes.
*The macros to add breaks in [[QuickTid/Select]] are a bit embarrassing. Attempts to make a generic macro fails.
*The [[QuickTid/Stylesheet]] is messy.
!!!Desired features
*Drag, or at least move, togglebutton easily. (currently set in [[QuickTid/Stylesheet]] `body #newTidButton {top:0em; ... }` )
*Done+nav should ideally navigate so the new tid is visible //below// the FNT
*[[Link completion|https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/tiddlywiki/ojCXpPWGTIY]] - fellow ''Alain Dutech'' has made a plugin to give text completion suggestion in edit mode! I have not yet tried it out properly but I think this can become very useful and would, if developed to enable completion/addition of any kind of text segment, be superior to my selectbox solution here.
\define navto() <$action-navigate $to="$(newtitle)$"/>
\define clear(fld)
<$list filter="[[$:/QuickTid/tmpNewTid]!has[pin$fld$]]">
<$set name="fieldcont" value={{$:/QuickTid/tmpNewTid!!pin$fld$}}>
<$action-deletefield $tiddler="$:/QuickTid/tmpNewTid" $fld$/>
<$action-deletefield $tiddler="$:/QuickTid/tmpNewTid" <<fieldcont>>/>
\define title_nr() $(tmptitle)$ $(nr)$
\define NewTidDone(tooltip nav img)
<$set name="tmptitle" value={{$:/QuickTid/tmpNewTid!!newtitle}} emptyValue="New Tiddler">
<$set name="nr" filter="[prefix<tmptitle>] +[count[]]">
<$set name="newtitle" filter="[title<tmptitle>!is[system]!is[tiddler]]" value=<<tmptitle>> emptyValue=<<title_nr>>>
<$button tooltip="$tooltip$" class="tc-btn-invisible">
<<clear "text">><<clear "newtags">><<clear "newtitle">>
<div>[img height=12 [$img$]]</div>
<$set name="tid" value=<<currentTiddler>>>
<div id="quickTid">
<div id="quickTidToggle"><<pin "QuickTid" "qt" "block">>
<table id="quickTidTable">
<tr id="quickTidToolbar">
<td class="tidGutter" style="border-bottom:0px solid red;">
<span class="toolVisibility"><<pin "$:/QuickTid/tmpNewTid" "newtitle" "newtitle">></span>
<td class="tdstyle titleVisibility">
<$edit tiddler="$:/QuickTid/tmpNewTid" field="newtitle"
class="newTitleEditor "
placeholder="New Tiddler"/>
<td class="tdstyle"><span class="toolVisibility"><<selectContent "$:/QuickTid/tmpNewTid">></span></td>
<td class="tdstyle"><span class="toolVisibility doneImg">
<<NewTidDone "Add tiddler silently" "dummy" "img/done-silent">></span>
<td class="tdstyle"><span class="toolVisibility doneImg">
<<NewTidDone "Add tiddler + navigate" "navto"
<tr class="quickTidBody" style="margin-top:1.6em;">
<td class="tidGutter">
<<pin "$:/QuickTid/tmpNewTid" "text" "text">></td>
<td class="tdstyle">
<$edit-text field="text" tag="textarea" class="quickTidEditor"
tiddler="$:/QuickTid/tmpNewTid" autoHeight="yes"
placeholder="Type and/or select content for section"/></td>
</tr><tr class="quickTidBody">
<td class="tidGutter">
<<pin "$:/QuickTid/tmpNewTid" "newtags" "newtags">></td>
<td class="tdstyle"><$edit-text tiddler="$:/QuickTid/tmpNewTid" field="newtags"
<td class="tdstyle"><<selectTags "$:/QuickTid/tmpNewTid">></td>
<td class="tdstyle setToBeSS"><<setToBeSS "$:/QuickTid/tmpNewTid" "newtags" "$:/tags/Stylesheet">></td>
<td class="tidGutter"></td>
.setToBeSS {position:relative; right:2em; }
#quickTid {position:fixed; left:0; top:0em; z-index:10;}
#quickTidToggle {display:block; opacity:.5; width:<<padding-tc-story-river>>; height:4em; z-index:1; position:absolute; float:left; padding:5px;}
#quickTid:hover #quickTidToggle {opacity:1;}
#quickTidTable td {border:0;}
#quickTidTable {display:none; display:{{QuickTid!!pinqt}};
padding:0; margin:0; margin-left:<<padding-tc-story-river>>;
border:0px; border-top:1px solid lightgray;
#quickTid:hover #quickTidTable{display:block;}
.toolVisibility {display:none;}
#quickTid:hover .toolVisibility {display:block;}
.doneImg {opacity:.3;width:32px;margin-left:8px; display:none;} #quickTid:hover .doneImg {display:block;}
#quickTidToolbar {position:absolute; margin:0; width:<<width2>>;}
.quickTidBody {display:none; width:<<width2>>; max-width:<<width2>>; padding:0;
#quickTidTable:hover .quickTidBody {display:block;}
#quickTidTable tr {border-bottom:1px solid lightgray;}
#quickTidTable .tdstyle {background:white;padding:0px;}
#quickTidTable .tidGutter {min-width:<<tidGutter>>; width:<<tidGutter>>; padding:0;margin:0 5px;}
.titleVisibility {width:700px}
#quickTid:hover .titleVisibility {width:100%;}
.newTitleEditor {border:0; width:100%; padding-left:3px;}
.quickTidEditor {display:block; width:<<width>>; border:0; resize:both; margin-top:-1px;}
  This plugin replaces the page background image and displays a random background each time the wiki is refreshed. Import images and then name them with ~$:/plugins/ajh/randombackground/background#, where # is a whole number starting with 1. Create a tiddler named ~$:/info/max-random and put the highest number in the text area. __It is important to add ''~$:/info/max-random'' if you want more than the default background__. Background name examples: ~$:/plugins/ajh/randombackground/background0, ~$:/plugins/ajh/randombackground/background1, ~$:/plugins/ajh/randombackground/background2, etc. Or use a different name by creating a tiddler named ~$:/info/background and put the new name in the text field. Further examples with a new name could be: ~$:/bg0, ~$:/bg1, ~$:/bg2, ~$:/bg3, etc. Backgrounds are meant to be a part of the system so it is recommended to start the name with ~$:/.<br>
  You can set the attachment (fixed or scroll) and size (auto, cover, or contain) for each background individually by adding the field ''attachment'' with value ''fixed'' or ''scroll'' and/or the field ''size'' with the value ''auto'' or ''cover'' or ''contain'' to each background tiddler and it will supersede the global setting for that background. These settings will default to what is set in the control panel if not set in the background tiddler that gets displayed. See [[Setting a page background image|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Setting%20a%20page%20background%20image]] for further explaination of what the settings do and importing images.<br>
  Simply drag [[$:/plugins/ajh/randombackground]] to the top of your tiddlywiki display, save and reload. It includes the tiddlers below packed for easy use:<br>
''Il pleut'' by Guillaume Apollinaire. Calligrammes (1918).
[[English translation|SocialCalc/Demos/calligramme-in-english--demo]]
<$edit-socialcalc tiddler="SocialCalc/Demos/calligramme" mode="view" grid="no" height=500/>
''It's raining'' by Guillaume Apollinaire. Calligrammes (1918).
Translation : Roger Shattuck.
<$edit-socialcalc tiddler="SocialCalc/Demos/calligramme-in-english" mode="view" grid="no" height=500/>
''A field of numbers''
<$edit-socialcalc tiddler="SocialCalc/Demos/field" height=400/>
''Examples of links''
<$edit-socialcalc tiddler="SocialCalc/Demos/links"/>
''A calc sheet. Feel free to modify it !''
<$edit-socialcalc tiddler="SocialCalc/Demos/one-plus-one" height=400/>
The plugin : [[SocialCalc|$:/plugins/rboue/SocialCalc]]
Some calc sheets to play and see what you can do with ~SocialCalc :
!What is ~SocialCalc ?
A calc sheet to do effective calculations and much more.
Links :
!~SocialCalc in ~TiddlyWiki environment
__''Calc sheet storage''__
~SocialCalc stores calc sheets in tiddlers of type `application/x-socialcalc`.
__''Calc sheet edition''__
There is two ways to edit a calc sheet : with the standard tiddler editor or with the `<$edit-socialcal>` widget.
For the widget way, see below.
When you click on the edit icon of an `application/x-socialcalc` tiddler, the tiddler's editor displays an `<$edit-socialcalc>` widget to edit the calc page. You can also modify tiddler's fields the usual way.
__''Data exchange''__
The "Clipboard" menu allows you to import/export data. However, supported formats are very limited. Don't expect to exchange data with EXCEL. There is simple text formats like CSV and Tab-delimited, and the "~SocialCalc-save" format. You can export a selection of a calc sheet (the clipboard) to a tiddler and you can import a data tiddler to the clipboard, nothing more.
__''Links in calc sheet''__
~SocialCalc offers a reasonable choice of link's types. See ~SocialCal documentation for details.
There is two kinds of links that the plugin manages in a different way : calc sheet references (better known as "page references") and URL links.
__Page reference__
A page reference is a reference to another calc sheet's piece of data in a formula. This type of link is essential to simplify the task of building calc sheets by splitting data between different sheets. In conventional case, calc sheets are web pages on specific servers. In ~TiddlyWiki's case, calc sheets are always stored in local tiddlers.
Then, with ~TiddlyWiki, the reference to a page is simply the title of its tiddler.
Example of a formula with page references :
`="My first tiddler with a calc sheet"!a11 * "My second tiddler with a calc sheet"!b22`
To ease the task of page referencing, the plugin offers an ambryo of filesystem and relative path handling. Let's say a main sheet is stored in the tiddler named "My directory/my main page" and a sheet with useful data in "My directory/my useful page". With relative path you can simply reference "my useful page" in a formula of the main sheet. This behaviour is configuration dependent (see below). You must define a filesystem.PATH attribute with the list of directories to search for page references.
Example of configuration and formula with relative page references :
Configuration tiddler (`$:config/rboue/SocialCalc`) :
"filesystem": {
"PATH": "My directory;other directory"
`="my useful page"!a11 * "my useful page"!b22`
__URL links__
Conventional ~SocialCalc offers the possibility to define clickable links, with common URLs like "http:...", "mailto:...", etc.
The plugin adds the possibility to open tiddlers the same way, with a special type of URL :
''tw:''`title of a tiddler`
Example of cell's value with a clickable link to a tiddler :
`'<tw:My tiddler>`
Filesystem and relative path applies also to URL links of type "tw:". This is the same behaviour than with page references.
When creating a link, don't forget to set the cell's format value to `Link`.
__''<$edit-socialcalc> widget''__
The widget offers quite the same UI than conventional ~SocialCalc editor.
However there is some slight differences :
* A new "Save changes" icon enables you to save sheet's data in tiddler. Its colour changes as soon as a change in data occured, to inform you that a save is required.
* The "Clipboard" menu has more functionnalities. You can import clipboard data from tiddlers, with a choice of different formats. You can also export the clipboard to a data tiddler.
* The "Graph" menu has been enhanced and offers more effective data display.
The full set of conventional ~SocialCalc's editor keys is available whith the "Edit" menu, especially Ctrl-c/Ctrl-x/Ctrl-v to copy/delete/paste cells or ranges of cells.
Please note that Ctrl-s has the same behaviour than a click on the "Save changes" icon.
The content of the `<$edit-socialcalc>` widget is not interpreted.
|Attribute |Description |h
|width |Width of the widget in pixel |
|height |Height of the widget in pixel (300 by default) |
|mode |Type of display : "edit" to edit the data (default value), "view" to display without modification |
|grid |"yes" to display the grid (default value), "no" otherwise |
|class |An optional CSS class name to be assigned to the HTML element |
The plugin is configured via the `$:config/rboue/SocialCalc` tiddler (of type `application/json`).
Example of configuration :
"filesystem": {
"PATH": "SocialCalc/Tests;SocialCalc/Tests/TestPath1;SocialCalc/Tests/TestPath2"
"grid": "yes",
"LANG": "fr-FR",
"heightInTiddlerEditor": 500
|Attribute |Description |h
|filesystem |Activates the pseudo filesystem behaviour. `PATH` is a list of absolute directories to search under when calc sheets are referenced in formula |
|grid |If "yes", displays the grid (default). If "no", suppress the grid |
|LANG |Language for menus, helps and tooltips translations. "en-GB" by default |
|heightInTiddlerEditor |Height in pixel of the `<$edit-socialcalc>` widget in the tiddler's editor. Default is 300 |
Default configuration is defined in the `$:/plugins/rboue/SocialCalc/config.json` tiddler.
[[three.js|http://threejs.org/]] - deferred area lights ~WebGL demo by [[redPlant|http://de.redplant.de]] - based on [[ArKano22's|http://www.gamedev.net/topic/552315-glsl-area-light-implementation/]] glsl implementation
[[View source|Three.js/Demos/arealights.js]]
<$view3js tiddler="Three.js/Demos/arealights.js"/>
Skybox by [[Paul Debevec|http://ict.debevec.org/~debevec/]].
[[View source|Three.js/Demos/bubbles.js]]
<$view3js tiddler="Three.js/Demos/bubbles.js"/>
Model by [[mirada|http://mirada.com]] from [[rome|http://www.ro.me]].
[[View source|Three.js/Demos/horse.js]]
<$view3js tiddler="Three.js/Demos/horse.js" class="threejs-screen"/>
[[three.js|http://threejs.org/]] - featuring lava shader by [[TheGameMaker|http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=21057]]
[[View source|Three.js/Demos/lava.js]]
<$view3js tiddler="Three.js/Demos/lava.js" height=400/>
[[three.js|http://threejs.org/]] - based on greggman's [[blob|http://webglsamples.googlecode.com/hg/blob/blob.html]], original code by Henrik Rydgård
[[View source|Three.js/Demos/marchingcubes.js]]
<$view3js tiddler="Three.js/Demos/marchingcubes.js" height=400/>
[[View source|Three.js/Demos/molecules.js]]
<$view3js tiddler="Three.js/Demos/molecules.js" height=500/>
The base plugin : [[Three.js|$:/plugins/rboue/Three.js]]
The extra plugin : [[Three.js-plus|$:/plugins/rboue/Three.js-plus]]
The extra plugin extends base plugin with numerous modules. With both you have an almost complete Three.js system.
A few demos to play and see what you can do with Three.js :
!What is Three.js ?
A library that makes ~WebGL - 3D in the browser.
Links :
!Three.js in ~TiddlyWiki environment
The plugin provides a `<$view3js>` widget to execute Three.js programs and display graphical results and animations. ~TiddlyWiki can be used as a development tool for 3D - ~WebGL graphics.
__''What is a Three.js program ?''__
A Three.js program is a set of javascript instructions contained in a tiddler of type "application/javascript". It is run by a `<$view3js>` widget. It accesses the Three.js library via the `THREE` javascript object.
Requirements :
* A main() function must be defined at top level. It is the program's entry point.
* The main() function must define one argument, an object with a `node` property, a reference to the root node of the widget. This node is a container for the Three.js renderer created by the program (or else your 3D objects will not stay inside the widget).
* The main() function should return an object with a callback property named `onTiddlerRefresh`. This callback is called every time the widget is refreshed by the ~TiddlyWiki's core, for example to resize Three.js scene and rendering.
* Program's exceptions are intercepted and error messages displayed. The program stops after the first exception.
* The program has access to widget context, especially the include mechanism (cf. require() function).
The include mechanism is a simple way to extend the `THREE` object with modules or add new functionalities to the program. See plugin content for existing modules and watch demos and examples at threejs.org. Three.js library is documented at threejs.org.
The //tools.js// module defines useful tools to manipulate Three.js in ~TiddlyWiki environment. You can add it to your program with the following instruction :
`var Tools = require("./Lib/tools.js").Tools;`
__''3D data and model loading''__
In conventional Three.js programs, 3D data and models are searched around in server files or web pages (URLs beginning with "http://"). In ~TiddlyWiki's case, data are searched in local tiddlers.
The plugin allows the loading of tiddlers with the use of a special type of URL :
''tw:''`title of a tiddler`
The plugin offers also an ambryo of filesystem and relative path handling. Let's say a Three.js program is stored in the tiddler named "My directory/my program", a 3D model in "My directory/my 3D body" and another 3D model in "My other directory/my 3D head". With relative path you can simply reference "my 3D body" and "my 3D head" in your program. This behaviour is configuration dependent (see below). You must define a `filesystem.PATH` attribute with the list of directories to search for page references.
Example of configuration and data loading with relative tiddler references :
Configuration tiddler (`$:config/rboue/Three.js`) :
"filesystem": {
"PATH": "My directory;My other directory"
Widget definition :
<$view3js tiddler="My directory/my program" path="My directory;My other directory" />
Program :
var loader = new THREE.JSONLoader(true);
loader.load("tw:my 3D body", function(geometry) {// etc...});
loader.load("tw:my 3D head", function(geometry) {// etc...});
__''<$view3js> widget''__
The widget offers an UI to Three.js rendering.
It executes a Three.js program and displays graphical results and animations.
The content of the `<$view3js>` widget is not interpreted.
|Attribute |Description |h
|tiddler |The tiddler of the Three.js program |
|width |Width of the widget in pixel |
|height |Height of the widget in pixel (300 by default) |
|path |A list of directories to search under for the data tiddlers expected by Three.js loaders. It superseded the global configuration's attribute `filesystem.PATH` |
|class |An optional CSS class name to be assigned to the HTML element |
The plugin is configured via the `$:config/rboue/Three.js` tiddler (of type `application/json`).
Example of configuration :
"filesystem": {
"PATH": "Three.js/Tests;Three.js/Tests1"
|Attribute |Description |h
|filesystem |Activates the pseudo filesystem behaviour. `PATH` is a list of absolute directories to search under when data tiddlers are loaded by the Three.js loaders |
This is the place to get rboue's plugins for [[TiddlyWiki (TW5)|http://tiddlywiki.com/]].
''Plugins : ''
two tree three tree four tree more 0123456789 0123456789
  This plugin adds the <span class='tc-btn-dropdown'>{{$:/plugins/ajh/reduce/image}}</span>reduce button to the Editor Toolbar. The button will reduce text in the text field into a blob with duplicate words and spaces removed. When used with an external image or page like with ''_canonical_uri'' field, the text from the external page can be made to seem fully searchable within the wiki while conserving file size.<br>
  Simply drag $:/plugins/ajh/reduce to the top of your tiddlywiki display, save and reload. It includes the tiddlers below packed for easy use:<br>
two tree three tree four tree more 0123456789 0123456789
\define thisMakeTabs()
<<tabs '[prefix[$:/settings/$(ThisResume)$/]show[true]get[template]get[input_tiddler]]' default:[[Contact Information]]>>
Each tab lets you edit the contents of that section. Click on the `Preview and Set Options` button to see a preview of the finished resume and for layout options.
<$vars ThisResume={{$:/settings/Global!!selected_resume}}>
<!--<$button to="Preview and Set Options">Open Preview and Options</$button>-->
\define thisDisplayThing()
<$list filter='[is[current]removeprefix[$:/display/]addprefix[$:/settings/$(ThisResumeName)$/]!show[false]get[template]]'>
<$transclude mode=block/>
\define thisDisplayThing()
<$list filter='[[$:/settings/$(ThisResumeName)$/$(currentTiddler)$]!show[false]get[template]]'>
<$transclude mode=block/>
<$set name=ThisResumeName value={{$:/settings/Global!!selected_resume}}>
Clicking on [[Résumé Wizard]] at the top is a good place to start.
To save your work, either click on the {{$:/core/ui/Buttons/save-wiki}} button to the right or the Save button at the top of the screen. The button to the right will turn red when there are unsaved changes.
How it works:
There are buttons along the top that bring you to the different things you can do with the résumé builder. To the right you should see a preview of the completed résumé.
*Résumé Wizard - A wizard that guides you through a sequence of steps to create a résumé.
*Edit Existing Items - An interface to edit already entered information
*Layout Options - Options for changing the order of the sections, which sections are visible, and the templates used for each section.
*Résumé Options - Available options for the résumé output. The `Layout Options` tab has options for which sections are included in the résumé as well as their order and the templates used, the other tabs are for configuring each section individually.
*Preview - Shows a preview of the result, this is also shown on the right side of the screen by default.
*Help - Displays this information.
*Print - Open the résumé by itself in a new window for printing.
*Save - saves your changes
Other documentation:
[[Making a new section]]
\define thisMakeCheckbox()
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/settings/$(ThisResumeName)$/$(currentTiddler)$!!show' text=true>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/settings/$(ThisResumeName)$/$(currentTiddler)$' $field=show $value=true/>
<input type="checkbox">
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/settings/$(ThisResumeName)$/$(currentTiddler)$!!show' text=true>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/settings/$(ThisResumeName)$/$(currentTiddler)$' $field=show $value=false/>
<input type="checkbox" checked="true">
\define thisSelectTemplate()
<$select tiddler="""$:/settings/$(ThisResumeName)$/$(currentTiddler)$""" field=template>
<option value=''>--</option>
<$list filter='[tag[DisplayTemplate]section_name{$:/display/$(currentTiddler)$!!section}]'>
<option value={{!!title}}><$view field='template_name'><$view field='title'/></$view></option>
\define thisSetOrder()
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/settings/$(ThisResumeName)$/$(currentTiddler)$' field='order' size=2/>
<$set name=ThisResumeName value={{$:/settings/Global!!selected_resume}}>
<th>Show section?</th>
<th>Section Name</th>
<th>Display Order</th>
<$list filter='[tag[Section Display]sort[order]removeprefix[$:/display/]]'>
<$list filter='[<currentTiddler>addprefix[$:/display/]]'>
<$view field='section'/>
There is a [[New Section Creation Tool]] to help with creating new résumé sections.
Each section needs the following tiddlers:
#A display tiddler
#A template tiddler (possibly more than one)
#An input tiddler (at least one, up to one per template tiddler)
#An options tiddler (optional and recommended, up to one per template tiddler)
You can have multiple template tiddlers that use the same input and options tiddlers.
!!Display tiddler
This is the container used to display the section in the résumé itself, there isn't any customization here.
''Required tags'': `Section Display`<br>
''Required name format'': `$:/display/(section name) Display`<br>
''Additional fields'':
*'section' - the section name, something like 'Résumé Title' or 'Objective'.
''Examples'': [[$:/display/Resume Title Display]] and [[$:/display/Objective Display]].<br>
''Other things'':
In the text field put
<$transclude tiddler=GenericSectionDisplayTemplate mode=block/>
and nothing else.
This tiddler should have only what is listed above.
!!Template tiddler(s)
These tiddlers determine how the section is displayed on the résumé. This sets the look of the final result.
''Required tags'': `DisplayTemplate`<br>
''Required name format'': `$:/template/(template name)`<br>
''Additional fields'':
*`section_name` - the name of the section that the template is for, this must be the same as the value in the `section` field of the section display template you made.
*`input_tiddler` - the name of the tiddler that has the form to take input for this section.
*`template_name` - an optional field containing a more convenient name for the template than the tiddler title. If it exists this will be displayed for the template selection.
*`options_tiddler` - The name of the options tiddler for this template, if any.
''Examples'': [[$:/template/ResumeTitleTemplate]] or [[$:/template/EducationTemplate]], or any of the other tiddlers that start with `$:/template/` for examples.
The data displayed by the templates will be from tiddlers named in the form `$:/data/(section name)/(section item)`.
!!Input Tiddler
A tiddler that contains the input from for adding entries to the section, and if desired options for the section.
''Required tags'': none<br>
''Required name format'': `$:/input/(template name)`<br>
''Additional fields'':
*`caption` - The contents of this field will be displayed as the section name in the [[Résumé Wizard]].
''Examples'': [[$:/input/Resume Title]], [[$:/input/Education]]
The data taken from the input tiddler should be stored in the fields of a tiddler named in the form `$:/data/(SectionName)/(ItemName)`.
I don't have any real help for this one, what you do will be dependent on what you want in the section. Look at the examples. If you have any questions please feel free to ask on the group (https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/tiddlywiki).
!!Options tiddler
A tiddler used to set options for a section.
''Required tags'': `Options`<br>
''Required name format'': `$:/options/(template name)`<br>
''Additional fields'':
*`caption` - a caption field, it should have something like `(section name) Options`. This is what appears on the tabs in the [[Résumé Options]] tiddler.
''Examples'': [[$:/options/Education Options]], [[$:/options/Previous Employment Options]].
You would use this tiddler to change the fonts used and list types and similar things here.
All settings and state information about each section should be stored in a tiddler named in the form `$:/settings/(ResumeName)/(SectionName)`.
For each item within a section all state and configuration information should be kept in a tiddler with a name in the form `$:/settings/(ResumeName)/(SectionName)/(ItemName)`.
The options tiddler must only change fields in these tiddlers.
These tiddlers hold the information about which items/sections are visible in each résumé. See the list of system tiddlers for many examples. You don't need to make those tiddlers, you just need to make your input and settings tiddlers create or modify the correct tiddler name and they will be created. See the examples.
''Important note:''
If you are going to make your own section, in order to allow the items to be in different orders in different résumés you will need to use this wonderful filter
(Thanks to Eric for pointing out that my original version could be shortened):
you need to manually replace `(SectionName)` with the name of the section you are adding, and you need to put `<$vars ThisResumeName={{$:/settings/Global!!selected_resume}}>` and `</$vars>` around the macro that contains the list widget with the above filter. Look at the examples and it will hopefully make more sense.
\define thisMakeDisplayTiddler()
<$action-setfield $tiddler="""$:/display/$(ThisSection)$""" text="""<$transclude tiddler=GenericSectionDisplayTemplate mode=block/>""" tags="""[[Section Display]]""" section="""$(ThisSection)$"""/>
\define thisInputTiddlerText()
\define thisMakeInputTiddler()
<$action-setfield $tiddler="""$:/input/$(ThisSection)$/$(TemplateName)$""" text=<<thisInputTiddlerText>> tags=Section caption="""$(ThisSection)$"""/>
\define thisOptionsTiddlerText()
\define thisMakeOptionsTiddler()
<$action-setfield $tiddler="""$:/options/$(ThisSection)$/$(TemplateName)$""" text=<<thisOptionsTiddlerText>> caption="""$(ThisSection)$ Options"""/>
\define thisTemplateTiddlerText()
\define thisMakeTemplateTiddler()
<$action-setfield $tiddler="""$:/template/$(ThisSection)$/$(TemplateName)$""" text=<<thisTemplateTiddlerText>> input_tiddler="""$:/input/$(ThisSection)$/$(TemplateName)$""" options_tiddler="""$:/options/$(ThisSection)$/$(TemplateName)$""" section_name="""$(ThisSection)$""" template_name="""$(TemplateName)$""" tags=DisplayTemplate/>
''Once you have created your new section you have to go to [[Résumé Options]] and select a template and set the section as visible before it will appear in the résumé.''
This is a tool to aid in the creation of custom résumé sections. Fill out each section and then click on the 'Create Section' button below. Click on the ^^(?)^^ next to each tiddler name to get more information and a basic example. If you copy all of the examples given they will work together.
Automatically defined helper macros and values (with the exception of `<<thisAddResumeSectionItem>>` these macros are defined for all of the tiddlers created using this tool.):
*`<<thisAddResumeSectionItem>>` - This macro places a button that will automatically create the data tiddler using the supplied inputs. It is only available in the input tiddler.
*`<<ItemListFilter>>` - This is the list of the names for all items in the current section.
*`<<SortedItemFilterList>>` - This is the sorted list data tiddlers for the visible items in the current section.
*`<<DataTiddler>>` - The data tiddler for the current item, use this for storing data in the input tiddler and for getting data to display for the template tiddler. This macro only works inside a list using the `<<ItemListFilter>>`
*`<<ItemSettingsTiddler>>` - This is where settings should be stored in the options tiddler. This should hold the visibility and order sections for each item. This macro only works inside a list using the `<<ItemListFilter>>`
*`<<SectionName>>` - This is the name of the current section.
*`<<SectionSettingsTiddler>>` - This is the name of the tiddler containing the settings for the current section. It holds the visibility and order settings, but they are automatically created by the [[Layout Options]] tiddler. You shouldn't need to use this unless you are doing something special.
Section Name^^(<$button class='tc-btn-invisible' popup='$:/state/popup/SectionNameHelp'>?</$button><$reveal type='popup' state='$:/state/popup/SectionNameHelp'><div class='tc-drop-down'>This should be a short descriptive section name, like 'Résumé Title' or 'Lands Conquered'</div></$reveal>)^^:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/NewSection' field='section_name' class='tc-edit-texteditor' placeholder='Section Name'/>
Input Tiddler^^(<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/popup/InputTiddlerHelp' text=show><$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set='$:/state/popup/InputTiddlerHelp' setTo='show'>?</$button></$reveal><$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/popup/InputTiddlerHelp' text=show><$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set='$:/state/popup/InputTiddlerHelp' setTo='hide'>?</$button></$reveal>)^^:
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/popup/InputTiddlerHelp' text=show>
<div style="word-wrap: true;">
This is the tiddler used to take input. This should have a way to input data for each field you want for your section items (like start date, end date, employer, ...) This must have a field called 'name' to work with the creation tool.
A very simple example is:<br>
Item Name: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/$(ThisSection)$/NewItem' field=name class='tc-edit-texteditor' placeholder='Item Name'/>
<$list filter=<<ItemListFilter>>/>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/NewSection/InputTiddler' class='tc-edit-texteditor' placeholder='Input Tiddler Text'/>
Options Tiddler^^(<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/popup/OptionsTiddlerHelp' text=show><$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set='$:/state/popup/OptionsTiddlerHelp' setTo='show'>?</$button></$reveal><$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/popup/OptionsTiddlerHelp' text=show><$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set='$:/state/popup/OptionsTiddlerHelp' setTo='hide'>?</$button></$reveal>)^^:
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/popup/OptionsTiddlerHelp' text=show>
<div style="word-wrap: true;">
This is the tiddler listing the options, it should have at least two options:
''Visibility'' - a field called `show` given a value of true or false. Checkboxes work well for this. Example: `<$checkbox tiddler=<<ItemSettingsTiddler>> field=show checked=true unchecked=false/>`.<br>
''Order'' - a field called `order` that contains a numeric value used to sort the items in the section. Example: `<$edit-text tiddler=<<ItemSettingsTiddler>> field=order size=2/>`.<br>
A very simple example is:<br>
Item Name
<$list filter=<<ItemListFilter>>>
<$checkbox tiddler=<<ItemSettingsTiddler>> field=show checked=true unchecked=false/>
<$view tiddler=<<DataTiddler>> field='name'/>
<$edit-text tiddler=<<ItemSettingsTiddler>> field=order size=2/>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/NewSection/OptionsTiddler' class='tc-edit-texteditor' placeholder='Options Tiddler Text'/>
Template Tiddler^^(<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/popup/TemplateTiddlerHelp' text=show><$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set='$:/state/popup/TemplateTiddlerHelp' setTo='show'>?</$button></$reveal><$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/popup/TemplateTiddlerHelp' text=show><$button class='tc-btn-invisible' set='$:/state/popup/TemplateTiddlerHelp' setTo='hide'>?</$button></$reveal>)^^:
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/popup/TemplateTiddlerHelp' text=show>
<div style="word-wrap: true;">
A template tiddler is used to display the section in the final résumé. Each template must have a unique name. It should be descriptive (like Basic Objective Template).
A very example template tiddler is:
<h2><$view field='section_name'/></h2>
<$list filter=<<SortedItemListFilter>>>
*<$view field='name'/><br>
Template Name:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/NewSection/TemplateTiddler' field=template_name class='tc-edit-texteditor' placeholder='Template Name'/>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/NewSection/TemplateTiddler' class='tc-edit-texteditor' placeholder='Template Tiddler Text'/>
<$vars TiddlerPreamble="""\define SectionsSettingsTiddler() $:/settings/$(ThisResume)$/$(ThisSection)$
\define ItemListFilter() [prefix[$:/data/$(ThisSection)$/]removeprefix[$:/data/$(ThisSection)$/]]
\define SortedItemListFilter() [prefix[$:/data/$(ThisSection)$/]removeprefix[$:/data]addprefix[$:/settings/$(ThisResume)$]sort[order]!show[false]removeprefix[$:/settings/$(ThisResume)$]addprefix[$:/data]]
\define SectionName() $(ThisSection)$
\define ItemSettingsTiddler() $:/settings/$(ThisResume)$/$(ThisSection)$/$(current"""
\define DataTiddler() $:/data/$(ThisSection)$/$(current"""
""" ThisAddItemButtonMacro='\define thisAddResumeSectionItemInside(ItemName)
<$action-setfield $tiddler="""$:/temp/$(ThisSection)$/NewItem""" title="""$:/data/$(ThisSection)$/$ItemName$"""/>
\define thisAddResumeSectionItem()
<$button>Add Item
<$macrocall $name=thisAddResumeSectionItemInside ItemName={{$:/temp/$(ThisSection)$/NewItem!!name}}>
' ThisSection={{$:/temp/NewSection!!section_name}} ThisResume={{$:/settings/Global!!selected_resume}} UserInputTiddlerText={{$:/temp/NewSection/InputTiddler}} UserOptionsTiddlerText={{$:/temp/NewSection/OptionsTiddler}} UserTemplateTiddlerText={{$:/temp/NewSection/TemplateTiddler}} TemplateName={{$:/temp/NewSection/TemplateTiddler!!template_name}}>
<$button>Create Section
<$macrocall $name=thisMakeDisplayTiddler/>
<$macrocall $name=thisMakeInputTiddler/>
<$macrocall $name=thisMakeOptionsTiddler/>
<$macrocall $name=thisMakeTemplateTiddler/>
<div class='tc-tiddly-frame' style='background:white;max-width:700px;border:solid black 1px;color:black'>
<div style='max-width:689px;margin-left:20px'>
<$transclude tiddler='Print Version' mode=block/>
<$transclude tiddler='Resume Options' mode=block/>
<$transclude tiddler='Preview' mode=block/>
\define thisMakePreview()
<$list filter='[tag[Section Display]removeprefix[$:/display/]addprefix[$:/settings/$(ThisResume)$/]sort[order]!show[false]removeprefix[$:/settings/$(ThisResume)$/]addprefix[$:/display/]]'>
<$transclude mode=block/>
<div style='max-width:689px;margin-left:20px'>
<$vars ThisResume={{$:/settings/Global!!selected_resume}}>
<<tabs "[[Layout Options]][tag[Section Display]removeprefix[$:/display]addprefix{$:/settings/Global!!selected_resume}addprefix[$:/settings/]!show[false]sort[order]get[template]get[options_tiddler]]" [[Layout Options]]>>
\define CurrentResume() {{$:/settings/Global!!selected_resume}}
\define thisDisplayInputTiddler()
<$list filter='[[$:/settings/$(ThisResume)$/$(CurrentSection)$]get[template]]'>
<$transclude tiddler={{!!input_tiddler}}/>
\define thisResumeWizardTiddlerEmptyMessage()
<$list filter='[tag[Section Display]removeprefix[$:/display]addprefix{$:/settings/Global!!selected_resume}addprefix[$:/settings/]sort[order]removeprefix[$:/settings/]removeprefix{$:/settings/Global!!selected_resume}addprefix[$:/display]last[]]'>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/ResumeWizardState' text=<<currentTiddler>>>
Continue to Options
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/ResumeWizardState' $field='text' $value="Resume Options"/>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/ResumeWizardState' text="Resume Options">
Go to Preview
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/ResumeWizardState' $field='text' $value="Preview"/>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/ResumeWizardState' text="Preview">
<$tiddler tiddler='Preview'>
<$button message="tm-open-window">
\define thisAddResumeButton()
Add Résumé
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/data/ResumeList' $index={{$:/temp/NewResumeName!!resume_name}} $value=true/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/NewResumeName' resume_name=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/settings/$(ResumeName)$/Resume Title Display' order=1 show=true template='$:/template/ResumeTitleTemplate'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/settings/$(ResumeName)$/Contact Information Display' order=2 show=true template='$:/template/ContactInformationTemplate'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/settings/$(ResumeName)$/Objective Display' order=3 show=true template='$:/template/ObjectiveTemplate'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/settings/$(ResumeName)$/Skills and Expertise Display' order=4 show=true template='$:/template/SkillsAndExpertiseTemplate'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/settings/$(ResumeName)$/Previous Employment Display' order=5 show=true template='$:/template/PreviousEmploymentTemplate'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/settings/$(ResumeName)$/Education Display' order=6 show=true template='$:/template/EducationTemplate'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/settings/$(ResumeName)$/ResumeTitle' text=Resume/>
<!-- If the user hasn't started the wizard yet display the interface to add or select a résumé and the button to start the wizard -->
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/ResumeWizardState' text=''>
<!-- User can select an existing résumé -->
Select résumé to work on:
<$select tiddler='$:/settings/Global' field='selected_resume'>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/ResumeList]indexes[]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<!-- User can add a new résumé. Creating a new résumé automatically populates some of the settings, namely setting all default résumé sections to visible using the first template and in the default order. -->
You can add a résumé to the list:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/NewResumeName' field='resume_name' class='tc-edit-texteditor' placeholder='Name of new résumé'/>
<$vars ResumeName={{$:/temp/NewResumeName!!resume_name}}>
<!-- The layout options. This is so that the user can set up which sections they want to see before starting the résumé wizard. -->
The preview is displayed to the right. The options below let you set which sections are visible and the section order. Only sections that are visible will be included in the wizard. You will be able to change these options later also.
<$transclude tiddler='Layout Options' mode=block/>
<!-- The button that starts the wizard -->
Click here to get started
<$list filter='[tag[Section Display]removeprefix[$:/display]addprefix{$:/settings/Global!!selected_resume}addprefix[$:/settings/]sort[order]removeprefix[$:/settings/]removeprefix{$:/settings/Global!!selected_resume}addprefix[$:/display]first[]]'>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/ResumeWizardState' $field='text' $value=<<currentTiddler>>/>
<!-- Once the wizard is started display the current input tiddler with forward and back buttons. There is also a 'back to start' button. -->
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/ResumeWizardState' text=''>
<!-- Display the current section title. -->
<$transclude tiddler={{$:/state/ResumeWizardState}} field='section' mode=block/>
<!-- Display the correct input tiddler. -->
<$list filter='[{$:/state/ResumeWizardState}removeprefix[$:/display/]]' variable=CurrentSection>
<$vars ThisResume={{$:/settings/Global!!selected_resume}}>
<!-- Display the résumé options if that is the current section. -->
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/ResumeWizardState' text='Resume Options'>
Here you can change the order of sections (or of items in each section) on your résumé as well as set other options. Click on 'Print' to open the résumé in a new window to save or print it.<br>
<$transclude tiddler='Résumé Options' mode=block/><br>
<!-- If the user hasn't reached options section yet, make and display the back and next buttons. -->
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/ResumeWizardState' text='Resume Options'>
<!-- This makes the back button. If the user is on the first section this doesn't display anything. -->
<$list filter='[tag[Section Display]removeprefix[$:/display]addprefix{$:/settings/Global!!selected_resume}addprefix[$:/settings/]sort[order]removeprefix[$:/settings/]removeprefix{$:/settings/Global!!selected_resume}addprefix[$:/display]before{$:/state/ResumeWizardState}]' emptyMessage="" variable=PreviousTiddler>
Back (<$view tiddler=<<PreviousTiddler>> field='section'/>)
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/ResumeWizardState' $field='text' $value=<<PreviousTiddler>>/>
<!-- This Makes the next button. If the user is on the last section this is a button that opens the options section. -->
<$list filter='[tag[Section Display]removeprefix[$:/display]addprefix{$:/settings/Global!!selected_resume}addprefix[$:/settings/]sort[order]removeprefix[$:/settings/]removeprefix{$:/settings/Global!!selected_resume}addprefix[$:/display]after{$:/state/ResumeWizardState}]' emptyMessage=<<thisResumeWizardTiddlerEmptyMessage>> variable=NextTiddler>
Next Section (<$view tiddler=<<NextTiddler>> field='section'/>)
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/ResumeWizardState' $field='text' $value=<<NextTiddler>>/>
<!-- If the user has reached the options section display the print button (and the back button, this is a special case). -->
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/ResumeWizardState' text='Resume Options'>
<!-- Magic to make the back button. -->
<$list filter='[tag[Section Display]removeprefix[$:/display]addprefix{$:/settings/Global!!selected_resume}addprefix[$:/settings/]sort[order]removeprefix[$:/settings/]removeprefix{$:/settings/Global!!selected_resume}addprefix[$:/display]last[]]' emptyMessage="" variable=PreviousTiddler>
Back (<$view tiddler=<<PreviousTiddler>> field='section'/>)
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/ResumeWizardState' $field='text' $value=<<PreviousTiddler>>/>
<!-- Open résumé in new window for saving/printing. -->
<$tiddler tiddler='Print Version'>
<$button message="tm-open-window">
Back to start
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/ResumeWizardState' $field='text' $value=''/>
<$button style='border:solid 1px;height:1.25em;vertical-align:top;line-height:0.025em;' to="Résumé Wizard">Résumé Wizard</$button>
<$button style='border:solid 1px;height:1.25em;vertical-align:top;line-height:0.025em;' to="Edit Existing Items">Edit Existing Items</$button>
<$button style='border:solid 1px;height:1.25em;vertical-align:top;line-height:0.025em;' to="Résumé Options">Résumé Options</$button>
<$button style='border:solid 1px;height:1.25em;vertical-align:top;line-height:0.025em;' to="Preview">Preview</$button>
<$button style='border:solid 1px;height:1.25em;vertical-align:top;line-height:0.025em;' to="Help">Help</$button>
<$tiddler tiddler='Print Version'>
<$button style='border:solid 1px;height:1.25em;vertical-align:top;line-height:0.025em;' message="tm-open-window">Print</$button>
<$button style='border:solid 1px;height:1.25em;vertical-align:top;line-height:0.025em;' message='tm-save-wiki'>Save</$button>
Show potential matching candidates among extracted plugins:
<$set name="my-state" value=<<qualify "$:/state/candidate-plugins/$(currentTiddler)$">>>
<$reveal type="nomatch" state=<<my-state>> text="show">
<$button set=<<my-state>> setTo="show">Show</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state=<<my-state>> text="show">
<$button set=<<my-state>> setTo="hide">Hide</$button><br/>
<$list filter="[has[extracted-plugin]field:source-tiddler-title-as-text{!!plugin_tiddler}]" emptyMessage="no match found.">
<$link><$text text={{!!title}}/></$link><br/>
Try any kind of search and replace.
For example, try replacing bad by good.
Then you will realice that this plugin is bad!
# Open your wiki in a browser
# Drag this link into your wiki
#> [[$:/plugins/danielo515/searchNreplace]]
# Save your wiki
! HelloThere
Try any kind of search and replace.
For example, try replacing bad by good.
Then you will realice that this plugin is bad!
<$list filter="[!prefix[El Libro / Capitulo 02]!removeprefix[El Libro /]]">
<$list filter="[!prefix[El Libro / Capitulo 02]!removeprefix[El Libro /]]">
<$list filter="[tag<currentTiddler>removeprefix<prefix>] [tag<currentTiddler>!prefix<prefix>]">
Following the instructions at [[Conditional ViewTemplate Section|http://tb5.tiddlyspot.com/#Conditional%20ViewTemplate%20Section]] the above toc is displayed above the body of each tiddler having subtiddlers under the same "namespace" and is automatically generated via <<source [[$:/template/chapter-toc]]>>
A more toc without truncation could be generated using <<source [[$:/template/chapter-toc-basic]]>>
unas notas sobre [[ Capitulo 02|El Libro / Capitulo 02]] de [[El Libro]]
<$list filter="[prefix[El Libro]sort[title]]-[[El Libro]]" variable="sub">
<$set name="remove" value="El Libro {{$:/config/ChapterDelimiter}} ">
now trying to remove "<<remove>>" from "<<sub>>"
<$list filter="[<sub>removeprefix<remove>]" variable="truncated">
<$link to=<<sub>>><<truncated>></$link><br>
The below code should gather all endings of filtered titles according to a delimiter, but `<prefix + delimiter>` won't yield a valid filter for the inner loop when set through a variable?! Compare to [[$:/template/chapter-toc]] with [[El Libro]].
[[$:/config/ChapterDelimiter]] = "{{$:/config/ChapterDelimiter}}"
Also, setting the delimiter to " / " truncates the leading blank upon transclusion. ''Bug!''
These contents are being migrated to...
* http://namespace.tiddlyspot.com
This wiki will be repurposed for actual [[section handling|SectionsPlugin]]!
This wiki explores handling sections in for TiddlyWiki using namespace-like sections.
Take a look at [[El Libro]] to find a subtiddler-toc automaticall generated based on naming conventions like...
<$list filter="[prefix[El Libro]]">
To achieve this, the template [[$:/template/chapter-toc]] is leveraged along with a configuration variable to specify a delimiter of your preference [[$:/config/NameSpaceDelimiter]].
Are we headed towards a [[NameSpaceWidget|http://namespace.tiddlyspot.com]]?
;Write draft for SectionsPlugin
: » [[TW5 and sections ...revisited|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/tiddlywiki/23PzU2qCsj4]]
: » [[part vs. section|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1086#issuecomment-64186508]] / [[cont.|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1086#issuecomment-64296046]]
;Make a widget which implements...
: » section-toc for tiddler ''foo'', providing clickable links! (w/ ^ back to toc)
: » $link to section ''foo'', from tiddler ''bar'', too
: » $list section ''foo'' of tiddlers tagged ''bar''
: » (edit section ''foo'' of tiddler ''bar'')
;read up on David's gallery concept
<$list filter="[prefix[El Libro]sort[title]]-[[El Libro]]" variable="sub">
<$list filter="[<sub>removeprefix[El Libro / ]]" variable="truncated">
<$link to=<<sub>>><<truncated>></$link><br>
Only minutes before [[TiddlyWiki Hangout #68|https://plus.google.com/u/0/events/cuek4r3dmto6n3haq1na4vh4t6s]] -- because life's busy like that -- I'm going over my notes from the [[last one|https://plus.google.com/u/0/events/c56iifeavm3806arbc2gu5nu9jo]], and here's a quick summary of what's in there :
''“It’s like a hypertext card index system from the future.”''<br>
I'm very happy with this quote of [[Jermolene]] in [[this video introduction to TiddlyWiki|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtCUr83XgyE]], as it encapsules much of what makes TiddlyWiki exciting in my view.
Microcontent that organically re-arranges itself into //deep content// and (ideally) can be seamlessly shared across platforms.
''WYSIWYG layout tool''<br>
Both a good and terrible idea, worth pondering.
''Automatic feedback to tell which plugins are used ?''<br>
Data reporting from TWs to TW.com goes a bit against the //unplugged// nature of TW, but could be a tremendous help to figure what plugins / hacks / extensions people are using, especially in combos, and thus factor those into future development and support.
''Recommended packages''<br>
Following on the configuration data gathering idea, being able to make recommendations for packages of plugins / hacks that work well together in typical UseCases seems like it could add flexibility to the //editions// philosophy that's been embraced with TW5.
''Teach through example''<br>
How is that tiddler made ?
—> Canonical ways to do stuff
''Canonical ways to do stuff''<br>
(wrapping, quotations, so on)
There are so many ways to get stuff done that it can easily gets confusing for non-coders at times. <br>
On the other hand, we want to encourage people experimenting and learning as they go. <br>
Are there ways to devise rules of thumb that could help best arbiter this conundrum ?
SeptemberTW is presently a skeleton-grade (as 0b1) TiddlyWiki, to be used as design prototype for an early-UX developer-helper tool.
It will only be deemed useful in any real sense once set up to easily include contribution from multiple authors.
See ToDo for more.
TiddlyWiki Core version :
This TiddlyWiki purposefully includes only functionalities, modules or plugins that come included in the most recent stable distribution of TiddlyWiki, or can be installed at the click of a button from the official repository.
Although you may find some examples of tweaks and hacks described in this TW for educational purposes, one of the intended goals of SeptemberTW is to showcase what can be done with the most current //vanilla// version of TW without any special wizardy.
If you feel SeptemberTW is lacking some basic feature every TW user should have at hand, please contribute by adding it to the MissingBits collection.
If you had to overcome some early learning cliff that isn't documented here, put your 2c in the GrowingPains jar, pretty please.
Lost yet ? Lessee…
Here are a few of the things you could do / build using TiddlyWiki :
* A dynamic notepad for research / study
* A blog, with TW as notepad and editor, and even as publishing platform.
* A shared //smart// cookbook, with built-in timers and grocery list generator.
* A project management and planner tool, for you and collaborators.
* Create ebooks that can be read on anything with a half decent browser, free of DRM and complete with annotations and dynamic updates.
* A wiki, because why not ?
Depending on adding plugins and modules, and on whether your TW runs from a single html file on a USB key or is hosted and runs as a server, there is little that can't be done.
Fresh out of the box, TW allows you to do something like what you're [[reading now|aboot]].
Of course, knowing you can doesn't magically let you know how to, so let's take it from the top and start with the basics, like [[what's a tiddler, anyway ?|I am a Tiddler]]
See AbsoluteBeginner (because TrueAliasing is MissingBits)
Hello, I'm Yaka, the main author of SeptemberTW, you can find me on [[Google+|https://plus.google.com/u/0/114816546551873755345/about]] or [[about.me|http://about.me/thearmchairdesigner]].
If you have a comment or question about SeptemberTW, just poke me over
<a href="mailto:SeptemberTW+ArmchairDesigner@gmail.com?subject=SeptemberTW&body=Re. http://septembertw.tiddlyspot.com/#AcD">email</a>
A crude workaround that doesn't require plugins to get by without TrueAliasing in coreTW.
Here be the AlmostAlias presently in use on SeptemberTW :
<<list-links filter:"[all[current]tagging[]]">>
A global macro for easy //mailto// with prefill.
Primarily intended for [[blog-type TWs|Blogging]], as a WorkAround until comments are a thing, this function could also help for any sort of informal feedback-gathering and contributions from readers of a TW.
Additionally, it's a neat trick to one-click share a tiddler's permaLink via email.
* ''Pseudocode :''
\define askbyemail(creator:"<currentTiddler:creator>",address:"<creator:email>",subject:"<wikiTitle># <currentTiddler>",body:"Re. <currentTiddler:permaLink>")
<a href="mailto:$address$?subject=$subject$&body=$body$">Put your 2c for free, by email</a>
* ''Provided there is a tiddler for the //creator// of //currentTiddler// and it has an //email// field properly populated, the idea is invoking ``<<<askbyemail>>`` should yield something like this (for the present tiddler):''
<a href="mailto:ArmchairDesigner+SeptemberTW@gmail.com?subject=SeptemberTW#AskByEmail&body=Re. http://septembertw.tiddlyspot.com/#AskByEmail">Put your 2c for free, by email</a>
* ''To finally render thusly:''
<a href="mailto:ArmchairDesigner+SeptemberTW@gmail.com?subject=SeptemberTW#AskByEmail&body=Re. http://septembertw.tiddlyspot.com/#AskByEmail">Put your 2c for free, by email</a>
Of course, invoking ``<<<askbyemail>>`` with parameters would enable to override the defaults of :
* creator
* address
* subject
* body
at the tiddler level.
Yes, I'm sure there's a cleaner way to do that with a javascript macro, one that maybe already is there, for the user cunning enough to figure it.
If you are the type, guess what ?
<a href="mailto:ArmchairDesigner+SeptemberTW@gmail.com?subject=SeptemberTW#AskByEmail&body=Re. http://septembertw.tiddlyspot.com/#AskByEmail">Put your 2c for free, by email</a> '';)''
A blog is a collection of self-contained stories, typically formatted in a journal-like style, with the last post upfront.
A BlogPost can be anything from a one-liner remark, or a bunch of annotated links, an image gallery or a great wall'o'text essay.
Because blogs are generally thematic, et can cover more than a single topic, and because individual posts frequently grow into series, the use of Tagging is widespread, to ease sorting and retrieving of entries.
If all that sounds awfully TiddlyWiki-like to you, it's because it is : creating a basic blog-styled TW is just a few tweaks of the tiddler and layout templates away, to put sorting options at the push of a button.
Adding slightly more advanced feaures, such as the ability for readers to comment and share posts on social media and RSS shouldn't be unfeasible either...
For all I know, the required functionalities may be at hand already, and I'm just lacking a clue : [[let me know|AcD]] if you do.
//[Stay tuned : I'll update this entry and create HowTos and WorkArounds as I learn more.]//
<$list filter="[!is[system]tag<currentTiddler>]">
<div class="tc-menu-list-item">
See also :<br>
* <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link>
It's a bug, for serious !
These tiddlers have a //tw-version// field with a value equal to the version number this was last spotted on.
<$list filter="[!is[system]tag<currentTiddler>] +[!sort[tw-version]]">
<div class="tc-menu-list-item">
* <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link> • <$link to={{!!tw-version}}> v. <$view field="tw-version"/></$link>
''[Needs a rewrite to nest by version [[TimelineMacro|http://tiddlywiki.com/#TimelineMacro]]-like]''
Document the various ways to download, import, share and transfer TiddlyWikis and tiddlers, complete with UserStories and HowTos.
Content creation, like code, is an inherently iterative process.
Some aspects of it can be eased by skill and experience, and common, arduous or repetitive tasks might be streamlined with good tools, but any creative process entails some level of uncertainty and non-determinism which leads to reworks and rewrites.
Philosophically and aesthetically, the core concepts of TiddlyWiki embrace the iterative, meandering nature of invention and discovery. The notion of tiddlers as [[molecules of content|I am a Tiddler]] that can come together dynamically and arrange into a *'whole greater than the sum'* is especially seductive to those who tackle complex or ongoing questions in rich problem spaces.
Essentially, TiddlyWiki promises to help create, store, structure, share and edit content in a free-flowing fashion, as a quasi-natural extension of the user's thought process.
The first rule of helping being ''don't get in the way'', the following UX requirements must be met :
* Inasmuch as possible the ergonomics of edition should not obstruct the flow of content creation.<br><br>
* The user should not need to mind the final result and presentation whilst composing content.<br><br>
* Content should be easy to retrieve, identify, inspect, and rework at a any time.<br><br>
* The user should trust content is reliably stored and safeguarded against routine mishaps.<br>
The last one may seem like a technical requirement, more than a UX one, yet the very nature of TW as a self-contained, single file environment can be cause for concern and unease by some users -- one sometimes justified by experience -- which brings it squarely within the purview of UX design.
''Fix it later, or what ?''
When it comes to tools and architectures, the adage goes it's usually easier to make than to reform, in large part because infrastructure is by definition meant to build on/from, and it's hard to redo groundwork without tipping over everything atop.
Content, on the other hand, often grows better the other way around : less than half of the job goes in drafting a *'first rough*', then the bulk of the effort goes into successive passes of rework incrementally or radically improve and rearrange the work to satisfaction.
TiddlyWiki presents as a practical quine, meaning it must, by some measure, meet both imperatives at once : provide a reliable and trusted fundation upon which to build additional functionalities within a well-defined framework, yet allow for freeflowing generation and manipulation of content, wihout fear of data corruption or unwanted overwrite/deletion.
UX-wise, it depends upon making clear and intuitive to the user which actions are potentially destructive or otherwise significant, and what precautions are in place to unobtrusively safeguard content against unwanted exposition or alteration.
Additionally, the UX should foster LearningByDoing, which can be helped by a focus on consistency in UI and coding practices, and the availability of models and templates designed with legibility in mind (commented code, sensible naming policies, etc).
''Random snippets to reuse elsewhere :''
<$view field="creator"/>
> <$view field="creator"/>
<$link to={{!!creator}}>link to //creator// field</$link>
> <$link to={{!!creator}}>link to //creator// field</$link>
<$link to={{!!creator}}><$view field="creator" />
> <$link to={{!!creator}}><$view field="creator" />
{{inline tag-styled menu||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}
> {{inline tag-styled menu||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}
<$list filter="[is[current]get[creator]]">
{{||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} </$list>
> <$list filter="[is[current]get[creator]]">
{{||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} </$list>
More like design notes, really : Tiddlers tagged DesignDocs contain ideas, suggestions, and yes documentation about design -- mostly [[UX-related|ContentCreationUX]], with little in the way of code or architecture except when, as often in TW, the two overlap.
As such, the intended readership is primarily coreDev and TiddlyHackers who create plugins and sample codes for the rest of the community to reuse, but can be of interest to TiddlyTinkers too, who care about making their own TiddlyWikis more enjoyable and easier to share, maintain and improve over time.
<<list-links filter:"[all[current]tagging[]]">>
Cleared the Page Toolbar to keep only the essentials in front that should be the default for a tutorial-oriented page :
* new tiddler
* control panel
* language
* save changes
* more
Enriched the view toolbar for usability
* more
* info
* clone
* edit
* close others
* close
Changed colors on tags
The process by which Usenet morphed from smart users in front of dumb terminals to people posting selfies with cronut-eating cats on FaceBook, or somesuch…
EternalSeptember goes back to 1993, when AOL bridged its service onto the internet, and started unleashing tidal waves of unprepared noobies onto Usenet, prompting the geometric growth of Web 1.0. Nothing ever was the same in //cyberspace// since.
[[Ask the hivemind for more|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eternal_September]]
…an object lesson in how sharing is not inherently a good thing.
Creator of the TaskGraph plugin, to be found here :
* [[G+|https://plus.google.com/u/0/113866511712700078822/about]]
* [[Youtube|https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfIFjF8PMDJT7yw3E5UoRpg/feed]]
The ability to create new fields is great for filtering and other purposes, but it should be possible to check/uncheck the (view mode) visibility of a field from a tickbox in edit mode.
Last night's [[TiddlyWiki HangOut|https://plus.google.com/u/0/app/basic/events/cmgu0r720nf1ckn7nlbq01d8oj0]] unfortunately didn't make it to [[YouTube|TiddlyWiki Hangouts: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVT_2PPd-1p34gGCQ5qpwC8QdykxVAI3u]], because a gerbil died somewhere in the pipeworks that feed HangoutsOnAir.
The fact it was not airing led the discussion to drift from its usual Q&A-styled format and into pub chat territory.
In a nutshell, the session mostly revolved around figuring ways to ease new users into the TiddlyWiki experience, and to make the processes of learning the ropes, getting stuff done, and contributing to community-sourced docs, tricks and code more organic and consistent with TiddlyJutsu.
Since it was felt by some of the readers present in the chat that bits of SeptemberTW could be of interest to TW users at large, yours has been invited to join the formal effort of documentation on [[TiddlyWiki.com|http://TiddlyWiki.com]] by porting some of the relevant tiddlers there, and adding more, starting now.
SeptemberTW will remain active as my workbench, and hopefully yours, as soon as I figure a reasonably UserFriendly way to bring in more contributors. In the meantime, feel free to hit me with questions, suggestions, rants, etc, [[here|AcD]].
GrowingPains tags items relative to the kind of problems less-technical users are likely to stumble on throughout their early learning stages with TiddlyWiki.
Inasmuch as practical, solutions and tutorials will be offered.
<$list filter="[!is[system]tag<currentTiddler>]">
<div class="tc-menu-list-item">
* <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link>
TiddlyWiki-related HangOut list :
* [[Playlist archive of regular TiddlyWiki HangOuts on YouTube|https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVT_2PPd-1p34gGCQ5qpwC8QdykxVAI3u]]<br><br>
* The TiddlyWiki [[community on Google+|https://plus.google.com/communities/117285869700890736959]], where hangouts are announced and aired live.
Following up on the Sept. 9th [[TiddlyWiki hangout #60|https://plus.google.com/u/0/events/ck88mae0af2er0lpbo073nt2s74]], and just shy of two weeks before the official release of TiddlyWiki5, SeptemberTW aims at inspiring devs and advocates throughout their quest to take TW beyond its cozy geekdom and to the unprepared masses.
It may also serve as as a crude helper tool for AbsoluteBeginners with Tiddlywiki5, although YMMV.
HowTo tags tiddlers with tutorial content.
See HowTo (because TrueAliasing is MissingBits)
//...there are many like me, but I'm this one.//
Tiddlers are something like a miniature WikiPage, or a very plastic IndexCard, only much smarter and adventurous.
We're sometimes likened to //atoms//, but we're in fact closer to //molecules// : we are the bits that populate, and also constitute a TiddlyWiki.
If you want to think on the atomic scale, we've got that, too : we are built from text, code and other data types that make us both information containers and tools to manipulate, organize and present content.
Because each tiddler is reasonably self-contained and fairly resilient, we can easily travel and migrate to new homes, which allows tiddlers to be imported, shared, linked to and fro, within their 'home' TiddlyWiki and beyond.
A tiddler can be defined with as little as a //title// (and already be of use as a tag), or can embed rich functionalities, transcluding and transforming data from other tiddlers, and even reshaping its environment by refactoring the UI and features of a TiddlyWiki.
[[Read on|TiddlyWiki]] to see why that's a good thing.
Official docs on [[TiddliWiki.com|http://TiddlyWiki.com]] could benefit from being presented on a basis of IntendedReadership, ie :
* TiddlyNoobie (self-explanatory)<br><br>
* TiddlyAuthor (goal-oriented users who want to GetStuffDone with minimal plumbing toil)<br><br>
* TiddlyTinker (tech literate users who don't mind getting a bit dirty to tune up the engine and mend the bodywork)<br><br>
* TiddlyHacker (plugin creators and power users who enjoy building nuke-powered tricycle from a stack of alarm clocks and an old combine harvester)<br><br>
In addition, sub-categories could apply, such as OldCoot (for returning users whose experience is informed by TiddlyWikiClassic assumptions).
Jermolene is the usual handle of Jeremy Ruston, who can be found on :
* [[G+|https://plus.google.com/u/0/109308865556494599029]]
* [[TiddlyWiki.com|http://tiddlywiki.com/#JeremyRuston]]
* [[TiddlyWiki Google Group|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/tiddlywiki]]
* [[TiddlyWikiDev Google Group|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/tiddlywikidev]]
Thar be wurdz !
<<list-links filter:"[all[current]tagging[]]">>
''[Much improved by the new [[ListMacro|http://tiddlywiki.com/#ListMacro]] since [[5.0.18-beta|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Release%205.0.18-beta]] : I'll upgrade ListSelf from WorkAround to HowTo asap.]''
''Goal :'' Figure out how to simply include a list of all tiddlers tagged with it at the bottom of a tag's namesake tiddler.
''See : ListSelf, LookIntoLists''
''The following code snippets each render a list of tiddlers tagged with the currentTiddler : <<currentTiddler>>''
It can be used to generate a list of related articles at the bottom of a tag-tiddler, which is similar in utility to clicking on the Tagging tab from //tiddler info//, but more convenient zhen a tiddler acts both as a tag and as a landing / intro.
<$list filter="[!is[system]tag<currentTiddler>]">
<div class="tc-menu-list-item">
* <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link>
Renders as :
<$list filter="[!is[system]tag<currentTiddler>]">
<div class="tc-menu-list-item">
* <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link>
Using ListMacro is much more compact :
<<list-links filter:"[all[current]tagging[]]">>
Renders as :
<<list-links filter:"[all[current]tagging[]]">>
<<list-links filter:"[tag<currentTiddler>] +[!sort[title]]">>
Renders as :
<<list-links filter:"[tag<currentTiddler>] +[!sort[title]]">>
For some reason, this :
<<list-unordered-links "[tag<currentTiddler>]">>
<<list-unordered-links "[tag<currentTiddler>]">>
...doesn't compute. Maybe this macro isn't built in the core of TW <<version>>, or it works only in node.js ?
One facet of the SeptemberTW is to chronicle my experience with TiddlyWiki5 as I go.
//These… are their stories//
//chung-chung !//
<$list filter="[!is[system]tag<currentTiddler>] +[!sort[created]limit[200]eachday[created]]">
<div class="tc-menu-list-item"><b>
<$view field="created" format="date" template="YYYY, MMM DD"/></b>
<$list filter="[sameday:created{!!created}!is[system]tag[LogBook]!sort[created]]">
<div class="tc-menu-list-subitem">
* <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link>
Smart macro style.
ListMacro is supposed to bring back easy lists to TW5, but there seems to be quite a bit of confusion between ways to make lists happen, between :
* WikiText, via ListMacro
* JS macro, via list field (??)
* Node.js edition may take for granted tricks that don't translate in standalone TW.
''See : ListSelf''
Tiddlers tagged thusly describe stuff that //should have been in the box//, ie included in the most current vanilla distribution of TiddlyWiki, yet aren't.
They are meant to help core devs and community hackers interested in helping with the new user experience figure out what features may be worth tackling next.
For end users, they're a good way to assess whether one //can't read good//, or if some obvious function is indeed really missing at the moment.
Whenever possible, workarounds, hacks and third-party plugins that can help fill the gap will be referenced in their respective namesake tiddler.
<$list filter="[!is[system]tag<currentTiddler>]">
<div class="tc-menu-list-item">
* <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link>
How to best allow users to contribute to SeptemberTW without granting full rights to all ?
* Submit revised / new tiddlers with approval system ?
* workgroup TW : what hosting solution is most turnkey for new users /editors ?
* Look into TiddlySpace (not referenced in the main [[GettingStarted|http://tiddlywiki.com/#GettingStarted]] page )
Look into Android/iOS options, especially dedicated clients.
The card-style format tiddlers naturally lend themselves to could make TW a killer app on phones/phablets !
''Let's face it :'' if it's still 2014 as you're reading this, odds are you're far right on the nerdy spectrum.
If it's 2015 or later, our hope is you can benefit from TW, and even contribute to its evolution, even if your idea of web design is picking a theme in blogger and occasionally copypasting mysterious //embed// code in a box.
Either way, SeptemberTW is meant for exactly //you// as a reader.
See, the launch of TiddlyWiki5 is kind of a turning point, not just because it's merrily skipping two version numbers (from 2.8.1), but because it will be the defining moment when, looking back, TW got on its way to become a household name, or missed the opportunity to make the Web 2.0 about more than Tinder and Yo.
'' Why SeptemberTW ?''
I created SeptemberTW because, in fairness, it is not a given TW will make it big : it comes down to reaching the fabled critical mass of users for its growth to become self-sustaining.
The experience of TiddlyWikiClassic proved a few things :
- TW was good enough to make normal humans excited about its obvious potential and give it a fair shot.
- TW was so good, even, as to make them dare to get their hands under the hood and try to customize it after a few moments at the wheel.
Unfortunately, it also excelled at quickly driving many users mad in frustration (sometimes at their own incompetence), resulting in the levels of attrition that so far prevented TiddlyWikiClassic from breaking out of its original niche.
The core dev team and the TW hacker & enthusiast community are keenly aware of this history, and it has become a defining element of TiddlyWiki5 to better handle accessibility and human-friendliness.
''Your wiki needs you''
To take off, TiddlyWiki depends on its early adopters : whether you're a dev, an enthusiast tinker or a goal-oriented user, you can help make TW better by simply using it and sharing your experience and/or personal hacks.
''But what to do, Cecilia ?''
Yours truly can't code his way out of the proverbial wet paper bag (how meta that this metaphor doesn't make sense).
I can grok some-to-much of the high-concept behind TW design, and I can see many ways I can/could use it, reliant upon the expertise of those who contribute to the codebase and technical documentation of TW core, and on the community of advanced tinkers, designers and hackers who create modules, plugins and themes that augment the core.
Because of my utter lack of skill as a coder, I inevitably stumble on every protruding rock in my path, which puts me in a great position to document the hurdles, frustrations and occasional eureka moments every under-qualified noobie is likely to experience while getting to grips with early versions of TW5.
My hope is by writing this, I will save you some head-desk moments if you're as clueless as I am. This precious time you could then usefully employ getting frustrated by something else, of which you may, in turn, talk about.
For those fluent in html 5 and javascript, and who've long since lost view of what it's like to be a hapless end-user, this collection of userlogs and banana-bending experiments may provide some inspiration as to what most urgently needs improving to make TiddlyWiki human-friendly.
If all goes well, TiddlyWiki's very own EternalSeptember begins in 2014 !
SomethingNew tags entries about aspects of TiddlyWiki5 that may prove counterintuitive or difficult for users with prior experience of TiddlyWikiClassic, on account of learned habits and preconceptions that no longer apply.
While those may often overlap with HowTo and tips targeted at fresh noobies of TW, SomethingNew tagging only applies to tiddlers that highlight differences between the old ways and the right way of doing things. ;)
<<list-links filter:"[all[current]tagging[]]">>
Some tricks work only in Node.js, other depend on plugins, however common, and docs could reflect that by tagging and sorting accordingly, in addition to IntendedReadership filters.
A BrainMapping plugin by [[Felix Küppers]] currently in private dev stage, soon to be publicly available.
As it stands now, TW is only really suitable to those users who don't mind spending potentially more time learning and tweaking (or occasionally breaking) their tool than using it, or have relatively low expectations and can satisfy themselves with the limited set of features immediately accessible to a profane user of a vanilla/community distro.
The power of WikiText alone is a huge differentiator, and the benefits derived from the awesomeness of tiddlers (however limited new users may be by their lacking knowhow) are game-changing enough by themselves to make TW worth a shot.
For those users lacking basic coding experience (be it only shell scripting or html composing) however, moving past the //'just add water'// vanilla experience gets messy and quick, not for lack of brains on their part (hopefully), but because of the paradigm shift involved, and of the surprise roadblocks encountered on the path of enlightenment.
''Edit my what ?''
While the hacker-minded sees GUI, buttons and checkboxes as shortcuts for //'most frequently used tweaks'//, handy only in the sense that it saves one the effort of recalling which system tiddler or which line to tweak, and spares one looking up the hex value of a color code, a normal human calls the former approach //customizing// and the latter //programming// something he or she wouldn't dream of attempting.
WikiText and macros (to an extent) are more approachable, because they happen in-line with 'natural' text composition, and can be perceived as extensions of syntax and vocabulary to the lexicon of the user. With some care, it should be possible to bring most regular users up to speed, and eventually to where they feel familiar and confident enough to face a page mostly filled with various brackets, dollar signs and semicolons without their brains freezing to a halt.
For users to get that far, however, they need to see the point of it, meaning most basic use cases should be lickable without the need for more CS expertise than //'WikiText for beginners'// and Lego-type macro buidling.
Which brings us to the second difficulty with the idea of //'TiddlyWiki for normal humans'// :
''Perceived benefits.''
<div align="center"> <a href="http://xkcd.com/1319/">[img[|http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/automation.png]] </a></div>
As the above illustrates, the problem is not limited to non-technical users, certainly, but is a special cause of frustration for normal humans who don't get the gratification of toying with cool code as the justification for hours toiled in the name of a fractional improvement in functionality -- worse even when it comes to basic / essential stuff that feels like it //'should have been in the box'//, aka MissingBits.
<div align="center">[img[Aargh ! |clippy-full.jpg]]<br>
//No, means no.//</div>
OK, nobody wants to go there again.
Dreadful implementations aside, the rationale behind assistants points to the very real tension between the need to get stuff done now, and the time it takes to learn how to do it right.
Assistants are bad only because they attempt to substitute user skill instead of easing the learning process.
If TiddlyWiki5 is to succeed near a broader audience than its present niche of committed enthusiasts and hackers, it must abide by UserCentricDesign principles, meaning the ContentCreationUX needs to make affordances for users in the process of learning the ropes, as opposed to merely cater to the 'optimal' case of experts who've mastered the toolset.
Adding stuff to a TiddlyWiki (down to [[individual tiddlers|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Copying%20tiddlers%20between%20TiddlyWiki%20files]]) increasingly relies on Drag'n'Drop tricks.
That's neat, but leaves those environments that can't do MultiWindowing in a bit of ditch -- that includes the majority of tablets and smartphones on the market at this writing, but fortunately can be worked around in reasonably convenient fashion by using the [[Import]] command from the SideBar.
''Caveat'': the import command by necessity targets files.<br>
It means you can't import individual tiddlers unless they are stored in ''.tid'' files, and you will have to carefully sort through the (potentially huge) list of tiddlers contained in the ''.html'' file you've selected.
A possible fix would be to include a function to easily export a selection of tiddlers from any TiddlyWiki in a json bundle, [[plugin style|http://tiddlywiki.com/#PluginMechanism]] -- it's probably out there, in fact, and I haven't found it yet.
A meta-cloning command to split an existing long tiddler into several paragraph/chapter sized tiddlers, with a 'parent' tiddler acting as cover/title page and including a TOC.
Reminiscent of the bag concept (is that still a thing in TW5 ?)
''User Story :''
# Type or CopyPasta a long(ish) text into a single tiddler,
# Save the tiddler
# Invoke the TiddleriZer command from the tiddler's toolbar, which brings up a different edit template that makes it easier to :
#* Populate the fields for the metadata shared by all tiddlers soon to be spawned from the source tiddler.
#* Drop //split here// markers wherever is convenient (WYSIWYG or WikiText)
#* Visualize in preview how the chain of indvidual children tiddlers will look like (river style).
# Click on the paper guillotine button to validate the command, or X to escape it.
# Enjoy your new collection of nicely formatted tiddlers, ready to arrange and augment as you see fit.
''Benefits :''
* Allows continuous composing in a single tidder without interruption until a first draft of a long article is complete.
* Affords a more compact view of text, compared to multiple tiddlers, whenever screen real estate is scarce (mobile devices).
* Makes easier to import and split content from an external source file such as TXT, MarkDown, BBcode copypaste, especially if parsers for the latter are available.
''Caveats : ''
* The same could be achieved by a repetition of Clone/CopyPasta, but that sort of thing can be a chore, especially when using touch input schemes such as phones and tablets, many of which don't allow multi-window drag'n'drop tricks.
* Encouraging people to write in bite-sized chunks is part of of the stealth MindHack TW tries to play on users, and making it //too easy// to go back to a longform and post scheme may go against this grain, although I personally think it could help easing people in.
In a perfect world, tiddlers could serve most of our knowledge-sharing, and assist greatly in alleviating the information overload that's become the cognitive curse of our modern times.
That's not even the toal sum of UseCases where tiddlers, both as a design scheme and a functional model could serve us better than many of the services and tools we currently rely on.
See AbsoluteBeginner (because TrueAliasing is MissingBits)
What's involved generating RSS from a hosted standalone TW ?
Getting dangerously close to Twitter, but…
//a non-linear personal web notebook// …and then some.
This here page is a TiddlyWiki, and in a nice recursion is also about TiddlyWiki5.
Most of what makes a TiddlyWiki such as the one where (presumably) you're reading this is handled by [[tiddlers|I am a Tiddler]] : not just the content, but also the code -- except for the kernel and some of the server-side stuff.
Speaking of ''servers : we don't really need one !''
TiddlyWiki is tiddlers' natural habitat, and it can map entirely to a single html file, wherein everything from the html5 and javascript code, to the text and rich media (images, sound, even video) can be embedded, making the whole utterly portable and free from dependency on server architecture or runtime environment.
All you need to read, create or modify a TiddlyWiki -- and tiddlers within -- is a reasonably modern web browser with access to the html file.
That's important because it means you can trust a TiddlyWiki to remain functional, and that you'll retain both access and ability to share your content, regardless of what machine you use at the time, without the required technical skills or means to host and manage your own server, and independently of cloud providers closing shop or changing policies.
So, [[what now ?|YouAreHere]]
[[TiddlyWiki Hangout #68|https://plus.google.com/u/0/events/cuek4r3dmto6n3haq1na4vh4t6s]]
* [[Felix Küppers]] presents his TaskGraph plugin project, and I'm just drooling all over my keyboard.<br><br>
* A sneak peek by [[Jermolene]] of the pre-release //tiddler export// feature, scheduled to hit the shelves in v5.1.5 closes the hangout -- very promising stuff.
* [[Eric Shulman|http://www.tiddlytools.com/#About]] pimps his IndieGoGo campaign for [[Inside TiddlyWiki: The Missing Manual|Inside TiddlyWiki: The Missing Manual|https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/inside-tiddlywiki-the-missing-manual]], his upcoming book. A candid Q&A ensues.<br> A very worthy endeavour indeed. <br><br>
* 25' in, [[Branimir|http://www.tiddlytools.com/#About]] questions get discussed :
** Why is the spacing of tiddler level icons smaller in edit mode?
** What highlighting language is used for text/plain tiddlers? Can it be customized?<br><br>
* 40' in [[Jermolene]] discusses the delayed release of TW5.1.5, due to difficulties with the much-wanted export feature, and some gripes with new icons.<br><br>
* 55' in, [[Jermolene]] shows new version of expanding TOCs in TabbleOfContentsMacroTabbed, and modfications to the ControlPanel in upcoming v5.1.5.<br><br>
* 1h in, [[AcD]] annoys everybody with clueless questions about platform-agnosticism and mobile support through webapps.<br><br>
* 1.24h in, [[Felix Küppers]] gives us an update on the progress of his awesome plugin project : TaskGraph.<br>Discussion with [[Jermolene]] about rendering and transclusion issues follows.<br><br>
The bestest TiddlyWiki //in ze woerld// !
The latest major iteration of JeremyRuston's longstanding TiddlyWiki project, named after is html5-centric rewrite focus.
[[Homepage is here|http://tiddlywiki.com/]]
The glorious predecessor to TiddlyWiki5, semi-deprecated, but not forgotten.
[[Homepage is here|http://classic.tiddlywiki.com/]]
See TiddlyWiki5 (because TrueAliasing is MissingBits)
See TiddlyWiki (because TrueAliasing is MissingBits)
As per the ''[[WordOfDog|http://tiddlywiki.com/#TimelineMacro]] from {{5.0.18-beta||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} and
up to <$list filter="[is[current]get[tw-version]]">
<<timeline limit:10 format:'YYYY, MMM DD' subfilter:"tag[LogBook]">>
''Should yield something like this :''
<$list filter="[!is[system]tag[LogBook]] +[!sort[created]limit[10]eachday[created]]">
<div class="tc-menu-list-item">
<$view field="created" format="date" template="YYYY, MMM DD"/>
<$list filter="[sameday:created{!!created}!is[system]tag[LogBook]!sort[created]]">
<div class="tc-menu-list-subitem">
<$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link>
''But instead ignores both //limit// and //subfilter// parameters, and does this :''
<<timeline limit:10 format:'YYYY, MMM DD' subfilter:"tag[LogBook]">>
ToDo tags stuff that needs to be done / added on SeptemberTW itself, as opposed to things TiddlyWiki core lacks (that goes in MissingBits).
Tiddlers tagged ToDo provisionally rely on the //version// field to keep some history of the progress of SeptemberTW.
Find some below :
<$list filter="[!is[system]tag<currentTiddler>]">
<div class="tc-menu-list-item">
* <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link>
Tweaking the palette is fairly accessible without any code editing, but takes a crazy amount of tweaking to get a semi-workable light-on-dark scheme.
A TrogMode should be available out of the box, either as a theme, or as an "Invert colors" global switch.
Two way aliases, that allow not only to point to a tiddler using a variety of names defined in the tiddler's //aliases// field, but optionally to display the name by which it was invoked as title for the tiddler on screen.
''[Until TrueAliasing makes it into coreTW, I'll rely on AlmostAlias as a WorkAround.]''
After a small scare with TiddlySpot (auto backups FTW!) I finally got around to upgrade from b16 to 18, just a day before gold release.
Talk about being on top of things, me !
Anyhow, you can read all about the changes [[on the official TW|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Release%205.0.18-beta]], and there's a lot of good stuff.
I'll only comment on the points I'm somewhat familiar with (I haven't had time to explore every new bit yet):
* First pass at an easy [[ListMacro|http://tiddlywiki.com/#ListMacro]], which I suspect addresses most of the concerns I touched on in ListSelf, here.<br> I suspect we have [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]] to thank for that one, and I'll add a couple of HowTos about its use for AbsoluteBeginners shortly after release.<br><br>
* Speaking of lists and macros, the TimelineMacro won itself a subfilter for easy restricted timelines ! <br>Exciting, if a bit a dicey atm, what with both the //limit// and //subfilter// seemingly ignored (check the local test in TimelineMacroTest or the examples provided in [[TimelineMacro|http://tiddlywiki.com/#TimelineMacro]] itself to see what I mean).<br><br>
* Support for MarkDown import added (requires a PlugIn, apparently). This has me excited not just because I use MarkDown a lot (I really dig [[Writer|https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jamesmc.writer&hl=en]]) but beacuse it is a testimony to the insane dedication of the CoreDev team that it got added within a day of bringing it up as a GoodIdea in [[hangout|Going public]].<br><br>
With regards to all the cool things underway to make easier for the community to share and contribute to the documentation and codebase of TiddlyWiki, the more adventurous types may now hit the //Edit// button of any tiddler on [[TiddlyWIki.com|http://TiddlyWIki.com]] to submit additions/edits/fixes via GitHub with (relatively) minimal fuss -- see how to go about it [[here|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Improving%20TiddlyWiki%20Documentation]].
Well, that's it for now -- I'll return with an update around Saturday's [[BigLaunch !|https://plus.google.com/app/basic/events/c906mgb32gk0esvpjk851k9bkvs]]
Here we are people : TiddlyWiki5 is now gold.
Whilst [[Jermolene|http://tiddlywiki.com/#JeremyRuston]] is drinking last-century Californian bubbly (don't ask), we're all hanging out -- and for another 5-6 hours -- in the [[TiddlyWiki 10th Anniversary Hangout|https://plus.google.com/events/c906mgb32gk0esvpjk851k9bkvs]], so if you're reading this before 23.00h on Sept 20th (ZuluTime), you can still join the party !
On to the release news, then :
<div align=center>[[Here goes nuthin'|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Release%205.1.0]]
Seriously, it's so fresh there's no release notes as of yet. (They're coming, though)
If you're up for / to it, take a gander at the detailed changes on [[GitHub|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.18-beta...v5.1.0]].
''[I'll add more as it comes -- back to HangOut for now.]''
(Belatedly) upgraded to TiddlyWiki 5.1.5 !
I still have to dig into [[all that's new|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Release%205.1.5]], but… check out the new [[icon-on-tags feature|$:/TagManager]] and a great case of of object lesson in [[TableOfContentsMacro Tabbed Example|http://tiddlywiki.com/#TableOfContentsMacro%20Tabbed%20Example]], all of which means SeptemberTW's look and feel can now be improved (whilst sticking to the [[HouseRules|aboot]]). <br><br>
Also : //squirrel !//
A UseCase describes the utility of, and needs serviced by TiddlyWiki for a particular purpose. <br>A common way to explore and break down a UseCase to its constituting beats is to build UserStories.
See examples below :
<$list filter="[!is[system]tag<currentTiddler>]">
<div class="tc-menu-list-item">
* <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link>
See UseCase (because TrueAliasing is MissingBits)
See UserStory (because TrueAliasing is MissingBits)
A way to describe a feature or a service (and/or to design a prospective one) by narrating a typical user's experience throughout a UseCase.
It has earned a bit of a bad rap because, as happens to good things, it's been kinda hijacked by marketese weasels and 6-sigma 2.0 types, lately.
Used right, UserStories are great ways to spot holes in your model, and for others to points gaps in your grasp of normal humans reality, too -- both of which are very desirable to the scrupulous designer.
Stuff that doesn't seem to be there yet, or only as plugin, and could possibly be worth adding to core.
(Compare to MissingBits)
...well, not really : TiddlyWiki is awesomesauce, and has been for a long time, if //you// meet its peculiar set of requirements. Most people don't.
For nomal humans, TiddlyWiki's UX is misleading, inconsistent, befuddling and, frankly, frustrating to the point it can kill a new user enthusiasm before they've licked the small cliff that passes for a learning curve on the way to shangri-la.
''Protip'' : most people don't know to use styles in MS-Word. If they ever do, it's only as an afterthought.
Mostly, they format manually, inline, by selecting font and attributes at the word or sentence level.
FWIW, they also barely use shortcuts bexond cut/copy/paste and bold/italic/underline.
Most users of blogs, email and word processors don't template, much less macro.
A fraction of them may go as far as learning some keyboard shortcuts, or even become semi-fluent in Markdown, BBcode or some flavor of WikiText, for the purpose of formatting text inline.
Anything beyond that has to be WYSIWYG, or it's lost on them.
Contrast with TiddlyWiki, where non-technical content creators are expected to fiddle with plugins and code templates to get fairly routine jobs done.
Many crash against the face of TheLearningCliff, never to be heard or seen again.
A not-quite-satisfying trick to achieve something with a barebones TiddlyWiki until a clean solution is available, at which point it gets promoted to a HowTo.
The current collection of WorkArounds available on SeptemberTW is listed below :
<$list filter="[!is[system]tag<currentTiddler>]">
<div class="tc-menu-list-item">
* <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link>
See WorkAround (because TrueAliasing is MissingBits)
For you reading this, odds are you are interested in TiddlyWiki... that, or you took a wrong turn on the internets.
* If you're just starting with TiddlyWiki in general, you may want to check the AbsoluteBeginner section. With TiddlyWiki5 just fresh out of the oven, you're in for a treat !
* If you have some experience with TiddlyWikiClassic and are slightly befuddled, SomethingNew may do you some good.
* If you're a dev, hacker or power user and are curious as to what makes noobies go //doh!?//, you might take a gander at our selection of MissingBits, BrokenBits and GrowingPains.
If in doubt, maybe read on aboot SeptemberTW.
[[SideEditor|$:/plugins/TWaddle/SideEditor]] floats a tiddlers editor by the story river side.
You see the changes //live// in the tiddler and you can scroll to, and reference, stuff from other tiddlers while you edit.
*''Activate'' SideEditor by clicking the tiddler tool <span class="about-icon">{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}</span> or page tool <span class="about-icon">{{$:/plugins/TWaddle/SideEditor/new-icon}}</span>
*''Re-size'' it via the "handle bars" at upper-right and lower-left corner
*''Switch focus'' between //Sidebar, River// and //SideEditor// by ''hovering''
''Split-out window'' <span class="about-icon">{{$:/core/images/open-window}}</span>
*''Distraction free'' authoring by maximizing the window (@@color:crimson;font-style:italic;Do test it!@@)
*''Stick'' window by using 3'd party software ([[e.g|https://tinyurl.com/y45fk4o8]]) to easily collect data from other applications and tabs into your wiki
''Installation'' - drag and drop the link $:/plugins/TWaddle/SideEditor into your TW.
//Mat von TWaddle// <:-)
<div class="about-demo">''Demo'' ⟶<br>//mess it up!//</div>
.about-demo { position:absolute; top:6em; right:5em; color:crimson; }
.about-icon svg { display:inline; max-width:1em; max-height:1em; fill:gray; }
What if ''you did not know'' about TW?<br>
Would you be grateful if someone told you about it?<br>
''Who'' will you tell? ...<br>
#fishclick {
visibility: hidden;
<$action-deletetiddler $filter="[prefix[$:/state/]]"/>
<$action-deletetiddler $filter="[prefix[$:/temp/]]"/>
Clean Temp Tiddlers</$button>
<$button><$list filter="[has[icon]]"><$action-deletefield creator created modifier modified/></$list>
Clean Tag Tiddlers</$button>
{{{ [prefix[$:/state/]] }}}
{{{ [prefix[$:/temp/]] }}}
\define moji(title, language:"🇬🇧")
<$list filter="[regexp[$language$ ]regexp[$title$]limit[1]]">
<$transclude field="text"/></$list>
\define moji(title, language:"🇬🇧")
<$list filter="[regexp[$language$ ]regexp[$title$]]">
<$transclude field="text"/></$list>
!! This Works
<<moji Introduction 🇧🇪 >>
<<moji Introduction>>
<<moji Introduction 🇧🇪 >>
<<moji Introduction>>
!! Why not this?
<<moji Introduction {{!!current-language}}>>
<<moji Introduction {{!!current-language}}>>
!! An experiment: tagging titles with emoji
This mechanism works, but involves renaming the tiddler -- all references to the tiddler become invalidated.
For now: insert an emoji into the title when you first create the tiddler; then any references to the tiddler made thereafter will remain valid.
<<toggleFavorite>> <<toggleNote>>
!! Instructions
# Work down the lists and select emoji you wish to import into your wiki
# When you reach the bottom (having completed your selections)
# Click @@.grey Delete Emoji @@ --- (this will delete all unselected emoji)
# Click @@.grey Make Emoji @@ --- (this will create emoji tiddlers for selected emoji)
# Check which emoji will be included in your package at the bottom of this tiddler
# Click @@.icon {{$:/core/images/export-button}} @@
# Choose 'JSON File'
# Choose a filename and save this somewhere
# Drop this file onto your wiki and import the emoji
!! Select Emoji Below
<$radio field="category" value="[list[🎵 Copy and Paste Emoji!!people]sort[]]"> Smileys & People</$radio>
<$radio field="category" value="[list[🎵 Copy and Paste Emoji!!nature]sort[]]"> Animals & Nature</$radio>
<$radio field="category" value="[list[🎵 Copy and Paste Emoji!!activities]] [list[Copy and Paste Emoji!!food]] +[sort[]]">Activities & Food</$radio>
<$radio field="category" value="[list[🎵 Copy and Paste Emoji!!travel]sort[]]">Travel & Places</$radio>
<$radio field="category" value="[list[🎵 Copy and Paste Emoji!!objects]sort[]]">Objects</$radio>
<$radio field="category" value="[list[🎵 Copy and Paste Emoji!!symbols]sort[]]">Symbols</$radio>
<$radio field="category" value="[list[🎵 Copy and Paste Emoji!!flags]sort[]]">Flags</$radio>
<span class="float-start"><$macrocall $name="exportButton" exportFilter={{!!export-filter}} lingoBase="$:/language/Buttons/ExportTiddlers/"/></span>
<$button class="btn-boxed">
<$list filter="[tag[$:/tags/Emoji]]">
<$action-setfield text=<<currentTiddler>>/>
<$action-deletefield $tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> creator created modifier modified/>
Make Emoji</$button><$button class="btn-boxed">
<$action-deletetiddler $filter="[list[]!tag[$:/tags/Emoji]]"/>
Delete emoji
<$list filter={{!!category}}>
<span class="space-emoji"><$checklist item="$:/tags/Emoji"><<currentTiddler>></$checklist></span>
!!.clear-left These Emoji Will be Included in Your JSON Package
These are links to emoji tiddlers which will be included in your JSON package --- you may drag&drop any emoji you wish to use onto your wiki from here, one at a time.
;Smileys & People
<$list filter="[list[🎵 Copy and Paste Emoji!!people]tag[$:/tags/Emoji]]">
;Animals & Nature
<$list filter="[list[🎵 Copy and Paste Emoji!!nature]tag[$:/tags/Emoji]]">
;Food & Drink
<$list filter="[list[🎵 Copy and Paste Emoji!!food]tag[$:/tags/Emoji]]">
;Activity and Sports
<$list filter="[list[🎵 Copy and Paste Emoji!!activities]tag[$:/tags/Emoji]]">
<$list filter="[list[🎵 Copy and Paste Emoji!!objects]tag[$:/tags/Emoji]]">
<$list filter="[list[🎵 Copy and Paste Emoji!!symbols]tag[$:/tags/Emoji]]">
;Emoji from Twitter
<$list filter="[list[🎵 Copy and Paste Emoji!!twitter]tag[$:/tags/Emoji]]">
.grey {background-color: silver; border-radius: 0.25em;}
.icon {display: inline-block; width: 22px; height: 22px;}
.float-right {float: right; margin-right: 10px;}
.float-start {float: right; margin-right: 100px; font-size: 1.5em;}
.space-emoji {padding: 5px;}
.clear-left {clear: left; margin-top: 10px;}
.btn-boxed { font-size: 1em; padding: 0.2em; float: right; margin-right: 10px; background-color: silver; border: 1px solid #cdb7c9; border-radius: 0.25em; }
;Copy and Paste ✂ Emoji
:⇒ No apps required.
:⇒ Use as many of these as you wish -- anywhere in your wiki
:⇒ Emojis are supported on all operating systems: iOS, Android, OS X and Windows.
:⇒ If you see icons on this page, you already have an emoji font on your device.
:⇒ Only B/W? --- you have a legacy emoji font on your device.
:⇒ Only boxes? --- you might be using an unsupported browser.
;Do I have these on my device?
:⇒ [[Mac|http://caniemoji.com/os-x/]]
:⇒ [[Windows|http://caniemoji.com/microsoft-windows/]]
:⇒ or [[get the moji bar|https://github.com/muan/mojibar]]
;Smileys & People
;Animals & Nature
;Food & Drink
;Activity and Sports
;Travel & Places
;Emojis from Twitter
;Display of emoji in different OS may be seen here:
:⇒ [ext[http://apps.timwhitlock.info/emoji/tables/unicode]]
:⇒ [ext[http://www.unicode.org/emoji/charts/emoji-style.html]]
:⇒ [ext[http://getemoji.com/]]
A simple utility for editing tags:
* easily add/remove/edit tags from the view template
* add the same tag(s) to several tiddlers
* copy tags from one tiddler to other tiddlers
* change the tag colour and/or icon
* delete all tags from the current tiddler with a single click
;How to Use
* handy if you enable the Info button in the 'View' template
* open the Info panel with the Info button
* enter new tags in the top line
* click ''+'' to add, or ''x'' to delete the tags listed in the top line
* require square brackets around `[[tags with spaces]]`
* click any of the 'delete me' pills in the lower line to delete individual tags
* fetch the current tags with the 'unfold' button
* delete all tags with the 'close all' button
* the list of tags is 'sticky'; may be used to tag several tiddlers with the same tags
* or may be used to copy tags from one tiddler to another
;How to Install
* copy the plugin over to your wiki: [[$:/plugins/matabele/simple-tagger]]
* save and refresh your wiki
* the plugin adds the tool as a tab to the Info panel
* to change the default tab to 'Tagger'
* or to install 'Tagger' above the tabs in the Info panel
* open the settings bar ⚙
* click whichever option you wish to exercise
;Adding an Emoji to the Tag Dropdown in Your Wiki
Grab any emoji you wish use for your tags from the [[🌤 Make and Export Emoji]]
* these are links to tiddlers containing an emoji
* they are different from the cut&paste emojis below
* choose only a small selection of those you will use
* more can always be added later
!! 📌 Tagging
These can be placed anywhere in your wiki --- for example, to 'tag' a category of tiddler, paste an emoji anywhere in the title; usually before the title followed by a space. These will show in your sidebar listings ⟹
These tiddlers may be listed with: `[regexp[🌤 ]]` (note the space after the emoji.)
{{{ [regexp[🌤 ]] }}}
Or tag with an emoji (no text required) -- then list them with: `[tag[🍒]]`
{{{ [tag[🍒]] }}}
!! 📖 Wikitext
Emoji may be placed anywhere in wikitext --- to get bullets on successive lines; use this hack:
; Paragraph title on this one
:⇒ Item 1
:⇒ Item 2
:⇒ Item 3
: --- the title can be left blank
; Paragraph title on this one
:⇒ Item 1
:⇒ Item 2
:⇒ Item 3
: --- the paragraph title may be left blank
!! ⏎ Transclusion
Emoji may be used as names, or as part of names; with the exception of field names. For example, to transclude the 🐻 : index of "🌤 Tiddler":- `{{🌤 Tiddler##🐻}}`
{{🌤 Tiddler##🐻}}
!! 😜 Have fun
<section class="demo-container"> <div class="kitty-switch"> <input type="checkbox" id="toggle" tabindex="1"> <div class="kitty"></div> <label for="toggle" class="well"></label> <span class="prompt">Was this a good use of my time?</span> <div class="visible"> <p>Yes!</p> <p>Life is too short for boring wikis --- the 🐱 toggle doesn't show up for those who spend too much time staring at 📺 's or those using older browsers/devices. If all you see are boring boxes --- do what you need to do to get colourful emoji into your life!</p> </div> </div></section>
All that remains is your story; make your story memorable
Seek not the meaning of life; but the meaning in life
Do what you must, as much of what you ought and a little of what you want
The only way to predict the future is to create it
There's a test to find whether your mission on earth is finished; if you're alive, it isn't.
Knowledge: divisive in creation -- uniting when shared
Why learn from the experiences of others when you can so easily be blind to your own
Truth is a proposition bounded by complexity
Reality is a construct of analogy and combination
All of wisdom is finding an appropriate perspective
Every word identifies an assumption
When you stand too close to the machinery of nature, you obscure its mysteries; when you stand too far from the machinery, you lose sight of its identities; this is all of scale
Dogma, idealism, religion, general relativity, science and political correctness all rely for their legitimacy upon the same delusion; that there is such a thing as a privileged perspective
Ideology imprisons the mind and blinds the senses
Revelation; truth that transcends the facts
If you want to try this plugin, grab the following link and drop it into your TW.
Be cautious and make a backup before, this plugin has not been thoroughly tested.
(I'm working on updating the datepicker that works with this plugin ...)
Any feedback welcome
<<simplecalendar mycalendar yearState:"MyStateTiddler!!year" monthState:"MyStateTiddler!!month">>
Here is the drag and drop version of the simplechecklist plugin.
To import it, grab this link and drag it into your TW : [[$:/plugins/frd/simplechecklist]]
This macros has not been thoroughly tested, so use with caution and report any bug.
An also :
I'm not very good with CSS, so any proposal for improvement in this area is welcome !!!
!!How to call the macro
Each checklist needs a "state" tiddler to keep its data : lists of items, whether an item is checked or not, list of "disabled" or "enabled" items, flags, ....
''The data are stored in the fields of the "state" tiddler.''
So when you call the macro it's better to specify an explicit "state" tiddler :
``<<ckl_Main "My checklist state">>``
If you don't, and use ``<<ckl_Main>>`` a "state" tiddler will be automatically created. Its name will be the name of the current tiddler followed by ``_state``.
So when you use an explicit "state" tiddler, you can put as many checklists as you want in one tiddler, as long as you use different "state" tiddlers for each one.
!!Enabled and disabled items
An item can be "enabled" : you can use it (check it or uncheck it).
If disabled, it's no longer usable (as a checkbox) until it's enabled again.
This feature can be useful if you build a checklist for a global use and want to restrict it for a use case that is more specific.
!!The user interface
At the top you have a toolbar :
* * is a link to the state tiddler
* the + button is used to add an item to the list
* the "folder" button is used to import a list from a tiddler
* the "export" button exports the items to a tiddler
* the five following buttons perform an action on ''all'' (enabled) tiddlers : checking, unchecking, disabling, enabling, and deleting.
Then you have the list of "enabled" items.
Each item has two buttons :
*the first is used to edit the item,
*the second one is used to mark (or unmark) as "important (red color)
Then comes three drop zones where you can drag an item
*one for deleting the item,
*one for "disabling" the item,
*and one for "enabling" it
And at last you have the list of disabled items (inside a "reveal" area).
!!Drag and Drop features
As said above yous have three areas where to drop items in order to delete, disable or enable it.
You can also reorder the items of the "enabled" list.
!!Import / Export
You can import a list from a tiddler :
*the tiddler has to be tagged "ckl_RawListForCheckList"
*and be of type : text/plain (see the examples).
The export button creates (or overwrites) a tiddler of the same format (tagged "ckl_RawListForCheckList" and type text/plain). When you export a checklist, only the "enabled" items are exported.
<<ckl_Main "Example1 state">>
<svg version="1.1" id="Capa_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px"
width="30px" height="30px" viewBox="0 0 612.043 612.043" style="enable-background:new 0 0 612.043 612.043;"
<g id="cross">
<path d="M397.503,306.011l195.577-195.577c25.27-25.269,25.27-66.213,0-91.482c-25.269-25.269-66.213-25.269-91.481,0
<svg version="1.1" id="Capa_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px"
width="80px" height="80px" viewBox="0 0 444.531 444.531" style="enable-background:new 0 0 444.531 444.531;"
<path d="M213.13,222.409L351.88,83.653c7.05-7.043,10.567-15.657,10.567-25.841c0-10.183-3.518-18.793-10.567-25.835
<svg version="1.1" id="Capa_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px"
width="80px" height="80px" viewBox="0 0 444.819 444.819" style="enable-background:new 0 0 444.819 444.819;"
<path d="M352.025,196.712L165.884,10.848C159.029,3.615,150.469,0,140.187,0c-10.282,0-18.842,3.619-25.697,10.848L92.792,32.264
<svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px" width="25px" height="25px"
viewBox="0 0 455 455" style="enable-background:new 0 0 455 455;" xml:space="preserve">
<circle cx="227.5" cy="227.5" r="227.5"/>
*work in progress
*the footer part of the usual modal window is not displayed, thus the usual ''close'' button is not there. If you want to use a modal window ouside the templates below, don't forget to include a close button in the tiddler to be displayed or in the template you're using.
* the CSS is not very good : to be improved !!!
!!See in action
See below ModalDisplayTest
!!Simple modal templates
If you want to use a simple lightbox effect to display some pictures, you could try these templates :
*ModalDisplayTiddler : the tiddler you call to display in modal
*ModalDisplayTemplate : the template it uses to display the pictures
You may also try this macro : ThumbnailModalMacro
Import all these tiddlers :
!!!How to use
In a tiddler you need to create :
*a field to contain the name of the current image tiddler
*a field to contain the list of images
Then you can use the `<$action-sendmessage>` widget from inside a `<$button>` widget for instance.
<$button>Open ModalDisplayTest in modal
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-modal" $param="ModalDisplayTiddler" title={{!!title}} imgfield="current" imglistfield="list" fter="no"/>
Parameters :
''The $param is always ModalDisplayTiddler''
*title : the title of the tiddler that has the two fields
*imgfielg : the name of the field containing the current image
*imglistfield : the name of the field containing the list of images
*fter :
**default to "no" : there is no footer
**"thumbnails : thumbnail images are in the footer
**else : footer with circles.
Or you can use the `thumbnail-modal` macro (see ThumbnailModalMacro for the parameters).
\define modal-close-button(w)
<div style="text-align:right;margin-right:$w$;">
<$button message="tm-close-tiddler" param="ModalDisplayTiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible myclose-btn">{{big-close-button}}</$button>
\define filterallimages()
\define filterfirstimage()
\define filterlastimage()
\define previousimagefilter()
\define nextimagefilter()
\define previousimagefilter()
\define nextimagefilter()
\define imagetiddlerfilter()
\define filterbtnclass()
[{!!title}] -[{$(actualtiddler)$!!$(imagefield)$}]
<$set name="w" filter=<<filterallimages>> value="50px" emptyValue="0px">
<<modal-close-button $(w)$>>
<$set name="firstImage" filter=<<filterfirstimage>>>
<$set name="lastImage" filter=<<filterlastimage>>>
<div class="tc-modal-body-inside">
<$set name="ref1" value="!!$(imageslistfield)$">
<$reveal type="nomatch" state=<<ref1>> text="">
<$set name="previousImage" filter=<<previousimagefilter>> emptyValue=<<lastImage>>>
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible mynav-btn">
<$action-setfield $field=<<imagefield>> $value=<<previousImage>>/>
<$set name="ref2" filter=<<imagetiddlerfilter>>>
<$tiddler tiddler=<<ref2>>>
<$reveal type="nomatch" state=<<ref1>> text="">
<$set name="nextImage" filter=<<nextimagefilter>> emptyValue=<<firstImage>>>
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible mynav-btn">
<$action-setfield $field=<<imagefield>> $value=<<nextImage>>/>
<$reveal type="match" state=<<ref1>> text="">
<div style="width:30px;"></div>
<$set name="footer" value=$(footertype)$>
<$reveal type="nomatch" default=<<footer>> text="no">
<div class="tc-modal-body-inside">
<$set name="actualtiddler" value=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$list filter=<<filterallimages>>>
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible mynav-btn" style="margin:3px;">
<$reveal type="match" default=<<footer>> text="thumbnails">
<div class="tc-thumbnail-image" style="width:100px;height:auto;">
<$reveal type="nomatch" default=<<footer>> text="thumbnails">
<$set name="btnclass" filter=<<filterbtnclass>> value="" emptyValue="myclose-btn">
<span class=<<btnclass>>>{{filledcircle}}</span>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<actualtiddler>> $field=<<imagefield>> $value={{!!title}}/>
!!!Direct call
<$button>Open ModalDisplayTest in modal
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-modal" $param="ModalDisplayTiddler" title={{!!title}} imgfield="current" imglistfield="list" fter="no"/>
!!!Fields list et current ; without footer, with thumbnails, with circles
<div class="tiddler-flex-row">
<<thumbnail-modal image:"tigress_icon.png" caption:"Tigress" width:"240px">>
<<thumbnail-modal image:"viper_icon.png" caption:"Viper" width:"240px" fter:"thumbnails">>
<<thumbnail-modal image:"monkey_icon.png" caption:"Monkey" width:"240px" fter:"yes">>
<<thumbnail-modal image:"crane_icon.png" caption:"Crane" width:"240px" fter:"thumbnails">>
<<thumbnail-modal image:"mantis_icon.png" caption:"Mantis" width:"240px" fter:"thumbnails">>
!!!Fields listimages et currentimage
<div class="tiddler-flex-row">
<<thumbnail-modal image:"po_icon.png" caption:"Po" width:"240px" imgfield:"currentimage" imglistfield:"listimages" fter:"thumbnails">>
<<thumbnail-modal image:"oogway_icon.png" caption:"Oogway" width:"240px" imgfield:"currentimage" imglistfield:"listimages" fter:"yes">>
<<thumbnail-modal image:"shifu_icon.png" caption:"Shifu" width:"240px" imgfield:"currentimage" imglistfield:"listimages" fter:"thumbnails">>
<<thumbnail-modal image:"tai_lung_icon.png" caption:"Tai Lung" width:"240px" imgfield:"currentimage" imglistfield:"listimages">>
<$set name="footertype" value=<<fter>>>
<$set name="imagefield" value=<<imgfield>>>
<$set name="imageslistfield" value=<<imglistfield>>>
\define thumbnail-modal(image,caption,width:"280px",height:"auto",imgfield:"current",imglistfield:"list",fter:"no")
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible">
<div class="tc-thumbnail-wrapper">
<div class="tc-thumbnail-image" style="width:$width$;height:$height$;">
<$reveal type="nomatch" text="" default="""$image$""" tag="div" style="width:$width$;height:$height$;">
</$reveal><$reveal type="match" text="" default="""$image$""" tag="div" class="tc-thumbnail-background" style="width:$width$;height:$height$;background-color:black;"></$reveal></div><div class="tc-thumbnail-caption">
<$action-setfield $field=$imgfield$ $value=$image$/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-modal" $param="ModalDisplayTiddler" title={{!!title}} imgfield=$imgfield$ imglistfield=$imglistfield$ fter=$fter$ />
A serchable index of community wikis
~TiddlyWiki Community Search
<$button>Play Animation<$action-setfield $tiddler='SVGImage1' play=true refresh=true/><$list filter='[tag[Animation]image[SVGImage1]]'><$action-setfield finished=false/></$list></$button>
<$button>Stop Animation<$action-setfield $tiddler='SVGImage1' play=false refresh=false/>
<$list filter='[tag[Animation]image[SVGImage1]]'><$action-setfield finished=false/></$list></$button>
Animation Timer: {{SVGImage1!!timer}}
<$snap-widget surface='SVGImage1' type='animation'/>
This example only updates when an update is specifically triggered. For this one that is done by pressing the `Play Animation` button. This limited updating is because otherwise the normal wiki refreshing would interfere with the animation.
\define thisInnerList()
<$list filter='[<currentTiddler>get[next]]'>
<$link to=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$view field='animation_name'/>
- Duration: <$view field='duration'/>ms
<$list filter='[tag[SVG Image]]'>
<$list filter='[tag[Animation]image<currentTiddler>!callback[true]sort[order]]'>
<$link to=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$view field='animation_name'/>
- Duration: <$view field='duration'/>ms
<div style='width:100%;overflow-x:scroll;background-color:beige'>
<div style='width:2600px;'>
<$snap-widget surface=SVGImage1 timeline=true/>
Animations are best defined using the tool in the `Animations` tab under the `SVG Tools` tab in the sidebar.
Animation tiddlers:
* Are tagged with `Animation`
* A field called `animation_name` with the value of the human readable name for the animation.
* A field called `callback` set to either `true` or `false`, if set to `true` than the animation is set to be triggered by another animation ending.
* A field called `duration` that lists the duration of the animation in milliseconds (1000 ms = 1s)
* A field called `effect` that holds the name of the animation effect used, if any.
* A field called `element_name` that lists the name of the SVG element animated, if an element is being animated.
* A field called `group_name` that lists the name of the SVG group animated, if a group is animated.
* A field called `enabled` set to true or false that determines if the animation plays or not.
* A field called `finished` set to true or false that lists if the animation has finished, this is used to prevent animations from playing multiple times.
* A field called `image` that lists the SVG image that the animation belongs to.
* A field called `next` that lists the animation to be triggered when the current animation ends.
* A field called `rotation` that lists the amount of rotation to animate
* A field called `scale` that lists how the animation scales the object being animated
* A field called `target_location` that lists the movement of the animated object
<$snap-widget surface='SVGBarChart'/>
Bar 1: <$range tiddler='$:/SVG Element/Rectangle/FirstBar' field='width' min=1 max=200 step=5/><br>
Bar 2: <$range tiddler='$:/SVG Element/Rectangle/SecondBar' field='width' min=1 max=200 step=5/><br>
Bar 3: <$range tiddler='$:/SVG Element/Rectangle/ThirdBar' field='width' min=1 max=200 step=5/><br>
Bar 4: <$range tiddler='$:/SVG Element/Rectangle/FourthBar' field='width' min=1 max=200 step=5/><br>
This example updates in response to other events in the wiki.
<$snap-widget surface='SVGBarChart2'/>
Bar 1: <$range tiddler='$:/SVG Element/Rectangle/FirstBar2' field='height_thing' min=1 max=200 step=5/><br>
Bar 2: <$range tiddler='$:/SVG Element/Rectangle/SecondBar2' field='height_thing' min=1 max=200 step=5/><br>
Bar 3: <$range tiddler='$:/SVG Element/Rectangle/ThirdBar2' field='height_thing' min=1 max=200 step=5/><br>
Bar 4: <$range tiddler='$:/SVG Element/Rectangle/FourthBar2' field='height_thing' min=1 max=200 step=5/><br>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/SiteTitle' text=Yep/>
More stuff: If you click on the door in the image to the left than the door will open, and if you click on the door again it will close.
There are 3 SVG buttons: B1 and B2 on the left and Save above the wiki title. Clicking on Save will save the wiki, clicking on B2 will change the wiki title and clicking on B1 will reset the wiki title.
You can make the buttons dragable and move them to a new location if you want and they will stay wherever you put them and still function the same. You can toggle if the buttons are draggable or not by setting their group to dragable in the Edit Objects tab under the SVG Tools tab in the sidebar.
To make life easier, you can also set them as dragable here:
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/SVG Group/GreyButtonB1' field='dragable' checked=true unchecked=false>Button B1</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/SVG Group/GreyButtonB2' field='dragable' checked=true unchecked=false>Button B2</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/SVG Group/SaveButtonGroup' field='dragable' checked=true unchecked=false>Save Button</$checkbox>
In order for the changes to take effect the surface needs to refresh, for the save button you can do this by dragging one of the circles or the ellipse to the right, for the grey buttons click this button to force a refresh.
<$button>force refresh<$action-setfield $tiddler='FullPageNonScrolling' dummy=1/><$action-setfield $tiddler='FullPageScrollsWithStoryRiver' dummy=1/></$button>
Dragging a button will also click on the button, to fix this the save button has a reveal widget in it that turns off the saving when it is draggable.
Click events are tiddlers that:
* Are tagged with `Action`
* Has a field `action_type` with the value `Click Event`
* Has a field `action_tiddler` that defines the action to be triggered by the click event.
* Has a field `target_object` that lists the name of the element or group the click event is bound to.
The best way to make elements is to use the `Add Element` tab under the `SVG Tools` tab in the sidebar.
An element is a tiddler that:
*Has the tag `SVG Element`
*Has a field `dragable` that is set to true or false to tell if the element can be draged or not.
*Is tagged with the title of each image tiddler for the image(s) the element should appear in.
*An `element_name` field that has a human readable name for the element.
*An `element_type` field that contains the type of the element defined (`circle` `rect` `ellipse` `polygon` `line`)
*A field `object_type` with the value `Element`
Some other element specific fields that are best set by opening the element tiddler and using the interface template.
Groups are best created using the creation tool in the `Make Group` tab under the `SVG Tools` tab.
Groups are defined by tiddlers that:
* A field `dragable` that sets if the group is dragable or not.
* A field `group_name` that gives the human readable name for the group.
* A field called `image` that lists the SVG image the group belongs to.
* A field called `object_type` with the value `Group`
* order
* rotation
* A field called `thing` with the value `SVG Group`
* A field called `xc` that defines the value of the translation in the x direction for the group.
* A field called `yc` that defines the value of the translation in the y direction for the group.
* The tiddler is tagged with the name of every element in the group.
The layer given to a group overrides the layer given to all element in the group regardless of if they are supposed to be in front of or behind the group.
Maybe I need to fix my naming stuff. Actions should be user actions like click, hover, mousein, etc. and what I have been calling actions should be events. Then actions trigger events which can be animations.
Whenever objects (elements and groups) are added there needs to be an object_type field set to either `Element` or `Group`.
I need to make events, animation is one type of event. Other events would include adding an element, creating a group, removing a group and removing an element. There may be more.
Figure out the best way to add marks. A mark will be a description of the full state of an animation that you can jump to. It needs to include which elements are displayed as well as their locations/scale/groupings/etc.
Improve the timeline I made for animations to make it interactive.
Fix the problem that prevents animations on groups from listing the group correctly in the animation tiddler. It is annoying.
For element and group tiddlers: Find a way to display the element/group defined by the tiddler by itself.
A way to pause mid-animation would be nice, but I don't know if I can do that in a reasonable way.
An SVG surface takes the following things:
A tiddler tagged with `SVG Image`
A field called `width` that lists the width of the image created.
A field called `height` that lists the height of the image created.
The tiddler created has all the definitions for the SVG image created. That tiddler is used to modify and edit the image, to display the image or animation use the widget. Put this in the tiddler that you want to use for displaying the image:
`<$snap-widget surface='TiddlerTitle'/>` where you replace `TiddlerTitle` with the name of the tiddler made above.
Things need to be cleaned up a lot, particularly things that apply to actions and click events. And I need to add some better way to set if something is initialized when the image is loaded or if it is added in response to some other event. And a way to sequence events other than just have one animation happen once another has finished.
[[SVG Image Surfaces|SVG Image Surfaces Help]] - These are the images themselves
[[Elements|Elements Help]] - These are individual shapes like circles, ellipses, rectangles and polygons.
[[Groups|Groups Help]] - These are collections of elements that can be manipulated as a single unit
[[Animations|Animations Help]] - These define moving parts of the image, it can be scaling, rotation and movement, later I should add color changes too. Maybe other stuff.
[[Actions|Actions Help]] - Actions are things like adding/removing elements or groups, trigging animations
[[Click Events|Click Events Help]] - definitions for triggering events by clicking on elements or groups.
Fields names that are bold are required fields. Words formatted `like this` are literal field values, otherwise it is a description of what goes in the field.
!''__Image Tiddlers__'':
Image tiddlers are tiddlers that contain some basic information about svg images.
''tags'': `SVG Image`
''height'': image height
''width'': image width
Other fields are set as needed by other things and you don't need to worry about them.
!''__Element Tiddlers__'':
Element tiddlers contain the necessary information about individual svg elements.
Fields common to all elemetn tiddlers:
''tags'': `SVG Element` and the name of the image tiddler(s) that contain the element
class: A class to apply to the element (optional)
draggable: A flag that sets if the element is draggable or not (can be `true` or `false`) (optional, defaults to `false`)
''element_type'': The type of the element (rect, circle, ellipse, polygon, etc.)
fill_color: The fill color for the element (optional, defaults to black)
fill_opacity: The opacity of the elements fill, takes a value in [0,1] (optional, defaults to 1)
''object_name'': The name given to the element
''object_type'': `Element`
stroke_color: The color of the stroke for the element (optional, defaults to black)
stroke_width: The width of the elements stroke (optional, defaults to 1)
xc: The x offset of the group. (Required if the element is draggable. This must have a valid numeric value or the element will not be draggable)
yc: The y offset of the group. (Required if the element is draggable. This must have a valid numeric value or the element will not be draggable)
Other fields are set as needed and are specific to each element type. These fields are:
*rectangle - width, height
*circle - radius
*ellipse - x_radius, y_radius
*polygon - points
*line - x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2
!''__Group Tiddlers__'':
Group tiddlers contain the necessary information about groups of svg elements that can be manipulated as a single unit.
''tags'': the tiddler name of each element included in the group
class: A class to apply to the group (optional)
draggable: A flag that sets if the group is draggable or not (can be `true` or `false`) (optional, defaults to `false`)
fill_color: The fill color for the group (optional, no default)
fill_opacity: The opacity of the elements fill, takes a value in [0,1] (optional, defaults to 1)
''object_name'': The name given to the group
''object_type'': `Group`
stroke_color: The color of the stroke for the group (optional, no default)
stroke_width: The width of the groups stroke (optional, no default)
xc: The x offset of the group. This offset is applied to each element in the group and is relative to that elements original position. (Required if the element is draggable. This must have a valid numeric value or the element will not be draggable)
yc: The y offset of the group. This offset is applied to each element in the group and is relative to that elements original position. (Required if the element is draggable. This must have a valid numeric value or the element will not be draggable)
!''__Animation Tiddlers__'':
Animation tiddlers contain information necessary for defining animations.
''tags'': `Animation`
''animation_name'': The name given to the animation
callback: this is set to `true` or `false`, if set to `true` than the animation is only triggered by another animation finishing. (Optional, defaults to false)
''duration'': The length of the animation in ms (1 s = 1000 ms)
effect: the animation effect to apply to the animation, set by the animation creation tool (optional)
enabled: If this is set to `true` than the animation is enabled. This may be removed.
finished: if this is set to `true` than the animation will not play. This is set to `true` after the animation ends. This is needed to make animations play correctly.
''image'': the name of the image tiddler that contains the animation.
next: The name of the animation tiddler that defines the animation that should be triggered after this one finished. (optional, no default)
''object_name'': the name of the animated object
''object_type'': the type of the animated object
rotation: the amount of rotation of the object during the animation
scale: how the object is scaled during the animation
target_location: the location to move the object to during the animation
!''__Action Tiddlers__'':
Actions are required to make anything happen other than the initial drawing of the image. They are needed to start animations and other things.
''tags'': `Action`
''action_name'': the name of the action
''action_type'': the type of action. It can be `Add Object`, `Remove Object`, etc.
other fields used depend on the type of action taken.
*`Add Object` - this adds an object (element or group) to the image
**''action_tiddler'': this is the tiddler defining the object to be added
*`Remove Object` - this removes an object from the image
**''action_tiddler'': this is the tiddler defining the object to be removed
*`Animation` - This starts an animation
**''action_tiddler'': the name of the animation tiddler defining the animation to start
*`Batch` - perform a list of actions at the same time
**''text'': this is a data tiddler, each index is the name of a action tiddler to be triggered
*`Click Event` - adds a click event to an object
**''action_tiddler'': the name of the action tiddler to trigger when the object is clicked on
*`Remove Click Event` - removes a click event from an object
**''action_tiddler'': the name of the action tiddler currently tied to clicking on the object
*`Write` - This writes a value to a field
**''target_field'': the field to write
**''target_tiddler'': the name of the tiddler to be written to
**''target_value'': the value to write to the field
To be added:
*Hover Event
*Remove Hover Event
*Double Click Event
*Remove Double Click Event
*add/remove mousein/mouseout
*add/remove mousedown/mouseup
*add/remove mouseover
I may add fields to each object that let you list an action tiddler for click/hover/double click/etc.
I think that keeping the event types will still be needed, I think that if I use the add/remove events I can do it mid-animation, if I use the fields than it may reset the animation each time there is a change.
A simple implementation of the Snap.js SVG library in tiddlywiki. Currently you can use it to make simple SVG images. It gives an interface for adding svg elements to an image.
It can support multiple SVG images in the same wiki and exposes the javascript used to generate the image so you can copy and paste it into another site that uses Snap.js.
More features are planned for the future, including animation.
!!How it works
See [[Things You Can Add]]
Also see [[Tiddler Type Definitions]]
I need to add an interface for making general events now that animations use events. That is kind of important.
There are some special surfaces, currently [[FullPageNonScrolling]] which is an SVG surface that covers the entire visible window space and remains in place when you scroll. The other is [[FullPageScrollsWithStoryRiver]] which covers the full screen and scrolls with the story river so when you scroll down things on the surface move up.
The snap.js library itself is in the tiddler [[$:/plugins/inmysocks/SnapJS/Snap.js]] tagged with `$:/tags/RawMarkup`. The code comes from https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/snap.svg/0.4.1/snap.svg-min.js.
!!!The widget
There is a widget called `snap-widget` that takes a single input:
surface - the name of the SVG surface to create. This is also the name of the tiddler that will contain all of the generated javascript used for the image. This tiddler must exist and must be tagged with `SVG Image`.
<$snap-widget surface='SVGImage1'/>
Any tiddler tagged with `SVG Image` has a view template that displays the image and lets you set the height and width of the surface.
!!!Editing and viewing existing things
The `SVG Contents` tab lists all of the images, elements, groups and animations that currently exist. Clicking on something here opens the tiddler for that object. You can edit the object using that tiddler.
!!!Adding things
The tab `SVG Tools` under the search bar has the various tools
__Adding Elements__
#Select which image you want to add the element to
#Select which type of element
#Give the element a name
#If you want the element to be dragable check the `Dragable Element` box
#Fill in the fields, they are hopefully simple enough, if not let me know (email: inmysocks@fastmail.com or on the tiddlywiki group: groups.google.com/tiddlywiki )
**For polygons you add one point at a time:
*#Click on `New Point`
*#Click on the svg surface to set the location, an `x` should mark the location.
*#Click on `Add`
*#Repeat for as many other points as you wish
*#If you want to reposition a point click on the `Edit` button next to that point, if you click on the image than the point will be moved. Click on `Update` to save the change. You can remove the point by click on `Remove`.
Shapes are stored in tiddlers named in the form `$:/SVG Element/$(element type)$/$(name you gave it)$`. This tiddler contains all of the location and other information about the svg element or group. If you make a dragable element than the tiddler information is updated after you drag the element. This way your changes are persistent when you move something and locations can be set by other things in the wiki.
todo: Add a way to edit existing polygons, the template doesn't work at the moment.
__Adding Elements to Images__
If you want to change which elements are displayed on an image you can change this in the `Images` tab under the `SVG Tools` tab. Select the image you want to edit using the drop down menu, if you wish you can change the height and width of the image. Check or uncheck the elements in the list to select which elements are displayed on the image.
__Adding Groups__
Groups are groups of SVG elements that can all be manipulated simultaneously.
To create a group:
#Open the tab [[Make Group]], in tab [[SVG Tools]]
#Enter a name for the group
#Select which image you want to create the group for
#check the boxes next to the elements you want to include in the group
#if you wish to make the group dragable than click on the dragable checkbox
#click on the button `Add Group`
__Animating Elements__
''Note:'' Animations will only play if the SVG surface tiddler has a field called `play` set to `true`, otherwise no animations will happen. This also makes the widget treat it as an animation, so the widget won't refresh unless you set the `refresh` field of the image tiddler. This makes the animation play once and then sets the refresh field to false. Making a button that sets the field gives you a play button for the animation. If there is no play field, or it isn't set to true, than the widget updates as expected.
The `Animation` tab in the `SVG Tools` tab lets you make simple animations.
#Give a name for the animation
#Select the SVG Surface for the animation from the menu
#Select if you are animating a single element or a group
#Select the element or group from the menu
#Enter the movement (it is relative movement from the objects current location)
#Set the scale, this is how the image is scaled in the animation
#Set the animation duration (in milliseconds, 1000 milliseconds = 1second)
#Set the effect from the last menu. Play with them to figure out what they do.
If you want animations to happen in sequence than create the two animations you want then in the `Edit Objects` tab under the `SVG Tools` tab select Animation from the drop down menu and select the first animation, at the bottom there is a menu for `Next Animation`, select the second animation there. You can chain animations by doing this multiple times. At the moment each animation can only trigger one other animation when it ends. I will see about changing this later.
\define ModalParam()
Startup Modal
html body.tc-body { background: url({{$:/state/Random Background}}) no-repeat center center fixed; background-size: cover; height: 100%;}
\define thisYay() Yay!
\define thisWoo() Woo!
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/Startup Actions Script/modal' text='inactive'>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-modal' $param=<<ModalParam>>/>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/SiteSubtitle' text=<<thisYay>>>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/SiteSubtitle' text=<<thisWoo>>/>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/SiteSubtitle' text=<<thisWoo>>>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/SiteSubtitle' text=<<thisYay>>/>
Hi! This is a modal that was triggered as a demo by the StartupActions plugin. If you are not viewing this online or can save it somehow clicking on the `Don't show again` button will prevent this from displaying when the wiki is reloaded. Otherwise this modal will display each time the wiki loads.
If things work correctly the background should also change to a random image each time the wiki loads.
<$button> Don't show again<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Startup Actions Script/modal' text='inactive'/></$button></$navigator>
This is a demo of the ~StartupActions plugin. If you haven't saved this wiki or this is the first time you have opened it you should have seen a modal window when you loaded the wiki. If not something is broken, you should tell me on the google group https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/tiddlywiki or through the feedback on http://inmysocks.tiddlyspot.com (it is the envelope icon in the upper left).
plugin tiddler: $:/plugins/inmysocks/StartupActions
This plugin allows you to write a script using action widgets in a tiddler (or multiple tiddlers) and tagging the tiddler with `$:/tags/StartupAction`. Then when the wiki starts, either by loading or reloading it, the actions in the tiddler will be triggered like they were in a button widget that got pressed. The actions for this demo are in the [[Startup Actions Script]] tiddler. It will make a modal appear the when the wiki is loaded, and keep the modal from loading if you click the `Don't show again` button in the modal. It will also change the site subtitle. If the subtitle is `Yay!` it will change to `Woo!`, and if it is `Woo!` it will change to `Yay!`.
If you could put something in a button widget it can go in a startup tiddler.
''Some Notes:''<br>
Widget messages that aren't handled by the core still require the widget to handle them, so an action-sendmessage widget with the message `tm-add-field` has to have a fieldmangler widget around the action widget in the script.
The actions take place outside the normal story, so if you use a message that requires the navigator widget you need to use `<$navigator story='$:/StoryList'>` to make the action happen in the normal story river.
Scripts can use macros, both those defined in the script tiddler and global macros, the demo in this wiki uses both. See [[Startup Actions Script]] and [[Demo Macro]].
!The `action_filter` field:
If a tiddler tagged with `$:/StartupAction` has a non-empty field called `action_filter` than the behavior changes a little. The action widgets will be triggered, but they will be triggered once for each thing returned by the filter in the `action_filter` field, and each time they are triggered they will have the `currentTiddler` variable set to the current item in the list returned by the filter. This can be used to make each action widget affect each tiddler in turn, if the list returns tiddlers, or it can be used to run a sequence of actions with different input parameters set by the currentTiddler variable.
!Example 1
If you had the script:
<$action-setfield title=<<currentTiddler>>/>
and the `action_filter` field was set to:
<$list filter='1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9'/>
Then when the wiki was (re)loaded next 9 tiddlers would be created with the titles `1`, `2`, `3`, and so on.
Alternately you could use this script (don't do this, it will overwrite all the tiddlers in your wiki):
<$action-setfield text='Don't do this'/>
and have the `action_filter` field set to
This is a horrible idea because it will set the text field of all tiddlers in your wiki to `Don't do this`. But it demonstrates the sort of thing that is possible.
; github
: https://github.com/dullroar/TW5-atomfeed
; example
: http://dullroar.com/atom.xml
; atom?
: ''spec:'' http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4287.txt
; follow up
: [[Creating A Static Webpage Using Tiddlywiki II|http://www.phasersonkill.com/2015/1/2/Creating%2520A%2520Static%2520Webpage%2520Using%2520Tiddlywiki%2520II.html]]
; github
: https://github.com/welford/phasersonkill-static
<<static Generating%2520Static%2520Sites%2520with%2520TiddlyWiki.html
600px scrolling:yes>>
; example
: http://www.phasersonkill.com/Search.html?q=tiddlywiki
; implements
: https://github.com/Tipue/Tipue-Search
; status
: experimental work in progress using jQuery
: auto generated json via filtered lists
: may not scale well
:: search index could be reduced with something like
::: `<$view tiddler={{!!title}} format="search-jsencoded"/>`
::: to strip out a load of words / just include the first x words that aren't useless
:: instead of...
::: `<$view tiddler={{!!title}} format="jsencoded"/>`
; github
: https://github.com/dullroar/TW5-sitemap
; example
: http://dullroar.com/sitemap.xml
:: http://dullroar.com/robots.txt
; sitemap.xml?
: ''spec:'' http://www.sitemaps.org/protocol.html
!! Sitemap without macros
* https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/Xton0F9QtHE/PdQ6GSjqh-YJ
* http://novye-podarki.ru/heeg.html#%24%3A%2F_sitemap
Articles by various [[authors and developers|Authors]] on generating static sites with TiddlyWiki on node.js...
<$list filter="[tag[Static]sort[title]]">
<td><$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field=title/></$link></td>
<td><$link to={{!!author}}><$view field=author/></$link></td>
<td><$list filter="[all[current]has[url]]"><a href={{!!url}} target=_blank>»</a></$list></td>
<td><$list filter="[all[current]has[groups]]"><a href={{!!groups}} target=_blank>»</a></$list></td>
''problem'' » "1 second ago"
\define notesTiddler() $(currentTiddler)$: Notes
\define notesTags() [[$(currentTiddler)$]] Notes
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible" popup=<<qualify "$:/temp/notesTiddler">> tooltip="Add notes"><$action-setfield $tiddler=<<notesTiddler>> tags=<<notesTags>>/>{{new_notes_icon.svg}}</$button>
<$reveal state=<<qualify "$:/temp/notesTiddler">> type="popup" text="" position="above" default="" class="tc-popup-keep tc-block-dropdown">
<div class="container_notes">
<div class="close_note">
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible">
<$action-deletetiddler $tiddler=<<qualify "$:/temp/notesTiddler">> />
<div class="heading_note" >
<$view tiddler=<<notesTiddler>> field="title" />
<div style="clear: both;" ></div>
<div class="container_notes">
<$edit-text class="notes" tiddler=<<notesTiddler>> default="" tag="textarea" />
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam nibh. Nunc varius facilisis eros. Sed erat. In in velit quis arcu ornare laoreet. Curabitur adipiscing luctus massa. Integer ut purus ac augue commodo commodo. Nunc nec mi eu justo tempor consectetuer. Etiam vitae nisl. In dignissim lacus ut ante. Cras elit lectus, bibendum a, adipiscing vitae, commodo et, dui. Ut tincidunt tortor. {{||AddNewNotes}}
Interesting! I want to take notes about this :)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam nibh. Nunc varius facilisis eros. Sed erat. In in velit quis arcu ornare laoreet. Curabitur adipiscing luctus massa. Integer ut purus ac augue commodo commodo. Nunc nec mi eu justo tempor consectetuer. Etiam vitae nisl. In dignissim lacus ut ante. Cras elit lectus, bibendum a, adipiscing vitae, commodo et, dui. Ut tincidunt tortor. {{||AddNewNotes}}
Oh yes I should probably take notes about this too!
''How to use the sticky notes''
*Drag the icon [[new_notes_icon.svg]] to your TW
*Drag the macro [[AddNewNotes]] to your TW
*Drag the stylesheet [[Notes style]] to your TW
*Transclude the macro into your tiddlers like this ``{{||AddNewNotes}}`` (see [[Example notes 1]] and [[Example notes 2]])
.container_notes {
width: 200px;
margin: auto;
.heading_note, .close_note {
background-color: yellow;
font-size: 0.8em;
font-weight: bold;
border-top: solid 2px black;
border-bottom: solid 1px black;
padding: 1px;
text-align: center;
float: left;
.heading_note {
width: 170px;
border-left: solid 1px black;
border-right: solid 2px black;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
white-space: nowrap;
overflow: hidden;
.close_note {
width: 20px;
border-left: solid 2px black;
border-right: solid 1px black;
.notes {
background-color: yellow;
font-size: 0.8em;
width: 190px;
border-top: solid 1px black;
border-bottom: solid 2px black;
border-left: solid 2px black;
border-right: solid 2px black;
padding: 4px;
line-height: 1em;
@@border:1px solid crimson; BETA @@
''Quick demo'' and background - note the //two buttons//:
StretchText is an <<stretch "old" "hypertext concept." "Ted Nelson coined the term around 1967 ([[ref|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/StretchText]]).">> It enables authoring ''text for different readers with'' <<stretch "''varying levels''" "of interest or knowledge." "For example, a text can immerse in detail and difficulty - or the opposite; it can add clarifications or examples.">> It's an alternative to //links// and //pop-ups// but it lets the reading stay in the text.
In this implementation the aim is:
*simple syntax (see below)
*minimal distraction when reading the text
To your TW, shlepp over [[$:/_TWaddle/Stretch/Macro]] and [[$:/_TWaddle/Stretch/CSS]]
:#. `<<stretch "label" "rest" "content">>` ...or...
:#. `<<stretch "label" "" "content">>` ...or...
:#. `<<stretch "label" "content">>`
*''label'' - the button text or symbol or dots "...".
**If you want to use multiple buttons with //identical labels//, title them;<br>hey''_1'', hey''_2'' etc. Anything after the ''_'' is hidden from display.
*''rest'' - refers to the remaining sentence-part after the button.
**This enables you to reveal the content without <<stretch "splitting" "the current sentence." "The remaining half sentence otherwise appears //after// the stretched content which is both confusing and distracting.">>
**Note that the //rest// parameter can be; used, empty or completely omitted.
**Type text directly - or transclude content like so;<br>`<<stretch "label" "{{...}}">>` - no transcludewidget needed. Take a stretchy peek at the <<stretch "stylesheet" "for example :-)" "{{$:/_TWaddle/Stretch/CSS}}">>
:...there are also the <<stretch "usual" "macro-call text-format quirks." """
⦁ if the argument, i.e the //label, rest// or //content// text, contains quotemarks (");
- surround the argument with triple quotemarks
- ...or with single quotemarks (like so: //'this "is" an argument'// )
⦁ some formatting doesn't work, e.g bullet lists (for this one, I'm using ⦁ )
*The buttons could, of course, be styled to appear like normal blue links instead.
*I think [a better implementation of] StrechText would make for a very interesting <<stretch "//Storyview//" " in TW." """Instead of "click link + jump" to tiddlers, you'd use StrechText to immerse //into// the tiddler(s). The text really //evolves//. It's similar to the //Zoomin// storyview but keeps displaying the context around it. It might only make sense for as long as the link stays on the current tiddlers topic, or else the text remaining //after// the evolved content would become irrelevant.""">>
*Thanks to @JeremyRuston for enlightening me that [[StretchText|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/StretchText]] was an already established concept!
<br>//Mat von [[TWaddle|http://twaddle.tiddlyspot.com]]//
*''Nesting'' StretchText is not possible (unless perhaps via nested transclusion calls, haven't tried actually).
* [[Using Named Colors]]
* [[HSLA]]
* [[RGBA]]
* [[paletton.com|http://paletton.com]]
; inspiration
: https://www.nodejitsu.com/paas
''Note:'' Using this in multiple tiddlers will require you to wrap it in a macro so as to assign a custom counter to the css via macro parameters.
; a headline
: some info text
:no headline
dl.count dt,
dl.count dd{
dl.count {
counter-increment: count;
padding: 10px 10px 10px 60px!important;
position: relative;
margin: 10px 0 20px 0;
-webkit-box-shadow: 3px 3px 7px 0px rgba(204,204,204,1);
-moz-box-shadow: 3px 3px 7px 0px rgba(204,204,204,1);
box-shadow: 3px 3px 7px 0px rgba(204,204,204,1);
dl.count:before {
content: counter(count);
display: inline-block;
position: absolute;
top: 15px;
left: 10px;
height: 35px;
width: 35px;
line-height: 35px;
text-align: center;
color: #b5b4b4;
font-weight: 700;
border: 1px solid #eaeaea;
border-radius: 200px;
background: #fff;
background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear,left bottom,left top,color-stop(0,rgba(238,238,238,.4)),color-stop(1,#fff));
background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(bottom,rgba(238,238,238,.4)0,#fff 100%);
background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(bottom,rgba(238,238,238,.4)0,#fff 100%);
background-image: -o-linear-gradient(bottom,rgba(238,238,238,.4)0,#fff 100%);
background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(bottom,rgba(238,238,238,.4)0,#fff 100%);
background-image: linear-gradient(bottom,rgba(238,238,238,.4)0,#fff 100%);
-webkit-border-radius: 200px;
padding: 20px 10px 20px 60px!important;
[[from "Using StyleSheets" on tiddlywiki.com...|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Using%20Stylesheets]]
<div class="pretty">
The usual way of modifying the appearance of a TiddlyWiki is to use one of the available themes, or to modify the [[colour palette|http://tiddlywiki.com/#ColourPalettes]].
You can also use custom CSS stylesheets by tagging tiddlers with `$:/tags/Stylesheet`. For example, create a tiddler with the tag `$:/tags/Stylesheet` and the following content in order to change the page background colour to red:
html body.tc-body {
background: red;
To hide your stylesheet tiddlers from search or lists, put them under the system namespace, by naming it something like `$:/.my/stylesheet`. You will now find it in the sidebar under ''More » System''.
! Overriding Theme Settings
Note that custom stylesheets are applied independently to the theme stylesheets. This means that it is frequently necessary to use CSS specificity to reliably override settings within the theme. This means ensuring that the CSS rule in your custom stylesheet is more specific than the theme rule that you are overriding. "More specific" generally means using more CSS rules. So, `html body.tc-body` is more specific than `body.tc-body`.
! Stylesheet Types
Usually it is best to use the type `text/css` for stylesheets. This treats them as plain stylesheets, and ensures that TiddlyWiki doesn't apply any wiki processing to them.
If you wish to use macros and transclusions in your stylesheets you should instead use the default [[WikiText|http://tiddlywiki.com/#WikiText]] type `text/vnd.tiddlywiki`. This allows full [[WikiText|http://tiddlywiki.com/#WikiText]] processing to be performed. Here is an example:
\rules only filteredtranscludeinline transcludeinline macrodef macrocallinline
body.tc-body pre {
<<box-shadow "inset 0 1px 0 #fff">>
The `\rules` pragma at the top of the tiddler restricts the ~WikiText to just allow macros and transclusion. This avoids mistakenly triggering unwanted ~WikiText processing.
!! Stylesheet Macros
Several globally available macros are provided that are helpful in constructing stylesheets. See [[$:/core/ui/PageStylesheet]] for the definitions of these macros.
* `<<colour name>>` and `<<color name>>` retrieve named colours from the current [[colour palette||http://tiddlywiki.com/#ColourPalettes]]
* `<<box-shadow shadow>>` specify a box-shadow
* `<<filter filter>>` specify a CSS filter
* `<<transition transition>>` specify a CSS transition
* `<<transform-origin origin>>` specify the CSS transform origin
* `<<background-linear-gradient gradient>>` specify a linear gradient
* `<<datauri title>>` retrieves the base64 content of a tiddler for use via the CSS `url()` operator
For more information, see [ext[fontawesome @ tiddlyspot|http://fontawesome.tiddlyspot.com]].
This wiki introduces you to using your desktop browser to inspect the styles applied to elements in TiddlyWiki and permanently change them. Also see [[style examples|Styles]].
Styling TiddlyWiki is easy, the pattern is always the same...
!! Step 1 — [[Inspect Element|Inspect]]
!! Step 2 — [[Select Element|Select]]
!! Step 3 — [[Modify CSS|Modify]]
!! Step 4 — [[Save CSS|Save]]
! Congratulations
You have successfully applied your first style modifications.
Need more help? Hop over to the [[discussion groups|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/tiddlywiki]].
!! Candy
Interested in more? How about [[FontAwesome|http://fontawesome.tiddlyspot.com]]?
As Jeremy explains [[here|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/_czb8FpcmhI/aq1nbJaCAQAJ]], when you disable plugins, the corresponding disabled plugin entry is displayed with a gradient using [[this css|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/blob/master/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/base.tid#L1566-L1574]]. Have a look at the ''Plugins'' tab in the [[control-panel|$:/ControlPanel]].
For generating fancy cross-browser gradients, there are numerous resources like:
\define HSLA() hsla($(H)$,$(S)$%,$(L)$%,$(A)$);
\define HSLA-css() background-color:hsla($(H)$,$(S)$%,$(L)$%,$(A)$);
<th>__H__ue </th>
<th>__S__aturation </th>
<td>100%<br>//full color//</td>
<th>__L__uminance </th>
<th>__A__lpha<br>Transparency </th>
<$button set="!!bg" setTo="white">reset table background to white</$button>
<table class="no-border hsla">
<$list filter="1 .75 .5 .25 .1" variable="A">
α <<A>>
<$list filter="0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360" variable="H">
<$list filter="1 .75 .5 .25 .1" variable="A">
<$list filter="100 85 75 50 25 15 0" variable="S">
<$list filter="0 15 25 50 75 85 100" variable="L">
<td style=<<HSLA-css>> title=<<HSLA>>>
<$button set="!!bg" setTo=<<HSLA>> class="tc-btn-invisible"/>
.no-border table,
.no-border tr,
.no-border td {
.hsla {
.hsla td td,
.hsla button{
; inspiration
: https://www.nodejitsu.com/paas
; a headline
: some info text
: info text without headline
dl.info dt,
dl.info dd{
dl.info {
padding: 10px 10px 10px 60px!important;
position: relative;
margin: 10px 0 20px 0;
-webkit-box-shadow: 3px 3px 7px 0px rgba(204,204,204,1);
-moz-box-shadow: 3px 3px 7px 0px rgba(204,204,204,1);
box-shadow: 3px 3px 7px 0px rgba(204,204,204,1);
dl.info:before {
display: inline-block;
position: absolute;
top: 15px;
left: 10px;
height: 35px;
width: 35px;
line-height: 35px;
text-align: center;
content: "i";
color: #b5b4b4;
font-weight: 700;
border: 1px solid #eaeaea;
border-radius: 200px;
background: #fff;
background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear,left bottom,left top,color-stop(0,rgba(238,238,238,.4)),color-stop(1,#fff));
background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(bottom,rgba(238,238,238,.4)0,#fff 100%);
background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(bottom,rgba(238,238,238,.4)0,#fff 100%);
background-image: -o-linear-gradient(bottom,rgba(238,238,238,.4)0,#fff 100%);
background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(bottom,rgba(238,238,238,.4)0,#fff 100%);
background-image: linear-gradient(bottom,rgba(238,238,238,.4)0,#fff 100%);
-webkit-border-radius: 200px;
padding: 20px 10px 20px 60px!important;
Hover the element whose style you wish to modify, right click, `inspect element`.
<<btn-img "inspect.gif">>
In the «developer tools», try changing the styles of your [[selected element|Select]] by applying [[any css|http://www.w3schools.com/css]] to `element{}` in the lower right.
When finished, copy those styles and also the name of the css selectors and classes currently styling the element, e.g. `.tc-titlebar`. Those that don't actually apply are shown @@color:lightgrey; greyed out@@ and those that are overruled with ~~strikethrough~~. You find the entire cascade of selectors applying to the current element in the order in which they are dominant, the upper most being the most dominant ...the `element{}` itself.
<<btn-img "change.gif">>
Some interesting style-bits
; a handful modern background patterns using css3
: http://lea.verou.me/css3patterns
\define RGBA() rgba($(R)$,$(G)$,$(B)$,$(A)$);
\define RGBA-css() background-color:rgba($(R)$,$(G)$,$(B)$,$(A)$);
<th>__R__ed </th>
<td>0<br>//no red//</td>
<td>256<br>//full red//</td>
<th>__G__reen </th>
<td>0<br>//no green//</td>
<td>256<br>//full green//</td>
<th>__B__lue </th>
<td>0<br>//no blue//</td>
<td>256<br>//full blue//</td>
<th>__A__lpha<br>Transparency </th>
<$button set="!!bg" setTo="white">reset table background to white</$button>
<table class="no-border rgba">
<$list filter="1 .75 .50 .25 .10" variable="A">
α <<A>>
<$list filter="0 32 64 96 128 160 192 224 256" variable="R">
<$list filter="1 .75 .50 .25 .10" variable="A">
<$list filter="0 32 64 96 128 160 192 224 256" variable="G">
<$list filter="0 32 64 96 128 160 192 224 256" variable="B">
<td style=<<RGBA-css>> title=<<RGBA>>>
<$button set="!!bg" setTo=<<RGBA>> class="tc-btn-invisible"/>
.no-border table,
.no-border tr,
.no-border td {
.rgba td td,
.rgba button{
[[Create or open your custom stylesheet|Custom StyleSheets]] and enter the styles in this format, classnames start with a `.dot`:
.some-class {
font-family: "Comic Sans MS"; /*please, just don't ;D */
border: 1px solid purple;
The styles you have tested and copied should immediately apply to the selectors (classes) to which you assign them.
[[Inspecting|Inspect]] an element opens your browser's «developer tools», so does hitting F12.
Make sure the element you want is selected by hovering over the tree to the bottom left and selecting the one you think is your target. Perhaps repeat Step 1 to be sure. Now have a look at the bottom right and see all the [[css style rules|http://www.w3schools.com/css/]] that apply to it.
<<btn-img "select.gif">>
For each tag of a tiddler, the tiddler element is given a css class that you can adress in a [[custom stylesheet|http://tiddlywiki.com/static/Using%2520Stylesheets.html]], e.g. you can have tiddlers display a funny background.
''Tip:'' Try hitting F12 and see if you can't inspect the css classes of this very tiddler.
For example, this applies a notebook style.
<<` "<style>
/* http://lea.verou.me/css3patterns/#lined-paper */
.tc-tagged-Notebook\%20Style {
linear-gradient(90deg, transparent 25px, #abced4 25px, #abced4 27px, transparent 27px),
linear-gradient(#eee .01em, transparent .1em);
background-size: 100% 1.2em;
''Note:'' To make it work for tag names containing spaces, you need to escape the space to `\%20`, not `%20` when addressing the css class.
Also see [[How to apply custom styles by tag|http://tiddlywiki.com/#How%20to%20apply%20custom%20styles%20by%20tag]].
Also see [[Resources]]...
<dl class="overview">
placeholder:"Filter all examples..." >>
; requires
: [[$:/fonts/FontAwesome]]
: [[$:/fonts/FontAwesome/checklist]]
:: an extension to FontAwesome, holding the css for the checklist
* a one
* and a two
* and a three
* and a four
Follow these simple steps [[suggested by Matabele|http://bit.ly/1QBbFli]] to use named colors in your palettes or templates:
# create a <<x SystemTiddlers "system tiddler"">> for your colors, e.g. $://colors
# set its type to ''Data dictionary'' (`application/x-tiddler-dictionary`)
# add entries with descriptive color names, specifying a [[valid color format|http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_colors_legal.asp]]
# use them in your palette or stylesheets as `{{$://colors##<color-name>}}`
Some example colors, two using [[standard html color names|http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_colornames.asp]] and one custom color defined in [[hsla()|http://www.w3.org/wiki/CSS3/Color/HSLA]], see <<source "$://colors">>
Here's an example using those:
<<` """@@.fancy {{!!title}} @@
border: 2px solid {{$://colors##pale-crimson}};
border-radius: 10px;
An extensive collection of examples and plugins from Andrew Harrison.
Hello, my name is [[Andrew|http://t5a.tiddlyspot.com/#Andrew%20Harrison]] and this is my web site for testing Tiddlywiki 5 plugins that I find useful or developing myself, and testing new releases.
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<$list filter='[{!!code}indexes[]rest{!!code_start}limit{!!code_len}]' variable='ndx'>
<$transclude tiddler={{!!code}} index=<<ndx>>/>
@@!!code@@ is a tiddler of type application/x-tiddler-dictionary
<$vars Cd={{!!code}} St={{!!code_start}} Ln={{!!code_len}}>
<$list filter='[<Cd>indexes[]rest<St>limit<Ln>]' variable='ndx'>
<$transclude tiddler=<<Cd>> index=<<ndx>>/>
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<title>Layer 1</title>
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<path fill="#c3e8f3" stroke-width="0.381356" d="m201.17688,199.03098c-0.43761,-0.70808 -5.57131,-40.07538 -5.57131,-42.72313c0,-0.89718 0.0615,-0.91662 2.13031,-0.67347c4.40035,0.51717 5.53541,2.03357 6.23127,8.32477c0.52625,4.75767 0.53035,22.6877 0.006,27.79379c-0.49793,4.85218 -1.95399,8.64147 -2.79664,7.27804l0.00037,0z" id="path5261"/>
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After migrating t5a to Github update Link to my name in $:/pluginlibrary/ajh/released
add the link to all plugins and update github files
1) The username is really just a text string, the value of which is copied into the "modifier" field of a tiddler whenever that tiddler is edited.<br>
2) The *display* of the username is defined in the core shadow: [[$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/subtitle]], which contains:
<div class="tc-subtitle">
<$link to={{!!modifier}}>
<$view field="modifier"/>
</$link> <$view field="modified" format="relativedate"/>
This is the syntax that actually displays the username in the tiddler subtitle:
<$view field="modifier"/>
Note that the output of the `<$view>` widget is normally just *plain text*... thus, the wiki syntax contained in the username does not get parsed, and the output shows the username value exactly as defined. However, it is a simple matter to change this. Rather than using the `<$view>` widget to display the modifier field, use transclusion, like this:
As with the `<$view>` widget, this will retrieve the value of the 'modifier' field for the current tiddler, but will also then parse that field value so that any wiki syntax it contains will be rendered as intended. Thus, if you use `"[[NRM|Contact]]"` as your username, then it will display as just "NRM", and link to the `[[Contact]]` tiddler. Q.E.D.
Resource: [[Single-file save should exclude $:/temp/... tiddlers #1199|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1199#issuecomment-65830444]] (Jeremy Ruston 12/5/14)<br>
Replaced `-[prefix[$:/state/popup/]]` with `-[prefix[$:/state/]] -[prefix[$:/temp/]]` in $:/core/save/
so the full content would be:
`\define saveTiddlerFilter()
[is[tiddler]] -[prefix[$:/state/]] -[prefix[$:/temp/]] -[[$:/HistoryList]] -[[$:/boot/boot.css]] -[type[application/javascript]library[yes]] -[[$:/boot/boot.js]] -[[$:/boot/bootprefix.js]] +[sort[title]]
{{$:/core/templates/tiddlywiki5.html}}` with Tags: New, Tweaked
\define thisSelectTag()
Tag to replace: <$select field='selected_tag'>
<$set name=TagSearch value={{$:/temp/changetags!!search_tags}}>
<$list filter='[tags[]regexp[(?i)$(TagSearch)$]sort[title]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
</$select> <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/changetags' field='search_tags' class='tc-exit-textexitor' placeholder='Narrow Tags List'/>
This lets you search for all tiddlers with a specific tag and selectivly replace that tag with another one. Or if the 'Replace With' field is empty just remove the tag from the tiddler(s).
Replace With: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/changetags' field='replace_tag' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
<$list filter='[tag{!!selected_tag}]'>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<currentTiddler>>>
<tr><td><$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></$link></td><td><$button>Change Tag<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param={{$:/temp/changetags!!replace_tag}}/><$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-tag' $param={{Search and Replace Tags!!selected_tag}}/></$button></td></tr>
Danielo Rodríguez
has an example reposition which builds static sites directly from GitHub.
Also the Noteself repo includes some of this magic.
I need to check it out
<pre><$view field='text'/></pre>
|Han Purple|<div class="cell hanpurple">@@color:#cf0;#30f@@</div>|Electric Lime|<div class="cell electriclime">@@color:#30f;#cf0@@</div>|
|Electric Indigo|<div class="cell electricindigo">@@color:#9f0;#60f@@</div>|Spring Bud|<div class="cell springbud">@@color:#60f;#9f0@@</div>|
|Electric Purple|<div class="cell electricpurple">@@color:#6f0;#90f@@</div>|Bright Green|<div class="cell brightgreen">@@color:#90f;#6f0@@</div>|
|Electric Violet |<div class="cell electricviolet">@@color:#3f0;#c0f@@</div>|Harlequin|<div class="cell harlequin">@@color:#c0f;#3f0@@</div>|
|Fuchsia|<div class="cell fuchsia">@@color:#0f0;#f0f@@</div>|Lime|<div class="cell lime">@@color:#f0f;#0f0@@</div>|
|Magenta|<div class="cell magenta">@@color:#0c0;#f3f@@</div>|Strong Lime Green|<div class="cell stronglimegreen">@@color:#f3f;#0c0@@</div>|
|Pink Flamingo|<div class="cell pinkflamingo">@@color:#090;#f6f@@</div>|Japanese Laurel|<div class="cell japaneselaurel">@@color:#f6f;#090@@</div>|
|Violet|<div class="cell violet">@@color:#060;#f9f@@</div>|Green|<div class="cell green">@@color:#f9f;#060@@</div>|
|Snuff|<div class="cell snuff">@@color:#030;#fcf@@</div>|Myrtle|<div class="cell myrtle">@@color:#fcf;#030@@</div>|
|Cosmos|<div class="cell cosmos">@@color:#033;#fcc@@</div>|Cyprus|<div class="cell cyprus">@@color:#fcc;#033@@</div>|
|Mona Lisa|<div class="cell monalisa">@@color:#066;#f99@@</div>|Mosque|<div class="cell mosque">@@color:#f99;#066@@</div>|
|Brilliant Rose|<div class="cell brilliantrose">@@color:#096;#f69@@</div>|Shamrock Green|<div class="cell shamrockgreen">@@color:#f69;#096@@</div>|
|Bittersweet|<div class="cell bittersweet">@@color:#099;#f66@@</div>|Persian Green|<div class="cell persiangreen">@@color:#f66;#099@@</div>|
|Red Orange|<div class="cell redorange">@@color:#0cc;#f33@@</div>|Robin's Egg Blue|<div class="cell robinseggblue">@@color:#f33;#0cc@@</div>|
|Red|<div class="cell red">@@color:#0ff;#f00@@</div>|Cyan|<div class="cell cyan">@@color:#f00;#0ff@@</div>|
|Scarlet|<div class="cell scarlet">@@color:#0cf;#f30@@</div>|Deep Sky Blue|<div class="cell deepskyblue">@@color:#f30;#0cf@@</div>|
|Safety Orange|<div class="cell safetyorange">@@color:#09f;#f60@@</div>|Azure Radiance|<div class="cell azureradiance">@@color:#f60;#09f@@</div>|
|Orange Peel|<div class="cell orangepeel">@@color:#06f;#f90@@</div>|Navy Blue|<div class="cell navyblue">@@color:#f90;#06f@@</div>|
|Tangerine Yellow|<div class="cell tangerineyellow">@@color:#03f;#fc0@@</div>|Blue Ribbon|<div class="cell blueribbon">@@color:#fc0;#03f@@</div>|
|Yellow|<div class="cell yellow">@@color:#00f;#ff0@@</div>|Blue|<div class="cell blue">@@color:#ff0;#00f@@</div>|
|Gorse|<div class="cell gorse">@@color:#00c;#ff3@@</div>|Medium Blue|<div class="cell mediumblue">@@color:#ff3;#00c@@</div>|
|Laser Lemon|<div class="cell laserlemon">@@color:#009;#ff6@@</div>|New Midnight Blue|<div class="cell newmidnightblue">@@color:#ff6;#009@@</div>|
|Canary|<div class="cell canary">@@color:#006;#ff9@@</div>|Navy|<div class="cell navy">@@color:#ff9;#006@@</div>|
|Cream|<div class="cell cream">@@color:#003;#ffc@@</div>|Midnight Express|<div class="cell midnightexpress">@@color:#ffc;#003@@</div>|
|White|<div class="cell white">#fff</div>|Black|<div class="cell black">@@color:#fff;#000@@</div>|
|Nobel|<div class="cell nobel">#999</div>|Dim Gray|<div class="cell dimgray">#666</div>|
|Very Light Grey|<div class="cell verylightgrey">@@color:#333;#ccc@@</div>|Night Rider|<div class="cell nightrider">@@color:#ccc;#333@@</div>|
|Medium Slate Blue|<div class="cell mediumslateblue">#66f</div>|Citrus|<div class="cell citrus">#990</div>|
|Slate Blue|<div class="cell slateblue">#66c</div>|Highball|<div class="cell highball">#993</div>|
|Scampi|<div class="cell scampi">#669</div>|Avocado|<div class="cell avocado">#996</div>|
| |<div class="cell ">#666</div>| |<div class="cell ">#999</div>|
| |<div class="cell ">#663</div>| |<div class="cell ">#99c</div>|
| |<div class="cell ">#660</div>| |<div class="cell ">#99f</div>|
|Light Slate Blue|<div class="cell lightslateblue">#96f</div>|Christi|<div class="cell christi">#690</div>|
|Amethyst|<div class="cell amethyst">#96c</div>|Limeade|<div class="cell limeade">#693</div>|
|Violet Blue|<div class="cell violetblue">#969</div>|Laurel|<div class="cell laurel">#696</div>|
|Copper Rose|<div class="cell copperrose">#966</div>|Cadet Blue|<div class="cell cadetblue">#699</div>|
|Mai Tai|<div class="cell maitai">#963</div>|Picton Blue|<div class="cell pictonblue">#69c</div>|
|Golden Brown|<div class="cell goldenbrown">#960</div>|Cornflower Blue|<div class="cell cornflowerblue">#69f</div>|
!Color highlighting in a snippet of code
Let's say you have a tiddler that displays a code block (you're writing an article on some coding technique or whatnot):
var foo = 1;
var bar = gonculate(foo);
Which renders like:
var foo = 1;
var bar = gonculate(foo);
Now you want to show a change, highlighting the changed part in red, like so:
<pre>var foo = 1;
var bar =<span class='tc-inline-style' style='color:red;'> xyzzy(foo)</span>;
How do you do that in TW?
Well, you can't use the three back ticks any more, because that would make the //@@color:red;// wikitext (or //<span style="color:red">//) show up as code, e.g.,
var foo = 1;
var bar = @@color:red;xyzzy(foo)@@;
...renders as:
var foo = 1;
var bar = @@color:red;xyzzy(foo)@@;
Not what we want.
You also can't use the single back tick ˋ at the beginning and end of the entire block, because everything in that inline code style has red text already.
Instead, you simply use the HTML //<pre>// element, which has most of the same styling you already need for a wikitext code block. Then you can use //@@color:red;// (or //<span style="color:red">//) just fine:
<pre><pre>var foo = 1;
var bar = @@color:red;xyzzy(foo)@@;
...renders as:
<pre>var foo = 1;
var bar = @@color:red;xyzzy(foo)@@;
Problem solved.
''HOWEVER:'' If your sample code has HTML or TW widgets with angle brackets, you have to take another step and make sure all the starting "angle brackets" are escaped into the HTML //&lt;// entity, or else they will be interpreted by TW during rendering because they are no longer fenced by ˋˋˋ. In other words, if you have something like:
<$view field="modified" format="relativedate"/>
...which renders as:
<pre><$view field="modified" format="relativedate"/></pre>
...and you now want to show a change in part of it using the //<pre>// trick, you have to escape the opening angle bracket as follows:
<pre><pre>&lt;$view field="modified" @@color:red;format="date" template="DDD, MMM DD, YYYY"@@/></pre>
...to get:
<pre><$view field="modified" @@color:red;format="date" template="DDD, MMM DD, YYYY"@@/></pre>
Sources: [[Color highlighting in a snippet of code|https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en#!searchin/tiddlywiki/Color$20highlighting$20in$20a$20snippet$20of$20code%7Csort:relevance/tiddlywiki/P0RtvM24SEg/MV7N41cyexEJ]] and [[http://dullroar.com/Color%2520highlighting%2520in%2520a%2520snippet%2520of%2520code.html]]
✂ Copy and 📋 Paste Emoji 👍 No apps required
Emojis are supported on all operating systems: iOS, Android, OS X, Windows and Windows Phone. Copy and paste emojis to use on Twitter, Facebook, Slack, Instagram, Snapchat, Tumblr and more.
;Smileys & People
😀 😬 😁 😂 😃 😄 😅 😆 😇 😉 😊 🙂 🙃 ☺️ 😋 😌 😍 😘 😗 😙 😚 😜 😝 😛 🤑 🤓 😎 🤗 😏 😶 😐 😑 😒 🙄 🤔 😳 😞 😟 😠 😡 😔 😕 🙁 ☹️ 😣 😖 😫 😩 😤 😮 😱 😨 😰 😯 😦 😧 😢 😥 😪 😓 😭 😵 😲 🤐 😷 🤒 🤕 😴 💤 💩 😈 👿 👹 👺 💀 👻 👽 🤖 😺 😸 😹 😻 😼 😽 🙀 😿 😾 🙌 👏 👋 👍 👊 ✊ ✌️ 👌 ✋ 💪 🙏 ☝️ 👆 👇 👈 👉 🖕 🤘 🖖 ✍️ 💅 👄 👅 👂 👃 👁 👀 👤 🗣 👶 👦 👧 👨 👩 👱 👴 👵 👲 👳 👮 👷 💂 🕵 🎅 👼 👸 👰 🚶 🏃 💃 👯 👫 👬 👭 🙇 💁 🙅 🙆 🙋 🙎 🙍 💇 💆 💑 👩❤️👩 👨❤️👨 💏 👩❤️💋👩 👨❤️💋👨 👪 👨👩👧 👨👩👧👦 👨👩👦👦 👨👩👧👧 👩👩👦 👩👩👧 👩👩👧👦 👩👩👦👦 👩👩👧👧 👨👨👦 👨👨👧 👨👨👧👦 👨👨👦👦 👨👨👧👧 👚 👕 👖 👔 👗 👙 👘 💄 💋 👣 👠 👡 👢 👞 👟 👒 🎩 ⛑ 🎓 👑 🎒 👝 👛 👜 💼 👓 🕶 💍 🌂
;Animals & Nature
🐶 🐱 🐭 🐹 🐰 🐻 🐼 🐨 🐯 🦁 🐮 🐷 🐽 🐸 🐙 🐵 🙈 🙉 🙊 🐒 🐔 🐧 🐦 🐤 🐣 🐥 🐺 🐗 🐴 🦄 🐝 🐛 🐌 🐞 🐜 🕷 🦂 🦀 🐍 🐢 🐠 🐟 🐡 🐬 🐳 🐋 🐊 🐆 🐅 🐃 🐂 🐄 🐪 🐫 🐘 🐐 🐏 🐑 🐎 🐖 🐀 🐁 🐓 🦃 🕊 🐕 🐩 🐈 🐇 🐿 🐾 🐉 🐲 🌵 🎄 🌲 🌳 🌴 🌱 🌿 ☘ 🍀 🎍 🎋 🍃 🍂 🍁 🌾 🌺 🌻 🌹 🌷 🌼 🌸 💐 🍄 🌰 🎃 🐚 🕸 🌎 🌍 🌏 🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌚 🌝 🌛 🌜 🌞 🌙 ⭐️ 🌟 💫 ✨ ☄ ☀️ 🌤 ⛅️ 🌥 🌦 ☁️ 🌧 ⛈ 🌩 ⚡️ 🔥 💥 ❄️ 🌨 🔥 💥 ❄️ 🌨 ☃️ ⛄️ 🌬 💨 🌪 🌫 ☂️ ☔️ 💧 💦 🌊
;Food & Drink
🍏 🍎 🍐 🍊 🍋 🍌 🍉 🍇 🍓 🍈 🍒 🍑 🍍 🍅 🍆 🌶 🌽 🍠 🍯 🍞 🧀 🍗 🍖 🍤 🍳 🍔 🍟 🌭 🍕 🍝 🌮 🌯 🍜 🍲 🍥 🍣 🍱 🍛 🍙 🍚 🍘 🍢 🍡 🍧 🍨 🍦 🍰 🎂 🍮 🍬 🍭 🍫 🍿 🍩 🍪 🍺 🍻 🍷 🍸 🍹 🍾 🍶 🍵 ☕️ 🍼 🍴 🍽
;Activity and Sports
⚽️ 🏀 🏈 ⚾️ 🎾 🏐 🏉 🎱 ⛳️ 🏌 🏓 🏸 🏒 🏑 🏏 🎿 ⛷ 🏂 ⛸ 🏹 🎣 🚣 🏊 🏄 🛀 ⛹ 🏋 🚴 🚵 🏇 🕴 🏆 🎽 🏅 🎖 🎗 🏵 🎫 🎟 🎭 🎨 🎪 🎤 🎧 🎼 🎹 🎷 🎺 🎸 🎻 🎬 🎮 👾 🎯 🎲 🎰 🎳
;Travel & Places
🚗 🚕 🚙 🚌 🚎 🏎 🚓 🚑 🚒 🚐 🚚 🚛 🚜 🏍 🚲 🚨 🚔 🚍 🚘 🚖 🚡 🚠 🚟 🚃 🚋 🚝 🚄 🚅 🚈 🚞 🚂 🚆 🚇 🚊 🚉 🚁 🛩 ✈️ 🛫 🛬 ⛵️ 🛥 🚤 ⛴ 🛳 🚀 🛰 💺 ⚓️ 🚧 ⛽️ 🚏 🚦 🚥 🏁 🚢 🎡 🎢 🎠 🏗 🌁 🗼 🏭 ⛲️ 🎑 ⛰ 🏔 🗻 🌋 🗾 🏕 ⛺️ 🏞 🛣 🛤 🌅 🌄 🏜 🏖 🏝 🌇 🌆 🏙 🌃 🌉 🌌 🌠 🎇 🎆 🌈 🏘 🏰 🏯 🏟 🗽 🏠 🏡 🏚 🏢 🏬 🏣 🏤 🏥 🏦 🏨 🏪 🏫 🏩 💒 🏛 ⛪️ 🕌 🕍 🕋 ⛩
⌚️ 📱 📲 💻 ⌨ 🖥 🖨 🖱 🖲 🕹 🗜 💽 💾 💿 📀 📼 📷 📸 📹 🎥 📽 🎞 📞 ☎️ 📟 📠 📺 📻 🎙 🎚 🎛 ⏱ ⏲ ⏰ 🕰 ⏳ ⌛️ 📡 🔋 🔌 💡 🔦 🕯 🗑 🛢 💸 💵 💴 💶 💷 💰 💳 💎 ⚖ 🔧 🔨 ⚒ 🛠 ⛏ 🔩 ⚙ ⛓ 🔫 💣 🔪 🗡 ⚔ 🛡 🚬 ☠ ⚰ ⚱ 🏺 🔮 📿 💈 ⚗ 🔭 🔬 🕳 💊 💉 🌡 🏷 🔖 🚽 🚿 🛁 🔑 🗝 🛋 🛌 🛏 🚪 🛎 🖼 🗺 ⛱ 🗿 🛍 🎈 🎏 🎀 🎁 🎊 🎉 🎎 🎐 🎌 🏮 ✉️ 📩 📨 📧 💌 📮 📪 📫 📬 📭 📦 📯 📥 📤 📜 📃 📑 📊 📈 📉 📄 📅 📆 🗓 📇 🗃 🗳 🗄 📋 🗒 📁 📂 🗂 🗞 📰 📓 📕 📗 📘 📙 📔 📒 📚 📖 🔗 📎 🖇 ✂️ 📐 📏 📌 📍 🚩 🏳 🏴 🔐 🔒 🔓 🔏 🖊 🖊 🖋 ✒️ 📝 ✏️ 🖍 🖌 🔍 🔎
❤️ 💛 💙 💜 💔 ❣️ 💕 💞 💓 💗 💖 💘 💝 💟 ☮ ✝️ ☪ 🕉 ☸ ✡️ 🔯 🕎 ☯️ ☦ 🛐 ⛎ ♈️ ♉️ ♊️ ♋️ ♌️ ♍️ ♎️ ♏️ ♐️ ♑️ ♒️ ♓️ 🆔 ⚛ 🈳 🈹 ☢ ☣ 📴 📳 🈶 🈚️ 🈸 🈺 🈷️ ✴️ 🆚 🉑 💮 🉐 ㊙️ ㊗️ 🈴 🈵 🈲 🅰️ 🅱️ 🆎 🆑 🅾️ 🆘 ⛔️ 📛 🚫 ❌ ⭕️ 💢 ♨️ 🚷 🚯 🚳 🚱 🔞 📵 ❗️ ❕ ❓ ❔ ‼️ ⁉️ 💯 🔅 🔆 🔱 ⚜ 〽️ ⚠️ 🚸 🔰 ♻️ 🈯️ 💹 ❇️ ✳️ ❎ ✅ 💠 🌀 ➿ 🌐 Ⓜ️ 🏧 🈂️ 🛂 🛃 🛄 🛅 ♿️ 🚭 🚾 🅿️ 🚰 🚹 🚺 🚼 🚻 🚮 🎦 📶 🈁 🆖 🆗 🆙 🆒 🆕 🆓 0️⃣ 1️⃣ 2️⃣ 3️⃣ 4️⃣ 5️⃣ 6️⃣ 7️⃣ 8️⃣ 9️⃣ 🔟 🔢 ▶️ ⏸ ⏯ ⏹ ⏺ ⏭ ⏮ ⏩ ⏪ 🔀 🔁 🔂 ◀️ 🔼 🔽 ⏫ ⏬ ➡️ ⬅️ ⬆️ ⬇️ ↗️ ↘️ ↙️ ↖️ ↕️ ↔️ 🔄 ↪️ ↩️ ⤴️ ⤵️ #️⃣ *️⃣ ℹ️ 🔤 🔡 🔠 🔣 🎵 🎶 〰️ ➰ ✔️ 🔃 ➕ ➖ ➗ ✖️ 💲 💱 ©️ ®️ ™️ 🔚 🔙 🔛 🔝 🔜 ☑️ 🔘 ⚪️ ⚫️ 🔴 🔵 🔸 🔹 🔶 🔷 🔺 ▪️ ▫️ ⬛️ ⬜️ 🔻 ◼️ ◻️ ◾️ ◽️ 🔲 🔳 🔈 🔉 🔊 🔇 📣 📢 🔔 🔕 🃏 🀄️ ♠️ ♣️ ♥️ ♦️ 🎴 👁🗨 💭 🗯 💬 🕐 🕑 🕒 🕓 🕔 🕕 🕖 🕗 🕘 🕙 🕚 🕛 🕜 🕝 🕞 🕟 🕠 🕡 🕢 🕣 🕤 🕥 🕦 🕧
🇦🇫 🇦🇽 🇦🇱 🇩🇿 🇦🇸 🇦🇩 🇦🇴 🇦🇮 🇦🇶 🇦🇬 🇦🇷 🇦🇲 🇦🇼 🇦🇺 🇦🇹 🇦🇿 🇧🇸 🇧🇭 🇧🇩 🇧🇧 🇧🇾 🇧🇪 🇧🇿 🇧🇯 🇧🇲 🇧🇹 🇧🇴 🇧🇶 🇧🇦 🇧🇼 🇧🇷 🇮🇴 🇻🇬 🇧🇳 🇧🇬 🇧🇫 🇧🇮 🇨🇻 🇰🇭 🇨🇲 🇨🇦 🇮🇨 🇰🇾 🇨🇫 🇹🇩 🇨🇱 🇨🇳 🇨🇽 🇨🇨 🇨🇴 🇰🇲 🇨🇬 🇨🇩 🇨🇰 🇨🇷 🇭🇷 🇨🇺 🇨🇼 🇨🇾 🇨🇿 🇩🇰 🇩🇯 🇩🇲 🇩🇴 🇪🇨 🇪🇬 🇸🇻 🇬🇶 🇪🇷 🇪🇪 🇪🇹 🇪🇺 🇫🇰 🇫🇴 🇫🇯 🇫🇮 🇫🇷 🇬🇫 🇵🇫 🇹🇫 🇬🇦 🇬🇲 🇬🇪 🇩🇪 🇬🇭 🇬🇮 🇬🇷 🇬🇱 🇬🇩 🇬🇵 🇬🇺 🇬🇹 🇬🇬 🇬🇳 🇬🇼 🇬🇾 🇭🇹 🇭🇳 🇭🇰 🇭🇺 🇮🇸 🇮🇳 🇮🇩 🇮🇷 🇮🇶 🇮🇪 🇮🇲 🇮🇱 🇮🇹 🇨🇮 🇯🇲 🇯🇵 🇯🇪 🇯🇴 🇰🇿 🇰🇪 🇰🇮 🇽🇰 🇰🇼 🇰🇬 🇱🇦 🇱🇻 🇱🇧 🇱🇸 🇱🇷 🇱🇾 🇱🇮 🇱🇹 🇱🇺 🇲🇴 🇲🇰 🇲🇬 🇲🇼 🇲🇾 🇲🇻 🇲🇱 🇲🇹 🇲🇭 🇲🇶 🇲🇷 🇲🇺 🇾🇹 🇲🇽 🇫🇲 🇲🇩 🇲🇨 🇲🇳 🇲🇪 🇲🇸 🇲🇦 🇲🇿 🇲🇲 🇳🇦 🇳🇷 🇳🇵 🇳🇱 🇳🇨 🇳🇿 🇳🇮 🇳🇪 🇳🇬 🇳🇺 🇳🇫 🇲🇵 🇰🇵 🇳🇴 🇴🇲 🇵🇰 🇵🇼 🇵🇸 🇵🇦 🇵🇬 🇵🇾 🇵🇪 🇵🇭 🇵🇳 🇵🇱 🇵🇹 🇵🇷 🇶🇦 🇷🇪 🇷🇴 🇷🇺 🇷🇼 🇧🇱 🇸🇭 🇰🇳 🇱🇨 🇵🇲 🇻🇨 🇼🇸 🇸🇲 🇸🇹 🇸🇦 🇸🇳 🇷🇸 🇸🇨 🇸🇱 🇸🇬 🇸🇽 🇸🇰 🇸🇮 🇸🇧 🇸🇴 🇿🇦 🇬🇸 🇰🇷 🇸🇸 🇪🇸 🇱🇰 🇸🇩 🇸🇷 🇸🇿 🇸🇪 🇨🇭 🇸🇾 🇹🇼 🇹🇯 🇹🇿 🇹🇭 🇹🇱 🇹🇬 🇹🇰 🇹🇴 🇹🇹 🇹🇳 🇹🇷 🇹🇲 🇹🇨 🇹🇻 🇺🇬 🇺🇦 🇦🇪 🇬🇧 🇺🇸 🇻🇮 🇺🇾 🇺🇿 🇻🇺 🇻🇦 🇻🇪 🇻🇳 🇼🇫 🇪🇭 🇾🇪 🇿🇲 🇿🇼
;Emojis that work in Twitter
☺️ ☹ ☝️ ✌️ ✍️ ❤️ ❣️ ☠ ♨️ ✈️ ⌛ ⌚ ♈ ♉ ♊ ♋ ♌ ♍ ♎ ♏ ♐ ♑ ♒ ♓ ☀️ ☁️ ☂️ ❄️ ⛄️ ☄ ♠️ ♥️ ♦️ ♣️ ▶️ ◀️ ☎️ ⌨ ✉️ ✏️ ✒️ ✂️ ↗️ ➡️ ↘️ ↙️ ↖️ ↕️ ↔️ ↩️ ↪️ ✡️ ☸ ☯️ ✝️ ☦ ☪ ☮ ☢ ☣ ☑️ ✔️ ✖️ ✳️ ✴️ ❇️ ‼️ ©️ ®️ ™️ Ⓜ️ ▪️ ▫️ #⃣️ *️⃣ 0⃣️ 1⃣️ 2⃣️ 3⃣️ 4⃣️ 5⃣️ 6⃣️ 7⃣️ 8⃣️ 9⃣️ ⁉️ ℹ️ ⤴️ ⤵️ ♻️ ◻️ ◼️ ◽ ◾ ☕ ⚠️ ☔ ⏏ ⬆️ ⬇️ ⬅️ ⚡ ☘ ⚓ ♿ ⚒ ⚙ ⚗ ⚖ ⚔ ⚰ ⚱ ⚜ ⚛ ⚪ ⚫ 🀄 ⭐ ⬛ ⬜ ⛑ ⛰ ⛪ ⛲ ⛺ ⛽ ⛵ ⛴ ⛔ ⛅ ⛈ ⛱ ⛄ ⚽ ⚾️ ⛳ ⛸ ⛷ ⛹ ⛏ ⛓ ⛩ ⭕ ❗ 🅿️ ❦ ♕ ♛ ♔ ♖ ♜ ☾ → ⇒ ⟹ ⇨ ⇰ ➩ ➪ ➫ ➬ ➭ ➮ ➯ ➲ ➳ ➵ ➸ ➻ ➺ ➼ ➽ ☜ ☟ ➹ ➷ ↶ ↷ ✆ ⌘ ⎋ ⏎ ⏏ ⎈ ⎌ ⍟ ❥ ツ ღ ☻
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<<copy2text TagPill3a>>
#With paint.net fill inside and out with Tolerance 33% all areas of gif with alternate color and then white to get thin lined gif.
#With Inkscape select the thin lined image and then do Path | Trace Bitmap... with settings of Brightness cutoff Threshold of 0.001, Edge detection (selected) with Threshold of 0.000 and with Smooth deselected and Remove background selected.
#Fill each area that needs colored or white with any color besides outline with Threshold 100 and with Grow/shrink by 0.10 px.
#View | Display mode | Outline and Edit paths by nodes tool to remove excess nodes by selecting them and hitting delete key. Delete any excess within the line path and also any internal line boarders. The internal line boards will be made up of the walls of the color. When done set Display mode | Normal.
#With Inkscape open color image on half and thin lined image on other half of screen.
#Select a color in the thin lined image and then using Pick color using image tool to get RGB codes from Fill and Stroke (Shift + Ctrl + F) on the Fill tab for the color image and input RGB numbers into the Fill and Stroke on the Fill Tab in the thin lined image. Select Flat color to display the input fields.
#Select background and hit delete to make sure background is transparent.
#Save it as Optimized SVG file with from the Options tab the Shorten color values, Collapse groups, and Work around renderer bugs selected and Number of significant digits for coordinates 3. On SVG Output tab select all but Embed raster images and Enable viewboxing and Depth of indentation 0. On IDs tab select Remove unused IDs and Shorten IDs.
#May need to edit the final code by removing version and viewbox.
Note: I might want to look into optimizing the code again.
This category is for informational reference.
External comments viewed within the tiddler.
Resource: [[Adding comments sections to tiddlers on a tiddlywiki using hashover|http://ooktech.com/jed/externalbrain/#Adding%20comments%20sections%20to%20tiddlers%20on%20a%20tiddlywiki%20using%20hashover]] (Jed Carty 5/18/15)
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="tc-image-external tc-image-button" width="18" height="14" viewBox="0 0 128 128"><path fill="#00F" d="m48,24.2h-38.8a8,8 0 0 0 -8,8v87.6a8,8 0 0 0 8,8h87.6a8,8 0 0 0 8,-8v-38.8h-16v31.8h-71.6v-71.6h31.8v-16zm24,-8h28.8l-50,50a5.5,5.5 0 0 0 11,11l50,-50v28.8a8,8 0 0 0 16,0v-55.8h-55.8a8,8 0 0 0 0,16z"/></svg>
This tiddler is tagged with {{Fields||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}
*Indenting in code is 4 spaces
*Start of paragraph text is double half tabs unless transcluded
*Unlike TiddlyWiki Coding Style, single quotes ARE preferred over double quotes for string literals because if it is in a plugin, this prevents the need to be escaped which saves size and expensive conversion time. Exception would be triple quotes for trouble processing titles with spaces.
Resource: [[TiddlyWiki Coding Style Guidelines|http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/#TiddlyWiki%20Coding%20Style%20Guidelines]]
Resources: Google spreadsheets
replace spaces with *
add line breaks
round numbers to one decimal place
remove line breaks
replace * with space
replace 0.0 with 0
replace l0, with v
manually replace lx,0 with hx
The recommended technique for building TiddlyWiki plugins involves running [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js|http://tiddlywiki.com/#TiddlyWiki%20on%20Node.js]], but there is now an experimental technique for creating plugins directly in the browser.
! Overview
Loading a plugin in the browser has several consequences:
* The original plugin tiddler itself is unchanged
* The payload tiddlers are set up as individual [[ShadowTiddlers|http://tiddlywiki.com/#ShadowTiddlers]]
To make a modified copy of a plugin, one edits the constituent shadow tiddlers (doing this actually overrides the shadow tiddler with a new non-shadow tiddler containing the modified content). The repacking process retrieves the current value of all the shadow tiddlers included in the plugin, and then bundles the new values back into the original plugin tiddler.
! Step by step
!! 1. Setup your development environment
Start with a blank TiddlyWiki. It is useful to create a ''HelloThere'' tiddler that contains links to various tiddlers that you'll be opening frequently during plugin development:
* The plugin itself (eg `$:/plugins/yourname/pluginname`)
* The payload tiddlers that are to be packed into the plugin (eg `$:/plugins/yourname/pluginname/mywidget.js`)
!! 2. Create the plugin tiddler
Click the link to the plugin tiddler to open it. Assuming it doesn't currently exist, it will open with an italicised title, indicating that it is a missing tiddler. Then switch to edit mode and set the following fields on the tiddler:
|!Field |!Value |
|''dependents'' |Space separated list of dependent plugins (use square brackets for titles containing spaces) |
|''description'' |Plugin description |
|''name'' |Plugin name (only needed for themes) |
|''plugin-type'' |Either 'plugin' for a regular plugin, 'theme' for a theme, or 'language' for a language pack |
|''type'' |Set to 'application/json' |
|''version'' |Set to the version number of the plugin (eg '0.0.1') |
Then in the body of the tiddler, insert:
{"tiddlers": {}}
Save the plugin tiddler
!! 3. Modify the payload tiddlers
Create the payload tiddlers by clicking on the links in the ''HelloThere'' tiddler from step 1.
!! 4. Pack the plugin
Open the browser developer console, and type the following JavaScript statement, but first change the first parameter to the name of your plugin. The second parameter is an optional array of tiddler titles to be added to the plugin:
You should see a confirmation message, and then if you inspect the plugin tiddler you should see that it has been filled with the payload tiddlers.
Each time you save the plugin the last portion of the version number is automatically incremented. This will ensure that users with an older version of your plugin will be able to install the new version.
!! 5. Testing the plugin
To test the plugin, first make sure that it has been packed. Then save changes and refresh the page in order to load the new plugin.
!! 6. Repacking the plugin
Once you've built the plugin for the first time you can omit the second parameter to `repackPlugin()` unless you are adding a new tiddler:
!! 7. Removing tiddlers from the plugin
To remove tiddlers from the plugin specify their titles in the optional third parameter:
! Notes
!! Creating theme and language plugins
Before attempting to repack your plugin you should ensure that the plugin is selected as the current theme or language. Otherwise the shadow tiddlers will not be present.
<object id='myanchor' type='text/html' data='http://www.hypergurl.com/anchors.html#bottom' class='offset'></object>
Google groups: Investigation: Random -- But Within A Range
Use either `<br>` or enclose multiple lines in `"""` on the line above and below the text.<br>
-- for example:
This is a line
and this is a new line
while this is yet another line
and this is the final one
apart from this one
-- displays as:<br>
This is a line
and this is a new line
while this is yet another line
and this is the final one
apart from this one
Need to move the tiddlyviewer expand out of $:/t5a/stylesheet and into the over ridden shadow tiddlyviewer stylesheet. Do it from a computer and not my phone. Also tag over ridden with stylesheet tag.
<mark> @@color:red;Hello@@ </mark>, my name is [[Andrew|Andrew Harrison]] and this is my web site for testing Tiddlywiki 5 plugins that I find useful or developing myself, and testing new releases.
I started using Tiddlywiki (now referred to as Tiddlywiki Classic or TWC) back in 2008. I've been using TW5 since it was released.
Resource from Jeremy: currentTiddler as a macro parameter default
\define x(y:<<currentTiddler>>)
is actually equivalent to:
\define x(y:'<<currentTiddler>>')
The technique you are using is to pass the attribute brackets as part of the parameter string. If the parameter isn't specified then it is given the literal string value '<<currentTiddler>>', and not the actual value of the variable 'currentTiddler'. So it only works if the parameter is eventually wikified, so that the macrocall syntax is processed.<br>
Another problem is that macro calls currently cannot be nested, so you cannot do:
<<x y:'<<myVariable>>'>>
There's also a trap that this won't work:
<<x y:'My Tiddler'>>
Instead you have to do:
<<x y:'[[My Tiddler]]'>>
@@color:purple;''Important'': Adding my library does not pre-install any of my plugins in your wiki but just adds a reference to it, i.e. you need internet access to actually install plugins from it.@@
Drag this tiddler to your wiki to access my plugin library from your [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]]: $:/pluginlibrary/ajh/released
!! {{$:/pluginlibrary/ajh/released!!caption}}
''Tip:'' You can actually try it out right here in this wiki.<br>
Open: {{$:/core/ui/Buttons/control-panel}} ''~ControlPanel'' > ''Plugins'' > ''Get more plugins'' > ''Open plugin library''
I need to look at what needs to be done to include License in plugins.
\define reveal1(button h)
<<toggle $button$>><br>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/temp/$(currentTiddler)$!!$button$" text="$:/$button$_b">
<object type='text/html' data='http://www.tiddlywiki.com/#$button$' style='width: 100%;height: $h$em;'/><br>
<<reveal1 TagPill1 5>>
Use the CSS 'transform' attribute, like this:
`@@display:inline-block;transform: rotate(-185deg); your text here @@`
Displays like this:
@@display:inline-block;transform: rotate(-185deg); your text here @@
Would like to find the email about sizable using a mouse handle to drag size. Resource: set story width in a stylesheet tiddle
Also Resource: http://eucaly-tw5.tiddlyspot.com/#%24%3A%2Fplugins%2Feucaly%2Fflexwidth
Resource: [[Proof-of-Concept: (new) Direct drag-to-resize Theme Tweak|https://groups.google.com/forum/m/#!topic/tiddlywiki/abMEKz88luc]] (Mat Gold and Eric Shulman 5/28/15)
Use tags and filter search?
[[TW5 Plugin Startup Modules Not Loading?|https://groups.google.com/forum/m/#!topic/tiddlywikidev/uQaq1r4sRMI]]
Maybe look at fieldmangler.js
Color contrast:http://webdesign.about.com/od/color/l/bl_contrast_table.htm
Excel formulas: {{Formula1||$:/copy}} and {{Formula2||$:/copy}}<br>
Copy arrow: m79.8,44.8l-32,24l32,24l0,-16l40,0a8,8 0 0 0 0,-16l-40,0l0,-16z
<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-selective-expandable 'Contents'>>
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/SampleReveal2" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SampleReveal2" setTo="show" class="tc-btn-invisible tc-tag-label">Show me</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/SampleReveal2" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SampleReveal2" setTo="hide" class="tc-btn-invisible tc-tag-label">Hide me</$button>
! This is the revealed content
And this is some text
[[$:/Tiddly Example]]
\define reveal-tagpill1() $:/temp/$(currentTiddler)$!!TagPill1
<<overlay {{$:/Examples/Overlay!!what}} {{$:/Examples/Overlay!!with}} 100% 40px overlay-example>>
<span class='tc-copy-button'><$button param={{!!title}} message='tm-selection' tooltip={{$:/language/Buttons/Copy/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/Buttons/Copy/Caption}} class='tc-btn-invisible'><$action-sendmessage $message='tm-notify' $param='$:/language/Buttons/Copy/Notification'/>{{$:/plugin/ajh/copy/images/copy}}</$button>
<<toggle TagPill1>><br>
<$reveal type="match" state=<<reveal-tagpill1>> text="$:/TagPill1_b">
Some content<br>
<<copy2text TagPill3a>>
<<toggle TagPill1a>><<toggle TagPill2a>>
Replaced with $:/plugins/ajh/TopMenu
Whatever buttons you show in the sidebar when it's open will show up in the topbar when it's closed. One tiddler $:/plugins/ajh/topmenu
Here's one useful trick. Let's say that you're working on a macro `<<myFancyMacro>>` and it's not working as you expect. You can inspect the wikitext that is generated by the macro with:`<$text text=<<myFancyMacro>>/>`
The `<<dumpvariables>>` macro can also be useful. It shows the variable values in force at the point where the macro is invoked, so you can check that variables used in your macros have the expected values.
The dumpvariables macro returns a table showing the values of all variables and macros that exist at that position in the widget tree.
It is useful for debugging and exploring TiddlyWiki's internals.
Placeholders are replaced with values in the normal way, but using the default values for all macro parameters.
<mark>@@color:red;Under Construction!!!@@</mark><br>
Path to download: file:///storage/emulated/0/Download/tiddlywiki.html
Things I'm hoping for or planning or working on.
{{Under construction}}This is an old treasure from my TWC quest and I was hoping to figure out how to do the same on this quest. It previously had the following:<br>
var ax = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Network");
txtUserName: ax.UserName});
var sys = new ActiveXObject("ADSysteminfo");
var username = sys.UserName;
var CN = username.split(" ");
config.options.txtSurName = CN[1];
config.options.txtSurID = CN[3].substring(0,7);
See notifications appearing in screen upper right corner.
<<tabs "aa bb cc" "aa">>
{{$:/core/images/done-button}} This is a notification!
This is a test of a tabbed story view for tiddlywiki. Tiddlers opened will appear as tabs at the top of the story river instead of opening each tiddler in the story river.
It is an early alpha so only basic things work. You should be able to open close and edit tiddlers correctly. Mostly, editing titles seems to have a bit of trouble. Also clicking on a link for a new tiddler will add it to the tabs at the top but not switch to that tab yet.
You can close the tiddlers using the normal close tiddler button or by clicking on the X next to the tiddler name on the tabs at the top.
For now only these tiddlers have been changed:
; tw version
: <<version>>
; macro
: [[$:/.tb/macros/tagfilter]]
; requires
: `[all[current[]tags[]]tagging:all[]]`
> <<tagfilter>>
; depends on
: [[pull/1385|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/1385]] — @@color:red;not yet part of the core!@@
:extended tagging.js to get all tagged to the current list
:: [[$:/core/modules/filters/tagging.js]]
:: [[$:/core/modules/utils/utils.js]]
: [[pull/1379|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/1379]] — @@color:red;not yet part of the core!@@
: fixes edit-mode tags and consolidates tag macro
:: [[$:/core/macros/tag]]
:: [[$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/tags]]
:: [[$:/core/ui/TagTemplate]]
All class abstracts...
All content for Class A...
All contents for Class B...
All classes...
All degrees...
This wiki explores how to leverage the basic concepts of TagglyTagging for ~TiddlyWiki5. TagglyTagging starts from the premise of tiddlers being tags, thus forming a tag hierarchy where — for speedy content creation — you extensively use the NewHere command.
In [[classic TiddlyWiki|http://classic.tiddlywiki.com]], TagglyTagging implied a tagging structure similar to the following...
!!!<<taginfo "My Degree">>
* <<taginfo "Class A">>
** <<taginfo "Class A — Abstract">>
** <<taginfo "Class A — Schedule">>
* <<taginfo "Class B">>
** <<taginfo "Class B — Abstract">>
** <<taginfo "Class B — Schedule">>
!!to do
Use the [[toc|http://tiddlywiki.com/#TableOfContentsMacro]] macro to [[conditionally|http://tb5.tiddlyspot.com/#Conditional%20ViewTemplate%20Section]] to list tocs for all tagging tiddlers at the bottom of a tiddler.
:the birthplace of TagglyTagging
:tag based notetaking with dynamic toc
All classes for my degree...
Allows to create a new tiddler tagging to the currently viewed tiddler:
{{$:/core/ui/Buttons/new-here}} — [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/new-here]]
All schedules...
TagglyTagging by Simon Baird for [[TiddlyWiki classic|http://classic.tiddlywiki.com]]:
I defined the `<<taginfo>>` macro to list the tags of a given tiddler in [[a list|GettingStarted]]:
<div class="ibox pretty" style="padding:15px;margin-bottom:30px;">
`<<taginfo "Class A">>`<br><br>
<<taginfo "Class A">>
<pre><$view tiddler="$:/macros/taginfo" format="text"/></pre>
<pre><$view tiddler="$:/styles/taginfo" format="text"/></pre>
[[Here|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/zbiwXL5orIk/qOWwb_UXjsoJ]], [[Stephan Hradek]] shows how to construct a document from numbered chapters:
\define chapter() Chapter $(num)$
<$list filter="[removeprefix[Chapter ]nsort[title]]" variable="num">
!<$link to=<<chapter>>><$text text=<<chapter>>/></$link>
<$transclude tiddler=<<chapter>>/>
The above example first retrieves all tiddlers with a prefix "Chapter ", then removes it and later adds it back in via the chapter macro when processing the filter results.
; compare to
: [[Creating A Document Of Tiddlers]]
Based on a solution [[suggested by Stephan Hradek|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/XxLT8zJqHYM/Pl90y8Evn7AJ]], here's how you can list entries to categories without a need to use tagging, optionally sorted by a custom `order` field.
<$macrocall $name=` text="""<<catlist "[list[Welcome]]">>"""/>
The example calls the `catlist` macro, which takes two parameters....
:a filter defining your potential category items, required
:use `[all[]]` to just catch all tiddlers having the following field defined...
:the `field` used at tiddlers pointing to a category by naming it, default `category`
<<source $:/.tb/macros/catlist>>
<div style="margin:0 -45px 0 -43px">{{$:/.img/fish.svg}}</div>
''Addendum:'' You can use the plugin [[tobibeer/appear|http://tobibeer.github.io/tw5-plugins#appear]] to create an accordion menu.
As [[Alberto Molina]] [[announces here|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/TXk4XZpO6a8/snVBW5jW6q8J]], there are highly customizable [[slider and accordion macros|http://tw5.scholars.tiddlyspot.com/#%24%3A%2F_tw-scholars%2Fdoc%2Fmacros%2Fslider_accordion]] in [[TiddlyWiki For Scholars]].
You can find a demo of the accordeon working at the bottom of the start page at
* http://tw5.scholars.tiddlyspot.com
Based on a [[solution by Felix|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/SZsfT7-TPD8/lqxHDUDXCgAJ]], you can use a generic macro to evaluate any text as an ad-hoc macro even passing variables. Here's an example macro <<source "$:/.tb/macros/=">>
Use the above macro like so:
<<= "I am $(currentTiddler)$ for TiddlyWiki $(version)$. This is quite $1$." "cool">>
> <<= "I am $(currentTiddler)$ for TiddlyWiki $(version)$. This is quite $1$." "cool">>
You can spice things up even more by leveraging the evaluated attributes the <<x MacroCallWidget>> provides:
<$macrocall $name="=" text="I am $(currentTiddler)$ for TiddlyWiki $(version)$. This is quite $1$." 1={{!!how-it-is}}/>
; How is it?
: {{!!how-it-is}}
<$macrocall $name="=" text="I am $(currentTiddler)$ for TiddlyWiki $(version)$. This is quite $1$." 1={{!!how-it-is}}/>
; How is it?
: {{!!how-it-is}}
To use double-quotes in any macro parameter you can:
# use single quotes to enclose your macro parameters
# use triple double-quotes for your parameters to allow single double-quotes within
A trick inspired by [[Jeremy's comment|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/911#issuecomment-56985742]]: Always wanted to change that default @@color:#ffff00;background:#bbb;padding:3px 5px;border-radius:7px;yellow@@ used for painting over images?
Just as you can add a [[Conditional ViewTemplate Section]], you can add a custom edit template component by tagging it [[$:/tags/EditTemplate]].
Simply drag this template to your TiddlyWiki and for all your image tiddlers a color-picker and a setting for the line-width will be displayed right below the image dimensions: <<source $:/.tb/ui/EditTemplate/paint>>
Try it out editing and see if you can manage to play with opacity, as well...
<<linkimg Jack.jpg Jack.jpg>>
As indicated [[in this discussion|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/SZ5Rl5rZZqA/LU6f1aFpAQAJ]], [[GSD5|GSD5 — Getting Stuff Done]] features a reusable date picker.
To use it for modifying any of your fields, install the following plugin in your TiddlyWiki:
* [[$:/plugins/gsd5/ticklers|http://gsd5.tiddlyspot.com/#%24%3A%2Fplugins%2Fgsd5%2Fticklers]]
!! Usage
To use a date picker for a field called ''due'' in an [[edit template|http://tobibeer.github.io/tb5/#Conditional%20ViewTemplate%20Section]], use...
<$date field="due"/>
For an example, see [[here|http://gsd5.tiddlyspot.com/#%24%3A%2Fplugins%2Fgsd5%2Fcore%2Fui%2Faddins%2FViewTickler]].
Yesterday I showed you how you can more easily [[chose the color and line-width|Adding A ColorPicker For Editing Images]] for TiddlyWiki's ability to [[draw on images|http://tiddlywiki.com/#EditBitmapWidget]].
As [[PMario points out|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/qkGGkAli1zw/oTyuvVglem0J]], to create a blank canvas to draw on, simply create a new tiddler and set it's type to one of the editable image types, e.g. `image/png`, `image/jpg`, `image/gif`.
To round things up, here's some button code [[suggested by Birthe|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/qkGGkAli1zw/2nQmzn5eENkJ]] that allows you to create a blank canvas to paint on to your heart's content:
<$macrocall $name=`
text="""<$button tooltip="Create new sketch">
type= "image/jpg"
/>New sketch</$button>"""/>
''Note:'' I could not find out how to initialize the canvas with a different width and height yet.
As [[Jeremy Ruston]] explains [[here|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/rmQ1xEujn-Y/wbiUEZWbGioJ]]...
> You can force an image to appear in the [[tag manager dropdown|$:/TagManager]] by giving it the tag [[$:/tags/Image]]. That's how the core shadow images are made to appear, too.
''Note:'' For your image to behave like a core image, give the svg...
* the class `tc-image-button`
* possibly the same ''width'' and ''height'' attributes
* possibly the same ''viewBox'' settings, i.e. square proportions
* remove custom fill attributes
!! Example
<<source "$:/.tb/demo/svg-circle">>
> {{$:/.tb/demo/svg-circle}}
!! ~TagManager
As [[Daniel Baird points out|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/GvyNfn9pASc/qdK2h9A7DZcJ]], you can add some custom css to your TiddlyWiki to get advanced [[numbered lists|ordered-lists]] with numbers that look like sub-chapters.
A standard TiddlyWiki gives you:
<table class="no-border">
# level 1
## level 2
### level 3
## level 2
### level 3
# level 1
## level 2
### level 3
## level 2
### level 3
Here's how you get a fully numbered list using a custom class named `ol`:
<table class="no-border">
# level 1
## level 2
### level 3
## level 2
### level 3
# level 1
## level 2
### level 3
## level 2
### level 3
The class `ol` is defined in a [[custom stylesheet|Custom Stylesheets]] which you can simply drag to your wiki: <<source [[$:/.tb/styles/really-numbered]]>>
[[Solutions]] about aliasing tiddlers...
Sparked from [[this issue|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/948#issuecomment-64797341]], here's a way to ensure your visitors find their way to the new tiddler using old links, in case you ever decide renaming them...
!! Installation
You can simply drag these two to your wiki and start right away:
* [[$:/config/Redirected]] — edit redirects here, see below
* [[$:/.tb/template/redirected]]
!! Step 1 — define redirects
To define redirects, create a [[DataTiddler|http://tiddlywiki.com/#DataTiddlers]] of type `application/json` and feed it with proper JSON formating like <<source $:/config/Redirected>>
Here the index to the left will be your old title and the index to the right contains either a link or full-blown wiki-text to inform the user of what's changed.
!! Step 2 — conditional template
As explained before, you can create [[a conditional view-template section|Conditional ViewTemplate Section]] which displays information when certain conditions are met.
Here's one that displays a redirect message at the top of a tiddler...
<<source [[$:/.tb/template/redirected]]>>
The template is displayed at the top of each indexed tiddler because...
# it is tagged [[$:/tags/ViewTemplate]]
# has the field `list-before` set to [[$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/body]] which tells the renderer to place it before the tiddler body
!! Step 3 — styles
Using the `redirected` class as defined in the template above, you can either add styles directly to the template or use a [[custom stylesheet|Custom Stylesheets]].
The [[alink]] macro or its shorthand `a:` simplify pretty-linking tiddlers in a case-insensitive manner, rendering a link to a target tiddler. To use it, define a `|piped|list|` field called `alink` at the target, encapsulating each `alias` in lowercase letters only with pipes `|`, e.g. `|alias|aliases|`.
!! Parameters
The `alink` or `a:` macro takes one parameter, the alias you wish to lookup and link.
<$macrocall $name=`
text="""; test
: <<alink alias>>
: <<a: aliases>>
; proof
: <code>{{alink!!alink}}</code>"""/>
Install [[$:/.tb/macros/alink]].
!! Source
<<source [[$:/.tb/macros/alink]]>>
!! Inspired by
; ''Aliases''
: http://tw5magick.tiddlyspot.com by [[Stephan Hradek]]
: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/eEaxLQtC7sU/4a6z0bCTQ_AJ
"Filter solutions...">><style>
.solutions input {
Build via node.js, TiddlyWiki.com provides a way to display all tiddlers in one flat file as linked via: [[$:/core/templates/static.content|http://tiddlywiki.com/#%24%3A%2Fcore%2Ftemplates%2Fstatic.content]] which is displayed when a visitor's browser doesn't support ~JavaScript.
The link: http://tiddlywiki.com/alltiddlers.html#HelloThere
<div class="static pretty" style="overflow-x:hidden;">
<iframe src="http://tiddlywiki.com/alltiddlers.html#HelloThere" style="height:600px;width:100%;border:none;overflow-x:hidden:overflow-y:auto;"/>
This tiddler is used to show some results elsewhere for demonstration purposes. It also has <<excerpt "an example excerpt">>.
\define getBooks() <$list filter="[tag[Resource]field:courses<course> +tag[Resource]field:level<level>]" />
''Update:'' A more versatile solution to the below approach is the [[xlist]] macro.
As [[proposed|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/tiddlywiki/CwDOwfQju0E]] by [[Stephan Hradek]], the following example shows you how you can use nested lists to query for two different tag-like fields using AND logic, meaning where the field ''courses'' contains ''French'' out of a number of courses AND the field ''levels'' contains ''A1'' out of a number of levels:
'<$list filter="[[French]listed[courses]]" variable="course">
<$list filter="[[A1]listed[levels]field:title<course>]">
The books being queried are listed at the bottom in detail.
Notice the use of the `course` variable within the filter expression of the inner list so as to reference the item, i.e. the course, iterated in the outer list.
You can easily wrap it all in ''$set'' widgets so as to dynamically fill the course and level via variables obtained through the ''$radio'', ''$select'' or even the ''$edit-text'' widget.
An alternative approach [[suggesed by Evolena|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/CwDOwfQju0E/aUiCJvTHDYoJ]] would be to make a filter run using regular expressions on fields looking up the corresponding values stored at [[a student|Tobias Beer]]:
<<` '<$list filter="[regexp:courses{Tobias Beer!!course}regexp:levels{Tobias Beer!!level}]"/>'>>
!!All Books
<$list filter="[prefix[$:/books/]]">
<h2><$link><$view field="title"/></$link><br></h2><div>
; on GitHub
: https://github.com/Drakor
[img width={{!!mywidth}} class=<<image-classes>> [example.jpg]]
params via
[[transclusion|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Transclusion%20in%20WikiText]] or
embed via transclusion
The following solution [[proposed by Andreas Hahn|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/DNNRxc94MJM/e2pzQVjNABAJ]] provides additional toc macros that allow you to render an autocollapsing table of content.
Drag to your wiki: [[$:/.tb/macros/toc-auto-collapse]]
<$macrocall $name=` text=
"""<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-selective-single-expandable 'Welcome'>>
To additionally sort entries by a custom field, use the second macro parameter:
<<toc-selective-single-expandable "TableOfContents" "sort[caption]">>
To create a basic javascript macro take a look at the example below, most importantly setting its `type` field to `application/javascript`.
`<<examplemacro "foo bar">>` renders as: <<examplemacro "foo bar">>
<<source $:/.tb/demo/example.js>>
Do you have a lot of data you wish to import as tiddlers into TiddlyWiki? Here are a few simple steps to create the required import file.
To first understand how to create a valid import file, take a look at the export feature...
#open ''Advanced Search'' {{$:/core/ui/Buttons/advanced-search}} / ''Filter''
#*enter a filter like `[tag[Markup]]`
#*this lists all tiddlers tagging to [[Markup]]
#click the export button to the right of the search / filter input
#export the listed tiddlers in a format you're able to construct yourself
#*e.g. json or csv
Now, have a look at that file in either some text editor or that spreadsheet application that allows you to create such a file via text-concatenation.
Now, in order to create an importable file...
# construct your import file using a format that suits your needs
#* add the desired entries
# save it
# drag it from your desktop onto your TiddlyWiki
# hit ''import''
Now you should have imported a bunch of tiddlers from your desktop into TiddlyWiki without creating them manually within TiddlyWiki itself.
As of version 5.1.9, when you navigate to a missing tiddler this message is shown:
> Missing tiddler "foo" - click {{$:/core/images/edit-button}} to create.
While this can be useful for editing a wiki, it is not so much for visiting a published wiki. To modify this message, you can edit the following tiddler, as is done here:
<<source [[$:/language/MissingTiddler/Hint]]>>
On tb5, [[another template|$:/.tb/ui/ViewTemplate/redirected-tb5]] already shows links for [[redirected tiddlers|Aliases And Redirecting Dead Links]], so in the above:
* the reveal widget only shows its content when no redirects are defined
** see [[Aliases And Redirecting Dead Links]]
* only then a note is displayed with a button that looks like a link which...
** closes the current tiddler
** navigates to the [[Welcome]] tiddler
> {{this missing tiddler||$:/.tb/ui/ViewTemplate/missing}}
Try it out at: [[this missing tiddler]]
> block
>> quotes
>>> are </dd>easy
> block
>> quotes
>>> are <br>easy
''//bold italics//''
<dd>''//bold italics//''</dd>
Inspired by [[mathmacros @ tiddlyspot|http://mathmacros.tiddlyspot.com]] from [[Danielo Rodríguez]], the ''calc'' macro allows you to do simple calculations based on tiddler fields.
<$button set="!!counter" setTo=<<calc !!counter +1>>>+</$button>
<$button set="!!counter" setTo=<<calc !!counter -1>>>-</$button>
{{!!counter}} - 1 = <<calc !!counter -1>> <hr> <<calc 2 -1>> = 1
<$button set="!!counter" setTo=<<calc !!counter +1>>>+</$button>
<$button set="!!counter" setTo=<<calc !!counter -1>>>-</$button>
{{!!counter}} - 1 = <<calc !!counter -1>> <hr> <<calc 2 -1>> = 1
Calculated values can be used as widget attributes so as to assign them to tiddler fields. In the above example, the counter field is incremented / decremented.
!! Parameters
//''Note:'' For parameters that can be specified as a <<tw TextReference>> you can initialize an undefined value using: `0=>!!missing`.//
|1|''value'' |a numeric value as a basis for the calculation or a <<tw TextReference>> to a field from which to fetch the value<br>» returns `NaN` when undefined or ''~NaN'' ||
|2|''operation'' |the operator (and optionally the operand) of the mathematical operation, e.g. `*2`, or `-1`, when no operator is defined, defaults to `+`, so `1` is the same as `+1`; use ''by'' to explicitly state an operand||
|3|''until'' |defines a value until which to calculate<br>» an upper boundary for `+` and `*`<br>» a lower boundary for `-` and `/`<br>returns the boundary when surpassed||
|4|''beyond'' |instead of a calculated value returns `true` or `false` depending on whether or not we are beyond the boundaries defined in ''until''<br>» useful for <<tw RevealWidget>>||
|5|''decimals''|the maximum number of decimals to output|`2`|
|6|''tiddler''|the tiddler from which to retrieve the field value| ''currentTiddler''|
|7|''by''|a value or a <<tw TextReference>> serving as the operand if the ''operation'' does not define any||
!! Installation
Drag to your wiki, save, reload: [[$:/.tb/macros/calc]] (version: <<date-version "$:/.tb/macros/calc">>)
!! Examples
Here's a rudimentary example to reorder lists using the ''calc'' macro...
''Rendered via:''
<<source $:/.tb/demo/reorder>>
!!! More Examples
> {{!!order}}
`<<calc !!order>>`
><<calc !!order>>
`<<calc 2 *2>>`
><<calc 2 *2>>
`{{!!foo}} = <<calc !!foo>>`
>{{!!foo}} = <<calc !!foo>>
`{{!!foo}} = <<calc 0=>!!foo>>`
> {{!!foo}} = <<calc "0=>!!foo">>
`{{!!undefined}} = <<calc 0=>!!undefined>>`
> {{!!undefined}} = <<calc "0=>!!undefined">>
`0 = <<calc "0=>initialize as 0 when##undefined">>`
> 0 = <<calc "0=>initialize as 0 when##undefined">>
`<<calc !!order 1>>`
><<calc !!order 1>>
`<<calc !!order +1>>`
><<calc !!order +1>>
`<<calc calc!!order +1>>`
><<calc calc!!order +1>>
`<<calc !!order / by:10>>`
><<calc !!order / by:10>>
`<<calc !!order * by:!!order>>`
><<calc !!order * by:!!order>>
`<<calc 10 - by:!!order>>`
><<calc 10 - by:!!order>>
`<<calc !!order -2>>`
><<calc !!order -2>>
`<<calc !!order *2>>`
><<calc !!order *2>>
`<<calc !!order /2>>`
><<calc !!order /2>>
`<<calc !!order /7>>`
><<calc !!order /7>>
`<<calc !!order /7 decimals:5>>`
><<calc !!order /7 decimals:5>>
`<<calc !!order /0>>`
> <<calc !!order /0>>
`<<calc 0 /0>>`
> <<calc 0 /0>>
`<<calc !!order until:"0.5" beyond:true>>`
> <<calc !!order until:"0.5" beyond:true>>
`<<calc !!order until:1 beyond:true>>`
> <<calc !!order until:1 beyond:true>>
`<<calc !!order *2 1>>`
><<calc !!order *2 1>>
`<<calc !!order *2 1 true>>`
><<calc !!order *2 1 true>>
`<<calc !!order *2 4>>`
><<calc !!order *2 4>>
`<<calc !!order *2 4 true>>`
><<calc !!order *2 4 true>>
`<<calc !!order -2 0>>`
><<calc !!order -2 0>>
`<<calc !!order -2 0 true>>`
><<calc !!order -2 0 true>>
`<<calc !!order -1 0>>`
><<calc !!order -1 0>>
`<<calc !!order -1 0 true>>`
><<calc !!order -1 0 true>>
!! Release Notes
; 2016-09-02
: [[undefined field initialization|http://bit.ly/2ci8Chb]] via `0=>!!undefined`
; 2015-11-13
: [[fixed minor bug|http://bit.ly/1Ldi79B]]
; 2015-10-27
: added ''by''
!! Alternatives
; $action-increment
: increments a value by another for use in things like the button widget
: http://inmysocks.tiddlyspot.com/#ActionIncrementWidget
!! See also
; Birthe's test to revive the classic layout
: http://bc.classic.tiddlyspot.com
As [[Rich Shumaker]] points out [[here|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywikidev/ECnV8SzB6qE/gsrAmUm1SWwJ]], you can use a single [[store.php]] instance on your server to write to a number of file locations.
For example, you could have your own ''empty.html'' with customizations and plugins and then simply change the name of your wiki under [[ControlPanel|$:/ControlPanel]] / ''Saving'' and set ''Upload Filename'' accordingly. Then load that cloned wiki and continue to work there, saving changes to the new location.
<dd>`code` ...via backticks</dd>
<dt><pre>``with `backticks` ``</pre></dt>
<dd>``with `backticks` ``</dd>
If you're new to TiddlyWiki, if not anything that looks like code, [[this discussion with Mat|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/l1Tu5uxSHSk/k8N9rvAm2OEJ]] may give you some pointers on how to approach all things programatic.
!! That Conclusion
What matters is that you find a goal and then take on that challenge and adventure of figuring out how to make it work.
It will be a slow process, it will require lots of learning, you will make abundant mistakes — coding always comes with nasty bugs and stumbling blocks — you will discard mountains of superfluous and redundant, if not false stuff, go ahead a step and back two.
I sure encourage anyone to join the dancers... but the most important thing is to swing those limbs, not to read "swinging for dummies" ...unless that actually helps you do just that. ^////^
!! Getting Started
; Basics
: http://www.w3schools.com/html
: http://www.w3schools.com/css
: http://www.w3schools.com/js
; node.js
: http://nodeschool.io
; TiddlyWiki
: [[tiddlywiki.com|http://tiddlywiki.com]]
: [[tiddlywiki.com/dev|http://tiddlywiki.com/dev]]
: [[github.com/TiddlyWiki5|http://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5]]
: [[Basic Javascript Macro]]
; JavaScript
: [[What makes JavaScript weird ...and awesome|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEq7Ehw-qk8&list=PLoYCgNOIyGACnrXwo5HMCfOH9VT05znGv&index=13]]
:: first class functions, event driven, closures, scope (''variables'', "use strict"), context (''this'', ''self'', call, apply, bind)
or combine both
or combine both
For code comments in macros use general purpose html comments but pay attention that any white space or line-breaks before or after them do matter...
<!-- param is ... -->
\define foo(param:default)
<!-- we're outputting the title of this tiddler
; GitHub
: https://github.com/erwanm/tw-aggregator
; discussion
: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/tJjhzDDvk4k/4QuoXDoNqw8J
Right above this text you should see the following example summary...
* `this is an example summary`
...rendered via <<source [[$:/.tb/ui/ViewTemplate/summary-link]]>>
more at: [[Conditional ViewTemplate Section]]
As [[discussed here|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/Z9xgAOUD0v4/omc3RXeLAwAJ]], you can make table rows display conditionally using the [[reveal widget|http://tiddlywiki.com/static/RevealWidget.html]] like so...
<<` '<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/example-rows" text="">
<$button set="$:/state/example-rows" setTo="show">Expand Rows</$button>
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/example-rows" text="">
<$button set="$:/state/example-rows" setTo="">Collapse Rows</$button>
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/example-rows" text="" tag="tr">
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/example-rows" text="" tag="tr">
An alternative way to using a reveal widget for every row would be to assign a css class to a wrapper and then use some css to hide all rows at once...
<<` '<style>
.hide-rows tr td{display:none}
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/example-rows" text="hide-rows">
<$button set="$:/state/example-rows" setTo="show-rows">Expand Rows</$button>
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/example-rows" text="hide-rows">
<$button set="$:/state/example-rows" setTo="hide-rows">Collapse Rows</$button>
<table class={{$:/state/example-rows}}>
As posted by ''Spangenheim'' in [[this post|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/uNeLW76wmWM/3Jbthw2ZAwAJ]] you can use the [[$set widget|http://tiddlywiki.com/static/SetWidget.html]] to conditionally assign content to a variable by evaluating a filter and then using the ''emptyValue'' parameter as a fallback when the filter returns an empty string.
!! Example
Try changing the content of the field ''magic'' below.
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$set name="OpenSesame"
value="Look, Sir, the Sesame is open."
emptyValue="Nope, Sir, no entry for you.">
<$text text=<<OpenSesame>>/>
; magic
: {{!!magic}}
; <$edit-text field="magic"/>"""/>
''Note:'' At the moment, there is a [[limitation|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1937]] in TiddlyWiki whereby the set widget won't reflect updates should the result of the underlying filter condition change.
I [[asked|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/YEgHhQ0ZcFo/bi3JWu2dUq0J]] [[Jeremy|Jeremy Ruston]] how to conditionally generate a summary section (or other related information) at the top of all tiddlers tagged `X`, so that one doesn't have to click twice, skim the fields until one finds there to be a summary field.
!!Step 1
Create a [[tiddler|$:/.tb/ui/ViewTemplate/summary-link]] tagged [[$:/tags/ViewTemplate]] containing:
<$list filter="[all[current]tag[X]]">
<$transclude field="summary" mode="block"/>
!!Step 2
Create a `list-after` field with the value "[[$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/tags]]" to make the summary segment appear immediately after the tags.
The [[$:/.tb/ui/ViewTemplate/summary-link]] serves as a template for a conditional ~ViewTemplate section that displays the value of the ''summary'' field for all tiddlers having a `summary` field defined, see [[Conditional Summary]] and / or a link referenced in a ''url'' field for any tiddlers having this field defined, see [[Tobias Beer]].
!Tagging List
For all tiddlers tagged ''Project'', lists tiddlers tagging to them.
<$list filter="[all[current]tag[Project]]">
<$list filter="[all[current]tagging[]]"/>
<form method="POST" action="http://formspree.io/beertobias+tb5@gmail.com"
class="contact" target="contact-response" id="contact">
<input type="email" name="_replyto" placeholder="Your email address..."/>
<textarea name="body" placeholder="Your message..."/>
<input type="text" name="_gotcha" class="gotcha">
<input type="hidden" name="_subject" value="tb5 contact" />
<input type="text" name="answer" placeholder="To submit, answer me this: Are you a robot?" />
<button type="submit">Send email</button>
</form><<validate contact>>
<div class="contact-response">
<iframe name="contact-response" id="contact-response"/>
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/L4zTkMYcri8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
As a response to [[Steve|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/61ypQA0VK80/Izur1_2NBAAJ]], I created a little widget called [[tobibeer/convertable|$:/plugins/tobibeer/convertable.js]] which basically transforms any pasted excel or csv to TiddlyWiki table markup.
<<` """<$convertable/>""">>
!! Installation
Drag to your wiki, save, reload:
> [[$:/plugins/tobibeer/convertable.js]] version: <<date-version "$:/plugins/tobibeer/convertable.js">>
:[[TW5 markup|Markup]], syntax, hypertext, formatting
:the basic functional elements on which tw5 runs
:see [[Widget Browser]]
:gather tiddlers matching expressions in widgets, e.g. ''list'' or ''count''
:see [[Filter Reference]]
:functional snippets using text, core macros, templates invoked via `<<shortcuts>>`
:serverside commands for node.js
;[[Content Types|http://tiddlywiki.com/#ContentType]]
:indicate the type used to interpret the content of a web resource
:the //type// field indicates the content type for the tiddler body
;[[Field Types|http://tiddlywiki.com/#%24%3A%2Fsnippets%2Fallfields]]
:core [[fields|http://tiddlywiki.com/#TiddlerFields]] and their use
:messages generated by widgets in response to user actions communicating with core
;[[Module Types|http://tiddlywiki.com/#%24%3A%2Fsnippets%2Fmodules]]
:the different code modules by [[module type|Module Types]]
:defined at the start of a tiddler, pragmas apply to the entire body, see [[Pragmas]]
:tiddler properties that can be retrieved or modified depending on the context
Although not packaged into a default TiddlyWiki, the following plugins are [[contained in the core distribution repository|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Plugins]]...
<$list filter="[tag[Plugins]]+[tag[Core]]">
<$link><$view field="title"/></$link><br>
@@color:#999;margin-left:20px; {{!!summary}}@@<br>
Here's the documentation on plugins from tw.com...
<<static Plugins.html 800px yes>>
Did you know that you don't need to create a custom [[stylesheet tiddler|Custom Stylesheets]] if you just want to style something rather complex but only for the current tiddler? It's as simple as using a html `<style>` tag and defining your css.
> ''Important:'' An empty line follow the opening `<style>` tag will break it!
Here it's used to render all svg icon images that ship with the core tagged {{$:/tags/Image||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}
'<style>.my-gallery svg {width:3em; height:3em; margin:7px;}</style>
<div class="thumbs">
<$list filter="[all[tiddlers+shadows]tag[$:/tags/Image]prefix[$:/core]]">
Inspired by a [[group post by Evan Balster|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/13_TTJqEEiw/tMBRblyiBQAJ]] using slightly different components, here's how you can generate a counted list of titles.
In the below example, we iterate through the simple filter of the titles `A B C` and use:
; <<tb make>>
: to add a counter as a prefix separated by colons `::` to each title
; <<tb split>>
: to extract the ''count'' into a variable by that name using
: to extract the original ''title'' into a variable by that name
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$list filter="A B C +[make[%count%::%title%]]">
<$set name="count" filter="[all[current]split:first[::]]">
<$set name="title" filter="[all[current]split:last[::]]">
<code><$text text=<<currentTiddler>>/></code>
__<$text text=<<count>>/>__: ''<$text text=<<title>>/>''<br>
Inspired by a [[post from Jimmy Armand|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/DvjoVESea2s/DG2-8LDuq4gJ]], here's a solution for creating a tiddler by selecting a template using the <<tw SelectWidget>>. The below example...
# constructs a select box with all tiddlers under `$:/.tb/demo/Template/`
#* e.g. [[$:/.tb/demo/Template/new-recipe]]
# finds a corresponding caption in a field at [[$:/.tb/demo/Templates]]
#* e.g. `{{$:/.tb/demo/Templates!!new-recipe}}` => ''{{$:/.tb/demo/Templates!!new-recipe}}''
#* because we don't want that caption at our new tiddler
# creates a button with the right caption, creating a tiddler with the chosen template
#* using a ''template'' variable set by a <<tw SetWidget>> evaluated using a filter
#* retrieving the right caption using the <<tw ListWidget>>
!! Example
<$macrocall $name="via"
text="""<$select field="selected-template" default="Recipe">
<$list filter="[removeprefix[$:/.tb/demo/Template/]]">
<$list filter="[[$:/.tb/demo/Templates]get<currentTiddler>]" variable="caption">
<option value={{!!title}}><<caption>></option>
<$set name="template" filter="[{!!selected-template}]+[addprefix[$:/.tb/demo/Template/]]">
<$button message="tm-new-tiddler" param=<<template>>>
<$list filter="[[$:/.tb/demo/Templates]get{!!selected-template}]">{{!!title}}</$list>
As [[Jed Carty]] explains [[here|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/9AryXdxVppU/pUyTacmvwE0J]], you can define your own buttons that allow you to quickly create tiddlers using template tiddlers.
The tiddler defining the ''New Tiddler'' {{$:/core/ui/Buttons/new-tiddler}} button is [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/new-tiddler]].
For a custom button using your custom template, simply...
# Create Your Template<div>
; chose a name
: e.g. [[$:/.tb/demo/Template/new-recipe]] — Click to see!
; contents
: enter text, sections, as well as fields and tags for your new typed tiddlers
# create button<div>
; clone
: [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/new-tiddler]]
; chose a name
: e.g. [[$:/.tb/demo/Buttons/new-recipe]]
; set template
: add `param=$:/.tb/demo/Template/new-recipe` to the button widget
; toolbar
: keeping the tag [[$:/tags/PageControls]], your button will be listed at:
:: ''Sidebar'' / (''More'' /) ''Tools'' — even in the page toolbar, if enabled
!! A Recipe Button
'<$set name="tv-config-toolbar-icons" value="yes">
<$set name="tv-config-toolbar-text" value="yes">
<$set name="tv-config-toolbar-class" value="">
<<source [[$:/.tb/demo/Buttons/new-recipe]]>>
In an [[answer to Joerg|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/zbiwXL5orIk/RNqgTXQfJroJ]], I pointed out a rather easy way to construct a document from a number of tiddlers using a [[simple enumeration|http://filters.tiddlyspot.com/#simple%20enumeration]] in a filter.
<$list filter="
[[Chapter 1]]
[[Chapter 2]]
[[Chapter 3]]
!<$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
This process can be further simplified and reused using a macro...
! Macro
With version 5.1.5 TiddlyWiki is now [[capable of rendering a vertically tabbed toc|http://tiddlywiki.com/#TableOfContentsMacro%20Tabbed%20Example]] which should come in very handy for documentation projects, control panels, etc...
Here's an example markup:
unselectedText:"Select a topic in the table of contents to the left.<br>Click the arrows to expand topics."
This renders a tabbed table of contents with the tiddlers tagging to [[Welcome]] being the main topics.
The state of this example toc, i.e. the currently selected tab, is stored in the field ''state'' of a system tiddler called `$:/temp/tb5-tabbed-toc-example`.
''Note:'' As of 5.1.5 the ability to define a custom template for the actual contents is missing yet. This is now fixed in [[5.1.6 prerelease|http://tiddlywiki.com/prerelease/#%24%3A%2Fcore%2Fmacros%2Ftoc]] ([[1|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b220c19fb7b789eb6d00c9d1a71414676d87130e]], [[2|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1e7d9bd3cd17be006b035ada8e45f83f154e61e9]]), which is why you can see it in use here since I already imported the updated macro. If you should import that into your wiki, as well, make sure to remove it again after upgrading to 5.1.6.
Here's the above toc generated:
selectedTiddler: "$:/temp/tb5-tabbed-toc-exampleX"
unselectedText: "Select a topic in the table of contents to the left.<br>Click the arrows to expand topics. "
''Note:'' With <<git5 issues/1350>> — ''disallow javascript: urls'' — the bookmarking functionality will likely be affected or even become entirely disabled in the future.
If you know nothing about JavaScript or how TiddlyWiki works internally? Then this is not for you, although the end-result just might be!
Once you get to know your ways through the TiddlyWiki [[Core]] you can write big or small code snippets that are quite helpful but which you don't really feel like carrying around in your wiki. What better place to put them than your browsers bookmarks, you ask?
!! A ~JavaScript Bookmark
So, here's how you turn that javascript snippet of yours into a bookmarket:
# wrap your code in a function call that is immediately executed
#* `(function(){ ... })()`
# [[minify|http://jscompress.com]]
# [[encodeURIComponent()|http://pressbin.com/tools/urlencode_urldecode]]
# create the bookmark link
#* `<a href="javascript:void({minified-and-uriencoded-code})" title="Bookmark Me!">awesome foo</a>`
# enjoy!
With much appreciated [[help from Stephan Hradek|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/hr75FTeEL_g/Yuk_6gxpY_wJ]] for the above instructions and for helping me turn my code into a bookmark, here's one to output: <a href="javascript:void((function()%7Bvar%20e%3D%22%5B!is%5Bshadow%5D!is%5Bsystem%5D%5D%22%2Ct%3Dprompt(%22Please%20define%20a%20filter...%22%2Ce)%3Be%3Dt%7C%7Ce%3Bvar%20n%3D%5B%5D%3B%24tw.utils.each(%24tw.wiki.filterTiddlers(e)%2Cfunction(e)%7Bvar%20t%3D0%2Cr%3D%24tw.wiki.getTiddler(e)%3Bn.push(%7Btitle%3Ae%2Csize%3A%24tw.wiki.getTiddlerAsJson(e).length.toString()%2Cfields%3AObject.keys(r.fields).length%2Ctype%3Ar.fields%5B%22type%22%5D%7C%7C%22%22%7D)%7D)%3Bn.sort(function(e%2Ct)%7Breturn%20t.size-e.size%7D)%3Bvar%20r%3D%22%22%3B%24tw.utils.each(n%2Cfunction(e)%7Br%2B%3De.size%2B%22%20%5B%5B%22%2Be.title%2B%22%5D%5D%2C%20%22%2Be.fields%2B%22%20fields%22%2B(e.type%3F%22%2C%20%22%2Be.type%3A%22%22)%2B%22%5Cn%22%7D)%3Bvar%20i%3D%22%24%3A%2FStoryList%22%2Cs%3D%22%24%3A%2Ftemp%2Ftiddler-sizes%22%2Co%3D%24tw.wiki.getTiddlerList(i)%3B%24tw.wiki.addTiddler(new%20%24tw.Tiddler(%7Btitle%3As%2Ctext%3A'%22%22%22%5Cn'%2Br%2B'%22%22%22'%7D))%3Bif(o.indexOf(s)%3D%3D%3D-1)%7Bo.unshift(s)%7D%24tw.wiki.addTiddler(new%20%24tw.Tiddler(%7Btitle%3Ai%7D%2C%24tw.wiki.getTiddler(i)%2C%7Blist%3Ao%7D))%3Bconsole.log(r)%7D)())%3B" title="Bookmark me!">tiddler sizes</a>
!!Ready to try?
Then go look at [[this snippet|http://tbdemo.tiddlyspot.com/#Console%20Log%20Of%20Tiddler%20Sizes]], see if you can basically understand what it does and follow the steps to create the above bookmarklet from it.
!! More
Also have a look at [[TW5 Bookmarklets]] by [[Ton Gerner]].
!.h1-class.red CSS
#.li-class.red classes
*.li-class.red can be
;.dt-class.red assigned
:.dd-class.red like
>.blockquote-class.red this
!.h1-class.red CSS
#.li-class.red classes
*.li-class.red can be
;.dt-class.red assigned
:.dd-class.red like
>.blockquote-class.red this
As [[Jeremy|Jeremy Ruston]] explains [[here|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/wvVaFVd8mLU/8u6Mmz-TAgAJ]], you can hack support for a custom brush into [[Highlight Plugin]].
For this, you need to modify one of its shadow tiddlers, which can cause problems with future upgrades. If that happens, remove your overwitten shadow tiddler and re-apply the following technique:
# locate the desired brush in `src/languages` of the ''highlight.js'' GitHub repo
#* https://github.com/isagalaev/highlight.js/archive/8.8.0.zip
# copy the text of the language you want
# open the tiddler [[$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/highlight/highlightblock.js]]
# paste the following after the line `hljs.configure(...)`:
Save the tiddler and restart.
As described [[here|http://tiddlywiki.com/#LinkWidget]] it is possible to override the tooltip displayed for internal links by overriding the `<<tv-wikilink-tooltip>>` macro...
<<source $:/macros/default-tooltip>>
Starting from either [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/new-journal]] or [[$:/core/ui/Buttons/new-journal-here]], you can work your way to a custom ''new-journal'' button.
<<` "{{$:/.tb/demo/Buttons/dream-journal}}">>
There are a few things to notice in this example button code as rendered below.
# A helper macro concatenates the tags from different sources. <div>
Any new journal entry created with the above button will have the tags from the button template as well as a ''Journal'' tag, e.g.
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<<list-links "[[$:/.tb/demo/Buttons/dream-journal]tags[]]">>"""/>
# The <<tw VarsWidget>> is used to define a ''title'' variable to substitute a formatted ''date'' inside. This avoids the ''am'' in Dre''am'' be [[misinterpreted|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/YpbwT-LkH4k/yp-kc4NbEQAJ]] as <<tw DateFormat>> characters.<br><br>
# The <<tw ButtonWidget>> actions are defined using the ''actions'' attribute and macro. This achieves that the title defined in it is only computed when the user hits the button, rather than at the time the button is rendered.
<<source "$:/.tb/demo/Buttons/dream-journal">>
Based on the instructions given at [[Customizing Search Results|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Customising%20search%20results]], you can add a custom search tab by...
# creating your results tiddler
#* e.g. see [[$:/.tb/ui/SearchResults/exact]] below
# tagging it [[$:/tags/SearchResults]]
# giving it a ''caption'' used for the tab
# to make it default, set [[$:/config/SearchResults/Default]] to its name
# to place it first, set...
#* ''list-before'': `$:/core/ui/DefaultSearchResultList`
The example below creates an ''Exact'' tab listing all tiddlers matching the exact term, including any spaces, albeit ignoring the case. To remove case insensitivity, modify [[$:/.tb/ui/SearchResults/exact/regexp]].
!! Installation
Drag both of these into your wiki...
* [[$:/.tb/ui/SearchResults/exact]]
* [[$:/.tb/ui/SearchResults/exact/regexp]]
!! Demo
Try searching `this example`...
!! Source
<<source [[$:/.tb/ui/SearchResults/exact]]>>
For a general introduction, read the core documentation below.
!! Variants
Tiddlers tagged $:/tags/Stylesheet are interpreted as css stylesheets. When of type:
; `text/css`
: their content will be interpreted as literal css
; `text/vnd.tiddlywiki`
: their contents are parsed as wikitext and things like macros and references replaced
:: you may run into compatibility issues if your markup generates html
:: therefore, constrain applicable parser rules using the pragma `\rules only`
::: for an example see $:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/base
!! Core Documentation
From http://tiddlywiki.com/#Using%20Stylesheets...
<<static Using%2520Stylesheets.html 600px scrolling:yes>>
!!Configurable Toolbar Buttons
;instructions and examples
;logic to selectively hide and show buttons
:as of 5.1.5: [[$:/core/ui/PageTemplate/pagecontrols]]
;making use of the topleftbar
;ordering commands
:via ''list-after'' and ''list-before''
;css adjustments
:.no-before <div>
html .tc-topbar button {
padding: 0px 0px;
Tag tiddler as [[$:/tags/TopLeftBar]], e.g. [[$:/.tb/ui/TopLeftBar]].
Also see [[TopBar With Icon Links]].
As Jeremy explains [[here|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/aPjljLW1yHE/TrnVY3N1BAAJ]], the last tiddler you navigated to is stored in the ''current-tiddler'' field of the tiddler holding the history, i.e. [[$:/HistoryList]].
This allows us to show the last opened tiddler in the browser's window or tab title by modifying <<source $:/core/wiki/title>>
> {{$:/core/wiki/title}}
The original shadow content being:
<pre><$view tiddler="$:/core" subtiddler="$:/core/wiki/title"/></pre>
> <$transclude tiddler="$:/core" subtiddler="$:/core/wiki/title"/>
Using the <<tw ViewWidget>> (and here the <<tw TiddlerWidget>> too), you can also show the caption, if defined, the title being the fallback:
<<` """{{$:/SiteTitle}} — <$tiddler tiddler={{$:/HistoryList!!current-tiddler}}><$view field="caption">{{!!title}}</$view></$tiddler>""">>
<<` """{{!!caption}}""">>
@@float:right;text-align:right;color:#ccc; running version:<br><<version>>@@
!!Custom Macros
<$list filter="[all[]prefix[$:/macro]] [all[]prefix[$:/.tb/macro]] +[sort[title]]">
<$link><$view field="title"/></$link><br>
@@color:#999;margin-left:20px; {{!!summary}}@@<br>
!!Custom UI
<<list-links filter:"[all[]sort[title]prefix[$:/ui]]">>
!!Custom Templates
<<list-links filter:"[all[]prefix[$:/template]] [tag[$:/template]] +[sort[title]]">>
!!Custom Styles
<<list-links filter:"[tag[$:/tags/Stylesheet]sort[title]]">>
!!Custom Configuration
<<list-links filter:"[all[]sort[title]prefix[$:/config]]">>
!!Overwritten Shadows
<<list-links filter:"[is[shadow]]">>
!!My Core Hacks
<$list filter="[prefix[$:/hack]sort[title]]">
<dt><$link><$view field="title"/></$link></dt>
<$list filter="[tag[Cleanup]]">
The [[cycletags|$:/.tb/modules/macros/cycletags.js]] macro provides functionality similar to [[its counterpart for TW2|http://lastfm.tiddlyspot.com/#cycleTagsInfo]], allowing you to cycle through a set of tags for the current tiddler, removing any tag of the cycle currently applied while adding the next one in the cycle.
!! Examples
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<<cycletags "foo bar baz">>"""/>
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<<cycletags "1 2 3" prio reset:"yes">>"""/>
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$list filter="1 2 3" variable="prio">
<$list filter="[is[current]tag<prio>]">
<$link to=<<prio>>><$view tiddler=<<prio>> field="title"/></$link>
<<cycletags "1 2 3" prio label:">" class="tc-btn-invisible next-prio">>
<style>.next-prio {color:grey}</style>"""/>
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<<cycletags "foo bar baz" reset:"yes" class:"tc-btn-invisible my-cycle-styles">>
<style>.my-cycle-styles {background:pink;padding:2px 5px;border-radius:3px;margin-right:3px;}</style>"""/>
To apply it to a different tiddler, wrap it using the <<tw TiddlerWidget>>...
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$tiddler tiddler="Welcome">
<$link><$view field="title"/>:</$link>
<<cycletags "foo bar baz">>
!! Parameters
|1|''tags''|a list of tags to be cycled||
|2|''group''|a title for the cycle group used in tooltips||
|3|''label''|a label for the tag button|`<nextTag>`|
|4|''tooltip''|a tooltip for the tag button|see beliw|
|5|''class'' |a class assigned to both the cycle button and reset button, these classes always being applied:<br>`btn-cycle-tags` — cycle button<br>`btn-cycle-tags-reset` — reset button||
|6|''reset'' |`after` — shows a reset button after the cycle button<br>`before` (or any other string) — shows a reset button before the cycle button||
|7|''resetLabel'' |the label used for the reset button|`-`|
|8|''resetTooltip''|a tooltip for the reset button|see below|
; default button tooltip
: `click to add [<group>-]tag <nextTag>[ while removing tag <currentTag>]`
; default reset button tooltip
: `click to remove current [<group>-]tag <currentTag>`
!! Installation
Drag these two to your wiki, save, reload:
; locale
: for simple localization, modify this <<tw DictionaryTiddlers "dictionary tiddler">>...
: <<source "$:/.tb/modules/macros/cycletags/lingo">>
; macro
: <<source "$:/.tb/modules/macros/cycletags.js" yes js>>
foo -- bar
foo --- bar
<dd>foo -- bar (En dash)<br>foo --- bar (Em dash)<br></dd>
!! Also See
:learn TiddlyWiki fast — includes filter examples
;Spanish Bible Musings
:una creciente base de datos acerca de la fe cristiana
[[Definition lists|http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_dl.asp]] prove handy in [[many usecases|http://maxdesign.com.au/articles/definition]] for semantically correct markup.
For example...
margin:10px 10px 0 5px;
padding:7px 14px;
background: #ffa;
border-radius: 30px;
.info {
padding:3px 7px 7px 7px;
border-radius: 15px;
.info dd:before {
<<` """@@.info
; an info box
: quick and dirty, some text worthy of consideration
Note that, as with [[tables|Tables]], to use definition lists with the <<tw ListWidget>> you need to use actual html elements, e.g. ''dl'' (the list), ''dt'' (a term) and ''dd'' (its definition):
<<` """<dl>
<$list filter="[has[def]]">
<dt><$link><$view field="title"/></$link></dt>
The list of my [[Latest]] [[Solutions]] also uses definition lists via the template $:/.tb/templates/tagged-recent to show tiddlers with summaries and tags.
A browser console script to remove all tiddlers that match a given subfilter, e.g. have a given tag:
var filter = "tag[FOO]";
filter = "[all[tiddlers]!prefix[$]" + subfilter + "]";
var tids = $tw.wiki.filterTiddlers(filter, null);
if(confirm('Delete all ' + tids.length + '?\n\n' + tids)){
for(var t=0; t<tids.length; t++) {
To make the delete button also available in view-mode, simply open
[[$:/core/ui/Buttons/delete]] and add [[$:/tags/ViewToolbar]], see <<tw SystemTags>>.
To place it under the more dropdown, go to...
: ''[[ControlPanel|$:/ControlPanel]] / Appearance / Toolbars / View Toolbar''
...and uncheck the delete button.
This tiddler only exists to show how [[Deleting Another Tiddler]] works.
You can transclude the standard delete button to delete any tiddler like so...
'<$list filter="[[Delete Me]is[tiddler]]">
Click the trash icon to delete <$link> <$view tiddler="Delete Me" field=title/></$link>:
{{Delete Me||$:/core/ui/Buttons/delete}}
Here is the source of the standard delete button...
<<source "$:/core/ui/Buttons/delete">>
A solution inspired [[by posts|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/U9GYlwVXp6M/hAtthrlikgUJ]] from [[Stephan Hradek]] and [[Metabele]] to delete tiddlers using a filtered list...
;all tiddlers
;tagged "Macros"
;tagged "Macros" containing "sidebar"
The source code to drag and drop to your wiki <<source $:/.tb/templates/delete-filter>>
: much more difficult is figuring out the correct place to do a modification
: you should not modify the tiddler store during...
:* filter processing
:* refresh processing
: the tiddler store should only be modified in DOM event handlers
:* albeit the chain is often quite indirect
<<taggly state:"$:/temp/tb/taggly-developer">>
;in-browser development
:[[How to create plugins in the browser|http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/#How%20to%20create%20plugins%20in%20the%20browser]]
:[[TiddlyWiki on node.js|http://larigot.avarts.ionio.gr/users/iani/wikis/tw5square.html]]
:ecosystem for web servers, desktop, command line and in-browser apps
:Universal Module Definition
:Asynchronous Module Definition
To entirely disable animations, open the ''Info'' tab in your {{$:/core/ui/Buttons/control-panel}} [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] and set...
''Animation Duration:'' 0
!!Via ~TiddlySpot
# create a [[tiddlyspot|http://tiddlyspot.com]] for your documentation changes
# go to [[tiddlywiki.com|http://tiddlywiki.com]] / [[ControlPanel|$:/ControlPanel]] / ''Saving'' tab
# set ''Wiki Name'' and ''Password'' according to your tiddlyspot
# click save on tiddlywiki.com
# open your tiddlyspot
# make edits ...done?
# notify ...via [[new GitHub issue|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues]] or [[in the google groups|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/tiddlywikidocs]]
# accepted and imported? ...verify changes to tiddlywiki.com
#* back to #4, next topic
#not accepted?
#* improve... or ...back to #4, next topic
Try not to overdo edits (i.e. number of tiddlers), unless you know what you're doing or have discussed major restructuring beforehand. Otherwise, expect the review to be tougher to manage for Jeremy & co, if not simply taking more time.
''Note:'' [[As of yet|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/F0dnmWrOuxg/HcEvDyPI09oJ]], the scripts to automatically unpack a tiddlywiki file and put individual tiddler files in the correct locations don't exist. Any contributions provided as described below will need manual processing, i.e. Jeremy needs a list from you of all modified tiddlers. Alternatively, use the GitHub workflow described in the next section.
!!Via GitHub
From [[Improving TiddlyWiki Documentation|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Improving%20TiddlyWiki%20Documentation]]...
<<static Improving%2520TiddlyWiki%2520Documentation.html 1690px no>>
!!More Ideas
* http://tw-doc-ideas.tiddlyspot.com from [[Erwan|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/73ctphmY84k/5xc2ru17LZ0J]]
Ideally, the core list widget will be extended with this kind of drag-sorting.
[[This problem|https://groups.google.com/forum/m/#!topic/tiddlywiki/tdunp-Tadfc]] often pops up when trying to concatenate dynamic contents in macros.
Macros simply are a means to dynamically replace placeholders with parameterized text. And so, TiddlyWiki does not evaluate any <<tw Macros macro>> or <<tw TextReference "text reference">> within a macro when the macro is "called" but rather inserts those as literal text.
To use evaluated references within a macro...
* wrap the content where you wish to use dynamic references in either the <<tw SetWidget>> to declare a single variable or the <<tw VarWidget>> for multiple variables
* reference these variables in your macro via `$(my-variable)$`
!! Example
The below example (borrowing from [[Mark's example|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/tdunp-Tadfc/ocZHJxxODQAJ]])...
* creates a tiddler whose title will be created from the user input ''and'' a time-stamp
* gives the tiddler custom tags
* references the tiddler where the new tiddler was created in a ''created-at'' field
* clears the input upon hitting the button
<<source $:/.tb/demo/new-with-dynamic-contents>>
As [[Felix Küppers]] shows in <<git5 pull/1382>>, here is how you can dynamically declare a default tab via filters, e.g. the most recent release.
Below, the outer list widget first fetches the latest release from all tiddlers tagged ''~ReleaseNotes''. The inner ''macrocall'' then builds the tabs while setting the ''default'' tab to the title returned by the outer list:
<$list filter="[tag[ReleaseNotes]!sort[created]limit[1]]">
See it working at [[ReleaseNotes|http://tiddlywiki.com/prerelease/#Releases]].
Proposed and developed by Giffmex at [[tw5mall|http://www.giffmex.org/tw5mall.htm]], traffic-light-style buttons in edit mode yield a more visual indication of what you're about to do...
<div class="tc-tiddler-controls tc-titlebar" style="float:none">
<$list filter="[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/EditToolbar]!has[draft.of]]" variable="listItem">
<$transclude tiddler=<<listItem>>/>
Drag this link: [[$:/styles/traffic-light-buttons]] into your tw5 and import.
!!Brighter Please
For even more vibrant colors...
Edit the css and use the colors provided via comments: <<source $:/styles/traffic-light-buttons>>
When trying to edit a field of the current tiddler in view-mode the input field will lose focus with every letter you type, since TiddlyWiki instantly stores the new value and thus refreshes the tiddler.
Below is an extension to a [[solution|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/qtlNxMkmfPs/Z6Kz446WePUJ]] proposed by [[Stephan Hradek]] to work around this limitation...
''create (or install) [[$:/.tb/macros/lazyedit]], tag it [[$:/tags/Macro]] containing...''
<pre><$view tiddler="$:/.tb/macros/lazyedit"/></pre>
<$macrocall $name=`
text="""<<lazyedit foo>> {{!!foo}}<br>
<<lazyedit bar>> {{!!bar}}"""/>
Embedding a presentation hosted on slideshare is easy:
# go to the presentation
# get the iframe embed code
# paste into your tiddler
# adjust params as desired and remove what you don't need beyond the ''iframe''
'<iframe src="//www.slideshare.net/slideshow/embed_code/2397564" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen style="width:100%;height:490px"></iframe>'>>
Is as easy as pie...
# go to your video site
# find the embed code
# paste into a tiddler
# adjust as necessary and remove what you don't need besides the ''iframe''
'<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Cj6ho1-G6tw?vq=hd720" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen style="width:100%;height:420px;"/>'>>
In TiddlyWiki you can embed external sites via iframes using simple html markup:
<iframe src="http://url.com" style="width:100%;height:480px;scrolling:yes;border:0"/>
For example, [[Reopen Tiddlers On Startup]] displays a [[static page|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Generating%20Static%20Sites%20with%20TiddlyWiki]] on tiddlywiki.com:
{{Reopen Tiddlers On Startup}}
This is achieved using a macro which simplifies embedding static pages from tiddlywiki.com via iframes of user definable height: <<source $:/.tb/macros/static>>
Here are two ways of embedding external pdf files as [[explained by Måns Mårtensson|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/5BL5_g6OmZ4/7jZ3mujbUwgJ]]:
!! Method 1
# create a tiddler and manually set the type to "application/pdf"
# create the custom field "_canonical_uri" and paste the URL to your pdf
# as needed, embed in another tiddler via `[[PDF Tiddler Title]]`
!! Method 2
# import / create a helper macro tagged ''$:/tags/Macro''
#* [[$:/.tb/macros/pdf]]
# this creates an iframe to your pdf
<$macrocall $name=` text=
"""<<pdf "http://bit.ly/18mukKq">>"""/>
To reference a number of pdfs at the same location, you can modify the macro like this: `src="http://MyWebAddress/$url$.pdf"`. This reduces the macrocall to:
<$macrocall $name=` text=
"""<<iframe "filename">>"""/>
Here, location and filetype are set by the macro.
You can use the html object element to embed a text file. For a local text file in the same directory as your TiddlyWiki, use...
''Note:'' Local file references won't work when using [[TiddlyWiki on node.js|http://tiddlywiki.com/#TiddlyWiki%20on%20Node.js]] as currently there are [[no configurable routes for the server to deliver static resources|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/oU4YGp41mdc/vMBteEZvAQAJ]].
'<object data="http://bit.ly/1DXYIZ5" type="text/plain" style="width:100%;height:400px;" scrolling:yes>
<a href="http://bit.ly/1DXYIZ5" target="_blank">lorem.txt</a> (missing or not supported)
!! Missing
'<object data="doesntexist" type="text/plain" style="width:100%;height:400px;" scrolling:yes>
<a href="doesntexist" target="_blank">lorem.txt</a> (missing or not supported)
The `<<script>>` macro allows you to run JavaScript directly from within tiddlers.
* no need to encrypt the entire wiko
* only lose one tiddler when you forget your password
* allows sensible data in a day to day wiki
* theoretically you can double encrypt by encrypting your wiki too
The plugin [[tobibeer/eval|http://tobibeer.github.io/tw5-plugins/#eval]] allows you to evaluate mathematical or logical expressions and to compute and compare tiddler properties and data in either a filter or a widget. It supports [[math.js|http://tobibeer.github.io/tw5-plugins/#math.js]] as well as plain javascript eval (to be handled with caution).
For example, it can calculate things like so:
{{{ [[]eval[{{!!some-field}} * <<some-var>> / 100 ]]}}}
Check out [[the documentation and examples|http://tobibeer.github.io/tw5-plugins/#eval]].
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
<g transform="translate(0,-652.36218)" style="opacity:0.86000001">
<a xlink:href="#Markup">
<g transform="translate(-5,3)" class="svg-example-btn">
style="fill:#ececec;" />
<a xlink:href="#Plugins">
<g transform="translate(-12,-9)" class="svg-example-btn">
style="fill:#cccccc;" />
<a xlink:href="#Solutions">
<g transform="translate(0,-6)" class="svg-example-btn">
style="fill:#999999;" />
.svg-example {
margin:-1em 0 -2em;
.svg-example rect {
transition: .6s fill; !important;
.svg-example a:hover rect {
fill: #22aa22 !important;
/* below: styles that came from inkscape that I took out of the svg elements! */
.svg-example rect {
.svg-example text {
.svg-example tspan{
Here's how you can use the <<tw "splitbefore Operator">> to extract introductory lines at the beginning of a tiddler~~~~, separated from the rest of the content using a separator like `~~~~`.
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$list filter="[all[current]get[text]splitbefore[~~~~]addsuffix[...]]">
Take a look at the source of this tiddler to find the separator right where you expect it.
//''Note:'' One __major__ pitfall of this method is that you __cannot__ define <<tw Macros>> in the source tiddler. If you definitely want support for macro definitions, keep on reading...//
!! Methods Of Extraction
To extract a summary, abstract or excerpt for a tiddler you have a wide range of options.
The first thing you want to decide is where you want to store the introduction. My preferred method so far has been to use a ''summary'' field which I could then transclude where needed or show using a [[Conditional ViewTemplate Section|http://tobibeer.github.io/tb5/#Conditional%20ViewTemplate%20Section]] at the current tiddler.
However, TiddlyWiki currently lacks sufficient support for multi-line fields, especially under <<tw Node.js>>. This means that if you want to have line breaks in such a field, you have to literally declare them as html elements, e.g. `<br>`.
!! Using Macros
The following global ''intro'' macro provides a handy way to extract an excerpt from either the current tiddler or the one specified as the first parameter while making use of and depending on the plugin <<tb split>>.
Here, in order to define an introduction, you would use the following markup using a macro called `intro:` which won't output anything at all until you create a <<tw Macros "global macro">> for it that does:
<<intro: """
A multi-line intro with...
; some lists
: and stuff""">>
''Note'': The triple single quotes are very much part of the detection pattern and thus mandatory.
This method does not interfere with macro definitions at the top of a tiddler. As a fallback, the ''intro'' macro below retrieves the introduction from a ''summary'' field.
<<source $:/.tb/macros/intro>>
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<<intro>>"""/>
This one would fallback to extracting the ''summary'' field from the tiddler [[Library]] since it does not contain any ''intro:'' macro holding an introduction:
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<<intro Library>>"""/>
To show such a hidden intro or summary for every tiddler, you can use a [[Conditional ViewTemplate Section|http://tobibeer.github.io/tb5/#Conditional%20ViewTemplate%20Section]] like this:
title: $:/.tb/ui/ViewTemplate/intro
tags: $:/tags/ViewTemplate
list-before: $:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/body
To actually show an intro where defined using the provided ''intro:'' macro, simply declare its second parameter as `show`, e.g.:
<<intro: """Actually show this where defined.""" show>>
> <<intro: """Actually show this where defined.""" show>>
!! Fetching HTML Comments
Another, equally as safe method — avoiding the problem of leading macro definitions — could be to extract an excerpt from an html comment that otherwise does not get rendered. It is perfect when you don't necessarily want a multi-line introduction to always be displayed directly in the tiddler where it is defined.
This is what the comment might look like:
This is a very hidden multi-line introduction:
* Open this tiddler, its actually in this very code block. ;-)
* Crazy, right?
And this is how you would display it:
<$list filter="[all[current]get[text]
<$list filter="[all[current]get[text]split:pos=2[<!--:]split:first[-->]limit[1]]">
!! Fetching The First Paragraph
You could also extract the first paragraph as the introduction, i.e. up to the first two line-breaks. As [[sini-Kit kindly pointed out|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/uxErdg4wPWk/9BrcEH20EwAJ]], you can actually achieve the desired result simply using the core <<tw "splitbefore Operator">> like so:
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$list filter="[all[current]get[text]splitbefore[
//''Note:'' Again, this method suffers from no support for leading macro definitions.//
\define tv-wikilink-template() #$uri_encoded$
\define tv-config-toolbar-icons() no
\define tv-config-toolbar-text() no
\define tv-config-toolbar-class() tc-btn-invisible
`<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>`<br>
`<feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">`<br>
`<link href="http://tobibeer.github.io/tb5/feed.atom" rel="self" type="application/atom+xml"/>`<br>
`<name>`<$list filter="[!is[system]!has[draft.of]!untagged[]!tag[static]!is[tag]!sort[modified]limit[1]]"><$link><$view field="creator" format="htmlencoded"/></$link></$list>`</name>`<br>
`<updated>`<$list filter="[!is[system]!has[draft.of]!sort[modified]limit[1]]"><$link><$view field="modified" format="date" template="YYYY-0MM-0DDT0hh:0mm:0ss"/></$link></$list>+02:00`</updated>`<br>
<<atom-entries filter:"$:/.tb/templates/atom/filter">><br>
!!! Topics
; [[FieldsPopup|http://tobibeer.github.io/tw/fields/#FieldsPopup]]
: <<git5 issues/1448>> — field editing popups
all [[core fields|Fields: Core]] except [[standard fields|Fields: Standard]] as documented in the TiddlyWiki core:
Rendered via <<source "$:/.tb/templates/fields-core">>
all custom [[fields|Fields: Current Tiddler]] of the current tiddler:
<$list filter="[all[current]fields[]sort[title]]-[all[shadows]removeprefix[$:/language/Docs/Fields/]]" mode="block">
''Note:'' The current tiddler here is not the transcluded one but the one transcluded into!
all field values of this tiddler:
<<via '{{||$:/core/ui/TiddlerFields}}'>>
all [[fields|Fields: Non-Core]] not part of the TiddlyWiki core (not documented):
<$list filter="[all[tiddlers]fields[]sort[title]] -[all[shadows]removeprefix[$:/language/Docs/Fields/]]" mode="block">
all [[standard fields|http://tiddlywiki.com/#TiddlerFields]] of a tiddler:
<$macrocall $name=via
<$list filter="[[title]][[text]][[tags]][[modified]][[modifier]][[created]][[creator]][[list]]">
<$macrocall $name="describe-element" path="$:/language/Docs/Fields/" element=<<currentTiddler>>/>
see also: <<source $:/macros/describe-element>>
[[Solutions]] about files...
`file:///` only via local tw!
\define linkToTW() [ext[$(op)$|http://tiddlywiki.com/#$(op)$%20Operator]]
\define getValue(data,index) <$view tiddler="$(data)$" index="$(currentTiddler)$" format="text"/>
\define iframe(tiddler,more)
<$macrocall $name="static" tiddler="$tiddler$%2520Operator$more$.html" height="600px" scrolling="yes"/>
Check out the [[filters]] wiki for a reference of commonly used filter expressions.
Here is a quick reference to all core filters...
<$select tiddler="$:/temp/filter-examples" default="action-navigate" default="Select filter...">
<$list filter='addprefix addsuffix addsuffix after all backlinks before bf butfirst butlast commands each eachday editiondescription editions field fields first get getindex has haschanged indexes is last limit links list listed modules moduletypes Most steps process the selection of titles that are supplied as their input, but a few next nsort nsortcs nth plugintiddlers prefix previous regexp removeprefix removesuffix rest reverse sameday search shadowsource sort sortcs splitbefore storyviews suffix tag tagging tags title'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>> >
<$text text=<<currentTiddler>>/>
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/temp/filter-examples" text="">
<$set name="op" value={{$:/temp/filter-examples}}>
Documentation and examples [[on tiddlywiki.com|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Introduction%20to%20filter%20notation]] for the <<linkToTW>> [[filter operator|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Filter%20Operators]]...
<$macrocall $name="iframe" tiddler={{$:/temp/filter-examples}}/>
<$macrocall $name="iframe" tiddler={{$:/temp/filter-examples}} more="%2520(Examples)"/>
This wiki implements a different ''is[missing]'' filter than the TiddlyWiki core. This version, in fact, effectively overrides the core filter which returns whether or not the tiddlers in the input set exist or not.
This does not correspond to the existing terminology — as in `all[missing]` or [[classic|http://classic.tiddlywiki.com]] — where a tiddler is "missing" when there are links to a tiddler that doesn't exist.
!! Documentation
; `is[missing]`
: matches any title from the input to which links exist, however the tiddler doesn't
!! Install
Drag to your wiki: [[$:/core/modules/filters/is/missing.js]]
!! Differences
Compared to the core, `is[missing]` is __not__ synonymous with `!is[tiddler]`, or vice versa.
<<` "{{{ [[DoesntExist]] [[Welcome]] +[is[missing]] }}}">>
This wiki implements a different ''limit'' filter than the core. In fact, this version effectively overrides the core which implements a negation for ''limit'' that is not only wrong in terms of set theory but also constrains its applicability for that reason.
The limit filter provided here both corrects the faulty negation and extends the core limit filter with an ability to define an ''offset'' in the suffix.
!! Documentation
| !purpose|returns the first (or last) ''N'' input titles, optionally with an offset ''O''|
| !input|a list of titles|
| !suffix|optionally, an offset ''O'', defaulting to `0`|
| !parameter|an integer limit ''N'', defaulting to `0`|
| !output|the first ''N'' titles from the input list|
The `limit[n]` filter outputs the first ''N'' titles from the input list. If ''N'' is negative, the last ''N'' titles are output instead. If the input list contains less than ''N'' titles, the output is the same as the input.
Using the optional suffix you can specify an offset ''O'', i.e. a number of titles removed from the start of the input. When ''O'' is negative, titles are removed from the end of the list instead. The offset ''O'' is applied before the limit ''N''.
!! Installation
Drag to your wiki: [[$:/core/modules/filters/limit.js]]
!! Examples
<<f "[!sort[modified]limit[2]]"
"the 2 most recently modified tiddlers">>
<<f "[has[created]sort[created]limit[2]]"
"the 2 oldest tiddlers by creation date">>
<<f "[sort[modified]limit[-2]]"
"the 2 most recently modified tiddlers,<br>
the most recent being last in the list">>
<<f "[has[created]sort[created]limit[-2]]"
"the 2 newest tiddlers by creation date,<br>
the newest being last in the list">>
<<f "[!sort[modified]limit:10[1]]"
"the 11th most recently modified tiddler, first 10 skipped">>
<<f "[has[created]sort[created]limit:10[1]]"
"the 11th oldest tiddler by creation date, first 10 skipped">>
<<f "[has[created]sort[created]limit:10[2]]"
"the 11th and 12th oldest tiddlers by creation date,<br>
the 11th being topmost, first 10 skipped">>
<<f "[sort[modified]limit:-10[-2]]"
"the 11th and 12th most recently modified tiddlers,<br>
the 11th most recent being last in the list, last 10 skipped">>
The ''toc'' filter returns a flat list for a <<tw TableOfContentsMacro "table of contents">>, e.g. for [[paging|http://pagr.tiddlyspace.com]], down to a given level, level 1 meaning directly tagging to operand.
!! Example
<tr><th>actual structure</th><th>filter output</th></tr>
* foo
** bar
** baz
* mumble
** frotz
** gronk
* foo
* bar
* baz
* mumble
* frotz
* gronk
''Note:'' The ''toc'' filter operator is published here as it has not been considered important enough for the core, see <<git5 issues/1404>>.
drag to your wiki: <<source [[$:/.tb/modules/filters/toc.js]] yes>>
An experimental [[filteroperator|http://tiddlywiki.com/#FilterOperators]] by [[Stephan Hradek]] [[proposed here|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/_x9CDAFtwQc/JOjUNfoxqF4J]] to concatenate filter strings...
<$list filter="[[$:/language/Docs/Fields]] [[title]] +[join[/]]">
<dt><$link><$view field="title"/></$link></dt>
<dd><$transclude tiddler={{!!title}}/></dd>
see source: <<source $:/core/modules/filters/join.js>>
Once you get the gist, <<x Filters filters>> turn out to work rather straight forward. Looking for a particular filter solution? Take a look at {{filters!!url}}.
Take a look a this example:
{{{ [tags[]prefix[$]tagging[]] }}}
When you work with filter operators, try to think in steps:
# What is the ''input''?
# What is the ''output''?
...of all <<x "Filter Operators" "filter operators">>, perhaps joined into <<x "Filter Run" "filter runs">>. This makes it much clearer how we get from A to B.
Let's demystify the above example where 3 ''filter steps'' are joined into a single ''filter run'' altogether yielding the entire ''filter expression'' (or "filter string") used for the basic [[list transclusion|transclusion]].
# `tags[]`<br>» ''input'': <<x "all Operator" "[all[]]">> — the default, assumed if nothing else is specified<br>» ''output'': all tags
# `prefix[$]`<br>» ''input'': output of 1<br>» ''output'': all those tags with prefix `$`
# `tagging[]`<br>» ''input'': output of 2<br>» ''output'': all those titles that have tags with prefix `$`
The above example shows a filter being a single <<x "Filter Steps" "filter run">>.
You can combine multiple filter runs using different logic modes:
; OR logic
: `[tag[foo]] [tag[bar]]`
: returns any tiddler either tagged ''`foo` OR'' tagged ''`bar`''
; AND logic
: `[tag[foo]] +[tag[bar]]`
: using `+` returns any tiddler tagged ''`foo` AND'' tagged ''`bar`''
:: same as `[tag[foo]tag[bar]]` which is, however, a single ''filter run''
; NOT logic
: `[tag[foo]] -[tag[bar]]`
: using `-` returns any tiddler tagged ''`foo`'' but ''NOT'' tagged ''`bar`''
To learn more about all that, see:
; <<x "Filters">> — jump-start your journey to filers
: <<x "Introduction to filter notation">> – a step-by-step walk-through
: <<x "Filter Operators">> – available methods of filtering
; <<x "Filter Syntax">> — all the technical details
: <<x "Filter Expression">> — being the entire filter string
: <<x "Filter Run">> — a chain of joined steps
: <<x "Filter Step">> — a single filter operation and its parameters
: <<x "Filter Parameter">> — specifying parameters for a filter operator
: <<x "Filter Whitespace">> — making things readable
And here's how you can, based on the above knowledge, show all system tags and tiddlers that have them:
<$macrocall $name=` text="""<$list filter="[tags[]prefix[$:/tags/]]">
<h2><$link><$view field="title"/></$link></h2>
<<list-links "[all[current]tagging[]]">>
[[Solutions]] about fonts...
As of yet, no dedicated wiki syntax exists for formatting a table cell. In the meantime, you can wrap the cell contents in a `div` with a custom css class:
|<div class="cell pink">pink</div>|plain|'>>
<<source $:/styles/tablecell>>
Are you using a plugin in your tw5 or tw5 based application and need to make adjustments to the plugin? Are you including plugins into your edition on node.js, e.g. [[doing translations|Translate TW5]]?
If you are, [[I suggest|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/ZRKmb-TwbkM/HAvwof9oZbEJ]] you do not overwrite plugin components directly, i.e. code tiddlers, but rather implement your own customization overwriting them.
This way, you ensure that plugin updates are still delivered to your wiki later and are perhaps readily usable within your wiki.
If a plugin is not sufficiently configurable it is advisable to suggest customization enhancements to the plugin author.
For example, for `$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/tw2parser` you could create an override `$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/tw2parser/my-project-config` leaving the original untouched while overriding components provided by the plugin.
The place where the [[TW5 code|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5]] resides.
!!Github Documentation
* [[Forking A Repo|https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo/]]
* [[Syncing A Fork|https://help.github.com/articles/syncing-a-fork/]]
* [[Basic Branching And Merging|http://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Branching-Basic-Branching-and-Merging]]
To embed your google calendar in tw5...
# go to your [[google calendar|https://www.google.com/calendar/]]
# chose the dropdown next to the calendar you wish displayed and click on settings
#* enable public sharing if you want others to see it as well
# copy the embed code
#* to adjust more options, click: //Customise the colour, size and other options//
# paste the iframe code into a new tiddler
#* use a [[url shortener|http://bit.ly]] with `src` to ensure all other parameters work
# create a new tiddler and paste the `iframe` code for your calendar
via <<source $:/.tb/template/sidebar-calendar>>
!!Sidebar Calendar
To display [[your calendar|$:/.tb/template/sidebar-calendar]] in the sidebar...
# tag it [[$:/tags/SideBar]]
# give it a `caption` field to display an alternative tab title, e.g. ''Calendar''
# define the field `list-before` to display it before any other tab
#* ''list-before'': [[$:/core/ui/SideBar/More]]
''Tip:'' Go and try tagging [[this calendar|$:/.tb/template/sidebar-calendar]] with [[$:/tags/SideBar]]!
!! Full Page Calendar
'<iframe src="http://bit.ly/1xptZmi" style="border:0;width:100%;height:600px;" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"/>'>>
<$list filter="[all[shadows]has[group]sort[group]each[group]]">
!! <$view field="group"/>
<$list filter="[all[shadows]field:group{!!group}sort[title]]">
<$list filter="[all[shadows]has[group]sort[group]each[group]]">
!! <$view field="group"/>
<$list filter="[all[shadows]field:group{!!group}sort[title]]">
GSD5 is a plugin attempting to implement the workflow and philosophy of David Allen's [[Getting Things Done|http://www.amazon.com/Getting-Things-Done-Stress-Free-Productivity/dp/0142000280/]] for tw5 and is is heavily influenced by [[mGSD|http://mgsd.tiddlyspot.com/]] for ~TiddlyWiki classic.
!! Related Topics
[[Adding a Date Picker]]
One very fundamental aspect to TiddlyWiki is that it entirely runs on tiddlers itself. This makes for a very powerful concept where application and document merge into one and the same well structured framework.
With all the freedom of non-linearity TiddlyWiki provides, consider the following for any information, data or functional bits you wish to store in it:
!!@@color:#909; Is it content, plain and simple?@@
Make it a general content tiddler.<br>
» e.g. "A Walk In The Park"<br>
Do you already have a tiddler for it?<br>
» Perhaps update that, unless it becomes unwieldy.<br>
Does it have relations to other tiddlers?<br>
» Use internal links extensively.<br>
What tags help categorize this tidbit?<br>
» Tags help you navigate around and find related information quickly.<br>
Will it be a tag, i.e have "subitems"?<br>
» For tags being part of a tag category, consider prefixes:<br>
» ''category:'' Action / ''tags:'' #future, #next, #active, #waiting, #done<br>
» ''category:'' Context / ''tags:'' @call, @read, @buy, @fix<br>
» Use these tags for actual tiddlers thus becoming grand-children to a category tiddler.<br>
Does it require certain fields for categorization or to trigger advanced functions?<br>
» like @@color:grey;//the summary at the top of this tiddler//@@<br>
If you need to give your tiddler some <<tw SystemTags>>, chances are you want to...<br>
Make it a <<tw SystemTiddler>>, i.e. stored under the system namespace.<br>
» Meaning: it's name will start `$:/`.<br>
!!@@color:#909; If it is a system tiddler, is it a functional component?@@
''Tip:'' Starting the system path with a special character like `_` or `.` puts it up top under ''sidebar > system''.<br>
Is it a ''macro''?<br>
» Place it under an appropriate namespace:<br>
» [[$:/_macros/my-macro|$:/.tb/macros/calc]] and tag it [[$:/tags/Macro]]<br>
Is it a ''template''?<br>
» Again, place it under an appropriate namespace and tag it appropriately:<br>
» [[$:/_ui/ViewTemplate/summary|$:/.tb/ui/ViewTemplate/summary-link]]<br>
» I prefer to use a similar path to that of the core but starting from a different root.<br>
» I use `$:/.tb/ui` instead of `$:/core/ui`<br>
Is it a ''stylesheet''?<br>
» You guessed it:<br>
» [[$:/_styles/my-styles|$:/.tb/styles/markup]]<br>
Is it for ''configuration''?<br>
» Use a config namespace:<br>
» [[$:/_config/my-config|$:/.tb/config/redirected-tb5]]<br>
Does it hold ''data'' used to build a representation?<br>
» Perhaps use a data namespace:<br>
» [[$:/_data/my-special-items-list-as-json|$:/.tb/config/redirected-tb5]]<br>
Is it a <<tw StateMechanism state>>?<br>
» Widgets use them to remember the state of a component, e.g. a selected tab.<br>
» By default saved with TiddlyWiki and thus persisted accross sessions.<br>
» Place it under the states namespace with a __unique__ name.<br>
» `$:/state/my-path/the-state`<br>
» Don't want states to be saved?<br>
» Read: [[States And Temporary Tiddlers]]<br>
Is it a ''temporary tiddler''?<br>
» These often handle states, too, but are __not saved__ with the wiki.<br>
» Place it under the temp namespace, again with a unique name.<br>
» `$:/temp/my-path/the-temporary-state`
!Heading 1
!!Heading 2
!!!Heading 3
!Heading 1
!!Heading 2
!!!Heading 3
A toc of tiddler headings, based on the works of [[Danielo Rodríguez|http://braintest.tiddlyspot.com/]], Stephen Kimmel and [[EucalyJ|http://eucaly-tw5.tiddlyspot.com]] in [[this discussion|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/tiddlywiki/6zBxrj4nV34]].
!Get ~MatchFilter
Install [[MatchFilter from EucalyJ|http://eucaly-tw5.tiddlyspot.com/#MatchFilter]], e.g. [[$:/core/modules/filters/match.js]], providing a plugin to extract tiddler contents via regular expressions.
!Create Template
Create a template tiddler for your tiddler-toc, dragging [[toc]] to your wiki.
!Use It
Render the tiddler-toc by [[transcluding the template tiddler|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Transclusion%20in%20WikiText]] [[toc]] via either of...
* `{{||toc}}`
* `<$transclude tiddler="toc"/>`
The default styles are provided using an [[inline <style/> tag|Core Images And Inline Stylesheets]] in [[toc]] tiddler. To override them, create a tidder tagged [[$:/tags/Stylesheet]] to define your desired toc styles.
Some more headings, just for fun...
!!Level 2
!!!Level 3
!!!!Level 4
!!!!!Level 5
!!!!!!Level 6
See TiddlyWiki for another example.
[[There are situations|Preventing Wikification]] in which you want to use templates, but you want them to be hidden, e.g. not show in search results or lists like "recent". To achieve this, you basically need to put them under the `$:/` namespace, e.g.: [[$:/.tb/templates/plain]]. This, however, makes them [[inherently more difficult to use|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1210#issuecomment-66302859]], e.g.:
:via either of...
:: `{{//foo/bar||$:/.tb/templates/plain}}`
:: `{{//foo/bar||plain}}`
In order to simplify the first example, you can use a macro on top of your template to get that shorter name back. Here are two variants to do that.
!! Specific Macro
The following macro simplifies access to the above template <<source $:/.tb/macros/plain>>
Use it like so...
<<plain //foo/bar>>
<<plain //foo/bar>>
!! Generic Macro
The following solution, [[proposed by Evolena|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1210#issuecomment-66337593]], provides a more generic approach using a //template//-macro like <<source $:/.tb/macros/generic-template>>
This [[global macro|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Macros%20in%20WikiText]], actually called `||`, let's you render any template under the namespace `$:/.tb/templates/...` with your custom input.
The example above thus turns into...
<<|| plain //foo/bar>>
<<|| plain //foo/bar>>
While this doesn't look as pleasant to the eye, it does spare you from having to write a specific macro for every hidden template you want to simplify using. If `||` is too cryptic for you, define the macro with any name you want, e.g. `<<template>>`.
!! Final Word
Personally, I would like to see the ability to turn every tiddler I want into a hidden "system tiddler", e.g. by tagging it `$:/tags/System`. Besides other reasons, e.g. pretty titles for certain tiddlers, however hidden, that would allow me to make [[plain]] hidden and use it's short form...
;join the discussion at
TiddlyWiki entirely works on [[tiddlers|Tiddlers]]. This is not only true for the content you wish to give it but also for all the bells and whistles that actually make it work.
!! System Tiddlers
To not have you overwhelmed with the abundant components that provide TiddlyWiki's features, a special <<tw "Naming%20of%20System%20Tiddlers" NameSpace>> was defined in order to hide these so-called <<tw SystemTiddlers>>, prefixed `$:/`.
; hidden from
: search results
: most sidebar tabs, except ''More / System'' and ''More / Shadows''
!! Shadow tiddlers
<<tw ShadowTiddlers>> are unpacked by TiddlyWiki on startup as components of plugins. They can come as <<tw SystemTiddlers>> but can also be tiddlers that are not under the `$:` namespace.
; hidden from
: search results
: most sidebar tabs, except ''More / Shadows''
!! Embedded Media
Whenever you drag an <<tw "Images%20in%20WikiText image>> or <<tw Audio audio>> file to TiddlyWiki, it will be embedded as a tiddler with a special <<tw ContentType>>.
; hidden from
: ''Sidebar / Recent'' — only after you edit those tiddlers they are given a modification time-stamp and are listed here
You don't like to see system tags in view-mode? You want to [[style a specific tiddler using tags|http://tiddlywiki.com/#How%20to%20apply%20custom%20styles%20by%20tag]] but don't want to see the tag that triggers the style?
Before we start, compare the actual tags of this tiddler below to the ones you see above:
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$list filter={{!!tags}} template="$:/core/ui/TagTemplate"/>"""/>
To hide tags, this wiki uses a subfilter defined in <<source "$:/config/Hide/TagButtons">>
The above subfilter is used in a modified version of <<source "$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/tags">>
Above, the variable ''subFilter'' is retrieved from [[$:/config/Hide/TagButtons]]. Then, the filter for the tag-list is constructed from a macro ''tagFilter'' — as well declared as a variable — yielding the desired tag filter expression, replacing the previously defined ''subFilter''.
As [[explained by Jeremy here|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/WRHmF8d_AyI/_tlZTnRvzTsJ]], you can hide the sidebar without even clicking the [[chevron|$:/core/ui/TopBar/menu]] {{$:/core/ui/TopBar/menu}} by creating a tiddler called [[$:/state/sidebar]] and giving it the text `no`.
In this thread, [[Jeremy Ruston]] also outlines the basics of [[creating left MainMenu|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/WRHmF8d_AyI/ckzBYElx8sQJ]].
In [[this discussion|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/dQbt-JFdRR8/P0zR0njIAQAJ]], Evan asks how to hide the sidebar on startup. Motivated by just having helped out ~FrD over [[setting some fields at startup|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/l8fhn6EJB88/2KwbNbSrDAAJ]] a few minutes earlier, I realized that this can quickly be achieved via a javascript module of type startup.
To hide the sidebar on startup, drag these two over to your wiki
; [[$:/.tb/modules/startup/hide-sidebar.js]] <<date-version [[$:/.tb/modules/startup/hide-sidebar.js]]>>
: a startup module setting the sidebar state according to the below configuration tiddler
; [[$:/config/HideSidebarOnStartup]]
: in order to actually have the sidebar hidden on startup, set its content to `yes`
!! Source
<<source [[$:/.tb/modules/startup/hide-sidebar.js]]>>
If you find yourself wanting to not see one of your tiddlers listed next to your content tiddlers, chances are it is a custom...
* macro
* template
* stylesheet
* configuration tiddler
!!Using System Tiddlers
A simple trick to hide them from most content-oriented views and lists is to put them under an appropriate path in the [[system tiddlers|http://tiddlywiki.com/#SystemTiddlers]] namespace with the prefix `$:/`:
;custom macro
;custom macro styles
;custom macro config tiddlers
;custom config tiddler
;custom macro templates
;custom macro template
;custom transclusion templates
;custom stylesheets
;user defined config tiddlers (not core)
You can then find them under @@color:blue; ''[[Sidebar|$:/core/ui/SideBarLists]] > [[More|$:/core/ui/SideBar/More]] > [[System|$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/System]]''@@ or using [[Advanced Search|$:/AdvancedSearch]].
!! User Prefix
A possible way to reduce the risk of your customizations interfering with any of those you might later import from somewhere else, you can use a user shorthand in any of the system namespace components, e.g.:
* `$:/tbr/...`
* `$:/tobibeer/...`
* `$:/macros/tobibeer/...`
''Note:'' This way, however, chances might be greater that — when competing macro or style definitions of different origins coexist — one out of two with the same name will win over the other and you may find it hard to identify the problem. Therefore, know your wiki and carefully review imported system tiddlers from other sources.
horizontal rules
horizontal rules
Some random, free hosting options...
* https://neocities.org ([[ifps.io|https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmNhFJjGcMPqpuYfxL62VVB9528NXqDNMFXiqN5bgFYiZ1/its-time-for-the-permanent-web.html]])
* https://www.bitballoon.com
<span style="color:red">Hosting content on Google Drive is [[deprecated|http://googleappsdeveloper.blogspot.co.uk/2015/08/deprecating-web-hosting-support-in.html]] by August 31st, 2016!</span>
# share your document publicly
# construct URL below using your document's ID
# use desktop client for local editing with ''Firefox'' / [[TiddlyFox|http://tiddlywiki.com#TiddlyFox]]
See http://googledrive.com/host/0B51gSXixfJ2Qb0I4R2M4MWJVMlU
As explained [[here|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/Q-U87Gol31c/KUNAqN_ADQAJ]], those are two radically different modes to operate. Between the two, right now, there's really just one option I would recommend to use.
!! [[store.php|Your own TiddlySpot-like upload server]]
# ''server'' => simple
#* requires "just" php
#* very common, plenty of affordable or free options
#* nothing more to set up in terms of TiddlyWiki, at all
# ''store''
#* operates on a per wiki basis
# ''authentication''
#* simple autentication, tried and tested even with TW2 since 2008
# ''backups''
#* backs up wiki files
!! [[node.js|http://tiddlywiki.com/#ServerCommand]]
# ''server'' => pro
#* requires a node capable server
#* not so common, commercially more pricey
#* requires to manage TiddlyWiki and possibly other npm packages
# ''store''
#* operates on a per-tiddler basis
# ''authentication''
#* none? => should possibly be called "experimental"
#*use with mucho-care-o (whatever that means, must be Spanglish ;-)
# ''backups''
#* none out of the box
#* you need to figure out how to take care of that for your server
! The Third Way
What I actually do right now for [[tb5|Welcome]] is...
!! [[node.js|http://tiddlywiki.com/#TiddlyWiki%20on%20Node.js]] + standalone wiki
# ''server'' => dead-simple
#* requires just the basic, cheapest of hosting, plenty-o-free
#* [[github pages|http://pages.github.com]] is just fine for me atm
#* node and TiddlyWiki are installed on your local machine => full control
# ''store''
#* organize and edit on a per tiddler basis, but node bakes full standalone wikis
# ''authentication''
#* none needed other than basic [[FTP|https://filezilla-project.org/]], GitHub, cloud storage
#* fool-proof, most secure, never writing to any server-store via TiddlyWiki
# ''backups''
#* manage however you want, local, via GitHub, or any cloud service like [[DropBox|http://dropbox.com]], [[OneDrive|https://onedrive.live.com]], [[Google Drive|https://www.google.com/drive]], etc...
''Note:'' Unlike the other two above, this does not allow any editing over the web.<br><br>You can always edit your contents, preview changes and temporarily store them, say, in a [[trello|https://trello.com]], email yourself the entire wiki, or edit tiddlers in GitHub as we already do with documentation for TiddlyWiki (having to merge things at some point).
In a [[reply to Rich|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/hr75FTeEL_g/Zq9c1OJz6KkJ]], [[Stephan Hradek]] posted two solutions about byte-sizes...
# a [[length|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/hr75FTeEL_g/Zq9c1OJz6KkJ]] macro to determine the size of any text or tiddler
# the [[lsort|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/hr75FTeEL_g/tFQ-ZIQoMLwJ]] filter that allows to sort tiddlers by size
An example and install instructions are at [[length macro and lsort filter @ tbdemo|http://tbdemo.tiddlyspot.com/#length%20macro%20and%20lsort%20filter]].
''Note:'' When you create both in your wiki, be sure to set the `title`, `type` and `module-type` fields accordingly.
Here's how to use both to list tiddlers by size along with size information:
<$list filter="[!lsort[]]">
<$macrocall $name="length" tiddler={{!!title}}/>
<$link><$view field=title/></$link>
To get a quick output from your browser console, you can try this bit of code:
> [[Console Log Of Tiddler Sizes @ tbdemo|http://tbdemo.tiddlyspot.com/#Console%20Log%20Of%20Tiddler%20Sizes]]
You may have noticed, a [[filter|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Filters]] by itself does not render anything, widgets do, and consequently macros.
So, to get a basic list, put your desired item-format inside the [[list widget|http://tiddlywiki.com/#ListWidget]] that renders it:
<$list filter="[tag[TableOfContents]]">
<$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field=title/></$link>
''Tip:'' Try any of this creating a test tiddler directly on http://tiddlywiki.com.
This renders a link to each iterated item on the list showing its title. Notice the ` ` at the end to provide for simple spacing.
When the inner text of a list widget starts with an empty line, TiddlyWiki understands your code as wanting to have block-level paragraph elements, rather than an inline list.
<$list filter="[tag[TableOfContents]]">
<$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field=title/></$link>
However, I sometimes prefer using a nice » `»` and a trailing newline via `<br>`...
<$list filter="[tag[TableOfContents]]">
» <$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field=title/></$link><br>
Alternatively you can use a template tiddler defining the item template, i.e.
<$list filter="[tag[Welcome]]" template="$:/.tb/templates/my-list"/>
With a [[standard template|http://tiddlywiki.com/#%24%3A%2Fcore%2Fui%2FListItemTemplate]] ...
<$list filter="[tag[TableOfContents]]" template="$:/core/ui/ListItemTemplate"/>
This is perhaps the cleanest approach as it allows you to reuse that template elsewhere.
Alternatively, use the [[list-links|http://tiddlywiki.com/#ListMacro]] macro to output simple link lists, e.g.:
<<list-links filter:"[tag[TableOfContents]]">>
''Note:'' Notice the syntax differences between a [[macro call|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Macros%20in%20WikiText]] and a [[widget call|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Widgets%20in%20WikiText]], i.e. double angle brakets and colons for (optionally named) parameters, rather than `attribute="value"`.
You can easily wrap this in your [[custom css class|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Using%20Stylesheets]], e.g.
<<list-links filter:"[tag[TableOfContents]]">>
To properly render tables or definition lists, use html tags outside and inside...
<$list filter="[has[url]]">
<dt><$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field=title/></$link></dt>
Here's an a bit more elaborate table syntax using a macro to generate a link...
\define link(url) [ext[>>|$url$]]
<$list filter="[has[url]]">
<td><$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field=title/></$link></td>
<td><$macrocall $name=link url={{!!url}}></td>
<a href={{TiddlerWithURL}}>link</a>
<b class=<<getClass>>>bold</b>
<a href={{TiddlerWithURL}}>link</a>
<b class=<<version>>>bold</b>
set attributes via transclusion or macro
<div address="""attribute,
linebreaks.""">inspect me!</div>
<div address="""attribute,
linebreaks.""">inspect me!</div>
<article class="hello">
HTML tags work like that.
<!-- even comments -->
<article class="hello">
HTML tags work like that.
<!-- even comments -->
; discussion
: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/mr0niBeCZcI/HrcXhyAgWqQJ
''Note:'' As an alternative to this outdated technology, consider [[Interactive SVG Image Map]].
Notice how — in the markup below — the ''href'' attribute points to the location hash for a tiddler that you get when using the {{$:/core/ui/Buttons/permalink}} ''permalink'' button from a tiddler's toolbar.
<<source "$:/.tb/demo/image-map">>
[img width=16 [example.jpg]]
[img class="tc-image" [example.jpg]]
[img width=16 [http://www.tiddlywiki.com/favicon.ico]]<br>
[img class="tc-image" [http://www.tiddlywiki.com/favicon.ico]]
As per [[Jeremy's instructions|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/qxfH1fBqACA/tEx8T3bTngQJ]], you can import tiddlers from a standalone TiddlyWiki into your node.js instance using.
; 1. Create Wiki Folder
: `mkdir MyWiki`
; 2. Import From Standalone TiddlyWiki
: `tiddlywiki ./MyWiki --load path/to/my-tw5-wiki-file.html`
; 3. Import From Encrypted TiddlyWiki
: `tiddlywiki ./MyWiki --password pa55w0rd --load path/to/my-tw5.html`
:Ü ''Note:'' the result will not be encrypted
To reuse a [[Conditional ViewTemplate Section]] in something like a list template, you can always do...
> {{||$:/.tb/ui/ViewTemplate/summary}}
A little helper macro like the following simplifies this process...
<<source "$:/.tb/macros/inc">>
I put my own templates under an equivalent namespace as the `core`, however replacing that bit of the namespace with my own prefix `.tb`.
!! Example
Notice how, in one case, the styling from the template is applied whereas in the other it isn't. Also, the template could be showing a lot more than just a single field.
<$tiddler tiddler="TiddlySpot">
<<inc summary>>
<$tiddler tiddler="TiddlySpot">
<<inc summary>>
!! Core Template Example
<<inc tags core>>
<<inc tags core>>
With a little [[help from Andreas Hahn|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/-yqMeKtTsMk/x_Nvls62AQAJ]], here's a prototype for a little wizard that allows to inline edit tiddler titles or other fields.
''Note:'' Unfortunately it is not possible to use the enter key to save changes.
!! Usage
The following example creates a list and calls the macro ''tb-rename inline'' specifying the tiddler to be renamed as the current list item. Without the second parameter, the macro assumes we're editing tiddler titles.
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$list filter="[tag[Actions]]">
<$macrocall $name="tb-edit-inline"
The next example uses the second macro parameter to edit a tiddlers field called ''foo'' rather than the title...
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$list filter="[tag[Actions]]">
<$link><$view field="title"/></$link>:<br>
<$macrocall $name="tb-edit-inline"
tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field="foo"/>
!! Installation
Drag to your wiki: <<source [[$:/.tb/macros/edit-inline]]>>
@@.purple Am I purple?@@
@@.purple Am I purple?@@
Forget [[image-maps|http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_map.asp]], comes SVG. Setting up either one can be cumbersome, but the advantages in dynamically styling svg by far exceed those of binary imagery, not just in terms of scaling.
The below example doesn't overly leverage the power of vector graphics but it's illustrating the general concept...
!!How to achieve?
# [[create your desired svg|SVG-Edit]] image or [[obtain it from somewhere|http://d-maps.com]]
#* don't shy away because you see all this "code"
#* it's what svg looks like
#* you just need to find the right spots to do the below
# assign classes to the [[elements you wish to style|http://style.tiddlyspot.com]], unless already defined
#* you can also remove all the overhead you don't need, like id attributes
#* use your browser's developer tools to find the right element, layer or group
# apply css styles directly or on-hover
#* as in the example below using [[inline-styles]] or [[Custom Stylesheets]]
#* you will have to figure out the right css to interactively change styles
#** perhaps use google, but don't be shy to ask in the groups
# for clickable links, wrap the triggering svg elements like so...<div>
<a xlink:href="#InternalLink">
...svg elements...
!! Limitations
Unlike HTML elements, the stacking order of svg elements cannot be changed via the z-index. Custom javascript would have to actually rearrange the svg object... so as to render that [[Markup]] button above the [[Plugins]] button.
!! Source
Above all, see style section at the bottom of <<source example-svg>>
[[The Tiddler]]
[[pretty title|The Tiddler]]
[[The Tiddler]]<br>
[[pretty title|The Tiddler]]
Sometimes it is necessary to [[use and invoke macros|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Macros%20in%20WikiText]] in different ways.
Here are some options...
;`<<aMacro "a param">>`
:with first parameter, internally read as `text`
;`<<aMacro text:"a param">>`
:with named parameter `text`
;`<$macrocall $name="aMacro" text="a param"/>`
:invoked via macrocall widget
;`<$macrocall $name="aMacro" text={{get from tiddler!!or-field}}/>`
:same but pulling parameter via transclusion
;`<$macrocall $name="aMacro" text=<<getText "call yet another macro">>/>`
:same but computing the parameter by calling yet another macro
''Note:'' Internally, a `<<variable>>`, in fact, is a macro, too.
As Jeremy explains [[here|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/8IhXmNewLjs/9Jj4b42ECwAJ]]...
> Macro invocations used as widget attributes may have parameters. However, there are a couple of points to watch:
>* the output of the macro is not wikified; it is used directly as the value of the attribute
>* the double angle brackets widget call syntax only allows parameters to be specified as strings
!! Example
The example below creates a link to a tiddler with the current date as the title...
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$tiddler tiddler=<<now "YYYY-0MM-0DD">>>
<$link><$view field=title/></$link>
Here's my approach to solving the mystery of iterating all indexes of a [[DataTiddler|http://tiddlywiki.com/#DataTiddlers]]...
<$set name="data" value="$:/data/core/widgets">
<$list filter="[<data>indexes[]sort[title]]">
:<$transclude tiddler=<<data>> index=<<currentTiddler>>/>
renders as (prettified with table markup for [[$:/data/core/widgets]]):
<$set name="data" value="$:/data/core/widgets">
<$list filter="[<data>indexes[]sort[title]]">
<td><$transclude tiddler=<<data>> index=<<currentTiddler>>/></td>
<$list filter="[tag[Console]tag[Scripts]sort[title]]" >
Ok, it happens. We install some plugin, fiddle with a core component and then we reload and see that dreaded @@color:white;background:#f33;padding:3px 5px;border-radius:5px;~JavaScript Error@@.
What to do now?
!! 1. Testing Plugins And Modifications
First things first. If you have your TiddlyWiki to update the URL whenever a tiddler opens, try opening a different tiddler first and see if the error is still around. It could be that you are testing a faulty plugin in a tiddler and that only your test tiddler throws the error. Go to the plugin, edit your modifications or delete it, save, reload.
!! 2. Safe Mode
If that does not allow you to remove the offending bits, try loading your TiddlyWiki in safe-mode by appending `#:safe` to the url of your wiki.
<<tw SafeMode>> should disable all plugins amongst others and allows you to edit or delete whatever you suspect the offending tidbits to be. Save your changes and reaload without safe-mode enabled to see if the error is gone.
!! 3. Import Into Empty
If all else fails, try downloading an empty TiddlyWiki and drag-n-drop your broken file onto it so as to import all tiddlers while unchecking any of those you suspect to have broken your wiki.
Save and reload. Is it finally back up now?
\define add()
As a [[resonse to Vladimir in the groups|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/tiddlywiki/4LslEBHJxF8]], here is how you can join two transcluded lists into one. First you need this macro in which the line-breaks are important:
\define add()
And then you can concatenate two tiddlers containing numbered list. Here, I simply appended [[some list|$:/.tb/demo/list]] to itself:
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$vars other={{$:/.tb/demo/list}}>
<$list filter="[[$:/.tb/demo/list]get[text]addsuffix<add>]">
Using <<tb setvars>> you can skip the helper macro and simplify the above to:
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<$setvars
joined="t1 \
\ t2">
A trick [[suggested|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/tiddlywiki/Rkv4qT1pgGU]] by [[Alberto Molina]]:
To have the "new journal here" button add the current tiddler's title to the new journal title, open your [[controlpanel|$:/ControlPanel]] and add $(currentTiddler)$ at the beginning or end of the datestring.
!! Try it out here!
While you can customize the key bindings, here are the defaults defined by this plugin...
|!Combination|!snippet|!renders as|
|`ctrl+b`| `'' ''` | ''bold'' |
|`ctrl+i`| `// //` | //italics// |
|`ctrl+u`| ` __ __` | __underline__ |
|`ctrl+s`| `,, ,, ` | ,,subscript,, |
|`ctrl+l`| `*` | non ordered list |
|`ctrl+o`| `#` | ordered list |
|`ctrl+k`| | code |
|`alt+t`| `|| ` | table cell |
|`alt+h`| `|!|` | table head |
|`alt+s`| ` ~~ ~~` | ~~strikeout~~ |
|`alt+w` | `<$>` | widget call |
|`alt+z` | `{{!!}}` | variable transclusion |
|`ctrl+m` | `<<>>` | macro call |
|`ctrl+alt+t` | `{{}}` | transclusion |
|`ctrl+alt+l` | `[[]]`| link |
The below will output the last modified non-system tiddler and the modification date...
'<$list filter="[!is[system]!sort[modified]limit[1]]">
; last modified
: <$view field=modified format="date" template="0DD. MMM YYYY"/> (<$link><$view field=title/></$link>)
Here's just the date as a plain link to that tiddler...
'<$list filter="[!is[system]!sort[modified]limit[1]]">
<$link><$view field=modified format="date" template="0DD. MMM YYYY"/> </$link>
''datefield:'' <$select field="date" default={{!!date}}>
<$list filter="modified created">
''limit:'' <$select field="limit" default={{!!limit}}>
<$list filter="10 20 30 50 100 200 500 1000">
<div class="solutions">
<$set name="date" value={{!!date}}>
<$set name="remove" value="Solutions">
<$macrocall $name="list-search"
[tag[Tobias Beer]]
~LetFilter allows to compare and calculate fields of tiddlers in a filter list, e.g.:
* compare a given date field against a specified date
** by default, both dates are compared with day accuracy
* compare a boolean field against a specified boolean
* compare a number / integer field against a specified number / integer
* calculate a number / integer field using basic arithmetics
* calculate a boolean field using basic boolean operations
* define whether to consider blank field values in its operations or not
* return a random number of items from a result list
@@color:purple;''Important'': Adding my library does not pre-install any of my plugins in your wiki but just adds a reference to it, i.e. you need internet access to actually install plugins from it.@@
Drag this tiddler to your wiki to access my plugin library from your [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]]: $:/pluginlibrary/tobibeer/official
!! {{$:/pluginlibrary/tobibeer/official!!caption}}
''Tip:'' You can actually try it out right here in this wiki.<br>
Open: {{$:/core/ui/Buttons/control-panel}} ''~ControlPanel'' > ''Plugins'' > ''Get more plugins'' > ''Open plugin library''
\define getImg()
The following macro lets you link an image to an internal tiddler or to an external site...
!!The linkimg macro
`<<linkimg tiddler image tooltip class width svg=yes>>`
|1|''tiddler'' |the tiddler to link to<br>» alternatively, an external url (starting with `http://`!)| |
|2|''image'' |the image to be displayed<br>» an [[image tiddler|Jack.jpg]] of content type `image/...`<br>» or [[an svg|$:/core/images/globe]] with or without content-type||
|3|''tooltip'' |a tooltip to be displayed|`open tiddler "foo"`|
|4|''class'' |a class assigned to the image<br>» for svg the class is assigned to a wrapper<br>these classes are always applied:<br>» `linkimg` for images<br>» `linksvg` for svg||
|5|''width'' |the width of your image||
|6|''svg'' |when set to `svg=yes`, interprets the image as given by a [[standard html svg tags|http://tiddlywiki.com/#UsingSVG]] ([[example|$:/core/images/globe]]) so as to transclude it||
<<linkimg Jack.jpg Jack.jpg "a kitten" pretty 100px>>
<<linkimg Jack.jpg Jack.jpg "a kitten" pretty 100px>>
For the macro to render meaningful output, at least the first two parameters are required.
Alternatively you could qualify parameters by their name:
<<linkimg Jack.jpg Jack.jpg class:"pretty">>
<<linkimg Jack.jpg Jack.jpg class:"pretty">>
!! Link Image To An External Site
<<linkimg "http://tiddlywiki.com/#Motovun%20Jack.jpg" Jack.jpg "a kitten" pretty 100px>>
<<linkimg "http://tiddlywiki.com/#Motovun%20Jack.jpg" Jack.jpg "a kitten" pretty 100px>>
Drag to your wiki: [[$:/.tb/macros/linkimg]]
!! Gallery Thumbnails
Using the <<tw ListWidget>>, you can easily generate a thumbnails gallery linking to your images...
<$list filter="[[$:/tags/Image]tagging[]!sort[title]limit[8]]">
<$macrocall $name="linkimg" tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> image=<<currentTiddler>> tooltip=<<currentTiddler>> class="pretty thumbs thumbs-120" svg=yes/>
<$list filter="[[$:/tags/Image]tagging[]limit[8]]">
<$macrocall $name="linkimg" tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> image=<<currentTiddler>> tooltip=<<currentTiddler>> class="pretty thumbs thumbs-120" svg=yes/>
If you have actual thumbnail images in addition to the full-size version, use a helper macro like so...
\define thumb()
<$list filter="[[$:/tags/Image]tagging[]limit[8]]">
<$macrocall $name="linkimg" tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> image=<<thumb>> tooltip=<<currentTiddler>> class="pretty thumbs thumbs-120" svg=yes/>
!! Image Navigation
This could be your main navigation with clickable image links. Try and click any thumb and go to that target tiddler instead of the image tiddler.
<$list filter="[list[$:/.tb/ui/TopLeftBar/config]]">
<$macrocall $name="linkimg" tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> image=<<getImg>> tooltip=<<currentTiddler>> class="pretty thumbs" svg=yes/>
\define getImg()
<$list filter="[list[$:/.tb/ui/TopLeftBar/config]]">
<$macrocall $name="linkimg" tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> image=<<getImg>> tooltip=<<currentTiddler>> class="pretty thumbs" svg=yes/>
;list field at...
;styles defined in...
!! Macro Source
<<source $:/.tb/macros/linkimg>>
While the [[list-links macro|http://tiddlywiki.com/#ListMacro]] can be used to list links to tiddlers matching a [[filter|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Filters]]...
<<list-links filter:"[all[]tag[$:/tags/Macro]]">>
<<list-links filter:"[all[]tag[$:/tags/Macro]]">>
Sometimes it can be more practical or necessary to use the [[list-widget|http://tiddlywiki.com/#ListWidget]] instead...
<$list filter="[all[]tag[$:/tags/Macro]]">
<$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
<$list filter="[all[]tag[$:/tags/Macro]]">
<$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
Alternatively, you can use the [[link widget|http://tiddlywiki.com/#LinkWidget]] with parameter transclusion...
<$list filter="[all[]tag[$:/tags/Macro]]">
<$link to={{!!title}}>{{!!title}}</$link>
<$list filter="[all[]tag[$:/tags/Macro]]">
<$link to={{!!title}}>{{!!title}}</$link>
Use the [[regexp|http://tiddlywiki.com/#FilterOperator%3A%20regexp]] filter instead of [[search|http://tiddlywiki.com/#FilterOperator%3A%20search]] filter...
;regexp filter
:`<$list filter="[regexp:text[some string]]"/>`
:<$list filter="[regexp:text[some string]]"/>
See [[discussion|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/FC2KOtlyaYo/KqRIUjNbEbcJ]]...
Working on this [[wiki to show off FontAwesome|http://fontawesome.tiddlyspot.com]], I was wondering how to simplify filtering lists the way I used to with [[ListFiltr|http://listfiltr.tiddlyspace.com]] in [[TWc|http://classic.tiddlywiki.com]].
You will find list-search throughout this wiki, e.g. to filter the [[markup reference|Markup]].<br>
An example:
Type something into the filter box...
placeholder:"Filter by tags..." >>
Type something into the filter box...
placeholder:"Filter by tags...">>
To use list-search in your tw5, drag this over: [[$:/.tb/macros/list-search]]
!! Parameters
The following parameters can be specified for the list-search macro:
|1|''filter'' |the list filter |`[tags[]]`|
|2|''search'' |the way to search, e.g.<br>» [[search|http://tiddlywiki.com/#FilterOperator%3A%20search]]<br>» [[search:title|http://tiddlywiki.com/#FilterOperator%3A%20search]]<br>» [[regexp|http://tiddlywiki.com/#FilterOperator%3A%20regexp]]<br>» etc...|`search:title`|
|3|''state'' |the [[state tiddler|http://tiddlywiki.com/#StateMechanism]] in which to store the search term |[[$:/temp/list-search]]|
|4|''template'' |a template tiddler for the list items |[[$:/core/ui/ListItemTemplate]]|
|5|''placeholder''|placeholder text shown in the empty filter input|`Filter`|
Here's the source of the global ''list-search'' macro <<source $:/.tb/macros/list-search>>
The following wiki markup examples use filters to list implemented fields types and related information...
<<tabs "[[Fields: Standard]] [[Fields: Core]] [[Fields: Non-Core]] [[Fields: Current Tiddler]] [[Fields: Current Values]]" default:"standard" "$:/state/tabs-fields">>
''Note:'' There is a whole lot more on http://xlist.tiddlyspot.com.
As [[Eric Shulman]] explains [[here|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/6Z7lcMoQ99s/Lqqaw-L8AgAJ]], you can use the <<tw EditTextWidget>> to output any chunk of text without wiki formating and without escaping characters like so:
<<` '<$text text="//literal //slashes"/>'>>
Compared to:
italic, not //literal //slashes
> italic, not //literal //slashes
To use single quotes inside your text, enclose with `"""triple quotes"""`:
<$text text="""Apple "Pear" //Peach""" />
> <$text text="""Apple "Pear" //Peach""" />
With [[#1473 New wikitext syntax for representing literal text|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1473]], there may eventually be simplified wikitext markup, e.g.:
===//literal `text===
> <$text text="//literal `text" />
When in a local TiddlyWiki, the following simple macro will allow you to list the contents of a local directory within an iframe.
<<local path height>>
|1|''path'' |the folder path to be rendered in an iframe| |
|2|''height'' |a height applied to the iframe|600px |
The rendered iframe is wrapped in a div of a class "local-folder".
To use, simply install <<source $:/.tb/macros/localfolder>>
!Inline Macro References
<$list filter="[all[tiddlers]regexp:text[(?m)^\\define\s+\w+\s*\(]]">
!User Defined Global Macros
<$list filter="[tag[$:/tags/Macro]]">
!Core Macros
<$list filter="[all[shadows]module-type[macro]]">
!Core Wikitext Macros
<$list filter="[all[shadows]tag[$:/tags/Macro]]">
The [[$macrocall|http://tiddlywiki.com/#MacroCallWidget]] widget allows to use evaluated widget parameters and variables that are otherwise unavailable for use in a given [[<<macro>>|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Macros%20in%20WikiText]].
;concatenate macro
:`\def concatenate(s1:"", s2:"") $s1$$s2$`
;failing markup:
:`<<concatenate "my" {{!!text}}>>`
;working markup:
:`<$macrocall $name="concatenate" s1="my" s2={{!!title}}/>`
;Jeremy Ruston on widgets
> It's actually historical. The angle bracket syntax for macros was first implemented early on, before transcluded attributes. Then as the widget syntax evolved it was clear that it was more flexible and extensible. Internally, everything is a widget, even plain text. All the wikitext syntax beyond the widget syntax is really just a series of shortcuts for more easily typing widgets and HTML. My expectation is that more and more of the basic idioms that we discover as we explore the way that widgets fit together will end up being elevated to wiki syntax. For example, we could evolve a wikitext syntax for assigning variables that is terser than the current `<$set>` widget.
\define test(x, y, z:'0')
$x$ $y$ $z$
\define run(foo:'bar') [[$foo$]]
<<run "foo bar">>
» defines macro `run`<br>
» with parameter `foo`<br>
» whose value defaults to `bar`<br>
» outputs a link to value of param:<br>
[[foo bar]]
\define test()
I am $(x)$.
<$set name="x" value="y
of z">
» defines macro test which<br>
» outputs value of variable x<br><br>
» sets variable x to: "y<br>
of z" //(multiline allowed)//<br>
» runs macro test which outputs:<br>
"I am y of z."
\define test(x, y, z:'0')
$x$ $y$ $z$
» defines macro test<br>
» outputs 3 params<br><br>
» calls test via macrocall widget<br>
» using macro version as param x<br>
» and transclusion as param y<br><br>
» outputs:<br>
; discussion
: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!folder/TiddlyWiki/tiddlywiki/qmcYndFMSX8
The [[makedoc|$:/.tb/macros/makedoc]] macro joins chapters to a document using these parameters...
|! # |!Name |!Description |
| 1 |''filter''|a ''filter'' for the list of chapters|
| 2 |''template''|render chapters with a custom template, e.g. [[$:/.tb/demo/makedoc]]|
| 2 |''sub1''|when `true`, renders tiddlers tagging to chapters as subchapters|
| 4 |''sub2''|when `true`, renders tiddlers tagging to subchapters|
!! Installation
Install [[$:/.tb/macros/makedoc]] » <$macrocall
label="show code"
content=<<source "$:/.tb/macros/makedoc">>
tooltip="show / hide code"
label-hide="hide code"
!! Examples
Custom css styles for the examples below are defined in [[$:/.tb/styles/makedoc]].
!!! No Subchapters
<<makedoc filter:"
<<makedoc filter:"
!!! With Subchapters And Template
using template [[$:/.tb/demo/makedoc]]
<<makedoc filter:"
" sub1:true template:"$:/.tb/demo/makedoc">>
<<makedoc filter:"
" sub1:true template:"$:/.tb/demo/makedoc">>
A worklflow [[proposed by Alex Hough|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/tiddlywiki/Xz2lSXXy0iU]]...
* something in the text raises an unanswered question?
* write that question into the text as a link
** [[Managing Review Items?]]
* use the sufix filters to extract questions
!Review Lists
;links to existing and missing tids
:`<<list-links filter:"[all[tiddlers+missing]]suffix[?]]">>` <<list-links filter:"[all[tiddlers+missing]suffix[?]]">>
;links to existing tids only
:`<<list-links filter:"[suffix[?]]">>` <<list-links filter:"[suffix[?]]">>
;links to missing tids only
:`<<list-links filter:"[all[missing]suffix[?]]">>` <<list-links filter:"[all[missing]suffix[?]]">>
;links to existing and missing tids with backlinks
:`<<linkreferences "[all[tiddlers+missing]suffix[?]]">>` <<linkreferences "[all[tiddlers+missing]suffix[?]]">>
:rendered via custom macro: <<source $:/macros/linkreferences>>
See [[Markup Reference]] for a non-filterable version to easily import to your wiki.
<div class="filter-markup">
placeholder:"Filter markup examples...">>
.filter-markup input{
<dl class="tb5-markup">
''//bold italics//''
<dd>''//bold italics//''</dd>
foo -- bar
foo --- bar
<dd>foo -- bar (En dash)<br>foo --- bar (Em dash)<br></dd>
!Heading 1
!!Heading 2
!!!Heading 3
!Heading 1
!!Heading 2
!!!Heading 3
horizontal rules
horizontal rules
<dd>`code` ...via backticks</dd>
<dt><pre>``with `backticks` ``</pre></dt>
<dd>``with `backticks` ``</dd>
new paragraphs
need two linebreaks
in tw5
new paragraphs
need two linebreaks
in tw5
> block
>> quotes
>>> are </dd>easy
> block
>> quotes
>>> are <br>easy
* unordered
** list
* unordered
** list
# ordered
## list
# ordered
## list
# mixed
#* lists
#>like so
# mixed
#* lists
#>like so
!.h1-class.red CSS
#.li-class.red classes
*.li-class.red can be
;.dt-class.red assigned
:.dd-class.red like
>.blockquote-class.red this
!.h1-class.red CSS
#.li-class.red classes
*.li-class.red can be
;.dt-class.red assigned
:.dd-class.red like
>.blockquote-class.red this
[[The Tiddler]]
[[pretty title|The Tiddler]]
[[The Tiddler]]<br>
[[pretty title|The Tiddler]]
`file:///` only via local tw!
[img width=16 [example.jpg]]
[img class="tc-image" [example.jpg]]
[img width=16 [http://www.tiddlywiki.com/favicon.ico]]<br>
[img class="tc-image" [http://www.tiddlywiki.com/favicon.ico]]
[img width={{!!mywidth}} class=<<image-classes>> [example.jpg]]
params via
[[transclusion|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Transclusion%20in%20WikiText]] or
embed via transclusion
;css styles
:apply directly like this
@@color:red; or this @@
;css styles
:apply directly like this
@@color:red; or this @@
or combine both
or combine both
@@.purple Am I purple?@@
@@.purple Am I purple?@@
<dt style="font-size:80%;">
| !Header | !Header | Mhhh ?!? |
|^NE |^ N |^ NW|
|W | ✦ | E|
|,SW |, S |, SE|
|and|now| vertical |
|>| right|~|
<dd style="font-size:80%;">
| !Header | !Header | Mhhh ?!? |
|^NW |^ @@padding:0 7px 14px 7px;display:block; N@@ |^ NE|
|W | ✦ | @@padding:7px 0;display:block; E@@|
|,SW |, @@padding:14px 7px 0 7px;display:block; S@@ |, SE|
|and|now| vertical |
|>| right|~|
<article class="hello">
HTML tags work like that.
<!-- even comments -->
<article class="hello">
HTML tags work like that.
<!-- even comments -->
<a href={{TiddlerWithURL}}>link</a>
<b class=<<getClass>>>bold</b>
<a href={{TiddlerWithURL}}>link</a>
<b class=<<version>>>bold</b>
set attributes via transclusion or macro
<div address="""attribute,
linebreaks.""">inspect me!</div>
<div address="""attribute,
linebreaks.""">inspect me!</div>
*nest <div>
{{{ [tag[Foo]] }}}
{{{ [tag[Foo]] ||Bar}}}
» [[transcludes|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Transclusion%20in%20WikiText]] tiddler `Foo`<br>
» `Foo` with template `Bar`<br>
» template `Foo` for `CurrentTiddler`<br>
» field `bar` of `Foo`<br>
» field `bar` of `CurrentTiddler`<br>
» `index` of datatiddler `Foo`<br>
» `index` of `CurrentTiddler` (=data)<br>
» list of tiddlers tagged `Foo`<br>
» same using template `Bar`
\define run(foo:'bar') [[$foo$]]
<<run "foo bar">>
» defines macro `run`<br>
» with parameter `foo`<br>
» whose value defaults to `bar`<br>
» outputs a link to value of param:<br>
[[foo bar]]
\define test()
I am $(x)$.
<$set name="x" value="y
of z">
» defines macro test which<br>
» outputs value of variable x<br><br>
» sets variable x to: "y<br>
of z" //(multiline allowed)//<br>
» runs macro test which outputs:<br>
"I am y of z."
\define test(x, y, z:'0')
$x$ $y$ $z$
» defines macro test<br>
» outputs 3 params<br><br>
» calls test via macrocall widget<br>
» using macro version as param x<br>
» and transclusion as param y<br><br>
» outputs:<br>
<<version>> Markup 0
plain text, not //formatted//
plain text, not //formatted//
These are [[Typed Blocks|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Typed%20Blocks%20in%20WikiText]]
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="green" />
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="green" />
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="red" />
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="red" />
This is ''some'' wikitext
This is ''some'' wikitext
This is ''some'' wikitext
This is ''some'' wikitext
dl.tb5-markup .red{
.tb5-markup > dt{
margin:2% 1em 0 0;
.tb5-markup > dt > pre{
.tb5-markup > dd{
margin:1em 0 0 0;
.tb5-markup > dd > p,
.tb5-markup > dd > h1,
.tb5-markup > dd > pre,
.tb5-markup > dd > ul,
.tb5-markup > dd > ol,
.tb5-markup > dd > dl,
.tb5-markup > dd > table,
.tb5-markup > dd > blockquote,
.tb5-markup > dd > blockquote >p{
.tb5-markup .tc-image{
This is Mat's, a.k.a <:-) little man-cave in the ~TiddlyVerse.
Most TW development is, understandably, based on the premise that "Improve code ➔ Better TW". TWaddle is also about developing TW but from the perspective that Bigger Community ⇄ Better TW. Thus, TWaddle looks more to people issues - how to attract them, how to make them stick with TW etc.
I'm not a programmer but I am a TW enthusiast so I tiddlefiddle enough to make the occasional discovery of something cool. Given the amount of words I utter, it is also a mere numbers game before I say something that makes sense. TWaddle is intended to capture these eventualities.
# mixed
#* lists
#>like so
# mixed
#* lists
#>like so
\define renderfield(title)
<tr class="tc-view-field"><td class="tc-view-field-name">''$title$'':</td><td class="tc-view-field-value">//{{$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/$title$}}//</td></tr>
<table class="tc-view-field-table"><tbody><$list filter="[moduletypes[]]"
variable="listItem"><$macrocall $name="renderfield" title=<<listItem>>/></$list>
As [[Jeremy|Jeremy Ruston]] explains [[here|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/c6bWhRyUPBA/Ge0Gd5z1-WYJ]], if you wanted to show the tiddler toolbar buttons only when you actually hover or focus a tiddler's titlebar, add the following to a [[custom stylesheet|Custom Stylesheets]]:
.tc-titlebar button {
opacity: 0;
.tc-titlebar:hover button {
opacity: 1;
The version below provides a smooth transition effect, showing the toolbar when you hover a tiddler rather than just its titlebar, see <<source [[$:/.tb/demo/onhover-toolbar-styles]]>>
A tip from [[PMario|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/jtx3_lyMlIo/YZz1Hn_HtkQJ]]...
* list <div class="optionalClass">
''Works in all of...''
# ordered
* unordered
*nest <div>
In [[this post|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/H_1eJrt0rYY/v-6edns7CtwJ]] [[Jeremy Ruston]] details how to create a button in the page-controls that allows you to create a new tiddler with a ~MarkDown content-type. Here are the steps...
# create: [[$:/.tb/ui/Buttons/new-markdown]] (or any name you want)
# tag: [[$:/tags/PageControls]]
# field ''caption'': `{{$:/core/images/new-button}} new markdown`
# field ''description'': `Create a new markdown tiddler`
# text:<div>
<$button tooltip="Create a new markdown tiddler" aria-label="new markdown tiddler" class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>>>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-new-tiddler" type="text/x-markdown"/>
<$list filter="[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]">
<$list filter="[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]">
<span class="tc-btn-text">new markdown tiddler</span>
You can toggle the button visibility in ''Sidebar'' / ''Tools''...
A powerful form solution developed by [[Stephan Hradek]] published [[here|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/GHrWuZAQIN8/79cfSqJOtg4J]] allowing to create and modify tiddlers along with fields and tags on the fly using a form.
<<wikitext-source "$:/forms/user">>
; tw on node.js
: <<tw Node.js>>
: <<tw TiddlyWiki%20on%20Node.js "TiddlyWiki on Node.js">>
; Why working with TiddlyWiki on node?
: clean, tiddler-based version control, e.g. with GitHub
: manage tiddlers in a folder structure independent of tiddler titles
: bake wikis the way you want
: batch update all your wikis to the latest version of TiddlyWiki
: maintain template wikis with plugins and ui customizations, instantly applied throughout wiki instances
: invent and leverage workflows that are impossible with a standalone TiddlyWiki
; OS agnostic scripts for the rest of us
: instructions by PMario on a commit: <<git5 pull/1003>>
In [[this dicussion|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/Wd-wxHv8Z5c/uETR3nIGeZ4J]], ''vpl'' asks how to have a button increment a counter, store it globally and set it for a new tiddler. So, this is what the below example does...
# the [[calc]] macro is used to determine and increment the value contained in the field ''counter'' as a <<tw TextReference>>, setting the result in a variable by that name
# the <<tw ButtonWidget>> fires the following actions when clicked
## the <<tw ActionSendMessageWidget>> creates a new tiddler for which the ''counter'' field is set to the incremented value
## finally, the ''counter'' field at this tiddler is set to the incremented value using the <<tw ActionSetFieldWidget>>
<$macrocall $name=`
text="""<$set name="counter" value=<<calc !!counter +1>>>
title="New Counted Tiddler"
tags="Foo [[Bar Baz]] MumbleFrotz"
text=<<now "Today is DDth, MMM YYYY">>
<$action-setfield counter=<<counter>>/>
; counter current value
: {{!!counter}}
\define pdf-url() http://www.adobe.com/content/dam/Adobe/en/devnet/acrobat/pdfs/pdf_open_parameters.pdf
Below a slightly modified version of a solution posted [[here|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/FiyuMOEyrms/n20VyykENLIJ]] allowing you to open a pdf document at a given page in your browser.
!! Examples
1) To set the pdf document that you want to link, define ''pdf-url'' as a macro either globally or at the beginning of the current tiddler like so...
\define pdf-url() http://link.to/my.pdf
Then use the page macro to link to that page.
<<page-link 5>>
<<page-link 5>>
2) You can also specify the pdf ''url'' via the second macro parameter...
<$macrocall $name=` text=
"""<<page-link 2 "http://www.ohchr.org/EN/UDHR/Documents/UDHR_Translations/eng.pdf">>"""/>
''Note:'' For the macro to correcly evaluate the url parameter it must be enclosed in quotes, otherwise TiddlyWiki interprets it as you specifying a ''http'' parameter!
3) Last but not least, you can also use the $set widget, e.g.:
<$set name="pdf-url" value="http://www.gutenberg.org/files/11/11-pdf.pdf">
<<page 2>>
<$set name="pdf-url" value="http://www.gutenberg.org/files/11/11-pdf.pdf">
<<page 2>>
The macro used for the above is <<source $:/.tb/macros/pdf-page>>
!! More Examples
;by [[Jed Carty]]
:[[Make URL @ In My Socks|http://inmysocks.tiddlyspot.com/#Make%20url]]
:[[Concatenating Text To Make Dynamic URLs @ InMySocks|http://inmysocks.tiddlyspot.com/#Concatenating%20text%20to%20make%20dynamic%20URLs]]
This example shows how to list all tiddlers tagged ''Task'' that are not tagged ''Done'', thus open for any tiddler tagged ''Project''.
Open the project [[GTD]] and take a look at the ''Open Project Tasks'' section at the bottom.
!!The Solution
This solution was implemented as explained in [[Conditional ViewTemplate Section]] using the following conditional template:
<<source $:/.tb/template/gtd-project-tasks>>
# ordered
## list
# ordered
## list
As [[Astrid Elocson]] points out [[here|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/nxd-Z4UzsJs/ZmLjysHc9f0J]], the item order of a topic in a table of contents is defined at the standard ''list'' field of the tiddler representing the parent topic in the toc.
As an example, take a look at the list field at http://tiddlywiki.com/#Reference.
<<tw ShadowTiddlers>> are tiddlers bundled in plugins, like the [[TiddlyWiki core|$:/core]] itself. They are restored to their original contents once you delete a version you edited.
To display the original contents of <<tw ShadowTiddlers>> that have been overwritten, use the <<tw TranscludeWidget>> along with the ''subtiddler'' attribute.
The below example outputs the original ''limit'' filter in [[$:/core]] which has otherwise been [[overwritten in this wiki|$:/core/modules/filters/limit.js]] (see [[filter: limit]]):
<$transclude tiddler="$:/core" subtiddler="$:/core/modules/filters/limit.js">
> <$transclude tiddler="$:/core" subtiddler="$:/core/modules/filters/limit.js">
!! The Problem
It can happen that the contents you put into a table are simply [[too wide for your tiddler|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1095#issuecomment-64700373]].
What to do now? Here are two approaches to tackling that problem...
!! Horizontal Scrolling
Wrap your table in a div and set it's overflow-x property to auto.
<div style="overflow-x:auto;">
<div style="overflow-x:auto;">
!! Fixed Width
[[Danielo Rodríguez]] [[suggests|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1095#issuecomment-63561722]] to use some more elaborated css and a fixed table layout which — with the current wikitext markup for tables — will always put columns at equal width, no matter what the content:
For the fixed width solution [[put the required css directly wrapped in < style> tag|Core Images And Inline Stylesheets]] into the problematic tiddler or, better, make use of [[Custom Stylesheets]], e.g. <<source $:/styles/fixed-table>>
The ''overlay'' macro allows you to overlay or toggle content. As an example...
400px 40px overlay-example>>
400px 40px overlay-example>>
32px 32px>>
32px 32px>>
To use the ''ovleray'' macro in your tw5, drag this over: [[$:/.tb/macros/overlay]]
!! Parameters
The following parameters can be specified for the ''overlay'' macro:
|1|''what'' |the initial content | X |
|2|''with'' |the content shown on-hover| X |
|3|''width'' |the width of the overlay box| X |
|4|''height'' |the height of the overlay box| X |
|5|''class''|an additional class assigned to the overlay box||
These css classes are defined by the overlay macro...
; `overlay`
: the class for the wrapper
; `overlay-what`
: the class for the initial content
; `overlay-with`
: the class for the overlayed content
!!The Macro
<<source [[$:/.tb/macros/overlay]]>>
!! The Example Tiddler
; what
: {{$:/.tb/demo/overlay!!what}}
; with
: {{$:/.tb/demo/overlay!!with}}
; text
: abused for styles ;-){{$:/.tb/demo/overlay}}
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/6ElUruH92tc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
new paragraphs
need two linebreaks
in tw5
new paragraphs
need two linebreaks
in tw5
!!Parser Rule Configuration
\rules except bold
\rules only bold
!!Core Parser Rules
!!List Rules In Console
As [[Stephan Hradek]] pointed out [[here|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/WbaJ826cpfA/Y7PBrWArtA0J]], you can use the [[$set|http://tiddlywiki.com/#SetWidget]] widget to declare [[variables|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Variables%20in%20WikiText]] which thus available to any contained widget, e.g. a [[$transclude|http://tiddlywiki.com/#TranscludeWidget]] widget...
<$set name="var1" value="val1">
<$set name="var2" value=<<currentTiddler>>>
The variables `var1` and `var2` are now accessible in the ''template'' via `<<val1>>` and whatever the name of the tiddler embedding the set widget.
The above markup along with <<source $:/.tb/demo/template/example-variables>>
renders as:
<$set name="var1" value="val1">
<$set name="var2" value=<<currentTiddler>> >
also see: [[Variables In Nested Lists]]
; discussion
: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywikidev/w0R1o32Do2I/gmLL_C57HcsJ
<$set name="remove" value="Plugin">
If you follow the above link, you get to an overview of currently available plugins for TiddlyWiki 5 as gathered by [[Jed Carty]] and [[introduced here|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/h1h4HSyAQzQ/veZNiELhUa4J]].
For a list of plugins created by [[Tobias Beer]], see [[My Plugins|plugins]]...
Some [[information on plugins|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Plugins]] not included in the core but contained in the TiddlyWiki repository...
<<static Plugins 800px yes>>
For full documentation and details, click on the plugin title.
state: "$:/temp/list-search/my-plugins"
The [[<<pop>>|$:/.tb/macros/pop]] macro implements a generic popup as based on the <<tw PopupMechanism>>.
!! Example
Opens the tiddler [[Jack.jpg]] in a popup styled with the [[classes|$:/.tb/macros/pop/styles]] ''pretty'' and ''pop-img'':
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<<pop Click! Jack.jpg "pretty pop-img">>"""/>
''a tiddler''
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<<pop Click! "Style Tagged Tiddlers" "pretty pop-tiddler">>"""/>
''complex'' — (as link, with some @@color:deeppink;pink@@)
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<<pop Pink! Jack.jpg pink-box btn-class:"tc-btn-invisible tc-tiddlylink" btn-selectedClass:"pop-btn-my-selected" state-id:"Jack2">>"""/>
with these styles...
<<` """<style>
.pink-box{border: 3px solid pink;line-height:0;}
.pop-btn-my-selected{color:deeppink !important;}
!! Parameters
Many of the available parameters correspond 1:1 to those coming from the <<tw ButtonWidget>> and <<tw RevealWidget>> used inside the ''pop'' macro, see their documentation.
| !# | !Parameter | !Description | !Default | !Widget |
|1|''label''|the popup button label, transcluded |||
|2|''content''|the popup contents via <<tw TextReference>>, transcluded |||
|3|''pop-class''|a custom popup class; always `pop-popup` ||<<tw RevealWidget $reveal>>|
|4|''animate''|whether to animate the popup ||<<tw RevealWidget $reveal>>|
|5|''position''|where to open the popup ||<<tw RevealWidget $reveal>>|
|6|''tooltip''|the button tooltip ||<<tw ButtonWidget $button>>|
|7|''btn-class''|a custom button class; always `pop-btn` ||<<tw ButtonWidget $button>>|
|8|''btn-tag''|the html element tag for the button |`button`|<<tw ButtonWidget $button>>|
|9|''btn-selectedClass''|the class for the button when the popup is shown; always `pop-btn-selected` ||<<tw ButtonWidget $button>>|
|10|''state-id''|the state is always constructed as `$:/state/pop/<qualify>/<state-id>`<br><br>use different values for `state-id` when you want to show the same `content` twice in the same tiddler<br><br>implements the [[<<qualify>>|http://tiddlywiki.com#qualify%20Macro]] macro|||
!! Installation
Drag the macro and styles into your wiki...
<<source "$:/.tb/macros/pop" yes>>
<<source [[$:/.tb/macros/pop/styles]] yes>>
!! Styles
| !class | !description |
|''pretty''|adds a dropshadow to the popup |
|''pop-img''|removes nasty bottom padding when displaying just an image|
|''pop-tiddler''|removes awkward translucency and sets default padding|
As [[Danielo Rodríguez]] [[pointed out|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/zsXxL4t29HI/gBuDKIpItWMJ]], you may run into a problem where — when you render a table containing popups — the popups would open at the wrong position, so you may not even see them!
<tr><td>Click that button!</td><th>{{$:/.tb/demo/template/test/more}}</th></tr>
To remedy this, apply use a custom stylesheet to apply `position:relative` to the table elements containing the popups, e.g.:
<style>.fix-popups th, .fix-popup td {position:relative;}</style>
<table class="fix-popups">
<tr><td>Click that button!</td><th>{{$:/core/ui/Buttons/more-tiddler-actions}}</th></tr>
<style>.fix-popups th, .fix-popup td {position:relative;}</style>
<table class="fix-popups">
<tr><td>Click that button!</td><th>{{$:/core/ui/Buttons/more-tiddler-actions}}</th></tr>
[[Documentation on TiddlyWiki.com|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Pragma]]
* `\define` is used to declaring macros; multiline macros closing with `\end`
* `\rules` constrain [[parser rules|Parser Rules]], e.g.: `\rules except inlinecode`
* `\replace` is a pragma defined via a custom plugin: [[Replace Pragma]]
A solution [[proposed|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/JLJ2weN08Ho/pFae2_hvukYJ]] by [[Stephan Hradek]] to prevent wikification of problematic content and render plain text instead.
''Note:'' In TWc this was achieved using `<nowiki>//foo</nowiki>` or `"""//foo"""`.
Imagine you wanted to display the literal text `//foo` without the code highlight as I just did, because we know that it would otherwise trigger everything to be italic.
Use a template like: <<source plain>>
!! Alternative
Encode one of the offending charachters using the [[appropriate html entity|http://www.cheatography.com/davechild/cheat-sheets/html-character-entities/]], e.g.:
; \
: `\`
; `
: ```
; '
: `'`
Also see [[Hidden Templates]].
The tiddler [[Markup Reference]] holds a quick reference for most all TiddlyWiki markup.
Simply drag and drop the above link to your wiki to have it at hand.
Here's a more interactive version of it:
For practical examples, also see: [[Filter Syntax|http://tiddlywiki.com/prerelease/#Filter%20Syntax]]
!!@@float:right;text-align:right;color:blue; [[Customizations]] «@@
!!Main Resources
<$list filter="[tag[Main]] +[sort[title]]">
!! Community References
{{{ [tag[Reference]]}}}
"[tag[Community]][tag[References]][tag[Tobias Beer]]-[tag[Personal]]+[sort[title]]"
In a [[response to RickL|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/DO_ZEh4TEuY/kWwxIOq46_kJ]], here's how you can show related journal entries to any tiddler using a [[Conditional ViewTemplate Section]]...
!! Install
Drag to you wiki: [[$:/.tb/ui/ViewTemplate/journal-entries]]
@@color:#f0f;The below section is rendered for any tiddler with Journal tiddlers tagging to it:@@
Before I show you the macro solution, know that — although easier to read and write — it is not actually needed, except maybe owed to the issue shown at the bottom.
To render a tag button, simply transclude the core template for tag-buttons...
<<` '{{||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} {{Welcome||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}'>>
Here's a little macro that gives you back the classic tag macro, which will also ship with 5.1.5, so at that point you could remove this version.
<$macrocall $name=`
text="""<<tag>> <<tag Welcome>>"""/>
Simply drag and drop these two into your wiki, the latter being a [[global macro|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Macros%20in%20WikiText]]:
<<source $:/.tb/templates/tag>>
<<source $:/.tb/macros/tag>>
!! Why the template?
The above template is needed to avoid this behaviour (see <<git5 issues/1086>>):
{{Click me!||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} {{Click me!||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}
From [[Preserving open tiddlers at startup|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Preserving%20open%20tiddlers%20at%20startup]]...
<<static Preserving%2520open%2520tiddlers%2520at%2520startup 340px>>
As [[BuggyJ]] points out [[here|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/nxd-Z4UzsJs/GtLiBV6nBl8J]], in [[TiddlyClip]] there is a tab in the sidebar called [[ControlToc|http://tiddlyclip.tiddlyspot.com/#ControlToc]] which implements [[$:/plugins/bj/taglist|http://tiddlyclip.tiddlyspot.com/#%24%3A%2Fplugins%2Fbj%2Ftaglist]].
It allows to reorder list items via drag and drop, even nested lists such as a [[table of contents|http://tiddlywiki.com/#TableOfContentsMacro]].
\replace /#\n[ \t]*/<br>/
Code: [[$:/parsers/skeeve/rules/replace.js]]
\replace /#\n[ \t]*/<br>/
* line
* line#
* line
''renders as:''
* line
* line#
* line
''Note:'' this particular example can be achieved via [[Multiline Content In Lists]] without a need for using this plugin.
The startup module [[responsive.js|$:/.tb/modules/startup/responsive.js]] allows you to define in ascending order which theme to apply depending on the viewport width in the config tiddler <<source [[$:/theme/responsive]]>>
Here, the vanilla theme is applied for resolutions below 960 px, the snowwhite theme applied beyond that.
The indexes are expected as integers corresponding to the viewport width. The last index can be named freely and is applied by default when none of the previous rules applied.
!! Installation
drag to your wiki and reload:
; module (version: <<date-version $:/.tb/modules/startup/responsive.js>>)
: [[$:/.tb/modules/startup/responsive.js]]
; settings
: [[$:/theme/responsive]]
: adjust to your preferences
As [[Jeremy Ruston]] [[points out here|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/KGPqvYpJVH0/EPwmqzqfpAkJ]], to reuse macros you have at least two options...
# tag your macro tiddler [[$:/tags/Macro]]
# wrap your content using the <<tw ImportVariablesWidget>> and have it fetch the variables imported into your tiddler via its filter expression
#* this is precisely how global macros work as well, see [[$:/core/ui/PageTemplate]]
#* this is also helpful if you want to [[avail macros|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1472#issuecomment-73370791]] to <<tw WidgetMessage%3A%20tm-modal modals>>
<<static ImportVariablesWidget 800px yes>>
With [[version 5.1.5|http://tiddlywiki.com/prerelease/]] conditionally rendering content will be much simplified as it is no longer required for the reveal widget to match against the value stored in a state tiddler, but rather to compare against a default value.
This essentially allows to conditionally render contents by comparing evaluated parameters, variables or constants against one another.
The below example will render the output when the day defined in the variable `day`, here examplarily set to `Saturday`, matches the current day...
<$set name="day" value="Wednesday">
<$reveal type="match" default=<<day>> text=<<dateTime "DDD">>>
Hooray, it's <<day>>!
<$reveal type="nomatch" default=<<day>> text=<<dateTime "DDD">>>
Nope, it's <<dateTime "DDD">>, so not <<day>> just yet.
<$set name="day" value="Wednesday">
<$reveal type="match" default=<<day>> text=<<dateTime "DDD">>>
Hooray, it's <<day>>!
<$reveal type="nomatch" default=<<day>> text=<<dateTime "DDD">>>
Nope, it's <<dateTime "DDD">>, so not <<day>> just yet.
With multiple users editing a wiki, it may be good practice to always force users to review and set their username first. As [[Stephan Hradek]] points out [[here|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/mip6gql_VVU/PCo1AxUEmU8J]], you can add a tiddler that allows editing the username in [[$:/ControlPanel]] / ''Info'' as the first default tiddler.
<<source UserName>>
!! Subtitle Message
On TiddlyDrive, [[Danielo Rodríguez]] implemented a message in [[$:/SiteSubtitle]] to show a more permanent reminder:
Signing as <$view tiddler="$:/status/UserName">
Signing as <$view tiddler="$:/status/UserName">
Which shows the following when no username is given...
> Signing as @@color:red;''Anonymous''@@
; Hangouts TiddlyWiki
: http://www.richshumaker.com/tw5/TiddlyWiki-Hangouts.html
As ''Daniel Baird'' explains [[here|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/9G-t9m6N0XM/9ImE9JgYTx4J]], saving a TiddlySpot is easy.
You can use either of these methods...
;Download Link
:.no-before <div>
# create a link to your TiddlySpot
#* e.g. http://tb5.tiddlyspot.com
# right click
# save as
; Download URL
:.no-before <div>
# create a link to the ''download'' url
#* e.g. http://tb5.tiddlyspot.com/download
# click => opens new tab
#* the server's response tells your browser to save instead of opening it
Based on [[a solution from Metabele|http://gwiz.tiddlyspot.com/#Stories]], here's how you can save the currently displayed tiddlers as a story and reload that story at any given point later.
In the sidebar there's a non-standard tab called ''Stories''. There you can save the currently displayed tiddlers as a story, as well as select saved stories to either load or delete them, even create a note-tiddler corresponding to the title your snapshot.
The ''Stories'' tab is populated by the below template tiddler tagged [[$:/tags/SideBar]]. If you want it to be under ''More'' in your sidebar, remove this tag and add the tag [[$:/tags/MoreSideBar]].
To get this functionality, simply drag and drop the following link to your TiddlyWiki: <<source $:/.tb/ui/SideBar/Stories>>
Inspired by [[Jed Carty|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/eGvsXFm8zAk/2d05mC6bwQwJ]].
!! Installation
Drag to your wiki: [[$:/.tb/wizards/replace-tag]]
Inspired by a [[discussion with Mat|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/iNVgY_NdVTQ/25xJhGoCPvUJ]] on search and tags — based on the method explained at [[Custom Search Tab Exact]] — you can create a new search tab to list tiddlers with a ''keywords'' field matching the search term: [[$:/.tb/ui/SearchResults/keywords]].
It indexes both a custom `keywords` field as well as the core `tags` field. Try searching for `search` and switch to the ''Keywords'' tab in the results.
The keywords at this tiddler are listed at the very bottom using a [[Conditional ViewTemplate Section]], in this case <<source [[$:/.tb/ui/ViewTemplate/keywords]]>>
Notice how all tiddlers that are listed in the ''text'' of the tiddler [[$:/config/Hide/Keywords]] are excluded from showing the keywords, which are...
> {{$:/config/Hide/Keywords}}
As [[Jeremy Ruston]] explains [[here|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/MoS3fZxSl_w/MqtZMqftxQIJ]], you can query based on regular expressions fetching the term to be searched from the contents of a tiddler...
`<$list filter="[!is[system]tags[]regexp{$:/temp/search}]">`
You can also use variables:
\define search-string()
<$set name="search-term" value="searchme">
<$list filter="[!is[system]tags[]regexp<search-string>]"/>
''Note:'' Be aware that any special regexp characters are used with their regexp meaning, so you need to escape `\!` them to use them literally.
!!Filter By Title Match
As [[steve point's out|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/2-N-MvE1aTA/jLvo87Ro5CwJ]], listing tiddlers containing a given string to be matched can be tricky.
The regexp filter — allowing you to search via regular expressions — comes to the rescue. Here some useful example filters, whereas `(?i)` asks for case-insensitivity...
<div class="tb-links">
:starts with R (<$count filter="[!is[system]regexp[(?i)^R]]"/> matches)
:<$list filter="[!is[system]regexp[(?i)^R]]"/>
:ends with R (<$count filter="[!is[system]regexp[(?i)R$]]"/> matches)
:<$list filter="[!is[system]regexp[(?i)R$]]"/>
:contains R — (<$count filter="[!is[system]regexp[(?i)R]limit[10]]"/> matches)
:<$list filter="[!is[system]regexp[(?i)R]limit[10]]"/>
;`[!is[system]regexp[(?i)R]] -[regexp[(?i)^R]] -[regexp[(?i)R$]]`
:contains R but does not start or end with R — (<$count filter="[!is[system]regexp[(?i)R]] -[regexp[(?i)^R]] -[regexp[(?i)R$]]"/> Matches)
:<$list filter="[!is[system]regexp[(?i)R]] -[regexp[(?i)^R]] -[regexp[(?i)R$]]"/>
The below is a modification of a [[a solution|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/w03HpUdfSIk/ZJAaEwyscV4J]] by [[Stephan Hradek]] that adds an additional tab to [[Advanced Search|$:/AdvancedSearch]] {{$:/core/ui/Buttons/advanced-search}} allowing you to search in field contents.
''Note:'' By default the `text` field, i.e. the tiddler body is excluded from search in fields. If you want to search only the `text` field you have to specifically select it.
Simply drag this tiddler into your TiddlyWiki:
* [[$:/.tb/ui/AdvancedSearch/Field]]
Try searching for `cont`...
With TiddlyWiki, paragraphs and thus lists are treated differently from TiddlyWiki classic.
''the problem''
//Notice how those lists — seemingly split in two — are merged into one.//
'* foo
* bar
* baz'>>
''perhaps the simplest solution''
//An empty blockquote doesn't render anything visually and breaks the lists.//
'* foo
* bar
* baz'>>
''visually separated''
//Using a horizontal rule, the lists are visually clearly separated.//
'* foo
* bar
* baz'>>
'* foo
* bar
* baz'>>
''some html''
//Alternatively, use an empty html element, like `<i/>`, `<b/>`, etc... followed by a linebreak.//
'* foo
* bar
* baz'>>
Setting a custom field of one of the <<tw SystemFields>> will overwrite a <<tw ShadowTiddler>> provided by the core or a plugin. This will prevent you from getting updates on this component if you upgrade your TiddlyWiki or plugin. Should you notice that some future functionality is missing from your overwritten component, simply delete your customization and create it anew.
If you find your timeline, i.e. the ''recent'' tab, to become too long for your tastes...
# open [[$:/core/ui/SideBar/Recent]]
# copy the contents
# add a `limit="20"` parameter to the timeline `$macrocall`
# add a link to a [[full timeline|Timeline]] at the bottom to access the full list
# paste the original contents from [[$:/core/ui/SideBar/Recent]]
Ever so often it happens that a list returns no results. If you don't want to leave yourself or your visitors hanging, you can use the ''emptyValue'' of the <<tw ListWidget>> to declare content that is to be wikified when the list contains no items.
For example:
<<` """<$list filter="[[DoesntExist]is[tiddler]]" emptyMessage="//I'm sorry, but the tiddler [[DoesntExist]], well, doesn't exists.//"/>""">>
!! Empty Story
As the main story river is also generated from a <<tw ListWidget>>, hence you can define an ''emptyMessage'' for it. For this purpose, the template rendering the story provides you with a placeholder. To use it, create the tiddler $:/config/EmptyStoryMessage and enter the desired contents that will be transcluded when the story is empty.
To show [[Welcome]] when all others are closed, use <<source $:/config/EmptyStoryMessage>>
Also see: <<tw HistoryMechanism>>.
;WIP for MGSD5?
A simple quiz solution from [[Stephan Hradek]] at [[TW5Magick|http://tw5magick.tiddlyspot.com]] using [[css classes|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Styles%20and%20Classes%20in%20WikiText]] to reveal the answer on mouseover.
the question
the answer
''renders as:''
the question
the answer
For the css, see <<source [[$:/styles/quiz]]>>
Here is a simple tasklist:
Also see [[Tiddlers By Due Date]], the above lists were rendered by transcluding:
<<source $:/.tb/template/tasklist-simple>>
As [[Mario|Mario Pietsch]] explains [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1081#issuecomment-67733908]], you can easily change your configuration to have TiddlyWiki work in a one-tiddler-at-a-time-mode.
Simply go to the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] {{$:/core/ui/Buttons/control-panel}} and...
# set ''Appearance'' / ''Story View'' to `zoomin`
# set ''Info'' / ''Animation Duration'' to `0`
Now, tiddlers will open one by one as if you were on a more classic website. Once you close a tiddler, the previously viewed tiddler opens.
\define slider-label(prefix,suffix)
\define slide-tiddler-tooltip()
show/hide tiddler $(currentTiddler)$
\define slide-tiddler-qualify(example)
\define slide-tiddler(label,content,tooltip,state,label-hide)
; implements...
: [[$:/.tb/macros/slider]]
!! Plain Sliders
<$list filter="[list[Welcome]]">
<$set name=qualified value=<<qualify $(currentTiddler)$>>>
state=<<slide-tiddler-qualify PS>>
!! Sliders With Prefix
<$list filter="[list[Welcome]]">
<$set name=qualified value=<<qualify $(currentTiddler)$>>>
label=<<slider-label "+ ">>
state=<<slide-tiddler-qualify SWP>>
label-hide=<<slider-label "- ">>
!! Sliders With Suffix
<$list filter="[list[Welcome]]">
<$set name=qualified value=<<qualify $(currentTiddler)$>>>
label=<<slider-label "" " >">>
state=<<slide-tiddler-qualify SWS>>
label-hide=<<slider-label "" " <">>
!! Sliders With Prefix And Suffix
<$list filter="[list[Welcome]]">
<$set name=qualified value=<<qualify $(currentTiddler)$>>>
label=<<slider-label "" " >">>
state=<<slide-tiddler-qualify SWPAS>>
label-hide=<<slider-label "< ">>
!! Sliders With Images
<$list filter="[list[Welcome]]">
label=<<slider-label "" " {{$:/core/images/chevron-right}}">>
state=<<slide-tiddler-qualify SWI>>
label-hide=<<slider-label "" " {{$:/core/images/chevron-down}}">>
\define slider-label(prefix,suffix)
<span class="grey-svg">$prefix$<$text text="$(currentTiddler)$"/>$suffix$</span>
The ''slider'' macro in $:/.tb/macros/slider displays a button which when clicked reveals content and hides it upon a second click, thus toggling the slider contents.
! Parameters
|!# |!Name |!Description |!Default |
|1 |''label'' |the text label of the slider button| |
|2 |''content'' |the content to be shown as a TextReference | |
|3 |''state'' |a state tiddler storing the open/ close state of the slider | |
|4 |''plain'' |when specified, e.g. as `plain:true`, renders the content specified in ''content'' directly instead of fetching a text-reference| |
|5 |''mode'' |whether to render the output in block or inline mode |`block`|
|6 |''label-hide'' |a label shown when closing the tiddler, if none specified always shows the label| |
|7 |''class'' |a css class assigned to the slider contents| |
|8 |''btn-class'' |a css class assigned to the button, by default shows the slider button as if an internal link|`tc-btn-invisible tc-tiddlylink` |
|9 |''tooltip'' |a tooltip for the slider button shown when hovering it with a mouse-pointer | |
|10 |''element'' |the html element type of the slider contents<br>use `span` to create an inline slider|`div` |
|11 |''animate'' |whether to animate opening and closing the contents|`yes` |
! Examples
The following example creates a slider for the [[GettingStarted]] tiddler...
<$macrocall $name=`
text="""<<slider show GettingStarted "$:/state/slider/GettingStartedDemo" label-hide:hide>>"""/>
The next example shows custom content inline using an italics element hiding the closing label entirely using the `‍` entity, aka a "zero-width joiner"...
<$macrocall $name=`
text="""<<slider show "this text" "$:/state/slider/ItalicTextDemo" mode:inline label-hide:"‍" element:i plain:yes>>"""/>
Thanks to its way of transcluding, you can even output a filtered list or use templates:
<$macrocall $name=`
text="""<<slider Plugins "{ [tag[Plugins]] }" "$:/state/slider/PluginsDemo">>"""/>
The next example implements custom arrows with a helper macro thus requiring to use the macrocall widget, wrapped using the <<x TiddlerWidget>> to set a different context.
\define slider-label(prefix,suffix)
$prefix$<$text text="$(currentTiddler)$"/>$suffix$
<$macrocall $name=`
text="""<$tiddler tiddler="GettingStarted">
label=<<slider-label "" " {{$:/core/images/chevron-right}}">>
label-hide=<<slider-label "" " {{$:/core/images/chevron-down}}">>
.grey-svg svg{
height:12px !important;
.grey-svg:hover svg{
!! More examples
See [[slider-examples]]..
<div class="tb-taglist">
"[!is[system]tag[Solutions]tags[]!is[system]sort[title]] -[tag[Community]] -[tag[Plugin]] -[tag[Main]] -[tag[Welcome]] -[[hide this]] -Task -picture -Test -Done "
"Filter both lists...">>
!!Latest Solutions
<div class="solutions">
<$set name="remove" value="Solutions">
!! [[All Solutions...|All Solutions]]
.solutions input {
A worklflow [[proposed by Alex Hough|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/tiddlywiki/Xz2lSXXy0iU]]...
Here's how you can split long content while editing...
# remove relevant textbits from the editor and put it in the new tiddler
# enable the preview pane
# create link
# click link in preview to create new tiddler
# paste textbits into new tiddler
''Tip:'' turn comma separated lists in the text into bullet points.
Do you prefer for tabs, sliders, inputs fields to be loaded with their defaults on startup rather than their current state be persisted upon saving?
[[In this comment|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1199#issuecomment-65830444]] [[Jeremy|Jeremy Ruston]] explains how to not have [[states|http://tiddlywiki.com/#StateMechanism]] or other temporary tiddlers put under `$:/temp/` persisted when saving Tiddlywiki.
To override which tiddlers are saved when you hit the save button {{$:/core/ui/Buttons/save-wiki}}, you can specify a template to be used in...
@@.warn ''Caution:'' Defining the wrong save-filter may have you unknowingly lose data!@@
Here is the template I am using to discard any states or temporary tiddlers:
<<source $:/.tb/templates/tw-save>>
The core default save template is...
<<source $:/core/save/all>>
As [[decribed on tiddlywiki.com|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Saving%20on%20a%20PHP%20Server]] it is easy to run TiddlyWiki as your own website while editing and saving entirely online without a need for [[an offline ftp client|https://filezilla-project.org]], using a script that enabled users for a long time to upload [[TiddlyWiki classic|http://classic.tiddlywiki.com/]] to any php-powered server.
All you need to do is...
# download [[store.php|https://code.google.com/p/bidix/source/browse/trunk/TiddlyWiki/contributors/BidiX/serversides/UploadService/store.php?r=140]]
# edit the file in a text editor, adding the desired usernames and passwords
# upload it via an [[some ftp client|https://filezilla-project.org]] or your hoster's web interface to your php-server
# open the ''Saving'' tab of TiddlyWiki's [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] and enter:
#; Server URL
#: http://your.domain.com/folder/store.php
#; Wiki Name
#: a valid username as specified in 2.
#; Password
#: the password for that user
Optionally, you can specify further upload settings differing from the defaults:
; Upload Filename
: the filename used to save the TiddlyWiki, default: ''index.html''
; Upload Directory
: the relative path from ''store.php'' to the directory used for saving the file
; Backup Directory
: the relative path from ''store.php'' to the directory used for backups
To provide this capability for a number of folders, simply repeat the above steps.
''Note:'' With passwords stored in plain-text, be sure to be the only one with access to it.
!! Access Rights
Adequate access rights for store.php are `744`...
<<ximg storephp-permissions.gif "744 for store.php">>
!! [[Raspberry Pi|http://www.raspberrypi.org/]]
[[Here are some Instructables|http://www.instructables.com/id/TiddlyWiki-5-on-Raspberry-Pi-Server-in-15-minutes]] on how to get all of this running on this micro-multi-talent.
!!GitHub Pages
If you want to use TiddlyWiki alongside your TiddlyWiki related GitHub Projects or any other project, you can use [[GitHub Pages|https://pages.github.com]].
:<<git5 issues/1290>>
;css styles
:apply directly like this
@@color:red;or this@@
;css styles
:apply directly like this
@@color:red;or this@@
You can insert svg directly as wikitext or use [[Typed Blocks]]...
via <<source "$:/.tb/demo/svg-circle">>
Here's an easy way [[by Jon|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/xMpBnEPRZKU/j2mXWkkEYzQJ]] to create clickable links in svg images within SVG-Edit:
* create and select an element
* click the toolbar button ''make hyperlink''
* enter an anchor link to a tiddler, e.g. `#Welcome`
* click the toolbar button to show the svg source
* copy and paste the svg code into a tiddler
* click on the element for which you set the link and [[Welcome]] will open
<iframe src="http://svg-edit.googlecode.com/svn/branches/stable/editor/svg-editor.html" style="width:100%;height:550px;border:0"/>
To display a tab for recently created tiddlers rather than recently modified tiddlers, create a [ext[system tiddler|http://tiddlywiki.com/static/SystemTiddlers.html]] by cloning [[$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/Recent]], then declaring the ''dateField'' for the [[timeline macro|http://tiddlywiki.com/static/timeline%2520Macro.html]], and setting all other fields according to your needs:
; title
: whichever you prefer, e.g. [[$:/.tb/ui/SideBar/Created]]
; caption
: `Created`
; text
<$macrocall $name="timeline" format={{$:/language/RecentChanges/DateFormat}} dateField="created"/>
; [[$:/tags/SideBar]]
: for a new tab in the sidebar
; [[$:/tags/MoreSideBar]]
: for a new tab under sidebar / more
; list-after
; list-before
: to control the placement of the tab in the tab sequence
To create a custom table of contents with an expandable menu...
# create the toc using [[TableOfContentsMacro|http://tiddlywiki.com/#TableOfContentsMacro]]
# tag your toc tiddler `$:/tags/SideBar`
# give it a `caption` field if you want the tab to display a different title than that of the toc tiddler ([[example|http://tiddlywiki.com/#TableOfContents]])
<<ximg toc.jpg tooltip:"example toc from tiddlywiki.com" class:"pretty">>
example toc from [[tiddlywiki.com|http://tiddlywiki.com/#TableOfContents]]
<dt style="font-size:80%;">
| !Header | !Header | Mhhh ?!? |
|^NE |^ N |^ NW|
|W | ✦ | E|
|,SW |, S |, SE|
|and|now| vertical |
|>| right|~|
<dd style="font-size:80%;">
| !Header | !Header | Mhhh ?!? |
|^NW |^ @@padding:0 7px 14px 7px;display:block; N@@ |^ NE|
|W | ✦ | @@padding:7px 0;display:block; E@@|
|,SW |, @@padding:14px 7px 0 7px;display:block; S@@ |, SE|
|and|now| vertical |
|>| right|~|
If you are wishing to use borderless tables [[like Diane|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/lPvh5gcea70/JHWgVmIvHdIJ]], here's what you do:
Add the following styles to one of your [[Custom Stylesheets]]...
.no-border th,
.no-border tr,
.no-border td{
Then assign the css class `no-border` using [[css-class-wrappers]] like so:
or so...
'<table class="no-border">
; basic idea based on
: http://tagfiltr.tiddlyspace.com
: http://tagsplorermacro.tiddlyspace.com
[[$:/.tb/macros/tagging]] provides a global macro implementing the classic `<<tagging>>` macro, allowing you to both, get the tagging tiddlers for the current tiddler or another tiddler.
These parameters can be specified for the tagging macro:
|1|''title'' |a tiddler for which to list tagging tiddlers |`<<currentTiddler>>`|
|2|''state'' |a text reference to store a state to enable list-search...<br>» requires [[list-search]]<br>» requires the title to be specifically declared!| |
|3|''template'' |an item template used to render the tagging tiddlers |[[$:/core/ui/ListItemTemplate]]|
<$macrocall $name=`
<$macrocall $name=`
text="""<<tagging Welcome>>"""/>
The tagging macro can be used in combination with [[list-search]] (install separately!):
<$macrocall $name=`
text="""<<tagging Welcome"$:/temp/tagging-example">>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=`
text="""<<tagging "Ton Gerner" template:"$:/.tb/templates/list-link-summary">>"""/>
The macro source is <<source "$:/.tb/macros/tagging">>
This tiddler documents the [[<<taggly>> macro|Taggly Tagging For TW5]].
; `<<taggly>>`
: get the tagging tree for the current tiddler, e.g. Developer
; `<<taggly "[Foo Bar]">>`
: get tagging tree for ''Foo Bar'' (single brackets!)
; `<<taggly "tag[Bar]">>`
: get tagging tree for all tiddlers tagged ''Bar''
!! Parameters
The taggly macro allows you to specify the following parameters...
|!# |!Parameter |!Description |!Default |
|1 |''subfilter'' |a subfilter working as a selector defining the tag(s) from which to build the tree|`all[current]`|
|2 |''template'' |the recursive template used to traverse the tagging tree and render the items|[[$:/.tb/ui/ViewTemplate/tagging-sublist]]|
!! Example
<$macrocall $name=`
text="""<<taggly "list[GettingStarted]">>"""/>
Ever wanted [[those MPTW tag hierarchies|http://mptw.tiddlyspot.com/#TagglyTagging]] back? Yes, we have an awesome [[table of contents|http://tiddlywiki.com/#TableOfContentsMacro]] now, but what if you just wanted a simple tagging tree, e.g. displayed for all tags that are used as such but which are still missing tiddlers?
Inspired from a first draft of [[MPTW for Tiddlywiki 5|http://mptw.tiddlyspot.com/mptw5wip.html]] and using [[conditional view-template voodoo|Conditional ViewTemplate Section]], here's how you can show a basic taggly-tagging-style tagging tree for all missing tiddlers ...and also also existing tiddlers with a tiny modification to [[the source|$:/.tb/ui/ViewTemplate/tagging]].
Import the following tiddlers into your Tiddlywiki (source code shown at the bottom):
; [[$:/.tb/macros/taggly]]
: {{$:/.tb/macros/taggly!!summary}}
: use the `<<taggly>>` macro in a tiddler to get its tagging tree, e.g. [[Developer]]
: `<<taggly "[Foo Bar]">>` for the tagging tree of ''Foo Bar'' — single brackets!
; [[$:/.tb/ui/ViewTemplate/tagging-sublist]]
: {{$:/.tb/ui/ViewTemplate/tagging-sublist!!summary}}
; [[$:/.tb/ui/ViewTemplate/tagging]]
: optional, {{$:/.tb/ui/ViewTemplate/tagging!!summary}}
: renders an automagically generated tagging tree for missing tiddlers, e.g. [[Macros|$:/tags/Macro]]
!! Customization
Edit the template to either change the styles (which you can also override using your own [[Custom Stylesheets]] or show the tagging tree at the bottom of all tiddlers and not just missing ones, removing the `subfilter` parameter from the taggly macro call in:
<<source [[$:/.tb/ui/ViewTemplate/tagging]]>>
Here's the recursion template <<source [[$:/.tb/ui/ViewTemplate/tagging-sublist]]>>
And the macro <<source [[$:/.tb/macros/taggly]]>>
The ''tagline'' macro allows you to render a random tagline for TiddlyWiki.
!! Examples
!! Installation
Drag and drop the following tiddlers to your wiki...
; [[$:/.tb/macros/tagline]]
: the macro
; [[$:/.tb/macros/tagline/data]]
: the taglines and configuration fields `prefix` & `suffix`
; [[$:/plugins/tobibeer/letfilter/let.js]]
: the [[let]] filter implementing `[let:RANDOM[]]`
!! Currently Defined Taglines
<$tiddler tiddler="$:/.tb/macros/tagline/data">
<pre><$view text/></pre>
<pre><$view field=prefix/></pre>
<pre><$view field=suffix/></pre>
!!Macro Source
<<source [[$:/.tb/macros/tagline]]>>
Tags are one of the most important features in tw. At the moment they are already somewhat hidden under the more tab. If you want them to be more prominent, here's one way to make tags a main tab in the sidebar...
# open [[$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/Tags]]
# remove tag [[$:/tags/MoreSideBar]]
# add tag [[$:/tags/SideBar]]
# add field `list-after`, e.g. with `$:/core/ui/SideBar/Recent`
# optionally remove this code to remove the [[$:/TagManager]]
#* add to a tiddler of your liking: <<source $:/config/TagManager>>
The concept of ''tags'' is fundamental to working with TiddlyWiki, like the title of a tiddler being its unique identifier.
Tags provide a means to categorize and structure tiddlers. Sometimes they even have functional implications, like <<tw SystemTags>>. The [[TagManager|$:/TagManager]] gives you a list of all current tags and allows you to set colors and icons for them.
The most important aspect about tags is that they establish a ''parent-child-relation''. Semantically speaking, each tiddler having a tag is a child to the tag, like a book to an author, a car to an owner, or a property to an object, etc...
For answering //"How to tag this tiddler?"//, consider the answer to //"How do I relate this tiddler to other tiddlers?"//. Be clear about what's a parent, what's a child, what's content, and what's a property (field)...
; apply a tag
: for everything that is a worthy parent category
:: with likely more than one other tiddler tagging to it
:: the tag itself at some point serving as an index to quickly navigate to its children
; use links in the text
: for everything in need of mentioning and cross referencing contextually
:: not in the sense of a categorization, but as a textual reference
; make it a tag
: when too much content explodes this tiddler and begs you to extract sections into their own little tiddlers...
:: either use the {{$:/core/ui/Buttons/new-here}} ''new-here'' button to create a child tiddler, tagging to this one
:: or use internal links to refer back and forth between the tiddlers as appropriate
!! Conclusion
Use a tags to refer to a category or parent. Use ''new here'' to make it a tag, when you wish to relate to a child. Otherwise use internal links to create references.
!! Tag Filters
Some important filters for using tags...
; <<tw "FilterOperator: tag" tag>>
: `[tag[SomeTag]]`
: returns all tiddlers from the current list that have the tag specified in the operand
; <<tw "FilterOperator: tags" tags>>
: `[[SomeTiddler]tags[]]`
: returns all the tags present on the tiddlers in the current list
; <<tw "FilterOperator: tagging" tagging>>
: `[[SomeTiddler]tagging[]]`
: returns all tiddlers tagged by the tiddlers in the current list
; <<tw "FilterOperator: untagged" untagged>>
: `[untagged[]]`
: selects from the current list any tiddlers without any tags
; <a href={{filters!!url}} target="_blank">filters</a>
: {{filters!!summary}}
!! Documentation On TiddlyWiki.com
<<static Tagging height:600px scrolling:yes>>
;The below table...
: gathers all tiddlers tagged ''Task''
: grouped by whether or not the ''Done'' tag is assigned as well
: displays a checkbox to mark ''Task'' tiddlers ''Done'' or to reopen them
: displays additional tags of ''Task'' tiddlers
rendered by transcluding:
<<source $:/.tb/template/tasklist-tags>>
also using these two templates for the table rows, which are needed to avoid state-collisions, i.e. same tag pills opening up at once...
[[$:/.tb/template/tasklist-tags/open]] and here's a preview of <<source [[$:/.tb/template/tasklist-tags/closed]]>>
[[Mike asked|https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/tiddlywiki/2rt8B033dYk]] how he could manage to have a template work both via [[Transclusion]] as well as within [[Tabs]].
The solution to his problem is to detect and redefine the necessary variables accordingly.
In the context of the tab contents, the tiddler representing the current tab is not stored in the <<tw "currentTiddler Variable" currentTiddler>> <<tw Variables variable>> but rather in the <<tw "tabs Macro" currentTab>> variable, which makes templates behave differently, since the value of ''currentTiddler'' serves as the default for a lot of [[Widgets]] and <<tw WikiText>>.
The trick is thus to redefine ''currentTiddler'' and perhaps to still not lose a reference to the tiddler in which some tabs are contained, e.g. <<source $:/.tb/demo/Template/tabvars>>
Above, the <<tw SetWidget>> redefines the value of ''currentTiddler'' to that of ''currentTab'', should that be defined, otherwise stay as is.
Try the tabs below to see how the variables behave:
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""<<tabs "foo bar baz" "foo" "$:/state/tabs/some-tabs" template:"$:/.tb/demo/Template/tabvars">>"""/>
It's really trivial and so powerful, indeed.
Ever wanted to just test something but not screw up your wiki?
Simply go to http://tiddlywiki.com and work your magic over there!
Unless you need to reload the page, e.g. by installing a plugin, you can pretty much experiment on a whole range of things with live content, e.g. drag your test content to it and test editing over there to your heart's content.
Are you happy with the results? Well, then grab that link and pull it back to your TiddlyWiki.
When was the last time you visited a website that allowed you to do just that?!
Find something to be off? Then check out this [[simple documentation workflow|Documentation]] on how easy it is to make things better for the rest of us.
The ''text'' macro provides a most simple macro to output colored text...
<<text red "Warning!">>
> <<text red "Warning!">>
...as a more readable variant compared to standard [[styled-wrappers]]...
> @@color:red;Warning!@@
''Drawback:'' You can't call other macros like so...
So, learning a bit of [[wikitext markup|Markup]] may be that better choice.
!! Installation
Drag to your wiki: <<source [[$:/.tb/macros/text]]>>
As <<excerpt "I was wondering">> how to do simple text excerpts, <<excerpt "I stumbled upon">> [[this post|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/8rXt-qVqTb0/gbgWItz0CgAJ]] by [[Mat|Matias Goldman]] and was inspired to create the following macros.
!! Usage
Using the `<<excerpt>>` macro, provided by $:/.tb/macros/excerpt, define the text you wish to use as an excerpt as its first parameter, e.g.:
`<<excerpt "this is an excerpt">>`
> <<excerpt "this is an excerpt">>
At the point where you wish to output a list of excerpts, use the `<<excerpts>>` macro. For performance reasons consider specifying a filter as the first parameter.
> <<excerpts>>
`<<excerpts [tag[Solutions]]>>`
> <<excerpts [tag[Solutions]]>>
Drag to your wiki: <<source [[$:/.tb/macros/excerpt]]>>
Here's [[an experiment by BuggyJ|http://xlink.tiddlyspot.com/#Making%20curved%20text%20with%20inline%20SVG]] showing how to render text on a svg vector graphic.
<div class="text-on-path">
<$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/tb/text-on-path" tag="input" placeholder="Enter some text..." default=""/>
<$macrocall $name="textOnPath" text={{$:/temp/tb/text-on-path}}/>
rendered via:
<$edit-text tiddler="$:/.tb/example/text-on-path" tag="input" placeholder="Enter some text..." default=""/>
<$macrocall $name="textOnPath" text={{$:/temp/tb/text-on-path}}/>
.text-on-path input {
Here's the source of the tiddler defining the textOnPath macro which renders the svg with a path overlay <<source $:/.tb/macros/example-svg-text-on-path>>
The Third Flow plugin brings to you another way to develop customizations for TiddlyWiki 5. It is not enforcing a specific development flow, it simply tries to help you. Otherwise, it tries to stay out of your way.
You can develop your plugin directly from within your browser. A server-based TiddlyWiki instance running on Node.js ensures that all your source tiddlers are neatly stored in a clean and hierarchically organized folder structure.
Source code management is done as usual using your favorite source code management tool, such as git and others. As the Third Flow plugin structures your tiddler source files you get a well-organized repository structure at no price.
For packaging your plugin you finally simply run a shell script which packs the plugin tiddler and saves it to disk. Additionally, a demonstration TiddlyWiki is also created that guides your future plugin users through the process of deploying your new plugin.
;test drive
\define me(vehicle, dwelling, kin)
I drive a $vehicle$, live in $dwelling$, and have $kin$.
[[Transclusion|http://tiddlywiki.com/static/Transclusion.html]] is an integral part of modern TiddlyWiki 5. As a consequence, the [[tiddler macro|http://tiddlywiki.org/#tiddler]] of a classic TiddlyWiki is no longer of need or present.
Using templates and placeholders became a lot more flexible than in the old days where you were bound to cryptic, numbered placeholders from $1 to $9. Now, you are free to specify any placeholders you desire as macro parameters, e.g.
\define me(vehicle, dwelling, kin)
I drive a $vehicle$, live in $dwelling$, and have $kin$.
<<me "bicycle and I love it" "a flat" "great friends">>
> <<me "bicycle and I love it" "a flat" "great friends">>
You can even be specific about your parameters in your desired order, e.g.:
kin:"great friends"
dwelling:"a flat"
vehicle:"bicycle and I love it">>
> <<me
kin:"great friends"
dwelling:"a flat"
vehicle:"bicycle and I love it">>
In classic TiddlyWiki things would have looked like so...
title: me
I drive a $1, live in $2, and have $3.
title: test me
<<tiddler me with: "bicycle and I love it" "a flat" "great friends">>
You can see how, while being concise, the classic template is far less readable than the modern macro.
Nevertheless, if you truly desired a tiddler macro as you were used to, you can achieve something resembling the old functionality using a global macro like [[$:/.tb/macros/tiddler]].
Note, however that you must adapt your old placeholders from being `$1` to `<<$1>>` as Eric Shulman explains [[here|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/XHvrJQVUqYs/lb7quEe2AgAJ]]. Plus, unless you wanted to introduce a superfluous dummy parameter to capture it, you also need to remove any old `with:`.
The syntax to model the above example would be...
title: me
I drive a <<$1>>, live in a <<$2>>, and have <<$3>>.
title: test me
<<tiddler me "bicycle and I love it" "flat" "great friends">>
To be honest, it's difficult to see a benefit in doing that.
Here the source of the tiddler macro remake as per Eric Shulman:
<<source [[$:/.tb/macros/tiddler]]>>
Following [[these instructions|http://codepen.io/eode9/pen/twkKm]], here's how you can show a ribbon at each tiddler using a [[Conditional ViewTemplate Section]] and some css.
; the ribbon
: [[$:/.tb/ui/ViewTemplate/ribbon]]
; the styles
: [[$:/.tb/styles/ribbon]]
For the ribbon to not show as an overlay, but cut-off, this tiddler is also tagged {{ribbon||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}. This tag is hidden in view-mode via [[Hide Tag Buttons]]. However, this brings the problem that popups will be cut-off (<<git5 issues/1102>>). Try clicking the above tag button.
''Note'': For small screen widths the ribbon is shown as a bottom bar.
Here's a basic workflow as [[proposed by Jeffrey Kishner|http://blog.jeffreykishner.com/2014/01/17/a-tiddlywiki-filter-to-list-due-dates.html]] to assign due dates to tiddlers and list them accordingly.
!!Setting Due Dates
Add the field ''due'' to any desired tiddler and set the value using `YYYY-0MM-0DD` format, e.g. `2014-01-01`.
!! Listing Due Tiddlers
<$list filter="[has[due]!tag[Done]sort[due]]">
<td><$view field="due"/></td>
<$checkbox tag="Done">
<$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link>
rendered via :
<$list filter="[has[due]!tag[done]sort[due]]">
<td><$view field="due"/></td>
<$checkbox tag="done">
<$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link>
; GitHub
: https://github.com/danielo515/TiddlyDrive
Links: [[GitHub|https://github.com/felixhayashi/TW5-TiddlyMap]] / [[help|http://felixhayashi.github.io/TW5-TiddlyMap/index.html#%24%3A%2Fplugins%2Ffelixhayashi%2Ftiddlymap%2Fdocs%2Fhelp]]
/ [[readme|http://felixhayashi.github.io/TW5-TiddlyMap/index.html#%24%3A%2Fplugins%2Ffelixhayashi%2Ftiddlymap%2Fdocs%2Freadme]]
/ [[The Big Picture|http://felixhayashi.github.io/TW5-TiddlyMap/index.html#TiddlyMap%20-%20The%20Big%20Picture]]
<<ximg tiddlymap.gif TiddlyMap class:"pretty">>
; Introductory Video
: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmeIxuN0L5w <iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/dmeIxuN0L5w" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen style="width:100%;height:420px;"/>
The workflow to host any tw5 on TiddlySpot couldn't be much simpler:
In fact, you can upload ''__any__'' tw5 to your TiddlySpot Site ID, simply by entering the correct Site ID and password into [[ControlPanel|$:/ControlPanel]]: ''Done!''
If you neither have a TiddlyWiki or TiddlySpot yet, here's a simple process to do to get both up and running (only works in Chrome or Safari, not Firefox or IE).
# create [[new TiddlySpot|http://tiddlyspot.com]]
#* flavour doesn't matter, just remember the ''Site ID''
#* keep that window open
# [[download|http://tiddlywiki.com/#GettingStarted]] or simply [[open an empty TiddlyWiki|http://tiddlywiki.com/empty.html]]
# set your basics in [[ControlPanel|$:/ControlPanel]] to your liking ...I most always do:
#*''Info:'' Title, Subtitle, Username, animation = 0
#* ''Settings:'' autosave "off", "include target URL", "update history"
# under [[ControlPanel / Saving|$:/ControlPanel]] enter TiddlySpot credentials
#* simply enter TiddlySpot password and ''Wiki Name'' as TiddlySpot site ID
# click save {{$:/core/ui/Buttons/save-wiki}}
#* open or reload that TiddlySpot window
# Enjoy!
!!Related articles
!!The Actual Timeline
<$macrocall $name="timeline" format={{$:/language/RecentChanges/DateFormat}}/>
\define regexp-headings() (^!+.*)(?gmi)
<div class="tidtoc tc-tiddler-frame">
<$list filter="[all[current]match:text<regexp-headings>]">
.tidtoc {
-moz-border-radius: 10px;
border-radius: 10px;
.tidtoc h1,
.tidtoc h2,
.tidtoc h3,
.tidtoc h4,
.tidtoc h5,
.tidtoc h6 {
.tidtoc h1 {
font-weight: bold;
.tidtoc h2 {
text-indent: 15px;
.tidtoc h3 {
text-indent: 30px;
.tidtoc h4 {
text-indent: 45px;
.tidtoc h5 {
text-indent: 60px;
.tidtoc h6 {
text-indent: 75px;
Based on [[a solution posted|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/zB40PBIDkBE/d-OOeImmzk0J]] by [[Stephan Hradek]], here's a way to have a link to toggle contents rendered someplace else using two macros...
; toggle
: toggles a state via clicking a button
; show
: displays content from any [[text-reference|http://tiddlywiki.com/#TextReference]] based on a state
This <<toggle toggle-example link>> reveals contents at some other place. Some more text and now the hidden content...
<<show toggle-example "{{!!content}}">>
<<toggle toggle-example Link>> clicked?
This <<toggle toggle-example link>> reveals contents at some other place. Some more text and now the hidden content...
<<show toggle-example "{{!!content}}">>
<<toggle toggle-example Link>> clicked?
!! Macro Parameters
|1|state|a text-reference for storing the toggle state|your value will be prefixed `$:/state/`|
|2|label|a label for the link||
|3|class|css classes for the button|`tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-link`<br>and when shown:<br>`tc-btn-link-show`<br>when hidden:<br>`tc-btn-link-hide`|
|1|state|the text-reference where clicking the link stored the state|your value will be prefixed `$:/state/`|
|2|text|the transcluded text<br>displayed when state is non-empty||
Here's the global macro tagged [[$:/tags/Macro]] used to produce the effect...
<<source $:/.tb/macros/toggle-content>>
Inspired by [[this post|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/dQbt-JFdRR8/gzglQDdmAQAJ]] from [[Metabele]], the following table allows you to toggle all standard and also custom sidebar tabs...
> {{$:/.tb/config/sidebar-tabs}}
This method works according to [[these instructions|http://tiddlywiki.com/static/How%2520to%2520add%2520a%2520new%2520tab%2520to%2520the%2520sidebar.html]].
The basic functionality is provided by [[$:/.tb/config/sidebar-tabs]] and allows you to toggle all core tabs in the sidebar and those under ''More''.
In addition, ou can create a tiddler [[$:/.tb/config/sidebar-tabs/custom]] for customizations:
; text
: use the tiddler text to specify a namespace for custom tabs
: in this wiki, the prefix being used is <code><$view tiddler="$:/.tb/config/sidebar-tabs/custom" field="text"/></code>
; more
: the title for an extra column
: useful for a tab holding custom subtabs, equivalent to ''More''
; more-tag
: the tag-name to be toggled via check-boxes in the extra column
If you want the customization tiddler present as well, import [[$:/.tb/config/sidebar-tabs/custom]] as a skelleton, otherwise drag this over to your wiki and make accessible where you see fit: <<source [[$:/.tb/config/sidebar-tabs]]>>
This wiki implements a top-menu which renders the main topics as icon-links. Below the steps I took to achieve it.
!! Step 1 — menu tiddler
Create a tiddler tagged [[$:/tags/TopLeftBar]] which will render it into the predefined placeholder.
Here it is [[$:/.tb/ui/TopLeftBar]], which also holds the logic to auto-generate the menu, so import that or copy its contents into your new menu-tiddler.
!! Step 2 — menu items
This wiki uses the tiddler [[$:/.tb/ui/TopLeftBar/config]] to manually enter all tiddlers displayed in the menu using the `list` field in the desired order.
''Note:'' Any tiddler could be used to hold the list, even the menu tiddler. However, if the code were updated in the future and you'd like to simply import the new version, your configuration would be overwritten. Therefore, the configuration was put somewhere else.
!! Step 3 — eye candy
To display icons and custom captions, define these fields at your menu tiddlers...
; menu-icon
: `{{$:/core/icon}}` — used at [[Core]]
:: transcludes the desired menu icon, in this case an [[svg shipped with the core|Core Images And Inline Stylesheets]]
:: unfortunately, the `icon` field is unavailable as it currently cannot be transcluded
; caption
: `Start` — used at [[Welcome]]
:: defines the title used for the menu link
:: no caption = not text
!! Scrolling
@@color:red; ''Caution'': This may make edit mode jumpy!@@
To fix the problem of a tiddler scrolling underneath the top bar when opening, this wiki currently uses a hack to override a core function: [[$:/hack-142-scroll-pagescroller.js]]
!! Styles
The default styles are provided using [[an inline <style> tag|Core Images And Inline Stylesheets]] at the bottom of [[$:/.tb/ui/TopLeftBar]]. To override these styles, [[create a custom stylesheet tiddler|Custom Stylesheets]].
The defined styles here...
* fix the positioning, width and coloring of the default topbar
* define icon size and box properties
* set link text properties
To transclude a tiddler as code with syntax highlighting, install [[Highlight Plugin|http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/highlight/]] and then use the ''codeblock'' widget specifying the language used to highlight your code...
<<` """<$codeblock language=“javascript” code={{$:/.tb/demo/example.js}}/>""">>
{{{ [tag[Foo]] }}}
{{{ [tag[Foo]] ||Bar}}}
» [[transcludes|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Transclusion%20in%20WikiText]] tiddler `Foo`<br>
» `Foo` with template `Bar`<br>
» template `Foo` for `CurrentTiddler`<br>
» field `bar` of `Foo`<br>
» field `bar` of `CurrentTiddler`<br>
» `index` of datatiddler `Foo`<br>
» `index` of `CurrentTiddler` (=data)<br>
» list of tiddlers tagged `Foo`<br>
» same using template `Bar`
;Interactive Tool
;GitHub Repository
;Using GitHub
:<<git5 pull/1033>>
;Workflow Details
:<<git5 issues/1193#issuecomment-65497083>>
In widgets or macros, enclosing parameters in triple quotes is the safe choice, as quotes are allowed characters for tiddler titles: `<$set name="tid" value="""$title"""/>`
From http://tiddlywiki.com/#Macros%20in%20WikiText...
<<static Macros%2520in%2520WikiText 600px yes>>
; official
: http://tiddlywiki.com/dev
; update by Nicholas Spies
: https://github.com/nicholas-spies/TW_Doc_for_Dev
See [[typed blocks|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Typed%20Blocks%20in%20WikiText]], e.g.
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="100" height="100">
<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="green" />
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="100" height="100">
<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="green" />
;explicit content type
;unknown renders as plain text
;using render types
!!See also...
[[styled blocks|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Styles%20and%20Classes%20in%20WikiText]]
Some text
plain text, not //formatted//
plain text, not //formatted//
These are [[Typed Blocks|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Typed%20Blocks%20in%20WikiText]]
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="green" />
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="green" />
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="red" />
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="red" />
This is ''some'' wikitext
This is ''some'' wikitext
This is ''some'' wikitext
This is ''some'' wikitext
From a very [[informative post|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywikidev/DHzU_kYhkl4/o4BgMTwF_f0J]] by [[Jeremy|Jeremy Ruston]] on how theme switching actually works...
# themes are <<tw Plugins>>
#* thus bundles of packaged tiddlers loaded as <<tw ShadowTiddlers>>
# when the theme is switched
#* the old theme and its shadows is entirely unloaded
#* the new theme and its containing shadow tiddlers are loaded
# when you edit a shadow tiddler of a theme
#* you make it into an ordinary tiddler
#* at that point, it is no longer unloaded when switching themes!
# do you want to access the content of a theme that is not switched?
#* use the subtiddler attribute of the <<tw ViewWidget>> or <<tw TranscludeWidget>>
* unordered
** list
* unordered
** list
Please review your username first:
<$edit-text tiddler="$:/status/UserName" tag="input" type="text"/>
As [[Albert points out|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/tiddlywiki/utsLmgHZAhM]], there's a very interesting method used by [[TheDiveO|http://thediveo.github.io/TW5FontAwesome/]] on how to embeded a custom font, e.g. [[FontAwesome|http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/]]:
# check for a font you like
#* @@.warn make sure its license allows you to embed, modify, publish on the web or redistribute the font as you intent to ([[links about licenses|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/KFU3XX-raQE/g7flcZBaGusJ]])@@
# visit http://www.fontsquirrel.com/tools/webfont-generator
# upload your font file (".ttf", ".eot", ".woff", etc) and select "Expert" option
# check the option case at CSS >> Base64 Encode
# generate your webkit: the output file is a ".zip" file containing a text file with the CSS code (stylesheet.css)
# copy all text from that file into a tiddler
# make sure the field font-family is what you want
# tag the tiddler [[$:/tags/Stylesheet]] and change the tiddler type to "Plain text (text/plain)"
Done! Your font is available :)
Follow these simple steps [[suggested by Matabele|http://bit.ly/1QBbFli]] to use named colors in your palettes or templates:
# create a <<x SystemTiddlers "system tiddler"">> for your colors, e.g. $://colors
# set its type to ''Data dictionary'' (`application/x-tiddler-dictionary`)
# add entries with descriptive color names, specifying a [[valid color format|http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_colors_legal.asp]]
# use them in your palette or stylesheets as `{{$://colors##<color-name>}}`
Some example colors, two using [[standard html color names|http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_colornames.asp]] and one custom color defined in [[hsla()|http://www.w3.org/wiki/CSS3/Color/HSLA]], see <<source "$://colors">>
Here's an example using those:
<<` """@@.fancy {{!!title}} @@
border: 2px solid {{$://colors##pale-crimson}};
border-radius: 10px;
\define concat(1 2 3 4 5) $1$$2$$3$$4$$5$
You can initialize macro parameters using either a <<tw Variables Variable>> or a <<tw TextReference>>.
''Important:'' In the macro, such parameters will be replaced as either variables or text-references, not as the values thereof, see <<git5 issues/1958>>.
!! Example
<<source "$:/.tb/demo/variable-parameters">>
!! Parameter Substitution And Macro Evaluation
The next example demonstrates how variable substitution is taking place in a macro. First, the parameters get replaced and then the macro is being evaluated.
The macro simply interprets all it is given as individual paramets, e.g. the first one being `{{` and the 5th and last `}`.
\define concat(1 2 3 4 5) $1$$2$$3$$4$$5$
<<concat {{ Getting Started } }>>
''Renders as...''
<<concat {{ Getting Started } }>>
\define linkFolder()
[[related folder|file:///D:/Project-Foo/$(currentTiddler)$]]
As [[Jed Carty]] explains in [[this port|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/UWtxdIMTf9w/tHt7V-olXJ0J]], here's an answer to an often asked question: How to you insert variable text in wiki markup? The answer is: with a macro.
The below creates a link to a local folder depending on a folder name stored at a tiddler field called ''folder''.
\define linkFolder()
[[related folder|file:///D:/Project-Foo/$(folder)$]]
<$set name=folder value={{!!folder}}>
''Note:'' The above only works in TiddlyWiki loaded from your local filesystem.
The next example simply takes the tiddler title as the folder name...
\define linkFolder()
[[related folder|file:///D:/Project-Foo/$(currentTiddler)$]]
> <<linkFolder>>
An [[overview|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/tiddlywiki/1BjhyWKpTgg]] from [[Danielo Rodríguez]] on working with variables in nested list widgets.
The list widget has a powerful feature, the variable parameter. It helps you in not losing the reference to the parent while providing meaningful variables names within lists:
<$list filter="[tag[sometag]]" variable="item">
both still reference the parent: {{!!title}}, <<currentTiddler>>
the more obvious list item now is: <<item>>
Go as deep as you want...
<$list filter="[tag<item>]" variable="subitem">
still the outermost parent: {{!!title}}, <<currentTiddler>>
1st level items: <<item>>
2nd level items: <<subitem>>
Notice the single angle brackets with `<item>` in the filter expression of the inner list.
You can even use list variables in macro calls like so...
\define myItem() item name is $(item)$
<$list filter="[tag[Plugins]]" variable="item" >
also see: [[Passing Parameters To A Transclusion]]
For more details and examples, see: http://pv5.tiddlyspot.com
;general wiki text, including macros
: `<<variable>>`
: `{{transclusion}}`
: @@.warn ~~`<variable>`, `"<variable>"`, `[[<variable>]]`~~@@
;general html element attributes, including widgets, e.g. `$macrocall`
: `<$widget attribute=<<variable>>/>`
: `<$widget attribute=<<callMacroToComputeValue>>/>`
: `<$widget attribute={{transclusion}}/>`
: @@.warn ~~`<$widget attribute="prefix-<<variable>>"/>`~~@@
: @@.warn ~~`<$widget attribute=[[prefix-<<variable>>]]/>`~~@@
: @@.warn ~~`<$widget attribute="prefix-{{transclusion}}"/>`~~@@
;within macro body
: `$macroParameter$`, `"$macroParameter$"`, `[[$macroParameter$]]`
: `$(variable)$` (references a variable from the context of the calling macro)
: `<$widget attribute="prefix-$macroParameter$"/>`
: `<$widget attribute=$macroParameter$/>` (unsafe when having spaces)
: @@.warn ~~`$variable$`, `"$variable$"`, `[[$variable$]]`~~@@
;macro parameter
: `<<macro param:"$macroParameter$">>` (only inside macro)
: @@.warn ~~`<<macro <<variable>> >>`~~@@
: @@.warn ~~`<<macro "<<variable>>" >>`~~@@
: @@.warn ~~`<<macro param:<<variable>> >>`~~@@
: @@.warn ~~`<<macro {{transclusion}}>>`~~@@
: @@.warn ~~`<<macro param:{{transclusion}}>>`~~@@
;in filters
: `[$macroParameter$]` (only filters within macros)
: `[tag<variable>]` (no inner square brackets!)
: `[tag{transclusion}]` (only single curly brackets!)
: @@.warn ~~`[tag[$(variable)$]]`~~@@
: @@.warn ~~`[tag[$(variable)$]]`~~@@
See [[discussion|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/_x9CDAFtwQc/Qlng28uWNKIJ]]...
<div class="tb5-home">
<$list filter="[list[]]">
<div class="tb5-home-title"><$link><$transclude field=caption><$view field="title"/></$transclude></$link></div>
<div class="tb5-home-summary">{{!!summary}}</div>
<div class="tb5-fish">{{$:/.img/fish.svg}}</div>
\define getValue(data,index) <$view tiddler="$(data)$" index="$(currentTiddler)$" format="text"/>
\define iframe(tiddler)
<$macrocall $name="static" tiddler={{$:/data/core/widgets##$tiddler$}} height="600px" scrolling="yes"/>
Select a widget:
<$select tiddler="$:/temp/widget-browser" default="action-navigate">
<$list filter='[[$:/data/core/widgets]indexes[]sort[title]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>> >
<$text text=<<currentTiddler>>/>
Documentation on ~TiddlyWiki.com...
<$macrocall $name="iframe" tiddler={{$:/temp/widget-browser}}/>
:<<source [[$:/temp/widget-browser]]>>
:<<source "Widget Browser">>
As [[Jeremy|Jeremy Ruston]] [[clarifies here|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/QXaD2i6tWeo/VeGHTKM-RdEJ]], consider the following pitfalls when using macros...
* invoking a macro with double angle brackets...
** causes the result of the macro to be __wikified__
** ...after parameter and variable substitutions
* using a macro as an attribute to a widget or html-element...
** e.g. `<div class=<<myMacro>>>`
** doesn't wikify the result of the macro
** the plain result of the macro is assigned to the attribute
* invoking a macro with double angle brackets...
** you __cannot__ specify parameters as transclusions or macro invocations
** you can only use plain strings
* macros can also be invoked with the `<$macrocall> widget`
** allows attributes to be specified as transclusions or macro invocations
<$macrocall $name=` text="""<<www tiddlywiki.com>>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=` text="""<<www tiddlywiki.com TiddlyWiki>>"""/>
Compare to the core syntax for external links:
<<` "[ext[tiddlywiki.com|http://tiddlywiki.com]]">>
!! Installation
Drag to your wiki: [[$:/.tb/macros/www]]
!! Parameters
|1|url|the url without the protocol specified, so the browser does its thing|
|2|title|a pretty title to be displayed instead of the ''url''|
This solution inspired by [[PMario|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/ChRV6sjQpn4/bCm35_XhGmkJ]] defines a global folder path for external images. This is more powerful than using relative paths `[img[subfolder/file.JPG]]` as you can move that image folder anywhere and simply redefine the location using configuration.
!! Step 1 — create or import the ximg macro
The following macro tiddler is tagged [[$:/tags/Macro]] so as to make it a global macro: <<source $:/macros/ximg>>
!!Step 2 — environment configuration
Create a tiddler [[$:/macros/ximg/path]] containing your base path.
;network share
;same computer absolute path
;relative path as subdirectory of tw
The "backslash" at the end is important!!
!!Step 3 — using the ximg macro
;basic usage
:`<<ximg "some image.gif">>`
;custom tooltip
:`<<ximg "some image.gif" tooltip:"my tooltip">> `
;custom path
:`<<ximg "some image.gif" pathConfig:"otherImagePathConfigTiddler">>`
:path defaults to content of [[$:/macros/ximg/path]]
!! Example
`<<ximg toc.jpg class:pretty width:200px tooltip:"example toc">>`
<<ximg toc.jpg class:pretty width:200px tooltip:"example toc">>
\define x-url() http://tobibeer.github.io/tw5-xlist
Initially developed as a [[reply to James|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/EzypDKdUOFE/ML_q1pSSvCIJ]], the plugin $:/plugins/tobibeer/xlist allows you to list items grouped by categories.
!! Example
<$macrocall $name="`" text="""''example groups:''
{{{ [list[xlist!!example-groups]] }}}
<$tiddler tiddler="Solutions">
<<xlist groups:"[list[xlist!!example-groups]]">>
There is plenty more to work with:
* <<x Parameters>> such as @@.tb-links <$list filter="filter groups template sort each link"><<x>> </$list>@@
* different operational <<x Variants>> and plenty <<x Examples>>
** also for using smart tabs or a [[Conditional ViewTemplate Section]]
For more information on ''xlist'', see {{!!url}}.
toying with GTD in [[TW5|http://tiddlywiki.com]]
!!GTD Projects for TW5
;GSD5 by Roma
;GTid by Metabele Bill
:example tids: http://wills.tiddlyspot.com
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-remove-tag" $param="next"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-remove-tag" $param="wait"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-remove-tag" $param="future"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-add-tag" $param="next"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-remove-tag" $param="wait"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-remove-tag" $param="future"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-remove-tag" $param="next"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-add-tag" $param="wait"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-remove-tag" $param="future"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-remove-tag" $param="next"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-remove-tag" $param="wait"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-add-tag" $param="future"/>
Testing [[a tagging macro|$:/macros/tagging]]...
`<<tagging "$:/tags/Macro">>`
<<tagging "$:/tags/Macro">>
;the macro
;faills at
:with simple `<<tagging>>` call
A bit ugly, but working is to use use nested quotes [[suggested by Evolena||https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/6NYTz7WyuuY/AO6QnUDCnJkJ]]...
`<<tagging "'title with spaces'">>`
with this macro definition...
<<source $:/macros/uglyTagging>>
"tiddlers": {
"$:/info/browser": {
"title": "$:/info/browser",
"text": "no"
"$:/info/node": {
"title": "$:/info/node",
"text": "yes"
The purpose with the ''~ThankYou'' plugin is to make it easy to show appreciation for things in your public TW that others, perhaps fellow tiddlywikians, have contributed to.
For an actual use case, albeit slightly modified, see [[here|http://twaddle.tiddlyspot.com/#Cred]] (I need to decide on a name standard though, e.g @~FirstnameLastname).
<br>''Install'' the plugin by dragging $:/plugins/Mat/ThankYou into your TW.
*Decide where you want the full "thank you table" to show and type in `{{$:/plugins/ThankYou}}` there.
*To populate the table, ''add fields'' like the following in the concerned tiddlers:<br>
| `thankyou`|:|name of individual|
| `thankurl`|:|url to site, e.g google discussion thread|
|//creators// of imported tiddlers appear automatically in the table|<|<|
<br>That's really all you need to know but if you want more, there's a [[Detailed description]].
<br>^^//a.k.a Mat the [[TWaddler|http://twaddle.tiddlyspot.com/]]//^^
A ''detailed description'', presented to appear more or less like a resulting ~ThankYou table:
<table id="thankyoutable">
<tr><td>@@color:crimson;line-height:200%; ★ @@''Individuals''<br>[[$:/plugins/ThankYou/Individuals]]<br>Lists each ''name'' appearing in ''thankyou'' fields that are added manually by you to tiddlers.<br>For example: `thankyou : MotovunJack`.</td><td><br>Next to each name, all tiddlers are listed where the //thankyou// field contains this name<br><br>@@color:gray; __The "mentions" section__ @@<br>This lists each tiddler where the name occurs in the text (i.e "references" or "backlinks")</td></tr>
<tr><td>@@color:crimson;line-height:200%; ★ @@''Sites''<br>[[$:/plugins/ThankYou/Urls]]<br>(for "sites", e.g external sites or google discussions)<br>Lists each ''url'' appearing in ''thankurl'' fields that are added manually by you to tiddlers.<br>For example: `thankurl : https://groups.google.com/for...`.<br>Urls are automatically //displayed// truncated (but still link)<br></td><td><br>Next to each url, all tiddlers are listed where the //thankurl// field contains this url</td></tr>
<tr><td>@@color:crimson;line-height:200%; ★ @@''Creators''<br>[[$:/plugins/ThankYou/Creators]]<br>Lists each ''name'' appearing in the (automatically created) ''creator'' fields. This mostly concerns imported tiddlers, e.g plugins.</td><td><br>Next to each name, all tiddlers are listed where the //creator// field contains this name</td></tr>
<br>''Three more'' tiddlers are included in the plugin:
<<star>>[[$:/plugins/ThankYou]] - the actual table
Each name/url/creator is only listed once in a section even if it occurs as the field value in many tiddlers. But if a value occurs for //different// thank fields, it will be listed for all those fields - for example; if you add MotovunJack to a //thankyou// field and our dear Motovun is also a //creator// of some tiddler, then he will be listed in both those sections.
"tiddlers": {
"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/snowwhite/base": {
"title": "$:/themes/tiddlywiki/snowwhite/base",
"tags": "[[$:/tags/Stylesheet]]",
"text": "\\rules only filteredtranscludeinline transcludeinline macrodef macrocallinline\n\n.tc-sidebar-header {\n\ttext-shadow: 0 1px 0 <<colour sidebar-foreground-shadow>>;\n}\n\n.tc-tiddler-info {\n\t<<box-shadow \"inset 1px 2px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.1)\">>\n}\n\n@media screen {\n\t.tc-tiddler-frame {\n\t\t<<box-shadow \"1px 1px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)\">>\n\t}\n}\n\n@media (max-width: {{$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/sidebarbreakpoint}}) {\n\t.tc-tiddler-frame {\n\t\t<<box-shadow none>>\n\t}\n}\n\n.tc-page-controls button svg, .tc-tiddler-controls button svg, .tc-topbar button svg {\n\t<<transition \"fill 150ms ease-in-out\">>\n}\n\n.tc-tiddler-controls button.tc-selected,\n.tc-page-controls button.tc-selected {\n\t<<filter \"drop-shadow(0px -1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.25))\">>\n}\n\n.tc-tiddler-frame input.tc-edit-texteditor {\n\t<<box-shadow \"inset 0 1px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15)\">>\n}\n\n.tc-edit-tags {\n\t<<box-shadow \"inset 0 1px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15)\">>\n}\n\n.tc-tiddler-frame .tc-edit-tags input.tc-edit-texteditor {\n\t<<box-shadow \"none\">>\n\tborder: none;\n\toutline: none;\n}\n\ncanvas.tc-edit-bitmapeditor {\n\t<<box-shadow \"2px 2px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)\">>\n}\n\n.tc-drop-down {\n\tborder-radius: 4px;\n\t<<box-shadow \"2px 2px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)\">>\n}\n\n.tc-block-dropdown {\n\tborder-radius: 4px;\n\t<<box-shadow \"2px 2px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)\">>\n}\n\n.tc-modal {\n\tborder-radius: 6px;\n\t<<box-shadow \"0 3px 7px rgba(0,0,0,0.3)\">>\n}\n\n.tc-modal-footer {\n\tborder-radius: 0 0 6px 6px;\n\t<<box-shadow \"inset 0 1px 0 #fff\">>;\n}\n\n\n.tc-alert {\n\tborder-radius: 6px;\n\t<<box-shadow \"0 3px 7px rgba(0,0,0,0.6)\">>\n}\n\n.tc-notification {\n\tborder-radius: 6px;\n\t<<box-shadow \"0 3px 7px rgba(0,0,0,0.3)\">>\n\ttext-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255, 0.8);\n}\n\n.tc-sidebar-lists .tc-tab-set .tc-tab-divider {\n\tborder-top: none;\n\theight: 1px;\n\t<<background-linear-gradient \"left, rgba(0,0,0,0.15) 0%, rgba(0,0,0,0.0) 100%\">>\n}\n\n.tc-more-sidebar > .tc-tab-set > .tc-tab-buttons > button {\n\t<<background-linear-gradient \"left, rgba(0,0,0,0.01) 0%, rgba(0,0,0,0.1) 100%\">>\n}\n\n.tc-more-sidebar > .tc-tab-set > .tc-tab-buttons > button.tc-tab-selected {\n\t<<background-linear-gradient \"left, rgba(0,0,0,0.05) 0%, rgba(255,255,255,0.05) 100%\">>\n}\n\n.tc-message-box img {\n\t<<box-shadow \"1px 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.5)\">>\n}\n\n.tc-plugin-info {\n\t<<box-shadow \"1px 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.5)\">>\n}\n"
"tiddlers": {
"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/themetweaks": {
"title": "$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/themetweaks",
"tags": "$:/tags/ControlPanel/Appearance",
"caption": "{{$:/language/ThemeTweaks/ThemeTweaks}}",
"text": "\\define lingo-base() $:/language/ThemeTweaks/\n\n\\define replacement-text()\n[img[$(imageTitle)$]]\n\\end\n\n\\define backgroundimage-dropdown()\n<div class=\"tc-drop-down-wrapper\">\n<$button popup=<<qualify \"$:/state/popup/themetweaks/backgroundimage\">> class=\"tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-dropdown\">{{$:/core/images/down-arrow}}</$button>\n<$reveal state=<<qualify \"$:/state/popup/themetweaks/backgroundimage\">> type=\"popup\" position=\"belowleft\" text=\"\" default=\"\">\n<div class=\"tc-drop-down\">\n<$macrocall $name=\"image-picker\" actions=\"\"\"\n\n<$action-setfield\n\t$tiddler=\"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/settings/backgroundimage\"\n\t$value=<<imageTitle>>\n/>\n\n\"\"\"/>\n</div>\n</$reveal>\n</div>\n\\end\n\n\\define backgroundimageattachment-dropdown()\n<$select tiddler=\"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/settings/backgroundimageattachment\" default=\"scroll\">\n<option value=\"scroll\"><<lingo Settings/BackgroundImageAttachment/Scroll>></option>\n<option value=\"fixed\"><<lingo Settings/BackgroundImageAttachment/Fixed>></option>\n</$select>\n\\end\n\n\\define backgroundimagesize-dropdown()\n<$select tiddler=\"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/settings/backgroundimagesize\" default=\"scroll\">\n<option value=\"auto\"><<lingo Settings/BackgroundImageSize/Auto>></option>\n<option value=\"cover\"><<lingo Settings/BackgroundImageSize/Cover>></option>\n<option value=\"contain\"><<lingo Settings/BackgroundImageSize/Contain>></option>\n</$select>\n\\end\n\n<<lingo ThemeTweaks/Hint>>\n\n! <<lingo Options>>\n\n|<$link to=\"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/options/sidebarlayout\"><<lingo Options/SidebarLayout>></$link> |<$select tiddler=\"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/options/sidebarlayout\"><option value=\"fixed-fluid\"><<lingo Options/SidebarLayout/Fixed-Fluid>></option><option value=\"fluid-fixed\"><<lingo Options/SidebarLayout/Fluid-Fixed>></option></$select> |\n|<$link to=\"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/options/stickytitles\"><<lingo Options/StickyTitles>></$link><br>//<<lingo Options/StickyTitles/Hint>>// |<$select tiddler=\"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/options/stickytitles\"><option value=\"no\">{{$:/language/No}}</option><option value=\"yes\">{{$:/language/Yes}}</option></$select> |\n|<$link to=\"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/options/codewrapping\"><<lingo Options/CodeWrapping>></$link> |<$select tiddler=\"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/options/codewrapping\"><option value=\"pre\">{{$:/language/No}}</option><option value=\"pre-wrap\">{{$:/language/Yes}}</option></$select> |\n\n! <<lingo Settings>>\n\n|<$link to=\"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/settings/fontfamily\"><<lingo Settings/FontFamily>></$link> |<$edit-text tiddler=\"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/settings/fontfamily\" default=\"\" tag=\"input\"/> | |\n|<$link to=\"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/settings/codefontfamily\"><<lingo Settings/CodeFontFamily>></$link> |<$edit-text tiddler=\"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/settings/codefontfamily\" default=\"\" tag=\"input\"/> | |\n|<$link to=\"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/settings/backgroundimage\"><<lingo Settings/BackgroundImage>></$link> |<$edit-text tiddler=\"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/settings/backgroundimage\" default=\"\" tag=\"input\"/> |<<backgroundimage-dropdown>> |\n|<$link to=\"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/settings/backgroundimageattachment\"><<lingo Settings/BackgroundImageAttachment>></$link> |<<backgroundimageattachment-dropdown>> | |\n|<$link to=\"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/settings/backgroundimagesize\"><<lingo Settings/BackgroundImageSize>></$link> |<<backgroundimagesize-dropdown>> | |\n\n! <<lingo Metrics>>\n\n|<$link to=\"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/fontsize\"><<lingo Metrics/FontSize>></$link> |<$edit-text tiddler=\"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/fontsize\" default=\"\" tag=\"input\"/> |\n|<$link to=\"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/lineheight\"><<lingo Metrics/LineHeight>></$link> |<$edit-text tiddler=\"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/lineheight\" default=\"\" tag=\"input\"/> |\n|<$link to=\"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/bodyfontsize\"><<lingo Metrics/BodyFontSize>></$link> |<$edit-text tiddler=\"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/bodyfontsize\" default=\"\" tag=\"input\"/> |\n|<$link to=\"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/bodylineheight\"><<lingo Metrics/BodyLineHeight>></$link> |<$edit-text tiddler=\"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/bodylineheight\" default=\"\" tag=\"input\"/> |\n|<$link to=\"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/storyleft\"><<lingo Metrics/StoryLeft>></$link><br>//<<lingo Metrics/StoryLeft/Hint>>// |^<$edit-text tiddler=\"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/storyleft\" default=\"\" tag=\"input\"/> |\n|<$link to=\"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/storytop\"><<lingo Metrics/StoryTop>></$link><br>//<<lingo Metrics/StoryTop/Hint>>// |^<$edit-text tiddler=\"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/storytop\" default=\"\" tag=\"input\"/> |\n|<$link to=\"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/storyright\"><<lingo Metrics/StoryRight>></$link><br>//<<lingo Metrics/StoryRight/Hint>>// |^<$edit-text tiddler=\"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/storyright\" default=\"\" tag=\"input\"/> |\n|<$link to=\"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/storywidth\"><<lingo Metrics/StoryWidth>></$link><br>//<<lingo Metrics/StoryWidth/Hint>>// |^<$edit-text tiddler=\"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/storywidth\" default=\"\" tag=\"input\"/> |\n|<$link to=\"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/tiddlerwidth\"><<lingo Metrics/TiddlerWidth>></$link><br>//<<lingo Metrics/TiddlerWidth/Hint>>//<br> |^<$edit-text tiddler=\"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/tiddlerwidth\" default=\"\" tag=\"input\"/> |\n|<$link to=\"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/sidebarbreakpoint\"><<lingo Metrics/SidebarBreakpoint>></$link><br>//<<lingo Metrics/SidebarBreakpoint/Hint>>// |^<$edit-text tiddler=\"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/sidebarbreakpoint\" default=\"\" tag=\"input\"/> |\n|<$link to=\"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/sidebarwidth\"><<lingo Metrics/SidebarWidth>></$link><br>//<<lingo Metrics/SidebarWidth/Hint>>// |^<$edit-text tiddler=\"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/sidebarwidth\" default=\"\" tag=\"input\"/> |\n"
"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/base": {
"title": "$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/base",
"tags": "[[$:/tags/Stylesheet]]",
"text": "\\define custom-background-datauri()\n<$set name=\"background\" value={{$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/settings/backgroundimage}}>\n<$list filter=\"[<background>is[image]]\">\n`background: url(`\n<$list filter=\"[<background>!has[_canonical_uri]]\">\n<$macrocall $name=\"datauri\" title={{$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/settings/backgroundimage}}/>\n</$list>\n<$list filter=\"[<background>has[_canonical_uri]]\">\n<$view tiddler={{$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/settings/backgroundimage}} field=\"_canonical_uri\"/>\n</$list>\n`) center center;`\n`background-attachment: `{{$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/settings/backgroundimageattachment}}`;\n-webkit-background-size:` {{$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/settings/backgroundimagesize}}`;\n-moz-background-size:` {{$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/settings/backgroundimagesize}}`;\n-o-background-size:` {{$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/settings/backgroundimagesize}}`;\nbackground-size:` {{$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/settings/backgroundimagesize}}`;`\n</$list>\n</$set>\n\\end\n\n\\define if-fluid-fixed(text,hiddenSidebarText)\n<$reveal state=\"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/options/sidebarlayout\" type=\"match\" text=\"fluid-fixed\">\n$text$\n<$reveal state=\"$:/state/sidebar\" type=\"nomatch\" text=\"yes\" default=\"yes\">\n$hiddenSidebarText$\n</$reveal>\n</$reveal>\n\\end\n\n\\define if-editor-height-fixed(then,else)\n<$reveal state=\"$:/config/TextEditor/EditorHeight/Mode\" type=\"match\" text=\"fixed\">\n$then$\n</$reveal>\n<$reveal state=\"$:/config/TextEditor/EditorHeight/Mode\" type=\"match\" text=\"auto\">\n$else$\n</$reveal>\n\\end\n\n\\rules only filteredtranscludeinline transcludeinline macrodef macrocallinline macrocallblock\n\n/*\n** Start with the normalize CSS reset, and then belay some of its effects\n*/\n\n{{$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/reset}}\n\n*, input[type=\"search\"] {\n\tbox-sizing: border-box;\n\t-moz-box-sizing: border-box;\n\t-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;\n}\n\nhtml button {\n\tline-height: 1.2;\n\tcolor: <<colour button-foreground>>;\n\tbackground: <<colour button-background>>;\n\tborder-color: <<colour button-border>>;\n}\n\n/*\n** Basic element styles\n*/\n\nhtml {\n\tfont-family: {{$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/settings/fontfamily}};\n\ttext-rendering: optimizeLegibility; /* Enables kerning and ligatures etc. */\n\t-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;\n\t-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;\n}\n\nhtml:-webkit-full-screen {\n\tbackground-color: <<colour page-background>>;\n}\n\nbody.tc-body {\n\tfont-size: {{$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/fontsize}};\n\tline-height: {{$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/lineheight}};\n\tword-wrap: break-word;\n\t<<custom-background-datauri>>\n\tcolor: <<colour foreground>>;\n\tbackground-color: <<colour page-background>>;\n\tfill: <<colour foreground>>;\n}\n\nh1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {\n\tline-height: 1.2;\n\tfont-weight: 300;\n}\n\npre {\n\tdisplay: block;\n\tpadding: 14px;\n\tmargin-top: 1em;\n\tmargin-bottom: 1em;\n\tword-break: normal;\n\tword-wrap: break-word;\n\twhite-space: {{$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/options/codewrapping}};\n\tbackground-color: <<colour pre-background>>;\n\tborder: 1px solid <<colour pre-border>>;\n\tpadding: 0 3px 2px;\n\tborder-radius: 3px;\n\tfont-family: {{$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/settings/codefontfamily}};\n}\n\ncode {\n\tcolor: <<colour code-foreground>>;\n\tbackground-color: <<colour code-background>>;\n\tborder: 1px solid <<colour code-border>>;\n\twhite-space: {{$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/options/codewrapping}};\n\tpadding: 0 3px 2px;\n\tborder-radius: 3px;\n\tfont-family: {{$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/settings/codefontfamily}};\n}\n\nblockquote {\n\tborder-left: 5px solid <<colour blockquote-bar>>;\n\tmargin-left: 25px;\n\tpadding-left: 10px;\n\tquotes: \"\\201C\"\"\\201D\"\"\\2018\"\"\\2019\";\n}\n\nblockquote.tc-big-quote {\n\tfont-family: Georgia, serif;\n\tposition: relative;\n\tbackground: <<colour pre-background>>;\n\tborder-left: none;\n\tmargin-left: 50px;\n\tmargin-right: 50px;\n\tpadding: 10px;\n border-radius: 8px;\n}\n\nblockquote.tc-big-quote cite:before {\n\tcontent: \"\\2014 \\2009\";\n}\n\nblockquote.tc-big-quote:before {\n\tfont-family: Georgia, serif;\n\tcolor: <<colour blockquote-bar>>;\n\tcontent: open-quote;\n\tfont-size: 8em;\n\tline-height: 0.1em;\n\tmargin-right: 0.25em;\n\tvertical-align: -0.4em;\n\tposition: absolute;\n left: -50px;\n top: 42px;\n}\n\nblockquote.tc-big-quote:after {\n\tfont-family: Georgia, serif;\n\tcolor: <<colour blockquote-bar>>;\n\tcontent: close-quote;\n\tfont-size: 8em;\n\tline-height: 0.1em;\n\tmargin-right: 0.25em;\n\tvertical-align: -0.4em;\n\tposition: absolute;\n right: -80px;\n bottom: -20px;\n}\n\ndl dt {\n\tfont-weight: bold;\n\tmargin-top: 6px;\n}\n\ntextarea,\ninput[type=text],\ninput[type=search],\ninput[type=\"\"],\ninput:not([type]) {\n\tcolor: <<colour foreground>>;\n\tbackground: <<colour background>>;\n}\n\n.tc-muted {\n\tcolor: <<colour muted-foreground>>;\n}\n\nsvg.tc-image-button {\n\tpadding: 0px 1px 1px 0px;\n}\n\n.tc-icon-wrapper > svg {\n\twidth: 1em;\n\theight: 1em;\n}\n\nkbd {\n\tdisplay: inline-block;\n\tpadding: 3px 5px;\n\tfont-size: 0.8em;\n\tline-height: 1.2;\n\tcolor: <<colour foreground>>;\n\tvertical-align: middle;\n\tbackground-color: <<colour background>>;\n\tborder: solid 1px <<colour muted-foreground>>;\n\tborder-bottom-color: <<colour muted-foreground>>;\n\tborder-radius: 3px;\n\tbox-shadow: inset 0 -1px 0 <<colour muted-foreground>>;\n}\n\n/*\nMarkdown likes putting code elements inside pre elements\n*/\npre > code {\n\tpadding: 0;\n\tborder: none;\n\tbackground-color: inherit;\n\tcolor: inherit;\n}\n\ntable {\n\tborder: 1px solid <<colour table-border>>;\n\twidth: auto;\n\tmax-width: 100%;\n\tcaption-side: bottom;\n\tmargin-top: 1em;\n\tmargin-bottom: 1em;\n}\n\ntable th, table td {\n\tpadding: 0 7px 0 7px;\n\tborder-top: 1px solid <<colour table-border>>;\n\tborder-left: 1px solid <<colour table-border>>;\n}\n\ntable thead tr td, table th {\n\tbackground-color: <<colour table-header-background>>;\n\tfont-weight: bold;\n}\n\ntable tfoot tr td {\n\tbackground-color: <<colour table-footer-background>>;\n}\n\n.tc-csv-table {\n\twhite-space: nowrap;\n}\n\n.tc-tiddler-frame img,\n.tc-tiddler-frame svg,\n.tc-tiddler-frame canvas,\n.tc-tiddler-frame embed,\n.tc-tiddler-frame iframe {\n\tmax-width: 100%;\n}\n\n.tc-tiddler-body > embed,\n.tc-tiddler-body > iframe {\n\twidth: 100%;\n\theight: 600px;\n}\n\n/*\n** Links\n*/\n\nbutton.tc-tiddlylink,\na.tc-tiddlylink {\n\ttext-decoration: none;\n\tfont-weight: normal;\n\tcolor: <<colour tiddler-link-foreground>>;\n\t-webkit-user-select: inherit; /* Otherwise the draggable attribute makes links impossible to select */\n}\n\n.tc-sidebar-lists a.tc-tiddlylink {\n\tcolor: <<colour sidebar-tiddler-link-foreground>>;\n}\n\n.tc-sidebar-lists a.tc-tiddlylink:hover {\n\tcolor: <<colour sidebar-tiddler-link-foreground-hover>>;\n}\n\nbutton.tc-tiddlylink:hover,\na.tc-tiddlylink:hover {\n\ttext-decoration: underline;\n}\n\na.tc-tiddlylink-resolves {\n}\n\na.tc-tiddlylink-shadow {\n\tfont-weight: bold;\n}\n\na.tc-tiddlylink-shadow.tc-tiddlylink-resolves {\n\tfont-weight: normal;\n}\n\na.tc-tiddlylink-missing {\n\tfont-style: italic;\n}\n\na.tc-tiddlylink-external {\n\ttext-decoration: underline;\n\tcolor: <<colour external-link-foreground>>;\n\tbackground-color: <<colour external-link-background>>;\n}\n\na.tc-tiddlylink-external:visited {\n\tcolor: <<colour external-link-foreground-visited>>;\n\tbackground-color: <<colour external-link-background-visited>>;\n}\n\na.tc-tiddlylink-external:hover {\n\tcolor: <<colour external-link-foreground-hover>>;\n\tbackground-color: <<colour external-link-background-hover>>;\n}\n\n/*\n** Drag and drop styles\n*/\n\n.tc-tiddler-dragger {\n\tposition: relative;\n\tz-index: -10000;\n}\n\n.tc-tiddler-dragger-inner {\n\tposition: absolute;\n\ttop: -1000px;\n\tleft: -1000px;\n\tdisplay: inline-block;\n\tpadding: 8px 20px;\n\tfont-size: 16.9px;\n\tfont-weight: bold;\n\tline-height: 20px;\n\tcolor: <<colour dragger-foreground>>;\n\ttext-shadow: 0 1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 1);\n\twhite-space: nowrap;\n\tvertical-align: baseline;\n\tbackground-color: <<colour dragger-background>>;\n\tborder-radius: 20px;\n}\n\n.tc-tiddler-dragger-cover {\n\tposition: absolute;\n\tbackground-color: <<colour page-background>>;\n}\n\n.tc-dropzone {\n\tposition: relative;\n}\n\n.tc-dropzone.tc-dragover:before {\n\tz-index: 10000;\n\tdisplay: block;\n\tposition: fixed;\n\ttop: 0;\n\tleft: 0;\n\tright: 0;\n\tbackground: <<colour dropzone-background>>;\n\ttext-align: center;\n\tcontent: \"<<lingo DropMessage>>\";\n}\n\n.tc-droppable > .tc-droppable-placeholder {\n\tdisplay: none;\n}\n\n.tc-droppable.tc-dragover > .tc-droppable-placeholder {\n\tdisplay: block;\n\tborder: 2px dashed <<colour dropzone-background>>;\n}\n\n.tc-draggable {\n\tcursor: move;\n}\n\n/*\n** Plugin reload warning\n*/\n\n.tc-plugin-reload-warning {\n\tz-index: 1000;\n\tdisplay: block;\n\tposition: fixed;\n\ttop: 0;\n\tleft: 0;\n\tright: 0;\n\tbackground: <<colour alert-background>>;\n\ttext-align: center;\n}\n\n/*\n** Buttons\n*/\n\nbutton svg, button img, label svg, label img {\n\tvertical-align: middle;\n}\n\n.tc-btn-invisible {\n\tpadding: 0;\n\tmargin: 0;\n\tbackground: none;\n\tborder: none;\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n\n.tc-btn-boxed {\n\tfont-size: 0.6em;\n\tpadding: 0.2em;\n\tmargin: 1px;\n\tbackground: none;\n\tborder: 1px solid <<colour tiddler-controls-foreground>>;\n\tborder-radius: 0.25em;\n}\n\nhtml body.tc-body .tc-btn-boxed svg {\n\tfont-size: 1.6666em;\n}\n\n.tc-btn-boxed:hover {\n\tbackground: <<colour muted-foreground>>;\n\tcolor: <<colour background>>;\n}\n\nhtml body.tc-body .tc-btn-boxed:hover svg {\n\tfill: <<colour background>>;\n}\n\n.tc-btn-rounded {\n\tfont-size: 0.5em;\n\tline-height: 2;\n\tpadding: 0em 0.3em 0.2em 0.4em;\n\tmargin: 1px;\n\tborder: 1px solid <<colour muted-foreground>>;\n\tbackground: <<colour muted-foreground>>;\n\tcolor: <<colour background>>;\n\tborder-radius: 2em;\n}\n\nhtml body.tc-body .tc-btn-rounded svg {\n\tfont-size: 1.6666em;\n\tfill: <<colour background>>;\n}\n\n.tc-btn-rounded:hover {\n\tborder: 1px solid <<colour muted-foreground>>;\n\tbackground: <<colour background>>;\n\tcolor: <<colour muted-foreground>>;\n}\n\nhtml body.tc-body .tc-btn-rounded:hover svg {\n\tfill: <<colour muted-foreground>>;\n}\n\n.tc-btn-icon svg {\n\theight: 1em;\n\twidth: 1em;\n\tfill: <<colour muted-foreground>>;\n}\n\n.tc-btn-text {\n\tpadding: 0;\n\tmargin: 0;\n}\n\n.tc-btn-big-green {\n\tdisplay: inline-block;\n\tpadding: 8px;\n\tmargin: 4px 8px 4px 8px;\n\tbackground: <<colour download-background>>;\n\tcolor: <<colour download-foreground>>;\n\tfill: <<colour download-foreground>>;\n\tborder: none;\n\tfont-size: 1.2em;\n\tline-height: 1.4em;\n\ttext-decoration: none;\n}\n\n.tc-btn-big-green svg,\n.tc-btn-big-green img {\n\theight: 2em;\n\twidth: 2em;\n\tvertical-align: middle;\n\tfill: <<colour download-foreground>>;\n}\n\n.tc-sidebar-lists input {\n\tcolor: <<colour foreground>>;\n}\n\n.tc-sidebar-lists button {\n\tcolor: <<colour sidebar-button-foreground>>;\n\tfill: <<colour sidebar-button-foreground>>;\n}\n\n.tc-sidebar-lists button.tc-btn-mini {\n\tcolor: <<colour sidebar-muted-foreground>>;\n}\n\n.tc-sidebar-lists button.tc-btn-mini:hover {\n\tcolor: <<colour sidebar-muted-foreground-hover>>;\n}\n\nbutton svg.tc-image-button, button .tc-image-button img {\n\theight: 1em;\n\twidth: 1em;\n}\n\n.tc-unfold-banner {\n\tposition: absolute;\n\tpadding: 0;\n\tmargin: 0;\n\tbackground: none;\n\tborder: none;\n\twidth: 100%;\n\twidth: calc(100% + 2px);\n\tmargin-left: -43px;\n\ttext-align: center;\n\tborder-top: 2px solid <<colour tiddler-info-background>>;\n\tmargin-top: 4px;\n}\n\n.tc-unfold-banner:hover {\n\tbackground: <<colour tiddler-info-background>>;\n\tborder-top: 2px solid <<colour tiddler-info-border>>;\n}\n\n.tc-unfold-banner svg, .tc-fold-banner svg {\n\theight: 0.75em;\n\tfill: <<colour tiddler-controls-foreground>>;\n}\n\n.tc-unfold-banner:hover svg, .tc-fold-banner:hover svg {\n\tfill: <<colour tiddler-controls-foreground-hover>>;\n}\n\n.tc-fold-banner {\n\tposition: absolute;\n\tpadding: 0;\n\tmargin: 0;\n\tbackground: none;\n\tborder: none;\n\twidth: 23px;\n\ttext-align: center;\n\tmargin-left: -35px;\n\ttop: 6px;\n\tbottom: 6px;\n}\n\n.tc-fold-banner:hover {\n\tbackground: <<colour tiddler-info-background>>;\n}\n\n@media (max-width: {{$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/sidebarbreakpoint}}) {\n\n\t.tc-unfold-banner {\n\t\tposition: static;\n\t\twidth: calc(100% + 59px);\n\t}\n\n\t.tc-fold-banner {\n\t\twidth: 16px;\n\t\tmargin-left: -16px;\n\t\tfont-size: 0.75em;\n\t}\n\n}\n\n/*\n** Tags and missing tiddlers\n*/\n\n.tc-tag-list-item {\n\tposition: relative;\n\tdisplay: inline-block;\n\tmargin-right: 7px;\n}\n\n.tc-tags-wrapper {\n\tmargin: 4px 0 14px 0;\n}\n\n.tc-missing-tiddler-label {\n\tfont-style: italic;\n\tfont-weight: normal;\n\tdisplay: inline-block;\n\tfont-size: 11.844px;\n\tline-height: 14px;\n\twhite-space: nowrap;\n\tvertical-align: baseline;\n}\n\nbutton.tc-tag-label, span.tc-tag-label {\n\tdisplay: inline-block;\n\tpadding: 0.16em 0.7em;\n\tfont-size: 0.9em;\n\tfont-weight: 400;\n\tline-height: 1.2em;\n\tcolor: <<colour tag-foreground>>;\n\twhite-space: nowrap;\n\tvertical-align: baseline;\n\tbackground-color: <<colour tag-background>>;\n\tborder-radius: 1em;\n}\n\n.tc-untagged-separator {\n\twidth: 10em;\n\tleft: 0;\n\tmargin-left: 0;\n\tborder: 0;\n\theight: 1px;\n\tbackground: <<colour tab-divider>>;\n}\n\nbutton.tc-untagged-label {\n\tbackground-color: <<colour untagged-background>>;\n}\n\n.tc-tag-label svg, .tc-tag-label img {\n\theight: 1em;\n\twidth: 1em;\n\tfill: <<colour tag-foreground>>;\n\tvertical-align: text-bottom;\n}\n\n.tc-tag-manager-table .tc-tag-label {\n\twhite-space: normal;\n}\n\n.tc-tag-manager-tag {\n\twidth: 100%;\n}\n\n/*\n** Page layout\n*/\n\n.tc-topbar {\n\tposition: fixed;\n\tz-index: 1200;\n}\n\n.tc-topbar-left {\n\tleft: 29px;\n\ttop: 5px;\n}\n\n.tc-topbar-right {\n\ttop: 5px;\n\tright: 29px;\n}\n\n.tc-topbar button {\n\tpadding: 8px;\n}\n\n.tc-topbar svg {\n\tfill: <<colour muted-foreground>>;\n}\n\n.tc-topbar button:hover svg {\n\tfill: <<colour foreground>>;\n}\n\n.tc-sidebar-header {\n\tcolor: <<colour sidebar-foreground>>;\n\tfill: <<colour sidebar-foreground>>;\n}\n\n.tc-sidebar-header .tc-title a.tc-tiddlylink-resolves {\n\tfont-weight: 300;\n}\n\n.tc-sidebar-header .tc-sidebar-lists p {\n\tmargin-top: 3px;\n\tmargin-bottom: 3px;\n}\n\n.tc-sidebar-header .tc-missing-tiddler-label {\n\tcolor: <<colour sidebar-foreground>>;\n}\n\n.tc-advanced-search input {\n\twidth: 60%;\n}\n\n.tc-search a svg {\n\twidth: 1.2em;\n\theight: 1.2em;\n\tvertical-align: middle;\n}\n\n.tc-page-controls {\n\tmargin-top: 14px;\n\tfont-size: 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alert-border>>;\n\tbackground-color: <<colour alert-background>>;\n}\n\n.tc-alert-toolbar {\n\tposition: absolute;\n\ttop: 14px;\n\tright: 14px;\n}\n\n.tc-alert-toolbar svg {\n\tfill: <<colour alert-muted-foreground>>;\n}\n\n.tc-alert-subtitle {\n\tcolor: <<colour alert-muted-foreground>>;\n\tfont-weight: bold;\n}\n\n.tc-alert-highlight {\n\tcolor: <<colour alert-highlight>>;\n}\n\n@media (min-width: {{$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/sidebarbreakpoint}}) {\n\n\t.tc-static-alert {\n\t\tposition: relative;\n\t}\n\n\t.tc-static-alert-inner {\n\t\tposition: absolute;\n\t\tz-index: 100;\n\t}\n\n}\n\n.tc-static-alert-inner {\n\tpadding: 0 2px 2px 42px;\n\tcolor: <<colour static-alert-foreground>>;\n}\n\n/*\n** Control panel\n*/\n\n.tc-control-panel td {\n\tpadding: 4px;\n}\n\n.tc-control-panel table, .tc-control-panel table input, .tc-control-panel table textarea {\n\twidth: 100%;\n}\n\n.tc-plugin-info {\n\tdisplay: block;\n\tborder: 1px solid <<colour 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"text": "20px"
"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/storyleft": {
"title": "$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/storyleft",
"text": "0px"
"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/storytop": {
"title": "$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/storytop",
"text": "0px"
"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/storyright": {
"title": "$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/storyright",
"text": "770px"
"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/storywidth": {
"title": "$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/storywidth",
"text": "770px"
"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/tiddlerwidth": {
"title": "$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/tiddlerwidth",
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"text": "960px"
"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/sidebarwidth": {
"title": "$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/sidebarwidth",
"text": "350px"
"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/options/stickytitles": {
"title": "$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/options/stickytitles",
"text": "no"
"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/options/sidebarlayout": {
"title": "$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/options/sidebarlayout",
"text": "fixed-fluid"
"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/options/codewrapping": {
"title": "$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/options/codewrapping",
"text": "pre-wrap"
"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/reset": {
"title": "$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/reset",
"type": "text/plain",
"text": "/*! normalize.css v3.0.0 | MIT License | git.io/normalize */\n\n/**\n * 1. Set default font family to sans-serif.\n * 2. Prevent iOS text size adjust after orientation change, without disabling\n * user zoom.\n */\n\nhtml {\n font-family: sans-serif; /* 1 */\n -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%; /* 2 */\n -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; /* 2 */\n}\n\n/**\n * Remove default margin.\n */\n\nbody {\n margin: 0;\n}\n\n/* HTML5 display definitions\n ========================================================================== */\n\n/**\n * Correct `block` display not defined in IE 8/9.\n */\n\narticle,\naside,\ndetails,\nfigcaption,\nfigure,\nfooter,\nheader,\nhgroup,\nmain,\nnav,\nsection,\nsummary {\n display: block;\n}\n\n/**\n * 1. Correct `inline-block` display not defined in IE 8/9.\n * 2. Normalize vertical alignment of `progress` in Chrome, Firefox, and Opera.\n */\n\naudio,\ncanvas,\nprogress,\nvideo {\n display: inline-block; /* 1 */\n vertical-align: baseline; /* 2 */\n}\n\n/**\n * Prevent modern browsers from displaying `audio` without controls.\n * Remove excess height in iOS 5 devices.\n */\n\naudio:not([controls]) {\n display: none;\n height: 0;\n}\n\n/**\n * Address `[hidden]` styling not present in IE 8/9.\n * Hide the `template` element in IE, Safari, and Firefox < 22.\n */\n\n[hidden],\ntemplate {\n display: none;\n}\n\n/* Links\n ========================================================================== */\n\n/**\n * Remove the gray background color from active links in IE 10.\n */\n\na {\n background: transparent;\n}\n\n/**\n * Improve readability when focused and also mouse hovered in all browsers.\n */\n\na:active,\na:hover {\n outline: 0;\n}\n\n/* Text-level semantics\n ========================================================================== */\n\n/**\n * Address styling not present in IE 8/9, Safari 5, and Chrome.\n */\n\nabbr[title] {\n border-bottom: 1px dotted;\n}\n\n/**\n * Address style set to `bolder` in Firefox 4+, Safari 5, and Chrome.\n */\n\nb,\nstrong {\n font-weight: bold;\n}\n\n/**\n * Address styling not present in Safari 5 and Chrome.\n */\n\ndfn {\n font-style: italic;\n}\n\n/**\n * Address variable `h1` font-size and margin within `section` and `article`\n * contexts in Firefox 4+, Safari 5, and Chrome.\n */\n\nh1 {\n font-size: 2em;\n margin: 0.67em 0;\n}\n\n/**\n * Address styling not present in IE 8/9.\n */\n\nmark {\n background: #ff0;\n color: #000;\n}\n\n/**\n * Address inconsistent and variable font size in all browsers.\n */\n\nsmall {\n font-size: 80%;\n}\n\n/**\n * Prevent `sub` and `sup` affecting `line-height` in all browsers.\n */\n\nsub,\nsup {\n font-size: 75%;\n line-height: 0;\n position: relative;\n vertical-align: baseline;\n}\n\nsup {\n top: -0.5em;\n}\n\nsub {\n bottom: -0.25em;\n}\n\n/* Embedded content\n ========================================================================== */\n\n/**\n * Remove border when inside `a` element in IE 8/9.\n */\n\nimg {\n border: 0;\n}\n\n/**\n * Correct overflow displayed oddly in IE 9.\n */\n\nsvg:not(:root) {\n overflow: hidden;\n}\n\n/* Grouping content\n ========================================================================== */\n\n/**\n * Address margin not present in IE 8/9 and Safari 5.\n */\n\nfigure {\n margin: 1em 40px;\n}\n\n/**\n * Address differences between Firefox and other browsers.\n */\n\nhr {\n -moz-box-sizing: content-box;\n box-sizing: content-box;\n height: 0;\n}\n\n/**\n * Contain overflow in all browsers.\n */\n\npre {\n overflow: auto;\n}\n\n/**\n * Address odd `em`-unit font size rendering in all browsers.\n */\n\ncode,\nkbd,\npre,\nsamp {\n font-family: monospace, monospace;\n font-size: 1em;\n}\n\n/* Forms\n ========================================================================== */\n\n/**\n * Known limitation: by default, Chrome and Safari on OS X allow very limited\n * styling of `select`, unless a `border` property is set.\n */\n\n/**\n * 1. Correct color not being inherited.\n * Known issue: affects color of disabled elements.\n * 2. Correct font properties not being inherited.\n * 3. Address margins set differently in Firefox 4+, Safari 5, and Chrome.\n */\n\nbutton,\ninput,\noptgroup,\nselect,\ntextarea {\n color: inherit; /* 1 */\n font: inherit; /* 2 */\n margin: 0; /* 3 */\n}\n\n/**\n * Address `overflow` set to `hidden` in IE 8/9/10.\n */\n\nbutton {\n overflow: visible;\n}\n\n/**\n * Address inconsistent `text-transform` inheritance for `button` and `select`.\n * All other form control elements do not inherit `text-transform` values.\n * Correct `button` style inheritance in Firefox, IE 8+, and Opera\n * Correct `select` style inheritance in Firefox.\n */\n\nbutton,\nselect {\n text-transform: none;\n}\n\n/**\n * 1. Avoid the WebKit bug in Android 4.0.* where (2) destroys native `audio`\n * and `video` controls.\n * 2. Correct inability to style clickable `input` types in iOS.\n * 3. Improve usability and consistency of cursor style between image-type\n * `input` and others.\n */\n\nbutton,\nhtml input[type=\"button\"], /* 1 */\ninput[type=\"reset\"],\ninput[type=\"submit\"] {\n -webkit-appearance: button; /* 2 */\n cursor: pointer; /* 3 */\n}\n\n/**\n * Re-set default cursor for disabled elements.\n */\n\nbutton[disabled],\nhtml input[disabled] {\n cursor: default;\n}\n\n/**\n * Remove inner padding and border in Firefox 4+.\n */\n\nbutton::-moz-focus-inner,\ninput::-moz-focus-inner {\n border: 0;\n padding: 0;\n}\n\n/**\n * Address Firefox 4+ setting `line-height` on `input` using `!important` in\n * the UA stylesheet.\n */\n\ninput {\n line-height: normal;\n}\n\n/**\n * It's recommended that you don't attempt to style these elements.\n * Firefox's implementation doesn't respect box-sizing, padding, or width.\n *\n * 1. Address box sizing set to `content-box` in IE 8/9/10.\n * 2. Remove excess padding in IE 8/9/10.\n */\n\ninput[type=\"checkbox\"],\ninput[type=\"radio\"] {\n box-sizing: border-box; /* 1 */\n padding: 0; /* 2 */\n}\n\n/**\n * Fix the cursor style for Chrome's increment/decrement buttons. For certain\n * `font-size` values of the `input`, it causes the cursor style of the\n * decrement button to change from `default` to `text`.\n */\n\ninput[type=\"number\"]::-webkit-inner-spin-button,\ninput[type=\"number\"]::-webkit-outer-spin-button {\n height: auto;\n}\n\n/**\n * 1. Address `appearance` set to `searchfield` in Safari 5 and Chrome.\n * 2. Address `box-sizing` set to `border-box` in Safari 5 and Chrome\n * (include `-moz` to future-proof).\n */\n\ninput[type=\"search\"] {\n -webkit-appearance: textfield; /* 1 */\n -moz-box-sizing: content-box;\n -webkit-box-sizing: content-box; /* 2 */\n box-sizing: content-box;\n}\n\n/**\n * Remove inner padding and search cancel button in Safari and Chrome on OS X.\n * Safari (but not Chrome) clips the cancel button when the search input has\n * padding (and `textfield` appearance).\n */\n\ninput[type=\"search\"]::-webkit-search-cancel-button,\ninput[type=\"search\"]::-webkit-search-decoration {\n -webkit-appearance: none;\n}\n\n/**\n * Define consistent border, margin, and padding.\n */\n\nfieldset {\n border: 1px solid #c0c0c0;\n margin: 0 2px;\n padding: 0.35em 0.625em 0.75em;\n}\n\n/**\n * 1. Correct `color` not being inherited in IE 8/9.\n * 2. Remove padding so people aren't caught out if they zero out fieldsets.\n */\n\nlegend {\n border: 0; /* 1 */\n padding: 0; /* 2 */\n}\n\n/**\n * Remove default vertical scrollbar in IE 8/9.\n */\n\ntextarea {\n overflow: auto;\n}\n\n/**\n * Don't inherit the `font-weight` (applied by a rule above).\n * NOTE: the default cannot safely be changed in Chrome and Safari on OS X.\n */\n\noptgroup {\n font-weight: bold;\n}\n\n/* Tables\n ========================================================================== */\n\n/**\n * Remove most spacing between table cells.\n */\n\ntable {\n border-collapse: collapse;\n border-spacing: 0;\n}\n\ntd,\nth {\n padding: 0;\n}\n"
"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/settings/fontfamily": {
"title": "$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/settings/fontfamily",
"text": "\"Helvetica Neue\", Helvetica, Arial, \"Lucida Grande\", \"DejaVu Sans\", sans-serif"
"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/settings/codefontfamily": {
"title": "$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/settings/codefontfamily",
"text": "Monaco, Consolas, \"Lucida Console\", \"DejaVu Sans Mono\", monospace"
"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/settings/backgroundimageattachment": {
"title": "$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/settings/backgroundimageattachment",
"text": "fixed"
"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/settings/backgroundimagesize": {
"title": "$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/settings/backgroundimagesize",
"text": "auto"
"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/sticky": {
"title": "$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/sticky",
"text": "<$reveal state=\"$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/options/stickytitles\" type=\"match\" text=\"yes\">\n``\n.tc-tiddler-title {\n\tposition: -webkit-sticky;\n\tposition: -moz-sticky;\n\tposition: -o-sticky;\n\tposition: -ms-sticky;\n\tposition: sticky;\n\ttop: 0px;\n\tbackground: ``<<colour tiddler-background>>``;\n\tz-index: 500;\n}\n``\n</$reveal>\n"
''Dynalist'' - https://dynalist.io/
''TiddlyWiki'' - http://tiddlywiki.com
The point here is that, as a tool for distinguishing between rival theories, Occam’s razor is only relevant if the two theories predict identical results but one is simpler than the other—which is to say, it makes fewer assumptions. This is a situation rarely if ever encountered in science. Much more often, theories are distinguished not by making fewer assumptions but different ones. It’s then not obvious how to weigh them up.
@@.source http://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2016/08/occams-razor/495332/@@
Even today, whether or not the “God hypothesis” simplifies matters remains contentious. The fact that our universe sports physical constants, such as the strength of fundamental forces, that seem oddly fine-tuned to enable life to exist, is one of the most profound puzzles in cosmology. An increasingly popular answer among cosmologists is to suggest that ours is just one of a vast, perhaps infinite, number of universes with different constants, and ours looks fine-tuned purely because we’re here to see it. There are theories that lend some credence to this view, but it rather lacks the economy demanded by Occam’s razor, and it is hardly surprising if some people decide that a single divine creation, with life as part of the plan, is more parsimonious.
@@.source http://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2016/08/occams-razor/495332/@@
What’s more, scientific models that differ in their assumptions typically make slightly different predictions, too. It is these predictions, not criteria of “simplicity,” that are of greatest use for evaluating rival theories. The judgement may then depend on where you look: Different theories may have predictive strengths in different areas.
@@.source http://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2016/08/occams-razor/495332/@@
Occam’s razor was never meant for paring nature down to some beautiful, parsimonious core of truth. Because science is so difficult and messy, the allure of a philosophical tool for clearing a path or pruning the thickets is obvious. In their readiness to find spurious applications of Occam’s razor in the history of science, or to enlist, dismiss, or reshape the razor at will to shore up their preferences, scientists reveal their seduction by this vision.
But they should resist it. The value of keeping assumptions to a minimum is cognitive, not ontological: It helps you to think. A theory is not “better” if it is simpler—but it might well be more useful, and that counts for much more.
@@.source http://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2016/08/occams-razor/495332/@@
\define lingo-base() $:/language/Search/
<$linkcatcher to="$:/temp/advancedsearch">
<<lingo Standard/Hint>>
<div class="tw-search"><$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/advancedsearch" type="search" tag="input"/><$reveal state="$:/temp/advancedsearch" type="nomatch" text=""> <$link to="" class="btn-invisible">{{$:/core/images/close-button}}</$link></$reveal></div>
<$reveal state="$:/temp/advancedsearch" type="nomatch" text="">
<div class="tw-search-results">
<<lingo Standard/Matches>>
<$list filter="[!is[system]search{$:/temp/advancedsearch}sort[title]limit[250]]">
<$context term={{$:/temp/advancedsearch}}/>
<$reveal state="$:/temp/advancedsearch" type="match" text="">
/* The "note-is-tagged" macro and its buttons are defined in the tiddler: stylesheet-toggle-macros */
/* If this tiddler is tagged: $:/tags/Stylesheet, it will be activated */
<<note-is-tagged Note>> .tc-tiddler-title,
<<note-is-tagged Note>> .tc-subtitle {
display: none;
.tc-tiddler-frame {
border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;
\define lingo-base() $:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/
Welcome to ~TiddlyWiki and the ~TiddlyWiki community
Before you start storing important information in ~TiddlyWiki it is important to make sure that you can reliably save changes. See http://tiddlywiki.com/#GettingStarted for details
!! Set up this ~TiddlyWiki
<div class="tc-control-panel">
|<$link to="$:/SiteTitle"><<lingo Title/Prompt>></$link> |<$edit-text tiddler="$:/SiteTitle" default="" tag="input"/> |
|<$link to="$:/SiteSubtitle"><<lingo Subtitle/Prompt>></$link> |<$edit-text tiddler="$:/SiteSubtitle" default="" tag="input"/> |
|<$link to="$:/DefaultTiddlers"><<lingo DefaultTiddlers/Prompt>></$link> |<<lingo DefaultTiddlers/TopHint>><br> <$edit tag="textarea" tiddler="$:/DefaultTiddlers"/><br>//<<lingo DefaultTiddlers/BottomHint>>// |
See the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] for more options.
\define lingo-base() $:/language/CloseAll/
<$button message="tm-close-all-tiddlers" class="tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-mini"><<lingo Button>></$button> / {{stylesheet-toggle-macros}}
"[!is[system]!tag[backgroundstuff]!tag[$:/tags/Stylesheet]tags[]sort[title]] -[[Note]]"
\define add-tag-prefix(a)
\define note-is-tagged(a)
<$macrocall $name="add-tag-prefix" $output="text/plain" a=$a$ >
\define hide-note-title-button(stylesheet text:"text" )
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-mini">
<$action-setfield $tiddler=$stylesheet$ tags="$:/tags/Stylesheet"/>
\define show-note-title-button(stylesheet text:"full" )
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-mini">
<$action-setfield $tiddler=$stylesheet$ tags=""/>
<<hide-note-title-button stylesheet:"disable-title-subtitle-stylesheet">> / <<show-note-title-button stylesheet:"disable-title-subtitle-stylesheet">>
TidBursts is a tool I created for myself, for quickly generating notes and tagging them, and then quickly retrieving, viewing and printing only the contents of notes tagged with a given tag. But if you find it helpful, feel free to use it.
!!Downloading TidBursts
#Just click the {{$:/core/images/save-button}} button in the sidebar to download Tidbursts. This button then acts as a 'save changes' button in your local file of TidBursts. Download as many copies as you like.
!!Creating notes
#You can create text notes, notes that display images from a file location or web URL), or notes with built in sketch pads.
#*For ''text notes'', click the {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button and type away.
#*For ''image notes'' (that display images from websites), click {{$:/core/images/new-image-button}}, and paste the link between the brackets.
#*For ''sketches'', click the {{$:/core/images/palette}} button, and draw away.
#Tag the note with relevant topics, and close. No need to add a note title unless you want to.
!!Retrieving notes
#There are three ways to do searches for notes:
##The regular search window above the tabs.
##The search tab, which displays results from the context of the notes
##In the HQ tab there is a filterable list of tags. Type in the filter box to narrow your search for existing tags.
#You can also consult the 'Open', 'Recent' and 'More' tabs for lists of tiddlers.
!!Viewing notes
#Click on any link to open and view a note.
#To view all the notes tagged with a certain tag, click on the tag button (from within the HQ tab, for example)
##''Click 'Open all'''. This opens all the notes tagged with that tag.
##''Then click the tag name'' at the top of the dropdown.
##*If the tag name (topic) tiddler doesn't exist, just edit the tiddler to create it.
##**(You can also use the {{$:/core/images/menu-button}} button to do this, which lets you adjust the color of the tag button. See below.)
##''Toggle between 'text' and 'full''' at the top of the HQ tab to hide or show the titles of the notes.
#You now have a list of notes on that topic! Or a gallery of images and sketches. Or a combination of the two.
#Click 'close all' (at the top of the HQ tab) when done.
*You can ''change the color'' of the tag buttons. Edit the tag name tiddler and change the color in the color field. If it doesn't have a color field, type the word 'color' (without the quotes) in the field name field, and click add.
*You can ''replace the name of a tag'' with another name, and change that tag in all the tiddlers so tagged, [[here|$:/.tb/wizards/replace-tag]].
*Use Tidbursts to randomly collect notes, quotes, thoughts, images, sketches, etc, and quickly organize them by topic by adding tags.
*Use TidBursts to bookmark websites.
*Use TidBursts to print all your notes (or images, sketches, etc) on a given topic as a pdf.
*Use the 'export all' option in a tiddler dropdown menu to export your notes and images on a given topic and create a static html webpage you can upload and share (see [[here|http://tiddlywiki.com/#How%20to%20export%20tiddlers]]).
*See http://tiddlywiki.com for many more instructions on using TiddlyWiki, the app that TidBursts is built on.
*Consult the [[TiddlyWiki Google Group|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/tiddlywiki]] for even more help.
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/plugins/inmysocks/TiddlerSchools/action-import-school.js' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
bob text
title:New Tiddler
bob text
title:New Tiddler 1
Some text for new tiddler 1
something else
\define thisCreateTiddlerBundle()
<$action-setfield $tiddler={{$:/state/Export Bundle!!bundle_name}} text=<<BundleText>> list=<<TiddlerList>> tags='[[Tiddler Bundle]]'/>
\define thisSkipField()
<$list filter='[<SingleTiddler>fields[]sort[]after<FieldName>]' variable='FieldName' emptyMessage=<<thisAddTextField>>>
<$list filter='[<SingleTiddler>get<FieldName>]' variable='FieldValue'>
\define thisNextTiddler()
<$list filter="""$(BundleFilter)$ +[sort[]]+[after<SingleTiddler>]""" variable='SingleTiddler' emptyMessage=<<thisCreateTiddlerBundle>>>
<$list filter='[<SingleTiddler>fields[]sort[]first[]]' variable='FieldName'>
<$list filter='[<SingleTiddler>get<FieldName>]' variable='FieldValue'>
\define thisNoTiddlerText(BundleText)
<$macrocall $name='thisInnerAddTextField' BundleText=<<BundleText>> TiddlerText=''/>
\define thisInnerAddTextField(BundleText TiddlerText)
<$list filter='[<BundleText>addsuffix[
]]' variable='BundleText'>
\define thisAddTextField()
<$list filter='[<SingleTiddler>get[text]]' variable='TiddlerText' emptyMessage=<<thisNoTiddlerText>>>
<$macrocall $name='thisInnerAddTextField' BundleText=<<BundleText>> TiddlerText=<<TiddlerText>>/>
\define thisInnerBundleText()
<$list filter='[<SingleTiddler>fields[]sort[]after<FieldName>]' variable='FieldName' emptyMessage=<<thisAddTextField>>>
<$list filter='[<SingleTiddler>get<FieldName>]' variable='FieldValue' emptyMessage=<<thisSkipField>>>
\define thisInnerAddFieldToText(BundleText FieldName FieldValue)
<$list filter='[<BundleText>addsuffix<FieldName>addsuffix[:]addsuffix<FieldValue>addsuffix[
]]' variable='BundleText'>
\define thisAddFieldToText()
<$list filter='[<FieldName>!prefix[text]!suffix[text]]' emptyMessage=<<thisInnerBundleText>>>
<$macrocall $name='thisInnerAddFieldToText' BundleText=<<BundleText>> FieldName=<<FieldName>> FieldValue=<<FieldValue>>/>
\define thisInitialize()
<$list filter="""$(BundleFilter)$ +[sort[]]+[first[]]""" variable='SingleTiddler'>
<$list filter='[<SingleTiddler>fields[]sort[]first[]]' variable='FieldName'>
<$list filter='[<SingleTiddler>get<FieldName>]' variable='FieldValue'>
Filter: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/Export Bundle' field='filter' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
Bundle tiddler name: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/Export Bundle' field='bundle_name' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/Export Bundle!!show_tiddler_list' text='show'>
<$button set='$:/state/Export Bundle!!show_tiddler_list' setTo='show'>Show Tiddler List</$button>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Export Bundle!!show_tiddler_list' text='show'>
<$button set='$:/state/Export Bundle!!show_tiddler_list' setTo='hide'>Hide Tiddler List</$button>
<$list filter={{$:/state/Export Bundle!!filter}}>
<$button>Create Bundle
<$set name='TiddlerList' filter={{$:/state/Export Bundle!!filter}}>
<$set name='TiddlerDivisionString' value='thisisthetiddlerdivisionstringwhywouldyouevenhavethisinyourtiddlerseriouslywhythisisjustridiculuous'>
<$set name='BundleTiddler' value={{$:/state/Export Bundle!!bundle_name}}>
<$set name='BundleText' value=' '>
<$set name='BundleFilter' filter={{$:/state/Export Bundle!!filter}}>
After creating the bundle,
<$link to={{$:/state/Export Bundle!!bundle_name}}>use this link to import it into your wiki</$link>
Import a bundle:
Select Bundle: <$select tiddler='$:/state/Tiddler Bundles' field='selected_import'>
<option value=''>--</option>
<$list filter='[tag[Tiddler Bundle]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/Export Bundle!!show_import_tiddler_list' text='show'>
<$button set='$:/state/Export Bundle!!show_import_tiddler_list' setTo='show'>Show Tiddler Import List</$button>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Export Bundle!!show_import_tiddler_list' text='show'>
<$button set='$:/state/Export Bundle!!show_import_tiddler_list' setTo='hide'>Hide Tiddler Import List</$button>
<$list filter='[list{$:/state/Tiddler Bundles!!selected_import}]'>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/state/Tiddler Bundles' field='overwrite' checked=true unchecked=false>Overwrite Existing Tiddlers</$checkbox>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/Tiddler Bundles!!selected_import' text=''>
<$button>Import <$view tiddler='$:/state/Tiddler Bundles' field='selected_import'/>
<$action-import-bundle $bundle={{$:/state/Tiddler Bundles!!selected_import}} $overwrite={{$:/state/Tiddler Bundles!!overwrite}}/>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Tiddler Bundles!!selected_import' text=''>
Select a bundle to import
title:A Gentle Guide to TiddlyWiki
TiddlyWiki is an incredibly flexible and versatile tool that is conceived and constructed differently than most software. This can make it hard to understand until the moment when it clicks, and becomes a seamless extension of your brain.
Starting with the basics, TiddlyWiki is a note-taking web application you can download for free, store wherever you like and customise however you wish. Use it to capture, organise and share your notes in ways that word processors and other note-taking tools cannot.
~TiddlyWiki is designed to be non-linear, structuring content with stories, tags, hyperlinks, and other features. You can organise and retrieve your notes in ways that conform to your personal thought patterns, rather than feel chained to one preset organisational structure.
You can use ~TiddlyWiki as a single file that you view and edit through any web browser, whether you are online or offline. Or you can use it as a powerful [[Node.js application|TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] that stores each of your notes as a separate file.
How can you make ~TiddlyWiki work for you? We recommend you start with our introductory documentation listed below, and then browse the TableOfContents, available in the Contents tab in the sidebar. Or just [[follow our simple instructions|GettingStarted]] and try it out for yourself!
<<list-links "[tag[HelloThere]]">>
Also see [[TiddlyWiki Video Tutorials by Francis Meetze]]
title:Discover TiddlyWiki
You've never seen //anything// like ~TiddlyWiki. ~TiddlyWiki is:
:: a tool,
:: a toolbox,
:: a community,
:: and a philosophy.
! ~TiddlyWiki is a Tool
''~TiddlyWiki is first and foremost a tool:'' it is a free downloadable tool for capturing and organising content from the web, from your documents or from your brain. It is a tool for note-taking, bookmarking, pinning, writing, managing to-do lists and projects, collaborating, blogging, and publishing.
In ~TiddlyWiki you create or paste content into notes called tiddlers, then connect your tiddlers with hyperlinks and tags. You can then quickly retrieve your notes through features such as tag pills, sidebar tabs, and ~TiddlyWiki's lightning fast search window. You can even dynamically include one tiddler's content inside another - similar to using building blocks - to create articles, lists, presentations and more.
! ~TiddlyWiki is a Toolbox
In addition to being a versatile tool, ''~TiddlyWiki is also a toolbox.''
Where other note-taking products hook you with the basic program then charge you for the really helpful features, ~TiddlyWiki has an ever-expanding collection of completely free visual themes, colour palettes, plugins, widgets and macros, which you can then mix and match so that you can tweak and tailor your ~TiddlyWiki to get it just the way you want it.
! ~TiddlyWiki is also a Community
We are a [[community|Community]] of users and developers who help each other imagine new ways of thinking and organising and create new solutions, so that ~TiddlyWiki is continually adapting to better serve your needs. ~TiddlyWiki users and developers share questions and advice at a ~TiddlyWiki Google group. They also create tutorials, adaptations, and plugins to enhance your ~TiddlyWiki experience. See the section ''Community'' of the TableOfContents for more details.
! Finally, ~TiddlyWiki is a philosophy
The purpose of taking and organising a note (or recording any kind of content) is to be able to retrieve it later. If you can't find your notes in your note-taking system, your note-taking becomes a colossal waste of time.
The [[TiddlyWiki philosophy|Philosophy of Tiddlers]] is that the best way to take notes is to separate them into tiddlers, the smallest semantic units possible. A tiddler might be an image, a webpage link, a concept, the definition of a term, or a specific customisation such as a macro.
These tiddlers can then be woven together to create longer units: stories, articles, lists, image galleries, and much more. ~TiddlyWiki's features such as tagging, hyperlinking, and filters are specially designed to help you relate and connect tiddlers together in multiple ways, facilitating your future retrieval of your notes and even helping you see unexpected relationships among your tiddlers and the information they contain.
tags:HelloThere Community
This collection showcases inspiring and interesting examples of TiddlyWiki being used in the wild.
Submit new entries to this collection via GitHub, Twitter or by posting in the [[TiddlyWiki Groups|Forums]].
<div class="tc-link-info">
<$list filter="[tag[Examples]!sort[modified]]">
<div class="tc-link-info-item">
! <$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
<div class="tc-subtitle">Posted <$view field="modified" format="relativedate"/></div>
title:Some of the things you can do with TiddlyWiki
* Take notes, and use tags and hyperlinking to form relationships between your notes
* Use tabs, tables, tag-based lists, and tables of contents to get organised
* Bookmark your favorite websites (see an example at http://giffmex.org/experiments/tidmarks.html)
* Keep track of tasks and appointments, and organise them by multiple tags (see our TaskManagementExample)
* Inventory just about anything: your recipes, personal library, contacts, music collection, and more
* Create a blog or website
* Write a book
* Organise your images into galleries (see our [[ImageGallery Example]])
* Share the information in your ~TiddlyWiki with others, as an online file, as a file attachment, as a tiddler file, or as a link to a specific online tiddler (try clicking and dragging a tiddler from one ~TiddlyWiki file to another to see what happens)
* Draw a sketch (Edit [[Motovun Jack.jpg]] and start drawing over the image to see what happens)
* Use familiar web user interface elements such as lightboxes - see SampleWizard
* Create a slideshow presentation
* Set up an entire local or online knowledgebase, with a central ~TiddlyWiki file linking to other ~TiddlyWiki files (http://recursos.giffmex.org is a Spanish online example of this)
* Set up a data visualisation using tiddlers as data (see the visualisations at http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/d3/index.html)
title:Ten reasons to switch to TiddlyWiki
# With ~TiddlyWiki you can organise your notes your way, not their way. Your notes conform to your way of thinking rather than being forced into a hierarchical straightjacket of notebooks and tabs
# ~TiddlyWiki's nonlinear approach will actually make you think about your information in new and helpful ways
# Finding your notes in ~TiddlyWiki is lightning fast
# There are many ways to customise and adapt every aspect of ~TiddlyWiki
# ~TiddlyWiki is free and is compatible with all platforms. Any web browser will open it. You don't need to purchase an expensive program or pay a subscription fee to use it
# ~TiddlyWiki files promote the free sharing of information. There are many ways you can share your information from ~TiddlyWiki
# With ~TiddlyWiki, your information is yours, and you store it where you want to - on your device, on a USB stick, in Dropbox, on your server
# ~TiddlyWiki features an ever-growing number of plugins, themes, widgets, and languages
# The online ~TiddlyWiki community is friendly and will do their best to give you the help you need
# If you are a programmer, you have even more ways to play with ~TiddlyWiki. With ~TiddlyWiki, the more you know, the more fun you can have with it
title:What happened to the original TiddlyWiki?
<a class="tc-float-right tc-bordered-image" href="http://classic.tiddlywiki.com/" target="_blank">[img width="200" [TiddlyWiki Classic.png]]</a>
The original [[Classic|TiddlyWikiClassic]] version of TiddlyWiki is still available at:
Note that the [[current version|TiddlyWiki5]] of TiddlyWiki is not fully backwards compatible with TiddlyWikiClassic. Content can be imported but will need massaging to adapt to the new WikiText format. A ''tw2parser'' plugin is under development that will allow faithful display of most content created for TiddlyWikiClassic:
This is a demo of tiddler bundles.
Tiddler bundles are a way to import many tiddlers from one wiki into another in a single action. They are sort of like temporary plugins but they are only used to import tiddlers with as little effort as possible.
__How it works__
There are two parts, bundle creation and unpacking.
You enter a filter in the tiddler [[Tiddler Bundles]] and give the bundle tiddler a name, then click `Create School`.
This will create a tiddler with the name you gave that contains all the information required to build each tiddler returned by the filter entered. You then import that tiddler into another wiki and use the [[action-import-bundle|$:/plugins/inmysocks/TiddlerBundles/action-import-bundle.js]] to unpack the bundle into normal tiddlers.
You can create a tiddler bundle from any wiki you import the tiddler [[Tiddler Bundles]] into, you can only import the bundle into a tiddler that has the [[action-import-bundle widget|$:/plugins/inmysocks/TiddlerBundles/action-import-bundle.js]]. This means that you can create bundles on any wiki and then import the bundle into your own wiki. This may be useful for getting things from demo and reference wikis.
__How it is different from plugins__
# It is faster to make a bundle (although the Tinka plugin makes plugin creation very simple)
# There aren't any shadow tiddlers or version checking
# The resulting imported tiddlers are normal tiddlers, if you delete them they are gone.
__What should be added__
A way to selectively import tiddlers from a tiddler bundle. I am not sure how difficult this will be to implement.
I would like to use the same widget to let you import other file types, like csv files. I don't want to get into anything that requires complex parsing rules yet, but importing from other file types should be able to use the same framework as in the widget.
Possibly other things, I am open to suggestions.
There are some tiddler bundles here as demos:
TiddlersTaggedHelloThere - the tiddlers tagged with HelloThere from tiddlywiki.com
A thesis notebook based on TiddlyWiki.
This is an example of a thesis notebook powered by TiddlyWiki 5.0.8-beta.
TiddlyWiki is a great piece of software created by Jeremy Ruston. It allows you, among other things, to take notes, organize ideas, store information, and display all your stuff the way you want. It is an incredibly flexible tool you can adapt to fit almost all your needs.
This TiddlyWiki has been customized to serve as a philosophy notebook centered around authors, books and papers, concepts and theories, and personal notes. I use it along with Zotero, which is a dedicated bibliography software. Both are free, open source projects. TiddlyWiki can be downloaded at http://tiddlywiki.com.
buggyj has created several useful plugins, including a WYSIWYG HTML editor, a configurable calendar and tag lists with draggable ordering.
A collection of customisations and macros from Danielo Rodriguez.
This is my personal tiddlywiki file for testing.
Here I will post the tools and Macros that I develop for this awesome tool. That way, all the help the comunity gave me can came back to the comunity again.
An adaptor to enable TiddlyWiki to sync changes with a [[CouchDB|http://couchdb.apache.org]] database.
CouchDB sync adaptor for TiddlyWiki 5. Requires TiddlyWiki >= 5.1.2.
Works in limited testing. Not sure how well it handles conflicts.
A guide to creating a baby journal with TiddlyWiki.
Keeping a journal about your baby is fun. It allows you to keep track of those events in your baby's life and development that are most important to you, and to tell them in your own words. [...]
There are plenty of online services that can help to keep such a diary, but you need to have an internet connection to access them, and you have to trust them to keep your data safe.
A collection of hints and tips from Jim Lehmer, published as a static blog generated by TiddlyWiki.
There is a decent write-up on generating static pages using Tiddlywiki on the main TW site. However, there are a few nuances not mentioned on that page, so here are a few of my notes on how I generate the pages for this site.
An adaptation of the [[TiddlyWiki powered GTD® system formerly known as MonkeyGTD|http://mgsd.tiddlyspot.com/]] for TiddlyWiki version 5.
GSD5 is a Getting-Thing-Done tool for TiddlyWiki5 based off the mGSD classic TiddlyWiki.
A guide in Russian to creating an online shop with TiddlyWiki. No serverside code is needed, instead orders are handled by Disqus.
An extensive collection of hints and tips from Jed Carty.
I made this so that some of my friends with absolutely no coding experience could use some of the better features of TW5 without having to learn much. I am hopefully going to continue updating it as I learn new things. There isn't really anything here that isn't available in plenty of other places, but I figured that since I spent a while putting it together and people keep saying that TW needs more documentation I would post it here.
A step by step guide to running TiddlyWiki on a ~CentOS Virtual Private Server.
In this tutorial we will guide you through the steps of installing and running TiddlyWiki on a ~CentOS 6 VPS.
We will also install and configure Nginx as a reverse proxy, so you can run TiddlyWiki behind Nginx.
A Spanish guide to using TiddlyWiki on Android.
Tiddlywiki software is prodigious based on javascript which is capable of holding a notepad that can be edited with Internet Explorer or function as a full blog, contained in a single file.
//Translation by Google Translate//
A quick guide to using TiddlyWiki (written in German)
Those using multiple different computer platforms (if only PC and Android) knows for certain: You would like to sync notes across computers and thereby be independent of any apps or services. I am concerned at any rate so and so I am constantly looking for the perfect solution.
With TiddlyWiki I found it mostly. As the name suggests, it TiddlyWiki is a Wikisystem. In contrast to all other wikis, TiddlyWiki is a single HTML file that runs in the browser and thus can be used on all modern operating systems. And because there is only one file, it can be very easily via the well-known cloud services (Dropbox, Google Drive, ownCloud) or synchronized with FTP or used on a USB stick.
(Translation from German by Google Translate)
A fast Forth interpreter for the [[Commodore PET|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commodore_PET]], written in 6502 assembly language. The TiddlyWiki containing program documentation is automatically generated from the source code: see https://github.com/chitselb/pettil.
Objectives of the project are, in no particular order:
* make a Forth that runs on my Commodore PET 2001
* have fun
* improve my "6502 assembly golf" skills
* find other people who are interested in this project
A gamers guide to using TiddlyWiki.
I’ve been using TiddlyWiki for this game mainly to record the monsters’ locations and the items that they drop. This is so that when I need a certain item to upgrade/create weapons, I can quickly look it up; which monsters drop it and which quests have those monsters.
As I play the game, as I encounter new information, I just input them into my Shining Ark TiddlyWiki. It’s like I’m building a wiki from scratch. The reason why I don’t just use online wikis is that 1) it’s too easy to get spoiled and 2) sometimes online wikis provide too much information (who cares about the non-gameplay related descriptions that can be found in the game, etc).
A collection of tips from Tobias Beer
A collection of references and sandbox for testing concepts around TiddlyWiki 5...
Reaction to TiddlyWiki5 from the translator of the German edition of TiddlyWikiClassic.
There is little software that can still inspire me so even after years, as on the first day. This includes TiddlyWiki, the "pocket-wiki". The latter is because the Wiki completely fits into an HTML file, and this HTML file brings everything - JavaScript program logic, CSS appearance and the entire Wiki content as stored records. So a TiddlyWiki file is then sometimes happy times some megabytes in size, but just has the unbeatable advantage that it works just as fast file created locally in a variety of browsers.
(Translation from German by Google Translate)
An early release of an edition of TiddlyWiki customised for rigorous, academic notetaking.
TiddlyWiki for Scholars is a personal customization of TiddlyWiki 5.0.13-beta I made for note-taking from readings, but it can be useful for other purposes. The idea behind this adaptation is to show and to allow creating relevant data related to the current tiddler without leaving the tiddler.
A collection of tips and guides in French, introduced by this blog post:
Ce guide de prise en main de TiddlyWiki vous permettra de débuter sur ce logiciel : rédiger du texte avec la syntaxe wiki, insérer des images, créer des Tiddler, faire une recherche, ajouter des fonctionnalités, et bien d'autres choses.. Bonne lecture ! Sylvain
Notes and tips by a developer working on writing TiddlyWiki plugins -- including [[TWExe|https://github.com/welford/twexe]], a widget for running Windows scripts and executables.
A collection of articles covering integration with Fargo, Font Awesome and Google Calendar, and tips for managing task lists.
I have become a regular user of TiddlyWiki and have become so accustomed to using Font Awesome icons in Fargo that I wanted to incorporate the icons into my wikis as well.
A translation of the tiddlywiki.com documentation from Bram Chen, TiddlyWiki's Chinese translator.
Dutch blog post about TiddlyWiki
I'm allergic to websites that are highly dependent on JavaScript. I think that JavaScript has many useful applications to add functionality to a site, but content needs to be visible if JavaScript is switched off. I use the NoScript extension for Firefox and surf with pleasure over the Internet without spontaneous things happen that I do not give permission. I love JavaScript on a short leash. More crazier maybe I'm so excited about TiddlyWiki.
(Translation from Dutch by Google Translate)
An extensive collection of tips and resources for users of TiddlyWiki in Japanese.
Chris Hunt's detailed developer tutorials for getting started with writing widgets for TiddlyWiki.
These pages document aspects TiddlyWiki5 programming, sharing "lessons learned" to help developers to get started with TiddlyWiki5 customization and extension.
There are currently two articles in this wiki:
* A Simple Widget
* A More Complex Widget
Huge collection of customisations and tweaks from Ton Gerner.
I am a longtime user of TiddlyWiki Classic and still use it daily since you can't do everything in TiddlyWiki 5 (yet) ;)
I started experimenting with TW5 at the end of September 2013 (alpha10).
Since I missed a few things in the layout I got used to in TiddlyWiki Classic 1, I started with modifying the layout of TW5.
To share my knowledge, I made a few guides about these 'modifications'.
The guides started as a non-linear personal web notebook (yeah, the subtitle of TiddlyWiki!). I started experimenting with layout things and used TW5 to document my experiments.
A wealth of hints, tips and notes about using [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]:
TiddlyWiki is different from other wikis because of its principle of dynamically customizeable "storyline" based on tiddlers as basic units of information. That is, the user "composes" their own version of the webpage by clicking on tiddler links, which add tiddlers to the page in order to compose a storyline.
The Node.js implementation in TiddlyWiki5 adds all the advantages of flat-file markup language based type of site. This makes TiddlyWiki an excellent alternative to flat-file based CMS/webpage/blog authoring systems for the web.
Also very cool is the treatment of tags as menus everywhere.
Stephan Hradek's growing catalogue of tips, tutorials, and other resources. Stephan has also developed several plugins and macros that you can find at http://tiddlystuff.tiddlyspot.com/.
Some things in TiddlyWiki seem like Magic. As my preferred nick is Skeeve, I felt that TW5 Magick is a proper name for this collection of some of the "magic" tricks one can do with TiddlyWiki.
Dave Gifford's growing catalogue of tips and tutorials.
TiddlyWiki 5 is a great tool for note-taking, bookmarking, blogging, organizing to do lists, writing books, and more. But many of the things that can be done in TiddlyWiki 5 are often hidden to the new user, either because the user doesn't know about it or because the user doesn't know how to do it. TW5 mall is a modest catalog of hacks where you can discover new tricks in TiddlyWiki 5 and also find out in layman's terms how to implement them.
Tips and guides for using TiddlyWiki.
I never used Node.js until a couple weeks ago when I wanted to try a TW5 installation on Node and expand my knowledge a bit. I figured someone else may be in the same boat so I wrote it all down
A collection of TiddlyWiki resources from Mario Pietsch, with a focus on cloud deployments. Mario also maintains the German translation of TiddlyWiki.
My name is Mario Pietsch from Austria. I'm living near Salzburg.
This page, will be the portal to my TiddlyWiki, TiddlyWeb related content.
A guide (in French) to using TiddlyWiki on the [[BiblioBox|http://bibliobox.net/]], a variation of the [[PirateBox|http://daviddarts.com/piratebox/]] mobile communication and file sharing system.
I've known TiddlyWiki since its beginning in 2004. For personal or professional needs, I used it regularly for notepad staff in 2007 and 2012. But I admit I ignored the tool during the past two years. And then I said yesterday: but why not put TiddlyWiki on a BiblioBox? Because it is a single HTML file with javascript. In addition I knew the existence of a server version for saving online amendments.
//Hand optimised from a translation by Google Translate//
Matabele's stylish and clean system for personal task management.
This is my work in progress version of TW5, incorporating various features and ideas as and when they intrigue me. To grab any feature you may wish to try, drag the listed tiddlers across to the dropzone of an empty TiddlyWiki 5.0.10-beta
An introduction to TiddlyWiki in Japanese.
Information about the making of TiddlyWiki:
<<list-links "[tag[About]]">>
The output of a [[filter|Filters]] step depends on its [[operator|Filter Operators]]:
* Most operators perform <<.def relative>> to their input. They examine each input title in turn and filter out any that don't match. Such steps narrow down the output of a run.
* <<.def Absolute>> operators ignore their input and generate an independent output instead.
A good example of an absolute operator is <<.olink title>>. The output of `[title[A]title[B]]` is just <<.tid B>>. But the <<.olink field>> operator is relative, so `[title[A]field:title[B]` outputs nothing at all.
TiddlyWiki wouldn't be possible without the ongoing support of the TiddlyWiki [[Community]]. Their attention and feedback has made it possible to gain an understanding of what is wanted from the product, and their passion for it has taught me that it is worth the investment.
! Introduction
The ''action-deletefield'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that deletes specified fields of a tiddler. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.
! Content and Attributes
The ''action-deletefield'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$tiddler |The title of the tiddler whose fields are to be modified (if not provided defaults to the [[WidgetVariable: currentTiddler]] |
|$field |Optional name of a field to delete |
|//{any attributes not starting with $}// |Each attribute name specifies a field to be deleted. The attribute value is ignored and need not be specified |
! Examples
Here is an example of a button that deletes the caption and tags fields of the current tiddler:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-deletefield caption tags/>
Delete "caption" and "tags"
Here is an example of a button that deletes the modified date and tags fields of the tiddler HelloThere:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-deletefield $tiddler="HelloThere" modified tags/>
Delete "modified" and "tags" from ~HelloThere
Here is an example of a button that uses the optional $field attribute to delete the text field of the tiddler HelloThere:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-deletefield $tiddler="HelloThere" $field="text"/>
Delete text from ~HelloThere
! Introduction
The ''action-deletetiddler'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that deletes tiddlers. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.
There are several differences compared to the [[WidgetMessage: tm-delete-tiddler]]:
* The user is not prompted to confirm the deletion
* No automatic updating of the story list
* No special handling of draft tiddlers
! Content and Attributes
The ''action-deletetiddler'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$tiddler |Optional title of the tiddler to be deleted |
|$filter |Optional filter identifying tiddlers to be deleted |
! Examples
Here is an example of a button that deletes the tiddler HelloThere:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-deletetiddler $tiddler="HelloThere"/>
Delete "~HelloThere"
Here is an example of a button that deletes all tiddlers tagged [[TableOfContents]]:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-deletetiddler $filter="[tag[TableOfContents]]"/>
Delete tiddlers tagged "~TableOfContents"
! Introduction
The ''action-navigate'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that sends a [[tm-navigate|WidgetMessage: tm-navigate]] message back up the widget tree. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.
! Content and Attributes
The ''action-navigate'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$to |The title of the target tiddler for the navigation (if not provided defaults to the [[WidgetVariable: currentTiddler]] |
|$scroll |Optional parameter determining whether the navigation will also cause a scroll to the target tiddler (see below) |
!! Scroll handling
The optional `$scroll` attribute can be set to "yes" to force scrolling to occur to bring the target tiddler into view. If set to "no" then scrolling does not occur. If the `$scroll` attribute is omitted then scrolling occurs unless either:
* the control key is pressed
* the action was initiated with the middle mouse button (if available)
Note that if navigating to multiple tiddlers at once you should use the same `$scroll` setting for all of them.
! Examples
Here is an example of button that navigates to two different tiddlers at once:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-navigate $to="ButtonWidget"/>
<$action-navigate $to="ActionWidgets"/>
Click me!
! Introduction
The ''action-sendmessage'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that sends a [[message|WidgetMessages]] back up the widget tree. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.
! Content and Attributes
The ''action-sendmessage'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$message |The message to send (eg, [[WidgetMessage: tm-new-tiddler]]) |
|$param |Optional parameter string whose meaning is dependent on the message being sent |
|//{any attributes not starting with $}// |Multiple additional named parameters that are attached to the message |
! Examples
Here is an example of button that displays both a notification and a wizard, and creates a new tiddler with tags and text:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-modal" $param="SampleWizard"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-notify" $param="SampleNotification"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-new-tiddler" title="This is newly created tiddler" tags="OneTag [[Another Tag]]" text=<<now "Today is DDth, MMM YYYY">>/>
Click me!
! Introduction
The ''action-setfield'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that assigns values to the fields of a tiddler. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.
! Content and Attributes
The ''action-setfield'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$tiddler |The title of the tiddler whose fields are to be modified (if not provided defaults to the [[WidgetVariable: currentTiddler]] |
|$field |Optional name of a field to be assigned the $value attribute |
|$index |Optional index of a property in a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]] to be assigned the $value attribute|
|$value |The value to be assigned to the field or index identified by the $field or $index attribute. If neither is specified then the value is assigned to the text field |
|//{any attributes not starting with $}// |Each attribute name specifies a field to be modified with the attribute value providing the value to assign to the field |
! Examples
Here is an example of a pair of buttons that open the control panel directly to specified tabs. They work by using ''action-setfield'' to set the state tiddler for the control panel tabs.
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/tab-1749438307" text="$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Appearance"/>
<$action-navigate $to="$:/ControlPanel"/>
Go to Control Panel "Appearance" tab
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/tab-1749438307" text="$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Settings"/>
<$action-navigate $to="$:/ControlPanel"/>
Go to Control Panel "Settings" tab
Here is an example of a button that assigns tags and fields to the tiddler HelloThere, and then navigates to it and opens the tiddler info panel on the "Fields" tab:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-setfield $tiddler="HelloThere" tags="NewTag [[Another New Tag]]" color="red"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/popup/tiddler-info--1779055697" text="(568,1443,33,39)"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/tab--1890574033" text="$:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/Fields"/>
<$action-navigate $to="HelloThere"/>
Modify ~HelloThere
Here is an example of a button that assigns tags and fields to the tiddler HelloThere, and then initiates editing it:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-setfield $tiddler="HelloThere" tags="MoreTag [[Further More Tags]]" color="green"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-edit-tiddler" $param="HelloThere"/>
Edit ~HelloThere
Here is an example of a button that opens the control panel directly to the "Appearance" tabs:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/tab-1749438307" $field="text" $value="$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Appearance"/>
<$action-navigate $to="$:/ControlPanel"/>
Go to Control Panel "Appearance" tab
Action widgets are a special type of widget that perform an action such as sending a message, navigating to a tiddler, or changing the value of a tiddler. They are used in association with other widgets that trigger those actions (for example, the ButtonWidget).
Action widgets are invisible. They must be the immediate children of their parent triggering widget. The actions are performed in sequence. For example, here is a button that triggers two actions of sending different messages:
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-home"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-full-screen"/>
Click me!
Take care not to accidentally introduce an extra line break after the opening tag of the button widget. Doing so will trigger the WikiText parser to wrap the action widgets in a paragraph element. This means that the action widgets will not be triggered as they are no longer immediate children of the triggering widget.
The following action widgets are provided:
<<list-links "[tag[ActionWidgets]]">>
\define thisSeriesSelect()
<$select tiddler='$:/temp/newbook' field='series' default='None'>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/SeriesTitles]indexes[]regexp:[(?i)$(thisSeriesSearch)$]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
\define thisGenreSelect()
<$select tiddler='$:/temp/newbook' field='genre' default='None'>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/BookGenres]indexes[]regexp:[(?i)$(thisGenreSearch)$]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
\define thisAuthorSelect()
<$select tiddler='$:/temp/newbook' field='author' default='None'>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/BookAuthors]indexes[]regexp:[(?i)$(thisAuthorSearch)$]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
\define thisLocationSelect()
<$select tiddler='$:/temp/newbook' field='location' default='None'>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/BookLocations]indexes[]regexp:[(?i)$(thisLocationSearch)$]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
\define thisTagSelect()
<$select tiddler='$:/state/booktag' field='selected_tag'>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/BookTags]indexes[]regexp:[(?i)$(thisTagSearch)$]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
Adding books:
Title: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='book_title' class='tc-edit-texteditor' placeholder='Book Title'/>
<!--End Title-->
<$reveal type=match text=true state='Library Tracker Settings!!show_author'>
Author: <$reveal state='$:/state/Library Tracker/add author' type=nomatch text='new'>
<$set name=thisAuthorSearch value={{$:/state/newbook!!narrow_author_select}}>
<<thisAuthorSelect>></$set> <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='narrow_author_select' placeholder='Narrow Author List'/> (<$button set='$:/state/Library Tracker/add author' setTo='new'>New Author</$button>)
<$reveal state='$:/state/Library Tracker/add author' type=match text='new'>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='book_author' placeholder='Author'/><$button><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/data/BookAuthors' $index={{$:/state/newbook!!book_author}} $value=1/><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/newbook' $field='book_author' $value=''/>Add</$button><$button set='$:/state/Library Tracker/add author' setTo='notnew'>Done</$button>
<!--End Author-->
<$reveal type=match text=true state='Library Tracker Settings!!show_series'>
Series: <$reveal state='$:/state/Library Tracker/add series' type=nomatch text='new'>
<$set name=thisSeriesSearch value={{$:/state/newbook!!narrow_series_select}}>
<<thisSeriesSelect>></$set> <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='narrow_series_select' placeholder='Narrow Series List'/> (<$button set='$:/state/Library Tracker/add series' setTo='new'>New Series</$button>)
<$reveal state='$:/state/Library Tracker/add series' type=match text='new'>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='book_series' placeholder='Series Title'/><$button><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/data/SeriesTitles' $index={{$:/state/newbook!!book_series}} $value=1/><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/newbook' $field='book_series' $value=''/>Add</$button><$button set='$:/state/Library Tracker/add series' setTo='notnew'>Done</$button>
<!--End Series-->
<$reveal type=match text=true state='Library Tracker Settings!!show_genre'>
Genre: <$reveal state='$:/state/Library Tracker/add genre' type=nomatch text='new'>
<$set name=thisGenreSearch value={{$:/state/newbook!!narrow_genre_select}}>
<<thisGenreSelect>></$set> <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='narrow_genre_select' placeholder='Narrow Genre List'/> (<$button set='$:/state/Library Tracker/add genre' setTo='new'>New Genre</$button>)
<$reveal state='$:/state/Library Tracker/add genre' type=match text='new'>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='book_genre' placeholder='Genre'/><$button><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/data/BookGenres' $index={{$:/state/newbook!!book_genre}} $value=1/><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/newbook' $field='book_genre' $value=''/>Add</$button><$button set='$:/state/Library Tracker/add genre' setTo='notnew'>Done</$button>
<!--End Genre-->
<$reveal type=match text=true state='Library Tracker Settings!!show_location'>
Locaction: <$reveal state='$:/state/Library Tracker/add location' type=nomatch text='new'>
<$set name=thisLocationSearch value={{$:/state/newbook!!narrow_location_select}}>
<<thisLocationSelect>></$set> <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='narrow_location_select' placeholder='Narrow Location List'/> (<$button set='$:/state/Library Tracker/add location' setTo='new'>New Location</$button>)
<$reveal state='$:/state/Library Tracker/add location' type=match text='new'>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='book_location' placeholder='Location'/><$button><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/data/BookLocations' $index={{$:/state/newbook!!book_location}} $value=1/><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/newbook' $field='book_location' $value=''/>Add</$button><$button set='$:/state/Library Tracker/add location' setTo='notnew'>Done</$button>
<!--End Location-->
<$reveal type=match text=true state='Library Tracker Settings!!show_tags'>
Tags (it will always be tagged with `Book` by default):<br>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/newbook!!add_or_create_tag' text='create'>
New Tag: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/booktag' field='tag_temp' placeholder='New Tag'/>
<$button>Create Tag
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/data/BookTags' $index={{$:/state/booktag!!tag_temp}} $value=1/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/booktag' $field='tag_temp' $value=''/>
<$button set='$:/state/newbook!!add_or_create_tag' setTo='nocreate'>Done</$button><br>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/newbook!!add_or_create_tag' text='create'>
Tag to add:
<$set name=thisTagSearch value={{$:/state/newbook!!narrow_tag_select}}>
<$fieldmangler tiddler='$:/temp/newbook'>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param={{$:/state/booktag!!selected_tag}}/>Add Tag
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='narrow_tag_select' placeholder='Narrow Tag List'/>
(<$button set='$:/state/newbook!!add_or_create_tag' setTo='create'>New Tag</$button>)
List of current tags:<br>
<$fieldmangler tiddler='$:/temp/newbook'>
<$list filter='[[$:/temp/newbook]tags[]]'><$view field='title'/> <$button>Remove Tag<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-tag' $param=<<currentTiddler>>/></$button><br> </$list>
<$fieldmangler tiddler={{$:/state/newbook!!book_title}}>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/newbook' title={{$:/state/newbook!!book_title}}/>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param='Book'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/newbook' book_title=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/newbook' tags=''/>
Add Book</$button>
Here's a macro that provides a Twitter Follow button for a particular username:
\define twitterFollowButton(username)
<iframe allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets/follow_button.html?screen_name=$username$" style="width:300px; height:20px;"></iframe>
The only change from the version published at https://dev.twitter.com/docs/follow-button is that new lines have been removed.
Note that the src URL is given without a protocol (ie "http" or "https"). It's done this way so that it works on sites whether they are hosted on a HTTP or HTTPS domain. If you want the Twitter button to work while using a TiddlyWiki offline on a "file://" URL, then you'll need to manually add the protocol. For example:
<iframe allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="http://platform.twitter.com/widgets/follow_button.html?screen_name=jermolene" style="width:300px; height:20px;"></iframe>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="a string of characters"
output="the input, but with <<.place s>> added to the start of each title"
<<.operator-examples "addprefix">>
<<.operator-example 1 "Cat Garden [[Favourite Armchair]] +[addprefix[My ]]">>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="a string of characters"
output="the input, but with <<.place s>> added to the end of each title"
<<.operator-examples "addsuffix">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[London]addsuffix[ Underground]]">>
As the structures within your TiddlyWiki documents get more complex it can be hard to keep the titles of tiddlers consistent. For example, should terms be defined in the plural or the singular? Camel case or separate words?
Recording a formal titling policy can help to reduce confusion. For example, the titling policies for this wiki are recorded in the [[Documentation Style Guide]].
! SystemTiddler Titles
A useful convention is to use the prefix `$:/_` for any system tiddlers that you create to ensure that they are near the top of the system tiddler listing in the sidebar
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="one of those titles"
output="the title that immediately follows <<.place t>> in the input"
If <<.place t>> is not present in the input, or is the last title there, then the output is empty.
<<.operator-examples "after">>
<<.using-days-of-week>> The [[Thursday]] tiddler shows a further example.
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]after[Monday]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]after[Sunday]]">>
Alerts are displayed as yellow boxes overlaying the main TiddlyWiki window. Each one corresponds to a tiddler with the tag [[$:/tags/Alert]]. Clicking the delete icon on an alert deletes the corresponding tiddler.
Here's a demo <$fieldmangler tiddler="SampleAlert"><$set name="currentTiddler" value="SampleAlert"><$button message="tm-add-tag" param="$:/tags/Alert">alert</$button></$set></$fieldmangler>.
Alert tiddlers should have the following fields:
|!Field |!Description |
|title |By default, alert titles have the prefix `$:/temp/alerts/` |
|text |The text of the alert message |
|modified |Date of the alert (used for ordering the alerts on screen) |
|component |Component name associated with the alert |
|tags |Must include [[$:/tags/Alert]] |
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="ignored, unless the parameter is empty"
parameter="zero or more categories -- see below"
output="the titles that belong to all the specified categories"
The parameter specifies zero or more fundamental categories using the following syntax:
<$railroad text="""
[{: ("current" | "missing" |: "orphans" | "shadows" | "tiddlers" ) +"+" }]
|!Category |!Members |!Sorted |
|^`current` |just the [[current tiddler|CurrentTiddler]] |^-- |
|^`missing` |all non-existent tiddlers to which there is at least one [[hard link|Hard and Soft Links]] |^no |
|^`orphans` |all tiddlers to which there are <<.em no>> hard links |^by title |
|^`shadows` |all the [[shadow tiddlers|ShadowTiddlers]] that exist, including any that have been overridden with non-shadow tiddlers |^no |
|^`tiddlers` |all the non-shadow tiddlers that exist |no |
If the parameter specifies more than one category, they are processed from left to right. The overall output is initially empty, and each category's output is [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to it in turn. Unrecognised categories contribute nothing to the output.
As a special case, if the parameter is empty, the output is simply a copy of the input. This can be useful when the parameter is [[soft|Filter Parameter]].
The <<.olink is>> operator is similar, but its scope is restricted to its input.
<<.operator-examples "all">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[all[shadows]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[all[shadows+tiddlers]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[all[tiddlers+shadows]]">>
<<.operator-example 4 "[all[orphans+missing+current]]">>
<<.operator-example 5 "[all[current]]">>
<<.operator-example 6 "[all[current]tag[Operator Examples]]">>
<<.operator-example 7 "[all[current]tag[Recipes]]">>
<<.operator-example 8 "Monday Thursday +[all[]]">>
Current tiddlers:
<$list filter="[!is[system]sort[title]]" />
Here are the details of the alpha releases of TiddlyWiki5. See [[TiddlyWiki5 Versioning]] for details of how releases are named.
<<tabs "[tag[AlphaReleaseNotes]!sort[created]]" "Release 5.0.1-alpha" "$:/state/tab2" "tc-vertical" "ReleaseTemplate">>
Here are some recent articles written about ~TiddlyWiki. Submit new articles via GitHub, Twitter or by posting in the [[TiddlyWiki Groups]].
<div class="tc-link-info">
<$list filter="[tag[Articles]!sort[modified]]">
<div class="tc-link-info-item">
! <$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
<div class="tc-subtitle">Posted <$view field="modified" format="relativedate"/></div>
Audio files can be incorporated into TiddlyWiki in a very similar way to [[images|Images in WikiText]].
! Embedded Audio
Small audio files can be embedded directly within TiddlyWiki. Embedding isn't suitable for large files (over a few hundred kilobytes) because it increases the size of the TiddlyWiki file.
For example, the tiddler [[TiddlyWiki.mp3]] contains an MP3 recording of the word "TiddlyWiki". If you visit that tiddler, you should see an audio player that will play back the recording.
You can also transclude audio files. For example:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '{{TiddlyWiki.mp3}}'>>
! External Audio
External audio tiddlers use the ''_canonical_uri'' field to point to an external audio file/stream, and have their ''text'' field blocked. This reduces their size considerably, but still allows for playback.
For example, the tiddler [[Caruso - Ave Maria]] points to an online audio recording hosted on http://archive.org:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '{{Caruso - Ave Maria}}'>>
If there is a SaverModule available that supports it, TiddlyWiki will automatically trigger a save of the current document on clicking {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''tick'' or {{$:/core/images/delete-button}} ''delete'' when editing a tiddler.
You should see a yellow notification at the top right of the window to confirm that an automatic save has taken place.
Automatic saving can be enabled or disabled through the ''Saving'' tab of the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]]. Behind the scenes, it is controlled through the configuration tiddler [[$:/config/AutoSave]], which must have the value ''yes'' to enable automatic saving.
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
output="any non-[[system|SystemTiddlers]] titles that contain [[hard links|Hard and Soft Links]] to the input titles"
Each input title is processed in turn. The corresponding tiddler's list of backlinks is generated, sorted alphabetically by title, and then [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's overall output.
<<.operator-examples "backlinks">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[HelloThere]backlinks[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[tag[TableOfContents]backlinks[]]" "tiddlers that link to tiddlers tagged [[TableOfContents]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[all[current]backlinks[]]" "tiddlers that link to this one">>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="one of those titles"
output="the title that immediately precedes <<.place t>> in the input"
If <<.place t>> is not present in the input, or is the first title there, then the output is empty.
<<.operator-examples "before">>
<<.using-days-of-week>> The [[Thursday]] tiddler shows a further example.
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]before[Saturday]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]before[Monday]]">>
Here are the details of the beta releases of TiddlyWiki5. See [[TiddlyWiki5 Versioning]] for details of how releases are named.
<<tabs "[tag[BetaReleaseNotes]!sort[created]]" "Release 5.0.18-beta" "$:/state/tab2" "tc-vertical" "ReleaseTemplate">>
<<.op bf>> is a synonym for <<.olink rest>>, also known as <<.olink butfirst>>.
There are two ways to produce HTML block quotes in TiddlyWiki5, one for content spread across multiple lines, and one for single line content.
! Multi-line Block Quotes
The syntax for multi-line block quotes is:
<<wikitext-example src:"<<<
This is a block quoted paragraph
written in English
!! Citation
A citation can be added to the quote like this:
<<wikitext-example src:"<<<
Computers are like a bicycle for our minds
<<< Steve Jobs
!! CSS Classes
CSS classes can be added to a block quote:
<<wikitext-example src:"<<<.myClass.another-class
Operating systems are like a brick wall for our minds
<<< Nobody
! Single-line Block Quotes
The single-line syntax for block quotes is actually an extension of the syntax for [[Lists in WikiText]]. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"> Quoted text
> Another line of quoted text
You can also nest quotes like this:
> A top quote
>> A subquote
> Another top quote
Which renders as:
> A top quote
>> A subquote
> Another top quote
You can also mix block quotes with other list items. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"* List One
** List Two
**> A quote
**> Another quote
* List Three
\define thisBookList()
<$list filter='[tag[Book]$(SelectedFilterPart)$sort[$(sortType)$]regexp:$(searchField)$[(?i)$(thisSearch)$]]'>
<tr><td><$link to={{!!title}}><$view field='title'/></$link></td><td><$view field=author/></td><td><$view field=location/></td><td><$view field=series/></td><td><$view field=genre/></td></tr>
\define thisBookList2()
<$list filter='[tag[Book]sort[$(sortType)$]regexp:$(searchField)$[(?i)$(thisSearch)$]]'>
<tr><td><$link to={{!!title}}><$view field='title'/></$link></td><td><$view field=author/></td><td><$view field=location/></td><td><$view field=series/></td><td><$view field=genre/></td></tr>
\define thisSelectThing()
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/newbook!!sort' text='author'>
<$select tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='selected_type'>
<option value=''>All</option>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/BookAuthors]indexes[]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/newbook!!sort' text='genre'>
<$select tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='selected_type'>
<option value=''>All</option>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/BookGenres]indexes[]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/newbook!!sort' text='series'>
<$select tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='selected_type'>
<option value=''>All</option>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/SeriesTitles]indexes[]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/newbook!!sort' text='location'>
<$select tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='selected_type'>
<option value=''>All</option>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/BookLocations]indexes[]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
\define thisMakeSelectedValue()
<$set name=sortType value={{$:/state/newbook!!sort}}>
<$set name=searchField value={{$:/state/newbook!!search_in}}>
<$set name=thisSearch value={{$:/state/newbook!!search_text}}>
<$set name=SelectedType value={{$:/state/newbook!!selected_type}}>
<$set name=SelectedFilterPart value=<<thisMakeSelectedValue>>>
|Sort by |<$select tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='sort' default='title'><option value='author'>Author</option><option value='genre'>Genre</option><option value='series'>Series</option><option value='title'>Title</option><option value=location>Location</option></$select>|<<thisSelectThing>>|
|Search by |<$select tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='search_in' default='title'><option value='author'>Author</option><option value='genre'>Genre</option><option value='series'>Series</option><option value='tags'>Tag</option><option value='title'>Title</option><option value=location>Location</option></$select>|<$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='search_text' placeholder='Search'/>|
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/newbook!!selected_type' text=''><<thisBookList>></$reveal>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/newbook!!selected_type' text=''><<thisBookList2>></$reveal>
At its heart, TiddlyWiki5 is a relatively small boot kernel that runs either under Node.js or in the browser with all other functionality added via dynamically loaded [[modules|Modules]].
The kernel boots just enough of the TiddlyWiki environment to allow it to load and execute module tiddlers. The module system is compatible with CommonJS and [[Node.js]].
There are many [[different types of module|ModuleType]]: parsers, deserializers, widgets etc. It goes much further than you might expect. For example, individual tiddler fields are modules, too: there's a module that knows how to handle the `tags` field, and another that knows how to handle the special behaviour of the `modified` and `created` fields. Some plugin modules have further sub-plugins: the wikitext parser, for instance, accepts parsing rules as individual plugin modules.
In TiddlyWiki5, [[Plugins]] are bundles of tiddlers that are distributed and managed as one; [[Modules]] are JavaScript tiddlers with a module type identifying when and how they should be executed.
The tiddler [[$:/boot/boot.js]] is a barebones TiddlyWiki kernel that is just sufficient to load the core plugin modules and trigger a startup module to load up the rest of the application.
The boot kernel includes:
* Several short shared utility functions
* A handful of methods implementing the module mechanism
* The `$tw.Tiddler` class (and field definition plugins)
* The `$tw.Wiki` class (and tiddler deserialization methods)
* Code for the browser to load tiddlers from the HTML DOM
* Code for the server to load tiddlers from the file system
Each module is an ordinary CommonJS module, using the `require()` function to access other modules and the `exports` global to return JavaScript values. The boot kernel smooths over the differences between `Node.js` and the browser, allowing the same plugin modules to execute in both environments.
In the browser, `core/boot.js` is packed into a template HTML file that contains the following elements in order:
* Ordinary and system tiddlers, packed as HTML `<DIV>` elements
* `core/bootprefix.js`, containing a few lines to set up the plugin environment
* Optional JavaScript modules, packed as HTML `<SCRIPT>` blocks
* `core/boot.js`, containing the boot kernel
On the server, `core/boot.js` is executed directly. It uses the `Node.js` local file API to load plugins directly from the file system in the `core/modules` directory. The code loading is performed synchronously for brevity (and because the system is in any case inherently blocked until plugins are loaded).
The boot process sets up the `$tw` global variable that is used to store all the state data of the system.
At the end of the boot process the StartupMechanism schedules the execution of startup modules to bring up the rest of TiddlyWiki.
TiddlyWiki is designed to work with HTML5-compatible browsers.
The following table summarises the browser versions that are known to work with TiddlyWiki
|!Browser |!Status |
|Internet Explorer |Version 10 and above |
|Chrome |All recent versions |
|Firefox |All recent versions |
|Firefox for Android |All recent versions |
|Safari |Version 6 and above |
! Introduction
The browse widget displays an HTML file browser button that allows the user to choose one or more files to import. It sends a [[WidgetMessage: tm-import-tiddlers]] carrying a JSON representation of the tiddlers imported from the files up through its parents. This message usually trapped by the NavigatorWidget which adds the tiddlers to the store and updates the story to display them.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$browse>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|multiple |Set to "multiple" to select multiple file upload |
|tooltip |Optional tooltip text |
|message |Optional override of widget message to be generated. The parameter for the message will be the JavaScript object `event.target.files` |
On iPhone/iPad choosing the multiple option will remove the ability to take photographs/videos directly into TiddlyWiki.
renders as:
BT (née British Telecom) is the UK's largest telecommunications company. In 2007, [[Osmosoft]] was acquired by BT. JeremyRuston subsequently left BT in 2011.
See TiddlyWikiFolders for details of defining build targets.
TiddlyWiki5 can be used to build older 2.x.x versions of TiddlyWikiClassic from their constituent components. Doing so involves these features:
* The `tiddlywiki/classictools` plugin, containing a deserializer module which allows tiddlers to be loaded from TiddlyWiki 2.x.x `.recipe` files
* The `stripcomments` format for the ViewWidget, which strips single line JavaScript comments starting `//#`
* The `stripTitlePrefix='yes'` attribute of the FieldsWidget, which removes prefixes wrapped in curly braces from the `title` attribute
** For example, `{tiddler}HelloThere` would be transformed to `HelloThere`
! Usage
TiddlyWikiClassic is built from the command line by running [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]. A typical usage would be:
node ../../tiddlywiki.js \
--verbose \
--load <path_to_recipe_file> \
--rendertiddler $:/core/templates/tiddlywiki2.template.html <path_to_write_index_file> text/plain \
|| exit 1
<<.op butfirst>> is a synonym for <<.olink rest>>, also known as <<.olink bf>>.
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="an integer, defaulting to 1"
output="all but the last <<.place n>> input titles"
<<.operator-examples "butlast">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]butlast[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]butlast[2]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "A B C D E F G H I J K L M +[butlast[7]]">>
! Introduction
The button widget displays an HTML `<button>` element that can perform a combination of optional actions when clicked:
* Executing any ActionWidgets that are immediate children of the button widget
* Execute any integrated actions:
** Navigate to a specified tiddler
** Dispatch a user defined [[widget message|Messages]]
** Trigger a user defined [[popup|PopupMechanism]]
** Assign new text to a specified tiddler
The integrated actions are provided as a shortcut for invoking common actions. The same functionality is available via ActionWidgets, with the exception of the support for highlighting selected popups.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$button>` widget is displayed within the button.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|to |The title of the tiddler to navigate to |
|message |The name of the [[widget message|Messages]] to send when the button is clicked |
|param |The optional parameter to the message |
|set |A TextReference to which a new value will be assigned |
|setTo |The new value to assign to the TextReference identified in the `set` attribute |
|popup |Title of a state tiddler for a popup that is toggled when the button is clicked |
|aria-label |Optional [[Accessibility]] label |
|tooltip |Optional tooltip |
|class |An optional CSS class name to be assigned to the HTML element|
|style |An optional CSS style attribute to be assigned to the HTML element |
|selectedClass |An optional additional CSS class to be assigned if the popup is triggered or the tiddler specified in `set` already has the value specified in `setTo` |
|default |Default value if `set` tiddler is missing for testing against `setTo` to determine `selectedClass` |
''Tip:'' Set ''class'' to `tc-btn-invisble tc-tiddlylink` to have a button look like an internal link.
CamelCase is formed by taking a phrase, capitalising the initial letter of each word, and smashing the words together to form a portmanteau word. Most wikis use CamelCase to signal phrases that should automatically become links.
The changecount macro returns a counter maintained by the TiddlyWiki core that tracks the number of modifications made to each tiddler. The changecount macro always applies to the tiddler named in the CurrentTiddler variable.
For example:
Displays as:
Note how the changecount increases every time this tiddler is modified.
! Introduction
This release resolves a number of inconsistencies with the way that filters are handled. The changes mean that existing filters may need to be updated - particularly those that must deal with missing or shadow tiddlers.
! Changes to ''is'' and addition of ''all''
Most filter operators act by choosing some or all of their source titles to pass through or re-order. Those that add new entries that are not drawn from the source list are referred to as selectors. Prior to 5.0.9-beta, a few filter operators were inconsistent in whether they filtered from the source list or selected new entries into it.
The specific changes are:
* The ''is'' operator now always strictly filters from the currently selected list of tiddlers
* The new ''all'' operator acts as a selector by replacing the current list with a combination of tiddlers from specific sources:
** ''current'' for the current tiddler
** ''missing'' for all missing tiddlers
** ''orphans'' for all orphan tiddlers
** ''shadows'' for all shadow tiddlers
** ''tiddlers'' for all non-shadow tiddlers (including both system and non-system tiddlers)
The sources for the ''all'' operator can be combined with the `+` character. For example, `[all[shadows+tiddlers]]` returns all shadow tiddlers and all ordinary tiddlers.
Previously, it was common to have `[is[shadow]]` at the start of a filter string to select all the shadow tiddlers. In 5.0.9 and above, this will not return all the shadow tiddlers, but instead just those ordinary tiddlers that are also shadow tiddlers (by virtue of having overridden one). The resolution is to use the new ''all'' operator. For example, consider this filter from 5.0.8:
[is[shadow]!has[draft.of]tag[$:/tags/AdvancedSearch]] [!is[shadow]!has[draft.of]tag[$:/tags/AdvancedSearch]] +[tag[$:/tags/AdvancedSearch]]
In 5.0.9, that filter has been changed to:
Note how the ''all'' operator allows operations to be performed on tiddlers from combinations of sources.
!! Changes to `[is[current]]`
One result of the changes is that `[is[current]]` now strictly filters from the source tiddlers; so, if the current tiddler is a missing tiddler not in the source list, then `[is[current]]` will return an empty list.
The solution is generally to use `[all[current]]` instead. It doesn't read as well, but has the required behaviour of returning just the current tiddler, regardless of whether it is in the source tiddlers.
! Changes to ''title'' and ''field''
There are minor changes to the way that the ''title'' and ''field'' operators work.
The ''title'' operator is a selector: it returns the specified title regardless of whether it is in the current source. ''title'' is used as the default operator if none is specified
The ''field'' operator is a filter: it only returns a subset of the source tiddlers. ''field'' is used as the default operator if the supplied operator is not defined (the supplied operator is passed as the suffix to the field operator, so `[description[Missing]]` is equivalent to `[field:description[Missing]]`).
! Introduction
The checkbox widget displays an HTML `<input type="checkbox">` element that is dynamically bound to either:
* the presence or absence of a specified tag on a specified tiddler
* the value of a specified field of a specified tiddler
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$checkbox>` widget is displayed within an HTML `<label>` element immediately after the checkbox itself. This means that clicking on the content will toggle the checkbox.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |Title of the tiddler to manipulate (defaults to the CurrentTiddler) |
|tag |The name of the tag to which the checkbox should be bound |
|field |The name of the field to which the checkbox should be bound |
|checked |The value of the field corresponding to the checkbox being checked |
|unchecked |The value of the field corresponding to the checkbox being unchecked |
|default |The default value to use if the field is not defined |
!! Tag Mode
Using the checkbox widget in tag mode requires the ''tag'' attribute to specify the name of the tag. The ''tiddler'' attribute specifies the tiddler to target, defaulting to the current tiddler if not present.
This example creates a checkbox that flips the ''done'' tag on the current tiddler:
<$checkbox tag="done">Is it done?</$checkbox>
!! Field Mode
Using the checkbox widget in field mode requires the ''field'' attribute to specify the name of the field. The ''checked'' and ''unchecked'' attributes specify the values to be assigned to the field to correspond to its checked and unchecked states respectively. The ''default'' attribute is used as a fallback value if the field is not defined.
This example creates a checkbox that is checked if the field ''status'' is equal to ''open'' and unchecked if the field is equal to ''closed''. If the field is undefined then it defaults to ''closed'', meaning that the checkbox will be unchecked if the ''status'' field is missing.
<$checkbox field="status" checked="open" unchecked="closed" default="closed">Is it open?</$checkbox>
TiddlyWiki 的简体中文翻译版本:
<!-- * ''文件'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/zh-Hans/index.html -->
* ''空白版本'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/zh-Hans/empty.html
另请参阅 [[中文 (正體) 版|Chinese (Traditional) Edition]]。
TiddlyWiki 的正體中文翻譯版本:
<!-- * ''文件'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/zh-Hant/index.html -->
* ''空白版本'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/zh-Hant/empty.html
另請參閱 [[中文 (简体) 版|Chinese (Simplified) Edition]]。
You can use triple backticks <code>```</code> to mark code blocks:
This will be monospaced
Renders as:
This will be monospaced
To be interpreted correctly, the three backticks need to be at the start of the line and immediately followed by a line-break.
Be aware that any preceding paragraph content should be properly terminated with a double line break, too. So, this example is wrong:
This is an ordinary paragraph
This will be monospaced
The correct version is:
This is an ordinary paragraph
This will be monospaced
Note that some keyboard layouts treat the backtick as a [[dead key|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_key]], making it hard to type. The trick is to type three backticks followed by a space. Alternatively, type all six backticks in one go, then a space, and then move the cursor back three characters to type or paste the content.
The CodeMirror plugin adds a sophisticated web-based editor to TiddlyWiki.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/codemirror/
A colour palette is a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]] that supplies a [[CSS]] colour value, such as ''yellow'' or ''#fe0'', for each of several colour names, like this:
page-background: #fe0
table-border: #ccc
Several palettes form part of the core. The system tiddler [[$:/palette]] always contains the title of the currently selected palette tiddler.
To retrieve the value of a named colour from the current palette, e.g. for use in a stylesheet tiddler, use the [[colour macro|$:/core/macros/CSS]]:
<<colour page-background>>
Palette tiddlers should have the following fields:
|!Name |!Value |
|title |Typically starting with `$:/` |
|type |`application/x-tiddler-dictionary` |
|tags |`$:/tags/Palette` |
|description |Displayed in the palette browser |
|text |`name: value` colour definitions |
A <<.def command>> is one of the following words, written with a `--` prefix and used as a command-line option to [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]], indicating which action is desired.
<<list-links "[tag[Commands]]">>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
output="the [[command words|Commands]] that can be given to [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]"
<<.operator-examples "commands">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[commands[]]">>
Here we gather the latest and most useful material from the TiddlyWiki community.
<<tabs "Forums Latest Tutorials Resources Examples Articles Meetups" "Latest">>
//This is a sample task for the TaskManagementExample//
These are the concepts underlying TiddlyWiki. Understanding how these ideas fit together is the key to getting the most from TiddlyWiki.
<<list-links "[tag[Concepts]]">>
The configuration tiddler [[$:/config/TiddlerInfo/Default]] contains the title of the tiddler containing the default tiddler info tab.
The default value is `$:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/Tools` corresponding to the ''Tools'' tab. Other possible values are:
<$list filter="[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/TiddlerInfo]!has[draft.of]]">
<$view field="title"/>
Sample data for TableOfContentsMacro.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Used in Internet protocols to indicate the type that should be used to interpret the content of a web resource.
In TiddlyWiki, the `type` field gives the content type to apply to the main `text` field.
!! List of Common Content Types
|!Group |!Type |!Content of `type` field |
|^''Developer'' |Data dictionary |application/x-tiddler-dictionary|
|~|~JavaScript code |application/javascript|
|~|JSON data |application/json|
|~|Static stylesheet |text/css|
|^''Image''|GIF image |image/gif|
|~|ICO format icon file |image/x-icon|
|~|JPEG image |image/jpeg|
|~|PDF image |application/pdf|
|~|PNG image |image/png|
|~|Structured Vector Graphics image |image/svg+xml|
|^''Text''|HTML markup |text/html|
|~|Cascading Stylesheet text |text/css|
|~|Comma-separated values |text/csv|
|~|Plain text |text/plain|
|~|~TiddlyWiki 5 |text/vnd.tiddlywiki|
|~|~TiddlyWiki Classic |text/x-tiddlywiki|
We welcome contributions to the code and documentation of TiddlyWiki in several ways:
* ReportingBugs
* Helping to [[improve our documentation|Improving TiddlyWiki Documentation]]
* Contributing to the code via [[GitHub|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5]]
** See http://tiddlywiki.com/dev for more details
There are other ways to [[help TiddlyWiki|HelpingTiddlyWiki]] too.
! Contributor License Agreement
Like other OpenSource projects, TiddlyWiki5 needs a signed contributor license agreement from individual contributors. This is a legal agreement that allows contributors to assert that they own the copyright of their contribution, and that they agree to license it to the UnaMesa Association (the legal entity that owns TiddlyWiki on behalf of the community).
* For individuals use: [[licenses/CLA-individual|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/licenses/cla-individual.md]]
* For entities use: [[licenses/CLA-entity|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/licenses/cla-entity.md]]
! How to sign the CLA
Create a GitHub pull request to add your name to `cla-individual.md` or `cla-entity.md`, with the date in the format (YYYY/MM/DD).
''step by step''
# click [[licenses/CLA-individual|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/licenses/cla-individual.md]] or [[licenses/CLA-entity|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/licenses/cla-entity.md]]
# in `cla-individual.md` or `cla-entity.md` click icon on the top-right corner (clicking this button will fork the project so you can edit the file)
# add your name at the bottom
eg: `Jeremy Ruston, @Jermolene, 2011/11/22`
//The CLA documents used for this project were created using [[Harmony Project Templates|http://www.harmonyagreements.org]]. "HA-CLA-I-LIST Version 1.0" for "CLA-individual" and "HA-CLA-E-LIST Version 1.0" for "CLA-entity".//
\define tv-wikilink-template() http://tiddlywiki.com/static/$uri_doubleencoded$.html
! Contributing to TiddlyWiki5
//This file was automatically generated by TiddlyWiki5//
The following individuals have generously given their time to [[contribute to the development of TiddlyWiki|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/graphs/contributors]]:
* Jeremy Ruston ([[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]])
* Dave Gifford ([[@giffmex|https://github.com/giffmex]])
* Bram Chen ([[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]])
* Mario Pietsch ([[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]])
* Xavier Cazin ([[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]])
* Eric Shulman ([[@ericshulman|https://github.com/ericshulman]])
* Stephan Hradek ([[@Skeeve|https://github.com/Skeeve]])
* ~BuggyJef ([[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]])
* Nathan Cain ([[@natecain|https://github.com/natecain]])
* Ton Gerner ([[@gernert|https://github.com/gernert]])
* Devin Weaver ([[@sukima|https://github.com/sukima]])
* João Bolila ([[@jbolila|https://github.com/jbolila]])
* David Johnston ([[@Brennall|https://github.com/Brennall]])
* David Jade ([[@davidjade|https://github.com/davidjade]])
* Bob Robison ([[@grayeul|https://github.com/grayeul]])
* [[@nameanyone|https://github.com/nameanyone]]
* Maurizio Pollio ([[@mpollio|https://github.com/mpollio]])
* Ogoshi Masayuki ([[@ogoshima|https://github.com/ogoshima]])
* Chris Sugden ([[@csugden|https://github.com/csugden]])
* [[@asampal|https://github.com/asampal]]
* Bow Yi Jang ([[@Eucaly|https://github.com/Eucaly]])
* Mal Gamble ([[@malgam|https://github.com/malgam]])
* Michael Fogleman ([[@mwfogleman|https://github.com/mwfogleman]])
* Daniel Barrett ([[@shendaras|https://github.com/shendaras]])
* Simon Baird ([[@simonbaird|https://github.com/simonbaird]])
* James Anderson ([[@welford|https://github.com/welford]])
* Jon Lister ([[@jayfresh|https://github.com/jayfresh]])
* [[@TheDiveO|https://github.com/TheDiveO]]
* Danielo Rodríguez ([[@danielo515|https://github.com/danielo515]])
* [[@willover|https://github.com/willover]]
* [[@slotik|https://github.com/slotik]]
* Irene Knapp ([[@IreneKnapp|https://github.com/IreneKnapp]])
* Brian Shaver ([[@shakerlxxv|https://github.com/shakerlxxv]])
* Tobi Beer ([[@tobibeer|https://github.com/tobibeer]])
* Craig Cook ([[@BoyCook|https://github.com/BoyCook]])
You can copy an individual tiddler from one TiddlyWiki file to another by dragging a link to the tiddler from one browser window to another.
! Introduction
The count widget displays the number of matches to a specified [[filter expression|Filters]].
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$count>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|filter |The filter expression to count |
To create a custom export format that exports tiddlers as their raw body text:
# Create a tiddler with the following fields:
#* ''tags'': [[$:/tags/Exporter]]
#* ''description'': Description of this exporter
#* ''extension'': Default file extension for this export format (including the dot; for example `.tid`)
# Set the following content:
\define renderContent()
{{{ $(exportFilter)$ ||$:/core/templates/plain-text-tiddler}}}
The variable `exportFilter` contains a filter defining which tiddlers should be exported.
! Creating tiddlers
You create a tiddler either by clicking the {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar, or by clicking on a link to a missing tiddler. Links to missing tiddlers are shown in [[blue italics]].
See also:
* [[Creating journal tiddlers]]
! Editing tiddlers
To edit an existing tiddler, click the {{$:/core/images/edit-button}} button at the top right of the tiddler.
!! Draft mode
When you create a new tiddler or edit an existing one, the tiddler will go into draft mode. This presents a control panel for modifying the tiddler in various ways. It has several parts, from top to bottom:
*''The title field'' - Use this to change the title of the tiddler
*''The tag selector'' - Use this to add or remove tags. As you type a tag name in the box, a dropdown list will show you any existing tags that match. You can pick from this list or create a completely new tag. Then click the ''add'' button to add the tag to the tiddler. Each tag is shown as a coloured pill. Click the "×" on a pill to remove that tag
*''The text area'' - Use this to edit the main content of the tiddler. Click the ''show preview'' button to see what your changes will look like
*''The type selector'' - Use this when a tiddler needs to be displayed in a special way, such as an image. See ContentType for a list of the options. The default is `text/vnd.tiddlywiki`, which means the tiddler contains WikiText
*''The field selector'' - Use this to add or remove fields on the tiddler. For example, if you are editing a tiddler that's being used to tag other tiddlers, you can add a [[''list'' field|ListField]] to change the order in which those tiddlers will be listed
! Save, cancel or delete
When you have finished editing, click a button at the top right of the tiddler:
*The ''save'' button ({{$:/core/images/done-button}}) stores your changes to this one tiddler and leaves draft mode. If your wiki is configured to [[AutoSave]], your changes will be permanently saved. Otherwise they will only be stored temporarily in your web browser, and you will lose them if you close your ~TiddlyWiki page without first clicking the master ''save changes'' button {{$:/core/images/save-button}} in the sidebar.
*The ''cancel'' button ({{$:/core/images/cancel-button}}) discards your changes (after asking you to confirm) and leaves draft mode.
*The ''delete'' button ({{$:/core/images/delete-button}}) deletes the entire tiddler (after asking you to confirm).
! Introduction
Journal tiddlers are tiddlers that use a date and/or time as their title. They are typically used as a quick way to record time-stamped information.
You can use additional tags on a journal tiddler to link it to other tiddlers, helping to establish the relationships between items of information.
For example, you might use a journal tiddler called ''10th October 2014'' to record thoughts and information captured on that particular day. The tags ''Shopping'' and ''London'' might be used to indicate that the entry concerns shopping in London.
! Creating a journal tiddler
The easiest way to create a journal tiddler is to use the ''new journal'' button in the ''Tools'' tab of the sidebar. If you find yourself often using the button, click the checkbox next to it to make the button available just above the search box.
The ''new journal'' button creates a journal entry as a blank tiddler with the tag ''Journal'' and a title derived from today's date. If a journal tiddler with that title already exists, then this is opened for editing.
! Creating a tagged journal tiddler
A common sequence of actions is to create (or reopen) today's journal entry and tag it with the title of another tiddler. This can be done with the ''new journal here'' button in the other tiddler's toolbar. You can find this button in the ''Tools'' tab of the tiddler's InfoPanel.
For example, you might be reviewing a tiddler called ''Oxford Street'' and realise that it's relevant for planning your shopping trip. Click the ''new journal here'' button on the ''Oxford Street'' tiddler to bring up a journal entry tagged with ''Oxford Street''.
! Customising journal tiddlers
To configure how new journal entries are created, visit the ''Basics'' tab under ''Info'' in the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]]:
* "Title of new journal tiddlers" specifies how these tiddlers should be named, as a [[date format string|DateFormat]]. The default setting of `DDth MMM YYYY` causes new entries to have titles of the form "10th October 2014"
* "Tags for new journal tiddlers" [specifies|Title List] tags that will automatically appear on new journal entries. For example: `Journal [[Summer vacation]]`
Hint: if you want to create a separate journal tiddler whenever you click ''new journal'' (even if you do this several times in the same day), you can include the clock time in the title format. Specify something like `YYYY-0MM-0DD at 0hhh0mm'0ss''` as the date format.
Another useful trick is to include `$(currentTiddler)$` somewhere in the title format. This means that if you click ''new journal here'' on several different tiddlers, the title of each of those tiddlers will form part of the name of the resulting journal entries.
This example shows how to create a sub-story within a tiddler that is independent of the main story.
Here's the code:
<$navigator story="MySubStoryList" history="MySubHistoryList">
Click this link to get started: HelloThere
<$list filter="[list[MySubStoryList]]" history="MySubHistoryList">
! <$button message="tm-close-tiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible">{{$:/core/images/close-button}}</$button> <$view field="title"/>
Note how you can open the HelloThere tiddler in the substory by clicking on the link below. Links within the substory open within the substory, and not in the main story.
<$navigator story="MySubStoryList" history="MySubHistoryList">
Click this link to get started: HelloThere
<$list filter="[list[MySubStoryList]]" history="MySubHistoryList">
! <$button message="tm-close-tiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible">{{$:/core/images/close-button}}</$button> <$view field="title"/>
<$list filter='[tag{$:/settings/TiddlerGallerySettings!!gallery_tag}]'>
<$list filter='[tag{$:/settings/TiddlerGallerySettings!!gallery_tag}each[gallery]has[gallery]get[gallery]]'>
<h1>Gallery <$view field='title'/></h1>
<$set name=ThisGallery value={{!!title}}>
<$list filter='[tag{$:/settings/TiddlerGallerySettings!!gallery_tag}gallery<ThisGallery>]'>
The current tiddler provides an ever-changing context or background against which several features of WikiText are interpreted.
For example, `{{!!title}}` denotes the value of the ''title'' field of whatever the current tiddler happens to be. This technique can be used in a [[TemplateTiddler|TemplateTiddlers]] to keep the template generic.
The title of the current tiddler can always be found in the [[currentTiddler variable|WidgetVariable: currentTiddler]].
The current tiddler is set in several ways, including by the ListWidget and the TiddlerWidget.
Information about customising TiddlyWiki
<<list-links "[tag[Customise TiddlyWiki]]">>
By default, the results for the sidebar search box are displayed as a simple list of tiddler titles. The search results can be customised by adding plugin visualisations that show the search results in different ways. (Tabs are shown automatically if an additional search result visualisation is detected).
Search result visualisations are stored in tiddlers tagged [[$:/tags/SearchResults]]. The default search result listing is implemented in the system tiddler [[$:/core/ui/DefaultSearchResultList]].
To create a new search result visualisation:
# Create a new tiddler tagged [[$:/tags/SearchResults]]
# Use the widget variable ''searchTiddler'' to access the title of the tiddler containing the current search term
If you'd like the new visualisation to be the default, create a tiddler called [[$:/config/SearchResults/Default]] containing the title of the tiddler containing the search visualisation that you want to display by default.
Here is an example of an alternative visualisation that displays results in reverse chronological order:
\define searchResults()
<$set name="resultCount" value="""<$count filter="[!is[system]search{$(searchTiddler)$}]"/>""">
<<timeline subfilter:"!is[system]search{$(searchTiddler)$}">>
The D3 plugin integrates the D3 visualisation library with TiddlyWiki.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/d3/
You can create an n-dash with a double hyphen `--` and an m-dash with a triple hyphen `---`. For example -- this is an example --- and so is this
A data tiddler is a miniature database contained within a tiddler.
There are two standard formats:
* DictionaryTiddlers
* [[JSONTiddlers]]
Other formats of tiddler can also be parsed to yield blocks of data that behave like data tiddlers.
Use a TextReference to look up a value by its name. For example, if a [[DictionaryTiddler|DictionaryTiddlers]] called `MonthDays` contains:
... then `{{MonthDays##nov}}` will resolve to the value `30`.
The same is true if `MonthDays` is a [[JSONTiddler|JSONTiddlers]] with the following content:
Note: //It is currently only possible to retrieve data from the immediate properties of the root object of a JSONTiddler.//
Certain [[fields|TiddlerFields]] of a tiddler are used to store dates and times.
The two standard date fields are <<.field created>> and <<.field modified>>.
Values of date fields are 17-character strings:
* 4 digits for the year
* 2 digits for the month
* 2 digits for the day
* 2 digits for the hour
* 2 digits for the minute
* 2 digits for the second
* 3 digits for the millisecond
To avoid problems arising from differences of time zone, TiddlyWiki always uses [[UTC|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coordinated_Universal_Time]].
As an example, the <<.field created>> field of this tiddler has the value <<.value """<$view field="created"/>""">>.
Dates can be [[converted to other formats|DateFormat]] for display:
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html"
src="""<$view field="created" format="date" template="DDD DDth MMM YYYY"/>""">
The ViewWidget accepts a `template` attribute that allows the format of date values to be specified. The format string is processed with the following substitutions:
|!Token |!Substituted Value |
|`DDD` |Day of week in full (eg, "Monday") |
|`ddd` |Short day of week (eg, "Mon") |
|`DD` |Day of month |
|`0DD` |Adds a leading zero |
|`DDth` |Adds a suffix |
|`WW` |ISO-8601 week number of year |
|`0WW` |Adds a leading zero |
|`MMM` |Month in full (eg, "July") |
|`mmm` |Short month (eg, "Jul") |
|`MM` |Month number |
|`0MM` |Adds leading zero |
|`YYYY` |Full year |
|`YY` |Two digit year |
|`wYYYY` |Full year with respect to week number |
|`wYY` |Two digit year with respect to week number |
|`hh` |Hours |
|`0hh` |Adds a leading zero |
|`hh12` |Hours in 12 hour clock |
|`0hh12` |Hours in 12 hour clock with leading zero |
|`mm` |Minutes |
|`0mm` |Minutes with leading zero |
|`ss` |Seconds |
|`0ss` |Seconds with leading zero |
|`am` or `pm` |Lower case AM/PM indicator |
|`AM` or `PM` |Upper case AM/PM indicator |
|`TZD` |Timezone offset |
|`\x` |Used to escape a character that would otherwise have special meaning |
Note that other text is passed through unchanged, allowing commas, colons or other separators to be used.
! Examples
|!Template |!Output |
|`DDth MMM YYYY` |16th February 2011 |
|`DDth MMM \M\M\M YYYY` |16th February MMM 2011 |
|`DDth mmm hh:mm:ss` |16th Feb 2011 11:38:42 |
It has a <<.field list>> field containing the following items:
<<list-links "[list[]]">>
These are definitions of technical words and phrases used in this documentation. (As distinct from the [[Concepts]] that make up TiddlyWiki itself).
<<list-links "[tag[Definitions]]">>
HTML definition lists are created with this syntax:
<<wikitext-example src:"; Term being defined
: Definition of that term
; Another term
: Another definition
Die deutsche Übersetzung von TiddlyWiki ist verfügbar unter:
* ''Dokumentation'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/de-DE/index.html
* ''Leer'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/de-DE/empty.html
Siehe auch: [[Deutsch (Österreich) Edition]].
Die österreichische Übersetzung von TiddlyWiki ist verfügbar unter:
* ''Dokumentation'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/de-AT/index.html
* ''Leer'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/de-AT/empty.html
Siehe auch: [[Deutsch (Deutschland) Edition]].
A dictionary tiddler is a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]] containing a simple list of name/value pairs.
Its [[ContentType]] is `application/x-tiddler-dictionary`.
The `text` field consists of one or more lines of the form <code>//name//: //value//</code>.
[[ColourPalettes]], such as the [[default Vanilla palette|$:/palettes/Vanilla]], are dictionary tiddlers.
Unless you've already seen ~TiddlyWiki, we guarantee you've never seen //anything// like ~TiddlyWiki. ~TiddlyWiki is:
:: a tool,
:: a toolbox,
:: a community,
:: and a philosophy.
! ~TiddlyWiki is a Tool
''~TiddlyWiki is first and foremost a tool:'' it is a free downloadable tool for capturing and organising content from the web, from your documents or from your brain. It’s a tool for note-taking, bookmarking, pinning, writing, managing to-do lists and projects, collaborating, blogging, and publishing.
In ~TiddlyWiki you create or paste content into notes called tiddlers, then connect your tiddlers with hyperlinks and tags. You can then quickly retrieve your notes through features such as tag pills, sidebar tabs, and ~TiddlyWiki's lightning fast search window. You can even dynamically include one tiddler's content inside another - similar to using building blocks - to create articles, lists, presentations and more.
! ~TiddlyWiki is a Toolbox
In addition to being a versatile tool, ''~TiddlyWiki is also a toolbox.''
Where other note-taking products hook you with the basic program then charge you for the really helpful features, ~TiddlyWiki has an ever-expanding collection of completely free visual themes, colour palettes, plugins, widgets and macros, which you can then mix and match so that you can tweak and tailor your ~TiddlyWiki to get it just the way you want it.
! ~TiddlyWiki is also a Community
We are a [[community|Community]] of users and developers who help each other imagine new ways of thinking and organising and create new solutions, so that ~TiddlyWiki is continually adapting to better serve your needs. ~TiddlyWiki users and developers share questions and advice at a ~TiddlyWiki Google group. They also create tutorials, adaptations, and plugins to enhance your ~TiddlyWiki experience. See the section ''Community'' of the TableOfContents for more details.
! Finally, ~TiddlyWiki is a philosophy
The purpose of taking and organising a note (or recording any kind of content) is to be able to retrieve it later. If you can't find your notes in your note-taking system, your note-taking becomes a colossal waste of time.
The [[TiddlyWiki philosophy|Philosophy of Tiddlers]] is that the best way to take notes is to separate them into tiddlers, the smallest semantic units possible. A tiddler might be an image, a webpage link, a concept, the definition of a term, or a specific customisation such as a macro.
These tiddlers can then be woven together to create longer units: stories, articles, lists, image galleries, and much more. ~TiddlyWiki's features such as tagging, hyperlinking, and filters are specially designed to help you relate and connect tiddlers together in multiple ways, facilitating your future retrieval of your notes and even helping you see unexpected relationships among your tiddlers and the information they contain.
The following macros are used throughout ~TiddlyWiki's documentation.
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|.def |the defining instance of a term |<<.def widget>> |
|.em |minor emphasis within a sentence |<<.em not>> |
|.place |a placeholder for the user to fill in |<<.place tagname>> |
|.strong |major emphasis within a tiddler |<<.strong Important!>> |
|.word |a mention of an ordinary word or phrase |<<.word "hello world">> |
|!Macro |!Used for |
|.preamble |an introductory sentence that stands apart from the rest of the tiddler |
!Tiddlers and fields
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|.tid |a tiddler title |<<.tid Example>> |
|.tag |a tag |<<.tag Example>> |
|.field |a field name |<<.field example>> |
|.value |a field value |<<.value "example value">> |
|.op |a filter operator |<<.op backlinks>> |
|.var |a variable or macro nam e|<<.var currentTiddler>> |
|.wid |a widget name |<<.wid list>> |
|.attr |an attribute name |<<.attr filter>> |
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|.link |a link containing WikiText |<<.link "^^an^^ ~~example~~" Example>> |
|.clink |a code link |<<.clink `<$list>` ListWidget>> |
|.flink |a link to a field |<<.flink ListField>> |
|.olink |a link to an operator |<<.olink prefix>> |
|.wlink |a link to a widget |<<.wlink ButtonWidget>> |
!User interface
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|.key |a key on the keyboard |<<.key Escape>> |
|.keycombo |a key combination |<<.keycombo Ctrl Enter>> |
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|.sidebar-tab |the name of a sidebar tab |<<.sidebar-tab More>> |
|.more-tab |the name of a subtab of the More tab |<<.more-tab Shadows>> |
|.info-tab |the name of a tiddler info tab |<<.info-tab Fields>> |
|.controlpanel-tab |the name of a Control Panel tab |<<.controlpanel-tab Settings>> |
|.advancedsearch-tab |the name of an Advanced Search tab |<<.advancedsearch-tab Filter>> |
|.toc-tab |name of the tw5.com TOC tab |<<.toc-tab>> |
|.example-tab |an example tab name |<<.example-tab "Notes">> |
!!Parameters for .sidebar-tab
|Open |<<.sidebar-tab Open>> |
|Recent |<<.sidebar-tab Recent>> |
|Tools |<<.sidebar-tab Tools>> |
|More |<<.sidebar-tab More>> |
!!Parameters for .more-tab
|All |<<.more-tab All>> |
|Recent |<<.more-tab Recent>> |
|Tags |<<.more-tab Tags>> |
|Missing |<<.more-tab Missing>> |
|Drafts |<<.more-tab Drafts>> |
|Orphans |<<.more-tab Orphans>> |
|Types |<<.more-tab Types>> |
|System |<<.more-tab System>> |
|Shadows |<<.more-tab Shadows>> |
!!Parameters for .info-tab
|Tools |<<.info-tab Tools>> |
|References |<<.info-tab References>> |
|Tagging |<<.info-tab Tagging>> |
|List |<<.info-tab List>> |
|Listed |<<.info-tab Listed>> |
|Fields |<<.info-tab Fields>> |
|Advanced |<<.info-tab Advanced>> |
!!Parameters for .controlpanel-tab
|Info |<<.controlpanel-tab Info>> |
|Appearance |<<.controlpanel-tab Appearance>> |
|Settings |<<.controlpanel-tab Settings>> |
|Saving |<<.controlpanel-tab Saving>> |
|Plugins |<<.controlpanel-tab Plugins>> |
!!Parameters for .advancedsearch-tab
|Standard |<<.advancedsearch-tab Standard>> |
|System |<<.advancedsearch-tab System>> |
|Shadows |<<.advancedsearch-tab Shadows>> |
|Filter |<<.advancedsearch-tab Filter>> |
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|.button |a standard button name and icon |<<.button "new-tiddler">> |
!!Parameters for .button
!!!Tiddler toolbar
|clone |<<.button "clone">> |
|close |<<.button "close">> |
|close-others |<<.button "close-others">> |
|edit |<<.button "edit">> |
|export-tiddler |<<.button "export-tiddler">> |
|info |<<.button "info">> |
|more-tiddler-actions |<<.button "more-tiddler-actions">> |
|new-here |<<.button "new-here">> |
|new-journal-here |<<.button "new-journal-here">> |
|permalink |<<.button "permalink">> |
!!!Edit-mode toolbar
|cancel |<<.button "cancel">> |
|delete |<<.button "delete">> |
|save |<<.button "save">> |
!!!Page toolbar
|advanced-search |<<.button "advanced-search">> |
|close-all |<<.button "close-all">> |
|control-panel |<<.button "control-panel">> |
|encryption |<<.button "encryption">> |
|export-page |<<.button "export-page">> |
|full-screen |<<.button "full-screen">> |
|home |<<.button "home">> |
|import |<<.button "import">> |
|language |<<.button "language">> |
|more-page-actions |<<.button "more-page-actions">> |
|new-journal |<<.button "new-journal">> |
|new-tiddler |<<.button "new-tiddler">> |
|permaview |<<.button "permaview">> |
|refresh |<<.button "refresh">> |
|save-wiki |<<.button "save-wiki">> |
|storyview |<<.button "storyview">> |
|tag-manager |<<.button "tag-manager">> |
|theme |<<.button "theme">> |
The documentation for ~TiddlyWiki tries to follow a consistent editorial style. It has two main areas, each with its own tone and audience:
* [[Instruction Tiddlers]]
* [[Reference Tiddlers]]
We keep the two areas distinct. This avoids overwhelming relative newcomers, while still providing quick access to the information that expert users need.
Additional topics:
* [[Tiddler Title Policy]]
* [[Tiddler Structure]]
* [[Spelling]]
* [[Typography]]
* [[Documentation Macros]]
* [[Technical Prose Style]]
[[Filters]] manipulate [[sets of titles|Title Selection]] in which no title may appear more than once. Furthermore, they often need to append one such set to another.
This is done in such a way that, if a title would be duplicated, the earlier copy of that title is discarded. The titles being appended are dominant.
For example, if a selection contains `Andrew Becky Clara Daniel` and `Andrew Barney Clara Daisy` is then appended to it, the result is `Becky Daniel Andrew Barney Clara Daisy`.
Tiddlers that have a `draft.of` field are treated as pending drafts of the tiddler specified in the field. Draft tiddlers should also have a `draft.title` field that specifies the title that will be given to the tiddler when it is saved.
Several features work in concert to give the desired behaviour for draft tiddlers:
* The ListWidget can optionally render draft tiddlers through a different template
* The NavigatorWidget incorporates handlers for the following events:
** `tm-new-tiddler` for creating a new tiddler in draft mode
** `tm-edit-tiddler` for moving a tiddler into edit mode
** `tm-cancel-tiddler` for cancelling a tiddler out of edit mode
** `tm-save-tiddler` for saving a draft tiddler
* Draft tiddlers are automatically excluded from search operations
! Introduction
The dropzone widget creates an area into which the user can drag files and other objects. It also supports pasting via the clipboard, although browser support is currently limited.
It sends a [[WidgetMessage: tm-import-tiddlers]] carrying a JSON representation of the tiddlers to be imported up through its parents. This message usually trapped by the NavigatorWidget which adds the tiddlers to the store and updates the story to display them.
! Content and Attributes
The dropzone widget has no attributes, and displays any contained content within the dropzone.
! Display
The dropzone widget creates an HTML `<div class="tc-dropzone">` to contain its content. During a drag operation the class `tc-dragover` is added. CSS is used to provide user feedback.
! Data types supported
The following data transfer types are supported:
* ''text/vnd.tiddler'' - a list of tiddlers in JSON format (this format is generated by the LinkWidget)
* ''text/plain'' - plain text
* ''text/uri-list'' - a list of URIs as a single tiddler
The ''dumpvariables'' [[macro|Macros]] displays a table with values of all [[variables|Variables]] that are defined in the current scope. It is useful for debugging and exploring TiddlyWiki internals.
''Note:'' Parameters and variable subsitutions for macros are displayed as empty strings. A macro defined as `\define myMacro(text) ''$text$''` thus displays as `''''`.
!! Example
Renders as:
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]]"
output="a selection containing the first input title encountered for each distinct value of field <<.place f>>"
Each input title is processed in turn. The value of field <<.place f>> in the corresponding tiddler is examined, and as long as the value has not been encountered before, the title is appended to the output set.
If a tiddler doesn't contain field <<.place f>>, or contains it but with an empty value, then it contributes nothing to the output.
<<.operator-examples "each">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[each[color]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[sort[title]each[type]]" "the alphabetically first tiddler of each type">>
For an example of using the <<.op each>> operator to generate a two-tier list of groups and members, see [[GroupedLists]].
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="the name of a [[date field|Date Fields]]"
output="a selection containing the first input title encountered for each distinct value (ignoring times of day) of field <<.place f>>"
Each input title is processed in turn. The value of field <<.place f>> in the corresponding tiddler is examined, and as long as this indicates a date that has not been encountered before, the title is appended to the output set.
If a tiddler doesn't contain field <<.place f>>, it contributes nothing to the output.
<<.operator-examples "eachday">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[eachday[created]]" "the first tiddler created on each day">>
For an example of using the <<.op eachday>> operator to generate a two-tier list of groups and members, see [[GroupedLists]].
! Introduction
The edit bitmap widget provides a user interface in the browser for editing bitmap tiddlers. It is currently a primitive proof-of-concept, supporting resizing and painting with a single color and line width.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$edit-bitmap>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The tiddler to edit (defaults to the CurrentTiddler) |
! Configuration
The edit bitmap widget can be configured with these system tiddlers:
* [[$:/config/BitmapEditor/LineWidth]] determines the line width: <$edit-text tiddler="$:/config/BitmapEditor/LineWidth" tag="input"/>
* [[$:/config/BitmapEditor/Colour]] determines the line color: <$edit-text tiddler="$:/config/BitmapEditor/Colour" tag="input" type="color"/>
Michael Fogleman has written an [[Emacs|http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/]] major mode called [[tid-mode|https://github.com/mwfogleman/tid-mode]], which is for editing TiddlyWiki .tid files. It is derived from text-mode, uses the useful minor modes org-struct and subword, and updates the modified times when you save a .tid file.
He also wrote two helper functions for using TiddlyWiki in Emacs. The first opens a tiddlers directory in Dired; the second opens TiddlyWiki in the browser.
(defun open-wiki ()
"Opens a TiddlyWiki directory in Dired."
(dired "~/Dropbox/wiki/tiddlers/"))
(defun browse-wiki ()
"Opens TiddlyWiki in the browser."
(browse-url ""))
This latter function may require specifying a browser:
(setq browse-url-browser-function 'browse-url-generic
browse-url-generic-program "chromium")
You can bind either of these functions with the global-set-key function:
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c w") 'open-wiki)
At the moment, these are not integrated into tid-mode.
La traduction en Français (France) de TiddlyWiki démarre ici :
* ''documentation'' : http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/fr-FR/index.html
* ''empty'' : http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/fr-FR/empty.html
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection|Title Selection]] of edition names"
output="the description string of each edition in the input"
Each input title is processed in turn, ignoring any that is not the name of a ~TiddlyWiki edition.
TiddlyWiki is distributed in several different editions that are tuned for specific purposes. Each one consists of the same TiddlyWiki core components along with the required plugins, documentation and sample content.
You can mix and match the components of these editions, to make a unique solution to your particular application.
<<list-links "[tag[Editions]]">>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
output="the name of each ~TiddlyWiki edition, in alphabetical order"
! Introduction
The edit text widget provides a user interface in the browser for editing text tiddler fields. The editing element is dynamically bound to the underlying tiddler value: changes to the tiddler are instantly reflected, and any edits are instantly propogated.
By default, the edit text widget generates a `<textarea>` as the HTML editing element when the `text` field is edited, and a `<input type="text">` element otherwise. This behaviour can be overridden with the `tag` and `type` attributes.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$edit-text>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The tiddler to edit (defaults to the CurrentTiddler) |
|field |The field to edit (defaults to `text`). Takes precedence over the `index` attribute |
|index |The index to edit |
|default |The default text to be provided when the target tiddler doesn't exist |
|class |A CSS class to be assigned to the generated HTML editing element |
|placeholder |Placeholder text to be displayed when the edit field is empty |
|focusPopup |Title of a state tiddler for a popup that is displayed when the editing element has focus |
|focus |Set to "true" to automatically focus the editor after creation |
|tag |Overrides the generated HTML editing element tag. Use `textarea` for a multi-line editor |
|type |Overrides the generated HTML editing element `type` attribute |
|size |The size of the input field (in characters) |
|autoHeight |Either "yes" or "no" to specify whether to automatically resize `textarea` editors to fit their content (defaults to "yes") |
|minHeight |Minimum height for automatically resized `textarea` editors, specified in CSS length units such as "px", "em" or "%" |
! Notes
One trap to be aware of is that the edit text widget cannot be used to edit a field of the tiddler that contains it. Each keypress results in the tiddler being re-rendered, which loses the cursor position within the text field.
Instead, place the edit text widget in a [[template|TemplateTiddlers]] that references the tiddler you want to modify.
For example, if you wanted to edit the value of the "myconfig" field of the tiddler "AppSettings", you might do so by creating a separate tiddler "ChangeAppSettings" that contains the following:
<$edit-text tiddler="AppSettings" field="myconfig"/>
! Introduction
The edit widget provides a general purpose interface for editing a tiddler. It dynamically chooses the appropriate widget depending on the type of the tiddler (currently either the EditTextWidget or the EditBitmapWidget).
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$edit>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The tiddler to edit (defaults to the CurrentTiddler) |
|field |The field to edit (defaults to `text`). Takes precedence over the `index` attribute |
|index |The index to edit |
|class |A CSS class to be added the generated editing widget |
The "empty" edition of TiddlyWiki is a vanilla distribution, with no additional plugins or configuration beyond the core code.
The empty edition can be downloaded from:
When used as a single HTML file, TiddlyWiki5 allows content to be encrypted using the [[Stanford JavaScript Crypto Library]].
# Switch to the ''Tools'' tab in the sidebar and look for the button with a padlock icon
# If the button is labelled "set password" then the current wiki is not encrypted. Clicking the button will prompt for a password that will be used to encrypt subsequent saves
# If the button is labelled "clear password" then the current wiki is already encrypted. Clicking the button will remove the password so that subsequent saves will be unencrypted
# Optionally, open the saved file in a text editor and verify that your data is encrypted
# Open the file in your browser. You will be prompted for a password before the content is displayed
TiddlyWiki5 allows the entire content of a TiddlyWiki HTML file to be encrypted with the Stanford JavaScript Crypto Library. Opening an encrypted TiddlyWiki in the browser prompts for a password before decrypting and displaying the content.
For instructions on how to use TiddlyWiki5's encryption features, see [[Encryption]].
The EncryptionMechanism is implemented with the following elements:
* A PasswordVault within the BootMechanism that holds the current encryption password
* The ability of the BootMechanism to read a block of encrypted tiddlers from the TiddlyWiki file, to prompt the user for a password, and to decrypt the tiddlers
* Handlers for the messages [[WidgetMessage: tm-set-password]] and [[WidgetMessage: tm-clear-password]] that handle the user interface for password changes
* The EncryptWidget within the main file template that encrypts a filtered list of tiddlers with the currently held password
* The [[$:/isEncrypted]] tiddler that contains "yes" or "no" according to whether there is a password in the password vault
** The availability of this tiddler allows the RevealWidget to be used to selectively display user interface elements according to whether encryption is in force
! Introduction
The encrypt widget renders a filtered list of tiddlers to an encrypted block with the password currently held in the PasswordVault. The encrypted block can subsequently be decrypted by the TiddlyWiki5 BootMechanism. See the EncryptionMechanism for more details.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$encrypt>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|filter |Filter defining the tiddlers to be included in the encrypted block. If not specified then all non-system tiddlers are used |
[[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] supports the following OS environment variables for specifying a colon-delimited list of paths to search for plugins and editions:
* `TIDDLYWIKI_PLUGIN_PATH` - Search path for ordinary plugins
* `TIDDLYWIKI_THEME_PATH` - Search path for themes
* `TIDDLYWIKI_LANGUAGE_PATH` - Search path for languages
* `TIDDLYWIKI_EDITION_PATH` - Search path for editions (used by the InitCommand)
The additional paths should each point to folders structured like the equivalent directories in the TiddlyWiki5 GitHub repository: the plugin, theme and language directories contain `publisher/pluginname/<files>` while the edition directories contain `editionname/<files>`
For example:
tiddlywiki mywiki --build index
I collect my tw5 creations on-line as http://eucaly-tw5.tiddlyspot.com/
Available Plugins :
*TitleMe - Return in-place tiddler title, to link / show / edit the source tiddler
*QuickJump - Quick jump to tiddlers in story list
*FlexWidth - Flexibly tweak sidebar width for TiddlyWiki 5 (Inspired by TW5 tristate Sidebar)
*MatchFilter - returns matching text instead of a list of the tiddlers from FieldFilter
*PopupTagger - TagBar / TagTable with popup list of tags (Inspired by MonkeyTaggerMacro for TiddlyWiki classic)
This collection showcases inspiring and interesting examples of TiddlyWiki being used in the wild.
Submit new entries to this collection via GitHub, Twitter or by posting in the [[TiddlyWiki Groups|Forums]].
<div class="tc-link-info">
<$list filter="[tag[Examples]!sort[modified]]">
<div class="tc-link-info-item">
! <$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
<div class="tc-subtitle">Posted <$view field="modified" format="relativedate"/></div>
External images in TiddlyWiki are tiddlers that point to the URI of an image, rather than embedding the full image data. They can perform better than embedded images, particularly with large numbers or sizes of images. However, using them breaks the single file pattern of TiddlyWiki.
External images are used in the browser. They can be created by the Node.js configuration when it builds a TiddlyWiki, or they can be created manually within the browser.
! What is an External Image
An external image is an ordinary image tiddler that has a ''_canonical_uri'' field containing the URI of the image. The URI can be absolute or relative to the HTML document. If the canonical URI is provided then the ''text'' field of the tiddler is ignored and so should be omitted.
! Manually Creating External Images
To manually create an external image just create the tiddler with the appropriate image content type, and add a ''_canonical_uri'' field with a URI pointing to the actual image location.
''IMPORTANT:'' Double-check your spelling. ``_canonical_uri`` is spelled [[URI|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URI#The_relationship_between_URIs.2C_URLs.2C_and_URNs]], not URL.
! Creating external images under Node.js
The following steps are used to create a static HTML file version of a wiki accompanied by an ''images'' folder containing the referenced external images:
# Create image tiddlers in your TiddlyWikiFolders in the usual way
# Save the images as separate files (by convention, in a subfolder named ''images'')
# Externalise the image tiddlers by giving them a ''_canonical_uri'' field
# Save the main HTML file
Note the image files must be saved before they are externalised. Externalising them destroys the ''text'' field within the in-memory copy of the wiki store, meaning that attempts to save them will fail.
For an example see the ''externalimages'' build target of the demo ''tw5.com'' wiki:
--savetiddlers [is[image]] images
--setfield [is[image]] _canonical_uri $:/core/templates/canonical-uri-external-image text/plain
--setfield [is[image]] text "" text/plain
--rendertiddler $:/core/save/all externalimages.html text/plain
!! Saving Separate Image Files
The following `--savetiddlers` command can be used to save the images of a wiki into an ''images'' subfolder:
--savetiddlers [is[image]] images
!! Externalising Image Tiddlers
Two `--setfield` commands are used: the first sets the ''_canonical_uri'' field to a URI derived from the title of the tiddler, and the second clears the text field.
--setfield [is[image]] _canonical_uri $:/core/templates/canonical-uri-external-image text/plain
--setfield [is[image]] text "" text/plain
The template tiddler [[$:/core/templates/canonical-uri-external-image]] contains:
<$view tiddler="$:/core/templates/canonical-uri-external-image" field="text" format="text"/>
Note that these operations modify the tiddlers in the wiki store and so may affect the operation of subsequent commands.
! Using External Images
You can't edit an external image directly in the browser except by changing the URI field to point to a different image.
\define alert-demo()
<$fieldmangler tiddler="SampleAlert"><$set name="currentTiddler" value="SampleAlert"><$button message="tm-add-tag" param="$:/tags/Alert">alerts</$button></$set></$fieldmangler>
Further information about specific TiddlyWiki features:
<<list-links "[tag[Features]]">>
* Familiar user interface elements like <<alert-demo>>, <$button message="tm-modal" param="SampleWizard">wizards</$button> and <$button message="tm-notify" param="SampleNotification">notifications</$button>
* Try out the <$button message="tm-full-screen">full screen support</$button>
* Explore the [[D3.js visualisation plugin|http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/d3/index.html]]
* [[CodeMirror support via a plugin|http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/codemirror/index.html]]
* [[Markdown support via a plugin|http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/markdown/index.html]]
* [[Classic TiddlyWiki markup support via a plugin|http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/tw2parser/index.html]]
* Last but not least, TiddlyWiki is a rare example of a practical [[quine|Quine]]
Federatial Limited is a software consultancy founded by JeremyRuston specializing in understanding the impact of the web on the way that we work together.
See http://federatial.com/ and http://twitter.com/federatial for more information.
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
suffix="the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]]"
parameter="a possible value of field <<.place f>>"
output="those input tiddlers in which field <<.place f>> has the value <<.place s>>"
negationOutput="those input tiddlers in which field <<.place f>> does <<.em not>> have the value <<.place s>>"
If <<.place s>> is empty, <<.op field>> will match both of the following:
* tiddlers that don't contain field <<.place f>>
* tiddlers in which field <<.place f>> exists but has an empty value
The syntax of a [[filter step|Filter Step]] treats any unrecognised [[filter operator|Filter Operators]] as if it was the suffix to the <<.op field>> operator. See the <<.operator-examples "field" "examples">>.
<<.operator-examples "field">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[field:author[JeremyRuston]]" "plugins authored by JeremyRuston">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[plugin-type[theme]author[JeremyRuston]]" "themes authored by JeremyRuston">>
! Introduction
The field mangler widget manipulates the fields and tags of a tiddler. It does so in response to the following [[Messages]]:
|!Message |!Description |
|''tm-remove-field'' |Remove the field specified in `event.param` |
|''tm-add-field'' |Add the field specified in `event.param` |
|''tm-remove-tag'' |Remove the tag specified in `event.param` |
|''tm-add-tag'' |Add the tag specified in `event.param` |
! Content and Attributes
The field mangler widget displays any contained content, and responds to [[Messages]] dispatched within it.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |Title of the tiddler to manipulate (defaults to the CurrentTiddler) |
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
output="all the field names contained in the input tiddlers"
Each input title is processed in turn. Its list of field names is retrieved (in no particular order) and then [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's output.
<<.operator-examples "fields">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[HelloThere]fields[]]" "fields of HelloThere">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[tag[Common Operators]fields[]]" "fields of all tiddlers tagged as [[Common Operators]]">>
! Introduction
The fields widget renders each field of a specified tiddler through a simple text template. A list of fields to exclude can be provided. It is used internally by TiddlyWiki5, notably by the FileSavingMechanism.
!! Template Handling
The provided template is rendered with the following special substitutions:
|!Symbol |!Substitution |
|$name$ |Field name |
|$value$ |Field value |
|$encoded_value$ |HTML encoded form of field value |
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$fields>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |Title of the tiddler from which the fields are to be displayed (defaults to the CurrentTiddler) |
|template |Text of the template (see above) |
|exclude |Lists of fields to be excluded (defaults to "text") |
|stripTitlePrefix |If set to "yes" then curly bracketed prefixes are removed from titles (for example `{prefix}HelloThere` converts to `HelloThere`) |
The `stripTitlePrefix` attribute is used when building TiddlyWiki Classic; see `editions/tw2` in the TiddlyWiki5 repo.
<$railroad text="""
[: [[whitespace|"Filter Whitespace"]] ]
[[run|"Filter Run"]]
A <<.def "filter expression">> is the outermost level of the [[filter syntax|Filter Syntax]]. It consists of one or more [[runs|Filter Run]].
A run's input is normally a list of all the non-[[shadow|ShadowTiddlers]] tiddler titles in the wiki (in no particular order). But the `+` prefix can change this.
* If a run has no `+` or `-` prefix, its output titles are [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the filter's output.
* If a run has a `-` prefix, its output titles are <<.em removed>> from the filter's output (if they were present).
* If a run has a `+` prefix, it receives the filter's output so far as its input. The filter's output is then completely <<.em replaced>> by the run's output. Any subsequent run reverts to receiving all tiddler titles as its input, unless it too has a `+` prefix.
In concise technical terms:
|!Run |!Interpretation |!Output |
|`run` |union of sets |... OR run |
|`+run` |intersection of sets |... AND run |
|`-run` |difference of sets |... AND NOT run |
\define .operator-rows(filter)
<$list filter="$filter$"><tr>
<td><$link to={{!!title}}>{{!!caption}}</$link></td>
<td>{{!!purpose}} <$list filter="[all[current]tag[Common Operators]]">{{$:/core/images/done-button}}</$list></td>
<td align="center"><$list filter="[all[current]tag[Negatable Operators]]">`!`</$list></td>
\define .group-heading(_)
<tr class="doc-table-subheading"><th colspan="3" align="center">$_$</th></tr>
A <<.def "filter operator">> is a predefined keyword attached to an individual [[step|Filter Step]] of a [[filter|Filters]]. It defines the particular action of that step.
The following table lists all the core operators. The commonest ones are checkmarked. The third column indicates which operators allow <$link to="Filter Step">the <code>!</code> prefix</$link> to reverse their meaning.
<th align="left">Operator</th>
<th align="left">Purpose</th>
<th align="left">Neg</th>
<<.operator-rows "[tag[Filter Operators]!tag[Order Operators]!tag[String Operators]!tag[Tag Operators]!tag[Special Operators]sort[]]">>
<<.group-heading "Order Operators">>
<<.operator-rows "[tag[Filter Operators]tag[Order Operators]!tag[String Operators]!tag[Tag Operators]!tag[Special Operators]sort[]]">>
<<.group-heading "String Operators">>
<<.operator-rows "[tag[Filter Operators]!tag[Order Operators]tag[String Operators]!tag[Tag Operators]!tag[Special Operators]sort[]]">>
<<.group-heading "Tag Operators">>
<<.operator-rows "[tag[Filter Operators]!tag[Order Operators]!tag[String Operators]tag[Tag Operators]!tag[Special Operators]sort[]]">>
<<.group-heading "Special Operators">>
<<.operator-rows "[tag[Filter Operators]!tag[Order Operators]!tag[String Operators]!tag[Tag Operators]tag[Special Operators]sort[]]">>
A typical step is written as `[operator[parameter]]`, although not all of the operators need a [[parameter|Filter Parameter]].
Most steps process the [[selection of titles|Title Selection]] that are supplied as their input, but a few are [[absolute|Absolute Operators]]. For the exact rules, see [[Filter Syntax]].
<$railroad text="""
( "[" [:{/"anything but ]"/}] "]"
"{" [:{/"anything but }"/}] "}"
"<" [:{/"anything but >"/}] ">"
The parameter to a [[filter operator|Filter Operators]] can be:
;<<.def hard>>
: `[like this]`
: The parameter is the exact text that appears between the square brackets.
;<<.def soft>>
: <<.def indirect>>
:: `{like this}`
:: The parameter is the text indicated by the [[text reference|TextReference]] whose name appears between the curly brackets, i.e. a [[field|TiddlerFields]] of a specified tiddler, or the value of a property of a specified [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]].
: <<.def variable>>
:: `<like this>`
:: The parameter is the current value of the [[variable|Variables]] whose name appears between the angle brackets.
<$railroad text="""
( "[" { [[step|"Filter Step"]] } "]"
[:{/"anything but [ ] or whitespace"/}]
'"' [:{/'anything but "'/}] '"'
"'" [:{/"anything but '"/}] '"'
A <<.def run>> consists of [[steps|Filter Step]], and it outputs a [[selection|Title Selection]] that contributes to a larger [[filter expression|Filter Expression]].
The steps are processed from left to right. The input to the first step is same as the input to the run. For each subsequent step, the input is the output of the previous step.
{{Absolute Operators}}
The lower three options in the diagram match syntax like `HelloThere`, `"HelloThere"`, `'HelloThere'` and `"Filter Operators"`. They are short for `[title[...]]`.
The quoted options exist to support titles that contain square brackets, as in `"An [[[[Unusual]]]] Tiddler"`.
<$railroad text="""
[: [[operator|"Filter Operators"]] [:":" suffix] ]
[[parameter|"Filter Parameter"]]
A <<.def step>> represents a single operation within a [[filter|Filter Syntax]].
In programming terms, it is akin to a function call to which [[the step's input|Filter Run]] is passed as an implicit parameter. A step's output is a [[selection|Title Selection]] that contributes to a [[run|Filter Run]] and hence to the entire [[filter expression|Filter Expression]] that contains it.
The step's <<.def operator>> is drawn from a list of [[predefined keywords|Filter Operators]], which can be extended by plugins. Any unrecognised operator is treated as if it was the suffix to the <<.olink field>> operator. If a step's operator is omitted altogether, it defaults to `title`.
The <<.def suffix>> is additional text, often the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]], that extends the meaning of certain operators.
Many steps require an explicit <<.def parameter>> value, also known as an <<.def operand>>, that further defines what the step is to do.
<<.preamble """[[Filters]] follow a grammar that is presented here, using [[railroad diagrams|Railroad Diagrams]], for those who find formal syntax descriptions helpful. However, you can [[learn to write filters|Introduction to filter notation]] without needing to understand this group of tiddlers.""">>
A <<.def filter>> is a pipeline for transforming an <<.def input>> into an <<.def output>>. Both the input and the output are [[ordered sets of titles|Title Selection]] of things like tiddlers and fields.
Filters are [[expressions|Filter Expression]] constructed from smaller building blocks, called [[runs|Filter Run]] and [[steps|Filter Step]], each of which also transforms an input to an output.
A filter starts with an empty output. Its runs are processed from left to right, progressively modifying the output.
Here are details of the various building blocks involved:
<<list-links "[tag[Filter Syntax]]">>
<$railroad text="""
{( "space" | "tab" | "linefeed" | "return" | "vertical tab" | "formfeed" )}
Whitespace characters can appear between each [[run|Filter Run]] of a [[filter expression|Filter Expression]].
You can think of TiddlyWiki as a database in which the records are tiddlers. A database typically provides a way of discovering which records match a given pattern, and in ~TiddlyWiki this is done with filters.
A <<.def filter>> is a concise notation for selecting a particular [[set of tiddlers|Title Selection]], known as its <<.def "output">>. Whenever ~TiddlyWiki encounters a filter, it calculates the output. Further work can then be done with just those tiddlers, such as [[counting|CountWidget]] or [[listing|ListWidget]] them.
The following example passes a filter to the [[list-links macro|ListMacro]] to display a list of all tiddlers whose titles start with the letter H:
<<list-links "[prefix[H]]">>
A filter's output can change as tiddlers are added and deleted in the wiki. ~TiddlyWiki recalculates on the fly, automatically updating any filter-based counts or lists as well.
[[Advanced Search|$:/AdvancedSearch]] has a <<.advancedsearch-tab Filter>> tab that makes it easy to experiment with filters.
;Find out more:
* [[Introduction to filter notation]] -- a step-by-step walkthrough
* [[Filter Syntax]] -- the detailed technical rules
* [[Filter Operators]] -- the available methods of filtering
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="an integer, defaulting to 1"
output="the first <<.place n>> input titles"
<<.operator-examples "first">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]first[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]first[5]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[tag[Filter Operators]!sort[title]first[]]">>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Available character formatting includes:
* <code>`backticks`</code> for `code`
** Alternatively, <code>``double backticks allows `embedded` backticks``</code>
* `''bold''` for ''bold text''
* `//italic//` for //italic text//
* `__underscore__` for __underscored text__
* `^^superscript^^` for ^^superscript^^ text
* `,,subscript,,` for ,,subscripted,, text
* `~~strikethrough~~` for ~~strikethrough~~ text
See also: [[Code Blocks in WikiText]]
Within the text of a tiddler you can use special formatting called WikiText to control how the text is displayed.
! Simple Formatting
At its simplest, WikiText lets you use familiar word-processing features like bold, italic, lists and tables. For example:
The ''quick'' brown ~~flea~~ fox //jumps// over the `lazy` dog
… displays as:
The ''quick'' brown ~~flea~~ fox //jumps// over the `lazy` dog
! Working with Tiddlers
In WikiText, you can link to tiddlers using double square brackets, or by taking advantage of the automatic linking of CamelCase words:
This is a link to HelloThere, and one to [[History of TiddlyWiki]]
… displays as:
This is a link to HelloThere, and one to [[History of TiddlyWiki]]
! Macros
Macros let you package repetitive fragments of WikiText so that you can easily reuse them.
For example, here is the definition of a macro that generates a ~YouTube video URL from its unique identifier:
\define youtube(video)
With that definition in place, `<<youtube 1g66s7UbyuU>>` generates the URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1g66s7UbyuU
! Advanced WikiText
Advanced WikiText features allow you to produce automated lists and interactive features like dropdown menus. In fact, the entire user interface of TiddlyWiki itself is written in WikiText, so any feature that you see in TiddlyWiki can be adapted for use in your own wikis.
Some of the advanced features require complex coding. TiddlyWiki includes several built-in macros that simplify common user interface tasks, like tabs, tables of content, and lists of tiddlers.
! Find out more
See [[WikiText]] for a detailed introduction to writing WikiText.
! Users
The ~TiddlyWiki discussion groups are mailing lists for talking about ~TiddlyWiki: requests for help, announcements of new releases and plugins, debating new features, or just sharing experiences. You can participate via the associated website, or subscribe via email.
* The main ~TiddlyWiki group: http://groups.google.com/group/TiddlyWiki
*> Note that you do not need a Google Account to join the discussion groups. Subscribe by sending an email to mailto:tiddlywiki+subscribe@googlegroups.com or mailto:tiddlywikidev+subscribe@googlegroups.com.
* Watch recordings of our regular [[TiddlyWiki Hangouts]]
* Follow [[@TiddlyWiki on Twitter|http://twitter.com/TiddlyWiki]] for the latest news
! Developers
* The TiddlyWikiDev group for developers: http://groups.google.com/group/TiddlyWikiDev
*> Note that you do not need a Google Account to join the discussion groups. Subscribe by sending an email to mailto:tiddlywiki+subscribe@googlegroups.com or mailto:tiddlywikidev+subscribe@googlegroups.com.
* Follow [[@TiddlyWiki on Twitter|http://twitter.com/#!/TiddlyWiki]] for the latest news
* Get involved in the [[development on GitHub|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5]]
New releases of TiddlyWiki, TiddlyDesktop and TiddlyFox are announced via the discussion groups and [[Twitter|https://twitter.com/TiddlyWiki]] (you can also subscribe to an Atom/RSS feed of [[TiddlyWiki releases from GitHub|https://github.com/jermolene/tiddlywiki5/releases.atom]])
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
A manifesto for the preservation of free speech through the exchange of randomized data.
Worried that using encryption will make you stand out from the crowd?
Do something about it!
Preserve our rights to free speech and association by sending Randomized Data to your friends and friends of friends – only to those who have given their consent – and encourage them to do the same.
We call data like that Freedom Bits.
TiddlyWiki is designed with the long term needs of its users in mind. Because it is OpenSource and needs no infrastructure, we can be confident that all we'll need to access a ~TiddlyWiki file even in the far future is an ordinary HTML browser. If you're starting to use ~TiddlyWiki at the beginning of your career you can be confident that it will carry you through to retirement.
Click on one of the images to open up its tiddler, at the top of the images tiddler there will be left and right arrows that you can click to go to the previous and next images.
.my-gallery jpg {
width: 6em;
height: 6em;
margin: 1em;
<div class="my-gallery">
<$list filter="[tag[Drawing]sort[title]][tag[Photograph]sort[title]]" template=GalleryImageTemplate>
TiddlyWiki5 can be used to generate static HTML representations of a TiddlyWiki that doesn't need JavaScript.
There is much flexibility in how the static HTML is generated. The following scenarios are all illustrated on http://tiddlywiki.com.
! Wiki Snapshots and Tiddler Snapshots
You can explore a static representation of this TiddlyWiki at <a href="static.html">static.html</a>. That file is a static snapshot of the current DefaultTiddlers. Any tiddlers that it links to are referred to via URLs of the form `/static/HelloThere.html` that point to static snapshots of individual tiddlers. The tiddler HTML files reference a `static.css` stylesheet file.
The following commands are used to generate the sample static version of the TiddlyWiki5 site:
--rendertiddlers [!is[system]] $:/core/templates/static.tiddler.html static text/plain
--rendertiddler $:/core/templates/static.template.html static.html text/plain
--rendertiddler $:/core/templates/static.template.css static/static.css text/plain
The first RenderTiddlersCommand generates the HTML representations of individual tiddlers, the second RenderTiddlerCommand saves the static version of the DefaultTiddlers, and the final RenderTiddlerCommand saves the stylesheet. (All the files are placed in the `output` folder of the wiki folder).
! Wiki Snapshot with Internal Links
It is also possible to produce a single HTML file that contains static representations of tiddlers, and uses standard HTML anchor links to jump between them.
For example: <a href="alltiddlers.html">alltiddlers.html</a>
The example is built by the following commands:
--rendertiddler $:/core/templates/alltiddlers.template.html alltiddlers.html text/plain
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]]"
output="the values of field <<.place f>> in each of the input titles"
Each input title is processed in turn. If the corresponding tiddler contains field <<.place f>>, and the value of this field is not empty, then its value is appended to the output.
Unlike most other [[Filter Operators]], the [[selection|Title Selection]] output by <<.op get>> can contain duplicates. To avoid duplicates, use `each[f]get[f]`.
<<.operator-examples "get">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[all[current]get[draft.of]]" "the title of the tiddler of which the current tiddler is a draft">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[get[tags]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[each[tags]get[tags]]">>
//This is a sample task for the TaskManagementExample//
This brief tutorial takes you through the basics of saving changes with a standalone TiddlyWiki file.
//Note that the video is a bit out of date, and will be updated soon!//
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/1g66s7UbyuU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
\define default-platform()
GettingStarted - $(browser-name)$
Instructions for getting started using TiddlyWiki on the different platforms and configurations that it supports.
<$set name="browser-name" value={{$:/info/browser/name}}>
<$macrocall $name="tabs" state="$:/state/tabs/platform" tabsList="[prefix[GettingStarted - ]]" default=<<default-platform>> class="tc-vertical"/>
See also:
* [[Encryption]] explains how to use TiddlyWiki's built-in encryption to protect your content with a password
* [[Saving on TiddlySpot]], a free service that lets you use TiddlyWiki online
* Saving on TiddlyDesktop, a custom desktop application for working with TiddlyWiki
* You can also download this full TiddlyWiki including all the documentation:
If the button doesn't work save this link:
<a href="http://tiddlywiki.com/index.html" download="index.html">~http://tiddlywiki.com/index.html</a>
Your browser may ask you to accept the download before it begins
There are two options for using TiddlyWiki on Android:
! Using Firefox and TiddlyFox
{{Saving with TiddlyFox on Android}}
! Using the AndTidWiki App
{{Saving on Android}}
TiddlyWiki on Google Chrome can only save changes using the HTML5-compatible fallback saver module.
{{Saving with the HTML5 fallback saver}}
Firefox provides the best user experience for using TiddlyWiki with the TiddlyFox browser extension.
{{Saving with TiddlyFox}}
{{Saving with TiddlyIE}}
The [[Windows HTA Hack]] describes an alternative method of using TiddlyWiki with Internet Explorer.
{{Saving on iPad/iPhone}}
{{Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js}}
TiddlyWiki on Safari can only save changes using the HTML5-compatible fallback saver module.
{{Saving on Safari}}
GitHub is a commercial organisation that operates a service for hosting code that includes powerful collaborative features.
The code and documentation of TiddlyWiki is hosted on GitHub at:
//This is a sample task for the TaskManagementExample//
The following sidebar tabs give examples of grouped lists created by nesting.
!! Types Tab
For the [[Types|$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/Types]] tab, the outer list filter as shown below selects each discrete value found in the `type` field. The inner list filter selects all the (non-system) tiddlers with that type.
<<tw-code "$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/Types">>
!! Recent Tab
The list in the [[Recent|$:/core/ui/SideBar/Recent]] tab is generated using the TimelineMacro. Here, the outer list filter selects each discrete day found in the `modified` field, while the inner list filter selects all the tiddlers dated the same day in the `modified` field.
<<tw-code-link "$:/core/macros/timeline">>
TiddlyWiki makes a great GuerillaWiki in situations where it is not practical to use a traditional wiki.
For instance, in a corporate setting, persuading an over-worked IT department to install a Wiki server for you is seldom going to be possible overnight. And if your PC is locked down you can't install a conventional Wiki yourself. Equally, you can't go and use one of the public hosted Wiki services because your Information Security department would not allow all that corporate data to flow into an outside server.
TiddlyWiki slices through those barriers by being usable on virtually all PCs.
A <<.def "hard link">> is one that can be detected by a superficial examination of WikiText.
A link is <<.def "soft">> if it is:
* contained in text [[trancluded|Transclusion]] from elsewhere
* supplied via a [[macro|Macros]] or [[variable|Variables]]
* generated by a link widget whose <<.attr to>> attribute is a transclusion, macro or variable
Soft links are not detected by link-related filter operators such as <<.olink backlinks>>, <<.olink links>>, <<.olink all>> and <<.olink is>>.
The usual handling of [[paragraphs in wikitext|Paragraphs in WikiText]] causes single line breaks to be ignored, and double linebreaks to be interpreted as the end of a paragraph.
This behaviour isn't convenient when dealing with material that incorporates hard linebreaks - for instance, poetry. You can mark a block of content as containing hard line breaks like this:
<<wikitext-example src:'"""
This is a line
and this is a new line
while this is yet another line
and this is the final one
apart from this one
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]]"
output="those input tiddlers in which field <<.place f>> has a non-empty value"
negationOutput="those input tiddlers in which field <<.place f>> does <<.em not>> exist or has an empty value"
<<.operator-examples "has">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[has[color]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[tag[Concepts]!has[modified]]">>
Headings are specified with one or more leading `!` characters:
! This is a level 1 heading
!! This is a level 2 heading
!!! This is a level 3 heading
CSS classes can be assigned to individual headings like this:
!.myStyle This heading has the class `myStyle`
Welcome to ~TiddlyWiki, a versatile note-taking web application you can download for free, store wherever you like and customise however you wish. Use it to capture, organise and share your notes in ways that word processors and other note-taking tools cannot.
<$button class="tc-btn-big-green" to="Introduction Video" style="background:red;">
{{$:/core/images/video}} Watch a video introduction
~TiddlyWiki is designed to be non-linear, structuring content with stories, tags, hyperlinks, and other features. You can organise and retrieve your notes in ways that conform to your personal thought patterns, rather than feel chained to one preset organisational structure.
You can use ~TiddlyWiki as a single file that you view and edit through any web browser, whether you are online or offline. Or you can use it as a powerful [[Node.js application|TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] that stores each of your notes as a separate file.
How can you make ~TiddlyWiki work for you? We recommend you start with our introductory documentation listed below, and then browse the TableOfContents, available in the Contents tab in the sidebar. Or just [[follow our simple instructions|GettingStarted]] and try it out for yourself!
<<list-links "[tag[HelloThere]]">>
Also see:
* [ext[Developer Documentation|./dev/index.html]]
If you find TiddlyWiki useful, there are lots of ways you can help assure its future and make it better.
! Teach and Tell
OpenSource projects like ~TiddlyWiki thrive on the feedback and engagement of users. ~TiddlyWiki becomes more useful to everyone as more and more people use it. So, if you find ~TiddlyWiki useful, spread the word. The best possible way to assure its future is for it to become a hundred times more popular than before.
* [[Tweet about TiddlyWiki|https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=I+love+TiddlyWiki+because...&source=tiddlywiki5]]
* [[Star the TiddlyWiki5 GitHub Repository|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5]]
! Help improve the documentation and code
There are many ways you can contribute to ~TiddlyWiki:
* Writing tutorials
* Contributing to the documentation on tiddlywiki.com
* Making video screencasts
* Curating relevant links, hints and tips on a wiki
The main ~TiddlyWiki documentation and code lives on GitHub, and welcomes [[contributions|Contributing]]:
* https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5
The Highlight plugin provides the ability to apply syntax colouring to text.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/highlight/
//These are personal reflections on the history and development of TiddlyWiki from JeremyRuston//
! Origins of TiddlyWiki
Back in 1997 a colleague introduced me to [[Ward Cunningham's original wiki|http://c2.com/cgi/wiki]]. I was impressed that something so powerful could fit into just 700 lines of Perl, and fascinated by the radical reimagining of security and permissions. Like many other developers, I took every opportunity I could to try out various wikis, and to explore their use at work.
The allure of the wiki for me was the feeling that it could eventually disrupt the prevailing paradigm of print-oriented documents and emails.
After watching people use wikis for a few years, I noticed that power users made extensive use of the ability to open multiple wiki pages at once in several browser tabs, making it easier for them to compare and review pages, to copy text between them and to act as a sort of queue of pages yet to be read.
I felt that this ability to manipulate multiple pages at once was central to the ability to refactor a wiki, and it is generally accepted that a wiki that is lovingly refactored tends to be more useful. And yet, standard wiki user interfaces have always been designed exclusively for the presentation and manipulation of single pages at once.
All of these thoughts came together when I saw GMail in April 2004, which used Ajax cleverly to blend individual emails into threaded conversations.
I started experimenting with HTML and JavaScript to explore the idea further. I'd had virtually no experience of either, just having put together some static pages and simple ASP sites in previous lives. Getting my head around these client-side technologies was painful; like everyone else, I was horrified to discover how appalling were the incompatibilities and inconsistencies of web programming.
! Launch of TiddlyWiki
So, in September 2004 I released a primitive [[first version of TiddlyWiki|http://classic.tiddlywiki.com/firstversion.html]]. It was the smallest possible thing that demonstrated the idea: it was a simple, self-contained static 48KB HTML file.
The downside of writing the first version of TiddlyWiki in this way was that it made it completely impractical to use for editing - when you click 'save changes' it just pops up a window showing the data that would be saved if it were possible for an HTML page to write to the file system.
Much of the early feedback was that TiddlyWiki was neat, but that it would be more useful when it was possible to properly save changes. I was a little frustrated, as I thought I knew that it was impossible for an HTML file running in the browser to save changes to the local file system.
Within a few months I saw an experimental Firefox extension that enabled TiddlyWiki to save changes in the browser. Examining the code, I realised that the APIs that it used to write to the file system were actually available in ordinary HTML files - as long as they were loaded via a `file://` URI.
I adapted the Firefox code into the core of TiddlyWiki, and soon added a similar ability for Internet Explorer (making use of an old ActiveX control that Microsoft distributed with Internet Explorer).
! Growth of TiddlyWiki
A major milestone in the growth of TiddlyWiki was the creation of "GTDTiddlyWiki" by Nathan Bowers. He took the vanilla TiddlyWiki product and adapted it for the specific application of keeping track of tasks using the popular Getting Things Done methodology. GTDTiddlyWiki was an immediate hit, being enthusiastically greeted on websites like LifeHacker.
Over the next couple of years TiddlyWiki continued to grow in popularity, and gained new features and capabilities. Within a year I was able to support myself by performing bespoke development work on TiddlyWiki, notably working with wiki pioneer SocialText on the ability to synchronise changes with an online server
! BT Acquisition
In May 2007, [[BT]] acquired [[Osmosoft]], my consultancy company. It was an unusual decision to acquire a company with a single employee and a tiny trickle of revenue - [[Osmosoft]] didn't even own the intellectual property in TiddlyWiki since I had handed it over to UnaMesa to assure its future for the community.
[[BT]]'s motivation was to help them understand community-based ecosystems. I joined the organisation as "Head of Open Source Innovation", taking responsibility for open source governance, and providing advice and expertise on how to participate in open soure communities.
! [[Osmosoft]] and TiddlySpace
I built a team in BT under the name [[Osmosoft]]. Our purpose was to evangelise the benefits of open source, and to help other teams realise those benefits in practice. We also found that it was necessary to evangelise the use of the web in general, and web standards in particular.
Our approach was to focus on showing rather than telling. We worked with the TiddlyWiki community to extend the ecosystem and we built numerous internal systems for BT (some based on TiddlyWiki and some not).
[[Osmosoft]]'s chief contribution to the TiddlyWiki community was the creation of TiddlyWeb and TiddlySpace. TiddlyWeb was a robust, internet scale server for tiddlers that could also compose TiddlyWiki views of those tiddlers. TiddlySpace was an attempt to package TiddlyWeb into a more directly usable form.
! Leaving BT
By the end of 2011 I was increasingly feeling that I would be better placed to realise the potential of TiddlyWiki outside of the corporate confines BT. Accordingly, I left and started work as an independent developer, primarily working on a brand new reboot of TiddlyWiki in the shape of TiddlyWiki5.
! Development of TiddlyWiki5
I worked on new release of TiddlyWiki from November 2011. As a programmer, working on "version 2.0" of something that I had already written is a very attractive proposition. It means that the requirements were fully understood, allowing me to focus on evolving the architecture needed to support the desired functionality.
! The Future
Now that TiddlyWiki5 has finally left "beta" status behind, my hope is that it will have a long life. Because it only uses standard features of HTML5 and Node.js, there is no reason why it cannot be fully operational for many years to come. My goal is for it to last for at least 25 years.
//Jeremy Ruston, 20th September 2014//
The system tiddler [[$:/HistoryList]] keeps track of a list of tiddlers comprising the navigation history. Each time you click on a link to a tiddler, the title of the target tiddler is added to the top of the stack.
The history list is stored in JSON to allow additional details about the coordinates of the DOM node that initiated the navigation.
The history list also maintains the field ''current-tiddler'' that contains the name of the tiddler at the top of the stack. This field can be used like so:
<$list filter="[list[$:/StoryList]]" history="$:/HistoryList" storyview="pop">
<$button message="tm-close-tiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-mini">×</$button> <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/> <$reveal type="match" state="$:/HistoryList!!current-tiddler" text=<<currentTiddler>>>✓</$reveal></$link>
Which renders the same as the "Open" sidebar tab, with the addition of a tick against the tiddler that was last navigated to.
<$list filter="[list[$:/StoryList]]" history="$:/HistoryList" storyview="pop">
<$button message="tm-close-tiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-mini">×</$button> <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/> <$reveal type="match" state="$:/HistoryList!!current-tiddler" text=<<currentTiddler>>>✓</$reveal></$link>
You can include a horizontal rule with three or more dashes on their own on a line:
<<wikitext-example src:"
When you edit a tiddler on http://tiddlywiki.com you will see a small ribbon inviting you to edit the source of the tiddler on GitHub.
If you are using Node.js, you can replicate this feature for your own TiddlyWiki-based site as follows:
# Make sure the following setting is included in the `tiddlywiki.info` file in your WikiFolder:
#> <pre><code> "config": {
"retain-original-tiddler-path": true
# Copy the tiddler [[$:/ContributionBanner]] to your wiki
# Make the following changes:
## Adjust the GitHub link URL from https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/edit/master/editions/tw5.com/tiddlers/ to point to your own GitHub repo
## Make sure the wording of the text starting "Can you help us improve this documentation?" is appropriate for your visitors
## Adjust the link to [[Improving TiddlyWiki Documentation]] to point to your own tiddler with instructions for the contribution procedure
To create a new tab in the sidebar menu:
# Create a tiddler and tag it with the [[SystemTag|SystemTags]] tag [[$:/tags/SideBar]]
#* To create a table of contents you can populate the new tab tiddler using the [[TableOfContentsMacro]]. For example, see the [[TableOfContents]] used here
# By default, the tiddler title is used as the tab title but you can override it using the `caption` field
# To define the tab ordering, use the `list-after` or `list-before` fields as discussed in [[Tagging]]
#* For example: set `list-after` to [[$:/core/ui/SideBar/Open]] to place a sidebar tab immediately after the "Open" tab
Note that you can create new tabs under the "More" tab in the same way by using the tag `$:/tags/MoreSideBar`.
You can apply custom styles to tiddlers that have a particular tag by defining a CSS class with the name `tc-tagged-<Tag Name>`.
For example, to make tiddlers tagged "NightReader" appear in a special colour scheme suitable for night-time reading, [[create a stylesheet|Using Stylesheets]] defining the class `tc-tagged-NightReader` like this:
.tc-tagged-NightReader {
color: orange;
padding: 35px 35px;
.tc-tagged-NightReader .tc-tiddler-body {
font-size: 1.5em;
The `tc-tagged-NightReader` class is applied to the entire tiddler and not just the tiddler text. If you want to target a smaller portion of the tiddler you can qualify the CSS selector, as is done here with `.tc-tagged-NightReader .tc-tiddler-body`.
Note that tags containing spaces or non-alphanumeric characters will be converted using URI encoding, making the generated CSS classname hard to predict. For example:
|!Tag |!Generated Class Name |
|`$:/mytag` |`tc-tagged-%24%3A%2Fmytag` |
|`one two` |`tc-tagged-one%20two` |
|`£35.23` |`tc-tagged-%C2%A335.23` |
First install TiddlyWiki as described in [[Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js]].
# Create an empty [[TiddlyWikiFolder|TiddlyWikiFolders]]
## Create a new folder in a convenient place (for example `~/MyWiki`)
## Create a file called `tiddlywiki.info` containing the following text:
##* `{"themes": ["tiddlywiki/vanilla","tiddlywiki/snowwhite"]}`
## Create a subfolder called `tiddlers`
##* Alternatively, just copy the `editions/empty` folder from the TiddlyWiki5 repo
# Create individual TiddlerFiles in the `~/MyWiki/tiddlers` directory
# Execute the following command from the TiddlyWiki5 root directory to build a TiddlyWiki5 file from the tiddlers:
## `tiddlywiki ~/MyWiki --rendertiddler $:/core/save/all index.html text/plain`
Here's how to display the last modification date of a wiki in a banner in the corner of the window:
# Copy the plugin [[$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/github-fork-ribbon]] to your TiddlyWiki
# Save and reload your wiki
# Create a new tiddler called [[$:/_MyRibbon]] tagged [[$:/tags/PageControls]] and containing:<div>
<div class="github-fork-ribbon-wrapper right">
<div class="github-fork-ribbon" style="background-color:#DF4848;">
<$list filter="[!is[system]!has[draft.of]!sort[modified]limit[1]]">
<$view field="modified" format="date" template="DD mmm YYYY at 0hh:0mm"/>
# If required, change the background-color value to your preference
# You can also try changing the positioning class from `right` to `right-bottom`
## To make the banner appear at the top left you'll need to tag the tiddler [[$:/tags/PageTemplate]] instead of [[$:/tags/PageControls]] and then change the position class to `left`
HTML tags and comments can be used directly in WikiText. For example:
<article class="hello">
This is my nice and simple block of text. HelloThere
<!-- This comment will not appear in the wikified output -->
! Content Parsing
The content of an HTML element will be parsed in inline mode unless the opening tag is followed by two linebreaks, in which case it is parsed in block mode. (Inline mode means that block mode formatting such as tables, lists and headings is not recognised).
! Attributes
Attributes in HTML tags can be specified as a literal, a transclusion or a macro invocation. For example, here the value of the `href` attribute will be set to the value of the tiddler MyLinkDestination:
<a href={{MyLinkDestination}}>link</a>
Here an attribute is specified as a macro invocation:
<a href=<<MyMacro "Brian">>>link</a>
Literal attribute values can include line breaks. For example:
<div data-address="Mouse House,
Mouse Lane,
By using triple-double quotes you can specify attribute values that include single double quotes. For example:
<div data-address="""Mouse House,
"Mouse" Lane,
\define thisBackButton()
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>
<$action-navigate $to=<<currentTiddler>>/>{{$:/core/images/chevron-left}}
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-close-tiddler' $param="""$(ImageTiddler)$"""/>
\define thisForwardButton()
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>
<$action-navigate $to=<<currentTiddler>>/>{{$:/core/images/chevron-right}}
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-close-tiddler' $param="""$(ImageTiddler)$"""/>
\define thisGallery()
<$reveal type=match state='!!title' text=<<ImageTiddler>>>
<$set name=thisMinusOne value=<<calc $(currentListIndex)$ -1>>>
<$set name=thisPlusOne value=<<calc $(currentListIndex)$ +1>>>
<div style='width:100%'>
<$reveal type=nomatch state='ImageDisplayViewTemplate!!one' text=<<currentListIndex>>>
<$list filter='[sort<GallerySort>tag<GalleryTag>$(GalleryFilter)$nth<thisMinusOne>]'>
<div style='width:70%;z-index:99;position:absolute'>
<$list filter='[sort<GallerySort>tag<GalleryTag>$(GalleryFilter)$nth<thisPlusOne>]'>
<div style='text-align:right;position:absolute;width:80%;z-index:98'>
<div style='text-align:center;position:absolute;z-index:1;width:80%'>
Navigate Gallery: {{!!gallery}}
\define thisList()
<$list filter="[sort<GallerySort>tag<GalleryTag>$(GalleryFilter)$]" iterator=currentListIndex variable=ThisOne>
<$set name=LastTiddler value=<<iterator-last>>>
<$reveal type=nomatch state=<<LastTiddler>> text=<<currentListIndex>>>
<$list filter="[sort<GallerySort>tag<GalleryTag>$(GalleryFilter)$nth<currentListIndex>]" variable=ImageTiddler>
<$set name=GalleryTag value={{$:/settings/TiddlerGallerySettings!!gallery_tag}}>
<$list filter="[is[current]tag<GalleryTag>]">
<$set name=GallerySort value={{$:/settings/TiddlerGallerySettings!!gallery_sort}}>
<$set name=GalleryFilter value={{$:/settings/TiddlerGallerySettings!!filter}}>
Here is an example of using the ListWidget and the TranscludeWidget to show a grid of all system images (ie, tiddlers tagged [[$:/tags/Image]]).
.my-gallery svg {
width: 6em;
height: 6em;
margin: 1em;
<div class="my-gallery">
<$list filter="[all[tiddlers+shadows]tag[$:/tags/Image]]">
! Image Formatting
Images can be included in WikiText with the following syntax:
[img[Motovun Jack.jpg]]
If the image source is the title of an image tiddler then that tiddler is directly displayed. Otherwise it is interpreted as a URL and an HTML `<img>` tag is generated with the `src` attribute containing the URL.
A tooltip can also be specified:
[img[An explanatory tooltip|Motovun Jack.jpg]]
Attributes can be provided to specify CSS classes and the image width and height:
[img width=32 [Motovun Jack.jpg]]
[img width=32 class="tc-image" [Motovun Jack.jpg]]
Note that attributes can be specified as transclusions or variable references:
[img width={{!!mywidth}} class=<<image-classes>> [Motovun Jack.jpg]]
The image syntax is a shorthand for invoking the ImageWidget.
! Displaying Images via Transclusion
You can also display an image stored in a tiddler by transcluding that tiddler. The disadvantage of this approach is that there is no direct way to control the size of the image.
{{Motovun Jack.jpg}}
Renders as:
{{Motovun Jack.jpg}}
! Introduction
The image widget displays images that can be specified as a remote URL or the title of a local tiddler containing the image.
! Content and Attributes
Any content of the `<$image>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|source |The URL of the image, or the title of an image tiddler |
|width |The width of the image |
|height |The height of the image |
|tooltip |The tooltip to be displayed over the image |
|alt |The alternative text to be associated with the image |
|class |CSS classes to be assigned to the `<img>` element |
The width and the height can be specified as pixel values (eg "23" or "23px") or percentages (eg "23%"). They are both optional; if not provided the browser will use CSS rules to size the image.
! External Images and the ''_canonical_uri'' field
When used to display tiddler-based images, the image widget operates in two distinct modes:
* If the ''_canonical_uri'' field is present then it is used as the ''src'' attribute of the generated `<img>` element and the ''text'' field is ignored
* Without the ''_canonical_uri'' field, the image widget generates an `<img>` element that embeds the image data directly using a `data:` URI.
See ExternalImages for more details.
You can import content into a TiddlyWiki file in several ways:
* Use the ''import'' button (under the ''Tools'' tab in the sidebar) to select a local file
* Drag and drop files from Windows Explorer or Mac OS X Finder into the TiddlyWiki browser window
* Paste content directly from the clipboard using the menu or keyboard shortcut (control-V or command-V)
** GoogleChrome is currently the only browser to support pasting
! Introduction
The ImportVariablesWidget imports macro and variable definitions from a list of other tiddlers and makes them available to its children. For example:
<$importvariables filter="[tag[mySpecialMacros]]">
All the macros defined in tiddlers with the tag "mySpecialMacros" are available here
! Attributes and Content
The content of the importvariables widget is the scope within which the imported variable definitions are available.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|filter |[[Tiddler filter|Filters]] defining the tiddlers from which macro definitions will be imported |
! Global Macros
So-called global macros are implemented within the main page template ([[$:/core/ui/PageTemplate]]) by wrapping the page content in the following importvariables widget:
<$importvariables filter="[[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Macro]!has[draft.of]]">
Anyone can submit improvements to the TiddlyWiki documentation that appears on http://tiddlywiki.com.
# Read and observe the [[Documentation Style Guide]]
# Create an account on https://github.com if you don't already have one
# On http://tiddlywiki.com, click "edit" on the tiddler you want to improve
# You should see a pink banner with the text: //Can you help us improve this documentation? Find out how to edit this tiddler on ~GitHub//
# Click on the external link ...''this tiddler on ~GitHub''
## You will be prompted that "you need to fork this repository to propose changes". A "fork" is your own copy of the repository that incorporates the changes you are proposing
# A new browser tab should open ready to edit the tiddler on github.com
# Below the edit box for the tiddler text you should see a box labelled ''Propose file change''
# Enter a brief title to explain the change (eg, "Clarify attribute syntax instability")
# If necessary, enter a longer description too
# Click the green button labelled ''Propose file change''
# On the following screen, click the green button labelled ''Create pull request''
[[Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] or one of the other core developers will then have the opportunity to merge your pull request so that it is incorporated into the next build of http://tiddlywiki.com.
Mario Pietsch has created these short video tutorials:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/L4zTkMYcri8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/6ElUruH92tc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/axFCk9KsMFc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
output="all the property names or indices contained in the input data tiddlers"
Each input title is processed in turn, and is ignored if it does not denote a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]]. The list of property names is retrieved from the data tiddler (in no particular order) and then [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's output.
Where a tiddler's [[content is JSON|JSONTiddlers]] with an array as its root, the <<.op indexes>> operator retrieves a selection of integer indices instead.
<<.operator-examples "indexes">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[{$:/palette}indexes[]sort[title]]" "all the colours defined in the current [[colour palette|ColourPalettes]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[[$:/HistoryList]indexes[]]" "integer output because the [[history list|$:/HistoryList]] is an array">>
System tiddlers in the namespace `$:/info/` are used to expose information about the system (including the current browser) so that WikiText applications can adapt themselves to available features.
! Information Tiddlers
|!Title |!Description |
|[[$:/info/browser]] |Running in the browser? ("yes" or "no") |
|[[$:/info/node]] |Running under [[Node.js]]? ("yes" or "no") |
Each tiddler has a panel of additional information. To reveal it, click the {{$:/core/images/down-arrow}} button in the tiddler's toolbar and then choose {{$:/core/images/info-button}} ''info'' from the dropdown list.
The info panel has the following tabs:
* ''Tools'' - This offers buttons for various actions you can perform on the tiddler. The checkbox next to each button lets you promote an action to the tiddler's toolbar - this will affect all of the tiddlers in your wiki
* ''References'', ''Tagging'', ''List'' and ''Listed'' - These list various kinds of related tiddlers. See [[Using links to navigate between tiddlers]]
* ''Fields'' - This summarises all of the tiddler's [[fields|TiddlerFields]], except for ''text''
* ''Advanced'' - This indicates whether the tiddler is a [[shadow|ShadowTiddlers]]. If it is, this also reveals which plugin it comes from and whether it has been overridden by an ordinary tiddler
To close the info panel, click anywhere outside it.
See also:
* [[Environment Variables on Node.js]]
# Install [[Node.js]] from http://nodejs.org
# Open a command line terminal and type:
#> `npm install -g tiddlywiki`
#> If it fails with an error you may need to re-run the command as an administrator:
#> `npm install -g tiddlywiki` (Windows)
#> `sudo npm install -g tiddlywiki` (Mac/Linux)
# Check TiddlyWiki is installed by typing:
#> `tiddlywiki --version`
# In response, you should see TiddlyWiki report its current version (eg `<<version>>`; you may also see other debugging information reported)
# Try it out:
## `tiddlywiki mynewwiki --init server` to create a folder for a new wiki that includes server-related components
## `tiddlywiki mynewwiki --server` to start TiddlyWiki
## Visit in your browser
## Try editing and creating tiddlers
The `-g` flag causes TiddlyWiki to be installed globally. Without it, TiddlyWiki will only be available in the directory where you installed it.
<<.def "Instruction tiddlers">> talk directly to the reader and guide them through a process. The reader is likely to be a beginner or an intermediate user.
Such tiddlers can be subcategorised as:
* What is ~TiddlyWiki and why should I care?
* Demonstrations of key features and benefits
* Frequently asked questions
* Examples of ~TiddlyWiki in the field
* Information about the project itself
* An ordered presentation of material for beginners
* Each tiddler introduces one new point or concept
* Its main content contains very few links
* A revealable <<.word "Find out more">> section at the end can offer related links
* Accompanying a tutorial tiddler
* Solution revealed on demand
* A list of numbered steps for performing a small specific task
* Concise, with links to reference tiddlers where appropriate
* Often has a preamble to clarify the nature of the task
* Accompanying a [[reference tiddler|Reference Tiddlers]]
* Can contain explanations and similar commentary
* Kept separate to keep the reference tiddler pure
Instruction tiddlers talk directly to the reader as <<.word you>>. They can be reasonably chatty.
But they avoid excessively colloquial language, cultural or topical references and attempts at humour, as these can baffle or even offend the international readership. They also avoid potentially frustrating the reader with descriptions of features as <<.word convenient>> or <<.word easy>>.
This brief introduction shows how to install and use TiddlyDesktop:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/i3Bggkm7paA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<<.preamble """This explains the basics of writing a [[filter|Filters]] to select a set of tiddlers. For a more technical presentation, see [[Filter Syntax]].""">>
<$macrocall $name=".note" _="""Filters do nothing if you just type them into a tiddler on their own. They need a context. An easy way to experiment with filters is to type them into the <<.advancedsearch-tab Filter>> tab of [[Advanced Search|$:/AdvancedSearch]]."""/>
The simplest case is where you already know exactly which tiddlers you want. Type each title in double square brackets, with a space between each one and the next:
[[Recipe book]] [[ScrambledEggs]] [[Mom's apple pie]]
You can omit the square brackets when a title doesn't contain any spaces:
[[Recipe book]] ScrambledEggs [[Mom's apple pie]]
The double square brackets are actually a shorthand for this:
... which gives us the <<.def "general model">> for any filter:
For instance, here's how to select all the tiddlers that have been tagged <<.tag Recipe>>:
We can reverse the meaning by adding an exclamation mark `!` just before the operator. For example, we can select any tiddlers that do <<.em not>> have the <<.tag Recipe>> tag:
Tiddlers can be filtered by other fields than just title and tags:
That example will select any tiddlers that have <<.value 4>> in their <<.field serving>> field.
As the word "serving" isn't a standard filter operator (and isn't likely to become one), you can safely omit the `field:` prefix:
The filters we've looked at so far have involved just one step each. But you can <<.def run>> several steps together like this:
Notice how the entire run is contained in a single pair of square brackets.
A tiddler has to match <<.em all>> of the steps in a run. So the example above retrieves vegetarian recipes (other than soups) for 4 people.
A sequence of separate runs will select the tiddlers that match <<.em any>> of the runs. We can use this to find recipes that serve either 3, 4 or 5 people:
[serving[3]] [serving[4]] [serving[5]]
If we want to ignore vegetarian recipes that serve 4, we can say this:
[serving[3]] [serving[4]!tag[Vegetarian]] [serving[5]]
By default, each run considers every tiddler in the wiki. But we can use a `+` sign to force a run to consider only the tiddlers that were selected by the preceding runs:
[serving[3]] [serving[4]] [serving[5]] +[tag[Vegetarian]] +[sort[title]]
This selects recipes for 3, 4 or 5 people, then filters <<.em those>> to remove the vegetarian ones, and finally sorts any that are left into alphabetical order of title.
In a similar way, we can use a `-` sign to <<.em remove>> a run's tiddlers from the result so far. Here we select all vegetarian recipes apart from two:
[tag[Vegetarian]] -[title[ScrambledEggs]] -BeansOnToast
!Special parameters
The parameter of each step we've seen so far has been in square brackets, meaning that ~TiddlyWiki treats it literally. But two other kinds of bracket are possible:
<<.def "Curly brackets">> `{}` mean that the parameter is a TextReference, and that its value is to be looked up in a specified tiddler. For example, if we have a tiddler called <<.tid Preference>> whose text happens to be the word <<.value Vegetarian>>, we can say
as an alternative to `[tag[Vegetarian]]`. This allows the preference to change over time.
<<.def "Angle brackets">> `<>` mean that the parameter is the name of a [[variable|Variables]] whose value is to be used instead. Here we use the built-in <<.clink currentTiddler "WidgetVariable: currentTiddler">> variable in a filter that selects any tiddlers whose text contains the title of the current one:
This brief presentation explains the basic principles of TiddlyWiki.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/KtCUr83XgyE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
The TiddlyWiki used to produce the video can be found here:
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="a category -- see below"
output="those input tiddlers that belong to category <<.place c>>"
negationOutput="those input tiddlers that do <<.em not>> belong to category <<.place c>>"
The parameter <<.place c>> is one of the following fundamental categories:
|!Category |!Matches any tiddler that... |
|^`current` |is the [[current tiddler|CurrentTiddler]] |
|^`image` |has an image ContentType |
|^`missing` |does not exist (other than possibly as a non-shadow tiddler), regardless of whether there are any links it |
|^`orphan` |has no [[hard links|Hard and Soft Links]] to it |
|^`shadow` |is a [[shadow tiddler|ShadowTiddlers]], regardless of whether it has been overridden with a non-shadow tiddler |
|^`system` |is a [[system tiddler|SystemTiddlers]], i.e. its title starts with `$:/` |
|^`tag` |is in use as a tag |
|^`tiddler` |exists as a non-shadow tiddler |
If <<.place c>> is anything else, the output is an error message.
`!is[tiddler]` is a synonym for `is[missing]`, and vice versa.
When <<.op is[missing]>> is the first operator in a [[run|Filter Run]], its output is always empty. And when <<.op is[shadow]>> comes first, it outputs only those shadow tiddlers that have been overridden. This is because the [[initial input to a run|Filter Expression]] contains only <<.em non>>-shadow tiddlers.
The <<.olink all>> operator is similar, but its scope is the whole wiki.
<<.operator-examples "is">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[is[tag]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[!is[tag]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[all[shadows]!is[system]]" "shadow tiddlers that don't start with `$:/`">>
<<.operator-example 4 "[is[system]tag[$:/tags/Stylesheet]]" "system stylesheets">>
<<.operator-example 5 "[all[shadows]is[system]tag[$:/tags/Stylesheet]]" "shadow system stylesheets">>
<<.operator-example 6 "[is[shadow]]" "overridden shadow tiddlers">>
<<.operator-example 7 "[is[missing]]" "empty because its input contains only tiddlers that exist">>
The ListWidget exposes the following iterator variables during list processing:
; `<<iterator>>`
: set to the current index, e.g. `1`
; `<<iterator-even>>`
: set to `true` for an even index, otherwise `false`
; `<<iterator-last>>`
: set to `true` for last index, otherwise `false`
The ListWidget allows to declare an `iterator` attribute through which you can declare a custom iterator variable prefix:
<$list filter="[tag[foo]]" iterator="my-foo">
!!Using Iterator Variables
You can use iterator variables with the RevealWidget to conditionally render output depending on the current index...
''only show for item at index 1, i.e. the first item''
<$reveal type=match default=1 text=<<my-foo>>>
''show for all except first index''
<$reveal type=nomatch default=1 text=<<my-foo>>>
''only show at even indexes''
<$reveal type=match default=true text=<<my-foo-even>>>
''only show at uneven indexes''
<$reveal type=nomatch default=true text=<<my-foo-even>>>
''only show for last index''
<$reveal type=match default=true text=<<my-foo-last>>>
!! Live Example
<$list filter="one two three" iterator=foo>
<dd>`<<foo>>` = <<foo>></dd>
<dd>`<<foo-even>>` = <<foo-even>></dd>
<dd>`<<foo-last>>` = <<foo-last>></dd>
Displays as:
<$list filter="one two three" iterator=foo>
<dd>`<<foo>>` = <<foo>></dd>
<dd>`<<foo-even>>` = <<foo-even>></dd>
<dd>`<<foo-last>>` = <<foo-last>></dd>
~JavaScript is a computer language that was originally introduced by browsers as a way of scripting web pages. At first it was considered a poorly designed toy, but over the years has become recognised as a powerful language in its own right, and has been adopted widely beyond the browser.
~JavaScript looks like this:
function circleArea(radius) {
return radius * 2 * 3.141592653;
I'm the original inventor of TiddlyWiki. You can find me on these services:
* jeremy (at) jermolene (dot) com
* [[Jermolene on GitHub|https://github.com/Jermolene]]
* [[Jermolene on GitTip|https://www.gittip.com/Jermolene/]], a micropayment service
* [[@Jermolene on Twitter|http://twitter.com/#!/jermolene]]
* [[Jermy on LinkedIn|http://www.linkedin.com/in/jermy]]
* [[Jermy on Flickr|http://www.flickr.com/photos/jermy/]]
Further information:
* An [[interview with me in The Inquirer|http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/feature/2105529/bt-software-engineer-tells-telco-source]] by Wendy Grossman
* A [[hilarious interview with me|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auyIhw8MTmQ]] from British television in 1983
* Here's a video of a presentation I did in 2007 called [["How to Start an Open Source Project"|http://vimeo.com/856110]].
A JSON tiddler is a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]] containing a [[JSON]] structure in its `text` field.
Its [[ContentType]] is `application/json`.
The [[history list|$:/HistoryList]] is a good example of a JSON tiddler.
This plugin adds the ability to display mathematical notation written in ~LaTeX.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/katex/
Keyboard shortcut support is currently very limited but will be improved in later releases.
! Editing Shortcuts
|Key |Shortcut description |
|`Ctrl-Enter` |Confirm changes to the draft tiddler containing the keyboard focus |
|`Escape` |Abandon changes to the draft tiddler containing the keyboard focus |
! Introduction
The keyboard widget allows [[Messages]] to be generated in response to key presses.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$keyboard>` widget is rendered normally. The keyboard shortcut only takes effect within the contained content.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|message |The title of the [[WidgetMessage|Messages]] to generate |
|param |The parameter to be passed with the [[WidgetMessage|Messages]] |
|key |Key string identifying the key to be trapped (see below) |
|class |A CSS class to be assigned to the generated HTML DIV element |
! Key Strings
Key strings are made up of zero or more of the modifiers ''alt'', ''shift'' or ''ctrl'' followed by the name of a key, all joined with "+" plus symbols. Key names are either the letter or digit printed on the key (eg "a" or "1"), or one of the special keys ''backspace'', ''tab'', ''enter'' or ''escape''.
For example:
//This is a sample task for the TaskManagementExample//
Language plugins provide translations of the core TiddlyWiki interface.
The following languages are currently available:
<<list-links "[tag[Languages]]">>
You can contribute by learning how to [[translate TiddlyWiki into your language|Translate TiddlyWiki into your language]].
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="an integer, defaulting to 1"
output="the last <<.place n>> input titles"
<<.operator-examples "last">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]last[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]last[5]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[tag[Concepts]!sort[title]last[3]]">>
The latest news, articles, resources and examples.
<div class="tc-link-info">
<$list filter="[tag[Articles]] [tag[Examples]] [tag[Resources]] [tag[Tutorials]] +[!sort[modified]limit[8]]">
<div class="tc-link-info-item">
! <$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
<div class="tc-subtitle">Posted <$view field="modified" format="relativedate"/></div>
Ordinarily with TiddlyWiki, the full content of all tiddlers is embedded into the main HTML file. Lazy loading refers to the technique of only embedding metadata about the tiddler (in other words all fields except the ''text'' field), and requesting the body from the server when required.
Lazy loading can be used in two configurations:
* When running [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]], image tiddlers can be subject to lazy loading
* When running [[TiddlyWiki in the Sky for TiddlyWeb]], all tiddlers are subject to lazy loading
See the LazyLoadingMechanism for details of how lazy loading is implemented.
! Lazy loading under Node.js
To run TiddlyWiki with lazy loading for images, use this alternative ServerCommand to start the server:
tiddlywiki --server 8080 $:/core/save/lazy-images
! Lazy loading under TiddlyWeb
With the current configuration, lazy loading is enabled by default.
TiddlyWiki currently only implements LazyLoading when it is running in the browser talking to a TiddlyWeb-compatible server.
In the [[configuration for TiddlyWeb|TiddlyWiki in the Sky for TiddlyWeb]], the browser first requests a "skinny" version of each tiddler (consisting of all the fields apart from the text field). Subsequently, an attempt to read those skinny tiddlers with `wiki.getTiddler()` returns just the skinny fields, but an attempt to read one using `wiki.getTiddlerText()` will trigger an asynchronous load of the full tiddler text, which in turn triggers a refresh cycle, updating the display to reflect the newly loaded tiddler. Widgets that loop through all tiddlers are fine; it's only if they trigger `wiki.getTiddlerText()` for a tiddler that it will get loaded.
Lazy loading can also be used with TiddlyWiki's own server. The core provides a template that enables images to be lazily loaded while other tiddlers are packaged into the initial HTML file in the usual way.
The browser-based search built into TiddlyWiki5 will only search the text of tiddlers that have been fully loaded. The expectation is that when lazy loading is used in a client-server configuration, then it is the server that really needs to handle search operations, because it is only the server that can "see" the text of all tiddlers. So, the plan is to integrate the built in search with TiddlyWeb's search API. The simplest approach is that any local search triggers an asynchronous server side search. The results of the search would be asynchronously loaded such that they would dynamically appear in the local search results.
Learn more about using TiddlyWiki:
<<list-links "[tag[Learning]]">>
Also see the complete [[Reference]], including advanced WikiText, macros, widgets, filters etc.
<<tabs "[[Book List]] [[Add Books]] [[Manage Books]] [[Library Tracker Settings]]" "[[Book List]]">>
\define thisRemoveAuthor()
Select Author: <$select tiddler='Library Tracker Settings' field='edit_author_list'><$list filter='[[$:/data/BookAuthors]indexes[]]'><option><<currentTiddler>></option></$list></$select> <$button set='$:/data/BookAuthors##$(AuthorToRemove)$'>Remove Author</$button>
\define thisRemoveSeries()
Select Series: <$select tiddler='Library Tracker Settings' field='edit_series_list'><$list filter='[[$:/data/SeriesTitles]indexes[]]'><option><<currentTiddler>></option></$list></$select> <$button set='$:/data/SeriesTitles##$(SeriesToRemove)$'>Remove Series</$button>
\define thisRemoveGenre()
Select Genre: <$select tiddler='Library Tracker Settings' field='edit_genre_list'><$list filter='[[$:/data/BookGenres]indexes[]]'><option><<currentTiddler>></option></$list></$select> <$button set='$:/data/BookGenres##$(GenreToRemove)$'>Remove Genre</$button>
\define thisRemoveLocation()
Select Location: <$select tiddler='Library Tracker Settings' field='edit_location_list'><$list filter='[[$:/data/BookLocations]indexes[]]'><option><<currentTiddler>></option></$list></$select> <$button set='$:/data/BookLocations##$(LocationToRemove)$'>Remove Location</$button>
\define thisRemoveTag()
Select Tag: <$select tiddler='Library Tracker Settings' field='edit_tag_list'><$list filter='[[$:/data/BookTags]indexes[]]'><option><<currentTiddler>></option></$list></$select> <$button set='$:/data/BookTags##$(TagToRemove)$'>Remove Tag</$button>
<$checkbox tiddler='Library Tracker Settings' field='show_author' checked=true unchecked=false>Show Author</$checkbox><br>
<$checkbox tiddler='Library Tracker Settings' field='show_series' checked=true unchecked=false>Show Series</$checkbox><br>
<$checkbox tiddler='Library Tracker Settings' field='show_genre' checked=true unchecked=false>Show Genre</$checkbox><br>
<$checkbox tiddler='Library Tracker Settings' field='show_location' checked=true unchecked=false>Show Location</$checkbox><br>
<$checkbox tiddler='Library Tracker Settings' field='show_tags' checked=true unchecked=false>Show Tags</$checkbox><br>
!!Edit Author List
<$set name=AuthorToRemove value={{Library Tracker Settings!!edit_author_list}}>
!!Edit Series List
<$set name=SeriesToRemove value={{Library Tracker Settings!!edit_series_list}}>
!!Edit Genre List
<$set name=GenreToRemove value={{Library Tracker Settings!!edit_genre_list}}>
!!Edit Location List
<$set name=LocationToRemove value={{Library Tracker Settings!!edit_location_list}}>
!!Edit Tag List
<$set name=TagToRemove value={{Library Tracker Settings!!edit_tag_list}}>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="an integer, defaulting to 0"
output="the first <<.place n>> input titles"
negationOutput="the last <<.place n>> input titles"
`limit[n]` and `!limit[n]` are synonyms for `first[n]` and `last[n]` respectively.
<<.operator-examples "limit">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[sort[modified]!limit[20]]" "the 20 most recently modified tiddlers">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[has[created]sort[created]limit[10]]" "the oldest 10 tiddlers in the wiki">>
! Introduction
The link catcher widget traps [[WidgetMessage: tm-navigate]] dispatched within its child content by performing any or all of these actions:
* sending a different widget message
* setting a tiddler to the title of the navigated tiddler
* setting a tiddler to a specified value
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$linkcatcher>` widget is displayed normally.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|to |Optional title of the tiddler to be set to the title of the navigated tiddler |
|message |Optional identifier for a [[widget message|Messages]] to be sent when a navigation is caught |
|set |Optional title of the tiddler to be set to a specified value when navigation occurs |
|setTo |Value to be assigned by the `set` attribute |
A key capability of WikiText is the ability to make links to other tiddlers or to external websites.
! Manual Links
Link to a tiddler by title:
[[Tiddler Title]]
To link to a tiddler and specify the text of the link:
[[Displayed Link Title|Tiddler Title]]
! ~CamelCase Links
For tiddler titles that match the CamelCase rules, just typing the title without double square brackets will automatically create a link.
You can suppress a link from being recognised by preceding it with `~`. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"* ~HelloThere is not a link
* ~http://google.com/ is not a link">>
! External Links
To link to an external website, type the full URL of the site:
For this syntax to work, the URL has to be recognisable as an URL, including a protocol such as `http://` or `file://`. You can force an external link with the extended syntax:
[ext[caption for link|http://tiddlywiki.com]]
! Customising Tiddler Links
See the LinkWidget for details of the underlying widget used to implement tiddler links, including macros that can be used to customise its behaviour.
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
output="the titles to which the input tiddlers contain [[hard links|Hard and Soft Links]]"
Each input title is processed in turn. The corresponding tiddler's list of links is generated, in the order in which they appear in the tiddler's text, and [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's overall output.
<<.operator-examples "links">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[HelloThere]links[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[all[current]links[]]" "tiddlers [[hard-linked|Hard and Soft Links]] from the current one">>
Here are some hard links:
* HelloThere
* [[Filter Operators]]
* [[links Operator]]
The `link` widget generates links to tiddlers. (Use the HTML `<a>` element to generate external links).
! Content and Attributes
|!Attribute |!Description |
|to |The title of the target tiddler for the link (defaults to the CurrentTiddler) |
|aria-label |Optional [[Accessibility]] label |
|tooltip |Optional tooltip WikiText |
The content of the link widget is rendered within the `<a>` tag.
The default value of the tooltip attribute is `<<tv-wikilink-tooltip>>`.
This means that you can control the text of a link tooltip in several ways:
<$link to="HelloThere" tooltip="Custom tooltip">Link 1</$link>
<$set name="tv-wikilink-tooltip" value="I'm a link to {{!!title}}">
<$link to="HelloThere">Link 2</$link>
Renders as:
<$link to="HelloThere" tooltip="Custom tooltip">Link 1</$link>
<$set name="tv-wikilink-tooltip" value="I'm a link to {{!!title}}">
<$link to="HelloThere">Link 2</$link>
Note that the tooltip is rendered with the current tiddler set to the target of the link.
A useful convention is to set the tooltip like this:
\define tv-wikilink-tooltip()
<$transclude field="tooltip"><$transclude field="title"/></$transclude>
This causes the tooltip to be the ''tooltip'' field of the target tiddler. If the field isn't present, then the title is used instead.
! CSS Classes
* `tc-tiddlylink` - applied to all links
* `tc-tiddlylink-external` - applied to external, non-tiddler links
* `tc-tiddlylink-internal` - applied to tiddler links
* `tc-tiddlylink-missing` - applied to tiddler links where the target tiddler doesn't exist
* `tc-tiddlylink-resolves` - applied to tiddler links when the target tiddler does exist
! Configuration macros
Configuration macros can be used to modify the behaviour of the link widget.
!! tv-wikilinks
Links are suppressed if the macro `tv-wikilinks` evaluates to the string `no`. For example:
\define tv-wikilinks() no
!! tv-wikilink-template
The target of the link widget defaults to the URL encoded title of the tiddler. The `href` can be templated by defining the configuration macro `tv-wikilink-template`, and including within it the token `$uri_encoded$`. For example:
\define tv-wikilink-template() http://tiddlywiki.com/#$uri_encoded$
The token `$uri_doubleencoded$` is replaced by the double encoded title of the tiddler.
Note that in the browser the `<a>` element generated by the link widget has a JavaScript event handler that navigates directly to the target tiddler, ignoring the `href` attribute.
!! tv-wikilink-tooltip
Provides default text for the link tooltip:
\define tv-wikilink-tooltip() This is a link to {{!!title}}
<$link to="HelloThere"/>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
negationInput="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="a [[reference|TextReference]] to a [[field|TiddlerFields]] or [[property|DataTiddlers]] of a particular tiddler"
output="the titles stored as a [[title list|Title List]] at <<.place r>>"
negationOutput="those input titles that are <<.em not>> mentioned at <<.place r>>"
<<.place r>> can reference either a field or a property. See [[TextReference]] for the syntax.
* If neither is specified, the <<.field list>> field is used by default. So `[list[T]]` outputs the titles listed in the <<.field list>> of tiddler T.
* If <<.place r>> consists of <<.em only>> a field or a property, the tiddler part of the reference defaults to the CurrentTiddler. So `[list[!!tags]]` outputs the titles listed in the <<.field tags>> field of the current tiddler.
<<.operator-examples "list">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[HelloThere]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week!!short]]">>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]], defaulting to <<.field list>>"
output="the titles in which field <<.place f>> mentions any of the input titles"
<<.field f>> is assumed to be a [[title list|Title List]].
Each input title is processed in turn. A list of tiddlers whose <<.place f>> field mentions it is generated (in no particular order) and [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's overall output.
<<.operator-examples "listed">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[HelloThere]listed[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[all[current]listed[my-special-list]]">>
The `list` [[field of a tiddler|TiddlerFields]] is an optional feature that can be used to help structure your content. Its value is a [[title list|Title List]], and it can be used in several ways:
* The `list` field of a tiddler that is being used as a tag determines the ordering of the tiddlers that carry that tag - see [[Tagging]] for details
* The `list` [[filter|Filters]] selects the entries from a list
* The `listed` [[filter|Filters]] selects the tiddlers that list the selected tiddler(s)
* The NavigatorWidget manipulates a StoryList tiddler containing a `list` field of the tiddlers that are displayed in the main story column
The list macro is a family of macros that produce a list of tiddlers.
There are several variants of the macro:
* `<<list-links>>` produces a list of links to tiddlers that match a filter expression. If the tiddler has a //caption// field, it is displayed in lieu of the //title// field.
! Parameters
|!Position |!Name |!Description |!Default |
|1st |filter |Filter expression | |
|2nd |type |HTML tag to be used for the list wrapper |"ul" |
|3rd |subtype |HTML tag to be used for list entries |"li" |
|4th |class |An optional CSS class to be applied to the list wrapper element (eg `<ul class="three-columns">`) | |
! Examples
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src='<<list-links filter:"[tag[HelloThere]]">>
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src='<<list-links filter:"[tag[HelloThere]]" type:"ol">>
! Unordered Lists
You can create unordered lists with `*` characters:
<<wikitext-example src:"* First list item
* Second list item
** A subitem
* Third list item
! Ordered Lists
Ordered lists use `#` instead of `*`:
# First item
# Second item
# Third item
You can also mix ordered and unordered list items:
<<wikitext-example src:"* To do today
*# Eat
* To get someone else to do
*# This
*# That
*## And the other
Here's an example the other way around, with numbers as the first level:
<<wikitext-example src:"# To do today
#* Eat
# To get someone else to do
#* This
#* That
#** And the other
! CSS Classes
You can also assign a CSS class to an individual member of a list with this notation:
<<wikitext-example src:"* List One
*.MyClass List Two
* List Three
! Mixing Lists and Block Quotes
Note that [[Block Quotes in WikiText]] can be mixed with lists. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"* List One
** List Two
**> A quote
**> Another quote
* List Three
! Paragraphs in Lists
Entries in the list are delimited with a linebreak, making it impossible to include linebreaks within a list entry. There are a couple of workarounds.
First, you can transclude paragraph content from another tiddler. For example:
* First entry
* <$transclude tiddler="MyTiddler" mode="block"/>
* Third entry
Secondly, you can use an HTML "div" element to contain the multiline content. For example:
# Step 1
# Step 2
# Step 3<div>
Here is the first of several paragraphs. Note that the double linebreak preceding this paragraph is significant.
And here is the second of several paragraphs.
# Step 4
# Step 5
# Step 6
! Introduction
The list widget displays a sequence of tiddlers matching a [[filter|Filters]]. It is vital for a various use-cases, e.g.:
* Displaying custom lists, e.g. "all tiddlers tagged ''task'' not tagged ''done''"
* Listing the tags of a tiddler
* Displaying lists of links, like in the sidebar
* Handling the main story river
! Examples
''plain list''
<$list filter="[tag[ListWidget]sort[title]]"/>
Displays as:
<$list filter="[tag[ListWidget]sort[title]]"/>
''custom item output''
<$list filter="[tag[ListWidget]sort[title]]">
Displays as:
<$list filter="[tag[ListWidget]sort[title]]">
''custom item template''
<$list filter="[tag[ListWidget]sort[title]]" template="$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/subtitle"/>
Displays as:
<$list filter="[tag[ListWidget]sort[title]]" template="$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/subtitle"/>
!! Grouped Lists
See GroupedLists for how to generate nested and grouped lists using the ListWidget.
! Content and Attributes
A number of options controll the list behaviour....
|!Attribute |!Description |
|filter |The [[tiddler filter|Filters]] to display |
|template |The title of a template tiddler for transcluding each tiddler in the list. When no template is specified, the body of the ListWidget serves as the item template. With no body, a simple link to the tiddler is returned. |
|editTemplate |An alternative template to use for [[DraftTiddlers|DraftMechanism]] in edit mode |
|variable |The name for a [[variable|Variables]] in which the title of each listed tiddler is stored. Defaults to ''currentTiddler'' |
|iterator|a custom iterator prefix, see IteratorVariables|
|emptyMessage |Message to be displayed when the list is empty |
|storyview |Optional name of module responsible for animating/processing the list |
|history |The title of the tiddler containing the navigation history |
!! Edit mode
The `<$list>` widget can optionally render draft tiddlers through a different template to handle editing, see DraftMechanism.
!! `storyview` attribute
The `storyview` attribute specifies the name of an optional module that can animate changes to the list (including navigation). The core ships with the following storyview modules:
* `classic`: renders the list as an ordered sequence of tiddlers
* `zoomin`: just renders the current tiddler from the list, with a zoom animation for navigating between tiddlers
* `pop`: shrinks items in and out of place
In order for the storyviews to animate correctly each entry in the list should be a single block mode DOM element.
!! History and navigation
The optional `history` attribute specifies the name of a tiddler that is used to track the current tiddler for navigation purposes. When the history tiddler changes the list view responds by telling the listview to handle navigating to the new tiddler. See HistoryMechanism for details.
! Introduction
The macro call widget provides an alternative syntax for invoking macros. The advantage of the widget form is that it allows macro parameters to be specified as widget attributes, thus allowing indirection and macro values to be set.
For example, a macro called `italicise` that takes a single parameter called `text` can be invoked in any of these ways:
<<italicise "Text to be made into italics">>
<<italicise text:"Text to be made into italics">>
<$macrocall $name="italicise" text="Text to be made into italics"/>
<$macrocall $name="italicise" text={{Title of tiddler containing text to be italicised}}/>
<$macrocall $name="italicise" text=<<textMaker "Another macro to generate the text to be italicised">>/>
You can see several examples of the macro call widget within the core:
* Listing module information: [[$:/snippets/modules]]
* Listing field information: [[$:/snippets/allfields]]
* Generating `data:` URIs: [[$:/themes/tiddlywiki/starlight/styles.tid]]
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$macrocall>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$name |Name of the macro to invoke |
|$type |ContentType with which the macro text should be parsed (defaults to `text/vnd.tiddlywiki`) |
|$output |ContentType for the output rendering (defaults to `text/html`, can also be `text/plain`) |
|//parameters// |Macro parameters specified as attributes |
Macros are snippets of text, inserted with the following shortcut syntax:
You can define and use [[Macros in WikiText]] or write [[JavaScript Macros|http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/index.html#JavaScript%20Macros]] for more flexibility.
The following macros are provided by the TiddlyWiki core:
<<list-links "[tag[Macros]]">>
! Defining Macros
Macros are snippets of text that can be inserted with a concise shortcut.
Multi-line macros are defined like this:
\define mysamplemacro(name:"Bugs Bunny",address:"Rabbit Hole Hill")
Hi, I'm $name$ and I live in $address$
!! Parameter Substitution
The first line of the definition specifies the macro name and any parameters. Parameters are named and can optionally have default values that are used if the parameter isn't specified at the time of calling. The body of the macro definition follows, terminated with `\end` on a line by itself.
The text of the macro can reference parameters using the `$name$` syntax. The value of the parameter is substituted at the time the macro is invoked.
!! Variable Substitution
The values of named variables can also be substituted into the text of a macro using the syntax `$(variable)$`. For example:
\define mysamplemacro2()
Hi, I'm $(name)$ and I live in $(address)$
\define name() Bugs Bunny
<$set name="address" value="Rabbit Hole Hill">
The result is: `Hi, I'm Bugs Bunny and I live in Rabbit Hole Hill`.
!! Single Line macros
Single-line macros can omit the `\end` marker like this:
\define mysamplemacro3(name:"Bugs Bunny") Hi, I'm $name$
!! Macro Scope
Macro definitions must be placed at the top of a tiddler. Macros are available to the tiddler that defines them, plus any tiddlers that it transcludes.
Global macros can be defined in any tiddler with the tag [[$:/tags/Macro]]. They are then available within all tiddlers.
Macros can be imported from other tiddlers with the ImportVariablesWidget.
[[JavaScript Macros|http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/index.html#JavaScript%20Macros]] can also be used for more flexibility.
! Using Macros
In their simplest form, macros are used like this:
<<mysamplemacro "Donald Duck">>
<<mysamplemacro "Mickey Mouse" "Mouse House">>
<<mysamplemacro name:"Minnie Mouse" address:"Mouse House">>
Resulting in:
Hi I'm Bugs Bunny and I live in Rabbit Hole Hill
Hi I'm Donald Duck and I live in Rabbit Hole Hill
Hi I'm Mickey Mouse and I live in Mouse House
Hi I'm Minnie Mouse and I live in Mouse House
Note that parameter values that do not specify names are mapped in sequence to the parameters defined in the macro.
!! Multiline Parameters
Parameters can include line breaks. For example:
<<mysamplemacro "Mickey Mouse" "Mouse House,
Mouse Lane,
By using triple-double quotes you can specify parameter values that include single double quotes. For example:
<<mysamplemacro "Mickey Mouse" """Mouse House,
"Mouse" Lane,
! Using Macros with the MacroCallWidget
Macros can also be invoked with the MacroCallWidget
<<italicise "Text to be made into italics">>
<<italicise text:"Text to be made into italics">>
<$macrocall $name="italicise" text="Text to be made into italics"/>
<$macrocall $name="italicise" text={{Title of tiddler containing text to be italicised}}/>
<$macrocall $name="italicise" text=<<textMaker "Another macro to generate the text to be italicised">>/>
Also see:
* [[Macros]]
* [[MacroCallWidget]]
//This is a sample task for the TaskManagementExample//
The makedatauri macro constructs a data URI from a block of text and an associated ContentType. It is commonly used within stylesheets to generate an inline image or font.
! Parameters
|!Position |!Name |!Description |!Default |
|1st |text |Text to be converted to a data URI | |
|2nd |type |ContentType of text | |
! Examples
A trivial example to show how the macro works:
<<makedatauri "HelloThere" "text/plain">>
<<makedatauri "HelloThere" "text/plain">>
A user-defined macro such as this would typically be used within a stylesheet:
\define datauri(title)
<$macrocall $name="makedatauri" type={{$title$!!type}} text={{$title$}}/>
Then one can write CSS rules like this:
background: url(<<datauri "$:/themes/tiddlywiki/starlight/ltbg.jpg">>);
See the UpgradeMechanism for more details.
\define textOnPath(text)
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 1000 300" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
<path id="MyPath" d="M 100 200 C 200 100 300 0 400 100 C 500 200 600 300 700 200 C 800 100 900 100 900 100"/>
<use xlink:href="#MyPath" fill="none" stroke="#ddd"/>
<text font-family="'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif" font-size="42.5">
<textPath xlink:href="#MyPath">
This demo shows how to use SVG to render transcluded text along a path. Enter some text in the textbox below to try it out; view the source to see how it is done.
<$edit-text tiddler="$:/CurvedText" tag="input" placeholder="Type text here" default=""/>
<$macrocall $name="textOnPath" text={{$:/CurvedText}}/>
\define thisSeriesSelect()
<$select tiddler={{!!book_title}} field='series' default='None'>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/SeriesTitles]indexes[]regexp:[(?i)$(thisSeriesSearch)$]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
\define thisGenreSelect()
<$select tiddler={{!!book_title}} field='genre' default='None'>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/BookGenres]indexes[]regexp:[(?i)$(thisGenreSearch)$]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
\define thisAuthorSelect()
<$select tiddler={{!!book_title}} field='author'>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/BookAuthors]indexes[]regexp:[(?i)$(thisAuthorSearch)$]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
\define thisLocationSelect()
<$select tiddler={{!!book_title}} field='location' default='None'>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/BookLocations]indexes[]regexp:[(?i)$(thisLocationSearch)$]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
\define thisTagSelect()
<$select tiddler='$:/state/booktag' field='selected_tag'>
<$list filter='[[$:/data/BookTags]indexes[]regexp:[(?i)$(thisTagSearch)$]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
\define thisBookSelect()
<$select field='book_title'>
<$list filter='[tag[Book]regexp:[(?i)$(thisBookSearch)$]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
\define thisRemoveBookButton()
<$button popup='$:/state/test'>Remove Book</$button>
<$reveal type="popup" state="$:/state/test">
<div class="tc-drop-down">
<$set name=thisBookSearch value={{$:/state/newbook!!narrow_book_select}}>
<<thisBookSelect>></$set> <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='narrow_book_select' placeholder='Narrow Book List'/> (<<thisRemoveBookButton>>)
<$reveal type=match text=true state='Library Tracker Settings!!show_author'>
Author: <$reveal state='$:/state/Library Tracker/add author' type=nomatch text='new'>
<$set name=thisAuthorSearch value={{$:/state/newbook!!narrow_author_select}}>
<<thisAuthorSelect>></$set> <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='narrow_author_select' placeholder='Narrow Author List'/> (<$button set='$:/state/Library Tracker/add author' setTo='new'>New Author</$button>)
<$reveal state='$:/state/Library Tracker/add author' type=match text='new'>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='book_author' placeholder='Author'/><$button><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/data/BookAuthors' $index={{$:/state/newbook!!book_author}} $value=1/><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/newbook' $field='book_author' $value=''/>Add</$button><$button set='$:/state/Library Tracker/add author' setTo='notnew'>Done</$button>
<!--End Author-->
<$reveal type=match text=true state='Library Tracker Settings!!show_series'>
Series: <$reveal state='$:/state/Library Tracker/add series' type=nomatch text='new'>
<$set name=thisSeriesSearch value={{$:/state/newbook!!narrow_series_select}}>
<<thisSeriesSelect>></$set> <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='narrow_series_select' placeholder='Narrow Series List'/> (<$button set='$:/state/Library Tracker/add series' setTo='new'>New Series</$button>)
<$reveal state='$:/state/Library Tracker/add series' type=match text='new'>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='book_series' placeholder='Series Title'/><$button><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/data/SeriesTitles' $index={{$:/state/newbook!!book_series}} $value=1/><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/newbook' $field='book_series' $value=''/>Add</$button><$button set='$:/state/Library Tracker/add series' setTo='notnew'>Done</$button>
<!--End Series-->
<$reveal type=match text=true state='Library Tracker Settings!!show_genre'>
Genre: <$reveal state='$:/state/Library Tracker/add genre' type=nomatch text='new'>
<$set name=thisGenreSearch value={{$:/state/newbook!!narrow_genre_select}}>
<<thisGenreSelect>></$set> <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='narrow_genre_select' placeholder='Narrow Genre List'/> (<$button set='$:/state/Library Tracker/add genre' setTo='new'>New Genre</$button>)
<$reveal state='$:/state/Library Tracker/add genre' type=match text='new'>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='book_genre' placeholder='Genre'/><$button><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/data/BookGenres' $index={{$:/state/newbook!!book_genre}} $value=1/><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/newbook' $field='book_genre' $value=''/>Add</$button><$button set='$:/state/Library Tracker/add genre' setTo='notnew'>Done</$button>
<!--End Genre-->
<$reveal type=match text=true state='Library Tracker Settings!!show_location'>
Location: <$reveal state='$:/state/Library Tracker/add location' type=nomatch text='new'>
<$set name=thisLocationSearch value={{$:/state/newbook!!narrow_location_select}}>
<<thisLocationSelect>></$set> <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='narrow_location_select' placeholder='Narrow Location List'/> (<$button set='$:/state/Library Tracker/add location' setTo='new'>New Location</$button>)
<$reveal state='$:/state/Library Tracker/add location' type=match text='new'>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='book_location' placeholder='Location'/><$button><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/data/BookLocations' $index={{$:/state/newbook!!book_location}} $value=1/><$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/newbook' $field='book_location' $value=''/>Add</$button><$button set='$:/state/Library Tracker/add location' setTo='notnew'>Done</$button>
<!--End Location-->
<$reveal type=match text=true state='Library Tracker Settings!!show_tags'>
Tags (it will always be tagged with `Book` by default):<br>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/newbook!!add_or_create_tag' text='create'>
New Tag: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/booktag' field='tag_temp' placeholder='New Tag'/>
<$button>Create Tag
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/data/BookTags' $index={{$:/state/booktag!!tag_temp}} $value=1/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/booktag' $field='tag_temp' $value=''/>
<$button set='$:/state/newbook!!add_or_create_tag' setTo='nocreate'>Done</$button><br>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/newbook!!add_or_create_tag' text='create'>
Tag to add:
<$set name=thisTagSearch value={{$:/state/newbook!!narrow_tag_select}}>
<$fieldmangler tiddler={{!!book_title}}>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param={{$:/state/booktag!!selected_tag}}/>Add Tag
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/newbook' field='narrow_tag_select' placeholder='Narrow Tag List'/>
(<$button set='$:/state/newbook!!add_or_create_tag' setTo='create'>New Tag</$button>)
List of current tags:<br>
<$fieldmangler tiddler={{!!book_title}}>
<$list filter='[{!!book_title}tags[]]-Book'><$view field='title'/> <$button>Remove Tag<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-tag' $param=<<currentTiddler>>/></$button><br> </$list>
<!--End Tags-->
The Markdown plugin enables you to use tiddlers that are written in standard Markdown markup.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/markdown/
An experimental MathJax plugin for TiddlyWiki version 5. As Martin says, the implementation is a bit of a hack but may be useful until we have a better alternative.
Welcome. I have created plugin for TiddlyWiki 5 which allows you to use MathJax (math in TeX and MathML) inside TiddlyWiki 5. It's unofficial plugin and it doesn't follow general policy of TiddlyWiki as stand-alone solution but it works. So you can use it if you want.
MathML is a markup language for mathematical notation that can be used with HTML.
If your browser supports it, MathML elements can be used in TiddlyWiki5 WikiText just like HTML.
Here is an example MathML equation from [[the W3C|http://www.w3.org/Math/XSL/csmall2.xml]]:
Renders as:
These are the internal mechanisms that fit together to make up TiddlyWiki.
<<list-links "[tag[Mechanisms]]">>
Local meetings of ~TiddlyWiki enthusiasts around the world:
* [[OXTWIG]], the ''Oxford ~TiddlyWiki Interest Group'' meets monthly in Oxford, UK to share experiences of using TiddlyWiki
//If you are a ~TiddlyWiki enthusiast please consider starting a local TWIG in your area, it's a great way to spread the word about using TiddlyWiki//
Widget messages are generated by widgets in response to user actions. They flow up the widget tree until they are handled by an ancestor widget.
The following widget messages are implemented by the core:
<<list-links "[tag[Messages]]">>
A //module// in TiddlyWiki5 is a tiddler containing executable JavaScript, of the type `application/javascript` and with the field `module-type` set to the ModuleType of the module.
See the ''Internals'' tab of the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] for lists of the currently loaded modules.
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection|Title Selection]] of module types"
output="the title of each module with any of the input types"
<<.operator-examples "modules">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[filteroperator]modules[]]">>
\define describe() {{$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/$(type)$}}
The `module-type` field of a [[JavaScript module|Modules]] is a string that identifies the type of the module. Here is a list of the module types used in this wiki:
<$list filter="[moduletypes[]]">
<$set name=type value=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
output="the name of each known ~TiddlyWiki [[module type|ModuleType]], in alphabetical order"
<<.operator-examples "moduletypes">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[moduletypes[]]">>
MultiTiddlerFiles allow multiple tiddlers to be concisely represented in a single text file.
The goals of this format are:
* To be easy to type and easy to read
* Optimised for single line strings
* To allow common fields or tags to be shared within groups of tiddlers
* To be simple to process with external tools
MultiTiddlerFiles have the extension `multids`. The file is structured as a block of shared fields followed by a blank line. The rest of the file is a sequence of comments and tiddlers. Tiddlers are specified by their title, followed by a colon, at least one space character, and then the rest of the line is the text field for the tiddler.
For example:
title: $:/language/ControlPanel/
tags: strings
modifier: JoeBloggs
Basics/Caption: Basics
# This is a comment
Basics/Version: ~TiddlyWiki Version
This example defines two tiddlers, [[$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/Caption]] and [[$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/Version]].
If a `title` field is specified in the header then it is treated as a prefix for the individual tiddlers defined in the title.
The system tiddlers provided as part of the core are named according to the following rules:
|!Namespace |!Format |!Description |
|`$:/*` |~CamelCase |Root user interface tiddlers (eg control panel, advanced search) |
|`$:/config/*` |~CamelCase |User-oriented configuration setting |
|`$:/core/images/*` |hyphen-case |Core images |
|`$:/core/modules/*` |lowercase |JavaScript module tiddlers |
|`$:/core/save/*` |lowercase |Saving templates for creating TiddlyWiki documents |
|`$:/core/templates/*` |//inconsistent// |Templates needed for TiddlyWiki to operate. Currently uses a mix of dashes and periods to separate words |
|`$:/core/ui/*` |//inconsistent// |Tiddlers comprising the default user interface of TiddlyWiki. Currently uses a mix of ~CamelCase and lowercase naming conventions |
|`$:/core/wiki/*` |lowercase |Metadata about the entire wiki |
|`$:/docs/*` |lowercase |Documentation tiddlers |
|`$:/messages/*` |~CamelCase |System messages |
|`$:/plugins/*` |lowercase |Plugin tiddlers, and plugin content |
|`$:/snippets/*` |//inconsistent// |Reusable snippets (will be replaced by macros) |
|`$:/state/*` |lowercase |User interface state tiddlers |
|`$:/tags/*` |~CamelCase |User interface configuration tags |
|`$:/temp/*` |lowercase |Temporary tiddlers that shouldn't be saved |
|`$:/themes/*` |lowercase |Theme plugins |
In the format column:
* ''hyphen-case'' refers to joining multiple lowercase words with hyphens
* ''~CamelCase'' refers to joining mulitple initial capitaled words with hyphens
* ''lowercase'' refers to directly joining multiple lowercase words
* ''inconsistent'' marks namespaces that are currently titled inconsistently
In the default "classic" storyview mode, open tiddlers are displayed in a vertical column called the "story river". There are a number of ways you can navigate the story river - that is, how you can jump back and forth between the open tiddlers.
* The best approach is to ''use the Open tab'' in the sidebar to click on the open tiddler to which you wish to navigate.
** The ''Open'' tab contains a list of all the open tiddlers. You can click on any tiddler in the list to jump to it, or click the "×" next to a tiddler link to close it. There is also a handy ''close all'' button at the bottom of the list of open tiddlers.
* Another way is to simply ''scroll the page up and down'' using the story river scrollbar to the right.
** Note that when both the story river and the sidebar extend below the visible screen, there will be //two// scrollbars. The outer or far-right scrollbar controls the story river. The inner scrollbar controls the sidebar.
* A clunky approach that many new users try is to ''close tiddlers one by one'' until they get to the tiddler they are looking for.
** Closing any tiddler at the top or in the middle of the story river will cause all the tiddlers below it to slide up the river. The tiddler immediately below the tiddler you closed will slide up to take its place.
** Closing the bottom tiddler will close it and the bottom of the tiddler above it will come into view.
! Introduction
The navigator widget manipulates the current store, the story list and history lists in response to various [[Messages]].
! Content and Attributes
The navigator widget displays any contained content, and responds to Messages dispatched within it.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|story |Name of the tiddler containing the story list to be manipulated |
|history |Name of the tiddler containing the history list to be manipulated |
! Widget Messages
The following [[Messages]] are handled by the navigator widget:
<$list filter="[tag[navigator-message]]">
<$link to={{!!title}}>
<$view field="title"/>
\define thisListItem()
<$view field='title'/> <<ThisPlace>> <$button>{{$:/core/images/chevron-left}}<$action-setfield $tiddler='ListData' $index=<<currentTiddler>> $value=<<ThisPlace>>/></$button> <$button>{{$:/core/images/chevron-up}}<$action-setfield $tiddler='ListData' $index=<<currentTiddler>> $value=<<calc ListData##$(currentTiddler)$ +1>>/></$button><$button>{{$:/core/images/chevron-down}}<$action-setfield $tiddler='ListData' $index=<<currentTiddler>> $value=<<calc ListData##$(currentTiddler)$ -1>>/></$button><br>
<<calc 'ListData##Audio' +1>>
<$list filter='[tag[Working with TiddlyWiki]sort[title]]' iterator=ThisPlace>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="a tiddler title"
output="a selection containing each title that immediately follows each of the input titles in the <<.field list>> field of <<.place t>>"
Each input title is processed in turn, and its successor is located in the <<.field list>> field and appended to the output. If a title is not listed in the field, or is the last title there, then it contributes nothing to the output.
<<.operator-examples "next">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[Monday]next[Days of the Week]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[[Sunday]next[Days of the Week]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "Tuesday Wednesday Thursday +[next[Days of the Week]]">>
node-webkit is an OpenSource application that fuses the functionality of a web browser with that of [[Node.js]]. It makes it possible to use web applications as though they were native apps, with full access to the file system and other native facilities. Learn more from the [[official site|https://github.com/rogerwang/node-webkit]] or [[this introductory blog post|http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/javascript-ajax/introduction-to-html5-desktop-apps-with-node-webkit/]].
See [[TiddlyWiki on node-webkit]] for details of how to use TiddlyWiki with node-webkit.
''Node.js'' is a downloadable application for your PC, Mac or Linux computer that lets it run JavaScript applications. Unlike ~JavaScript applications running in a web browser, Node.js code has full access to the file system and other resources of the computer, enabling it to perform the roles that have traditionally been the preserve of languages like Java, PHP and Python. See http://nodejs.org for more details.
For ~TiddlyWiki, Node.js means that we can have a single code base that can run in the browser or on the server, giving great flexibility in how it is used.
For end users, Node.js is no more complicated to install than a web browser, but unlocks powerful capabilities such as the ability to run ~TiddlyWiki as a web server that you can connect to from other devices.
See [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] for more details.
Version 5.0.11-beta includes some changes that can break content from earlier releases of ~TiddlyWiki 5.
! Command line changes
Previously, commands that generate output files would interpret the specified path to the file as being relative to the current working directory. So, for example, the following command would write `index.html` to the current directory:
tiddlywiki mywiki --rendertiddler $:/core/save/all index.html text/plain
In 5.0.11-beta this behaviour has changed, and now the specified filename is resolved relative to an `output` folder within the TiddlyWikiFolder. So the command above will now write the file `index.html` to `mywiki/output/index.html`.
You can override this behaviour with the OutputCommand. For example, to generate the `index.html` file within the current directory:
tiddlywiki mywiki --output . --rendertiddler $:/core/save/all index.html text/plain
A further change is that the `--rendertiddlers` command now clears the output folder before it writes any files. This means that any previous `--rendertiddler` commands to the same folder will have their output deleted.
Version 5.0.8-beta includes some changes that can break content from earlier releases of ~TiddlyWiki 5.
! Change to [[$:/SiteTitle]] and [[$:/SiteSubtitle]]
You should rename any existing SiteTitle and SiteSubtitle tiddlers to [[$:/SiteTitle]] and [[$:/SiteSubtitle]] respectively.
! Changed parsing rules for content of HTML elements
Version 5.0.8-beta marks a change in the way that TiddlyWiki determines whether to parse the content of an HTML element or widget in //block mode// or //inline mode//.
* In block mode, TiddlyWiki parses text into paragraphs, creating `<p>` tags to wrap them. It also recognises block syntax like headings, lists and tables.
* In inline mode, TiddlyWiki ignores paragraph formatting, and just recognises character formatting, like bold and italic.
It's important to be able to control which type of parsing is performed for different situations.
Prior to 5.0.8-beta, TiddlyWiki parsed the content of an element in inline mode unless the opening tag of the element were immediately followed by a line break. This meant that much of the time element tags would be shunted together into a long line, hindering readability.
The new behaviour for 5.0.8-beta is to parse the content of an element in inline mode unless the opening tag is immediately followed by two line breaks.
To adjust existing content for 5.0.8-beta you will need to manually add the additional line break after the opening tag of elements and widgets whose content should be parsed in block mode.
The positive aspect of the change is that it removes the need to pack multiple HTML tags onto a single line, improving readability.
!! Examples
Consider the difference between these two examples. First, here's an HTML tag that starts with two line breaks:
<<wikitext-example src:"
! This is a heading
And a paragraph of text.
Secondly, here's an HTML tag with just a single line break. Notice how the heading is no longer recognised as a heading
<<wikitext-example src:"
! This is a heading
And a paragraph of text.
! Changed commands for [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
The handling of wiki folders has changed. Previously, if the `tiddlywiki` command was run against a wiki folder that didn't have the necessary `tiddlywiki.info` file then it would be automatically created. Now, the wiki folder must be initialised with the InitCommand.
This is how to create and start a new server-based wiki:
tiddlywiki mywikifolder --init server
tiddlywiki mywikifolder --server
Note that the name of the ''clientserver'' edition has changed to ''server''.
The 'now' macro returns the current date and time, formatted with an optional format string.
! Parameters
|!Position |!Name |!Description |!Default |
|1st |format |DateFormat string specifying the format for the date/time |`0hh:0mm, DDth MMM YYYY` |
! Examples
For example:
* <<now>>
* <<now "DDth MMM YYYY">>
* <<now>>
* <<now "DDth MMM YYYY">>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]], defaulting to <<.field title>>"
output="the input, sorted into ascending order by field <<.field f>>, treating field values as numbers"
negationOutput="the input, likewise sorted into descending order"
Non-numeric values are treated as having a higher value than any number, and the difference between capital and lowercase letters is ignored. Compare <<.olink nsortcs>>.
<<.operator-examples "nsort">>
<<.operator-example 1 "10 010 1000 100 +[nsort[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "10 010 ALPHA beta alpha 1000 100 +[nsort[]]">>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]], defaulting to <<.field title>>"
output="the input, sorted into ascending order by field <<.field f>>, treating field values as numbers"
negationOutput="the input, likewise sorted into descending order"
Non-numeric values are treated as having a higher value than any number, and capital and lowercase letters are treated as different. Compare <<.olink nsort>>.
<<.operator-examples "nsortcs">>
<<.operator-example 1 "10 010 1000 100 +[nsortcs[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "10 010 ALPHA beta alpha 1000 100 +[nsortcs[]]">>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="an integer, defaulting to 1"
output="the <<.place n>>th input title"
<<.place n>> is one-based. In other words, `nth[1]` has the same effect as the <<.olink first>> operator.
<<.operator-examples "nth">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]nth[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]nth[5]]">>
An introduction to the biblical book of Obadiah by Dave Gifford using the table of contents macro and various custom tweaks to ~TiddlyWiki: custom new here buttons, [[this custom viewtemplate addition|http://giffmex.org/experiments/obadiah.html#%24%3A%2F_aa%2FViewTemplate%2FNoteList]] to add notes or images within any tiddler, and a tiddler transcluding all the content, in order to facilitate printing ([[this tiddler|http://giffmex.org/experiments/obadiah.html#An%20introduction%20to%20Obadiah]]).
OpenSource is [[defined by Wikipedia|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_source]] as //a philosophy, or pragmatic methodology that promotes free redistribution and access to an end product's design and implementation details//.
When ~TiddlyWiki generates a list of the tiddlers that have a particular tag (e.g. the dropdown list of a tag pill), it orders the tiddlers using the following rules:
# Start with any that are [[declared|Title List]] in the <<.field list>> field of the tag tiddler, in the order given there.
# In each remaining tiddler <<.place T>>, look for a <<.field list-before>> field. If this has a tiddler title as its value, place <<.place T>> just <<.em before>> that one.
#* As a special case, if the field exists but its value is empty, place <<.place T>> at the very start of the list.
# In each remaining tiddler <<.place T>>, look for a <<.field list-after>> field. If this has a tiddler title as its value, place tiddler <<.place T>> just <<.em after>> that one.
# If any tiddlers still remain, place them at the end of the list. <!-- in alphabetical order if #1378 is accepted; then also update Tagging -->
Founded in 2004 by JeremyRuston, Osmosoft was originally a consultancy for software services around TiddlyWiki. Notable engagements included working with Socialtext on [[Socialtext Unplugged|https://www.socialtext.net/open/socialtext_unplugged]].
In 2007, Osmosoft was acquired by [[BT]] and became the champions for open source within the enterprise. As part of BT, Osmosoft has worked on a diverse range of projects within BT and for BT's customers.
See http://osmosoft.com/
The ''Oxford ~TiddlyWiki Interest Group'' meets monthly for discussions and demonstrations about TiddlyWiki.
See https://oxtwig.eventbrite.co.uk/ for details of our next meeting.
We have an email discussion list, too: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!members/oxtwig
The second OXTWIG meeting was held on Thursday 16th January 2014:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/WOK_nVBf_6U" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
The first OXTWIG meeting was held on Thursday 21st November 2013:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/tpNf_Dms_TE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
One major feature of TiddlyWiki that many new users are unaware of is the degree to which TiddlyWiki can be customised, just by adding or removing SystemTags in key shadow tiddlers or in your own custom tiddlers.
* You can add and remove default features in tiddlers in either viewing or editing mode (let's say you find the tiddler subtitle distracting, or you want to add yourself a reminder that you will see when you edit tiddlers)
* You can also add and remove default features from the general page layout (maybe you want to add a clock to the sidebar, or replace one of the page control buttons with your own)
* You can also rearrange the order in which these features are displayed (perhaps you would like tags above tiddler titles, or the subtitle of your TiddlyWiki below the page control buttons)
Once you know what you are doing, all of these things are actually pretty easy to do.
! Adding custom-made tiddlers to the user interface
You can also create any tiddler you want and tag it with the appropriate SystemTag, and it will appear in that place. For example, if you create a tiddler 'Reminder to self', add the text 'This is a reminder' and tag it `$:/tags/EditTemplate`, the words 'This is a reminder' will appear inside every tiddler when you edit it.
When you add new tiddlers to be displayed within tiddlers or within the page layout, you will also probably need to reposition it so that it appears precisely where you want it to appear. To do this, edit the appropriate shadow tiddler with the prefix `$:/tags/`, and insert the title of your tiddler in the proper place in the list field. For example, if you want the words 'This is a reminder' from the example above to appear above the tags editor in editing mode, edit the tiddler $:/tags/EditTemplate, go to the 'list' field, and insert `[[Reminder to self]]` right before `$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/tags`.
! Creating new buttons for the ViewToolbar and page controls
Let's say you have a skeleton tiddler called 'Recipe template', and you want to have a button available in the tiddler ViewToolbar to create new recipe tiddlers on demand. This will require the following steps:
# You will want an image for your button. If none of the core images (shadow tiddlers with the prefix $:/core/images/) work for you, then you will need to create or acquire an SVG image (for example, one of the images at http://flaticon.com), drag it into your file so that it becomes a tiddler, edit the tiddler and adjust the height and width to 22px
# You will want to create the tiddler that contains your tiddler. Create it, title it, and add the button code (see the code at the bottom of this tiddler for an example, with hints where you will need to adapt it). Tag it [[$:/tags/ViewToolbar]]
# You will need to create a tiddler that tells TiddlyWiki whether your button should be visible in the toolbar or hidden. Let's title it [[$:/config/ViewToolbarButtons/Visibility/Recipe]]. Type `reveal` into the text area, and save.
# You will want to position the button properly. Open the tiddler $:/tags/ViewToolbar and insert your button tiddler's title in the appropriate place in the list field.
\define newHereButtonTags()
\define newHereButton()
<$button class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>>>
title="New tiddler"
tags=<<newHereButtonTags>> />
<$list filter="[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]">
<$list filter="[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]">
<span class="tc-btn-text"><$text text="CAPTION FOR YOUR BUTTON"/></span>
! Removing shadow tiddlers from the user interface
In the More > Shadows tab you will find a list of all the shadow tiddlers. In this list you will find many tiddlers with the prefix `$:/core/ui/`. These are the core tiddlers that define the user interface. These tiddlers are tagged with SystemTags, and removing or adding these tags will adjust the tiddler and page layouts.
For example, $:/core/ui/SideBar/More is the tiddler for the More tab in the Sidebar, and it is tagged with the SystemTag `$:/tags/SideBar` so that it appears in the Sidebar. Removing the tag from that tiddler will remove the More tab from the Sidebar, and reinserting the Sidebar tag to that tiddler will make it reappear in the Sidebar.
You can use the same process for any of the core user interface tiddlers with the $:/core/ui/ prefix. For example, removing the SystemTag `$:/tags/ViewTemplate` from the tiddler `$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/subtitle` will remove the subtitles from all tiddlers.
If you modify a shadow tiddler in this way you will overwrite the pre-installed value. If you want to revert, just delete the modified tiddler to restore the underlying shadow tiddler.
To mark the end of a paragraph in TiddlyWiki you need to type `enter` twice to create a double line break:
This is the first paragraph.
And this is the second paragraph.
Single line breaks are ignored within paragraphs. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"This is a
paragraph made
up of
short lines">>
For situations where this behaviour isn't convenient, you can also use [[Hard Linebreaks in WikiText]].
! Introduction
The parsing mechanism analyses the text of a tiddler against a set of parsing rules, producing a tree representing the structure of the text. The RenderingMechanism is used to transform parse trees into render trees of widget nodes.
TiddlyWiki5 includes ParserModules for several types of tiddler:
* WikiText
* Raw HTML
* Plain text
* Images (bitmap, SVG and PDF)
The WikiText parser is the most complex, comprising separate individual WikiRuleModules encapsulating each parsing rule.
! Parse Trees
The output of parsing a tiddler is an object containing a tree of parse nodes corresponding to the original text. For example:
> JSON.stringify($tw.wiki.parseText("text/vnd.tiddlywiki","Some //italics// and a {{Transclusion}}.").tree)
{type: "element", tag: "p", children: [
{type: "text", text: "Some "},
{type: "element", tag: "em", children: [
{type: "text", text: "italics"}
{type: "text", text: " and a "},
{type: "tiddler", attributes:{
tiddler: {type: "string", value: "Transclusion"}
}, children:[
{type: "transclude", attributes:{
tiddler: {type: "string", value: "Transclusion"}
{type: "text", text: "."}
Parse tree nodes are plain JavaScript objects, and do not have a prototype.
! Introduction
The password widget displays a password input box that is bound to a named entry in the TiddlyWiki5 PasswordVault. Passwords are currently stored in the browsers local storage and are not themselves encrypted.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$password>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|name |Name of the password vault entry |
Permalinks allow direct links to individual tiddlers within a TiddlyWiki.
! Simple Permalinks
The simplest form of permalink is a single target tiddler title appended to the base URL with `#`:
The tiddler title can contain spaces if required:
[[http://tiddlywiki.com/#Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
Note that double square brackets are not required around the target tiddler title; however, if present they are silently removed.
! Story Permalinks
The permalink can also specify the story list of tiddlers that should be opened alongside the target tiddler as a [[TiddlerFilter|Filters]]:
[[http://tiddlywiki.com/#TiddlerFields:Tiddlers TiddlerTags TiddlerFields ContentType]]
If the target tiddler isn't present in the story list then it is automatically inserted at the top. This means that the following two examples both target the tiddler `Tiddlers` within the story sequence `Tiddlers`, `Tags`, `TiddlerFields`:
[[http://tiddlywiki.com/#Tiddlers:Tags TiddlerFields]]
[[http://tiddlywiki.com/#Tiddlers:Tiddlers Tags TiddlerFields]]
It is also possible to specify a story filter without specifying a target tiddler for navigation:
<a href="http://tiddlywiki.com/#:[tags[task]]">~http://tiddlywiki.com/#:[tags[task]]</a>
! About URL encoding
There are technical restrictions on the legal characters in an URL fragment. To allow all tiddler titles to be addressed, illegal characters are subject to a process called "URL encoding" whereby problematic characters are replaced by their numeric code. For example, the space character is replaced with `%20`.
Both the target tiddler title and the story filter should be URL encoded (but not the separating colon). TiddlyWiki generates properly encoded URLs which can look quite ugly. However, in practice browsers will usually perfectly happily process arbitrary characters in URL fragments. Thus when creating permalinks manually you can choose to ignore URL encoding.
! Permalink Behaviour
Two important aspects of TiddlyWiki's behaviour with permalinks can be controlled via options in the $:/ControlPanel ''Advanced/Settings'' tab:
* Whether to automatically update the address bar at each navigation, and if so whether to include the story sequence as well as the target tiddler
* Whether the updates to the address bar should affect browser history. The default is ''no''; when switched to ''yes'' you can rewind navigation between tiddlers using the browser back and forward buttons
Note that typing or navigating to a permalink will always cause the permalink to be processed, and tiddlers opened and closed as appropriate.
!! Technical Details
When TiddlyWiki starts up it processes permalinks according to the following steps; the same steps are repeated if the permalink changes dynamically (this happens in response to the user editing the address bar, for example).
# If the permalink contains a colon, treat the string before as the ''target'' and the string after it as the ''story filter''
# If the permalink doesn't contain a colon, treat the entire string as the ''target'' and mark the ''story filter'' as //unspecified//
# If the ''story filter'' was unspecified and we're in the process of starting up, then set the ''story filter'' to the empty string if the ''target'' is specified, or to the default tiddlers if the ''target'' is unspecified
# If the ''story filter'' was unspecified and we're not starting up, then set the ''story filter'' to the current story list
# Evaluate the ''story filter'' as the ''story list''
# If the ''target'' is specified and not present in the ''story list'' then add it at the top
# If the ''target'' is specified then navigate to it, otherwise navigate to the first tiddler in the ''story list''
The purpose of recording and organising information is so that it can be used again. The value of recorded information is directly proportional to the ease with which it can be re-used.
The philosophy of [[tiddlers|Tiddlers]] is that we maximise the possibilities for re-use by slicing information up into the smallest semantically meaningful units with [[rich modelling of relationships between them|Structuring TiddlyWiki]]. Then we use aggregation and composition to weave the fragments together to present narrative stories.
TiddlyWiki aspires to provide an algebra for tiddlers, a concise way of expressing and exploring the relationships between items of information.
[[Plugins]] are bundles of tiddlers that are distributed and managed as a single unit by being packed into a single JSON tiddler. If a tiddler isn't found in the main store, then the registered plugins are searched for it instead.
Tiddlers within plugins behave something like shadow tiddlers in classic TiddlyWiki: they can be freely overwritten by creating a tiddler with the same title, but deleting that tiddler restores the underlying tiddler value from the plugin.
Plugins have a `plugin-type` field that may be:
* `plugin` //(default)// - a plain plugin
* `theme` - a theme plugin (see ThemeMechanism)
Plugins can be used to package ordinary content, or can include JavaScript [[modules|Modules]] that extend and enhance the core TiddlyWiki5 functionality.
Plugins conventionally have a title of the form `$:/plugins/publisher/name`. Plugins that are part of the core TiddlyWiki distribution have titles of the form `$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/name`.
Plugins that define macros, views or other named entities are expected to prefix the name with their publisher identifier, for example: `tiddlytools.slider`.
! Plugin fields
Plugins are stored as tiddlers with the following fields:
|!Field |!Description |
|title |Title of plugin |
|description |Description of plugin |
|author |Author of plugin |
|version |Version string (must conform to SemanticVersioning convention) |
|source |Source URL of plugin |
|type |Must be ''application/json'' |
|plugin-type |Can be ''plugin'' (default) or ''theme'' |
|text |JSON encoding of the list of tiddlers comprising the plugin |
|list |Names of exposed plugin information tiddlers (see below) |
|name |Name of the theme (only for themes) |
|dependents |List of dependent plugins (currently only implemented for themes) |
! Plugin folders
On the server, plugins can be stored as ordinary JSON tiddlers but it is often more convenient to store them as separate tiddler files within folders. Plugin folders must contain a `plugin.info` file that contains the metadata for the plugin. It can also optionally identify files external to the plugin folder that should be loaded as tiddlers.
The `plugin.info` file should contain the following JSON structure:
The JSON structure for plugin tiddlers is as follows:
"title": "$:/plugins/publisher/name",
"description": "An exemplary plugin for demonstration purposes",
"author": "JeremyRuston",
"version": "1.2.3-alpha3",
"core-version": ">=5.0.0",
"source": "http://tiddlywiki.com/MyPlugin",
"plugin-type": "plugin",
"list": "readme license history"
By convention, the titles of the individual tiddlers are prefixed with the title of the containing plugin, but they are not restricted to do so.
Note that if the `version` field is omitted from a `plugin.info` file when the plugin folder is packed then it is automatically filled in by the core to the current core version number. This is to ensure that all the core plugins carry the correct version number. Generally plugin authors will want to ensure that they do explicitly specify a version number.
! Plugin library
The standard distribution of TiddlyWiki includes a number of standard plugins in the `plugins` directory.
! Including plugins in a wiki
To be usable in the browser, plugins just need to be included in the wiki. For wikis that are generated on the server, TiddlyWikiFolders can contain a `tiddlywiki.info` file that identifies the plugins to be included in this wiki:
"plugins": [
Plugins names refer to plugin folders listed in TiddlyWiki5's root `plugins` folder.
Plugins can also be included manually by copying them into the `plugins` subfolder of the wiki.
! Plugin processing
The wiki object keeps track of all of the currently loaded plugins. If a request for a tiddler isn't in the store then the wiki looks through the cascade of plugins to find the requested tiddler. It is a similar idea to the way that shadow tiddlers are implemented in classic TiddlyWiki.
In the browser, any constituent tiddlers that are JavaScript modules (ie shadow tiddlers of content type `application/javascript` and possessing the field `module-type`) are executed during startup processing.
!! Disabling Plugins
Plugins can be disabled by creating a tiddler titled `$:/config/Plugins/Disabled/` concatenated with the plugin title, and setting its text to `yes`.
For example, to disable the plugin `$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/highlight`, the title would be:
! Information Tiddlers for Plugins
Plugin authors are encouraged to provide special information and documentation tiddlers that TiddlyWiki can include as plugin information tabs in the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]].
Plugins should provide an icon contained in a tiddler with the title formed of `<plugin-name>/icon` (for example, [[$:/core/icon]]).
Plugins expose the names of the individual information tabs that they wish to display in the `list` field of the plugin tiddler. By convention, some or all of the following should be provided:
* ''readme'': basic information about the plugin
* ''license'': the license under which the plugin is published
The title of the associated information tiddler must be formed as follows:
# `$:/<plugin-name>/<current-language>/<tab-name>` (for example, ''$:/core/en-GB/readme'')
# `$:/<plugin-name>/<tab-name>` (for example, ''$:/core/readme'')
Thus, plugins can provide language-specific versions of each information tiddler.
Note that information tiddlers should not reference other tiddlers within the plugin. This is because plugins containing themes or languages are dynamically switched in and out as they are selected, and so their information tiddlers may not be available for viewing. The control panel uses the 'subtiddler' attribute of the TranscludeWidget to access these tiddlers, which works independently of the plugin switching mechanism.
! Available Plugins
The following plugins are distributed on tiddlywiki.com as part of the main TiddlyWiki distribution.
<<list-links "[tag[Plugins]]">>
! What is a plugin?
A plugin in TiddlyWiki5 is a bundle of tiddlers packaged together as a single tiddler. Plugins are used to distribute optional, custom components for TiddlyWiki.
The tiddlers within a plugin appear as ShadowTiddlers.
Plugins can contain JavaScript modules, style sheets, and templates to extend the functionality of TiddlyWiki itself. Plugins can also be used to distribute ordinary text, images or other content. Plugins can be updated from their source as a unit.
See the PluginMechanism discussion for more details about how plugins are implemented internally.
! How to install a plugin
# Create a backup of your current TiddlyWiki HTML file ([[just in case|The First Rule of Using TiddlyWiki]])
# Open your TiddlyWiki in a browser
# In another browser window, find a link to the plugin, e.g. [[$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/example]]. You will typically find links to plugins on the home page of the plugin (for example, http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/katex/)
# Drag the link [[$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/example]] to the browser window containing your TiddlyWiki
# Save your TiddlyWiki
# Refresh the window
# The plugin should now be available for use
A collection of plugins from TheDiveO.
[[TheDiveO's Third Flow|http://thediveo.github.io/ThirdFlow/]] plugin construction system:
The ~ThirdFlow plugin brings to you another way to develop customization plugins for TiddlyWiki 5. It is not enforcing a specific development flow, it simply tries to help you. Otherwise, it tries to stay out of your way.
[[TheDiveO's FontAwesome|http://thediveo.github.io/TW5FontAwesome/]] plugin:
The FontAwesome plugin supports embedding Font Awesome in TiddlyWiki 5. There is no need to install this font into your operating system in order to use it with TiddlyWiki 5. The font is already embedded in this TiddlyWiki 5 customization plugin instead, so nothing else to install.
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection|Title Selection]] of plugin tiddler titles"
output="all shadow titles contained in the input plugins"
<<.operator-examples "plugintiddlers">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[$:/core]plugintiddlers[]]">>
The popup mechanism allows blocks of content to be selectively displayed and positioned with respect to an anchor. It has several parts:
* StateTiddlers to record whether a popup is currently displayed or not
* The RevealWidget to selectively display the popup content
* The ButtonWidget to trigger the display of the popup by setting the state tiddler appropriately
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="a string of characters"
output="those input titles that start with <<.place s>>"
negationOutput="those input tiddlers that do <<.em not>> start with <<.place s>>"
<<.operator-examples "prefix">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[tag[task]!prefix[Go]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[prefix[$:/languages/]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[prefix[$:/]]" "same as `[is[system]]`">>
Ordinarily, at startup TiddlyWiki displays the tiddlers specified as a filter in the tiddler [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]].
Sometimes it's useful to re-open the same tiddlers that were open when the file was saved. To do so, set [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]] to this filter:
This filter returns the tiddlers specified in the [[$:/StoryList]] tiddler, which is the system tiddler that TiddlyWiki uses to store the sequence of tiddlers in the current story.
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="a tiddler title"
output="a selection containing each title that immediately precedes each of the input titles in the <<.field list>> field of <<.place t>>"
Each input title is processed in turn, and its predecessor is located in the <<.field list>> field and appended to the output. If a title is not listed in the field, or is the first item there, then it contributes nothing to the output.
<<.operator-examples "previous">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[Wednesday]previous[Days of the Week]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[[Monday]previous[Days of the Week]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "Tuesday Wednesday Thursday +[previous[Days of the Week]]">>
The qualify macro is part of the StateMechanism. Given a base tiddler title it generates a unique string that includes a hashed encoding of a position within the widget render tree, identified by the stack of transcluded tiddlers that leads to that position.
! Parameters
|!Position |!Name |!Description |!Default |
|1st |title |Base tiddler title | |
! Examples
The results returned by the qualify macro will depend upon where it is used. For example:
<<qualify "base">>
<<qualify "base">>
Wikipedia [[defines a Quine|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quine_(computing)]] as //a computer program which takes no input and produces a copy of its own source code as its only output//.
TiddlyWiki is an unusual example of a practical quine: it is this ability to produce a copy of its own source code that lies at the heart of TiddlyWiki's ability to independently save changes to itself.
! Introduction
The radio widget displays an HTML `<input type="radio">` that reflects whether a given tiddler field has a specified value. Selecting the radio button sets to the tiddler field to the value.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$radio>` widget is displayed within an HTML `<label>` element also containing the radio button. This means that clicking on the content will have the same effect as clicking on the button itself.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |Title of the tiddler to manipulate (defaults to the CurrentTiddler) |
|field |The name of the field to which the radio button will be bound |
|value |The value for the tiddler field |
|class |CSS classes to be assigned to the label around the radio button |
! Example
This example uses the radio widget to change the `modifier` field of this tiddler:
<$radio field="modifier" value="JoeBloggs"> Joe Bloggs</$radio>
<$radio field="modifier" value="JaneBloggs"> Jane Bloggs</$radio>
It renders as:
<$radio field="modifier" value="JoeBloggs"> Joe Bloggs</$radio>
<$radio field="modifier" value="JaneBloggs"> Jane Bloggs</$radio>
<<.def "Railroad diagrams">>, sometimes called <<.def "syntax diagrams">>, are a visual way of explaining the syntax rules of a computer language. Reading one is like reading a public transport map.
Each diagram starts on the left and ends on the right. Simply follow any line from the startpoint to the endpoint. All the alternative lines are equally valid. A line will sometimes jump over an item that is optional, or loop back to indicate that an item can be repeated.
<$railroad text="""
start [:optional] {repeated +","} end
In the example above, a comma appears between each occurrence of the `repeated` item. The comma path runs from right to left, and can only be reached by first passing through `repeated`.
Characters in round boxes are literal, i.e. they denote themselves. A name in a rectangular box denotes a further railroad diagram.
The railroad diagrams in ~TiddlyWiki's documentation are generated with the [[Railroad Plugin]].
\define tv-wikilink-template() http://tiddlywiki.com/static/$uri_doubleencoded$.html
<$importvariables filter="[[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Macro]!has[draft.of]]">
Welcome to TiddlyWiki, a non-linear personal web notebook that anyone can use and keep forever, independently of any corporation.
TiddlyWiki is a complete interactive wiki in JavaScript. It can be used as a single HTML file in the browser or as a powerful Node.js application. It is highly customisable: the entire user interface is itself implemented in hackable WikiText.
Learn more and see it in action at http://tiddlywiki.com/
Developer documentation is in progress at http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/
! Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js
{{Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js}}
! Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js
{{Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js}}
! Upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js
{{Upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js}}
! Also see
<<list-links "[tag[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] -[[Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] -[[Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] -[[Upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]">>
//This readme file was automatically generated by TiddlyWiki//
\define tv-wikilink-template() http://tiddlywiki.com/static/$uri_doubleencoded$.html
{{Scripts for TiddlyWiki on Node.js}}
The following topics provide the canonical reference documentation for TiddlyWiki:
<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-selective-expandable 'Reference'>>
<<.def "Reference tiddlers">> offer raw information in a comprehensive interlinked way. The reader is likely to be an intermediate or expert user.
There are several subcategories:
* With definitions, together forming a glossary
;User manual
* Presenting technical details of ~WikiText features
* Subcategorised: messages, operators, widgets, etc
;Developer manual
* Presenting technical details of ~TiddlyWiki's internal architecture
Reference material is written in a terse, formal style that avoids referring to the reader, and instead focuses on how ~TiddlyWiki itself behaves. The passive voice is often suitable:
* <<.word "the template is specified as a tiddler">> rather than <<.word "specify the template as a tiddler">>
* <<.word "the widget can be used for various purposes">> rather than <<.word "you can use the widget for various purposes">>
* But <<.word "this widget has several possible uses">> is better, because it is less convoluted and more succinct
Most contracted verb forms are avoided in reference tiddlers. But those ending in <<.word "n't">> (<<.word "aren't">>, <<.word "doesn't">>, <<.word "hasn't">>, <<.word "isn't">>, etc) are acceptable, as they make it less easy to accidentally overlook the word <<.word not>>.
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
suffix="the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]]"
parameter="a regular expression"
output="those input tiddlers in which field <<.place f>> matches <<.place x>>"
negationOutput="those input tiddlers in which field <<.place f>> does <<.em not>> match <<.place x>>"
<<.def "Regular expressions">> are concise strings of characters that denote patterns of text to search for. The format used in ~TiddlyWiki is fully defined in [[this Mozilla reference|https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Regular_Expressions]].
The [[filter syntax|Filter Run]] makes it impossible to directly specify a regular expression that contains square brackets. The solution is to store the expression in a [[variable|Variables]]. See the <<.operator-examples "regexp" "examples">>.
The parameter <<.place x>> can optionally start or end with a string of flags:
<$railroad text=""" "(?" { ("i"|"m"|:"g") } ")" """/>
Only the `i` flag is generally useful: it forces the different between capital and lowercase letters to be ignored.
If <<.place x>> is empty, <<.op regexp>> will match all of the input tiddlers.
<<.operator-examples "regexp">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[!is[system]regexp[Wiki]]" "non-system tiddlers with `Wiki` in their title">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[!is[system]regexp[(?i)Wiki]]" "non-system tiddlers with `Wiki` in their title, ignoring case">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[!is[system]regexp[Wiki(?i)]]" "same again">>
<<.operator-example 4 "[regexp[(?i)\.jpe?g$]]" "tiddlers with titles ending in `.jpg` or `.jpeg`, ignoring case">>
<<.operator-example 5 "[regexp:created[^201408]]" "tiddlers created in August 2014">>
The regular expression `[0-9]{2}` matches two consecutive digits. Because it contains square brackets, the way to use it with the <<.op regexp>> operator is via a [[variable|Variables]], as follows:
src="""<$set name="digit-pattern" value="[0-9]{2}">
<<list-links "[regexp:title<digit-pattern>]">>
This release is the culmination of a large scale refactoring of the widget mechanism of TiddlyWiki5. There are several changes to be aware of if upgrading from earlier versions:
* The following widgets have been removed:
** `<$setstyle>` - use `<div style=<<macroName Param>>>` instead
** `<$video>` - will return in a later release
** `<$datauri>` - use the `<<makedatauri>>` built-in macro instead
** `<$error>` - may return in a later release
** `<$import>` - use the BrowseWidget, DropzoneWidget and NavigatorWidget instead
** `<$info>` - use the `<<changecount>>` built-in macro instead
** `<$version>` - use the `<<version>>` built-in macro instead
* The following widgets have had significant changes:
** EditWidget
** ListWidget - the list widget itself no longer generates HTML nodes, so you'll often need to wrap the template in a `<div>` or a `<span>` to be able to style the content
** ViewWidget - has several changes:
*** `<$view format="link"/>` is no longer available; use an explicit `<$link>` widget instead
*** `<$view format="link"/>` is no longer available; use the TranscludeWidget instead
* The following new widgets have been added:
** BrowseWidget
** DropzoneWidget
** EditTextWidget and EditBitmapWidget
** SetVariableWidget
* Widget attribute names have been made more consistent. In particular, `tiddler` is used to reference a tiddler by title, not `title`
* It is no longer possible to import the macro definitions within another tiddler by transcluding that tiddler
* The `body` element now has the class `tw-body`, which will need to be specified in any overrides
** This was done due to the new support for HTML foreign objects, which makes it possible to have multiple `<body>` elements in a document
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.11...v5.0.0-alpha.12]]//
This minor release just contains fixes for the syncer and related adaptor modules for the TiddlyWeb edition and for TiddlyWiki5's integrated server.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.12...v5.0.0-alpha.13]]//
This release has several bug fixes:
* Fixes to DaveGifford's themes ''blanca'', ''blue'' and ''rocker''
* Fix an issue with the `<$edit-text>` widget
* Documentation updates
* Improved deployment scripts
* Made the modifier field in the subtitle be a link
* Styling improvements for the CodeMirror plugin
* Improved the ViewWidget so that it falls back to displaying its content if the field/property is missing or empty
* Extend use of the built-in `<<tabs>>` macro to the tiddler info panel, the control panel and the sidebar
** This means that you can add new tabs by creating tiddlers with these tags, and optionally a `caption` field for the text of the tab:
*** [[$:/tags/TiddlerInfo]] for tiddler info panel tabs
*** [[$:/tags/ControlPanel]] for control panel tabs
*** [[$:/tags/SideBar]] for sidebar tabs
*** [[$:/tags/MoreSideBar]] for tabs in the "more" sidebar
*** Change the order of tabs by adjusting the `list` field of the corresponding tag tiddler
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.13...v5.0.0-alpha.14]]//
This release has several bug fixes:
* Improved the layout of the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]]
* Fixed problem with using the CheckboxWidget to apply tags to tiddlers that don't have any existing tags
* Fixed problem with default password for the PasswordWidget being the string "null"
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.14...v5.0.0-alpha.15]]//
!! New Features
* Added a dropdown to the edit template for setting the tiddler type
* A saver module for Microsoft Internet Explorer version 10 and above. Clicking save in the sidebar causes the browser to pull up a bar at the bottom of the window where you can click ''save''. You then get a new copy of your wiki in the downloads folder.
* Support for new `tw-close-other-tiddlers` message (eg, <$button message="tw-close-other-tiddlers">close others</$button>)
* For http://five.tiddlywiki.com, add a tiddler info tab with a link to the static representation of the tiddler
* Make more UI elements extensible via system tags:
** [[$:/tags/ViewToolbar]] for the view mode tiddler toolbar
** [[$:/tags/EditTemplate]] for the edit template
** [[$:/tags/EditToolbar]] for the edit mode tiddler toolbar
** [[$:/tags/PageControls]] for the page control tools in the sidebar
!! Improvements
* Rename the `<$setvariable>` to `<$set>`
** `<$setvariable>` will temporarily remain as a synonym for `<$set>` for the next few releases
* Improve the popup mechanism so that the tiddler info panel doesn't close so easily
* Various improvements for working with TiddlyWeb, including:
** Updated control panel
!! Bug fixes
* Fixed bug when creating a tiddler title starting or ending with a space
* Fixed behaviour of tags editor dropdown when search box is empty
* Fixed problem with interpretation of `fields` and `index` attributes of the TranscludeWidget
* Fixed the module type names in the internal tab of the control panel
* Improved styling for embedded PDFs
* Fixed bug with second being omitted from serialised date formats
Contributors to this release include @jermolene and @grayeul.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.15...v5.0.0-alpha.16]]//
!! New Features and Improvements
* Improved appearance of tags editor
* Improved generation of qualified tiddler titles for state storage
** Instead of `$:/state/tab/sidebar-{$:/core/ui/SideBar|$:/core/ui/SideBar||}{$:/core/ui/PageTemplate|$:/core/ui/PageTemplate||}` one gets `$:/state/tab/sidebar-{1743827719}`
* Significant updates to the structure and content of the user documentation
* Added a new plugin for displaying corner ribbons; currently used for a version banner on tw5.com
* Split ''Snow White'' theme into a base ''Vanilla'' theme with all the basic formatting, leaving the decorative bits to ''Snow White''
** Existing TiddlyWikiFolders will need updating to include ''Vanilla'' as an additional theme
* The page building blocks are now driven by the system tag `$:/tags/PageTemplate`
** [[$:/TopSideBar]] and [[$:/LeftSideBar]] are no longer specially treated; use the new tag instead
* Fixed problem that prevented tag configured items from shadow tiddlers interleaving with items from ordinary tiddlers
* Refactored control panel to add ''Saving'' tab that includes TiddlySpot options
* Improved notifications when saving to TiddlySpot
* Added backup URL to TiddlySpot control panel tab
* Extended the ServerCommand to add primitive support for basic authentication when running under [[Node.js]]
!! Bug fixes
* Fixed problem with displaying tiddler titles that contain WikiText syntax
* No longer crashes when encountering an error in a filter string
* Fixed a crash when dragging and dropping tiddlers within TiddlyWiki5
* No longer update the modified date for imported tiddlers
* Automatically forces new field names to be lower case
!! Internal changes
* Added Windows-compatible build scripts
* Changes to the SavingMechanism to allow the tiddlers that are saved to be selected
** This enables the wiki at http://five.tiddlywiki.com/index.html to generate an empty wiki
* The main HTML file template used for saving TiddlyWiki5 documents has changed from `$:/core/templates/tiddlywiki5.template.html` to `$:/core/save/all`
* Moved tw5.com's Google Analytics integration into a proper plugin
Contributors to this release include @jermolene, @asampal and @pmario.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.16...v5.0.0-alpha.17]]//
!! Bug fixes
* Fixes a small but important bug that prevented downloading an empty wiki with alpha.16
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.17...v5.0.1-alpha]]//
!! Improvements
* Changes to the importing process to enable a smoother [[Upgrading]] process
** Ignores attempts to import plugins that are older than currently installed plugins
** System tiddlers are now imported as usual
* If `$:/theme` isn't defined or refers to a missing tiddler, then fallback through ''Snow White'' to ''Vanilla''. This means that `empty.html` now defaults to ''Snow White''
* Added support for [[Block Quotes in WikiText]]
** Contributed by StephanHradek (@Skeeve on GitHub)
!! Bug fixes
* Fixed bug that was preventing `$:/tags/PageControls` tiddlers from being reordered
!! Internal changes
* Changed the [[TiddlyWiki5 Versioning]] policy
** Beta releases will be `5.0.x-beta` and the final release will be `5.1.x`
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.9-beta...v5.0.10-beta]]//
!! Highlights
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ad4b03506a62d7110cb30aaa3d6f8dbfc712f246]] new syntax for [[Images in WikiText]] and a new ImageWidget
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ba576d9f1b2146cec293447b2968e34f0c594a05]] support for a SafeMode that disables customisations
!! Documentation Improvements
* Added DateFormat documentation
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Refactor|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bb42c0ab360760917ad5bde84f15350186a9471a]] sorting to respect accented characters
* [[Support|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/45b0966013c760abab5b3f7faea0e59af2ca5619]] embedded images in Markdown tiddlers
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/821f1f1428f92160ae8bc4fa71dd3f947243f09e]] sidebar hiding action so that the story river border is maintained
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/15d0c27e2a82359616ce6c7883557cd2ef1886cd]] `[is[tag]]` to the <<.olink is>> operator
* [[Hide|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/95d291daac4a26664f0c232175f54780f0fa678f]] the top bars in the print stylesheet
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4758874d13430338da07727997d0c4df7f328ac1]] support for saving changes on Windows network drives
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9fbe72a8778ae94c7d6322ad4b9155c83f753113]] configuration processing so that ordinary tiddlers are processed after shadow tiddlers. This resolves an issue whereby user stylesheets were being overridden by shadow stylesheets
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d6054f10392c535ca430f3e73b9b68d0f8c18498]] issue with offline snapshot of server edition erroneously including shadow tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bd4a031df8a68287475a41ad84b423ad83f735a3]] problem with corrupted upgrades from 5.0.x-prerelease to 5.0.x-beta
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/73cfd1021809e97906ecfd5dacdf2337da3abae9]] bug with `[untagged[]]` filter operator
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d336ffea02621e382f6d7135847d11e49e77bc26]] incorrect background colour for tag pills in the sidebar
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f57e04787738ad30fb05ac0e592239075b90507e]] issues with null fields under TiddlyWeb
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/768489128547cf54e80fc321f3f1f4f5cd191862]] problem with hamburger overlapping scrollbars
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.10-beta...v5.0.11-beta]]//
!! Incompatible Changes
See [[Notes for upgrading to 5.0.11-beta]] for more details of these changes:
* The default output location for command line operations has changed to the `/output` folder within TiddlyWikiFolders (it used to be current directory)
* Note that the shadow tiddler [[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]] has changed with this release. If you've made modifications to it you should copy your modifications to a new tiddler, delete [[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]], perform the upgrade and then manually update the new copy of [[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]]
!! Documentation Improvements
* Added more warnings about taking care to [[backup your data|The First Rule of Using TiddlyWiki]]
!! Usability Improvements
* Many performance optimisations, particularly for filter operations
* Added support for PermaLinks and browser back and forward buttons
* Added support for WikiLinks in Markdown via `[link text](#TiddlerTitle)`
* Added support for explicit external [[Linking in WikiText]] (eg `[ext[tooltip|url]]`)
* [[Replaced|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/580]] hamburger menu icon with double chevron icon
* [[Enhance|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/552657fc584dbb36754d3fcabca2cdef7e916ec9]] plain text parsing to use the CodeBlockWidget, and hence use syntax highlighting if the plugin is installed. This gives us syntax highlighting for JavaScript shadow tiddlers, amongst other things
* Improvements to the German, French, Italian, Japanese and Chinese translations
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/61c3f8a5ba3c815d623c06f6a97d9c00a31a4157]] WikiText tiddlers from the sidebar "Types" tab
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a90339d1e573ec82dba1caeaead0f71717618a80]] various warnings when editing shadow tiddlers
* [[Allow|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0ac4c2b554f045c6bd2dc6ea5daa0d2f0397d04c]] digits in field names
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a4294b55f0a217d019a6e4cbb62f6a8a19668928]] warning banner and when attempting to edit binary tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b84c663215cf7877fff960748af4b2849ae0dbb3]] automatic refreshing of the browser window title from $:/core/wiki/title
!! Hackability Improvements
* Improved vertical layouts of TabsMacro
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/93566cdc332226b77eaba8a70fa166f3b8fcfe1e]] "standard" tab to [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e83759e86d2a9e05e4b85dae50925fe988f8e239]] new filter operators <<.olink before>> and <<.olink after>>
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/570cad1c7f90e685961130918f09a7f9b2951f8c]] new <<.olink get>> operator
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f7e50e0950c5bf10d94d926576011893418b25f1]] [[BuildCommand]], [[OutputCommand]] and [[ClearPasswordCommand]]
* Added new extensible StartupMechanism for orchestrating startup tasks
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/711b76307c95d0026f79f584e85ae3d4b7289d15]] to new version of CodeMirror
* Added https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5NodeWebkit, a demo of using TiddlyWiki as a library in a node-webkit application
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4e07b3335b570f4039427e11df729fc4a899a671]] `.tid` TiddlerFiles to allow single line text fields
* Renamed `$:/ShowEditPreview` to `$:/state/showeditpreview`
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/cc60ad1428dcf99a7ea0787e43e3b37f5a02fb98]] issue with hovering of the topbar icons in Firefox
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e548dd35af2d3195f82899096d4a4080362a1ff0]] problem with dragging and dropping within a text edit control
!! Contributors
I ([[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]]) would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to helping improve TiddlyWiki:
[[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]], [[@mwfogleman|https://github.com/mwfogleman]], [[@nameanyone|https://github.com/nameanyone]], [[@natecain|https://github.com/natecain]], [[@pekopeko1|https://github.com/pekopeko1]], [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]], [[@sukima|https://github.com/sukima]], [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]].
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.11-beta...v5.0.12-beta]]//
This is an emergency release that fixes a single significant bug with shadow tiddler handling in 5.0.11. See the [[discussion thread|https://groups.google.com/d/topic/tiddlywiki/pNxZsSCVp7c/discussion]] for more details.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.12-beta...v5.0.13-beta]]//
!! Accessibility Improvements
This release includes a number of features designed to improve the experience of TiddlyWiki with a screen reader. Particular thanks to [[@domasofan|https://github.com/domasofan]] for his feedback
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/34e4166dc5f24519b000de66853d5b1aee8f1648]] label and title for show/hide sidebar buttons
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/346b2f86111815c746c993fa09b7f677fa0b4b37]] label and title for advanced search link
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6f859c8d447a477a9120bdc308d1524558a80f20]] label and title for close buttons in "Open" sidebar tab
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/06b0f9adb7209870b46d42f832c1f7ad7a78976f]] ''aria-label'' support to the LinkWidget
* [[Switched|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bc9b67cbc3f363d48aafea86c077fcd5a9c0ca64]] to H1 tags for the page title and H2 tags for tiddler titles
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/eeedcb6d94a25d02e8fec45c89b30c7f2bcdde73]] label and title for tiddler and page toolbar buttons
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9ab0c84140bbc0f31cf65e632bddac616bbadbda]] support for global [[Macros in WikiText]] via the new ImportVariablesWidget
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3182a2d599f0e4b70a73fe369df4f398587dc1a9]] new SelectWidget
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f131c378934a86b741ab5b808437c95694dc5503]] behaviour of `text/html` tiddlers so that they are displayed within an HTML iframe element
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9b576f2a8d39dcca37bcb709183a8f9b27f33ccf]] group headings to the content type dropdown in edit mode
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4d70d5780e51cf0918fba15954cd47549e4e1a9f]] advanced navigation settings in [[$:/ControlPanel]] to use radio buttons
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f7b8813a27141a78980eefa03df70a4a2de9d10b]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3f25db0abe8cd28712c020f218506710cec004b6]]) behaviour of PermaLinks so that now [ext[http://tiddlywiki.com/#HelloThere]] just opens the single specified tiddler
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0c48502e8ed214cee23537d06e7e87efd53592c7]] support for triple-quoted multi-line attributes with [[macros|Macros in WikiText]], [[widgets|Widgets in WikiText]] and [[HTML elements|HTML in WikiText]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/32099b85d3b12f9e590274cb7550e3e531131706]] TableOfContents tab for tw5.com edition
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Restored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1b37d660ea7cd576cfeadfe8b782fe6c62dc9048]] ''escape'' as a shortcut to abandon edits
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9547a1f01c144c604c294f394a68d7dc6dbe4e5d]] support for ExternalImages that are referenced by URI and not stored in the TiddlyWiki HTML file
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d2796d0c9c7ed7a971ae6b0752d7418384072bb5]] new SetFieldCommand
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/305617b632fd6ecf25cd4be85f4dfb5a5a65dfef]] new SaveTiddlersCommand
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f14ecf4eb8965f2e407ccac51d4277330221efe3]] support for system tag [[$:/tags/RawMarkup]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0bdc5b5c70fbbf34aa459afcf0499fc9c8ae6374]] editor type mappings to control panel advanced tab
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1717c93d001ad184a08ca66d1bffb33fb5d32b3a]] CodeMirror (http://tiddlywiki.com/codemirrordemo.html) plugin for simpler configuration
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b2e48d00e9ea068a22b5ac5c0a4c93e8ddbb4a8a]] support for [[Environment Variables on Node.js]]
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/eee3a0cf8e5aa047f8596df06e28194409f38b01]] ServerCommand to allow a path prefix
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4238af2a405c14d22937d7c47a70bfb3d4e6f22d]] the <<.olink listed>> operator to use any list field
!! Bug Fixes
* Fixed [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6fb992690d33940d3509d7d4d74538e7f458e063]] and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0fae9ee99200e7eca30b9db0584c479d58841349]] the problem with state tiddlers being inadvertently saved
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a03a15e7de32a1b41618146ac334b5cd7d432e91]] bug with TextWidget not refreshing correctly
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d8a142fed5b22a8273d93ba05095e5f9c6929cb3]] problem with vertical tabs in Safari
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b8aedf2ca3cfc870be5a46accbb2dc0ddbb6d451]] issue with images in Markdown
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]]
* [[@csugden|https://github.com/csugden]]
* [[@danielo515|https://github.com/danielo515]]
* [[@IreneKnapp|https://github.com/IreneKnapp]]
* [[@jayfresh|https://github.com/jayfresh]]
* [[@mwfogleman|https://github.com/mwfogleman]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.13-beta...v5.0.14-beta]]//
!! Major Changes
!!! Improved Control Panel Plugins Tab
The ''Plugins'' tab of the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] has been improved with the addition of documentation tabs that plugins can use to show documentation. There is also a larger draggable area for dragging tiddlers across to other wikis.
!!! Configurable Button Toolbars
The page toolbar and the tiddler toolbars can now be configured with several new buttons - see the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] under the ''Appearance'' and ''Toolbars'' tabs.
The sidebar tools tab now shows all the available page controls, allowing them to be invoked or checked to appear in the toolbar. The tiddler info area now includes a tools tab that includes buttons for all the tiddler actions.
!!! Upgrade Mechanism
There are two components:
* A more flexible ImportMechanism that:
** Presents incoming tiddlers as a pending import list that allows the user to inspect them and, if necessary, explicitly deselect them from the actual import
** Provides UpgraderModules with an opportunity to process each incoming tiddler
*** The [[plugin upgrader|$:/core/modules/upgraders/plugins.js]] module handles version checking of plugins and upgrading them from a special UpgradeLibrary plugin tiddler
*** The [[system upgrader|$:/core/modules/upgraders/system.js]] module is responsible for suppressing the importing of certain system tiddlers (currently [[$:/StoryList]] and [[$:/HistoryList]])
*** The [[themetweak upgrader|$:/core/modules/upgraders/themetweaks.js]] module handles migrating theme tweaks from their pre-5.0.14-beta format (see below)
* An UpgradePlugin and associated edition that provides a custom, single-purpose user interface for upgrading standalone TiddlyWiki files - see http://tiddlywiki.com/upgrade.html
!!! Improvements to CamelCase Recognition
TiddlyWiki now takes a much more conservative approach to recognising CamelCase terms that should be automatically linked. Previously, the dash and underscore were treated as lower case letters, leading to a number of false positives. See the [[GitHub bug #337|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/337]] for details.
!!! Automatic Permalinking Off by Default
With previous beta releases of TiddlyWiki the browser address bar is automatically updated so that it dynamically reflects the tiddlers that are currently open. This makes it easier to get a permalink for copying and pasting elsewhere, but it leads to much confusion for casual users who don't always understand why unexpected tiddlers are being displayed after they have refreshed the page in the browser.
For 5.0.14-beta, the setting has been changed. Visit [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] ''Advanced''/''Settings'' to switch the setting back to "Include the target tiddler and the current story sequence".
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f6d7d87a3d49f816ccc050bdf4a5394eed37dd51]] previews to the icon dropdown in the [[tag manager|$:/TagManager]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/56945d91d327489478fc44dce5234ece35a01abb]] an indication of unsaved changes by changing the colour of the save changes button
* [[Split|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/7aa6c7c06d8b5359f183e6b9f6f57cf89611cda8]] the wikitext emphasis parsers into separate modules so that they can be independently controlled with the `\rules` pragma
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f43cd5ba9c6e5eda221ec738174e61e34fad2b8d]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a3de93b4eb8b108239b2e4b496308026e9e9eef8]]) ReleaseHistory to place the releases into vertical tabs
* [[Stopped|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3ff7462afd5414b92680c6b6e67274be79233224]] saving [[$:/HistoryList]], thus avoiding it uncontrollably increasing in size
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/73cf1bfdb3cd238ac7800162f58d44a8bb60019b]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d5e4b9b5d1e7db5ad4d769433cc934ef08265f57]]) print stylesheet to remove page background
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/07f13b310d300631267936ad8bc55a338369afc0]] display of plugin tiddlers so that their constituent tiddlers are shown, rather than the raw JSON
* [[Moved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/799a5b059a40a51fdeb1dae7a0eb5bf8a79f5106]] the functionality of the fullscreen plugin into the core
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c23f6af4b5c59f4d09dd8d6704e1939bb9d5b2d3]] TiddlerWidget to add a CSS class corresponding to each tag present on displayed tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d357e1706c91d17a72fb19fedf43e57071fc7dd6]] support for hiding specified fields in the tiddler editor
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/be040ea8a2cc8962f1a28a313e4c9ebc2d5c0e31]] support for variable operands in filters (see [[Filter Parameter]])
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1f16ef6fa88b51d2dad7c8e57fcff014950a7442]] support for widget messages [[tw-permalink|WidgetMessage: tw-permalink]] and [[tw-permaview|WidgetMessage: tw-permaview]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/plugins/tiddlywiki/browser-sniff]] browser sniffing plugin so that tiddlywiki.com can present the correct browser-specific documentation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ef67cc3fd9b267a522598abccdfbb93fbfca240c]] a configuration option for specifying the default location for saving new tiddlers in the client-server configuration
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b4d47858e587c96f3a68cc28cffff181ec45f55f]] support for the InfoMechanism
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f08f57c5d24eb0146ac2cb77472a5fc5f135f1e9]] CheckboxWidget to allow it to toggle fields as well as tags
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/21c137a66c37f010b36697bb6bed5321138fbb9f]] [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] theme tweaks to be stored in individual tiddlers
* [[Extend|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e18d8a88661a1c2caa1b722841747c75ca6af437]] the TabsMacro to allow tabs to be templated
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/91acad0f7ce8637945a953dfcb122cd31292626d]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8612bc4006e717e4fa3c562fa72a85650206b66f]]) SystemTags support for inserting content above and below the story river
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f793816dfa687ae7791143b33487fd5f95f3265c]] support for transcluding plugin subtiddlers with the TranscludeWidget
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c73853288c5b4b0716da94fea2f2edec09345643]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/08f775eac8cb053d08c1c561e65a5eeb87c4c6b6]]) support for importing from `*.htm` and `*.hta` files as well as the existing support for `*.html` files
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/73d7e85e11c7732080ca8bc4321ebb12afbac09c]] the "sticky titles" theme so that it works when tiddlers are in edit mode
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5b3b62f93da4b7b19e24ccf72d9ce20b9edce6d5]] bug with execution order of BuildCommand targets
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d93da81671a704377209fc1871425c3a7c5db35a]] bug with missing hover colours for external links
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/465f4ac46903070759a572d183c498c5579cb922]] problem with refreshing modal dialogues
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3351ae7e29cbf3bed6fc1925ef33664bcc59fef5]] issue with cookies disabled on Firefox
* [[Relax|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5260899d8b090e8886e41e3aa770fdcf5967ad8c]] the requirement for a newline immediately the closing `\end` of a macro definition
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@ssokolow|https://github.com/ssokolow]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.14-beta...v5.0.15-beta]]//
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Simplified|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c57b00996855f10d9b7fa2aa4e9deb2a2a607d7f]] shadow default tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/32a7ee2683ace619599f0ab73028307ca33f4e4c]] the ability to disable plugins (see PluginMechanism) with a user interface in [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4b05608ad5e77043b01495825ea0f0e76c378760]] page control button for invoking the [[tag manager|$:/TagManager]]
* [[Simplified|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c4b76ceb0bc786bcceb12fc3417bb8c4bfde27a9]] downloading an offline copy of a client-server wiki
* [[Blocked|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2bbe9f76ecf8fc89c789e72be00ac19e811195ee]] temporary state tiddlers from import/upgrade
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c912fed55d94c9bef2d541cd55f458b12172941c]] a banner to the edit template encouraging improvements to the documentation
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f75af2c983e10e8a82639890b993fb5cf042d610]] `saver-handler.js` out of `syncer.js`
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8cf726275c19ed5b4a0ed1cf8354d64d1bc29da5]] TableOfContentsMacro support
* Simplified startup module organisation (see [[Startup Modules.svg]])
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/25777b147fa4ed2f915150aec503ad1e094e6043]] the overlay text for the DropzoneWidget to make it translateable
* [[Introduced|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/920e11e7921f777170aa2f9e1836c000fec2e26d]] a new [[refresh button|WidgetMessage: tw-browser-refresh]] and reverted [[home button|WidgetMessage: tw-home]] behaviour
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/fbf307c648ae0e92679c54f7d03f197a75b4e101]] ''alt'' attribute to the ImageWidget
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c8830d32f74b8c228553f11f7f55b5be45ae6471]] problem with building TiddlyWiki under Windows
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/34461cb2fe554331a0269fd7795b1d6a879fcba9]] unclickable download ink in upgrade wizard
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9e85ddfec78dd8df71e6173100dce659417551f4]] missing language flag in ''empty.html''
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/18592fe8f810d1858ca040da1a7c4a81fb74cfed]] problem with switching the type of a tiddler between the bitmap and text editor
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/fe6623d7feed1a9068e15bfac57be0b0924e8915]] foreground colour for tag pills in the sidebar
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c912fed55d94c9bef2d541cd55f458b12172941c]] problem with github source links for tiddlywiki.com not working for titles containing colons
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.15-beta...v5.0.16-beta]]//
!! Incompatible Changes
5.0.16-beta brings more incompatible changes than any previous release. These changes are likely to break almost all plugins written for previous releases of TiddlyWiki 5, and will break many customisations.
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/764]] all CSS class prefixes from `tw-` to `tc-` (eg `tw-tiddler-frame` has become `tc-tiddler-frame`; missing prefixes have also been added, so `btn-invisible` has become `tc-btn-invisible`)
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2f69ea362cd673f59b9fadbe11f1f95549a59813]] all message prefixes from `tw-` to `tm-` (eg `tw-close-tiddler` has become `tm-close-tiddler`)
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/89fd5379dd78887fc21746d792072bf5a25f0c56]] all variable prefixes from `tw-` to `tv-` (eg `tw-config-toolbar-icons` has become `tv-config-toolbar-icons`)
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/112a9a95d95e9f62f110c97a4faaf537c5c100b1]] prefix/removeprefix filter operators to be case-sensitive
!! Compatibility with TiddlyWikiClassic
This release includes a preliminary version of a new plugin that provides compatibility with content created for TiddlyWikiClassic:
Subsequent releases will include end-user documentation with step-by-step instructions for migrating content.
Many thanks to @buggyj for his work on this plugin.
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Amended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e47852cb141b384ad2a9097eca795545cb5b2494]] behaviour of the [[tm-browser-refresh|WidgetMessage: tw-browser-refresh]] message so that it no longer clears the location hash
* [[Hide|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/88c9c0c3ee115917b8c1a9126452bb0574061857]] toolbar buttons from static renderings
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Extend|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/48312272adb17610db96d50758e6af947cab7b1d]] the <<.olink all>> operator to be able to select all the source tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/43aeb47fc34f1ba424030c4f78ee907fe7b1d5d8]] problem with single line macro definitions incorrectly including whitespace in the value. (For example, `\define mymacro() yes` would set the macro value to " yes", with a leading space)
* [[Extend|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d2a5a12f2d6b6ccc36dd22a70ac2def08d1d3722]] TableOfContentsMacro to use the caption field if present
* [[Configurability|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b437f1b450f5f2a3104a9086f7c674299b53b9bc]] for the default tab shown in the tiddler info panel (see [[Configuring the default TiddlerInfo tab]])
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/dcf4e93a3283e3e93cc14e50366f9b0252870835]] <<.olink suffix>> and <<.olink removesuffix>> operators
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Reverted|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ad40223d6b9bed435d9381611cb9de1841b53df6]] incorrect refreshing of the tiddler widget
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/44228ed9f733217557851150f5ae45d9ebb23420]] indentation of selective expandable TableOfContentsMacro
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]]
* [[@gernert|https://github.com/gernert]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.16-beta...v5.0.17-beta]]//
!! Highlights
This release includes major improvements from @giffmex to the welcome and tutorial documentation, and new development docs incorporating [[the work|https://github.com/cjrk/saa-tw]] of @cheigele and @cjrk.
!! Incompatible Changes
!!! Change System Tag `$:/tags/stylesheet` with `$:/tags/Stylesheet`
The [[issue|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/824]] is that the capitalisation of `$:/tags/stylesheet` is not consistent with other system tags. This release adds support for `$:/tags/Stylesheet`, and adds a deprecation warning if `$:/tags/stylesheet` is used. Support for `$:/tags/stylesheet` will be removed before the beta.
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f6ff0a7f715bdf12dfba6556f72c49ea2c3016b0]] support for `$:/tags/Stylesheet` and a deprecation warning when `$:/tags/stylesheet` is used
!!! Change ButtonWidget `title` attribute to `tooltip`
The use of the `title` attribute in the ButtonWidget was not consistent with the `tooltip` attribute used by the ImageWidget and LinkWidget. This release adds support for the `tooltip` attribute to the ButtonWidget alongside the existing support for the `title` attribute, but with a deprecation warning.
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b7f638aef3094d0552db2f72330b40a526113bd5]] `tooltip` attribute to ButtonWidget
!!! Removing Support for RegExp Filter Operands
As discussed in [[the associated ticket|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/762]], the support for regular expression filter operands is incomplete and inconsistent. The plan is to remove support for this feature in the next release. A new filter operator has been provided to replace it, along with the addition of a deprecation warning that is displayed whenever regular expression filter operators are used.
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f4fff7a33037ba9dd537379bcb44a52a280868d6]] new <<.olink regexp>> operator
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d45c417c187fe3dcc35ee7a308e64feebc7b185b]] deprecation warning for regular expression filter operators
!!! Repository Reorganisation
The goal is to make the TiddlyWiki repository easier to comprehend for newcomers.
* [[Moved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6e9cd5943703f7137e819fcb85376423b9c930d5]] scripts into a separate `bin` folder
!! Usability Improvements
* Reorganised the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] to make it more logical and usable
!! Hackability Improvements
* Moved developer documentation to http://tiddlywiki.com/dev
* [[Improvements|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/872e6fc2532012f0f9acfb29aa24a9cd5f340b9d]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c8a131ffd4716f2b99ab508567422ff463f2849d]]) to `serve.sh`/`serve.cmd` scripts
* [[Disable|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ac54fe33263cbe48bc294f9c14257ccc146be38e]] plugins when in SafeMode
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c1de85838f3d0d3e6a207152ecc9d61ff08a4b05]] new TimelineMacro
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f16d1832aae9a7ce71dea78b16c11afaf673acf2]] new DumpVariablesMacro
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ba3f8002355607c8b00b7d184f01fa68bbcda152]] TableOfContentsMacro so that individual links can be disabled
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/542788bfeba98ec3bac0bb721293c16354bc1b34]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/487c4a40abda2b457b4015033bf1be76bd81dcc9]]) unnecessary `<p>` tag from edit tags and types dropdowns
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ccd916ca7cb45468ac30eb48bfdf86bea704d810]] ''multiple'' attribute to the BrowseWidget
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ab944bbf02e9fae606632a11df1053a46573fa49]] view template to hide bodies of tiddlers with field ''hide-body'' set to ''yes''
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c713eddbef50603e313a86f78c185753bab3d607]] problem with draft tiddlers not counting as dirty
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f87ce7e98a083f1bdcff5b1887b56aa95b731efe]] problem with keyboard shortcuts introduced in 5.0.16-beta
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/756e05504b33c387da7d3f81446a18f9a8fefe49]] problem with stylesheets being parsed in inline mode
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9adc30f69fba169813638021780263ff0df4e2bc]] bug with selective expandable TableOfContentsMacro
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]]
* [[@cheigele|https://github.com/cheigele]]
* [[@cjrk|https://github.com/cjrk]]
* [[@giffmex|https://github.com/giffmex]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.17-beta...v5.0.18-beta]]//
This is a minor release prior to the full release of TiddlyWiki on September 20th. The documentation has been cleaned up and improved (with more improvements to come).
!! File Layout of tiddlywiki.com
The layout of files on tiddlywiki.com has been adjusted to make it more logical. See the [[ticket|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/823]] for a discussion. You can see the source files that make up tiddlywiki.com at https://github.com/Jermolene/jermolene.github.com
!! Hackability Improvements
* Added first iteration of a ListMacro (further improvements are planned)
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6d9bd4df8a1133c2ba246333edad14e6028d3ea4]] support for importing `.markdown` and `.md` files
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c4123ba3740f74f172468c4aa050451ebc5780d8]] TimelineMacro to support a subfilter
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a9f46525a0b1ecf7ce6d1bdae64e6763a247106b]] problem with digits being classified as lower case letters for wiki link matching
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8cc236b4dca96327c7b28ad45e1eb4c2dce174e5]] crash when sorting missing tiddlers by fields other than title
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/73a4747d05c6746476ccd9e8cb8255853f631d17]] problem with handling `.jpeg` file extensions
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/775482a2428d24a475e0c7df7bea215c190b5574]] problem with RadioWidget and missing tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2571f534aa67c7f9d423d44d36efa32480f4c370]] problem with dragging a partially selected link
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]]
* [[@Eucaly|https://github.com/Eucaly]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.1-alpha...v5.0.2-beta]]//
!! Improvements
* Added support for [[Hard Linebreaks in WikiText]]
* Added a new RadioWidget, contributed by StephanHradek (@Skeeve on GitHub)
* Two new savers for InternetExplorer, both contributed by DavidJade (@davidjade on GitHub)
** ''tiddlyie'' for [[saving with TiddlyIE|Saving with TiddlyIE]], an equivalent of TiddlyFox for InternetExplorer
** ''fsosaver'' that can [[save changes directly with InternetExplorer|Saving on InternetExplorer]] but requires the HTML file to be renamed `*.hta`
!! Bug fixes
* Fixed problem deleting tiddlers under the filesystemadaptor
* Fixed problem with transcluding fields containing lists or dates (eg, `{{!!tags}}`)
* Fixed problem with re-ordering page control tiddlers (ie tiddlers tagged `$:/tags/PageControls`)
* Update template used for deploying to TiddlyWeb
* Fixed problem with tiddler deletions via the file system adaptor
!! Internal changes
* Allowed variable number of arguments to [[JavaScript Macros]]
** Contributed by StephanHradek (@Skeeve on GitHub)
* Changed the format of plugin tiddlers to remove duplicated information (see the PluginMechanism)
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.2-beta...v5.0.3-beta]]//
This release includes minor bug fixes and documentation updates.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.3-beta...v5.0.4-beta]]//
!! Improvements
* Switched to using an HTML5 placeholder for the default text of a new tiddler
* Refactored stylesheet handling so that theme tweaks are now applied immediately, and some ordering issues have been resolved
* Several improvements for running [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]:
** The `tiddlywiki.info` file in the root of [[wiki folder|TiddlyWikiFolders]] file is now optional, falling back to a default configuration suitable for serverside use ([[commit|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0ec2224757dd07f009246ec9ea97cd859d077e72]])
** The file system plugin now automatically creates the `tiddlers` subfolder in the [[wiki folder|TiddlyWikiFolders]]
* Added [[favicon.ico support|Using favicons]]
* Added SaveTiddlerCommand
!! Bug Fixes
* Fixed problem with tiddlers sometimes wrongly opening at the top of the story ([[commit|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b50eb8da302431cdfa7c37ac9ef1414a33d00292]])
* Fixed problem with refreshing RadioWidget
* Fixed problem with the dragger image being visible in some circumstances
* Fixed drag and drop support on InternetExplorer, contributed by DavidJade (@davidjade on GitHub)
* Fixed crash on modifying page template ([[commit|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a5f33d875b1339b08838203a4885f8a3a7d10353]])
* Updated fullscreen plugin to latest version of the API ([[commit|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/638c8b207033f8cb01ac9efdca104d282fd4cffe]])
* Improved handling of double square brackets within tags (thanks to StephanHradek)
This release includes minor bug fixes and documentation updates.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.4-beta...v5.0.5-beta]]//
!! Improvements
* Added support for [[Setting a favicon]]
!! Bug Fixes
* Fixed problem with modal wizard positioning on narrow screens
* Fix problem with static content being included in empty.html when downloaded from the full wiki
* Improved performance of tiddler import with large tiddlers on Firefox
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.5-beta...v5.0.6-beta]]//
!! Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/324]] support for numeric sorting to TiddlerFilters (thanks to StephanHradek)
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/321]] [[Tables in WikiText]] to allow for vertical alignment of cells (thanks to StephanHradek)
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/87fbd988f1fb0164411af190adfe6b6a2404eef3]] experimental support for running [[TiddlyWiki on node-webkit]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3d79eb87d1c609195b8c518c08e167994b20a346]] an [[$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bd7db62da052ec6262c3319eaa11f00e5c452a7b]] support for specifying hostname for the ServerCommand
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b9e80a270b7f67db816e9b06e2f71f9c9dd86c17]] a first pass at generating an all-in-one static HTML representation of a wiki, complete with internal anchor links for wiki links
** See http://tiddlywiki.com/alltiddlers.html
* [[Hide|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/44568dc6ef64be8c1370df8f682777c2c805fee7]] encryption features when running on the server
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2ee50939447cf2948e49e5905520943ea4075975]] [[double backticks|Formatting in WikiText]] as an alternative for delimitting inline code (thanks to StephanHradek)
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ec7dff291dadb3e128e1db34b4ded6b57bc8ed46]] import ''browse'' button
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ef59a3743f02c726f20e035c5d28665000fda79a]] crash when attempting full screen mode on browsers that don't support it
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/307]] requirement for a newline immediately after a horizontal rule, table or typed block (thanks to StephanHradek)
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/318]] problem with ''placeholder'' attibute on InternetExplorer (thanks to DavidJade)
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.6-beta...v5.0.7-beta]]//
!! Incompatible Changes
These are changes that might affect users upgrading from previous betas.
* The [[node-webkit]] saver has been moved into a plugin - [[$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/nodewebkitsaver]]. The plugin is only needed when embedding a single TiddlyWiki in [[node-webkit]] and is not required for TiddlyDesktop, which as of v.0.0.2 uses the existing TiddlyFox saver.
!! Documentation updates
* A new video tutorial: [[TiddlyWiki on Firefox for Android Video]]
* A first pass at [[TiddlyWiki Coding Style Guidelines]]
* Added an explanation of TemplateTiddlers
* Added documentation for [[saving on a custom PHP server|Saving on a PHP Server]]
* Added documentation for TextWidget
* Summary of the approach for [[Naming of System Tiddlers]]
!! Improvements
* Added support for importing encrypted TiddlyWiki documents
* Added several new [[filter operators|TiddlerFilters]], including ''reverse'', ''first'', ''last'', ''butlast'', ''rest'', ''nth''
* Extend ''list'' filter operator to allow other fields to be used via a TextReference
* Added shortcut in [[$:/ControlPanel]] ''Basics'' tab for setting [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]] to retain tiddler story ordering
* Added emacs and vim keymapping support to the [[CodeMirror plugin|http://tiddlywiki.com/codemirrordemo.html]], (thanks to João Bolila, @jbolila on GitHub)
* Added the [[highlight.js|http://highlightjs.org/]] syntax highlighting plugin: http://tiddlywiki.com/highlightdemo.html (thanks to João Bolila, @jbolila on GitHub)
* Added the first export option to the ''Tools'' tab of the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ffcc215e8f8896be96093579abc5bcfb76335e66]] an ellipsis for [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]] next to the search box in the sidebar
* [[Adjusted|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b326315b0e9959096b85aa716dd613f21605705a]] the password dialogue to make it narrower for smaller screens
* [[Adjusted|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b7a1db1e9fb651928a4f86e1881959150dd66a55]] the display of tiddler dictionaries to make them display as plain text
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b06e09a4d3e25087ca0495e624c8662ddb69224e]] problem with default format of ViewWidget substituting seconds for minutes in displayed times
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e0f428b9b2374487a0758ea80716f337e3c643ff]] problem that was causing several animations to fail in Safari
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f2409d4245bbba0ccdf39186dca6a0cbf16d8759]] problem with unclickable sidebar under the Centralised theme
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0fb13e649b6558961fd8436bc7aac83bfd991983]] problem with non-system tiddlers showing up in system tiddler [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b64b7982af4285be41cca85db1fa745fc009ca29]] problem with notifications not always disappearing in Firefox
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b04141fefd2c0103b525726e4f466c32f0385194]] problem with wiki folders including wiki files with tiddlers that do not have a title
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/12770ca3e694a8f4edeb065e054eddd5957353b8]] problem with ServerCommand logging "Serving on undefined:8080"
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.7-beta...v5.0.8-beta]]//
!! Incompatible Changes
See [[Notes for upgrading to 5.0.8-beta]] for more details of these changes:
* Changed rules for parsing content of HTML elements
* Switched SiteTitle and SiteSubtitle to [[$:/SiteTitle]] and [[$:/SiteSubtitle]]
* Changes to commands used with [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
* Changes to naming of some editions
** Notably ''clientserver'' has changed to ''server''
!! Documentation Improvements
* Improved documentation for TiddlerFilters, including a notation of the [[TiddlerFilter Formal Grammar]] contributed by [[@Tikkoneus|https://github.com/Tikkoneus]]
* Improved documentation for WidgetMessages
* Tiddlers on tiddlywiki.com now have a link to the original source on ~GitHub for pull requests (see the "Sources" tab of the tiddler info panel)
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a01bbd4b9c7ca284141078340c8f568b1e0561a2]] [[automatic saving|AutoSave]] on editing a tiddler and a warning when attempting to close the window with unsaved changes
* Added confirmation dialogue when deleting tiddlers
* Add support for switchable (and editable) ColourPalettes
* Added TranslationMechanism and translations for:
** Deutsch (Österreich and Deutschland) by @pmario
** Français (France) by @xcazin
** Chinese (Simplified and Traditional) by @BramChen
* Add error alerts when syncing to a server
* Rejigged [[$:/ControlPanel]] to use nested tabs
* Added [[$:/TagManager]] for easy management of tags
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e3a05625b2368b2167a2a1b30aa82369e96a7538]] experimental KeyboardWidget, including support for ''ctrl-enter'' (or ''cmd-enter'') to finish editing a tiddler
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e6fa9b8a859867c147fb289859169b204dea003e]] number of tags to control panel ''Basics'' tab
* Enhanced link handling so that control/command clicking a link opens the target tiddler without navigating to it
* Importing tiddlers via drag and drop no longer opens all the tiddlers
!! Scalability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/fa5938221552846c255eb50004996528a09534a9]] support for LazyLoading of images
* Extended RevealWidget to allow control over content retention
!! Hackability Improvements
* Added HelpCommand and InitCommand for [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
* Extended ButtonWidget to allow navigating to a tiddler
* Added experimental support for building plugins in the browser: [[How to create plugins in the browser]]
* Extend the TranscludeWidget to display its content as a fallback if the tiddler or field is missing
* Add logging and AlertMechanism
* Added a ''Filter'' tab to [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* Add ''indexes'' [[filter operator|TiddlerFilters]]
* Control over line width and colour for EditBitmapWidget
* Add support for `.multids` MultiTiddlerFiles
* Extend ViewWidget so that it works with indexes
* Added support for Tank, a new service built on TiddlyWeb: https://tank.peermore.com
* Extend relative dates to work in the future
!! Bug Fixes
* Fixed problem with pasting items into the browser
* Fixed problem with colour pickers not showing correct colour in Chrome
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8e8e31fb9f5ed8f2e5deff0271d434dbe91f503c]] problem with tag pills not working inside table cells
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6d3d3322e5c676e63d1f64dce89ce86e58dcd715]] problem in client server configuration with ''%'' in tiddler titles
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/7eafd51a7dd89d2174be3dec97033dc0bb206677]] problem with not using placeholder text when editing missing tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1a54d590e1e67825057d7693ac89466a093b4577]] problem with test data in certain time zones
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5af30086c02b9d4466c133c87aca76f9b85eea49]] problem with non-breaking space characters being converted into '@' symbols
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5d3dda1a1721af05e56e301a8b896e53f9868540]] problem with highlighting plugin only working in the browser
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/175e86078ce2fed34953f337baf2f0edfc093742]] crash when wiki/themes folder contains files that are not themes
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.8-beta...v5.0.9-beta]]//
!! Highlights
* Improved layout, including a ''hamburger'' icon for dismissing the sidebar and expanding the story river to fill the space
* Added new ''Seamless'' theme
* New ''Filter'' tab in [[$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* Initial implementation of CecilyView
* Overhaul of inconsistencies in TiddlerFilters (see [[Changes to filters in 5.0.9-beta]])
* New translations for Italian and Japanese
* Performance improvements, particularly [[during editing|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0aa559cd23b3742c8f10c5ac144860d816699782]]
!! Documentation Improvements
* Improved and reorganised documentation for TiddlerFilters
* Demo of [[Making curved text with SVG]]
* [[Community]] links are now broken up into individual tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a19432541e776bfb63b1b985a60f472e9f1d4352]] overview diagram of [[TiddlyWiki Architecture]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/7b57561160173667031b5bc15a4f7553d8514c1c]] documentation from buggyj: [[Developing plugins using Node.js and GitHub]]
!! Usability Improvements
* Made the dropdown arrow icon [[skinnier|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ec90ac99cf2767b6ff20902d8b01aa1c36778147]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bca1d552803c1839e7385765314f81c5307632b8]] validation of legal characters for fieldnames
* Added blacklisting of unsafe HTML [[elements|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ba6edd42c125cb19d955a1cb3f54a2d367cb79dc]] and [[attributes|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d0caf21b2df9fda9800eb30489003a87cafb1277]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/baa8cf3dd098bab0a7a8c78b24747c69bd40889f]] a warning indicator to tiddlers in TiddlyWikiClassic format
* [[Add|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/42c67cfeb732fccb10b8ab574c84090dc2471352]] tiddler info ''Advanced'' panel with information about plugins and shadow tiddlers
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/96457d801159958b897f98e22aa9af53b97f0e35]] layout of [[$:/ControlPanel]] ''Plugins'' tab
* [[Enhance|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f48701544eda4f79af86b1ad44340e7182bcf024]] viewing of system tiddlers by fading down the `$:/` prefix
* [[Extend|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/dd3ee2a603cba35770a8f109e070f271d72861f8]] [[$:/TagManager]] to allow icons to be assigned to tags
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/87c4839fed789b80e0942014c05175e36aacc157]] support for `list-before` and `list-after` fields for controlling tag ordering (see TiddlerTags for details)
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3afa26b9a318d913ba162d93a63036cb4a94be59]] request for confirmation before abandoning edits to a tiddler
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bdbbf94326f70db0f8ef196270ab9e92bfde10fb]] [[Transclusion in WikiText]] syntax to allow translusion of a template without affecting the current tiddler
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8a7d0f53d380e9ca93ee34d8ad05090d511e95c4]] `sourceURL` handling to `eval()` so that tiddler modules can be [[properly debugged|https://chromedevtools.googlecode.com/svn-history/r421/trunk/tutorials/breapoints/index.html#regular]] in Chrome
* New ScrollableWidget giving better control over scrollable regions
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d3c0296a87198296cff26aa7ce7bb8274cdcc3f7]] new CSS class `tw-site-title` for the site title
* [[Disable|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e397e4d15951c1395c7752a7563f002ca459206e]] the TiddlyWeb sync adaptor unless the wiki is loaded over HTTP
* Added a [[high resolution timer mechanism|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/dcce4879347e4829d75f10248477731b18b829ef]] and a [[performance measurement mechanism|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d402d3c5a619b6b1642ab03c74ff03a864846a0b]]
* Added a [[basic CSV parser|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5a085f792722c74d259464386138c731b2f014cc]]
* Several measures to enforce the TiddlyWiki programming model:
** [[Refactor|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9de17aa206b21df5c4e29e61bba5d6b49aca6c71]] wiki store object to make members be private
** Freeze tiddler object and [[fields|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/279626a3e3fbd75d60fc3be49b68a99d8ba0a95d]] tiddler fields to enforce their immutability
* [[Extend|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f649b5b037bfd2e7c48d1ba65ffa37064456523d]] the ButtonWidget to be able to set text references
* [[Add|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/afa677b9a0b1dff1239dc1ea08edd210b9736af9]] a class to tiddler frames in view mode
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/50cf9678cb469e443e220b063e2355c844e417e7]] support for [[WidgetMessage: tw-home]]
* [[Hidden|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2608a323ebf3d8a8e925eda6d3a10ebb8f41d383]] system tags from the sidebar ''Tags'' tab
* [[Allow|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/98872bbe7c62faa4aa209fa421c2989aeef3aaf2]] pasting and import of HTML content
* [[Add|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a5a2c718b1d5671652d01e3567dba1c6795b7521]] support for a tooltip on the LinkWidget
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/aa631518152cda5643805c143bf0000bca8d767f]] problem with occasional freezes of the sync mechanism - thanks to buggyj
* Fixed problem with [[tiddlers|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1e960ffcac566c742c44b18d6f0e809d4457b249]] or [[fields|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ea46f85a8a5ad29e8602cbb13667c853903681a6]] called `__proto__`
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/aec618793f41b937676a5a165764dc19d9bbb2b2]] with refreshing the D3 plugin
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/67f3d58f7153ca4d50ce5a14ed72d9d4b6ad9b71]] problem with "null" message when unloading under Internet Explorer 11
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.18-beta...v5.1.0]]//
This is the first full release of TiddlyWiki. Documentation updates made up the bulk of the changes since the previous 5.0.18-beta release.
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b239b3d6230a9f7aab4c9ef6a59aefb4158f45b1]] curly braces from qualified identifiers
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9e6dab06cc2db8263fce083510ae570923b21c0b]] problem with Markdown Maruku mode metadata
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@malgam|https://github.com/malgam]]
* [[@gernert|https://github.com/gernert]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.0...v5.1.1]]//
This is a minor bug fix release to improve the documentation and correct some issues with the first full release of TiddlyWiki.
!! Incompatible Changes
Certain features that were deprecated in [[Release 5.0.17-beta]] have now been removed:
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/62edd1e8a3fddc0c11b87c87b3e5b404d8e1e395]] deprecated `title` attribute on the ButtonWidget
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d047ccdc84ab6f23779c3614712e0d6fa0ef63ec]] support for deprecated `$:/tags/stylesheet` system tag
Note that the next release will also remove support for regular expression filter operands, which was also deprecated in 5.0.17-beta.
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/96b7d0eebaf73dcfd4eccb848b90caaa055e5e20]] first implementation of the [[KaTeX Plugin]] for mathematical typesetting
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@TheDiveO|https://github.com/TheDiveO]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.1...v5.1.2]]//
This is another small release with documentation updates and a few bug fixes and improvements.
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b3df07ae3e190cfb6fc23dbe31c6229fe5e39087]] error handling for malformed or unrecognised ~LaTeX content with [[KaTeX Plugin]]
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/42abef6fbf79342ccbd90b142d48f64ab5c1c38a]] styling of separator before the untagged item in the tags sidebar
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/23c2d90ee8e28f8c68f9ba58fcbc13a56f838d61]] error handling for the upload saver (which is used for saving to TiddlySpot)
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/115245a632e80e9d033957327dfec909a3cd1fc8]] storyview error detection
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b1fb0a2a070a6abc78564e56fdb4244076ac44ac]] crash caused by incorrectly formatted plugins
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/eacb9e53ebf2a814d61bf005d68f449f7b9e63b5]] problem with tiddler info not being removed by the syncer after deleting a tiddler
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e2046ce4ffb6b8232a4ad5e7f51c431798917787]] HTTP handling to treat response code 201 as success
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@Evolena|https://github.com/Evolena]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@simonbaird|https://github.com/simonbaird]]
* [[@TheDiveO|https://github.com/TheDiveO]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.2...v5.1.3]]//
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e872f17842809e33eae177980e9ea0650b6a4c03]] "new journal" button; see [[Creating journal tiddlers]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/70984aa39f8a4061162d4e404bfd158e515c7e6e]] "new here" button; see [[Creating and editing tiddlers]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/00cdd04edd49c2bf0e461071c0c7c50f8aab4e42]] "new journal here" button; see [[Creating journal tiddlers]]
* [[Made|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c6951ee912d1f2717a8c208cbb920e54edf9e5d9]] date format strings be translateable
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/languages/ru-RU]] Russian translation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ef1d5310918dae088ce9361c1682ce0f99cf568a]] confirmation when clearing password
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b7bbcfa05659808c1e51a4f2f5f1d6afbc2ed3a1]] additional prompt when setting password
* [[Increased|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/dc9981322aeb508d5ebac0b691b0d703f8c1995e]] size of the clear search button
* [[Upgraded|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/564457de1c991df15263040d2d5526fa8ae879bb]] to [[KaTeX v0.1.1|https://github.com/Khan/KaTeX/releases/tag/v0.1.1]], with support for several additional LaTeX features
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2ffe53f1916e4b746cc6d7e74e8f4ac75c72e38a]] audio "parser" for handling [[Audio]] content
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0dcf54c3b59ed04645928f0ec4ced647e5a0da7f]] support for ActionWidgets
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/65504d5d41e45326ab1b1b6c0c21eea4c9772797]] new <<.olink addprefix>> and <<.olink addsuffix>> operators
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0c8e5380778303cdd3308bed4a15290214841f8b]] support for custom password prompts
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c26bd4c5a872f56c47e9f5cfc3fada468c53ddde]] the ListMacro to display ''caption'' field if present
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/12e26009eef5e29140ba1a880ff033428d673630]] ImageWidget to allow percentage width and height to be specified
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/cc576b052e2b05fd93fcb4f3eb8d9ee5278abf3e]] the <<.olink each>> operator to work with missing tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5dd6ebff05a3380db2901294b2cfc89c1a0e71bf]] problem with tiddler width in zoomin storyview with the sidebar hidden
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/09b6540998fec6bf1fb14842be8e8c53dbd5c46a]] bug whereby the `tm-home` message wasn't navigating to a tiddler, causing problems in zoomin storyview
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3ca8d7b6cca46ffa424bcf9bdc134da464fc84f4]] problem with jumping toolbar icons under Firefox
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f85b07e70b71d0622a9459e4b04e2027540abda8]] problem with untagged label being incorrectly coloured
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b3dcd7d625ec83701ef3a77f3fb8101af57c154f]] problem with title background colours with the "Sticky Titles" theme
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5211f9c40c874a167174e8c0d439db34189d3329]] problem with subfilter parameter of TimelineMacro
* [[Exclude|https://groups.google.com/d/topic/tiddlywiki/YPACpXhH9PY/discussion]] search string tiddler from search results
!! Node.js Changes
//These changes are only relevant to people using TiddlyWiki under Node.js//
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/63c174d7ed56284e80ad6cd6ae966b81f9181cc9]] ~KaTeX plugin to be able to work under Node.js to generate static HTML
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/49dc5694a391a391264a4473e4f4422e2472a3b3]] "includeWikis" to merge build targets
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/969]] the build scripts for tiddlywiki.com into a separate repository at https://github.com/Jermolene/build.jermolene.github.io
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/744245ea3249446fd15f504190efb1d828935d01]] boot kernel to raise an error if a missing wiki folder is specified on the command line
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@andrey013|https://github.com/andrey013]]
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]]
* [[@Eucaly|https://github.com/Eucaly]]
* [[@Evolena|https://github.com/Evolena]]
* [[@fghhfg|https://github.com/fghhfg]]
* [[@Marxsal|https://github.com/Marxsal]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@simonbaird|https://github.com/simonbaird]]
* [[@TheDiveO|https://github.com/TheDiveO]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.3...v5.1.4]]//
This is a small release with documentation improvements and some important bug fixes from [[Release 5.1.3]].
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6681a8e1f2fd3f39d92a1480b5b573a6c831515d]] a toolbar button for advanced search
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/53d834c86be2f97599a9486c0eae4777c51d9093]] dragging behaviour so that you can drag a tiddler title into an edit box to insert the title, making link creation easier. (This change doesn't affect the behaviour of dragging tiddler links between TiddlyWiki windows)
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/26e50b81e579b7f2d190ca3662cadcf82764c8a7]] additional theme tweaks for the body text size and line height
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1b620387dda2d16bf387a89071188762455890c4]] the ViewWidget to work with subtiddlers
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ddc74955427f8a7291ee964c42a771a112007789]] problem with search counts
!! Node.js Changes
//These changes are only relevant to people using TiddlyWiki under Node.js//
* Fixed problem with missing wiki folder warnings by [[removing|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9fedf3865778fd3aa50c2f049c2b81061c8cd778]] and [[re-implementing|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e62e38d66c6eb447bbd8f16b5beec0fe0276ea0d]] the fix from [[Release 5.1.3]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5d600ce31b1d1162529ae8043bb342e2165c4b13]] coloured warnings and errors under Node.js
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@danielo515|https://github.com/danielo515]]
* [[@gernert|https://github.com/gernert]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.4...v5.1.5]]//
!! Translation Improvements
* Added new translators edition making it much easier to create and maintain translations of TiddlyWiki
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/615425cf0634233d27f4f1ea430589b2a618feb6]] improved Japanese translation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8ba1a9b72ac5a4f50a4f670a24393d564c137c0c]] new Danish translation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/14a64ef3effc1e4cf1098b35af6d6cb864d77ac2]] new Greek translation
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Improvements|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/09a3f94d79fc6eacbfd46c86594748e996191eb2]] to tooltips for accessibility
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6fc5c70ace43219710983f6d9640f4b01d620908]] export button to tiddler toolbar, page controls and [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]] "filter" tab
* Improved layout of [[$:/TagManager]]
* [[Simplified|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0a986ccd995266bf3a47182fa584d79f9dd3e153]] default tiddler toolbar buttons
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/63b00fd0f80ce0c9917e233287d4a0138e8c385f]] advanced search button to sidebar search results
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4d061d0fee959fdc5ab470dc8f8379bedfa946d9]] search results by listing title matches at the top
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/da1f9f7d2233eb2aacc027bc1fc1053fa8b7bc2e]] input box for specifying new field value in edit template
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0bb8e08edca61f415aa084327b6751c278e45108]] tag pill rendering so that the foreground colour is dynamically chosen for maximum contrast with the background colour
* Enhancements to many of the [[core icons|ImageGallery Example]]
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1dfa6f369bddd8dedba2e47dc4707eba28ccf4e1]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/145713e7668a41320981ed87b448542cd30d13dc]], [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3035badf144abb85f5d42b2b1d395cf0f65fb03e]] and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e69e2c1c91002c296e1789532ca74286fae8d5a4]]) unnecessary confirmations when abandoning or deleting unmodified tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a5c7089bcfe3d2439eb082535527a7cc767891cc]] a subtle rounded corner to tiddlers and tabs
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6f0d581d720e611fade3b3f346ad0409ef5e291b]] automatic focusing of the title of newly created tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/81481588e07ed3cb1e378a6c6f21d26dcbaa8345]] advanced search links on tiddler counts in [[$:/ControlPanel]]
!! Hackability Improvements
* Introduced new ActionSetFieldWidget, ActionDeleteFieldWidget and ActionDeleteTiddlerWidget for manipulating tiddler fields and values
* [[Enhanced|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c7971d3da3bbef4bbc81d4462ee93590adc248f8]] [[WidgetMessage: tm-new-tiddler]] to allow a skeleton to be specified with additional fields
* [[Enhanced|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4a172125768e3b33c30e725e8550454a9d26c5c4]] the EditTextWidget to allow more control over the sizing of textarea editors
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/13726ef73157d9e9d65ae4027d9c32aaa7cdcc90]] new canned filter for recently modified system tiddlers in [[$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c20c935faabbb63f679bc4720b52162c56b6af64]] new system image for videos: [[$:/core/images/video]]
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c13cf94413c94ee56bebc60fab2d9231d1824d88]] search results to allow custom visualisations - see [[Customising search results]]
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a3a50dbf6d96e7441e5e8ec183e40134bc4eb618]] TimelineMacro to be able to use different date fields
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8260d000be1cf1caf35a557f6cd54a0fb8ccf4f0]] the <<.olink search>> operator to allow a field to be specified
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/73491f14dd63612d527632210d2c3873eb81188f]] the highlight plugin to display tabs as spaces
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/91a7c397911726e391ca368f96b50fbe1687d56a]] modal handling to permit variables to be passed to the modal (see [[WidgetMessage: tm-modal]])
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/853f5fd06402b16e271e8f119ef380de485aeff2]] simple logging to help track down drop/paste issues (see http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/#ImportLogging)
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b520efdeb83f6ac7536a69cf5af2bab3f94cf77f]] [[WidgetMessage: tm-download-file]] and [[WidgetMessage: tm-save-wiki]] to allow variables to be specified for the rendering
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f5055c0205d24102a36b9cf3a9dd9306e148a1f0]] [[TableOfContentsMacro Tabbed Example]]
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/79e428757b5562bd4a925b9b0428ea4ba70ad05a]] RevealWidget so that it can be used without specifying a state tiddler
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/90caf5bf42523cfb6cd603b979aadb719ddcede4]] "hooks" mechanism so that plugins can modify the default tiddler list
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b882a0dff12dc2660426de53e64d8c018f3a9d84]] support for nested popups
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/90096cbd367a7a685fb5dc5b2cbaa69a00d8199f]] problem with CodeMirror editor and missing tiddlers
* [[Exclude|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5093cdc86047209f23b9ead5ee0f216d0414e4f2]] drafts from TableOfContentsMacro
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5599f9f9338a5f96080143b2192214a78b961509]] problem with encoding of HTML tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/835e3a945244dd8a07f4c7fd570eb890e9fdcc2c]] problem with sticky titles being covered by vertical tabs
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d1bbe7253c135ceed138fd02c82b0f861d5dda6b]] flicker when automatically resizing textareas
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4bf6fe7fe9416f4e304036302ab5727148ae5222]] JSON deserialiser so that all fields can be imported
!! Node.js Changes
//These changes are only relevant to people using TiddlyWiki under Node.js//
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8e685e5150e636aed6655c6caa09c7b6cffdcea2]] ''includeWikis'' mechanism of TiddlyWikiFolders to allow read-only wikis to be included
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/cea963420ca2800b86989e29d42d06ccb7ea2a00]] error handling under Node.js
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/17a594a97ad5655142c834dfd5fa68855a61d201]] UnpackPluginCommand
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/04d26e6fae20671a6d455e113f7b0afedabc7122]] EditionsCommand to list the available editions
!! Changes affecting plugin authors
* [[Disabled|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f7a2849d27bb082e4bbf6b056a800a1edb30f510]] wiki change events for shadow tiddlers
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d93c19daaa126f0938048009a83796cb52690541]] structure of widget messages that have a hashmap parameter
* The support for nested popups has necessitated a change in the way that popups are styled that affects popups that are triggered with the focusPopup attribute of the EditTextWidget: it is now necessary for the widget to be given the class `tc-popup-handle`.
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@andrey013|https://github.com/andrey013]]
* Birthe C
* [[@Braincoke|https://github.com/Braincoke]]
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@danielo515|https://github.com/danielo515]]
* [[@erwanm|https://github.com/erwanm]]
* [[@Evolena|https://github.com/Evolena]]
* [[@giffmex|https://github.com/giffmex]]
* [[@inmysocks|https://github.com/inmysocks]]
* Makoto Hirohashi
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@Skeeve|https://github.com/Skeeve]]
* [[@tobibeer|https://github.com/tobibeer]]
* [[@welford|https://github.com/welford]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.5...v5.1.6]]//
!! Translation Improvements
* Added Dutch translation
* Updated Danish and Japanese translations
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Allow|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b29973312d7c16292cabb493e5914668f7c3f127]] buttons to be styled to look like internal links
* [[Disabled|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5b38c21a417d2e5e2b85aed8010c88af32420e24]] linking when transcluding ''caption'' field in TableOfContentsMacro
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b220c19fb7b789eb6d00c9d1a71414676d87130e]] support for templates to tabbed TableOfContentsMacro
* [[Allow|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/31b5eb1578640fabe8712f0cd4edd49708bc4493]] shadow tiddlers to appear in TableOfContentsMacro
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5154a25ab95f0cc08eb079a624be4fd3353e6dbd]] tooltip to BrowseWidget
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/42dba113ccdb18d7e76ac7a773c7dca532207007]] handling of missing tiddlers by the <<.olink has>> and <<.olink field>> operators
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/182c2428ca7b38d00d36d2d6650e761026470e63]] problem with download saver using incorrect filename
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d031a93c6d607d5b10d025149608f10977181e26]] [[problem|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1010]] with processing of date format templates
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a0c13a0856cb6b4a2592acdd46975e44eb7c53a8]] problem with ''storytop'' theme tweak not being respected when the narrow responsive design kicks in
!! Node.js Changes
//These changes are only relevant to people using TiddlyWiki under Node.js//
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bb74be7ac1a24eeaee10a3cb3d3633e3aa318632]] problem with "all tiddlers" static HTML export
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/51db48acc901d8fb298d9b0f7f10b47ffe90df05]] incorrect checking for an empty folder with the InitCommand
!! Changes affecting plugin authors
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1e47a62c2af392f30a492da732b33b89f23a2e4c]] `$tw.utils.each` so that the loop can be broken out of
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@anavarre|https://github.com/anavarre]]
* [[@Drakor|https://github.com/Drakor]]
* [[@dullroar|https://github.com/dullroar]]
* [[@erwanm|https://github.com/erwanm]]
* [[@malgam|https://github.com/malgam]]
* [[@nameanyone|https://github.com/nameanyone]]
* [[@pekopeko1|https://github.com/pekopeko1]]
* [[@Spangenhelm|https://github.com/Spangenhelm]]
* [[@tobibeer|https://github.com/tobibeer]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.6...v5.1.7]]//
This is an hot fix release with the following change over [[Release 5.1.6]]:
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a31aa25d0c00187ff829d74108f018e44b5cb3c5]] typo in GettingStarted
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.7...v5.1.8]]//
This release includes many improvements to the documentation for TiddlyWiki. Many thanks to everyone who has helped out, but especially to our prodigious new contributor Astrid Elocson.
!! Translation Improvements
* Improvements to French, Chinese and Japanese translations
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5d947ed582fb9d68c01d82a334ab75498a8724ef]] Spanish translation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/cb8caf6a01aeeac480bf28661888961657b0dbd8]] Czech translation
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/1353]] behaviour of the tag dropdown in the edit template
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ea6e60e66983ee1184f09c5796ef6c8bceae703a]] automatic focusing of the search box at startup
* [[Introduced|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4f3cb8b9aebfc4f65f40c96ef99730887d746b41]] the [[Railroad Plugin]] by Astrid Elocson (see it in action in the new [[Filter Syntax]] documentation)
* [[Migrated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/230066eeae9ace8336612e02c78f8cdaa3f717e4]] functionality of "Sticky Titles" theme into "Vanilla"/"Snow White". This means that tiddler titles will stick to the top of the window during scrolling on browsers that support `position: sticky` (such as Safari and Firefox)
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8cb7090c40489c81e8c5dfb8cbbdee2c60998c3e]] icons to [[$:/AdvancedSearch]], [[$:/ControlPanel]] and [[$:/TagManager]]
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b9129d77e99970579074bdb4f9c2ef4b77b812c6]] wording of tiddler "save" button to "store"
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1103]] automatic linking of system tiddlers such as $:/ControlPanel
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a1ca53fa9bab218719b582bd553a578a477666c9]] IteratorVariables to the ListWidget
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/1249]] version number compatibility checks for plugins
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1adfe20508116da0ee4b5c9e72ea9742f24b60c9]] problem with repeatedly cancelling a draft
!! Node.js Changes
//These changes are only relevant to people using TiddlyWiki under Node.js//
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/cc85368fd48f1e5878018a4e00b6c17d436e67a9]] [[Highlight Plugin]] to work when generating static files under Node.js
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c296f14210545374124df5d4ae9ffb402ed73561]] problem with case-insensitive filing systems (eg Windows)
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/1354]] mobile metadata to static page templates
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/1352]] added "noclean" parameter to RenderTiddlersCommand
!! Changes affecting plugin authors
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@aelocson|https://github.com/aelocson]]
* [[@Arlen22|https://github.com/Arlen22]]
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@Drakor|https://github.com/Drakor]]
* [[@dpdannemiller|https://github.com/dpdannemiller]]
* [[@evgeniy-gryaznov|https://github.com/evgeniy-gryaznov]]
* [[@felixhayashi|https://github.com/felixhayashi]]
* [[@gernert|https://github.com/gernert]]
* [[@Infurnoape|https://github.com/Infurnoape]]
* [[@Jc-L|https://github.com/Jc-L]]
* [[@tobibeer|https://github.com/tobibeer]]
* [[@twMat|https://github.com/twMat]]
* [[@welford|https://github.com/welford]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
Here are the details of recent releases of TiddlyWiki5. See [[TiddlyWiki5 Versioning]] for details of how releases are named.
(BetaReleases and AlphaReleases are listed separately).
<<tabs "[tag[ReleaseNotes]!sort[created]]" "Release 5.1.7" "$:/state/tab2" "tc-vertical" "ReleaseTemplate">>
<h2><$link to=<<currentTab>>><$view tiddler=<<currentTab>> field="title"/></$link></h2>
^^Released <$view tiddler=<<currentTab>> field="released" format="date" template="DDth MMM YYYY at 0hh:0mm">TBA</$view>^^
<$transclude tiddler=<<currentTab>> />
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="a string of characters"
output="those input titles that start with <<.place s>>, but with those characters discarded"
<<.operator-examples "removeprefix">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[My Cat]] [[Your Garden]] [[My Favourite Armchair]] +[removeprefix[My ]]">>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="a string of characters"
output="those input titles that end with <<.place s>>, but with those characters discarded"
<<.operator-examples "removesuffix">>
<<.operator-example 1 "SIMPLEX Googolplex Complex +[removesuffix[plex]]">>
You can report bugs or problems with TiddlyWiki via our [[discussion groups|Forums]]. If you have a GitHub account then you can raise an issue there:
Unless you are already familiar with GitHub, it's usually easiest to report problems through the discussion groups.
! TiddlyWiki on GitHub
We use GitHub Issues to manage bug reports and feature requests for TiddlyWiki. To maintain their effectiveness we endeavour to have as few open issues as possible.
!! Policies for Managing Issues
Open issues should be actionable: generally either a reproducible bug report, or a specific feature request. From the perspective of the core developers, the issues list behaves like a shared todo list. Every item on the list requires a little bit of attention each time we check the list.
GitHub Issues are not very good for managing ideas that are not immediately actionable. Better to use the [[TiddlyWiki discussion groups|Forums]] for open ended questions, or speculative discussions of new features.
!! Creating Issues
Before creating a GitHub issue it is good etiquette to search through the existing issues to see whether the problem has already been reported. If a search isn't practical, don't worry too much; GitHub makes it easy to merge existing issues.
When you do create an issue, remember that for effective debugging, we need as much information as possible. At a minimum, please try to include:
* A descriptive title
* A summary
* Steps to reproduce
* Expected behaviour
* Context (OS, browser etc.)
Consider also adding screenshots if it makes things clearer.
There's a lot of good material on the web about bug reports:
* http://mhay68.tumblr.com/post/1648223018/what-makes-a-good-bug-report
* http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/bugs.html
These are sites with resources created by the TiddlyWiki [[Community]] help you get the best out of TiddlyWiki: plugins, macros and more. Submit new entries via GitHub, Twitter or by posting in the [[TiddlyWiki Groups]].
<div class="tc-link-info">
<$list filter='[tag[Resources]!sort[modified]]'>
<div class="tc-link-info-item">
! <$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
<div class="tc-subtitle">Posted <$view field="modified" format="relativedate"/></div>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="an integer, defaulting to 1"
output="all but the first <<.place n>> input titles"
<<.olink butfirst>> and <<.olink bf>> are synonyms for <<.op rest>>.
<<.operator-examples "rest">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]rest[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]rest[3]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O +[rest[5]]">>
! Introduction
The reveal widget hides or shows its content depending upon the value of a [[state tiddler|StateTiddlers]]. The type of the widget determines the condition for the content being displayed:
* type=''match'': the content is displayed if the state tiddler matches a specified value
* type=''nomatch'': the content is displayed if the state tiddler doesn't match a specified value
* type=''popup'': the content is displayed as a popup as described in the PopupMechanism
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$reveal>` widget is displayed according to the rules given above.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|state |The title of the tiddler containing the state |
|type |The type of matching performed: ''match'', ''nomatch'' or ''popup'' |
|text |The text to match when the type is ''match'' and ''nomatch'' |
|position |The position used for the popup when the type is ''popup''. Can be ''left'', ''above'', ''aboveright'', ''right'', ''belowleft'' or ''below'' |
|default |Default value to use when the state tiddler is missing |
|animate |Set to "yes" to animate opening and closure (defaults to "no") |
|retain |Set to "yes" to force the content to be retained even when hidden (defaults to "no")|
Retaining the content when hidden can give poor performance since the hidden content requires refresh processing even though it is not displayed. On the other hand, the content can be revealed much more quickly. Note that setting ''animate="yes"'' will also force ''retain="yes"''.
! Examples
!! Simple content reveal
Here's a simple example of showing and hiding content with buttons:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '<$button set="$:/state/SampleReveal1" setTo="show">Show me</$button>
<$button set="$:/state/SampleReveal1" setTo="hide">Hide me</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/SampleReveal1" text="show">
! This is the revealed content
And this is some text
!! "Slider"
A slider appears as a single button that can be used to toggle the display of the contained content.
<<wikitext-example-without-html '<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/SampleReveal2" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SampleReveal2" setTo="show">Show me</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/SampleReveal2" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SampleReveal2" setTo="hide">Hide me</$button>
! This is the revealed content
And this is some text
!! Popup
Here is a simple example of a popup built with the RevealWidget:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '<$button popup="$:/SamplePopupState">Pop me up!</$button>
<$reveal type="popup" state="$:/SamplePopupState">
<div class="tc-drop-down">
! This is the popup
And this is some text
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
output="the input, in reverse order"
<<.operator-examples "reverse">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]reverse[]]">>
Even though TiddlyWiki is now out of beta, there are still many improvements planned for the coming months:
* Fixing hangovers from TiddlyWikiClassic
* ~TiddlyWiki file format (to avoid illegal attribute names)
* Aliases (alternative titles for tiddlers)
* Search and replace
* Tiddler renaming
* Rich link tooltips, incorporating a preview
* More keyboard shortcuts
* Keyboard snippet expansion in the text editor
* List editor with drag and drop
* Selective/weighted searching by title, body and fields
* Maths notation
Also see the issues list on GitHub: https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5
! Introduction
Safe mode provides a way to disabling most customisations in TiddlyWiki. This is useful because if TiddlyWiki is customised incorrectly it can be rendered inoperable. A particular issue is that some customisations break when upgrading to a newer core version of TiddlyWiki (especially during the beta).
! Enabling Safe Mode
Safe mode is enabled in the browser by starting TiddlyWiki with the URL hash set to the string `#:safe`. For example:
! How Safe Mode Works
Safe mode triggers two changes:
* All plugins are temporarily disabled. You can use the control panel to disable individual plugins
* Any tiddlers that override shadow tiddlers are renamed to give them the prefix `SAFE: `, thus restoring the underlying shadow tiddler
A report tiddler is displayed that allows you to inspect the tiddlers that were renamed.
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
suffix="the name of a [[date field|Date Fields]], defaulting to <<.field modified>>"
parameter="a date, in the [[format|DateFormat]] `YYYYMMDD`"
output="those input tiddlers in which field <<.place f>> has the value <<.place d>>, ignoring time"
If <<.place d>> is not a valid date, the output is empty.
<<.place d>> may include a time of day, but this is ignored.
<<.operator-examples "sameday">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[sameday[20140410]]" "tiddlers modified on 10 April 2014">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[sameday:created[20140410]]" "tiddlers created on 10 April 2014">>
This is a demonstration alert.
Note that the trashcan icon deletes the tiddler containing this alert. You can also remove it by opening the tiddler SampleAlert and editing it to remove the tag [[$:/tags/Alert]].
! Hello, <<yourName>>
This is an example modal containing the following message:
{{$:/core/images/done-button}} This is a notification!
This is the fourth of our sample tabs.
This is the first of our sample tabs.
This is the third of our sample tabs.
This is the second of our sample tabs.
This is test tiddler SampleTiddlerFirst.
This is test tiddler SampleTiddlerSecond.
This is test tiddler SampleTiddlerThird.
This is a modal wizard dialogue, stored in the tiddler SampleWizard.
{{Motovun Jack.jpg}}
You can <$button message="tm-modal" param="SampleWizard2">nest wizards</$button>.
This is another modal wizard dialogue, stored in the tiddler SampleWizard2.
You can <$button message="tm-modal" param="SampleWizard">nest wizards</$button>.
Available methods for saving changes with TiddlyWiki:
<<list-links "[tag[Saving]]">>
The built-in TiddlySpot saver can also be used to save changes to a simple PHP script that you can run on most hosting providers.
//These are preliminary instructions that need verification//
# Download a copy of ''store.php'' from:
#* https://code.google.com/p/bidix/source/browse/trunk/TiddlyHome/_th/lib/store.php
# Edit your copy of ''store.php'' to add your username(s) and password(s). Find the line `$USERS = array( 'UserName1'=>'Password1', etc)` and replace Username1 and Password1 with your desired username and password
#* Make sure you leave all the punctuation and code, such as the single quotes, intact
# Save the file
# Using FTP or your web interface, upload ''store.php'' to your server. Make sure that the filename is correct
#* If you've uploaded the file correctly you should be able to view it in your browser (eg, http://example.com/store.php)
# In TiddlyWiki, go to the ''Saving'' tab of the control panel and enter the following information:
#* Your username as the wiki name
#* Your password
#* The URL of the ''store.php'' file (//''not'' the URL of the wiki, this must the full URL to the ''store.php'' file//)
The control panel ''Saving'' tab includes the following configuration options:
|!Name |!Description |
|Server URL |The full URL to the ''store.php'' file on your server |
|Upload filename |The filename used to save the TiddlyWiki (defaults to ''index.html'') |
|Upload directory |The relative path from ''store.php'' to the directory used for saving the file |
|Backup directory |The relative path from ''store.php'' to the directory used for backups |
The AndTidWiki app for Android devices makes it possible to edit and save changes to TiddlyWiki5, including working offline without a network connection. [[Download it here|https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.mgsimon.android.andtidwiki]].
//Note that AndTidWiki is published independently of TiddlyWiki//
By default, TiddlyWiki saves changes on InternetExplorer 10 and above using a saver module that downloads the newly modified file, rather than saving it directly. There are two alternatives that both save changes directly to the file:
* [[Use the TiddlyIE browser extension|Saving with TiddlyIE]]
* Use the [[Windows HTA Hack]] by renaming the TiddlyWiki HTML file to have the extension `*.hta`.
The iPad/iPhone app ''TWEdit'' makes it possible to edit and save changes to TiddlyWiki5, including working offline without a network connection. [[Download it here|https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/twedit/id409607956?mt=8]].
Instructions for use:
# Open TWEdit
# Touch the title in the centre of the toolbar in order
#* A text box should appear allowing you to enter a URL
# Enter the URL `http://tiddlywiki.com/empty.html`
# When the empty TiddlyWiki5 has loaded, touch the ''save'' icon (it's the second icon from the right on the top toolbar)
#* An alert box should appear allowing you to enter a local filename
# Enter the filename you wish to use for the document (ending with `.html`)
# Edit your TiddlyWiki as normal
# To save changes, click the ''save'' button in the sidebar
#* A confirmation message should appear at the upper right
//Note that TWEdit is published independently of TiddlyWiki//
This method of saving changes is clunky because it requires manual intervention for each save.
# [[Download]] an empty TiddlyWiki by clicking this button:
#> {{$:/editions/tw5.com/snippets/download-empty-button}}
#> If the button doesn't work save this link: http://tiddlywiki.com/empty.html
#> Your browser may ask you to accept the download before it begins
# Locate the file you just downloaded
#* You may rename it, but be sure to keep the `.html` or `.htm` extension
# Open the file in Safari
# Try creating a new tiddler using the ''new tiddler'' {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar. Type some content for the tiddler, and click the {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''done'' button
# Save your changes by clicking the {{$:/core/images/save-button}} ''save changes'' button in the sidebar
# A popup "Download changes" window is displayed that includes a link labelled //Right-click to save changes//
# Right-click on the link and select "Download Linked File As..." from the popup menu
# Navigate to the folder containing your wiki HTML file and select the existing file
# Click the "Save" button
# Click "Replace" to confirm replacing the existing file
# Verify that your changes have been saved correctly
TiddlySpot is a free hosting service for TiddlyWiki documents from Simon and Daniel Baird. The easiest way to get started is to sign up for a new wiki at http://tiddlyspot.com - by default you'll get the latest release of TiddlyWiki.
You can upload an existing TiddlyWiki document from your local disc to TiddlySpot it by following these steps:
# Sign up for a new wiki at http://tiddlyspot.com/, and remember the wiki name and password
# Open your locally stored TiddlyWiki document in your browser
# Fill in the TiddlySpot wikiname and password in the control panel
# Click the "Save Changes" button. You should get a confirmation notification at the top right saying ''Saved wiki''. Saving can take several seconds if you're on a slow connection or working with a large wiki.
# Navigate to your TiddlySpot URL at http://{wikiname}.tiddlyspot.com/
Note that your password is sent unencrypted when using TiddlySpot. From http://faq.tiddlyspot.com/:
''Is Tiddlyspot secure?''
No. Tiddlyspot does not use SSL/https. Your password is sent in clear text when uploading and when authenticating to access a private site. This means that your Tiddlyspot is vulnerable to packet sniffing and your password could be discovered by a malicious third party. Also your data is transmitted unencrypted when you view your site, even if it is a private site. For this reason please don't put sensitive information such as banking details in your Tiddlyspot and don't use a password that you use for other high security sites.
! Problems with saving on TiddlySpot
In case you run into this error when uploading a new or freshly upgraded local TiddlyWiki to TiddlySpot :
Error while saving:
Error:NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI: Access to restricted URI denied
The upgrade operation falls foul of a security restriction in Firefox. Until this can be resolved, we suggest using Chrome.
*# Use Chrome to open the local TiddlyWiki document you want to upload to TiddlySpot and follow the steps 1 through 5 described above
*# Once you've checked the TiddlySpot-hosted TiddlyWiki loads properly in Chrome, you should be able to access, edit and [[save using TiddlyFox|Saving with TiddlyFox]] again
* After you've uploaded your local document once, further editing and saving of the online version hosted on TiddlySpot should work with any modern browser of your choice.
** Don't forget to fill in the TiddlySpot wikiname and password in your TiddlySpot TiddlyWiki control panel for any new browser you want to use for saving changes
* //See also : [[Upgrading]]//
This method of saving changes is clunky because it requires manual intervention for each save. It has the advantage of working on almost all desktop browsers, and many mobile browsers.
# [[Download]] an empty TiddlyWiki by clicking this button:
#> {{$:/editions/tw5.com/snippets/download-empty-button}}
#> If the button doesn't work save this link: http://tiddlywiki.com/empty.html
#> Your browser may ask you to accept the download before it begins
# Locate the file you just downloaded
#* You may rename it, but be sure to keep the `.html` or `.htm` extension
# Open the file in your browser
# Try creating a new tiddler using the ''new tiddler'' {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar. Type some content for the tiddler, and click the {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''done'' button
# Save your changes by clicking the {{$:/core/images/save-button}} ''save changes'' button in the sidebar
# Your browser will download a new copy of the wiki incorporating your changes
# Locate the newly downloaded file and open it in your browser
# Verify that your changes have been saved correctly
''Tip'': most browsers have an option to prompt each time for the download location. This allows you to select the existing version of the file and replace it.
If you're using [[Firefox for Android]], see the instructions for [[Saving with TiddlyFox on Android]].
# Ensure you have the latest version of [[Firefox]]
#* http://getfirefox.com
# Install the latest release of the TiddlyFox extension from:
#* https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tiddlyfox/
# Restart [[Firefox]]
# [[Download]] an empty TiddlyWiki by clicking this button:
#> {{$:/editions/tw5.com/snippets/download-empty-button}}
# Locate the file you just downloaded
#* You may rename it, but be sure to keep the `.html` or `.htm` extension
# Open the file in [[Firefox]]
# Click ''OK'' in response to the prompt from TiddlyFox that asks whether to enable saving for this file
# Try creating a new tiddler using the ''plus'' {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar. Type some content for the tiddler, and click the {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''tick'' button
# Save your changes by clicking the {{$:/core/images/save-button}} ''Save changes'' button in the sidebar
#* Look for the yellow notification ''Saved wiki'' at the top right of the window
# Refresh the browser window to verify that your changes have been saved correctly
(Alternatively, see the [[video tutorial|TiddlyWiki on Firefox for Android Video]])
# Ensure you have the latest version of [[Firefox for Android]]
#* http://getfirefox.com
# Install the latest release of the TiddlyFox extension from:
#* https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tiddlyfox/
# Install this extension to be able to save the TiddlyWiki file locally:
#* https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/android/addon/save-link-menus/
# [[Download]] an empty TiddlyWiki by saving this link:
#* http://tiddlywiki.com/empty.html
#> (to save the link, ensure you've installed the "save-link-menus" extension and then long-press on the link and choose "Save link")
# When the file has downloaded, click on it within the notification tray or the download manager application
# Choose to open the file in Firefox (rather than the default Android viewer)
# Click ''OK'' in response to the prompt from TiddlyFox that asks whether to enable saving for this file
# Try creating a new tiddler using the ''plus'' {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar. Type some content for the tiddler, and click the {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''tick'' button
# Save your changes by clicking the {{$:/core/images/save-button}} ''Save changes'' button in the sidebar
#* Look for the yellow notification ''Saved wiki'' at the top right of the window
# Refresh the browser window to verify that your changes have been saved correctly
# Install the TiddlyIE add-on from:
#* https://github.com/davidjade/TiddlyIE/releases
# Restart Internet Explorer. IE will prompt you to enable the TiddlyIE add-on.
#> You may also see a prompt to enable the //Microsoft Script Runtime//
# [[Download]] an empty TiddlyWiki by saving this link:
#> http://tiddlywiki.com/empty.html
# Locate the file you just downloaded
#* You may rename it, but be sure to keep the `.html` extension
# Open the file in Internet Explorer
# Try creating a new tiddler using the ''plus'' {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar. Type some content for the tiddler, and click the {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''tick'' button
# Save your changes by clicking the {{$:/core/images/save-button}} ''Save changes'' button in the sidebar. Internet Explorer will ask for your consent to save the file locally by presenting a file ''Save As'' dialog.
# Refresh the browser window to verify that your changes have been saved correctly
You might expect that TiddlyWiki's architecture as a SinglePageApplication would make it unsuitable for large amounts of data. In fact, TiddlyWiki users regularly work with files that are 20 or 30 megabytes without problems - and successful experiments have been done up into the gigabytes.
! Script Files
The TiddlyWiki5 repository contains several scripts in the `bin` folder that you can use to automate common tasks, or as a useful starting point for your own scripts. See [[Scripts for building tiddlywiki.com]] for details of the scripts used to build and release http://tiddlywiki.com/.
All the scripts expect to be run from the root folder of the repository.
!! `serve`: serves tw5.com
./bin/serve.sh -h
./bin/serve.sh [edition dir] [username] [password] [host] [port]
./bin/serve.cmd -h
./bin/serve.cmd [edition dir] [username] [password] [host] [port]
This script starts TiddlyWiki5 running as an HTTP server, defaulting to the content from the `tw5.com-server` edition. By default, the Node.js serves on port 8080. If the optional `username` parameter is provided, it is used for signing edits. If the `password` is provided then HTTP basic authentication is used. Run the script with the `-h` parameter to see online help.
To experiment with this configuration, run the script and then visit `` in a browser.
Changes made in the browser propagate to the server over HTTP (use the browser developer console to see these requests). The server then syncs changes to the file system (and logs each change to the screen).
!! `test`: build and run tests
This script runs the `test` edition of TiddlyWiki on the server to perform the server-side tests and to build `test.html` for running the tests in the browser.
!! `lazy`: serves tw5.com with lazily loaded images
./bin/lazy.sh <username> [<password>]
./bin/lazy.cmd <username> [<password>]
This script serves the `tw5.com-server` edition content with LazyLoading applied to images.
!! `2bld`: builds TiddlyWiki 2.6.5
This script builds TiddlyWiki 2.6.5 from the original source and then displays the differences between them (`diff` is used for *nix, `fc` for Windows).
! Introduction
The scrollable widget wraps its content in a scrollable frame. The user can scroll the contents with the mouse or with touch gestures. Code can use the [[WidgetMessage: tm-scroll]] to programmatically scroll specific DOM nodes into view.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$scrollable>` widget is displayed within a pair of wrapper DIVs. If the inner DIV is larger then it scrolls within the outer one. CSS is used to specify the size of the outer wrapper.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|class |The CSS class(es) to be applied to the outer DIV |
|fallthrough |See below |
If a scrollable widget can't handle the `tm-scroll` message because the inner DIV fits within the outer DIV, then by default the message falls through to the parent widget. Setting the ''fallthrough'' attribute to `no` prevents this behaviour.
! Examples
This example requires the following CSS definitions from [[$:/_tw5.com-styles]]:
.tc-scrollable-demo {
border: 1px solid <<colour message-border>>;
background-color: <<colour message-background>>;
padding: 1em;
height: 400px;
This wiki text shows how to display a list within the scrollable widget:
<<wikitext-example-without-html "<$scrollable class='tc-scrollable-demo'>
<$list filter='[!is[system]]'>
<$view field='title'/>: <$list filter='[all[current]links[]sort[title]]' storyview='pop'>
<$link><$view field='title'/></$link>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
suffix="optionally, the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]]"
parameter="one or more search terms, separated by spaces"
output="those input tiddlers in which <<.em all>> of the search terms can be found in the value of field <<.place f>>"
negationOutput="those input tiddlers in which <<.em not>> all of the search terms can be so found"
When used with a suffix, the <<.op search>> operator is similar to <<.olink regexp>> but less powerful.
If the suffix is omitted, a tiddler is deemed to match if all the search terms appear in the combination of its <<.field tags>>, <<.field text>> and <<.field title>> fields.
The search ignores the difference between capital and lowercase letters.
<<.operator-examples "search">>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-example" n="1" eg="[!is[system]search[table]]" ie="non-system tiddlers containing the word <<.word table>>"/>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-example" n="2" eg="[all[shadows]search[table]]" ie="shadow tiddlers containing the word <<.word table>>"/>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-example" n="3" eg="[search:caption[arch]]" ie="tiddlers containing `arch` in their <<.field caption>> field"/>
Searching is fast and flexible in ~TiddlyWiki.
''Standard search''
Typing text into the search box in the sidebar will turn up a list of all the tiddlers that contain that text.
://(Note that the sidebar tabs will be hidden by the search results until you click the 'x' to the right of the search box to remove the search results)//
''Advanced searching''
Clicking on the magnifying glass icon to the right of the search box will open [[$:/AdvancedSearch]]. This tiddler contains four tabs:
* The ''standard'' tab contains another instance of the search box found in the sidebar
* The ''system'' tab allows you to limit your search to system tiddlers
* The ''shadows'' tab allows you to limit your search to shadow tiddlers
* The ''filter'' tab is not a search box, per se, but a way to obtain a list of all tiddlers that meet the specific criteria described by that [[filter|Filters]], for example, "All tags except system tags"
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
! Introduction
The select widget displays a popup menu based on a [[HTML select element|https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/select]]. The popup (or dropdown) contains a list of items defined by `<option>` and `<optgroup>` elements.
Every time the user selects a new value in the menu, the selected value is written to the text of a specified tiddler field or index. If the tiddler value changes the menu is automatically updated to reflect the new value.
For example, this select widget displays a list of the tags in this wiki:
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler=<<qualify 'select-demo'>> default='HelloThere'>
<$list filter='[all[shadows+tiddlers]tags[]sort[title]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
The <$link to=<<qualify "select-demo">>>state tiddler</$link> currently contains:
<$edit-text tiddler=<<qualify "select-demo">> tag="input" default=""/>
See the text change as you switch entries in the select widget. Try changing the value of the state tiddler and see the select widget change. Notice how the select widget only displays an entry if there is a precise match with the tiddler text.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$select>` widget should be one or more HTML `<option>` or `<optiongroup>` elements that provide the available values.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The title of the tiddler containing the value to be displayed/modified by the select widget (defaults to the current tiddler) |
|field |The field name for the value in the current tiddler (defaults to "text") |
|index |The index of a property in a [[DataTiddler|DataTiddlers]] (takes precedence over the field attribute) |
|class |CSS classes to be assigned to the HTML select element |
|default |Default value to be used if the tiddler, field or index specifies a missing value |
! Examples
!! Simple Lists
This example sets the title of the current wiki [[$:/SiteTitle]] to one of a list of book titles:
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler='$:/SiteTitle'>
<option>A Tale of Two Cities</option>
<option>A New Kind of Science</option>
<option>The Dice Man</option>
!! Value lists
In this example the `value` attribute has been used to specify the text that should be used as the value of the entry instead of the display text.
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler='$:/SiteTitle'>
<option value='cities'>A Tale of Two Cities</option>
<option value='science'>A New Kind of Science</option>
<option value='dice'>The Dice Man</option>
!! Option Groups
Entries in the list can be grouped together with the `<optgroup>` element
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler='$:/SiteTitle'>
<optgroup label='Fiction'>
<option value='cities'>A Tale of Two Cities</option>
<option value='dice'>The Dice Man</option>
<optgroup label='Non-fiction'>
<option value='science'>A New Kind of Science</option>
<option value='recursive'>The Recursive Universe</option>
!! Generated Lists
The ListWidget can be used to generate the options for a select widget. For example, here we combine a select widget listing all the tiddlers tagged ''TableOfContents'' with a transclusion to display the text of the selected one.
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler='$:/generated-list-demo-state'>
<$list filter='[tag[TableOfContents]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<$tiddler tiddler={{$:/generated-list-demo-state}}>
<$transclude mode='block'/>
!! Nested Lists
This example uses a nested pair of list widgets. The outer one generates the `<optgroup>` elements, and the inner one generates `<option>` elements:
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler='$:/generated-list-demo-nestedstate' field='type' default='text/vnd.tiddlywiki'>
<$list filter='[all[shadows+tiddlers]prefix[$:/language/Docs/Types/]each[group]sort[group]]'>
<optgroup label={{!!group}}>
<$list filter='[all[shadows+tiddlers]prefix[$:/language/Docs/Types/]group{!!group}] +[sort[description]]'>
<option value={{!!name}}><$view field='description'><$view field='title'/></$view> (<$view field='name'/>)</option>
"favicons" are small icons that most browsers display to help users identify websites.
! favicons in the Browser
When TiddlyWiki starts up in the browser it looks for a tiddler called [[$:/favicon.ico]] and dynamically uses it as the favicon for the page. If you modify the image then the favicon changes instantly to reflect it.
! favicons on the Server
On the server, the ServerCommand will serve the tiddler [[$:/favicon.ico]] at the path `/favicon.ico`.
The `<$setvariable>` widget is a synonym for `<$set/>`; see SetWidget for more details.
! Introduction
The set variable widget assigns a value to a specified [[variable|WidgetVariables]]. The new value of the variable is availale to the content within the set variable widget.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$set>` widget is the scope for the value assigned to the variable.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|name |The name of the variable to assign (defaults to "currentTiddler") |
|value |The value to assign to the variable if the filter is missing or not empty |
|filter |An optional filter to be evaluated and assigned to the variable (see below) |
|emptyValue |The value to assign to the variable if the filter is present and evaluates to an empty list (see below) |
!! Simple Variable Assignment
The simplest way of using set variable widget assigns a string to a variable. The following example assigns a literal string
<$set name="myVariable" value="Some text">
<$text text=<<myVariable>>/>
Both the name and value attributes can be transcluded. For example:
<$set name=<<anotherVariable>> value={{template!!text}}>
<$text text=<<myVariable>>/>
!! Conditional Variable Assignment
This form of the set variable widget chooses one of two specified values according to whether a filter evaluates to an empty list. Here's an example that sets a variable according to whether the current tiddler is called "myMagicTitle":
<$set name="myVariable" filter="[all[current]field:title[myMagicTitle]]" value="It's magic" emptyValue="It's not magic">
<$text text=<<myVariable>>/>
!! Filtered List Variable Assignment
This form of the set variable widget evaluates the filter and assigns the result to the variable as a space-separated list (using double square brackets for titles containing spaces).
<$set name="myVariable" filter="[tag[Introduction]]">
<$text text=<<myVariable>>/>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection|Title Selection]] of [[shadow titles|ShadowTiddlers]]"
output="the [[plugins|Plugins]] that contain the input tiddlers"
Each input title is processed in turn. If it denotes a shadow tiddler, the title of its plugin tiddler is [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the output. Non-shadow tiddlers contribute nothing to the output.
<<.operator-examples "shadowsource">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[$:/core/copyright.txt]shadowsource[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "$:/core/copyright.txt $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/railroad/parser.js +[shadowsource[]]">>
ShadowTiddlers are tiddlers that are loaded from within [[Plugins]]. Unlike ordinary tiddlers, they don't appear in most lists.
ShadowTiddlers can be overridden with an ordinary tiddler of the same name. If that tiddler is subsequently deleted then the original shadow tiddler is automatically restored.
The current shadow tiddlers are:
<$list filter="[all[shadows]sort[title]]"/>
You can work on a TiddlyWiki file in Dropbox and publish a URL that anyone can use to see a read-only view of the file.
# Save your TiddlyWiki file within your Dropbox folder
# Select Dropbox's "Share Link" option to obtain a public URL for the file
#* In the Dropbox web interface, this is done by clicking the link icon that appears when you hover over a file. Dropbox also adds a "Share Link" item to the file context menu in Finder on OS X and Explorer on Windows
# The URL generated by Dropbox will have this form:
#> `https://www.dropbox.com/s/<gobbledegook>/mywiki.html`
# Modify the URL like this, carefully preserving the gobbledegook:
#> `https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/<gobbledegook>/mywiki.html`
The result is a "secret" URL that you can send to other people to enable them to see the wiki.
There are a number of ways that people can share tiddlers back and forth:
*You can attach a ~TiddlyWiki to an e-mail
*You can publish your ~TiddlyWiki online, and grab a link to send or message to others:
**A link to the URL of the file itself
**A permalink to a specific tiddler (see [[PermaLinks]])
**A permaview link of all the currently open tiddlers (see [[PermaView]])
*You can grab tiddlers from ~TiddlyWikis that others have published online by clicking on a link to the tiddler within their file, and then dragging and dropping the link into your own file. An import tiddler will appear, and you can click to import the tiddler or tiddlers to your file.
* You can [[share a Dropbox link to your TiddlyWiki|Sharing a TiddlyWiki on Dropbox]]
A simple game built with TiddlyWiki, introduced in [[this post|https://groups.google.com/d/topic/tiddlywiki/4aRpZht1vOs/discussion]].
I decided to see if it was possible to make some sort of game using only the core tiddlywiki with no plugins or javascript. I made a very bare bones zork/interactive fiction type game. It is currently the simplest thing I could make and claim it was a game, but I may add on to it in the future. It uses the 5.1.5 prerelease because the action-setfield widget saved lots of work making macros.
One goal of this is to use nothing besides what is contained in the core tiddlywiki, so there is no javascript and no plugins.
A single file application is a web application where all of the assets are delivered in a single static file. This means that it can be downloaded and used offline without losing functionality. It can also be hosted on almost any type of web server.
TiddlyWiki is an unusual single file application because it stores its data within the same file, and is capable of saving changes to itself.
Every single file application must also by definition be a SinglePageApplication, but the converse is not true.
As defined by Wikipedia, a SinglePageApplication is a web application that presents itself as a single HTML document that dynamically loads additional content as the user browses the site. Frequently, single page applications are carefully designed to hide their nature, appearing and functioning as an ordinary static website by respecting the address bar and the back/forward navigation controls.
Unusually, TiddlyWiki is also a SingleFileApplication.
* Take notes, and use tags and hyperlinking to form relationships between your notes
* Use tabs, tables, tag-based lists, and tables of contents to get organised
* Bookmark your favorite websites (see an example at http://giffmex.org/experiments/tidmarks.html)
* Keep track of tasks and appointments, and organise them by multiple tags (see our TaskManagementExample)
* Inventory just about anything: your recipes, personal library, contacts, music collection, and more
* Create a blog or website
* Write a book
* Organise your images into galleries (see our [[ImageGallery Example]])
* Share the information in your ~TiddlyWiki with others, as an online file, as a file attachment, as a tiddler file, or as a link to a specific online tiddler (try clicking and dragging a tiddler from one ~TiddlyWiki file to another to see what happens)
* Draw a sketch (Edit [[Motovun Jack.jpg]] and start drawing over the image to see what happens)
* Create a modal wizard (also known as a lightbox) - see SampleWizard
* Create a slideshow presentation
* Set up an entire local or online knowledgebase, with a central ~TiddlyWiki file linking to other ~TiddlyWiki files (http://recursos.giffmex.org is a Spanish online example of this)
* Set up a data visualisation using tiddlers as data (see the visualisations at http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/d3/index.html)
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]], defaulting to <<.field title>>"
output="the input, sorted into ascending order by field <<.field f>>, treating field values as text"
negationOutput="the input, likewise sorted into descending order"
The difference between capital and lowercase letters is ignored. Compare <<.olink sortcs>>.
<<.operator-examples "sort">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]sort[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]!sort[]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "one two Three four +[sort[]]">>
<<.operator-example 4 "[prefix[Tiddl]sort[text]]">>
<<.operator-example 5 "[has[created]sort[created]limit[10]]" "the oldest 10 tiddlers in the wiki">>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]], defaulting to <<.field title>>"
output="the input, sorted into ascending order by field <<.field f>>, treating field values as text"
negationOutput="the input, likewise sorted into descending order"
Capital and lowercase letters are treated as different. Compare <<.olink sort>>.
<<.operator-examples "sortcs">>
<<.operator-example 1 "one two Three four +[sortcs[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "one two Three four +[!sortcs[]]">>
Because ~TiddlyWiki is of British origin, its English documentation uses [[British spelling in preference to US spelling|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_and_British_English_spelling_differences]].
Words like <<.word customise>> are spelled <<.word -ise>>, not <<.word -ize>>.
Standard technical acronyms are written in upper case, without dots: <<.word HTML>>, not <<.word html>> or <<.word H.T.M.L.>>
Avoid arbitrarily abbreviating words and sentences. But the following abbreviations are acceptable:
|!Abbreviation |!Meaning |!Notes |
|e.g. |for example |with a dot after each letter |
|i.e. |that is to say |with a dot after each letter |
|etc |and so on |without a dot |
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="a string of characters marking the end of the prefix"
output="the prefix, up to and including <<.place S>>, of each input title"
Each input title is processed in turn.
* A title that contains <<.place s>> contributes everything up to and including <<.place s>>.
* A title that doesn't contain <<.place s>> simply contributes itself to the output.
Contributions are [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the output.
The <<.clink "`toc`" TableOfContentsMacro>> macros use this operator with `/` as the parameter.
<<.operator-examples "splitbefore">>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-example" n="1" eg="2015-01-26 2014-07-19 2013 +[splitbefore[-]]"/>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-example" n="2" eg="[[green trees]splitbefore[ee]]"/>
The startup mechanism runs the installed startup modules at the end of the [[boot process|BootMechanism]].
! Startup Modules
Modules with their ''module-type'' field set to `startup`:
* Must export a `startup` function
** For synchronous startup modules the startup function is called as `startup()`, asynchronous modules are passed a callback they must invoke on completion: `startup(callback)`
* May export a `name` property that is used to identify the task
* May export a `after` property containing an array of names of dependent tasks that must be run before this one
* May export a `before` property containing an array of names of tasks that must be run after this one
* May export a `platforms` property containing an array of names of platforms that are required in order for the startup module to be executed. The defined platforms are ''node'' and ''browser''. If the `platforms` property is not provided it defaults to `["node","browser"]`
! Startup Processing
Startup modules are executed in sequence according to their declared dependencies.
There is no guarantee of the execution order of tasks that share the same dependencies.
! Startup Modules
The core defines the following startup modules:
{{Startup Modules.svg}}
The StateMechanism in TiddlyWiki is at the heart of how complex user interfaces can be built from WikiText.
In the browser, the TiddlyWiki display is produced by dynamically rendering the tiddler [[$:/core/ui/PageTemplate]]. Through various transclusions and other widgets it renders the entire user interface. The dynamic rendering is accomplished by a mechanism called "binding": any changes to the tiddlers in the store are dynamically reflected in the browser display.
The stack of templates that make up the TiddlyWiki display are complex but we'll focus on the line that displays the main story column:
<$list filter="[list[$:/StoryList]]" history="$:/HistoryList" template="$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate" editTemplate="$:/core/ui/EditTemplate" storyview={{$:/view}} />
Breaking down the attributes applied to the list widget:
* ''filter'': selects the list of tiddlers in the `list` field of the tiddler [[$:/StoryList]]. If a tiddler is added or removed from that list then it is automatically reflected in the displayed list
* ''history'': references the tiddler to be used to store the history stack (see the NavigationMechanism)
* ''template'': identifies a template tiddler to be used for rendering each tiddler in the list
* ''editTemplate'': identifies a different template tiddler to be used for rendering tiddlers that are in [[draft mode|DraftMechanism]]
* ''storyview'': specifies the story view to be used (eg classic, or zoomin)
The [[$:/StoryList]] tiddler is an example of a StateTiddler: a tiddler that is used to hold the state of the user interface. Changes to the user interface are made indirectly, by changing the underlying state tiddlers, and letting TiddlyWiki ripple the changes through the user interface.
Note how this approach makes the ''open'' tab in the sidebar very easy to implement: it is just another list widget referencing the same state tiddler, but with a different template:
<$list filter="[list[$:/StoryList]]" history="$:/HistoryList" storyview="pop">
<$button message="tm-close-tiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-mini">×</$button> <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link>
Now consider the implementation of the info panel within the tiddler template. We want to be able to toggle the info panel open and closed, which means that we must track its current state in a tiddler.
However, we can't track the state in a tiddler called, say, [[$:/InfoPanelState]] because every tiddler would share the same state; changing the value of the tiddler would affect all tiddlers displayed in the story.
The solution is to dynamically generate a unique title for each state tiddler that we need. We need to ensure that the same state tiddler title is generated each time a user interface element is rendered. To do that, we append together tokens representating each of the stack of transclusions that led to the current rendering location. Then that string of symbols is hashed to a simple numeric value.
The process of generating a state tiddler title is encapsulated in the QualifyMacro.
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
output="the name of each story view"
The names are those exported by [[modules|Modules]] whose <<.field module-type>> is <<.value storyview>>.
<<.operator-examples "storyviews">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[storyviews[]]">>
TiddlyWiki5 provides several features to help you structure information as [[tiddlers|Tiddlers]], and model the relationships between them:
* TiddlerLinks
* [[Tagging]]
* [[Title Lists|Title List]]
* DataTiddlers
You can use this construction to cause the wrapped content to be assigned specified CSS classes or styles:
<<wikitext-example src:"@@.myStyle
* List One
* List Two
Similar syntax is used to assign styles. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"@@background-color:red;
* List One
* List Two
Multiple styles and classes can be mixed. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"@@.tc-tiddler-frame
Some text
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="a string of characters"
output="those input titles that end with <<.place p>>"
negationOutput="those input tiddlers that do <<.em not>> end with <<.place p>>"
<<.operator-examples "suffix">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[suffix[.jpg]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[tag[task]!suffix[ing]]">>
System tags are used to give special behaviour to tiddlers.
! Available system tags
These are the available system tags
* {{$:/tags/AboveStory||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for elements to be placed at the top of the story river
* {{$:/tags/AdvancedSearch||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for search elements
* {{$:/tags/Alert||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for alerts
* {{$:/tags/BelowStory||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for elements to be placed at the bottom of the story river
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel tabs
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel/Advanced||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel advanced tabs
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel/Appearance||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel appearance tabs
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel/Info||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel info tabs
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel/Settings||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel settings tabs
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel/Toolbars||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel toolbar customisation tabs
* {{$:/tags/EditTemplate||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the edit template
* {{$:/tags/EditToolbar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the edit mode tiddler toolbar
* {{$:/tags/Filter||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for filters in advanced seach sample filter dropdown
* {{$:/tags/Image||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for (core) images
* {{$:/tags/Macro||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for global macros
* {{$:/tags/MoreSideBar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for tabs in the "more" sidebar
* {{$:/tags/PageControls||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the page control tools in the sidebar
* {{$:/tags/PageTemplate||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the main page elements
* {{$:/tags/Palette||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for colour palettes
* {{$:/tags/RawMarkup||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for raw markup to be included in the generated HTML file
* {{$:/tags/SideBar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for sidebar tabs
* {{$:/tags/Stylesheet||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} to indicate that a tiddler should be applied as a CSS stylesheet
* {{$:/tags/TiddlerInfo||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for tiddler info panel tabs
* {{$:/tags/TiddlerInfo/Advanced||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for tabs under the advanced tiddler tab
* {{$:/tags/TopLeftBar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the top left bar
* {{$:/tags/TopRightBar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the top right bar
* {{$:/tags/ViewTemplate||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the view template
* {{$:/tags/ViewToolbar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the view mode tiddler toolbar
! System tags in use
These are the system tags in use in this wiki:
<$list filter="[all[shadows+tiddlers]tags[]prefix[$:/]sort[title]]">
System tiddlers are any tiddler whose title starts with `$:/`; such tiddlers are automatically hidden from most operations. They don't show up in lists or search results, but linking to one directly works in the usual way.
TiddlyWiki models everything as [[tiddlers|Tiddlers]], including its internal components and configuration. Thus, even an apparently empty TiddlyWiki actually contains dozens of tiddlers that are necessary to enable it function correctly. Using system tiddlers prevents them from confusing casual users.
The current system tiddlers are:
<$list filter="[is[system]sort[title]]"/>
<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-selective-expandable 'TableOfContents'>>
The table of contents macro produces a hierarchical tree of tiddlers based on their tags.
The top level entries of the table of contents are defined by a root tag. The subentries under each of those entries are tagged with the title of the entry. Entries can be ordered using the `list` field of the tag tiddler as described in [[Tagging]].
The text for each entry is taken from the ''caption'' field if it is present, otherwise the ''title'' is used.
Entries are rendered as a link to the corresponding tiddler unless the tiddler has the value ''no'' in the field ''toc-link''. In the examples below, the entry SecondThree is set up in this way to not appear as a link.
There are several variants of the macro:
* `<<toc>>` produces a simple hierarchical tree of links
* `<<toc-expandable>>` produces an expandable tree of links
* `<<toc-selective-expandable>>` produces an expandable tree of links where the expand/contract buttons are only shown for entries that possess child nodes
The macros all generate HTML ordered lists. The `<ol>` elements are given the class `tc-toc`, with the expandable variant also having the class `tc-toc-expandable` and the selective expandable variant also having the class `tc-toc-selective-expandable`.
! Parameters
|!Position |!Name |!Description |!Default |
|1st |tag |The root tag that identifies the top level of the hierarchy | |
|2nd |sort |Optional sorting subfilter (eg `sort[title]`) | |
The ''tag'' and ''sort'' parameters are combined to make a filter expression of the form:
! Examples
In these examples, the top level entries of the table of contents examples are defined by the root tag ''Contents''. The subentries under each of those entries are tagged with the title of the parent entry, here ''First'', ''Second'', ''Third'', and ''Fourth''. One level deeper only ''~SecondThree'' has subentries.
Here is the tag structure shown with clickable tag pills:
For instructions on adding a table of contents to the sidebar, see: [[How to add a new tab to the sidebar]].
<<tabs "[tag[table-of-contents-example]]" "TableOfContentsMacro Simple Example">>
!! Expandable Table of Contents
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src='<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-expandable "Contents">>
!! Selective Expandable Table of Contents
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src='<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-selective-expandable "Contents">>
!! Simple Table of Contents
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src='<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc "Contents">>
!! Sorted Expandable Table of Contents
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src='<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-expandable "Contents" "sort[title]">>
!! Tabbed Table of Contents
The tabbed table of contents macro renders a selective expandable table of contents with an attached panel that displays the currently selected tiddler.
!!! Parameters
|!Position |!Name |!Description |!Default |
|1st |tag |Tag to be used for constructing the table of contents | |
|2nd |sort |Optional sorting subfilter (eg `sort[title]`) | |
|3rd |selectedTiddler |Title of the tiddler containing the title of the currently displayed tiddler |"$:/temp/toc/selectedTiddler" |
|4th |unselectedText |Text to be displayed when no tiddler is selected | |
|5th |missingText |Text to be displayed when the selected tiddler is missing | |
|6th |template |Optional title of a tiddler to be used as a template for rendering the selected tiddler | |
!!! Internal navigation
This example shows how to construct a tabbed table of contents with internal navigation, so that clicking links in the displayed tiddler will replace the displayed tiddler.
<<toc-tabbed-internal-nav tag:"TableOfContents" selectedTiddler:"$:/temp/toc/selectedTiddler" unselectedText:"Select a topic in the table of contents. Click the arrow to expand a topic.">>
!!! External navigation
This example shows how to construct a tabbed table of contents with external navigation, so that clicking links in the displayed tiddler will open those tiddlers in the story river in the usual way.
<<toc-tabbed-external-nav tag:"TableOfContents" selectedTiddler:"$:/temp/toc/selectedTiddler" unselectedText:"Select a topic in the table of contents. Click the arrow to expand a topic.">>
!! Example
Type: <$select tiddler="TabbedExampleType">
<option value="toc-tabbed-internal-nav">Open tiddler links internally (toc-tabbed-internal-nav)</option>
<option value="toc-tabbed-external-nav">Open tiddler links externally (toc-tabbed-external-nav)</option>
<$macrocall $name={{TabbedExampleType}} tag="TableOfContents" selectedTiddler="$:/temp/toc/selectedTiddler" unselectedText="<p>Select a topic in the table of contents. Click the arrow to expand a topic.</p>" missingText="<p>Missing tiddler.</p>"/>
! Basics
TiddlyWiki5 formats tables using vertical bar characters like so:
|!Cell1 |!Cell2 |
|Cell3 |Cell3 |
Exclamation marks are used to indicate header cells. The example renders as:
|!Cell1 |!Cell2 |
|Cell3 |Cell3 |
! Cell Alignment
Table cell alignment is controlled by inserting space characters before and/or after the cell content. For example:
|Left aligned content |
| Right aligned content|
| Centred content |
|+++ a very wide column so we can see the alignment +++|
The example renders as:
|Left aligned content |
| Right aligned content|
| Centred content |
|+++ a very wide column so we can see the alignment +++|
! Cell vertical Alignment
Vertical alignment of cells is done by inserting either a `^` for top alignment or a `,` for bottom alignment as the first character of a cell. The normal horizontal alignment is still possible. For example:
|^top left |^ top center |^ top right|
|middle left | middle center | middle right|
|,bottom left |, bottom center |, bottom right|
The example renders as:
| :: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | :: |
| ::<br>:: |^top left |^ top center |^ top right| ::<br>:: |
| ::<br>:: |middle left | middle center | middle right| ::<br>:: |
| ::<br>:: |,bottom left |, bottom center |, bottom right| ::<br>:: |
| :: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | :: |
If you need to have a `^`or a `,` as the first character of a left aligned cell, you can use HTML escaping:
| `^` | &#94; |
| `,` | &#44; |
! Cell Merging
To merge a table cell with the one above, use the special cell text `~`. To merge a cell with the one to its left use the text `<`. To merge one to its right use `>`. For example:
|Cell1 |Cell2 |Cell3 |Cell4 |
|Cell5 |Cell6 |Cell7 |<|
|Cell5 |~|Cell7 |Cell8 |
|>|Cell9 |Cell10 |Cell11 |
Renders as:
|Cell1 |Cell2 |Cell3 |Cell4 |
|Cell5 |Cell6 |Cell7 |<|
|Cell5 |~|Cell7 |Cell8 |
|>|Cell9 |Cell10 |Cell11 |
! Table Classes, Captions, Headers and Footers
Table CSS classes, captions, headers and footers can be specified as special pseudo-rows. The following example:
* assigns the CSS classes "myclass" and "anotherClass" to the table
* gives the table the caption "This is a caption"
* adds a header row of cells with the text "Header"
* adds a footer row of cells with the text "Footer"
|myclass anotherClass|k
|This is a caption |c
|Cell1 |Cell2 |
|Cell3 |Cell3 |
Renders as:
|myclass anotherClass|k
|This is a caption |c
|Cell1 |Cell2 |
|Cell3 |Cell3 |
The tabs macro displays a list of tiddlers as a tab control. The user can switch between tabs by clicking on them. The tabs are labelled with the title of the corresponding tiddler, unless there is a `caption` field present in which case it is used instead.
By default the tab control arranges the tabs horizontally with the content underneath. You can also choose to have the tabs arranged vertically by passing the class `tc-vertical`.
! Parameters
|!Position |!Name |!Description |!Default |
|1st |tabsList |Filter giving the tiddlers to be displayed | |
|2nd |default |Name of the tiddler containing the default tab | |
|3rd |state |String to distinguish multiple tabs within the same tiddler (use of the system tiddler prefix is recommended) |''$:/state/tab'' |
|4th |class |Additional CSS classes for the three wrapper DIVs that make up the tabs (multiple classes can be separated with spaces) | |
|5th |template |Optional template through which to render the tab content | |
Within the template the title of the current tab is available in the widget variable ''currentTab''. The ''currentTiddler'' variable is not affected by the tabs macro.
! Examples
Here are some examples of the tabs macro:
<<tabs "SampleTabOne SampleTabTwo SampleTabThree SampleTabFour" "SampleTabThree" "$:/state/tab1">>
<<tabs "[tag[sampletab]]" "SampleTabTwo" "$:/state/tab2" "tc-vertical">>
<<tabs "SampleTabOne SampleTabTwo SampleTabThree SampleTabFour" "SampleTabThree" "$:/state/tab1">>
<<tabs "[tag[sampletab]]" "SampleTabTwo" "$:/state/tab2" "tc-vertical">>
//Exercise//: how would you make sure that the second tab list is correctly sorted? Hint : read [[Tagging]] until the end.
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="the title of a [[tag|Tagging]]"
output="those input tiddlers that have tag <<.place t>>"
negationOutput="those input tiddlers that do <<.em not>> have tag <<.place t>>"
The output is [[sorted|Order of Tagged Tiddlers]] using the tag's <<.field list>> field and the tiddlers' <<.field list-before>> and <<.field list-after>> fields.
If <<.place t>> is empty, the output of `tag` is empty, and the output of `!tag` is a copy of the input.
<<.operator-examples "tag">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[tag[task]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[tag[task]!tag[done]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[!tag[task]]">>
<<.operator-example 4 "[all[shadows]tag[$:/tags/Stylesheet]]">>
This tiddler is to demonstrate the TagMacro.
Tagging is a way of organising tiddlers into categories. For example, if you had tiddlers representing various individuals, you could tag them as ''friend'', ''family'', ''colleague'' etc to indicate these people's relationships to you.
A tag is in fact just a tiddler (or a potential tiddler), and it can have tags of its own. You can add any number of tags to the same tiddler.
See [[Creating and editing tiddlers]] for instructions on how to tag.
By tagging your tiddlers, you can view, navigate and organise your information in numerous additional ways:
* The coloured tag pills on a tiddler give you quick access to all the other tiddlers with the same tag, as well as to the tiddler that represents the tag itself.
* If a tiddler is serving as a tag, then the ''Tagging'' tab in its InfoPanel will show you which tiddlers are currently tagged with it.
* The ''More'' tab of the sidebar has a ''Tags'' tab that presents an overview of all your tags and lets you access all your tagged tiddlers.
* You can use [[filters|Filters]] to create lists of tiddlers based on their tags. You can then display any combination of the [[fields|TiddlerFields]] of those tiddlers. For example, you could build a glossary by listing the title and text of all tiddlers tagged ''Glossary''. Such lists can be formatted in any way you wish: e.g. bulleted, numbered or comma-separated.
* There are a number of special ''system tags'' that control the layout of tiddlers and the entire ~TiddlyWiki page. See [[Page and tiddler layout customisation]] for instructions.
There are two more things you can do with tags:
! Set a tag's colour and icon
You can use the [[tag manager|$:/TagManager]], found on the ''Tags'' tab under ''More'' in the sidebar, to change the colour of a tag's pill or add an icon to the pill.
* To change the colour, click the button in the ''Colour'' column to select from a colour picker. Alternatively, click the icon in the ''Info'' column, then type a [[CSS]] colour value in the ''Colour'' field
* To change the icon, click the {{$:/core/images/down-arrow}} button in the ''Icon'' column and choose from the list of available icons
! Change the order in which tags are listed
By default, tagged tiddlers are listed in the order they were added to the wiki. The <<.olink sort>> operator can change the order to alphabetical.
If you want any other order, add a <<.flink ListField>> field to the tag tiddler, and set its value to be a [[list of the tiddlers|Title List]] in that order.
The ''list'' field doesn't have to mention all of the tiddlers. See the [[precise rules|Order of Tagged Tiddlers]] ~TiddlyWiki uses to order tagged tiddlers.
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection|Title Selection]] of [[tags|Tagging]]"
output="the titles of any tiddlers that carry the input tags"
Each input tag is processed in turn. The list of tiddlers carrying that tag is generated, [[sorted|Order of Tagged Tiddlers]], and then [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's overall output.
<<.operator-examples "tagging">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[task]tagging[]]" "same as `[tag[task]]`">>
<<.operator-example 2 "Concepts task +[tagging[]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[all[current]tagging[]]" "tiddlers tagged with the current one">>
The 'tag' macro displays a tag pill for a specified tag.
! Parameters
|!Position |!Name |!Description |!Default |
|1st |tag |Title of tag |The current tiddler |
! Examples
For example:
* <<tag>>
* <<tag "HelloThere">>
* <<tag>>
* <<tag "HelloThere">>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
output="all the tags carried by the input tiddlers"
Each input title is processed in turn. The corresponding tiddler's tags are retrieved (in order of appearance in the <<.field tags>> field) and then [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's output.
<<.operator-examples "tags">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[Filter Operators]tags[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[all[shadows]tags[]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[all[shadows+tiddlers]tags[]sort[]]">>
A tag tiddler is any tiddler that is in use as a tag.
The ''Tagging'' tab on the InfoPanel of a tag tiddler shows which tiddlers are tagged with the tag tiddler.
A tag can be used without a corresponding tag tiddler.
Sample tasks for the TaskManagementExample.
TiddlyWiki5 can be used as a simple task management system without further customisation. The idea is that tasks be tagged `task`, with those that are completed also tagged `done`. In this way it is straightforward to generate task lists.
! Outstanding tasks
<$list filter="[!has[draft.of]tag[task]!tag[done]sort[created]]">
<$checkbox tag="done"> <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link></$checkbox>
! Completed tasks
<$list filter="[!has[draft.of]tag[task]tag[done]sort[created]]">
<$checkbox tag="done"> ~~<$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link>~~</$checkbox>
When writing an [[instruction tiddler|Instruction Tiddlers]], start by planning a route through the information you wish to present. This should be a simple, logical, direct progression of thoughts, with no backtracking or forward references. Use this approach even within individual sentences: always proceed from cause to effect, from the old or known to the new or unknown.
Keep sentences short and simple. A clear technical sentence seldom contains more than one idea. It therefore avoids parenthetical information. Similarly, keep paragraph structure simple. A flat presentation is often easier to understand than a hierarchical one.
It is often possible to simplify a sentence without changing its meaning, merely by adjusting its vocabulary or grammatical structure. <<.word "Execution of the macro is performed">> just means <<.word "The macro runs">>. <<.word "Your expectation might be...">> just means <<.word "You might expect...">>.
Prefer the active voice by default: <<.word "Jane creates a tiddler">> rather than <<.word "a tiddler is created by Jane">>. The passive voice can be useful if you want the reader to focus on the action itself or its result: <<.word "a tiddler is created">>. But it can often be clearer to proceed from cause to effect and say <<.word "this creates a tiddler">> in the active voice.
Documentation often presents two items that are parallel either by similarity or by difference. The reader will more easily detect such a pattern if you use the same sentence or phrase structure for both. But this must be balanced with the need to avoid monotony.
Prefer precise instructions over woolly descriptions. If something has a name, use it. If something lacks a name, give it a tiddler.
A template tiddler is not actually a type of tiddler, it is a role in which a tiddler can be used.
Templates are a way to re-use chunks of WikiText.
Transcluding through a template extends the basic functionality of [[Transclusion]] by combining two tiddlers:
* A template tiddler that contains the WikiText to be displayed. It can contain transclusions that reference fields in the CurrentTiddler
* A target tiddler that identifies the CurrentTiddler to be used when resolving references to fields
The best example of templating is the main story river in TiddlyWiki. Each tiddler in the story river is rendered through a ViewTemplate that specifies how each field is to be rendered.
See [[Transclusion with Templates]] for details.
# With ~TiddlyWiki you can organise your notes your way, not their way. Your notes conform to your way of thinking rather than being forced into a hierarchical straightjacket of notebooks and tabs.
# ~TiddlyWiki's nonlinear approach will actually make you think about your information in new and helpful ways.
# Finding your notes in ~TiddlyWiki is lightning fast
# There are many ways to customise and adapt every aspect of ~TiddlyWiki
# ~TiddlyWiki is free and is compatible with all platforms. Any web browser will open it. You don't need to purchase an expensive program or pay a subscription fee to use it.
# ~TiddlyWiki files promote the free sharing of information. There are many ways you can share your information from ~TiddlyWiki.
# With ~TiddlyWiki, your information is yours, and you store it where you want to - on your device, on a USB stick, in Dropbox, on your server.
# ~TiddlyWiki features an ever-growing number of plugins, themes, widgets, and languages.
# The online ~TiddlyWiki community is friendly and will do their best to give you the help you need.
# If you are a programmer, you have even more ways to play with ~TiddlyWiki. With ~TiddlyWiki, the more you know, the more fun you can have with it.
TiddlyWiki5 incorporates the Jasmine JavaScript testing framework (see http://pivotal.github.io/jasmine/). It allows the same tests to be run both in the browser and under Node.js.
! TiddlyWiki5 Testing Components
There are two main elements to the TiddlyWiki5 testing mechanism:
* The plugin `tiddlywiki/jasmine` that wraps Jasmine up into a plugin along with some glue code
* The TiddlyWiki5 edition `test` that contains the core test specifications and includes the Jasmine plugin
! Running the Tests in Node.js
To run the tests under Node.js just load up the `test` wiki:
node ./tiddlywiki.js \
./editions/test \
! Running the Tests in the Browser
To generate a wiki containing the browser tests load up the `test` wiki and save it as an HTML file:
node ./tiddlywiki.js \
./editions/test \
--verbose \
--rendertiddler $:/core/save/all test.html text/plain \
The `test.html` file will be placed in the `output` folder within the wiki folder. Open it in the browser to see the test results. There is a prebuilt version of `test.html` at:
A TextReference identifies a chunk of text from a tiddler that can be retrieved or modified depending on the context.
Text references are made up of several parts, most of which can be optional:
* `<tiddler title>` - the text [[field|TiddlerFields]] of the specified tiddler
* `<tiddler title>!!<metadata field>` - a tiddler metadata [[field|TiddlerFields]] (eg, `modified`, `modifier`, `type` etc)
* `!!<metadata field>` - a metadata [[field|TiddlerFields]] of the current tiddler
* `<tiddler title>##<property index>` - extracts a named property from DataTiddlers
Text references can be used in several places:
* As [[indirect parameters|Filter Parameter]] within [[Filters]] (eg, `<$list filter="[tag{MyTag!!name}]"/>`)
* As IndirectAttributes of an element or widget (eg, `<$widget attrib={{Title!!description}}/>`)
* As the operand of a shortcut transclusion (eg, `{{MyTiddler!!title}}`)
* As the `state` attribute of the RevealWidget and the LinkCatcherWidget
! Introduction
The text widget displays plain text.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$text>` widget is not used.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|text |The text to display |
! Horror Stories
Every so often, TiddlyWiki users report heart-rending tales of personal data loss on the discussion groups:
> My entire TiddlyWiki has just been wiped out when Firefox crashed during saving a tiddly.
> Last time I used it was last night at home on my Windows 7 desktop, hit the check mark to stop editing my last entry, it then saves via TiddlyFox and I eject my USB drive. I came to work this morning, plugged in my USB, enter my TW5 password and it doesn't want to open after several attempts. I browse to my TW5 html file and notice that my file size is no longer 3MB.. instead it is 80KB. This leads me to believe I lost everything.
Don't let it happen to you!
!! The first rule of using TiddlyWiki is:
<p style="font-size:40pt;line-height:48pt;font-weight:700;color:red;">
Backup your data!
TiddlyWiki is a very flexible, customisable system that puts you firmly in charge of your own data. Every care is taken in TiddlyWiki's development to ensure that it is a safe place to preserve your most valuable data but the ultimate responsibility to reduce the risk of data loss falls to users.
The best way to make sure that your data is safe is to practise a rigorous system of backups:
* Consider using services like Dropbox to continuously back up your personal data to the cloud. (Dropbox [[has a neat feature|https://www.dropbox.com/help/11]] whereby they keep track of previous versions of files)
* Retain backups before upgrading to a new version of TiddlyWiki
* Figure out and protect yourself from the worst case scenarios: what if your USB stick or hard drive fails? What if your computer is hit by a ransomeware virus?
* Be defensive and redundant: for example, take multiple backups and keep them in separate physical locations
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
! <<.olink before>> and <<.olink after>>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]before{!!title}]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]after{!!title}]">>
Gallery Tag: <$select tiddler='$:/settings/TiddlerGallerySettings' field='gallery_tag'>
<$list filter='[!is[system]tags[]sort[title]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
Gallery Sort: <$select tiddler='$:/settings/TiddlerGallerySettings' field='gallery_sort'>
<option value=title>Title</option>
<option value=modified>Modified</option>
Filter: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/settings/TiddlerGallerySettings' field='filter' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
In accordance with the [[Philosophy of Tiddlers]], documentation tiddlers are typically short and interlinked.
When a tiddler seems as if it needs to contain subheadings, this is often a sign that it should in fact be split into several tiddlers. But it is reasonable for a [[reference tiddler|Reference Tiddlers]] to consist of an untitled introductory section followed by a titled section of details.
Consistency of terminology is essential if the reader is not to become confused. Consistent typography and punctuation lend a professional quality to the documentation. Macros can improve the consistency and maintainability of the text.
Use numbered lists for step-by-step instructions, and bullet points for lists whose order is arbitrary. Use a definition list in preference to a bulleted list if each bulleted item would begin with a term and a colon. If at all possible, avoid burdening the reader with a nested list.
Use a table when information naturally falls into three or more columns, and also for lists of parameters, attributes, etc in [[reference tiddlers|Reference Tiddlers]].
The documentation describes the current reality of ~TiddlyWiki. Avoid discussing future aspirations.
Many documentation tiddlers, especially the [[reference ones|Reference Tiddlers]], are concerned with a single concept. Their titles should be succinct noun phrases like <<.tid "List Widget">> or <<.tid "Tiddler Fields">>.
Each of the main words of such a title begins with a capital letter. Minor words such as <<.word and>>, <<.word or>>, <<.word the>>, <<.word to>> and <<.word with>> do not.
Tags also follow this pattern.
Titles of this kind are plural if they denote a category of items, e.g. <<.tid "Keyboard Shortcuts">> or <<.tid "Tiddler Fields">>. Such titles are used to tag more specific tiddlers within the category.
Where a concept is an item rather than a category, its tiddler has a singular title, e.g. <<.tid "List Widget">>, <<.tid "tag Operator">>.
Start a title with its most distinctive part. For instance, the tiddlers documenting the filter operators have titles like <<.tid "addprefix Operator">>. This helps the reader scan a list of links to find a particular tiddler.
Avoid starting a title with the word <<.word the>>.
In the past, many tiddlers had CamelCase titles. This is gradually being phased out of the documentation to improve readability. ~CamelCase titles should no longer be used, even for tags, except in cases like <<.tid ~JavaScript>> where that is the standard spelling.
[[Instruction tiddlers|Instruction Tiddlers]] often have longer titles that can be more complicated than just a noun phrase, e.g. <<.tid "Ten reasons to switch to ~TiddlyWiki">>. These titles use sentence case, i.e. only the first word (and any proper names) starts with a capital letter.
How-to tiddlers have titles that begin with <<.word "How to">>, e.g. <<.tid "How to edit a tiddler">>. Avoid titles like <<.tid "Editing tiddlers">>, because a less fluent English speaker could misunderstand that as the name of a category of tiddlers.
\define lingo-base() $:/language/Docs/Fields/
TiddlerFields are name:value pairs that make up a [[tiddler|Tiddlers]]. Field names must be lowercase letters, digits or the characters `-` (dash), `_` (underscore) and `.` (period).
The standard fields are:
|!Field Name |!Reference |!Description |
|`title` |TitleField |<<lingo title>> |
|`text` |TextField |<<lingo text>> |
|`modified` |ModifiedField |<<lingo modified>> |
|`modifier` |ModifierField |<<lingo modifier>> |
|`created` |CreatedField |<<lingo created>> |
|`creator` |CreatorField |<<lingo creator>> |
|`tags` |TagsField |<<lingo tags>> |
|`type` |TypeField |<<lingo type>> |
|`list` |ListField |<<lingo list>> |
Other fields used by the core are:
|!Field Name |!Reference |!Description |
|`color` |ColorField |<<lingo color>> |
|`description` |DescriptionField |<<lingo description>> |
|`draft.of` |DraftOfField |<<lingo draft.of>> |
|`draft.title` |DraftTitleField |<<lingo draft.title>> |
|`footer` |FooterField |<<lingo footer>> |
|`library` |LibraryField |<<lingo library>> |
|`name` |NameField |<<lingo name>> |
|`plugin-priority` |PluginPriorityField |<<lingo plugin-priority>> |
|`plugin-type` |PluginTypeField |<<lingo plugin-type>> |
|`source` |SourceField |<<lingo source>> |
|`subtitle` |SubtitleField |<<lingo subtitle>> |
The TiddlyWebAdaptor uses a few more fields:
|!Field Name |!Reference |!Description |
|`bag` |BagField |<<lingo bag>> |
|`revision` |RevisionField |<<lingo revision>> |
See the ''Advanced > TiddlerFields'' tab of the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] for details of the fields used in this wiki.
Tiddlers can be stored in text files in several different formats. Files containing single tiddlers can also have an auxiliary `.meta` file formatted as a sequence of name:value pairs:
title: TheTitle
modifier: someone
!! ~TiddlyWeb-style .tid files
These files consist of a sequence of lines containing name:value pairs, a blank line and then the text of the tiddler. For example:
title: MyTiddler
modifier: Jeremy
This is the text of my tiddler.
Note that many text editors require that files include a terminating newline. If you want to avoid including the terminating newline in the text of the tiddler you can use this alternative syntax:
title: MyTiddler
modifier: Jeremy
text: This is the text of my tiddler.
//The ContentType `application/x-tiddler` is used internally for these files//
!! TiddlyWiki `<DIV>` .tiddler files
Modern `*.tiddler` files look like this:
<div title="AnotherExampleStyleSheet" modifier="blaine" created="201102111106" modified="201102111310" tags="examples" creator="psd">
<pre>Note that there is an embedded <pre> tag, and line feeds are not escaped.
And, weirdly, there is no HTML encoding of the body.</pre>
These `*.tiddler` files are therefore not quite the same as the tiddlers found inside a TiddlyWiki HTML file, where the body is HTML encoded in the expected way.
Older `*.tiddler` files more closely matched the store format used by TiddlyWiki at the time:
<div tiddler="AnotherExampleStyleSheet" modifier="JeremyRuston" modified="200508181432" created="200508181432" tags="examples">This is an old-school .tiddler file, without an embedded <pre> tag.\nNote how the body is "HTML encoded" and new lines are escaped to \\n</div>
//The ContentType `application/x-tiddler-html-div` is used internally for these files//
!! ~TiddlyWeb-style JSON files
These files are a straightforward array of hashmaps of name:value fields. Currently only these known fields are processed: `title`, `text`, `created`, `creator`, `modified`, `modifier`, `type` and `tags`.
//The ContentType `application/json` is used internally for these files//
!! TiddlyWiki HTML files
TiddlyWiki HTML files contain a collection of tiddlers encoded in `<DIV>` format.
The minimal requirement for an HTML file to be importable as an unencrypted TW file is that it has a `<div id="storeArea">` immediately preceding the tiddler DIVs, which must be followed by a `</div>`. For example:
<div id="storeArea">
<div created="20130302085406905" modified="20130302084548184" tags="Examples" title="A tiddler title">
<pre>HTML encoded text of tiddler
<div created="20140315085406905" modified="20140321084548184" tags="One Two [[Three with Space]]" title="Another title" customfield="field value">
<pre>Text of this tiddler
Links are regions of a tiddler that can be clicked to cause navigation to a different tiddler. The navigation behaviour is determined by the current StoryView; the classic TiddlyWiki view displays the story as a linear sequence of tiddlers.
Holding the ''control'' or ''command'' key while clicking on a tiddler link opens the target tiddler but doesn't navigate to it. This can be a useful way of queueing up tiddlers to be read later.
Links are useful for modelling organic relationships between tiddlers, and particularly for expressing the navigational paths between tiddlers.
The InfoPanel lists incoming links to a tiddler in the tab ''References''.
[[Filters]] can include the following filter operators that work with links:
* `[links[]]` - returns the titles of the tiddlers that are linked from the currently selected tiddler(s)
* `[backlinks[]]` - returns the titles of the tiddlers that link to the currently selected tiddler(s)
TiddlyWiki5 alters the appearance of tiddler links to convey additional information about the target of the link:
|!Link description |!Link appearance |
|To a tiddler that exists |[[LikeThis|TiddlerLinks]] |
|To a tiddler that doesn't exist |[[LikeThis|ATiddlerThatDoesntExist]] |
|To a shadow tiddler that has not been overridden |[[LikeThis|$:/core/copyright.txt]] |
|To a shadow tiddler that has been overridden by an ordinary tiddler |[[LikeThis|$:/SiteTitle]] |
External links are shown like this: http://tiddlywiki.com/ or [[like this|http://tiddlywiki.com/]].
Tiddlers are the fundamental units of information in TiddlyWiki. Tiddlers work best when they are as small as possible so that they can be reused by weaving them together in different ways.
A "tiddler" is an informal British word meaning a small fish, typically a stickleback or a minnow. Other systems have analogous concepts with generic names like "items", "entries", "entities", "nodes" or "records". TiddlyWiki takes the view that it is better to be confusingly distinctive than confusingly generic.
Internally, tiddlers are a list of uniquely named values called fields. The only field that is required is the `title` field, but useful tiddlers also have a `text` field, and some or all of the standard fields listed in TiddlerFields.
Tiddlers are ubiquitous in TiddlyWiki. They are used to store everything from JavaScript code modules to the settings and state associated with the user interface.
! Introduction
The TiddlerWidget sets the CurrentTiddler that applies for processing its content.
! Content and Attributes
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The title of the tiddler to become the new CurrentTiddler |
|class |CSS classes to be added to the generated elements |
! CSS Class Variables
The tiddler widget assigns several useful CSS classes to variables that it creates:
; missingTiddlerClass
: `tc-tiddler-exists` or...
: `tc-tiddler-missing` depending on whether the tiddler exists
: `tc-tiddler-shadow` if the tiddler is a shadow tiddler
:` tc-tiddler-system` if the tiddler is a system tiddler
: a space separated list of CSS classes named `tc-tagged-{tagname}`,<br>e.g. `tc-tagged-introduction`<br><br>''Note:'' tag names are URI encoded which means that the tag [[$:/tags/Macro]] appears as the CSS class `tc-tagged-%24%3A%2Ftags%2FMacro`. See [[How to apply custom styles by tag]] for more details
You can use these variables like this:
<$tiddler tiddler="MyOtherTiddler">
<div class=<<missingTiddlerClass>>>
See also [[$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate]].
BuggyJay's TiddlyClip browser extension for FireFox permits clipping of text and graphics from web pages:
TiddlyClip allows parts of webpages to be clipped into a TiddlyWiki, and consists of two parts, the browser addon and the TiddlyWiki plugin. The addon is completely memoryless, any configuration is determined by the current TiddlyWiki that the user has select to work with (we say that the addon is docked to the TiddlyWiki). TiddlyClip is designed to work (in a basic mode) without configuration. Once the addon and plugin are installed, all the user has to do is select which TW to dock to.
TiddlyDesktop is an app for working with TiddlyWiki files (both TiddlyWikiClassic and TiddlyWiki version 5). It can be installed on Windows, Mac OS X or Linux. It is compatible with TiddlyWiki version 5 and the older TiddlyWikiClassic.
See the [[Introducing TiddlyDesktop Video]]
! Instructions
# Install the latest release of TiddlyDesktop from https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/releases
# Run TiddlyDesktop
# Use the browse button to open TiddlyWiki files
# Save changes within TiddlyWiki in the usual way
! Source
TiddlyDesktop is based on the OpenSource project [[node-webkit]]. The source is on GitHub:
TiddlyFox is an extension for Firefox that allows standalone TiddlyWiki files to save their changes directly to the file system. TiddlyFox works on both desktop and smartphone versions of [[Firefox]]. See [[Saving with TiddlyFox]] or [[Saving with TiddlyFox on Android]] for detailed instructions.
TiddlyFox can be downloaded from the Mozilla Addons site:
You can also install the latest development version of TiddlyFox direct from GitHub:
TiddlyIE is an extension for Internet Explorer that allows standalone TiddlyWiki files to save their changes directly to the file system. TiddlyIE works with the desktop version of Internet Explorer.
See [[Saving with TiddlyIE]].
An interactive network visualisation plugin based on [[Vis.js|http://visjs.org]]. A demo can be found here: {{!!url}}.
~TiddlyMap is a TiddlyWiki plugin that allows you to link your wiki-topics (tiddlers) in order to create clickable graphs. By creating relations between your topics you can easily do the following:
* Create mindmaps and quickly manifest your ideas in tiddlers (wiki entries).
* Create task-dependency graphs to organize and describe your tasks.
* Visualize your topic structures to get an immediate grasp of topics and relations.
In general you may create, visualize and describe any network-structure you have in mind.
TiddlySpace is an environment for discourse on the web, built from TiddlyWeb.
TiddlySpace was originally sponsored by [[Osmosoft]] at [[BT]].
TiddlyWeb is a server application that puts [[Tiddlers]] on the web:
TiddlyWeb can be used to host TiddlyWiki and TiddlyWiki5 wikis, making the individual tiddlers available over a flexible HTTP API.
TiddlyWeb was originally sponsored by [[Osmosoft]] at [[BT]] (along with TiddlySpace).
~TiddlyWiki is a rich, interactive tool for manipulating complex data with structure that doesn't easily fit into conventional tools like spreadsheets or wordprocessors.
~TiddlyWiki is designed to fit around your brain, helping you deal with the things that won't fit. The [[fundamental idea|Philosophy of Tiddlers]] is that information is more useful and reusable if we cut it up into the smallest semantically meaningful chunks -- [[tiddlers|Tiddlers]] -- and give them titles so that they can be [[structured|Structuring TiddlyWiki]] with [[links|TiddlerLinks]], [[tags|Tagging]], [[lists|ListField]] and [[macros|Macros]]. Tiddlers use a WikiText notation that concisely represents a wide range of text formatting and hypertext features. ~TiddlyWiki aims to provide a fluid interface for working with tiddlers, allowing them to be aggregated and composed into longer narratives.
People [[love using|Raves]] ~TiddlyWiki. Because it can be used without any complicated server infrastructure, and because it is [[open source|OpenSource]], it has bought unprecedented freedom to people to keep their precious information under their own control. ~TiddlyWiki was originally created by JeremyRuston and is now a thriving open source project with a busy [[Community]] of independent developers.
<<list-links "[tag[TiddlyWiki Configurations]]">>
The TiddlyWiki community holds regular Google Hangouts, usually every Tuesday from 4pm to 6pm (UK time). They are announced in the [[TiddlyWiki Google group|https://groups.google.com/d/forum/tiddlywiki]] and on the [[TiddlyWiki Twitter account|https://twitter.com/TiddlyWiki]].
Past Hangouts are archived in this ~YouTube playlist:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/videoseries?list=PLVT_2PPd-1p34gGCQ5qpwC8QdykxVAI3u" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
TiddlyWiki in the Sky for TiddlyWeb allows content to be synchronised between TiddlyWiki running in the browser and a TiddlyWeb (or TiddlySpace) server. Features include:
* Lazy loading
* Two way synchronisation between the browser and the server
** Synchronising from the server is accomplished by polling (currently every 60 seconds)
* Throttling so that rapidly changing tiddlers don't overwhelm the server
To try out TiddlyWiki in the Sky for TiddlyWeb:
# If necessary, create an account at http://tiddlyspace.com/
# Create a new space, eg `<myspace>`
# Include the space `tw5tiddlyweb`
# Visit `http://<myspace>.tiddlyspace.com/tw5`
This brief screencast shows how to setup Firefox for Android so you can save changes to TiddlyWiki:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/iikkv9orGGI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Running TiddlyWiki on [[Node.js]] brings several important benefits over and above the single file version:
* You can edit your content on any suitably compatible HTML5 browser, including smartphones and tablets
* Individual tiddlers are stored in separate files, which you can organise as you wish
* The ability to build multiple wikis that blend different combinations of shared and unique content
For more information see:
* [[Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
* [[Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
* [[Upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
This is a pre-release build of TiddlyWiki.
It is provided for testing purposes. Please don't try to use it for anything important -- you should use the latest official release from http://tiddlywiki.com.
Try out the experimental system tiddler browser:
\define tv-wikilinks() no
! Building TiddlyWikiClassic
{{Building TiddlyWikiClassic}}
TiddlyWiki5 is a reboot of TiddlyWiki for the next 25 years. It is a complete interactive wiki in JavaScript that can be run in the browser or on the server under [[Node.js]].
Each release of TiddlyWiki5 is identified by a version number that complies with the [[Semantic Versioning 2.0.0|http://semver.org/]] standard.
! TiddlyWiki Core Version
According to the standard:
Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:
MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and
PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes.
Additional labels for pre-release and build metadata are available as extensions to the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format.
!! Alpha and Beta versions
While in alpha TiddlyWiki5 uses the pre-release label "alpha", for example:
Each new alpha or beta release will bump the `PATCH` version number. This breaks the strict semantics of versioning because `PATCH` increments are supposed to be reserved for compatible changes.
//Note that prior to ''5.0.1-alpha'', TiddlyWiki5 used version numbers formatted as ''5.0.0-alpha.19''. The change was made to enable the upgrade mechanism to recognise plugin updates from the version information.//
!! Interim versions
During development when a new release is being prepared, the pre-release label is set to `prerelease`.
! Plugin Versions
Version numbers
TiddlyWiki5 uses the version information attached to plugins for determining which of two plugins is more recent during an upgrade or import. The pre-release label is ignored when performing these comparisons.
"~TiddlyWiki Classic" refers to versions prior to 5.0, when TiddlyWiki was completely rewritten from the ground up. TiddlyWiki Classic is still being maintained at:
MarioPietsch has started a site comparing the syntax and other changes between TiddlyWikiClassic and TiddlyWiki version 5:
As well as traditional single file wikis, [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] supports wikis that are stored as a folder of individual tiddler files.
! Wiki folder files and folders
Wiki folders can contain the following files and folders:
* ''tiddlywiki.info'' - JSON file containing metadata for the wiki
* ''\tiddlers'' - folder containing tiddler files comprising the wiki
* ''\plugins'' - folder containing [[plugin folders|PluginMechanism]] to be included in the wiki
Only the ''tiddlywiki.info'' file is required, the ''tiddlers'' and ''plugins'' folders are optional. Any files and folders not listed above are ignored.
!! Content of `tiddlywiki.info` file
The `tiddlywiki.info` file in a wiki folder contains a JSON object comprising the following fields:
* ''plugins'' - an array of plugin names to be included in the wiki
* ''themes'' - an array of theme names to be included in the wiki
* ''languages'' - an array of language names to be included in the wiki
* ''includeWikis'' - an array of references to external wiki folders to be included in the wiki
* ''build'' - a hashmap of named build targets, each defined by an array of command tokens (see BuildCommand)
* ''config'' - an optional hashmap of configuration options (see below)
!!! ''includeWikis''
The entries in the ''includeWikis'' array can be either a string specifying the relative path to the wiki, or an object with the following fields:
* ''path'' - relative path to wiki folder
* ''read-only'' - set //true// to prevent the tiddlers in the included wiki from being modified. The modifications will be written to the directory specified in ''default-tiddler-location'', described below
!!! ''build''
Note that the build targets of included wikis are merged if a target of that name isn't defined in the current `tiddlywiki.info` file.
!!! ''config''
Configuration options include:
* ''default-tiddler-location'' - a string path to the default location for the filesystem adaptor to save new tiddlers (resolved relative to the wiki folder)
* ''retain-original-tiddler-path'' - If true, the server will generate a tiddler [[$:/config/OriginalTiddlerPaths]] containing the original file paths of each tiddler in the wiki
!!! Example
For example:
"plugins": [
"includeWikis": [
"build": {
"index": [
"favicon": [
"config": {
"retain-original-tiddler-path": true
!! Content of `tiddlers` folder
All the TiddlerFiles in the `tiddlers` folder are read into the wiki at startup. Sub-folders are scanned recursively for TiddlerFiles.
Sub-folders within the `tiddlers` folder can also be given a `tiddlywiki.files` JSON file that overrides the default processing for that folder. The file format is illustrated with this example from the D3 plugin:
"tiddlers": [
"file": "d3.min.js",
"fields": {
"type": "application/javascript",
"title": "$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/d3/d3.js",
"module-type": "library"
"prefix": "var d3;if($tw.browser){\n",
"suffix": "}\nexports.d3 = d3;\n"
"file": "cloud/d3.layout.cloud.js",
"fields": {
"type": "application/javascript",
"title": "$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/d3/d3.layout.cloud.js",
"module-type": "library"
The JSON data consists of an object with a `tiddlers` property that contains an array of information about each tiddler to be loaded into the wiki. That information consists of:
* `file`: the relative or absolute path to the file to include
* `fields`: an object containing fields that override any provided in the tiddler file
* `prefix` & `suffix`: (optional) specify strings to be prefixed and suffixed to the tiddler file text content
The timeline macro produces a list of tiddlers in reverse chronological order of modification date that is grouped by the date of the day of modification.
! Parameters
|!Position |!Name |!Description |!Default |
|1st |limit |The maximum number of tiddlers to list (see below) |100 |
|2nd |format |A DateFormat string for formatting the date |DDth MMM YYYY |
|3rd |subfilter |A subfilter to include in the timeline filter (see below) | |
|4th |dateField |Optional name of date field to use |modified |
The subfilter and limit parameters are spliced into the filter string like this:
To restrict the timeline to a particular tag, the subfilter can be set to something like `tag[mytag]`:
<<timeline limit:10 subfilter:"tag[mytag]">>
Note that the timeline macro does not truncate the entries for a particular day, instead always displaying all the tiddlers under each displayed day heading. This means that the limit parameter works in an unexpected way because it is possible for more than the specified number of tiddlers to be displayed.
! Examples
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html"
src="<<timeline limit:30 format:'DD/MM/YYYY'>>
A <<.def "title list">> is a line of text that presents one or more tiddler titles, strung together with a space between each one and the next.
If a title <<.em contains>> a space, it needs double square brackets around it:
`GettingStarted [[Discover TiddlyWiki]] Upgrading`
Title lists are used in various places, including PermaLinks and the ListField.
They are in fact the simplest case of a [[filter|Filters]], and are thus a way of expressing a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]].
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
negationInput="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="a tiddler title"
output="a selection containing only <<.place t>>"
negationOutput="the input, but with tiddler <<.place t>> filtered out if it exists in the wiki"
`[title[An Example]]` can be shortened to `[[An Example]]`, because <<.op title>> is the default filter operator.
<<.op title>> is an [[absolute operator|Absolute Operators]] (except in the form `!title`), but <<.olink2 "field:title" field>> is relative.
<<.operator-examples "title">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[title[HelloThere]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[[HelloThere]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "HelloThere">>
<<.operator-example 4 "[title[HelloThere]] [title[Filter Operators]]">>
<<.operator-example 5 "[[HelloThere]] [[Filter Operators]]">>
<<.operator-example 6 "HelloThere [[Filter Operators]]">>
<<.operator-example 7 "[tag[Filters]] +[!title[Filter Operators]]">>
<<.operator-example 8 "[tag[Filters]] +[![Filter Operators]]">>
<<.operator-example 9 "[tag[Filters]] -[[Filter Operators]]">>
A <<.def "title selection">> is an ordered set of tiddler titles (or similar strings), in which no title appears more than once.
Title selections are important in [[filter|Filters]] processing.
The simplest way to write one down is as a [[title list|Title List]].
! Introduction
The TranscludeWidget dynamically imports content from another tiddler.
! Attributes
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The title of the tiddler to transclude (defaults to the current tiddler) |
|field |The field name of the current tiddler (defaults to "text"; if present takes precedence over the index attribute) |
|index |The index of a property in a [[DataTiddler|DataTiddlers]] |
|subtiddler |Optional SubTiddler title when the target tiddler is a [[plugin|Plugins]] (see below) |
|mode |Override the default parsing mode for the transcluded text to "block" or "inline" |
The TranscludeWidget treats any contained content as a fallback if the target of the transclusion is not defined (ie a missing tiddler or a missing field).
! Parsing modes
TiddlyWiki parses text in two modes:
* ''inline'' mode recognises character formatting such as emphasis, links
* ''block'' mode recognises all the ''inline'' formatting, and adds block formatting such as tables, headings and lists
Usually, the mode is determined by whether the transclude widget itself has been parsed in block or inline mode. This can be overridden with the `mode` attribute.
For example, consider tiddler "A" with this content:
# Item one
#<$transclude tiddler="B"/>
# Item two
And a tiddler "B" with this content:
# Item one - a
# Item one - b
The result will be something like this:
# Item one
# # Item one - a # Item one - b
# Item two
This can be fixed by amending tiddler "A":
# Item one
#<$transclude tiddler="B" mode="block"/>
# Item two
! SubTiddler Access
The transclude widget allows access to the individual tiddlers stored within a [[plugin|Plugins]].
The following example will transclude the core version of the tiddler [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]] even if it has been overridden:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '
<$transclude tiddler="$:/core" subtiddler="$:/DefaultTiddlers"/>
<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transclusion">Transclusion</a> is the process of referencing one tiddler "A" from another tiddler "B" such that the content of "A" appears to be a part of "B".
Copying and pasting content creates multiple copies of the same content in several different places. With transclusion, there can be a single copy and a special instruction in "B" which indicates the point at which content should be inserted from tiddler "A".
Note that if the content of "A" is modified then the modification automatically appears in "B". This makes it easier to maintain repetitive content, by allowing every piece to be written in a single place, but viewed from many.
The concept of transclusion plays an important role in the [[Philosophy of Tiddlers]] because it is the primary way in which small items of content are combined.
To learn more:
* [[Transclusion in WikiText]]
* [[Transclusion Basic Usage]]
* [[Transclusion with Templates]]
* TextReference
* TemplateTiddlers
* TranscludeWidget
! Simple Transclusion
To include some content from [[TiddlerA]] into [[TiddlerB]], edit the latter to include the following text:
This is the content of TiddlerA: {{TiddlerA}}
The result is that the content of the ''text'' field (i.e. the main content) of [[TiddlerA]] is rendered within [[TiddlerB]].
! Usage
The notation ``{{TiddlerA}}`` is a shortcut for ``{{TiddlerA!!text}}``. This is because the default field for transclusion is ''text'', but any other [[field|TiddlerFields]] can be used explicitly. For example, you can print the last time TiddlerA was modified using:
TiddlerA was modified on {{TiddlerA!!modified}}
By omitting the tiddler title, the transclusion notation can also be used to display the content of a field from the current tiddler, for example:
The current tiddler was modified on {{!!modified}}
! Recursion Errors
Notice that using ``{{!!text}}`` or ``{{}}`` causes an error (//Recursive transclusion error in transclude widget//), because it does not make sense to include the content of the current tiddler into the content of the current tiddler (that is, into itself). Whenever you encouter this error message, it means that you are trying to include something into itself, directly or indirectly (for example if tiddler A transcludes tiddler B which transcludes tiddler C which, in turn, transcludes tiddler A).
! Learning More
In TiddlyWiki, transclusions are not limited to including raw content like the above. To learn about more advanced uses of transclusion, see [[Transclusion with Templates]].
See also:
* [[Transclusion]]
* [[Transclusion with Templates]]
* [[Transclusion in WikiText]]
* TextReference
* TiddlerFields.
! Introduction
You can incorporate the content of one tiddler within another using the [[Transclusion]] notation:
* `{{MyTiddler}}` transcludes a single tiddler
* `{{MyTiddler||TemplateTitle}}` displays the tiddler through a specified [[TemplateTiddler|TemplateTiddlers]]
* `{{||TemplateTitle}}` displays the specified template tiddler without altering the CurrentTiddler
!! Transcluding Text References
You can also use a TextReference instead of a tiddler title:
* `{{MyTiddler!!field}}` transcludes a specified field of a tiddler
* `{{!!field}}` transcludes a specified field of the current tiddler
* `{{MyTiddler##index}}` transcludes a specified indexed property of a [[DataTiddler|DataTiddlers]]
* `{{##index}}` transcludes a specified indexed property of the current [[DataTiddler|DataTiddlers]]
!! Filtered Transclusion
A similar syntax can be used to transclude a list of tiddlers matching a specified [[filter|Filters]]:
{{{ [tag[mechanism]] }}}
{{{ [tag[mechanism]] ||TemplateTitle}}}
! Generated Widgets
The WikiText transclusion syntax generates a TiddlerWidget wrapped around a TranscludeWidget. For example, `{{MyTiddler||MyTemplate!!myField}}` generates the following pair of widgets:
<$tiddler tiddler="MyTiddler">
<$transclude tiddler="MyTemplate" field="myField"/>
See also:
* [[Transclusion Basic Usage]]
* [[Transclusion with Templates]]
* TemplateTiddlers
* TranscludeWidget
* [[Confusion between Transclusion and Substitution]]
! Introduction
In [[Transclusion Basic Usage]] we have seen how to include the content of a tiddler A into a tiddler B. Now suppose that tiddler A contains:
Hello, my title is {{!!title}}
This makes tiddler A display its title with a yellow background (see [[Styles and Classes in WikiText]] to learn about CSS style). Imagine that you want to display the title in the same way in tiddler B. But you don't want to copy/paste the style instructions, because you might want to change the background colour later and you want to keep it consistent among tiddlers. This looks like a typical case of transclusion, so let's try to transclude tiddler A in tiddler B the usual way with ``{{A}}``. You should see the following content in tiddler B:
Hello, my title is A
The style is applied as expected, but the title is wrong: we want ``{{!!title}}`` to refer to the target tiddler B, and not the source tiddler A.
The solution is to use a //template//. In this case, the source tiddler A is called the [[TemplateTiddler|TemplateTiddlers]], and it is //applied// to tiddler B using the notation ``{{||A}}``. The difference is that any TextReference which does not refer explicitly to a specific tiddler is applied to the [[current tiddler|CurrentTiddler]], that is, the target tiddler. As a result, tiddler B now looks as expected:
Hello, my title is B
! Usage
Transcluding via a template is like applying a mask: assuming that the source tiddler contains generic references (like eye holes in a mask), these will be replaced with the target tiddlers values (like the eyes of the person who wears the mask).
A template can be applied to any tiddler, not necessarily the current one. This is achieved using the full notation ``{{<target>||<template>}}``. The default ``<target>`` is the [[current tiddler|CurrentTiddler]] (this is what we used in the above example).
! Examples
!! A predefined template to render tags nicely
You can apply the system template ``$:/core/ui/TagTemplate`` to a tag in order to see it as a tag pill with a drop-down menu:
is rendered as {{Transclusion||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}
See also:
* [[Transclusion in WikiText]]
* [[Transclusion Basic Usage]]
* TextReference
* TemplateTiddlers
* TranscludeWidget
* CurrentTiddler
There is a special edition of TiddlyWiki that simplifies creating and maintaining translations:
Note that no knowledge of Node.js or GitHub is required.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/dev for technical details of creating and maintaining translations.
The translation mechanism of TiddlyWiki manages and switches between language plugins that provide translations of the TiddlyWiki user interface. The developer site at http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/ explains how translators can create and submit translations for TiddlyWiki.
The title of the current language plugin is read from the tiddler [[$:/language]]. If the selected plugin changes then any displayed translateable text automatically changes.
Translation plugins are bundles of tiddlers that each contain an indepedent translatable string. The strings are transcluded as needed.
Translatable strings are generally in the namespace `$:/language/`, for example:
* [[$:/language/EditTemplate/Shadow/OverriddenWarning]]
* [[$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/isfilteroperator]]
* [[$:/language/EditTemplate/Fields/Add/Value/Placeholder]]
Here are some webpages with tips and tutorials related to ~TiddlyWiki
<div class="tc-link-info">
<$list filter="[tag[Tutorials]!sort[modified]]">
<div class="tc-link-info-item">
! <$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
<div class="tc-subtitle">Posted <$view field="modified" format="relativedate"/></div>
This experimental plugin adds the ability to display WikiText written for the original Classic version of TiddlyWiki.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/tw2parser/
A collection of community tips and tutorials curated by Andreas Hahn, including a handy "customiser" that simplifies creating an empty TiddlyWiki with selected plugins and enhancements.
The intent of the project is to encourage people to use and actively tweak TiddlyWiki according to their needs. Similar to the old version, I also want to encourage people to share their knowledge and help other people get the most out of this wonderful piece of wiki software.
WikiText can include blocks of text that are rendered with an explicit ContentType like this:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="green" />
This renders as:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="green" />
It is also possible to abbreviate the ContentType to a file extension. For example:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="red" />
This renders as:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="red" />
Unknown types render as plain text:
Some plain text, which will not be //formatted//.
Which renders as:
Some plain text, which will not be //formatted//.
A render type can also be specified, causing a particular text rendering to be displayed. For example:
This is ''some'' wikitext
This is ''some'' wikitext
Renders as:
This is ''some'' wikitext
This is ''some'' wikitext
Use the [[documentation macros|Documentation Macros]] to keep the text maintainable in the face of change.
Be wary of arbitrarily applying raw bold or italic markup in a sentence. If there's a suitable macro, use that instead. If there isn't a suitable macro, write one or request one.
Use simple backticks (<code>`...`</code>) for fragments of WikiText, but not for the names of things like fields and widgets. These have their own macros.
To keep things clean and simple, quotation marks and apostrophes should be straight `'`, not curly `’`, and the ellipsis should be three separate dots `...` rather than `…`.
Use `"` as the primary quotation mark, reserving `'` for the rare case of a nested quotation.
Avoid using a single hyphen `-` as sentence punctuation. Instead, use a double hyphen -- which ~TiddlyWiki renders as an en-dash -- with a space on either side.
Items in lists and tables should only end with a full stop (period in US English) if they are complete sentences. They should have no trailing punctuation otherwise.
It is very rarely necessary to use an exclamation mark in professional documentation.
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
output="those input tiddlers that have no tags"
negationOutput="those input tiddlers that have at least one tag"
A tiddler is deemed to have no tags if it:
* doesn't exist
* doesn't have a <<.field tags>> field
* has an empty <<.field tags>> field
<<.operator-examples "untagged">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[untagged[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[all[shadows]untagged[]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[list[HelloThere]!untagged[]]">>
# Open upgrade.html
# Includes a data tiddler called `$:/UpgradeLibrary` that contains the latest compatible versions of all plugins in the library
# Drag in old wiki file
# Place tiddlers into a data tiddler `$:/Import` that is typed as a "pending import"
# Kick off import processing for each tiddler
## Give each "upgrader" module a chance to inspect the incoming tiddlers
## Upgrader modules can trigger actions for each tiddler:
##* Display a warning message
##* Don't import
##* Replace with another tiddler from the upgrade library
##* Disable incompatible plugins
# Display the newly created pending import tiddler through a new view template segment
## Displays the payload tiddlers as a list of titles and checkboxes, with a dropdown showing the full details of the tiddler
## Perhaps we also suppress the usual JSON display for data tiddlers behind a reveal widget
# The user can adjust the selection checkboxes
# Clicking "done" unpacks the selected tiddlers from the pending import tiddler
# The pending import tiddler and the upgrade library tiddler are excluded from the subsequent save operation
There are regular releases of TiddlyWiki with bug fixes and improvements. It's a good idea to keep up to date by regularly upgrading to the latest version.
! Introduction
The process described here is for upgrading standalone TiddlyWiki files. There is a [[different procedure|Upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] for upgrading [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]].
When upgrading, please remember the [[The First Rule of Using TiddlyWiki]]:
//You are responsible for looking after your own data; take care to make backups, especially when upgrading the ~TiddlyWiki core//
! Online upgrading
This process will work on most desktop browsers. Note that none of your personal data leaves your browser with this process.
# Locate your TiddlyWiki file in the file system (i.e. using Windows Explorer, the Finder on Mac OS X, or your file manager on Linux)
# Visit http://tiddlywiki.com/upgrade.html in your browser
# Drag your old TiddlyWiki HTML file into the browser window
#* If the file is encrypted you will be prompted for the password
# Review the list of tiddlers that will be upgraded
# Click ''Upgrade''
# Save changes to save the new version
This will download a file called ''upgrade.html'' to your computer. This file is the upgrade of your old file. You may need to open the location where ''upgrade.html'' was downloaded, rename ''upgrade.html'' with the name of the old file you are upgrading, and replace the old file by moving the new file in its place.
! Offline upgrading
You can also download http://tiddlywiki.com/upgrade.html locally and perform the same drag-and-drop procedure to upgrade your files.
! Problems with Upgrades
!! Firefox Security Restrictions
In case you run into this error with the upgrader, upon confirming the upgrade selection :
Error while saving:
Error:NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI: Access to restricted URI denied
The upgrade operation falls foul of a security restriction in Firefox. Until this can be resolved, we suggest either using the offline upgrader, or using Chrome to perform the upgrade:
*# Use Chrome to open http://tiddlywiki.com/upgrade.html, then drag your local TiddlyWiki html file to be upgraded into the upgrader window, as described above in ''Online upgrading''
*# After you've saved your upgraded file, you should be able to open it in Firefox and [[save using TiddlyFox|Saving with TiddlyFox]] again
* //See also : [[Saving on TiddlySpot]]//
!! Incompatible Customisations
It is possible for a customisation applied in a previous version to break when upgraded to the latest version. There are two techniques you can use to help track down issues:
* Try repeating the upgrade having selectively unchecked any tiddlers that may be applying customisations to TiddlyWiki
* Use SafeMode to disable all customisations of shadow tiddlers
You can see which shadow tiddlers have been overridden in the ''Filter'' tab of [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]]. Select "Overridden shadow tiddlers" from the dropdown.
If you've installed [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] on the usual way, when a new version is released you can upgrade it with this command:
npm update -g tiddlywiki
On Mac or Linux you'll need to add ''sudo'' like this:
sudo npm update -g tiddlywiki
By default, when running [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]], the server exposes the wiki at the URI formed from the protocol, host and port - for example, ``.
There are two steps to running the wiki at a custom path like ``:
# Configure the server by passing `/path/to/my/wiki` as the ''pathprefix'' argument of the ServerCommand
# Configure the client by creating a tiddler called ''$:/config/tiddlyweb/host'' that contains `$protocol$//$host$/path/to/my/wiki/`
You can use links (normally displayed as blue text) to navigate from one tiddler to another. Clicking on a link to any tiddler will take you to that tiddler. If the tiddler is closed, it will be opened. The wonderful thing about ~TiddlyWiki is that it makes links to tiddlers as accessible as possible. There are links everywhere! Here are the key places where you can find links to tiddlers in ~TiddlyWiki:
* You can ''create a link'' to a tiddler, whether it exists yet or not, in the body of any tiddler. See [[Linking in WikiText]] to see the various easy ways to create links between tiddlers.
* Each ''tag pill'' in your tiddler (such as the ''Working with ~TiddlyWiki'' tag pill below the title of this tiddler) contains a link to that tag's tiddler, as well as lists of all the tiddlers that carry that tag. This lets you go to any of those tiddlers.
* The ''InfoPanel'' of each tiddler gives you access to four tabs containing additional lists of related tiddlers:
** The ''References'' tab lists all the tiddlers that link //to// the current tiddler.
** The ''Tagging'' tab lists all the tiddlers that have been tagged with the current tiddler's title.
** The ''List'' tab lists all the tiddlers (or potential tiddlers) mentioned in the [[list field|ListField]] of the current tiddler.
** The ''Listed'' tab lists all the tiddlers that mention the current tiddler in //their// list fields.
* The ''sidebar tabs'' contain numerous lists of links to tiddlers:
** The ''Open'' tab lists all the tiddlers that are currently open, i.e. visible somewhere on the page.
** The ''Recent'' tab lists the 100 most recently modified tiddlers, beginning with the most recently modified.
** The ''More'' tab offers eight additional lists of tiddlers:
*** ''All'' lists all tiddlers in alphabetical order.
*** ''Tags'' lists all the tags. You can click on the pill for any tag to access a list of the tiddlers tagged with that tag.
*** ''Missing'' lists any tiddlers that don't yet exist, but have been linked to from other tiddlers. This is helpful for finding tiddlers you planned to create, but never got around to.
*** ''Drafts'' lists any tiddlers that are currently in draft mode. ~TiddlyWiki considers a tiddler's draft to be a separate tiddler for as long as you are editing it, so while you're editing a tiddler entitled ''Australia'', there will be two tiddlers, ''Australia'' and ''Draft of 'Australia'''. When you close the draft by saving your changes to it, those changes will be applied to the ''Australia'' tiddler. So treat the ''Drafts'' tab as a way of finding any unfinished drafts you started.
*** ''Orphans'' lists all the tiddlers that are not connected to any other tiddler by links, tags or lists. This is a helpful aid to editing your file - it shows you which tiddlers need to be integrated more carefully with the others.
*** ''Types'' lists any tiddlers with special content, such as images or audio.
*** ''System'' lists all of the SystemTiddlers.
*** ''Shadows'' lists all of the ShadowTiddlers.
* ''Search results'' are a list of the tiddlers that contain the text you type in the search box.
* Finally, you can create your own custom lists of tiddlers by various methods:
** You can transclude a [[filter|Filters]] (see [[Transclusion in WikiText]]). For example, adding `{{{ [tag[mountain]] }}}` to a tiddler will insert a list of all tiddlers tagged with ''mountain''.
** You can use the ListWidget. This is more complicated than transcluding a [[filter|Filters]], but in return it allows you more flexibility in designing and displaying the list exactly as you want it to appear.
The first steps to changing the appearance of TiddlyWiki are to choose and apply one of the available themes, or to modify the [[colour palette|ColourPalettes]].
In addition, custom [[CSS stylesheets|http://www.w3schools.com/css]] can be can defined by tagging a tiddler `$:/tags/Stylesheet`. Try creating a custom stylesheet now with the following content in order to change the page background colour to red:
html body.tc-body {
background: red;
! Overriding Theme Settings
Custom stylesheets are applied independently from theme stylesheets. Therefore, it is often necessary for the css rules in your custom stylesheet to be more specific than those of the theme you want to override. For example, `html body.tc-body` is more specific than `body.tc-body`.
! Stylesheet Types
Usually it is best to use the type `text/css` for stylesheets. This treats them as plain stylesheets, and ensures that TiddlyWiki doesn't apply any wiki processing to them.
If you wish to use macros and transclusions in your stylesheets you should instead use the default WikiText type `text/vnd.tiddlywiki`. This allows full WikiText processing to be performed. Here is an example:
\rules only filteredtranscludeinline transcludeinline macrodef macrocallinline html
body.tc-body pre {
<<box-shadow "inset 0 1px 0 #fff">>
The `\rules` pragma at the top of the tiddler restricts the WikiText to just allow macros and transclusion. This avoids mistakenly triggering unwanted WikiText processing.
A stylesheet tiddler is processed such that it is first wikified and then the text portion of the ouput is extracted to apply as the CSS. Any HTML tags you will use in your stylesheet are thus ignored. For example, HTML elements generated by the RevealWidget will not affect the output. As in the following example, you can wrap CSS rules in `<pre>` tags to display them as a codeblock without affecting processing, including handling the inner macro.
\rules only filteredtranscludeinline transcludeinline macrodef macrocallinline html
<pre>body.tc-body pre {
<<box-shadow "inset 0 1px 0 #fff">>
!! Stylesheet Macros
Several globally available macros are provided that are helpful in constructing stylesheets. See [[$:/core/macros/CSS]] for the definitions of these macros.
* `<<colour name>>` and `<<color name>>` retrieve named colours from the current [[colour palette|ColourPalettes]]
* `<<box-shadow shadow>>` specify a box-shadow
* `<<filter filter>>` specify a CSS filter
* `<<transition transition>>` specify a CSS transition
* `<<transform-origin origin>>` specify the CSS transform origin
* `<<background-linear-gradient gradient>>` specify a linear gradient
* `<<datauri title>>` retrieves the base64 content of a tiddler for use via the CSS `url()` operator
TiddlyWiki5 can be used to produce documentation for GitHub projects. It lets you maintain a single set of documentation as a [[TiddlyWikiFolder|TiddlyWikiFolders]] containing separate tiddler files under source code control, and then use it to produce `readme.md` files for inclusion in project folders, or HTML files for storage in [[GitHub Pages|http://pages.github.com/]]. Both features are demonstrated by TiddlyWiki5 itself.
! Generating `readme.md` files
When displaying the contents of a folder GitHub will look for a `readme.md` file and display it. Note that it will not display full HTML files in this way, just static MarkDown files (this is a security measure). Happily MarkDown permits a safe subset of HTML, and thus to generate a `readme.md` file that is suitable for GitHub it is just necessary for TiddlyWiki5 to generate the content of the `<body>` element of an HTML document, and give it the appropriate filename.
This is done with this command:
--rendertiddler ReadMe ./readme.md text/html
It saves the tiddler ReadMe to the file `./readme.md` in the `text/html` format.
By default, tiddler links will be rendered as `<a>` links to a relative URI consisting of the title of the tiddler. This behaviour can be overridden by defining the macro `tv-wikilink-template`, as is done at the top of the tiddler ReadMe:
\define tv-wikilink-template() http://tiddlywiki.com/static/$uri_doubleencoded$.html
See the LinkWidget for more details.
In this example, tiddler links are rendered as links to the static rendering of tw5.com.
TiddlyWiki5 can be used on the command line to perform an extensive set of operations based on TiddlyWikiFolders, TiddlerFiles and TiddlyWikiFiles.
For example, the following command loads the tiddlers from a TiddlyWiki HTML file and then saves one of them in static HTML:
tiddlywiki --verbose --load mywiki.html --rendertiddler ReadMe ./readme.html
Running `tiddlywiki` from the command line boots the TiddlyWiki kernel, loads the core plugins and establishes an empty wiki store. It then sequentially processes the command line arguments from left to right. The arguments are separated with spaces.
The first argument is the optional path to the [[TiddlyWikiFolder|TiddlyWikiFolders]] to be loaded. If not present, then the current directory is used.
The commands and their individual arguments follow, each command being identified by the prefix `--`.
tiddlywiki [<wikipath>] [--<command> [<arg>[,<arg>]]]
The available commands are:
<<list-links "[tag[Commands]]">>
TiddlyWiki5 allows you to use SVG to display vector graphics in two ways:
* Tiddlers with the type `image/svg+xml` are interpreted as SVG images, and displayed and transcluded as self-contained `<img>` elements with the SVG embedded as a data URI in the `src` attribute.
** For examples of SVG images see [[Motovun Jack.svg]] and [[Tiddler Fishes.svg]]
* WikiText can also include inline SVG elements directly. See below for an example.
! Embedding SVG tiddlers
You can embed an SVG image tiddler using the ordinary transclusion syntax:
{{Motovun Jack.jpg}}
You can also use TypedBlockWikiText to embed an inline SVG tiddler.
The implications of the image being rendered within an `<img>` element are that it is sandboxed; it can't use CSS styles from the parent document, for example. Neither can the image use WikiText features like transclusion.
! Embedding SVG elements
The other way to use SVG is to embed the `<svg>` element directly. For example:
<svg width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="red" />
Note that inline SVG elements don't need an `<?xml version="1.0"?>` directive.
! Including HTML or WikiText content in SVG images
You can include simple text strings in SVG images using the `<text>` element:
<svg width="100px" height="30px" viewBox="0 0 1000 300"><text x="250" y="150" font-family="Verdana" font-size="55">Hello, out there</text><rect x="1" y="1" width="998" height="298" fill="none" stroke-width="2" /></svg>
HTML or WikiText content can be included within inline SVG images using the `<foreignObject>` element. For example:
<svg width="260px" height="260px"><circle cx="150" cy="150" r="100" fill="blue" stoke="red"/><foreignObject x="70" y="110" width="150" height="180"><body>Here is some text that requires a word wrap, and includes a [[link to a tiddler|HelloThere]].</body></foreignObject></svg>
! Transcluding SVG elements
When embedding SVG elements you can also use WikiText features like transclusion. For example, here is an SVG circle with the radius set to the value in the tiddler [[$:/SVGExampleRadius]]:
<svg width="150" height="150"><circle cx="75" cy="75" r={{$:/SVGExampleRadius}} stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="green"/></svg>
You can edit the value of the radius here: <$edit-text tiddler="$:/SVGExampleRadius" tag="input"/>
[[Variables]] are an essential component of dynamic WikiText, as are [[Widgets]] and [[Macros]]. In fact, a variable is a shorthand of a macro.
You can define custom [[Variables in WikiText]] or use one of the standard variables...
<<list-links "[tag[Variables]]">>
The [[<<dumpvariables>>|DumpVariablesMacro]] macro lists all variables defined in the current scope, allowing you to see and edit their values.
\define tags() {{!!tags}}
[[Variables]] contain values. They are available within the scope of the [[widget|Widgets]] in which they are defined, as well as all child widgets in the widget tree.
!!Defining Variables
Variables are defined by...
; [[Macros|Macros in WikiText]]
: in fact, variables are macro shorthands (see example below)
; SetWidget
: sets a variable to a value
; ListWidget
: sets list-item and iterator variabes
; TiddlyWiki
: in the core and core templates
!!Using Variables
Variables are used...
; via shorthand
; via variable substitution within [[macros|Macros]]
; as parameters to [[filter steps|Filters]]
: `[operator<variableName>]`
; in [[widgets|Widgets]]
: internally, or as widget attributes
: `<$edit tiddler=<<currentTiddler>>/>`
!! Examples
''defining a variable via SetWidget''
<$set name=foo value=bar>
<$set name=foo value=bar>
''a variable is a macro''
Below, the `\define` pragma at the beginning of a tiddler [[defines the macro|Macros in WikiText]] `<<tags>>`, valid in the scope of the CurrentTiddler, returning the value of the standard `tags` field.
\define tags() {{!!tags}}
''using a filter variable to get all incoming links''
Using the <<olink backlinks>> [[filter operator|Filter Operators]] to get all tiddlers linking to this one...
<<list-links filter:"[<currentTiddler>backlinks[]]">>
<<list-links filter:"[<currentTiddler>backlinks[]]">>
The version macro returns the current TiddlyWiki version number.
! Example
The version macro takes no parameters:
Version number: <<version>>
Version number: <<version>>
The following TiddlyWiki videos are available.
<<list-links "[tag[Videos]]">>
The aim is to curate a series of videos to guide people through getting up and running with TiddlyWiki. [[Contributions|Contributing]] are welcome.
! Introduction
The view widget displays the contents of a tiddler field in a specified format.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$view>` widget is displayed if the field or property is missing or empty.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The title of the tiddler (defaults to the CurrentTiddler) |
|field |The name of the field to view (defaults to "text") |
|index |The name of the index to view |
|format |The format for displaying the field (see below) |
|template |The optional template used with certain formats |
|subtiddler |Optional SubTiddler title when the target tiddler is a [[plugin|Plugins]] (see below) |
!! Formats
The following formats can be specified in the `format` attribute:
|!Format |!Description |
|''text'' |Plain text |
|''htmlwikified'' |The field is wikified and the resulting HTML returned as plain text |
|''htmlencoded'' |The field is displayed with HTML encoding issues |
|''date'' |The field is interpreted as a UTC date and displayed according to the DateFormat specified in the `template` attribute |
|''relativedate'' |The field is interpreted as a UTC date and displayed as the interval from the present instant |
|''stripcomments'' |The field is interpreted as JavaScript source code and any lines beginning `\\#` are stripped |
|''jsencoded'' |The field is displayed as a JavaScript encoded string |
! SubTiddler Access
The view widget allows access to the individual tiddlers stored within a [[plugin|Plugins]].
The following example will view the core version of the tiddler [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]] even if it has been overridden:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '
<$view tiddler="$:/core" subtiddler="$:/DefaultTiddlers"/>
<a class="tc-float-right tc-bordered-image" href="http://classic.tiddlywiki.com/" target="_blank">[img width="200" [TiddlyWiki Classic.png]]</a>
The original [[Classic|TiddlyWikiClassic]] version of TiddlyWiki is still available at:
Note that the [[current version|TiddlyWiki5]] of TiddlyWiki is not fully backwards compatible with TiddlyWikiClassic. Content can be imported but will need massaging to adapt to the new WikiText format. A ''tw2parser'' plugin is under development that will allow faithful display of most content created for TiddlyWikiClassic:
The `tm-add-field` message is handled by the FieldManglerWidget. It adds the specified field with a blank value if the field doesn't already exist.
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Name of field to add |
The add field message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the FieldManglerWidget.
The `tm-add-tag` message is handled by the FieldManglerWidget. It adds the specified tag.
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Name of tag to add |
The add tag message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the FieldManglerWidget.
The autosave wiki message causes the current saver module to perform a background save if it is required.
The autosave wiki message should be generated whenever changes are made to the store. For example, the navigator widget generates the autosave wiki message as part of its handling of the [[WidgetMessage: tm-save-tiddler]], [[WidgetMessage: tm-delete-tiddler]] and [[WidgetMessage: tm-perform-import]].
The autosave wiki message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SaverModule|SaverModules]]. Not all SaverModules can handle autosaving.
The `tm-browser-refresh` message refreshes the page, causing the re-initialisation of any plugin tiddlers. It does not require any properties on the `event` object.
The refresh message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the core.
The `tm-cancel-tiddler` message abandons the changes in a draft tiddler. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is being cancelled out of edit mode |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The cancel tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The `tm-clear-password` message clears the current password from the password vault, clearing the [[$:/isEncrypted]] tiddler. See EncryptionMechanism for details.
This message is typically generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the core itself.
The close all tiddlers message empties the story list.
The close all tiddlers message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The `tm-close-other-tiddlers` message removes all but a specified tiddler from the story list. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is not to be closed |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The close other tiddlers message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The `tm-close-tiddler` message removes a specified tiddler from the story list. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is to be closed |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The close tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The `tm-delete-tiddler` message deletes the specified tiddler and removes it from the current story. If the tiddler is a draft then it also deletes the tiddler specified in the `draft.of` field. The delete tiddler message requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is to be deleted |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The delete tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The download file message causes the current saver module to prompt the user to download the result of parsing a specified template tiddler as a file. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of a tiddler to use as a template for the new tiddler |
|paramObject |Optional hashmap of variable values to use for the rendering |
The download file message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget.
The download file message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SaverModule|SaverModules]].
The `tm-edit-tiddler` message replaces the specified tiddler in the current story with a draft version of itself. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is being switched to edit mode |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The edit tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The fullscreen message toggles the "fullscreen" mode of the browser, if it supports it.
The fullscreen message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core.
The `tm-home` message closes any open tiddlers and re-opens the default tiddlers set in [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]]. It also remove any [[permalink|PermaLinks]] from the browser address bar. It does not require any properties on the `event` object.
The home message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the core.
The `tm-import-tiddlers` message inserts a list of tiddlers into the pending import tiddler [[$:/Import]]. It also applies any active ''upgrader'' modules to each tiddler as it arrives (see the UpgradeMechanism for more details).
|!Name |!Description |
|param |JSON text of the array of tiddlers to be imported |
The import tiddlers message is usually generated with the DropzoneWidget or the BrowseWidget, and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
! Configuration Variables
The variable `tv-auto-open-on-import` controls whether the `tm-import-tiddlers` message automatically triggers the display of the pending import tiddler [[$:/Import]]:
* ''no'': The pending import tiddler is not opened in the story
* ''yes'': The pending import tiddler is opened in th story. This is the default
The login message prompts the user for a username and password and attempts to login to the current serverside host. The tiddler [[$:/status/IsLoggedIn]] reflects the current login status with the values "yes" or "no", and [[$:/status/UserName]] reflects the current username.
The login message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SyncAdaptorModule|SyncAdaptorModules]] (typically the ''tiddlywiki/tiddlywebadaptor'' plugin).
The logout message attempts to log the user out of the current serverside host. The tiddler [[$:/status/IsLoggedIn]] reflects the current login status with the values "yes" or "no", and [[$:/status/UserName]] reflects the current username.
The logout message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SyncAdaptorModule|SyncAdaptorModules]] (typically the ''tiddlywiki/tiddlywebadaptor'' plugin).
The modal message displays a specified tiddler in a modal overlay that dims the main page. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler to be displayed |
|paramObject |Hashmap of variables to be provided to the modal |
The "currentTiddler" variable is set to the title of the modal tiddler, but can be overridden by specifying a different value in `paramObject`.
The modal message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget. The modal message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core.
! Example
Here is an example of displaying a modal and passing parameters to it:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src='Your name: <$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/yourName" tag="input" default="Your name"/>
Your message:
<$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/yourMessage" default="Your message"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-modal" $param="SampleModal" yourName={{$:/temp/yourName}} yourMessage={{$:/temp/yourMessage}}/>
Click me!
The `tm-navigate` message inserts the specified tiddler into the story and puts it at the top of the history stack. If the tiddler is not already present in the story then it will be positioned immediately after the tiddler specified in `event.navigateFromTitle`.
The navigate message requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|navigateTo |Title of the tiddler that is being navigated |
|navigateFromTitle |Title of the tiddler from which the navigation was initiated |
|navigateFromClientRect |Bounding rectangle in client page coordinates of the element initiating the navigation |
|navigateSuppressNavigation |''true'' causes the new tiddler to only be added to the story, and not the history stack. This suppresses the scrolling associated with navigating to a tiddler |
The navigate message can be generated by the LinkWidget, the ActionNavigateWidget and the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The new tiddler message creates a new draft tiddler and adds it to the current story. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |The optional title of a tiddler to use as a template for the new tiddler |
|paramObject |Optional hashmap of additional tiddler fields |
|navigateFromTitle |Title of the tiddler from which the navigation to the new tiddler was initiated |
The title for the draft tiddler is chosen according to these rules:
* If a hashmap was used and a title field was specified, use that title
* If a template tiddler was used, use the title of the template tiddler, making it unique with a numeric suffix
* Otherwise, generate a new title based on the default new tiddler title with a numeric suffix to make it unique
The new tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget or ActionSendMessageWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
! Example
To make a button that creates new tiddlers tagged "task", create a tiddler called "TaskTemplate" with that tag, and then make your button like this:
<$button message="tm-new-tiddler" param="TaskTemplate">New Task</$button>
The notify message briefly displays a specified tiddler as a small alert in the upper right corner of the page. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler to be displayed |
The notify message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core.
The perform import message copies tiddlers from a specified plugin into the main store. See the UpgradeMechanism for an overview of how it is used by the core.
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the pending import tiddler. Defaults to ''$:/Import'' |
To select which tiddlers are to be imported, fields with names formed from `selection-` plus the title of the tiddler are used. The value ''unchecked'' causes the tiddler to be skipped from the import.
The perform import message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The `tm-permalink` message changes the browser address bar to form a [[permalink|PermaLinks]] to a specified tiddler, defaulting to the current tiddler.
The permalink message supports the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler to be permalinked |
|tiddlerTitle |The current tiddler (used by default if the tiddler title isn't specified in the `param`) |
The permalink message can be generated by the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the story mechanism.
The `tm-permaview` message changes the browser address bar to form a [[permaview|PermaLinks]] that specifies all the open tiddlers in the main story river, and the tiddler to be navigated, defaulting to the current tiddler.
The permaview message supports the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler to be navigated within the permaview |
|tiddlerTitle |The current tiddler (used by default if the tiddler title isn't specified in the `param`) |
The permaview message can be generated by the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the story mechanism.
The `tm-remove-field` message is handled by the FieldManglerWidget. It removes the specified field.
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Name of field to remove |
The remove field message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the FieldManglerWidget.
The `tm-remove-tag` message is handled by the FieldManglerWidget. It removes the specified tag.
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Name of tag to remove |
The remove tag message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the FieldManglerWidget.
The `tm-save-tiddler` message is applied to draft tiddlers. It saves the draft over the tiddler identified in the `draft.of` field and then deletes the draft. The save tiddler message requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is being switched out of edit mode |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The save tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The save wiki message causes the current saver module to perform a full save operation. The save operation can involve user interaction. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of a tiddler to use as a template for rendering the wiki (defaults to `$:/core/save/all`) |
|paramObject |Optional hashmap of variable values to use for the rendering |
The save wiki message is usually generated by the ButtonWidget.
The save wiki message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SaverModule|SaverModules]].
The server refresh message attempts to synchronise the latest changes to the current serverside host.
The server refresh message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SyncAdaptorModule|SyncAdaptorModules]] (typically the ''tiddlywiki/tiddlywebadaptor'' plugin).
The `tm-set-password` message prompts the user for a new password and stores it in the password vault, replacing any existing password. It also sets the [[$:/isEncrypted]] tiddler. See EncryptionMechanism for details.
This message is typically generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the core itself.
Widgets add dynamic functionality to WikiText.
The following widgets are built into the core:
<<list-links "[tag[Widgets]]">>
Widgets provide rich functionality within WikiText. They have the same syntax as [[HTML elements|HTML in WikiText]], but the tag name always starts with `$`. For example:
<$button message="tm-close-tiddler">Close Me!</$button>
Note that widgets inherit all the features of [[HTML in WikiText]]:
* Widget attributes can be specified as:
** Unquoted strings (that cannot contain spaces)
** Strings quoted with single or double quotes
** Strings quoted with triple-double quotes
** Macro invocations (eg `attr=<<myMacro>>`)
** Transclusions (eg, `attr={{MyTiddler!!field}}`)
* The content of a widget is parsed in inline mode unless the opening tag is followed by two linebreaks, which forces block mode
** 'Inline mode' means that 'block mode' parse rules like headings, tables and lists are not recognised
See [[HTML in WikiText]] for more details.
The available widgets include:
<<list-links "[tag[Widgets]]">>
The ''currentTiddler'' [[variable|Variables]] contains the title of the current tiddler.
!! Usage
Various [[Widgets]] and [[Macros]] are by default applied with respect to the tiddler referenced via ''currentTiddler''. Within the [[ListWidget]] or TemplateTiddlers you are thus often not required to specify the tiddler title.
The following two examples are thus equivalent...
* `<$view field=title/>`
* `<$view field=title tiddler=<<currentTiddler>>/>`
: when [[transcluding|Transclusion]] a tiddler, ''currentTiddler'' is set to the tiddler being transcluded,
: e.g. when using the [[WikiText shorthand|Transclusion in WikiText]]: `{{||TemplateTiddlerTitle}}`
; ListWidget
: overrides the ''currentTiddler'' variable with the currently iterated list-item,
: unless a custom `variable` attribute is specified
; TiddlerWidget
: sets the ''currentTiddler'' variable for its inner scope
!! Example
<$view tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field=title/>
<$view tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field=title/>
!! Other Standard Variables
* [[WidgetVariable: storyTiddler]]
* [[WidgetVariable: transclusion]]
The ''storyTiddler'' [[variable|Variables]] is set by the [[default view-template|$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate]] to the title of the tiddler in the story river. It is therefore undefined in elements like the ''sidebar''.
!! Example
<$view tiddler=<<storyTiddler>> field=title/>
<$view tiddler=<<storyTiddler>> field=title/>
!! Other Standard Variables
* [[WidgetVariable: currentTiddler]]
* [[WidgetVariable: transclusion]]
The ''transclusion'' [[variable|Variables]] is automatically set by the TranscludeWidget to contain a string identifying the position of the current node within the widget tree.
With the ''transclusion'' variable, the QualifyMacro identifies the stack of transcluded tiddlers.
In the sidebar, the ''transclusion'' variable is set to:<br>
When the tiddler "HelloThere" is displayed in the story river ''transclusion'' is set to:<br> `{HelloThere|HelloThere|||}`
Each nested level of transclusion appends another curly bracketed list of symbols.
!! Example
''identifying if we're in the sidebar or not''
\define mymacro()
We are
emptyMessage="in the story river.">
in the sidebar.
Result in a story tiddler:
We are in the story river.
Result in the sidebar:
We are in the sidebar.
Groups of uniquely titled tiddlers are contained in WikiStore objects.
The WikiStore also manages the plugin modules used for widgets, and operations like serializing, deserializing, parsing and rendering tiddlers.
~WikiText is a concise, expressive way of typing a wide range of text formatting, hypertext and interactive features. It allows you to focus on writing without a complex user interface getting in the way. It is designed to be familiar for users of [[MarkDown|http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/]], but with more of a focus on linking and the interactive features.
See [[Formatting text in TiddlyWiki]] for an introduction to WikiText.
The following elements of WikiText syntax are built into the core:
<<list-links "[tag[WikiText]]">>
Under Windows it is possible to convert TiddlyWiki into a true local application by renaming the HTML file to have the extension `*.hta`. The ''fsosaver'' module can then use the ~ActiveX ~FileSystemObject to save changes.
Note that one disadvantage of this approach is that the TiddlyWiki file is saved in UTF-16 format, making it up to twice as large as it would be with the usual UTF-8 encoding. However, opening and saving the file via another saving method will re-encode the file to UTF-8.
See Wikipedia for more details: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML_Application
! Introduction
If you want to [[contribute|Contributing]] to TiddlyWiki's development, rather than [[installing TiddlyWiki in the usual way|Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js]], you can work directly with the GitHub repository.
Mario Pietsch has created a [[short video introduction|Working with the TiddlyWiki5 repository video]].
! Setting Up
# Create an account on GitHub if you don't already have one
# Fork the TiddlyWiki5 GitHub repository from https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5
# Clone a local copy of your fork
# Open a command line terminal and change the current working directory to the root of the repo
# Type `npm link` (Windows) or `sudo npm link` (Mac/Linux) to tell [[npm]] to use this copy of the repo as the globally installed one
After this procedure you can work with TiddlyWiki5 via [[npm]] as though it were installed in the usual way with `npm install -g tiddlywiki`.
See also [[Scripts for TiddlyWiki on Node.js]].
Mario Pietsch has created a short video tutorial on [[working with the TiddlyWiki5 GitHub repository|Working with the TiddlyWiki5 repository]].
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/6ElUruH92tc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Information to help you get started using TiddlyWiki:
<<list-links "[tag[Working with TiddlyWiki]]">>
A thesis notebook based on TiddlyWiki.
This is an example of a thesis notebook powered by TiddlyWiki 5.0.8-beta.
TiddlyWiki is a great piece of software created by Jeremy Ruston. It allows you, among other things, to take notes, organize ideas, store information, and display all your stuff the way you want. It is an incredibly flexible tool you can adapt to fit almost all your needs.
This TiddlyWiki has been customized to serve as a philosophy notebook centered around authors, books and papers, concepts and theories, and personal notes. I use it along with Zotero, which is a dedicated bibliography software. Both are free, open source projects. TiddlyWiki can be downloaded at http://tiddlywiki.com.
buggyj has created several useful plugins, including a WYSIWYG HTML editor, a configurable calendar and tag lists with draggable ordering.
A collection of customisations and macros from Danielo Rodriguez.
This is my personal tiddlywiki file for testing.
Here I will post the tools and Macros that I develop for this awesome tool. That way, all the help the comunity gave me can came back to the comunity again.
An adaptor to enable TiddlyWiki to sync changes with a [[CouchDB|http://couchdb.apache.org]] database.
CouchDB sync adaptor for TiddlyWiki 5. Requires TiddlyWiki >= 5.1.2.
Works in limited testing. Not sure how well it handles conflicts.
A guide to creating a baby journal with TiddlyWiki.
Keeping a journal about your baby is fun. It allows you to keep track of those events in your baby's life and development that are most important to you, and to tell them in your own words. [...]
There are plenty of online services that can help to keep such a diary, but you need to have an internet connection to access them, and you have to trust them to keep your data safe.
A collection of hints and tips from Jim Lehmer, published as a static blog generated by TiddlyWiki.
There is a decent write-up on generating static pages using Tiddlywiki on the main TW site. However, there are a few nuances not mentioned on that page, so here are a few of my notes on how I generate the pages for this site.
A plugin that allows to encrypt your tiddlers individually Danielo Rodriguez.
* You can specify a different password for each tiddler if you want.
* You don't have to encrypt your whole wiky.
* If you forget your password, you only lose a tiddler.
* It's possible to edit the tiddler content , tags and fields except the encrypt field after encryption.
* [...]
An adaptation of the [[TiddlyWiki powered GTD® system formerly known as MonkeyGTD|http://mgsd.tiddlyspot.com/]] for TiddlyWiki version 5.
GSD5 is a Getting-Thing-Done tool for TiddlyWiki5 based off the mGSD classic TiddlyWiki.
A guide in Russian to creating an online shop with TiddlyWiki. No serverside code is needed, instead orders are handled by Disqus.
An extensive collection of hints and tips from Jed Carty.
I made this so that some of my friends with absolutely no coding experience could use some of the better features of TW5 without having to learn much. I am hopefully going to continue updating it as I learn new things. There isn't really anything here that isn't available in plenty of other places, but I figured that since I spent a while putting it together and people keep saying that TW needs more documentation I would post it here.
A step by step guide to running TiddlyWiki on a ~CentOS Virtual Private Server.
In this tutorial we will guide you through the steps of installing and running TiddlyWiki on a ~CentOS 6 VPS.
We will also install and configure Nginx as a reverse proxy, so you can run TiddlyWiki behind Nginx.
A Spanish guide to using TiddlyWiki on Android.
Tiddlywiki software is prodigious based on javascript which is capable of holding a notepad that can be edited with Internet Explorer or function as a full blog, contained in a single file.
//Translation by Google Translate//
A quick guide to using TiddlyWiki (written in German)
Those using multiple different computer platforms (if only PC and Android) knows for certain: You would like to sync notes across computers and thereby be independent of any apps or services. I am concerned at any rate so and so I am constantly looking for the perfect solution.
With TiddlyWiki I found it mostly. As the name suggests, it TiddlyWiki is a Wikisystem. In contrast to all other wikis, TiddlyWiki is a single HTML file that runs in the browser and thus can be used on all modern operating systems. And because there is only one file, it can be very easily via the well-known cloud services (Dropbox, Google Drive, ownCloud) or synchronized with FTP or used on a USB stick.
(Translation from German by Google Translate)
A fast Forth interpreter for the [[Commodore PET|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commodore_PET]], written in 6502 assembly language. The TiddlyWiki containing program documentation is automatically generated from the source code: see https://github.com/chitselb/pettil.
Objectives of the project are, in no particular order:
* make a Forth that runs on my Commodore PET 2001
* have fun
* improve my "6502 assembly golf" skills
* find other people who are interested in this project
Detailed description of setting up [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] on OS X.
For a new job, I decided to set up a personal wiki to keep notes. I wanted to keep it simple, meeting these requirements:
* All the data is in a Dropbox folder (so it can be automatically synced between machines)
* It must support Markdown syntax
After looking at the options, I settled on TiddlyWiki. I've used "classic TiddlyWiki" before, and liked its simplicity, but I was always a little annoyed with the weird steps you have to go through to save changes. The new version of TiddlyWiki includes support for running it as a real HTTP server, so you can use it just like an online wiki.
But it took me a couple of hours to figure out how to set that up. The TiddlyWiki documentation is not clear ("not clear" is a euphemistic way of saying "terrible"). So, I've written up these instructions in the hope it will spare somebody else all the frustration I had.
A gamers guide to using TiddlyWiki.
I’ve been using TiddlyWiki for this game mainly to record the monsters’ locations and the items that they drop. This is so that when I need a certain item to upgrade/create weapons, I can quickly look it up; which monsters drop it and which quests have those monsters.
As I play the game, as I encounter new information, I just input them into my Shining Ark TiddlyWiki. It’s like I’m building a wiki from scratch. The reason why I don’t just use online wikis is that 1) it’s too easy to get spoiled and 2) sometimes online wikis provide too much information (who cares about the non-gameplay related descriptions that can be found in the game, etc).
A collection of tips from Tobias Beer
A collection of references and sandbox for testing concepts around TiddlyWiki 5...
Reaction to TiddlyWiki5 from the translator of the German edition of TiddlyWikiClassic.
There is little software that can still inspire me so even after years, as on the first day. This includes TiddlyWiki, the "pocket-wiki". The latter is because the Wiki completely fits into an HTML file, and this HTML file brings everything - JavaScript program logic, CSS appearance and the entire Wiki content as stored records. So a TiddlyWiki file is then sometimes happy times some megabytes in size, but just has the unbeatable advantage that it works just as fast file created locally in a variety of browsers.
(Translation from German by Google Translate)
An early release of an edition of TiddlyWiki customised for rigorous, academic notetaking.
TiddlyWiki for Scholars is a personal customization of TiddlyWiki 5.0.13-beta I made for note-taking from readings, but it can be useful for other purposes. The idea behind this adaptation is to show and to allow creating relevant data related to the current tiddler without leaving the tiddler.
A collection of tips and guides in French, introduced by this blog post:
Ce guide de prise en main de TiddlyWiki vous permettra de débuter sur ce logiciel : rédiger du texte avec la syntaxe wiki, insérer des images, créer des Tiddler, faire une recherche, ajouter des fonctionnalités, et bien d'autres choses.. Bonne lecture ! Sylvain
Notes and tips by a developer working on writing TiddlyWiki plugins -- including [[TWExe|https://github.com/welford/twexe]], a widget for running Windows scripts and executables.
A collection of articles covering integration with Fargo, Font Awesome and Google Calendar, and tips for managing task lists.
I have become a regular user of TiddlyWiki and have become so accustomed to using Font Awesome icons in Fargo that I wanted to incorporate the icons into my wikis as well.
A translation of the tiddlywiki.com documentation from Bram Chen, TiddlyWiki's Chinese translator.
Dutch blog post about TiddlyWiki
I'm allergic to websites that are highly dependent on JavaScript. I think that JavaScript has many useful applications to add functionality to a site, but content needs to be visible if JavaScript is switched off. I use the NoScript extension for Firefox and surf with pleasure over the Internet without spontaneous things happen that I do not give permission. I love JavaScript on a short leash. More crazier maybe I'm so excited about TiddlyWiki.
(Translation from Dutch by Google Translate)
An extensive collection of tips and resources for users of TiddlyWiki in Japanese.
Chris Hunt's detailed developer tutorials for getting started with writing widgets for TiddlyWiki.
These pages document aspects TiddlyWiki5 programming, sharing "lessons learned" to help developers to get started with TiddlyWiki5 customization and extension.
There are currently two articles in this wiki:
* A Simple Widget
* A More Complex Widget
Huge collection of customisations and tweaks from Ton Gerner.
I am a longtime user of TiddlyWiki Classic and still use it daily since you can't do everything in TiddlyWiki 5 (yet) ;)
I started experimenting with TW5 at the end of September 2013 (alpha10).
Since I missed a few things in the layout I got used to in TiddlyWiki Classic 1, I started with modifying the layout of TW5.
To share my knowledge, I made a few guides about these 'modifications'.
The guides started as a non-linear personal web notebook (yeah, the subtitle of TiddlyWiki!). I started experimenting with layout things and used TW5 to document my experiments.
A wealth of hints, tips and notes about using [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]:
TiddlyWiki is different from other wikis because of its principle of dynamically customizeable "storyline" based on tiddlers as basic units of information. That is, the user "composes" their own version of the webpage by clicking on tiddler links, which add tiddlers to the page in order to compose a storyline.
The Node.js implementation in TiddlyWiki5 adds all the advantages of flat-file markup language based type of site. This makes TiddlyWiki an excellent alternative to flat-file based CMS/webpage/blog authoring systems for the web.
Also very cool is the treatment of tags as menus everywhere.
Stephan Hradek's growing catalogue of tips, tutorials, and other resources. Stephan has also developed several plugins and macros that you can find at http://tiddlystuff.tiddlyspot.com/.
Some things in TiddlyWiki seem like Magic. As my preferred nick is Skeeve, I felt that TW5 Magick is a proper name for this collection of some of the "magic" tricks one can do with TiddlyWiki.
Dave Gifford's growing catalogue of tips and tutorials.
TiddlyWiki 5 is a great tool for note-taking, bookmarking, blogging, organizing to do lists, writing books, and more. But many of the things that can be done in TiddlyWiki 5 are often hidden to the new user, either because the user doesn't know about it or because the user doesn't know how to do it. TW5 mall is a modest catalog of hacks where you can discover new tricks in TiddlyWiki 5 and also find out in layman's terms how to implement them.
Tips and guides for using TiddlyWiki.
I never used Node.js until a couple weeks ago when I wanted to try a TW5 installation on Node and expand my knowledge a bit. I figured someone else may be in the same boat so I wrote it all down
An alternative LaTeX plugin for TiddlyWiki5. It supports a wider set of LaTeX commands than [[KaTeX|KaTeX Plugin]], though not as extensive as MathJax
This plugin provides LaTeX support in TiddlyWiki5, using the [[TeXZilla|https://github.com/fred-wang/TeXZilla]] latex parser to generate MathML.
Only Firefox and Safari support MathML at the moment, so the plugin is only useful if you're using one of these browsers. It might be possible to combine this plugin with MathJax to convert MathML to something that other browsers can understand, e.g. HTML+CSS, but I haven't tried this.
A collection of TiddlyWiki resources from Mario Pietsch, with a focus on cloud deployments. Mario also maintains the German translation of TiddlyWiki.
My name is Mario Pietsch from Austria. I'm living near Salzburg.
This page, will be the portal to my TiddlyWiki, TiddlyWeb related content.
A guide (in French) to using TiddlyWiki on the [[BiblioBox|http://bibliobox.net/]], a variation of the [[PirateBox|http://daviddarts.com/piratebox/]] mobile communication and file sharing system.
I've known TiddlyWiki since its beginning in 2004. For personal or professional needs, I used it regularly for notepad staff in 2007 and 2012. But I admit I ignored the tool during the past two years. And then I said yesterday: but why not put TiddlyWiki on a BiblioBox? Because it is a single HTML file with javascript. In addition I knew the existence of a server version for saving online amendments.
//Hand optimised from a translation by Google Translate//
Matabele's stylish and clean system for personal task management.
This is my work in progress version of TW5, incorporating various features and ideas as and when they intrigue me. To grab any feature you may wish to try, drag the listed tiddlers across to the dropzone of an empty TiddlyWiki 5.0.10-beta
An introduction to TiddlyWiki in Japanese.
TiddlyWiki is an incredibly flexible and versatile tool that is conceived and constructed differently than most software. This can make it hard to understand until the moment when it clicks, and becomes a seamless extension of your brain.
Starting with the basics, TiddlyWiki is a note-taking web application you can download for free, store wherever you like and customise however you wish. Use it to capture, organise and share your notes in ways that word processors and other note-taking tools cannot.
~TiddlyWiki is designed to be non-linear, structuring content with stories, tags, hyperlinks, and other features. You can organise and retrieve your notes in ways that conform to your personal thought patterns, rather than feel chained to one preset organisational structure.
You can use ~TiddlyWiki as a single file that you view and edit through any web browser, whether you are online or offline. Or you can use it as a powerful [[Node.js application|TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] that stores each of your notes as a separate file.
How can you make ~TiddlyWiki work for you? We recommend you start with our introductory documentation listed below, and then browse the TableOfContents, available in the Contents tab in the sidebar. Or just [[follow our simple instructions|GettingStarted]] and try it out for yourself!
<<list-links "[tag[HelloThere]]">>
Information about the making of TiddlyWiki:
<<list-links "[tag[About]]">>
A plugin to integrate the [[Ace editor|https://github.com/ajaxorg/ace]] into TiddlyWiki.
Being quite new to TW5 development I tried my best to draft a SyncAdaptor to store tiddlers in IndexedDb. This is quite useful if an application / plugin installation is not possible (we have quite some restrictions at work...).
TiddlyWiki wouldn't be possible without the ongoing support of the TiddlyWiki [[Community]]. Their attention and feedback has made it possible to gain an understanding of what is wanted from the product, and their passion for it has taught me that it is worth the investment.
! Introduction
The ''action-deletefield'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that deletes specified fields of a tiddler. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.
! Content and Attributes
The ''action-deletefield'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$tiddler |The title of the tiddler whose fields are to be modified (if not provided defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]] |
|$field |Optional name of a field to delete |
|//{any attributes not starting with $}// |Each attribute name specifies a field to be deleted. The attribute value is ignored and need not be specified |
! Examples
Here is an example of a button that deletes the caption and tags fields of the current tiddler:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-deletefield caption tags/>
Delete "caption" and "tags"
Here is an example of a button that deletes the modified date and tags fields of the tiddler HelloThere:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-deletefield $tiddler="HelloThere" modified tags/>
Delete "modified" and "tags" from ~HelloThere
Here is an example of a button that uses the optional $field attribute to delete the text field of the tiddler HelloThere:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-deletefield $tiddler="HelloThere" $field="text"/>
Delete text from ~HelloThere
! Introduction
The ''action-deletetiddler'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that deletes tiddlers. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.
There are several differences compared to the [[WidgetMessage: tm-delete-tiddler]]:
* The user is not prompted to confirm the deletion
* No automatic updating of the story list
* No special handling of draft tiddlers
! Content and Attributes
The ''action-deletetiddler'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$tiddler |Optional title of the tiddler to be deleted |
|$filter |Optional filter identifying tiddlers to be deleted |
! Examples
Here is an example of a button that deletes the tiddler HelloThere:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-deletetiddler $tiddler="HelloThere"/>
Delete "~HelloThere"
Here is an example of a button that deletes all tiddlers tagged [[TableOfContents]]:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-deletetiddler $filter="[tag[TableOfContents]]"/>
Delete tiddlers tagged "~TableOfContents"
! Introduction
The ''action-navigate'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that sends a [[tm-navigate|WidgetMessage: tm-navigate]] message back up the widget tree. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.
! Content and Attributes
The ''action-navigate'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$to |The title of the target tiddler for the navigation (if not provided defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]] |
|$scroll |Optional parameter determining whether the navigation will also cause a scroll to the target tiddler (see below) |
!! Scroll handling
The optional `$scroll` attribute can be set to "yes" to force scrolling to occur to bring the target tiddler into view. If set to "no" then scrolling does not occur. If the `$scroll` attribute is omitted then scrolling occurs unless either:
* the control key is pressed
* the action was initiated with the middle mouse button (if available)
Note that if navigating to multiple tiddlers at once you should use the same `$scroll` setting for all of them.
! Examples
Here is an example of button that navigates to two different tiddlers at once:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-navigate $to="ButtonWidget"/>
<$action-navigate $to="ActionWidgets"/>
Click me!
! Introduction
The ''action-sendmessage'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that sends a [[message|WidgetMessages]] back up the widget tree. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.
! Content and Attributes
The ''action-sendmessage'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$message |The message to send (eg, [[WidgetMessage: tm-new-tiddler]]) |
|$param |Optional parameter string whose meaning is dependent on the message being sent |
|$name |Optional name of additional parameter |
|$value |Value for optional parameter whose name is specified in `$name` |
|//{any attributes not starting with $}// |Multiple additional, optional named parameters that are attached to the message |
! Examples
Here is an example of button that displays both a notification and a wizard, and creates a new tiddler with tags and text:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-modal" $param="SampleWizard"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-notify" $param="SampleNotification"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-new-tiddler" title="This is newly created tiddler" tags="OneTag [[Another Tag]]" text=<<now "Today is DDth, MMM YYYY">>/>
Click me!
! Introduction
The ''action-setfield'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that assigns values to the fields of a tiddler. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.
! Content and Attributes
The ''action-setfield'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$tiddler |The title of the tiddler whose fields are to be modified (if not provided defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]] |
|$field |Optional name of a field to be assigned the $value attribute |
|$index |Optional index of a property in a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]] to be assigned the $value attribute|
|$value |The value to be assigned to the field or index identified by the $field or $index attribute. If neither is specified then the value is assigned to the text field |
|//{any attributes not starting with $}// |Each attribute name specifies a field to be modified with the attribute value providing the value to assign to the field |
! Examples
Here is an example of a pair of buttons that open the control panel directly to specified tabs. They work by using ''action-setfield'' to set the state tiddler for the control panel tabs.
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/tab-1749438307" text="$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Appearance"/>
<$action-navigate $to="$:/ControlPanel"/>
Go to Control Panel "Appearance" tab
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/tab-1749438307" text="$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Settings"/>
<$action-navigate $to="$:/ControlPanel"/>
Go to Control Panel "Settings" tab
Here is an example of a button that assigns tags and fields to the tiddler HelloThere, and then navigates to it and opens the tiddler info panel on the "Fields" tab:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-setfield $tiddler="HelloThere" tags="NewTag [[Another New Tag]]" color="red"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/popup/tiddler-info--1779055697" text="(568,1443,33,39)"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/tab--1890574033" text="$:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/Fields"/>
<$action-navigate $to="HelloThere"/>
Modify ~HelloThere
Here is an example of a button that assigns tags and fields to the tiddler HelloThere, and then initiates editing it:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-setfield $tiddler="HelloThere" tags="MoreTag [[Further More Tags]]" color="green"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-edit-tiddler" $param="HelloThere"/>
Edit ~HelloThere
Here is an example of a button that opens the control panel directly to the "Appearance" tabs:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/tab-1749438307" $field="text" $value="$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Appearance"/>
<$action-navigate $to="$:/ControlPanel"/>
Go to Control Panel "Appearance" tab
Action widgets are a special type of widget that perform an action such as sending a message, navigating to a tiddler, or changing the value of a tiddler. They are used in association with other widgets that trigger those actions (for example, the ButtonWidget).
Action widgets are invisible. They need not be immediate children of their triggering widget, but they must be descendents of it. The actions are performed in sequence. For example, here is a button that triggers two actions of sending different messages:
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-home"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-full-screen"/>
Click me!
The following action widgets are provided:
<<list-links "[tag[ActionWidgets]]">>
Here's a macro that provides a Twitter Follow button for a particular username:
\define twitterFollowButton(username)
<iframe allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets/follow_button.html?screen_name=$username$" style="width:300px; height:20px;"></iframe>
The only change from the version published at https://dev.twitter.com/docs/follow-button is that new lines have been removed.
Note that the src URL is given without a protocol (ie "http" or "https"). It's done this way so that it works on sites whether they are hosted on a HTTP or HTTPS domain. If you want the Twitter button to work while using a TiddlyWiki offline on a "file://" URL, then you'll need to manually add the protocol. For example:
<iframe allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="http://platform.twitter.com/widgets/follow_button.html?screen_name=jermolene" style="width:300px; height:20px;"></iframe>
<<.operator-examples "addprefix">>
<<.operator-example 1 "Cat Garden [[Favourite Armchair]] +[addprefix[My ]]">>
<<.operator-examples "addsuffix">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[London]addsuffix[ Underground]]">>
As the structures within your TiddlyWiki documents get more complex it can be hard to keep the titles of tiddlers consistent. For example, should terms be defined in the plural or the singular? Camel case or separate words?
Recording a formal titling policy can help to reduce confusion. For example, the titling policies for this wiki are recorded in the [[Documentation Style Guide]].
! SystemTiddler Titles
A useful convention is to use the prefix `$:/_` for any system tiddlers that you create to ensure that they are near the top of the system tiddler listing in the sidebar
If <<.place T>> is not present in the input, or is the last title there, then the output is empty.
<<.operator-examples "after">>
<<.using-days-of-week>> The [[Thursday]] tiddler shows a further example.
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]after[Monday]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]after[Sunday]]">>
Alerts are displayed as yellow boxes overlaying the main TiddlyWiki window. Each one corresponds to a tiddler with the tag [[$:/tags/Alert]]. Clicking the delete icon on an alert deletes the corresponding tiddler.
Here's a demo <$fieldmangler tiddler="SampleAlert"><$set name="currentTiddler" value="SampleAlert"><$button message="tm-add-tag" param="$:/tags/Alert">alert</$button></$set></$fieldmangler>.
Alert tiddlers should have the following fields:
|!Field |!Description |
|title |By default, alert titles have the prefix `$:/temp/alerts/` |
|text |The text of the alert message |
|modified |Date of the alert (used for ordering the alerts on screen) |
|component |Component name associated with the alert |
|tags |Must include [[$:/tags/Alert]] |
The parameter specifies zero or more fundamental categories using the following syntax:
<$railroad text="""
[{: ("current" | "missing" |: "orphans" | "shadows" | "tiddlers" ) +"+" }]
|!Category |!Members |!Sorted |
|^`current` |just the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]] |^-- |
|^`missing` |all non-existent tiddlers to which there is at least one [[hard link|Hard and Soft Links]] |^no |
|^`orphans` |all tiddlers to which there are <<.em no>> hard links |^by title |
|^`shadows` |all the [[shadow tiddlers|ShadowTiddlers]] that exist, including any that have been overridden with non-shadow tiddlers |^no |
|^`tiddlers` |all the non-shadow tiddlers that exist |no |
If the parameter specifies more than one category, they are processed from left to right. The overall output is initially empty, and each category's output is [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to it in turn. Unrecognised categories contribute nothing to the output.
As a special case, if the parameter is empty, the output is simply a copy of the input. This can be useful when the parameter is [[soft|Filter Parameter]].
The <<.olink is>> operator is similar, but its scope is restricted to its input.
<<.operator-examples "all">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[all[shadows]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[all[shadows+tiddlers]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[all[tiddlers+shadows]]">>
<<.operator-example 4 "[all[orphans+missing+current]]">>
<<.operator-example 5 "[all[current]]">>
<<.operator-example 6 "[all[current]tag[Operator Examples]]">>
<<.operator-example 7 "[all[current]tag[Recipes]]">>
<<.operator-example 8 "Monday Thursday +[all[]]">>
Current tiddlers:
<$list filter="[!is[system]sort[title]]" />
Here are the details of the alpha releases of TiddlyWiki5. See [[TiddlyWiki5 Versioning]] for details of how releases are named.
<<tabs "[tag[AlphaReleaseNotes]!sort[created]]" "Release 5.0.1-alpha" "$:/state/tab2" "tc-vertical" "ReleaseTemplate">>
Here are some recent articles written about ~TiddlyWiki. Submit new articles via GitHub, Twitter or by posting in the [[TiddlyWiki Groups]].
<div class="tc-link-info">
<$list filter="[tag[Articles]!sort[modified]]">
<div class="tc-link-info-item">
! <$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
<div class="tc-subtitle">Posted <$view field="modified" format="relativedate"/></div>
Audio files can be incorporated into TiddlyWiki in a very similar way to [[images|Images in WikiText]].
! Embedded Audio
Small audio files can be embedded directly within TiddlyWiki. Embedding isn't suitable for large files (over a few hundred kilobytes) because it increases the size of the TiddlyWiki file.
For example, the tiddler [[TiddlyWiki.mp3]] contains an MP3 recording of the word "TiddlyWiki". If you visit that tiddler, you should see an audio player that will play back the recording.
You can also transclude audio files. For example:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '{{TiddlyWiki.mp3}}'>>
! External Audio
External audio tiddlers use the ''_canonical_uri'' field to point to an external audio file/stream, and have their ''text'' field blocked. This reduces their size considerably, but still allows for playback.
For example, the tiddler [[Caruso - Ave Maria]] points to an online audio recording hosted on http://archive.org:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '{{Caruso - Ave Maria}}'>>
If there is a SaverModule available that supports it, TiddlyWiki will automatically trigger a save of the current document on clicking {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''tick'' or {{$:/core/images/delete-button}} ''delete'' when editing a tiddler.
You should see a yellow notification at the top right of the window to confirm that an automatic save has taken place.
Automatic saving can be enabled or disabled through the ''Saving'' tab of the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]]. Behind the scenes, it is controlled through the configuration tiddler [[$:/config/AutoSave]], which must have the value ''yes'' to enable automatic saving.
Each input title is processed in turn. The corresponding tiddler's list of backlinks is generated, sorted alphabetically by title, and then [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's overall output.
<<.operator-examples "backlinks">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[HelloThere]backlinks[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[tag[TableOfContents]backlinks[]]" "tiddlers that link to tiddlers tagged [[TableOfContents]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[all[current]backlinks[]]" "tiddlers that link to this one">>
<<.dlink-ex Base64 "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base64">> is a way of representing binary data, such an image, as a string of text.
If <<.place T>> is not present in the input, or is the first title there, then the output is empty.
<<.operator-examples "before">>
<<.using-days-of-week>> The [[Thursday]] tiddler shows a further example.
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]before[Saturday]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]before[Monday]]">>
Here are the details of the beta releases of TiddlyWiki5. See [[TiddlyWiki5 Versioning]] for details of how releases are named.
<<tabs "[tag[BetaReleaseNotes]!sort[created]]" "Release 5.0.18-beta" "$:/state/tab2" "tc-vertical" "ReleaseTemplate">>
There are two ways to produce HTML block quotes in TiddlyWiki5, one for content spread across multiple lines, and one for single line content.
! Multi-line Block Quotes
The syntax for multi-line block quotes is:
<<wikitext-example src:"<<<
This is a block quoted paragraph
written in English
!! Citation
A citation can be added to the quote like this:
<<wikitext-example src:"<<<
Computers are like a bicycle for our minds
<<< Steve Jobs
!! CSS Classes
CSS classes can be added to a block quote:
<<wikitext-example src:"<<<.myClass.another-class
Operating systems are like a brick wall for our minds
<<< Nobody
! Single-line Block Quotes
The single-line syntax for block quotes is actually an extension of the syntax for [[Lists in WikiText]]. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"> Quoted text
> Another line of quoted text
You can also nest quotes like this:
> A top quote
>> A subquote
> Another top quote
Which renders as:
> A top quote
>> A subquote
> Another top quote
You can also mix block quotes with other list items. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"* List One
** List Two
**> A quote
**> Another quote
* List Three
At its heart, TiddlyWiki5 is a relatively small boot kernel that runs either under Node.js or in the browser with all other functionality added via dynamically loaded [[modules|Modules]].
The kernel boots just enough of the TiddlyWiki environment to allow it to load and execute module tiddlers. The module system is compatible with CommonJS and [[Node.js]].
There are many [[different types of module|ModuleType]]: parsers, deserializers, widgets etc. It goes much further than you might expect. For example, individual tiddler fields are modules, too: there's a module that knows how to handle the `tags` field, and another that knows how to handle the special behaviour of the `modified` and `created` fields. Some plugin modules have further sub-plugins: the wikitext parser, for instance, accepts parsing rules as individual plugin modules.
In TiddlyWiki5, [[Plugins]] are bundles of tiddlers that are distributed and managed as one; [[Modules]] are JavaScript tiddlers with a module type identifying when and how they should be executed.
The tiddler [[$:/boot/boot.js]] is a barebones TiddlyWiki kernel that is just sufficient to load the core plugin modules and trigger a startup module to load up the rest of the application.
The boot kernel includes:
* Several short shared utility functions
* A handful of methods implementing the module mechanism
* The `$tw.Tiddler` class (and field definition plugins)
* The `$tw.Wiki` class (and tiddler deserialization methods)
* Code for the browser to load tiddlers from the HTML DOM
* Code for the server to load tiddlers from the file system
Each module is an ordinary CommonJS module, using the `require()` function to access other modules and the `exports` global to return JavaScript values. The boot kernel smooths over the differences between `Node.js` and the browser, allowing the same plugin modules to execute in both environments.
In the browser, `core/boot.js` is packed into a template HTML file that contains the following elements in order:
* Ordinary and system tiddlers, packed as HTML `<DIV>` elements
* `core/bootprefix.js`, containing a few lines to set up the plugin environment
* Optional JavaScript modules, packed as HTML `<SCRIPT>` blocks
* `core/boot.js`, containing the boot kernel
On the server, `core/boot.js` is executed directly. It uses the `Node.js` local file API to load plugins directly from the file system in the `core/modules` directory. The code loading is performed synchronously for brevity (and because the system is in any case inherently blocked until plugins are loaded).
The boot process sets up the `$tw` global variable that is used to store all the state data of the system.
At the end of the boot process the StartupMechanism schedules the execution of startup modules to bring up the rest of TiddlyWiki.
TiddlyWiki is designed to work with HTML5-compatible browsers.
The following table summarises the browser versions that are known to work with TiddlyWiki
|!Browser |!Status |
|Internet Explorer |Version 10 and above |
|Chrome |All recent versions |
|Firefox |All recent versions |
|Firefox for Android |All recent versions |
|Safari |Version 6 and above |
! Introduction
The browse widget displays an HTML file browser button that allows the user to choose one or more files to import. It sends a [[WidgetMessage: tm-import-tiddlers]] carrying a JSON representation of the tiddlers imported from the files up through its parents. This message usually trapped by the NavigatorWidget which adds the tiddlers to the store and updates the story to display them.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$browse>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|multiple |Set to "multiple" to select multiple file upload |
|tooltip |Optional tooltip text |
|message |Optional override of widget message to be generated. The parameter for the message will be the JavaScript object `event.target.files` |
On iPhone/iPad choosing the multiple option will remove the ability to take photographs/videos directly into TiddlyWiki.
renders as:
BT (née British Telecom) is the UK's largest telecommunications company. In 2007, [[Osmosoft]] was acquired by BT. JeremyRuston subsequently left BT in 2011.
See TiddlyWikiFolders for details of defining build targets.
TiddlyWiki5 can be used to build older 2.x.x versions of TiddlyWikiClassic from their constituent components. Doing so involves these features:
* The `tiddlywiki/classictools` plugin, containing a deserializer module which allows tiddlers to be loaded from TiddlyWiki 2.x.x `.recipe` files
* The `stripcomments` format for the ViewWidget, which strips single line JavaScript comments starting `//#`
* The `stripTitlePrefix='yes'` attribute of the FieldsWidget, which removes prefixes wrapped in curly braces from the `title` attribute
** For example, `{tiddler}HelloThere` would be transformed to `HelloThere`
! Usage
TiddlyWikiClassic is built from the command line by running [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]. A typical usage would be:
node ../../tiddlywiki.js \
--verbose \
--load <path_to_recipe_file> \
--rendertiddler $:/core/templates/tiddlywiki2.template.html <path_to_write_index_file> text/plain \
|| exit 1
<<.operator-examples "butlast">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]butlast[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]butlast[2]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "A B C D E F G H I J K L M +[butlast[7]]">>
! Introduction
The button widget displays an HTML `<button>` element that can perform a combination of optional actions when clicked:
* Executing any ActionWidgets that are immediate children of the button widget
* Execute any integrated actions:
** Navigate to a specified tiddler
** Dispatch a user defined [[widget message|Messages]]
** Trigger a user defined [[popup|PopupMechanism]]
** Assign new text to a specified tiddler
The integrated actions are provided as a shortcut for invoking common actions. The same functionality is available via ActionWidgets, with the exception of the support for highlighting selected popups.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$button>` widget is displayed within the button.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|to |The title of the tiddler to navigate to |
|message |The name of the [[widget message|Messages]] to send when the button is clicked |
|param |The optional parameter to the message |
|set |A TextReference to which a new value will be assigned |
|setTo |The new value to assign to the TextReference identified in the `set` attribute |
|popup |Title of a state tiddler for a popup that is toggled when the button is clicked |
|aria-label |Optional [[Accessibility]] label |
|tooltip |Optional tooltip |
|class |An optional CSS class name to be assigned to the HTML element|
|style |An optional CSS style attribute to be assigned to the HTML element |
|selectedClass |An optional additional CSS class to be assigned if the popup is triggered or the tiddler specified in `set` already has the value specified in `setTo` |
|tag |An optional html tag to use instead of the default "button" |
|default |Default value if `set` tiddler is missing for testing against `setTo` to determine `selectedClass` |
''Tip:'' Set ''class'' to `tc-btn-invisible tc-tiddlylink` to have a button look like an internal link.
CamelCase is formed by taking a phrase, capitalising the initial letter of each word, and smashing the words together to form a portmanteau word. Most wikis use CamelCase to signal phrases that should automatically become links.
<<.dlink-ex CSS "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cascading_Style_Sheets">> is a standard plain-text format used for defining the presentational style of the various elements on a web page.
The <<.def changecount>> [[macro|Macros]] returns the number of times the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]] has been created, stored or deleted during the current ~TiddlyWiki session.
If a tiddler is deleted and subsequently recreated, its <<.var changecount>> will go up by two.
!! Parameters
<<.macro-examples "changecount">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<<changecount>>"""/>
The value will increase if you edit this tiddler and store it again, even without making any changes to its content.
To access the <<.var changecount>> of a different tiddler, use a <<.wlink TiddlerWidget>> widget:
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2"
eg="""<$tiddler tiddler="Draft of 'New Tiddler'">
The value shown will increase whenever you create, store or delete [[New Tiddler]].
! Introduction
This release resolves a number of inconsistencies with the way that filters are handled. The changes mean that existing filters may need to be updated - particularly those that must deal with missing or shadow tiddlers.
! Changes to ''is'' and addition of ''all''
Most filter operators act by choosing some or all of their source titles to pass through or re-order. Those that add new entries that are not drawn from the source list are referred to as selectors. Prior to 5.0.9-beta, a few filter operators were inconsistent in whether they filtered from the source list or selected new entries into it.
The specific changes are:
* The ''is'' operator now always strictly filters from the currently selected list of tiddlers
* The new ''all'' operator acts as a selector by replacing the current list with a combination of tiddlers from specific sources:
** ''current'' for the current tiddler
** ''missing'' for all missing tiddlers
** ''orphans'' for all orphan tiddlers
** ''shadows'' for all shadow tiddlers
** ''tiddlers'' for all non-shadow tiddlers (including both system and non-system tiddlers)
The sources for the ''all'' operator can be combined with the `+` character. For example, `[all[shadows+tiddlers]]` returns all shadow tiddlers and all ordinary tiddlers.
Previously, it was common to have `[is[shadow]]` at the start of a filter string to select all the shadow tiddlers. In 5.0.9 and above, this will not return all the shadow tiddlers, but instead just those ordinary tiddlers that are also shadow tiddlers (by virtue of having overridden one). The resolution is to use the new ''all'' operator. For example, consider this filter from 5.0.8:
[is[shadow]!has[draft.of]tag[$:/tags/AdvancedSearch]] [!is[shadow]!has[draft.of]tag[$:/tags/AdvancedSearch]] +[tag[$:/tags/AdvancedSearch]]
In 5.0.9, that filter has been changed to:
Note how the ''all'' operator allows operations to be performed on tiddlers from combinations of sources.
!! Changes to `[is[current]]`
One result of the changes is that `[is[current]]` now strictly filters from the source tiddlers; so, if the current tiddler is a missing tiddler not in the source list, then `[is[current]]` will return an empty list.
The solution is generally to use `[all[current]]` instead. It doesn't read as well, but has the required behaviour of returning just the current tiddler, regardless of whether it is in the source tiddlers.
! Changes to ''title'' and ''field''
There are minor changes to the way that the ''title'' and ''field'' operators work.
The ''title'' operator is a selector: it returns the specified title regardless of whether it is in the current source. ''title'' is used as the default operator if none is specified
The ''field'' operator is a filter: it only returns a subset of the source tiddlers. ''field'' is used as the default operator if the supplied operator is not defined (the supplied operator is passed as the suffix to the field operator, so `[description[Missing]]` is equivalent to `[field:description[Missing]]`).
! Introduction
The checkbox widget displays an HTML `<input type="checkbox">` element that is dynamically bound to either:
* the presence or absence of a specified tag on a specified tiddler
* the value of a specified field of a specified tiddler
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$checkbox>` widget is displayed within an HTML `<label>` element immediately after the checkbox itself. This means that clicking on the content will toggle the checkbox.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |Title of the tiddler to manipulate (defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]) |
|tag |The name of the tag to which the checkbox should be bound |
|invertTag |When set to ''yes'', flips the tag binding logic so that the absence of the tag causes the checkbox to be checked |
|field |The name of the field to which the checkbox should be bound |
|checked |The value of the field corresponding to the checkbox being checked |
|unchecked |The value of the field corresponding to the checkbox being unchecked |
|default |The default value to use if the field is not defined |
|class |The class that will be assigned to the label element |
!! Tag Mode
Using the checkbox widget in tag mode requires the ''tag'' attribute to specify the name of the tag. The ''tiddler'' attribute specifies the tiddler to target, defaulting to the current tiddler if not present.
This example creates a checkbox that flips the ''done'' tag on the current tiddler:
<$checkbox tag="done">Is it done?</$checkbox>
!! Field Mode
Using the checkbox widget in field mode requires the ''field'' attribute to specify the name of the field. The ''checked'' and ''unchecked'' attributes specify the values to be assigned to the field to correspond to its checked and unchecked states respectively. The ''default'' attribute is used as a fallback value if the field is not defined.
This example creates a checkbox that is checked if the field ''status'' is equal to ''open'' and unchecked if the field is equal to ''closed''. If the field is undefined then it defaults to ''closed'', meaning that the checkbox will be unchecked if the ''status'' field is missing.
<$checkbox field="status" checked="open" unchecked="closed" default="closed">Is it open?</$checkbox>
TiddlyWiki 的简体中文翻译版本:
<!-- * ''文件'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/zh-Hans/index.html -->
* ''空白版本'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/zh-Hans/empty.html
另请参阅 [[中文 (正體) 版|Chinese (Traditional) Edition]]。
TiddlyWiki 的正體中文翻譯版本:
<!-- * ''文件'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/zh-Hant/index.html -->
* ''空白版本'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/zh-Hant/empty.html
另請參閱 [[中文 (简体) 版|Chinese (Simplified) Edition]]。
You can use triple backticks <code>```</code> to mark code blocks:
This will be monospaced
Renders as:
This will be monospaced
To be interpreted correctly, the three backticks need to be at the start of the line and immediately followed by a line-break.
Be aware that any preceding paragraph content should be properly terminated with a double line break, too. So, this example is wrong:
This is an ordinary paragraph
This will be monospaced
The correct version is:
This is an ordinary paragraph
This will be monospaced
Note that some keyboard layouts treat the backtick as a [[dead key|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_key]], making it hard to type. The trick is to type three backticks followed by a space. Alternatively, type all six backticks in one go, then a space, and then move the cursor back three characters to type or paste the content.
The CodeMirror plugin adds a sophisticated web-based editor to TiddlyWiki.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/codemirror/
The <<.def colour>> (or <<.def color>>) [[macro|Macros]] returns the [[CSS|Cascading Style Sheets]] value of one the colours in the current [[palette|ColourPalettes]].
If no such entry exists in the current palette, the [[vanilla palette|$:/palettes/Vanilla]] is used instead.
!! Parameters
: The name of the palette entry, e.g. `page-background`
<<.macro-examples "colour">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<<colour code-border>>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2" eg="""<<colour foreground>>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="3" eg="""<<colour page-background>>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="4" eg="""<<colour sidebar-tab-background>>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="5" eg="""<<colour tag-foreground>>"""/>
A colour palette is a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]] that supplies a [[CSS]] colour value, such as ''yellow'' or ''#fe0'', for each of several colour names, like this:
page-background: #fe0
table-border: #ccc
Several palettes form part of the core. The system tiddler [[$:/palette]] always contains the title of the currently selected palette tiddler.
To retrieve the value of a named colour from the current palette, e.g. for use in a stylesheet tiddler, use the <<.mlink colour>> macro:
<<colour page-background>>
Palette tiddlers should have the following fields:
|!Name |!Value |
|title |Typically starting with `$:/` |
|type |`application/x-tiddler-dictionary` |
|tags |`$:/tags/Palette` |
|description |Displayed in the palette browser |
|text |`name: value` colour definitions |
<<.dlink-ex CSV "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comma-separated_values">> is a standard plain-text format for storing a table of data.
Each row of the table is called a <<.def record>> and occupies one line.
The columns are called <<.def fields>>. Each field of a row is separated from the next by a comma, and is often delimited by quotation marks.
The <<.mlink csvtiddlers>> macro returns tiddler content in this format.
A <<.def command>> is one of the following words, written with a `--` prefix and used as a command-line option to [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]], indicating which action is desired.
<<list-links "[tag[Commands]]">>
<<.operator-examples "commands">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[commands[]]">>
Here we gather the latest and most useful material from the TiddlyWiki community.
<<tabs "Forums Latest Tutorials Resources Examples Articles Meetups" "Latest">>
//This is a sample task for the TaskManagementExample//
These are the concepts underlying TiddlyWiki. Understanding how these ideas fit together is the key to getting the most from TiddlyWiki.
<<list-links "[tag[Concepts]]">>
The configuration tiddler [[$:/config/TiddlerInfo/Default]] contains the title of the tiddler containing the default tiddler info tab.
The default value is `$:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/Tools` corresponding to the ''Tools'' tab. Other possible values are:
<$list filter="[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/TiddlerInfo]!has[draft.of]]">
<$view field="title"/>
Used in Internet protocols to indicate the type that should be used to interpret the content of a web resource.
In TiddlyWiki, the `type` field gives the content type to apply to the main `text` field.
!! List of Common Content Types
|!Group |!Type |!Content of `type` field |
|^''Developer'' |Data dictionary |application/x-tiddler-dictionary|
|~|~JavaScript code |application/javascript|
|~|JSON data |application/json|
|~|Static stylesheet |text/css|
|^''Image''|GIF image |image/gif|
|~|ICO format icon file |image/x-icon|
|~|JPEG image |image/jpeg|
|~|PDF image |application/pdf|
|~|PNG image |image/png|
|~|Structured Vector Graphics image |image/svg+xml|
|^''Text''|HTML markup |text/html|
|~|[[CSS|Cascading Style Sheets]] stylesheet |text/css|
|~|[[Comma-separated values|Comma-Separated Values]] |text/csv|
|~|Plain text |text/plain|
|~|~TiddlyWiki 5 |text/vnd.tiddlywiki|
|~|~TiddlyWiki Classic |text/x-tiddlywiki|
The <<.def contrastcolour>> [[macro|Macros]] returns whichever of two given [[CSS|Cascading Style Sheets]] colours is deemed to contrast best with another.
An example can be seen in the [[template tiddler for tag pills|$:/core/ui/TagTemplate]].
!! Parameters
: The colour to contrast against (typically a background colour)
: An alternative colour to contrast against. This is used when <<.param target>> is undefined or not a valid colour
: The first of the two colours to choose between
: The second of the two colours to choose between
We welcome contributions to the code and documentation of TiddlyWiki in several ways:
* ReportingBugs
* Helping to [[improve our documentation|Improving TiddlyWiki Documentation]]
* Contributing to the code via [[GitHub|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5]]
** See http://tiddlywiki.com/dev for more details
There are other ways to [[help TiddlyWiki|HelpingTiddlyWiki]] too.
! Contributor License Agreement
{{Contributor License Agreement}}
! How to sign the CLA
{{Signing the Contributor License Agreement}}
//The CLA documents used for this project were created using [[Harmony Project Templates|http://www.harmonyagreements.org]]. "HA-CLA-I-LIST Version 1.0" for "CLA-individual" and "HA-CLA-E-LIST Version 1.0" for "CLA-entity".//
**When not owning the copyright in the entire work of authorship**
In this case, please clearly state so, since otherwise we assume that you are the legal copyright holder of the contributed work! Please provide links and additional information that clarify under which license the rest of the code is distributed.
\define tv-wikilink-template() http://tiddlywiki.com/static/$uri_doubleencoded$.html
! Contributing to TiddlyWiki5
//This file was automatically generated by TiddlyWiki5//
Like other OpenSource projects, TiddlyWiki5 needs a signed contributor license agreement from individual contributors. This is a legal agreement that allows contributors to assert that they own the copyright of their contribution, and that they agree to license it to the UnaMesa Association (the legal entity that owns TiddlyWiki on behalf of the community).
* For individuals use: [[licenses/CLA-individual|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/licenses/cla-individual.md]]
* For entities use: [[licenses/CLA-entity|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/licenses/cla-entity.md]]
The following individuals have generously given their time to [[contribute to the development of TiddlyWiki|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/graphs/contributors]]:
* Jeremy Ruston ([[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]])
* Dave Gifford ([[@giffmex|https://github.com/giffmex]])
* Bram Chen ([[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]])
* Mario Pietsch ([[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]])
* Xavier Cazin ([[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]])
* Eric Shulman ([[@ericshulman|https://github.com/ericshulman]])
* Stephan Hradek ([[@Skeeve|https://github.com/Skeeve]])
* ~BuggyJef ([[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]])
* Nathan Cain ([[@natecain|https://github.com/natecain]])
* Ton Gerner ([[@gernert|https://github.com/gernert]])
* Devin Weaver ([[@sukima|https://github.com/sukima]])
* João Bolila ([[@jbolila|https://github.com/jbolila]])
* David Johnston ([[@Brennall|https://github.com/Brennall]])
* David Jade ([[@davidjade|https://github.com/davidjade]])
* Bob Robison ([[@grayeul|https://github.com/grayeul]])
* [[@nameanyone|https://github.com/nameanyone]]
* Maurizio Pollio ([[@mpollio|https://github.com/mpollio]])
* Ogoshi Masayuki ([[@ogoshima|https://github.com/ogoshima]])
* Chris Sugden ([[@csugden|https://github.com/csugden]])
* [[@asampal|https://github.com/asampal]]
* Bow Yi Jang ([[@Eucaly|https://github.com/Eucaly]])
* Mal Gamble ([[@malgam|https://github.com/malgam]])
* Michael Fogleman ([[@mwfogleman|https://github.com/mwfogleman]])
* Daniel Barrett ([[@shendaras|https://github.com/shendaras]])
* Simon Baird ([[@simonbaird|https://github.com/simonbaird]])
* James Anderson ([[@welford|https://github.com/welford]])
* Jon Lister ([[@jayfresh|https://github.com/jayfresh]])
* [[@TheDiveO|https://github.com/TheDiveO]]
* Danielo Rodríguez ([[@danielo515|https://github.com/danielo515]])
* [[@willover|https://github.com/willover]]
* [[@slotik|https://github.com/slotik]]
* Irene Knapp ([[@IreneKnapp|https://github.com/IreneKnapp]])
* Brian Shaver ([[@shakerlxxv|https://github.com/shakerlxxv]])
* Tobi Beer ([[@tobibeer|https://github.com/tobibeer]])
* Craig Cook ([[@BoyCook|https://github.com/BoyCook]])
You can copy an individual tiddler from one TiddlyWiki file to another by dragging a link to the tiddler from one browser window to another.
The following [[macros|Macros]] are built into ~TiddlyWiki's core:
<<list-links "[tag[Core Macros]]">>
The following [[variables|Variables]] are built into ~TiddlyWiki's core:
<<list-links "[tag[Core Variables]] -[tag[Configuration Variables]]">>
The core will also use various configuration variables and macros if you define them:
<<list-links "[tag[Configuration Variables]]">>
! Introduction
The count widget displays the number of matches to a specified [[filter expression|Filters]].
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$count>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|filter |The filter expression to count |
To create a custom export format that exports tiddlers as their raw body text:
# Create a tiddler with the following fields:
#* ''tags'': [[$:/tags/Exporter]]
#* ''description'': Description of this exporter
#* ''extension'': Default file extension for this export format (including the dot; for example `.tid`)
# Set the following content:
\define renderContent()
{{{ $(exportFilter)$ ||$:/core/templates/plain-text-tiddler}}}
The variable `exportFilter` contains a filter defining which tiddlers should be exported.
! Creating tiddlers
You create a tiddler either by clicking the {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar, or by clicking on a link to a missing tiddler. Links to missing tiddlers are shown in [[blue italics]].
See also:
* [[Creating journal tiddlers]]
! Editing tiddlers
To edit an existing tiddler, click the {{$:/core/images/edit-button}} button at the top right of the tiddler.
!! Draft mode
When you create a new tiddler or edit an existing one, the tiddler will go into draft mode. This presents a control panel for modifying the tiddler in various ways. It has several parts, from top to bottom:
*''The title field'' - Use this to change the title of the tiddler
*''The tag selector'' - Use this to add or remove tags. As you type a tag name in the box, a dropdown list will show you any existing tags that match. You can pick from this list or create a completely new tag. Then click the ''add'' button to add the tag to the tiddler. Each tag is shown as a coloured pill. Click the "×" on a pill to remove that tag
*''The text area'' - Use this to edit the main content of the tiddler. Click the ''show preview'' button to see what your changes will look like
*''The type selector'' - Use this when a tiddler needs to be displayed in a special way, such as an image. See ContentType for a list of the options. The default is `text/vnd.tiddlywiki`, which means the tiddler contains WikiText
*''The field selector'' - Use this to add or remove fields on the tiddler. For example, if you are editing a tiddler that's being used to tag other tiddlers, you can add a [[''list'' field|ListField]] to change the order in which those tiddlers will be listed
! Save, cancel or delete
When you have finished editing, click a button at the top right of the tiddler:
*The ''save'' button ({{$:/core/images/done-button}}) stores your changes to this one tiddler and leaves draft mode. If your wiki is configured to [[AutoSave]], your changes will be permanently saved. Otherwise they will only be stored temporarily in your web browser, and you will lose them if you close your ~TiddlyWiki page without first clicking the master ''save changes'' button {{$:/core/images/save-button}} in the sidebar.
*The ''cancel'' button ({{$:/core/images/cancel-button}}) discards your changes (after asking you to confirm) and leaves draft mode.
*The ''delete'' button ({{$:/core/images/delete-button}}) deletes the entire tiddler (after asking you to confirm).
! Introduction
Journal tiddlers are tiddlers that use a date and/or time as their title. They are typically used as a quick way to record time-stamped information.
You can use additional tags on a journal tiddler to link it to other tiddlers, helping to establish the relationships between items of information.
For example, you might use a journal tiddler called ''10th October 2014'' to record thoughts and information captured on that particular day. The tags ''Shopping'' and ''London'' might be used to indicate that the entry concerns shopping in London.
! Creating a journal tiddler
The easiest way to create a journal tiddler is to use the ''new journal'' button in the ''Tools'' tab of the sidebar. If you find yourself often using the button, click the checkbox next to it to make the button available just above the search box.
The ''new journal'' button creates a journal entry as a blank tiddler with the tag ''Journal'' and a title derived from today's date. If a journal tiddler with that title already exists, then this is opened for editing.
! Creating a tagged journal tiddler
A common sequence of actions is to create (or reopen) today's journal entry and tag it with the title of another tiddler. This can be done with the ''new journal here'' button in the other tiddler's toolbar. You can find this button in the ''Tools'' tab of the tiddler's InfoPanel.
For example, you might be reviewing a tiddler called ''Oxford Street'' and realise that it's relevant for planning your shopping trip. Click the ''new journal here'' button on the ''Oxford Street'' tiddler to bring up a journal entry tagged with ''Oxford Street''.
! Customising journal tiddlers
To configure how new journal entries are created, visit the ''Basics'' tab under ''Info'' in the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]]:
* "Title of new journal tiddlers" specifies how these tiddlers should be named, as a [[date format string|DateFormat]]. The default setting of `DDth MMM YYYY` causes new entries to have titles of the form "10th October 2014"
* "Tags for new journal tiddlers" [specifies|Title List] tags that will automatically appear on new journal entries. For example: `Journal [[Summer vacation]]`
Hint: if you want to create a separate journal tiddler whenever you click ''new journal'' (even if you do this several times in the same day), you can include the clock time in the title format. Specify something like `YYYY-0MM-0DD at 0hhh0mm'0ss''` as the date format.
Another useful trick is to include `$(currentTiddler)$` somewhere in the title format. This means that if you click ''new journal here'' on several different tiddlers, the title of each of those tiddlers will form part of the name of the resulting journal entries.
This example shows how to create a sub-story within a tiddler that is independent of the main story.
Here's the code:
<$navigator story="MySubStoryList" history="MySubHistoryList">
Click this link to get started: HelloThere
<$list filter="[list[MySubStoryList]]" history="MySubHistoryList">
! <$button message="tm-close-tiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible">{{$:/core/images/close-button}}</$button> <$view field="title"/>
Note how you can open the HelloThere tiddler in the substory by clicking on the link below. Links within the substory open within the substory, and not in the main story.
<$navigator story="MySubStoryList" history="MySubHistoryList">
Click this link to get started: HelloThere
<$list filter="[list[MySubStoryList]]" history="MySubHistoryList">
! <$button message="tm-close-tiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible">{{$:/core/images/close-button}}</$button> <$view field="title"/>
The <<.def csvtiddlers>> [[macro|Macros]] returns the fields of a [[selection of tiddlers|Title Selection]] in [[CSV|Comma-Separated Values]] form, with one record (row) per tiddler.
An example can be seen in the [[template tiddler for CSV exports|$:/core/templates/exporters/CsvFile]].
!! Parameters
: A [[filter|Filters]] selecting which tiddlers to include
: Reserved for future extension. Should be set to `quoted-comma-sep`
The <<.def "current tiddler">> provides the context in which several aspects of WikiText are interpreted.
For example, `{{!!title}}` denotes the value of the <<.field title>> field of whatever the current tiddler happens to be. This technique can be used to create general-purpose [[template tiddlers|TemplateTiddlers]].
The title of the current tiddler can always be found in the <<.vlink currentTiddler>> variable.
The two most common ways in which the current tiddler is changed are:
* the <<.wlink TiddlerWidget>> widget
* the <<.wlink ListWidget>> widget (when its <<.attr variable>> attribute is not overridden)
The current tiddler is therefore often <<.em not>> the same as the [[tiddler that is being viewed or edited|storyTiddler Variable]].
The <<.def currentTiddler>> [[variable|Variables]] contains the title of the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]].
Several aspects of WikiText use this tiddler as their context. As a result, within a <<.wlink ListWidget>> widget or a [[template tiddler|TemplateTiddlers]], there is often no need to explicitly specify a tiddler title.
Compare <<.vlink storyTiddler>>.
<<.variable-examples "currentTiddler">>
The following two examples have the same meaning:
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<$view field=title/>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2" eg="""<$view tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field=title/>"""/>
This next example shows how the <<.wlink ListWidget>> widget changes the current tiddler:
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="3"
<$list filter="[prefix[J]]">
Information about customising TiddlyWiki
<<list-links "[tag[Customise TiddlyWiki]]">>
By default, the results for the sidebar search box are displayed as a simple list of tiddler titles. The search results can be customised by adding plugin visualisations that show the search results in different ways. (Tabs are shown automatically if an additional search result visualisation is detected).
Search result visualisations are stored in tiddlers tagged [[$:/tags/SearchResults]]. The default search result listing is implemented in the system tiddler [[$:/core/ui/DefaultSearchResultList]].
To create a new search result visualisation:
# Create a new tiddler tagged [[$:/tags/SearchResults]]
# Use the widget variable ''searchTiddler'' to access the title of the tiddler containing the current search term
If you'd like the new visualisation to be the default, create a tiddler called [[$:/config/SearchResults/Default]] containing the title of the tiddler containing the search visualisation that you want to display by default.
Here is an example of an alternative visualisation that displays results in reverse chronological order:
\define searchResults()
<$set name="resultCount" value="""<$count filter="[!is[system]search{$(searchTiddler)$}]"/>""">
<<timeline subfilter:"!is[system]search{$(searchTiddler)$}">>
The D3 plugin integrates the D3 visualisation library with TiddlyWiki.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/d3/
You can create an n-dash with a double hyphen `--` and an m-dash with a triple hyphen `---`. For example -- this is an example --- and so is this
A <<.dlink-ex "data URI" "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_URI_scheme">> is a way of storing data (such as an image) in a way that is compatible with the addresses used by web pages and [[stylesheets|Cascading Style Sheets]] to access external resources.
The <<.mlink datauri>> macro can be used to generate data URIs within ~TiddlyWiki.
A data tiddler is a miniature database contained within a tiddler.
There are two standard formats:
* DictionaryTiddlers
* [[JSONTiddlers]]
Other formats of tiddler can also be parsed to yield blocks of data that behave like data tiddlers.
Use a TextReference to look up a value by its name. For example, if a [[DictionaryTiddler|DictionaryTiddlers]] called `MonthDays` contains:
... then `{{MonthDays##nov}}` will resolve to the value `30`.
The same is true if `MonthDays` is a [[JSONTiddler|JSONTiddlers]] with the following content:
Note: //It is currently only possible to retrieve data from the immediate properties of the root object of a JSONTiddler.//
The <<.def datauri>> [[macro|Macros]] returns a [[data URI|Data URI]] for the content of a tiddler.
It is often used in [[stylesheet|Cascading Style Sheets]] tiddlers to reference things like inline images and fonts:
> `background: url(<<datauri "Motovun Jack.jpg">>);`
The data URI is automatically [[base64|Base64]]-encoded in the case of a non-text tiddler.
!! Parameters
: The title of a tiddler, such as an image
<<.macro-examples "datauri">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2"
.jack {
background: url(<$macrocall $name="datauri" title="Motovun Jack.jpg" $output="text/plain"/>);
height: 300px;
<div class="jack"/>"""/>
The example has to invoke <<.var datauri>> through the <<.wid macrocall>> widget. It needs to prevent the macro's output from being parsed as WikiText, as that would transform the data URI into a <<.wlink LinkWidget>> widget and break the example. If the example was in a CSS tiddler, you could simply write:
> `background: url(<<datauri "Motovun Jack.jpg">>);`
Certain [[fields|TiddlerFields]] of a tiddler are used to store dates and times.
The two standard date fields are <<.field created>> and <<.field modified>>.
Values of date fields are 17-character strings:
* 4 digits for the year
* 2 digits for the month
* 2 digits for the day
* 2 digits for the hour
* 2 digits for the minute
* 2 digits for the second
* 3 digits for the millisecond
To avoid problems arising from differences of time zone, TiddlyWiki always uses [[UTC|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coordinated_Universal_Time]].
As an example, the <<.field created>> field of this tiddler has the value <<.value """<$view field="created"/>""">>.
Dates can be [[converted to other formats|DateFormat]] for display:
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html"
src="""<$view field="created" format="date" template="DDD DDth MMM YYYY"/>""">
The ViewWidget accepts a `template` attribute that allows the format of date values to be specified. The format string is processed with the following substitutions:
|!Token |!Substituted Value |
|`DDD` |Day of week in full (eg, "Monday") |
|`ddd` |Short day of week (eg, "Mon") |
|`DD` |Day of month |
|`0DD` |Adds a leading zero |
|`DDth` |Adds a suffix |
|`WW` |ISO-8601 week number of year |
|`0WW` |Adds a leading zero |
|`MMM` |Month in full (eg, "July") |
|`mmm` |Short month (eg, "Jul") |
|`MM` |Month number |
|`0MM` |Adds leading zero |
|`YYYY` |Full year |
|`YY` |Two digit year |
|`wYYYY` |Full year with respect to week number |
|`wYY` |Two digit year with respect to week number |
|`hh` |Hours |
|`0hh` |Adds a leading zero |
|`hh12` |Hours in 12 hour clock |
|`0hh12` |Hours in 12 hour clock with leading zero |
|`mm` |Minutes |
|`0mm` |Minutes with leading zero |
|`ss` |Seconds |
|`0ss` |Seconds with leading zero |
|`am` or `pm` |Lower case AM/PM indicator |
|`AM` or `PM` |Upper case AM/PM indicator |
|`TZD` |Timezone offset |
|`\x` |Used to escape a character that would otherwise have special meaning |
Note that other text is passed through unchanged, allowing commas, colons or other separators to be used.
! Examples
|!Template |!Output |
|`DDth MMM YYYY` |16th February 2011 |
|`DDth MMM \M\M\M YYYY` |16th February MMM 2011 |
|`DDth mmm hh:mm:ss` |16th Feb 2011 11:38:42 |
It has a <<.field list>> field containing the following items:
<<list-links "[list[]]">>
These are definitions of technical words and phrases used in this documentation. (As distinct from the [[Concepts]] that make up TiddlyWiki itself).
<<list-links "[tag[Definitions]]">>
HTML definition lists are created with this syntax:
<<wikitext-example src:"; Term being defined
: Definition of that term
; Another term
: Another definition
Die deutsche Übersetzung von TiddlyWiki ist verfügbar unter:
* ''Dokumentation'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/de-DE/index.html
* ''Leer'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/de-DE/empty.html
Siehe auch: [[Deutsch (Österreich) Edition]].
Die österreichische Übersetzung von TiddlyWiki ist verfügbar unter:
* ''Dokumentation'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/de-AT/index.html
* ''Leer'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/de-AT/empty.html
Siehe auch: [[Deutsch (Deutschland) Edition]].
There are several resources for developers to learn more about TiddlyWiki and to discuss and contribute to its development.
* [[tiddlywiki.com/dev|http://tiddlywiki.com/dev]] is the official developer documentation
* [[TiddlyWikiDev group|http://groups.google.com/group/TiddlyWikiDev]] for discussions about TiddlyWiki development
* https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5 for the source code and development activity
A dictionary tiddler is a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]] containing a simple list of name/value pairs.
Its [[ContentType]] is `application/x-tiddler-dictionary`.
The `text` field consists of one or more lines of the form <code>//name//: //value//</code>.
[[ColourPalettes]], such as the [[default Vanilla palette|$:/palettes/Vanilla]], are dictionary tiddlers.
You've never seen //anything// like ~TiddlyWiki. ~TiddlyWiki is:
:: a tool,
:: a toolbox,
:: a community,
:: and a philosophy.
! ~TiddlyWiki is a Tool
''~TiddlyWiki is first and foremost a tool:'' it is a free downloadable tool for capturing and organising content from the web, from your documents or from your brain. Its a tool for note-taking, bookmarking, pinning, writing, managing to-do lists and projects, collaborating, blogging, and publishing.
In ~TiddlyWiki you create or paste content into notes called tiddlers, then connect your tiddlers with hyperlinks and tags. You can then quickly retrieve your notes through features such as tag pills, sidebar tabs, and ~TiddlyWiki's lightning fast search window. You can even dynamically include one tiddler's content inside another - similar to using building blocks - to create articles, lists, presentations and more.
! ~TiddlyWiki is a Toolbox
In addition to being a versatile tool, ''~TiddlyWiki is also a toolbox.''
Where other note-taking products hook you with the basic program then charge you for the really helpful features, ~TiddlyWiki has an ever-expanding collection of completely free visual themes, colour palettes, plugins, widgets and macros, which you can then mix and match so that you can tweak and tailor your ~TiddlyWiki to get it just the way you want it.
! ~TiddlyWiki is also a Community
We are a [[community|Community]] of users and developers who help each other imagine new ways of thinking and organising and create new solutions, so that ~TiddlyWiki is continually adapting to better serve your needs. ~TiddlyWiki users and developers share questions and advice at a ~TiddlyWiki Google group. They also create tutorials, adaptations, and plugins to enhance your ~TiddlyWiki experience. See the section ''Community'' of the TableOfContents for more details.
! Finally, ~TiddlyWiki is a philosophy
The purpose of taking and organising a note (or recording any kind of content) is to be able to retrieve it later. If you can't find your notes in your note-taking system, your note-taking becomes a colossal waste of time.
The [[TiddlyWiki philosophy|Philosophy of Tiddlers]] is that the best way to take notes is to separate them into tiddlers, the smallest semantic units possible. A tiddler might be an image, a webpage link, a concept, the definition of a term, or a specific customisation such as a macro.
These tiddlers can then be woven together to create longer units: stories, articles, lists, image galleries, and much more. ~TiddlyWiki's features such as tagging, hyperlinking, and filters are specially designed to help you relate and connect tiddlers together in multiple ways, facilitating your future retrieval of your notes and even helping you see unexpected relationships among your tiddlers and the information they contain.
The <<.dlink-ex DOM "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Document_Object_Model">> of a web page is a tree-shaped model of its content, maintained internally by the web browser as the user interacts with that content. Each point in the tree is called a <<.def node>>.
When ~TiddlyWiki is running in a web browser, its [[widgets|Widgets]] are rendered into DOM nodes for display.
When ~TiddlyWiki is running on [[Node.js|TiddlyWiki on Node.js]], it uses a fake DOM to simulate the behaviour of a browser.
The following macros are used throughout ~TiddlyWiki's documentation. Their names start with a dot to keep them out of the way of names that a user might try experimenting with.
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|.def |the defining instance of a term |<<.def widget>> |
|.em |minor emphasis within a sentence |<<.em not>> |
|.place |a placeholder for the user to fill in |<<.place tagname>> |
|.strong |major emphasis within a tiddler |<<.strong Important!>> |
|.word |a mention of an ordinary word or phrase |<<.word "hello world">> |
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|^.tip |^hints and tips |<<.tip "Turn your screen on, otherwise<br>you won't be able to see much.">> |
|^.warning |^warning advice |<<.warning "Make a backup of your file<br>before you upgrade.">> |
|!Macro |!Used for |
|.preamble |an introductory sentence that stands apart from the rest of the tiddler |
!Tiddlers and fields
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|.tid |a tiddler title |<<.tid Example>> |
|.tag |a tag |<<.tag Example>> |
|.field |a field name |<<.field example>> |
|.value |a field value |<<.value "example value">> |
|.op |a filter operator |<<.op backlinks>> |
|.var |a variable or macro name |<<.var currentTiddler>> |
|.wid |a widget name |<<.wid list>> |
|.attr |an attribute name |<<.attr filter>> |
|.param |a macro parameter name |<<.param text>> |
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|.link |a link containing WikiText |<<.link "^^an^^ ~~example~~" Example>> |
|.clink |a code link |<<.clink `<$list>` ListWidget>> |
|.dlink |a link on a defining instance of a term |<<.dlink widget Widgets>> |
|.dlink-ex |an external link on a defining instance of a term |<<.dlink-ex Example "http://example.com/">> |
|.flink |a link to a field |<<.flink ListField>> |
|.mlink |a link to a macro |<<.mlink qualify>> |
|.mlink2 |a link to a macro, with specified target |<<.mlink2 foo "Examples of Macros">> |
|.olink |a link to an operator |<<.olink prefix>> |
|.olink2 |a link to an operator, with specified target |<<.olink2 foo prefix>> |
|.vlink |a link to a variable |<<.vlink currentTiddler>> |
|.vlink2 |a link to a variable, with specified target |<<.vlink2 foo "Examples of Variables">> |
|.wlink |a link to a widget |<<.wlink ButtonWidget>> |
|.wlink2 |a link to a widget, with specified text |<<.wlink2 foo ButtonWidget>> |
!User interface
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|.key |a key on the keyboard |<<.key Escape>> |
|.keycombo |a key combination |<<.keycombo Ctrl Enter>> |
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|.sidebar-tab |the name of a sidebar tab |<<.sidebar-tab More>> |
|.more-tab |the name of a subtab of the More tab |<<.more-tab Shadows>> |
|.info-tab |the name of a tiddler info tab |<<.info-tab Fields>> |
|.controlpanel-tab |the name of a Control Panel tab |<<.controlpanel-tab Settings>> |
|.advancedsearch-tab |the name of an Advanced Search tab |<<.advancedsearch-tab Filter>> |
|.toc-tab |name of the tw5.com TOC tab |<<.toc-tab>> |
|.example-tab |an example tab name |<<.example-tab "Notes">> |
!!Parameters for .sidebar-tab
|Open |<<.sidebar-tab Open>> |
|Recent |<<.sidebar-tab Recent>> |
|Tools |<<.sidebar-tab Tools>> |
|More |<<.sidebar-tab More>> |
!!Parameters for .more-tab
|All |<<.more-tab All>> |
|Recent |<<.more-tab Recent>> |
|Tags |<<.more-tab Tags>> |
|Missing |<<.more-tab Missing>> |
|Drafts |<<.more-tab Drafts>> |
|Orphans |<<.more-tab Orphans>> |
|Types |<<.more-tab Types>> |
|System |<<.more-tab System>> |
|Shadows |<<.more-tab Shadows>> |
!!Parameters for .info-tab
|Tools |<<.info-tab Tools>> |
|References |<<.info-tab References>> |
|Tagging |<<.info-tab Tagging>> |
|List |<<.info-tab List>> |
|Listed |<<.info-tab Listed>> |
|Fields |<<.info-tab Fields>> |
|Advanced |<<.info-tab Advanced>> |
!!Parameters for .controlpanel-tab
|Info |<<.controlpanel-tab Info>> |
|Appearance |<<.controlpanel-tab Appearance>> |
|Settings |<<.controlpanel-tab Settings>> |
|Saving |<<.controlpanel-tab Saving>> |
|Plugins |<<.controlpanel-tab Plugins>> |
!!Parameters for .advancedsearch-tab
|Standard |<<.advancedsearch-tab Standard>> |
|System |<<.advancedsearch-tab System>> |
|Shadows |<<.advancedsearch-tab Shadows>> |
|Filter |<<.advancedsearch-tab Filter>> |
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|.button |a standard button name and icon |<<.button "new-tiddler">> |
!!Parameters for .button
!!!Tiddler toolbar
|clone |<<.button "clone">> |
|close |<<.button "close">> |
|close-others |<<.button "close-others">> |
|edit |<<.button "edit">> |
|export-tiddler |<<.button "export-tiddler">> |
|info |<<.button "info">> |
|more-tiddler-actions |<<.button "more-tiddler-actions">> |
|new-here |<<.button "new-here">> |
|new-journal-here |<<.button "new-journal-here">> |
|permalink |<<.button "permalink">> |
!!!Edit-mode toolbar
|cancel |<<.button "cancel">> |
|delete |<<.button "delete">> |
|save |<<.button "save">> |
!!!Page toolbar
|advanced-search |<<.button "advanced-search">> |
|close-all |<<.button "close-all">> |
|control-panel |<<.button "control-panel">> |
|encryption |<<.button "encryption">> |
|export-page |<<.button "export-page">> |
|full-screen |<<.button "full-screen">> |
|home |<<.button "home">> |
|import |<<.button "import">> |
|language |<<.button "language">> |
|more-page-actions |<<.button "more-page-actions">> |
|new-journal |<<.button "new-journal">> |
|new-tiddler |<<.button "new-tiddler">> |
|permaview |<<.button "permaview">> |
|refresh |<<.button "refresh">> |
|save-wiki |<<.button "save-wiki">> |
|storyview |<<.button "storyview">> |
|tag-manager |<<.button "tag-manager">> |
|theme |<<.button "theme">> |
The documentation for ~TiddlyWiki tries to follow a consistent editorial style. It has two main areas, each with its own tone and audience:
* [[Instruction Tiddlers]]
* [[Reference Tiddlers]]
We keep the two areas distinct. This avoids overwhelming relative newcomers, while still providing quick access to the information that expert users need.
Additional topics:
* [[Tiddler Title Policy]]
* [[Tiddler Structure]]
* [[Spelling]]
* [[Typography]]
* [[Documentation Macros]]
* [[Technical Prose Style]]
[[Filters]] manipulate [[sets of titles|Title Selection]] in which no title may appear more than once. Furthermore, they often need to append one such set to another.
This is done in such a way that, if a title would be duplicated, the earlier copy of that title is discarded. The titles being appended are dominant.
For example, if a selection contains `Andrew Becky Clara Daniel` and `Andrew Barney Clara Daisy` is then appended to it, the result is `Becky Daniel Andrew Barney Clara Daisy`.
Tiddlers that have a `draft.of` field are treated as pending drafts of the tiddler specified in the field. Draft tiddlers should also have a `draft.title` field that specifies the title that will be given to the tiddler when it is saved.
Several features work in concert to give the desired behaviour for draft tiddlers:
* The ListWidget can optionally render draft tiddlers through a different template
* The NavigatorWidget incorporates handlers for the following events:
** `tm-new-tiddler` for creating a new tiddler in draft mode
** `tm-edit-tiddler` for moving a tiddler into edit mode
** `tm-cancel-tiddler` for cancelling a tiddler out of edit mode
** `tm-save-tiddler` for saving a draft tiddler
* Draft tiddlers are automatically excluded from search operations
! Introduction
The dropzone widget creates an area into which the user can drag files and other objects. It also supports pasting via the clipboard, although browser support is currently limited.
It sends a [[WidgetMessage: tm-import-tiddlers]] carrying a JSON representation of the tiddlers to be imported up through its parents. This message usually trapped by the NavigatorWidget which adds the tiddlers to the store and updates the story to display them.
! Content and Attributes
The dropzone widget has no attributes, and displays any contained content within the dropzone.
! Display
The dropzone widget creates an HTML `<div class="tc-dropzone">` to contain its content. During a drag operation the class `tc-dragover` is added. CSS is used to provide user feedback.
! Data types supported
The following data transfer types are supported:
* ''text/vnd.tiddler'' - a list of tiddlers in JSON format (this format is generated by the LinkWidget)
* ''text/plain'' - plain text
* ''text/uri-list'' - a list of URIs as a single tiddler
The <<.def dumpvariables>> [[macro|Macros]] returns a table showing the values of all [[variables|Variables]] and [[macros|Macros]] that exist at that position in the [[widget tree|Widgets]].
It is useful for debugging and exploring ~TiddlyWiki's internals.
Placeholders are replaced with values in the normal way, but using the default values for all macro parameters.
!! Parameters
<<.macro-examples "dumpvariables">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<$set name="EXAMPLE" value="123.$(EXAMPLE2)$.789">
<$set name="EXAMPLE2" value="456">
Each input title is processed in turn. The value of field <<.place F>> in the corresponding tiddler is examined.
:As long as the field's value has not been encountered before, the title is appended to the output.
:The value is treated as a [[title list|Title List]]. Each title in the list considered in turn. If it has not been encountered before, it is appended to the output.
If a tiddler doesn't contain field <<.place F>>, it is treated as if the field's value was empty.
<<.operator-examples "each">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[each[color]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[sort[title]each[type]]" "the alphabetically first tiddler of each type">>
For an example of using the <<.op each>> operator to generate a two-tier list of groups and members, see [[GroupedLists]].
Each input title is processed in turn. The value of field <<.place F>> in the corresponding tiddler is examined, and as long as this indicates a date that has not been encountered before, the title is appended to the output.
If a tiddler doesn't contain field <<.place F>>, it contributes nothing to the output.
<<.operator-examples "eachday">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[eachday[created]]" "the first tiddler created on each day">>
For an example of using the <<.op eachday>> operator to generate a two-tier list of groups and members, see [[GroupedLists]].
! Introduction
The edit bitmap widget provides a user interface in the browser for editing bitmap tiddlers. It is currently a primitive proof-of-concept, supporting resizing and painting with a single color and line width.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$edit-bitmap>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The tiddler to edit (defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]) |
! Configuration
The edit bitmap widget can be configured with these system tiddlers:
* [[$:/config/BitmapEditor/LineWidth]] determines the line width: <$edit-text tiddler="$:/config/BitmapEditor/LineWidth" tag="input"/>
* [[$:/config/BitmapEditor/Colour]] determines the line color: <$edit-text tiddler="$:/config/BitmapEditor/Colour" tag="input" type="color"/>
Michael Fogleman has written an [[Emacs|http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/]] major mode called [[tid-mode|https://github.com/mwfogleman/tid-mode]], which is for editing TiddlyWiki .tid files. It is derived from text-mode, uses the useful minor modes org-struct and subword, and updates the modified times when you save a .tid file.
He also wrote two helper functions for using TiddlyWiki in Emacs. The first opens a tiddlers directory in Dired; the second opens TiddlyWiki in the browser.
(defun open-wiki ()
"Opens a TiddlyWiki directory in Dired."
(dired "~/Dropbox/wiki/tiddlers/"))
(defun browse-wiki ()
"Opens TiddlyWiki in the browser."
(browse-url ""))
This latter function may require specifying a browser:
(setq browse-url-browser-function 'browse-url-generic
browse-url-generic-program "chromium")
You can bind either of these functions with the global-set-key function:
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c w") 'open-wiki)
At the moment, these are not integrated into tid-mode.
La traduction en Français (France) de TiddlyWiki démarre ici :
* ''documentation'' : http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/fr-FR/index.html
* ''empty'' : http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/fr-FR/empty.html
Each input title is processed in turn, ignoring any that is not the name of a ~TiddlyWiki edition.
TiddlyWiki is distributed in several different editions that are tuned for specific purposes. Each one consists of the same TiddlyWiki core components along with the required plugins, documentation and sample content.
You can mix and match the components of these editions, to make a unique solution to your particular application.
<<list-links "[tag[Editions]]">>
! Introduction
The edit text widget provides a user interface in the browser for editing text tiddler fields. The editing element is dynamically bound to the underlying tiddler value: changes to the tiddler are instantly reflected, and any edits are instantly propogated.
By default, the edit text widget generates a `<textarea>` as the HTML editing element when the `text` field is edited, and a `<input type="text">` element otherwise. This behaviour can be overridden with the `tag` and `type` attributes.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$edit-text>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The tiddler to edit (defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]) |
|field |The field to edit (defaults to `text`). Takes precedence over the `index` attribute |
|index |The index to edit |
|default |The default text to be provided when the target tiddler doesn't exist |
|class |A CSS class to be assigned to the generated HTML editing element |
|placeholder |Placeholder text to be displayed when the edit field is empty |
|focusPopup |Title of a state tiddler for a popup that is displayed when the editing element has focus |
|focus |Set to "true" to automatically focus the editor after creation |
|tag |Overrides the generated HTML editing element tag. Use `textarea` for a multi-line editor |
|type |Overrides the generated HTML editing element `type` attribute |
|size |The size of the input field (in characters) |
|autoHeight |Either "yes" or "no" to specify whether to automatically resize `textarea` editors to fit their content (defaults to "yes") |
|minHeight |Minimum height for automatically resized `textarea` editors, specified in CSS length units such as "px", "em" or "%" |
! Notes
One trap to be aware of is that the edit text widget //cannot be used// to edit a field of the tiddler that contains it. Each keypress results in the tiddler being re-rendered, which loses the cursor position within the text field.
Instead, place the edit text widget in a [[template|TemplateTiddlers]] that references the tiddler you want to modify.
For example, if you wanted the tiddler GettingStarted to edit the value of the "myconfig" field of the tiddler "AppSettings", you might do so by creating a separate tiddler "ChangeAppSettings" that contains the following:
<$edit-text tiddler="AppSettings" field="myconfig"/>
And reference the template in any other tiddler (e.g. GettingStarted) with `{{ChangeAppSettings}}`.
This works when your use of the tiddler //is not// the AppSettings itself which would cause a recursion problem. In this latter case you have to save the fields to a temporary (or alternative) tiddler (sort of the reverse of above) like so:
<$edit-text tiddler="StoreAppSettings" field="myconfig"/>
In short the EditTextWidget //can not// change properties of the tiddler it is embedded in or part of. It can only change fields of //other// tiddlers. One could use ShadowTiddlers to accomplish the field storage if needed.
! Introduction
The edit widget provides a general purpose interface for editing a tiddler. It dynamically chooses the appropriate widget depending on the type of the tiddler (currently either the EditTextWidget or the EditBitmapWidget).
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$edit>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The tiddler to edit (defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]) |
|field |The field to edit (defaults to `text`). Takes precedence over the `index` attribute |
|index |The index to edit |
|class |A CSS class to be added the generated editing widget |
The "empty" edition of TiddlyWiki is a vanilla distribution, with no additional plugins or configuration beyond the core code.
The empty edition can be downloaded from:
When used as a single HTML file, TiddlyWiki5 allows content to be encrypted using the [[Stanford JavaScript Crypto Library]].
# Switch to the ''Tools'' tab in the sidebar and look for the button with a padlock icon
# If the button is labelled "set password" then the current wiki is not encrypted. Clicking the button will prompt for a password that will be used to encrypt subsequent saves
# If the button is labelled "clear password" then the current wiki is already encrypted. Clicking the button will remove the password so that subsequent saves will be unencrypted
# Optionally, open the saved file in a text editor and verify that your data is encrypted
# Open the file in your browser. You will be prompted for a password before the content is displayed
Note that TiddlyWiki has two other unrelated features concerned with passwords/encryption:
* The ability to set a password when saving to TiddlySpot. This is done in the "Saving" tab of control panel
* The ability to use standard HTTP basic authentication with the [[Node.js|TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] server configuration. This is done on the command line with the ServerCommand. Combined with SSL, this gives the same level of transit encryption as you'd get with online services like Google or Dropbox, but there is no encryption of data on disk
TiddlyWiki5 allows the entire content of a TiddlyWiki HTML file to be encrypted with the Stanford JavaScript Crypto Library. Opening an encrypted TiddlyWiki in the browser prompts for a password before decrypting and displaying the content.
For instructions on how to use TiddlyWiki5's encryption features, see [[Encryption]].
The EncryptionMechanism is implemented with the following elements:
* A PasswordVault within the BootMechanism that holds the current encryption password
* The ability of the BootMechanism to read a block of encrypted tiddlers from the TiddlyWiki file, to prompt the user for a password, and to decrypt the tiddlers
* Handlers for the messages [[WidgetMessage: tm-set-password]] and [[WidgetMessage: tm-clear-password]] that handle the user interface for password changes
* The EncryptWidget within the main file template that encrypts a filtered list of tiddlers with the currently held password
* The [[$:/isEncrypted]] tiddler that contains "yes" or "no" according to whether there is a password in the password vault
** The availability of this tiddler allows the RevealWidget to be used to selectively display user interface elements according to whether encryption is in force
! Introduction
The encrypt widget renders a filtered list of tiddlers to an encrypted block with the password currently held in the PasswordVault. The encrypted block can subsequently be decrypted by the TiddlyWiki5 BootMechanism. See the EncryptionMechanism for more details.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$encrypt>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|filter |Filter defining the tiddlers to be included in the encrypted block. If not specified then all non-system tiddlers are used |
[[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] supports the following OS environment variables for specifying a colon-delimited list of paths to search for plugins and editions:
* `TIDDLYWIKI_PLUGIN_PATH` - Search path for ordinary plugins
* `TIDDLYWIKI_THEME_PATH` - Search path for themes
* `TIDDLYWIKI_LANGUAGE_PATH` - Search path for languages
* `TIDDLYWIKI_EDITION_PATH` - Search path for editions (used by the InitCommand)
The additional paths should each point to folders structured like the equivalent directories in the TiddlyWiki5 GitHub repository: the plugin, theme and language directories contain `publisher/pluginname/<files>` while the edition directories contain `editionname/<files>`
For example:
tiddlywiki mywiki --build index
I collect my tw5 creations on-line as http://eucaly-tw5.tiddlyspot.com/
Available Plugins :
*TitleMe - Return in-place tiddler title, to link / show / edit the source tiddler
*QuickJump - Quick jump to tiddlers in story list
*FlexWidth - Flexibly tweak sidebar width for TiddlyWiki 5 (Inspired by TW5 tristate Sidebar)
*MatchFilter - returns matching text instead of a list of the tiddlers from FieldFilter
*PopupTagger - TagBar / TagTable with popup list of tags (Inspired by MonkeyTaggerMacro for TiddlyWiki classic)
This tiddler exists to demonstrate the <<.mlink tag>> macro.
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-expandable "Contents">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-selective-expandable "Contents">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc "Contents">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-expandable "Contents" "sort[title]">>
unselectedText="<p>Select a topic in the table of contents. Click the arrow to expand a topic.</p>"
missingText="<p>Missing tiddler.</p>"
unselectedText="<p>Select a topic in the table of contents. Click the arrow to expand a topic.</p>"
missingText="<p>Missing tiddler.</p>"
unselectedText="<p>Select a topic in the table of contents. Click the arrow to expand a topic.</p>"
missingText="<p>Missing tiddler.</p>"
unselectedText="<p>Select a topic in the table of contents. Click the arrow to expand a topic.</p>"
missingText="<p>Missing tiddler.</p>"
This collection showcases inspiring and interesting examples of TiddlyWiki being used in the wild.
Submit new entries to this collection via GitHub, Twitter or by posting in the [[TiddlyWiki Groups|Forums]].
<div class="tc-link-info">
<$list filter="[tag[Examples]!sort[modified]]">
<div class="tc-link-info-item">
! <$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
<div class="tc-subtitle">Posted <$view field="modified" format="relativedate"/></div>
External images in TiddlyWiki are tiddlers that point to the URI of an image, rather than embedding the full image data. They can perform better than embedded images, particularly with large numbers or sizes of images. However, using them breaks the single file pattern of TiddlyWiki.
External images are used in the browser. They can be created by the Node.js configuration when it builds a TiddlyWiki, or they can be created manually within the browser.
! What is an External Image
An external image is an ordinary image tiddler that has a ''_canonical_uri'' field containing the URI of the image. The URI can be absolute or relative to the HTML document. If the canonical URI is provided then the ''text'' field of the tiddler is ignored and so should be omitted.
! Manually Creating External Images
To manually create an external image just create the tiddler with the appropriate image content type, and add a ''_canonical_uri'' field with a URI pointing to the actual image location.
''IMPORTANT:'' Double-check your spelling. ``_canonical_uri`` is spelled [[URI|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URI#The_relationship_between_URIs.2C_URLs.2C_and_URNs]], not URL.
! Creating external images under Node.js
The following steps are used to create a static HTML file version of a wiki accompanied by an ''images'' folder containing the referenced external images:
# Create image tiddlers in your TiddlyWikiFolders in the usual way
# Save the images as separate files (by convention, in a subfolder named ''images'')
# Externalise the image tiddlers by giving them a ''_canonical_uri'' field
# Save the main HTML file
Note the image files must be saved before they are externalised. Externalising them destroys the ''text'' field within the in-memory copy of the wiki store, meaning that attempts to save them will fail.
For an example see the ''externalimages'' build target of the demo ''tw5.com'' wiki:
--savetiddlers [is[image]] images
--setfield [is[image]] _canonical_uri $:/core/templates/canonical-uri-external-image text/plain
--setfield [is[image]] text "" text/plain
--rendertiddler $:/core/save/all externalimages.html text/plain
!! Saving Separate Image Files
The following `--savetiddlers` command can be used to save the images of a wiki into an ''images'' subfolder:
--savetiddlers [is[image]] images
!! Externalising Image Tiddlers
Two `--setfield` commands are used: the first sets the ''_canonical_uri'' field to a URI derived from the title of the tiddler, and the second clears the text field.
--setfield [is[image]] _canonical_uri $:/core/templates/canonical-uri-external-image text/plain
--setfield [is[image]] text "" text/plain
The template tiddler [[$:/core/templates/canonical-uri-external-image]] contains:
<$view tiddler="$:/core/templates/canonical-uri-external-image" field="text" format="text"/>
Note that these operations modify the tiddlers in the wiki store and so may affect the operation of subsequent commands.
! Using External Images
You can't edit an external image directly in the browser except by changing the URI field to point to a different image.
\define alert-demo()
<$fieldmangler tiddler="SampleAlert"><$set name="currentTiddler" value="SampleAlert"><$button message="tm-add-tag" param="$:/tags/Alert">alerts</$button></$set></$fieldmangler>
Further information about specific TiddlyWiki features:
<<list-links "[tag[Features]]">>
* Familiar user interface elements like <<alert-demo>>, <$button message="tm-modal" param="SampleWizard">wizards</$button> and <$button message="tm-notify" param="SampleNotification">notifications</$button>
* Try out the <$button message="tm-full-screen">full screen support</$button>
* Explore the [[D3.js visualisation plugin|http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/d3/index.html]]
* [[CodeMirror support via a plugin|http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/codemirror/index.html]]
* [[Markdown support via a plugin|http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/markdown/index.html]]
* [[Classic TiddlyWiki markup support via a plugin|http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/tw2parser/index.html]]
* Last but not least, TiddlyWiki is a rare example of a practical [[quine|Quine]]
Federatial Limited is a software consultancy founded by JeremyRuston specializing in understanding the impact of the web on the way that we work together.
See http://federatial.com/ and http://twitter.com/federatial for more information.
If <<.place S>> is empty, <<.op field>> will match both of the following:
* tiddlers that don't contain field <<.place F>>
* tiddlers in which field <<.place F>> exists but has an empty value
The syntax of a [[filter step|Filter Step]] treats any unrecognised [[filter operator|Filter Operators]] as if it was the suffix to the <<.op field>> operator. See the <<.operator-examples "field" "examples">>.
<<.operator-examples "field">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[field:author[JeremyRuston]]" "plugins authored by JeremyRuston">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[plugin-type[theme]author[JeremyRuston]]" "themes authored by JeremyRuston">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
Add tag ''example'' to this tiddler (current)<$button message="tm-add-tag" param="example">{{$:/core/images/new-button}}</$button>
Remove tag ''example'' to this tiddler (current)<$button message="tm-remove-tag" param="example">{{$:/core/images/delete-button}}</$button>
! Introduction
The field mangler widget manipulates the fields and tags of a tiddler. It does so in response to the following [[Messages]]:
|!Message |!Description |
|''tm-remove-field'' |Remove the field specified in `event.param` |
|''tm-add-field'' |Add the field specified in `event.param` |
|''tm-remove-tag'' |Remove the tag specified in `event.param` |
|''tm-add-tag'' |Add the tag specified in `event.param` |
! Content and Attributes
The field mangler widget displays any contained content, and responds to [[Messages]] dispatched within it.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |Title of the tiddler to manipulate (defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]) |
<<.widget-examples "FieldMangler">>
Each input title is processed in turn. Its list of field names is retrieved (in no particular order) and then [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's output.
<<.operator-examples "fields">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[HelloThere]fields[]]" "fields of HelloThere">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[tag[Common Operators]fields[]]" "fields of all tiddlers tagged as [[Common Operators]]">>
! Introduction
The fields widget renders each field of a specified tiddler through a simple text template. A list of fields to exclude can be provided. It is used internally by TiddlyWiki5, notably by the FileSavingMechanism.
!! Template Handling
The provided template is rendered with the following special substitutions:
|!Symbol |!Substitution |
|$name$ |Field name |
|$value$ |Field value |
|$encoded_value$ |HTML encoded form of field value |
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$fields>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |Title of the tiddler from which the fields are to be displayed (defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]) |
|template |Text of the template (see above) |
|exclude |Lists of fields to be excluded (defaults to "text") |
|stripTitlePrefix |If set to "yes" then curly bracketed prefixes are removed from titles (for example `{prefix}HelloThere` converts to `HelloThere`) |
The `stripTitlePrefix` attribute is used when building TiddlyWiki Classic; see `editions/tw2` in the TiddlyWiki5 repo.
<$railroad text="""
[: [[whitespace|"Filter Whitespace"]] ]
[[run|"Filter Run"]]
A <<.def "filter expression">> is the outermost level of the [[filter syntax|Filter Syntax]]. It consists of one or more [[runs|Filter Run]].
A run's input is normally a list of all the non-[[shadow|ShadowTiddlers]] tiddler titles in the wiki (in no particular order). But the `+` prefix can change this.
* If a run has no `+` or `-` prefix, its output titles are [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the filter's output.
* If a run has a `-` prefix, its output titles are <<.em removed>> from the filter's output (if they were present).
* If a run has a `+` prefix, it receives the filter's output so far as its input. The filter's output is then completely <<.em replaced>> by the run's output. Any subsequent run reverts to receiving all tiddler titles as its input, unless it too has a `+` prefix.
In concise technical terms:
|!Run |!Interpretation |!Output |
|`run` |union of sets |... OR run |
|`+run` |intersection of sets |... AND run |
|`-run` |difference of sets |... AND NOT run |
\define .operator-rows(filter)
<$list filter="$filter$"><tr>
<td><$link to={{!!title}}>{{!!caption}}</$link></td>
<td>{{!!op-purpose}} <$list filter="[all[current]tag[Common Operators]]">{{$:/core/images/done-button}}</$list></td>
<td align="center"><$list filter="[all[current]tag[Negatable Operators]]">`!`</$list></td>
\define .group-heading(_)
<tr class="doc-table-subheading"><th colspan="3" align="center">$_$</th></tr>
A <<.def "filter operator">> is a predefined keyword attached to an individual [[step|Filter Step]] of a [[filter|Filters]]. It defines the particular action of that step.
The following table lists all the core operators. The commonest ones are checkmarked. The third column indicates which operators allow <$link to="Filter Step">the <code>!</code> prefix</$link> to reverse their meaning.
<th align="left">Operator</th>
<th align="left">Purpose</th>
<th align="left">Neg</th>
<<.operator-rows "[tag[Filter Operators]!tag[Order Operators]!tag[String Operators]!tag[Tag Operators]!tag[Special Operators]sort[]]">>
<<.group-heading "Order Operators">>
<<.operator-rows "[tag[Filter Operators]tag[Order Operators]!tag[String Operators]!tag[Tag Operators]!tag[Special Operators]sort[]]">>
<<.group-heading "String Operators">>
<<.operator-rows "[tag[Filter Operators]!tag[Order Operators]tag[String Operators]!tag[Tag Operators]!tag[Special Operators]sort[]]">>
<<.group-heading "Tag Operators">>
<<.operator-rows "[tag[Filter Operators]!tag[Order Operators]!tag[String Operators]tag[Tag Operators]!tag[Special Operators]sort[]]">>
<<.group-heading "Special Operators">>
<<.operator-rows "[tag[Filter Operators]!tag[Order Operators]!tag[String Operators]!tag[Tag Operators]tag[Special Operators]sort[]]">>
A typical step is written as `[operator[parameter]]`, although not all of the operators need a [[parameter|Filter Parameter]].
Most steps process the [[selection of titles|Title Selection]] that are supplied as their input, but a few [[construct an entirely new selection|Selection Constructors]] instead. For the exact rules, see [[Filter Syntax]].
<$railroad text="""
( "[" [:{/"anything but ]"/}] "]"
"{" [:{/"anything but }"/}] "}"
"<" [:{/"anything but >"/}] ">"
The parameter to a [[filter operator|Filter Operators]] can be:
;<<.def hard>>
: `[like this]`
: The parameter is the exact text that appears between the square brackets.
;<<.def soft>>
: <<.def indirect>>
:: `{like this}`
:: The parameter is the text indicated by the [[text reference|TextReference]] whose name appears between the curly brackets, i.e. a [[field|TiddlerFields]] of a specified tiddler, or the value of a property of a specified [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]].
: <<.def variable>>
:: `<like this>`
:: The parameter is the current value of the [[variable|Variables]] whose name appears between the angle brackets. Macro parameters are <<.em not>> supported.
<$railroad text="""
( "[" { [[step|"Filter Step"]] } "]"
[:{/"anything but [ ] or whitespace"/}]
'"' [:{/'anything but "'/}] '"'
"'" [:{/"anything but '"/}] '"'
A <<.def run>> consists of [[steps|Filter Step]], and it outputs a [[selection|Title Selection]] that contributes to a larger [[filter expression|Filter Expression]].
The steps are processed from left to right. The input to the first step is same as the input to the run. For each subsequent step, the input is the output of the previous step.
{{Selection Constructors}}
The lower three options in the diagram match syntax like `HelloThere`, `"HelloThere"`, `'HelloThere'` and `"Filter Operators"`. They are short for `[title[...]]`.
The quoted options exist to support titles that contain square brackets, as in `"An [[[[Unusual]]]] Tiddler"`.
<$railroad text="""
[: [[operator|"Filter Operators"]] [:":" suffix] ]
[[parameter|"Filter Parameter"]]
A <<.def step>> represents a single operation within a [[filter|Filter Syntax]].
In programming terms, it is akin to a function call to which [[the step's input|Filter Run]] is passed as an implicit parameter. A step's output is a [[selection|Title Selection]] that contributes to a [[run|Filter Run]] and hence to the entire [[filter expression|Filter Expression]] that contains it.
The step's <<.def operator>> is drawn from a list of [[predefined keywords|Filter Operators]], which can be extended by plugins. Any unrecognised operator is treated as if it was the suffix to the <<.olink field>> operator. If a step's operator is omitted altogether, it defaults to `title`.
The <<.def suffix>> is additional text, often the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]], that extends the meaning of certain operators.
Many steps require an explicit <<.def parameter>> value, also known as an <<.def operand>>, that further defines what the step is to do.
<<.preamble """[[Filters]] follow a grammar that is presented here, using [[railroad diagrams|Railroad Diagrams]], for those who find formal syntax descriptions helpful. However, you can [[learn to write filters|Introduction to filter notation]] without needing to understand this group of tiddlers.""">>
A <<.def filter>> is a pipeline for transforming an <<.def input>> into an <<.def output>>. Both the input and the output are [[ordered sets of titles|Title Selection]] of things like tiddlers and fields.
Filters are [[expressions|Filter Expression]] constructed from smaller building blocks, called [[runs|Filter Run]] and [[steps|Filter Step]], each of which also transforms an input to an output.
A filter starts with an empty output. Its runs are processed from left to right, progressively modifying the output.
Here are details of the various building blocks involved:
<<list-links "[tag[Filter Syntax]]">>
<$railroad text="""
{( "space" | "tab" | "linefeed" | "return" | "vertical tab" | "formfeed" )}
Whitespace characters can appear between each [[run|Filter Run]] of a [[filter expression|Filter Expression]].
You can think of TiddlyWiki as a database in which the records are tiddlers. A database typically provides a way of discovering which records match a given pattern, and in ~TiddlyWiki this is done with filters.
A <<.def filter>> is a concise notation for selecting a particular [[set of tiddlers|Title Selection]], known as its <<.def "output">>. Whenever ~TiddlyWiki encounters a filter, it calculates the output. Further work can then be done with just those tiddlers, such as [[counting|CountWidget]] or [[listing|ListWidget]] them.
The following example passes a filter to the <<.mlink list-links>> macro to display a list of all tiddlers whose titles start with the letter H:
> `<<list-links "[prefix[H]]">>`
A filter's output can change as tiddlers are added and deleted in the wiki. ~TiddlyWiki recalculates on the fly, automatically updating any filter-based counts or lists as well.
[[Advanced Search|$:/AdvancedSearch]] has a <<.advancedsearch-tab Filter>> tab that makes it easy to experiment with filters.
;Find out more:
* [[Introduction to filter notation]] -- a step-by-step walkthrough
* [[Filter Syntax]] -- the detailed technical rules
* [[Filter Operators]] -- the available methods of filtering
<<.operator-examples "first">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]first[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]first[5]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[tag[Filter Operators]!sort[title]first[]]">>
Available character formatting includes:
* <code>`backticks`</code> for `code`
** Alternatively, <code>``double backticks allows `embedded` backticks``</code>
* `''bold''` for ''bold text''
* `//italic//` for //italic text//
* `__underscore__` for __underscored text__
* `^^superscript^^` for ^^superscript^^ text
* `,,subscript,,` for ,,subscripted,, text
* `~~strikethrough~~` for ~~strikethrough~~ text
See also: [[Code Blocks in WikiText]]
Within the text of a tiddler you can use special formatting called WikiText to control how the text is displayed.
! Simple Formatting
At its simplest, WikiText lets you use familiar word-processing features like bold, italic, lists and tables. For example:
The ''quick'' brown ~~flea~~ fox //jumps// over the `lazy` dog
… displays as:
The ''quick'' brown ~~flea~~ fox //jumps// over the `lazy` dog
! Working with Tiddlers
In WikiText, you can link to tiddlers using double square brackets, or by taking advantage of the automatic linking of CamelCase words:
This is a link to HelloThere, and one to [[History of TiddlyWiki]]
… displays as:
This is a link to HelloThere, and one to [[History of TiddlyWiki]]
! Macros
Macros let you package repetitive fragments of WikiText so that you can easily reuse them.
For example, here is the definition of a macro that generates a ~YouTube video URL from its unique identifier:
\define youtube(video)
With that definition in place, `<<youtube 1g66s7UbyuU>>` generates the URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1g66s7UbyuU
! Advanced WikiText
Advanced WikiText features allow you to produce automated lists and interactive features like dropdown menus. In fact, the entire user interface of TiddlyWiki itself is written in WikiText, so any feature that you see in TiddlyWiki can be adapted for use in your own wikis.
Some of the advanced features require complex coding. TiddlyWiki includes several built-in macros that simplify common user interface tasks, like tabs, tables of content, and lists of tiddlers.
! Find out more
See [[WikiText]] for a detailed introduction to writing WikiText.
! Users
The ~TiddlyWiki discussion groups are mailing lists for talking about ~TiddlyWiki: requests for help, announcements of new releases and plugins, debating new features, or just sharing experiences. You can participate via the associated website, or subscribe via email.
* The main ~TiddlyWiki group: http://groups.google.com/group/TiddlyWiki
*> Note that you do not need a Google Account to join the discussion groups. Subscribe by sending an email to mailto:tiddlywiki+subscribe@googlegroups.com or mailto:tiddlywikidev+subscribe@googlegroups.com.
* Watch recordings of our regular [[TiddlyWiki Hangouts]]
* Follow [[@TiddlyWiki on Twitter|http://twitter.com/TiddlyWiki]] for the latest news
! Developers
* The TiddlyWikiDev group for developers: http://groups.google.com/group/TiddlyWikiDev
*> Note that you do not need a Google Account to join the discussion groups. Subscribe by sending an email to mailto:tiddlywiki+subscribe@googlegroups.com or mailto:tiddlywikidev+subscribe@googlegroups.com.
* Follow [[@TiddlyWiki on Twitter|http://twitter.com/#!/TiddlyWiki]] for the latest news
* Get involved in the [[development on GitHub|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5]]
New releases of TiddlyWiki, TiddlyDesktop and TiddlyFox are announced via the discussion groups and [[Twitter|https://twitter.com/TiddlyWiki]] (you can also subscribe to an Atom/RSS feed of [[TiddlyWiki releases from GitHub|https://github.com/jermolene/tiddlywiki5/releases.atom]])
The "full" edition of TiddlyWiki consists of all the available languages, themes and plugins for TiddlyWiki. It is intended for use in testing TiddlyWiki - in particular, for switching between all the available language plugins.
The full edition can be downloaded from:
TiddlyWiki is designed with the long term needs of its users in mind. Because it is OpenSource and needs no infrastructure, we can be confident that all we'll need to access a ~TiddlyWiki file even in the far future is an ordinary HTML browser. If you're starting to use ~TiddlyWiki at the beginning of your career you can be confident that it will carry you through to retirement.
TiddlyWiki5 can be used to generate static HTML representations of a TiddlyWiki that doesn't need JavaScript.
There is much flexibility in how the static HTML is generated. The following scenarios are all illustrated on http://tiddlywiki.com.
! Wiki Snapshots and Tiddler Snapshots
You can explore a static representation of this TiddlyWiki at <a href="static.html">static.html</a>. That file is a static snapshot of the current DefaultTiddlers. Any tiddlers that it links to are referred to via URLs of the form `/static/HelloThere.html` that point to static snapshots of individual tiddlers. The tiddler HTML files reference a `static.css` stylesheet file.
The following commands are used to generate the sample static version of the TiddlyWiki5 site:
--rendertiddlers [!is[system]] $:/core/templates/static.tiddler.html static text/plain
--rendertiddler $:/core/templates/static.template.html static.html text/plain
--rendertiddler $:/core/templates/static.template.css static/static.css text/plain
The first RenderTiddlersCommand generates the HTML representations of individual tiddlers, the second RenderTiddlerCommand saves the static version of the DefaultTiddlers, and the final RenderTiddlerCommand saves the stylesheet. (All the files are placed in the `output` folder of the wiki folder).
! Wiki Snapshot with Internal Links
It is also possible to produce a single HTML file that contains static representations of tiddlers, and uses standard HTML anchor links to jump between them.
For example: <a href="alltiddlers.html">alltiddlers.html</a>
The example is built by the following commands:
--rendertiddler $:/core/templates/alltiddlers.template.html alltiddlers.html text/plain
Each input title is processed in turn. If the corresponding tiddler contains field <<.place F>>, and the value of this field is not empty, then its value is appended to the output.
Unlike most other [[Filter Operators]], the [[selection|Title Selection]] output by <<.op get>> can contain duplicates. To avoid duplicates, use `each[F]get[F]`.
<<.operator-examples "get">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[all[current]get[draft.of]]" "the title of the tiddler of which the current tiddler is a draft">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[get[tags]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[each[tags]get[tags]]">>
//This is a sample task for the TaskManagementExample//
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="the name of a [[property|DataTiddlers]]"
output="the values of property <<.place P>> in each of the input titles"
Each input title is processed in turn, and is ignored if it does not denote a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]]. If the tiddler contains property <<.place P>>, the value of that property is [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the output.
<<.operator-examples "getindex">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[$:/palettes/Vanilla]getindex[background]]" "returns the value at index ''background'' of the [[DataTiddler|DataTiddlers]] [[$:/palettes/Vanilla]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[tag[$:/tags/Palette]getindex[background]]" "returns all background colors defined in any of the ColourPalettes">>
This brief tutorial takes you through the basics of saving changes with a standalone TiddlyWiki file.
//Note that the video is a bit out of date, and will be updated soon!//
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/1g66s7UbyuU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
\define default-platform()
GettingStarted - $(browser-name)$
Brief instructions for getting started on the different platforms and configurations that TiddlyWiki supports. See the [[A Gentle Guide to TiddlyWiki]] for a more leisurely introduction.
<$set name="browser-name" value={{$:/info/browser/name}}>
<$macrocall $name="tabs" state="$:/state/tabs/platform" tabsList="[prefix[GettingStarted - ]]" default=<<default-platform>> class="tc-vertical"/>
* Don't attempt to use the browser ''File''/''Save'' menu option to save changes (it doesn't work)
See also:
* [[Encryption]] explains how to use TiddlyWiki's built-in encryption to protect your content with a password
* [[Saving on TiddlySpot]], a free service that lets you use TiddlyWiki online
* Saving on TiddlyDesktop, a custom desktop application for working with TiddlyWiki
* You can also download this full TiddlyWiki including all the documentation:
If the button doesn't work save this link:
<a href="http://tiddlywiki.com/index.html" download="index.html">~http://tiddlywiki.com/index.html</a>
Your browser may ask you to accept the download before it begins
There are two options for using TiddlyWiki on Android:
! Using Firefox and TiddlyFox
{{Saving with TiddlyFox on Android}}
! Using the AndTidWiki App
{{Saving on Android}}
TiddlyWiki on Google Chrome can only save changes using the HTML5-compatible fallback saver module.
{{Saving with the HTML5 fallback saver}}
Firefox provides the best user experience for using TiddlyWiki with the TiddlyFox browser extension.
{{Saving with TiddlyFox}}
{{Saving with TiddlyIE}}
The [[Windows HTA Hack]] describes an alternative method of using TiddlyWiki with Internet Explorer.
{{Saving on iPad/iPhone}}
{{Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js}}
TiddlyWiki on Safari can only save changes using the manual HTML5-compatible fallback saver module.
{{Saving on Safari}}
GitHub is a hosting service for distributed projects that use git as their version-control system. It allows free hosting and management of open-source projects and facilitates collaborative developement on the source code. Using GitHub for non-open-source endeavors requires additional fees.
The code and documentation of TiddlyWiki is hosted on GitHub at:
//This is a sample task for the TaskManagementExample//
The following sidebar tabs give examples of grouped lists created by nesting.
!! Types Tab
For the [[Types|$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/Types]] tab, the outer list filter as shown below selects each discrete value found in the `type` field. The inner list filter selects all the (non-system) tiddlers with that type.
<<tw-code "$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/Types">>
!! Recent Tab
The list in the [[Recent|$:/core/ui/SideBar/Recent]] tab is generated using the <<.mlink timeline>> macro. Here, the outer list filter selects each discrete day found in the `modified` field, while the inner list filter selects all the tiddlers dated the same day in the `modified` field.
<<tw-code-link "$:/core/macros/timeline">>
TiddlyWiki makes a great GuerillaWiki in situations where it is not practical to use a traditional wiki.
For instance, in a corporate setting, persuading an over-worked IT department to install a Wiki server for you is seldom going to be possible overnight. And if your PC is locked down you can't install a conventional Wiki yourself. Equally, you can't go and use one of the public hosted Wiki services because your Information Security department would not allow all that corporate data to flow into an outside server.
TiddlyWiki slices through those barriers by being usable on virtually all PCs.
A <<.def "hard link">> is one that can be detected by a superficial examination of WikiText.
A link is <<.def "soft">> if it is:
* contained in text [[trancluded|Transclusion]] from elsewhere
* supplied via a [[macro|Macros]] or [[variable|Variables]]
* generated by a link widget whose <<.attr to>> attribute is a transclusion, macro or variable
<$macrocall $name=".warning" _="""Soft links are not detected by link-related filter operators such as <<.olink backlinks>>, <<.olink links>>, <<.olink all>> and <<.olink is>>."""/>
The usual handling of [[paragraphs in wikitext|Paragraphs in WikiText]] causes single line breaks to be ignored, and double linebreaks to be interpreted as the end of a paragraph.
This behaviour isn't convenient when dealing with material that incorporates hard linebreaks - for instance, poetry. You can mark a block of content as containing hard line breaks like this:
<<wikitext-example src:'"""
This is a line
and this is a new line
while this is yet another line
and this is the final one
apart from this one
<<.operator-examples "has">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[has[color]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[tag[Concepts]!has[modified]]">>
A tiddler is deemed to have been modified if it has been written back to the wiki since the start of the current ~TiddlyWiki session. If you edit a tiddler and immediately store it again without making any changes, that is enough to mark it as modified.
<<.operator-examples "haschanged">>
Headings are specified with one or more leading `!` characters:
! This is a level 1 heading
!! This is a level 2 heading
!!! This is a level 3 heading
CSS classes can be assigned to individual headings like this:
!.myStyle This heading has the class `myStyle`
''Have you ever had the feeling that your head is not quite big enough to hold everything you need to remember?''
Welcome to TiddlyWiki, a unique [[non-linear|Philosophy of Tiddlers]] notebook for [[capturing|Creating and editing tiddlers]], [[organising|Structuring TiddlyWiki]] and [[sharing|Sharing your tiddlers with others]] complex information.
Use it to keep your [[to-do list|TaskManagementExample]], to plan an [[essay or novel|"TiddlyWiki for Scholars" by Alberto Molina]], or to organise your wedding. Record every thought that crosses your brain, or build a flexible and responsive website.
<div style="font-size:0.7em;text-align:center;margin-top:2em;margin-bottom:2em;">
<<list-thumbnails filter:"[tag[HelloThumbnail]]" width:"168" height:"95">>
Unlike conventional online services, TiddlyWiki lets you choose where to keep your data, guaranteeing that in the decades to come you will still be able to use the notes you take today.
<div style="font-size:0.7em;text-align:center;margin-top:3em;margin-bottom:3em;">
<a href="http://groups.google.com/group/TiddlyWiki" class="tc-btn-big-green" style="background-color:#FF8C19;" target="_blank">
{{$:/core/images/mail}} ~TiddlyWiki Mailing List
<a href="https://twitter.com/TiddlyWiki" class="tc-btn-big-green" style="background-color:#5E9FCA;" target="_blank">
{{$:/core/images/twitter}} @~TiddlyWiki on Twitter
<a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5" class="tc-btn-big-green" style="background-color:#444;" target="_blank">
{{$:/core/images/github}} ~TiddlyWiki on ~GitHub
If you find TiddlyWiki useful, there are lots of ways you can help assure its future and make it better.
! Teach and Tell
OpenSource projects like ~TiddlyWiki thrive on the feedback and engagement of users. ~TiddlyWiki becomes more useful to everyone as more and more people use it. So, if you find ~TiddlyWiki useful, spread the word. The best possible way to assure its future is for it to become a hundred times more popular than before.
* Tweet about ~TiddlyWiki: [[I love TiddlyWiki because...|https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=I+love+TiddlyWiki+because...&source=tiddlywiki5]]
* [[Star the TiddlyWiki5 GitHub Repository|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5]]
* [[Display the TiddlyWiki Poster|http://tiddlywiki.com/poster]]
[img width=232 [Tiddler Poster.png]]
! Help improve the documentation and code
There are many ways you can contribute to ~TiddlyWiki:
* Writing tutorials
* Contributing to the documentation on tiddlywiki.com
* Making video screencasts
* Curating relevant links, hints and tips on a wiki
The main ~TiddlyWiki documentation and code lives on GitHub, and welcomes [[contributions|Contributing]]:
* https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5
When TiddlyWiki first opens in the browser the search box is automatically given the focus by default. If this causes problems, you can change the default by changing this value from ''true'' to ''false'':
TiddlyWiki defers processing changes to draft tiddlers until a timeout has elapsed. The default value of 400ms gives a good balance of responsiveness in most cases but isn't always optimal on lower powered mobile devices.
The timeout can now be changed by changing this value (in milliseconds):
The most useful configuration settings for TiddlyWiki are exposed in the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] but some more advanced settings do not have a full user interface. Instead, the underlying configuration tiddlers are edited directly.
To change these settings on an empty TiddlyWiki, you can drag the links to the individual configuration tiddlers directly from this wiki into yours.
<<list-links "[tag[Hidden Settings]]">>
The Highlight plugin provides the ability to apply syntax colouring to text.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/highlight/
//These are personal reflections on the history and development of TiddlyWiki from JeremyRuston//
! Origins of TiddlyWiki
Back in 1997 a colleague introduced me to [[Ward Cunningham's original wiki|http://c2.com/cgi/wiki]]. I was impressed that something so powerful could fit into just 700 lines of Perl, and fascinated by the radical reimagining of security and permissions. Like many other developers, I took every opportunity I could to try out various wikis, and to explore their use at work.
The allure of the wiki for me was the feeling that it could eventually disrupt the prevailing paradigm of print-oriented documents and emails.
After watching people use wikis for a few years, I noticed that power users made extensive use of the ability to open multiple wiki pages at once in several browser tabs, making it easier for them to compare and review pages, to copy text between them and to act as a sort of queue of pages yet to be read.
I felt that this ability to manipulate multiple pages at once was central to the ability to refactor a wiki, and it is generally accepted that a wiki that is lovingly refactored tends to be more useful. And yet, standard wiki user interfaces have always been designed exclusively for the presentation and manipulation of single pages at once.
All of these thoughts came together when I saw GMail in April 2004, which used Ajax cleverly to blend individual emails into threaded conversations.
I started experimenting with HTML and JavaScript to explore the idea further. I'd had virtually no experience of either, just having put together some static pages and simple ASP sites in previous lives. Getting my head around these client-side technologies was painful; like everyone else, I was horrified to discover how appalling were the incompatibilities and inconsistencies of web programming.
! Launch of TiddlyWiki
So, in September 2004 I released a primitive [[first version of TiddlyWiki|http://classic.tiddlywiki.com/firstversion.html]]. It was the smallest possible thing that demonstrated the idea: it was a simple, self-contained static 48KB HTML file.
The downside of writing the first version of TiddlyWiki in this way was that it made it completely impractical to use for editing - when you click 'save changes' it just pops up a window showing the data that would be saved if it were possible for an HTML page to write to the file system.
Much of the early feedback was that TiddlyWiki was neat, but that it would be more useful when it was possible to properly save changes. I was a little frustrated, as I thought I knew that it was impossible for an HTML file running in the browser to save changes to the local file system.
Within a few months I saw an experimental Firefox extension that enabled TiddlyWiki to save changes in the browser. Examining the code, I realised that the APIs that it used to write to the file system were actually available in ordinary HTML files - as long as they were loaded via a `file://` URI.
I adapted the Firefox code into the core of TiddlyWiki, and soon added a similar ability for Internet Explorer (making use of an old ActiveX control that Microsoft distributed with Internet Explorer).
! Growth of TiddlyWiki
A major milestone in the growth of TiddlyWiki was the creation of "GTDTiddlyWiki" by Nathan Bowers. He took the vanilla TiddlyWiki product and adapted it for the specific application of keeping track of tasks using the popular Getting Things Done methodology. GTDTiddlyWiki was an immediate hit, being enthusiastically greeted on websites like LifeHacker.
Over the next couple of years TiddlyWiki continued to grow in popularity, and gained new features and capabilities. Within a year I was able to support myself by performing bespoke development work on TiddlyWiki, notably working with wiki pioneer SocialText on the ability to synchronise changes with an online server
! BT Acquisition
In May 2007, [[BT]] acquired [[Osmosoft]], my consultancy company. It was an unusual decision to acquire a company with a single employee and a tiny trickle of revenue - [[Osmosoft]] didn't even own the intellectual property in TiddlyWiki since I had handed it over to UnaMesa to assure its future for the community.
[[BT]]'s motivation was to help them understand community-based ecosystems. I joined the organisation as "Head of Open Source Innovation", taking responsibility for open source governance, and providing advice and expertise on how to participate in open soure communities.
! [[Osmosoft]] and TiddlySpace
I built a team in BT under the name [[Osmosoft]]. Our purpose was to evangelise the benefits of open source, and to help other teams realise those benefits in practice. We also found that it was necessary to evangelise the use of the web in general, and web standards in particular.
Our approach was to focus on showing rather than telling. We worked with the TiddlyWiki community to extend the ecosystem and we built numerous internal systems for BT (some based on TiddlyWiki and some not).
[[Osmosoft]]'s chief contribution to the TiddlyWiki community was the creation of TiddlyWeb and TiddlySpace. TiddlyWeb was a robust, internet scale server for tiddlers that could also compose TiddlyWiki views of those tiddlers. TiddlySpace was an attempt to package TiddlyWeb into a more directly usable form.
! Leaving BT
By the end of 2011 I was increasingly feeling that I would be better placed to realise the potential of TiddlyWiki outside of the corporate confines BT. Accordingly, I left and started work as an independent developer, primarily working on a brand new reboot of TiddlyWiki in the shape of TiddlyWiki5.
! Development of TiddlyWiki5
I worked on new release of TiddlyWiki from November 2011. As a programmer, working on "version 2.0" of something that I had already written is a very attractive proposition. It means that the requirements were fully understood, allowing me to focus on evolving the architecture needed to support the desired functionality.
! The Future
Now that TiddlyWiki5 has finally left "beta" status behind, my hope is that it will have a long life. Because it only uses standard features of HTML5 and Node.js, there is no reason why it cannot be fully operational for many years to come. My goal is for it to last for at least 25 years.
//Jeremy Ruston, 20th September 2014//
The system tiddler [[$:/HistoryList]] keeps track of a list of tiddlers comprising the navigation history. Each time you click on a link to a tiddler, the title of the target tiddler is added to the top of the stack.
The history list is stored in JSON to allow additional details about the coordinates of the DOM node that initiated the navigation.
The history list also maintains the field ''current-tiddler'' that contains the name of the tiddler at the top of the stack. This field can be used like so:
<$list filter="[list[$:/StoryList]]" history="$:/HistoryList" storyview="pop">
<$button message="tm-close-tiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-mini">×</$button> <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/> <$reveal type="match" state="$:/HistoryList!!current-tiddler" text=<<currentTiddler>>>✓</$reveal></$link>
Which renders the same as the "Open" sidebar tab, with the addition of a tick against the tiddler that was last navigated to.
<$list filter="[list[$:/StoryList]]" history="$:/HistoryList" storyview="pop">
<$button message="tm-close-tiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-mini">×</$button> <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/> <$reveal type="match" state="$:/HistoryList!!current-tiddler" text=<<currentTiddler>>>✓</$reveal></$link>
!! Empty Story
To display content when the story is empty, create $:/config/EmptyStoryMessage and enter the desired contents. The following would show the GettingStarted tiddler when all others are closed.
You can include a horizontal rule with three or more dashes on their own on a line:
<<wikitext-example src:"
When you edit a tiddler on http://tiddlywiki.com you will see a small ribbon inviting you to edit the source of the tiddler on GitHub.
If you are using Node.js, you can replicate this feature for your own TiddlyWiki-based site as follows:
# Make sure the following setting is included in the `tiddlywiki.info` file in your WikiFolder:
#> <pre><code> "config": {
"retain-original-tiddler-path": true
# Copy the tiddler [[$:/ContributionBanner]] to your wiki
# Make the following changes:
## Adjust the GitHub link URL from https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/edit/master/editions/tw5.com/tiddlers/ to point to your own GitHub repo
## Make sure the wording of the text starting "Can you help us improve this documentation?" is appropriate for your visitors
## Adjust the link to [[Improving TiddlyWiki Documentation]] to point to your own tiddler with instructions for the contribution procedure
To create a new tab in the sidebar menu:
# Create a tiddler and tag it with the [[SystemTag|SystemTags]] tag [[$:/tags/SideBar]]
#* To create a table of contents you can populate the new tab tiddler using the [[table-of-contents macros|Table-of-Contents Macros]]. For example, see the [[TableOfContents]] used here
# By default, the tiddler title is used as the tab title but you can override it using the `caption` field
# To define the tab ordering, use the `list-after` or `list-before` fields as discussed in [[Tagging]]
#* For example: set `list-after` to [[$:/core/ui/SideBar/Open]] to place a sidebar tab immediately after the "Open" tab
Note that you can create new tabs under the "More" tab in the same way by using the tag `$:/tags/MoreSideBar`.
You can apply custom styles to tiddlers that have a particular tag by defining a CSS class with the name `tc-tagged-<Tag Name>`.
For example, to make tiddlers tagged "NightReader" appear in a special colour scheme suitable for night-time reading, [[create a stylesheet|Using Stylesheets]] defining the class `tc-tagged-NightReader` like this:
.tc-tagged-NightReader {
color: orange;
padding: 35px 35px;
.tc-tagged-NightReader .tc-tiddler-body {
font-size: 1.5em;
The `tc-tagged-NightReader` class is applied to the entire tiddler and not just the tiddler text. If you want to target a smaller portion of the tiddler you can qualify the CSS selector, as is done here with `.tc-tagged-NightReader .tc-tiddler-body`.
Note that tags containing spaces or non-alphanumeric characters will be converted using URI encoding, making the generated CSS classname hard to predict. For example:
|!Tag |!Generated Class Name |
|`$:/mytag` |`tc-tagged-%24%3A%2Fmytag` |
|`Doctor Who` |`tc-tagged-Doctor%20Who` |
|`£35.23` |`tc-tagged-%C2%A335.23` |
Although ~TiddlyWiki will generate these tags, to actually use them in your css, you will need to escape the percent character in your stylesheet, like:
.tc-tagged-Doctor\%20Who {
background-image: url(./tardis_back.svg);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: right;
First install TiddlyWiki as described in [[Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js]].
# Create an empty [[TiddlyWikiFolder|TiddlyWikiFolders]]
## Create a new folder in a convenient place (for example `~/MyWiki`)
## Create a file called `tiddlywiki.info` containing the following text:
##* `{"themes": ["tiddlywiki/vanilla","tiddlywiki/snowwhite"]}`
## Create a subfolder called `tiddlers`
##* Alternatively, just copy the `editions/empty` folder from the TiddlyWiki5 repo
# Create individual TiddlerFiles in the `~/MyWiki/tiddlers` directory
# Execute the following command from the TiddlyWiki5 root directory to build a TiddlyWiki5 file from the tiddlers:
## `tiddlywiki ~/MyWiki --rendertiddler $:/core/save/all index.html text/plain`
Here's how to display the last modification date of a wiki in a banner in the corner of the window:
# Copy the plugin [[$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/github-fork-ribbon]] to your TiddlyWiki
# Save and reload your wiki
# Create a new tiddler called [[$:/_MyRibbon]] tagged [[$:/tags/PageControls]] and containing:<div>
<div class="github-fork-ribbon-wrapper right">
<div class="github-fork-ribbon" style="background-color:#DF4848;">
<$list filter="[!is[system]!has[draft.of]!sort[modified]limit[1]]">
<$view field="modified" format="date" template="DD mmm YYYY at 0hh:0mm"/>
# If required, change the background-color value to your preference
# You can also try changing the positioning class from `right` to `right-bottom`
## To make the banner appear at the top left you'll need to tag the tiddler [[$:/tags/PageTemplate]] instead of [[$:/tags/PageControls]] and then change the position class to `left`
HTML tags and comments can be used directly in WikiText. For example:
<article class="hello">
This is my nice and simple block of text. HelloThere
<!-- This comment will not appear in the wikified output -->
! Content Parsing
The content of an HTML element will be parsed in inline mode unless the opening tag is followed by two linebreaks, in which case it is parsed in block mode. (Inline mode means that block mode formatting such as tables, lists and headings is not recognised).
! Attributes
Attributes in HTML tags can be specified as a literal, a transclusion or a macro invocation. For example, here the value of the `href` attribute will be set to the value of the tiddler MyLinkDestination:
<a href={{MyLinkDestination}}>link</a>
Here an attribute is specified as a macro invocation:
<a href=<<MyMacro "Brian">>>link</a>
Literal attribute values can include line breaks. For example:
<div data-address="Mouse House,
Mouse Lane,
By using triple-double quotes you can specify attribute values that include single double quotes. For example:
<div data-address="""Mouse House,
"Mouse" Lane,
<<.dlink-ex HTML "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML">> is a standard plain-text format used for defining the content of a web page.
It consists of a tree of elements expressed using a system of special <<.def tags>> enclosed in angle brackets.
Almost the whole of HTML can be used unchanged in the WikiText of a tiddler.
Here is an example of using the ListWidget and the TranscludeWidget to show a grid of all system images (ie, tiddlers tagged [[$:/tags/Image]]).
.my-gallery svg {
width: 6em;
height: 6em;
margin: 1em;
<div class="my-gallery">
<$list filter="[all[tiddlers+shadows]tag[$:/tags/Image]]">
<span title=<<currentTiddler>>>
! Image Formatting
Images can be included in WikiText with the following syntax:
[img[Motovun Jack.jpg]]
If the image source is the title of an image tiddler then that tiddler is directly displayed. Otherwise it is interpreted as a URL and an HTML `<img>` tag is generated with the `src` attribute containing the URL.
A tooltip can also be specified:
[img[An explanatory tooltip|Motovun Jack.jpg]]
Attributes can be provided to specify CSS classes and the image width and height:
[img width=32 [Motovun Jack.jpg]]
[img width=32 class="tc-image" [Motovun Jack.jpg]]
Note that attributes can be specified as transclusions or variable references:
[img width={{!!mywidth}} class=<<image-classes>> [Motovun Jack.jpg]]
The image syntax is a shorthand for invoking the ImageWidget.
! Displaying Images via Transclusion
You can also display an image stored in a tiddler by transcluding that tiddler. The disadvantage of this approach is that there is no direct way to control the size of the image.
{{Motovun Jack.jpg}}
Renders as:
{{Motovun Jack.jpg}}
! Introduction
The image widget displays images that can be specified as a remote URL or the title of a local tiddler containing the image.
! Content and Attributes
Any content of the `<$image>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|source |The URL of the image, or the title of an image tiddler |
|width |The width of the image |
|height |The height of the image |
|tooltip |The tooltip to be displayed over the image |
|alt |The alternative text to be associated with the image |
|class |CSS classes to be assigned to the `<img>` element |
The width and the height can be specified as pixel values (eg "23" or "23px") or percentages (eg "23%"). They are both optional; if not provided the browser will use CSS rules to size the image.
! External Images and the ''_canonical_uri'' field
When used to display tiddler-based images, the image widget operates in two distinct modes:
* If the ''_canonical_uri'' field is present then it is used as the ''src'' attribute of the generated `<img>` element and the ''text'' field is ignored
* Without the ''_canonical_uri'' field, the image widget generates an `<img>` element that embeds the image data directly using a `data:` URI.
See ExternalImages for more details.
You can import content into a TiddlyWiki file in several ways:
* Use the ''import'' button (under the ''Tools'' tab in the sidebar) to select a local file
* Drag and drop files from Windows Explorer or Mac OS X Finder into the TiddlyWiki browser window
* Paste content directly from the clipboard using the menu or keyboard shortcut (control-V or command-V)
** GoogleChrome is currently the only browser to support pasting
! Introduction
The ImportVariablesWidget imports macro and variable definitions from a list of other tiddlers and makes them available to its children. For example:
<$importvariables filter="[tag[mySpecialMacros]]">
All the macros defined in tiddlers with the tag "mySpecialMacros" are available here
! Attributes and Content
The content of the importvariables widget is the scope within which the imported variable definitions are available.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|filter |[[Tiddler filter|Filters]] defining the tiddlers from which macro definitions will be imported |
! Global Macros
So-called global macros are implemented within the main page template ([[$:/core/ui/PageTemplate]]) by wrapping the page content in the following importvariables widget:
<$importvariables filter="[[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Macro]!has[draft.of]]">
Anyone can submit improvements to the TiddlyWiki documentation that appears on http://tiddlywiki.com.
# Read and observe the [[Documentation Style Guide]]
# Create an account on https://github.com if you don't already have one
# If you haven't done so already, sign the [[Contributor License Agreement]] as described in [[Signing the Contributor License Agreement]]
# On http://tiddlywiki.com, click "edit" on the tiddler you want to improve
# You should see a pink banner with the text: //Can you help us improve this documentation? Find out how to edit this tiddler on ~GitHub//
# Click on the external link ...''this tiddler on ~GitHub''
## You will be prompted that "you need to fork this repository to propose changes". A "fork" is your own copy of the repository that incorporates the changes you are proposing
# A new browser tab should open ready to edit the tiddler on github.com
# Below the edit box for the tiddler text you should see a box labelled ''Propose file change''
# Enter a brief title to explain the change (eg, "Clarify attribute syntax instability")
# If necessary, enter a longer description too
# Click the green button labelled ''Propose file change''
# On the following screen, click the green button labelled ''Create pull request''
[[Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] or one of the other core developers will then have the opportunity to merge your pull request so that it is incorporated into the next build of http://tiddlywiki.com.
Mario Pietsch has created these short video tutorials:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/L4zTkMYcri8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/6ElUruH92tc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/axFCk9KsMFc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
A plugin that allows changes to be synchronised with the IndexedDB database that is built-in to most browsers.
Being quite new to TW5 development I tried my best to draft a SyncAdaptor to store tiddlers in IndexedDb. This is quite useful if an application / plugin installation is not possible (we have quite some restrictions at work...).
Each input title is processed in turn, and is ignored if it does not denote a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]]. The list of property names is retrieved from the data tiddler (in no particular order) and then [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's output.
Where a tiddler's [[content is JSON|JSONTiddlers]] with an array as its root, the <<.op indexes>> operator retrieves a selection of integer indices instead.
<<.operator-examples "indexes">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[{$:/palette}indexes[]sort[title]]" "all the colours defined in the current [[colour palette|ColourPalettes]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[[$:/HistoryList]indexes[]]" "integer output because the [[history list|$:/HistoryList]] is an array">>
System tiddlers in the namespace `$:/info/` are used to expose information about the system (including the current browser) so that WikiText applications can adapt themselves to available features.
! Information Tiddlers
|!Title |!Description |
|[[$:/info/browser]] |Running in the browser? ("yes" or "no") |
|[[$:/info/node]] |Running under [[Node.js]]? ("yes" or "no") |
Each tiddler has a panel of additional information. To reveal it, click the {{$:/core/images/down-arrow}} button in the tiddler's toolbar and then choose {{$:/core/images/info-button}} ''info'' from the dropdown list.
The info panel has the following tabs:
* ''Tools'' - This offers buttons for various actions you can perform on the tiddler. The checkbox next to each button lets you promote an action to the tiddler's toolbar - this will affect all of the tiddlers in your wiki
* ''References'', ''Tagging'', ''List'' and ''Listed'' - These list various kinds of related tiddlers. See [[Using links to navigate between tiddlers]]
* ''Fields'' - This summarises all of the tiddler's [[fields|TiddlerFields]], except for ''text''
* ''Advanced'' - This indicates whether the tiddler is a [[shadow|ShadowTiddlers]]. If it is, this also reveals which plugin it comes from and whether it has been overridden by an ordinary tiddler
To close the info panel, click anywhere outside it.
See also:
* [[Environment Variables on Node.js]]
# Install [[Node.js]] from http://nodejs.org
# Open a command line terminal and type:
#> `npm install -g tiddlywiki`
#> If it fails with an error you may need to re-run the command as an administrator:
#> `sudo npm install -g tiddlywiki` (Mac/Linux)
# Check TiddlyWiki is installed by typing:
#> `tiddlywiki --version`
# In response, you should see TiddlyWiki report its current version (eg "<<version>>"; you may also see other debugging information reported)
# Try it out:
## `tiddlywiki mynewwiki --init server` to create a folder for a new wiki that includes server-related components
## `tiddlywiki mynewwiki --server` to start TiddlyWiki
## Visit in your browser
## Try editing and creating tiddlers
The `-g` flag causes TiddlyWiki to be installed globally. Without it, TiddlyWiki will only be available in the directory where you installed it.
If you are using Debian or Debian-based Linux and you are reciving a `node: command not found` error though node.js package is installed, you may need to create a symbolic link between `nodejs` and `node`. Consult your distro's manual and `whereis` to correctly create a link. See github [[issue 1434|http://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1434]]
Example Debian v8.0: `sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node`
<<.def "Instruction tiddlers">> talk directly to the reader and guide them through a process. The reader is likely to be a beginner or an intermediate user.
Such tiddlers can be subcategorised as:
* What is ~TiddlyWiki and why should I care?
* Demonstrations of key features and benefits
* Frequently asked questions
* Examples of ~TiddlyWiki in the field
* Information about the project itself
* An ordered presentation of material for beginners
* Each tiddler introduces one new point or concept
* Its main content contains very few links
* A revealable <<.word "Find out more">> section at the end can offer related links
* Accompanying a tutorial tiddler
* Solution revealed on demand
* A list of numbered steps for performing a small specific task
* Concise, with links to reference tiddlers where appropriate
* Often has a preamble to clarify the nature of the task
* Accompanying a [[reference tiddler|Reference Tiddlers]]
* Can contain explanations and similar commentary
* Kept separate to keep the reference tiddler pure
Instruction tiddlers talk directly to the reader as <<.word you>>. They can be reasonably chatty.
But they avoid excessively colloquial language, cultural or topical references and attempts at humour, as these can baffle or even offend the international readership. They also avoid potentially frustrating the reader with descriptions of features as <<.word convenient>> or <<.word easy>>.
A git choose-your-own-adventure!ⓡ for walking yourself though fixing a //broken// Git repository.
This document is an attempt to be a fairly comprehensive guide to recovering from what you did not mean to do when using git. It isn't that git is so complicated that you need a large document to take care or your particular problem, it is more that the set of things that you might have done is so large that different techniques are needed depending on exactly what you have done and what you want to have happen.
This brief introduction shows how to install and use TiddlyDesktop:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/i3Bggkm7paA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<<.preamble """This explains the basics of writing a [[filter|Filters]] to select a set of tiddlers. For a more technical presentation, see [[Filter Syntax]].""">>
<$macrocall $name=".tip" _="""Filters do nothing if you just type them into a tiddler on their own. They need a context. An easy way to experiment with filters is to type them into the <<.advancedsearch-tab Filter>> tab of [[Advanced Search|$:/AdvancedSearch]]."""/>
The simplest case is where you already know exactly which tiddlers you want. Type each title in double square brackets, with a space between each one and the next:
> `[[Recipe book]] [[ScrambledEggs]] [[Mom's apple pie]]`
You can omit the square brackets when a title doesn't contain any spaces:
> `[[Recipe book]] ScrambledEggs [[Mom's apple pie]]`
The double square brackets are actually a shorthand for this:
> `[title[ScrambledEggs]]`
... which gives us the <<.def "general model">> for any filter:
> `[operator[parameter]]`
For instance, here's how to select all the tiddlers that have been tagged <<.tag Recipe>>:
> `[tag[Recipe]]`
We can reverse the meaning by adding an exclamation mark `!` just before the operator. For example, we can select any tiddlers that do <<.em not>> have the <<.tag Recipe>> tag:
> `[!tag[Recipe]]`
Tiddlers can be filtered by other fields than just title and tags:
> `[field:serving[4]]`
That example will select any tiddlers that have <<.value 4>> in their <<.field serving>> field.
As the word "serving" isn't a standard filter operator (and isn't likely to become one), you can safely omit the `field:` prefix:
> `[serving[4]]`
The filters we've looked at so far have involved just one step each. But you can <<.def run>> several steps together like this:
> `[tag[Vegetarian]!tag[soup]serving[4]]`
Notice how the entire run is contained in a single pair of square brackets.
A tiddler has to match <<.em all>> of the steps in a run. So the example above retrieves vegetarian recipes (other than soups) for 4 people.
A sequence of separate runs will select the tiddlers that match <<.em any>> of the runs. We can use this to find recipes that serve either 3, 4 or 5 people:
> `[serving[3]] [serving[4]] [serving[5]]`
If we want to ignore vegetarian recipes that serve 4, we can say this:
> `[serving[3]] [serving[4]!tag[Vegetarian]] [serving[5]]`
By default, each run considers every tiddler in the wiki. But we can use a `+` sign to force a run to consider only the tiddlers that were selected by the preceding runs:
> `[serving[3]] [serving[4]] [serving[5]] +[tag[Vegetarian]] +[sort[title]]`
This selects recipes for 3, 4 or 5 people, then filters <<.em those>> to keep only the vegetarian ones, and finally sorts any that are left into alphabetical order of title.
In a similar way, we can use a `-` sign to <<.em remove>> a run's tiddlers from the result so far. Here we select all vegetarian recipes apart from two:
> `[tag[Vegetarian]] -[title[ScrambledEggs]] -BeansOnToast`
!Special parameters
The parameter of each step we've seen so far has been in square brackets, meaning that ~TiddlyWiki treats it literally. But two other kinds of bracket are possible:
<<.def "Curly brackets">> `{}` mean that the parameter is a TextReference, and that its value is to be looked up in a specified tiddler. For example, if we have a tiddler called <<.tid Preference>> whose text happens to be the word <<.value Vegetarian>>, we can say
> `[tag{Preference}]`
as an alternative to `[tag[Vegetarian]]`. This allows the preference to change over time.
<<.def "Angle brackets">> `<>` mean that the parameter is the name of a [[variable|Variables]] whose value is to be used instead. Here we use the built-in <<.vlink currentTiddler>> variable in a filter that selects any tiddlers whose text contains the title of the current one:
> `[search<currentTiddler>]`
This brief presentation explains the basic principles of TiddlyWiki.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/KtCUr83XgyE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
The TiddlyWiki used to produce the video can be found here:
The parameter <<.place C>> is one of the following fundamental categories:
|!Category |!Matches any tiddler that... |
|^`current` |is the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]] |
|^`image` |has an image ContentType |
|^`missing` |does not exist (other than possibly as a shadow tiddler), regardless of whether there are any links it |
|^`orphan` |has no [[hard links|Hard and Soft Links]] to it |
|^`shadow` |is a [[shadow tiddler|ShadowTiddlers]], regardless of whether it has been overridden with a non-shadow tiddler |
|^`system` |is a [[system tiddler|SystemTiddlers]], i.e. its title starts with `$:/` |
|^`tag` |is in use as a tag |
|^`tiddler` |exists as a non-shadow tiddler |
If <<.place C>> is anything else, the output is an error message.
`!is[tiddler]` is a synonym for `is[missing]`, and vice versa.
When <<.op is[missing]>> is the first operator in a [[run|Filter Run]], its output is always empty. And when <<.op is[shadow]>> comes first, it outputs only those shadow tiddlers that have been overridden. This is because the [[initial input to a run|Filter Expression]] contains only <<.em non>>-shadow tiddlers.
The <<.olink all>> operator is similar, but its scope is the whole wiki.
<<.operator-examples "is">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[is[tag]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[!is[tag]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[all[shadows]!is[system]]" "shadow tiddlers that don't start with `$:/`">>
<<.operator-example 4 "[is[system]tag[$:/tags/Stylesheet]]" "system stylesheets">>
<<.operator-example 5 "[all[shadows]is[system]tag[$:/tags/Stylesheet]]" "shadow system stylesheets">>
<<.operator-example 6 "[is[shadow]]" "overridden shadow tiddlers">>
<<.operator-example 7 "[is[missing]]" "empty because its input contains only tiddlers that exist">>
~JavaScript is a computer language that was originally introduced by browsers as a way of scripting web pages. At first it was considered a poorly designed toy, but over the years has become recognised as a powerful language in its own right, and has been adopted widely beyond the browser.
~JavaScript looks like this:
function circleArea(radius) {
return radius * 2 * 3.141592653;
<<.dlink-ex JSON "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSON">> is a standard plain-text format used for modelling hierarchical structures of objects that contain named fields.
DataTiddlers can have JSON content.
The <<.mlink jsontiddlers>> macro returns tiddler content in JSON format.
I'm the original inventor of TiddlyWiki. You can find me on these services:
* jeremy (at) jermolene (dot) com
* [[Jermolene on GitHub|https://github.com/Jermolene]]
* [[Jermolene on GitTip|https://www.gittip.com/Jermolene/]], a micropayment service
* [[@Jermolene on Twitter|http://twitter.com/#!/jermolene]]
* [[Jermy on LinkedIn|http://www.linkedin.com/in/jermy]]
* [[Jermy on Flickr|http://www.flickr.com/photos/jermy/]]
Further information:
* An [[interview with me in The Inquirer|http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/feature/2105529/bt-software-engineer-tells-telco-source]] by Wendy Grossman
* A [[hilarious interview with me|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auyIhw8MTmQ]] from British television in 1983
* Here's a video of a presentation I did in 2007 called [["How to Start an Open Source Project"|http://vimeo.com/856110]].
A JSON tiddler is a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]] containing a [[JSON|JavaScript Object Notation]] structure in its `text` field.
Its [[ContentType]] is `application/json`.
The [[history list|$:/HistoryList]] is a good example of a JSON tiddler.
The <<.def jsontiddlers>> [[macro|Macros]] returns the fields of a [[selection of tiddlers|Title Selection]] in [[JSON|JavaScript Object Notation]] form.
An example can be seen in the [[template tiddler for JSON exports|$:/core/templates/exporters/JsonFile]].
!! Parameters
: A [[filter|Filters]] selecting which tiddlers to include
This plugin adds the ability to display mathematical notation written in ~LaTeX.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/katex/
Keyboard shortcut support is currently very limited but will be improved in later releases.
! Editing Shortcuts
|Key |Shortcut description |
|<kbd>ctrl-enter</kbd> |Confirm changes to the draft tiddler containing the keyboard focus |
|<kbd>escape</kbd> |Abandon changes to the draft tiddler containing the keyboard focus |
! Introduction
The keyboard widget allows [[Messages]] to be generated in response to key presses.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$keyboard>` widget is rendered normally. The keyboard shortcut only takes effect within the contained content.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|message |The title of the [[WidgetMessage|Messages]] to generate |
|param |The parameter to be passed with the [[WidgetMessage|Messages]] |
|key |Key string identifying the key to be trapped (see below) |
|class |A CSS class to be assigned to the generated HTML DIV element |
! Key Strings
Key strings are made up of zero or more of the modifiers <kbd>alt</kbd>, <kbd>shift</kbd> or <kbd>ctrl</kbd> followed by the name of a key, all joined with "+" plus symbols. Key names are either the letter or digit printed on the key (eg "a" or "1"), or one of the special keys <kbd>backspace</kbd>, <kbd>tab</kbd>, <kbd>enter</kbd> or <kbd>escape</kbd>.
For example:
//This is a sample task for the TaskManagementExample//
Language plugins provide translations of the core TiddlyWiki interface.
The following languages are currently available:
<<list-links "[tag[Languages]]">>
You can contribute by learning how to [[translate TiddlyWiki into your language|Translate TiddlyWiki into your language]].
<<.operator-examples "last">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]last[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]last[5]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[tag[Concepts]!sort[title]last[3]]">>
The latest news, articles, resources and examples.
<div class="tc-link-info">
<$list filter="[tag[Articles]] [tag[Examples]] [tag[Resources]] [tag[Tutorials]] +[!sort[modified]limit[8]]">
<div class="tc-link-info-item">
! <$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
<div class="tc-subtitle">Posted <$view field="modified" format="relativedate"/></div>
Ordinarily with TiddlyWiki, the full content of all tiddlers is embedded into the main HTML file. Lazy loading refers to the technique of only embedding metadata about the tiddler (in other words all fields except the ''text'' field), and requesting the body from the server when required.
Lazy loading can be used in two configurations:
* When running [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]], image tiddlers can be subject to lazy loading
* When running [[TiddlyWiki in the Sky for TiddlyWeb]], all tiddlers are subject to lazy loading
See the LazyLoadingMechanism for details of how lazy loading is implemented.
! Lazy loading under Node.js
To run TiddlyWiki with lazy loading for images, use this alternative ServerCommand to start the server:
tiddlywiki --server 8080 $:/core/save/lazy-images
! Lazy loading under TiddlyWeb
With the current configuration, lazy loading is enabled by default.
TiddlyWiki currently only implements LazyLoading when it is running in the browser talking to a TiddlyWeb-compatible server.
In the [[configuration for TiddlyWeb|TiddlyWiki in the Sky for TiddlyWeb]], the browser first requests a "skinny" version of each tiddler (consisting of all the fields apart from the text field). Subsequently, an attempt to read those skinny tiddlers with `wiki.getTiddler()` returns just the skinny fields, but an attempt to read one using `wiki.getTiddlerText()` will trigger an asynchronous load of the full tiddler text, which in turn triggers a refresh cycle, updating the display to reflect the newly loaded tiddler. Widgets that loop through all tiddlers are fine; it's only if they trigger `wiki.getTiddlerText()` for a tiddler that it will get loaded.
Lazy loading can also be used with TiddlyWiki's own server. The core provides a template that enables images to be lazily loaded while other tiddlers are packaged into the initial HTML file in the usual way.
The browser-based search built into TiddlyWiki5 will only search the text of tiddlers that have been fully loaded. The expectation is that when lazy loading is used in a client-server configuration, then it is the server that really needs to handle search operations, because it is only the server that can "see" the text of all tiddlers. So, the plan is to integrate the built in search with TiddlyWeb's search API. The simplest approach is that any local search triggers an asynchronous server side search. The results of the search would be asynchronously loaded such that they would dynamically appear in the local search results.
Learn more about using TiddlyWiki:
<<list-links "[tag[Learning]]">>
Also see the complete [[Reference]], including advanced WikiText, macros, widgets, filters etc.
`limit[N]` and `!limit[N]` are synonyms for `first[N]` and `last[N]` respectively.
<<.operator-examples "limit">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[sort[modified]!limit[20]]" "the 20 most recently modified tiddlers">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[has[created]sort[created]limit[10]]" "the oldest 10 tiddlers in the wiki">>
The <<.def lingo>> [[macro|Macros]] relates to the translation of ~TiddlyWiki's user interface into other languages. It returns a piece of text in the user's currently selected language.
Translatable text is supplied by language plugins containing tiddlers with specific titles that start with `$:/language/`.
!! Parameters
: The title of the shadow tiddler that contains the text. The prefix `$:/language/` is added automatically
<<.macro-examples "lingo">>
This example shows the text used as the basis for the title of a newly created tiddler:
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<<lingo DefaultNewTiddlerTitle>>"""/>
This example shows the name of the eighth month of the year, for use in [[formatting dates|DateFormat]]:
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2" eg="""<<lingo Date/Long/Month/8>>"""/>
! Introduction
The link catcher widget traps [[WidgetMessage: tm-navigate]] dispatched within its child content by performing any or all of these actions:
* sending a different widget message
* setting a tiddler to the title of the navigated tiddler
* setting a tiddler to a specified value
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$linkcatcher>` widget is displayed normally.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|to |Optional title of the tiddler to be set to the title of the navigated tiddler |
|message |Optional identifier for a [[widget message|Messages]] to be sent when a navigation is caught |
|set |Optional title of the tiddler to be set to a specified value when navigation occurs |
|setTo |Value to be assigned by the `set` attribute |
A key capability of WikiText is the ability to make links to other tiddlers or to external websites.
! Manual Links
Link to a tiddler by title:
[[Tiddler Title]]
To link to a tiddler and specify the text of the link:
[[Displayed Link Title|Tiddler Title]]
! ~CamelCase Links
For tiddler titles that match the CamelCase rules, just typing the title without double square brackets will automatically create a link.
You can suppress a link from being recognised by preceding it with `~`. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"* ~HelloThere is not a link
* ~http://google.com/ is not a link">>
! External Links
To link to an external [[resource|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_resource]] such as a website or a file, type its //full// [[URL|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URL]], including the [[URI scheme|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URI_scheme]] such as a protocol (e.g. `http://`, `file://`) or `mailto`:
[[Mail me|mailto:me@where.net]]
For this syntax to work, the URL has to be recognisable as a URL. Otherwise, it is treated as a tiddler title. As a result, in case you want to link to a resource locatable using a relative path, use the extended syntax:
[ext[Open file|index.html]]
[ext[Open file|./index.html]]
[ext[Open file|../README.md]]
The extended syntax still works with full URLs, although in that case it is not necessary:
You can also use the extended syntax to force an external link:
! Customising Tiddler Links
See the LinkWidget for details of the underlying widget used to implement tiddler links, including macros that can be used to customise its behaviour.
Each input title is processed in turn. The corresponding tiddler's list of links is generated, in the order in which they appear in the tiddler's text, and [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's overall output.
<<.operator-examples "links">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[HelloThere]links[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[all[current]links[]]" "tiddlers [[hard-linked|Hard and Soft Links]] from the current one">>
Here are some hard links:
* HelloThere
* [[Filter Operators]]
* [[links Operator]]
The `link` widget generates links to tiddlers. (Use the HTML `<a>` element to generate external links).
! Content and Attributes
|!Attribute |!Description |
|to |The title of the target tiddler for the link (defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]) |
|aria-label |Optional [[Accessibility]] label |
|tooltip |Optional tooltip WikiText |
|tabindex |Optional numeric [[tabindex|https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement/tabIndex]] |
|draggable |"yes" to enable the link to be draggable (defaults to "yes") |
|tag |Optional tag to override the default "a" element |
The content of the link widget is rendered within the `<a>` tag.
The default value of the tooltip attribute is supplied by the <<.vlink tv-wikilink-tooltip>> variable.
This means that you can control the text of a link tooltip in several ways:
<$link to="HelloThere" tooltip="Custom tooltip">Link 1</$link>
<$set name="tv-wikilink-tooltip" value="I'm a link to {{!!title}}">
<$link to="HelloThere">Link 2</$link>
Renders as:
<$link to="HelloThere" tooltip="Custom tooltip">Link 1</$link>
<$set name="tv-wikilink-tooltip" value="I'm a link to {{!!title}}">
<$link to="HelloThere">Link 2</$link>
Note that the tooltip is rendered with the current tiddler set to the target of the link.
A useful convention is to set the tooltip like this:
\define tv-wikilink-tooltip()
<$transclude field="tooltip"><$transclude field="title"/></$transclude>
This causes the tooltip to be the ''tooltip'' field of the target tiddler. If the field isn't present, then the title is used instead.
! CSS Classes
* `tc-tiddlylink` - applied to all links
* `tc-tiddlylink-external` - applied to external, non-tiddler links
* `tc-tiddlylink-internal` - applied to tiddler links
* `tc-tiddlylink-missing` - applied to tiddler links where the target tiddler doesn't exist
* `tc-tiddlylink-resolves` - applied to tiddler links when the target tiddler does exist
! Configuration variables
* <<.vlink tv-wikilinks>>
* <<.vlink tv-wikilink-template>>
* <<.vlink tv-wikilink-tooltip>>
* <<.vlink tv-get-export-link>>
<<.place R>> can reference either a field or a property. See [[TextReference]] for the syntax.
* If neither is specified, the <<.field list>> field is used by default. So `[list[T]]` outputs the titles listed in the <<.field list>> of tiddler T.
* If <<.place R>> consists of <<.em only>> a field or a property, the tiddler part of the reference defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]. So `[list[!!tags]]` outputs the titles listed in the <<.field tags>> field of the current tiddler.
<<.operator-examples "list">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[HelloThere]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week!!short]]">>
The <<.def list-links>> [[macro|Macros]] returns a formatted list of links to a [[selection of tiddlers|Title Selection]].
If a tiddler has a <<.field caption>> field, this is shown instead of the tiddler's title.
!! Parameters
: A [[filter|Filters]] selecting which tiddlers to include
: An HTML element to use for the overall list element, defaulting to `ul`
: An HTML element to use for each item in the list, defaulting to `li`
: A [[CSS|Cascading Style Sheets]] class for the overall list element
<<.macro-examples "list-links">>
This example lists all the tiddlers whose titles start with J:
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<<list-links filter:"[prefix[J]]">>"""/>
This example lists the documentation tiddlers for the core macros, each of which has a <<.field caption>> field:
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2" eg="""<<list-links filter:"[tag[Core Macros]]">>"""/>
<<.field F>> is assumed to be a [[title list|Title List]].
Each input title is processed in turn. A list of tiddlers whose <<.place F>> field mentions it is generated (in no particular order) and [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's overall output.
<<.operator-examples "listed">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[HelloThere]listed[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[all[current]listed[my-special-list]]">>
The `list` [[field of a tiddler|TiddlerFields]] is an optional feature that can be used to help structure your content. Its value is a [[title list|Title List]], and it can be used in several ways:
* The `list` field of a tiddler that is being used as a tag determines the ordering of the tiddlers that carry that tag - see [[Tagging]] for details
* The `list` [[filter|Filters]] selects the entries from a list
* The `listed` [[filter|Filters]] selects the tiddlers that list the selected tiddler(s)
* The NavigatorWidget manipulates a StoryList tiddler containing a `list` field of the tiddlers that are displayed in the main story column
! Unordered Lists
You can create unordered lists with `*` characters:
<<wikitext-example src:"* First list item
* Second list item
** A subitem
* Third list item
! Ordered Lists
Ordered lists use `#` instead of `*`:
# First item
# Second item
# Third item
You can also mix ordered and unordered list items:
<<wikitext-example src:"* To do today
*# Eat
* To get someone else to do
*# This
*# That
*## And the other
Here's an example the other way around, with numbers as the first level:
<<wikitext-example src:"# To do today
#* Eat
# To get someone else to do
#* This
#* That
#** And the other
! CSS Classes
You can also assign a CSS class to an individual member of a list with this notation:
<<wikitext-example src:"* List One
*.MyClass List Two
* List Three
! Mixing Lists and Block Quotes
Note that [[Block Quotes in WikiText]] can be mixed with lists. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"* List One
** List Two
**> A quote
**> Another quote
* List Three
! Paragraphs in Lists
Entries in the list are delimited with a linebreak, making it impossible to include linebreaks within a list entry. There are a couple of workarounds.
First, you can transclude paragraph content from another tiddler. For example:
* First entry
* <$transclude tiddler="MyTiddler" mode="block"/>
* Third entry
Secondly, you can use an HTML "div" element to contain the multiline content. For example:
# Step 1
# Step 2
# Step 3<div>
Here is the first of several paragraphs. Note that the double linebreak preceding this paragraph is significant.
And here is the second of several paragraphs.
# Step 4
# Step 5
# Step 6
! Introduction
The list widget displays a sequence of tiddlers that match a [[tiddler filter|Filters]]. It can be used for many purposes:
* Displaying custom lists of links, like in TiddlyWiki5's sidebar
* Custom lists, such as "all tiddlers tagged 'task' that are not tagged 'done'"
* Listing each of the tags applied to a tiddler
* Handling the main story river
The tiddlers are displayed by transcluding each in turn through a template. There are several ways to specify the template and for controlling the behaviour of the list.
! Examples
''plain list''
<$list filter="[tag[ListWidget]sort[title]]"/>
Displays as:
<$list filter="[tag[ListWidget]sort[title]]"/>
''custom item output''
<$list filter="[tag[ListWidget]sort[title]]">
Displays as:
<$list filter="[tag[ListWidget]sort[title]]">
''custom item template''
<$list filter="[tag[ListWidget]sort[title]]" template="$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/subtitle"/>
Displays as:
<$list filter="[tag[ListWidget]sort[title]]" template="$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/subtitle"/>
!! Grouped Lists
See NestedLists for how to generate nested and grouped lists using the ListWidget.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$list>` widget is an optional template to use for rendering each tiddler in the list. Alternatively, the template can be specified as a tiddler title in the ``template`` attribute. As a fallback, the default template just displays the tiddler title.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|filter |The [[tiddler filter|Filters]] to display |
|template |The title of a template tiddler for transcluding each tiddler in the list. When no template is specified, the body of the ListWidget serves as the item template. With no body, a simple link to the tiddler is returned. |
|editTemplate |An alternative template to use for [[DraftTiddlers|DraftMechanism]] in edit mode |
|variable |The name for a [[variable|Variables]] in which the title of each listed tiddler is stored. Defaults to ''currentTiddler'' |
|emptyMessage |Message to be displayed when the list is empty |
|storyview |Optional name of module responsible for animating/processing the list |
|history |The title of the tiddler containing the navigation history |
!! Edit mode
The `<$list>` widget can optionally render draft tiddlers through a different template to handle editing, see DraftMechanism.
!! `storyview` attribute
The `storyview` attribute specifies the name of an optional module that can animate changes to the list (including navigation). The core ships with the following storyview modules:
* `classic`: renders the list as an ordered sequence of tiddlers
* `zoomin`: just renders the current tiddler from the list, with a zoom animation for navigating between tiddlers
* `pop`: shrinks items in and out of place
In order for the storyviews to animate correctly each entry in the list should be a single block mode DOM element.
!! History and navigation
The optional `history` attribute specifies the name of a tiddler that is used to track the current tiddler for navigation purposes. When the history tiddler changes the list view responds by telling the listview to handle navigating to the new tiddler. See HistoryMechanism for details.
<<.preamble """What follows is a formal presentation of the syntax of the WikiText syntax for macro calls, using [[railroad diagrams|Railroad Diagrams]]. A [[simpler overview|Macro Calls in WikiText]] is also available.""">>
<$railroad text="""
"<<" name [: space [:{param-value}] ]">>"
<<.place space>> denotes a sequence of [[whitespace characters|Filter Whitespace]].
The [[macro|Macros]]'s <<.place name>> is a sequence of non-whitespace characters other than `(` or `>`.
Each individual <<.place param-value>> has the following syntax:
<$railroad text="""
[: param-name [:space] ":" [:space] ] value [: space]
The <<.place param-name>> is a sequence of letters (`A`--`Z`, `a`--`z`), digits (`0`--`9`), hyphens (`-`) and underscores (`_`).
The <<.place value>> is specified as follows:
<$railroad text={{$:/editions/tw5.com/railroad/macro-parameter-value}}/>
To call a [[macro|Macros]], place `<<`double angle brackets`>>` around the name and any parameter values.
By default, parameters are listed in the same order as in the macro's definition. A parameter can be labelled with its name, either for clarity or to modify the order.
If no value is specified for a parameter, the default value given for that parameter in the macro's definition is used instead. (If no default value was defined, the parameter is simply blank.)
Each parameter value can be enclosed in `'`single quotes`'`, `"`double quotes`"`, `"""`triple double quotes`"""` or `[[`double square brackets`]]`. Triple double quotes allow a value to contain almost anything. If a value contains no spaces or single or double quotes, it requires no delimiters.
A more formal [[presentation|Macro Call Syntax]] of this syntax is also available.
The syntax is actually a shorthand for a <<.wlink MacroCallWidget>> widget. The widget itself offers greater flexibility, including the ability to [[transclude|Transclusion]] parameter values or generate them via additional macros.
As macros are simply parameterised [[variables|Variables]], a variable's value can be inserted using the same techniques.
[[Examples|Macro Calls in WikiText (Examples)]]
\define sayhi-example-1() <<sayhi>>
\define sayhi-example-2() <<sayhi Bugs>>
\define sayhi-example-3() <<sayhi "Donald Duck" Disneyland>>
\define sayhi-example-4() <<sayhi "Mickey Mouse" "Mouse House">>
\define sayhi-example-5() <<sayhi name:'Minnie Mouse' address:[[Mouse House]]>>
\define sayhi-example-6() <<sayhi address:"Quacky Towers" name:"Donald Duck">>
\define sayhi-example-7()
<<sayhi "Mickey Mouse" """"Mouse House",
Rodent's Lane,
<$importvariables filter="$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/say-hi">
<$codeblock code={{$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/say-hi}}/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg=<<sayhi-example-1>>/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2" eg=<<sayhi-example-2>>/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="3" eg=<<sayhi-example-3>>/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="4" eg=<<sayhi-example-4>>/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="5" eg=<<sayhi-example-5>>/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="6" eg=<<sayhi-example-6>>/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="7" egvar="sayhi-example-7"/>
<<.preamble """What follows is a formal presentation of the syntax of the `\define` pragma, using [[railroad diagrams|Railroad Diagrams]]. A [[simpler overview|Macro Definitions in WikiText]] is also available.""">>
<$railroad text="""
"\define" space name params [:space] rest
<<.place space>> denotes a sequence of [[whitespace characters|Filter Whitespace]].
The [[macro|Macros]]'s <<.place name>> is a sequence of non-whitespace characters other than `(` or `>`.
The parameter declaration list (<<.place params>>) has the following syntax:
<$railroad text="""
"(" [:sep] [:{ param sep }] ")"
The parameter separator (<<.place sep>>) is any sequence of characters that does not match a <<.place param-name>>. Among other things, this includes commas, spaces and linefeeds.
A <<.place param-name>> is a sequence of letters (`A`--`Z`, `a`--`z`), digits (`0`--`9`), hyphens (`-`) and underscores (`_`).
Each individual <<.place param>> has the following syntax:
<$railroad text="""
param-name [: [:space] ":" [:space] default ]
The optional <<.place default>> value of a parameter is specified as follows:
<$railroad text={{$:/editions/tw5.com/railroad/macro-parameter-value}}/>
The <<.place rest>> of the definition has the following syntax:
<$railroad text="""
( snippet | lf snippet lf "\end" [:space] ) lf
<<.place lf>> denotes a linefeed.
The <<.place snippet>> is any sequence of characters that doesn't terminate the macro definition. That is to say, a single-line snippet cannot contain a linefeed, and a multi-line snippet cannot contain `\end` on a line of its own.
The snippet can contain placeholders with the following syntax:
<$railroad text="""
( "$" name "$" | "$" "(" name ")" "$" )
A [[macro|Macros]] is defined using a `\define` [[pragma|Pragma]]. Like any pragma, this can only appear at the start of a tiddler.
The first line of the definition specifies the macro name and any parameters. Each parameter has a name, and optionally a default value that is used if no value is supplied on a particular call to the macro. The lines that follow contain the macro's text (i.e. the snippet represented by the macro name), until `\end` appears on a line by itself:
<$codeblock code={{$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/say-hi}}/>
Alternatively, the entire definition can be presented on a single line, without an `\end` marker:
\define sayhi(name:"Bugs Bunny") Hi, I'm $name$.
A more formal [[presentation|Macro Definition Syntax]] of this syntax is also available.
!! Placeholders
The snippet can contain placeholders for parameters. These consist of a parameter name between dollar signs, like `$this$`.
It can also contain placeholders for [[variables|Variables]]. These consist of a variable name (or macro name) between dollar signs and round brackets, like `$(this)$`.
The actual value of the parameter or variable is substituted for the placeholder whenever the macro is called:
<$importvariables filter="$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/say-hi-using-variables">
<$codeblock code={{$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/say-hi-using-variables}}/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<$set name="address" value="Rabbit Hole Hill">
!! Scope
Macros are available to the tiddler that defines them, plus any tiddlers that it transcludes.
To make a macro available to all tiddlers, define it in a tiddler that has the tag <<.tag $:/tags/Macro>>.
It is also possible to write a macro as a [[JavaScript module|http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/index.html#JavaScript%20Macros]]. ~JavaScript macros are available to all tiddlers, and offer the maximum flexibility.
A tiddler can manually import macro definitions from a [[selection|Title Selection]] of other tiddlers by using the <<.wlink ImportVariablesWidget>> widget.
<<list-links filter:"[tag[Macro Syntax]]">>
! Introduction
The macro call widget provides an alternative syntax for invoking macros. The advantage of the widget form is that it allows macro parameters to be specified as widget attributes, thus allowing indirection and macro values to be set.
For example, a macro called `italicise` that takes a single parameter called `text` can be invoked in any of these ways:
<<italicise "Text to be made into italics">>
<<italicise text:"Text to be made into italics">>
<$macrocall $name="italicise" text="Text to be made into italics"/>
<$macrocall $name="italicise" text={{Title of tiddler containing text to be italicised}}/>
<$macrocall $name="italicise" text=<<textMaker "Another macro to generate the text to be italicised">>/>
You can see several examples of the macro call widget within the core:
* Listing module information: [[$:/snippets/modules]]
* Listing field information: [[$:/snippets/allfields]]
* Generating `data:` URIs: [[$:/themes/tiddlywiki/starlight/styles.tid]]
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$macrocall>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$name |Name of the macro to invoke |
|$type |ContentType with which the macro text should be parsed (defaults to `text/vnd.tiddlywiki`) |
|$output |ContentType for the output rendering (defaults to `text/html`, can also be `text/plain`) |
|//parameters// |Macro parameters specified as attributes |
A <<.def macro>> is a named snippet of text. WikiText can use the name as a shorthand way of [[transcluding|Transclusion]] the snippet. Such transclusions are known as <<.def "macro calls">>, and each call can supply a different set of parameters that get substituted for special placeholders within the snippet.
For the syntax, see [[Macros in WikiText]].
Most macros are in fact just parameterised [[variables|Variables]].
They are created using the `\define` [[pragma|Pragma]]. (Behind the scenes, this is transformed into a <<.wlink SetWidget>>, i.e. macros and variables are two sides of the same coin.)
The snippet and its incoming parameter values are treated as simple strings of characters with no WikiText meaning, at least until the placeholders have been filled in and the macro call has returned. This means that a macro can assemble and return the complete syntax of a ~WikiText component, such as a [[link|Linking in WikiText]]. (See [[Transclusion and Substitution]] for further discussion of this.)
The string returned by a macro call is parsed separately from any surrounding ~WikiText components. So a safe way to insert a special character sequence (such as `[[` or `<`) without triggering its normal ~WikiText meaning is to wrap it in a macro.
Within a snippet itself, the only markup detected is `$name$` (a placeholder for a macro parameter) and `$(name)$` (a placeholder for a [[variable|Variables]]).
The <<.mlink dumpvariables>> macro lists all variables (including macros) that are available at that position in the widget tree.
An <<.wlink ImportVariablesWidget>> widget can be used to copy macro definitions to another branch of the [[widget tree|Widgets]]. ~TiddlyWiki uses this technique internally to implement global macros -- namely any macros defined in tiddlers with the <<.tag $:/tags/Macro>> tag.
For maximum flexibility, macros can also be <<.js-macro-link "written as JavaScript modules">>.
A similar effect to a parameterised macro call can be produced by setting [[variables|Variables]] around a [[transclusion|Transclusion]].
~TiddlyWiki's core has [[several macros|Core Macros]] built in.
The use of [[macros|Macros]] in WikiText has two distinct aspects:
* [[Defining macros|Macro Definitions in WikiText]]
* [[Calling macros|Macro Calls in WikiText]]
//This is a sample task for the TaskManagementExample//
The <<.def makedatauri>> [[macro|Macros]] takes a piece of text and an associated ContentType, and returns a corresponding [[data URI|Data URI]].
<<.var makedatauri>> is used to implement the <<.mlink datauri>> macro.
!! Parameters
: The text to be converted to a data URI
: The ContentType of the text
<<.macro-examples "makedatauri">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<<makedatauri "some example text" "text/plain">>"""/>
See the UpgradeMechanism for more details.
\define textOnPath(text)
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 1000 300" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" style="background:white;">
<path id="MyPath" d="M 100 200 C 200 100 300 0 400 100 C 500 200 600 300 700 200 C 800 100 900 100 900 100"/>
<use xlink:href="#MyPath" fill="none" stroke="#ddd"/>
<text font-family="'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif" font-size="42.5">
<textPath xlink:href="#MyPath">
This demo shows how to use SVG to render transcluded text along a path. Enter some text in the textbox below to try it out; [[view the source|Making curved text with SVG]] to see how it is done.
<$edit-text tiddler="$:/CurvedText" tag="input" placeholder="Type text here" default=""/>
<$macrocall $name="textOnPath" text={{$:/CurvedText}}/>
The Markdown plugin enables you to use tiddlers that are written in standard Markdown markup.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/markdown/
An experimental MathJax plugin for TiddlyWiki version 5. As Martin says, the implementation is a bit of a hack but may be useful until we have a better alternative.
Welcome. I have created plugin for TiddlyWiki 5 which allows you to use MathJax (math in TeX and MathML) inside TiddlyWiki 5. It's unofficial plugin and it doesn't follow general policy of TiddlyWiki as stand-alone solution but it works. So you can use it if you want.
MathML is a markup language for mathematical notation that can be used with HTML.
If your browser supports it, MathML elements can be used in TiddlyWiki5 WikiText just like HTML.
Here is an example MathML equation from [[the W3C|http://www.w3.org/Math/XSL/csmall2.xml]]:
Renders as:
These are the internal mechanisms that fit together to make up TiddlyWiki.
<<list-links "[tag[Mechanisms]]">>
Local meetings around the world for ~TiddlyWiki people:
* [[OXTWIG]], the ''Oxford ~TiddlyWiki Interest Group'' meets monthly in Oxford, UK to share experiences of using TiddlyWiki
* ''[[TiddlyWiki Camp Paris]]'' is an all day celebration and exploration of TiddlyWiki for experienced users and beginners alike
//If you are a ~TiddlyWiki enthusiast please consider starting a local TWIG in your area, it's a great way to spread the word about using TiddlyWiki//
Widget messages are generated by widgets in response to user actions. They flow up the widget tree until they are handled by an ancestor widget.
The following widget messages are implemented by the core:
<<list-links "[tag[Messages]]">>
A //module// in TiddlyWiki5 is a tiddler containing executable JavaScript, of the type `application/javascript` and with the field `module-type` set to the ModuleType of the module.
See the ''Internals'' tab of the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] for lists of the currently loaded modules.
<<.operator-examples "modules">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[filteroperator]modules[]]">>
\define describe() {{$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/$(type)$}}
The `module-type` field of a [[JavaScript module|Modules]] is a string that identifies the type of the module. Here is a list of the module types used in this wiki:
<$list filter="[moduletypes[]]">
<$set name=type value=<<currentTiddler>>>
<<.operator-examples "moduletypes">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[moduletypes[]]">>
\rules only html
<pre style="font-size:10px; font-family: monospace; line-height:13px">
';. .;c'
:XNo ,kjack' .:dd
,K0X: '0l Tiddly:',..,Wiki.
jacK' .dk. '';jack .xk;
Jack; ..',','... '0c .0c
:0:c0l. .:dTidllyc::cjoWikioc:,,,,;;:cJACKc:;;d0. 'K:
l0:'jack,... ...',:lkxc. ..';:ccc:;;,'...',:loc .Kc
,xk:..,jackjackjack;'. :K,
.lxxl;.. . .Ox.
.':lTiddlyWikI. .xk.
`` ;0; . ;Od.
.dO' .0Ojackx,
cOo' .kk'.'..
.k0' .cOo.
lO; ... .jack.
.xk' .jackTiddlyWikijackO, .lkd;.
;Oo. .dO. .ok. ,Oo.
l0; .c, ,0: .kd l0.
.xk. .xNx lO. lO. ;0,
.Od. ,XW0, :0; dk. .kx.
.kx. jACKx' cOl. .Ol ;0:
.oO: .JACKx. .jack;'. .0: c0;
'dkc ,lXKd' .'jack. .Ol cOc.
.;ljack,.;xkc,...,oK, 'xxjack. .oko.
`` 'cljack' .okdlcJack.
MultiTiddlerFiles allow multiple tiddlers to be concisely represented in a single text file.
The goals of this format are:
* To be easy to type and easy to read
* Optimised for single line strings
* To allow common fields or tags to be shared within groups of tiddlers
* To be simple to process with external tools
MultiTiddlerFiles have the extension `multids`. The file is structured as a block of shared fields followed by a blank line. The rest of the file is a sequence of comments and tiddlers. Tiddlers are specified by their title, followed by a colon, at least one space character, and then the rest of the line is the text field for the tiddler.
For example:
title: $:/language/ControlPanel/
tags: strings
modifier: JoeBloggs
Basics/Caption: Basics
# This is a comment
Basics/Version: ~TiddlyWiki Version
This example defines two tiddlers, [[$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/Caption]] and [[$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/Version]].
If a `title` field is specified in the header then it is treated as a prefix for the individual tiddlers defined in the title.
!! Syntax Specification
!!! MultiTiddlerFiles
<$railroad text="""
{<"Header Line">} "Blank Line" {(<"Tiddler Descriptor Line"> | <"Comment Line">)}
!!! Header Line
<$railroad text="""
<"Identifier"> ":" {"Whitespace"} <"Value"> "New Line"
!!! Tiddler Descriptor Line
<$railroad text="""
<"File Path"> ":" {"Whitespace"} <"Tiddler Title"> "New Line"
!!! Comment Line
<$railroad text="""
"#" {("Text" | "Whitespace")} "New Line"
The <<.def namespace>> [[variable|Variables]] is used internally by [[HTML|HyperText Markup Language]] widgets to keep track of the correct namespace for the [[DOM|Document Object Model]] elements they generate.
An `svg` or `math` element supplies a distinct namespace for itself and any child elements it contains.
The system tiddlers provided as part of the core are named according to the following rules:
|!Namespace |!Format |!Description |
|`$:/*` |~CamelCase |Root user interface tiddlers (eg control panel, advanced search) |
|`$:/config/*` |~CamelCase |User-oriented configuration setting |
|`$:/core/images/*` |hyphen-case |Core images |
|`$:/core/modules/*` |lowercase |JavaScript module tiddlers |
|`$:/core/save/*` |lowercase |Saving templates for creating TiddlyWiki documents |
|`$:/core/templates/*` |//inconsistent// |Templates needed for TiddlyWiki to operate. Currently uses a mix of dashes and periods to separate words |
|`$:/core/ui/*` |//inconsistent// |Tiddlers comprising the default user interface of TiddlyWiki. Currently uses a mix of ~CamelCase and lowercase naming conventions |
|`$:/core/wiki/*` |lowercase |Metadata about the entire wiki |
|`$:/docs/*` |lowercase |Documentation tiddlers |
|`$:/messages/*` |~CamelCase |System messages |
|`$:/plugins/*` |lowercase |Plugin tiddlers, and plugin content |
|`$:/snippets/*` |//inconsistent// |Reusable snippets (will be replaced by macros) |
|`$:/state/*` |lowercase |User interface state tiddlers |
|`$:/tags/*` |~CamelCase |User interface configuration tags |
|`$:/temp/*` |lowercase |Temporary tiddlers that shouldn't be saved |
|`$:/themes/*` |lowercase |Theme plugins |
In the format column:
* ''hyphen-case'' refers to joining multiple lowercase words with hyphens
* ''~CamelCase'' refers to joining mulitple initial capitaled words with hyphens
* ''lowercase'' refers to directly joining multiple lowercase words
* ''inconsistent'' marks namespaces that are currently titled inconsistently
In the default "classic" storyview mode, open tiddlers are displayed in a vertical column called the "story river". There are a number of ways you can navigate the story river - that is, how you can jump back and forth between the open tiddlers.
* The best approach is to ''use the Open tab'' in the sidebar to click on the open tiddler to which you wish to navigate.
** The ''Open'' tab contains a list of all the open tiddlers. You can click on any tiddler in the list to jump to it, or click the "×" next to a tiddler link to close it. There is also a handy ''close all'' button at the bottom of the list of open tiddlers.
* Another way is to simply ''scroll the page up and down'' using the story river scrollbar to the right.
** Note that when both the story river and the sidebar extend below the visible screen, there will be //two// scrollbars. The outer or far-right scrollbar controls the story river. The inner scrollbar controls the sidebar.
* A clunky approach that many new users try is to ''close tiddlers one by one'' until they get to the tiddler they are looking for.
** Closing any tiddler at the top or in the middle of the story river will cause all the tiddlers below it to slide up the river. The tiddler immediately below the tiddler you closed will slide up to take its place.
** Closing the bottom tiddler will close it and the bottom of the tiddler above it will come into view.
! Introduction
The navigator widget manipulates the current store, the story list and history lists in response to various [[Messages]].
! Content and Attributes
The navigator widget displays any contained content, and responds to Messages dispatched within it.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|story |Name of the tiddler containing the story list to be manipulated |
|history |Name of the tiddler containing the history list to be manipulated |
|openLinkFromInsideRiver |Determines the location for opening new tiddlers from links within the story river: at the ''top'' or ''bottom'' of the story river, or ''above'' or ''below'' the current tiddler |
|openLinkFromOutsideRiver|Determines the location for opening new tiddlers from linkes outside the story river: at the ''top'' or ''bottom'' of the story river|
! Widget Messages
The following [[Messages]] are handled by the navigator widget:
<$list filter="[tag[navigator-message]]">
<$link to={{!!title}}>
<$view field="title"/>
Each input title is processed in turn, and its successor is located in the <<.field list>> field and appended to the output. If a title is not listed in the field, or is the last title there, then it contributes nothing to the output.
<<.operator-examples "next">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[Monday]next[Days of the Week]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[[Sunday]next[Days of the Week]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "Tuesday Wednesday Thursday +[next[Days of the Week]]">>
"node-webkit" was the original name for the project now known as [[NW.js]].
''Node.js'' is a downloadable application for your PC, Mac or Linux computer that lets it run JavaScript applications. Unlike ~JavaScript applications running in a web browser, Node.js code has full access to the file system and other resources of the computer, enabling it to perform the roles that have traditionally been the preserve of languages like Java, PHP and Python. See http://nodejs.org for more details.
For ~TiddlyWiki, Node.js means that we can have a single code base that can run in the browser or on the server, giving great flexibility in how it is used.
For end users, Node.js is no more complicated to install than a web browser, but unlocks powerful capabilities such as the ability to run ~TiddlyWiki as a web server that you can connect to from other devices.
See [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] for more details.
Version 5.0.11-beta includes some changes that can break content from earlier releases of ~TiddlyWiki 5.
! Command line changes
Previously, commands that generate output files would interpret the specified path to the file as being relative to the current working directory. So, for example, the following command would write `index.html` to the current directory:
tiddlywiki mywiki --rendertiddler $:/core/save/all index.html text/plain
In 5.0.11-beta this behaviour has changed, and now the specified filename is resolved relative to an `output` folder within the TiddlyWikiFolder. So the command above will now write the file `index.html` to `mywiki/output/index.html`.
You can override this behaviour with the OutputCommand. For example, to generate the `index.html` file within the current directory:
tiddlywiki mywiki --output . --rendertiddler $:/core/save/all index.html text/plain
A further change is that the `--rendertiddlers` command now clears the output folder before it writes any files. This means that any previous `--rendertiddler` commands to the same folder will have their output deleted.
Version 5.0.8-beta includes some changes that can break content from earlier releases of ~TiddlyWiki 5.
! Change to [[$:/SiteTitle]] and [[$:/SiteSubtitle]]
You should rename any existing SiteTitle and SiteSubtitle tiddlers to [[$:/SiteTitle]] and [[$:/SiteSubtitle]] respectively.
! Changed parsing rules for content of HTML elements
Version 5.0.8-beta marks a change in the way that TiddlyWiki determines whether to parse the content of an HTML element or widget in //block mode// or //inline mode//.
* In block mode, TiddlyWiki parses text into paragraphs, creating `<p>` tags to wrap them. It also recognises block syntax like headings, lists and tables.
* In inline mode, TiddlyWiki ignores paragraph formatting, and just recognises character formatting, like bold and italic.
It's important to be able to control which type of parsing is performed for different situations.
Prior to 5.0.8-beta, TiddlyWiki parsed the content of an element in inline mode unless the opening tag of the element were immediately followed by a line break. This meant that much of the time element tags would be shunted together into a long line, hindering readability.
The new behaviour for 5.0.8-beta is to parse the content of an element in inline mode unless the opening tag is immediately followed by two line breaks.
To adjust existing content for 5.0.8-beta you will need to manually add the additional line break after the opening tag of elements and widgets whose content should be parsed in block mode.
The positive aspect of the change is that it removes the need to pack multiple HTML tags onto a single line, improving readability.
!! Examples
Consider the difference between these two examples. First, here's an HTML tag that starts with two line breaks:
<<wikitext-example src:"
! This is a heading
And a paragraph of text.
Secondly, here's an HTML tag with just a single line break. Notice how the heading is no longer recognised as a heading
<<wikitext-example src:"
! This is a heading
And a paragraph of text.
! Changed commands for [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
The handling of wiki folders has changed. Previously, if the `tiddlywiki` command was run against a wiki folder that didn't have the necessary `tiddlywiki.info` file then it would be automatically created. Now, the wiki folder must be initialised with the InitCommand.
This is how to create and start a new server-based wiki:
tiddlywiki mywikifolder --init server
tiddlywiki mywikifolder --server
Note that the name of the ''clientserver'' edition has changed to ''server''.
The <<.def now>> [[macro|Macros]] returns the current date and time in a specified [[format|DateFormat]].
The value doesn't update automatically, like a ticking clock. It updates whenever the macro call is rendered, such as when the containing tiddler's display needs to be refreshed for some other reason.
!! Parameters
: A string specifying the desired [[format|DateFormat]], defaulting to `0hh:0mm, DDth MMM YYYY`
<<.macro-examples "now">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<<now>>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2" eg="""<<now YYYY-0MM-0DD>>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="3" eg="""<<now "hh:0mm:0sspm">>"""/>
Non-numeric values are treated as having a higher value than any number, and the difference between capital and lowercase letters is ignored. Compare <<.olink nsortcs>>.
<<.operator-examples "nsort">>
<<.operator-example 1 "10 010 1000 100 +[nsort[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "10 010 ALPHA beta alpha 1000 100 +[nsort[]]">>
Non-numeric values are treated as having a higher value than any number, and capital and lowercase letters are treated as different. Compare <<.olink nsort>>.
<<.operator-examples "nsortcs">>
<<.operator-example 1 "10 010 1000 100 +[nsortcs[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "10 010 ALPHA beta alpha 1000 100 +[nsortcs[]]">>
<<.place N>> is one-based. In other words, `nth[1]` has the same effect as the <<.olink first>> operator.
<<.operator-examples "nth">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]nth[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]nth[5]]">>
NW.js is an OpenSource application that fuses the functionality of a web browser with that of [[Node.js]]. It makes it possible to use web applications as though they were native apps, with full access to the file system and other native facilities. Learn more from the [[official site|https://github.com/nwjs/nw.js]] or [[this introductory blog post|http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/javascript-ajax/introduction-to-html5-desktop-apps-with-node-webkit/]].
See [[TiddlyWiki on NW.js]] for details of how to use TiddlyWiki with NW.js.
An introduction to the biblical book of Obadiah by Dave Gifford using the table of contents macro and various custom tweaks to ~TiddlyWiki: custom new here buttons, [[this custom viewtemplate addition|http://giffmex.org/experiments/obadiah.html#%24%3A%2F_aa%2FViewTemplate%2FNoteList]] to add notes or images within any tiddler, and a tiddler transcluding all the content, in order to facilitate printing ([[this tiddler|http://giffmex.org/experiments/obadiah.html#An%20introduction%20to%20Obadiah]]).
OpenSource is [[defined by Wikipedia|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_source]] as //a philosophy, or pragmatic methodology that promotes free redistribution and access to an end product's design and implementation details//.
When ~TiddlyWiki generates a list of the tiddlers that have a particular tag (e.g. the dropdown list of a tag pill), it orders the tiddlers using the following rules:
# Start with any that are [[declared|Title List]] in the <<.field list>> field of the tag tiddler, in the order given there.
# In each remaining tiddler <<.place T>>, look for a <<.field list-before>> field. If this has a tiddler title as its value, place <<.place T>> just <<.em before>> that one.
#* As a special case, if the field exists but its value is empty, place <<.place T>> at the very start of the list.
# In each remaining tiddler <<.place T>>, look for a <<.field list-after>> field. If this has a tiddler title as its value, place tiddler <<.place T>> just <<.em after>> that one.
# If any tiddlers still remain, place them at the end of the list in ascending alphabetical order of title. The difference between capital and lowercase letters is ignored.
Founded in 2004 by JeremyRuston, Osmosoft was originally a consultancy for software services around TiddlyWiki. Notable engagements included working with Socialtext on [[Socialtext Unplugged|https://www.socialtext.net/open/socialtext_unplugged]].
In 2007, Osmosoft was acquired by [[BT]] and became the champions for open source within the enterprise. As part of BT, Osmosoft has worked on a diverse range of projects within BT and for BT's customers.
See http://osmosoft.com/
The ''Oxford ~TiddlyWiki Interest Group'' meets monthly for discussions and demonstrations about TiddlyWiki.
See https://oxtwig.eventbrite.co.uk/ for details of our next meeting.
We have an email discussion list, too: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!members/oxtwig
The second OXTWIG meeting was held on Thursday 16th January 2014:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/WOK_nVBf_6U" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
The first OXTWIG meeting was held on Thursday 21st November 2013:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/tpNf_Dms_TE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
One major feature of TiddlyWiki that many new users are unaware of is the degree to which TiddlyWiki can be customised, just by adding or removing SystemTags in key shadow tiddlers or in your own custom tiddlers.
* You can add and remove default features in tiddlers in either viewing or editing mode (let's say you find the tiddler subtitle distracting, or you want to add yourself a reminder that you will see when you edit tiddlers)
* You can also add and remove default features from the general page layout (maybe you want to add a clock to the sidebar, or replace one of the page control buttons with your own)
* You can also rearrange the order in which these features are displayed (perhaps you would like tags above tiddler titles, or the subtitle of your TiddlyWiki below the page control buttons)
Once you know what you are doing, all of these things are actually pretty easy to do.
! Adding custom-made tiddlers to the user interface
You can also create any tiddler you want and tag it with the appropriate SystemTag, and it will appear in that place. For example, if you create a tiddler 'Reminder to self', add the text 'This is a reminder' and tag it `$:/tags/EditTemplate`, the words 'This is a reminder' will appear inside every tiddler when you edit it.
When you add new tiddlers to be displayed within tiddlers or within the page layout, you will also probably need to reposition it so that it appears precisely where you want it to appear. To do this, edit the appropriate shadow tiddler with the prefix `$:/tags/`, and insert the title of your tiddler in the proper place in the list field. For example, if you want the words 'This is a reminder' from the example above to appear above the tags editor in editing mode, edit the tiddler $:/tags/EditTemplate, go to the 'list' field, and insert `[[Reminder to self]]` right before `$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/tags`.
! Creating new buttons for the ViewToolbar and page controls
Let's say you have a skeleton tiddler called 'Recipe template', and you want to have a button available in the tiddler ViewToolbar to create new recipe tiddlers on demand. This will require the following steps:
# You will want an image for your button. If none of the core images (shadow tiddlers with the prefix $:/core/images/) work for you, then you will need to create or acquire an SVG image (for example, one of the images at http://flaticon.com), drag it into your file so that it becomes a tiddler, edit the tiddler and adjust the height and width to 22px
# You will want to create the tiddler that contains your tiddler. Create it, title it, and add the button code (see the code at the bottom of this tiddler for an example, with hints where you will need to adapt it). Tag it [[$:/tags/ViewToolbar]]
# You will need to create a tiddler that tells TiddlyWiki whether your button should be visible in the toolbar or hidden. Let's title it [[$:/config/ViewToolbarButtons/Visibility/Recipe]]. Type `reveal` into the text area, and save.
# You will want to position the button properly. Open the tiddler $:/tags/ViewToolbar and insert your button tiddler's title in the appropriate place in the list field.
\define newHereButtonTags()
\define newHereButton()
<$button class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>>>
title="New tiddler"
tags=<<newHereButtonTags>> />
<$list filter="[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]">
<$list filter="[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]">
<span class="tc-btn-text"><$text text="CAPTION FOR YOUR BUTTON"/></span>
! Removing shadow tiddlers from the user interface
In the More > Shadows tab you will find a list of all the shadow tiddlers. In this list you will find many tiddlers with the prefix `$:/core/ui/`. These are the core tiddlers that define the user interface. These tiddlers are tagged with SystemTags, and removing or adding these tags will adjust the tiddler and page layouts.
For example, $:/core/ui/SideBar/More is the tiddler for the More tab in the Sidebar, and it is tagged with the SystemTag `$:/tags/SideBar` so that it appears in the Sidebar. Removing the tag from that tiddler will remove the More tab from the Sidebar, and reinserting the Sidebar tag to that tiddler will make it reappear in the Sidebar.
You can use the same process for any of the core user interface tiddlers with the $:/core/ui/ prefix. For example, removing the SystemTag `$:/tags/ViewTemplate` from the tiddler `$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/subtitle` will remove the subtitles from all tiddlers.
If you modify a shadow tiddler in this way you will overwrite the pre-installed value. If you want to revert, just delete the modified tiddler to restore the underlying shadow tiddler.
To mark the end of a paragraph in TiddlyWiki you need to type `enter` twice to create a double line break:
This is the first paragraph.
And this is the second paragraph.
Single line breaks are ignored within paragraphs. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"This is a
paragraph made
up of
short lines">>
For situations where this behaviour isn't convenient, you can also use [[Hard Linebreaks in WikiText]].
! Introduction
The parsing mechanism analyses the text of a tiddler against a set of parsing rules, producing a tree representing the structure of the text. The RenderingMechanism is used to transform parse trees into render trees of widget nodes.
TiddlyWiki5 includes ParserModules for several types of tiddler:
* WikiText
* Raw HTML
* Plain text
* Images (bitmap, SVG and PDF)
The WikiText parser is the most complex, comprising separate individual WikiRuleModules encapsulating each parsing rule.
! Parse Trees
The output of parsing a tiddler is an object containing a tree of parse nodes corresponding to the original text. For example:
> JSON.stringify($tw.wiki.parseText("text/vnd.tiddlywiki","Some //italics// and a {{Transclusion}}.").tree)
{type: "element", tag: "p", children: [
{type: "text", text: "Some "},
{type: "element", tag: "em", children: [
{type: "text", text: "italics"}
{type: "text", text: " and a "},
{type: "tiddler", attributes:{
tiddler: {type: "string", value: "Transclusion"}
}, children:[
{type: "transclude", attributes:{
tiddler: {type: "string", value: "Transclusion"}
{type: "text", text: "."}
Parse tree nodes are plain JavaScript objects, and do not have a prototype.
! Introduction
The password widget displays a password input box that is bound to a named entry in the TiddlyWiki5 PasswordVault. Passwords are currently stored in the browsers local storage and are not themselves encrypted.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$password>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|name |Name of the password vault entry |
<<.dlink-ex "Percent encoding" "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Percent-encoding">> is a notation that allows otherwise invalid characters to be included in a [[URI]].
Such characters are represented as a percent sign `%` followed by two additional characters.
For example, a space is represented as `%20` and an actual percent sign is represented as `%25`.
TiddlyWiki ships with defaults that are designed to get the best out of modern devices from smartphones to desktop computers. If you need to work on older, less powerful devices, or work with large amounts of content, there are a few steps you can take to improve performance.
* ''Avoid the "Recent" tab''. It is computationally slow to generate and update in response to tiddler changes.
* ''Use the "Vanilla" theme''. The default "Snow White" theme includes visual effects like shadows, transparency and blurring that can be slow to render on older devices
* ''Avoid large tiddlers''. Large bitmaps can significantly slow TiddlyWiki's performance. For example, an image taken with a modern smartphone will often be 5MB or more. Use ExternalImages whenever possible
* ''Don't have too many tiddlers open at once''. Every tiddler you have open will require processing to keep it up to date as the store changes (for example, while you type into a draft tiddler). It is particularly easy when using zoomin story view to end up with dozens of tiddlers listed in the ''Open'' tab in the sidebar. Get into the habit of periodically closing all open tiddlers with the ''close all'' button
Permalinks allow direct links to individual tiddlers within a TiddlyWiki.
! Simple Permalinks
The simplest form of permalink is a single target tiddler title appended to the base URL with `#`:
The tiddler title can contain spaces if required:
[[http://tiddlywiki.com/#Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
Note that double square brackets are not required around the target tiddler title; however, if present they are silently removed.
! Story Permalinks
The permalink can also specify the story list of tiddlers that should be opened alongside the target tiddler as a [[TiddlerFilter|Filters]]:
[[http://tiddlywiki.com/#TiddlerFields:Tiddlers TiddlerTags TiddlerFields ContentType]]
If the target tiddler isn't present in the story list then it is automatically inserted at the top. This means that the following two examples both target the tiddler `Tiddlers` within the story sequence `Tiddlers`, `Tags`, `TiddlerFields`:
[[http://tiddlywiki.com/#Tiddlers:Tags TiddlerFields]]
[[http://tiddlywiki.com/#Tiddlers:Tiddlers Tags TiddlerFields]]
It is also possible to specify a story filter without specifying a target tiddler for navigation:
<a href="http://tiddlywiki.com/#:[tags[task]]">~http://tiddlywiki.com/#:[tags[task]]</a>
! About URL encoding
There are technical restrictions on the legal characters in an URL fragment. To allow all tiddler titles to be addressed, illegal characters are subject to a process called "URL encoding" whereby problematic characters are replaced by their numeric code. For example, the space character is replaced with `%20`.
Both the target tiddler title and the story filter should be URL encoded (but not the separating colon). TiddlyWiki generates properly encoded URLs which can look quite ugly. However, in practice browsers will usually perfectly happily process arbitrary characters in URL fragments. Thus when creating permalinks manually you can choose to ignore URL encoding.
! Permalink Behaviour
Two important aspects of TiddlyWiki's behaviour with permalinks can be controlled via options in the $:/ControlPanel ''Advanced/Settings'' tab:
* Whether to automatically update the address bar at each navigation, and if so whether to include the story sequence as well as the target tiddler
* Whether the updates to the address bar should affect browser history. The default is ''no''; when switched to ''yes'' you can rewind navigation between tiddlers using the browser back and forward buttons
Note that typing or navigating to a permalink will always cause the permalink to be processed, and tiddlers opened and closed as appropriate.
!! Technical Details
When TiddlyWiki starts up it processes permalinks according to the following steps; the same steps are repeated if the permalink changes dynamically (this happens in response to the user editing the address bar, for example).
# If the permalink contains a colon, treat the string before as the ''target'' and the string after it as the ''story filter''
# If the permalink doesn't contain a colon, treat the entire string as the ''target'' and mark the ''story filter'' as //unspecified//
# If the ''story filter'' was unspecified and we're in the process of starting up, then set the ''story filter'' to the empty string if the ''target'' is specified, or to the default tiddlers if the ''target'' is unspecified
# If the ''story filter'' was unspecified and we're not starting up, then set the ''story filter'' to the current story list
# Evaluate the ''story filter'' as the ''story list''
# If the ''target'' is specified and not present in the ''story list'' then add it at the top
# If the ''target'' is specified then navigate to it, otherwise navigate to the first tiddler in the ''story list''
A system for lesson planning built with TiddlyWiki.
I built a program to help enter and store lesson plan information and then facilitate/automate some of the tedious work involved in creating the actual lesson plan document.
The purpose of recording and organising information is so that it can be used again. The value of recorded information is directly proportional to the ease with which it can be re-used.
The philosophy of [[tiddlers|Tiddlers]] is that we maximise the possibilities for re-use by slicing information up into the smallest semantically meaningful units with [[rich modelling of relationships between them|Structuring TiddlyWiki]]. Then we use aggregation and composition to weave the fragments together to present narrative stories.
TiddlyWiki aspires to provide an algebra for tiddlers, a concise way of expressing and exploring the relationships between items of information.
TiddlyWiki can be used on several platforms:
<<list-links "[tag[Platforms]]">>
[[Plugins]] are bundles of tiddlers that are distributed and managed as a single unit by being packed into a single JSON tiddler. If a tiddler isn't found in the main store, then the registered plugins are searched for it instead.
Tiddlers within plugins behave something like shadow tiddlers in classic TiddlyWiki: they can be freely overwritten by creating a tiddler with the same title, but deleting that tiddler restores the underlying tiddler value from the plugin.
Plugins have a `plugin-type` field that may be (see the table below):
* `plugin` //(default)// - a plain plugin
* `theme` - a theme plugin (see ThemeMechanism)
* `language` - for translations only
Plugins can be used to package ordinary content, or can include JavaScript [[modules|Modules]] that extend and enhance the core TiddlyWiki5 functionality.
Plugins conventionally have a title of the form `$:/plugins/publisher/name`. Plugins that are part of the core TiddlyWiki distribution have titles of the form `$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/name`.
Plugins that define macros, views or other named entities are expected to prefix the name with their publisher identifier, for example: `tiddlytools.slider`.
! Plugin fields
Plugins are stored as tiddlers with the following fields:
|!Field |!Description |
|title |Title of plugin |
|description |Description of plugin |
|author |Author of plugin |
|version |Version string (must conform to SemanticVersioning convention) |
|source |Source URL of plugin |
|type |Must be ''application/json'' |
|plugin-type |Can be ''plugin'' (default), ''language'' or ''theme'' |
|text |JSON encoding of the list of tiddlers comprising the plugin |
|list |Names of exposed plugin information tiddlers (see below) |
|name |Name of the theme (only for themes) |
|dependents |List of dependent plugins (currently only implemented for themes) |
! Plugin folders
On the server, plugins can be stored as ordinary JSON tiddlers but it is often more convenient to store them as separate tiddler files within folders. Plugin folders must contain a `plugin.info` file that contains the metadata for the plugin. It can also optionally identify files external to the plugin folder that should be loaded as tiddlers.
The `plugin.info` file should contain the following JSON structure:
The JSON structure for plugin tiddlers is as follows:
"title": "$:/plugins/publisher/name",
"description": "An exemplary plugin for demonstration purposes",
"author": "JeremyRuston",
"version": "1.2.3-alpha3",
"core-version": ">=5.0.0",
"source": "http://tiddlywiki.com/MyPlugin",
"plugin-type": "plugin",
"list": "readme license history"
By convention, the titles of the individual tiddlers are prefixed with the title of the containing plugin, but they are not restricted to do so.
Note that if the `version` field is omitted from a `plugin.info` file when the plugin folder is packed then it is automatically filled in by the core to the current core version number. This is to ensure that all the core plugins carry the correct version number. Generally plugin authors will want to ensure that they do explicitly specify a version number.
! Plugin library
The standard distribution of TiddlyWiki includes a number of standard plugins in the `plugins` directory.
! Including plugins in a wiki
To be usable in the browser, plugins just need to be included in the wiki. For wikis that are generated on the server, TiddlyWikiFolders can contain a `tiddlywiki.info` file that identifies the plugins to be included in this wiki:
"plugins": [
Plugins names refer to plugin folders listed in TiddlyWiki5's root `plugins` folder.
Plugins can also be included manually by copying them into the `plugins` subfolder of the wiki.
! Plugin processing
The wiki object keeps track of all of the currently loaded plugins. If a request for a tiddler isn't in the store then the wiki looks through the cascade of plugins to find the requested tiddler. It is a similar idea to the way that shadow tiddlers are implemented in classic TiddlyWiki.
In the browser, any constituent tiddlers that are JavaScript modules (ie shadow tiddlers of content type `application/javascript` and possessing the field `module-type`) are executed during startup processing.
!! Disabling Plugins
Plugins can be disabled by creating a tiddler titled `$:/config/Plugins/Disabled/` concatenated with the plugin title, and setting its text to `yes`.
For example, to disable the plugin `$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/highlight`, the title would be:
! Information Tiddlers for Plugins
Plugin authors are encouraged to provide special information and documentation tiddlers that TiddlyWiki can include as plugin information tabs in the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]].
Plugins should provide an icon contained in a tiddler with the title formed of `<plugin-name>/icon` (for example, [[$:/core/icon]]).
Plugins expose the names of the individual information tabs that they wish to display in the `list` field of the plugin tiddler. By convention, some or all of the following should be provided:
* ''readme'': basic information about the plugin
* ''license'': the license under which the plugin is published
The title of the associated information tiddler must be formed as follows:
# `$:/<plugin-name>/<current-language>/<tab-name>` (for example, ''$:/core/en-GB/readme'')
# `$:/<plugin-name>/<tab-name>` (for example, ''$:/core/readme'')
Thus, plugins can provide language-specific versions of each information tiddler.
Note that information tiddlers should not reference other tiddlers within the plugin. This is because plugins containing themes or languages are dynamically switched in and out as they are selected, and so their information tiddlers may not be available for viewing. The control panel uses the 'subtiddler' attribute of the TranscludeWidget to access these tiddlers, which works independently of the plugin switching mechanism.
! Available Plugins
The following plugins are distributed on tiddlywiki.com as part of the main TiddlyWiki distribution.
<<list-links "[tag[Plugins]]">>
! What is a plugin?
A plugin in TiddlyWiki5 is a bundle of tiddlers packaged together as a single tiddler. Plugins are used to distribute optional, custom components for TiddlyWiki.
The tiddlers within a plugin appear as ShadowTiddlers.
Plugins can contain JavaScript modules, style sheets, and templates to extend the functionality of TiddlyWiki itself. Plugins can also be used to distribute ordinary text, images or other content. Plugins can be updated from their source as a unit.
See the PluginMechanism discussion for more details about how plugins are implemented internally.
! Installing a plugin from the plugin library
# Create a backup of your current TiddlyWiki HTML file ([[just in case|The First Rule of Using TiddlyWiki]])
# Open your TiddlyWiki in a browser
# Open the [[$:/ControlPanel]] and click on the ''Plugins'' tab and then the ''Add'' tab
# Click ''open plugin library'' to open the official plugin library
# When the library listing is loaded:
## Use the dropdown to select between ''plugins'', ''themes'' and ''languages''
## Use the ''search'' box to search the plugin details
# Click the ''install'' button to install a plugin
# Save your TiddlyWiki
# ''Refresh the page so that TiddlyWiki loads the new plugin''
# The plugin should now be available for use
! Manually installing a plugin
# Create a backup of your current TiddlyWiki HTML file ([[just in case|The First Rule of Using TiddlyWiki]])
# Open your TiddlyWiki in a browser
# In another browser window, find a link to the plugin, e.g. [[$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/example]]. You will typically find these links on the home page of the plugin (for example, http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/katex/)
# Drag the link [[$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/example]] to the browser window containing your TiddlyWiki
# Save your TiddlyWiki
# ''Refresh the page so that TiddlyWiki loads the new plugin''
# The plugin should now be available for use
! How to uninstall / delete a plugin
# Create a backup of your current TiddlyWiki HTML file ([[just in case|The First Rule of Using TiddlyWiki]])
# Open the [[$:/ControlPanel]] and go to the ''Plugins'' tab
# Click on the plugin you want to delete to open its tiddler
# Click the edit icon and then delete the tiddler
# Save your TiddlyWiki
# ''Refresh the window so that TiddlyWiki completely removes the plugin''
# The plugin should now be deleted
A collection of plugins from TheDiveO.
[[TheDiveO's Third Flow|http://thediveo.github.io/ThirdFlow/]] plugin construction system:
The ~ThirdFlow plugin brings to you another way to develop customization plugins for TiddlyWiki 5. It is not enforcing a specific development flow, it simply tries to help you. Otherwise, it tries to stay out of your way.
[[TheDiveO's FontAwesome|http://thediveo.github.io/TW5FontAwesome/]] plugin:
The FontAwesome plugin supports embedding Font Awesome in TiddlyWiki 5. There is no need to install this font into your operating system in order to use it with TiddlyWiki 5. The font is already embedded in this TiddlyWiki 5 customization plugin instead, so nothing else to install.
<<.operator-examples "plugintiddlers">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[$:/core]plugintiddlers[]]">>
The popup mechanism allows blocks of content to be selectively displayed and positioned with respect to an anchor. It has several parts:
* StateTiddlers to record whether a popup is currently displayed or not
* The RevealWidget to selectively display the popup content
* The ButtonWidget to trigger the display of the popup by setting the state tiddler appropriately
A <<.def pragma>> is a special component of WikiText that provides control over the way the remaining text is parsed.
Pragmas occupy lines that start with `\`. They can only appear at the start of the text, but blank lines are allowed between them. If a pragma line appears in the main body of the text, it is treated as if it was ordinary text.
The following pragmas are available:
: for defining a [[macro|Macros]]
: for adjusting the set of rules used to parse the text
<<.operator-examples "prefix">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[tag[task]!prefix[Go]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[prefix[$:/languages/]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[prefix[$:/]]" "same as `[is[system]]`">>
Ordinarily, at startup TiddlyWiki displays the tiddlers specified as a filter in the tiddler [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]].
Sometimes it's useful to re-open the same tiddlers that were open when the file was saved. To do so, set [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]] to this filter:
This filter returns the tiddlers specified in the [[$:/StoryList]] tiddler, which is the system tiddler that TiddlyWiki uses to store the sequence of tiddlers in the current story.
Each input title is processed in turn, and its predecessor is located in the <<.field list>> field and appended to the output. If a title is not listed in the field, or is the first item there, then it contributes nothing to the output.
<<.operator-examples "previous">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[Wednesday]previous[Days of the Week]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[[Monday]previous[Days of the Week]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "Tuesday Wednesday Thursday +[previous[Days of the Week]]">>
The <<.def qualify>> [[macro|Macros]] is an important part of the StateMechanism.
It returns a unique string that encodes its position within the [[widget tree|Widgets]], as identified by the stack of transcluded tiddlers that lead to that position.
It is implemented using the <<.vlink transclusion>> variable.
!! Parameters
: The prefix for the returned string, normally a tiddler title
<<.macro-examples "qualify">>
The results returned by the <<.mlink qualify>> macro depend on its location in the transclusion stack.
The two examples below are identical, but produce different results because the second one has been transcluded from [[another tiddler|$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/qualify-transcluded]].
Each example shows the result of calling <<.var qualify>> and then the value of the <<.vlink transclusion>> variable.
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
<li><code><<qualify "BaseTiddler">></code></li>
Wikipedia [[defines a Quine|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quine_(computing)]] as //a computer program which takes no input and produces a copy of its own source code as its only output//.
TiddlyWiki is an unusual example of a practical quine: it is this ability to produce a copy of its own source code that lies at the heart of TiddlyWiki's ability to independently save changes to itself.
! Introduction
The radio widget displays an HTML `<input type="radio">` that reflects whether a given tiddler field has a specified value. Selecting the radio button sets to the tiddler field to the value.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$radio>` widget is displayed within an HTML `<label>` element also containing the radio button. This means that clicking on the content will have the same effect as clicking on the button itself.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |Title of the tiddler to manipulate (defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]) |
|field |The name of the field to which the radio button will be bound |
|value |The value for the tiddler field |
|class |CSS classes to be assigned to the label around the radio button |
! Example
This example uses the radio widget to change the `modifier` field of this tiddler:
<$radio field="modifier" value="JoeBloggs"> Joe Bloggs</$radio>
<$radio field="modifier" value="JaneBloggs"> Jane Bloggs</$radio>
It renders as:
<$radio field="modifier" value="JoeBloggs"> Joe Bloggs</$radio>
<$radio field="modifier" value="JaneBloggs"> Jane Bloggs</$radio>
<<.def "Railroad diagrams">>, sometimes called <<.def "syntax diagrams">>, are a visual way of explaining the syntax rules of a computer language. Reading one is like reading a public transport map.
Each diagram starts on the left and ends on the right. Simply follow any line from the startpoint to the endpoint. All the alternative lines are equally valid. A line will sometimes jump over an item that is optional, or loop back to indicate that an item can be repeated.
<$railroad text="""
start [:optional] {repeated +","} end
In the example above, a comma appears between each occurrence of the `repeated` item. The comma path runs from right to left, and can only be reached by first passing through `repeated`.
Characters in round boxes are literal, i.e. they denote themselves. A name in a rectangular box denotes a further railroad diagram.
The railroad diagrams in ~TiddlyWiki's documentation are generated with the [[Railroad Plugin]].
Featuring plugins that integrate two interesting new capabilities:
* [[SocialCalc|https://dmzwik01.collaborate.ag/help-en/SocialCalc]] providing a powerful spreadsheet
* [[Three.js|http://threejs.org/]] providing interactive 3D graphics
I developed some plugins related to engineering tasks.
After using them for personal projects I'm glad to share with TiddlyWiki community.
\define tv-wikilink-template() http://tiddlywiki.com/static/$uri_doubleencoded$.html
<$importvariables filter="[[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Macro]!has[draft.of]]">
Welcome to TiddlyWiki, a non-linear personal web notebook that anyone can use and keep forever, independently of any corporation.
TiddlyWiki is a complete interactive wiki in JavaScript. It can be used as a single HTML file in the browser or as a powerful Node.js application. It is highly customisable: the entire user interface is itself implemented in hackable WikiText.
Learn more and see it in action at http://tiddlywiki.com/
Developer documentation is in progress at http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/
! Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js
{{Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js}}
! Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js
{{Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js}}
! Upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js
{{Upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js}}
! Also see
<<list-links "[tag[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] -[[Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] -[[Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] -[[Upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]">>
//This readme file was automatically generated by TiddlyWiki//
\define tv-wikilink-template() http://tiddlywiki.com/static/$uri_doubleencoded$.html
{{Scripts for TiddlyWiki on Node.js}}
The following topics provide the canonical reference documentation for TiddlyWiki:
<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-selective-expandable 'Reference'>>
<<.def "Reference tiddlers">> offer raw information in a comprehensive interlinked way. The reader is likely to be an intermediate or expert user.
There are several subcategories:
* With definitions, together forming a glossary
;User manual
* Presenting technical details of ~WikiText features
* Subcategorised: messages, operators, widgets, etc
;Developer manual
* Presenting technical details of ~TiddlyWiki's internal architecture
Reference material is written in a terse, formal style that avoids referring to the reader, and instead focuses on how ~TiddlyWiki itself behaves. The passive voice is often suitable:
* <<.word "the template is specified as a tiddler">> rather than <<.word "specify the template as a tiddler">>
* <<.word "the widget can be used for various purposes">> rather than <<.word "you can use the widget for various purposes">>
* But <<.word "this widget has several possible uses">> is better, because it is less convoluted and more succinct
Most contracted verb forms are avoided in reference tiddlers. But those ending in <<.word "n't">> (<<.word "aren't">>, <<.word "doesn't">>, <<.word "hasn't">>, <<.word "isn't">>, etc) are acceptable, as they make it less easy to accidentally overlook the word <<.word not>>.
<<.def "Regular expressions">> are concise strings of characters that denote patterns of text to search for. The format used in ~TiddlyWiki is fully defined in [[this Mozilla reference|https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Regular_Expressions]].
The [[filter syntax|Filter Run]] makes it impossible to directly specify a regular expression that contains square brackets. The solution is to store the expression in a [[variable|Variables]]. See the <<.operator-examples "regexp" "examples">>.
The parameter <<.place X>> can optionally start or end with a string of flags:
<$railroad text=""" "(?" { ("i"|"m"|:"g") } ")" """/>
Only the `i` flag is generally useful: it forces the different between capital and lowercase letters to be ignored.
If <<.place X>> is empty, <<.op regexp>> will match all of the input tiddlers.
<<.operator-examples "regexp">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[!is[system]regexp[Wiki]]" "non-system tiddlers with `Wiki` in their title">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[!is[system]regexp[(?i)Wiki]]" "non-system tiddlers with `Wiki` in their title, ignoring case">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[!is[system]regexp[Wiki(?i)]]" "same again">>
<<.operator-example 4 "[regexp[(?i)\.jpe?g$]]" "tiddlers with titles ending in `.jpg` or `.jpeg`, ignoring case">>
<<.operator-example 5 "[regexp:created[^201408]]" "tiddlers created in August 2014">>
The regular expression `[0-9]{2}` matches two consecutive digits. Because it contains square brackets, the way to use it with the <<.op regexp>> operator is via a [[variable|Variables]], as follows:
src="""<$set name="digit-pattern" value="[0-9]{2}">
<<list-links "[regexp:title<digit-pattern>]">>
This release is the culmination of a large scale refactoring of the widget mechanism of TiddlyWiki5. There are several changes to be aware of if upgrading from earlier versions:
* The following widgets have been removed:
** `<$setstyle>` - use `<div style=<<macroName Param>>>` instead
** `<$video>` - will return in a later release
** `<$datauri>` - use the `<<makedatauri>>` built-in macro instead
** `<$error>` - may return in a later release
** `<$import>` - use the BrowseWidget, DropzoneWidget and NavigatorWidget instead
** `<$info>` - use the `<<changecount>>` built-in macro instead
** `<$version>` - use the `<<version>>` built-in macro instead
* The following widgets have had significant changes:
** EditWidget
** ListWidget - the list widget itself no longer generates HTML nodes, so you'll often need to wrap the template in a `<div>` or a `<span>` to be able to style the content
** ViewWidget - has several changes:
*** `<$view format="link"/>` is no longer available; use an explicit `<$link>` widget instead
*** `<$view format="link"/>` is no longer available; use the TranscludeWidget instead
* The following new widgets have been added:
** BrowseWidget
** DropzoneWidget
** EditTextWidget and EditBitmapWidget
** SetVariableWidget
* Widget attribute names have been made more consistent. In particular, `tiddler` is used to reference a tiddler by title, not `title`
* It is no longer possible to import the macro definitions within another tiddler by transcluding that tiddler
* The `body` element now has the class `tw-body`, which will need to be specified in any overrides
** This was done due to the new support for HTML foreign objects, which makes it possible to have multiple `<body>` elements in a document
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.11...v5.0.0-alpha.12]]//
This minor release just contains fixes for the syncer and related adaptor modules for the TiddlyWeb edition and for TiddlyWiki5's integrated server.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.12...v5.0.0-alpha.13]]//
This release has several bug fixes:
* Fixes to DaveGifford's themes ''blanca'', ''blue'' and ''rocker''
* Fix an issue with the `<$edit-text>` widget
* Documentation updates
* Improved deployment scripts
* Made the modifier field in the subtitle be a link
* Styling improvements for the CodeMirror plugin
* Improved the ViewWidget so that it falls back to displaying its content if the field/property is missing or empty
* Extend use of the built-in `<<tabs>>` macro to the tiddler info panel, the control panel and the sidebar
** This means that you can add new tabs by creating tiddlers with these tags, and optionally a `caption` field for the text of the tab:
*** [[$:/tags/TiddlerInfo]] for tiddler info panel tabs
*** [[$:/tags/ControlPanel]] for control panel tabs
*** [[$:/tags/SideBar]] for sidebar tabs
*** [[$:/tags/MoreSideBar]] for tabs in the "more" sidebar
*** Change the order of tabs by adjusting the `list` field of the corresponding tag tiddler
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.13...v5.0.0-alpha.14]]//
This release has several bug fixes:
* Improved the layout of the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]]
* Fixed problem with using the CheckboxWidget to apply tags to tiddlers that don't have any existing tags
* Fixed problem with default password for the PasswordWidget being the string "null"
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.14...v5.0.0-alpha.15]]//
!! New Features
* Added a dropdown to the edit template for setting the tiddler type
* A saver module for Microsoft Internet Explorer version 10 and above. Clicking save in the sidebar causes the browser to pull up a bar at the bottom of the window where you can click ''save''. You then get a new copy of your wiki in the downloads folder.
* Support for new `tw-close-other-tiddlers` message (eg, <$button message="tw-close-other-tiddlers">close others</$button>)
* For http://five.tiddlywiki.com, add a tiddler info tab with a link to the static representation of the tiddler
* Make more UI elements extensible via system tags:
** [[$:/tags/ViewToolbar]] for the view mode tiddler toolbar
** [[$:/tags/EditTemplate]] for the edit template
** [[$:/tags/EditToolbar]] for the edit mode tiddler toolbar
** [[$:/tags/PageControls]] for the page control tools in the sidebar
!! Improvements
* Rename the `<$setvariable>` to `<$set>`
** `<$setvariable>` will temporarily remain as a synonym for `<$set>` for the next few releases
* Improve the popup mechanism so that the tiddler info panel doesn't close so easily
* Various improvements for working with TiddlyWeb, including:
** Updated control panel
!! Bug fixes
* Fixed bug when creating a tiddler title starting or ending with a space
* Fixed behaviour of tags editor dropdown when search box is empty
* Fixed problem with interpretation of `fields` and `index` attributes of the TranscludeWidget
* Fixed the module type names in the internal tab of the control panel
* Improved styling for embedded PDFs
* Fixed bug with second being omitted from serialised date formats
Contributors to this release include @jermolene and @grayeul.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.15...v5.0.0-alpha.16]]//
!! New Features and Improvements
* Improved appearance of tags editor
* Improved generation of qualified tiddler titles for state storage
** Instead of `$:/state/tab/sidebar-{$:/core/ui/SideBar|$:/core/ui/SideBar||}{$:/core/ui/PageTemplate|$:/core/ui/PageTemplate||}` one gets `$:/state/tab/sidebar-{1743827719}`
* Significant updates to the structure and content of the user documentation
* Added a new plugin for displaying corner ribbons; currently used for a version banner on tw5.com
* Split ''Snow White'' theme into a base ''Vanilla'' theme with all the basic formatting, leaving the decorative bits to ''Snow White''
** Existing TiddlyWikiFolders will need updating to include ''Vanilla'' as an additional theme
* The page building blocks are now driven by the system tag `$:/tags/PageTemplate`
** [[$:/TopSideBar]] and [[$:/LeftSideBar]] are no longer specially treated; use the new tag instead
* Fixed problem that prevented tag configured items from shadow tiddlers interleaving with items from ordinary tiddlers
* Refactored control panel to add ''Saving'' tab that includes TiddlySpot options
* Improved notifications when saving to TiddlySpot
* Added backup URL to TiddlySpot control panel tab
* Extended the ServerCommand to add primitive support for basic authentication when running under [[Node.js]]
!! Bug fixes
* Fixed problem with displaying tiddler titles that contain WikiText syntax
* No longer crashes when encountering an error in a filter string
* Fixed a crash when dragging and dropping tiddlers within TiddlyWiki5
* No longer update the modified date for imported tiddlers
* Automatically forces new field names to be lower case
!! Internal changes
* Added Windows-compatible build scripts
* Changes to the SavingMechanism to allow the tiddlers that are saved to be selected
** This enables the wiki at http://five.tiddlywiki.com/index.html to generate an empty wiki
* The main HTML file template used for saving TiddlyWiki5 documents has changed from `$:/core/templates/tiddlywiki5.template.html` to `$:/core/save/all`
* Moved tw5.com's Google Analytics integration into a proper plugin
Contributors to this release include @jermolene, @asampal and @pmario.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.16...v5.0.0-alpha.17]]//
!! Bug fixes
* Fixes a small but important bug that prevented downloading an empty wiki with alpha.16
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.17...v5.0.1-alpha]]//
!! Improvements
* Changes to the importing process to enable a smoother [[Upgrading]] process
** Ignores attempts to import plugins that are older than currently installed plugins
** System tiddlers are now imported as usual
* If `$:/theme` isn't defined or refers to a missing tiddler, then fallback through ''Snow White'' to ''Vanilla''. This means that `empty.html` now defaults to ''Snow White''
* Added support for [[Block Quotes in WikiText]]
** Contributed by StephanHradek (@Skeeve on GitHub)
!! Bug fixes
* Fixed bug that was preventing `$:/tags/PageControls` tiddlers from being reordered
!! Internal changes
* Changed the [[TiddlyWiki5 Versioning]] policy
** Beta releases will be `5.0.x-beta` and the final release will be `5.1.x`
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.9-beta...v5.0.10-beta]]//
!! Highlights
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ad4b03506a62d7110cb30aaa3d6f8dbfc712f246]] new syntax for [[Images in WikiText]] and a new ImageWidget
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ba576d9f1b2146cec293447b2968e34f0c594a05]] support for a SafeMode that disables customisations
!! Documentation Improvements
* Added DateFormat documentation
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Refactor|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bb42c0ab360760917ad5bde84f15350186a9471a]] sorting to respect accented characters
* [[Support|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/45b0966013c760abab5b3f7faea0e59af2ca5619]] embedded images in Markdown tiddlers
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/821f1f1428f92160ae8bc4fa71dd3f947243f09e]] sidebar hiding action so that the story river border is maintained
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/15d0c27e2a82359616ce6c7883557cd2ef1886cd]] `[is[tag]]` to the <<.olink is>> operator
* [[Hide|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/95d291daac4a26664f0c232175f54780f0fa678f]] the top bars in the print stylesheet
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4758874d13430338da07727997d0c4df7f328ac1]] support for saving changes on Windows network drives
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9fbe72a8778ae94c7d6322ad4b9155c83f753113]] configuration processing so that ordinary tiddlers are processed after shadow tiddlers. This resolves an issue whereby user stylesheets were being overridden by shadow stylesheets
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d6054f10392c535ca430f3e73b9b68d0f8c18498]] issue with offline snapshot of server edition erroneously including shadow tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bd4a031df8a68287475a41ad84b423ad83f735a3]] problem with corrupted upgrades from 5.0.x-prerelease to 5.0.x-beta
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/73cfd1021809e97906ecfd5dacdf2337da3abae9]] bug with `[untagged[]]` filter operator
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d336ffea02621e382f6d7135847d11e49e77bc26]] incorrect background colour for tag pills in the sidebar
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f57e04787738ad30fb05ac0e592239075b90507e]] issues with null fields under TiddlyWeb
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/768489128547cf54e80fc321f3f1f4f5cd191862]] problem with hamburger overlapping scrollbars
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.10-beta...v5.0.11-beta]]//
!! Incompatible Changes
See [[Notes for upgrading to 5.0.11-beta]] for more details of these changes:
* The default output location for command line operations has changed to the `/output` folder within TiddlyWikiFolders (it used to be current directory)
* Note that the shadow tiddler [[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]] has changed with this release. If you've made modifications to it you should copy your modifications to a new tiddler, delete [[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]], perform the upgrade and then manually update the new copy of [[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]]
!! Documentation Improvements
* Added more warnings about taking care to [[backup your data|The First Rule of Using TiddlyWiki]]
!! Usability Improvements
* Many performance optimisations, particularly for filter operations
* Added support for PermaLinks and browser back and forward buttons
* Added support for WikiLinks in Markdown via `[link text](#TiddlerTitle)`
* Added support for explicit external [[Linking in WikiText]] (eg `[ext[tooltip|url]]`)
* [[Replaced|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/580]] hamburger menu icon with double chevron icon
* [[Enhance|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/552657fc584dbb36754d3fcabca2cdef7e916ec9]] plain text parsing to use the CodeBlockWidget, and hence use syntax highlighting if the plugin is installed. This gives us syntax highlighting for JavaScript shadow tiddlers, amongst other things
* Improvements to the German, French, Italian, Japanese and Chinese translations
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/61c3f8a5ba3c815d623c06f6a97d9c00a31a4157]] WikiText tiddlers from the sidebar "Types" tab
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a90339d1e573ec82dba1caeaead0f71717618a80]] various warnings when editing shadow tiddlers
* [[Allow|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0ac4c2b554f045c6bd2dc6ea5daa0d2f0397d04c]] digits in field names
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a4294b55f0a217d019a6e4cbb62f6a8a19668928]] warning banner and when attempting to edit binary tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b84c663215cf7877fff960748af4b2849ae0dbb3]] automatic refreshing of the browser window title from $:/core/wiki/title
!! Hackability Improvements
* Improved vertical layouts of <<.mlink tabs>> macro
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/93566cdc332226b77eaba8a70fa166f3b8fcfe1e]] "standard" tab to [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e83759e86d2a9e05e4b85dae50925fe988f8e239]] new filter operators <<.olink before>> and <<.olink after>>
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/570cad1c7f90e685961130918f09a7f9b2951f8c]] new <<.olink get>> operator
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f7e50e0950c5bf10d94d926576011893418b25f1]] [[BuildCommand]], [[OutputCommand]] and [[ClearPasswordCommand]]
* Added new extensible StartupMechanism for orchestrating startup tasks
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/711b76307c95d0026f79f584e85ae3d4b7289d15]] to new version of CodeMirror
* Added https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5NodeWebkit, a demo of using TiddlyWiki as a library in a node-webkit application
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4e07b3335b570f4039427e11df729fc4a899a671]] `.tid` TiddlerFiles to allow single line text fields
* Renamed `$:/ShowEditPreview` to `$:/state/showeditpreview`
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/cc60ad1428dcf99a7ea0787e43e3b37f5a02fb98]] issue with hovering of the topbar icons in Firefox
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e548dd35af2d3195f82899096d4a4080362a1ff0]] problem with dragging and dropping within a text edit control
!! Contributors
I ([[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]]) would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to helping improve TiddlyWiki:
[[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]], [[@mwfogleman|https://github.com/mwfogleman]], [[@nameanyone|https://github.com/nameanyone]], [[@natecain|https://github.com/natecain]], [[@pekopeko1|https://github.com/pekopeko1]], [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]], [[@sukima|https://github.com/sukima]], [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]].
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.11-beta...v5.0.12-beta]]//
This is an emergency release that fixes a single significant bug with shadow tiddler handling in 5.0.11. See the [[discussion thread|https://groups.google.com/d/topic/tiddlywiki/pNxZsSCVp7c/discussion]] for more details.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.12-beta...v5.0.13-beta]]//
!! Accessibility Improvements
This release includes a number of features designed to improve the experience of TiddlyWiki with a screen reader. Particular thanks to [[@domasofan|https://github.com/domasofan]] for his feedback
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/34e4166dc5f24519b000de66853d5b1aee8f1648]] label and title for show/hide sidebar buttons
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/346b2f86111815c746c993fa09b7f677fa0b4b37]] label and title for advanced search link
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6f859c8d447a477a9120bdc308d1524558a80f20]] label and title for close buttons in "Open" sidebar tab
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/06b0f9adb7209870b46d42f832c1f7ad7a78976f]] ''aria-label'' support to the LinkWidget
* [[Switched|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bc9b67cbc3f363d48aafea86c077fcd5a9c0ca64]] to H1 tags for the page title and H2 tags for tiddler titles
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/eeedcb6d94a25d02e8fec45c89b30c7f2bcdde73]] label and title for tiddler and page toolbar buttons
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9ab0c84140bbc0f31cf65e632bddac616bbadbda]] support for global [[Macros in WikiText]] via the new ImportVariablesWidget
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3182a2d599f0e4b70a73fe369df4f398587dc1a9]] new SelectWidget
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f131c378934a86b741ab5b808437c95694dc5503]] behaviour of `text/html` tiddlers so that they are displayed within an HTML iframe element
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9b576f2a8d39dcca37bcb709183a8f9b27f33ccf]] group headings to the content type dropdown in edit mode
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4d70d5780e51cf0918fba15954cd47549e4e1a9f]] advanced navigation settings in [[$:/ControlPanel]] to use radio buttons
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f7b8813a27141a78980eefa03df70a4a2de9d10b]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3f25db0abe8cd28712c020f218506710cec004b6]]) behaviour of PermaLinks so that now [ext[http://tiddlywiki.com/#HelloThere]] just opens the single specified tiddler
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0c48502e8ed214cee23537d06e7e87efd53592c7]] support for triple-quoted multi-line attributes with [[macros|Macros in WikiText]], [[widgets|Widgets in WikiText]] and [[HTML elements|HTML in WikiText]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/32099b85d3b12f9e590274cb7550e3e531131706]] TableOfContents tab for tw5.com edition
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Restored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1b37d660ea7cd576cfeadfe8b782fe6c62dc9048]] ''escape'' as a shortcut to abandon edits
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9547a1f01c144c604c294f394a68d7dc6dbe4e5d]] support for ExternalImages that are referenced by URI and not stored in the TiddlyWiki HTML file
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d2796d0c9c7ed7a971ae6b0752d7418384072bb5]] new SetFieldCommand
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/305617b632fd6ecf25cd4be85f4dfb5a5a65dfef]] new SaveTiddlersCommand
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f14ecf4eb8965f2e407ccac51d4277330221efe3]] support for system tag [[$:/tags/RawMarkup]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0bdc5b5c70fbbf34aa459afcf0499fc9c8ae6374]] editor type mappings to control panel advanced tab
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1717c93d001ad184a08ca66d1bffb33fb5d32b3a]] CodeMirror (http://tiddlywiki.com/codemirrordemo.html) plugin for simpler configuration
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b2e48d00e9ea068a22b5ac5c0a4c93e8ddbb4a8a]] support for [[Environment Variables on Node.js]]
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/eee3a0cf8e5aa047f8596df06e28194409f38b01]] ServerCommand to allow a path prefix
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4238af2a405c14d22937d7c47a70bfb3d4e6f22d]] the <<.olink listed>> operator to use any list field
!! Bug Fixes
* Fixed [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6fb992690d33940d3509d7d4d74538e7f458e063]] and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0fae9ee99200e7eca30b9db0584c479d58841349]] the problem with state tiddlers being inadvertently saved
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a03a15e7de32a1b41618146ac334b5cd7d432e91]] bug with TextWidget not refreshing correctly
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d8a142fed5b22a8273d93ba05095e5f9c6929cb3]] problem with vertical tabs in Safari
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b8aedf2ca3cfc870be5a46accbb2dc0ddbb6d451]] issue with images in Markdown
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]]
* [[@csugden|https://github.com/csugden]]
* [[@danielo515|https://github.com/danielo515]]
* [[@IreneKnapp|https://github.com/IreneKnapp]]
* [[@jayfresh|https://github.com/jayfresh]]
* [[@mwfogleman|https://github.com/mwfogleman]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.13-beta...v5.0.14-beta]]//
!! Major Changes
!!! Improved Control Panel Plugins Tab
The ''Plugins'' tab of the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] has been improved with the addition of documentation tabs that plugins can use to show documentation. There is also a larger draggable area for dragging tiddlers across to other wikis.
!!! Configurable Button Toolbars
The page toolbar and the tiddler toolbars can now be configured with several new buttons - see the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] under the ''Appearance'' and ''Toolbars'' tabs.
The sidebar tools tab now shows all the available page controls, allowing them to be invoked or checked to appear in the toolbar. The tiddler info area now includes a tools tab that includes buttons for all the tiddler actions.
!!! Upgrade Mechanism
There are two components:
* A more flexible ImportMechanism that:
** Presents incoming tiddlers as a pending import list that allows the user to inspect them and, if necessary, explicitly deselect them from the actual import
** Provides UpgraderModules with an opportunity to process each incoming tiddler
*** The [[plugin upgrader|$:/core/modules/upgraders/plugins.js]] module handles version checking of plugins and upgrading them from a special UpgradeLibrary plugin tiddler
*** The [[system upgrader|$:/core/modules/upgraders/system.js]] module is responsible for suppressing the importing of certain system tiddlers (currently [[$:/StoryList]] and [[$:/HistoryList]])
*** The [[themetweak upgrader|$:/core/modules/upgraders/themetweaks.js]] module handles migrating theme tweaks from their pre-5.0.14-beta format (see below)
* An UpgradePlugin and associated edition that provides a custom, single-purpose user interface for upgrading standalone TiddlyWiki files - see http://tiddlywiki.com/upgrade.html
!!! Improvements to CamelCase Recognition
TiddlyWiki now takes a much more conservative approach to recognising CamelCase terms that should be automatically linked. Previously, the dash and underscore were treated as lower case letters, leading to a number of false positives. See the [[GitHub bug #337|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/337]] for details.
!!! Automatic Permalinking Off by Default
With previous beta releases of TiddlyWiki the browser address bar is automatically updated so that it dynamically reflects the tiddlers that are currently open. This makes it easier to get a permalink for copying and pasting elsewhere, but it leads to much confusion for casual users who don't always understand why unexpected tiddlers are being displayed after they have refreshed the page in the browser.
For 5.0.14-beta, the setting has been changed. Visit [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] ''Advanced''/''Settings'' to switch the setting back to "Include the target tiddler and the current story sequence".
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f6d7d87a3d49f816ccc050bdf4a5394eed37dd51]] previews to the icon dropdown in the [[tag manager|$:/TagManager]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/56945d91d327489478fc44dce5234ece35a01abb]] an indication of unsaved changes by changing the colour of the save changes button
* [[Split|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/7aa6c7c06d8b5359f183e6b9f6f57cf89611cda8]] the wikitext emphasis parsers into separate modules so that they can be independently controlled with the `\rules` pragma
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f43cd5ba9c6e5eda221ec738174e61e34fad2b8d]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a3de93b4eb8b108239b2e4b496308026e9e9eef8]]) ReleaseHistory to place the releases into vertical tabs
* [[Stopped|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3ff7462afd5414b92680c6b6e67274be79233224]] saving [[$:/HistoryList]], thus avoiding it uncontrollably increasing in size
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/73cf1bfdb3cd238ac7800162f58d44a8bb60019b]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d5e4b9b5d1e7db5ad4d769433cc934ef08265f57]]) print stylesheet to remove page background
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/07f13b310d300631267936ad8bc55a338369afc0]] display of plugin tiddlers so that their constituent tiddlers are shown, rather than the raw JSON
* [[Moved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/799a5b059a40a51fdeb1dae7a0eb5bf8a79f5106]] the functionality of the fullscreen plugin into the core
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c23f6af4b5c59f4d09dd8d6704e1939bb9d5b2d3]] TiddlerWidget to add a CSS class corresponding to each tag present on displayed tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d357e1706c91d17a72fb19fedf43e57071fc7dd6]] support for hiding specified fields in the tiddler editor
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/be040ea8a2cc8962f1a28a313e4c9ebc2d5c0e31]] support for variable operands in filters (see [[Filter Parameter]])
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1f16ef6fa88b51d2dad7c8e57fcff014950a7442]] support for widget messages [[tw-permalink|WidgetMessage: tw-permalink]] and [[tw-permaview|WidgetMessage: tw-permaview]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/plugins/tiddlywiki/browser-sniff]] browser sniffing plugin so that tiddlywiki.com can present the correct browser-specific documentation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ef67cc3fd9b267a522598abccdfbb93fbfca240c]] a configuration option for specifying the default location for saving new tiddlers in the client-server configuration
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b4d47858e587c96f3a68cc28cffff181ec45f55f]] support for the InfoMechanism
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f08f57c5d24eb0146ac2cb77472a5fc5f135f1e9]] CheckboxWidget to allow it to toggle fields as well as tags
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/21c137a66c37f010b36697bb6bed5321138fbb9f]] [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] theme tweaks to be stored in individual tiddlers
* [[Extend|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e18d8a88661a1c2caa1b722841747c75ca6af437]] the <<.mlink tabs>> macro to allow tabs to be templated
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/91acad0f7ce8637945a953dfcb122cd31292626d]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8612bc4006e717e4fa3c562fa72a85650206b66f]]) SystemTags support for inserting content above and below the story river
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f793816dfa687ae7791143b33487fd5f95f3265c]] support for transcluding plugin subtiddlers with the TranscludeWidget
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c73853288c5b4b0716da94fea2f2edec09345643]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/08f775eac8cb053d08c1c561e65a5eeb87c4c6b6]]) support for importing from `*.htm` and `*.hta` files as well as the existing support for `*.html` files
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/73d7e85e11c7732080ca8bc4321ebb12afbac09c]] the "sticky titles" theme so that it works when tiddlers are in edit mode
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5b3b62f93da4b7b19e24ccf72d9ce20b9edce6d5]] bug with execution order of BuildCommand targets
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d93da81671a704377209fc1871425c3a7c5db35a]] bug with missing hover colours for external links
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/465f4ac46903070759a572d183c498c5579cb922]] problem with refreshing modal dialogues
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3351ae7e29cbf3bed6fc1925ef33664bcc59fef5]] issue with cookies disabled on Firefox
* [[Relax|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5260899d8b090e8886e41e3aa770fdcf5967ad8c]] the requirement for a newline immediately the closing `\end` of a macro definition
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@ssokolow|https://github.com/ssokolow]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.14-beta...v5.0.15-beta]]//
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Simplified|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c57b00996855f10d9b7fa2aa4e9deb2a2a607d7f]] shadow default tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/32a7ee2683ace619599f0ab73028307ca33f4e4c]] the ability to disable plugins (see PluginMechanism) with a user interface in [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4b05608ad5e77043b01495825ea0f0e76c378760]] page control button for invoking the [[tag manager|$:/TagManager]]
* [[Simplified|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c4b76ceb0bc786bcceb12fc3417bb8c4bfde27a9]] downloading an offline copy of a client-server wiki
* [[Blocked|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2bbe9f76ecf8fc89c789e72be00ac19e811195ee]] temporary state tiddlers from import/upgrade
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c912fed55d94c9bef2d541cd55f458b12172941c]] a banner to the edit template encouraging improvements to the documentation
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f75af2c983e10e8a82639890b993fb5cf042d610]] `saver-handler.js` out of `syncer.js`
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8cf726275c19ed5b4a0ed1cf8354d64d1bc29da5]] [[Table-of-Contents Macros]]
* Simplified startup module organisation (see [[Startup Modules.svg]])
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/25777b147fa4ed2f915150aec503ad1e094e6043]] the overlay text for the DropzoneWidget to make it translateable
* [[Introduced|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/920e11e7921f777170aa2f9e1836c000fec2e26d]] a new [[refresh button|WidgetMessage: tw-browser-refresh]] and reverted [[home button|WidgetMessage: tw-home]] behaviour
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/fbf307c648ae0e92679c54f7d03f197a75b4e101]] ''alt'' attribute to the ImageWidget
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c8830d32f74b8c228553f11f7f55b5be45ae6471]] problem with building TiddlyWiki under Windows
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/34461cb2fe554331a0269fd7795b1d6a879fcba9]] unclickable download ink in upgrade wizard
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9e85ddfec78dd8df71e6173100dce659417551f4]] missing language flag in ''empty.html''
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/18592fe8f810d1858ca040da1a7c4a81fb74cfed]] problem with switching the type of a tiddler between the bitmap and text editor
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/fe6623d7feed1a9068e15bfac57be0b0924e8915]] foreground colour for tag pills in the sidebar
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c912fed55d94c9bef2d541cd55f458b12172941c]] problem with github source links for tiddlywiki.com not working for titles containing colons
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.15-beta...v5.0.16-beta]]//
!! Incompatible Changes
5.0.16-beta brings more incompatible changes than any previous release. These changes are likely to break almost all plugins written for previous releases of TiddlyWiki 5, and will break many customisations.
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/764]] all CSS class prefixes from `tw-` to `tc-` (eg `tw-tiddler-frame` has become `tc-tiddler-frame`; missing prefixes have also been added, so `btn-invisible` has become `tc-btn-invisible`)
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2f69ea362cd673f59b9fadbe11f1f95549a59813]] all message prefixes from `tw-` to `tm-` (eg `tw-close-tiddler` has become `tm-close-tiddler`)
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/89fd5379dd78887fc21746d792072bf5a25f0c56]] all variable prefixes from `tw-` to `tv-` (eg `tw-config-toolbar-icons` has become `tv-config-toolbar-icons`)
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/112a9a95d95e9f62f110c97a4faaf537c5c100b1]] prefix/removeprefix filter operators to be case-sensitive
!! Compatibility with TiddlyWikiClassic
This release includes a preliminary version of a new plugin that provides compatibility with content created for TiddlyWikiClassic:
Subsequent releases will include end-user documentation with step-by-step instructions for migrating content.
Many thanks to @buggyj for his work on this plugin.
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Amended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e47852cb141b384ad2a9097eca795545cb5b2494]] behaviour of the [[tm-browser-refresh|WidgetMessage: tw-browser-refresh]] message so that it no longer clears the location hash
* [[Hide|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/88c9c0c3ee115917b8c1a9126452bb0574061857]] toolbar buttons from static renderings
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Extend|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/48312272adb17610db96d50758e6af947cab7b1d]] the <<.olink all>> operator to be able to select all the source tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/43aeb47fc34f1ba424030c4f78ee907fe7b1d5d8]] problem with single line macro definitions incorrectly including whitespace in the value. (For example, `\define mymacro() yes` would set the macro value to " yes", with a leading space)
* [[Extend|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d2a5a12f2d6b6ccc36dd22a70ac2def08d1d3722]] [[Table-of-Contents Macros]] use the caption field if present
* [[Configurability|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b437f1b450f5f2a3104a9086f7c674299b53b9bc]] for the default tab shown in the tiddler info panel (see [[Configuring the default TiddlerInfo tab]])
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/dcf4e93a3283e3e93cc14e50366f9b0252870835]] <<.olink suffix>> and <<.olink removesuffix>> operators
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Reverted|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ad40223d6b9bed435d9381611cb9de1841b53df6]] incorrect refreshing of the tiddler widget
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/44228ed9f733217557851150f5ae45d9ebb23420]] indentation of selective expandable [[Table-of-Contents Macros]]
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]]
* [[@gernert|https://github.com/gernert]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.16-beta...v5.0.17-beta]]//
!! Highlights
This release includes major improvements from @giffmex to the welcome and tutorial documentation, and new development docs incorporating [[the work|https://github.com/cjrk/saa-tw]] of @cheigele and @cjrk.
!! Incompatible Changes
!!! Change System Tag `$:/tags/stylesheet` with `$:/tags/Stylesheet`
The [[issue|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/824]] is that the capitalisation of `$:/tags/stylesheet` is not consistent with other system tags. This release adds support for `$:/tags/Stylesheet`, and adds a deprecation warning if `$:/tags/stylesheet` is used. Support for `$:/tags/stylesheet` will be removed before the beta.
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f6ff0a7f715bdf12dfba6556f72c49ea2c3016b0]] support for `$:/tags/Stylesheet` and a deprecation warning when `$:/tags/stylesheet` is used
!!! Change ButtonWidget `title` attribute to `tooltip`
The use of the `title` attribute in the ButtonWidget was not consistent with the `tooltip` attribute used by the ImageWidget and LinkWidget. This release adds support for the `tooltip` attribute to the ButtonWidget alongside the existing support for the `title` attribute, but with a deprecation warning.
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b7f638aef3094d0552db2f72330b40a526113bd5]] `tooltip` attribute to ButtonWidget
!!! Removing Support for RegExp Filter Operands
As discussed in [[the associated ticket|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/762]], the support for regular expression filter operands is incomplete and inconsistent. The plan is to remove support for this feature in the next release. A new filter operator has been provided to replace it, along with the addition of a deprecation warning that is displayed whenever regular expression filter operators are used.
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f4fff7a33037ba9dd537379bcb44a52a280868d6]] new <<.olink regexp>> operator
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d45c417c187fe3dcc35ee7a308e64feebc7b185b]] deprecation warning for regular expression filter operators
!!! Repository Reorganisation
The goal is to make the TiddlyWiki repository easier to comprehend for newcomers.
* [[Moved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6e9cd5943703f7137e819fcb85376423b9c930d5]] scripts into a separate `bin` folder
!! Usability Improvements
* Reorganised the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] to make it more logical and usable
!! Hackability Improvements
* Moved developer documentation to http://tiddlywiki.com/dev
* [[Improvements|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/872e6fc2532012f0f9acfb29aa24a9cd5f340b9d]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c8a131ffd4716f2b99ab508567422ff463f2849d]]) to `serve.sh`/`serve.cmd` scripts
* [[Disable|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ac54fe33263cbe48bc294f9c14257ccc146be38e]] plugins when in SafeMode
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c1de85838f3d0d3e6a207152ecc9d61ff08a4b05]] new <<.mlink timeline>> macro
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f16d1832aae9a7ce71dea78b16c11afaf673acf2]] new <<.mlink dumpvariables>> macro
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ba3f8002355607c8b00b7d184f01fa68bbcda152]] [[Table-of-Contents Macros]] so that individual links can be disabled
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/542788bfeba98ec3bac0bb721293c16354bc1b34]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/487c4a40abda2b457b4015033bf1be76bd81dcc9]]) unnecessary `<p>` tag from edit tags and types dropdowns
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ccd916ca7cb45468ac30eb48bfdf86bea704d810]] ''multiple'' attribute to the BrowseWidget
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ab944bbf02e9fae606632a11df1053a46573fa49]] view template to hide bodies of tiddlers with field ''hide-body'' set to ''yes''
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c713eddbef50603e313a86f78c185753bab3d607]] problem with draft tiddlers not counting as dirty
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f87ce7e98a083f1bdcff5b1887b56aa95b731efe]] problem with keyboard shortcuts introduced in 5.0.16-beta
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/756e05504b33c387da7d3f81446a18f9a8fefe49]] problem with stylesheets being parsed in inline mode
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9adc30f69fba169813638021780263ff0df4e2bc]] bug with selective expandable [[Table-of-Contents Macros]]
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]]
* [[@cheigele|https://github.com/cheigele]]
* [[@cjrk|https://github.com/cjrk]]
* [[@giffmex|https://github.com/giffmex]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.17-beta...v5.0.18-beta]]//
This is a minor release prior to the full release of TiddlyWiki on September 20th. The documentation has been cleaned up and improved (with more improvements to come).
!! File Layout of tiddlywiki.com
The layout of files on tiddlywiki.com has been adjusted to make it more logical. See the [[ticket|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/823]] for a discussion. You can see the source files that make up tiddlywiki.com at https://github.com/Jermolene/jermolene.github.com
!! Hackability Improvements
* Added first iteration of a <<.mlink list-links>> macro (further improvements are planned)
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6d9bd4df8a1133c2ba246333edad14e6028d3ea4]] support for importing `.markdown` and `.md` files
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c4123ba3740f74f172468c4aa050451ebc5780d8]] <<.mlink timeline>> macro to support a subfilter
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a9f46525a0b1ecf7ce6d1bdae64e6763a247106b]] problem with digits being classified as lower case letters for wiki link matching
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8cc236b4dca96327c7b28ad45e1eb4c2dce174e5]] crash when sorting missing tiddlers by fields other than title
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/73a4747d05c6746476ccd9e8cb8255853f631d17]] problem with handling `.jpeg` file extensions
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/775482a2428d24a475e0c7df7bea215c190b5574]] problem with RadioWidget and missing tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2571f534aa67c7f9d423d44d36efa32480f4c370]] problem with dragging a partially selected link
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]]
* [[@Eucaly|https://github.com/Eucaly]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.1-alpha...v5.0.2-beta]]//
!! Improvements
* Added support for [[Hard Linebreaks in WikiText]]
* Added a new RadioWidget, contributed by StephanHradek (@Skeeve on GitHub)
* Two new savers for InternetExplorer, both contributed by DavidJade (@davidjade on GitHub)
** ''tiddlyie'' for [[saving with TiddlyIE|Saving with TiddlyIE]], an equivalent of TiddlyFox for InternetExplorer
** ''fsosaver'' that can [[save changes directly with InternetExplorer|Saving on InternetExplorer]] but requires the HTML file to be renamed `*.hta`
!! Bug fixes
* Fixed problem deleting tiddlers under the filesystemadaptor
* Fixed problem with transcluding fields containing lists or dates (eg, `{{!!tags}}`)
* Fixed problem with re-ordering page control tiddlers (ie tiddlers tagged `$:/tags/PageControls`)
* Update template used for deploying to TiddlyWeb
* Fixed problem with tiddler deletions via the file system adaptor
!! Internal changes
* Allowed variable number of arguments to [[JavaScript Macros]]
** Contributed by StephanHradek (@Skeeve on GitHub)
* Changed the format of plugin tiddlers to remove duplicated information (see the PluginMechanism)
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.2-beta...v5.0.3-beta]]//
This release includes minor bug fixes and documentation updates.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.3-beta...v5.0.4-beta]]//
!! Improvements
* Switched to using an HTML5 placeholder for the default text of a new tiddler
* Refactored stylesheet handling so that theme tweaks are now applied immediately, and some ordering issues have been resolved
* Several improvements for running [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]:
** The `tiddlywiki.info` file in the root of [[wiki folder|TiddlyWikiFolders]] file is now optional, falling back to a default configuration suitable for serverside use ([[commit|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0ec2224757dd07f009246ec9ea97cd859d077e72]])
** The file system plugin now automatically creates the `tiddlers` subfolder in the [[wiki folder|TiddlyWikiFolders]]
* Added [[favicon.ico support|Using favicons]]
* Added SaveTiddlerCommand
!! Bug Fixes
* Fixed problem with tiddlers sometimes wrongly opening at the top of the story ([[commit|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b50eb8da302431cdfa7c37ac9ef1414a33d00292]])
* Fixed problem with refreshing RadioWidget
* Fixed problem with the dragger image being visible in some circumstances
* Fixed drag and drop support on InternetExplorer, contributed by DavidJade (@davidjade on GitHub)
* Fixed crash on modifying page template ([[commit|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a5f33d875b1339b08838203a4885f8a3a7d10353]])
* Updated fullscreen plugin to latest version of the API ([[commit|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/638c8b207033f8cb01ac9efdca104d282fd4cffe]])
* Improved handling of double square brackets within tags (thanks to StephanHradek)
This release includes minor bug fixes and documentation updates.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.4-beta...v5.0.5-beta]]//
!! Improvements
* Added support for [[Setting a favicon]]
!! Bug Fixes
* Fixed problem with modal wizard positioning on narrow screens
* Fix problem with static content being included in empty.html when downloaded from the full wiki
* Improved performance of tiddler import with large tiddlers on Firefox
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.5-beta...v5.0.6-beta]]//
!! Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/324]] support for numeric sorting to TiddlerFilters (thanks to StephanHradek)
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/321]] [[Tables in WikiText]] to allow for vertical alignment of cells (thanks to StephanHradek)
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/87fbd988f1fb0164411af190adfe6b6a2404eef3]] experimental support for running [[TiddlyWiki on node-webkit]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3d79eb87d1c609195b8c518c08e167994b20a346]] an [[$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bd7db62da052ec6262c3319eaa11f00e5c452a7b]] support for specifying hostname for the ServerCommand
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b9e80a270b7f67db816e9b06e2f71f9c9dd86c17]] a first pass at generating an all-in-one static HTML representation of a wiki, complete with internal anchor links for wiki links
** See http://tiddlywiki.com/alltiddlers.html
* [[Hide|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/44568dc6ef64be8c1370df8f682777c2c805fee7]] encryption features when running on the server
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2ee50939447cf2948e49e5905520943ea4075975]] [[double backticks|Formatting in WikiText]] as an alternative for delimitting inline code (thanks to StephanHradek)
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ec7dff291dadb3e128e1db34b4ded6b57bc8ed46]] import ''browse'' button
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ef59a3743f02c726f20e035c5d28665000fda79a]] crash when attempting full screen mode on browsers that don't support it
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/307]] requirement for a newline immediately after a horizontal rule, table or typed block (thanks to StephanHradek)
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/318]] problem with ''placeholder'' attibute on InternetExplorer (thanks to DavidJade)
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.6-beta...v5.0.7-beta]]//
!! Incompatible Changes
These are changes that might affect users upgrading from previous betas.
* The [[node-webkit]] saver has been moved into a plugin - [[$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/nodewebkitsaver]]. The plugin is only needed when embedding a single TiddlyWiki in [[node-webkit]] and is not required for TiddlyDesktop, which as of v.0.0.2 uses the existing TiddlyFox saver.
!! Documentation updates
* A new video tutorial: [[TiddlyWiki on Firefox for Android Video]]
* A first pass at [[TiddlyWiki Coding Style Guidelines]]
* Added an explanation of TemplateTiddlers
* Added documentation for [[saving on a custom PHP server|Saving on a PHP Server]]
* Added documentation for TextWidget
* Summary of the approach for [[Naming of System Tiddlers]]
!! Improvements
* Added support for importing encrypted TiddlyWiki documents
* Added several new [[filter operators|TiddlerFilters]], including ''reverse'', ''first'', ''last'', ''butlast'', ''rest'', ''nth''
* Extend ''list'' filter operator to allow other fields to be used via a TextReference
* Added shortcut in [[$:/ControlPanel]] ''Basics'' tab for setting [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]] to retain tiddler story ordering
* Added emacs and vim keymapping support to the [[CodeMirror plugin|http://tiddlywiki.com/codemirrordemo.html]], (thanks to João Bolila, @jbolila on GitHub)
* Added the [[highlight.js|http://highlightjs.org/]] syntax highlighting plugin: http://tiddlywiki.com/highlightdemo.html (thanks to João Bolila, @jbolila on GitHub)
* Added the first export option to the ''Tools'' tab of the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ffcc215e8f8896be96093579abc5bcfb76335e66]] an ellipsis for [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]] next to the search box in the sidebar
* [[Adjusted|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b326315b0e9959096b85aa716dd613f21605705a]] the password dialogue to make it narrower for smaller screens
* [[Adjusted|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b7a1db1e9fb651928a4f86e1881959150dd66a55]] the display of tiddler dictionaries to make them display as plain text
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b06e09a4d3e25087ca0495e624c8662ddb69224e]] problem with default format of ViewWidget substituting seconds for minutes in displayed times
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e0f428b9b2374487a0758ea80716f337e3c643ff]] problem that was causing several animations to fail in Safari
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f2409d4245bbba0ccdf39186dca6a0cbf16d8759]] problem with unclickable sidebar under the Centralised theme
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0fb13e649b6558961fd8436bc7aac83bfd991983]] problem with non-system tiddlers showing up in system tiddler [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b64b7982af4285be41cca85db1fa745fc009ca29]] problem with notifications not always disappearing in Firefox
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b04141fefd2c0103b525726e4f466c32f0385194]] problem with wiki folders including wiki files with tiddlers that do not have a title
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/12770ca3e694a8f4edeb065e054eddd5957353b8]] problem with ServerCommand logging "Serving on undefined:8080"
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.7-beta...v5.0.8-beta]]//
!! Incompatible Changes
See [[Notes for upgrading to 5.0.8-beta]] for more details of these changes:
* Changed rules for parsing content of HTML elements
* Switched SiteTitle and SiteSubtitle to [[$:/SiteTitle]] and [[$:/SiteSubtitle]]
* Changes to commands used with [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
* Changes to naming of some editions
** Notably ''clientserver'' has changed to ''server''
!! Documentation Improvements
* Improved documentation for TiddlerFilters, including a notation of the [[TiddlerFilter Formal Grammar]] contributed by [[@Tikkoneus|https://github.com/Tikkoneus]]
* Improved documentation for WidgetMessages
* Tiddlers on tiddlywiki.com now have a link to the original source on ~GitHub for pull requests (see the "Sources" tab of the tiddler info panel)
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a01bbd4b9c7ca284141078340c8f568b1e0561a2]] [[automatic saving|AutoSave]] on editing a tiddler and a warning when attempting to close the window with unsaved changes
* Added confirmation dialogue when deleting tiddlers
* Add support for switchable (and editable) ColourPalettes
* Added TranslationMechanism and translations for:
** Deutsch (Österreich and Deutschland) by @pmario
** Français (France) by @xcazin
** Chinese (Simplified and Traditional) by @BramChen
* Add error alerts when syncing to a server
* Rejigged [[$:/ControlPanel]] to use nested tabs
* Added [[$:/TagManager]] for easy management of tags
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e3a05625b2368b2167a2a1b30aa82369e96a7538]] experimental KeyboardWidget, including support for ''ctrl-enter'' (or ''cmd-enter'') to finish editing a tiddler
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e6fa9b8a859867c147fb289859169b204dea003e]] number of tags to control panel ''Basics'' tab
* Enhanced link handling so that control/command clicking a link opens the target tiddler without navigating to it
* Importing tiddlers via drag and drop no longer opens all the tiddlers
!! Scalability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/fa5938221552846c255eb50004996528a09534a9]] support for LazyLoading of images
* Extended RevealWidget to allow control over content retention
!! Hackability Improvements
* Added HelpCommand and InitCommand for [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
* Extended ButtonWidget to allow navigating to a tiddler
* Added experimental support for building plugins in the browser: [[How to create plugins in the browser]]
* Extend the TranscludeWidget to display its content as a fallback if the tiddler or field is missing
* Add logging and AlertMechanism
* Added a ''Filter'' tab to [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* Add ''indexes'' [[filter operator|TiddlerFilters]]
* Control over line width and colour for EditBitmapWidget
* Add support for `.multids` MultiTiddlerFiles
* Extend ViewWidget so that it works with indexes
* Added support for Tank, a new service built on TiddlyWeb: https://tank.peermore.com
* Extend relative dates to work in the future
!! Bug Fixes
* Fixed problem with pasting items into the browser
* Fixed problem with colour pickers not showing correct colour in Chrome
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8e8e31fb9f5ed8f2e5deff0271d434dbe91f503c]] problem with tag pills not working inside table cells
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6d3d3322e5c676e63d1f64dce89ce86e58dcd715]] problem in client server configuration with ''%'' in tiddler titles
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/7eafd51a7dd89d2174be3dec97033dc0bb206677]] problem with not using placeholder text when editing missing tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1a54d590e1e67825057d7693ac89466a093b4577]] problem with test data in certain time zones
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5af30086c02b9d4466c133c87aca76f9b85eea49]] problem with non-breaking space characters being converted into '@' symbols
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5d3dda1a1721af05e56e301a8b896e53f9868540]] problem with highlighting plugin only working in the browser
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/175e86078ce2fed34953f337baf2f0edfc093742]] crash when wiki/themes folder contains files that are not themes
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.8-beta...v5.0.9-beta]]//
!! Highlights
* Improved layout, including a ''hamburger'' icon for dismissing the sidebar and expanding the story river to fill the space
* Added new ''Seamless'' theme
* New ''Filter'' tab in [[$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* Initial implementation of CecilyView
* Overhaul of inconsistencies in TiddlerFilters (see [[Changes to filters in 5.0.9-beta]])
* New translations for Italian and Japanese
* Performance improvements, particularly [[during editing|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0aa559cd23b3742c8f10c5ac144860d816699782]]
!! Documentation Improvements
* Improved and reorganised documentation for TiddlerFilters
* Demo of [[Making curved text with SVG]]
* [[Community]] links are now broken up into individual tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a19432541e776bfb63b1b985a60f472e9f1d4352]] overview diagram of [[TiddlyWiki Architecture]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/7b57561160173667031b5bc15a4f7553d8514c1c]] documentation from buggyj: [[Developing plugins using Node.js and GitHub]]
!! Usability Improvements
* Made the dropdown arrow icon [[skinnier|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ec90ac99cf2767b6ff20902d8b01aa1c36778147]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bca1d552803c1839e7385765314f81c5307632b8]] validation of legal characters for fieldnames
* Added blacklisting of unsafe HTML [[elements|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ba6edd42c125cb19d955a1cb3f54a2d367cb79dc]] and [[attributes|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d0caf21b2df9fda9800eb30489003a87cafb1277]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/baa8cf3dd098bab0a7a8c78b24747c69bd40889f]] a warning indicator to tiddlers in TiddlyWikiClassic format
* [[Add|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/42c67cfeb732fccb10b8ab574c84090dc2471352]] tiddler info ''Advanced'' panel with information about plugins and shadow tiddlers
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/96457d801159958b897f98e22aa9af53b97f0e35]] layout of [[$:/ControlPanel]] ''Plugins'' tab
* [[Enhance|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f48701544eda4f79af86b1ad44340e7182bcf024]] viewing of system tiddlers by fading down the `$:/` prefix
* [[Extend|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/dd3ee2a603cba35770a8f109e070f271d72861f8]] [[$:/TagManager]] to allow icons to be assigned to tags
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/87c4839fed789b80e0942014c05175e36aacc157]] support for `list-before` and `list-after` fields for controlling tag ordering (see TiddlerTags for details)
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3afa26b9a318d913ba162d93a63036cb4a94be59]] request for confirmation before abandoning edits to a tiddler
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bdbbf94326f70db0f8ef196270ab9e92bfde10fb]] [[Transclusion in WikiText]] syntax to allow translusion of a template without affecting the current tiddler
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8a7d0f53d380e9ca93ee34d8ad05090d511e95c4]] `sourceURL` handling to `eval()` so that tiddler modules can be [[properly debugged|https://chromedevtools.googlecode.com/svn-history/r421/trunk/tutorials/breapoints/index.html#regular]] in Chrome
* New ScrollableWidget giving better control over scrollable regions
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d3c0296a87198296cff26aa7ce7bb8274cdcc3f7]] new CSS class `tw-site-title` for the site title
* [[Disable|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e397e4d15951c1395c7752a7563f002ca459206e]] the TiddlyWeb sync adaptor unless the wiki is loaded over HTTP
* Added a [[high resolution timer mechanism|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/dcce4879347e4829d75f10248477731b18b829ef]] and a [[performance measurement mechanism|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d402d3c5a619b6b1642ab03c74ff03a864846a0b]]
* Added a [[basic CSV parser|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5a085f792722c74d259464386138c731b2f014cc]]
* Several measures to enforce the TiddlyWiki programming model:
** [[Refactor|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9de17aa206b21df5c4e29e61bba5d6b49aca6c71]] wiki store object to make members be private
** Freeze tiddler object and [[fields|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/279626a3e3fbd75d60fc3be49b68a99d8ba0a95d]] tiddler fields to enforce their immutability
* [[Extend|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f649b5b037bfd2e7c48d1ba65ffa37064456523d]] the ButtonWidget to be able to set text references
* [[Add|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/afa677b9a0b1dff1239dc1ea08edd210b9736af9]] a class to tiddler frames in view mode
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/50cf9678cb469e443e220b063e2355c844e417e7]] support for [[WidgetMessage: tw-home]]
* [[Hidden|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2608a323ebf3d8a8e925eda6d3a10ebb8f41d383]] system tags from the sidebar ''Tags'' tab
* [[Allow|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/98872bbe7c62faa4aa209fa421c2989aeef3aaf2]] pasting and import of HTML content
* [[Add|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a5a2c718b1d5671652d01e3567dba1c6795b7521]] support for a tooltip on the LinkWidget
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/aa631518152cda5643805c143bf0000bca8d767f]] problem with occasional freezes of the sync mechanism - thanks to buggyj
* Fixed problem with [[tiddlers|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1e960ffcac566c742c44b18d6f0e809d4457b249]] or [[fields|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ea46f85a8a5ad29e8602cbb13667c853903681a6]] called `__proto__`
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/aec618793f41b937676a5a165764dc19d9bbb2b2]] with refreshing the D3 plugin
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/67f3d58f7153ca4d50ce5a14ed72d9d4b6ad9b71]] problem with "null" message when unloading under Internet Explorer 11
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.18-beta...v5.1.0]]//
This is the first full release of TiddlyWiki. Documentation updates made up the bulk of the changes since the previous 5.0.18-beta release.
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b239b3d6230a9f7aab4c9ef6a59aefb4158f45b1]] curly braces from qualified identifiers
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9e6dab06cc2db8263fce083510ae570923b21c0b]] problem with Markdown Maruku mode metadata
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@malgam|https://github.com/malgam]]
* [[@gernert|https://github.com/gernert]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.0...v5.1.1]]//
This is a minor bug fix release to improve the documentation and correct some issues with the first full release of TiddlyWiki.
!! Incompatible Changes
Certain features that were deprecated in [[Release 5.0.17-beta]] have now been removed:
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/62edd1e8a3fddc0c11b87c87b3e5b404d8e1e395]] deprecated `title` attribute on the ButtonWidget
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d047ccdc84ab6f23779c3614712e0d6fa0ef63ec]] support for deprecated `$:/tags/stylesheet` system tag
Note that the next release will also remove support for regular expression filter operands, which was also deprecated in 5.0.17-beta.
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/96b7d0eebaf73dcfd4eccb848b90caaa055e5e20]] first implementation of the [[KaTeX Plugin]] for mathematical typesetting
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@TheDiveO|https://github.com/TheDiveO]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.1...v5.1.2]]//
This is another small release with documentation updates and a few bug fixes and improvements.
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b3df07ae3e190cfb6fc23dbe31c6229fe5e39087]] error handling for malformed or unrecognised ~LaTeX content with [[KaTeX Plugin]]
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/42abef6fbf79342ccbd90b142d48f64ab5c1c38a]] styling of separator before the untagged item in the tags sidebar
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/23c2d90ee8e28f8c68f9ba58fcbc13a56f838d61]] error handling for the upload saver (which is used for saving to TiddlySpot)
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/115245a632e80e9d033957327dfec909a3cd1fc8]] storyview error detection
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b1fb0a2a070a6abc78564e56fdb4244076ac44ac]] crash caused by incorrectly formatted plugins
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/eacb9e53ebf2a814d61bf005d68f449f7b9e63b5]] problem with tiddler info not being removed by the syncer after deleting a tiddler
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e2046ce4ffb6b8232a4ad5e7f51c431798917787]] HTTP handling to treat response code 201 as success
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@Evolena|https://github.com/Evolena]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@simonbaird|https://github.com/simonbaird]]
* [[@TheDiveO|https://github.com/TheDiveO]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.2...v5.1.3]]//
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e872f17842809e33eae177980e9ea0650b6a4c03]] "new journal" button; see [[Creating journal tiddlers]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/70984aa39f8a4061162d4e404bfd158e515c7e6e]] "new here" button; see [[Creating and editing tiddlers]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/00cdd04edd49c2bf0e461071c0c7c50f8aab4e42]] "new journal here" button; see [[Creating journal tiddlers]]
* [[Made|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c6951ee912d1f2717a8c208cbb920e54edf9e5d9]] date format strings be translateable
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/languages/ru-RU]] Russian translation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ef1d5310918dae088ce9361c1682ce0f99cf568a]] confirmation when clearing password
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b7bbcfa05659808c1e51a4f2f5f1d6afbc2ed3a1]] additional prompt when setting password
* [[Increased|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/dc9981322aeb508d5ebac0b691b0d703f8c1995e]] size of the clear search button
* [[Upgraded|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/564457de1c991df15263040d2d5526fa8ae879bb]] to [[KaTeX v0.1.1|https://github.com/Khan/KaTeX/releases/tag/v0.1.1]], with support for several additional LaTeX features
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2ffe53f1916e4b746cc6d7e74e8f4ac75c72e38a]] audio "parser" for handling [[Audio]] content
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0dcf54c3b59ed04645928f0ec4ced647e5a0da7f]] support for ActionWidgets
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/65504d5d41e45326ab1b1b6c0c21eea4c9772797]] new <<.olink addprefix>> and <<.olink addsuffix>> operators
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0c8e5380778303cdd3308bed4a15290214841f8b]] support for custom password prompts
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c26bd4c5a872f56c47e9f5cfc3fada468c53ddde]] the <<.mlink list-links>> macro to display ''caption'' field if present
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/12e26009eef5e29140ba1a880ff033428d673630]] ImageWidget to allow percentage width and height to be specified
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/cc576b052e2b05fd93fcb4f3eb8d9ee5278abf3e]] the <<.olink each>> operator to work with missing tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5dd6ebff05a3380db2901294b2cfc89c1a0e71bf]] problem with tiddler width in zoomin storyview with the sidebar hidden
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/09b6540998fec6bf1fb14842be8e8c53dbd5c46a]] bug whereby the `tm-home` message wasn't navigating to a tiddler, causing problems in zoomin storyview
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3ca8d7b6cca46ffa424bcf9bdc134da464fc84f4]] problem with jumping toolbar icons under Firefox
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f85b07e70b71d0622a9459e4b04e2027540abda8]] problem with untagged label being incorrectly coloured
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b3dcd7d625ec83701ef3a77f3fb8101af57c154f]] problem with title background colours with the "Sticky Titles" theme
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5211f9c40c874a167174e8c0d439db34189d3329]] problem with subfilter parameter of <<.mlink timeline>> macro
* [[Exclude|https://groups.google.com/d/topic/tiddlywiki/YPACpXhH9PY/discussion]] search string tiddler from search results
!! Node.js Changes
//These changes are only relevant to people using TiddlyWiki under Node.js//
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/63c174d7ed56284e80ad6cd6ae966b81f9181cc9]] ~KaTeX plugin to be able to work under Node.js to generate static HTML
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/49dc5694a391a391264a4473e4f4422e2472a3b3]] "includeWikis" to merge build targets
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/969]] the build scripts for tiddlywiki.com into a separate repository at https://github.com/Jermolene/build.jermolene.github.io
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/744245ea3249446fd15f504190efb1d828935d01]] boot kernel to raise an error if a missing wiki folder is specified on the command line
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@andrey013|https://github.com/andrey013]]
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]]
* [[@Eucaly|https://github.com/Eucaly]]
* [[@Evolena|https://github.com/Evolena]]
* [[@fghhfg|https://github.com/fghhfg]]
* [[@Marxsal|https://github.com/Marxsal]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@simonbaird|https://github.com/simonbaird]]
* [[@TheDiveO|https://github.com/TheDiveO]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.3...v5.1.4]]//
This is a small release with documentation improvements and some important bug fixes from [[Release 5.1.3]].
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6681a8e1f2fd3f39d92a1480b5b573a6c831515d]] a toolbar button for advanced search
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/53d834c86be2f97599a9486c0eae4777c51d9093]] dragging behaviour so that you can drag a tiddler title into an edit box to insert the title, making link creation easier. (This change doesn't affect the behaviour of dragging tiddler links between TiddlyWiki windows)
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/26e50b81e579b7f2d190ca3662cadcf82764c8a7]] additional theme tweaks for the body text size and line height
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1b620387dda2d16bf387a89071188762455890c4]] the ViewWidget to work with subtiddlers
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ddc74955427f8a7291ee964c42a771a112007789]] problem with search counts
!! Node.js Changes
//These changes are only relevant to people using TiddlyWiki under Node.js//
* Fixed problem with missing wiki folder warnings by [[removing|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9fedf3865778fd3aa50c2f049c2b81061c8cd778]] and [[re-implementing|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e62e38d66c6eb447bbd8f16b5beec0fe0276ea0d]] the fix from [[Release 5.1.3]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5d600ce31b1d1162529ae8043bb342e2165c4b13]] coloured warnings and errors under Node.js
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@danielo515|https://github.com/danielo515]]
* [[@gernert|https://github.com/gernert]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.4...v5.1.5]]//
!! Translation Improvements
* Added new translators edition making it much easier to create and maintain translations of TiddlyWiki
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/615425cf0634233d27f4f1ea430589b2a618feb6]] improved Japanese translation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8ba1a9b72ac5a4f50a4f670a24393d564c137c0c]] new Danish translation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/14a64ef3effc1e4cf1098b35af6d6cb864d77ac2]] new Greek translation
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Improvements|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/09a3f94d79fc6eacbfd46c86594748e996191eb2]] to tooltips for accessibility
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6fc5c70ace43219710983f6d9640f4b01d620908]] export button to tiddler toolbar, page controls and [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]] "filter" tab
* Improved layout of [[$:/TagManager]]
* [[Simplified|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0a986ccd995266bf3a47182fa584d79f9dd3e153]] default tiddler toolbar buttons
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/63b00fd0f80ce0c9917e233287d4a0138e8c385f]] advanced search button to sidebar search results
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4d061d0fee959fdc5ab470dc8f8379bedfa946d9]] search results by listing title matches at the top
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/da1f9f7d2233eb2aacc027bc1fc1053fa8b7bc2e]] input box for specifying new field value in edit template
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0bb8e08edca61f415aa084327b6751c278e45108]] tag pill rendering so that the foreground colour is dynamically chosen for maximum contrast with the background colour
* Enhancements to many of the [[core icons|ImageGallery Example]]
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1dfa6f369bddd8dedba2e47dc4707eba28ccf4e1]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/145713e7668a41320981ed87b448542cd30d13dc]], [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3035badf144abb85f5d42b2b1d395cf0f65fb03e]] and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e69e2c1c91002c296e1789532ca74286fae8d5a4]]) unnecessary confirmations when abandoning or deleting unmodified tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a5c7089bcfe3d2439eb082535527a7cc767891cc]] a subtle rounded corner to tiddlers and tabs
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6f0d581d720e611fade3b3f346ad0409ef5e291b]] automatic focusing of the title of newly created tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/81481588e07ed3cb1e378a6c6f21d26dcbaa8345]] advanced search links on tiddler counts in [[$:/ControlPanel]]
!! Hackability Improvements
* Introduced new ActionSetFieldWidget, ActionDeleteFieldWidget and ActionDeleteTiddlerWidget for manipulating tiddler fields and values
* [[Enhanced|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c7971d3da3bbef4bbc81d4462ee93590adc248f8]] [[WidgetMessage: tm-new-tiddler]] to allow a skeleton to be specified with additional fields
* [[Enhanced|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4a172125768e3b33c30e725e8550454a9d26c5c4]] the EditTextWidget to allow more control over the sizing of textarea editors
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/13726ef73157d9e9d65ae4027d9c32aaa7cdcc90]] new canned filter for recently modified system tiddlers in [[$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c20c935faabbb63f679bc4720b52162c56b6af64]] new system image for videos: [[$:/core/images/video]]
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c13cf94413c94ee56bebc60fab2d9231d1824d88]] search results to allow custom visualisations - see [[Customising search results]]
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a3a50dbf6d96e7441e5e8ec183e40134bc4eb618]] <<.mlink timeline>> macro to be able to use different date fields
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8260d000be1cf1caf35a557f6cd54a0fb8ccf4f0]] the <<.olink search>> operator to allow a field to be specified
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/73491f14dd63612d527632210d2c3873eb81188f]] the highlight plugin to display tabs as spaces
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/91a7c397911726e391ca368f96b50fbe1687d56a]] modal handling to permit variables to be passed to the modal (see [[WidgetMessage: tm-modal]])
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/853f5fd06402b16e271e8f119ef380de485aeff2]] simple logging to help track down drop/paste issues (see http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/#ImportLogging)
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b520efdeb83f6ac7536a69cf5af2bab3f94cf77f]] [[WidgetMessage: tm-download-file]] and [[WidgetMessage: tm-save-wiki]] to allow variables to be specified for the rendering
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f5055c0205d24102a36b9cf3a9dd9306e148a1f0]] [[Example Table of Contents: Tabbed Internal]]
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/79e428757b5562bd4a925b9b0428ea4ba70ad05a]] RevealWidget so that it can be used without specifying a state tiddler
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/90caf5bf42523cfb6cd603b979aadb719ddcede4]] "hooks" mechanism so that plugins can modify the default tiddler list
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b882a0dff12dc2660426de53e64d8c018f3a9d84]] support for nested popups
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/90096cbd367a7a685fb5dc5b2cbaa69a00d8199f]] problem with CodeMirror editor and missing tiddlers
* [[Exclude|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5093cdc86047209f23b9ead5ee0f216d0414e4f2]] drafts from [[Table-of-Contents Macros]]
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5599f9f9338a5f96080143b2192214a78b961509]] problem with encoding of HTML tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/835e3a945244dd8a07f4c7fd570eb890e9fdcc2c]] problem with sticky titles being covered by vertical tabs
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d1bbe7253c135ceed138fd02c82b0f861d5dda6b]] flicker when automatically resizing textareas
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4bf6fe7fe9416f4e304036302ab5727148ae5222]] JSON deserialiser so that all fields can be imported
!! Node.js Changes
//These changes are only relevant to people using TiddlyWiki under Node.js//
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8e685e5150e636aed6655c6caa09c7b6cffdcea2]] ''includeWikis'' mechanism of TiddlyWikiFolders to allow read-only wikis to be included
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/cea963420ca2800b86989e29d42d06ccb7ea2a00]] error handling under Node.js
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/17a594a97ad5655142c834dfd5fa68855a61d201]] UnpackPluginCommand
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/04d26e6fae20671a6d455e113f7b0afedabc7122]] EditionsCommand to list the available editions
!! Changes affecting plugin authors
* [[Disabled|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f7a2849d27bb082e4bbf6b056a800a1edb30f510]] wiki change events for shadow tiddlers
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d93c19daaa126f0938048009a83796cb52690541]] structure of widget messages that have a hashmap parameter
* The support for nested popups has necessitated a change in the way that popups are styled that affects popups that are triggered with the focusPopup attribute of the EditTextWidget: it is now necessary for the widget to be given the class `tc-popup-handle`.
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@andrey013|https://github.com/andrey013]]
* Birthe C
* [[@Braincoke|https://github.com/Braincoke]]
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@danielo515|https://github.com/danielo515]]
* [[@erwanm|https://github.com/erwanm]]
* [[@Evolena|https://github.com/Evolena]]
* [[@giffmex|https://github.com/giffmex]]
* [[@inmysocks|https://github.com/inmysocks]]
* Makoto Hirohashi
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@Skeeve|https://github.com/Skeeve]]
* [[@tobibeer|https://github.com/tobibeer]]
* [[@welford|https://github.com/welford]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.5...v5.1.6]]//
!! Translation Improvements
* Added Dutch translation
* Updated Danish and Japanese translations
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Allow|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b29973312d7c16292cabb493e5914668f7c3f127]] buttons to be styled to look like internal links
* [[Disabled|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5b38c21a417d2e5e2b85aed8010c88af32420e24]] linking when transcluding ''caption'' field in [[Table-of-Contents Macros]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b220c19fb7b789eb6d00c9d1a71414676d87130e]] support for templates to tabbed [[Table-of-Contents Macros]]
* [[Allow|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/31b5eb1578640fabe8712f0cd4edd49708bc4493]] shadow tiddlers to appear in [[Table-of-Contents Macros]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5154a25ab95f0cc08eb079a624be4fd3353e6dbd]] tooltip to BrowseWidget
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/42dba113ccdb18d7e76ac7a773c7dca532207007]] handling of missing tiddlers by the <<.olink has>> and <<.olink field>> operators
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/182c2428ca7b38d00d36d2d6650e761026470e63]] problem with download saver using incorrect filename
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d031a93c6d607d5b10d025149608f10977181e26]] [[problem|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1010]] with processing of date format templates
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a0c13a0856cb6b4a2592acdd46975e44eb7c53a8]] problem with ''storytop'' theme tweak not being respected when the narrow responsive design kicks in
!! Node.js Changes
//These changes are only relevant to people using TiddlyWiki under Node.js//
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bb74be7ac1a24eeaee10a3cb3d3633e3aa318632]] problem with "all tiddlers" static HTML export
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/51db48acc901d8fb298d9b0f7f10b47ffe90df05]] incorrect checking for an empty folder with the InitCommand
!! Changes affecting plugin authors
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1e47a62c2af392f30a492da732b33b89f23a2e4c]] `$tw.utils.each` so that the loop can be broken out of
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@anavarre|https://github.com/anavarre]]
* [[@Drakor|https://github.com/Drakor]]
* [[@dullroar|https://github.com/dullroar]]
* [[@erwanm|https://github.com/erwanm]]
* [[@malgam|https://github.com/malgam]]
* [[@nameanyone|https://github.com/nameanyone]]
* [[@pekopeko1|https://github.com/pekopeko1]]
* [[@Spangenhelm|https://github.com/Spangenhelm]]
* [[@tobibeer|https://github.com/tobibeer]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.6...v5.1.7]]//
This is an hot fix release with the following change over [[Release 5.1.6]]:
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a31aa25d0c00187ff829d74108f018e44b5cb3c5]] typo in GettingStarted
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.7...v5.1.8]]//
This release includes many improvements to the documentation for TiddlyWiki. Many thanks to everyone who has helped out, but especially to our prodigious new contributor Astrid Elocson.
!! Translation Improvements
* Improvements to French, Danish, Chinese and Japanese translations
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/cb8caf6a01aeeac480bf28661888961657b0dbd8]] Czech translation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d6918d737f5d1b663346ad9a35421a5ae0ffb9a7]] [[Interlingua|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interlingua]] translation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6721a5eb1b77935226ccc8559008af3a0a05d0cb]] Portuguese translation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b845751d3c549366adb2f6e5c58b0114fa95ba30]] Punjabi and Hindu translations
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/49a9a2c44ca3a71fff3062709f06940aaca4a574]] Slovak translation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5d947ed582fb9d68c01d82a334ab75498a8724ef]] Spanish translation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2c367c5476da70ce9c2b37838febcdf437b9aca4]] localisation for encryption prompt
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/987bfcfd5b49b992e5fd45f3428497f6f55cae53]] user interface for [[setting a page background image|Setting a page background image]]
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3df341621d30b205775288e324cef137c48e9f6e]] problem with unnecessary scrolling at startup
* [[Upgraded|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ae001a19e5b3e43cf5388fd4e8d99788085649fe]] the [[KaTeX Plugin]] to use [[KaTeX v0.2.0|https://github.com/Khan/KaTeX/releases/tag/v0.2.0]], with better symbol support
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/70e419824fab107aab58f87780dbb5a1de70c248]] [[Help Plugin]] providing floating help panel
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8643278a452d1a300cec8d3425c1b18699a17dca]] support for an online plugin library
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ea6e60e66983ee1184f09c5796ef6c8bceae703a]] automatic focusing of the search box at startup
* [[Introduced|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4f3cb8b9aebfc4f65f40c96ef99730887d746b41]] the [[Railroad Plugin]] by Astrid Elocson (see it in action in the new [[Filter Syntax]] documentation)
* [[Migrated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/230066eeae9ace8336612e02c78f8cdaa3f717e4]] functionality of "Sticky Titles" theme into an optional tweak for the "Vanilla"/"Snow White" themes. This means that tiddler titles will stick to the top of the window during scrolling on browsers that support `position: sticky` (such as Safari and Firefox)
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8cb7090c40489c81e8c5dfb8cbbdee2c60998c3e]] icons to [[$:/AdvancedSearch]], [[$:/ControlPanel]] and [[$:/TagManager]]
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/21b6ce71ffc617f61d4da0065a3ee695be535e2a]] wording of tiddler "save" button to "confirm"
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1103]] automatic linking of system tiddlers such as $:/ControlPanel
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9c7936413a8c50817044eb409661a575f7f97563]] new tag dropdown to only list title matches
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/aae56f20af35e7be6f3839a8c727e3f43174efe9]] a warning banner notifying the user when modified plugins require the page to be reloaded
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0bd2ec50e1514ef247182816f9f9e421f52f67bb]] first pass at "stacked" story view
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/421ac16389cf07e8c00611ef5a858da0b89f7584]] modal headers and footers to be parsed in inline mode by default (avoiding unneeded `<p>` tags)
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d340277cb219ffebd212fbf409e8ea804121d105]] [[resolvepath Macro]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/718ce3e4aa04f7af5e9310f90d3415c0d82bee6f]] ''class'' attribute to CheckboxWidget
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bb10e2b02900ece4701c44c3a7e7c03304e813b7]] support for a special message to be displayed when the main story river is empty
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6e0c7d90221771ae384d620984f08a2090c500dc]] font rendering under Mac OS X
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a2493f80a973b24ad3d3affda945c437b98c2d2e]] support for embedding ZIP files
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1808b1597e5a61379e4e5381d6d78bb73fa3a523]] support for custom elements with the RevealWidget
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bd6472c1d10bc86eaf1b317c35b86f84086ee3c8]] ''style'' attribute to RevealWidget
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0b4ed3c72de16148ffe62abf1c5c06f2d2ce47f1]] text inputs to use palette colours
* Several new [[core icons|ImageGallery Example]]: <span style="fill:#aaa;"><span title="$:/core/images/github">{{$:/core/images/github}}</span> <span title="$:/core/images/help">{{$:/core/images/help}}</span> <span title="$:/core/images/mail">{{$:/core/images/mail}}</span> <span title="$:/core/images/tip">{{$:/core/images/tip}}</span> <span title="$:/core/images/warning">{{$:/core/images/warning}}</span> <span title="$:/core/images/twitter">{{$:/core/images/twitter}}</span> <span title="$:/core/images/video">{{$:/core/images/video}}</span> <span title="$:/core/images/up-arrow">{{$:/core/images/up-arrow}}</span> <span title="$:/core/images/left-arrow">{{$:/core/images/left-arrow}}</span></span>
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/1520]] the [[sameday Operator]] and [[eachday Operator]] to accept TW5 date strings
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/1249]] version number compatibility checks for plugins
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1adfe20508116da0ee4b5c9e72ea9742f24b60c9]] problem with repeatedly cancelling a draft
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/050b643948e24d1d93a83766a23a0d693616d01e]] sandboxing of generated `<iframe>` elements
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b166632bbb76a7a033cd8fc3af14e5dadddfc631]] problem with modal backgrounds on Firefox
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1b87d9134bd0b45be671eebfdcac1d7acadcecf4]] problem with accidentally dragging a tiddler within its originating window
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c9ab873ba393753647f2b0b3b3aa1a8bcf6b1c28]] problem with dragging certain plugins with Safari
* [[Partially fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2f8837a44508687223c4d78e718cf82a9b35c97b]] problem with SVG icons being clipped by 1 pixel on the right and bottom
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f3ed9bf7e4936dd9bbe3e237673828bbe89326f9]] problem with double quotes in a new field value
!! Node.js Changes
//These changes are only relevant to people using TiddlyWiki under Node.js//
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/cc85368fd48f1e5878018a4e00b6c17d436e67a9]] [[Highlight Plugin]] to work when generating static files under Node.js
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c296f14210545374124df5d4ae9ffb402ed73561]] problem with case-insensitive filing systems (eg Windows)
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/1354]] mobile metadata to static page templates
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/1352]] added "noclean" parameter to RenderTiddlersCommand
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b768dc332b2d5d7ac1f731953cafb5fd1b30dad9]] [[editions Operator]] and [[editiondescription Operator]] for enumerating available editions
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@aelocson|https://github.com/aelocson]]
* [[@andreasabeck|https://github.com/andreasabeck]]
* [[@alexhough|https://github.com/alexhough]]
* [[@Arlen22|https://github.com/Arlen22]]
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@danielo515|https://github.com/danielo515]]
* [[@dpdannemiller|https://github.com/dpdannemiller]]
* [[@Drakor|https://github.com/Drakor]]
* [[@evgeniy-gryaznov|https://github.com/evgeniy-gryaznov]]
* [[@felixhayashi|https://github.com/felixhayashi]]
* [[@gernert|https://github.com/gernert]]
* [[@Infurnoape|https://github.com/Infurnoape]]
* [[@Jc-L|https://github.com/Jc-L]]
* [[@le-pako|https://github.com/le-pako]]
* [[@Mathobal|https://github.com/Mathobal]]
* [[@ng110|https://github.com/ng110]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@reflectionist|https://github.com/reflectionist]]
* [[@roma0104|https://github.com/roma0104]]
* [[@simonbaird|https://github.com/simonbaird]]
* [[@Spangenhelm|https://github.com/Spangenhelm]]
* [[@sukima|https://github.com/sukima]]
* [[@tobibeer|https://github.com/tobibeer]]
* [[@twMat|https://github.com/twMat]]
* [[@welford|https://github.com/welford]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.8...v5.1.9]]//
! Major Improvements
!! New "Powered by ~TiddlyWiki" plugin
An experimental plugin to add a simple "Powered by ~TiddlyWiki" banner to your site. It is included in this prerelease but will not be on the main tiddlywiki.com wiki.
!! New "Fluid story, fixed sidebar" mode
It is now possible to arrange the main window so that the sidebar has a fixed width and the story river expands to fill the remaining space.
To switch it on, visit ''Theme Tweaks'' in the $:/ControlPanel ''Appearance'' tab and use the following options:
* Sidebar layout:
** ''Fixed story, fluid sidebar'' (default) - the story river has a fixed width and the sidebar fills the remaining space
** ''Fluid story, fixed sidebar'' - the story river expands to fill horizontal space remaining after the fixed width sidebar
* Sidebar width:
** The width of the sidebar. Can be specified in pixels (eg ''350px''), a percentage (eg ''25%'') or other [[CSS unit|https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/CSS/length]]
!! Toolbar Button Style Setting
A new setting in $:/ControlPanel ''Settings'' tab allows the toolbar button style to be chosen from the following options:
* <$button set="$:/config/Toolbar/ButtonClass" setTo="tc-btn-invisible">borderless</$button> the existing style
* <$button set="$:/config/Toolbar/ButtonClass" setTo="tc-btn-boxed">boxed</$button>, which adds a thin border box around the button
* <$button set="$:/config/Toolbar/ButtonClass" setTo="tc-btn-rounded">rounded</$button>, which rounds the button corners and inverts the button colours
Plugins can add new style options.
!! New Tiddler Toolbar Button: "Open in new window"
An experimental new tiddler toolbar button opens a single tiddler in a separate pop-up browser window. The tiddler will be dynamically updated just as in the main window. There are several uses:
* Arranging reference tiddlers for easy access while editing in the main window
* Making good use of multi-screen layouts
* Printing the content of a single tiddler
* Running presentations in a separate window while maintaining notes in the main window
!! Improvements for visually impaired users
* Improved monochrome palette variants:
** <$button>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/theme" text="$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/palette" text="$:/palettes/ContrastDark"/>
Dark palette
</$button>. Foreground: <<colour-picker "$:/palettes/ContrastDark" "foreground">>, Background: <<colour-picker "$:/palettes/ContrastDark" "background">>
** <$button>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/theme" text="$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/palette" text="$:/palettes/ContrastLight"/>
Light palette
</$button>. Foreground: <<colour-picker "$:/palettes/ContrastLight" "foreground">>, Background: <<colour-picker "$:/palettes/ContrastLight" "background">>
** <$button>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/theme" text="$:/themes/tiddlywiki/snowwhite"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/palette" text="$:/palettes/Vanilla"/>
!! New "Solar Flare" palette
There's a new core palette "Solar Flare", contributed by Rustem Akbulatov (@nameanyone).
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/theme" text="$:/themes/tiddlywiki/snowwhite"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/palette" text="$:/palettes/SolarFlare"/>
Try it out
</$button> <$button>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/theme" text="$:/themes/tiddlywiki/snowwhite"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/palette" text="$:/palettes/Vanilla"/>
!! Options for Story Control
There are new options for controlling the position in the story river of newly opened tiddlers. Visit the ''Settings'' tab of $:/ControlPanel and look for "Tiddler Opening Behaviour".
!! New Hidden Settings
Two new [[hidden settings|Hidden Settings]] for advanced configuration:
* [[Hidden Setting: Search AutoFocus]]
* [[Hidden Setting: Typing Refresh Delay]]
!! New Vars widget
[[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/1678]] VarsWidget for setting multiple variables in one operation:
<$vars greeting="Hi" me={{!!title}} sentence=<<helloworld>>>
<<greeting>>! I am <<me>> and I say: <<sentence>>
! Other Improvements
!! Translation Improvements
* Updates to the Dutch, Chinese, Italian and German translations
* New Catalan (Spain) translation
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/789069bb6b9ca1bd9da75e035b18728e83eb232c]] new page control icon for setting the palette: <$set name="tv-config-toolbar-class" value="btn">
<$set name="tv-config-toolbar-icons" value="yes">
<$set name="tv-config-toolbar-text" value="yes">
* Added new icons for <span style="fill:#aaa;">
palette <span title="$:/core/images/palette">{{$:/core/images/palette}}</span>
and "open new window" <span title="$:/core/images/open-window">{{$:/core/images/open-window}}</span>
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/648f670bcbba088780bc76f0c33cbe378d283bbd]] the theme icon to better match the new palette icon: <span style="fill:#aaa;">
<span title="$:/core/images/theme-button">{{$:/core/images/theme-button}}</span>
<span title="$:/core/images/plugin-generic-theme">{{$:/core/images/plugin-generic-theme}}</span>
* [[Avoid|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/7b4153f87f8b4793fa055ec287a659ece3150d99]] glitch with autofocusing the search box in the plugin library
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9f92c086c31a528a2ffb6bc9fed53d4cc016480f]] information about TiddlyDesktop to [[Releases]]
* [[Stopped|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4a3a5bf1f06c4efb8449c860e90c214f707954f6]] autosaving after cancelling an edit
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/062aa03c5acf6ac506169e9f3bac9cb0307667e4]] dropdown to edit template to allow existing field names to be selected
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5f3587c38c2968ff63780552ef50b52d87ada3ca]] to ~KaTeX version 0.4.3, with the following editions since the previous 0.2.0 release that was distributed with TiddlyWiki 5.1.8:
** Added support for some `\begin`/`\end` environments, including support for `array`, `matrix`, `pmatrix`, `bmatrix`, `vmatrix`, and `Vmatrix`
** Added support for optional `\sqrt` arguments, e.g. `\sqrt[3]{x}`
** Add support for `\phantom`
** Add `\#`, `\&`
** See the [[KaTeX GitHub page|https://github.com/Khan/KaTeX/releases]] for full release details
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9b4b9d4d8878b8646112de7b5a7b282f50a4d1cb]] ActionSendMessageWidget for more flexible passing of named parameters via new `$name` and `$value` attributes
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6942efa6289c9f1d99ea9f63972aa314ac06a8b1]] styling for `<kbd>` elements such as <kbd>escape</kbd> and <kbd>enter</kbd>
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/637aaca2fc3563cc695ab5603fc0cde222a770da]] subtle new "pin stripe" pattern for page background - <$button>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/settings/backgroundimage" text="Pinstripe.gif"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/settings/backgroundimageattachment" text="fixed"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/settings/backgroundimagesize" text="auto"/>
Try it out
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/139496209f92d229feadf5c2883edec9090c0a0a]] support for custom elements to the ButtonWidget
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d8366cc45f25d16c9085e05ee18965e626e218ff]] CodeMirror plugin to automatically refresh when a tiddler type changes
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0d5033e2a00e34a7665c2cff58c0d15da224dd2b]] new setting in $:/ControlPanel to render tiddler titles as links, which can be convenient for drag and drop
* [[Simplified|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f42842f80104e8e892545c758ea0b997cacbdd31]] detecting the preview pane with the [[tv-tiddler-preview Variable]]
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/50c6ce8b73aef692920d7a03b1c9c46c35f972d6]] automatic linking of system tiddler titles by restricting them to letters and the characters `/.-`
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5a6249894d5e79ee4e472c72be8956ce59558797]] problem with special characters in field names
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/230f40c3bd71177eb7b1f7e8252a5164e99a12c5]] static banner layout on mobile devices
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/df84e932833b3643ce600499ddd5fef497bec908]] popups within the scrollable widget by adding `position: relative;` to example scrollable widget styles
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]]
* [[@cehmke|https://github.com/cehmke]]
* [[@danielo515|https://github.com/danielo515]]
* [[@Drakor|https://github.com/Drakor]]
* [[@ericshulman|https://github.com/ericshulman]]
* [[@felixhayashi|https://github.com/felixhayashi]]
* [[@gernert|https://github.com/gernert]]
* [[@heroboy|https://github.com/heroboy]]
* [[@idoine|https://github.com/idoine]]
* [[@infurnoape|https://github.com/infurnoape]]
* [[@inmysocks|https://github.com/inmysocks]]
* [[@kixam|https://github.com/kixam]]
* [[@lolole13|https://github.com/lolole13]]
* [[@marcor|https://github.com/marcor]]
* [[@Marxsal|https://github.com/Marxsal]]
* [[@nameanyone|https://github.com/nameanyone]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@r1chard5mith|https://github.com/r1chard5mith]]
* [[@roma0104|https://github.com/roma0104]]
* [[@silvyn|https://github.com/silvyn]]
* [[@slovuj|https://github.com/slovuj]]
* [[@StevenMcD|https://github.com/StevenMcD]]
* [[@sukima|https://github.com/sukima]]
* [[@vouko|https://github.com/vouko]]
* [[@welford|https://github.com/welford]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
<<tabs "[[TiddlyWiki Releases]] [[TiddlyDesktop Releases]]" "TiddlyWiki Releases" "$:/state/tab">>
<h2><$link to=<<currentTab>>><$view tiddler=<<currentTab>> field="title"/></$link></h2>
^^Released <$view tiddler=<<currentTab>> field="released" format="date" template="DDth MMM YYYY at 0hh:0mm">TBA</$view>^^
<$transclude tiddler=<<currentTab>> />
<<.operator-examples "removeprefix">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[My Cat]] [[Your Garden]] [[My Favourite Armchair]] +[removeprefix[My ]]">>
<<.operator-examples "removesuffix">>
<<.operator-example 1 "SIMPLEX Googolplex Complex +[removesuffix[plex]]">>
You can report bugs or problems with TiddlyWiki via our [[discussion groups|Forums]]. If you have a GitHub account then you can raise an issue there:
Unless you are already familiar with GitHub, it's usually easiest to report problems through the discussion groups.
! TiddlyWiki on GitHub
We use GitHub Issues to manage bug reports and feature requests for TiddlyWiki. To maintain their effectiveness we endeavour to have as few open issues as possible.
!! Policies for Managing Issues
Open issues should be actionable: generally either a reproducible bug report, or a specific feature request. From the perspective of the core developers, the issues list behaves like a shared todo list. Every item on the list requires a little bit of attention each time we check the list.
GitHub Issues are not very good for managing ideas that are not immediately actionable. Better to use the [[TiddlyWiki discussion groups|Forums]] for open ended questions, or speculative discussions of new features.
!! Creating Issues
Before creating a GitHub issue it is good etiquette to search through the existing issues to see whether the problem has already been reported. If a search isn't practical, don't worry too much; GitHub makes it easy to merge existing issues.
When you do create an issue, remember that for effective debugging, we need as much information as possible. At a minimum, please try to include:
* A descriptive title
* A summary
* Steps to reproduce
* Expected behaviour
* Context (OS, browser etc.)
Consider also adding screenshots if it makes things clearer.
There's a lot of good material on the web about bug reports:
* http://mhay68.tumblr.com/post/1648223018/what-makes-a-good-bug-report
* http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/bugs.html
The <<.def resolvepath>> [[macro|Macros]] takes a relative path and an absolute path. It interprets the former relative to the latter, and returns the absolute equivalent of the former.
Folders in the paths are delimited by `/`.
The special folder name `.` denotes the current folder, and `..` denotes the parent folder.
If the absolute path indicates a folder, it needs to end with `/`. Anything after the final `/` is treated as an arbitrary filename within the intended path, and is discarded.
If no absolute path is supplied, the relative path is returned unchanged, except that anything after the final `/` is discarded.
The return value is a path, but does <<.em not>> end with `/`.
!! Parameters
: the relative path
: the absolute path
<<.macro-examples "resolvepath">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<<resolvepath "./backup" "http://example.com/store.php">>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2" eg="""<<resolvepath "backup" "http://example.com/store.php">>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="3" eg="""<<resolvepath "../backup" "http://example.com/store.php">>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="4" eg="""<<resolvepath "../jpg/Motovun_Jack.jpg" "http://example.com/resources/images/png/">>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="5" eg="""<<resolvepath "../jpg/../png/Motovun_Jack.png">>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="6" eg="""<<resolvepath "jpg/Motovun_Jack.jpg">>"""/>
These are sites with resources created by the TiddlyWiki [[Community]] help you get the best out of TiddlyWiki: plugins, macros and more. Submit new entries via GitHub, Twitter or by posting in the [[TiddlyWiki Groups]].
<div class="tc-link-info">
<$list filter='[tag[Resources]!sort[modified]]'>
<div class="tc-link-info-item">
! <$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
<div class="tc-subtitle">Posted <$view field="modified" format="relativedate"/></div>
<<.olink butfirst>> and <<.olink bf>> are synonyms for <<.op rest>>.
<<.operator-examples "rest">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]rest[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]rest[3]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O +[rest[5]]">>
! Introduction
The reveal widget hides or shows its content depending upon the value of a [[state tiddler|StateTiddlers]]. The type of the widget determines the condition for the content being displayed:
* type=''match'': the content is displayed if the state tiddler matches a specified value
* type=''nomatch'': the content is displayed if the state tiddler doesn't match a specified value
* type=''popup'': the content is displayed as a popup as described in the PopupMechanism
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$reveal>` widget is displayed according to the rules given above.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|state |A TextReference containing the state |
|tag |Overrides the default HTML element tag (`<div>` in block mode or `<span>` in inline mode) |
|type |The type of matching performed: ''match'', ''nomatch'' or ''popup'' |
|text |The text to match when the type is ''match'' and ''nomatch'' |
|class |An optional CSS class name to be assigned to the HTML element|
|style |An optional CSS style attribute to be assigned to the HTML element |
|position |The position used for the popup when the type is ''popup''. Can be ''left'', ''above'', ''aboveright'', ''right'', ''belowleft'' or ''below'' |
|default |Default value to use when the state tiddler is missing |
|animate |Set to "yes" to animate opening and closure (defaults to "no") |
|retain |Set to "yes" to force the content to be retained even when hidden (defaults to "no")|
Retaining the content when hidden can give poor performance since the hidden content requires refresh processing even though it is not displayed. On the other hand, the content can be revealed much more quickly. Note that setting ''animate="yes"'' will also force ''retain="yes"''.
! Examples
!! Simple content reveal
Here's a simple example of showing and hiding content with buttons:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '<$button set="$:/state/SampleReveal1" setTo="show">Show me</$button>
<$button set="$:/state/SampleReveal1" setTo="hide">Hide me</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/SampleReveal1" text="show">
! This is the revealed content
And this is some text
!! Accordion or Slider
An "accordion" or "slider" is a button that can be used to toggle the display of associated content.
<<wikitext-example-without-html '<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/SampleReveal2" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SampleReveal2" setTo="show">Show me</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/SampleReveal2" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SampleReveal2" setTo="hide">Hide me</$button>
! This is the revealed content
And this is some text
!! Popup
Here is a simple example of a popup built with the RevealWidget:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '<$button popup="$:/SamplePopupState">Pop me up!</$button>
<$reveal type="popup" state="$:/SamplePopupState">
<div class="tc-drop-down">
! This is the popup
And this is some text
<<.operator-examples "reverse">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]reverse[]]">>
Even though TiddlyWiki is now out of beta, there are still many improvements planned for the coming months:
* Fixing hangovers from TiddlyWikiClassic
* ~TiddlyWiki file format (to avoid illegal attribute names)
* Aliases (alternative titles for tiddlers)
* Search and replace
* Tiddler renaming
* Rich link tooltips, incorporating a preview
* More keyboard shortcuts
* Keyboard snippet expansion in the text editor
* List editor with drag and drop
* Selective/weighted searching by title, body and fields
* Maths notation
Also see the issues list on GitHub: https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5
! Introduction
Safe mode provides a way to disabling most customisations in TiddlyWiki. This is useful because if TiddlyWiki is customised incorrectly it can be rendered inoperable. A particular issue is that some customisations break when upgrading to a newer core version of TiddlyWiki (especially during the beta).
! Enabling Safe Mode
Safe mode is enabled in the browser by starting TiddlyWiki with the URL hash set to the string `#:safe`. For example:
! How Safe Mode Works
Safe mode triggers two changes:
* All plugins are temporarily disabled. You can use the control panel to disable individual plugins
* Any tiddlers that override shadow tiddlers are renamed to give them the prefix `SAFE: `, thus restoring the underlying shadow tiddler
A report tiddler is displayed that allows you to inspect the tiddlers that were renamed.
If <<.place D>> is not a valid date, the output is empty.
<<.place D>> may include a time of day, but this is ignored.
<<.operator-examples "sameday">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[sameday[20140410]]" "tiddlers modified on 10 April 2014">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[sameday:created[20140410]]" "tiddlers created on 10 April 2014">>
This is a demonstration alert.
Note that the trashcan icon deletes the tiddler containing this alert. You can also remove it by opening the tiddler SampleAlert and editing it to remove the tag [[$:/tags/Alert]].
! Hello, <<yourName>>
This is an example modal containing the following message:
{{$:/core/images/done-button}} This is a notification!
This is the fourth of our sample tabs.
This is the first of our sample tabs.
This is the third of our sample tabs.
This is the second of our sample tabs.
This is test tiddler SampleTiddlerFirst.
This is test tiddler SampleTiddlerSecond.
This is test tiddler SampleTiddlerThird.
This is a modal wizard dialogue, stored in the tiddler SampleWizard.
{{Motovun Jack.jpg}}
You can <$button message="tm-modal" param="SampleWizard2">nest wizards</$button>.
This is another modal wizard dialogue, stored in the tiddler SampleWizard2.
You can <$button message="tm-modal" param="SampleWizard">nest wizards</$button>.
Available methods for saving changes with TiddlyWiki:
<<list-links "[tag[Saving]]">>
The built-in TiddlySpot saver can also be used to save changes to a simple PHP script that you can run on most hosting providers.
//These are preliminary instructions that need verification//
# Download a copy of ''store.php'' from:
#* https://code.google.com/p/bidix/source/browse/trunk/TiddlyHome/_th/lib/store.php
# Edit your copy of ''store.php'' to add your username(s) and password(s). Find the line `$USERS = array( 'UserName1'=>'Password1', etc)` and replace Username1 and Password1 with your desired username and password
#* Make sure you leave all the punctuation and code, such as the single quotes, intact
# Save the file
# Using FTP or your web interface, upload ''store.php'' to your server. Make sure that the filename is correct
#* If you've uploaded the file correctly you should be able to view it in your browser (eg, http://example.com/store.php)
# In TiddlyWiki, go to the ''Saving'' tab of the control panel and enter the following information:
#* Your username as the wiki name
#* Your password
#* The URL of the ''store.php'' file (//''not'' the URL of the wiki, this must the full URL to the ''store.php'' file//)
The control panel ''Saving'' tab includes the following configuration options:
|!Name |!Description |
|Server URL |The full URL to the ''store.php'' file on your server |
|Upload filename |The filename used to save the TiddlyWiki (defaults to ''index.html'') |
|Upload directory |The relative path from ''store.php'' to the directory used for saving the file |
|Backup directory |The relative path from ''store.php'' to the directory used for backups |
The AndTidWiki app for Android devices makes it possible to edit and save changes to TiddlyWiki5, including working offline without a network connection. [[Download it here|https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.mgsimon.android.andtidwiki]].
//Note that AndTidWiki is published independently of TiddlyWiki//
By default, TiddlyWiki saves changes on InternetExplorer 10 and above using a saver module that downloads the newly modified file, rather than saving it directly. There are two alternatives that both save changes directly to the file:
* [[Use the TiddlyIE browser extension|Saving with TiddlyIE]]
* Use the [[Windows HTA Hack]] by renaming the TiddlyWiki HTML file to have the extension `*.hta`.
The iPad/iPhone app ''TWEdit'' makes it possible to edit and save changes to TiddlyWiki5, including working offline without a network connection. [[Download it here|https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/twedit/id409607956?mt=8]].
Instructions for use:
# Open TWEdit
# Touch the title in the centre of the toolbar in order
#* A text box should appear allowing you to enter a URL
# Enter the URL `http://tiddlywiki.com/empty.html`
# When the empty TiddlyWiki5 has loaded, touch the ''save'' icon (it's the second icon from the right on the top toolbar)
#* An alert box should appear allowing you to enter a local filename
# Enter the filename you wish to use for the document (ending with `.html`)
# Edit your TiddlyWiki as normal
# To save changes, click the ''save'' button in the sidebar
#* A confirmation message should appear at the upper right
//Note that TWEdit is published independently of TiddlyWiki//
This method of saving changes is clunky because it requires manual intervention for each save.
# [[Download]] an empty TiddlyWiki by clicking this button:
#> {{$:/editions/tw5.com/snippets/download-empty-button}}
#> If the button doesn't work save this link: http://tiddlywiki.com/empty.html
#> Your browser may ask you to accept the download before it begins
# Locate the file you just downloaded
#* You may rename it, but be sure to keep the `.html` or `.htm` extension
# Open the file in Safari
# Try creating a new tiddler using the ''new tiddler'' {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar. Type some content for the tiddler, and click the {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''done'' button
# Save your changes by clicking the {{$:/core/images/save-button}} ''save changes'' button in the sidebar
# A popup "Download changes" window is displayed that includes a link labelled //Right-click to save changes//
# Right-click on the link and select "Download Linked File As..." from the popup menu
# Navigate to the folder containing your wiki HTML file and select the existing file
# Click the "Save" button
# Click "Replace" to confirm replacing the existing file
# Verify that your changes have been saved correctly
TiddlySpot is a free hosting service for TiddlyWiki documents from Simon and Daniel Baird. The easiest way to get started is to sign up for a new wiki at http://tiddlyspot.com - by default you'll get the latest release of TiddlyWiki Classic.
You can upload an existing TiddlyWiki5 document from your local disc to TiddlySpot by following these steps:
# Sign up for a new wiki at http://tiddlyspot.com/, and remember the wiki name and password
# Open your locally stored TiddlyWiki document in your browser
# Fill in the TiddlySpot wikiname and password in the control panel
# Click the "Save Changes" button. You should get a confirmation notification at the top right saying ''Saved wiki''. Saving can take several seconds if you're on a slow connection or working with a large wiki.
# Navigate to your TiddlySpot URL at http://{wikiname}.tiddlyspot.com/
Note that your password is sent unencrypted when using TiddlySpot. From http://faq.tiddlyspot.com/:
''Is Tiddlyspot secure?''
No. Tiddlyspot does not use SSL/https. Your password is sent in clear text when uploading and when authenticating to access a private site. This means that your Tiddlyspot is vulnerable to packet sniffing and your password could be discovered by a malicious third party. Also your data is transmitted unencrypted when you view your site, even if it is a private site. For this reason please don't put sensitive information such as banking details in your Tiddlyspot and don't use a password that you use for other high security sites.
! Problems with saving on TiddlySpot
In case you run into this error when uploading a new or freshly upgraded local TiddlyWiki to TiddlySpot :
Error while saving:
Error:NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI: Access to restricted URI denied
The upgrade operation falls foul of a security restriction in Firefox. Until this can be resolved, we suggest using Chrome.
*# Use Chrome to open the local TiddlyWiki document you want to upload to TiddlySpot and follow the steps 1 through 5 described above
*# Once you've checked the TiddlySpot-hosted TiddlyWiki loads properly in Chrome, you should be able to access, edit and [[save using TiddlyFox|Saving with TiddlyFox]] again
* After you've uploaded your local document once, further editing and saving of the online version hosted on TiddlySpot should work with any modern browser of your choice.
** Don't forget to fill in the TiddlySpot wikiname and password in your TiddlySpot TiddlyWiki control panel for any new browser you want to use for saving changes
* //See also : [[Upgrading]]//
This method of saving changes is clunky because it requires manual intervention for each save. It has the advantage of working on almost all desktop browsers, and many mobile browsers.
# [[Download]] an empty TiddlyWiki by clicking this button:
#> {{$:/editions/tw5.com/snippets/download-empty-button}}
#> If the button doesn't work save this link: http://tiddlywiki.com/empty.html
#> Your browser may ask you to accept the download before it begins
# Locate the file you just downloaded
#* You may rename it, but be sure to keep the `.html` or `.htm` extension
# Open the file in your browser
# Try creating a new tiddler using the ''new tiddler'' {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar. Type some content for the tiddler, and click the {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''done'' button
# Save your changes by clicking the {{$:/core/images/save-button}} ''save changes'' button in the sidebar
# Your browser will download a new copy of the wiki incorporating your changes
# Locate the newly downloaded file and open it in your browser
# Verify that your changes have been saved correctly
''Tip'': most browsers have an option to prompt each time for the download location. This allows you to select the existing version of the file and replace it.
If you're using [[Firefox for Android]], see the instructions for [[Saving with TiddlyFox on Android]].
# Ensure you have the latest version of [[Firefox]]
#* http://getfirefox.com
# Install the latest release of the TiddlyFox extension from:
#* https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tiddlyfox/
# Restart [[Firefox]]
# [[Download]] an empty TiddlyWiki by clicking this button:
#> {{$:/editions/tw5.com/snippets/download-empty-button}}
# Locate the file you just downloaded
#* You may rename it, but be sure to keep the `.html` or `.htm` extension
# Open the file in [[Firefox]]
# Click ''OK'' in response to the prompt from TiddlyFox that asks whether to enable saving for this file
# Try creating a new tiddler using the ''plus'' {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar. Type some content for the tiddler, and click the {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''tick'' button
# Save your changes by clicking the {{$:/core/images/save-button}} ''Save changes'' button in the sidebar
#* Look for the yellow notification ''Saved wiki'' at the top right of the window
# Refresh the browser window to verify that your changes have been saved correctly
(Alternatively, see the [[video tutorial|TiddlyWiki on Firefox for Android Video]])
# Ensure you have the latest version of [[Firefox for Android]]
#* http://getfirefox.com
# Install the latest release of the TiddlyFox extension from:
#* https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tiddlyfox/
# Install this extension to be able to save the TiddlyWiki file locally:
#* https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/android/addon/save-link-menus/
# [[Download]] an empty TiddlyWiki by saving this link:
#* http://tiddlywiki.com/empty.html
#> (to save the link, ensure you've installed the "save-link-menus" extension and then long-press on the link and choose "Save link")
# When the file has downloaded, click on it within the notification tray or the download manager application
# Choose to open the file in Firefox (rather than the default Android viewer)
# Click ''OK'' in response to the prompt from TiddlyFox that asks whether to enable saving for this file
# Try creating a new tiddler using the ''plus'' {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar. Type some content for the tiddler, and click the {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''tick'' button
# Save your changes by clicking the {{$:/core/images/save-button}} ''Save changes'' button in the sidebar
#* Look for the yellow notification ''Saved wiki'' at the top right of the window
# Refresh the browser window to verify that your changes have been saved correctly
# Install the TiddlyIE add-on from:
#* https://github.com/davidjade/TiddlyIE/releases
# Restart Internet Explorer. IE will prompt you to enable the TiddlyIE add-on.
#> You may also see a prompt to enable the //Microsoft Script Runtime//
# [[Download]] an empty TiddlyWiki by saving this link:
#> http://tiddlywiki.com/empty.html
# Locate the file you just downloaded
#* You may rename it, but be sure to keep the `.html` extension
# Open the file in Internet Explorer
# Try creating a new tiddler using the ''plus'' {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar. Type some content for the tiddler, and click the {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''tick'' button
# Save your changes by clicking the {{$:/core/images/save-button}} ''Save changes'' button in the sidebar. Internet Explorer will ask for your consent to save the file locally by presenting a file ''Save As'' dialog.
# Refresh the browser window to verify that your changes have been saved correctly
The SavingMechanism is the mechanism by which TiddlyWiki generates a new HTML file and stores it. It is different from the SyncMechanism, which is concerned with synchronising changes to individual tiddlers back to a server.
The following steps are involved:
# The saver mechanism uses the filter defined in $:/config/SaverFilter to specify which modified tiddlers trigger the dirty state for the wiki
# The ButtonWidget is used to generate a [[tm-save-wiki|WidgetMessage: tm-save-wiki]] message to trigger the save operation
# The optional parameter for the message specifies the template that will be used for generating the HTML file, defaulting to $:/core/save/all
#* The plugin $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/tiddlyweb in the client-server configuration replaces the default template with $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/tiddlyweb/save/offline
# The template includes a variable assignment that specifies a filter to select the tiddlers that should be included in the saved file. It then transcludes the main page template `$:/core/templates/tiddlywiki5.html`
#* The template includes a reference to `$(publishFilter)$` that allows the filter to be customised via a global variable
# The [[tm-save-wiki|WidgetMessage: tm-save-wiki]] handler renders the template to generate the HTML file
# The message handler chooses the highest priority "saver" module that can handle saving the file
#* See http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/#Saver for more details
You might expect that TiddlyWiki's architecture as a SinglePageApplication would make it unsuitable for large amounts of data. In fact, TiddlyWiki users regularly work with files that are 20 or 30 megabytes without problems - and successful experiments have been done up into the gigabytes.
! Script Files
The TiddlyWiki5 repository contains several scripts in the `bin` folder that you can use to automate common tasks, or as a useful starting point for your own scripts. See [[Scripts for building tiddlywiki.com]] for details of the scripts used to build and release http://tiddlywiki.com/.
All the scripts expect to be run from the root folder of the repository.
!! `serve`: serves tw5.com
./bin/serve.sh -h
./bin/serve.sh [edition dir] [username] [password] [host] [port]
./bin/serve.cmd -h
./bin/serve.cmd [edition dir] [username] [password] [host] [port]
This script starts TiddlyWiki5 running as an HTTP server, defaulting to the content from the `tw5.com-server` edition. By default, the Node.js serves on port 8080. If the optional `username` parameter is provided, it is used for signing edits. If the `password` is provided then HTTP basic authentication is used. Run the script with the `-h` parameter to see online help.
To experiment with this configuration, run the script and then visit `` in a browser.
Changes made in the browser propagate to the server over HTTP (use the browser developer console to see these requests). The server then syncs changes to the file system (and logs each change to the screen).
!! `test`: build and run tests
This script runs the `test` edition of TiddlyWiki on the server to perform the server-side tests and to build `test.html` for running the tests in the browser.
!! `lazy`: serves tw5.com with lazily loaded images
./bin/lazy.sh <username> [<password>]
./bin/lazy.cmd <username> [<password>]
This script serves the `tw5.com-server` edition content with LazyLoading applied to images.
!! `2bld`: builds TiddlyWiki 2.6.5
This script builds TiddlyWiki 2.6.5 from the original source and then displays the differences between them (`diff` is used for *nix, `fc` for Windows).
! Introduction
The scrollable widget wraps its content in a scrollable frame. The user can scroll the contents with the mouse or with touch gestures. Code can use the [[WidgetMessage: tm-scroll]] to programmatically scroll specific DOM nodes into view.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$scrollable>` widget is displayed within a pair of wrapper DIVs. If the inner DIV is larger then it scrolls within the outer one. CSS is used to specify the size of the outer wrapper.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|class |The CSS class(es) to be applied to the outer DIV |
|fallthrough |See below |
If a scrollable widget can't handle the `tm-scroll` message because the inner DIV fits within the outer DIV, then by default the message falls through to the parent widget. Setting the ''fallthrough'' attribute to `no` prevents this behaviour.
! Examples
This example requires the following CSS definitions from [[$:/_tw5.com-styles]]:
.tc-scrollable-demo {
border: 1px solid <<colour message-border>>;
background-color: <<colour message-background>>;
padding: 1em;
height: 400px;
position: relative;
This wiki text shows how to display a list within the scrollable widget:
<<wikitext-example-without-html "<$scrollable class='tc-scrollable-demo'>
<$list filter='[!is[system]]'>
<$view field='title'/>: <$list filter='[all[current]links[]sort[title]]' storyview='pop'>
<$link><$view field='title'/></$link>
When used with a suffix, the <<.op search>> operator is similar to <<.olink regexp>> but less powerful.
If the suffix is omitted, a tiddler is deemed to match if all the search terms appear in the combination of its <<.field tags>>, <<.field text>> and <<.field title>> fields.
The search ignores the difference between capital and lowercase letters.
<<.operator-examples "search">>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-example" n="1" eg="[!is[system]search[table]]" ie="non-system tiddlers containing the word <<.word table>>"/>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-example" n="2" eg="[all[shadows]search[table]]" ie="shadow tiddlers containing the word <<.word table>>"/>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-example" n="3" eg="[search:caption[arch]]" ie="tiddlers containing `arch` in their <<.field caption>> field"/>
Searching is fast and flexible in ~TiddlyWiki.
''Standard search''
Typing text into the search box in the sidebar will turn up a list of all the tiddlers that contain that text.
://(Note that the sidebar tabs will be hidden by the search results until you click the 'x' to the right of the search box to remove the search results)//
''Advanced searching''
Clicking on the magnifying glass icon to the right of the search box will open [[$:/AdvancedSearch]]. This tiddler contains four tabs:
* The ''standard'' tab contains another instance of the search box found in the sidebar
* The ''system'' tab allows you to limit your search to system tiddlers
* The ''shadows'' tab allows you to limit your search to shadow tiddlers
* The ''filter'' tab is not a search box, per se, but a way to obtain a list of all tiddlers that meet the specific criteria described by that [[filter|Filters]], for example, "All tags except system tags"
A simple technique for adding tag-based cross references to the default view template.
See also: - is a feature to generate a "See also:" section after the tiddler text, somewhat like in Wikipedia articles.
The output of a [[filter|Filters]] step depends on its [[operator|Filter Operators]]:
* Most operators derive their output from their input. For example, many of them output a subset of their input, and thus truly live up to the name of <<.word filters>>, narrowing down the overall output of the containing [[run|Filter Run]]. These operators are called <<.def "selection modifiers">>.
* A few operators ignore their input and generate an independent output instead. These are called <<.def "selection constructors">>: they construct an entirely new [[selection|Title Selection]].
A good example of a constructor is <<.olink title>>. The output of `[title[A]title[B]]` is just <<.tid B>>. But the <<.olink field>> operator is a modifier, so `[title[A]field:title[B]` outputs nothing at all.
! Introduction
The select widget displays a popup menu based on a [[HTML select element|https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/select]]. The popup (or dropdown) contains a list of items defined by `<option>` and `<optgroup>` elements.
Every time the user selects a new value in the menu, the selected value is written to the text of a specified tiddler field or index. If the tiddler value changes the menu is automatically updated to reflect the new value.
For example, this select widget displays a list of the tags in this wiki:
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler=<<qualify 'select-demo'>> default='HelloThere'>
<$list filter='[all[shadows+tiddlers]tags[]sort[title]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
The <$link to=<<qualify "select-demo">>>state tiddler</$link> currently contains:
<$edit-text tiddler=<<qualify "select-demo">> tag="input" default=""/>
See the text change as you switch entries in the select widget. Try changing the value of the state tiddler and see the select widget change. Notice how the select widget only displays an entry if there is a precise match with the tiddler text.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$select>` widget should be one or more HTML `<option>` or `<optiongroup>` elements that provide the available values.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The title of the tiddler containing the value to be displayed/modified by the select widget (defaults to the current tiddler) |
|field |The field name for the value in the current tiddler (defaults to "text") |
|index |The index of a property in a [[DataTiddler|DataTiddlers]] (takes precedence over the field attribute) |
|class |CSS classes to be assigned to the HTML select element |
|default |Default value to be used if the tiddler, field or index specifies a missing value |
! Examples
!! Simple Lists
This example sets the title of the current wiki [[$:/SiteTitle]] to one of a list of book titles:
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler='$:/SiteTitle'>
<option>A Tale of Two Cities</option>
<option>A New Kind of Science</option>
<option>The Dice Man</option>
!! Value lists
In this example the `value` attribute has been used to specify the text that should be used as the value of the entry instead of the display text.
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler='$:/SiteTitle'>
<option value='cities'>A Tale of Two Cities</option>
<option value='science'>A New Kind of Science</option>
<option value='dice'>The Dice Man</option>
!! Option Groups
Entries in the list can be grouped together with the `<optgroup>` element
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler='$:/SiteTitle'>
<optgroup label='Fiction'>
<option value='cities'>A Tale of Two Cities</option>
<option value='dice'>The Dice Man</option>
<optgroup label='Non-fiction'>
<option value='science'>A New Kind of Science</option>
<option value='recursive'>The Recursive Universe</option>
!! Generated Lists
The ListWidget can be used to generate the options for a select widget. For example, here we combine a select widget listing all the tiddlers tagged ''TableOfContents'' with a transclusion to display the text of the selected one.
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler='$:/generated-list-demo-state'>
<$list filter='[tag[TableOfContents]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<$tiddler tiddler={{$:/generated-list-demo-state}}>
<$transclude mode='block'/>
!! Nested Lists
This example uses a nested pair of list widgets. The outer one generates the `<optgroup>` elements, and the inner one generates `<option>` elements:
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler='$:/generated-list-demo-nestedstate' field='type' default='text/vnd.tiddlywiki'>
<$list filter='[all[shadows+tiddlers]prefix[$:/language/Docs/Types/]each[group]sort[group]]'>
<optgroup label={{!!group}}>
<$list filter='[all[shadows+tiddlers]prefix[$:/language/Docs/Types/]group{!!group}] +[sort[description]]'>
<option value={{!!name}}><$view field='description'><$view field='title'/></$view> (<$view field='name'/>)</option>
"favicons" are small icons that most browsers display to help users identify websites.
! favicons in the Browser
When TiddlyWiki starts up in the browser it looks for a tiddler called [[$:/favicon.ico]] and dynamically uses it as the favicon for the page. If you modify the image then the favicon changes instantly to reflect it.
! favicons on the Server
On the server, the ServerCommand will serve the tiddler [[$:/favicon.ico]] at the path `/favicon.ico`.
# Import your image as a tiddler (see [[Images in WikiText]])
#* You can also use an [[external image|ExternalImages]]
# Open the $:/ControlPanel and switch to the ''Appearance''/''Theme Tweaks'' tab
# Select your image from the dropdown labelled "Page background image"
# Set "Page background image attachment" to "Fixed to window" to have the background stay stationary and the content to scroll over the top of it, or "Scroll with tiddlers" to have it move (note that the iPhone/iPad [[doesn't support the fixed setting|http://stackoverflow.com/a/20444219]] for performance reasons)
# Set "Page background image size" as follows:
#* ''Auto'' causes the background image to be tiled over the page background
#* ''Cover'' causes the background image to be sized so that it completely covers the page. Some of the image may be clipped
#* ''Contain'' causes the background image to be sized so that it fits within the page
Note that the palette ''DarkPhotos'' is provided to make the sidebar more readable on dark background images.
The `<$setvariable>` widget is a synonym for `<$set/>`; see SetWidget for more details.
! Introduction
The set variable widget assigns a value to a specified [[variable|Variables]]. The new value of the variable is available to the content within the set variable widget.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$set>` widget is the scope for the value assigned to the variable.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|name |The name of the variable to assign (defaults to "currentTiddler") |
|value |The value to assign to the variable if the filter is missing or not empty |
|filter |An optional filter to be evaluated and assigned to the variable (see below) |
|emptyValue |The value to assign to the variable if the filter is present and evaluates to an empty list (see below) |
!! Simple Variable Assignment
The simplest way of using set variable widget assigns a string to a variable. The following example assigns a literal string
<$set name="myVariable" value="Some text">
<$text text=<<myVariable>>/>
Both the name and value attributes can be transcluded. For example:
<$set name=<<anotherVariable>> value={{template!!text}}>
<$text text=<<myVariable>>/>
!! Conditional Variable Assignment
This form of the set variable widget chooses one of two specified values according to whether a filter evaluates to an empty list. Here's an example that sets a variable according to whether the current tiddler is called "myMagicTitle":
<$set name="myVariable" filter="[all[current]field:title[myMagicTitle]]" value="It's magic" emptyValue="It's not magic">
<$text text=<<myVariable>>/>
!! Filtered List Variable Assignment
This form of the set variable widget evaluates the filter and assigns the result to the variable as a space-separated list (using double square brackets for titles containing spaces).
<$set name="myVariable" filter="[tag[HelloThere]]">
<$text text=<<myVariable>>/>
Each input title is processed in turn. If it denotes a shadow tiddler, the title of its plugin tiddler is [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the output. Non-shadow tiddlers contribute nothing to the output.
<<.operator-examples "shadowsource">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[$:/core/copyright.txt]shadowsource[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "$:/core/copyright.txt $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/railroad/parser.js +[shadowsource[]]">>
ShadowTiddlers are tiddlers that are loaded from within [[Plugins]]. Unlike ordinary tiddlers, they don't appear in most lists.
ShadowTiddlers can be overridden with an ordinary tiddler of the same name. If that tiddler is subsequently deleted then the original shadow tiddler is automatically restored.
The current shadow tiddlers are:
<$list filter="[all[shadows]sort[title]]"/>
You can work on a TiddlyWiki file in Dropbox and publish a URL that anyone can use to see a read-only view of the file.
# Save your TiddlyWiki file within your Dropbox folder
# Select Dropbox's "Share Link" option to obtain a public URL for the file
#* In the Dropbox web interface, this is done by clicking the link icon that appears when you hover over a file. Dropbox also adds a "Share Link" item to the file context menu in Finder on OS X and Explorer on Windows
# The URL generated by Dropbox will have this form:
#> `https://www.dropbox.com/s/<gobbledegook>/mywiki.html`
# Modify the URL like this, carefully preserving the gobbledegook:
#> `https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/<gobbledegook>/mywiki.html`
The result is a "secret" URL that you can send to other people to enable them to see the wiki.
Enter a generated URL here and you can copy and paste the secret URL:
<$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/dropboxurl" default="https://www.dropbox.com/s/<gobbledegook>/mywiki.html" tag="input" type="text" size="60"/>
<$macrocall $name="dropbox-url" url={{$:/temp/dropboxurl}}/>
There are a number of ways that people can share tiddlers back and forth:
*You can attach a ~TiddlyWiki to an e-mail
*You can publish your ~TiddlyWiki online, and grab a link to send or message to others:
**A link to the URL of the file itself
**A permalink to a specific tiddler (see [[PermaLinks]])
**A permaview link of all the currently open tiddlers (see [[PermaView]])
*You can grab tiddlers from ~TiddlyWikis that others have published online by clicking on a link to the tiddler within their file, and then dragging and dropping the link into your own file. An import tiddler will appear, and you can click to import the tiddler or tiddlers to your file.
* You can [[share a Dropbox link to your TiddlyWiki|Sharing a TiddlyWiki on Dropbox]]
Create a GitHub pull request to add your name to `cla-individual.md` or `cla-entity.md`, with the date in the format (YYYY/MM/DD).
''step by step''
# Navigate to [[licenses/CLA-individual|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/licenses/cla-individual.md]] or [[licenses/CLA-entity|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/licenses/cla-entity.md]] according to whether you are signing as an individual or representative of an organisation
# Click the edit button at the top-right corner (clicking this button will fork the project so you can edit the file)
# Add your name at the bottom
#* eg: `Jeremy Ruston, @Jermolene, 2011/11/22`
# Below the edit box for the CLA text you should see a box labelled ''Propose file change''
# Enter a brief title to explain the change (eg, "Signing the CLA")
# Click the green button labelled ''Propose file change''
# On the following screen, click the green button labelled ''Create pull request''
A simple game built with TiddlyWiki, introduced in [[this post|https://groups.google.com/d/topic/tiddlywiki/4aRpZht1vOs/discussion]].
I decided to see if it was possible to make some sort of game using only the core tiddlywiki with no plugins or javascript. I made a very bare bones zork/interactive fiction type game. It is currently the simplest thing I could make and claim it was a game, but I may add on to it in the future. It uses the 5.1.5 prerelease because the action-setfield widget saved lots of work making macros.
One goal of this is to use nothing besides what is contained in the core tiddlywiki, so there is no javascript and no plugins.
A single file application is a web application where all of the assets are delivered in a single static file. This means that it can be downloaded and used offline without losing functionality. It can also be hosted on almost any type of web server.
TiddlyWiki is an unusual single file application because it stores its data within the same file, and is capable of saving changes to itself.
Every single file application must also by definition be a SinglePageApplication, but the converse is not true.
As defined by Wikipedia, a SinglePageApplication is a web application that presents itself as a single HTML document that dynamically loads additional content as the user browses the site. Frequently, single page applications are carefully designed to hide their nature, appearing and functioning as an ordinary static website by respecting the address bar and the back/forward navigation controls.
Unusually, TiddlyWiki is also a SingleFileApplication.
* Take notes, and use tags and hyperlinking to form relationships between your notes
* Use tabs, tables, tag-based lists, and tables of contents to get organised
* Bookmark your favorite websites (see an example at http://giffmex.org/experiments/tidmarks.html)
* Keep track of tasks and appointments, and organise them by multiple tags (see our TaskManagementExample)
* Inventory just about anything: your recipes, personal library, contacts, music collection, and more
* Create a blog or website
* Write a book
* Organise your images into galleries (see our [[ImageGallery Example]])
* Share the information in your ~TiddlyWiki with others, as an online file, as a file attachment, as a tiddler file, or as a link to a specific online tiddler (try clicking and dragging a tiddler from one ~TiddlyWiki file to another to see what happens)
* Draw a sketch (Edit [[Motovun Jack.jpg]] and start drawing over the image to see what happens)
* Use familiar web user interface elements such as lightboxes - see SampleWizard
* Create a slideshow presentation
* Set up an entire local or online knowledgebase, with a central ~TiddlyWiki file linking to other ~TiddlyWiki files (http://recursos.giffmex.org is a Spanish online example of this)
* Set up a data visualisation using tiddlers as data (see the visualisations at http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/d3/index.html)
The difference between capital and lowercase letters is ignored. Compare <<.olink sortcs>>.
<<.operator-examples "sort">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]sort[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]!sort[]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "one two Three four +[sort[]]">>
<<.operator-example 4 "[prefix[Tiddl]sort[text]]">>
<<.operator-example 5 "[has[created]sort[created]limit[10]]" "the oldest 10 tiddlers in the wiki">>
Capital and lowercase letters are treated as different. Compare <<.olink sort>>.
<<.operator-examples "sortcs">>
<<.operator-example 1 "one two Three four +[sortcs[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "one two Three four +[!sortcs[]]">>
Because ~TiddlyWiki is of British origin, its English documentation uses [[British spelling in preference to US spelling|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_and_British_English_spelling_differences]].
Words like <<.word customise>> are spelled <<.word -ise>>, not <<.word -ize>>.
Standard technical acronyms are written in upper case, without dots: <<.word HTML>>, not <<.word html>> or <<.word H.T.M.L.>>
Avoid arbitrarily abbreviating words and sentences. But the following abbreviations are acceptable:
|!Abbreviation |!Meaning |!Notes |
|e.g. |for example |with a dot after each letter |
|i.e. |that is to say |with a dot after each letter |
|etc |and so on |without a dot |
Each input title is processed in turn.
* A title that contains <<.place S>> contributes everything up to and including <<.place S>>.
* A title that doesn't contain <<.place S>> simply contributes itself to the output.
Contributions are [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the output.
The [[table-of-contents macros|Table-of-Contents Macros]] use this operator with `/` as the parameter.
<<.operator-examples "splitbefore">>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-example" n="1" eg="2015-01-26 2014-07-19 2013 +[splitbefore[-]]"/>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-example" n="2" eg="[[green trees]splitbefore[ee]]"/>
The Stanford Javascript Crypto Library is a project by the Stanford Computer Security Lab to build a secure, powerful, fast, small, easy-to-use, cross-browser library for cryptography in Javascript.
The startup mechanism runs the installed startup modules at the end of the [[boot process|BootMechanism]].
! Startup Modules
Modules with their ''module-type'' field set to `startup`:
* Must export a `startup` function
** For synchronous startup modules the startup function is called as `startup()`, asynchronous modules are passed a callback they must invoke on completion: `startup(callback)`
* May export a `name` property that is used to identify the task
* May export a `after` property containing an array of names of dependent tasks that must be run before this one
* May export a `before` property containing an array of names of tasks that must be run after this one
* May export a `platforms` property containing an array of names of platforms that are required in order for the startup module to be executed. The defined platforms are ''node'' and ''browser''. If the `platforms` property is not provided it defaults to `["node","browser"]`
! Startup Processing
Startup modules are executed in sequence according to their declared dependencies.
There is no guarantee of the execution order of tasks that share the same dependencies.
! Startup Modules
The core defines the following startup modules:
{{Startup Modules.svg}}
The StateMechanism in TiddlyWiki is at the heart of how complex user interfaces can be built from WikiText.
In the browser, the TiddlyWiki display is produced by dynamically rendering the tiddler [[$:/core/ui/PageTemplate]]. Through various transclusions and other widgets it renders the entire user interface. The dynamic rendering is accomplished by a mechanism called "binding": any changes to the tiddlers in the store are dynamically reflected in the browser display.
The stack of templates that make up the TiddlyWiki display are complex but we'll focus on the line that displays the main story column:
<$list filter="[list[$:/StoryList]]" history="$:/HistoryList" template="$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate" editTemplate="$:/core/ui/EditTemplate" storyview={{$:/view}} />
Breaking down the attributes applied to the list widget:
* ''filter'': selects the list of tiddlers in the `list` field of the tiddler [[$:/StoryList]]. If a tiddler is added or removed from that list then it is automatically reflected in the displayed list
* ''history'': references the tiddler to be used to store the history stack (see the NavigationMechanism)
* ''template'': identifies a template tiddler to be used for rendering each tiddler in the list
* ''editTemplate'': identifies a different template tiddler to be used for rendering tiddlers that are in [[draft mode|DraftMechanism]]
* ''storyview'': specifies the story view to be used (eg classic, or zoomin)
The [[$:/StoryList]] tiddler is an example of a StateTiddler: a tiddler that is used to hold the state of the user interface. Changes to the user interface are made indirectly, by changing the underlying state tiddlers, and letting TiddlyWiki ripple the changes through the user interface.
Note how this approach makes the ''open'' tab in the sidebar very easy to implement: it is just another list widget referencing the same state tiddler, but with a different template:
<$list filter="[list[$:/StoryList]]" history="$:/HistoryList" storyview="pop">
<$button message="tm-close-tiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-mini">×</$button> <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link>
Now consider the implementation of the info panel within the tiddler template. We want to be able to toggle the info panel open and closed, which means that we must track its current state in a tiddler.
However, we can't track the state in a tiddler called, say, [[$:/InfoPanelState]] because every tiddler would share the same state; changing the value of the tiddler would affect all tiddlers displayed in the story.
The solution is to dynamically generate a unique title for each state tiddler that we need. We need to ensure that the same state tiddler title is generated each time a user interface element is rendered. To do that, we append together tokens representating each of the stack of transclusions that led to the current rendering location. Then that string of symbols is hashed to a simple numeric value.
The process of generating a state tiddler title is encapsulated in the <<.mlink qualify>> macro.
When a tiddler is viewed or edited, then within its branch of the [[widget tree|Widgets]], the <<.def storyTiddler>> [[variable|Variables]] contains the title of that tiddler.
The default [[view template|$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate]] and [[edit template|$:/core/ui/EditTemplate]] initialise <<.var storyTiddler>> to the value of the <<.vlink currentTiddler>> variable. This in turn will have been set by a <<.wlink ListWidget>> widget in [[the relevant part of the page template|$:/core/ui/PageTemplate/story]].
<<.var storyTiddler>> is undefined outside the story river, such as in the sidebar.
<<.variable-examples "storyTiddler">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
<$list filter="[prefix[J]]">
<li><<currentTiddler>>, <<storyTiddler>></li>
The names are those exported by [[modules|Modules]] whose <<.field module-type>> is <<.value storyview>>.
<<.operator-examples "storyviews">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[storyviews[]]">>
TiddlyWiki5 provides several features to help you structure information as [[tiddlers|Tiddlers]], and model the relationships between them:
* TiddlerLinks
* [[Tagging]]
* [[Title Lists|Title List]]
* DataTiddlers
You can use this construction to cause the wrapped content to be assigned specified CSS classes or styles:
<<wikitext-example src:"@@.myStyle
* List One
* List Two
Similar syntax is used to assign styles. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"@@background-color:red;
* List One
* List Two
Multiple styles and classes can be mixed. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"@@.tc-tiddler-frame
Some text
The following core [[macros|Macros]] make it easy to specify alternative browser-specific properties when constructing a [[stylesheet|Cascading Style Sheets]] tiddler:
;`<<box-shadow shadow>>`
: for the `x-box-shadow` properties
;`<<filter filter>>`
: for the `x-filter` properties
;`<<transition transition>>`
: for the `x-transition` properties
;`<<transform-origin origin>>`
: for the `x-transition-origin` properties
;`<<background-linear-gradient gradient>>`
: for the `x-linear-gradient` values of the `background-image` property
The following macros are documented separately:
* <<.mlink colour>>
* <<.mlink datauri>>
All these macros are defined in the [[$:/core/macros/CSS]] tiddler.
<<.operator-examples "suffix">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[suffix[.jpg]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[tag[task]!suffix[ing]]">>
System tags are used to give special behaviour to tiddlers.
! Available system tags
These are the available system tags
* {{$:/tags/AboveStory||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for elements to be placed at the top of the story river
* {{$:/tags/AdvancedSearch||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for search elements
* {{$:/tags/Alert||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for alerts
* {{$:/tags/BelowStory||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for elements to be placed at the bottom of the story river
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel tabs
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel/Advanced||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel advanced tabs
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel/Appearance||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel appearance tabs
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel/Info||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel info tabs
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel/Settings||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel settings tabs
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel/Toolbars||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel toolbar customisation tabs
* {{$:/tags/EditTemplate||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the edit template
* {{$:/tags/EditToolbar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the edit mode tiddler toolbar
* {{$:/tags/Exporter||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the exporters
* {{$:/tags/Filter||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for filters in advanced seach sample filter dropdown
* {{$:/tags/Image||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for (core) images
* {{$:/tags/Macro||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for global macros
* {{$:/tags/MoreSideBar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for tabs in the "more" sidebar
* {{$:/tags/PageControls||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the page control tools in the sidebar
* {{$:/tags/PageTemplate||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the main page elements
* {{$:/tags/Palette||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for colour palettes
* {{$:/tags/PluginLibrary||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the plugin library
* {{$:/tags/RawMarkup||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for raw markup to be included in the generated HTML file
* {{$:/tags/SearchResults||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for customised search results
* {{$:/tags/SideBar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for sidebar tabs
* {{$:/tags/Stylesheet||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} to indicate that a tiddler should be applied as a CSS stylesheet
* {{$:/tags/TiddlerInfo||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for tiddler info panel tabs
* {{$:/tags/TiddlerInfo/Advanced||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for tabs under the advanced tiddler tab
* {{$:/tags/TopLeftBar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the top left bar
* {{$:/tags/TopRightBar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the top right bar
* {{$:/tags/ViewTemplate||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the view template
* {{$:/tags/ViewToolbar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the view mode tiddler toolbar
! System tags in use
These are the system tags in use in this wiki:
<$list filter="[all[shadows+tiddlers]tags[]prefix[$:/]sort[title]]">
System tiddlers are any tiddler whose title starts with `$:/`; such tiddlers are automatically hidden from most operations. They don't show up in lists or search results, but linking to one directly works in the usual way.
TiddlyWiki models everything as [[tiddlers|Tiddlers]], including its internal components and configuration. Thus, even an apparently empty TiddlyWiki actually contains dozens of tiddlers that are necessary to enable it function correctly. Using system tiddlers prevents them from confusing casual users.
The current system tiddlers are:
<$list filter="[is[system]sort[title]]"/>
~TiddlyWiki provides several macros for generating a tree of tiddler links by analysing [[tags|Tagging]]:
;<<.var toc>>
: A simple tree
;<<.var toc-expandable>>
: A tree in which all the branches can be expanded and collapsed
;<<.var toc-selective-expandable>>
: A tree in which the non-empty branches can be expanded and collapsed
;<<.var toc-tabbed-internal-nav>> and <<.var toc-tabbed-external-nav>>
: A two-panel browser:
:* on the left, a selectively expandable tree that behaves like a set of vertical tabs
:* on the right, the content of whichever tiddler the user selects in the tree
The difference between the last two has to do with what happens when the user clicks a link in the right-hand panel:
;<<.var toc-tabbed-internal-nav>>
: The target tiddler appears in the right-hand panel, replacing the tiddler that contained the link
;<<.var toc-tabbed-external-nav>>
: The target tiddler appears in the normal way (which depends on the user's configured storyview)
!! Structure
The top level of the tree consists of the tiddlers that carry a particular tag, known as the <<.def "root tag">>. Tiddlers tagged with any of those make up the next level down, and so on.
At each level, the tiddlers can be [[ordered|Order of Tagged Tiddlers]] by means of the <<.field list>> field of the parent tag tiddler. They can also be ordered by the macro's <<.param sort>> parameter.
The tree displays the <<.field caption>> field of a tiddler if it has one, or the tiddler's title otherwise.
Each tiddler in the tree is normally displayed as a link. To suppress this, give the tiddler a <<.field toc-link>> field with the the value <<.value no>>. In the [[examples|Table-of-Contents Macros (Examples)]], the SecondThree tiddler is set up like this. Clicking such a tiddler in the tree causes its branch to expand or collapse.
The table of contents is generated as an HTML ordered list. The `<ol>` elements always have the class `tc-toc`. Expandable trees have the additional class `tc-toc-expandable`. Selectively expandable trees (including those in the two-panel browser) have `tc-toc-selective-expandable`.
To make a table of contents appear in the sidebar, see [[How to add a new tab to the sidebar]].
!! Parameters
: The root tag that identifies the top level of the tree
: An optional extra [[filter step|Filter Step]], e.g. `sort[title]`
These two parameters are combined into a single [[filter expression|Filter Expression]] like this:
> `[tag[$tag$]$sort$]`
<<.var toc-tabbed-internal-nav>> and <<.var toc-tabbed-external-nav>> take additional parameters:
: The title of the [[state tiddler|StateMechanism]] for noting the currently selected tiddler, defaulting to `$:/temp/toc/selectedTiddler`. It is recommended that this be a [[system tiddler|SystemTiddlers]]
: The text to display when no tiddler is selected in the tree
: The text to display if the selected tiddler doesn't exist
: Optionally, the title of a tiddler to use as a [[template|TemplateTiddlers]] for transcluding the selected tiddler into the right-hand panel
[[Examples|Table-of-Contents Macros (Examples)]]
These examples derive tables of contents from the root tag <<.tag Contents>>.
You can explore the same structure with these clickable tag pills:
* {{Contents||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}
** {{First||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}
** {{Second||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}
*** {{SecondThree||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}
** {{Third||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}
** {{Fourth||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}
The tabbed example uses the real TableOfContents of this documentation instead.
<<tabs "[tag[table-of-contents-example]nsort[order]]" "Example Table of Contents: Simple">>
<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-selective-expandable 'TableOfContents'>>
! Basics
TiddlyWiki5 formats tables using vertical bar characters like so:
|!Cell1 |!Cell2 |
|Cell3 |Cell3 |
Exclamation marks are used to indicate header cells. The example renders as:
|!Cell1 |!Cell2 |
|Cell3 |Cell3 |
! Cell Alignment
Table cell alignment is controlled by inserting space characters before and/or after the cell content. For example:
|Left aligned content |
| Right aligned content|
| Centred content |
|+++ a very wide column so we can see the alignment +++|
The example renders as:
|Left aligned content |
| Right aligned content|
| Centred content |
|+++ a very wide column so we can see the alignment +++|
! Cell vertical Alignment
Vertical alignment of cells is done by inserting either a `^` for top alignment or a `,` for bottom alignment as the first character of a cell. The normal horizontal alignment is still possible. For example:
|^top left |^ top center |^ top right|
|middle left | middle center | middle right|
|,bottom left |, bottom center |, bottom right|
The example renders as:
| :: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | :: |
| ::<br>:: |^top left |^ top center |^ top right| ::<br>:: |
| ::<br>:: |middle left | middle center | middle right| ::<br>:: |
| ::<br>:: |,bottom left |, bottom center |, bottom right| ::<br>:: |
| :: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | :: |
If you need to have a `^`or a `,` as the first character of a left aligned cell, you can use HTML escaping:
| `^` | &#94; |
| `,` | &#44; |
! Cell Merging
To merge a table cell with the one above, use the special cell text `~`. To merge a cell with the one to its left use the text `<`. To merge one to its right use `>`. For example:
|Cell1 |Cell2 |Cell3 |Cell4 |
|Cell5 |Cell6 |Cell7 |<|
|Cell5 |~|Cell7 |Cell8 |
|>|Cell9 |Cell10 |Cell11 |
Renders as:
|Cell1 |Cell2 |Cell3 |Cell4 |
|Cell5 |Cell6 |Cell7 |<|
|Cell5 |~|Cell7 |Cell8 |
|>|Cell9 |Cell10 |Cell11 |
! Table Classes, Captions, Headers and Footers
Table CSS classes, captions, headers and footers can be specified as special pseudo-rows. The following example:
* assigns the CSS classes "myclass" and "anotherClass" to the table
* gives the table the caption "This is a caption"
* adds a header row of cells with the text "Header"
* adds a footer row of cells with the text "Footer"
|myclass anotherClass|k
|This is a caption |c
|Cell1 |Cell2 |
|Cell3 |Cell3 |
Renders as:
|myclass anotherClass|k
|This is a caption |c
|Cell1 |Cell2 |
|Cell3 |Cell3 |
The <<.def tabs>> [[macro|Macros]] presents a [[selection of tiddlers|Title Selection]] as a set of tabs that the user can switch between.
The tabs display the <<.field caption>> field of a tiddler if it has one, or the tiddler's title otherwise.
By default the tabs are arranged horizontally above the content. To get vertical tabs, set the <<.param class>> parameter to <<.value tc-vertical>>.
!! Parameters
: A [[filter|Filters]] selecting which tiddlers to include
: The title of the tiddler whose tab is to be selected by default
: The prefix for the title of a [[state tiddler|StateMechanism]] for noting the currently selected tab, defaulting to `$:/state/tab`. It is recommended that this be a [[system tiddler|SystemTiddlers]]
: Additional [[CSS|Cascading Style Sheets]] classes for the generated `div` elements. Multiple classes can be separated with spaces
: Optionally, the title of a tiddler to use as a [[template|TemplateTiddlers]] for transcluding the content of the selected tab
Within the template, the title of the selected tab is available in the <<.var currentTab>> variable.
The <<.vlink currentTiddler>> variable is not affected by the <<.var tabs>> macro.
<<.macro-examples "tabs">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<<tabs "SampleTabOne SampleTabTwo SampleTabThree SampleTabFour" "SampleTabOne" "$:/state/tab1">>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2"
eg="""<<tabs "[tag[sampletab]]" "SampleTabTwo" "$:/state/tab2" "tc-vertical">>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="3"
eg="""<<tabs "[tag[sampletab]nsort[order]]" "SampleTabThree" "$:/state/tab3" "tc-vertical">>"""/>
The <<.def tag>> [[macro|Macros]] generates a tag pill for a specified tag.
!! Parameters
: The title of the tag, defaulting to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]
<<.macro-examples "tag">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<<tag>>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2" eg="""<<tag Concepts>>"""/>
The output is [[sorted|Order of Tagged Tiddlers]] using the tag's <<.field list>> field and the tiddlers' <<.field list-before>> and <<.field list-after>> fields.
If <<.place T>> is empty, the output of `tag` is empty, and the output of `!tag` is a copy of the input.
<<.operator-examples "tag">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[tag[task]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[tag[task]!tag[done]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[!tag[task]]">>
<<.operator-example 4 "[all[shadows]tag[$:/tags/Stylesheet]]">>
Tagging is a way of organising tiddlers into categories. For example, if you had tiddlers representing various individuals, you could tag them as ''friend'', ''family'', ''colleague'' etc to indicate these people's relationships to you.
A tag is in fact just a tiddler (or a potential tiddler), and it can have tags of its own. You can add any number of tags to the same tiddler.
See [[Creating and editing tiddlers]] for instructions on how to tag.
By tagging your tiddlers, you can view, navigate and organise your information in numerous additional ways:
* The coloured tag pills on a tiddler give you quick access to all the other tiddlers with the same tag, as well as to the tiddler that represents the tag itself.
* If a tiddler is serving as a tag, then the ''Tagging'' tab in its InfoPanel will show you which tiddlers are currently tagged with it.
* The ''More'' tab of the sidebar has a ''Tags'' tab that presents an overview of all your tags and lets you access all your tagged tiddlers.
* You can use [[filters|Filters]] to create lists of tiddlers based on their tags. You can then display any combination of the [[fields|TiddlerFields]] of those tiddlers. For example, you could build a glossary by listing the title and text of all tiddlers tagged ''Glossary''. Such lists can be formatted in any way you wish: e.g. bulleted, numbered or comma-separated.
* There are a number of special ''system tags'' that control the layout of tiddlers and the entire ~TiddlyWiki page. See [[Page and tiddler layout customisation]] for instructions.
There are two more things you can do with tags:
! Set a tag's colour and icon
You can use the [[tag manager|$:/TagManager]], found on the ''Tags'' tab under ''More'' in the sidebar, to change the colour of a tag's pill or add an icon to the pill.
* To change the colour, click the button in the ''Colour'' column to select from a colour picker. Alternatively, click the icon in the ''Info'' column, then type a [[CSS]] colour value in the ''Colour'' field
* To change the icon, click the {{$:/core/images/down-arrow}} button in the ''Icon'' column and choose from the list of available icons
! Change the order in which tags are listed
By default, tagged tiddlers are listed in alphabetical order.
If you want any other order, add a <<.flink ListField>> field to the tag tiddler, and set its value to be a [[list of the tiddlers|Title List]] in that order.
The ''list'' field doesn't have to mention all of the tiddlers. See the [[precise rules|Order of Tagged Tiddlers]] ~TiddlyWiki uses to order tagged tiddlers.
Each input tag is processed in turn. The list of tiddlers carrying that tag is generated, [[sorted|Order of Tagged Tiddlers]], and then [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's overall output.
<<.operator-examples "tagging">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[task]tagging[]]" "same as `[tag[task]]`">>
<<.operator-example 2 "Concepts task +[tagging[]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[all[current]tagging[]]" "tiddlers tagged with the current one">>
Each input title is processed in turn. The corresponding tiddler's tags are retrieved (in order of appearance in the <<.field tags>> field) and then [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's output.
<<.operator-examples "tags">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[Filter Operators]tags[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[all[shadows]tags[]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[all[shadows+tiddlers]tags[]sort[]]">>
A tag tiddler is any tiddler that is in use as a tag.
The ''Tagging'' tab on the InfoPanel of a tag tiddler shows which tiddlers are tagged with the tag tiddler.
A tag can be used without a corresponding tag tiddler.
Sample tasks for the TaskManagementExample.
TiddlyWiki5 can be used as a simple task management system without further customisation. The idea is that tasks be tagged `task`, with those that are completed also tagged `done`. In this way it is straightforward to generate task lists.
! Outstanding tasks
<$list filter="[!has[draft.of]tag[task]!tag[done]sort[created]]">
<$checkbox tag="done"> <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link></$checkbox>
! Completed tasks
<$list filter="[!has[draft.of]tag[task]tag[done]sort[created]]">
<$checkbox tag="done"> ~~<$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link>~~</$checkbox>
When writing an [[instruction tiddler|Instruction Tiddlers]], start by planning a route through the information you wish to present. This should be a simple, logical, direct progression of thoughts, with no backtracking or forward references. Use this approach even within individual sentences: always proceed from cause to effect, from the old or known to the new or unknown.
Keep sentences short and simple. A clear technical sentence seldom contains more than one idea. It therefore avoids parenthetical information. Similarly, keep paragraph structure simple. A flat presentation is often easier to understand than a hierarchical one.
It is often possible to simplify a sentence without changing its meaning, merely by adjusting its vocabulary or grammatical structure. <<.word "Execution of the macro is performed">> just means <<.word "The macro runs">>. <<.word "Your expectation might be...">> just means <<.word "You might expect...">>.
Prefer the active voice by default: <<.word "Jane creates a tiddler">> rather than <<.word "a tiddler is created by Jane">>. The passive voice can be useful if you want the reader to focus on the action itself or its result: <<.word "a tiddler is created">>. But it can often be clearer to proceed from cause to effect and say <<.word "this creates a tiddler">> in the active voice.
Documentation often presents two items that are parallel either by similarity or by difference. The reader will more easily detect such a pattern if you use the same sentence or phrase structure for both. But this must be balanced with the need to avoid monotony.
Prefer precise instructions over woolly descriptions. If something has a name, use it. If something lacks a name, give it a tiddler.
A template tiddler is not actually a type of tiddler, it is a role in which a tiddler can be used.
Templates are a way to re-use chunks of WikiText.
Transcluding through a template extends the basic functionality of [[Transclusion]] by combining two tiddlers:
* A template tiddler that contains the WikiText to be displayed. It can contain transclusions that reference fields in the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]
* A target tiddler that identifies which tiddler is to be treated as current when resolving references to fields
The best example of templating is the main story river in TiddlyWiki. Each tiddler in the story river is rendered through a ViewTemplate that specifies how each field is to be rendered.
See [[Transclusion with Templates]] for details.
# With ~TiddlyWiki you can organise your notes your way, not their way. Your notes conform to your way of thinking rather than being forced into a hierarchical straightjacket of notebooks and tabs
# ~TiddlyWiki's nonlinear approach will actually make you think about your information in new and helpful ways
# Finding your notes in ~TiddlyWiki is lightning fast
# There are many ways to customise and adapt every aspect of ~TiddlyWiki
# ~TiddlyWiki is free and is compatible with all platforms. Any web browser will open it. You don't need to purchase an expensive program or pay a subscription fee to use it
# ~TiddlyWiki files promote the free sharing of information. There are many ways you can share your information from ~TiddlyWiki
# With ~TiddlyWiki, your information is yours, and you store it where you want to - on your device, on a USB stick, in Dropbox, on your server
# ~TiddlyWiki features an ever-growing number of plugins, themes, widgets, and languages
# The online ~TiddlyWiki community is friendly and will do their best to give you the help you need
# If you are a programmer, you have even more ways to play with ~TiddlyWiki. With ~TiddlyWiki, the more you know, the more fun you can have with it
TiddlyWiki5 incorporates the Jasmine JavaScript testing framework (see http://pivotal.github.io/jasmine/). It allows the same tests to be run both in the browser and under Node.js.
! TiddlyWiki5 Testing Components
There are two main elements to the TiddlyWiki5 testing mechanism:
* The plugin `tiddlywiki/jasmine` that wraps Jasmine up into a plugin along with some glue code
* The TiddlyWiki5 edition `test` that contains the core test specifications and includes the Jasmine plugin
! Running the Tests in Node.js
To run the tests under Node.js just load up the `test` wiki:
node ./tiddlywiki.js \
./editions/test \
! Running the Tests in the Browser
To generate a wiki containing the browser tests load up the `test` wiki and save it as an HTML file:
node ./tiddlywiki.js \
./editions/test \
--verbose \
--rendertiddler $:/core/save/all test.html text/plain \
The `test.html` file will be placed in the `output` folder within the wiki folder. Open it in the browser to see the test results. There is a prebuilt version of `test.html` at:
A TextReference identifies a chunk of text from a tiddler that can be retrieved or modified depending on the context.
Text references are made up of several parts, most of which can be optional:
* `tiddlerTitle` - the text [[field|TiddlerFields]] of the specified tiddler
* `tiddlerTitle!!field` - a [[tiddler field|TiddlerFields]] (eg, `modified`, `modifier`, `type` etc)
* `!!field` - a [[field|TiddlerFields]] of the current tiddler
* `tiddlerTitle##propertyIndex` - extracts a named property from DataTiddlers
Text references can be used in several places:
* As [[indirect parameters|Filter Parameter]] within [[Filters]] (eg, `<$list filter="[tag{MyTag!!name}]"/>`)
* As IndirectAttributes of an element or widget (eg, `<$widget attrib={{Title!!description}}/>`)
* As the operand of a shortcut transclusion (eg, `{{MyTiddler!!title}}`)
* As the `state` attribute of the RevealWidget and the LinkCatcherWidget
! Introduction
The text widget displays plain text.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$text>` widget is not used.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|text |The text to display |
! Horror Stories
Every so often, TiddlyWiki users report heart-rending tales of personal data loss on the discussion groups:
> My entire TiddlyWiki has just been wiped out when Firefox crashed during saving a tiddly.
> Last time I used it was last night at home on my Windows 7 desktop, hit the check mark to stop editing my last entry, it then saves via TiddlyFox and I eject my USB drive. I came to work this morning, plugged in my USB, enter my TW5 password and it doesn't want to open after several attempts. I browse to my TW5 html file and notice that my file size is no longer 3MB.. instead it is 80KB. This leads me to believe I lost everything.
Don't let it happen to you!
!! The first rule of using TiddlyWiki is:
<p style="font-size:40pt;line-height:48pt;font-weight:700;color:red;">
Backup your data!
TiddlyWiki is a very flexible, customisable system that puts you firmly in charge of your own data. Every care is taken in TiddlyWiki's development to ensure that it is a safe place to preserve your most valuable data but the ultimate responsibility to reduce the risk of data loss falls to users.
The best way to make sure that your data is safe is to practise a rigorous system of backups:
* Consider using services like Dropbox to continuously back up your personal data to the cloud. (Dropbox [[has a neat feature|https://www.dropbox.com/help/11]] whereby they keep track of previous versions of files)
* Retain backups before upgrading to a new version of TiddlyWiki
* Figure out and protect yourself from the worst case scenarios: what if your USB stick or hard drive fails? What if your computer is hit by a ransomeware virus?
* Be defensive and redundant: for example, take multiple backups and keep them in separate physical locations
The <<.def thumbnail>> [[macros|Macros]] are used to create linkable thumbnail panels.
!! Parameters
<<.macro-examples "thumbnail">>
! Examples
Here is an example of the `thumbnail-right` macro used to create a video thumbnail that floats to the right of the text
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<<thumbnail-right link:"Introduction Video" image:"Introduction Video Thumbnail.jpg" caption:"Introduction to ~TiddlyWiki" icon:"{{$:/core/images/video}}" color:"red">>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum."""/>
! <<.olink before>> and <<.olink after>>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]before{!!title}]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]after{!!title}]">>
In accordance with the [[Philosophy of Tiddlers]], documentation tiddlers are typically short and interlinked.
When a tiddler seems as if it needs to contain subheadings, this is often a sign that it should in fact be split into several tiddlers. But it is reasonable for a [[reference tiddler|Reference Tiddlers]] to consist of an untitled introductory section followed by a titled section of details.
Consistency of terminology is essential if the reader is not to become confused. Consistent typography and punctuation lend a professional quality to the documentation. Macros can improve the consistency and maintainability of the text.
Use numbered lists for step-by-step instructions, and bullet points for lists whose order is arbitrary. Use a definition list in preference to a bulleted list if each bulleted item would begin with a term and a colon. If at all possible, avoid burdening the reader with a nested list.
Use a table when information naturally falls into three or more columns, and also for lists of parameters, attributes, etc in [[reference tiddlers|Reference Tiddlers]].
The documentation describes the current reality of ~TiddlyWiki. Avoid discussing future aspirations.
Many documentation tiddlers, especially the [[reference ones|Reference Tiddlers]], are concerned with a single concept. Their titles should be succinct noun phrases like <<.tid "List Widget">> or <<.tid "Tiddler Fields">>.
Each of the main words of such a title begins with a capital letter. Minor words such as <<.word and>>, <<.word or>>, <<.word the>>, <<.word to>> and <<.word with>> do not.
Tags also follow this pattern.
Titles of this kind are plural if they denote a category of items, e.g. <<.tid "Keyboard Shortcuts">> or <<.tid "Tiddler Fields">>. Such titles are used to tag more specific tiddlers within the category.
Where a concept is an item rather than a category, its tiddler has a singular title, e.g. <<.tid "List Widget">>, <<.tid "tag Operator">>.
Start a title with its most distinctive part. For instance, the tiddlers documenting the filter operators have titles like <<.tid "addprefix Operator">>. This helps the reader scan a list of links to find a particular tiddler.
Avoid starting a title with the word <<.word the>>.
In the past, many tiddlers had CamelCase titles. This is gradually being phased out of the documentation to improve readability. ~CamelCase titles should no longer be used, even for tags, except in cases like <<.tid ~JavaScript>> where that is the standard spelling.
[[Instruction tiddlers|Instruction Tiddlers]] often have longer titles that can be more complicated than just a noun phrase, e.g. <<.tid "Ten reasons to switch to ~TiddlyWiki">>. These titles use sentence case, i.e. only the first word (and any proper names) starts with a capital letter.
How-to tiddlers have titles that begin with <<.word "How to">>, e.g. <<.tid "How to edit a tiddler">>. Avoid titles like <<.tid "Editing tiddlers">>, because a less fluent English speaker could misunderstand that as the name of a category of tiddlers.
\define lingo-base() $:/language/Docs/Fields/
TiddlerFields are name:value pairs that make up a [[tiddler|Tiddlers]]. Field names must be lowercase letters, digits or the characters `-` (dash), `_` (underscore) and `.` (period).
The standard fields are:
|!Field Name |!Reference |!Description |
|`title` |TitleField |<<lingo title>> |
|`text` |TextField |<<lingo text>> |
|`modified` |ModifiedField |<<lingo modified>> |
|`modifier` |ModifierField |<<lingo modifier>> |
|`created` |CreatedField |<<lingo created>> |
|`creator` |CreatorField |<<lingo creator>> |
|`tags` |TagsField |<<lingo tags>> |
|`type` |TypeField |<<lingo type>> |
|`list` |ListField |<<lingo list>> |
Other fields used by the core are:
|!Field Name |!Reference |!Description |
|`color` |ColorField |<<lingo color>> |
|`description` |DescriptionField |<<lingo description>> |
|`draft.of` |DraftOfField |<<lingo draft.of>> |
|`draft.title` |DraftTitleField |<<lingo draft.title>> |
|`footer` |FooterField |<<lingo footer>> |
|`library` |LibraryField |<<lingo library>> |
|`name` |NameField |<<lingo name>> |
|`plugin-priority` |PluginPriorityField |<<lingo plugin-priority>> |
|`plugin-type` |PluginTypeField |<<lingo plugin-type>> |
|`source` |SourceField |<<lingo source>> |
|`subtitle` |SubtitleField |<<lingo subtitle>> |
The TiddlyWebAdaptor uses a few more fields:
|!Field Name |!Reference |!Description |
|`bag` |BagField |<<lingo bag>> |
|`revision` |RevisionField |<<lingo revision>> |
See the ''Advanced > TiddlerFields'' tab of the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] for details of the fields used in this wiki.
Tiddlers can be stored in text files in several different formats. Files containing single tiddlers can also have an auxiliary `.meta` file formatted as a sequence of name:value pairs:
title: TheTitle
modifier: someone
!! ~TiddlyWeb-style .tid files
These files consist of a sequence of lines containing name:value pairs, a blank line and then the text of the tiddler. For example:
title: MyTiddler
modifier: Jeremy
This is the text of my tiddler.
Note that many text editors require that files include a terminating newline. If you want to avoid including the terminating newline in the text of the tiddler you can use this alternative syntax:
title: MyTiddler
modifier: Jeremy
text: This is the text of my tiddler.
//The ContentType `application/x-tiddler` is used internally for these files//
!! TiddlyWiki `<DIV>` .tiddler files
In TiddlyWiki 5, `*.tiddler` files look like this:
<div title="AnotherExampleStyleSheet" modifier="blaine" created="201102111106" modified="201102111310" tags="examples" creator="psd">
<pre>Note that there is an embedded <pre> tag, and line feeds are not escaped.
And, weirdly, there is no HTML encoding of the body.</pre>
These `*.tiddler` files are not exactly the same as the tiddlers inside a TiddlyWiki HTML file where they are HTML encoded.
Older `*.tiddler` files more closely matched the store format used by TiddlyWiki at the time:
<div tiddler="AnotherExampleStyleSheet" modifier="JeremyRuston" modified="200508181432" created="200508181432" tags="examples">This is an old-school .tiddler file, without an embedded <pre> tag.\nNote how the body is "HTML encoded" and new lines are escaped to \\n</div>
//The ContentType `application/x-tiddler-html-div` is used internally for these files//
!! ~TiddlyWeb-style JSON files
These files are a straightforward array of hashmaps of `name:value` properties. All field values must be specified as strings.
For example:
"title": "First Tiddler",
"text": "Text of first tiddler",
"tags": "one two [[t h r e e]]"
"title": "Second Tiddler",
"text": "Text of second tiddler",
"modified": "20150216171751154"
//The ContentType `application/json` is used internally for these files//
!! TiddlyWiki HTML files
TiddlyWiki HTML files contain a collection of tiddlers encoded in `<DIV>` format.
For TiddlyWiki to import an unencrypted HTML file, it requires a `<div id="storeArea">` containing tiddler DIVs as explained above. For example:
<div id="storeArea">
<div created="20130302085406905" modified="20130302084548184" tags="Examples" title="A tiddler title">
<pre>HTML encoded text of tiddler
<div created="20140315085406905" modified="20140321084548184" tags="One Two [[Three with Space]]" title="Another title" customfield="field value">
<pre>Text of this tiddler
Links are regions of a tiddler that can be clicked to cause navigation to a different tiddler. The navigation behaviour is determined by the current StoryView; the classic TiddlyWiki view displays the story as a linear sequence of tiddlers.
Holding the ''control'' or ''command'' key while clicking on a tiddler link opens the target tiddler but doesn't navigate to it. This can be a useful way of queueing up tiddlers to be read later.
Links are useful for modelling organic relationships between tiddlers, and particularly for expressing the navigational paths between tiddlers.
The InfoPanel lists incoming links to a tiddler in the tab ''References''.
[[Filters]] can include the following filter operators that work with links:
* `[links[]]` - returns the titles of the tiddlers that are linked from the currently selected tiddler(s)
* `[backlinks[]]` - returns the titles of the tiddlers that link to the currently selected tiddler(s)
TiddlyWiki5 alters the appearance of tiddler links to convey additional information about the target of the link:
|!Link description |!Link appearance |
|To a tiddler that exists |[[LikeThis|TiddlerLinks]] |
|To a tiddler that doesn't exist |[[LikeThis|ATiddlerThatDoesntExist]] |
|To a shadow tiddler that has not been overridden |[[LikeThis|$:/core/copyright.txt]] |
|To a shadow tiddler that has been overridden by an ordinary tiddler |[[LikeThis|$:/SiteTitle]] |
External links are shown like this: http://tiddlywiki.com/ or [[like this|http://tiddlywiki.com/]].
Tiddlers are the fundamental units of information in TiddlyWiki. Tiddlers work best when they are as small as possible so that they can be reused by weaving them together in different ways.
A "tiddler" is an informal British word meaning a small fish, typically a stickleback or a minnow. Other systems have analogous concepts with generic names like "items", "entries", "entities", "nodes" or "records". TiddlyWiki takes the view that it is better to be confusingly distinctive than confusingly generic.
Internally, tiddlers are a list of uniquely named values called fields. The only field that is required is the `title` field, but useful tiddlers also have a `text` field, and some or all of the standard fields listed in TiddlerFields.
Tiddlers are ubiquitous in TiddlyWiki. They are used to store everything from JavaScript code modules to the settings and state associated with the user interface.
! Introduction
The TiddlerWidget sets the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]] that applies for processing its content.
! Content and Attributes
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The title of the tiddler to become the new [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]] |
|class |CSS classes to be added to the generated elements |
! CSS Class Variables
The tiddler widget assigns several useful CSS classes to variables that it creates:
; missingTiddlerClass
: `tc-tiddler-exists` or...
: `tc-tiddler-missing` depending on whether the tiddler exists
: `tc-tiddler-shadow` if the tiddler is a shadow tiddler
:` tc-tiddler-system` if the tiddler is a system tiddler
: a space separated list of CSS classes named `tc-tagged-{tagname}`,<br>e.g. `tc-tagged-introduction`<br><br>''Note:'' tag names are URI encoded which means that the tag [[$:/tags/Macro]] appears as the CSS class `tc-tagged-%24%3A%2Ftags%2FMacro`. See [[How to apply custom styles by tag]] for more details
You can use these variables like this:
<$tiddler tiddler="MyOtherTiddler">
<div class=<<missingTiddlerClass>>>
See also [[$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate]].
BuggyJay's TiddlyClip browser extension for [[Firefox]] permits clipping of text and graphics from web pages:
TiddlyClip allows parts of webpages to be clipped into a TiddlyWiki, and consists of two parts, the browser addon and the TiddlyWiki plugin. The addon is completely memoryless, any configuration is determined by the current TiddlyWiki that the user has select to work with (we say that the addon is docked to the TiddlyWiki). TiddlyClip is designed to work (in a basic mode) without configuration. Once the addon and plugin are installed, all the user has to do is select which TW to dock to.
TiddlyDesktop is an app for working with TiddlyWiki files (both TiddlyWikiClassic and TiddlyWiki version 5). It can be installed on Windows, Mac OS X or Linux. It is compatible with TiddlyWiki version 5 and the older TiddlyWikiClassic.
See the [[Introducing TiddlyDesktop Video]]
! Instructions
# Install the latest release of TiddlyDesktop from https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/releases
# Run TiddlyDesktop
# Use the browse button to open TiddlyWiki files
# Save changes within TiddlyWiki in the usual way
! Source
TiddlyDesktop is based on the OpenSource project [[NW.js]]. The source is on GitHub:
See [[TiddlyDesktop Releases]]
<a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/releases/tag/v0.0.1" class="tc-btn-big-green" target="_blank">
{{$:/core/images/github}} Download from ~GitHub
First release - use with extreme caution
<a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/releases/tag/v0.0.2" class="tc-btn-big-green" target="_blank">
{{$:/core/images/github}} Download from ~GitHub
[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/compare/v0.0.1...v0.0.2]]
This second version of TiddlyDesktop has the following fixes and improvements:
*The saving mechanism is now TiddlyFox compatible, so TiddlyWiki5 wikis don't need a special plugin to work with TiddlyDesktop
*TiddlyDesktop is now compatible with TiddlyWiki Classic
*Chromium Developer Tools now accessible via a pulldown menu
*Each TiddlyWiki document is now sandboxed, so it isn't possible for malicious or buggy JavaScript to affect other documents
*Linux 32-bit and 64-bit builds
<a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/releases/tag/v0.0.3" class="tc-btn-big-green" target="_blank">
{{$:/core/images/github}} Download from ~GitHub
[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/compare/v0.0.2...v0.0.3]]
This third version of TiddlyDesktop has the following fixes and improvements:
*Access Chromium developer tools with F12
*No menu bars
*Fixed problem with paths containing spaces
*Enabled webkit experimental features
*Adjusted the main window toolbar to be position: sticky
*Fixed problem with relative inter-wiki links not working
*Add "file not found" error indication
<a href="https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/releases/tag/v0.0.4" class="tc-btn-big-green" target="_blank">
{{$:/core/images/github}} Download from ~GitHub
[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/compare/v0.0.3...v0.0.4]]
This release includes a major reworking of the internals of TiddlyDesktop.
Please report any problems or suggestions via GitHub issues, or post to the TiddlyWiki discussion group:
!New Features
*Warning message when closing windows with unsaved changes (TWC and TW 5.1.8 and above only)
*Help window
*Toolbar for TiddlyWiki windows
*Reveal original file in Finder/Explorer
*Automatic backups
Note that there is currently no way to hide the toolbar for TiddlyWiki windows. This will be remedied soon!
!New Architecture
TiddlyDesktop itself is now an instance of the Node.js edition of TiddlyWiki. TiddlyWiki HTML files are run within embedded, sandboxed iframes with the "backstage" TiddlyWiki providing services such as saving to the file system.
The advantage of this approach is that the user interface and functionality of the desktop application can now be customised and extended with exactly the same techniques that are used in regular TiddlyWiki.
!Coming Soon
The functionality of this release barely matches that of the previous v0.0.3 version, but it lays the groundwork for a number of other features such as:
*Configurable toolbars
*Page zoom
*Creating new wikis from standard editions and custom templates
*Dragging _canonical_uri links from the file system
*Multiple languages
*One-click copying of text to the clipboard from within TiddlyWiki
*Global keyboard shortcut for clipping content etc.
Here are the details of recent releases of TiddlyDesktop
<$list filter="[tag[TiddlyDesktopReleaseNotes]!sort[created]limit[1]]">
<$macrocall $name="tabs" tabsList="[tag[TiddlyDesktopReleaseNotes]!sort[created]]"default={{!!title}} class="tc-vertical" template="ReleaseTemplate" />
TiddlyFox is an extension for Firefox that allows standalone TiddlyWiki files to save their changes directly to the file system. TiddlyFox works on both desktop and smartphone versions of [[Firefox]]. See [[Saving with TiddlyFox]] or [[Saving with TiddlyFox on Android]] for detailed instructions.
TiddlyFox can be downloaded from the Mozilla Addons site:
You can also install the latest development version of TiddlyFox direct from GitHub:
TiddlyIE is an extension for Internet Explorer that allows standalone TiddlyWiki files to save their changes directly to the file system. TiddlyIE works with the desktop version of Internet Explorer.
See [[Saving with TiddlyIE]].
An interactive network visualisation plugin based on [[Vis.js|http://visjs.org]]. A demo that also contains installation instructions can be found here: {{!!url}}. The plugin's GitHub repository can be found [[here|https://github.com/felixhayashi/TW5-TiddlyMap]].
~TiddlyMap is a TiddlyWiki plugin that allows you to link your wiki-topics (tiddlers) in order to create clickable graphs. By creating relations between your topics you can easily do the following:
* Create concept maps and quickly manifest your ideas in tiddlers.
* Create task-dependency graphs to organize and describe your tasks.
* Visualize your topic structures to get an immediate grasp of topics and relations.
In general you may create, visualize and describe any network-structure you have in mind.
TiddlySpace is an environment for discourse on the web, built from TiddlyWeb.
TiddlySpace was originally sponsored by [[Osmosoft]] at [[BT]].
TiddlyWeb is a server application that puts [[Tiddlers]] on the web:
TiddlyWeb can be used to host TiddlyWiki and TiddlyWiki5 wikis, making the individual tiddlers available over a flexible HTTP API.
TiddlyWeb was originally sponsored by [[Osmosoft]] at [[BT]] (along with TiddlySpace).
~TiddlyWiki is a rich, interactive tool for manipulating complex data with structure that doesn't easily fit into conventional tools like spreadsheets or wordprocessors.
~TiddlyWiki is designed to fit around your brain, helping you deal with the things that won't fit. The [[fundamental idea|Philosophy of Tiddlers]] is that information is more useful and reusable if we cut it up into the smallest semantically meaningful chunks -- [[tiddlers|Tiddlers]] -- and give them titles so that they can be [[structured|Structuring TiddlyWiki]] with [[links|TiddlerLinks]], [[tags|Tagging]], [[lists|ListField]] and [[macros|Macros]]. Tiddlers use a WikiText notation that concisely represents a wide range of text formatting and hypertext features. ~TiddlyWiki aims to provide a fluid interface for working with tiddlers, allowing them to be aggregated and composed into longer narratives.
People love using ~TiddlyWiki. Because it can be used without any complicated server infrastructure, and because it is [[open source|OpenSource]], it has bought unprecedented freedom to everyone to keep their precious information under their own control.
~TiddlyWiki was originally created by JeremyRuston and is now a thriving open source project with a busy [[Community]] of independent developers.
The first TiddlyWiki Camp Paris was held on Saturday 6th June 2015.
> Bienvenue sur le site du TiddlyWiki Camp. Un évènement pour rencontrer la communauté de ce logiciel Open Source, libre et gratuit. Découvrez ce bloc note personnel polyvalent et adoptez-le pour gérer votre quotidien !
The TiddlyWiki community holds regular Google Hangouts, usually every Tuesday from 4pm to 6pm (UK time). They are announced in the [[TiddlyWiki Google group|https://groups.google.com/d/forum/tiddlywiki]] and on the [[TiddlyWiki Twitter account|https://twitter.com/TiddlyWiki]].
Past Hangouts are archived in this ~YouTube playlist:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/videoseries?list=PLVT_2PPd-1p34gGCQ5qpwC8QdykxVAI3u" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
TiddlyWiki in the Sky for TiddlyWeb allows content to be synchronised between TiddlyWiki running in the browser and a TiddlyWeb (or TiddlySpace) server. Features include:
* Lazy loading
* Two way synchronisation between the browser and the server
** Synchronising from the server is accomplished by polling (currently every 60 seconds)
* Throttling so that rapidly changing tiddlers don't overwhelm the server
To try out TiddlyWiki in the Sky for TiddlyWeb:
# If necessary, create an account at http://tiddlyspace.com/
# Create a new space, eg `<myspace>`
# Include the space `tw5tiddlyweb`
# Visit `http://<myspace>.tiddlyspace.com/tw5`
A catchy jingle for TiddlyWiki.
Even if it sounds like some ol' jazz tune it ''IS'' an original composition and it should be quite obvious that the "hook of the melody" is a trill made by singing Tidd-ly Wiki :-).
My lacking skills for writing text/lyrics should be apparent in the fact that the text consists of 12 Tidd-ly Wikis and some extra "tiddly's" - just for the sake of getting the message delivered ;-)...
I've recorded every instrument on my guitar via a guitar synth on a loop machine (except for the drums - they were played live/in sync with the loop station on a "~BeatBuddy" drum pedal..) - no pc was involved..
This brief screencast shows how to setup Firefox for Android so you can save changes to TiddlyWiki:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/iikkv9orGGI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Running TiddlyWiki on [[Node.js]] brings several important benefits over and above the single file version:
* You can edit your content on any suitably compatible HTML5 browser, including smartphones and tablets
* Individual tiddlers are stored in separate files, which you can organise as you wish
* The ability to build multiple wikis that blend different combinations of shared and unique content
For more information see:
* [[Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
* [[Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
* [[Upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
Here are the details of recent releases of TiddlyWiki5. See [[TiddlyWiki5 Versioning]] for details of how releases are named.
(BetaReleases and AlphaReleases are listed separately).
<$list filter="[tag[ReleaseNotes]!sort[created]limit[1]]">
<$macrocall $name="tabs" tabsList="[tag[ReleaseNotes]!sort[created]]" default={{!!title}} class="tc-vertical" template="ReleaseTemplate" />
\define tv-wikilinks() no
! Building TiddlyWikiClassic
{{Building TiddlyWikiClassic}}
TiddlyWiki5 is a reboot of TiddlyWiki for the next 25 years. It is a complete interactive wiki in JavaScript that can be run in the browser or on the server under [[Node.js]].
Each release of TiddlyWiki5 is identified by a version number that complies with the [[Semantic Versioning 2.0.0|http://semver.org/]] standard.
! TiddlyWiki Core Version
According to the standard:
Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:
MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and
PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes.
Additional labels for pre-release and build metadata are available as extensions to the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format.
!! Alpha and Beta versions
While in alpha TiddlyWiki5 uses the pre-release label "alpha", for example:
Each new alpha or beta release will bump the `PATCH` version number. This breaks the strict semantics of versioning because `PATCH` increments are supposed to be reserved for compatible changes.
//Note that prior to ''5.0.1-alpha'', TiddlyWiki5 used version numbers formatted as ''5.0.0-alpha.19''. The change was made to enable the upgrade mechanism to recognise plugin updates from the version information.//
!! Interim versions
During development when a new release is being prepared, the pre-release label is set to `prerelease`.
! Plugin Versions
Version numbers
TiddlyWiki5 uses the version information attached to plugins for determining which of two plugins is more recent during an upgrade or import. The pre-release label is ignored when performing these comparisons.
"~TiddlyWiki Classic" refers to versions prior to 5.0, when TiddlyWiki was completely rewritten from the ground up. TiddlyWiki Classic is still being maintained at:
MarioPietsch has started a site comparing the syntax and other changes between TiddlyWikiClassic and TiddlyWiki version 5:
As well as traditional single file wikis, [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] supports wikis that are stored as a folder of individual tiddler files.
! Wiki folder files and folders
Wiki folders can contain the following files and folders:
* ''tiddlywiki.info'' - JSON file containing metadata for the wiki
* ''\tiddlers'' - folder containing tiddler files comprising the wiki
* ''\plugins'' - folder containing [[plugin folders|PluginMechanism]] to be included in the wiki
Only the ''tiddlywiki.info'' file is required, the ''tiddlers'' and ''plugins'' folders are optional. Any files and folders not listed above are ignored.
!! Content of `tiddlywiki.info` file
The `tiddlywiki.info` file in a wiki folder contains a JSON object comprising the following fields:
* ''plugins'' - an array of plugin names to be included in the wiki
* ''themes'' - an array of theme names to be included in the wiki
* ''languages'' - an array of language names to be included in the wiki
* ''includeWikis'' - an array of references to external wiki folders to be included in the wiki
* ''build'' - a hashmap of named build targets, each defined by an array of command tokens (see BuildCommand)
* ''config'' - an optional hashmap of configuration options (see below)
!!! ''includeWikis''
The entries in the ''includeWikis'' array can be either a string specifying the relative path to the wiki, or an object with the following fields:
* ''path'' - relative path to wiki folder
* ''read-only'' - set //true// to prevent the tiddlers in the included wiki from being modified. The modifications will be written to the directory specified in ''default-tiddler-location'', described below
!!! ''build''
Note that the build targets of included wikis are merged if a target of that name isn't defined in the current `tiddlywiki.info` file.
!!! ''config''
Configuration options include:
* ''default-tiddler-location'' - a string path to the default location for the filesystem adaptor to save new tiddlers (resolved relative to the wiki folder)
* ''retain-original-tiddler-path'' - If true, the server will generate a tiddler [[$:/config/OriginalTiddlerPaths]] containing the original file paths of each tiddler in the wiki
!!! Example
For example:
"plugins": [
"includeWikis": [
"build": {
"index": [
"favicon": [
"config": {
"retain-original-tiddler-path": true
!! Content of `tiddlers` folder
All the TiddlerFiles in the `tiddlers` folder are read into the wiki at startup. Sub-folders are scanned recursively for TiddlerFiles.
Sub-folders within the `tiddlers` folder can also be given a `tiddlywiki.files` JSON file that overrides the default processing for that folder. The file format is illustrated with this example from the D3 plugin:
"tiddlers": [
"file": "d3.min.js",
"fields": {
"type": "application/javascript",
"title": "$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/d3/d3.js",
"module-type": "library"
"prefix": "var d3;if($tw.browser){\n",
"suffix": "}\nexports.d3 = d3;\n"
"file": "cloud/d3.layout.cloud.js",
"fields": {
"type": "application/javascript",
"title": "$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/d3/d3.layout.cloud.js",
"module-type": "library"
The JSON data consists of an object with a `tiddlers` property that contains an array of information about each tiddler to be loaded into the wiki. That information consists of:
* `file`: the relative or absolute path to the file to include
* `fields`: an object containing fields that override any provided in the tiddler file
* `prefix` & `suffix`: (optional) specify strings to be prefixed and suffixed to the tiddler file text content
The <<.def timeline>> [[macro|Macros]] returns a list of tiddlers in reverse chronological order of modification (or some other [[date field|Date Fields]]), grouped by day.
!! Parameters
: The maximum number of tiddlers to include, defaulting to 100. But if <<.em any>> tiddlers are included for a particular day, <<.em all>> of the other tiddlers for that day will also be included -- even if this exceeds the limit
: A string specifying the desired [[format|DateFormat]], defaulting to `DDth MMM YYYY`
: An optional extra [[filter step|Filter Step]], e.g. `tag[MyTag]`
: The name of the date field to use, defaulting to `modified`
The tiddlers are selected by means of a [[filter expression|Filter Expression]], into which the <<.param subfilter>> and <<.param limit>> parameters are spliced as follows:
> `[!is[system]$subfilter$has[modified]!sort[modified]limit[$limit$]eachday[modified]]`
<<.macro-examples "timeline">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<<timeline format:"DD/MM/YYYY">>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2" eg="""<<timeline limit:30 subfilter:"tag[Definitions]" format:"DD/MM/YYYY">>"""/>
A <<.def "title list">> is a line of text that presents one or more tiddler titles, strung together with a space between each one and the next.
If a title <<.em contains>> a space, it needs double square brackets around it:
`GettingStarted [[Discover TiddlyWiki]] Upgrading`
Title lists are used in various places, including PermaLinks and the ListField.
They are in fact the simplest case of a [[filter|Filters]], and are thus a way of expressing a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]].
`[title[An Example]]` can be shortened to `[[An Example]]`, because <<.op title>> is the default filter operator.
<<.op title>> is a [[constructor|Selection Constructors]] (except in the form `!title`), but <<.olink2 "field:title" field>> is a [[modifier|Selection Constructors]].
<<.operator-examples "title">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[title[HelloThere]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[[HelloThere]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "HelloThere">>
<<.operator-example 4 "[title[HelloThere]] [title[Filter Operators]]">>
<<.operator-example 5 "[[HelloThere]] [[Filter Operators]]">>
<<.operator-example 6 "HelloThere [[Filter Operators]]">>
<<.operator-example 7 "[tag[Filters]] +[!title[Filter Operators]]">>
<<.operator-example 8 "[tag[Filters]] +[![Filter Operators]]">>
<<.operator-example 9 "[tag[Filters]] -[[Filter Operators]]">>
A <<.def "title selection">> is an ordered set of tiddler titles (or similar strings), in which no title appears more than once.
Title selections are important in [[filter|Filters]] processing.
The simplest way to write one down is as a [[title list|Title List]].
! Introduction
The TranscludeWidget dynamically imports content from another tiddler.
! Attributes
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The title of the tiddler to transclude (defaults to the current tiddler) |
|field |The field name of the current tiddler (defaults to "text"; if present takes precedence over the index attribute) |
|index |The index of a property in a [[DataTiddler|DataTiddlers]] |
|subtiddler |Optional SubTiddler title when the target tiddler is a [[plugin|Plugins]] (see below) |
|mode |Override the default parsing mode for the transcluded text to "block" or "inline" |
The TranscludeWidget treats any contained content as a fallback if the target of the transclusion is not defined (ie a missing tiddler or a missing field).
! Parsing modes
TiddlyWiki parses text in two modes:
* ''inline'' mode recognises character formatting such as emphasis, links
* ''block'' mode recognises all the ''inline'' formatting, and adds block formatting such as tables, headings and lists
Usually, the mode is determined by whether the transclude widget itself has been parsed in block or inline mode. This can be overridden with the `mode` attribute.
For example, consider tiddler "A" with this content:
# Item one
#<$transclude tiddler="B"/>
# Item two
And a tiddler "B" with this content:
# Item one - a
# Item one - b
The result will be something like this:
# Item one
# # Item one - a # Item one - b
# Item two
This can be fixed by amending tiddler "A":
# Item one
#<$transclude tiddler="B" mode="block"/>
# Item two
! SubTiddler Access
The transclude widget allows access to the individual tiddlers stored within a [[plugin|Plugins]].
The following example will transclude the core version of the tiddler [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]] even if it has been overridden:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '
<$transclude tiddler="$:/core" subtiddler="$:/DefaultTiddlers"/>
<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transclusion">Transclusion</a> is the process of referencing one tiddler "A" from another tiddler "B" such that the content of "A" appears to be a part of "B".
Copying and pasting content creates multiple copies of the same content in several different places. With transclusion, there can be a single copy and a special instruction in "B" which indicates the point at which content should be inserted from tiddler "A".
Note that if the content of "A" is modified then the modification automatically appears in "B". This makes it easier to maintain repetitive content, by allowing every piece to be written in a single place, but viewed from many.
The concept of transclusion plays an important role in the [[Philosophy of Tiddlers]] because it is the primary way in which small items of content are combined.
To learn more:
* [[Transclusion in WikiText]]
* [[Transclusion Basic Usage]]
* [[Transclusion with Templates]]
* TextReference
* TemplateTiddlers
* TranscludeWidget
The power of WikiText comes from the ability to use the content of one tiddler inside another one. This ability takes several different forms that can easily be confused.
The main distinction is between a transclusion and a textual substitution:
* A transclusion is replaced dynamically with the value of either:
** a tiddler field
** a variable
* Textual substitutions are performed on the text of macro definitions before they are used
! Tiddler Field Transclusion
[[Transclusion in WikiText]] describes the basics of transclusion. For example:
As described in [[HTML in WikiText]], you can also transclude tiddler field values as attributes of HTML elements and widgets. For example:
<$text text={{MyTiddler}}/>
As described in [[Introduction to Filters]], you can also transclude tiddler field values as filter operands. For example:
{{{ [tag{TiddlerContainingMyTag}] }}}
! Variable/Macro Transclusion
Variables that were defined with parameter or variable substitution are referred to as "macros". The value of a variable/macro can be transcluded with the syntax:
<<myMacro param:"Value of parameter">>
As described in [[HTML in WikiText]], you can also transclude a variable as the value of an attribute of HTML elements and widgets. For example:
<$text text=<<myMacro>>/>
As described in [[Introduction to Filters]], you can also transclude a variable as the value of a filter operand. For example:
{{{ [tag<myMacro>] }}}
! Textual Substitution
Textual substitution occurs when the value of a macro/variable is used. It is described in [[Macros in WikiText]].
The key difference between substitution and transclusion is that substitution occurs before WikiText parsing. This means that you can use substitution to build WikiText constructions. Transclusions are processed independently, and cannot be combined with adjacent text to define WikiText constructions.
! Simple Transclusion
To include some content from [[TiddlerA]] into [[TiddlerB]], edit the latter to include the following text:
This is the content of TiddlerA: {{TiddlerA}}
The result is that the content of the ''text'' field (i.e. the main content) of [[TiddlerA]] is rendered within [[TiddlerB]].
! Usage
The notation ``{{TiddlerA}}`` is a shortcut for ``{{TiddlerA!!text}}``. This is because the default field for transclusion is ''text'', but any other [[field|TiddlerFields]] can be used explicitly. For example, you can print the last time TiddlerA was modified using:
TiddlerA was modified on {{TiddlerA!!modified}}
By omitting the tiddler title, the transclusion notation can also be used to display the content of a field from the current tiddler, for example:
The current tiddler was modified on {{!!modified}}
! Recursion Errors
Notice that using ``{{!!text}}`` or ``{{}}`` causes an error (//Recursive transclusion error in transclude widget//), because it does not make sense to include the content of the current tiddler into the content of the current tiddler (that is, into itself). Whenever you encouter this error message, it means that you are trying to include something into itself, directly or indirectly (for example if tiddler A transcludes tiddler B which transcludes tiddler C which, in turn, transcludes tiddler A).
! Learning More
In TiddlyWiki, transclusions are not limited to including raw content like the above. To learn about more advanced uses of transclusion, see [[Transclusion with Templates]].
See also:
* [[Transclusion]]
* [[Transclusion with Templates]]
* [[Transclusion in WikiText]]
* TextReference
* TiddlerFields.
! Introduction
You can incorporate the content of one tiddler within another using the [[Transclusion]] notation:
* `{{MyTiddler}}` transcludes a single tiddler
* `{{MyTiddler||TemplateTitle}}` displays the tiddler through a specified [[TemplateTiddler|TemplateTiddlers]]
* `{{||TemplateTitle}}` displays the specified template tiddler without altering the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]
!! Transcluding Text References
You can also use a TextReference instead of a tiddler title:
* `{{MyTiddler!!field}}` transcludes a specified field of a tiddler
* `{{!!field}}` transcludes a specified field of the current tiddler
* `{{MyTiddler##index}}` transcludes a specified indexed property of a [[DataTiddler|DataTiddlers]]
* `{{##index}}` transcludes a specified indexed property of the current [[DataTiddler|DataTiddlers]]
!! Filtered Transclusion
A similar syntax can be used to transclude a list of tiddlers matching a specified [[filter|Filters]]:
{{{ [tag[mechanism]] }}}
{{{ [tag[mechanism]] ||TemplateTitle}}}
! Generated Widgets
The WikiText transclusion syntax generates a TiddlerWidget wrapped around a TranscludeWidget. For example, `{{MyTiddler||MyTemplate!!myField}}` generates the following pair of widgets:
<$tiddler tiddler="MyTiddler">
<$transclude tiddler="MyTemplate" field="myField"/>
See also:
* [[Transclusion Basic Usage]]
* [[Transclusion with Templates]]
* TemplateTiddlers
* TranscludeWidget
* [[Transclusion and Substitution]]
The <<.def transclusion>> [[variable|Variables]] is set by the <<.wlink TranscludeWidget>> widget to a string that identifies the position of that widget within the [[widget tree|Widgets]].
~TiddlyWiki's core uses it to detect recursive [[transclusion|Transclusion]]. It is also used to implement the <<.mlink qualify>> macro.
The string has the following syntax:
<$railroad text="""
"{" a "|" b "|" c "|" d "|" e "|" "}"
<ol style="list-style-type: lower-alpha;">
<li>the title of the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]</li>
<li>the title of the tiddler being transcluded</li>
<li>the name of the field being transcluded</li>
<li>the name of the property name or index being transcluded</li>
<li>the name of the subtiddler being transcluded from a plugin</li>
Many of the five items are often blank.
In the sidebar, the value of <<.var transclusion>> is:
> `{|$:/core/ui/PageTemplate/sidebar|||}`
When the tiddler <<.tid HelloThere>> is displayed in the story river, <<.var transclusion>> is set to:
> `{HelloThere|HelloThere|||}`
<<.variable-examples "transclusion">>
This example shows how to distinguish between the sidebar and other environments:
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""We are
emptyMessage="in the story river.">
in the sidebar.
In the sidebar, this would show `We are in the sidebar` instead.
! Introduction
In [[Transclusion Basic Usage]] we have seen how to include the content of a tiddler A into a tiddler B. Now suppose that tiddler A contains:
Hello, my title is {{!!title}}
This makes tiddler A display its title with a yellow background (see [[Styles and Classes in WikiText]] to learn about CSS style). Imagine that you want to display the title in the same way in tiddler B. But you don't want to copy/paste the style instructions, because you might want to change the background colour later and you want to keep it consistent among tiddlers. This looks like a typical case of transclusion, so let's try to transclude tiddler A in tiddler B the usual way with ``{{A}}``. You should see the following content in tiddler B:
Hello, my title is A
The style is applied as expected, but the title is wrong: we want ``{{!!title}}`` to refer to the target tiddler B, and not the source tiddler A.
The solution is to use a //template//. In this case, the source tiddler A is called the [[TemplateTiddler|TemplateTiddlers]], and it is //applied// to tiddler B using the notation ``{{||A}}``. The difference is that any TextReference which does not refer explicitly to a specific tiddler is applied to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]], that is, the target tiddler. As a result, tiddler B now looks as expected:
Hello, my title is B
! Usage
Transcluding via a template is like applying a mask: assuming that the source tiddler contains generic references (like eye holes in a mask), these will be replaced with the target tiddlers values (like the eyes of the person who wears the mask).
A template can be applied to any tiddler, not necessarily the current one. This is achieved using the full notation ``{{<target>||<template>}}``. The default ``<target>`` is the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]] (this is what we used in the above example).
! Examples
!! A predefined template to render tags nicely
You can apply the system template ``$:/core/ui/TagTemplate`` to a tag in order to see it as a tag pill with a drop-down menu:
is rendered as {{Transclusion||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}
See also:
* [[Transclusion in WikiText]]
* [[Transclusion Basic Usage]]
* TextReference
* TemplateTiddlers
* TranscludeWidget
* [[Current Tiddler]]
There is a special edition of TiddlyWiki that simplifies creating and maintaining translations:
Note that no knowledge of Node.js or GitHub is required.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/dev for technical details of creating and maintaining translations.
The translation mechanism of TiddlyWiki manages and switches between language plugins that provide translations of the TiddlyWiki user interface. The developer site at http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/ explains how translators can create and submit translations for TiddlyWiki.
The title of the current language plugin is read from the tiddler [[$:/language]]. If the selected plugin changes then any displayed translateable text automatically changes.
Translation plugins are bundles of tiddlers that each contain an indepedent translatable string. The strings are transcluded as needed.
Translatable strings are generally in the namespace `$:/language/`, for example:
* [[$:/language/EditTemplate/Shadow/OverriddenWarning]]
* [[$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/isfilteroperator]]
* [[$:/language/EditTemplate/Fields/Add/Value/Placeholder]]
Here are some webpages with tips and tutorials related to ~TiddlyWiki
<div class="tc-link-info">
<$list filter="[tag[Tutorials]!sort[modified]]">
<div class="tc-link-info-item">
! <$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
<div class="tc-subtitle">Posted <$view field="modified" format="relativedate"/></div>
The <<.def tv-auto-open-on-import>> [[variable|Variables]] controls whether the `tm-import-tiddlers` message causes the tiddler [[$:/Import]] (which lists the pending imports) to open in the story river.
By default, the tiddler is opened. But if this variable has the value <<.value no>>, it isn't.
An example of setting this variable to <<.value no>> can be found in the upgrade plugin within the [[TiddlyWiki Upgrade Wizard|http://www.tiddlywiki.com/upgrade.html]]. People can drag their wiki files onto the wizard without triggering the normal import display.
The <<.def tv-config-toolbar-class>> [[variable|Variables]] controls the value of the [[CSS|Cascading Style Sheets]] `class` attribute on the HTML element for a toolbar button.
It can be set prior to transcluding such a button.
In most environments, it defaults to <<.value tc-btn-invisible>>, which removes the button's background colour and border.
<<.variable-examples "tv-config-toolbar-class">>
.green-background {
background-color: green;
fill: white;
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<$set name="tv-config-toolbar-class" value="tc-btn-invisible">
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2"
eg="""<$set name="tv-config-toolbar-class" value="green-background">
The `green-background` [[CSS|Cascading Style Sheets]] class is declared in a stylesheet within this tiddler.
The <<.def tv-config-toolbar-icons>> [[variable|Variables]] controls whether toolbar buttons display icons.
<<.this-is-toolbar-config-variable $:/config/Toolbar/Icons>>
<<.variable-examples "tv-config-toolbar-icons">>
See also <<.vlink tv-config-toolbar-text>>.
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<$set name="tv-config-toolbar-icons" value="no">
<$set name="tv-config-toolbar-text" value="yes">
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2"
eg="""<$set name="tv-config-toolbar-icons" value="yes">
The <<.def tv-config-toolbar-text>> [[variable|Variables]] controls whether toolbar buttons display text.
<<.this-is-toolbar-config-variable $:/config/Toolbar/Text>>
<<.variable-examples "tv-config-toolbar-text">>
See also <<.vlink tv-config-toolbar-icons>>.
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<$set name="tv-config-toolbar-text" value="no">
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2"
eg="""<$set name="tv-config-toolbar-text" value="yes">
The <<.def tv-get-export-image-link>> [[variable|Variables]] controls the value of the `src` attribute on the HTML `img` element generated by the <<.wlink ImageWidget>> widget when the value of its `source` attribute is not the title of a tiddler.
The variable should be a [[macro|Macros]] with the following parameter:
: The value of the `source` attribute -- equivalent to the image name specified in <$link to="Images in WikiText">the shorthand syntax</$link> `[img[source]]`
The ability to override image URIs in this way can be useful when one is using the [[Node.js configuration|TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] to export a static version of a wiki.
<<.variable-examples "tv-get-export-image-link">>
This example fetches [[the TiddlyWiki icon|http://www.tiddlywiki.com/favicon.ico]]:
<$importvariables filter="$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/tv-get-export-image-link">
<$codeblock code={{$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/tv-get-export-image-link}}/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""[img[favicon.ico]]"""/>
The <<.def tv-get-export-link>> [[variable|Variables]] controls the value of the `href` attribute on the HTML `a` element generated by the <<.wlink LinkWidget>> widget.
The variable should be a [[macro|Macros]] with the following parameter:
: The title of the target tiddler of the link, with no escaping
See also <<.vlink tv-wikilink-template>>. If both that variable and this one exist, this one dominates.
The <<.def tv-get-export-path>> [[variable|Variables]] specifies the full pathname to which the <<.clink rendertiddlers RenderTiddlersCommand>> [[Node.js|TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] command writes each tiddler.
The variable should be implemented as a <<.js-macro-link "JavaScript macro">> with the following parameter:
: The title of the tiddler
If no such macro exists, the tiddlers are written to files whose names are [[percent-encoded|Percent Encoding]], in the command's output folder.
The <<.def tv-tiddler-preview>> [[variable|Variables]] indicates whether content is being rendered in a tiddler preview panel.
The value is ''yes'' within the preview panel, and undefined elsewhere.
The <<.def tv-wikilink-template>> [[variable|Variables]] controls the value of the `href` attribute on the HTML `a` element generated by the <<.wlink LinkWidget>> widget.
The variable is treated as if it was a [[macro|Macros]] with the following parameters:
: The title of the target tiddler of the link, but [[percent-encoded|Percent Encoding]]
: The value of the <<.param uri_encoded>> parameter but percent-encoded again, i.e. with its `%` characters further converted to `%25`
> `\define tv-wikilink-template() ../tiddlers/$uri_encoded$.html`
The variable defaults to `#$uri_encoded$`.
See also the <<.vlink tv-get-export-link>> variable, which dominates over this one.
The <<.def tv-wikilink-tooltip>> [[variable|Variables]] specifies the default value for the <<.attr tooltip>> attribute of the <<.wlink LinkWidget>> widget.
It is often defined as a [[macro|Macros]], and its value parsed as inline WikiText.
<<.variable-examples "tv-wikilink-tooltip">>
This example shows a way of giving links a tooltip derived from the target tiddler's <<.field caption>> field:
<$importvariables filter="$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/tv-wikilink-tooltip">
<$codeblock code={{$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/tv-wikilink-tooltip}}/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""Here is a link to [[backlinks Operator]] with a custom tooltip."""/>
Here is [[a standard link|HelloThere]] for comparison.
The <<.def tv-wikilinks>> [[variable|Variables]] controls the behaviour of the <<.wlink LinkWidget>> widget.
The widget normally produces a link to a tiddler. But if this variable has the value <<.value no>>, the widget suppresses the link and simply displays the text that would otherwise have served as the link.
You can suppress links for a whole tiddler by placing the following line at the start of the tiddler's text:
> `\define tv-wikilinks() no`
This variable has no effect on external links, as those do not involve the <<.wid link>> widget.
<<.variable-examples "tv-wikilinks">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
<$link to="HelloThere">is //this// a link?</$link>"""/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2"
eg="""<$set name="tv-wikilinks" value="no">
<$link to="HelloThere">is //this// a link?</$link>
This experimental plugin adds the ability to display WikiText written for the original Classic version of TiddlyWiki.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/tw2parser/
A collection of hints and tips, musings and proposals from long-time TiddlyWiki contributor Mat Goldman.
This is Mat's, a.k.a <:-) little man-cave in the ~TiddlyVerse.
Most TW development is, understandably, based on the premise that //"Improve code ➔ Better TW"//. ''TWaddle'' is also about developing TW but from the perspective that [[Bigger community ⇄ Better TW]]. Thus, TWaddle looks more to people issues - how to attract them, how to make them stick with TW etc.
I'm not a programmer but I //am// a TW enthusiast so I tiddlefiddle enough to make the occasional discovery of something cool. Given the amount of words I utter, it is also a mere numbers game before I say something that makes sense. TWaddle is intended to capture these eventualities.
A collection of community tips and tutorials curated by Andreas Hahn, including a handy "customiser" that simplifies creating an empty TiddlyWiki with selected plugins and enhancements.
Updated to include [[Tinka|http://twguides.org/tinka.html]], a plugin that "provides a GUI to create and modify plugins more easily, therefore saving time on the packaging process".
The intent of the project is to encourage people to use and actively tweak TiddlyWiki according to their needs. Similar to the old version, I also want to encourage people to share their knowledge and help other people get the most out of this wonderful piece of wiki software.
WikiText can include blocks of text that are rendered with an explicit ContentType like this:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="green" />
This renders as:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="green" />
It is also possible to abbreviate the ContentType to a file extension. For example:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="red" />
This renders as:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="red" />
Unknown types render as plain text:
Some plain text, which will not be //formatted//.
Which renders as:
Some plain text, which will not be //formatted//.
A render type can also be specified, causing a particular text rendering to be displayed. For example:
This is ''some'' wikitext
This is ''some'' wikitext
Renders as:
This is ''some'' wikitext
This is ''some'' wikitext
Use the [[documentation macros|Documentation Macros]] to keep the text maintainable in the face of change.
Be wary of arbitrarily applying raw bold or italic markup in a sentence. If there's a suitable macro, use that instead. If there isn't a suitable macro, write one or request one.
Use simple backticks (<code>`...`</code>) for fragments of WikiText, but not for the names of things like fields and widgets. These have their own macros.
To keep things clean and simple, quotation marks and apostrophes should be straight `'`, not curly `’`, and the ellipsis should be three separate dots `...` rather than `…`.
Use `"` as the primary quotation mark, reserving `'` for the rare case of a nested quotation.
Avoid using a single hyphen `-` as sentence punctuation. Instead, use a double hyphen -- which ~TiddlyWiki renders as an en-dash -- with a space on either side.
Items in lists and tables should only end with a full stop (period in US English) if they are complete sentences. They should have no trailing punctuation otherwise.
It is very rarely necessary to use an exclamation mark in professional documentation.
A tiddler is deemed to have no tags if it:
* doesn't exist
* doesn't have a <<.field tags>> field
* has an empty <<.field tags>> field
<<.operator-examples "untagged">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[untagged[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[all[shadows]untagged[]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[list[HelloThere]!untagged[]]">>
# Open upgrade.html
# Includes a data tiddler called `$:/UpgradeLibrary` that contains the latest compatible versions of all plugins in the library
# Drag in old wiki file
# Place tiddlers into a data tiddler `$:/Import` that is typed as a "pending import"
# Kick off import processing for each tiddler
## Give each "upgrader" module a chance to inspect the incoming tiddlers
## Upgrader modules can trigger actions for each tiddler:
##* Display a warning message
##* Don't import
##* Replace with another tiddler from the upgrade library
##* Disable incompatible plugins
# Display the newly created pending import tiddler through a new view template segment
## Displays the payload tiddlers as a list of titles and checkboxes, with a dropdown showing the full details of the tiddler
## Perhaps we also suppress the usual JSON display for data tiddlers behind a reveal widget
# The user can adjust the selection checkboxes
# Clicking "done" unpacks the selected tiddlers from the pending import tiddler
# The pending import tiddler and the upgrade library tiddler are excluded from the subsequent save operation
There are regular releases of TiddlyWiki with bug fixes and improvements. It's a good idea to keep up to date by regularly upgrading to the latest version.
! Introduction
The process described here is for upgrading standalone TiddlyWiki files. There is a [[different procedure|Upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] for upgrading [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]].
When upgrading, please remember the [[The First Rule of Using TiddlyWiki]]:
//You are responsible for looking after your own data; take care to make backups, especially when upgrading the ~TiddlyWiki core//
! Online upgrading
This process will work on most desktop browsers. Note that none of your personal data leaves your browser with this process.
# Locate your TiddlyWiki file in the file system (i.e. using Windows Explorer, the Finder on Mac OS X, or your file manager on Linux)
# Visit http://tiddlywiki.com/upgrade.html in your browser
# Drag your old TiddlyWiki HTML file into the browser window
#* If the file is encrypted you will be prompted for the password
# Review the list of tiddlers that will be upgraded
# Click ''Upgrade''
# Save changes to save the new version
This will download a file called ''upgrade.html'' to your computer. This file is the upgrade of your old file. You may need to open the location where ''upgrade.html'' was downloaded, rename ''upgrade.html'' with the name of the old file you are upgrading, and replace the old file by moving the new file in its place.
! Offline upgrading
You can also download http://tiddlywiki.com/upgrade.html locally and perform the same drag-and-drop procedure to upgrade your files.
! Problems with Upgrades
!! Firefox Security Restrictions
The following error occurs when trying to perform the online upgrade procedure using Firefox:
Error while saving:
Error:NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI: Access to restricted URI denied
The upgrade operation falls foul of a security restriction in Firefox. Until this can be resolved, we suggest either using the offline upgrader, or using Chrome to perform the upgrade:
# Use Chrome to open http://tiddlywiki.com/upgrade.html, then drag the TiddlyWiki HTML file to be upgraded into the upgrader window, as described above in ''Online upgrading''
# After you've saved your upgraded file, you should be able to open it in Firefox and [[save using TiddlyFox|Saving with TiddlyFox]] again
!! Incompatible Customisations
It is possible for a customisation applied in a previous version to break when upgraded to the latest version. There are two techniques you can use to help track down issues:
* Try repeating the upgrade having selectively unchecked any tiddlers that may be applying customisations to TiddlyWiki
* Use SafeMode to disable all customisations of shadow tiddlers
You can see which shadow tiddlers have been overridden in the ''Filter'' tab of [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]]. Select "Overridden shadow tiddlers" from the dropdown.
If you've installed [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] on the usual way, when a new version is released you can upgrade it with this command:
npm update -g tiddlywiki
On Mac or Linux you'll need to add ''sudo'' like this:
sudo npm update -g tiddlywiki
A <<.dlink-ex "URI" "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniform_resource_identifier">> (also often known as a <<.def URL>>) is a string of characters used to specify the location of a resource such as a web page.
By default, when running [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]], the server exposes the wiki at the URI formed from the protocol, host and port - for example, ``.
There are two steps to running the wiki at a custom path like ``:
# Configure the server by passing `/path/to/my/wiki` as the ''pathprefix'' argument of the ServerCommand
# Configure the client by creating a tiddler called `$:/config/tiddlyweb/host` that contains `$protocol$//$host$/path/to/my/wiki/`
You can use links (normally displayed as blue text) to navigate from one tiddler to another. Clicking on a link to any tiddler will take you to that tiddler. If the tiddler is closed, it will be opened. The wonderful thing about ~TiddlyWiki is that it makes links to tiddlers as accessible as possible. There are links everywhere! Here are the key places where you can find links to tiddlers in ~TiddlyWiki:
* You can ''create a link'' to a tiddler, whether it exists yet or not, in the body of any tiddler. See [[Linking in WikiText]] to see the various easy ways to create links between tiddlers.
* Each ''tag pill'' in your tiddler (such as the ''Working with ~TiddlyWiki'' tag pill below the title of this tiddler) contains a link to that tag's tiddler, as well as lists of all the tiddlers that carry that tag. This lets you go to any of those tiddlers.
* The ''InfoPanel'' of each tiddler gives you access to four tabs containing additional lists of related tiddlers:
** The ''References'' tab lists all the tiddlers that link //to// the current tiddler.
** The ''Tagging'' tab lists all the tiddlers that have been tagged with the current tiddler's title.
** The ''List'' tab lists all the tiddlers (or potential tiddlers) mentioned in the [[list field|ListField]] of the current tiddler.
** The ''Listed'' tab lists all the tiddlers that mention the current tiddler in //their// list fields.
* The ''sidebar tabs'' contain numerous lists of links to tiddlers:
** The ''Open'' tab lists all the tiddlers that are currently open, i.e. visible somewhere on the page.
** The ''Recent'' tab lists the 100 most recently modified tiddlers, beginning with the most recently modified.
** The ''More'' tab offers eight additional lists of tiddlers:
*** ''All'' lists all tiddlers in alphabetical order.
*** ''Tags'' lists all the tags. You can click on the pill for any tag to access a list of the tiddlers tagged with that tag.
*** ''Missing'' lists any tiddlers that don't yet exist, but have been linked to from other tiddlers. This is helpful for finding tiddlers you planned to create, but never got around to.
*** ''Drafts'' lists any tiddlers that are currently in draft mode. ~TiddlyWiki considers a tiddler's draft to be a separate tiddler for as long as you are editing it, so while you're editing a tiddler entitled ''Australia'', there will be two tiddlers, ''Australia'' and ''Draft of 'Australia'''. When you close the draft by saving your changes to it, those changes will be applied to the ''Australia'' tiddler. So treat the ''Drafts'' tab as a way of finding any unfinished drafts you started.
*** ''Orphans'' lists all the tiddlers that are not connected to any other tiddler by links, tags or lists. This is a helpful aid to editing your file - it shows you which tiddlers need to be integrated more carefully with the others.
*** ''Types'' lists any tiddlers with special content, such as images or audio.
*** ''System'' lists all of the SystemTiddlers.
*** ''Shadows'' lists all of the ShadowTiddlers.
* ''Search results'' are a list of the tiddlers that contain the text you type in the search box.
* Finally, you can create your own custom lists of tiddlers by various methods:
** You can transclude a [[filter|Filters]] (see [[Transclusion in WikiText]]). For example, adding `{{{ [tag[mountain]] }}}` to a tiddler will insert a list of all tiddlers tagged with ''mountain''.
** You can use the ListWidget. This is more complicated than transcluding a [[filter|Filters]], but in return it allows you more flexibility in designing and displaying the list exactly as you want it to appear.
The first steps to changing the appearance of TiddlyWiki are to choose and apply one of the available themes, or to modify the [[colour palette|ColourPalettes]].
In addition, custom [[CSS stylesheets|http://www.w3schools.com/css]] can be defined by tagging a tiddler `$:/tags/Stylesheet`. Try creating a custom stylesheet now with the following content in order to change the page background colour to red:
html body.tc-body {
background: red;
! Overriding Theme Settings
Custom stylesheets are applied independently from theme stylesheets. Therefore, it is often necessary for the css rules in your custom stylesheet to be more specific than those of the theme you want to override. For example, `html body.tc-body` is more specific than `body.tc-body`.
! Stylesheet Types
Usually it is best to use the type `text/css` for stylesheets. This treats them as plain stylesheets, and ensures that TiddlyWiki doesn't apply any wiki processing to them.
If you wish to use macros and transclusions in your stylesheets you should instead use the default WikiText type `text/vnd.tiddlywiki`. This allows full WikiText processing to be performed. Here is an example:
\rules only filteredtranscludeinline transcludeinline macrodef macrocallinline html
body.tc-body pre {
<<box-shadow "inset 0 1px 0 #fff">>
The `\rules` pragma at the top of the tiddler restricts the WikiText to just allow macros and transclusion. This avoids mistakenly triggering unwanted WikiText processing.
A stylesheet tiddler is processed such that it is first wikified and then the text portion of the ouput is extracted to apply as the CSS. Any HTML tags you will use in your stylesheet are thus ignored. For example, HTML elements generated by the RevealWidget will not affect the output. As in the following example, you can wrap CSS rules in `<pre>` tags to display them as a codeblock without affecting processing, including handling the inner macro.
\rules only filteredtranscludeinline transcludeinline macrodef macrocallinline html
<pre>body.tc-body pre {
<<box-shadow "inset 0 1px 0 #fff">>
!! Stylesheet Macros
The ~TiddlyWiki core provides several [[global macros that are helpful in constructing stylesheets|Stylesheet Macros]].
TiddlyWiki5 can be used to produce documentation for GitHub projects. It lets you maintain a single set of documentation as a [[TiddlyWikiFolder|TiddlyWikiFolders]] containing separate tiddler files under source code control, and then use it to produce `readme.md` files for inclusion in project folders, or HTML files for storage in [[GitHub Pages|http://pages.github.com/]]. Both features are demonstrated by TiddlyWiki5 itself.
! Generating `readme.md` files
When displaying the contents of a folder GitHub will look for a `readme.md` file and display it. Note that it will not display full HTML files in this way, just static MarkDown files (this is a security measure). Happily MarkDown permits a safe subset of HTML, and thus to generate a `readme.md` file that is suitable for GitHub it is just necessary for TiddlyWiki5 to generate the content of the `<body>` element of an HTML document, and give it the appropriate filename.
This is done with this command:
--rendertiddler ReadMe ./readme.md text/html
It saves the tiddler ReadMe to the file `./readme.md` in the `text/html` format.
By default, tiddler links will be rendered as `<a>` links to a relative URI consisting of the title of the tiddler. This behaviour can be overridden by defining the macro `tv-wikilink-template`, as is done at the top of the tiddler ReadMe:
\define tv-wikilink-template() http://tiddlywiki.com/static/$uri_doubleencoded$.html
See the LinkWidget for more details.
In this example, tiddler links are rendered as links to the static rendering of tw5.com.
TiddlyWiki5 can be used on the command line to perform an extensive set of operations based on TiddlyWikiFolders, TiddlerFiles and TiddlyWikiFiles.
For example, the following command loads the tiddlers from a TiddlyWiki HTML file and then saves one of them in static HTML:
tiddlywiki --verbose --load mywiki.html --rendertiddler ReadMe ./readme.html
Running `tiddlywiki` from the command line boots the TiddlyWiki kernel, loads the core plugins and establishes an empty wiki store. It then sequentially processes the command line arguments from left to right. The arguments are separated with spaces.
The first argument is the optional path to the [[TiddlyWikiFolder|TiddlyWikiFolders]] to be loaded. If not present, then the current directory is used.
The commands and their individual arguments follow, each command being identified by the prefix `--`.
tiddlywiki [<wikipath>] [--<command> [<arg>[,<arg>]]]
The available commands are:
<<list-links "[tag[Commands]]">>
TiddlyWiki5 allows you to use SVG to display vector graphics in two ways:
* Tiddlers with the type `image/svg+xml` are interpreted as SVG images, and displayed and transcluded as self-contained `<img>` elements with the SVG embedded as a data URI in the `src` attribute.
** For examples of SVG images see [[Motovun Jack.svg]] and [[Tiddler Fishes.svg]]
* WikiText can also include inline SVG elements directly. See below for an example.
! Embedding SVG tiddlers
You can embed an SVG image tiddler using the ordinary transclusion syntax:
{{Motovun Jack.jpg}}
You can also use TypedBlockWikiText to embed an inline SVG tiddler.
The implications of the image being rendered within an `<img>` element are that it is sandboxed; it can't use CSS styles from the parent document, for example. Neither can the image use WikiText features like transclusion.
! Embedding SVG elements
The other way to use SVG is to embed the `<svg>` element directly. For example:
<svg width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="red" />
Note that inline SVG elements don't need an `<?xml version="1.0"?>` directive.
! Including HTML or WikiText content in SVG images
You can include simple text strings in SVG images using the `<text>` element:
<svg width="100px" height="30px" viewBox="0 0 1000 300"><text x="250" y="150" font-family="Verdana" font-size="55">Hello, out there</text><rect x="1" y="1" width="998" height="298" fill="none" stroke-width="2" /></svg>
HTML or WikiText content can be included within inline SVG images using the `<foreignObject>` element. For example:
<svg width="260px" height="260px"><circle cx="150" cy="150" r="100" fill="blue" stoke="red"/><foreignObject x="70" y="110" width="150" height="180"><body>Here is some text that requires a word wrap, and includes a [[link to a tiddler|HelloThere]].</body></foreignObject></svg>
! Transcluding SVG elements
When embedding SVG elements you can also use WikiText features like transclusion. For example, here is an SVG circle with the radius set to the value in the tiddler [[$:/SVGExampleRadius]]:
<svg width="150" height="150"><circle cx="75" cy="75" r={{$:/SVGExampleRadius}} stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="green"/></svg>
You can edit the value of the radius here: <$edit-text tiddler="$:/SVGExampleRadius" tag="input"/>
! Making curved text with SVG
{{Making curved text with SVG}}
A <<.def variable>> is a snippet of text that can be accessed by name within a particular branch of the [[widget tree|Widgets]]. The snippet is known as the variable's <<.def value>>.
A new variable is defined using a <<.wlink SetWidget>> widget, and is then available to any of the children of that widget, including transcluded content. A <<.wid set>> widget can reuse an existing name, thus binding a different snippet to that name for the duration of the widget's children.
The <<.wlink ListWidget>> widget also sets a particular variable (<<.var currentTiddler>> by default) to each listed title in turn.
For an overview of how to use variables, see [[Variables in WikiText]].
Despite the term <<.word variable>>, each snippet is a constant string. The apparent variability is actually the result of the presence of multiple variables with the same name in different parts of the widget tree.
[[Macros]] are a special form of variable whose value can contain placeholders that get filled in with parameters whenever the macro is used.
By themselves, the snippets are <<.em not>> parsed as WikiText. However, a variable reference will transclude a snippet into a context where ~WikiText parsing <<.em may>> be occurring. Within a snippet, the only markup detected is `$name$` for a macro parameter transclusion and `$(name)$` for a variable transclusion.
The <<.mlink dumpvariables>> macro lists all variables (including macros) that are available at that position in the widget tree.
~TiddlyWiki's core has [[several variables|Core Variables]] built in.
See also the [[introduction to the concept of variables|Variables]].
To transclude the value of a variable, use the [[macro call syntax|Macro Calls in WikiText]] with no parameters. You can also use a <<.wlink MacroCallWidget>> widget.
A [[macro|Macros]] snippet can contain `$(name)$` as a [[placeholder|Macro Definitions in WikiText]] for which the value of the variable of that name will be substituted.
A variable's value can be used as a [[filter parameter|Filter Parameter]], or as a [[widget attribute|Widgets in WikiText]]. The latter supports macro parameters.
!! Example: defining a variable
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1"
eg="""<$set name=animal value=zebra>
!! Example: defining a macro
The `\define` pragma below [[defines a macro|Macros in WikiText]] called <<.var tags-of-current-tiddler>>. The macro returns the value of the tiddler's <<.field tags>> field, and can be accessed from anywhere else in the same tiddler (or in any tiddler that [[imports|ImportVariablesWidget]] it).
<$importvariables filter="$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/tags-of-current-tiddler">
<$codeblock code={{$:/editions/tw5.com/macro-examples/tags-of-current-tiddler}}/>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="2" eg="""The tags are: <<tags-of-current-tiddler>>"""/>
!! Example: using a variable as a filter parameter
This example uses the <<.olink backlinks>> [[operator|Filter Operators]] to list all tiddlers that link to this one.
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="3" eg="""<<list-links filter:"[<currentTiddler>backlinks[]]">>"""/>
! Introduction
The ''vars'' widget allows multiple variables to be set in one operation. In some situations it can result in simpler code than using the more flexible SetWidget.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$vars>` widget is the scope for the value assigned to the variable.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|//{attributes not starting with $}// |Each attribute name specifies a variable name. The attribute value is assigned to the variable |
! Examples
Consider a case where you need to set multiple variables.
Using the `<$vars>` widget, this situation may be handled in the following way:
\define helloworld() Hello world!
<$vars greeting="Hi" me={{!!title}} sentence=<<helloworld>>>
<<greeting>>! I am <<me>> and I say: <<sentence>>
In contrast, here is the same example using the `<$set>` widget:
<$set name="greeting" value="Hi" />
<$set name="me" value={{!!title}} />
<$set name="sentence" value=<<helloworld>> />
<<greeting>>! I am <<me>> and I say: <<sentence>>
! Remarks
It should be noted that this widget differs from the set widget in the following ways:
* A fallback (also known as "emptyValue") cannot be specified
* Filters cannot be used to produce a conditional variable assignement
* Variable names must be literal strings
The <<.def version>> [[macro|Macros]] returns the current version number of ~TiddlyWiki.
!! Parameters
<<.macro-examples "version">>
<$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""Version number: <<version>>"""/>
The following TiddlyWiki videos are available.
<<list-links "[tag[Videos]]">>
The aim is to curate a series of videos to guide people through getting up and running with TiddlyWiki. [[Contributions|Contributing]] are welcome.
! Introduction
The view widget displays the contents of a tiddler field in a specified format.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$view>` widget is displayed if the field or property is missing or empty.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The title of the tiddler (defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]) |
|field |The name of the field to view (defaults to "text") |
|index |The name of the index to view |
|format |The format for displaying the field (see below) |
|template |Optional template string used with certain formats such as dates |
|subtiddler |Optional SubTiddler title when the target tiddler is a [[plugin|Plugins]] (see below) |
!! Formats
The following formats can be specified in the `format` attribute:
|!Format |!Description |
|''text'' |Plain text |
|''htmlwikified'' |The field is wikified and the resulting HTML returned as plain text |
|''htmlencoded'' |The field is displayed with HTML encoding issues |
|''date'' |The field is interpreted as a UTC date and displayed according to the DateFormat specified in the `template` attribute |
|''relativedate'' |The field is interpreted as a UTC date and displayed as the interval from the present instant |
|''stripcomments'' |The field is interpreted as JavaScript source code and any lines beginning `\\#` are stripped |
|''jsencoded'' |The field is displayed as a JavaScript encoded string |
! SubTiddler Access
The view widget allows access to the individual tiddlers stored within a [[plugin|Plugins]].
The following example will view the core version of the tiddler [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]] even if it has been overridden:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '
<$view tiddler="$:/core" subtiddler="$:/DefaultTiddlers"/>
An interactive timeline visualisation plugin based on [[Vis.js|http://visjs.org]]. A demo can be found here: {{!!url}}.
vis.js Timeline is a TiddlyWiki plugin that allows you to link your wiki-topics (tiddlers) in order to create clickable timelines. This project is a direct continuation of [[emkay's plugin|https://github.com/emkayonline/tw5visjs]].
<a class="tc-float-right tc-bordered-image" href="http://classic.tiddlywiki.com/" target="_blank">[img width="200" [TiddlyWiki Classic.png]]</a>
The original [[Classic|TiddlyWikiClassic]] version of TiddlyWiki is still available at:
Note that the [[current version|TiddlyWiki5]] of TiddlyWiki is not fully backwards compatible with TiddlyWikiClassic. Content can be imported but will need massaging to adapt to the new WikiText format. A ''tw2parser'' plugin is under development that will allow faithful display of most content created for TiddlyWikiClassic:
The `tm-add-field` message is handled by the FieldManglerWidget. It adds the specified field with a blank value if the field doesn't already exist.
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Name of field to add |
The add field message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the FieldManglerWidget.
The `tm-add-tag` message is handled by the FieldManglerWidget. It adds the specified tag.
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Name of tag to add |
The add tag message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the FieldManglerWidget.
The autosave wiki message causes the current saver module to perform a background save if it is required.
The autosave wiki message should be generated whenever changes are made to the store. For example, the navigator widget generates the autosave wiki message as part of its handling of the [[WidgetMessage: tm-save-tiddler]], [[WidgetMessage: tm-delete-tiddler]] and [[WidgetMessage: tm-perform-import]].
The autosave wiki message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SaverModule|SaverModules]]. Not all SaverModules can handle autosaving.
The `tm-browser-refresh` message refreshes the page, causing the re-initialisation of any plugin tiddlers. It does not require any properties on the `event` object.
The refresh message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the core.
The `tm-cancel-tiddler` message abandons the changes in a draft tiddler. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is being cancelled out of edit mode |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The cancel tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The `tm-clear-password` message clears the current password from the password vault, clearing the [[$:/isEncrypted]] tiddler. See EncryptionMechanism for details.
This message is typically generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the core itself.
The close all tiddlers message empties the story list.
The close all tiddlers message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The `tm-close-other-tiddlers` message removes all but a specified tiddler from the story list. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is not to be closed |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The close other tiddlers message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The `tm-close-tiddler` message removes a specified tiddler from the story list. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is to be closed |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The close tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The `tm-delete-tiddler` message deletes the specified tiddler and removes it from the current story. If the tiddler is a draft then it also deletes the tiddler specified in the `draft.of` field. The delete tiddler message requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is to be deleted |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The delete tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The download file message causes the current saver module to prompt the user to download the result of parsing a specified template tiddler as a file. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of a tiddler to use as a template for the new tiddler |
|paramObject |Optional hashmap of variable values to use for the rendering |
The download file message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget.
The download file message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SaverModule|SaverModules]].
The `tm-edit-tiddler` message replaces the specified tiddler in the current story with a draft version of itself. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is being switched to edit mode |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The edit tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget or the ActionSendMessageWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The fullscreen message toggles the "fullscreen" mode of the browser, if it supports it.
The fullscreen message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core.
The `tm-home` message closes any open tiddlers and re-opens the default tiddlers set in [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]]. It also remove any [[permalink|PermaLinks]] from the browser address bar. It does not require any properties on the `event` object.
The home message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the core.
The `tm-import-tiddlers` message inserts a list of tiddlers into the pending import tiddler [[$:/Import]]. It also applies any active ''upgrader'' modules to each tiddler as it arrives (see the UpgradeMechanism for more details).
|!Name |!Description |
|param |JSON text of the array of tiddlers to be imported |
The import tiddlers message is usually generated with the DropzoneWidget or the BrowseWidget, and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
! Configuration Variables
* <<.vlink tv-auto-open-on-import>>
The login message prompts the user for a username and password and attempts to login to the current serverside host. The tiddler [[$:/status/IsLoggedIn]] reflects the current login status with the values "yes" or "no", and [[$:/status/UserName]] reflects the current username.
The login message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SyncAdaptorModule|SyncAdaptorModules]] (typically the ''tiddlywiki/tiddlywebadaptor'' plugin).
The logout message attempts to log the user out of the current serverside host. The tiddler [[$:/status/IsLoggedIn]] reflects the current login status with the values "yes" or "no", and [[$:/status/UserName]] reflects the current username.
The logout message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SyncAdaptorModule|SyncAdaptorModules]] (typically the ''tiddlywiki/tiddlywebadaptor'' plugin).
The modal message displays a specified tiddler in a modal overlay that dims the main page. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler to be displayed |
|paramObject |Hashmap of variables to be provided to the modal |
The "currentTiddler" variable is set to the title of the modal tiddler, but can be overridden by specifying a different value in `paramObject`.
The modal message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget. The modal message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core.
! Example
Here is an example of displaying a modal and passing parameters to it:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src='Your name: <$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/yourName" tag="input" default="Your name"/>
Your message:
<$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/yourMessage" default="Your message"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-modal" $param="SampleModal" yourName={{$:/temp/yourName}} yourMessage={{$:/temp/yourMessage}}/>
Click me!
The `tm-navigate` message inserts the specified tiddler into the story and puts it at the top of the history stack. If the tiddler is not already present in the story then it will be positioned immediately after the tiddler specified in `event.navigateFromTitle`.
The navigate message requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|navigateTo |Title of the tiddler that is being navigated |
|navigateFromTitle |Title of the tiddler from which the navigation was initiated |
|navigateFromClientRect |Bounding rectangle in client page coordinates of the element initiating the navigation |
|navigateSuppressNavigation |''true'' causes the new tiddler to only be added to the story, and not the history stack. This suppresses the scrolling associated with navigating to a tiddler |
The navigate message can be generated by the LinkWidget, the ActionNavigateWidget and the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The new tiddler message creates a new draft tiddler and adds it to the current story. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |The optional title of a tiddler to use as a template for the new tiddler |
|paramObject |Optional hashmap of additional tiddler fields |
|navigateFromTitle |Title of the tiddler from which the navigation to the new tiddler was initiated |
The title for the draft tiddler is chosen according to these rules:
* If a hashmap was used and a title field was specified, use that title
* If a template tiddler was used, use the title of the template tiddler, making it unique with a numeric suffix
* Otherwise, generate a new title based on the default new tiddler title with a numeric suffix to make it unique
The new tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget or ActionSendMessageWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
! Example
To make a button that creates new tiddlers tagged "task", create a tiddler called "TaskTemplate" with that tag, and then make your button like this:
<$button message="tm-new-tiddler" param="TaskTemplate">New Task</$button>
The notify message briefly displays a specified tiddler as a small alert in the upper right corner of the page. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler to be displayed |
The notify message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core.
The perform import message copies tiddlers from a specified plugin into the main store. See the UpgradeMechanism for an overview of how it is used by the core.
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the pending import tiddler. Defaults to ''$:/Import'' |
To select which tiddlers are to be imported, fields with names formed from `selection-` plus the title of the tiddler are used. The value ''unchecked'' causes the tiddler to be skipped from the import.
The perform import message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The `tm-permalink` message changes the browser address bar to form a [[permalink|PermaLinks]] to a specified tiddler, defaulting to the current tiddler.
The permalink message supports the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler to be permalinked |
|tiddlerTitle |The current tiddler (used by default if the tiddler title isn't specified in the `param`) |
The permalink message can be generated by the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the story mechanism.
The `tm-permaview` message changes the browser address bar to form a [[permaview|PermaLinks]] that specifies all the open tiddlers in the main story river, and the tiddler to be navigated, defaulting to the current tiddler.
The permaview message supports the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler to be navigated within the permaview |
|tiddlerTitle |The current tiddler (used by default if the tiddler title isn't specified in the `param`) |
The permaview message can be generated by the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the story mechanism.
The `tm-remove-field` message is handled by the FieldManglerWidget. It removes the specified field.
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Name of field to remove |
The remove field message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the FieldManglerWidget.
The `tm-remove-tag` message is handled by the FieldManglerWidget. It removes the specified tag.
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Name of tag to remove |
The remove tag message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the FieldManglerWidget.
The `tm-save-tiddler` message is applied to draft tiddlers. It saves the draft over the tiddler identified in the `draft.of` field and then deletes the draft. The save tiddler message requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is being switched out of edit mode |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The save tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The save wiki message causes the current saver module to perform a full save operation. The save operation can involve user interaction. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of a tiddler to use as a template for rendering the wiki (defaults to `$:/core/save/all`) |
|paramObject |Optional hashmap of variable values to use for the rendering |
The save wiki message is usually generated by the ButtonWidget.
The save wiki message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SaverModule|SaverModules]].
The server refresh message attempts to synchronise the latest changes to the current serverside host.
The server refresh message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SyncAdaptorModule|SyncAdaptorModules]] (typically the ''tiddlywiki/tiddlywebadaptor'' plugin).
The `tm-set-password` message prompts the user for a new password and stores it in the password vault, replacing any existing password. It also sets the [[$:/isEncrypted]] tiddler. See EncryptionMechanism for details.
This message is typically generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the core itself.
~TiddlyWiki's display is driven by an underlying collection of <<.def widgets>>. These are organised into a tree structure: each widget has a parent widget and zero or more child widgets.
~TiddlyWiki generates this <<.def "widget tree">> by parsing the WikiText of tiddlers. Each component of the WikiText syntax, including even the trivial case of ordinary text, generates a corresponding widget. The widget tree is an intermediate representation that is subsequently rendered into the actual display.
Widgets are analogous to elements in an HTML document. Indeed, HTML tags in WikiText generate dedicated <<.def "element widgets">>.
Each class of widget contributes a specific ability to the overall functionality, such as the ability to <<.wlink2 "display an image" ImageWidget>> or <<.wlink2 "a button" ButtonWidget>>, to <<.wlink2 "call a macro" MacroCallWidget>> or <<.wlink2 "transclude text from elsewhere" TranscludeWidget>>, or to [[mark a piece of text as a heading|HTML in WikiText]].
The more specialised widgets use a general-purpose [[widget syntax|Widgets in WikiText]] as their only possible WikiText representation.
The following classes of widget are built into the core:
<<list-links "[tag[Widgets]]">>
Widgets provide rich functionality within WikiText. They have the same syntax as [[HTML elements|HTML in WikiText]], but the tag name always starts with `$`. For example:
<$button message="tm-close-tiddler">Close Me!</$button>
Note that widgets inherit all the features of [[HTML in WikiText]]:
* Widget attributes can be specified as:
** Unquoted strings (that cannot contain spaces)
** Strings quoted with single or double quotes
** Strings quoted with triple-double quotes
** Macro invocations (eg `attr=<<myMacro>>`)
** Transclusions (eg, `attr={{MyTiddler!!field}}`)
* The content of a widget is parsed in inline mode unless the opening tag is followed by two linebreaks, which forces block mode
** 'Inline mode' means that 'block mode' parse rules like headings, tables and lists are not recognised
See [[HTML in WikiText]] for more details.
The available widgets include:
<<list-links "[tag[Widgets]]">>
Groups of uniquely titled tiddlers are contained in WikiStore objects.
The WikiStore also manages the plugin modules used for widgets, and operations like serializing, deserializing, parsing and rendering tiddlers.
~WikiText is a concise, expressive way of typing a wide range of text formatting, hypertext and interactive features. It allows you to focus on writing without a complex user interface getting in the way. It is designed to be familiar for users of [[MarkDown|http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/]], but with more of a focus on linking and the interactive features.
See [[Formatting text in TiddlyWiki]] for an introduction to WikiText.
The following elements of WikiText syntax are built into the core:
<<list-links "[tag[WikiText]]">>
Under Windows it is possible to convert TiddlyWiki into a true local application by renaming the HTML file to have the extension `*.hta`. The ''fsosaver'' module can then use the ~ActiveX ~FileSystemObject to save changes.
Note that one disadvantage of this approach is that the TiddlyWiki file is saved in UTF-16 format, making it up to twice as large as it would be with the usual UTF-8 encoding. However, opening and saving the file via another saving method will re-encode the file to UTF-8.
See Wikipedia for more details: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML_Application
! Introduction
If you want to [[contribute|Contributing]] to TiddlyWiki's development, rather than [[installing TiddlyWiki in the usual way|Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js]], you can work directly with the GitHub repository.
Mario Pietsch has created a [[short video introduction|Working with the TiddlyWiki5 repository video]].
! Setting Up
# Create an account on GitHub if you don't already have one
# Fork the TiddlyWiki5 GitHub repository from https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5
# Clone a local copy of your fork
# Open a command line terminal and change the current working directory to the root of the repo
# Type `npm link` (Windows) or `sudo npm link` (Mac/Linux) to tell [[npm]] to use this copy of the repo as the globally installed one
After this procedure you can work with TiddlyWiki5 via [[npm]] as though it were installed in the usual way with `npm install -g tiddlywiki`.
See also [[Scripts for TiddlyWiki on Node.js]].
Mario Pietsch has created a short video tutorial on [[working with the TiddlyWiki5 GitHub repository|Working with the TiddlyWiki5 repository]].
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/6ElUruH92tc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Information to help you get started using TiddlyWiki:
<<list-links "[tag[Working with TiddlyWiki]]">>
Tiddlyclip has the facility to prompt the user for text input as part of a clip action. To be prompted for text to add to your Pins we added the following to the TiddlyClipConfig:
|!Category|!Tip|!Tags|!Rule Tid|!Modes|
|pinAndProse|pin it||[[defaultPin]]|userstring|
The mode 'userstring' tells the addon to open a dialogue so that text can be entered
Tiddlyclip includes the ability to take screenshots or 'snaps'. This facility has adding by including a new action to the tiddlyclip config that is slightly different to the snip action. Here we have add a rule called defaultSnap, and add the mode 'snap30' where 'snap' is the instruction to take a screen shot and 30 in the linear % size for the resultant image.
|!Category|!Tip|!Tags|!Rule Tid|!Modes|
|Snap|screen shot||[[defaultSnap]]|snap30|
The default configuration can be extended to allow tags to be added to clips and clipped tids. This is achieved thru changes to a configuration tiddler, namely the //~TiddlyClipConfig//, here is an example:
<hr style="border-style: dotted;" />
|!Category|!Tip|!Tags|!Rule Tid|!Modes|
|Tip|highlight a tid title|clippedtid|[[defaultTip]]|tiddlers|
<hr style="border-style: dotted;" />
The items that appear in the 'Category' column will appear in the browser's context menus. What is shown is the default operation 'Tip' being replaced with a new operation (which is the same as the default with the addition of a tag 'clippedtid'), and two new operations being defined. Details about //~TiddlyClipConfig// are given here [[The TiddlyClipConfig|The TiddlyClipConfig]].
<$set name="loop1" value=<<qualify "$:/temp/taglist">>>
<$taglist class="btn btn-primary" template=taglisttemplate>taglisttemplate</$taglist>
Tiddlyclip (TC) allows parts of webpages to be clipped into a tiddlywiki (TW), and consists of two parts, the browser Addon and the TW plugin. The Addon is completely memoryless, any configuration is determined by the current TW that the user has select to work with (we say that the Addon is docked to the TW). TC is designed to work (in a basic mode) without configuration. Once the Addon and plugin are installed, all the user has to do is select which TW to dock to.
<$set name="loop1" value=<<qualify "$:/temp/taglist">>>
<$taglist class="btn btn-primary" nodrop="true" template=taglisttemplate>taglisttemplate</$taglist>
!A Simple Example
Configurations will be explained by way of an example
<<tabsheader "[[The TiddlyClipConfig]] [[The RuleTid]]" "The TiddlyClipConfig"">>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/tab<<currentTiddler>>' default='The TiddlyClipConfig' text='The TiddlyClipConfig'>
An example ~TiddlyClipConfig tiddler is shown below.
The ~TiddlyClipConfig tiddler is the starting point for defining tiddlyclip operations, it contains a number of tables (at least one), with each table preceded by section title (In the example below, the section is 'default').
The TiddlyClipConfig tiddler is copied from the tiddlywiki into the browser addon. Section titles and Categories appear in the context menu of the browser.
Sections appear under 'tiddlyclip sets' [[add screenshot]] , the currently selected section has a * in front of it, and Category entries from its corresponding table appear in the 'tiddlyclip as' entry [[add screen shot]].
This example shows a configuration that captures a screen shot of a webpage.In the mode snap30 'snap' is the instruction to take a screen shot and 30 in the linear % size for the resultant image. See the next tab for a description of the Rule Tid.
<hr style="border-style: dotted;" />
|!Category|!Tip|!Tags|!Rule Tid|!Modes|
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/tab<<currentTiddler>>' text='The RuleTid'>
The Rule Tid has a single rules table. The contents of a rules table define how tiddlyclip creates/modifies tiddlers, and how a clip is placed into these tiddlers along with tiddlywiki text. Each rule table is placed into a separate tiddler.
In this example the title of the tiddler will take its name from the name of then webpage that we are clipping.
The "Field Initals" entry sets tiddler fields when the tiddler is created, here the type of the tiddler is set. Next we see that a tag 'clippedimage' is to be applied to the tiddler.
!!Contents of the tiddler CaptureRule:
<hr style="border-style: dotted;" />
!!!See also: [[Building Configurations -Part 2]]
!A Further Example
This example shows a configuration that captures a screen shot of a webpage, page link and user comment.
<<tabsheader "[[The TiddlyClipConfig]] [[The RuleTid]]" "The TiddlyClipConfig"">>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/tab<<currentTiddler>>' default='The TiddlyClipConfig' text='The TiddlyClipConfig'>
In the TiddlyClipConfig table shown below the mode entry contains 'userstring' which is the instruction to prompt the user for input.
<hr style="border-style: dotted;" />
|!Category|!Tip|!Tags|!Rule Tid|!Modes|
|snapPage|||SnapRule|snap30 userstring|
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/tab<<currentTiddler>>' text='The RuleTid'>
In this example 2 tiddlers will be created. The first tiddler created is a screen capture, and stores content to an image tiddler, and we can see that the type is set appropriately in the 'Field initials' column. The title of the tiddler will take its name from the name of the webpage that we are clipping (as before), with the addition of '/image' appended.
In the body entry of the second rule, we have:
*``((*pageRef*))`` - a link to the original page
*``\n\n`` - starts a new paragraph
*``{{((*@pageTitle*))/thumbprint}}`` - the first tiddler is transcluded
*``((*@userstring*))`` - the text entered by the user
!!Contents of the tiddler SnapRule:
<hr style="border-style: dotted;" />
|!Title|!Body|!Tags|!Fields modifiers|!field initials|!Modes|
!!!See also: [[Building Configurations -Part 3]]
Building on part2 - adding selected text
This example adds selected text to the previous example, the TiddlyClipConfig is the same so is not repeated here. In order to make the rule more readable, the 'body' entry of the second row has been put in its own tiddler.
<<tabsheader "[[The RuleTid]] [[body detail tid]]" "[[The RuleTid]]">>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/tab<<currentTiddler>>' default='The RuleTid' text='The RuleTid'>
The @text variable needs to be added to the body entry In the rule table. However this would make the entry rather long and hard to read and so a 'body detail' tiddly is used to hold the entry details, and the name of this tiddler is placed in the RuleTid.
!!Contents of the tiddler SnapRule
<hr style="border-style: dotted;" />
|!Title|!Body|!Tags|!Fields modifiers|!field initials|!Modes|
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/tab<<currentTiddler>>' text='body detail tid'>
Tiddlyclip is controlled by configurations. An Introduction to making your own configuration is given in the form of some simple examples.
Start with [[Building Configurations -Part 1]].
\define controltcc(var1)
<$linkcatcher set=tcc1 setTo={{!!title}} >
<$reveal state=tcc1 text={{!!title}} type="match"><$button class="tw-taglist" set=tcc1 setTo="">[x]</$button></$reveal>
<$link dragoverclic="yes"><span class="tw-taglist"><$view field="title"/></span></$link></$linkcatcher>
<$fieldmangler><$button param=ToC message="tm-remove-tag" class="tc-btn-invisible">{{$:/core/images/cancel-button}}</$button></$fieldmangler>
!Control order of ToC
<$taglist class="btn btn-primary" targeTtag="ToC" ><<controltcc null>></$taglist>
<$taglist class="btn btn-primary" targeTtag={{tcc1}} template=TocTemplate></$taglist>
The table of rules in [[Tc Local Rules]] are use to create external image and other media tiddlers. The rules create relative addresses if the files are located with the docked tiddlywiki (in the same or in sub folder to the docked tiddlywiki).
To use append the contents of [[Tc Local Rules]] to your TiddlyClipConfig tiddler then copy (drag and drop or clip) the rule tiddlers referenced by this table into your tiddlywiki, then reload your tiddlywiki and re-dock it. Then right clip and select 'Tc Local Rules' from the '~TiddlyClip Setup' sub menu.
!Example usage
Use firefox to browse files on you computer (linux type 'file:///' into the location bar, windows it is 'file:///c/') place the curser over a filename then right click and apply one of the rules from the 'Tiddlyclip using Tc Local Rules' submenu.
"parseropts": {
"tables": true
<embed width="400" height="50" src="file:///media/3497f82e-3b95-41de-90af-df905eceeab4/data/spanish/elementary/spanishpod_B0396.html">.
<$set name="loop1" value=<<qualify "$:/temp/taglist">>>
<$taglist class="btn btn-primary" template=taglisttemplate>taglisttemplate</$taglist>
Right click the mouse over the tiddlywiki and click "Tiddlyclip Setup" then "dock to this tiddlywiki". Tiddlyclip is now ready to use with this tiddlywiki.
The chrome addon needs to be added locally.
Right click the link below to save the addon locally. (unzip it)
click the menu button then click "more tools" then extensions, then load unpacked extension
"#rule": "/.*(\\[\\[[\\s\\S]*?\\/issues\\/[0-9]*\\]\\]).*/g"
"#term": "$1"
"#newdata": "((*#tw2/#rule/#term*))"
|!Title|!Body|!Tags|!Fields modifiers|!field initials|!Modes|
|((*@pageTitle*))|[[isssuesRule]]|||{"$location":"((*@pageRef*))"},{"$caption":"((*@pageTitle*))"},{"$when":"((*@dateTimeShort*))"}|append add|
!! Bug Fixes
* [[added|https://github.com/buggyj/tiddlyclip-plugin/buggyj/tiddlyclip-plugin/issues/6]] module to convert paths under or equal to current paths as local
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/buggyj/tiddlyclip-plugin/buggyj/tiddlyclip-plugin/issues/5]] within tiddlyclip config tables, entries like "[‌[x]] a" treated as links (and cause a parse error)
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/buggyj/tiddlyclip-plugin/buggyj/tiddlyclip-plugin/issues/4]] within a tags entry in tiddlyclip tables, [‌[x]] is treated as a hyperlink
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/buggyj/tiddlyclip-plugin/buggyj/tiddlyclip-plugin/issues/3]] when write mode is inc tags are overwritten
* [[added|https://github.com/buggyj/tiddlyclip-plugin/buggyj/tiddlyclip-plugin/issues/2]] handling of tags of the form [‌[a b]] needs implementing
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/buggyj/tiddlyclip-plugin/buggyj/tiddlyclip-plugin/issues/1]] adding a string to the tag entry of TiddlyClipConfig has no effect
\rules only table wikilink prettylink
|!Title|!Body|!Tags|!Fields modifiers|!field initials|!Modes|
|[[TITLETID]]|<$image source ='((*@sublink(@linkURL)*))'/>|||{"$location":"((*@linkURL*))"}||
\rules only table wikilink prettylink
|!Title|!Body|!Tags|!Fields modifiers|!field initials|!Modes|
\rules only table wikilink prettylink
|!Title|!Body|!Tags|!Fields modifiers|!field initials|!Modes|
\rules only table wikilink prettylink
|!Title|!Body|!Tags|!Fields modifiers|!field initials|!Modes|
\rules only table wikilink prettylink
|!Title|!Body|!Tags|!Fields modifiers|!field initials|!Modes|
<svg class="tc-image-menu-button tc-image-button" viewBox="0 -80 80 80" width="22pt" height="22pt" transform="scale(0.4)">
<rect x="0" y="16" width="128" height="16" rx="8"></rect>
<rect x="0" y="56" width="128" height="16" rx="8"></rect>
<rect x="0" y="96" width="128" height="16" rx="8"></rect>
<$image source="file:///home/jeff/Pictures/IMG_20140427_122528.jpg">
<$set name="loop1" value=<<qualify "$:/temp/taglist">>>
<$taglist nodrop="true" template=taglisttemplate>taglisttemplate</$taglist>
<$set name="loop1" value=<<qualify "$:/temp/taglist">>>
<$taglist class="btn btn-primary" template=taglisttemplate>taglisttemplate</$taglist>
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/buggyj/tiddlyclip/issues/18]] addon fails mozilla online sigining with version 41
See [[Release 0.08]]
!! Changes
* [[removed|https://github.com/buggyj/tiddlyclip/issues/8]] default categories shown when TiddlyClipConfig exists
* [[added|https://github.com/buggyj/tiddlyclip/issues/6]] current section name to 'clip as' in context menu
* [[changed|https://github.com/buggyj/tiddlyclip/issues/5]] LinkLocal LinkRemote now have lowercase first letters
* [[Improvement|https://github.com/buggyj/tiddlyclip/issues/3]] - links are passed on in a human readable
* [[added|https://github.com/buggyj/tiddlyclip/issues/2]] facility to conditionally show a clip Action based on link location
* [[added|https://github.com/buggyj/tiddlyclip/issues/1]] linkURL substitution variable
* [[added|https://github.com/buggyj/tiddlyclip-plugin/issues/6]] module to convert paths under or equal to current paths as local
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/buggyj/tiddlyclip-plugin/issues/5]] within tiddlyclip config tables, entries like "[‌[x]] a" treated as links (and cause a parse error)
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/buggyj/tiddlyclip-plugin/issues/4]] within a tags entry in tiddlyclip tables, [‌[x]] is treated as a hyperlink
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/buggyj/tiddlyclip-plugin/issues/3]] when write mode is inc tags are overwritten
* [[added|https://github.com/buggyj/tiddlyclip-plugin/issues/2]] handling of tags of the form [‌[a b]]
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/buggyj/tiddlyclip-plugin/issues/1]] adding a string to the tag entry of TiddlyClipConfig has no effect
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/buggyj/tiddlyclip/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aclosed/buggyj/tiddlyclip/issues/17]] tiddlycut appears in the context menu
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/buggyj/tiddlyclip/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aclosed/buggyj/tiddlyclip/issues/16]] in chrome version when a docked tw is removed/reloaded it still appears in the context menu
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/buggyj/tiddlyclip/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aclosed/buggyj/tiddlyclip/issues/15]] chrome version displays empty section list when config missing
Tiddlyclip (TC) allows parts of webpages to be clipped into a tiddlywiki (TW), and consists of two parts, the browser Addon and the TW plugin. The Addon is completely memoryless, any configuration is determined by the current TW that the user has select to work with (we say that the Addon is docked to the TW). TC is designed to work (in a basic mode) without configuration. Once the Addon and plugin are installed, all the user has to do is select which TW to dock to. (see Try It Now and BasicOperatio
<$image source="file:///home/jeff/Pictures/">
<div class='tc-table-of-contents'>
<<toc-selective-expandable 'ToC'>>
<div class="tc-taglist"><$linkcatcher to=loop1 >
<$reveal state=loop1 text={{!!title}} type="match"><$link to=""><span class="tc-taglist"><$view field="title"/></span></$link></$reveal><$reveal state=loop1 text={{!!title}} type="nomatch">
<$link><$view field="title"/></$link></$reveal></$linkcatcher><$link> ->@</$link></div>
<$reveal state=loop1 text={{!!title}} type="match">
<$transclude mode="block">
|!Category|!Tip|!Tags|!Rule Tid|!Modes|
|localmusic|make tiddler with mp3||[[localtwmp3]]|linkLocal|
|localjpeg|make tiddler with jpeg||[[localtwjpeg]]|linkLocal|
|localpng|make tiddler with jpeg||[[localtwpng]]|linkLocal|
|localpdf|make tiddler with pdf||[[localtwpdf]]|linkLocal|
<$set name="loop1" value=<<qualify "$:/temp/taglist">>>
<$taglist class="btn btn-primary" template=taglisttemplate>taglisttemplate</$taglist>
{{TcLists — webclip notebook/thumbprint}}
To use, go to a webpage in different tab but in the same browser window , select some content, right click the mouse, put the pointer over "tiddlyclip as", a submenu should appear, click on "snip". A tiddler will now have been created containing the clip. Come back to this Tiddlywiki and click on the 'recent' tab on the right hand side (or at the top of the page if you have a small screen) to see a link to the new tiddler
|!Category|!Tip|!Tags|!Rule Tid|!Modes|
|Issues|covert issues||[[issue2TW2]]||
|Tipc|copy tids||[[defaultTip]]|tiddlers TWC|
|Tip5|copy tids||[[defaultTip]]|tiddlers TW5|
|Snap|screen shot||[[defaultSnap]]|snap30|
|Pin|pin it ||[[defaultPin]]||
|!Category|!Tip|!Tags|!Rule Tid|!Modes|
|localmusic|make tiddler with mp3||[[localtwmp3]]|linkLocal|
|localjpeg|make tiddler with jpeg||[[localtwjpeg]]|linkLocal|
|localpng|make tiddler with jpeg||[[localtwpng]]|linkLocal|
|localpdf|make tiddler with pdf||[[localtwpdf]]|linkLocal|
<$linkcatcher set=tcc1 setTo={{!!title}} >
<$reveal state=tcc1 text={{!!title}} type="match"><$button class="tw-taglist" set=tcc1 setTo="">[x]</$button></$reveal>
<$link><span class="tw-taglist"><$view field="title"/></span></$link></$linkcatcher>
\define controltcc(var1)
<$linkcatcher set=tcc1 setTo={{!!title}} >
<$reveal state=tcc1 text={{!!title}} type="match"><$button class="tw-taglist" set=tcc1 setTo="">[x]</$button></$reveal>
<$link><span class="tw-taglist"><$view field="title"/></span></$link></$linkcatcher>
<$taglist class="btn btn-primary" nodrop="true" targeTtag="ToC" ><<controltcc null>></$taglist>
<$taglist class="btn btn-primary" targeTtag={{tcc1}} template=taglisttemplate nodrop="true"></$taglist>
\define toc-heading()
<$reveal type="nomatch" state=<<qualify "$:/state/toc/$(currentTiddler)$">> text="show">
<$button set=<<qualify "$:/state/toc/$(currentTiddler)$">> setTo="show" class="btn-invisible">{{$:/core/images/right-arrow}} $(currentTiddler)$
<$reveal type="match" state=<<qualify "$:/state/toc/$(currentTiddler)$">> text="show">
<$button set=<<qualify "$:/state/toc/$(currentTiddler)$">> setTo="hide" class="btn-invisible">{{$:/core/images/down-arrow}} $(currentTiddler)$
<$reveal type="match" state=<<qualify "$:/state/toc/$(currentTiddler)$">> text="show" retain="yes" animate="yes">
<$list filter="[tag[$(currentTiddler)$]]">
<$link><span class="tw-taglist"><$view field="title"/></span></$link><$fieldmangler><$button param= {{tcc1}} message="tm-remove-tag" class="tc-btn-invisible">{{$:/core/images/cancel-button}}</$button></$fieldmangler>
<$set name="loop1" value=<<qualify "$:/temp/taglist">>>
<$taglist class="btn btn-primary">{{!!title||taglisttemplate}}</$taglist>
!!Beyond the Basics
TC enables the user to utilise the power of TW to organise clips in a flexible manner, so that different content can be organised in different ways. The aim is to help the user to access the knowledge that is contained on the Web more easily. The clipping operation can be configured to control tiddler titles, add tags and manage the insertion of content (adding TW text, see [[Rich Clips|Rich Clip Template]]). The user can create a number of configuration
To updrage the plugin to version 0.08:-
> drop this link onto your tiddlywiki - [[$:/plugins/bj/tiddlyclip]], then reload your tiddlywiki .
You should also upgrade the firefox plugin to 0.0.9 :-
>{{Installing the Firefox Addon}}
See [[The Release Notes|Release 0.09]]
installing the chrome Addon
>{{installing the chrome Addon}}
\rules only table wikilink prettylink
|!Title|!Body|!Tags|!Fields modifiers|!field initials|!Modes|
!![[New to Tiddlyclip? - click here|New to TiddlyClip]]
!![[UpGrading? - click here|Upgrade Instructions]]
[[Creating Local Media Links]]
You can find me at ~GitHub:
# Click on "configure view" in the sidebar map editor.
# Go to "Background image"
# Reference an image in the following way:
#* Reference an image that is locally stored in your wiki by entering the title of the image tiddler.
#* Reference an external image by
#** entering the title of an image tiddler whose image has been set using the `_canonical_uri` field. See http://tiddlywiki.com/#ExternalImages.
#* Reference an image via an url (looks like `http://*.png`).
<i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle" /> When using an external image, always make sure the image is stored below the domain you use for hosting your wiki. Otherwise it won't work due to browser security restrictions!
<i class="fa fa-exclamation-circle" /> The background image is positioned at the graph's origin (0, 0). It may be the case that the image is not visible because your nodes are positioned too far away from the graph's origin. In this case: Zoom out to see where the image is located in your map, then press `ctrl+a` to select all nodes, finally, drag all nodes towards background.
!! Background texture of tiddlymap.org
Background patterns from [[http://subtlepatterns.com]] by Atle Mo licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0. The used GPlay Pattern is created by Dimitrie Hoekstra (http://dhesign.com).
\rules except wikilink
!! Try to keep your maps small
Small maps are faster to process by TiddlyMap and are generally easier to work with.
If a map becomes to big, try to [[outsource nodes into another view|Copy & paste nodes between views]]!
!! Use a small set of generic edge types in your wiki
This means: avoid creating different [[Edge types]] that are highly synonymous like //has created//, //authored//, //created by//, //creator of//. Instead stick to one name that is most suitable and generic. The same goes for [[Node types]].
!! Prefer generic node styles over specific node styles.
With all the [[different styling levels|Styling Nodes]], you'll save yourself some time if you use global styles whenever possible, especially global group styles. For example, if you have tiddlers that represent pieces of literature, then create a //node group// that adds a book icon to all these nodes – instead of styling all literature nodes individually.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
This refers to refactoring code, fixing bugs and making things prettier under the hood.
\rules except wikilink
!! Installing for TiddlyDesktop
In order to use TiddlyMap for TiddlyDesktop you cannot simply dragndrop the plugins
as described in the installation routine. Instead do this:
# For each plugin:
## click on the plugins' link (the plugin tiddler will open)
## click on the more actions symbol
## select "export tiddler" then "JSON file"
## download the file to your local filesystem
# For each downloaded file dragndrop it into your TiddlyDesktop wiki.
!! Widget's closing tag
Please do not use the following shortcut to close the widget as it often causes conflicts with the widget rendering.
<$tiddlymap />
Instead, use this version:
Generally speaking, it is recommended to use the TiddlyMap [[widget-wizard|Embedding views within tiddlers]] for the creation of the widget code. This way it is guaranteed
that an embedded widget is configured correctly.
!! Slow movements
<i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle" /> Sometimes it happens that when moving nodes or edges in a graph, it seems to be a slow or stagnant, while it usually runs smooth. This often happens after closing a modal. In this case __it always helps to do a click outside the canvas__ on a non-dynamic spot (e.g. on the wiki's background area). This is a [[known chrome bug|https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=507863]].
!! Performance
Generally speaking, the graph-visualization runs most smoothly in Google Chrome. If you prefer working with Firefox, however, you may want to enable hardware accelaration in Firefox (at your own risk), which sometimes significantly increases the performance of the graph operations.
!! Color values for nodes
Do __not__ use css color names (like "red" or "darkcyan" etc.) for //node// coloring, this might cause problems when calculating the node's contrast color in the graph. Instead use the hexadecimal notation (e.g. "#FFFFFF" for "white").
//This is a sample task for the TaskManagementExample//
The challenge to configure TiddlyMap and manage and persist these configurations.
Makes it possible to iterate over edges and nodes from within wiki text.
\rules except wikilink
{{This feature is available as of TiddlyMap v0.9.3.||$:/me/info}}
! Selection of nodes
Select multiple nodes By holding down the control key and clicking on the nodes. Alternatively, you can hold down the left mouse-key on a node for one second to select this node along with other nodes. To select all nodes use <kbd>ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>a</kbd>.
As of v0.12.0, another way to select nodes is to hold down <kbd>ctrl</kbd> and the right (or left) mouse button and then draw a selection rectangle.
! Cut or copy nodes
After selection, press <kbd>ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>x</kbd> to cut nodes or <kbd>ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>c</kbd> to copy nodes from the current view. The nodes will be copied into your clipboard and can be pasted via <kbd>ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>v</kbd> into another graph.
<i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle" /> When cutting nodes, TiddlyMap will try to remove the nodes from the current view's node filter. This only works, if the nodes have been added one by one to the view via the editor's "add node" button or by having double clicked on the canvas. If nodes were added with a filter (e.g. `[tag[Task]]`) then you need to change the node filter to remove nodes.
In any case, cutting nodes never removes them from the system, they are only removed from the view's filter. So in case you are worried: The worst thing that can happen is that you lose some styling information, but cutting a node will never result in a loss of data.
! Pasting nodes
Make sure you click on an empty spot on the canvas before pasting so TiddlyMap knows in which view you want to paste the nodes into.
After pasting, the pasted nodes are all selected so you can drag all pasted nodes to a suitable area of your map.
! Further information
* Here is a small introductory video on this feature: https://youtu.be/3GbH_xMOYNg
As of v0.10.0 you can add backgrounds to your maps. Click [[here|http://tiddlymap.org/#Think%20epic.%20Map%20your%20quests!]] to get some inspiration for what you can do with this feature. For more info on new features, see the [[release notes|http://tiddlymap.org/#Version%200.10.x]]!
In TiddlyWiki you can assign icons to your tiddlers by referencing a [[locally stored image|Local images]] in the tiddler's `icon` field. This icon will also appear next to the tiddler's title. When TiddlyMap sees that a Tiddler has an icon field set, it will try to make use of it by displaying it as node icon in a graph. For a complete list of shipped TiddlyWiki images see: [[TiddlyWiki images as node icons]].
<i class="fa fa-exclamation-circle" /> As of [[v0.9.0|Version 0.9.x]] it is possible to use [[Font Awesome for TiddlyWiki]] and paste the icon code (e.g. `` or simply `f072`) into a tiddler field `tmap.fa-icon`. This icon, however, will only be displayed in the graph, not in the tiddler title. Also it is now possible to use [[group styles|Styling Nodes]] to assign an image to multiple nodes at once.
<$tiddlymap view="Tiddlers with Icons" height="250px"></$tiddlymap>
The map above is an example that shows some tiddlers that posses an icon. The world icon is a TiddlyWiki image assigned to the "World" Tiddler by creating an `icon` field in the tiddler and setting it to `$:/core/images/globe`. The plane icon is a Font Awesome icon that is assigned to the "Plane" Tiddler by creating a `tmap.fa-icon` field in the tiddler and setting it to ``.
Tiddlers (including their relationships) may be shared by different graphs and thus a tiddler-update may affect multiple graphs at once - same goes for adding relations - if the filters (views) are not disjunct.
if you don't want that, make sure tiddlers exclusively match a single filter and configure your view to operate in //private edge mode//.
Generally, it is regarded as best practice to group tiddlers that you want to be displayed together in a graph by using a certain tag that delimits the group and which may be used as filter in the view.
For example, if you want to create a graph that is concerned with the topic //cooking//.
Your workflow could be as follows:
# Create a new view and add a filter tag "cooking" in the editor. If the tag doesn't exist yet, no nodes will be displayed
# Doubleclick on an empty spot in the editor's canvas. This will create a tiddler that matches the current filter and is displayed in the graph.
#* Alternatively, you may also use tw add-button and tag tiddlers with "cooking" so they are displayed in the graph.
# Start creating relationships by using the menu functions in the editor.
#* Alternatively you can use the ~TiddlyMap button at the top of each tw-tiddler to link tiddlers and thus create edges.
Also note: Any view manipulation is done in the main editor window (or in any graph declared as editor).
\rules except wikilink
The default view is shipped with TiddlyMap and is not removable from TiddlyMap. It has no special meaning, yet, serves as a user's starting point to use TiddlyMap. Also, because it is guaranteed to always exist, it serves as fallback view that is opened when no other view exists.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
\rules except wikilink
{{This feature makes most sense in combination with the [[Live view]].||$:/me/info}}
A TiddlyMap widget will first and foremost display nodes that match the specified [[node filter|Node and edge-type filters]]. These "matches", together with their connections, form the "original graph". In addition, you may configure TiddlyMap to display another set of nodes: "neighbours".
Neighbours are all nodes that are not part of the original set of nodes but are connected (either outgoing or incoming) to a node of the original set.
On a per-view level, you can define, how big the displayed neighbourhood shall be. The size is measured in a distance unit called "step". A step stands for the traversal of an edge (regardless of it's direction). If e.g. a neighbourhood with the distance of 3 steps is displayed it means, that all nodes that can be reached within 3 steps, starting from the original set, will be displayed.
Just open the neighbourhood drop-down in the editor bar to define the size of the displayed neighbourhood for a view.
\rules except wikilink
\define toc-body(rootTag,tag,sort:"",itemClassFilter)
<ol class="tc-toc">
<$list filter="""[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$tag$]!has[draft.of]$sort$]-[tag[ReleaseNote]]""">
<$set name="toc-item-class" filter="""$itemClassFilter$""" value="toc-item-selected" emptyValue="toc-item">
<li class=<<toc-item-class>>>
<$list filter="[all[current]toc-link[no]]" emptyMessage="<$link><$view field='caption'><$view field='title'/></$view></$link>">
<$list filter="""[all[current]] -[[$rootTag$]]""">
<$macrocall $name="toc-body" rootTag="""$rootTag$""" tag=<<currentTiddler>> sort="""$sort$""" itemClassFilter="""$itemClassFilter$"""/>
! Introduction
In the sections below I tried to put down everything that is characteristic of TiddlyMap and that I consider important to develop an understanding of the tool. If some content is outdated, missing or confusing, please tell me. Thanks ;)
If you are a beginner and need a more visual introduction to TiddlyMap, I recommend you have a look at the videos of the [[TiddlyMap basics series|https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1Jnk3P6K3KO4EEIlFpzqIWgJOcyN7i61]].
! Table of contents
<<toc "Documentation" >>
Edge-types are the blueprint for edge instances. can be understood as containers that hold information about
* how edges of this type look like,
* how they are labeled,
* in which way they are stored (see [[Magic Edge-Type Namespaces]]).
Every edge necessarily belongs to an edge-type. If no edge-type is assigned to an edge during creation, then `tmap:unknown` is used as fallback.
<i class="fa fa-exclamation-circle" /> An edge-type can be created in advance, even when there are no edges of that type currently present in the wiki. This is done with the help of the [[Edge-type manager]].
! Valid edge type id strings
When you create a relation, e.g. by drawing an edge in the graph, you will have to define a string that identifies the type. This string is the type's `id`.
An edge-type `id` consists of the following parts of which the first two are optional:
<$railroad text="""
[:"_"] [: "namespace" ":" ] name
; The underscore symbol ("_")
: The underscore tells the system that the edge type is a [[private edge type|Private edge types]]. It is not shown in the map.
; Namespace
: The namespace is delimited by a colon. Read more about namespaces: [[Edge-type namespaces]]. It is not shown in the map.
; Name
: The name is displayed in the map unless a label is specified.
! Further reading
<<toc "$(currentTiddler)$">>
You will find more examples scattered across the page but here are some examples. Make sure you understood [[TiddlyWiki filters]].
! Only show edges containing the letter "is"
Just use a [[regexp filter|http://tiddlywiki.com/#regexp%20Operator]]:
! Hide all tag- and link-edges
Say you want to hide all edges based on tags and links in a certain [[view|Views]]. In this case, you need to open the view and in the menu select "edit filters". Then change the edge-type filter into the following:
Read more about [[tw-list]] and [[tw-body]] and [[Magic Edge-Type Namespaces]].
! Hide all edge types starting with "my"
If you want to exclude all types that begin with "my", e.g. `myedge1`, `myedge2`, then use the following filter:
! Allow only edges types starting with "my"
On the contrary, if you want to show only types that begin with "my", e.g. `myedge1`, `myedge2`, then add the following [[prefix filter|http://tiddlywiki.com/#prefix%20Operator]]:
This will deselect all types except the one starting with "my". Generally, it is a good idea to "bundle" certain types by using [[Edge-type namespaces]] or common prefixes. This way, you can quickly enable or disable a whole set of edge-types that is dedicated to a certain topic.
! Show only private edges types starting with "_my"
Just like in the example above, replace your whole filter with:
For an example, have a look at the "Family Tree" view's edge type filter.
! Hide all private types except those starting with "_my"
Say you want to keep all [[Private edge types]] hidden but make an exception for those prefixed with `_my`, e.g. `_mycooledge1` or `_mycooledge2`. In this case, you need to need to write the following:
-[prefix[_]] [prefix[_my]]
Alternatively, this would also work:
! Show only edges starting with "my" but not ending with "mo"
Combine the prefix filter with a [[suffix filter|http://tiddlywiki.com/#suffix%20Operator]].
In analogy to [[Node filters]], edge-type filters allow you to ensure that only those edges belonging to a certain set of [[Edge types]] are displayed in the map.
Per default, a newly created map imposes no restrictions on which edges are displayed. This means all edges of any type are shown, with the exception of [[Private edge types]], which are always excluded per default.
! Examples
See: [[Edge-type filter examples]].
The Edge-type manager gives you an overview over all edge-types in use. It allows you to remove edge-types and consequently all edges of this type. Moreover you can create new types, style and rename existing types or add a description.
The edge-type manager may be opened by clicking on an edge (unless you have disabled this feature) or by opening it from the [[The editor menu]].
Click this button to open the edge-type manager of this demo site now:
<$button message="tmap:tm-manage-edge-types">Open demo's edge-type manager</$button>
! Introduction
As of v0.7.5 ~TiddlyMap acknowledges namespaces for edge-types.
Namespaces provide a level of direction to specific identifiers, thus making it possible to distinguish between identical identifiers. This is similar to people names, where a surname could be thought of as a namespace that makes it possible to distinguish people who have the same given name.
In computer programming, namespaces are typically employed for the purpose of grouping symbols and identifiers around a particular functionality.
<<< [[Wikipedia|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Namespace]]
! Usage
When looking at an edge-type name, ~TiddlyMap regards everything that comes before a colon (:) as namespace and everything that follows the colon as actual name that is to be displayed in the graph. This notation equals the way namespaces are [[represented in XML|http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names]].
So when creating a new edge type (e.g. by drawing a new edge and specifying a type) you can give it the name [["foaf:knows"|http://xmlns.com/foaf/spec/#term_knows]] and only "knows" is displayed in the graph. However, when clicking on the edge to open the edge manager with the type description, you can see, to which domain "knows" belongs (foaf) and how it is defined.
! Advantage
In summary, namespaces may be used in ~TiddlyMap to achieve the following.
* Group edge-types that belong together (to create redistributable bundles).
* Distinguish edge-types that share the same name but belong to different contexts.
* Quickly enable or disable a whole set of edges via [[Edge-type filters]].
* Name conflicts are unlikely to arise when importing tiddlers and their relationships (which are stored as tiddler fields) from other wiki's.
! Examples
To see an example how edge-type namespaces may be used, just
<<tmap "option" "ref.defaultViewHolder">>
# Open the Family tree view
# and double click on an edge to view its type in the edge-type manager
# Also have a look at the view's edge-type filter
# and how the default namespace is set in the view's configuration
! Roadmap
The plans are to distribute ~TiddlyMap with semantic web vocabulary bundles like e.g. the well defined [[FOAF|http://xmlns.com/foaf/spec/]] vocabulary. Using "foaf:knows" instead of homegrown relationship names like "is acquainted with" or "has seen before" will standardize wikis and make it easier to look up definitions and understand the meaning.
Once a view is created, you may generate the widget code by opening the [[view menu|The editor menu]] of the map editor and clicking on the "Grab widget code" button.
<$button message="tmap:tm-generate-widget">
{{$:/core/images/permalink-button}} Grab widget code
Have a look at the many examples provided at this demo site to see how an embedded graph looks like.
Contains all ~TiddlyMap exceptions
You can add [[Font Awesome|https://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/]] to your wiki by using one of the sources below.
[[@tobibeer|https://github.com/tobibeer]] created a great reference page for how to employ Font Awesome with TiddlyWiki. I recommend you follow his instructions on how to install and use Font Awesome: http://tobibeer.github.io/tw/fa.
[[@TheDiveO|https://github.com/TheDiveO]] also created a Font Awesome plugin. See [[TW5FontAwesome Plugin|https://github.com/TheDiveO/TW5FontAwesome]]. However, his provided version is out of date.
\rules except wikilink
! {{$:/plugins/felixhayashi/tiddlymap/media/fullscreen.png}} Fullscreen mode
Need some room for your brainstorming? Then open the editor and switch to fullscreen by clicking on the fullscreen button that is displayed in the graph.
TiddlyMap will now consume all the possible space.
Moreover, you are able to edit, rename and preview your tiddlers without leaving the fullscreen. Just click on a node and TiddlyWiki's default tiddler editor will be displayed.
<i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle" /> As of v0.10.7, TiddlyMap will not use the browser's native fullscreen mode anymore, instead, it will stretch over the page's body. This has the benefit that you will still be able to see your bookmarks etc. If you want the real fullscreen experience, press <kbd>F11</kbd> and then activate TiddlyMap's fullscreen.
! {{$:/plugins/felixhayashi/tiddlymap/media/halfscreen.png}} Halfscreen mode
Alternatively you can configure TiddlyMap to switch into "halfscreen mode". The halfscreen mode is __only available for the sidebar editor__.
When in halfscreen mode, the sidebar editor will enlarge vertically and consume all space available in the sidebar. This means the sidebar will be completely hidden and only the editor is displayed.
The great advantage of the halfscreen mode is that you are always able to see the story river.
//This is a sample task for the TaskManagementExample//
\rules except wikilink
\define releaseNotes() [[release notes|Version History]]
\define upgradeInfo() [[upgrade infos|Upgrading to v0.11.x]]
\define plugin() $:/plugins/felixhayashi/tiddlymap
{{$:/beta warning}}
<$tiddler tiddler=<<plugin>>>
|!Version |{{!!version}} |
|!Build date |{{!!released}} |
|!TW5 compatibility |{{!!core-version}} |
Hi, this is the official demo site of TiddlyMap.
The [[motivation|TiddlyMap]] behind TiddlyMap is to combine the strengths of wikis and concept maps in the realms of personal knowledge management in a single application.
See the [[version history|Version History]] for a list of existing features, check out the [[docs|Documentation]] to discover what TiddlyMap can do for you or scroll down for some example. Use a double-click on the nodes to [[navigate|Navigation]] to the corresponding content. TiddlyMap is designed to be used on large desktop screens. Here is an impression of how it should look like: [[Screenshot|https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/13/TiddlyMap_Demo_Site_-_0.7.24.png]].
TiddlyMap is currently in its late beta-phase. If you want to use it in your wiki, check out the [[installation instructions|Installation]]. Many [[thanks|Special Thanks]] to everybody who made this project possible.
<iframe src="https://ghbtns.com/github-btn.html?user=felixhayashi&repo=TW5-TiddlyMap&type=star&count=true" frameborder="0" scrolling="0" height="20px"></iframe>
The TiddlyMap code is freely available at [[GitHub|https://github.com/felixhayashi/TW5-TiddlyMap]].
//This is a sample task for the TaskManagementExample//
|!Title |Design Science in Information Systems Research |
|!Authors |Alan R. Hevner, Salvatore T. March, Jinsoo Park, Sudha Ram |
|!Journal |MISQ |
Two paradigms characterize much of the research
in the Information Systems discipline: behavioral
science and design science. The behavioral-
science paradigm seeks to develop and verify
theories that explain or predict human or organi-
zational behavior. The design-science paradigm
seeks to extend the boundaries of human and
organizational capabilities by creating new and
innovative artifacts.
<<< Excerpt from the abstract
\rules except wikilink
{{$:/beta warning}}
{{Always be safe and backup your wiki before installation!||$:/me/warning}}
!! Disclaimer
By using this plugin you agree to the product's [[License Terms|$:/plugins/felixhayashi/tiddlymap/license]] (TiddlyMap is distributed under the [[BSD 2-Clause License|http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause]]).
!! Installation and update procedure
<i class="fa fa-exclamation-circle"></i> Before installing, I highly recommend you have a quick look at [[Common Pitfalls]] and [[Best Practices]].
<style>.ver { font-weight: normal; }</style>
# Get yourself an empty copy of TiddlyWiki at [[tiddlywiki.com|http://tiddlywiki.com]].
# Open your TiddlyWiki in a browser.
# Drag __all__ the links below into the browser window that contains your TiddlyWiki. You also need to drag all links __everytime__ you update TiddlyMap: <sup>[1]</sup>
#; [[TW5-TiddlyMap|$:/plugins/felixhayashi/tiddlymap]] @@.ver (v<<tmVer>>)@@
#: This is the core TiddlyMap plugin.
#; [[TW5-Vis.js|$:/plugins/felixhayashi/vis]] @@.ver (v<<visVer>>)@@
#: This plugin will install vis.js which is required for the graph's rendering.
#; [[TW5-HotZone|$:/plugins/felixhayashi/hotzone]] @@.ver (v<<hzVer>>)@@
#: This plugin is necessary when you want to use the //live view//.
#; [[TW5-TopStoryView|$:/plugins/felixhayashi/topstoryview]] @@.ver (v<<tsvVer>>)@@
#: Unless you are using the //zoomin// or //stacked// story view, install this plugin to achieve a better live view experience.
# Maybe you also want to install [[Font Awesome for TiddlyWiki]]
# Save your TiddlyWiki.
# Refresh the window.
# Click on the Map tab in your wiki's sidebar.
# Read and confirm the welcome dialog (appears only when installed for the first time).
# The plugin should now be available for use.
Also make sure to always check back to this site to see whether your version is up-to-date as updates and bugfixes come quick! For any bug you discover, please create an issue at [[github.com|https://github.com/felixhayashi/TW5-TiddlyMap/issues]].
For more Information see [[TiddlyWiki plugins]].
<small>Maybe not all plugins are required depending on your story view configuration and whether you want to use TiddlyMap in live mode or not. See [[Live view]] and [[Live tab]] for more info. If you are unsure, just drag & drop all plugins into your wiki.
\rules except wikilink
This refers to the quest of seemlessly integrating TiddlyMap with TiddlyWiki and Visjs.
So this is actually a twofolded challenge:
! Integrating TiddlyMap into TiddlyWiki
How should TiddlyMap and its components appear in TiddlyWiki?
* The [[TiddlyMap Toolbar Button]]
* The sidebar map [[editor|The editor menu]]
* [[Embedding views within tiddlers]]
! Integration of Visjs
Correctly implementing Visjs in the TiddlyWiki environment, making Visjs options available to the user and keeping TiddlyMap up-to-date with recent Visjs-upstream changes (like the transition from Visjs v3 to v4).
\rules except wikilink
TiddlyMap is integrated in many ways into TiddlyWiki and offers various interfaces where the user can interact with the system.
\rules except wikilink
! Introduction
In a classical mind- or concept-map program, you create isolated maps for different topics (''Use case 2''). However, because you are inside a wiki it makes much sense that nodes and relations defined in one map, (partly) reappear in other maps as well (''Use case 1'').
Now how to achieve both at the same time? Some suggestions are found below:
! Use case 1 -- Global topic linking
''Purpose:'' Turning your wiki into a network of information
TiddlyMap can be used to express the overall structure of your information contained in your wiki. On a top level, you want to show how each tiddler is related to all the other tiddlers in your wiki. With TiddlyMap, you may globally link your pieces of information in your wiki, thus creating a big holistic network of linked tiddlers.
''Howto:'' Global topic linking is the default mode of TiddlyMap and doesn't need further adjustments.
! Use case 2 -- Independent maps
''Purpose:'' To create (almost) isolated concept or mind maps
When creating concept or mind maps, you may want only a narrow set of edge-types and nodes to be displayed in the current view.
1. Prevent other edges from showing up:
In this case it is best to prefix all edge types that you create with a certain [[namespace|Edge-type namespaces]] (domain) and change the view's filter to only include edge types with this prefix. For example the "Family tree" view at this website uses the `family:` namespace to only include edges that start with this namespace, e.g. `family:mother of` or `family:brother of`. You can also set the default prefix for edges created inside a certain view via the view configuration menu.
2. Prevent edges from leaking out:
Some relationships only make sense in a certain view and shall not be displayed somewhere else. For this task, use [[Private edge types]].
3. Only show a subset of nodes:
You can add nodes one by one to the view to ensure, only a subset of nodes is displayed in the graph. Alternatively, specify a dedicated tag for all nodes that should appear in the graph and change the node filter of the view accordingly.
The language in which TiddlyWiki and TiddlyMap are written in.
Jeremy is the inventor and maintainer of TiddlyWiki.
You can follow him on these channels:
* [[Jermolene on GitHub|https://github.com/Jermolene]]
* [[Jermolene on GitTip|https://www.gittip.com/Jermolene/]], a micropayment service
* [[@Jermolene on Twitter|http://twitter.com/#!/jermolene]]
* [[Jermy on LinkedIn|http://www.linkedin.com/in/jermy]]
* [[Jermy on Flickr|http://www.flickr.com/photos/jermy/]]
\define link() If you feel that some useful shortcuts are missing, please make a post [[here|https://github.com/felixhayashi/TW5-TiddlyMap/issues/197]].
! Edge creation via keyboard
* Select a single node and press
** <kbd>ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>1</kbd> to specify a node that serves as "from" part
** <kbd>ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>2</kbd> Specify node that serves as "to" part
* Ones "from" and "to" parts are specified, the "create edge" dialog is opened and a the type may be specified.
! Searching (zooming/focussing) a node
When the widget has focus
* Pressing <kbd>ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>f</kbd> opens the "zoom on node" dropdown.
* The cursor is placed inside the search input box and you may immediately start typing.
* To select a node
** use the <kbd>Tab</kbd> key (tabulator key) and hit <kbd>enter</kbd> (may not work in all browsers) or
** use the mouse and click on the title displayed in the list.
* Another <kbd>ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>f</kbd> or <kbd>esc</kbd> closes the search box.
! Opening a tiddler
* Hit <kbd>enter</kbd> will open the tiddler corresponding to the selected node.
! Deleting nodes or edges
* When nodes are selected, pressing <kbd>del</kbd> will open a dialog where you can either delete the nodes from the map's filter (if possible) or from the system. In the latter case, the tiddlers corresponding to the nodes are removed from the store and all edges connected to these tiddlers.
* The <kbd>del</kbd> key may be also used to remove edges from the system.
! Full- and halfscreen
For more details see: [[Fullscreen and halfscreen]].
* <kbd>F10</kbd> will toggle fullscreen mode
* <kbd>F9</kbd> will toggle fullscreen halfscreen mode (if possible)
! Selecting nodes
For more details see: [[Copy & paste nodes between views]].
* Hold down <kbd>ctrl</kbd> as well as the right (or left) mouse button and move your mouse to select nodes in the current map.
* Press <kbd>ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>a</kbd> to select all nodes in the current map.
* Press <kbd>ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>c</kbd> to copy selected nodes.
* Press <kbd>ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>x</kbd> to cut all selected nodes.
** May not work if map is read only or nodes were added using a filter.
* Press <kbd>ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>v</kbd> to paste selected nodes (into another map).
** Requires a map with write access.
! Zoomin in an embedded map
In [[TiddlyWiki's story river]], you can zoom into a graph by clicking on map using <kbd>ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>mouswheel</kbd>.
//This is a sample task for the TaskManagementExample//
\rules except wikilink
{{The live tab feature exists since v0.10.0 and is disabled by default.||$:/me/info}}
{{This feature requires additional plugins. See [[Live mode plugin dependencies]]. ||$:/me/warning}}
When you want to use your wiki as a public website, you may want to use TiddlyMap to visualize your content structure like with the sidebar map editor, but in a more presentational, read only way.
!! What it does
Enabling the live tab feature will add a tab named "Live" in the sidebar containing a map that opens different views depending on tiddler currently focussed in the story river.
* If the focussed tiddler has a field `tmap.open-view` with a valid view name as field value, then this view is shown.
* Otherwise, a fallback view is used that may be defined by the user beforehand in the TiddlyMap configuration. If no fallback view has been defined, the [[Live view]] is used.
!! How to enable this feature?
Open the TiddlyMap configuration and activate the live tab feature.
!! Tips
* Configure TiddlyWiki to always show the "Live" tab at startup in your [[TiddlyWiki control panel]].
\rules except wikilink
{{This feature requires additional plugins. See [[Live mode plugin dependencies]]. ||$:/me/warning}}
TiddlyMap is shipped with a special view called the //live view//. This view shows you the surrounding neighbourhood of the tiddler that is currently focussed in [[TiddlyWiki's story river]].
You can open the //live view// by opening the [[Sidebar map editor]] and selecting it in the dropdown. After you did so, just start scrolling down the list of currently opened tiddlers in your story river and see how the view updates itself.
If you add connections from the currently focussed tiddler via the [[TiddlyMap Toolbar Button]], you can immediately see the results in the //live view// (at least when adding outgoing edges).
<i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></i> You may draw edges in the live view, however, it is not allowed to add nodes to this special view or to manipulate its node filter.
Local images are either [[images that are shipped with TiddlyWiki|TiddlyWiki images as node icons]] or any image that you yourself added to your wiki (e.g. via drag & drop).
* Further reading [[Images in WikiText|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Images%20in%20WikiText]]
Some edge-type namespaces enable you to do special stuff. That's why they are called "magic" edge-type namespaces.
For example [[tw-list]] and [[tw-field]] may help you to combine TiddlyMap with other cool [[TiddlyWiki plugins]] because these types enable you to create relations that are directly saved into user defined tw-fields. Consequenly, if you have a plugin installed that works with these fields, you can influence this plugin (and vice versa) just by drawing an edge.
The [[tw-filter]] even allows you define filter rules on which basis edges are virtually created at runtime.
! How to use magic namespaces?
First you need to register a magic edge-type. You can do that by using the [[Edge-type manager]] and create an edge type that starts with one of the following namespaces:
<<toc "$(currentTiddler)$">>
After you specified the namespace prefix string you have to add a colon and define the field name, e.g. `tw-filter:myfield`.
<i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></i> After the magic namespace, you have to enter a [[valid field name|http://tiddlywiki.com/#TiddlerFields]] string!
For detailed examples, open the docs pages of the available magic namespaces listed above.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
Keeping the project up-to-date and making it more robust and maintainable through "meta-level" improvements, for example:
* improving build scripts.
* updating code docu
* adpoting new javascript syntax
* writing tests
* using linting rules
* re-organizing code folder structures.
//This is a sample task for the TaskManagementExample//
To avoid having your valuable graph space covered by large titles, you can set caption fields in your tiddlers, which are used by ~TiddlyMap as node labels instead of the titles.
To support the semantic of the graph, you can define a description field in your tiddler, which will be displayed as tooltip once you hover a node. If you do not specify a description, the title is used as fallback to be displayed in the tooltip.
It should be highlighted that the caption fields value will be treated as wikitext and rendered as text/plain. So you can add e.g. `<<now>>` as caption text as demonstrated below.
<$tiddlymap view="Caption field example" ></$tiddlymap>
Please active the graph (via a click) and move with your mouse over the nodes. One node doesn't have a description so the title is displayed as tooltip instead. The other node has a description field, which is consequently displayed as tooltip.
\rules except wikilink
Constructs or concepts form the vocabulary of a domain. They constitute a conceptualization used to describe problems within the domain and to specify their solutions.
<<< S.T. March, G.F. Smith/Decision Support Systems 15 (1995)
Map constructs may be understood as the conceptual building blocks of TiddlyMap. The following constructs exist:
#construct-table-wrapper table th { width: 200px; }
<div id="construct-table-wrapper">
| !Views|[[Views]] are rules that determine which nodes and edges are displayed in a graph. |
| !Nodes|Representations of tiddlers in a graph. |
| !Edges|Connect nodes with each other. |
| !Edge Types|[[Edge types]] are the blueprint for edge instances. |
| !Node Types|[[Node types]] are the blueprint for node instances. |
| !Edge-Type Namespaces|[[Define the contexts|Edge-type namespaces]] of edge-types. |
An important question related to these constructs is, which storage structure to employ for storage and retrival of construct instances. This includes for example the [[Storage of Edges and their types]].
A graph consists of nodes and edges. TiddlyMap also introduces the concept of node types and edge types.
See also [[Map Constructs]].
You can use TiddlyMap to organize your thesis or to keep track of what you are reading and how your literature interrelates.
In this example, icons are assigned to the nodes with the help of [[group styles|Styling Nodes]]. Group styles are simple rules that allow you to assign styles based on filters. Expressed in a simplified scheme e.g. `[tag[Literature]] → Assign PDF Icon`.
<$tiddlymap view="Activities"></$tiddlymap>
<i class="fa fa-exclamation-circle" /> Yes, you can use Font Awesome icons as node icons!! See also [[Custom node icons]].
<i class="fa fa-exclamation-circle" /> Did you notice that the the icons for books and scientific papers are the same but have a different color? This is because the icon is assigned by the literature [[group style|Styling Nodes]] and the group style used for papers partially overrides the literature style by specifying another color. How does TiddlyMap know which style should be preferred? You can [[Prioritize group styles]]!
|!Title |Design and natural science research on information technology|
|!Authors |Salvatore T. March , Gerald F. Smith |
|!Journal |Decision Support Systems |
Research in IT must address the design tasks faced by practitioners. Real problems must be properly conceptualized and represented, appropriate techniques for their solution must be constructed, and solutions must be implemented and evaluated using appropriate criteria. If significant progress is to be made, IT research must also develop an understanding of how and why IT systems work or do not work
<<< Excerpt from the abstract
An impressive collection of visualizations of biochemical reactions by [[Daniel Riggins|http://danielriggins.com/]].
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TiddlyMap adds a whole new concept of navigation. You can navigate to topics be using the __doubleclick__ on the displayed nodes. You may also enable the single click option in the [[System configuration]].
Node and edge-type filters are [[TiddlyWiki filters]] that determine which nodes and edges are displayed in a graph. Both actually are tiddlywiki-filters. The filters can be set for each view by opening the [[view's configuration|View configuration]].
! Topics
<<toc "$(currentTiddler)$">>
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Just like you would usually filter a set of tiddlers in your wiki, you can use a node filter to delimit the set of nodes that should be displayed in a graph.
For example the following TiddlyWiki filter-expression adds tiddlers to the map that are tagged with `School` or possess a field named `info`.
In addition to the filter described above, the filter below adds an restriction, i.e. only tiddlers whose title starts with `Teacher` are considered.
! Further reading
{{TiddlyWiki filters}}
Node types can be understood as classes that define how whole groups of nodes look and behave. By defining node types (sometimes also referred to node styles) using the node-type manager, you can style groups of nodes at once.
In the editor, you can select another view using the dropdown selection in the menu bar.
However, you can also define that a click on a node changes the widget to display another view.
# Open the sidebar editor
# Select a node
# Click on the button "Edit node" that is now displayed in the toolbar.
# In the dialog that opens, click on the tab named "local node-style"
# Go to the option "Open view" and specify which view to open next time when the node is clicked
Making TiddlyMap faster by e.g.
* writing code that is optimizable by JavaScript engines (like V8),
* caching results for faster retrieval.
* using data and storage structures that allow faster access,
* avoiding bottlenecks
!! Work in the Chrome browser
Chrome is much faster than firefox when it comes to graph drawing. In order to be able to autosave with Crome, use TiddlyMap with TiddlyWiki in nodejs mode.
!! Save positions
Even when not working with static maps, i.e. you have floating nodes enabled, it makes sense to sometimes open the menu and click on "Save positions". This will make sure that when you open the map the next time, the graph will need much less time to stabilize. Note that save positions doesn't work with the "Live view".
!! Consider disabling smooth curves
Smooth curves are difficult to compute. In the unlikely case when you do not have any multiple edges between two nodes in a map, you do not need having "smooth edges" enabled. You can disable this option then to make your graph load faster. Open the [[The editor menu]] and disable this feature in your TiddlyMap configuration (it's in the visjs section). Alternatively, you can disable it on a view basis in your view configuration (again in the visjs section).
They are used for flying.
<$transclude tiddler="$:/plugins/felixhayashi/tiddlymap" field={{!!title}} />
In TiddlyMap you can use [[group styles|Styling Nodes]] to batch-style nodes. To avoid style conflicts, you can define, which styles have priority over other styles.
!! How to priotize node types and their styles
The image shows a portion of the node-type manager interface where you can see that the //literature// node type has a priority of `#2` and, thus, will be overriden by all node types that have a higher priority assigned `#1`
{{node type prioritisation.png}}
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{{This feature is available as of TiddlyMap v0.11.0.||$:/me/info}}
In a classical mind-map or concept-map program, you create isolated maps for different topics, where edges defined in one map, are not visible in another map. In TiddlyMap, however, relations defined in one map automatically reappear ("leak") in other maps as well, which may be annoying.
To solve this issue, TiddlyMap allows you to define "private" or (or "non-default") [[Edge types]] that are not displayed in any [[view|Views]] unless the [[edge-type filter|Edge-type filters]] is explicitly set to allow them.
! How to mark an edge type as private?
In order to mark an edge type as private, you need to simply prefix the name of the edge-type with an underscore symbol "`_`".
Now edges of this type will never show up unless you added them to the filter (as described in the example below). Of course the underscore "`_`" is not displayed in the graph.
! Quick start
For some short examples and code snippets, have a look at: [[Edge-type filter examples]]. Also experiment with the "Family Tree" view on this demo site.
! A scenario
Dave installed TiddlyMap and created three views named "My Family", "Vacation" and "Tasks". Now he adds nodes to the views and draws relationships between them.
It happens that the views all share the nodes "Bob" and "Susanne":
* ''In view "Family":'' Bob – married to – Susanne
* ''In view "Vacation":'' Bob – travels with – Susanne
* ''In view "Tasks":'' Bob – still owing money to – Susanne
Because Dave did not add any [[Edge-type filters]] yet to his views, the relationships between the nodes are displayed in all views.
Now in some cases this may be desired, in some cases it is certainly not. In this example, we want to achieve the following:
# The relation `still owing money` is considered to be highly important and shall stay visible everywhere (in every view).
# The relation `travels with` shall only be visible in the view "Vacation" and nowhere else (in no other view).
# The relation `married to` shall only be visible in the views "Vacation" and "Tasks".
To achieve this, we first need to open the [[Edge-type manager]] and and change the id of the edge type "married to" into "_married to" and the edge-type id "travels with" into "_travels with" (in both cases note the underscore).
Now looking at the maps, we will see that the formerly present edges `married to` and `travels with` have been removed from all maps. This is because these edges belong to //private// edge types now, which are not displayed unless included in the filter.
So let's add the edge types again where appropriate:
''In view "Vacation":'' Open the [[edge-type filter|Edge-type filters]] and add the following line:
[[_married to]] [[_travels with]]
''In view "Tasks":'' Open the [[edge-type filter|Edge-type filters]] and add the following line:
[[_travels with]]
The private edges become visible again in the two views because they have been explicitly added.
Now Dave wants to draw more private edges in the map "Vacation". Does he need to edit the edge-type filter for every private edge he creates as described above?
No. He can invent a a common prefix-scheme for edges that are private to `Vacation`, e.g. `_vaca` and use the following edge-type filter in his view: `+[prefix[_vaca:]]`. This will make sure that only private edge types starting with `_vaca` are displayed in the view and nothing else.
Moreover, Dave can create a dedicated namespace for his "Vacation" view to automatically prefix edges with a namespace `_vaca` when they are added.
For this, he opens the view configuration of `Vacation`, goes to the namespace section and enters
Next time he adds an edge in "Vacation" from "Bob" to "Susanne" named `buys ticket for`, TiddlyMap will add the namespace and create an edge type named `_vaca:buys ticket`. Consequently, this connection will be visible only in "Vacation" as it matches the filter. Note that the namespace is only added if the edge type of the added edge doesn't contain a namespace or doesn't exist yet.
Happy coding.
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One goal of TiddlyMap is to allow other TiddlyWiki authors to programtically (or by using advanced wikitext) interact with TiddlyMap from outside.
{{Public API!!warning}}
A release note informs you about the changes that came with a certain release.
<$transclude tiddler=<<currentTab>> />
Each node in a graph corresponds to a tiddler. Therefore, creating a new node in the map editor will necessarily result in the creation of a new tiddler and clicking on a node, will open that tiddler.
Node information is stored at two different levels. Some information, like the //label//, //color// or //icon//, is directly drawn from the tiddler and its fields since this information is also useful when not using ~TiddlyMap. Thus, it is kept with the tiddler itself.
Another part of the information is stored outside since it only makes sense in a graph context. More specifically, it is information that belongs to each different view. This information is stored in different system tiddlers that internally have the specific view path as prefix.
For example the node positions of a view are stored in a position-store that is exclusively owned and referenced by this view.
You can reuse types by
# opening the edge- or node-type manager
# and clicking on a type
# and then dragging the title of the type displayed in the //overview// tab into your other wiki.
! For experts
You can do a system tiddler search to get a list of all existing types in your wiki.
You find all edge types stored below this path:
<code><<tmap "option" "path.edgeTypes">></code>
Node types are stored here:
<code><<tmap "option" "path.nodeTypes">></code>
Below are some showcases of TiddlyMap in action.
<i class="fa fa-exclamation-circle" /> If you have a public wiki using TiddlyMap and you don't mind being listed as showcase, I'd be glad to list you here.
<$list filter="[tag[Showcases]]">
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The sidebar map editor can be opened by clicking on the //Map// tab in the TiddlyWiki sidebar. The editor represenets the main interface of TiddlyMap. It allows you to configure TiddlyMap, to create and configure [[Views]], to create nodes and edges etc.
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First and foremost many thanks to [[Jeremy Ruston]] for inventing and maintaining TiddlyWiki! Also many thanks to the [[developers of Vis.js|Vis.js Developers]] (Almende B.V.) who help me out a lot. Last but not least, a big thanks to the whole [[TiddlyMap Community]] who is supporting this software.
Where and how to store information? Which data structure to employ for storage and retrival of [[construct|Map Constructs]] instances? This includes for example the [[Storage of Edges and their types]].
! Storage of Edges
TiddlyMap uses json to store its edges. All outgoing edges are stored in the tiddler that represents the original from-part of the relationship. A user may change the direction of an edge by styling the edge type, however, this doesn't change where the edge is actually stored.
This means that TiddlyMap actually turns TiddlyWiki in a decentral graph-store where tiddlers are nodes holding the relations to other nodes (tiddlers).
Especially graph traversals can be efficiently performed this way since adjacent nodes can be quickly identified starting from a certain tiddler. This would allow stuff like shortest path calculation (e.g. dikstra) or neighbourhood discoveries.
Per default, TiddlyMap uses the `tmap.edges` field to store edges.
! Storage of edge types
Every edge instance in TiddlyMap is explicitly related to an [[edge type|Edge types]].
Internally, all edge types are stored below the following path.
<pre><<tmap "option" "path.edgeTypes">></pre>
For example:
<$vars p=<<tmap "option" "path.edgeTypes">>>
<$list filter="[prefix<p>limit[3]]">
* <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title" /></$link>
! A big example
Say Tiddler A links to Tiddlers B and C.
Tiddler B has an auto-generated tiddlymap-id:
Tiddler C has the id
Per default ids are stored in the `tmap.id` field. It is noteworthy that the usage of ids to represent tiddlers has the huge advantage that edges will survive tiddler title changes.
The edge between A and B is of the [[edge type|Edge types]] `rel-1` and between A and C of the type `rel-2`.
In this case, the edges will be stored inside A as shown below:
"d4ca6750-780f-4640-b8fa-fa2efa449c92": {
"to": "fa8c4f3e-b216-4744-b65c-5335f02f66a9",
"type": "rel-1"
"97345e5b-505d-4625-8843-5169b7fda209": {
"to": "7017feb5-3955-464b-a4b5-a22a420ab828",
"type": "rel-2"
In the example above, `"d4ca6750-780f-4640-b8fa-fa2efa449c92` and `97345e5b-505d-4625-8843-5169b7fda209` are unique auto-generated edge ids.
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In case of TiddlyMap, this describes the extent to which TiddlyMap is able to make sense of the existing wiki structure (i.e. explicit and implicit relations between the tiddlers).
* In version v0.7.10 TiddlyMap was programmed to understand that tags are a form of relationship and to potentially display them in a graph.
* In v0.8.2, TiddlyMap allows the user to register his/her own relationship fields with the help of [[Magic Edge-Type Namespaces]].
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<style type="text/css">
.styling-comparison-table tr th:first-child {
width: 10%px;
text-align: right;
.styling-comparison-table tr th:not(:first-child) {
width: 40%;
.styling-comparison-table tr > * {
padding: 10px;
vertical-align: top;
.styling-comparison-table tr:first-child td:first-child {
visibility: hidden;
.styling-comparison-table h1{
text-align: center;
border: none;
TiddlyMap allows you to style nodes in various ways – not only in terms of the style attributes you can choose, but also with regard to applying styles by filters and inheritance.
! Different ways to add styles to nodes
<table class="styling-comparison-table">
<th>All views ("global")</th>
<th>View specific ("local")</th>
<th>Styling of all nodes</th>
<h1>(1) Global default style</h1>
These configurations and styles affect all nodes in all views.
<li>Go to the map editor in the sidebar</li>
<li>Click on the menu button and choose //Configure TiddlyMap//.</li>
<li>Then go to the section //Global Vis Configurations//</li>
<h1>(2) Local default style</h1>
The configurations are view-specific.
<li>Go to the map editor in the sidebar</li>
<li>Click on the menu button and choose //Configure View//.</li>
<li>Then go to the section //Vis Configurations//</li>
<th>Styling node-groups via filters</th>
<h1>(3) Global group styles</h1>
The styles only apply to nodes corresponding to tiddlers that match the filter.
<li>Go to the map editor in the sidebar</li>
<li>Click on the menu button and choose //Node-Type Manager//.</li>
<li>Create a node-type and add some styles to this type in the //Styling// section of the type</li>
<li>Then enter a filter (//scope//) that matches the desired subset of tiddlers</li>
<h1>(4) Local group styles</h1>
<div class="tmap-flash-message tmap-warning">
<i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></i> This feature was removed in v0.9.16
The styles only apply to nodes corresponding to tiddlers that match the filter ''and'' match the selected view.
<th>Styling individual nodes</th>
<h1>(5) Global individual style</h1>
A node's global style is only bound to a specific node but affects the style of the node in all views it appears in.
<li>Select an individual node in the map</li>
<li>In the manipulation bar above the graph select //Edit node//.</li>
<li>Then go to the tab //Global node style// and edit the style.</li>
<h1>(6) Local individual style</h1>
The style is specific to this node and only affects the node's style of the current view.
<li>Select an individual node in the map</li>
<li>In the manipulation bar above the graph select //Edit node//.</li>
<li>Then go to the tab //Local node style// and edit the style.</li>
! Inheritance chain for styles
With regard to the table displayed above, all styles on a lower level inherit from styles defined on a higher level and view styles always inherit global styles.
The arrow (←) means "inherits from" and the index refers to the index in the table.
`(1) ← (2) ← (3) ← (4) ← (5) ← (6)`
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Some aspects of TiddlyMap are configurable. To change the global configurations, open the view menu and click on //Global configurations//.
A dialog will open that allows you configure the existing defaults.
Below, the category "Field settings" shall be explained in greater depth:
;The node-icon field
: TiddlyMap will use the locally stored image denoted by this field as node image instead of displaying a node as rectangle in the graph. If no image is available, the node is rendered according to the current vis settings.
; The node-label field
: TiddlyMap will look for this tiddler field and use its value as node label. If no field with this name exists, the tiddler's title is used as fallback.
; The node-info field
: The value of this field will be displayed as tooltip when hovering a node in the graph. The tiddler's title will be used as fallback.
You probably already know that TiddlyWiki is a great tool to organize yourself and your tasks. A classical example for quick and easy task management is shown here [[TaskManagementExample|http://tiddlywiki.com/#TaskManagementExample]]. With ~TiddlyMap, however, you can now specify the relations of your tasks and graphically represent everything as a graph by simply linking your tiddlers!
<$tiddlymap view="All Tasks" height="250px"></$tiddlymap>
In this example, the tiddlers from the TiddlyWiki example are incorporated into the graph view by using the following node filter:
Despite the color, some task are displayed in a different form. This is because they match a certain node type and inherit its style. Open TiddlyMap's node-type manager and search for the type "important".
Note that each tiddler's ''color field'' is used to infer the default node color.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
{{Public API!!warning}}
This service acts as an abstraction layer above the tiddlywiki system. All the provided methods give the api-user the chance to interact with tiddlywiki as if it was a simple graph database.
Everything that is related to retrieving or inserting nodes and edges is handled by the adapter service. It may be accessed from anywhere using `$tw.tmap.apapter`.
You can use the adapter to manipulate graphs including nodes and edges from your tiddlywiki javascript code.
For example open firebug and enter the following in the console:
// create a new view
var myView = $tw.tmap.adapter.getView("My new View", true);
// insert a node in this view
var node = { label: "I am a node" };
var options = { view: myView };
$tw.tmap.adapter.insertNode(node, options);
For more information visit the [[tiddlymap.org/api|http://tiddlymap.org/api]].
!! The editor's drop-down menu
; View selection
: You can select an existing view to be displayed in the editor via the selectbox on the very left.
; Create empty view
: Click this button to create a new view with an individual view name of your choice. The new view can be separately modified and is independent from the other existing views.
; Rename view
: You can always rename your views, however, be careful as existing views with the same name will be overwritten.
; Delete view
: Removes the view and all its components, including all private edges. You cannot remove the default view. Also you cannot remove any view that is still used by widgets in the wiki (a dialog will tell you which dependencies exist).
; Save positions
: Use this button to explicitly save positions. Positions are normally automatically saved when a dragged node was dropped.
; Grab widget code
: This will open a wizard that helps you to produce the desired widget code you can then copy'n'paste to embed this view in a tiddler.
; Edit filters
: Click this option to open a dialog in which you can modify the view's node and edge filters. If you have double clicked somewhere on an empty spot in the graph's canvas before, nodes were automatically added to the node filter for you. For more information on filters visit http://tiddlywiki.com.
; Manage edge-types
: See [[Edge-type manager]]
; Global configurations
: See [[System configuration]]
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{{Public API!!warning}}
The TiddlyMap macro allows us to access system information from within tiddlers as well as to execute some util functions.
! Getting a unique id
Calling `<<tmap "uuid">>` will produce a unique id, such as the one below:
<pre><<tmap "uuid">></pre>
! Accessing TiddlyMap options
All options of the TiddlyMap options-object (`$tw.tmap.opt`) are also accessible from within tiddlers via `<<tmap "options" "...">>`.
!! Example 1
`<<tmap "option" "selector.allViews">>` will produce
<pre><<tmap "option" "selector.allViews">></pre>
!! Example 2
Or `<<tmap "option" "path.pluginRoot">>` will produce
<pre><<tmap "option" "path.pluginRoot">></pre>
In rare cases, you want your graphs displayed in your tiddlers to possess an editor bar for direct manipulation (this is usually done in the main editor).
Then you could add the "editor" attribute:
<$tiddlymap view="Components" editor="vis"></$tiddlymap>
The widget will be displayed like this:
<$tiddlymap view="Components" editor="vis"></$tiddlymap>
Alternatively, you can display the whole editor bar:
<$tiddlymap view="Components" editor="advanced"></$tiddlymap>
This will add the ~TiddlyMap editor bar on top of the graph.
<$tiddlymap view="Components" editor="advanced"></$tiddlymap>
Add a background image to your view in your view configuration, add a few nodes, draw a few edges, be a little creative with icons and there you go:
<$tiddlymap view="Quest" ></$tiddlymap>
For recurring node types (e.g. the temples in the map above), assign [[group styles|Styling Nodes]] by using the node type manager in the [[sidebar editor|The editor menu]]. The map background can be assigned in the [[view configuration|Adding a background image]].
By the way, the node named "Dragonland" does not open a tiddler when clicked. Instead, the map is changed to another view. See [[Open a view by clicking on a node]].
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TiddlyMap is a TiddlyWiki plugin that turns your favourite personal note taking software in a //wiki-concept-map hybrid//! Yes, you will be able to do both: drawing maps and putting down knowledge in a wiki way.
TiddlyMap will allow you to visually link and create wiki topics in order to create //clickable graphs//.
! Motivation
The motivation behind TiddlyMap is to combine the strengths of wikis and concept maps in the realms of personal knowledge management in a single application.
Have you ever created mind- or concept maps and later wished you could turn them into a wiki because they became too complex and too hard to maintain? On the contrary, have you ever worked with a wiki and felt that it is lacking visual means to express your thoughts and to relate your content? – If yes, then TiddlyMap is certainly what you are looking for.
! More on TiddlyMap
For more general information about TiddlyMap visit the [[Wikipedia page|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TiddlyMap]].
TiddlyMap combines the strength of two open-source projects.
* [[TiddlyWiki]]
* [[The Vis.js Project|Vis.js]]
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You can check out some TiddlyMap introductory videos here:
[[Create Concept-Maps in the Browser Using Free Personal-Wiki Software|https://youtu.be/dmeIxuN0L5w]]
In this video I will show you, how you can setup the free personal web notebook TiddlyWiki and turn it into a full-blown concept- and mind-mapping platform with the help of the TiddlyMap plugin.
[[TiddlyMap Basics – Tutorial for developing a concept map in TiddlyWiki|https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1Jnk3P6K3KO4EEIlFpzqIWgJOcyN7i61]]
In this step-by-step tutorial series I will show you how to build a simple concept map with TiddlyMap. The videos in this playlist should be understood as introductory and do not cover all the possibilities that exist with TiddlyMap.
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If you promote TiddlyMap and submit feedback that makes TiddlyMap better, consider yourself part of the community ;)
So at this point, thanks @ all the guys from the community supporting TiddlyMap!
I am very grateful for any feedback submitted at [[github.com|https://github.com/felixhayashi/TW5-TiddlyMap/issues]] or at the TiddlyWiki [[google groups|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/tiddlywiki]]. So big thanks to everybody who makes the step and tells me about an existing problem or points out an interesting idea to me.
! Some showcases
! TiddlyMap explained in different languages
* [[TiddlyMap at TiddlyWiki France|https://forum.tiddlywiki.fr/t/plugin-tiddlymap/45]]
* [[tiddlymap.org doku translated into russian|https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/f9h3ioaoyw826et/twmaprudoc.html?dl=0]] by Sergey A. Shishkin
* [[La Interfaz Principal del Editor TiddlyMap|http://prof-fabvalery.blogspot.de/2016/02/la-interfaz-principal-del-editor.html]] by Luis Fabien Valery
! Some cool Blogposts and Sites discussing TiddlyMap
//…at least the ones I discovered so far. Please send me an e-mail if yours is missing.//
[[Exploring TiddlyMap (while waiting for my car to get a tune-up)|http://barbarafillip.blogspot.de/2015/10/exploring-tiddlymap-while-waiting-for.html]]
by Barbara Fillip
[[Organizing and visualizing knowledge|http://blog.dornea.nu/2015/09/17/organizing-and-visualizing-knowledge/]]
by Victor Dorneanu
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{{Public API!!warning}}
Tiddlymap events messages are prefixed with `tmap:` and described below:
! tmap:tm-create-edge
Creates an edge.
<i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle" /> If you use [[Magic Edge-Type Namespaces]], you don't need to supply an id, otherwise, make sure you supply a unique id unless you want to override an existing edge. Unique ids may be generated with [[The TiddlyMap Macro]] If you don't supply an id, a unique id will be generated in the course of the edge creation.
!! Example
<$button>Create Edge
<$action-sendmessage $message="tmap:tm-create-edge"
id="a truly unique id"
to="Hello World"
view="My test view" />
! tmap:tm-remove-edge
Removes an edge from the system.
!! Example
You do not need to suppy an `id` when removing edges with [[Magic Edge-Type Namespaces]].
<$button>Remove Edge
<$action-sendmessage $message="tmap:tm-remove-edge"
type=<<edge.type>> />
! tmap:tm-generate-widget
Opens the TiddlyMap widget generator (see: [[Embedding views within tiddlers]]).
<$button>Gab widget code
<$action-sendmessage $message="tmap:tm-generate-widget" />
! tmap:tm-manage-edge-types
Open the [[Edge-type manager]].
!! Example
<$button>Open Edge-Type Manager
<$action-sendmessage $message="tmap:tm-manage-edge-types"
type="tmap:unknown" />
! tmap:tm-download-graph
Show download dialog.
!! Example
<$button>Show download dialog
<$action-sendmessage $message="tmap:tm-download-graph"
view="Default" />
<$list filter="[tag[example]]">
<li><$link to={{!!title}}>{{!!title}}</$link></li>
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The map button ({{$:/plugins/felixhayashi/tiddlymap/icon}}) allows you to quickly connect tiddlers and remove edges from within your tiddler. Clicking it will open the following dialog:
<i class="fa fa-exclamation-circle"></i> Working with the map button best works when you open the [[Live view]].
; Create connection
:Select an edge-type (optional; defaults to "type:unknown") and search for a tiddler you want to connect to the current tiddler. Then click the //from// and //to// buttons to either create an incoming or outgoing edge.
; Existing connections
: The relations that exist between the current tiddler and other tiddlers in the wiki. To remove existing relations, click on the cross next to the tiddler's title. Auto-generated edges are not displayed.
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Fullscreen and halfscreen have been improved and in v0.10.6 several keyboard shortcuts have been added. Give it a try ;)
To see the release notes, visit http://tiddlymap.org!
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TiddlyMap v0.9 just got released. Feel free to test it. Remember to always make backups before upgrading to a new version.
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To see the release notes, visit http://tiddlymap.org!
TiddlyMap consists of the modules that are displayed in the graph below. Doubleclick on any node in the graph above to find out more about the module!
<$tiddlymap view="Components" height="300px"></$tiddlymap>
//"~TiddlyWiki has bought unprecedented freedom to people to keep their precious information under their own control"//
The [[TiddlyWiki|http://tiddlywiki.com/]] project is a flourishing community project under the lead of its original inventor Jeremy Ruston. Put in simple words, ~TiddlyWiki is a highly interactive [[wiki|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiki]] stored in a single file that can be used for:
* Personal note taking
* Project documentation and management
* To create whole encyclopedias
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As of v0.9.3 TiddlyMap tries to automatically configure your wiki for optimal use with TiddlyWiki. However, some further suggestions are listed here.
!! Choosing a suitable TiddlyWiki story view
Needed by the [[Live view]]. Also see [[Live mode plugin dependencies]].
# Open the [[TiddlyWiki control panel]]
# select "Appearance"
# select "Story View"
# choose `Top` or `Zoomin`
!! Setting the Tiddler Opening Behaviour
Needed by the [[Live view]] to function correctly.
# Open the [[TiddlyWiki control panel]]
# select "Settings"
# select "Tiddler Opening Behaviour"
# choose
#* `Open above the current tiddler`
#* __and__ `Open at the top of the story river`
!! Display tiddler titles as links:
Useful when working with the [[Live view]] as clicking on the title moves it into focus.
# Open the [[TiddlyWiki control panel]]
# select "Settings"
# select "Tiddler Titles"
# choose "Display tiddler titles as links"
!! Settin the default sidebar tab
In case you want to have TiddlyMap immediately displayed at startup.
# Open the [[TiddlyWiki control panel]]
# select "Settings"
# select "Default Sidebar Tab"
# choose "Display tiddler titles as links"
This is where you configure your TiddlyWiki. Don't confuse this with the [[TiddlyMap configuration dialog|System configuration]]!
To open the TiddlyWiki control paner of the wiki you are currently looking at, click on this icon: {{$:/core/ui/Buttons/control-panel}}
\rules except wikilink
Learn more about filters in TiddlyWiki at http://tiddlywiki.com.
* [[Filters|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Filters]]
* [[Introduction to filter notation|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Introduction%20to%20filter%20notation]].
TiddlyWiki <<version>> is shipped with a bunch of images. You can use these images as icons for TiddlyMap.
Here is a list of images available in TiddlyWiki <<version>>:
<$list filter="[all[shadows]prefix[$:/core/images/]] -[[$:/core/images/blank]]">
{{!!text}} {{!!title}} <br />
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A universe of plugins exists for TiddlyWiki.
! Find more plugins
* http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/#CommunityPlugins
* http://tobibeer.github.io/tb5/#Plugins
* http://tiddlywiki.com/#Plugins
! Some plugins used at tiddlymap.org
Below I listed some of the plugins used at tiddlymap.org that may be useful for your wiki as well.
* https://github.com/Spangenhelm/TW5-EnhancedSearchResults
** //Shows search results in a tab //
** By Florent V.
** //Extends the default text editor capabilities with keyboard shortcuts//
** By Danielo Rodrigez
** //Context search - provides visual highlighting of search results//
** By Danielo Rodrigez
** //This plugin provides syntax highlighting of code blocks using highlight.js from Ivan Sagalaev.//
** By JoaoBolila
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In TiddlyWiki, open tiddlers are usually displayed in a vertical column called the "story river".
{{This feature is available since v0.17.0 and requires the neighbouring scope to be active||$:/me/info}}
Sometimes you want to create an interactive map for other people to use in the sense that the user explores the map by clicking on neighbouring nodes which then again lead to new nodes being displayed in the view.
This is possible by activating the neighbourhood scope and then activating "tracing" in the menu:
Here are some inspirational videos about what you can achieve with tracing:
* D&D Quest with TiddlyMap: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etjq_u3o1kU
* Creating an interactive decision tree https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hge3PGnJM_A
{{This is a special ''read-only'' magic edge-type only meant to display autogenerated links. Do not use this type for creating edges.||$:/me/warning}}
This edge-type is used to auto-generate and display links that are contained inside the tiddler text.
Similar to the [[tw-list]] magic type you can use the `tw-field` namespace to save an edge into a field. E.g. creating an edge between the tiddlers "Betsy" and "Dave" with the type `tw-field:husband` will create a field "husband" inside the "Betsy" tiddler and set "Dave" as value.
<i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle" /> There are some drawbacks with this technique:
* This method does not use ids and changing tiddler titles will break the specified connection!
* You cannot store multiple edges using this technique. If you want to store multiple edges, use the `tw-list` namespace.
* When using this namespace, only use tiddlywiki [[allowed field-name charactes|http://tiddlywiki.com/#TiddlerFields]] for field names.
{{This feature is available as of TiddlyMap v0.11.0||$:/me/info}}
{{Do not overuse this feature as it may slow down your wiki at some point.||$:/me/warning}}
The idea behind this magic edge-type namespace is that you do not statically define to which tiddlers a tiddler is connected to, like you would normally do when creating an edge, but instead you use [[TiddlyWiki filters]] to define the targets of the edge.
! Example
Say you want to connect the tiddler "Me" with all tiddlers that have the relationship "is friend". Normally, you would create a link to each tiddler, using the [[TiddlyMap Toolbar Button]] or by drawing the edges in the [[Sidebar map editor]].
With the `tw-filter` edge-type namespace you could instead do the following (this simple example assumes that you tagged all tiddlers with "friends"):
# Create the edge-type `tw-filter:friend` in the [[Edge-type manager]].
# create a field `friend` in the tiddler "Me" and enter the following filter expression: `[tag[Friend]]`.
# Now if "Me" is automatically linked with all tiddlers that have a field `Friend`. Also if new tiddlers with this tag are added, they will be connected to "Me" automatically!
If you create an edge-type (e.g. using the [[Edge-type manager]]) and use the `tw-list` namespace as identifier prefix, the edges will __not__ be stored in the common json-based [[tiddlymap format|Storage of Edges and their types]]. Instead each outgoing connection to a tiddler is stored by inserting the title the edge is pointing to into a list.
Say you want create a connection between tiddler "Dawna Dozal" and tiddler "Toney Thacker" and you name the connection `tw-list:friends`. Then a field named "friends" will be created in tiddler "Dawna Dozal" and "Toney Thacker" will be added to this field. Since the title contains spaces, tiddlwiki's double square bracket notation is used to save the title to the list that now looks like this:
friends: [[Toney Thacker]]`
If you create another connection between "Dawna Dozal" and two tiddler titled "Jack" and "Cathy" using the edge-type identier `tw-list:friends`, then "Jack" and "Cathy" will be added to the list, which now looks like this:
friends: [[Toney Thacker]] Jack Cathey`.
<i class="fa fa-exclamation-circle" /> You probably know that TiddlyWiki stores titles in the `tags` field in the format described above. This means that you can also use TiddlyMap to create and delete tags by connecting tiddlers using the edge-type `tw-list:tags` when drawing an edge!
<i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle" /> There are some drawbacks with this technique:
* This method does not use ids and changing tiddler titles will break the specified connection!
* When using this namespace, only use tiddlywiki [[allowed field-name charactes|http://tiddlywiki.com/#TiddlerFields]] for field names.
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The [[Vis.js]] library offers many ways to change the default graph layout and behaviour.
As far as ~TiddlyMap is concerned, feel free to change the following options:
# http://visjs.org/docs/network.html#Nodes_configuration
# http://visjs.org/docs/network.html#Edges_configuration
# http://visjs.org/docs/network.html#Groups_configuration
# http://visjs.org/docs/network.html#Localization
# http://visjs.org/docs/network.html#Tooltips
Configuring Vis.js beyond the aspects denoted by the links above is only recommended to experts as ~TiddlyMap is already fine tuned to suit your need.
! After TiddlyMap v0.9
See [[Styling Nodes]].
! Before v0.9
<div class="tmap-flash-message tmap-danger">
<i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></i> This way of doing it is obsolete and only applies to versions prior v0.9!
To change the vis options, first create a JSON tiddler (see [[DataTiddlers|http://tiddlywiki.com#DataTiddlers]]) named
<pre><<tmap "option" "ref.visUserConf">></pre>
Then you could add properties using nested JSON or a dot notation. For example, if you want to change the way neighbour's are colored, you would add the following to the tiddler's body (make sure you also changed the tiddler's content type to //application/json// and mind the quotation marks!):
"groups.neighbours.color": "#123456"
"groups": {
"neighbours": {
"color": "#123456"
As in the example above, you can selectively override the ~TiddlyMap's default configuration. If you are uncomfortable with your configurations, just delete the tiddler and the defaults are used.
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{{Only read this if you are already using TiddlyMap.||$:/me/info}}
With v0.11.0 there were slight modifications to the [[Edge-type filters]] mechanism:
!! Edge types starting with an underscore are not displayed per default
This means, in the rare case you prefixed your [[Edge types]] with "`_`", these edges won't be displayed unless you change your filter. For further information see [[Private edge types]] and [[Edge-type filter examples]].
!! You are only allowed to use a single colons ("`:`") in your edge-type id
Only a single colon is allowed to specify a namespace; see [[Edge-type namespaces]]. Everything after a second colon is ignored. Use the label field of an edge type if you want exotic naming. When creating edges in the map, there will be an assistent informing you, how TiddlyMap interprets your input.
> How effectively, efficiently and satisfactorily a user can interact with a user interface.
> [[usability.gov|http://www.usability.gov]]
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In TiddlyWiki you can align your nodes on a raster. Just click on the raster button to activate and adjust your raster setting.
Check out this video for a short introduction to this feature:
Here is an example of a map that has the raster enabled:
<$tmap view="Family Tree" editor="advanced" height="350px" ></$tmap>
{{This feature is available as of TiddlyMap v0.11.0.||$:/me/info}}
You may use URL parameters to influence how TiddlyMap starts at the time the page (wiki) is loading.
For example, you are hosting your wiki at `mywiki.com` and you want to send your friend Bob a link to a map named `mymap` in your wiki. Moreover, this map should be directly displayed fullscreen. No problemo, just send him the following link:
! Parameters
These URL parameters are available at the moment:
; tmap-enlarged
: Either `fullscreen` or `halfscreen`
; tmap-view
: A name of an existing view.
# Integration into the TW-GUI
# Change node titles when tiddler title changes
# open a node via double-click
# redraw on resize
# Mechanisms to create relationships between nodes (and tiddlers)
#* On a graph level:
#** Draw an edge and select an //existing// edge-type
#** Draw an edge and specify a new type via a textfield
#* On a tiddler level:
#** Create Edges via memory mechanism (without dragging): click "draw edge from here", wait, "click connect to this node"
# Filterbar to filter the nodes displayed in the graph
# Static graph mode
# Enhance the filterbar
#* Create snapshots of the current views (filters) that can be loaded again
# Embed graphs as widgets in tiddlers based on a saved view (filter)
# On doubleclick on the canvas, create a tiddler that automatically matches the current filter (view)
# prevent that edges clutch together at the beginning
# When a doubleclick on the canvas is traced, create a node exactly on that spot
# Dropdown list of actions with icons that comply with tw's icons and meanings
# Save positions on dragend event and update all graphs that use the same view
# notification messages for important events
# after a drop, the viewport gets automatically adjusted (zoomed and nodes centered)
# confirmation for deleting nodes
# deleted nodes are removed from storylist
# allow the user to bind new edges to a certain view during dialog
# remember option for edge binding
# edge filter with selectboxes
# make relations system tiddlers that do not spam the user's namespace
# allow deletion of views.
# allow creating empty views (not just clones)
# debug mode option in the config that enables debug messages
!! End user
* When node is selected, "edit node" button is displayed in manipulation bar.
* The caption field will be treated as wikitext and rendered as text/plain
* One-click option to open tiddlers from the graph
* added a "no buttons" widget attibute
* Halfscreen option for sidebar editor (#50)
* Widget code generator added to the view menu
* view title is now displayed over non-editor graphs
* Tiddler-toolbar-button with ways to connect tiddlers and possibility to remove edges again.
* Widget to list directly connected edges and neighbours (experimental; can be used in wikitext)
* Global config button
* Initial setup dialog
* Focus node mechanism for each graph
* Changed vis button color
* Improved "edit edge" behaviour
* Improved "removing node" dialog
* Tooltips when hovering a node.
* Edge filter optimized (toggle for default and scrollbox)
* Tiddler icons are also displayed in the graph
* Live view introduced which synchronizes with the story river
* User can open all graphs everywhere in full-screen mode
* A tiddler's color field is used as default node color
* Hierarchical layouts
* Node search combined with the newly introduced diving mode
* Drag and drop tiddlers on the graph
* Node diving mode (see docs)
* User can now specify an alias field that is used as node label instead of the tiddler's title
* Nodes in view can be filtered via any tw-filter
* Pretty-printed Node Filter separating filter operands via new lines
* Nodes can be named immediately without opened in edit mode
* Option to display immediate neighbours of a graph
* Physics mode is now toggled per view
* More compact editor layout
* Correcting an existing edge (Vis: "Edit Edge")
* No-name edges are created when no name is specified
* Introduced private edge mode
* Views may be renamed
* A user needs to click before the graph can be used
!! More technical
* The //tmap-listener// startup module allows to trigger certain tmap events from everywhere
* Tiddlers corresponding to newly created nodes now have created and modified fields
* New uuid RFC4122, version 4 ID compliant generator (as suggested by @pmario)
* Code docs are now published at the github repo via JSDoc
* Adapter is now available in the js environment via $tw.tiddlymap.adapter
* Overhaul of the whole API
* Using the dataset again to refresh the graph data (see discussion starting at https://github.com/almende/vis/issues/568#issuecomment-70373916)
* "tmap-" prefix used for tiddlymap classes and ids
!! Important Bugfixes
* Manipulation bar is not reset after user manually deleted an edge in the editor. #74
* Fixed sidebar bug (graphs did not readjust anymore after fixing #35)
* Dragging the manipulation bar doesn't produce an error anymore (https://github.com/almende/vis/issues/557)
* Fixed remaining listener bug (https://github.com/almende/vis/issues/521)
* Fixed shadow-override bug (https://github.com/felixhayashi/TW5-TiddlyMap/issues/17)
* Vis recursion error (https://github.com/almende/vis/issues/522)
* Graph not clickable after view modification (https://github.com/almende/vis/issues/540)
* Fullscreen bug (https://github.com/felixhayashi/TW5-TiddlyMap/issues/25)
!! Incompatibilities to previous versions
//Where is my tag filter?//
The view does not use tags anymore as filters but offers you a textfield
instead where you can enter your custom tw-filter. This means you have
to add the tags to the filter again.
//Why are my private edges public now?//
This is a side effect as I completely changed the way private edges work. Sorry, you need to rebuild your edges again if you want them to be private.
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{{Version Matrix}}
! Release Notes
<$list filter="[tag[ReleaseNote]!sort[created]limit[1]]">
<$macrocall $name="tabs"
template="ReleaseTemplate" />
\rules except wikilink
\define tidFilter() [tag[ReleaseNote]!sort[created]]
\define tagFilter() [tag[ReleaseNote]tags[]] -[[ReleaseNote]] +[nsort[order.challenges]]
<style type="text/css">
.cell-true { background: firebrick; }
.cell-false { background: #FCFCFC; }
table.matrix { border: none; margin-top: -15px; }
table.matrix tr td { border: 1px solid #CCCCCC; }
table.matrix tr th { border: none; background: none; }
.attribute { height: 140px; white-space: nowrap; }
.attribute div { transform: translate(19px, 53px) rotate(315deg); width: 25px; text-align: left; }
.attribute > div > a { display: inline-block; border-bottom: 1px solid #CCCCCC; padding: 2px; width: 100px; }
<table class="matrix">
<th align="right"><<title>></th>
<$list filter=<<tagFilter>> variable="tag">
<th class="attribute"><div><$link to=<<tag>>><<tag>></$link></div></th>
<$list filter=<<tidFilter>> variable="curTid">
<th align="right">
<$link to=<<curTid>>><$view tiddler=<<curTid>> field="caption"><<curTid>></$view></$link>
<$list filter=<<tagFilter>> variable="curTag">
<$set name="cell-val" filter="[<curTid>tag<curTag>]" value="cell-true" emptyValue="cell-false">
<td class=<<cell-val>>><div class="entry"></div></td>
The above matrix gives a quick overview about which versions affect which critical TiddlyMap aspects. For a more detailed impression have a look at the individual release notes.
The view configuration allows you to change the way a particular view behaves. Changing one view's configuration does not affect another view's settings.
For more information visit the [[api docs site|http://bit.ly/tiddlymap_api]].
Views determine which nodes and edges are selected in order to draw the graph. In its core, views are tw-filters. You can modify a view by selecting it in the sidebar map editor.
{{graph and views.png}}
You can use the name of a view to embed graphs in your tiddlers. Just look at the many [[Examples]] provided in this wiki. All changes are instantly reflected in each graph that uses the view.
Use the [[widget generator|Embedding views within tiddlers]] to create a code similar to the one below.
<$tiddlymap view="Default" height="300px"></$tiddlymap>
!!! Node view and edge-type views
The node view and the edge-type view (also called node filter and edge-type filter respectively) are the two components that make up the graph view. Node views allow you to filter the nodes displayed in the graph, while edge-type views let you decide, which particular edge types to display in the graph. See [[Node and edge-type filters]].
For graph visualization and manipulation, TiddlyMap draws upon the popular open-source [[vis.js|http://visjs.org/]] library. It is actively developed by the [[Vis.js Developers]] working at [[Almende B.V|http://almende.com]].
//The library is designed to be easy to use, handle large amounts of dynamic data, and enable manipulation of the data// -- [[visjs.org|http://visjs.org/]]
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The developers @AlexDM0 and @josdejong maintain and develop the Vis.js source code and manage the discussions at the [[Vis.js GitHub repository|https://github.com/almende/vis]]. Thanks guys!
Vis.js is an open source project of [[Almende B.V.|http://almende.com]].
''By the way:'' The Vis.js team is currently working on a very interesting programmable intelligent houshold device. Check it out: http://crownstone.rocks.
This is where we live at the moment.
A wiki that focuses on the principles of agile organizations. Created by Peter Merel, Agile:TNG.
{{2016-01-22 12:47:35.png}}
  This plugin button displays time with seconds and several time spans when clicked. The tool tip displays todays date minus 78 days. Clicking the time reveals time, time + 15 minutes, time + 30 minutes, and time + 45 minutes.<br>
  Simply drag $:/plugins/ajh/tiddlytime to the top of your tiddlywiki display, save and reload. It includes the tiddlers below packed for easy use:<br>
{ "text": "{ \"tiddlers\": { \"$:/info/timestamp\": { \"text\": \"<<dt>> <<dt '' '15'>><br><<dt>> <<dt '' '30'>><br><<dt>> <<dt '' '45'>>\", \"title\": \"$:/info/timestamp\" },\n\"$:/language/Buttons/Time/Caption\": { \"text\": \"time\", \"title\": \"$:/language/Buttons/Time/Caption\" },\n\"$:/language/Buttons/Time/Hint\": { \"text\": \"Time stamp\", \"title\": \"$:/language/Buttons/Time/Hint\" },\n\"$:/plugins/ajh/tiddlytime/datetime.js\": { \"text\": \"/*\\\\\\ntitle: $:/plugins/ajh/tiddlytime/datetime.js\\ntype: application/javascript\\nmodule-type: macro\\n\\n<<dt format delay>>\\n\\nExamples:\\n<<dt>>\\n<<dt \\\"YYYY-0MM-0DD 0hh:0mm:0ss\\\">>\\n<<dt \\\"YYYY-0MM-0DD 0hh:0mm:0ss\\\" \\\"30\\\">>\\n<$macrocall $name=\\\"dt\\\" ts={{!!created}} format=\\\"MMM DD. YY\\\"/>\\n\\nFormat Strings:\\nPlease find all format strings listed in the JavaScript code of function formatDateString in $:/core/modules/utils/utils.js\\n\\\\*/\\n(function(){\\n\\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\\n/*global $tw: false */\\n\\\"use strict\\\";\\n\\n/*\\nThis is a macro to get formatted date and/or time plus delay in minutes\\n*/\\n\\nexports.name = \\\"dt\\\";\\n\\nexports.params = [\\n\\t{ name: \\\"format\\\" },\\n\\t{ name: \\\"delay\\\" },\\n\\t{ name: \\\"ts\\\" }\\n];\\n\\n/*\\nRun the macro\\n*/\\nexports.run = function(format, delay, ts) {\\n\\tif(!ts) {\\n\\t\\tts = new Date;\\n\\t\\tts.setMinutes(ts.getMinutes() + Number(delay));\\n\\t}\\n\\telse {\\n\\t\\tts = $tw.utils.parseDate(ts);\\n\\t}\\n\\tif(!format)\\n\\t\\tformat = \\\"hh12:0mm:0ss AM\\\";\\n\\treturn $tw.utils.formatDateString(ts, format); \\n};\\n\\n})();\", \"type\": \"application/javascript\", \"title\": \"$:/plugins/ajh/tiddlytime/datetime.js\", \"module-type\": \"macro\" },\n\"$:/plugins/ajh/tiddlytime/icon\": { \"text\": \"<svg class='tc-image-tiddlyviewer ic-image-button' width='22pt' height='22pt' viewBox='0 0 128 128'><path fill='#f90' stroke='#c0f' stroke-width='5' d='m9,34.7l55,-32l55,32v58.2l-55,32l-55,-32v-58.2z'/><circle fill='#f90' stroke='#000' stroke-width='5' cx='64' cy='64' r='45'/><path stroke='#000' stroke-width='5' d='m64,26v38l16,26l-16,-26v-38zm-38,38h7zm38,38v-7zm31,-38h7z'/></svg>\", \"title\": \"$:/plugins/ajh/tiddlytime/icon\", \"tags\": \"$:/tags/Image\" },\n\"$:/plugins/ajh/tiddlytime/readme\": { \"text\": \"This plugin button displays time with seconds and several time spans when clicked. The tool tip displays todays date minus 78 days. Clicking the time reveals time, time + 15 minutes, time + 30 minutes, and time + 45 minutes.\\n\\nSimply drag $:/plugins/ajh/tiddlytime to the top of your tiddlywiki display, save and reload.\\n\\nThis plugin comprises:\\n\\n* JavaScript code modules\\n* Button\\n* Template\\n* Stylesheet\\n* Timestamp\\n* Caption and hint\", \"title\": \"$:/plugins/ajh/tiddlytime/readme\" },\n\"$:/plugins/ajh/tiddlytime/stylesheet\": { \"text\": \"/* TOPBAR TIME */\\nhtml .tc-time {\\n color: {{!!button-color}};\\n font-weight: {{!!weight}};\\n font-size: {{!!button-size}};\\n line-height: 0em;\\n margin: -15px 0;\\n}\\nhtml .tc-time:hover {\\n color: {{!!button-hover-color}} !important;\\n}\", \"weight\": \"\", \"title\": \"$:/plugins/ajh/tiddlytime/stylesheet\", \"tags\": \"$:/tags/Stylesheet\", \"button-size\": \"\", \"button-hover-color\": \"\", \"button-color\": \"\", \"caption\": \"Tiddlytime Button\" },\n\"$:/plugins/ajh/tiddlytime/time.js\": { \"text\": \"/*\\\\\\ntitle: $:/plugins/ajh/tiddlytime/time.js\\ntype: application/javascript\\nmodule-type: startup\\n\\nSetup the root widget time to update $:/temp/time once every 1000 milliseconds using local computer time. $:/temp/time can then be transcluded to have multiple instances or no visible instances (without error) of a time clock with seconds. This is not the exact time unless your computer is set a little ahead of a time server or if you are lucky. Mine is within a second and I am OK with living in the past just a little.\\n\\n\\\\*/\\n(function () {\\n\\n/*jslint node: true, browser: true */\\n/*global $tw: false */\\n\\\"use strict\\\";\\n\\n// Export name and synchronous status\\nexports.name = \\\"time\\\";\\nexports.platforms = [\\\"browser\\\"];\\nexports.after = [\\\"startup\\\"];\\nexports.before = [\\\"rootwidget\\\"];\\nexports.synchronous = true;\\n\\nexports.startup = function() {\\n var timer=setInterval(function(){\\n var d=new Date();\\n var t=d.toLocaleTimeString();\\n $tw.wiki.addTiddler(new $tw.Tiddler({title: \\\"$:/temp/time\\\", text: t}));\\n},1000);\\n};\\n\\n})();\", \"type\": \"application/javascript\", \"title\": \"$:/plugins/ajh/tiddlytime/time.js\", \"module-type\": \"startup\" },\n\"$:/time\": { \"text\": \"<span title=<<dt 'MM/DD (today-78)' '-112320'>>>\\n<$button class='tc-btn-invisible tc-time'><$action-navigate $to='$:/info/timestamp'/><$transclude tiddler='$:/temp/time' mode='block'/></$button></span>\", \"title\": \"$:/time\", \"tags\": \"$:/tags/PageControls\", \"list-before\": \"\", \"description\": \"{{$:/language/Buttons/Time/Hint}}\", \"caption\": \"{{$:/temp/time}} {{$:/language/Buttons/Time/Caption}}\" } } }", "version": "0.0.11", "type": "application/json", "title": "$:/plugins/ajh/tiddlytime", "source": "https://github.com/Infurnoape/infurnoape.github.io/blob/master/recipes/library/tiddlers/%2524%253A%252Fplugins%252Fajh%252Ftiddlytime.json", "plugin-type": "plugin", "list": "readme", "description": "Tiddlytime Button", "dependents": "$:/info/timestamp $:/language/Buttons/Time/Caption $:/language/Buttons/Time/Hint $:/plugins/ajh/tiddlytime/datetime.js $:/plugins/ajh/tiddlytime/icon $:/plugins/ajh/tiddlytime/readme $:/plugins/ajh/tiddlytime/stylesheet $:/plugins/ajh/tiddlytime/time.js $:/time", "core-version": ">=5.1.11" }
  This plugin displays external pages fully formatted instead of as just plain text. By adding a ''tiddly'' field and path to an external page, it recognizes to display the page in an object frame. [[Example Tiddly]]<br>
  <mark>@@color:red; ''WARNING'' @@</mark>: Use of Tiddly Viewer to display untrusted web sites could be a security risk.<br>
  Simply drag $:/plugins/ajh/tiddlyviewer to the top of your tiddlywiki display, save and reload.<br>
  It includes the tiddlers below packed for easy use:<br>
{ "text": "{ \"tiddlers\": { \"$:/plugins/ajh/tiddlyviewer/icon\": { \"text\": \"<svg class='tc-image-tiddlyviewer ic-image-button' width='22pt' height='22pt' viewBox='0 0 128 128'><path fill='#ff0' stroke='#30f' stroke-width='5' d='m9,34.7l55,-32l55,32v58.2l-55,32l-55,-32v-58.2z'/><path fill='#30f' d='m48,44c-17.7,5.2 -31.4,15.6 -27.5,20.7c1.7,2.3 3.1,2.1 7.1,-1.2c4.1,-3.4 16.7,-10.2 18.9,-10.2c1.2,0 1.4,1.1 1.2,5.1c-0.6,9.3 5.9,16.8 15,17.4c4.2,0.3 6.2,-0.1 9.3,-2.1c5.2,-3.3 8.8,-10.7 8,-16.5c-0.4,-3.1 -0.2,-4 0.9,-4c2.4,0 10.2,4 16.8,8.6c6.8,4.9 8,5.2 9.8,2.8c2.7,-3.6 -1.8,-8.6 -13.8,-15.6c-12.2,-6.6 -33.2,-9.3 -45.7,-5zm-13,32.7c-0.9,2.7 0.3,3.8 7.1,6.1c10.7,3.6 21.7,4.8 31.4,3.4c10.9,-1.5 21.5,-5.5 21.9,-8c0.6,-3.2 -2.5,-3.4 -10.1,-0.8c-10.9,3.8 -25.8,4.3 -36.8,1.1c-13,-3.7 -12.8,-3.7 -13.5,-1.8z'/></svg>\", \"title\": \"$:/plugins/ajh/tiddlyviewer/icon\", \"tags\": \"$:/tags/Image\" },\n\"$:/plugins/ajh/tiddlyviewer/readme\": { \"text\": \"This plugin displays external pages fully formatted instead of as just plain text. By adding a ''tiddly'' field and path to an external page, it recognizes to display the page in an object frame.\\n\\n<mark>@@color:red; ''WARNING'' @@</mark>: Use of Tiddly Viewer to display untrusted web sites could be a security risk.\\n\\nSimply drag $:/plugins/ajh/tiddlyviewer to the top of your tiddlywiki display, save and reload.\\n\\nThis plugin comprises:\\n\\n* Template\\n* Stylesheet\", \"title\": \"$:/plugins/ajh/tiddlyviewer/readme\" },\n\"$:/plugins/ajh/tiddlyviewer/stylesheet\": { \"text\": \"/* EXPAND */\\n.tc-tiddly-viewer {\\n width: {{!!width}};\\n height: {{!!height}};\\n}\", \"width\": \"100%\", \"title\": \"$:/plugins/ajh/tiddlyviewer/stylesheet\", \"tags\": \"$:/tags/Stylesheet\", \"height\": \"85vh\", \"caption\": \"Tiddly Viewer\" },\n\"$:/plugins/ajh/tiddlyviewer/template\": { \"text\": \"<$reveal type='nomatch' state=<<folded-state>> text='hide' retain='yes' animate='yes'>\\n<$list filter='[all[current]has[tiddly]]'>\\n<object type='text/html' data={{!!tiddly}} class='tc-tiddly-viewer'></object>\\n</$list>\\n</$reveal>\", \"title\": \"$:/plugins/ajh/tiddlyviewer/template\", \"tags\": \"$:/tags/ViewTemplate\", \"list-after\": \"$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/tags\" } } }", "version": "0.0.15", "type": "application/json", "title": "$:/plugins/ajh/tiddlyviewer", "source": "https://github.com/Infurnoape/infurnoape.github.io/blob/master/recipes/library/tiddlers/%2524%253A%252Fplugins%252Fajh%252Ftiddlyviewer.json", "plugin-type": "plugin", "list": "readme", "description": "Tiddly Viewer", "dependents": "$:/plugins/ajh/tiddlyviewer/icon $:/plugins/ajh/tiddlyviewer/readme $:/plugins/ajh/tiddlyviewer/stylesheet $:/plugins/ajh/tiddlyviewer/template", "core-version": ">=5.1.11" }
<$action-deletefield $tiddler="$:/plugins/ajh/tiddlyviewer/stylesheet" modified created/>
Delete "modifed" and "created"
!! Advanced templates
You can also make very advanced templates, as you can see in the graph below.
This is the line that draws the graph:
``<$tidgraph start="Virtues" nodetemplate="PotOfGold CloudTemplate GoldTemplate" />``
The templates are applied in the order specified, if the conditions match.
It uses these user defined templates:
* simple SVG icon
* uses `_tgr_node_filter` to select one node
*One-liner with three fields:
** uses the `_tgr_node_class_add` field to add a CSS class to the node
** uses the `_tgr_node_level` field to apply only to levels 2 and 3
** uses the `_tgr_node_filter` field which excludes the [[Others]] node
* has advanced SVG inside to render a cloud with text
* uses the `_tgr_node_level` field to only apply to level 1
* uses the `_tgr_node_class` field to replace the default node class with a non-existent CSS class (in effect erasing it)
This is how the graph looks like:
<$tidgraph start="Virtues" nodetemplate="PotOfGold CloudTemplate GoldTemplate " />
# [[vecmap - Easy tiddler maps for TW5]] (v{{$:/plugins/ihm/vecmap!!version}})
# [[Bible plugin]] - Alpha (v{{$:/plugins/ihm/bible!!version}})
The [[bible|$:/plugins/ihm/bible]] plugin allows you to quote scriptures from different languages and translations. However, it //does not include all the bibles or verses//. More on that later. This is how a quote looks like:
<<bqb Gen 1,1-1,2>>
You can also quote verses inline like this: <<bqi Gen 1,1>>. The tooltip showing other translations can be seen when you hover the mouse over the quote.
!How to use
!!Inline quotes
To quote inline use the ``bqi`` macro, it stands for (b)ible (q)uote (i)nline. You can use it like this:
``<<bqi Gen 1,1>>`` and it includes the verse inline: <<bqi Gen 1,1>>. The default bible translation is used (it is specified by $:/config/ihm/bible/defaultTranslation).
You can also secify the translation to use: ``<<bqi Gen 1,1 MEX>>`` to quote from the MEX (Mexican) translation:<<bqi Gen 1,1 MEX>>
!!Block quotes
The block version is the ``bqb`` macro. ``<<bqb Gen 1,1 VUL>>`` looks like this:
<<bqb Gen 1,1 VUL>>
or in Hebrew (install the SBL Hebrew font for a proper view)
``<<bqb Gen @1,1 BHS>>``. The `@` sign is used to show the verse numbers within the quote:
<<bqb Gen @1,1 BHS>>
or in Greek ``<<bqb Mt 1,1 NA28>>``. Notice the verse numbers are now shown, because we used `1,1` withouth the `@`:
<<bqb Mt 1,1 NA28>>
<div style="position:relative; display: flex; align-items: center; height:85px; width:128px;">
<svg version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" x="0px"
y="0px" width="128px" height="85px" viewBox="0 0 128 85" preserveAspectRatio="none" >
<g transform="translate(0,-22)">
<path fill="#dce4ef" d="M110.01,53.41c0-9.65-7.82-17.46-17.47-17.46c-1.15,0-2.28,0.11-3.37,0.33
c1.7,0.56,3.52,0.87,5.41,0.87c9.65,0,17.47-7.82,17.47-17.47C127.48,61.22,119.66,53.41,110.01,53.41z M110.01,81.1
<foreignObject x="10" y="55" width="110px" height="50px">
<body><div style="text-align: center; font-size: 16px;"><$link> ⇒{{!!title}}</$link></div></body>
''Custom Modes'' allow you to define the way in which children of a node are chosen (besides the default `tagging` and `linking` modes). It uses a //user defined// subfilter, stored in a tiddler. The mode tiddler is named `$:/config/tidgraph/modes/ModeName`. Where `ModeName` is the name you want to use for your custom mode.
In this example, we have [[$:/config/tidgraph/modes/MyMode]]. The text of this tiddler is `fields[]` which is the subfilter that will be used to find the children of a node.
The `fields[]` filter operator returns the fields of its parent. The following graph is generated with:
``<$tidgraph start="Faith" mode="MyMode">``
<$tidgraph start="Faith" mode="MyMode"/>
if you don't want to store the mode in a config tiddler you can simply use:
``<$tidgraph start="Faith" mode="fields[]">``
<$list filter="[prefix[$:/plugins/ihm/]!suffix[backup]][prefix[$:/config/ihm/]]">
<p style="font-size:1.1em; margin-bottom: 0.5em;">
<$link to={{!!title}}>
<$view field="title"/>
</$link> {{!!version}}
<$list filter="[all[current]plugintiddlers[]]">
<$link to={{!!title}}>
<$view field="title"/>
<div class="icon-node">
<$transclude tiddler={{!!icon}}/>
''Node Templates'' are very powerful!! They are //user defined templates// that allow you to make the nodes look however you want. Node templates can be applied to individual nodes, to individual levels or to all the nodes. They can also apply to some tiddlers only (using filters). Keep reading to see how a simple template is made, or if you are already knowledgeable jump to [[Advanced Node Templates]].
!! Simple Template
You can use a simple IconTemplate to show the icon next to the title:
``<$tidgraph start="Virtues" nodetemplate="IconTemplate"/>``
In this case the [[Faith]] tiddler has a field named icon with it's image. The other tiddlers don't have an icon field. This is how the graph looks like:
<$tidgraph start="Virtues" nodetemplate="IconTemplate"/>
The IconTemplate is very simple HTML and Wikitext:
<code><$text text={{IconTemplate}}/></code>
The icon-node class is defined in the [[IconTemplate Stylesheet]]. The class simply centers the text horizontally and vertically. If you don't want that you could simply use:
`<$transclude tiddler={{!!icon}}/><$link>{{!!title}}</$link>`
!! Advanced Node Templates
This is just scratching the surface of what can be done with Node templates, see [[Advanced Node Templates]] for more than you ever wanted to know.
<div style="display: flex; align-items: center; height: 55px; width:175px;"><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" preserveAspectRatio="none" height="55" width="75">
<linearGradient id="coin" x2="50%" y2="40%" spreadMethod="reflect">
<stop stop-color="gold" offset="30%" />
<stop stop-color="goldenrod" offset="70%" />
<stop stop-color="white" offset="82%" />
<stop stop-color="gold" offset="92%" />
<stop stop-color="darkgoldenrod" offset="100%" />
<radialGradient id="pot" fx="30%" fy="35%">
<stop stop-color="white" offset="0%" />
<stop stop-color="gold" offset="15%" />
<stop stop-color="goldenrod" offset="80%" />
<stop stop-color="darkgoldenrod" offset="100%" />
<!--symbol id="potofgold" -->
<g fill="url(#coin)" stroke="darkgoldenrod" stroke-width="0.5">
<circle r="5" transform="translate(30,7)" />
<circle r="5" transform="translate(35,13)" />
<circle r="5" transform="translate(22,10)" />
<circle r="5" transform="translate(27,9)" />
<circle r="5" transform="translate(18,17)" />
<circle r="5" transform="translate(42,18)" />
<circle r="5" transform="translate(32,19)" />
<circle r="5" transform="translate(30,14)" />
<circle r="5" transform="translate(25,15)" />
<circle r="5" transform="translate(37,19)" />
<circle r="5" transform="translate(31,16)" />
<circle r="5" transform="translate(20,18)" />
<circle r="5" transform="translate(26,21)" />
<path fill="url(#pot)" stroke="#751" stroke-width="0.5"
d="M30,50 C45,50 55,45 55,35
Q 55,27 50,25 C55,22 53,15 45,20
S 23,25 15,20 S5,22 10,25
Q 5,27 5,35 C5,45 15,50 30,50Z"
<$tidgraph start="Virtues" />
<$fieldmangler tiddler="Tidgraph Test CSS"-->
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible tc-tiddlylink" message="tm-add-tag" param="$:/tags/Stylesheet">Custom stylesheet</$button>
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible tc-tiddlylink" message="tm-remove-tag" param="$:/tags/Stylesheet">Default stylesheet</$button>
For more information see [[Tidgraph - Easy tiddler graphs for TW5]]
''Version 0.9.5''
* SVG collapse/expand button
* Mode subfilter can be specified directly in mode attriute
* Doc update
* Eliminate unneeded console messages
''Version 0.9.4''
* Fix arrow stroke size
''Version 0.9.3''
* dashed style for weak edges
''Version 0.9.2''
* Fix back links in vertical layout
''Version 0.9.1''
* Vertical layout (thanks Sylvain!)
* Improve docs
* Fix refresh bug for node templates
* Support filters in node templates
* Custom user modes now stored in $:/config/tidgraph/modes tiddlers
''Version 0.9.0-rc1''
* Node templates!! (many thanks to Tobias!)
* No output for non-existent tree root
* Fix handling of missing children
* Custom user modes with subfilters ( Tobias again! ☺ )
* Support field list in nodetitle (first non-empty field is used)
* Minor bugfixes
''Version 0.8.19''
* Fix bug with cyclic tags/links
* speedup of tree traversal
* Fix printing unneeded debug info to console
''Version 0.8.18''
* Fix bug handling utf-8 characters
''Version 0.8.17''
* Much nicer collapse glyph (thanks to Tobias Beer)
* Reduce size of plugin (move much of readme and chagelog to demo wiki)
''Version 0.8.16''
* Fix regression added by vertical scroll bar fix
* Fix arrow display problem with some browsers
* Add demo of collapse/expand to demo wiki
''Version 0.8.15''
* New collapse/expand feature
* Add nocollapse attribute to disable collapsing links
* Fix bug with vertical scroll bars appearing in some cases when they are not needed
* Fix bug which could cause indefinite adding of functions to onresize event
''Version 0.8.14''
* Add support for back connections in the tree
* Add support for list of fields in tooltip attribute
* Change name to tidgraph
''Version 0.8.9''
* Fix bug when start tiddler does not exist
''Version 0.8.8''
* Fix compatibility wih older browsers by not using string templates
''Version 0.8.6''
* Add filter attribute
''Version 0.8.4''
* fix debug info being printed
''Version 0.8.3''
* add user CSS classes: vmap-link, vmap-node, vmap-arrow
''Version 0.8.2''
* add nodetitle attribute
* add tooltip attribute
* use caption field as node title if present
''Version 0.1.3''
* fix export to static html
! New! Node Templates!
We have exciting new features thanks to Tobias Beer from the Tiddlywiki group. This is version {{$:/plugins/ihm/tidgraph!!version}}. You can see a demo of what you can do with custom node templates in the [[Node Templates Demo]].
It also supports custom modes to find the children of a node, see the [[Custom Mode Demo]] for an example.
Vertical layouts are also supported, see the [[Vertical Layout Demo]].
Please report any bugs in the Tiddlywiki [[google group|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/tiddlywiki]].
The [[tidgraph|$:/plugins/ihm/tidgraph]] plugin shows tiddlers with an SVG/HTML5 diagram like the following:
<$tidgraph start="Virtues" nodetemplate="PotOfGold"/>
It uses the tags to figure out the tree structure. It can optionally use links also. If a tiddler has a `summary` field then it is used as a tooltip. If a tiddler has a `caption` field then it is used as title for the node. There are attributes to specify each, see the [[Documentaion|$:/plugins/ihm/tidgraph/documentation]] for options.
|Current version|{{$:/plugins/ihm/tidgraph!!version}}|
To install simply drag this link to your wiki:
!! Demos
<<list-links filter:"[tag[Demo]!sort[title]]">>
I needed a very lightweight plugin to show a mind-map like diagram of tiddlers. I also use tiddlymap, it is very nice, but it is not lightweight. I wanted no third-party libraries, and a simple one-liner to make the graph.
!! Changelog
[[Tidgraph - Changelog]]
* Orientation: vertical layout
* Parent position: top bottom middle?
* Edge templates
* Collapse button
* Per-mode node templates?
Tidgraph also supports a vertical layout through the `layout` parameter. The value can be `S` for south or `E` for east. The following
`<$tidgraph start="Virtues" layout="`<code><$text text={{!!layout}}/></code>`"/>`
produces this graph:
<$tidgraph start="Virtues" layout={{!!layout}} maxdepth="1"/>
<$button set=!!layout setTo="S">South</$button>
<$button set=!!layout setTo="E">East</$button>
A toc of tiddler headings, based on the works of [[Danielo Rodríguez|http://braintest.tiddlyspot.com/]], Stephen Kimmel and [[EucalyJ|http://eucaly-tw5.tiddlyspot.com]] in [[this discussion|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/tiddlywiki/6zBxrj4nV34]].
!Get ~MatchFilter
Install [[MatchFilter from EucalyJ|http://eucaly-tw5.tiddlyspot.com/#MatchFilter]], e.g. [[$:/core/modules/filters/match.js]], providing a plugin to extract tiddler contents via regular expressions.
!Create Template
Create a template tiddler for your tiddler-toc, dragging [[toc]] to your wiki.
!Use It
Render the tiddler-toc by [[transcluding the template tiddler|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Transclusion%20in%20WikiText]] [[toc]] via either of...
* `{{||toc}}`
* `<$transclude tiddler="toc"/>`
The default styles are provided using an [[inline <style/> tag|http://tb5.tiddlyspot.com/#Core%20Images%20And%20Inline%20Stylesheets]] in [[toc]] tiddler. To override them, create a tidder tagged [[$:/tags/Stylesheet]] to define your desired toc styles.
Some more headings, just for fun...
!!Level 2
!!!Level 3
!!!!Level 4
!!!!!Level 5
!!!!!!Level 6
See TiddlyWiki for another example.
Example contents from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia...
TiddlyWiki is an open-source single page application wiki. A single HTML file contains CSS, JavaScript, and the content. The content is divided into a series of components, or Tiddlers. A user is encouraged to read a TiddlyWiki by following links rather than sequentially scrolling down the page.
TiddlyWiki content is divided into a series of components called tiddlers. Each tiddler is stored inside an HTML division that contains the source text and meta data in wiki markup. For example, the following could be the HTML source code for the beginning of this section written as a tiddler:
<div title="Tiddlers"
modifier="John Smith"
tags="wikipedia section example code">
<pre>TiddlyWiki content is divided into a ...
In addition to containing text, a tiddler can be a plugin with additional JavaScript and CSS to extend TiddlyWiki. As a result, TiddlyWiki is used in a wide variety of adaptations and uses beyond that of a personal wiki.
!File saving
A TiddlyWiki opened from a file URI may save changes made back to the original file using one of the following techniques:
* formerly the Mozilla File I/O [2] under the control of the UniversalXPConnect per-file preferences [3] for Mozilla Firefox. That functionality was removed from Firefox, and is now replaced with a plugin called TiddlyFox.
* the Microsoft ActiveX FileSystemObject [4] for Internet Explorer
* TiddlySaver Java applet to extend Safari, Opera, Chrome/Chromium, and other browsers. Requires the Java runtime.
Although there are many TiddlyWiki documents on the Web, the majority of TiddlyWikis reside on personal computers and are exchanged on USB flash drives and over email, in a manner similar to word processing documents and spreadsheets. It has been suggested that, as a single HTML file, or saved as an HTA file in Microsoft Windows (allowing corporate IE lockdown to be bypassed), TiddlyWiki is useful in corporate environments where red tape or IT resources might prevent the use of a wiki that requires a more complicated installation.[5]
TiddlyWiki has been used as a Software framework to build specialisations. SocialText uses TiddlyWiki as a part of their unplugged feature.[6]
* The first version of TiddlyWiki was released by Jeremy Ruston in September 2004.
* BT Group bought Osmosoft in 2007[7][8] appointing Ruston as BT's "Head of Open Source Innovation".[9]
* TiddlyWiki was selected as one of the Top 100 Tools for 2007 and 2008 by the Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies.[10]
* In November 2011, Jeremy Ruston announced his departure from Osmosoft and commitment to continue development on TiddlyWiki.[11][12] He is currently building a new TiddlyWiki called TiddlyWiki 5 from the ground up based on lessons learned from the first versions. A beta version was released mid December 2013.[13]
TiddlyWiki is free and open source software and is distributed under the terms of the BSD license.[14] The copyright of TiddlyWiki is held in trust by UnaMesa, a Non-profit organization.[15]
!See also
* Single page application
* Personal wiki
* List of wiki software
* Comparison of wiki software
* Comparison of notetaking software
# "TiddlyWiki Translations". TiddlyWiki Trac Wiki. TiddlyWiki Development team. 2004–2011. Retrieved 20 January 2011.
# "File I/O - MDN". Developer.mozilla.org. 2012-03-31. Retrieved 2012-05-23.
# Stoltz, Mitch. "Per-File Permissions". Mozilla.org. Retrieved 2012-05-23.
# "FileSystemObject Basics". MSDN. Microsoft. Retrieved 2012-05-23.
# "Guerilla wiki". Tech Writer Wiki. Retrieved 11 February 2012.
# "TiddlyWiki - a reusable non-linear personal web notebook". W3.org. 2008-01-01. Retrieved 2012-05-23.
# jermolene (May 29, 2007). "I For One Welcome My New BT Overlords". Treat with Jermolene. Archived from the original on 2011-08-18.
# "Telco 2.0: BT Tries To Fix Global Services with Open Source". Telco2.net. Retrieved 2012-05-23.
# "Open Source Will Change Enterprises, Says BT Guru". TechWeekEurope UK. Eweekeurope.co.uk. 2009-10-16. Retrieved 2012-05-23.
# Hart, Jane (13 August 2011). "Top Tools: Tiddlywiki". Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies. Retrieved 2012-05-23.
# "On Leaving BT and Osmosoft - TiddlyWiki | Google Groups". Groups.google.com. Retrieved 2012-05-23.
# Rejali, Cameron. "Jeremy Ruston to leave BT". Osmosoft.
# "TiddlyWiki release history".
# "TiddlyWiki License". 1 August 2009. Archived from the original on 2010-12-22.
# "tiddlywiki - home". Tiddlywiki.projects.unamesa.org. Retrieved 2012-05-23.
!External links
* Wikimedia Commons has media related to TiddlyWiki.
* Official website
* TiddlyWiki Community documentation wiki
* TiddlyWiki source code repository
* Workaround to use TiddlyWiki remote for iPhone
* local Workaround for WebOS
* Runtime environment for TiddlyWiki on Android
* https://sourceforge.net/projects/woas/ - Woas (my wiki-on-a-stick fork)
Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=TiddlyWiki&oldid=627648501"
* This page was last modified on 30 September 2014 at 07:06.
* Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization.
\define regexp-headings() (^!+.*)(?gmi)
<div class="tidtoc tc-tiddler-frame">
<$list filter="[all[current]match:text<regexp-headings>]">
.tidtoc {
-moz-border-radius: 10px;
border-radius: 10px;
.tidtoc h1,
.tidtoc h2,
.tidtoc h3,
.tidtoc h4,
.tidtoc h5,
.tidtoc h6 {
.tidtoc h1 {
font-weight: bold;
.tidtoc h2 {
text-indent: 15px;
.tidtoc h3 {
text-indent: 30px;
.tidtoc h4 {
text-indent: 45px;
.tidtoc h5 {
text-indent: 60px;
.tidtoc h6 {
text-indent: 75px;
Field version in $:/favicon.ico will contain the version number of the guide
!! [[2nd level bulleted list button]] v<<pversion "list-bullet2-button">>
<<readme $:/plugins/tg/list-bullet2-button/readme $:/plugins/tg/list-bullet2-button>>
!! [[Plugins|All Plugins]]
* ''@@color:Blue;As of 5-2-2020 the namespace of all my plugins has been changed from `$:/plugins/tongerner/...` to `$/plugins/tg/...`@@''
** ''@@color:Blue;In case of upgrading one of my plugins, remove the old plugin and all related tiddlers (overridden shadow tiddlers and configuration tiddlers) containing `$:/plugins/tongerner/...`@@''
* ''When upgrading a plugin it is in general recommended to delete overridden shadow tiddlers, especially stylesheet tiddlers. Note down the changes you made beforehand.''
* All my plugins (themes, 'normal' plugins and editor toolbar buttons) were made with the [[Tinka plugin|https://tinkaplugin.github.io/]] of Andreas Hahn.
<<tabs "Themes Plugins [[Editor toolbar buttons]]" "$:/state/all-plugins">>
|Plugin |tiddler |version |h
|Emphasized theme |$:/themes/tg/emphasized | <<tversion emphasized>>|
|Mobie theme |$:/themes/tg/mobie | <<tversion mobie>>|
|Bluish palette |$:/palettes/Bluish | {{$:/palettes/Bluish!!version}}|
|Layout tweaks |$:/plugins/tg/layout| <<pversion layout>>|
|Top toolbar |$:/plugins/tg/toolbar| <<pversion toolbar>>|
|Tiddlersbar |$:/plugins/tg/tiddlersbar| <<pversion tiddlersbar>>|
|Go to bottom |$:/plugins/tg/bottom| <<pversion bottom>>|
|Exploration |$:/plugins/tg/exploration| <<pversion exploration>>|
|~TabStory |$:/plugins/tg/tabstory| <<pversion "tabstory">>|
|Top menu |$:/plugins/tg/topmenu| <<pversion "topmenu">>|
|Top + left menu |$:/plugins/tg/topleftmenu| <<pversion "topleftmenu">>|
|Tristate |$:/plugins/tg/tristate| <<pversion "tristate">>|
|Simple readonly |$:/plugins/tg/sro| <<pversion "sro">>|
|Readonly |$:/plugins/tg/ro| <<pversion "ro">>|
For an introduction to '~TiddlyWiki 5' see:
* Jeremy Ruston's video [[Getting started with TiddlyWiki|http://youtu.be/1g66s7UbyuU]]
The TW5 documentation can be found at:
* http://tiddlywiki.com/
Further information:
* [[How to tweak a TW5 theme (video by Mario Pietsch)|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jva7Azqu0hs&feature=youtu.be]]
* [[A lot of useful information by Tobias Beer|http://tb5.tiddlyspot.com/]]
* [[Wiki Reference Wiki by Jed Carty|http://inmysocks.tiddlyspot.com/#Learning%20TiddlyWiki]]
* [[TiddlyWiki toolmap by David Gifford|https://dynalist.io/d/zUP-nIWu2FFoXH-oM7L7d9DM]]
* [[Scripts in Tiddlywiki by Mohammad|https://kookma.github.io/TW-Scripts/]]
* ...
!! [[How to make/modify bookmarklets|Bookmarklets]]
''Status:'' @@.RED {{Bookmarklets!!status}} v<<version>>@@
This guide describes how to make (modify existing) bookmarklets without ~JavaScript knowledge, just using templates.<br>
It is based upon the work of Stephan Hadrek, so all credits to him, see:
* http://tw5magick.tiddlyspot.com/
* [[Google groups|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/cUUXichiwdU/8gTL3lsO0MUJ]]
''Guide at ~TiddlySpot:''<br>[[How to make TW5 bookmarklets|http://tw5bookmarklets.tiddlyspot.com/]]
* As of TW v5.1.12 TiddlyWiki contains an editor toolbar which makes the use of bookmarklets more or less superfluous
** @@.red Bookmarklets ''cannot'' be used in combination with the new editor toolbar which uses an iframe for the textarea element!<br>You can use the new editor toolbar ''or'' switch off the editor toolbar and use bookmarklets.@@
* To get the best of both worlds toggling of the editor toolbar need to be easy. My Layout tweaks plugin contains in edit mode a <<slider "toolbar below the tags:" "$:/plugins/tg/layout/toggle_toolbar">>
Breadcrumbs are a list of links to tiddlers opened during a session, creating a 'trail of breadcrumbs' from one tiddler to the next.<br>
The number of breadcrumbs will be limited to the last ''x'' opened tiddlers (''x'' to be set in `$:/_breadcrumbsmenu`).
The term breadcrumbs comes from the trail of breadcrumbs left by Hansel and Gretel in the popular fairytale by the Brothers Grimm.
!! [[Characters button plugin]] v<<pversion "chars-button">>
<<readme $:/plugins/tg/chars-button/readme $:/plugins/tg/chars-button>>
!! [[Code tiddlers]]
It isn't very useful to convert a single code tiddler to a plugin (e.g. my formerly System tags plugin). Therefore here some single code tiddlers.
|Code tiddler |<|h
|$:/_slider-macro|presents a tiddler as a slider|
|$:/core/ui/TagTemplate|adds 'Open all' to the tag dropdown list.<br>Overridden shadow tiddler!|
|$:/_filter/stylesheets|filter: list order of stylesheets|
|$:/_filter/user-system|filter: list user defined system tiddlers (starting with`$:/_`)|
!! [[How to customize TW5|Customization]]
''Status:'' @@.RED {{Customization!!status}} v<<version>>@@
This guide describes how to customize TW5 (in general) and gives customization examples.
* Standard customization via Control panel (tabs 'Basics', 'Appearance', 'Theme Tweaks', and 'Advanced' > 'Settings')
* Advanced customization by overwriting shadow tiddlers and/or adding certain tags (adding e.g. tabs and buttons to the wiki)
* Exploring the source code (UI shadow tiddlers, code snippets, macros, and themes).
''Guide at ~TiddlySpot:''<br>[[How to customize TW5|http://tw5custom.tiddlyspot.com/]]
|Plugin |why not enabled?|h
|[[Mobie theme]]|incompatible with almost all of my plugins|
|[[Top-left menu plugin|Top + left menu plugin]]|incompatible with 'Tristate' plugin|
|[[Left menu plugin]]|incompatible with standard layout|
|[[Go to bottom plugin]]|only for editing|
!! [[Editor toolbar button plugins|Editor toolbar buttons]]
<<tabs "[tag[button]sort[caption]]" "" "$:/state/editor-toolbar-buttons" "tc-vertical">>
!! [[Emphasized theme]] v<<tversion "emphasized">>
Bluish palette v{{$:/palettes/Bluish!!version}}
<<readme $:/themes/tg/emphasized/readme $:/themes/tg/emphasized>>
''Note:''<br>This TW5 uses my Emphasized theme in combination with the Bluish palette.
Drag & drop the following link to your wiki to install the 'Bluish' palette:
* [[$:/palettes/Bluish]]
|PLUGIN |to see in action |remarks|h
|Theme |<|<|h
|[[Emphasized theme]]|default theme here|combined with Bluish palette|
|'Normal' plugin|<|<|h
|[[Layout tweaks plugin]]|click [[Plugin tweaks|$:/plugins/tg/layout/tweaks]] or {{$:/plugins/tg/layout/configuration-button}}||
|[[Top menu plugin]] |see on top||
|[[Toolbar plugin]]|see on top||
|[[Tiddlersbar plugin]] |click {{$:/plugins/tg/tiddlersbar/image-tiddlersbar-off}} / {{$:/plugins/tg/tiddlersbar/image-tiddlersbar-on}}||
|[[Tabstory plugin]] |click {{$:/plugins/tg/tabstory/image-tabstory-off}} / {{$:/plugins/tg/tabstory/image-tabstory-on}}||
|[[Tristate plugin]]|click {{$:/core/images/right-arrow}} / {{$:/core/images/chevron-right}} / {{$:/core/images/chevron-left}}||
|[[Readonly plugin]]|click{{$:/plugins/tg/ro/images/publish}}to access the 'Publish' menu|disables/hides buttons and sidebar tabs @@color:red;(demo not possible here at ~TiddlySpot!)@@|
|[[Simple readonly plugin]]|click{{$:/plugins/tg/sro/images/publish}}to access the 'Publish' menu|disables/hides a set of ''predefined'' buttons & sidebar tabs @@color:red;(demo not possible here at ~TiddlySpot!)@@|
|[[Exploration plugin]]|click {{$:/plugins/tg/exploration/icon}} to start exploration (in a new window)||
|Editor toolbar button plugin|<|<|h
|Highlight button|click {{$:/core/images/highlight}} to highlight selected text||
|Timestamp button|click {{$:/core/images/timestamp}} to insert timestamp||
|Newline button|click {{$:/core/images/newline}} to insert new line||
|Pretty link button|click {{$:/core/images/prettylink}} to create pretty link from selected text||
|Iframe button|click {{$:/core/images/iframe}} to create iframe from selected url||
|Note button|click {{$:/core/images/note}} to insert Note styling for selected text||
|Mark button|click {{$:/core/images/mark}} to higlight/color selected text||
!! [[How to explore TW5|Exploration]]
''Status:'' @@.RED {{Exploration!!status}} v<<version>>@@
''Note:'' @@.brown Available as plugin@@.
This guide let you explore the ~WikiText core tiddlers like the UI shadow tiddlers, code snippets, macros, themes and so on.
''Guide at ~TiddlySpot:''<br>[[How to explore TW5|http://tw5exploration.tiddlyspot.com/]]
!! [[Exploration plugin]] v<<pversion "exploration">>
<<readme $:/plugins/tg/exploration/readme $:/plugins/tg/exploration>>
!! [[Go to bottom plugin]] v<<pversion "bottom">>
!!!!Readme (from plugin)
<$transclude tiddler="$:/plugins/tg/bottom" subtiddler="$:/plugins/tg/bottom/readme" mode="block"/>
Drag & drop the following link to your wiki to install this plugin.
* [[$:/plugins/tg/bottom]]
!! [[Guides]]
A <<slider "basic knowledge" "Basic knowledge">> of '~TiddlyWiki 5' is assumed.
<<tabs "[tag[guide]sort[title]]" "Customization" "$:/state/tab/guides" "tc-vertical">>
!! [[Highlight button plugin]] v<<pversion "highlight-button">>
<<readme $:/plugins/tg/highlight-button/readme $:/plugins/tg/highlight-button>>
!! [[Iframe button plugin]] v<<pversion "iframe-button">>
<<readme $:/plugins/tg/iframe-button/readme $:/plugins/tg/iframe-button>>
!! [[Introduction]]
I am a longtime user of ~TiddlyWiki Classic and still use it daily next to ~TiddlyWiki 5.
I started experimenting with TW5 at the end of September 2013 (alpha10).<br>
Since I missed a few things in the layout I got used to in ~TiddlyWiki Classic, I started with modifying the layout of TW5.<br>
To share my knowledge, I made a few guides about these 'modifications'.<br>
The guides started as a non-linear personal web notebook (yeah, the subtitle of ~TiddlyWiki!). I started experimenting with layout things and used TW5 to document my experiments.
* Be aware I am just an end user, no developer or programmer.
* This site is a showcase of most of my plugins. It looks sometimes overdone and/or confusing, e.g.:
** Top menu, toolbar and Tiddlersbar together
** two kinds of 'breadcrumbs' (Tiddlersbar & Tabstory plugin).
** two kinds of 'readonly' plugins (with two 'Publish' tabs in ''Control panel > Appearance''!)
* Layout settings (''Control panel > Appearance > Plugin tweaks'') have been adjusted to avoid overlapping top menu / toolbar / tiddlersbar.
This TW contains:
* <<slider "Enabled plugins" "Enabled plugins">>
* <<slider "Disabled plugins" "Disabled plugins">>
''Note:''<br>My 'Emphasized' theme and 'Bluish' palette (formerly combined in my 'Bluish' theme) are used here.
;Thanks to
:[[Jeremy Ruston|http://tiddlywiki.com/]]
:[[David Gifford|http://www.giffmex.org/#TiddlyWiki]]
:[[Stephan Hradek|http://tw5magick.tiddlyspot.com/]]
:[[Danielo Rodríguez|http://braintest.tiddlyspot.com]]
:[[Matabele|http://wills.tiddlyspot.com/]] †
:[[Tobias Beer|http://tobibeer.github.io/tb5/#Welcome]]
:and all others who helped me to achieve this.
!! [[Latest news]]
{{$:/_images/construction.gif}}My personal 'playground', always under construction.
!!! 26-9-2020
* Updated Simple readonly plugin
!!! 22-9-2020
* Repaired bug in 'tagging in view mode'
* Repaired bug in sticky titles / editor toolbar
* Updated Top toolbar guide
!!! 30-4-2020
* Upgraded to TW v5.1.22
* Upgraded/updated plugins
* New Left menu plugin
!!! 10-3-2020
* Repaired bug in Uptoolbar (Toolbar above title) plugin
* Updated version of 'Customization' guide
!!! 5-2- 2020
* New namespace `$:/plugins/tg/...` (was `$:/plugins/tongerner/...`)
* Added several tweaks to Layout tweaks plugin
!!! 11-11-2019
* Added missing style tiddler to $:/_toggle-editor-toolbar_preview
!!! 13-9-2019
* Upgraded
* Tiddlersbar (breadcrumbs) guide
** Left menu guide
** Left + top menu guide
** Readonly guide
!!! 12-9-2019
* Upgraded to TW v5.1.21
** this TW + plugins
** Bookmarklets guide
** Exploration guide
** Top menu guide
** Tristate guide
** Top toolbar guide
!!! 26-1-2019
* Added experimental Mobile theme
!!! 24-1-2019
* Updated Customization guide
!!! 29-12-2018
* Updated Layout and Toolbar plugin
* Updated Customization guide
!!! 24-12-2018
* Upgraded this TW and all guides to TW v5.1.19
!!! 5-7-2018
* Top toolbar: added Field handling in view mode
!!! 3-7-2018
* Upgraded 'Customization' guide
!!! 10-6-2018
* Re-added twCards for plugins
!!! 2-6-2018
* Bug fix in Tiddlersbar plugin
!!! 30-5-2018
* Upgraded this wiki, and all guides to TW v5.1.17
!!! 1-3-2018
* Updated toolbar plugin
!!! 26-2-2018
* Several updated plugins
!!! 16-11-2017
* Upgraded this wiki, all guides and all plugins to TW v5.1.15
!!! 14-11-2017
* Upgraded 'Customization' guide
!!! 31-10-2017
* Updated plugins to the latest version
* Upgraded 'Customization' guide
!!! 16-6-2017
* Added drag & drop functionality to tag pill based menu entries in Top menu & Top + left menu plugins
!!! 7-6-2017
* Added Iframe, Newline, and Prettylink editor toolbar buttons (plugins)
* Bug fixes to Top toolbar plugin
!!! 12-5-2017
* Added Timestamp and Highlight editor toolbar buttons (plugins)
* Divided plugins in Themes, ('normal') Plugins and Editor toolbar buttons
!!! 9-5-2017
* Upgraded 'Customization' guide
* Added 'Open all' code tiddler
!!! 7-5-2017
* Upgraded other guides except 'Customization' guide
* Improvements for several plugins/theme
!!! 4-5-2017
* Upgraded Left + top menu guide
!!! 3-5-2017
* Upgraded Toolbar plugin
* Upgraded Bookmarklets, Exploration, and Left menu guides
!!! 2-5-2017
* Upgraded this wiki to TW v5.1.14
* Added 'single code' tiddlers
* Breadcrumbs guide/plugin replaced by Tiddlersbar guide/plugin
* Added Simple readonly guide/plugin
* Removed Tinka plugin (now available at https://tinkaplugin.github.io/)
* Upgraded all plugins except the Toolbar plugin to TW v5.1.14
!!! 21-11-2016
* Added latest version v0.2.0-beta of Tinka plugin by Andreas Hahn (not available anymore at http://twguides.org)
!!! 25 September 2016
* Added 'Left menu' guide
* Toolbar plugin: added 'enable/disable toolbar' button
* Listrecent plugin: added 'enable/disable listrecent' button
* Extended 'Customization' guide
* Added $:/state/sidebar to the Tristate plugin
* Minor tweaks to other guides and plugins
!!! 14 August 2016
* Repaired 'description' bug in Toolbar plugin
!!! 11 August 2016
* Updated readonly guide and plugin
* Updated toolbar guide and plugin
!!! 27 July 2016
* 'TW5 bookmarklets': Added a checkbox for the editor toolbar - in edit mode, just below the tags and/or above the editor toolbar.
!!! 26 July 2016
* Upgraded 'Customization of TW5' to TW5.1.13.
!!! 25 July 2016
* Upgraded wiki, plugins and guides (except 'Customization of TW5' to TW5.1.13.
!!!13 February 2016
* Small updates to several plugins (mainly styling + info)
* Small updates to several guides (caused by plugin changes)
* Corrected/updated guide 'Top + left menu'
!!!1 February 2016
* Added ndash (–) and info about Firefox add-ons to 'TW5 bookmarklets'
!!!31 January 2016
* Upgraded this wiki, all guides and all plugins to TW5.1.11
!!!25 January 2016
* Reworked 'TW5 bookmarklets'
!!!20 January 2016
* Upgraded guide 'Customization of TW5' to TW5.1.10
!!!16 January 2016
* Upgraded guide 'TW5 top menu toolbar' to TW v5.1.10
!!!15 January 2016
* Upgraded guide 'TW5 read-only' to TW v5.1.10
!!!14 January 2016
* Upgraded guide 'Top + left menu' to TW v5.1.10
* Upgraded guide 'Top menu' to TW v5.1.10
* Upgraded guide 'TW5 tristate Sidebar' to TW v5.1.10
!!!12 January 2016
* Upgraded this wiki to TW v5.1.10
* Upgraded guide 'TW5 bookmarklets' to TW v5.1.10
* Upgraded guide 'TW5 Exploration' to TW v5.1.10
* Upgraded guide 'TW5 - breadcrumbs' to TW v5.1.10
* Upgraded plugins to TW v5.1.10
* Added 'Layout adjustment', 'Systemtags', 'Tabstory', 'Top-left menu' and 'Toolbar' plugin.
!!!6 August 2015
* Bugfix in 'Customization of TW5'
!!!19 July 2015
* Upgraded 'TW5 tristate Sidebar' to TW v5.1.9.
!!!18 July 2015
* Upgraded 'Top + left menu' to TW v5.1.9 and made a 'topleft' plugin.
* New guide 'Top menu'; also available as plugin.
!!!15 July 2015
* Upgraded 'Customization of TW5' to TW v5.1.9.
!!!9 July 2015
* Upgraded 'TW5 - breadcrumbs' to TW v5.1.9 and made a 'breadcrumbs' plugin.
* Upgraded 'TW5 top menu toolbar' to TW v5.1.9.
!!!8 July 2015
* Upgraded this wiki to TW v5.1.9.
* Added Plugins tiddler.
* Made 'searchtab' plugin
* Upgraded 'TW5 bookmarklets' to TW v5.1.9.
* Upgraded 'TW5 Exploration' to TW v5.1.9.
* Upgraded 'TW5 read-only' to TW v5.1.9.
!!!18 May 2015
* Repackaged 'TW5 read-only' plugin with the Tinka plugin v0.1.0.
!!!15 May 2015
* Repackaged 'TW5 read-only' plugin with help of Andreas Hahn's Tinka plugin v0.0.2.
* Small bug fixes in 'TW5 read-only'.
!!!5 May 2015
* Upgraded 'Customization of TW5' to TW v5.1.8.
!!!25 April 2015
* Upgraded this wiki to TW v5.1.8.
* Upgraded 'TW5 bookmarklets' to TW v5.1.8.
* Upgraded 'TW5 Exploration' to TW v5.1.8.
* Upgraded 'TW5 tristate Sidebar' to TW v5.1.8.
* Upgraded 'TW5 - breadcrumbs' to TW v5.1.8.
* Upgraded 'Top + left menu' to TW v5.1.8.
* Upgraded 'TW5 top menu toolbar' to TW v5.1.8.
* Upgraded 'TW5 read-only' to TW v5.1.8.
!!!24 December 2014
* Upgraded this wiki and all guides to TW v5.1.7.
!!!9 December 2014
* Updated 'Customization of TW5'.
!!!6 December 2014
* Upgraded 'TW5 top menu toolbar' to TW v5.1.5.
* Upgraded 'Customization of TW5' to TW v5.1.5.
!!!5 December 2014
* Upgraded 'TW5 - breadcrumbs' to TW v5.1.5.
* Upgraded 'Top + left menu' to TW v5.1.5.
!!!4 December 2014
* Reworked Bluish theme, now at v0.7.8.
* Upgraded 'TW5 tristate Sidebar' to TW v5.1.5.
* Upgraded 'TW5 bookmarklets' to TW v5.1.5.
* Upgraded 'TW5 read-only' to TW v5.1.5.
!!!27 November 2014
* Upgraded this wiki (NOT all guides) to TW v5.1.5.
* Upgraded 'TW5 Exploration' to TW v5.1.5.
!!!14 November 2014
* Added new guide: 'TW5 Exploration'.
!!!10 November 2014
* Added 'Newline' (`<br>`) to 'TW5 bookmarklets'.
!!!30 October 2014
* Reworked Bluish theme, now at v0.7.4.
!!!24 October 2014
* Upgraded this wiki and all guides to TW v5.1.4.
!!!21 October 2014
* Upgraded 'TW5 - breadcrumbs' to TW v5.1.3.
* Upgraded 'TW5 top menu toolbar' to TW v5.1.3.
* Upgraded 'TW5 read-only' to TW v5.1.3.
!!!20 October 2014
* Upgraded this wiki to TW v5.1.3.
* Upgraded 'TW5 tristate Sidebar' to TW v5.1.3.
* Upgraded 'TW5 bookmarklets' to TW v5.1.3.
!!!28 September 2014
* Upgraded this wiki and all guides to TW v5.1.2.
!!!22 September 2014
* Upgraded this wiki and all guides to TW v5.1.1.
!!!21 September 2014
* Upgraded this wiki and guides - except 'Customization of TW5' - to TW v5.1.0.
!!!18 September 2014
* Upgraded this wiki AND all guides to TW5.0.18-beta.
!!!13 September 2014
* Upgraded 'TW5 tristate Sidebar' to TW5.0.17-beta.
* Upgraded 'TW5 - breadcrumbs' to TW5.0.17-beta.
* Upgraded 'Top + left menu' to TW5.0.17-beta.
!!!12 September 2014
* Upgraded this wiki to TW5.0.17-beta.
* Upgraded 'TW5 bookmarklets' to TW5.0.17-beta.
* Upgraded 'TW5 read-only' to TW5.0.17-beta.
!!!7 September 2014
* Upgraded 'Customization of TW5' to TW5.0.16-beta.
!!!6 September 2014
* Upgraded 'TW5 top menu toolbar' to TW5.0.16-beta.
* Upgraded 'TW5 tristate Sidebar' to TW5.0.16-beta.
!!!5 September 2014
* Upgraded 'TW5 read-only' to TW5.0.16-beta.
* Upgraded 'TW5 bookmarklets' to TW5.0.16-beta.
* Upgraded 'TW5 - breadcrumbs' to TW5.0.16-beta.
* Upgraded 'Top + left menu' to TW5.0.16-beta.
!!!4 September 2014
* Upgraded this wiki to TW5.0.16-beta.
!!!28 August 2014
* Upgraded 'Customization of TW5' to TW5.0.15-beta.
!!!24 August 2014
* Upgraded 'TW5 read-only' to TW5.0.15-beta.
!!!21 August 2014
* Upgraded this wiki to TW5.0.15-beta.
* Upgraded 'TW5 - breadcrumbs' to TW5.0.15-beta.
* Upgraded 'Top + left menu' to TW5.0.15-beta.
* Upgraded 'TW5 top menu toolbar' to TW5.0.15-beta.
* Upgraded 'TW5 tristate Sidebar' to TW5.0.15-beta.
* Upgraded 'TW5 bookmarklets' to TW5.0.15-beta.
!!!18 August 2014
* Upgraded 'TW5 - breadcrumbs' to TW5.0.14-beta.
* Upgraded 'Top + left menu' to TW5.0.14-beta.
* Upgraded 'TW5 top menu toolbar' to TW5.0.14-beta.
!!!15 August 2014
* Upgraded 'TW5 tristate Sidebar' to TW5.0.14-beta.
* Upgraded 'TW5 bookmarklets' to TW5.0.14-beta.
!!!14 August 2014
* Upgraded this wiki to TW5.0.14-beta.<br>Guides have to be upgraded to v5.0.14-beta!
!!!13 August 2014
* 'TW5 tristate Sidebar' v1.1.
* Monospace bookmarklet added to 'TW5 bookmarklets'.
!!!11 August 2014
* New guide 'TW5 tristate Sidebar', a 'tristate' toggle Sidebar.
!!!3 August 2014
* Added 'Exploration' to 'Customization of TW5'.
!!!1 August 2014
* Some changes/additions to 'TW5 bookmarklets'.
!!!29 July 2014
* 'TW5 bookmarklets':
** bug fixes.
** 'How to add a favicon to a bookmarklet'.
!!!8 July 2014
* 'How to make TW5 readonly': improved documentation.
!!!16 July 2014
* 'How to make TW5 readonly': Made a read-only plugin .
!!!9 July 2014
* Added drag & drop bookmarklets to 'TW5 bookmarklets'.
!!!6 July 2014
* Updated 'Customization of TW5'. Added description for:
** [[$:/tags/ControlPanel/Advanced/Settings]].
** [[$:/tags/TiddlerInfo/Advanced]].
!!!5 July 2014
* Created a new guide: 'TW5 bookmarklets'.
!!!28 June 2014
* Upgraded 'Top + left menu' to TW5.0.13-beta.
* Upgraded 'TW5 - breadcrumbs' to TW5.0.13-beta.
!!!27 June 2014
* Upgraded 'Customization of TW5' to TW5.0.13-beta.
!!!24 June 2014
* Upgraded this wiki to v5.0.13-beta.
* Upgraded 'TW5 top menu + toolbars' to TW5.0.13-beta.
* Upgraded 'How to make TW5 readonly' to TW5.0.13-beta. Other guides will follow.
!!!10 June 2014
* Added 'Dirtree slider' left menu to 'Top + left menu'.
!!!7 June 2014
* Updated 'Top + left menu' to Bluish theme v0.2.0. Changed 'Left menu'/Sidebar button behavior.
!!!5 June 2014
* Updated 'TW5 top menu + toolbars' to Bluish theme v0.2.0.
!!!3 June 2014
* Updated 'How to make TW5 readonly' and 'TW5 - breadcrumbs' to Bluish theme v0.2.0.
!!!2 June 2014
* 'Customization of TW5':
** added commented styles used in Bluish theme.
** new icon for 'Add tagging in view mode'.
!!!30 May 2014
* Small changes in Bluish theme (now v.0.2.0).
!!!23 May 2014
* 'Customization of TW5', added 'Add tagging in view mode' + small corrections/additions.
* Small corrections/additions to 'TW5 top menu + toolbars'.
!!!20 May 2014
* 'Customization of TW5', added 'prefix' filter to standard search.
!!!18 May 2014
* Upgraded 'TW5 top menu + toolbars' to TW5.0.12-beta.
* Upgraded 'Customization of TW5' to TW5.0.12-beta.
!!!17 May 2014
* Upgraded ''this'' wiki to TW5.0.12-beta.
* Upgraded 'TW5 - breadcrumbs' to TW5.0.12-beta.
* Upgraded 'How to make TW5 readonly' to TW5.0.12-beta.
* Upgraded 'Top + left menu' to TW5.0.12-beta.
> ''Note:'' Not all guides are yet upgraded to TW5.0.12-beta!
!!!9 May 2014
* Some corrections and additions to 'Customization of TW5'.
!!!8 May 2014
* Added documentation to 'Customization of TW5'.
!!!7 May 2014
* Upgraded 'Customization of TW5' to TW5.0.10-beta.
* A complete rewrite.
!!!3 May 2014
* Some corrections in 'TW5 top menu + toolbars'.
!!!2 May 2014
* Upgraded 'TW5 - breadcrumbs' to TW5.0.10-beta.
!!!1 May 2014
* Upgraded 'TW5 top menu + toolbars' to TW5.0.10-beta.
!!!28 april 2014
* 'How to make TW5 readonly': Added possibility to hide the 'Hamburger' menu icon.
!!!27 april 2014
* 'How to make TW5 readonly': Added possibility to hide the tabs in the Sidebar (checkbox per tab).
!!!24 april 2014
* Upgraded 'How to make TW5 readonly' to TW5.0.10-beta.<br>This is a new simplified version of it.
!!!21 April 2014
* Upgraded this wiki to TW5.0.10-beta.
> ''Note:'' Guides are not yet upgraded to TW5.0.10-beta!
!!!29 March 2014
* Added 'How to simplify the toggle button?' to [[How to create a top menu + toolbars|http://tw5toolbar.tiddlyspot.com/]].
!!!11 March 2014
* Added Stephan Hadrek's 'new journal' button to [[How to create a top menu + toolbars|http://tw5toolbar.tiddlyspot.com/]].
* Added tag pill based entries in top menu to [[How to create a left menu|http://tw5topleft.tiddlyspot.com/]].
!!!6 March 2014
* [[Problems with tag pills in combination with 3-column mode and Chrome|Problems with tag pills]].
!!!1 March 2014
* Made separate guide for [[Breadcrumbs|http:/tw5breadcrumbs.tiddlyspot.com/]].
* Upgraded all guides to TW5.0.8-beta.
!!!16 February 2014
* Updated [[How to make a left menu that can be toggled on/off + tiddlersbar (breadcrumbs)|http://tw5topleft.tiddlyspot.com/]].
!!!11 February 2014
* Added a 'tiddlersbar' to a top menu, see: [[How to make a left menu that can be toggled on/off + tiddlersbar (breadcrumbs)|http://tw5topleft.tiddlyspot.com/]].
!! [[Layout tweaks plugin]] v<<pversion "layout">>
<<readme $:/plugins/tg/layout/readme $:/plugins/tg/layout>>
!! [[How to create a left menu + top menu|Left + top menu]]
''Status:'' @@.RED {{Left + top menu!!status}} v<<version>>@@
''Note:'' @@.brown Available as plugin.@@
This guide describes how to add a top menu and a left menu to a TW5.
It features:
* a top menu with tag pill based entries
* a left menu (with different kinds of entries)
* a button in a top menu to toggle the left menu on/off while at the same time the sidebar is toggled off/on.
''Guide at ~TiddlySpot:''<br>[[How to make a top menu, and a left menu that can be toggled on/off|http://tw5topleft.tiddlyspot.com/]]
* This guide is meant for a non-widescreen monitor where window space is limited
* In case of a widescreen monitor left menu and sidebar can be visible together. See my guide [[Left menu]].
!! [[How to make a left menu|Left menu]]
''Status:'' @@.RED {{Left menu!!status}} v<<version>>@@
This guide describes how to add a left menu to a TW5 ''without'' using the Centralised theme.<br>
The Centralised theme - based on the Snow White theme - gives room for a left menu. If you want to use a left menu with another theme, e.g. your own theme, you have to make your own centralised story river (by using the styles from the Centralised theme).
''Guide at ~TiddlySpot:''<br>[[How to make a left menu|http://tw5leftmenu.tiddlyspot.com/]]
* For widescreen monitors where left menu, story river, and sidebar can be displayed together.
* In case of a limited screen space see my guide [[Left + top menu]] where you can toggle between left menu and sidebar.
!! [[Left menu plugin]] v<<pversion "leftmenu">>
!!!!Readme (from plugin)
<$transclude tiddler="$:/plugins/tg/leftmenu" subtiddler="$:/plugins/tg/leftmenu/readme" mode="block"/>
Drag & drop the following links to your wiki to install this plugin.
* [[$:/plugins/tg/leftmenu]]
* [[$:/plugins/tg/layout]]
!! [[List recent plugin]]
@@.RED Now part of Top toolbars plugin (button).@@
!! [[Mark button plugin]] v<<pversion "mark-button">>
<<readme $:/plugins/tg/mark-button/readme $:/plugins/tg/mark-button>>
!! [[Mobile theme: Mobie|Mobie theme]] <<tversion mobie>>
<<readme "Readme Mobie theme" $:/themes/tg/mobie>>
<<slider "Screenshot" Screenshot_Mobile_theme.jpg>>
See also demo site: http://tw5mobile.tiddlyspot.com/
Dordrecht, the Netherlands, my home town.
''Status:'' @@.RED {{My 'playground'!!status}} v<<version>>@@
{{Under construction general_}}
<<tabs "Introduction [[Guides]] [[All Plugins]] [[Code tiddlers]] [[Latest news]]" "Introduction" "$:/state/tab/playground" "tabsstyle">>
,,Comments and questions are welcome. Post them in the [[TW Google group|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/tiddlywiki]],,
!! [[Newline button plugin]] v<<pversion "newline">>
<<readme $:/plugins/tg/newline-button/readme $:/plugins/tg/newline-button>>
!! [[Note button plugin]] v<<pversion "note">>
<<readme $:/plugins/tg/note-button/readme $:/plugins/tg/note-button>>
!! [[Plugins]]
<<tabs "[tag[plugin]sort[caption]]" "" "$:/state/plugins" "tc-vertical">>
!! [[Prettylink button plugin]] v<<pversion "prettylink">>
<<readme $:/plugins/tg/prettylink-button/readme $:/plugins/tg/prettylink-button>>
Since TW5.0.8-beta there are problems with the 'List all tags' button, the 3-column layout, and Chrome as browser, see [[Google groups|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/DOlliTOEyCQ/lQxXhzXyzPAJ]].<br>
In short: the tag pills - except 'Untagged' - are not clickable anymore.
!!!The longer story.
To investigate it further, I tested with different devices, OSes, and browsers at my disposal. The results are given in the table below.
|PC1|Win7|Firefox v27| √ | √ |
|~|~|Chrome v33| √ | x ^^1^^|
|~|~|Interner Explorer v10| √ | √/x ^^2^^|
|~|~|Opera v18| √ | x ^^1^^|
|PC2|Debian 7.4|Iceweasel (=Firefox) v17| √ | √ |
|~|~|Chrome v33| √ | x ^^1^^|
|iPad 2|iOS 7.0.6|Safari| √ | x ^^1^^|
|Nexus 7 ^^3^^|Android 4.4.2|Chrome v33| √ | x ^^1^^|
|^^^1^^ |All tags except 'Untagged' are not clickable. 'Click area' is shifted|
|^^^2^^ |Although 'clickable', strange behaviour: when clicked sometimes going to 1 or 2 column mode or the dropdown list is broken in 2 or 3 parts|
|^^^3^^ |First (2012) version|
''Summary of results:''
# The problem started with TW5.0.8-beta; TW5.0.7-beta did behave in all cases as expected.
# Webkit based browsers (Chrome, Opera, Safari) do show this strange behaviour in combination with TW5.0.8-beta.
# Although the tag pills are 'clickable' with Internet Explorer, there is no 'normal' behaviour in combination with TW5.0.8-beta:<br>a) Dependent on the (place of) the clicked tag, going to 1 or 2 column mode<br>b) Dependent on the (place of) the tag clicked, the dropdown list is broken in 2 or 3 parts.
!! [[How to make a TW read-only|Read-only]]
''Status:'' @@.RED {{Read-only!!status}} v<<version>>@@
''Note:'' @@.brown Available as plugin (in fact 2 plugins):@@
# a 'simple' one with predefined buttons & tabs
# an extended version.
This guide describes how to make a TW5 read-only.
Making TW5 read only can be done with the ~ReadOnly theme available at http://tiddlywiki.com/
Unfortunately to persist in this 'read-only' state you have to save the TW and that is not possible anymore!
So there must be a - hidden - save possibility.<br>One way to go is based on creating a tiddler - with a 'non-suspicious' name - wherein the possibility to switch to read-only mode (decoupled from the ~ReadOnly theme) ''and'' saving this situation.
Besides saving the read-only mode it is also possible to hide:
* hide buttons
** the Sidebar and Advanced search button (although they remain active!)
* the 4 tabs in the Sidebar.
''Guide at ~TiddlySpot:''<br>[[How to make TW5 read-only|http://tw5readonly.tiddlyspot.com/]]
''Mobie'', a mobile theme.
|Icon |description|h
|{{$:/core/images/chevron-down}}|Toggle menu on/off|
|{{$:/core/images/home-button}}|Open the default tiddlers|
|{{$:/core/images/new-button}}|New tiddler|
|{{$:/core/images/save-button}}|Save wiki|
|{{$:/core/images/options-button}}|Control panel|
|<$transclude tiddler="$:/themes/tongerner/mobie" subtiddler="$:/themes/tongerner/mobie/images/editor-toolbar"/>|Toggle editor toolbar on / off|
|{{$:/core/images/help}}|Help (displays readme)|
* The menu button toggles $:/core/ui/SideBarLists on/off (displaying only search and sidebar tabs)
* The title of the wiki ($:/SiteTitle) will be shown on top (title contained in tiddler tagged with `$:/tags/AboveStory`)
* Toggle buttons (''Menu'' & ''Editor toolbar'') are colored when active
* Buttons can be enabled / disabled / rearranged in ''Control panel'' (''Appearance > Toolbars > Top toolbar'') like all other buttons<br>(for quick access click $:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Toolbars/Topbar).
!! [[Readonly plugin]] v<<pversion "ro">>
<<readme $:/plugins/tg/ro/readme $:/plugins/tg/ro>>
!! [[Simple readonly plugin]] v<<pversion "sro">>
<<readme $:/plugins/tg/sro/readme $:/plugins/tg/sro>>
!! [[Tabstory plugin]] v<<pversion "tabstory">>
To see the Tabstory plugin in action, click the Show Tabstory button (<<icn $:/plugins/tg/tabstory/image-tabstory-off>>) in Page Controls.
<<readme $:/plugins/tg/tabstory/readme $:/plugins/tg/tabstory>>
* [[$:/plugins/tg/layout]]
!! [[Themes]]
<<tabs "[tag[theme]sort[caption]]" "" "$:/state/themes" "tc-vertical">>
!! [[How to add a tiddlersbar (breadcrumbs)|Tiddlersbar]]
''Status:'' @@.RED {{Tiddlersbar!!status}} v<<version>>@@
''Note:'' @@.brown Available as plugin.@@
This guide describes how to add a 'tiddlersbar' with <<slider "breadcrumbs" "Breadcrumbs info">> to a TW5.
''Guide at ~TiddlySpot:''<br>[[How to add a 'tiddlersbar' (breadcrumbs)|http://tw5breadcrumbs.tiddlyspot.com/]]
!! [[Tiddlersbar plugin]] v<<pversion "tiddlersbar">>
<<readme $:/plugins/tg/tiddlersbar/readme $:/plugins/tg/tiddlersbar>>
* $:/plugins/tg/layout
!! [[Timestamp button plugin]] v<<pversion "timestamp">>
<<readme $:/plugins/tg/timestamp-button/readme $:/plugins/tg/timestamp-button>>
Teruggetrokken plugins
* List recent results (now part of Top toolbar plugin)
* Uptoolbar (now part of Layout tweaks plugin)
!! [[Top menu + left menu plugin|Top + left menu plugin]] v<<pversion "topleftmenu">>
!!!!Readme (from plugin)
<$transclude tiddler="$:/plugins/tg/topleftmenu" subtiddler="$:/plugins/tg/topleftmenu/readme" mode="block"/>
Drag & drop the following links to your wiki to install this plugin.
* [[$:/plugins/tg/topleftmenu]]
* [[$:/plugins/tg/layout]]
!! [[How to create a top menu|Top menu]]
''Status:'' @@.RED {{Top menu!!status}} v<<version>>@@
''Note:'' @@.brown Available as plugin.@@
This guide describes how to make a - tag pill based - top menu.
''Guide at ~TiddlySpot:''<br>[[How to make a top menu|http://tw5topmenu.tiddlyspot.com/]]
!! [[Top menu plugin]] v<<pversion "topmenu">>
<<readme $:/plugins/tg/topmenu/readme $:/plugins/tg/topmenu>>
* [[$:/plugins/tg/layout]]
!! [[How to create a top toolbar|Top toolbar]]
''Status:'' @@.RED {{Top toolbar!!status}} v<<version>>@@
''Note:'' @@.brown Available as plugin.@@
This guide describes how to:
* add a top toolbar
* add buttons to the top toolbar
As a demo it does not show all toolbar buttons that can be added to the top toolbar!
''Guide at ~TiddlySpot:''<br>[[How to make a top toolbar|http://tw5toolbar.tiddlyspot.com/]]
!! [[Top toolbar plugin]] v<<pversion "toolbar">>
<<readme $:/plugins/tg/toolbar/readme $:/plugins/tg/toolbar>>
* $:/plugins/tg/layout
In case you want the possibility to enable/disable the toolbar, drag & drop the following link to your wiki:
* [[$:/_toggle-toolbar-plugin-button]]
''Note:''<br>This 'toggle toolbar plugin' button does ''not'' work here at ~TiddlySpot (you cannot save)!
!! [[Tristate plugin]] v<<pversion "tristate">>
<<readme $:/plugins/tg/tristate/readme $:/plugins/tg/tristate>>
* [[$:/plugins/tg/layout]]
!! [[How to create a 'tristate' Sidebar|Tristate sidebar]]
''Status:'' @@.RED {{Tristate sidebar!!status}} v<<version>>@@
''Note:'' @@.brown Available as plugin.@@
This guide describes how to change the standard twostate ({{$:/core/images/chevron-right}} / {{$:/core/images/chevron-left}}) functionality to tristate ({{$:/core/images/right-arrow}} / {{$:/core/images/chevron-right}} / {{$:/core/images/chevron-left}}) functionality of the Sidebar:
# standard tiddler width with a broad - fluid - sidebar
#* showing single right chevron button {{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}
# small Sidebar (width programmable) and fluid tiddler width
#* showing double right chevron button {{$:/core/images/chevron-right}}
# fluid tiddler width without Sidebar
#* showing double left chevron button {{$:/core/images/chevron-left}}
''Guide at ~TiddlySpot:''<br>[[How to make a tristate toggle Sidebar|http://tw5tristate.tiddlyspot.com/]]
|{{Under_construction.gif}}|^''This site is under construction.''<br>@@.RED Although this site is already upgraded to TW v<<version>> not all the guides/plugins are (yet) upgraded!@@<br>Check the guides/plugins under the tab 'Guides'/'Plugins' or check the tab 'Latest news' for news about the upgrade process.|
!! [[Uptoolbar plugin]]
@@.RED Now part of Layout tweaks plugin (checkbox setting).@@
  This plugin adds the Top Left Toolbar to the Toolbars tab in the control panel. Drag and drop selected to change the ordering. It provides a list of buttons that have the $:/tags/PageControls tag and can be selected to appear in the Top left toolbar.<br>
  Simply drag $:/plugins/ajh/toplefttoolbar to the top of your tiddlywiki display, save and reload.<br>
  It includes the tiddlers below packed for easy use:<br>
{ "text": "{ \"tiddlers\": { \"$:/language/toplefttoolbar/caption\": { \"text\": \"Top Left Toolbar\", \"title\": \"$:/language/toplefttoolbar/caption\" },\n\"$:/language/toplefttoolbar/hint\": { \"text\": \"Choose which buttons are displayed on the top left toolbar. Drag and drop selected to change the ordering\", \"title\": \"$:/language/toplefttoolbar/hint\" },\n\"$:/plugins/ajh/toplefttoolbar/controls\": { \"text\": \"\\\\define lingo-base() $:/language/toplefttoolbar/\\n\\\\define add() [[$(currentTiddler)$]]\\n\\\\define remove() -[[$(currentTiddler)$]]\\n\\\\define drop-actions()\\n<$action-listops $tiddler='$:/plugins/ajh/toplefttoolbar/list' $subfilter='+[insertbefore:currentTiddler<actionTiddler>]'/>\\n\\\\end\\n\\n<<lingo hint>>\\n\\n<$set name='tv-config-toolbar-icons' value='yes'>\\n\\n<$set name='tv-config-toolbar-text' value='yes'>\\n\\n<$macrocall $name='list-links-draggable' tiddler='$:/plugins/ajh/toplefttoolbar/list' itemTemplate='$:/plugins/ajh/toplefttoolbar/template' class='tc-topbar-nobull'/>\\n<$list filter='[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/PageControls]!has[draft.of]]'>\\n<$list filter='[all[current]!list[$:/plugins/ajh/toplefttoolbar/list]]'>\\n<div>\\n<$button class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>>>\\n<$action-listops $tiddler='$:/plugins/ajh/toplefttoolbar/list' $field='list' $subfilter=<<add>>/>\\n<input type='checkbox' unchecked='true'/>\\n</$button>\\n<span class=\\\"tc-icon-wrapper\\\">\\n<$transclude tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field='caption'/>\\n<i class='tc-muted'>\\n -- <$transclude tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field='description'/>\\n</i>\\n</span>\\n</div>\\n</$list>\\n</$list>\\n\\n</$set>\\n\\n</$set>\", \"title\": \"$:/plugins/ajh/toplefttoolbar/controls\", \"tags\": \"$:/tags/ControlPanel/Toolbars\", \"caption\": \"{{$:/language/toplefttoolbar/caption}}\" },\n\"$:/plugins/ajh/toplefttoolbar/icon\": { \"text\": \"<svg class='tc-image-toplefttoolbar ic-image-button' width='22pt' height='22pt' viewBox='0 0 128 128'><path fill='#c0f' stroke='#000' stroke-width='5' d='m9,34.7l55,-32l55,32v58.2l-55,32l-55,-32v-58.2z'/><circle fill='#fff' cx='38' cy='64' r='7'/><circle fill='#fff' cx='64' cy='64' r='7'/><circle fill='#fff' cx='90' cy='64' r='7'/></svg>\", \"title\": \"$:/plugins/ajh/toplefttoolbar/icon\", \"tags\": \"$:/tags/Image\" },\n\"$:/plugins/ajh/toplefttoolbar/readme\": { \"text\": \"This plugin adds the Top Left Toolbar to the Toolbars tab in the control panel. Drag and drop selected to change the ordering. It provides a list of buttons that have the $:/tags/PageControls tag and can be selected to appear in the Top left toolbar.<br>\\n\\nSimply drag $:/plugins/ajh/toplefttoolbar to the top of your tiddlywiki display, save and reload.\\n\\nThis plugin comprises:\\n\\n* Control settings\\n* Template\\n* Stylesheet\\n* Toolbar\\n* Caption and hint\", \"title\": \"$:/plugins/ajh/toplefttoolbar/readme\" },\n\"$:/plugins/ajh/toplefttoolbar/stylesheet\": { \"text\": \"/* PREVENT OVERLAPPING TOPRIGHTBAR ON MOBILE PHONES */\\n.tc-topbar-left {\\n margin-right: {{!!right}};\\n}\\n\\n/* MARGINS AND SIZE AND COLOR */\\n.tc-topbar-left .tc-page-controls {\\n margin-top: 0;\\n font-size: {{!!button-size}};\\n}\\n.tc-topbar .tc-page-controls button {\\n margin-right: 0em;\\n}\\n.tc-topbar-left .tc-page-controls button svg {\\n margin-top: {{!!top}};\\n fill: {{!!button-color}};\\n}\\n.tc-topbar-left button:hover svg {\\n fill:{{!!button-hover-color}} !important;\\n}\\n.tc-topbar .tc-btn-text {\\n color: {{!!text-color}};\\n}\\n.tc-topbar .tc-btn-text:hover {\\n color: {{!!text-hover-color}};\\n}\\n\\n/* DROPDOWN SIZE */\\n.tc-topbar-left .tc-page-controls div.tc-drop-down {\\n font-size: {{!!downdrop-size}};\\n}\\n\\n/* CONTROL PANEL LIST */\\n.tc-topbar-nobull {\\n list-style-type: none;\\n -webkit-margin-after: -1.5em;\\n -webkit-padding-start: 0px;\\n}\\n.tc-topbar-nobull a.tc-tiddlylink-shadow {\\n font-weight: normal;\\n}\", \"top\": \"inherit\", \"title\": \"$:/plugins/ajh/toplefttoolbar/stylesheet\", \"text-hover-color\": \"\", \"text-color\": \"\", \"tags\": \"$:/tags/Stylesheet\", \"right\": \"3em\", \"button-size\": \"inherit\", \"button-hover-color\": \"\", \"button-color\": \"\", \"caption\": \"Top Left Toolbar\", \"downdrop-size\": \"inherit\" },\n\"$:/plugins/ajh/toplefttoolbar/template\": { \"text\": \"<$draggable tiddler=<<currentTiddler>>>\\n<$button class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>>>\\n<$action-listops $tiddler='$:/plugins/ajh/toplefttoolbar/list' $field='list' $subfilter=<<remove>>/>\\n<input type='checkbox' checked='checked'>\\n</$button> <span class='tc-icon-wrapper'> <$transclude field='caption'/> <i class='tc-muted'>-- <$transclude field='description'/></i></span>\\n</$draggable>\", \"title\": \"$:/plugins/ajh/toplefttoolbar/template\" },\n\"$:/plugins/ajh/toplefttoolbar/toolbar\": { \"text\": \"<div class='tc-page-controls'>\\n<$list filter='[list[$:/plugins/ajh/toplefttoolbar/list]]'><$transclude field='text' mode='inline'/>\\n</$list>\\n</div>\", \"title\": \"$:/plugins/ajh/toplefttoolbar/toolbar\", \"tags\": \"$:/tags/TopLeftBar\" } } }", "version": "0.0.14", "type": "application/json", "title": "$:/plugins/ajh/toplefttoolbar", "source": "https://github.com/Infurnoape/infurnoape.github.io/blob/master/recipes/library/tiddlers/%2524%253A%252Fplugins%252Fajh%252Ftoplefttoolbar.json", "plugin-type": "plugin", "list": "readme", "description": "Top Left Toolbar", "dependents": "$:/language/toplefttoolbar/caption $:/language/toplefttoolbar/hint $:/plugins/ajh/toplefttoolbar/icon $:/plugins/ajh/toplefttoolbar/readme $:/plugins/ajh/toplefttoolbar/stylesheet $:/plugins/ajh/toplefttoolbar/template $:/plugins/ajh/toplefttoolbar/toolbar", "core-version": ">=5.1.14" }
Some quick documentation is here http://inmysocks.tiddlyspot.com/#TriggerActions%20Plugin
plugin tiddler: [[$:/plugins/inmysocks/TriggerActions]]
\define thisThing()
<$message2action message='tm-modal'>
<$select field='selected'>
<option>First option</option>
<option>Second option</option>
<$list filter='[is[current]]'>
<$list filter='[tag[Icon Menus]]'>
<$checkbox tiddler='Black Line' tag='$:/tags/ViewTemplate'>Show Horizontal Rule Under Tiddler Titles</$checkbox><br>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/core/ui/PageTemplate/sidebar' tag='$:/tags/PageTemplate'>Toggle Old Sidebar</$checkbox> (This only hides the menu, it doesn't change the size of the tiddlers)
\define thisSelectTag()
Tag to replace: <$select field='selected_tag'>
<$set name=TagSearch value={{$:/temp/changetags!!search_tags}}>
<$list filter='[tags[]regexp[(?i)$(TagSearch)$]]'>
</$select> <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/changetags' field='search_tags' class='tc-exit-textexitor' placeholder='Narrow Tags List'/>
This lets you search for all tiddlers with a specific tag and selectivly replace that tag with another one. Or if the 'Replace With' field is empty just remove the tag from the tiddler(s).
Replace With: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/changetags' field='replace_tag' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
<$list filter='[tag{!!selected_tag}]'>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<currentTiddler>>>
<<currentTiddler>> <$button>Change Tag<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param={{$:/temp/changetags!!replace_tag}}/><$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-tag' $param={{Search and Replace Tags!!selected_tag}}/></$button><br>
This is a demo of the icon menus I have made for TiddlyWiki5 based on the example at http://tw5topleft.tiddlyspot.com, and several good suggestions from this discussion https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/tiddlywiki/UO9y7LWy0Lc
!!There are 5 new menu positions as well as the top bar:
*The Top Bar - The bar at the top of the screen, it contains the three top menus
*The Left Menu - On the left side of the screen between the left edge of the screen and the right edge of the tiddlers
*The Right Menu - On the right side of the screen
*The Top Left Menu - in the upper left corner
*The Top Middle Menu - in the middle of the top of the screen
*The Top Right Menu - in the upper right corner
Each of these things can be configured in the [[$:/ControlPanel]] in the new `Icon Menu Settings` tab. Things that can be changed include what is displayed in each menu, the width and position of each menu, the text size, background and text colors and the css class that determines the menus appearance. The left and right menus can be set to be mostly transparent until the mouse hovers over them, or they can be mostly hidden off screen and pop out when the mouse hovers over them.
!!Changing the content of the menus
In the `Icon Menu Settings` tab of the [[$:/ControlPanel]] there are 6 smaller tabs, one for each menu and one for the top bar. In each of the menu tabs there is a list of available menu items which can be toggled. The order in which the items appear in the menus is controlled by the order column in the list.
!!Adding things to the menus
Any tiddler with the tag `Menu Item` will appear in the list of possible menu items. The size of the SVG icons is controlled by the font size parameter for each menu (which can be changed for each menu in the tab on the control panel), but if you wish to have items on the menu that won't fit with the current sizes the menu widths can be changed as well.<br>
For the left and right menus using the pop out on hover classes and making the menus wide allows you to have text entries in each menu that only are fully shown when hovered over. Or you could just make the menus wide using the other classes.
!!Other tweaks
While not actually related to the icon menus there is another new tab in the control panel called `Other Tweaks`. Currently it has an option to display a horizontal black line below each tiddlers title, I find this makes things a bit easier to follow. There is also an option to hide the normal menu. This option doesn't change the width of the tiddlers the way the {{$:/core/images/chevron-right}} button does, it just removes the menu. The normal {{$:/core/images/chevron-right}} button is available as an item in the icon menus.
!!Some Things to be aware of:
The three top menus are partly controlled by the top bar, and if the top bar is turned off than the three top menus are also hidden. If the top menu is set to pop out on hover than the three menus follow it.
For the left and right menus, the `Position of Hidden Menu` parameter in the control panel controls how much of the menu can be seen when it is hidden (not hovered over) using the pop out on hover menu types. This is given in terms of how far the menu edge is from the opposite side of the screen. Unless you are only going to be using a single screen with a set resolution using a percentage may work better for this.
If you have the old menu visible, and it is big enough that it would have a scroll bar of its own, the right menu will partially or fully cover it if the right menu is visible.
!!How to use this in your own wiki
If you click on the {{$:/core/images/advanced-search-button}} icon next to the search in the menu, or on the icon in the upper right menu, you can use the `filter` tab and enter `[tag[Icon Menus]]` as the filter. This will give a list of all the tiddlers used for the icon menus, then click on the {{$:/core/images/export-button}} button to export these tiddlers. Select `JSON Tiddlers File` form the menu that appears and save the file somewhere. Then in the wiki you want to use the icon menus in import that file.
Added “[all[current]listed[source]listed[source]]” to the list filter of the tabs and captions for notes, comments and ideas.
Changed tiddlers:
* [[$:/_tw-scholars/macros/tabs/tabContents]]
* [[$:/_tw-scholars/macros/tabs/tabCaption]]
When creating a new chapter, the fields “description“ and “about“ were not working properly. Changed tiddlers:
* [[$:/_tw-scholars/newHere/chapter/table]]
* [[$:/_tw-scholars/newHere/chapter/button]]
The new concept and new theory buttons in the sidebar did not passed the content of the text box to the new created tiddler.
Changed tiddlers:
* [[$:/_tw-scholars/macros/SideBar/newConcept/button]]
* [[$:/_tw-scholars/macros/SideBar/newTheory/button]]
<div class="cit">
Around 230 years after Shakespeare's death, doubts began to be expressed about the authorship of the works attributed to him.[189] Proposed alternative candidates include Francis Bacon, Christopher Marlowe, and Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford.[190] Several “group theories” have also been proposed. Only a small minority of academics believe there is reason to question the traditional attribution, but interest in the subject, particularly the Oxfordian theory of Shakespeare authorship, continues into the 21st century.
William Shakespeare was the son of John Shakespeare, an alderman and a successful glover originally from Snitterfield, and Mary Arden, the daughter of an affluent landowning farmer. He was born in ~Stratford-upon-Avon and baptised there on 26 April 1564. His actual date of birth remains unknown, but is traditionally observed on 23 April, Saint George's Day. This date, which can be traced back to an 18th-century scholar's mistake, has proved appealing to biographers, since Shakespeare died 23 April 1616. He was the third child of eight and the eldest surviving son.
Although no attendance records for the period survive, most biographers agree that Shakespeare was probably educated at the King's New School in Stratford, a free school chartered in 1553, about a quarter-mile from his home. Grammar schools varied in quality during the Elizabethan era, but grammar school curricula were largely similar, the basic Latin text was standardised by royal decree, and the school would have provided an intensive education in grammar based upon Latin classical authors.
At the age of 18, Shakespeare married the 26-year-old Anne Hathaway. The consistory court of the Diocese of Worcester issued a marriage licence on 27 November 1582. The next day, two of Hathaway's neighbours posted bonds guaranteeing that no lawful claims impeded the marriage. The ceremony may have been arranged in some haste, since the Worcester chancellor allowed the marriage banns to be read once instead of the usual three times, and six months after the marriage Anne gave birth to a daughter, Susanna, baptised 26 May 1583. Twins, son Hamnet and daughter Judith, followed almost two years later and were baptised 2 February 1585. Hamnet died of unknown causes at the age of 11 and was buried 11 August 1596.
<h1><span title="Éditer cette section"><$link>{{!!title}}</$link></span></h1>
\define slider-h1s(caption,state,text)
<h1><span title="Éditer cette section"><$button message="tw-edit-tiddler" class="btn-invisible">@@color:green;$caption$@@</$button></span> <$button popup="$:/state/$state$" class="btn-invisible"><span title="Montrer"><small><small><small><small><$reveal type="match" text="" default="" state="$:/state/$state$">[voir] </$reveal></small></small></small></small></span><span title="Cacher"><small><small><small><small><$reveal type="nomatch" text="" default="" state="$:/state/$state$">[cacher] </$reveal></small></small></small></small></span></$button></h1>
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/$state$" text="">
<<slider-h1s "{{!!title}}" "" "{{!!text}}">>
<h2><span title="Éditer cette section"><$link>{{!!title}}</$link></span></h2>
\define slider-h2s(caption,state,text)
<h2><span title="Éditer cette section"><$button message="tw-edit-tiddler" class="btn-invisible">@@color:green;$caption$@@</$button></span> <$button popup="$:/state/$state$" class="btn-invisible"><span title="Montrer"><small><small><small><small><$reveal type="match" text="" default="" state="$:/state/$state$">[voir] </$reveal></small></small></small></small></span><span title="Cacher"><small><small><small><small><$reveal type="nomatch" text="" default="" state="$:/state/$state$">[cacher] </$reveal></small></small></small></small></span></$button></h2>
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/$state$" text="">
<<slider-h2s "{{!!title}}" "" "{{!!text}}">>
!!<span title="Éditer cette section"><$link>{{!!title}}</$link></span>
To be, or not to be, that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
And by opposing end them. To die—to sleep,
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to: 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;
To sleep, perchance to dream—ay, there's the rub:
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come,
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause—there's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life.
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
Th'oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,
The pangs of dispriz'd love, the law's delay,
The insolence of office, and the spurns
That patient merit of th'unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a bare bodkin? Who would fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the dread of something after death,
The undiscovere'd country, from whose bourn
No traveller returns, puzzles the will,
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others that we know not of?
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all,
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,
And enterprises of great pitch and moment
With this regard their currents turn awry
And lose the name of action.
This note has nothing to do here.
What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet.
The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, often shortened to Hamlet, is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare at an uncertain date between 1599 and 1602. Set in the Kingdom of Denmark, the play dramatizes the revenge Prince Hamlet is instructed to enact on his uncle Claudius. Claudius had murdered his own brother, Hamlet's father King Hamlet and then taken the throne, marrying his deceased brother's widow, Hamlet's mother Gertrude.
Macbeth is Shakespeare's shortest tragedy, and tells the story of a brave Scottish general named Macbeth who receives a prophecy from a trio of witches that one day he will become King of Scotland. Consumed by ambition and spurred to action by his wife, Macbeth murders King Duncan and takes the throne for himself. He is then wracked with guilt and paranoia, and he soon becomes a tyrannical ruler as he is forced to commit more and more murders to protect himself from enmity and suspicion. The bloodbath and consequent civil war swiftly take Macbeth and Lady Macbeth into the realms of arrogance, madness, and death.
Some scholars claim that members of Shakespeare's family were Catholics, at a time when Catholic practice was against the law.[194] Shakespeare's mother, Mary Arden, certainly came from a pious Catholic family. The strongest evidence might be a Catholic statement of faith signed by John Shakespeare, found in 1757 in the rafters of his former house in Henley Street. The document is now lost, however, and scholars differ as to its authenticity.[195] In 1591 the personities reported that John Shakespeare had missed church “for fear of process for debt”, a common Catholic excuse.[196] In 1606 the name of William's daughter Susanna appears on a list of those who failed to attend Easter communion in Stratford.[196] As several scholars have noted, whatever his private views, Shakespeare “conformed to the official state religion”, as Park Honan put it.[197][198] Shakespeare's will uses a Protestant formula and he was a confirmed member of the Church of England, where he got married, his children were baptized, and where he was buried. Other authors argue that there is a lack of evidence about Shakespeare's religious beliefs. Scholars find evidence both for and against Shakespeare's Catholicism, Protestantism, or lack of belief in his plays, but the truth may be impossible to prove.[199]
Stratford-upon-Avon (/ˌstrætfəd əpɒn ˈeɪvən/, known locally as Stratford) is a market town and civil parish in south Warwickshire, England. It lies on the River Avon, 22 miles (35 km) south east of Birmingham and 8 miles (13 km) south west of Warwick. It is the largest and most populous town of the non-metropolitan district Stratford-on-Avon, which uses the term "on" rather than "upon" to distinguish it from the town itself.[1] Four electoral wards make up the urban town of Stratford; Alveston, Avenue and New Town, Mount Pleasant and Guild and Hathaway. The estimated total population for those wards in 2007 was 25,505.[2]
The town is a popular tourist destination owing to its status as birthplace of the playwright and poet William Shakespeare, often regarded as the world's greatest playwright of all time, receiving about 4.9 million visitors a year from all over the world.[3] The Royal Shakespeare Company resides in Stratford's Royal Shakespeare Theatre, one of Britain's most important cultural venues.
|! Version | ''<$button set="$:/state/tab-{-1076863771}" setTo="$:/_tw-scholars/tab/journal" class="btn-invisible">{{!!version}}</$button>'' |
!What is this?
[[TiddlyWiki|http://tiddlywiki.com/static/TiddlyWiki.html]] is a great piece of software created by [ext[Jeremy Ruston|https://github.com/Jermolene]]. It allows you, among other things, to take notes, organize ideas, store information, and display all your stuff the way you want. It is an incredibly flexible tool you can adapt to fit almost all your needs.
//''~TiddlyWiki for Scholars''// is a personal customization of ~TiddlyWiki <<version>> I made for note-taking from readings, but it can be useful for other purposes. The idea behind this adaptation is to show and to allow creating relevant data related to the current tiddler without leaving the tiddler.
<div class="box">
The current tiddler is an example of how //~TiddlyWiki for Scholars//, with its bottom tabs bar, can be used for. A more academic example is the tiddler [[William Shakespeare]].
This adaptation have been created with help and support from other community members who provide plugins, guides, tutorials and help through the [[discussion group|http://groups.google.com/group/TiddlyWiki]] and their own TWs ([[links here|http://tiddlywiki.com/static/Community.html]]). I am very grateful to the community and to Jeremy Ruston.
<div class="important">
{{$:/_images/arrow-right}} //~TiddlyWiki for Scholars// is a work in progress and a moving target. <br>
{{$:/_images/arrow-right}} I'm not a developper but only an end user.<br>
{{$:/_images/arrow-right}} ~TiddlyWiki itself is still in beta phase.<br>
Thus, <b>use it with extreme caution and create regular backups of your data.</b>
For more information about //~TiddlyWiki for Scholars//, see the tabs below…
\define toc-heading(caption)
<$reveal type="nomatch" state=<<qualify "$:/state/tac/$caption$">> text="show">
<$list filter=" [all[current]listed[about]] [all[current]listed[source]] [all[current]listed[parent]] +[limit[1]]">
<$button set=<<qualify "$:/state/tac/$caption$">> setTo="show" class="btn-invisible">
<$reveal type="match" state=<<qualify "$:/state/tac/$caption$">> text="show">
<$button set=<<qualify "$:/state/tac/$caption$">> setTo="hide" class="btn-invisible">
<$reveal type="match" state=<<qualify "$:/state/tac/$caption$">> text="show" retain="yes" animate="yes">
<$list filter="[all[current]listed[about]] [all[current]listed[source]] [all[current]listed[parent]]">
# <$macrocall $name="toc-heading" caption={{!!title}}/>
<div class="tw-table-of-contents">
{{ToC - authors}}
<$list filter="[tag[@ToC]]">
# <$macrocall $name="toc-heading" caption={{!!title}}/>
\define normal(body) $body$
\define filter(body)
<$list filter="$body$">
## <$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
\define authors(body)
<$list filter="$body$">
## {{$:/_images/person}} <$link to={{!!title}}>
@@text-transform:uppercase;<$view field="person_surname"/>@@<$reveal type="nomatch" state="!!person_name" text="">, <$view field="person_name"/></$reveal></$link>
<$list filter="[all[current]listed[authors]tag[$:/_type/publication]]">
### — <$link to={{!!title}}>
<$reveal type="match" state="!!publication_type" text="article">“</$reveal><$view field="publication_title"/><$reveal type="match" state="!!publication_type" text="article">”</$reveal>, <$view field="publication_date"/></$link>
\define toc-heading(caption,body,type:"normal")
<$reveal type="nomatch" state=<<qualify "$:/state/toc/$caption$">> text="show">
<$button set=<<qualify "$:/state/toc/$caption$">> setTo="show" class="btn-invisible">$caption$ {{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}
<$reveal type="match" state=<<qualify "$:/state/toc/$caption$">> text="show">
<$button set=<<qualify "$:/state/toc/$caption$">> setTo="hide" class="btn-invisible">$caption$ {{$:/core/images/down-arrow}}
<$reveal type="match" state=<<qualify "$:/state/toc/$caption$">> text="show" retain="yes" animate="yes">
<<$type$ "$body$">>
<div class="tw-table-of-contents">
# <<toc-heading "Authors / texts" "[tag[$:/_type/person]person_type[author]!is[system]has[person_surname]sort[person_surname]]" "authors">>
\define increment(item)
\define level6()
<$list filter="[all[current]listed[about]] [all[current]listed[parent]] [all[current]listed[source]]">
###### 6. - {{!!title}}
\define level5()
<$list filter="[all[current]listed[about]] [all[current]listed[parent]] [all[current]listed[source]]">
##### 5. - {{!!title}}
\define level4()
<$list filter="[all[current]listed[about]] [all[current]listed[parent]] [all[current]listed[source]]">
#### 4. - {{!!title}}
<div class="tw-table-of-contents">
<$list filter="[tag[MainTopic]]">
<$macrocall $name="increment" item={{!!title}}/>
<$set name="level1" value=<<increment {{!!title}}>> >
<$list filter="[all[current]listed[about]] [all[current]listed[parent]] [all[current]listed[source]]">
<$macrocall $name="increment" item=<<level1>>/>
<$macrocall $name="increment" item=<<level1>>/>
<$list filter="[all[current]listed[about]] [all[current]listed[parent]] [all[current]listed[source]]">
### 3. - {{!!title}}
This is the first empty version of ~TiddlyWiki for Scholars. It is based on TW 5.0.14 beta.
Upgrade to TW 5.0.15 and bug fixes (see journal)
''William Shakespeare'' (/ˈʃeɪkspɪər/; 26 April 1564 (baptised) – 23 April 1616) was an English poet, playwright and actor, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist. He is often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon". His extant works, including some collaborations, consist of about 38 plays, 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems, and a few other verses, the [[authorship of some of which is uncertain|Doubts about authorship]]. His plays have been translated into every major living language and are performed more often than those of any other playwright.
Shakespeare was born and brought up in [[Stratford-upon-Avon]]. At the age of 18, he married Anne Hathaway, with whom he had three children: Susanna, and twins Hamnet and Judith. Between 1585 and 1592, he began a successful career in London as an actor, writer, and part-owner of a playing company called the Lord Chamberlain's Men, later known as the King's Men. He appears to have retired to Stratford around 1613 at age 49, where he died three years later. Few records of Shakespeare's private life survive, and there has been considerable speculation about such matters as his physical appearance, sexuality, [[religious beliefs|Shakespeare's religious beliefs]], and whether the works attributed to him were written by others.
<div class="text-grey">
(source: [ext[Wikipedia|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Shakespeare]])
I like this guy very much!
I have an idea concerning William Shakespeare, but I can't tell here.
Shakespeare's works include the 36 plays printed in the First Folio of 1623, listed according to their folio classification as comedies, histories and tragedies. Two plays not included in the First Folio, The Two Noble Kinsmen and Pericles, Prince of Tyre, are now accepted as part of the canon, with scholars agreed that Shakespeare made a major contribution to their composition. No Shakespearean poems were included in the First Folio.
In the late 19th century, Edward Dowden classified four of the late comedies as romances, and though many scholars prefer to call them tragicomedies, his term is often used. These plays and the associated Two Noble Kinsmen are marked with an asterisk (*) below. In 1896, Frederick S. Boas coined the term “problem plays” to describe four plays: All's Well That Ends Well, Measure for Measure, Troilus and Cressida and Hamlet. “Dramas as singular in theme and temper cannot be strictly called comedies or tragedies”, he wrote. “We may therefore borrow a convenient phrase from the theatre of today and class them together as Shakespeare's problem plays.” The term, much debated and sometimes applied to other plays, remains in use, though Hamlet is definitively classed as a tragedy.
Breadcrumbs are a list of links to tiddlers opened during a session, creating a 'trail of breadcrumbs' from one tiddler to the next.<br>
The number of breadcrumbs will be limited here to the last ''x'' opened tiddlers (''x'' to be set in the 'Settings' tab).
The term breadcrumbs comes from the trail of breadcrumbs left by Hansel and Gretel in the popular fairytale by the Brothers Grimm.
!! [[Changelog]]
!!!!v3.11 (30--2020)
* Upgraded to TW v5.1.22
!!!!v3.10 (5-2-2020)
* Changed namespace of plugins from `$:/plugins/tongerner/...` to `$:/plugins/tg/...`
!!!!v3.09 (12-9-2019)
* Upgraded to TW v5.1.21
!!!!v3.08 (24-12-2018)
* Upgraded to TW v5.1.19
!!!!v3.07 (2-6-2018)
* Bug fix in Tiddlersbar plugin
!!!!v3.06 (30-5-2018)
* Upgraded to TW v5.1.17
!!!!v3.05 (25-2-2018)
* Updated plugins
!!!!v3.04 (16-11-2017)
* Upgraded to TW v5.1.15
!!!!v3.02 (31-10-2017)
* Updated plugins
!!!!v3.01 (5-5-2017)
* Deprecated Breadcrumbs plugin => Tiddlersbar plugin
* New version 'Tiddlersbar' plugin based on Buggy j's [[StoryTopTabs plugin|http://bjtools.tiddlyspot.com/#StoryTopTabs]] plugin
* Upgraded to TW v5.1.14
!!!!v2.06 (25-9-2016)
* Added description of tag $:/tags/ViewToolbar to $:/plugins/tongerner/breadcrumbs/button
!!!!v2.05 (25-07-2016)
* Upgraded to TW v5.1.13
!!!!v2.04 (13-2-2016)
* Updated Layout adjustments plugin
!!!!v2.03 (31-1-2016)
* Upgraded to TW v5.1.11
!!!!v2.02 (12-1-2016)
* Upgraded to TW v5.1.10
* Simplified breadcrumbs plugin.
!!!!v2.01 (9-7-2015)
* Upgraded to TW v5.1.9
* Made a breadcrumbs plugin.
!!!!v1.19 (25-4-2015)
* Upgraded to TW v5.1.8.
!!!!v1.18 (24-12-2014)
* Upgraded to TW v5.1.7.
!!!!v1.17 (5-12-2014)
* Upgraded to TW v5.1.5.
!!!!v1.16 (24-10-2014)
* Upgraded to TW v5.1.4.
!!!!v1.15 (21-10-2014)
* Upgraded to TW v5.1.3.
!!!!v1.14 (28-9-2014)
* Upgraded to TW v5.1.2.
* Per section divided Settings menu.
!!!!v1.13 (22-9-2014)
* Upgraded to TW v5.1.1.
!!!!v1.12 (21-9-2014)
* Upgraded to TW v5.1.0.
!!!!v1.11 (18-9-2014)
* Upgraded to TW v5.0.18-beta.
!!!!v1.10 (13-9-2014)
* Upgraded to TW v5.0.17-beta.
!!!!v1.9 (5-9-2014)
* Upgraded to TW v5.0.16-beta.
* Bug fixes.
!!!!v1.8 (21-8-2014)
* Upgraded to TW v5.0.15-beta.
!!!!v1.7 (18-8-2014)
* Upgraded to TW v5.0.14-beta.
* Removed ribbon; interfered with new programmable buttons in the Tools tab.
!!!!v1.6 (xx-7-2014)
* Max. number of breadcrumbs defined in $:/_settings.
!!!!v1.5 (28-6-2014)
* Upgraded to TW v5.0.13-beta.
* Bluish theme v0.3.0.
!!!!v1.4 (3-6-2014)
* Bluish theme v0.2.0.
!!!!v1.3 (17-5-2014)
* Upgraded to TW v5.0.12-beta.
!!!!v1.2 (2-5-2014)
* Upgraded to TW v5.0.10-beta.
!!!!v1.1 (1-3-2014)
* First release as separate guide.
* Upgraded to TW v5.0.8beta.
* Created toggle breadcrumbs on/off button.
* Extended documentation.
!!!!v1.0 (11-2-2014)
* Added breadcrumbs to top & left menu http://tw5topleft.tiddlyspot.com/
|Color |# |h
|Background color 'Tiddler tabs' |#7499DA|
|Background color 'Tiddler tab selected' |#4A7ACF|
The tiddler [[$:/plugins/tg/tiddlersbar/button]] contains the code to toggle the tag [[$:/tags/Stylesheet]] of the style sheet tiddler [[$:/plugins/tg/tiddlersbar/styles]] ''on/off''.
!!!To see the 'Toggle tiddlersbar' button in action:
# Open [[$:/plugins/tg/tiddlersbar/styles]].
# Click the {{$:/plugins/tg/tiddlersbar/image-breadcrumbs-on}}/{{$:/plugins/tg/tiddlersbar/image-breadcrumbs-off}} button. Note the toggling of the [[$:/tags/Stylesheet]] tag.
If [[$:/plugins/tg/tiddlersbar/styles]] is ''not'' tagged with [[$:/tags/Stylesheet]], [[$:/plugins/tg/tiddlersbar/style-no-tiddlersbar]] becomes active which contains `display: none;`.
''Note:''<br>$:/plugins/tg/tiddlersbar/styles contains a `list-after` field containing $:/plugins/tg/tiddlersbar/style-no-tiddlersbar!
!! [[Introduction]]
* Based on Buggyj's [[StoryTopTabs plugin|http://bjtools.tiddlyspot.com/#StoryTopTabs]]<br>(my deprecated Breadcrumbs plugin did not show the active tab; the Tiddlersbar does show the active tab)
* Available as a plugin, just drag & drop:
*# [[$:/plugins/tg/tiddlersbar]] (v<<pversion "tiddlersbar">>)
*# [[$:/plugins/tg/layout]] (v<<pversion "layout">>)<br>to your wiki to add the tiddlersbar plugin
* The layout tweaks plugin contains 'general' settings for the layout, see <<pslider "readme of plugin" "$:/plugins/tg/layout/readme">>
* The Tiddlersbar works best in zoomin mode.
* The Tiddlersbar can be combined with my 'topmenu' and 'toolbar' plugin, see [[$:/plugins/tg/layout/combination]].
This guide describes how a <<slider "Tiddlersbar (breadcrumbs)" "Breadcrumbs info">> can be added.
The Tiddlersbar can be toggled ''on/off'' with the {{$:/plugins/tongerner/tiddlersbar/image-tiddlersbar-on}}/{{$:/plugins/tongerner/tiddlersbar/image-tiddlersbar-off}} button (in Page Toolbar and/or View Toolbar).
To see the Tiddlersbar in action in this demo, open a few tiddlers (Sidebar, tab 'Recent').<br>After that you can go to opened tiddlers by clicking a tab/breadcrumb and/or close them by clicking the 'x' at the right of the tab/breadcrumb (the same functionality as in the Sidebar, tab 'Open').
This guide describes how the Tiddlersbar is made (code and styles involved).
* This TW uses:
** The Tiddlersbar plugin v<<pversion "tiddlersbar">>
** The Layout tweaks plugin <<pversion "layout">>
** The Emphasized theme v<<tversion "emphasized">>
** The Bluish color palette v{{$:/palettes/Bluish!!version}}
** Emphasized theme, plugin(s), and code tiddlers available at [[My 'playground'|http://tongerner.tiddlyspot.com/]].
!! [[More]]
My guides:
* [[How to customize TW5|http://tw5custom.tiddlyspot.com/]]
* [[How to make a top toolbar|http://tw5toolbar.tiddlyspot.com/]]
* [[How to make a top menu|http://tw5topmenu.tiddlyspot.com/]]
* [[How to make a left menu|http://tw5leftmenu.tiddlyspot.com/]]
* [[How to make a top menu, and a left menu that can be toggled on/off|http://tw5topleft.tiddlyspot.com/]]
* [[How to add a tiddlersbar (breadcrumbs)|http://tw5breadcrumbs.tiddlyspot.com/]]
* [[How to make TW5 readonly|http://tw5readonly.tiddlyspot.com/]]
* [[How to make/modify TW5 bookmarklets|http://tw5bookmarklets.tiddlyspot.com/]]
* [[How to make a 'tristate toggle' Sidebar|http://tw5tristate.tiddlyspot.com/]]
* [[How to explore TW5|http://tw5exploration.tiddlyspot.com/]]
For the latest news, see http://tongerner.tiddlyspot.com/
!! [[Plugin]]
The tiddlersbar plugin $:/plugins/tg/tiddlersbar contains <$count filter="[all[shadows+tiddlers]]+[prefix[$:/plugins/tg/tiddlersbar/]]"/> tiddlers:
<<olist-links "[all[shadows]sort[title]]+[prefix[$:/plugins/tg/tiddlersbar/]]">>
The menu uses tiddlers 10 & 11, the toggle tiddlersbar button uses tiddlers 1, 3, 4 & 9, 'Settings' uses tiddlers 7 & 8. The remaining tiddlers 2, 5, & 6 are for the plugin itself.
<<tabs "[[Tiddlersbar menu]] [[Toggle tiddlersbar button]] Settings [[Plugin related]] Tinka" "[[Breadcrumbs menu]]" "$:/state/tab/breadcrumbs" "tabsstyle">>
!! [[Plugin related]]
The plugin related tiddlers are:
* $:/plugins/tg/tiddlersbar/icon
* $:/plugins/tg/tiddlersbar/readme
* $:/plugins/tg/tiddlersbar/license
<<sslider "$:/plugins/tg/tiddlersbar/icon" icon>>
renders as:
!! $:/plugins/tg/tiddlersbar/readme
Contains plugin info:
!! $:/plugins/tg/tiddlersbar/license
Contains Buggy J's license and my license:
''Note:''<br>Transcluded 'Settings' values are rendered, e.g. `top: 5px;`):
!! [[Settings]]
* Adjustments to the layout can be made in ''~ControlPanel > Appearance > Plugin tweaks'', tabs 'Theme tweaks', 'Layout' and 'Tiddlersbar' or direct via [[Plugin tweaks|$:/plugins/tg/layout/tweaks]] or via the Adjust layout button ({{$:/plugins/tg/layout/image/layout}}) in the top right bar..
* In case the tiddlersbar is used in combination with other top menus see <<pslider "Combine plugins" "$:/plugins/tg/layout/combination">>
'Settings' comprises 2 tiddlers:
* [[$:/plugins/tg/tiddlersbar/settings]]
* [[$:/plugins/tg/tiddlersbar/settings-help]]
Tagged with [[$:/tags/SideBar]].
<<sslider "$:/plugins/tg/tiddlersbar/settings" settings>>
which renders as an editable table with settings for adjusting the layout of the tiddlersbar:
''Note:''<br>The values set in this table will be transcluded in the stylesheet (via fields in the stylesheet).
Help can be found in [[$:/plugins/tg/tiddlersbar/settings-help]] (available by clicking the <button>Help</button> button at the bottom of the Settings tiddler):
<<source "$:/plugins/tg/tiddlersbar/styles">>
<<tabs "Introduction Plugin Changelog More" "Introduction" "$:/state/tab/intro" "tabsstyle">>
,,Comments and questions are welcome. Post them in the [[TW Google group|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/tiddlywiki]],,
!! [[Tiddlersbar menu]]
Parts can be added to the ~PageTemplate. As of TW5.0.9-beta a ~TopLeftBar and a ~TopRightBar (with double chevron icon for hiding the Sidebar) are standard added to the ~PageTemplate.
Here we will add an extra menu: tiddlersbar to the ~PageTemplate by tagging it with [[$:/tags/PageTemplate]].
The tiddlersbar menu comprises 2 tiddlers:
* [[$:/plugins/tg/tiddlersbar/tiddlersbar]]
* [[$:/plugins/tg/tiddlersbar/styles]]
Tagged with [[$:/tags/PageTemplate]].
<<sslider "$:/plugins/tg/tiddlersbar/tiddlersbar" tiddlersbar>>
This resembles the 'Open' tab in the sidebar: the tiddlersbar (open tiddlers) shown as links (in tabs) followed by a button ('×') to close the preceding tiddler.
Tagged with [[$:/tags/Stylesheet]].
''Note:''<br>Values entered in the Settings table ([[$:/plugins/tg/tiddlersbar/settings]]) will be transcluded in the stylesheet via fields of the stylesheet, e.g. `top: {{!!top-tiddlersbar}};` renders as `top: 10px;`. See the tabs below:
<<tabs "[[Stylesheet (code)]] [[Stylesheet (rendered)]]" "[[Stylesheet (code)]]" "" "">>
!! [[Tinka]]
The plugin [[$:/plugins/tg/tiddlersbar]] was made in a standalone version of TW5 with help of Andreas Hahn's [[Tinka plugin|https://tinkaplugin.github.io/]].
!TW5 - breadcrumbs v2.05
* ~~Adjust slider macro: `tc-slider` => `tgc-slider`~~
* ~~Update Bluish theme (with `tc-slider` => `tgc-slider`)~~
!! [[Toggle tiddlersbar button]]
The tiddlersbar menu on top can be toggled on/off with a button ({{$:/plugins/tg/tiddlersbar/image-tiddlersbar-on}}/{{$:/plugins/tg/tiddlersbar/image-tiddlersbar-off}}) in Page Toolbar and/or View Toolbar.
The 'Toggle breadcrumbs' button comprises 4 tiddlers.
* [[$:/plugins/tg/tiddlersbar/button]]
* [[$:/plugins/tg/tiddlersbar/image-tiddlersbar-off]]
* [[$:/plugins/tg/tiddlersbar/image-tiddlersbar-on]]
* [[$:/plugins/tg/tiddlersbar/style-no-tiddlersbar]]
<<slider "How does the button work?" "How does the button work?">>
[[$:/plugins/tg/tiddlersbar/button]] - tagged with [[$:/tags/PageControls]], and [[$:/tags/ViewToolbar]].
<<sslider "$:/plugins/tg/tiddlersbar/button" "button">>
* In case the tiddlersbar is used in combination with other top menus see <<pslider "Other adjustments" "{{Other adjustments}}">>
* The 'Toggle tiddlersbar' button can be added to the Page Toolbar and/or View Toolbar.
<<sslider "$:/plugins/tg/tiddlersbar/image-tiddlersbar-off" "image-tiddlersbar-off">>
renders as:
<<sslider "$:/plugins/tg/tiddlersbar/image-tiddlersbar-on" "image-tiddlersbar-on">>
renders as:
Tagged with [[$:/tags/Stylesheet]].
<<sslider "$:/plugins/tg/tiddlersbar/style-no-tiddlersbar" "style-no-tiddlersbar">>
* Default nothing of the tiddlersbar menu will be shown (`display: none`). Without this `display: none`, the tiddlersbar will appear at the bottom of the story-river.
* The 'real' styles for the tiddlersbar menu can be found in [[$:/plugins/tg/tiddlersbar/styles]]!
<span style="float:left; padding-right: 15px;">[img width=150 [hc.png]]</span>
! HC Haase
Open Researcher and Contributer ID (ORCID):
This is my very first plugin! So if you find room for improvement, don't hesitate to guide [[me|HC Haase]].
It is mostly a modification of the new-journal-here button. but it is just what I need. I hope you find it usefull.
!! To download
Drag and drop the plugin to your wiki
!! what it do
see [[$:/plugins/HCHaase/NewTaskHere/readme]] below.
!! Outstanding tasks
<$list filter="[!has[draft.of]tag[task]!tag[done]sort[created]]">
<$checkbox tag="done"> <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link></$checkbox>
!! Completed tasks
<$list filter="[!has[draft.of]tag[task]tag[done]sort[created]]">
<$checkbox tag="done"> <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link></$checkbox>
!! [[Changelog]]
''Note:''<br><span title="Known 'hitches'"><<slider "Known 'hitches'" "Known hitches">></span>
* Updated Simple readonly plugin
!!!!v4.09 (30-4-2020)
* Upgraded to TW v5.1.22
!!!!v4.08 (5-2-2020)
* Changed namespace of plugins from `$:/plugins/tongerner/...` to `$:/plugins/tg/...`
* Upgraded to TW v5.1.21
* Upgraded to TW v5.1.19
!!!!v4.05 (30-5-2018)
* Upgraded to TW v5.1.17
!!!!v4.04 (25-2-2018)
* Updated plugins
!!!!v4.03 (16-11-2017)
* Upgraded to TW v5.1.15
!!!!v4.02 (31-10-2017)
* Updated plugins
!!!!v4.01 (7-5-2017)
* Upgraded to TW v5.1.14
* Added Publish button
* Added a 'simple readonly' way.
!!!!v3.09 (11-08-2016)
* Added 'Publish' tiddler to ControlPanel.
!!!!v3.08 (25-07-2016)
* Upgraded to TW v5.1.13
!!!!v3.07 (13-2-2016)
* Upgraded Readonly plugin.
!!!!v3.06 (31-1-2016)
* Upgraded to TW v5.1.11
!!!!v3.05 (15-1-2016)
* Upgraded to TW v5.1.10
* Improved documentation
!!!!v3.04 (8-7-2015)
* Upgraded to TW v5.1.9.
!!!!v3.03 (19-5-2015)
* Added 'Hide Advanced search button'
* Removed Bluish theme (with Search in a tab). Almost all styles of the Bluish theme are now in a normal stylesheet.
!!!!v3.02 (18-5-2015)
* Repackaged plugin with Tinka v0.1.0
!!!!v3.01 (15-5-2015)
* Used the [[Tinka plugin v0.0.2|http://twguides.org/tinka.html]] from Andreas Hahn for making the plugin
* Small bugfixes
!!!!v2.96 (25-4-2015)
* Upgraded to TW v5.1.8.
!!!!v2.95 (24-12-2014)
* Upgraded to TW v5.1.7.
!!!!v2.94 (4-12-2014)
* Upgraded to TW v5.1.5.
!!!!v2.93 (1-11-2014)
* Bugfix: Re-added missing [[$:/plugins/tongerner/ro/image-save-button]]
* Added in 'readme' a link to $:/plugins/tongerner/ro/publish.
!!!!v2.92 (24-10-2014)
* Upgraded to TW v5.1.4.
!!!!v2.91 (21-10-2014)
* Upgraded to TW v5.1.3.
!!!!v2.9 (28-9-2014)
* Upgraded to TW v5.1.2.
!!!!v2.8 (22-9-2014)
* Upgraded to TW v5.1.1.
!!!!v2.7 (21-9-2014)
* Upgraded to TW v5.1.0.
!!!!v2.6 (18-9-2014)
* Upgraded to TW v5.0.18-beta.
!!!!v2.5 (12-9-2014)
* Upgraded to TW v5.0.17-beta.
* Refined documentation.
* Added source field to plugin.
* Plugin v0.0.11.
!!!!v2.4 (5-9-2014)
* Upgraded to TW v5.0.16-beta.
* Plugin v0.0.10.
!!!!v2.3 (24-8-2014)
* Upgraded to TW v5.0.15-beta.
* Refactored plugin, v0.0.6.
* Removed ribbon; interfered with new programmable buttons in the Tools tab.
!!!!v2.2 (18-7-2014)
* Documentation improvements.
!!!!v2.1 (16-7-2014)
* Made a read-only plugin, v0.0.5.
!!!!v2.0 (24-6-2014)
* Upgraded to TW v5.0.13-beta
* Bluish theme v0.3
!!!!v1.9 (3-6-2014)
* 'Bluish' theme v0.2
!!!!v1.8 (17-5-2014)
* Upgraded to TW v5.0.12-beta
!!!!v1.7 (28-4-2014)
* Added the possibility to hide the 'Hamburger' menu icon.
!!!!v1.6 (27-4-2014)
* Added possibility to hide the tabs in the Sidebar (checkbox per tab).
!!!!v1.5 (24-4-2014)
* Upgraded to TW v5.0.10-beta.
* Complete new read-only mode.
* Rewritten documentation.
!!!!v1.4 (1-3-2014)
* Upgraded to TW v5.0.8-beta.
* Extended and updated documentation.
!!!!v1.3 (29-1-2014)
* Stylesheet cleanup
!!!!v1.2 (27-1-2014)
* Upgraded to TW v5.0.7-beta.
* Changed all 'read-only demo' tiddlers starting with `$:/` to starting with `$:/_`.
* Updated documentation.
* Added links to other guides.
!!!!v1.1 (5-1-2014)
* Added description of top menu.
!!!!v1.0 (4-1-2014)
* Upgraded to TW v5.0.6-beta.
* First 'official' version.
!!!!v0.1 (31-12-2013)
* Made in response to a question in the [[Google groups|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/hF30Y9WD9lE/YbZHrUK_c2kJ]]
!! [[Code]]
The code for all tiddlers in both plugins can be displayed by selecting:
# the appropriate plugin (Select via filter expression: {{$:/core/images/down-arrow}})
# the appropriate tiddler (Select tiddler: <button>▾</button>).
<<selectfilter "code">>
<$macrocall $name="codefilter" filter={{$:/temp/filter/code}} state="code"/>
<<tabs "Introduction Principle Plugins Code Changelog More" "Introduction">>
!! [[Introduction]]
This guide describes two ways to make TW readonly:
# A 'simple' readonly way: you can hide a predefined set of buttons and sidebar tabs
# A more advanced readonly way which is more flexible: you can hide every button and the 4 sidebar tabs
''Note 1:''<br>Both ways available as plugin. Just drag & drop one of the following links to your TW:
* [[$:/plugins/tg/sro]] (v<<pversion sro>>, the simple readonly plugin)
* [[$:/plugins/tg/ro]] (v<<pversion ro>>)
''Note 2:''
* This TW contains:
** The 'Simple readonly' plugin (v<<pversion sro>>)
** The 'Readonly' plugin (v<<pversion ro>>)
** The Emphasized theme v<<tversion "emphasized">>
** The Bluish color palette v{{$:/palettes/Bluish!!version}}
** Emphasized theme, plugin(s), and code tiddlers available at [[My 'playground'|http://tongerner.tiddlyspot.com/]] > Plugins
* To 'hide' the functionality a little bit for prying eyes the name of the plugin is 'ro'/'sro' instead of 'readonly'/' simple readonly'
* Although `display: none` is used for the 'double chevron' Sidebar icon when hidden, the icon still takes up any space (which can be seen by hovering over this space) ''and'' the button is still active so you can - luckily - hide/unhide the Sidebar!
* Using `display: none` for the Advanced search button worked as expected: no active button.<br>Therefore a dirty trick was used to hide the Advanced search button while the button is still active:
/* Hide advanced search button */
.tc-image-advanced-search-button.tc-image-button {
padding-left: 15px;
!! [[More]]
My guides:
* [[How to customize TW5|http://tw5custom.tiddlyspot.com/]]
* [[How to make a top toolbar|http://tw5toolbar.tiddlyspot.com/]]
* [[How to make a top menu|http://tw5topmenu.tiddlyspot.com/]]
* [[How to make a left menu|http://tw5leftmenu.tiddlyspot.com/]]
* [[How to make a top menu, and a left menu that can be toggled on/off|http://tw5topleft.tiddlyspot.com/]]
* [[How to add a tiddlersbar (breadcrumbs)|http://tw5breadcrumbs.tiddlyspot.com/]]
* [[How to make TW5 readonly|http://tw5readonly.tiddlyspot.com/]]
* [[How to make/modify TW5 bookmarklets|http://tw5bookmarklets.tiddlyspot.com/]]
* [[How to make a 'tristate toggle' Sidebar|http://tw5tristate.tiddlyspot.com/]]
* [[How to explore TW5|http://tw5exploration.tiddlyspot.com/]]
For the latest news, see http://tongerner.tiddlyspot.com/
!! [[Payload tiddlers readonly]]
<<olist-links filter:"[all[shadows+tiddlers]]+[prefix[$:/plugins/tg/ro/]sort[]]">>
!! [[Payload tiddlers simple readonly]]
<<olist-links filter:"[all[shadows+tiddlers]]+[prefix[$:/plugins/tg/sro/]sort[]]">>
!! [[Plugins]]
Since both plugins are enabled, it is a little bit confusing as a demo: There are two Publish tabs (''Control panel > Appearance'') and two Publish buttons.<br>
Note the color difference of the Publish button between:
* Simple readonly plugin ({{$:/plugins/tg/sro/images/publish}})
* Readonly plugin ({{$:/plugins/tg/ro/images/publish}})
<<tabs "[[Simple readonly]] Readonly" "Simple readonly">>
!! [[Principle]]
Making TW5 read-only can be done with the '~ReadOnly' theme available at http://tiddlywiki.com/.<br>Unfortunately, to persist in this 'read-only' state you have to save the TW and that is not possible since the 'save' button is not available anymore!
* In the '~ReadOnly' theme ''all'' Page control buttons disappear, so you cannot save in the normal way.
** //With a trick it is possible to save when using autosave: open a tiddler ''before'' switching to the '~ReadOnly' theme; thereafter close the opened tiddler with Ctrl-Enter which triggers a save.//
* By using the '~ReadOnly' theme (based on the 'Snow White' theme), you cannot use your own theme anymore!
So first there must be a - hidden - save possibility.<br>
One way to go is based on creating a tiddler - with a 'non-suspicious' name - wherein the possibility to switch to read-only mode (decoupled from the '~ReadOnly' theme) ''and'' saving this situation (with a special Save button that does not disappear when hiding the standard Save button).<br>
That is how it is done here.
Thus, ''only you'' know which tiddler (here [[$:/plugins/tg/ro/publish]] or [[$:/plugins/tg/sro/publish]]) contains the possibility to switch to read/write or read-only mode and saving this situation.<br>As long as you can get to that tiddler, you can adjust the settings.
!! [[Readonly]]
<<pslider "Readme of plugin" $:/plugins/tg/ro/readme>>
<<pslider "Help of plugin" $:/plugins/tg/ro/help>>
<<slider "Payload tiddlers readonly" "Payload tiddlers readonly">>
''Note:''<br>The code of all payload tiddlers can be examined under the tab [[Code]].
!! [[Simple readonly]]
<<pslider "Readme of plugin" $:/plugins/tg/sro/readme>>
<<pslider "Help of plugin" $:/plugins/tg/sro/help>>
<<slider "Payload tiddlers simple readonly" "Payload tiddlers simple readonly">>
''Note:''<br>The code of all payload tiddlers can be examined under the tab [[Code]].
!! [[Tinka plugin|Tinka]]
The plugin [[$:/plugins/tongerner/ro]] was made in a standalone version of TW5 with help of Andreas Hahn's [[Tinka plugin|https://tinkaplugin.github.io/]].
!TW5 read-only v3.08
* ~~Adjust slider macro: `tc-slider` => `tgc-slider`~~
* ~~Update Bluish theme (with `tc-slider` => `tgc-slider`)~~
Type the text for the tiddler 'TonGerner'
Added “[all[current]listed[source]listed[source]]” to the list filter of the tabs and captions for notes, comments and ideas.
Changed tiddlers:
* [[$:/_tw-scholars/macros/tabs/tabContents]]
* [[$:/_tw-scholars/macros/tabs/tabCaption]]
When creating a new chapter, the fields “description“ and “about“ were not working properly. Changed tiddlers:
* [[$:/_tw-scholars/newHere/chapter/table]]
* [[$:/_tw-scholars/newHere/chapter/button]]
The new concept and new theory buttons in the sidebar did not passed the content of the text box to the new created tiddler.
Changed tiddlers:
* [[$:/_tw-scholars/macros/SideBar/newConcept/button]]
* [[$:/_tw-scholars/macros/SideBar/newTheory/button]]
<div class="cit">
Around 230 years after Shakespeare's death, doubts began to be expressed about the authorship of the works attributed to him.[189] Proposed alternative candidates include Francis Bacon, Christopher Marlowe, and Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford.[190] Several “group theories” have also been proposed. Only a small minority of academics believe there is reason to question the traditional attribution, but interest in the subject, particularly the Oxfordian theory of Shakespeare authorship, continues into the 21st century.
William Shakespeare was the son of John Shakespeare, an alderman and a successful glover originally from Snitterfield, and Mary Arden, the daughter of an affluent landowning farmer. He was born in ~Stratford-upon-Avon and baptised there on 26 April 1564. His actual date of birth remains unknown, but is traditionally observed on 23 April, Saint George's Day. This date, which can be traced back to an 18th-century scholar's mistake, has proved appealing to biographers, since Shakespeare died 23 April 1616. He was the third child of eight and the eldest surviving son.
Although no attendance records for the period survive, most biographers agree that Shakespeare was probably educated at the King's New School in Stratford, a free school chartered in 1553, about a quarter-mile from his home. Grammar schools varied in quality during the Elizabethan era, but grammar school curricula were largely similar, the basic Latin text was standardised by royal decree, and the school would have provided an intensive education in grammar based upon Latin classical authors.
At the age of 18, Shakespeare married the 26-year-old Anne Hathaway. The consistory court of the Diocese of Worcester issued a marriage licence on 27 November 1582. The next day, two of Hathaway's neighbours posted bonds guaranteeing that no lawful claims impeded the marriage. The ceremony may have been arranged in some haste, since the Worcester chancellor allowed the marriage banns to be read once instead of the usual three times, and six months after the marriage Anne gave birth to a daughter, Susanna, baptised 26 May 1583. Twins, son Hamnet and daughter Judith, followed almost two years later and were baptised 2 February 1585. Hamnet died of unknown causes at the age of 11 and was buried 11 August 1596.
<h1><span title="Éditer cette section"><$link>{{!!title}}</$link></span></h1>
\define slider-h1s(caption,state,text)
<h1><span title="Éditer cette section"><$button message="tw-edit-tiddler" class="btn-invisible">@@color:green;$caption$@@</$button></span> <$button popup="$:/state/$state$" class="btn-invisible"><span title="Montrer"><small><small><small><small><$reveal type="match" text="" default="" state="$:/state/$state$">[voir] </$reveal></small></small></small></small></span><span title="Cacher"><small><small><small><small><$reveal type="nomatch" text="" default="" state="$:/state/$state$">[cacher] </$reveal></small></small></small></small></span></$button></h1>
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/$state$" text="">
<<slider-h1s "{{!!title}}" "" "{{!!text}}">>
<h2><span title="Éditer cette section"><$link>{{!!title}}</$link></span></h2>
\define slider-h2s(caption,state,text)
<h2><span title="Éditer cette section"><$button message="tw-edit-tiddler" class="btn-invisible">@@color:green;$caption$@@</$button></span> <$button popup="$:/state/$state$" class="btn-invisible"><span title="Montrer"><small><small><small><small><$reveal type="match" text="" default="" state="$:/state/$state$">[voir] </$reveal></small></small></small></small></span><span title="Cacher"><small><small><small><small><$reveal type="nomatch" text="" default="" state="$:/state/$state$">[cacher] </$reveal></small></small></small></small></span></$button></h2>
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/$state$" text="">
<<slider-h2s "{{!!title}}" "" "{{!!text}}">>
!!<span title="Éditer cette section"><$link>{{!!title}}</$link></span>
To be, or not to be, that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
And by opposing end them. To die—to sleep,
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to: 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;
To sleep, perchance to dream—ay, there's the rub:
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come,
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause—there's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life.
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
Th'oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,
The pangs of dispriz'd love, the law's delay,
The insolence of office, and the spurns
That patient merit of th'unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a bare bodkin? Who would fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the dread of something after death,
The undiscovere'd country, from whose bourn
No traveller returns, puzzles the will,
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others that we know not of?
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all,
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,
And enterprises of great pitch and moment
With this regard their currents turn awry
And lose the name of action.
This note has nothing to do here.
What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet.
The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, often shortened to Hamlet, is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare at an uncertain date between 1599 and 1602. Set in the Kingdom of Denmark, the play dramatizes the revenge Prince Hamlet is instructed to enact on his uncle Claudius. Claudius had murdered his own brother, Hamlet's father King Hamlet and then taken the throne, marrying his deceased brother's widow, Hamlet's mother Gertrude.
Macbeth is Shakespeare's shortest tragedy, and tells the story of a brave Scottish general named Macbeth who receives a prophecy from a trio of witches that one day he will become King of Scotland. Consumed by ambition and spurred to action by his wife, Macbeth murders King Duncan and takes the throne for himself. He is then wracked with guilt and paranoia, and he soon becomes a tyrannical ruler as he is forced to commit more and more murders to protect himself from enmity and suspicion. The bloodbath and consequent civil war swiftly take Macbeth and Lady Macbeth into the realms of arrogance, madness, and death.
Some scholars claim that members of Shakespeare's family were Catholics, at a time when Catholic practice was against the law.[194] Shakespeare's mother, Mary Arden, certainly came from a pious Catholic family. The strongest evidence might be a Catholic statement of faith signed by John Shakespeare, found in 1757 in the rafters of his former house in Henley Street. The document is now lost, however, and scholars differ as to its authenticity.[195] In 1591 the personities reported that John Shakespeare had missed church “for fear of process for debt”, a common Catholic excuse.[196] In 1606 the name of William's daughter Susanna appears on a list of those who failed to attend Easter communion in Stratford.[196] As several scholars have noted, whatever his private views, Shakespeare “conformed to the official state religion”, as Park Honan put it.[197][198] Shakespeare's will uses a Protestant formula and he was a confirmed member of the Church of England, where he got married, his children were baptized, and where he was buried. Other authors argue that there is a lack of evidence about Shakespeare's religious beliefs. Scholars find evidence both for and against Shakespeare's Catholicism, Protestantism, or lack of belief in his plays, but the truth may be impossible to prove.[199]
Stratford-upon-Avon (/ˌstrætfəd əpɒn ˈeɪvən/, known locally as Stratford) is a market town and civil parish in south Warwickshire, England. It lies on the River Avon, 22 miles (35 km) south east of Birmingham and 8 miles (13 km) south west of Warwick. It is the largest and most populous town of the non-metropolitan district Stratford-on-Avon, which uses the term "on" rather than "upon" to distinguish it from the town itself.[1] Four electoral wards make up the urban town of Stratford; Alveston, Avenue and New Town, Mount Pleasant and Guild and Hathaway. The estimated total population for those wards in 2007 was 25,505.[2]
The town is a popular tourist destination owing to its status as birthplace of the playwright and poet William Shakespeare, often regarded as the world's greatest playwright of all time, receiving about 4.9 million visitors a year from all over the world.[3] The Royal Shakespeare Company resides in Stratford's Royal Shakespeare Theatre, one of Britain's most important cultural venues.
|! Version | ''<$button set="$:/state/tab-{-1076863771}" setTo="$:/_tw-scholars/tab/journal" class="btn-invisible">{{!!version}}</$button>'' |@@color:red;Upgraded to TW5.1.11@@|
!What is this?
[[TiddlyWiki|http://tiddlywiki.com/static/TiddlyWiki.html]] is a great piece of software created by [ext[Jeremy Ruston|https://github.com/Jermolene]]. It allows you, among other things, to take notes, organize ideas, store information, and display all your stuff the way you want. It is an incredibly flexible tool you can adapt to fit almost all your needs.
//''~TiddlyWiki for Scholars''// is a personal customization of ~TiddlyWiki <<version>> I made for note-taking from readings, but it can be useful for other purposes. The idea behind this adaptation is to show and to allow creating relevant data related to the current tiddler without leaving the tiddler.
<div class="box">
The current tiddler is an example of how //~TiddlyWiki for Scholars//, with its bottom tabs bar, can be used for. A more academic example is the tiddler [[William Shakespeare]].
This adaptation have been created with help and support from other community members who provide plugins, guides, tutorials and help through the [[discussion group|http://groups.google.com/group/TiddlyWiki]] and their own TWs ([[links here|http://tiddlywiki.com/static/Community.html]]). I am very grateful to the community and to Jeremy Ruston.
<div class="important">
{{$:/_images/arrow-right}} //~TiddlyWiki for Scholars// is a work in progress and a moving target. <br>
{{$:/_images/arrow-right}} I'm not a developper but only an end user.<br>
{{$:/_images/arrow-right}} ~TiddlyWiki itself is still in beta phase.<br>
Thus, <b>use it with extreme caution and create regular backups of your data.</b>
For more information about //~TiddlyWiki for Scholars//, see the tabs below…
\define toc-heading(caption)
<$reveal type="nomatch" state=<<qualify "$:/state/tac/$caption$">> text="show">
<$list filter=" [all[current]listed[about]] [all[current]listed[source]] [all[current]listed[parent]] +[limit[1]]">
<$button set=<<qualify "$:/state/tac/$caption$">> setTo="show" class="btn-invisible">
<$reveal type="match" state=<<qualify "$:/state/tac/$caption$">> text="show">
<$button set=<<qualify "$:/state/tac/$caption$">> setTo="hide" class="btn-invisible">
<$reveal type="match" state=<<qualify "$:/state/tac/$caption$">> text="show" retain="yes" animate="yes">
<$list filter="[all[current]listed[about]] [all[current]listed[source]] [all[current]listed[parent]]">
# <$macrocall $name="toc-heading" caption={{!!title}}/>
<div class="tw-table-of-contents">
{{ToC - authors}}
<$list filter="[tag[@ToC]]">
# <$macrocall $name="toc-heading" caption={{!!title}}/>
\define normal(body) $body$
\define filter(body)
<$list filter="$body$">
## <$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
\define authors(body)
<$list filter="$body$">
## {{$:/_images/person}} <$link to={{!!title}}>
@@text-transform:uppercase;<$view field="person_surname"/>@@<$reveal type="nomatch" state="!!person_name" text="">, <$view field="person_name"/></$reveal></$link>
<$list filter="[all[current]listed[authors]tag[$:/_type/publication]]">
### — <$link to={{!!title}}>
<$reveal type="match" state="!!publication_type" text="article">“</$reveal><$view field="publication_title"/><$reveal type="match" state="!!publication_type" text="article">”</$reveal>, <$view field="publication_date"/></$link>
\define toc-heading(caption,body,type:"normal")
<$reveal type="nomatch" state=<<qualify "$:/state/toc/$caption$">> text="show">
<$button set=<<qualify "$:/state/toc/$caption$">> setTo="show" class="btn-invisible">$caption$ {{$:/core/images/right-arrow}}
<$reveal type="match" state=<<qualify "$:/state/toc/$caption$">> text="show">
<$button set=<<qualify "$:/state/toc/$caption$">> setTo="hide" class="btn-invisible">$caption$ {{$:/core/images/down-arrow}}
<$reveal type="match" state=<<qualify "$:/state/toc/$caption$">> text="show" retain="yes" animate="yes">
<<$type$ "$body$">>
<div class="tw-table-of-contents">
# <<toc-heading "Authors / texts" "[tag[$:/_type/person]person_type[author]!is[system]has[person_surname]sort[person_surname]]" "authors">>
\define increment(item)
\define level6()
<$list filter="[all[current]listed[about]] [all[current]listed[parent]] [all[current]listed[source]]">
###### 6. - {{!!title}}
\define level5()
<$list filter="[all[current]listed[about]] [all[current]listed[parent]] [all[current]listed[source]]">
##### 5. - {{!!title}}
\define level4()
<$list filter="[all[current]listed[about]] [all[current]listed[parent]] [all[current]listed[source]]">
#### 4. - {{!!title}}
<div class="tw-table-of-contents">
<$list filter="[tag[MainTopic]]">
<$macrocall $name="increment" item={{!!title}}/>
<$set name="level1" value=<<increment {{!!title}}>> >
<$list filter="[all[current]listed[about]] [all[current]listed[parent]] [all[current]listed[source]]">
<$macrocall $name="increment" item=<<level1>>/>
<$macrocall $name="increment" item=<<level1>>/>
<$list filter="[all[current]listed[about]] [all[current]listed[parent]] [all[current]listed[source]]">
### 3. - {{!!title}}
This is the first empty version of ~TiddlyWiki for Scholars. It is based on TW 5.0.14 beta.
Upgrade to TW 5.0.15 and bug fixes (see journal)
''William Shakespeare'' (/ˈʃeɪkspɪər/; 26 April 1564 (baptised) – 23 April 1616) was an English poet, playwright and actor, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist. He is often called England's national poet and the "Bard of Avon". His extant works, including some collaborations, consist of about 38 plays, 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems, and a few other verses, the [[authorship of some of which is uncertain|Doubts about authorship]]. His plays have been translated into every major living language and are performed more often than those of any other playwright.
Shakespeare was born and brought up in [[Stratford-upon-Avon]]. At the age of 18, he married Anne Hathaway, with whom he had three children: Susanna, and twins Hamnet and Judith. Between 1585 and 1592, he began a successful career in London as an actor, writer, and part-owner of a playing company called the Lord Chamberlain's Men, later known as the King's Men. He appears to have retired to Stratford around 1613 at age 49, where he died three years later. Few records of Shakespeare's private life survive, and there has been considerable speculation about such matters as his physical appearance, sexuality, [[religious beliefs|Shakespeare's religious beliefs]], and whether the works attributed to him were written by others.
<div class="text-grey">
(source: [ext[Wikipedia|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Shakespeare]])
I like this guy very much!
I have an idea concerning William Shakespeare, but I can't tell here.
Shakespeare's works include the 36 plays printed in the First Folio of 1623, listed according to their folio classification as comedies, histories and tragedies. Two plays not included in the First Folio, The Two Noble Kinsmen and Pericles, Prince of Tyre, are now accepted as part of the canon, with scholars agreed that Shakespeare made a major contribution to their composition. No Shakespearean poems were included in the First Folio.
In the late 19th century, Edward Dowden classified four of the late comedies as romances, and though many scholars prefer to call them tragicomedies, his term is often used. These plays and the associated Two Noble Kinsmen are marked with an asterisk (*) below. In 1896, Frederick S. Boas coined the term “problem plays” to describe four plays: All's Well That Ends Well, Measure for Measure, Troilus and Cressida and Hamlet. “Dramas as singular in theme and temper cannot be strictly called comedies or tragedies”, he wrote. “We may therefore borrow a convenient phrase from the theatre of today and class them together as Shakespeare's problem plays.” The term, much debated and sometimes applied to other plays, remains in use, though Hamlet is definitively classed as a tragedy.
<<list-links "[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/TopLeftBar]]" "ol">>
!! [[Changelog]]
!!!!v6.20 (22-9-2020)
* Upgraded Layout and Toolbar plugins
!!!!v6.19 (30-4-2020)
* Upgraded to TW v5.1.22
* A lot of improvements
!!!!v6.18 (5-2-2020)
* Changed namespace of plugins from `$:/plugins/tongerner/...` to `$:/plugins/tg/...`
!!!!v6.17 (12-9-2019)
* Upgraded to TW v5.1.21
!!!!v6.16 (24-12-2018)
* Upgraded to TW v5.1.19
!!!!v6.15 (5-7-2018)
* Top toolbar: added Field handling in view mode
!!!!v6.14 (30-5-2018)
* Upgraded to TW v5.1.17
* Bugfix top toolbar plugin
* Added calendar (hover) button
!!!!v6.11 (25-2-2018)
* Updated plugins
** Layout adjustment: added scroll hack (Tobias Beer)
** Top toolbar: added search (hover) button
!!!!v6.10 (16-11-2017)
* Upgraded to TW v5.1.15
!!!!v6.09 (31-10-2017)
* Updated plugins
!!!!v6.08 (7-6-2017)
* Extended code of tiddlers with 'Fields'
* Bug fixes to Top toolbar plugin
!!!!v6.07 (4-5-2017)
* Added several buttons
* Added 'More' button for accessing hidden buttons.<br>'''List' buttons don't work from 'More' menu!''
* Upgraded to TW v5.1.14
!!!!v6.06 (25-9-2016)
* Added 'Delete all' button to 'Search & delete tiddlers'
* Separate button to enable/disable toolbar plugin.
!!!!v6.05 (14-8-2016)
* Description bug in tag-search-template; renamed: rows => columns.
!!!!v6.04 (11-08-2016)
* Added:
** List & search via tags ([[aSpex Daemon|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/XxLT8zJqHYM/5dKWcxFFAAAJ]])
** Search & delete tiddlers
** Button to toggle editor toolbar on/off
* More consistent layout
!!!!v6.03 (25-07-2016)
* Upgraded to TW5.1.13
!!!!v6.02 (13-2-2016)
* Upgraded Top toolbar plugin
!!!!v6.01 (31-1-2016)
* Upgraded to TW5.1.11
* Simplified toggle tagging button
* Added list of all toolbar buttons
!!!!v6.0 (16-1-2016)
* Made a toolbar plugin
!!!!v5.18 (9-7-2015)
* Upgraded to TW5.1.9.
!!!!v5.17 (25-4-2015)
* Upgraded to TW5.1.8.
!!!!v5.16 (24-12-2014)
* Upgraded to TW5.1.7.
!!!!v5.15 (6-12-2014)
* Upgraded to TW5.1.5.
!!!!v5.14 (24-10-2014)
* Upgraded to TW5.1.4.
!!!!v5.13 (21-10-2014)
* Upgraded to TW5.1.3.
!!!!v5.12 (28-9-2014)
* Upgraded to TW5.1.2.
!!!!v5.11 (22-9-2014)
* Upgraded to TW5.1.1.
!!!!v5.10 (21-9-2014)
* Upgraded to TW5.1.0.
!!!!v5.9 (18-9-2014)
* Upgraded to TW5.0.18-beta.
* Bug fixes: new template tiddler button.
!!!!v5.8 (6-9-2014)
* Upgraded to TW5.0.16-beta.
!!!!v5.7 (21-8-2014)
* Upgraded to TW5.0.15-beta.
!!!!v5.6 (18-8-2014)
* Upgraded to TW5.0.14-beta.
* Removed ribbon; interfered with new programmable buttons in the Tools tab.
* Added - adjustable - background color for top menu.
* Added extended standard search.
!!!!v5.5 (24-6-2014)
* Upgraded to 5.0.13-beta.
* Bluish theme v0.3.0.
* Added 'Settings' table.
* Simplified a few buttons.
!!!!v5.4 (5-6-2014)
* Bluish theme v0.2.0.
!!!!v5.3 (23-5-2014)
* Added note to 'Home' button when using permalink/permaview.
!!!!v5.2 (18-5-2014)
* Upgraded to 5.0.12-beta.
!!!!v5.1 (3-5-2014)
* Some corrections.
!!!!v5.0 (1-5-2014)
* Upgraded to 5.0.10-beta.
* Removed 'Toggle sidebar' button; now 'Hamburger' menu button.
!!!!v4.9 (29-3-2014)
* Added 'How to simplify the toggle button?'
!!!!v4.8 (11-3-2014)
* Added Stephan Hadrek's 'new journal' button.
* Added warning for 3-column mode.
!!!!v4.7 (1-3-2014)
* Upgraded to 5.0.8-beta.
* Updated and extended documentation.
!!!!v4.6 (11-2-2014)
* Simplified 'List ...' buttons.
* Added "Which tiddlers are needed?" to ease drag & drop of buttons.
!!!!v4.5 (7-2-2014)
* Repaired renaming typos (`$:/` to starting with `$:/_`) .
!!!!4.4 (29-1-2014)
* Stylesheet cleanup.
!!!!v4.3 (27-1-2014)
* Upgraded to TW5.0.7-beta.
* Changed in 'standard' search ([[$:/_search]]) $:/temp/search to $:/temp/advancedsearch => all tabs in ''$:/_searchall'' contain the same 'history'.
* Temporary changed [[$:/core/ui/AdvancedSearch/System]].
* Changed all top menu/toolbar tiddlers starting with `$:/` to starting with `$:/_`.
* Changed ''$:/~TopSideBar'' to ''$:/_topmenu''].
!!!!v4.2 (5-1-2014)
* Made combined Search/Advanced search button.
!!!!v4.1 (3-1-2014)
* Upgraded to TW5.0.6-beta.
* Added 'Fixed tiddler width/hidden Sidebar' style.
!!!!v4 (30-12-2013)
* Refactored the 3 'Toggle width/sidebar' buttons to only 1 - programmable - button!
!!!!v3.12 (24-12-2013)
* Upgraded to TW5.0.5-beta.
* Added favicon.
!!!!v3.11 (23-12-2013)
* Bug fixes in 'Toggle tiddler width' button and 'Toggle fluid width' button.
!!!!v3.1 (23-12-2013)
* Upgraded to TW5.0.4-beta.
* Added a 'Toggle tiddler width' button.
* Added a 'Toggle fluid width' button.
* Added ribbon with version number.
* Minor bug fixes and documentation updates.
!!!!v3.01 (16-12-2013)
* Upgraded to TW5.0.3-beta
!!!!v3.0 (15-12-2013)
* Upgraded to TW5.0.2-beta.
* Simplified 'toggle Sidebar' (without 'Hidden sidebar' theme).
* Added 'New template tiddler' button (new tiddler based on a template).
* Simplified documentation (transcluded the source of a tiddler into a code block).
!!!!v2.1 (7-12-2013)
* Upgraded to TW5.0.1-alpha.
!!!!v2.01 (3-12-2013)
* Repaired bug in ~SideBar button code.
!!!!v2.0 (30-11-2013)
* Upgraded to TW5 alpha17 (from alpha13).
* Button definitions simplified.
* Added information about customization of TW5.
* Added Full screen, Sidebar, List recent, and Close all buttons to top menu.
* Added Home button to ~PageControl toolbar.
* Added Close others and Clone tiddler buttons to ~ViewToolbar.
!!!!v1.9 (10-11-2013)
* Upgraded to TW5 alpha13 (from alpha10).
* Code and stylesheet adjustments to work with alpha13.
!!!!v1.8 (6-11-2013)
* Fixed misplaced tag.
* Adjusted 'Home' image.
* Reworded introduction.
!!!!v1.7 (4-11-2013)
* Added a 'Home' button.
* Reworded some notes.
!!!!v1.6 (4-11-2013)
* Added a note about dragging and dropping tiddlers instead of copying and pasting.
* Added a note about ''100%'' instead of ''xyzpx'' width for the Hidden sidebar theme.
!!!!v1.5 (3-11-2013)
* Changed 'Index' button to 'Tags' button (with new icon) which displays all tags.
* Added 'List all' button which displays all tiddlers.
* Added 'Help' button (in slider) which explains the toolbar buttons.
* Style sheets divided in:
** ''$:/stylesheet/topmenu'' with styles related to the top menu.
** ''$:/stylesheet'' with styles for this guide 'Toolbar in top menu'.
* Minor style changes.
!!!!v1.4 (28-10-2013)
* Added an 'Index' button that opens a tiddler with clickable tags like in the Sidebar (tab 'More' > tab 'Tags').
* Added 'float right' for toggle view and toggle sidebar buttons.
* Changed implementation 'Hidden sidebar' theme to `sidebar-header {display:none;}` and increased width of story river - when sidebar hidden - only in `@media (min-width: 770px)`.
* Adjusted top menu for mobile media: `@media (max-width: 770px)`.
* Adjusted the hack `transform: translate(0px, 42px);` to align the ~SiteTitle with the title of first tiddler.
* Changed styling to my liking.
!!!!v1.3 (16-10-2013)
* Made adding toolbar buttons more 'modular' by transcluding the buttons in ''$:/~TopSideBar''.
* Created 'Hidden sidebar' theme for use with 'Toggle sidebar' button.
* Added 'Toggle view' and 'Toggle sidebar' buttons to the top menu.
* Added the hack `transform: translate(0px, 62px);` to shift the top of the story river down.
* Added a 'Search' button that opens a tiddler with a search box.
* Added 'Close all' (from the Sidebar, tab 'Open') to the top menu using the 'Close' icon for the button.
* Top menu (''$:/~TopSideBar'') with the 3 buttons from the Sidebar: 'New tiddler', 'Control panel' and 'Save'.
!! [[Code]]
The code for all tiddlers in both plugins can be displayed by selecting:
# the appropriate plugin
# the appropriate tiddler.
<<selectfilter "code">>
<$macrocall $name="codefilter" filter={{$:/temp/filter/code}} state="code"/>
!! [[Introduction]]
The 'top toolbar' is available as a plugin, just drag & drop:
# [[$:/plugins/tg/toolbar]] (v<<pversion "toolbar">>)
# [[$:/plugins/tg/layout]] (v<<pversion "layout">>)<br>to your wiki to add the 'Top toolbar' plugin.
''Note 1:''
* [[$:/plugins/tg/layout]] - common to many of my plugins - creates a top bar (tagged with [[$:/tags/PageTemplate]]) as background and boundary for a top menu, top toolbar, tiddlersbar, etc.
** You can tweak the layout e.g. in case extra top space is required for a top toolbar, top menu, tiddlersbar, ...
* [[$:/plugins/tg/toolbar]] creates a top toolbar with buttons, tagged with [[$:/tags/TopLeftBar]]
* The 'top toolbar' plugin can be combined with my 'topmenu', 'tiddlersbar', 'tabstory', and 'uptoolbar' (toolbar above title) plugins
* As a demo it does not display all top toolbar buttons (click {{$:/core/images/down-arrow}} to display the remaining buttons.
** ''Note:'' 'List' buttons don't work from the 'More' menu!
* Buttons can be switched on/off: ''Control panel > Appearance > Toolbars > [['Top toolbar'|$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Toolbars/TopToolbar]]''
''Note 2:''
* This TW uses:
** The Top toolbar plugin v<<pversion toolbar>>
** The Layout tweaks plugin v<<pversion layout>>
** The Emphasized theme v<<tversion emphasized>>
** The Bluish color palette v{{$:/palettes/Bluish!!version}}
** Emphasized theme, plugin(s), and code tiddlers available at [[My 'playground'|http://tongerner.tiddlyspot.com/]] > Plugins.
!! [[Layout tweaks plugin]]
<<pslider "Readme of plugin" $:/plugins/tg/layout/readme>>
<<slider "Payload tiddlers layout" "Payload tiddlers layout">>
The top bar is tagged with [[$:/tags/PageTemplate]]
''Note:''<br>The code of all payload tiddlers can be examined under the tab [[Code]].
!! [[More]]
My guides:
* [[How to customize TW5|http://tw5custom.tiddlyspot.com/]]
* [[How to make a top toolbar|http://tw5toolbar.tiddlyspot.com/]]
* [[How to make a top menu|http://tw5topmenu.tiddlyspot.com/]]
* [[How to make a left menu|http://tw5leftmenu.tiddlyspot.com/]]
* [[How to make a top menu, and a left menu that can be toggled on/off|http://tw5topleft.tiddlyspot.com/]]
* [[How to add a tiddlersbar (breadcrumbs)|http://tw5breadcrumbs.tiddlyspot.com/]]
* [[How to make TW5 readonly|http://tw5readonly.tiddlyspot.com/]]
* [[How to make/modify TW5 bookmarklets|http://tw5bookmarklets.tiddlyspot.com/]]
* [[How to make a 'tristate toggle' Sidebar|http://tw5tristate.tiddlyspot.com/]]
* [[How to explore TW5|http://tw5exploration.tiddlyspot.com/]]
For the latest news, see http://tongerner.tiddlyspot.com/
<<olist-links filter:"[all[shadows+tiddlers]]+[prefix[$:/plugins/tg/layout/]sort[]]">>
The 'Top toolbar' plugin comprises <$count filter="[all[shadows+tiddlers]]+[prefix[$:/plugins/tg/toolbar/]]"/> (+ 2 modified shadow) tiddlers:
<<olist-links filter:"[all[shadows+tiddlers]]+[prefix[$:/plugins/tg/toolbar/]sort[]] [[$:/core/ui/PageTemplate/topleftbar]] [[$:/tags/TopLeftBar]]">>
!! [[Plugins]]
<<tabs "[[Layout tweaks plugin]] [[Top toolbar plugin]] Code" "[[Layout tweaks plugin]]">>
!TW5 top toolbar v6.03
* ~~Adjust slider macro: `tc-slider` => `tgc-slider`~~
* ~~Update Bluish theme (with `tc-slider` => `tgc-slider`)~~
* ~~Update classes for button (icons) `tc-xyz-button` => `tgc-xyz-button`~~
* Button - tagged with [[$:/tags/TopRightBar]] to toggle top toolbar on/off.
Type the text for the tiddler 'TonGerner'
<<tabs "Introduction Plugins Changelog More" "Introduction" "$:/state/tab/intro" "tabsstyle">>
,,Comments and questions are welcome. Post them in the [[TW Google group|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/tiddlywiki]],,
!! [[Top toolbar plugin]]
<<pslider "Readme of plugin" $:/plugins/tg/toolbar/readme>>
<<slider "Payload tiddlers toolbar" "Payload tiddlers toolbar">>
<<slider "All toolbar buttons" "All toolbar buttons">>
* All buttons are tagged with $:/tags/TopLeftBar
* Many buttons are replicated core buttons (plain transcluded core buttons or transcluded core buttons in a dropdown menu).
* Special buttons are:
** 'Rename tags' button (thanks to Tobias Beer & Richard William Smith)
** 'Tagging in view mode' (toggle button)
** 'Manage corrupt tiddler' button let you edit the content of a corrupt tiddler.
** List all normal, system and added system tags
** Search & delete tiddlers (thanks to Stephan Hradek/Matabele/Tobias Beer)
** Manage tiddlers button
** Editor toolbar (toggle button)
** Preview mode (with dropdown for scrollable preview)
!!!Modified shadow tiddlers:
* [[$:/core/ui/PageTemplate/topleftbar]]. Added visibility options so the buttons can be switched on/off like all other toolbar buttons (Page, Edit & View toolbar)
* $:/tags/TopLeftBar where the ''default'' order of the top toolbar buttons is defined.
''Note:''<br>The code of all payload tiddlers can be examined under the tab [[Code]].
.tc-sidebar-lists .tc-table-of-contents { white-space: nowrap; }
.tc-table-of-contents button { color: crimson; /* <<colour sidebar-foreground>>; */ }
.tc-table-of-contents svg { width: 0.7em; height: 0.7em; vertical-align: middle; fill: <<colour sidebar-foreground>>; }
.tc-table-of-contents ol { list-style-type: none; padding-left: 0;}
.tc-table-of-contents ol ol { padding-left: 1em; }
.tc-table-of-contents li { font-size: 1.0em; font-weight: bold; }
.tc-table-of-contents li a { font-weight: bold; }
.tc-table-of-contents li li { font-size: 0.95em; font-weight: normal; line-height: 1.4; }
.tc-table-of-contents li li a { font-weight: normal; }
.tc-table-of-contents li li li { font-size: 0.95em; font-weight: 200; line-height: 1.5; }
.tc-table-of-contents li li li a { font-weight: bold; }
.tc-table-of-contents li li li li { font-size: 0.95em; font-weight: 200; }
.tc-tabbed-table-of-contents { display: -webkit-flex; display: flex; }
.tc-tabbed-table-of-contents .tc-table-of-contents {
z-index: 100;
display: inline-block;
margin-left: -1.2em; /* pull menu left */
max-width: 50%;
-webkit-flex: 0 0 auto;
flex: 0 0 auto;
background: transparent; /* <<colour tab-background>>; */
border: 0px; /* previously left/top/botttom 1px; solid <<colour tab-border>>; */
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, red , blue); /* For Safari 5.1 to 6.0 */
background: -o-linear-gradient(right, red, blue); /* For Opera 11.1 to 12.0 */
background: -moz-linear-gradient(right, red, blue); /* For Firefox 3.6 to 15 */
background: linear-gradient(to right, lightgrey, transparent); /* Strd syntax (must be last) */
background-image:-webkit-gradient(linear, left bottom, right bottom, color-stop(80%,#ffffff), color-stop(90%,<<color page-background>>),color-stop(100%, rgba(240,67,239,0)));
.tc-tabbed-table-of-contents .tc-table-of-contents .toc-item > a,
.tc-tabbed-table-of-contents .tc-table-of-contents .toc-item-selected > a {
display: block; padding: 0.12em 1em 0.12em 0.25em;
.tc-tabbed-table-of-contents .tc-table-of-contents .toc-item > a {
border-left: 0px;
border-top: 1px solid transparent; /*<<colour tab-background>>; */
border-bottom: 1px solid transparent;
.tc-tabbed-table-of-contents .tc-table-of-contents .toc-item > a:hover {
text-decoration: none;
border-top: 1px solid green /* <<colour tab-border>>; */
border-left: 1px solid green;
border-bottom: 1px solid green;
background: green; /* <<colour tab-border>>; */
.tc-tabbed-table-of-contents .tc-table-of-contents .toc-item-selected > a:hover { text-decoration: none; }
.tc-tabbed-table-of-contents .tc-tabbed-table-of-contents-content {
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: top;
padding: 0px;
padding-left: 1.5em;
padding-right: 0px; /* 1.5em; */
border: 0px; /* 1px solid <<colour tab-border>>; */
-webkit-flex: 1 0 50%;
flex: 1 0 50%;
.tc-tabbed-table-of-contents .tc-table-of-contents .toc-item-selected > a {
background-image:-webkit-gradient(linear, left bottom, right bottom, color-stop(100%,<<color background>>));
-moz-border-image: -moz-linear-gradient(left, <<color tab-border>> 0%, rgba(240,67,239,0) 100%);
-webkit-border-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, <<color tab-border>> 0%, rgba(240,67,239,0) 100%);
border-image: linear-gradient(to right, <<color tab-border>> 0%, rgba(240,67,239,0) 100%);
border-image-slice: 1;
border-right: 0px;
border-left: 7px solid <<color tab-border-selected>>; /* color is set in border-image */
margin-left:-7px; /* make up for border-left disloc. */
margin-right:0px; /*move shade to right*/
<<list-links "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[@JeremyRuston]!tag[Unfinished]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[@Jeremy]!tag[Unfinished]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[@Jermolene]!tag[Unfinished]]">>
<<list-links "[tag<currentTiddler>]">>
<<list-links "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[@TobiasBeer]!tag[Unfinished]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[@TobiBeer]!tag[Unfinished]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[@Tobias]!tag[Unfinished]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[@tb5]!tag[Unfinished]]">>
\define revatt(who)
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/attention/$who$" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/attention/$who$" setTo="show"><$view tiddler=$who$ field="title" format="text">$title$</$view></$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/attention/$who$" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/attention/$who$" setTo="hide"><$view tiddler=$who$ field="title" format="text">$title$</$view></$button><br>
//@@color:gray; Hi [[$who$]] - here's some stuff that made me think of you specifically.<br>{{$who$!!note}}@@ //
<$list filter="[tag[$who$]] +[!sort[recent]]">
<li><<linkify {{!!title}}>></li><dd>@@font-size:95%;color:gray; {{!!summary}}@@</dd>
<$list filter="[{!!title}backlinks[]first[]]">//@@color:gray; BTW, you're mentioned in these articles:@@ //<br></$list><$list filter="[{!!title}backlinks[]sort[title]]">@@font-size:90%;color:crimson; ∘ @@<<linkify {{!!title}}>></$list>
<$list filter="[all[tiddlers]tags[]prefix[@]] -[[@TWaddle]]">
<$macrocall $name=revatt who={{!!title}}/>
<<list-links "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[@tw.com]!tag[Unfinished]]">>
!!!The plan
We start with one.
Pick one from the [[applications|ApplicationCategory]] or come up with a better. Maybe we look at which are the most popular software types? Or just maybe we do look at the applications and decide which one is the easiest to emulate.
Whichever one we go for, we take a look at some of the commercial versions of that.
We tweak so it looks a bit like those, including adding a logo and some graphics.
We write a [[mini pitch|The TWelevator Pitch]] for that target group.
There. A new frickin' pro-duct! Just like that!
It's FREE.
We check out five industry magazines or similar.
We post a press-release.
They get happy.
We get community.
A text frame defined in some core stylesheet. Easy to use for quotes, info-boxes etc. See code.
This is [[Mat|Mat]]'s, a.k.a [[<:-)|Mat]] little man-cave in the [[TiddlyVerse]].
Most TW development is, understandably, based on the premise that //"Improve code ➔ Better TW"//. ''TWaddle'' is also about developing TW but from the perspective that [[Bigger community ⇄ Better TW]]. Thus, TWaddle looks more to people issues - how to attract them, how to make them stick with TW etc.
I'm not a programmer but I //am// a TW enthusiast so I tiddlefiddle enough to make the occasional discovery of something cool. Given the amount of words I utter, it is also a mere numbers game before I say something that makes sense. TWaddle is intended to capture these eventualities.
Academic disciplines in //''Humanities''// and //''Social sciences''// are particularly centered on text material and text notes, compared to e.g texts in //Natural sciences// or //Formal sciences// that often contain special characters. TW would need little modification to be useful as a note taking tool fort hose former academic areas.
As proposed [[here|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/eZqoogwCrZ0/imK4qf34mY0J]], one alternative to begin building [[Content Communities|Content Community]] could perhaps be done with a tiddler aggregator engine somewhat like what fellow Erwan has created for his [[Community Search Engine|http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/]].
Might it be an idea to start thinking about how sites are best designed for this? Maybe it's possible to set up arbitrary sites that aggregate content and where anyone can contribute. A bit like e.g google groups. So they (at least a few) get a life of their own, serving the group //and// working as a marketing tool for TW.
The optimum(?) would be to aggregate individual tiddlers, rather than full TWs, for instance every tiddler tagged with "Harry Potter".... to make up a "Harry Potter TW aggregation". A bit like I believe hashtagging works in Twitter? Maybe not, I'm not a Twitter user. But we could use a filter instead of a mere hashtag, i.e `[tag[Harry Potter]] [tag[Daniel Radcliffe]]` to get both Harry Potter stuff and things on Radcliffe as an actor.
Assume tw.com featured such a service. Maybe it could allow for a filter as part of the url;
`tiddlywiki.com/#:[tag[Harry Potter]] [tag[Daniel Radcliffe]]`
...i.e it roams the net for TW's, or like with Erwans creation pre-reported TWs, that write on Potter or Radcliffe and aggregates a list of those (external) tiddlers. Either as //links// to those tiddlers or - who knows - even a (temporary) full display of readable tiddlers.
And if you're not jumping up and down in excitement right now, just exchange //Harry Potter// for whichever interest //you// might have. Maybe even niche questions within TW.
If it was on tw.com, it would definitely make that site an even more valuable. Like there are (...to be) official //TW editions// on tw.com (or as I call them, //applications//), there could perhaps be community endorsed content wikis. "TW for education", "Javascripting for TW",...
Quite often do I find myself thinking "Hm, did I change anything here? ...ah, dang, I'd better just press cancel so I know I have what worked before I possibly botched it... but what if it was a new tiddler that I've edited but never saved? Don't want to loose all this..."
It's late, please forgive me...
I read some stuff about //Electro Magnetic Pluses//, EMP's. Apparently some natural and not-totally-unlikely phenomenon from the sun related to solar storms. It's basically an extremely powerful magnetic pulse that, among other things, would erase all magneto-dependent devices including hard drives.
Once we're past the chock and societies are being built up again... hm, surely must be within a week, right? ...except you're probably killed by then from some neighbor who wanted your can of Ravioli because the whole societal infrastructure is knocked out. But anyway.) ...then I figure TW is one candidate for the "primitive" technologies to use because of it's general applicability and because it is easy to spread.
Of course, you must store a copy of it so it cannot be erased from the EMP to begin with. Along with a browser. And, I guess, an OS.
Come to think of it, would a computer even start after an EMP? Better throw in a Raspberry Pi computer also actually. And what about the electric grid? Ah, throw in some batteries too.
Hm, maybe it's easier to store an extra can of ravioli.
unselectedText="{{Intro to Appetizer TiddlyWikis}}"
missingText="<p>Missing tiddler.</p>"
For more reasoning on ''Appetizer TW''s, see: [[Under the radar gateways into TW]]
unselectedText="<p>Select a topic in the table of contents. Click the arrow to expand a topic.</p>"
missingText="<p>Missing tiddler.</p>"
If specific [[applications|Application Categories]] are implemented (and officially endorsed), such as a GTD application or a tool for authors based on TW (as contrasted to "a TW tweaked a bit so it can also be used to author things"), then there could be //Application Communities// bringing in people and centered around specific needs. For instance, a community for teachers or medical doctors or GTD'ers or Flower lovers that collectively develop their particular TW in it's own direction.
Applications centered on a //database//, i.e one or a few types of "units" instantiated many times.
I include this as an application category because there's probably many applications of this kind and because it should be easy to set up in TW using templates.
See [[Application Categories]] for actual display
I found a really [[interesting layout|https://matt.life/writings/computer-geeks]] for an article. Basically the text is split into "small columns" of fixed-width //and// fixed height; about some 5cm/2" wide and high as the view port. The longer the article, the more of these bite sized columns stacking up to the right, eventually causing a need for horizontal scroll.
I never thought I would say this about horizontal scrolling... but it works really good in this context and it triggers an idea for a new storyview!
That's a full tiddler river, but your browser window only (like always) shows the viewport, here in red. The river has five open tiddlers. The third one is, just for illustration, showing two imaginable variants for how to display a tiddler. In reality only one would show. More on this later.
The viewport thus only shows one tiddler. This can make sense for longer tiddlers such as articles. The reader scrolls right only if he or she is interested. What is now displayed depends on...
''...the sidebar''<br>
As noted in the illustrations, the sidebar is to the left. I prefer the standard TW sidebar with it's "administration tabs" to be on the right (close to the scrollbars). But I imagine this "Article Storyview" is for best for "longer tiddlers"... as in public articles and not "notes"... and for this I think a left menu is just perfect. This is why I created the [[leftbar|http://leftbar.tiddlyspot.com/]] theme and the left bar here on TWaddle is a case in point (...but because you, dear reader, can handle a right sidebar it's included too ;-)
Still, I see some possible options including a right sidebar in this storyview. I will return to these thoughts later but, for now, let's say the sidebar is on the left. So;
In scrolling right, this left sidebar could
*scroll out of view to the left
*float in front of the tiddler on left screen side as you scroll right.
The "scroll out of view" should be particularly good for smaller screens as the display gets fully dedicated to the content.
The right scroll should be limited to the width of the tiddler currently in focus! You should only see a //relevant// scroll bar. In other words, if the viewport is currently focussed on a tiddler that does //not// extend beyond the right edge, then it should not show any horizontal scrollbar!
Switching focus from one article to another automatically scrolls left.
But scrolling doesn't have to be via the traditional browser scrollbar- There can be nice right- and left buttons to scroll horizontally or the whole last column can be a scroll-right trigger
''Vertical scroll''<br>
In the illustration, if you //click// downscroll, the viewport jumps down a full step to that second very long tiddler. This is a main point; vertical //click// scroll (as opposed to drag-scroll) presents a new article in a seemingly static place. Multiple scroll clicks along the river shows the tiddlers with the titles in a nice seemingly fixed position at top, instead of the blurry drag-scroll experience.
Scrolling thus ''differs from classic story view'' in an interesting way; In classic storyview you scroll down to see the content //or you scroll down to pass the tiddler// to reach another tiddler. The system cannot know which. And if it is a long tiddler, you are exposed to a lot of uninteresting content as it whizzes by.
In contrast, with the proposed storyview, vertical scrolling is only done to reach another tiddler. And horizontal scrolling is pretty much only to take part of the content. The scroll directions are used for very distinct and different purposes.
''The sidebar'' could in vertical scroll be affixed to viewport left (like my left menu) or like the standard sidebar tabs in TW. If it is a longer than viewport sidebar, I guess it could scroll along with the tiddler river (less good as it would break the on the "one tiddler per view" idea or you'd need a second scrollbar... like for the standard sidebar... but I guess on the left side then, hm. If the menu buttons are there maybe this makes some sense and is for non-tiddlywikians probably more intuitive than our current //double// right hand side scrollbars.
But, also for vertical there could be a "click bottom or top of viewport to jump one full viewport height.
...on screen scroll triggers like this that jump a full viewport verticaly or horizontally could probably severely lessen the quirky experience of the double scrollbars.
So, about ''those two parallel tiddlers'' in the illustration;<br>
Again, they are just for illustration. My point is to show that one could imagine a small tiddler (a "short article") to either stick with the fixed height or, possibly, to fill out the viewport width. In the illustration three text columns apparently fit. This spread out latter would probably look nicer on the screen but it has the probable drawback of breaking the "one view = one tiddler" idea and thereby also "one scrollclick = one tiddler"...
...unless the ''on-screen scrolls are set to jump to the next tiddler'', instead of a view port. IMO this is a pretty neat idea in itself, independent of this Article Storyview proposal. Even or Classic storyview.
But apropos tiddler height; Just maybe the tiddler height should be set so //two//, or multiple, tiddlers fit in vertically:
It is obviously a screen size matter, but I think it would also be extra nice with a "scroll down one tiddler at a time" feature so one tiddler is visible in two views as you go down the river (...or up). This may also be suitable for very small tiddlers ("notes").
''Right sidebar''<br>
As touched on above, there could be a right sidebar instead of a left or complimenting a left. Not sure it's a great idea, but here are my thoughts.
For (only) a right sidebar, the wide and right-spreading tiddler could simply go in under it. Horizontal scroll simply moves the viewport with the sidebar affixed to the right side. No problem actually and you'd see as much of the article as before because now there is no left sidebar taking up space.
Actually, if the leftmost text column is dedicated to the tiddler title, as in the [[referenced article|https://matt.life/writings/computer-geeks]], you might get an interesting framing of the content between the title and the sidebar.
With both a right and a left sidebar, it would again have to go under the right one. What is seen originally is very similar to e.g how this tiddler appears at first, residing between the two sidebars and filling the viewport vertically. But instead of scrolling down, you scroll right.
''Finishing thoughts''<br>
IMO this takes the best from zoomin storyview in putting full focus on the current tiddler - but at the same time it makes the other tiddlers more accessible (which is a problematic aspect in zoomin, IMO)
There could be a //tiddler specific// option to choose this "rightward" spread or the normal "downward" spread (classic storyview). For code this might be preferable?
Maybe edit view should display like normal?
@@color:crimson; Note@@: The listing is incomplete because it only lists articles that have a summary(-field).
<table class="tableFormatter">
<$list filter="[all[shadows+tiddlers]has[summary]!prefix[$:/]!tag[Unfinished]] +[sort[title]]">
<td valign="top"><$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></$link></td>
I can think of very limited commercial interest in "autobio software" so - and I'm just guessing here - there's probably a lack of software tools for creating an autobiography. That should mean opportunity for TW. TW's fragmented nature (tiddlers!) should be perfect for information collection ... at least as notes.
What is potentially cool about it is that collecting material for an autobio can obviously take a very long time... which is desirable for exposure to TW in that it increases chances for beginning to use it for other stuff too.
Perhaps a combo tool with [[Geneaology]]?
Like in google search, autosuggest ''inside the field ''when filling in
*search field
*tagpill field
*new field names
I don't refer to the dropwdown feture we get when editing pills or creating field names.
Have the most matching suggestion automatically fill in as you type instead of forcing you to move down the list to select one. If you press keyboard right arrow, you accept the suggestion.
Admit it - with that title you were expecting your name to show up here, eh!? ;-)
No, this is about the visual aspects of TW. The whole concept of TW is the big beauty of course but here I look at the tidbits. There are a number of details I find beautiful in TW. For once, a purely positive and confirming post.
Just take a look `at this` for example. I mean... the color combination is just really, really nice. Is that [[crimson|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crimson]]?
And the whole Snow White theme. Beautiful! So clean. Each tiddler like a clean cut piece of paper on a background that is relaxing to the eye.
Most icons look good too. To the point, clean cut.
In a way there isn't that much visually left to comment on. And //that// is beauty in itself.
<<boxref "Benchmarking is the process of comparing one's business processes and performance metrics to industry bests or best practices from other companies." "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benchmarking">>
<<twistify "[tag<currentTiddler>]">>
I can only speak about FF, Chrome and IE. And IE can be dismissed right away since there is so much that doesn't work with it. The future will tell if their coming replacement, [[Microsoft Edge|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Edge]], will be better.
So, Chrome and FF, for me on a Windows 8.1 machine. Obviously, my //general// use of browsers, i.e for surfing, plays in as a "starting point" for which browser I prefer... which is Firefox. Still, there are at least two critical reasons why I //also// bother with Chrome, particularly when using TW;
*FF crashes easily. At least for me. Now, I should mention that having, over he years, seen peoples reactions when they see me use the internet, I've realized that my way of using browsers may not be typical; I regularly have some 3-5 FF windows open in parallel and often with well over a 100 tabs in total. So crashes, it turns out, are just a matter of time. And when FF crashes, it all crashes. Chrome, on the other hand, runs each tab as a separate process meaning it also crashes only the single tab.<br>Crashing can be disastrous because it can erase your TW. Even if it doesn't, you likely loose your unsaved changes. (The FF plugin "Form History Control" has saved me a few times.)
*The second downer with FF is that after you create a //new tiddlyspot//, you cannot use FF the first(!) time you save/upload a TW5 to it. This //forced// me to use another browser than FF... and it has simply shown to be the case that I create new tiddlyspots with enough frequency (One per month? For testing stuff.) to simply leave Chrome open... and then I might just as well use it for other stuff too, if FF freezes etc. The result is that I have both browsers open in parallel most of the time.<br><br>
*Chrome has it's own drawbacks when it comes to TW. For me, the major one is that Chrome can't handle "CSS sticky" as in the standard Theme Tweak //Sticky titles//. It may seem like a detail but it affects the workflow //all the time//, forcing you to scroll a lot to access the toolbar.
So, not the deepest of analysis but... well, that's it.
An index over the users personal library
<<boxref "An ''enumerative bibliography'' is a systematic list of books and other works such as journal articles. [...] An entry for a book in a bibliography usually contains the following elements:<br> ● creator(s)<br> ● title<br> ● publisher and place of publication<br> ● date of publication" "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bibliography">>
What if ''you did not know'' about TW?<br>
Would you be grateful if someone told you about it?<br>
''Who'' will you tell? ...<br>
#fishclick {
visibility: hidden;
Authoring of books and papers.
If you ask for help, in any way related to your TW or TW in general, but for a question that is not directly related to TW - say a question on CSS or javascript or website hosting etc - then just provide a link to TW to illustrate your problem.
Or even just mention it - //"I'm setting up a webshop (using TiddlyWiki)... and have a question regarding payment systems: ..."//
There are many occasions where it is desirable to increase or decrease a value or a position (i.e a value in a sequence) with //one//. Examples include "likes" ("+1"), sorting a list of tiddler titles (maybe even in the tiddler river?), sorting of (generated) table rows and/or columns, (...any more?)
How about a simple button widget or macro that on click increases or decreases the value in a field with //one//. Maybe it could render like a "button pair" ⊕ ⊝ or ▵ ▿ - i.e you press either of the two to increase/decrease the value.
The value could be stored in a default field (e.g "plusminus") and if it is a macro can be called like so;
...or the macro (and the default field) could be called "inc" (increment/increase) and allow specification of context appropriate symbols;
:`<<inc +>>` or just `<<inc>>` gives `⊕ ⊝`
:`<<inc ->>` (etc) gives `⊝ ⊕`
:`<<inc up>>` or perhaps `<<inc ^>>` or `<<inc A>>` gives `▵ ▿`
:`<<inc down>>` (etc) gives `▿ ▵`
:...left/right, yin/yang,
Use `<<inc +2>>` or `<<inc up2>>` to increase with two or take two steps up respectively.
Going all the way `<<inc +2 imgA imgB>>`
In a github [[issue|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1284#issuecomment-82086340]] there was a link to a [[site|http://sheep.art.pl/Textarea%20Scrolling#72]] describing a supposedly very simple idea so you can;
//"click anywhere on a [wiki-] page, and the editor will come up scrolled to that spot. "//
The text refers to the problem with editing in wikis smoothly when the "double-click to edit" is active, as for TWc. The problem is that if you found, say, a misspelling in a long document and double click then focus is lost as the top of the tex is scrolled into view.
The proposed (and demonstrated!) solution appearently calculates where on the page you are //physically// clicking and then resets the cursor at that point. Something along those lines.
Very interesting.
First proposal:
In list widgets, is the attribute name //filter// really necessary?
`<$list filter="[tag[foo]]"/>`
...couldn't it just say
`<$list "[tag[foo]]"/>`
...? Not only is the (actual) filter the mandatory attribute in a list (right?) but doesn't a filter always enclose with `"[ ... ]"`?... if so, these biths would be enough to confirm it is a filter, even without the explicit `filter=`.
Frankly, I even confuse the concepts //list// and //filter// sometimes. Of course a list is filtered, what else could it be? But, equally as obvious; if I take a bunch of things and filter them... of course I get a list! There is no other way to present a bunch of output on the screen other than as a list!!!
Is my point even limited to the //list// widget? Is the attribute name //filter// perhaps redundant also in other widgets?
In other words, ''can we make an unspecified parameter be assumed to be a filter for widgets?''<br><br>
''Second proposal, pushing it further'':
The //list widget// is possibly the ''most common widget''. Many a times must the little tiddlywikians type the string `<$list filter=...`
Could we simplify even futher by omitting also `list` ? I.e instead of;
`<$list filter="[tag[foo]]"/>`
...we just need
`<$ "[tag[foo]]"/>`
//...or even...//
//...or ''even''...//
//Gimme the foo!//
Apparently, there are some good reasons why changing a tiddler title cannot automatically change the places where you've typed this title elsewhere e.g in another tiddlers text or in transclusions.
I propose we should at least get an alert when we change a title that appears elsewhere. This //must// be doable because we already have the //References// list (under //Info//).
See also:<br>
[[Missing transclusion should give indication]]
I hesitated to include "Check lists" as a "potential application" for TW because it is just so non-specific and it felt so //basic// in TW that it seemed ridiculous to single it out as a special application. But... it //is// a specific application, it's a tool that just happens to be so generic that it is applied to different contexts. And it is actually //not// as TW-basic; While we do make lists all the time, we don't actually have any ready tool for check lists, e.g like the `list-links`but instead of bullets it has checkboxes that toggle e.g a tag ("Done").
Clicking a title in e.g sidebar should, if there is a draft open for it, lead to that draft instead of opening a new instance of that tiddler. This is probably the more likely wish for someone clicking the title.
When I came up with the [[SideEditor|http://sideeditor.tiddlyspot.com/]] concept, fellow Andreas Hahn showed his [[Unibar|http://twguides.org/wiki/unibar.html]] concept which has many similiarties. But it also includes my [[FastNewTiddler|http://fastnewtiddler.tiddlyspot.com/]] idea - brilliant! It really makes sense.
[Note: To understand the following you'll probably have to be somewhat familiar with my two concepts mentioned above.]
Here are some thoughts for a combined variant;
Clicking the "chevron arrow symbol" from the sidebar (or wherever it is supposed to reside, and whatever symbol it's supposed to be) opens an (empty) FNT editor. If you instead clicked the same from within a tiddler, the toggled thingy is now a side editor. You can, using some button somewhere (e.g at side editor top), toggle between the two, i.e between an empty FNT and the last there displayed tiddler. Or, like in Andreas version, there could be two //tabs// instead of a toggle.
Not sure there is much more to say. If you're familiar with the
I will give a detailed explanation for how to can set up a commenting system like I have but for now this overview is all there is (but do feel free to snoop around):
*The thing is based on Google Drive //Forms//. You need a common Google account to use this (if you have a gmail address, then you have a google account). The commenter (//commenteur//?) does //not// have to have any account or register for anything.
*Google Drive features //forms// which are "questionnaires" that you can put up on the web and set access rights to. The killer is that the answers people fill in for one such public form are all automatically collected into a standard Excel-type spreadsheet in your Google Drive. Really a fantastic service from Google.
*So, in the commenting system here, what you see is an //iframed// such form. But the iframe is cut down to only display the "answer field" for a single question. This can be found in [[$:/_TWaddle/Buttons/Comment]], which is a remade "more" toolbar button.
*The iframe takes the current tiddler title as part of its src, so the comment really is tiddler specific and I get this info in that spreadsheet summary.
The following would be an easier way to access documentation information.
Digital documentation, generally, is spread out almost as if we were dealing with physical paper and books. A pdf doc is the obvious example. In TW we use tiddler philosophy but we still mostly stay with the "you must //go there// to see the contents". I think the tiddler philosophy idea enables us to make things more accessible than this because the small chunks are perfect to display as e.g popups.
Thus, we can have compact tables to show //everything// on a topic or for some category by using selected parts of the data as mere popup markers. You get the full overview //and// immediate access to the details without leaving the full overview. Example illustration (no working links):
| widget | attributes |h
|@@color:blue; action-deletefield@@|@@color:blue; $tiddler $field {any attributes not starting with $}@@|
|@@color:blue; action-deletetiddler@@|@@color:blue; $tiddler $filter@@|
| ... | ... |
<br>Hovering or clicking on any item shows popup with appropriate documentation. [[@JedCarty]] has a potentially relevant [[component|http://inmysocks.tiddlyspot.com/#Make%20data%20from%20a%20dictionary%20tiddler%20appear%20when%20you%20hover%20over%20something]] for this.
That's the basic idea. The items should perhaps not be blue as if they are links. And there //should// be links to the actual widgets, of course.
Maybe include a third table column with popup containing either examples or links to examples.
Compare this to the current naked listing of widgets in tiddler [[Widgets in WikiText|http://tiddlywiki.com/prerelease/#Widgets%20in%20WikiText]].
<<box "One may think that //competition// is not of concern for open source software. This is a serious mistake to believe. While it's true that //money//, the typical "commercial" thing to compete for, is not an issue for open source (at least not directly), there are a number of other things that also open source projects //need// to thrive, not least competent [[people|Bigger community ⇄ Better TW]] and their attention. Competition is whatever takes away //resources// from your project.">>
...and a //competitor//, in our context, is whatever our target group sees as an alternative to what it is they think TW can do.
It is fair to question //why// one should bother with competition though. That's a personal decision but one immediate reason might be to get ideas for features or other bits that are simply good or better than what we have.
Because TW is extremely //general//, the competition is somewhat difficult to define. Still, as long as we don't have any official [[applications|Application Categories]] or special [[user groups|Different worlds]], one way to limit the scope to include note-taking software, wiki software and personal information managers.
At the time of writing, this makes for a very short list. I welcome further suggestions.
<<list-links "[tag[Competitor]]">>
reference management software according to [[Wikipedia|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_reference_management_software]]
*Operating system support
*Export file formats
*Import file formats
*Citation styles
*Reference list file formats
*Word processor integration
*Database connectivity
*Password "protection" and network versions
Here is a contact form via Google Docs ([[how?|Twoogle Docs contact form]])<br>
Do please post a message to me. State ''which tiddler'' it concerns, if any.
Wait a few seconds for this to laod.
#ocontact {position: relative; width: 200%; }
#icontact {position: absolute; left: -30px; top: -230px; clip:rect(213px 490px 405px 30px); display:block; overflow:hidden; }
<div id="ocontact"><div id="icontact" >
<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1e5Bu0aHjQjqCuouPokwVdy1Qa1BXY8dCk_rLSUafgiM/viewform?usp=send_form" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" overflow="hidden" width="700px" height="460px" ></iframe>
If sharing tiddlers becomes a viable feature, there can be "Content communities", centered around specific topics that attract people. For instance, a community about "Bob Dylan" or "Soccer" or any other subject. People share their relevant content and //aggregators// or similar can (automatically?) create nodes around which the community exists. I.e the aggregator roams the [[TWederation|The Federation]] and accumulates, say, tiddlers tagged "Soccer" into a collective "Soccer TW". Some further thoughts [[here|Aggregator to create content wikis]]
Simon and Daniel Baird's fantastic ''Tiddlyspot'' service is a cornerstone for the TW community and the //de facto// go-to place for many people that want a free and great server alternative for their TWs or to just throw up a quickie for something. With TW5 there is even some integration, or at least cooperation, for smooth uploading to tiddlyspot and Jeremy even welcomes pull requests to be posted there. The following picks up on this with a proposal to extend the integration for making things even easier.
Note: See also the follow up article [[Pull Requests Galore!]] after reading this.
Thus; We have the excellent save/upload to tiddlyspot.com mechanism built into core. It would be even better if you could ''create tiddlyspots from within the TW'' to begin with!
In the Crlpanel > Saving tab, there is currently;
:the //tiddlyspot name// field
:...and a //password// field
My proposal here is to have the //tiddlyspot name// field be automatically filled by default(!) with the //title// of the TW, i.e fetching it from Ctrlpanel>Info>Basics. You can obviously change the tiddlyspot name from this default.
And you fill in the //password// field (if not already there from previous session) and click save. If there is an existing tiddlyspot and everything is correct this causes saving/uploading as usual.
''...and if the tiddlyspot does not exist, it instead works as a //registration// for a new one! Plus the upload!''
''The fact that you filled in a password is a clear confirmation that you, in deed, do want to save or create to tiddlyspot'' when you click {{$:/core/images/save-button}} Save changes
Newcomers can get an online TW in a snap! It can even be done //directly// from http://tiddlywiki.com/empty. And we should probably also have a "get a tiddlyspot" in the tw.com GettingStarted tiddler (where the Download for dit different browsers are.
AND, if the user has some issue, you could make a demo //right away in tw.com/empty// and just zap it up. (I extend on this idea in [[Pull Requests Galore!]])
To get the default tiddlyspot title from the TW title, there should be some (local) converter to deal with capital letters, spaces, forbidden characters, etc... so that the TW title "Foo bar" becomes "foobar" or "foo-bar" in the tiddlyspot name field. (BTW, I've noticed that in naming tiddler //fields//, in tiddler edit view, there is already such conversion mechanism to convert upper case letters into lower case.)
Obviously, if a spot is already taken you get informed. Perhaps offered to use `alreadtakenname#2` etc.
<br>''addendum - Single tiddler export''<br>
Whaddyaknow - I just realized I have touched on this idea before!<br>See; [[The Single Tiddler Webpage]]
<$list filter="[tag[Creation]]">
<dd><li><<linkify {{!!title}}>> - {{!!summary}}</li></dd>
\define star() <br>@@color:crimson;line-height:200%; ★ @@
<<note "''I try to give credit'' where it is due. If you see something that //ought// to be credited to someone, //please tell me//. And if you feel //your// name is missing, then you're //likely right// - it's not on purpose and I hope my various attempted contributions can be accepted as a sign of my gratitude to you and our wonderful [[TW project|The TW Project]]. Two people not listed but that I still wish to particularly thank are [[@JeremyRuston]] and [[@MarioPietsch]] for continuous overall help. ">>
<table id="noborders">
<<star>> ''Individuals''
<col width="260">
<$list filter="[each[cred]!cred[]] +[sort[cred]]">
<tr><td><<linkify {{!!cred}}>><br> <$transclude tiddler={{!!cred}} field="crednote"/></td>
<td nowrap><$list filter="[has[cred]cred{!!cred}]"><li><<linkify {{!!title}}>> <$list filter="[{!!title}!credurl[]]"><a href={{!!credurl}} target="_blank">@@color:lightgray; (url)@@</a></$list> </li></$list><$list filter="[{!!cred}backlinks[]first[]]">@@color:gray;font-size:90%; Mentions@@<br></$list><$list filter="[{!!cred}backlinks[]sort[title]]">@@font-size:90%; <li><<linkify {{!!title}}>></li>@@</$list></td>
<<star>> ''Sites or discussions''
<$list filter="[each[credurl]!credurl[]!has[cred]] +[sort[]]">
<tr> <td><div id="urlcutter">{{!!credurl}}</div> </td>
<td><$list filter="[credurl{!!credurl}]"><li><<linkify {{!!title}}>></li></$list> </td>
<<star>> ''Creators of imported tiddlers''
<$list filter="[each[creator]!creator[]!creator[Mat]!creator[M]] +[sort[]]">
<tr><td><<linkify {{!!creator}}>></td>
<td><$list filter="[creator{!!creator}]"><li><<linkify {{!!title}}>></li></$list> </td>
#urlcutter { width: 170px; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; }
#noborders, #noborders th, #noborders tr, #noborders td {border:0; }
#noborders td {vertical-align:top; border-bottom:1px solid lightgray; }
[[Declaration on Contributions to the TW Project]]
[[Found|http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7729566/separators-between-elements-without-hacks/7729610#7729610]] cool, pure CSS, way to insert separators:
#sepmen span + span { border-left: solid red 1px; }
<div id="sepmen">
<span> stuff</span>
Not sure what to make of it. It's really just a left-side border inserted for the last two items.
It would be neat if you, instead of drag'n drop titles, you could drag'n drop icons to import e.g plugins.
Same thing with some of the TW settings - pretty much the ones we already use icons for, such as toolbars. Instead of checkboxes in Ctrlpanel, you drag the icon into place.
...and, the thing that makes me most excited: "Packaged commands", say ready made filters or other components that you can slice and dice into lists from which you pluck stuff. Imagine these being various "commands" and you just dragged whatever you wanted into the tiddler you're working with:
<style>.my-gallery svg {width:3em; height:3em; margin:7px;}</style>
<div class="thumbs">
<$list filter="[all[tiddlers+shadows]tag[$:/tags/Image]]">
</div>@@float:right; [[cred|http://tobibeer.github.io/tb5/#Core%20Images%20And%20Inline%20Stylesheets]]@@
<br>I guess we'll get there... ;-)
Work on ~TiddlyWiki is voluntary.
Nobody is getting paid to do develop things for the ~TiddlyWiki project. I do express many wishes and suggestions and I implement very few of them (due to, well, incompetence) and while I do //hope// people find my ideas good enough that they //want// to implement them, I don't "demand" anything from anybody.
It feels banal, almost embarrassing, to express the above because it should be obvious. But because of the //amount// of "opinions" that I express, also on other peoples work and how this or that "ought to be", I fear my thoughts may sometimes be confused with ungratefulness. In fact, more than anything it is //engagement// which, again in fact, is more uncommon than common if you look at all the users of TW.
But, let me state it clearly: THANK YOU. Thank you, everyone who is contributing to making TW better in any way. I am absolutely fascinated by TW and this is thanks to the efforts of the community and the coders. And, obviously, most of all thanks to Jeremy whose work for obvious reasons is the prime subject for my thoughts. (See also [[Cred]])
''My ideas and opinions are actually my way primary of contributing.'' Sorry if it offends, it is not intended to. I see evidence that it does also bring good. My crazy world view on stuff is what I've got. That's what I'm made of. But you're more than welcome to argue with me (I like it!)
There is the TW community. You and I. Fun.
I believe at least two other //types// of communities could come to play key roles for the spreading and development of TW - if we create the infrastructure for them;
''Content communities''<br>
{{Content Community}}
''Application communities''<br>
{{Application Community}}
Both of these can be attractive for non-TW users. From what I understand, one bit of criticism coming up against TW is that it doesn't solve any specific problem. Content and Applications could attract people who feel this way.
IMO it would be clever to take advantage of this and offer to host these on tw.com, or some other official server, not unlike google discussion groups where each group pulls traffic to google and, not least, spreads the google name.
Brief description of a thing I intend to build:
Drag'n Drop visual elements (images) that are using the [[hooker method|The Tiddler Hooker Method]] by setting it's positions from sensing where the mouse clicks. Initiate by on-hover.
This means things get called into existence by opening the tiddler. Note that you can have several such elements in one tiddle and their individual positions-values can be read from fields (that can be remotely manipulated as usual and as is done in e.g [[Theme Tweak Size Settings]] (sorry, that's a complex example but it's the only one I have to show right now. Better examples are to come in [[The Tiddler Hooker Method, part 2]]).
One application could be a tiddler showing images of TW graphical elements like buttons, toolbars etc. If their positions and visibility can be manipulated individually (which I thing is not too difficult whith CSS) we have a mockup maker to illustrate things! //"I want a button here and where the arrow is there should be a dropdown opening when I click..."//
If a tiddler is permanently open (e.g transcluded into sidebar or using a [[Permanent Placeholder]]) then they are premanently on screen, as move around objects.
It's definitely ironical, but I believe the documentation is both too little and too much. (And I'll mention it already here: I also think the documentation has become really //good//!) There is quite a lot for a newcomer to read up on, because there is quite a lot to learn about. And yet, at the sensitive //evaluation stage// ("is this for software for //me//?"), chances are the user will feel there is no simple "Get started with TW in 1-2-3 steps!"
Let me be clear: the documentation authors have done one amazing job. I //enjoy// reading the stuff. Still, it //is// a bit tough to navigate through. I think part of the reason is the non-linearity of it - you don't know which knowledge builds on which.
tw.com has the //Contents// tab clearly dealing with this. And Jeremy has officially asked for help to restructure and improve this, so the difficulty is recognized.
Now, the great part is that we //have// the documentation, or at least a lot of it, by now, thanks to the laborious and meticulous work of many (not least Jeremy!) So I see the task to be about //packaging// it. Presenting it in a way that is, or at least seems, targeted to whoever we identify as the audience.
...but this is really an opportunity for using the //forte// of TW! We can create //multiple entrences// to the documentation. And we can use, what I believe has been referred to as "multiple tiers", to present it. User groups; newcomer, experienced and expert... or whatever the division was.
Now, I've tagged this article with "deal breaker" because I believe that some people, i.e some of the newcomers, may decide against TW if they find the documentation unsatisfactory. IMO this is the most important group to target. The rest of us struggle on and ask and experiment. So will those newcomers, if they just pass the sensitive evaluation stage.
How do we satisfy this group (assuming they exist)? What are the stumble blocks?
Well... I think the kickstart documentation should not be text at all, but video. On that note, I'm ending this article, hoping to have planted a seed. I'll get back on the subject, but for now; Video.
It is (very) often annoying to have to click Done/Store and then Close. There should be a ~DoneClose to do both in one step.
I typically work with quite a few ideas simultaneously. This means there are a lot of drafts open at the same time, including "Draft of 'New Tiddler #'".
I would like it if tag//Open// could list the title I've preliminarily applied to drafts. Instead of "Draft of 'New Tiddler #'" it could say perhaps
:Draft "//yourtitle//"
and in the case of editing existing existing (non-new) tiddlers
:Draft "//yourtitle//" (was "the existing title")
tw.com on Editions
<<boxref "[Editions are] tuned for specific purposes [and consist of the] core components [and] plugins, documentation and sample content.<br>You can mix and match the components of these editions, to make a unique solution to your particular application." "http://tiddlywiki.com/#Editions">>
We have;
::Empty Edition
::Full Edition
:@@color:gray; //...and. with 5.1.10://@@
::Résumé Builder Edition
::Blog Edition
::Text-Slicer Edition
I, however, feel the term //edition// is completely wrong for this!
To me, //edition// is a term stemming from the //book// world where two editions implies a chronological order and where the latter is typically, an updated or modified version of the former. We hear //"New, expanded edition", "2nd edition"// or perhaps just //"Corrected edition"//. If we translate it to software I would see the equivalet of editions to be //updates//. Or edition can refer to variations in language - //"Spanish edition"// - but the content and purpose remains the same. The language aspect for TW is however dealt with as //plugins//.
Actually, the tw.com quote above seems to go for the //opposite// from likeness, stating //"[editions are] tuned for specific purposes"//. To me, that's the equivalent of books on different topics - i.e different books, not at all editions.
In my book (ha!) a much better term if we're talking about //specific purposes// is: ''applications''.
You //apply// an //application// as a solution to a problem. It is a thing created specifically with //purpose// in mind. Btw, interestingly the term //application// does appear in the tw.com quote.
In these days it is also a good term for another reason; apps! This is short for "applications" or "application software". Terms //app// and //application// gives a much clearer understanding of what we're talking about compared to //edition//.
[img width="300"[http://img.auctiva.com/imgdata/0/5/0/8/1/6/webimg/703312102_o.jpg]]
<table style="max-width: 600px" width="100%" >
<tr><td><img src="" width="100%"></td></tr>
<tr><td style="font-family: Arial;">{{Lorem}}</td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="http://www.tiddlywiki.com"><img src="" width="100%"></a></td></tr>
*To get an empty row
*like this<br><br>
*in the middle of a bullted list,
*use double breaks
*To get an empty row
*like this<br><br>
*in the middle of a bullted list,
*use double breaks
Evernote [...] for notetaking and archiving. A "note" can be a piece of formatted text, a full webpage or webpage excerpt, a photograph, a voice memo, or a handwritten "ink" note. Notes can also have file attachments. Notes can be sorted into folders, then tagged, annotated, edited, given comments, searched, and exported as part of a notebook.
@@float:right; -[[Wikipedia|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evernote]]@@
Maybe this is already possible now?
Person A uses the //Export tiddler// feature to shoot off a tiddler... into person Bs //public nodejs TW tiddler folder//.
That folder is public because it resides in some cloud storage service where you can share folders. (Dropbox, GDrive...)
I'm still not very familiar with node.js TW, but //Export tiddler// can produce the right file format for this, right?
<$edit tiddler="external editor for TW Glass" field="text" class="tc-edit-texteditor" />
This is, on TWaddle, using the tiddler<br>
[[External editor for TW Glass]] to make it<br>
easy to edit this annotation.
In setting up a new tiddlyspot you can't use, specifically, FirefFox for the //first// upload of TW5. So in e.g Chrome or other you can have a bookmark or, even quikcer, the //startpage// set to show the url:
//tw.com/empty > tiddler Ctrlpanel > tab Saving//, i.e [[this direct link|http://tiddlywiki.com/empty#%24%3A%2Fcore%2Fui%2FControlPanel%2FSaving]]
This way, to create a new tiddlyspot fast:
*In FF I go to tiddlyspot and create register a new name. But //leave it at the confirmation page//, i.e that shows the link to your new tiddlyspot.
*Open Chrome to the startpage or bookmark, fill in the name and password, click upload. Wait for save then close.
*Back in FF, click that confirmation page link.
''Even better''<br>
*Make a tiddlyspot that has a tw with your favourite settings and plugins.
*...and use that as your Chrome startpage/bookmark - or, rather, again the [[direct link|http://your_fav_setup.tiddlyspot.com/#%24%3A%2Fcore%2Fui%2FControlPanel%2FSaving]] to the ctrlpanel savings tab.
If anyone's curious, [[here|http://mempty.tiddlyspot.com/#%24%3A%2Fcore%2Fui%2FControlPanel%2FSaving:%24%3A%2Fcore%2Fui%2FControlPanel%2FSaving]] is mine. It has a few customized settings but most notably it contains the [[SideEditor|http://sideeditor.tiddlyspot.com/]] plugin.
<<list-links "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[Features]!tag[Unfinished]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[Feature]!tag[Unfinished]]">>
Why didn't I think of this sooner? It's always been a pain to mess around with system tiddlers and close them only to realize there was "just one more detail I must check". It's difficult to find them again because after closing them they don't appear in //Recent// and I never remember their weird names. Plus the system lists are so long that even if I would remember the names...
Anyway, now solved. I just included this in my //Recent// list:
<$list filter="[prefix[$:]] -[[$:/HistoryList]] -[prefix[$:/state]] -[prefix[$:/temp]] +[!sort[modified]limit[15]]">
<li><<linkifytitle "{{!!title}}">></li>
(The linkifytitle macro is just to... ah, I guess it's obvious.)
This is not in the public //Recent// list that you see here because that public one sorts by the articles publication date as I define them, not by "last modified" like normal //recent// lists.
My full (administrators-) //Recent// list is
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/oRecentsystemtids" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/oRecentsystemtids" setTo="show" style="border:0px; background-color:transparent; color:gray;">Systemtids ▷</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/oRecentsystemtids" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/oRecentsystemtids" setTo="hide" style="border:0px; background-color:transparent; color:black;">Systemtids showing ◁</$button>
<$list filter="[prefix[$:]] -[[$:/HistoryList]] -[prefix[$:/state]] -[prefix[$:/temp]] +[!sort[modified]limit[10]]">
<li><<linkifytitle "{{!!title}}">></li>
<$macrocall $name="timeline" format={{$:/language/RecentChanges/DateFormat}}/>
Remember the moratorium and how Jeremy proposed focussing on //documentation//... and then how things //really// kicked off! I'm not aware of any other time period with such a community focus on a specific area. Fantastic!
The concerted effort would, obviously, not have //initiated// without Jeremys proposal. While the authors, who did the //actual writing// undeniably are the heroes in this (hooray for you!!!), I believe Jeremys announcement was a catalyst to engage the whole community (or at least the board folks) and this general activity and discussion and //awareness// of the issue was, I believe, part of a "creative climate" that //contributed// to the actual writing by the authors. A lively discussion and a creative climate encourages actual production of stuff.
''What if there was an announced //"focus of the month"// !''
It could be a "sticky post" on the boards. "...For the month of X, let's focus on Y".
* ...themes
* ...everything "math"
* ...author tools
* ...CSS
* ...the toolbar
* ...federation (yeah, you know I had to use that as an example)
*..."emulate software Z"
*...let's collectively design a set of reusable press releases
*...contest: who can make the most //useless// TW
(Speaking of contests; my poster contest was another event that triggered discussion and joint efforts that resulted in something really good, i.e the [[poster|http://tiddlywiki.com/poster/]].)
I even think a monthly "focus theme" like this would be //fun// - something to look forward to with curiosity.
I say it's worth a try.
Now, who should announce this?
It would not be appropriate of me, or anyone, to publicly like this tell anyone "what they should do" - and I'm not but, obviously, Jeremy is the first name that comes to mind (not only my mind, I'm sure) so I //am// "thinking out loudly" on this. It would be fantastic if he likes this idea and he is probably the only one who has the authority to announce "let's focus on X" without having to "set an example" by participating himself. We kind of all know he is doing incredible stuff anyway.
But the most valuable point if Jeremy as the announcer is that he, as lead developer, likely knows what particular areas that really need more attention. Maybe community focus areas can even support his own areas of concern d'jour?
An optional, or complementary, approach could be to let people //send in suggestions// for focus areas. Over all, I guess it shoudl be a balance between [[bottle necks|Bottlenecks]], catching trends, direction steering and perhaps simply fun and good for community morale.
Yet another approach would be if Jeremy officially gave his blessing for someone to be the official spokes person for this. I'd be interested in that role for sure. At least for some time. But maybe he considers others more suitable in which case they should get the role, of course... if anyone is even interested in it.
In summary; As evidenced from when Jeremy announced "let's focus on the documentation" I believe that having someone with enough authority to explicitly encourage a focus area can be very productive and I propose this as a recurring activity for the community.
Wait a few seconds for this to laod.
#outerdive2 {position: relative; width: 220%; }
#innerdive2 {position: absolute; left: -60px; top: -190px; clip:rect(160px 305px 705px 60px); display:block; }
<div id="outerdive2"><div id="innerdive2" >
<iframe src="http://joeshmoe.tiddlyspace.com/#toMat" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" overflow="hidden" width="700px" height="450px" ></iframe>
<$edit tiddler="fromJoe" field="text" class="tc-edit-texteditor" />
I have the best selling book [[Get Clients Now|http://www.amazon.com/dp/081443245X/ref=rdr_ext_sb_ti_hist_1]] (GCN), Hayden. It is details a very structured and packaged flowchart type sales process (not all unlike GTD). TW would be the //perfect// tool for this.
While I've dabbled with this GCN concept, I'm not qualified or authoritative in sales to be a proponent of it. However, if we have any professional sales people in the group then maybe he or we (who?) can make a GCN-TW that could attract people.
#o_doc {position: relative; width: 100%; }
#i_doc {position: absolute; left: -100px; top: -100px; clip:rect(100px 1205px 705px 60px); display:block; }
<div id="o_doc"><div id="i_doc" >
<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UqUuHk_LpHO-26b7-K-PrO5e6-VVd3FXxaKhNdJOvU0/pub?embedded=true" scrolling="no" frameborder="1" overflow="hidden" width="800px" height="300px" ></iframe>
<$edit tiddler="GDrive embedded uneditable" field="text" class="tc-edit-texteditor" />
#o_doc_editable {position: relative; width: 100%; }
#i_doc_editable {position: absolute; left: -110px; top: -210px; clip:rect(215px 605px 705px 90px); display:block; }
<div id="o_doc_editable"><div id="i_doc_editable" >
<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UqUuHk_LpHO-26b7-K-PrO5e6-VVd3FXxaKhNdJOvU0/edit?usp=sharing" scrolling="no" frameborder="1" overflow="hidden" width="700px" height="400px" ></iframe>
<$edit tiddler="GDrive iframe editable" field="text" class="tc-edit-texteditor" />
This makes sense... or at least //more// sense... in Firefox than in Chrome.
| `🐟` = 🐟 = 🐟 | 〚🐟🐟〛 | [[🐟🐟]] | ⟦🐟🐟⟧ ...huh, black? |
| `🐠` = 🐠 = 🐠 | 〚🐠〛 | [[🐠]] | ⟦🐠⟧ ...double huh? |
| [[img/fish_bright]] = [img width="20%" [img/fish_bright]] | 〚[img width="20%" [img/fish_bright]]〛 | [[[img width="20%" [img/fish_bright]]]] | ⟦[img width="20%" [img/fish_bright]]⟧ |
| [[img/fish_micro]] = {{img/fish_micro}} | ⟦{{img/fish_micro}}⟧ | [[{{img/fish_micro}}]] ..hover! | 〚{{img/fish_micro}}〛..it's magic! |
...what's with those last ones? Bugs or tids?
<<boxref "''Genealogy'', also known as family history, is the study of families and the tracing of their lineages and history. [...] The results are often displayed in charts or written as narratives.<br><br>The pursuit of family history and origins tends to be shaped by several motivations, including the desire to carve out a place for one's family in the larger historical picture, a sense of responsibility to preserve the past for future generations, and a sense of self-satisfaction in accurate storytelling." "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genealogy">>
I think a good aim in ~WikiText is to make the syntax resemble the outcome. At the same time one goal with ~WikiText is to have it easy to write (and remember) so to minimize the distractions in the writing process. Successful enough examples include `__underline__`, `//italic//` and some others.
For example, in experimenting with a proposal for introducing ~WikiText for sliders, I noted the following:
//Visually// a slider looks, in my experience, somewhat like a button but typically with a " ▸ " symbol. This suggests a markup to be something like
`[label ▸]`
where the brackets symbolize the outer edges of a button. (I said "something //like//". Obviously that can't be the actual markup.)
//Functionally// a slider is a bit like a link. You click it to get access to some text (or whatever the content). The markup for a link is of course `[[label]]` which bears a lot of resemblance with the look of a slider button. I think the introduction of new ~WikiText markup should take advantage of this coincidence.
Also, there is much resemblance between sliders and //tabs//, both visually and functionally. In an implementation, one may wish to consider harmonizing the appearance of these. I cannot think of any good reason why a reader needs to know the difference as he is intended to do the exact same thing in both situations.
In general, for TW, we should IMO harmonize the appearance of visual elements as well as minimize the variation in syntax by sticking to some general "rules" for the form for the syntax. Ideally a writer (you and I!) should be able to //guess// how to format something!
All deviations, in editing or reading, distracts the brain and this takes away from the writing / reading experience.
Because of the lengthy original first part here, compared to the second part, I reverse their order. Thus:
!!!Second part
...or we could use a macro `<<applytoparagraph: X>>` or simply `<<apply X>>` or perhaps `<<wikitext X>>` meaning "apply the standard wikitext parserule for X to format each individual line in the paragraph".
!!!First part
I propose "wikitext triplets" as head of a paragraph should mean it is applied to the paragraph
The paragraph end, i.e an empty line, should have a weaker prio than if the triplet is repeated at paragraph end (again, before empty line). Thus you could write a triplet, followed by multiple paragraphs, and end with a triplet (...before the empty line) and this would apply to all paragraphs between the triplets.
The triplets should be possible to break, and break+restart, in-paragraph. For instance, I may wish a section mid-paragraph, where the formatting should not apply.
<$edit tiddler="GenericEditorTitle" field="titletoedit" class="tc-edit-texteditor" /><br>
<$edit field="text" class="tc-edit-texteditor" tiddler={{GenericEditorTitle!!titletoedit}} />
To enhance dev infrastructure, I propose a //plugin//... or perhaps you'd call it a //hack//... so that typing `#1066` autolinks to that issue on GH.
Maybe it could be made so that it only autoformats it if "1000<number<3000" or some such.
Maybe the tiddler should be conditionally tagged for it to be active.
And a deluxe version could fetch and display the actual title (in this case [[Search results in a tab of the Sidebar #1066|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1066]]).
A closely related idea is discussed [[here|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/DlI6pC1L_ek/kkDIESzRcPgJ]]
Snooped up artilcles of probable relevance to use Google Drive spreadsheets as database for tiddler content
*[[Use a Google Spreadsheet as your JSON backend|https://coderwall.com/p/duapqq/use-a-google-spreadsheet-as-your-json-backend]]
*[[Get Google Spreadsheets Data as JSON in your Website|https://ctrlq.org/code/20004-google-spreadsheets-json]]
*[[Accessing a (new-style, public) Google sheet as JSON|http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30082277/accessing-a-new-style-public-google-sheet-as-json]]
*[[How To Use Google Doc Serve JSON From Excel Spreadsheet|http://www.nextofwindows.com/how-to-use-google-doc-spreadsheet-serve-json-from-excel-spreadsheet/]]
*[[Script for generating Google documents from Google spreadsheet data source|https://opensourcehacker.com/2013/01/21/script-for-generating-google-documents-from-google-spreadsheet-data-source/]]
*[[How to import JSON data into Google Spreadsheets in less than 5 minutes|https://medium.com/@paulgambill/how-to-import-json-data-into-google-spreadsheets-in-less-than-5-minutes-a3fede1a014a#.oct9kx8oe|https://medium.com/@paulgambill/how-to-import-json-data-into-google-spreadsheets-in-less-than-5-minutes-a3fede1a014a#.oct9kx8oe]]
*[[Using IFTTT and Google Drive to create a JSON API|http://codepen.io/nickmoreton/post/using-ifttt-and-google-drive-to-create-a-json-api]]
[[Here|https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/linear-gradient]]'s a nice theoretical elaboration on gradients.
I found a cool CSS [[Gradient Generator|http://www.colorzilla.com/gradient-editor/]]. I didn't know these generators existed.
Gradients are cool and definitely add finesse to potentially boring areas. One example is my attempto to spice up the visuals for the menu in the Table of Contents macro. [[Here|Software Categories]]'s an example of the result.
<table class="tableFormatter">
<$list filter="[all[shadows+tiddlers]has[summary]!prefix[$:/]!tag[Unfinished]tag[Graphics]]">
<td valign="top"><$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></$link></td>
<table class="tableFormatter">
<$list filter="[all[shadows+tiddlers]!prefix[$:/]!tag[Unfinished]tag[Graphics]]">
<td valign="top"><$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></$link></td>
I have only done very little research, found e.g [[this|http://www.grocerylists.org/ultimatest/]] but I'm guessing there are a few grocery list services out there with print outs or possibly even digital ones with checkboxes. But I think TW features would bring value in a way that few others can, i.e not only checkboxes but also easy add of new items, add notes, etc.
Actually, I feel it would even be a way to provoke peope to start to modify and eventually customize the TW; Very soon they should want to add a missing product or add a note that //Cereal// should be of a particular brand, etc.
<<box "{{sw:GTD}}">>
Even if the initial GTD craze passed several years ago, the method probably still remains as the best comprehensive approach for personal productivity. With TW5 we have fellow [[@RomaHicks]] [[GSD5|http://gsd5.tiddlyspot.com/]] + [[git|https://github.com/roma0104/gsd5]]
IMO, using TW as an engine for a GTD application, offers benefits that I doubt other GTD implementations can have. Maybe fundamental ideas in TW are spot on to be used also in a GTD implementation.
TW would be the ideal bookmarks manager if we only had a way to easily add bookmarks. Your bookmarks would be in a file that survives change of computers (to the same extent that your TW does) and, more importantly, your ~~bookmarks~~ //your valuable website findings// (!) can be a more integral part of your notes or other TW applications, so you can slice and dice and relate the info to multiple tiddlers. It could really be perfect.
Note, the built in browser based bookmark managers are good - but they are isolated and independent of //you//. But the things you use it for is //all// about you and your interests.
What can be done about this?
...your love for TW!
I'm sure we all would love more developers to get fascinated by our little pet here. Well... it's all about attracting them.
As I've mentioned, I try to [[Bring up TW in other contexts]] - but I'm not a developer so I'm not very convincing when I talk to developers about "how great TW is" . What is needed is really for some of our dev guys to just record a quick youtube clip about why he (she?) loves TW, from a developers point of view.
"Hi, I'm XXX and I have been developing X projects for X time. I love the free open source project TW because..."
Something like that. And a link to tw.com.
I'm using this trick to make you guys not get a clone button on this tiddler;
In Controlpanel you can checkbox hide/show for the tool buttons for e.g viewmode. This sets the word "hide" or "show" in the //state tiddler// for the button. For example, the clone button has the state tiddler:
I have instead manually edited this to instead of //show//, read `{{$:/.state/CloneButton}}` which in turns has the text //show//... but it is also tagged //DontPublish// which ensures this tiddler is not published (that's another matter I'll explain elsewhere).
Hovering the highlighter icon displays a //perfectly aligned copy// of the text (using the [[tiddler hooker|The Tiddler Hooker Method]] method), but with selected parts highlighted and colored. The rest of the text is transparent but could instead overlay e.g fainter letters so to make the highlights stick out even more.
This is presented mostly as a proof-of-concept. The obvious main downer is the need for the manually repeated text. You can't transclude the text and present it in the tiddler itself (due to infinite self-recursion of course). For compactness in the example, I put both copies in separate fields in [[Highlighter, base case]].
An idea would be that you format (highlight etc) the text and then a macro (?) takes a copy of it and //scrubs// away the formatting and then places the unformatted result //under// the formatted text, and sets background of formatted text to transparent.
You could either call on this macro in the tiddler or it could perhaps be made to be activated if you click on something (e.g the highlighting icon). I guess this would mean either that the highlighted text is what appears by default and activating the macro makes instead the scrubbed version appear to be the original. Ironically, the highlighted text is actually the passive view and the supposedly original text is what is activated by calling the macro.
To use the idea of a "perfectly aligned copy", the visual manipulation must not alter the alignment of the letters - e.g bold or italics will not work well as they move pixels." This means that any styling that //does// "move pixels" would have to be repeated in the highlighting. Thus only //some// specific styling should be scrubbed.
This should all be simplified(?) by the introduction of my proposed [[highlighting markup|WikiText format: Highlight]] (..if "markup" is the correct word). I'm referring to that this would let the user use a very simple markup instead more iffy html or css commands. Thus, "the macro" would deal with commands that are not specified by the user which might risk interfering with the segregation process deciding if a command is "pixel moving" or not. The scrubbing removes all predefined things to be removed and then simply replaces the highlighting markup with the predefined html/css that is really is. ("Yes, foolproof!"...ok, maybe not...)
#ohighlighter { position: relative; }
#ihighlighter { position: absolute; width:100%; }
#marker { position: absolute; left: 40%; top: -50px; }
#highlight {display: none;}
#marker:hover + #highlight {display: block; position:absolute; color:transparent; }
<div id="ohighlighter"><div id="ihighlighter">
<a id="marker" href="#">{{img/highlighter}}</a>
<div id="highlight">{{!!highlighted}}</div>
Hover on the marker to see the text highlighted.<br><br>
It uses [[$:/_Highlight]] to //overlay// the text with a formatted (e.g "highlighted and annotated") copy of itself - i.e you have ''two'' texts; one without formatting (maybe a report you pasted into TW, or text clipped from the web) and a second copy with your formatting.<br><br>
These two texts can be separate tiddlers... but in //this// demo I've cheated; I put the formatted text in a field to keep things in one place... and to avoid work, I used a simple //transclusion// of the text and added formatting to this whole transclusion. Real life highlighting is of course more laborious.<br><br>
To get around this, maybe the [[anti-highlighter|Anti-highlighter concept]] idea can be used.<br><br>
It is however not practical to keep a What is less practical is that <br><br>
[[conditional template<br>
For some reason, the letters in the highlighted overlay is compressed.<br><br>
(see [[notes|Highlighter - comments]])
<<list-links "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[Highlighting]] ">>
In my experience, people are prepared to put a lot of heart and passion into //hobbies// and some of these make use of [[lists or databases|Lists vs Databases]]. "Heart and passion", fiddling, hacking and tweaking things to perfection, are great ingredients if we hope for people to //bother// to take the step beyond any ready made TW application and explore what TW //is// and has to offer.
There exist, of course, an [[unlimited number of hobbies|https://www.google.se/search?hl=en&q=list+of+hobbies&gws_rd=cr,ssl&ei=VNaDVaSECcnXyQP1-YBg]] and I would think that particularly [[collection hobbies|http://www.artofmanliness.com/2014/07/09/how-to-start-a-collection-50-manly-collection-ideas/]] are prone for lists and databases.
Concrete hobby ''lists'' might be; //equipment// lists ("The 100 most important electric power tools if you wake up naked on a deserted island") or //parts// lists (eg. the lists in my [[Arduino workshop|http://arduinoworkshop.tiddlyspace.com/]] space). Hobby ''databases'', i.e where each item is described in a standardized form, might be a //wine// databases (classifying each bottle into grade of floweriness etc), a ([[bibliography|Bibliography]])... ad infinitum.
Closely related to the SideEditor, I hope to make something that simply shows the //current// tiddler in edit, i.e simultaneously at is is shown in view mode. It's a bit like "pinning" the ~SideEditor to... no, the opposite; the current ~SideEditor behaves as if its contents are "pinned" to a tiddler of choice, and what I'm after is to be able to "unpin" it so that it switches to show the tiddler in focus.
It should also show tags and possibly more. The //title// is a bit difficult because it is the identifier for the tiddler. (Changing it means the previous text field content is not what is to be shown anymore.)
One situation where I need this is in reviewing TWaddle for publication. I find myself doing quite a bit of retagging and other minor editing. It is frustratingly slow to have to //"open-makeTinyTweak-close"// for this and the above could solve this.
To be implemented...
See for example [[My Household TW]] (unfinished) for what this category might include. There, I've implemented it as a "full" Household TW that includes, among muuuch else, the shopping lists, several almanacks, equipment references, house "make" projects, etc but one could well split up many of these areas into separate TW applications.
A TW to "manage the household" is an interesting application because it is very generic and could be designed as a "frame" to support a //suite// of "TW sub-applications" (including [[appetizers|Appetizer TiddlyWikis]]) such as:
<<twistify "[tag<currentTiddler>]">>
(For a //"how-tiddly-can-you-get?"//-example, see [[my own|My Household TW]] Household TW.)
This should be particularly powerful from an [[appetizer|Appetizer TiddlyWikis]] perspective and should probably motivate mere "appetizer users" into start tiddlyfiddling and discover TW for real.
It is also appealing from a development point; many people can participate and create their own "sub-application of interest" and it is possible to these at different times.
I found that these {{$:/core/images/chevron-right}} thingies just ain't pretty in their natural state. So I asked how to style them - size color etc to get cuties like these <span class="demostyling1">{{$:/core/images/chevron-right}}</span> instead!
Jeremy kindly [[explained|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/dBbvIJ3nakg/Ma24_B6cAgAJ]] that;
The core uses CSS to apply colours and sizes to transcluded inline SVG images, like this:
<span class="mybutton">{{$:/core/images/chevron-right}}</span>
And in the stylesheet:
body.tc-body .mybutton svg {
fill: red;
width: 2em;
height: 2px;
Often you can apply the class to the surrounding button, avoiding introducing the extra span.
I was surprised to find the `@@...@@` technique does not fully work. For instance, this;
@@fill:red;width:10px;height:10px; {{$:/core/images/chevron-right}}@@
gives this @@fill:red;width:10px;height:10px; {{$:/core/images/chevron-right}}@@ - i.e the color works, but not the sizing.
body.tc-body .demostyling1 svg{
fill: red;
width: 12px;
In a [[discussion|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1629]] Mario documents three ways to turn off autolink for CamelCase:
a) use ~CamelCase so the tilde sign will prevent automatic wiki links.
b) use \rules except wikilink at the very top of the tiddler text. This will disable wikilinks for the whole tiddler. Only this one tiddler will be affected.
c) disable the wikilink rule in the code
open the system tiddler $:/core/modules/parsers/wikiparser/rules/wikilink.js
edit the tiddler. (There will be a warning, but that's ok)
at the bottom of the code is a field named module-type value: wikirule
either delete the field or change the value from wikirule to eg: wikirule_disabled
the value text isn't important, it can be anything different to wikirule. .. I choose wikirule_disabled because it makes sense, if someone opens it.
You can see all the core elements if you open the ControlPanel: Plugins: Core plugin or the tiddler named $:/core
IMPORTANT: If you want to enable the wikilink rule again, delete your modified tiddler, so the core can take over again. If you don't delete your tiddler, an eventual core update will not take effect, because the core still uses your modified tiddler.
Turns out it's not so obvious how to install things from Github, e.g plugins.
[[Here|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/tiddlywiki/7X5nZR5-w8M/qhnNgrjan58J]] is explanation for a specific case.
Here's Jeremys [[general comment|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/I5d14GBG7JM/3AbdWAA2RjUJ]] on the isse:
There's no simple answer [for how to install from Github] because it actually depends how the developer has arranged their repository (which is just a folder full of files).
In many cases, developers will publish the Node.js "exploded" plugin folder, where the tiddlers making up the plugin are separate files. That form is easiest for other Node.js developers to consume.
[The specific example of [[EncryptTiddlerPlugin|https://github.com/danielo515/TW5-EncryptTiddlerPlugin]] includes] an HTML file that includes the built plugin, so you can download the ZIP of the repo, open that file and then install the plugin with drag and drop.
Still other developers might use the ~GitHub "Releases" feature which allows you to upload arbitrary ZIPs of stuff.
All of which complexity is why we now have a plugin library :)
Due to my lack of coding skills, but still with a need to express my ideas, I've resided to creating mockups using the drawing software [[paint.net|http://www.getpaint.net/index.html]]. This is a raster graphics editor. BTW, notice that "paint.net" is not its url.
If I were to start from the beginning I would probably have gone with [[Inkscape|https://inkscape.org/en/]] instead because it is a vector graphics editor, meaning, among other things, that there is no "size" to an image. You can scale it to any size.
But there are [[pros and cons|http://bgis.sanbi.org/GIS-primer/page_19.htm]] to both approaches.
Anyway for a mockup, using //paint.net//, I often start off by taking a screen dump of a section in TW that can be used. For instance a tiddler. I use the native Screen clip tool that comes with Windows. This stores the clip in memory (as if it was Ctrl+C'ed). In //paint.net//, click to create a "new drawing", then it automatically proposes a canvas with the //size// of the clip in memory so that you can Ctrl+v it directly.
It is ~~recommended~~ necessary to work with //layers//. You can toggle each layer to hide/show which is very effective for trying out different ideas. For instance, you can have one common background (e.g a tiddler) and then one layer per detail-variant and then you toggle on/off to compare things. But using layers are just over all very useful.
Note that you can name the layers by double clicking on them in the layer list. Name them "button", "arrow" etc so it's easy to know what to hide/show.
To select a section of an image, you use the select tool. But I mention this to recommend the //Invert selection// option found in the Edit menu. This can, for instance be useful to emphasize something in your illustration, i.e by selecting it, then inverting the selection (effectively selecting everything else around it, in that layer only of course) and then use the blurring tool.
To //blur// something, I prefer to use Effects>Blurs>Unfocus and radius perhaps 3.
Another trick for blurring is to make a duplicate layer by simply clicking the tool at bottom of the layers list - then make the top layer blurry and simply cut out parts so the focussed lower layer is seen through the holes.
...or try to increase the transparency of the individual layers, again found by clicking on a layer in the layer list.
To make something "fade out into the background", you set the two colors to your desired color and the other to invisible (as found in the Color box More> and Opacity set to 0). Then use the gradient tool. This will take some experimenting before you get the hang of it.
To create, say, a button, I use the screen clip tool as mentioned above to copy a button into the program. Buttons in TW typically have a gradient background and text on top (gradient = you can just erase what's on it). To remove the text, //select// an area where the button has no text and then copy-paste this slice onto the text and repeat a few times.
If you want perfection you might have to zoom in /out with the standard Ctrl+, Ctrl- and Ctrl 0.
The default file format that //paint.net// saves in is .pdn. This keeps the layering etc and you can get back to work just where you last left off. But, for publishing in a TW (embedded or via link), use .png because this keeps transparency. Unfortunately this flattens the layers into one. From experience I've found I very often need to go back and just fix something so I typically save //both// a .pdn and a .png copy. What you //can// do is save it as .png and then undo, i.e step backwards, and it will revert back to the status it had before saving but there is still the saved copy.
Before I embed an image, I use the wonderful online service [[TinyPNG|https://tinypng.com/]].
<<box "The fine print: Yes, true, you //can// use this knowledge also for non-TW things... but //by merely reading this guide// you've given your consent to dedicate you life to making TW mockups! Yeah, I know, can that even be legal? Well, you should have thought of that before you started reading this. Now go mock up your ideas and show us!">>
{{Wikimatrix.org for comparing wikis}}
For some time now I stand as the "moderator" or whatever you'd call it, for TW on that site. I had noted the entry on TW had not been updated for a long time so I contacted the previous moderator (FND) and asked if I could take over moderation for it to which he agreed. And I changed the moderator user name to //~TiddlyWiki// (yes, how creative of me, I know).
''However'', I'm not fully qualified to moderate that page. I've updated much of the information but I suspect a lot of it is incorrect. Particularly in the feature lists, I may have been a bit... um... "optimistic". I'd appreciate help in correcting any (...ok, all) errors.
Actually, anyone is more than welcome to take over my account there - which is actually why I chose the generic user name. It involves next to zero work - you do //not at all have to// update the digit for each new version release. I'd say it's good to just take a peek once a year. Pretty fun service anyway.
Not a huuuge deal, but sometimes I paste in ready made lists e.g that I found on the internet, in this format
etc. They can be long. The problem is that then I must manually add asterisks to them to make it into bullet lists or colons for indentation. It would be nice with some macro or something that would let you do this;
<<listify "*" "
...in other words it takes as first argument the bullet type (asterisk for bullets, hashtag for number, colon for indentation, ...more?) and as second argument the raw list. Maybe it could even accept a horizontal set as second argument (i.e words like in a sentence).
This has a benefit of still clearly showing the list in edit mode.
Maybe some way to specify a class for styling? Or that should perhaps be a surrounding div.
.wrapper {width:80%;height:100%;margin:0 auto;background:#CCC}
.h_iframe {position:relative;}
.h_iframe .ratio {display:block;width:100%;height:auto;}
.h_iframe iframe {position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%; height:100%;}
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="h_iframe">
<!-- a transparent image is preferable -->
<img class="ratio" src="http://placehold.it/16x9"/>
<iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/tCc5JMNtYiI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<p>Please scale the "result" window to notice the effect.</p>
<table class="tableFormatter">
<$list filter="[all[shadows+tiddlers]!prefix[$:/]tag[Iframes]]">
<td valign="top"><<linkify {{!!title}}>></td>
<div style="position:relative;"><div style="position: absolute; width: 100%; top:0px;">
<iframe src="http://www.zoo.com/search/images?q=tiddler%20fish&fcoid=408&fcop=left&fpid=2"
style="width: 100%; height: 350px;
margin-top: -5px;
border: 0px;
overflow-y:auto; ">
#example_outer {position: relative; width: 100%; }
#example_inner {position: absolute; left: 70%; top: -60px; clip:rect(90px 350px 140px 10px); width: 100%; height: 100%; }
<div id="example_outer"><div id="example_inner" >
<iframe src="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiddlywiki" width="1200px" height="600px" >
You can snip out a rectangle on an external webpage to show up in your TW, anywhere on the viewport.
You use
* an iframe to display the external webpage in your TW
* the tiddler [[hooker method|The Tiddler Hooker Method]] to position the iframe in or outside of your tiddler but so that it is still "hooked" to move along with the tiddler
* ...but first you style the inner div of the hook to
**only show the relevant slice of the external webpage. This uses the CSS `clip` attribute.
**Then you position this slice on your TW using CSS `top/bottom/left/right`
Check out the code for the Wikipedia example shown.
Just some notes on the clip attribute. It works like this
`clip:rect(distancefromtop distancefromright distancefrombottom distancefromleft)`
The greater the number, the further from that edge on the external(!) page. I think they must be specified in px. It's iffy to get the exact distance right if you must save the tiddler after each try to see the result. This, just like much else, is a lot easier if you use the SideEditor.
To position the clip-out, you use the tiddler [[hooker method|The Tiddler Hooker Method]]. Imagine the external webpage to be on your screen and your clip to be a toilet paper roll held to your eye for peeking. If you want to see the the middle of the screen, you must move your head down. The clip works the same way. This means that if you, in your TW, want that clipped bit to appear at some other position, say, the very beginning of your tiddler (in this tiddler where the words "You can snip" appears) - then you must "pull up" that clip to there.
For the example here, the inner part of the hook is set to `left:70%; top:-60px;` to pull it into place.
Note that difficulties can occur because you rely on the external webpage to not change. I have not found a way to only iframe e.g a specific `<div>` on an external webpage.
I have also not done any testing on different screen sizes...
Super smooth online tool to reduce image quality without noticeable difference in resolution or color. Great for when you intend to embed an image in your TW. Transparency is kept.
<div style="position:relative;"><div style="position: absolute; width: 100%; top:0px;">
<iframe src="http://www.behold.cc/"
style="width: 100%; height: 350px;
margin-top: -5px;
border: 0px;
overflow-y:auto; ">
<div style="position:relative;"><div style="position: absolute; width: 100%; top:0px;">
<iframe src="http://www.bing.com/?scope=images&FORM=HDRSC2"
style="width: 100%; height: 350px;
margin-top: -25px;
border: 0px;
overflow-y:auto; ">
<div style="position:relative;"><div style="position: absolute; width: 100%; top:0px;">
<iframe src="http://www.dogpile.com/?qc=images"
style="width: 100%; height: 350px;
margin-top: -5px;
border: 0px;
overflow-y:auto; ">
<div style="position:relative;"><div style="position: absolute; width: 100%; top:0px;">
<iframe src="http://www.everystockphoto.com/"
style="width: 100%; height: 350px;
margin-top: -5px;
border: 0px;
overflow-y:auto; ">
<div style="position:relative;"><div style="position: absolute; width: 100%; top:0px;">
<iframe src="https://ixquick.com/#"
style="width: 100%; height: 350px;
margin-top: -5px;
border: 0px;
overflow-y:auto; ">
<div style="position:relative;">
<div style="position: absolute; border: 0px; width: 100%; top:0px;">
<div style="overflow:hidden;">
<iframe src="https://www.startpage.com/do/metasearch.pl" scrolling="no" style="width: 100%; height: 350px; margin-top: -5px; border: 0px; ">
<div style="position:relative;"><div style="position: absolute; width: 100%; top:0px;">
<iframe src="http://www.veezzle.com/"
style="width: 100%; height: 350px;
margin-top: -5px;
border: 0px;
overflow-y:auto; ">
<div style="position:relative;"><div style="position: absolute; width: 100%; top:0px;">
<iframe src="https://se.images.search.yahoo.com/"
style="width: 100%; height: 350px;
margin-top: -25px;
border: 0px;
overflow-y:auto; ">
<div style="position:relative;"><div style="position: absolute; width: 100%; top:0px;">
<iframe src="https://www.yandex.com/images/?uinfo=sw-1366-sh-768-ww-1366-wh-653-pd-1-wp-16x9_1366x768"
style="width: 100%; height: 350px;
margin-top: -5px;
border: 0px;
overflow-y:auto; ">
<div style="position:relative;"><div style="position: absolute; width: 100%; top:0px;">
<iframe src="http://www.zoo.com/search/images?q="
style="width: 100%; height: 350px;
margin-top: -5px;
border: 0px;
overflow-y:auto; ">
<<note "For anyone thinking there ought to be a plugin for this - I agree. There was in TW2, see e.g [[link|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/tiddlywiki/convert$20spreadsheet/tiddlywiki/61ypQA0VK80/Izur1_2NBAAJ]]">>
<<note "This below is a ''much'' simplified alternative to the process described in [[Import data using Spreadsheet]].">>
''OK, so the task at hand is to insert a lot of data'' into your TW as tiddlers.<br>With minimal effort...
This technique uses
*Google Sheets (i.e the standard Google Drive Spreadsheet solution)
*with the addon [[Export Sheet Data|https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/export-sheet-data/bfdcopkbamihhchdnjghdknibmcnfplk?hl=en]]
*and a very minor post editing in e.g Notepad++
<br>Have your data in the Google sheet just as you'd guess;
|Wisdom of the day|`[[Life experiences]]`|Kids, don't eat the yellow snow.|Mat the Poet|
|Home made ~FooBar|Recipes|Get some Foo and a pinch of Bar. Mix carefully. Tadaa!|Mat the Genious|
Note `[[tags with spaces needs double brackets]]`
<br>In the the add-on menu, click
*Select format: JSON
*Select sheets: Current sheet only
*Checkbox Export Sheet Arrays
**This treats the sheet as an array, surrounding it with square brackets
...click `Visualize` to get a preview
"Sheet1" : [
"title" : "Wisdom of the day",
"tags" : "[[Life experiences]]",
"text" : "Kids, don't eat the yellow snow.",
"author" : "Mat the Poet"
"title" : "Home made FooBar",
"tags" : "Recipes",
"text" : "Get some Foo and a pinch of Bar. Mix carefully. Tadaa!",
"author" : "Mat the Genious"
<br>This is very close to desired format. You must remove the initial bits and that final `}` so the first and last characters are the angle brackets `[` ...`]`
So click `Export` and open the resulting json file in your editor - edit - and save (again. as .json).
Drag'n drop this straight onto your TW...
~TaDaaaa! Now go and enjoy some ~FooBar and ponder over the wisdom.
In edit view, the Type field has a small dustbin next to it. E.g the search field has an X next to it.
The X is itself also used inconsistently; for View mode it has yet another meaning.
Yeah... nitpicks.
With [[Infrastructure]], in the TW project context, I refer to implementations or social constructs that //enable// or //simplify// the development or propagation of the [[TW project|The TW Project]], both the software and the technological and social context in which exists. This includes systems, tools, setups, 3d part software "integration adaptors", workflows, organizational structures, communication channels and even community practices and group behaviours, etc.
<<box "{{Infrastructure}}">>
@@color:grey;font-style:italic; matters on facilitating community formation@@<br>
<<twistify "[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[Community]] -[has[draft.of]] +[!sort[recent]]">>
''TW dev''<br>
@@color:grey;font-style:italic; infrastructure matters for dev of the software@@<br>
<<twistify "[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[TWdev]] -[has[draft.of]] +[!sort[recent]]">>
@@color:grey;font-style:italic; in its role as the shopfront and resource site@@<br>
<<twistify "[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[tw.com]] -[has[draft.of]] +[!sort[recent]]">>
''User Help''<br>
@@color:grey;font-style:italic; Infra' for docs and user help@@<br>
<<twistify "[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[Documentation]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[UserHelp]] -[has[draft.of]] +[!sort[recent]]">>
''General'' infra' issues<br>
@@color:grey;font-style:italic; (there are currently no published articles for this)@@<br>
<<twistify "[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[Infrastructure]] -[has[draft.of]] +[!sort[recent]]">>
<p>''Appetizer ~TiddlyWikis'' are TW applications that, intentionally or incidentally, function as entrance points to TW in cases where //users are not intrested in TW per se//. Instead, the user is looking to solve a specific need and the TW is designed to address this. Examples could be a [[Grocery list]] TW or a tool for [[Geneaology]]. From a TW project view, Appetizer TWs work as //marketing tools// to attract people to the [[TW project|The TW Project]].<br><br>These would, IMO, be particularly suitable as "official editions" via tw.com. For this, they should ideally not contain additional plugins as these would then also have to be included in the plugin library ([[ref|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/4XPngFtBsXs/pSOUqemId-IJ]])
[[FOSWiki|http://www.foswiki.org]] (another "Free and Open Source Wiki") has a website containing containing, among other things, the following [[list|http://www.foswiki.org/System/WebHome]] :
''Presentations and tutorials''
*1 minute introduction - what is it?
*15 minute presentation - how do I use it?
*20 minute walkthrough - please hold my hand.
*Frequently Asked Questions
Pretty good IMO. They are text but/and we could use the same idea with videos.
In marketing, a product is anything that can be offered to a market that might satisfy a want or need. In retailing, products are called merchandise. [...]
In economics and commerce, products belong to a broader category of ''goods''.[...]
A related concept is that of a ''subproduct'', a secondary but useful result of a production process.
This is a generic ApplicationCategory where it should be easy to identify and create [[Appetizer TiddlyWikis]].
''Note: Lists as opposed to Databases:''<br>
{{Lists vs Databases}}
''Thanks go to'' //Lifehack.org// and their article [[12 Lists That Help You Get Things Done|http://www.lifehack.org/articles/productivity/12-lists-that-help-you-get-things-done.html]] that identified a few of the list applications I didn't think of myself. BTW, as a software tool for lists, that that page even suggests... TW !
Lists are a biggie in TW. We need some way to set the number of columns the result should show in. Perhaps also some conditional "for every new n-tuple, begin new column"
Maybe as paramter in the list command? Or as some kind of styling?
Long lists look bad and are distracting.
A [[list|List Application]] is, in the context of applications for TW, an entity in itself. I.e you need the whole list for it to make full sense. Examples include //parts lists// or //grocery lists// or //reference lists//.<br><br>A [[database|Application DB]] can of course list things, but here the individual item is the entity of value. An example could be a database over your books.<br><br>There is reason to differentiate between these when discussing development of //applications// for TW, particularly [[Appetizer TiddlyWikis]], because a list is about //content// whereas a database is (probably) more concerned with //structure//. If the purpose is to "make" people into actual TW users and community members, it is important to consider that the way lists and databases are used is substantially different.
In a [[discussion|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/S8ieFgmorkw/hK3dj_J91OEJ]], [[@EricShulman]] explains how to ....
[...] do *both* embedded and local images... without any need for setting "_canonical_uri":
1) place your image files in a local sub-folder called "images/"
2) drag and drop the files into your TiddlyWiki to make base64-encoded binary tiddlers (the image filenames will be the tiddler titles)
3) rename each binary tiddler to add "images/" to the beginning of each title
4) use "[img[images/filename.ext]]" syntax to embed the images in your content
Because the images are stored as tiddlers, the [img[images/...]] syntax will display the internal base64-encoded images. However, if the document starts to get too big, you can always just *delete* some or all of the images tiddlers... the embedded [img[images/...]] will then simply use the external, local image files instead, without having to change your content.
Note that the "images/" prefix on the tiddler names is simply to allow you to keep the images in a subfolder. If you keep your images in the same folder as your TiddlyWiki document, then you can drag and drop the images, skip the renaming, and just use "[img[filename.ext]]" to embed them in your content.
''Unclear (because I haven't tried yet):''<br>
For a TW on ~TiddlySpot, where there is no accessible folder, could you still use the technique by hosting your images in some other storage service e.g Google Drive?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
_canonical_uri is a quirk. The field name looks weird and it is a one trick pony that the user must just learn.
In [[#1594|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1594]] there was a good idea to "sniff file extension from the URI to infer the type" . If this is implemented, then we could marginalize the quirkiness of _canonical_uri by making it a selectable as if a type itself! Because a tiddler with a _canonical_uri only accepts that one field+value, we could let the user instead add the value into the //text// field and choose //type// for the tiddler to be _canonical_uri. I don't know if the term "type" has a strict definition, but from a usability perspective it would harmonize with how you add other stuff into the //text// field and then choose a type to have it parsed correctly.
We should have much more direct ways or options to see the children of a tiddler. It is a bit backwards that it's easier to see a tiddlers siblings than its children, i.e you can click a tagpill to see what other tiddlers are also tagged with that tag but for you to know what tiddlers are tagged with the current tiddler title you must go into //more>info>tagging//... or is it //..>listed//, or perhaps //..>list//? Hm. This article will detail some alternatives for this.
Most of them include some sort of //toggler//, e.g a button, to display the child list. Alternatives include;
*show toggle permanent or only if children exist
*show on hover. E.g either hover over the //toggler// itself or hover over the tiddler, or some section of it.
''Including //New Here//''<br>
One semi-justification to show the //toggler// permanently, for a consistent appearance, could be to include the "child maker" tool (//New Here//), perhaps as a first element in the list. It would mean a two step process to reach the //New Here//, which is same as default toolbar setting where you must click the //More// tool to access it.
''Popout vs embedded slider''<br>
A detail is if the list should appear as a popout or slider, as detailed in [[Revealwidget|http://tiddlywiki.com/#RevealWidget]]. The latter "pushes" away the other content to make room, so you must also consider more carefully //where// it should appear. I think the child list is important and spontaneously favor the slider approach because:
*a slider creates a more robust impression than a popup
*a slider makes more sense if you want to "stick it"
''Plain titles or pills''<br>
In TWC, and particularly when Simon Baird introduced the [[TagglyTagging|http://mptw.tiddlyspot.com/#TagglyTagging]] concept, tags and tiddler titles were two sides of the same coin. With the intro of //tag pills// there's now a clear(er) separation between the two and a tag is more like a button but with a parameter value (the title).
As a parent of two, I can say that the kids always seem to be around even when I'm trying to get some peace and just tiddle fiddle. //Decartes// explains: "Children think, therefore they //are//. Tags don't think so they don't have to exist."
!!Ok, possible manifestations for the child list
''Child pill''<br>
Include a Child pill as the first item in the //tag pills// row. Obviously colored baby blue or pink. Or icon showing diaper. The tags row becomes place for family reunion and the children meet their grand parents. This should weight up for any concerns conservative people have with child pills.
Pop the pill just like the tag pills to get the dropdown but listing the children.
Or get the type of //slider// that you see from //More>Info// in the tool bar. That one opens between the title and the tagpills. A child pill button could e.g open a similar slider //under// the tag pill row.
''Tool button''<br>
Same as //Child pill// but as tool in tiddler toolbar.
''Bairds minitag''<br>
Simon Bairds superb MPTW (a theme for TW Classic) has the [[QuickOpenTagPlugin|http://mptw.tiddlyspot.com/#systemConfig%20QuickOpenTagPlugin%20MptwTheme]] (search for "minitag"). This creates a small arrow next to the tiddler title like so;
(...yeah, I know, eight years!)
Clicking the arrow pops up a small dropdown listing the children as well as a an "Open all" button and a "New here". It makes sense to treat tiddler titles and tags in the same way as they often are the sme thing.
By the way, in MPTW such a mini-dropdown is displayed next to all tags so it functions a bit like our tagpills when you click on them.
''Childs field''<br>
Like the tags field (the "parents field"), there could be a //childs field//. I.e no //toggler// but a permanent horizontal row of pills or just titles. Could be displayed just below the (parent-) tag pill row.
''Childs field with toggle''<br>
...or such a //childs field// could be the resulting display from clicking a //toggler// after all, like detailed in ''Child pill'' or ''Tool button''. I actually like this idea a lot. Just like you now click the //More>Info// and get a slider to show a field (a bit out of nowhere), you could get the same field but it is dedicated to showing the children.
Perhaps seemingly nullifying everything I've written above, I personally intend to use my [[TiddlerSidebar|Presenting the TiddlerSidebar]] plugin, a "tiddler specific mini-sidebar" that appears when you hover over the tiddlers blank left side. This can feature a child list under one of the tabs. This could omit the earlier proposals for pills 'n buttons.
However, the ~TiddlerSidebar is obviously not for core, but IMO a better child access //is// a standard distro isse. Also, the ~TiddlerSidebar concept is less suited for public wikis ... ok, TWaddle is an exception. Third, as touched on, I want the option to //stick// the child list to show permanently - for some tiddlers. I'm proud of my kids. The whole world should see them! But it's hard work. I do generally advocate the pill.
If the title caught your attention, that's an indication there's interest in the issue. No surprise there.
This article isn't about how to make money though, but just to point out that this should perhaps be a topic we treat more consciously in the community.
I know of only two discussions dealing with how to make money; One is commented on in [[Online shop built in TW]] and the other is Jeremys [[Invitation to TiddlyPip: an Apple App Store experiment|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/h95Z77kkwPs/vlUgCMi5lJ8J]]
What applications can be built in TW that can be used to produce sellable stuff? (Perhaps then even selling it via such an online TW based shop?)
Selling TW configurations is one way I guess (taking care not to breach any licenses obviously). Another would be to use TW to produce and perhaps package content. TW for authoring books comes to mind. //Harry TWaddler and the Sorcerers Stone//. Guaranteed hit.
More examples?
Further discussion is welcome, IMO.
Nothing original, but I didn't think of it before... so maybe you didn't either:
A simple way to make a "wizard", i.e a process that //guides// the user for e.g installing something, can be to use tabs. Pundits might object and say this is not a wizard, I don't know. Anyway, just do this:
`<<tabs "Step1 Step2 Step3">>`
or more explicit
`<<tabs "[[1.Getting the thing]] [[2.Installing it]] [[3.Running it]]">>`
<<tabs "[[1.Getting the thing]] [[2.Installing it]] [[3.Running it]]">>
(there's no content in these demo tabs so clicking them does nothing)
If you have many such wizards, you could have a vertical tabs list, like in the [[tw.com GettingStarted|http://tiddlywiki.com/#GettingStarted]] to list all the wizards, and then inside those individual tabs you have the horizontal layout.
Not sure it would be a better idea, or even good one, but maybe it's possible with "2-dimensional tabs" so that you select things by both marking a (permanently visible) vertical tabs bar //and// a (permanently visible) horizontal tabs bar.
| Aliases|﹕|Matias, twMat |
| Signature|﹕|<:-) |
| Location|﹕|Stockholm, Sweden |
| TW experience|﹕|Experienced |
| Primary TW use|﹕|Household mgmt, Idea notebook |
| Super power|﹕|Idea / concept generation |
| Weakness|﹕|Lack of coding skills |
| Result|﹕|Frustration |
| Mission|﹕|[[BC⇄BTW|Bigger community ⇄ Better TW]]|
You must be neither a hypochondriac nor a M.D to have a bunch of different medication at home. If you also include previous vaccinations and possible food supplements the list gets even longer. Regardless, it's simply an area that is good to document and keep track of.
(For designing it, perhaps the [[Résumé Builder|http://tiddlywiki.com/editions/resumebuilder/index.html]] Edition is a good base?)
<div id="leftbar2">
<$list filter="[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[menu]]">
<br> @@color:grey; ⚬@@ <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title" format="text">{{!!title}}</$view></$link>
<div id="lowmenu">[[@you|@ttention]]<br>[[Cred]]<br>[[Index|Reference & Index]]<br>[[About|About this webpage]]<br><<linkimg "Bigger community ⇄ Better TW" "img/fish_small" "click me!" clickme 40px>>
#leftbar2 {position: fixed !important; left:5px; top: 5px; bottom:0px; font-size:large; line-height: 150%; }
#newtid {position:fixed; background-color:white; width: 250px; height:20px; left:0px; top: -20px; }
#lowmenu {font-size:90%; position: absolute; bottom:20px; text-align:center; width:{{$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/storyleft}}; }
"TW is different". No doubt about it. It really takes time before you understand many of the things that you and I probably take for granted by now when we're used to it.
I think it makes sense if we, "the community", try to ''be aware of the waywardness'' - the conceptual characteristics and quirks - that newcomers face because these are all //thresholds// they must pass. This goes for any software of course, but the more so the more it breaks the norm.
To name just one thing; the default classic story view is most definitely a new experience for everyone. It is of course a result from the micro-content / tiddler philosophy and still wanting to display things in a narrative story. Thinking back to my own reactions, [[TiddlyWiki Classic|http://classic.tiddlywiki.com/]] back in around 2007(?), I remember it caused a definite WOW reaction. Pretty darn cool. But I think much of it was because of the (TWC) animation. I mean, check it out in the link - that rectangle shooting out from the link you click, growing and landing in the story column - exactly framing in the content you were looking for //as if it was already there//, as if the system had precognitive powers and knew already! WOW! Yes... silly if you analyze it, but that is the //feeling// it created, at least for me, and actually still does. (With more experience you get tired of animations though).
Now, my point is that, as cool as this effect may be... it ain't no //Microsoft Word// feature. The users brain must process this new oddity. //Learn// it.
Add to that learning (accepting) the value of tiddler philosophy, understanding that you're modifying the tool itself (other editors create output files), when you visit a public TW (e.g tw.com) you can modify it because you're actually just seeing a local //copy// in your computer. And it is just temporary. And you can "never" click the browser back button in TW.
Then we of course have the actual //features// of TW to master.
...it stacks up.
I'm not talking about if these quirks are good or bad. I'm stating the //fact// that ''some of these oddities are so fundamental that the user //can// only choose between adopting them or leave.''
...and my point is that it makes sense for us - the community or at least the //boundary pushers// in the community - to have a clear understanding of the gap between what we take for granted and what a newcomer must assimilate into.
I might try to assemble [[a list|Quirks]] on these things, mostly for my own reference, but at least I hope this has created some awareness on the matter.
David Allen, in explaining how GTD (Getting Things Done) works, talks about a Ubiquitous Capturing Device (I may not remember the exact name). What it refers to is an immediate access device so to capture what's on your mind so that it can go into the GTD implementation you're using. It can be a pen+pad, a voice recorder or... well, can't think of any more right now. Just google it.
For [TW] note taking and some specific application ([[ex|Life book]]), even outside of GTD, I find this is a good idea. I have for some years used a [[voice recorder|https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tokasiki.android.voicerecorder]] on my Android phone that works pretty well... but, I wish it was even simpler and more direct. I do believe voice recording is the most direct way, more so than paper and pen. For one thing, I can do it while driving but, more importantly, it is just closer to my thoughts than having to first convert it into text. With a recording that I am to listen to only once or twice for transferring it to TW, I can accept myself going //"and... uuuummmm... I should do, no, I mean, I should take..."// whereas converting my thoughts to text takes more "pre-editing" before I type, which prevents a free flow of thoughts.
But, the android app forces me to bring out the phone, turn it on, locate the app ok, it's on my front page but it is an app so I have to actively //look// where to click which is not he case for a phyiscal button, same thing to actually start to record, to stop, to click save, to exit, etc. Again, it kind of prevents what I really want to be thinking of. Touch screens unfortunately are not "invisible technology" by their very nature, they //demand// your attention.
So I'm looking for a mini voice recorder.
There are [[pens|http://www.amazon.com/Megafeis-F12-Interviews-Collecting-Replaceable/dp/B00LLW2F40/ref=sr_1_24?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1435624363&sr=1-24]] for this, but I fear it wouldn't be ubiquitous enough. I can't keep it in my pant pockets for instance. This "fake" [[USB type stick|http://www.amazon.com/Etekcity-8GB-Portable-Rechargeable-Dictaphone/dp/B00CH5U24A/ref=pd_sim_229_2?ie=UTF8&refRID=1XHB9E9Z6WDW6QSDPEQM]] looks more like something I'm imagining. The deal breaker is the 7 (or even 15) second delay before it starts to record. Unacceptable. I would also have to attach a key chain or something to it.
Ideally, it would be something that automatically is //always// with me. Might have to surgically implant it. Proximity to the voice can be achieved by putting it into a nostril. While at it, maybe replace an eye ball with a camera and have half my head as a robot from the future. Then I can film myself in the mirror and call it //Terminator - the Reality Show//. Will be a big hit, I'm sure. Then I could afford a personal secretary and she could keep track of everything instead, so I can take out that stupid thing from the nostril. I didn't like it there from the beginning anyway.
So, I'm thinking of giving you one of these. Which one do you want?:
:An old shoe
:A dead cockroach
:A used band aid
:{{A 2 kg bar of gold}}
Chances are you didn't notice ''#4'' because there's no indication of it in view mode.
IMO, pretty serious.
I notice that an //empty// transclusion shows; {{}} , which is good though.
Of course, "invisible missing transclusions" can be very useful too. (Maybe this is even why they are invisible by default?) For instance, if you look in the [[Ctrlpanel>Info|$:/ControlPanel]] here, where the Site title is declared, it also contains a transclusion. In my "admin version" of this TW it shows some stuff from a tiddler - but this tiddler is deleted before I publish the TW it for public view - and you, thankfully, don't get any indication of it missing.
''What to do?''<br>Maybe we could have a sidebar tab "Missing transclusions"? Could be combined with the current "Missing" (tiddlers)?
And/or a local indication in the tiddler; perhaps a red dot or a small exclamation mark in the tiddler gutter? Perhaps some option to toggle this globally or per specific transclusion?
See also:<br>
[[Changing referred to titles should give alert]]
I brought [[it up|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/hReAZYepG5U/8G9Bqb-sPo4J]] but let it go... but... it really //is// confusing:
In Chrome when you click to edit, or cancel, or save, the animation makes the tiddler slide out left before the editor shows. It is very confusing as it makes it look like the thing is going away ("did I click close or something?").
It turns out it's the same in all browsers but in e.g FF the animation is apparently slower so you don't experience it! It really is confusing and most likely particularly confusing for newcomers. And it happens //every time, all the time//!
IMO, for delete it would be ok with sliding left, kind of indicating it's getting out of the whole TW. But/and for close then better sliding towards the sidebarlists ("the tiddler is going back in there"). But it makes no sense to have edit go sideways at all.
Update: The story view //Pop// solves the problem by featuring a zoom type effect instead of a side swipe. ...but it has problems in its own [[#1757|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1757]].
.animation-container {
height: 60px;
padding: 10px;
/* Shorthand syntax */
-webkit-animation: movearound 4s ease 1 normal;
@-webkit-keyframes movearound {
0% {
width: 200px;
background: #f00;
opacity: 0.5;
-webkit-transform: scale(0.5) rotate(15deg);
30% {
width: 300px;
background: #f00;
opacity: 1;
-webkit-transform: scale(1.3) rotate(15deg);
60% {
width: 100px;
background: #00f;
opacity: 0.3;
-webkit-transform: scale(0.3) rotate(15deg);
100% {
width: 400px;
background: #ffffa2;
opacity: 0.5;
-webkit-transform: scale(1) rotate(0deg);
<div class="animation-container">
Found this [[here|http://robertnyman.com/css3/css-animations/css-animations-percentage.html]].
Maybe useful for a logo?
''Profound ponderings''
<<twistify "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[Musing]tag[Major]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[Musings]tag[Major]] +[!sort[recent]]">>
''Shallow shpeculations''
<<twistify "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[Musing]!tag[Major]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[Musings]!tag[Major]] +[!sort[recent]]">>
#omusings { position: relative; }
#imusings { position: absolute; right: -12px; bottom: -30px;}
<div id="omusings"><div id="imusings">
<$image source="img/musings" width="90%">
<<note "this article is not finished yet but because it is referenced in a few places, I figure it is better to include unfinished than not at all. Plus, of course, you really should learn Swedish anyway.">>
My own [[Household TW]] serves as a main TW application for me and is the definite "cornerstone for information" in the family.
Here is a run-through of its //menu// which should give a fair description of what it's about. Note that it is one of those things that have grown gradually over //many// years, and that it is not a public TW. This means it is most definitely "wild" and not how you would do it. Or I for that matter, if I started from scratch. Thus;
The (left) menu has three tabs; //Areas, ~ToDo// and //Reference//. I will only detail //Areas// as this is the most important one. I rarely look at the other two. So, //Areas// has an accordion menu with:
**Borrowed/Lent stuff
**Allmän trädgårdsskötsel
* Arbete
**0.Starred Items
**Projects Dashboard by Area
**Bil 1AXY684
**Bil WBJ752
**Bil, gårdsbil
**Hästtrailer REGNR
Vilda djur
Fixa hushållsbudget
Olika kostnader
Sätt upp reparationsfond
Platser med energibehov
Plantera granhäck på åsen
Plantera tujahäck längs södra gränsen
Allmän trädgårdsskötsel
Golvvärme, vattenburen
Växthuset, hem
Unfortunately, I still have it in TW Classic because it is too complex to convert after years of honing it. It contains several [[almanacs|Household almanac]] for different areas, it has the shopping lists (the "things to buy" and the grocery lists are the most used parts in the whole TW), it has reference material on things in the house like what wall paint is used and the exact model of the vacuum cleaner etc so that I, if standing in a shop with a zillion spare parts, can quickly reference it.
This may very well be what others, e.g TobiasBeer and Jeremy have discussed previosly as it feels very familiar... but then again, maybe not, so I'll write it up as it seems a good idea:
Tiddlers using a path-name structure are clearly named so for hierarchical reasons among tiddlers. It would be nice to be able to navigate //from within the tiddler// like you do in e.g Windows.
E.g `$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Basics` could look like
:⇧core ▸ ui ▸ ~ControlPanel ▸ Basics
<br>The leftmost arrow leads "up" one step, in this case it would give
:⇧core ▸ ui ▸ ~ControlPanel ▸
<br>The "▸" symbol indicates there are sub-levels (children). Clicking a "▸" symbol shows a dropdown at the respective level, i.e
:⇧core ▸ ui ▸ ~ControlPanel ▾ [-----------]
<br>...i.e where the [------------] is a dropdownlist. In the upper case it, among other things, includes //Basics// (which as you can see a few steps up is a sub-item to ~ControlPanel.
Or if you click e.g the "ui" arrow
:⇧core ▸ ui ▾ [~ControlPanel] ▸
...you see ~ControlPanel among other sub-ui items listed. (Maybe better if the list appears just below instead, i.e here just below the ~ControlPanel part?)
<br><br>Finally, you can also click the section inself to go to that tiddler. Clicking e.g "ui" would give
:⇧core ▸ ui
<br>A related feature is a //back// button to go to whichever title you were last at, including titles not in the current path-name structure at all.
When you edit and overwrite a shadow tiddler, a copy is created of the original. On upgrading, this copy is updated so that if you delete your edited copy, you're reverted back to the now upgraded original.
Good - but it is not certain that the upgrade affected that particular tiddler. And you don't know. So your tampering //might// mean you're missing out on an upgrade... or not.
This is not a desirable situation because you might prefer the upgraded version before your tweaked version ''if you only knew'' that it (a) is updated and (b) what the specific change is.
I propose that some kind of message to appear on overwritten tiddlers stating e.g<br> `This is an overwritten shadow tiddler. After overwriting, the original tiddler has been updated from 5.1.7 in upgrades: 5.1.8, 5.1.9`
...or, even better, some kind of //before and after// comparison.
And maybe not only //shadows// but any core tiddler and perhaps also plugins etc. I'm guessing that plugins that are not part of core will eventually have some kind of flag that "There is a new version avaialble" or such. but that's [[another question|Update Alerter Plugin]].
As highlighted in [[Missing transclusion should give indication]], there is a problem that a transclusion with a non-existing tiddler title is simply invisible without any indication.
//Missing links// is a related problem. I particularly experience this when working with articles here. Typically, one article spurs ideas for other articles or an article becomes too complex and needs splitting up - so I need to link the texts. This, however, means I must finish the articles so they can all be published at once or there are dead links.
I was first thinking the wikitext `[[...]]` and `{{...}}` commands themselves should be extended to give an option for visible / invisible, but this would not be very practical. If [[this missing link]] in mid sentence were invisible... well, not good.
Instead it is the whole sentence or more that should be invisible. `<hideifmissing>`This whole part should be invisible if there's a [[dead link]] or `{{`missing transclusion`}}` inside it `</hideifmissing>`. But with some more elegant markup. It would be natural to, at the end of a paragraph, include a "See also [[foobar]]" conditionally hidden like this.
Ironically we can use transclusions to hide dead links, exactly because it becomes invisible if the tiddler title is missing. Here is the result from `{{[[foo]]}}`: {{[[foo]]}} <---I promise, it's there //after// the colon.
...however, the transclusion interprets the square brackets to be part of the title so writing the title of this current; `{{[[Need control output for missing in links and transclusions]]}}` does hide the link... just not the link to this tiddler. (And we can of course not skip the brackets because then it //reallly// transcludes if the title exists.)
Interestingly, I note that
`{{[[foo|bar]]}}` gives: {{[[foo|bar]]}}
I don't understand what's happening here. The link //is// prettified but then it is //not// interpreted as a non-existing link and/or the whole transclusion seems to loose its power and just become bracket characters. (Have I just invented a trasnclusion nullifier? The implications are staggering! Ok, maybe not..)
Regardless if this worked, it would still just concern a tiddler title and not hide a sentence or a section as described. More control is simply needed when dealing with missing titles both for links and transclusions. No great solution comes to mind. Need to think more about it...
<table class="tableFormatter">
<$list filter="[all[shadows+tiddlers]has[summary]!prefix[$:/]!tag[Unfinished]tag[NeededTool]] +[sort[title]]">
<td valign="top"><$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></$link></td>
//Existing// manually crated fields have a dustbin for reset/delete
...but the time when you probably most need one is when you create (i.e edit) it.
<<.preamble """ On tw.com I found Jeremy had added some neat text boxes like this one. """>>
*$:/editions/tw5.com/doc-macros ([[original|http://tiddlywiki.com/prerelease/#%24%3A%2Feditions%2Ftw5.com%2Fdoc-macros]])
*$:/editions/tw5.com/doc-styles ([[original|http://tiddlywiki.com/prerelease/#%24%3A%2Feditions%2Ftw5.com%2Fdoc-styles]])
[[This site|http://arduino.org/]] has a cool zoom-in effect giving much life to the page. Note also that it is limited in size so that you scroll down for further info.
This would be a nice feature for tw.com. I belive Jeremy has expressed that the front of tw.com does not have to appear like standard TW. I don't have any specific thoughts on details like what the image should be or so.
If it is a simple setup then maybe it could be part of a plugin (or core?) in the same gist as the 5.1.8 additions of background images. I believe adding graphic tools is a valuable aspect for popularizing TW.
(BTW, if you're into the subject of that site then you may wonder if the original site shouldn't be on another domain? Apparently, there's some internal [[conflict|http://makezine.com/2015/03/06/arduino-vs-arduino/]]...)
''There's no public UI'' or even public theme. The standard UI is not suitable for a non-TW audience because it has too many special features that are at best distracting but more likely confusing. Examples include the tiddler toolbar buttons, the sidebar tabs and their lists, and more.
While e.g the toolbar buttons can be made to not show, this hides them also for the TW owner. In other words, what is needed is a way to permanently set //different UI's depending on who// is using the TW.
While a //public theme// would be welcome, I think the issue is too fundamental to be a separate theme and would instead prefer 'settings', e.g in the Controlpanel.
''Likewise, there is no standard Mobile or small screen / touch screen interface''. This is missing //per se// but if you //also// intend for the TW to turn to the general public or non-TW people, it is one severe drawback.
Just guessing, but I would think these are immediate dealbreakers for some, possibly even before trying out TW properly...
!yo' is one badass clicker!!!
Update: Fellow [[@Rustem]] kindly gave [[a suggestion|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/cDx5B8KAKpg/EM6-GhnjMQwJ]] that I will look into. Who knows, maybe it's the answer :-)
This is one of my "end goals" with TW;
To be able to have one central TW from where I produce tiddlers and make them appear in niche TW's spread wherever I want them. I create a tiddler //Funny bunny// and e.g tag it with the TW titles "TW of Fun" and "The Farm" and it appears in both places.
How do I know it actually appears there? Because I can 'transform' the central TW into whichever other TW of mine that I want. A bit like changing themes, perhaps via a dropdown menu sitting in an upper corner.
Among other uses, my family members can switch to their individual TW's (again, as if choosing theme).
After Jeremy [[showed|https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/tiddlywiki/1S348N3rsAc]] me how to publish (i.e save a copy) of a TW that //filters// tiddlers, I think this might just be very doable. Imagine this combined with the ~TiddlySpot saving; In your main TW, you have a "publish" button for each target TW that uploads to that specific one.
Microsoft ~OneNote [...] for free-form information gathering and multi-user collaboration. It gathers users' notes (handwritten or typed), drawings, screen clippings and audio commentaries. Notes can be shared with other ~OneNote users over the Internet or a network. @@float:right; -[[Wikipedia|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_OneNote]]@@
As highlighted on tw.com, fellow member sini-kit has created a TW shop; [[demo|https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fheeg.ru%2F&edit-text=&act=url]] and [[finished setup|http://magast.ru/magazin/heeg.html]]
A guide in Russian to creating an online shop with ~TiddlyWiki. No serverside code is needed, instead orders are handled by Disqus.
<<ref "http://tiddlywiki.com/#%22Heeg.ru%22%20by%20sini-Kit">>
That's pretty darn amazing!
With [[Optimal Information]] I refer to the minimum information required to convey a message. This is //relative// to the receivers previous level of information (a.k.a pre-knowledge). "An understanding" or "a piece of knowledge" or using the more technical term; "information", is more easily received and completed the less //additional// information you need beyond the information you already have. (Re-) feeding of redundant information may even distract the message and the transferral.
Imagine [[this|http://experiments.wemakesites.net/pages/css3-parallax-effect-no-javascript/example/]] being tiddlers instead of "sections". Notice the [[parallax|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parallax]] effect, i.e that they're not static images. Perhaps not very useful (or?), but definitely cool :-)
Some links on how to creat it using CSS3: [[1|http://martinivanov.net/2014/09/16/parallax-page-scroll-effect-with-pure-css3-no-javascript-no-hassle/]], [[2|http://experiments.wemakesites.net/css3-parallax-effect-no-javascript.html]], [[3|http://experiments.wemakesites.net/pages/css3-parallax-effect-no-javascript/example/]], [[4|http://experiments.wemakesites.net/x-parallax-html5-web-component.html]]
//addendum:// [[@JedCarty]] has a [[solution|http://inmysocks.tiddlyspot.com/#Make%20data%20from%20a%20dictionary%20tiddler%20appear%20when%20you%20hover%20over%20something]]. To be applied.
I sheer amount of articles on sites like this one can be a factor actually preventing people from reading articles. It is natural to scan a list of titles and only click on the titles that sound interesting. A bit like judging a book from its cover.
We could have a "peeker" so that e.g hovering over a title opens a popup showing the tiddlers first paragraph or some such.
Maybe SHIFT+hover. And the popup is of a predefined size, to minimize visual distraction, showing X number of rows. Or maybe showing the summary field content if it exists.
There is a type of //scanners// called pen scanners.
They are about the size of an oversized marker pen and lets you combine the concept of scanning with that of //highlighting//! In other words, you scan by dragging the scanner across the text - and it immediately shows on your computer screen (at least using the penscanner I have)!
As touched on in other write ups here, highlighting is (IMO) very closedly related to the whole philosophy of tiddlers; "to split up texts in to their smallest, semantically meaningful, chunks".
Using these type of scanners you can effectively tiddlify physical text into summaries. At first thougth the ideal might seem to be to tiddlify every individual scanned snip, but there are two practical reasons why this is not the case; to be a "semantically meaningful" tiddler, you might need to combine a few such snips. The other reason may be a limitation with the hardware; the scanner, or at least mine, is toggled to scan by pressing it's tip to the page. This means that when you reach the end of the line and jump down to continue on the next, this starts a second scanning - i.e likely not desirable to be a new tiddler.
In other words, the scanned text will require some manual editing afterwards - but this is not least also becaue it doesn not always mirror the text 100% correct, like all OCR scanning. Because of the manual handling of the scanner, this error frequency increases but I have found it to be surprisingly accurate.
The model I acquired is ~WorldPenScan BT. BT stands for Bluetooth. This product gets decent reviews on Amazon.com but lousy reviews on Amazon.co.uk (by a lot fewer people though). A recurring complaint is the BT aspect. I got mine recently so I can't really give a review yet.
5.1.8 has a tiddler commenting the [[performance|http://tiddlywiki.com/prerelease/#Performance]] issues for TW. (Good!)
What further things could be done?
*Do we know //what// it is that causes speed and performance issues?
*Have we had "an absolute top expert" take a peek at the fundamental algos? I can ask because I(!) am not qualified to tell if we have these people on board. (I'm just super impressed by what our local wizards to create!)
*Speaking of wizards - maybe we could have a "wizard" plugin that guides the user through various optimization steps in some suitable order if they see need?
*Are there perhaps particularly resource consuming parts in core that could be segregated and really included only if asked for? (I guess that means 'Turned into a plugin' -?)
**Maybe there could be some kind of "core aggregation sequence" that starts out with the //absolute// minimum and gradually adds features so that an unhappy user could step backwards in this list, one step at a time, to see increase in some aspects and decrease in other.
*Actually - plugins - maybe people get frustrated and blame TW when it's really some plugin leeching memory? Could we have a plugin that shows memory consumption per plugin?
**FF has the neat [[about:addons-memory|https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/about-addons-memory/]] plugin to show mem consumption per addon.
*Could we perhaps provide a set of "environment" guidelines for TW to perform optimally, i.e choice of browser, OS, hardware, (any more?) ?
*Browser plugins, other than TiddlyFox? Maybe there are browser plugins to enhance javascript performance, or particular javascripts of some kind that TW relies heavily upon?
I'm not going into mobile in this article other than to ponder that just maybe there are //different// memory rules in mobile browsers that TW should accommodate to. I'm not saying there is, but it seems reasonable to me.
Sometimes there is a need to make something exist from startup, for instance a logo. A logo happens to be a visual example, but a more typical example is probably calling some macro or such. As far as I know, there's no elegant way to do this so the solution is to place these things in something that does always open up, like the sidebar. (Or?)
I propose a designated place for this instead. A "~LoadOnStart" tiddler (Load''At''Start? ~AutoStart?...). If something is put into this, or transcluded into it, or tagged with ~$:/tags/LoadOnStart, it shows up or executes on start.
This tiddler would, I guess, be tagged $:/tags/PageTemplate but I think it could be CSS'ed to not show in iself, but only eventual visual content.
This would make a "permanent placeholder" on the screen, i.e anything put in/tagged will be there all the time.
Ever since I moved out to the country side I've wanted a big touch screen on the wall, e.g in the kitchen, showing the [[household TW|My Household TW]] that it fetches from some storage in the sky.
It would also work as a bulletin board to communicate with the the family, e.g todo-lists etc. I've got two kids half of the time and a confused fiancee which, coupled with my a constant flow of crazy ideas, means constant need for TW structured assistance.
With //surf tablets//, e.g iPads, this is basically doable... but what I really want is a //e-ink// tablet or similar, for a much more subtle thingy. It should be permanently on, and in a prominent location, so it shouldn't //attract// attention like a glowing screen would and it should eat only a minimum of electricity.
Unfortunately I don't think they're good enough yet, for my TW needs. Web-browsing would of course be crucial, but still it seems they're mostly made for e-book reading. For instance, I believe the Amazon Kindle [[cannot|http://gomakethings.com/building-websites-that-work-on-an-e-ink-kindle/]] deal with any javascript or even CSS. So... no TW. And the demos I've seen for these things flicker strangely and are typically somewhat slow. I fear a 4 or 5 MB TW on these "for productivity" would come out as an ironic practical joke.
I think [[Sonys Digital Paper|http://goodereader.com/blog/electronic-readers/sony-digital-paper-price-reduced-to-799]] is probably as good as it gets so far. I'm uncertain how it would perform but becasue it is, again, a //reader// I just suspect it's not enough. And, the recently lowered price (now $800) is still too much for taking the chance.
[[Here|http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2400310,00.asp]]'s a recent comparison list but incomplete both in products and my needed information about them.
If you have information on the matter I'd love to hear it.
A ''personal organizer'', day planner, personal analog assistant, personal planner, year planner, or agenda (from Latin agenda - things to do), is a small book or binder that is designed to be portable. It usually contains a diary, calendar, address book, blank paper, and other sections.
A personal organizer may also include pages with useful information, such as maps and telephone codes. It is related to the separate desktop stationery items that have one or more of the same functions, such as appointment calendars, rolodexes, notebooks, and almanacs.
By the end of the 20th century, paper-and-binder personal organizers started to be replaced by electronic devices like personal digital assistants (PDAs), personal information manager software, and online organizers.
<<box "//"O'boy, I got this super idea that will revolutionize TW and... no, really, this is IT and... hey guys, are you listening? Hel.. Hellooo..?"//">>
<br><<twistify "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[Pie]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[Pies]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[Pies-in-the-Sky]] +[!sort[recent]]">>
#opie { position: relative; width="100%"}
#ipie { position: absolute; right: -70px; bottom: -70px;}
<div id="opie"><div id="ipie">
<$image source="img/inventorsmall" width="250px">
If I understand right, Jeremy is positive to a central plugin repository on tw.com but one difficulty is that if they are hosted on this (most) official place, the users assume the plugins work, are safe, are maintained, etc. Let's sum it up as a matter of //trust//. There are more aspects holding such a repository back at the moment but I just want to mention that //Firefox// seems to handle the //trust// aspect with the following approach:
*On browser updates, there is a message of the type "this plugin has not yet been approved / use at your own risk" (my wording)
*On browser updates, plugins discovered to be incompatible are simply deactivated (maybe even removed from the users own plugin listing? Can't remember)
Further, there is a bunch of //meta data// that adds trust
*The users //rate// and //review// the plugins
**and it says how many such reviews
*Number of users is displayed
*Release date is visible
*Link to creators profile with info on his/her other plugins, official web page link, ...
I see issues with each of these points but the result is that it works very well.
The first list should not be difficult and are really a result from what users report.
The difficulty with second list is more about where to store this meta data and, as a consequence, how it is created (i.e what the user needs to do to create the data). Currently tw.com is not capable of receiving user input or meta data and while this would be very desirable, ''even a setup with //embedded// (iframed) such input would be very valuable'' because a plugin depository is such a fundamental issue. [[Comments via 3d part]] looks on some alternatives for this.
There should be user settings for where to position the scrollbars, and possibly even what type of scrollbars. Here's an outline of some identified positions
*''A'' is, in standard TW, where both scrollbars appear (when both are visible)
*In ''B'', one could imagine a scrollbar for (only) the sidebar but which doesn't scroll the sidebar head (see [[#1203|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1203]]). If a feature is introduced to choose location for the //whole// sidebar, presumably to the right or left, then a ''B'' type scrollbar should/could probably "move along" with the sidebar.
*''C'' and ''E'' could, respectively, hold a scroll of the type where you hover over the area and it scrolls down. A //click// on the area could work as a full screen jump down. My main point for this optional type would here be to deal with the current problem of having two vertical scrollbars, i.e we could have //one// common side scrollbar and //one// such "bottom scroll".
*''D'' could be an alternative location for one scroll, i.e keeping the other in A.
*...//or// just maybe ''D'' could hold both scrolls like A does - but it might work //better// in position D because it is obvious that the left scrollbar is for the tiddler column part and the right is for the sidebar.
*''F'' or ''G''; I have introduced an empty "left side" as a potential position for the regular sidebar //or// as an alternative for another menu (like here on TWaddle). Again, the issue touched on in B is relevant.
Referring to the last bullet, the introduction of another side menu actually strengthens the proposition to include user settings for the positioning of the sidebars; there are frequent requests for user defined sidebars/menus and unless it is short or static (like mine) then there may arise a need for //three// scrollbars (ugh!) As TW becomes more popular, particularly if people start making more //public// TWs, I think user designed side menus will become more common.
If you haven't noticed, [[Google Groups|https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!forum/tiddlywiki]] uses a (second) scrollbar in position ''F''. But it is only visible when you hover over it, and if you have enough "stuff" in the sidebar to begin with ("favourites, recently viewed, recently posted to" etc - try expanding them so they scroll below viewport). This sidebar setup works pretty //good// actually, at least as long as it's not something you must use all the time.
A disadvantage with scrollbars (and menus) on the left is that most people are right handed.
This concept is, according to tw.com;
<div style="position:relative;">
<div style="position: absolute; border: 0px; width: 100%; top:-20px;">
<div style="overflow:hidden;">
<iframe src="http://tiddlywiki.com/prerelease/#Pragma" scrolling="no" style="width: 100%; height: 392px; margin-top: -120px; border: 0px; ">
The [[LeftBar plugin|http://leftbar.tiddlyspot.com]], or theme, gives you a "left sidebar", a ~LeftBar.
[[@JedCarty]] helped me to put together a "See also:" viewtemplate, kind of like on Wikipedia, to automatically list other tiddlers using the same tags as the current - but only for tags that are included in a whitelist.
The [[SideEditor plugin|http://sideeditor.tiddlyspot.com/]], gives you a floating editor next to your tiddler river column. This enables you to see the changes "real time" in a tiddler as you edit it.
This is overall useful, but I have found it //particularly// useful when you experiment with e.g CSS values or situations where you fiddle to tweak the tiddler content.
Ok, it's not ready as a plugin yet, but it's pretty close:
My intention is to make a plugin from the [[Cred]] table.
To encourage engagement in the TW project and contributions, we should make it very easy to give people cred for their engagement.
Still at prototype stage, the [[TiddlerSidebar plugin|http://tiddlersidebar.tiddlyspot.com]] is for sure one of the creations I'm most proud of.
It is a "mini-sidebar" that pops up when you hover the tiddler side. It can show anything you want but by default it contains a few items specific for the tiddler you're triggering it in such as related tiddlers and meta data.
Currently at prototype stage.
[[Project Management Software|sw:ProjectMgmt]] is, I assume, mostly for a professional corporate context where TW would not be sufficient. However, for personal use TW is definitely useful for project lists, as evidenced over the years. In this context it should also be suitable as an [[appetizer|Appetizer TiddlyWikis]].
A big brother of sorts, to //personal// project lists/mgmt, is perhaps a [[GTD]] application.
<div style="position:relative; top:130px; left:450px;"><div style="position: absolute; width:120px;">
<<box "Issues of a more "internal" or technical nature in TW. But my ''most important'' proposals are really in the tiddler [[Infrastructuring]]. Please also note [[this|Declaration on Contributions to the TW Project]] about me //"expecting others to do things"//. ">>
@@color:gray;font-style:italic; What I consider my most important prop's@@<br>
<<twistify "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[Proposal]tag[Major]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[Proposals]tag[Major]] +[!sort[recent]]">>
''Deal breakers''<br>
@@color:gray;font-style:italic; Why do some dismiss TW? Particular attention to the sensitive evaluation phase@@<br>
<<twistify "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[DealBreaker]] +[!sort[recent]]">>
<<twistify "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[Proposal]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[Proposals]] -[tag[Major]] -[tag[DealBreaker]] +[!sort[recent]]">>
@@color:gray;font-style:italic; Brave a man he was, our Mat. Dared bring up totally unimportant things, wasting peoples time. But did he get respect and recognition for it - no! Oh, a life so unfair, so unfair...@@<br>
<<twistify "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[Nitpick]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[Nitpicks]] +[!sort[recent]]">>
It quite often happens that I write an article and realize it must be split into two and I instead put a link in the text to that article-to-come. However, this means I must finish both articles or there will be dead links. As a compromise I hope to instead create a plugin so that clicking a dead article links doesn't give the usual;
// "Missing tiddler "~FooBar" - click {{$:/core/images/edit-button}} to create //
but instead something like;
//Aha! An article not yet finished! Come back soon..//
...or, better yet; Clearly the reader does //want// to read about the missing topic. If we had a //search// feature that could take the missing title and process it to come up with alternatives and present them //in// the "missing tiddler" template. That'd be good ;-)
The point is to make something of the missing tiddler. For public wikis it would really be better with //nothing// showing up or some popup message informing that it's missing. I develop this idea in [[Tiddlify or Tildefy... or Poppify?]].
An alternative approach is investigated in [[Need control output for missing in links and transclusions]]
It's staring us in the face. We should, of course, have an [[Application]] for simply letting people use TW as a common public website, but that takes advantage of TW's particular strengths. The standard TW setup is [[not suitable|UI for the Public]] for public websites.
I don't know if this is //really// "bot safe" so you decide. See this:
This is the real email address of mine that I use for boards etc. Ok, it wouldn't be a disaster to ditch it but still, I've used it for many years and I don't want spam to it. Even if this site was #1 on google I think that just maybe it still would trick the hostile droid tentacles.
Check out the code...
In [[Create tiddlyspot directly via TW]] I propose an extended integration, or at least cooperation, between TW and tiddlyspot. The proposal to be described elaborates on another application for this idea so I recommend that you read [[Create tiddlyspot directly via TW]] first.
Briefly, this is a proposal to make it //super easy// to make //spontaneous pull requests// with the stuff on tw.com. For example, if someone reads some instructions and has a better formulation for something or wants to add a code snippet example or some tiddler on a topic, or perhaps fix a dead link, this would be very easy with the proposal here.
I believe the concept should also work as a "entry" to engage people in the development process more generally. Should be welcome, right .. :-)
As noted, Jeremy welcomes pull requests in the form of tiddlyspots. I.e you can come with concrete suggested additions or improvements on core code or tw.com documentation by putting it up as a tiddlyspot and simply alerting Jeremy about it. No need for e.g github.
Further, you've probably seen in the tiddler edit view on tw.com, the pink ribbon stating
@@background-color:pink; Can you help us improve this documentation? Find out [[how|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Improving%20TiddlyWiki%20Documentation]] to edit [[this tiddler on GitHub|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/edit/master/editions/tw5.com/tiddlers/hellothere/HelloThere.tid]] @@
The links basically gives some steps, based on that you set up a github account. I suspect this is a bit "too much" for many, particularly people who just want to come with an improved formulation or correct a dead link or something. It is one thing to make a quick contribution, it is another thing to go through a lot of hassle to even be able to make it.
''So, the proposal is this'': A saver mechanism that takes the current tiddler on tiddlywiki.com [...i.e the users local browser copy of tw.com] and exports it into a //new// tiddlyspot. The feature can be displayed/manifested as a button in the tiddler edit view on tw.com. Perhaps like a common [Send] button at bottom right in tiddler edit view.
More specifically, the export/upload contains the user-edited tiddler along with a //filtered// tw.com-copy... i.e an //empty// TW + the edited tiddler(s), as specified in the saver. Jeremy has provided a solution for a user filters tiddleryspot saver in [[this|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/tiddlywiki/1S348N3rsAc/b3rDMyCSsZsJ]] discussion. The full tiddlyspot is overwritten, as usual. The mechanism can set a special name for the tiddler ("pull2015july02-originaltiddlertitle") and perhaps even set it to be a default tiddler.
This would also be great as a //plugin//; people can sit with their own TWs and do the same thing, i.e export a specific tiddler + the core to create a new tiddlyspot. (Then Jeremy can run around all day and search for new tiddlyspots. //"Is this a pull request? No, next one. This? No. This? - yes!"//. O'boy, the things we do to keep him entertained ;-)
I really hope the value of this [[Infrastructure]] proposal is obvious to everyone.
.rating { overflow: hidden; display: inline-block; font-size: 0; position: relative;
.rating-input { float: right; width: 16px; height: 16px; padding: 0; margin: 0 0 0 -16px; opacity: 0;
.rating:hover .rating-star:hover,
.rating:hover .rating-star:hover ~ .rating-star,
.rating-input:checked ~ .rating-star { background-position: 0 0;background-color:red;
.rating:hover .rating-star { background: url("http://kubyshkin.ru/samples/star-rating/star.png") 0 -16px;
position: relative; float: right; display: block; width: 16px; height: 16px;
<span class="rating">
<input type="radio" class="rating-input" id="rating-input-1-5" name="rating-input-1"/>
<label for="rating-input-1-5" class="rating-star"></label>
<input type="radio" class="rating-input" id="rating-input-1-4" name="rating-input-1"/>
<label for="rating-input-1-4" class="rating-star"></label>
<input type="radio" class="rating-input" id="rating-input-1-3" name="rating-input-1"/>
<label for="rating-input-1-3" class="rating-star"></label>
<input type="radio" class="rating-input" id="rating-input-1-2" name="rating-input-1"/>
<label for="rating-input-1-2" class="rating-star"></label>
<input type="radio" class="rating-input" id="rating-input-1-1" name="rating-input-1"/>
<label for="rating-input-1-1" class="rating-star"></label>
<-- there ARE stars there but I only get them to show up in Safari. Why?
Ok, I made a temporary fix using background-color instead; try hovering over the seemingly empty space and click to make it stick. Re-click elsewhere to change number of ~~stars~~ red.
<h2>Without Default Selection</h2>
<div class="acidjs-rating-stars">
<input type="radio" name="group-1" id="group-1-0" value="5" /><label for="group-1-0"></label><!--
--><input type="radio" name="group-1" id="group-1-1" value="4" /><label for="group-1-1"></label><!--
--><input type="radio" name="group-1" id="group-1-2" value="3" /><label for="group-1-2"></label><!--
--><input type="radio" name="group-1" id="group-1-3" value="2" /><label for="group-1-3"></label><!--
--><input type="radio" name="group-1" id="group-1-4" value="1" /><label for="group-1-4"></label>
<h2>With Default Selection</h2>
<div class="acidjs-rating-stars">
<input type="radio" name="group-2" id="group-2-0" value="5" /><label for="group-2-0"></label><!--
--><input type="radio" name="group-2" id="group-2-1" value="4" /><label for="group-2-1"></label><!--
--><input type="radio" checked="checked" name="group-2" id="group-2-2" value="3" /><label for="group-2-2"></label><!--
--><input type="radio" name="group-2" id="group-2-3" value="2" /><label for="group-2-3"></label><!--
--><input type="radio" name="group-2" id="group-2-4" value="1" /><label for="group-2-4"></label>
<div class="acidjs-rating-stars acidjs-rating-disabled">
<input disabled="disabled" type="radio" name="group-3" id="group-3-0" value="5" /><label for="group-3-0"></label><!--
--><input disabled="disabled" type="radio" checked="checked" name="group-3" id="group-3-1" value="4" /><label for="group-3-1"></label><!--
--><input disabled="disabled" type="radio" name="group-3" id="group-3-2" value="3" /><label for="group-3-2"></label><!--
--><input disabled="disabled" type="radio" name="group-3" id="group-3-3" value="2" /><label for="group-3-3"></label><!--
--><input disabled="disabled" type="radio" name="group-3" id="group-3-4" value="1" /><label for="group-3-4"></label>
<p> </p>
<p>If you are looking for a feature-complete
rating system, you may want to check <a href="http://wemakesites.net/?pageid=details&component=rating" target="_blank">AcidJs.Rating</a>.</p>
[[Instructables|http://www.instructables.com/]], the extremely popular DIY site, is the perfect target group to present TW to.
Really, this must be absolutely spot on as a marketing channel for TW.
Post a //how-to// on how to create an [[application|Application Categories]] with TW.
How can we have almost completely missed out on this? Only fellow [[@RichShumaker]] has thought of it; [[TiddlyWiki 5 on Raspberry Pi Server in 15 minutes|http://www.instructables.com/tag/type-id/category-technology/keyword-tiddlywiki/]] - currently the //only// project there involving TW!!!!!
Rich's instructable looks like a superb write up (I'm no ~RasPi user so I can't tell) but it is clearly a //complex// project. It is definitely enough with pure TW projects to justify an instructable. The objective with the site is not general "how to code" instructions but rather how to create a final "product" (an application) for use or joy.
*"Make a beautiful..."
*"Set up a public ... in 3 minutes" (tiddlyspot)
*"Organize all your ... by making a ...."
<br>''Make sure to clearly state that TW is //Free and open source// and perfect for DIY'ers!'' Like Rich does, it is probably also wise to mention that TW is a mature and robust product, given the "prototype nature" of the context there.
<<note "This is a //draft// not ready for publication but I include it because it is linked to from the article [[Mind the gap]]. Please read that article to understand the context.">>
*you modify the tool itself (other editors create output files)
*you modify a local copy of the stored TW (regardless of if stored on your own computer or on someone elses server)
*the TW you see is a temporary copy of the stored version (no clickety-click on browser back button)
*tiddler philosophy - what and why
*entering edit creates a new individual unit existing in parallel
*~Wikitext, no WYSIWYG
Understanding what something is, accepting it, using it
*difference between `[[...]], {{...}}, <<...>>, {{{...}}}, {{!!...}}, <$...>, `
*animated side swiping from clicking edit or store
Slides like the old analog volume controls;
See [[html input type range|http://www.w3schools.com/html/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_input_range]]
An example is my use of them in TWaddle for ctrlpanel > Appearance > Size Settings.
Some experiments have been made, from @EricShulman, @JedCarty and myself. Nothing fully official yet. More to come.
I'm still not fond of the inability to linebreak (without using `<br>`) and the resulting forced double break instead. You know what I mean.
Now, I propose we make at least //some// soft newlining accepted. It should be obvious that if I type;
For example
*like so
*and so
(i.e the first asterisk line right after the previous line) ...then I really mean a bulleted list. And if I write the triple backticks on a new line followed with some text and then three more backticks, it should be obvious I wish to block-quote and not whatever it is that happens currently.
And what might I possibly mean here?
I've even respected the demand to leave the rest of the row empty; four hyphens alone on a row. This should be recognized IMO.
Likewise when manually inserting `<br>`. As you know, if I type something and then create two empty lines using Enter, this is disregarded in viewmode (resulting in only one empty line). So, if I do explicitly write:
...then, c'mon Mr.Parser, at least that should give me two empty lines. I shouldn't have to keep in mind that I must write:
It is in fact even comical that this:
...produces this:
If not resulting double empty lines then at least gimme //one//, Mr. Parser.
These types of things are really unnecessary quirks IMO.
<<tabs "[[Articles index]] [[Tags index]] [[Reference articles]]">>
''Specific articles with content that can be used as more general reference''<br>
<<twistify "[[Terminology]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[Reference]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[Ref]]">>
add: This is now implemented in the //Public// section on [[TiddlerSidebar|http://tiddlersidebar.tiddlyspot.com]] and it works in //that// context.
Could a TW on a remote server be used as a "shell" to encapsulate things into a TW?
The thing is, you an put a filter directly into a permalink to make a TW display filtered stuff. If you in this way filter a title that doesn't exist, you get the "missing tiddler"... but this means the TW //did// read the title (right?)
...so, could it instead of showing "missing tiddler" use this as an //argument// for something?
Then you could iframe this into your own tw but by providing the url to the iframe, you give the url to the shell //and// to some other content site that the shell uses!
If you somehow mess up access to the tiddler toolbar so you can't reach the //edit// button, you can use this trick to get a direct display of that tiddlers editor in another tiddlers view mode!
Just create a new tiddler and enter the following there:
`<$edit tiddler="YourMessedUpTiddler" field="text" class="tc-edit-texteditor" />`
For example, see GenericEditor
Proposing a keyboard shortcut equivalent to Ctrl+Z (windows) but to undo last closed tiddler, i.e to reopen it. Quite often I close a tiddler only to a second later realize that... <br>We have the Recent list of course but the urge from that "second later realization" is something more immediate.
Seems very easy... had I just known how to make that tiny javascript work in TW...
@@display:block;transform: rotate(-180deg);float:left; As tipped by Eric Shulman [[here|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/EdKamFTurK0/bRaplaKMAXgJ]]@@
`@@display:block;transform: rotate(-35deg); your text here @@`
Might RSS serve as a way for TW to aggregate content from non-tw sources and tiddlify it? And tw sources for that matter. It is a mature technology that is made both for publishing and aggregating content. And it has [[many uses|http://www.social-searcher.com/2015/02/10/30-awesome-ways-for-using-rss-feeds/]] - note the headlines showing just above the numbered headlines there. The side is about //ways// to use RSS, not the particular examples.
I - who admittedly know zipf on the subject - am thinking that if the aggregator itself is written in javascript and the output from it is in html form... then it should be possible to get it going in TW, no? But then there are browser restrictions.
...but, in spite of such restrictions, I find these aggregators that let you mangle the output and style it etc... so... can't we "put a TW around it"? (Ah, there I made you smile or is that a roll of the eyes? Hey, somebody has to dare ask the stupid questions and I perform this task very well, thank you.)
Anyway, if I understand it right, a RSS/Atom aggregator/reader is "merely" a parser so //if// the feed can get into the TW then it "should work". Here is some stuff of possible use:
''From scratch''
*[[How to parse a RSS feed using javascript?|http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10943544/how-to-parse-a-rss-feed-using-javascript]] (Stackoverflow explanation)
*Using the broswer [[mozilla instrux|https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Firefox/Releases/2/Adding_feed_readers_to_Firefox]]
''Readers to adopt''
* [[zRSSfeed|http://www.zazar.net/developers/jquery/zrssfeed/]] and a [[quick description|http://www.downscripts.com/zrssfeed_javascript-script.html]] to read first
*[[Node Feedparser|https://github.com/danmactough/node-feedparser]] (github)
*[[Feed for JS|https://github.com/jpmonette/feed]] (github)<br>"...pure ~JavaScript. Support for Atom 1.0 and RSS 2.0"
*[[jquery-rss|https://github.com/sdepold/jquery-rss]] (github)<br>"...read a RSS feed (via the Google Feed API) and transform it into a custom piece of HTML"
''Tools to directly generate ready JSON output from a provided rss-url''
''Tools that directly generate a ready `<script>` from a provided rss-url''
*[[Feed2JS|https://feed2js.org/index.php?s=build]] and on [[github|https://github.com/cogdog/feed2js]]
*[[surfing waves|http://www.surfing-waves.com/feed.htm]]
*[[RSSdog|http://www.rssdog.com/index.htm?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2Frss%2Ftag%2Fblu-ray%2Fnew%3Ftag%3Ddynawebdesign-20&mode=html&showonly=&maxitems=0&showdescs=1&desctrim=0&descmax=0&tabwidth=100%25&linktarget=_blank&bordercol=%23d4d0c8&headbgcol=%23999999&headtxtcol=%23ffffff&titlebgcol=%23f1eded&titletxtcol=%23000000&itembgcol=%23ffffff&itemtxtcol=%23000000]]<br>"Javascript, PHP, or Iframe integration. Configurable output options."
* [[minime rss||http://www.downscripts.com/minime-rss-and-atom-feed-reader_javascript-script.htm]] - actual reader possibly removed?
<<boxref "''Scrapbooking'' is a method for preserving personal and family history in the form of a scrapbook. Typical memorabilia include photographs, printed media, and artwork. Scrapbook albums are often decorated and frequently contain extensive journaling. Scrapbooking is a hobby commonly practiced in many parts of world." "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scrapbooking]">>
Opening e.g the Type field in edit view typically means seeing half of the drop down list. IMO there should be a scroll to show all of it. You open it in order to see it... so of course this is what you want to see. Pretty annoying actually.
Typing e.g Tobias in search should identify tiddlers created by him.
\define #()
<div id="seli">
<$select tiddler='selection'>
<$list filter='[tag[menu]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
</div><span id="selection">{{selection}}</span>
{} <!-- I have no idea why this must be here -->
#seli { position: fixed; right: 200px; top: 10px; }
Erics super elegant [[solution|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/hMM6PC3Xt-8/zMjUODeTzjMJ]] for how to make //todays// tab shows automatically. (If I had a tiddler titled <<now DDD>>, its content would show below)
tabsList="Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday"
default=<<now DDD>>
unselectedText="<p>Select a topic in the table of contents. Click the arrow to expand a topic.</p>"
missingText="<p>Missing tiddler.</p>"
yes, annotate right on the image. Go on, click here.
Here are "one offs" and applications that I cannot easily categorize into the other categories.
#fishclick {position:absolute; bottom:-35px; left: 300px;);
<div id="fishclick">
<<linkimg "Bigger community ⇄ Better TW" "img/fishclick" "click me!" clickme>>
Pure CSS star ratings (like on Amazon etc).
,,tag: Rating,,
<<list-links "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[Rating]]">>
Here, put this in a tiddler and tag it with $:/tags/Stylesheet
p::first-letter {
font-weight: bold;
color: red;
I'm considering having the initial letter in all TWaddle tiddlers be "Gothic" or whatever it is like in old bibles. Maybe I should print out TWaddle and bind it in leather too. In 400 years people will read TWaddle and wonder over my wisdom.
//- Mom, I wonder where the wisdom is?//
Ok, so the point here is to have an inline button that does not hurt they eye or add extra line height so that it can be used mid-sentence like <<slider "this" "to reveal additional content on something that you, btw, also can style">>. My own application is for when I want the reader to only discover the button when he or she is reading at that point in the text. It should not be visible (i.e calling attention) before that.<br><br>
:`<<slider "label" "The content text">>`
and CSS
.slider-closed {padding: 0 3px 0 3px; background: none; border: 1px solid lightgray; display:inline-block;}
.slider-open {padding: 0 3px 0 3px; background: none; border: 1px solid gray; border-right:0; display:inline;}
.slider-content {border:1px lightgray solid; background:#f4f4f4;}
.slider-content:after {content:" ";}
The last `:after` CSS pseudo element is merely to add a litle air at the end of the content text.
[Note: Wikipedia redirects //To Do Lists// to thier article on [[time management|sw: TimeMgmt]]]
See also:
<<list-links "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[sw: Productivity]!is[current]]">>
<<boxref "An ''authoring system'' is a program that has pre-programmed elements for the development of interactive multimedia software titles. Authoring systems can be defined as software that allows its user to create multimedia applications for manipulating multimedia objects.<br><br>In the development of educational software, an authoring system is a program that allows a non-programmer to easily create software with programming features. The programming features are built in but hidden behind buttons and other tools, so the author does not need to know how to program. Generally authoring systems provide lots of graphics, interaction, and other tools educational software needs.<br><br>An authoring system usually includes an authoring language, a programming language built (or extended) with functionality for representing the tutoring system. The functionality offered by the authoring language may be programming functionality for use by programmers or domain representation functionality for use by subject experts. There is overlap between authoring languages with domain representation functionality and domain-specific languages." "Wikipedia|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Authoring_system" >>
See also other ~InfoCasting software:
<<list-links "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[sw:InfoCasting]!is[current]]">>
[Note: For TW contexts I have so far not classified anything as CMS but instead used the more restricted [[PIM|sw:PIM]] (Personal Information Manager)]<br><br>
<<boxref "A ''content management system'' (CMS) is a computer application that allows publishing, editing and modifying content, organizing, deleting as well as maintenance from a central interface. Such systems of content management provide procedures to manage workflow in a collaborative environment. These procedures can be manual steps or an automated cascade.<br><br>CMSs are often used to run websites containing blogs, news, and shopping. Many corporate and marketing websites use CMSs. CMSs typically aim to avoid the need for hand coding, but may support it for specific elements or entire pages." "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Content_management_system">>
<<boxref "A ''concept map'' or conceptual diagram is a diagram that depicts suggested relationships between concepts. It is a graphical tool that designers, engineers, technical writers, and others use to organize and structure knowledge.<br><br>A concept map typically represents ideas and information as boxes or circles, which it connects with labeled arrows in a downward-branching hierarchical structure. The relationship between concepts can be articulated in linking phrases such as causes, requires, or contributes to.<br><br>The technique for visualizing these relationships among different concepts is called concept mapping. Concept maps define the ontology of computer systems, for example with the object-role modeling or Unified Modeling Language formalism." "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concept_map">>
<br>For TW, see<br>
[[TiddlyMap|http://felixhayashi.github.io/TW5-TiddlyMap/]] and<br>
[[Railroad Plugin||http://tiddlywiki.com/prerelease/#Railroad%20Diagrams:%5B%5BRailroad%20Diagrams%5D%5D%20%5B%5BRailroad%20Plugin%5D%5D]]
''Diagramming software'' is software that is used to model, represent and visualise information. Among other uses, such diagrams are often used in software and technical development and business to represent dataflows, workflows, software architecture and organizational charts.
@@float:right; -[[Wikipedia|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diagramming_software]]@@
<<boxref "A ''distraction-free editor'' (or a full-screen writing program) or is a text editor that occupies the full display with the purpose of isolating the writer from the operating system (OS) and other applications. In this way one should be able to focus on the writing alone, with no distractions from the OS and a cluttered interface. Often distraction-free editors feature a dark background and a text field, with lighter colored text. However, most distraction-free editors include customisable user interfaces. Some editors support rich text editing." "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Full-screen_writing_program">>
See also other Authoring software:
<<list-links "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[sw:Authoring]!is[current]]">>
See also other Editor software:
<<list-links "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[sw:Editor]!is[current]]">>
A ''distributed social network'' or federated social network is an Internet social networking service that is decentralized and distributed across distinct providers. It consists of multiple social websites, where users of each site communicate with users of any of the involved sites. A social website participating in a distributed social network is interoperable with the other sites and is in federation with them. Communication among the social websites is technically conducted over social networking protocols. Software used for distributed social networking is generally portable so it is easily adopted on various website platforms. Distributed social networks contrast with social network aggregation services, which are used to manage accounts and activities across multiple discrete social networks.
@@float:right; -[[Wikipedia|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distributed_social_network]]@@
See also other ~InfoExhanging software categories:
<<list-links "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[sw:InfoExchanging]!is[current]]">>
<<boxref "''Ebooks software'' [...] facilitates the creation of ebooks. Besides ebooks, users also create digital scrapbooks, photomontages, brochures, school year books, journals, catalogues, manuals, magazines, cards and more on such platforms." "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_E-book_software">>
Notice there are at least three phases in the Ebook writing process each with different demands on the software used:
*Writing the manuscript
*Formatting the manuscript
*Converting the manuscript to ebook format
A ''text editor'' is a type of program used for editing plain text files.
Text editors are often provided with operating systems and software development packages, and can be used to change configuration files, documentation files and programming language source code.
@@float:right; -[[Wikipedia|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Text_editor]]@@
An ''email client'', email reader or more formally mail user agent (MUA) is a computer program used to access and manage a user's email.
Popular locally installed email clients include Microsoft Outlook, Windows Live Mail, IBM Lotus Notes, Pegasus Mail, Mozilla's Thunderbird, The Bat!, Eudora, KMail in the Kontact suite, Evolution and Apple Inc.'s Mail.
A web application that provides message management, composition, and reception functions is sometimes also considered an email client, but more commonly referred to as webmail. Popular web-based email clients include Gmail, Lycos Mail, Mail.com, Outlook.com and Yahoo! Mail.
@@float:right; -[[Wikipedia|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Email_client]]@@
See also other InfoExchanging software:
<<list-links "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[sw:InfoExchanging]!is[current]]">>
''Fiction writing'' is the composition of not factual texts. Fictional writing often is produced as a story meant to entertain or convey an author's point of view. The result of this may be a short story, novel, novella, screenplay, or drama, which are all types (though not the only types) of fictional writing styles. Different types of authors practice fictional writing, including novelists, playwrights, short story writers, dramatists and screenwriters. @@float:right; -[[Wikipedia|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiction_writing]]@@
Note that Wordprocessors are typically not for book writing but more for business documents, as evidenced from features such as pie charts etc.
BTW, [[here|http://graemeshimmin.com/writing-tips-novel-writing-software/]]'s a nice article listing "all" software needed for writing a novel.
[[yWriter5|http://www.spacejock.com/yWriter5.html]] is a word processor for writers, designed by an author and programmer, which apparently has gained popularity as a free tool for authoring novels and other fiction writing.
See also other Authoring software:
<<list-links "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[sw:Authoring]!is[current]]">>
See also other Editor software:
<<list-links "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[sw:Editor]!is[current]]">>
Getting Things Done is a time-management method, described in a book of the same title by productivity consultant David Allen. It is often referred to as GTD.
The GTD method rests on the idea of moving planned tasks and projects out of the mind by recording them externally and then breaking them into actionable work items. This allows one to focus attention on taking action on tasks, instead of on recalling them.
@@float:right; -[[Wikipedia|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Getting_Things_Done]]@@
See also:
<<list-links "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[sw:Productivity]!is[current]]">>
An ''Internet forum'', or message board, is an online discussion site where people can hold conversations in the form of posted messages.[...]
A discussion forum is hierarchical or tree-like in structure: a forum can contain a number of subforums, each of which may have several topics. Within a forum's topic, each new discussion started is called a thread, and can be replied to by as many people as so wish.
@@float:right; -[[Wikipedia|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_forum]]@@
See also other ~InfoExchanging software:
<<list-links "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[sw:InfoExchanging]!is[current]]">>
''Microblogging'' is a broadcast medium that exists in the form of blogging. A microblog differs from a traditional blog in that its content is typically smaller in both actual and aggregated file size. Microblogs "allow users to exchange small elements of content such as short sentences, individual images, or video links", which may be the major reason for their popularity. These small messages are sometimes called microposts.
@@float:right; -[[Wikipedia|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microblogging]]@@
See also other ~InfoCasting categories:
<<list-links "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[sw:InfoCasting]!is[current]]">>
A ''mind map'' is a diagram used to visually organize information. A mind map is often created around a single concept, drawn as an image in the center of a blank landscape page, to which associated representations of ideas such as images, words and parts of words are added. Major ideas are connected directly to the central concept, and other ideas branch out from those.
Mind maps can be drawn by hand, either as "rough notes" during a lecture, meeting or planning session, for example, or as higher quality pictures when more time is available.
@@float:right; -[[Wikipedia|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mind_map]]@@
<br>For TW, see [[TiddlyMap|http://felixhayashi.github.io/TW5-TiddlyMap/]]
See also other Diagramming software:
<<list-links "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[sw:Diagramming]!is[current]]">>
See also other Authoring software:
<<list-links "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[sw:Authoring]!is[current]]">>
[A] ''news aggregator'', also termed a feed aggregator, feed reader, news reader, RSS reader or simply aggregator, is client software or a web application which aggregates syndicated web content such as online newspapers, blogs, podcasts, and video blogs (vlogs) in one location for easy viewing.
@@float:right; -[[Wikipedia|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/News_aggregator]]@@
See also other ~InfoCollecting software categories:
<<list-links "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[sw:InfoCollecting]!is[current]]">>
See also other PIM software:
<<list-links "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[sw:PIM]!is[current]]">>
See also other Editor software:
<<list-links "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[sw:Editor]!is[current]]">>
See also other Authoring software:
<<list-links "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[sw:Authoring]!is[current]]">>
An ''outliner'' is a computer program that allows text to be organized into discrete sections that are related in a tree structure or hierarchy. Text may be collapsed into a node, or expanded and edited.
Outliners are typically used for computer programming, collecting or organizing ideas, as personal information management or for project management. Mind mappers and wikis are related types of software.
@@float:right; -[[Wikipedia|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outliner]]@@
See also other Diagramming categories:
<<list-links "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[sw:Diagramming]!is[current]]">>
See also other Editor categories:
<<list-links "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[sw:Editor]!is[current]]">>
A ''personal wiki'' is a wiki maintained primarily for personal use. Personal wikis allow people to organize information on their desktop or mobile computing devices in a manner similar to community wikis, but without the need for collaboration by multiple users.
Personal wiki software can be broadly divided into multi-user wiki software with personal editions, and those wiki applications that are designed only for single users, not depending on a database engine and a web server.
@@float:right; -[[Wikipedia|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_wiki]]@@
See also other PIM categories:
<<list-links "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[sw:PIM]!is[current]]">>
A ''personal information manager'' (often referred to as a PIM tool or, more simply, a PIM) is a type of application software that functions as a personal organizer. [...] to facilitate the recording, tracking, and management of certain types of "personal information".
@@float:right; -[[Wikipedia|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_information_manager]]@@
<<boxref "''Reference management software'', citation management software or personal bibliographic management software is software for scholars and authors to use for recording and utilising bibliographic citations (references). Once a citation has been recorded, it can be used time and again in generating bibliographies, such as lists of references in scholarly books, articles and essays."http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reference_management_software">>
(IMO also ''Bookmarks managers'' belong here.)
[Scientific writing as exemplified by ~LaTeX because it is one of the more popular systems in its category and is already supported by TW5]
''~LaTeX'' ... is a document preparation system and document markup language. It is widely used for the communication and publication of scientific documents in many fields, including mathematics, physics, computer science, statistics, economics, and political science. [...] ~LaTeX is not the name of a particular editing program, but refers to the encoding or tagging conventions that are used in ~LaTeX documents.
[...] widely used in academia. [...] can be used as a standalone document preparation system, or as an intermediate format. [...] offers programmable desktop publishing features and extensive facilities for automating most aspects of typesetting and desktop publishing, including numbering and cross-referencing of tables and figures, chapter and section headings, the inclusion of graphics, page layout, indexing and bibliographies.
[...] it offers authors ready-made commands for common requirements such as chapter headings, footnotes, cross-references and bibliographies.
@@float:right; -[[Wikipedia|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LaTeX]]@@
See also other Authoring software:
<<list-links "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[sw:Authoring]!is[current]]">>
See also other Editor software:
<<list-links "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[sw:Editor]!is[current]]">>
''Screenwriting software'' are word processors specialized to the task of writing screenplays. The need for such programs arises from the presence of certain peculiarities in standard screenplay format which are not handled well by generic word processors. [...]
[Variants include; standalone desktop applications. mobile apps, web applications which run in a web browser with no software to install. or add-ins for generic word processors such as Microsoft Word. There is also a package for ~LaTeX called screenplay, as well as a template for Pages.]
There is also a plain text screenwriting syntax called ''Fountain'' [see below] [...] which enables writing screenplays in any basic text environment, be it dedicated writing software, email or theoretically even any text you can run through OCR.
@@float:right; -[[Wikipedia|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Screenwriting_software]]@@
The [[Fountain|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fountain_(markup_language)]] markup language:
[...] a free and open-source plain text markup language that makes it possible to write a formatted screenplay in any text editor, on any device, using any software that edits text files.
[...] inspired by John Gruber’s Markdown, and has its origins in two different and non-related projects: Scrippets, [and] Screenplay Markdown [...]
See also other Authoring software:
<<list-links "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[sw:Authoring]!is[current]]">>
See also other Editor software:
<<list-links "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[sw:Editor]!is[current]]">>
A ''social bookmarking service'' [...] enables users to add, annotate, edit, and share bookmarks of web documents. [...] Delicious, founded in 2003, popularized the terms "social bookmarking" and "tagging". Tagging is a significant feature of social bookmarking systems, enabling users to organize their bookmarks in flexible ways and develop shared vocabularies known as folksonomies.
@@float:right; -[[Wikipedia|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_bookmarking]]@@
See also other Collaboration software categories:
<<list-links "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[sw:Collaboration]!is[current]]">>
See also other ~InfoExchanging software categories:
<<list-links "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[sw:InfoExchanging]!is[current]]">>
''Task management'' is the process of managing a task through its life cycle.
@@float:right; -[[Wikipedia|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Task_management]]@@
See also:
<<list-links "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[sw:Productivity]!is[current]]">>
<<boxref "''Technical writing'' is any written form of writing or drafting technical communication used in a variety of technical and occupational fields, such as computer hardware and software, engineering, chemistry, aeronautics, robotics, finance, consumer electronics, and biotechnology. IT encompasses the largest sub-field within technical communication.<br><br>//The Society for Technical Communication// defines technical communication as any form of communication that exhibits one or more of the following characteristics: (1) communicating about technical or specialized topics, such as computer applications, medical procedures, or environmental regulations; (2) communicating through technology, such as web pages, help files, or social media sites; or (3) providing instructions about how to do something, regardless of the task's technical nature." "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technical_writing">>
The following tools are used by technical writers to author and present documents:
*Desktop publishing tools or word processors.
*Help authoring tools
*Image editing software
*Collaborative software programs
*Web development tools
*Graphing software
*Screen capture tools
[[Here|http://meteortips.com/blog/technical-writing-software/]]'s an informal article comparing tools for writing technical books.
See also other Editor software:
<<list-links "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[sw:Editor]!is[current]]">>
[including also "Time Tracking"]
''Time management'' is the act or process of planning and exercising conscious control over the amount of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency or productivity.
@@float:right; -[[Wikipedia|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_management]]@@
With a ''Web annotation system'', a user can add, modify or remove information from a Web resource without modifying the resource itself. The annotations can be thought of as a layer on top of the existing resource, and this annotation layer is usually visible to other users who share the same annotation system. In such cases, the web annotation tool is a type of social software tool.
Web annotation can be used for the following purposes:
*to rate a Web resource, such as by its usefulness, user-friendliness, suitability for viewing by minors.
*to improve or adapt its contents by adding/removing material, something like a wiki.
*as a collaborative tool, e.g. to discuss the contents of a certain resource.
*as a medium of artistic or social criticism, by allowing Web users to reinterpret, enrich or protest *against institution or ideas that appear on the Web.
*to quantify transient relationships between information fragments.
@@float:right; -[[Wikipedia|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_annotation]]@@
See also other ~InfoCasting software:
<<list-links "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[sw:InfoCasting]!is[current]]">>
What tags are there to specify physical //positions// where to insert elements? Referring to tiddler [[http://tiddlywiki.com/#SystemTags]], I find;
*$:/tags/PageTemplate for the main page elements
*$:/tags/TopLeftBar for the top left bar
*$:/tags/TopRightBar for the top right bar
*$:/tags/AboveStory for elements to be placed at the top of the story river
*$:/tags/BelowStory for elements to be placed at the bottom of the story river
*$:/tags/PageControls for the page control tools in the sidebar
*$:/tags/SideBar for sidebar tabs
*$:/tags/MoreSideBar for tabs in the "more" sidebar
*$:/tags/ViewTemplate for the view template
*$:/tags/EditTemplate for the edit template
*$:/tags/ViewToolbar for the view mode tiddler toolbar
*$:/tags/EditToolbar for the edit mode tiddler toolbar
*$:/tags/ControlPanel (and sub-tabs)
*$:/tags/TiddlerInfo for tiddler info panel tabs
*$:/tags/TiddlerInfo/Advanced for tabs under the advanced tiddler tab
And to these we have fields //list-before// and //list-after// (...to all of them?)
Occasionally when I edit a tiddler, particularly if I've changed the title, there is confusion to which one is the current in the Open list. Or if the Open list is just long.
I propose the current one is marked out in the list using e.g ''bold'' or a highlighted background, perhaps a slightly darker shade of grey. Or a little prefixing dot.
On [[BJtools|http://bjtools.tiddlyspot.com/#Welcome%20to%20my%20collection%20of%20tiddlywiki%20related%20projects]], I found a neat way of creating separators in a wikitext table.
Entering `<hr>` (short for, I believe, "header row") in a cell gives a stretching line.<br>
Entering instead `!<hr>` gives the line but also shading of the whole cell.
| Ini | mini |
| miny | moe |
| <hr> | <hr> |
| Ini | mini |
| miny | moe |
|! <hr> |! <hr> |
| Ini | mini |
| miny | moe |
Starting to type in a new tag opens the tag suggestion dropdown. But it always opens at far left forcing you to move over there to click the choice. It should drop down from where typing field is.
See [[$:/_TWaddle/TagCloud/CSS]] for CSS and cred/source.
<div id="tag_holder">
<$link to="HelloThere" class="tag">is //this// a link?</$link>
<a href="http://code.almeros.com/" class="tag">CSS3</a>
<a href="http://code.almeros.com/" class="tag">tag cloud</a>
<a href="http://code.almeros.com/" class="tag">Almeros</a>
<a href="http://code.almeros.com/" class="tag">code</a>
<a href="http://code.almeros.com/" class="tag">blog</a>
<a href="http://code.almeros.com/" class="tag">CSS</a>
<a href="http://code.almeros.com/" class="tag">HTML</a>
<a href="http://code.almeros.com/" class="tag">Visual effects</a>
<a href="http://code.almeros.com/" class="tag">W3C</a>
''Tags tagged "tag" so they can appear in this list because I'm thinking they may be of interest.''
<table class="tableFormatter">
<$list filter="[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[tag]!prefix[$:/]] +[sort[]]">
<td valign="top"><$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></$link></td>
If you don't like to style tiddlers using the [[tc-tagged method|http://tiddlywiki.com/#How%20to%20apply%20custom%20styles%20by%20tag]], you can use this idea (or also: [[Hide tc-tagged tags]]);
In a stylesheet add;
body .tc-tiddler-frame a[href="#NAMEOFTIDDLER"] {
To use it you must have set your tiddler to use "titles as links" via Ctrlpanel > Settings. This is IMO a good idea regardless because you can then easily drag'n drop open tiddlers between TW's by grabbing their title(-link).
The NAMEOFTIDDLER must be uri enconded which typically simply means that space characters should be replaced with `%20`.
The cliché example of list applications. Needless to say, TW is perfect for this.
Because of the abundance of different task list solutions I doubt it would work as an [[appetizer|Appetizer TiddlyWikis]] per se, but maybe in a greater context like personal [[Project lists]] ?
I'm not even sure how to describe this. Khan Academy is using a really interesting video format... if it even is a video format... check out [[this example|https://www.khanacademy.org/computing/computer-programming/html-css/more-css-selectors/p/using-multiple-css-classes#]].
(...or am I the only one who hadn't seen this?)
#prodfouter {position: relative; width: 100%; }
#prodfinner {position: absolute; left: 0px; top: -300px; clip:rect(320px 490px 1050px 10px); width: 100%; height: 100%; }
<div id="prodfouter"><div id="prodfinner" >
<iframe src="http://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/product-family.asp" width="1200px" height="1200px" >
<table class="tableFormatter">
<$list filter="[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[Term]!tag[Unfinished]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[Terminology]!tag[Unfinished]]">
<td valign="top"><$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></$link></td>
#o_textobj { position: relative;
#i_textobj {position: absolute; display: block; color: #ffffff; background-color: #000000; text-align: center; width: 130px; padding: 10px; font-family: "Segoe Print"; left: -140px; top: -120px;
<div id="o_textobj"><div id="i_textobj">
Stop looking at me as if I was some kind of object. I'm just text, you chauvinist!!!
''Difference'' ([[source|https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=1006031601476]])<br>
A ''word processor'' is a computer application used for the production (including composition, editing, formatting, and possibly printing) of any sort of viewable or printed material. e.g. Word
A ''text editor'' is a piece of computer software for editing plain text. It is distinguished from a word processor in that it does not manage document formatting or other features commonly used in desktop publishing. e.g. Notepad
''Background'' ([[source|https://in.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080923070040AAAPpzQ]])
At one time, there were only editors. All formatting, such as centering text or indenting, had to be coded by hand. This was just fine for those that wrote programs or hypertext files. It was not fine for secretaries and writers. We didn't want to memorize strings of code just to center the title of an article.
In order to please both programmers and end users, text editors were imbued with added features. This annoyed programmers and consternated secretaries. Then IBM, in a clever marketing ploy, released a new line of business software for their computer system. They dubbed the text editor a "word processor." The term stuck.
Thus, the text editor and the word processor diverged. The first specialized in producing plain ASCII text and the latter in producing formatted documents.
So, a word processor is a type of text editor.
Text editors, too, have progressed from the simple programs of the previous century. We now have editors for creating web pages (HTML Editors), editors for programmers (Programming Editors), and editors that fall somewhere between notepad and a word processor (Text Editors). As a matter of fact, of the last, there are two basic types, ones that support RTF (rich text formatted) files and those that do not. I classify editors that support RTF as Lite Word Processors.
To further complicate matters, there are specialty editors. Specialty editors might allow you to publish a newsletter or a make a greeting card. Other editors act as information organizers. Get this, some editors help make "help" files.
The ¤ character is surprisingly absent in everyday life considering it's right there on the keyboard... at least on Swedish ones pressing SHIFT+4. For international Windows keyboards it is [[supposedly|http://symbolcodes.tlt.psu.edu/accents/codeint.html]] ~RightAlt+4
It is apparently the [[generic currency symbol|https://www.google.se/search?q=american+computer+keyboard+layout&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&gws_rd=cr&ei=VeMIVbajKIbuPJKKgVg#q=generic+currency+symbol]]. Looking into this a bit I stumbled over the interesting concept of [[glyphs|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glyph]].
It is not intuitive that editing a tiddler really means you create a new entity that exists //in parallel// with the original so you can have both open simultaneously, which on saving replaces the original... except if the "saving" was saving the whole wiki. Still, opening a permalink to a Draft is a dead link... unless it was saved as a draft. Emmm.
Imagine repainting your house; On project start, a //new// house is created, further down the street, to paint. Once finished, you destroy your old house and move the new one into its place.<br><center>[img width=170 [http://godlovestolaugh.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/mailman.jpg]]</center>
The Federation.. or perhaps the TWederation.
The is the big one. This is it. This will do to the the TiddlyVerse what the Internet did to the PC. We got a taste of it in Tiddly''Space''.
A federated system with individually hosted TWs that can communicate via some suitable protocol to trade tiddlers with one another. I tag this also as a Bottleneck because I think it is also a thing people //expect// in this very "digitally social" age.
I'm not sure what Jeremys/our //exact// vision is but I'm hoping for a system that basically could let you host a TW "core skeleton" and a list stating which tiddlers should be included. Then these tiddlers are fetched over the internet to build up your TW.
There would be some kind of global tiddler search mechanism, perhaps based on @Erwan's [[TW Community search|http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/]].
And global meta-information system where users can add meta information such as tags, ratings, etc. (Maybe meta-information, or some of the meta-information, is in itself in the form of tiddlers?)
And some kind of global communication possible between users. Maybe a TW is really an identitiy. "tiddler@tw"
You build up your TW like a torrent swarm.
A Federation should give bith to [[Content and Application|Different worlds]] Communities. The current TW discussions are pretty much limited to the google boards and therefore(?) centered on general TW development and technical TW matters. When people can share //content//, they can form groups and I predict there will be more content driven applications. The "music interested people" will naturally begin to dabble with music related TW solutions. We should get a plethora of "dev subgroups".
Niche applications will also make TW more accessible, and 'exposable', to non tiddlywikians. Instead of "TW can do anything you want" it'll be more (like normal software) "TW will do //this// for you". It is perhaps unfortunate but it seems people appreciate limited options. The fine part is that with TW we have a zillion limited options ;-)
We have Duartes fantastic [[poster|http://tiddlywiki.com/poster/]].
This was the winning application in a poster [[contest|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/EQzQC4-HRd0/aZFwSgE0dcUJ]] I put up. As stated there, the goal was not a poster that was as beautiful as possible (even though the winning contrib in deed was!) but to get the maximum number of people to try out TW.
I'm wondering if, on our day an age of perfect graphics (particularly in ads), how an otherwise blank page just blatantly stating something along
:@@font-size:large;font-family:comic sans ms; a personal wiki@@
:@@font-size:large;font-family:comic sans ms; open source (free)@@
:@@font-size:small;font-family:comic sans ms; - tiddlywiki.com@@
...would stand. Imagine it seemingly handwritten. I believe it might just work well for the very reason that it does not look super polished.
One thing I fear with any poster or similar IRL ad is that they don't go to their laptop but instead pick up their phone and try to do the evaluation there.
Of possible use when we go Federation might be the attribute (rel="nofollow") on hyperlinks.
[[more info|http://googleblog.blogspot.se/2005/01/preventing-comment-spam.html]]
The Perfect Menu is still not created.
It should be like the Table of Contents macro, generating an accordion tree structure, but it should also generically allow for "stuff" to be inserted in a controlled way for each element, such as a small toolbar next to each menu item (with commands like //Delete, Create child, etc//).
It should be simple to rearrange internally, ideally drag'n drop of branches, and to add or remove new tiddlers and branches to it.
addendum: In coming back to this article months after I wrote it, I note it has the basic idea for what later became [[Create tiddlyspot directly via TW]].
I would like to be able to direct people to individual tiddlers (e.g from TWaddle), i.e without the surrounding rest of the TW.
This is particularly needed now as I write this because TWaddle has not been officially released yet and I'm not comfortable in directing anyone here yet - but there are individual articles that I do wish to share.
How cool would it be if the export feature, allowing you to export a single static tiddler, was made so that you could easily apply specific styling and and just shoot out a single tiddler to become a mini-webpage in it's own?
Maybe the excellent tiddlyspot service could be made to accept these outshoots to become a new tiddlyspot all together (//thetiddler.tiddlyspot.com//). Or as a subspot under the current (//twaddle.tiddlyspot.com/thetiddler// or perhaps //thetiddler.twaddle.tiddlyspot.com//).<br>[//''addendum'': This idea is further explored in [[Create tiddlyspot directly via TW]] and [[Pull Requests Galore!]] //]
Would be darn cool and useful. Very easy to set up minimal test cases for questions or demos. Or to just make one-off statements on something.
<<list-links "[tag<currentTiddler>prefix<currentTiddler>] +[sort[]]">><<list-links "[tag<currentTiddler>!prefix<currentTiddler>]">>
Ah, the previlege of introducing titles for concepts!
I found a way to "hook" elements so that they move in tandem with the tiddler. Possibly old hat for some but I haven't seen it used and it enables some pretty cool things.
Here's the basic idea:
#outer { position: relative; }
#inner { position: absolute; left: -60px; top: -40px; }
<div id="outer"><div id="inner">
<----- And that's el resulto! The tiddler boundaries are no limitation.
#outer_fish { position: relative; }
#inner_fish { position: absolute; left: -60px; top: -40px; }
<div id="outer_fish"><div id="inner_fish">
The outer div (here called "outer") sets the position to be relative to the tiddler (and not the page). Given that, the //inner// then tells where it should go (CSS values -60px left and -40px top).... relative to where it is called in the tiddler code. I.e had that code appeared higher up in this tiddler, then the fish would also have appeared higher up.
The specific left and top positioning can be iffy. I hope to create some genereic solution using [[Range sliders]] some day. CSS values are defined a bit backwards so that adding more to left moves the image to the right adding more to top moves it down. Ask the html consortium if curious.
Be careful so that a larger image, or other content, doesn't cover the toolbar menu! If the edit button gets covered you can't go in to correct the position and you'll have to erase your whole TW. Ok, just kidding. One workaround is to rename the image temporarily, i.e that tiddler. If you're really showing an external image, or messed up in some other way, create a new tiddler and put a "remote editor" in it:
`<$edit tiddler="MessedUpTiddler" field="text" class="tc-edit-texteditor" />`
This also makes it much easier to experiment with positioning and other stuff in the styling and definition. I.e have the tiddler with the hooked content and then have the editor in the tiddler just above it and edit "live". You can also use my [[SideEditor|http://sideeditor.tiddlyspot.com/]].
We'll get back to the "remote editor" in a moment for some extremely cool things, but let me first mention how the Hooker Technique
''Text content'' - when hooking text, you'll likely want to include //width: 100%;// in the #outer div, so that text spreads across the full tiddler.
The viewtemplate could pick up an address from a field and a format form another field.
''A portable button''
#oportbutt { position: relative; }
#iportbutt { position: absolute; height: 10px; width: 20%; left: -130px; top: -30px; }
<div id="oportbutt"><div id="iportbutt">
<<linkimg "Oh yeah..." img/button "click me!" clickme>>
#oportbutt { position: relative; }
#iportbutt { position: absolute; height: 10px; width: 20%; left: -130px; top: -80px; }
<div id="oportbutt"><div id="iportbutt">
<<linkimg "Oh yeah..." img/button "click me!" clickme>>
More to follow.
The //''TW Project''// is not my term but I would explain it like this;
It is the project that includes everything that has to do with TW and the community surrounding it. This means the TW software itself, the dev process of it, and all the surrounding processes and systems that support this. It also refers to the user base and the community, the community culture the organizational structure and the social expressions.
I wish I could show it to you but it doesn't exist yet.
I think this could be a very valuable marketing tool for TW. Or //spreading tool// if you prefer a less commercial tune for it. Still it would be an ad - it's purpose to attract people to TW, which I guess means to attract them to visit tw.com and to try it out.
Now, we //have// Jeremys wonderful [[Introduction to TiddlyWiki|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtCUr83XgyE]]. Maybe this is enough? It is an //introduction// so it's perhaps not really made with the intent of //attracting// new users - but for sure it is a zillion times better than nothing.
Still, what should an "attractor" contain? Who is qualified to do one? Any skilled video editors in our community?
As noted in [[Bring up TW in other contexts]], we should... do so.
But what to say? It partially depends on who you're talking to, but I guess the most important people for TW are competent programmers so what are the magic words to entice these guys? It also depends on the context. The context I imagine here is when I'm asking or talking about something else in some tech related forum, or perhaps commenting on a youtube clip (on coding) etc. So my thinking is... maybe the best thing to do is to provide a link to a youtube clip! I don't think a few words can compete with video to attract people to actually try out TW.
What should it contain? How should it be presented?
\define slidertable(field:"nofield" ex unit txt)
<tr><td valign="top">[[$field$|$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/$field$]]@@float:right; $ex$@@$txt$</td><td valign="top"><$edit-text tag="input" type="range" tiddler="$:/.ThemeTweakSizes" field="$field$"/></td><td valign="top" nowrap>@@display:inline-block;width:3em; <$edit-text tiddler="$:/.ThemeTweakSizes" field="$field$" default="" tag="input" size="3"/>$unit$@@</td></tr>
[[Theme Tweak Size Settings]]<br>
#textsizes{ position:fixed; right:20px; top:30px;
background:white; border: 1px gray solid; }
#storytop {position: fixed; width:100vh; left:-10vw; top:51vh; transform:rotate(90deg);}
#storyleft {position: fixed; left:0px; width:100vw; top:95vh; }
#storyright{position: fixed; left:0px; width:100vw; top:0px; }
#tiddlerwidth{position: relative; width:100vw; left:-40px;}
#widthcutter { width:{{$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/tiddlerwidth}}; overflow-x: hidden; left:-40px; height: 30px; }
<table class="no-border" width="100%">
<<slidertable "sidebarbreakpoint" "" "%" "<br>//the minimum page width at which the<br>story river and sidebar will appear side by side// ">>
<<note "[[storywidth|$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics/storywidth]] is set to same value as tiddler width.">>
<!-- Independently floating box for font settings as they otherwise affect the page as they are set -->
<div id="textsizes">
<table class="no-border" width="100%">
<tr><td colspan="3" nowrap>@@float:right;color:crimson; "''!''" = change carefully @@</td></tr>
<<slidertable "fontsize" "" "px">>
<<slidertable "lineheight" "" "px">>
<<slidertable "bodyfontsize" "'' @@color:crimson; !!!@@''" "px">>
<<slidertable "bodylineheight" "!" "px">>
<div id="storytop"><$edit-text tag="input" type="range" tiddler="$:/.ThemeTweakSizes" field="storytop"/></div>
<div id="storyright"><$edit-text tag="input" type="range" tiddler="$:/.ThemeTweakSizes" field="storyright"/></div>
<div id="storyleft"><$edit-text tag="input" type="range" tiddler="$:/.ThemeTweakSizes" field="storyleft"/></div>
<div id="widthcutter"><div id="tiddlerwidth">
<$edit-text tag="input" type="range" tiddler="$:/.ThemeTweakSizes" field="tiddlerwidth"/></div>
It feels a bit strange/inconsistent to set things in the Controlpanel but then to click X (i.e close) without any save or done first. X usually means 'leave unchanged'.
#thumbnail { display: block; width: 40px;}
#thumbnail:hover + #title {display: block;}
#title {display: none; }
<div id="thumbnail">[img[img/head]]</div>
<div id="title">Good day!</div>
<table class="no-border">
<td valign="top" width="50%">''TW goodies'' @@color:gray; (e.g from the TW forums)@@<br><<bookmarkstable "$:/.TidLink">></td>
<td valign="top" width="50%">''Non-TW goodies''<br><<bookmarkstable "$:/.ExtLink">></td>
<<box "Tiddle bits for your pleasure. Not that I'm the originator of each single one but anyway.<br>And yeah, you're right, the categorizations are not 100% consistent...">>
@@color:grey;font-style:italic; some of my creations outside of TWaddle, e.g my plugins@@<br>
<<twistify "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[Creation]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[Creations]] +[!sort[recent]]">>
''Majorly cool''
<<twistify "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[Tidbit]tag[Major]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[Tidbits]tag[Major]] +[!sort[recent]]">>
''Cool, too''<br>
● [[List of valuable links|Tidbit Links]] @@color:gray;font-size:90%; //- quick links from the discussion group or external sites// @@
<<twistify "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[Tidbit]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[Tidbits]] -[tag[Major]] -[tag[Non-TW]] +[!sort[recent]]">>
''How To...''
<<twistify "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[HowTo]] +[!sort[recent]]">>
''Cool Non-TW stuff''
<<twistify "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[Tidbit]tag[Non-TW]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[Tidbits]tag[Non-TW]] -[tag[Major]] +[!sort[recent]]">>
#otidbits { position: relative; display:block;}
#itidbits { position: absolute; right: -70px; bottom: 0px; }
<div id="otidbits"><div id="itidbits">
<$image source="img/tidbits" width="150px;">
A practical solution to the recurring request for //"a tiddler-internal Table-of-Content so you can click on a link and jump to that point in the tiddler"//... against which the argument is basically //"we don't have a mechanism to create mid-tid anchors... and besides, your tiddlers are probably too big if you need a ~ToC for them."//
Still, there is a //need// for internal links. The following concept solves this but is really a greater concept in itself; ''it shows multiple tiddlers as one long tiddler''. Some texts are just not appropriate to __//visually//__ chunk up into "post-it notes" - even if the underlying data remains chunked so.
The concept It is possibly related to [[Substories|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Creating%20SubStories]] or even the [[Text-Slicer|http://tiddlywiki.com/editions/text-slicer/index.html]]:
!!!Tiddler Threads
Opening a tiddler - the ''head tiddler'' - automatically opens along with it all related tiddlers - ''the thread'' - making for a display of a sequence of tiddlers but styled so that they //appear like ''one'' long tiddler// with headings, i.e no distance between the displayed tiddlers.
Any tiddler in the thread could have a ToC or any internal link; clicking it scrolls to that position... because it is really scrolling to the tiddler like normal.
A tiddler appearing in a thread can also appear in other threads. And they can be opened separately just like normal, of course. (I'm unsure if they could be //displayed// in multiple places in the river at the same time though?)
''The head tiddler holds meta data'' about settings for the thread. The most important one is a list of the titles appearing in the thread
This position in the list gives a natural hook and specifies position for that tiddler in thread but it could also serve as a field "name index" to apply meta-data to thread tiddlers. The head tiddler might look like this;
title: Introduction to TiddlyWiki
text: <ToC or whatever>
thread: [[What is TiddlyWiki]] [[...an Example]] [[Who Uses TiddlyWiki]]
1_heading: h2
2_heading: h3
2_foo: some other setting tiddler "...an Example" (lack of imagination prevents good example)
3_heading: h2
If the thread is wrapped in a div then we could reach the nth tiddler to style it. Or apply a class and use the technique described in [[Target specific tiddlers without tc-tagged]]. (The latter might also allow using the actual name instead of the position-number as index which would have the advantage that if one wants to manually add or remove a thread tiddler in the thread field, one wouldn't have to manually re-name the numbers to apply correct styling.)
We'd probably need some tools in the head to remove or reposition thread tiddlers but nothing too difficult that I can think of.
There are many services that deal with "information chunks" comparable to //tiddlers//. This is interesting because it is an //indication// that it is a type of service that TW might be applied to.
Here's my (arbitrary!) list of //software categories// that I see relevant for TW in "some way", partly because I note that many of them deal with information that could be treated as tiddlers;
<<list-links "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[SoftwareCategory]]">>
A way to remove, or at least disempower, dead links from appearing [[like this]], would be a script to insert a tilde ~ in front of it. At least in case of camels. I believe this was discussed in one of the later hangouts but can't recall any conclusion.
To tildefy the other case, i.e dead but bracketed titles like `~[[this]]`results in ~[[this]], so less good.
Anyway, it is typically the ~CamelCases that are unintentional. In tab //Missing// there could be a simple checkbox next to each such title. Ticking it injects a tilde and removes the item from the list.
Or how about this!
A plugin that makes it so that if you //click// on a dead link you get a little popup with the alternatives::
:Add `~` to delinkify
:Create new tiddler
:If any exist, it also shows a list of titles that are //tagged// with this missing string
Clicking the second option opens the //New tiddler// editor. After all, there is little point in opening a non-existing tiddler with the current "//Missing tiddler "~FooBar" - click {{$:/core/images/edit-button}} to create //".
The third element, is actually something [[@TobiasBeer]] has implemented as part of his tagglytagging version for TW5. I use this so you can see the code here [[$:/.tb/ui/ViewTemplate/tagging]]. Really good idea.
I know, it can be an //intentional// part of the workflow to write non-defined titles - for instance in a Todo-list, so that it alerts or calls your attention. Or for a list of chapters, showing if a chapter-tiddler is created or not. This still doesn't justify opening a "missing tiddler" in //view mode//. It should be in //edit mode// at least.
...but the popup makes more sense. For public wikis the popup content could be a message about missing tiddler. This is //much// better than having visitors (//real people//, not tiddlywikians) get a "missing tiddler" (ugh!!!)
But I //do// have some alternative ideas, see [[Public TWs need alternative missing tiddler message]].
Straight from //Encæclopedia ~TiddlyWikia// 3d ed.:
<<box "Everything tiddly. Some refer to it as Tiddly''*''... or maybe that's a subset of the ~TiddlyVerse.">>
[[http://www.tiki-toki.com/]] is a time-line service.... meaning a way to create nice looking timelines. I saw it recommended in some article.
I'm guessing such a thing shouldn't be too difficult to create in TW? We can sort things by tag and by time, we can display popups with information etc...
Some [[deifnitions|http://www.morewords.com/word/twiddle/]] of twiddle:<br><br>
<dd>- To touch lightly, or play with; to tweedle; to twirl;<br>
as, to twiddle one's thumbs; to twiddle a watch key.<br>
- To play with anything; hence, to be busy about trifles.<br>
- A slight twist with the fingers.<br>
- A pimple.
Yo Joe! You know Lorem, right? Well he ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
`<img alt="" style="margin-right:30%;" />OUCH, stop pushing me 30%!`
<img alt="" style="margin-right:30%;" />OUCH, stop pushing me 3o%!
You could also use e.g "margin-left" if you prefer the little "thingy" just in front of the text. Or you can use an actual image, say 1px big and transparent if you don't want the thingy at all. For this you would need to use the src attribute (wich of course is what is intended for the img tag).
Now //this// could be powerful marketing for TW!
Imagine being able to send nice html-emails. Perhaps your personal signature or even logo and some other stuff. Well, TW can produce single html-files with the toolbar command //Export tiddler//. Surely we should be able to make it so we can use TW to create emails!
Now, different email clients have different rules for what they allow in an email. I know there are restrictions on javascript. For pure html I don't know, but I do know it is popular for some companies to send ads or newsletters in html. That's an indication it should be accepted generally. TW itself contains javascript - and I really hope that eventually we can send real full TW emails (imagine!) - but for now we will probably have to settle with //static// TW's or, even more realistically, smaller sized individual and static tiddlers.
Imagine how powerful this could be for spreading TW if we include a link to tw.com or a TW of your own. Or to a [[youtube clip|The TW video clip commercial!]] presenting TW!
"TW Glass" has nothing to do with awkward looking glasses
Instead it is about a concept I twaddled about already [[back in 2008|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/C-A9Cj4X1Dg/qEFtSahJLo0J]], then with the application of using it as an annotation tool for external web pages. Here I try to also take it a bit further. The idea is pretty simple: Have tiddlers "overlay" external pages so that you can annotate "on top of" that external page.
<<list-links "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[Glass]has[created]sort[created]limit[10]!title[currentTiddler]] -[<currentTiddler>]">>
Yes, this really is an iframe showing tw.com.
<div style="position: relative;">
<div style="position: absolute; left: 130px; top: 230px;"><div style="width:60%;">
<div style="position: absolute; right: 0px; top: 170px;"><div style="width:100%;">
<iframe src="http://tiddlywiki.com/#HelloThere" width="600" height="400"></iframe>
<table style="width:100%; ">
<th >[[From Joe|fromJoe]]</th>
<th style="width:50%;">[[To Joe|toJoe]] (edit directly in text)</th>
<td style="vertical-align: top;"><$transclude tiddler="fromJoe" mode="block"/></td>
<td style="vertical-align: top;"><$edit tiddler="toJoe" field="text" class="tc-edit-texteditor"/></td>
Explanation: Our TW here is, via an iframe, peeking at Joe Shmoes TW, which is on a different domain(!). Joe Shmoe is sharing his insights with us on an iframe where he is peeking at yet another site!
Wait a bit while it loads...
#outerdive {position: relative; width: 100%;}
#innerdive {position: absolute; left: -65px; top: -325px; clip:rect(305px 655px 1005px 55px); }
<div id="outerdive"><div id="innerdive">
<iframe width="700" height="700" src="http://joeshmoe.tiddlyspace.com/#Annotation" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" overflow="hidden"></iframe>
Annotate straight on an image. The image is in the back and at front is and ''editor that you can type straight in to - try it''.
#oimgann{ position: relative; }
#iimgann { position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 30px; width:600px;}
<div id="oimgann">
<div id="iimgann">
<$edit tiddler="SomeText" field="text" class="tc-edit-overlayeditor" />
As stated, you can get direct edit //and// view mode inside the edit view in this tiddler by using the "show preview" feature. See also [[TW Glass: Text on webpage, external editor]]
<div style="position: relative;"><div style="position: absolute; left: 150px; top: 160px;"><div style="background-color:yellow;">
Go into EDIT MODE for this tiddler
...and click "show preview."
You can annotate external webpages!
BTW, this Wikipedia page needs updating!
<iframe src="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TiddlyWiki" width="800" height="400"></iframe>
Someone posted a link to [[Git Immersion|http://gitimmersion.com/]]. What an absolutely marvelous name. And the front page looks conceptually great too. I like it for the following reasons;
Basically the front page, all within viewport(!),
*mentions what it is (//"Git Immersion is a guided tour that walks through the fundamentals of Git"//)
*gives a very brief description of what Git is
*features a few "install git" buttons
*...and lastly, has a clear green , right-pointing arrow at lower right with the teasing text "Start Git Immersion".
Clean, simple. And everything in large, friendly print or symbols.
Clicking the arrow also leads to a very clear page. Over sized numbering for the help steps that in themselves are short and quick to read. I'm a bit hesitant to the ToC being a separate popup thing though. I need more time to decide on this one.
Anyway, I think a similar front (viewport) page and a //"guided tour that walks through the fundamentals"// is a good staring page for the TW documentation. Or at least as an optional entrance point into the TW documentation.
How about a wiki that works in a common web browser!!!! Just imagine!
Yes... you and I might have come over the initial chock from this concept, but I'm //sure// that if you say it to someone else they would find it, rightly, very cool!
We should take advantage of this!
We should package TW into a an app and ''add it tho the different browsers respective app stores''!!!
A [[quick search|https://addons.mozilla.org/sv-SE/firefox/search/?q=wiki&appver=37.0.1&platform=WINNT]] in the FF addon store, or whatever it's called, seems to list very few actual wikis. Most of it is something connected to wikipedia.
This would expose TW to millions and millions of people.
I think it would be a very powerful marketing channel.
I hope to make a "TW vs..." series comparing TW with whatever people see as alternatives. Perhaps Evernote, ~OneNote, Google Keep, Word, or even physical post-it's, notebooks etc.
I believe this should be of value for potential newcomers.
Such a list should probably be provided on tw.com
On tw.com, the documentation should be classified into //main article// and //non-main article//. There could be a note or perhaps tag clarifying that it is "Main article on the subject". But, more importantly, //non//-main texts should have a note stating that "For subject main article, see: `[[Foobar]]`".
IRL example; In wanting to learn about //macros//, I typed in "macro" in tw.com search field. Resulting list is very long and it is just not clear which articles I should read - or even which ones are documentation articles at all. Changing the search to "macro''s''", I get a shorter list. Among the results are titles //Macros// and next to it //Macros in WikiText//. The latter title sounds like the formal article... but no. It is the former.
Related; it would be good if one could search for "macro main article" and //not// get the non-main tiddlers that state "For subject main article, see..."
...can't we just do it? Would it be welcome if people made pull requests? I ask because it is obviously an easy thing to do (even for non-programmers!) but equally obvious is that it is ignored.
It does affect the impression of both tw.com and TW negatively. And it's one of those quirks that (1)you see (2)frequently and (3)is particularly confusing for newcomers (who might be evaluating if they want to use TW!) No [[deal breaker|DealBreaker]], but it does nag the professional image of TW.
Me say: [[Tiddlify or Tildefy|Tiddlify or Tildefy... or Poppify?]]!
We have an an active community. But tw.com does not reflect this well. Yes, we do have the [[Community|http://tiddlywiki.com/prerelease/#Community]] tiddler and we comment on the community etc, but IMO we should have something that //really// reflects the vitality of the group.
I propose something that people can post to. A bit like an RSS feed or twitter feed, but that permits different kinds of input. Maybe even [[this|Export into someones TW - works already?]] idea to have people //export// tiddlers straight to a sandboxed area on tw.com?
This could also be the place to make more official statements. A, say, journalist writing about TW shouldn't have to read the //boards//, it should be enough to go to tw.com. And, even worse, the article he is writing for //Newsweek// or //Cosmopolitan// should definitely not have to //link// to the google group... (ugh!!!)
The main problem with the above mentioned Community tiddler is that is relies on one mans effort to reflect the vitality of the whole community by manually creating each tiddler . Certainly he is the man //most// suitable to do it but he is still one single individual and I'm afraid this is not enough for this matter. IMO.
/* CRED: http://robertnyman.com/css3/css-animations/css-animations-percentage.html */
.animation-container {
height: 0px;
-webkit-animation: movearound 4s ease 1 normal;
@-webkit-keyframes movearound {
0% { width: 200px; -webkit-transform: scale(0.5) rotate(15deg); }
30% { width: 300px; -webkit-transform: scale(1.3) rotate(15deg); }
60% { width: 100px; -webkit-transform: scale(0.3) rotate(15deg); }
100% { width: 400px; -webkit-transform: scale(1) rotate(0deg); }
#outer { position: relative; }
#inner { position: absolute; left: -120px; top: -75px; }
<div class="animation-container"><div id="outer"><div id="inner">
A //twiddle// [[is|http://www.morewords.com/word/twiddle/]]:
◾ To touch lightly, or play with; to tweedle; to
twirl; as, to twiddle one's thumbs.
◾ To play with anything; hence, to be busy about trifles.
◾ A slight twist with the fingers.
◾ A pimple.
Of these we are here exclusively concerned with all four.
<<twistify "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[Twiddle]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[Twiddles]] +[!sort[recent]]">>
#otwiddles { position: relative; width="100%"}
#itwiddles { position: absolute; right: -70px; bottom: -20px;}
<div id="otwiddles"><div id="itwiddles">
<$image source="img/twiddles" width="200px">
From [[Wikipedia|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twiddly_bits]] (but my formatting)
//Twiddly Bits// is an English slang term.<br>
From the word twiddly (sometimes spelled Twiddley);
:curly or decorative, esp. in an unnecessary way and bit; a small piece or amount of something, a twiddly bit is anything that is relatively small and trifling or elaborately decorative. Twiddly is a word commonly used in British English, as in Roald Dahl’s //The [[BFG|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_BFG]]//, where the giant’s large ears allow him to hear absolutely every single twiddly little thing. The term twiddly bit is applicable in almost any context and is commonly used to describe aspects of architecture, art, music, literature, fashion, etc.
1. I don't know how to<br>
2. make two lists following each others
1. to appear like this<br>
2. i.e as two separately numbered (or bulleted) lists.
<br>Check out the code and you'll see the above has hard coded numbers. The following illustrates the problem.
#So, here's a list with only ''two'' bulleted items
#followed by an empty row.
#Now here comes my second list!
Apparently wrong... ok, guess I must insert a `<br>` in "the only reasonable place" in the code...
#Two items
#followed by a separate row containing only a `<br>`
#Now this should work!
Clearly not. It broke. Ah, OK, a list must be preceded by an empty line! Maybe I just need //two// empty lines?
#I must use
#//both// a `<br>` and an empty line!
#perfect! ...not!
#now two empty lines do appear.
<br>...etc. I don't know how to do it using simple markup.
* Google Docs/Drive - or other service that allows you to put up a "publically editable" doc
* iframe
* the [[Tiddler Hooker|The Tiddler Hooker Method]] method,
...we can create what appears a bit like a message field in tiddlers.
Super smooth: just type in the url, say cnn.com, choose font from the list and see how it appears.
Unfortunately it creates an error for tw.com. Apparently a [[fault of the service|https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/tiddlywikidev/6JCgZ5MEsLI]] but can be circumvented if you apply it to a static TW.
<<boxref "''Typography'' is the art and technique of arranging type to make written language readable and beautiful. The arrangement of type involves selecting typefaces, point size, line length, line-spacing (leading), letter-spacing (tracking), and adjusting the space within letters pairs (kerning). [...] typography has been put in film, television and online broadcasts to add emotion to communication." "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Typography" >>
A [[Grocery list]] should be a useful allurement and entrance point for TW. A grocery list...;
*concerns everyone
*is simple in concept
*everyone knows already what it is<br><br>
*...and it can probably go "under the radar"
What I mean is that people could probably use it without realizing it is a much more complex system (i.e a TW) that they're using and without experiencing that something is difficult. An application presented as a solution to a specific problem and accompanied with a suitable theme where any (seemingly) irrelevant stuff can be hidden, prevents people from //expecting// features outside of it's specialty.
The point? Well, it can serve as a marketing tool for TW. "Powered by ~TiddlyWiki" - but much more! If well designed it can be something that introduces necessary additional features on a need basis. The need to add your own item to the grocery list come rather immediately. But there could be a //notification// after a while about how to "add a comment on a grocery" (//"low lactose if brand X", "Sourcream&Onion for Jane",...//). Later on, how to create a list of items and apply the tag "Healthy"...
...gradual realization that the thingy is really built on a powerful [however we describe TW] and perhaps even that they //already have it//.
And, of course, links to other TW applications, guides etc.
// - Why should we "go under the radar" to begin with? Are we supposed to //trick// people into using TW?//
Of course not. But we need incentives for people to take a look at TW and we need channels and "vehicles" to show TW to the world. It is simply a fact that ''they have as little reason to bother with "a non-linear personal web notebook" as you have to bother with 99.9% of the products out there''. Until you know how fantastic TW is, it is just yet another thing.
//- But would this even attract the //right// audience? People that are technical enough to use TW at all? TW is way to complicated for most people.//
If they //are// the right people - great, there's now a chance they'll join.<br>If they are //not// the right people - great, we've still spread TW a bit more and hopefully they'll inform others about the great grocery list tool... which might just make it spread to the right people. Win-win.
//- How would it reach anyone to begin with? How would they find it?//
I don't know. It's the same difficulty as always. But it is 100% certain that someone searching for a grocery list tool will NOT (a) find TW and (b) think "Oh- //this// is what I will use for a grocery list!"
Not ready for your eyes just yet.
<<list-links "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[Unfinished]]">>
Every now and then I find I paste an url into tiddlers. I typically prettify them `[[like so|http://uglyurl...]]` but it would be nice to have a default scrubber so one wouldn't always have to bother with this unless you really //want// to.
It could slice out the section between `://www.` and the next `/`. If there is no "www", falls back to try only `://`. This way you'd get default links looking like
*@@color:blue; cnn.com@@
*@@color:blue; docs.google.com@@
● Previous exposure to TW<br>
● Coding experience<br>
● Ambition in TW mastery<br>
● Intended use for TW<br>
#lady_o { position: relative; }
#lady_i { position: absolute; right: -43px; bottom: -20px; }
.lady_white{ display: none; }
.showtime:hover .lady_white{ display : block; }
.showtime:hover .lady_transp{ display : none; }
I noted an interesting design tidbit [[here|http://calibre-ebook.com/]]. If hovering over the image, you get a popup (which doesn't popup very elegantly) that shows an identical image and in the exact same position but with a clear surrounding space. What a simple way to give an element all the visual attention! And only when the user wants it! This should also let you put more into a limited space when you design the page.
Here's a simple test. Hover over the girl (I know you want to!) Two images of same size but different amounts of white and transparent. You can of course visibilize //anything//, not only white space. Or use two completely different pics.
Another idea is using two //different// size images that are embedded (not floating on top, like here). Hovering would then //move/push// the text around its edges! (...I think.)
<div id="lady_o"><div id="lady_i" class="showtime">
<span class="lady_white">{{img/ladywhitebg}}</span>
<span class="lady_transp">{{img/ladytranspbg}}</span>
Could it even be beneficial for tiddlers? Crammed tiddlers - hover, or otherwise select one, and it clears the surroundings? A sidebar that clears part of the tiddler river?
Here's an experiment with a titles list using the CSS `box-shadow`. I set it to black to make it visible - white would look (much) nicer but it would be less obvious what is happening. Interestingly, I notice how the `list-links` macro (any list?) puts the succeeding title with another z-index(?) so the result is to only shade over the preceding element!
<div id="foo"><<list-links "[tag[Graphics]]">></div>
#foo a:hover {box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 20px black; z-index:1000;}
<style>#AAFrame { position: relative; display: inline-block;}
#AAbutton { position: absolute; width: 100%;}
</style><div id="AAFrame"><div id="AAbutton">⎥⎥⎥</div></div>
"Hi, I'm Joe Schmoe and I don't wanna do //any// coding or "settings" or modifications, I just want things to //work//. So, what can TW do for me?"
Yes, I know you feel Joe is an ungrateful kid. But in fact he is reasoning exactly like you do regarding your TV set and your car and this we cannot expect everyone to love to tiddle fiddle. (If you and I want TW to spread, then this is //our// problem.)
So, the question here is - what //can// be achieved with default TW?
What would someone who was just found and used it say? IS it a software for note taking? How does it stand up against alternatives, in what ever 'category' it is classed by him or her?
See also [[What minimum demands for the class TW is in?]]
What is the killer [[USP|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unique_selling_proposition]] for TW vs other wikis?
Or rather, for TW vs other wikis //that people see as alternatives to TW//.
I believe this question is warranted for many reasons. Among them is that in our efforts to reach others, it is easier to know what to emphasize if we know what makes TW unique.
Of course, most people //don't// use wikis to begin with, so for them it is probably a matter of explaining why they ought to start to.
But for people in-the-know, it makes sense to be able to bring up the USPs of TW... and particularly, and this is the big point of the paragraph, particularly there may be programmers who develop wikis who might just try TW out if we present it in an appetizing way.
I tried embedding a Jolt Cola in TW but it must not have the same power these day. What is your suggestion to do or emphasize in TW that will attract them?
Closely related question: [[What minimum demands for the class TW is in?]]
//"Hi, I'm Joe Schmoe. I'm looking for a "non-linear personal web notebook". You seen one?"//
Do we fulfill this? I guess we do, but what //category// of software does TW belong in? When people look for "a tool" and consider TW among other alternatives, what are the common elements among those alternatives?
I intend to investigate this further.
See also:
* the closely related question [[What is the TW USP ?]]
* [[What can default TW do?]].
So if we were to try to //get// programmers to TW, where would we find them?
What is common in their behaviour?
Do they hang out out in some specific discussion groups?
What debuggers to they use?
What review websites do they visit?
Which physical magazines do they read?
...where do we aim?
Some two years ago I stopped using [[TiddlySpace|http://tiddlyspace.com/]] (not to be confused with ~TiddlySpot). I still have some spaces there and, sure, it happens I look up something or even do a little tweak or two but I cannot call myself a user anymore. Here's why:
*When their (at that time) only developer left some two years ago, development obviously immediately halted. At least as far as I know.
*...which is the second reason; there is barely any information from the admin on the status, the intentions, the eventual development etc. I put in a lot of work in my TWs so even suspecting that the service might suddenly shut down is a show stopper. Such worries arise from lack of communication.
**To my surprise I just saw [[this post|https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/tiddlyspace/GhKoU8eIcAM]] with friendly help from the Osmosoft team.
**...still, the fact that it is anonymously signed ("Osmosoft" instead of a persons name) makes me feel someone is hiding and perhaps who doesn't want official responsibility.
*I don't think they //want// people to use the service. Obviously the main "customer" base can be reached on the //main// google group, but after they have never posted //anything// there as far as I know.
*It is owned by a commercial company, BT, and TiddlySpace is clearly not a service they make money on which, of course, is my main reason for worrying that they might shut it down.
That said, I believe it was Ed Dixon (established TW community member) who less than a year ago reported having a ''very positive'' meeting with them and there was absolutely no hint of anything shutting down. My bullets above are only my own worries/suspicions and mainly based on what happened two years ago. Who knows, maybe things have picked up... but "behind the scenes" in that case because the tiddlyspace google group is still rather passive and, as noted, there are no appearances or interaction at all on via the main google group.
I don't know no why but the few wiki comparison sites I find are all very dated. About ten years. Are wikis seen as a fad of the past?
There is [[wikimatrix.org|http://www.wikimatrix.org]], a comparison engine for wikis (including an entry on [[TW|http://www.wikimatrix.org/show/TiddlyWiki]], of course). This particular site is probably the most modern one in that it allows users to add and update their stuff instead of some lone website owner. In other words it lists some updated stuff and some stuff that should have been declared dead years ago.
There is a [[wikienginecomparison|https://moinmo.in/WikiEngineComparison]] at Moinmoin... and [[WikiReview|http://www.spack.org/wiki/WikiReview]] is mentioned in the comments to the above.
c2.org, by original wiki inventor Ward Cunningham, has a [[top-ten listing|http://c2.com/]] for wikis. Note the three criteria for the list. TW is listed under "Pending nominations". The page, at bottom, states Sept. 2014 (but the page has an older feel to it than that).
[[wikimatrix.org|http://www.wikimatrix.org]] is a comparison engine for wikis.
TW is [[present|http://www.wikimatrix.org/show/TiddlyWiki]], of course.
Github has added a [[few commands|https://guides.github.com/features/mastering-markdown/]] in the markdown variant //markup//. Among other stuff, they have this syntax for ''tables'':
`First Header | Second Header
------------ | -------------
Content from cell 1 | Content from cell 2
Content in the first column | Content in the second column`<br>
It's clever that...;
* only the first row has a line under it
* testing on Gh, I find minimum line to be `---|---` (3 hyphens, 1 pipe, 3 hyphens)
* no outer pipes
It appears that headers are necessary. IMO that initial line would be clear enough to specify it's a table.
For a third column, you must both add a third header //and// extend the cross to be: ` ---|---|---
`. Again, I think that seems like overkill. It might be //nice// to get a quick clear view of how many columns, but `---|---` should be enough to define it as a table.
I would like to see this in TW.
In addition, it would be great if the tabulator button worked, not as jumping between fields (press it in editor and you jump to type field), but instead as it does in regular text editor. This way you could have pretty(...ish) tables also in editmode. It can be very messy to edit a table.
It'd be enough to disable the field jumping in only the editfield.
If the tab button could also be made to jump to just before pipe characters, perhaps by using SHIFT+TAB, it would be really good!
!!!General on tables...
I understand tables is so far a bit of a problem in TW. I think this is because tables are complex and they can have many different applications. Maybe multiple solutions to create tables would make sense for this reason? Outside of TW, I guess spreadsheet software ("Excel") is the most perfect we have for tables. If this is what we need, then I just want to point out that each single cell in e.g Excel is almost like a full tiddler. A text field, used in both edit and view mode. An X- and Y- coordinate, perhaps most easily created with two fields in TW. Etc. It would, by the way, be easy to add a Z-coordinate or even further dimensions in a way that I think Excel cannot(?).
A desirable feature(?) is a design that lets a user select individual or multiple rows or columns. (Select as in marking out for e.g Ctrl+C). In most (all?) html tables, trying to select a single column will instead select the row content, in effect marking out the whole table.
`<$list filter="[tag[foo]]">{{!!title}}</$list>`
...annoyingly doesn't wikify the resulting titles. Except for the CamelCased ones of course, making for a list that looks like a broken neon sign.
So, you must put a link widget around the title transclusion. Pretty cumbersome... but it get's worse; as describd in [[Problem linkify CamelCased title]], it turns out that the CamelCased words make up their own links //inside// the full title link! To prevent this, you must first make it all a string before making it a link;
<$list filter="[tag[foo]]">
<$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title" format="text">{{!!title}}</$view></$link>
I propose a simple ~WikiText markup to wikify the inner part of this because it is just //so frequent//. So, I propose this as a new ~WikiText command:
I think that's even so intuitive I think I must be missing something obvious.
And when you groan from getting that neon sign it will be very easy to just change the brackets!
My initial thinking for this was to treat/parse the whole `[[!!title]]` as one static unit... but how about treating only the initial `[[!!` as an identifier to linkify anything that follows, which is parsed as a transclusion, until the end marks `]]`. In other words,
would //transclude// and //linkify// the value in the foobar field.
I fear I must tag this not only as a Proposal but also as a Pie-in-the-Sky...
Wish lists, Gift idea lists, etc; These can be separate TWs or a component in a broader [[Household TW]].
Make notes about other peoples interests, about gift ideas, perhaps list pre-bought things waiting to be given away.
It can be made //public//, for example to show "the rest of the family the kids wish lists" for birthdays or holidays. Clothes sizes can be noted etc.
Making it beautiful is also an incentive to investigate how to customize the TW.
Side note: I have often pondered over how "clever" it is for music artists to produce holiday songs, e.g Christmas songs. If they hit (yeah, that's a big "if") they can re-surface and bring in dough year after year, as opposed to the typical come-and-go nature with pop songs.
Uses $:/_TWaddle/WordCloud/CSS
[[Source|http://onwebdev.blogspot.com/2011/05/css-word-cloud.html]] - please read it... because you'll probably get a bit disappointed. What you see is not really a word-cloud, at least not a meaningful one with font-size corresponding to (e.g) how many "articles" (tiddlers) there are for a tag. That calculation part has to be added...
<div id="word-cloud">
<span class="word-1">Help, please</span>
<span class="word-2">Marketing</span>
<span class="word-3">Musings</span>
<span class="word-4">Pie</span>
<span class="word-5">Projects</span>
<span class="word-6">Proposal</span>
<span class="word-7">Tidbits</span>
Maybe it's possible to use the countwidget to count how many links there is for a tag
<$list filter="[tag[menu]]" variable="item">
<$count "[tag[<item>]]" varible="nr">
<<sizeup "item" "nr">>
\define sizeup(item,nr)
<span style="font-size:$nr$">$item$</span>
<div style="position:relative;"><div style="position:absolute; left:35%;">
<<linkimg "Bigger community ⇄ Better TW" "img/fishclick" "click me!" clickme>>
@@font-style:italic;color:grey;font-size:90%; Marketing is CRUCIAL for building our community. If we provide [[infrastructure|On creating Infrastructures]] for it, we make it possible for the 1000's community members who can't code to also contribute. - Imagine!@@
<<twistify "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[Marketing]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[Spreading]] +[!sort[recent]]">>
<<twistify "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[Benchmarking]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[Benchmarketing]] +[!sort[recent]]">>
@@font-style:italic;color:grey;font-size:90%; Yet another //incentive// to engage in TW.@@
<<twistify "[all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[Money]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]!has[draft.of]tag[Monetization]] +[!sort[recent]]">>
#omarketing { position: relative; width="100%"}
#imarketing { position: absolute; right: -60px; bottom: 0px;}
<div id="omarketing"><div id="imarketing">
<$image source="img/marketing" width="140px">
Tiddler [[Calculate screen location]] leads to a method for how to locate where the you are //physically// on the screen, e.g on/in a tiddler text.
As far as I can tell, this would enable WYSIWYG in ~TiddlyWiki!
The calculation can, instead of opening the edit mode, instead make your keyboard insertions directly at that point in the code text!
The obvious example would be to have text typed in.
Another example could be for something like my [[Highlighter]] concepts; you could click the highlighter icon and then wherever you press the mouse cursor the appropriate code could be inserted. Either you drag (like a real highlighting marker) and the highlighting ends on release or it is made so that clicking on another place marks out the end of the highlighting. (regardless if it's html/css commands being inserted or if it uses my [[proposal|Highlighting in TW]] for highlighting).
Insert images, by perhaps dragging them into place.
If the calculations can be made so to render the code (if that is the term), for instnace if there is a macro created list, then maybe it could calculate the position for the results too. These aspects may be the main challenge for this whole idea. Still, it is easy to forget it, but IRL many applications for TW probably contain more or less plain text. Generating dynamic todo lists is one thing, but writing a paper with TW is another. And something like highlighting is obviously more intended for the latter to begin with..
Zotero [is a] reference management software to manage bibliographic data and related research materials (such as PDF files). Notable features include web browser integration, online syncing, generation of in-text citations, footnotes and bibliographies, as well as integration with [various] word processors.@@float:right; -[[Wikipedia|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zotero]]@@
\define tag-styles()
\define tag-body-inner(colour,fallbackTarget,colourA,colourB)
<$set name="foregroundColor" value=<<contrastcolour target:"""$colour$""" fallbackTarget:"""$fallbackTarget$""" colourA:"""$colourA$""" colourB:"""$colourB$""">>>
<$set name="backgroundColor" value="""$colour$""">
<$button popup=<<qualify "$:/state/popup/tag">> class="tc-btn-invisible tc-tag-label" style=<<tag-styles>>>
<$transclude tiddler={{!!icon}}/> <$view field="community-tag" format="text" />
<$reveal state=<<qualify "$:/state/popup/tag">> type="popup" position="below" animate="yes"><div class="tc-drop-down"><$transclude tiddler="$:/core/ui/ListItemTemplate"/>
<$list filter="[all[current]get[community-tag]listed[original-tags]has[source-wiki-id]]" template="$:/core/ui/ListItemTemplate"/>
\define tag-body(colour,palette)
<span class="tc-tag-list-item">
<$macrocall $name="tag-body-inner" colour="""$colour$""" fallbackTarget={{$palette$##tag-background}} colourA={{$palette$##foreground}} colourB={{$palette$##background}}/>
<$macrocall $name="tag-body" colour={{!!color}} palette={{$:/palette}}/>
\define twcs-search(
<$reveal state="$state$" type="match" text="">
<$reveal state="$state$" type="nomatch" text="">
//<$count filter="$filter1$ +$filter2$ +$filter3$ +[$search${$state$}] -+ -$state$" /> matches//
<$list filter="$filter1$ +$filter2$ +$filter3$ +[$search${$state$}] -+ -$state$ +[sort[$sortBy$]limit[$limit$]]" template="$template$"/>
<$macrocall $name="twcs-search" filter2={{!!twcs-filter}}....
\define pluginAuthor()
<$set name="wiki-tiddler" value={{!!source-wiki-id}}>
<$list filter="[<wiki-tiddler>get[author]]">
\define displayCommunityTag()
<small class="tc-menu-list-count">
\define listRecentTiddlers(filter: "[all[current]]" template: "$:/core/ui/ListItemTemplate")
<$list filter="""$filter$""" emptyMessage="unknown">
@@font-size: 75%;
<$view field="modified" format="relativedate"/>
<$transclude tiddler="""$template$"""/>
<div class="infobox">
*The ''TWederation'', or the //TiddlyWiki federation//, symbolized {{img/asterism_mini}} or {{img/asterism_mini_bw}}, is the collective name for all the independent //TiddlyWiki networks// (see below).<br>It is also the name and symbol for this site.
*A ''TiddlyWiki network'' is a group of regular TiddlyWikis, each set up to allow the other member wikis to fetch tiddlers from it.
!!!<span style="color:red; font-size:200%; ">↖</span> the tabs
*The ''Applications'' tab shows some things TWederation can do for you.
*''Get started!'' guides you to connect to the TWederation network...
*...including to get your ''twCard'' published in the twCards List tab.
* ''Tiddlypedia'' has the //discussion forum// that builds the knowledge base
<center>[Intro VIDEO]</center>
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/AdminOrVisitor" text="visitor">
<$button set="$:/state/AdminOrVisitor" setTo="visitor" class="tc-btn-invisible" tooltip="Current: Admin mode">A
<$action-setfield admindisplay="none"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/core/macros/tabs_" tags=" "/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/plugins/macros/tablinks/Stylesheet" tags=" "/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/config/ViewToolbarButtons/Visibility/$:/plugins/TWaddle/SideEditor/Button" text="hide"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/config/ViewToolbarButtons/Visibility/TWederation/Buttons/publish" text="hide"/>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/AdminOrVisitor" text="visitor">
<$button set="$:/state/AdminOrVisitor" setTo="admin" class="tc-btn-invisible" tooltip="Visitor mode">V
<$action-setfield admindisplay="block"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/core/macros/tabs_" tags="$:/tags/Macro"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/plugins/macros/tablinks/Stylesheet" tags="$:/tags/Stylesheet"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/config/ViewToolbarButtons/Visibility/$:/plugins/TWaddle/SideEditor/Button" text="show"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/config/ViewToolbarButtons/Visibility/TWederation/Buttons/publish" text="show"/>
@@color:crimson; note: I just threw in sections that were previously in other tiddlers, so this text needs structuring and editing (...ok, like everything else, I guess) @@
!!!About TWederation and TiddlyWiki networks
The TWederation is the collective name for an ever changing number of <<stretch "federated" " TiddlyWiki //networks//." """<br>In our context, //"federated TiddlyWiki networks"// refer to groups of TiddlyWikis that are independent from each other but all use the same agreed upon standards of operation for exchanging information.<br>,,See also Wikipedia on [[Distributed Social Network|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distributed_social_network]] , [[Federation (Information Technology)|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federation_(information_technology)]], [[Federation (political term)|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federation]]<br> """>>Such "twederated networks" typically consist of ordinary TiddlyWikis, hosted on the web, and with the necessary plugins to enable the other wikis in its same network to <<stretch "''fetch'' tiddlers" "from it." """Fetching is a key concept in TWederation. It is NOT possible to "push" anything (as e.g. //e-mail// services typically do ).
!!!The fetch mechanism
{{Backend table}}
!!!Make TWederation and TiddlyWiki even better by...
*participating in discussions
*build useful stuff for the TWederation or TiddlyWiki in general.
<div class="twedtable">
| | |h
|[[ComponentTree]]|Shows how the code in the TWederation plugins is structured|
|[[Backend table]]|Illustration of the process steps when [[fetching|Fetching]]|
|elements list|useful components |
|How to get a plugin listed in the ...||
Based on earlier explanation from the Jedi master.
<table class="docs-backend-table">
<tr style="text-align:center;">
<td></td><td style="background:#f4f4f4;">Jed's wiki</td>
<td style="background:#f4f4f4; padding-bottom:.5em; ">[[postMessages|https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/postMessage]]</td>
<td style="background:#f4f4f4;">Mat's wiki</td><td></td>
<td><span class="stage">Posting</span>
Mat writes a post...
^^and hopes somebody will fetch it^^
<td><span class="stage">Fetching</span>
Jed requests posts</td>
<td class="pm pm-right"></td>
<td>Wiki receives & interprets request</td><td>C</td>
<td>Wiki creates bundle object</td><td>D</td>
<td>F</td><td>Wiki receives and interprets message</td>
<td class="pm pm-left"></td>
<td>Wiki sends bundle object</td><td>E</td>
<td>G</td><td>Wiki creates bundle tiddler</td>
<td>H</td><td>Jed unpacks bundle<br>^^...and enjoys the content^^</td>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/docs-backend-table" text="">
<$button set="$:/state/docs-backend-table" setTo="show" class="docs-backend-table-commentsection">{{$:/core/images/unfold-button}} Show how //commenting// works <br>^^...it's really just like //posting//, i.e the above procedure but in the other direction^^</$button>
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/docs-backend-table" text="">
<$button set="$:/state/docs-backend-table" setTo="" class="docs-backend-table-commentsection">Hide commenting {{$:/core/images/fold-button}}</$button>
<table class="docs-backend-table" style="margin-top:-.3em;">
<tr style="text-align:center;line-height:0;visibility:hidden;border:0;">
<td><span class="stage">Commenting</span>
Jed comments on post...<br>
^^and hopes somebody will fetch it^^
<td>Wiki receives & interprets request</td>
<td class="pm pm-left"></td>
<td><span class="stage">Fetching</span>
Mat requests comments</td><td>J</td>
<td>L</td><td>Wiki creates bundle object</td>
<td>M</td><td>Wiki sends bundle object</td>
<td class="pm pm-right"></td>
<td>Wiki receives and interprets message</td><td>N</td>
<td>Wiki creates bundle tiddler</td><td>O</td>
<td>Mat unpacks comment bundle<br>^^...and enjoys the content^^</td><td>P</td>
.docs-backend-table {width:100%;}
.docs-backend-table td,
.docs-backend-table tr {border:0;}
.docs-backend-table tr {border-bottom:1px solid silver;}
.docs-backend-table .stage {color:silver; font-style:italic; float:right; margin-top:-.2em; margin-left:-2em;
-ms-transform: rotate(20deg); /* IE 9 */
-webkit-transform: rotate(20deg); /* Safari */
transform: rotate(20deg);
.docs-backend-table td {padding-top:.5em;}
.pm {color:lightgray; font-size:3em;vertical-align:top;}
.pm-left:before {content:"⇐"; position:absolute;margin-left:.3em;}
.pm-right:before {content:"⇒"; position:absolute;margin-left:.3em;}
.rev {position:absolute; margin-left:3em; }
.fl {float:left;}
.docs-backend-table-commentsection {width:100%; background:#f4f4f4; border:0;padding:.7em;}
!!!Basic concepts that are good to be familiar with
''Opt-in'' - {{Opt-in}}
''Fetching'' - {{Fetching}}
''Posting'' and ''Publishing'' - Strictly speaking, there is //publishing// but there is no "posting" in TWederation <<stretch "//(Huh?)//" """<br>//Posting// indicates that you //send// something, which you cannot do in TWederation. Rather, you //publish// something as in "making it public". The only reason why to bother with the distinction is to prevent people from mistakenly thinking that one can //send// stuff in TWederation. ...However, for //convenience//, we will refer to the //noun// as "a post" rather than as "a publication".<br> """>> So, when you //publish// a tiddler it stays in your own wiki but gets <<stretch "tweaked" "for fetching. Any tiddler can be published, not only text tiddlers.<br>" """The specific TWederation [[application|Applications]] changes the tiddler so that:<br>
● the tiddler title becomes [[unique|Unique Titles]] in the whole TWederation
● [[certain fields|Application Specific Fields]] are added to specify which TWederation [[applications|Applications]] the tiddler is intended for.<br><br>""">>
''Announce existence'' - To have someone //fetch// from your wiki, that owner must be informed about your wikis existence. The current //modus operandi// for this is to have your wikis existence announced on the [[The twCards List]]. As this list is hosted here, hopefully people will note and fetch your twCard. [I have further ideas on notifications]
''TiddlyWiki networks''<br>
General illustration of what a network in TWederation can look like. You see differently named, twederated wikis and from which wikis they are //fetching//.
<span style="text-align: center;display: block;">{{TWederation-example - Mat von TWaddle (20160802012656129)}}</span>
<div style="padding:5px; font-style:italic;">
//Oooh// - that is ''your'' TiddlyWiki in the middle, with a loaded stack of cool tiddlers!
<br>You are //fetching// from four other twederated wikis. Apparently you're not fetching from the Tiddly Docs wiki, at least not in this particular wiki of yours. But - //aha!// - Tiddly Docs is fetching from you! (//- thanks! Love to you!// )
''The TWederation'' {{$:/favicon.ico}}<br>
The original, and so far biggest, network is simply referred to as [[The TWederation]]. Its most prominent member wiki is [[http://twederation.tiddlyspot.com]] which serves as a distribution point for the plugins and as a general information center about the TWederation at large.
''The fetching mechanism''
<<revealCard "Basics about the feching mechanism"
''Don't worry'', this happens automatically in the background... but it's good to have a rudimentary understanding of how the "TWederation mechanism" works and what happens when you fetch tiddlers:
When you //fetch// tiddlers, the source wiki is actually //fully// loaded into your wiki, but into a temporary [[iframe|http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_iframe.asp]].
Thanks to some javascript magic, it is possible to send(!) a request into this iframe containing the specification for which tiddlers you want.
On receiving this request, the TWederation core in the iframed wiki //bundles// the specified tiddlers and sends this bundle back to the outer wiki, i.e your TiddlyWiki. The bundle is one tiddler that contains all the individual tiddlers fields content in plain text (title, text, creator name, etc). When it is unbundled, it is "split up" into individual tiddlers... just like you want them.
If you use a particular application to fetch, for example the //Discussions// application, then in the message setn it will include the requirement that the tiddlers have the field `role:twDiscussionPost` which is characteristic for all discussion posts.
After the tiddlers are fetched and unbundled, the application does whatever it made for with the tiddlers particular for the application. In the case of the //Discussions// this means it filters out all tiddlers with `role:twDiscussionPost` and displays them appropriately.
A //comment// is an addition to some other tiddler. The other tiddler is typically a [[root post|Root Post]] in a discussion or another comment in a discussion, but it can be just any other tiddler.
The [[Discussion Plugin]] is set up with an interface to ...
<div class="clt">
**[[$:/plugins/inmysocks/TWederation/Fetch Communication]]
***[[$:/state/Fetch Tiddler Bundle]]
***[[$:/plugins/inmysocks/TWederation/New Discussion Post]]
***[[TOC template]] $:/plugins/inmysocks/TWederation/Templates/DiscussionItemViewTemplate
.clt, .clt ul, .clt li {
position: relative;
.clt ul {
list-style: none;
padding-left: 22px;
.clt li::before, .clt li::after {
content: "";
position: absolute;
left: -12px;
.clt li::before {
border-top: 1px solid gray;
top: 9px;
width: 7px;
height: 0;
.clt li::after {
border-left: 1px solid gray;
height: 100%;
width: 0px;
top: 2px;
.clt ul > li:last-child::after {
height: 8px;
<$list filter="[tag[⁂concept]]">
<$macrocall $name="revealCard" label={{!!title}} content={{!!text}}/>
\define revealCard(label restornothing content)
<$vars restornothing="""$restornothing$""" content="""$content$""">
<$set name="contentToReveal" filter="[<content>regexp[^$]]"
value=<<restornothing>> emptyValue=<<content>>>
<$set name="rest" filter="[<content>regexp[^$]]"
value="" emptyValue=<<restornothing>>>
<$set name="qualstate" value=<<qualify "$:/state/$label$">> >
<$reveal type="nomatch" state=<<qualstate>> text="show" >
<$button set=<<qualstate>> setTo="show" style="background:#f4f4f4; border:1px solid lightgray;">+ $label$</$button> """<<rest>>"""
<$reveal type="match" state=<<qualstate>> text="show" >
<div style="xmargin-bottom:1.5em; margin-top:36px;">
<$button set=<<qualstate>> setTo="hide" style="border:0; background:transparent; position:absolute; margin-top:-15px; margin-left:-4px;"><span style="background:#f4f4f4; outline:1px solid lightgray; padding:1px 5px;">- $label$</span><span style="background:white; padding-left:6px; ">"""<<rest>>""" </span>
<div style="outline:1px solid lightgray; outline-offset:4px; padding: 3px 5px; margin-top:-5px; ">
\define revealCard(label content)
<$set name="qualstate" value=<<qualify "$:/state/$label$">> >
<$reveal type="nomatch" state=<<qualstate>> text="show" >
<$button set=<<qualstate>> setTo="show" style="background:#f4f4f4; border:1px solid lightgray;"> + $label$</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state=<<qualstate>> text="show" >
<div style="margin-bottom:1.5em; xmargin-top:0em;">
<$button set=<<qualstate>> setTo="hide" style="border:0; background:transparent; "><span style="background:#f4f4f4; position:absolute; outline:1px solid lightgray; padding:1px 5px; margin-top:-1em; margin-left:-4px;"> - $label$ </span>
<div style="outline:1px solid lightgray; outline-offset:4px; padding: 3px 5px; margin-top:-5px; ">
Because of the [[opt-in|Opt-in]] philosophy in TWederation, the way to put something into a wiki is by fetching into it. This can only be controlled by the wiki owner which, among other things, prevents against spam.
To //follow// a wiki means to set your wiki up so to it [[fetches|Fetching]] from that wiki.
To //follow// you must
#have a wikis [[twCard]]
#tick the "follow" checkbox in ...
Note that merely having a wikis [[twCard|twCards]] does not mean it is followed.
<div class="infobox">
*This is a guide on //how// to actually "install" TWederation in a wiki (a.k.a //to twederate the wiki//).
*''Note'': At the moment, only the //Discussions// application application exists.
!!!1. Install the Core and Discussions plugin
:''//...by either...//''
<<revealCard "Set up a brand new connected TiddlyWiki" """
The recommended way is to use the setup wizard to create a brand new twederated wiki:
<div style="margin:auto; text-align:center;">Go to [[http://ooktech.com/jed/ExampleWikis/TWederation/]].
The wizard will help you to;
*set up an empty twederated wiki, including the [[The Discussion-Plugin|Applications]]<br>
*...including an option to //host// your new wiki in an existing online storage of your choice or to instantly create a free space on [[https://neocities.org/]] with your new wiki in it
*Finally, the wizard offers to publically announce your new wiki in the [[The twCards List]]
<center>[Setup VIDEO]</center>
<<revealCard "Connect an existing TiddlyWiki of yours" """
To "twerderate" an existing wiki of yours, you should
*ensure that your wiki is hosted online so it has a URL
*install [...]
<center>[Setup VIDEO]</center>
!!!2. Publish and fetch tiddlers
<<revealCard "First global message" """
#Edwina makes a message on her wiki (using the tools that come with the plugin) that is addressed to twederation.tiddlyspot.com saying 'Hello TWederation! I just joined!' and then saves her wiki.
#The maintainer of twederation.tiddlyspot.com runs the update process and the message from Edwina is pulled from her wiki and posted to the main wall on twederation.tiddlyspot.com
#*Someone other than the maintainer can fetch the messages (so they don't have to wait for the maintainer), but only the maintainer will be able to save the messages to the twederation.tiddlyspot.com wiki.
<<revealCard "Connecting to other people" """
#Edwina wants to connect with Mert who is also listed on twederation.tiddlyspot.com
#Edwina uses the tools from the plugin to pull Mert's twCard from twederation.tiddlyspot.com
#Edwina adds Mert's wiki to her list of sources using the tools from the plugin
#Edwina writes a message requesting to connect to Mert and addresses it to both twederation.tiddlyspot.com and Mert using their respective twCards
#Edwina saves her wiki
#The maintainer of twederation.tiddlyspot.com does an autoupdate, the message from Edwina is saved to the wiki
#Mert opens his wiki and checks for new messages, since he has twederation.tiddlyspot.com listed as a source he sees that there is a message for him on that wiki
#Mert pulls the message from twederation.tiddlyspot.com and decides to connect to Edwina.
#*To do this he pulls Edwina's twCard from twederation.tiddlyspot.com (''or from her site, but it will be easier to go through twederation.tiddlyspot.com'') and adds her wiki to his list of sources.
#Now Edwina and Mert can send messages to each other by just addressing the message directly and twederation.tiddlyspot.com doesn't have to be involved at all.
<<revealCard "First non-global message" """
#Edwina wants to send a message to Mert they have already gone through the process above to exchange twCards
#Edwina writes her message to Mert and addresses it using his twCard
#Edwina saves her wiki
#Mert opens his wiki and checks for messages. Since he has Edwina's wiki listed as a source it is automatically checked
#Mert pulls the new message from Edwina's wiki onto his own so he can read it.
!Things I need to make
#A widget to bundle and unbundle tiddlers (finished)
#A widget to fetch tiddlers or bundles from other wikis (finished)
#A widget to submit google forms information. This is only for bootstrapping the initial connection. It could also be used to leave comments if a person doesn't have their own wiki. (already completed)
#A widget to pull the data from google sheets. This is the other part for bootstrapping the initial connection. Or for the comments stuff. (in progress, mostly working)
#A bunch of templates and stuff to make using this easy (in progress)
background: #f4f4f4; /* For browsers that do not support gradients */
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left top, red, #f4f4f4); /* For Safari 5.1 to 6.0 */
background: -o-linear-gradient(bottom right, red, #f4f4f4); /* For Opera 11.1 to 12.0 */
background: -moz-linear-gradient(bottom right, red, #f4f4f4); /* For Firefox 3.6 to 15 */
background: linear-gradient(to bottom right, #000066 4%, #f4f4f4 25%)
Again, the key idea in TWederation is //fetching//. You cannot "push" e.g a comment or request to someone - they must //fetch// it.
At the moment, there is no "auto fetching" (e.g on page load) so you must manually push a button to fetch from wikis that you are //following//.
To participate in a TWederation, i.e to enable //fetching// and to //be fetched from//, your ~TiddlyWiki must:
*have the <<stretch "TWederation plugins" "installed" """ - i.e the [[TWederation core-plugin|$:/plugins/inmysocks/TWederation-core]] and, reasonably, some application. Currently there is only the [[Discussions application|$:/plugins/inmysocks/TWederation-edition]] available as the full Discussions edition.""">>
*be <<stretch "hosted" "on the web " "for example hosted on tiddlyspot or on dropbox.">> - at least during //fetching//.
*have other wikis [[twCards]] to know where to fetch from
<table class="minimenu"><tr>
<td><span class="minilink" ><$link to="$:/ControlPanel">⚙</$link></span></td><td>{{AdminOrVisitorMode}}</td>
.minimenu {opacity:.3; position:fixed;right:1em;top:-1em;;z-index:10000; border:0;}
.minimenu:hover {opacity:1;}
.minilink a {color:gray; font-size:1.3em;}
//Posting// indicates that you //send// something, which you cannot do in TWederation. Rather, you //publish// something as in "making it public". The only reason why to bother with the distinction is to prevent people from mistakenly thinking that one can //send// stuff in TWederation. ...However, for //convenience//, we will refer to the //noun// as "a post" rather than as "a publication".
A key premise in TWederation is opt-in. This means that //you// control the content of your wiki and nobody can "spam" it.
<div class="infobox">
*This is a future kind of "App store" for applications and //any// valuable tiddler code or content.
*At the moment, only applcations enabled by the TWederation mechanisms are listed, to illustrate //why// TWederation is of value at all.
!!!Possible applications built on TWederation
<<revealCard "Comments" "...or //feedback// in individual tiddlers" """
Let followers add value to what you've published and possibly start a debate.
<<revealCard "Discussions (Federated forums)" "Your own sub-set of community discussions" """This is more-or-less what is implemented as the [[Discussions a]].
We can have a global and fragmented discussion where the whole isn't necessarily displayed anywhere(!) Instead you only fetch tiddlers of interest (and only from wikis you [[follow|Following]]), for example filtered on topic tag, author, mention of your name etc etc. Someone else might overlap in following a subset of threads.
...and, of course, the fetched tiddlers are in your wiki so they can be integrated into your other stuff there.""">>
<<revealCard "Docs" "Your own docs forum on TW-areas of concern" """Maybe it is a subset of tiddler from the //Tiddlypedia// (see other tab on this site).
Follow any area of interest (macros? a certain plugin? language?). Maybe ensure nobody mis-describes something you've created?
As evidenced from the google boards, the current docs are insufficient and //federated, collectively accumulated and refined docs// is probably the only way we can actually document this beautiful beast of ours.
<<revealCard "Pre-Github Forum" "Discuss and pre-bake issues for Github" """If you discover a bug or a need; publish it for discussion and it might eventually be "well defined and actionable" enough to be a GitHub issue.
We currently have a problem in Github in that it is, or has been, also used for discussion of problems. Github is not the right place for that though as it gives the impression of TW being unusually bogged down with "issues" compared to other projects. The Google forums is also not a very good place for this matter as specific threads drown in the general discussion flow and it is not always easily locatable, nor would issue-threads there be easily collected.
<<revealCard "Update checker" "for plugins but also //any// other tiddler" """ ...Get info about the status of your plugins """>>
<<revealCard "Notification center" "alerts about e.g mentions of @you or updates" """A center for any type of alert from your other applications. """>>
<<revealCard "News ticker" "A kind of public notifications" """Perhaps an idea for TWs turning to the TW community to display, for example, titles of latest fetched tiddlers. Note that """>>
<<revealCard "Quasi RSS (?)" "Fetch tids with iframes" """Maybe this is just a variant of forums? Post and fetch tiddlers containing iframes with non-tiddly website stuff. The TW serves as a "distribution wrap" in which to package the stuff. Might appeal to non-tiddly people too, for friend networks?""">>
<<revealCard "Federated plugin library" "Share re-usable tiddler fragments" """[[Quote|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/v-loYo7NLxI/36-e8nbLAwAJ]] from Jeremy;
Another application of federation that might be interesting to explore is using it to share fragments of TiddlyWiki bits and pieces for re-use. In fact, a federated version of the plugin library. The goal would be make it easier for users to easily share and find reusable components,
<<revealCard "Federated content" "Share topical content" """Manually or even automatically on start(!?) have a TW that fetches all tiddlers concerning a particular //area of concern//. Could be about anything; //music, prepping, politics, ...// """>>
<<revealCard "Momentary wikis" "Auto-aggregate temporary no-save content" """If possible, have a TW that //on load// automatically fetches stuff in a defined //area of concern//. These are "empty shells" in that they're generated on visit and nothing is saved on leaving.
Topic could be anything; //music, prepping, politics, macros, "the 100 newest tiddlers", "the 100 latest plugins"...//
...//the official "Foobar" TW, displaying all aggregated tiddlers tagged or containing the word Foobar.//.
<<revealCard "Voting" "Express or get epressed opinions by votes, ranks, prioritizations..." """Very important feature. Imagine how valuable to know what e.g docs are useful or need improvement. Or plugin reviews etc.
Also useful for e.g TidHub Forum (see other Application here) to have community indication of what issues are important. (note: this doesn't mean it is prioritized, only that dev knows it is considered urgent by some.... """>>
<<revealCard "Project collaboration" "develop or just //produce// collectively" """This might feature specific projectools. It could be used for TW dev but also just for //content// collaboration, such as collective book writing or whatever """>>
<<revealCard "Tiddler factory" "Publish in one TW - spread to niche TWs" """Write //everything// in one TW, then have several //niche TWs// with filter-fetched content, such as the family TW, the GTD system, multi-blogs, the book project(s)...""">>
<<revealCard "Tiddly Store" "An //app store// on the central site" """To once and for all solve the prolem with finding peoples TiddlyWiki creations in one place, we can have a central listing of everything, including continously added comments and reviews for the stuff. Fellow tiddlywikians can pick what they want.""">>
<<revealCard "Bespoke TW" "Mix your own TW edition or theme" """ This is one of the more advanced concepts so it will "take a while", but the idea is to let you concoct a theme, perhaps by ticking check-boxes, and have it cooked for you. """>>
<<revealCard "Distributed learning tools" """[[Quote|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/v-loYo7NLxI/B9LIbi3fAwAJ]] from Jed:
A system for distribution and creation of self-directed learning tools. I think that since tiddlywiki is self contained and very flexible it would be a good platform for a distributed learning system.
<<revealCard "Turn based games" """[[Quote|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/v-loYo7NLxI/B9LIbi3fAwAJ]] from Jed:
I don't know what you would call it, but a system for games like the turn based play by email things I played a bit of when I was in college. Then we had to have someone run the whole thing but we could set up wikis that pull in all the actions from other wikis and updates everything without anyone having to be in charge. This may be more of an experiment I want to do than something other people will care about.
<<revealCard "User input for code generation" """[[Quote|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/v-loYo7NLxI/B9LIbi3fAwAJ]] from Jed:
I have used tiddlywiki to automatically generate PHP for an old job I had and I would like to make some tools that would let you create plugins that generate arduino code and based on user input in a wiki. If this works there isn't any reason it would have to be only arduino code, but I am saying arduino specifically because it has a large active community interested in open source projects. The idea would be that you have a wiki with the base (you can program arduino microcontrollers from a browser. We live in the future.) and you could browse and fetch code as well as configuration tools and documentation for what you want to make in your wiki.
To //publish// a tiddler means to make it available for [[fetching|Fetching]] by other wikis.
Specifically it means the tiddler(s) in question has the following fields present:
|field name|field value||h
|role|twDiscussionPost|(value depends on application)|
.admin {
display: {{AdminOrVisitorMode!!admindisplay}};
.twedtable table{width:100%;}
/* Reposition tab content */
.tc-story-river .tc-tab-content {
margin-top:-.9em; margin-left:1em;
.tc-tab-buttons.tc-vertical {border-right:1px solid lightgray; margin-top:1em;}
.xtc-tab-buttons.tc-vertical button {border-right:1px solid red; }
.infobox {background: #f8f8f8; padding:.5em 4em; margin-top:1em;}
.infobox li {margin-left:-1em; margin-top:.5em;}
/* Tweak headings h2, h3, 4h / !!, !!!, !!!! */
.tc-tiddler-body h2 {margin-bottom:-.2em; margin-top:1.2em;}
.tc-tiddler-body h3 {Xmargin-bottom:-.2em; margin-top:1.6em;}
.tc-tiddler-body h4 {margin-bottom:-.6em; margin-top:1.6em; font-weight:bold;}
\define trans() {{$(pic)$}}
<div class="infobox">
*This lists all public twCards that the TWederation List Admin has been alerted about. (The alerting is the final step in the //setup wizard//.)
*Fetching (or drag'n dropping) [[twCards]] from here into your wiki, enables you to then [[follow|Following]] and fetch tiddlers from that wiki.<br><br>
!!!The official twCards List
<table style="width:100%">
<tr><th>avatar</th><th>twCard name</th><th>Description</th></tr>
<$list filter="[role[twServer]!prefix[Draft of]]">
<td><$set name=pic value={{!!icon}}>
<div style="width:2em;"><<trans>></div>
<td><$link to={{!!title}}><$text text={{!!name}}/></$link></td>
<div class="admin">
[...this tab has the discussion forum but it is designed so to work like something between Wikipedia and Stack Overflow. And Tobias' fantastic tb5 page. I.e each "Wikipedia article" is dedicated to a piece of documentation or hints or solutions or best practice, etc etc. Subjects sortable by various criteria (e.g by tag, date, completeness, authors involved etc).]
Articles are ''refined'' by
*tagging, perhaps anyone can tag any post
**tags are suggested in order of use-frequency, i.e the tags are also refined
**perhaps possibility to "vote against" a tag. Threshold reached = tag gone.
*possibility to convert any reply into a root post, i.e to convert a comments into "articles"
**perhaps by tagging it as "article".
*overall voting on stuff to push good stuff to top
<div class="infobox">
*Open discussion forum that gradually builds up a //Knowledge Base//.<br>
*Might eventually replace the TiddlyWiki //docs// and the //google groups//.
<<revealCard "Basic concepts" "necessary to know in TWederation" """{{Basic Concepts}}""">>
<<revealCard "Dictionary" "lingo used in TWederation" """{{Dictionary}}""">>
!!!Tiddlypedia discussions
<div class="twedtable">
|What is a twCard?|FAQ||
|How to announce you're in TWederation |How-to||
A //twCard// is the ID of your twederated main wiki and possible sub-wikis. It is crucial to participate in TWederation.
In order to [[fetch|Fetching]], a wiki must know where to fetch //from//. For this, the wiki uses a //local copy// of the source wikis twCard. The twCard is a tiddler with some specific fields, including the most important bit of information - the wiki URL, i.e the web address where the source wiki is stored and where to fetch from.
!!!Anonymous - personal?
//- I want to be anonymous !//
The only absolutely required bit of information is the URL where the wiki is stored. Otherwise it is not possible to fetch things from the wiki. The other data can be as empty or as made up as you wish... you Mr John Smith, you.
That said, TWederation is as friendly as we make it. You are more likely to get help with issues if people feel they are communicating with an individual and not HAL2000 or someone named //~http://xyz.tiddlyspot.com //. We encourage you to prettify your twCard to make your personality shine thought :-)
<div style="margin-left:-1em;">
<<tabs "[[About TWederation]] [[Possible Applications]] [[Getting Started]] [[The twCards List]] [[Tiddlypedia]] [[Advanced]]" "[[About TWederation]]" "$:/state/About" "tc-vertical">>
\define twexe() [[Twexe]]
\define downloadbtn(label,link,image)
<div class="dbutton">{{$image$}}<a href="$link$">$label$</a></div>
.dbutton a {
display: table-cell;
vertical-align: middle;
color: white;
text-decoration: none;
font-size: 1.2em;
padding-left: 15px;
width: 80px;
.dbutton {
display: table;
border-top: 1px solid #96d1f8;
background: #65a9d7;
background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#3e779d), to(#65a9d7));
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #3e779d, #65a9d7);
background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #3e779d, #65a9d7);
background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #3e779d, #65a9d7);
background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #3e779d, #65a9d7);
padding: 5px 10px;
-webkit-border-radius: 8px;
-moz-border-radius: 8px;
border-radius: 8px;
-webkit-box-shadow: rgba(0,0,0,1) 0 1px 0;
-moz-box-shadow: rgba(0,0,0,1) 0 1px 0;
box-shadow: rgba(0,0,0,1) 0 1px 0;
text-shadow: rgba(0,0,0,.4) 0 1px 0;
color: white;
font-size: 14px;
font-family: Helvetica, Arial, Sans-Serif;
text-decoration: none;
vertical-align: middle;
.dbutton:hover {
border-top-color: #28597a;
background: #28597a;
color: #ccc;
.dbutton:active {
border-top-color: #1b435e;
background: #1b435e;
<<downloadbtn Linux ./rel/x86_64-linux/twexe tux.png>>
<<downloadbtn Windows ./rel/i386-win32/twexe.exe winlogo.png>>
;How do I make it save html also?
#Go to the control panel -> saving tab
#Enter a directory name in `Upload Directory`. (It needs to be different from `.` (dot) but you can use `./` to get the same effect).
#Enter a file name in `Upload Filename`, the file should have the `.html` extension.
:Twexe will now save an html file //in addition// to the twexe every time it saves.
<<warning """Make sure not to modify the html file by itself, since that data will not be available to the twixie. Simply make it a rule to always edit by running the twixie""">>
;How do I get the html wiki?
:You can run the twexe from the comman line with the `-k` option. like this:
:``empty -k mydirectory``
:It will generate the wiki html file in `mydirectory`
;To start a new empty wiki:
#Download twexe
#Double-click on the downloaded file
:That's it!! :)
;To convert an existing wiki (windows)
# Download twexe
# Put the downloaded file on your desktop
# Drag the existing wiki to the twexe (see the screencast for a visual cue)
;To convert an existing wiki (Linux)
# Download twexe
# Run `twexe filename.html`, replacing the file name with the full name of your html TW5 file.
:That's it! :)
\define youtube(which:"" caption:"" start:0)
<div style="width:280px; height: 195px; text-align: center; font-size:80%; background-color:#046b99; color:white; font-weight:bold; border-radius:15px;"><iframe width="280" height="167" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/$which$?start=$start$" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
\define imgquote(img ,text)
| <div style="border-right: 2px solid #efefef; width:40px; height:40px;" >{{ $:/img/$img$ }} </div> |$text$|
\define tip(text)
<<imgquote tip "$text$">>
\define caution(text)
<<imgquote caution "$text$">>
\define warning(text)
<<imgquote warning "$text$">>
\define note(text)
<<imgquote note "$text$">>
\define info(text)
<<imgquote tip "$text$">>
\define important(text)
<<imgquote important "$text$">>
\define bulb(text)
<<imgquote bulb "$text$">>
\define quote(text,citation)
<div style="font-family:serif;">{{$:/img/quote-left}}<span class="fg-gray-light" style="font-size: 2em; vertical-align:bottom;">“</span><span class="fg-cool-blue" style="vertical-align:middle;">//$text$//</span><span class="fg-gray-light" style="font-size: 2em; vertical-align:bottom;">”</span><br><span class="fg-gray-light" style="font-style: italics;">---$citation$</span></div>
\define dt(header,text)
@@.dt-header $header$@@. $text$
!!Available macros
:local You tube macro ``<<youtube video caption start>>``
;note,tip,info,important,warning or caution
:``<<note "this is my text">>``, ``<<info "another icon">>``, ...
: """ ``<<quote text citation`` <<quote "This site is great" "The owner">> """
!!External macros/info
:[[$:/.tb/macros/pop]] Macro from: https://tobibeer.github.io/tb5/#Generic%20Popup ``<<pop ClickMe! Jack.jpg btn-class:"tc-btn-invisible tc-tiddlylink" btn-selectedClass:"pop-btn-my-selected" state-id:"Jack2">>``
;javascript macros
:How to make javascript macros: https://tobibeer.github.io/tb5/#Basic%20Javascript%20Macro
<!-- <<note "this is a note">> -->
/* Use as |borderless|k */
table.borderless, table.borderless * {
border: 0px;
input.halfsize {
/* Scale */
-ms-transform: scale(0.5); /* IE */
-moz-transform: scale(0.5); /* FF */
-webkit-transform: scale(0.5); /* Safari and Chrome */
-o-transform: scale(0.5); /* Opera */
/* Columns wrap around */
.twocolumns {
-moz-column-count: 2;
-moz-column-gap: 1.5em;
-moz-column-rule: none;
-webkit-column-count: 2;
-webkit-column-gap: 1.5em;
-webkit-column-rule: none;
column-count: 2;
column-gap: 1.5em;
column-rule: none;
.threecolumns {
-moz-column-count: 3;
-moz-column-gap: 1.5em;
-moz-column-rule: none;
-webkit-column-count: 2;
-webkit-column-gap: 1.5em;
-webkit-column-rule: none;
column-count: 2;
column-gap: 1.5em;
column-rule: none;
/* USA colors */
.fg-primary { color: #0071bc; }
.fg-primary-darker { color: #205493; }
.fg-primary-darkest { color: #112e51; }
.fg-base { color: #212121; }
.fg-gray-dark { color: #323a45; }
.fg-gray-light { color: #aeb0b5; }
.fg-white { color: #ffffff; }
.fg-primary-alt { color: #02bfe7; }
.fg-primary-alt-darkest { color: #046b99; }
.fg-primary-alt-dark { color: #00a6d2; }
.fg-primary-alt-light { color: #9bdaf1; }
.fg-primary-alt-lightest { color: #e1f3f8; }
.fg-secondary { color: #e31c3d; }
.fg-secondary-darkest { color: #cd2026; }
.fg-secondary-dark { color: #981b1e; }
.fg-secondary-light { color: #e59393; }
.fg-secondary-lightest { color: #f9dede; }
.fg-gold { color: #fdb81e; }
.fg-gold-light { color: #f9c642; }
.fg-gold-lighter { color: #fad980; }
.fg-gold-lightest { color: #fff1d2; }
.fg-green { color: #2e8540; }
.fg-green-light { color: #4aa564; }
.fg-green-lighter { color: #94bfa2; }
.fg-green-lightest { color: #e7f4e4; }
.fg-cool-blue { color: #205493; }
.fg-cool-blue-light { color: #4773aa; }
.fg-cool-blue-lighter { color: #8ba6ca; }
.fg-cool-blue-lightest { color: #dce4ef; }
.fg-gray-dark { color: #323a45; }
.fg-gray { color: #5b616b; }
.fg-gray-light { color: #aeb0b5; }
.fg-gray-lighter { color: #d6d7d9; }
.fg-gray-lightest { color: #efefef; }
.fg-gray-warm-dark { color: #494440; }
.fg-gray-warm-light { color: #e4e2e0; }
.fg-primary-darkest { color: #112e51; }
.fg-gray-cool-light { color: #dce4ef; }
h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 {
color: #fdb81e;
.dt-header {
color: #981b1e;
font-size: 1.2em;
font-weight: bold;
* Automatic backups
* Automatic saving
* No browser add-ons needed!!
* Works on Linux and Windows
* Single file executable, can be moved, copied, etc.
* Wiki is compressed, occupying less space on your disk (sometimes even a third of the space!)
* Converts //any// Tiddlywiki5 file to a single file executable <<twexe>>, no need for special tiddlywiki plugins
* Automatically uses the saving tab in the control panel (there you can specify a backup directory if you don't like the default)
* Easily get back the html wiki file from the executable twexe (if you need it for some reason)
* Opens up the possibility to run external executables from your wiki (to draw charts, etc.) - stay tuned!!
* Supports external images (i.e. with _canonical_uri field)
!Screencast demo
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//sendvid.com/embed/op9v00ue" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
''Version:'' {{Version}}
!Getting Started
{{Getting Started}}
Christmas Gift for the TW5 Community!
{{ twexe.png }}
Tiddlywiki5 is an extremely good software, however it has one major entry barrier: the problem with saving. The user has to look for browser add-ons, it limits the browser choices, etc.
Twexe comes in to solve the saving problem while keeping to the most important model of a //Single file self-modyfing executable//.
However, saving is not the only thing it does! It also keeps backups, and opens up new possibilities, like running external executables in your computer. See the feature list above.
Those poor users loosing their data will not have this problem any more with twexe!
Also, your family members will be able to use and modify your Tiddlywiki5 just by downloading ONE file and double clicking on it from the desktop. No more fiddling with browser add-ons, directories where to save or online servers.
Screenshot of `empty -h` (help) in Linux.
{{ LinuxScreenShot.png }}
Twexe converts any Tiddlywiki5 html file into an executable. It then serves the file and opens your browser with the wiki, using the existing saving mechanism in the control panel within the standard Tiddlywiki5, no need for plugins or browser add-ons.
The [[<Name Plate>]] is on the front of your virtual office door. What do you want your Name Plate to say since you create it.
The format is has a lot in it so you can do a lot. Just because you do a lot doesn't mean you can't have the name plate you want.
[[vCard|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VCard]] type item that we can easily copy and paste from one TiddlyWiki to another. It is not in a crazy format or difficult to understand or copy and paste. It would be your public card you give out to people, if we can figure out how to encrypt to avoid spiders spam then lets do it otherwise omit that kind of stuff.
From Wikipedia
The standard Internet media type for a vCard (often referred to as its mime type) is:[1]
As of version 4.0 specification, other media types known to have been used previously are now deprecated, including:[1]
hCard 1.0
lead to
There are several version of vCard
I think we need a twCard type potentially base it on the jCard(Since the insert in the CD is called a JCard there is confusion so a good reason to use twCard)
Code Below for jCard 4.0
See also the [[Website for jCard|https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7095]]
["version", {}, "text", "4.0"],
["n", {}, "text", ["Gump", "Forrest", "", "", ""]],
["fn", {}, "text", "Forrest Gump"],
["org", {}, "text", "Bubba Gump Shrimp Co"],
["title", {} ,"text", "Shrimp Man"],
["photo", {"mediatype":"image/gif"}, "uri", "http://www.example.com/dir_photos/my_photo.gif"],
["tel", {"type":["work", "voice"]}, "uri", "tel:+1-111-555-1212"],
["tel", {"type":["home", "voice"]}, "uri", "tel:+1-404-555-1212"],
{"label":"100 Waters Edge\nBaytown, LA 30314\nUnited States of America", "type":"work"},
["", "", "100 Waters Edge", "Baytown", "LA", "30314", "United States of America"]
{"label":"42 Plantation St.\nBaytown, LA 30314\nUnited States of America", "type":"home"},
["", "", "42 Plantation St.", "Baytown", "LA", "30314", "United States of America"]
["email", {}, "text", "forrestgump@example.com"],
["rev", {}, "timestamp", "2008-04-24T19:52:43Z"]
Here are a list of the Tag "people"
{{{ [tag[people]] }}}
[[Rich Shumaker]] Journal Entry
I have formatted the Journal Date to make it easier for me to sort by name.
This is my first Journal on creating this ~TiddlyWiki about the [[TiddlyWiki Hangouts|hangouts]].
I created this because of what I saw in my mind when I was watching & listening to the ~TiddlyWiki Hangouts. I could see the links between items and how each conversation spawns so many other things. Basically I could see a ~TiddlyWiki listening to people talk about TiddlyWiki.
The thing that hit a nerve for me was when [[Alex Hough discussed Flow|TwHo#73 - Alex Discusses Flow]]. The reason this hit home for me is that I envisioned a way to keep my 'ideas' in a mutlimedia journal long long ago.
The reason I needed such a journal was because I do what is considered a [[Flow Art|http://www.contactjuggling.com/LegacyCd.html#Flow%20Arts]].
When I started it was just [[Contact Juggling|http://www.contactjuggling.com]]. Early on I would [[video record myself|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soasyn1aqdY]] as a form of feedback. I knew at that point that I needed something more advanced then simple pen and paper.
Over time I started to teach and learn more, and the more I taught, the more I learned.
At [[CJC2001|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Ql7joHSQwI]] I met Marco from the Netherlands and he said you need to keep a journal.
He showed me his journal and I laughed out loud when I was reading English then it went into Dutch and then back to English and over to I think German and back again. I told him and he said that is how his mind was at that point and I thought it was a great way to keep secrets, #heheh.
I started a paper journal a few years later and I also kept filming.
Jump to today, I have a tool that I can keep all my 'stuff' in and I am amazed. I am using this tool to help me with my book bringing together all the stuff I wrote over time. I am in the process of creating my [[LegacyCd for the Web|http://www.contactjuggling.com/LegacyCd.html#LegacyCd%20Web]].
I have asked a lot of the community and I wanted to give back. That is why I have built this site.
Hopefully you will find it helpful and pass on what you learn to others.
Thanks to everyone in the ~TiddlyWiki Community and especially to [[Jeremy Ruston|JeremyRuston]] without whom my Dream Machine may never have come to life.
Rich Shumaker
\define thisMakeText()
\define thisMakeSegmentName()
$(selectedVideo)$ - $(startTime)$ to $(endTime)$
\define getProperTags() [[$(properTag)$]] [[$(selectedVideo)$]]
\define properTag() [[Video Segment]]
\define thisMakeVideoIframe()
<$set name=videoID value={{$:/.rich/data/videos##$(selectedVideo)$}}>
<$macrocall $name="youtube-embed" video=<<videoID>> start="$(startTime)$" end="$(endTime)$"/>
<$set name=selectedVideo value={{!!selected_video}}>
<!-- inputs for adding a video segment -->
Video Segment (Start and End times should be in hh:mm:ss form):<br>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/videosegment' field=start size='10'/>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/videosegment' field=end size='10'/> (<$button>Set Video Time<$action-setfield embed_start={{$:/temp/videosegment!!start}} embed_end={{$:/temp/videosegment!!end}}/></$button>, <$button>Reset Video Time<$action-setfield embed_start='00:00:00' embed_end='99:99:99'/></$button>)
Short Description:<br><$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/videosegment' field='segment_description' class='tc-edit-texteditor' placeholder='Short description for Video Segment' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/><br>
Long Description:<br><$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/videosegmentlongdescription' field='text' class='tc-edit-texteditor' placeholder='Long description for Video Segment' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/><br>
<!-- Segment tag editor -->
Tags (it will always be tagged with the name of the video by default):<br>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/videosegmenttag!!add_or_create_tag' text='create'>
New Tag: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/videosegmenttag' field='tag_temp' placeholder='New Tag'/><$fieldmangler tiddler='$:/state/videosegmenttag'>
<$button>Create Tag
<$action-setfield $tiddler={{$:/state/videosegmenttag!!tag_temp}} $field='video_tag' $value='true'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/videosegmenttag' $field='tag_temp' $value=''/>
</$fieldmangler><$button set='$:/state/videosegmenttag!!add_or_create_tag' setTo='nocreate'>Done</$button><br>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/videosegmenttag!!add_or_create_tag' text='create'>
Tag to add:
<$select tiddler='$:/state/videosegmenttag' field='selected_tag'>
<$list filter='[video_tag[true]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
<$fieldmangler tiddler='$:/temp/videosegment'>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param={{$:/state/videosegmenttag!!selected_tag}}/>Add Tag
</$button><$button set='$:/state/videosegmenttag!!add_or_create_tag' setTo='create'>New Tag</$button>
List of current tags:<br>
<$fieldmangler tiddler='$:/temp/videosegment'>
<$list filter='[[$:/temp/videosegment]tags[]]'><$view field='title'/> <$button>Remove Tag<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-tag' $param=<<currentTiddler>>/></$button><br> </$list>
<!-- Button to create tiddler for the video segment -->
<$set name=startTime value={{$:/temp/videosegment!!start}}>
<$set name=endTime value={{$:/temp/videosegment!!end}}>
<$set name=properTag value="""Video Segment""">
<$set name=thisLongDescription value={{$:/temp/videosegmentlongdescription!!text}}>
<$set name=thisVideoIframe value=<<thisMakeVideoIframe>>>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<thisMakeSegmentName>>>
<$button>Add Video Segment
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/videosegment' title=<<thisMakeSegmentName>>/>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param=<<properTag>>/>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param=<<selectedVideo>>/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<thisMakeSegmentName>> $field='text' $value=<<thisMakeText>>/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/videosegment' start='' end='' link='' segment_description=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/videosegmentlongdescription' text='' tags=<<properTag>>/>
<!-- List of video segments -->
<$list filter='[tag<selectedVideo>tag[Video Segment]sort[title]]'>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>__{{!!start}} to {{!!end}} - {{!!segment_description}}__<$action-setfield $tiddler='YouTube Video Annotations' embed_start={{!!start}} embed_end={{!!end}}/></$button> <$link to=<<currentTiddler>>>(Open Tiddler)</$link><br>
\define thisMakeTiddlerName(TimeStamp)
$(selectedVideo)$ - $(timeStamp)$
\define getProperTag() [[$(properTag)$]]
\define thisThing(YoutubeID TimeStampName SelectedVideo TimeStamp)
<$button>Add Timestamp
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/videotimestamp' title=<<thisMakeTiddlerName $TimeStamp$>>/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/videotimestamp' timestamp='' link='' description='' tags=<<getProperTag>>/>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param={{!!selected_video}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<thisMakeTiddlerName $TimeStamp$>> vidname={{!!selected_video}} youtubeid={{$:/.rich/data/videos##$SelectedVideo$}} timestamp={{$:/temp/videotimestamp!!timestamp}}/>
\define getYouTubeID(selectedVideo) {{$:/.rich/data/videos##$selectedVideo$}}
\define getYouTubeID2() <$macrocall $name=getYouTubeID selectedVideo={{!!selected_video}}/>
<$set name=selectedVideo value={{!!selected_video}}>
<!-- Timestamp Time -->
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/videotimestamp' field=timestamp size='10' placeholder='Timestamp'/>
<!-- Add timestamp button -->
<$set name=timeStamp value={{$:/temp/videotimestamp!!timestamp}}>
<$set name=timeStampName value=<<thisMakeTiddlerName>>>
<$set name=properTag value="""Video Timestamp""">
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<timeStampName>>>
<$macrocall $name=thisThing TimeStampName=<<timeStampName>> SelectedVideo={{!!selected_video}} TimeStamp={{$:/temp/videotimestamp!!timestamp}}/>
<!-- Timestamp description -->
Description:<br><$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/videotimestamp' field='description' class='tc-edit-texteditor' placeholder='Description for Timestamp' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/><br>
<!-- Timestamp tag editor -->
Tags (it will always be tagged with the name of the video by default):<br>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/videotag!!add_or_create_tag' text='create'>
New Tag: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/state/videotag' field='tag_temp' placeholder='New Tag'/><$fieldmangler tiddler='$:/state/videotag'>
<$button>Create Tag
<$action-setfield $tiddler={{$:/state/videotag!!tag_temp}} $field='video_tag' $value='true'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/videotag' $field='tag_temp' $value=''/>
</$fieldmangler><$button set='$:/state/videotag!!add_or_create_tag' setTo='nocreate'>Done</$button><br>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/videotag!!add_or_create_tag' text='create'>
Tag to add:
<$select tiddler='$:/state/videotag' field='selected_tag'>
<$list filter='[video_tag[true]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
<$fieldmangler tiddler='$:/temp/videotimestamp'>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param={{$:/state/videotag!!selected_tag}}/>Add Tag
</$button><$button set='$:/state/videotag!!add_or_create_tag' setTo='create'>New Tag</$button>
List of current tags:<br>
<$fieldmangler tiddler='$:/temp/videotimestamp'>
<$list filter='[[$:/temp/videotimestamp]tags[]]'><$view field='title'/> <$button>Remove Tag<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-tag' $param=<<currentTiddler>>/></$button><br> </$list>
<!-- list existing timestamps -->
<$list filter='[tag<selectedVideo>!tag[Video Segment]sort[title]]'>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>__{{!!title}} - {{!!description}}__<$action-setfield $tiddler='YouTube Video Annotations' embed_start={{!!timestamp}} embed_end=99:99:99/></$button> <$macrocall $name=youtube-link video={{!!youtubeid}} time={{!!timestamp}} text='(External Link)'/> <$link to=<<currentTiddler>>>(Open Tiddler)</$link><br>
Astrid Elecson
[[<Name Plate>]] Needed
[[TiddlyWiki for Scholars|http://tw5.scholars.tiddlyspot.com/]]
Need contact details for him
[[Andreas Website - TW Guides Dot Org|http://twguides.org/]]
You can select a video using the drop down menu, if you want to add a new video click on the `New Video` button and in the dialog that appears enter the youtube video id and a name for the video and click `add` to add the video and then `done` to get back to the video selection.
If you enter a start and end time then click `Set Video Time` it will set the embedded video to play the segment between the start and end time. `Reset Video Time` resets this.
By entering a start time, an end time, short and long descriptions and any tags you wish then clicking `Add Video Segment` the segment will be saved. If you click on a segment name in the list at the bottom than the video will be set to play that segment (no autoplay though, I am working on it.)
[[Google +|https://plus.google.com/109878940599607315163]]
[[BuggyJ GitHub|https://github.com/buggyj]]
So I disabled ~CloudFlare and my next upload was unscathed.
Not sure if my hosting company, CloudFlare, or a hacker are aware of this code injection on upload.
I am sure there was fine print in the 'You Accept these terms' that I didn't know about.
Well my TW5's are working again now that I have disabled this feature.
Currently we have a dedicated site to the Google Hangouts
* [[TW devoted to Hangouts|http://hangouts.tiddlyspace.com/]]
** Google Link on the Main Page is not currently working but the links on each dedicated page is working
So why reinvent the wheel?
I am trying to cross thread the data from the different sites and bring them together. The Hangouts are not stagnate they spawn conversations, solutions, more questions.
Most meetings have things that occur the same each time and also have hold overs from last week, Next week we will discuss X at the top of the Meeting or things that get shelved for various reasons.
The concept I had for this TiddlyWiki is to document each TiddlyWiki hangout and use tools like [[Linking to specific Time in YouTube|Create a link to a YouTube video at a specific time]] to allow the discussion to be more dynamic and faster for people to review.
Have the Hangouts be more Social by linking to who was involved with each Hangout and their sites / bio data. Probably Tagging each hangout with the people that came and concepts covered would be the best idea. A simple discussion could then lead to more expansive ideas as the [[Flow]] Tiddler shows.
If you are interested in a specific topic you can jump right to that topic with a simple click. Each concept could spawn a new Tiddler and each Hangout that discusses it could be linked to that concept. So if a person is working on a Plug In and they come to the TW Hangout for 5 different times you could easily see the progress from a single Tiddler.
Ideally each topic would create a [[Hangout Tiddler]] which would link to a Google Group Discussion at either [[TiddlyWiki|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/tiddlywiki]] or [[Dev TiddlyWiki|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/tiddlywikidev]] and then to an outcome if there is one. Or to several sites with different outcomes.
This is what [[Tobias Beer|http://tb5.tiddlyspot.com/#Tobias%20Beer]] does with his site.
An issue comes up on the google groups and he follows it to a resolution. Then he creates a Tiddler or more than one Tiddler and he creates a link to tracks that back to the original thread. This allows people to look at more information that has come up after a solution to the original issue has been completed.
# Copy Data by hand from [[hangouts site|http://hangouts.tiddlyspace.com/]] - do not drag and drop the tiddler - Highlight and Copy and then Clone a "~HangOut_### Tiddler" and paste data into the NEW "~HangOut_### Tiddler" - YOU CLONE THE DATA SO THE TAGS ARE DONE AUTOMATICALLY
# Copy Data by hand from "~HangOut_### Tiddler" - Paste into Txt Editor
#VERY IMPORTANT STEP - convert all ` " to ' ` in the Txt Editor
#Copy Data from Txt Editor to Spreadsheet - Use Fixed Distance to divide the Tiddler into Table Columns - Add Additional Rows or Delete Rows as needed for the hangout
#Move ~TimeCode and Description Data to the proper spots on the Template
#Copy Data from Spreadsheet back to Txt Editor and correct Spreadsheet Formatting Errors
#Use 'New Here' to copy the "~HangOut_###" to create "~TiddlyWiki Hangout #NUM" - This allows them to be linked by the TAG
##Add tags 'hangouts' 'license'
##change the Header define code and the #NUM
#Paste the data from the Txt Editor
#Check links
Open Office
TIMES ''---'' SECONDS = Time Calc = Decimal with 4 places 0.0123 X 24 X 60 X 60
00:00:00 ''---'' 0
00:01:40 ''---'' 100
00:05:00 ''---'' 300
00:10:35 ''---'' 635
00:21:35 ''---'' 1295
00:26:21 ''---'' 1581
00:27:12 ''---'' 1632
00:30:50 ''---'' 1850
00:31:24 ''---'' 1884
00:41:03 ''---'' 2463
00:46:00 ''---'' 2760
00:51:18 ''---'' 3078
00:52:45 ''---'' 3165
00:56:11 ''---'' 3371
01:04:00 ''---'' 3840
01:06:38 ''---'' 3998
01:11:56 ''---'' 4316
01:13:24 ''---'' 4404
01:24:15 ''---'' 5055
1:31:00 ''---'' 5460
1:34:58 ''---'' 5698
01:35:14 ''---'' 5714
1:44:23 ''---'' 6263
1:52:41 ''---'' 6761
1:54:08 ''---'' 6848
1:57:10 ''---'' 7030
1:59:39 ''---'' 7179
2:02:12 ''---'' 7332
2:04:12 ''---'' 7452
2:08:08 ''---'' 7688
2:10:36 ''---'' 7836
This is a fan site for [[TiddlyWiki 5|TiddlyWiki]].
This site was created to help people explore the topics discussed on the [[TiddlyWiki Google Hangouts|Google Hangouts]]. The videos of the Hangouts are posted on YouTube.
Special Thanks to [[Astrid|aelocson]] for creating the [[Macros|Macros for Hangout Wiki Project]] that make the site easier and faster to create and duplicate.
This site uses content from [[Mario Pietsch]] and Tobias Beer and that content has been Tagged [[License]].
Some Content was provided by [[TiddlyWiki.com|http://www.tiddlywiki.com]] - [[Tobias Beer|http://tb5.tiddlyspot.com/#Tobias%20Beer]] - and the entire TiddlyWiki community. This site currently uses very few Macros or add on's. Not to self I need to figure out all the extras I use and list them one example is the corner banner [[Powered by TiddlyWiki]].
[[Rich Shumaker]] created the site content with the intent purpose of making ~TiddlyWiki more AWEsome!!! Originally this site used [[US Version License]] to show the differences between Mario and Tobias's work and this sites. Now all content is covered under the same license. The TAG [[License]] is still used for all of Mario and Tobias's work to allow better sorting moving forward.
<a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/"><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-sa/4.0/88x31.png" /></a><br />This work is licensed under a <a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a>..
[[Site with a tool to link to a specific time in YouTube|http://youtubetime.com/]]
!!Code to create a direct link to a YouTube video at a specific time
[[Daniello GitHub Site|https://github.com/danielo515]]
I took this data from my [[<Name Plate>]] - [[Rich Shumaker]] as it was not part of my actual details
So I have been getting upset that others don't have an easy to find [[<Name Plate>]] on there web sites. Then I noticed I have no such thing either, d'oh!!!
I am putting my data in and then we can work out details in the 'future' on a standard we could all use. I like the idea of a twCard format.
I used Tobias Beer [[linkimg|$:/.tb/macros/linkimg]] from his [[website|http://tb5.tiddlyspot.com/#Link%20Images]] - linkimg did not work on my server so I had to embed the image instead.
Here is the sample code and the code I used Above
<<linkimg Jack.jpg Jack.jpg class:"pretty">>
Here is the ''twCard Name Plate'' I want
Here is the Name Plate I would want <<linkimg RichShumakerNamePlate.png RichShumakerNamePlate.png "RichShumakerNamePlate" height="42">>
[[Dave's Website|http://www.giffmex.org/tw/tiddlywikicentral.html]]
[[NoteStormTW|http://notestorm.giffmex.org/]] was created by Dave Gifford
Ways to check on what is doing what from Stephan Hradek
console.log(...whatever I want to seee...);
From [[Jeremy|JeremyRuston]]
Here's one useful trick. Let's say that you're working on a macro <<myFancyMacro>> and it's not working as you expect. You can inspect the wikitext that is generated by the macro with:
<$text text=<<myFancyMacro>>/>
The <<dumpvariables>> macro can also be useful. It shows the variable values in force at the point where the macro is invoked, so you can check that variables used in your macros have the expected values.
Best wishes
[[Rich Shumaker]] Signature in his Test Bed TW
Very Python of Monty
Working on a TW for Kids Note Taking
Eric Shulman is the maintainer of [[TiddlyWiki Classic|http://www.tiddlywiki.org]] and creator of [[TiddlyTools|http://www.tiddlytools.com/]].
\define hangout() 073
<<topic "00:01:25" "Q & A Start">>
<<topiclink "02:08:08" "Eric Discusses how he creates the Wiki Way">>
[[Firefox|https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/desktop/]] is an open source web browser.
Web browsers are used with TiddlyWiki to view the content created.
Flow is state of mind where you are highly focused and time seems to slip away, it is a state that allows you to slip between and stay in that in between.
-[[Rich Shumaker]] Quote
[[Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi]] - Unpronounceable Name Guy
[[Wikipedia Page about Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mihaly_Csikszentmihalyi]]
[[Flow Description @ Wikipedia|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flow_%28psychology%29]]
!!!Hangouts List with mentions of Flow
{{{ [tag[Flow]] }}}
Here is an idea I had for formatting the Hangout Notes
[Marker for New Secton - Could use hidden codes]
##:##:## <Some Kind of Divider> Brief Description
Details [[Tiddler Links]] [[Outside Links]]
More Notes
---End Marker---
[Marker for New Secton]
##:##:## <Some Kind of Divider> Brief Description
Details [[Tiddler Links]] [[Outside Links]]
More Notes
---End Marker---
+M1 Start+
* ##:##:## | Brief Description
** Details including Tiddler Links and Links to Outside Content
** Additional Notes
** Spacing out the notes makes it easier to read after the fact
+M1 End+
+M2 Start+
* ##:##:## | Brief Description
** Details including Tiddler Links and Links to Outside Content
** Additional Notes
** Spacing out the notes makes it easier to read after the fact
+M2 End+
[[Asked for Help @ TiddlyWiki Dev|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/tiddlywikidev/F8k7jLGSJyg]]
I deleted the one from this system so you can't see what Jeremy was discussing
Need to get the newest one and put it in and make reference back to this being an issue no more.
[[TwHo#72 - Getting Started is out of date]]
[[Github Site|https://github.com/]]
[[TiddlyWiki 5 GitHub Site|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5]]
[[TiddlyWiki 5 Release on GitHub|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/releases]]
2014-12-19: 5.1.7
2014-12-18: 5.1.6
2014-11-25: 5.1.5
2014-10-22: 5.1.4
2014-10-20: 5.1.3
2014-09-27: 5.1.2
2014-09-22: 5.1.1
2014-09-20: 5.1.0
2014-09-17: 5.0.18 beta
2014-09-12: 5.0.17 beta
2014-09-02: 5.0.16 beta
2014-08-20: 5.0.15 beta
2014-08-13: 5.0.14 beta
2014-06-24: 5.0.13 beta
2014-05-16: 5.0.12 beta
2014-04-19: 5.0.10 beta
2014-05-15: 5.0.9 beta
2014-02-28: 5.0.8 beta
2014-01-26: 5.0.7 beta
2014-01-03: 5.0.6 beta
2013-12-24: 5.0.5 beta
2013-12-22: 5.0.4 beta
2013-12-15: 5.0.2 beta
2013-12-06: 5.0.1 alpha
2013-12-06: 5.0.1
2013-11-30: 5.0.0-alpha.17
2013-11-30: 5.0.0-alpha.16
2013-11-19: 5.0.0-alpha.15
2013-11-10: 5.0.0-alpha.14
2013-11-09: 5.0.0-alpha.13
2013-11-08: 5.0.0-alpha.12
2013-11-08: 5.0.0-alpha.11
[[Google Analytics Plug In|http://tiddlywiki.com/#%24%3A%2Fplugins%2Ftiddlywiki%2Fgoogleanalytics]]
Every Tuesday there is a Google Hangout that occurs for about 2 hours to discuss TiddlyWiki.
[[Jeremy Ruston]] the creator of TiddlyWiki and holds these at 4PM GST which is 8am West Coast US Time([[my|Rich Shumaker]] time zone)
<h3>See [[hangouts]] for all the Hangouts Currently in this ~TiddlyWiki</h3>
So locally I don't have a hangout error.
BUT when I post it on the server I do.
So Tobias has given me some help on where to find what I am looking for
I need to txt edit the HTML File and remove some code and then send it over to the debugger.
*This is my first time in the HTML of TW5 on a Txt editor. I have done basic HTML page building but TW is a bit bigger than that.
*I also have only used debug a few times
Hi Rich,
Any help on what I am looking for in the code.
The title of that system tiddler in the store section where it is followed by a <pre> for the tiddler body.
At that tiddler, remove the attribute "type=applciation/javascript".
Save, reload... debug.
Best wishes, Tobias.
[[BJ from the Google Groups|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/tiddlywiki/5FugIFRgYLs]] suggested Spam Filter.
Then I remembered that I just added something to my website in the last few days. I didn't make the connection until he said Spam Filter. I added CloudFlare because I wanted the site to be faster. I am in the US and wanted the site closer to people around the world leveraging the CloudFlare servers.
Did NOT know they would inject code into my uploads. It is pretty coincidental that I disabled the service and the very next upload works perfectly.
Not sure if this is intentional or if there is a malicious attack either on my server the CloudFlare server or at my hosting company.
Hangout Helper is a ~TiddlyWiki that has all the tools to help anyone that is running a Google Hangout make it more dynamic and informative.
If you run a Google Hangout or your meetings use YouTube videos you need to get
<h3>Hangout Helper [[Powered by TiddlyWiki|TiddlyWiki]] - COMING SOON</h3>
A Tiddler that is spawned from the Google Hangouts. It would spider to the threads and sites and solutions that come from the hangout discussion.
{{{ [tag[hangouts]!sort[title]] }}}
Create Macro to turn all the data into charts
[[TiddlyWiki Google Groups Data]]
see [[$:/.rich/data/twversion]]
See [[GitHub Release Dates]]
!This card should not have data except the way the data should be listed and possibly the format for the data
Date: 2014-12-16
Time: 4pmGMT
YouTube Link Id: EU-H0xhga
Google Hangout id: cma8t37ad9518rjiobed7b63rpk
TW Version @ Hangout: 5.1.5
Attended: [[Jeremy Ruston|JeremyRuston]];[[Branimir Braykov]];[[Dave Gifford]];[[Eric Shulman]];[[Alex Hough]];[[Nathan developer in US]]
Running Time: 02:10:56 format
Time: XpmGMT
YouTube Link Id: #
Google Hangout id: #
TW Version @ Hangout: #
Attended: [[Name]];[[Name]];[[Name]]
Running Time: ##:##:##
2013-06-03 - [[YouTube|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jduxruwB5K4]]
0:00:00 Smalltalk you may want to jump to
0:04:10 Mario- Question to Eric - about TW2 beta, external files.
0:05:25 Impact of external files for pmario
0:07:50 Jeremy kicked of the hangout.
0:08:45 Eric uses TW5 to build TW2. Some comments. Update to TiddlyTools. All plugins may be at github in the future.
0:12:15 Discussion about plugin Distribution, the Community, Source Code handling, GitHub ...
0:17:05 Eric - App store model? Jeremy wants to have a Firefox type model. Mario - listeneing :)
0:18:30 Jeremy talks about plugin maintenence
0:19:25 What are the creterias for plugin devs to get plugins accepted by core def (Jeremy :). Who owns plugins. Who maintains them ...
0:20:50 Jeremy's answer
0:22:10 Mario- has constrains about all plugins are in TW5 repo.
0:23:15 Discussion about the contribution workflow.
0:26:55 Jeremy about criteria for accepting contributions, nees to be testable, automated accept testing
0:28:05 Jeremy about plugin ownership
0:29:45 The "new" software structure. Drawings :)
0:31:45 Jeremy - orphaned plugins, roles in the community, plugin adoption, plugin URLs should not change
0:33:55 Eric - summary for understanding
0:35:20 Discussion about Contributor License Agreement - CLA for TiddlyWiki
0:40:20 Back to the plugins and the repo. TW5 Repo rearangement ..
0:42:20 Mario confusion about the repo structure.
0:44:50 Jeremy - All contributor plugins should be in the main repo, Mario - slightly disagrees, Eric - suggestions
0:45:45 NPM - TW5 installation with NPM, brings all the core plugins, Jeremy wants the URL to be stable ...
0:49:50 Mario- github submodules ... no > github subtree ... yes
0:51:40 mario concerns about the plugin adoption process. plugin forking / renaming ...
0:56:50 Erics - drawing. Contribution / Software structure
1:12:00 Jeremy about macros in TW5. TW5 will ship with many, many macros ... How do we credit the original authors.
1:13:40 Eric about plugins, transclusions and ownership in TW2
1:15:45 user's side of macro / plugin import handling
1:18:15 Eric - Non guthub based submission process. Jeremy - TiddlySpace as user repos
1:20:50 We stopped ignoring Jeff ... Change topics to user topics
1:22:20 Jeff- introduces himself. Talks about his use of TW.
1:23:00 TW5 and Android
1:24:45 Eric about TiddlyFox
1:26:10 About user documentation. Getting users involved. Getting the community involved ...
1:38:00 Jeremy, about "spread the word"
1:41:00 Eric about How to discover TiddlyWorld :)
1:43:20 Facebook haters and the sozial networks :)))
1:44:55 Russ - About User stories. TW5 editions. Better "First user experience"
2013-07-09 - [[YouTube|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJuDlLQI9pQ]]
0:04:10 Jermey - TW5 demo about skinny font
0:06:50 Zooming mode - theme
0:07:10 slow motion mode for testing
0:09:00 feedback about zooming mode / single page mode
0:10:15 cecily view (tw-classic)
0:11:30 centraliced theme / themes in general
0:14:10 Eric asks about drag and drop themes / elements?
0:17:10 Sticky title (chrome canary)
0:21:50 About the editor
0:24:05 Preview mode
0:24:20 field editor
0:25:00 image bitmap editor
0:26:45 field editor fancy stuff / behind the curton
0:29:00 group feedback
0:30:15 TW5 drag and drop images
0:33:15 tag autocomplete?
0:34:00 tag coloring / tag icons
0:37:15 - - Q&A - -
0:38:25 tobias - tiddlywiki.com maintenance
0:43:00 eric responds to tobias - TW5 builds TW2 - build process
0:44:20 eric - tiddlywiki.com audience - general discussion
0:45:40 jeremy - TW5 beta as tidlywiki.com "landing page"
0:47:08 jeremy - the TW5 reference documentation
0:49:45 eric - tiddlywiki docs - "how do I"
0:53:45 jeremy - TW saving - tiddlysaver.jar
0:55:20 jeremy - tw5 the mobile story - app.js
0:58:40 tobi/jeremy - how does tiddlyweb fit to tw5
1:01:55 tobi/jeremy - tw5 interface to nodejs / tiddlyweb
1:03:25 jeremy - tw5 serverside demo (techie stuff :)
1:10:40 tobi/jeremy - authentication with nodejs?
1:11:30 tobi/jeremy - several instances?
1:12:15 jeremy - "new features" should be highly configurable (technical)
1:17:22 tobi/jeremy/eric - widgets - eg: todo list
1:24:35 jeremy - about macros (technical)
1:28:12 eric/jeremy - macros compared to transclusion parameter passing in tw2
1:29:20 jeremy - in tw5 everything is a tiddler
1:31:12 jeremy - widget internals
1:35:15 tobi/jeremy - widget handling / plugin handling?
1:42:08 tobi/jeremy - namespaces?
1:42:53 tobi/jeremy - how to create a new theme / plugins?
1:47:00 jeremy - control panel - system tiddlers
1:50:10 Conclusion
2013-07-16 - [[YouTube|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SX0jvQ0vYVk]]
0:00:00 Introductions
0:03:35 jeremy - outline
0:04:30 - eric's clinic -
0:05:10 eric - plugins
0:06:20 Q tw2: handling renaming tiddlers
0:15:10 Q tw2: copy paste tiddler links
0:23:25 jeremy: tiddler link info in tw5 (related to above Q)
0:26:04 jeremy: external link handling
0:31:05 jeremy wants to know what people think about tw5 syntax about "file links"
0:43:50 ... braindump about the above Q.
0:46:10 tw5 transclusion mechanism (sound problems)
0:53:00 ... bad echo and background noise, that should be muted :(
0:56:25 syntax TW-classic or markdown
1:03:21 creg - markdown becomes mainstream ...
1:03:21 ...the WYSIWYG discussion
1:16:00 tw5 tiddler types
1:18:07 d3 first cut
1:24:08 mathematical notation - mathjax
1:26:50 d3
1:31:20 User interface
1:34:00 Keyboard shortcuts
1:35:10 Close Others - custom UI
1:42:50 Comments about hangouts
1:44:20 New visitor introduction
1:46:10 Comments about hangouts
1:48:18 23MByte 7000++ tiddlers TW2 intro
2013-07-23 - [[YouTube|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ojnouO8-PA]]
0:00:00 introductions
0:02:43 jeremy - topics
0:04:10 TW5 news: d3 / grid widget
0:08:08 group feedback :)
0:10:14 mario / jeremy - grid sorting / calculations
0:11:40 jeremy - handling the document state in TW5
0:13:30 jeremy - grid sorting ideas
0:14:50 mario - compares grid widget with TW2 "fet plugin"
0:15:25 eric - grid plugin - UI interaction
0:17:20 jeremy - sorting by tiddler modification
0:19:05 grid filtering possibilities?
0:20:25 jeremy - use list widget for filtering
0:23:02 jeremy - how the "grid stuff should be done at all?"
0:27:15 eric - "multi level list" - indented bullet list
0:28:10 jeremy - idea - new table syntax
0:28:10 group feedback
0:34:10 in tables use "space" as "white space"
0:36:20 jeremy - "grid calculation"
0:39:20 jeremy - what should be core / plugin
0:40:10 eric - what should be core / plugin - centralized plugin distribution / ecosystem
0:42:28 jeremy - macros (using / sharing / namespacing)
0:47:30 scott introduction
0:48:30 - erics clinic -
0:49:00 TOC - section link plugin
0:57:45 grid plugin parameters
1:07:30 customizing the story menu tutorial
1:25:30 why are the "basics TWs" V2.5.0
1:28:30 Navigation with GotoPlugin
1:31:00 MathJax V2 with TW2
1:44:20 jeremy - Any final comments?
1:52:30 Bye-Bye!
2013-07-30 - [[YouTube|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SsSh_p_zno]]
0:00:00 attendees introduction
0:04:17 mario - introduces tiddlyweb with vagrant
0:05:30 mario -
0:17:12 questions
0:17:30 mario - summarizing the stuff
0:18:20 jeremy/mario - up again
0:21:00 mario - what is virtual box
0:23:20 about annotations
0:23:40 intro - kamil, marty
0:24:40 marty - about seamonkey and TW on OS10
0:26:00 general discussion about browsers and TW
0:28:10 dave's (giffmex) work with TW5
0:30:20 jeremy - tag widget TW5
0:32:25 jeremy - problem with (unwanted persistent) popup state
0:38:40 mario - question about state tiddlers
0:40:40 jeremy - any questions / requests ?
0:41:15 leo - tiddler namespace / TW directory structure / hirachical structure
0:45:10 jeremy - tiddler content types (eg: text/x-markdown)
0:47:18 jeremy - how saving works with TW5 at the moment (answeres the q above)
0:50:00 tiddlywiki.info / TW editions folder metadata
0:51:30 wiki nesting (metadata)
0:53:28 how "include wiki / editions" stuff works
0:55:10 mario - can you see, where a tiddler comes from?
0:56:05 jeremy - editing / saving tiddlers
0:59:50 jeremy - specify, where new tiddlers should go
1:01:08 discussion about "create new tiddler usecase"
1:03:03 jeremy ideas: about implementing the bag/recipe handling
1:06:30 leo - what is the tiddler identity + discussion ...
1:08:10 pmario - would like to have a UUID
1:09:30 jeremy - back to namespaces and his idea ...
1:11:50 jeremy - how TW5 can build TW2 (with prefixes / namespaces?)
1:18:20 namespace is indipendent from directory?
1:19:30 scott - discussion about naming conventions
1:21:40 scott/jeremy - aliasing mechanism should be part of the core
1:23:40 scott/mario/jeremy - naming conventions and tiddler renaming / search and replace
1:27:01 jeremy - any questions anyone?
1:28:10 jeremy - what's new in TW5 - d3 - demoing "word cloud"
1:29:30 jeremy - ideas: how do we expose data to d3 / grid
1:31:40 intro - dave
1:32:00 dave/jeremy - about the objective of dave's tw + discussion
1:36:20 jeremy - about tw themes
1:37:40 mario/jeremy - "info button" behaviour + discussion
1:39:10 dave/jeremy - tagging in the "info area" + demoing, how to change the templates
1:42:00 jeremy - how to do tagging in the ViewTemplate
1:45:00 jeremy - the "future of weekly hangouts" - how should we continue?
1:49:60 bye - bye!
2013-08-06 - [[YouTube|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0UZfd48Ixc]]
0:00:00 attendees introduction (ltr: Craig, Eric, Jeremy, Mario, (Marty later on), Scott)
0:01:20 mario/jeremy - tiddlyweb and TW5 with "tiddlyweb at home - new possibility" (techie stuff :)
0:03:03 jeremy - demoes, whats possible atm. TW5 with tiddlyspace. TW polls for server updates every now and than.
0:11:27 TW5 is lazy loading the tiddlers, so search works for tiddler titles ...
0:11:55 mario - wants to ship TW5 with "tweb at home" with vagrant
0:14:05 mario/jeremy - about TW5, nodejs and heroku
0:16:00 mario - is it possible to split TW5 into different files. eg: core, themes ...
0:18:49 jeremy/mario about tw5, native tiddlyweb, vagrant, virtualbox, pro and cons
0:21:40 erics clinik
0:22:00 jeremy - question about splitting tiddlytools into individual tiddlers.
0:22:30 erics response - tiddlytools, github, status, tiddlytools internal structure.
0:25:50 eric elements that are "aged out", elements that can be fixed: eg. file drop plugin ...
0:27:29 ... fix import tiddlers plugin ...
0:32:00 jeremy - good to see that eric works on TWclassic and TW5
0:32:35 eric - "TWclassic needs to remain viable for several years"!
0:33:00 eric - about the migration story.
0:37:20 jeremy - about dave's experiences, working with very large TW5 files. (~80MB)
0:39:35 scott/jeremy/eric - question about file size issue and embeded images
0:42:07 about base64 encoded tiddlers ...
0:44:45 eric/scott - about base64 tiddlers and TWclassic (AttachFilePlugin)
0:53:09 jeremy - about daves 80MB TW5 .. "how far can we go with embedded multimedia in TW5", embedding videos
0:55:50 eric - idea about detaching tiddlers and security implications ...
0:58:05 jeremy - TW5 as a "multipurpose, multimedia scrap book"
0:59:27 eric - presentations, slideshow ... display order?
1:02:30 jeremy - ideas about TW5 edit, display possibilities and sorting ...
1:07:10 jeremy - TW5 story list
1:08:35 jeremy - "card sorting" with drag and drop
1:09:05 eric - (lisp) and lists and TW content representation
1:10:25 jeremy - about ZigZag structure xanadu (dot) com/zigzag/
1:12:44 eric - "interesting aspects of TW in general" ... "discovery"
1:14:10 jeremy - "capturing needs to be super smooth"
1:14:42 mario - TWclassic has "secions and slices" what's about TW5
1:16:16 jeremy - response
1:17:44 eric - background info about "slice, section" in TWclassic
1:19:25 jeremy - with TW5, writing back to slices would be possible
1:20:45 mario - usecase for content splitting and aggregation
1:21:50 jeremy - either invest in "intra-tiddler handling" or "aggregating and composing" small tiddlers
1:24:53 scott/jeremy - a users perspective about content "re-organisation"
1:25:50 mario/jeremy - mario would like a "data tiddler plugin" functionality done with sections and slices.
1:27:00 mario shows a usecase ... (codemirror plugin config tiddler)
1:30:20 jeremy - want's to be able to "edit transclusions" - edit in place
1:30:50 jeremy - ideas for "editor add ons" ... "magic editing"
1:32:12 eric - responds to the above
1:33:50 scott - uses TW like ervernote. accumulating information. discribes his usecase.
1:35:51 jeremy - shows TW5 json tiddlers
1:38:10 craig - what's the difference between JSON and XML?
1:40:10 craig/jeremy - displaying "external information" in realtime ...
1:43:15 jeremy - shows IFTTT - it's awsome
1:44:50 Bye! Bye!
2013-08-20 - [[YouTube|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQ_pM286Ew8]]
0:00:00 Intro - ltr: Dave Gifford, Eric Shulman (0:37:50), Jeremy Ruston, Keith Buckner, Mario Pietsch, Scott Simons(later), Slonik Az (Leo), Tobias Beer
0:02:50 Dave - Short intro about his experiments with TW5
0:05:13 Jeremy - There is a plan to automate ViewTemplate modification by special tiddler naming. Plugins should be able to add to the ViewTemplate, without actually modifying this tiddler.
0:06:54 Jeremy/Tobias/Mario - How can we reactivate the LessBackups plugin. TiddlyFox may handle the backup handling. TiddlyFox should _not_ expose "low level functions"
0:14:42 Jeremy/Leo - TiddlyFox doesn't support "old" versions (<=16) of FireFox
0:16:30 Jeremy/Mario/all - Markdown syntax and TW5
0:17:30 - TW5 syntax adjustments -
0:17:35 Mario - Started a TS page: compare-tw2-tw5 (dot) tiddlyspace.com/
0:18:49 Jeremy - Open the markdown page and discuss the specification elements.
0:19:26 Jeremy adopted markdown, that doesn't break TWc allready
0:20:55 Jeremy - TW5 should be a 1000 times more popular than TWc
0:21:38 Leo - hash mark and enumerating. eg: #5 starts with number 5
0:23:05 Jeremy - It should be possible to define the starting level for hedings
0:23:26 Jeremy - opens markdown specification. inline HTML works great allready.
0:24:23 paragraph and linebreak .... (longer than planned :)
0:26:20 fenced paragraph style with special marker eg: ~ for poetry
0:31:30 Mario/Jeremy - plugins should be used to have eg: "strict markdown"
0:33:53 Tobias/Jeremy - what's about single linebreaks atm.
0:36:02 Leo/Jeremy - Intro: plugin for TW2 and line break handling.
0:37:50 Eric/Leo - backslash new line handling in TW2
0:45:10 Jeremy - "Wiki syntax" should be part of the core
0:46:02 Mario/Eric - GitHub flavoured markdown is a "special purpose language", we need a "general purpose syntax"
0:46:35 Eric - syntax examples / documentation is important, to avoid confusion
0:49:13 Leo - prepares for screen sharing
0:49:45 Scott/Jeremy - short discussion
0:51:13 Leo - shows, how the plugin works
0:55:44 - TW5 syntax adjustments -
0:57:20 Jeremy/all - multi paragraph lists (are quite tab centric. so tab handling is a concern now)
0:58:25 Scott/Jeremy - new idea about line break handling -> keyboard shortcuts for eg: <br/>
1:00:30 Jeremy/Mario - back to markdown lists. TW5 has the possibility to nest bullet list with numbered lists ...
1:01:55 Jeremy/all *,+,- for unordered list "is wasting syntax possibilities" - whitespace should not be used to indicate something.
1:03:45 Eric/Jeremy - suggestion, how to use + and - for "collapsable" bullet lists
1:05:52 Jeremy - md < hr > handling is "wasting" syntax. too much redundancy
1:07:02 all - how much markdown should we adopt - portability -
1:08:00 Jeremy - our goal should be > > >"familiarity"< < <
1:08:10 Leo - suggests "import filters" to "normalize" copy/paste content.
1:10:13 Jeremy/all - markdown links
1:14:08 Jeremy - conclusion about markdown links and tabs
1:15:20 Jeremy/all - Emphasis - bold - italics -> there shouldn't be too many variants of the same syntax. We like a "single syntax"
1:20:00 Tobi/Mario - (Tobi) plugin for TWc compatibility vs. (Mario) TWc syntax should be imported with an import filter / translator.
1:21:08 Jeremy - md backtick handling in code blocks.
1:21:35 Jeremy - image handling
1:22:30 - Erics Clinic (and a 26 year old coffee mug) -
1:23:55 Leo/Eric - Is there a official way to distribute plugins?
1:26:09 Tobi - proposal for plugin authors - somethin similar to "tiddlyvault"
1:27:48 Tobi - back to the idea - manually managed registry at tiddlyspace
1:29:20 Eric - suggestion - someone should take "tiddlyvault" and import it to tiddlyspace
1:30:20 Tobi - screenshare - tiddlywiki (dot) org - new plugin that makes docs easier ...
1:33:20 general discussion about TS and plugins
1:34:55 Eric - git/hub and tiddlytools
1:36:20 Jeremy - about github
1:37:00 Eric - tiddlytools on github pages
1:37:45 Tobi/Eric - ideas about the publishing / curating mechanism
1:42:05 Jeremy/Eric/Tobi - idea - If there is a centralized repo, the repo should take over the plugin hosting.
1:47:50 Jeremy - feedback / questions
1:48:37 Keith - Is there a visual indication for transcluded content?
1:54:55 Jeremy - new TW5 features, ConfigInfo tiddler, docs/... integrated documentation tiddlers, info widget, some more list widget docs :)
2:01:20 Bye! Bye!
2013-08-27 - [[YouTube|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o70TtNIe-L4]]
0:00:00 Attendees: Craig Prichard, Jeremy Ruston, (later: Marc -from Swizerland), Mario Pietsch, Scott Simmons, Simon Harper, Leo Azimov, Tobias Beer
0:02:30 Jeremy - dev issues - Agenda (... We did one point :))
0:07:30 Jeremy - opens the source code .. directory structure
0:08:42 boot - folder
0:09:05 core - folder
0:09:24 Leo - core is a plugin by intention?
0:11:35 editions - folder
0:12:03 plugins - folder
0:12:22 themes - folder
0:12:43 tmp - folder
0:12:58 files in TW5 "root"
0:13:45 Leo - Content of the wiki is inside editions?
0:14:04 editions/tw5.com
0:14:35 editions/clientserver
0:15:08 Leo - there is an other plugins directory in clientserver?!
0:17:07 Mario - and the tiddlers folder is just the content for this edition?
0:17:42 Mario - the system directory is just an other namespace?
0:18:30 ... general discussion about tiddler filenames and titles
0:20:40 Leo/Jeremy - file name creation and url encoded filenames
0:23:52 editions/d3demo
0:24:04 editions/empty
0:24:26 editions/tahoelafs ... tahoe-lafs (dot) org
0:26:06 editions/test
0:26:20 Tobi - Are the editions accessible on the web
0:27:18 editions/test
0:28:52 editions/tw2
0:29:37 editions/tw5.com
0:29:47 editions/tw5tiddlyweb
+- 0:30:17 mario - is there the latest version at TiddlySpace?
0:31:14 plugins/
0:31:22 plugins/d3 and /codemirror - exploring how to include external libraries
0:31:55 plugins/classictools - tools for dealing with TWclassic
0:32:03 plugins/filesystem - used on the server to sync changes to the store
0:32:20 plugins/fullscreen
0:32:34 plugins/jasmine - test suite
0:32:47 plugins/tahoelfs - good example plugin, because it's "small"
0:33:04 plugins/tiddlyweb - clientside plugin to save on tiddlyweb
0:33:32 themes/ - plugins can have "dependencies" defined in the "plugin.info" file
0:34:14 /*.sh batch files
0:34:50 /package.json
0:35:09 Mario - should it be possibel to say: "npm install .. tiddlywiki"? what will you get?
0:37:02 /tiddlywiki.js
0:37:40 /bld.sh - builds the whole TW5 stuff.
+- 0:38:15 Jeremy/all - about the "static" TW5 representation. The static files use relative links.
0:46:38 Jeremy - how static files are created using the templates
0:51:10 back at /bld.sh - short summary
0:51:30 /bld.sh - how to generate the encrypted TW5
0:51:44 Tobi - questions about the "edit / deployment" possibilities
+- 0:53:30 Jeremy runs the local server to edit tiddlers. Shows his workflow
0:58:30 /core
0:58:30 /boot
0:59:12 Mario - If you want to learn about plugins. Where do you start?
+- 1:00:10 Jeremy - quote: "plugins is a mechanism to deliver shadow tiddlers"
1:00:33 /core - is a plugin
1:00:40 /boot - is needed to start the core
1:00:57 /boot/sjcl.js - encryption library
1:01:10 /boot/boot.css.tid - basic styling needed to decrypt TW5
1:01:51 Leo - What kind of encryption is used?
1:03:35 /boot/bootprefix.js
1:04:33 /boot/boot.js
+- 1:04:33 connection between the code and the html file
1:05:53 Leo - What would be your recomendation for stepping through the code?
+- 1:06:23 Jeremy - quote: "The ordering I'm showing you, is the ordering I'm suggesting, reading things"
1:09:09 Mario - boot.js contains code to boot nodejs and to boot the browser?
1:10:17 Mario - index.html where is the "program init() / main()" type of function?
1:13:00 Leo - "The challange is to debug the node code!?"
1:14:30 Jeremy - /boot/boot.js - how the boot process actually starts. Has been main() in TWc.
1:17:30 /core/startup.js - "The inner loop of TW5"
1:18:30 short break -
1:19:06 Mario - "Leo, why do you want to debug the node stuff?"
1:23:09 Tobi/Jeremy - "How would you debug your node scripts .. renderTiddler?"
1:24:30 Jeremy - short summary.
1:24:54 Leo - Good starting point to learn about plugins?
1:25:43 Leo - If I want to write a MathJax plugin?
1:27:40 /core - folder
1:27:52 /core/plugin.info
1:28:02 /core/docs/* - internal docs - english
1:28:38 /core/images - used in the UI
1:29:00 /core/messages
1:29:18 /core/modules
1:29:23 /core/templates - tiddlers of a "technical nature" used as templates.
1:30:28 /core/ui - "kind of user interface decisions"
1:30:50 /core/wiki - "tiddlers needed for the operation of the wiki
1:31:50 /core/modules - info about conventions in the dir
1:32:18 /core/modules/wiki.js - the "hart of TW" -
1:33:40 /core/modules/widgets
1:34:20 /core/modules/wiki.js - detailed info
+- 1:35:25 /core/modules/startup.js
+- 1:36:38 Tobi - Where does this "exports" come from?
+- 1:37:25 Jeremy - TW5 contains its own implementation of commonJs to "require a tiddler title"
1:38:19 /core/modules/tiddler.js
1:38:37 /core/modules/themes.js
1:38:39 /core/modules/syncer.js
1:39:20 /core/modules/hacks.js
1:39:40 /core/modules/filters.js
1:40:00 /core/modules/deserializers.js
1:40:38 /core/modules/config.js - constants - language ...
1:41:27 Mario - Question about internationalisation?
1:43:20 Mario - idea about languag switching
1:43:20+ Jeremy - The tiddler content should be switchable too
1:45:15 Leo - Is it possible to see both (language content tiddlers) at the same time?
1:46:59 Scott - ... So User created content can be switched?
1:47:43 Tobi - wants to have a "flat file (tiddler)" for translation
1:49:22 Jeremy - back to config.js
1:49:32 /core/modules/commander.js - command line commands
1:49:32+ /core/modules/commands - folder
1:50:16 /core/modules/filters - folder
1:51:55 /core/modules/parsers - folder
1:53:09 /core/modules/rendertree - folder
1:54:10 /core/modules/savers - folder
1:54:49 /core/modules/utils - folder
1:56:31 - - that's it :) - -
1:56:48 Mario - what's the "module-type" used for?
1:58:55 - Small talk
1:59:50 Jeremy - Any questions?
2:00:00 Leo - Is it possible to trace the execution?
2:02:32 Mario - Leo, which browser do you use? FF + Firebug
2:04:30 Jeremy - back to the agenda.
2:04:45 Jeremy/all - TiddlyLink formatting ...
2:12:12 Bye! Bye!
2013-09-03 - [[YouTube|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umV13nEJZBk]]
0:00:00 fltr: Craig Prichard, David Gifford, Eric Shulman, Jeremy Ruston, Kolmar Kafran, Mario Pietsch, Scott Simmons, Simon Harper, Tobias Beer
0:03:45 Agenda
0:04:24 Jeremy- New Features TW5 - new WikiInfo tiddler
0:06:00 Jeremy- ControlPanel - AnimationDuration tiddler
0:07:35 Jeremy- ThemeTweaks - and how it works with transclusion ...
0:11:30 Jeremy- ThemeTweaks with FF - change story column and colors
0:16:05 Jeremy- AndTidWiki app support
0:19:00 Jeremy/Scott- MathML support
0:22:45 Mario/Jeremy- What was the problem with MathJax
0:25:35 Jeremy- "What we need is a LaTeX parser ..."
0:26:05 Jeremy- Moving from Alpha to Beta
0:27:20 J- "We should push to NPM" (node package manager)
0:28:00 J- "We need Release note and Release announcements"
0:28:40 J- about the update / upgrade mechanism
0:29:18 Scott/Jeremy - Live cycle of TW-classic / Migration points?
0:32:23 Jeremy- When switch tiddlywiki.com to TW5
0:34:20 Jeremy- Analytics about tiddlywiki.com
0:38:10 Jeremy- "TiddlyWiki-classic is a extremely usefull tool"
0:40:35 Jeremy- There should be a solid upgrade story for TW5!
0:42:43 Dave- Browser back/forward button should work
0:44:45 Dave- about permalinks
0:46:00 Jeremy- Wikitext changes may be disruptive
0:47:13 Scott/Jeremy- about Syntax changes, in the middle of beta?!
0:51:25 Jeremy- summs up from his "take aways"
0:52:38 Scott/Jeremy- about the show stoppers to beta
0:54:20 Jeremy- TiddlerLink should not be bold. But this causes some "hickups"
0:59:53 Jeremy- about TiddlerWidget and TranscludeWidget
1:06:08 Jeremy- New way of handling the ViewTemplate
1:11:45 Craig- What defines the order to build the ViewTemplate?
1:15:15 Jeremy/Kolmar- about MathML with FF
1:23:23 Jeremy- any questions?
1:23:40 Kolmar- How to handle images .. eg: SVGs for diagrams
1:25:10 Jeremy- Inserts an image to TW5 and transclude them
1:29:10 Jeremy- needs a pause ...
1:30:27 Jeremy- is back
1:30:55 Jeremy- Any more questions?
1:32:40 Jeremy/Kolmar about translation into portuguese
1:34:34 Kolmar about moneylog ... has an offline version similar to TW
1:41:08 Bye! Bye!
2013-09-10 - [[YouTube|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SH0BU7ZxjWU]]
0:00:00 Intro: fltr: Craig Prichard, Eric Shulman (0:35:30), Javid Lakha, Jeremy Ruston, Kolmar Kafran (later), Kamil (drops out sometimes), Mario Pietsch, Nathan Cain (0:09:10), Scott Simons, Tobias Beer,
0:02:10 Jeremy- freedombits (dot) com
0:04:50 Jeremy- TW5 frontpage gets examples and press tiddler
0:06:27 Jeremy/Mario- about the TW5 markup and the timeframe for possible changes
0:09:25 Jeremy- Data Tiddlers
0:10:20 slices- mime: application/x-tiddler-dictionary
0:11:37 history list- JSON- mime: application/json
0:13:29 d3 stuff- data in JSON format
0:16:50 Jeremy- data tiddler- implementation ... code
0:24:00 Jeremy- forum software ... "eat our own dogfood" or use 3rd party software (eg: discourse (dot) org )
0:34:25 Jeremy- Authentication (eg: passwordjs (dot) org)
0:38:00 see: kunxi (dot) org ... "note up powered by tiddlywiki5"
0:43:45 Jeremy- Video plugins for TW5.
0:44:48 ... voice recording problems ... up to 0:48:40
0:48:40 annotations and video plugin (still some lagging problems)
0:50:52 annotations and video plugin (again :)
0:51:52 Kolmar .. (communication problems..) ... jump to 0:55:30
0:53:50 Kolmar prepares for screen sharing to discuss his issues (mentioned in hangout 11)
0:55:30 Jeremy- about state tiddlers ... to store eg: tab state
1:00:25 Kolmar- about his TW5 issues: core update / import tiddlers,
1:05:03 Kolmar- issue with MathML ...
1:06:30 Kolmar- TW as collaborative tool
1:10:26 Kolmar- about sharing just one tiddler
1:12:10 Jeremy- Export / Download tiddlers in several formats
1:14:26 Jeremy- Save a single tiddler - button example (just ignore the JS warning :)
1:19:30 Jeremy wants to see Kolmars wiki ...
1:23:00 Kolmar- Is it possible to have an image gallery?
1:27:45 Nathan/Jeremy- expanding require to use npm, or pulling modules in on demand?
1:31:40 ... Nathan offers to send some pull requests ...
1:32:00 Jeremy- "The single file nature of TW5 makes it unique."
1:33:00 Jeremy- TW5 is a Quine ..
1:35:35 Jeremy- any final questions?
1:36:30 Bye! Bye!
2013-09-17 - [[YouTube|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLJH2F9zyqk]]
0:00:00 Intro: fltr: Bauwe Bijl, David Johnston, Javid Lakha, Eric Shulman (later), Jeremy Ruston, Mario Pietsch, Nathan Cain, Scott Simmons, Slonik Az (Leo), Tobias Beer (later),
0:03:27 Bauwe- Shows his RaspberryPi experiments- short intro
0:05:50 Bauwe- Screen sharing TW5 hosted on RPi
0:07:30 Bauwe- terminal action :)
0:08:45 Jeremy- How did you get the IP address
0:09:25 Jeremy- You did use express.js to serve a static TW5 ...
0:11:25 Bauwe- shows the script files and directory structure
0:25:40 Jeremy- How does the CPU gauge get its data.
0:26:00 Jeremy/Bauwe- What kind of app do you see in the future ...?
0:27:30 Jeremy/Bauwe- About TW5 possibilities using/manipulating "data" + TW as a wiki
0:29:33 Jeremy/Bauwe- Advantages of the RPi? sensors ...
0:30:35 Jeremy- Summary about his take aways
0:33:05 Jeremy- About CLA "Contributor License Agreement"... automating the procedure... with github
0:37:25 Jeremy/Nathan- Request for help in this regard. Nathan suggests a handy github based method.
0:39:30 David/Jeremy- Data tiddlers as JSON. JSONT or "JSONselect" to pull out data of data tiddlers ... (some microphone problems)
0:45:40 Jeremy- short summary about data tiddlers, because of "lag" problems.
0:47:05 David- Is there a TW mechanism to check for new tiddler files on the filesystem? "fs.watch in nodejs"
0:49:20 Jeremy- shows syncer.js and filesystemadaptor.js code. TW5 based docs ...
0:52:30 Jeremy- any other questions? ... Nathan want to help with "fs.watch nodejs code"
0:53:22 Jeremy- about his plans to have a hardware TW. ...
0:54:00 Intro: Eric Shulman, Kolmar Kafran, Tobias Beer
0:56:45 Jeremy- about "state tiddlers" in TW (about state tiddler names)
1:02:20 Leo- Is it possible to "shorten" the visual tiddler name?
1:04:25 Tobias/Mario- Why do we need state tiddlers.
1:05:20 Mario/David- There is a problem with long win2003 server file names with ntfs
1:06:55 Jeremy- back- Jeremy favors the "hashing" approach
1:07:38 Jeremy- we can't use cookies anymore for state info because of "file cookies"
1:07:55 Jeremy- about local storage and TW5
1:09:10 Jeremy- "the thing is the tiddler" for consistency
1:13:15 Jeremy- Javid(no mic) want's to have a "private" TW in the cloud.
1:14:50 Jeremy- about TW5 server and hosting
1:18:38 Jeremy- Nathan suggests a "git sync plugin"
1:19:15 Jeremy/David about David's pull request, the "code readability" and contribution management
1:24:10 David- about his "getting started guide" and about handling it
1:25:36 Jeremy- Any other topic
1:26:03 David- Do you have scripts for "sublime text" editor, to speed up writing.
some "small talk"
1:33:20 David- What are you working on in TW - the focus?
1:39:08 David- With TWc there is too much stuff at too many different places ...
1:40:30 Eric/David/Jeremy- about TWc plugins and history
1:45:27 David/Jermy- ... talk about a TW "revenue model"
1:47:15 Bauwe- shows the use of TWS to save TW2 files with chrome and as a chrome extension
1:52:10 Jeremy- summs it up ... reflections about saving tiddlers or saving "containers" and "how to take over the world :)"
1:56:50 Leo- about the concept of tiddlers, files, directories and TW5
1:58:25 Bye! Bye!
2013-09-25 - [[YouTube|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kraMtDEiu7Y]]
0:00:00 Intro: fltr: David Johnston, Eric Shulman (later), Jeremy Ruston, Kamil Jellonek, Mario Pietsch, Tobias Beer
0:02:10 Jeremy- about Kamil's usecase for documentation and images.
0:02:59 Kamil- introduces his usecase. Creating / Editing - User Guides, ...
0:04:15 Jeremy- screenshare. "Tiddlymanuals" project ...
0:08:00 Jeremy- Ambit basic manual
0:11:15 Jeremy- create screenshot tiddlers with TW5
0:14:05 Kamil- about the desired workflow
0:16:40 Jeremy- the benefit of tiddler images / images as tiddlers.
0:17:10 Jeremy- about TW "mental model"
0:21:20 Hello: Eric Shulman
0:21:30 Jeremy- What is TiddlyWiki.
0:23:15 Jeremy- What does the audience think?
0:23:20 David/Jeremy- short summary about the possible workflow.
0:25:30 Kamil's feedback ... Mario's concerns about picture size.
0:28:34 Eric- about image handling / including in TWc.
0:30:40 Jeremy- TW client/server mode flexibility
0:33:05 Eric- comparing TW "modes" ...
0:36:00 Kamil- "understanding summary"
0:36:45 Jeremy- optimizing images and TW (size) limits
0:37:55 Kamil- How to notify users about eg: "TW usage hints"?
0:39:30 Eric- ...a TW "notification bar" and message logging.
0:43:20 Tobias- shares some of his latest spaces, plugins, ...
0:43:45 customize (dot) tiddlyspace (dot) com ... "all stuff TiddlyWiki"
0:49:15 .. how a plugin space should look like.
0:49:35 Mario- How do you keep the customize up to date?
0:51:45 tiddlywiki (dot) org ... "How TiddlyWiki Works"
0:52:34 scripts (dot) tiddlyspace (dog) com ... code snippest
0:53:20 the "white theme flavors" ... white (dot) tiddlyspace (dot) com
0:55:40 untagged (dot) tiddlyspace (dot) com
0:57:14 pagr (dot) tiddlyspace (dot) com
1:00:04 listfiltr (dot) tiddlyspace (dot) com
1:02:00 tagfiltr (dot) tiddlyspace (dot) com
1:05:20 Mario- has a problem with "hiding information" with eg: the tag "no-tag"
1:06:33 filtr (dot) tiddlyspace (dot) com
1:09:45 Jeremy- short summary (praise the work!)
1:11:00 David- "hobby related" questions ... RPG
1:12:00 David- creating seeded, "real random numbers"
1:14:48 David- shares his RPG work.
1:19:30 David- shares the "randomize" code.
1:25:05 David- "slider input range" and "number line" (touch optimized)
1:29:00 David- modify a tiddler "on save" - UUIDs
1:35:20 David- How to "hook" into the save mechanism?
1:39:57 Mario- Is the "in place editing" a possibility?
1:41:50 Jeremy- ... how to solve the "original problem".
1:44:12 discussion about the "number line"
1:46:50 Jeremy- about "web components spec" ... polymer ... x-tags
1:48:25 some code refactoring
1:50:25 plugins may be on github
1:54:00 Jeremy- "his take away's"
1:54:30 Jeremy- about refactoring the rendering tree code
1:57:20 Mario- some elements have "hardcoded styles" ..
1:59:58 Bye! Bye!
2013-10-01 - [[YouTube|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZiU4uSGFnQ]]
0:00:00 Intro: fltr: David Gifford, David Johnston, Jeremy Ruston, Eric Shulman (had a short look), Kamil Jellonek (later), Keith Bruckner, Mario Pietsch
0:03:38 Dave/Dave- smalltalk
0:04:20 Jeremy- shows "Tiddlers on the Web" presentation from Ben Paddock
0:05:55 Dave J.- shows his additional filters
+- 0:07:03 "list next" - filter add on
+- 0:08:40 "previous" list filter
+- 0:10:20 "before" ...
+- 0:12:10 ... some info about "limit bug"
+- 0:13:10 "before plus limit 1"
+- 0:13:45 "after" -> "!before"
+- 0:14:25 now combining the possibilities
+- 0:15:20 "position" filter
+- 0:15:45 "numberof"
+- 0:17:05 "real world" examples ...
+- 0:18:30 "real world usecase" as a macro
0:21:20 Jeremy- comments on Dave's filters (some audio problems)
0:24:55 David G.- expresses his ideas for some more "new filters" :)
0:26:58 David G./DJ- is there a way to convert DJ's filters to "pills" similar to tags? ... some more usecases ...
0:30:40 Jeremy- Do you intend to create "hirarchy lists"
0:31:42 Jeremy- What about the filter API (filters may be able to take multiple parameters)
0:32:40 Jeremy- (autio problems) ... Hangout broken 10sec
0:33:30 Dave J./Jeremy- more filter info for Dave G.
0:34:33 David G.- Page numbers and printing?
0:37:00 Jeremy- about code refactoring going on, to clean up the rendered DOM
0:38:00 ... audio problems for 2:20min ... Jeremy
0:40:40 some smalltalk
0:41:10 Dave G.- shares some info about a discussion with Jeremy
0:43:30 Dave J./Dave G.- shows the "fly out" nav bar (hangout 14 contains some more info)
0:47:10 Dave G./Jeremy- about "non hirarchical related lists"
0:49:13 Dave J./Jeremy- discussion about "filter syntax and programming"
0:52:15 Mario- questions ... about "word count" - "character count" ... plugin ... (low level stuff)
1:00:00 Jeremy- hints about, how to create the "word count" widget. plus some low level background info for parsing and rendering.
1:12:00 Jeremy's- computer crashed ... :/
1:12:50 Jeremy- audio only ... real crash
1:13:45 David J./Mario .. smalltalk
1:14:50 ... hangout broken ...
2013-10-09 - [[YouTube|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUV4Qzj_7Jw]]
0:00:00 Intro- fltr: Jeremy Ruston, Kamil Jellenek, Kolmar Kafran, Mario Pietsch, Nathan Cain
0:02:30 Kamil- How to get started with TW5? (Chrome)
0:06:00 Kolmar- short intro. ... When is the empty.html updated?
0:07:20 Jeremy- How to get started with TW5? (FireFox w. TiddlyFox)
0:09:40 Kolmar- Is the "BLOB API" updated in empty.html? (needed for saving)
0:11:10 Kamil- How does the "password" work? TiddlyWiki encryption
0:12:35 Kamil- Is there a possibility to "write protect" the TW? (Users should not change content by acident)
0:15:50 Jeremy- TW5 in dropbox - "How to create a view only mode link"
0:20:40 Kolmar- How to hide the "save ... buttons" ...
0:21:50 Jeremy- Dicussion about "read only mode"
0:24:10 Jeremy- TW5 static version
0:24:40 Jeremy- Creates a "read only theme" on the fly! (+ some browser problems :)
0:36:00 Jeremy- Create a "save button" for the "read only theme" ;) ... kind of tricky :)
0:39:00 Jeremy- Deploy - the "ReadOnly" theme! well done :)
0:39:40 - discussion "how to toggle read only mode"
0:41:17 Mario- question about "drag and drop" tagging ...
0:42:20 Jeremy- Edit tags without edit mode ... possible improvements for tagging.
0:45:00 Kamil- discussion about "keyboard shortcuts" and endusers needs.
0:46:27 Kamil- about "tag colors" and categorisation
0:48:16 Mario- Concerns about "automatically changing" UI elements. (eg: automatic resorting of tag lists)
0:49:30 discussion about UI and UX ... tablet - drag and drop ... desktop - mouse and keyboard ...
0:53:20 Kolmar- shares his TW5 and what it means to him.
0:55:30 Jeremy- possibilities to use TW with mobile devices.
0:56:30 Jeremy- about TW5 and TWEdit
0:57:00 Kolmar- Is "TiddlyWiki in the Sky with Dropbox" with TW5 a possibility?
1:00:50 Kolmar- About his dropbox experience with Mon..Log
1:03:55 discussion about "What makes TW5 unique"
1:05:30 Jeremy- TW5 and git ... as a backend
1:06:28 Jeremy- TiddlyWiki local even in Oxford ... planning phase
1:10:40 Kamil- What is the "result" of eg: tw hangouts? ...
1:12:40 Mario- About "hangout annotations" and topics for discussion
1:13:40 Jeremy- github issues ... community pull requests
1:15:40 Jeremy- About the local meetup ... eventually community meetups ...
1:19:00 Kolmar- about internationalisation - TW translation.
1:20:55 Mario- A TW5 Logo is missing :)
1:21:30 Jeremy- Thoughts ... How a TW log should be .. and .. how it should _not_ be
1:25:35 Kolmar- Is it possible to contribute documentation with github or TW5?
1:27:13 Mario- What's about CDent's relation to Osmosoft?
1:28:00 Jeremy- about the community Logo discussion
1:31:30 Jeremy- "TiddlyWiki is all about tiddlers"
1:34:20 Kamil- Where is the TW5 syntax documentation? We can here Jeremy's voice and see Kolmar's TW5
1:37:50 discussion about empty.html ... and built in "wiki syntax info tiddler"
1:41:00 Kamil- about contributing, testing and translation ....
1:44:25 Nathan- Should there be a TW5 edition just for documentation?
1:45:40 Mario- about handling pictures with TW5 and 3rd party services (eg: trovebox (dot) com)
1:47:55 Jeremy- about resizing images in the browser.
1:50:45 Bye! Bye!
2013-10-15 - [[YouTube|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzK6_9W0rn4]]
0:00:00 Intro: fltr: Eric Shulman, Jeremy Ruston, Mario Pietsch, Nathan Cain, Scott Simmons
0:01:50 Jeremy- about the TW5 widget refactoring / refactoring in general
0:02:40 Jeremy- template "readability" ... after the widget refactoring
0:04:15 Jeremy- about the TW5 widget refactoring ... ./nbld.sh
0:09:58 ... FireFox 3D DOM model comparison
0:12:25 Jeremy- "macro" and "context" template mechanism eg: tag background coloring
0:17:20 ... ViewTemplate uses the same mechanism now
0:19:50 Jeremy- comparing the new/old folder structure
0:22:40 Jeremy- TW5 commit history
0:24:30 mario's mic is muted :/ communication problems
0:25:30 audio back ... Jeremy- about the "3rd" refactoring
0:28:20 Scott/Jeremy- sharing tiddlers among different TWs. ... What's the nature of TW5?
0:33:30 Mario- nodejs will be interesting for dev's and if you need "single file tiddlers"
0:34:15 Jeremy- about Dropbox, OwnCloud, "command line action" and possibilities to make it easy
0:36:30 ... TW5 as an "application" ... eg: Appify
0:39:20 Bye! Bye!
2013-10-22 - [[YouTube|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEFadJ6Ls2Y]]
0:00:00 Intro: fltr: Bauwe Bijl (0:12:50), David Gifford, Jeremy Ruston, Mario Pietsch, Paul Truzzi (later) Scott Simmons, Ton Gerner
0:02:05 Ton- About his TiddlyWiki usecases
0:07:35 Dave- Introduces TiddlyWiki 5 Mall
0:12:50 Bauwe- Intro
0:13:50 Bauwe- Update on RaspberryPi sensor experiments
0:21:00 Jeremy- Transclude tiddler content into an SVG
0:24:15 Eric/Bauwe- about other mini-computer hardware .. parallelo, tessel, beagle bone black
0:25:45 Jeremy- Update on "Widget Refactoring"
0:30:20 Mario- Are there any basic widgets missing?
0:32:20 Jeremy- startup.js, version.js, link.js, widget.js
0:35:05 Jeremy- about regexp for "skype:" protocol ... external link detection
0:36:40 Jeremy- Tag search editor issue ... general info about refactoring
0:40:20 Eric- Start Search by clicking a link?
0:42:50 Eric- "" n-da2sh, "-" m-dash and escaping wikification
0:51:46 Eric/Jeremy- Is it possible to disable "dash" rendering ... with a "rule"
0:54:20 Jeremy- about Ton's Top Menu ... theme mod
0:59:30 general discussion about TW5 syntax "evolution" ... rule, macro transclusion
1:02:20 Mario- Will there be "global" makros? ... see: /modules/macros folder
1:04:01 /modules/macros/makedatauri.js ... about general macro handling
1:09:20 Mario/Jeremy- About the transition from TW2 to TW5
1:12:12 Scott- There should be a "cheat sheet" with TW5 syntax in TW5
1:14:30 Jeremy- any questions? ... nope
1:15:25 Dave- Will it be possible to transclude "external" tiddlers? from file / URL
1:21:14 Eric- about the TiddlyWiki structure as a "box of index cards" ...
1:22:45 Jeremy- About "Smalles Federated Wiki"
1:27:40 Scott- How does TiddlySpace include other spaces?
1:30:50 Jeremy/Eric- About "Eric's Clinic" ... smalltalk ... "custom fields"
1:34:12 Jeremy- about +TiddlyWiki google plus circle ... smalltalk about hangout's
1:40:20 Bye! Bye!
2013-10-29 - [[YouTube|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYaFsOzXnPY]]
0:00:00 Intro- fltr: Bauwe Bijl, EricShulmann, Jerey Ruston, Mario Pietsch, Leo Azimov, Stephan Hradeck, Ton Gerner
0:03:40 Jeremy/Stephan- about Stephan's TW5 usecase as a "handover doc paper"
0:06:01 Leo/Stephan- How do you merge changes done by different users?
0:07:50 Intro Bauwe Bijl
0:08:28 Leo- Feature request. Display TW "interdependencies in the form of a graph"
0:10:30 Mario- Suggests TiddlyWeb as a backend instead of the "file system"
0:12:20 Eric- Shows a working HyperGraph TWc plugin - "discovery tools"
0:13:30 Leo/Mario- About his usecase to split a big TW into "private" and "public" pices. Mario suggests hoster (dot) peermore (dot) com
0:17:48 Mario/Jeremy- about MindMaps and importing it into TW
0:21:35 Eric/Leo- shows the TWc RelatedTiddlersPlugin. about tiddler connection structure
0:25:30 Bauwe/Jeremy- update on his RaspberrPi SVG data collection project
0:38:35 Bauwe/Jeremy/Mario/Leo- has a filter feature request ... "hide tiddlers until, they are modified" ... "exclude, based on modifier"
0:43:55 Jeremy- creates a github ticket (#187) for the feature request.
0:45:14 Jeremy- short summary ... about his "take away" thoughts.
0:47:16 Jeremy- dynamic SVG handling.
0:51:30 Jeremy- about the "external link" handling. ... public brainstorming!
1:03:25 Stephan- confusion about "pretty links" in TW and MediaWiki. ... no more tilde's
1:08:50 Stephan/Jeremy- is used in too many places ... may be :)
1:10:40 Jeremy- about refactoring .... !!! here comes the geeky stuff !!!
1:11:45 Jeremy- review the github pull request
1:12:30 about static templates .. core/templates/static.template.html.tid
1:13:54 core/templates/static.tiddler.html.tid
1:14:10 view widget .. wikified is dropped
1:15:14 transclude widget code
1:16:45 core/ui/EditTemplate.tid .. source code
1:20:45 Mario- did the refactoring make CSS simpler?
1:22:20 Mario- about the goal to show a "live theme" inside a tiddler
1:25:30 Jeremy- edit "post render function" is able to "call" the "codemirro plugin" .. general discussion about implementing the tiddlywik cm-parser
1:31:52 core/ui/FieldEditor.tid
1:35:30 Would it be possible, that TW creates "x-tags"/"web components"?
1:37:20 "setvariable" widget .. used in the EditTemplate
1:40:20 title vs tiddler in field names
1:41:40 List of "typed" tiddlers ... for filtering
1:43:25 Mario- short indirection to Bauwe's "data tiddler" filtering
1:45:01 Import widget on PageTemplate .. discussion about the "drop zone"
1:49:36 core/ui/TagTemplate .. "hard coded" styles vs. "CSS styled" tag colors .. general discussion about tag coloring.
2:01:40 about the TW "self documenting" possibilities. Automatically created documentation. snippets templates
2:05:50 Mario- Will there be a "nodejs TiddlyWeb" version. Jeremy isn't that interested in serversides. The API will be enough.
2:12:55 Bye! Bye!
2013-11-05 - [[YouTube|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_-HhbEMiJ4]]
0:00:00 Intro: frtl: Mario, Piers, Robin, Sean, Leo (Slonik), Stephan, Ton
0:03:00 Jeremy- What's new: CodeMirror integration (plugin)
0:05:45 Leo- uses "It's all text" Will it work with CM?
0:06:55 Jeremy- There is a new "markdown plugin" for interoperability.
0:10:15 Jeremy- Short info about markdown plugin integration (code).
0:12:45 Jeremy- How codemirror was included (code)
0:13:15 Jeremy- Some discussion about animation and inernal HTML structure
0:17:27 Intro Nathan
0:18:25 Jeremy- Are there questions from Piers and Sean? usecase?
0:20:43 Jeremy- multi column mode lists ... TW5 as a "guitar songbook"
0:25:37 Leo- External links to MP3?
0:26:20 about multi column CSS
0:27:40 Jeremy- does a lot of "skeleton documentation"
0:30:12 Mario- Are we close to beta? -> upgrade the core is the blocker atm ... general discussion about beta
0:32:40 Leo- Do we need to write browser specific CSS? ... TW5 does simplify CSS creation ..
0:34:30 Jeremy- How to create a "CSS macro" for 4 columns
0:36:40 Mario- What do you think about using microformats. microformats (dot) org
0:38:20 Jeremy/Mario/Nathan/Leo- thinking about RDFa ... open graph ... schema (dot) org ... using RDF as a "storage format"
0:50:40 Jeremy/Nathan- reflections about the above (RDF)
0:54:20 Nathan/Jeremy- about "Federated Querying" ... SPARQL
0:57:20 Jeremy- reflections about "possibilities to use it"
0:58:48 Jeremy- "PageMacros" ... "hacky" global macros ... built in macros
1:00:00 Jeremy- Creating tabs with macros
1:01:08 Mario- brings back the "sections and slice" discussion ... about "prose / natural data structure"
1:04:53 Jeremy- "library of core macros" ... text and javascript
1:08:50 Mario- issue - using TW5 to create TW2 test.html - TW5 npm should be updated.
1:12:25 Nathan- shows a structure of "Linked open data cloud"
1:19:29 ... tags and URI ... od items inside TW have an URI? ... text URI ... rendered URI
1:26:30 Jeremy- TW5 (without javascript) shows the tiddler titles. ... It could be anything.
1:29:00 Nathan- are the "js macros" global?
1:34:08 Jeremy/Mario- Animation is back ... for popup's ... adjusting animation speed ... working with tabs
1:39:40 Jeremy- about keyboard shortcuts
1:41:35 Nathan- Is there a "command line interface" in TW5
1:44:40 Jeremy- searches some "early TW UI sketches"
1:45:20 Nathan- CLI - to manipulate the "server side"
1:47:52 Jeremy- finally shows some "early TW UI sketches" ... a termKit like CLI for TW
1:54:10 Bye! Bye!
2013-11-12 - [[YouTube|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqjPSqQySc0]]
0:00:00 Intro: fltr: Ton, Scott, Mario, Jeremy, Eric, Adrian
0:02:35 Jeremy- What's new in alpha 14 -> ControlPanel
0:04:30 Jeremy- Add a new tab to the ControlPanel tiddler.
0:05:08 Jeremy- Add a tab to the "info panel"
0:06:00 Jeremy- TW5 static representation
0:06:45 Jeremy- What will be interesting ??
0:08:20 Mario- is interested in Adrians usecase.
0:08:40 Adrian- Build TW5 from source with Windows?
0:10:20 Mario- Suggests to use "grunt" to manage TW5 build process
0:15:50 Adrian- ... is hunting for the "perfect personal information management system"
0:16:30 Adrian- would like a "graph like view" of TW
0:17:07 Jeremy- shows the cecily (TWc) project ... It should come back to TW5
0:24:20 Jeremy- about integration of d3
0:27:36 Adrian- TW5 data structure, meta data, "external" databases, ...
0:28:20 Jeremy- ... how the "story view" handles tiddlers ... list widget
0:29:40 Adrian- how to "expose the intrinsic link structure"
0:30:20 Jeremy- ... the filter syntax to "select" tiddlers
0:34:36 Adrian- ... does TW support external data sources?
0:39:40 Jeremy- about the "tiddler store" (code), and "plugable stores"
0:42:45 Andrew- what's about "scaling" out of "personal use"
0:46:50 Mario- suggests couchdb - pouchdb - for syncing single file TWs
0:47:30 Jeremy- about capturing the tiddler hashmap (store) in a clousure to "enforce a unified api"
0:48:10 Jeremy- leavs ...
0:49:30 ... Eric on the guitar!
0:50:20 Jeremy- is back
0:51:25 Adrian- about databases he is interested in eg: neo4j, datomic,
0:54:15 Adrian- about Relavance and "associative databases"
0:56:00 Jeremy- about SQL databases
0:57:40 Jeremy- about the TW5 "internal data structure"
1:02:25 Adrian- had issue with d3 data set saving (actually found a bug)
1:05:30 Adrian- What do you think about "The smallest federated wiki"?
1:11:27 Mario- TW5 on itself will scale much better than TW2
1:12:10 Adrian- What about trello?
1:14:30 Adrian- TWs open tiddler animation is kind of confusing.
1:18:40 Bye! Bye!
2013-11-19 - [[YouTube|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEYaPiOB8dI]]
0:00:00 intro: frtl: Jeremy, Mario, Nathan, Stephan, Ton
0:01:40 Jeremy- What do you think of the "Fork me on GitHub" ribbon
0:08:55 Nathan- "Download me as a file" instead of "Fork me on Github"
0:10:30 Jeremy- The link color changed a bit.
0:13:30 Jeremy- About "vanilla" CSS styling and a new "Vanilla Theme"
0:15:40 Jeremy- about page layout configurability
0:16:40 Mario- "Complains" about text edit performance
0:22:00 Jeremy- About testing and avoid regressions
0:23:45 Jeremy- Control Panel now has a TiddlySpot setting tab.
0:26:30 Jeremy- Save to TiddlySpot will be part of the core ... code review.
0:28:20 ... About IE ... TW5 should work with IE10+
0:29:10 Julio- What's the difference between macros and widgets
0:29:50 Mario- about the difference between macros and widgets.
0:31:50 Stephan- macros are "kind of a template"
0:32:10 Jeremy- summs up the above
0:32:40 Mario- about managing "user specific" macros
0:33:10 Jeremy- Proposal - about extending the MIME type of tiddlers to handle "export/import" of macros.
0:37:10 Jeremy- The goal is that ordinary users don't need to deal with widget syntax.
0:38:25 Jeremy- Which macros are needed for "users" .. 9
0:39:50 Jeremy- shows the "tab macro" code
0:41:03 Jeremy- Summary about macros and widgets
0:42:30 Jeremy- Macros should be "self documenting"
0:44:15 Jeremy- Moving to "beta" ... how to do the "core upgrade"
0:47:00 Jeremy- The boot mechanism should be able to load "external files"
0:49:00 Jeremy- How to do the core upgrade with eg: npm, visit ..tw5/upgrade, download the upgrade mechanism TW, extend TiddlyFox possibilities.
0:52:20 Jeremy- move to beta and TW5 will be the frontpage for tiddlywiki.com
1:04:45 small talk, managing lists :)
Bye! Bye!
2013-11-26 - [[YouTube| https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKJwcY-gx2g]]
0:00:00 Intro: frtl: Adrian, Bob(later), Dave, Eric, Jeremy, Stephan, Ton, Mario (later)
0:02:05 Agenda: What's new, Creating DropDown's, about the list widget, tracing the code
0:03:20 Jeremy- New PageTemplate tag, to modify the page template
0:07:15 J- Fixed the "list sorting" issue
0:09:05 J- Control panel - tiddlyspot saver tab. link to backup folder.
0:10:40 J- about fixed issues. (filter typo causes alert) ...
0:12:20 J- Changing templates ... Save empty.html
0:13:50 J- google analytics is now a propper plugin.
0:14:10 J- new save/download buttons
0:16:30 J- Josh's question - how to create a dropdown menue
0:20:03 Eric- some questions about the popup
0:22:20 Eric- suggestion - add items to the list would be cool
0:23:40 J- popup source review
0:29:20 J- about the "linkcatcher" widget ... also used for theme switching
0:31:10 Bob- What is the "bang bang" for?
0:33:45 Eric- Is there a "tooltip" ability?
0:35:55 J- New "fallback" feature of the "view widget".
0:37:20 Bob- Is the span needed to have the tooltip?
0:38:00 J- in beta we need to find out the "common idioms" ... and make them easy.
0:40:30 J- Dave's quesiton - about wikitext filter syntax shortcut
0:41:50 J- we need to extend the table syntax ... eg: multi line table syntax
0:45:55 Stephan- Will it interfere with existing table syntax?
0:47:40 Bob- questions about "escaping"
0:49:35 J- back to Dave's question ... transclusion in tables
0:52:20 J- howto - create a table with the "list widget" and templates
0:57:45 Bob- hangout examples should be copied over to a TW
1:00:00 back to the table syntax. ... right align.
1:02:00 Mario- How do you create a "dynamic" table with "list filters" ...
1:04:00 J- suggest COOL new syntax for "wikitext lists" and tables.
1:06:35 J- how "dynamic tables" are created atm. ... new wiki syntax
1:12:50 J- brainstroming about a "generic simple wiki syntax" for several things.
1:17:25 J- new syntax for "typed transclusion"
1:20:10 J- atm it's possible to make suggestions to improve TW5 wikitext for table, typed transclusions
1:23:10 J- Stephan's question about "What happens, when you click the Save button"
1:25:05 J- review the source for the "save button" ... start with the boot.js kernel
1:28:17 core/ folder ... plugin.info
1:28:44 modules/ folder ... startup.js
1:29:28 have a look at the "new" dev-wiki
1:31:15 Mario- Where is the code, that "catches the button save message"?
1:32:40 J- What happens if the save button is clicked. - part of the PageControls
1:34:25 widgets/button.js ... click event ... .execute
1:36:15 ... have a look at the "widget render tree" ... $tw.wiki.parseText
1:41:50 Mario- OT is there a connection between the tree and the source text position?
1:43:50 J- about the widget architecture
1:45:10 back to the button widget
1:45:40 widget.prototype.dispatchEvent ... tw-save-wiki
1:46:17 find the handler that executes the message. see: startup.js
1:47:50 $tw.wiki.saveWiki() .. see: wiki.js
1:51:00 about the savers/ modules
1:52:50 TiddlyFox saver ... .saverInit()
1:55:30 test.js widget
1:55:55 Stephan- wants visual feedback for saving to tiddlyspot .. upload.sh
1:58:10 progress bar is similar to the notifier.js
2:01:00 J- coding in TW is very different to jQuery, since the DOM is transient. Similar to angular.js
2:03:15 J- summing it up
2:04:40 J- states "parsers are not complicated" ;)
2:06:15 J- storyviews are "kind of complicated"
2:08:15 J- The UI is ripe for contributions.
2:08:50 J- Compare TW5 with other github projects .. number of commits
2:12:05 J- questions? ... smalltalk
2:13:20 Mario- Any progress on the "upgrade" mechanism?
2:18:00 Bye! Bye!
2013-12-04 - [[YouTube|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlXdKMj70yM]]
0:00:00 Intro: frtl: Jim + background, Jeremy, Mario, Michael, Paul, Stephan, Ton
0:07:30 Jeremy / Paul- about "OXTWIG" meeting in Oxford.
0:11:35 Jeremy- User-TWs in action (Jim screenshare won't work)
0:17:40 Michael- TW in action (actually nothing to show :)
0:18:50 Ton- about tw5toolbar(.)tiddlyspot(.)com new buttons: home, full screen, close all, close others, clone, search, help, ... StyleSheets ... ToggelTheme ... hide sidebar
0:26:55 Jeremy- about how Ton does the editing?
0:29:30 Michael- about single file TW vs node version (conversion back and forth) ginsu.sh
0:35:10 Jim- about his TW5 usecase ... create "reference material" .... (Jeremy's screenshare wasn't recorded) :/ (see Jim's TW at hangout#25)
0:47:50 Jeremy- Preperation for the Beta - about version numbering
0:50:40 Jeremy- How the "upgrade process works"
0:57:00 Jeremy- about "Getting Started with TiddlyWiki5" on youtube and a "youtube widget"
0:58:40 Jeremy- Nathan joins the talk.
0:59:50 Jeremy- How to import eg: markdown plugin.
1:00:55 Michael- How to open several tiddlers at once?
1:02:10 Mario- Would it be possible that a "open all tiddlers" also looks a the "list" field to open them in the right order?
1:03:00 Stephan/Jeremy- about automatic loading in "DefaultTiddlers"
1:06:00 Michael- Will it be possible to sort tiddlers in the "story river"?
1:07:50 Jeremy- about borrowing "Trello" functionality.
1:09:55 Jeremy- conditionally show/hide the sidebar
1:10:30 Stephan- do we have a "storyline" plugin/button?
1:11:00 Jim- about "conditionally" change the layout
1:15:40 Jeremy- Eric joined the session
1:17:40 Jeremy- about moving TW5 to tiddlywiki(.)com
1:19:10 Mario- complains about the TW5 "HelloThere" link to TiddlyWikiClassic
1:21:50 Jeremy/Eric- about moving TWc and TW5 frontpages ...
1:24:40 Mario- about the "migration path" from TWc to TW5
1:26:50 Paul- about "HelloThere" wording ...
1:28:30 Stephan- should we talk about the TW syntax for "quotes" skeeve(.)tiddlyspot(.)com
1:39:50 Jeremy- Question: Will quotes work with lists?
1:43:28 Stephan- about "radio buttons"
1:45:40 Michael- How to switch of CamelCase rendering?
1:51:30 Eric- about "black listing" CamelCase links, that should not be links
1:53:20 Mario- about tiddler aliasing
1:54:20 Eric- about "corner cases" if automatic wiki linking is globally switched of
1:57:10 Jeremy- about aliases ... being "symbolic links"
2:00:50 Jeremy- about aliases and regular expressions (regexp)
2:04:50 Bye! Bye!
2013-12-10 - [[YouTube|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGV5F2Gj_mE]]
0:00:00 Intro: frtl: Jim, Jeremy, Mario, Paul, Stephan, Ton
0:02:50 Jim's- usecase: "TW5 in the wild". Using tags to create a "parent - child" structure. ... 1-1, 1-many relations
0:08:20 Jim- question: "How to get backlinks"
0:10:05 Jeremy's- explanation
0:13:20 Mario- suggests to use tags ... similar to "TagglyTagging" ... that's not, what Jim wants.
0:15:30 Jeremy- shows how to add the "backlink" to the ViewTemplate.
0:21:40 Jeremy- about "asking questions is _important_" because it is valuable feedback.
0:23:50 Jim- What does !!parent}} mean? ... about "text references"
0:30:15 Jim- Is "parent" a core field? ... no
0:31:30 Jeremy- documentation about "backlinks"
0:32:55 Jeremy- about "Philosophy of Tiddlers"
0:34:00 Jeremy- about TW Editions
0:38:18 Paul- about "documentation inconsistencies" ... that may be confusing for newbies
0:41:00 Jeremy- about the use of "TiddlyWiki" as TW5 and TiddlyWikiClassic
0:43:15 Paul- "What is a tiddler" ... which tiddler fields are part of the "core". What's default for TWc, TW5 and eg: TiddlyWeb / TiddlySpace
0:49:00 Mario- about fields that are part of the core.
0:52:20 Jeremy- about "Going to beta"
0:54:20 about browser "back / forward" button integration
-> 0:56:40 Jeremy- about the five(.)tiddlywiki(.)com/static/RoadMap ... (google video recording is kind of broken till: the end :(
0:58:10 .. multi language support
0:59:40 .. aliases ... (may affect the "store" structure"
1:01:40 .. search / replace
1:02:55 .. rich links tooltips
1:03:35 .. keyboard shortcuts and focus ... bookmarklets as a workaround
1:06:00 .. quoting ...
1:07:00 about "social" widgets .. eg: youtube widget
1:09:10 .. syntax highlighting
1:13:45 .. plugin minification
1:17:10 .. list editor drag and drop
1:18:10 .. display JSON data .. TW should be "self documenting"
1:19:20 general TW usability
1:22:30 about "depricating widgets" in the future
1:24:50 Paul- .. about $tw.document in the code
1:31:20 Kamil- .. drag and drop importing pictures
1:33:50 ... Google recording problems ...
1:37:10 Jeremy is back .. image support question ...
1:40:20 Jeremy/Eric- about move to beta and necessary "dot com" changes.
1:45:40 Ton- There is a problem with five(.)tiddlyspace(.)com
1:52:35 Bye! Bye!
2013-12-17 - [[YouTube|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nQOLkDwiu8]]
0:00:00 Intro: rtl: Nathan (later), Paul, Stephan, Russ (later), Ton
0:01:34 Jeremy- TiddlyWiki is bata now \o/ see: tiddlywiki(.)com
0:02:45 Jeremy- There will be "broken links" in the web now :/
0:03:40 Jeremy- about bug fixes for the upcomming version (problems with screen sharing ...
0:07:40 Jeremy- is back - about the favicon
0:10:20 Jeremy- any questions about the agenda
0:11:25 Paul/Jeremy- How to contribute to TW with github
0:14:00 Jeremy- about linking external pictures in TW
0:15:15 Paul- about versioning
0:17:50 Paul- about links ... pretty links ... external links
0:30:55 Paul- about API specification ... what is stable and what is in flux
0:34:40 Paul- What are valid characters in a tiddler title?
0:45:00 Paul- Tiddlers may have an URI field
0:47:00 Jeremy- about date representation ... especially time zones
0:49:00 Jeremy- about the TW tiddler storage structure ... and probably changing it.
0:53:50 Paul- about timestamping down to the milisecond
1:00:00 Jeremy- about script tags with a "app specific" content type and related issues
1:02:00 Russ- joins the hangout ...
1:03:50 Russ- about "valid chars for the tiddler title" ecma-404 spec
1:07:15 Jeremy- about defining "task priorities" "fixes and features" for beta
1:13:55 Jeremy- Browser URL should contain the "full story state"
1:17:00 Jeremy- What to fix next - StyleSheet ordering -> internationalisation
1:22:10 Paul/Jeremy- about "RoadMap wording"
1:24:00 Jeremy- about "getting IE working" .. IE extension .. using TW as .hta
1:29:10 Jeremy- about releasing 5.0.4-beta
1:29:55 Paul- How will TW5 work with TiddlyWeb - TiddlySpace.
1:32:00 Jeremy- about DropBox support ... is a "must have"
1:32:40 Jeremy- planing the next hangout.
1:33:55 Jeremy- about some "incompatible issue fixes" ... how to introduce "deprication"
1:40:15 Jeremy- about improving the button widget
1:48:48 Bye! Bye!
2013-12-12 - [[YouTube|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCsQGIav9FM]]
0:00:00 Intro: rtl: Jim, Mario, Scott, Ton, Paul (alias Xavier), Carlos (later)
0:03:30 Jim- shows his usecase ... managing todo lists, goals, projects, tasks
0:08:30 Jim- Is there a way to style reference tiddler links if they are tagged eg: done
0:10:20 Jim- about "navigating a story" eg: next
0:11:15 Jim- about the idea of a "follow up"
0:16:15 Jeremy- general discussion about GTD (Getting Things Done)
0:17:10 Jim- about "tasks" and "appointments" and "time stamp format"
0:20:25 Jeremy- about browser support for "color", "time" and "date" pickers
0:22:30 Jeremy- about a new wikitext syntax to create a calendar
0:26:20 Jeremy- about TW5 "in the wild"
0:26:50 Intro Stephan
0:27:30 Jeremy/Stephan- about regexp's
0:30:20 Jim- about JavaFX ... and "why is it cool"
0:34:40 Jeremy- about "communication" between JavaFX and TW5
0:38:50 Jeremy- about the "webview" with Visual Studio
0:39:50 Mario- "Are there any security restrictions ... web <-> java"
0:41:25 Jim- about he trys to "visualize" the data structure. ... (mp remark: a "non tag based approach to create a story structure")
0:47:23 Jeremy- Would like to implement a "nested list type" structure with drag and drop
0:50:10 Intro Carlos ... about his usecase ... "teaching ... languages" and programming languages.
0:54:50 Jeremy- about Dicon's project and his point of view as a psychologist to work with TW
0:58:38 Carlos- how TW fits to his usecase for "writing and reading"
1:03:00 Jeremy- about "translations" - internationalisation
1:06:00 Jeremy- about the chinese translations at: tw5-zh. tiddlyspot. com
1:06:50 Jeremy- translations should be plugins that work similar to the themeing mechanism
1:10:30 Mario- translations should work for content text and the UI
1:14:07 Stephan- is it possible to search for "system" and "shadow" tiddlers
1:14:52 Jeremy- there should be a new TW file format. Translations should be "a single file"
1:16:00 Jeremy- The Roadmap ... next may be make translations easy
1:18:50 Jim- responding to Carlos's usecase. ... "creating a learning path"
1:26:30 Mario- about hangout #15 and David's filter addons ...
1:27:50 Carlos- about syntax highlighting
1:30:40 Mario- about "lazy loading" "source code" tiddlers from a server for syntax highlighting.
1:31:55 Carlos/Mario- What would be needed to use this in TW5
1:33:10 Carlos- Is it possible to transclude a part of the code, instead of the whole tiddler.
1:34:04 Jeremy- about FF on android and TW on android
1:35:40 Paul- about the versioning of TW5
1:38:10 Carlos- what about "GraphML"?
1:41:30 Jeremy- about how to ship additional plugins. ... editions
1:42:03 Carlos- brainstorming about possibilities / usecases ...
1:44:22 Mario- Jeremy can you remember ... bramp . github . io/js-sequence-diagrams/
1:45:25 Jeremy- .. Stephan, we could import GrphML files.
1:46:58 Bye! Bye!
2013-12-30 - [[YouTube|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fNkYJhGcZA]]
0:00:00 Intro: rtl: Carlos (later), Dave, Jim, Jeremy, Paul, Stephan, Ton
0:03.10 Jeremy- agenda and passes over to Ton
0:03:30 Ton- News about Ton's TW5 guide - "toggle - theme - button"
0:13:30 Jeremy- short summary .. next steps .. "how to package tiddlers into a plugin"
0:16:20 Ton- questions about "how to install node.js and npm" (.. wrong links)
0:19:00 Jeremy- short summary
0:19:30 Intro: Carlos
0:20:00 Jeremy/Jim- about task management
0:21:30 Jeremy- about his observations about task management from TWc
0:25:00 .. what do others (on the call) think?
0:26:00 Carlos- about calenders and a WebDav interface
0:27:45 Jeremy- TW5 node.js could have a WebDav interace ...
0:28:48 Jeremy- about POSSE "Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere" ... IMAP interface for TW5
0:31:40 Jeremy- about TW5 as a WebDav/CalDav client ... HTTP client for github issues
0:33:58 Carlos- about his usecase ...
0:35:20 Jeremy- Dave ask (chat): "What does Jeremy plan to do next?" ... Caching in local storage
0:37:30 Jeremy- about "avoiding data loss" ... "Download Offline Snapshot" button
0:40:05 Jeremy- "Helping Hackers" ... translation, making plugins in the browser,
0:40:30 Jeremy- opens the "RoadMap" tiddler. see RoadMap at tiddlywiki . com
0:42:15 Jeremy- .. Things that Jeremy really loves ... Cecily
0:43:00 Jeremy- Browser History handling ...
0:46:00 Jeremy- Permalink handling ...
0:47:00 Jeremy- github issue list ... issues should be actionable
0:56:50 Jeremy- about TiddlySaver ... can Jim help with some "know how"
1:00:38 - - short break - -
1:03:02 Paul- proposal: "vertical merging of tables" ... "top" and "bottom" alignemen syntax
1:13:50 Stephan- about "multi line table layout" with "search and replace pragma"
1:15:35 Jeremy- about "what should be in the core and what should be plugins" pro and cons ... why things are as they are ..
1:18:10 Jeremy- about "how contributions influence the core" even if they are not merged. (...pull requests are allways welcome!)
1:19:50 Jeremy- about the TW5 size
1:20:30 Paul/Jeremy- about size, plugins, core ...
1:23:15 Carlos/Jeremy- about users concerns and expectations
1:27:50 general discussion about community support - contribution - guidance ... turn TW into a team effort
1:32:47 Carlos- How many people use TW5 compared to TWc?
1:35:25 Jeremy- "Why TW5 is designed for users, who don't know TWc"
1:39:50 Jeremy- about the TWc migration path.
1:41:05 Carlos- Which version is at tiddlywiki . com ?
1:46:18 Jeremy- technical aspects of the "dates discussion" ... the internal structure of a tiddler
1:48:20 Jeremy- tiddler fields should get a "type" ...
1:50:23 Paul- What about the "tiddler representation" ... json, html .. see: hangout #27?
1:51:40 Jeremy- any questions?
1:52:05 Carlos- concern about node.js or java dependencies
1:57:55 Bye! Bye!
2014-01-11 - [[YouTube|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7vzfWieF_4]]
0:00:00 Intro frtl: Carlos, Jeremy, Mario, Paul, Stephan, Ton
0:02:20 Stephan- Contact handling .. "database" .. NewTiddler plugin
0:12:45 Jeremy- about contributions to the code / documentation base
0:14:50 - - - short break - - -
0:16:30 Stephan- about transcluding the "full" tiddler content ... title and content
0:19:20 Stephan- shows his "transclusion experiment"
0:22:20 Jeremy- about "credits" in the release notes. There may be Gravatar Widget
0:33:50 Carlos- would like to have GraphMl implemented.
0:41:30 Carlos- What about a "bounty system" for TW plugins?
0:45:05 Jeremy- TW5 should and will be free for end users ... about funding TW5 development
0:49:45 Mario- Carlos - Is there a special reason, why you want to use graphML? — yEd
0:51:05 Jeremy- future features / development for TiddlyDesktop!
0:56:10 Carlos- What kind of advantages do you see, for this type of app?
0:59:50 Jeremy- It would be even possible to integrate a "source code" editor
1:00:15 Mario- about the Brackets project.
1:05:00 Jeremy- about "p" paragraph handling ... "block mode" rendering in general
1:07:15 Jeremy- some new markup / syntax proposals ... brainstorming
1:24:50 - -> kind of an agreement about the new "paragraph - block mode"
1:27:15 Ton- What's about Paul's "multiline table proposal"
1:29:25 Jeremy- ... releases are slowing down.
1:29:58 Mario- CodeMirror is activated for the "client-server edition" by default now?
1:32:20 Paul- Jeremy, did you think more about the extended table syntax? .. it should be part of the core
1:33:00 Jeremy- about the TiddlyWiki for Android video
1:33:60 Jeremy- about the PHP server configuration to save TW5 as a single file
1:36:19 Mario- nodejs server uses the ip address as the parameter number 6. ...
1:38:45 Mario/Jeremy- about the build process in general
1:40:20 Jeremy- suggests the editions .info file should contain build instructions.
1:44:18 Jeremy- new docs tiddler: "Naming of System Tiddlers" ... there are some inconsistencies.
1:48:28 Mario- Would it be possible to have "tabs or sliders" for the namespaces lists?
1:52:25 Mario- About user defined naming conventions for system tiddlers.
1:53:35 Jeremy- shows the TitlesPolicy tiddler for some naming conventions
1:55:07 Carlos- Is the TitlesPolicy live allready ... yes
1:55:45 Paul- about NodeWebkit versioning .. what's about the updating / deployment handling?
1:59:40 Jeremy- about new GitHub's traffic graphs
2:01:18 Bye! Bye!
2014-01-22 - [[YouTube|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpRYHzHCj6w]]
0:00:00 Intro: frtl: Jeremy, Mario, Stephan
0:01:12 Mario- Intro: tw5-vagrant on github
0:02:40 .. about the Vagrantfile
0:04:50 .. how to download the stuff from github
0:05:18 .. how to start the procedure with "vagrant up"
0:05:40 .. access the TW5 client/server edition from the host browser
0:07:18 .. -> commands for contributors, some more internals
0:09:33 .. -> how to build the single file TWs, that static tiddlers and all the demos
0:10:20 Jeremy- Can we create a version, that does "npm install tiddlywiki" -> yes
0:12:00 .. the build finally finished with the tests!
0:13:00 Jeremy- There should be a website with some info about TW5 related projects
0:16:45 Jeremy- There was a request, how to upgrade TW5 with drag and drop ...
0:18:20 Mario/Jeremy- general discussion about TiddlyDesktop and multi user TWs, sharing .. TiddlyWeb
0:20:25 Jeremy- about the "extended" build scripts "./bld.sh" or use "npm start" "npm build" ..
0:23:44 Jeremy- the TW5 repo may need to be splitted into the "docs" and the "code"
0:26:35 .. general discussion about managing TW5 repos. code and docs.
0:30:20 Mario- thoughts about, how to handle a "custom editions" that should be in there own repos
0:33:10 Jeremy- block mode html handling ... (with a little journey to find the issue :)
0:36:30 .. found it \o/ issue #82 and #345 (related) ... will need to refactor the parser
0:38:15 All- brainstorming about an /import pragma .. transclusion .. inclusion .. /rules ..
0:47:30 Mario- .. is this a "global" import?
0:48:30 Jeremy- about the "role" of tags in TW5 at the moment. .. it's just conventions
0:50:03 .. about "missing" documentation and "reading" existing documentation.
0:52:45 Mario- "standard macros" evolving into "user defined macros"
0:54:20 Jeremy- Stephan's pull requests for 5.0.7
0:59:20 Jeremy- Some new docs about the "coding style" .. rules for pull requests
1:00:50 Jeremy- docs .. "Saving to a PHP" server, similar to tiddlyspot
1:03:50 Jeremy- docs .. naming conventions for "user defined" system tiddlers
1:06:05 Jeremy- upcomming changes for the ControlPanel
1:07:40 .. importing encrypted TWs
1:10:00 Jeremy/Mario- .. discussion about using TW as a password vault.
1:13:38 ... your computer is not broken - this silence is by intention :) ...
1:14:48 Jeremy- There should be some warings / info about security.
1:16:20 Bye! Bye!
2014-01-28 - [[YouTube|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_14sh5n0qKo]]
0:00:00 Intro rtl: Eric, Mario, Leo, Stephan, Ton
0:02:40 Ton- Reorginzes his TW5 Info pages + some new stuff. Links can be found at tiddlywiki. com
0:06:30 Ton- brought back the "Left Menue"
0:11:39 Mario- Saw some issues with the "!important" key word in the CSS.
0:13:25 Jeremy- Do you have dropdowns in the Top Menue?
0:18:55 Ton- New ReadOnly theme, with a "hidden" save button :)
0:20:20 Jeremy- About "automatic" theme adjustments. ... customize the display depending on the browser used, for documentation.
0:25:10 general discussion about contribution.
0:16:06 Stephan- new journalButton, very similar to the newTiddler button. + dateTimeMacro
0:33:30 Stephan's tiddlyspots. links can be found at tiddlywiki. com
0:35:18 Jeremy/Mario- ... screen sharing problems
0:37:50 Jeremy- the plugin library. Discussion summary on mario's space
0:40:05 Jeremy- github issue page #363 - open for discussion
0:41:56 Jeremy- "core plugins" vs "contributor plugins" vs "3rd party plugins". Discussion Jeremy and Mario about responsibilities. About the TW5 repo structure.
0:48:15 ... connection between "editions" directory and "plugins" directory.
0:50:30 Leo- There should be a "search" functions. What about versioning ... -> Jeremy- We use "Semantic Versioning"
0:52:10 Mario- about his issues, using "vanilla TW5 repo" for his development workflow. There are different views about the dev workflow. Mario wants to have "generic" scripts
1:00:50 Jeremy- About the "new proposed build" mechanism.
1:01:55 Jeremy- discussion about: what are the existing build scripts about.
1:04:00 Jeremy- about: How to submit / contribute plugins.
1:08:30 Leo- Is it possible to install plugins from "any URL" -> yes
1:10:00 Jeremy- How can we distribute plugins. about possible backends ... It seems we need to require contributors to use git/hub.
1:14:00 Jeremy- about pulling plugins to the "core" ... testing needs to be possible/done by the core devs
1:16:34 Leo- example: how "homebrew" does it for MAC software.
1:19:40 Jeremy- about the "tiddlywiki -build" and "-init" commands. TODO
1:24:50 Leo- What about debendency management?
1:31:50 Jeremy- Stephan's bookmarklets with TiddlyDesktop. General bookmarklet handling.
1:36:40 Jeremy- TiddlyDesktop may be a wiki too.
1:37:20 Jeremy- Intro Paul ...
1:38:27 Paul- What's about the next OXTWIG.
1:41:53 Bye! Bye!
2014-02-04 - [[YouTube|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEqXu6xay7M]]
0:00:00 Intro- Dave, Jeremy, Sean, Leo, Vasily
0:02:22 Dave- Using TW with images, note taking, book reading quotes ..
0:08:20 Jeremy- Dave, you did experiment with TW and node.js - How did it feel?
0:11:10 Jeremy- about changes in TW, to do image "lazy loading"
0:12:20 Sean- What is this "lazy loading" feature?
0:12:55 Inrto: Paul, Ton
0:13:35 Jeremy- demo lazy loading - in "client server mode" ... some screensharing problems.
0:15:15 ... demo "lazy loading"
0:18:20 Leo- What happens, if 2 users change the same tiddler.
0:20:10 Jeremy- .. back to the demo
0:29:40 Intro- Mario
0:31:00 .. short summary
0:32:10 .. about image handling and thumb nail handling on the server.
0:33:05 Mario- TW5 with a new sync service named: "seafile - seacloud"
0:34:00 Intro- Alex
0:35:30 Mario- demo seafile sync with TW5 and nodejs.
0:46:00 Jeremy- TW5 should support Dropbox and other sync services.
0:46:40 Mario- requests a "ajax API" within TW5. -> TiddlyWeb plugin should have one.
0:51:00 Jeremy- New in the upcomming 5.0.8-beta - ControlPanel
0:52:30 Jeremy- about keyboard shortcuts - just "ctrl-enter" and "escape" atm. ...
0:57:35 Leo- Does the "keyboard widget" effect the whole TW? - .. they have a scope.
1:00:50 Jeremy- keyboard handler code ... Fx keys are kind of hard to manage.
1:02:33 Jeremy- some bugfixes, some docs, lazy loading, ...
1:03:35 Jeremy- bugfixes for the "placeholder" text.
1:05:20 Mario- It would be nice if autosave and cancel dialogs would be a "high priority"
1:10:10 Jeremy- There should be "ctrl-s" to save a tiddler from edit mode, without closing edit mode
1:12:30 Jeremy- If TW opens, it should highlight tiddlers in "draft mode"
1:13:50 Mario- "modifier and creator" is missing in the info area.
1:15:15 Jeremy- some bugfixes in TiddlyDesktop
1:16:00 Jeremy- about the next release date.
1:16:40 Jeremy- all .. What do you think about the elipsis as a "advanced search" button?
1:18:10 Leo- about "advanced search UI"
1:20:10 Jeremy- about a "term kit" like UI for the TW command line
1:21:25 Leo- would like to have "advanced search options" like: "exact search"
1:23:20 Mario- regexp searches or any search should be saved somehow. General discussion about the search UI.
1:31:50 Jeremy- the keyboard stuff is tricky. ... some feature requests. ... jeremy has a look, how other frameworks handle it.
1:34:40 Jeremy- support for translations.
1:37:10 Jeremy- translations could be in a "multi shadow tiddler" container tiddler. So only one file would need to be handled by translators.
1:44:35 Jeremy- some refactoring for the "shadow tiddler" list is needed. Especially if translations are single tiddlers.
1:46:50 Jeremy- some more new "configuration tiddlers" are added to 5.0.8
1:48:25 Jeremy- any comments ... Mario- whats about the external link discussion
1:50:55 Bye! Bye!
2014-02-11 - [[YouTube|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xWd4nhlQoE]]
0:00:00 Intro: rtl: Carlos, Eric (later), Jeremy, Mario, Ton,
0:01:54 Jeremy- Recent changes to TW ... Autosave! Warning if you close a tab without saving.
0:05:10 Jeremy- Wiki/config/SyncFilter.tid ... configuration, that triggers "dirty"
0:07:08 Jeremy- Internationalisation ... language plugin
0:08:50 - $:/language .. tiddler
0:09:15 Intro: Leo
0:10:50 Jeremy- Short recap of "autosave" and "warning" ... translation
0:12:05 Eric- Info about "save handling" in browsers
0:12:55 Eric- Does the saving do a backup file? - no ... autosave can be configured.
0:14:45 Jeremy- About the browser "low level save mechanism" ... TiddlyFox backup handling
0:19:00 Jeremy- Backups should be done with TiddlyFox and TiddlyDesktop
0:19:32 Eric- About file acess privileges
0:20:13 Jeremy- Back to translation. about the language tiddler naming convention.
0:24:25 Jeremy- About the /language directory. *.tids file usage.
0:25:50 Mario- Is there a possibility for multi line text?
0:30:16 Jeremy- Translations can have "dependencies" for "local variations"
0:32:18 Leo- Are there areas, where the spelling could cause problems?
0:33:45 Jeremy- Translation in the javascript source code.
0:35:47 Eric- Date formating goes along with language settings. Is it handled?
0:38:55 Jeremy- There is a new filter tab in the "$:/AdvancedSearch" tiddler.
0:40:55 Jeremy- Some docs update ... formal grammer for the filter syntax.
0:42:12 Leo- What is formal grammer?
0:46:08 Jeremy- About the filter syntax docs.
0:47:47 Leo- About the documentation tiddler: Docs
0:50:10 Jeremy- About little refactorings for the theme.
0:56:04 Leo- Question about the "color setting" in the control panel
1:00:35 Eric- TWclassic ColorPalette behaviour
1:01:45 Jeremy- Differences between "macros" and "widgest" .. general concept.
1:03:08 Intro: Christian
1:04:20 .. back to- Differences between "macros", "widgest" and "plugins"
1:05:35 Jeremy- system tiddlers ... $:/
1:07:40 Jeremy- shadow tiddlers .. we need to have a look at plugins. A plugin is a "bundle" of shadow tiddlers.
1:10:44 Eric- about the terminology in TWc
1:13:30 Jeremy- about: "what makes a tiddler a plugin" and how to import them.
1:15:45 Jeremy- tiddlers can be "code modules" .. "module-type" field, "type" field
1:17:50 Jeremy- about widgets .. eg: list, ..
1:20:00 Jeremy- about macros .. as "text replacement" mechanism.
1:24:25 Jeremy- how users can contribute to documentation.
1:26:25 Jeremy- How do you make a plugin. eg: snowwhite ... "plugin-type: theme"
1:33:24 Jeremy- The "created" field issue.
1:35:40 Ton- shows his issue with importing the ".ico" files.
1:44:57 Jeremy- general discussion about footnotes
1:58:25 Jeremy- About printed output. There should be propper interoperability with the TeX toolchain.
1:59:49 Jeremy- There will be a demo edition that shows how to use TW to produce a "single hirachical structured text document".
2:00:44 Leo- Can TW produce a dGSD like document.
2:04:24 Jeremy- how to do this stuff in TW.
2:07:35 Eric- comparing TW behaviour with TWc
2:08:35 Bye! Bye!
2014-02-18 - [[YouTube|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAjKKI9Rkis]]
0:00:00 Intro- rtl: Jeremy, Mario, Paul, Ton
0:01:30 Ton- Update on latest changes of his themes.
0:06:00 Jeremy- Explanation of the HistoryMechanism. The HistoryList tiddler.
0:08:55 Mario- Question about creating a CSS class witht the new mechanism.
0:10:16 Mario- Short overview about: TW5 Ubuntu Unity integration.
0:18:30 Jeremy- Short summary about the internal "message handling". Feneral discussion about the message system.
0:23:00 ... mario's icon is active all the time. ... Google didn't switch anymore ... ticket ... navigator event should be global.
0:23:00 Jeremy- thinks it would be nice if someone did thsi for Win8 too.
0:23:33 short break.
0:24:05 Jeremy- Intro new member ... no response
0:25:00 Jeremy- We saw the screen, but google didn't record it sry. Next 35 minutes are audio only. till 1:02:02
0:25:20 Jeremy- Autosave will come with 5.0.8
0:26:58 - about the translations
0:26:20 - about palettes handling similarity with theme switching.
0:27:00 - about building plugins in the browser. New tiddler "how to create plugins in the browser"
0:33:40 Jeremy- "Ctrl-click" .. opens the tiddler, but doesn't scroll to the tiddler.
0:35:00 Jeremy- "Close all" link is a bit darker now.
0:35:40 Jeremy- Short intro of TANK from Chris Dent. TANK is based on TiddlyWeb
0:39:25 Mario- Does Chris intned to render TW5 syntax on the server? .. it's planned!
0:41:00 Jeremy- About the difference of TiddlySpace and TANK
0:44:45 Jeremy- How you can configure a "sub story" ... a story inside a tiddler.
0:46:40 Jeremy- about fixing a problem ... pasting pictures
0:47:25 Jeremy- Intro of the "autosave" feature. TW now keeps track of unsaved tiddlers.
0:50:30 Mario- Would it be possible to temporarily store the stuff locally?
0:53:10 Jeremy- New feature: Alert Message: Visual error messages. So more info, if something gets wrong with the eg: network.
0:58:15 Carlos- What's about the system messages? .. Notifications.
1:01:00 Jeremy- about translations.
1:02:02 Mario- Shows the german tW version.
1:11:25 Carlos- Is there any progress in migration from TWc to TW5
1:12:48 Jeremy- Intro- Palette switching.
1:16:50 Mario- Is it similar to the TWc mechanism? .. some code review.
1:20:10 Mario- about problems with the colon translations ...
1:21:35 Jeremy- about the number of shadow tiddlers. General discussion about performance in the text editor.
1:26:20 Jeremy- about a fix with parsing html ..
1:29:40 Jeremy- about the release of 5.0.8 and 5.0.9
1:32:20 Mario- about debugging with chrome and single step the code.
1:34:25 Jeremy- about the tooling in TW to "see what's going on in the code"
1:36:50 Jeremy- ... it's time it create global macros again ... so users should be able to work with macros. There should be no need to use widgets.
1:38:35 Jeremy- about the "tabs" macro ... how to structure the docs. some discussion about Ton's tabs macros and the state tiddlers ...
1:45:35 Jeremy- short summary, of the chat window text. Request for new Paletts !!
1:47:05 Bye! Bye!
2014-02-25 - [[YouTube|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVM4MqxuOHk]]
0:00:00 Intro: Christian, Dave, Eric, Jeremy, Mario
0:01:15 Dave- Some updates on his tutorials
0:06:15 Jeremy- about the TW5 wizard feature.
0:11:30 Mario- Some global js plugins that should be compatible with TWc. today, list, ... with a debug mode.
0:16:05 Mario- the source code.
0:18:20 .. discussion about the functions of a macro vs using widgets.
0:18:45 Jeremy- Users should only know about macros. Discussion about macros and widgets.
0:22:05 Jeremy- about the TW5 macro parameter format.
0:23:53 Intro- Stephan
0:24:18 Jeremy- about some refactorings he made, that affect the template / paragraph handling.
0:26:05 Jeremy- shows / screenshares the changes
0:31:35 Stephan- what happens if you nest html elements?
0:33:05 Jeremy- shows a new formated template.
0:34:30 Jeremy- imports one of Dave's wiki's, to see, what the changes produce there. To see what needs to be changed. .. Sows the "new" import mechanism.
0:40:15 Intro: Paul
0:41:00 Jeremy- Summary about the refactoring
0:42:35 Jeremy- Intro of the new palette editor and "swatches"
0:47:50 Dave- Can the color swatches be larger?
0:50:00 Jeremy- How to create a new palette based on an existing one.
0:51:18 short pause. Stephan about text editors
0:52:30 Mario- uses the Brackets editor from Adobe as a text editor. discussion about the source code comments and the tooling.
0:56:00 ... dealing with an "unpleasant visitor"
0:57:20 Jeremy- new "warning on delete" feature!
0:57:45 Stephan- about a new "control panel menue" for changing the colors for the tags.
0:59:25 Jeremy- live demo: Creates a tag list with a color picker beside it.
1:04:50 Jeremy- some minor "toolbar button" fixes.
1:06:45 Jeremy- SiteTitle and SiteSubtitle are now shadow tiddlers.
1:07:35 Jeremy- A request from Dave. Adjust the settings for the bitmap editor.
1:10:55 Jeremy- more translations - chineese simplified/traditional, french
1:12:20 Eric- Request from the discussion group. What's about switching content instead of UI
1:17:00 Jeremy- Intro to the new tiddlywiki command line interface
1:18:40 Jeremy- new version, init command. ... importing editions .. combining editions.
1:23:17 .. about the help command eg: help server
1:26:05 Jeremy- about the 5.0.8 delay. ..
1:28:25 Mario- question. What's aobut the macros, showed earlier. Should they be core or plugins?
1:33:45 Jeremy- about the mechanism to include plugins into the core. ...
1:38:10 Jeremy- 5.0.8 should be out soon.
1:38:45 Dave- What's the plans for 5.0.9? ... RoadMap tiddler.
1:42:25 Christian- What are the plans for the "presentaiton" theme or "read only" theme?
1:46:26 Jeremy- intro cecily to christian (old code)
1:49:00 ...
1:50:30 Bye! Bye!
2014-03-04 - [[YouTube|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwxGS8aphT8]]
0:00:00 Intro: rtl: Eric, Felippe, Jeremy, Mario, Stephan, Ton
0:02:00 Jeremy- Ageda - Upcoming in 5.0.9
0:03:00 Jeremy- Help Environment on tiddlystuff(.)tiddlyspot.com An experiment, how plugins can handle there docs. one more step to a self documenting wiki.
0:06:10 Jeremy- TW core docs may become a plugin.
0:07:05 Jeremy- Request for a contribution of a "Reverence Card"
0:07:35 Jeremy- Upcoming in 5.0.9 - missing tiddler "link handling". live editing :)
0:14:40 Jeremy- New visitor ...
0:16:20 Jeremy- ... missing link text ... what about translations ...
0:18:00 .. discussion about make documentation buttons clickable ... no
0:20:40 Mario- What's about the RoadMap
0:21:12 Stephan- discussion about autosave "default on" setting
0:22:50 Jeremy- With "autosave", what does the "save icon" do?
0:24:20 Mario- Sugggests, an "indicator" for "unsaved tiddlers" on the "save button"
0:26:12 Jeremy- Idea to indicate the "need to save" with a progress bar.
0:28:10 Jeremy- Default behaviour for line break handling. ... :)
0:29:50 Jeremy- about testing GFM linebreak behaviour for TW syntax.
0:33:40 Jeremy- Introduction to the TW test suite.
0:35:23 .. about tests on the server
0:36:40 .. test.sh file
0:37:23 .. test editoin with the .js files. ... uses "jasmin" test system. test-filters.js is a simple one
0:41:50 .. test-html-parser is a complicated one.
0:44:30 .. test-widget ... tests the refresh mechanism.
0:48:10 .. testing the macro call widget. ... how to "copy/paste/create" a new test. .
0:50:20 .. test-wikitext .. the simplest one
0:51:05 .. short pause :) ..
0:51:35 Jeremy- ... Mario short summary, what he needs
0:52:25 Mario- What about a convention for "global macro" CSS class names?
0:54:45 Jeremy- about a language tools edition.
0:57:05 Jeremy- Any questions ?? ... no
0:57:45 Jeremy- about the "big parser refactoring"
0:58:20 Stephan- There needs to be a different / easier "filter syntax" documentation.
1:03:00 Jeremy- about tw-close-other-tiddlers documentation
1:05:30 Mario- Every widget should have at least one example.
1:07:35 Mario- Suggests to copy the Date format docs from stephan.
1:08:40 Mario- about codemirror movie plugin to create interactive tutorials.
1:10:30 Mario- Using filters ... the start should be simple.
1:11:53 Jeremy- About the basic "core concepts", that are needed to understand TW.
1:13:15 Mario- Intro of codemirror movie.
1:16:25 Jeremy- about highlighter plugin.
1:19:35 Jeremy- codemirror should be used in TiddlyDesktop for "wiki folders"
1:19:55 Mario- is happe with the Brackets editor atm.
1:20:45 Mario- Is it necessary, that popups stay open? ... discussion
1:23:45 Mario- What, if a popup has a "tick" to lock it?
1:24:27 Jeremy- about Notifications, Wizards, Alerts ...
1:27:20 Jeremy- how to change popup behaviour. ...
1:28:40 Mario- is experimenting with the "info area" for tagging ...
1:30:22 Jeremy- Tagging linked into the tag manager.
1:31:57 Mario- mentions BJ's Drag and Drop sorting for tiddlers ...
1:37:10 Jeremy- Drag and drop should create a hirachical list.
1:37:47 Jeremy- The "stack trace" would be worth including.
1:39:00 Jeremy/Mario- about debugging exernal library stuff.
1:42:45 Bye! Bye!
2014-03-11 - [[YouTube|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6obIvP5NiQ4]]
0:00:00 Intro: rtl - Eric, Jeremy, Mario
0:00:45 Jeremy- Copy and paste HTML for upcoming 5.0.9 as a plugin.
0:06:15 Jeremy- Making system tags less visible. Should system tags be visible on the tiddler.
0:11:55 Jeremy- A tiddler with a system tag, most of the time is also a system tiddler.
0:14:05 Mario- "User system tiddlers" may start with an underline, just for sorting.
0:15:25 Jeremy- Advanced Search: Filter tab gets a new "example dropdown"
0:16:27 Mario- Should ther be an filter with EXOR behaviour.
0:19:14 Jeremy- Explanation how the filter dropdown mechanism works.
0:21:00 Mario- Creating automatic documentation from javascript files, or make it extra tiddlers. discussion ...
0:27:45 Eric- Is it technical docs, or user docs?
0:31:25 Eric- about, levels of documentation.
0:34:00 Jeremy- summary about the existing mechanisms.
0:37:00 Hello Stephan
0:37:20 Jeremy- about improvements in "filter" documentation.
0:38:08 Eric- what about a convention for plugin authors? Which info needs to be in the plugin, to have eg: autocomplete.
0:43:04 Jeremy- Would like to have an "content editable" editor to change parts of the tiddler.
0:44:40 Jeremy- about "selective editing"
0:45:20 Eric- Wouldn't it be easier, for selective editing, to start with transcluded content? ... yes
0:47:35 Mario- about editing transclusions with codemirror in edit mode.
0:49:50 Jeremy- Tooltip support for the link widget.
0:53:35 Jeremy- ... A more generic fallback/lookup mechanism for every possible attribute is possible. Do we need this? ... no.
0:54:55 Mario- about his thoughts. ... Using widgets is allready "advanced" enough.
0:57:57 Mario- Would it be possible to show the whole tiddler content as a tooltip?
0:58:53 Jeremy- some fixes in D3 editions
1:00:20 Jeremy- about "charts.js"
1:01:13 Mario/Stephan- What about possibilities of the "checkbox, radio, button" widgets. Some work with tags, others with fields. ...
1:03:54 Jeremy- proposal: .. hiding internal tiddler fields, because they are immutable ... dilscussion.
1:11:53 Jeremy- proposal: .. different field types, get different functions, to create there representation.
1:14:40 Mario- feedback from a plugin authors point of view. discussion ... Probably a documentation problem.
1:18:20 Jeremy- about the plans what has to be changed for the next/last big refactoring.
1:19:12 Mario- about developer expectations. probably wrong expectations. TW doesn't follow the "jQuery" mechanism.
1:21:30 Mario- Edit fields in view mode loose the focus because of the refresh mechanism. ...
1:23:30 Jeremy- about the effort to write code - tests - documentation.
1:24:40 Jeremy- TW beta is close to RC
1:25:50 Jeremy- Transition from TWc to TW5 ... brainstorming about the workflow.
1:28:00 Mario- about Markdown with transclusion and tiddlylinks.
1:29:10 Jeremy- How can we create a transition workflow, with find and replace.
1:33:12 Mario- What if one runs a server for TWc to TW5 conversion? .. The browser should do it .. brainstorming.
1:35:35 Jeremy- What, if we do converion in the "bulk tiddler" view
1:39:50 Mario- What, if we have a special toolbar with several buttons, that do different magic to convert a tiddler from TWc syntax to TW5 syntax.
1:44:15 Bye! Bye!
2014-03-18 - [[YouTube|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fw0QJTpHSQ]]
0:00:00 Intro: frtl: Eric, Mario (0:28:00), Jeremy, Matias, Ton
0:01:30 Matias- Advantage of the nodejs / nodejs portable version?
0:04:05 Matias- Is there anything not appropriate in installing nodejs on a google docs drive, using the desktop version. What about in dropbox?
0:10:25 Matias- Where, if anywhere, do I find a list of forbidden characters for tiddler titles? One of those questions I've neglected forever and just limited what I title my tiddlers. Difference between twc and tw5?
0:12:07 Stephan- Are there plans to support multi user editing in the node.js edition of TW5?
0:18:25 Nathan- With google drive, you can run js now, w/ google apps.... full js w/ packages and everything! Could that be applicable?
0:21:15 Nathan- Shouldn't we maybe take questions in topical order? Might get tricky, in either case, heh...
0:21:48 Nathan- What's the status on the NPM packaging and build process? (Seems loosely related?)
0:22:26 Matias- Do I understnad it correct that nodejs should be installed in same folder as TW5nodejs, also meaning that if I want another TW5nodejs then I sould install a new nodejs. Or is nodejs 'global'?
0:23:30 Matias- proposing discussion on tables. Particularly I'm wondering if we could utilize the tab key for tables to lessen the mess in edit mode.
0:24:40 about the tab key / wysiwyg
0:29:00 Jeremy- about the TW development and Open Source (... philosophy)
0:31:10 Matias- What about voting on features?
0:34:25 Eric- About feedback for TW development ... (summary)
0:40:00 Matias- Why is TW not bigger, than it is? ... (It's from dev's, for dev's)
0:46:25 Eric- How Eric explains TW to interested "guests"
0:48:30 .. Jeremy- about "What learned with TWclassic" ... about TW5 editions
0:51:00 .. Matias- about a "central plaice" to explore TW5
0:54:20 Mario- About discussion forums
0:55:15 Eric- About google groups discussions / knowledgebase
0:58:15 Nathan- tiddlywiki+codemirror+ometa is ridiculously good fun and might apply to better wysiwyg, as well as some of the parser/BNFish discussions from earlier. Would there be interest in some rebased patches for it?
0:59:25 Nathan- some of the crazy crypto-currency folks are exploring some very interesting community coordination mechanisms and such (DAOs/DACs) might this be particularly applicable to tiddly in these feedback cycle questions?
1:01:15 Matias- Proposing a discussion on links(!) I'll explain more in hangout but, briefly, going back to where you were in a text after you "opened a link + read + closed" ought to be smoother.
1:05:10 Jeremy- about different story columns ...
1:06:45 Jeremy- about substance composer
1:12:00 Mario- about TW editions with "a single purpose"
1:12:25 Jeremy- about "what IS TiddlyWiki"
1:14:00 Jeremy- what's new in 5.0.9 prerelease
1:14:30 .. NEW: "Advanced panel" in tiddler info panel
1:17:15 Mario- TODO: about translations and handling "diffs"
1:23:10 Jeremy/Mario- about upgrading from TiddlyWikiClassic
1:29:30 Jeremy- new colour for the $:/ prefix
1:30:40 Matias/Jeremy- about system tiddlers "users" need / want to deal with ....
1:37:30 Jeremy- NEW Tag Manager let's you select icons for tags. ... TODO about tag colour manipulation.
1:48:55 Jeremy- NEW an architecture diagram
1:56:56 Bye! Bye!
2014-05-25 - [[YouTube|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDV5ojcCLB8]]
0:00:00 Intro frtl: Arlen, Chinarut, Eric, Jeremy, Mario, Nathan
0:01:50 Matias- Proposal for design changes in edittemplate.
0:04:50 .. discussion about how the tag input field works. ...
0:06:45 .. handling of custom fields
0:08:08 .. tag handling again
0:09:50 Eric- .. summary about input strategies ..
0:10:28 Eric- about the problem with "invisible" shadow tags
0:13:57 Mario- idea how to handle system tags
0:16:35 Jeremy- about the general design ...
0:19:58 Stephan joined ..
0:20:53 Mathias- According to tiddler "TiddlerFields" on tw.com, field names must only contain some a-z plus three other explicitly typed characters. However, typing in !"#¤%&/() seems to work? Change instrux or do validation check.
0:28:00 Matias introduced himself
0:29:33 Stephan- discussion about special tag / field $()$ and the newTiddler widget
0:33:08 Jeremy- about cheap TiddlyWiki infrastructure .. TW cloud
0:34:58 Mario- introducing OpenShift to use with tiddlyweb and TW5
0:47:25 Nathan- Likes the "no backend / unhosted" stuff
0:50:54 Mario- about CamilStore as a future backend
0:55:01 Jeremy- recent changes to TW, new home button, right sidebar on/off
0:57:52 Jeremy- Curved Text with an SVG path
1:00:40 Jeremy- first iteration of Cecily list view
1:02:50 Jeremy- new scrollable widget, multi column story view
1:09:13 Matias- about the TiddlerTabsPlugin
1:13:21 Jeremy- general discussion about UI
1:15:55 Jeremy- about translations and plugin management / documentation
1:17:04 Jeremy- about blacklisting of unsafe HTML features
1:19:20 Mario- Eric what's going on with the TWclassic development.
1:22:24 Jeremy- about blocking of javascript
1:23:12 Jeremy- the new TiddlyWiki Architecture diagram
1:27:55 Mario- about the problem with the tiddler object being immutable.
1:30:40 Jeremy- about a fix with the syncer
1:31:04 Matias- When will we see the next release?
1:32:37 Matias- What does the "house/home" icon do?
1:35:45 Nathan- What group is it? LNUG?
1:39:05 Bye! Bye!
2014-04-08 - [[YouTube|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UHjmJ1n5Xc]]
0:00:00 Intro frtl: Arlen, Danielo, Eric, Jeremy, Mario, Stephan, Ton
0:02:40 Detailed intro: Danielo, since he is new.
0:03:56 Danielo- Shows some of his documents and encryption.
0:05:20 - general discussion about TW usage
0:06:40 Danielo: About the NewTiddler widget.
0:09:10 About the overview index and top search to open tiddlers
0:10:25 Jeremy- How many tiddlers do you have? 388 content
0:11:10 Jeremy- What did you use before TW .. several, Evernote OneNote
0:13:40 Jeremy- What about the customisation differences ...
0:15:00 Danielo- "In place editing" of table cells
0:21:25 Stephan- Idea, to make the "new tiddler" part of the core.
0:22:25 Danielo- is back ... phone battery was empty. ... the edit template.
0:27:27 - multi column list of all tiddlers
0:28:10 question: Where does TW search at the moment?
0:41:00 Danielo- Introduction of the tiddler encryption plugin
0:51:15 Jeremy- about single tiddler encryption in the core. ... some general discussion about passwords
0:57:00 Jeremy- about the "New tiddler" widget contributed from Arlen
0:59:30 Intro: Miriam (Danielo's girlfriend)
1:02:40 Jeremy- back at the New tiddler widget.
1:05:50 Arlen- shares his take on the new tiddler widget
1:10:27 Jeremy- technical discussion ...
1:28:40 Jeremy- Nathan any questions? .. braintest . tiddlyspace . com
1:30:15 Mario- with Stephans question about the (missing) structure of a TW document.
1:31:20 Jeremy- Recaps Stephan's the story
1:36:06 Jeremy- about the structure of a "big tiddler" transcluding othere tiddlers. ..
1:38:00 Jeremy- about transclusions manipulating the heading level.
1:41:15 Danielo- about WYSIWYG editor on BJ's spot.
1:46:50 Danielo- What about integration for snippets? ... some ideas ..
1:51:10 Bye! Bye!
2014-04-15 - [[YouTube|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGdchd_bW6o]]
0:00:00 Intro: frtl: Dave, Jeremy, Mario, Nathan, Ton
0:01:50 Dave- Image gallery
0:04:40 discussion about floating layout
0:05:15 Jeremy- about the scrollable widget coming up in 5.0.9
0:06:20 Jeremy- about the upcoming release.
0:07:20 Jeremy- removing the right sidebar and stretching the tiddler
0:10:20 Jeremy- not done yet ... left-hand menue
0:10:40 Jeremy- about the top left "home" button as a navigation dropdown
0:12:10 Jeremy- cecily plugin ... some general discussion
0:19:14 Jeremy- schema of the TiddlyWiki internal structure ... client / server
0:20:55 Eric- About including TWclassic ideas, plugins into TW5
0:22:23 Jeremy- The 5.0.9 should be out on April 15th.
0:23:07 Jeremy- About the new layout of the community sites.
0:25:15 Jeremy- About the TiddlyDesktop "thumbnail" function
0:26:35 Mario- Will there be a "nightly" build? ... github master
0:28:35 Jeremy- About the "filter changes" and the docs.
0:30:55 Jeremy- The TagManager can assign icons and colors
0:31:20 about Danielos new "tag search" UI
0:32:00 ...tech stuff
0:32:25 Mario- What's about the performance optimizations?
0:36:45 Mario discussion about the general editing behaviour.
0:39:30 Jeremy- some timing info in the dev console. .. memory consumption and GC
0:44:00 Mario- About a new hosting provider, that calculates cost based on http-request. .. discussion
0:48:50 Jeremy- about socket.io for fast 2 way communication
0:51:50 Jeremy- About the 2 "hamburger" icons close to each other.
0:54:10 Jeremy- Full screen mode looks better now, without the right sidebar.
0:54:30 Jeremy- about the updated Filter docs
0:55:30 Text on an SVG path
0:56:10 Eric- about the "hamburger" icons ...
0:57:20 Dave- question about the new fluid theme.
1:01:15 Dave- about full width tiddlers. ... edit mode preview..
1:05:26 Mario- about edit performance of codemirror is faster than the new edit text area.
1:06:10 Dave- Preview as a popup ..
1:08:50 Jeremy- Some new translations ... some general discussion.
1:11:50 about the translations and the file size. ... the "plugin library" will fix this.
1:12:45 Mario- About "language editions" .. So language setups will be editions containing the plugins.
1:14:30 Intro Stephan ... will meet Jeremy in London at the "node js meetup"
1:17:00 The "Road Map" ...
1:18:10 Jeremy creates a "5.0.10" Whishlist
1:18:46 Danielo joined. ...
1:20:30 Dave- votes for "permalinks" of tiddlers. discussion ...
1:29:10 Danielo- question about the top-left and top-right bar.
1:29:50 Stephan- using a query URL for permalinks. ... The URL / http spec says it's for the server!
1:32:30 Jeremy- Any more topics for 5.0.10 .. Mario -> "the global macros"
1:33:52 Danielo- question about the plugin-library mechanism.
1:34:35 -pause- Eric ... Soundtrack for the TiddlyWiki Trailer
1:35:40 Jeremy- about a TiddlyWiki trailer
1:36:00 about the TW plugin-library ...
1:38:00 about "approved components"
1:39:15 Danielo works on a plugin to easily "package plugins in the browser"
1:40:40 Jeremy- about the spanish translation
1:42:30 Mario- online translation with github should be easy. ...
1:43:50 discussion about, how to find texts, that need to be translated.
1:45:40 Danielo- Is it possible to have a multi language TW. ... Mario thinks 2 editions would be much easier.
1:47:40 -pause- .. no music .. but a song :)
1:48:50 Bye! Bye!
2014-04-22 - [[YouTube|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvyWdz3WbsM]]
0:00:00 Intro: frtl: Jeremy, Mario, Nathan
0:00:50 ... fixing the invitation links ...
0:01:45 Jeremy- What's new in 5.0.10
0:02:20 Jeremy- short interuption, ... the lnug TW5 presentation
0:03:30 Jeremy- What's new in 5.0.10 ... "safe mode"
0:06:45 Jeremy- Additional info about the safe mode
0:07:40 Jeremy- the image TW syntax - ]] and formatting
0:11:38 Jeremy- image support for markdown syntax in markdown tiddlers
0:12:28 Jeremy- new support for sorting with accented characters
0:13:53 Jeremy- hiding the sidebar frees space for the tiddler now
0:14:35 Jeremy- some minor bugfixes, ... ordering of style sheets
0:16:10 .. questions .. the RoadMap .. ARIA roles - help wanted!
0:19:56 .. further wikitext features
0:20:40 .. productivity functions .. may be after 1.0
0:22:08 Jeremy- 5.0.11 Whishlist .. global macros
0:25:54 Nathan- masstree (prototype) proof of concept implementation with TW.
0:30:40 Jeremy- ideas about the wiki-store ... tiddler hashmap is private member to the wiki object now
0:34:11 Mario- ArangoDB as a TW backend and app server
0:35:05 Jeremy- about PouchDB as a TW browser based backend
0:38:10 Mario- about a "one click install"
0:40:00 Jeremy- about TW security ... (Danielo joined) ... internet security in general
0:43:30 Eric- joined
0:43:47 Jeremy- Danielo should demo the "custom key bindings"
0:44:17 Mario- feature request for "system fields" ...
0:46:30 Jeremy- points to a github issue #487
0:49:25 Arlen- joined
0:50:10 Danielo- screenshares the new key bindings ...
0:54:55 .. the plugin packaging plugin ... the key binding configuration
0:59:00 Mario- Is there a possibility to create buttons for the key strokes? yes .. should be there.
1:01:10 Jeremy- This doesn't work with the codemirror plugin.
1:03:10 Jeremy- Did you use TW with nodejs? ... D. needs a portable option.
1:04:44 Jeremy- Eric you did TiddlyTools in the browser?
1:05:40 Danielo- created the "plugin creator" ...
1:06:16 Danielo- question, about additional info for codemirror plugins ... general discussion.
1:11:30 .. about the existing codemirror key bindings at the tw5 repo
1:15:25 Arlen: question about outstanding pull requests. "new tiddler with a skeleton template" ... These pull request actually require changes in the TW core.
1:23:35 - pause -
1:25:20 Jeremy- discussion with Arlen ...
1:28:35 Jeremy- any questions or comments.
1:29:30 Jeremy- about TW usage ...
1:29:55 Mario- What about a hangout to "shorten the issue list"? ... some discussion
1:38:10 Bye! Bye!
0:00:00 Intro: frtl: Jeremy, Mario, Nathan, Ton
0:01:10 Jeremy- Ton, How did you find the update process to 5.0.10?
0:02:55 Jeremy- the agenda - TW talk at lnug - issue review
0:03:44 Jeremy- about the TW presentation wiht TW - new full screen theme - "Punch"
0:08:35 Jeremy- The presentation itself.
0:08:40 - What is TiddlyWiki?
0:09:02 - What Problem Does TiddlyWiki Solve?
0:12:10 - TiddlyWiki User Experience
0:13:08 - More Features
0:13:54 - Demo of Single File Edition
0:14:45 - TiddlyWiki Rendering Pipeline
0:17:18 - Running on the Browser and Node.js
0:18:25 - Running TiddlyWiki Under Node.js
0:19:00 - TiddlyWiki Server Synchronisation
0:23:19 - Enter node-webkit and TiddlyDesktop
0:31:24 - Using TiddlyWiki as a Library
0:32:10 Mario- is there a link? tiddlywiki(.)com/talkytalky
0:33:05 Jeremy- about the new diagrams ..
0:34:40 Mario- did you modify the diagrams in an editor
0:35:00 If you are not intereste in the issue list you may jump to 1:55:13 "The new TW command line build system"
0:36:25 .. The issue list
0:37:10 the bug list #47 Back button doesn't work as expected
0:38:50 #95 Tables use obsolete align attribute
0:42:26 #116 The savetiddlers command generates filenames with %20 for spaces .. wontfix
0:47:55 ... about punycode
0:51:15 #116 wontfix .. because we can't fix it at the moment.
0:53:30 #118 Scrolling in the story river.
0:56:59 #177 Drag and drop fails with some cross-browser combinations
0:58:19 #202 Exclude popup state tiddlers when saving wiki as a single file
1:04:04 #222 Background in HTML5 Fullscreen with no tiddlers open too small
1:05:07 #224 $edit-text widget loses focus during refresh
1:09:58 #238 JSON deserialiser doesn't import custom fields
1:10:14 #243 Zoomin view order is odd when closing tiddlers
1:10:59 #262 Clarify usage of text reference
1:12:26 #274 Download buttons don't work in internet explorer 11
1:14:46 #282 FF tiddler toolbar moves to the left in a "jumpy" way
1:17:33 #323 Don't persist $:/HistoryList
1:19:53 #347 Intermittent lock-up of server edition, preventing further tiddler saves
1:20:46 #365 Rapid refreshing in browser crashes the server
1:23:57 #379 favicons don't work in ie11
1:24:31 #409 filters behave differently when used in list widget and { { { transclusion
1:25:40 #495 TiddlyIE failing because window.TiddlyIE.save() is undefined
1:26:14 #541 "dependents" field in plugins is mis-named
1:28:02 #582 CodeMirror plugin doesn't refresh correctly
1:28:35 - - -
1:29:41 new features
1:30:22 #47, #86 "new here" toolbar button
1:32:16 #131 copy and paste tiddler as JSON .. the plugin mechanism can be used for this
1:34:22 #141 Feature request: colored icons in edit toolbar
1:37:45 #143 Use keyboard down key to go to AutoComplete popup
1:37:56 #144 Feature to consider: Sidebar scrolling limiting to tabs
1:44:37 #170 hide most edittemplate items in a slider or tab see: #506
1:47:40 #188 Allow tilder to be used to suppress any wikitext rule
1:48:30 #190 It should be possible to display fields in local time
1:48:34 #192 Extend link widget to link to a filtered list
1:50:00 #196 Renaming a tiddler break links, the user should be warned at least
1:50:07 #198 Extend checkbox widget to user fieldmangler widget
1:50:15 #209 Add global "list" macro
1:50:36 #235 Table Block-mode syntax proposal (followup hangout#23)
1:51:15 #253 floating tiddlers - pause the "features" review
1:54:00 - - some reflection
1:54:30 about "refactoring" tag
1:55:13 Jeremy- The new TW command line build system - some breaking changes
2:06:24 question for Nathan about #390 Should wiki and plugin folders be described by package.json
2:08:20 Bye! Bye!
2014-05-13 - [[YouTube|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXDo0I2qzdo]]
0:00:00 Intro: frtl: Eric, Nathen, Jeremy
0:00:50 Jeremy- What's new in 5.0.11
0:01:45 Jeremy- The new URL permaview, permalink behaviour, browser "back button" works now!
0:04:40 Jeremy- the browser history ... what should be the default settings.
0:08:24 Jeremy- Make vertical tabs reusable.
0:11:00 Jeremy- New "before", "after" filter operators. for "next" and "previous" buttons.
0:12:23 Jeremy- about Atom editor and some glitches it introduces.
0:13:50 Jeremy- new syntax for single line config / status tiddlers
0:14:20 Jeremy- add the external links syntax [ext[]] ...
0:15:07 Jeremy- about the changes to startup.js ... it's several modules now, handling dependencies
0:21:00 discussion about code / starup ordering
0:22:34 Jeremy- Optimizing the widget update performance.
0:24:10 Jeremy- The permalink URL scheme
0:25:50 Jeremy- .. about safe mode .. TWc paramifiers
0:30:35 Jeremy- short sumary ... Whishlist recap
0:33:15 Jeremy- TiddlyFox will get a backup function
0:34:00 Jeremy- What can we do to promote TW.
0:34:45 Jeremy- tagesanzeiger(.)ch has an article about TW.
0:40:15 Nathan- about the common-js require mechanism .. server side imoprovements
0:48:05 Jeremy
0:49:00 Bye! Bye!
2014-05-27 - [[YouTube|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2rDnFUqlWw]]
0:00:00 Intro frtl: Jeremy, Mario, Paul, Stephan
0:02:10 Jeremy- Paul .. anything to share with the community? ... using TWc with tablets
0:13:37 Danielo joined
0:13:53 Jeremy- the agenda
0:14:40 Jeremy- the parsing mechanism needs some refactoring
0:15:50 Jeremy- GFM ... line break handling
0:18:08 Jeremy- global macros
0:20:25 Jeremy- anything else ... ? Stephan & Mario ... Environment variables issue at github
0:22:50 Ton joined
0:23:30 Danielo- hi!
0:23:50 Danielo- What's the usecase for the environment variables?
0:29:44 Jeremy- IreneKnapp's ticket about multi-users with tiddlyspot
0:39:35 Jeremy- How do you like the new "permaview" behaviour.
0:53:50 Jeremy- ... new issue ... vertical tabs don't work
0:55:45 Danielo- question about node, node-webkit, TiddlyDesktop
0:59:40 Jeremy- about integrating VexTab ...
1:03:10 Danielo- question about importing 3rd party libraries into TW
1:04:25 Jeremy- about 3rd party libs. ...
1:10:50 Jeremy- any other topics? ... Danielo .. who to use jquery
1:24:00 ... difficulties using jquery wiht TW. ...
1:25:45 Jeremy- About the TW article in a swiss newspaper ... TW philosophy in general
1:28:50 Jeremy- about "independent technology" and the "no backend" movement ...
1:34:35 ... Bye! Bye"
2014-06-03 - [[YouTube|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xj7PNlUB5TA]]
0:00:00 Intro- frtl: Dave, Jeremy, Stephan, Ton
0:02:00 Dave- shares some new experiments .. notes templates, todo's ... creating tiddler hirachies
0:05:55 Jeremy- about Dave's navigation buttons, ... some discussion about the interface
0:08:30 Dave- shows his "tabbed interface" ... table of contents ... improved search
0:10:45 Jeremy- about TW as an IDE?!
0:11:55 Jeremy- about more svg icons, ... help requested!
0:13:12 Jeremy- 3rd party plugins, from "JSXGraph Widget"
0:18:20 Mario- intro: hi!
0:18:55 Jeremy- about Danielo's plugins .. context search plugin
0:21:15 Jeremy- question from Stephan: Is there a widget guideline?
0:24:17 Mario- about tiddlywiki.org .. and docs
0:25:38 Jeremy- recent changes in 5.0.13 ... the new "select widget" ...
0:29:42 Mario- can you show the content of the "select target tiddler"
0:32:52 dicussion with Stephan about his usecase. ... a select widget should be able to enumerate the content of a data-tiddler
0:34:25 About the ControlPanel: Advanced tab ... discussion about "hidden and visible configuration" with mario
0:29:50 Jeremy- tiddler types with the select widget ... intro and some tweaking ...
0:46:18 Jeremy- about html5 "combo box control"
0:47:15 Jeremy- about the tiddler layout refactoring and the select widget "grayed out text"
0:48:30 Jeremy- tweaks to the "permalink" behaviour + discussion about "user problems"
0:54:37 Jeremy- Escape as shortcut is back
0:55:35 Mario- Idea about a "notification mechanism for new functions" ...
0:57:40 Jeremy- about the update process, upgrade widget
0:58:56 Jeremy- is speaking at a company conference in germany ...
1:01:15 Jeremy- things to do in the next version, tiddlyspot as a plugin,
1:05:53 any questions - no
1:06:00 Jeremy- tiddlywiki(.)com documentation should be updated independently to the TW version
1:07:45 Jeremy- about VaxTab ... there are licensing problems
1:09:04 Jeremy- about the Indie Tech Manifesto / Summit
1:14:11 CSS print question from Dave
1:20:11 Jeremy- .. New feature - horizontal tabs ... can handle looooong titles
1:24:35 Jeremy- about the flex box layout for the whole tw page (in the future) ...
1:31:55 Jeremy- about the problem with FireFox and the toolbar buttons. ..
1:35:10 Mario- Some more feedback from IE users?
1:37:13 Jeremy- was playing with IOS 8 .. and Safari WebGL support.
1:41:21 Mario- Have you seen famo(.)us?
1:46:00 Jeremy- Apple's new language "swift"
1:49:25 Mario- How does swift affect TW? ... Jeremy- about a CLI for TW.
1:52:14 Dave- Will entering the search string be more performant in the future - again?
1:58:10 Bye! Bye!
2014-06-10 - [[YouTube|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3h8RGv0E9Uc]]
0:00:00 Intro- frtl: Jerem, Mario, Stephan, Ton
0:01:27 The most recent changes
0:02:05 Jeremy's ToDo notes
0:03:39 Jeremy- NEW external image support ... _cannonical_uri
0:10:30 about the implementation (techy :)
0:12:35 Mario- Is it possible to create this kind of tiddler by hand? New tiddler?
0:17:45 Mario- The image tiddler transclusion works ... yes!
0:18:57 Jeremy and Mario about youtube links and the time stamp handling ...
0:19:19 Mario- about the annotation timestamps ...
0:19:41 Jeremy- about Mario writing annotations about the discussion about annotations ...
0:20:02 Jeremy-
0:20:10 Nathan joined
0:20:31 Jeremy- about the parsers implementations.
0:25:40 Jeremy- how the _cannonical_uri influents the EditTemplates
0:28:00 Jeremy- new CLI savetiddler command to save / create external image tiddlers
0:31:38 Jeremy- The "old" tiddler type dropdown is back.
0:32:45 Jeremy- some documentation updates
0:33:15 Nathan ?
0:33:37 Jeremy- What's next for
0:33:53 Ton- about the external image functions ... are thumbnails possible?
0:36:58 Jeremy- about extended image presentations functions.
0:41:10 Jeremy- about fixing up the relative date widget.
0:46:45 Nathan- templated image links would be cool
0:47:38 Jeremy- thinks we need tools to visualize the parse- and render-tree (for devs)
0:50:45 Jeremy- about the creation of talky-talky ..
0:52:20 Intro Danielo
0:53:00 Danielo- has some proposals
0:53:20 TiddlyWiki Desktop should be listed on the Node WebKit project page
0:57:50 Danielo- proposal to "track tiddler usage data" eg: how often a tiddler was viewed
1:03:00 Jeremy / Danielo- about tiddler syncing / import mechanism (new plugin)
1:03:54 Danielo requests some plugin management functions in the ControlPanel
1:06:20 Danielo would like to have a "save as" button somewhere.
1:09:50 Mario- about the problem in FireFox with "save as" UUID name. May be the TiddlyFox backups handling should do it.
1:12:52 Danielo- would like to have a dropdown list for fields similar to tags input box
1:17:10 Danielo shows his new "import / sync" plugin. (some screen share problems)
1:19:50 D. back-
1:24:25 Danielo- shows how he changed the code. ... Discussion about sync and import
1:29:50 ... Mario- suggests 3 different import reports ... Jeremy, Danielo, Nathan, Mario discussion about the workflow ...
1:47:10 Jeremy- about a sync command line option ... shows some code, where Danielo could start
2:03:20 Jeremy- shows how to inspect code with the "debugger" option ... discussion about syncing
2:13:00 Bye! Bye!
2014-06-17 - [[YouTube|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdNDuF4UnlA]]
0:00:00 Intro: Jeremy, Stephan, Mario (later)
0:00:40 What's new .. accessibility + discussion
0:08:42 Mario joined ... intro
0:10:12 back to the accessibility discussion. ... page title is an h1 now. tiddler title is h2 now. How do others do it.
0:16:10 Nathan joined
0:17:10 Jeremy- NEW: state tiddlers are not saved anymore, which should fix some strange UI behaviour for new users
0:21:19 Mario- The TiddlyIE extension didn't work with IE11
0:22:38 Jeremy- NEW: external images functions should be finished now
0:24:00 Jeremy- new "build" command options in the tiddlywiki .info file
0:24:50 Jeremy- external links for html-tiddlers can be included as iframes now.
0:29:28 copy / paste html fragments also inlcude an iframe
0:31:40 Jeremy- there should be a possibility to handle "semless iframes"
0:32:23 Jeremy- NEW: extending the server path, for better route handling.
0:34:32 Jeremy- NEW: global macros work now
0:40:08 Nathan- Does it scope macros?
0:41:32 Jeremy- is working on the "Environment Variables" ticket atm.
0:42:10 Jeremy- What's next .. (modifying the roadmap tiddler :)
0:42:47 Stephan- missed the "Environment Variables" info
0:44:35 ... skimming the issue list
0:45:01 Stephan- What about the "new filters" proposal issue?
0:47:20 Jeremy- what needs to be done ... backups, upgrade wizard
0:51:20 Danielo joined
0:52:00 ... about the upgrade process
0:53:15 Jeremy / Danielo issue with codemirror ... discussion (problem with the hangout focus)
1:02:55 Jeremy- Let's talk about the future
1:05:14 Jeremy- want's to make a hirachical table of content (widgets/template/global macros)
1:06:24 Danielo-? (sry I can't understand the question - jeremy did - something with external plugins)
1:07:30 Jeremy- a concept picture about library handling ( ( (Core) Core Library) 3rd party Libraris)
1:14:00 ... we want to solve the "orphan plugins" problem ...
1:18:35 Mario- sees the central repository as the "stable branch"
1:20:25 Jeremy- ... more details (about the workflow)
1:27:05 ... how others do there plugin management (doku-wiki, atom, brackets)
1:33:24 Danielo- has a new "import plugin" ... (some problems with screen sharing)
1:35:51 ... jeremy back online
1:40:25 Jeremy / Danielo- discussion about the implementation and Jeremy's point of view (ideas)
1:47:15 Jeremy- ... "philosophical" discussion about open source and the TW project and plugin mechanism.
1:56:35 Jeremy- about TW language contributions
1:59:20 Bye! Bye!
2014-06-24 - [[YouTube|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_ENc-GAIcc]]
0:00:00 Intro: frtl: Jeremy, Mario, Nathan, Stephan
0:01:00 Nathan- How could we extend the batch build syntax to support interpreting arbitrary environment variables? It seems like the obvious $ENVVAR might not be so great for us!
0:02:03 Jeremy- info about the tiddlywiki.info file
0:04:35 Jeremy- about XDI format at wikipedia
0:15:05 Nathan- info about his usecase
0:16:06 Stephan- Now that we have the environment varibles I think it should be possible to have the content of my tiddlystuff.tiddlyspot.com in a git repository without this being a fork of tiddlywiki, right? What do I need to do?
0:23:50 Stephan- tables generated by an "R" script. Is it possible to import a big file containing many tiddlers, atm?
0:31:55 Nathan- Suggests an import mechanism based on a (drag and drop) tiddlywiki.info file.
0:35:04 Jeremy- Question from Michael on the google group, about styling of individual tiddlers based on there tag.
0:35:34 ... Jeremy demoes the "Talky Talky" TW theme, that does modify the tiddler background.
0:40:35 Stephan- Idea about "ViewTemplate and EditTemplate" see: groups. google. com/d/msg/tiddlywikidev/aqmRkhNd1KA/_wIEkDIT2o0J
0:41:50 Jeremy- about recent changes to the core core/ui/ViewTemplate importing variables to set some styles. (for TW 5.0.14 beta)
0:49:40 Jeremy- about the reuse of the imporvariables mechanism.
0:50:25 Nathan- .. bounty for a "macro/ var import/ transclusion turing machine :)
0:51:20 Nathna/Jeremy- about the ControlPanel- Editor maping configuration for different content types.
0:56:10 Mario- about the Mozilla Web-IDE now uses CodeMirror.
0:58:12 Mario- Would like to have a look at the RoadMap
1:00:30 Mario- What's about the Github flavored markdown ... line break
1:05:30 Jeremy- about better ARIA support.
1:06:25 Nathan- Mario .. are you still playing with the TW cloud stuff? Vagrant? ... docker?!
1:12:20 Mario/Nathan- about the TiddlyWeb adaptor for TiddlyWiki and the TW backend
1:13:40 Jeremy- About TW with and without a backend. TW can have any server.
1:14:55 Danielo joined ... about keyboard shortcuts. ...
1:17:47 Danielo- about external images ... Are there planes to handle external tiddlers?
1:21:15 Danielo- How to save external tiddlers ...
1:24:05 Jeremy- about the next steps. ..
1:25:03 ... Bye! Bye!
2014-07-01 - [[YouTube|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGnEiTDx9F0]]
0:00:00 Intro frtl: Jeremy, Nathan, Ton
0:01:12 Ton- Is it possible to use bookmarklets in TiddlyDesktop?
0:03:30 Jeremy- shows TiddlyDesktop .. could support bookmarklets ... but's not there atm
0:06:06 Jeremy- requests help and invites developers to join TiddlyDesktop development or even take it over.
0:10:24 Ton- Is there a chance that the ticket 192 (Extend link widget to link to a filtered list) will be implemented.
0:15:40 Jeremy- about a talk at InnoQ a german cunsulting company. (slides at tiddlywiki. com/talkytalky)
0:17:40 .. "The Nature of TiddlyWiki" - "It's tiddlers all the way down!"
0:18:25 .. "History"
0:18:42 .. "What is TiddlyWiki?"
0:19:44 .. "Features"
0:20:04 .. "How TiddlyWiki Saves Changes"
0:21:32 .. "Saving with TiddlyFox"
0:21:43 .. "Saving with TiddlyTesktop"
0:21:46 .. "Saving on iPad/iPhone"
0:21:55 .. "Demo of Single File Edition"
0:22:38 .. "Task Management Demo"
0:23:11 .. "Customisation via System Tags"
0:23:37 .. "Serverless FTW!"
0:24:53 .. "Duality of TiddlyWiki"
0:27:06 .. "Everything is a Tiddler"
0:27:35 .. "TiddlyWiki Rendering Pipeline"
0:28:40 .. "User Interface State"
0:29:33 .. "Running TiddlyWiki Under Node.js"
0:29:49 .. "Static Site Generation"
0:30:09 .. "TiddlyWiki Sever Synchronisation"
0:30:52 .. "Usint TiddlyWiki as a library"
0:31:25 .. "10 Years of TiddlyWiki"
0:39:31 .. "Shout-outs"
0:39:46 .. "Thank You" ... some discussion
0:41:49 Jeremy about taking part in the "Indie Tech Summit" in Brighton
0:44:22 Jeremy- about "The IndieWeb" and owning your own data
0:46:25 .. web page "Interview with Dr. Richard Stallman" at cointelegraph. com
0:48:32 Nathan- The master branch has about 4000 commits
0:50:05 Jeremy- A discussion about "drag and drop" and import with screen readers. Shows the code how it could be done (highly techy stuff follows)
1:10:40 Bye! Bye!
2014-07-08 - [[YouTube Link|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amoSCysVyY4]]
0:00:00 Intro: frtl: Eric, Jeremy, Nathan, Ton
0:01:58 Paolo- small inconsistency: in the "Tag Manager", when I choose a colour by html name, the horizontal colour stripe remains black, instead of reflecting the selected colour. Same problem when editing the tiddler of the tag
0:17:40 mindprism- How do I get an invite to the hangout?
0:23:03 mindprism- wants to show stuff
0:23:22 mindprism- about the color picker
0:23:39 Paolo- tiny suggestions on how to choose a tag from the drop-down list: after activating the tags' list, it would be useful to be able to select the tag with the up-and-down keys (instead of using the mouse). Now, the tab+enter keys also work but requires many
0:32:21 minprism- There is another issue with that tag menu — when it is contained in a div that has overflow:scroll or overflow hidden, it can be clipped to the container — it needs to be elevated in the dom.
0:40:30 mindprism- Can you post that join like please?
0:41:00 mindprism- There is no css solution for that, the inner div will always be clipped.
0:41:15 Ton- Tagging a tiddler with a 'system' tag adds the tiddler as a tab, button, part, filter, macro, etc. But at the moment I don't see any practical use for $:/tags/Image. Is there practical use or is this tag only for 'internal' use?
0:43:47 Matabele- gwiz.tiddlyspot. com about stacking widgets around the button widget.
0:47:20 Mark joined (aka mindprism)
0:49:15 ... Jeremy about wikitext used to build the UI ..
0:50:44 Jeremy- back to Matabele's widget stacking approach
0:51:28 Jeremy- Richer Message Parameters for buttons and widgets in general
0:55:25 .. about the "stories" selector .. storiy becomes an entity
0:57:10 Jeremy- what's new ..
0:57:50 .. The release tiddler was "awful"
0:58:43 .. the tabs macro has to be improved
0:59:28 Eric- making something similar to the "tags grid" ?!
1:00:15 Jeremy- How to customize the "story river". .. Make tiddlywiki. com a "more common" page
1:05:38 Jeremy- There's a new theme tweak ... the sidebar breakpoint .. splitting TW settings into seperate tiddlers.
1:07:48 Jeremy- fixing some bugs ... HistoryList not saved anymore
1:08:56 Jeremy- improving the animations ..
1:09:57 Jeremy- about the "Indie Tech Summit" by Aral Balkan
1:10:50 .. The "Indie Tech Manifesto" ... One question is: "How to creat a new business model"?
1:14:30 .. about "federated tools" .. and there UI
1:17:33 .. TalkyTalky Shout-outs
1:21:12 .. about the manifesto
1:23:26 Mark has some demos.
1:25:40 .. screensharing is working .. make it keyboard accessible .. very interesting UI .. especially the tag input
1:44:30 Jeremy- feedback ..
1:46:45 Jeremy- How many different wikis do you use? some general discussion about a "killer app" .. about contribution
1:52:35 Mark- Does tiddlyspot save the whole file everytime? yes. How do I host my own version?
1:54:00 Mark- What is the largest, in megabytes, TW you've seen?
1:56:25 Jeremy- Short summary for Mark
1:58:12 Bye! Bye!
2014-07-15 - [[YouTube Link|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxr2oe9CPFs]]
0:00:00 Intro frtl: Dave, Eddie, Mark, Ton
0:02:50 Branemir- With the new address bar behviour (current story sequence), it becomes hard to refresh a wiki. Whats about a Home button. Or the Title may be a home link? General discussion about the URL refresh behaviour.
0:10:07 Mark- Have you considered to switch on/off "advanced menue" features
0:12:15 Jeremy- Shows Ton's page as an example for extended menu icons.
0:15:00 Jeremy- Shows TW's customization possibilities
0:16:15 Jeremy- points to tw5.scholars. com custom TW from Alberto ... especially the automatic TOC (table of content)
0:21:43 Jeremy- The remaining work that "needs" to be done ... "The update process" ... and "road blockers"
0:24:10 Jeremy- Shows the "new" upgrade / import process. (TODO video / no network traffic)
0:27:47 .. Upgrade: behind the curtain. .. new upgrade plugin
0:30:15 .. import process details ... custom fields ... The import tiddler itself is a "temporary plugin"
0:33:24 Jeremy- The same approach (0:24:10) will be used for search / replace
0:34:10 Jeremy- A new type of module is introduced to the core. Techy details!
0:37:47 .. example how upgraders could deal with eg: tags/stylesheet
0:39:10 Mario joined, Charlie joined
0:39:55 Eddie- How do I get WYSIWYG text into TW?
0:40:17 Jeremy- shows Charly's docs for the Forth language for a PET
0:41:50 back to the upgrade process. .. The upgrade UI .. techy
0:45:08 Chris joined .. 10 users ... max reached
0:46:40 Eddie ... WYSYWIG plain text ... poetry
0:50:35 Mark- What needs to be done to deal with SVG files in different ways? SVG as an image. SVG as part of the TW layout. SVG edited with a text editor.
1:00:59 Charly- Still struggling with automatic style sheets and automatic wikitext links.
1:08:55 Mark- Editing a tiddler updates the display with every keystroke. How to disable this behaviour?
1:13:22 Charly's screenshare ... techy techy ..
1:19:32 Jeremy- How to modify themes ... techy discussion
1:28:10 Jeremy- about file names and tiddler names in "creating TW"
1:39:12 Dave- what's new .. how to deal with bookmarks ... tidmarks
1:47:10 Jeremy- about fargo. io ... outliner ... and its relation to TW
1:51:40 ... discussion about "TiddlySnip" for TW5 ... part of TiddlyFox and TiddlyDesktop
1:53:40 Dave- What will be next? ... upgrade ... RoadMap
1:56:52 Dave- Will you do some more promotion! ... screen casts
1:57:54 Charly- issue with tiddler title with sqare backets .. its an open question
2:02:45 Bye! Bye!
2014-07-22 -
0:00:00 Intro frtl: Branemir, Jeremy, Mario, Nathan
0:01:45 Hangout Roadmap
0:02:08 Jeremy- New behaviour for the "automatic permalink" ... permalinking is off by default - feedback is welcome!
0:05:30 Mario- likes the new behaviour. ... Is there a possibility for "permlink -buttons"? .. yes
0:06:35 Jeremy- Should "empty.html" have the same behaviour?
0:07:50 Nathan- The core and tiddlywiki. com should have the same initial behaviour
0:08:41 Nathan- likes the possibility to share the "whole story"
0:10:40 Jeremy- shows a TW adaptation that uses "story links"
0:11:35 Mario- There should be a possibility to "permalink a search result"
0:12:00 Jeremy- about "TWc parmifiers" ... He doesn't want to have paramifiers again, because of security concerns
0:14:19 Jeremy- ... getting the update wizard finished. Changes to the theme tweak handling
0:18:44 Jeremy- shows the "upgrader" plugin, that creates the "special" theme handeling
0:21:37 Jeremy- (How) Should we deprecate known incompatible plugins?
0:24:54 Jeremy- Changes to the TW frontpage
0:27:45 Jeremy- GettingStarted detects the plattform and provides information acordingly
0:29:53 Jeremy- about the Features tiddler
0:30:16 Mario- likes the TalkyTalky Features list ..
0:31:15 Jeremy- about changes for the Community tiddler
0:32:40 Jeremy- The beta ribbon is a "Find my on GitHub" ribbon now
0:36:00 Jeremy- about the "browser sniffing" mechanism and new system tiddlers
0:39:57 Jeremy- new tiddlywiki.info parameter to specify the "save location" for new tiddlers (server edition)
0:41:15 Jeremy- "must have's" for end of beta
0:43:00 .. about handling [[<ctrl>+s]]
0:43:48 Mark joined the hangout
0:44:30 Mario- discussion about FontAwesome and BlackTie icon fonts. ...
0:51:33 Jeremy- about FlexBox for the Community tiddler and the main layout
0:53:35 Jeremy- about translations ... getting notified if translations are needed
0:59:10 Mario- question: would it be possible to have promise based ajax functions
1:07:00 Jeremy- about "Analysis and documentation of a single page application based on TiddlyWiki" Mater Thesis ...
1:17:50 Jeremy- The developer docs should get there own repo
1:19:34 Mario- What's about your plans to have tiddlywikik frontpage similar to a "normal" product page.
1:22:00 ... about the RoadMap
1:23:58 Nathan- What's the easiest way for a small group of users to start using TW ... in a role related workflow. ... TiddlyWeb - Tank
1:28:20 .. about the TW nodejs server and TiddlyWeb - TW5 compatibility
1:35:36 Nathan- about the envisioned usecase
1:36:35 Jeremy- about CouchDB .. couch apps
1:41:45 Jeremy- about SpiderOak and the Crypton project, which would fit to TW
1:46:02 Jeremy- ... TWc chart on google trends
1:48:10 Bye! Bye!
2014-07-29 - [[YouTube|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orcYrgVZK50]]
0:00:00 Intro: frtl: Branemir, Jeremy, Mario, Nathan, Ton
0:01:51 Jeremy- Latest changes for 5.0.14 - New Tiddler Info tab,
0:03:10 .. Toolbar button configuration in Control Panel
0:09:50 Control Panel: Advanced Settings .. icons + text settings .. discussion about the info button .. discussion about the default UI
0:14:58 Branemir- likes double click to select text and not open the tiddler in edit mode.
0:15:23 Jeremy- discussion about the default drag and drop behaviour.
0:16:58 Branemir- Should "story river" be added as a "Concept" in the docs (and be explained)? There is a StoryView tiddler but it is not defined.
0:18:15 Branemir- What are the possibilities for printing in TiddlyWiki, i.e. printing a story river? What about making a tiddler a page?
0:27:36 Branemir- What would be a useful usecase for list-before and list-after fields? What should be put in these fields?
0:34:15 Branemir- What do you think about a new WidgetMessage like tw-reaload or tw-refresh?
0:39:29 Branemir- Will there be a "renaming tags" functionality for the stable version?
0:42:20 Branemir- Drag&Drop an image from a website or another browser creates a tiddler with the link to that image. Can TW be modified so that an image tiddler is created instead?
0:46:20 .. using the _cannonical_uri field .. imaged, image links ...
0:51:10 Jeremy- some code review about drag and drop "browser data"
0:53:00 Jeremy- new "widget functionality" Variable operands for filters.
0:54:30 Jeremy- about improved documentation from Steven ... some more dev docs ...
0:58:35 Jeremy- about new TW usecases and users questions, that come up. ... about install in nodejs ...
1:00:40 Jeremy- about possible future functions for TiddlyDesktop
1:02:07 Alex joined ...
1:03:45 Nathan- About usability questions. "linear flow of documentation is missing" ... about the "documentation mission"
1:08:35 Jeremy- about short screencasts to answer some FAQ's ... some youtube TW video statistics.
1:14:15 Jeremy- Alex suggested kumu. io ...
1:15:23 Alex introduces himself and talks a little bit about kumu
1:17:20 ... general discussion about tiddler relation visualisation ..
1:20:48 Jeremy- about visjs. org
1:22:50 Jeremy- about waldly maps
1:25:30 Jeremy- about Ted Nelson's ZigZag Structure ... working with lists and visualisations
1:34:44 Jeremy- what's planned next .. finishing 5.0.14
1:35:35 Mario- about his "splitting emphasis" pull request
1:37:30 Bye! Bye!
2014-08-19 ''---''
[[YouTube|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWyXEZ50jhA ]]
0:00:00 intro- frtl: Branimir, Jeremy, Mario, Nathan, Ton
0:02:35 Johannes- How about importing MediaWiki pages into TiddlyWiki? Is that on the priority list of features for TW5?
0:06:05 Nathan GF asks: Images in stylesheets! Is there a better solution than MakeDataUriMacro?
0:11:40 Nathan about the usecase .. using TW as a CMS like system
0:14:06 Nathan- how was the week of?
0:14:27 GF asks: I'd like to be able to keep my <img> tags "as is" in my html content, and have them "just work" when the image is in the wiki, instead of either needing to use the image macro or keep an "images" directory external to the system.
0:17:56 Branimir- Please, explain and demonstrate for everyone the new tw-home and tw-browser-refresh! Also, show how it will behave in TiddlyDesktop.
0:21:35 Branimir- How can I change the behaviour of clicking on the title of the wiki. Discussion about the "refresh - button" clears the URL bar. ...
0:32:40 Branimir- explains his "refresh" workflow ..
0:33:15 Nathan- Suggests the possibility of a 2 way sync. ... Discussion about a "file based lock" for syncing multi user editing ..
0:35:25 Jeremy- about TW as a GuerillaWiki ..
0:36:20 Jeremy- about WebDav and TW5
0:39:18 GF asks pt 2: I'd like to optionally "file out" and/or serve my content in the form of multi-page applications, but keep a unified administrative single page interface to the system. Is there a better way to handle serving this and linking between "pages"?
0:45:26 Jeremy- about the roadmap after the beta period. aka deferred features.
0:47:54 Nathan- bugreport: some titles don't save through the server right now, such as "/css/foo.css" (though their drafts do) or save as an empty file! (I'm still investigating.)
0:50:42 GF asks pt 2: IMPORT UTILITIES! Can I bulk tag and/or name-prefix on imports? Set fields? Drag and drop a folder and keep paths (chrome)? Loosely related, a tool to tag/rename based on a filter would be super-handy!
0:56:20 .. drag and drop folders and keep there paths ..
0:58:50 GF asks pt 2: Searching the docs is hard! I spent a lot of time just in realizing that I wanted to be searching for key-word "clone" and not "copy" to find out about duplicating a tiddler. Can we get a "did you mean?" or "search suggestions" feature? .. discussion about "improving the docs"
1:09:56 .. Can we get a "did you mean?" or "search suggestions" feature?
1:11:30 GF asks pt 2: Parser complexity often gets in the way, and figuring out parser rule lines is some sort of cumbersome black magic thing. Can we get some simple macro sets (or something) offering useful and common/sane parser rule lines? (ex "PageTemplate")
1:19:50 GF asks: I need a tutorial/reference for "CMS" use cases! Can we make an edition with simple but pragmatic examples of 2-3 page "NotAWiki" site(s) parts showing some templates, some simple content, some css and js, and clean static html export render?!?!
1:21:23 GF asks: I want to transclude html content type, but it either doesn't work at all, or the iframe breaks (or drastically complicates) the content! Can we get more flexibility in transclusion of "web native" content?
1:28:50 GF asks: I (critically) need to be able to include alt tags on img and other semantic (or nonstandard) markup like schema.org, aspx, rdfa, etc in my content. Do we have mechanism for attaching arbitrary attributes or container tags to things in rendertree?
1:32:45 Nathan + GF- both of us ask: Revision control! While "files in git" is great and all, should tiddlywiki core consider a cannonical model of history? Should we revive Synchrotron? (Maybe even modernize it up with an Operational Transform sync?) "Out of scope?"
1:42:25 Armchair Designer- The github route seems viable for non-dev types, provided the intimidating factor of contributing there is lowered : maybe a way to go would be to have a simple howto for github at hand from within TW itself.
1:43:30 Armchair Designer- Do you have a rough idea of which popular classic TW plugins are most likely to be included as built-in modules (or equivalent functionality) in the Five 1.0 release package ?
1:45:50 Branimir- What's the story, for upgrading from TWclassic
1:51:10 Jeremy- What will be in 5.0.15-beta ... disable plugins .. saving with the "client / server" edition ...
1:52:43 .. new TOC table of content macro
1:55:53 Jeremy- Release Planning .. RC1 .. weekly releases should be done
1:57:25 Branimir- During "update process" Can you explain the meaning of "blocked" and how the checkboxes actually do.
2:07:13 Bye! Bye!
2014-08-26 ''---'' [[YouTube| https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UshdLGnXdsI ]]
2014-08-26 ''---'' [[YouTube| https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UshdLGnXdsI ]]
0:00:00 Intro: frtl: Branimir, Eric (later), Jeremy, Mark, Nathan (later), Leo (Slonik), Ton
0:02:54 Nathan joined
0:04:03 Ton- The tag $:/tags/RawMarkup allows raw markup to be included in the generated HTML file. What does that mean (for an end-user)?
0:04:34 Eric- joined
0:09:33 Ton- The tag $:/tags/RawMarkup allows raw markup to be included in the generated HTML file. What does that mean (for an end-user)?
0:24:53 How to get the readme tiddler of a plugin to show up as readme information together with the plugin in tab Plugins of ControlPanel? When building plugins in the browser it doesn't although it is available as a shadow tiddler.
0:36:32 Jeremy- short answer to the above question ;) 2 Steps to add a readme to a plugin.
0:38:37 Jeremy- Review of new 5.0.15-beta features
0:40:34 Jeremy- about the "docs: help wanted" banner ... How to edit docs directly from github
0:41:45 Jeremy- starting from 5.0.16, weekly releases are planned!
0:42:21 Jeremy's notes of "must have"
0:42:43 .. about consistency of CSS class names
0:45:51 .. fixing some JSHint hints
0:48:05 .. review the tags
0:48:38 .. automatically generated TOC
0:49:31 .. Ctrl-S should save TW
0:50:09 .. finalizing the core macros
0:51:53 .. improve sidebar layout handling
0:52:58 .. backwards compatibility of resource links
0:53:26 .. reorganize the ControlPanel
0:54:35 .. automatically exclude "draft.of" tiddlers from lists
0:56:01 .. about the organisation of the TW5 repo / directory structure
0:56:49 .. fixing the config tiddlers
0:57:13 .. about the "style block" syntax
0:59:11 .. too many spans containing divs
1:00:03 .. fix sidebar dropdown buttons in the more menue
1:01:22 Jeremy- final roadmap
1:02:27 Branimir- TW "dirty / save" state recognition may be improved.
1:07:30 Eric- about a "funny" userName issue / bug
1:11:12 Jeremy- about special handling for some tiddlers
1:12:53 Jeremy- about saving tiddlers that start with a slash
1:16:30 Jeremy- about "tab switching" degrades if encryption is on
1:19:36 Leo- feature request: It would be useful, if TW would have a "tiddler drawing" area.
1:26:46 Jeremy- Refresh button now doesn't clear the URL bar. Especially for TiddlyDesktop
1:29:00 Jeremy- 5.0.16 should have a configurable "top bar"
1:30:42 Mark- about popups being to "low in the DOM" ... about html structure
1:45:24 Mark- about the issues caused by z-index for theme authors
1:49:15 Bye! Bye!
2014-09-02 - [[YouTube Link|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SVf04i6jYY]]
2014-09-02 -
0:00:00 Intro: frtl: Branimir, Jeremy, Mario, Nathan, Leo, Ton
0:03:12 Branimir- TWC has the search string highlighted among all open/found tiddlers. Any chance of adding a similar functionality in TW5? It would be even better if there could be PREV/NEXT links to cycle through found strings.
0:08:58 discussion about TW5 in TiddlyDesktop and its possibilities with Node WebKit.
0:11:50 Jeremy- about the V release and backwards compatibility
0:14:15 Branimir- misses zooming in TiddlyDesktop
0:15:41 Branimir- What plans are there for improving the "Contents" macro? I guess this would be the equivalent of MainMenu in TWC.
0:22:50 Branimir- about the TOC macro. The "categories" should be no tiddler links.
0:26:35 Jeremy- about system tiddlers with a caption used for the TOC
0:28:53 Mario- What should he do with "experimental" macros. Should they be pull request or external plugins? -> plugins
0:29:43 Jeremy- about pull requests from users that want to contribute. -> don't be discouraged be "no's". Create a plugin and let the users decide!
0:30:52 ... exceptions for this. -> if an issue is allready ticketed to the core.
0:32:28 Jeremy- the default should be. Offer a plugin to the community and then it may be pulled into the core. Because if it is part of the core, all changes need to be backwards compatible.
0:36:30 Jeremy- about contributing to open source projects. -> start small!
0:38:08 Jeremy- about what he regrets in TWclassic development.
0:42:25 Ton- Is it wise to go through the tickets: bugs and new features label it (before/after beta, don't do it, plugin, etc)?
0:44:00 Jeremy- What is planned for the TW 10th anniversay? .. a 6h hangout :) .. A tiddly conference early 2015
0:53:50 Jeremy- what's new in 5.0.16-beta release
0:54:06 .. about the TWc compatibility plugin - the classic parser demo
1:01:09 Mario- Should there be an indication for TWc type tiddlers?
1:06:02 .. discussion with Branimir about making it easier to import TWc content into TW5
1:09:44 Jeremy- about "How to contribute to the TW documentation" -> help wanted. with github web UI
1:12:05 .. about Mario's video series that explains the basics about contribution with github web UI
1:14:50 .. about contributions from Ton, that triggered further improvements from Jeremy
1:17:08 Mario- Ton, did the videos help you? - yes :)
1:19:13 Mario- shows his approach to contribute with the help of the cloud9 web IDE.
1:22:40 .. about "RUN configurations" ... little script buttons that perform actions to the repo. eg: build a new index.html
1:25:00 .. serving the index.html with the apache web server.. serves the whole directory structure.
1:27:20 .. configuring the web server root dir, to directly serve the index file.
1:28:35 .. use the TW server to serve and edit the TW page.
1:31:00 .. using git to push the changes to the pmario/tiddlywik5 repo.
1:32:35 some info about the c9 environment.
1:34:55 Branimir- discussion about the build system and using it to commit to github
1:37:10 Jeremy- about git and the command line
1:39:35 Mario- shows how to test index.html with different browsers from Sauce Labs
1:45:40 Mario- short summary. Some thoughts about new users concerns ...
1:46:55 Jeremy- Can you share / copy the workspace environment. - yes
1:48:30 Branimir- How many workspaces can you own?
1:52:00 .. talking about a "cloud9 TW docs hack party" ...
1:54:40 Jeremy- What should be done at the next HO.
1:55:25 Mario- about a p-tag in the edit tag selector
1:57:05 Branimir- Will you cover TiddlyDesktop next time? - probably not
1:58:38 Bye! Bye!
2014-09-09 ''---''
[[YouTube Link|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQdSFuqRFPg]]
2014-09-09 ''---''
[[YouTube Link|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQdSFuqRFPg]]
0:00:00 Intro: frtl: Yaka, Eric, Jeremy, Mario, Nathan
0:00:10 Yaka- Introduces himself and tells about his usecase.
0:01:50 Eric .. Mario .. Nathan
0:03:39 Mario- What do we need to do, to make translated empty.html downloadable for users. Introduction of the german version.
0:06:48 Jeremy- about the tiddywiki.com directory structure.
0:16:30 Yaka- Support in the core, for handling content in different languages.
0:22:15 Mario- About the TheDiveO project: ThirdFlow ...
0:25:30 Yaka- actually needs a seperate wiki for each language ...
0:26:45 Jeremy- about TiddlyWiki translations.
0:28:38 Yaka- wants to get people interested in TW.
0:29:00 Jeremy- about the documentation refactoring for 5.0.17-beta, to make it more sutable for users.
0:35:05 Jeremy- The development docs will be a seperate edition.
0:35:55 Jeremy- about "Getting the word out!"
0:39:15 Jeremy- about TWc adaptations and TW5 editions
0:42:45 Jeremy- about: TW for Scholars as an edition example
0:44:30 Yaka- What is the intended audience for TW after the V release
0:45:30 Jeremy- What does the release of TW mean. ... not finished but compatible.
0:47:00 Jeremy- about a TW5 usecase as a "gamers bible" ..
0:47:50 Eric- Some history, we need to develop the community, so different apps will pop up.
0:50:30 Jeremy- about the community, the audience, the users
0:52:05 Eric- about GSD community.. They treat it as an application.
0:53:00 Jeremy- about the Twine application based on TW.
0:54:50 Yaka- about the possible audience: the geeks - geeky users - consuming users. TW needs to be "usable" but a little bit tweakable.
0:57:15 Jeremy- At the moment our audiece is "Technical people, with a small team"
1:01:00 Mario- about newspapers
1:02:10 Yaka- ... TW as a distribution platform for content. similar to jekyll
1:06:00 Eric- about TiddlyBard?? ... All of Shakespeare in a TW. Car Repair References ..
1:09:25 Jeremy- ... about the BT Agile Cookbook .... A TW Content Edition
1:12:12 Nathan- about his experience, explaining TW to his girlfriend ... The ecosystem is missing atm.
1:13:35 Jeremy- about Eucaly' Tiddly World
1:15:05 .. about ThirdFlow and TW5FontAwesome ... and the community that starts ...
1:19:40 Yaka- .. Easy User Reference about existing "editions" .. central resource for apps.
1:23:08 Nathan- Content for users needs to come from users, not devs.
1:24:07 Yaka- .. User contributed content / experiences, can attract other users. ..
1:26:02 Jeremy- sums up his ideas ... how to attract tiddlywiki "ambassadors"
1:27:45 Mario- wants to create some more videos, for the german version.
1:28:38 Jeremy- About the "TW introduction video"
1:32:12 Mario- Video ... How to user TiddlyFox with FireFox.
1:33:35 Jeremy- introducing the regexp filter operator.
1:34:53 Jeremy- about the 20th Sept. Hangout for 8 hours.
1:39:17 Yaka- about video intro's
1:40:50 Yaka- about different TW showcases ... User stories ..
1:43:05 Bye! Bye! Thanks to Yaka :)
2014-10-21 ''---''
[[YouTube Link|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ4feiD6iuY]] ''---'' [[Google Hangout|https://plus.google.com/events/cd8h7qbbtethtk44i98cq2fmmis]]
2014-10-21 ''---''
[[YouTube Link|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ4feiD6iuY]] ''---'' [[Google Hangout|https://plus.google.com/events/cd8h7qbbtethtk44i98cq2fmmis]]
0:00:00 Intro: frtl: Alex, Eric, Jeremy, Mario, Ton
0:03:15 Alex- Borders and Border images for TW. expains the usecase.
0:05:28 Jeremy- about visualizing relations between tiddlers.
0:07:12 Alex- about the Viable System Model ... wikipedia search for: Viable_system_model.
0:11:29 Jeremy- about js-sequence-digrams ... Alex about the usecase
0:17:08 Eric- about 2 possible workflows to get the drawings into TW
0:19:03 Jeremy- about SVG drawings in the TalkyTalky wiki. From drawing to SVG.
0:21:04 Eric- about clickable "hot zones" in the drawings.
0:23:05 Jeremy- about using bitmaps in CSS style sheets.
0:26:15 Mario- About the Global Learning X-Prize - competition
0:27:17 Mario- about his opinions. ... all
0:29:35 Eric- about authoring systems and the basic concepts for learning materials.
0:32:05 Mario- about the needed frameworks and the target group.
0:33:20 Eric- about "in game upgrades" ..
0:34:35 Eric- Some education designers need to be involved. ... Mario
0:36:35 Jeremy- has concerns about TW is seen in the "wrong light" by the judges.
0:42:05 Nathan- his point of view. About the pros and cons, how TW is seen by
0:43:42 Jeremy- TW could be a great tools. But there are concerns about how TW would do in the competition.
0:45:33 Mario- the development in the competition is kind of closed source. ..
0:49:34 all- discussion about gamification ... discussion ... learning with all senses. a
0:51:35 Jeremy- the random chooser filter and dice roles ...
0:53:02 Jeremy- about Twine and interactive fiction
0:54:25 Alex- about Dickens Manual. ... but target group is children from 6-12
0:55:56 Jeremy- about sliders in HTML5 and input element.
0:59:55 Jeremy- shows the sliders.
1:02:55 Jeremy- Yaka's feature request: ... word count, character count ...
1:06:54 Nathan- Is there an "idle" event?
1:08:20 Jeremy- The relative dates should be dynamic.
1:09:03 Mario- What's the difference of eg: image "lazy" loading and the "normal" loading
1:19:20 Jeremy- about the export icon change
1:23:12 Jeremy- TW has some audio support now.
1:25:25 Mario- What's planned next. .. fixing a strange new bug :(
1:28:02 Mario- about the server command feedback.
1:29:30 - no conversation for a minute. Jeremy is away.
1:30:47 Jeremy- ... plans ... 5.0.4 will be fast bufix. Export should come ...
1:32:00 ... several buttons to export different set of tiddlers. working TW, json, .tid, .cvs, skinny tiddler store. ... build TWs with a different theme.
1:34:10 Mario- What do you think about the discussion in the group about the DefaultTiddlers?
1:38:18 Eric- A very common question is "reordering tiddlers" in the story
1:42:28 Jeremy- Drag a tiddler title to a text editor, takes the whole content too. Should we change this ... yes ... but import will be not touched.
1:46:38 Jeremy- about authoring tools. edit toolbars, codemirror, auto completion, keyboard shortcuts, ...
1:53:30 Paul Q&A- Is a Vanguard about the Global X-Prize and thinks we would have a chance.
1:54:57 Bye! Bye!
2014-10-28 ''---'' [[YouTube Link|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBoZzqu7tYg]] ''---'' [[Google Hangout|https://plus.google.com/events/cou1l99mf4j9uomjg9kkcn5ug20]]
2014-10-28 ''---'' [[YouTube Link|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBoZzqu7tYg]] ''---'' [[Google Hangout|https://plus.google.com/events/cou1l99mf4j9uomjg9kkcn5ug20]]
0:00:00 Intro frtl: Jeremy, Mario, Nathan
0:01:14 Jeremy- TiddlyWiki Translations made easy
0:03:40 Jeremy- screen shares the new Translators Edition
0:10:45 Jeremy- How can users send there translations. eg: Dropbox.
0:12:35 Jeremy- How do we extract the translations from the TW file.
0:14:55 Mario- Should the new file structure reflect the translators edition? For easy maintenence. Some general discussion.
0:17:40 .. documentation improvements should be possible to use the same mechanism.
0:19:40 Jeremy- short summary
0:20:00 Mario- shows a short proof of concept, to improve the workflow, with a live preview.
0:25:25 Mario- There would be a possibility to have an interactive tutorial for the TW UI.
0:27:20 Jeremy / Mario- general discussion about improvements.
0:30:30 Jeremy- about a new tooltip mechanism
0:32:12 Mario- Suggests a new layout for the translators tiddler. Multi line layout, similar to the TagsManager.
0:34:10 Jeremy- Can you create a pull request for the tag manager again.
0:36:00 Jeremy- about the next steps.
0:37:00 Mario- Some more ideas about multi line display. ... just some ideas.
0:40:45 Jeremy- Wants some more info about the german translation.
0:41:25 Jeremy- Nathan any topics from your side? ... no
0:42:00 Jeremy- About developing the Translators Edition UI.
0:43:53 Jeremy- About the documentation of the CLI for TW.
0:45:45 .. description field in the tiddlywiki.info file. Discussion about the editions. ... eg: de-AT, de-DE, de-AT-empty ....
0:57:10 Jeremy- may be the init command needs to be improved, to use the "regional" flavors of translations.
1:00:00 ... we want a mechanism similar to the twguides customize function.
1:01:50 Jeremy- short summary about handling editions.
1:04:31 Jeremy- About the tiddlywiki command line and "novice users"
1:06:00 Jeremy- about including some plugins into the core, to make editions handling easier. tiddlyweb and filesystem
1:10:54 Mario- about his proposals at the github issue.
1:18:00 Mario- How do you want to deal with special cases, like the google analytics plugins.
1:19:55 ... short pause ...
1:20:55 Mario- dicussion about the setfield parameter in the tiddlywiki.info file. the "load" command would be an option. or a new .multids file.
1:25:00 ... setfield is still flaged experimental. ...
1:29:55 Jeremy- have a look at the recent changes. ... customizing the search result tabs is now possible.
1:34:50 discussion about the TOC table of content in empty.html
1:36:10 Jeremy- blog post about ghost and what really matters for conversion. discussion about improve the first impression ...
1:44:00 Jeremy- about a new and easier landing page.
1:47:10 Jeremy- what's next ... make the translation workflow work.
1:50:28 Jeremy- about a discussion about using "standard toolkits" or tiddlywiki to do the translations. ... a long time ago.
1:53:00 Jeremy- There may be some weekend hangouts in the future.
1:53:50 Bye! Bye!
2014-11-11 ''---'' [[YouTube Link|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8G6BEQpvW0&t=0]] ''---'' [[Google Hangout|https://plus.google.com/events/cuek4r3dmto6n3haq1na4vh4t6s]]
2014-11-11 ''---'' [[YouTube Link|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8G6BEQpvW0&t=0]] ''---'' [[Google Hangout|https://plus.google.com/events/cuek4r3dmto6n3haq1na4vh4t6s]]
0:00:00 Intro frtl: Yaka, Branimir, Danielo (later), Ed, Felix, Jeremy, Mario, Nathan
0:05:20 Jeremy- agenda, Felix demoes his taskgraph plugin
0:06:50 Felix- Taskgraph demo.
0:08:40 .. idea .. main editor in the right sidebar, views, snapshots
0:09:40 .. UI, tag filter, more filters to come
0:13:30 .. using UUIDs to identify the tiddler
0:15:20 Jeremy- You could have stored each edge as a tiddler. ... Felix explains his ideas, why there is a "edge store". general discussion about the first basic concept.
0:21:45 Mario- Is there a "textual" notation to define edges.
0:24:50 Felix- about node clustering. ... about a possible hirachical layout
0:26:35 .. why he used the vis.js library
0:28:35 .. about his adaptor to the TW datastore
0:30:56 Mario- Is it possible to create a dataset out of existing TW tags
0:35:18 Jeremy- summary about the configuration tiddlers and the core UI. So cour UI should provide some more help to have a "Config UI"
0:38:50 Felix- about the roadmap. about the plugin history
0:44:10 .. about the new TW "search tab"
0:46:00 .. how to create a snapshot. .. multipe graphs in different tiddlers.
0:47:30 Jeremy- do you save the x/y position of the nodes. .. not yet, but will be done. some brainstorming about the "map" tiddler
0:52:00 .. discussion about the development
0:53:20 Mario- vis.js is dynamically loaded at the moment??
0:55:50 Felix- questions, about the TW module types. uploading to github
1:02:20 .. about the community feedback and further development.
1:04:55 .. about the TW core as a starting point / datastore
1:07:05 Branimir- about using it as a MindMap ..
1:10:20 Felix- idea to create a ticketing system with TaskGraph
1:11:58 .. discussion about GTD and what TW is used for
1:13:25 Yaka- will it be possible to change to size of the nodes on specific parameters? .. yes
1:15:55 Jeremy- What relationship do you see between TW and education. TW's role in education.
1:16:48 Felix- about his experience, working with TW. A fast way to collect ideas. TW allows fast swiching between different ideas, tiddlers ...
1:21:10 .. comparing TW with word .. people should know aobut TW
1:24:20 Jeremy- short summary ... some general discussion about knowledge
1:28:25 .. discussion about organizing your knowledge and organizing your live
1:33:50 .. how can we make TW more prominent / visible to users
1:35:40 Mario- there is a "hidden" structure in tiddlers. Exposing it is important.
1:39:30 Yaka- reflection about difficulties for new users, how to create the initial structure of there content. ... there should be easy and specialized examples.
1:42:45 Jeremy- .. the core should have more "refactoring" features. .. general discussion, how to improve the TW UX
1:45:30 Jeremy- Shows the new Export feature. discussion about the new icons. Export is possible as CSV, JSON, pure HTML, .tid file
1:52:20 Danielo- Is the CSS exported too? yes, as inline CSS
1:53:55 .. what's about exporting javascritp? no.
1:55:20 .. export templates could dynamically load js libraries.
1:55:55 Jeremy- zip file format may be possible in the future.
1:57:45 Felix- Is it possible to do a "deep export" that contains eg: transclusions? yes with the right templates.
1:58:50 Mario- When will 5.1.5 be released. .. sooon :) but have a look at the prereleases ...
1:59:50 Felix- How do you pass the parameters to eg: new-tiddler function on the js level.
2:03:15 Bye! Bye!
2014-11-18 ''---''
[[YouTube Link|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlOSyUXAtoA]] ''---'' [[Google Hangout|https://plus.google.com/events/cv5b80i86jvnnkvj1g9ufq6vork]]
2014-11-18 ''---''
[[YouTube Link|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlOSyUXAtoA]] ''---'' [[Google Hangout|https://plus.google.com/events/cv5b80i86jvnnkvj1g9ufq6vork]]
0:00:00 Intro frtl: Yaka, Branimir, Eric, Jeff, Jeremy, Mario, Nathan
0:01:50 Jeff- Uses TW for a fiew years .. back from Evernote
0:03:15 Eric- Indie-Gogo campain: Inside TiddlyWiki: The Missing Manual see: indiegogo .com/projects/inside-tiddlywiki-the-missing-manual
0:05:10 Eric- About the project
0:14:35 Eric- About the rewards
0:17:15 Jeremy- about feedback on the group for the book.
0:17:55 Yaka- Why did you choose this model?
0:24:25 Branimir- How do you imagine, updating the book?
0:28:43 Jeremy- About TW's backwards compatibility and book updates.
0:33:43 Jeremy- Agenda, Q&A, Show & Tell, other topics
0:34:22 Yaka- Suggestion to make links to updated chapters. Users should be able to discuss about the content.
0:36:16 Why is the spacing of the tiddler toolbar icons different, in edit mode, than in view mode.
0:39:04 What highlighting language is used for text/plain tiddlers.
0:45:20 Mario- about different MIME-Types for view mode and to "store" in TW.
0:47:01 Jeremy- What's going on with the TW development: Export needs nested popups, which have to be developed.
0:51:33 Jeremy- abou the new icons. They should be more consistent now.
0:56:06 ... some discussion about the icons.
0:59:20 Jeremy- Combined TOC with a pane to view the tiddler content.
1:03:33 Jeremy- Improvements in the control panel.
1:04:25 ... Some restyling for the plguins tab
1:05:12 Yaka- About mobile usage of TW, especially as a mobile app.
1:07:45 Mario- Do you know, how TW works with FireFox OS?
1:11:05 Jeremy- With TW we are able to create static websites to be used with older browsers.
1:11:35 Jeremy- wants to create a native mobile app with TW.
1:12:42 Yaka- explains his ideas, about a mobile tw app / web app
1:14:25 Jeremy- about the "add to home-screen" feature.
1:19:20 Jeremy- about drag and drop in mobile
1:23:00 Intro Felix- is creating a new plugin for TW.
1:23:30 ... demo's his improvements of the Taskgraph plugin. Some discussion about the problems that poped up.
1:46:30 Jeremy- about, how to make the plugin available.
1:47:47 ... some general discussion about the workflow.
1:50:50 Jeremy- short summary, may be there will be a "weekend hangout"
1:51:58 Bye! Bye!
2014-11-25 - [[YouTube|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKDVD6mf9tk]]
0:00:00 Intro: frtl: Ed, Eric, Felix, Jeremy, Mario, Matias, Nathan, Tobias, Ton
0:05:13 Jeremy- about the agenda. .. How can we make TW more popular?!
0:09:30 Matias- Short summary about his (controversial) post in the group. "Hopefully NOT for the next 25 years!"
.. Add-ons (plugins, tweaks, themes...) - difficult to find or (more likely) even know they exist
* No quality assurance of add-ons
* Lacking documentation
* The aggregated knowledge from discussions relies on 3d part system not optimized for us
* Little insight into what attracts new users
* Little insight of user needs, tw applications, behaviours etc
* Challenging to get tiddlyverse overview (resources, applications, options, services, people...)
* Demanding learning curve for customization
* Too few developers (I'm just assuming this is always an issue)
0:16:10 Jeremy- about his behaviour, to develop new TW features... not focusing on documentation.
0:18:50 Jeremy- about the moratorium for new features...
0:21:13 Felix- about the export functionality
0:22:50 Matias- about the responsibilities of / in the community and the infrastructure for the community to get involved.
0:28:15 Jeremy- his thoughts about the different points:
* Add-ons (plugins, tweaks, themes...) - difficult to find or (more likely) even know they exist
* No quality assurance of add-ons
0:33:05 .. about 3rd party plugins, that are not part of the core, but important.
0:34:45 Matias- about meta data / reviews for plugins...
.. Jeremy's thoughts about the existing infrastructure at tiddlywiki dot com
0:43:00 Tobias- About tiddlywiki(.)org on TiddlySpace to be used as community maintained resources. ... general discussion
0:48:35 Tobias- about the possibilities to contribute with tiddlyspot / tiddlyspace
0:51:00 Mario- about a "classic" and "5" domain names ... general discussion about TS access rights. ... Mario can set them!
0:54:40 Jeremy- about moving TiddlyWikiDev group to github ... only the dev group!
0:56:25 Jeremy- Long term goal for the general TW discussion group. ... It should be federated. ... see "long term goal"
1:01:35 Matias- about the community responsibility structure ... general discussion
1:06:02 .. * Lacking documentation
1:07:37 .. * The aggregated knowledge from discussions relies on 3d part system not optimized for us
1:08:08 .. * Little insight into what attracts new users
.. * Little insight of user needs, tw applications, behaviours etc
1:10:35 Eric- about implementing a way for users to give feedback.
1:15:50 .. * Challenging to get tiddlyverse overview (resources, applications, options, services, people...)
1:16:20 .. * Demanding learning curve for customization
1:19:40 Matias- there should be more "ready to use" editions
1:23:00 Jeremy- about "better presenting the editions" we have.
1:24:00 Ed- Would making the group federated, be alienating those, who need help the most?
1:25:55 Matias- What about common discussion boards? It seems, Jeremy doesn't like them ...
1:33:15 Tobias- what about a "dummy github repo" just for discussion?
1:38:50 Jeremy- short summary of the above.
1:43:10 * Too few developers (I'm just assuming this is always an issue)
1:45:30 * Little insight into what attracts new users
1:45:30 Jeremy- refletions, about what happens, if you want to make TW "more conventional" ... but TW is "unconventional" and we shouldn't be afraid of it.
1:52:10 .. about "specific editions" ..
1:54:10 .. about the TW slogan / tagline
1:55:30 Matias- Thx for picking up those topics.
1:56:50 Jeremy- Some TW group statistics ...
1:58:30 Eric- Promoting the "Inside TiddlyWiki" Book!
1:59:50 Bye! Bye!
2015-01-06 - [[YouTube|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUtfd0gA_jk]]
0:00:00 Intro: frtl: Alex (later), Eric (later), Jed, Jeremy, Mat, Nathan (later), Rich (later), Tobias
0:02:08 Jeremy- about the agenda
0:03:12 Jeremy- about a post from Neil in the group: "How do we present TW to new users". Who is or should be our target group at the moment.
0:08:40 .. aobut a "guided edition" for absolute beginners.
0:10:17 .. status quo at the moment.
0:11:00 Intro- Alex and Rich
0:12:00 .. status quo at the moment. ... What does the HO audience think? ... discussion
0:19:06 Jeremy- To whom, do we want to sell TW? ... discussion
0:22:25 .. How can we make it easier for beginners? ... The first impression
0:24:15 Rich- Can / Should there be other sites to learn TW? ..
0:25:25 Intro- Eric, Nathan
0:26:24 all- final thoughts / discussion ...
0:41:17 Jeremy- Mat's questions- about federation ... What happens if TW has a break through and a lot of new users. What will happen?
0:45:22 Jeremy- about GitHub pull requests and discussions. Should I make a pull request? ... If they are actionable.
0:49:25 Jeremy- summary about "what is a pull request"
0:50:20 Mat- about github. ... Some guidelines, how to contribute to GitHub.
0:52:30 Jeremy- short intro about the new "railroad" diagrams
0:57:10 Jeremy- would like to have somebody in the community, who creates a "news bullitin board" for TiddlyWiki. ... discussion
1:01:50 Mat- about federation .. What could we do, if there would be TW federation. The minimum requirement to participate, should be a static web server. ...
1:13:55 Rich ... How does the RSS stuff work?
1:17:52 Intro Arlen (no mic)
1:18:07 Mat ... discussion about iframes, and security concerns.
1:22:10 .. Is it possible to target only one tiddler? .. yes TiddlyWeb
1:26:39 .. discussion about how to get one tiddler with a node.js server.
1:45:30 Nicholas Q&A- may be next time
1:47:40 next handgout will be 27th of Jan. 2015
1:48:30 Bye! Bye!
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From [[Wikipedia|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypertext]]
Hypertext is text displayed on a computer display or other electronic devices with references (hyperlinks) to other text which the reader can immediately access, or where text can be revealed progressively at multiple levels of detail (also called ~StretchText). The hypertext pages are interconnected by hyperlinks, typically activated by a mouse click, keypress sequence or by touching the screen. Apart from text, hypertext is sometimes used to describe tables, images and other presentational content forms with hyperlinks. Hypertext is the underlying concept defining the structure of the World Wide Web, with pages often written in the Hypertext Markup Language (aka HTML). It enables an easy-to-use and flexible connection and sharing of information over the Internet.
!Don't like the way I get more then just the Tiddler. I want just the Tiddler. Also the render times take a bit.
<iframe src="http://tobibeer.github.io/tb5/#Tobias%20Beer"
Crowd Sourcing Site [[indiegogo|https://www.indiegogo.com/]]
~JavaScript is a computer language that was originally introduced by browsers as a way of scripting web pages. At first it was considered a poorly designed toy, but over the years has become recognised as a powerful language in its own right, and has been adopted widely beyond the browser.
~JavaScript looks like this:
function circleArea(radius) {
return radius * 2 * 3.141592653;
[[Jed Carty TW|http://inmysocks.tiddlyspot.com/]]
[[Zork Like Game|http://zorklike.tiddlyspot.com/]]
I'm the original inventor of TiddlyWiki. You can find me on these services:
* jeremy (at) jermolene (dot) com
* [[Jermolene on GitHub|https://github.com/Jermolene]]
* [[Jermolene on GitTip|https://www.gittip.com/Jermolene/]], a micropayment service
* [[@Jermolene on Twitter|http://twitter.com/#!/jermolene]]
* [[Jermy on LinkedIn|http://www.linkedin.com/in/jermy]]
* [[Jermy on Flickr|http://www.flickr.com/photos/jermy/]]
Further information:
* An [[interview with me in The Inquirer|http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/feature/2105529/bt-software-engineer-tells-telco-source]] by Wendy Grossman
* A [[hilarious interview with me|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auyIhw8MTmQ]] from British television in 1983
* Here's a video of a presentation I did in 2007 called [["How to Start an Open Source Project"|http://vimeo.com/856110]].
! Mario Pietsch and Tobias Beer 2014-
<a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/"><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-sa/4.0/88x31.png" /></a><br />This work is licensed under a <a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a>..
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My name is Mario Pietsch from Austria. I'm living near Salzburg.
[[This page|http://pmario.tiddlyspace.com/#Projects]], will be the portal to my TiddlyWiki, TiddlyWeb related content.
Mario also maintains the German translation of TiddlyWiki.
Unpronounceable Name Guy - [[Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Wikipedia Page|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mihaly_Csikszentmihalyi]]
[[Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Ted Talk - TED.com|http://www.ted.com/talks/mihaly_csikszentmihalyi_on_flow]]
!!Ted on YouTube
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0:54:25 ''---'' 3265
0:55:56 ''---'' 3356
0:59:55 ''---'' 3595
1:02:55 ''---'' 3775
1:06:54 ''---'' 4014
1:08:20 ''---'' 4100
1:09:03 ''---'' 4143
1:19:20 ''---'' 4760
1:23:12 ''---'' 4992
1:25:25 ''---'' 5125
1:28:02 ''---'' 5282
1:29:30 ''---'' 5370
1:30:47 ''---'' 5447
1:32:00 ''---'' 5520
1:34:10 ''---'' 5650
1:38:18 ''---'' 5898
1:42:28 ''---'' 6148
1:46:38 ''---'' 6398
1:53:30 ''---'' 6810
1:54:57 ''---'' 6897
0:00:00 ''---'' 0
0:01:14 ''---'' 74
0:03:40 ''---'' 220
0:10:45 ''---'' 645
0:12:35 ''---'' 755
0:14:55 ''---'' 895
0:17:40 ''---'' 1060
0:19:40 ''---'' 1180
0:20:00 ''---'' 1200
0:25:25 ''---'' 1525
0:27:20 ''---'' 1640
0:30:30 ''---'' 1830
0:32:12 ''---'' 1932
0:34:10 ''---'' 2050
0:36:00 ''---'' 2160
0:37:00 ''---'' 2220
0:40:45 ''---'' 2445
0:41:25 ''---'' 2485
0:42:00 ''---'' 2520
0:43:53 ''---'' 2633
0:45:45 ''---'' 2745
0:57:10 ''---'' 3430
1:00:00 ''---'' 3600
1:01:50 ''---'' 3710
1:04:31 ''---'' 3871
1:06:00 ''---'' 3960
1:10:54 ''---'' 4254
1:18:00 ''---'' 4680
1:19:55 ''---'' 4795
1:20:55 ''---'' 4855
1:25:00 ''---'' 5100
1:29:55 ''---'' 5395
1:34:50 ''---'' 5690
1:36:10 ''---'' 5770
1:44:00 ''---'' 6240
1:47:10 ''---'' 6430
1:50:28 ''---'' 6628
1:53:00 ''---'' 6780
1:53:50 ''---'' 6830
0:00:00 ''---'' 0
0:05:20 ''---'' 320
0:06:50 ''---'' 410
0:08:40 ''---'' 520
0:09:40 ''---'' 580
0:13:30 ''---'' 810
0:15:20 ''---'' 920
0:21:45 ''---'' 1305
0:24:50 ''---'' 1490
0:26:35 ''---'' 1595
0:28:35 ''---'' 1715
0:30:56 ''---'' 1856
0:35:18 ''---'' 2118
0:38:50 ''---'' 2330
0:44:10 ''---'' 2650
0:46:00 ''---'' 2760
0:47:30 ''---'' 2850
0:52:00 ''---'' 3120
0:53:20 ''---'' 3200
0:55:50 ''---'' 3350
1:02:20 ''---'' 3740
1:04:55 ''---'' 3895
1:07:05 ''---'' 4025
1:10:20 ''---'' 4220
1:11:58 ''---'' 4318
1:13:25 ''---'' 4405
1:15:55 ''---'' 4555
1:16:48 ''---'' 4608
1:21:10 ''---'' 4870
1:24:20 ''---'' 5060
1:28:25 ''---'' 5305
1:33:50 ''---'' 5630
1:35:40 ''---'' 5740
1:39:30 ''---'' 5970
1:42:45 ''---'' 6165
1:45:30 ''---'' 6330
1:52:20 ''---'' 6740
1:53:55 ''---'' 6835
1:55:20 ''---'' 6920
1:55:55 ''---'' 6955
1:57:45 ''---'' 7065
1:58:50 ''---'' 7130
1:59:50 ''---'' 7190
2:03:15 ''---'' 7395
0:00:00 ''---'' 0
0:01:50 ''---'' 110
0:03:15 ''---'' 195
0:05:10 ''---'' 310
0:14:35 ''---'' 875
0:17:15 ''---'' 1035
0:17:55 ''---'' 1075
0:24:25 ''---'' 1465
0:28:43 ''---'' 1723
0:33:43 ''---'' 2023
0:34:22 ''---'' 2062
0:36:16 ''---'' 2176
0:39:04 ''---'' 2344
0:45:20 ''---'' 2720
0:47:01 ''---'' 2821
0:51:33 ''---'' 3093
0:56:06 ''---'' 3366
0:59:20 ''---'' 3560
1:03:33 ''---'' 3813
1:04:25 ''---'' 3865
1:05:12 ''---'' 3912
1:07:45 ''---'' 4065
1:11:05 ''---'' 4265
1:11:35 ''---'' 4295
1:12:42 ''---'' 4362
1:14:25 ''---'' 4465
1:19:20 ''---'' 4760
1:23:00 ''---'' 4980
1:23:30 ''---'' 5010
1:46:30 ''---'' 6390
1:47:47 ''---'' 6467
1:50:50 ''---'' 6650
1:51:58 ''---'' 6718
{{{ [tag[missing log]!sort[title]] }}}
{{YouTube Video Annotations}}
Look at this as a way to link the content from Mario and [[Tobias|http://tb5.tiddlyspot.com/#Tobias%20Beer]]
[[Nicholas Spies IMDB|http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0818662/]]
[[Book on forth|http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/7034911-forth-a-text-and-reference]]
<h2>Notes about the state of development</h2>
I still want to add the option to just copy a youtube URL into the add video place and use regular expressions to pull out the video id. You would still have to give it a name. I will get around to that at some point.
Also, the `Add Video Segment` and `Add Video Timestamp` tiddlers don't work outside of their use in this tiddler. You can change this. The problem is that there are a few places in the two tiddlers that have `{{!!selected_video}}`, which in the tabs here references the `selected_video` field of the `YouTube Video Annotations` tiddler, not the individual tiddlers. If you change it to `{{YouTube Video Annotations!!selected_video}}` than they should work. I am leaving it the way it is because this way changing the name of `YouTube Video Annotations` won't break anything.
[[Website Discussion playing part of a YouTube Video|http://www.techtipsforall.com/2013/05/embed-part-of-youtube-video-from.html]]
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EU-H0xhga08?rel=0&start=300&end=620&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
!!That Worked Wow. And it is embedded, even cooler.
Here is the code behind it and the time is in seconds not minutes and seconds like the direct links are.
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EU-H0xhga08?rel=0&start=300&end=620&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
See also [[YouTube Video Links for Start and End Times]]
Here are the files you need to put in your TW to have Powered by ~TiddlyWiki show up as it does on this site Make sure to back up before trying anything new(just in case).
Here are the modifications I made to $:/_MyRibbon
<div class="github-fork-ribbon-wrapper right">
<div class="github-fork-ribbon" style="background-color:#DF4848;">
<a href="http://tiddlywiki.com">Powered by ~TiddlyWiki</a>
Thanks to the help of Everyone on the [[Google Groups and specifically Felix|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/tiddlywiki/4yvBIdVn3fo]].
Here is how to add 'Powered by ~TiddlyWiki' to your TW5 site. I think the idea of a dedicated button that could be customized would be very cool.
Here is the [[website for react.js|http://facebook.github.io/react/]]
''Rich Shumaker'' [img[http://www.richshumaker.com/images/selfportrait1th.jpg]] <<linkimg RichShumakerNamePlate.png RichShumakerNamePlate.png "RichShumakerNamePlate" height="76">>
{{Rich Shumaker.m4a}}
Rich Shu ma k er -At- G mail Dot Com - Crazy format to avoid the spiders of the web that spam-a-lot
Call me and I will let you know if you are talking to me, #heheh. - It would be cool if we could encrypt this and give people the 'passcode' to decrypt it.
--''~TiddlyWiki 5 Stuff on the Net''--
[[5 Steps to TW5|http://www.richshumaker.com/tw5/FiveStepsToTiddlyWiki5.htm]] - This is my attempt to get a TiddlyWiki NOOB up and running
[[LegacyCd Virtual|http://www.contactjuggling.com/LegacyCd.html]] - Currently in Beta - Release date is set for 5-5-15 - 10 years after the original ~LegacyCd Release
[[This Site - TiddlyWiki-Hangouts|http://www.richshumaker.com/tw5/TiddlyWiki-Hangouts.html]]
--''~TiddlyWiki Classic on the Net''--
[[Dream Machine|http://dreammachine.tiddlyspot.com/]] - Currently working on updating this using TW5
--''Not Yet TW Sites''--
[[Rich Shumaker F(V)anity Site|http://www.RichShumaker.com]]
[[Contact Juggling Dot Com|http://www.contactjuggling.com]]
--''Social Site''--
[[Google +|https://plus.google.com/102360582405563354873/posts]]
--''Social Sites I don't use enough''--
--''Almost Archived Social Sites''--
Deviant Art
I am sure I have forgotten some for sure
!!!__Tiddlers with Rich Shumaker Tags__
{{{ [tag[Rich Shumaker]] }}}
Below is the code for the above - I am trying to standardize this stuff so knowing what I did will help to make this more consistent for everyone
--Start of Rich Shumaker [[<Name Plate>]]--
''Rich Shumaker'' [img[http://www.richshumaker.com/images/selfportrait1th.jpg]] <<linkimg RichShumakerNamePlate.png RichShumakerNamePlate.png "RichShumakerNamePlate" height="76">>
{{Rich Shumaker.m4a}}
Rich Shu ma k er -At- G mail Dot Com - Crazy format to avoid the spiders of the web that spam-a-lot
Call me and I will let you know if you are talking to me, #heheh. - It would be cool if we could encrypt this and give people the 'passcode' to decrypt it.
--''~TiddlyWiki 5 Stuff on the Net''--
[[5 Steps to TW5|http://www.richshumaker.com/tw5/FiveStepsToTiddlyWiki5.htm]] - This is my attempt to get a TiddlyWiki NOOB up and running
[[LegacyCd Web|http://www.contactjuggling.com/LegacyCd.html]] - Currently in Beta - Release date is set for 5-5-15 - 10 years after the original ~LegacyCd Release
[[This Site - TiddlyWiki-Hangouts|http://www.richshumaker.com/tw5/TiddlyWiki-Hangouts.html]]
--''~TiddlyWiki Classic on the Net''--
[[Dream Machine|http://dreammachine.tiddlyspot.com/]] - Currently working on updating this using TW5
--''Not Yet TW Sites''--
[[Rich Shumaker F(V)anity Site|http://www.RichShumaker.com]]
[[Contact Juggling Dot Com|http://www.contactjuggling.com]]
--''Social Site''--
[[Google +|https://plus.google.com/102360582405563354873/posts]]
--''Social Sites I don't use enough''--
--''Almost Archived Social Sites''--
Deviant Art
I am sure I have forgotten some for sure
!!!__Tiddlers with Rich Shumaker Tags__
{{{ [tag[Rich Shumaker]] }}}
--End of Rich Shumaker [[<Name Plate>]]--
''Note about the below, This is a useful feature to include in your [[<Name Plate>]] as it allows you to see all references to your name that have been tagged at the site that copies your [[<Name Plate>]]''
Need to create it so that every Tiddler Reference as well as Tags show in the list below so that you get all references to your name in the TW that has this.
!!!Tiddlers with Rich Shumaker Tags
{{{ [tag[Rich Shumaker]] }}}
I am writing my notes of stuff I have meant to bring up at the Hangouts except I seem to sleep through them and I don't have a camera and mic set up right now
*Twitter and Social Tags - Where and How can they be added to a Tiddler?
*[[<Name Plate>]]
*Shareable method from one TW to another to make it smooth and consistent
A solution to simplify renaming a tag and tagging tiddlers posted by [[Alberto Molina|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/OCntQ79DuwM/_vYCTYRXfaUJ]].
<table class="no-border">
<td colspan=2>
''Step 1:'' First, enter __old__ tag to the left, e.g. GettingStarted<br><br>
<td>''Step 3:'' <$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/RenameTags/search" tag="input" type="text" default="" placeholder="old tag to be removed"/></td>
<td>''Step 2:'' <$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/RenameTags/replace" tag="input" type="text" default="" placeholder="enter, then apply new tag"/></td>
<td style="vertical-align:top;width:50%;">
<$list filter="[!has[draft.of]tag{$:/temp/RenameTags/search}tag{$:/temp/RenameTags/replace}sort[created]]">
<$checkbox tag={{$:/temp/RenameTags/search}}> ~~<$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link>~~</$checkbox><br>
<td style="vertical-align:top;width:50%;">
<$list filter="[!has[draft.of]tag{$:/temp/RenameTags/search}!tag{$:/temp/RenameTags/replace}sort[created]]">
<$checkbox tag={{$:/temp/RenameTags/replace}}><$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link></$checkbox><br>
You can use this in your wiki simply by dragging [[this link|Search And Replace Tag]] over.
I need a tool to keep this site history for now I am manually keeping this Site Log
For Versioning I am starting at 1 as this site is not a Beta Site but a Live Site
1.0 - Started Site with Empty TiddlyWiki 5.1.5 Site
1.1 - Added Code by Hand from watching [[TiddlyWiki Hangout #073]]
1.2 Copied and Tested [[Mario|Mario Pietsch]]'s Work - [[TiddlyWiki Hangout #070]]
1.3 - Asked about formatting at Google Groups and for permission to use his work
1.4 Updated Formatting to make it more consistent - This is going to be an area to work on for a while
1.5 Mario gave his permission - Created [[License]]
1.6 Added [[US Version License]]
1.7 Added 60 TW using Hand Coding Technique with Spreadsheet and TXT Editor that [[Mario|Mario Pietsch]] did [[HangOut_069]] [[HangOut_068]] [[HangOut_066]] [[HangOut_065]] [[HangOut_060]]
1.8 Formatted 60's to[[TiddlyWiki Hangout #060]], [[TiddlyWiki Hangout #065]], [[TiddlyWiki Hangout #066]], [[TiddlyWiki Hangout #068]], [[TiddlyWiki Hangout #069]],
2.0 Updated to 5.1.(6)7
2.1 Started to use Macros for Coding
2.2 Used YT Macro from [[Astrid|aelocson]] to convert [[TiddlyWiki Hangout #058]], [[TiddlyWiki Hangout #059]]
2.3 Astrid Updates Macro's to be more complete with linking and embedding YouTube videos
2.4 Added [[<Name Plate>]] Details, [[twCard]]
Added [[$:/.tb/macros/linkimg]] by [[Tobias Beer]]
Added [[twCard]] to discuss and extend [[<Name Plate>]]
[[GitHub Release Dates]] Added
2.5 - Created [[$:/.rich/data/twversion]] [[$:/.rich/data/twtags]] [[$:/.rich/data/twhangoutdates]] [[$:/.rich/data/twhangout_exceptions]] [[$:/.rich/data/googlehangouts]] to follow the [[$:/.rich/data/videos]] format and Updated all the data to be consistent [[TiddlyWiki Google Groups Data]]
2.6 Updated Content [[TiddlyWiki Hangout #058]] and [[TiddlyWiki Hangout #059]] using the new Macro that [[Astrid|aelocson]] created for topics [[$:/.rich/macros/topics]]
2.7 Updated Copyright to match [[Mario Pietsch]] - [[Now CC 4.0|http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/]] - Got the Google Hangout Link to work, improperly coded as it has extra code but it works
Updated all of the Hangouts to be safe till 999 ### instead of ##
2.71 Error on [[TiddlyWiki]] with links fixed
2.8 Astrid Updated [[$:/.rich/macros/youtube-embed.js]] and it works great - Updating old code from [[TiddlyWiki Hangout #075]] and working on [[TiddlyWiki Hangout #074]] - Inputted more data from Mario's Hangout Data - Completed 40's TW Hangouts - Updated [[$:/.tb/macros/linkimg]] by [[Tobias Beer]] which now allows images to be linked to External URL's - Updated Site Log for the New ### Format for Hangouts from the old ## Format
2015-01-08 <<sep>> 2.9 [[YouTube Video Annotations]] from [[Jed Carty]] Added - woohoo!!!
''2015-01-11'' - SPECIAL NOTE - The site was not working for about a week. I had turned on CloudFlare at my hosting company and my pages stopped working. Once I turned it off everything started working again. It was injecting code into my HTML uploads.
2015-01-18 - 3.0 Finished Mario's Hangouts
\define slider(label)
<$button popup="$:/state/$label$" class="btn-invisible tw-slider"><$reveal type="match" text="" default="" state="$:/state/$label$">⊞</$reveal><$reveal type="nomatch" text="" default="" state="$:/state/$label$">⊟</$reveal> {{$label$||unwikified}}</$button>
<$reveal type="nomatch" text="" default="" state="$:/state/$label$" animate="yes">
<$macrocall $name="slider" label={{!!title}}/>
!!This site is a work in progress.
I am trying to document different things I start to use in this site so that you can copy what I am doing ''See the [[Site Log]] for details on the ongoing changes.''
I am trying to follow a consistent format so even if the format is crap it can easily be changed later.
<h3>This site will spawn a [[Hangout Helper TiddlyWiki]]</h3>
I think that it would be helpful for the TW community to look at how other sites spread the word.
Here is the example I found at [[TED.com|http://www.ted.com]]
[[How to help spread TED|http://www.ted.com/pages/21]]
Professor at [[SUNY IT|http://sunyit.edu/]]
{{{ [tag[Steve Schneider]] }}}
Sublime Text is a sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose.
You'll love the slick user interface, extraordinary features and amazing performance.
See also [[Taskgraph]]
See also TaskGraph
<<youtube-embed "m2JyJWjAUns" "01:00:00" "01:00:08">>
<<embed "058" "00:45:30" "00:45:45">>
[[0:00:00|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlOSyUXAtoA&t=0m0s]] ''---'' Intro frtl: Yaka, Branimir, Eric, Jeff, Jeremy, Mario, Nathan
The Third Flow plugin brings to you another way to develop customizations for TiddlyWiki 5. It is not enforcing a specific development flow, it simply tries to help you. Otherwise, it tries to stay out of your way.
Tiddlers are the fundamental units of information in TiddlyWiki. Tiddlers work best when they are as small as possible so that they can be reused by weaving them together in different ways.
A "tiddler" is an informal British word meaning a small fish, typically a stickleback or a minnow. Other systems have analogous concepts with generic names like "items", "entries", "entities", "nodes" or "records". TiddlyWiki takes the view that it is better to be confusingly distinctive than confusingly generic.
Internally, tiddlers are a list of uniquely named values called fields. The only field that is required is the `title` field, but useful tiddlers also have a `text` field, and some or all of the standard fields listed in ~TiddlerFields.
Tiddlers are ubiquitous in TiddlyWiki. They are used to store everything from ~JavaScript code modules to the settings and state associated with the user interface.
!!The Basics of TiddlyClip
Tiddlyclip (TC) allows parts of webpages to be clipped into a tiddlywiki (TW), and consists of two parts, the browser Addon and the TW plugin. The Addon is completely memoryless, any configuration is determined by the current TW that the user has select to work with (we say that the Addon is docked to the TW). TC is designed to work (in a basic mode) without configuration. Once the Addon and plugin are installed, all the user has to do is select which TW to dock to.
[[TiddlyClip Website|http://tiddlyclip.tiddlyspot.com/]]
[[Link to TiddlyDesktop Info|http://tiddlywiki.com/#TiddlyDesktop]]
This brief introduction shows how to install and use TiddlyDesktop:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/i3Bggkm7paA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
A Firefox extension to enable TiddlyWiki to save changes directly to the file system
TiddlyFox [[link|https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/tiddlyfox/]]
[[TiddlySpace Web Site|http://tiddlyspace.com]]
Sometimes we all need a little help with organising what's going on in our heads. TiddlySpace lets you organise your thoughts and ideas so that they are with you wherever, whenever and however you need them.
[[Hosting for TiddlyWiki's|http://www.tiddlyspot.com]]
[[TiddlySpot Website|http://www.tiddlyspot.com]]
Tiddlyspot itself is programmed in ruby by Simon Baird. Design and original concept by Daniel Baird.
[[Eric Shulman]] created [[TiddlyTools|http://www.tiddlytools.com/]].
!!This Site is [[Powered by TiddlyWiki|Powered by TiddlyWiki]]
!![[Get TiddlyWiki Now|http://tiddlywiki.com/#GettingStarted]]
!!What is ~TiddlyWiki?
~TiddlyWiki is first and foremost a tool: it is a free downloadable tool for capturing and organising content from the web, from your documents or from your brain. It’s a tool for note-taking, bookmarking, pinning, writing, managing to-do lists and projects, collaborating, blogging, and publishing.
In ~TiddlyWiki you create or paste content into notes called tiddlers, then connect your tiddlers with hyperlinks and tags. You can then quickly retrieve your notes through features such as tag pills, sidebar tabs, and ~TiddlyWiki's lightning fast search window. You can even dynamically include one tiddler's content inside another - similar to using building blocks - to create articles, lists, presentations and more.
!! There are currently 2 version of ~TiddlyWiki
[[TiddlyWiki 5|http://www.tiddlywiki.com]]
This is currently in development and is the latest version
[[TiddlyWiki Classic|http://www.tiddlywiki.org]]
This is the original version and is currently maintained by [[Eric Shulman]]
This is the data that runs the [[Macros|Macros for Hangout Wiki Project]] on the site and are the best thing to grab if you want to re-organize the data another way. I am working on a way to get the data I put in the Tiddlers to be pulled out and reused another way.
Dates - [[$:/.rich/data/twhangoutdates]]
Google Hangouts - [[$:/.rich/data/googlehangouts]]
~YouTube Videos - [[$:/.rich/data/videos]]
TW Versions - [[$:/.rich/data/twversion]]
Tags [[$:/.rich/data/twtags]]
Exceptions - Not Recorded & Special Events - [[$:/.rich/data/twhangout_exceptions]]
One other list that is needed is the list of the start stop points for all the individual tiddlers in a Hangout. This gives the embed times for creating short snippet embedded videos. Ideally that would spawn the ability to watch a thread from the beginning forward or from the end backward.
\define hangout() 003
<<topic "0:00:00" "Smalltalk you may want to jump to">>
<<topic "0:04:10" "Mario- Question to Eric - about TW2 beta, external files.">>
<<topic "0:05:25" "Impact of external files for pmario">>
<<topic "0:07:50" "Jeremy kicked of the hangout.">>
<<topic "0:08:45" "Eric uses TW5 to build TW2. Some comments. Update to TiddlyTools. All plugins may be at github in the future.">>
<<topic "0:12:15" "Discussion about plugin Distribution, the Community, Source Code handling, GitHub ...">>
<<topic "0:17:05" "Eric - App store model? Jeremy wants to have a Firefox type model. Mario - listeneing :)">>
<<topic "0:18:30" "Jeremy talks about plugin maintenence">>
<<topic "0:19:25" "What are the creterias for plugin devs to get plugins accepted by core def (Jeremy :). Who owns plugins. Who maintains them ...">>
<<topic "0:20:50" "Jeremy's answer">>
<<topic "0:22:10" "Mario- has constrains about all plugins are in TW5 repo.">>
<<topic "0:23:15" "Discussion about the contribution workflow.">>
<<topic "0:26:55" "Jeremy about criteria for accepting contributions, nees to be testable, automated accept testing">>
<<topic "0:28:05" "Jeremy about plugin ownership">>
<<topic "0:29:45" "The 'new' software structure. Drawings :)">>
<<topic "0:31:45" "Jeremy - orphaned plugins, roles in the community, plugin adoption, plugin URLs should not change">>
<<topic "0:33:55" "Eric - summary for understanding">>
<<topic "0:35:20" "Discussion about Contributor License Agreement - CLA for TiddlyWiki">>
<<topic "0:40:20" "Back to the plugins and the repo. TW5 Repo rearangement ..">>
<<topic "0:42:20" "Mario confusion about the repo structure.">>
<<topic "0:44:50" "Jeremy - All contributor plugins should be in the main repo, Mario - slightly disagrees, Eric - suggestions">>
<<topic "0:45:45" "NPM - TW5 installation with NPM, brings all the core plugins, Jeremy wants the URL to be stable ...">>
<<topic "0:49:50" "Mario- github submodules ... no > github subtree ... yes">>
<<topic "0:51:40" "mario concerns about the plugin adoption process. plugin forking / renaming ...">>
<<topic "0:56:50" "Erics - drawing. Contribution / Software structure">>
<<topic "1:12:00" "Jeremy about macros in TW5. TW5 will ship with many, many macros ... How do we credit the original authors.">>
<<topic "1:13:40" "Eric about plugins, transclusions and ownership in TW2">>
<<topic "1:15:45" "user's side of macro / plugin import handling">>
<<topic "1:18:15" "Eric - Non guthub based submission process. Jeremy - TiddlySpace as user repos">>
<<topic "1:20:50" "We stopped ignoring Jeff ... Change topics to user topics">>
<<topic "1:22:20" "Jeff- introduces himself. Talks about his use of TW.">>
<<topic "1:23:00" "TW5 and Android">>
<<topic "1:24:45" "Eric about TiddlyFox">>
<<topic "1:26:10" "About user documentation. Getting users involved. Getting the community involved ...">>
<<topic "1:38:00" "Jeremy, about 'spread the word'">>
<<topic "1:41:00" "Eric about How to discover TiddlyWorld :)">>
<<topic "1:43:20" "Facebook haters and the sozial networks :)))">>
<<topic "1:44:55" "Russ - About User stories. TW5 editions. Better 'First user experience'">>
\define hangout() 004
<<topic "0:04:10" "Jermey - TW5 demo about skinny font">>
<<topic "0:06:50" "Zooming mode - theme">>
<<topic "0:07:10" "slow motion mode for testing">>
<<topic "0:09:00" "feedback about zooming mode / single page mode">>
<<topic "0:10:15" "cecily view (tw-classic)">>
<<topic "0:11:30" "centraliced theme / themes in general">>
<<topic "0:14:10" "Eric asks about drag and drop themes / elements?">>
<<topic "0:17:10" "Sticky title (chrome canary)">>
<<topic "0:21:50" "About the editor">>
<<topic "0:24:05" "Preview mode">>
<<topic "0:24:20" "field editor">>
<<topic "0:25:00" "image bitmap editor">>
<<topic "0:26:45" "field editor fancy stuff / behind the curton">>
<<topic "0:29:00" "group feedback">>
<<topic "0:30:15" "TW5 drag and drop images">>
<<topic "0:33:15" "tag autocomplete?">>
<<topic "0:34:00" "tag coloring / tag icons">>
<<topic "0:37:15" "- - Q&A - -">>
<<topic "0:38:25" "tobias - tiddlywiki.com maintenance">>
<<topic "0:43:00" "eric responds to tobias - TW5 builds TW2 - build process">>
<<topic "0:44:20" "eric - tiddlywiki.com audience - general discussion">>
<<topic "0:45:40" "jeremy - TW5 beta as tidlywiki.com 'landing page'">>
<<topic "0:47:08" "jeremy - the TW5 reference documentation">>
<<topic "0:49:45" "eric - tiddlywiki docs - 'how do I'">>
<<topic "0:53:45" "jeremy - TW saving - tiddlysaver.jar">>
<<topic "0:55:20" "jeremy - tw5 the mobile story - app.js">>
<<topic "0:58:40" "tobi/jeremy - how does tiddlyweb fit to tw5">>
<<topic "1:01:55" "tobi/jeremy - tw5 interface to nodejs / tiddlyweb">>
<<topic "1:03:25" "jeremy - tw5 serverside demo (techie stuff :)">>
<<topic "1:10:40" "tobi/jeremy - authentication with nodejs?">>
<<topic "1:11:30" "tobi/jeremy - several instances?">>
<<topic "1:12:15" "jeremy - 'new features' should be highly configurable (technical)">>
<<topic "1:17:22" "tobi/jeremy/eric - widgets - eg: todo list">>
<<topic "1:24:35" "jeremy - about macros (technical)">>
<<topic "1:28:12" "eric/jeremy - macros compared to transclusion parameter passing in tw2">>
<<topic "1:29:20" "jeremy - in tw5 everything is a tiddler">>
<<topic "1:31:12" "jeremy - widget internals">>
<<topic "1:35:15" "tobi/jeremy - widget handling / plugin handling?">>
<<topic "1:42:08" "tobi/jeremy - namespaces?">>
<<topic "1:42:53" "tobi/jeremy - how to create a new theme / plugins?">>
<<topic "1:47:00" "jeremy - control panel - system tiddlers">>
<<topic "1:50:10" "Conclusion">>
\define hangout() 005
<<topic "0:00:00" "Introductions">>
<<topic "0:03:35" "jeremy - outline">>
<<topic "0:04:30" "- eric's clinic -">>
<<topic "0:05:10" "eric - plugins">>
<<topic "0:06:20" "Q tw2: handling renaming tiddlers">>
<<topic "0:15:10" "Q tw2: copy paste tiddler links">>
<<topic "0:23:25" "jeremy: tiddler link info in tw5 (related to above Q)">>
<<topic "0:26:04" "jeremy: external link handling">>
<<topic "0:31:05" "jeremy wants to know what people think about tw5 syntax about 'file links'">>
<<topic "0:43:50" "... braindump about the above Q.">>
<<topic "0:46:10" "tw5 transclusion mechanism (sound problems)">>
<<topic "0:53:00" "... bad echo and background noise, that should be muted :(">>
<<topic "0:56:25" "syntax TW-classic or markdown">>
<<topic "1:03:21" "creg - markdown becomes mainstream ...">>
<<topic "1:03:21" "...the WYSIWYG discussion">>
<<topic "1:16:00" "tw5 tiddler types">>
<<topic "1:18:07" "d3 first cut">>
<<topic "1:24:08" "mathematical notation - mathjax">>
<<topic "1:26:50" "d3">>
<<topic "1:31:20" "User interface">>
<<topic "1:34:00" "Keyboard shortcuts">>
<<topic "1:35:10" "Close Others - custom UI">>
<<topic "1:42:50" "Comments about hangouts">>
<<topic "1:44:20" "New visitor introduction">>
<<topic "1:46:10" "Comments about hangouts">>
<<topic "1:48:18" "23MByte 7000++ tiddlers TW2 intro">>
\define hangout() 006
<<topic "0:00:00" "introductions">>
<<topic "0:02:43" "jeremy - topics">>
<<topic "0:04:10" "TW5 news: d3 / grid widget">>
<<topic "0:08:08" "group feedback :)">>
<<topic "0:10:14" "mario / jeremy - grid sorting / calculations">>
<<topic "0:11:40" "jeremy - handling the document state in TW5">>
<<topic "0:13:30" "jeremy - grid sorting ideas">>
<<topic "0:14:50" "mario - compares grid widget with TW2 'fet plugin'">>
<<topic "0:15:25" "eric - grid plugin - UI interaction">>
<<topic "0:17:20" "jeremy - sorting by tiddler modification">>
<<topic "0:19:05" "grid filtering possibilities?">>
<<topic "0:20:25" "jeremy - use list widget for filtering">>
<<topic "0:23:02" "jeremy - how the 'grid stuff should be done at all?'">>
<<topic "0:27:15" "eric - 'multi level list' - indented bullet list">>
<<topic "0:28:10" "jeremy - idea - new table syntax">>
<<topic "0:28:10" "group feedback">>
<<topic "0:34:10" "in tables use 'space' as 'white space'">>
<<topic "0:36:20" "jeremy - 'grid calculation'">>
<<topic "0:39:20" "jeremy - what should be core / plugin">>
<<topic "0:40:10" "eric - what should be core / plugin - centralized plugin distribution / ecosystem">>
<<topic "0:42:28" "jeremy - macros (using / sharing / namespacing)">>
<<topic "0:47:30" "scott introduction">>
<<topic "0:48:30" "- erics clinic -">>
<<topic "0:49:00" "TOC - section link plugin">>
<<topic "0:57:45" "grid plugin parameters">>
<<topic "1:07:30" "customizing the story menu tutorial">>
<<topic "1:25:30" "why are the 'basics TWs' V2.5.0">>
<<topic "1:28:30" "Navigation with GotoPlugin">>
<<topic "1:31:00" "MathJax V2 with TW2">>
<<topic "1:44:20" "jeremy - Any final comments?">>
<<topic "1:52:30" "Bye-Bye!">>
\define hangout() 007
<<topic "0:00:00" "attendees introduction">>
<<topic "0:04:17" "mario - introduces tiddlyweb with vagrant">>
<<topic "0:05:30" "mario -">>
<<topic "0:17:12" "questions">>
<<topic "0:17:30" "mario - summarizing the stuff">>
<<topic "0:18:20" "jeremy/mario - up again">>
<<topic "0:21:00" "mario - what is virtual box">>
<<topic "0:23:20" "about annotations">>
<<topic "0:23:40" "intro - kamil, marty">>
<<topic "0:24:40" "marty - about seamonkey and TW on OS10">>
<<topic "0:26:00" "general discussion about browsers and TW">>
<<topic "0:28:10" "dave's (giffmex) work with TW5">>
<<topic "0:30:20" "jeremy - tag widget TW5">>
<<topic "0:32:25" "jeremy - problem with (unwanted persistent) popup state">>
<<topic "0:38:40" "mario - question about state tiddlers">>
<<topic "0:40:40" "jeremy - any questions / requests ?">>
<<topic "0:41:15" "leo - tiddler namespace / TW directory structure / hirachical structure">>
<<topic "0:45:10" "jeremy - tiddler content types (eg: text/x-markdown)">>
<<topic "0:47:18" "jeremy - how saving works with TW5 at the moment (answeres the q above)">>
<<topic "0:50:00" "tiddlywiki.info / TW editions folder metadata">>
<<topic "0:51:30" "wiki nesting (metadata)">>
<<topic "0:53:28" "how 'include wiki / editions' stuff works">>
<<topic "0:55:10" "mario - can you see, where a tiddler comes from?">>
<<topic "0:56:05" "jeremy - editing / saving tiddlers">>
<<topic "0:59:50" "jeremy - specify, where new tiddlers should go">>
<<topic "1:01:08" "discussion about 'create new tiddler usecase'">>
<<topic "1:03:03" "jeremy ideas: about implementing the bag/recipe handling">>
<<topic "1:06:30" "leo - what is the tiddler identity + discussion ...">>
<<topic "1:08:10" "pmario - would like to have a UUID">>
<<topic "1:09:30" "jeremy - back to namespaces and his idea ...">>
<<topic "1:11:50" "jeremy - how TW5 can build TW2 (with prefixes / namespaces?)">>
<<topic "1:18:20" "namespace is indipendent from directory?">>
<<topic "1:19:30" "scott - discussion about naming conventions">>
<<topic "1:21:40" "scott/jeremy - aliasing mechanism should be part of the core">>
<<topic "1:23:40" "scott/mario/jeremy - naming conventions and tiddler renaming / search and replace">>
<<topic "1:27:01" "jeremy - any questions anyone?">>
<<topic "1:28:10" "jeremy - what's new in TW5 - d3 - demoing 'word cloud'">>
<<topic "1:29:30" "jeremy - ideas: how do we expose data to d3 / grid">>
<<topic "1:31:40" "intro - dave">>
<<topic "1:32:00" "dave/jeremy - about the objective of dave's tw + discussion">>
<<topic "1:36:20" "jeremy - about tw themes">>
<<topic "1:37:40" "mario/jeremy - 'info button' behaviour + discussion">>
<<topic "1:39:10" "dave/jeremy - tagging in the 'info area' + demoing, how to change the templates">>
<<topic "1:42:00" "jeremy - how to do tagging in the ViewTemplate">>
<<topic "1:45:00" "jeremy - the 'future of weekly hangouts' - how should we continue?">>
<<topic "1:49:60" "bye - bye!">>
\define hangout() 008
<<topic "0:00:00" "attendees introduction (ltr: Craig, Eric, Jeremy, Mario, (Marty later on), Scott)">>
<<topic "0:01:20" "mario/jeremy - tiddlyweb and TW5 with 'tiddlyweb at home - new possibility' (techie stuff :)">>
<<topic "0:03:03" "jeremy - demoes, whats possible atm. TW5 with tiddlyspace. TW polls for server updates every now and than.">>
<<topic "0:11:27" "TW5 is lazy loading the tiddlers, so search works for tiddler titles ...">>
<<topic "0:11:55" "mario - wants to ship TW5 with 'tweb at home' with vagrant">>
<<topic "0:14:05" "mario/jeremy - about TW5, nodejs and heroku">>
<<topic "0:16:00" "mario - is it possible to split TW5 into different files. eg: core, themes ...">>
<<topic "0:18:49" "jeremy/mario about tw5, native tiddlyweb, vagrant, virtualbox, pro and cons">>
<<topic "0:21:40" "erics clinik">>
<<topic "0:22:00" "jeremy - question about splitting tiddlytools into individual tiddlers.">>
<<topic "0:22:30" "erics response - tiddlytools, github, status, tiddlytools internal structure.">>
<<topic "0:25:50" "eric elements that are 'aged out', elements that can be fixed: eg. file drop plugin ...">>
<<topic "0:27:29" "... fix import tiddlers plugin ...">>
<<topic "0:32:00" "jeremy - good to see that eric works on TWclassic and TW5">>
<<topic "0:32:35" "eric - 'TWclassic needs to remain viable for several years'!">>
<<topic "0:33:00" "eric - about the migration story.">>
<<topic "0:37:20" "jeremy - about dave's experiences, working with very large TW5 files. (~80MB)">>
<<topic "0:39:35" "scott/jeremy/eric - question about file size issue and embeded images">>
<<topic "0:42:07" "about base64 encoded tiddlers ...">>
<<topic "0:44:45" "eric/scott - about base64 tiddlers and TWclassic (AttachFilePlugin)">>
<<topic "0:53:09" "jeremy - about daves 80MB TW5 .. 'how far can we go with embedded multimedia in TW5', embedding videos">>
<<topic "0:55:50" "eric - idea about detaching tiddlers and security implications ...">>
<<topic "0:58:05" "jeremy - TW5 as a 'multipurpose, multimedia scrap book'">>
<<topic "0:59:27" "eric - presentations, slideshow ... display order?">>
<<topic "1:02:30" "jeremy - ideas about TW5 edit, display possibilities and sorting ...">>
<<topic "1:07:10" "jeremy - TW5 story list">>
<<topic "1:08:35" "jeremy - 'card sorting' with drag and drop">>
<<topic "1:09:05" "eric - (lisp) and lists and TW content representation">>
<<topic "1:10:25" "jeremy - about ZigZag structure xanadu (dot) com/zigzag/">>
<<topic "1:12:44" "eric - 'interesting aspects of TW in general' ... 'discovery'">>
<<topic "1:14:10" "jeremy - 'capturing needs to be super smooth'">>
<<topic "1:14:42" "mario - TWclassic has 'secions and slices' what's about TW5">>
<<topic "1:16:16" "jeremy - response">>
<<topic "1:17:44" "eric - background info about 'slice, section' in TWclassic">>
<<topic "1:19:25" "jeremy - with TW5, writing back to slices would be possible">>
<<topic "1:20:45" "mario - usecase for content splitting and aggregation">>
<<topic "1:21:50" "jeremy - either invest in 'intra-tiddler handling' or 'aggregating and composing' small tiddlers">>
<<topic "1:24:53" "scott/jeremy - a users perspective about content 're-organisation'">>
<<topic "1:25:50" "mario/jeremy - mario would like a 'data tiddler plugin' functionality done with sections and slices.">>
<<topic "1:27:00" "mario shows a usecase ... (codemirror plugin config tiddler)">>
<<topic "1:30:20" "jeremy - want's to be able to 'edit transclusions' - edit in place">>
<<topic "1:30:50" "jeremy - ideas for 'editor add ons' ... 'magic editing'">>
<<topic "1:32:12" "eric - responds to the above">>
<<topic "1:33:50" "scott - uses TW like ervernote. accumulating information. discribes his usecase.">>
<<topic "1:35:51" "jeremy - shows TW5 json tiddlers">>
<<topic "1:38:10" "craig - what's the difference between JSON and XML?">>
<<topic "1:40:10" "craig/jeremy - displaying 'external information' in realtime ...">>
<<topic "1:43:15" "jeremy - shows IFTTT - it's awsome">>
<<topic "1:44:50" "Bye! Bye!">>
\define hangout() 009
<<topic "0:00:00" "Intro - ltr: Dave Gifford, Eric Shulman (0:37:50), Jeremy Ruston, Keith Buckner, Mario Pietsch, Scott Simons(later), Slonik Az (Leo), Tobias Beer">>
<<topic "0:02:50" "Dave - Short intro about his experiments with TW5">>
<<topic "0:05:13" "Jeremy - There is a plan to automate ViewTemplate modification by special tiddler naming. Plugins should be able to add to the ViewTemplate, without actually modifying this tiddler.">>
<<topic "0:06:54" "Jeremy/Tobias/Mario - How can we reactivate the LessBackups plugin. TiddlyFox may handle the backup handling. TiddlyFox should _not_ expose 'low level functions'">>
<<topic "0:14:42" "Jeremy/Leo - TiddlyFox doesn't support 'old' versions (<=16) of FireFox">>
<<topic "0:16:30" "Jeremy/Mario/all - Markdown syntax and TW5">>
<<topic "0:17:30" "- TW5 syntax adjustments -">>
<<topic "0:17:35" "Mario - Started a TS page: compare-tw2-tw5 (dot) tiddlyspace.com/">>
<<topic "0:18:49" "Jeremy - Open the markdown page and discuss the specification elements.">>
<<topic "0:19:26" "Jeremy adopted markdown, that doesn't break TWc allready">>
<<topic "0:20:55" "Jeremy - TW5 should be a 1000 times more popular than TWc">>
<<topic "0:21:38" "Leo - hash mark and enumerating. eg: #5 starts with number 5">>
<<topic "0:23:05" "Jeremy - It should be possible to define the starting level for hedings">>
<<topic "0:23:26" "Jeremy - opens markdown specification. inline HTML works great allready.">>
<<topic "0:24:23" "paragraph and linebreak .... (longer than planned :)">>
<<topic "0:26:20" "fenced paragraph style with special marker eg: ~ for poetry">>
<<topic "0:31:30" "Mario/Jeremy - plugins should be used to have eg: 'strict markdown'">>
<<topic "0:33:53" "Tobias/Jeremy - what's about single linebreaks atm.">>
<<topic "0:36:02" "Leo/Jeremy - Intro: plugin for TW2 and line break handling.">>
<<topic "0:37:50" "Eric/Leo - backslash new line handling in TW2">>
<<topic "0:45:10" "Jeremy - 'Wiki syntax' should be part of the core">>
<<topic "0:46:02" "Mario/Eric - GitHub flavoured markdown is a 'special purpose language', we need a 'general purpose syntax'">>
<<topic "0:46:35" "Eric - syntax examples / documentation is important, to avoid confusion">>
<<topic "0:49:13" "Leo - prepares for screen sharing">>
<<topic "0:49:45" "Scott/Jeremy - short discussion">>
<<topic "0:51:13" "Leo - shows, how the plugin works">>
<<topic "0:55:44" "- TW5 syntax adjustments -">>
<<topic "0:57:20" "Jeremy/all - multi paragraph lists (are quite tab centric. so tab handling is a concern now)">>
<<topic "0:58:25" "Scott/Jeremy - new idea about line break handling -> keyboard shortcuts for eg:">>
<<topic "1:00:30" "Jeremy/Mario - back to markdown lists. TW5 has the possibility to nest bullet list with numbered lists ...">>
<<topic "1:01:55" "Jeremy/all *,+,- for unordered list 'is wasting syntax possibilities' - whitespace should not be used to indicate something.">>
<<topic "1:03:45" "Eric/Jeremy - suggestion, how to use + and - for 'collapsable' bullet lists">>
<<topic "1:05:52" "Jeremy - md < hr > handling is 'wasting' syntax. too much redundancy">>
<<topic "1:07:02" "all - how much markdown should we adopt - portability -">>
<<topic "1:08:00" "Jeremy - our goal should be > > >'familiarity'< < <">>
<<topic "1:08:10" "Leo - suggests 'import filters' to 'normalize' copy/paste content.">>
<<topic "1:10:13" "Jeremy/all - markdown links">>
<<topic "1:14:08" "Jeremy - conclusion about markdown links and tabs">>
<<topic "1:15:20" "Jeremy/all - Emphasis - bold - italics -> there shouldn't be too many variants of the same syntax. We like a 'single syntax'">>
<<topic "1:20:00" "Tobi/Mario - (Tobi) plugin for TWc compatibility vs. (Mario) TWc syntax should be imported with an import filter / translator.">>
<<topic "1:21:08" "Jeremy - md backtick handling in code blocks.">>
<<topic "1:21:35" "Jeremy - image handling">>
<<topic "1:22:30" "- Erics Clinic (and a 26 year old coffee mug) -">>
<<topic "1:23:55" "Leo/Eric - Is there a official way to distribute plugins?">>
<<topic "1:26:09" "Tobi - proposal for plugin authors - somethin similar to 'tiddlyvault'">>
<<topic "1:27:48" "Tobi - back to the idea - manually managed registry at tiddlyspace">>
<<topic "1:29:20" "Eric - suggestion - someone should take 'tiddlyvault' and import it to tiddlyspace">>
<<topic "1:30:20" "Tobi - screenshare - tiddlywiki (dot) org - new plugin that makes docs easier ...">>
<<topic "1:33:20" "general discussion about TS and plugins">>
<<topic "1:34:55" "Eric - git/hub and tiddlytools">>
<<topic "1:36:20" "Jeremy - about github">>
<<topic "1:37:00" "Eric - tiddlytools on github pages">>
<<topic "1:37:45" "Tobi/Eric - ideas about the publishing / curating mechanism">>
<<topic "1:42:05" "Jeremy/Eric/Tobi - idea - If there is a centralized repo, the repo should take over the plugin hosting.">>
<<topic "1:47:50" "Jeremy - feedback / questions">>
<<topic "1:48:37" "Keith - Is there a visual indication for transcluded content?">>
<<topic "1:54:55" "Jeremy - new TW5 features, ConfigInfo tiddler, docs/... integrated documentation tiddlers, info widget, some more list widget docs :)">>
<<topic "2:01:20" "Bye! Bye!">>
\define hangout() 010
<<topic "0:00:00" "Attendees: Craig Prichard, Jeremy Ruston, (later: Marc -from Swizerland), Mario Pietsch, Scott Simmons, Simon Harper, Leo Azimov, Tobias Beer">>
<<topic "0:02:30" "Jeremy - dev issues - Agenda (... We did one point :))">>
<<topic "0:07:30" "Jeremy - opens the source code .. directory structure">>
<<topic "0:08:42" "boot - folder">>
<<topic "0:09:05" "core - folder">>
<<topic "0:09:24" "Leo - core is a plugin by intention?">>
<<topic "0:11:35" "editions - folder">>
<<topic "0:12:03" "plugins - folder">>
<<topic "0:12:22" "themes - folder">>
<<topic "0:12:43" "tmp - folder">>
<<topic "0:12:58" "files in TW5 "root"">>
<<topic "0:13:45" "Leo - Content of the wiki is inside editions?">>
<<topic "0:14:04" "editions/tw5.com">>
<<topic "0:14:35" "editions/clientserver">>
<<topic "0:15:08" "Leo - there is an other plugins directory in clientserver?!">>
<<topic "0:17:07" "Mario - and the tiddlers folder is just the content for this edition?">>
<<topic "0:17:42" "Mario - the system directory is just an other namespace?">>
<<topic "0:18:30" "... general discussion about tiddler filenames and titles">>
<<topic "0:20:40" "Leo/Jeremy - file name creation and url encoded filenames">>
<<topic "0:23:52" "editions/d3demo">>
<<topic "0:24:04" "editions/empty">>
<<topic "0:24:26" "editions/tahoelafs ... tahoe-lafs (dot) org">>
<<topic "0:26:06" "editions/test">>
<<topic "0:26:20" "Tobi - Are the editions accessible on the web">>
<<topic "0:27:18" "editions/test">>
<<topic "0:28:52" "editions/tw2">>
<<topic "0:29:37" "editions/tw5.com">>
<<topic "0:29:47" "editions/tw5tiddlyweb">>
<<topic "0:30:17" "mario - is there the latest version at TiddlySpace?">>
<<topic "0:31:14" "plugins/">>
<<topic "0:31:22" "plugins/d3 and /codemirror - exploring how to include external libraries">>
<<topic "0:31:55" "plugins/classictools - tools for dealing with TWclassic">>
<<topic "0:32:03" "plugins/filesystem - used on the server to sync changes to the store">>
<<topic "0:32:20" "plugins/fullscreen">>
<<topic "0:32:34" "plugins/jasmine - test suite">>
<<topic "0:32:47" "plugins/tahoelfs - good example plugin, because it's "small"">>
<<topic "0:33:04" "plugins/tiddlyweb - clientside plugin to save on tiddlyweb">>
<<topic "0:33:32" "themes/ - plugins can have "dependencies" defined in the "plugin.info" file">>
<<topic "0:34:14" "/*.sh batch files">>
<<topic "0:34:50" "/package.json">>
<<topic "0:35:09" "Mario - should it be possibel to say: "npm install .. tiddlywiki"? what will you get?">>
<<topic "0:37:02" "/tiddlywiki.js">>
<<topic "0:37:40" "/bld.sh - builds the whole TW5 stuff.">>
<<topic "0:38:15" "Jeremy/all - about the "static" TW5 representation. The static files use relative links.">>
<<topic "0:46:38" "Jeremy - how static files are created using the templates">>
<<topic "0:51:10" "back at /bld.sh - short summary">>
<<topic "0:51:30" "/bld.sh - how to generate the encrypted TW5">>
<<topic "0:51:44" "Tobi - questions about the "edit / deployment" possibilities">>
<<topic "0:53:30" "Jeremy runs the local server to edit tiddlers. Shows his workflow">>
<<topic "0:58:30" "/core">>
<<topic "0:58:30" "/boot">>
<<topic "0:59:12" "Mario - If you want to learn about plugins. Where do you start?">>
<<topic "1:00:10" "Jeremy - quote: "plugins is a mechanism to deliver shadow tiddlers"">>
<<topic "1:00:33" "/core - is a plugin">>
<<topic "1:00:40" "/boot - is needed to start the core">>
<<topic "1:00:57" "/boot/sjcl.js - encryption library">>
<<topic "1:01:10" "/boot/boot.css.tid - basic styling needed to decrypt TW5">>
<<topic "1:01:51" "Leo - What kind of encryption is used?">>
<<topic "1:03:35" "/boot/bootprefix.js">>
<<topic "1:04:33" "/boot/boot.js">>
<<topic "1:04:33" "connection between the code and the html file">>
<<topic "1:05:53" "Leo - What would be your recomendation for stepping through the code?">>
<<topic "1:06:23" "Jeremy - quote: "The ordering I'm showing you, is the ordering I'm suggesting, reading things"">>
<<topic "1:09:09" "Mario - boot.js contains code to boot nodejs and to boot the browser?">>
<<topic "1:10:17" "Mario - index.html where is the "program init() / main()" type of function?">>
<<topic "1:13:00" "Leo - "The challange is to debug the node code!?"">>
<<topic "1:14:30" "Jeremy - /boot/boot.js - how the boot process actually starts. Has been main() in TWc.">>
<<topic "1:17:30" "/core/startup.js - "The inner loop of TW5"">>
<<topic "1:18:30" "short break -">>
<<topic "1:19:06" "Mario - "Leo, why do you want to debug the node stuff?"">>
<<topic "1:23:09" "Tobi/Jeremy - "How would you debug your node scripts .. renderTiddler?"">>
<<topic "1:24:30" "Jeremy - short summary.">>
<<topic "1:24:54" "Leo - Good starting point to learn about plugins?">>
<<topic "1:25:43" "Leo - If I want to write a MathJax plugin?">>
<<topic "1:27:40" "/core - folder">>
<<topic "1:27:52" "/core/plugin.info">>
<<topic "1:28:02" "/core/docs/* - internal docs - english">>
<<topic "1:28:38" "/core/images - used in the UI">>
<<topic "1:29:00" "/core/messages">>
<<topic "1:29:18" "/core/modules">>
<<topic "1:29:23" "/core/templates - tiddlers of a "technical nature" used as templates.">>
<<topic "1:30:28" "/core/ui - "kind of user interface decisions"">>
<<topic "1:30:50" "/core/wiki - "tiddlers needed for the operation of the wiki">>
<<topic "1:31:50" "/core/modules - info about conventions in the dir">>
<<topic "1:32:18" "/core/modules/wiki.js - the "hart of TW" -">>
<<topic "1:33:40" "/core/modules/widgets">>
<<topic "1:34:20" "/core/modules/wiki.js - detailed info">>
<<topic "1:35:25" "/core/modules/startup.js">>
<<topic "1:36:38" "Tobi - Where does this "exports" come from?">>
<<topic "1:37:25" "Jeremy - TW5 contains its own implementation of commonJs to "require a tiddler title"">>
<<topic "1:38:19" "/core/modules/tiddler.js">>
<<topic "1:38:37" "/core/modules/themes.js">>
<<topic "1:38:39" "/core/modules/syncer.js">>
<<topic "1:39:20" "/core/modules/hacks.js">>
<<topic "1:39:40" "/core/modules/filters.js">>
<<topic "1:40:00" "/core/modules/deserializers.js">>
<<topic "1:40:38" "/core/modules/config.js - constants - language ...">>
<<topic "1:41:27" "Mario - Question about internationalisation?">>
<<topic "1:43:20" "Mario - idea about languag switching">>
<<topic "1:43:20 “ “ + Jeremy - The tiddler content should be switchable too">>
<<topic "1:45:15" "Leo - Is it possible to see both (language content tiddlers) at the same time?">>
<<topic "1:46:59" "Scott - ... So User created content can be switched?">>
<<topic "1:47:43" "Tobi - wants to have a "flat file (tiddler)" for translation">>
<<topic "1:49:22" "Jeremy - back to config.js">>
<<topic "1:49:32" "/core/modules/commander.js - command line commands">>
<<topic "1:49:32 “ “ + /core/modules/commands - folder">>
<<topic "1:50:16" "/core/modules/filters - folder">>
<<topic "1:51:55" "/core/modules/parsers - folder">>
<<topic "1:53:09" "/core/modules/rendertree - folder">>
<<topic "1:54:10" "/core/modules/savers - folder">>
<<topic "1:54:49" "/core/modules/utils - folder">>
<<topic "1:56:31" "- - that's it :) - -">>
<<topic "1:56:48" "Mario - what's the "module-type" used for?">>
<<topic "1:58:55" "- Small talk">>
<<topic "1:59:50" "Jeremy - Any questions?">>
<<topic "2:00:00" "Leo - Is it possible to trace the execution?">>
<<topic "2:02:32" "Mario - Leo, which browser do you use? FF + Firebug">>
<<topic "2:04:30" "Jeremy - back to the agenda.">>
<<topic "2:04:45" "Jeremy/all - TiddlyLink formatting ...">>
<<topic "2:12:12" "Bye! Bye!">>
\define hangout() 011
<<topic "0:00:00" "fltr: Craig Prichard, David Gifford, Eric Shulman, Jeremy Ruston, Kolmar Kafran, Mario Pietsch, Scott Simmons, Simon Harper, Tobias Beer">>
<<topic "0:03:45" "Agenda">>
<<topic "0:04:24" "Jeremy- New Features TW5 - new WikiInfo tiddler">>
<<topic "0:06:00" "Jeremy- ControlPanel - AnimationDuration tiddler">>
<<topic "0:07:35" "Jeremy- ThemeTweaks - and how it works with transclusion ...">>
<<topic "0:11:30" "Jeremy- ThemeTweaks with FF - change story column and colors">>
<<topic "0:16:05" "Jeremy- AndTidWiki app support">>
<<topic "0:19:00" "Jeremy/Scott- MathML support">>
<<topic "0:22:45" "Mario/Jeremy- What was the problem with MathJax">>
<<topic "0:25:35" "Jeremy- 'What we need is a LaTeX parser ...'">>
<<topic "0:26:05" "Jeremy- Moving from Alpha to Beta">>
<<topic "0:27:20" "J- 'We should push to NPM' (node package manager)">>
<<topic "0:28:00" "J- 'We need Release note and Release announcements'">>
<<topic "0:28:40" "J- about the update / upgrade mechanism">>
<<topic "0:29:18" "Scott/Jeremy - Live cycle of TW-classic / Migration points?">>
<<topic "0:32:23" "Jeremy- When switch tiddlywiki.com to TW5">>
<<topic "0:34:20" "Jeremy- Analytics about tiddlywiki.com">>
<<topic "0:38:10" "Jeremy- 'TiddlyWiki-classic is a extremely usefull tool'">>
<<topic "0:40:35" "Jeremy- There should be a solid upgrade story for TW5!">>
<<topic "0:42:43" "Dave- Browser back/forward button should work">>
<<topic "0:44:45" "Dave- about permalinks">>
<<topic "0:46:00" "Jeremy- Wikitext changes may be disruptive">>
<<topic "0:47:13" "Scott/Jeremy- about Syntax changes, in the middle of beta?!">>
<<topic "0:51:25" "Jeremy- summs up from his 'take aways'">>
<<topic "0:52:38" "Scott/Jeremy- about the show stoppers to beta">>
<<topic "0:54:20" "Jeremy- TiddlerLink should not be bold. But this causes some 'hickups'">>
<<topic "0:59:53" "Jeremy- about TiddlerWidget and TranscludeWidget">>
<<topic "1:06:08" "Jeremy- New way of handling the ViewTemplate">>
<<topic "1:11:45" "Craig- What defines the order to build the ViewTemplate?">>
<<topic "1:15:15" "Jeremy/Kolmar- about MathML with FF">>
<<topic "1:23:23" "Jeremy- any questions?">>
<<topic "1:23:40" "Kolmar- How to handle images .. eg: SVGs for diagrams">>
<<topic "1:25:10" "Jeremy- Inserts an image to TW5 and transclude them">>
<<topic "1:29:10" "Jeremy- needs a pause ...">>
<<topic "1:30:27" "Jeremy- is back">>
<<topic "1:30:55" "Jeremy- Any more questions?">>
<<topic "1:32:40" "Jeremy/Kolmar about translation into portuguese">>
<<topic "1:34:34" "Kolmar about moneylog ... has an offline version similar to TW">>
<<topic "1:41:08" "Bye! Bye!">>
\define hangout() 012
<<topic "0:00:00" "Intro: fltr: Craig Prichard, Eric Shulman (0:35:30), Javid Lakha, Jeremy Ruston, Kolmar Kafran (later), Kamil (drops out sometimes), Mario Pietsch, Nathan Cain (0:09:10), Scott Simons, Tobias Beer,">>
<<topic "0:02:10" "Jeremy- freedombits (dot) com">>
<<topic "0:04:50" "Jeremy- TW5 frontpage gets examples and press tiddler">>
<<topic "0:06:27" "Jeremy/Mario- about the TW5 markup and the timeframe for possible changes">>
<<topic "0:09:25" "Jeremy- Data Tiddlers">>
<<topic "0:10:20" "slices- mime: application/x-tiddler-dictionary">>
<<topic "0:11:37" "history list- JSON- mime: application/json">>
<<topic "0:13:29" "d3 stuff- data in JSON format">>
<<topic "0:16:50" "Jeremy- data tiddler- implementation ... code">>
<<topic "0:24:00" "Jeremy- forum software ... 'eat our own dogfood' or use 3rd party software (eg: discourse (dot) org )">>
<<topic "0:34:25" "Jeremy- Authentication (eg: passwordjs (dot) org)">>
<<topic "0:38:00" "see: kunxi (dot) org ... 'note up powered by tiddlywiki5'">>
<<topic "0:43:45" "Jeremy- Video plugins for TW5.">>
<<topic "0:44:48" "... voice recording problems ... up to 0:48:40">>
<<topic "0:48:40" "annotations and video plugin (still some lagging problems)">>
<<topic "0:50:52" "annotations and video plugin (again :)">>
<<topic "0:51:52" "Kolmar .. (communication problems..) ... jump to 0:55:30">>
<<topic "0:53:50" "Kolmar prepares for screen sharing to discuss his issues (mentioned in hangout 11)">>
<<topic "0:55:30" "Jeremy- about state tiddlers ... to store eg: tab state">>
<<topic "1:00:25" "Kolmar- about his TW5 issues: core update / import tiddlers,">>
<<topic "1:05:03" "Kolmar- issue with MathML ...">>
<<topic "1:06:30" "Kolmar- TW as collaborative tool">>
<<topic "1:10:26" "Kolmar- about sharing just one tiddler">>
<<topic "1:12:10" "Jeremy- Export / Download tiddlers in several formats">>
<<topic "1:14:26" "Jeremy- Save a single tiddler - button example (just ignore the JS warning :)">>
<<topic "1:19:30" "Jeremy wants to see Kolmars wiki ...">>
<<topic "1:23:00" "Kolmar- Is it possible to have an image gallery?">>
<<topic "1:27:45" "Nathan/Jeremy- expanding require to use npm, or pulling modules in on demand?">>
<<topic "1:31:40" "... Nathan offers to send some pull requests ...">>
<<topic "1:32:00" "Jeremy- 'The single file nature of TW5 makes it unique.'">>
<<topic "1:33:00" "Jeremy- TW5 is a Quine ..">>
<<topic "1:35:35" "Jeremy- any final questions?">>
<<topic "1:36:30" "Bye! Bye!">>
\define hangout() 013
<<topic "0:00:00" "Intro: fltr: Bauwe Bijl, David Johnston, Javid Lakha, Eric Shulman (later), Jeremy Ruston, Mario Pietsch, Nathan Cain, Scott Simmons, Slonik Az (Leo), Tobias Beer (later),">>
<<topic "0:03:27" "Bauwe- Shows his RaspberryPi experiments- short intro">>
<<topic "0:05:50" "Bauwe- Screen sharing TW5 hosted on RPi">>
<<topic "0:07:30" "Bauwe- terminal action :)">>
<<topic "0:08:45" "Jeremy- How did you get the IP address">>
<<topic "0:09:25" "Jeremy- You did use express.js to serve a static TW5 ...">>
<<topic "0:11:25" "Bauwe- shows the script files and directory structure">>
<<topic "0:25:40" "Jeremy- How does the CPU gauge get its data.">>
<<topic "0:26:00" "Jeremy/Bauwe- What kind of app do you see in the future ...?">>
<<topic "0:27:30" "Jeremy/Bauwe- About TW5 possibilities using/manipulating 'data' + TW as a wiki">>
<<topic "0:29:33" "Jeremy/Bauwe- Advantages of the RPi? sensors ...">>
<<topic "0:30:35" "Jeremy- Summary about his take aways">>
<<topic "0:33:05" "Jeremy- About CLA 'Contributor License Agreement'... automating the procedure... with github">>
<<topic "0:37:25" "Jeremy/Nathan- Request for help in this regard. Nathan suggests a handy github based method.">>
<<topic "0:39:30" "David/Jeremy- Data tiddlers as JSON. JSONT or 'JSONselect' to pull out data of data tiddlers ... (some microphone problems)">>
<<topic "0:45:40" "Jeremy- short summary about data tiddlers, because of 'lag' problems.">>
<<topic "0:47:05" "David- Is there a TW mechanism to check for new tiddler files on the filesystem? 'fs.watch in nodejs'">>
<<topic "0:49:20" "Jeremy- shows syncer.js and filesystemadaptor.js code. TW5 based docs ...">>
<<topic "0:52:30" "Jeremy- any other questions? ... Nathan want to help with 'fs.watch nodejs code'">>
<<topic "0:53:22" "Jeremy- about his plans to have a hardware TW. ...">>
<<topic "0:54:00" "Intro: Eric Shulman, Kolmar Kafran, Tobias Beer">>
<<topic "0:56:45" "Jeremy- about 'state tiddlers' in TW (about state tiddler names)">>
<<topic "1:02:20" "Leo- Is it possible to 'shorten' the visual tiddler name?">>
<<topic "1:04:25" "Tobias/Mario- Why do we need state tiddlers.">>
<<topic "1:05:20" "Mario/David- There is a problem with long win2003 server file names with ntfs">>
<<topic "1:06:55" "Jeremy- back- Jeremy favors the 'hashing' approach">>
<<topic "1:07:38" "Jeremy- we can't use cookies anymore for state info because of 'file cookies'">>
<<topic "1:07:55" "Jeremy- about local storage and TW5">>
<<topic "1:09:10" "Jeremy- 'the thing is the tiddler' for consistency">>
<<topic "1:13:15" "Jeremy- Javid(no mic) want's to have a 'private' TW in the cloud.">>
<<topic "1:14:50" "Jeremy- about TW5 server and hosting">>
<<topic "1:18:38" "Jeremy- Nathan suggests a 'git sync plugin'">>
<<topic "1:19:15" "Jeremy/David about David's pull request, the 'code readability' and contribution management">>
<<topic "1:24:10" "David- about his 'getting started guide' and about handling it">>
<<topic "1:25:36" "Jeremy- Any other topic">>
<<topic "1:26:03" "David- Do you have scripts for 'sublime text' editor, to speed up writing.">>
* some 'small talk'
<<topic "1:33:20" "David- What are you working on in TW - the focus?">>
<<topic "1:39:08" "David- With TWc there is too much stuff at too many different places ...">>
<<topic "1:40:30" "Eric/David/Jeremy- about TWc plugins and history">>
<<topic "1:45:27" "David/Jermy- ... talk about a TW 'revenue model'">>
<<topic "1:47:15" "Bauwe- shows the use of TWS to save TW2 files with chrome and as a chrome extension">>
<<topic "1:52:10" "Jeremy- summs it up ... reflections about saving tiddlers or saving 'containers' and 'how to take over the world :)'">>
<<topic "1:56:50" "Leo- about the concept of tiddlers, files, directories and TW5">>
<<topic "1:58:25" "Bye! Bye!">>
\define hangout() 014
<<topic "0:00:00" "Intro: fltr: David Johnston, Eric Shulman (later), Jeremy Ruston, Kamil Jellonek, Mario Pietsch, Tobias Beer">>
<<topic "0:02:10" "Jeremy- about Kamil's usecase for documentation and images.">>
<<topic "0:02:59" "Kamil- introduces his usecase. Creating / Editing - User Guides, ...">>
<<topic "0:04:15" "Jeremy- screenshare. 'Tiddlymanuals' project ...">>
<<topic "0:08:00" "Jeremy- Ambit basic manual">>
<<topic "0:11:15" "Jeremy- create screenshot tiddlers with TW5">>
<<topic "0:14:05" "Kamil- about the desired workflow">>
<<topic "0:16:40" "Jeremy- the benefit of tiddler images / images as tiddlers.">>
<<topic "0:17:10" "Jeremy- about TW 'mental model'">>
<<topic "0:21:20" "Hello: Eric Shulman">>
<<topic "0:21:30" "Jeremy- What is TiddlyWiki.">>
<<topic "0:23:15" "Jeremy- What does the audience think?">>
<<topic "0:23:20" "David/Jeremy- short summary about the possible workflow.">>
<<topic "0:25:30" "Kamil's feedback ... Mario's concerns about picture size.">>
<<topic "0:28:34" "Eric- about image handling / including in TWc.">>
<<topic "0:30:40" "Jeremy- TW client/server mode flexibility">>
<<topic "0:33:05" "Eric- comparing TW 'modes' ...">>
<<topic "0:36:00" "Kamil- 'understanding summary'">>
<<topic "0:36:45" "Jeremy- optimizing images and TW (size) limits">>
<<topic "0:37:55" "Kamil- How to notify users about eg: 'TW usage hints'?">>
<<topic "0:39:30" "Eric- ...a TW 'notification bar' and message logging.">>
<<topic "0:43:20" "Tobias- shares some of his latest spaces, plugins, ...">>
<<topic "0:43:45" "customize (dot) tiddlyspace (dot) com ... 'all stuff TiddlyWiki'">>
<<topic "0:49:15" ".. how a plugin space should look like.">>
<<topic "0:49:35" "Mario- How do you keep the customize up to date?">>
<<topic "0:51:45" "tiddlywiki (dot) org ... 'How TiddlyWiki Works'">>
<<topic "0:52:34" "scripts (dot) tiddlyspace (dog) com ... code snippest">>
<<topic "0:53:20" "the 'white theme flavors' ... white (dot) tiddlyspace (dot) com">>
<<topic "0:55:40" "untagged (dot) tiddlyspace (dot) com">>
<<topic "0:57:14" "pagr (dot) tiddlyspace (dot) com">>
<<topic "1:00:04" "listfiltr (dot) tiddlyspace (dot) com">>
<<topic "1:02:00" "tagfiltr (dot) tiddlyspace (dot) com">>
<<topic "1:05:20" "Mario- has a problem with 'hiding information' with eg: the tag 'no-tag'">>
<<topic "1:06:33" "filtr (dot) tiddlyspace (dot) com">>
<<topic "1:09:45" "Jeremy- short summary (praise the work!)">>
<<topic "1:11:00" "David- 'hobby related' questions ... RPG">>
<<topic "1:12:00" "David- creating seeded, 'real random numbers'">>
<<topic "1:14:48" "David- shares his RPG work.">>
<<topic "1:19:30" "David- shares the 'randomize' code.">>
<<topic "1:25:05" "David- 'slider input range' and 'number line' (touch optimized)">>
<<topic "1:29:00" "David- modify a tiddler 'on save' - UUIDs">>
<<topic "1:35:20" "David- How to 'hook' into the save mechanism?">>
<<topic "1:39:57" "Mario- Is the 'in place editing' a possibility?">>
<<topic "1:41:50" "Jeremy- ... how to solve the 'original problem'.">>
<<topic "1:44:12" "discussion about the 'number line'">>
<<topic "1:46:50" "Jeremy- about 'web components spec' ... polymer ... x-tags">>
<<topic "1:48:25" "some code refactoring">>
<<topic "1:50:25" "plugins may be on github">>
<<topic "1:54:00" "Jeremy- 'his take away's'">>
<<topic "1:54:30" "Jeremy- about refactoring the rendering tree code">>
<<topic "1:57:20" "Mario- some elements have 'hardcoded styles' ..">>
<<topic "1:59:58" "Bye! Bye!">>
\define hangout() 015
<<topic "0:00:00" "Intro: fltr: David Gifford, David Johnston, Jeremy Ruston, Eric Shulman (had a short look), Kamil Jellonek (later), Keith Bruckner, Mario Pietsch">>
<<topic "0:03:38" "Dave/Dave- smalltalk">>
<<topic "0:04:20" "Jeremy- shows 'Tiddlers on the Web' presentation from Ben Paddock">>
<<topic "0:05:55" "Dave J.- shows his additional filters">>
* :03 'list next' - filter add on
* :40 'previous' list filter
* :20 'before' ...
* :10 ... some info about 'limit bug'
* :10 'before plus limit 1'
* :45 'after' -> '!before'
* :25 now combining the possibilities
* :20 'position' filter
* :45 'numberof'
* :05 'real world' examples ...
* :30 'real world usecase' as a macro
<<topic "0:21:20" "Jeremy- comments on Dave's filters (some audio problems)">>
<<topic "0:24:55" "David G.- expresses his ideas for some more 'new filters' :)">>
<<topic "0:26:58" "David G./DJ- is there a way to convert DJ's filters to 'pills' similar to tags? ... some more usecases ...">>
<<topic "0:30:40" "Jeremy- Do you intend to create 'hirarchy lists'">>
<<topic "0:31:42" "Jeremy- What about the filter API (filters may be able to take multiple parameters)">>
<<topic "0:32:40" "Jeremy- (autio problems) ... Hangout broken 10sec">>
<<topic "0:33:30" "Dave J./Jeremy- more filter info for Dave G.">>
<<topic "0:34:33" "David G.- Page numbers and printing?">>
<<topic "0:37:00" "Jeremy- about code refactoring going on, to clean up the rendered DOM">>
<<topic "0:38:00" "... audio problems for 2:20min ... Jeremy">>
<<topic "0:40:40" "some smalltalk">>
<<topic "0:41:10" "Dave G.- shares some info about a discussion with Jeremy">>
<<topic "0:43:30" "Dave J./Dave G.- shows the 'fly out' nav bar (hangout 14 contains some more info)">>
<<topic "0:47:10" "Dave G./Jeremy- about 'non hirarchical related lists'">>
<<topic "0:49:13" "Dave J./Jeremy- discussion about 'filter syntax and programming'">>
<<topic "0:52:15" "Mario- questions ... about 'word count' - 'character count' ... plugin ... (low level stuff)">>
<<topic "1:00:00" "Jeremy- hints about, how to create the 'word count' widget. plus some low level background info for parsing and rendering.">>
<<topic "1:12:00" "Jeremy's- computer crashed ... :/">>
<<topic "1:12:50" "Jeremy- audio only ... real crash">>
<<topic "1:13:45" "David J./Mario .. smalltalk">>
<<topic "1:14:50" "... hangout broken ...">>
\define hangout() 016
<<topic "0:00:00" "Intro- fltr: Jeremy Ruston, Kamil Jellenek, Kolmar Kafran, Mario Pietsch, Nathan Cain">>
<<topic "0:02:30" "Kamil- How to get started with TW5? (Chrome)">>
<<topic "0:06:00" "Kolmar- short intro. ... When is the empty.html updated?">>
<<topic "0:07:20" "Jeremy- How to get started with TW5? (FireFox w. TiddlyFox)">>
<<topic "0:09:40" "Kolmar- Is the 'BLOB API' updated in empty.html? (needed for saving)">>
<<topic "0:11:10" "Kamil- How does the 'password' work? TiddlyWiki encryption">>
<<topic "0:12:35" "Kamil- Is there a possibility to 'write protect' the TW? (Users should not change content by acident)">>
<<topic "0:15:50" "Jeremy- TW5 in dropbox - 'How to create a view only mode link'">>
<<topic "0:20:40" "Kolmar- How to hide the 'save ... buttons' ...">>
<<topic "0:21:50" "Jeremy- Dicussion about 'read only mode'">>
<<topic "0:24:10" "Jeremy- TW5 static version">>
<<topic "0:24:40" "Jeremy- Creates a 'read only theme' on the fly! (+ some browser problems :)">>
<<topic "0:36:00" "Jeremy- Create a 'save button' for the 'read only theme' ;) ... kind of tricky :)">>
<<topic "0:39:00" "Jeremy- Deploy - the 'ReadOnly' theme! well done :)">>
<<topic "0:39:40" "- discussion 'how to toggle read only mode'">>
<<topic "0:41:17" "Mario- question about 'drag and drop' tagging ...">>
<<topic "0:42:20" "Jeremy- Edit tags without edit mode ... possible improvements for tagging.">>
<<topic "0:45:00" "Kamil- discussion about 'keyboard shortcuts' and endusers needs.">>
<<topic "0:46:27" "Kamil- about 'tag colors' and categorisation">>
<<topic "0:48:16" "Mario- Concerns about 'automatically changing' UI elements. (eg: automatic resorting of tag lists)">>
<<topic "0:49:30" "discussion about UI and UX ... tablet - drag and drop ... desktop - mouse and keyboard ...">>
<<topic "0:53:20" "Kolmar- shares his TW5 and what it means to him.">>
<<topic "0:55:30" "Jeremy- possibilities to use TW with mobile devices.">>
<<topic "0:56:30" "Jeremy- about TW5 and TWEdit">>
<<topic "0:57:00" "Kolmar- Is 'TiddlyWiki in the Sky with Dropbox' with TW5 a possibility?">>
<<topic "1:00:50" "Kolmar- About his dropbox experience with Mon..Log">>
<<topic "1:03:55" "discussion about 'What makes TW5 unique'">>
<<topic "1:05:30" "Jeremy- TW5 and git ... as a backend">>
<<topic "1:06:28" "Jeremy- TiddlyWiki local even in Oxford ... planning phase">>
<<topic "1:10:40" "Kamil- What is the 'result' of eg: tw hangouts? ...">>
<<topic "1:12:40" "Mario- About 'hangout annotations' and topics for discussion">>
<<topic "1:13:40" "Jeremy- github issues ... community pull requests">>
<<topic "1:15:40" "Jeremy- About the local meetup ... eventually community meetups ...">>
<<topic "1:19:00" "Kolmar- about internationalisation - TW translation.">>
<<topic "1:20:55" "Mario- A TW5 Logo is missing :)">>
<<topic "1:21:30" "Jeremy- Thoughts ... How a TW log should be .. and .. how it should _not_ be">>
<<topic "1:25:35" "Kolmar- Is it possible to contribute documentation with github or TW5?">>
<<topic "1:27:13" "Mario- What's about CDent's relation to Osmosoft?">>
<<topic "1:28:00" "Jeremy- about the community Logo discussion">>
<<topic "1:31:30" "Jeremy- 'TiddlyWiki is all about tiddlers'">>
<<topic "1:34:20" "Kamil- Where is the TW5 syntax documentation? We can here Jeremy's voice and see Kolmar's TW5">>
<<topic "1:37:50" "discussion about empty.html ... and built in 'wiki syntax info tiddler'">>
<<topic "1:41:00" "Kamil- about contributing, testing and translation ....">>
<<topic "1:44:25" "Nathan- Should there be a TW5 edition just for documentation?">>
<<topic "1:45:40" "Mario- about handling pictures with TW5 and 3rd party services (eg: trovebox (dot) com)">>
<<topic "1:47:55" "Jeremy- about resizing images in the browser.">>
<<topic "1:50:45" "Bye! Bye!">>
\define hangout() 017
<<topic "0:00:00" "Intro: fltr: Eric Shulman, Jeremy Ruston, Mario Pietsch, Nathan Cain, Scott Simmons">>
<<topic "0:01:50" "Jeremy- about the TW5 widget refactoring / refactoring in general">>
<<topic "0:02:40" "Jeremy- template 'readability' ... after the widget refactoring">>
<<topic "0:04:15" "Jeremy- about the TW5 widget refactoring ... ./nbld.sh">>
<<topic "0:09:58" "... FireFox 3D DOM model comparison">>
<<topic "0:12:25" "Jeremy- 'macro' and 'context' template mechanism eg: tag background coloring">>
<<topic "0:17:20" "... ViewTemplate uses the same mechanism now">>
<<topic "0:19:50" "Jeremy- comparing the new/old folder structure">>
<<topic "0:22:40" "Jeremy- TW5 commit history">>
<<topic "0:24:30" "mario's mic is muted :/ communication problems">>
<<topic "0:25:30" "audio back ... Jeremy- about the '3rd' refactoring">>
<<topic "0:28:20" "Scott/Jeremy- sharing tiddlers among different TWs. ... What's the nature of TW5?">>
<<topic "0:33:30" "Mario- nodejs will be interesting for dev's and if you need 'single file tiddlers'">>
<<topic "0:34:15" "Jeremy- about Dropbox, OwnCloud, 'command line action' and possibilities to make it easy">>
<<topic "0:36:30" "... TW5 as an 'application' ... eg: Appify">>
<<topic "0:39:20" "Bye! Bye!">>
\define hangout() 018
<<topic "0:00:00" "Intro: fltr: Bauwe Bijl (0:12:50), David Gifford, Jeremy Ruston, Mario Pietsch, Paul Truzzi (later) Scott Simmons, Ton Gerner">>
<<topic "0:02:05" "Ton- About his TiddlyWiki usecases">>
<<topic "0:07:35" "Dave- Introduces TiddlyWiki 5 Mall">>
<<topic "0:12:50" "Bauwe- Intro">>
<<topic "0:13:50" "Bauwe- Update on RaspberryPi sensor experiments">>
<<topic "0:21:00" "Jeremy- Transclude tiddler content into an SVG">>
<<topic "0:24:15" "Eric/Bauwe- about other mini-computer hardware .. parallelo, tessel, beagle bone black">>
<<topic "0:25:45" "Jeremy- Update on 'Widget Refactoring'">>
<<topic "0:30:20" "Mario- Are there any basic widgets missing?">>
<<topic "0:32:20" "Jeremy- startup.js, version.js, link.js, widget.js">>
<<topic "0:35:05" "Jeremy- about regexp for 'skype:' protocol ... external link detection">>
<<topic "0:36:40" "Jeremy- Tag search editor issue ... general info about refactoring">>
<<topic "0:40:20" "Eric- Start Search by clicking a link?">>
<<topic "0:42:50" "Eric- '' n-da2sh, '-' m-dash and escaping wikification">>
<<topic "0:51:46" "Eric/Jeremy- Is it possible to disable 'dash' rendering ... with a 'rule'">>
<<topic "0:54:20" "Jeremy- about Ton's Top Menu ... theme mod">>
<<topic "0:59:30" "general discussion about TW5 syntax 'evolution' ... rule, macro transclusion">>
<<topic "1:02:20" "Mario- Will there be 'global' makros? ... see: /modules/macros folder">>
<<topic "1:04:01" "/modules/macros/makedatauri.js ... about general macro handling">>
<<topic "1:09:20" "Mario/Jeremy- About the transition from TW2 to TW5">>
<<topic "1:12:12" "Scott- There should be a 'cheat sheet' with TW5 syntax in TW5">>
<<topic "1:14:30" "Jeremy- any questions? ... nope">>
<<topic "1:15:25" "Dave- Will it be possible to transclude 'external' tiddlers? from file / URL">>
<<topic "1:21:14" "Eric- about the TiddlyWiki structure as a 'box of index cards' ...">>
<<topic "1:22:45" "Jeremy- About 'Smalles Federated Wiki'">>
<<topic "1:27:40" "Scott- How does TiddlySpace include other spaces?">>
<<topic "1:30:50" "Jeremy/Eric- About 'Eric's Clinic' ... smalltalk ... 'custom fields'">>
<<topic "1:34:12" "Jeremy- about +TiddlyWiki google plus circle ... smalltalk about hangout's">>
<<topic "1:40:20" "Bye! Bye!">>
\define hangout() 019
<<topic "0:00:00" "Intro- fltr: Bauwe Bijl, EricShulmann, Jerey Ruston, Mario Pietsch, Leo Azimov, Stephan Hradeck, Ton Gerner">>
<<topic "0:03:40" "Jeremy/Stephan- about Stephan's TW5 usecase as a 'handover doc paper'">>
<<topic "0:06:01" "Leo/Stephan- How do you merge changes done by different users?">>
<<topic "0:07:50" "Intro Bauwe Bijl">>
<<topic "0:08:28" "Leo- Feature request. Display TW 'interdependencies in the form of a graph'">>
<<topic "0:10:30" "Mario- Suggests TiddlyWeb as a backend instead of the 'file system'">>
<<topic "0:12:20" "Eric- Shows a working HyperGraph TWc plugin - 'discovery tools'">>
<<topic "0:13:30" "Leo/Mario- About his usecase to split a big TW into 'private' and 'public' pices. Mario suggests hoster (dot) peermore (dot) com">>
<<topic "0:17:48" "Mario/Jeremy- about MindMaps and importing it into TW">>
<<topic "0:21:35" "Eric/Leo- shows the TWc RelatedTiddlersPlugin. about tiddler connection structure">>
<<topic "0:25:30" "Bauwe/Jeremy- update on his RaspberrPi SVG data collection project">>
<<topic "0:38:35" "Bauwe/Jeremy/Mario/Leo- has a filter feature request ... 'hide tiddlers until, they are modified' ... 'exclude, based on modifier'">>
<<topic "0:43:55" "Jeremy- creates a github ticket (#187) for the feature request.">>
<<topic "0:45:14" "Jeremy- short summary ... about his 'take away' thoughts.">>
<<topic "0:47:16" "Jeremy- dynamic SVG handling.">>
<<topic "0:51:30" "Jeremy- about the 'external link' handling. ... public brainstorming!">>
<<topic "1:03:25" "Stephan- confusion about 'pretty links' in TW and MediaWiki. ... no more tilde's">>
<<topic "1:08:50" "Stephan/Jeremy- is used in too many places ... may be :)">>
<<topic "1:10:40" "Jeremy- about refactoring .... !!! here comes the geeky stuff !!!">>
<<topic "1:11:45" "Jeremy- review the github pull request">>
<<topic "1:12:30" "about static templates .. core/templates/static.template.html.tid">>
<<topic "1:13:54" "core/templates/static.tiddler.html.tid">>
<<topic "1:14:10" "view widget .. wikified is dropped">>
<<topic "1:15:14" "transclude widget code">>
<<topic "1:16:45" "core/ui/EditTemplate.tid .. source code">>
<<topic "1:20:45" "Mario- did the refactoring make CSS simpler?">>
<<topic "1:22:20" "Mario- about the goal to show a 'live theme' inside a tiddler">>
<<topic "1:25:30" "Jeremy- edit 'post render function' is able to 'call' the 'codemirro plugin' .. general discussion about implementing the tiddlywik cm-parser">>
<<topic "1:31:52" "core/ui/FieldEditor.tid">>
<<topic "1:35:30" "Would it be possible, that TW creates 'x-tags'/'web components'?">>
<<topic "1:37:20" "'setvariable' widget .. used in the EditTemplate">>
<<topic "1:40:20" "title vs tiddler in field names">>
<<topic "1:41:40" "List of 'typed' tiddlers ... for filtering">>
<<topic "1:43:25" "Mario- short indirection to Bauwe's 'data tiddler' filtering">>
<<topic "1:45:01" "Import widget on PageTemplate .. discussion about the 'drop zone'">>
<<topic "1:49:36" "core/ui/TagTemplate .. 'hard coded' styles vs. 'CSS styled' tag colors .. general discussion about tag coloring.">>
<<topic "2:01:40" "about the TW 'self documenting' possibilities. Automatically created documentation. snippets templates">>
<<topic "2:05:50" "Mario- Will there be a 'nodejs TiddlyWeb' version. Jeremy isn't that interested in serversides. The API will be enough.">>
<<topic "2:12:55" "Bye! Bye!">>
\define hangout() 020
<<topic "0:00:00" "Intro: frtl: Mario, Piers, Robin, Sean, Leo (Slonik), Stephan, Ton">>
<<topic "0:02:35" "Jeremy- What's new: CodeMirror integration (plugin)">>
<<topic "0:04:30" "Leo- uses 'It's all text' Will it work with CM?">>
<<topic "0:05:08" "Jeremy- There is a new 'markdown plugin' for interoperability.">>
<<topic "0:06:00" "Jeremy- Short info about markdown plugin integration (code).">>
<<topic "0:06:45" "Jeremy- How codemirror was included (code)">>
<<topic "0:08:20" "Jeremy- Some discussion about animation and inernal HTML structure">>
<<topic "0:08:40" "Intro Nathan">>
<<topic "0:10:20" "Jeremy- Are there questions from Piers and Sean? usecase?">>
<<topic "0:15:50" "Jeremy- multi column mode lists ... TW5 as a 'guitar songbook'">>
<<topic "0:16:30" "Leo- External links to MP3?">>
<<topic "0:17:07" "about multi column CSS">>
<<topic "0:24:20" "Jeremy- does a lot of 'skeleton documentation'">>
<<topic "0:27:36" "Mario- Are we close to beta? -> upgrade the core is the blocker atm ... general discussion about beta">>
<<topic "0:28:20" "Leo- Do we need to write browser specific CSS? ... TW5 does simplify CSS creation ..">>
<<topic "0:29:40" "Jeremy- How to create a 'CSS macro' for 4 columns">>
<<topic "0:30:20" "Mario- What do you think about using microformats. microformats (dot) org">>
<<topic "0:34:36" "Jeremy/Mario/Nathan/Leo- thinking about RDFa ... open graph ... schema (dot) org ... using RDF as a 'storage format'">>
<<topic "0:39:40" "Jeremy/Nathan- reflections about the above (RDF)">>
<<topic "0:42:45" "Nathan/Jeremy- about 'Federated Querying' ... SPARQL">>
<<topic "0:46:50" "Jeremy- reflections about 'possibilities to use it'">>
<<topic "0:47:30" "Jeremy- 'PageMacros' ... 'hacky' global macros ... built in macros">>
<<topic "0:48:10" "Jeremy- Creating tabs with macros">>
<<topic "0:49:30" "Mario- brings back the 'sections and slice' discussion ... about 'prose / natural data structure'">>
<<topic "0:50:20" "Jeremy- 'library of core macros' ... text and javascript">>
<<topic "0:51:25" "Mario- issue - using TW5 to create TW2 test.html - TW5 npm should be updated.">>
<<topic "0:54:15" "Nathan- shows a structure of 'Linked open data cloud'">>
<<topic "0:56:00" "... tags and URI ... od items inside TW have an URI? ... text URI ... rendered URI">>
<<topic "0:57:40" "Jeremy- TW5 (without javascript) shows the tiddler titles. ... It could be anything.">>
<<topic "1:02:25" "Nathan- are the 'js macros' global?">>
<<topic "1:05:30" "Jeremy/Mario- Animation is back ... for popup's ... adjusting animation speed ... working with tabs">>
<<topic "1:11:27" "Jeremy- about keyboard shortcuts">>
<<topic "1:12:10" "Nathan- Is there a 'command line interface' in TW5">>
<<topic "1:14:30" "Jeremy- searches some 'early TW UI sketches'">>
<<topic "1:18:40" "Nathan- CLI - to manipulate the 'server side'">>
<<topic "1:18:40" "Jeremy- finally shows some 'early TW UI sketches' ... a termKit like CLI for TW">>
<<topic "1:18:40" "Bye! Bye!">>
\define hangout() 021
<<topic "0:00:00" "Intro: fltr: Ton, Scott, Mario, Jeremy, Eric, Adrian">>
<<topic "0:02:35" "Jeremy- What's new in alpha 14 -> ControlPanel">>
<<topic "0:04:30" "Jeremy- Add a new tab to the ControlPanel tiddler.">>
<<topic "0:05:08" "Jeremy- Add a tab to the 'info panel'">>
<<topic "0:06:00" "Jeremy- TW5 static representation">>
<<topic "0:06:45" "Jeremy- What will be interesting ??">>
<<topic "0:08:20" "Mario- is interested in Adrians usecase.">>
<<topic "0:08:40" "Adrian- Build TW5 from source with Windows?">>
<<topic "0:10:20" "Mario- Suggests to use 'grunt' to manage TW5 build process">>
<<topic "0:15:50" "Adrian- ... is hunting for the 'perfect personal information management system'">>
<<topic "0:16:30" "Adrian- would like a 'graph like view' of TW">>
<<topic "0:17:07" "Jeremy- shows the cecily (TWc) project ... It should come back to TW5">>
<<topic "0:24:20" "Jeremy- about integration of d3">>
<<topic "0:27:36" "Adrian- TW5 data structure, meta data, 'external' databases, ...">>
<<topic "0:28:20" "Jeremy- ... how the 'story view' handles tiddlers ... list widget">>
<<topic "0:29:40" "Adrian- how to 'expose the intrinsic link structure'">>
<<topic "0:30:20" "Jeremy- ... the filter syntax to 'select' tiddlers">>
<<topic "0:34:36" "Adrian- ... does TW support external data sources?">>
<<topic "0:39:40" "Jeremy- about the 'tiddler store' (code), and 'plugable stores'">>
<<topic "0:42:45" "Andrew- what's about 'scaling' out of 'personal use'">>
<<topic "0:46:50" "Mario- suggests couchdb - pouchdb - for syncing single file TWs">>
<<topic "0:47:30" "Jeremy- about capturing the tiddler hashmap (store) in a clousure to 'enforce a unified api'">>
<<topic "0:48:10" "Jeremy- leavs ...">>
<<topic "0:49:30" "... Eric on the guitar!">>
<<topic "0:50:20" "Jeremy- is back">>
<<topic "0:51:25" "Adrian- about databases he is interested in eg: neo4j, datomic,">>
<<topic "0:54:15" "Adrian- about Relavance and 'associative databases'">>
<<topic "0:56:00" "Jeremy- about SQL databases">>
<<topic "0:57:40" "Jeremy- about the TW5 'internal data structure'">>
<<topic "1:02:25" "Adrian- had issue with d3 data set saving (actually found a bug)">>
<<topic "1:05:30" "Adrian- What do you think about 'The smallest federated wiki'?">>
<<topic "1:11:27" "Mario- TW5 on itself will scale much better than TW2">>
<<topic "1:12:10" "Adrian- What about trello?">>
<<topic "1:14:30" "Adrian- TWs open tiddler animation is kind of confusing.">>
<<topic "1:18:40" "Bye! Bye!">>
\define hangout() 022
<<topic "0:00:00" "intro: frtl: Jeremy, Mario, Nathan, Stephan, Ton">>
<<topic "0:01:40" "Jeremy- What do you think of the 'Fork me on GitHub' ribbon">>
<<topic "0:08:55" "Nathan- 'Download me as a file' instead of 'Fork me on Github'">>
<<topic "0:10:30" "Jeremy- The link color changed a bit.">>
<<topic "0:13:30" "Jeremy- About 'vanilla' CSS styling and a new 'Vanilla Theme'">>
<<topic "0:15:40" "Jeremy- about page layout configurability">>
<<topic "0:16:40" "Mario- 'Complains' about text edit performance">>
<<topic "0:22:00" "Jeremy- About testing and avoid regressions">>
<<topic "0:23:45" "Jeremy- Control Panel now has a TiddlySpot setting tab.">>
<<topic "0:26:30" "Jeremy- Save to TiddlySpot will be part of the core ... code review.">>
<<topic "0:28:20" "... About IE ... TW5 should work with IE10+">>
<<topic "0:29:10" "Julio- What's the difference between macros and widgets">>
<<topic "0:29:50" "Mario- about the difference between macros and widgets.">>
<<topic "0:31:50" "Stephan- macros are 'kind of a template'">>
<<topic "0:32:10" "Jeremy- summs up the above">>
<<topic "0:32:40" "Mario- about managing 'user specific' macros">>
<<topic "0:33:10" "Jeremy- Proposal - about extending the MIME type of tiddlers to handle 'export/import' of macros.">>
<<topic "0:37:10" "Jeremy- The goal is that ordinary users don't need to deal with widget syntax.">>
<<topic "0:38:25" "Jeremy- Which macros are needed for 'users' .. 9">>
<<topic "0:39:50" "Jeremy- shows the 'tab macro' code">>
<<topic "0:41:03" "Jeremy- Summary about macros and widgets">>
<<topic "0:42:30" "Jeremy- Macros should be 'self documenting'">>
<<topic "0:44:15" "Jeremy- Moving to 'beta' ... how to do the 'core upgrade'">>
<<topic "0:47:00" "Jeremy- The boot mechanism should be able to load 'external files'">>
<<topic "0:49:00" "Jeremy- How to do the core upgrade with eg: npm, visit ..tw5/upgrade, download the upgrade mechanism TW, extend TiddlyFox possibilities.">>
<<topic "0:52:20" "Jeremy- move to beta and TW5 will be the frontpage for tiddlywiki.com">>
<<topic "1:04:45" "small talk, managing lists :)">>
\define hangout() 023
<<topic "0:00:00" "Intro: frtl: Adrian, Bob(later), Dave, Eric, Jeremy, Stephan, Ton, Mario (later)">>
<<topic "0:02:05" "Agenda: What's new, Creating DropDown's, about the list widget, tracing the code">>
<<topic "0:03:20" "Jeremy- New PageTemplate tag, to modify the page template">>
<<topic "0:07:15" "J- Fixed the 'list sorting' issue">>
<<topic "0:09:05" "J- Control panel - tiddlyspot saver tab. link to backup folder.">>
<<topic "0:10:40" "J- about fixed issues. (filter typo causes alert) ...">>
<<topic "0:12:20" "J- Changing templates ... Save empty.html">>
<<topic "0:13:50" "J- google analytics is now a propper plugin.">>
<<topic "0:14:10" "J- new save/download buttons">>
<<topic "0:16:30" "J- Josh's question - how to create a dropdown menue">>
<<topic "0:20:03" "Eric- some questions about the popup">>
<<topic "0:22:20" "Eric- suggestion - add items to the list would be cool">>
<<topic "0:23:40" "J- popup source review">>
<<topic "0:29:20" "J- about the 'linkcatcher' widget ... also used for theme switching">>
<<topic "0:31:10" "Bob- What is the 'bang bang' for?">>
<<topic "0:33:45" "Eric- Is there a 'tooltip' ability?">>
<<topic "0:35:55" "J- New 'fallback' feature of the 'view widget'.">>
<<topic "0:37:20" "Bob- Is the span needed to have the tooltip?">>
<<topic "0:38:00" "J- in beta we need to find out the 'common idioms' ... and make them easy.">>
<<topic "0:40:30" "J- Dave's quesiton - about wikitext filter syntax shortcut">>
<<topic "0:41:50" "J- we need to extend the table syntax ... eg: multi line table syntax">>
<<topic "0:45:55" "Stephan- Will it interfere with existing table syntax?">>
<<topic "0:47:40" "Bob- questions about 'escaping'">>
<<topic "0:49:35" "J- back to Dave's question ... transclusion in tables">>
<<topic "0:52:20" "J- howto - create a table with the 'list widget' and templates">>
<<topic "0:57:45" "Bob- hangout examples should be copied over to a TW">>
<<topic "1:00:00" "back to the table syntax. ... right align.">>
<<topic "1:02:00" "Mario- How do you create a 'dynamic' table with 'list filters' ...">>
<<topic "1:04:00" "J- suggest COOL new syntax for 'wikitext lists' and tables.">>
<<topic "1:06:35" "J- how 'dynamic tables' are created atm. ... new wiki syntax">>
<<topic "1:12:50" "J- brainstroming about a 'generic simple wiki syntax' for several things.">>
<<topic "1:17:25" "J- new syntax for 'typed transclusion'">>
<<topic "1:20:10" "J- atm it's possible to make suggestions to improve TW5 wikitext for table, typed transclusions">>
<<topic "1:23:10" "J- Stephan's question about 'What happens, when you click the Save button'">>
<<topic "1:25:05" "J- review the source for the 'save button' ... start with the boot.js kernel">>
<<topic "1:28:17" "core/ folder ... plugin.info">>
<<topic "1:28:44" "modules/ folder ... startup.js">>
<<topic "1:29:28" "have a look at the 'new' dev-wiki">>
<<topic "1:31:15" "Mario- Where is the code, that 'catches the button save message'?">>
<<topic "1:32:40" "J- What happens if the save button is clicked. - part of the PageControls">>
<<topic "1:34:25" "widgets/button.js ... click event ... .execute">>
<<topic "1:36:15" "... have a look at the 'widget render tree' ... $tw.wiki.parseText">>
<<topic "1:41:50" "Mario- OT is there a connection between the tree and the source text position?">>
<<topic "1:43:50" "J- about the widget architecture">>
<<topic "1:45:10" "back to the button widget">>
<<topic "1:45:40" "widget.prototype.dispatchEvent ... tw-save-wiki">>
<<topic "1:46:17" "find the handler that executes the message. see: startup.js">>
<<topic "1:47:50" "$tw.wiki.saveWiki() .. see: wiki.js">>
<<topic "1:51:00" "about the savers/ modules">>
<<topic "1:52:50" "TiddlyFox saver ... .saverInit()">>
<<topic "1:55:30" "test.js widget">>
<<topic "1:55:55" "Stephan- wants visual feedback for saving to tiddlyspot .. upload.sh">>
<<topic "1:58:10" "progress bar is similar to the notifier.js">>
<<topic "2:01:00" "J- coding in TW is very different to jQuery, since the DOM is transient. Similar to angular.js">>
<<topic "2:03:15" "J- summing it up">>
<<topic "2:04:40" "J- states 'parsers are not complicated' ;)">>
<<topic "2:06:15" "J- storyviews are 'kind of complicated'">>
<<topic "2:08:15" "J- The UI is ripe for contributions.">>
<<topic "2:08:50" "J- Compare TW5 with other github projects .. number of commits">>
<<topic "2:12:05" "J- questions? ... smalltalk">>
<<topic "2:13:20" "Mario- Any progress on the 'upgrade' mechanism?">>
<<topic "2:18:00" "Bye! Bye!">>
\define hangout() 024
<<topic "0:00:00" "Intro: frtl: Jim + background, Jeremy, Mario, Michael, Paul, Stephan, Ton">>
<<topic "0:07:30" "Jeremy / Paul- about 'OXTWIG' meeting in Oxford.">>
<<topic "0:11:35" "Jeremy- User-TWs in action (Jim screenshare won't work)">>
<<topic "0:17:40" "Michael- TW in action (actually nothing to show :)">>
<<topic "0:18:50" "Ton- about tw5toolbar(.)tiddlyspot(.)com new buttons: home, full screen, close all, close others, clone, search, help, ... StyleSheets ... ToggelTheme ... hide sidebar">>
<<topic "0:26:55" "Jeremy- about how Ton does the editing?">>
<<topic "0:29:30" "Michael- about single file TW vs node version (conversion back and forth) ginsu.sh">>
<<topic "0:35:10" "Jim- about his TW5 usecase ... create 'reference material' .... (Jeremy's screenshare wasn't recorded) :/ (see Jim's TW at hangout#25)">>
<<topic "0:47:50" "Jeremy- Preperation for the Beta - about version numbering">>
<<topic "0:50:40" "Jeremy- How the 'upgrade process works'">>
<<topic "0:57:00" "Jeremy- about 'Getting Started with TiddlyWiki5' on youtube and a 'youtube widget'">>
<<topic "0:58:40" "Jeremy- Nathan joins the talk.">>
<<topic "0:59:50" "Jeremy- How to import eg: markdown plugin.">>
<<topic "1:00:55" "Michael- How to open several tiddlers at once?">>
<<topic "1:02:10" "Mario- Would it be possible that a 'open all tiddlers' also looks a the 'list' field to open them in the right order?">>
<<topic "1:03:00" "Stephan/Jeremy- about automatic loading in 'DefaultTiddlers'">>
<<topic "1:06:00" "Michael- Will it be possible to sort tiddlers in the 'story river'?">>
<<topic "1:07:50" "Jeremy- about borrowing 'Trello' functionality.">>
<<topic "1:09:55" "Jeremy- conditionally show/hide the sidebar">>
<<topic "1:10:30" "Stephan- do we have a 'storyline' plugin/button?">>
<<topic "1:11:00" "Jim- about 'conditionally' change the layout">>
<<topic "1:15:40" "Jeremy- Eric joined the session">>
<<topic "1:17:40" "Jeremy- about moving TW5 to tiddlywiki(.)com">>
<<topic "1:19:10" "Mario- complains about the TW5 'HelloThere' link to TiddlyWikiClassic">>
<<topic "1:21:50" "Jeremy/Eric- about moving TWc and TW5 frontpages ...">>
<<topic "1:24:40" "Mario- about the 'migration path' from TWc to TW5">>
<<topic "1:26:50" "Paul- about 'HelloThere' wording ...">>
<<topic "1:28:30" "Stephan- should we talk about the TW syntax for 'quotes' skeeve(.)tiddlyspot(.)com">>
<<topic "1:39:50" "Jeremy- Question: Will quotes work with lists?">>
<<topic "1:43:28" "Stephan- about 'radio buttons'">>
<<topic "1:45:40" "Michael- How to switch of CamelCase rendering?">>
<<topic "1:51:30" "Eric- about 'black listing' CamelCase links, that should not be links">>
<<topic "1:53:20" "Mario- about tiddler aliasing">>
<<topic "1:54:20" "Eric- about 'corner cases' if automatic wiki linking is globally switched of">>
<<topic "1:57:10" "Jeremy- about aliases ... being 'symbolic links'">>
<<topic "2:00:50" "Jeremy- about aliases and regular expressions (regexp)">>
<<topic "2:04:50" "Bye! Bye!">>
\define hangout() 025
<<topic "0:00:00" "Intro: frtl: Jim, Jeremy, Mario, Paul, Stephan, Ton">>
<<topic "0:02:50" "Jim's- usecase: 'TW5 in the wild'. Using tags to create a 'parent - child' structure. ... 1-1, 1-many relations">>
<<topic "0:08:20" "Jim- question: 'How to get backlinks'">>
<<topic "0:10:05" "Jeremy's- explanation">>
<<topic "0:13:20" "Mario- suggests to use tags ... similar to 'TagglyTagging' ... that's not, what Jim wants.">>
<<topic "0:15:30" "Jeremy- shows how to add the 'backlink' to the ViewTemplate.">>
<<topic "0:21:40" "Jeremy- about 'asking questions is _important_' because it is valuable feedback.">>
<<topic "0:23:50" "Jim- What does !!parent}} mean? ... about 'text references'">>
<<topic "0:30:15" "Jim- Is 'parent' a core field? ... no">>
<<topic "0:31:30" "Jeremy- documentation about 'backlinks'">>
<<topic "0:32:55" "Jeremy- about 'Philosophy of Tiddlers'">>
<<topic "0:34:00" "Jeremy- about TW Editions">>
<<topic "0:38:18" "Paul- about 'documentation inconsistencies' ... that may be confusing for newbies">>
<<topic "0:41:00" "Jeremy- about the use of 'TiddlyWiki' as TW5 and TiddlyWikiClassic">>
<<topic "0:43:15" "Paul- 'What is a tiddler' ... which tiddler fields are part of the 'core'. What's default for TWc, TW5 and eg: TiddlyWeb / TiddlySpace">>
<<topic "0:49:00" "Mario- about fields that are part of the core.">>
<<topic "0:52:20" "Jeremy- about 'Going to beta'">>
<<topic "0:54:20" "about browser 'back / forward' button integration">>
<<topic "-> 0:56 “ “ :40 Jeremy- about the five(.)tiddlywiki(.)com/static/RoadMap ... (google video recording is kind of broken till: the end :(">>
<<topic "0:58:10" ".. multi language support">>
<<topic "0:59:40" ".. aliases ... (may affect the 'store' structure'">>
<<topic "1:01:40" ".. search / replace">>
<<topic "1:02:55" ".. rich links tooltips">>
<<topic "1:03:35" ".. keyboard shortcuts and focus ... bookmarklets as a workaround">>
<<topic "1:06:00" ".. quoting ...">>
<<topic "1:07:00" "about 'social' widgets .. eg: youtube widget">>
<<topic "1:09:10" ".. syntax highlighting">>
<<topic "1:13:45" ".. plugin minification">>
<<topic "1:17:10" ".. list editor drag and drop">>
<<topic "1:18:10" ".. display JSON data .. TW should be 'self documenting'">>
<<topic "1:19:20" "general TW usability">>
<<topic "1:22:30" "about 'depricating widgets' in the future">>
<<topic "1:24:50" "Paul- .. about $tw.document in the code">>
<<topic "1:31:20" "Kamil- .. drag and drop importing pictures">>
<<topic "1:33:50" "... Google recording problems ...">>
<<topic "1:37:10" "Jeremy is back .. image support question ...">>
<<topic "1:40:20" "Jeremy/Eric- about move to beta and necessary 'dot com' changes.">>
<<topic "1:45:40" "Ton- There is a problem with five(.)tiddlyspace(.)com">>
<<topic "1:52:35" "Bye! Bye!">>
\define hangout() 026
<<topic "0:00:00" "Intro: rtl: Nathan (later), Paul, Stephan, Russ (later), Ton">>
<<topic "0:01:34" "Jeremy- TiddlyWiki is bata now \o/ see: tiddlywiki(.)com">>
<<topic "0:02:45" "Jeremy- There will be 'broken links' in the web now :/">>
<<topic "0:03:40" "Jeremy- about bug fixes for the upcomming version (problems with screen sharing ...">>
<<topic "0:07:40" "Jeremy- is back - about the favicon">>
<<topic "0:10:20" "Jeremy- any questions about the agenda">>
<<topic "0:11:25" "Paul/Jeremy- How to contribute to TW with github">>
<<topic "0:14:00" "Jeremy- about linking external pictures in TW">>
<<topic "0:15:15" "Paul- about versioning">>
<<topic "0:17:50" "Paul- about links ... pretty links ... external links">>
<<topic "0:30:55" "Paul- about API specification ... what is stable and what is in flux">>
<<topic "0:34:40" "Paul- What are valid characters in a tiddler title?">>
<<topic "0:45:00" "Paul- Tiddlers may have an URI field">>
<<topic "0:47:00" "Jeremy- about date representation ... especially time zones">>
<<topic "0:49:00" "Jeremy- about the TW tiddler storage structure ... and probably changing it.">>
<<topic "0:53:50" "Paul- about timestamping down to the milisecond">>
<<topic "1:00:00" "Jeremy- about script tags with a 'app specific' content type and related issues">>
<<topic "1:02:00" "Russ- joins the hangout ...">>
<<topic "1:03:50" "Russ- about 'valid chars for the tiddler title' ecma-404 spec">>
<<topic "1:07:15" "Jeremy- about defining 'task priorities' 'fixes and features' for beta">>
<<topic "1:13:55" "Jeremy- Browser URL should contain the 'full story state'">>
<<topic "1:17:00" "Jeremy- What to fix next - StyleSheet ordering -> internationalisation">>
<<topic "1:22:10" "Paul/Jeremy- about 'RoadMap wording'">>
<<topic "1:24:00" "Jeremy- about 'getting IE working' .. IE extension .. using TW as .hta">>
<<topic "1:29:10" "Jeremy- about releasing 5.0.4-beta">>
<<topic "1:29:55" "Paul- How will TW5 work with TiddlyWeb - TiddlySpace.">>
<<topic "1:32:00" "Jeremy- about DropBox support ... is a 'must have'">>
<<topic "1:32:40" "Jeremy- planing the next hangout.">>
<<topic "1:33:55" "Jeremy- about some 'incompatible issue fixes' ... how to introduce 'deprication'">>
<<topic "1:40:15" "Jeremy- about improving the button widget">>
<<topic "1:48:48" "Bye! Bye!">>
\define hangout() 027
<<topic "0:08:30" "Jim- Is there a way to style reference tiddler links if they are tagged eg: done">>
<<topic "0:10:20" "Jim- about 'navigating a story' eg: next">>
<<topic "0:11:15" "Jim- about the idea of a 'follow up'">>
<<topic "0:16:15" "Jeremy- general discussion about GTD (Getting Things Done)">>
<<topic "0:17:10" "Jim- about 'tasks' and 'appointments' and 'time stamp format'">>
<<topic "0:20:25" "Jeremy- about browser support for 'color', 'time' and 'date' pickers">>
<<topic "0:22:30" "Jeremy- about a new wikitext syntax to create a calendar">>
<<topic "0:26:20" "Jeremy- about TW5 'in the wild'">>
<<topic "0:26:50" "Intro Stephan">>
<<topic "0:27:30" "Jeremy/Stephan- about regexp's">>
<<topic "0:30:20" "Jim- about JavaFX ... and 'why is it cool'">>
<<topic "0:34:40" "Jeremy- about 'communication' between JavaFX and TW5">>
<<topic "0:38:50" "Jeremy- about the 'webview' with Visual Studio">>
<<topic "0:39:50" "Mario- 'Are there any security restrictions ... web <-> java'">>
<<topic "0:41:25" "Jim- about he trys to 'visualize' the data structure. ... (mp remark: a 'non tag based approach to create a story structure')">>
<<topic "0:47:23" "Jeremy- Would like to implement a 'nested list type' structure with drag and drop">>
<<topic "0:50:10" "Intro Carlos ... about his usecase ... 'teaching ... languages' and programming languages.">>
<<topic "0:54:50" "Jeremy- about Dicon's project and his point of view as a psychologist to work with TW">>
<<topic "0:58:38" "Carlos- how TW fits to his usecase for 'writing and reading'">>
<<topic "1:03:00" "Jeremy- about 'translations' - internationalisation">>
<<topic "1:06:00" "Jeremy- about the chinese translations at: tw5-zh. tiddlyspot. com">>
<<topic "1:06:50" "Jeremy- translations should be plugins that work similar to the themeing mechanism">>
<<topic "1:10:30" "Mario- translations should work for content text and the UI">>
<<topic "1:14:07" "Stephan- is it possible to search for 'system' and 'shadow' tiddlers">>
<<topic "1:14:52" "Jeremy- there should be a new TW file format. Translations should be 'a single file'">>
<<topic "1:16:00" "Jeremy- The Roadmap ... next may be make translations easy">>
<<topic "1:18:50" "Jim- responding to Carlos's usecase. ... 'creating a learning path'">>
<<topic "1:26:30" "Mario- about hangout #15 and David's filter addons ...">>
<<topic "1:27:50" "Carlos- about syntax highlighting">>
<<topic "1:30:40" "Mario- about 'lazy loading' 'source code' tiddlers from a server for syntax highlighting.">>
<<topic "1:31:55" "Carlos/Mario- What would be needed to use this in TW5">>
<<topic "1:33:10" "Carlos- Is it possible to transclude a part of the code, instead of the whole tiddler.">>
<<topic "1:34:04" "Jeremy- about FF on android and TW on android">>
<<topic "1:35:40" "Paul- about the versioning of TW5">>
<<topic "1:38:10" "Carlos- what about 'GraphML'?">>
<<topic "1:41:30" "Jeremy- about how to ship additional plugins. ... editions">>
<<topic "1:42:03" "Carlos- brainstorming about possibilities / usecases ...">>
<<topic "1:44:22" "Mario- Jeremy can you remember ... bramp . github . io/js-sequence-diagrams/">>
<<topic "1:45:25" "Jeremy- .. Stephan, we could import GrphML files.">>
<<topic "1:46:58" "Bye! Bye!">>
\define hangout() 028
<<topic "0:00:00" "Intro: rtl: Carlos (later), Dave, Jim, Jeremy, Paul, Stephan, Ton">>
<<topic "0:03.10" "Jeremy- agenda and passes over to Ton">>
<<topic "0:03:30" "Ton- News about Ton's TW5 guide - 'toggle - theme - button'">>
<<topic "0:13:30" "Jeremy- short summary .. next steps .. 'how to package tiddlers into a plugin'">>
<<topic "0:16:20" "Ton- questions about 'how to install node.js and npm' (.. wrong links)">>
<<topic "0:19:00" "Jeremy- short summary">>
<<topic "0:19:30" "Intro: Carlos">>
<<topic "0:20:00" "Jeremy/Jim- about task management">>
<<topic "0:21:30" "Jeremy- about his observations about task management from TWc">>
<<topic "0:25:00" ".. what do others (on the call) think?">>
<<topic "0:26:00" "Carlos- about calenders and a WebDav interface">>
<<topic "0:27:45" "Jeremy- TW5 node.js could have a WebDav interace ...">>
<<topic "0:28:48" "Jeremy- about POSSE 'Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere' ... IMAP interface for TW5">>
<<topic "0:31:40" "Jeremy- about TW5 as a WebDav/CalDav client ... HTTP client for github issues">>
<<topic "0:33:58" "Carlos- about his usecase ...">>
<<topic "0:35:20" "Jeremy- Dave ask (chat): 'What does Jeremy plan to do next?' ... Caching in local storage">>
<<topic "0:37:30" "Jeremy- about 'avoiding data loss' ... 'Download Offline Snapshot' button">>
<<topic "0:40:05" "Jeremy- 'Helping Hackers' ... translation, making plugins in the browser,">>
<<topic "0:40:30" "Jeremy- opens the 'RoadMap' tiddler. see RoadMap at tiddlywiki . com">>
<<topic "0:42:15" "Jeremy- .. Things that Jeremy really loves ... Cecily">>
<<topic "0:43:00" "Jeremy- Browser History handling ...">>
<<topic "0:46:00" "Jeremy- Permalink handling ...">>
<<topic "0:47:00" "Jeremy- github issue list ... issues should be actionable">>
<<topic "0:56:50" "Jeremy- about TiddlySaver ... can Jim help with some 'know how'">>
<<topic "1:00:38" "- - short break - -">>
<<topic "1:03:02" "Paul- proposal: 'vertical merging of tables' ... 'top' and 'bottom' alignemen syntax">>
<<topic "1:13:50" "Stephan- about 'multi line table layout' with 'search and replace pragma'">>
<<topic "1:15:35" "Jeremy- about 'what should be in the core and what should be plugins' pro and cons ... why things are as they are ..">>
<<topic "1:18:10" "Jeremy- about 'how contributions influence the core' even if they are not merged. (...pull requests are allways welcome!)">>
<<topic "1:19:50" "Jeremy- about the TW5 size">>
<<topic "1:20:30" "Paul/Jeremy- about size, plugins, core ...">>
<<topic "1:23:15" "Carlos/Jeremy- about users concerns and expectations">>
<<topic "1:27:50" "general discussion about community support - contribution - guidance ... turn TW into a team effort">>
<<topic "1:32:47" "Carlos- How many people use TW5 compared to TWc?">>
<<topic "1:35:25" "Jeremy- 'Why TW5 is designed for users, who don't know TWc'">>
<<topic "1:39:50" "Jeremy- about the TWc migration path.">>
<<topic "1:41:05" "Carlos- Which version is at tiddlywiki . com ?">>
<<topic "1:46:18" "Jeremy- technical aspects of the 'dates discussion' ... the internal structure of a tiddler">>
<<topic "1:48:20" "Jeremy- tiddler fields should get a 'type' ...">>
<<topic "1:50:23" "Paul- What about the 'tiddler representation' ... json, html .. see: hangout #27?">>
<<topic "1:51:40" "Jeremy- any questions?">>
<<topic "1:52:05" "Carlos- concern about node.js or java dependencies">>
<<topic "1:57:55" "Bye! Bye!">>
Recording Error
Need to update the header macro to put in Exceptions and also exclude Google Hangout when they don't exist
\define hangout() 030
<<topic "0:00:00" "Intro frtl: Carlos, Jeremy, Mario, Paul, Stephan, Ton">>
<<topic "0:02:20" "Stephan- Contact handling .. 'database' .. NewTiddler plugin">>
<<topic "0:12:45" "Jeremy- about contributions to the code / documentation base">>
<<topic "0:14:50" "- - - short break - - -">>
<<topic "0:16:30" "Stephan- about transcluding the 'full' tiddler content ... title and content">>
<<topic "0:19:20" "Stephan- shows his 'transclusion experiment'">>
<<topic "0:22:20" "Jeremy- about 'credits' in the release notes. There may be Gravatar Widget">>
<<topic "0:33:50" "Carlos- would like to have GraphMl implemented.">>
<<topic "0:41:30" "Carlos- What about a 'bounty system' for TW plugins?">>
<<topic "0:45:05" "Jeremy- TW5 should and will be free for end users ... about funding TW5 development">>
<<topic "0:49:45" "Mario- Carlos - Is there a special reason, why you want to use graphML? — yEd">>
<<topic "0:51:05" "Jeremy- future features / development for TiddlyDesktop!">>
<<topic "0:56:10" "Carlos- What kind of advantages do you see, for this type of app?">>
<<topic "0:59:50" "Jeremy- It would be even possible to integrate a 'source code' editor">>
<<topic "1:00:15" "Mario- about the Brackets project.">>
<<topic "1:05:00" "Jeremy- about 'p' paragraph handling ... 'block mode' rendering in general">>
<<topic "1:07:15" "Jeremy- some new markup / syntax proposals ... brainstorming">>
<<topic "1:24:50" "- -> kind of an agreement about the new 'paragraph - block mode'">>
<<topic "1:27:15" "Ton- What's about Paul's 'multiline table proposal'">>
<<topic "1:29:25" "Jeremy- ... releases are slowing down.">>
<<topic "1:29:58" "Mario- CodeMirror is activated for the 'client-server edition' by default now?">>
<<topic "1:32:20" "Paul- Jeremy, did you think more about the extended table syntax? .. it should be part of the core">>
<<topic "1:33:00" "Jeremy- about the TiddlyWiki for Android video">>
<<topic "1:33:60" "Jeremy- about the PHP server configuration to save TW5 as a single file">>
<<topic "1:36:19" "Mario- nodejs server uses the ip address as the parameter number 6. ...">>
<<topic "1:38:45" "Mario/Jeremy- about the build process in general">>
<<topic "1:40:20" "Jeremy- suggests the editions .info file should contain build instructions.">>
<<topic "1:44:18" "Jeremy- new docs tiddler: 'Naming of System Tiddlers' ... there are some inconsistencies.">>
<<topic "1:48:28" "Mario- Would it be possible to have 'tabs or sliders' for the namespaces lists?">>
<<topic "1:52:25" "Mario- About user defined naming conventions for system tiddlers.">>
<<topic "1:53:35" "Jeremy- shows the TitlesPolicy tiddler for some naming conventions">>
<<topic "1:55:07" "Carlos- Is the TitlesPolicy live allready ... yes">>
<<topic "1:55:45" "Paul- about NodeWebkit versioning .. what's about the updating / deployment handling?">>
<<topic "1:59:40" "Jeremy- about new GitHub's traffic graphs">>
<<topic "2:01:18" "Bye! Bye!">>
\define hangout() 031
<<topic "0:00:00" "Intro: frtl: Jeremy, Mario, Stephan">>
<<topic "0:01:12" "Mario- Intro: tw5-vagrant on github">>
<<topic "0:02:40" ".. about the Vagrantfile">>
<<topic "0:04:50" ".. how to download the stuff from github">>
<<topic "0:05:18" ".. how to start the procedure with 'vagrant up'">>
<<topic "0:05:40" ".. access the TW5 client/server edition from the host browser">>
<<topic "0:07:18" ".. -> commands for contributors, some more internals">>
<<topic "0:09:33" ".. -> how to build the single file TWs, that static tiddlers and all the demos">>
<<topic "0:10:20" "Jeremy- Can we create a version, that does 'npm install tiddlywiki' -> yes">>
<<topic "0:12:00" ".. the build finally finished with the tests!">>
<<topic "0:13:00" "Jeremy- There should be a website with some info about TW5 related projects">>
<<topic "0:16:45" "Jeremy- There was a request, how to upgrade TW5 with drag and drop ...">>
<<topic "0:18:20" "Mario/Jeremy- general discussion about TiddlyDesktop and multi user TWs, sharing .. TiddlyWeb">>
<<topic "0:20:25" "Jeremy- about the 'extended' build scripts './bld.sh' or use 'npm start' 'npm build' ..">>
<<topic "0:23:44" "Jeremy- the TW5 repo may need to be splitted into the 'docs' and the 'code'">>
<<topic "0:26:35" ".. general discussion about managing TW5 repos. code and docs.">>
<<topic "0:30:20" "Mario- thoughts about, how to handle a 'custom editions' that should be in there own repos">>
<<topic "0:33:10" "Jeremy- block mode html handling ... (with a little journey to find the issue :)">>
<<topic "0:36:30" ".. found it \o/ issue #82 and #345 (related) ... will need to refactor the parser">>
<<topic "0:38:15" "All- brainstorming about an /import pragma .. transclusion .. inclusion .. /rules ..">>
<<topic "0:47:30" "Mario- .. is this a 'global' import?">>
<<topic "0:48:30" "Jeremy- about the 'role' of tags in TW5 at the moment. .. it's just conventions">>
<<topic "0:50:03" ".. about 'missing' documentation and 'reading' existing documentation.">>
<<topic "0:52:45" "Mario- 'standard macros' evolving into 'user defined macros'">>
<<topic "0:54:20" "Jeremy- Stephan's pull requests for 5.0.7">>
<<topic "0:59:20" "Jeremy- Some new docs about the 'coding style' .. rules for pull requests">>
<<topic "1:00:50" "Jeremy- docs .. 'Saving to a PHP' server, similar to tiddlyspot">>
<<topic "1:03:50" "Jeremy- docs .. naming conventions for 'user defined' system tiddlers">>
<<topic "1:06:05" "Jeremy- upcomming changes for the ControlPanel">>
<<topic "1:07:40" ".. importing encrypted TWs">>
<<topic "1:10:00" "Jeremy/Mario- .. discussion about using TW as a password vault.">>
<<topic "1:13:38" "... your computer is not broken - this silence is by intention :) ...">>
<<topic "1:14:48" "Jeremy- There should be some warings / info about security.">>
<<topic "1:16:20" "Bye! Bye!">>
\define hangout() 032
<<topic "0:00:00" "Intro rtl: Eric, Mario, Leo, Stephan, Ton">>
<<topic "0:02:40" "Ton- Reorginzes his TW5 Info pages + some new stuff. Links can be found at tiddlywiki. com">>
<<topic "0:06:30" "Ton- brought back the 'Left Menue'">>
<<topic "0:11:39" "Mario- Saw some issues with the '!important' key word in the CSS.">>
<<topic "0:13:25" "Jeremy- Do you have dropdowns in the Top Menue?">>
<<topic "0:18:55" "Ton- New ReadOnly theme, with a 'hidden' save button :)">>
<<topic "0:20:20" "Jeremy- About 'automatic' theme adjustments. ... customize the display depending on the browser used, for documentation.">>
<<topic "0:25:10" "general discussion about contribution.">>
<<topic "0:16:06" "Stephan- new journalButton, very similar to the newTiddler button. + dateTimeMacro">>
<<topic "0:33:30" "Stephan's tiddlyspots. links can be found at tiddlywiki. com">>
<<topic "0:35:18" "Jeremy/Mario- ... screen sharing problems">>
<<topic "0:37:50" "Jeremy- the plugin library. Discussion summary on mario's space">>
<<topic "0:40:05" "Jeremy- github issue page #363 - open for discussion">>
<<topic "0:41:56" "Jeremy- 'core plugins' vs 'contributor plugins' vs '3rd party plugins'. Discussion Jeremy and Mario about responsibilities. About the TW5 repo structure.">>
<<topic "0:48:15" "... connection between 'editions' directory and 'plugins' directory.">>
<<topic "0:50:30" "Leo- There should be a 'search' functions. What about versioning ... -> Jeremy- We use 'Semantic Versioning'">>
<<topic "0:52:10" "Mario- about his issues, using 'vanilla TW5 repo' for his development workflow. There are different views about the dev workflow. Mario wants to have 'generic' scripts">>
<<topic "1:00:50" "Jeremy- About the 'new proposed build' mechanism.">>
<<topic "1:01:55" "Jeremy- discussion about: what are the existing build scripts about.">>
<<topic "1:04:00" "Jeremy- about: How to submit / contribute plugins.">>
<<topic "1:08:30" "Leo- Is it possible to install plugins from 'any URL' -> yes">>
<<topic "1:10:00" "Jeremy- How can we distribute plugins. about possible backends ... It seems we need to require contributors to use git/hub.">>
<<topic "1:14:00" "Jeremy- about pulling plugins to the 'core' ... testing needs to be possible/done by the core devs">>
<<topic "1:16:34" "Leo- example: how 'homebrew' does it for MAC software.">>
<<topic "1:19:40" "Jeremy- about the 'tiddlywiki -build' and '-init' commands. TODO">>
<<topic "1:24:50" "Leo- What about debendency management?">>
<<topic "1:31:50" "Jeremy- Stephan's bookmarklets with TiddlyDesktop. General bookmarklet handling.">>
<<topic "1:36:40" "Jeremy- TiddlyDesktop may be a wiki too.">>
<<topic "1:37:20" "Jeremy- Intro Paul ...">>
<<topic "1:38:27" "Paul- What's about the next OXTWIG.">>
<<topic "1:41:53" "Bye! Bye!">>
\define hangout() 033
<<topic "0:00:00" "Intro- Dave, Jeremy, Sean, Leo, Vasily">>
<<topic "0:02:22" "Dave- Using TW with images, note taking, book reading quotes ..">>
<<topic "0:08:20" "Jeremy- Dave, you did experiment with TW and node.js - How did it feel?">>
<<topic "0:11:10" "Jeremy- about changes in TW, to do image 'lazy loading'">>
<<topic "0:12:20" "Sean- What is this 'lazy loading' feature?">>
<<topic "0:12:55" "Inrto: Paul, Ton">>
<<topic "0:13:35" "Jeremy- demo lazy loading - in 'client server mode' ... some screensharing problems.">>
<<topic "0:15:15" "... demo 'lazy loading'">>
<<topic "0:18:20" "Leo- What happens, if 2 users change the same tiddler.">>
<<topic "0:20:10" "Jeremy- .. back to the demo">>
<<topic "0:29:40" "Intro- Mario">>
<<topic "0:31:00" ".. short summary">>
<<topic "0:32:10" ".. about image handling and thumb nail handling on the server.">>
<<topic "0:33:05" "Mario- TW5 with a new sync service named: 'seafile - seacloud'">>
<<topic "0:34:00" "Intro- Alex">>
<<topic "0:35:30" "Mario- demo seafile sync with TW5 and nodejs.">>
<<topic "0:46:00" "Jeremy- TW5 should support Dropbox and other sync services.">>
<<topic "0:46:40" "Mario- requests a 'ajax API' within TW5. -> TiddlyWeb plugin should have one.">>
<<topic "0:51:00" "Jeremy- New in the upcomming 5.0.8-beta - ControlPanel">>
<<topic "0:52:30" "Jeremy- about keyboard shortcuts - just 'ctrl-enter' and 'escape' atm. ...">>
<<topic "0:57:35" "Leo- Does the 'keyboard widget' effect the whole TW? - .. they have a scope.">>
<<topic "1:00:50" "Jeremy- keyboard handler code ... Fx keys are kind of hard to manage.">>
<<topic "1:02:33" "Jeremy- some bugfixes, some docs, lazy loading, ...">>
<<topic "1:03:35" "Jeremy- bugfixes for the 'placeholder' text.">>
<<topic "1:05:20" "Mario- It would be nice if autosave and cancel dialogs would be a 'high priority'">>
<<topic "1:10:10" "Jeremy- There should be 'ctrl-s' to save a tiddler from edit mode, without closing edit mode">>
<<topic "1:12:30" "Jeremy- If TW opens, it should highlight tiddlers in 'draft mode'">>
<<topic "1:13:50" "Mario- 'modifier and creator' is missing in the info area.">>
<<topic "1:15:15" "Jeremy- some bugfixes in TiddlyDesktop">>
<<topic "1:16:00" "Jeremy- about the next release date.">>
<<topic "1:16:40" "Jeremy- all .. What do you think about the elipsis as a 'advanced search' button?">>
<<topic "1:18:10" "Leo- about 'advanced search UI'">>
<<topic "1:20:10" "Jeremy- about a 'term kit' like UI for the TW command line">>
<<topic "1:21:25" "Leo- would like to have 'advanced search options' like: 'exact search'">>
<<topic "1:23:20" "Mario- regexp searches or any search should be saved somehow. General discussion about the search UI.">>
<<topic "1:31:50" "Jeremy- the keyboard stuff is tricky. ... some feature requests. ... jeremy has a look, how other frameworks handle it.">>
<<topic "1:34:40" "Jeremy- support for translations.">>
<<topic "1:37:10" "Jeremy- translations could be in a 'multi shadow tiddler' container tiddler. So only one file would need to be handled by translators.">>
<<topic "1:44:35" "Jeremy- some refactoring for the 'shadow tiddler' list is needed. Especially if translations are single tiddlers.">>
<<topic "1:46:50" "Jeremy- some more new 'configuration tiddlers' are added to 5.0.8">>
<<topic "1:48:25" "Jeremy- any comments ... Mario- whats about the external link discussion">>
<<topic "1:50:55" "Bye! Bye!">>
\define hangout() 034
<<topic "0:00:00" "Intro: rtl: Carlos, Eric (later), Jeremy, Mario, Ton,">>
<<topic "0:01:54" "Jeremy- Recent changes to TW ... Autosave! Warning if you close a tab without saving.">>
<<topic "0:05:10" "Jeremy- Wiki/config/SyncFilter.tid ... configuration, that triggers 'dirty'">>
<<topic "0:07:08" "Jeremy- Internationalisation ... language plugin">>
<<topic "0:08:50" "- $:/language .. tiddler">>
<<topic "0:09:15" "Intro: Leo">>
<<topic "0:10:50" "Jeremy- Short recap of 'autosave' and 'warning' ... translation">>
<<topic "0:12:05" "Eric- Info about 'save handling' in browsers">>
<<topic "0:12:55" "Eric- Does the saving do a backup file? - no ... autosave can be configured.">>
<<topic "0:14:45" "Jeremy- About the browser 'low level save mechanism' ... TiddlyFox backup handling">>
<<topic "0:19:00" "Jeremy- Backups should be done with TiddlyFox and TiddlyDesktop">>
<<topic "0:19:32" "Eric- About file acess privileges">>
<<topic "0:20:13" "Jeremy- Back to translation. about the language tiddler naming convention.">>
<<topic "0:24:25" "Jeremy- About the /language directory. *.tids file usage.">>
<<topic "0:25:50" "Mario- Is there a possibility for multi line text?">>
<<topic "0:30:16" "Jeremy- Translations can have 'dependencies' for 'local variations'">>
<<topic "0:32:18" "Leo- Are there areas, where the spelling could cause problems?">>
<<topic "0:33:45" "Jeremy- Translation in the javascript source code.">>
<<topic "0:35:47" "Eric- Date formating goes along with language settings. Is it handled?">>
<<topic "0:38:55" "Jeremy- There is a new filter tab in the '$:/AdvancedSearch' tiddler.">>
<<topic "0:40:55" "Jeremy- Some docs update ... formal grammer for the filter syntax.">>
<<topic "0:42:12" "Leo- What is formal grammer?">>
<<topic "0:46:08" "Jeremy- About the filter syntax docs.">>
<<topic "0:47:47" "Leo- About the documentation tiddler: Docs">>
<<topic "0:50:10" "Jeremy- About little refactorings for the theme.">>
<<topic "0:56:04" "Leo- Question about the 'color setting' in the control panel">>
<<topic "1:00:35" "Eric- TWclassic ColorPalette behaviour">>
<<topic "1:01:45" "Jeremy- Differences between 'macros' and 'widgest' .. general concept.">>
<<topic "1:03:08" "Intro: Christian">>
<<topic "1:04:20" ".. back to- Differences between 'macros', 'widgest' and 'plugins'">>
<<topic "1:05:35" "Jeremy- system tiddlers ... $:/">>
<<topic "1:07:40" "Jeremy- shadow tiddlers .. we need to have a look at plugins. A plugin is a 'bundle' of shadow tiddlers.">>
<<topic "1:10:44" "Eric- about the terminology in TWc">>
<<topic "1:13:30" "Jeremy- about: 'what makes a tiddler a plugin' and how to import them.">>
<<topic "1:15:45" "Jeremy- tiddlers can be 'code modules' .. 'module-type' field, 'type' field">>
<<topic "1:17:50" "Jeremy- about widgets .. eg: list, ..">>
<<topic "1:20:00" "Jeremy- about macros .. as 'text replacement' mechanism.">>
<<topic "1:24:25" "Jeremy- how users can contribute to documentation.">>
<<topic "1:26:25" "Jeremy- How do you make a plugin. eg: snowwhite ... 'plugin-type: theme'">>
<<topic "1:33:24" "Jeremy- The 'created' field issue.">>
<<topic "1:35:40" "Ton- shows his issue with importing the '.ico' files.">>
<<topic "1:44:57" "Jeremy- general discussion about footnotes">>
<<topic "1:58:25" "Jeremy- About printed output. There should be propper interoperability with the TeX toolchain.">>
<<topic "1:59:49" "Jeremy- There will be a demo edition that shows how to use TW to produce a 'single hirachical structured text document'.">>
<<topic "2:00:44" "Leo- Can TW produce a dGSD like document.">>
<<topic "2:04:24" "Jeremy- how to do this stuff in TW.">>
<<topic "2:07:35" "Eric- comparing TW behaviour with TWc">>
<<topic "2:08:35" "Bye! Bye!">>
\define hangout() 035
<<topic "0:00:00" "Intro- rtl: Jeremy, Mario, Paul, Ton">>
<<topic "0:01:30" "Ton- Update on latest changes of his themes.">>
<<topic "0:06:00" "Jeremy- Explanation of the HistoryMechanism. The HistoryList tiddler.">>
<<topic "0:08:55" "Mario- Question about creating a CSS class witht the new mechanism.">>
<<topic "0:10:16" "Mario- Short overview about: TW5 Ubuntu Unity integration.">>
<<topic "0:18:30" "Jeremy- Short summary about the internal 'message handling'. Feneral discussion about the message system.">>
<<topic "0:23:00" "... mario's icon is active all the time. ... Google didn't switch anymore ... ticket ... navigator event should be global.">>
<<topic "0:23:00" "Jeremy- thinks it would be nice if someone did thsi for Win8 too.">>
<<topic "0:23:33" "short break.">>
<<topic "0:24:05" "Jeremy- Intro new member ... no response">>
<<topic "0:25:00" "Jeremy- We saw the screen, but google didn't record it sry. Next 35 minutes are audio only. till 1:02:02">>
<<topic "0:25:20" "Jeremy- Autosave will come with 5.0.8">>
<<topic "0:26:58" "- about the translations">>
<<topic "0:26:20" "- about palettes handling similarity with theme switching.">>
<<topic "0:27:00" "- about building plugins in the browser. New tiddler 'how to create plugins in the browser'">>
<<topic "0:33:40" "Jeremy- 'Ctrl-click' .. opens the tiddler, but doesn't scroll to the tiddler.">>
<<topic "0:35:00" "Jeremy- 'Close all' link is a bit darker now.">>
<<topic "0:35:40" "Jeremy- Short intro of TANK from Chris Dent. TANK is based on TiddlyWeb">>
<<topic "0:39:25" "Mario- Does Chris intned to render TW5 syntax on the server? .. it's planned!">>
<<topic "0:41:00" "Jeremy- About the difference of TiddlySpace and TANK">>
<<topic "0:44:45" "Jeremy- How you can configure a 'sub story' ... a story inside a tiddler.">>
<<topic "0:46:40" "Jeremy- about fixing a problem ... pasting pictures">>
<<topic "0:47:25" "Jeremy- Intro of the 'autosave' feature. TW now keeps track of unsaved tiddlers.">>
<<topic "0:50:30" "Mario- Would it be possible to temporarily store the stuff locally?">>
<<topic "0:53:10" "Jeremy- New feature: Alert Message: Visual error messages. So more info, if something gets wrong with the eg: network.">>
<<topic "0:58:15" "Carlos- What's about the system messages? .. Notifications.">>
<<topic "1:01:00" "Jeremy- about translations.">>
<<topic "1:02:02" "Mario- Shows the german tW version.">>
<<topic "1:11:25" "Carlos- Is there any progress in migration from TWc to TW5">>
<<topic "1:12:48" "Jeremy- Intro- Palette switching.">>
<<topic "1:16:50" "Mario- Is it similar to the TWc mechanism? .. some code review.">>
<<topic "1:20:10" "Mario- about problems with the colon translations ...">>
<<topic "1:21:35" "Jeremy- about the number of shadow tiddlers. General discussion about performance in the text editor.">>
<<topic "1:26:20" "Jeremy- about a fix with parsing html ..">>
<<topic "1:29:40" "Jeremy- about the release of 5.0.8 and 5.0.9">>
<<topic "1:32:20" "Mario- about debugging with chrome and single step the code.">>
<<topic "1:34:25" "Jeremy- about the tooling in TW to 'see what's going on in the code'">>
<<topic "1:36:50" "Jeremy- ... it's time it create global macros again ... so users should be able to work with macros. There should be no need to use widgets.">>
<<topic "1:38:35" "Jeremy- about the 'tabs' macro ... how to structure the docs. some discussion about Ton's tabs macros and the state tiddlers ...">>
<<topic "1:45:35" "Jeremy- short summary, of the chat window text. Request for new Paletts !!">>
<<topic "1:47:05" "Bye! Bye!">>
\define hangout() 036
<<topic "0:00:00" "Intro: Christian, Dave, Eric, Jeremy, Mario">>
<<topic "0:01:15" "Dave- Some updates on his tutorials">>
<<topic "0:06:15" "Jeremy- about the TW5 wizard feature.">>
<<topic "0:11:30" "Mario- Some global js plugins that should be compatible with TWc. today, list, ... with a debug mode.">>
<<topic "0:16:05" "Mario- the source code.">>
<<topic "0:18:20" ".. discussion about the functions of a macro vs using widgets.">>
<<topic "0:18:45" "Jeremy- Users should only know about macros. Discussion about macros and widgets.">>
<<topic "0:22:05" "Jeremy- about the TW5 macro parameter format.">>
<<topic "0:23:53" "Intro- Stephan">>
<<topic "0:24:18" "Jeremy- about some refactorings he made, that affect the template / paragraph handling.">>
<<topic "0:26:05" "Jeremy- shows / screenshares the changes">>
<<topic "0:31:35" "Stephan- what happens if you nest html elements?">>
<<topic "0:33:05" "Jeremy- shows a new formated template.">>
<<topic "0:34:30" "Jeremy- imports one of Dave's wiki's, to see, what the changes produce there. To see what needs to be changed. .. Sows the 'new' import mechanism.">>
<<topic "0:40:15" "Intro: Paul">>
<<topic "0:41:00" "Jeremy- Summary about the refactoring">>
<<topic "0:42:35" "Jeremy- Intro of the new palette editor and 'swatches'">>
<<topic "0:47:50" "Dave- Can the color swatches be larger?">>
<<topic "0:50:00" "Jeremy- How to create a new palette based on an existing one.">>
<<topic "0:51:18" "short pause. Stephan about text editors">>
<<topic "0:52:30" "Mario- uses the Brackets editor from Adobe as a text editor. discussion about the source code comments and the tooling.">>
<<topic "0:56:00" "... dealing with an 'unpleasant visitor'">>
<<topic "0:57:20" "Jeremy- new 'warning on delete' feature!">>
<<topic "0:57:45" "Stephan- about a new 'control panel menue' for changing the colors for the tags.">>
<<topic "0:59:25" "Jeremy- live demo: Creates a tag list with a color picker beside it.">>
<<topic "1:04:50" "Jeremy- some minor 'toolbar button' fixes.">>
<<topic "1:06:45" "Jeremy- SiteTitle and SiteSubtitle are now shadow tiddlers.">>
<<topic "1:07:35" "Jeremy- A request from Dave. Adjust the settings for the bitmap editor.">>
<<topic "1:10:55" "Jeremy- more translations - chineese simplified/traditional, french">>
<<topic "1:12:20" "Eric- Request from the discussion group. What's about switching content instead of UI">>
<<topic "1:17:00" "Jeremy- Intro to the new tiddlywiki command line interface">>
<<topic "1:18:40" "Jeremy- new version, init command. ... importing editions .. combining editions.">>
<<topic "1:23:17" ".. about the help command eg: help server">>
<<topic "1:26:05" "Jeremy- about the 5.0.8 delay. ..">>
<<topic "1:28:25" "Mario- question. What's aobut the macros, showed earlier. Should they be core or plugins?">>
<<topic "1:33:45" "Jeremy- about the mechanism to include plugins into the core. ...">>
<<topic "1:38:10" "Jeremy- 5.0.8 should be out soon.">>
<<topic "1:38:45" "Dave- What's the plans for 5.0.9? ... RoadMap tiddler.">>
<<topic "1:42:25" "Christian- What are the plans for the 'presentaiton' theme or 'read only' theme?">>
<<topic "1:46:26" "Jeremy- intro cecily to christian (old code)">>
<<topic "1:49:00" "...">>
<<topic "1:50:30" "Bye! Bye!">>
\define hangout() 037
<<topic "0:00:00" "Intro: rtl: Eric, Felippe, Jeremy, Mario, Stephan, Ton">>
<<topic "0:02:00" "Jeremy- Ageda - Upcoming in 5.0.9">>
<<topic "0:03:00" "Jeremy- Help Environment on tiddlystuff(.)tiddlyspot.com An experiment, how plugins can handle there docs. one more step to a self documenting wiki.">>
<<topic "0:06:10" "Jeremy- TW core docs may become a plugin.">>
<<topic "0:07:05" "Jeremy- Request for a contribution of a 'Reverence Card'">>
<<topic "0:07:35" "Jeremy- Upcoming in 5.0.9 - missing tiddler 'link handling'. live editing :)">>
<<topic "0:14:40" "Jeremy- New visitor ...">>
<<topic "0:16:20" "Jeremy- ... missing link text ... what about translations ...">>
<<topic "0:18:00" ".. discussion about make documentation buttons clickable ... no">>
<<topic "0:20:40" "Mario- What's about the RoadMap">>
<<topic "0:21:12" "Stephan- discussion about autosave 'default on' setting">>
<<topic "0:22:50" "Jeremy- With 'autosave', what does the 'save icon' do?">>
<<topic "0:24:20" "Mario- Sugggests, an 'indicator' for 'unsaved tiddlers' on the 'save button'">>
<<topic "0:26:12" "Jeremy- Idea to indicate the 'need to save' with a progress bar.">>
<<topic "0:28:10" "Jeremy- Default behaviour for line break handling. ... :)">>
<<topic "0:29:50" "Jeremy- about testing GFM linebreak behaviour for TW syntax.">>
<<topic "0:33:40" "Jeremy- Introduction to the TW test suite.">>
<<topic "0:35:23" ".. about tests on the server">>
<<topic "0:36:40" ".. test.sh file">>
<<topic "0:37:23" ".. test editoin with the .js files. ... uses 'jasmin' test system. test-filters.js is a simple one">>
<<topic "0:41:50" ".. test-html-parser is a complicated one.">>
<<topic "0:44:30" ".. test-widget ... tests the refresh mechanism.">>
<<topic "0:48:10" ".. testing the macro call widget. ... how to 'copy/paste/create' a new test. .">>
<<topic "0:50:20" ".. test-wikitext .. the simplest one">>
<<topic "0:51:05" ".. short pause :) ..">>
<<topic "0:51:35" "Jeremy- ... Mario short summary, what he needs">>
<<topic "0:52:25" "Mario- What about a convention for 'global macro' CSS class names?">>
<<topic "0:54:45" "Jeremy- about a language tools edition.">>
<<topic "0:57:05" "Jeremy- Any questions ?? ... no">>
<<topic "0:57:45" "Jeremy- about the 'big parser refactoring'">>
<<topic "0:58:20" "Stephan- There needs to be a different / easier 'filter syntax' documentation.">>
<<topic "1:03:00" "Jeremy- about tw-close-other-tiddlers documentation">>
<<topic "1:05:30" "Mario- Every widget should have at least one example.">>
<<topic "1:07:35" "Mario- Suggests to copy the Date format docs from stephan.">>
<<topic "1:08:40" "Mario- about codemirror movie plugin to create interactive tutorials.">>
<<topic "1:10:30" "Mario- Using filters ... the start should be simple.">>
<<topic "1:11:53" "Jeremy- About the basic 'core concepts', that are needed to understand TW.">>
<<topic "1:13:15" "Mario- Intro of codemirror movie.">>
<<topic "1:16:25" "Jeremy- about highlighter plugin.">>
<<topic "1:19:35" "Jeremy- codemirror should be used in TiddlyDesktop for 'wiki folders'">>
<<topic "1:19:55" "Mario- is happe with the Brackets editor atm.">>
<<topic "1:20:45" "Mario- Is it necessary, that popups stay open? ... discussion">>
<<topic "1:23:45" "Mario- What, if a popup has a 'tick' to lock it?">>
<<topic "1:24:27" "Jeremy- about Notifications, Wizards, Alerts ...">>
<<topic "1:27:20" "Jeremy- how to change popup behaviour. ...">>
<<topic "1:28:40" "Mario- is experimenting with the 'info area' for tagging ...">>
<<topic "1:30:22" "Jeremy- Tagging linked into the tag manager.">>
<<topic "1:31:57" "Mario- mentions BJ's Drag and Drop sorting for tiddlers ...">>
<<topic "1:37:10" "Jeremy- Drag and drop should create a hirachical list.">>
<<topic "1:37:47" "Jeremy- The 'stack trace' would be worth including.">>
<<topic "1:39:00" "Jeremy/Mario- about debugging exernal library stuff.">>
<<topic "1:42:45" "Bye! Bye!">>
\define hangout() 038
<<topic "0:00:00" "Intro: rtl - Eric, Jeremy, Mario">>
<<topic "0:00:45" "Jeremy- Copy and paste HTML for upcoming 5.0.9 as a plugin.">>
<<topic "0:06:15" "Jeremy- Making system tags less visible. Should system tags be visible on the tiddler.">>
<<topic "0:11:55" "Jeremy- A tiddler with a system tag, most of the time is also a system tiddler.">>
<<topic "0:14:05" "Mario- "User system tiddlers" may start with an underline, just for sorting.">>
<<topic "0:15:25" "Jeremy- Advanced Search: Filter tab gets a new "example dropdown"">>
<<topic "0:16:27" "Mario- Should ther be an filter with EXOR behaviour.">>
<<topic "0:19:14" "Jeremy- Explanation how the filter dropdown mechanism works.">>
<<topic "0:21:00" "Mario- Creating automatic documentation from javascript files, or make it extra tiddlers. discussion ...">>
<<topic "0:27:45" "Eric- Is it technical docs, or user docs?">>
<<topic "0:31:25" "Eric- about, levels of documentation.">>
<<topic "0:34:00" "Jeremy- summary about the existing mechanisms.">>
<<topic "0:37:00" "Hello Stephan">>
<<topic "0:37:20" "Jeremy- about improvements in "filter" documentation.">>
<<topic "0:38:08" "Eric- what about a convention for plugin authors? Which info needs to be in the plugin, to have eg: autocomplete.">>
<<topic "0:43:04" "Jeremy- Would like to have an "content editable" editor to change parts of the tiddler.">>
<<topic "0:44:40" "Jeremy- about "selective editing"">>
<<topic "0:45:20" "Eric- Wouldn't it be easier, for selective editing, to start with transcluded content? ... yes">>
<<topic "0:47:35" "Mario- about editing transclusions with codemirror in edit mode.">>
<<topic "0:49:50" "Jeremy- Tooltip support for the link widget.">>
<<topic "0:53:35" "Jeremy- ... A more generic fallback/lookup mechanism for every possible attribute is possible. Do we need this? ... no.">>
<<topic "0:54:55" "Mario- about his thoughts. ... Using widgets is allready "advanced" enough.">>
<<topic "0:57:57" "Mario- Would it be possible to show the whole tiddler content as a tooltip?">>
<<topic "0:58:53" "Jeremy- some fixes in D3 editions">>
<<topic "1:00:20" "Jeremy- about "charts.js"">>
<<topic "1:01:13" "Mario/Stephan- What about possibilities of the "checkbox, radio, button" widgets. Some work with tags, others with fields. ...">>
<<topic "1:03:54" "Jeremy- proposal: .. hiding internal tiddler fields, because they are immutable ... dilscussion.">>
<<topic "1:11:53" "Jeremy- proposal: .. different field types, get different functions, to create there representation.">>
<<topic "1:14:40" "Mario- feedback from a plugin authors point of view. discussion ... Probably a documentation problem.">>
<<topic "1:18:20" "Jeremy- about the plans what has to be changed for the next/last big refactoring.">>
<<topic "1:19:12" "Mario- about developer expectations. probably wrong expectations. TW doesn't follow the "jQuery" mechanism.">>
<<topic "1:21:30" "Mario- Edit fields in view mode loose the focus because of the refresh mechanism. ...">>
<<topic "1:23:30" "Jeremy- about the effort to write code - tests - documentation.">>
<<topic "1:24:40" "Jeremy- TW beta is close to RC">>
<<topic "1:25:50" "Jeremy- Transition from TWc to TW5 ... brainstorming about the workflow.">>
<<topic "1:28:00" "Mario- about Markdown with transclusion and tiddlylinks.">>
<<topic "1:29:10" "Jeremy- How can we create a transition workflow, with find and replace.">>
<<topic "1:33:12" "Mario- What if one runs a server for TWc to TW5 conversion? .. The browser should do it .. brainstorming.">>
<<topic "1:35:35" "Jeremy- What, if we do converion in the "bulk tiddler" view">>
<<topic "1:39:50" "Mario- What, if we have a special toolbar with several buttons, that do different magic to convert a tiddler from TWc syntax to TW5 syntax.">>
<<topic "1:44:15" "Bye! Bye!">>
\define hangout() 039
<<topic "0:00:00" "Intro: frtl: Eric, Mario (0:28:00), Jeremy, Matias, Ton">>
<<topic "0:01:30" "Matias- Advantage of the nodejs / nodejs portable version?">>
<<topic "0:04:05" "Matias- Is there anything not appropriate in installing nodejs on a google docs drive, using the desktop version. What about in dropbox?">>
<<topic "0:10:25" "Matias- Where, if anywhere, do I find a list of forbidden characters for tiddler titles? One of those questions I've neglected forever and just limited what I title my tiddlers. Difference between twc and tw5?">>
<<topic "0:12:07" "Stephan- Are there plans to support multi user editing in the node.js edition of TW5?">>
<<topic "0:18:25" "Nathan- With google drive, you can run js now, w/ google apps.... full js w/ packages and everything! Could that be applicable?">>
<<topic "0:21:15" "Nathan- Shouldn't we maybe take questions in topical order? Might get tricky, in either case, heh...">>
<<topic "0:21:48" "Nathan- What's the status on the NPM packaging and build process? (Seems loosely related?)">>
<<topic "0:22:26" "Matias- Do I understnad it correct that nodejs should be installed in same folder as TW5nodejs, also meaning that if I want another TW5nodejs then I sould install a new nodejs. Or is nodejs 'global'?">>
<<topic "0:23:30" "Matias- proposing discussion on tables. Particularly I'm wondering if we could utilize the tab key for tables to lessen the mess in edit mode.">>
<<topic "0:24:40" "about the tab key / wysiwyg">>
<<topic "0:29:00" "Jeremy- about the TW development and Open Source (... philosophy)">>
<<topic "0:31:10" "Matias- What about voting on features?">>
<<topic "0:34:25" "Eric- About feedback for TW development ... (summary)">>
<<topic "0:40:00" "Matias- Why is TW not bigger, than it is? ... (It's from dev's, for dev's)">>
<<topic "0:46:25" "Eric- How Eric explains TW to interested 'guests'">>
<<topic "0:48:30" ".. Jeremy- about 'What learned with TWclassic' ... about TW5 editions">>
<<topic "0:51:00" ".. Matias- about a 'central plaice' to explore TW5">>
<<topic "0:54:20" "Mario- About discussion forums">>
<<topic "0:55:15" "Eric- About google groups discussions / knowledgebase">>
<<topic "0:58:15" "Nathan- tiddlywiki+codemirror+ometa is ridiculously good fun and might apply to better wysiwyg, as well as some of the parser/BNFish discussions from earlier. Would there be interest in some rebased patches for it?">>
<<topic "0:59:25" "Nathan- some of the crazy crypto-currency folks are exploring some very interesting community coordination mechanisms and such (DAOs/DACs) might this be particularly applicable to tiddly in these feedback cycle questions?">>
<<topic "1:01:15" "Matias- Proposing a discussion on links(!) I'll explain more in hangout but, briefly, going back to where you were in a text after you 'opened a link + read + closed' ought to be smoother.">>
<<topic "1:05:10" "Jeremy- about different story columns ...">>
<<topic "1:06:45" "Jeremy- about substance composer">>
<<topic "1:12:00" "Mario- about TW editions with 'a single purpose'">>
<<topic "1:12:25" "Jeremy- about 'what IS TiddlyWiki'">>
<<topic "1:14:00" "Jeremy- what's new in 5.0.9 prerelease">>
<<topic "1:14:30" ".. NEW: 'Advanced panel' in tiddler info panel">>
<<topic "1:17:15" "Mario- TODO: about translations and handling 'diffs'">>
<<topic "1:23:10" "Jeremy/Mario- about upgrading from TiddlyWikiClassic">>
<<topic "1:29:30" "Jeremy- new colour for the $:/ prefix">>
<<topic "1:30:40" "Matias/Jeremy- about system tiddlers 'users' need / want to deal with ....">>
<<topic "1:37:30" "Jeremy- NEW Tag Manager let's you select icons for tags. ... TODO about tag colour manipulation.">>
<<topic "1:48:55" "Jeremy- NEW an architecture diagram">>
<<topic "1:56:56" "Bye! Bye!">>
\define hangout() 040
<<topic "0:00:00" "Intro frtl: Arlen, Chinarut, Eric, Jeremy, Mario, Nathan">>
<<topic "0:01:50" "Matias- Proposal for design changes in edittemplate.">>
<<topic "0:04:50" ".. discussion about how the tag input field works. ...">>
<<topic "0:06:45" ".. handling of custom fields">>
<<topic "0:08:08" ".. tag handling again">>
<<topic "0:09:50" "Eric- .. summary about input strategies ..">>
<<topic "0:10:28" "Eric- about the problem with 'invisible' shadow tags">>
<<topic "0:13:57" "Mario- idea how to handle system tags">>
<<topic "0:16:35" "Jeremy- about the general design ...">>
<<topic "0:19:58" "Stephan joined ..">>
<<topic "0:20:53" "Mathias- According to tiddler 'TiddlerFields' on tw.com, field names must only contain some a-z plus three other explicitly typed characters. However, typing in !'#¤%&/() seems to work? Change instrux or do validation check.">>
<<topic "0:28:00" "Matias introduced himself">>
<<topic "0:29:33" "Stephan- discussion about special tag / field $()$ and the newTiddler widget">>
<<topic "0:33:08" "Jeremy- about cheap TiddlyWiki infrastructure .. TW cloud">>
<<topic "0:34:58" "Mario- introducing OpenShift to use with tiddlyweb and TW5">>
<<topic "0:47:25" "Nathan- Likes the 'no backend / unhosted' stuff">>
<<topic "0:50:54" "Mario- about CamilStore as a future backend">>
<<topic "0:55:01" "Jeremy- recent changes to TW, new home button, right sidebar on/off">>
<<topic "0:57:52" "Jeremy- Curved Text with an SVG path">>
<<topic "1:00:40" "Jeremy- first iteration of Cecily list view">>
<<topic "1:02:50" "Jeremy- new scrollable widget, multi column story view">>
<<topic "1:09:13" "Matias- about the TiddlerTabsPlugin">>
<<topic "1:13:21" "Jeremy- general discussion about UI">>
<<topic "1:15:55" "Jeremy- about translations and plugin management / documentation">>
<<topic "1:17:04" "Jeremy- about blacklisting of unsafe HTML features">>
<<topic "1:19:20" "Mario- Eric what's going on with the TWclassic development.">>
<<topic "1:22:24" "Jeremy- about blocking of javascript">>
<<topic "1:23:12" "Jeremy- the new TiddlyWiki Architecture diagram">>
<<topic "1:27:55" "Mario- about the problem with the tiddler object being immutable.">>
<<topic "1:30:40" "Jeremy- about a fix with the syncer">>
<<topic "1:31:04" "Matias- When will we see the next release?">>
<<topic "1:32:37" "Matias- What does the 'house/home' icon do?">>
<<topic "1:35:45" "Nathan- What group is it? LNUG?">>
<<topic "1:39:05" "Bye! Bye!">>
\define hangout() 041
\define hangout() 042
<<topic "0:00:00" "Intro frtl: Arlen, Danielo, Eric, Jeremy, Mario, Stephan, Ton">>
<<topic "0:02:40" "Detailed intro: Danielo, since he is new.">>
<<topic "0:03:56" "Danielo- Shows some of his documents and encryption.">>
<<topic "0:05:20" "- general discussion about TW usage">>
<<topic "0:06:40" "Danielo: About the NewTiddler widget.">>
<<topic "0:09:10" "About the overview index and top search to open tiddlers">>
<<topic "0:10:25" "Jeremy- How many tiddlers do you have? 388 content">>
<<topic "0:11:10" "Jeremy- What did you use before TW .. several, Evernote OneNote">>
<<topic "0:13:40" "Jeremy- What about the customisation differences ...">>
<<topic "0:15:00" "Danielo- 'In place editing' of table cells">>
<<topic "0:21:25" "Stephan- Idea, to make the 'new tiddler' part of the core.">>
<<topic "0:22:25" "Danielo- is back ... phone battery was empty. ... the edit template.">>
<<topic "0:27:27" "- multi column list of all tiddlers">>
<<topic "0:28:10" "question: Where does TW search at the moment?">>
<<topic "0:41:00" "Danielo- Introduction of the tiddler encryption plugin">>
<<topic "0:51:15" "Jeremy- about single tiddler encryption in the core. ... some general discussion about passwords">>
<<topic "0:57:00" "Jeremy- about the 'New tiddler' widget contributed from Arlen">>
<<topic "0:59:30" "Intro: Miriam (Danielo's girlfriend)">>
<<topic "1:02:40" "Jeremy- back at the New tiddler widget.">>
<<topic "1:05:50" "Arlen- shares his take on the new tiddler widget">>
<<topic "1:10:27" "Jeremy- technical discussion ...">>
<<topic "1:28:40" "Jeremy- Nathan any questions? .. braintest . tiddlyspace . com">>
<<topic "1:30:15" "Mario- with Stephans question about the (missing) structure of a TW document.">>
<<topic "1:31:20" "Jeremy- Recaps Stephan's the story">>
<<topic "1:36:06" "Jeremy- about the structure of a 'big tiddler' transcluding othere tiddlers. ..">>
<<topic "1:38:00" "Jeremy- about transclusions manipulating the heading level.">>
<<topic "1:41:15" "Danielo- about WYSIWYG editor on BJ's spot.">>
<<topic "1:46:50" "Danielo- What about integration for snippets? ... some ideas ..">>
<<topic "1:51:10" "Bye! Bye!">>
\define hangout() 043
<<topic "0:00:00" "Intro: frtl: Dave, Jeremy, Mario, Nathan, Ton">>
<<topic "0:01:50" "Dave- Image gallery">>
<<topic "0:04:40" "discussion about floating layout">>
<<topic "0:05:15" "Jeremy- about the scrollable widget coming up in 5.0.9">>
<<topic "0:06:20" "Jeremy- about the upcoming release.">>
<<topic "0:07:20" "Jeremy- removing the right sidebar and stretching the tiddler">>
<<topic "0:10:20" "Jeremy- not done yet ... left-hand menue">>
<<topic "0:10:40" "Jeremy- about the top left 'home' button as a navigation dropdown">>
<<topic "0:12:10" "Jeremy- cecily plugin ... some general discussion">>
<<topic "0:19:14" "Jeremy- schema of the TiddlyWiki internal structure ... client / server">>
<<topic "0:20:55" "Eric- About including TWclassic ideas, plugins into TW5">>
<<topic "0:22:23" "Jeremy- The 5.0.9 should be out on April 15th.">>
<<topic "0:23:07" "Jeremy- About the new layout of the community sites.">>
<<topic "0:25:15" "Jeremy- About the TiddlyDesktop 'thumbnail' function">>
<<topic "0:26:35" "Mario- Will there be a 'nightly' build? ... github master">>
<<topic "0:28:35" "Jeremy- About the 'filter changes' and the docs.">>
<<topic "0:30:55" "Jeremy- The TagManager can assign icons and colors">>
<<topic "0:31:20" "about Danielos new 'tag search' UI">>
<<topic "0:32:00" "...tech stuff">>
<<topic "0:32:25" "Mario- What's about the performance optimizations?">>
<<topic "0:36:45" "Mario discussion about the general editing behaviour.">>
<<topic "0:39:30" "Jeremy- some timing info in the dev console. .. memory consumption and GC">>
<<topic "0:44:00" "Mario- About a new hosting provider, that calculates cost based on http-request. .. discussion">>
<<topic "0:48:50" "Jeremy- about socket.io for fast 2 way communication">>
<<topic "0:51:50" "Jeremy- About the 2 'hamburger' icons close to each other.">>
<<topic "0:54:10" "Jeremy- Full screen mode looks better now, without the right sidebar.">>
<<topic "0:54:30" "Jeremy- about the updated Filter docs">>
<<topic "0:55:30" "Text on an SVG path">>
<<topic "0:56:10" "Eric- about the 'hamburger' icons ...">>
<<topic "0:57:20" "Dave- question about the new fluid theme.">>
<<topic "1:01:15" "Dave- about full width tiddlers. ... edit mode preview..">>
<<topic "1:05:26" "Mario- about edit performance of codemirror is faster than the new edit text area.">>
<<topic "1:06:10" "Dave- Preview as a popup ..">>
<<topic "1:08:50" "Jeremy- Some new translations ... some general discussion.">>
<<topic "1:11:50" "about the translations and the file size. ... the 'plugin library' will fix this.">>
<<topic "1:12:45" "Mario- About 'language editions' .. So language setups will be editions containing the plugins.">>
<<topic "1:14:30" "Intro Stephan ... will meet Jeremy in London at the 'node js meetup'">>
<<topic "1:17:00" "The 'Road Map' ...">>
<<topic "1:18:10" "Jeremy creates a '5.0.10' Whishlist">>
<<topic "1:18:46" "Danielo joined. ...">>
<<topic "1:20:30" "Dave- votes for 'permalinks' of tiddlers. discussion ...">>
<<topic "1:29:10" "Danielo- question about the top-left and top-right bar.">>
<<topic "1:29:50" "Stephan- using a query URL for permalinks. ... The URL / http spec says it's for the server!">>
<<topic "1:32:30" "Jeremy- Any more topics for 5.0.10 .. Mario -> 'the global macros'">>
<<topic "1:33:52" "Danielo- question about the plugin-library mechanism.">>
<<topic "1:34:35" "-pause- Eric ... Soundtrack for the TiddlyWiki Trailer">>
<<topic "1:35:40" "Jeremy- about a TiddlyWiki trailer">>
<<topic "1:36:00" "about the TW plugin-library ...">>
<<topic "1:38:00" "about 'approved components'">>
<<topic "1:39:15" "Danielo works on a plugin to easily 'package plugins in the browser'">>
<<topic "1:40:40" "Jeremy- about the spanish translation">>
<<topic "1:42:30" "Mario- online translation with github should be easy. ...">>
<<topic "1:43:50" "discussion about, how to find texts, that need to be translated.">>
<<topic "1:45:40" "Danielo- Is it possible to have a multi language TW. ... Mario thinks 2 editions would be much easier.">>
<<topic "1:47:40" "-pause- .. no music .. but a song :)">>
<<topic "1:48:50" "Bye! Bye!">>
\define hangout() 044
<<topic "0:00:00" "Intro: frtl: Jeremy, Mario, Nathan">>
<<topic "0:00:50" "... fixing the invitation links ...">>
<<topic "0:01:45" "Jeremy- What's new in 5.0.10">>
<<topic "0:02:20" "Jeremy- short interuption, ... the lnug TW5 presentation">>
<<topic "0:03:30" "Jeremy- What's new in 5.0.10 ... 'safe mode'">>
<<topic "0:06:45" "Jeremy- Additional info about the safe mode">>
<<topic "0:07:40" "Jeremy- the image TW syntax - ]] and formatting">>
<<topic "0:11:38" "Jeremy- image support for markdown syntax in markdown tiddlers">>
<<topic "0:12:28" "Jeremy- new support for sorting with accented characters">>
<<topic "0:13:53" "Jeremy- hiding the sidebar frees space for the tiddler now">>
<<topic "0:14:35" "Jeremy- some minor bugfixes, ... ordering of style sheets">>
<<topic "0:16:10" ".. questions .. the RoadMap .. ARIA roles - help wanted!">>
<<topic "0:19:56" ".. further wikitext features">>
<<topic "0:20:40" ".. productivity functions .. may be after 1.0">>
<<topic "0:22:08" "Jeremy- 5.0.11 Whishlist .. global macros">>
<<topic "0:25:54" "Nathan- masstree (prototype) proof of concept implementation with TW.">>
<<topic "0:30:40" "Jeremy- ideas about the wiki-store ... tiddler hashmap is private member to the wiki object now">>
<<topic "0:34:11" "Mario- ArangoDB as a TW backend and app server">>
<<topic "0:35:05" "Jeremy- about PouchDB as a TW browser based backend">>
<<topic "0:38:10" "Mario- about a 'one click install'">>
<<topic "0:40:00" "Jeremy- about TW security ... (Danielo joined) ... internet security in general">>
<<topic "0:43:30" "Eric- joined">>
<<topic "0:43:47" "Jeremy- Danielo should demo the 'custom key bindings'">>
<<topic "0:44:17" "Mario- feature request for 'system fields' ...">>
<<topic "0:46:30" "Jeremy- points to a github issue #487">>
<<topic "0:49:25" "Arlen- joined">>
<<topic "0:50:10" "Danielo- screenshares the new key bindings ...">>
<<topic "0:54:55" ".. the plugin packaging plugin ... the key binding configuration">>
<<topic "0:59:00" "Mario- Is there a possibility to create buttons for the key strokes? yes .. should be there.">>
<<topic "1:01:10" "Jeremy- This doesn't work with the codemirror plugin.">>
<<topic "1:03:10" "Jeremy- Did you use TW with nodejs? ... D. needs a portable option.">>
<<topic "1:04:44" "Jeremy- Eric you did TiddlyTools in the browser?">>
<<topic "1:05:40" "Danielo- created the 'plugin creator' ...">>
<<topic "1:06:16" "Danielo- question, about additional info for codemirror plugins ... general discussion.">>
<<topic "1:11:30" ".. about the existing codemirror key bindings at the tw5 repo">>
<<topic "1:15:25" "Arlen: question about outstanding pull requests. 'new tiddler with a skeleton template' ... These pull request actually require changes in the TW core.">>
<<topic "1:23:35" "- pause -">>
<<topic "1:25:20" "Jeremy- discussion with Arlen ...">>
<<topic "1:28:35" "Jeremy- any questions or comments.">>
<<topic "1:29:30" "Jeremy- about TW usage ...">>
<<topic "1:29:55" "Mario- What about a hangout to 'shorten the issue list'? ... some discussion">>
<<topic "1:38:10" "Bye! Bye!">>
\define hangout() 045
<<topic "0:00:00" "Intro: frtl: Jeremy, Mario, Nathan, Ton">>
<<topic "0:01:10" "Jeremy- Ton, How did you find the update process to 5.0.10?">>
<<topic "0:02:55" "Jeremy- the agenda - TW talk at lnug - issue review">>
<<topic "0:03:44" "Jeremy- about the TW presentation wiht TW - new full screen theme - 'Punch'">>
<<topic "0:08:35" "Jeremy- The presentation itself.">>
<<topic "0:08:40" "- What is TiddlyWiki?">>
<<topic "0:09:02" "- What Problem Does TiddlyWiki Solve?">>
<<topic "0:12:10" "- TiddlyWiki User Experience">>
<<topic "0:13:08" "- More Features">>
<<topic "0:13:54" "- Demo of Single File Edition">>
<<topic "0:14:45" "- TiddlyWiki Rendering Pipeline">>
<<topic "0:17:18" "- Running on the Browser and Node.js">>
<<topic "0:18:25" "- Running TiddlyWiki Under Node.js">>
<<topic "0:19:00" "- TiddlyWiki Server Synchronisation">>
<<topic "0:23:19" "- Enter node-webkit and TiddlyDesktop">>
<<topic "0:31:24" "- Using TiddlyWiki as a Library">>
<<topic "0:32:10" "Mario- is there a link? tiddlywiki(.)com/talkytalky">>
<<topic "0:33:05" "Jeremy- about the new diagrams ..">>
<<topic "0:34:40" "Mario- did you modify the diagrams in an editor">>
<<topic "0:35:00" "If you are not intereste in the issue list you may jump to 1:55:13 'The new TW command line build system'">>
<<topic "0:36:25" ".. The issue list">>
<<topic "0:37:10" "the bug list #47 Back button doesn't work as expected">>
<<topic "0:38:50" "#95 Tables use obsolete align attribute">>
<<topic "0:42:26" "#116 The savetiddlers command generates filenames with %20 for spaces .. wontfix">>
<<topic "0:47:55" "... about punycode">>
<<topic "0:51:15" "#116 wontfix .. because we can't fix it at the moment.">>
<<topic "0:53:30" "#118 Scrolling in the story river.">>
<<topic "0:56:59" "#177 Drag and drop fails with some cross-browser combinations">>
<<topic "0:58:19" "#202 Exclude popup state tiddlers when saving wiki as a single file">>
<<topic "1:04:04" "#222 Background in HTML5 Fullscreen with no tiddlers open too small">>
<<topic "1:05:07" "#224 $edit-text widget loses focus during refresh">>
<<topic "1:09:58" "#238 JSON deserialiser doesn't import custom fields">>
<<topic "1:10:14" "#243 Zoomin view order is odd when closing tiddlers">>
<<topic "1:10:59" "#262 Clarify usage of text reference">>
<<topic "1:12:26" "#274 Download buttons don't work in internet explorer 11">>
<<topic "1:14:46" "#282 FF tiddler toolbar moves to the left in a 'jumpy' way">>
<<topic "1:17:33" "#323 Don't persist $:/HistoryList">>
<<topic "1:19:53" "#347 Intermittent lock-up of server edition, preventing further tiddler saves">>
<<topic "1:20:46" "#365 Rapid refreshing in browser crashes the server">>
<<topic "1:23:57" "#379 favicons don't work in ie11">>
<<topic "1:24:31" "#409 filters behave differently when used in list widget and { { { transclusion">>
<<topic "1:25:40" "#495 TiddlyIE failing because window.TiddlyIE.save() is undefined">>
<<topic "1:26:14" "#541 'dependents' field in plugins is mis-named">>
<<topic "1:28:02" "#582 CodeMirror plugin doesn't refresh correctly">>
<<topic "1:28:35" "- - -">>
<<topic "1:29:41" "new features">>
<<topic "1:30:22" "#47, #86 'new here' toolbar button">>
<<topic "1:32:16" "#131 copy and paste tiddler as JSON .. the plugin mechanism can be used for this">>
<<topic "1:34:22" "#141 Feature request: colored icons in edit toolbar">>
<<topic "1:37:45" "#143 Use keyboard down key to go to AutoComplete popup">>
<<topic "1:37:56" "#144 Feature to consider: Sidebar scrolling limiting to tabs">>
<<topic "1:44:37" "#170 hide most edittemplate items in a slider or tab see: #506">>
<<topic "1:47:40" "#188 Allow tilder to be used to suppress any wikitext rule">>
<<topic "1:48:30" "#190 It should be possible to display fields in local time">>
<<topic "1:48:34" "#192 Extend link widget to link to a filtered list">>
<<topic "1:50:00" "#196 Renaming a tiddler break links, the user should be warned at least">>
<<topic "1:50:07" "#198 Extend checkbox widget to user fieldmangler widget">>
<<topic "1:50:15" "#209 Add global 'list' macro">>
<<topic "1:50:36" "#235 Table Block-mode syntax proposal (followup hangout#23)">>
<<topic "1:51:15" "#253 floating tiddlers - pause the 'features' review">>
<<topic "1:54:00" "- - some reflection">>
<<topic "1:54:30" "about 'refactoring' tag">>
<<topic "1:55:13" "Jeremy- The new TW command line build system - some breaking changes">>
<<topic "2:06:24" "question for Nathan about #390 Should wiki and plugin folders be described by package.json">>
<<topic "2:08:20" "Bye! Bye!'">>
\define hangout() 046
<<topic "0:00:00" "Intro: frtl: Eric, Nathen, Jeremy">>
<<topic "0:00:50" "Jeremy- What's new in 5.0.11">>
<<topic "0:01:45" "Jeremy- The new URL permaview, permalink behaviour, browser 'back button' works now!">>
<<topic "0:04:40" "Jeremy- the browser history ... what should be the default settings.">>
<<topic "0:08:24" "Jeremy- Make vertical tabs reusable.">>
<<topic "0:11:00" "Jeremy- New 'before', 'after' filter operators. for 'next' and 'previous' buttons.">>
<<topic "0:12:23" "Jeremy- about Atom editor and some glitches it introduces.">>
<<topic "0:13:50" "Jeremy- new syntax for single line config / status tiddlers">>
<<topic "0:14:20" "Jeremy- add the external links syntax ...">>
<<topic "0:15:07" "Jeremy- about the changes to startup.js ... it's several modules now, handling dependencies">>
<<topic "0:21:00" "discussion about code / starup ordering">>
<<topic "0:22:34" "Jeremy- Optimizing the widget update performance.">>
<<topic "0:24:10" "Jeremy- The permalink URL scheme">>
<<topic "0:25:50" "Jeremy- .. about safe mode .. TWc paramifiers">>
<<topic "0:30:35" "Jeremy- short sumary ... Whishlist recap">>
<<topic "0:33:15" "Jeremy- TiddlyFox will get a backup function">>
<<topic "0:34:00" "Jeremy- What can we do to promote TW.">>
<<topic "0:34:45" "Jeremy- tagesanzeiger(.)ch has an article about TW.">>
<<topic "0:40:15" "Nathan- about the common-js require mechanism .. server side imoprovements">>
<<topic "0:48:05" "Jeremy">>
<<topic "0:49:00" "Bye! Bye!">>
\define hangout() 047
<<topic "0:00:00" "Intro frtl: Jeremy, Mario, Paul, Stephan">>
<<topic "0:02:10" "Jeremy- Paul .. anything to share with the community? ... using TWc with tablets">>
<<topic "0:13:37" "Danielo joined">>
<<topic "0:13:53" "Jeremy- the agenda">>
<<topic "0:14:40" "Jeremy- the parsing mechanism needs some refactoring">>
<<topic "0:15:50" "Jeremy- GFM ... line break handling">>
<<topic "0:18:08" "Jeremy- global macros">>
<<topic "0:20:25" "Jeremy- anything else ... ? Stephan & Mario ... Environment variables issue at github">>
<<topic "0:22:50" "Ton joined">>
<<topic "0:23:30" "Danielo- hi!">>
<<topic "0:23:50" "Danielo- What's the usecase for the environment variables?">>
<<topic "0:29:44" "Jeremy- IreneKnapp's ticket about multi-users with tiddlyspot">>
<<topic "0:39:35" "Jeremy- How do you like the new 'permaview' behaviour.">>
<<topic "0:53:50" "Jeremy- ... new issue ... vertical tabs don't work">>
<<topic "0:55:45" "Danielo- question about node, node-webkit, TiddlyDesktop">>
<<topic "0:59:40" "Jeremy- about integrating VexTab ...">>
<<topic "1:03:10" "Danielo- question about importing 3rd party libraries into TW">>
<<topic "1:04:25" "Jeremy- about 3rd party libs. ...">>
<<topic "1:10:50" "Jeremy- any other topics? ... Danielo .. who to use jquery">>
<<topic "1:24:00" "... difficulties using jquery wiht TW. ...">>
<<topic "1:25:45" "Jeremy- About the TW article in a swiss newspaper ... TW philosophy in general">>
<<topic "1:28:50" "Jeremy- about 'independent technology' and the 'no backend' movement ...">>
<<topic "1:34:35" "... Bye! Bye'">>
\define hangout() 048
<<topic "0:00:00" "Intro- frtl: Dave, Jeremy, Stephan, Ton">>
<<topic "0:02:00" "Dave- shares some new experiments .. notes templates, todo's ... creating tiddler hirachies">>
<<topic "0:05:55" "Jeremy- about Dave's navigation buttons, ... some discussion about the interface">>
<<topic "0:08:30" "Dave- shows his 'tabbed interface' ... table of contents ... improved search">>
<<topic "0:10:45" "Jeremy- about TW as an IDE?!">>
<<topic "0:11:55" "Jeremy- about more svg icons, ... help requested!">>
<<topic "0:13:12" "Jeremy- 3rd party plugins, from 'JSXGraph Widget'">>
<<topic "0:18:20" "Mario- intro: hi!">>
<<topic "0:18:55" "Jeremy- about Danielo's plugins .. context search plugin">>
<<topic "0:21:15" "Jeremy- question from Stephan: Is there a widget guideline?">>
<<topic "0:24:17" "Mario- about tiddlywiki.org .. and docs">>
<<topic "0:25:38" "Jeremy- recent changes in 5.0.13 ... the new 'select widget' ...">>
<<topic "0:29:42" "Mario- can you show the content of the 'select target tiddler'">>
<<topic "0:32:52" "dicussion with Stephan about his usecase. ... a select widget should be able to enumerate the content of a data-tiddler">>
<<topic "0:34:25" "About the ControlPanel: Advanced tab ... discussion about 'hidden and visible configuration' with mario">>
<<topic "0:29:50" "Jeremy- tiddler types with the select widget ... intro and some tweaking ...">>
<<topic "0:46:18" "Jeremy- about html5 'combo box control'">>
<<topic "0:47:15" "Jeremy- about the tiddler layout refactoring and the select widget 'grayed out text'">>
<<topic "0:48:30" "Jeremy- tweaks to the 'permalink' behaviour + discussion about 'user problems'">>
<<topic "0:54:37" "Jeremy- Escape as shortcut is back">>
<<topic "0:55:35" "Mario- Idea about a 'notification mechanism for new functions' ...">>
<<topic "0:57:40" "Jeremy- about the update process, upgrade widget">>
<<topic "0:58:56" "Jeremy- is speaking at a company conference in germany ...">>
<<topic "1:01:15" "Jeremy- things to do in the next version, tiddlyspot as a plugin,">>
<<topic "1:05:53" "any questions - no">>
<<topic "1:06:00" "Jeremy- tiddlywiki(.)com documentation should be updated independently to the TW version">>
<<topic "1:07:45" "Jeremy- about VaxTab ... there are licensing problems">>
<<topic "1:09:04" "Jeremy- about the Indie Tech Manifesto / Summit">>
<<topic "1:14:11" "CSS print question from Dave">>
<<topic "1:20:11" "Jeremy- .. New feature - horizontal tabs ... can handle looooong titles">>
<<topic "1:24:35" "Jeremy- about the flex box layout for the whole tw page (in the future) ...">>
<<topic "1:31:55" "Jeremy- about the problem with FireFox and the toolbar buttons. ..">>
<<topic "1:35:10" "Mario- Some more feedback from IE users?">>
<<topic "1:37:13" "Jeremy- was playing with IOS 8 .. and Safari WebGL support.">>
<<topic "1:41:21" "Mario- Have you seen famo(.)us?">>
<<topic "1:46:00" "Jeremy- Apple's new language 'swift'">>
<<topic "1:49:25" "Mario- How does swift affect TW? ... Jeremy- about a CLI for TW.">>
<<topic "1:52:14" "Dave- Will entering the search string be more performant in the future - again?">>
<<topic "1:58:10" "Bye! Bye!">>
\define hangout() 049
<<topic "0:00:00" "Intro- frtl: Jerem, Mario, Stephan, Ton">>
<<topic "0:01:27" "The most recent changes">>
<<topic "0:02:05" "Jeremy's ToDo notes">>
<<topic "0:03:39" "Jeremy- NEW external image support ... _cannonical_uri">>
<<topic "0:10:30" "about the implementation (techy :)">>
<<topic "0:12:35" "Mario- Is it possible to create this kind of tiddler by hand? New tiddler?">>
<<topic "0:17:45" "Mario- The image tiddler transclusion works ... yes!">>
<<topic "0:18:57" "Jeremy and Mario about youtube links and the time stamp handling ...">>
<<topic "0:19:19" "Mario- about the annotation timestamps ...">>
<<topic "0:19:41" "Jeremy- about Mario writing annotations about the discussion about annotations ...">>
<<topic "0:20:02" "Jeremy-">>
<<topic "0:20:10" "Nathan joined">>
<<topic "0:20:31" "Jeremy- about the parsers implementations.">>
<<topic "0:25:40" "Jeremy- how the _cannonical_uri influents the EditTemplates">>
<<topic "0:28:00" "Jeremy- new CLI savetiddler command to save / create external image tiddlers">>
<<topic "0:31:38" "Jeremy- The 'old' tiddler type dropdown is back.">>
<<topic "0:32:45" "Jeremy- some documentation updates">>
<<topic "0:33:15" "Nathan ?">>
<<topic "0:33:37" "Jeremy- What's next for">>
<<topic "0:33:53" "Ton- about the external image functions ... are thumbnails possible?">>
<<topic "0:36:58" "Jeremy- about extended image presentations functions.">>
<<topic "0:41:10" "Jeremy- about fixing up the relative date widget.">>
<<topic "0:46:45" "Nathan- templated image links would be cool">>
<<topic "0:47:38" "Jeremy- thinks we need tools to visualize the parse- and render-tree (for devs)">>
<<topic "0:50:45" "Jeremy- about the creation of talky-talky ..">>
<<topic "0:52:20" "Intro Danielo">>
<<topic "0:53:00" "Danielo- has some proposals">>
<<topic "0:53:20" "TiddlyWiki Desktop should be listed on the Node WebKit project page">>
<<topic "0:57:50" "Danielo- proposal to 'track tiddler usage data' eg: how often a tiddler was viewed">>
<<topic "1:03:00" "Jeremy / Danielo- about tiddler syncing / import mechanism (new plugin)">>
<<topic "1:03:54" "Danielo requests some plugin management functions in the ControlPanel">>
<<topic "1:06:20" "Danielo would like to have a 'save as' button somewhere.">>
<<topic "1:09:50" "Mario- about the problem in FireFox with 'save as' UUID name. May be the TiddlyFox backups handling should do it.">>
<<topic "1:12:52" "Danielo- would like to have a dropdown list for fields similar to tags input box">>
<<topic "1:17:10" "Danielo shows his new 'import / sync' plugin. (some screen share problems)">>
<<topic "1:19:50" "D. back-">>
<<topic "1:24:25" "Danielo- shows how he changed the code. ... Discussion about sync and import">>
<<topic "1:29:50" "... Mario- suggests 3 different import reports ... Jeremy, Danielo, Nathan, Mario discussion about the workflow ...">>
<<topic "1:47:10" "Jeremy- about a sync command line option ... shows some code, where Danielo could start">>
<<topic "2:03:20" "Jeremy- shows how to inspect code with the 'debugger' option ... discussion about syncing">>
<<topic "2:13:00" "Bye! Bye!">>
\define hangout() 050
<<topic "0:00:00" "Intro: Jeremy, Stephan, Mario (later)" >>
<<topic "0:00:40" "What's new .. accessibility + discussion" >>
<<topic "0:08:42" "Mario joined ... intro" >>
<<topic "0:10:12" "back to the accessibility discussion. ... page title is an h1 now. tiddler title is h2 now. How do others do it." >>
<<topic "0:16:10" "Nathan joined" >>
<<topic "0:17:10" "Jeremy- NEW: state tiddlers are not saved anymore, which should fix some strange UI behaviour for new users" >>
<<topic "0:21:19" "Mario- The TiddlyIE extension didn't work with IE11" >>
<<topic "0:22:38" "Jeremy- NEW: external images functions should be finished now" >>
<<topic "0:24:00" "Jeremy- new 'build' command options in the tiddlywiki .info file" >>
<<topic "0:24:50" "Jeremy- external links for html-tiddlers can be included as iframes now." >>
<<topic "0:29:28" "copy / paste html fragments also inlcude an iframe" >>
<<topic "0:31:40" "Jeremy- there should be a possibility to handle 'semless iframes'" >>
<<topic "0:32:23" "Jeremy- NEW: extending the server path, for better route handling." >>
<<topic "0:34:32" "Jeremy- NEW: global macros work now" >>
<<topic "0:40:08" "Nathan- Does it scope macros?" >>
<<topic "0:41:32" "Jeremy- is working on the 'Environment Variables' ticket atm." >>
<<topic "0:42:10" "Jeremy- What's next .. (modifying the roadmap tiddler :)" >>
<<topic "0:42:47" "Stephan- missed the 'Environment Variables' info" >>
<<topic "0:44:35" "... skimming the issue list" >>
<<topic "0:45:01" "Stephan- What about the 'new filters' proposal issue?" >>
<<topic "0:47:20" "Jeremy- what needs to be done ... backups, upgrade wizard" >>
<<topic "0:51:20" "Danielo joined" >>
<<topic "0:52:00" "... about the upgrade process" >>
<<topic "0:53:15" "Jeremy / Danielo issue with codemirror ... discussion (problem with the hangout focus)" >>
<<topic "1:02:55" "Jeremy- Let's talk about the future" >>
<<topic "1:05:14" "Jeremy- want's to make a hirachical table of content (widgets/template/global macros)" >>
<<topic "1:06:24" "Danielo-? (sry I can't understand the question - jeremy did - something with external plugins)" >>
<<topic "1:07:30" "Jeremy- a concept picture about library handling ( ( (Core) Core Library) 3rd party Libraris)" >>
<<topic "1:14:00" "... we want to solve the 'orphan plugins' problem ..." >>
<<topic "1:18:35" "Mario- sees the central repository as the 'stable branch'" >>
<<topic "1:20:25" "Jeremy- ... more details (about the workflow)" >>
<<topic "1:27:05" "... how others do there plugin management (doku-wiki, atom, brackets)" >>
<<topic "1:33:24" "Danielo- has a new 'import plugin' ... (some problems with screen sharing)" >>
<<topic "1:35:51" "... jeremy back online" >>
<<topic "1:40:25" "Jeremy / Danielo- discussion about the implementation and Jeremy's point of view (ideas)" >>
<<topic "1:47:15" "Jeremy- ... 'philosophical' discussion about open source and the TW project and plugin mechanism." >>
<<topic "1:56:35" "Jeremy- about TW language contributions" >>
<<topic "1:59:20" "Bye! Bye!" >>
\define hangout() 051
<<topic "0:00:00" "Intro: frtl: Jeremy, Mario, Nathan, Stephan" >>
<<topic "0:01:00" "Nathan- How could we extend the batch build syntax to support interpreting arbitrary environment variables? It seems like the obvious $ENVVAR might not be so great for us!" >>
<<topic "0:02:03" "Jeremy- info about the tiddlywiki.info file" >>
<<topic "0:04:35" "Jeremy- about XDI format at wikipedia" >>
<<topic "0:15:05" "Nathan- info about his usecase" >>
<<topic "0:16:06" "Stephan- Now that we have the environment varibles I think it should be possible to have the content of my tiddlystuff.tiddlyspot.com in a git repository without this being a fork of tiddlywiki, right? What do I need to do?" >>
<<topic "0:23:50" "Stephan- tables generated by an 'R' script. Is it possible to import a big file containing many tiddlers, atm?" >>
<<topic "0:31:55" "Nathan- Suggests an import mechanism based on a (drag and drop) tiddlywiki.info file." >>
<<topic "0:35:04" "Jeremy- Question from Michael on the google group, about styling of individual tiddlers based on there tag." >>
<<topic "0:35:34" "... Jeremy demoes the 'Talky Talky' TW theme, that does modify the tiddler background." >>
<<topic "0:40:35" "Stephan- Idea about 'ViewTemplate and EditTemplate' see: groups. google. com/d/msg/tiddlywikidev/aqmRkhNd1KA/_wIEkDIT2o0J" >>
<<topic "0:41:50" "Jeremy- about recent changes to the core core/ui/ViewTemplate importing variables to set some styles. (for TW 5.0.14 beta)" >>
<<topic "0:49:40" "Jeremy- about the reuse of the imporvariables mechanism." >>
<<topic "0:50:25" "Nathan- .. bounty for a 'macro/ var import/ transclusion turing machine :)" >>
<<topic "0:51:20" "Nathna/Jeremy- about the ControlPanel- Editor maping configuration for different content types." >>
<<topic "0:56:10" "Mario- about the Mozilla Web-IDE now uses CodeMirror." >>
<<topic "0:58:12" "Mario- Would like to have a look at the RoadMap" >>
<<topic "1:00:30" "Mario- What's about the Github flavored markdown ... line break" >>
<<topic "1:05:30" "Jeremy- about better ARIA support." >>
<<topic "1:06:25" "Nathan- Mario .. are you still playing with the TW cloud stuff? Vagrant? ... docker?!" >>
<<topic "1:12:20" "Mario/Nathan- about the TiddlyWeb adaptor for TiddlyWiki and the TW backend" >>
<<topic "1:13:40" "Jeremy- About TW with and without a backend. TW can have any server." >>
<<topic "1:14:55" "Danielo joined ... about keyboard shortcuts. ..." >>
<<topic "1:17:47" "Danielo- about external images ... Are there planes to handle external tiddlers?" >>
<<topic "1:21:15" "Danielo- How to save external tiddlers ..." >>
<<topic "1:24:05" "Jeremy- about the next steps. .." >>
<<topic "1:25:03" "... Bye! Bye!" >>
\define hangout() 052
<<topic "0:00:00" "Intro frtl: Jeremy, Nathan, Ton" >>
<<topic "0:01:12" "Ton- Is it possible to use bookmarklets in TiddlyDesktop?" >>
<<topic "0:03:30" "Jeremy- shows TiddlyDesktop .. could support bookmarklets ... but's not there atm" >>
<<topic "0:06:06" "Jeremy- requests help and invites developers to join TiddlyDesktop development or even take it over." >>
<<topic "0:10:24" "Ton- Is there a chance that the ticket 192 (Extend link widget to link to a filtered list) will be implemented." >>
<<topic "0:15:40" "Jeremy- about a talk at InnoQ a german cunsulting company. (slides at tiddlywiki. com/talkytalky)" >>
<<topic "0:17:40" ".. 'The Nature of TiddlyWiki' - 'It's tiddlers all the way down!'" >>
<<topic "0:18:25" ".. 'History'" >>
<<topic "0:18:42" ".. 'What is TiddlyWiki?'" >>
<<topic "0:19:44" ".. 'Features'" >>
<<topic "0:20:04" ".. 'How TiddlyWiki Saves Changes'" >>
<<topic "0:21:32" ".. 'Saving with TiddlyFox'" >>
<<topic "0:21:43" ".. 'Saving with TiddlyTesktop'" >>
<<topic "0:21:46" ".. 'Saving on iPad/iPhone'" >>
<<topic "0:21:55" ".. 'Demo of Single File Edition'" >>
<<topic "0:22:38" ".. 'Task Management Demo'" >>
<<topic "0:23:11" ".. 'Customisation via System Tags'" >>
<<topic "0:23:37" ".. 'Serverless FTW!'" >>
<<topic "0:24:53" ".. 'Duality of TiddlyWiki'" >>
<<topic "0:27:06" ".. 'Everything is a Tiddler'" >>
<<topic "0:27:35" ".. 'TiddlyWiki Rendering Pipeline'" >>
<<topic "0:28:40" ".. 'User Interface State'" >>
<<topic "0:29:33" ".. 'Running TiddlyWiki Under Node.js'" >>
<<topic "0:29:49" ".. 'Static Site Generation'" >>
<<topic "0:30:09" ".. 'TiddlyWiki Sever Synchronisation'" >>
<<topic "0:30:52" ".. 'Usint TiddlyWiki as a library'" >>
<<topic "0:31:25" ".. '10 Years of TiddlyWiki'" >>
<<topic "0:39:31" ".. 'Shout-outs'" >>
<<topic "0:39:46" ".. 'Thank You' ... some discussion" >>
<<topic "0:41:49" "Jeremy about taking part in the 'Indie Tech Summit' in Brighton" >>
<<topic "0:44:22" "Jeremy- about 'The IndieWeb' and owning your own data" >>
<<topic "0:46:25" ".. web page 'Interview with Dr. Richard Stallman' at cointelegraph. com" >>
<<topic "0:48:32" "Nathan- The master branch has about 4000 commits" >>
<<topic "0:50:05" "Jeremy- A discussion about 'drag and drop' and import with screen readers. Shows the code how it could be done (highly techy stuff follows)" >>
<<topic "1:10:40" "Bye! Bye!" >>
\define hangout() 053
<<topic "0:00:00" "Intro: frtl: Eric, Jeremy, Nathan, Ton" >>
<<topic "0:01:58" "Paolo- small inconsistency: in the 'Tag Manager', when I choose a colour by html name, the horizontal colour stripe remains black, instead of reflecting the selected colour. Same problem when editing the tiddler of the tag" >>
<<topic "0:17:40" "mindprism- How do I get an invite to the hangout?" >>
<<topic "0:23:03" "mindprism- wants to show stuff" >>
<<topic "0:23:22" "mindprism- about the color picker" >>
<<topic "0:23:39" "Paolo- tiny suggestions on how to choose a tag from the drop-down list: after activating the tags' list, it would be useful to be able to select the tag with the up-and-down keys (instead of using the mouse). Now, the tab+enter keys also work but requires many" >>
<<topic "0:32:21" "minprism- There is another issue with that tag menu — when it is contained in a div that has overflow:scroll or overflow hidden, it can be clipped to the container — it needs to be elevated in the dom." >>
<<topic "0:40:30" "mindprism- Can you post that join like please?" >>
<<topic "0:41:00" "mindprism- There is no css solution for that, the inner div will always be clipped." >>
<<topic "0:41:15" "Ton- Tagging a tiddler with a 'system' tag adds the tiddler as a tab, button, part, filter, macro, etc. But at the moment I don't see any practical use for $:/tags/Image. Is there practical use or is this tag only for 'internal' use?" >>
<<topic "0:43:47" "Matabele- gwiz.tiddlyspot. com about stacking widgets around the button widget." >>
<<topic "0:47:20" "Mark joined (aka mindprism)" >>
<<topic "0:49:15" "... Jeremy about wikitext used to build the UI .." >>
<<topic "0:50:44" "Jeremy- back to Matabele's widget stacking approach" >>
<<topic "0:51:28" "Jeremy- Richer Message Parameters for buttons and widgets in general" >>
<<topic "0:55:25" ".. about the 'stories' selector .. storiy becomes an entity" >>
<<topic "0:57:10" "Jeremy- what's new .." >>
<<topic "0:57:50" ".. The release tiddler was 'awful'" >>
<<topic "0:58:43" ".. the tabs macro has to be improved" >>
<<topic "0:59:28" "Eric- making something similar to the 'tags grid' ?!" >>
<<topic "1:00:15" "Jeremy- How to customize the 'story river'. .. Make tiddlywiki. com a 'more common' page" >>
<<topic "1:05:38" "Jeremy- There's a new theme tweak ... the sidebar breakpoint .. splitting TW settings into seperate tiddlers." >>
<<topic "1:07:48" "Jeremy- fixing some bugs ... HistoryList not saved anymore" >>
<<topic "1:08:56" "Jeremy- improving the animations .." >>
<<topic "1:09:57" "Jeremy- about the 'Indie Tech Summit' by Aral Balkan" >>
<<topic "1:10:50" ".. The 'Indie Tech Manifesto' ... One question is: 'How to creat a new business model'?" >>
<<topic "1:14:30" ".. about 'federated tools' .. and there UI" >>
<<topic "1:17:33" ".. TalkyTalky Shout-outs" >>
<<topic "1:21:12" ".. about the manifesto" >>
<<topic "1:23:26" "Mark has some demos." >>
<<topic "1:25:40" ".. screensharing is working .. make it keyboard accessible .. very interesting UI .. especially the tag input" >>
<<topic "1:44:30" "Jeremy- feedback .." >>
<<topic "1:46:45" "Jeremy- How many different wikis do you use? some general discussion about a 'killer app' .. about contribution" >>
<<topic "1:52:35" "Mark- Does tiddlyspot save the whole file everytime? yes. How do I host my own version?" >>
<<topic "1:54:00" "Mark- What is the largest, in megabytes, TW you've seen?" >>
<<topic "1:56:25" "Jeremy- Short summary for Mark" >>
<<topic "1:58:12" "Bye! Bye!" >>
\define hangout() 054
<<topic "0:00:00" "Intro frtl: Dave, Eddie, Mark, Ton" >>
<<topic "0:02:50" "Branemir- With the new address bar behviour (current story sequence), it becomes hard to refresh a wiki. Whats about a Home button. Or the Title may be a home link? General discussion about the URL refresh behaviour." >>
<<topic "0:10:07" "Mark- Have you considered to switch on/off 'advanced menue' features" >>
<<topic "0:12:15" "Jeremy- Shows Ton's page as an example for extended menu icons." >>
<<topic "0:15:00" "Jeremy- Shows TW's customization possibilities" >>
<<topic "0:16:15" "Jeremy- points to tw5.scholars. com custom TW from Alberto ... especially the automatic TOC (table of content)" >>
<<topic "0:21:43" "Jeremy- The remaining work that 'needs' to be done ... 'The update process' ... and 'road blockers'" >>
<<topic "0:24:10" "Jeremy- Shows the 'new' upgrade / import process. (TODO video / no network traffic)" >>
<<topic "0:27:47" ".. Upgrade: behind the curtain. .. new upgrade plugin" >>
<<topic "0:30:15" ".. import process details ... custom fields ... The import tiddler itself is a 'temporary plugin'" >>
<<topic "0:33:24" "Jeremy- The same approach (0:24:10) will be used for search / replace" >>
<<topic "0:34:10" "Jeremy- A new type of module is introduced to the core. Techy details!" >>
<<topic "0:37:47" ".. example how upgraders could deal with eg: tags/stylesheet" >>
<<topic "0:39:10" "Mario joined, Charlie joined" >>
<<topic "0:39:55" "Eddie- How do I get WYSIWYG text into TW?" >>
<<topic "0:40:17" "Jeremy- shows Charly's docs for the Forth language for a PET" >>
<<topic "0:41:50" "back to the upgrade process. .. The upgrade UI .. techy" >>
<<topic "0:45:08" "Chris joined .. 10 users ... max reached" >>
<<topic "0:46:40" "Eddie ... WYSYWIG plain text ... poetry" >>
<<topic "0:50:35" "Mark- What needs to be done to deal with SVG files in different ways? SVG as an image. SVG as part of the TW layout. SVG edited with a text editor." >>
<<topic "1:00:59" "Charly- Still struggling with automatic style sheets and automatic wikitext links." >>
<<topic "1:08:55" "Mark- Editing a tiddler updates the display with every keystroke. How to disable this behaviour?" >>
<<topic "1:13:22" "Charly's screenshare ... techy techy .." >>
<<topic "1:19:32" "Jeremy- How to modify themes ... techy discussion" >>
<<topic "1:28:10" "Jeremy- about file names and tiddler names in 'creating TW'" >>
<<topic "1:39:12" "Dave- what's new .. how to deal with bookmarks ... tidmarks" >>
<<topic "1:47:10" "Jeremy- about fargo. io ... outliner ... and its relation to TW" >>
<<topic "1:51:40" "... discussion about 'TiddlySnip' for TW5 ... part of TiddlyFox and TiddlyDesktop" >>
<<topic "1:53:40" "Dave- What will be next? ... upgrade ... RoadMap" >>
<<topic "1:56:52" "Dave- Will you do some more promotion! ... screen casts" >>
<<topic "1:57:54" "Charly- issue with tiddler title with sqare backets .. its an open question" >>
<<topic "2:02:45" "Bye! Bye!" >>
\define hangout() 055
<<topic "0:00:00" "Intro frtl: Branemir, Jeremy, Mario, Nathan" >>
<<topic "0:01:45" "Hangout Roadmap" >>
<<topic "0:02:08" "Jeremy- New behaviour for the 'automatic permalink' ... permalinking is off by default - feedback is welcome!" >>
<<topic "0:05:30" "Mario- likes the new behaviour. ... Is there a possibility for 'permlink -buttons'? .. yes" >>
<<topic "0:06:35" "Jeremy- Should 'empty.html' have the same behaviour?" >>
<<topic "0:07:50" "Nathan- The core and tiddlywiki. com should have the same initial behaviour" >>
<<topic "0:08:41" "Nathan- likes the possibility to share the 'whole story'" >>
<<topic "0:10:40" "Jeremy- shows a TW adaptation that uses 'story links'" >>
<<topic "0:11:35" "Mario- There should be a possibility to 'permalink a search result'" >>
<<topic "0:12:00" "Jeremy- about 'TWc parmifiers' ... He doesn't want to have paramifiers again, because of security concerns" >>
<<topic "0:14:19" "Jeremy- ... getting the update wizard finished. Changes to the theme tweak handling" >>
<<topic "0:18:44" "Jeremy- shows the 'upgrader' plugin, that creates the 'special' theme handeling" >>
<<topic "0:21:37" "Jeremy- (How) Should we deprecate known incompatible plugins?" >>
<<topic "0:24:54" "Jeremy- Changes to the TW frontpage" >>
<<topic "0:27:45" "Jeremy- GettingStarted detects the plattform and provides information acordingly" >>
<<topic "0:29:53" "Jeremy- about the Features tiddler" >>
<<topic "0:30:16" "Mario- likes the TalkyTalky Features list .." >>
<<topic "0:31:15" "Jeremy- about changes for the Community tiddler" >>
<<topic "0:32:40" "Jeremy- The beta ribbon is a 'Find my on GitHub' ribbon now" >>
<<topic "0:36:00" "Jeremy- about the 'browser sniffing' mechanism and new system tiddlers" >>
<<topic "0:39:57" "Jeremy- new tiddlywiki.info parameter to specify the 'save location' for new tiddlers (server edition)" >>
<<topic "0:41:15" "Jeremy- 'must have's' for end of beta" >>
<<topic "0:43:00" ".. about handling <ctrl>+s" >>
<<topic "0:43:48" "Mark joined the hangout" >>
<<topic "0:44:30" "Mario- discussion about FontAwesome and BlackTie icon fonts. ..." >>
<<topic "0:51:33" "Jeremy- about FlexBox for the Community tiddler and the main layout" >>
<<topic "0:53:35" "Jeremy- about translations ... getting notified if translations are needed" >>
<<topic "0:59:10" "Mario- question: would it be possible to have promise based ajax functions" >>
<<topic "1:07:00" "Jeremy- about 'Analysis and documentation of a single page application based on TiddlyWiki' Mater Thesis ..." >>
<<topic "1:17:50" "Jeremy- The developer docs should get there own repo" >>
<<topic "1:19:34" "Mario- What's about your plans to have tiddlywikik frontpage similar to a 'normal' product page." >>
<<topic "1:22:00" "... about the RoadMap" >>
<<topic "1:23:58" "Nathan- What's the easiest way for a small group of users to start using TW ... in a role related workflow. ... TiddlyWeb - Tank" >>
<<topic "1:28:20" ".. about the TW nodejs server and TiddlyWeb - TW5 compatibility" >>
<<topic "1:35:36" "Nathan- about the envisioned usecase" >>
<<topic "1:36:35" "Jeremy- about CouchDB .. couch apps" >>
<<topic "1:41:45" "Jeremy- about SpiderOak and the Crypton project, which would fit to TW" >>
<<topic "1:46:02" "Jeremy- ... TWc chart on google trends" >>
<<topic "1:48:10" "Bye! Bye!" >>
\define hangout() 056
<<topic "0:00:00" "Intro: frtl: Branemir, Jeremy, Mario, Nathan, Ton" >>
<<topic "0:01:51" "Jeremy- Latest changes for 5.0.14 - New Tiddler Info tab," >>
<<topic "0:03:10" ".. Toolbar button configuration in Control Panel" >>
<<topic "0:09:50" "Control Panel: Advanced Settings .. icons + text settings .. discussion about the info button .. discussion about the default UI" >>
<<topic "0:14:58" "Branemir- likes double click to select text and not open the tiddler in edit mode." >>
<<topic "0:15:23" "Jeremy- discussion about the default drag and drop behaviour." >>
<<topic "0:16:58" "Branemir- Should 'story river' be added as a 'Concept' in the docs (and be explained)? There is a StoryView tiddler but it is not defined." >>
<<topic "0:18:15" "Branemir- What are the possibilities for printing in TiddlyWiki, i.e. printing a story river? What about making a tiddler a page?" >>
<<topic "0:27:36" "Branemir- What would be a useful usecase for list-before and list-after fields? What should be put in these fields?" >>
<<topic "0:34:15" "Branemir- What do you think about a new WidgetMessage like tw-reaload or tw-refresh?" >>
<<topic "0:39:29" "Branemir- Will there be a 'renaming tags' functionality for the stable version?" >>
<<topic "0:42:20" "Branemir- Drag&Drop an image from a website or another browser creates a tiddler with the link to that image. Can TW be modified so that an image tiddler is created instead?" >>
<<topic "0:46:20" ".. using the _cannonical_uri field .. imaged, image links ..." >>
<<topic "0:51:10" "Jeremy- some code review about drag and drop 'browser data'" >>
<<topic "0:53:00" "Jeremy- new 'widget functionality' Variable operands for filters." >>
<<topic "0:54:30" "Jeremy- about improved documentation from Steven ... some more dev docs ..." >>
<<topic "0:58:35" "Jeremy- about new TW usecases and users questions, that come up. ... about install in nodejs ..." >>
<<topic "1:00:40" "Jeremy- about possible future functions for TiddlyDesktop" >>
<<topic "1:02:07" "Alex joined ..." >>
<<topic "1:03:45" "Nathan- About usability questions. 'linear flow of documentation is missing' ... about the 'documentation mission'" >>
<<topic "1:08:35" "Jeremy- about short screencasts to answer some FAQ's ... some youtube TW video statistics." >>
<<topic "1:14:15" "Jeremy- Alex suggested kumu. io ..." >>
<<topic "1:15:23" "Alex introduces himself and talks a little bit about kumu" >>
<<topic "1:17:20" "... general discussion about tiddler relation visualisation .." >>
<<topic "1:20:48" "Jeremy- about visjs. org" >>
<<topic "1:22:50" "Jeremy- about waldly maps" >>
<<topic "1:25:30" "Jeremy- about Ted Nelson's ZigZag Structure ... working with lists and visualisations" >>
<<topic "1:34:44" "Jeremy- what's planned next .. finishing 5.0.14" >>
<<topic "1:35:35" "Mario- about his 'splitting emphasis' pull request" >>
<<topic "1:37:30" "Bye! Bye!" >>
\define hangout() 057
<<topic "00:00:00" "intro- frtl: Branimir, Jeremy, Mario, Nathan, Ton" >>
<<topic "00:02:35" "Johannes- How about importing MediaWiki pages into TiddlyWiki? Is that on the priority list of features for TW5?" >>
<<topic "00:06:05" "Nathan GF asks: Images in stylesheets! Is there a better solution than MakeDataUriMacro?" >>
<<topic "00:11:40" "Nathan about the usecase .. using TW as a CMS like system" >>
<<topic "00:14:06" "Nathan- how was the week of?" >>
<<topic "00:14:27" "GF asks: I'd like to be able to keep my tags 'as is' in my html content, and have them 'just work' when the image is in the wiki, instead of either needing to use the image macro or keep an 'images' directory external to the system." >>
<<topic "00:17:56" "Branimir- Please, explain and demonstrate for everyone the new tw-home and tw-browser-refresh! Also, show how it will behave in TiddlyDesktop." >>
<<topic "00:21:35" "Branimir- How can I change the behaviour of clicking on the title of the wiki. Discussion about the 'refresh - button' clears the URL bar. ..." >>
<<topic "00:32:40" "Branimir- explains his 'refresh' workflow .." >>
<<topic "00:33:15" "Nathan- Suggests the possibility of a 2 way sync. ... Discussion about a 'file based lock' for syncing multi user editing .." >>
<<topic "00:35:25" "Jeremy- about TW as a GuerillaWiki .." >>
<<topic "00:36:20" "Jeremy- about WebDav and TW5" >>
<<topic "00:39:18" "GF asks pt 2: I'd like to optionally 'file out' and/or serve my content in the form of multi-page applications, but keep a unified administrative single page interface to the system. Is there a better way to handle serving this and linking between 'pages'?" >>
<<topic "00:45:26" "Jeremy- about the roadmap after the beta period. aka deferred features." >>
<<topic "00:47:54" "Nathan- bugreport: some titles don't save through the server right now, such as '/css/foo.css' (though their drafts do) or save as an empty file! (I'm still investigating.)" >>
<<topic "00:50:42" "GF asks pt 2: IMPORT UTILITIES! Can I bulk tag and/or name-prefix on imports? Set fields? Drag and drop a folder and keep paths (chrome)? Loosely related, a tool to tag/rename based on a filter would be super-handy!" >>
<<topic "00:56:20" ".. drag and drop folders and keep there paths .." >>
<<topic "00:58:50" "GF asks pt 2: Searching the docs is hard! I spent a lot of time just in realizing that I wanted to be searching for key-word 'clone' and not 'copy' to find out about duplicating a tiddler. Can we get a 'did you mean?' or 'search suggestions' feature? .. discussion about 'improving the docs'" >>
<<topic "01:09:56" ".. Can we get a 'did you mean?' or 'search suggestions' feature?" >>
<<topic "01:11:30" "GF asks pt 2: Parser complexity often gets in the way, and figuring out parser rule lines is some sort of cumbersome black magic thing. Can we get some simple macro sets (or something) offering useful and common/sane parser rule lines? (ex 'PageTemplate')" >>
<<topic "01:19:50" "GF asks: I need a tutorial/reference for 'CMS' use cases! Can we make an edition with simple but pragmatic examples of 2-3 page 'NotAWiki' site(s) parts showing some templates, some simple content, some css and js, and clean static html export render?!?!" >>
<<topic "01:21:23" "GF asks: I want to transclude html content type, but it either doesn't work at all, or the iframe breaks (or drastically complicates) the content! Can we get more flexibility in transclusion of 'web native' content?" >>
<<topic "01:28:50" "GF asks: I (critically) need to be able to include alt tags on img and other semantic (or nonstandard) markup like schema.org, aspx, rdfa, etc in my content. Do we have mechanism for attaching arbitrary attributes or container tags to things in rendertree?" >>
<<topic "01:32:45" "Nathan + GF- both of us ask: Revision control! While 'files in git' is great and all, should tiddlywiki core consider a cannonical model of history? Should we revive Synchrotron? (Maybe even modernize it up with an Operational Transform sync?) 'Out of scope?'" >>
<<topic "01:42:25" "Armchair Designer- The github route seems viable for non-dev types, provided the intimidating factor of contributing there is lowered : maybe a way to go would be to have a simple howto for github at hand from within TW itself." >>
<<topic "01:43:30" "Armchair Designer- Do you have a rough idea of which popular classic TW plugins are most likely to be included as built-in modules (or equivalent functionality) in the Five 1.0 release package ?" >>
<<topic "01:45:50" "Branimir- What's the story, for upgrading from TWclassic" >>
<<topic "01:51:10" "Jeremy- What will be in 5.0.15-beta ... disable plugins .. saving with the 'client / server' edition ..." >>
<<topic "01:52:43" ".. new TOC table of content macro" >>
<<topic "01:55:53" "Jeremy- Release Planning .. RC1 .. weekly releases should be done" >>
<<topic "01:57:25" "Branimir- During 'update process' Can you explain the meaning of 'blocked' and how the checkboxes actually do." >>
<<topic "02:07:13" "Bye! Bye!" >>
\define hangout() 058
"""<<topic "00:00:00" "Intro: frtl: Branimir, Eric (later), Jeremy, Mark, Nathan (later), Leo (Slonik), Ton" >>
<<topic "00:02:54" "Nathan joined" >>
<<topic "00:04:03" "Ton- The tag [[$:/tags/RawMarkup]] allows raw markup to be included in the generated HTML file. What does that mean (for an end-user)?" >>
<<topic "00:04:34" "Eric- joined" >>
<<topic "00:09:33" "Ton- The tag [[$:/tags/RawMarkup]] allows raw markup to be included in the generated HTML file. What does that mean (for an end-user)?" >>
<<topic "00:24:53" "How to get the readme tiddler of a plugin to show up as readme information together with the plugin in tab Plugins of ControlPanel? When building plugins in the browser it doesn't although it is available as a shadow tiddler." >>
<<topic "00:36:32" "Jeremy- short answer to the above question ;) 2 Steps to add a readme to a plugin." >>
<<topic "00:38:37" "Jeremy- Review of new 5.0.15-beta features" >>
<<topic "00:40:34" "Jeremy- about the 'docs: help wanted' banner ... How to edit docs directly from github" >>
<<topic "00:41:45" "Jeremy- starting from 5.0.16, weekly releases are planned!" >>
<<topic "00:42:21" "Jeremy's notes of 'must have'" >>
<<topic "00:42:43" ".. about consistency of CSS class names" >>
<<topic "00:45:51" ".. fixing some JSHint hints" >>
<<topic "00:48:05" ".. review the tags" >>
<<topic "00:48:38" ".. automatically generated TOC" >>
<<topic "00:49:31" ".. Ctrl-S should save TW" >>
<<topic "00:50:09" ".. finalizing the core macros" >>
<<topic "00:51:53" ".. improve sidebar layout handling" >>
<<topic "00:52:58" ".. backwards compatibility of resource links" >>
<<topic "00:53:26" ".. reorganize the ControlPanel" >>
<<topic "00:54:35" ".. automatically exclude 'draft.of' tiddlers from lists" >>
<<topic "00:56:01" ".. about the organisation of the TW5 repo / directory structure" >>
<<topic "00:56:49" ".. fixing the config tiddlers" >>
<<topic "00:57:13" ".. about the 'style block' syntax" >>
<<topic "00:59:11" ".. too many spans containing divs" >>
<<topic "01:00:03" ".. fix sidebar dropdown buttons in the more menue" >>
<<topic "01:01:22" "Jeremy- final roadmap" >>
<<topic "01:02:27" "Branimir- TW 'dirty / save' state recognition may be improved." >>
<<topic "01:07:30" "Eric- about a 'funny' userName issue / bug" >>
<<topic "01:11:12" "Jeremy- about special handling for some tiddlers" >>
<<topic "01:12:53" "Jeremy- about saving tiddlers that start with a slash" >>
<<topic "01:16:30" "Jeremy- about 'tab switching' degrades if encryption is on" >>
<<topic "01:19:36" "Leo- feature request: It would be useful, if TW would have a 'tiddler drawing' area." >>
<<topic "01:26:46" "Jeremy- Refresh button now doesn't clear the URL bar. Especially for TiddlyDesktop" >>
<<topic "01:29:00" "Jeremy- 5.0.16 should have a configurable 'top bar'" >>
<<topic "01:30:42" "Mark- about popups being to 'low in the DOM' ... about html structure" >>
<<topic "01:45:24" "Mark- about the issues caused by z-index for theme authors" >>
\define hangout() 059
<<topic "00:00:00" "Intro: frtl: Branimir, Jeremy, Mario, Nathan, Leo, Ton" >>
<<topic "00:03:12" "Branimir- TWC has the search string highlighted among all open/found tiddlers. Any chance of adding a similar functionality in TW5? It would be even better if there could be PREV/NEXT links to cycle through found strings." >>
<<topic "00:08:58" "discussion about TW5 in TiddlyDesktop and its possibilities with Node WebKit." >>
<<topic "00:11:50" "Jeremy- about the V release and backwards compatibility" >>
<<topic "00:14:15" "Branimir- misses zooming in TiddlyDesktop" >>
<<topic "00:15:41" "Branimir- What plans are there for improving the 'Contents' macro? I guess this would be the equivalent of MainMenu in TWC." >>
<<topic "00:22:50" "Branimir- about the TOC macro. The 'categories' should be no tiddler links." >>
<<topic "00:26:35" "Jeremy- about system tiddlers with a caption used for the TOC" >>
<<topic "00:28:53" "Mario- What should he do with 'experimental' macros. Should they be pull request or external plugins? -> plugins" >>
<<topic "00:29:43" "Jeremy- about pull requests from users that want to contribute. -> don't be discouraged be 'no's'. Create a plugin and let the users decide!" >>
<<topic "00:30:52" "... exceptions for this. -> if an issue is allready ticketed to the core." >>
<<topic "00:32:28" "Jeremy- the default should be. Offer a plugin to the community and then it may be pulled into the core. Because if it is part of the core, all changes need to be backwards compatible." >>
<<topic "00:36:30" "Jeremy- about contributing to open source projects. -> start small!" >>
<<topic "00:38:08" "Jeremy- about what he regrets in TWclassic development." >>
<<topic "00:42:25" "Ton- Is it wise to go through the tickets: bugs and new features label it (before/after beta, don't do it, plugin, etc)?" >>
<<topic "00:44:00" "Jeremy- What is planned for the TW 10th anniversay? .. a 6h hangout :) .. A tiddly conference early 2015" >>
<<topic "00:53:50" "Jeremy- what's new in 5.0.16-beta release" >>
<<topic "00:54:06" ".. about the TWc compatibility plugin - the classic parser demo" >>
<<topic "01:01:09" "Mario- Should there be an indication for TWc type tiddlers?" >>
<<topic "01:06:02" ".. discussion with Branimir about making it easier to import TWc content into TW5" >>
<<topic "01:09:44" "Jeremy- about 'How to contribute to the TW documentation' -> help wanted. with github web UI" >>
<<topic "01:12:05" ".. about Mario's video series that explains the basics about contribution with github web UI" >>
<<topic "01:14:50" ".. about contributions from Ton, that triggered further improvements from Jeremy" >>
<<topic "01:17:08" "Mario- Ton, did the videos help you? - yes :)" >>
<<topic "01:19:13" "Mario- shows his approach to contribute with the help of the cloud9 web IDE." >>
<<topic "01:22:40" ".. about 'RUN configurations' ... little script buttons that perform actions to the repo. eg: build a new index.html" >>
<<topic "01:25:00" ".. serving the index.html with the apache web server.. serves the whole directory structure." >>
<<topic "01:27:20" ".. configuring the web server root dir, to directly serve the index file." >>
<<topic "01:28:35" ".. use the TW server to serve and edit the TW page." >>
<<topic "01:31:00" ".. using git to push the changes to the pmario/tiddlywik5 repo." >>
<<topic "01:32:35" "some info about the c9 environment." >>
<<topic "01:34:55" "Branimir- discussion about the build system and using it to commit to github" >>
<<topic "01:37:10" "Jeremy- about git and the command line" >>
<<topic "01:39:35" "Mario- shows how to test index.html with different browsers from Sauce Labs" >>
<<topic "01:45:40" "Mario- short summary. Some thoughts about new users concerns ..." >>
<<topic "01:46:55" "Jeremy- Can you share / copy the workspace environment. - yes" >>
<<topic "01:48:30" "Branimir- How many workspaces can you own?" >>
<<topic "01:52:00" ".. talking about a 'cloud9 TW docs hack party' ..." >>
<<topic "01:54:40" "Jeremy- What should be done at the next HO." >>
<<topic "01:55:25" "Mario- about a p-tag in the edit tag selector" >>
<<topic "01:57:05" "Branimir- Will you cover TiddlyDesktop next time? - probably not" >>
<<topic "01:58:38" "Bye! Bye!" >>
2014-09-09 ''---''
[[YouTube Link|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQdSFuqRFPg]] ''---'' [[min to sec 60]]
[[0:00:00|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQdSFuqRFPg&t=000m00s]] ''---'' Intro: frtl: Yaka, Eric, Jeremy, Mario, Nathan
[[0:00:10|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQdSFuqRFPg&t=000m00s]] ''---'' Yaka- Introduces himself and tells about his usecase.
[[0:01:50|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQdSFuqRFPg&t=000m00s]] ''---'' Eric .. Mario .. Nathan
[[0:03:39|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQdSFuqRFPg&t=000m00s]] ''---'' Mario- What do we need to do, to make translated empty.html downloadable for users. Introduction of the german version.
[[0:06:48|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQdSFuqRFPg&t=000m00s]] ''---'' Jeremy- about the tiddywiki.com directory structure.
[[0:16:30|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQdSFuqRFPg&t=000m00s]] ''---'' Yaka- Support in the core, for handling content in different languages.
[[0:22:15|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQdSFuqRFPg&t=000m00s]] ''---'' Mario- About the TheDiveO project: ThirdFlow ...
[[0:25:30|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQdSFuqRFPg&t=000m00s]] ''---'' Yaka- actually needs a seperate wiki for each language ...
[[0:26:45|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQdSFuqRFPg&t=000m00s]] ''---'' Jeremy- about TiddlyWiki translations.
[[0:28:38|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQdSFuqRFPg&t=000m00s]] ''---'' Yaka- wants to get people interested in TW.
[[0:29:00|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQdSFuqRFPg&t=000m00s]] ''---'' Jeremy- about the documentation refactoring for 5.0.17-beta, to make it more sutable for users.
[[0:35:05|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQdSFuqRFPg&t=000m00s]] ''---'' Jeremy- The development docs will be a seperate edition.
[[0:35:55|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQdSFuqRFPg&t=000m00s]] ''---'' Jeremy- about "Getting the word out!"
[[0:39:15|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQdSFuqRFPg&t=000m00s]] ''---'' Jeremy- about TWc adaptations and TW5 editions
[[0:42:45|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQdSFuqRFPg&t=000m00s]] ''---'' Jeremy- about: TW for Scholars as an edition example
[[0:44:30|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQdSFuqRFPg&t=000m00s]] ''---'' Yaka- What is the intended audience for TW after the V release
[[0:45:30|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQdSFuqRFPg&t=000m00s]] ''---'' Jeremy- What does the release of TW mean. ... not finished but compatible.
[[0:47:00|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQdSFuqRFPg&t=000m00s]] ''---'' Jeremy- about a TW5 usecase as a "gamers bible" ..
[[0:47:50|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQdSFuqRFPg&t=000m00s]] ''---'' Eric- Some history, we need to develop the community, so different apps will pop up.
[[0:50:30|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQdSFuqRFPg&t=000m00s]] ''---'' Jeremy- about the community, the audience, the users
[[0:52:05|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQdSFuqRFPg&t=000m00s]] ''---'' Eric- about GSD community.. They treat it as an application.
[[0:53:00|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQdSFuqRFPg&t=000m00s]] ''---'' Jeremy- about the Twine application based on TW.
[[0:54:50|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQdSFuqRFPg&t=000m00s]] ''---'' Yaka- about the possible audience: the geeks - geeky users - consuming users. TW needs to be "usable" but a little bit tweakable.
[[0:57:15|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQdSFuqRFPg&t=000m00s]] ''---'' Jeremy- At the moment our audiece is "Technical people, with a small team"
[[1:01:00|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQdSFuqRFPg&t=000m00s]] ''---'' Mario- about newspapers
[[1:02:10|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQdSFuqRFPg&t=000m00s]] ''---'' Yaka- ... TW as a distribution platform for content. similar to jekyll
[[1:06:00|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQdSFuqRFPg&t=000m00s]] ''---'' Eric- about TiddlyBard?? ... All of Shakespeare in a TW. Car Repair References ..
[[1:09:25|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQdSFuqRFPg&t=000m00s]] ''---'' Jeremy- ... about the BT Agile Cookbook .... A TW Content Edition
[[1:12:12|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQdSFuqRFPg&t=000m00s]] ''---'' Nathan- about his experience, explaining TW to his girlfriend ... The ecosystem is missing atm.
[[1:13:35|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQdSFuqRFPg&t=000m00s]] ''---'' Jeremy- about Eucaly' Tiddly World
[[1:15:05|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQdSFuqRFPg&t=000m00s]] ''---'' .. about ThirdFlow and TW5FontAwesome ... and the community that starts ...
[[1:19:40|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQdSFuqRFPg&t=000m00s]] ''---'' Yaka- .. Easy User Reference about existing "editions" .. central resource for apps.
[[1:23:08|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQdSFuqRFPg&t=000m00s]] ''---'' Nathan- Content for users needs to come from users, not devs.
[[1:24:07|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQdSFuqRFPg&t=000m00s]] ''---'' Yaka- .. User contributed content / experiences, can attract other users. ..
[[1:26:02|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQdSFuqRFPg&t=000m00s]] ''---'' Jeremy- sums up his ideas ... how to attract tiddlywiki "ambassadors"
[[1:27:45|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQdSFuqRFPg&t=000m00s]] ''---'' Mario- wants to create some more videos, for the german version.
[[1:28:38|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQdSFuqRFPg&t=000m00s]] ''---'' Jeremy- About the "TW introduction video"
[[1:32:12|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQdSFuqRFPg&t=000m00s]] ''---'' Mario- Video ... How to user TiddlyFox with FireFox.
[[1:33:35|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQdSFuqRFPg&t=000m00s]] ''---'' Jeremy- introducing the regexp filter operator.
[[1:34:53|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQdSFuqRFPg&t=000m00s]] ''---'' Jeremy- about the 20th Sept. Hangout for 8 hours.
[[1:39:17|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQdSFuqRFPg&t=000m00s]] ''---'' Yaka- about video intro's
[[1:40:50|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQdSFuqRFPg&t=000m00s]] ''---'' Yaka- about different TW showcases ... User stories ..
[[1:43:05|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQdSFuqRFPg&t=000m00s]] ''---'' Bye! Bye! Thanks to Yaka :)
\define hangout() 062
!10 Year Anniversary
\define hangout() 063
\define hangout() 064
2014-10-21 ''---''
[[YouTube Link|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ4feiD6iuY]] ''---'' [[Google Hangout|https://plus.google.com/events/cd8h7qbbtethtk44i98cq2fmmis]] ''---'' [[min to sec 65]]
[[0:00:00|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ4feiD6iuY&t=000m00s]] ''---'' Intro: frtl: Alex, Eric, Jeremy, Mario, Ton
[[0:03:15|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ4feiD6iuY&t=003m15s]] ''---'' Alex- Borders and Border images for TW. expains the usecase.
[[0:05:28|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ4feiD6iuY&t=005m28s]] ''---'' Jeremy- about visualizing relations between tiddlers.
[[0:07:12|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ4feiD6iuY&t=007m12s]] ''---'' Alex- about the Viable System Model ... wikipedia search for: Viable_system_model.
[[0:11:29|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ4feiD6iuY&t=011m29s]] ''---'' Jeremy- about js-sequence-digrams ... Alex about the usecase
[[0:17:08|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ4feiD6iuY&t=017m08s]] ''---'' Eric- about 2 possible workflows to get the drawings into TW
[[0:19:03|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ4feiD6iuY&t=019m03s]] ''---'' Jeremy- about SVG drawings in the TalkyTalky wiki. From drawing to SVG.
[[0:21:04|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ4feiD6iuY&t=021m04s]] ''---'' Eric- about clickable "hot zones" in the drawings.
[[0:23:05|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ4feiD6iuY&t=023m05s]] ''---'' Jeremy- about using bitmaps in CSS style sheets.
[[0:26:15|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ4feiD6iuY&t=026m15s]] ''---'' Mario- About the Global Learning X-Prize - competition
[[0:27:17|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ4feiD6iuY&t=027m17s]] ''---'' Mario- about his opinions. ... all
[[0:29:35|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ4feiD6iuY&t=029m35s]] ''---'' Eric- about authoring systems and the basic concepts for learning materials.
[[0:32:05|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ4feiD6iuY&t=032m05s]] ''---'' Mario- about the needed frameworks and the target group.
[[0:33:20|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ4feiD6iuY&t=033m20s]] ''---'' Eric- about "in game upgrades" ..
[[0:34:35|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ4feiD6iuY&t=034m35s]] ''---'' Eric- Some education designers need to be involved. ... Mario
[[0:36:35|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ4feiD6iuY&t=036m35s]] ''---'' Jeremy- has concerns about TW is seen in the "wrong light" by the judges.
[[0:42:05|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ4feiD6iuY&t=042m05s]] ''---'' Nathan- his point of view. About the pros and cons, how TW is seen by
[[0:43:42|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ4feiD6iuY&t=043m42s]] ''---'' Jeremy- TW could be a great tools. But there are concerns about how TW would do in the competition.
[[0:45:33|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ4feiD6iuY&t=045m33s]] ''---'' Mario- the development in the competition is kind of closed source. ..
[[0:49:34|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ4feiD6iuY&t=049m34s]] ''---'' all- discussion about gamification ... discussion ... learning with all senses. a
[[0:51:35|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ4feiD6iuY&t=051m35s]] ''---'' Jeremy- the random chooser filter and dice roles ...
[[0:53:02|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ4feiD6iuY&t=053m02s]] ''---'' Jeremy- about Twine and interactive fiction
[[0:54:25|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ4feiD6iuY&t=054m25s]] ''---'' Alex- about Dickens Manual. ... but target group is children from 6-12
[[0:55:56|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ4feiD6iuY&t=055m56s]] ''---'' Jeremy- about sliders in HTML5 and input element.
[[0:59:55|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ4feiD6iuY&t=059m55s]] ''---'' Jeremy- shows the sliders.
[[1:02:55|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ4feiD6iuY&t=062m55s]] ''---'' Jeremy- Yaka's feature request: ... word count, character count ...
[[1:06:54|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ4feiD6iuY&t=066m54s]] ''---'' Nathan- Is there an "idle" event?
[[1:08:20|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ4feiD6iuY&t=068m20s]] ''---'' Jeremy- The relative dates should be dynamic.
[[1:09:03|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ4feiD6iuY&t=069m03s]] ''---'' Mario- What's the difference of eg: image "lazy" loading and the "normal" loading
[[1:19:20|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ4feiD6iuY&t=079m20s]] ''---'' Jeremy- about the export icon change
[[1:23:12|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ4feiD6iuY&t=083m12s]] ''---'' Jeremy- TW has some audio support now.
[[1:25:25|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ4feiD6iuY&t=085m25s]] ''---'' Mario- What's planned next. .. fixing a strange new bug :(
[[1:28:02|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ4feiD6iuY&t=088m02s]] ''---'' Mario- about the server command feedback.
[[1:29:30|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ4feiD6iuY&t=089m30s]] ''---'' - no conversation for a minute. Jeremy is away.
[[1:30:47|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ4feiD6iuY&t=090m47s]] ''---'' Jeremy- ... plans ... 5.0.4 will be fast bufix. Export should come ...
[[1:32:00|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ4feiD6iuY&t=092m00s]] ''---'' ... several buttons to export different set of tiddlers. working TW, json, .tid, .cvs, skinny tiddler store. ... build TWs with a different theme.
[[1:34:10|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ4feiD6iuY&t=094m10s]] ''---'' Mario- What do you think about the discussion in the group about the DefaultTiddlers?
[[1:38:18|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ4feiD6iuY&t=098m18s]] ''---'' Eric- A very common question is "reordering tiddlers" in the story
[[1:42:28|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ4feiD6iuY&t=102m28s]] ''---'' Jeremy- Drag a tiddler title to a text editor, takes the whole content too. Should we change this ... yes ... but import will be not touched.
[[1:46:38|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ4feiD6iuY&t=106m38s]] ''---'' Jeremy- about authoring tools. edit toolbars, codemirror, auto completion, keyboard shortcuts, ...
[[1:53:30|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ4feiD6iuY&t=113m30s]] ''---'' Paul Q&A- Is a Vanguard about the Global X-Prize and thinks we would have a chance.
[[1:54:57|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ4feiD6iuY&t=114m57s]] ''---'' Bye! Bye!
2014-10-28 ''---'' [[YouTube Link|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBoZzqu7tYg]] ''---'' [[Google Hangout|https://plus.google.com/events/cou1l99mf4j9uomjg9kkcn5ug20]] ''---'' [[min to sec 66]]
[[0:00:00|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBoZzqu7tYg&t=000m00s]] ''---'' Intro frtl: Jeremy, Mario, Nathan
[[0:01:14|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBoZzqu7tYg&t=001m14s]] ''---'' Jeremy- TiddlyWiki Translations made easy
[[0:03:40|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBoZzqu7tYg&t=003m40s]] ''---'' Jeremy- screen shares the new Translators Edition
[[0:10:45|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBoZzqu7tYg&t=010m45s]] ''---'' Jeremy- How can users send there translations. eg: Dropbox.
[[0:12:35|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBoZzqu7tYg&t=012m35s]] ''---'' Jeremy- How do we extract the translations from the TW file.
[[0:14:55|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBoZzqu7tYg&t=014m55s]] ''---'' Mario- Should the new file structure reflect the translators edition? For easy maintenence. Some general discussion.
[[0:17:40|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBoZzqu7tYg&t=017m40s]] ''---'' .. documentation improvements should be possible to use the same mechanism.
[[0:19:40|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBoZzqu7tYg&t=019m40s]] ''---'' Jeremy- short summary
[[0:20:00|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBoZzqu7tYg&t=020m00s]] ''---'' Mario- shows a short proof of concept, to improve the workflow, with a live preview.
[[0:25:25|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBoZzqu7tYg&t=025m25s]] ''---'' Mario- There would be a possibility to have an interactive tutorial for the TW UI.
[[0:27:20|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBoZzqu7tYg&t=027m20s]] ''---'' Jeremy / Mario- general discussion about improvements.
[[0:30:30|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBoZzqu7tYg&t=030m30s]] ''---'' Jeremy- about a new tooltip mechanism
[[0:32:12|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBoZzqu7tYg&t=032m12s]] ''---'' Mario- Suggests a new layout for the translators tiddler. Multi line layout, similar to the TagsManager.
[[0:34:10|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBoZzqu7tYg&t=034m10s]] ''---'' Jeremy- Can you create a pull request for the tag manager again.
[[0:36:00|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBoZzqu7tYg&t=035m00s]] ''---'' Jeremy- about the next steps.
[[0:37:00|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBoZzqu7tYg&t=037m00s]] ''---'' Mario- Some more ideas about multi line display. ... just some ideas.
[[0:40:45|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBoZzqu7tYg&t=040m45s]] ''---'' Jeremy- Wants some more info about the german translation.
[[0:41:25|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBoZzqu7tYg&t=041m25s]] ''---'' Jeremy- Nathan any topics from your side? ... no
[[0:42:00|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBoZzqu7tYg&t=042m00s]] ''---'' Jeremy- About developing the Translators Edition UI.
[[0:43:53|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBoZzqu7tYg&t=043m53s]] ''---'' Jeremy- About the documentation of the CLI for TW.
[[0:45:45|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBoZzqu7tYg&t=045m45s]] ''---'' .. description field in the tiddlywiki.info file. Discussion about the editions. ... eg: de-AT, de-DE, de-AT-empty ....
[[0:57:10|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBoZzqu7tYg&t=057m10s]] ''---'' Jeremy- may be the init command needs to be improved, to use the "regional" flavors of translations.
[[1:00:00|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBoZzqu7tYg&t=060m00s]] ''---'' ... we want a mechanism similar to the twguides customize function.
[[1:01:50|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBoZzqu7tYg&t=061m50s]] ''---'' Jeremy- short summary about handling editions.
[[1:04:31|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBoZzqu7tYg&t=064m31s]] ''---'' Jeremy- About the tiddlywiki command line and "novice users"
[[1:06:00|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBoZzqu7tYg&t=066m00s]] ''---'' Jeremy- about including some plugins into the core, to make editions handling easier. tiddlyweb and filesystem
[[1:10:54|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBoZzqu7tYg&t=070m54s]] ''---'' Mario- about his proposals at the github issue.
[[1:18:00|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBoZzqu7tYg&t=078m00s]] ''---'' Mario- How do you want to deal with special cases, like the google analytics plugins.
[[1:19:55|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBoZzqu7tYg&t=079m55s]] ''---'' ... short pause ...
[[1:20:55|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBoZzqu7tYg&t=080m55s]] ''---'' Mario- dicussion about the setfield parameter in the tiddlywiki.info file. the "load" command would be an option. or a new .multids file.
[[1:25:00|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBoZzqu7tYg&t=085m00s]] ''---'' ... setfield is still flaged experimental. ...
[[1:29:55|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBoZzqu7tYg&t=089m55s]] ''---'' Jeremy- have a look at the recent changes. ... customizing the search result tabs is now possible.
[[1:34:50|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBoZzqu7tYg&t=094m50s]] ''---'' discussion about the TOC table of content in empty.html
[[1:36:10|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBoZzqu7tYg&t=096m10s]] ''---'' Jeremy- blog post about ghost and what really matters for conversion. discussion about improve the first impression ...
[[1:44:00|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBoZzqu7tYg&t=104m00s]] ''---'' Jeremy- about a new and easier landing page.
[[1:47:10|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBoZzqu7tYg&t=107m10s]] ''---'' Jeremy- what's next ... make the translation workflow work.
[[1:50:28|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBoZzqu7tYg&t=110m28s]] ''---'' Jeremy- about a discussion about using "standard toolkits" or tiddlywiki to do the translations. ... a long time ago.
[[1:53:00|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBoZzqu7tYg&t=113m00s]] ''---'' Jeremy- There may be some weekend hangouts in the future.
[[1:53:50|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBoZzqu7tYg&t=113m50s]] ''---'' Bye! Bye!
\define hangout() 067
2014-11-11 ''---''
[[Youtube Link|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8G6BEQpvW0&t=0]] ''---''
[[Google Hangout|https://plus.google.com/events/cuek4r3dmto6n3haq1na4vh4t6s]] ''---'' [[min to sec 68]]
[[0:00:00|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8G6BEQpvW0&t=0&t=000m00s]] ''---'' Intro frtl: Yaka, Branimir, Danielo (later), Ed, Felix, Je
[[0:05:20|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8G6BEQpvW0&t=0&t=005m20s]] ''---'' Jeremy- agenda, Felix demoes his taskgraph plugin
[[0:06:50|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8G6BEQpvW0&t=0&t=006m50s]] ''---'' Felix- Taskgraph demo.
[[0:08:40|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8G6BEQpvW0&t=0&t=008m40s]] ''---'' .. idea .. main editor in the right sidebar, views, snapsh
[[0:09:40|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8G6BEQpvW0&t=0&t=009m40s]] ''---'' .. UI, tag filter, more filters to come
[[0:13:30|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8G6BEQpvW0&t=0&t=013m30s]] ''---'' .. using UUIDs to identify the tiddler
[[0:15:20|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8G6BEQpvW0&t=0&t=015m20s]] ''---'' Jeremy- You could have stored each edge as a tiddler. ...
[[0:21:45|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8G6BEQpvW0&t=0&t=021m45s]] ''---'' Mario- Is there a "textual" notation to define edges.
[[0:24:50|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8G6BEQpvW0&t=0&t=024m50s]] ''---'' Felix- about node clustering. ... about a possible hirachi
[[0:26:35|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8G6BEQpvW0&t=0&t=026m35s]] ''---'' .. why he used the vis.js library
[[0:28:35|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8G6BEQpvW0&t=0&t=028m35s]] ''---'' .. about his adaptor to the TW datastore
[[0:30:56|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8G6BEQpvW0&t=0&t=030m56s]] ''---'' Mario- Is it possible to create a dataset out of existing
[[0:35:18|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8G6BEQpvW0&t=0&t=035m18s]] ''---'' Jeremy- summary about the configuration tiddlers and the c
[[0:38:50|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8G6BEQpvW0&t=0&t=038m50s]] ''---'' Felix- about the roadmap. about the plugin history
[[0:44:10|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8G6BEQpvW0&t=0&t=044m10s]] ''---'' .. about the new TW "search tab"
[[0:46:00|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8G6BEQpvW0&t=0&t=046m00s]] ''---'' .. how to create a snapshot. .. multipe graphs in differen
[[0:47:30|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8G6BEQpvW0&t=0&t=047m30s]] ''---'' Jeremy- do you save the x/y position of the nodes. .. not
[[0:52:00|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8G6BEQpvW0&t=0&t=052m00s]] ''---'' .. discussion about the development
[[0:53:20|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8G6BEQpvW0&t=0&t=053m20s]] ''---'' Mario- vis.js is dynamically loaded at the moment??
[[0:55:50|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8G6BEQpvW0&t=0&t=055m50s]] ''---'' Felix- questions, about the TW module types. uploading to
[[1:02:20|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8G6BEQpvW0&t=0&t=062m20s]] ''---'' .. about the community feedback and further development.
[[1:04:55|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8G6BEQpvW0&t=0&t=064m55s]] ''---'' .. about the TW core as a starting point / datastore
[[1:07:05|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8G6BEQpvW0&t=0&t=067m05s]] ''---'' Branimir- about using it as a MindMap ..
[[1:10:20|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8G6BEQpvW0&t=0&t=070m20s]] ''---'' Felix- idea to create a ticketing system with TaskGraph
[[1:11:58|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8G6BEQpvW0&t=0&t=071m58s]] ''---'' .. discussion about GTD and what TW is used for
[[1:13:25|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8G6BEQpvW0&t=0&t=073m25s]] ''---'' Yaka- will it be possible to change to size of the nodes o
[[1:15:55|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8G6BEQpvW0&t=0&t=075m55s]] ''---'' Jeremy- What relationship do you see between TW and educat
[[1:16:48|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8G6BEQpvW0&t=0&t=076m48s]] ''---'' Felix- about his experience, working with TW. A fast way t
[[1:21:10|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8G6BEQpvW0&t=0&t=081m10s]] ''---'' .. comparing TW with word .. people should know aobut TW
[[1:24:20|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8G6BEQpvW0&t=0&t=084m20s]] ''---'' Jeremy- short summary ... some general discussion about kn
[[1:28:25|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8G6BEQpvW0&t=0&t=088m25s]] ''---'' .. discussion about organizing your knowledge and organizi
[[1:33:50|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8G6BEQpvW0&t=0&t=093m50s]] ''---'' .. how can we make TW more prominent / visible to users
[[1:35:40|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8G6BEQpvW0&t=0&t=095m40s]] ''---'' Mario- there is a "hidden" structure in tiddlers. Exposing
[[1:39:30|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8G6BEQpvW0&t=0&t=099m30s]] ''---'' Yaka- reflection about difficulties for new users, how to
[[1:42:45|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8G6BEQpvW0&t=0&t=102m45s]] ''---'' Jeremy- .. the core should have more "refactoring" feature
[[1:45:30|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8G6BEQpvW0&t=0&t=105m30s]] ''---'' Jeremy- Shows the new Export feature. discussion about the
[[1:52:20|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8G6BEQpvW0&t=0&t=112m20s]] ''---'' Danielo- Is the CSS exported too? yes, as inline CSS
[[1:53:55|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8G6BEQpvW0&t=0&t=113m55s]] ''---'' .. what's about exporting javascritp? no.
[[1:55:20|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8G6BEQpvW0&t=0&t=115m20s]] ''---'' .. export templates could dynamically load js libraries.
[[1:55:55|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8G6BEQpvW0&t=0&t=115m55s]] ''---'' Jeremy- zip file format may be possible in the future.
[[1:57:45|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8G6BEQpvW0&t=0&t=117m45s]] ''---'' Felix- Is it possible to do a "deep export" that contains
[[1:58:50|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8G6BEQpvW0&t=0&t=118m50s]] ''---'' Mario- When will 5.1.5 be released. .. sooon :) but have a
[[1:59:50|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8G6BEQpvW0&t=0&t=119m50s]] ''---'' Felix- How do you pass the parameters to eg: new-tiddler f
[[2:03:15|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8G6BEQpvW0&t=0&t=123m15s]] ''---'' Bye! Bye!
2014-11-18 ''---''
[[YouTube Link|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlOSyUXAtoA]] ''---'' [[Google Hangout|https://plus.google.com/events/cv5b80i86jvnnkvj1g9ufq6vork]] ''---'' [[min to sec 69]]
[[0:00:00|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlOSyUXAtoA&t=000m00s]] ''---'' Intro frtl: Yaka, Branimir, Eric, Jeff, Jeremy, Mario, Nathan
[[0:01:50|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlOSyUXAtoA&t=001m50s]] ''---'' Jeff- Uses TW for a fiew years .. back from Evernote
[[0:03:15|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlOSyUXAtoA&t=003m15s]] ''---'' Eric- Indie-Gogo campain: Inside TiddlyWiki: The Missing Manual see: indiegogo .com/projects/inside-tiddlywiki-the-missing-manual
[[0:05:10|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlOSyUXAtoA&t=005m10s]] ''---'' Eric- About the project
[[0:14:35|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlOSyUXAtoA&t=014m35s]] ''---'' Eric- About the rewards
[[0:17:15|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlOSyUXAtoA&t=017m15s]] ''---'' Jeremy- about feedback on the group for the book.
[[0:17:55|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlOSyUXAtoA&t=017m55s]] ''---'' Yaka- Why did you choose this model?
[[0:24:25|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlOSyUXAtoA&t=024m25s]] ''---'' Branimir- How do you imagine, updating the book?
[[0:28:43|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlOSyUXAtoA&t=028m43s]] ''---'' Jeremy- About TW's backwards compatibility and book updates.
[[0:33:43|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlOSyUXAtoA&t=033m43s]] ''---'' Jeremy- Agenda, Q&A, Show & Tell, other topics
[[0:34:22|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlOSyUXAtoA&t=034m22s]] ''---'' Yaka- Suggestion to make links to updated chapters. Users should be able to discuss about the content.
[[0:36:16|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlOSyUXAtoA&t=036m16s]] ''---'' Why is the spacing of the tiddler toolbar icons different, in edit mode, than in view mode.
[[0:39:04|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlOSyUXAtoA&t=039m04s]] ''---'' What highlighting language is used for text/plain tiddlers.
[[0:45:20|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlOSyUXAtoA&t=045m20s]] ''---'' Mario- about different MIME-Types for view mode and to "store" in TW.
[[0:47:01|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlOSyUXAtoA&t=047m01s]] ''---'' Jeremy- What's going on with the TW development: Export needs nested popups, which have to be developed.
[[0:51:33|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlOSyUXAtoA&t=051m33s]] ''---'' Jeremy- abou the new icons. They should be more consistent now.
[[0:56:06|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlOSyUXAtoA&t=056m06s]] ''---'' ... some discussion about the icons.
[[0:59:20|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlOSyUXAtoA&t=059m20s]] ''---'' Jeremy- Combined TOC with a pane to view the tiddler content.
[[1:03:33|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlOSyUXAtoA&t=063m33s]] ''---'' Jeremy- Improvements in the control panel.
[[1:04:25|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlOSyUXAtoA&t=064m25s]] ''---'' ... Some restyling for the plguins tab
[[1:05:12|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlOSyUXAtoA&t=065m12s]] ''---'' Yaka- About mobile usage of TW, especially as a mobile app.
[[1:07:45|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlOSyUXAtoA&t=067m45s]] ''---'' Mario- Do you know, how TW works with FireFox OS?
[[1:11:05|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlOSyUXAtoA&t=071m05s]] ''---'' Jeremy- With TW we are able to create static websites to be used with older browsers.
[[1:11:35|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlOSyUXAtoA&t=071m35s]] ''---'' Jeremy- wants to create a native mobile app with TW.
[[1:12:42|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlOSyUXAtoA&t=072m42s]] ''---'' Yaka- explains his ideas, about a mobile tw app / web app
[[1:14:25|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlOSyUXAtoA&t=074m25s]] ''---'' Jeremy- about the "add to home-screen" feature.
[[1:19:20|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlOSyUXAtoA&t=079m20s]] ''---'' Jeremy- about drag and drop in mobile
[[1:23:00|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlOSyUXAtoA&t=083m00s]] ''---'' Intro Felix- is creating a new plugin for TW.
[[1:23:30|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlOSyUXAtoA&t=083m30s]] ''---'' ... demo's his improvements of the Taskgraph plugin. Some discussion about the problems that poped up.
[[1:46:30|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlOSyUXAtoA&t=106m30s]] ''---'' Jeremy- about, how to make the plugin available.
[[1:47:47|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlOSyUXAtoA&t=107m47s]] ''---'' ... some general discussion about the workflow.
[[1:50:50|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlOSyUXAtoA&t=110m50s]] ''---'' Jeremy- short summary, may be there will be a "weekend hangout"
[[1:51:58|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlOSyUXAtoA&t=111m58s]] ''---'' Bye! Bye!
2014-11-11 ''---''
[[Youtube Link|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKDVD6mf9tk]] ''---''
[[Google Hangout|https://plus.google.com/events/cfusv41bqto7jcc7l40oft30lv8]]
[[0:00:00 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKDVD6mf9tk&t=00m00s]] ''---'' 0:00:00 Intro: frtl: Ed, Eric, Felix, Jeremy, Mario, Matias, Nathan, Tobias, Ton
[[0:05:13 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKDVD6mf9tk&t=05m13s]] ''---'' 0:05:13 Jeremy- about the agenda. .. How can we make TW more popular?!
[[0:09:30 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKDVD6mf9tk&t=09m30s]] ''---'' 0:09:30 Matias- Short summary about his (controversial) post in the group. "Hopefully NOT for the next 25 years!"
* Add-ons (plugins, tweaks, themes...) - difficult to find or (more likely) even know they exist
* No quality assurance of add-ons
* Lacking documentation
* The aggregated knowledge from discussions relies on 3d part system not optimized for us
* Little insight into what attracts new users
* Little insight of user needs, tw applications, behaviours etc
* Challenging to get tiddlyverse overview (resources, applications, options, services, people...)
* Demanding learning curve for customization
* Too few developers (I'm just assuming this is always an issue)
[[0:16:10 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKDVD6mf9tk&t=16m10s]] ''---'' 0:16:10 Jeremy- about his behaviour, to develop new TW features... not focusing on documentation.
[[0:18:50 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKDVD6mf9tk&t=18m50s]] ''---'' 0:18:50 Jeremy- about the moratorium for new features...
[[0:21:13 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKDVD6mf9tk&t=21m13s]] ''---'' 0:21:13 Felix- about the export functionality
[[0:22:50 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKDVD6mf9tk&t=22m50s]] ''---'' 0:22:50 Matias- about the responsibilities of / in the community and the infrastructure for the community to get involved.
[[0:28:15 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKDVD6mf9tk&t=28m15s]] ''---'' 0:28:15 Jeremy- his thoughts about the different points:
* Add-ons (plugins, tweaks, themes...) - difficult to find or (more likely) even know they exist
* No quality assurance of add-ons
[[0:33:05 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKDVD6mf9tk&t=33m05s]] ''---'' 0:33:05 .. about 3rd party plugins, that are not part of the core, but important.
[[0:34:45 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKDVD6mf9tk&t=34m45s]] ''---'' 0:34:45 Matias- about meta data / reviews for plugins...
*Jeremy's thoughts about the existing infrastructure at tiddlywiki dot com
[[0:43:00 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKDVD6mf9tk&t=43m00s]] ''---'' 0:43:00 Tobias- About tiddlywiki(.)org on TiddlySpace to be used as community maintained resources. ... general discussion
[[0:48:35 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKDVD6mf9tk&t=48m35s]] ''---'' 0:48:35 Tobias- about the possibilities to contribute with tiddlyspot / tiddlyspace
[[0:51:00 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKDVD6mf9tk&t=51m00s]] ''---'' 0:51:00 Mario- about a "classic" and "5" domain names ... general discussion about TS access rights. ... Mario can set them!
[[0:54:40 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKDVD6mf9tk&t=54m40s]] ''---'' 0:54:40 Jeremy- about moving TiddlyWikiDev group to github ... only the dev group!
[[0:56:25 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKDVD6mf9tk&t=56m25s]] ''---'' 0:56:25 Jeremy- Long term goal for the general TW discussion group. ... It should be federated. ... see "long term goal"
[[1:01:35 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKDVD6mf9tk&t=61m35s]] ''---'' 1:01:35 Matias- about the community responsibility structure ... general discussion
[[1:06:02 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKDVD6mf9tk&t=66m02s]] ''---'' 1:06:02 .. * Lacking documentation
[[1:07:37 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKDVD6mf9tk&t=67m37s]] ''---'' 1:07:37 .. * The aggregated knowledge from discussions relies on 3d part system not optimized for us
[[1:08:08 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKDVD6mf9tk&t=68m08s]] ''---'' 1:08:08 .. * Little insight into what attracts new users
* Little insight of user needs, tw applications, behaviours etc
[[1:10:35 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKDVD6mf9tk&t=70m35s]] ''---'' 1:10:35 Eric- about implementing a way for users to give feedback.
[[1:15:50 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKDVD6mf9tk&t=75m50s]] ''---'' 1:15:50 .. * Challenging to get tiddlyverse overview (resources, applications, options, services, people...)
[[1:16:20 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKDVD6mf9tk&t=76m20s]] ''---'' 1:16:20 .. * Demanding learning curve for customization
[[1:19:40 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKDVD6mf9tk&t=79m40s]] ''---'' 1:19:40 Matias- there should be more "ready to use" editions
[[1:23:00 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKDVD6mf9tk&t=83m00s]] ''---'' 1:23:00 Jeremy- about "better presenting the editions" we have.
[[1:24:00 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKDVD6mf9tk&t=84m00s]] ''---'' 1:24:00 Ed- Would making the group federated, be alienating those, who need help the most?
[[1:25:55 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKDVD6mf9tk&t=85m55s]] ''---'' 1:25:55 Matias- What about common discussion boards? It seems, Jeremy doesn't like them ...
[[1:33:15 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKDVD6mf9tk&t=93m15s]] ''---'' 1:33:15 Tobias- what about a "dummy github repo" just for discussion?
[[1:38:50 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKDVD6mf9tk&t=98m50s]] ''---'' 1:38:50 Jeremy- short summary of the above.
[[1:43:10 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKDVD6mf9tk&t=103m10s]] ''---'' 1:43:10 * Too few developers (I'm just assuming this is always an issue)
[[1:45:30 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKDVD6mf9tk&t=105m30s]] ''---'' 1:45:30 * Little insight into what attracts new users
[[1:45:30 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKDVD6mf9tk&t=105m30s]] ''---'' 1:45:30 Jeremy- refletions, about what happens, if you want to make TW "more conventional" ... but TW is "unconventional" and we shouldn't be afraid of it.
[[1:52:10 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKDVD6mf9tk&t=112m10s]] ''---'' 1:52:10 .. about "specific editions" ..
[[1:54:10 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKDVD6mf9tk&t=114m10s]] ''---'' 1:54:10 .. about the TW slogan / tagline
[[1:55:30 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKDVD6mf9tk&t=115m30s]] ''---'' 1:55:30 Matias- Thx for picking up those topics.
[[1:56:50 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKDVD6mf9tk&t=116m50s]] ''---'' 1:56:50 Jeremy- Some TW group statistics ...
[[1:58:30 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKDVD6mf9tk&t=118m30s]] ''---'' 1:58:30 Eric- Promoting the "Inside TiddlyWiki" Book!
[[1:59:50 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKDVD6mf9tk&t=119m50s]] ''---'' 1:59:50 Bye! Bye!
\define hangout() 027
2014-12-09 ''---'' [[YouTube Link|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2JyJWjAUns]] ''---'' [[Google Hangout|https://plus.google.com/events/cctc08rfqq76gtun5r4safd19ds]]
00:00:00(0000s) ''---'' [[00:00:00|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2JyJWjAUns]] - Introductions
Hangout Creator [[Jeremy Ruston|JeremyRuston]] - [[Branimir Braykov]] - [[Ed Dixon]] - [[Eric Shulman]] - [[Mario Pietsch]] - [[Daniello]] - [[Tobias Beer]] - [[Jed Carty]] - Nathan
00:02:03(0123s) ''---'' [[00:02:03|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2JyJWjAUns&t=123s]] - [[Eric IndieGogo Update|TwHo#72 - Eric IndieGogo Update]]
00:12:45(0765s) ''---'' [[00:12:45|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2JyJWjAUns&t=012m45s]] - [[Discussion on PR|TwHo#72 - Discussion on PR]]
00:17:45(1065s) ''---'' [[00:17:45|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2JyJWjAUns&t=017m45s]] - [[Matt Goldman Poster Idea|TwHo#72 - Matt Goldman Poster Idea]]
00:22:44(1354s) ''---'' [[00:22:44|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2JyJWjAUns&t=022m44s]] - [[BiblioBox & Pirate Box|TwHo#72 - BiblioBox & Pirate Box]]
00:25:02(1502s) ''---'' [[00:25:02|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2JyJWjAUns&t=025m02s]] - [[Stephen Kimmel Post on New Users Testing|TwHo#72 - Stephen Kimmel Post on New Users Testing]]
00:34:30(2070s) ''---'' [[00:34:30|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2JyJWjAUns&t=034m30s]] - [[Getting Started is out of date|TwHo#72 - Getting Started is out of date]]
00:36:08(2168s) ''---'' [[00:36:08|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2JyJWjAUns&t=036m08s]] - [[More New User Experiences|TwHo#72 - More New User Experiences]]
00:41:44(2504s) ''---'' [[00:41:44|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2JyJWjAUns&t=041m44s]] - [[Concise Documentation|TwHo#72 - Concise Documentation]]
00:47:14(2834s) ''---'' [[00:47:14|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2JyJWjAUns&t=047m14s]] - [[Documentation Examples|TwHo#72 - Documentation Examples]]
00:52:27(3147s) ''---'' [[00:52:27|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2JyJWjAUns&t=052m27s]] - [[Branimir Documentation Examples and Doc Discussion|TwHo#72 - Branimir Documentation Examples and Doc Discussion]]
01:07:48(4068s) ''---'' [[01:07:48|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2JyJWjAUns&t=067m48s]] - Hi Nathan
01:10:57(4257s) ''---'' [[01:10:57|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2JyJWjAUns&t=070m57s]] - [[Return to Test Subject - Didn't Read Documentation|TwHo#72 - Return to Test Subject - Didn't Read Documentation]]
01:20:55(4855s) ''---'' [[01:20:55|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2JyJWjAUns&t=080m55s]] - Hi Daniello Good to see you could make it
01:22:17(4937s) ''---'' [[01:22:17|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2JyJWjAUns&t=081m34s]] - [[Getting Started Discussion|TwHo#72 - Getting Started Discussion]]
01:25:56(5156s) ''---'' [[01:25:56|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2JyJWjAUns&t=085m56s]] - [[Technical Question - Plug Ins using libraries|TwHo#72 - Technical Question - Plug Ins using libraries]]
01:29:20(5360s) ''---'' [[01:29:20|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2JyJWjAUns&t=089m20s]] - [[Jed Introduction and Discussion of his work|TwHo#72 - Jed Introduction and Discussion of his work]]
01:41:46(6106s) ''---'' [[01:41:46|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2JyJWjAUns&t=101m46s]] - [[What is the easiest way to do dynamic mail to links?|TwHo#72 - What is the easiest way to do dynamic mail to links?]]
01:45:05(6305s) ''---'' [[01:45:05|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2JyJWjAUns&t=105m05s]] - [[Is there a way to get direct HTML transclusion?|TwHo#72 - Is there a way to get direct HTML transclusion?]]
01:51:31(6691s) ''---'' [[01:51:31|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2JyJWjAUns&t=111m31s]] - [[Daniello Sync Adapter|TwHo#72 - Daniello Sync Adapter]]
02:06:20(7580s) ''---'' [[02:06:20|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2JyJWjAUns&t=126m20s]] - Good Byes!!!
2014-12-16 ''---'' [[YouTube Link|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08]] ''---'' [[Google Hangout|https://plus.google.com/events/cma8t37ad9518rjiobed7b63rpk]] - TW Version at time of Hangout 5.1.5
Direct Time Link ''---'' Tiddler with Embedded YouTube Video
[[00:00:00|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=000m00s]] ''---'' Hangout Creator [[Jeremy Ruston|JeremyRuston]] - [[Branimir Braykov]] - [[Dave Gifford]]
[[Eric Shulman]] @ 50:00 [[Alex Hough]] and [[Nathan developer in US]]
[[00:01:25|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=001m25s]] ''---'' Q & A Start
[[00:01:40|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=001m40s]] ''---'' [[Alberto Molina Pérez Question|TwHo#73 - Alberto Molina Pérez Question]]
[[00:05:00|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=005m00s]] ''---'' [[Andreas Hahn Question|TwHo#73 - Andreas Hahn Question]]
[[00:10:35|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=010m35s]] ''---'' [[Branimir Braykov Question|TwHo#73 - Branimir Braykov Question]]
[[00:21:30|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=021m30s]] ''---'' [[Branimir Braykov 2nd Question|TwHo#73 - Branimir Braykov 2nd Question]]
[[00:26:21|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=026m21s]] ''---'' [[BuggyJ Discussion|TwHo#73 - BuggyJ Discussion]]
[[00:27:12|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=027m12s]] ''---'' [[Thanks to Eric|TwHo#73 - Thanks to Eric]]
[[00:30:50|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=030m50s]] ''---'' [[Dave Gifford 1st Question|TwHo#73 - Dave Gifford 1st Question]]
[[00:31:24|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=031m24s]] ''---'' [[Dave Gifford 2nd Question|TwHo#73 - Dave Gifford 2nd Question]]
[[It happens once every Tuesday|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=041m03s]]
[[00:46:00|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=046m00s]] ''---'' [[Inline Discussion|TwHo#73 - Inline Discussion]]
[[00:51:18|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=051m18s]] ''---'' Hi to Alex and Nathan
[[00:52:45|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=052m45s]] ''---'' [[Alex any questions?|TwHo#73 - Alex any questions?]]
[[00:56:11|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=056m11s]] ''---'' [[TiddlyWiki Name Story and more Stickleback|TwHo#73 - TiddlyWiki Name Story and more Stickleback]]
[[01:04:00|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=064m00s]] ''---'' [[Alex discussing the European Connection|TwHo#73 - Alex discussing the European Connection]]
[[01:06:38|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=066m38s]] ''---'' [[Russian Christmas Tree TW - TiddlyWiki as a CMS|TwHo#73 - Russian Christmas Tree TW - TiddlyWiki as a CMS]]
[[01:11:56|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=071m56s]] ''---'' [[Discussion on GitHub about Group Tiddler Export|TwHo#73 - Discussion on GitHub about Group Tiddler Export]]
[[01:13:24|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=073m24s]] ''---'' [[2nd Post on GitHub Ticket|TwHo#73 - 2nd Post on GitHub Ticket]]
[[01:24:15|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=084m15s]] ''---'' [[Modal Dialogs Discussion|TwHo#73 - Modal Dialogs Discussion]]
__''---''Bumped''---''[[1:31:00|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=91m30s]] ''---'' [[Bump till next time discussion of State Tiddlers|TwHo#73 - Bump till next time discussion of State Tiddlers]]__
[[01:33:00|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=093m00s]] ''---'' [[Discussion of 5.1.6|TwHo#73 - Discussion of 5.1.6]]
[[01:34:58|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=094m58s]] ''---'' [[Big Jump in Groups Traffic and TW Usage discussion|TwHo#73 - Big Jump in Groups Traffic and TW Usage discussion]]
[[There's a Troll in the Box|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=95m14s]]
[[01:44:23|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=104m23s]] ''---'' [[Good Stuff is kept by developers|TwHo#73 - Good Stuff is kept by developers]]
[[01:52:41|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=112m41s]] ''---'' [[Alex Discusses how he copy pastes PDF to txt files|TwHo#73 - Alex Discusses how he copy pastes PDF to txt files]]
[[01:54:08|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=114m08s]] ''---'' [[Sublime Text Discussion|TwHo#73 - Sublime Text Discussion]]
[[01:57:10|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=117m10s]] ''---'' [[Code Mirror PlugIn|TwHo#73 - Code Mirror PlugIn]]
[[01:59:39|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=119m39s]] ''---'' [[Zettelkasten|TwHo#73 - Zettelkasten]]
[[02:02:12|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=122m12s]] ''---'' [[Eric Discusses Computer Tools|TwHo#73 - Eric Discusses Computer Tools]]
[[02:04:12|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=124m12s]] ''---'' [[Alex Discusses Flow|TwHo#73 - Alex Discusses Flow]]
[[02:08:08|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=128m08s]] ''---'' [[Eric Discusses how he creates the Wiki Way|TwHo#73 - Eric Discusses how he creates the Wiki Way]]
[[02:10:36|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=130m36s]] ''---'' Thank Yous and Wave Goodbye
\define hangout() 074
Details Coming Soon
<<topic "00:00:00" Introductions>> - [[Eric Shulman]], [[Rich Shumaker]]
<<topiclink "00:01:40" "Eric Updates us on his IndieGogo" >>
<<topiclink "00:05:55" "TW Hangouts Page Rich Shumaker" >>
\define hangout() 075
''Thanks to Astrid for all her help with the Hangouts and the Macros she has created and updated.''
<<topic "00:00:00" "Introductions">> [[Jeremy Ruston|JeremyRuston]] - [[Jed Carty]] - [[Mario Pietsch]] - Nathan - [[Nicholas Spies]] <<sep>> Holiday Break
<<topiclink "00:01:45" "Discussion of the Hangout and creating Tiddlers">>
<<topic "00:04:34" "Nathan says Hi">>
<<topilink "00:05:17" "Jed YouTube Macros"">>
<<topiclink "00:14:00" "Nicholas Question Double Scroll Bar Issue">>
<<topiclink "00:21:35" "Nicholas Introduction and Question about Navigation Back and Forward Buttons">>
<<topiclink "00:26:00" "Nicholas Question - Zoomable User Interface">>
<<topiclink "00:38:00" "Nicholas Question - TW as an email client">>
<<topiclink "00:44:50" "Nicholas Question - Other desirable linkages would be Wolfram Alpha, FRINK, General Conversions">> - Look at Wolfram Alpha - Degree of implemenation with Wolfram is based on the API - Probably easiest in TiddlyDesktop - Downloadable content is only with Pro Account - [[Wolfram Alpha|http://www.wolframalpha.com/]] - [[Frink|http://futureboy.us/fsp/frink.fsp]] - We should be able to take advantage of the API with the single TW version - Probably need to be done on the Node.js Version of TiddlyWiki or in TiddlyDesktop
<<topiclink "00:51:00" "Nicholas Mock Up of Sidebar">> Could not find the mock up from Jeremy's Email or where it was posted
<<topiclink "00:53:48" "I Remembered - Timelapse of TW Development - Fun thing from the Summer">> [[Timelapse video of TW development|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aROD7iUM85g]] - Every committed GitHub version of TW5 - Originally TW5 had a positionally linked Top bar - Layout of a horizonal tool bar
<<topiclink "00:58:40" "TiddlyWiki Desktop Update and Plan">> Not a lot has changed since last weeks demo because of the holidays - [[LessBackupsPlugin|http://mptw.tiddlyspot.com/#LessBackupsPlugin]] by Daniel Baird - Mario - Do the compression on the OS level using ZIP - Jeremy include zip.js
<<topiclink "01:02:41" "Introduction - Nick Spies">> Introduction by Nick - Primarily using TW as Email Integration by hand - Working with it for several weeks - heard about it from writing a book on Kplus - Dropped ~TiddlyWiki at the same time - What tools have you used in the past - He has written in linear editors like EMACS - Pre WWI Russia Financial Empire - LaTEX is what he used - Straight translation with some modifications for readability - Video Editor and Multimedia work
<<topiclink "01:06:56" "Switching Topics - Video Editing Concept of Learning TW">>Finding the optimal path between the material - It would be nice to have the optimal way of learning in a branching medium - Gets off on a sidetrack and can't easily get back - What is the optimal path for learning TW5 - By using Tags or something like that - The Groups are Confusing - [[GitHub|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5]] - [[Google Groups TW5 and Classic|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/tiddlywiki]] - [[Google Groups Dev|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/tiddlywikidev]] - [[Google Groups Docs|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/tiddlywikidocs]]
<<topiclink "01:09:50" "Question by Mario about TW.Com to Nick">> Is the Contents Tab not sufficient at TiddlyWikiDotCom? Within ~TiddlyWiki itself there doesn't seem to be a mechanism for 'learn' mode with one or more paths to follow when you are learning - Discussion of learning ~TiddlyWiki mechanism - Create the Introduction ~TiddlyWiki into a guided learning experience - Preset Path is very interesting - Tabs at top would have a preset story - Introduction - Latest - and would feel hopefully like a 'normal' website - Using a Non-Linear Tool to provide a Linear Experience with ~TiddlyWiki
<<topiclink "01:16:30" "History 'mode' inside TiddlyWiki">> Magic Tiddler - [[History|$:/HistoryList]] - Discussion of OS usage
<<topiclink "01:21:35" "Nick shows his mock up">> Demonstration of Nick's TiddlyWiki Mock Up - [[Go|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Go_%28game%29]] Game Discussion as it applies to ~TiddlyWiki - Textual representation to another system - Make TW an Environment to be easily bring in other notation systems - [[SGF or Smart Game Format|http://senseis.xmp.net/?SmartGameFormat]] - Choreographers have a notation system for writing down the movements - Chord diagrams would be another example
<<topiclink "01:29:20" "Write a Novel - Dump it to another system">> Use ~TiddlyWiki to create the book and then dump to another system like [[TeX|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TeX]]
<<topiclink "01:30:09" "Zooming Interface">> Demonstation of Zoom Interface and [[Taskgraph]] - Social Networks can be mapped in [[Mathematica|http://www.wolfram.com/mathematica/]] not Wolfram Alpha
<<topiclink "01:33:54" "Nick's Programming Background">> Wrote a book on [[forth|http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/7034911-forth-a-text-and-reference]] - Linelife written in 4 lines of fourth code - This formed the foundation for [[A New Kind of Science by Stephen Wolfram|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_New_Kind_of_Science]] - Jeremy was interested in [[forth|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forth_%28programming_language%29]] - BBC Micro had a music synth in forth - Mention of [[PETIL|http://tiddlywiki.com/#%22PETTIL%20-%20Forth%20for%20the%20Commodore%20PET%22%20by%20Charlie%20Hitselberger]] by Charlie Hitselberger - [[His Site Directly|http://chitselb.com/files/tiddlypettil.html]] - Commodore Pet - MK14 - 6502 Processor - Nick also did [[Hypercard|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HyperCard]] programming received program from Bill Atkinson - Taught Hypercard at Carnegie Mellon for lay people
Mario mentions [[RASPBERRY PI|http://www.raspberrypi.org]] PROJECT and they are using Sketch
<<topiclink "01:43:40" "Having growing up and learning all this hardcore type programming">> People don't understand if they haven't written certain things - Hypercard - [[Lingo|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lingo_%28programming_language%29]] - Still [[Supercard|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SuperCard]] - [[Revolution currently LiveCode|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LiveCode]] - Transclusion Definition - Reference to content that is listed already somewhere else
<<topiclink "01:48:46" "Critical Skills to have to contribute to TiddlyWiki">> GitHub is essential to contribute to the group. You don't need to know JavaScript per se. GitHub Pull Request is probably the best start.
<<topic "01:52:14" "Thank you and Wave Goodbye">>
\define hangout() 076
<<topiclink "00:00:00" "Introductions">>
<<topic "0:00:00" "Intro: frtl: Alex (later), Eric (later), Jed, Jeremy, Mat, Nathan (later), Rich (later), Tobias">>
<<topic "0:02:08" "Jeremy- about the agenda">>
<<topic "0:03:12" "Jeremy- about a post from Neil in the group: 'How do we present TW to new users'. Who is or should be our target group at the moment.">>
<<topic "0:08:40" ".. aobut a 'guided edition' for absolute beginners.">>
<<topic "0:10:17" ".. status quo at the moment.">>
<<topic "0:11:00" "Intro- Alex and Rich">>
<<topic "0:12:00" ".. status quo at the moment. ... What does the HO audience think? ... discussion">>
<<topic "0:19:06" "Jeremy- To whom, do we want to sell TW? ... discussion">>
<<topic "0:22:25" ".. How can we make it easier for beginners? ... The first impression">>
<<topic "0:24:15" "Rich- Can / Should there be other sites to learn TW? ..">>
<<topic "0:25:25" "Intro- Eric, Nathan">>
<<topic "0:26:24" "all- final thoughts / discussion ...">>
<<topic "0:41:17" "Jeremy- Mat's questions- about federation ... What happens if TW has a break through and a lot of new users. What will happen?">>
<<topic "0:45:22" "Jeremy- about GitHub pull requests and discussions. Should I make a pull request? ... If they are actionable.">>
<<topic "0:49:25" "Jeremy- summary about 'what is a pull request'">>
<<topic "0:50:20" "Mat- about github. ... Some guidelines, how to contribute to GitHub.">>
<<topic "0:52:30" "Jeremy- short intro about the new 'railroad' diagrams">>
<<topic "0:57:10" "Jeremy- would like to have somebody in the community, who creates a 'news bullitin board' for TiddlyWiki. ... discussion">>
<<topic "1:01:50" "Mat- about federation .. What could we do, if there would be TW federation. The minimum requirement to participate, should be a static web server. ...">>
<<topic "1:13:55" "Rich ... How does the RSS stuff work?">>
<<topic "1:17:52" "Intro Arlen (no mic)">>
<<topic "1:18:07" "Mat ... discussion about iframes, and security concerns.">>
<<topic "1:22:10" ".. Is it possible to target only one tiddler? .. yes TiddlyWeb">>
<<topic "1:26:39" ".. discussion about how to get one tiddler with a node.js server.">>
<<topic "1:45:30" "Nicholas Q&A- may be next time">>
<<topic "1:47:40" "next handgout will be 27th of Jan. 2015">>
<<topic "1:48:30" "Bye! Bye!">>
\define hangout() 077
!!Log Completed and being converted and uploaded
\define hangout() 078
<<topic "00:00:00" Introductions>>
[[Jeremy Ruston]] <<sep>> [[Ed Dixon]] <<sep>> [[Nick Spies|Nicholas Spies]] <<sep>> [[Jed Carty]] <<sep>> [[Mario Pietsch]] <<sep>> [[Steve Schneider]] <<sep>> [[Nathan Cain]] <<sep>> [[Alberto Molina Pérez]]
<<topic "00:04:20" "Branimir Blanker Theme Question">>
<<topiclink "00:05:10" "TiddlyPip">>
<<topiclink "00:30:40" "Kickstarter Campaign Idea">>
<<topiclink "00:42:55" "Steve Demo's his work">>
<<topiclink "00:51:10" "Steve Interactive Text Class Walkthrough">>
<<topic "01:11:30" "~TiddlyWiki is not wysiwyg">>
<<topiclink "01:19:00" "Federation">>
<<topiclink "01:30:25" "What else could we do with this architecture">>
<<topiclink "01:42:00" "Demonstration of Federated Idea for plug ins">>
<<topic "01:48:30" "Interesting usage discussion with TiddlyDesktop">>
<<topic "01:52:45" "Thanks and Goodbye">>
\define hangout() 079
!!Log Coming Soon
\define hangout() 080
!!Log Coming Soon
\define hangout() 081
!!Log Coming Soon
\define hangout() 082
!!Log Coming Soon
\define hangout() 083
!!Log Coming Soon
\define hangout() 084
!!Log Coming Soon
\define hangout() 085
!!Log Coming Soon
\define hangout() 086
!!Log Coming Soon
\define hangout() 087
!!Log Coming Soon
\define hangout() 088
!!Log Coming Soon
\define hangout() 089
!!Log Coming Soon
\define hangout() 090
!!Log Coming Soon
The Groups are Confusing and a user needs to know where to go to do what
[[Google Groups TW5 and Classic|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/tiddlywiki]] - This group is for both TW5 and ~TiddlyWiki Classic - Posts are specified in the Subject [TW5] or [TWC] - Also I started to use the abreviation TiddlyWikiDotCom to avoid confusion
!!The Goal is to move from Google Groups to ~TiddlyWiki using the [[Eat Your Own Dog Food|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eating_your_own_dog_food]] Concept
[[Google Groups Docs|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/tiddlywikidocs]] - This is the Google Group for the documentation of ~TiddlyWiki
[[Google Groups Dev|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/tiddlywikidev]] - Google Group for ~TiddlyWiki Developers - Slowly things are being moved over to GitHub
[[GitHub|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5]] - Used to help create new code for TiddlyWiki and also being used for the documentation - (RS NOTE - Need GitHub Documentation Link)
[[TiddlyWiki Dev Google Group|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/tiddlywikidev]]
Abv. for http://www.tiddlywiki.com
[[tb5|http://tb5.tiddlyspot.com/#Tobias%20Beer]] / [[tobibeer@TiddlySpace|http://tobibeer.tiddlyspace.com/]] + [[tobibeer@GitHub|https://github.com/tobibeer]]
So the idea here is to create a single card that has a special TAG or a Special Content Type of [[twCard]] or something like that.
Then the content is formatted according to the twCard layout so you put
{Rich Shumaker}
Research stuff for this [[TW Site on Filters|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Introduction%20to%20Filters]]
TiddlyWiki Hangout occur every Tuesday @ 4pm GMT/UTC
See [[Hangout Tiddler]]
This Tiddler is for [[my|Rich Shumaker]] ideas on twCards.
I use a twCard for the idea of [[<Name Plate>]]
The idea behind the twCard is an Everything Card that follows a standard format that can easily be shared between TiddlyWiki's(and the world).
Base them on [[jCards 4.0|https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7095]]
Ideas in no particular order about twCards
* [[Customizable|twCard Options]] so that you can have the fields you want, you want (Facebook, YouTube, Email) you got it. You want (Nickname, IRQ Handle, favorite site to attend the forum of) you goit it
* you can add your name plate(twCard) to a Tiddler
* It can include an image
* Multimedia inclusion to allow Avatars in different formats
* Do we impose a maximum size and can you compress the data?
* Easily transferred from one TiddlyWiki to another - Drag and Drop
Tagged twCard
{{{ [tag[twCard]!sort[title]] }}}
Or is that Event twCard.
This is a twCard that is created for an Event.
It is a [[<Name Plate>]] that you would have outside the virtual door to the room having the event.
Tagged twCard Event
{{{ [tag[twCard Event]] }}}
NOTE - I have created Tiddlers for all of these options using ### for the hangout Number.
This is the opposite of creating a single card for each hangout
Here are some ideas for options you could have on your twCard
* Name
* Nickname
* Avatar
* Physical Address
* Email Addy
** Encoded so spiders can't get or we just convert it ourselves with R Money At G $ Dot C - Not sure how to include email addresses because of data scrapers
* Web Addy
** Customizable to allow for many different site types - Music Site - Image Site - Video Site - Blog Site
* Tiddler Title?
** I was thinking about this as a Label for a Video - So for Google Hangout you create a twCard that you add via Tag to every Tiddler with that Content - Then when you update the twCard all of them have the updated data
*twSites: List of all your sites that use TW5
Pseudo Code Example of twCard for Google Hangout
Item(:){Single Space}Data(; - Seperator)Data2;Data3;ect
Date: 2014-12-16
Time: 4pmGMT
YouTube Link Id: EU-H0xhga
Google Hangout id: cma8t37ad9518rjiobed7b63rpk
TW Version @ Hangout: 5.1.5
Attended: [[Jeremy Ruston|JeremyRuston]];[[Branimir Braykov]];[[Dave Gifford]];[[Eric Shulman]];[[Alex Hough]];[[Nathan developer in US]]
Running Time: 02:10:56 format
<<embed "074" "00:01:40" "00:05:54">>
Eric Updates us on his [[IndieGogo|https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/inside-tiddlywiki-the-missing-manual]]
<<embed "075" "00:01:45 " "00:05:16">>
Rich Shumaker Notes — I am working out the details of Tiddlers for each section with the Embeded video for the start and stop
<<embed "075" "00:05:17 " "00:13:59">>
[[Jed Carty Site|http://inmysocks.tiddlyspot.com/]] <<sep>>[[YouTube Video Annotations]] <<sep>> Concatination of URL's Solution is in the Tiddler <<sep>> A built in YouTube widget(into the core) would be very helpful - Google(~YouTube) has a good API to work with
<<embed "075" "00:21:35 " "00:25:59">>
Introduction by Nick Southeast PA - If you are using the Desktop then you don't get the back window and forwards - Saves the pages you have opened by default - Should these be used by default? Update Navigation History - Switch to Navigation Address Bar - These are planned for TiddlyDesktop
<<embed "075" "00:38:00 " "00:44:49">>
Better integration with email would be very useful - Jeremy saw this as an imap protocol implementation into ~TiddlyWiki - From Mario eamil.js link - Email in pure javascript imap client but not imap server - being an imap client opens up possiblities as Nick is imagining - How would we do it? Write a library and there are existing libraries we could take advantage of - Store Tiddlers on an imap server - Idea could work - We are interested in email integration - Eating our own dogfood Google Group - Jeremy uses email to answer things and therefore having integration would allow this - [[IFTTT|https://ifttt.com/]] - If This Then That - Creating workflows using this would get us a lot of flexibility - Resounding Yes on using TW as an email client
<<embed "075" "00:26:00 " "00:37:59">>
Infinite Zoomable Map Tiddlers done in TW Classic - Everyone could create there own Maps of the data - Data relationships based on size and location - It is being used in the introduction TiddlyWiki - Special Theme called Hide Furniture - Scrollable "cecily-demo" story view in ~TiddlyWiki Tiddler ~CecilyMap - JSON Tiddler - [[Taskgraph]] Viz.js implementation
<<embed "075" "00:14:00 " "00:21:34">>
Screenshare of the issue in IE - Does not appear on the MAC until you use it so there is less confusion - Alternative Layout that is more App like - Default Layout should not be changed as it should be more like a webpage then an APP - Offical Theme should be created for this <<sep>> ''Top Bar'' has an issue when you use a large image and the scroll mechanism does not know about the Toolbar - Introduce a new Story View that uses Javascript to layout the window - Best way to fix this is to fix the way we do the sidebars
<$set name=videoID value={{$:/.rich/data/videos##076}}>
<$macrocall $name="youtube-embed" video=<<videoID>> start="00:00:00" end="00:02:10"/>
[[Matias Goldman]] <<sep>> [[Tobias Beer]] <<sep>> [[Jeremy Ruston]] <<sep>> [[Jed Carty]] <<sep>> [[Alex Hough]](later) <<sep>> [[Nathan Cain]](later) <<sep>> [[Eric Shulman]](later) <<sep>> [[Arlen Beiler]] <<sep>> [[Rich Shumaker]](later)
<<embed "078" "01:42:00 " "01:48:29">>
It is built with Tiddlywiki and it kinda works and have not run into many problems
This could be the basics of a query requests to the outside world
[[react.js]] comes up
<<embed "078" "01:18:59 " "01:30:24">>
[[Rich Shumaker]] brought up several questions in regards to this. [[<Name Plates>|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/tiddlywiki/name$20plate/tiddlywiki/MIpR-IPvI8o/b3CalZvOKmIJ]] <<sep>> [[Tweet This or Pin That|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/tiddlywiki/Rich$20Shumaker/tiddlywiki/Si_3u94WI3Y/KgxF_vJ2TQQJ]] <<sep>> [[TW Social|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/tiddlywiki/Rich$20Shumaker/tiddlywiki/g4giXPhMPao/63QS-uaGxeQJ]]
By adding new languages into TW this grew TiddlyWiki to over 4.5mb which raises a flag
Install a TW ~PlugIn from inside TiddlyWiki - with current technology this can not be created
Ways to implement ideas like this
#XML HTTP requests - Browsers have a same origin policy, so this won't work
#JSONP is the another way to do this - JSONP introduces an security issue if we try to do this
#''Window Post Message(API in Javascript) inside an iFrame - with this architecture this would work''
<<embed "078" "00:30:40 " "00:42:54">>
He hopes to realease the draft over the next few days.
Sum of money MUST be reached.
If it is not reached then the campaign does not go forward.
Rewards - Publishing of at different ranges - Jeremy will be posting this soon
From Mario - Kickstarter is about getting PR and getting it out there
Jeremy Mentions [[Workflow APP|https://workflow.is/]]
Nick brings up [[LateX|http://www.latex-project.org/]] as a way to bring more people into the fold from Academia
<<embed "078" "00:42:55 " "00:51:09">>
Timeline from Steve - Spent the year working in TiddlyWiki - He presents his course materials in TiddlyWiki
He also has his masters students use TiddlyWiki to do their work
Uses TW as a way to learn HyperText
10 to 20% will take the next step from the ones he teaches.
Not a great front end for reading it is a great front end for creation
Mario has about 2/3 related to SUNY IT - They write a lot of great stuff, lots of complaints about the UI
<<embed "078" "01:11:30 " "01:18:59">>
[[Steve's Class Tiddlywiki|http://sunyit-hypertextjournal.tiddlyspace.com/]] - This is broken into a student TiddlyWiki and a teacher TiddlyWiki
NOTE - I could not find the exact one that was being demonstrated.
Here is a link to other ones [[both on PolySci as well as HyperText|http://stevesuny.tiddlyspace.com/Spring2015TiddlyspaceStructure]]
Fresh TiddlySpace for each Module that Steve teaches
Hypertext design and writing with hypertext
Filters Sorts - TiddlyWiki is the purest form of this
Associational thinking
Multidimensional representation
Teaching students to use your brain 'better' to allow them to understand interlinks between things
Note this TiddlyWiki below is from the actual ~PolySci class
[[PolySci Class sunypoly-pos252-spring2015|http://sunypoly-pos252-spring2015.tiddlyspace.com/]]
Student materials are brought in by the students
Amazing authoring platform - Can be continuously updated over time
Interactive Video Abilities
Linear Path through non-linear data
Has been using this for the past 3 years for teaching hypertext
<<embed "078" "00:05:10 " "00:30:39">>
[[Google Group Discussing TiddlyPip|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/tiddlywiki/h95Z77kkwPs]]
Earning Revenue with TW through the Apple APP Store
Create something that is consumed using TW as a bundlable app
Read Only TW - No used as an authoring tool - That would be phase 3
What is the user base? Not sure - As anyone can use it and it is not 'measured'
We do believe that many people have used it, specifically in Academia as an example
If TW was more popular then we could do a kickstarter
Textbooks are a really interesting use case but they are very specific and usually royalty free so couldn't be charge for
[[Ambit - Oxtwig|http://ambit.tiddlyspace.com/]]
[[Stand Alone Calculus Text Book|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/tiddlywiki/ZwPkUCfDzqI]] by Richard Smith
Federated Textbooks Idea
Geneology Idea from Nick Spies - Nick has an idea of how to do that - Rooted Tree with a single button called Path
~TiddlyPip stuff - Other ways like Federated Textbooks
Ideas for vanity publishing if we can get the cost down then people would be happy to do it.
<<embed "078" "01:30:25 " "01:41:59">>
TiddlyWiki code has server code in node.js - Make this interface available via HTML
Windows post method
Discussion of how the system would work between people and allow discussions
node.js will need to be used but many want to use HTML TW from the browser
demonstration of the code by Jeremy
Jed has discussed using something like TW for social systems and if it included things like Twitter and other social things they were interested
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/m2JyJWjAUns?rel=0&start=1364
&end=1501&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[00:22:44|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2JyJWjAUns&t=22m44sec]] - [[BiblioBox - Pirate Box]]
Need to add Tags
It is about sharing and keeping your content yourself
Disruptive Technology
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/m2JyJWjAUns?rel=0&start=3147&end=4068&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[00:52:27|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2JyJWjAUns&t=52m27sec]] ''---'' Branimir Documentation Examples and Doc Discussion
Branimir Documentation Examples and Doc Discussion
[[Filters|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Introduction%20to%20Filters]] Discussion - Difficulty finding Specific Filters
Jeremy - FAQ don't scale well
Necessary Topics and Subtopics
We don't have copy paste examples for OrIng(?)
Advanced Search Dialog box|(NEED TO LINK)is the easiest way to find things like this
We need additional documentation as well
''2 Parts of this''
1. Improve documentation
2. How do you get people to the right spot?
[[TiddlyWiki Documentation Group|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/tiddlywikidocs]]
Clear Plans to take the next steps on documentation.
Introduction Edition - TW5 Step by Step
Move documentation from TiddlyWiki.com to a new site that is just for documenation
TW.C would be the Shop Window and would focus on News and Examples and getting people going
TW.C would link to the Documentation site if you need that level of information
''Branimir Point about all TiddlyWiki - Wiki's is about 2 Things''
1. Information
2. Finding that Information
[[TW.C|http://www.tiddlywiki.com]] would change the look and feel to be more like open source projects
TW Docs would be a separate site to carry all the details needed
There are expectations of Open Source Project Users
Also has to serve as NOOB jumping off point
Hi Nathan @ 01:07:48
Eric Discusses the Elevator Pitch on TW.C right up front
Mario Discusses the different ways to use / Examples for the New Users
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/m2JyJWjAUns?rel=0&start=2504&end=2834&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[00:41:44|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2JyJWjAUns&t=41m44sec]] - Concise Documentation
Mention of [[Dave Gifford]] Site as he has created a narrative to help New Users
Temptation is to make it very chatty. Narrows the audience.
People want to see it working with a clear example.
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/m2JyJWjAUns?rel=0&start=6691&end=7580&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[01:51:31|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2JyJWjAUns&t=111m31s]] ''---'' Daniello Sync Adapter
Is there anyway to give a special appearance to skinny tiddlers before they get loaded.
Jeremy - Skinny Tiddler lacks a text field.
Lazy loading discussion
Screen Share showing Lazy Loading
[[Daniello Post to the TW Dev Group|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/tiddlywikidev/what$20type$20of$20module$20should$20I$20use/tiddlywikidev/4rqZv4zxMyI/FrRPoPWrQcQJ]]
[[TinCan API|http://tincanapi.com/]]
Ex of how this would work once it is create.
Jeremy would write his Tweets within TiddlyWiki, then he could hit the Tweet Sync Adapter and it would post the Tweet. If you could edit the Tweet then you could Edit the Tiddler and it would Sync up to the Twitter Server.
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/m2JyJWjAUns?rel=0&start=765&end=1064&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[00:12:45|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2JyJWjAUns&t=12m45sec]] - Discussion on PR
Article in the Newspaper
Jeremy: Post to the Group - Make a list of places you read stuff and encourage people to make a submission
Eric: Poster Challenge - Make a poster to get people excited about TiddlyWiki
If you have read an article about something technical let that writer know
New Year is a great time to discuss New Years Resolutions - How to be more efficient - USE TIDDLYWIKI
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/m2JyJWjAUns?rel=0&start=2834&end=3147&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[00:47:14|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2JyJWjAUns&t=47m14sec]] ''---'' Documentation Examples
Example are hard to find
Ex. How to do a Filter List of links with one tag or another
We need to have examples pages for each options so you can see how they work.
!! Narriative style and declarative style
Story Telling
A + B = C
TiddlyTools Plug In Each Plug In had a description of the Plug In
!!2 Parts to this
* Examples -Try to follow the same format
** We need to create a standard format for the examples - Optimal Format for this
* Then go around and update the documentation to follow this format
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/m2JyJWjAUns?rel=0&start=123&end=764&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[00:02:03|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2JyJWjAUns&t=2m03sec]] ''---'' Update on Indigogo
Inside ~TiddlyWiki the Missing Manual - [[IndieGoGo Campaign|https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/inside-tiddlywiki-the-missing-manual]]
Screenshare of who have contributed
764 Visits so far - Surge at the start - Quiet right now
Several Countries
Referals primarily from Google Links
Discussion on how the process will work for the creation of the book in regards to how the community contributes
Avoid [[Wall Garden|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Closed_platform]] process
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/m2JyJWjAUns?rel=0&start=4937&end=5155&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[Eric|Eric Shulman]] We need to be proactive in discussing Getting Started - As an experiment everyone creates a New Getting started and next week we show them to each other.
[[Jeremy|JeremyRuston]] shows [[Jed Carty]] [[No Learning Required TiddlyWiki|http://inmysocks.tiddlyspot.com/#Dashboard]]
Attempt to make a better Getting Started and a new way to use it
Join the [[TW Docs Group|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/tiddlywikidocs]]
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/m2JyJWjAUns?rel=0&start=2070&end=2167&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[00:34:30|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2JyJWjAUns&t=34m30sec]] ''---'' Getting Started is out of date
Jeremy will look into the [[Getting Started]] and make sure it is not a GitHub Issue
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/m2JyJWjAUns?rel=0&start=6305&end=6690&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[01:45:05|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2JyJWjAUns&t=105m05s]] ''---'' Is there a way to get direct HTML transclusion?
Transclusion of HTML content seems to cause an issue - Is there a way to get direct HTML transclusion?
Jeremy gives a Description of how Transclusions work in TW. Macro's are the right way to solve this problem.
There may be some specific syntax that we could introduce to simplify those tasks so that one doesn't need to use Macros all the time.
Jeremy has been discussing the Paragraph Tag with Tobias as it has been causing an issue in other places
Don't have a straight forward answer for this right now.
The trick the core uses is to transclude in inline mode. Downside is you lose block level syntax like headings but you can use HTML code instead. That answer is that it might be useful to have a content type for wikitext without paragraph processing applied
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/m2JyJWjAUns?rel=0&start=5360&end=6106&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[01:29:20|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2JyJWjAUns&t=89m20s]] ''---'' Jed Introduction and Discussion of his work
Summary on Getting Started on discussions we have been having
Discussion of what he was able to do with the built in template
[[Jeremy|JeremyRuston]] says it is Wonderful Technique - This seems like a great use for Contact Information
You have also been working on reusable editions of TW
Links to Jed's Sites
[[Contacts db|http://nolearning-contactsdb.tiddlyspot.com/]]
[[No Learning Required|http://nolearningrequired-full.tiddlyspot.com/]]
Package TIddlers into __[[Plug In]] NEED TO CHECK NAMING CONVENTION FOR THIS__ with all the Edition things that are needed
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/m2JyJWjAUns?rel=0&start=1065&end=1364&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[00:17:45|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2JyJWjAUns&t=17m45sec]] - Matt Goldman Idea
Contribute $100 to Eric's Campaign to the winner of the Poster Campaign
Need Link to the Contest
Screen Shot of Jeremy Poster - Says he thinks it is too wordy
A few people came because of the poster
Please Enter the Contest
Eric - 2 Promotions Methods
#Tech Journalist
#Poster Campaign
#What other ways could we reach other areas?
Is there a way to capitalize on untrust of governments - Distruptive Technologies
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/m2JyJWjAUns?rel=0&start=2168&end=2504&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[00:36:08|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2JyJWjAUns&t=36m08sec]] ''---'' More New User Experiences
Normally you poke around and then download
Seems The wrong way around - Normally you explore after you arrive you don't just download it right off the bat.
Good point made about it being complexity.
Saving locally is complicated because of the browser
Reminder that something else needs to be fixed the Getting Started user experience
Browser consistency is important
Don't take the new user experience for granted
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/m2JyJWjAUns?rel=0&start=4257&end=4855&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[01:10:57|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2JyJWjAUns&t=70m57s]] ''---'' Return to "Test Subject - Didn't Read Documentation"
Are we losing people long before that is the problem?
It is much easier to use TiddlyWiki on TiddlySpot
Maybe we should put TiddlySpot front and center at TW.Com, we will need to work with Daniel and Simon as TW5 is not included on the main page.
They will be making TW5 available shortly but no time frame or date has been set.
[[Eric|Eric Shulman]] Quote from last week "Own it like a document. Use it like a website"
!! We can create 2 routes for getting TW Users.
* Online - Easier
* Offline - Not as Easy
Is TiddlySpace going to be around for a while?
Someone would need to talk to [[Osmsoft|http://osmosoft.com/]] about this
There are things that need to be fixed at TiddlySpace before we can promote using TW5 there.
TiddlySpot needs TW5 added to the front page as it only promotes Tiddly Wiki Classic.
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/m2JyJWjAUns?rel=0&start=1502&end=2069&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[00:25:02|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2JyJWjAUns&t=25m02sec]] ''---'' Stephen Kimmel Post on New Users Testing
[[User Testing Post|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/tiddlywiki/New$20User$20Experiment$20$231$20(Long$20Post)/tiddlywiki/rDRWHh9r6TA/v9IC6pNa7U0J]] with people that he knows
He describes as ~~victims~~ volunteers
Problems with people just downloading the file
Once this happens they would have quit
Then issues making tiddlers
so on and so on
Suggestions from the client
Download name is an issue
''Jeremy will work on updating this download name issue'' - Will be updated on the next version
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/m2JyJWjAUns?rel=0&start=5156&end=5359&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[01:25:56|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2JyJWjAUns&t=85m56s]] ''---'' Technical question - Plug Ins using libraries
[[Tobias|Tobias Beer]] Technical Question - Plug Ins using libraries, Felix is using disc(?), I am using Math.JS, Putting these plug ins in a more global location and not in individual repositories
[[Jeremy|JeremyRuston]] - I think it is a good idea and we should definitely do it where we have shared libraries but the cases need to come on their merits
There are libraries built into core like Markdown and codemirror plug ins
Discussion of how to handle the plug in dependencies
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/m2JyJWjAUns?rel=0&start=0000&end=0000&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/m2JyJWjAUns?rel=0&start=6106&end=6304&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[01:41:46|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2JyJWjAUns&t=101m46s]] ''---'' What is the easiest way to do dynamic mail to links?
Daniello and Jeremy will have a conversation offline as he is not mic'd up
Nathan Questions - I have a quesition with respect to the contact list
What is the easiest way to do dynamic mail to links?
Via a Macro that stitches together things you need
Jed is not a coder.
Ex like that - Link in the Sources Pane __TW.com = Sources in the Info Panel
Can't create a link to the source TAB - So how would I do that?(That URL in the source is created that way)
I tried to link to GitHub but it says the page was not found__
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EU-H0xhga08?rel=0&start=4404&end=5055&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[1:13:24|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=73m24s]] ''---'' 2^^nd^^ Post on [[GitHub Ticket |https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1232]]
Post Snippet From [[Daniello]] - I find that TW tends to do too many things in the "background" for my taste. Looks like we are scared of forms, popups or any kind of UI.
Over time we will have configurations come up for use cases.
Discussion includes [[Google Analytics Plug In]]
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EU-H0xhga08?rel=0&start=100&end=300&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[1:25|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=1m25s]] ''---'' Q & A Start
[[1:40|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=1m40s]] ''---'' [[Alberto Molina Pérez]] Question
Q - When Working on a Local TW there is a single button to save on the computer and to upload to TiddlySpot but it doesn't perform both actions at the same time, I would prefer to have both actions done on a single click or to have 2 different buttons
A - Discussion on this and it is a very reasonable thing to look at - Jeremy asked Alberto to add a GitHub Ticket to help show his workflow
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EU-H0xhga08?rel=0&start=3165&end=3171&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[52:45|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=52m45s]] ''---'' Alex any questions?
Stickleback discussion - Lots of interest in the 3 spine [[stickleback|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stickleback]]
Lovely Word StickelBackWiki and StickleBackTiddlyWiki
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EU-H0xhga08?rel=0&start=7452&end=7688&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[2:04:12|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=124m12s]] ''---'' Flow
Alex Discusses [[Flow]] and how TW helps him stay in the flow by allowing him to sketch ideas quickly without breaking him out of the flow
[[Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi]] - Unpronounceable Name Guy
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EU-H0xhga08?rel=0&start=6761&end=6848&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[1:52:41|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=112m41s]] ''---'' Alex Discusses how he copy pastes PDF to txt files
Raw Material Interaction VS Picture of Material Interaction
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EU-H0xhga08?rel=0&start=3840&end=3980&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[1:04:00|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=64m00s]] ''---'' Alex discussing the European Connection
Jeremy comments that the future of other projects will be more worldwide and in many languages.
Alex finds it refreshing to be outside American ideas.
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EU-H0xhga08?rel=0&start=300&end=620&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[5:00|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=5m00s]] ''---'' [[Andreas Hahn]] Question
Q - The Node Server of TW Exposese an API similar to TiddlyWeb but TW5 does not know the concept of Bags and Recipes will be Bags and Recipes be integerated in the future and how will they work.
A - Resounding Yes. Although Deep Changes to the TW Core will need to be made. These were not in the original core to keep TW simple
I used this for my test video to see if this concept worked - [[Play YouTube video from one point to another]]
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EU-H0xhga08?rel=0&start=5698&end=5714&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[1:34:58|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=94m58s]] ''---'' Big Jump in Groups Traffic and TW Usage discussion
Recent spike in Traffic at the Groups.
[[Tobias Beer]] has been helping out greatly and taking what he has learned and putting it into his [[website|http://tb5.tiddlyspot.com/#GettingStarted]]
[[Alex|Alex Hough]] points out that Tobias's work flow is very useful and makes him feel he can contribute to the group. These workflows are very useful for everyone.
[[Eric|Eric Shulman]] - TW puts the ability to bring website technology into the hands to anyone.
[[Alex|Alex Hough]] - Widgets and Filters has brought a new dimension to it.
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EU-H0xhga08?rel=0&start=1295&end=1581&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[21:35|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=21m30s]] ''---'' [[Branimir Braykov]] 2^^nd^^ Question
Q - What further developments are designed beyond 5.1.6?
A - Moratorium till end of January. Firefox has a major update that we need to update TiddlyFox for because of multiprocessor support and TiddlyDesktop needs an update, quite a severe issue with external links.
Help with any of those things is greatly received.
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EU-H0xhga08?rel=0&start=635&end=1295&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[10:35|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=10m35s]] ''---'' [[Branimir Braykov]] Question
Q - [[highlight.js]] plug in - How and when are we going to obtain the new version of Highlight.js?
A - As soon as Jeremy has a chance to do this(after moratorium). Although anyone could do this it does not have to be Jeremy. A Pull Request would be required and updating the code and submitting at GitHub.(stick to stable versions)
Comments on [[highlight.js]] from Jeremy Not great for TW as it is only designed to run in the browser and not under node.js. Jeremy would like to swap out with a highlight that uses node.js
Discussion from the group on TW Google Groups - The core highlight.js only ships with a limited number of languages. The idea is to create 2 plug ins to allow the maximum number of languages we can.
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EU-H0xhga08?rel=0&start=1581&end=1632&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[26:21|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=26m21s]] ''---'' ~BuggyJ Discussion
BuggyJ has released [[TiddlyClip]]
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EU-H0xhga08?rel=0&start=5460&end=5580&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[1:31:00|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=91m30s]] ''---'' Bump till next time discussion of [[State Tiddlers| http://tiddlywiki.com/#StateMechanism]]
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EU-H0xhga08?rel=0&start=7030&end=7179&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[1:57:10|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=117m10s]] ''---'' Code Mirror ~PlugIn
[[Jeremy|JeremyRuston]] - Code Mirror plug in is now a bit outdated. The newest version has multiple cursors which is the feature that stands out in [[Sublime Text]]. Quite soon editing in TW will be similar to Sublime Text.
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EU-H0xhga08?rel=0&start=1850&end=1884&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[30:50|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=30m50s]] ''---'' [[Dave Gifford]] 1^^st^^ Question
Q - Are you using the moratorium to do documentation
A - Yes, to get documentation done BUT I also have to get TiddlyFox and TiddlyDesktop done. Not an entire moratorium
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EU-H0xhga08?rel=0&start=1884&end=2760&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[31:24|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=31m24s]] ''---'' [[Dave Gifford]] 2^^nd^^ Question
Q - As Part of the clean up and documentation process perhaps you can clean up the default style sheet base. This would help us find and make changes to our local files
A - It is Rendered Output and that is the way it looks - Screen Share of [[$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/base]] If you look at this in a text editor it is pretty straight forward.
Discussion about extending the core and extending this to style sheets and things like this.
Discussion of making the NOTES BOLD to make them stand out.
In the Future we can look at breaking each section out into individual [[Tiddlers]] to make both customizing and understanding easier.
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EU-H0xhga08?rel=0&start=5580&end=5698&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[1:33:00|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=93m00s]] ''---'' Discussion of 5.1.6
Garbled file names on downloads has hopefully been fixed for 5.1.6
There has been a lot of help on the file documentation for 5.1.6
Mention of [[Tobias Beer]] contributions to 5.1.6 and his [[website|http://tb5.tiddlyspot.com/#GettingStarted]]
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EU-H0xhga08?rel=0&start=4316&end=4404&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[1:11:56|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=71m56s]] ''---'' Discussion on GitHub about Group Tiddler Export
Here is the [[GitHub Ticket|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1232]]
[[Daniello]] make a good point now that we can export a group of tiddlers as a file. This would be useful for an export as a plug in.
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EU-H0xhga08?rel=0&start=7332&end=7452&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[2:02:12|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=122m12s]] ''---'' Eric Discusses Computer Tools
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EU-H0xhga08?rel=0&start=7688&end=7836&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[2:08:08|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=128m08s]] ''---'' Eric Discusses how he creates the Wiki Way
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EU-H0xhga08?rel=0&start=6263&end=6761&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[1:44:23|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=104m23s]] ''---'' Good Stuff is kept by developers
Discussion of how developers keep the best tools for themselves. TW gives those tools to everyone.
[[GitHub]] brought up.
Undo does not exist in most things like Facebook.
[[Eric|Eric Shulman]] - discusses commits and Saving
[[Alex|Alex Hough]] - discusses that one of the things he enjoys is being exposed to things like GitHub
[[Eric|Eric Shulman]] - Developers have had Roll back for years and this ability has existed for years. People are now getting more interested as they are becoming more involved in things like this. GitHub Social aspects is making it more popular.
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EU-H0xhga08?rel=0&start=2760&end=3078&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[46:00|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=46m00s]] ''---'' Inline Discussion
Inline Explanation might be the best way.
DIscussion of how [[underscore.js]] handles it with a markdown type process.
TW had a javascript parser and that was removed. On the list of something that is useful.
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EU-H0xhga08?rel=0&start=0&end=84&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[00:00|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t]] ''---'' Jeremy Ruston Hi and Welcome to TW #73
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EU-H0xhga08?rel=0&start=5055&end=5460&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[1:24:15|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=84m15s]] ''---'' Modal Dialogs Discussion
[[Jed Carty]] Page is screen shared (Need to confirm the exact page to link here)
Limitation is not what TW can do it is what we have time to do with TW
Screen share [[TaskGraph|http://wkpr.de/hosting/tmp/tw5/taskgraph/]] as an example of what you can do with TW
The mark of success is that others can build these complex systems using these tools.
Jeremy would like to create a wizard to create a new button - Possibly do multiple things at the same time with the button.
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EU-H0xhga08?rel=0&start=3398&end=4298&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[1:06:38|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=66m38s]] ''---'' Russian Christmas Tree TW
[[heeg.ru Site Link|http://heeg.ru]]
TiddlyWiki as a CMS
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EU-H0xhga08?rel=0&start=6848&end=7030&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[1:54:08|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=114m08s]] ''---'' Sublime Text Discussion
[[Jeremy|JeremyRuston]] - Configuring can be difficult
[[Alex|Alex Hough]] - Having HyperText is very helpful and Wikifying it
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EU-H0xhga08?rel=0&start=1641&end=1850&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[27:12|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=27m12s]] ''---'' Thanks to Eric
[[Google Groups Link to the Question|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/tiddlywiki/3f697_QBzSw]]
Question on group was how to create Separate Lists in TiddlyDesktop for Work and Personal Wiki's
Once Eric is on the way with his IndieGogo [[Campaign|https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/inside-tiddlywiki-the-missing-manual]] he will look at the TiddlyDesktop some more.
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EU-H0xhga08?rel=0&start=3371&end=3604&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[56:11|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=56m11s]] ''---'' ~TiddlyWiki Name Story and more Stickleback Discussion
Tiddler Discussion
Great Metaphor for what TiddlyWiki does
School of Tiddlers
TiddlyWiki about Sticklebacks would be cool
NASA guy Story - We can help you do it for yourself.
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EU-H0xhga08?rel=0&start=7179&end=7332&autoplay=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[1:59:39|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-H0xhga08&t=119m39s]] ''---'' Zettelkasten
[[TiddlyWiki Group Post|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/i58udKt8U-4/0ZyR7qLdzb8J]]
[[Niklas Luhmann|http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niklas_Luhmann]]
[[ Communicating with Zettelkästen|http://scriptogr.am/kuehnm/post/title-communicating-with]]
More from this [[Google Groups Thread|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/tiddlywiki/3pGhhCM3iT0]]
[[Connected Text|http://www.connectedtext.com/manfred.php]]
[[zettelkasten improves thinking writing|http://christiantietze.de/posts/2013/06/zettelkasten-improves-thinking-writing/]]
[[Pile of Index Cards|https://www.flickr.com/photos/hawkexpress/sets/72157594200490122/]]
[[Web Site for underscore.js |http://underscorejs.org/]]
[[Code and Comments Side by Side|http://underscorejs.org/docs/underscore.html]]
!Rich Shumaker 2014 -
<a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/"><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-sa/4.0/88x31.png" /></a><br />This work is licensed under a <a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a>.
[[TiddlyWiki Playlist @ YouTube|https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVT_2PPd-1p34gGCQ5qpwC8QdykxVAI3u]]
YouTube is a video-sharing website headquartered in San Bruno, California. The service was created by three former ~PayPal employees in February 2005 and has been owned by Google since late 2006. [[Wikipedia|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YouTube]]
!!~YouTube Tagged Items
{{{ [tag[YouTube]!sort[title]] }}}
[[Google Site|https://developers.google.com/youtube/iframe_api_reference]]
Sinpet from the site
The constructor for the video player specifies the following parameters:
The first parameter specifies either the DOM element or the id of the HTML element where the API will insert the <iframe> tag containing the player.
The IFrame API will replace the specified element with the <iframe> element containing the player. This could affect the layout of your page if the element being replaced has a different display style than the inserted <iframe> element. By default, an <iframe> displays as an inline-block element.
The second parameter is an object that specifies player options. The object contains the following properties:
width (number) – The width of the video player. The default value is 640.
height (number) – The height of the video player. The default value is 390.
videoId (string) – The YouTube video ID that identifies the video that the player will load.
playerVars (object) – The object's properties identify player parameters that can be used to customize the player.
events (object) – The object's properties identify the events that the API fires and the functions (event listeners) that the API will call when those events occur. In the example, the constructor indicates that the onPlayerReady function will execute when the onReady event fires and that the onPlayerStateChange function will execute when the onStateChange event fires.
!!This is no longer being used.
This is from [[Jeremy|JeremyRuston]]
Thanks Tobias for bumping this.
Here's a basic YouTube macro that autoplays a video at a specified start point:
\define yt(id,start)
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/$id$?autoplay=1&start=$start$" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<<yt EU-H0xhga08 1850>>
As discussed above, the start point needs to be specified as a number of seconds, not 30m25s.
Here's the documentation on the parameters that YouTube accepts:
Best wishes
SEE [[Macros for Hangout Wiki Project]]
\define youtubeEmbed(videoName, start, end)
<$macrocall $name="youtube-embed" video={{$:/.rich/data/videos##$videoName$}} start="$start$" end="$end$"/>
\define thisMakeSelectVideoOption()
<option value=<<videoID>>><$view field='title'/></option>
\define thisExternalMakeURL()
\define thisMakeEmbedURL()
\define thisMakeTiddlerName()
$(youtubeID)$ - $(hours)$:$(minutes)$:$(seconds)$
\define thisMakeSegmentName()
$(selectedVideo)$ - $(startTime)$ to $(endTime)$
\define getProperTags() [[$(properTag)$]] [[$(selectedVideo)$]]
\define thisMakeSegmentURL()
\define thisMakeVideoIframe()
<$set name=videoID value={{$:/.rich/data/videos##$(selectedVideo)$}}>
<$macrocall $name="youtube-embed" video=<<videoID>> start=$(startTime)$ end=$(endTime)$/>
\define thisMakeText()
\define thisMakeEmbedIframe()
\define thisEmbideIframe()
<$macrocall $name='youtube-embed' video=$(youtubeID)$ start={{!!embed_start}} end={{!!embed_end}}/>
\define getYouTubeId()
{{Notes about the state of development||slider}}
{{Annotation Instructions||slider}}
<$set name=selectedVideo value={{!!selected_video}}>
<$set name=youtubeID value=<<getYouTubeId>>>
<$set name=startTime value={{!!embed_start}}>
<$set name=endTime value={{!!embed_end}}>
<!-- Display the embedded video, with the appropriate start and end times set -->
<$macrocall $name=youtubeEmbed videoName={{!!selected_video}} start={{!!embed_start}} end={{!!embed_end}}/>
<!-- Select or Add video things -->
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='$:/state/videotimestampreveal' text='show'>
Select Video: <$select field='selected_video'>
<$list filter='[[$:/.rich/data/videos]indexes[]]'>
<$button set='$:/state/videotimestampreveal' setTo='show'>New Video</$button>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/videotimestampreveal' text='show'>
~YouTube ID:<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/videotimestamp' field='youtubeid' placeholder='YouTube ID'/><br>
Video Name:<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/videotimestamp' field='vidname' placeholder='Video Name'/><br>
<$button>Add Video
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/.rich/data/videos' $index={{$:/temp/videotimestamp!!vidname}} $value={{$:/temp/videotimestamp!!youtubeid}}/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/videotimestamp' vidname='' youtubeid=''/>
<$button set='$:/state/videotimestampreveal' setTo='noshow'>Done</$button>
<<tabs "[[Add Video Segment]] [[Add Video Timestamp]]">>
[[Just Added, Yes you can set a start and end time in a YouTube Videos|https://www.quora.com/Can-a-YouTube-video-end-without-showing-other-videos]]
[[All Good Things Must Come to an end= - YouTube API|http://apiblog.youtube.com/2012/06/all-good-things-must-come-to-end.html]]
See also [[Play YouTube video from one point to another]]
<$list filter="[[TWiz]tagging[]]">
!!twiz component sources
<$list filter="[[TWiz]tagging[]]">
<$macrocall $name="source" src=<<currentTiddler>>/>
the question
the answer
This space is for exploring quiz systems using tw5...
* [[References]]
* [[Components]]
* [[CSS Example]]
;Q&A css trick
This is meant to help fixing mistakes and omissions in Jed's <a href="http://inmysocks.tiddlyspot.com/#Plugin%20twCard">list by category</a>.
! Unexploitable entries in Jed's list
Possible issues:
* Missing ``plugin_tiddler`` field
* Missing ``wiki`` field
* ``plugin_tiddler`` value does not start with ``$:/`` (unlikely)
Such entries are listed in the special tiddler [[$:/SourcePluginsFieldError]]. Content:
! Entries in Jed's list for which the system did not find a match
! Match on plugin title but not on wiki (possible ambiguity)
<$list filter="[has[source-wiki-address]!tag[CommunityPlugins]]">
<$set name="plugin" value={{!!canonical-name}}>
<$set name="jedscard" value=<<currentTiddler>>>
<li> <$link to={{!!title}}><$text text={{!!title}}/></$link> + {{!!source-wiki-address}}
<$list filter="[has[extracted-plugin]field:source-tiddler-title-as-text<plugin>]">
<li><$link to={{!!title}}><$text text={{!!title}}/></$link>
<$set name="wiki" value={{!!source-wiki-id}}>
<$list filter="[<wiki>get[wiki-address]]" variable="address">
! Plugins found with no corresponding entry in Jed's list
In this case we only consider the plugins for which there is no entry with the same plugin title, ignoring the wiki address. These cases are plugins which don't appear in the source list at all.
<$list filter="[has[extracted-plugin]]">
<$set name="plugintitle" value={{!!source-tiddler-title-as-text}}>
<$list filter="[has[source-wiki-address]field:canonical-name<plugintitle>]">
Enter a filter and all tiddlers returned by that filter will be listed. Enter a tag and the checkboxes will indicate if each tiddler has that tag or not. Checking a box adds the tag, unchecking a box removes it. The buttons do exactly what they say.
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/BatchAddTags' field='filter' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
Tag: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/BatchAddTags' field='add_tag' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
<tr><th>Tiddler Name</th><th>Has Tag?</th></tr>
<$list filter={{$:/temp/BatchAddTags!!filter}}>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<currentTiddler>>>
<tr><td><$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></$link></td><td><$checkbox tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> tag={{$:/temp/BatchAddTags!!add_tag}}/></td></tr>
This lets you search for all tiddlers with a specific tag and selectivly replace that tag with another one. Or if the 'Replace With' field is empty just remove the tag from the tiddler(s).
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/AddTags' field='filter' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
Tag to add: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/AddTags' field='add_tag' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
<tr><th>Tiddler Name</th><th></th></tr>
<$list filter={{$:/temp/AddTags!!filter}}>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<currentTiddler>>>
<tr><td><$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></$link></td><td><$button>Add Tag<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param={{$:/temp/AddTags!!add_tag}}/></$button></td></tr>
Enter a filter and all tiddlers returned by that filter will be listed. Enter a tag and the checkboxes will indicate if each tiddler has that tag or not. Checking a box adds the tag, unchecking a box removes it. The buttons do exactly what they say.
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/BatchAddTags' field='filter' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
Tag: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/BatchAddTags' field='add_tag' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
<$button>Add Tag to All Listed Tiddlers
<$list filter={{$:/temp/BatchAddTags!!filter}}>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param={{$:/temp/BatchAddTags!!add_tag}}/>
<$button>Remove Tag from All Listed Tiddlers
<$list filter={{$:/temp/BatchAddTags!!filter}}>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-tag' $param={{$:/temp/BatchAddTags!!add_tag}}/>
<tr><th>Tiddler Name</th><th>Has Tag?</th></tr>
<$list filter={{$:/temp/BatchAddTags!!filter}}>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<currentTiddler>>>
<tr><td><$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></$link></td><td><$checkbox tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> tag={{$:/temp/BatchAddTags!!add_tag}}/></td></tr>
\define thisMakeSelectionButton()
<$reveal type=nomatch state='$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/SelectedTiddlers##$(ThisIndexName)$' text=selected>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'><$text text="""$(ThisOne)$"""/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="""$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/SelectedTiddlers""" $index="""$(ThisIndexName)$""" $value=selected/>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/SelectedTiddlers##$(ThisIndexName)$' text=selected>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>{{$:/core/images/done-button}}<$text text="""$(ThisOne)$"""/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="""$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/SelectedTiddlers""" $index="""$(ThisIndexName)$""" $value=unselected/>
\define thisMakeIndexName()
\define thisClearSelectionButton()
<$button>Clear Selections
<$list filter='[[$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/SelectedTiddlers]indexes[]]'>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/SelectedTiddlers' $index=<<currentTiddler>> $value='unselected'/>
\define thisMakeTables()
Selected matches (<$button>Replace Selected Matches
<$list filter='$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<!--<$list filter='[!is[system]regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>-->
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>fields[]regexp<FieldNameSearchRegExp>]$(IncludeTitleField)$$(IncludeModifiedField)$$(IncludeCreatedField)$$(IncludeTagsField)$$(IncludeTextField)$' variable=ThisField>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexName>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>get<ThisField>regexp<FieldContentsSearchRegExp>]'>
<$list filter='[[$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/SelectedTiddlers]getindex<ThisIndexName>prefix[selected]]'>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<ThisOne>> $field=<<ThisField>> $value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!replace_text}}/>
</$button> <<thisClearSelectionButton>>):
<tr><th>Tiddler</th><th>Field Name</th><th>Field Value</th></tr>
<$list filter='$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<!--<$list filter='[!is[system]regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>-->
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>fields[]regexp<FieldNameSearchRegExp>]$(IncludeTitleField)$$(IncludeModifiedField)$$(IncludeCreatedField)$$(IncludeTagsField)$$(IncludeTextField)$' variable=ThisField>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexName>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>get<ThisField>regexp<FieldContentsSearchRegExp>]'>
<$list filter='[[$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/SelectedTiddlers]getindex<ThisIndexName>prefix[selected]]'>
<tr><td><<thisMakeSelectionButton>></td><td><<ThisField>></td><td><$view tiddler=<<ThisOne>> field=<<ThisField>>/></td></tr>
All matches (<$button>Replace All Matches
<$list filter='$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<!--<$list filter='[!is[system]regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>-->
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>fields[]regexp<FieldNameSearchRegExp>]$(IncludeTitleField)$$(IncludeModifiedField)$$(IncludeCreatedField)$$(IncludeTagsField)$$(IncludeTextField)$' variable=ThisField>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexName>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>get<ThisField>regexp<FieldContentsSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisFilteredFieldValue>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<ThisOne>> $field=<<ThisField>> $value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!replace_text}}/>
<tr><th>Tiddler</th><th>Field Name</th><th>Field Value</th></tr>
<$list filter='$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<!--<$list filter='[!is[system]regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>-->
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>fields[]regexp<FieldNameSearchRegExp>]$(IncludeTitleField)$$(IncludeModifiedField)$$(IncludeCreatedField)$$(IncludeTagsField)$$(IncludeTextField)$' variable=ThisField>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexName>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>get<ThisField>regexp<FieldContentsSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisFilteredFieldValue>
<tr><td><<ThisFilteredField>><<thisMakeSelectionButton>></td><td><<ThisField>></td><td><$view tiddler=<<ThisOne>> field=<<ThisField>>/></td></tr>
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/ShowInstructions" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/ShowInstructions" setTo="show">Show instructions</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/ShowInstructions" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/ShowInstructions" setTo="hide">Hide instructions</$button>
''How to use this:''
Type in your search string into the Search text box. Note that this search only reduces the number of returned entries so if you type `a` //ALL// fields in non-system tiddlers that contain `a` or `A` will be listed. This uses regular expressions and some characters may cause strange behaviour, namely `$`, `[`, `]` and `.` and possibly others.
Type the string you want the field(s) to have into the replace box. Note that this will replace the entire contents of the field, not just the string in the search box. So typing in `foo` will list all fields that have the (case insensitive) string `foo` anywhere in the string in that field. Putting `bar` as the replace string will set the value of all of the selected fields to `bar`, even if `foo` was only part of the previous value.
You can select specific tiddlers to change the field values of, or you can change the value in all the listed tiddlers. To select or unselect a tiddler click on its name and a checkmark will be put beside the tiddler name and it will appear in the selected tiddlers list.
Search by tiddler name:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search' placeholder='Search Tiddlers' field=tiddler_search_text class='tc-edit-texteditor'/><br>
Search by field name:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search' placeholder='Search Field Names' field=field_name_search_text class='tc-edit-texteditor'/><br>
Search by field contents:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search' placeholder='Search Field Contents' field=search_text class='tc-edit-texteditor'/><br>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search' placeholder='Replacement Contents' field=replace_text class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/ShowOptions" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/ShowOptions" setTo="show">Show Options</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/ShowOptions" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/ShowOptions" setTo="hide">Hide Options</$button>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search' field=include_system_tiddlers checked="""[all[]]""" unchecked="""[!is[system]]"""> Check this to include system tiddlers</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search' field=case_sensitive checked='' unchecked='(?i)'>Case sensitive search</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search' field=include_text checked='' unchecked='-[[text]]'>Include text field</$checkbox> - Be careful using this one
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search' field=include_tags checked='' unchecked='-[[tags]]'>Include tags field</$checkbox> - Be careful using this one
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search' field=include_created checked='' unchecked='-[[created]]'>Include created field</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search' field=include_modified checked='' unchecked='-[[modified]]'>Include modified field</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search' field=include_title checked='' unchecked='-[[title]]'>Include title field</$checkbox>
<$set name=FieldContentsSearchString value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!search_text}}>
<$set name=FieldContentsSearchRegExp value="$(CaseSensitive)$$(FieldContentsSearchString)$">
<$set name=FieldNameSearchString value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!field_name_search_text}}>
<$set name=FieldNameSearchRegExp value="$(CaseSensitive)$$(FieldNameSearchString)$">
<$set name=TiddlerNameSearchString value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!tiddler_search_text}}>
<$set name=TiddlerNameSearchRegExp value="$(CaseSensitive)$$(TiddlerNameSearchString)$">
<$set name=CaseSensitive value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!case_sensitive}}>
<$set name=IncludeSystemTiddlers value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!include_system_tiddlers}}>
<$set name=IncludeTextField value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!include_text}}>
<$set name=IncludeTagsField value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!include_tags}}>
<$set name=IncludeCreatedField value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!include_created}}>
<$set name=IncludeModifiedField value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!include_modified}}>
<$set name=IncludeTitleField value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!include_title}}>
\define thisMakeSelectionButton()
<$reveal type=nomatch state='$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/SelectedTiddlers##$(ThisIndexName)$' text=selected>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'><$text text="""$(ThisOne)$"""/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="""$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/SelectedTiddlers""" $index="""$(ThisIndexName)$""" $value=selected/>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/SelectedTiddlers##$(ThisIndexName)$' text=selected>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>{{$:/core/images/done-button}}<$text text="""$(ThisOne)$"""/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="""$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/SelectedTiddlers""" $index="""$(ThisIndexName)$""" $value=unselected/>
\define thisMakeIndexName()
\define thisClearSelectionButton()
<$button>Clear Selections
<$list filter='[[$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/SelectedTiddlers]indexes[]]'>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/SelectedTiddlers' $index=<<currentTiddler>> $value='unselected'/>
\define thisMakeTables()
Selected matches (<$button>Replace Selected Matches
<$list filter='$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<!--<$list filter='[!is[system]regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>-->
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>fields[]regexp<FieldNameSearchRegExp>]$(IncludeTitleField)$$(IncludeModifiedField)$$(IncludeCreatedField)$$(IncludeTagsField)$$(IncludeTextField)$' variable=ThisField>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexName>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>get<ThisField>regexp<FieldContentsSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisFieldValue>
<$list filter='[[$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/SelectedTiddlers]getindex<ThisIndexName>prefix[selected]]'>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<ThisOne>>>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<ThisOne>> $field={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!replace_text}} $value=<<ThisFieldValue>>/>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-field' $param=<<ThisField>>/>
</$button> <<thisClearSelectionButton>>):
<tr><th>Tiddler</th><th>Field Name</th><th>Field Value</th></tr>
<$list filter='$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<!--<$list filter='[!is[system]regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>-->
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>fields[]regexp<FieldNameSearchRegExp>]$(IncludeTitleField)$$(IncludeModifiedField)$$(IncludeCreatedField)$$(IncludeTagsField)$$(IncludeTextField)$' variable=ThisField>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexName>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>get<ThisField>regexp<FieldContentsSearchRegExp>]'>
<$list filter='[[$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/SelectedTiddlers]getindex<ThisIndexName>prefix[selected]]'>
<tr><td><<thisMakeSelectionButton>></td><td><<ThisField>></td><td><$view tiddler=<<ThisOne>> field=<<ThisField>>/></td></tr>
All matches (<$button>Replace All Matches
<$list filter='$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<!--<$list filter='[!is[system]regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>-->
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>fields[]regexp<FieldNameSearchRegExp>]$(IncludeTitleField)$$(IncludeModifiedField)$$(IncludeCreatedField)$$(IncludeTagsField)$$(IncludeTextField)$' variable=ThisField>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexName>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>get<ThisField>regexp<FieldContentsSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisFilteredFieldValue>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<ThisOne>>>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<ThisOne>> $field={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!replace_text}} $value=<<ThisFilteredFieldValue>>/>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-field' $param=<<ThisField>>/>
<tr><th>Tiddler</th><th>Field Name</th><th>Field Value</th></tr>
<$list filter='$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<!--<$list filter='[!is[system]regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>-->
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>fields[]regexp<FieldNameSearchRegExp>]$(IncludeTitleField)$$(IncludeModifiedField)$$(IncludeCreatedField)$$(IncludeTagsField)$$(IncludeTextField)$' variable=ThisField>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexName>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>get<ThisField>regexp<FieldContentsSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisFilteredFieldValue>
<tr><td><<ThisFilteredField>><<thisMakeSelectionButton>></td><td><<ThisField>></td><td><$view tiddler=<<ThisOne>> field=<<ThisField>>/></td></tr>
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/ShowInstructions" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/ShowInstructions" setTo="show">Show instructions</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/ShowInstructions" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/ShowInstructions" setTo="hide">Hide instructions</$button>
''How to use this:''
Type in your search string into the Search text box. Note that this search only reduces the number of returned entries so if you type `a` //ALL// fields in non-system tiddlers that contain `a` or `A` will be listed. This uses regular expressions and some characters may cause strange behaviour, namely `$`, `[`, `]` and `.` and possibly others.
Type the new name you want the field(s) to have into the replace box. Note that each tiddler can only have one field of a given name, so if you select two fields in the same tiddler only one will remain after, and the value of that field will come from the last value on the list of fields to replace. So unless you want this you should only select at most one field per tiddler.
You can select specific fields to change the field names, or you can change the name in all the listed tiddlers. To select or unselect a tiddler click on its name and a checkmark will be put beside the tiddler name and it will appear in the selected tiddlers list.
Search by tiddler name:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search' placeholder='Search Tiddler Names' field=tiddler_name_search_text class='tc-edit-texteditor'/><br>
Search by field name:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search' placeholder='Search Field Names' field=field_name_search_text class='tc-edit-texteditor'/><br>
Search by field contents:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search' placeholder='Search Field Contents' field=field_contents_search_text class='tc-edit-texteditor'/><br>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search' placeholder='Replacement Name' field=replace_text class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/ShowOptions" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/ShowOptions" setTo="show">Show Options</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/ShowOptions" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/ShowOptions" setTo="hide">Hide Options</$button>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search' field=include_system_tiddlers checked="""[all[]]""" unchecked="""[!is[system]]"""> Check this to include system tiddlers</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search' field=case_sensitive checked='' unchecked='(?i)'>Case sensitive search</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search' field=include_text checked='' unchecked='-[[text]]'>Include text field</$checkbox> - Be careful using this one
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search' field=include_tags checked='' unchecked='-[[tags]]'>Include tags field</$checkbox> - Be careful using this one
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search' field=include_created checked='' unchecked='-[[created]]'>Include created field</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search' field=include_modified checked='' unchecked='-[[modified]]'>Include modified field</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search' field=include_title checked='' unchecked='-[[title]]'>Include title field</$checkbox>
<$set name=FieldContentsSearchString value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!field_contents_search_text}}>
<$set name=FieldContentsSearchRegExp value="$(CaseSensitive)$$(FieldContentsSearchString)$">
<$set name=FieldNameSearchString value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!field_name_search_text}}>
<$set name=FieldNameSearchRegExp value="$(CaseSensitive)$$(FieldNameSearchString)$">
<$set name=TiddlerNameSearchString value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!tiddler_name_search_text}}>
<$set name=TiddlerNameSearchRegExp value="$(CaseSensitive)$$(TiddlerNameSearchString)$">
<$set name=CaseSensitive value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!case_sensitive}}>
<$set name=SearchRegExp value="$(CaseSensitive)$$(SearchString)$">
<$set name=IncludeSystemTiddlers value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!include_system_tiddlers}}>
<$set name=IncludeTextField value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!include_text}}>
<$set name=IncludeTagsField value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!include_tags}}>
<$set name=IncludeCreatedField value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!include_created}}>
<$set name=IncludeModifiedField value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!include_modified}}>
<$set name=IncludeTitleField value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!include_title}}>
\define thisMakeSelectionButton()
<$reveal type=nomatch state='$:/state/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/SelectedTiddlers##$(ThisIndexName)$' text=selected>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'><$text text="""$(ThisOne)$"""/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="""$:/state/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/SelectedTiddlers""" $index="""$(ThisIndexName)$""" $value=selected/>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/SelectedTiddlers##$(ThisIndexName)$' text=selected>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>{{$:/core/images/done-button}}<$text text="""$(ThisOne)$"""/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="""$:/state/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/SelectedTiddlers""" $index="""$(ThisIndexName)$""" $value=unselected/>
\define thisMakeIndexName()
\define thisClearSelectionButton()
<$button>Clear Selections
<$list filter='[[$:/state/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/SelectedTiddlers]indexes[]]'>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/SelectedTiddlers' $index=<<currentTiddler>> $value='unselected'/>
\define thisMakeTables()
Selected matches (<$button>Replace Selected Matches
<$list filter='$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<!--<$list filter='[!is[system]regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>-->
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>indexes[]regexp<IndexNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisIndex>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexName>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>getindex<ThisIndex>regexp<IndexContentsSearchRegExp>]'>
<$list filter='[[$:/state/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/SelectedTiddlers]getindex<ThisIndexName>prefix[selected]]'>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<ThisOne>> $index=<<ThisIndex>> $value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/Search!!replace_text}}/>
</$button> <<thisClearSelectionButton>>):
<tr><th>Tiddler</th><th>Index Name</th><th>Index Value</th></tr>
<$list filter='$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<!--<$list filter='[!is[system]regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>-->
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>indexes[]regexp<IndexNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisIndex>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexName>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>getindex<ThisIndex>regexp<IndexContentsSearchRegExp>]'>
<$list filter='[[$:/state/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/SelectedTiddlers]getindex<ThisIndexName>prefix[selected]]'>
<tr><td><<thisMakeSelectionButton>></td><td><<ThisIndex>></td><td><$view tiddler=<<ThisOne>> index=<<ThisIndex>>/></td></tr>
All matches (<$button>Replace All Matches
<$list filter='$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<!--<$list filter='[!is[system]regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>-->
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>indexes[]regexp<IndexNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisIndex>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexName>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>getindex<ThisIndex>regexp<IndexContentsSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisFilteredIndexValue>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<ThisOne>> $index=<<ThisIndex>> $value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/Search!!replace_text}}/>
<tr><th>Tiddler</th><th>Index Name</th><th>Index Value</th></tr>
<$list filter='$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<!--<$list filter='[!is[system]regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>-->
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>indexes[]regexp<IndexNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisIndex>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexName>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>getindex<ThisIndex>regexp<IndexContentsSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisFilteredIndexValue>
<tr><td><<ThisFilteredIndex>><<thisMakeSelectionButton>></td><td><<ThisIndex>></td><td><$view tiddler=<<ThisOne>> index=<<ThisIndex>>/></td></tr>
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/ShowInstructions" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/ShowInstructions" setTo="show">Show instructions</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/ShowInstructions" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/ShowInstructions" setTo="hide">Hide instructions</$button>
''How to use this:''
Type in your search string into the Search text box. Note that this search only reduces the number of returned entries so if you type `a` //ALL// indexes in non-system tiddlers that contain `a` or `A` will be listed. This uses regular expressions and some characters may cause strange behaviour, namely `$`, `[`, `]` and `.` and possibly others.
Type the string you want the index/indicies to have into the replace box. Note that this will replace the entire contents of the index, not just the string in the search box. So typing in `foo` will list all indexes that have the (case insensitive) string `foo` anywhere in the string in that index. Putting `bar` as the replace string will set the value of all of the selected indexes to `bar`, even if `foo` was only part of the previous value.
You can select specific tiddlers to change the index values of, or you can change the value in all the listed tiddlers. To select or unselect a tiddler click on its name and a checkmark will be put beside the tiddler name and it will appear in the selected tiddlers list.
Search by tiddler name:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/Search' placeholder='Search Tiddlers' field=tiddler_search_text class='tc-edit-texteditor'/><br>
Search by index name:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/Search' placeholder='Search Index Names' field=index_name_search_text class='tc-edit-texteditor'/><br>
Search by index contents:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/Search' placeholder='Search Index Contents' field=search_text class='tc-edit-texteditor'/><br>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/Search' placeholder='Replacement Contents' field=replace_text class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/ShowOptions" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/ShowOptions" setTo="show">Show Options</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/ShowOptions" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/ShowOptions" setTo="hide">Hide Options</$button>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/Search' field=include_system_tiddlers checked="""[all[]]""" unchecked="""[!is[system]]"""> Check this to include system tiddlers</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/Search' field=case_sensitive checked='' unchecked='(?i)'>Case sensitive search</$checkbox>
<$set name=IndexContentsSearchString value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/Search!!search_text}}>
<$set name=IndexContentsSearchRegExp value="$(CaseSensitive)$$(IndexContentsSearchString)$">
<$set name=IndexNameSearchString value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/Search!!index_name_search_text}}>
<$set name=IndexNameSearchRegExp value="$(CaseSensitive)$$(IndexNameSearchString)$">
<$set name=TiddlerNameSearchString value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/Search!!tiddler_search_text}}>
<$set name=TiddlerNameSearchRegExp value="$(CaseSensitive)$$(TiddlerNameSearchString)$">
<$set name=CaseSensitive value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/Search!!case_sensitive}}>
<$set name=IncludeSystemTiddlers value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceIndexContents/Search!!include_system_tiddlers}}>
\define thisMakeSelectionButton()
<$reveal type=nomatch state='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove/SelectedTiddlers##$(ThisIndexName)$' text=selected>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'><$text text="""$(ThisOne)$"""/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="""$:/state/Generic Add and Remove/SelectedTiddlers""" $index="""$(ThisIndexName)$""" $value=selected/>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove/SelectedTiddlers##$(ThisIndexName)$' text=selected>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>{{$:/core/images/done-button}}<$text text="""$(ThisOne)$"""/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="""$:/state/Generic Add and Remove/SelectedTiddlers""" $index="""$(ThisIndexName)$""" $value=unselected/>
\define thisClearSelectionButton()
<$button>Clear Selections
<$list filter='[[$:/state/Generic Add and Remove/SelectedTiddlers]indexes[]]'>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove/SelectedTiddlers' $index=<<currentTiddler>> $value='unselected'/>
\define thisMakeIndexNameFields()
\define thisMakeIndexNameIndexes()
\define thisMakeIndexNameTags()
\define thisMakeTables()
Selected matches (<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove!!add_or_remove' text='add'><<thisAddToSelectedMatchesButton>></$reveal><$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove!!add_or_remove' text='remove'><<thisRemoveFromSelectedMatchesButton>></$reveal> <<thisClearSelectionButton>>):
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove!!add_or_remove_what' text='fields'>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove!!add_or_remove_what' text='indexes'>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove!!add_or_remove_what' text='tags'>
All matches (<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove!!add_or_remove' text='add'><<thisAddToAllMatchesButton>></$reveal><$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove!!add_or_remove' text='remove'><<thisRemoveFromAllMatchesButton>></$reveal>):
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove!!add_or_remove_what' text='fields'>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove!!add_or_remove_what' text='indexes'>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove!!add_or_remove_what' text='tags'>
\define thisListSelectedFieldsVersion()
<tr><th>Tiddler</th><th>Field Name</th><th>Field Value</th></tr>
<$list filter='[all[]]$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]+[regexp:tags<TagSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>fields[]regexp<NameSearchRegExp>]$(IncludeTitleField)$$(IncludeModifiedField)$$(IncludeCreatedField)$$(IncludeTagsField)$$(IncludeTextField)$$(IncludeTypeField)$' variable=ThisField>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexNameFields>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>get<ThisField>regexp<ContentsSearchRegExp>]'>
<$list filter='[[$:/state/Generic Add and Remove/SelectedTiddlers]getindex<ThisIndexName>prefix[selected]]'>
<tr><td><<thisMakeSelectionButton>></td><td><<ThisField>></td><td><$view tiddler=<<ThisOne>> field=<<ThisField>>/></td></tr>
\define thisListAllFieldsVersion()
<tr><th>Tiddler</th><th>Field Name</th><th>Field Value</th></tr>
<$list filter='[all[]]$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]+[regexp:tags<TagSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>fields[]regexp<NameSearchRegExp>]$(IncludeTitleField)$$(IncludeModifiedField)$$(IncludeCreatedField)$$(IncludeTagsField)$$(IncludeTextField)$$(IncludeTypeField)$' variable=ThisField>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexNameFields>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>get<ThisField>regexp<ContentsSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisFilteredFieldValue>
<tr><td><<ThisFilteredField>><<thisMakeSelectionButton>></td><td><<ThisField>></td><td><$view tiddler=<<ThisOne>> field=<<ThisField>>/></td></tr>
\define thisListSelectedIndexesVersion()
<tr><th>Tiddler</th><th>Index Name</th><th>Index Value</th></tr>
<$list filter='[all[]]$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]+[regexp:tags<TagSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>indexes[]regexp<NameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisIndex>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexNameIndexes>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>getindex<ThisIndex>regexp<ContentsSearchRegExp>]'>
<$list filter='[[$:/state/Generic Add and Remove/SelectedTiddlers]getindex<ThisIndexName>prefix[selected]]'>
<tr><td><<thisMakeSelectionButton>></td><td><<ThisIndex>></td><td><$view tiddler=<<ThisOne>> index=<<ThisIndex>>/></td></tr>
\define thisListAllIndexesVersion()
<tr><th>Tiddler</th><th>Index Name</th><th>Index Value</th></tr>
<$list filter='[all[]]$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]+[regexp:tags<TagSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>indexes[]regexp<NameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisIndex>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexNameIndexes>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>getindex<ThisIndex>regexp<ContentsSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisFilteredIndexValue>
<tr><td><<ThisFilteredIndex>><<thisMakeSelectionButton>></td><td><<ThisIndex>></td><td><$view tiddler=<<ThisOne>> index=<<ThisIndex>>/></td></tr>
\define thisListSelectedTagsVersion()
<$list filter='[all[]]$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]+[regexp:tags<TagSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>tags[]]' variable=ThisTag>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexNameTags>>>
<$list filter='[[$:/state/Generic Add and Remove/SelectedTiddlers]getindex<ThisIndexName>prefix[selected]]'>
\define thisListAllTagsVersion()
<$list filter='[all[]]$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]+[regexp:tags<TagSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>tags[]]' variable=ThisTag>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexNameTags>>>
\define thisAddToAllMatchesButton()
<$button>Add to All Matches
<$list filter='[all[]]$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]+[regexp:tags<TagSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove!!add_or_remove_what' text='fields'>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove!!add_or_remove_what' text='tags'>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove!!add_or_remove_what' text='indexes'>
\define thisAddFieldToAllMatches()
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>fields[]regexp<NameSearchRegExp>]$(IncludeTitleField)$$(IncludeModifiedField)$$(IncludeCreatedField)$$(IncludeTagsField)$$(IncludeTextField)$$(IncludeTypeField)$' variable=ThisField>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexName>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>get<ThisField>regexp<ContentsSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisFilteredFieldValue>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<ThisOne>>>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<ThisOne>> $field={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!name}} $value={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!contents}}/>
\define thisAddTagToAllMatches()
<$list filter='[all[]]$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]+[regexp:tags<TagSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<ThisOne>>>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!name}}/>
\define thisAddAllMatchingIndexContents()
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>indexes[]regexp<IndexNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisIndex>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexName>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>getindex<ThisIndex>regexp<IndexContentsSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisFilteredIndexValue>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<ThisOne>> $index=<<ThisIndex>> $value={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!replace_text}}/>
\define thisRemoveFromAllMatchesButton()
<$button>Remove From All Matches
<$list filter='[all[]]$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]+[regexp:tags<TagSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove!!add_or_remove_what' text='fields'>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove!!add_or_remove_what' text='tags'>
\define thisRemoveTagFromAllMatches()
<$list filter='[all[]]$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]+[regexp:tags<TagSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<ThisOne>>>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-tag' $param={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!name}}/>
\define thisRemoveFieldFromAllMatches()
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>fields[]regexp<NameSearchRegExp>]$(IncludeTitleField)$$(IncludeModifiedField)$$(IncludeCreatedField)$$(IncludeTagsField)$$(IncludeTextField)$$(IncludeTypeField)$' variable=ThisField>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexName>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>get<ThisField>regexp<ContentsSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisFilteredFieldValue>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<ThisOne>>>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-field' $param={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!name}}/>
\define thisAddToSelectedMatchesButton()
<$button>Add to Selected Matches
<$list filter='[all[]]$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]+[regexp:tags<TagSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove!!add_or_remove_what' text='fields'>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove!!add_or_remove_what' text='indexes'>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove!!add_or_remove_what' text='tags'>
\define thisAddFieldToSelected()
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>fields[]regexp<NameSearchRegExp>]$(IncludeTitleField)$$(IncludeModifiedField)$$(IncludeCreatedField)$$(IncludeTagsField)$$(IncludeTextField)$$(IncludeTypeField)$' variable=ThisField>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexNameFields>>>
<$list filter='[[$:/state/Generic Add and Remove/SelectedTiddlers]getindex<ThisIndexName>prefix[selected]]'>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<ThisOne>> $field={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!name}} $value={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!contents}}/>
\define thisAddTagToSelected()
<$list filter='[all[]]$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]+[regexp:tags<TagSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<ThisOne>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>tags[]]' variable=ThisTag>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexNameTags>>>
<$list filter='[[$:/state/Generic Add and Remove/SelectedTiddlers]getindex<ThisIndexName>prefix[selected]]'>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!name}}/>
\define thisAddIndexToSelected()
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>indexes[]regexp<NameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisIndex>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexNameIndexes>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>getindex<ThisIndex>regexp<ContentsSearchRegExp>]'>
<$list filter='[[$:/state/Generic Add and Remove/SelectedTiddlers]getindex<ThisIndexName>prefix[selected]]'>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<ThisOne>> $index={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!name}} $value={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!contents}}/>
\define thisRemoveFromSelectedMatchesButton()
<$button>Remove from Selected Matches
<$list filter='[all[]]$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]+[regexp:tags<TagSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove!!add_or_remove_what' text='fields'>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove!!add_or_remove_what' text='tags'>
\define thisRemoveFieldFromSelected()
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>fields[]regexp<NameSearchRegExp>]$(IncludeTitleField)$$(IncludeModifiedField)$$(IncludeCreatedField)$$(IncludeTagsField)$$(IncludeTextField)$$(IncludeTypeField)$' variable=ThisField>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexNameFields>>>
<$list filter='[[$:/state/Generic Add and Remove/SelectedTiddlers]getindex<ThisIndexName>prefix[selected]]'>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<ThisOne>>>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-field' $param={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!name}}/>
\define thisRemoveTagFromSelected()
<$list filter='[all[]]$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]+[regexp:tags<TagSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<ThisOne>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>tags[]]' variable=ThisTag>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexNameTags>>>
<$list filter='[[$:/state/Generic Add and Remove/SelectedTiddlers]getindex<ThisIndexName>prefix[selected]]'>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-tag' $param={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!name}}/>
Do you want to add or remove things?
<$radio tiddler='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove' field='add_or_remove' value='add'>Add Things</$radio>
<$radio tiddler='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove' field='add_or_remove' value='remove'>Remove Things</$radio>
Select what to <$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove!!add_or_remove' text='add'>add:</$reveal><$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove!!add_or_remove' text='remove'>remove:</$reveal>
<$radio tiddler='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove' field='add_or_remove_what' value='fields'>Fields</$radio>
<$radio tiddler='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove' field='add_or_remove_what' value='tags'>Tags</$radio>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove!!add_or_remove' text='add'><$radio tiddler='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove' field='add_or_remove_what' value='indexes'>Indexes</$radio></$reveal>
<$select tiddler='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove' field='search_type'>
<option>Generic Search</option>
<option>Filter Search</option>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove!!search_type' text='Generic Search'>
<$transclude tiddler='Generic Search (Add/Remove)' mode=block/>
<$set name=ContentsSearchString value={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!search_text}}>
<$set name=ContentsSearchRegExp value="$(CaseSensitive)$$(ContentsSearchString)$">
<$set name=NameSearchString value={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!field_or_index_name_search_text}}>
<$set name=NameSearchRegExp value="$(CaseSensitive)$$(NameSearchString)$">
<$set name=TagSearchString value={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!search_tag}}>
<$set name=TagSearchRegExp value="$(CaseSensitive)$$(TagSearchString)$">
<$set name=TiddlerNameSearchString value={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!tiddler_search_text}}>
<$set name=TiddlerNameSearchRegExp value="$(CaseSensitive)$$(TiddlerNameSearchString)$">
<$set name=CaseSensitive value={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!case_sensitive}}>
<$set name=IncludeSystemTiddlers value={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!include_system_tiddlers}}>
<$set name=IncludeTextField value={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!include_text}}>
<$set name=IncludeTagsField value={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!include_tags}}>
<$set name=IncludeCreatedField value={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!include_created}}>
<$set name=IncludeModifiedField value={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!include_modified}}>
<$set name=IncludeTitleField value={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!include_title}}>
<$set name=IncludeTypeField value={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!include_type}}>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search' text=''>
<$button>Click this button to prevent doom
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search' $field=search_text $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search' $field=field_or_index_name_search_text $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search' $field=search_tag $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search' $field=tiddler_search_text $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search' $field=include_system_tiddlers $value='+[!is[system]]'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search' $field=include_text $value='-[[text]]'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search' $field=include_tags $value='-[[tags]]'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search' $field=include_created $value='-[[created]]'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search' $field=include_modified $value='-[[modified]]'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search' $field=include_title $value='-[[title]]'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search' $field=include_type $value='-[[type]]'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search' $field=text $value='exists'/>
<$reveal type=nomatch state='$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search' text=''>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove' field='show_results' checked=show unchecked=hide>Show Results</$checkbox>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove!!show_results' text='show'>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove!!search_type' text='Filter Search'>
<$transclude tiddler='Filter Search' mode=block/>
\define thisMakeSelectionButton()
<$reveal type=nomatch state='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove/SelectedTiddlers##$(ThisOne)$' text=selected>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'><$text text="""$(ThisOne)$"""/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="""$:/state/Generic Add and Remove/SelectedTiddlers""" $index="""$(ThisOne)$""" $value=selected/>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove/SelectedTiddlers##$(ThisOne)$' text=selected>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>{{$:/core/images/done-button}}<$text text="""$(ThisOne)$"""/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="""$:/state/Generic Add and Remove/SelectedTiddlers""" $index="""$(ThisOne)$""" $value=unselected/>
\define thisClearSelectionButton()
<$button>Clear Selections
<$list filter='[[$:/state/Generic Add and Remove/SelectedTiddlers]indexes[]]'>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove/SelectedTiddlers' $index=<<currentTiddler>> $value='unselected'/>
\define thisMakeViewTagsSelectState()
$:/state/Generic Add and Remove/Tags View Select
\define thisMakeViewFieldsSelectState()
$:/state/Generic Add and Remove/Fields View Select
\define thisMakeViewTagsSelect()
<$select tiddler=<<thisMakeViewTagsSelectState>> field="""$(ThisOne)$"""><$list filter='[title[$(ThisOne)$]tags[]]'><option><$transclude tiddler="$:/core/ui/TagTemplate"/></option></$list></$select>
\define thisMakeViewFieldsSelect()
<$select tiddler=<<thisMakeViewFieldsSelectState>> field="""$(ThisOne)$"""><$list filter='[title[$(ThisOne)$]fields[]]'><option><<currentTiddler>></option></$list></$select>
\define thisMakeTables()
''The select widgets just list the tags and fields that tiddler has, they have no other purpose.''<br>
Selected matches (<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove!!add_or_remove' text='add'><<thisAddToSelectedMatchesButton>></$reveal><$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove!!add_or_remove' text='remove'><<thisRemoveFromSelectedMatchesButton>></$reveal> <<thisClearSelectionButton>>):
<table style='width:100%'>
<$list filter='[all[]]$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]+[regexp:tags<TagSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<$list filter='[title<ThisOne>fields[]]+[regexp<NameSearchRegExp>]+[limit[1]]' variable='ThisField'>
<$list filter='[title<ThisOne>get<ThisField>]+[regexp<ContentsSearchRegExp>]'>
<$list filter='[[$:/state/Generic Add and Remove/SelectedTiddlers]getindex<ThisOne>prefix[selected]]'>
All matches (<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove!!add_or_remove' text='add'><<thisAddToAllMatchesButton>></$reveal><$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove!!add_or_remove' text='remove'><<thisRemoveFromAllMatchesButton>></$reveal>):
<table style='width:100%'>
<$list filter='[all[]]$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]+[regexp:tags<TagSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<$list filter='[title<ThisOne>fields[]]+[regexp<NameSearchRegExp>]+[limit[1]]' variable=ThisField>
<$list filter='[title<ThisOne>get<ThisField>]+[regexp<ContentsSearchRegExp>]'>
\define thisAddToAllMatchesButton()
<$button>Add to All Matches
<$list filter='[all[]]$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]+[regexp:tags<TagSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove!!add_or_remove_what' text='fields'>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove!!add_or_remove_what' text='tags'>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove!!add_or_remove_what' text='indexes'>
\define thisAddFieldToAllMatches()
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='SomeTiddlerThatDoesntExistDoNotGiveATiddlerThisName' text=<<NameSearchString>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>fields[]regexp<NameSearchRegExp>]$(IncludeTitleField)$$(IncludeModifiedField)$$(IncludeCreatedField)$$(IncludeTagsField)$$(IncludeTextField)$$(IncludeTypeField)$' variable=ThisField>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='SomeTiddlerThatDoesntExistDoNotGiveATiddlerThisName' text=<<ContentsSearchString>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>get<ThisField>regexp<ContentsSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisFilteredFieldValue>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<ThisOne>>>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<ThisOne>> $field={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!name}} $value={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!contents}}/>
<$reveal type='match' state='SomeTiddlerThatDoesntExistDoNotGiveATiddlerThisName' text=<<ContentsSearchString>>>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<ThisOne>>>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<ThisOne>> $field={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!name}} $value={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!contents}}/>
<$reveal type='match' state='SomeTiddlerThatDoesntExistDoNotGiveATiddlerThisName' text=<<NameSearchString>>>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='SomeTiddlerThatDoesntExistDoNotGiveATiddlerThisName' text=<<ContentsSearchString>>>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<ThisOne>>>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<ThisOne>> $field={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!name}} $value={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!contents}}/>
<$reveal type='match' state='SomeTiddlerThatDoesntExistDoNotGiveATiddlerThisName' text=<<ContentsSearchString>>>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<ThisOne>>>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<ThisOne>> $field={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!name}} $value={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!contents}}/>
\define thisAddTagToAllMatches()
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='SomeTiddlerThatDoesntExistDoNotGiveATiddlerThisName' text=<<NameSearchString>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>fields[]regexp<NameSearchRegExp>]$(IncludeTitleField)$$(IncludeModifiedField)$$(IncludeCreatedField)$$(IncludeTagsField)$$(IncludeTextField)$$(IncludeTypeField)$' variable=ThisField>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='SomeTiddlerThatDoesntExistDoNotGiveATiddlerThisName' text=<<ContentsSearchString>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>get<ThisField>regexp<ContentsSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisFilteredFieldValue>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<ThisOne>>>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!name}}/>
<$reveal type='match' state='SomeTiddlerThatDoesntExistDoNotGiveATiddlerThisName' text=<<ContentsSearchString>>>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<ThisOne>>>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!name}}/>
<$reveal type='match' state='SomeTiddlerThatDoesntExistDoNotGiveATiddlerThisName' text=<<NameSearchString>>>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='SomeTiddlerThatDoesntExistDoNotGiveATiddlerThisName' text=<<ContentsSearchString>>>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<ThisOne>>>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!name}}/>
<$reveal type='match' state='SomeTiddlerThatDoesntExistDoNotGiveATiddlerThisName' text=<<ContentsSearchString>>>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<ThisOne>>>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!name}}/>
\define thisRemoveFromAllMatchesButton()
<$button>Remove From All Matches
<$list filter='[all[]]$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]+[regexp:tags<TagSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove!!add_or_remove_what' text='fields'>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove!!add_or_remove_what' text='tags'>
\define thisRemoveTagFromAllMatches()
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='SomeTiddlerThatDoesntExistDoNotGiveATiddlerThisName' text=<<NameSearchString>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>fields[]regexp<NameSearchRegExp>]$(IncludeTitleField)$$(IncludeModifiedField)$$(IncludeCreatedField)$$(IncludeTagsField)$$(IncludeTextField)$$(IncludeTypeField)$' variable=ThisField>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='SomeTiddlerThatDoesntExistDoNotGiveATiddlerThisName' text=<<ContentsSearchString>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>get<ThisField>regexp<ContentsSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisFilteredFieldValue>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<ThisOne>>>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-tag' $param={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!name}}/>
<$reveal type='match' state='SomeTiddlerThatDoesntExistDoNotGiveATiddlerThisName' text=<<ContentsSearchString>>>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<ThisOne>>>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-tag' $param={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!name}}/>
<$reveal type='match' state='SomeTiddlerThatDoesntExistDoNotGiveATiddlerThisName' text=<<NameSearchString>>>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='SomeTiddlerThatDoesntExistDoNotGiveATiddlerThisName' text=<<ContentsSearchString>>>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<ThisOne>>>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-tag' $param={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!name}}/>
<$reveal type='match' state='SomeTiddlerThatDoesntExistDoNotGiveATiddlerThisName' text=<<ContentsSearchString>>>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<ThisOne>>>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-tag' $param={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!name}}/>
\define thisRemoveFieldFromAllMatches()
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='SomeTiddlerThatDoesntExistDoNotGiveATiddlerThisName' text=<<NameSearchString>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>fields[]regexp<NameSearchRegExp>]$(IncludeTitleField)$$(IncludeModifiedField)$$(IncludeCreatedField)$$(IncludeTagsField)$$(IncludeTextField)$$(IncludeTypeField)$' variable=ThisField>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='SomeTiddlerThatDoesntExistDoNotGiveATiddlerThisName' text=<<ContentsSearchString>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>get<ThisField>regexp<ContentsSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisFilteredFieldValue>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<ThisOne>>>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-field' $param={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!name}}/>
<$reveal type='match' state='SomeTiddlerThatDoesntExistDoNotGiveATiddlerThisName' text=<<ContentsSearchString>>>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<ThisOne>>>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-field' $param={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!name}}/>
<$reveal type='match' state='SomeTiddlerThatDoesntExistDoNotGiveATiddlerThisName' text=<<NameSearchString>>>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='SomeTiddlerThatDoesntExistDoNotGiveATiddlerThisName' text=<<ContentsSearchString>>>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<ThisOne>>>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-field' $param={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!name}}/>
<$reveal type='match' state='SomeTiddlerThatDoesntExistDoNotGiveATiddlerThisName' text=<<ContentsSearchString>>>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<ThisOne>>>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-field' $param={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!name}}/>
\define thisAddToSelectedMatchesButton()
<$button>Add to Selected Matches
<$list filter='[all[]]$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]+[regexp:tags<TagSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove!!add_or_remove_what' text='fields'>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove!!add_or_remove_what' text='tags'>
\define thisAddFieldToSelected()
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='SomeTiddlerThatDoesntExistDoNotGiveATiddlerThisName' text=<<NameSearchString>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>fields[]regexp<NameSearchRegExp>]$(IncludeTitleField)$$(IncludeModifiedField)$$(IncludeCreatedField)$$(IncludeTagsField)$$(IncludeTextField)$$(IncludeTypeField)$' variable=ThisField>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='SomeTiddlerThatDoesntExistDoNotGiveATiddlerThisName' text=<<ContentsSearchString>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>get<ThisField>regexp<ContentsSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisFilteredFieldValue>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>fields[]regexp<NameSearchRegExp>]$(IncludeTitleField)$$(IncludeModifiedField)$$(IncludeCreatedField)$$(IncludeTagsField)$$(IncludeTextField)$$(IncludeTypeField)$' variable=ThisField>
<$list filter='[[$:/state/Generic Add and Remove/SelectedTiddlers]getindex<ThisOne>prefix[selected]]'>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<ThisOne>> $field={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!name}} $value={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!contents}}/>
<$reveal type='match' state='SomeTiddlerThatDoesntExistDoNotGiveATiddlerThisName' text=<<ContentsSearchString>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>fields[]regexp<NameSearchRegExp>]$(IncludeTitleField)$$(IncludeModifiedField)$$(IncludeCreatedField)$$(IncludeTagsField)$$(IncludeTextField)$$(IncludeTypeField)$' variable=ThisField>
<$list filter='[[$:/state/Generic Add and Remove/SelectedTiddlers]getindex<ThisOne>prefix[selected]]'>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<ThisOne>> $field={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!name}} $value={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!contents}}/>
<$reveal type='match' state='SomeTiddlerThatDoesntExistDoNotGiveATiddlerThisName' text=<<NameSearchString>>>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='SomeTiddlerThatDoesntExistDoNotGiveATiddlerThisName' text=<<ContentsSearchString>>>
<$list filter='[[$:/state/Generic Add and Remove/SelectedTiddlers]getindex<ThisOne>prefix[selected]]'>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<ThisOne>> $field={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!name}} $value={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!contents}}/>
<$reveal type='match' state='SomeTiddlerThatDoesntExistDoNotGiveATiddlerThisName' text=<<ContentsSearchString>>>
<$list filter='[[$:/state/Generic Add and Remove/SelectedTiddlers]getindex<ThisOne>prefix[selected]]'>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<ThisOne>> $field={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!name}} $value={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!contents}}/>
\define thisAddTagToSelected()
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='SomeTiddlerThatDoesntExistDoNotGiveATiddlerThisName' text=<<NameSearchString>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>fields[]regexp<NameSearchRegExp>]$(IncludeTitleField)$$(IncludeModifiedField)$$(IncludeCreatedField)$$(IncludeTagsField)$$(IncludeTextField)$$(IncludeTypeField)$' variable=ThisField>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='SomeTiddlerThatDoesntExistDoNotGiveATiddlerThisName' text=<<ContentsSearchString>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>get<ThisField>regexp<ContentsSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisFilteredFieldValue>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<ThisOne>>>
<$list filter='[[$:/state/Generic Add and Remove/SelectedTiddlers]getindex<ThisOne>prefix[selected]]'>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!name}}/>
<$reveal type='match' state='SomeTiddlerThatDoesntExistDoNotGiveATiddlerThisName' text=<<ContentsSearchString>>>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<ThisOne>>>
<$list filter='[[$:/state/Generic Add and Remove/SelectedTiddlers]getindex<ThisOne>prefix[selected]]'>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!name}}/>
<$reveal type='match' state='SomeTiddlerThatDoesntExistDoNotGiveATiddlerThisName' text=<<NameSearchString>>>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='SomeTiddlerThatDoesntExistDoNotGiveATiddlerThisName' text=<<ContentsSearchString>>>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<ThisOne>>>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-field' $param={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!name}}/>
<$reveal type='match' state='SomeTiddlerThatDoesntExistDoNotGiveATiddlerThisName' text=<<ContentsSearchString>>>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<ThisOne>>>
<$list filter='[[$:/state/Generic Add and Remove/SelectedTiddlers]getindex<ThisOne>prefix[selected]]'>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!name}}/>
\define thisRemoveFromSelectedMatchesButton()
<$button>Remove from Selected Matches
<$list filter='[all[]]$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]+[regexp:tags<TagSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove!!add_or_remove_what' text='fields'>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove!!add_or_remove_what' text='tags'>
\define thisRemoveFieldFromSelected()
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='SomeTiddlerThatDoesntExistDoNotGiveATiddlerThisName' text=<<NameSearchString>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>fields[]regexp<NameSearchRegExp>]$(IncludeTitleField)$$(IncludeModifiedField)$$(IncludeCreatedField)$$(IncludeTagsField)$$(IncludeTextField)$$(IncludeTypeField)$' variable=ThisField>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='SomeTiddlerThatDoesntExistDoNotGiveATiddlerThisName' text=<<ContentsSearchString>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>get<ThisField>regexp<ContentsSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisFilteredFieldValue>
<$list filter='[[$:/state/Generic Add and Remove/SelectedTiddlers]getindex<ThisOne>prefix[selected]]'>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<ThisOne>>>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-field' $param={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!name}}/>
<$reveal type='match' state='SomeTiddlerThatDoesntExistDoNotGiveATiddlerThisName' text=<<ContentsSearchString>>>
<$list filter='[[$:/state/Generic Add and Remove/SelectedTiddlers]getindex<ThisOne>prefix[selected]]'>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<ThisOne>>>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-field' $param={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!name}}/>
<$reveal type='match' state='SomeTiddlerThatDoesntExistDoNotGiveATiddlerThisName' text=<<NameSearchString>>>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='SomeTiddlerThatDoesntExistDoNotGiveATiddlerThisName' text=<<ContentsSearchString>>>
<$list filter='[[$:/state/Generic Add and Remove/SelectedTiddlers]getindex<ThisOne>prefix[selected]]'>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<ThisOne>>>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-field' $param={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!name}}/>
<$reveal type='match' state='SomeTiddlerThatDoesntExistDoNotGiveATiddlerThisName' text=<<ContentsSearchString>>>
<$list filter='[[$:/state/Generic Add and Remove/SelectedTiddlers]getindex<ThisOne>prefix[selected]]'>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<ThisOne>>>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-field' $param={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!name}}/>
\define thisRemoveTagFromSelected()
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='SomeTiddlerThatDoesntExistDoNotGiveATiddlerThisName' text=<<NameSearchString>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>fields[]regexp<NameSearchRegExp>]$(IncludeTitleField)$$(IncludeModifiedField)$$(IncludeCreatedField)$$(IncludeTagsField)$$(IncludeTextField)$$(IncludeTypeField)$' variable=ThisField>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='SomeTiddlerThatDoesntExistDoNotGiveATiddlerThisName' text=<<ContentsSearchString>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>get<ThisField>regexp<ContentsSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisFilteredFieldValue>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<ThisOne>>>
<$list filter='[[$:/state/Generic Add and Remove/SelectedTiddlers]getindex<ThisOne>prefix[selected]]'>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-tag' $param={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!name}}/>
<$reveal type='match' state='SomeTiddlerThatDoesntExistDoNotGiveATiddlerThisName' text=<<ContentsSearchString>>>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<ThisOne>>>
<$list filter='[[$:/state/Generic Add and Remove/SelectedTiddlers]getindex<ThisOne>prefix[selected]]'>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-tag' $param={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!name}}/>
<$reveal type='match' state='SomeTiddlerThatDoesntExistDoNotGiveATiddlerThisName' text=<<NameSearchString>>>
<$reveal type='nomatch' state='SomeTiddlerThatDoesntExistDoNotGiveATiddlerThisName' text=<<ContentsSearchString>>>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<ThisOne>>>
<$list filter='[[$:/state/Generic Add and Remove/SelectedTiddlers]getindex<ThisOne>prefix[selected]]'>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-tag' $param={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!name}}/>
<$reveal type='match' state='SomeTiddlerThatDoesntExistDoNotGiveATiddlerThisName' text=<<ContentsSearchString>>>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<ThisOne>>>
<$list filter='[[$:/state/Generic Add and Remove/SelectedTiddlers]getindex<ThisOne>prefix[selected]]'>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-tag' $param={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!name}}/>
''The field contents search only searches the first field, so it doesn't work in many cases. If you are searching for tiddlers with a field `foo` with the contents of `bar` than typing `foo` into the search by field name box and `bar` into the search by field contents box should work, but in many cases it won't.''
Do you want to add or remove things?
<$radio tiddler='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove' field='add_or_remove' value='add'>Add Things</$radio>
<$radio tiddler='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove' field='add_or_remove' value='remove'>Remove Things</$radio>
Select what to <$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove!!add_or_remove' text='add'>add:</$reveal><$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove!!add_or_remove' text='remove'>remove:</$reveal>
<$radio tiddler='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove' field='add_or_remove_what' value='fields'>Fields</$radio>
<$radio tiddler='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove' field='add_or_remove_what' value='tags'>Tags</$radio>
<$transclude tiddler='Generic Search (Add/Remove)' mode=block/>
<$set name=IncludeSystemTiddlers value={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!include_system_tiddlers}}>
<$set name=ContentsSearchString value={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!search_text}}>
<$set name=ContentsSearchRegExp value="$(CaseSensitive)$$(ContentsSearchString)$">
<$set name=NameSearchString value={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!field_or_index_name_search_text}}>
<$set name=NameSearchRegExp value="$(CaseSensitive)$$(NameSearchString)$">
<$set name=TagSearchString value={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!search_tag}}>
<$set name=TagSearchRegExp value="$(CaseSensitive)$$(TagSearchString)$">
<$set name=TiddlerNameSearchString value={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!tiddler_search_text}}>
<$set name=TiddlerNameSearchRegExp value="$(CaseSensitive)$$(TiddlerNameSearchString)$">
<$set name=CaseSensitive value={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!case_sensitive}}>
<$set name=IncludeTextField value={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!include_text}}>
<$set name=IncludeTagsField value={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!include_tags}}>
<$set name=IncludeCreatedField value={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!include_created}}>
<$set name=IncludeModifiedField value={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!include_modified}}>
<$set name=IncludeTitleField value={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!include_title}}>
<$set name=IncludeTypeField value={{$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search!!include_type}}>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search' text=''>
<$button>Click this button to prevent doom
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search' $field=search_text $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search' $field=field_or_index_name_search_text $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search' $field=search_tag $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search' $field=tiddler_search_text $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search' $field=include_system_tiddlers $value='+[!is[system]]'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search' $field=include_text $value='-[[text]]'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search' $field=include_tags $value='-[[tags]]'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search' $field=include_created $value='-[[created]]'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search' $field=include_modified $value='-[[modified]]'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search' $field=include_title $value='-[[title]]'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search' $field=include_type $value='-[[type]]'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search' $field=text $value='exists'/>
<$reveal type=nomatch state='$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search' text=''>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove' field='show_results' checked=show unchecked=hide>Show Results</$checkbox>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove!!show_results' text='show'>
Search by tiddler name:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search' placeholder='Search Tiddlers' field=tiddler_search_text class='tc-edit-texteditor'/><br>
Search by field name:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search' placeholder='Search Field Names' field=field_or_index_name_search_text class='tc-edit-texteditor'/><br>
Search by field contents:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search' placeholder='Search Field Contents' field=search_text class='tc-edit-texteditor'/><br>
Search by tag:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search' placeholder='Search by Tag' field=search_tag class='tc-edit-texteditor'/><br>
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/Generic Add and Remove/ShowOptions" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/Generic Add and Remove/ShowOptions" setTo="show">Show Options</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/Generic Add and Remove/ShowOptions" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/Generic Add and Remove/ShowOptions" setTo="hide">Hide Options</$button>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search' field=include_system_tiddlers checked="+[all[]]" unchecked="+[!is[system]]"> Check this to include system tiddlers</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search' field=case_sensitive checked='' unchecked='(?i)'>Case sensitive search</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search' field=include_text checked='' unchecked='-[[text]]'>Include text field</$checkbox> - Be careful using this one
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search' field=include_tags checked='' unchecked='-[[tags]]'>Include tags field</$checkbox> - Be careful using this one
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search' field=include_created checked='' unchecked='-[[created]]'>Include created field</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search' field=include_modified checked='' unchecked='-[[modified]]'>Include modified field</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search' field=include_title checked='' unchecked='-[[title]]'>Include title field</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search' field=include_type checked='' unchecked='-[[type]]'>Include type field</$checkbox>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove!!add_or_remove_what' text='fields'>
Field name
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove!!add_or_remove_what' text='tags'>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove!!add_or_remove' text='add'>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove!!add_or_remove' text='remove'>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search' placeholder='Add Contents' field=name class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove!!add_or_remove' text='add'>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Generic Add and Remove!!add_or_remove_what' text='fields'>
Field Contents to add:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Add and Remove/Search' placeholder='Add Contents' field=contents class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
Search by tiddler name:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Search and Replace/Search' placeholder='Search Tiddlers' field=tiddler_search_text class='tc-edit-texteditor'/><br>
Search by field name (index name if replacing index contents):
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Search and Replace/Search' placeholder='Search Field Names' field=field_or_index_name_search_text class='tc-edit-texteditor'/><br>
Search by field/index contents (index contents if replacing index contents):
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Search and Replace/Search' placeholder='Search Field Contents' field=search_text class='tc-edit-texteditor'/><br>
Search by tag:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Search and Replace/Search' placeholder='Search by Tag' field=search_tag class='tc-edit-texteditor'/><br>
Replacement Contents:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Search and Replace/Search' placeholder='Replacement Contents' field=replace_text class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/Generic Search and Replace/ShowOptions" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/Generic Search and Replace/ShowOptions" setTo="show">Show Options</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/Generic Search and Replace/ShowOptions" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/Generic Search and Replace/ShowOptions" setTo="hide">Hide Options</$button>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Search and Replace/Search' field=include_system_tiddlers checked="+[all[]]" unchecked="+[!is[system]]"> Check this to include system tiddlers</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Search and Replace/Search' field=case_sensitive checked='' unchecked='(?i)'>Case sensitive search</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Search and Replace/Search' field=include_text checked='' unchecked='-[[text]]'>Include text field</$checkbox> - Be careful using this one
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Search and Replace/Search' field=include_tags checked='' unchecked='-[[tags]]'>Include tags field</$checkbox> - Be careful using this one
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Search and Replace/Search' field=include_created checked='' unchecked='-[[created]]'>Include created field</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Search and Replace/Search' field=include_modified checked='' unchecked='-[[modified]]'>Include modified field</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Search and Replace/Search' field=include_title checked='' unchecked='-[[title]]'>Include title field</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Search and Replace/Search' field=include_type checked='' unchecked='-[[type]]'>Include type field</$checkbox>
\define thisMakeSelectionButton()
<$reveal type=nomatch state='$:/state/Generic Search and Replace/SelectedTiddlers##$(ThisIndexName)$' text=selected>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'><$text text="""$(ThisOne)$"""/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="""$:/state/Generic Search and Replace/SelectedTiddlers""" $index="""$(ThisIndexName)$""" $value=selected/>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/Generic Search and Replace/SelectedTiddlers##$(ThisIndexName)$' text=selected>
<$button class='tc-btn-invisible'>{{$:/core/images/done-button}}<$text text="""$(ThisOne)$"""/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="""$:/state/Generic Search and Replace/SelectedTiddlers""" $index="""$(ThisIndexName)$""" $value=unselected/>
\define thisClearSelectionButton()
<$button>Clear Selections
<$list filter='[[$:/state/Generic Search and Replace/SelectedTiddlers]indexes[]]'>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/Generic Search and Replace/SelectedTiddlers' $index=<<currentTiddler>> $value='unselected'/>
\define thisMakeIndexNameFields()
\define thisMakeIndexNameIndexes()
\define thisMakeIndexNameTags()
\define thisMakeTables()
Selected matches (<<thisReplaceSelectedMatchesButton>> <<thisClearSelectionButton>>):
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Generic Search and Replace!!replace_what' text='field contents'>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Generic Search and Replace!!replace_what' text='field names'>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Generic Search and Replace!!replace_what' text='index contents'>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Generic Search and Replace!!replace_what' text='tags'>
All matches (<<thisReplaceAllMatchesButton>>):
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Generic Search and Replace!!replace_what' text='field contents'>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Generic Search and Replace!!replace_what' text='field names'>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Generic Search and Replace!!replace_what' text='index contents'>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Generic Search and Replace!!replace_what' text='tags'>
\define thisListSelectedFieldsVersion()
<tr><th>Tiddler</th><th>Field Name</th><th>Field Value</th></tr>
<$list filter='[all[]]$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]+[regexp:tags<TagSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>fields[]regexp<NameSearchRegExp>]$(IncludeTitleField)$$(IncludeModifiedField)$$(IncludeCreatedField)$$(IncludeTagsField)$$(IncludeTextField)$$(IncludeTypeField)$' variable=ThisField>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexNameFields>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>get<ThisField>regexp<ContentsSearchRegExp>]'>
<$list filter='[[$:/state/Generic Search and Replace/SelectedTiddlers]getindex<ThisIndexName>prefix[selected]]'>
<tr><td><<thisMakeSelectionButton>></td><td><<ThisField>></td><td><$view tiddler=<<ThisOne>> field=<<ThisField>>/></td></tr>
\define thisListAllFieldsVersion()
<tr><th>Tiddler</th><th>Field Name</th><th>Field Value</th></tr>
<$list filter='[all[]]$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]+[regexp:tags<TagSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>fields[]regexp<NameSearchRegExp>]$(IncludeTitleField)$$(IncludeModifiedField)$$(IncludeCreatedField)$$(IncludeTagsField)$$(IncludeTextField)$$(IncludeTypeField)$' variable=ThisField>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexNameFields>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>get<ThisField>regexp<ContentsSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisFilteredFieldValue>
<tr><td><<ThisFilteredField>><<thisMakeSelectionButton>></td><td><<ThisField>></td><td><$view tiddler=<<ThisOne>> field=<<ThisField>>/></td></tr>
\define thisListSelectedIndexesVersion()
<tr><th>Tiddler</th><th>Index Name</th><th>Index Value</th></tr>
<$list filter='[all[]]$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]+[regexp:tags<TagSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>indexes[]regexp<NameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisIndex>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexNameIndexes>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>getindex<ThisIndex>regexp<ContentsSearchRegExp>]'>
<$list filter='[[$:/state/Generic Search and Replace/SelectedTiddlers]getindex<ThisIndexName>prefix[selected]]'>
<tr><td><<thisMakeSelectionButton>></td><td><<ThisIndex>></td><td><$view tiddler=<<ThisOne>> index=<<ThisIndex>>/></td></tr>
\define thisListAllIndexesVersion()
<tr><th>Tiddler</th><th>Index Name</th><th>Index Value</th></tr>
<$list filter='[all[]]$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]+[regexp:tags<TagSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>indexes[]regexp<NameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisIndex>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexNameIndexes>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>getindex<ThisIndex>regexp<ContentsSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisFilteredIndexValue>
<tr><td><<ThisFilteredIndex>><<thisMakeSelectionButton>></td><td><<ThisIndex>></td><td><$view tiddler=<<ThisOne>> index=<<ThisIndex>>/></td></tr>
\define thisListSelectedTagsVersion()
<$list filter='[all[]]$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]+[regexp:tags<TagSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>tags[]]' variable=ThisTag>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexNameTags>>>
<$list filter='[[$:/state/Generic Search and Replace/SelectedTiddlers]getindex<ThisIndexName>prefix[selected]]'>
\define thisListAllTagsVersion()
<$list filter='[all[]]$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]+[regexp:tags<TagSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>tags[]]' variable=ThisTag>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexNameTags>>>
\define thisReplaceAllMatchesButton()
<$button>Replace All Matches
<$list filter='[all[]]$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]+[regexp:tags<TagSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/Generic Search and Replace!!replace_what' text='field contents'>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/Generic Search and Replace!!replace_what' text='field names'>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/Generic Search and Replace!!replace_what' text='index contents'>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/Generic Search and Replace!!replace_what' text='tags'>
\define thisReplaceAllMatchingFieldContents()
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>fields[]regexp<NameSearchRegExp>]$(IncludeTitleField)$$(IncludeModifiedField)$$(IncludeCreatedField)$$(IncludeTagsField)$$(IncludeTextField)$$(IncludeTypeField)$' variable=ThisField>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexName>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>get<ThisField>regexp<ContentsSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisFilteredFieldValue>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<ThisOne>> $field=<<ThisField>> $value={{$:/temp/Generic Search and Replace/Search!!replace_text}}/>
\define thisReplaceAllMatchingFieldNames()
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>fields[]regexp<NameSearchRegExp>]$(IncludeTitleField)$$(IncludeModifiedField)$$(IncludeCreatedField)$$(IncludeTagsField)$$(IncludeTextField)$$(IncludeTypeField)$' variable=ThisField>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexName>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>get<ThisField>regexp<ContentsSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisFilteredFieldValue>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<ThisOne>>>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<ThisOne>> $field={{$:/temp/Generic Search and Replace/Search!!replace_text}} $value=<<ThisFilteredFieldValue>>/>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-field' $param=<<ThisField>>/>
\define thisReplaceAllMatchingIndexContents()
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>indexes[]regexp<IndexNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisIndex>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexName>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>getindex<ThisIndex>regexp<IndexContentsSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisFilteredIndexValue>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<ThisOne>> $index=<<ThisIndex>> $value={{$:/temp/Generic Search and Replace/Search!!replace_text}}/>
\define thisReplaceAllmatchingTags()
<$list filter='[all[]]$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]+[regexp:tags<TagSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<ThisOne>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>tags[]]' variable=ThisTag>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexNameTags>>>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param={{$:/temp/Generic Search and Replace/Search!!replace_text}}/>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-tag' $param=<<ThisTag>>/>
\define thisReplaceSelectedMatchesButton()
<$button>Replace Selected Matches
<$list filter='[all[]]$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]+[regexp:tags<TagSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/Generic Search and Replace!!replace_what' text='field contents'>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/Generic Search and Replace!!replace_what' text='field names'>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/Generic Search and Replace!!replace_what' text='index contents'>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/state/Generic Search and Replace!!replace_what' text='tags'>
\define thisReplaceSelectedFieldContents()
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>fields[]regexp<NameSearchRegExp>]$(IncludeTitleField)$$(IncludeModifiedField)$$(IncludeCreatedField)$$(IncludeTagsField)$$(IncludeTextField)$$(IncludeTypeField)$' variable=ThisField>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexNameFields>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>get<ThisField>regexp<ContentsSearchRegExp>]'>
<$list filter='[[$:/state/Generic Search and Replace/SelectedTiddlers]getindex<ThisIndexName>prefix[selected]]'>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<ThisOne>> $field=<<ThisField>> $value={{$:/temp/Generic Search and Replace/Search!!replace_text}}/>
\define thisReplaceSelectedFieldName()
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>fields[]regexp<NameSearchRegExp>]$(IncludeTitleField)$$(IncludeModifiedField)$$(IncludeCreatedField)$$(IncludeTagsField)$$(IncludeTextField)$$(IncludeTypeField)$' variable=ThisField>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexNameFields>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>get<ThisField>regexp<ContentsSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisFieldValue>
<$list filter='[[$:/state/Generic Search and Replace/SelectedTiddlers]getindex<ThisIndexName>prefix[selected]]'>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<ThisOne>>>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<ThisOne>> $field={{$:/temp/Generic Search and Replace/Search!!replace_text}} $value=<<ThisFieldValue>>/>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-field' $param=<<ThisField>>/>
\define thisReplaceSelectedIndexContents()
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>indexes[]regexp<NameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisIndex>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexNameIndexes>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>getindex<ThisIndex>regexp<ContentsSearchRegExp>]'>
<$list filter='[[$:/state/Generic Search and Replace/SelectedTiddlers]getindex<ThisIndexName>prefix[selected]]'>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<ThisOne>> $index=<<ThisIndex>> $value={{$:/temp/Generic Search and Replace/Search!!replace_text}}/>
\define thisReplaceSelectedTags()
<$list filter='[all[]]$(IncludeSystemTiddlers)$+[regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]+[regexp:tags<TagSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<ThisOne>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>tags[]]' variable=ThisTag>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexNameTags>>>
<$list filter='[[$:/state/Generic Search and Replace/SelectedTiddlers]getindex<ThisIndexName>prefix[selected]]'>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param={{$:/temp/Generic Search and Replace/Search!!replace_text}}/>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-tag' $param=<<ThisTag>>/>
Select what to replace:
<$radio tiddler='$:/state/Generic Search and Replace' field='replace_what' value='field contents'>Field Contents</$radio>
<$radio tiddler='$:/state/Generic Search and Replace' field='replace_what' value='field names'>Field Names</$radio>
<$radio tiddler='$:/state/Generic Search and Replace' field='replace_what' value='index contents'>Index Contents</$radio>
<$radio tiddler='$:/state/Generic Search and Replace' field='replace_what' value='tags'>Tags</$radio>
<$select tiddler='$:/state/Generic Search and Replace' field='search_type'>
<option>Generic Search</option>
<option>Filter Search</option>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Generic Search and Replace!!search_type' text='Generic Search'>
<$transclude tiddler='Generic Search (Search and Replace)' mode=block/>
<$set name=ContentsSearchString value={{$:/temp/Generic Search and Replace/Search!!search_text}}>
<$set name=ContentsSearchRegExp value="$(CaseSensitive)$$(ContentsSearchString)$">
<$set name=NameSearchString value={{$:/temp/Generic Search and Replace/Search!!field_or_index_name_search_text}}>
<$set name=NameSearchRegExp value="$(CaseSensitive)$$(NameSearchString)$">
<$set name=TagSearchString value={{$:/temp/Generic Search and Replace/Search!!search_tag}}>
<$set name=TagSearchRegExp value="$(CaseSensitive)$$(TagSearchString)$">
<$set name=TiddlerNameSearchString value={{$:/temp/Generic Search and Replace/Search!!tiddler_search_text}}>
<$set name=TiddlerNameSearchRegExp value="$(CaseSensitive)$$(TiddlerNameSearchString)$">
<$set name=CaseSensitive value={{$:/temp/Generic Search and Replace/Search!!case_sensitive}}>
<$set name=IncludeSystemTiddlers value={{$:/temp/Generic Search and Replace/Search!!include_system_tiddlers}}>
<$set name=IncludeTextField value={{$:/temp/Generic Search and Replace/Search!!include_text}}>
<$set name=IncludeTagsField value={{$:/temp/Generic Search and Replace/Search!!include_tags}}>
<$set name=IncludeCreatedField value={{$:/temp/Generic Search and Replace/Search!!include_created}}>
<$set name=IncludeModifiedField value={{$:/temp/Generic Search and Replace/Search!!include_modified}}>
<$set name=IncludeTitleField value={{$:/temp/Generic Search and Replace/Search!!include_title}}>
<$set name=IncludeTypeField value={{$:/temp/Generic Search and Replace/Search!!include_type}}>
<$reveal type=match state='$:/temp/Generic Search and Replace/Search' text=''>
<$button>Click this button to prevent doom
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Search and Replace/Search' $field=search_text $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Search and Replace/Search' $field=field_or_index_name_search_text $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Search and Replace/Search' $field=search_tag $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Search and Replace/Search' $field=tiddler_search_text $value=''/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Search and Replace/Search' $field=include_system_tiddlers $value='+[!is[system]]'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Search and Replace/Search' $field=include_text $value='-[[text]]'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Search and Replace/Search' $field=include_tags $value='-[[tags]]'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Search and Replace/Search' $field=include_created $value='-[[created]]'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Search and Replace/Search' $field=include_modified $value='-[[modified]]'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Search and Replace/Search' $field=include_title $value='-[[title]]'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Search and Replace/Search' $field=include_type $value='-[[type]]'/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/temp/Generic Search and Replace/Search' $field=text $value='exists'/>
<$reveal type=nomatch state='$:/temp/Generic Search and Replace/Search' text=''>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/state/Generic Search and Replace' field='show_results' checked=show unchecked=hide>Show Results</$checkbox>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Generic Search and Replace!!show_results' text='show'>
<$reveal type='match' state='$:/state/Generic Search and Replace!!search_type' text='Filter Search'>
<$transclude tiddler='Filter Search' mode=block/>
\define thisMakeIndexName()
\define thisClearSelectionButton()
<$button>Clear Selections
<$list filter='[[$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/SelectedTiddlers]indexes[]]'>
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/SelectedTiddlers' $index=<<currentTiddler>> $value='unselected'/>
\define thisMakeTables()
All matches:
<tr><th>Tiddler</th><th>Field Name</th><th>Field Value</th><th>Replace</th></tr>
<$list filter='[!is[system]regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisOne>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>fields[]regexp<FieldNameSearchRegExp>]$(IncludeTitleField)$$(IncludeModifiedField)$$(IncludeCreatedField)$$(IncludeTagsField)$$(IncludeTextField)$' variable=ThisField>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexName>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>get<ThisField>regexp<FieldContentsSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisFilteredFieldValue>
<tr><td><$view tiddler=<<ThisOne>> field='title'/></td><td><<ThisField>></td><td><$view tiddler=<<ThisOne>> field=<<ThisField>>/></td><td><<thisReplaceFieldContentsButton>></td></tr>
\define thisReplaceFieldContentsButton()
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<ThisOne>> $field=<<ThisField>> $value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!replace_text}}/>
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/ShowInstructions" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/ShowInstructions" setTo="show">Show instructions</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/ShowInstructions" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/ShowInstructions" setTo="hide">Hide instructions</$button>
''How to use this:''
Type in your search string into the Search text box. Note that this search only reduces the number of returned entries so if you type `a` //ALL// fields in non-system tiddlers that contain `a` or `A` will be listed. This uses regular expressions and some characters may cause strange behaviour, namely `$`, `[`, `]` and `.` and possibly others.
Type the string you want the field(s) to have into the replace box. Note that this will replace the entire contents of the field, not just the string in the search box. So typing in `foo` will list all fields that have the (case insensitive) string `foo` anywhere in the string in that field. Putting `bar` as the replace string will set the value of all of the selected fields to `bar`, even if `foo` was only part of the previous value.
Click on the `Replace` button next to the field you wish to change to replace the field contents.
Search by tiddler name:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search' placeholder='Search Tiddlers' field=tiddler_search_text class='tc-edit-texteditor'/><br>
Search by field name:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search' placeholder='Search Field Names' field=field_name_search_text class='tc-edit-texteditor'/><br>
Search by field contents:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search' placeholder='Search Field Contents' field=search_text class='tc-edit-texteditor'/><br>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search' placeholder='Replacement Contents' field=replace_text class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/ShowOptions" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/ShowOptions" setTo="show">Show Options</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/ShowOptions" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/ShowOptions" setTo="hide">Hide Options</$button>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search' field=case_sensitive checked='' unchecked='(?i)'>Case sensitive search</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search' field=include_text checked='' unchecked='-[[text]]'>Include text field</$checkbox> - Be careful using this one
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search' field=include_tags checked='' unchecked='-[[tags]]'>Include tags field</$checkbox> - Be careful using this one
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search' field=include_created checked='' unchecked='-[[created]]'>Include created field</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search' field=include_modified checked='' unchecked='-[[modified]]'>Include modified field</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search' field=include_title checked='' unchecked='-[[title]]'>Include title field</$checkbox>
<$set name=FieldContentsSearchString value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!search_text}}>
<$set name=FieldContentsSearchRegExp value="$(CaseSensitive)$$(FieldContentsSearchString)$">
<$set name=FieldNameSearchString value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!field_name_search_text}}>
<$set name=FieldNameSearchRegExp value="$(CaseSensitive)$$(FieldNameSearchString)$">
<$set name=TiddlerNameSearchString value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!tiddler_search_text}}>
<$set name=TiddlerNameSearchRegExp value="$(CaseSensitive)$$(TiddlerNameSearchString)$">
<$set name=CaseSensitive value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!case_sensitive}}>
<$set name=IncludeTextField value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!include_text}}>
<$set name=IncludeTagsField value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!include_tags}}>
<$set name=IncludeCreatedField value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!include_created}}>
<$set name=IncludeModifiedField value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!include_modified}}>
<$set name=IncludeTitleField value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldContents/Search!!include_title}}>
\define thisMakeIndexName()
\define thisMakeTables()
All matches:
<tr><th>Tiddler</th><th>Field Name</th><th>Field Value</th><th>Replace</th></tr>
<$list filter='[!is[system]regexp<TiddlerNameSearchRegExp>limit[50]]' variable=ThisOne>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>fields[]regexp<FieldNameSearchRegExp>]$(IncludeTitleField)$$(IncludeModifiedField)$$(IncludeCreatedField)$$(IncludeTagsField)$$(IncludeTextField)$' variable=ThisField>
<$set name=ThisIndexName value=<<thisMakeIndexName>>>
<$list filter='[<ThisOne>get<ThisField>regexp<FieldNamesSearchRegExp>]' variable=ThisFilteredFieldValue>
<tr><td><$view tiddler=<<ThisOne>> field='title'/></td><td><<ThisField>></td><td><$view tiddler=<<ThisOne>> field=<<ThisField>>/></td><td><<thisReplaceFieldNamesButton>></td></tr>
\define thisReplaceFieldNamesButton()
<$button>Rename Field
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<ThisOne>>>
<$action-setfield $tiddler=<<ThisOne>> $field={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!replace_text}} $value=<<ThisFilteredFieldValue>>/>
<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-field' $param=<<ThisField>>/>
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/ShowInstructions" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/ShowInstructions" setTo="show">Show instructions</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/ShowInstructions" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/ShowInstructions" setTo="hide">Hide instructions</$button>
''How to use this:''
The search results are limited to the fields in the first 50 tiddlers returned to prevent very long render times.
Type in your search string into the Search text box. Note that this search only reduces the number of returned entries so if you type `a` //ALL// fields in non-system tiddlers that contain `a` or `A` will be listed. This uses regular expressions and some characters may cause strange behaviour, namely `$`, `[`, `]` and `.` and possibly others.
Type the string you want the field(s) to have into the replace box. Note that this will replace the entire contents of the field, not just the string in the search box. So typing in `foo` will list all fields that have the (case insensitive) string `foo` anywhere in the string in that field. Putting `bar` as the replace string will set the value of all of the selected fields to `bar`, even if `foo` was only part of the previous value.
Click on the `Replace` button next to the field you wish to change to replace the fields name.
Search by tiddler name:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search' placeholder='Search Tiddlers' field=tiddler_search_text class='tc-edit-texteditor'/><br>
Search by field name:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search' placeholder='Search Field Names' field=field_name_search_text class='tc-edit-texteditor'/><br>
Search by field contents:
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search' placeholder='Search Field Contents' field=search_text class='tc-edit-texteditor'/><br>
<$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search' placeholder='Replacement Contents' field=replace_text class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/ShowOptions" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/ShowOptions" setTo="show">Show Options</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/ShowOptions" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/ShowOptions" setTo="hide">Hide Options</$button>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search' field=case_sensitive checked='' unchecked='(?i)'>Case sensitive search</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search' field=include_text checked='' unchecked='-[[text]]'>Include text field</$checkbox> - Be careful using this one
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search' field=include_tags checked='' unchecked='-[[tags]]'>Include tags field</$checkbox> - Be careful using this one
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search' field=include_created checked='' unchecked='-[[created]]'>Include created field</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search' field=include_modified checked='' unchecked='-[[modified]]'>Include modified field</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search' field=include_title checked='' unchecked='-[[title]]'>Include title field</$checkbox>
<$set name=FieldNamesSearchString value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!search_text}}>
<$set name=FieldNamesSearchRegExp value="$(CaseSensitive)$$(FieldNamesSearchString)$">
<$set name=FieldNameSearchString value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!field_name_search_text}}>
<$set name=FieldNameSearchRegExp value="$(CaseSensitive)$$(FieldNameSearchString)$">
<$set name=TiddlerNameSearchString value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!tiddler_search_text}}>
<$set name=TiddlerNameSearchRegExp value="$(CaseSensitive)$$(TiddlerNameSearchString)$">
<$set name=CaseSensitive value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!case_sensitive}}>
<$set name=IncludeTextField value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!include_text}}>
<$set name=IncludeTagsField value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!include_tags}}>
<$set name=IncludeCreatedField value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!include_created}}>
<$set name=IncludeModifiedField value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!include_modified}}>
<$set name=IncludeTitleField value={{$:/temp/SearchAndReplaceFieldNames/Search!!include_title}}>
\define thisSelectTag()
Tag to replace: <$select field='selected_tag'>
<$set name=TagSearch value={{$:/temp/changetags!!search_tags}}>
<$list filter='[tags[]regexp[(?i)$(TagSearch)$]sort[title]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
</$select> <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/changetags' field='search_tags' class='tc-exit-textexitor' placeholder='Narrow Tags List'/>
This lets you search for all tiddlers with a specific tag and selectivly replace that tag with another one. Or if the 'Replace With' field is empty just remove the tag from the tiddler(s).
Replace With: <$edit-text tiddler='$:/temp/changetags' field='replace_tag' class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
<$list filter='[tag{!!selected_tag}]'>
<$fieldmangler tiddler=<<currentTiddler>>>
<tr><td><$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></$link></td><td><$button>Change Tag<$action-sendmessage $message='tm-add-tag' $param={{$:/temp/changetags!!replace_tag}}/><$action-sendmessage $message='tm-remove-tag' $param={{Search and Replace Tags!!selected_tag}}/></$button></td></tr>
This tiddler has the following fields:
<$list filter='[is[current]fields[]]'>
This tiddler has the following fields:
<$list filter='[is[current]fields[]]'>
<<tabs "[[Generic Search and Replace]][[Generic Add or Remove mk 2]][[Batch Add or Remove Tags]]" [[Generic Search and Replace]]>>
!Tools that work with 5.1.7 and up
*[[Search and Replace Field Contents]]
*[[Search and Replace Field Names]]
*[[Add or Remove Tags]]
!Tools that work with 5.1.8 and up
*[[Batch Add or Remove Tags]]
*[[Batch Search and Replace Index Contents]]
*[[Batch Search and Replace Field Contents]]
*[[Batch Search and Replace Field Names]]
here is [[aaa]] the original tiddler. It is tagged `collaboration` which...
*...triggers the viewtemplate [[template/versioning]]
*and the [[Stylesheet]] to hide the original text field in this tiddler (but you're reading it now anyway because it appears in the tab, just like for the other tabs)
this is [[aaa-ver1]]. OMG - this is just such an improved text. I mean, just look at it. Whoaa!
this is [[aaa-ver2]].
My inner author has been delusional.
//This// is the definitive poetry.
Pulitzer. Gimme. Now.
.tc-tagged-collaboration .tc-tiddler-body {display:none;}
\define ver() $(curr)$-ver
<$set name="curr" value=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$set name="qualstate" value=<<qualify "$:/state/$label$">> >
<<tabs "[<currentTiddler>tag[collaboration]] [all[]prefix<ver>!sort[modified]]" "default" "$:/state/ver" "tc-vertical">>
By the way, this text is field //text3// you're reading. That is to get the text to appear below the "pseudo viewtemplate". Any ordinary text content would otherwise appear top-most.
title: Pseudo viewtemplate demo
@@border:1px solid crimson; Proof-of-concept@@
This features (at least) two concepts;
*[[TextNeditTemplate]] is an edittemplate segment that, in edit, redisplays custom fields to appear with a full text edit area in edit mode, just like how the regular //text// field appears.
**the fields should be named with prefix `text<n>` (//n// is a 0-9 digit)
**to create a //textn// field, add a field name, e.g `text2` and click Add.
*[[TextNviewTemplate]] is a viewtemplate segment that lists(!) and displays;
**wikified content from (all) the //textn// fields
**text from //external// tiddlers that //target// the //textn// fields, by using a //transclude-to// field.
You can "inject" content into a tiddler by
*including a //transclude-to// field in an external tiddler like so<br>`transclude-to : <targettiddler>!!<textNfield>`<br>This makes the external tiddlers //text field// content appear in the targetted field.
*the value for //transclude-to// field can be several targets (see edit for [[Injection 1]])
*...or (not implementetd yet) a //filter// so to function as a "pseudo viewtemplate" (see below)
!!!Pseudo viewtemplates alternative to custom viewtemplates
Demo: [[Pseudo viewtemplate demo]]
[[TextNviewTemplate]] can be useful as a //replacement// for custom viewtemplates (i.e tiddlers tagged `$:/tags/ViewTemplate`) in cases where...
*a viewtemplate would start with a //costly filter// to identify relevant tiddlers
*...but where you know that only a few tiddlers will pass through that filter
A "costly filter" is one that has to process a lot before identifying the desired tiddlers. This is problematic because a viewtemplate is run in //every// tiddler in the story river.
In contrast, the [[TextNviewTemplate]] starts with a //simple// filter to see if there are any //textn// fields in the current tiddler.
So, insted you can
#put the goodies-intended-for-the-output-tiddlers in a separate tiddler
#that //transclude-to// only the relevant tiddlers //textn// fields
*The concept is theoretically not limited to the make pseudo //text// fields. I think one should be able to redefine a custom field to be any type of field, e.g additional //tags// fields (like what fellow @Jed has done in [[GenericTagFields|http://ooktech.com/jed/ExampleWikis/GenericTagFields/]]. I have not investigated the mechanics there but hopefully I'm at least bringing something new to the table with ViewFields...?)
This is the regular text field in [[Demo]] and this text ends with this sentence, now, here!
This is injection-content from [[Injection 1]]
bye bye
<table style="width:100%;"><tr><td>version : <<version>></td><td>date : <$view field="created" format="date" template="DDD DDth MMM YYYY"/></td></tr></table>
.textn {
.delete-textn {
margin-left:-2.5em; padding:.5em;
border:1px solid transparent;
.show-hover {display:none;padding-left:.5em;}
.delete-textn:hover .show-hover {display:inline-block;}
.delete-textn:hover {border:1px solid crimson; padding:.5em; background:white;}
\define lingo-base() $:/language/EditTemplate/Body/
\define placeholder-text() Type the text for field
\define delete-textn(textn)
<span class="delete-textn">{{$:/core/images/delete-button}}<span class="show-hover">$textn$</span></span>
<$list filter="[is[current]!has[_canonical_uri]]">
<$reveal state="$:/state/showeditpreview" type="match" text="yes">
<$list filter="[all[current]fields[]regexp[^text\d]sort[]]" variable="textn-field">
<$button class="tc-edit-field-remove tc-btn-invisible" style="float:left;" tooltip={{$:/language/EditTemplate/Field/Remove/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/EditTemplate/Field/Remove/Caption}}>
<$action-deletefield $field=<<textn-field>>/>
<$macrocall $name="delete-textn" textn=<<textn-field>>/>
<div class="tc-tiddler-preview">
<div class="tc-tiddler-preview-preview">
<$set name="tv-tiddler-preview" value="yes">
<$transclude field=<<textn-field>>/>
<div class="tc-tiddler-preview-edit">
<$edit-text field=<<textn-field>> tag="textarea" class="tc-edit-texteditor" placeholder={{TextNeditTemplate!!placeholder-text}}/>
<$reveal state="$:/state/showeditpreview" type="nomatch" text="yes">
<$list filter="[all[current]fields[]regexp[^text\d]sort[]]" variable="textn-field">
<$button class="tc-edit-field-remove tc-btn-invisible" style="float:left;" tooltip={{$:/language/EditTemplate/Field/Remove/Hint}} aria-label={{$:/language/EditTemplate/Field/Remove/Caption}}>
<$action-deletefield $field=<<textn-field>>/>
<$macrocall $name="delete-textn" textn=<<textn-field>>/>
<$edit-text field=<<textn-field>> tag="textarea" class="tc-edit-texteditor" placeholder={{TextNeditTemplate!!placeholder-text}}/>
\define target() $(tid)$!!$(field)$
<$list filter="[all[current]!has[text]]"><div style="margin-top:2em;"></div></$list>
<$list filter="[all[current]fields[]regexp[^text\d]sort[]]" variable="textn">
<div class="textn">
<$transclude field=<<textn>> mode="block"/>
<$vars tid=<<currentTiddler>> field=<<textn>>>
<$list filter="""[all[]has[transclude-to]regexp:transclude-to<target>]""" >
<div class="textn">
<$transclude mode="block"/>
<$visjstimeline persistent endDateField="modified" groupTags="[[Group A]]" navpad tipFormat="YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss">
Just drag and drop [[HammerJS|$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/hammerjs]], [[moment.js|$:/plugins/kixam/moment]], and [[vis.js Timeline|$:/plugins/kixam/timeline]] plugins from the [[Plugins|$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Plugins]] list into your [[TiddlyWiki|http://tiddlywiki.com/#TiddlyWiki]].
The plugin was tested with all the locales listed in the Languages section below.
A thesis notebook based on TiddlyWiki.
This is an example of a thesis notebook powered by TiddlyWiki 5.0.8-beta.
TiddlyWiki is a great piece of software created by Jeremy Ruston. It allows you, among other things, to take notes, organize ideas, store information, and display all your stuff the way you want. It is an incredibly flexible tool you can adapt to fit almost all your needs.
This TiddlyWiki has been customized to serve as a philosophy notebook centered around authors, books and papers, concepts and theories, and personal notes. I use it along with Zotero, which is a dedicated bibliography software. Both are free, open source projects. TiddlyWiki can be downloaded at http://tiddlywiki.com.
buggyj has created several useful plugins, including a WYSIWYG HTML editor, a configurable calendar and tag lists with draggable ordering.
A collection of customisations and macros from Danielo Rodriguez.
This is my personal tiddlywiki file for testing.
Here I will post the tools and Macros that I develop for this awesome tool. That way, all the help the comunity gave me can came back to the comunity again.
An adaptor to enable TiddlyWiki to sync changes with a [[CouchDB|http://couchdb.apache.org]] database.
CouchDB sync adaptor for TiddlyWiki 5. Requires TiddlyWiki >= 5.1.2.
Works in limited testing. Not sure how well it handles conflicts.
A guide to creating a baby journal with TiddlyWiki.
Keeping a journal about your baby is fun. It allows you to keep track of those events in your baby's life and development that are most important to you, and to tell them in your own words. [...]
There are plenty of online services that can help to keep such a diary, but you need to have an internet connection to access them, and you have to trust them to keep your data safe.
A collection of hints and tips from Jim Lehmer, published as a static blog generated by TiddlyWiki.
There is a decent write-up on generating static pages using Tiddlywiki on the main TW site. However, there are a few nuances not mentioned on that page, so here are a few of my notes on how I generate the pages for this site.
An adaptation of the [[TiddlyWiki powered GTD® system formerly known as MonkeyGTD|http://mgsd.tiddlyspot.com/]] for TiddlyWiki version 5.
GSD5 is a Getting-Thing-Done tool for TiddlyWiki5 based off the mGSD classic TiddlyWiki.
A guide in Russian to creating an online shop with TiddlyWiki. No serverside code is needed, instead orders are handled by Disqus.
An extensive collection of hints and tips from Jed Carty.
I made this so that some of my friends with absolutely no coding experience could use some of the better features of TW5 without having to learn much. I am hopefully going to continue updating it as I learn new things. There isn't really anything here that isn't available in plenty of other places, but I figured that since I spent a while putting it together and people keep saying that TW needs more documentation I would post it here.
A step by step guide to running TiddlyWiki on a ~CentOS Virtual Private Server.
In this tutorial we will guide you through the steps of installing and running TiddlyWiki on a ~CentOS 6 VPS.
We will also install and configure Nginx as a reverse proxy, so you can run TiddlyWiki behind Nginx.
A Spanish guide to using TiddlyWiki on Android.
Tiddlywiki software is prodigious based on javascript which is capable of holding a notepad that can be edited with Internet Explorer or function as a full blog, contained in a single file.
//Translation by Google Translate//
A quick guide to using TiddlyWiki (written in German)
Those using multiple different computer platforms (if only PC and Android) knows for certain: You would like to sync notes across computers and thereby be independent of any apps or services. I am concerned at any rate so and so I am constantly looking for the perfect solution.
With TiddlyWiki I found it mostly. As the name suggests, it TiddlyWiki is a Wikisystem. In contrast to all other wikis, TiddlyWiki is a single HTML file that runs in the browser and thus can be used on all modern operating systems. And because there is only one file, it can be very easily via the well-known cloud services (Dropbox, Google Drive, ownCloud) or synchronized with FTP or used on a USB stick.
(Translation from German by Google Translate)
A fast Forth interpreter for the [[Commodore PET|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commodore_PET]], written in 6502 assembly language. The TiddlyWiki containing program documentation is automatically generated from the source code: see https://github.com/chitselb/pettil.
Objectives of the project are, in no particular order:
* make a Forth that runs on my Commodore PET 2001
* have fun
* improve my "6502 assembly golf" skills
* find other people who are interested in this project
A gamers guide to using TiddlyWiki.
I’ve been using TiddlyWiki for this game mainly to record the monsters’ locations and the items that they drop. This is so that when I need a certain item to upgrade/create weapons, I can quickly look it up; which monsters drop it and which quests have those monsters.
As I play the game, as I encounter new information, I just input them into my Shining Ark TiddlyWiki. It’s like I’m building a wiki from scratch. The reason why I don’t just use online wikis is that 1) it’s too easy to get spoiled and 2) sometimes online wikis provide too much information (who cares about the non-gameplay related descriptions that can be found in the game, etc).
A collection of tips from Tobias Beer
A collection of references and sandbox for testing concepts around TiddlyWiki 5...
Reaction to TiddlyWiki5 from the translator of the German edition of TiddlyWikiClassic.
There is little software that can still inspire me so even after years, as on the first day. This includes TiddlyWiki, the "pocket-wiki". The latter is because the Wiki completely fits into an HTML file, and this HTML file brings everything - JavaScript program logic, CSS appearance and the entire Wiki content as stored records. So a TiddlyWiki file is then sometimes happy times some megabytes in size, but just has the unbeatable advantage that it works just as fast file created locally in a variety of browsers.
(Translation from German by Google Translate)
An early release of an edition of TiddlyWiki customised for rigorous, academic notetaking.
TiddlyWiki for Scholars is a personal customization of TiddlyWiki 5.0.13-beta I made for note-taking from readings, but it can be useful for other purposes. The idea behind this adaptation is to show and to allow creating relevant data related to the current tiddler without leaving the tiddler.
A collection of tips and guides in French, introduced by this blog post:
Ce guide de prise en main de TiddlyWiki vous permettra de débuter sur ce logiciel : rédiger du texte avec la syntaxe wiki, insérer des images, créer des Tiddler, faire une recherche, ajouter des fonctionnalités, et bien d'autres choses.. Bonne lecture ! Sylvain
Notes and tips by a developer working on writing TiddlyWiki plugins -- including [[TWExe|https://github.com/welford/twexe]], a widget for running Windows scripts and executables.
A collection of articles covering integration with Fargo, Font Awesome and Google Calendar, and tips for managing task lists.
I have become a regular user of TiddlyWiki and have become so accustomed to using Font Awesome icons in Fargo that I wanted to incorporate the icons into my wikis as well.
A translation of the tiddlywiki.com documentation from Bram Chen, TiddlyWiki's Chinese translator.
Dutch blog post about TiddlyWiki
I'm allergic to websites that are highly dependent on JavaScript. I think that JavaScript has many useful applications to add functionality to a site, but content needs to be visible if JavaScript is switched off. I use the NoScript extension for Firefox and surf with pleasure over the Internet without spontaneous things happen that I do not give permission. I love JavaScript on a short leash. More crazier maybe I'm so excited about TiddlyWiki.
(Translation from Dutch by Google Translate)
An extensive collection of tips and resources for users of TiddlyWiki in Japanese.
Chris Hunt's detailed developer tutorials for getting started with writing widgets for TiddlyWiki.
These pages document aspects TiddlyWiki5 programming, sharing "lessons learned" to help developers to get started with TiddlyWiki5 customization and extension.
There are currently two articles in this wiki:
* A Simple Widget
* A More Complex Widget
Huge collection of customisations and tweaks from Ton Gerner.
I am a longtime user of TiddlyWiki Classic and still use it daily since you can't do everything in TiddlyWiki 5 (yet) ;)
I started experimenting with TW5 at the end of September 2013 (alpha10).
Since I missed a few things in the layout I got used to in TiddlyWiki Classic 1, I started with modifying the layout of TW5.
To share my knowledge, I made a few guides about these 'modifications'.
The guides started as a non-linear personal web notebook (yeah, the subtitle of TiddlyWiki!). I started experimenting with layout things and used TW5 to document my experiments.
A wealth of hints, tips and notes about using [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]:
TiddlyWiki is different from other wikis because of its principle of dynamically customizeable "storyline" based on tiddlers as basic units of information. That is, the user "composes" their own version of the webpage by clicking on tiddler links, which add tiddlers to the page in order to compose a storyline.
The Node.js implementation in TiddlyWiki5 adds all the advantages of flat-file markup language based type of site. This makes TiddlyWiki an excellent alternative to flat-file based CMS/webpage/blog authoring systems for the web.
Also very cool is the treatment of tags as menus everywhere.
Stephan Hradek's growing catalogue of tips, tutorials, and other resources. Stephan has also developed several plugins and macros that you can find at http://tiddlystuff.tiddlyspot.com/.
Some things in TiddlyWiki seem like Magic. As my preferred nick is Skeeve, I felt that TW5 Magick is a proper name for this collection of some of the "magic" tricks one can do with TiddlyWiki.
Dave Gifford's growing catalogue of tips and tutorials.
TiddlyWiki 5 is a great tool for note-taking, bookmarking, blogging, organizing to do lists, writing books, and more. But many of the things that can be done in TiddlyWiki 5 are often hidden to the new user, either because the user doesn't know about it or because the user doesn't know how to do it. TW5 mall is a modest catalog of hacks where you can discover new tricks in TiddlyWiki 5 and also find out in layman's terms how to implement them.
Tips and guides for using TiddlyWiki.
I never used Node.js until a couple weeks ago when I wanted to try a TW5 installation on Node and expand my knowledge a bit. I figured someone else may be in the same boat so I wrote it all down
A collection of TiddlyWiki resources from Mario Pietsch, with a focus on cloud deployments. Mario also maintains the German translation of TiddlyWiki.
My name is Mario Pietsch from Austria. I'm living near Salzburg.
This page, will be the portal to my TiddlyWiki, TiddlyWeb related content.
A guide (in French) to using TiddlyWiki on the [[BiblioBox|http://bibliobox.net/]], a variation of the [[PirateBox|http://daviddarts.com/piratebox/]] mobile communication and file sharing system.
I've known TiddlyWiki since its beginning in 2004. For personal or professional needs, I used it regularly for notepad staff in 2007 and 2012. But I admit I ignored the tool during the past two years. And then I said yesterday: but why not put TiddlyWiki on a BiblioBox? Because it is a single HTML file with javascript. In addition I knew the existence of a server version for saving online amendments.
//Hand optimised from a translation by Google Translate//
Matabele's stylish and clean system for personal task management.
This is my work in progress version of TW5, incorporating various features and ideas as and when they intrigue me. To grab any feature you may wish to try, drag the listed tiddlers across to the dropzone of an empty TiddlyWiki 5.0.10-beta
An introduction to TiddlyWiki in Japanese.
Information about the making of TiddlyWiki:
<<list-links "[tag[About]]">>
The output of a [[filter|Filters]] step depends on its [[operator|Filter Operators]]:
* Most operators perform <<.def relative>> to their input. They examine each input title in turn and filter out any that don't match. Such steps narrow down the output of a run.
* <<.def Absolute>> operators ignore their input and generate an independent output instead.
A good example of an absolute operator is <<.olink title>>. The output of `[title[A]title[B]]` is just <<.tid B>>. But the <<.olink field>> operator is relative, so `[title[A]field:title[B]` outputs nothing at all.
TiddlyWiki wouldn't be possible without the ongoing support of the TiddlyWiki [[Community]]. Their attention and feedback has made it possible to gain an understanding of what is wanted from the product, and their passion for it has taught me that it is worth the investment.
! Introduction
The ''action-deletefield'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that deletes specified fields of a tiddler. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.
! Content and Attributes
The ''action-deletefield'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$tiddler |The title of the tiddler whose fields are to be modified (if not provided defaults to the [[WidgetVariable: currentTiddler]] |
|$field |Optional name of a field to delete |
|//{any attributes not starting with $}// |Each attribute name specifies a field to be deleted. The attribute value is ignored and need not be specified |
! Examples
Here is an example of a button that deletes the caption and tags fields of the current tiddler:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-deletefield caption tags/>
Delete "caption" and "tags"
Here is an example of a button that deletes the modified date and tags fields of the tiddler HelloThere:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-deletefield $tiddler="HelloThere" modified tags/>
Delete "modified" and "tags" from ~HelloThere
Here is an example of a button that uses the optional $field attribute to delete the text field of the tiddler HelloThere:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-deletefield $tiddler="HelloThere" $field="text"/>
Delete text from ~HelloThere
! Introduction
The ''action-deletetiddler'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that deletes tiddlers. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.
There are several differences compared to the [[WidgetMessage: tm-delete-tiddler]]:
* The user is not prompted to confirm the deletion
* No automatic updating of the story list
* No special handling of draft tiddlers
! Content and Attributes
The ''action-deletetiddler'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$tiddler |Optional title of the tiddler to be deleted |
|$filter |Optional filter identifying tiddlers to be deleted |
! Examples
Here is an example of a button that deletes the tiddler HelloThere:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-deletetiddler $tiddler="HelloThere"/>
Delete "~HelloThere"
Here is an example of a button that deletes all tiddlers tagged [[TableOfContents]]:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-deletetiddler $filter="[tag[TableOfContents]]"/>
Delete tiddlers tagged "~TableOfContents"
! Introduction
The ''action-increment'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that increments a value in a specified field of a tiddler. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.
! Content and Attributes
The ''action-increment'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$tiddler |The title of the tiddler with the field to be incremented (if not provided defaults to the [[WidgetVariable: currentTiddler]] |
|$field |Name of a field to increment (if not provided defaults to `inc_field`) |
|$increment |The increment amount, this can be negative (if not provided defaults to 1) |
|$length |(optional) The minimum length of the numeric output, if the output would be shorter than this value zero padding is used. |
|$prefix |(optional) The prefix to append to the output. |
|$initial |(optional) The inital value assumed if the field doesn't exist (if none is given 0 is assumed) |
! Examples
Here is an example of a button that increments the field `inc_field1` by 1 each time it is pressed.
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-increment $field=inc_field1/>
Current Value: {{!!inc_field1}}'/>
Here is an example of a button that increments a value that uses a prefix and minimum length
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-increment $field=inc_field2 $length=5 $prefix="pre-"/>
Current Value: {{!!inc_field2}}'/>
! Introduction
The ''action-navigate'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that sends a [[tm-navigate|WidgetMessage: tm-navigate]] message back up the widget tree. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.
! Content and Attributes
The ''action-navigate'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$to |The title of the target tiddler for the navigation (if not provided defaults to the [[WidgetVariable: currentTiddler]] |
|$scroll |Optional parameter determining whether the navigation will also cause a scroll to the target tiddler (see below) |
!! Scroll handling
The optional `$scroll` attribute can be set to "yes" to force scrolling to occur to bring the target tiddler into view. If set to "no" then scrolling does not occur. If the `$scroll` attribute is omitted then scrolling occurs unless either:
* the control key is pressed
* the action was initiated with the middle mouse button (if available)
Note that if navigating to multiple tiddlers at once you should use the same `$scroll` setting for all of them.
! Examples
Here is an example of button that navigates to two different tiddlers at once:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-navigate $to="ButtonWidget"/>
<$action-navigate $to="ActionWidgets"/>
Click me!
! Introduction
The ''action-sendmessage'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that sends a [[message|WidgetMessages]] back up the widget tree. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.
! Content and Attributes
The ''action-sendmessage'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$message |The message to send (eg, [[WidgetMessage: tm-new-tiddler]]) |
|$param |Optional parameter string whose meaning is dependent on the message being sent |
|//{any attributes not starting with $}// |Multiple additional named parameters that are attached to the message |
! Examples
Here is an example of button that displays both a notification and a wizard, and creates a new tiddler with tags and text:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-modal" $param="SampleWizard"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-notify" $param="SampleNotification"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-new-tiddler" title="This is newly created tiddler" tags="OneTag [[Another Tag]]" text=<<now "Today is DDth, MMM YYYY">>/>
Click me!
! Introduction
The ''action-setfield'' widget is an [[action widget|ActionWidgets]] that assigns values to the fields of a tiddler. ActionWidgets are used within triggering widgets such as the ButtonWidget.
! Content and Attributes
The ''action-setfield'' widget is invisible. Any content within it is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$tiddler |The title of the tiddler whose fields are to be modified (if not provided defaults to the [[WidgetVariable: currentTiddler]] |
|$field |Optional name of a field to be assigned the $value attribute |
|$index |Optional index of a property in a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]] to be assigned the $value attribute|
|$value |The value to be assigned to the field or index identified by the $field or $index attribute. If neither is specified then the value is assigned to the text field |
|//{any attributes not starting with $}// |Each attribute name specifies a field to be modified with the attribute value providing the value to assign to the field |
! Examples
Here is an example of a pair of buttons that open the control panel directly to specified tabs. They work by using ''action-setfield'' to set the state tiddler for the control panel tabs.
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/tab-1749438307" text="$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Appearance"/>
<$action-navigate $to="$:/ControlPanel"/>
Go to Control Panel "Appearance" tab
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/tab-1749438307" text="$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Settings"/>
<$action-navigate $to="$:/ControlPanel"/>
Go to Control Panel "Settings" tab
Here is an example of a button that assigns tags and fields to the tiddler HelloThere, and then navigates to it and opens the tiddler info panel on the "Fields" tab:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-setfield $tiddler="HelloThere" tags="NewTag [[Another New Tag]]" color="red"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/popup/tiddler-info--1779055697" text="(568,1443,33,39)"/>
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/tab--1890574033" text="$:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/Fields"/>
<$action-navigate $to="HelloThere"/>
Modify ~HelloThere
Here is an example of a button that assigns tags and fields to the tiddler HelloThere, and then initiates editing it:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-setfield $tiddler="HelloThere" tags="MoreTag [[Further More Tags]]" color="green"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-edit-tiddler" $param="HelloThere"/>
Edit ~HelloThere
Here is an example of a button that opens the control panel directly to the "Appearance" tabs:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/state/tab-1749438307" $field="text" $value="$:/core/ui/ControlPanel/Appearance"/>
<$action-navigate $to="$:/ControlPanel"/>
Go to Control Panel "Appearance" tab
Action widgets are a special type of widget that perform an action such as sending a message, navigating to a tiddler, or changing the value of a tiddler. They are used in association with other widgets that trigger those actions (for example, the ButtonWidget).
Action widgets are invisible. They need not be immediate children of their triggering widget, but they must be descendents of it. The actions are performed in sequence. For example, here is a button that triggers two actions of sending different messages:
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-home"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-full-screen"/>
Click me!
The following action widgets are provided:
<<list-links "[tag[ActionWidgets]]">>
Here's a macro that provides a Twitter Follow button for a particular username:
\define twitterFollowButton(username)
<iframe allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets/follow_button.html?screen_name=$username$" style="width:300px; height:20px;"></iframe>
The only change from the version published at https://dev.twitter.com/docs/follow-button is that new lines have been removed.
Note that the src URL is given without a protocol (ie "http" or "https"). It's done this way so that it works on sites whether they are hosted on a HTTP or HTTPS domain. If you want the Twitter button to work while using a TiddlyWiki offline on a "file://" URL, then you'll need to manually add the protocol. For example:
<iframe allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="http://platform.twitter.com/widgets/follow_button.html?screen_name=jermolene" style="width:300px; height:20px;"></iframe>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="a string of characters"
output="the input, but with <<.place s>> added to the start of each title"
<<.operator-examples "addprefix">>
<<.operator-example 1 "Cat Garden [[Favourite Armchair]] +[addprefix[My ]]">>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="a string of characters"
output="the input, but with <<.place s>> added to the end of each title"
<<.operator-examples "addsuffix">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[London]addsuffix[ Underground]]">>
As the structures within your TiddlyWiki documents get more complex it can be hard to keep the titles of tiddlers consistent. For example, should terms be defined in the plural or the singular? Camel case or separate words?
Recording a formal titling policy can help to reduce confusion. For example, the titling policies for this wiki are recorded in the [[Documentation Style Guide]].
! SystemTiddler Titles
A useful convention is to use the prefix `$:/_` for any system tiddlers that you create to ensure that they are near the top of the system tiddler listing in the sidebar
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="one of those titles"
output="the title that immediately follows <<.place t>> in the input"
If <<.place t>> is not present in the input, or is the last title there, then the output is empty.
<<.operator-examples "after">>
<<.using-days-of-week>> The [[Thursday]] tiddler shows a further example.
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]after[Monday]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]after[Sunday]]">>
Alerts are displayed as yellow boxes overlaying the main TiddlyWiki window. Each one corresponds to a tiddler with the tag [[$:/tags/Alert]]. Clicking the delete icon on an alert deletes the corresponding tiddler.
Here's a demo <$fieldmangler tiddler="SampleAlert"><$set name="currentTiddler" value="SampleAlert"><$button message="tm-add-tag" param="$:/tags/Alert">alert</$button></$set></$fieldmangler>.
Alert tiddlers should have the following fields:
|!Field |!Description |
|title |By default, alert titles have the prefix `$:/temp/alerts/` |
|text |The text of the alert message |
|modified |Date of the alert (used for ordering the alerts on screen) |
|component |Component name associated with the alert |
|tags |Must include [[$:/tags/Alert]] |
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="ignored, unless the parameter is empty"
parameter="zero or more categories -- see below"
output="the titles that belong to all the specified categories"
The parameter specifies zero or more fundamental categories using the following syntax:
<$railroad text="""
[{: ("current" | "missing" |: "orphans" | "shadows" | "tiddlers" ) +"+" }]
|!Category |!Members |!Sorted |
|^`current` |just the [[current tiddler|CurrentTiddler]] |^-- |
|^`missing` |all non-existent tiddlers to which there is at least one [[hard link|Hard and Soft Links]] |^no |
|^`orphans` |all tiddlers to which there are <<.em no>> hard links |^by title |
|^`shadows` |all the [[shadow tiddlers|ShadowTiddlers]] that exist, including any that have been overridden with non-shadow tiddlers |^no |
|^`tiddlers` |all the non-shadow tiddlers that exist |no |
If the parameter specifies more than one category, they are processed from left to right. The overall output is initially empty, and each category's output is [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to it in turn. Unrecognised categories contribute nothing to the output.
As a special case, if the parameter is empty, the output is simply a copy of the input. This can be useful when the parameter is [[soft|Filter Parameter]].
The <<.olink is>> operator is similar, but its scope is restricted to its input.
<<.operator-examples "all">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[all[shadows]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[all[shadows+tiddlers]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[all[tiddlers+shadows]]">>
<<.operator-example 4 "[all[orphans+missing+current]]">>
<<.operator-example 5 "[all[current]]">>
<<.operator-example 6 "[all[current]tag[Operator Examples]]">>
<<.operator-example 7 "[all[current]tag[Recipes]]">>
<<.operator-example 8 "Monday Thursday +[all[]]">>
Current tiddlers:
<$list filter="[!is[system]sort[title]]" />
Here are the details of the alpha releases of TiddlyWiki5. See [[TiddlyWiki5 Versioning]] for details of how releases are named.
<<tabs "[tag[AlphaReleaseNotes]!sort[created]]" "Release 5.0.1-alpha" "$:/state/tab2" "tc-vertical" "ReleaseTemplate">>
Here are some recent articles written about ~TiddlyWiki. Submit new articles via GitHub, Twitter or by posting in the [[TiddlyWiki Groups]].
<div class="tc-link-info">
<$list filter="[tag[Articles]!sort[modified]]">
<div class="tc-link-info-item">
! <$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
<div class="tc-subtitle">Posted <$view field="modified" format="relativedate"/></div>
Audio files can be incorporated into TiddlyWiki in a very similar way to [[images|Images in WikiText]].
! Embedded Audio
Small audio files can be embedded directly within TiddlyWiki. Embedding isn't suitable for large files (over a few hundred kilobytes) because it increases the size of the TiddlyWiki file.
For example, the tiddler [[TiddlyWiki.mp3]] contains an MP3 recording of the word "TiddlyWiki". If you visit that tiddler, you should see an audio player that will play back the recording.
You can also transclude audio files. For example:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '{{TiddlyWiki.mp3}}'>>
! External Audio
External audio tiddlers use the ''_canonical_uri'' field to point to an external audio file/stream, and have their ''text'' field blocked. This reduces their size considerably, but still allows for playback.
For example, the tiddler [[Caruso - Ave Maria]] points to an online audio recording hosted on http://archive.org:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '{{Caruso - Ave Maria}}'>>
If there is a SaverModule available that supports it, TiddlyWiki will automatically trigger a save of the current document on clicking {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''tick'' or {{$:/core/images/delete-button}} ''delete'' when editing a tiddler.
You should see a yellow notification at the top right of the window to confirm that an automatic save has taken place.
Automatic saving can be enabled or disabled through the ''Saving'' tab of the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]]. Behind the scenes, it is controlled through the configuration tiddler [[$:/config/AutoSave]], which must have the value ''yes'' to enable automatic saving.
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
output="any non-[[system|SystemTiddlers]] titles that contain [[hard links|Hard and Soft Links]] to the input titles"
Each input title is processed in turn. The corresponding tiddler's list of backlinks is generated, sorted alphabetically by title, and then [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's overall output.
<<.operator-examples "backlinks">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[HelloThere]backlinks[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[tag[TableOfContents]backlinks[]]" "tiddlers that link to tiddlers tagged [[TableOfContents]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[all[current]backlinks[]]" "tiddlers that link to this one">>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="one of those titles"
output="the title that immediately precedes <<.place t>> in the input"
If <<.place t>> is not present in the input, or is the first title there, then the output is empty.
<<.operator-examples "before">>
<<.using-days-of-week>> The [[Thursday]] tiddler shows a further example.
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]before[Saturday]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]before[Monday]]">>
Here are the details of the beta releases of TiddlyWiki5. See [[TiddlyWiki5 Versioning]] for details of how releases are named.
<<tabs "[tag[BetaReleaseNotes]!sort[created]]" "Release 5.0.18-beta" "$:/state/tab2" "tc-vertical" "ReleaseTemplate">>
<<.op bf>> is a synonym for <<.olink rest>>, also known as <<.olink butfirst>>.
There are two ways to produce HTML block quotes in TiddlyWiki5, one for content spread across multiple lines, and one for single line content.
! Multi-line Block Quotes
The syntax for multi-line block quotes is:
<<wikitext-example src:"<<<
This is a block quoted paragraph
written in English
!! Citation
A citation can be added to the quote like this:
<<wikitext-example src:"<<<
Computers are like a bicycle for our minds
<<< Steve Jobs
!! CSS Classes
CSS classes can be added to a block quote:
<<wikitext-example src:"<<<.myClass.another-class
Operating systems are like a brick wall for our minds
<<< Nobody
! Single-line Block Quotes
The single-line syntax for block quotes is actually an extension of the syntax for [[Lists in WikiText]]. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"> Quoted text
> Another line of quoted text
You can also nest quotes like this:
> A top quote
>> A subquote
> Another top quote
Which renders as:
> A top quote
>> A subquote
> Another top quote
You can also mix block quotes with other list items. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"* List One
** List Two
**> A quote
**> Another quote
* List Three
At its heart, TiddlyWiki5 is a relatively small boot kernel that runs either under Node.js or in the browser with all other functionality added via dynamically loaded [[modules|Modules]].
The kernel boots just enough of the TiddlyWiki environment to allow it to load and execute module tiddlers. The module system is compatible with CommonJS and [[Node.js]].
There are many [[different types of module|ModuleType]]: parsers, deserializers, widgets etc. It goes much further than you might expect. For example, individual tiddler fields are modules, too: there's a module that knows how to handle the `tags` field, and another that knows how to handle the special behaviour of the `modified` and `created` fields. Some plugin modules have further sub-plugins: the wikitext parser, for instance, accepts parsing rules as individual plugin modules.
In TiddlyWiki5, [[Plugins]] are bundles of tiddlers that are distributed and managed as one; [[Modules]] are JavaScript tiddlers with a module type identifying when and how they should be executed.
The tiddler [[$:/boot/boot.js]] is a barebones TiddlyWiki kernel that is just sufficient to load the core plugin modules and trigger a startup module to load up the rest of the application.
The boot kernel includes:
* Several short shared utility functions
* A handful of methods implementing the module mechanism
* The `$tw.Tiddler` class (and field definition plugins)
* The `$tw.Wiki` class (and tiddler deserialization methods)
* Code for the browser to load tiddlers from the HTML DOM
* Code for the server to load tiddlers from the file system
Each module is an ordinary CommonJS module, using the `require()` function to access other modules and the `exports` global to return JavaScript values. The boot kernel smooths over the differences between `Node.js` and the browser, allowing the same plugin modules to execute in both environments.
In the browser, `core/boot.js` is packed into a template HTML file that contains the following elements in order:
* Ordinary and system tiddlers, packed as HTML `<DIV>` elements
* `core/bootprefix.js`, containing a few lines to set up the plugin environment
* Optional JavaScript modules, packed as HTML `<SCRIPT>` blocks
* `core/boot.js`, containing the boot kernel
On the server, `core/boot.js` is executed directly. It uses the `Node.js` local file API to load plugins directly from the file system in the `core/modules` directory. The code loading is performed synchronously for brevity (and because the system is in any case inherently blocked until plugins are loaded).
The boot process sets up the `$tw` global variable that is used to store all the state data of the system.
At the end of the boot process the StartupMechanism schedules the execution of startup modules to bring up the rest of TiddlyWiki.
TiddlyWiki is designed to work with HTML5-compatible browsers.
The following table summarises the browser versions that are known to work with TiddlyWiki
|!Browser |!Status |
|Internet Explorer |Version 10 and above |
|Chrome |All recent versions |
|Firefox |All recent versions |
|Firefox for Android |All recent versions |
|Safari |Version 6 and above |
! Introduction
The browse widget displays an HTML file browser button that allows the user to choose one or more files to import. It sends a [[WidgetMessage: tm-import-tiddlers]] carrying a JSON representation of the tiddlers imported from the files up through its parents. This message usually trapped by the NavigatorWidget which adds the tiddlers to the store and updates the story to display them.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$browse>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|multiple |Set to "multiple" to select multiple file upload |
|tooltip |Optional tooltip text |
|message |Optional override of widget message to be generated. The parameter for the message will be the JavaScript object `event.target.files` |
On iPhone/iPad choosing the multiple option will remove the ability to take photographs/videos directly into TiddlyWiki.
renders as:
BT (née British Telecom) is the UK's largest telecommunications company. In 2007, [[Osmosoft]] was acquired by BT. JeremyRuston subsequently left BT in 2011.
See TiddlyWikiFolders for details of defining build targets.
TiddlyWiki5 can be used to build older 2.x.x versions of TiddlyWikiClassic from their constituent components. Doing so involves these features:
* The `tiddlywiki/classictools` plugin, containing a deserializer module which allows tiddlers to be loaded from TiddlyWiki 2.x.x `.recipe` files
* The `stripcomments` format for the ViewWidget, which strips single line JavaScript comments starting `//#`
* The `stripTitlePrefix='yes'` attribute of the FieldsWidget, which removes prefixes wrapped in curly braces from the `title` attribute
** For example, `{tiddler}HelloThere` would be transformed to `HelloThere`
! Usage
TiddlyWikiClassic is built from the command line by running [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]. A typical usage would be:
node ../../tiddlywiki.js \
--verbose \
--load <path_to_recipe_file> \
--rendertiddler $:/core/templates/tiddlywiki2.template.html <path_to_write_index_file> text/plain \
|| exit 1
<<.op butfirst>> is a synonym for <<.olink rest>>, also known as <<.olink bf>>.
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="an integer, defaulting to 1"
output="all but the last <<.place n>> input titles"
<<.operator-examples "butlast">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]butlast[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]butlast[2]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "A B C D E F G H I J K L M +[butlast[7]]">>
! Introduction
The button widget displays an HTML `<button>` element that can perform a combination of optional actions when clicked:
* Executing any ActionWidgets that are immediate children of the button widget
* Execute any integrated actions:
** Navigate to a specified tiddler
** Dispatch a user defined [[widget message|Messages]]
** Trigger a user defined [[popup|PopupMechanism]]
** Assign new text to a specified tiddler
The integrated actions are provided as a shortcut for invoking common actions. The same functionality is available via ActionWidgets, with the exception of the support for highlighting selected popups.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$button>` widget is displayed within the button.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|to |The title of the tiddler to navigate to |
|message |The name of the [[widget message|Messages]] to send when the button is clicked |
|param |The optional parameter to the message |
|set |A TextReference to which a new value will be assigned |
|setTo |The new value to assign to the TextReference identified in the `set` attribute |
|popup |Title of a state tiddler for a popup that is toggled when the button is clicked |
|aria-label |Optional [[Accessibility]] label |
|tooltip |Optional tooltip |
|class |An optional CSS class name to be assigned to the HTML element|
|style |An optional CSS style attribute to be assigned to the HTML element |
|selectedClass |An optional additional CSS class to be assigned if the popup is triggered or the tiddler specified in `set` already has the value specified in `setTo` |
|default |Default value if `set` tiddler is missing for testing against `setTo` to determine `selectedClass` |
''Tip:'' Set ''class'' to `tc-btn-invisble tc-tiddlylink` to have a button look like an internal link.
CamelCase is formed by taking a phrase, capitalising the initial letter of each word, and smashing the words together to form a portmanteau word. Most wikis use CamelCase to signal phrases that should automatically become links.
The changecount macro returns a counter maintained by the TiddlyWiki core that tracks the number of modifications made to each tiddler. The changecount macro always applies to the tiddler named in the CurrentTiddler variable.
For example:
Displays as:
Note how the changecount increases every time this tiddler is modified.
! Introduction
This release resolves a number of inconsistencies with the way that filters are handled. The changes mean that existing filters may need to be updated - particularly those that must deal with missing or shadow tiddlers.
! Changes to ''is'' and addition of ''all''
Most filter operators act by choosing some or all of their source titles to pass through or re-order. Those that add new entries that are not drawn from the source list are referred to as selectors. Prior to 5.0.9-beta, a few filter operators were inconsistent in whether they filtered from the source list or selected new entries into it.
The specific changes are:
* The ''is'' operator now always strictly filters from the currently selected list of tiddlers
* The new ''all'' operator acts as a selector by replacing the current list with a combination of tiddlers from specific sources:
** ''current'' for the current tiddler
** ''missing'' for all missing tiddlers
** ''orphans'' for all orphan tiddlers
** ''shadows'' for all shadow tiddlers
** ''tiddlers'' for all non-shadow tiddlers (including both system and non-system tiddlers)
The sources for the ''all'' operator can be combined with the `+` character. For example, `[all[shadows+tiddlers]]` returns all shadow tiddlers and all ordinary tiddlers.
Previously, it was common to have `[is[shadow]]` at the start of a filter string to select all the shadow tiddlers. In 5.0.9 and above, this will not return all the shadow tiddlers, but instead just those ordinary tiddlers that are also shadow tiddlers (by virtue of having overridden one). The resolution is to use the new ''all'' operator. For example, consider this filter from 5.0.8:
[is[shadow]!has[draft.of]tag[$:/tags/AdvancedSearch]] [!is[shadow]!has[draft.of]tag[$:/tags/AdvancedSearch]] +[tag[$:/tags/AdvancedSearch]]
In 5.0.9, that filter has been changed to:
Note how the ''all'' operator allows operations to be performed on tiddlers from combinations of sources.
!! Changes to `[is[current]]`
One result of the changes is that `[is[current]]` now strictly filters from the source tiddlers; so, if the current tiddler is a missing tiddler not in the source list, then `[is[current]]` will return an empty list.
The solution is generally to use `[all[current]]` instead. It doesn't read as well, but has the required behaviour of returning just the current tiddler, regardless of whether it is in the source tiddlers.
! Changes to ''title'' and ''field''
There are minor changes to the way that the ''title'' and ''field'' operators work.
The ''title'' operator is a selector: it returns the specified title regardless of whether it is in the current source. ''title'' is used as the default operator if none is specified
The ''field'' operator is a filter: it only returns a subset of the source tiddlers. ''field'' is used as the default operator if the supplied operator is not defined (the supplied operator is passed as the suffix to the field operator, so `[description[Missing]]` is equivalent to `[field:description[Missing]]`).
! Introduction
The checkbox widget displays an HTML `<input type="checkbox">` element that is dynamically bound to either:
* the presence or absence of a specified tag on a specified tiddler
* the value of a specified field of a specified tiddler
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$checkbox>` widget is displayed within an HTML `<label>` element immediately after the checkbox itself. This means that clicking on the content will toggle the checkbox.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |Title of the tiddler to manipulate (defaults to the CurrentTiddler) |
|tag |The name of the tag to which the checkbox should be bound |
|field |The name of the field to which the checkbox should be bound |
|checked |The value of the field corresponding to the checkbox being checked |
|unchecked |The value of the field corresponding to the checkbox being unchecked |
|default |The default value to use if the field is not defined |
!! Tag Mode
Using the checkbox widget in tag mode requires the ''tag'' attribute to specify the name of the tag. The ''tiddler'' attribute specifies the tiddler to target, defaulting to the current tiddler if not present.
This example creates a checkbox that flips the ''done'' tag on the current tiddler:
<$checkbox tag="done">Is it done?</$checkbox>
!! Field Mode
Using the checkbox widget in field mode requires the ''field'' attribute to specify the name of the field. The ''checked'' and ''unchecked'' attributes specify the values to be assigned to the field to correspond to its checked and unchecked states respectively. The ''default'' attribute is used as a fallback value if the field is not defined.
This example creates a checkbox that is checked if the field ''status'' is equal to ''open'' and unchecked if the field is equal to ''closed''. If the field is undefined then it defaults to ''closed'', meaning that the checkbox will be unchecked if the ''status'' field is missing.
<$checkbox field="status" checked="open" unchecked="closed" default="closed">Is it open?</$checkbox>
TiddlyWiki 的简体中文翻译版本:
<!-- * ''文件'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/zh-Hans/index.html -->
* ''空白版本'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/zh-Hans/empty.html
另请参阅 [[中文 (正體) 版|Chinese (Traditional) Edition]]。
TiddlyWiki 的正體中文翻譯版本:
<!-- * ''文件'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/zh-Hant/index.html -->
* ''空白版本'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/zh-Hant/empty.html
另請參閱 [[中文 (简体) 版|Chinese (Simplified) Edition]]。
You can use triple backticks <code>```</code> to mark code blocks:
This will be monospaced
Renders as:
This will be monospaced
To be interpreted correctly, the three backticks need to be at the start of the line and immediately followed by a line-break.
Be aware that any preceding paragraph content should be properly terminated with a double line break, too. So, this example is wrong:
This is an ordinary paragraph
This will be monospaced
The correct version is:
This is an ordinary paragraph
This will be monospaced
Note that some keyboard layouts treat the backtick as a [[dead key|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_key]], making it hard to type. The trick is to type three backticks followed by a space. Alternatively, type all six backticks in one go, then a space, and then move the cursor back three characters to type or paste the content.
The CodeMirror plugin adds a sophisticated web-based editor to TiddlyWiki.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/codemirror/
A colour palette is a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]] that supplies a [[CSS]] colour value, such as ''yellow'' or ''#fe0'', for each of several colour names, like this:
page-background: #fe0
table-border: #ccc
Several palettes form part of the core. The system tiddler [[$:/palette]] always contains the title of the currently selected palette tiddler.
To retrieve the value of a named colour from the current palette, e.g. for use in a stylesheet tiddler, use the [[colour macro|$:/core/macros/CSS]]:
<<colour page-background>>
Palette tiddlers should have the following fields:
|!Name |!Value |
|title |Typically starting with `$:/` |
|type |`application/x-tiddler-dictionary` |
|tags |`$:/tags/Palette` |
|description |Displayed in the palette browser |
|text |`name: value` colour definitions |
A <<.def command>> is one of the following words, written with a `--` prefix and used as a command-line option to [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]], indicating which action is desired.
<<list-links "[tag[Commands]]">>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
output="the [[command words|Commands]] that can be given to [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]"
<<.operator-examples "commands">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[commands[]]">>
Here we gather the latest and most useful material from the TiddlyWiki community.
<<tabs "Forums Latest Tutorials Resources Examples Articles Meetups" "Latest">>
//This is a sample task for the TaskManagementExample//
These are the concepts underlying TiddlyWiki. Understanding how these ideas fit together is the key to getting the most from TiddlyWiki.
<<list-links "[tag[Concepts]]">>
The configuration tiddler [[$:/config/TiddlerInfo/Default]] contains the title of the tiddler containing the default tiddler info tab.
The default value is `$:/core/ui/TiddlerInfo/Tools` corresponding to the ''Tools'' tab. Other possible values are:
<$list filter="[all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/TiddlerInfo]!has[draft.of]]">
<$view field="title"/>
Sample data for TableOfContentsMacro.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Used in Internet protocols to indicate the type that should be used to interpret the content of a web resource.
In TiddlyWiki, the `type` field gives the content type to apply to the main `text` field.
!! List of Common Content Types
|!Group |!Type |!Content of `type` field |
|^''Developer'' |Data dictionary |application/x-tiddler-dictionary|
|~|~JavaScript code |application/javascript|
|~|JSON data |application/json|
|~|Static stylesheet |text/css|
|^''Image''|GIF image |image/gif|
|~|ICO format icon file |image/x-icon|
|~|JPEG image |image/jpeg|
|~|PDF image |application/pdf|
|~|PNG image |image/png|
|~|Structured Vector Graphics image |image/svg+xml|
|^''Text''|HTML markup |text/html|
|~|Cascading Stylesheet text |text/css|
|~|Comma-separated values |text/csv|
|~|Plain text |text/plain|
|~|~TiddlyWiki 5 |text/vnd.tiddlywiki|
|~|~TiddlyWiki Classic |text/x-tiddlywiki|
We welcome contributions to the code and documentation of TiddlyWiki in several ways:
* ReportingBugs
* Helping to [[improve our documentation|Improving TiddlyWiki Documentation]]
* Contributing to the code via [[GitHub|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5]]
** See http://tiddlywiki.com/dev for more details
There are other ways to [[help TiddlyWiki|HelpingTiddlyWiki]] too.
! Contributor License Agreement
Like other OpenSource projects, TiddlyWiki5 needs a signed contributor license agreement from individual contributors. This is a legal agreement that allows contributors to assert that they own the copyright of their contribution, and that they agree to license it to the UnaMesa Association (the legal entity that owns TiddlyWiki on behalf of the community).
* For individuals use: [[licenses/CLA-individual|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/licenses/cla-individual.md]]
* For entities use: [[licenses/CLA-entity|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/licenses/cla-entity.md]]
! How to sign the CLA
Create a GitHub pull request to add your name to `cla-individual.md` or `cla-entity.md`, with the date in the format (YYYY/MM/DD).
''step by step''
# click [[licenses/CLA-individual|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/licenses/cla-individual.md]] or [[licenses/CLA-entity|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/licenses/cla-entity.md]]
# in `cla-individual.md` or `cla-entity.md` click icon on the top-right corner (clicking this button will fork the project so you can edit the file)
# add your name at the bottom
eg: `Jeremy Ruston, @Jermolene, 2011/11/22`
//The CLA documents used for this project were created using [[Harmony Project Templates|http://www.harmonyagreements.org]]. "HA-CLA-I-LIST Version 1.0" for "CLA-individual" and "HA-CLA-E-LIST Version 1.0" for "CLA-entity".//
\define tv-wikilink-template() http://tiddlywiki.com/static/$uri_doubleencoded$.html
! Contributing to TiddlyWiki5
//This file was automatically generated by TiddlyWiki5//
The following individuals have generously given their time to [[contribute to the development of TiddlyWiki|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/graphs/contributors]]:
* Jeremy Ruston ([[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]])
* Dave Gifford ([[@giffmex|https://github.com/giffmex]])
* Bram Chen ([[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]])
* Mario Pietsch ([[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]])
* Xavier Cazin ([[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]])
* Eric Shulman ([[@ericshulman|https://github.com/ericshulman]])
* Stephan Hradek ([[@Skeeve|https://github.com/Skeeve]])
* ~BuggyJef ([[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]])
* Nathan Cain ([[@natecain|https://github.com/natecain]])
* Ton Gerner ([[@gernert|https://github.com/gernert]])
* Devin Weaver ([[@sukima|https://github.com/sukima]])
* João Bolila ([[@jbolila|https://github.com/jbolila]])
* David Johnston ([[@Brennall|https://github.com/Brennall]])
* David Jade ([[@davidjade|https://github.com/davidjade]])
* Bob Robison ([[@grayeul|https://github.com/grayeul]])
* [[@nameanyone|https://github.com/nameanyone]]
* Maurizio Pollio ([[@mpollio|https://github.com/mpollio]])
* Ogoshi Masayuki ([[@ogoshima|https://github.com/ogoshima]])
* Chris Sugden ([[@csugden|https://github.com/csugden]])
* [[@asampal|https://github.com/asampal]]
* Bow Yi Jang ([[@Eucaly|https://github.com/Eucaly]])
* Mal Gamble ([[@malgam|https://github.com/malgam]])
* Michael Fogleman ([[@mwfogleman|https://github.com/mwfogleman]])
* Daniel Barrett ([[@shendaras|https://github.com/shendaras]])
* Simon Baird ([[@simonbaird|https://github.com/simonbaird]])
* James Anderson ([[@welford|https://github.com/welford]])
* Jon Lister ([[@jayfresh|https://github.com/jayfresh]])
* [[@TheDiveO|https://github.com/TheDiveO]]
* Danielo Rodríguez ([[@danielo515|https://github.com/danielo515]])
* [[@willover|https://github.com/willover]]
* [[@slotik|https://github.com/slotik]]
* Irene Knapp ([[@IreneKnapp|https://github.com/IreneKnapp]])
* Brian Shaver ([[@shakerlxxv|https://github.com/shakerlxxv]])
* Tobi Beer ([[@tobibeer|https://github.com/tobibeer]])
* Craig Cook ([[@BoyCook|https://github.com/BoyCook]])
You can copy an individual tiddler from one TiddlyWiki file to another by dragging a link to the tiddler from one browser window to another.
! Introduction
The count widget displays the number of matches to a specified [[filter expression|Filters]].
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$count>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|filter |The filter expression to count |
To create a custom export format that exports tiddlers as their raw body text:
# Create a tiddler with the following fields:
#* ''tags'': [[$:/tags/Exporter]]
#* ''description'': Description of this exporter
#* ''extension'': Default file extension for this export format (including the dot; for example `.tid`)
# Set the following content:
\define renderContent()
{{{ $(exportFilter)$ ||$:/core/templates/plain-text-tiddler}}}
The variable `exportFilter` contains a filter defining which tiddlers should be exported.
! Creating tiddlers
You create a tiddler either by clicking the {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar, or by clicking on a link to a missing tiddler. Links to missing tiddlers are shown in [[blue italics]].
See also:
* [[Creating journal tiddlers]]
! Editing tiddlers
To edit an existing tiddler, click the {{$:/core/images/edit-button}} button at the top right of the tiddler.
!! Draft mode
When you create a new tiddler or edit an existing one, the tiddler will go into draft mode. This presents a control panel for modifying the tiddler in various ways. It has several parts, from top to bottom:
*''The title field'' - Use this to change the title of the tiddler
*''The tag selector'' - Use this to add or remove tags. As you type a tag name in the box, a dropdown list will show you any existing tags that match. You can pick from this list or create a completely new tag. Then click the ''add'' button to add the tag to the tiddler. Each tag is shown as a coloured pill. Click the "×" on a pill to remove that tag
*''The text area'' - Use this to edit the main content of the tiddler. Click the ''show preview'' button to see what your changes will look like
*''The type selector'' - Use this when a tiddler needs to be displayed in a special way, such as an image. See ContentType for a list of the options. The default is `text/vnd.tiddlywiki`, which means the tiddler contains WikiText
*''The field selector'' - Use this to add or remove fields on the tiddler. For example, if you are editing a tiddler that's being used to tag other tiddlers, you can add a [[''list'' field|ListField]] to change the order in which those tiddlers will be listed
! Save, cancel or delete
When you have finished editing, click a button at the top right of the tiddler:
*The ''save'' button ({{$:/core/images/done-button}}) stores your changes to this one tiddler and leaves draft mode. If your wiki is configured to [[AutoSave]], your changes will be permanently saved. Otherwise they will only be stored temporarily in your web browser, and you will lose them if you close your ~TiddlyWiki page without first clicking the master ''save changes'' button {{$:/core/images/save-button}} in the sidebar.
*The ''cancel'' button ({{$:/core/images/cancel-button}}) discards your changes (after asking you to confirm) and leaves draft mode.
*The ''delete'' button ({{$:/core/images/delete-button}}) deletes the entire tiddler (after asking you to confirm).
! Introduction
Journal tiddlers are tiddlers that use a date and/or time as their title. They are typically used as a quick way to record time-stamped information.
You can use additional tags on a journal tiddler to link it to other tiddlers, helping to establish the relationships between items of information.
For example, you might use a journal tiddler called ''10th October 2014'' to record thoughts and information captured on that particular day. The tags ''Shopping'' and ''London'' might be used to indicate that the entry concerns shopping in London.
! Creating a journal tiddler
The easiest way to create a journal tiddler is to use the ''new journal'' button in the ''Tools'' tab of the sidebar. If you find yourself often using the button, click the checkbox next to it to make the button available just above the search box.
The ''new journal'' button creates a journal entry as a blank tiddler with the tag ''Journal'' and a title derived from today's date. If a journal tiddler with that title already exists, then this is opened for editing.
! Creating a tagged journal tiddler
A common sequence of actions is to create (or reopen) today's journal entry and tag it with the title of another tiddler. This can be done with the ''new journal here'' button in the other tiddler's toolbar. You can find this button in the ''Tools'' tab of the tiddler's InfoPanel.
For example, you might be reviewing a tiddler called ''Oxford Street'' and realise that it's relevant for planning your shopping trip. Click the ''new journal here'' button on the ''Oxford Street'' tiddler to bring up a journal entry tagged with ''Oxford Street''.
! Customising journal tiddlers
To configure how new journal entries are created, visit the ''Basics'' tab under ''Info'' in the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]]:
* "Title of new journal tiddlers" specifies how these tiddlers should be named, as a [[date format string|DateFormat]]. The default setting of `DDth MMM YYYY` causes new entries to have titles of the form "10th October 2014"
* "Tags for new journal tiddlers" [specifies|Title List] tags that will automatically appear on new journal entries. For example: `Journal [[Summer vacation]]`
Hint: if you want to create a separate journal tiddler whenever you click ''new journal'' (even if you do this several times in the same day), you can include the clock time in the title format. Specify something like `YYYY-0MM-0DD at 0hhh0mm'0ss''` as the date format.
Another useful trick is to include `$(currentTiddler)$` somewhere in the title format. This means that if you click ''new journal here'' on several different tiddlers, the title of each of those tiddlers will form part of the name of the resulting journal entries.
This example shows how to create a sub-story within a tiddler that is independent of the main story.
Here's the code:
<$navigator story="MySubStoryList" history="MySubHistoryList">
Click this link to get started: HelloThere
<$list filter="[list[MySubStoryList]]" history="MySubHistoryList">
! <$button message="tm-close-tiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible">{{$:/core/images/close-button}}</$button> <$view field="title"/>
Note how you can open the HelloThere tiddler in the substory by clicking on the link below. Links within the substory open within the substory, and not in the main story.
<$navigator story="MySubStoryList" history="MySubHistoryList">
Click this link to get started: HelloThere
<$list filter="[list[MySubStoryList]]" history="MySubHistoryList">
! <$button message="tm-close-tiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible">{{$:/core/images/close-button}}</$button> <$view field="title"/>
The current tiddler provides an ever-changing context or background against which several features of WikiText are interpreted.
For example, `{{!!title}}` denotes the value of the ''title'' field of whatever the current tiddler happens to be. This technique can be used in a [[TemplateTiddler|TemplateTiddlers]] to keep the template generic.
The title of the current tiddler can always be found in the [[currentTiddler variable|WidgetVariable: currentTiddler]].
The current tiddler is set in several ways, including by the ListWidget and the TiddlerWidget.
Information about customising TiddlyWiki
<<list-links "[tag[Customise TiddlyWiki]]">>
By default, the results for the sidebar search box are displayed as a simple list of tiddler titles. The search results can be customised by adding plugin visualisations that show the search results in different ways. (Tabs are shown automatically if an additional search result visualisation is detected).
Search result visualisations are stored in tiddlers tagged [[$:/tags/SearchResults]]. The default search result listing is implemented in the system tiddler [[$:/core/ui/DefaultSearchResultList]].
To create a new search result visualisation:
# Create a new tiddler tagged [[$:/tags/SearchResults]]
# Use the widget variable ''searchTiddler'' to access the title of the tiddler containing the current search term
If you'd like the new visualisation to be the default, create a tiddler called [[$:/config/SearchResults/Default]] containing the title of the tiddler containing the search visualisation that you want to display by default.
Here is an example of an alternative visualisation that displays results in reverse chronological order:
\define searchResults()
<$set name="resultCount" value="""<$count filter="[!is[system]search{$(searchTiddler)$}]"/>""">
<<timeline subfilter:"!is[system]search{$(searchTiddler)$}">>
The D3 plugin integrates the D3 visualisation library with TiddlyWiki.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/d3/
You can create an n-dash with a double hyphen `--` and an m-dash with a triple hyphen `---`. For example -- this is an example --- and so is this
A data tiddler is a miniature database contained within a tiddler.
There are two standard formats:
* DictionaryTiddlers
* [[JSONTiddlers]]
Other formats of tiddler can also be parsed to yield blocks of data that behave like data tiddlers.
Use a TextReference to look up a value by its name. For example, if a [[DictionaryTiddler|DictionaryTiddlers]] called `MonthDays` contains:
... then `{{MonthDays##nov}}` will resolve to the value `30`.
The same is true if `MonthDays` is a [[JSONTiddler|JSONTiddlers]] with the following content:
Note: //It is currently only possible to retrieve data from the immediate properties of the root object of a JSONTiddler.//
Certain [[fields|TiddlerFields]] of a tiddler are used to store dates and times.
The two standard date fields are <<.field created>> and <<.field modified>>.
Values of date fields are 17-character strings:
* 4 digits for the year
* 2 digits for the month
* 2 digits for the day
* 2 digits for the hour
* 2 digits for the minute
* 2 digits for the second
* 3 digits for the millisecond
To avoid problems arising from differences of time zone, TiddlyWiki always uses [[UTC|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coordinated_Universal_Time]].
As an example, the <<.field created>> field of this tiddler has the value <<.value """<$view field="created"/>""">>.
Dates can be [[converted to other formats|DateFormat]] for display:
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html"
src="""<$view field="created" format="date" template="DDD DDth MMM YYYY"/>""">
The ViewWidget accepts a `template` attribute that allows the format of date values to be specified. The format string is processed with the following substitutions:
|!Token |!Substituted Value |
|`DDD` |Day of week in full (eg, "Monday") |
|`ddd` |Short day of week (eg, "Mon") |
|`DD` |Day of month |
|`0DD` |Adds a leading zero |
|`DDth` |Adds a suffix |
|`WW` |ISO-8601 week number of year |
|`0WW` |Adds a leading zero |
|`MMM` |Month in full (eg, "July") |
|`mmm` |Short month (eg, "Jul") |
|`MM` |Month number |
|`0MM` |Adds leading zero |
|`YYYY` |Full year |
|`YY` |Two digit year |
|`wYYYY` |Full year with respect to week number |
|`wYY` |Two digit year with respect to week number |
|`hh` |Hours |
|`0hh` |Adds a leading zero |
|`hh12` |Hours in 12 hour clock |
|`0hh12` |Hours in 12 hour clock with leading zero |
|`mm` |Minutes |
|`0mm` |Minutes with leading zero |
|`ss` |Seconds |
|`0ss` |Seconds with leading zero |
|`am` or `pm` |Lower case AM/PM indicator |
|`AM` or `PM` |Upper case AM/PM indicator |
|`TZD` |Timezone offset |
|`\x` |Used to escape a character that would otherwise have special meaning |
Note that other text is passed through unchanged, allowing commas, colons or other separators to be used.
! Examples
|!Template |!Output |
|`DDth MMM YYYY` |16th February 2011 |
|`DDth MMM \M\M\M YYYY` |16th February MMM 2011 |
|`DDth mmm hh:mm:ss` |16th Feb 2011 11:38:42 |
It has a <<.field list>> field containing the following items:
<<list-links "[list[]]">>
These are definitions of technical words and phrases used in this documentation. (As distinct from the [[Concepts]] that make up TiddlyWiki itself).
<<list-links "[tag[Definitions]]">>
HTML definition lists are created with this syntax:
<<wikitext-example src:"; Term being defined
: Definition of that term
; Another term
: Another definition
Die deutsche Übersetzung von TiddlyWiki ist verfügbar unter:
* ''Dokumentation'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/de-DE/index.html
* ''Leer'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/de-DE/empty.html
Siehe auch: [[Deutsch (Österreich) Edition]].
Die österreichische Übersetzung von TiddlyWiki ist verfügbar unter:
* ''Dokumentation'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/de-AT/index.html
* ''Leer'': http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/de-AT/empty.html
Siehe auch: [[Deutsch (Deutschland) Edition]].
A dictionary tiddler is a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]] containing a simple list of name/value pairs.
Its [[ContentType]] is `application/x-tiddler-dictionary`.
The `text` field consists of one or more lines of the form <code>//name//: //value//</code>.
[[ColourPalettes]], such as the [[default Vanilla palette|$:/palettes/Vanilla]], are dictionary tiddlers.
Unless you've already seen ~TiddlyWiki, we guarantee you've never seen //anything// like ~TiddlyWiki. ~TiddlyWiki is:
:: a tool,
:: a toolbox,
:: a community,
:: and a philosophy.
! ~TiddlyWiki is a Tool
''~TiddlyWiki is first and foremost a tool:'' it is a free downloadable tool for capturing and organising content from the web, from your documents or from your brain. It’s a tool for note-taking, bookmarking, pinning, writing, managing to-do lists and projects, collaborating, blogging, and publishing.
In ~TiddlyWiki you create or paste content into notes called tiddlers, then connect your tiddlers with hyperlinks and tags. You can then quickly retrieve your notes through features such as tag pills, sidebar tabs, and ~TiddlyWiki's lightning fast search window. You can even dynamically include one tiddler's content inside another - similar to using building blocks - to create articles, lists, presentations and more.
! ~TiddlyWiki is a Toolbox
In addition to being a versatile tool, ''~TiddlyWiki is also a toolbox.''
Where other note-taking products hook you with the basic program then charge you for the really helpful features, ~TiddlyWiki has an ever-expanding collection of completely free visual themes, colour palettes, plugins, widgets and macros, which you can then mix and match so that you can tweak and tailor your ~TiddlyWiki to get it just the way you want it.
! ~TiddlyWiki is also a Community
We are a [[community|Community]] of users and developers who help each other imagine new ways of thinking and organising and create new solutions, so that ~TiddlyWiki is continually adapting to better serve your needs. ~TiddlyWiki users and developers share questions and advice at a ~TiddlyWiki Google group. They also create tutorials, adaptations, and plugins to enhance your ~TiddlyWiki experience. See the section ''Community'' of the TableOfContents for more details.
! Finally, ~TiddlyWiki is a philosophy
The purpose of taking and organising a note (or recording any kind of content) is to be able to retrieve it later. If you can't find your notes in your note-taking system, your note-taking becomes a colossal waste of time.
The [[TiddlyWiki philosophy|Philosophy of Tiddlers]] is that the best way to take notes is to separate them into tiddlers, the smallest semantic units possible. A tiddler might be an image, a webpage link, a concept, the definition of a term, or a specific customisation such as a macro.
These tiddlers can then be woven together to create longer units: stories, articles, lists, image galleries, and much more. ~TiddlyWiki's features such as tagging, hyperlinking, and filters are specially designed to help you relate and connect tiddlers together in multiple ways, facilitating your future retrieval of your notes and even helping you see unexpected relationships among your tiddlers and the information they contain.
The following macros are used throughout ~TiddlyWiki's documentation.
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|.def |the defining instance of a term |<<.def widget>> |
|.em |minor emphasis within a sentence |<<.em not>> |
|.place |a placeholder for the user to fill in |<<.place tagname>> |
|.strong |major emphasis within a tiddler |<<.strong Important!>> |
|.word |a mention of an ordinary word or phrase |<<.word "hello world">> |
|!Macro |!Used for |
|.preamble |an introductory sentence that stands apart from the rest of the tiddler |
!Tiddlers and fields
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|.tid |a tiddler title |<<.tid Example>> |
|.tag |a tag |<<.tag Example>> |
|.field |a field name |<<.field example>> |
|.value |a field value |<<.value "example value">> |
|.op |a filter operator |<<.op backlinks>> |
|.var |a variable or macro nam e|<<.var currentTiddler>> |
|.wid |a widget name |<<.wid list>> |
|.attr |an attribute name |<<.attr filter>> |
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|.link |a link containing WikiText |<<.link "^^an^^ ~~example~~" Example>> |
|.clink |a code link |<<.clink `<$list>` ListWidget>> |
|.flink |a link to a field |<<.flink ListField>> |
|.olink |a link to an operator |<<.olink prefix>> |
|.wlink |a link to a widget |<<.wlink ButtonWidget>> |
!User interface
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|.key |a key on the keyboard |<<.key Escape>> |
|.keycombo |a key combination |<<.keycombo Ctrl Enter>> |
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|.sidebar-tab |the name of a sidebar tab |<<.sidebar-tab More>> |
|.more-tab |the name of a subtab of the More tab |<<.more-tab Shadows>> |
|.info-tab |the name of a tiddler info tab |<<.info-tab Fields>> |
|.controlpanel-tab |the name of a Control Panel tab |<<.controlpanel-tab Settings>> |
|.advancedsearch-tab |the name of an Advanced Search tab |<<.advancedsearch-tab Filter>> |
|.toc-tab |name of the tw5.com TOC tab |<<.toc-tab>> |
|.example-tab |an example tab name |<<.example-tab "Notes">> |
!!Parameters for .sidebar-tab
|Open |<<.sidebar-tab Open>> |
|Recent |<<.sidebar-tab Recent>> |
|Tools |<<.sidebar-tab Tools>> |
|More |<<.sidebar-tab More>> |
!!Parameters for .more-tab
|All |<<.more-tab All>> |
|Recent |<<.more-tab Recent>> |
|Tags |<<.more-tab Tags>> |
|Missing |<<.more-tab Missing>> |
|Drafts |<<.more-tab Drafts>> |
|Orphans |<<.more-tab Orphans>> |
|Types |<<.more-tab Types>> |
|System |<<.more-tab System>> |
|Shadows |<<.more-tab Shadows>> |
!!Parameters for .info-tab
|Tools |<<.info-tab Tools>> |
|References |<<.info-tab References>> |
|Tagging |<<.info-tab Tagging>> |
|List |<<.info-tab List>> |
|Listed |<<.info-tab Listed>> |
|Fields |<<.info-tab Fields>> |
|Advanced |<<.info-tab Advanced>> |
!!Parameters for .controlpanel-tab
|Info |<<.controlpanel-tab Info>> |
|Appearance |<<.controlpanel-tab Appearance>> |
|Settings |<<.controlpanel-tab Settings>> |
|Saving |<<.controlpanel-tab Saving>> |
|Plugins |<<.controlpanel-tab Plugins>> |
!!Parameters for .advancedsearch-tab
|Standard |<<.advancedsearch-tab Standard>> |
|System |<<.advancedsearch-tab System>> |
|Shadows |<<.advancedsearch-tab Shadows>> |
|Filter |<<.advancedsearch-tab Filter>> |
|!Macro |!Used for |!Example |
|.button |a standard button name and icon |<<.button "new-tiddler">> |
!!Parameters for .button
!!!Tiddler toolbar
|clone |<<.button "clone">> |
|close |<<.button "close">> |
|close-others |<<.button "close-others">> |
|edit |<<.button "edit">> |
|export-tiddler |<<.button "export-tiddler">> |
|info |<<.button "info">> |
|more-tiddler-actions |<<.button "more-tiddler-actions">> |
|new-here |<<.button "new-here">> |
|new-journal-here |<<.button "new-journal-here">> |
|permalink |<<.button "permalink">> |
!!!Edit-mode toolbar
|cancel |<<.button "cancel">> |
|delete |<<.button "delete">> |
|save |<<.button "save">> |
!!!Page toolbar
|advanced-search |<<.button "advanced-search">> |
|close-all |<<.button "close-all">> |
|control-panel |<<.button "control-panel">> |
|encryption |<<.button "encryption">> |
|export-page |<<.button "export-page">> |
|full-screen |<<.button "full-screen">> |
|home |<<.button "home">> |
|import |<<.button "import">> |
|language |<<.button "language">> |
|more-page-actions |<<.button "more-page-actions">> |
|new-journal |<<.button "new-journal">> |
|new-tiddler |<<.button "new-tiddler">> |
|permaview |<<.button "permaview">> |
|refresh |<<.button "refresh">> |
|save-wiki |<<.button "save-wiki">> |
|storyview |<<.button "storyview">> |
|tag-manager |<<.button "tag-manager">> |
|theme |<<.button "theme">> |
The documentation for ~TiddlyWiki tries to follow a consistent editorial style. It has two main areas, each with its own tone and audience:
* [[Instruction Tiddlers]]
* [[Reference Tiddlers]]
We keep the two areas distinct. This avoids overwhelming relative newcomers, while still providing quick access to the information that expert users need.
Additional topics:
* [[Tiddler Title Policy]]
* [[Tiddler Structure]]
* [[Spelling]]
* [[Typography]]
* [[Documentation Macros]]
* [[Technical Prose Style]]
[[Filters]] manipulate [[sets of titles|Title Selection]] in which no title may appear more than once. Furthermore, they often need to append one such set to another.
This is done in such a way that, if a title would be duplicated, the earlier copy of that title is discarded. The titles being appended are dominant.
For example, if a selection contains `Andrew Becky Clara Daniel` and `Andrew Barney Clara Daisy` is then appended to it, the result is `Becky Daniel Andrew Barney Clara Daisy`.
Tiddlers that have a `draft.of` field are treated as pending drafts of the tiddler specified in the field. Draft tiddlers should also have a `draft.title` field that specifies the title that will be given to the tiddler when it is saved.
Several features work in concert to give the desired behaviour for draft tiddlers:
* The ListWidget can optionally render draft tiddlers through a different template
* The NavigatorWidget incorporates handlers for the following events:
** `tm-new-tiddler` for creating a new tiddler in draft mode
** `tm-edit-tiddler` for moving a tiddler into edit mode
** `tm-cancel-tiddler` for cancelling a tiddler out of edit mode
** `tm-save-tiddler` for saving a draft tiddler
* Draft tiddlers are automatically excluded from search operations
! Introduction
The dropzone widget creates an area into which the user can drag files and other objects. It also supports pasting via the clipboard, although browser support is currently limited.
It sends a [[WidgetMessage: tm-import-tiddlers]] carrying a JSON representation of the tiddlers to be imported up through its parents. This message usually trapped by the NavigatorWidget which adds the tiddlers to the store and updates the story to display them.
! Content and Attributes
The dropzone widget has no attributes, and displays any contained content within the dropzone.
! Display
The dropzone widget creates an HTML `<div class="tc-dropzone">` to contain its content. During a drag operation the class `tc-dragover` is added. CSS is used to provide user feedback.
! Data types supported
The following data transfer types are supported:
* ''text/vnd.tiddler'' - a list of tiddlers in JSON format (this format is generated by the LinkWidget)
* ''text/plain'' - plain text
* ''text/uri-list'' - a list of URIs as a single tiddler
The ''dumpvariables'' [[macro|Macros]] displays a table with values of all [[variables|Variables]] that are defined in the current scope. It is useful for debugging and exploring TiddlyWiki internals.
''Note:'' Parameters and variable subsitutions for macros are displayed as empty strings. A macro defined as `\define myMacro(text) ''$text$''` thus displays as `''''`.
!! Example
Renders as:
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
suffix="optionally, `list`"
parameter="the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]], defaulting to <<.field title>>"
output="a selection containing the first input title encountered for each distinct value of field <<.place f>>"
Each input title is processed in turn. The value of field <<.place f>> in the corresponding tiddler is examined.
:As long as the field's value has not been encountered before, the title is appended to the output.
:The value is treated as a [[title list|Title List]]. Each title in the list considered in turn. If it has not been encountered before, it is appended to the output.
If a tiddler doesn't contain field <<.place f>>, it is treated as if the field's value was empty.
<<.operator-examples "each">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[each[color]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[sort[title]each[type]]" "the alphabetically first tiddler of each type">>
For an example of using the <<.op each>> operator to generate a two-tier list of groups and members, see [[GroupedLists]].
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="the name of a [[date field|Date Fields]]"
output="a selection containing the first input title encountered for each distinct value (ignoring times of day) of field <<.place f>>"
Each input title is processed in turn. The value of field <<.place f>> in the corresponding tiddler is examined, and as long as this indicates a date that has not been encountered before, the title is appended to the output.
If a tiddler doesn't contain field <<.place f>>, it contributes nothing to the output.
<<.operator-examples "eachday">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[eachday[created]]" "the first tiddler created on each day">>
For an example of using the <<.op eachday>> operator to generate a two-tier list of groups and members, see [[GroupedLists]].
! Introduction
The edit bitmap widget provides a user interface in the browser for editing bitmap tiddlers. It is currently a primitive proof-of-concept, supporting resizing and painting with a single color and line width.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$edit-bitmap>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The tiddler to edit (defaults to the CurrentTiddler) |
! Configuration
The edit bitmap widget can be configured with these system tiddlers:
* [[$:/config/BitmapEditor/LineWidth]] determines the line width: <$edit-text tiddler="$:/config/BitmapEditor/LineWidth" tag="input"/>
* [[$:/config/BitmapEditor/Colour]] determines the line color: <$edit-text tiddler="$:/config/BitmapEditor/Colour" tag="input" type="color"/>
Michael Fogleman has written an [[Emacs|http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/]] major mode called [[tid-mode|https://github.com/mwfogleman/tid-mode]], which is for editing TiddlyWiki .tid files. It is derived from text-mode, uses the useful minor modes org-struct and subword, and updates the modified times when you save a .tid file.
He also wrote two helper functions for using TiddlyWiki in Emacs. The first opens a tiddlers directory in Dired; the second opens TiddlyWiki in the browser.
(defun open-wiki ()
"Opens a TiddlyWiki directory in Dired."
(dired "~/Dropbox/wiki/tiddlers/"))
(defun browse-wiki ()
"Opens TiddlyWiki in the browser."
(browse-url ""))
This latter function may require specifying a browser:
(setq browse-url-browser-function 'browse-url-generic
browse-url-generic-program "chromium")
You can bind either of these functions with the global-set-key function:
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c w") 'open-wiki)
At the moment, these are not integrated into tid-mode.
La traduction en Français (France) de TiddlyWiki démarre ici :
* ''documentation'' : http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/fr-FR/index.html
* ''empty'' : http://tiddlywiki.com/languages/fr-FR/empty.html
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection|Title Selection]] of edition names"
output="the description string of each edition in the input"
Each input title is processed in turn, ignoring any that is not the name of a ~TiddlyWiki edition.
TiddlyWiki is distributed in several different editions that are tuned for specific purposes. Each one consists of the same TiddlyWiki core components along with the required plugins, documentation and sample content.
You can mix and match the components of these editions, to make a unique solution to your particular application.
<<list-links "[tag[Editions]]">>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
output="the name of each ~TiddlyWiki edition, in alphabetical order"
! Introduction
The edit text widget provides a user interface in the browser for editing text tiddler fields. The editing element is dynamically bound to the underlying tiddler value: changes to the tiddler are instantly reflected, and any edits are instantly propogated.
By default, the edit text widget generates a `<textarea>` as the HTML editing element when the `text` field is edited, and a `<input type="text">` element otherwise. This behaviour can be overridden with the `tag` and `type` attributes.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$edit-text>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The tiddler to edit (defaults to the CurrentTiddler) |
|field |The field to edit (defaults to `text`). Takes precedence over the `index` attribute |
|index |The index to edit |
|default |The default text to be provided when the target tiddler doesn't exist |
|class |A CSS class to be assigned to the generated HTML editing element |
|placeholder |Placeholder text to be displayed when the edit field is empty |
|focusPopup |Title of a state tiddler for a popup that is displayed when the editing element has focus |
|focus |Set to "true" to automatically focus the editor after creation |
|tag |Overrides the generated HTML editing element tag. Use `textarea` for a multi-line editor |
|type |Overrides the generated HTML editing element `type` attribute |
|size |The size of the input field (in characters) |
|autoHeight |Either "yes" or "no" to specify whether to automatically resize `textarea` editors to fit their content (defaults to "yes") |
|minHeight |Minimum height for automatically resized `textarea` editors, specified in CSS length units such as "px", "em" or "%" |
! Notes
One trap to be aware of is that the edit text widget cannot be used to edit a field of the tiddler that contains it. Each keypress results in the tiddler being re-rendered, which loses the cursor position within the text field.
Instead, place the edit text widget in a [[template|TemplateTiddlers]] that references the tiddler you want to modify.
For example, if you wanted to edit the value of the "myconfig" field of the tiddler "AppSettings", you might do so by creating a separate tiddler "ChangeAppSettings" that contains the following:
<$edit-text tiddler="AppSettings" field="myconfig"/>
! Introduction
The edit widget provides a general purpose interface for editing a tiddler. It dynamically chooses the appropriate widget depending on the type of the tiddler (currently either the EditTextWidget or the EditBitmapWidget).
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$edit>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The tiddler to edit (defaults to the CurrentTiddler) |
|field |The field to edit (defaults to `text`). Takes precedence over the `index` attribute |
|index |The index to edit |
|class |A CSS class to be added the generated editing widget |
The "empty" edition of TiddlyWiki is a vanilla distribution, with no additional plugins or configuration beyond the core code.
The empty edition can be downloaded from:
When used as a single HTML file, TiddlyWiki5 allows content to be encrypted using the [[Stanford JavaScript Crypto Library]].
# Switch to the ''Tools'' tab in the sidebar and look for the button with a padlock icon
# If the button is labelled "set password" then the current wiki is not encrypted. Clicking the button will prompt for a password that will be used to encrypt subsequent saves
# If the button is labelled "clear password" then the current wiki is already encrypted. Clicking the button will remove the password so that subsequent saves will be unencrypted
# Optionally, open the saved file in a text editor and verify that your data is encrypted
# Open the file in your browser. You will be prompted for a password before the content is displayed
TiddlyWiki5 allows the entire content of a TiddlyWiki HTML file to be encrypted with the Stanford JavaScript Crypto Library. Opening an encrypted TiddlyWiki in the browser prompts for a password before decrypting and displaying the content.
For instructions on how to use TiddlyWiki5's encryption features, see [[Encryption]].
The EncryptionMechanism is implemented with the following elements:
* A PasswordVault within the BootMechanism that holds the current encryption password
* The ability of the BootMechanism to read a block of encrypted tiddlers from the TiddlyWiki file, to prompt the user for a password, and to decrypt the tiddlers
* Handlers for the messages [[WidgetMessage: tm-set-password]] and [[WidgetMessage: tm-clear-password]] that handle the user interface for password changes
* The EncryptWidget within the main file template that encrypts a filtered list of tiddlers with the currently held password
* The [[$:/isEncrypted]] tiddler that contains "yes" or "no" according to whether there is a password in the password vault
** The availability of this tiddler allows the RevealWidget to be used to selectively display user interface elements according to whether encryption is in force
! Introduction
The encrypt widget renders a filtered list of tiddlers to an encrypted block with the password currently held in the PasswordVault. The encrypted block can subsequently be decrypted by the TiddlyWiki5 BootMechanism. See the EncryptionMechanism for more details.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$encrypt>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|filter |Filter defining the tiddlers to be included in the encrypted block. If not specified then all non-system tiddlers are used |
[[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] supports the following OS environment variables for specifying a colon-delimited list of paths to search for plugins and editions:
* `TIDDLYWIKI_PLUGIN_PATH` - Search path for ordinary plugins
* `TIDDLYWIKI_THEME_PATH` - Search path for themes
* `TIDDLYWIKI_LANGUAGE_PATH` - Search path for languages
* `TIDDLYWIKI_EDITION_PATH` - Search path for editions (used by the InitCommand)
The additional paths should each point to folders structured like the equivalent directories in the TiddlyWiki5 GitHub repository: the plugin, theme and language directories contain `publisher/pluginname/<files>` while the edition directories contain `editionname/<files>`
For example:
tiddlywiki mywiki --build index
I collect my tw5 creations on-line as http://eucaly-tw5.tiddlyspot.com/
Available Plugins :
*TitleMe - Return in-place tiddler title, to link / show / edit the source tiddler
*QuickJump - Quick jump to tiddlers in story list
*FlexWidth - Flexibly tweak sidebar width for TiddlyWiki 5 (Inspired by TW5 tristate Sidebar)
*MatchFilter - returns matching text instead of a list of the tiddlers from FieldFilter
*PopupTagger - TagBar / TagTable with popup list of tags (Inspired by MonkeyTaggerMacro for TiddlyWiki classic)
This collection showcases inspiring and interesting examples of TiddlyWiki being used in the wild.
Submit new entries to this collection via GitHub, Twitter or by posting in the [[TiddlyWiki Groups|Forums]].
<div class="tc-link-info">
<$list filter="[tag[Examples]!sort[modified]]">
<div class="tc-link-info-item">
! <$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
<div class="tc-subtitle">Posted <$view field="modified" format="relativedate"/></div>
External images in TiddlyWiki are tiddlers that point to the URI of an image, rather than embedding the full image data. They can perform better than embedded images, particularly with large numbers or sizes of images. However, using them breaks the single file pattern of TiddlyWiki.
External images are used in the browser. They can be created by the Node.js configuration when it builds a TiddlyWiki, or they can be created manually within the browser.
! What is an External Image
An external image is an ordinary image tiddler that has a ''_canonical_uri'' field containing the URI of the image. The URI can be absolute or relative to the HTML document. If the canonical URI is provided then the ''text'' field of the tiddler is ignored and so should be omitted.
! Manually Creating External Images
To manually create an external image just create the tiddler with the appropriate image content type, and add a ''_canonical_uri'' field with a URI pointing to the actual image location.
''IMPORTANT:'' Double-check your spelling. ``_canonical_uri`` is spelled [[URI|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URI#The_relationship_between_URIs.2C_URLs.2C_and_URNs]], not URL.
! Creating external images under Node.js
The following steps are used to create a static HTML file version of a wiki accompanied by an ''images'' folder containing the referenced external images:
# Create image tiddlers in your TiddlyWikiFolders in the usual way
# Save the images as separate files (by convention, in a subfolder named ''images'')
# Externalise the image tiddlers by giving them a ''_canonical_uri'' field
# Save the main HTML file
Note the image files must be saved before they are externalised. Externalising them destroys the ''text'' field within the in-memory copy of the wiki store, meaning that attempts to save them will fail.
For an example see the ''externalimages'' build target of the demo ''tw5.com'' wiki:
--savetiddlers [is[image]] images
--setfield [is[image]] _canonical_uri $:/core/templates/canonical-uri-external-image text/plain
--setfield [is[image]] text "" text/plain
--rendertiddler $:/core/save/all externalimages.html text/plain
!! Saving Separate Image Files
The following `--savetiddlers` command can be used to save the images of a wiki into an ''images'' subfolder:
--savetiddlers [is[image]] images
!! Externalising Image Tiddlers
Two `--setfield` commands are used: the first sets the ''_canonical_uri'' field to a URI derived from the title of the tiddler, and the second clears the text field.
--setfield [is[image]] _canonical_uri $:/core/templates/canonical-uri-external-image text/plain
--setfield [is[image]] text "" text/plain
The template tiddler [[$:/core/templates/canonical-uri-external-image]] contains:
<$view tiddler="$:/core/templates/canonical-uri-external-image" field="text" format="text"/>
Note that these operations modify the tiddlers in the wiki store and so may affect the operation of subsequent commands.
! Using External Images
You can't edit an external image directly in the browser except by changing the URI field to point to a different image.
\define alert-demo()
<$fieldmangler tiddler="SampleAlert"><$set name="currentTiddler" value="SampleAlert"><$button message="tm-add-tag" param="$:/tags/Alert">alerts</$button></$set></$fieldmangler>
Further information about specific TiddlyWiki features:
<<list-links "[tag[Features]]">>
* Familiar user interface elements like <<alert-demo>>, <$button message="tm-modal" param="SampleWizard">wizards</$button> and <$button message="tm-notify" param="SampleNotification">notifications</$button>
* Try out the <$button message="tm-full-screen">full screen support</$button>
* Explore the [[D3.js visualisation plugin|http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/d3/index.html]]
* [[CodeMirror support via a plugin|http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/codemirror/index.html]]
* [[Markdown support via a plugin|http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/markdown/index.html]]
* [[Classic TiddlyWiki markup support via a plugin|http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/tw2parser/index.html]]
* Last but not least, TiddlyWiki is a rare example of a practical [[quine|Quine]]
Federatial Limited is a software consultancy founded by JeremyRuston specializing in understanding the impact of the web on the way that we work together.
See http://federatial.com/ and http://twitter.com/federatial for more information.
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
suffix="the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]]"
parameter="a possible value of field <<.place f>>"
output="those input tiddlers in which field <<.place f>> has the value <<.place s>>"
negationOutput="those input tiddlers in which field <<.place f>> does <<.em not>> have the value <<.place s>>"
If <<.place s>> is empty, <<.op field>> will match both of the following:
* tiddlers that don't contain field <<.place f>>
* tiddlers in which field <<.place f>> exists but has an empty value
The syntax of a [[filter step|Filter Step]] treats any unrecognised [[filter operator|Filter Operators]] as if it was the suffix to the <<.op field>> operator. See the <<.operator-examples "field" "examples">>.
<<.operator-examples "field">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[field:author[JeremyRuston]]" "plugins authored by JeremyRuston">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[plugin-type[theme]author[JeremyRuston]]" "themes authored by JeremyRuston">>
! Introduction
The field mangler widget manipulates the fields and tags of a tiddler. It does so in response to the following [[Messages]]:
|!Message |!Description |
|''tm-remove-field'' |Remove the field specified in `event.param` |
|''tm-add-field'' |Add the field specified in `event.param` |
|''tm-remove-tag'' |Remove the tag specified in `event.param` |
|''tm-add-tag'' |Add the tag specified in `event.param` |
! Content and Attributes
The field mangler widget displays any contained content, and responds to [[Messages]] dispatched within it.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |Title of the tiddler to manipulate (defaults to the CurrentTiddler) |
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
output="all the field names contained in the input tiddlers"
Each input title is processed in turn. Its list of field names is retrieved (in no particular order) and then [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's output.
<<.operator-examples "fields">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[HelloThere]fields[]]" "fields of HelloThere">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[tag[Common Operators]fields[]]" "fields of all tiddlers tagged as [[Common Operators]]">>
! Introduction
The fields widget renders each field of a specified tiddler through a simple text template. A list of fields to exclude can be provided. It is used internally by TiddlyWiki5, notably by the FileSavingMechanism.
!! Template Handling
The provided template is rendered with the following special substitutions:
|!Symbol |!Substitution |
|$name$ |Field name |
|$value$ |Field value |
|$encoded_value$ |HTML encoded form of field value |
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$fields>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |Title of the tiddler from which the fields are to be displayed (defaults to the CurrentTiddler) |
|template |Text of the template (see above) |
|exclude |Lists of fields to be excluded (defaults to "text") |
|stripTitlePrefix |If set to "yes" then curly bracketed prefixes are removed from titles (for example `{prefix}HelloThere` converts to `HelloThere`) |
The `stripTitlePrefix` attribute is used when building TiddlyWiki Classic; see `editions/tw2` in the TiddlyWiki5 repo.
<$railroad text="""
[: [[whitespace|"Filter Whitespace"]] ]
[[run|"Filter Run"]]
A <<.def "filter expression">> is the outermost level of the [[filter syntax|Filter Syntax]]. It consists of one or more [[runs|Filter Run]].
A run's input is normally a list of all the non-[[shadow|ShadowTiddlers]] tiddler titles in the wiki (in no particular order). But the `+` prefix can change this.
* If a run has no `+` or `-` prefix, its output titles are [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the filter's output.
* If a run has a `-` prefix, its output titles are <<.em removed>> from the filter's output (if they were present).
* If a run has a `+` prefix, it receives the filter's output so far as its input. The filter's output is then completely <<.em replaced>> by the run's output. Any subsequent run reverts to receiving all tiddler titles as its input, unless it too has a `+` prefix.
In concise technical terms:
|!Run |!Interpretation |!Output |
|`run` |union of sets |... OR run |
|`+run` |intersection of sets |... AND run |
|`-run` |difference of sets |... AND NOT run |
\define .operator-rows(filter)
<$list filter="$filter$"><tr>
<td><$link to={{!!title}}>{{!!caption}}</$link></td>
<td>{{!!purpose}} <$list filter="[all[current]tag[Common Operators]]">{{$:/core/images/done-button}}</$list></td>
<td align="center"><$list filter="[all[current]tag[Negatable Operators]]">`!`</$list></td>
\define .group-heading(_)
<tr class="doc-table-subheading"><th colspan="3" align="center">$_$</th></tr>
A <<.def "filter operator">> is a predefined keyword attached to an individual [[step|Filter Step]] of a [[filter|Filters]]. It defines the particular action of that step.
The following table lists all the core operators. The commonest ones are checkmarked. The third column indicates which operators allow <$link to="Filter Step">the <code>!</code> prefix</$link> to reverse their meaning.
<th align="left">Operator</th>
<th align="left">Purpose</th>
<th align="left">Neg</th>
<<.operator-rows "[tag[Filter Operators]!tag[Order Operators]!tag[String Operators]!tag[Tag Operators]!tag[Special Operators]sort[]]">>
<<.group-heading "Order Operators">>
<<.operator-rows "[tag[Filter Operators]tag[Order Operators]!tag[String Operators]!tag[Tag Operators]!tag[Special Operators]sort[]]">>
<<.group-heading "String Operators">>
<<.operator-rows "[tag[Filter Operators]!tag[Order Operators]tag[String Operators]!tag[Tag Operators]!tag[Special Operators]sort[]]">>
<<.group-heading "Tag Operators">>
<<.operator-rows "[tag[Filter Operators]!tag[Order Operators]!tag[String Operators]tag[Tag Operators]!tag[Special Operators]sort[]]">>
<<.group-heading "Special Operators">>
<<.operator-rows "[tag[Filter Operators]!tag[Order Operators]!tag[String Operators]!tag[Tag Operators]tag[Special Operators]sort[]]">>
A typical step is written as `[operator[parameter]]`, although not all of the operators need a [[parameter|Filter Parameter]].
Most steps process the [[selection of titles|Title Selection]] that are supplied as their input, but a few are [[absolute|Absolute Operators]]. For the exact rules, see [[Filter Syntax]].
<$railroad text="""
( "[" [:{/"anything but ]"/}] "]"
"{" [:{/"anything but }"/}] "}"
"<" [:{/"anything but >"/}] ">"
The parameter to a [[filter operator|Filter Operators]] can be:
;<<.def hard>>
: `[like this]`
: The parameter is the exact text that appears between the square brackets.
;<<.def soft>>
: <<.def indirect>>
:: `{like this}`
:: The parameter is the text indicated by the [[text reference|TextReference]] whose name appears between the curly brackets, i.e. a [[field|TiddlerFields]] of a specified tiddler, or the value of a property of a specified [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]].
: <<.def variable>>
:: `<like this>`
:: The parameter is the current value of the [[variable|Variables]] whose name appears between the angle brackets.
<$railroad text="""
( "[" { [[step|"Filter Step"]] } "]"
[:{/"anything but [ ] or whitespace"/}]
'"' [:{/'anything but "'/}] '"'
"'" [:{/"anything but '"/}] '"'
A <<.def run>> consists of [[steps|Filter Step]], and it outputs a [[selection|Title Selection]] that contributes to a larger [[filter expression|Filter Expression]].
The steps are processed from left to right. The input to the first step is same as the input to the run. For each subsequent step, the input is the output of the previous step.
{{Absolute Operators}}
The lower three options in the diagram match syntax like `HelloThere`, `"HelloThere"`, `'HelloThere'` and `"Filter Operators"`. They are short for `[title[...]]`.
The quoted options exist to support titles that contain square brackets, as in `"An [[[[Unusual]]]] Tiddler"`.
<$railroad text="""
[: [[operator|"Filter Operators"]] [:":" suffix] ]
[[parameter|"Filter Parameter"]]
A <<.def step>> represents a single operation within a [[filter|Filter Syntax]].
In programming terms, it is akin to a function call to which [[the step's input|Filter Run]] is passed as an implicit parameter. A step's output is a [[selection|Title Selection]] that contributes to a [[run|Filter Run]] and hence to the entire [[filter expression|Filter Expression]] that contains it.
The step's <<.def operator>> is drawn from a list of [[predefined keywords|Filter Operators]], which can be extended by plugins. Any unrecognised operator is treated as if it was the suffix to the <<.olink field>> operator. If a step's operator is omitted altogether, it defaults to `title`.
The <<.def suffix>> is additional text, often the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]], that extends the meaning of certain operators.
Many steps require an explicit <<.def parameter>> value, also known as an <<.def operand>>, that further defines what the step is to do.
<<.preamble """[[Filters]] follow a grammar that is presented here, using [[railroad diagrams|Railroad Diagrams]], for those who find formal syntax descriptions helpful. However, you can [[learn to write filters|Introduction to filter notation]] without needing to understand this group of tiddlers.""">>
A <<.def filter>> is a pipeline for transforming an <<.def input>> into an <<.def output>>. Both the input and the output are [[ordered sets of titles|Title Selection]] of things like tiddlers and fields.
Filters are [[expressions|Filter Expression]] constructed from smaller building blocks, called [[runs|Filter Run]] and [[steps|Filter Step]], each of which also transforms an input to an output.
A filter starts with an empty output. Its runs are processed from left to right, progressively modifying the output.
Here are details of the various building blocks involved:
<<list-links "[tag[Filter Syntax]]">>
<$railroad text="""
{( "space" | "tab" | "linefeed" | "return" | "vertical tab" | "formfeed" )}
Whitespace characters can appear between each [[run|Filter Run]] of a [[filter expression|Filter Expression]].
You can think of TiddlyWiki as a database in which the records are tiddlers. A database typically provides a way of discovering which records match a given pattern, and in ~TiddlyWiki this is done with filters.
A <<.def filter>> is a concise notation for selecting a particular [[set of tiddlers|Title Selection]], known as its <<.def "output">>. Whenever ~TiddlyWiki encounters a filter, it calculates the output. Further work can then be done with just those tiddlers, such as [[counting|CountWidget]] or [[listing|ListWidget]] them.
The following example passes a filter to the [[list-links macro|ListMacro]] to display a list of all tiddlers whose titles start with the letter H:
<<list-links "[prefix[H]]">>
A filter's output can change as tiddlers are added and deleted in the wiki. ~TiddlyWiki recalculates on the fly, automatically updating any filter-based counts or lists as well.
[[Advanced Search|$:/AdvancedSearch]] has a <<.advancedsearch-tab Filter>> tab that makes it easy to experiment with filters.
;Find out more:
* [[Introduction to filter notation]] -- a step-by-step walkthrough
* [[Filter Syntax]] -- the detailed technical rules
* [[Filter Operators]] -- the available methods of filtering
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="an integer, defaulting to 1"
output="the first <<.place n>> input titles"
<<.operator-examples "first">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]first[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]first[5]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[tag[Filter Operators]!sort[title]first[]]">>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Available character formatting includes:
* <code>`backticks`</code> for `code`
** Alternatively, <code>``double backticks allows `embedded` backticks``</code>
* `''bold''` for ''bold text''
* `//italic//` for //italic text//
* `__underscore__` for __underscored text__
* `^^superscript^^` for ^^superscript^^ text
* `,,subscript,,` for ,,subscripted,, text
* `~~strikethrough~~` for ~~strikethrough~~ text
See also: [[Code Blocks in WikiText]]
Within the text of a tiddler you can use special formatting called WikiText to control how the text is displayed.
! Simple Formatting
At its simplest, WikiText lets you use familiar word-processing features like bold, italic, lists and tables. For example:
The ''quick'' brown ~~flea~~ fox //jumps// over the `lazy` dog
… displays as:
The ''quick'' brown ~~flea~~ fox //jumps// over the `lazy` dog
! Working with Tiddlers
In WikiText, you can link to tiddlers using double square brackets, or by taking advantage of the automatic linking of CamelCase words:
This is a link to HelloThere, and one to [[History of TiddlyWiki]]
… displays as:
This is a link to HelloThere, and one to [[History of TiddlyWiki]]
! Macros
Macros let you package repetitive fragments of WikiText so that you can easily reuse them.
For example, here is the definition of a macro that generates a ~YouTube video URL from its unique identifier:
\define youtube(video)
With that definition in place, `<<youtube 1g66s7UbyuU>>` generates the URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1g66s7UbyuU
! Advanced WikiText
Advanced WikiText features allow you to produce automated lists and interactive features like dropdown menus. In fact, the entire user interface of TiddlyWiki itself is written in WikiText, so any feature that you see in TiddlyWiki can be adapted for use in your own wikis.
Some of the advanced features require complex coding. TiddlyWiki includes several built-in macros that simplify common user interface tasks, like tabs, tables of content, and lists of tiddlers.
! Find out more
See [[WikiText]] for a detailed introduction to writing WikiText.
! Users
The ~TiddlyWiki discussion groups are mailing lists for talking about ~TiddlyWiki: requests for help, announcements of new releases and plugins, debating new features, or just sharing experiences. You can participate via the associated website, or subscribe via email.
* The main ~TiddlyWiki group: http://groups.google.com/group/TiddlyWiki
*> Note that you do not need a Google Account to join the discussion groups. Subscribe by sending an email to mailto:tiddlywiki+subscribe@googlegroups.com or mailto:tiddlywikidev+subscribe@googlegroups.com.
* Watch recordings of our regular [[TiddlyWiki Hangouts]]
* Follow [[@TiddlyWiki on Twitter|http://twitter.com/TiddlyWiki]] for the latest news
! Developers
* The TiddlyWikiDev group for developers: http://groups.google.com/group/TiddlyWikiDev
*> Note that you do not need a Google Account to join the discussion groups. Subscribe by sending an email to mailto:tiddlywiki+subscribe@googlegroups.com or mailto:tiddlywikidev+subscribe@googlegroups.com.
* Follow [[@TiddlyWiki on Twitter|http://twitter.com/#!/TiddlyWiki]] for the latest news
* Get involved in the [[development on GitHub|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5]]
New releases of TiddlyWiki, TiddlyDesktop and TiddlyFox are announced via the discussion groups and [[Twitter|https://twitter.com/TiddlyWiki]] (you can also subscribe to an Atom/RSS feed of [[TiddlyWiki releases from GitHub|https://github.com/jermolene/tiddlywiki5/releases.atom]])
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
A manifesto for the preservation of free speech through the exchange of randomized data.
Worried that using encryption will make you stand out from the crowd?
Do something about it!
Preserve our rights to free speech and association by sending Randomized Data to your friends and friends of friends – only to those who have given their consent – and encourage them to do the same.
We call data like that Freedom Bits.
TiddlyWiki is designed with the long term needs of its users in mind. Because it is OpenSource and needs no infrastructure, we can be confident that all we'll need to access a ~TiddlyWiki file even in the far future is an ordinary HTML browser. If you're starting to use ~TiddlyWiki at the beginning of your career you can be confident that it will carry you through to retirement.
TiddlyWiki5 can be used to generate static HTML representations of a TiddlyWiki that doesn't need JavaScript.
There is much flexibility in how the static HTML is generated. The following scenarios are all illustrated on http://tiddlywiki.com.
! Wiki Snapshots and Tiddler Snapshots
You can explore a static representation of this TiddlyWiki at <a href="static.html">static.html</a>. That file is a static snapshot of the current DefaultTiddlers. Any tiddlers that it links to are referred to via URLs of the form `/static/HelloThere.html` that point to static snapshots of individual tiddlers. The tiddler HTML files reference a `static.css` stylesheet file.
The following commands are used to generate the sample static version of the TiddlyWiki5 site:
--rendertiddlers [!is[system]] $:/core/templates/static.tiddler.html static text/plain
--rendertiddler $:/core/templates/static.template.html static.html text/plain
--rendertiddler $:/core/templates/static.template.css static/static.css text/plain
The first RenderTiddlersCommand generates the HTML representations of individual tiddlers, the second RenderTiddlerCommand saves the static version of the DefaultTiddlers, and the final RenderTiddlerCommand saves the stylesheet. (All the files are placed in the `output` folder of the wiki folder).
! Wiki Snapshot with Internal Links
It is also possible to produce a single HTML file that contains static representations of tiddlers, and uses standard HTML anchor links to jump between them.
For example: <a href="alltiddlers.html">alltiddlers.html</a>
The example is built by the following commands:
--rendertiddler $:/core/templates/alltiddlers.template.html alltiddlers.html text/plain
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]]"
output="the values of field <<.place f>> in each of the input titles"
Each input title is processed in turn. If the corresponding tiddler contains field <<.place f>>, and the value of this field is not empty, then its value is appended to the output.
Unlike most other [[Filter Operators]], the [[selection|Title Selection]] output by <<.op get>> can contain duplicates. To avoid duplicates, use `each[f]get[f]`.
<<.operator-examples "get">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[all[current]get[draft.of]]" "the title of the tiddler of which the current tiddler is a draft">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[get[tags]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[each[tags]get[tags]]">>
//This is a sample task for the TaskManagementExample//
This brief tutorial takes you through the basics of saving changes with a standalone TiddlyWiki file.
//Note that the video is a bit out of date, and will be updated soon!//
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/1g66s7UbyuU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
\define default-platform()
GettingStarted - $(browser-name)$
Instructions for getting started using TiddlyWiki on the different platforms and configurations that it supports.
<$set name="browser-name" value={{$:/info/browser/name}}>
<$macrocall $name="tabs" state="$:/state/tabs/platform" tabsList="[prefix[GettingStarted - ]]" default=<<default-platform>> class="tc-vertical"/>
* Don't attempt to use the browser ''File''/''Save'' menu option to save changes (it doesn't work)
See also:
* [[Encryption]] explains how to use TiddlyWiki's built-in encryption to protect your content with a password
* [[Saving on TiddlySpot]], a free service that lets you use TiddlyWiki online
* Saving on TiddlyDesktop, a custom desktop application for working with TiddlyWiki
* You can also download this full TiddlyWiki including all the documentation:
If the button doesn't work save this link:
<a href="http://tiddlywiki.com/index.html" download="index.html">~http://tiddlywiki.com/index.html</a>
Your browser may ask you to accept the download before it begins
There are two options for using TiddlyWiki on Android:
! Using Firefox and TiddlyFox
{{Saving with TiddlyFox on Android}}
! Using the AndTidWiki App
{{Saving on Android}}
TiddlyWiki on Google Chrome can only save changes using the HTML5-compatible fallback saver module.
{{Saving with the HTML5 fallback saver}}
Firefox provides the best user experience for using TiddlyWiki with the TiddlyFox browser extension.
{{Saving with TiddlyFox}}
{{Saving with TiddlyIE}}
The [[Windows HTA Hack]] describes an alternative method of using TiddlyWiki with Internet Explorer.
{{Saving on iPad/iPhone}}
{{Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js}}
TiddlyWiki on Safari can only save changes using the HTML5-compatible fallback saver module.
{{Saving on Safari}}
\define GetURL()
GitHub is a commercial organisation that operates a service for hosting code that includes powerful collaborative features.
The code and documentation of TiddlyWiki is hosted on GitHub at:
//This is a sample task for the TaskManagementExample//
The following sidebar tabs give examples of grouped lists created by nesting.
!! Types Tab
For the [[Types|$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/Types]] tab, the outer list filter as shown below selects each discrete value found in the `type` field. The inner list filter selects all the (non-system) tiddlers with that type.
<<tw-code "$:/core/ui/MoreSideBar/Types">>
!! Recent Tab
The list in the [[Recent|$:/core/ui/SideBar/Recent]] tab is generated using the TimelineMacro. Here, the outer list filter selects each discrete day found in the `modified` field, while the inner list filter selects all the tiddlers dated the same day in the `modified` field.
<<tw-code-link "$:/core/macros/timeline">>
TiddlyWiki makes a great GuerillaWiki in situations where it is not practical to use a traditional wiki.
For instance, in a corporate setting, persuading an over-worked IT department to install a Wiki server for you is seldom going to be possible overnight. And if your PC is locked down you can't install a conventional Wiki yourself. Equally, you can't go and use one of the public hosted Wiki services because your Information Security department would not allow all that corporate data to flow into an outside server.
TiddlyWiki slices through those barriers by being usable on virtually all PCs.
A <<.def "hard link">> is one that can be detected by a superficial examination of WikiText.
A link is <<.def "soft">> if it is:
* contained in text [[trancluded|Transclusion]] from elsewhere
* supplied via a [[macro|Macros]] or [[variable|Variables]]
* generated by a link widget whose <<.attr to>> attribute is a transclusion, macro or variable
Soft links are not detected by link-related filter operators such as <<.olink backlinks>>, <<.olink links>>, <<.olink all>> and <<.olink is>>.
The usual handling of [[paragraphs in wikitext|Paragraphs in WikiText]] causes single line breaks to be ignored, and double linebreaks to be interpreted as the end of a paragraph.
This behaviour isn't convenient when dealing with material that incorporates hard linebreaks - for instance, poetry. You can mark a block of content as containing hard line breaks like this:
<<wikitext-example src:'"""
This is a line
and this is a new line
while this is yet another line
and this is the final one
apart from this one
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]]"
output="those input tiddlers in which field <<.place f>> has a non-empty value"
negationOutput="those input tiddlers in which field <<.place f>> does <<.em not>> exist or has an empty value"
<<.operator-examples "has">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[has[color]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[tag[Concepts]!has[modified]]">>
Headings are specified with one or more leading `!` characters:
! This is a level 1 heading
!! This is a level 2 heading
!!! This is a level 3 heading
CSS classes can be assigned to individual headings like this:
!.myStyle This heading has the class `myStyle`
Welcome to ~TiddlyWiki, a versatile note-taking web application you can download for free, store wherever you like and customise however you wish. Use it to capture, organise and share your notes in ways that word processors and other note-taking tools cannot.
<$button class="tc-btn-big-green" to="Introduction Video" style="background:red;">
{{$:/core/images/video}} Watch a video introduction
~TiddlyWiki is designed to be non-linear, structuring content with stories, tags, hyperlinks, and other features. You can organise and retrieve your notes in ways that conform to your personal thought patterns, rather than feel chained to one preset organisational structure.
You can use ~TiddlyWiki as a single file that you view and edit through any web browser, whether you are online or offline. Or you can use it as a powerful [[Node.js application|TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] that stores each of your notes as a separate file.
How can you make ~TiddlyWiki work for you? We recommend you start with our introductory documentation listed below, and then browse the TableOfContents, available in the Contents tab in the sidebar. Or just [[follow our simple instructions|GettingStarted]] and try it out for yourself!
<<list-links "[tag[HelloThere]]">>
Also see:
* [ext[Developer Documentation|./dev/index.html]]
If you find TiddlyWiki useful, there are lots of ways you can help assure its future and make it better.
! Teach and Tell
OpenSource projects like ~TiddlyWiki thrive on the feedback and engagement of users. ~TiddlyWiki becomes more useful to everyone as more and more people use it. So, if you find ~TiddlyWiki useful, spread the word. The best possible way to assure its future is for it to become a hundred times more popular than before.
* [[Tweet about TiddlyWiki|https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=I+love+TiddlyWiki+because...&source=tiddlywiki5]]
* [[Star the TiddlyWiki5 GitHub Repository|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5]]
! Help improve the documentation and code
There are many ways you can contribute to ~TiddlyWiki:
* Writing tutorials
* Contributing to the documentation on tiddlywiki.com
* Making video screencasts
* Curating relevant links, hints and tips on a wiki
The main ~TiddlyWiki documentation and code lives on GitHub, and welcomes [[contributions|Contributing]]:
* https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5
The Highlight plugin provides the ability to apply syntax colouring to text.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/highlight/
//These are personal reflections on the history and development of TiddlyWiki from JeremyRuston//
! Origins of TiddlyWiki
Back in 1997 a colleague introduced me to [[Ward Cunningham's original wiki|http://c2.com/cgi/wiki]]. I was impressed that something so powerful could fit into just 700 lines of Perl, and fascinated by the radical reimagining of security and permissions. Like many other developers, I took every opportunity I could to try out various wikis, and to explore their use at work.
The allure of the wiki for me was the feeling that it could eventually disrupt the prevailing paradigm of print-oriented documents and emails.
After watching people use wikis for a few years, I noticed that power users made extensive use of the ability to open multiple wiki pages at once in several browser tabs, making it easier for them to compare and review pages, to copy text between them and to act as a sort of queue of pages yet to be read.
I felt that this ability to manipulate multiple pages at once was central to the ability to refactor a wiki, and it is generally accepted that a wiki that is lovingly refactored tends to be more useful. And yet, standard wiki user interfaces have always been designed exclusively for the presentation and manipulation of single pages at once.
All of these thoughts came together when I saw GMail in April 2004, which used Ajax cleverly to blend individual emails into threaded conversations.
I started experimenting with HTML and JavaScript to explore the idea further. I'd had virtually no experience of either, just having put together some static pages and simple ASP sites in previous lives. Getting my head around these client-side technologies was painful; like everyone else, I was horrified to discover how appalling were the incompatibilities and inconsistencies of web programming.
! Launch of TiddlyWiki
So, in September 2004 I released a primitive [[first version of TiddlyWiki|http://classic.tiddlywiki.com/firstversion.html]]. It was the smallest possible thing that demonstrated the idea: it was a simple, self-contained static 48KB HTML file.
The downside of writing the first version of TiddlyWiki in this way was that it made it completely impractical to use for editing - when you click 'save changes' it just pops up a window showing the data that would be saved if it were possible for an HTML page to write to the file system.
Much of the early feedback was that TiddlyWiki was neat, but that it would be more useful when it was possible to properly save changes. I was a little frustrated, as I thought I knew that it was impossible for an HTML file running in the browser to save changes to the local file system.
Within a few months I saw an experimental Firefox extension that enabled TiddlyWiki to save changes in the browser. Examining the code, I realised that the APIs that it used to write to the file system were actually available in ordinary HTML files - as long as they were loaded via a `file://` URI.
I adapted the Firefox code into the core of TiddlyWiki, and soon added a similar ability for Internet Explorer (making use of an old ActiveX control that Microsoft distributed with Internet Explorer).
! Growth of TiddlyWiki
A major milestone in the growth of TiddlyWiki was the creation of "GTDTiddlyWiki" by Nathan Bowers. He took the vanilla TiddlyWiki product and adapted it for the specific application of keeping track of tasks using the popular Getting Things Done methodology. GTDTiddlyWiki was an immediate hit, being enthusiastically greeted on websites like LifeHacker.
Over the next couple of years TiddlyWiki continued to grow in popularity, and gained new features and capabilities. Within a year I was able to support myself by performing bespoke development work on TiddlyWiki, notably working with wiki pioneer SocialText on the ability to synchronise changes with an online server
! BT Acquisition
In May 2007, [[BT]] acquired [[Osmosoft]], my consultancy company. It was an unusual decision to acquire a company with a single employee and a tiny trickle of revenue - [[Osmosoft]] didn't even own the intellectual property in TiddlyWiki since I had handed it over to UnaMesa to assure its future for the community.
[[BT]]'s motivation was to help them understand community-based ecosystems. I joined the organisation as "Head of Open Source Innovation", taking responsibility for open source governance, and providing advice and expertise on how to participate in open soure communities.
! [[Osmosoft]] and TiddlySpace
I built a team in BT under the name [[Osmosoft]]. Our purpose was to evangelise the benefits of open source, and to help other teams realise those benefits in practice. We also found that it was necessary to evangelise the use of the web in general, and web standards in particular.
Our approach was to focus on showing rather than telling. We worked with the TiddlyWiki community to extend the ecosystem and we built numerous internal systems for BT (some based on TiddlyWiki and some not).
[[Osmosoft]]'s chief contribution to the TiddlyWiki community was the creation of TiddlyWeb and TiddlySpace. TiddlyWeb was a robust, internet scale server for tiddlers that could also compose TiddlyWiki views of those tiddlers. TiddlySpace was an attempt to package TiddlyWeb into a more directly usable form.
! Leaving BT
By the end of 2011 I was increasingly feeling that I would be better placed to realise the potential of TiddlyWiki outside of the corporate confines BT. Accordingly, I left and started work as an independent developer, primarily working on a brand new reboot of TiddlyWiki in the shape of TiddlyWiki5.
! Development of TiddlyWiki5
I worked on new release of TiddlyWiki from November 2011. As a programmer, working on "version 2.0" of something that I had already written is a very attractive proposition. It means that the requirements were fully understood, allowing me to focus on evolving the architecture needed to support the desired functionality.
! The Future
Now that TiddlyWiki5 has finally left "beta" status behind, my hope is that it will have a long life. Because it only uses standard features of HTML5 and Node.js, there is no reason why it cannot be fully operational for many years to come. My goal is for it to last for at least 25 years.
//Jeremy Ruston, 20th September 2014//
The system tiddler [[$:/HistoryList]] keeps track of a list of tiddlers comprising the navigation history. Each time you click on a link to a tiddler, the title of the target tiddler is added to the top of the stack.
The history list is stored in JSON to allow additional details about the coordinates of the DOM node that initiated the navigation.
The history list also maintains the field ''current-tiddler'' that contains the name of the tiddler at the top of the stack. This field can be used like so:
<$list filter="[list[$:/StoryList]]" history="$:/HistoryList" storyview="pop">
<$button message="tm-close-tiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-mini">×</$button> <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/> <$reveal type="match" state="$:/HistoryList!!current-tiddler" text=<<currentTiddler>>>✓</$reveal></$link>
Which renders the same as the "Open" sidebar tab, with the addition of a tick against the tiddler that was last navigated to.
<$list filter="[list[$:/StoryList]]" history="$:/HistoryList" storyview="pop">
<$button message="tm-close-tiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-mini">×</$button> <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/> <$reveal type="match" state="$:/HistoryList!!current-tiddler" text=<<currentTiddler>>>✓</$reveal></$link>
You can include a horizontal rule with three or more dashes on their own on a line:
<<wikitext-example src:"
When you edit a tiddler on http://tiddlywiki.com you will see a small ribbon inviting you to edit the source of the tiddler on GitHub.
If you are using Node.js, you can replicate this feature for your own TiddlyWiki-based site as follows:
# Make sure the following setting is included in the `tiddlywiki.info` file in your WikiFolder:
#> <pre><code> "config": {
"retain-original-tiddler-path": true
# Copy the tiddler [[$:/ContributionBanner]] to your wiki
# Make the following changes:
## Adjust the GitHub link URL from https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/edit/master/editions/tw5.com/tiddlers/ to point to your own GitHub repo
## Make sure the wording of the text starting "Can you help us improve this documentation?" is appropriate for your visitors
## Adjust the link to [[Improving TiddlyWiki Documentation]] to point to your own tiddler with instructions for the contribution procedure
To create a new tab in the sidebar menu:
# Create a tiddler and tag it with the [[SystemTag|SystemTags]] tag [[$:/tags/SideBar]]
#* To create a table of contents you can populate the new tab tiddler using the [[TableOfContentsMacro]]. For example, see the [[TableOfContents]] used here
# By default, the tiddler title is used as the tab title but you can override it using the `caption` field
# To define the tab ordering, use the `list-after` or `list-before` fields as discussed in [[Tagging]]
#* For example: set `list-after` to [[$:/core/ui/SideBar/Open]] to place a sidebar tab immediately after the "Open" tab
Note that you can create new tabs under the "More" tab in the same way by using the tag `$:/tags/MoreSideBar`.
You can apply custom styles to tiddlers that have a particular tag by defining a CSS class with the name `tc-tagged-<Tag Name>`.
For example, to make tiddlers tagged "NightReader" appear in a special colour scheme suitable for night-time reading, [[create a stylesheet|Using Stylesheets]] defining the class `tc-tagged-NightReader` like this:
.tc-tagged-NightReader {
color: orange;
padding: 35px 35px;
.tc-tagged-NightReader .tc-tiddler-body {
font-size: 1.5em;
The `tc-tagged-NightReader` class is applied to the entire tiddler and not just the tiddler text. If you want to target a smaller portion of the tiddler you can qualify the CSS selector, as is done here with `.tc-tagged-NightReader .tc-tiddler-body`.
Note that tags containing spaces or non-alphanumeric characters will be converted using URI encoding, making the generated CSS classname hard to predict. For example:
|!Tag |!Generated Class Name |
|`$:/mytag` |`tc-tagged-%24%3A%2Fmytag` |
|`one two` |`tc-tagged-one%20two` |
|`£35.23` |`tc-tagged-%C2%A335.23` |
First install TiddlyWiki as described in [[Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js]].
# Create an empty [[TiddlyWikiFolder|TiddlyWikiFolders]]
## Create a new folder in a convenient place (for example `~/MyWiki`)
## Create a file called `tiddlywiki.info` containing the following text:
##* `{"themes": ["tiddlywiki/vanilla","tiddlywiki/snowwhite"]}`
## Create a subfolder called `tiddlers`
##* Alternatively, just copy the `editions/empty` folder from the TiddlyWiki5 repo
# Create individual TiddlerFiles in the `~/MyWiki/tiddlers` directory
# Execute the following command from the TiddlyWiki5 root directory to build a TiddlyWiki5 file from the tiddlers:
## `tiddlywiki ~/MyWiki --rendertiddler $:/core/save/all index.html text/plain`
Here's how to display the last modification date of a wiki in a banner in the corner of the window:
# Copy the plugin [[$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/github-fork-ribbon]] to your TiddlyWiki
# Save and reload your wiki
# Create a new tiddler called [[$:/_MyRibbon]] tagged [[$:/tags/PageControls]] and containing:<div>
<div class="github-fork-ribbon-wrapper right">
<div class="github-fork-ribbon" style="background-color:#DF4848;">
<$list filter="[!is[system]!has[draft.of]!sort[modified]limit[1]]">
<$view field="modified" format="date" template="DD mmm YYYY at 0hh:0mm"/>
# If required, change the background-color value to your preference
# You can also try changing the positioning class from `right` to `right-bottom`
## To make the banner appear at the top left you'll need to tag the tiddler [[$:/tags/PageTemplate]] instead of [[$:/tags/PageControls]] and then change the position class to `left`
HTML tags and comments can be used directly in WikiText. For example:
<article class="hello">
This is my nice and simple block of text. HelloThere
<!-- This comment will not appear in the wikified output -->
! Content Parsing
The content of an HTML element will be parsed in inline mode unless the opening tag is followed by two linebreaks, in which case it is parsed in block mode. (Inline mode means that block mode formatting such as tables, lists and headings is not recognised).
! Attributes
Attributes in HTML tags can be specified as a literal, a transclusion or a macro invocation. For example, here the value of the `href` attribute will be set to the value of the tiddler MyLinkDestination:
<a href={{MyLinkDestination}}>link</a>
Here an attribute is specified as a macro invocation:
<a href=<<MyMacro "Brian">>>link</a>
Literal attribute values can include line breaks. For example:
<div data-address="Mouse House,
Mouse Lane,
By using triple-double quotes you can specify attribute values that include single double quotes. For example:
<div data-address="""Mouse House,
"Mouse" Lane,
Here is an example of using the ListWidget and the TranscludeWidget to show a grid of all system images (ie, tiddlers tagged [[$:/tags/Image]]).
.my-gallery svg {
width: 6em;
height: 6em;
margin: 1em;
<div class="my-gallery">
<$list filter="[all[tiddlers+shadows]tag[$:/tags/Image]]">
! Image Formatting
Images can be included in WikiText with the following syntax:
[img[Motovun Jack.jpg]]
If the image source is the title of an image tiddler then that tiddler is directly displayed. Otherwise it is interpreted as a URL and an HTML `<img>` tag is generated with the `src` attribute containing the URL.
A tooltip can also be specified:
[img[An explanatory tooltip|Motovun Jack.jpg]]
Attributes can be provided to specify CSS classes and the image width and height:
[img width=32 [Motovun Jack.jpg]]
[img width=32 class="tc-image" [Motovun Jack.jpg]]
Note that attributes can be specified as transclusions or variable references:
[img width={{!!mywidth}} class=<<image-classes>> [Motovun Jack.jpg]]
The image syntax is a shorthand for invoking the ImageWidget.
! Displaying Images via Transclusion
You can also display an image stored in a tiddler by transcluding that tiddler. The disadvantage of this approach is that there is no direct way to control the size of the image.
{{Motovun Jack.jpg}}
Renders as:
{{Motovun Jack.jpg}}
! Introduction
The image widget displays images that can be specified as a remote URL or the title of a local tiddler containing the image.
! Content and Attributes
Any content of the `<$image>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|source |The URL of the image, or the title of an image tiddler |
|width |The width of the image |
|height |The height of the image |
|tooltip |The tooltip to be displayed over the image |
|alt |The alternative text to be associated with the image |
|class |CSS classes to be assigned to the `<img>` element |
The width and the height can be specified as pixel values (eg "23" or "23px") or percentages (eg "23%"). They are both optional; if not provided the browser will use CSS rules to size the image.
! External Images and the ''_canonical_uri'' field
When used to display tiddler-based images, the image widget operates in two distinct modes:
* If the ''_canonical_uri'' field is present then it is used as the ''src'' attribute of the generated `<img>` element and the ''text'' field is ignored
* Without the ''_canonical_uri'' field, the image widget generates an `<img>` element that embeds the image data directly using a `data:` URI.
See ExternalImages for more details.
You can import content into a TiddlyWiki file in several ways:
* Use the ''import'' button (under the ''Tools'' tab in the sidebar) to select a local file
* Drag and drop files from Windows Explorer or Mac OS X Finder into the TiddlyWiki browser window
* Paste content directly from the clipboard using the menu or keyboard shortcut (control-V or command-V)
** GoogleChrome is currently the only browser to support pasting
! Introduction
The ImportVariablesWidget imports macro and variable definitions from a list of other tiddlers and makes them available to its children. For example:
<$importvariables filter="[tag[mySpecialMacros]]">
All the macros defined in tiddlers with the tag "mySpecialMacros" are available here
! Attributes and Content
The content of the importvariables widget is the scope within which the imported variable definitions are available.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|filter |[[Tiddler filter|Filters]] defining the tiddlers from which macro definitions will be imported |
! Global Macros
So-called global macros are implemented within the main page template ([[$:/core/ui/PageTemplate]]) by wrapping the page content in the following importvariables widget:
<$importvariables filter="[[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Macro]!has[draft.of]]">
Anyone can submit improvements to the TiddlyWiki documentation that appears on http://tiddlywiki.com.
# Read and observe the [[Documentation Style Guide]]
# Create an account on https://github.com if you don't already have one
# On http://tiddlywiki.com, click "edit" on the tiddler you want to improve
# You should see a pink banner with the text: //Can you help us improve this documentation? Find out how to edit this tiddler on ~GitHub//
# Click on the external link ...''this tiddler on ~GitHub''
## You will be prompted that "you need to fork this repository to propose changes". A "fork" is your own copy of the repository that incorporates the changes you are proposing
# A new browser tab should open ready to edit the tiddler on github.com
# Below the edit box for the tiddler text you should see a box labelled ''Propose file change''
# Enter a brief title to explain the change (eg, "Clarify attribute syntax instability")
# If necessary, enter a longer description too
# Click the green button labelled ''Propose file change''
# On the following screen, click the green button labelled ''Create pull request''
[[Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] or one of the other core developers will then have the opportunity to merge your pull request so that it is incorporated into the next build of http://tiddlywiki.com.
Mario Pietsch has created these short video tutorials:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/L4zTkMYcri8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/6ElUruH92tc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/axFCk9KsMFc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
output="all the property names or indices contained in the input data tiddlers"
Each input title is processed in turn, and is ignored if it does not denote a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]]. The list of property names is retrieved from the data tiddler (in no particular order) and then [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's output.
Where a tiddler's [[content is JSON|JSONTiddlers]] with an array as its root, the <<.op indexes>> operator retrieves a selection of integer indices instead.
<<.operator-examples "indexes">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[{$:/palette}indexes[]sort[title]]" "all the colours defined in the current [[colour palette|ColourPalettes]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[[$:/HistoryList]indexes[]]" "integer output because the [[history list|$:/HistoryList]] is an array">>
System tiddlers in the namespace `$:/info/` are used to expose information about the system (including the current browser) so that WikiText applications can adapt themselves to available features.
! Information Tiddlers
|!Title |!Description |
|[[$:/info/browser]] |Running in the browser? ("yes" or "no") |
|[[$:/info/node]] |Running under [[Node.js]]? ("yes" or "no") |
Each tiddler has a panel of additional information. To reveal it, click the {{$:/core/images/down-arrow}} button in the tiddler's toolbar and then choose {{$:/core/images/info-button}} ''info'' from the dropdown list.
The info panel has the following tabs:
* ''Tools'' - This offers buttons for various actions you can perform on the tiddler. The checkbox next to each button lets you promote an action to the tiddler's toolbar - this will affect all of the tiddlers in your wiki
* ''References'', ''Tagging'', ''List'' and ''Listed'' - These list various kinds of related tiddlers. See [[Using links to navigate between tiddlers]]
* ''Fields'' - This summarises all of the tiddler's [[fields|TiddlerFields]], except for ''text''
* ''Advanced'' - This indicates whether the tiddler is a [[shadow|ShadowTiddlers]]. If it is, this also reveals which plugin it comes from and whether it has been overridden by an ordinary tiddler
To close the info panel, click anywhere outside it.
See also:
* [[Environment Variables on Node.js]]
# Install [[Node.js]] from http://nodejs.org
# Open a command line terminal and type:
#> `npm install -g tiddlywiki`
#> If it fails with an error you may need to re-run the command as an administrator:
#> `npm install -g tiddlywiki` (Windows)
#> `sudo npm install -g tiddlywiki` (Mac/Linux)
# Check TiddlyWiki is installed by typing:
#> `tiddlywiki --version`
# In response, you should see TiddlyWiki report its current version (eg `<<version>>`; you may also see other debugging information reported)
# Try it out:
## `tiddlywiki mynewwiki --init server` to create a folder for a new wiki that includes server-related components
## `tiddlywiki mynewwiki --server` to start TiddlyWiki
## Visit in your browser
## Try editing and creating tiddlers
The `-g` flag causes TiddlyWiki to be installed globally. Without it, TiddlyWiki will only be available in the directory where you installed it.
<<.def "Instruction tiddlers">> talk directly to the reader and guide them through a process. The reader is likely to be a beginner or an intermediate user.
Such tiddlers can be subcategorised as:
* What is ~TiddlyWiki and why should I care?
* Demonstrations of key features and benefits
* Frequently asked questions
* Examples of ~TiddlyWiki in the field
* Information about the project itself
* An ordered presentation of material for beginners
* Each tiddler introduces one new point or concept
* Its main content contains very few links
* A revealable <<.word "Find out more">> section at the end can offer related links
* Accompanying a tutorial tiddler
* Solution revealed on demand
* A list of numbered steps for performing a small specific task
* Concise, with links to reference tiddlers where appropriate
* Often has a preamble to clarify the nature of the task
* Accompanying a [[reference tiddler|Reference Tiddlers]]
* Can contain explanations and similar commentary
* Kept separate to keep the reference tiddler pure
Instruction tiddlers talk directly to the reader as <<.word you>>. They can be reasonably chatty.
But they avoid excessively colloquial language, cultural or topical references and attempts at humour, as these can baffle or even offend the international readership. They also avoid potentially frustrating the reader with descriptions of features as <<.word convenient>> or <<.word easy>>.
This brief introduction shows how to install and use TiddlyDesktop:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/i3Bggkm7paA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<<.preamble """This explains the basics of writing a [[filter|Filters]] to select a set of tiddlers. For a more technical presentation, see [[Filter Syntax]].""">>
<$macrocall $name=".note" _="""Filters do nothing if you just type them into a tiddler on their own. They need a context. An easy way to experiment with filters is to type them into the <<.advancedsearch-tab Filter>> tab of [[Advanced Search|$:/AdvancedSearch]]."""/>
The simplest case is where you already know exactly which tiddlers you want. Type each title in double square brackets, with a space between each one and the next:
[[Recipe book]] [[ScrambledEggs]] [[Mom's apple pie]]
You can omit the square brackets when a title doesn't contain any spaces:
[[Recipe book]] ScrambledEggs [[Mom's apple pie]]
The double square brackets are actually a shorthand for this:
... which gives us the <<.def "general model">> for any filter:
For instance, here's how to select all the tiddlers that have been tagged <<.tag Recipe>>:
We can reverse the meaning by adding an exclamation mark `!` just before the operator. For example, we can select any tiddlers that do <<.em not>> have the <<.tag Recipe>> tag:
Tiddlers can be filtered by other fields than just title and tags:
That example will select any tiddlers that have <<.value 4>> in their <<.field serving>> field.
As the word "serving" isn't a standard filter operator (and isn't likely to become one), you can safely omit the `field:` prefix:
The filters we've looked at so far have involved just one step each. But you can <<.def run>> several steps together like this:
Notice how the entire run is contained in a single pair of square brackets.
A tiddler has to match <<.em all>> of the steps in a run. So the example above retrieves vegetarian recipes (other than soups) for 4 people.
A sequence of separate runs will select the tiddlers that match <<.em any>> of the runs. We can use this to find recipes that serve either 3, 4 or 5 people:
[serving[3]] [serving[4]] [serving[5]]
If we want to ignore vegetarian recipes that serve 4, we can say this:
[serving[3]] [serving[4]!tag[Vegetarian]] [serving[5]]
By default, each run considers every tiddler in the wiki. But we can use a `+` sign to force a run to consider only the tiddlers that were selected by the preceding runs:
[serving[3]] [serving[4]] [serving[5]] +[tag[Vegetarian]] +[sort[title]]
This selects recipes for 3, 4 or 5 people, then filters <<.em those>> to remove the vegetarian ones, and finally sorts any that are left into alphabetical order of title.
In a similar way, we can use a `-` sign to <<.em remove>> a run's tiddlers from the result so far. Here we select all vegetarian recipes apart from two:
[tag[Vegetarian]] -[title[ScrambledEggs]] -BeansOnToast
!Special parameters
The parameter of each step we've seen so far has been in square brackets, meaning that ~TiddlyWiki treats it literally. But two other kinds of bracket are possible:
<<.def "Curly brackets">> `{}` mean that the parameter is a TextReference, and that its value is to be looked up in a specified tiddler. For example, if we have a tiddler called <<.tid Preference>> whose text happens to be the word <<.value Vegetarian>>, we can say
as an alternative to `[tag[Vegetarian]]`. This allows the preference to change over time.
<<.def "Angle brackets">> `<>` mean that the parameter is the name of a [[variable|Variables]] whose value is to be used instead. Here we use the built-in <<.clink currentTiddler "WidgetVariable: currentTiddler">> variable in a filter that selects any tiddlers whose text contains the title of the current one:
This brief presentation explains the basic principles of TiddlyWiki.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/KtCUr83XgyE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
The TiddlyWiki used to produce the video can be found here:
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="a category -- see below"
output="those input tiddlers that belong to category <<.place c>>"
negationOutput="those input tiddlers that do <<.em not>> belong to category <<.place c>>"
The parameter <<.place c>> is one of the following fundamental categories:
|!Category |!Matches any tiddler that... |
|^`current` |is the [[current tiddler|CurrentTiddler]] |
|^`image` |has an image ContentType |
|^`missing` |does not exist (other than possibly as a non-shadow tiddler), regardless of whether there are any links it |
|^`orphan` |has no [[hard links|Hard and Soft Links]] to it |
|^`shadow` |is a [[shadow tiddler|ShadowTiddlers]], regardless of whether it has been overridden with a non-shadow tiddler |
|^`system` |is a [[system tiddler|SystemTiddlers]], i.e. its title starts with `$:/` |
|^`tag` |is in use as a tag |
|^`tiddler` |exists as a non-shadow tiddler |
If <<.place c>> is anything else, the output is an error message.
`!is[tiddler]` is a synonym for `is[missing]`, and vice versa.
When <<.op is[missing]>> is the first operator in a [[run|Filter Run]], its output is always empty. And when <<.op is[shadow]>> comes first, it outputs only those shadow tiddlers that have been overridden. This is because the [[initial input to a run|Filter Expression]] contains only <<.em non>>-shadow tiddlers.
The <<.olink all>> operator is similar, but its scope is the whole wiki.
<<.operator-examples "is">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[is[tag]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[!is[tag]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[all[shadows]!is[system]]" "shadow tiddlers that don't start with `$:/`">>
<<.operator-example 4 "[is[system]tag[$:/tags/Stylesheet]]" "system stylesheets">>
<<.operator-example 5 "[all[shadows]is[system]tag[$:/tags/Stylesheet]]" "shadow system stylesheets">>
<<.operator-example 6 "[is[shadow]]" "overridden shadow tiddlers">>
<<.operator-example 7 "[is[missing]]" "empty because its input contains only tiddlers that exist">>
The ListWidget exposes the following iterator variables during list processing:
; `<<iterator>>`
: set to the current index, e.g. `1`
; `<<iterator-even>>`
: set to `true` for an even index, otherwise `false`
; `<<iterator-last>>`
: set to `true` for last index, otherwise `false`
The ListWidget allows to declare an `iterator` attribute through which you can declare a custom iterator variable prefix:
<$list filter="[tag[foo]]" iterator="my-foo">
!!Using Iterator Variables
You can use iterator variables with the RevealWidget to conditionally render output depending on the current index...
''only show for item at index 1, i.e. the first item''
<$reveal type=match default=1 text=<<my-foo>>>
''show for all except first index''
<$reveal type=nomatch default=1 text=<<my-foo>>>
''only show at even indexes''
<$reveal type=match default=true text=<<my-foo-even>>>
''only show at uneven indexes''
<$reveal type=nomatch default=true text=<<my-foo-even>>>
''only show for last index''
<$reveal type=match default=true text=<<my-foo-last>>>
!! Live Example
<$list filter="one two three" iterator=foo>
<dd>`<<foo>>` = <<foo>></dd>
<dd>`<<foo-even>>` = <<foo-even>></dd>
<dd>`<<foo-last>>` = <<foo-last>></dd>
Displays as:
<$list filter="one two three" iterator=foo>
<dd>`<<foo>>` = <<foo>></dd>
<dd>`<<foo-even>>` = <<foo-even>></dd>
<dd>`<<foo-last>>` = <<foo-last>></dd>
~JavaScript is a computer language that was originally introduced by browsers as a way of scripting web pages. At first it was considered a poorly designed toy, but over the years has become recognised as a powerful language in its own right, and has been adopted widely beyond the browser.
~JavaScript looks like this:
function circleArea(radius) {
return radius * 2 * 3.141592653;
I'm the original inventor of TiddlyWiki. You can find me on these services:
* jeremy (at) jermolene (dot) com
* [[Jermolene on GitHub|https://github.com/Jermolene]]
* [[Jermolene on GitTip|https://www.gittip.com/Jermolene/]], a micropayment service
* [[@Jermolene on Twitter|http://twitter.com/#!/jermolene]]
* [[Jermy on LinkedIn|http://www.linkedin.com/in/jermy]]
* [[Jermy on Flickr|http://www.flickr.com/photos/jermy/]]
Further information:
* An [[interview with me in The Inquirer|http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/feature/2105529/bt-software-engineer-tells-telco-source]] by Wendy Grossman
* A [[hilarious interview with me|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auyIhw8MTmQ]] from British television in 1983
* Here's a video of a presentation I did in 2007 called [["How to Start an Open Source Project"|http://vimeo.com/856110]].
A JSON tiddler is a [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]] containing a [[JSON]] structure in its `text` field.
Its [[ContentType]] is `application/json`.
The [[history list|$:/HistoryList]] is a good example of a JSON tiddler.
This plugin adds the ability to display mathematical notation written in ~LaTeX.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/katex/
Keyboard shortcut support is currently very limited but will be improved in later releases.
! Editing Shortcuts
|Key |Shortcut description |
|`Ctrl-Enter` |Confirm changes to the draft tiddler containing the keyboard focus |
|`Escape` |Abandon changes to the draft tiddler containing the keyboard focus |
! Introduction
The keyboard widget allows [[Messages]] to be generated in response to key presses.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$keyboard>` widget is rendered normally. The keyboard shortcut only takes effect within the contained content.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|message |The title of the [[WidgetMessage|Messages]] to generate |
|param |The parameter to be passed with the [[WidgetMessage|Messages]] |
|key |Key string identifying the key to be trapped (see below) |
|class |A CSS class to be assigned to the generated HTML DIV element |
! Key Strings
Key strings are made up of zero or more of the modifiers ''alt'', ''shift'' or ''ctrl'' followed by the name of a key, all joined with "+" plus symbols. Key names are either the letter or digit printed on the key (eg "a" or "1"), or one of the special keys ''backspace'', ''tab'', ''enter'' or ''escape''.
For example:
//This is a sample task for the TaskManagementExample//
Language plugins provide translations of the core TiddlyWiki interface.
The following languages are currently available:
<<list-links "[tag[Languages]]">>
You can contribute by learning how to [[translate TiddlyWiki into your language|Translate TiddlyWiki into your language]].
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="an integer, defaulting to 1"
output="the last <<.place n>> input titles"
<<.operator-examples "last">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]last[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]last[5]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[tag[Concepts]!sort[title]last[3]]">>
The latest news, articles, resources and examples.
<div class="tc-link-info">
<$list filter="[tag[Articles]] [tag[Examples]] [tag[Resources]] [tag[Tutorials]] +[!sort[modified]limit[8]]">
<div class="tc-link-info-item">
! <$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
<div class="tc-subtitle">Posted <$view field="modified" format="relativedate"/></div>
Ordinarily with TiddlyWiki, the full content of all tiddlers is embedded into the main HTML file. Lazy loading refers to the technique of only embedding metadata about the tiddler (in other words all fields except the ''text'' field), and requesting the body from the server when required.
Lazy loading can be used in two configurations:
* When running [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]], image tiddlers can be subject to lazy loading
* When running [[TiddlyWiki in the Sky for TiddlyWeb]], all tiddlers are subject to lazy loading
See the LazyLoadingMechanism for details of how lazy loading is implemented.
! Lazy loading under Node.js
To run TiddlyWiki with lazy loading for images, use this alternative ServerCommand to start the server:
tiddlywiki --server 8080 $:/core/save/lazy-images
! Lazy loading under TiddlyWeb
With the current configuration, lazy loading is enabled by default.
TiddlyWiki currently only implements LazyLoading when it is running in the browser talking to a TiddlyWeb-compatible server.
In the [[configuration for TiddlyWeb|TiddlyWiki in the Sky for TiddlyWeb]], the browser first requests a "skinny" version of each tiddler (consisting of all the fields apart from the text field). Subsequently, an attempt to read those skinny tiddlers with `wiki.getTiddler()` returns just the skinny fields, but an attempt to read one using `wiki.getTiddlerText()` will trigger an asynchronous load of the full tiddler text, which in turn triggers a refresh cycle, updating the display to reflect the newly loaded tiddler. Widgets that loop through all tiddlers are fine; it's only if they trigger `wiki.getTiddlerText()` for a tiddler that it will get loaded.
Lazy loading can also be used with TiddlyWiki's own server. The core provides a template that enables images to be lazily loaded while other tiddlers are packaged into the initial HTML file in the usual way.
The browser-based search built into TiddlyWiki5 will only search the text of tiddlers that have been fully loaded. The expectation is that when lazy loading is used in a client-server configuration, then it is the server that really needs to handle search operations, because it is only the server that can "see" the text of all tiddlers. So, the plan is to integrate the built in search with TiddlyWeb's search API. The simplest approach is that any local search triggers an asynchronous server side search. The results of the search would be asynchronously loaded such that they would dynamically appear in the local search results.
Learn more about using TiddlyWiki:
<<list-links "[tag[Learning]]">>
Also see the complete [[Reference]], including advanced WikiText, macros, widgets, filters etc.
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="an integer, defaulting to 0"
output="the first <<.place n>> input titles"
negationOutput="the last <<.place n>> input titles"
`limit[n]` and `!limit[n]` are synonyms for `first[n]` and `last[n]` respectively.
<<.operator-examples "limit">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[sort[modified]!limit[20]]" "the 20 most recently modified tiddlers">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[has[created]sort[created]limit[10]]" "the oldest 10 tiddlers in the wiki">>
! Introduction
The link catcher widget traps [[WidgetMessage: tm-navigate]] dispatched within its child content by performing any or all of these actions:
* sending a different widget message
* setting a tiddler to the title of the navigated tiddler
* setting a tiddler to a specified value
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$linkcatcher>` widget is displayed normally.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|to |Optional title of the tiddler to be set to the title of the navigated tiddler |
|message |Optional identifier for a [[widget message|Messages]] to be sent when a navigation is caught |
|set |Optional title of the tiddler to be set to a specified value when navigation occurs |
|setTo |Value to be assigned by the `set` attribute |
A key capability of WikiText is the ability to make links to other tiddlers or to external websites.
! Manual Links
Link to a tiddler by title:
[[Tiddler Title]]
To link to a tiddler and specify the text of the link:
[[Displayed Link Title|Tiddler Title]]
! ~CamelCase Links
For tiddler titles that match the CamelCase rules, just typing the title without double square brackets will automatically create a link.
You can suppress a link from being recognised by preceding it with `~`. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"* ~HelloThere is not a link
* ~http://google.com/ is not a link">>
! External Links
To link to an external website, type the full URL of the site:
For this syntax to work, the URL has to be recognisable as an URL, including a protocol such as `http://` or `file://`. You can force an external link with the extended syntax:
[ext[caption for link|http://tiddlywiki.com]]
! Customising Tiddler Links
See the LinkWidget for details of the underlying widget used to implement tiddler links, including macros that can be used to customise its behaviour.
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
output="the titles to which the input tiddlers contain [[hard links|Hard and Soft Links]]"
Each input title is processed in turn. The corresponding tiddler's list of links is generated, in the order in which they appear in the tiddler's text, and [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's overall output.
<<.operator-examples "links">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[HelloThere]links[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[all[current]links[]]" "tiddlers [[hard-linked|Hard and Soft Links]] from the current one">>
Here are some hard links:
* HelloThere
* [[Filter Operators]]
* [[links Operator]]
The `link` widget generates links to tiddlers. (Use the HTML `<a>` element to generate external links).
! Content and Attributes
|!Attribute |!Description |
|to |The title of the target tiddler for the link (defaults to the CurrentTiddler) |
|aria-label |Optional [[Accessibility]] label |
|tooltip |Optional tooltip WikiText |
The content of the link widget is rendered within the `<a>` tag.
The default value of the tooltip attribute is `<<tv-wikilink-tooltip>>`.
This means that you can control the text of a link tooltip in several ways:
<$link to="HelloThere" tooltip="Custom tooltip">Link 1</$link>
<$set name="tv-wikilink-tooltip" value="I'm a link to {{!!title}}">
<$link to="HelloThere">Link 2</$link>
Renders as:
<$link to="HelloThere" tooltip="Custom tooltip">Link 1</$link>
<$set name="tv-wikilink-tooltip" value="I'm a link to {{!!title}}">
<$link to="HelloThere">Link 2</$link>
Note that the tooltip is rendered with the current tiddler set to the target of the link.
A useful convention is to set the tooltip like this:
\define tv-wikilink-tooltip()
<$transclude field="tooltip"><$transclude field="title"/></$transclude>
This causes the tooltip to be the ''tooltip'' field of the target tiddler. If the field isn't present, then the title is used instead.
! CSS Classes
* `tc-tiddlylink` - applied to all links
* `tc-tiddlylink-external` - applied to external, non-tiddler links
* `tc-tiddlylink-internal` - applied to tiddler links
* `tc-tiddlylink-missing` - applied to tiddler links where the target tiddler doesn't exist
* `tc-tiddlylink-resolves` - applied to tiddler links when the target tiddler does exist
! Configuration macros
Configuration macros can be used to modify the behaviour of the link widget.
!! tv-wikilinks
Links are suppressed if the macro `tv-wikilinks` evaluates to the string `no`. For example:
\define tv-wikilinks() no
!! tv-wikilink-template
The target of the link widget defaults to the URL encoded title of the tiddler. The `href` can be templated by defining the configuration macro `tv-wikilink-template`, and including within it the token `$uri_encoded$`. For example:
\define tv-wikilink-template() http://tiddlywiki.com/#$uri_encoded$
The token `$uri_doubleencoded$` is replaced by the double encoded title of the tiddler.
Note that in the browser the `<a>` element generated by the link widget has a JavaScript event handler that navigates directly to the target tiddler, ignoring the `href` attribute.
!! tv-wikilink-tooltip
Provides default text for the link tooltip:
\define tv-wikilink-tooltip() This is a link to {{!!title}}
<$link to="HelloThere"/>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
negationInput="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="a [[reference|TextReference]] to a [[field|TiddlerFields]] or [[property|DataTiddlers]] of a particular tiddler"
output="the titles stored as a [[title list|Title List]] at <<.place r>>"
negationOutput="those input titles that are <<.em not>> mentioned at <<.place r>>"
<<.place r>> can reference either a field or a property. See [[TextReference]] for the syntax.
* If neither is specified, the <<.field list>> field is used by default. So `[list[T]]` outputs the titles listed in the <<.field list>> of tiddler T.
* If <<.place r>> consists of <<.em only>> a field or a property, the tiddler part of the reference defaults to the CurrentTiddler. So `[list[!!tags]]` outputs the titles listed in the <<.field tags>> field of the current tiddler.
<<.operator-examples "list">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[HelloThere]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week!!short]]">>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]], defaulting to <<.field list>>"
output="the titles in which field <<.place f>> mentions any of the input titles"
<<.field f>> is assumed to be a [[title list|Title List]].
Each input title is processed in turn. A list of tiddlers whose <<.place f>> field mentions it is generated (in no particular order) and [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's overall output.
<<.operator-examples "listed">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[HelloThere]listed[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[all[current]listed[my-special-list]]">>
The `list` [[field of a tiddler|TiddlerFields]] is an optional feature that can be used to help structure your content. Its value is a [[title list|Title List]], and it can be used in several ways:
* The `list` field of a tiddler that is being used as a tag determines the ordering of the tiddlers that carry that tag - see [[Tagging]] for details
* The `list` [[filter|Filters]] selects the entries from a list
* The `listed` [[filter|Filters]] selects the tiddlers that list the selected tiddler(s)
* The NavigatorWidget manipulates a StoryList tiddler containing a `list` field of the tiddlers that are displayed in the main story column
The list macro is a family of macros that produce a list of tiddlers.
There are several variants of the macro:
* `<<list-links>>` produces a list of links to tiddlers that match a filter expression. If the tiddler has a //caption// field, it is displayed in lieu of the //title// field.
! Parameters
|!Position |!Name |!Description |!Default |
|1st |filter |Filter expression | |
|2nd |type |HTML tag to be used for the list wrapper |"ul" |
|3rd |subtype |HTML tag to be used for list entries |"li" |
|4th |class |An optional CSS class to be applied to the list wrapper element (eg `<ul class="three-columns">`) | |
! Examples
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src='<<list-links filter:"[tag[HelloThere]]">>
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src='<<list-links filter:"[tag[HelloThere]]" type:"ol">>
! Unordered Lists
You can create unordered lists with `*` characters:
<<wikitext-example src:"* First list item
* Second list item
** A subitem
* Third list item
! Ordered Lists
Ordered lists use `#` instead of `*`:
# First item
# Second item
# Third item
You can also mix ordered and unordered list items:
<<wikitext-example src:"* To do today
*# Eat
* To get someone else to do
*# This
*# That
*## And the other
Here's an example the other way around, with numbers as the first level:
<<wikitext-example src:"# To do today
#* Eat
# To get someone else to do
#* This
#* That
#** And the other
! CSS Classes
You can also assign a CSS class to an individual member of a list with this notation:
<<wikitext-example src:"* List One
*.MyClass List Two
* List Three
! Mixing Lists and Block Quotes
Note that [[Block Quotes in WikiText]] can be mixed with lists. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"* List One
** List Two
**> A quote
**> Another quote
* List Three
! Paragraphs in Lists
Entries in the list are delimited with a linebreak, making it impossible to include linebreaks within a list entry. There are a couple of workarounds.
First, you can transclude paragraph content from another tiddler. For example:
* First entry
* <$transclude tiddler="MyTiddler" mode="block"/>
* Third entry
Secondly, you can use an HTML "div" element to contain the multiline content. For example:
# Step 1
# Step 2
# Step 3<div>
Here is the first of several paragraphs. Note that the double linebreak preceding this paragraph is significant.
And here is the second of several paragraphs.
# Step 4
# Step 5
# Step 6
! Introduction
The list widget displays a sequence of tiddlers matching a [[filter|Filters]]. It is vital for a various use-cases, e.g.:
* Displaying custom lists, e.g. "all tiddlers tagged ''task'' not tagged ''done''"
* Listing the tags of a tiddler
* Displaying lists of links, like in the sidebar
* Handling the main story river
! Examples
''plain list''
<$list filter="[tag[ListWidget]sort[title]]"/>
Displays as:
<$list filter="[tag[ListWidget]sort[title]]"/>
''custom item output''
<$list filter="[tag[ListWidget]sort[title]]">
Displays as:
<$list filter="[tag[ListWidget]sort[title]]">
''custom item template''
<$list filter="[tag[ListWidget]sort[title]]" template="$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/subtitle"/>
Displays as:
<$list filter="[tag[ListWidget]sort[title]]" template="$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/subtitle"/>
!! Grouped Lists
See GroupedLists for how to generate nested and grouped lists using the ListWidget.
! Content and Attributes
A number of options controll the list behaviour....
|!Attribute |!Description |
|filter |The [[tiddler filter|Filters]] to display |
|template |The title of a template tiddler for transcluding each tiddler in the list. When no template is specified, the body of the ListWidget serves as the item template. With no body, a simple link to the tiddler is returned. |
|editTemplate |An alternative template to use for [[DraftTiddlers|DraftMechanism]] in edit mode |
|variable |The name for a [[variable|Variables]] in which the title of each listed tiddler is stored. Defaults to ''currentTiddler'' |
|iterator|a custom iterator prefix, see IteratorVariables|
|emptyMessage |Message to be displayed when the list is empty |
|storyview |Optional name of module responsible for animating/processing the list |
|history |The title of the tiddler containing the navigation history |
!! Edit mode
The `<$list>` widget can optionally render draft tiddlers through a different template to handle editing, see DraftMechanism.
!! `storyview` attribute
The `storyview` attribute specifies the name of an optional module that can animate changes to the list (including navigation). The core ships with the following storyview modules:
* `classic`: renders the list as an ordered sequence of tiddlers
* `zoomin`: just renders the current tiddler from the list, with a zoom animation for navigating between tiddlers
* `pop`: shrinks items in and out of place
In order for the storyviews to animate correctly each entry in the list should be a single block mode DOM element.
!! History and navigation
The optional `history` attribute specifies the name of a tiddler that is used to track the current tiddler for navigation purposes. When the history tiddler changes the list view responds by telling the listview to handle navigating to the new tiddler. See HistoryMechanism for details.
! Introduction
The macro call widget provides an alternative syntax for invoking macros. The advantage of the widget form is that it allows macro parameters to be specified as widget attributes, thus allowing indirection and macro values to be set.
For example, a macro called `italicise` that takes a single parameter called `text` can be invoked in any of these ways:
<<italicise "Text to be made into italics">>
<<italicise text:"Text to be made into italics">>
<$macrocall $name="italicise" text="Text to be made into italics"/>
<$macrocall $name="italicise" text={{Title of tiddler containing text to be italicised}}/>
<$macrocall $name="italicise" text=<<textMaker "Another macro to generate the text to be italicised">>/>
You can see several examples of the macro call widget within the core:
* Listing module information: [[$:/snippets/modules]]
* Listing field information: [[$:/snippets/allfields]]
* Generating `data:` URIs: [[$:/themes/tiddlywiki/starlight/styles.tid]]
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$macrocall>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|$name |Name of the macro to invoke |
|$type |ContentType with which the macro text should be parsed (defaults to `text/vnd.tiddlywiki`) |
|$output |ContentType for the output rendering (defaults to `text/html`, can also be `text/plain`) |
|//parameters// |Macro parameters specified as attributes |
Macros are snippets of text, inserted with the following shortcut syntax:
You can define and use [[Macros in WikiText]] or write [[JavaScript Macros|http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/index.html#JavaScript%20Macros]] for more flexibility.
The following macros are provided by the TiddlyWiki core:
<<list-links "[tag[Macros]]">>
! Defining Macros
Macros are snippets of text that can be inserted with a concise shortcut.
Multi-line macros are defined like this:
\define mysamplemacro(name:"Bugs Bunny",address:"Rabbit Hole Hill")
Hi, I'm $name$ and I live in $address$
!! Parameter Substitution
The first line of the definition specifies the macro name and any parameters. Parameters are named and can optionally have default values that are used if the parameter isn't specified at the time of calling. The body of the macro definition follows, terminated with `\end` on a line by itself.
The text of the macro can reference parameters using the `$name$` syntax. The value of the parameter is substituted at the time the macro is invoked.
!! Variable Substitution
The values of named variables can also be substituted into the text of a macro using the syntax `$(variable)$`. For example:
\define mysamplemacro2()
Hi, I'm $(name)$ and I live in $(address)$
\define name() Bugs Bunny
<$set name="address" value="Rabbit Hole Hill">
The result is: `Hi, I'm Bugs Bunny and I live in Rabbit Hole Hill`.
!! Single Line macros
Single-line macros can omit the `\end` marker like this:
\define mysamplemacro3(name:"Bugs Bunny") Hi, I'm $name$
!! Macro Scope
Macro definitions must be placed at the top of a tiddler. Macros are available to the tiddler that defines them, plus any tiddlers that it transcludes.
Global macros can be defined in any tiddler with the tag [[$:/tags/Macro]]. They are then available within all tiddlers.
Macros can be imported from other tiddlers with the ImportVariablesWidget.
[[JavaScript Macros|http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/index.html#JavaScript%20Macros]] can also be used for more flexibility.
! Using Macros
In their simplest form, macros are used like this:
<<mysamplemacro "Donald Duck">>
<<mysamplemacro "Mickey Mouse" "Mouse House">>
<<mysamplemacro name:"Minnie Mouse" address:"Mouse House">>
Resulting in:
Hi I'm Bugs Bunny and I live in Rabbit Hole Hill
Hi I'm Donald Duck and I live in Rabbit Hole Hill
Hi I'm Mickey Mouse and I live in Mouse House
Hi I'm Minnie Mouse and I live in Mouse House
Note that parameter values that do not specify names are mapped in sequence to the parameters defined in the macro.
!! Multiline Parameters
Parameters can include line breaks. For example:
<<mysamplemacro "Mickey Mouse" "Mouse House,
Mouse Lane,
By using triple-double quotes you can specify parameter values that include single double quotes. For example:
<<mysamplemacro "Mickey Mouse" """Mouse House,
"Mouse" Lane,
! Using Macros with the MacroCallWidget
Macros can also be invoked with the MacroCallWidget
<<italicise "Text to be made into italics">>
<<italicise text:"Text to be made into italics">>
<$macrocall $name="italicise" text="Text to be made into italics"/>
<$macrocall $name="italicise" text={{Title of tiddler containing text to be italicised}}/>
<$macrocall $name="italicise" text=<<textMaker "Another macro to generate the text to be italicised">>/>
Also see:
* [[Macros]]
* [[MacroCallWidget]]
//This is a sample task for the TaskManagementExample//
The makedatauri macro constructs a data URI from a block of text and an associated ContentType. It is commonly used within stylesheets to generate an inline image or font.
! Parameters
|!Position |!Name |!Description |!Default |
|1st |text |Text to be converted to a data URI | |
|2nd |type |ContentType of text | |
! Examples
A trivial example to show how the macro works:
<<makedatauri "HelloThere" "text/plain">>
<<makedatauri "HelloThere" "text/plain">>
A user-defined macro such as this would typically be used within a stylesheet:
\define datauri(title)
<$macrocall $name="makedatauri" type={{$title$!!type}} text={{$title$}}/>
Then one can write CSS rules like this:
background: url(<<datauri "$:/themes/tiddlywiki/starlight/ltbg.jpg">>);
See the UpgradeMechanism for more details.
\define textOnPath(text)
<svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 1000 300" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
<path id="MyPath" d="M 100 200 C 200 100 300 0 400 100 C 500 200 600 300 700 200 C 800 100 900 100 900 100"/>
<use xlink:href="#MyPath" fill="none" stroke="#ddd"/>
<text font-family="'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif" font-size="42.5">
<textPath xlink:href="#MyPath">
This demo shows how to use SVG to render transcluded text along a path. Enter some text in the textbox below to try it out; view the source to see how it is done.
<$edit-text tiddler="$:/CurvedText" tag="input" placeholder="Type text here" default=""/>
<$macrocall $name="textOnPath" text={{$:/CurvedText}}/>
The Markdown plugin enables you to use tiddlers that are written in standard Markdown markup.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/markdown/
An experimental MathJax plugin for TiddlyWiki version 5. As Martin says, the implementation is a bit of a hack but may be useful until we have a better alternative.
Welcome. I have created plugin for TiddlyWiki 5 which allows you to use MathJax (math in TeX and MathML) inside TiddlyWiki 5. It's unofficial plugin and it doesn't follow general policy of TiddlyWiki as stand-alone solution but it works. So you can use it if you want.
MathML is a markup language for mathematical notation that can be used with HTML.
If your browser supports it, MathML elements can be used in TiddlyWiki5 WikiText just like HTML.
Here is an example MathML equation from [[the W3C|http://www.w3.org/Math/XSL/csmall2.xml]]:
Renders as:
These are the internal mechanisms that fit together to make up TiddlyWiki.
<<list-links "[tag[Mechanisms]]">>
Local meetings of ~TiddlyWiki enthusiasts around the world:
* [[OXTWIG]], the ''Oxford ~TiddlyWiki Interest Group'' meets monthly in Oxford, UK to share experiences of using TiddlyWiki
//If you are a ~TiddlyWiki enthusiast please consider starting a local TWIG in your area, it's a great way to spread the word about using TiddlyWiki//
Widget messages are generated by widgets in response to user actions. They flow up the widget tree until they are handled by an ancestor widget.
The following widget messages are implemented by the core:
<<list-links "[tag[Messages]]">>
<meta name="thisname" value="somevalue"/>
<$importvariables filter='[[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Macro]!has[draft.of]]'>
<meta property="og:title" content={{New Tiddler 1!!og-title}}/>
<meta property="og:type" content="website"/>
<meta property="og:url" content=<<GetURL>>/>
<meta property="og:image" content="http://ooktech.com/jed/externalbrain/images/zebra-pencil.jpg"/>
<meta property="og:description" content="A test"/>
A //module// in TiddlyWiki5 is a tiddler containing executable JavaScript, of the type `application/javascript` and with the field `module-type` set to the ModuleType of the module.
See the ''Internals'' tab of the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] for lists of the currently loaded modules.
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection|Title Selection]] of module types"
output="the title of each module with any of the input types"
<<.operator-examples "modules">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[filteroperator]modules[]]">>
\define describe() {{$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/$(type)$}}
The `module-type` field of a [[JavaScript module|Modules]] is a string that identifies the type of the module. Here is a list of the module types used in this wiki:
<$list filter="[moduletypes[]]">
<$set name=type value=<<currentTiddler>>>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
output="the name of each known ~TiddlyWiki [[module type|ModuleType]], in alphabetical order"
<<.operator-examples "moduletypes">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[moduletypes[]]">>
MultiTiddlerFiles allow multiple tiddlers to be concisely represented in a single text file.
The goals of this format are:
* To be easy to type and easy to read
* Optimised for single line strings
* To allow common fields or tags to be shared within groups of tiddlers
* To be simple to process with external tools
MultiTiddlerFiles have the extension `multids`. The file is structured as a block of shared fields followed by a blank line. The rest of the file is a sequence of comments and tiddlers. Tiddlers are specified by their title, followed by a colon, at least one space character, and then the rest of the line is the text field for the tiddler.
For example:
title: $:/language/ControlPanel/
tags: strings
modifier: JoeBloggs
Basics/Caption: Basics
# This is a comment
Basics/Version: ~TiddlyWiki Version
This example defines two tiddlers, [[$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/Caption]] and [[$:/language/ControlPanel/Basics/Version]].
If a `title` field is specified in the header then it is treated as a prefix for the individual tiddlers defined in the title.
The system tiddlers provided as part of the core are named according to the following rules:
|!Namespace |!Format |!Description |
|`$:/*` |~CamelCase |Root user interface tiddlers (eg control panel, advanced search) |
|`$:/config/*` |~CamelCase |User-oriented configuration setting |
|`$:/core/images/*` |hyphen-case |Core images |
|`$:/core/modules/*` |lowercase |JavaScript module tiddlers |
|`$:/core/save/*` |lowercase |Saving templates for creating TiddlyWiki documents |
|`$:/core/templates/*` |//inconsistent// |Templates needed for TiddlyWiki to operate. Currently uses a mix of dashes and periods to separate words |
|`$:/core/ui/*` |//inconsistent// |Tiddlers comprising the default user interface of TiddlyWiki. Currently uses a mix of ~CamelCase and lowercase naming conventions |
|`$:/core/wiki/*` |lowercase |Metadata about the entire wiki |
|`$:/docs/*` |lowercase |Documentation tiddlers |
|`$:/messages/*` |~CamelCase |System messages |
|`$:/plugins/*` |lowercase |Plugin tiddlers, and plugin content |
|`$:/snippets/*` |//inconsistent// |Reusable snippets (will be replaced by macros) |
|`$:/state/*` |lowercase |User interface state tiddlers |
|`$:/tags/*` |~CamelCase |User interface configuration tags |
|`$:/temp/*` |lowercase |Temporary tiddlers that shouldn't be saved |
|`$:/themes/*` |lowercase |Theme plugins |
In the format column:
* ''hyphen-case'' refers to joining multiple lowercase words with hyphens
* ''~CamelCase'' refers to joining mulitple initial capitaled words with hyphens
* ''lowercase'' refers to directly joining multiple lowercase words
* ''inconsistent'' marks namespaces that are currently titled inconsistently
In the default "classic" storyview mode, open tiddlers are displayed in a vertical column called the "story river". There are a number of ways you can navigate the story river - that is, how you can jump back and forth between the open tiddlers.
* The best approach is to ''use the Open tab'' in the sidebar to click on the open tiddler to which you wish to navigate.
** The ''Open'' tab contains a list of all the open tiddlers. You can click on any tiddler in the list to jump to it, or click the "×" next to a tiddler link to close it. There is also a handy ''close all'' button at the bottom of the list of open tiddlers.
* Another way is to simply ''scroll the page up and down'' using the story river scrollbar to the right.
** Note that when both the story river and the sidebar extend below the visible screen, there will be //two// scrollbars. The outer or far-right scrollbar controls the story river. The inner scrollbar controls the sidebar.
* A clunky approach that many new users try is to ''close tiddlers one by one'' until they get to the tiddler they are looking for.
** Closing any tiddler at the top or in the middle of the story river will cause all the tiddlers below it to slide up the river. The tiddler immediately below the tiddler you closed will slide up to take its place.
** Closing the bottom tiddler will close it and the bottom of the tiddler above it will come into view.
! Introduction
The navigator widget manipulates the current store, the story list and history lists in response to various [[Messages]].
! Content and Attributes
The navigator widget displays any contained content, and responds to Messages dispatched within it.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|story |Name of the tiddler containing the story list to be manipulated |
|history |Name of the tiddler containing the history list to be manipulated |
! Widget Messages
The following [[Messages]] are handled by the navigator widget:
<$list filter="[tag[navigator-message]]">
<$link to={{!!title}}>
<$view field="title"/>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="a tiddler title"
output="a selection containing each title that immediately follows each of the input titles in the <<.field list>> field of <<.place t>>"
Each input title is processed in turn, and its successor is located in the <<.field list>> field and appended to the output. If a title is not listed in the field, or is the last title there, then it contributes nothing to the output.
<<.operator-examples "next">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[Monday]next[Days of the Week]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[[Sunday]next[Days of the Week]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "Tuesday Wednesday Thursday +[next[Days of the Week]]">>
node-webkit is an OpenSource application that fuses the functionality of a web browser with that of [[Node.js]]. It makes it possible to use web applications as though they were native apps, with full access to the file system and other native facilities. Learn more from the [[official site|https://github.com/rogerwang/node-webkit]] or [[this introductory blog post|http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/javascript-ajax/introduction-to-html5-desktop-apps-with-node-webkit/]].
See [[TiddlyWiki on node-webkit]] for details of how to use TiddlyWiki with node-webkit.
''Node.js'' is a downloadable application for your PC, Mac or Linux computer that lets it run JavaScript applications. Unlike ~JavaScript applications running in a web browser, Node.js code has full access to the file system and other resources of the computer, enabling it to perform the roles that have traditionally been the preserve of languages like Java, PHP and Python. See http://nodejs.org for more details.
For ~TiddlyWiki, Node.js means that we can have a single code base that can run in the browser or on the server, giving great flexibility in how it is used.
For end users, Node.js is no more complicated to install than a web browser, but unlocks powerful capabilities such as the ability to run ~TiddlyWiki as a web server that you can connect to from other devices.
See [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] for more details.
Version 5.0.11-beta includes some changes that can break content from earlier releases of ~TiddlyWiki 5.
! Command line changes
Previously, commands that generate output files would interpret the specified path to the file as being relative to the current working directory. So, for example, the following command would write `index.html` to the current directory:
tiddlywiki mywiki --rendertiddler $:/core/save/all index.html text/plain
In 5.0.11-beta this behaviour has changed, and now the specified filename is resolved relative to an `output` folder within the TiddlyWikiFolder. So the command above will now write the file `index.html` to `mywiki/output/index.html`.
You can override this behaviour with the OutputCommand. For example, to generate the `index.html` file within the current directory:
tiddlywiki mywiki --output . --rendertiddler $:/core/save/all index.html text/plain
A further change is that the `--rendertiddlers` command now clears the output folder before it writes any files. This means that any previous `--rendertiddler` commands to the same folder will have their output deleted.
Version 5.0.8-beta includes some changes that can break content from earlier releases of ~TiddlyWiki 5.
! Change to [[$:/SiteTitle]] and [[$:/SiteSubtitle]]
You should rename any existing SiteTitle and SiteSubtitle tiddlers to [[$:/SiteTitle]] and [[$:/SiteSubtitle]] respectively.
! Changed parsing rules for content of HTML elements
Version 5.0.8-beta marks a change in the way that TiddlyWiki determines whether to parse the content of an HTML element or widget in //block mode// or //inline mode//.
* In block mode, TiddlyWiki parses text into paragraphs, creating `<p>` tags to wrap them. It also recognises block syntax like headings, lists and tables.
* In inline mode, TiddlyWiki ignores paragraph formatting, and just recognises character formatting, like bold and italic.
It's important to be able to control which type of parsing is performed for different situations.
Prior to 5.0.8-beta, TiddlyWiki parsed the content of an element in inline mode unless the opening tag of the element were immediately followed by a line break. This meant that much of the time element tags would be shunted together into a long line, hindering readability.
The new behaviour for 5.0.8-beta is to parse the content of an element in inline mode unless the opening tag is immediately followed by two line breaks.
To adjust existing content for 5.0.8-beta you will need to manually add the additional line break after the opening tag of elements and widgets whose content should be parsed in block mode.
The positive aspect of the change is that it removes the need to pack multiple HTML tags onto a single line, improving readability.
!! Examples
Consider the difference between these two examples. First, here's an HTML tag that starts with two line breaks:
<<wikitext-example src:"
! This is a heading
And a paragraph of text.
Secondly, here's an HTML tag with just a single line break. Notice how the heading is no longer recognised as a heading
<<wikitext-example src:"
! This is a heading
And a paragraph of text.
! Changed commands for [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
The handling of wiki folders has changed. Previously, if the `tiddlywiki` command was run against a wiki folder that didn't have the necessary `tiddlywiki.info` file then it would be automatically created. Now, the wiki folder must be initialised with the InitCommand.
This is how to create and start a new server-based wiki:
tiddlywiki mywikifolder --init server
tiddlywiki mywikifolder --server
Note that the name of the ''clientserver'' edition has changed to ''server''.
The 'now' macro returns the current date and time, formatted with an optional format string.
! Parameters
|!Position |!Name |!Description |!Default |
|1st |format |DateFormat string specifying the format for the date/time |`0hh:0mm, DDth MMM YYYY` |
! Examples
For example:
* <<now>>
* <<now "DDth MMM YYYY">>
* <<now>>
* <<now "DDth MMM YYYY">>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]], defaulting to <<.field title>>"
output="the input, sorted into ascending order by field <<.field f>>, treating field values as numbers"
negationOutput="the input, likewise sorted into descending order"
Non-numeric values are treated as having a higher value than any number, and the difference between capital and lowercase letters is ignored. Compare <<.olink nsortcs>>.
<<.operator-examples "nsort">>
<<.operator-example 1 "10 010 1000 100 +[nsort[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "10 010 ALPHA beta alpha 1000 100 +[nsort[]]">>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]], defaulting to <<.field title>>"
output="the input, sorted into ascending order by field <<.field f>>, treating field values as numbers"
negationOutput="the input, likewise sorted into descending order"
Non-numeric values are treated as having a higher value than any number, and capital and lowercase letters are treated as different. Compare <<.olink nsort>>.
<<.operator-examples "nsortcs">>
<<.operator-example 1 "10 010 1000 100 +[nsortcs[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "10 010 ALPHA beta alpha 1000 100 +[nsortcs[]]">>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="an integer, defaulting to 1"
output="the <<.place n>>th input title"
<<.place n>> is one-based. In other words, `nth[1]` has the same effect as the <<.olink first>> operator.
<<.operator-examples "nth">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]nth[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]nth[5]]">>
An introduction to the biblical book of Obadiah by Dave Gifford using the table of contents macro and various custom tweaks to ~TiddlyWiki: custom new here buttons, [[this custom viewtemplate addition|http://giffmex.org/experiments/obadiah.html#%24%3A%2F_aa%2FViewTemplate%2FNoteList]] to add notes or images within any tiddler, and a tiddler transcluding all the content, in order to facilitate printing ([[this tiddler|http://giffmex.org/experiments/obadiah.html#An%20introduction%20to%20Obadiah]]).
OpenSource is [[defined by Wikipedia|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_source]] as //a philosophy, or pragmatic methodology that promotes free redistribution and access to an end product's design and implementation details//.
When ~TiddlyWiki generates a list of the tiddlers that have a particular tag (e.g. the dropdown list of a tag pill), it orders the tiddlers using the following rules:
# Start with any that are [[declared|Title List]] in the <<.field list>> field of the tag tiddler, in the order given there.
# In each remaining tiddler <<.place T>>, look for a <<.field list-before>> field. If this has a tiddler title as its value, place <<.place T>> just <<.em before>> that one.
#* As a special case, if the field exists but its value is empty, place <<.place T>> at the very start of the list.
# In each remaining tiddler <<.place T>>, look for a <<.field list-after>> field. If this has a tiddler title as its value, place tiddler <<.place T>> just <<.em after>> that one.
# If any tiddlers still remain, place them at the end of the list in ascending alphabetical order of title. The difference between capital and lowercase letters is ignored.
Founded in 2004 by JeremyRuston, Osmosoft was originally a consultancy for software services around TiddlyWiki. Notable engagements included working with Socialtext on [[Socialtext Unplugged|https://www.socialtext.net/open/socialtext_unplugged]].
In 2007, Osmosoft was acquired by [[BT]] and became the champions for open source within the enterprise. As part of BT, Osmosoft has worked on a diverse range of projects within BT and for BT's customers.
See http://osmosoft.com/
The ''Oxford ~TiddlyWiki Interest Group'' meets monthly for discussions and demonstrations about TiddlyWiki.
See https://oxtwig.eventbrite.co.uk/ for details of our next meeting.
We have an email discussion list, too: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!members/oxtwig
The second OXTWIG meeting was held on Thursday 16th January 2014:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/WOK_nVBf_6U" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
The first OXTWIG meeting was held on Thursday 21st November 2013:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/tpNf_Dms_TE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
One major feature of TiddlyWiki that many new users are unaware of is the degree to which TiddlyWiki can be customised, just by adding or removing SystemTags in key shadow tiddlers or in your own custom tiddlers.
* You can add and remove default features in tiddlers in either viewing or editing mode (let's say you find the tiddler subtitle distracting, or you want to add yourself a reminder that you will see when you edit tiddlers)
* You can also add and remove default features from the general page layout (maybe you want to add a clock to the sidebar, or replace one of the page control buttons with your own)
* You can also rearrange the order in which these features are displayed (perhaps you would like tags above tiddler titles, or the subtitle of your TiddlyWiki below the page control buttons)
Once you know what you are doing, all of these things are actually pretty easy to do.
! Adding custom-made tiddlers to the user interface
You can also create any tiddler you want and tag it with the appropriate SystemTag, and it will appear in that place. For example, if you create a tiddler 'Reminder to self', add the text 'This is a reminder' and tag it `$:/tags/EditTemplate`, the words 'This is a reminder' will appear inside every tiddler when you edit it.
When you add new tiddlers to be displayed within tiddlers or within the page layout, you will also probably need to reposition it so that it appears precisely where you want it to appear. To do this, edit the appropriate shadow tiddler with the prefix `$:/tags/`, and insert the title of your tiddler in the proper place in the list field. For example, if you want the words 'This is a reminder' from the example above to appear above the tags editor in editing mode, edit the tiddler $:/tags/EditTemplate, go to the 'list' field, and insert `[[Reminder to self]]` right before `$:/core/ui/EditTemplate/tags`.
! Creating new buttons for the ViewToolbar and page controls
Let's say you have a skeleton tiddler called 'Recipe template', and you want to have a button available in the tiddler ViewToolbar to create new recipe tiddlers on demand. This will require the following steps:
# You will want an image for your button. If none of the core images (shadow tiddlers with the prefix $:/core/images/) work for you, then you will need to create or acquire an SVG image (for example, one of the images at http://flaticon.com), drag it into your file so that it becomes a tiddler, edit the tiddler and adjust the height and width to 22px
# You will want to create the tiddler that contains your tiddler. Create it, title it, and add the button code (see the code at the bottom of this tiddler for an example, with hints where you will need to adapt it). Tag it [[$:/tags/ViewToolbar]]
# You will need to create a tiddler that tells TiddlyWiki whether your button should be visible in the toolbar or hidden. Let's title it [[$:/config/ViewToolbarButtons/Visibility/Recipe]]. Type `reveal` into the text area, and save.
# You will want to position the button properly. Open the tiddler $:/tags/ViewToolbar and insert your button tiddler's title in the appropriate place in the list field.
\define newHereButtonTags()
\define newHereButton()
<$button class=<<tv-config-toolbar-class>>>
title="New tiddler"
tags=<<newHereButtonTags>> />
<$list filter="[<tv-config-toolbar-icons>prefix[yes]]">
<$list filter="[<tv-config-toolbar-text>prefix[yes]]">
<span class="tc-btn-text"><$text text="CAPTION FOR YOUR BUTTON"/></span>
! Removing shadow tiddlers from the user interface
In the More > Shadows tab you will find a list of all the shadow tiddlers. In this list you will find many tiddlers with the prefix `$:/core/ui/`. These are the core tiddlers that define the user interface. These tiddlers are tagged with SystemTags, and removing or adding these tags will adjust the tiddler and page layouts.
For example, $:/core/ui/SideBar/More is the tiddler for the More tab in the Sidebar, and it is tagged with the SystemTag `$:/tags/SideBar` so that it appears in the Sidebar. Removing the tag from that tiddler will remove the More tab from the Sidebar, and reinserting the Sidebar tag to that tiddler will make it reappear in the Sidebar.
You can use the same process for any of the core user interface tiddlers with the $:/core/ui/ prefix. For example, removing the SystemTag `$:/tags/ViewTemplate` from the tiddler `$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/subtitle` will remove the subtitles from all tiddlers.
If you modify a shadow tiddler in this way you will overwrite the pre-installed value. If you want to revert, just delete the modified tiddler to restore the underlying shadow tiddler.
To mark the end of a paragraph in TiddlyWiki you need to type `enter` twice to create a double line break:
This is the first paragraph.
And this is the second paragraph.
Single line breaks are ignored within paragraphs. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"This is a
paragraph made
up of
short lines">>
For situations where this behaviour isn't convenient, you can also use [[Hard Linebreaks in WikiText]].
! Introduction
The parsing mechanism analyses the text of a tiddler against a set of parsing rules, producing a tree representing the structure of the text. The RenderingMechanism is used to transform parse trees into render trees of widget nodes.
TiddlyWiki5 includes ParserModules for several types of tiddler:
* WikiText
* Raw HTML
* Plain text
* Images (bitmap, SVG and PDF)
The WikiText parser is the most complex, comprising separate individual WikiRuleModules encapsulating each parsing rule.
! Parse Trees
The output of parsing a tiddler is an object containing a tree of parse nodes corresponding to the original text. For example:
> JSON.stringify($tw.wiki.parseText("text/vnd.tiddlywiki","Some //italics// and a {{Transclusion}}.").tree)
{type: "element", tag: "p", children: [
{type: "text", text: "Some "},
{type: "element", tag: "em", children: [
{type: "text", text: "italics"}
{type: "text", text: " and a "},
{type: "tiddler", attributes:{
tiddler: {type: "string", value: "Transclusion"}
}, children:[
{type: "transclude", attributes:{
tiddler: {type: "string", value: "Transclusion"}
{type: "text", text: "."}
Parse tree nodes are plain JavaScript objects, and do not have a prototype.
! Introduction
The password widget displays a password input box that is bound to a named entry in the TiddlyWiki5 PasswordVault. Passwords are currently stored in the browsers local storage and are not themselves encrypted.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$password>` widget is ignored.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|name |Name of the password vault entry |
Permalinks allow direct links to individual tiddlers within a TiddlyWiki.
! Simple Permalinks
The simplest form of permalink is a single target tiddler title appended to the base URL with `#`:
The tiddler title can contain spaces if required:
[[http://tiddlywiki.com/#Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
Note that double square brackets are not required around the target tiddler title; however, if present they are silently removed.
! Story Permalinks
The permalink can also specify the story list of tiddlers that should be opened alongside the target tiddler as a [[TiddlerFilter|Filters]]:
[[http://tiddlywiki.com/#TiddlerFields:Tiddlers TiddlerTags TiddlerFields ContentType]]
If the target tiddler isn't present in the story list then it is automatically inserted at the top. This means that the following two examples both target the tiddler `Tiddlers` within the story sequence `Tiddlers`, `Tags`, `TiddlerFields`:
[[http://tiddlywiki.com/#Tiddlers:Tags TiddlerFields]]
[[http://tiddlywiki.com/#Tiddlers:Tiddlers Tags TiddlerFields]]
It is also possible to specify a story filter without specifying a target tiddler for navigation:
<a href="http://tiddlywiki.com/#:[tags[task]]">~http://tiddlywiki.com/#:[tags[task]]</a>
! About URL encoding
There are technical restrictions on the legal characters in an URL fragment. To allow all tiddler titles to be addressed, illegal characters are subject to a process called "URL encoding" whereby problematic characters are replaced by their numeric code. For example, the space character is replaced with `%20`.
Both the target tiddler title and the story filter should be URL encoded (but not the separating colon). TiddlyWiki generates properly encoded URLs which can look quite ugly. However, in practice browsers will usually perfectly happily process arbitrary characters in URL fragments. Thus when creating permalinks manually you can choose to ignore URL encoding.
! Permalink Behaviour
Two important aspects of TiddlyWiki's behaviour with permalinks can be controlled via options in the $:/ControlPanel ''Advanced/Settings'' tab:
* Whether to automatically update the address bar at each navigation, and if so whether to include the story sequence as well as the target tiddler
* Whether the updates to the address bar should affect browser history. The default is ''no''; when switched to ''yes'' you can rewind navigation between tiddlers using the browser back and forward buttons
Note that typing or navigating to a permalink will always cause the permalink to be processed, and tiddlers opened and closed as appropriate.
!! Technical Details
When TiddlyWiki starts up it processes permalinks according to the following steps; the same steps are repeated if the permalink changes dynamically (this happens in response to the user editing the address bar, for example).
# If the permalink contains a colon, treat the string before as the ''target'' and the string after it as the ''story filter''
# If the permalink doesn't contain a colon, treat the entire string as the ''target'' and mark the ''story filter'' as //unspecified//
# If the ''story filter'' was unspecified and we're in the process of starting up, then set the ''story filter'' to the empty string if the ''target'' is specified, or to the default tiddlers if the ''target'' is unspecified
# If the ''story filter'' was unspecified and we're not starting up, then set the ''story filter'' to the current story list
# Evaluate the ''story filter'' as the ''story list''
# If the ''target'' is specified and not present in the ''story list'' then add it at the top
# If the ''target'' is specified then navigate to it, otherwise navigate to the first tiddler in the ''story list''
The purpose of recording and organising information is so that it can be used again. The value of recorded information is directly proportional to the ease with which it can be re-used.
The philosophy of [[tiddlers|Tiddlers]] is that we maximise the possibilities for re-use by slicing information up into the smallest semantically meaningful units with [[rich modelling of relationships between them|Structuring TiddlyWiki]]. Then we use aggregation and composition to weave the fragments together to present narrative stories.
TiddlyWiki aspires to provide an algebra for tiddlers, a concise way of expressing and exploring the relationships between items of information.
[[Plugins]] are bundles of tiddlers that are distributed and managed as a single unit by being packed into a single JSON tiddler. If a tiddler isn't found in the main store, then the registered plugins are searched for it instead.
Tiddlers within plugins behave something like shadow tiddlers in classic TiddlyWiki: they can be freely overwritten by creating a tiddler with the same title, but deleting that tiddler restores the underlying tiddler value from the plugin.
Plugins have a `plugin-type` field that may be:
* `plugin` //(default)// - a plain plugin
* `theme` - a theme plugin (see ThemeMechanism)
Plugins can be used to package ordinary content, or can include JavaScript [[modules|Modules]] that extend and enhance the core TiddlyWiki5 functionality.
Plugins conventionally have a title of the form `$:/plugins/publisher/name`. Plugins that are part of the core TiddlyWiki distribution have titles of the form `$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/name`.
Plugins that define macros, views or other named entities are expected to prefix the name with their publisher identifier, for example: `tiddlytools.slider`.
! Plugin fields
Plugins are stored as tiddlers with the following fields:
|!Field |!Description |
|title |Title of plugin |
|description |Description of plugin |
|author |Author of plugin |
|version |Version string (must conform to SemanticVersioning convention) |
|source |Source URL of plugin |
|type |Must be ''application/json'' |
|plugin-type |Can be ''plugin'' (default) or ''theme'' |
|text |JSON encoding of the list of tiddlers comprising the plugin |
|list |Names of exposed plugin information tiddlers (see below) |
|name |Name of the theme (only for themes) |
|dependents |List of dependent plugins (currently only implemented for themes) |
! Plugin folders
On the server, plugins can be stored as ordinary JSON tiddlers but it is often more convenient to store them as separate tiddler files within folders. Plugin folders must contain a `plugin.info` file that contains the metadata for the plugin. It can also optionally identify files external to the plugin folder that should be loaded as tiddlers.
The `plugin.info` file should contain the following JSON structure:
The JSON structure for plugin tiddlers is as follows:
"title": "$:/plugins/publisher/name",
"description": "An exemplary plugin for demonstration purposes",
"author": "JeremyRuston",
"version": "1.2.3-alpha3",
"core-version": ">=5.0.0",
"source": "http://tiddlywiki.com/MyPlugin",
"plugin-type": "plugin",
"list": "readme license history"
By convention, the titles of the individual tiddlers are prefixed with the title of the containing plugin, but they are not restricted to do so.
Note that if the `version` field is omitted from a `plugin.info` file when the plugin folder is packed then it is automatically filled in by the core to the current core version number. This is to ensure that all the core plugins carry the correct version number. Generally plugin authors will want to ensure that they do explicitly specify a version number.
! Plugin library
The standard distribution of TiddlyWiki includes a number of standard plugins in the `plugins` directory.
! Including plugins in a wiki
To be usable in the browser, plugins just need to be included in the wiki. For wikis that are generated on the server, TiddlyWikiFolders can contain a `tiddlywiki.info` file that identifies the plugins to be included in this wiki:
"plugins": [
Plugins names refer to plugin folders listed in TiddlyWiki5's root `plugins` folder.
Plugins can also be included manually by copying them into the `plugins` subfolder of the wiki.
! Plugin processing
The wiki object keeps track of all of the currently loaded plugins. If a request for a tiddler isn't in the store then the wiki looks through the cascade of plugins to find the requested tiddler. It is a similar idea to the way that shadow tiddlers are implemented in classic TiddlyWiki.
In the browser, any constituent tiddlers that are JavaScript modules (ie shadow tiddlers of content type `application/javascript` and possessing the field `module-type`) are executed during startup processing.
!! Disabling Plugins
Plugins can be disabled by creating a tiddler titled `$:/config/Plugins/Disabled/` concatenated with the plugin title, and setting its text to `yes`.
For example, to disable the plugin `$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/highlight`, the title would be:
! Information Tiddlers for Plugins
Plugin authors are encouraged to provide special information and documentation tiddlers that TiddlyWiki can include as plugin information tabs in the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]].
Plugins should provide an icon contained in a tiddler with the title formed of `<plugin-name>/icon` (for example, [[$:/core/icon]]).
Plugins expose the names of the individual information tabs that they wish to display in the `list` field of the plugin tiddler. By convention, some or all of the following should be provided:
* ''readme'': basic information about the plugin
* ''license'': the license under which the plugin is published
The title of the associated information tiddler must be formed as follows:
# `$:/<plugin-name>/<current-language>/<tab-name>` (for example, ''$:/core/en-GB/readme'')
# `$:/<plugin-name>/<tab-name>` (for example, ''$:/core/readme'')
Thus, plugins can provide language-specific versions of each information tiddler.
Note that information tiddlers should not reference other tiddlers within the plugin. This is because plugins containing themes or languages are dynamically switched in and out as they are selected, and so their information tiddlers may not be available for viewing. The control panel uses the 'subtiddler' attribute of the TranscludeWidget to access these tiddlers, which works independently of the plugin switching mechanism.
! Available Plugins
The following plugins are distributed on tiddlywiki.com as part of the main TiddlyWiki distribution.
<<list-links "[tag[Plugins]]">>
! What is a plugin?
A plugin in TiddlyWiki5 is a bundle of tiddlers packaged together as a single tiddler. Plugins are used to distribute optional, custom components for TiddlyWiki.
The tiddlers within a plugin appear as ShadowTiddlers.
Plugins can contain JavaScript modules, style sheets, and templates to extend the functionality of TiddlyWiki itself. Plugins can also be used to distribute ordinary text, images or other content. Plugins can be updated from their source as a unit.
See the PluginMechanism discussion for more details about how plugins are implemented internally.
! How to install a plugin
# Create a backup of your current TiddlyWiki HTML file ([[just in case|The First Rule of Using TiddlyWiki]])
# Open your TiddlyWiki in a browser
# In another browser window, find a link to the plugin, e.g. [[$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/example]]. You will typically find links to plugins on the home page of the plugin (for example, http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/katex/)
# Drag the link [[$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/example]] to the browser window containing your TiddlyWiki
# Save your TiddlyWiki
# Refresh the window
# The plugin should now be available for use
A collection of plugins from TheDiveO.
[[TheDiveO's Third Flow|http://thediveo.github.io/ThirdFlow/]] plugin construction system:
The ~ThirdFlow plugin brings to you another way to develop customization plugins for TiddlyWiki 5. It is not enforcing a specific development flow, it simply tries to help you. Otherwise, it tries to stay out of your way.
[[TheDiveO's FontAwesome|http://thediveo.github.io/TW5FontAwesome/]] plugin:
The FontAwesome plugin supports embedding Font Awesome in TiddlyWiki 5. There is no need to install this font into your operating system in order to use it with TiddlyWiki 5. The font is already embedded in this TiddlyWiki 5 customization plugin instead, so nothing else to install.
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection|Title Selection]] of plugin tiddler titles"
output="all shadow titles contained in the input plugins"
<<.operator-examples "plugintiddlers">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[$:/core]plugintiddlers[]]">>
The popup mechanism allows blocks of content to be selectively displayed and positioned with respect to an anchor. It has several parts:
* StateTiddlers to record whether a popup is currently displayed or not
* The RevealWidget to selectively display the popup content
* The ButtonWidget to trigger the display of the popup by setting the state tiddler appropriately
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="a string of characters"
output="those input titles that start with <<.place s>>"
negationOutput="those input tiddlers that do <<.em not>> start with <<.place s>>"
<<.operator-examples "prefix">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[tag[task]!prefix[Go]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[prefix[$:/languages/]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[prefix[$:/]]" "same as `[is[system]]`">>
Ordinarily, at startup TiddlyWiki displays the tiddlers specified as a filter in the tiddler [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]].
Sometimes it's useful to re-open the same tiddlers that were open when the file was saved. To do so, set [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]] to this filter:
This filter returns the tiddlers specified in the [[$:/StoryList]] tiddler, which is the system tiddler that TiddlyWiki uses to store the sequence of tiddlers in the current story.
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="a tiddler title"
output="a selection containing each title that immediately precedes each of the input titles in the <<.field list>> field of <<.place t>>"
Each input title is processed in turn, and its predecessor is located in the <<.field list>> field and appended to the output. If a title is not listed in the field, or is the first item there, then it contributes nothing to the output.
<<.operator-examples "previous">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[Wednesday]previous[Days of the Week]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[[Monday]previous[Days of the Week]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "Tuesday Wednesday Thursday +[previous[Days of the Week]]">>
The qualify macro is part of the StateMechanism. Given a base tiddler title it generates a unique string that includes a hashed encoding of a position within the widget render tree, identified by the stack of transcluded tiddlers that leads to that position.
! Parameters
|!Position |!Name |!Description |!Default |
|1st |title |Base tiddler title | |
! Examples
The results returned by the qualify macro will depend upon where it is used. For example:
<<qualify "base">>
<<qualify "base">>
Wikipedia [[defines a Quine|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quine_(computing)]] as //a computer program which takes no input and produces a copy of its own source code as its only output//.
TiddlyWiki is an unusual example of a practical quine: it is this ability to produce a copy of its own source code that lies at the heart of TiddlyWiki's ability to independently save changes to itself.
! Introduction
The radio widget displays an HTML `<input type="radio">` that reflects whether a given tiddler field has a specified value. Selecting the radio button sets to the tiddler field to the value.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$radio>` widget is displayed within an HTML `<label>` element also containing the radio button. This means that clicking on the content will have the same effect as clicking on the button itself.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |Title of the tiddler to manipulate (defaults to the CurrentTiddler) |
|field |The name of the field to which the radio button will be bound |
|value |The value for the tiddler field |
|class |CSS classes to be assigned to the label around the radio button |
! Example
This example uses the radio widget to change the `modifier` field of this tiddler:
<$radio field="modifier" value="JoeBloggs"> Joe Bloggs</$radio>
<$radio field="modifier" value="JaneBloggs"> Jane Bloggs</$radio>
It renders as:
<$radio field="modifier" value="JoeBloggs"> Joe Bloggs</$radio>
<$radio field="modifier" value="JaneBloggs"> Jane Bloggs</$radio>
<<.def "Railroad diagrams">>, sometimes called <<.def "syntax diagrams">>, are a visual way of explaining the syntax rules of a computer language. Reading one is like reading a public transport map.
Each diagram starts on the left and ends on the right. Simply follow any line from the startpoint to the endpoint. All the alternative lines are equally valid. A line will sometimes jump over an item that is optional, or loop back to indicate that an item can be repeated.
<$railroad text="""
start [:optional] {repeated +","} end
In the example above, a comma appears between each occurrence of the `repeated` item. The comma path runs from right to left, and can only be reached by first passing through `repeated`.
Characters in round boxes are literal, i.e. they denote themselves. A name in a rectangular box denotes a further railroad diagram.
The railroad diagrams in ~TiddlyWiki's documentation are generated with the [[Railroad Plugin]].
\define tv-wikilink-template() http://tiddlywiki.com/static/$uri_doubleencoded$.html
<$importvariables filter="[[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]] [all[shadows+tiddlers]tag[$:/tags/Macro]!has[draft.of]]">
Welcome to TiddlyWiki, a non-linear personal web notebook that anyone can use and keep forever, independently of any corporation.
TiddlyWiki is a complete interactive wiki in JavaScript. It can be used as a single HTML file in the browser or as a powerful Node.js application. It is highly customisable: the entire user interface is itself implemented in hackable WikiText.
Learn more and see it in action at http://tiddlywiki.com/
Developer documentation is in progress at http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/
! Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js
{{Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js}}
! Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js
{{Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js}}
! Upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js
{{Upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js}}
! Also see
<<list-links "[tag[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] -[[Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] -[[Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] -[[Upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]">>
//This readme file was automatically generated by TiddlyWiki//
\define tv-wikilink-template() http://tiddlywiki.com/static/$uri_doubleencoded$.html
{{Scripts for TiddlyWiki on Node.js}}
The following topics provide the canonical reference documentation for TiddlyWiki:
<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-selective-expandable 'Reference'>>
<<.def "Reference tiddlers">> offer raw information in a comprehensive interlinked way. The reader is likely to be an intermediate or expert user.
There are several subcategories:
* With definitions, together forming a glossary
;User manual
* Presenting technical details of ~WikiText features
* Subcategorised: messages, operators, widgets, etc
;Developer manual
* Presenting technical details of ~TiddlyWiki's internal architecture
Reference material is written in a terse, formal style that avoids referring to the reader, and instead focuses on how ~TiddlyWiki itself behaves. The passive voice is often suitable:
* <<.word "the template is specified as a tiddler">> rather than <<.word "specify the template as a tiddler">>
* <<.word "the widget can be used for various purposes">> rather than <<.word "you can use the widget for various purposes">>
* But <<.word "this widget has several possible uses">> is better, because it is less convoluted and more succinct
Most contracted verb forms are avoided in reference tiddlers. But those ending in <<.word "n't">> (<<.word "aren't">>, <<.word "doesn't">>, <<.word "hasn't">>, <<.word "isn't">>, etc) are acceptable, as they make it less easy to accidentally overlook the word <<.word not>>.
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
suffix="the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]]"
parameter="a regular expression"
output="those input tiddlers in which field <<.place f>> matches <<.place x>>"
negationOutput="those input tiddlers in which field <<.place f>> does <<.em not>> match <<.place x>>"
<<.def "Regular expressions">> are concise strings of characters that denote patterns of text to search for. The format used in ~TiddlyWiki is fully defined in [[this Mozilla reference|https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Regular_Expressions]].
The [[filter syntax|Filter Run]] makes it impossible to directly specify a regular expression that contains square brackets. The solution is to store the expression in a [[variable|Variables]]. See the <<.operator-examples "regexp" "examples">>.
The parameter <<.place x>> can optionally start or end with a string of flags:
<$railroad text=""" "(?" { ("i"|"m"|:"g") } ")" """/>
Only the `i` flag is generally useful: it forces the different between capital and lowercase letters to be ignored.
If <<.place x>> is empty, <<.op regexp>> will match all of the input tiddlers.
<<.operator-examples "regexp">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[!is[system]regexp[Wiki]]" "non-system tiddlers with `Wiki` in their title">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[!is[system]regexp[(?i)Wiki]]" "non-system tiddlers with `Wiki` in their title, ignoring case">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[!is[system]regexp[Wiki(?i)]]" "same again">>
<<.operator-example 4 "[regexp[(?i)\.jpe?g$]]" "tiddlers with titles ending in `.jpg` or `.jpeg`, ignoring case">>
<<.operator-example 5 "[regexp:created[^201408]]" "tiddlers created in August 2014">>
The regular expression `[0-9]{2}` matches two consecutive digits. Because it contains square brackets, the way to use it with the <<.op regexp>> operator is via a [[variable|Variables]], as follows:
src="""<$set name="digit-pattern" value="[0-9]{2}">
<<list-links "[regexp:title<digit-pattern>]">>
This release is the culmination of a large scale refactoring of the widget mechanism of TiddlyWiki5. There are several changes to be aware of if upgrading from earlier versions:
* The following widgets have been removed:
** `<$setstyle>` - use `<div style=<<macroName Param>>>` instead
** `<$video>` - will return in a later release
** `<$datauri>` - use the `<<makedatauri>>` built-in macro instead
** `<$error>` - may return in a later release
** `<$import>` - use the BrowseWidget, DropzoneWidget and NavigatorWidget instead
** `<$info>` - use the `<<changecount>>` built-in macro instead
** `<$version>` - use the `<<version>>` built-in macro instead
* The following widgets have had significant changes:
** EditWidget
** ListWidget - the list widget itself no longer generates HTML nodes, so you'll often need to wrap the template in a `<div>` or a `<span>` to be able to style the content
** ViewWidget - has several changes:
*** `<$view format="link"/>` is no longer available; use an explicit `<$link>` widget instead
*** `<$view format="link"/>` is no longer available; use the TranscludeWidget instead
* The following new widgets have been added:
** BrowseWidget
** DropzoneWidget
** EditTextWidget and EditBitmapWidget
** SetVariableWidget
* Widget attribute names have been made more consistent. In particular, `tiddler` is used to reference a tiddler by title, not `title`
* It is no longer possible to import the macro definitions within another tiddler by transcluding that tiddler
* The `body` element now has the class `tw-body`, which will need to be specified in any overrides
** This was done due to the new support for HTML foreign objects, which makes it possible to have multiple `<body>` elements in a document
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.11...v5.0.0-alpha.12]]//
This minor release just contains fixes for the syncer and related adaptor modules for the TiddlyWeb edition and for TiddlyWiki5's integrated server.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.12...v5.0.0-alpha.13]]//
This release has several bug fixes:
* Fixes to DaveGifford's themes ''blanca'', ''blue'' and ''rocker''
* Fix an issue with the `<$edit-text>` widget
* Documentation updates
* Improved deployment scripts
* Made the modifier field in the subtitle be a link
* Styling improvements for the CodeMirror plugin
* Improved the ViewWidget so that it falls back to displaying its content if the field/property is missing or empty
* Extend use of the built-in `<<tabs>>` macro to the tiddler info panel, the control panel and the sidebar
** This means that you can add new tabs by creating tiddlers with these tags, and optionally a `caption` field for the text of the tab:
*** [[$:/tags/TiddlerInfo]] for tiddler info panel tabs
*** [[$:/tags/ControlPanel]] for control panel tabs
*** [[$:/tags/SideBar]] for sidebar tabs
*** [[$:/tags/MoreSideBar]] for tabs in the "more" sidebar
*** Change the order of tabs by adjusting the `list` field of the corresponding tag tiddler
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.13...v5.0.0-alpha.14]]//
This release has several bug fixes:
* Improved the layout of the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]]
* Fixed problem with using the CheckboxWidget to apply tags to tiddlers that don't have any existing tags
* Fixed problem with default password for the PasswordWidget being the string "null"
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.14...v5.0.0-alpha.15]]//
!! New Features
* Added a dropdown to the edit template for setting the tiddler type
* A saver module for Microsoft Internet Explorer version 10 and above. Clicking save in the sidebar causes the browser to pull up a bar at the bottom of the window where you can click ''save''. You then get a new copy of your wiki in the downloads folder.
* Support for new `tw-close-other-tiddlers` message (eg, <$button message="tw-close-other-tiddlers">close others</$button>)
* For http://five.tiddlywiki.com, add a tiddler info tab with a link to the static representation of the tiddler
* Make more UI elements extensible via system tags:
** [[$:/tags/ViewToolbar]] for the view mode tiddler toolbar
** [[$:/tags/EditTemplate]] for the edit template
** [[$:/tags/EditToolbar]] for the edit mode tiddler toolbar
** [[$:/tags/PageControls]] for the page control tools in the sidebar
!! Improvements
* Rename the `<$setvariable>` to `<$set>`
** `<$setvariable>` will temporarily remain as a synonym for `<$set>` for the next few releases
* Improve the popup mechanism so that the tiddler info panel doesn't close so easily
* Various improvements for working with TiddlyWeb, including:
** Updated control panel
!! Bug fixes
* Fixed bug when creating a tiddler title starting or ending with a space
* Fixed behaviour of tags editor dropdown when search box is empty
* Fixed problem with interpretation of `fields` and `index` attributes of the TranscludeWidget
* Fixed the module type names in the internal tab of the control panel
* Improved styling for embedded PDFs
* Fixed bug with second being omitted from serialised date formats
Contributors to this release include @jermolene and @grayeul.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.15...v5.0.0-alpha.16]]//
!! New Features and Improvements
* Improved appearance of tags editor
* Improved generation of qualified tiddler titles for state storage
** Instead of `$:/state/tab/sidebar-{$:/core/ui/SideBar|$:/core/ui/SideBar||}{$:/core/ui/PageTemplate|$:/core/ui/PageTemplate||}` one gets `$:/state/tab/sidebar-{1743827719}`
* Significant updates to the structure and content of the user documentation
* Added a new plugin for displaying corner ribbons; currently used for a version banner on tw5.com
* Split ''Snow White'' theme into a base ''Vanilla'' theme with all the basic formatting, leaving the decorative bits to ''Snow White''
** Existing TiddlyWikiFolders will need updating to include ''Vanilla'' as an additional theme
* The page building blocks are now driven by the system tag `$:/tags/PageTemplate`
** [[$:/TopSideBar]] and [[$:/LeftSideBar]] are no longer specially treated; use the new tag instead
* Fixed problem that prevented tag configured items from shadow tiddlers interleaving with items from ordinary tiddlers
* Refactored control panel to add ''Saving'' tab that includes TiddlySpot options
* Improved notifications when saving to TiddlySpot
* Added backup URL to TiddlySpot control panel tab
* Extended the ServerCommand to add primitive support for basic authentication when running under [[Node.js]]
!! Bug fixes
* Fixed problem with displaying tiddler titles that contain WikiText syntax
* No longer crashes when encountering an error in a filter string
* Fixed a crash when dragging and dropping tiddlers within TiddlyWiki5
* No longer update the modified date for imported tiddlers
* Automatically forces new field names to be lower case
!! Internal changes
* Added Windows-compatible build scripts
* Changes to the SavingMechanism to allow the tiddlers that are saved to be selected
** This enables the wiki at http://five.tiddlywiki.com/index.html to generate an empty wiki
* The main HTML file template used for saving TiddlyWiki5 documents has changed from `$:/core/templates/tiddlywiki5.template.html` to `$:/core/save/all`
* Moved tw5.com's Google Analytics integration into a proper plugin
Contributors to this release include @jermolene, @asampal and @pmario.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.16...v5.0.0-alpha.17]]//
!! Bug fixes
* Fixes a small but important bug that prevented downloading an empty wiki with alpha.16
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.0-alpha.17...v5.0.1-alpha]]//
!! Improvements
* Changes to the importing process to enable a smoother [[Upgrading]] process
** Ignores attempts to import plugins that are older than currently installed plugins
** System tiddlers are now imported as usual
* If `$:/theme` isn't defined or refers to a missing tiddler, then fallback through ''Snow White'' to ''Vanilla''. This means that `empty.html` now defaults to ''Snow White''
* Added support for [[Block Quotes in WikiText]]
** Contributed by StephanHradek (@Skeeve on GitHub)
!! Bug fixes
* Fixed bug that was preventing `$:/tags/PageControls` tiddlers from being reordered
!! Internal changes
* Changed the [[TiddlyWiki5 Versioning]] policy
** Beta releases will be `5.0.x-beta` and the final release will be `5.1.x`
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.9-beta...v5.0.10-beta]]//
!! Highlights
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ad4b03506a62d7110cb30aaa3d6f8dbfc712f246]] new syntax for [[Images in WikiText]] and a new ImageWidget
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ba576d9f1b2146cec293447b2968e34f0c594a05]] support for a SafeMode that disables customisations
!! Documentation Improvements
* Added DateFormat documentation
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Refactor|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bb42c0ab360760917ad5bde84f15350186a9471a]] sorting to respect accented characters
* [[Support|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/45b0966013c760abab5b3f7faea0e59af2ca5619]] embedded images in Markdown tiddlers
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/821f1f1428f92160ae8bc4fa71dd3f947243f09e]] sidebar hiding action so that the story river border is maintained
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/15d0c27e2a82359616ce6c7883557cd2ef1886cd]] `[is[tag]]` to the <<.olink is>> operator
* [[Hide|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/95d291daac4a26664f0c232175f54780f0fa678f]] the top bars in the print stylesheet
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4758874d13430338da07727997d0c4df7f328ac1]] support for saving changes on Windows network drives
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9fbe72a8778ae94c7d6322ad4b9155c83f753113]] configuration processing so that ordinary tiddlers are processed after shadow tiddlers. This resolves an issue whereby user stylesheets were being overridden by shadow stylesheets
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d6054f10392c535ca430f3e73b9b68d0f8c18498]] issue with offline snapshot of server edition erroneously including shadow tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bd4a031df8a68287475a41ad84b423ad83f735a3]] problem with corrupted upgrades from 5.0.x-prerelease to 5.0.x-beta
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/73cfd1021809e97906ecfd5dacdf2337da3abae9]] bug with `[untagged[]]` filter operator
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d336ffea02621e382f6d7135847d11e49e77bc26]] incorrect background colour for tag pills in the sidebar
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f57e04787738ad30fb05ac0e592239075b90507e]] issues with null fields under TiddlyWeb
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/768489128547cf54e80fc321f3f1f4f5cd191862]] problem with hamburger overlapping scrollbars
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.10-beta...v5.0.11-beta]]//
!! Incompatible Changes
See [[Notes for upgrading to 5.0.11-beta]] for more details of these changes:
* The default output location for command line operations has changed to the `/output` folder within TiddlyWikiFolders (it used to be current directory)
* Note that the shadow tiddler [[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]] has changed with this release. If you've made modifications to it you should copy your modifications to a new tiddler, delete [[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]], perform the upgrade and then manually update the new copy of [[$:/core/ui/PageMacros]]
!! Documentation Improvements
* Added more warnings about taking care to [[backup your data|The First Rule of Using TiddlyWiki]]
!! Usability Improvements
* Many performance optimisations, particularly for filter operations
* Added support for PermaLinks and browser back and forward buttons
* Added support for WikiLinks in Markdown via `[link text](#TiddlerTitle)`
* Added support for explicit external [[Linking in WikiText]] (eg `[ext[tooltip|url]]`)
* [[Replaced|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/580]] hamburger menu icon with double chevron icon
* [[Enhance|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/552657fc584dbb36754d3fcabca2cdef7e916ec9]] plain text parsing to use the CodeBlockWidget, and hence use syntax highlighting if the plugin is installed. This gives us syntax highlighting for JavaScript shadow tiddlers, amongst other things
* Improvements to the German, French, Italian, Japanese and Chinese translations
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/61c3f8a5ba3c815d623c06f6a97d9c00a31a4157]] WikiText tiddlers from the sidebar "Types" tab
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a90339d1e573ec82dba1caeaead0f71717618a80]] various warnings when editing shadow tiddlers
* [[Allow|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0ac4c2b554f045c6bd2dc6ea5daa0d2f0397d04c]] digits in field names
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a4294b55f0a217d019a6e4cbb62f6a8a19668928]] warning banner and when attempting to edit binary tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b84c663215cf7877fff960748af4b2849ae0dbb3]] automatic refreshing of the browser window title from $:/core/wiki/title
!! Hackability Improvements
* Improved vertical layouts of TabsMacro
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/93566cdc332226b77eaba8a70fa166f3b8fcfe1e]] "standard" tab to [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e83759e86d2a9e05e4b85dae50925fe988f8e239]] new filter operators <<.olink before>> and <<.olink after>>
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/570cad1c7f90e685961130918f09a7f9b2951f8c]] new <<.olink get>> operator
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f7e50e0950c5bf10d94d926576011893418b25f1]] [[BuildCommand]], [[OutputCommand]] and [[ClearPasswordCommand]]
* Added new extensible StartupMechanism for orchestrating startup tasks
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/711b76307c95d0026f79f584e85ae3d4b7289d15]] to new version of CodeMirror
* Added https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5NodeWebkit, a demo of using TiddlyWiki as a library in a node-webkit application
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4e07b3335b570f4039427e11df729fc4a899a671]] `.tid` TiddlerFiles to allow single line text fields
* Renamed `$:/ShowEditPreview` to `$:/state/showeditpreview`
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/cc60ad1428dcf99a7ea0787e43e3b37f5a02fb98]] issue with hovering of the topbar icons in Firefox
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e548dd35af2d3195f82899096d4a4080362a1ff0]] problem with dragging and dropping within a text edit control
!! Contributors
I ([[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]]) would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to helping improve TiddlyWiki:
[[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]], [[@mwfogleman|https://github.com/mwfogleman]], [[@nameanyone|https://github.com/nameanyone]], [[@natecain|https://github.com/natecain]], [[@pekopeko1|https://github.com/pekopeko1]], [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]], [[@sukima|https://github.com/sukima]], [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]].
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.11-beta...v5.0.12-beta]]//
This is an emergency release that fixes a single significant bug with shadow tiddler handling in 5.0.11. See the [[discussion thread|https://groups.google.com/d/topic/tiddlywiki/pNxZsSCVp7c/discussion]] for more details.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.12-beta...v5.0.13-beta]]//
!! Accessibility Improvements
This release includes a number of features designed to improve the experience of TiddlyWiki with a screen reader. Particular thanks to [[@domasofan|https://github.com/domasofan]] for his feedback
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/34e4166dc5f24519b000de66853d5b1aee8f1648]] label and title for show/hide sidebar buttons
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/346b2f86111815c746c993fa09b7f677fa0b4b37]] label and title for advanced search link
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6f859c8d447a477a9120bdc308d1524558a80f20]] label and title for close buttons in "Open" sidebar tab
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/06b0f9adb7209870b46d42f832c1f7ad7a78976f]] ''aria-label'' support to the LinkWidget
* [[Switched|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bc9b67cbc3f363d48aafea86c077fcd5a9c0ca64]] to H1 tags for the page title and H2 tags for tiddler titles
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/eeedcb6d94a25d02e8fec45c89b30c7f2bcdde73]] label and title for tiddler and page toolbar buttons
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9ab0c84140bbc0f31cf65e632bddac616bbadbda]] support for global [[Macros in WikiText]] via the new ImportVariablesWidget
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3182a2d599f0e4b70a73fe369df4f398587dc1a9]] new SelectWidget
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f131c378934a86b741ab5b808437c95694dc5503]] behaviour of `text/html` tiddlers so that they are displayed within an HTML iframe element
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9b576f2a8d39dcca37bcb709183a8f9b27f33ccf]] group headings to the content type dropdown in edit mode
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4d70d5780e51cf0918fba15954cd47549e4e1a9f]] advanced navigation settings in [[$:/ControlPanel]] to use radio buttons
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f7b8813a27141a78980eefa03df70a4a2de9d10b]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3f25db0abe8cd28712c020f218506710cec004b6]]) behaviour of PermaLinks so that now [ext[http://tiddlywiki.com/#HelloThere]] just opens the single specified tiddler
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0c48502e8ed214cee23537d06e7e87efd53592c7]] support for triple-quoted multi-line attributes with [[macros|Macros in WikiText]], [[widgets|Widgets in WikiText]] and [[HTML elements|HTML in WikiText]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/32099b85d3b12f9e590274cb7550e3e531131706]] TableOfContents tab for tw5.com edition
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Restored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1b37d660ea7cd576cfeadfe8b782fe6c62dc9048]] ''escape'' as a shortcut to abandon edits
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9547a1f01c144c604c294f394a68d7dc6dbe4e5d]] support for ExternalImages that are referenced by URI and not stored in the TiddlyWiki HTML file
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d2796d0c9c7ed7a971ae6b0752d7418384072bb5]] new SetFieldCommand
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/305617b632fd6ecf25cd4be85f4dfb5a5a65dfef]] new SaveTiddlersCommand
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f14ecf4eb8965f2e407ccac51d4277330221efe3]] support for system tag [[$:/tags/RawMarkup]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0bdc5b5c70fbbf34aa459afcf0499fc9c8ae6374]] editor type mappings to control panel advanced tab
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1717c93d001ad184a08ca66d1bffb33fb5d32b3a]] CodeMirror (http://tiddlywiki.com/codemirrordemo.html) plugin for simpler configuration
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b2e48d00e9ea068a22b5ac5c0a4c93e8ddbb4a8a]] support for [[Environment Variables on Node.js]]
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/eee3a0cf8e5aa047f8596df06e28194409f38b01]] ServerCommand to allow a path prefix
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4238af2a405c14d22937d7c47a70bfb3d4e6f22d]] the <<.olink listed>> operator to use any list field
!! Bug Fixes
* Fixed [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6fb992690d33940d3509d7d4d74538e7f458e063]] and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0fae9ee99200e7eca30b9db0584c479d58841349]] the problem with state tiddlers being inadvertently saved
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a03a15e7de32a1b41618146ac334b5cd7d432e91]] bug with TextWidget not refreshing correctly
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d8a142fed5b22a8273d93ba05095e5f9c6929cb3]] problem with vertical tabs in Safari
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b8aedf2ca3cfc870be5a46accbb2dc0ddbb6d451]] issue with images in Markdown
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]]
* [[@csugden|https://github.com/csugden]]
* [[@danielo515|https://github.com/danielo515]]
* [[@IreneKnapp|https://github.com/IreneKnapp]]
* [[@jayfresh|https://github.com/jayfresh]]
* [[@mwfogleman|https://github.com/mwfogleman]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.13-beta...v5.0.14-beta]]//
!! Major Changes
!!! Improved Control Panel Plugins Tab
The ''Plugins'' tab of the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] has been improved with the addition of documentation tabs that plugins can use to show documentation. There is also a larger draggable area for dragging tiddlers across to other wikis.
!!! Configurable Button Toolbars
The page toolbar and the tiddler toolbars can now be configured with several new buttons - see the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] under the ''Appearance'' and ''Toolbars'' tabs.
The sidebar tools tab now shows all the available page controls, allowing them to be invoked or checked to appear in the toolbar. The tiddler info area now includes a tools tab that includes buttons for all the tiddler actions.
!!! Upgrade Mechanism
There are two components:
* A more flexible ImportMechanism that:
** Presents incoming tiddlers as a pending import list that allows the user to inspect them and, if necessary, explicitly deselect them from the actual import
** Provides UpgraderModules with an opportunity to process each incoming tiddler
*** The [[plugin upgrader|$:/core/modules/upgraders/plugins.js]] module handles version checking of plugins and upgrading them from a special UpgradeLibrary plugin tiddler
*** The [[system upgrader|$:/core/modules/upgraders/system.js]] module is responsible for suppressing the importing of certain system tiddlers (currently [[$:/StoryList]] and [[$:/HistoryList]])
*** The [[themetweak upgrader|$:/core/modules/upgraders/themetweaks.js]] module handles migrating theme tweaks from their pre-5.0.14-beta format (see below)
* An UpgradePlugin and associated edition that provides a custom, single-purpose user interface for upgrading standalone TiddlyWiki files - see http://tiddlywiki.com/upgrade.html
!!! Improvements to CamelCase Recognition
TiddlyWiki now takes a much more conservative approach to recognising CamelCase terms that should be automatically linked. Previously, the dash and underscore were treated as lower case letters, leading to a number of false positives. See the [[GitHub bug #337|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/337]] for details.
!!! Automatic Permalinking Off by Default
With previous beta releases of TiddlyWiki the browser address bar is automatically updated so that it dynamically reflects the tiddlers that are currently open. This makes it easier to get a permalink for copying and pasting elsewhere, but it leads to much confusion for casual users who don't always understand why unexpected tiddlers are being displayed after they have refreshed the page in the browser.
For 5.0.14-beta, the setting has been changed. Visit [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] ''Advanced''/''Settings'' to switch the setting back to "Include the target tiddler and the current story sequence".
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f6d7d87a3d49f816ccc050bdf4a5394eed37dd51]] previews to the icon dropdown in the [[tag manager|$:/TagManager]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/56945d91d327489478fc44dce5234ece35a01abb]] an indication of unsaved changes by changing the colour of the save changes button
* [[Split|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/7aa6c7c06d8b5359f183e6b9f6f57cf89611cda8]] the wikitext emphasis parsers into separate modules so that they can be independently controlled with the `\rules` pragma
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f43cd5ba9c6e5eda221ec738174e61e34fad2b8d]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a3de93b4eb8b108239b2e4b496308026e9e9eef8]]) ReleaseHistory to place the releases into vertical tabs
* [[Stopped|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3ff7462afd5414b92680c6b6e67274be79233224]] saving [[$:/HistoryList]], thus avoiding it uncontrollably increasing in size
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/73cf1bfdb3cd238ac7800162f58d44a8bb60019b]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d5e4b9b5d1e7db5ad4d769433cc934ef08265f57]]) print stylesheet to remove page background
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/07f13b310d300631267936ad8bc55a338369afc0]] display of plugin tiddlers so that their constituent tiddlers are shown, rather than the raw JSON
* [[Moved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/799a5b059a40a51fdeb1dae7a0eb5bf8a79f5106]] the functionality of the fullscreen plugin into the core
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c23f6af4b5c59f4d09dd8d6704e1939bb9d5b2d3]] TiddlerWidget to add a CSS class corresponding to each tag present on displayed tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d357e1706c91d17a72fb19fedf43e57071fc7dd6]] support for hiding specified fields in the tiddler editor
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/be040ea8a2cc8962f1a28a313e4c9ebc2d5c0e31]] support for variable operands in filters (see [[Filter Parameter]])
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1f16ef6fa88b51d2dad7c8e57fcff014950a7442]] support for widget messages [[tw-permalink|WidgetMessage: tw-permalink]] and [[tw-permaview|WidgetMessage: tw-permaview]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/plugins/tiddlywiki/browser-sniff]] browser sniffing plugin so that tiddlywiki.com can present the correct browser-specific documentation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ef67cc3fd9b267a522598abccdfbb93fbfca240c]] a configuration option for specifying the default location for saving new tiddlers in the client-server configuration
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b4d47858e587c96f3a68cc28cffff181ec45f55f]] support for the InfoMechanism
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f08f57c5d24eb0146ac2cb77472a5fc5f135f1e9]] CheckboxWidget to allow it to toggle fields as well as tags
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/21c137a66c37f010b36697bb6bed5321138fbb9f]] [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] theme tweaks to be stored in individual tiddlers
* [[Extend|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e18d8a88661a1c2caa1b722841747c75ca6af437]] the TabsMacro to allow tabs to be templated
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/91acad0f7ce8637945a953dfcb122cd31292626d]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8612bc4006e717e4fa3c562fa72a85650206b66f]]) SystemTags support for inserting content above and below the story river
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f793816dfa687ae7791143b33487fd5f95f3265c]] support for transcluding plugin subtiddlers with the TranscludeWidget
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c73853288c5b4b0716da94fea2f2edec09345643]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/08f775eac8cb053d08c1c561e65a5eeb87c4c6b6]]) support for importing from `*.htm` and `*.hta` files as well as the existing support for `*.html` files
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/73d7e85e11c7732080ca8bc4321ebb12afbac09c]] the "sticky titles" theme so that it works when tiddlers are in edit mode
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5b3b62f93da4b7b19e24ccf72d9ce20b9edce6d5]] bug with execution order of BuildCommand targets
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d93da81671a704377209fc1871425c3a7c5db35a]] bug with missing hover colours for external links
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/465f4ac46903070759a572d183c498c5579cb922]] problem with refreshing modal dialogues
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3351ae7e29cbf3bed6fc1925ef33664bcc59fef5]] issue with cookies disabled on Firefox
* [[Relax|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5260899d8b090e8886e41e3aa770fdcf5967ad8c]] the requirement for a newline immediately the closing `\end` of a macro definition
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@ssokolow|https://github.com/ssokolow]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.14-beta...v5.0.15-beta]]//
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Simplified|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c57b00996855f10d9b7fa2aa4e9deb2a2a607d7f]] shadow default tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/32a7ee2683ace619599f0ab73028307ca33f4e4c]] the ability to disable plugins (see PluginMechanism) with a user interface in [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4b05608ad5e77043b01495825ea0f0e76c378760]] page control button for invoking the [[tag manager|$:/TagManager]]
* [[Simplified|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c4b76ceb0bc786bcceb12fc3417bb8c4bfde27a9]] downloading an offline copy of a client-server wiki
* [[Blocked|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2bbe9f76ecf8fc89c789e72be00ac19e811195ee]] temporary state tiddlers from import/upgrade
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c912fed55d94c9bef2d541cd55f458b12172941c]] a banner to the edit template encouraging improvements to the documentation
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f75af2c983e10e8a82639890b993fb5cf042d610]] `saver-handler.js` out of `syncer.js`
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8cf726275c19ed5b4a0ed1cf8354d64d1bc29da5]] TableOfContentsMacro support
* Simplified startup module organisation (see [[Startup Modules.svg]])
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/25777b147fa4ed2f915150aec503ad1e094e6043]] the overlay text for the DropzoneWidget to make it translateable
* [[Introduced|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/920e11e7921f777170aa2f9e1836c000fec2e26d]] a new [[refresh button|WidgetMessage: tw-browser-refresh]] and reverted [[home button|WidgetMessage: tw-home]] behaviour
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/fbf307c648ae0e92679c54f7d03f197a75b4e101]] ''alt'' attribute to the ImageWidget
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c8830d32f74b8c228553f11f7f55b5be45ae6471]] problem with building TiddlyWiki under Windows
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/34461cb2fe554331a0269fd7795b1d6a879fcba9]] unclickable download ink in upgrade wizard
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9e85ddfec78dd8df71e6173100dce659417551f4]] missing language flag in ''empty.html''
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/18592fe8f810d1858ca040da1a7c4a81fb74cfed]] problem with switching the type of a tiddler between the bitmap and text editor
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/fe6623d7feed1a9068e15bfac57be0b0924e8915]] foreground colour for tag pills in the sidebar
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c912fed55d94c9bef2d541cd55f458b12172941c]] problem with github source links for tiddlywiki.com not working for titles containing colons
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.15-beta...v5.0.16-beta]]//
!! Incompatible Changes
5.0.16-beta brings more incompatible changes than any previous release. These changes are likely to break almost all plugins written for previous releases of TiddlyWiki 5, and will break many customisations.
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/764]] all CSS class prefixes from `tw-` to `tc-` (eg `tw-tiddler-frame` has become `tc-tiddler-frame`; missing prefixes have also been added, so `btn-invisible` has become `tc-btn-invisible`)
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2f69ea362cd673f59b9fadbe11f1f95549a59813]] all message prefixes from `tw-` to `tm-` (eg `tw-close-tiddler` has become `tm-close-tiddler`)
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/89fd5379dd78887fc21746d792072bf5a25f0c56]] all variable prefixes from `tw-` to `tv-` (eg `tw-config-toolbar-icons` has become `tv-config-toolbar-icons`)
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/112a9a95d95e9f62f110c97a4faaf537c5c100b1]] prefix/removeprefix filter operators to be case-sensitive
!! Compatibility with TiddlyWikiClassic
This release includes a preliminary version of a new plugin that provides compatibility with content created for TiddlyWikiClassic:
Subsequent releases will include end-user documentation with step-by-step instructions for migrating content.
Many thanks to @buggyj for his work on this plugin.
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Amended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e47852cb141b384ad2a9097eca795545cb5b2494]] behaviour of the [[tm-browser-refresh|WidgetMessage: tw-browser-refresh]] message so that it no longer clears the location hash
* [[Hide|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/88c9c0c3ee115917b8c1a9126452bb0574061857]] toolbar buttons from static renderings
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Extend|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/48312272adb17610db96d50758e6af947cab7b1d]] the <<.olink all>> operator to be able to select all the source tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/43aeb47fc34f1ba424030c4f78ee907fe7b1d5d8]] problem with single line macro definitions incorrectly including whitespace in the value. (For example, `\define mymacro() yes` would set the macro value to " yes", with a leading space)
* [[Extend|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d2a5a12f2d6b6ccc36dd22a70ac2def08d1d3722]] TableOfContentsMacro to use the caption field if present
* [[Configurability|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b437f1b450f5f2a3104a9086f7c674299b53b9bc]] for the default tab shown in the tiddler info panel (see [[Configuring the default TiddlerInfo tab]])
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/dcf4e93a3283e3e93cc14e50366f9b0252870835]] <<.olink suffix>> and <<.olink removesuffix>> operators
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Reverted|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ad40223d6b9bed435d9381611cb9de1841b53df6]] incorrect refreshing of the tiddler widget
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/44228ed9f733217557851150f5ae45d9ebb23420]] indentation of selective expandable TableOfContentsMacro
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]]
* [[@gernert|https://github.com/gernert]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.16-beta...v5.0.17-beta]]//
!! Highlights
This release includes major improvements from @giffmex to the welcome and tutorial documentation, and new development docs incorporating [[the work|https://github.com/cjrk/saa-tw]] of @cheigele and @cjrk.
!! Incompatible Changes
!!! Change System Tag `$:/tags/stylesheet` with `$:/tags/Stylesheet`
The [[issue|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/824]] is that the capitalisation of `$:/tags/stylesheet` is not consistent with other system tags. This release adds support for `$:/tags/Stylesheet`, and adds a deprecation warning if `$:/tags/stylesheet` is used. Support for `$:/tags/stylesheet` will be removed before the beta.
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f6ff0a7f715bdf12dfba6556f72c49ea2c3016b0]] support for `$:/tags/Stylesheet` and a deprecation warning when `$:/tags/stylesheet` is used
!!! Change ButtonWidget `title` attribute to `tooltip`
The use of the `title` attribute in the ButtonWidget was not consistent with the `tooltip` attribute used by the ImageWidget and LinkWidget. This release adds support for the `tooltip` attribute to the ButtonWidget alongside the existing support for the `title` attribute, but with a deprecation warning.
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b7f638aef3094d0552db2f72330b40a526113bd5]] `tooltip` attribute to ButtonWidget
!!! Removing Support for RegExp Filter Operands
As discussed in [[the associated ticket|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/762]], the support for regular expression filter operands is incomplete and inconsistent. The plan is to remove support for this feature in the next release. A new filter operator has been provided to replace it, along with the addition of a deprecation warning that is displayed whenever regular expression filter operators are used.
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f4fff7a33037ba9dd537379bcb44a52a280868d6]] new <<.olink regexp>> operator
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d45c417c187fe3dcc35ee7a308e64feebc7b185b]] deprecation warning for regular expression filter operators
!!! Repository Reorganisation
The goal is to make the TiddlyWiki repository easier to comprehend for newcomers.
* [[Moved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6e9cd5943703f7137e819fcb85376423b9c930d5]] scripts into a separate `bin` folder
!! Usability Improvements
* Reorganised the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] to make it more logical and usable
!! Hackability Improvements
* Moved developer documentation to http://tiddlywiki.com/dev
* [[Improvements|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/872e6fc2532012f0f9acfb29aa24a9cd5f340b9d]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c8a131ffd4716f2b99ab508567422ff463f2849d]]) to `serve.sh`/`serve.cmd` scripts
* [[Disable|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ac54fe33263cbe48bc294f9c14257ccc146be38e]] plugins when in SafeMode
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c1de85838f3d0d3e6a207152ecc9d61ff08a4b05]] new TimelineMacro
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f16d1832aae9a7ce71dea78b16c11afaf673acf2]] new DumpVariablesMacro
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ba3f8002355607c8b00b7d184f01fa68bbcda152]] TableOfContentsMacro so that individual links can be disabled
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/542788bfeba98ec3bac0bb721293c16354bc1b34]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/487c4a40abda2b457b4015033bf1be76bd81dcc9]]) unnecessary `<p>` tag from edit tags and types dropdowns
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ccd916ca7cb45468ac30eb48bfdf86bea704d810]] ''multiple'' attribute to the BrowseWidget
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ab944bbf02e9fae606632a11df1053a46573fa49]] view template to hide bodies of tiddlers with field ''hide-body'' set to ''yes''
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c713eddbef50603e313a86f78c185753bab3d607]] problem with draft tiddlers not counting as dirty
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f87ce7e98a083f1bdcff5b1887b56aa95b731efe]] problem with keyboard shortcuts introduced in 5.0.16-beta
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/756e05504b33c387da7d3f81446a18f9a8fefe49]] problem with stylesheets being parsed in inline mode
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9adc30f69fba169813638021780263ff0df4e2bc]] bug with selective expandable TableOfContentsMacro
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]]
* [[@cheigele|https://github.com/cheigele]]
* [[@cjrk|https://github.com/cjrk]]
* [[@giffmex|https://github.com/giffmex]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.17-beta...v5.0.18-beta]]//
This is a minor release prior to the full release of TiddlyWiki on September 20th. The documentation has been cleaned up and improved (with more improvements to come).
!! File Layout of tiddlywiki.com
The layout of files on tiddlywiki.com has been adjusted to make it more logical. See the [[ticket|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/823]] for a discussion. You can see the source files that make up tiddlywiki.com at https://github.com/Jermolene/jermolene.github.com
!! Hackability Improvements
* Added first iteration of a ListMacro (further improvements are planned)
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6d9bd4df8a1133c2ba246333edad14e6028d3ea4]] support for importing `.markdown` and `.md` files
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c4123ba3740f74f172468c4aa050451ebc5780d8]] TimelineMacro to support a subfilter
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a9f46525a0b1ecf7ce6d1bdae64e6763a247106b]] problem with digits being classified as lower case letters for wiki link matching
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8cc236b4dca96327c7b28ad45e1eb4c2dce174e5]] crash when sorting missing tiddlers by fields other than title
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/73a4747d05c6746476ccd9e8cb8255853f631d17]] problem with handling `.jpeg` file extensions
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/775482a2428d24a475e0c7df7bea215c190b5574]] problem with RadioWidget and missing tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2571f534aa67c7f9d423d44d36efa32480f4c370]] problem with dragging a partially selected link
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]]
* [[@Eucaly|https://github.com/Eucaly]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.1-alpha...v5.0.2-beta]]//
!! Improvements
* Added support for [[Hard Linebreaks in WikiText]]
* Added a new RadioWidget, contributed by StephanHradek (@Skeeve on GitHub)
* Two new savers for InternetExplorer, both contributed by DavidJade (@davidjade on GitHub)
** ''tiddlyie'' for [[saving with TiddlyIE|Saving with TiddlyIE]], an equivalent of TiddlyFox for InternetExplorer
** ''fsosaver'' that can [[save changes directly with InternetExplorer|Saving on InternetExplorer]] but requires the HTML file to be renamed `*.hta`
!! Bug fixes
* Fixed problem deleting tiddlers under the filesystemadaptor
* Fixed problem with transcluding fields containing lists or dates (eg, `{{!!tags}}`)
* Fixed problem with re-ordering page control tiddlers (ie tiddlers tagged `$:/tags/PageControls`)
* Update template used for deploying to TiddlyWeb
* Fixed problem with tiddler deletions via the file system adaptor
!! Internal changes
* Allowed variable number of arguments to [[JavaScript Macros]]
** Contributed by StephanHradek (@Skeeve on GitHub)
* Changed the format of plugin tiddlers to remove duplicated information (see the PluginMechanism)
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.2-beta...v5.0.3-beta]]//
This release includes minor bug fixes and documentation updates.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.3-beta...v5.0.4-beta]]//
!! Improvements
* Switched to using an HTML5 placeholder for the default text of a new tiddler
* Refactored stylesheet handling so that theme tweaks are now applied immediately, and some ordering issues have been resolved
* Several improvements for running [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]:
** The `tiddlywiki.info` file in the root of [[wiki folder|TiddlyWikiFolders]] file is now optional, falling back to a default configuration suitable for serverside use ([[commit|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0ec2224757dd07f009246ec9ea97cd859d077e72]])
** The file system plugin now automatically creates the `tiddlers` subfolder in the [[wiki folder|TiddlyWikiFolders]]
* Added [[favicon.ico support|Using favicons]]
* Added SaveTiddlerCommand
!! Bug Fixes
* Fixed problem with tiddlers sometimes wrongly opening at the top of the story ([[commit|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b50eb8da302431cdfa7c37ac9ef1414a33d00292]])
* Fixed problem with refreshing RadioWidget
* Fixed problem with the dragger image being visible in some circumstances
* Fixed drag and drop support on InternetExplorer, contributed by DavidJade (@davidjade on GitHub)
* Fixed crash on modifying page template ([[commit|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a5f33d875b1339b08838203a4885f8a3a7d10353]])
* Updated fullscreen plugin to latest version of the API ([[commit|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/638c8b207033f8cb01ac9efdca104d282fd4cffe]])
* Improved handling of double square brackets within tags (thanks to StephanHradek)
This release includes minor bug fixes and documentation updates.
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.4-beta...v5.0.5-beta]]//
!! Improvements
* Added support for [[Setting a favicon]]
!! Bug Fixes
* Fixed problem with modal wizard positioning on narrow screens
* Fix problem with static content being included in empty.html when downloaded from the full wiki
* Improved performance of tiddler import with large tiddlers on Firefox
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.5-beta...v5.0.6-beta]]//
!! Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/324]] support for numeric sorting to TiddlerFilters (thanks to StephanHradek)
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/321]] [[Tables in WikiText]] to allow for vertical alignment of cells (thanks to StephanHradek)
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/87fbd988f1fb0164411af190adfe6b6a2404eef3]] experimental support for running [[TiddlyWiki on node-webkit]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3d79eb87d1c609195b8c518c08e167994b20a346]] an [[$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bd7db62da052ec6262c3319eaa11f00e5c452a7b]] support for specifying hostname for the ServerCommand
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b9e80a270b7f67db816e9b06e2f71f9c9dd86c17]] a first pass at generating an all-in-one static HTML representation of a wiki, complete with internal anchor links for wiki links
** See http://tiddlywiki.com/alltiddlers.html
* [[Hide|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/44568dc6ef64be8c1370df8f682777c2c805fee7]] encryption features when running on the server
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2ee50939447cf2948e49e5905520943ea4075975]] [[double backticks|Formatting in WikiText]] as an alternative for delimitting inline code (thanks to StephanHradek)
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ec7dff291dadb3e128e1db34b4ded6b57bc8ed46]] import ''browse'' button
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ef59a3743f02c726f20e035c5d28665000fda79a]] crash when attempting full screen mode on browsers that don't support it
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/307]] requirement for a newline immediately after a horizontal rule, table or typed block (thanks to StephanHradek)
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/318]] problem with ''placeholder'' attibute on InternetExplorer (thanks to DavidJade)
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.6-beta...v5.0.7-beta]]//
!! Incompatible Changes
These are changes that might affect users upgrading from previous betas.
* The [[node-webkit]] saver has been moved into a plugin - [[$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/nodewebkitsaver]]. The plugin is only needed when embedding a single TiddlyWiki in [[node-webkit]] and is not required for TiddlyDesktop, which as of v.0.0.2 uses the existing TiddlyFox saver.
!! Documentation updates
* A new video tutorial: [[TiddlyWiki on Firefox for Android Video]]
* A first pass at [[TiddlyWiki Coding Style Guidelines]]
* Added an explanation of TemplateTiddlers
* Added documentation for [[saving on a custom PHP server|Saving on a PHP Server]]
* Added documentation for TextWidget
* Summary of the approach for [[Naming of System Tiddlers]]
!! Improvements
* Added support for importing encrypted TiddlyWiki documents
* Added several new [[filter operators|TiddlerFilters]], including ''reverse'', ''first'', ''last'', ''butlast'', ''rest'', ''nth''
* Extend ''list'' filter operator to allow other fields to be used via a TextReference
* Added shortcut in [[$:/ControlPanel]] ''Basics'' tab for setting [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]] to retain tiddler story ordering
* Added emacs and vim keymapping support to the [[CodeMirror plugin|http://tiddlywiki.com/codemirrordemo.html]], (thanks to João Bolila, @jbolila on GitHub)
* Added the [[highlight.js|http://highlightjs.org/]] syntax highlighting plugin: http://tiddlywiki.com/highlightdemo.html (thanks to João Bolila, @jbolila on GitHub)
* Added the first export option to the ''Tools'' tab of the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ffcc215e8f8896be96093579abc5bcfb76335e66]] an ellipsis for [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]] next to the search box in the sidebar
* [[Adjusted|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b326315b0e9959096b85aa716dd613f21605705a]] the password dialogue to make it narrower for smaller screens
* [[Adjusted|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b7a1db1e9fb651928a4f86e1881959150dd66a55]] the display of tiddler dictionaries to make them display as plain text
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b06e09a4d3e25087ca0495e624c8662ddb69224e]] problem with default format of ViewWidget substituting seconds for minutes in displayed times
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e0f428b9b2374487a0758ea80716f337e3c643ff]] problem that was causing several animations to fail in Safari
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f2409d4245bbba0ccdf39186dca6a0cbf16d8759]] problem with unclickable sidebar under the Centralised theme
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0fb13e649b6558961fd8436bc7aac83bfd991983]] problem with non-system tiddlers showing up in system tiddler [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b64b7982af4285be41cca85db1fa745fc009ca29]] problem with notifications not always disappearing in Firefox
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b04141fefd2c0103b525726e4f466c32f0385194]] problem with wiki folders including wiki files with tiddlers that do not have a title
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/12770ca3e694a8f4edeb065e054eddd5957353b8]] problem with ServerCommand logging "Serving on undefined:8080"
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.7-beta...v5.0.8-beta]]//
!! Incompatible Changes
See [[Notes for upgrading to 5.0.8-beta]] for more details of these changes:
* Changed rules for parsing content of HTML elements
* Switched SiteTitle and SiteSubtitle to [[$:/SiteTitle]] and [[$:/SiteSubtitle]]
* Changes to commands used with [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
* Changes to naming of some editions
** Notably ''clientserver'' has changed to ''server''
!! Documentation Improvements
* Improved documentation for TiddlerFilters, including a notation of the [[TiddlerFilter Formal Grammar]] contributed by [[@Tikkoneus|https://github.com/Tikkoneus]]
* Improved documentation for WidgetMessages
* Tiddlers on tiddlywiki.com now have a link to the original source on ~GitHub for pull requests (see the "Sources" tab of the tiddler info panel)
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a01bbd4b9c7ca284141078340c8f568b1e0561a2]] [[automatic saving|AutoSave]] on editing a tiddler and a warning when attempting to close the window with unsaved changes
* Added confirmation dialogue when deleting tiddlers
* Add support for switchable (and editable) ColourPalettes
* Added TranslationMechanism and translations for:
** Deutsch (Österreich and Deutschland) by @pmario
** Français (France) by @xcazin
** Chinese (Simplified and Traditional) by @BramChen
* Add error alerts when syncing to a server
* Rejigged [[$:/ControlPanel]] to use nested tabs
* Added [[$:/TagManager]] for easy management of tags
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e3a05625b2368b2167a2a1b30aa82369e96a7538]] experimental KeyboardWidget, including support for ''ctrl-enter'' (or ''cmd-enter'') to finish editing a tiddler
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e6fa9b8a859867c147fb289859169b204dea003e]] number of tags to control panel ''Basics'' tab
* Enhanced link handling so that control/command clicking a link opens the target tiddler without navigating to it
* Importing tiddlers via drag and drop no longer opens all the tiddlers
!! Scalability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/fa5938221552846c255eb50004996528a09534a9]] support for LazyLoading of images
* Extended RevealWidget to allow control over content retention
!! Hackability Improvements
* Added HelpCommand and InitCommand for [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
* Extended ButtonWidget to allow navigating to a tiddler
* Added experimental support for building plugins in the browser: [[How to create plugins in the browser]]
* Extend the TranscludeWidget to display its content as a fallback if the tiddler or field is missing
* Add logging and AlertMechanism
* Added a ''Filter'' tab to [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* Add ''indexes'' [[filter operator|TiddlerFilters]]
* Control over line width and colour for EditBitmapWidget
* Add support for `.multids` MultiTiddlerFiles
* Extend ViewWidget so that it works with indexes
* Added support for Tank, a new service built on TiddlyWeb: https://tank.peermore.com
* Extend relative dates to work in the future
!! Bug Fixes
* Fixed problem with pasting items into the browser
* Fixed problem with colour pickers not showing correct colour in Chrome
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8e8e31fb9f5ed8f2e5deff0271d434dbe91f503c]] problem with tag pills not working inside table cells
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6d3d3322e5c676e63d1f64dce89ce86e58dcd715]] problem in client server configuration with ''%'' in tiddler titles
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/7eafd51a7dd89d2174be3dec97033dc0bb206677]] problem with not using placeholder text when editing missing tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1a54d590e1e67825057d7693ac89466a093b4577]] problem with test data in certain time zones
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5af30086c02b9d4466c133c87aca76f9b85eea49]] problem with non-breaking space characters being converted into '@' symbols
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5d3dda1a1721af05e56e301a8b896e53f9868540]] problem with highlighting plugin only working in the browser
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/175e86078ce2fed34953f337baf2f0edfc093742]] crash when wiki/themes folder contains files that are not themes
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.8-beta...v5.0.9-beta]]//
!! Highlights
* Improved layout, including a ''hamburger'' icon for dismissing the sidebar and expanding the story river to fill the space
* Added new ''Seamless'' theme
* New ''Filter'' tab in [[$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* Initial implementation of CecilyView
* Overhaul of inconsistencies in TiddlerFilters (see [[Changes to filters in 5.0.9-beta]])
* New translations for Italian and Japanese
* Performance improvements, particularly [[during editing|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0aa559cd23b3742c8f10c5ac144860d816699782]]
!! Documentation Improvements
* Improved and reorganised documentation for TiddlerFilters
* Demo of [[Making curved text with SVG]]
* [[Community]] links are now broken up into individual tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a19432541e776bfb63b1b985a60f472e9f1d4352]] overview diagram of [[TiddlyWiki Architecture]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/7b57561160173667031b5bc15a4f7553d8514c1c]] documentation from buggyj: [[Developing plugins using Node.js and GitHub]]
!! Usability Improvements
* Made the dropdown arrow icon [[skinnier|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ec90ac99cf2767b6ff20902d8b01aa1c36778147]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bca1d552803c1839e7385765314f81c5307632b8]] validation of legal characters for fieldnames
* Added blacklisting of unsafe HTML [[elements|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ba6edd42c125cb19d955a1cb3f54a2d367cb79dc]] and [[attributes|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d0caf21b2df9fda9800eb30489003a87cafb1277]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/baa8cf3dd098bab0a7a8c78b24747c69bd40889f]] a warning indicator to tiddlers in TiddlyWikiClassic format
* [[Add|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/42c67cfeb732fccb10b8ab574c84090dc2471352]] tiddler info ''Advanced'' panel with information about plugins and shadow tiddlers
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/96457d801159958b897f98e22aa9af53b97f0e35]] layout of [[$:/ControlPanel]] ''Plugins'' tab
* [[Enhance|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f48701544eda4f79af86b1ad44340e7182bcf024]] viewing of system tiddlers by fading down the `$:/` prefix
* [[Extend|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/dd3ee2a603cba35770a8f109e070f271d72861f8]] [[$:/TagManager]] to allow icons to be assigned to tags
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/87c4839fed789b80e0942014c05175e36aacc157]] support for `list-before` and `list-after` fields for controlling tag ordering (see TiddlerTags for details)
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3afa26b9a318d913ba162d93a63036cb4a94be59]] request for confirmation before abandoning edits to a tiddler
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bdbbf94326f70db0f8ef196270ab9e92bfde10fb]] [[Transclusion in WikiText]] syntax to allow translusion of a template without affecting the current tiddler
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8a7d0f53d380e9ca93ee34d8ad05090d511e95c4]] `sourceURL` handling to `eval()` so that tiddler modules can be [[properly debugged|https://chromedevtools.googlecode.com/svn-history/r421/trunk/tutorials/breapoints/index.html#regular]] in Chrome
* New ScrollableWidget giving better control over scrollable regions
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d3c0296a87198296cff26aa7ce7bb8274cdcc3f7]] new CSS class `tw-site-title` for the site title
* [[Disable|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e397e4d15951c1395c7752a7563f002ca459206e]] the TiddlyWeb sync adaptor unless the wiki is loaded over HTTP
* Added a [[high resolution timer mechanism|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/dcce4879347e4829d75f10248477731b18b829ef]] and a [[performance measurement mechanism|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d402d3c5a619b6b1642ab03c74ff03a864846a0b]]
* Added a [[basic CSV parser|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5a085f792722c74d259464386138c731b2f014cc]]
* Several measures to enforce the TiddlyWiki programming model:
** [[Refactor|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9de17aa206b21df5c4e29e61bba5d6b49aca6c71]] wiki store object to make members be private
** Freeze tiddler object and [[fields|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/279626a3e3fbd75d60fc3be49b68a99d8ba0a95d]] tiddler fields to enforce their immutability
* [[Extend|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f649b5b037bfd2e7c48d1ba65ffa37064456523d]] the ButtonWidget to be able to set text references
* [[Add|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/afa677b9a0b1dff1239dc1ea08edd210b9736af9]] a class to tiddler frames in view mode
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/50cf9678cb469e443e220b063e2355c844e417e7]] support for [[WidgetMessage: tw-home]]
* [[Hidden|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2608a323ebf3d8a8e925eda6d3a10ebb8f41d383]] system tags from the sidebar ''Tags'' tab
* [[Allow|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/98872bbe7c62faa4aa209fa421c2989aeef3aaf2]] pasting and import of HTML content
* [[Add|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a5a2c718b1d5671652d01e3567dba1c6795b7521]] support for a tooltip on the LinkWidget
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/aa631518152cda5643805c143bf0000bca8d767f]] problem with occasional freezes of the sync mechanism - thanks to buggyj
* Fixed problem with [[tiddlers|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1e960ffcac566c742c44b18d6f0e809d4457b249]] or [[fields|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ea46f85a8a5ad29e8602cbb13667c853903681a6]] called `__proto__`
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/aec618793f41b937676a5a165764dc19d9bbb2b2]] with refreshing the D3 plugin
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/67f3d58f7153ca4d50ce5a14ed72d9d4b6ad9b71]] problem with "null" message when unloading under Internet Explorer 11
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.0.18-beta...v5.1.0]]//
This is the first full release of TiddlyWiki. Documentation updates made up the bulk of the changes since the previous 5.0.18-beta release.
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b239b3d6230a9f7aab4c9ef6a59aefb4158f45b1]] curly braces from qualified identifiers
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9e6dab06cc2db8263fce083510ae570923b21c0b]] problem with Markdown Maruku mode metadata
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@malgam|https://github.com/malgam]]
* [[@gernert|https://github.com/gernert]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.0...v5.1.1]]//
This is a minor bug fix release to improve the documentation and correct some issues with the first full release of TiddlyWiki.
!! Incompatible Changes
Certain features that were deprecated in [[Release 5.0.17-beta]] have now been removed:
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/62edd1e8a3fddc0c11b87c87b3e5b404d8e1e395]] deprecated `title` attribute on the ButtonWidget
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d047ccdc84ab6f23779c3614712e0d6fa0ef63ec]] support for deprecated `$:/tags/stylesheet` system tag
Note that the next release will also remove support for regular expression filter operands, which was also deprecated in 5.0.17-beta.
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/96b7d0eebaf73dcfd4eccb848b90caaa055e5e20]] first implementation of the [[KaTeX Plugin]] for mathematical typesetting
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@TheDiveO|https://github.com/TheDiveO]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.1...v5.1.2]]//
This is another small release with documentation updates and a few bug fixes and improvements.
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b3df07ae3e190cfb6fc23dbe31c6229fe5e39087]] error handling for malformed or unrecognised ~LaTeX content with [[KaTeX Plugin]]
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/42abef6fbf79342ccbd90b142d48f64ab5c1c38a]] styling of separator before the untagged item in the tags sidebar
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/23c2d90ee8e28f8c68f9ba58fcbc13a56f838d61]] error handling for the upload saver (which is used for saving to TiddlySpot)
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/115245a632e80e9d033957327dfec909a3cd1fc8]] storyview error detection
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b1fb0a2a070a6abc78564e56fdb4244076ac44ac]] crash caused by incorrectly formatted plugins
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/eacb9e53ebf2a814d61bf005d68f449f7b9e63b5]] problem with tiddler info not being removed by the syncer after deleting a tiddler
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e2046ce4ffb6b8232a4ad5e7f51c431798917787]] HTTP handling to treat response code 201 as success
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@Evolena|https://github.com/Evolena]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@simonbaird|https://github.com/simonbaird]]
* [[@TheDiveO|https://github.com/TheDiveO]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.2...v5.1.3]]//
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e872f17842809e33eae177980e9ea0650b6a4c03]] "new journal" button; see [[Creating journal tiddlers]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/70984aa39f8a4061162d4e404bfd158e515c7e6e]] "new here" button; see [[Creating and editing tiddlers]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/00cdd04edd49c2bf0e461071c0c7c50f8aab4e42]] "new journal here" button; see [[Creating journal tiddlers]]
* [[Made|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c6951ee912d1f2717a8c208cbb920e54edf9e5d9]] date format strings be translateable
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/tree/master/languages/ru-RU]] Russian translation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ef1d5310918dae088ce9361c1682ce0f99cf568a]] confirmation when clearing password
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b7bbcfa05659808c1e51a4f2f5f1d6afbc2ed3a1]] additional prompt when setting password
* [[Increased|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/dc9981322aeb508d5ebac0b691b0d703f8c1995e]] size of the clear search button
* [[Upgraded|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/564457de1c991df15263040d2d5526fa8ae879bb]] to [[KaTeX v0.1.1|https://github.com/Khan/KaTeX/releases/tag/v0.1.1]], with support for several additional LaTeX features
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/2ffe53f1916e4b746cc6d7e74e8f4ac75c72e38a]] audio "parser" for handling [[Audio]] content
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0dcf54c3b59ed04645928f0ec4ced647e5a0da7f]] support for ActionWidgets
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/65504d5d41e45326ab1b1b6c0c21eea4c9772797]] new <<.olink addprefix>> and <<.olink addsuffix>> operators
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0c8e5380778303cdd3308bed4a15290214841f8b]] support for custom password prompts
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c26bd4c5a872f56c47e9f5cfc3fada468c53ddde]] the ListMacro to display ''caption'' field if present
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/12e26009eef5e29140ba1a880ff033428d673630]] ImageWidget to allow percentage width and height to be specified
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/cc576b052e2b05fd93fcb4f3eb8d9ee5278abf3e]] the <<.olink each>> operator to work with missing tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5dd6ebff05a3380db2901294b2cfc89c1a0e71bf]] problem with tiddler width in zoomin storyview with the sidebar hidden
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/09b6540998fec6bf1fb14842be8e8c53dbd5c46a]] bug whereby the `tm-home` message wasn't navigating to a tiddler, causing problems in zoomin storyview
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3ca8d7b6cca46ffa424bcf9bdc134da464fc84f4]] problem with jumping toolbar icons under Firefox
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f85b07e70b71d0622a9459e4b04e2027540abda8]] problem with untagged label being incorrectly coloured
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b3dcd7d625ec83701ef3a77f3fb8101af57c154f]] problem with title background colours with the "Sticky Titles" theme
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5211f9c40c874a167174e8c0d439db34189d3329]] problem with subfilter parameter of TimelineMacro
* [[Exclude|https://groups.google.com/d/topic/tiddlywiki/YPACpXhH9PY/discussion]] search string tiddler from search results
!! Node.js Changes
//These changes are only relevant to people using TiddlyWiki under Node.js//
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/63c174d7ed56284e80ad6cd6ae966b81f9181cc9]] ~KaTeX plugin to be able to work under Node.js to generate static HTML
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/49dc5694a391a391264a4473e4f4422e2472a3b3]] "includeWikis" to merge build targets
* [[Refactored|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/969]] the build scripts for tiddlywiki.com into a separate repository at https://github.com/Jermolene/build.jermolene.github.io
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/744245ea3249446fd15f504190efb1d828935d01]] boot kernel to raise an error if a missing wiki folder is specified on the command line
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@andrey013|https://github.com/andrey013]]
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@buggyj|https://github.com/buggyj]]
* [[@Eucaly|https://github.com/Eucaly]]
* [[@Evolena|https://github.com/Evolena]]
* [[@fghhfg|https://github.com/fghhfg]]
* [[@Marxsal|https://github.com/Marxsal]]
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@simonbaird|https://github.com/simonbaird]]
* [[@TheDiveO|https://github.com/TheDiveO]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.3...v5.1.4]]//
This is a small release with documentation improvements and some important bug fixes from [[Release 5.1.3]].
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6681a8e1f2fd3f39d92a1480b5b573a6c831515d]] a toolbar button for advanced search
* [[Changed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/53d834c86be2f97599a9486c0eae4777c51d9093]] dragging behaviour so that you can drag a tiddler title into an edit box to insert the title, making link creation easier. (This change doesn't affect the behaviour of dragging tiddler links between TiddlyWiki windows)
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/26e50b81e579b7f2d190ca3662cadcf82764c8a7]] additional theme tweaks for the body text size and line height
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1b620387dda2d16bf387a89071188762455890c4]] the ViewWidget to work with subtiddlers
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/ddc74955427f8a7291ee964c42a771a112007789]] problem with search counts
!! Node.js Changes
//These changes are only relevant to people using TiddlyWiki under Node.js//
* Fixed problem with missing wiki folder warnings by [[removing|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/9fedf3865778fd3aa50c2f049c2b81061c8cd778]] and [[re-implementing|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e62e38d66c6eb447bbd8f16b5beec0fe0276ea0d]] the fix from [[Release 5.1.3]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5d600ce31b1d1162529ae8043bb342e2165c4b13]] coloured warnings and errors under Node.js
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@danielo515|https://github.com/danielo515]]
* [[@gernert|https://github.com/gernert]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.4...v5.1.5]]//
!! Translation Improvements
* Added new translators edition making it much easier to create and maintain translations of TiddlyWiki
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/615425cf0634233d27f4f1ea430589b2a618feb6]] improved Japanese translation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8ba1a9b72ac5a4f50a4f670a24393d564c137c0c]] new Danish translation
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/14a64ef3effc1e4cf1098b35af6d6cb864d77ac2]] new Greek translation
!! Usability Improvements
* [[Improvements|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/09a3f94d79fc6eacbfd46c86594748e996191eb2]] to tooltips for accessibility
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6fc5c70ace43219710983f6d9640f4b01d620908]] export button to tiddler toolbar, page controls and [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]] "filter" tab
* Improved layout of [[$:/TagManager]]
* [[Simplified|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0a986ccd995266bf3a47182fa584d79f9dd3e153]] default tiddler toolbar buttons
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/63b00fd0f80ce0c9917e233287d4a0138e8c385f]] advanced search button to sidebar search results
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4d061d0fee959fdc5ab470dc8f8379bedfa946d9]] search results by listing title matches at the top
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/da1f9f7d2233eb2aacc027bc1fc1053fa8b7bc2e]] input box for specifying new field value in edit template
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/0bb8e08edca61f415aa084327b6751c278e45108]] tag pill rendering so that the foreground colour is dynamically chosen for maximum contrast with the background colour
* Enhancements to many of the [[core icons|ImageGallery Example]]
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1dfa6f369bddd8dedba2e47dc4707eba28ccf4e1]] (and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/145713e7668a41320981ed87b448542cd30d13dc]], [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/3035badf144abb85f5d42b2b1d395cf0f65fb03e]] and [[here|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/e69e2c1c91002c296e1789532ca74286fae8d5a4]]) unnecessary confirmations when abandoning or deleting unmodified tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a5c7089bcfe3d2439eb082535527a7cc767891cc]] a subtle rounded corner to tiddlers and tabs
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/6f0d581d720e611fade3b3f346ad0409ef5e291b]] automatic focusing of the title of newly created tiddlers
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/81481588e07ed3cb1e378a6c6f21d26dcbaa8345]] advanced search links on tiddler counts in [[$:/ControlPanel]]
!! Hackability Improvements
* Introduced new ActionSetFieldWidget, ActionDeleteFieldWidget and ActionDeleteTiddlerWidget for manipulating tiddler fields and values
* [[Enhanced|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c7971d3da3bbef4bbc81d4462ee93590adc248f8]] [[WidgetMessage: tm-new-tiddler]] to allow a skeleton to be specified with additional fields
* [[Enhanced|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4a172125768e3b33c30e725e8550454a9d26c5c4]] the EditTextWidget to allow more control over the sizing of textarea editors
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/13726ef73157d9e9d65ae4027d9c32aaa7cdcc90]] new canned filter for recently modified system tiddlers in [[$:/AdvancedSearch]]
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c20c935faabbb63f679bc4720b52162c56b6af64]] new system image for videos: [[$:/core/images/video]]
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/c13cf94413c94ee56bebc60fab2d9231d1824d88]] search results to allow custom visualisations - see [[Customising search results]]
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a3a50dbf6d96e7441e5e8ec183e40134bc4eb618]] TimelineMacro to be able to use different date fields
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8260d000be1cf1caf35a557f6cd54a0fb8ccf4f0]] the <<.olink search>> operator to allow a field to be specified
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/73491f14dd63612d527632210d2c3873eb81188f]] the highlight plugin to display tabs as spaces
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/91a7c397911726e391ca368f96b50fbe1687d56a]] modal handling to permit variables to be passed to the modal (see [[WidgetMessage: tm-modal]])
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/853f5fd06402b16e271e8f119ef380de485aeff2]] simple logging to help track down drop/paste issues (see http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/#ImportLogging)
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b520efdeb83f6ac7536a69cf5af2bab3f94cf77f]] [[WidgetMessage: tm-download-file]] and [[WidgetMessage: tm-save-wiki]] to allow variables to be specified for the rendering
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f5055c0205d24102a36b9cf3a9dd9306e148a1f0]] [[TableOfContentsMacro Tabbed Example]]
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/79e428757b5562bd4a925b9b0428ea4ba70ad05a]] RevealWidget so that it can be used without specifying a state tiddler
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/90caf5bf42523cfb6cd603b979aadb719ddcede4]] "hooks" mechanism so that plugins can modify the default tiddler list
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b882a0dff12dc2660426de53e64d8c018f3a9d84]] support for nested popups
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/90096cbd367a7a685fb5dc5b2cbaa69a00d8199f]] problem with CodeMirror editor and missing tiddlers
* [[Exclude|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5093cdc86047209f23b9ead5ee0f216d0414e4f2]] drafts from TableOfContentsMacro
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5599f9f9338a5f96080143b2192214a78b961509]] problem with encoding of HTML tiddlers
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/835e3a945244dd8a07f4c7fd570eb890e9fdcc2c]] problem with sticky titles being covered by vertical tabs
* [[Removed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d1bbe7253c135ceed138fd02c82b0f861d5dda6b]] flicker when automatically resizing textareas
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/4bf6fe7fe9416f4e304036302ab5727148ae5222]] JSON deserialiser so that all fields can be imported
!! Node.js Changes
//These changes are only relevant to people using TiddlyWiki under Node.js//
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/8e685e5150e636aed6655c6caa09c7b6cffdcea2]] ''includeWikis'' mechanism of TiddlyWikiFolders to allow read-only wikis to be included
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/cea963420ca2800b86989e29d42d06ccb7ea2a00]] error handling under Node.js
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/17a594a97ad5655142c834dfd5fa68855a61d201]] UnpackPluginCommand
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/04d26e6fae20671a6d455e113f7b0afedabc7122]] EditionsCommand to list the available editions
!! Changes affecting plugin authors
* [[Disabled|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/f7a2849d27bb082e4bbf6b056a800a1edb30f510]] wiki change events for shadow tiddlers
* [[Updated|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d93c19daaa126f0938048009a83796cb52690541]] structure of widget messages that have a hashmap parameter
* The support for nested popups has necessitated a change in the way that popups are styled that affects popups that are triggered with the focusPopup attribute of the EditTextWidget: it is now necessary for the widget to be given the class `tc-popup-handle`.
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@andrey013|https://github.com/andrey013]]
* Birthe C
* [[@Braincoke|https://github.com/Braincoke]]
* [[@BramChen|https://github.com/BramChen]]
* [[@danielo515|https://github.com/danielo515]]
* [[@erwanm|https://github.com/erwanm]]
* [[@Evolena|https://github.com/Evolena]]
* [[@giffmex|https://github.com/giffmex]]
* [[@inmysocks|https://github.com/inmysocks]]
* Makoto Hirohashi
* [[@pmario|https://github.com/pmario]]
* [[@Skeeve|https://github.com/Skeeve]]
* [[@tobibeer|https://github.com/tobibeer]]
* [[@welford|https://github.com/welford]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.5...v5.1.6]]//
!! Translation Improvements
* Added Dutch translation
* Updated Danish and Japanese translations
!! Hackability Improvements
* [[Allow|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b29973312d7c16292cabb493e5914668f7c3f127]] buttons to be styled to look like internal links
* [[Disabled|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5b38c21a417d2e5e2b85aed8010c88af32420e24]] linking when transcluding ''caption'' field in TableOfContentsMacro
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/b220c19fb7b789eb6d00c9d1a71414676d87130e]] support for templates to tabbed TableOfContentsMacro
* [[Allow|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/31b5eb1578640fabe8712f0cd4edd49708bc4493]] shadow tiddlers to appear in TableOfContentsMacro
* [[Added|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/5154a25ab95f0cc08eb079a624be4fd3353e6dbd]] tooltip to BrowseWidget
* [[Improved|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/42dba113ccdb18d7e76ac7a773c7dca532207007]] handling of missing tiddlers by the <<.olink has>> and <<.olink field>> operators
!! Bug Fixes
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/182c2428ca7b38d00d36d2d6650e761026470e63]] problem with download saver using incorrect filename
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/d031a93c6d607d5b10d025149608f10977181e26]] [[problem|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/issues/1010]] with processing of date format templates
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a0c13a0856cb6b4a2592acdd46975e44eb7c53a8]] problem with ''storytop'' theme tweak not being respected when the narrow responsive design kicks in
!! Node.js Changes
//These changes are only relevant to people using TiddlyWiki under Node.js//
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/bb74be7ac1a24eeaee10a3cb3d3633e3aa318632]] problem with "all tiddlers" static HTML export
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/51db48acc901d8fb298d9b0f7f10b47ffe90df05]] incorrect checking for an empty folder with the InitCommand
!! Changes affecting plugin authors
* [[Extended|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/1e47a62c2af392f30a492da732b33b89f23a2e4c]] `$tw.utils.each` so that the loop can be broken out of
!! Contributors
[[@Jermolene|https://github.com/Jermolene]] would like to thank the contributors to this release who have generously given their time to help improve TiddlyWiki:
* [[@anavarre|https://github.com/anavarre]]
* [[@Drakor|https://github.com/Drakor]]
* [[@dullroar|https://github.com/dullroar]]
* [[@erwanm|https://github.com/erwanm]]
* [[@malgam|https://github.com/malgam]]
* [[@nameanyone|https://github.com/nameanyone]]
* [[@pekopeko1|https://github.com/pekopeko1]]
* [[@Spangenhelm|https://github.com/Spangenhelm]]
* [[@tobibeer|https://github.com/tobibeer]]
* [[@xcazin|https://github.com/xcazin]]
//[[See GitHub for detailed change history of this release|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/compare/v5.1.6...v5.1.7]]//
This is an hot fix release with the following change over [[Release 5.1.6]]:
* [[Fixed|https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/commit/a31aa25d0c00187ff829d74108f018e44b5cb3c5]] typo in GettingStarted
Here are the details of recent releases of TiddlyWiki5. See [[TiddlyWiki5 Versioning]] for details of how releases are named.
(BetaReleases and AlphaReleases are listed separately).
<$list filter="[tag[ReleaseNotes]!sort[created]limit[1]]">
<$macrocall $name="tabs" tabsList="[tag[ReleaseNotes]!sort[created]]"default={{!!title}} class="tc-vertical" template="ReleaseTemplate" />
<h2><$link to=<<currentTab>>><$view tiddler=<<currentTab>> field="title"/></$link></h2>
^^Released <$view tiddler=<<currentTab>> field="released" format="date" template="DDth MMM YYYY at 0hh:0mm">TBA</$view>^^
<$transclude tiddler=<<currentTab>> />
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="a string of characters"
output="those input titles that start with <<.place s>>, but with those characters discarded"
<<.operator-examples "removeprefix">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[My Cat]] [[Your Garden]] [[My Favourite Armchair]] +[removeprefix[My ]]">>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="a string of characters"
output="those input titles that end with <<.place s>>, but with those characters discarded"
<<.operator-examples "removesuffix">>
<<.operator-example 1 "SIMPLEX Googolplex Complex +[removesuffix[plex]]">>
You can report bugs or problems with TiddlyWiki via our [[discussion groups|Forums]]. If you have a GitHub account then you can raise an issue there:
Unless you are already familiar with GitHub, it's usually easiest to report problems through the discussion groups.
! TiddlyWiki on GitHub
We use GitHub Issues to manage bug reports and feature requests for TiddlyWiki. To maintain their effectiveness we endeavour to have as few open issues as possible.
!! Policies for Managing Issues
Open issues should be actionable: generally either a reproducible bug report, or a specific feature request. From the perspective of the core developers, the issues list behaves like a shared todo list. Every item on the list requires a little bit of attention each time we check the list.
GitHub Issues are not very good for managing ideas that are not immediately actionable. Better to use the [[TiddlyWiki discussion groups|Forums]] for open ended questions, or speculative discussions of new features.
!! Creating Issues
Before creating a GitHub issue it is good etiquette to search through the existing issues to see whether the problem has already been reported. If a search isn't practical, don't worry too much; GitHub makes it easy to merge existing issues.
When you do create an issue, remember that for effective debugging, we need as much information as possible. At a minimum, please try to include:
* A descriptive title
* A summary
* Steps to reproduce
* Expected behaviour
* Context (OS, browser etc.)
Consider also adding screenshots if it makes things clearer.
There's a lot of good material on the web about bug reports:
* http://mhay68.tumblr.com/post/1648223018/what-makes-a-good-bug-report
* http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/bugs.html
These are sites with resources created by the TiddlyWiki [[Community]] help you get the best out of TiddlyWiki: plugins, macros and more. Submit new entries via GitHub, Twitter or by posting in the [[TiddlyWiki Groups]].
<div class="tc-link-info">
<$list filter='[tag[Resources]!sort[modified]]'>
<div class="tc-link-info-item">
! <$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
<div class="tc-subtitle">Posted <$view field="modified" format="relativedate"/></div>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="an integer, defaulting to 1"
output="all but the first <<.place n>> input titles"
<<.olink butfirst>> and <<.olink bf>> are synonyms for <<.op rest>>.
<<.operator-examples "rest">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]rest[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]rest[3]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O +[rest[5]]">>
! Introduction
The reveal widget hides or shows its content depending upon the value of a [[state tiddler|StateTiddlers]]. The type of the widget determines the condition for the content being displayed:
* type=''match'': the content is displayed if the state tiddler matches a specified value
* type=''nomatch'': the content is displayed if the state tiddler doesn't match a specified value
* type=''popup'': the content is displayed as a popup as described in the PopupMechanism
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$reveal>` widget is displayed according to the rules given above.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|state |The title of the tiddler containing the state |
|type |The type of matching performed: ''match'', ''nomatch'' or ''popup'' |
|text |The text to match when the type is ''match'' and ''nomatch'' |
|position |The position used for the popup when the type is ''popup''. Can be ''left'', ''above'', ''aboveright'', ''right'', ''belowleft'' or ''below'' |
|default |Default value to use when the state tiddler is missing |
|animate |Set to "yes" to animate opening and closure (defaults to "no") |
|retain |Set to "yes" to force the content to be retained even when hidden (defaults to "no")|
Retaining the content when hidden can give poor performance since the hidden content requires refresh processing even though it is not displayed. On the other hand, the content can be revealed much more quickly. Note that setting ''animate="yes"'' will also force ''retain="yes"''.
! Examples
!! Simple content reveal
Here's a simple example of showing and hiding content with buttons:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '<$button set="$:/state/SampleReveal1" setTo="show">Show me</$button>
<$button set="$:/state/SampleReveal1" setTo="hide">Hide me</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/SampleReveal1" text="show">
! This is the revealed content
And this is some text
!! "Slider"
A slider appears as a single button that can be used to toggle the display of the contained content.
<<wikitext-example-without-html '<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/SampleReveal2" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SampleReveal2" setTo="show">Show me</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/SampleReveal2" text="show">
<$button set="$:/state/SampleReveal2" setTo="hide">Hide me</$button>
! This is the revealed content
And this is some text
!! Popup
Here is a simple example of a popup built with the RevealWidget:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '<$button popup="$:/SamplePopupState">Pop me up!</$button>
<$reveal type="popup" state="$:/SamplePopupState">
<div class="tc-drop-down">
! This is the popup
And this is some text
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
output="the input, in reverse order"
<<.operator-examples "reverse">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]reverse[]]">>
Even though TiddlyWiki is now out of beta, there are still many improvements planned for the coming months:
* Fixing hangovers from TiddlyWikiClassic
* ~TiddlyWiki file format (to avoid illegal attribute names)
* Aliases (alternative titles for tiddlers)
* Search and replace
* Tiddler renaming
* Rich link tooltips, incorporating a preview
* More keyboard shortcuts
* Keyboard snippet expansion in the text editor
* List editor with drag and drop
* Selective/weighted searching by title, body and fields
* Maths notation
Also see the issues list on GitHub: https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5
! Introduction
Safe mode provides a way to disabling most customisations in TiddlyWiki. This is useful because if TiddlyWiki is customised incorrectly it can be rendered inoperable. A particular issue is that some customisations break when upgrading to a newer core version of TiddlyWiki (especially during the beta).
! Enabling Safe Mode
Safe mode is enabled in the browser by starting TiddlyWiki with the URL hash set to the string `#:safe`. For example:
! How Safe Mode Works
Safe mode triggers two changes:
* All plugins are temporarily disabled. You can use the control panel to disable individual plugins
* Any tiddlers that override shadow tiddlers are renamed to give them the prefix `SAFE: `, thus restoring the underlying shadow tiddler
A report tiddler is displayed that allows you to inspect the tiddlers that were renamed.
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
suffix="the name of a [[date field|Date Fields]], defaulting to <<.field modified>>"
parameter="a date, in the [[format|DateFormat]] `YYYYMMDD`"
output="those input tiddlers in which field <<.place f>> has the value <<.place d>>, ignoring time"
If <<.place d>> is not a valid date, the output is empty.
<<.place d>> may include a time of day, but this is ignored.
<<.operator-examples "sameday">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[sameday[20140410]]" "tiddlers modified on 10 April 2014">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[sameday:created[20140410]]" "tiddlers created on 10 April 2014">>
This is a demonstration alert.
Note that the trashcan icon deletes the tiddler containing this alert. You can also remove it by opening the tiddler SampleAlert and editing it to remove the tag [[$:/tags/Alert]].
! Hello, <<yourName>>
This is an example modal containing the following message:
{{$:/core/images/done-button}} This is a notification!
This is the fourth of our sample tabs.
This is the first of our sample tabs.
This is the third of our sample tabs.
This is the second of our sample tabs.
This is test tiddler SampleTiddlerFirst.
This is test tiddler SampleTiddlerSecond.
This is test tiddler SampleTiddlerThird.
This is a modal wizard dialogue, stored in the tiddler SampleWizard.
{{Motovun Jack.jpg}}
You can <$button message="tm-modal" param="SampleWizard2">nest wizards</$button>.
This is another modal wizard dialogue, stored in the tiddler SampleWizard2.
You can <$button message="tm-modal" param="SampleWizard">nest wizards</$button>.
Available methods for saving changes with TiddlyWiki:
<<list-links "[tag[Saving]]">>
The built-in TiddlySpot saver can also be used to save changes to a simple PHP script that you can run on most hosting providers.
//These are preliminary instructions that need verification//
# Download a copy of ''store.php'' from:
#* https://code.google.com/p/bidix/source/browse/trunk/TiddlyHome/_th/lib/store.php
# Edit your copy of ''store.php'' to add your username(s) and password(s). Find the line `$USERS = array( 'UserName1'=>'Password1', etc)` and replace Username1 and Password1 with your desired username and password
#* Make sure you leave all the punctuation and code, such as the single quotes, intact
# Save the file
# Using FTP or your web interface, upload ''store.php'' to your server. Make sure that the filename is correct
#* If you've uploaded the file correctly you should be able to view it in your browser (eg, http://example.com/store.php)
# In TiddlyWiki, go to the ''Saving'' tab of the control panel and enter the following information:
#* Your username as the wiki name
#* Your password
#* The URL of the ''store.php'' file (//''not'' the URL of the wiki, this must the full URL to the ''store.php'' file//)
The control panel ''Saving'' tab includes the following configuration options:
|!Name |!Description |
|Server URL |The full URL to the ''store.php'' file on your server |
|Upload filename |The filename used to save the TiddlyWiki (defaults to ''index.html'') |
|Upload directory |The relative path from ''store.php'' to the directory used for saving the file |
|Backup directory |The relative path from ''store.php'' to the directory used for backups |
The AndTidWiki app for Android devices makes it possible to edit and save changes to TiddlyWiki5, including working offline without a network connection. [[Download it here|https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.mgsimon.android.andtidwiki]].
//Note that AndTidWiki is published independently of TiddlyWiki//
By default, TiddlyWiki saves changes on InternetExplorer 10 and above using a saver module that downloads the newly modified file, rather than saving it directly. There are two alternatives that both save changes directly to the file:
* [[Use the TiddlyIE browser extension|Saving with TiddlyIE]]
* Use the [[Windows HTA Hack]] by renaming the TiddlyWiki HTML file to have the extension `*.hta`.
The iPad/iPhone app ''TWEdit'' makes it possible to edit and save changes to TiddlyWiki5, including working offline without a network connection. [[Download it here|https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/twedit/id409607956?mt=8]].
Instructions for use:
# Open TWEdit
# Touch the title in the centre of the toolbar in order
#* A text box should appear allowing you to enter a URL
# Enter the URL `http://tiddlywiki.com/empty.html`
# When the empty TiddlyWiki5 has loaded, touch the ''save'' icon (it's the second icon from the right on the top toolbar)
#* An alert box should appear allowing you to enter a local filename
# Enter the filename you wish to use for the document (ending with `.html`)
# Edit your TiddlyWiki as normal
# To save changes, click the ''save'' button in the sidebar
#* A confirmation message should appear at the upper right
//Note that TWEdit is published independently of TiddlyWiki//
This method of saving changes is clunky because it requires manual intervention for each save.
# [[Download]] an empty TiddlyWiki by clicking this button:
#> {{$:/editions/tw5.com/snippets/download-empty-button}}
#> If the button doesn't work save this link: http://tiddlywiki.com/empty.html
#> Your browser may ask you to accept the download before it begins
# Locate the file you just downloaded
#* You may rename it, but be sure to keep the `.html` or `.htm` extension
# Open the file in Safari
# Try creating a new tiddler using the ''new tiddler'' {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar. Type some content for the tiddler, and click the {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''done'' button
# Save your changes by clicking the {{$:/core/images/save-button}} ''save changes'' button in the sidebar
# A popup "Download changes" window is displayed that includes a link labelled //Right-click to save changes//
# Right-click on the link and select "Download Linked File As..." from the popup menu
# Navigate to the folder containing your wiki HTML file and select the existing file
# Click the "Save" button
# Click "Replace" to confirm replacing the existing file
# Verify that your changes have been saved correctly
TiddlySpot is a free hosting service for TiddlyWiki documents from Simon and Daniel Baird. The easiest way to get started is to sign up for a new wiki at http://tiddlyspot.com - by default you'll get the latest release of TiddlyWiki.
You can upload an existing TiddlyWiki document from your local disc to TiddlySpot it by following these steps:
# Sign up for a new wiki at http://tiddlyspot.com/, and remember the wiki name and password
# Open your locally stored TiddlyWiki document in your browser
# Fill in the TiddlySpot wikiname and password in the control panel
# Click the "Save Changes" button. You should get a confirmation notification at the top right saying ''Saved wiki''. Saving can take several seconds if you're on a slow connection or working with a large wiki.
# Navigate to your TiddlySpot URL at http://{wikiname}.tiddlyspot.com/
Note that your password is sent unencrypted when using TiddlySpot. From http://faq.tiddlyspot.com/:
''Is Tiddlyspot secure?''
No. Tiddlyspot does not use SSL/https. Your password is sent in clear text when uploading and when authenticating to access a private site. This means that your Tiddlyspot is vulnerable to packet sniffing and your password could be discovered by a malicious third party. Also your data is transmitted unencrypted when you view your site, even if it is a private site. For this reason please don't put sensitive information such as banking details in your Tiddlyspot and don't use a password that you use for other high security sites.
! Problems with saving on TiddlySpot
In case you run into this error when uploading a new or freshly upgraded local TiddlyWiki to TiddlySpot :
Error while saving:
Error:NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI: Access to restricted URI denied
The upgrade operation falls foul of a security restriction in Firefox. Until this can be resolved, we suggest using Chrome.
*# Use Chrome to open the local TiddlyWiki document you want to upload to TiddlySpot and follow the steps 1 through 5 described above
*# Once you've checked the TiddlySpot-hosted TiddlyWiki loads properly in Chrome, you should be able to access, edit and [[save using TiddlyFox|Saving with TiddlyFox]] again
* After you've uploaded your local document once, further editing and saving of the online version hosted on TiddlySpot should work with any modern browser of your choice.
** Don't forget to fill in the TiddlySpot wikiname and password in your TiddlySpot TiddlyWiki control panel for any new browser you want to use for saving changes
* //See also : [[Upgrading]]//
This method of saving changes is clunky because it requires manual intervention for each save. It has the advantage of working on almost all desktop browsers, and many mobile browsers.
# [[Download]] an empty TiddlyWiki by clicking this button:
#> {{$:/editions/tw5.com/snippets/download-empty-button}}
#> If the button doesn't work save this link: http://tiddlywiki.com/empty.html
#> Your browser may ask you to accept the download before it begins
# Locate the file you just downloaded
#* You may rename it, but be sure to keep the `.html` or `.htm` extension
# Open the file in your browser
# Try creating a new tiddler using the ''new tiddler'' {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar. Type some content for the tiddler, and click the {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''done'' button
# Save your changes by clicking the {{$:/core/images/save-button}} ''save changes'' button in the sidebar
# Your browser will download a new copy of the wiki incorporating your changes
# Locate the newly downloaded file and open it in your browser
# Verify that your changes have been saved correctly
''Tip'': most browsers have an option to prompt each time for the download location. This allows you to select the existing version of the file and replace it.
If you're using [[Firefox for Android]], see the instructions for [[Saving with TiddlyFox on Android]].
# Ensure you have the latest version of [[Firefox]]
#* http://getfirefox.com
# Install the latest release of the TiddlyFox extension from:
#* https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tiddlyfox/
# Restart [[Firefox]]
# [[Download]] an empty TiddlyWiki by clicking this button:
#> {{$:/editions/tw5.com/snippets/download-empty-button}}
# Locate the file you just downloaded
#* You may rename it, but be sure to keep the `.html` or `.htm` extension
# Open the file in [[Firefox]]
# Click ''OK'' in response to the prompt from TiddlyFox that asks whether to enable saving for this file
# Try creating a new tiddler using the ''plus'' {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar. Type some content for the tiddler, and click the {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''tick'' button
# Save your changes by clicking the {{$:/core/images/save-button}} ''Save changes'' button in the sidebar
#* Look for the yellow notification ''Saved wiki'' at the top right of the window
# Refresh the browser window to verify that your changes have been saved correctly
(Alternatively, see the [[video tutorial|TiddlyWiki on Firefox for Android Video]])
# Ensure you have the latest version of [[Firefox for Android]]
#* http://getfirefox.com
# Install the latest release of the TiddlyFox extension from:
#* https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tiddlyfox/
# Install this extension to be able to save the TiddlyWiki file locally:
#* https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/android/addon/save-link-menus/
# [[Download]] an empty TiddlyWiki by saving this link:
#* http://tiddlywiki.com/empty.html
#> (to save the link, ensure you've installed the "save-link-menus" extension and then long-press on the link and choose "Save link")
# When the file has downloaded, click on it within the notification tray or the download manager application
# Choose to open the file in Firefox (rather than the default Android viewer)
# Click ''OK'' in response to the prompt from TiddlyFox that asks whether to enable saving for this file
# Try creating a new tiddler using the ''plus'' {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar. Type some content for the tiddler, and click the {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''tick'' button
# Save your changes by clicking the {{$:/core/images/save-button}} ''Save changes'' button in the sidebar
#* Look for the yellow notification ''Saved wiki'' at the top right of the window
# Refresh the browser window to verify that your changes have been saved correctly
# Install the TiddlyIE add-on from:
#* https://github.com/davidjade/TiddlyIE/releases
# Restart Internet Explorer. IE will prompt you to enable the TiddlyIE add-on.
#> You may also see a prompt to enable the //Microsoft Script Runtime//
# [[Download]] an empty TiddlyWiki by saving this link:
#> http://tiddlywiki.com/empty.html
# Locate the file you just downloaded
#* You may rename it, but be sure to keep the `.html` extension
# Open the file in Internet Explorer
# Try creating a new tiddler using the ''plus'' {{$:/core/images/new-button}} button in the sidebar. Type some content for the tiddler, and click the {{$:/core/images/done-button}} ''tick'' button
# Save your changes by clicking the {{$:/core/images/save-button}} ''Save changes'' button in the sidebar. Internet Explorer will ask for your consent to save the file locally by presenting a file ''Save As'' dialog.
# Refresh the browser window to verify that your changes have been saved correctly
You might expect that TiddlyWiki's architecture as a SinglePageApplication would make it unsuitable for large amounts of data. In fact, TiddlyWiki users regularly work with files that are 20 or 30 megabytes without problems - and successful experiments have been done up into the gigabytes.
! Script Files
The TiddlyWiki5 repository contains several scripts in the `bin` folder that you can use to automate common tasks, or as a useful starting point for your own scripts. See [[Scripts for building tiddlywiki.com]] for details of the scripts used to build and release http://tiddlywiki.com/.
All the scripts expect to be run from the root folder of the repository.
!! `serve`: serves tw5.com
./bin/serve.sh -h
./bin/serve.sh [edition dir] [username] [password] [host] [port]
./bin/serve.cmd -h
./bin/serve.cmd [edition dir] [username] [password] [host] [port]
This script starts TiddlyWiki5 running as an HTTP server, defaulting to the content from the `tw5.com-server` edition. By default, the Node.js serves on port 8080. If the optional `username` parameter is provided, it is used for signing edits. If the `password` is provided then HTTP basic authentication is used. Run the script with the `-h` parameter to see online help.
To experiment with this configuration, run the script and then visit `` in a browser.
Changes made in the browser propagate to the server over HTTP (use the browser developer console to see these requests). The server then syncs changes to the file system (and logs each change to the screen).
!! `test`: build and run tests
This script runs the `test` edition of TiddlyWiki on the server to perform the server-side tests and to build `test.html` for running the tests in the browser.
!! `lazy`: serves tw5.com with lazily loaded images
./bin/lazy.sh <username> [<password>]
./bin/lazy.cmd <username> [<password>]
This script serves the `tw5.com-server` edition content with LazyLoading applied to images.
!! `2bld`: builds TiddlyWiki 2.6.5
This script builds TiddlyWiki 2.6.5 from the original source and then displays the differences between them (`diff` is used for *nix, `fc` for Windows).
! Introduction
The scrollable widget wraps its content in a scrollable frame. The user can scroll the contents with the mouse or with touch gestures. Code can use the [[WidgetMessage: tm-scroll]] to programmatically scroll specific DOM nodes into view.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$scrollable>` widget is displayed within a pair of wrapper DIVs. If the inner DIV is larger then it scrolls within the outer one. CSS is used to specify the size of the outer wrapper.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|class |The CSS class(es) to be applied to the outer DIV |
|fallthrough |See below |
If a scrollable widget can't handle the `tm-scroll` message because the inner DIV fits within the outer DIV, then by default the message falls through to the parent widget. Setting the ''fallthrough'' attribute to `no` prevents this behaviour.
! Examples
This example requires the following CSS definitions from [[$:/_tw5.com-styles]]:
.tc-scrollable-demo {
border: 1px solid <<colour message-border>>;
background-color: <<colour message-background>>;
padding: 1em;
height: 400px;
This wiki text shows how to display a list within the scrollable widget:
<<wikitext-example-without-html "<$scrollable class='tc-scrollable-demo'>
<$list filter='[!is[system]]'>
<$view field='title'/>: <$list filter='[all[current]links[]sort[title]]' storyview='pop'>
<$link><$view field='title'/></$link>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
suffix="optionally, the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]]"
parameter="one or more search terms, separated by spaces"
output="those input tiddlers in which <<.em all>> of the search terms can be found in the value of field <<.place f>>"
negationOutput="those input tiddlers in which <<.em not>> all of the search terms can be so found"
When used with a suffix, the <<.op search>> operator is similar to <<.olink regexp>> but less powerful.
If the suffix is omitted, a tiddler is deemed to match if all the search terms appear in the combination of its <<.field tags>>, <<.field text>> and <<.field title>> fields.
The search ignores the difference between capital and lowercase letters.
<<.operator-examples "search">>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-example" n="1" eg="[!is[system]search[table]]" ie="non-system tiddlers containing the word <<.word table>>"/>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-example" n="2" eg="[all[shadows]search[table]]" ie="shadow tiddlers containing the word <<.word table>>"/>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-example" n="3" eg="[search:caption[arch]]" ie="tiddlers containing `arch` in their <<.field caption>> field"/>
Searching is fast and flexible in ~TiddlyWiki.
''Standard search''
Typing text into the search box in the sidebar will turn up a list of all the tiddlers that contain that text.
://(Note that the sidebar tabs will be hidden by the search results until you click the 'x' to the right of the search box to remove the search results)//
''Advanced searching''
Clicking on the magnifying glass icon to the right of the search box will open [[$:/AdvancedSearch]]. This tiddler contains four tabs:
* The ''standard'' tab contains another instance of the search box found in the sidebar
* The ''system'' tab allows you to limit your search to system tiddlers
* The ''shadows'' tab allows you to limit your search to shadow tiddlers
* The ''filter'' tab is not a search box, per se, but a way to obtain a list of all tiddlers that meet the specific criteria described by that [[filter|Filters]], for example, "All tags except system tags"
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
! Introduction
The select widget displays a popup menu based on a [[HTML select element|https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/select]]. The popup (or dropdown) contains a list of items defined by `<option>` and `<optgroup>` elements.
Every time the user selects a new value in the menu, the selected value is written to the text of a specified tiddler field or index. If the tiddler value changes the menu is automatically updated to reflect the new value.
For example, this select widget displays a list of the tags in this wiki:
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler=<<qualify 'select-demo'>> default='HelloThere'>
<$list filter='[all[shadows+tiddlers]tags[]sort[title]]'>
<option value=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field='title'/></option>
The <$link to=<<qualify "select-demo">>>state tiddler</$link> currently contains:
<$edit-text tiddler=<<qualify "select-demo">> tag="input" default=""/>
See the text change as you switch entries in the select widget. Try changing the value of the state tiddler and see the select widget change. Notice how the select widget only displays an entry if there is a precise match with the tiddler text.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$select>` widget should be one or more HTML `<option>` or `<optiongroup>` elements that provide the available values.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The title of the tiddler containing the value to be displayed/modified by the select widget (defaults to the current tiddler) |
|field |The field name for the value in the current tiddler (defaults to "text") |
|index |The index of a property in a [[DataTiddler|DataTiddlers]] (takes precedence over the field attribute) |
|class |CSS classes to be assigned to the HTML select element |
|default |Default value to be used if the tiddler, field or index specifies a missing value |
! Examples
!! Simple Lists
This example sets the title of the current wiki [[$:/SiteTitle]] to one of a list of book titles:
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler='$:/SiteTitle'>
<option>A Tale of Two Cities</option>
<option>A New Kind of Science</option>
<option>The Dice Man</option>
!! Value lists
In this example the `value` attribute has been used to specify the text that should be used as the value of the entry instead of the display text.
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler='$:/SiteTitle'>
<option value='cities'>A Tale of Two Cities</option>
<option value='science'>A New Kind of Science</option>
<option value='dice'>The Dice Man</option>
!! Option Groups
Entries in the list can be grouped together with the `<optgroup>` element
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler='$:/SiteTitle'>
<optgroup label='Fiction'>
<option value='cities'>A Tale of Two Cities</option>
<option value='dice'>The Dice Man</option>
<optgroup label='Non-fiction'>
<option value='science'>A New Kind of Science</option>
<option value='recursive'>The Recursive Universe</option>
!! Generated Lists
The ListWidget can be used to generate the options for a select widget. For example, here we combine a select widget listing all the tiddlers tagged ''TableOfContents'' with a transclusion to display the text of the selected one.
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler='$:/generated-list-demo-state'>
<$list filter='[tag[TableOfContents]]'>
<option><$view field='title'/></option>
<$tiddler tiddler={{$:/generated-list-demo-state}}>
<$transclude mode='block'/>
!! Nested Lists
This example uses a nested pair of list widgets. The outer one generates the `<optgroup>` elements, and the inner one generates `<option>` elements:
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="<$select tiddler='$:/generated-list-demo-nestedstate' field='type' default='text/vnd.tiddlywiki'>
<$list filter='[all[shadows+tiddlers]prefix[$:/language/Docs/Types/]each[group]sort[group]]'>
<optgroup label={{!!group}}>
<$list filter='[all[shadows+tiddlers]prefix[$:/language/Docs/Types/]group{!!group}] +[sort[description]]'>
<option value={{!!name}}><$view field='description'><$view field='title'/></$view> (<$view field='name'/>)</option>
"favicons" are small icons that most browsers display to help users identify websites.
! favicons in the Browser
When TiddlyWiki starts up in the browser it looks for a tiddler called [[$:/favicon.ico]] and dynamically uses it as the favicon for the page. If you modify the image then the favicon changes instantly to reflect it.
! favicons on the Server
On the server, the ServerCommand will serve the tiddler [[$:/favicon.ico]] at the path `/favicon.ico`.
The `<$setvariable>` widget is a synonym for `<$set/>`; see SetWidget for more details.
! Introduction
The set variable widget assigns a value to a specified [[variable|WidgetVariables]]. The new value of the variable is availale to the content within the set variable widget.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$set>` widget is the scope for the value assigned to the variable.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|name |The name of the variable to assign (defaults to "currentTiddler") |
|value |The value to assign to the variable if the filter is missing or not empty |
|filter |An optional filter to be evaluated and assigned to the variable (see below) |
|emptyValue |The value to assign to the variable if the filter is present and evaluates to an empty list (see below) |
!! Simple Variable Assignment
The simplest way of using set variable widget assigns a string to a variable. The following example assigns a literal string
<$set name="myVariable" value="Some text">
<$text text=<<myVariable>>/>
Both the name and value attributes can be transcluded. For example:
<$set name=<<anotherVariable>> value={{template!!text}}>
<$text text=<<myVariable>>/>
!! Conditional Variable Assignment
This form of the set variable widget chooses one of two specified values according to whether a filter evaluates to an empty list. Here's an example that sets a variable according to whether the current tiddler is called "myMagicTitle":
<$set name="myVariable" filter="[all[current]field:title[myMagicTitle]]" value="It's magic" emptyValue="It's not magic">
<$text text=<<myVariable>>/>
!! Filtered List Variable Assignment
This form of the set variable widget evaluates the filter and assigns the result to the variable as a space-separated list (using double square brackets for titles containing spaces).
<$set name="myVariable" filter="[tag[Introduction]]">
<$text text=<<myVariable>>/>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection|Title Selection]] of [[shadow titles|ShadowTiddlers]]"
output="the [[plugins|Plugins]] that contain the input tiddlers"
Each input title is processed in turn. If it denotes a shadow tiddler, the title of its plugin tiddler is [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the output. Non-shadow tiddlers contribute nothing to the output.
<<.operator-examples "shadowsource">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[$:/core/copyright.txt]shadowsource[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "$:/core/copyright.txt $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/railroad/parser.js +[shadowsource[]]">>
ShadowTiddlers are tiddlers that are loaded from within [[Plugins]]. Unlike ordinary tiddlers, they don't appear in most lists.
ShadowTiddlers can be overridden with an ordinary tiddler of the same name. If that tiddler is subsequently deleted then the original shadow tiddler is automatically restored.
The current shadow tiddlers are:
<$list filter="[all[shadows]sort[title]]"/>
You can work on a TiddlyWiki file in Dropbox and publish a URL that anyone can use to see a read-only view of the file.
# Save your TiddlyWiki file within your Dropbox folder
# Select Dropbox's "Share Link" option to obtain a public URL for the file
#* In the Dropbox web interface, this is done by clicking the link icon that appears when you hover over a file. Dropbox also adds a "Share Link" item to the file context menu in Finder on OS X and Explorer on Windows
# The URL generated by Dropbox will have this form:
#> `https://www.dropbox.com/s/<gobbledegook>/mywiki.html`
# Modify the URL like this, carefully preserving the gobbledegook:
#> `https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/<gobbledegook>/mywiki.html`
The result is a "secret" URL that you can send to other people to enable them to see the wiki.
There are a number of ways that people can share tiddlers back and forth:
*You can attach a ~TiddlyWiki to an e-mail
*You can publish your ~TiddlyWiki online, and grab a link to send or message to others:
**A link to the URL of the file itself
**A permalink to a specific tiddler (see [[PermaLinks]])
**A permaview link of all the currently open tiddlers (see [[PermaView]])
*You can grab tiddlers from ~TiddlyWikis that others have published online by clicking on a link to the tiddler within their file, and then dragging and dropping the link into your own file. An import tiddler will appear, and you can click to import the tiddler or tiddlers to your file.
* You can [[share a Dropbox link to your TiddlyWiki|Sharing a TiddlyWiki on Dropbox]]
A simple game built with TiddlyWiki, introduced in [[this post|https://groups.google.com/d/topic/tiddlywiki/4aRpZht1vOs/discussion]].
I decided to see if it was possible to make some sort of game using only the core tiddlywiki with no plugins or javascript. I made a very bare bones zork/interactive fiction type game. It is currently the simplest thing I could make and claim it was a game, but I may add on to it in the future. It uses the 5.1.5 prerelease because the action-setfield widget saved lots of work making macros.
One goal of this is to use nothing besides what is contained in the core tiddlywiki, so there is no javascript and no plugins.
A single file application is a web application where all of the assets are delivered in a single static file. This means that it can be downloaded and used offline without losing functionality. It can also be hosted on almost any type of web server.
TiddlyWiki is an unusual single file application because it stores its data within the same file, and is capable of saving changes to itself.
Every single file application must also by definition be a SinglePageApplication, but the converse is not true.
As defined by Wikipedia, a SinglePageApplication is a web application that presents itself as a single HTML document that dynamically loads additional content as the user browses the site. Frequently, single page applications are carefully designed to hide their nature, appearing and functioning as an ordinary static website by respecting the address bar and the back/forward navigation controls.
Unusually, TiddlyWiki is also a SingleFileApplication.
* Take notes, and use tags and hyperlinking to form relationships between your notes
* Use tabs, tables, tag-based lists, and tables of contents to get organised
* Bookmark your favorite websites (see an example at http://giffmex.org/experiments/tidmarks.html)
* Keep track of tasks and appointments, and organise them by multiple tags (see our TaskManagementExample)
* Inventory just about anything: your recipes, personal library, contacts, music collection, and more
* Create a blog or website
* Write a book
* Organise your images into galleries (see our [[ImageGallery Example]])
* Share the information in your ~TiddlyWiki with others, as an online file, as a file attachment, as a tiddler file, or as a link to a specific online tiddler (try clicking and dragging a tiddler from one ~TiddlyWiki file to another to see what happens)
* Draw a sketch (Edit [[Motovun Jack.jpg]] and start drawing over the image to see what happens)
* Create a modal wizard (also known as a lightbox) - see SampleWizard
* Create a slideshow presentation
* Set up an entire local or online knowledgebase, with a central ~TiddlyWiki file linking to other ~TiddlyWiki files (http://recursos.giffmex.org is a Spanish online example of this)
* Set up a data visualisation using tiddlers as data (see the visualisations at http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/d3/index.html)
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]], defaulting to <<.field title>>"
output="the input, sorted into ascending order by field <<.field f>>, treating field values as text"
negationOutput="the input, likewise sorted into descending order"
The difference between capital and lowercase letters is ignored. Compare <<.olink sortcs>>.
<<.operator-examples "sort">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]sort[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]!sort[]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "one two Three four +[sort[]]">>
<<.operator-example 4 "[prefix[Tiddl]sort[text]]">>
<<.operator-example 5 "[has[created]sort[created]limit[10]]" "the oldest 10 tiddlers in the wiki">>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]], defaulting to <<.field title>>"
output="the input, sorted into ascending order by field <<.field f>>, treating field values as text"
negationOutput="the input, likewise sorted into descending order"
Capital and lowercase letters are treated as different. Compare <<.olink sort>>.
<<.operator-examples "sortcs">>
<<.operator-example 1 "one two Three four +[sortcs[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "one two Three four +[!sortcs[]]">>
Because ~TiddlyWiki is of British origin, its English documentation uses [[British spelling in preference to US spelling|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_and_British_English_spelling_differences]].
Words like <<.word customise>> are spelled <<.word -ise>>, not <<.word -ize>>.
Standard technical acronyms are written in upper case, without dots: <<.word HTML>>, not <<.word html>> or <<.word H.T.M.L.>>
Avoid arbitrarily abbreviating words and sentences. But the following abbreviations are acceptable:
|!Abbreviation |!Meaning |!Notes |
|e.g. |for example |with a dot after each letter |
|i.e. |that is to say |with a dot after each letter |
|etc |and so on |without a dot |
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="a string of characters marking the end of the prefix"
output="the prefix, up to and including <<.place S>>, of each input title"
Each input title is processed in turn.
* A title that contains <<.place s>> contributes everything up to and including <<.place s>>.
* A title that doesn't contain <<.place s>> simply contributes itself to the output.
Contributions are [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the output.
The <<.clink "`toc`" TableOfContentsMacro>> macros use this operator with `/` as the parameter.
<<.operator-examples "splitbefore">>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-example" n="1" eg="2015-01-26 2014-07-19 2013 +[splitbefore[-]]"/>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-example" n="2" eg="[[green trees]splitbefore[ee]]"/>
The startup mechanism runs the installed startup modules at the end of the [[boot process|BootMechanism]].
! Startup Modules
Modules with their ''module-type'' field set to `startup`:
* Must export a `startup` function
** For synchronous startup modules the startup function is called as `startup()`, asynchronous modules are passed a callback they must invoke on completion: `startup(callback)`
* May export a `name` property that is used to identify the task
* May export a `after` property containing an array of names of dependent tasks that must be run before this one
* May export a `before` property containing an array of names of tasks that must be run after this one
* May export a `platforms` property containing an array of names of platforms that are required in order for the startup module to be executed. The defined platforms are ''node'' and ''browser''. If the `platforms` property is not provided it defaults to `["node","browser"]`
! Startup Processing
Startup modules are executed in sequence according to their declared dependencies.
There is no guarantee of the execution order of tasks that share the same dependencies.
! Startup Modules
The core defines the following startup modules:
{{Startup Modules.svg}}
The StateMechanism in TiddlyWiki is at the heart of how complex user interfaces can be built from WikiText.
In the browser, the TiddlyWiki display is produced by dynamically rendering the tiddler [[$:/core/ui/PageTemplate]]. Through various transclusions and other widgets it renders the entire user interface. The dynamic rendering is accomplished by a mechanism called "binding": any changes to the tiddlers in the store are dynamically reflected in the browser display.
The stack of templates that make up the TiddlyWiki display are complex but we'll focus on the line that displays the main story column:
<$list filter="[list[$:/StoryList]]" history="$:/HistoryList" template="$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate" editTemplate="$:/core/ui/EditTemplate" storyview={{$:/view}} />
Breaking down the attributes applied to the list widget:
* ''filter'': selects the list of tiddlers in the `list` field of the tiddler [[$:/StoryList]]. If a tiddler is added or removed from that list then it is automatically reflected in the displayed list
* ''history'': references the tiddler to be used to store the history stack (see the NavigationMechanism)
* ''template'': identifies a template tiddler to be used for rendering each tiddler in the list
* ''editTemplate'': identifies a different template tiddler to be used for rendering tiddlers that are in [[draft mode|DraftMechanism]]
* ''storyview'': specifies the story view to be used (eg classic, or zoomin)
The [[$:/StoryList]] tiddler is an example of a StateTiddler: a tiddler that is used to hold the state of the user interface. Changes to the user interface are made indirectly, by changing the underlying state tiddlers, and letting TiddlyWiki ripple the changes through the user interface.
Note how this approach makes the ''open'' tab in the sidebar very easy to implement: it is just another list widget referencing the same state tiddler, but with a different template:
<$list filter="[list[$:/StoryList]]" history="$:/HistoryList" storyview="pop">
<$button message="tm-close-tiddler" class="tc-btn-invisible tc-btn-mini">×</$button> <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link>
Now consider the implementation of the info panel within the tiddler template. We want to be able to toggle the info panel open and closed, which means that we must track its current state in a tiddler.
However, we can't track the state in a tiddler called, say, [[$:/InfoPanelState]] because every tiddler would share the same state; changing the value of the tiddler would affect all tiddlers displayed in the story.
The solution is to dynamically generate a unique title for each state tiddler that we need. We need to ensure that the same state tiddler title is generated each time a user interface element is rendered. To do that, we append together tokens representating each of the stack of transclusions that led to the current rendering location. Then that string of symbols is hashed to a simple numeric value.
The process of generating a state tiddler title is encapsulated in the QualifyMacro.
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
output="the name of each story view"
The names are those exported by [[modules|Modules]] whose <<.field module-type>> is <<.value storyview>>.
<<.operator-examples "storyviews">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[storyviews[]]">>
TiddlyWiki5 provides several features to help you structure information as [[tiddlers|Tiddlers]], and model the relationships between them:
* TiddlerLinks
* [[Tagging]]
* [[Title Lists|Title List]]
* DataTiddlers
You can use this construction to cause the wrapped content to be assigned specified CSS classes or styles:
<<wikitext-example src:"@@.myStyle
* List One
* List Two
Similar syntax is used to assign styles. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"@@background-color:red;
* List One
* List Two
Multiple styles and classes can be mixed. For example:
<<wikitext-example src:"@@.tc-tiddler-frame
Some text
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="a string of characters"
output="those input titles that end with <<.place p>>"
negationOutput="those input tiddlers that do <<.em not>> end with <<.place p>>"
<<.operator-examples "suffix">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[suffix[.jpg]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[tag[task]!suffix[ing]]">>
System tags are used to give special behaviour to tiddlers.
! Available system tags
These are the available system tags
* {{$:/tags/AboveStory||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for elements to be placed at the top of the story river
* {{$:/tags/AdvancedSearch||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for search elements
* {{$:/tags/Alert||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for alerts
* {{$:/tags/BelowStory||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for elements to be placed at the bottom of the story river
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel tabs
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel/Advanced||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel advanced tabs
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel/Appearance||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel appearance tabs
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel/Info||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel info tabs
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel/Settings||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel settings tabs
* {{$:/tags/ControlPanel/Toolbars||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for control panel toolbar customisation tabs
* {{$:/tags/EditTemplate||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the edit template
* {{$:/tags/EditToolbar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the edit mode tiddler toolbar
* {{$:/tags/Filter||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for filters in advanced seach sample filter dropdown
* {{$:/tags/Image||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for (core) images
* {{$:/tags/Macro||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for global macros
* {{$:/tags/MoreSideBar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for tabs in the "more" sidebar
* {{$:/tags/PageControls||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the page control tools in the sidebar
* {{$:/tags/PageTemplate||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the main page elements
* {{$:/tags/Palette||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for colour palettes
* {{$:/tags/RawMarkup||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for raw markup to be included in the generated HTML file
* {{$:/tags/SideBar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for sidebar tabs
* {{$:/tags/Stylesheet||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} to indicate that a tiddler should be applied as a CSS stylesheet
* {{$:/tags/TiddlerInfo||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for tiddler info panel tabs
* {{$:/tags/TiddlerInfo/Advanced||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for tabs under the advanced tiddler tab
* {{$:/tags/TopLeftBar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the top left bar
* {{$:/tags/TopRightBar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the top right bar
* {{$:/tags/ViewTemplate||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the view template
* {{$:/tags/ViewToolbar||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} for the view mode tiddler toolbar
! System tags in use
These are the system tags in use in this wiki:
<$list filter="[all[shadows+tiddlers]tags[]prefix[$:/]sort[title]]">
System tiddlers are any tiddler whose title starts with `$:/`; such tiddlers are automatically hidden from most operations. They don't show up in lists or search results, but linking to one directly works in the usual way.
TiddlyWiki models everything as [[tiddlers|Tiddlers]], including its internal components and configuration. Thus, even an apparently empty TiddlyWiki actually contains dozens of tiddlers that are necessary to enable it function correctly. Using system tiddlers prevents them from confusing casual users.
The current system tiddlers are:
<$list filter="[is[system]sort[title]]"/>
<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-selective-expandable 'TableOfContents'>>
The table of contents macro produces a hierarchical tree of tiddlers based on their tags.
The top level entries of the table of contents are defined by a root tag. The subentries under each of those entries are tagged with the title of the entry. Entries can be ordered using the `list` field of the tag tiddler as described in [[Tagging]].
The text for each entry is taken from the ''caption'' field if it is present, otherwise the ''title'' is used.
Entries are rendered as a link to the corresponding tiddler unless the tiddler has the value ''no'' in the field ''toc-link''. In the examples below, the entry SecondThree is set up in this way to not appear as a link.
There are several variants of the macro:
* `<<toc>>` produces a simple hierarchical tree of links
* `<<toc-expandable>>` produces an expandable tree of links
* `<<toc-selective-expandable>>` produces an expandable tree of links where the expand/contract buttons are only shown for entries that possess child nodes
The macros all generate HTML ordered lists. The `<ol>` elements are given the class `tc-toc`, with the expandable variant also having the class `tc-toc-expandable` and the selective expandable variant also having the class `tc-toc-selective-expandable`.
! Parameters
|!Position |!Name |!Description |!Default |
|1st |tag |The root tag that identifies the top level of the hierarchy | |
|2nd |sort |Optional sorting subfilter (eg `sort[title]`) | |
The ''tag'' and ''sort'' parameters are combined to make a filter expression of the form:
! Examples
In these examples, the top level entries of the table of contents examples are defined by the root tag ''Contents''. The subentries under each of those entries are tagged with the title of the parent entry, here ''First'', ''Second'', ''Third'', and ''Fourth''. One level deeper only ''~SecondThree'' has subentries.
Here is the tag structure shown with clickable tag pills:
For instructions on adding a table of contents to the sidebar, see: [[How to add a new tab to the sidebar]].
<<tabs "[tag[table-of-contents-example]]" "TableOfContentsMacro Simple Example">>
!! Expandable Table of Contents
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src='<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-expandable "Contents">>
!! Selective Expandable Table of Contents
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src='<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-selective-expandable "Contents">>
!! Simple Table of Contents
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src='<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc "Contents">>
!! Sorted Expandable Table of Contents
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src='<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-expandable "Contents" "sort[title]">>
!! Tabbed Table of Contents
The tabbed table of contents macro renders a selective expandable table of contents with an attached panel that displays the currently selected tiddler.
!!! Parameters
|!Position |!Name |!Description |!Default |
|1st |tag |Tag to be used for constructing the table of contents | |
|2nd |sort |Optional sorting subfilter (eg `sort[title]`) | |
|3rd |selectedTiddler |Title of the tiddler containing the title of the currently displayed tiddler |"$:/temp/toc/selectedTiddler" |
|4th |unselectedText |Text to be displayed when no tiddler is selected | |
|5th |missingText |Text to be displayed when the selected tiddler is missing | |
|6th |template |Optional title of a tiddler to be used as a template for rendering the selected tiddler | |
!!! Internal navigation
This example shows how to construct a tabbed table of contents with internal navigation, so that clicking links in the displayed tiddler will replace the displayed tiddler.
<<toc-tabbed-internal-nav tag:"TableOfContents" selectedTiddler:"$:/temp/toc/selectedTiddler" unselectedText:"Select a topic in the table of contents. Click the arrow to expand a topic.">>
!!! External navigation
This example shows how to construct a tabbed table of contents with external navigation, so that clicking links in the displayed tiddler will open those tiddlers in the story river in the usual way.
<<toc-tabbed-external-nav tag:"TableOfContents" selectedTiddler:"$:/temp/toc/selectedTiddler" unselectedText:"Select a topic in the table of contents. Click the arrow to expand a topic.">>
!! Example
Type: <$select tiddler="TabbedExampleType">
<option value="toc-tabbed-internal-nav">Open tiddler links internally (toc-tabbed-internal-nav)</option>
<option value="toc-tabbed-external-nav">Open tiddler links externally (toc-tabbed-external-nav)</option>
<$macrocall $name={{TabbedExampleType}} tag="TableOfContents" selectedTiddler="$:/temp/toc/selectedTiddler" unselectedText="<p>Select a topic in the table of contents. Click the arrow to expand a topic.</p>" missingText="<p>Missing tiddler.</p>"/>
! Basics
TiddlyWiki5 formats tables using vertical bar characters like so:
|!Cell1 |!Cell2 |
|Cell3 |Cell3 |
Exclamation marks are used to indicate header cells. The example renders as:
|!Cell1 |!Cell2 |
|Cell3 |Cell3 |
! Cell Alignment
Table cell alignment is controlled by inserting space characters before and/or after the cell content. For example:
|Left aligned content |
| Right aligned content|
| Centred content |
|+++ a very wide column so we can see the alignment +++|
The example renders as:
|Left aligned content |
| Right aligned content|
| Centred content |
|+++ a very wide column so we can see the alignment +++|
! Cell vertical Alignment
Vertical alignment of cells is done by inserting either a `^` for top alignment or a `,` for bottom alignment as the first character of a cell. The normal horizontal alignment is still possible. For example:
|^top left |^ top center |^ top right|
|middle left | middle center | middle right|
|,bottom left |, bottom center |, bottom right|
The example renders as:
| :: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | :: |
| ::<br>:: |^top left |^ top center |^ top right| ::<br>:: |
| ::<br>:: |middle left | middle center | middle right| ::<br>:: |
| ::<br>:: |,bottom left |, bottom center |, bottom right| ::<br>:: |
| :: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: | :: |
If you need to have a `^`or a `,` as the first character of a left aligned cell, you can use HTML escaping:
| `^` | &#94; |
| `,` | &#44; |
! Cell Merging
To merge a table cell with the one above, use the special cell text `~`. To merge a cell with the one to its left use the text `<`. To merge one to its right use `>`. For example:
|Cell1 |Cell2 |Cell3 |Cell4 |
|Cell5 |Cell6 |Cell7 |<|
|Cell5 |~|Cell7 |Cell8 |
|>|Cell9 |Cell10 |Cell11 |
Renders as:
|Cell1 |Cell2 |Cell3 |Cell4 |
|Cell5 |Cell6 |Cell7 |<|
|Cell5 |~|Cell7 |Cell8 |
|>|Cell9 |Cell10 |Cell11 |
! Table Classes, Captions, Headers and Footers
Table CSS classes, captions, headers and footers can be specified as special pseudo-rows. The following example:
* assigns the CSS classes "myclass" and "anotherClass" to the table
* gives the table the caption "This is a caption"
* adds a header row of cells with the text "Header"
* adds a footer row of cells with the text "Footer"
|myclass anotherClass|k
|This is a caption |c
|Cell1 |Cell2 |
|Cell3 |Cell3 |
Renders as:
|myclass anotherClass|k
|This is a caption |c
|Cell1 |Cell2 |
|Cell3 |Cell3 |
The tabs macro displays a list of tiddlers as a tab control. The user can switch between tabs by clicking on them. The tabs are labelled with the title of the corresponding tiddler, unless there is a `caption` field present in which case it is used instead.
By default the tab control arranges the tabs horizontally with the content underneath. You can also choose to have the tabs arranged vertically by passing the class `tc-vertical`.
! Parameters
|!Position |!Name |!Description |!Default |
|1st |tabsList |Filter giving the tiddlers to be displayed | |
|2nd |default |Name of the tiddler containing the default tab | |
|3rd |state |String to distinguish multiple tabs within the same tiddler (use of the system tiddler prefix is recommended) |''$:/state/tab'' |
|4th |class |Additional CSS classes for the three wrapper DIVs that make up the tabs (multiple classes can be separated with spaces) | |
|5th |template |Optional template through which to render the tab content | |
Within the template the title of the current tab is available in the widget variable ''currentTab''. The ''currentTiddler'' variable is not affected by the tabs macro.
! Examples
Here are some examples of the tabs macro:
<<tabs "SampleTabOne SampleTabTwo SampleTabThree SampleTabFour" "SampleTabThree" "$:/state/tab1">>
<<tabs "[tag[sampletab]]" "SampleTabTwo" "$:/state/tab2" "tc-vertical">>
<<tabs "SampleTabOne SampleTabTwo SampleTabThree SampleTabFour" "SampleTabThree" "$:/state/tab1">>
<<tabs "[tag[sampletab]]" "SampleTabTwo" "$:/state/tab2" "tc-vertical">>
//Exercise//: how would you make sure that the second tab list is correctly sorted? Hint : read [[Tagging]] until the end.
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="the title of a [[tag|Tagging]]"
output="those input tiddlers that have tag <<.place t>>"
negationOutput="those input tiddlers that do <<.em not>> have tag <<.place t>>"
The output is [[sorted|Order of Tagged Tiddlers]] using the tag's <<.field list>> field and the tiddlers' <<.field list-before>> and <<.field list-after>> fields.
If <<.place t>> is empty, the output of `tag` is empty, and the output of `!tag` is a copy of the input.
<<.operator-examples "tag">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[tag[task]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[tag[task]!tag[done]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[!tag[task]]">>
<<.operator-example 4 "[all[shadows]tag[$:/tags/Stylesheet]]">>
This tiddler is to demonstrate the TagMacro.
Tagging is a way of organising tiddlers into categories. For example, if you had tiddlers representing various individuals, you could tag them as ''friend'', ''family'', ''colleague'' etc to indicate these people's relationships to you.
A tag is in fact just a tiddler (or a potential tiddler), and it can have tags of its own. You can add any number of tags to the same tiddler.
See [[Creating and editing tiddlers]] for instructions on how to tag.
By tagging your tiddlers, you can view, navigate and organise your information in numerous additional ways:
* The coloured tag pills on a tiddler give you quick access to all the other tiddlers with the same tag, as well as to the tiddler that represents the tag itself.
* If a tiddler is serving as a tag, then the ''Tagging'' tab in its InfoPanel will show you which tiddlers are currently tagged with it.
* The ''More'' tab of the sidebar has a ''Tags'' tab that presents an overview of all your tags and lets you access all your tagged tiddlers.
* You can use [[filters|Filters]] to create lists of tiddlers based on their tags. You can then display any combination of the [[fields|TiddlerFields]] of those tiddlers. For example, you could build a glossary by listing the title and text of all tiddlers tagged ''Glossary''. Such lists can be formatted in any way you wish: e.g. bulleted, numbered or comma-separated.
* There are a number of special ''system tags'' that control the layout of tiddlers and the entire ~TiddlyWiki page. See [[Page and tiddler layout customisation]] for instructions.
There are two more things you can do with tags:
! Set a tag's colour and icon
You can use the [[tag manager|$:/TagManager]], found on the ''Tags'' tab under ''More'' in the sidebar, to change the colour of a tag's pill or add an icon to the pill.
* To change the colour, click the button in the ''Colour'' column to select from a colour picker. Alternatively, click the icon in the ''Info'' column, then type a [[CSS]] colour value in the ''Colour'' field
* To change the icon, click the {{$:/core/images/down-arrow}} button in the ''Icon'' column and choose from the list of available icons
! Change the order in which tags are listed
By default, tagged tiddlers are listed in alphabetical order.
If you want any other order, add a <<.flink ListField>> field to the tag tiddler, and set its value to be a [[list of the tiddlers|Title List]] in that order.
The ''list'' field doesn't have to mention all of the tiddlers. See the [[precise rules|Order of Tagged Tiddlers]] ~TiddlyWiki uses to order tagged tiddlers.
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection|Title Selection]] of [[tags|Tagging]]"
output="the titles of any tiddlers that carry the input tags"
Each input tag is processed in turn. The list of tiddlers carrying that tag is generated, [[sorted|Order of Tagged Tiddlers]], and then [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's overall output.
<<.operator-examples "tagging">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[task]tagging[]]" "same as `[tag[task]]`">>
<<.operator-example 2 "Concepts task +[tagging[]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[all[current]tagging[]]" "tiddlers tagged with the current one">>
The 'tag' macro displays a tag pill for a specified tag.
! Parameters
|!Position |!Name |!Description |!Default |
|1st |tag |Title of tag |The current tiddler |
! Examples
For example:
* <<tag>>
* <<tag "HelloThere">>
* <<tag>>
* <<tag "HelloThere">>
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
output="all the tags carried by the input tiddlers"
Each input title is processed in turn. The corresponding tiddler's tags are retrieved (in order of appearance in the <<.field tags>> field) and then [[dominantly appended|Dominant Append]] to the operator's output.
<<.operator-examples "tags">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[[Filter Operators]tags[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[all[shadows]tags[]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[all[shadows+tiddlers]tags[]sort[]]">>
A tag tiddler is any tiddler that is in use as a tag.
The ''Tagging'' tab on the InfoPanel of a tag tiddler shows which tiddlers are tagged with the tag tiddler.
A tag can be used without a corresponding tag tiddler.
Sample tasks for the TaskManagementExample.
TiddlyWiki5 can be used as a simple task management system without further customisation. The idea is that tasks be tagged `task`, with those that are completed also tagged `done`. In this way it is straightforward to generate task lists.
! Outstanding tasks
<$list filter="[!has[draft.of]tag[task]!tag[done]sort[created]]">
<$checkbox tag="done"> <$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link></$checkbox>
! Completed tasks
<$list filter="[!has[draft.of]tag[task]tag[done]sort[created]]">
<$checkbox tag="done"> ~~<$link to={{!!title}}><$view field="title"/></$link>~~</$checkbox>
When writing an [[instruction tiddler|Instruction Tiddlers]], start by planning a route through the information you wish to present. This should be a simple, logical, direct progression of thoughts, with no backtracking or forward references. Use this approach even within individual sentences: always proceed from cause to effect, from the old or known to the new or unknown.
Keep sentences short and simple. A clear technical sentence seldom contains more than one idea. It therefore avoids parenthetical information. Similarly, keep paragraph structure simple. A flat presentation is often easier to understand than a hierarchical one.
It is often possible to simplify a sentence without changing its meaning, merely by adjusting its vocabulary or grammatical structure. <<.word "Execution of the macro is performed">> just means <<.word "The macro runs">>. <<.word "Your expectation might be...">> just means <<.word "You might expect...">>.
Prefer the active voice by default: <<.word "Jane creates a tiddler">> rather than <<.word "a tiddler is created by Jane">>. The passive voice can be useful if you want the reader to focus on the action itself or its result: <<.word "a tiddler is created">>. But it can often be clearer to proceed from cause to effect and say <<.word "this creates a tiddler">> in the active voice.
Documentation often presents two items that are parallel either by similarity or by difference. The reader will more easily detect such a pattern if you use the same sentence or phrase structure for both. But this must be balanced with the need to avoid monotony.
Prefer precise instructions over woolly descriptions. If something has a name, use it. If something lacks a name, give it a tiddler.
A template tiddler is not actually a type of tiddler, it is a role in which a tiddler can be used.
Templates are a way to re-use chunks of WikiText.
Transcluding through a template extends the basic functionality of [[Transclusion]] by combining two tiddlers:
* A template tiddler that contains the WikiText to be displayed. It can contain transclusions that reference fields in the CurrentTiddler
* A target tiddler that identifies the CurrentTiddler to be used when resolving references to fields
The best example of templating is the main story river in TiddlyWiki. Each tiddler in the story river is rendered through a ViewTemplate that specifies how each field is to be rendered.
See [[Transclusion with Templates]] for details.
# With ~TiddlyWiki you can organise your notes your way, not their way. Your notes conform to your way of thinking rather than being forced into a hierarchical straightjacket of notebooks and tabs.
# ~TiddlyWiki's nonlinear approach will actually make you think about your information in new and helpful ways.
# Finding your notes in ~TiddlyWiki is lightning fast
# There are many ways to customise and adapt every aspect of ~TiddlyWiki
# ~TiddlyWiki is free and is compatible with all platforms. Any web browser will open it. You don't need to purchase an expensive program or pay a subscription fee to use it.
# ~TiddlyWiki files promote the free sharing of information. There are many ways you can share your information from ~TiddlyWiki.
# With ~TiddlyWiki, your information is yours, and you store it where you want to - on your device, on a USB stick, in Dropbox, on your server.
# ~TiddlyWiki features an ever-growing number of plugins, themes, widgets, and languages.
# The online ~TiddlyWiki community is friendly and will do their best to give you the help you need.
# If you are a programmer, you have even more ways to play with ~TiddlyWiki. With ~TiddlyWiki, the more you know, the more fun you can have with it.
TiddlyWiki5 incorporates the Jasmine JavaScript testing framework (see http://pivotal.github.io/jasmine/). It allows the same tests to be run both in the browser and under Node.js.
! TiddlyWiki5 Testing Components
There are two main elements to the TiddlyWiki5 testing mechanism:
* The plugin `tiddlywiki/jasmine` that wraps Jasmine up into a plugin along with some glue code
* The TiddlyWiki5 edition `test` that contains the core test specifications and includes the Jasmine plugin
! Running the Tests in Node.js
To run the tests under Node.js just load up the `test` wiki:
node ./tiddlywiki.js \
./editions/test \
! Running the Tests in the Browser
To generate a wiki containing the browser tests load up the `test` wiki and save it as an HTML file:
node ./tiddlywiki.js \
./editions/test \
--verbose \
--rendertiddler $:/core/save/all test.html text/plain \
The `test.html` file will be placed in the `output` folder within the wiki folder. Open it in the browser to see the test results. There is a prebuilt version of `test.html` at:
A TextReference identifies a chunk of text from a tiddler that can be retrieved or modified depending on the context.
Text references are made up of several parts, most of which can be optional:
* `<tiddler title>` - the text [[field|TiddlerFields]] of the specified tiddler
* `<tiddler title>!!<metadata field>` - a tiddler metadata [[field|TiddlerFields]] (eg, `modified`, `modifier`, `type` etc)
* `!!<metadata field>` - a metadata [[field|TiddlerFields]] of the current tiddler
* `<tiddler title>##<property index>` - extracts a named property from DataTiddlers
Text references can be used in several places:
* As [[indirect parameters|Filter Parameter]] within [[Filters]] (eg, `<$list filter="[tag{MyTag!!name}]"/>`)
* As IndirectAttributes of an element or widget (eg, `<$widget attrib={{Title!!description}}/>`)
* As the operand of a shortcut transclusion (eg, `{{MyTiddler!!title}}`)
* As the `state` attribute of the RevealWidget and the LinkCatcherWidget
! Introduction
The text widget displays plain text.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$text>` widget is not used.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|text |The text to display |
! Horror Stories
Every so often, TiddlyWiki users report heart-rending tales of personal data loss on the discussion groups:
> My entire TiddlyWiki has just been wiped out when Firefox crashed during saving a tiddly.
> Last time I used it was last night at home on my Windows 7 desktop, hit the check mark to stop editing my last entry, it then saves via TiddlyFox and I eject my USB drive. I came to work this morning, plugged in my USB, enter my TW5 password and it doesn't want to open after several attempts. I browse to my TW5 html file and notice that my file size is no longer 3MB.. instead it is 80KB. This leads me to believe I lost everything.
Don't let it happen to you!
!! The first rule of using TiddlyWiki is:
<p style="font-size:40pt;line-height:48pt;font-weight:700;color:red;">
Backup your data!
TiddlyWiki is a very flexible, customisable system that puts you firmly in charge of your own data. Every care is taken in TiddlyWiki's development to ensure that it is a safe place to preserve your most valuable data but the ultimate responsibility to reduce the risk of data loss falls to users.
The best way to make sure that your data is safe is to practise a rigorous system of backups:
* Consider using services like Dropbox to continuously back up your personal data to the cloud. (Dropbox [[has a neat feature|https://www.dropbox.com/help/11]] whereby they keep track of previous versions of files)
* Retain backups before upgrading to a new version of TiddlyWiki
* Figure out and protect yourself from the worst case scenarios: what if your USB stick or hard drive fails? What if your computer is hit by a ransomeware virus?
* Be defensive and redundant: for example, take multiple backups and keep them in separate physical locations
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
! <<.olink before>> and <<.olink after>>
<<.operator-example 1 "[list[Days of the Week]before{!!title}]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[list[Days of the Week]after{!!title}]">>
In accordance with the [[Philosophy of Tiddlers]], documentation tiddlers are typically short and interlinked.
When a tiddler seems as if it needs to contain subheadings, this is often a sign that it should in fact be split into several tiddlers. But it is reasonable for a [[reference tiddler|Reference Tiddlers]] to consist of an untitled introductory section followed by a titled section of details.
Consistency of terminology is essential if the reader is not to become confused. Consistent typography and punctuation lend a professional quality to the documentation. Macros can improve the consistency and maintainability of the text.
Use numbered lists for step-by-step instructions, and bullet points for lists whose order is arbitrary. Use a definition list in preference to a bulleted list if each bulleted item would begin with a term and a colon. If at all possible, avoid burdening the reader with a nested list.
Use a table when information naturally falls into three or more columns, and also for lists of parameters, attributes, etc in [[reference tiddlers|Reference Tiddlers]].
The documentation describes the current reality of ~TiddlyWiki. Avoid discussing future aspirations.
Many documentation tiddlers, especially the [[reference ones|Reference Tiddlers]], are concerned with a single concept. Their titles should be succinct noun phrases like <<.tid "List Widget">> or <<.tid "Tiddler Fields">>.
Each of the main words of such a title begins with a capital letter. Minor words such as <<.word and>>, <<.word or>>, <<.word the>>, <<.word to>> and <<.word with>> do not.
Tags also follow this pattern.
Titles of this kind are plural if they denote a category of items, e.g. <<.tid "Keyboard Shortcuts">> or <<.tid "Tiddler Fields">>. Such titles are used to tag more specific tiddlers within the category.
Where a concept is an item rather than a category, its tiddler has a singular title, e.g. <<.tid "List Widget">>, <<.tid "tag Operator">>.
Start a title with its most distinctive part. For instance, the tiddlers documenting the filter operators have titles like <<.tid "addprefix Operator">>. This helps the reader scan a list of links to find a particular tiddler.
Avoid starting a title with the word <<.word the>>.
In the past, many tiddlers had CamelCase titles. This is gradually being phased out of the documentation to improve readability. ~CamelCase titles should no longer be used, even for tags, except in cases like <<.tid ~JavaScript>> where that is the standard spelling.
[[Instruction tiddlers|Instruction Tiddlers]] often have longer titles that can be more complicated than just a noun phrase, e.g. <<.tid "Ten reasons to switch to ~TiddlyWiki">>. These titles use sentence case, i.e. only the first word (and any proper names) starts with a capital letter.
How-to tiddlers have titles that begin with <<.word "How to">>, e.g. <<.tid "How to edit a tiddler">>. Avoid titles like <<.tid "Editing tiddlers">>, because a less fluent English speaker could misunderstand that as the name of a category of tiddlers.
\define lingo-base() $:/language/Docs/Fields/
TiddlerFields are name:value pairs that make up a [[tiddler|Tiddlers]]. Field names must be lowercase letters, digits or the characters `-` (dash), `_` (underscore) and `.` (period).
The standard fields are:
|!Field Name |!Reference |!Description |
|`title` |TitleField |<<lingo title>> |
|`text` |TextField |<<lingo text>> |
|`modified` |ModifiedField |<<lingo modified>> |
|`modifier` |ModifierField |<<lingo modifier>> |
|`created` |CreatedField |<<lingo created>> |
|`creator` |CreatorField |<<lingo creator>> |
|`tags` |TagsField |<<lingo tags>> |
|`type` |TypeField |<<lingo type>> |
|`list` |ListField |<<lingo list>> |
Other fields used by the core are:
|!Field Name |!Reference |!Description |
|`color` |ColorField |<<lingo color>> |
|`description` |DescriptionField |<<lingo description>> |
|`draft.of` |DraftOfField |<<lingo draft.of>> |
|`draft.title` |DraftTitleField |<<lingo draft.title>> |
|`footer` |FooterField |<<lingo footer>> |
|`library` |LibraryField |<<lingo library>> |
|`name` |NameField |<<lingo name>> |
|`plugin-priority` |PluginPriorityField |<<lingo plugin-priority>> |
|`plugin-type` |PluginTypeField |<<lingo plugin-type>> |
|`source` |SourceField |<<lingo source>> |
|`subtitle` |SubtitleField |<<lingo subtitle>> |
The TiddlyWebAdaptor uses a few more fields:
|!Field Name |!Reference |!Description |
|`bag` |BagField |<<lingo bag>> |
|`revision` |RevisionField |<<lingo revision>> |
See the ''Advanced > TiddlerFields'' tab of the [[control panel|$:/ControlPanel]] for details of the fields used in this wiki.
Tiddlers can be stored in text files in several different formats. Files containing single tiddlers can also have an auxiliary `.meta` file formatted as a sequence of name:value pairs:
title: TheTitle
modifier: someone
!! ~TiddlyWeb-style .tid files
These files consist of a sequence of lines containing name:value pairs, a blank line and then the text of the tiddler. For example:
title: MyTiddler
modifier: Jeremy
This is the text of my tiddler.
Note that many text editors require that files include a terminating newline. If you want to avoid including the terminating newline in the text of the tiddler you can use this alternative syntax:
title: MyTiddler
modifier: Jeremy
text: This is the text of my tiddler.
//The ContentType `application/x-tiddler` is used internally for these files//
!! TiddlyWiki `<DIV>` .tiddler files
Modern `*.tiddler` files look like this:
<div title="AnotherExampleStyleSheet" modifier="blaine" created="201102111106" modified="201102111310" tags="examples" creator="psd">
<pre>Note that there is an embedded <pre> tag, and line feeds are not escaped.
And, weirdly, there is no HTML encoding of the body.</pre>
These `*.tiddler` files are therefore not quite the same as the tiddlers found inside a TiddlyWiki HTML file, where the body is HTML encoded in the expected way.
Older `*.tiddler` files more closely matched the store format used by TiddlyWiki at the time:
<div tiddler="AnotherExampleStyleSheet" modifier="JeremyRuston" modified="200508181432" created="200508181432" tags="examples">This is an old-school .tiddler file, without an embedded <pre> tag.\nNote how the body is "HTML encoded" and new lines are escaped to \\n</div>
//The ContentType `application/x-tiddler-html-div` is used internally for these files//
!! ~TiddlyWeb-style JSON files
These files are a straightforward array of hashmaps of name:value fields. Currently only these known fields are processed: `title`, `text`, `created`, `creator`, `modified`, `modifier`, `type` and `tags`.
//The ContentType `application/json` is used internally for these files//
!! TiddlyWiki HTML files
TiddlyWiki HTML files contain a collection of tiddlers encoded in `<DIV>` format.
The minimal requirement for an HTML file to be importable as an unencrypted TW file is that it has a `<div id="storeArea">` immediately preceding the tiddler DIVs, which must be followed by a `</div>`. For example:
<div id="storeArea">
<div created="20130302085406905" modified="20130302084548184" tags="Examples" title="A tiddler title">
<pre>HTML encoded text of tiddler
<div created="20140315085406905" modified="20140321084548184" tags="One Two [[Three with Space]]" title="Another title" customfield="field value">
<pre>Text of this tiddler
Links are regions of a tiddler that can be clicked to cause navigation to a different tiddler. The navigation behaviour is determined by the current StoryView; the classic TiddlyWiki view displays the story as a linear sequence of tiddlers.
Holding the ''control'' or ''command'' key while clicking on a tiddler link opens the target tiddler but doesn't navigate to it. This can be a useful way of queueing up tiddlers to be read later.
Links are useful for modelling organic relationships between tiddlers, and particularly for expressing the navigational paths between tiddlers.
The InfoPanel lists incoming links to a tiddler in the tab ''References''.
[[Filters]] can include the following filter operators that work with links:
* `[links[]]` - returns the titles of the tiddlers that are linked from the currently selected tiddler(s)
* `[backlinks[]]` - returns the titles of the tiddlers that link to the currently selected tiddler(s)
TiddlyWiki5 alters the appearance of tiddler links to convey additional information about the target of the link:
|!Link description |!Link appearance |
|To a tiddler that exists |[[LikeThis|TiddlerLinks]] |
|To a tiddler that doesn't exist |[[LikeThis|ATiddlerThatDoesntExist]] |
|To a shadow tiddler that has not been overridden |[[LikeThis|$:/core/copyright.txt]] |
|To a shadow tiddler that has been overridden by an ordinary tiddler |[[LikeThis|$:/SiteTitle]] |
External links are shown like this: http://tiddlywiki.com/ or [[like this|http://tiddlywiki.com/]].
Tiddlers are the fundamental units of information in TiddlyWiki. Tiddlers work best when they are as small as possible so that they can be reused by weaving them together in different ways.
A "tiddler" is an informal British word meaning a small fish, typically a stickleback or a minnow. Other systems have analogous concepts with generic names like "items", "entries", "entities", "nodes" or "records". TiddlyWiki takes the view that it is better to be confusingly distinctive than confusingly generic.
Internally, tiddlers are a list of uniquely named values called fields. The only field that is required is the `title` field, but useful tiddlers also have a `text` field, and some or all of the standard fields listed in TiddlerFields.
Tiddlers are ubiquitous in TiddlyWiki. They are used to store everything from JavaScript code modules to the settings and state associated with the user interface.
! Introduction
The TiddlerWidget sets the CurrentTiddler that applies for processing its content.
! Content and Attributes
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The title of the tiddler to become the new CurrentTiddler |
|class |CSS classes to be added to the generated elements |
! CSS Class Variables
The tiddler widget assigns several useful CSS classes to variables that it creates:
; missingTiddlerClass
: `tc-tiddler-exists` or...
: `tc-tiddler-missing` depending on whether the tiddler exists
: `tc-tiddler-shadow` if the tiddler is a shadow tiddler
:` tc-tiddler-system` if the tiddler is a system tiddler
: a space separated list of CSS classes named `tc-tagged-{tagname}`,<br>e.g. `tc-tagged-introduction`<br><br>''Note:'' tag names are URI encoded which means that the tag [[$:/tags/Macro]] appears as the CSS class `tc-tagged-%24%3A%2Ftags%2FMacro`. See [[How to apply custom styles by tag]] for more details
You can use these variables like this:
<$tiddler tiddler="MyOtherTiddler">
<div class=<<missingTiddlerClass>>>
See also [[$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate]].
BuggyJay's TiddlyClip browser extension for FireFox permits clipping of text and graphics from web pages:
TiddlyClip allows parts of webpages to be clipped into a TiddlyWiki, and consists of two parts, the browser addon and the TiddlyWiki plugin. The addon is completely memoryless, any configuration is determined by the current TiddlyWiki that the user has select to work with (we say that the addon is docked to the TiddlyWiki). TiddlyClip is designed to work (in a basic mode) without configuration. Once the addon and plugin are installed, all the user has to do is select which TW to dock to.
TiddlyDesktop is an app for working with TiddlyWiki files (both TiddlyWikiClassic and TiddlyWiki version 5). It can be installed on Windows, Mac OS X or Linux. It is compatible with TiddlyWiki version 5 and the older TiddlyWikiClassic.
See the [[Introducing TiddlyDesktop Video]]
! Instructions
# Install the latest release of TiddlyDesktop from https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop/releases
# Run TiddlyDesktop
# Use the browse button to open TiddlyWiki files
# Save changes within TiddlyWiki in the usual way
! Source
TiddlyDesktop is based on the OpenSource project [[node-webkit]]. The source is on GitHub:
TiddlyFox is an extension for Firefox that allows standalone TiddlyWiki files to save their changes directly to the file system. TiddlyFox works on both desktop and smartphone versions of [[Firefox]]. See [[Saving with TiddlyFox]] or [[Saving with TiddlyFox on Android]] for detailed instructions.
TiddlyFox can be downloaded from the Mozilla Addons site:
You can also install the latest development version of TiddlyFox direct from GitHub:
TiddlyIE is an extension for Internet Explorer that allows standalone TiddlyWiki files to save their changes directly to the file system. TiddlyIE works with the desktop version of Internet Explorer.
See [[Saving with TiddlyIE]].
An interactive network visualisation plugin based on [[Vis.js|http://visjs.org]]. A demo can be found here: {{!!url}}.
~TiddlyMap is a TiddlyWiki plugin that allows you to link your wiki-topics (tiddlers) in order to create clickable graphs. By creating relations between your topics you can easily do the following:
* Create mindmaps and quickly manifest your ideas in tiddlers (wiki entries).
* Create task-dependency graphs to organize and describe your tasks.
* Visualize your topic structures to get an immediate grasp of topics and relations.
In general you may create, visualize and describe any network-structure you have in mind.
TiddlySpace is an environment for discourse on the web, built from TiddlyWeb.
TiddlySpace was originally sponsored by [[Osmosoft]] at [[BT]].
TiddlyWeb is a server application that puts [[Tiddlers]] on the web:
TiddlyWeb can be used to host TiddlyWiki and TiddlyWiki5 wikis, making the individual tiddlers available over a flexible HTTP API.
TiddlyWeb was originally sponsored by [[Osmosoft]] at [[BT]] (along with TiddlySpace).
~TiddlyWiki is a rich, interactive tool for manipulating complex data with structure that doesn't easily fit into conventional tools like spreadsheets or wordprocessors.
~TiddlyWiki is designed to fit around your brain, helping you deal with the things that won't fit. The [[fundamental idea|Philosophy of Tiddlers]] is that information is more useful and reusable if we cut it up into the smallest semantically meaningful chunks -- [[tiddlers|Tiddlers]] -- and give them titles so that they can be [[structured|Structuring TiddlyWiki]] with [[links|TiddlerLinks]], [[tags|Tagging]], [[lists|ListField]] and [[macros|Macros]]. Tiddlers use a WikiText notation that concisely represents a wide range of text formatting and hypertext features. ~TiddlyWiki aims to provide a fluid interface for working with tiddlers, allowing them to be aggregated and composed into longer narratives.
People [[love using|Raves]] ~TiddlyWiki. Because it can be used without any complicated server infrastructure, and because it is [[open source|OpenSource]], it has bought unprecedented freedom to people to keep their precious information under their own control. ~TiddlyWiki was originally created by JeremyRuston and is now a thriving open source project with a busy [[Community]] of independent developers.
<<list-links "[tag[TiddlyWiki Configurations]]">>
The TiddlyWiki community holds regular Google Hangouts, usually every Tuesday from 4pm to 6pm (UK time). They are announced in the [[TiddlyWiki Google group|https://groups.google.com/d/forum/tiddlywiki]] and on the [[TiddlyWiki Twitter account|https://twitter.com/TiddlyWiki]].
Past Hangouts are archived in this ~YouTube playlist:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/videoseries?list=PLVT_2PPd-1p34gGCQ5qpwC8QdykxVAI3u" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
TiddlyWiki in the Sky for TiddlyWeb allows content to be synchronised between TiddlyWiki running in the browser and a TiddlyWeb (or TiddlySpace) server. Features include:
* Lazy loading
* Two way synchronisation between the browser and the server
** Synchronising from the server is accomplished by polling (currently every 60 seconds)
* Throttling so that rapidly changing tiddlers don't overwhelm the server
To try out TiddlyWiki in the Sky for TiddlyWeb:
# If necessary, create an account at http://tiddlyspace.com/
# Create a new space, eg `<myspace>`
# Include the space `tw5tiddlyweb`
# Visit `http://<myspace>.tiddlyspace.com/tw5`
This brief screencast shows how to setup Firefox for Android so you can save changes to TiddlyWiki:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/iikkv9orGGI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Running TiddlyWiki on [[Node.js]] brings several important benefits over and above the single file version:
* You can edit your content on any suitably compatible HTML5 browser, including smartphones and tablets
* Individual tiddlers are stored in separate files, which you can organise as you wish
* The ability to build multiple wikis that blend different combinations of shared and unique content
For more information see:
* [[Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
* [[Using TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
* [[Upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js]]
\define tv-wikilinks() no
! Building TiddlyWikiClassic
{{Building TiddlyWikiClassic}}
TiddlyWiki5 is a reboot of TiddlyWiki for the next 25 years. It is a complete interactive wiki in JavaScript that can be run in the browser or on the server under [[Node.js]].
Each release of TiddlyWiki5 is identified by a version number that complies with the [[Semantic Versioning 2.0.0|http://semver.org/]] standard.
! TiddlyWiki Core Version
According to the standard:
Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:
MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and
PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes.
Additional labels for pre-release and build metadata are available as extensions to the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format.
!! Alpha and Beta versions
While in alpha TiddlyWiki5 uses the pre-release label "alpha", for example:
Each new alpha or beta release will bump the `PATCH` version number. This breaks the strict semantics of versioning because `PATCH` increments are supposed to be reserved for compatible changes.
//Note that prior to ''5.0.1-alpha'', TiddlyWiki5 used version numbers formatted as ''5.0.0-alpha.19''. The change was made to enable the upgrade mechanism to recognise plugin updates from the version information.//
!! Interim versions
During development when a new release is being prepared, the pre-release label is set to `prerelease`.
! Plugin Versions
Version numbers
TiddlyWiki5 uses the version information attached to plugins for determining which of two plugins is more recent during an upgrade or import. The pre-release label is ignored when performing these comparisons.
"~TiddlyWiki Classic" refers to versions prior to 5.0, when TiddlyWiki was completely rewritten from the ground up. TiddlyWiki Classic is still being maintained at:
MarioPietsch has started a site comparing the syntax and other changes between TiddlyWikiClassic and TiddlyWiki version 5:
As well as traditional single file wikis, [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] supports wikis that are stored as a folder of individual tiddler files.
! Wiki folder files and folders
Wiki folders can contain the following files and folders:
* ''tiddlywiki.info'' - JSON file containing metadata for the wiki
* ''\tiddlers'' - folder containing tiddler files comprising the wiki
* ''\plugins'' - folder containing [[plugin folders|PluginMechanism]] to be included in the wiki
Only the ''tiddlywiki.info'' file is required, the ''tiddlers'' and ''plugins'' folders are optional. Any files and folders not listed above are ignored.
!! Content of `tiddlywiki.info` file
The `tiddlywiki.info` file in a wiki folder contains a JSON object comprising the following fields:
* ''plugins'' - an array of plugin names to be included in the wiki
* ''themes'' - an array of theme names to be included in the wiki
* ''languages'' - an array of language names to be included in the wiki
* ''includeWikis'' - an array of references to external wiki folders to be included in the wiki
* ''build'' - a hashmap of named build targets, each defined by an array of command tokens (see BuildCommand)
* ''config'' - an optional hashmap of configuration options (see below)
!!! ''includeWikis''
The entries in the ''includeWikis'' array can be either a string specifying the relative path to the wiki, or an object with the following fields:
* ''path'' - relative path to wiki folder
* ''read-only'' - set //true// to prevent the tiddlers in the included wiki from being modified. The modifications will be written to the directory specified in ''default-tiddler-location'', described below
!!! ''build''
Note that the build targets of included wikis are merged if a target of that name isn't defined in the current `tiddlywiki.info` file.
!!! ''config''
Configuration options include:
* ''default-tiddler-location'' - a string path to the default location for the filesystem adaptor to save new tiddlers (resolved relative to the wiki folder)
* ''retain-original-tiddler-path'' - If true, the server will generate a tiddler [[$:/config/OriginalTiddlerPaths]] containing the original file paths of each tiddler in the wiki
!!! Example
For example:
"plugins": [
"includeWikis": [
"build": {
"index": [
"favicon": [
"config": {
"retain-original-tiddler-path": true
!! Content of `tiddlers` folder
All the TiddlerFiles in the `tiddlers` folder are read into the wiki at startup. Sub-folders are scanned recursively for TiddlerFiles.
Sub-folders within the `tiddlers` folder can also be given a `tiddlywiki.files` JSON file that overrides the default processing for that folder. The file format is illustrated with this example from the D3 plugin:
"tiddlers": [
"file": "d3.min.js",
"fields": {
"type": "application/javascript",
"title": "$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/d3/d3.js",
"module-type": "library"
"prefix": "var d3;if($tw.browser){\n",
"suffix": "}\nexports.d3 = d3;\n"
"file": "cloud/d3.layout.cloud.js",
"fields": {
"type": "application/javascript",
"title": "$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/d3/d3.layout.cloud.js",
"module-type": "library"
The JSON data consists of an object with a `tiddlers` property that contains an array of information about each tiddler to be loaded into the wiki. That information consists of:
* `file`: the relative or absolute path to the file to include
* `fields`: an object containing fields that override any provided in the tiddler file
* `prefix` & `suffix`: (optional) specify strings to be prefixed and suffixed to the tiddler file text content
The timeline macro produces a list of tiddlers in reverse chronological order of modification date that is grouped by the date of the day of modification.
! Parameters
|!Position |!Name |!Description |!Default |
|1st |limit |The maximum number of tiddlers to list (see below) |100 |
|2nd |format |A DateFormat string for formatting the date |DDth MMM YYYY |
|3rd |subfilter |A subfilter to include in the timeline filter (see below) | |
|4th |dateField |Optional name of date field to use |modified |
The subfilter and limit parameters are spliced into the filter string like this:
To restrict the timeline to a particular tag, the subfilter can be set to something like `tag[mytag]`:
<<timeline limit:10 subfilter:"tag[mytag]">>
Note that the timeline macro does not truncate the entries for a particular day, instead always displaying all the tiddlers under each displayed day heading. This means that the limit parameter works in an unexpected way because it is possible for more than the specified number of tiddlers to be displayed.
! Examples
<$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html"
src="<<timeline limit:30 format:'DD/MM/YYYY'>>
A <<.def "title list">> is a line of text that presents one or more tiddler titles, strung together with a space between each one and the next.
If a title <<.em contains>> a space, it needs double square brackets around it:
`GettingStarted [[Discover TiddlyWiki]] Upgrading`
Title lists are used in various places, including PermaLinks and the ListField.
They are in fact the simplest case of a [[filter|Filters]], and are thus a way of expressing a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]].
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
negationInput="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
parameter="a tiddler title"
output="a selection containing only <<.place t>>"
negationOutput="the input, but with tiddler <<.place t>> filtered out if it exists in the wiki"
`[title[An Example]]` can be shortened to `[[An Example]]`, because <<.op title>> is the default filter operator.
<<.op title>> is an [[absolute operator|Absolute Operators]] (except in the form `!title`), but <<.olink2 "field:title" field>> is relative.
<<.operator-examples "title">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[title[HelloThere]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[[HelloThere]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "HelloThere">>
<<.operator-example 4 "[title[HelloThere]] [title[Filter Operators]]">>
<<.operator-example 5 "[[HelloThere]] [[Filter Operators]]">>
<<.operator-example 6 "HelloThere [[Filter Operators]]">>
<<.operator-example 7 "[tag[Filters]] +[!title[Filter Operators]]">>
<<.operator-example 8 "[tag[Filters]] +[![Filter Operators]]">>
<<.operator-example 9 "[tag[Filters]] -[[Filter Operators]]">>
A <<.def "title selection">> is an ordered set of tiddler titles (or similar strings), in which no title appears more than once.
Title selections are important in [[filter|Filters]] processing.
The simplest way to write one down is as a [[title list|Title List]].
! Introduction
The TranscludeWidget dynamically imports content from another tiddler.
! Attributes
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The title of the tiddler to transclude (defaults to the current tiddler) |
|field |The field name of the current tiddler (defaults to "text"; if present takes precedence over the index attribute) |
|index |The index of a property in a [[DataTiddler|DataTiddlers]] |
|subtiddler |Optional SubTiddler title when the target tiddler is a [[plugin|Plugins]] (see below) |
|mode |Override the default parsing mode for the transcluded text to "block" or "inline" |
The TranscludeWidget treats any contained content as a fallback if the target of the transclusion is not defined (ie a missing tiddler or a missing field).
! Parsing modes
TiddlyWiki parses text in two modes:
* ''inline'' mode recognises character formatting such as emphasis, links
* ''block'' mode recognises all the ''inline'' formatting, and adds block formatting such as tables, headings and lists
Usually, the mode is determined by whether the transclude widget itself has been parsed in block or inline mode. This can be overridden with the `mode` attribute.
For example, consider tiddler "A" with this content:
# Item one
#<$transclude tiddler="B"/>
# Item two
And a tiddler "B" with this content:
# Item one - a
# Item one - b
The result will be something like this:
# Item one
# # Item one - a # Item one - b
# Item two
This can be fixed by amending tiddler "A":
# Item one
#<$transclude tiddler="B" mode="block"/>
# Item two
! SubTiddler Access
The transclude widget allows access to the individual tiddlers stored within a [[plugin|Plugins]].
The following example will transclude the core version of the tiddler [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]] even if it has been overridden:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '
<$transclude tiddler="$:/core" subtiddler="$:/DefaultTiddlers"/>
<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transclusion">Transclusion</a> is the process of referencing one tiddler "A" from another tiddler "B" such that the content of "A" appears to be a part of "B".
Copying and pasting content creates multiple copies of the same content in several different places. With transclusion, there can be a single copy and a special instruction in "B" which indicates the point at which content should be inserted from tiddler "A".
Note that if the content of "A" is modified then the modification automatically appears in "B". This makes it easier to maintain repetitive content, by allowing every piece to be written in a single place, but viewed from many.
The concept of transclusion plays an important role in the [[Philosophy of Tiddlers]] because it is the primary way in which small items of content are combined.
To learn more:
* [[Transclusion in WikiText]]
* [[Transclusion Basic Usage]]
* [[Transclusion with Templates]]
* TextReference
* TemplateTiddlers
* TranscludeWidget
! Simple Transclusion
To include some content from [[TiddlerA]] into [[TiddlerB]], edit the latter to include the following text:
This is the content of TiddlerA: {{TiddlerA}}
The result is that the content of the ''text'' field (i.e. the main content) of [[TiddlerA]] is rendered within [[TiddlerB]].
! Usage
The notation ``{{TiddlerA}}`` is a shortcut for ``{{TiddlerA!!text}}``. This is because the default field for transclusion is ''text'', but any other [[field|TiddlerFields]] can be used explicitly. For example, you can print the last time TiddlerA was modified using:
TiddlerA was modified on {{TiddlerA!!modified}}
By omitting the tiddler title, the transclusion notation can also be used to display the content of a field from the current tiddler, for example:
The current tiddler was modified on {{!!modified}}
! Recursion Errors
Notice that using ``{{!!text}}`` or ``{{}}`` causes an error (//Recursive transclusion error in transclude widget//), because it does not make sense to include the content of the current tiddler into the content of the current tiddler (that is, into itself). Whenever you encouter this error message, it means that you are trying to include something into itself, directly or indirectly (for example if tiddler A transcludes tiddler B which transcludes tiddler C which, in turn, transcludes tiddler A).
! Learning More
In TiddlyWiki, transclusions are not limited to including raw content like the above. To learn about more advanced uses of transclusion, see [[Transclusion with Templates]].
See also:
* [[Transclusion]]
* [[Transclusion with Templates]]
* [[Transclusion in WikiText]]
* TextReference
* TiddlerFields.
! Introduction
You can incorporate the content of one tiddler within another using the [[Transclusion]] notation:
* `{{MyTiddler}}` transcludes a single tiddler
* `{{MyTiddler||TemplateTitle}}` displays the tiddler through a specified [[TemplateTiddler|TemplateTiddlers]]
* `{{||TemplateTitle}}` displays the specified template tiddler without altering the CurrentTiddler
!! Transcluding Text References
You can also use a TextReference instead of a tiddler title:
* `{{MyTiddler!!field}}` transcludes a specified field of a tiddler
* `{{!!field}}` transcludes a specified field of the current tiddler
* `{{MyTiddler##index}}` transcludes a specified indexed property of a [[DataTiddler|DataTiddlers]]
* `{{##index}}` transcludes a specified indexed property of the current [[DataTiddler|DataTiddlers]]
!! Filtered Transclusion
A similar syntax can be used to transclude a list of tiddlers matching a specified [[filter|Filters]]:
{{{ [tag[mechanism]] }}}
{{{ [tag[mechanism]] ||TemplateTitle}}}
! Generated Widgets
The WikiText transclusion syntax generates a TiddlerWidget wrapped around a TranscludeWidget. For example, `{{MyTiddler||MyTemplate!!myField}}` generates the following pair of widgets:
<$tiddler tiddler="MyTiddler">
<$transclude tiddler="MyTemplate" field="myField"/>
See also:
* [[Transclusion Basic Usage]]
* [[Transclusion with Templates]]
* TemplateTiddlers
* TranscludeWidget
* [[Confusion between Transclusion and Substitution]]
! Introduction
In [[Transclusion Basic Usage]] we have seen how to include the content of a tiddler A into a tiddler B. Now suppose that tiddler A contains:
Hello, my title is {{!!title}}
This makes tiddler A display its title with a yellow background (see [[Styles and Classes in WikiText]] to learn about CSS style). Imagine that you want to display the title in the same way in tiddler B. But you don't want to copy/paste the style instructions, because you might want to change the background colour later and you want to keep it consistent among tiddlers. This looks like a typical case of transclusion, so let's try to transclude tiddler A in tiddler B the usual way with ``{{A}}``. You should see the following content in tiddler B:
Hello, my title is A
The style is applied as expected, but the title is wrong: we want ``{{!!title}}`` to refer to the target tiddler B, and not the source tiddler A.
The solution is to use a //template//. In this case, the source tiddler A is called the [[TemplateTiddler|TemplateTiddlers]], and it is //applied// to tiddler B using the notation ``{{||A}}``. The difference is that any TextReference which does not refer explicitly to a specific tiddler is applied to the [[current tiddler|CurrentTiddler]], that is, the target tiddler. As a result, tiddler B now looks as expected:
Hello, my title is B
! Usage
Transcluding via a template is like applying a mask: assuming that the source tiddler contains generic references (like eye holes in a mask), these will be replaced with the target tiddlers values (like the eyes of the person who wears the mask).
A template can be applied to any tiddler, not necessarily the current one. This is achieved using the full notation ``{{<target>||<template>}}``. The default ``<target>`` is the [[current tiddler|CurrentTiddler]] (this is what we used in the above example).
! Examples
!! A predefined template to render tags nicely
You can apply the system template ``$:/core/ui/TagTemplate`` to a tag in order to see it as a tag pill with a drop-down menu:
is rendered as {{Transclusion||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}
See also:
* [[Transclusion in WikiText]]
* [[Transclusion Basic Usage]]
* TextReference
* TemplateTiddlers
* TranscludeWidget
* CurrentTiddler
There is a special edition of TiddlyWiki that simplifies creating and maintaining translations:
Note that no knowledge of Node.js or GitHub is required.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/dev for technical details of creating and maintaining translations.
The translation mechanism of TiddlyWiki manages and switches between language plugins that provide translations of the TiddlyWiki user interface. The developer site at http://tiddlywiki.com/dev/ explains how translators can create and submit translations for TiddlyWiki.
The title of the current language plugin is read from the tiddler [[$:/language]]. If the selected plugin changes then any displayed translateable text automatically changes.
Translation plugins are bundles of tiddlers that each contain an indepedent translatable string. The strings are transcluded as needed.
Translatable strings are generally in the namespace `$:/language/`, for example:
* [[$:/language/EditTemplate/Shadow/OverriddenWarning]]
* [[$:/language/Docs/ModuleTypes/isfilteroperator]]
* [[$:/language/EditTemplate/Fields/Add/Value/Placeholder]]
Here are some webpages with tips and tutorials related to ~TiddlyWiki
<div class="tc-link-info">
<$list filter="[tag[Tutorials]!sort[modified]]">
<div class="tc-link-info-item">
! <$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
<div class="tc-subtitle">Posted <$view field="modified" format="relativedate"/></div>
This experimental plugin adds the ability to display WikiText written for the original Classic version of TiddlyWiki.
See http://tiddlywiki.com/plugins/tiddlywiki/tw2parser/
A collection of community tips and tutorials curated by Andreas Hahn, including a handy "customiser" that simplifies creating an empty TiddlyWiki with selected plugins and enhancements.
The intent of the project is to encourage people to use and actively tweak TiddlyWiki according to their needs. Similar to the old version, I also want to encourage people to share their knowledge and help other people get the most out of this wonderful piece of wiki software.
WikiText can include blocks of text that are rendered with an explicit ContentType like this:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="green" />
This renders as:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="green" />
It is also possible to abbreviate the ContentType to a file extension. For example:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="red" />
This renders as:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="red" />
Unknown types render as plain text:
Some plain text, which will not be //formatted//.
Which renders as:
Some plain text, which will not be //formatted//.
A render type can also be specified, causing a particular text rendering to be displayed. For example:
This is ''some'' wikitext
This is ''some'' wikitext
Renders as:
This is ''some'' wikitext
This is ''some'' wikitext
Use the [[documentation macros|Documentation Macros]] to keep the text maintainable in the face of change.
Be wary of arbitrarily applying raw bold or italic markup in a sentence. If there's a suitable macro, use that instead. If there isn't a suitable macro, write one or request one.
Use simple backticks (<code>`...`</code>) for fragments of WikiText, but not for the names of things like fields and widgets. These have their own macros.
To keep things clean and simple, quotation marks and apostrophes should be straight `'`, not curly `’`, and the ellipsis should be three separate dots `...` rather than `…`.
Use `"` as the primary quotation mark, reserving `'` for the rare case of a nested quotation.
Avoid using a single hyphen `-` as sentence punctuation. Instead, use a double hyphen -- which ~TiddlyWiki renders as an en-dash -- with a space on either side.
Items in lists and tables should only end with a full stop (period in US English) if they are complete sentences. They should have no trailing punctuation otherwise.
It is very rarely necessary to use an exclamation mark in professional documentation.
<$macrocall $name=".operator-def"
input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]"
output="those input tiddlers that have no tags"
negationOutput="those input tiddlers that have at least one tag"
A tiddler is deemed to have no tags if it:
* doesn't exist
* doesn't have a <<.field tags>> field
* has an empty <<.field tags>> field
<<.operator-examples "untagged">>
<<.operator-example 1 "[untagged[]]">>
<<.operator-example 2 "[all[shadows]untagged[]]">>
<<.operator-example 3 "[list[HelloThere]!untagged[]]">>
# Open upgrade.html
# Includes a data tiddler called `$:/UpgradeLibrary` that contains the latest compatible versions of all plugins in the library
# Drag in old wiki file
# Place tiddlers into a data tiddler `$:/Import` that is typed as a "pending import"
# Kick off import processing for each tiddler
## Give each "upgrader" module a chance to inspect the incoming tiddlers
## Upgrader modules can trigger actions for each tiddler:
##* Display a warning message
##* Don't import
##* Replace with another tiddler from the upgrade library
##* Disable incompatible plugins
# Display the newly created pending import tiddler through a new view template segment
## Displays the payload tiddlers as a list of titles and checkboxes, with a dropdown showing the full details of the tiddler
## Perhaps we also suppress the usual JSON display for data tiddlers behind a reveal widget
# The user can adjust the selection checkboxes
# Clicking "done" unpacks the selected tiddlers from the pending import tiddler
# The pending import tiddler and the upgrade library tiddler are excluded from the subsequent save operation
There are regular releases of TiddlyWiki with bug fixes and improvements. It's a good idea to keep up to date by regularly upgrading to the latest version.
! Introduction
The process described here is for upgrading standalone TiddlyWiki files. There is a [[different procedure|Upgrading TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] for upgrading [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]].
When upgrading, please remember the [[The First Rule of Using TiddlyWiki]]:
//You are responsible for looking after your own data; take care to make backups, especially when upgrading the ~TiddlyWiki core//
! Online upgrading
This process will work on most desktop browsers. Note that none of your personal data leaves your browser with this process.
# Locate your TiddlyWiki file in the file system (i.e. using Windows Explorer, the Finder on Mac OS X, or your file manager on Linux)
# Visit http://tiddlywiki.com/upgrade.html in your browser
# Drag your old TiddlyWiki HTML file into the browser window
#* If the file is encrypted you will be prompted for the password
# Review the list of tiddlers that will be upgraded
# Click ''Upgrade''
# Save changes to save the new version
This will download a file called ''upgrade.html'' to your computer. This file is the upgrade of your old file. You may need to open the location where ''upgrade.html'' was downloaded, rename ''upgrade.html'' with the name of the old file you are upgrading, and replace the old file by moving the new file in its place.
! Offline upgrading
You can also download http://tiddlywiki.com/upgrade.html locally and perform the same drag-and-drop procedure to upgrade your files.
! Problems with Upgrades
!! Firefox Security Restrictions
In case you run into this error with the upgrader, upon confirming the upgrade selection :
Error while saving:
Error:NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI: Access to restricted URI denied
The upgrade operation falls foul of a security restriction in Firefox. Until this can be resolved, we suggest either using the offline upgrader, or using Chrome to perform the upgrade:
*# Use Chrome to open http://tiddlywiki.com/upgrade.html, then drag your local TiddlyWiki html file to be upgraded into the upgrader window, as described above in ''Online upgrading''
*# After you've saved your upgraded file, you should be able to open it in Firefox and [[save using TiddlyFox|Saving with TiddlyFox]] again
* //See also : [[Saving on TiddlySpot]]//
!! Incompatible Customisations
It is possible for a customisation applied in a previous version to break when upgraded to the latest version. There are two techniques you can use to help track down issues:
* Try repeating the upgrade having selectively unchecked any tiddlers that may be applying customisations to TiddlyWiki
* Use SafeMode to disable all customisations of shadow tiddlers
You can see which shadow tiddlers have been overridden in the ''Filter'' tab of [[advanced search|$:/AdvancedSearch]]. Select "Overridden shadow tiddlers" from the dropdown.
If you've installed [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] on the usual way, when a new version is released you can upgrade it with this command:
npm update -g tiddlywiki
On Mac or Linux you'll need to add ''sudo'' like this:
sudo npm update -g tiddlywiki
By default, when running [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]], the server exposes the wiki at the URI formed from the protocol, host and port - for example, ``.
There are two steps to running the wiki at a custom path like ``:
# Configure the server by passing `/path/to/my/wiki` as the ''pathprefix'' argument of the ServerCommand
# Configure the client by creating a tiddler called ''$:/config/tiddlyweb/host'' that contains `$protocol$//$host$/path/to/my/wiki/`
You can use links (normally displayed as blue text) to navigate from one tiddler to another. Clicking on a link to any tiddler will take you to that tiddler. If the tiddler is closed, it will be opened. The wonderful thing about ~TiddlyWiki is that it makes links to tiddlers as accessible as possible. There are links everywhere! Here are the key places where you can find links to tiddlers in ~TiddlyWiki:
* You can ''create a link'' to a tiddler, whether it exists yet or not, in the body of any tiddler. See [[Linking in WikiText]] to see the various easy ways to create links between tiddlers.
* Each ''tag pill'' in your tiddler (such as the ''Working with ~TiddlyWiki'' tag pill below the title of this tiddler) contains a link to that tag's tiddler, as well as lists of all the tiddlers that carry that tag. This lets you go to any of those tiddlers.
* The ''InfoPanel'' of each tiddler gives you access to four tabs containing additional lists of related tiddlers:
** The ''References'' tab lists all the tiddlers that link //to// the current tiddler.
** The ''Tagging'' tab lists all the tiddlers that have been tagged with the current tiddler's title.
** The ''List'' tab lists all the tiddlers (or potential tiddlers) mentioned in the [[list field|ListField]] of the current tiddler.
** The ''Listed'' tab lists all the tiddlers that mention the current tiddler in //their// list fields.
* The ''sidebar tabs'' contain numerous lists of links to tiddlers:
** The ''Open'' tab lists all the tiddlers that are currently open, i.e. visible somewhere on the page.
** The ''Recent'' tab lists the 100 most recently modified tiddlers, beginning with the most recently modified.
** The ''More'' tab offers eight additional lists of tiddlers:
*** ''All'' lists all tiddlers in alphabetical order.
*** ''Tags'' lists all the tags. You can click on the pill for any tag to access a list of the tiddlers tagged with that tag.
*** ''Missing'' lists any tiddlers that don't yet exist, but have been linked to from other tiddlers. This is helpful for finding tiddlers you planned to create, but never got around to.
*** ''Drafts'' lists any tiddlers that are currently in draft mode. ~TiddlyWiki considers a tiddler's draft to be a separate tiddler for as long as you are editing it, so while you're editing a tiddler entitled ''Australia'', there will be two tiddlers, ''Australia'' and ''Draft of 'Australia'''. When you close the draft by saving your changes to it, those changes will be applied to the ''Australia'' tiddler. So treat the ''Drafts'' tab as a way of finding any unfinished drafts you started.
*** ''Orphans'' lists all the tiddlers that are not connected to any other tiddler by links, tags or lists. This is a helpful aid to editing your file - it shows you which tiddlers need to be integrated more carefully with the others.
*** ''Types'' lists any tiddlers with special content, such as images or audio.
*** ''System'' lists all of the SystemTiddlers.
*** ''Shadows'' lists all of the ShadowTiddlers.
* ''Search results'' are a list of the tiddlers that contain the text you type in the search box.
* Finally, you can create your own custom lists of tiddlers by various methods:
** You can transclude a [[filter|Filters]] (see [[Transclusion in WikiText]]). For example, adding `{{{ [tag[mountain]] }}}` to a tiddler will insert a list of all tiddlers tagged with ''mountain''.
** You can use the ListWidget. This is more complicated than transcluding a [[filter|Filters]], but in return it allows you more flexibility in designing and displaying the list exactly as you want it to appear.
The first steps to changing the appearance of TiddlyWiki are to choose and apply one of the available themes, or to modify the [[colour palette|ColourPalettes]].
In addition, custom [[CSS stylesheets|http://www.w3schools.com/css]] can be can defined by tagging a tiddler `$:/tags/Stylesheet`. Try creating a custom stylesheet now with the following content in order to change the page background colour to red:
html body.tc-body {
background: red;
! Overriding Theme Settings
Custom stylesheets are applied independently from theme stylesheets. Therefore, it is often necessary for the css rules in your custom stylesheet to be more specific than those of the theme you want to override. For example, `html body.tc-body` is more specific than `body.tc-body`.
! Stylesheet Types
Usually it is best to use the type `text/css` for stylesheets. This treats them as plain stylesheets, and ensures that TiddlyWiki doesn't apply any wiki processing to them.
If you wish to use macros and transclusions in your stylesheets you should instead use the default WikiText type `text/vnd.tiddlywiki`. This allows full WikiText processing to be performed. Here is an example:
\rules only filteredtranscludeinline transcludeinline macrodef macrocallinline html
body.tc-body pre {
<<box-shadow "inset 0 1px 0 #fff">>
The `\rules` pragma at the top of the tiddler restricts the WikiText to just allow macros and transclusion. This avoids mistakenly triggering unwanted WikiText processing.
A stylesheet tiddler is processed such that it is first wikified and then the text portion of the ouput is extracted to apply as the CSS. Any HTML tags you will use in your stylesheet are thus ignored. For example, HTML elements generated by the RevealWidget will not affect the output. As in the following example, you can wrap CSS rules in `<pre>` tags to display them as a codeblock without affecting processing, including handling the inner macro.
\rules only filteredtranscludeinline transcludeinline macrodef macrocallinline html
<pre>body.tc-body pre {
<<box-shadow "inset 0 1px 0 #fff">>
!! Stylesheet Macros
Several globally available macros are provided that are helpful in constructing stylesheets. See [[$:/core/macros/CSS]] for the definitions of these macros.
* `<<colour name>>` and `<<color name>>` retrieve named colours from the current [[colour palette|ColourPalettes]]
* `<<box-shadow shadow>>` specify a box-shadow
* `<<filter filter>>` specify a CSS filter
* `<<transition transition>>` specify a CSS transition
* `<<transform-origin origin>>` specify the CSS transform origin
* `<<background-linear-gradient gradient>>` specify a linear gradient
* `<<datauri title>>` retrieves the base64 content of a tiddler for use via the CSS `url()` operator
TiddlyWiki5 can be used to produce documentation for GitHub projects. It lets you maintain a single set of documentation as a [[TiddlyWikiFolder|TiddlyWikiFolders]] containing separate tiddler files under source code control, and then use it to produce `readme.md` files for inclusion in project folders, or HTML files for storage in [[GitHub Pages|http://pages.github.com/]]. Both features are demonstrated by TiddlyWiki5 itself.
! Generating `readme.md` files
When displaying the contents of a folder GitHub will look for a `readme.md` file and display it. Note that it will not display full HTML files in this way, just static MarkDown files (this is a security measure). Happily MarkDown permits a safe subset of HTML, and thus to generate a `readme.md` file that is suitable for GitHub it is just necessary for TiddlyWiki5 to generate the content of the `<body>` element of an HTML document, and give it the appropriate filename.
This is done with this command:
--rendertiddler ReadMe ./readme.md text/html
It saves the tiddler ReadMe to the file `./readme.md` in the `text/html` format.
By default, tiddler links will be rendered as `<a>` links to a relative URI consisting of the title of the tiddler. This behaviour can be overridden by defining the macro `tv-wikilink-template`, as is done at the top of the tiddler ReadMe:
\define tv-wikilink-template() http://tiddlywiki.com/static/$uri_doubleencoded$.html
See the LinkWidget for more details.
In this example, tiddler links are rendered as links to the static rendering of tw5.com.
TiddlyWiki5 can be used on the command line to perform an extensive set of operations based on TiddlyWikiFolders, TiddlerFiles and TiddlyWikiFiles.
For example, the following command loads the tiddlers from a TiddlyWiki HTML file and then saves one of them in static HTML:
tiddlywiki --verbose --load mywiki.html --rendertiddler ReadMe ./readme.html
Running `tiddlywiki` from the command line boots the TiddlyWiki kernel, loads the core plugins and establishes an empty wiki store. It then sequentially processes the command line arguments from left to right. The arguments are separated with spaces.
The first argument is the optional path to the [[TiddlyWikiFolder|TiddlyWikiFolders]] to be loaded. If not present, then the current directory is used.
The commands and their individual arguments follow, each command being identified by the prefix `--`.
tiddlywiki [<wikipath>] [--<command> [<arg>[,<arg>]]]
The available commands are:
<<list-links "[tag[Commands]]">>
TiddlyWiki5 allows you to use SVG to display vector graphics in two ways:
* Tiddlers with the type `image/svg+xml` are interpreted as SVG images, and displayed and transcluded as self-contained `<img>` elements with the SVG embedded as a data URI in the `src` attribute.
** For examples of SVG images see [[Motovun Jack.svg]] and [[Tiddler Fishes.svg]]
* WikiText can also include inline SVG elements directly. See below for an example.
! Embedding SVG tiddlers
You can embed an SVG image tiddler using the ordinary transclusion syntax:
{{Motovun Jack.jpg}}
You can also use TypedBlockWikiText to embed an inline SVG tiddler.
The implications of the image being rendered within an `<img>` element are that it is sandboxed; it can't use CSS styles from the parent document, for example. Neither can the image use WikiText features like transclusion.
! Embedding SVG elements
The other way to use SVG is to embed the `<svg>` element directly. For example:
<svg width="150" height="100">
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="red" />
Note that inline SVG elements don't need an `<?xml version="1.0"?>` directive.
! Including HTML or WikiText content in SVG images
You can include simple text strings in SVG images using the `<text>` element:
<svg width="100px" height="30px" viewBox="0 0 1000 300"><text x="250" y="150" font-family="Verdana" font-size="55">Hello, out there</text><rect x="1" y="1" width="998" height="298" fill="none" stroke-width="2" /></svg>
HTML or WikiText content can be included within inline SVG images using the `<foreignObject>` element. For example:
<svg width="260px" height="260px"><circle cx="150" cy="150" r="100" fill="blue" stoke="red"/><foreignObject x="70" y="110" width="150" height="180"><body>Here is some text that requires a word wrap, and includes a [[link to a tiddler|HelloThere]].</body></foreignObject></svg>
! Transcluding SVG elements
When embedding SVG elements you can also use WikiText features like transclusion. For example, here is an SVG circle with the radius set to the value in the tiddler [[$:/SVGExampleRadius]]:
<svg width="150" height="150"><circle cx="75" cy="75" r={{$:/SVGExampleRadius}} stroke="black" stroke-width="2" fill="green"/></svg>
You can edit the value of the radius here: <$edit-text tiddler="$:/SVGExampleRadius" tag="input"/>
[[Variables]] are an essential component of dynamic WikiText, as are [[Widgets]] and [[Macros]]. In fact, a variable is a shorthand of a macro.
You can define custom [[Variables in WikiText]] or use one of the standard variables...
<<list-links "[tag[Variables]]">>
The [[<<dumpvariables>>|DumpVariablesMacro]] macro lists all variables defined in the current scope, allowing you to see and edit their values.
\define tags() {{!!tags}}
[[Variables]] contain values. They are available within the scope of the [[widget|Widgets]] in which they are defined, as well as all child widgets in the widget tree.
!!Defining Variables
Variables are defined by...
; [[Macros|Macros in WikiText]]
: in fact, variables are macro shorthands (see example below)
; SetWidget
: sets a variable to a value
; ListWidget
: sets list-item and iterator variabes
; TiddlyWiki
: in the core and core templates
!!Using Variables
Variables are used...
; via shorthand
; via variable substitution within [[macros|Macros]]
; as parameters to [[filter steps|Filters]]
: `[operator<variableName>]`
; in [[widgets|Widgets]]
: internally, or as widget attributes
: `<$edit tiddler=<<currentTiddler>>/>`
!! Examples
''defining a variable via SetWidget''
<$set name=foo value=bar>
<$set name=foo value=bar>
''a variable is a macro''
Below, the `\define` pragma at the beginning of a tiddler [[defines the macro|Macros in WikiText]] `<<tags>>`, valid in the scope of the CurrentTiddler, returning the value of the standard `tags` field.
\define tags() {{!!tags}}
''using a filter variable to get all incoming links''
Using the <<olink backlinks>> [[filter operator|Filter Operators]] to get all tiddlers linking to this one...
<<list-links filter:"[<currentTiddler>backlinks[]]">>
<<list-links filter:"[<currentTiddler>backlinks[]]">>
The version macro returns the current TiddlyWiki version number.
! Example
The version macro takes no parameters:
Version number: <<version>>
Version number: <<version>>
The following TiddlyWiki videos are available.
<<list-links "[tag[Videos]]">>
The aim is to curate a series of videos to guide people through getting up and running with TiddlyWiki. [[Contributions|Contributing]] are welcome.
! Introduction
The view widget displays the contents of a tiddler field in a specified format.
! Content and Attributes
The content of the `<$view>` widget is displayed if the field or property is missing or empty.
|!Attribute |!Description |
|tiddler |The title of the tiddler (defaults to the CurrentTiddler) |
|field |The name of the field to view (defaults to "text") |
|index |The name of the index to view |
|format |The format for displaying the field (see below) |
|template |The optional template used with certain formats |
|subtiddler |Optional SubTiddler title when the target tiddler is a [[plugin|Plugins]] (see below) |
!! Formats
The following formats can be specified in the `format` attribute:
|!Format |!Description |
|''text'' |Plain text |
|''htmlwikified'' |The field is wikified and the resulting HTML returned as plain text |
|''htmlencoded'' |The field is displayed with HTML encoding issues |
|''date'' |The field is interpreted as a UTC date and displayed according to the DateFormat specified in the `template` attribute |
|''relativedate'' |The field is interpreted as a UTC date and displayed as the interval from the present instant |
|''stripcomments'' |The field is interpreted as JavaScript source code and any lines beginning `\\#` are stripped |
|''jsencoded'' |The field is displayed as a JavaScript encoded string |
! SubTiddler Access
The view widget allows access to the individual tiddlers stored within a [[plugin|Plugins]].
The following example will view the core version of the tiddler [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]] even if it has been overridden:
<<wikitext-example-without-html '
<$view tiddler="$:/core" subtiddler="$:/DefaultTiddlers"/>
<a class="tc-float-right tc-bordered-image" href="http://classic.tiddlywiki.com/" target="_blank">[img width="200" [TiddlyWiki Classic.png]]</a>
The original [[Classic|TiddlyWikiClassic]] version of TiddlyWiki is still available at:
Note that the [[current version|TiddlyWiki5]] of TiddlyWiki is not fully backwards compatible with TiddlyWikiClassic. Content can be imported but will need massaging to adapt to the new WikiText format. A ''tw2parser'' plugin is under development that will allow faithful display of most content created for TiddlyWikiClassic:
The `tm-add-field` message is handled by the FieldManglerWidget. It adds the specified field with a blank value if the field doesn't already exist.
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Name of field to add |
The add field message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the FieldManglerWidget.
The `tm-add-tag` message is handled by the FieldManglerWidget. It adds the specified tag.
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Name of tag to add |
The add tag message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the FieldManglerWidget.
The autosave wiki message causes the current saver module to perform a background save if it is required.
The autosave wiki message should be generated whenever changes are made to the store. For example, the navigator widget generates the autosave wiki message as part of its handling of the [[WidgetMessage: tm-save-tiddler]], [[WidgetMessage: tm-delete-tiddler]] and [[WidgetMessage: tm-perform-import]].
The autosave wiki message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SaverModule|SaverModules]]. Not all SaverModules can handle autosaving.
The `tm-browser-refresh` message refreshes the page, causing the re-initialisation of any plugin tiddlers. It does not require any properties on the `event` object.
The refresh message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the core.
The `tm-cancel-tiddler` message abandons the changes in a draft tiddler. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is being cancelled out of edit mode |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The cancel tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The `tm-clear-password` message clears the current password from the password vault, clearing the [[$:/isEncrypted]] tiddler. See EncryptionMechanism for details.
This message is typically generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the core itself.
The close all tiddlers message empties the story list.
The close all tiddlers message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The `tm-close-other-tiddlers` message removes all but a specified tiddler from the story list. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is not to be closed |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The close other tiddlers message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The `tm-close-tiddler` message removes a specified tiddler from the story list. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is to be closed |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The close tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The `tm-delete-tiddler` message deletes the specified tiddler and removes it from the current story. If the tiddler is a draft then it also deletes the tiddler specified in the `draft.of` field. The delete tiddler message requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is to be deleted |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The delete tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The download file message causes the current saver module to prompt the user to download the result of parsing a specified template tiddler as a file. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of a tiddler to use as a template for the new tiddler |
|paramObject |Optional hashmap of variable values to use for the rendering |
The download file message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget.
The download file message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SaverModule|SaverModules]].
The `tm-edit-tiddler` message replaces the specified tiddler in the current story with a draft version of itself. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is being switched to edit mode |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The edit tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The fullscreen message toggles the "fullscreen" mode of the browser, if it supports it.
The fullscreen message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core.
The `tm-home` message closes any open tiddlers and re-opens the default tiddlers set in [[$:/DefaultTiddlers]]. It also remove any [[permalink|PermaLinks]] from the browser address bar. It does not require any properties on the `event` object.
The home message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the core.
The `tm-import-tiddlers` message inserts a list of tiddlers into the pending import tiddler [[$:/Import]]. It also applies any active ''upgrader'' modules to each tiddler as it arrives (see the UpgradeMechanism for more details).
|!Name |!Description |
|param |JSON text of the array of tiddlers to be imported |
The import tiddlers message is usually generated with the DropzoneWidget or the BrowseWidget, and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
! Configuration Variables
The variable `tv-auto-open-on-import` controls whether the `tm-import-tiddlers` message automatically triggers the display of the pending import tiddler [[$:/Import]]:
* ''no'': The pending import tiddler is not opened in the story
* ''yes'': The pending import tiddler is opened in th story. This is the default
The login message prompts the user for a username and password and attempts to login to the current serverside host. The tiddler [[$:/status/IsLoggedIn]] reflects the current login status with the values "yes" or "no", and [[$:/status/UserName]] reflects the current username.
The login message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SyncAdaptorModule|SyncAdaptorModules]] (typically the ''tiddlywiki/tiddlywebadaptor'' plugin).
The logout message attempts to log the user out of the current serverside host. The tiddler [[$:/status/IsLoggedIn]] reflects the current login status with the values "yes" or "no", and [[$:/status/UserName]] reflects the current username.
The logout message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SyncAdaptorModule|SyncAdaptorModules]] (typically the ''tiddlywiki/tiddlywebadaptor'' plugin).
The modal message displays a specified tiddler in a modal overlay that dims the main page. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler to be displayed |
|paramObject |Hashmap of variables to be provided to the modal |
The "currentTiddler" variable is set to the title of the modal tiddler, but can be overridden by specifying a different value in `paramObject`.
The modal message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget. The modal message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core.
! Example
Here is an example of displaying a modal and passing parameters to it:
<$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html'
src='Your name: <$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/yourName" tag="input" default="Your name"/>
Your message:
<$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/yourMessage" default="Your message"/>
<$action-sendmessage $message="tm-modal" $param="SampleModal" yourName={{$:/temp/yourName}} yourMessage={{$:/temp/yourMessage}}/>
Click me!
The `tm-navigate` message inserts the specified tiddler into the story and puts it at the top of the history stack. If the tiddler is not already present in the story then it will be positioned immediately after the tiddler specified in `event.navigateFromTitle`.
The navigate message requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|navigateTo |Title of the tiddler that is being navigated |
|navigateFromTitle |Title of the tiddler from which the navigation was initiated |
|navigateFromClientRect |Bounding rectangle in client page coordinates of the element initiating the navigation |
|navigateSuppressNavigation |''true'' causes the new tiddler to only be added to the story, and not the history stack. This suppresses the scrolling associated with navigating to a tiddler |
The navigate message can be generated by the LinkWidget, the ActionNavigateWidget and the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The new tiddler message creates a new draft tiddler and adds it to the current story. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |The optional title of a tiddler to use as a template for the new tiddler |
|paramObject |Optional hashmap of additional tiddler fields |
|navigateFromTitle |Title of the tiddler from which the navigation to the new tiddler was initiated |
The title for the draft tiddler is chosen according to these rules:
* If a hashmap was used and a title field was specified, use that title
* If a template tiddler was used, use the title of the template tiddler, making it unique with a numeric suffix
* Otherwise, generate a new title based on the default new tiddler title with a numeric suffix to make it unique
The new tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget or ActionSendMessageWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
! Example
To make a button that creates new tiddlers tagged "task", create a tiddler called "TaskTemplate" with that tag, and then make your button like this:
<$button message="tm-new-tiddler" param="TaskTemplate">New Task</$button>
The notify message briefly displays a specified tiddler as a small alert in the upper right corner of the page. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler to be displayed |
The notify message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core.
The perform import message copies tiddlers from a specified plugin into the main store. See the UpgradeMechanism for an overview of how it is used by the core.
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the pending import tiddler. Defaults to ''$:/Import'' |
To select which tiddlers are to be imported, fields with names formed from `selection-` plus the title of the tiddler are used. The value ''unchecked'' causes the tiddler to be skipped from the import.
The perform import message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The `tm-permalink` message changes the browser address bar to form a [[permalink|PermaLinks]] to a specified tiddler, defaulting to the current tiddler.
The permalink message supports the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler to be permalinked |
|tiddlerTitle |The current tiddler (used by default if the tiddler title isn't specified in the `param`) |
The permalink message can be generated by the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the story mechanism.
The `tm-permaview` message changes the browser address bar to form a [[permaview|PermaLinks]] that specifies all the open tiddlers in the main story river, and the tiddler to be navigated, defaulting to the current tiddler.
The permaview message supports the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler to be navigated within the permaview |
|tiddlerTitle |The current tiddler (used by default if the tiddler title isn't specified in the `param`) |
The permaview message can be generated by the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the story mechanism.
The `tm-remove-field` message is handled by the FieldManglerWidget. It removes the specified field.
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Name of field to remove |
The remove field message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the FieldManglerWidget.
The `tm-remove-tag` message is handled by the FieldManglerWidget. It removes the specified tag.
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Name of tag to remove |
The remove tag message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the FieldManglerWidget.
The `tm-save-tiddler` message is applied to draft tiddlers. It saves the draft over the tiddler identified in the `draft.of` field and then deletes the draft. The save tiddler message requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of the tiddler that is being switched out of edit mode |
|tiddlerTitle |Fallback title that is used if ''param'' isn't specified (automatically set by the ButtonWidget) |
The save tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the NavigatorWidget.
The save wiki message causes the current saver module to perform a full save operation. The save operation can involve user interaction. It requires the following properties on the `event` object:
|!Name |!Description |
|param |Title of a tiddler to use as a template for rendering the wiki (defaults to `$:/core/save/all`) |
|paramObject |Optional hashmap of variable values to use for the rendering |
The save wiki message is usually generated by the ButtonWidget.
The save wiki message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SaverModule|SaverModules]].
The server refresh message attempts to synchronise the latest changes to the current serverside host.
The server refresh message is handled by the TiddlyWiki core SyncMechanism which invokes the current [[SyncAdaptorModule|SyncAdaptorModules]] (typically the ''tiddlywiki/tiddlywebadaptor'' plugin).
The `tm-set-password` message prompts the user for a new password and stores it in the password vault, replacing any existing password. It also sets the [[$:/isEncrypted]] tiddler. See EncryptionMechanism for details.
This message is typically generated with the ButtonWidget, and is handled by the core itself.
Widgets add dynamic functionality to WikiText.
The following widgets are built into the core:
<<list-links "[tag[Widgets]]">>
Widgets provide rich functionality within WikiText. They have the same syntax as [[HTML elements|HTML in WikiText]], but the tag name always starts with `$`. For example:
<$button message="tm-close-tiddler">Close Me!</$button>
Note that widgets inherit all the features of [[HTML in WikiText]]:
* Widget attributes can be specified as:
** Unquoted strings (that cannot contain spaces)
** Strings quoted with single or double quotes
** Strings quoted with triple-double quotes
** Macro invocations (eg `attr=<<myMacro>>`)
** Transclusions (eg, `attr={{MyTiddler!!field}}`)
* The content of a widget is parsed in inline mode unless the opening tag is followed by two linebreaks, which forces block mode
** 'Inline mode' means that 'block mode' parse rules like headings, tables and lists are not recognised
See [[HTML in WikiText]] for more details.
The available widgets include:
<<list-links "[tag[Widgets]]">>
The ''currentTiddler'' [[variable|Variables]] contains the title of the current tiddler.
!! Usage
Various [[Widgets]] and [[Macros]] are by default applied with respect to the tiddler referenced via ''currentTiddler''. Within the [[ListWidget]] or TemplateTiddlers you are thus often not required to specify the tiddler title.
The following two examples are thus equivalent...
* `<$view field=title/>`
* `<$view field=title tiddler=<<currentTiddler>>/>`
: when [[transcluding|Transclusion]] a tiddler, ''currentTiddler'' is set to the tiddler being transcluded,
: e.g. when using the [[WikiText shorthand|Transclusion in WikiText]]: `{{||TemplateTiddlerTitle}}`
; ListWidget
: overrides the ''currentTiddler'' variable with the currently iterated list-item,
: unless a custom `variable` attribute is specified
; TiddlerWidget
: sets the ''currentTiddler'' variable for its inner scope
!! Example
<$view tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field=title/>
<$view tiddler=<<currentTiddler>> field=title/>
!! Other Standard Variables
* [[WidgetVariable: storyTiddler]]
* [[WidgetVariable: transclusion]]
The ''storyTiddler'' [[variable|Variables]] is set by the [[default view-template|$:/core/ui/ViewTemplate]] to the title of the tiddler in the story river. It is therefore undefined in elements like the ''sidebar''.
!! Example
<$view tiddler=<<storyTiddler>> field=title/>
<$view tiddler=<<storyTiddler>> field=title/>
!! Other Standard Variables
* [[WidgetVariable: currentTiddler]]
* [[WidgetVariable: transclusion]]
The ''transclusion'' [[variable|Variables]] is automatically set by the TranscludeWidget to contain a string identifying the position of the current node within the widget tree.
With the ''transclusion'' variable, the QualifyMacro identifies the stack of transcluded tiddlers.
In the sidebar, the ''transclusion'' variable is set to:<br>
When the tiddler "HelloThere" is displayed in the story river ''transclusion'' is set to:<br> `{HelloThere|HelloThere|||}`
Each nested level of transclusion appends another curly bracketed list of symbols.
!! Example
''identifying if we're in the sidebar or not''
\define mymacro()
We are
emptyMessage="in the story river.">
in the sidebar.
Result in a story tiddler:
We are in the story river.
Result in the sidebar:
We are in the sidebar.
Groups of uniquely titled tiddlers are contained in WikiStore objects.
The WikiStore also manages the plugin modules used for widgets, and operations like serializing, deserializing, parsing and rendering tiddlers.
~WikiText is a concise, expressive way of typing a wide range of text formatting, hypertext and interactive features. It allows you to focus on writing without a complex user interface getting in the way. It is designed to be familiar for users of [[MarkDown|http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/]], but with more of a focus on linking and the interactive features.
See [[Formatting text in TiddlyWiki]] for an introduction to WikiText.
The following elements of WikiText syntax are built into the core:
<<list-links "[tag[WikiText]]">>
Under Windows it is possible to convert TiddlyWiki into a true local application by renaming the HTML file to have the extension `*.hta`. The ''fsosaver'' module can then use the ~ActiveX ~FileSystemObject to save changes.
Note that one disadvantage of this approach is that the TiddlyWiki file is saved in UTF-16 format, making it up to twice as large as it would be with the usual UTF-8 encoding. However, opening and saving the file via another saving method will re-encode the file to UTF-8.
See Wikipedia for more details: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML_Application
! Introduction
If you want to [[contribute|Contributing]] to TiddlyWiki's development, rather than [[installing TiddlyWiki in the usual way|Installing TiddlyWiki on Node.js]], you can work directly with the GitHub repository.
Mario Pietsch has created a [[short video introduction|Working with the TiddlyWiki5 repository video]].
! Setting Up
# Create an account on GitHub if you don't already have one
# Fork the TiddlyWiki5 GitHub repository from https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5
# Clone a local copy of your fork
# Open a command line terminal and change the current working directory to the root of the repo
# Type `npm link` (Windows) or `sudo npm link` (Mac/Linux) to tell [[npm]] to use this copy of the repo as the globally installed one
After this procedure you can work with TiddlyWiki5 via [[npm]] as though it were installed in the usual way with `npm install -g tiddlywiki`.
See also [[Scripts for TiddlyWiki on Node.js]].
Mario Pietsch has created a short video tutorial on [[working with the TiddlyWiki5 GitHub repository|Working with the TiddlyWiki5 repository]].
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/6ElUruH92tc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Information to help you get started using TiddlyWiki:
<<list-links "[tag[Working with TiddlyWiki]]">>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/core/ui/ListItemTemplate"/>
<$transclude mode="block"/>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_display-panel"/>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_tagbar"/>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_display-panel"/>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_tagbar"/>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_display-panel"/>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_tagbar"/>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_display-panel"/>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_tagbar"/>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_display-panel"/>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_tagbar"/>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_display-panel"/>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_tagbar"/>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_display-panel"/>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_tagbar"/>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_display-panel"/>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_tagbar"/>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_display-panel"/>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_tagbar"/>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_display-panel"/>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_tagbar"/>
!!My Long Task
The task may contain a long description of the nature of the task -- also a journal of progress and a list of planned actions. This will not show in the panel -- only the next action for the task will appear.
!.myTitle Journal
;20 Jan 2014
:Some description of an action
;01 Mar 2014
:Some description of an action
!.myTitle Planned Actions
*Remaining action
*Remaining action
*Remaining action
*Remaining action
*Remaining action
*Remaining action
!.myTitle Wills Q&D gTiD
This is my work in progress version of TW5, incorporating various features and ideas as and when they intrigue me. To grab any feature you may wish to try, drag the listed tiddlers across to the dropzone of an empty ~TiddlyWiki <<version>>
The layout has been designed on a laptop in Chromium, and displays well in this environment (less well in Firefox.) The layout has not been tested on mobile phone nor android.
<<tabs "[field:wills[documentation]sort[created]]" "[[Customising the Theme]]" "$:/state/docs">>
;Thanks to
://[[Stephan Hradek|http://tw5magick.tiddlyspot.com/]]//
://[[David Gifford |http://www.giffmex.org/tw5mall.htm]]//
://[[Danielo Rodríguez|http://braintest.tiddlyspot.com]]//
When the time for action arises, there will be no necessity for delay. Thinking is a liability when the time comes for action – provided that the planning has been done in advance, next actions have been correctly identified and the tasks have been placed into appropriate lists.
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_display-panel"/>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_tagbar"/>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_display-panel"/>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_tagbar"/>
viewBox="0 0 10 10"
enable-background="new 0 0 216 146"
d="M 9.81433,8.1077397 5.43941,0.3298657 C 5.31583,0.1099552 5.16937,0 5,0 4.83063,0 4.68417,0.1099588 4.56047,0.3298657 L 0.18554997,8.1077397 C 0.06184997,8.327652 -3.496197e-8,8.5880508 -3.496197e-8,8.8889379 -3.496197e-8,9.1898232 0.06189997,9.4504354 0.18554997,9.6701343 0.30935997,9.8900448 0.45582997,10 0.62506997,10 H 9.37493 C 9.54417,10 9.69076,9.8900412 9.81433,9.6701343 9.93791,9.4504354 10,9.1898232 10,8.8889379 10,8.5880508 9.9379,8.327652 9.81433,8.1077397 z"/>
During reviews, individual ticklers are sorted into their appropriate contexts for the tasks to be actioned. An example of grouping similar tasks would be a list of outstanding telephone calls, or a shopping list. Contexts may be defined by the place and set of tools available and/or by the availability of individuals or groups with whom one must share the task
!.myTitle A Palette in Cool Colours
The empty version of TW5 is rather spartan -- in particular, I prefer a darker theme with green tint behind the text -- my chosen theme 'Vanilla Cool' uses a cool palette, however the colour scheme has been designed to be compatible with plain Vanilla for those who prefer a lighter theme.
{{color scheme.jpg}}
:Darker vanilla palette using cool colours --- [[$:/palettes/Vanilla-cool]] --- optional
:Apply the palette from the @@background-color:grey; Appearance@@ tab of the Control Panel
:Stylesheet --- [[$:/_stylesheet/mystyles]]
:Widen the story river --- [[$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/metrics]] --- optional
!.myTitle Additional Buttons
I have grabbed a clone tiddler button and a close others button (in the edit panel.)
{{{ [field:wills[controls]] }}}
The Site Title is set to function as a home button and the gTiD of the title is set to function as a fullscreen button (requires the fullscreen plugin.)
!.myTitle Customising the Sidebar
I have added an advanced search tab to the 'Sidebar' (including standard search.)
{{{ [field:wills[sidebar]] }}}
If you wish to remove the old search search below the header.
{{{ [field:wills[search]] }}}
I have added a 'Systems Tags' tab to the 'More' sidebar
{{{ [field:wills[moresidebar]] }}}
!.myTitle Additional Plugins
I have included Danielo's keyboardSnippets plugin -- this is not necessary for either the leftmenu or for Q&D gTiD, but is included as I find this useful when writing this tiddlywiki
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_display-panel"/>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_tagbar"/>
<div class="tw-link-info">
<$list filter="[is[current]tagging[]sort[updated]]">
<div class="tw-link-info-item">
!<$link><$view field="title"/></$link>
<div class="tw-subtitle"><$list filter="[is[current]tags[]sort[title]]"><$link>
|!Next Action |<$transclude field="next-action"/> |<|<|
|!Pending |<$transclude field="pending"/> |<|<|
|!Due |<$transclude field="due-date"/> |!Link | <a href={{!!url}} target="_blank"><$text text={{!!url}}/></a> |
|!Edit this tiddler |<$radio tiddler="$:/_edit-task" field="report-title" value={{!!title}}/>|!Last updated |<$view field="modified" format="date" template="DDth MMM YYYY"/>|
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_display-panel"/>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_tagbar"/>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_display-panel"/>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_tagbar"/>
\define sliderHeader(header1,header2,header)
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/$header$" text="show">
;<$button set="$:/state/$header$" setTo="show" class="btn-invisible">{{caret-down}} $header1$</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/$header$" text="show">
;<$button set="$:/state/$header$" setTo="hide" class="btn-invisible">{{caret-up}} $header2$</$button>
<$transclude field=$header$ mode="block"/>
!.myTitle Q&D gTiD Toolbars
Whilst I was busy developing the leftmenu for another purpose (a reporting database), I realised it would be fairly easy to cobble together a Q&D gTiD system. The 'gTiD' tab gives a pretty interface with tag pills, however the whole system can be operated from the 'Tasks' tab and display panels in the story river.
<$tiddler tiddler="gTiD Toolbars">
<<sliderHeader "Display Panels" "Display Panels" "gtid-panels">>
<<sliderHeader "New Tickler Folders" "New Tickler Folders" "gtid-folders">>
<<sliderHeader "Initial Setup" "Initial Setup" "gtid-setup">>
<<sliderHeader "New Ticklers" "New Ticklers" "gtid-new-ticklers">>
<<sliderHeader "Editing Ticklers" "Editing Ticklers" "gtid-edit-ticklers">>
<<sliderHeader "Deleting Ticklers" "Deleting Ticklers" "gtid-delete-ticklers">>
<<sliderHeader "Tagging" "Tagging" "gtid-tagging">>
<<sliderHeader "Done" "Done" "gtid-done">>
<<sliderHeader "The Link Field" "The Link Field" "gtid-link">>
<<sliderHeader "Importing Tasks" "Importing Tasks" "gtid-importing">>
<<sliderHeader "Populating the Tabs" "Populating the Tabs" "gtid-populate">>
<<sliderHeader "Needed Tiddlers" "Needed Tiddlers" "gtid-tiddlers">>
<<sliderHeader "Weeks" "Tickler Folders" "gtid-weeks">>
<<sliderHeader "Months" "Tickler Folders" "gtid-months">>
<<sliderHeader "Contexts" "Tickler Folders" "gtid-contexts">>
<<sliderHeader "Projects" "Tickler Folders" "gtid-projects">>
The system is fairly hands on, but gives a workable facsimile of a paper based system. A working gTiD needs constant attention anyway, at which time the tasks can easily be posted manually. The manual posting of ticklers between tickler folders during the review process is an important part of gTiD. I have, therefore, stayed away from priorities and deadlines ordered by date (the due date field is text only) and there is no automatic mechanism for re-posting of ticklers ordered by due date or priority. Such matters are best entered into a diary once they have been identified in a list.
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_display-panel"/>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_tagbar"/>
\define sliderHeader(header1,header)
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/$header$" text="show">
;<$button set="$:/state/$header$" setTo="show" class="btn-invisible">{{caret-down}} $header1$</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/$header$" text="show">
;<$button set="$:/state/$header$" setTo="hide" class="btn-invisible">{{caret-up}} $header1$</$button>
<$transclude field=$header$ mode="block"/>
!.myTitle Journal
<$tiddler tiddler="Journal">
<<sliderHeader "2nd May 2014" "may-ii">>
<<sliderHeader "3rd May 2014" "may-iii">>
<<sliderHeader "4th May 2014" "may-iv">>
<<sliderHeader "5th May 2014 -- Extensive Update" "may-v">>
<<sliderHeader "6th May 2014" "may-vi">>
<<sliderHeader "7th May 2014" "may-vii">>
<<sliderHeader "8th May 2014" "may-viii">>
<<sliderHeader "9th May 2014" "may-ix">>
<<sliderHeader "10th May 2014" "may-x">>
<<sliderHeader "11th May 2014" "may-xi">>
<<sliderHeader "12th May 2014" "may-xii">>
<<sliderHeader "13th May 2014" "may-xiii">>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_display-panel"/>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_tagbar"/>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_display-panel"/>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_tagbar"/>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_display-panel"/>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_tagbar"/>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_display-panel"/>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_tagbar"/>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_display-panel"/>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_tagbar"/>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_display-panel"/>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_tagbar"/>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_display-panel"/>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_tagbar"/>
Once a user has been presented with a reminder in terms of a list of tasks at the right time and in the right place, the human mind is competent at judging priorities. There is, therefore, no need to prioritise the ticklers in the gTiD system.
The inbox must be cleared periodically, tasks being processed in FIFO order. The 'next action' for each task must be identified; based upon this next action, the tickler, displaying its next action, is then posted into the appropriate tickler folder.
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_display-panel"/>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_tagbar"/>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_display-panel"/>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_tagbar"/>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_display-panel"/>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_tagbar"/>
!.myTitle Left Sidebar Slider
The leftmenu toggles with the top left hamburger button -- this function has been added into `$:/core/ui/TopBar/menu`. Also needed are the two 'leftmenu' stylesheets that operate the slider mechanism. Several images are needed for buttons, and the other stylesheet contains styles required for prettying up the menus and for styling the gTiD display panels (also some additions for printing the story river.)
{{{ [[$:/_leftmenuedit]] [!field:left-menu[tab]has[left-menu]] }}}
;The Tabs
The tabs may be filled by tagging any tiddler with `$:/tags/leftmenu` -- checkboxes are available in the 'Edit' tab to toggle this tag for tabs created from the template. I have provided five examples which contain: the main 'gTaB' menu, a 'Help' tab (any tiddler tagged '$:/_help' will be listed here), a 'Recent' tab, a 'Search' tab, and an 'Edit' tab to edit the menu itself. A button has been provided on the 'gTaB' menu to restore the 'Edit' tab should it becomes toggled off.
{{{ [!field:qad-gtd[tab]field:left-menu[tab]sort[title]] }}}
Elements used in any of the panels can be combined to modify the menu system:
*the filterList() macro expects two parameters representing a label and a filter expression.
*the editTiddler() macro expects two parameters representing a label and the title of the tiddler to be edited.
*new menu tabs may be created with the 'New Menu' button -- a new menu has the caption 'New' -- this may be changed by editing the caption field.
*the height of the full-height scrollbar boxes (applied in the 'Tasks', 'Recent' and 'Help' tabs) has been set to 600px in `$:/_stylesheet/mystyles` -- this may be adjusted for your desktop by editing the //''div.fulltab''// style
*the height of the half-height scrollbar boxes has been set to 600px in `$:/_stylesheet/mystyles` -- this may be adjusted for your desktop by editing the //''div.half''// style
*the width of the scrollbars has been set to 12px in `$:/_stylesheet/mystyles` for webkit based browsers -- this may be adjusted
*the width of the menu has been set to 25% and the borders of the story river to 23% and 77% in `$:/_stylesheet/leftmenu-show` -- this width may be adjusted by editing the //''.story-river''// and //''.tw-leftmenu''// styles (fixed widths may be preferred in some situations.)
*the width of the input boxes on the 'Tasks' and 'Edit' tabs have been set to 220px and 150px respectively in `$:/_stylesheet/mystyles` -- these will need adjusting to fit the width of the leftmenu.
Settings may be edited using the settings section of the 'Edit' tab.
The essence of gTiD is to separate the planning of an action from the execution of that action. This entails breaking down the plan into a series of actions in advance, each of which can later be undertaken without further planning. The human memory is inefficient at reminding us of what we need to do at the appropriate time and place -- this results in unnecessary worry.
The need is for a 'trusted external memory' in which to store this series of 'next actions'. This will act as an external support system, presenting us with the right reminders at the right place and time. The gTiD system is, therefore, based around storing, tracking and retrieving the information related to the things that need to get done and presenting them to the user at the right time and in the appropriate context.
The inbox is a critical component of the gTiD system. There must be an easy mechanism, available at all times, to enter tasks into the system at the moment that the user becomes aware of the need. Without this, the user can not trust that everything that needs to be done is in the system. It is often advantageous to leave clips of scrap paper and a pen in convenient places, for example beside the bed, and in the car -- the electronic system is not always available, and tasks must be captured immediately.
Reviews of the ticklers are conducted periodically – generally at some convenient time, once per week. During the review, tasks are cleared from the inbox, turned into ticklers by identifying the 'next action' and placed into appropriate tickler folders. Ticklers in approaching time-slots are re-posted into tickler folders for the forthcoming week, and tagged with the relevant context(s).
Whenever a next action is identified that can be completed in less than two minutes, then that action must be completed immediately. This clears many actions forever which would otherwise clutter the tickler folders (and your mind.)
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_display-panel"/>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_tagbar"/>
During the planning stages, individual actionable items are identified and posted as ticklers into a tickler folder corresponding to when the task will need to be handled. When the time comes, the folder when opened will contain the tickler – reminding the user of the action to be taken.
A tickler is a note to ourself in the future. The gTiD system must store this note, then present it to the user in the form of a list -- but only when necessary and only in the relevant context.
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_display-panel"/>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_tagbar"/>
\define sliderHeader(header)
<$reveal type="nomatch" state="$:/state/$header$" text="show">
;<$button set="$:/state/$header$" setTo="show" class="btn-invisible">{{caret-down}} $header$</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state="$:/state/$header$" text="show">
;<$button set="$:/state/$header$" setTo="hide" class="btn-invisible">{{caret-up}} $header$</$button>
<$transclude tiddler=$header$/>
!.myTitle Using gTiD
<$tiddler tiddler="Using gTiD">
<<sliderHeader {{!!gtid-aim}}>>
<<sliderHeader {{!!gtid-inbox}}>>
<<sliderHeader {{!!gtid-ticklers}}>>
<<sliderHeader {{!!gtid-processing}}>>
<<sliderHeader {{!!gtid-rule}}>>
<<sliderHeader {{!!gtid-folders}}>>
<<sliderHeader {{!!gtid-contexts}}>>
<<sliderHeader {{!!gtid-priorities}}>>
<<sliderHeader {{!!gtid-review}}>>
<<sliderHeader {{!!gtid-action}}>>
<<sliderHeader {{!!gtid-fun}}>>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_display-panel"/>
<$transclude tiddler="$:/_tagbar"/>
You are now looking at the header area of the wizard. Content can be set here and it doesn't change when you go between steps in the wizard.
You can style the slide show as well. The macro takes an optional `class` attribute that you can set to whatever class you would like. You can see the default css with some help for creating your own in the [[stylesheet tiddler|$:/plugins/inmysocks/WizardWizard/stylesheets.tid]].
You can use this to show or hide sections as well as changing fonts and colors or change any other css properties you wish.
Look at me!! I am below the wizard in the footer area!! YAY!!
You can do some very simple configuration of the slide show using the [[setup tiddler|$:/plugins/inmysocks/WizardWizard/Wizard Setup]]. To do this you enter the tag you want to use in the tiddler and then you can see a list of tiddlers with that tag. You can select which you want to be the header(s) or footer(s) if any and set which one is the finish button.
More about the finish button on the next slide.
''You can completely ignore this part if you feel like it. I am just explaining some details about the last slide.''
This is just me showing off again and pointing out that having multiple conditionals for showing the next button and only showing the message when the next button isn't displayed requires something non-trivial.
A logical OR in wikitext filters is simple because you just put one filter after the other. A logical AND can only be done testing the same inputs, so you can say 'only tiddlers that have this tag AND this other tag' but you can't say 'tiddlerA had this tag AND tiddlerB has this tag' without some rather convoluted filter constructs.
What I had to do to show the message was to get the statement (!a || !b || !c), but I needed a, b and c to be independent and I need an arbirtary number of inputs. The solution uses De Morgan's Theorem: (!a || !b) = !(a && b). I seriously never expected my digital logical classes to come in handy trying to make something in tiddlywiki.
If you want to see how it works go look at the ~ForwardButtonCheck macro in [[Wizard Macro|$:/plugins/inmysocks/WizardWizard/Wizard Macro]], unfortunately I don't think that it is a general solution.
This is the wizard wizard plugin demo wiki. The plugin is in the early stages and hopefully I will add more things to it to help people make the things they will use it to display.
Right now it is a framework for showing tiddlers sequentially with some built-in tools for saving data. So it works well for set up wizards or if for some reason you don't want to use one of the existing solutions, it is also a slide show.
To use this just put the macro
<<ConfigurationWizard TagName>>
where you want your wizard to be displayed. Replace `TagName` with the name of the tag you want to use. There is more information in the [[macro tiddler|$:/plugins/inmysocks/WizardWizard/Wizard Macro]].
Click on the `Forward` button below to go to the next step.
This slide is not in alphabetical order. This is because the order is set by the `order` field of the tiddlers used in each step. You can manually set this field or use the [[setup tiddler|$:/plugins/inmysocks/WizardWizard/Wizard Setup]] to do it.
There are 4 pieces to what you see, there is a header above the slide show part, the slides part itself, a footer below the slide part and then the finished button for when the slideshow/wizard is finished.
The first part is the slide area themselves. That is what you are looking at right now.
<$checkbox tiddler='Above Wizard' tag=Demo>Check this box to toggle some content above the slide show.</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler='Below Wizard' tag=Demo>Check this box to toggle some content above the slide show.</$checkbox>
You will see the finish button at the end of the show.
You may have noticed that there is now a list of numbers above the slides with `Jump to step:` in front of it. If you click on one of those numbers you will be taken to that step.
You can only go backwards using this. This is so that when you are filling out a wizard you can't skip steps and jump ahead.
This has some neat things I want to show off. First where it says `Step 4 of 13: Slide 4`.
The numbers count correctly to say the step you are on and the total number of steps. This is done using only wiki text. It uses the $count widget and some list and reveal widgets.
The step name given here is taken from the caption field of the tiddler for that step. If there is no caption field the title is used instead.
The next thing is the listing of steps below the current step number. This uses only wiki text and doesn't take the numbers from the slides themselves. This is so you don't have to number or label your slides and it works anyway.
The list grows so that it shows only the steps you have already passed and if you add more steps it will be able to handle them appropriately.
This may not sound like that much, but it was a pain to make so I am pointing it out.
This is more than a normal slide show as you saw on step 2 where you could toggle the header and footer content. If you wish you have have the content defined in multiple tiddlers and they can all be displayed in the header (or footer).
The wizard has two helper macros to make the creation of wizards easier. They are the `<<WizardTemp>>` macro and the `<<WizardState>>` macro. They point to tiddlers used to hold state and input information for the wizard. When you create the tiddlers used for each step these macros are available to you. The `currentTiddler` variable is set to the `<<WizardState>>` tiddler and it is also the tiddler that holds the current step in the field `current_step`. So `{{!!current_step}}` gives {{!!current_step}}.
To see this in action here is an edit text widget using the `<<WizardTemp>>` macro.
code: `<$edit-text tiddler=<<WizardTemp>> field=demo_field class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>`
<$edit-text tiddler=<<WizardTemp>> field=demo_field class='tc-edit-texteditor'/>
Now go to the next step and we will use the `<<WizardTemp>>` macro to get what you entered.
And we use a list widget to get what you entered in the last step like this:
<$list filter='[<WizardTemp>get[demo_field]]'>
here it is:
<$list filter='[<WizardTemp>get[demo_field]]'>
you can access it in other ways, and this is actually most useful as part of the finish button that takes care of whatever it is you want to do with the input you collect using the wizard. We will talk about that in the next step.
You may have noticed that on the first step there is no `Back` button, and in general if you don't give a finish button than on the last step there is no `Next` button.
''This next part requires some understanding of filters and wikitext. It is a more advanced feature and isn't required for most uses of the wizard plugin. If you wish to skip it just check the check boxes and move on.''
Also when you get to this step the `Next` button is missing. This is because you can control the visibilty of the next button based on the state of the wizard. If you give the tiddler for a step a field called `forward_conditions` and put a list of filters separated by semi-colons (`;`) than the next button will only be visible if all of the filters listed evaluate to non-empty lists. So for this step in order to make the `Next` button visible you need to click on these two check boxes:
<$checkbox tiddler=<<WizardTemp>> field='next_button_check_1' checked=True unchecked=''>Check me!</$checkbox>
<$checkbox tiddler=<<WizardTemp>> field='next_button_check_2' checked=True unchecked=''>Check me too!</$checkbox>
once both boxes are checked than the next button appears. This is because the tiddler for this step has a field `forward_conditions` with the contents:
note that there is a semi-colon after the second filter. ''You need to have this even if you only have a single filter listed.''
And finally the finish button makes an appearance!!
You may have noticed that the forward button has now changed into The Magical Finish Button. The finish button is defined in the tiddler [[Wizard Finish Button]]. Note that the entire button is there, not just the contents of the button widget. This is so that if you don't want a button you can just leave out the tiddler, or if you want an image or other text instead you can put that in the tiddler.
The tiddler is identified using the same tag as everything else in the wizard (for this demo the tag is `Demo`) and the finish button has a field called `finish_button` with the contents `True`. You can also set this using the [[setup tiddler|$:/plugins/inmysocks/WizardWizard/Wizard Setup]].
The finish button just sets the wiki subtitle to whatever you gave as input in step 6. You can make it do whatever you want though. You can see the tiddler with the button code [[here|Wizard Finish Button]].
<<ConfigurationWizard Demo>>
<$tiddler tiddler=<<WizardTemp>>>
<$button>The Magical Finish Button
<$action-setfield $tiddler='$:/SiteSubtitle' text={{!!demo_field}}/>
The count in view mode doesn't work on shadow tiddlers. I don't care enough to fix this edge case at the moment.
.change-color {
color:{{$:/state/Word Count Widget/color}};
[[Add a new video|AddVideo]] first or open an existing video tiddler...
# click the [[+|$:/plugins/tobibeer/youtube/forms/new-annotation]] button below the video to the right
# enter the desired values into the form<div>
{{Intro — 00:00:00 - 00:00:17||$:/plugins/tobibeer/youtube/forms/new-annotation}}
<th>Stored at</th>
<td>the start position of the annotation</td>
<td>the end position of the annotation</td>
<td>a short description for the annotation displayed as a link</td>
<td>tags assigned to the annotation tiddler</td>
<td>text for the annotation tiddler </td>
# actions:
#; add
#: adds a new annotation tiddler for the video with the specified contents
#:* for short annotation tiddler titles, define a `yt-prefix` field at the video tiddler with the desired prefix
#; set
#: sets the current player to the given start / end values
#; reset
#: resets the current player
!! Example Video [[Introduction To TiddlyWiki]]
{{Introduction To TiddlyWiki||$:/plugins/tobibeer/youtube/ViewTemplate/video}}
!! Example Annotation [[Intro — 00:00:00 - 00:00:17]]
{{Intro — 00:00:00 - 00:00:17||$:/plugins/tobibeer/youtube/ViewTemplate/annotation}}
Set the following fields for a tiddler to turn it into a video tiddler...
;[[yt-id]] (required)
:: {{yt-id}}
;[[yt-prefix]] (optional)
!!Example Video [[Introduction To TiddlyWiki]]
{{Introduction To TiddlyWiki||$:/plugins/tobibeer/youtube/ViewTemplate/video}}
''Rich Shuhmaker''
I have said this before, the end goal would be to watch all the video segments on a specific subject via playlist.
So all Tiddlers Tagged 'Awesome' would show up in a video list and hopefully we could stitch them together somehow.
Not a playlist of videos but a playlist of video subsections, so you could disect a video into smaller bite sized parts to watch on specific subjects.
In general, annotations are associated with a video tiddler by having the `yt-id` field set to the same value as the video. The list of annotations below a video allows you to...
* ''delete'' an annotation tiddler
* ''clone'' an annotation tiddler
* ''set'' the video player to the start / end time, clicking [[00:00:00 - 00:00:17|Intro — 00:00:00 - 00:00:17]]
* ''open'' the annotation tiddler, clicking the [[annotation title|Intro — 00:00:00 - 00:00:17]]
* ''edit'' the annotation tiddler
* ''toggle'' the visibility of tags for annotations
* ''add'' a new annotation tiddler using the form below the video opened via [[+|AddAnnotation]]
!! Example Annotations
<$set name=yt-video value="Introduction To TiddlyWiki">
<$set name=yt-id value={{Introduction To TiddlyWiki!!yt-id}}>
@@color:grey;//for video [[Introduction To TiddlyWiki]]//@@
<div class="hide-annotations">
{{Introduction To TiddlyWiki||$:/plugins/tobibeer/youtube/ViewTemplate/video}}
<$list filter="1 2 3 4 5 6" template="$:/.examples/embed"/>
<$list filter="1 2 3 4 5 6" template="$:/.examples/embed"/>
<$list filter="[tag[FieldTypes]!sort[]]">
<h2><$link to=<<currentTiddler>>><$view field=title/></$link></h2>
* as small as possible
** so they can be reused
*** weaving them into different narratives and perspectives
Annotation full text...
; You
: know
The following filter checks if a tiddler has a `yt-id` field but no `yt-video` field which makes it a video...
<<list-links filter:"[has[yt-id]!has[yt-video]sort[]]">>
<<list-links filter:"[has[yt-id]!has[yt-video]sort[]]">>
The following filter looks up tiddlers with the field `yt-id` set to the value of a variable by the same name, having also a `yt-video` field, which is only true for annotations...
<$set name=yt-id value={{Introduction To TiddlyWiki!!yt-id}}>
<<list-links filter:"[yt-id<yt-id>has[yt-video]sort[]]">>
<$set name=yt-id value={{Introduction To TiddlyWiki!!yt-id}}>
<<list-links filter:"[yt-id<yt-id>has[yt-video]sort[]]">>
You can also use the [[plugin template|$:/plugins/tobibeer/youtube/list/annotations]] to render a list without control buttons like so...
<$set name=yt-id value={{Introduction To TiddlyWiki!!yt-id}}>
<$set name=yt-id value={{Introduction To TiddlyWiki!!yt-id}}>
''Note'': No player is rendered and the time links won't open one. All command buttons are hidden by having the output wrapped in the class `yt-no-controls`.
The plugin name YoutubePlugin may and probably will change... along with a lot of internals!
The idea is to provide the functionality in a much more generic way, e.g. annotation capabilities for, well, more than just youtube, obviously, but also for audio files!
//My flatmate is a singer and she just bought that recording device and I started to ask myself (and her) how she's going to manage those recordings ;-)//
!! Possible Names
* `MediaPlugin`
* `PlayerPlugin`
* `AnnotatePlugin`
YoutubePlugin allows to easily embed and annotate videos.<br>
!! [[2DO]]
: experimental => do test
: not yet packaged as a plugin
: please don't use just yet
:: may be restructured a lot, because...
: will likely evolve to a more generic plugin
:: not sure about the PluginName => [[any ideas?|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/_dqbubfSm1c/oe4JcJlpzUIJ]]
!! [[Example|Introduction To TiddlyWiki]]
<$link to="Introduction To TiddlyWiki">{{$:/core/images/video}}Introduction To TiddlyWiki</$link>
!! [[Documentation]]
!! [[Inspired by|TiddlyWiki]]
; Astrid Elocson
: [[Youtube Macros|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/5FugIFRgYLs/d6QEmHPjfF4J]]
; Jed Carty
: [[YouTube Video Annotations|http://inmysocks.tiddlyspot.com/#YouTube%20Video%20Annotations]] @ [[inmysocks|http://inmysocks.tiddlyspot.com]]
; Rich Shumaker
: [[richshumaker.com|http://www.richshumaker.com/tw5/TiddlyWiki-Hangouts.html]]
: and his kickoff discussion: [[Idea for a Hangouts TiddlyWiki|https://groups.google.com/d/msg/tiddlywiki/5FugIFRgYLs/fdD9jvWeH34J]]
\define summaries(filter:"[tag{!!title}sort[]]")
The default styles are defined in: [[$:/plugins/tobibeer/youtube/styles]]
!!CSS Classes
; discuss
: https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!folder/TiddlyWiki
!! Components
<<summaries "[prefix[$:/plugins/tobibeer/youtube]]">>
!! Dependencies
<<summaries "[prefix[$:/.tb/macros/slider]]">>
displayed as a link in the [[list of annotations|Annotations]]
set the `yt-id` field of a tiddler to the id of the youtube video, e.g. `EU-H0xhga08`
:default annotation tiddler titles will be...
:: `$:/yt/<yt-id>/<entered-start>-<entered-end>`
:: ''example'': [[$:/yt/KtCUr83XgyE/00:02:30-00:02:31]]
:to enable visible annotation tiddler titles...
:: define a `yt-prefix` field at the video tiddler
:: ''example'': [[Intro — 00:00:00 - 00:00:17]]
::: used `yt-prefix:Intro` at [[Introduction To TiddlyWiki]] upon creation
2click2edit plugin for ~TiddlyWiki5
!! Purpose
This wiki provides a search engine for {{TiddlyWiki}} community wikis.
* See the list of indexed wikis in [[CommunityWikis]].
* See a brief presentation in [[What is this?]]
* See a brief technical explanation in [[ImplementationOverview]].
* See the full [[documentation|TWCSDocumentation]].
!! Version
!! Contact
syntax choo-choo
show another title link
Display multiple tiddlers as one unit
No content is indexed by this system without the explicit agreement of their author.
Notice however that [[plugins|CommunityPlugins]] are not considered as content, since they are not stored in the wiki.
If you are the author of a wiki and wish to have its content indexed by this search engine, please [[tell me!|Contact]]
If you are a wiki author, please consider registering your wiki!
* About [[Author's consent]]
* Please read [[Why your content is well taken care of!]] if you are worried about your content not being displayed as you intended it to be.
! Features
In order to make the process as automatized as possible, the following features allow the wiki author to control several aspects of the indexing:
<$list filter="[tag[AuthorDocumentation]has[description]]">
<$link><$view field="title"/></$link>:
<$view field="description"/>
Tag your tiddlers effortlessly.
a collection of TW related projects
You can now [[bookmark your favourite tags|http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/#BookmarkingTags]] from the community in the ~TiddlyWiki Community Search!
//Thanks to [[FelixKuppers|http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/#FelixKuppers]] for the idea!//
!! Idea
This functionality helps you follow the content about specific topics published in the community, provided it is tagged appropriately.
!! Usage
For every tag found in the community wikis, a "~CommunityTag tiddler" is created with this tag. The list of all tags is visible in CommunityTags (remark: this tiddler might be slow to open because the list it contains is big).
As usual, you can click on the tag pill to see the list of all tiddlers with this tag (with links to the original wiki). You can also click on the top item in the list: this opens the corresponding ~CommunityTag tiddler itself. It contains:
* The list of all tiddlers tagged wit this tag (sorted by modification time, most recent first).
* The most recent tiddlers contaning the text in the tag. This way you have access to anything recent related (even vaguely) to the topic.
If you are interested in following content tagged and/or related to this tag, you can use the <a href="http://tiddlywiki.com/#PermaLinks">permalink</a> icon (or the permaview icon) to bookmark the ~CommunityTag tiddler. This way you can access directly the content you are interested in.
!! Example
Imagine that you want to follow everything related to images in TW. You can see that there are two tags about that in CommunityTags:
{{Tag: images||$:/twcs/CommunityTagTemplate}} {{Tag: Images||$:/twcs/CommunityTagTemplate}}
You can open these two ~CommunityTag tiddlers tiddlers (click on the first link from the tag pill), close all the other open tiddlers (optional), and then click the permaview icon: {{$:/core/images/permaview-button}}
The address bar in your browser changes to a link to the ~CommunitySearch wiki with these two tiddlers open. You can bookmark it; when you come back later you arrive directly on the same two ~CommunityTag tiddlers, updated with any change which happened in the meantime.
!! Acknowledgements
//Thanks to FelixKuppers for the idea!//
a set of plugins to enhance the ~TiddlyWiki experience
tools for a digital brain
An advanced list split into categories
mark segments to have them aggregated
a notebook on differences
<$list filter="[tag[CommunityAuthors]has[licence]]" variable="currentAuthor">
<$link to=<<currentAuthor>>>
<$text text=<<currentAuthor>>/>
<$list filter="[tag[CommunityWikis]field:author<currentAuthor>]">
<<listRecentTiddlers "[tag[CommunityNews]!sort[modified]]" "$:/WikiLinkAndContentTemplate">>
\define thisMakeCategoryField()
\define thisMakeList()
<$list filter='[$(CategoryEntry)$tag[CommunityPlugins]has[category]sort[category]each[category]]'>
<tr><th colspan=4 align="left">{{!!category}} Plugins</th></tr>
<$set name=currentCategory value={{!!category}}>
<$list filter='[tag[CommunityPlugins]category<currentCategory>sort[title]]' template="$:/PluginTWcardDisplayTemplate">
These plugins are collected based on JedCarty's <a href="http://inmysocks.tiddlyspot.com/#Plugin%20twCard">list</a>. See how in the [[documentation|PluginsCollection]].
Select category: <$select field='category'>
<option value=''>All</option>
<$list filter='[!is[current]tag[CommunityPlugins]each[category]get[category]sort[title]]' variable=ThisCategory>
<option value=<<thisMakeCategoryField>>><$view tiddler=<<ThisCategory>> field='title'/></option>
<$set name=CategoryEntry value={{!!category}}>
//See completely unknown uncurated extracted plugins:// UnknownExtractedPlugins
\define lingo-base() $:/language/Search/
<$linkcatcher to="$:/temp/advancedsearch">
Search for tiddlers in the community wikis:
<div class="tc-search">
<$edit-text tiddler="$:/temp/advancedsearch" type="search" tag="input"/>
<$reveal state="$:/temp/advancedsearch" type="nomatch" text="">
<$button class="tc-btn-invisible">
<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/temp/advancedsearch" $field="text" $value=""/>
<$reveal state="$:/temp/advancedsearch" type="nomatch" text="">
<$set name="resultCount" value="""<$count filter="[is[system]has[source-wiki-id]!has[extracted-plugin]search{$:/temp/advancedsearch}] -[[$:/temp/advancedsearch]]"/>""">
<div class="tc-search-results">
<<lingo System/Matches>>
<$list filter="[is[system]has[source-wiki-id]!has[extracted-plugin]search{$:/temp/advancedsearch}!sort[modified]limit[250]] -[[$:/temp/advancedsearch]]" template="$:/core/ui/ListItemTemplate"/>
<$reveal state="$:/temp/advancedsearch" type="match" text="">
<a href="http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/img/perf-graphs/wikis-authors-list.svg" target="_blank">
<img class="newsPerf" src="http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/img/perf-graphs/wikis-authors-list.svg" alt="Perf graph" width="100
" border=/> </a>
One might not be able to notice it, but the [[CommunityWikis|http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/#CommunityWikis]] and [[CommunityAuthors|http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/#CommunityAuthors]] lists are now displayed about 20% faster.
The [[CommunityTags|http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/#CommunityTags]] list has also been improved, by allowing the user to select the amount of tags they want to see.
img.newsPerf {
float: right;
margin: 0 0 10px 10px;
The [[CommunityTags|http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/#CommunityTags]] have been renamed: in order to avoid name conflicts with other tiddlers, the name of every "tag tiddler" is now prefixed with "``Tag: ``".
''Unfortunately, this change will break any previous bookmark [[you might have created|http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/#BookmarkingTags]].'' [[See more details|http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/#ExtendingCollectedTagsScope]].
It might not feel much faster, but think about how much slower it would be without the improvement! ;) [[More details here|http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/#TagsOptimizations]].
By the way, we passed two marks recently: there are now more than 8000 tiddlers and 100 wikis! Thank you everyone... and especially [[Jed|http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/#JedCarty]], who contributed a big bunch of wikis recently!
The Community Search wiki is meant as a source of information //complementary to the [[official documentation|http://tiddlywiki.com]]//.
The main difference is that the community search makes more content accessible than the [[official documentation|http://tiddlywiki.com]], but of course the content is not as polished.
Don't forget also that you can always ask a question on the [[TW discussion group|https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/Tiddlywiki]].
!!! Advantages
* More details,
* More examples,
* Different explanations,
* Specific use-cases,
* Original developments
* ...
!!! Disadvantages
* Unstructured content
* Variable level of expertise required
* Variable quality/completeness in the explanations
* Possible outdated material
* ...
\define displayList(myFilter)
<$list filter=$myFilter$>
//Show tags used at least
<$select field="min-frequency" default=5>
times, sort by
<$select field="sort-by" default="frequency">
''<$count filter="[tag[CommunityTags]greaterthan:community-tag-count{!!min-frequency}]"/> tags'' are used at least {{!!min-frequency}} times.
<$list filter="[all[current]field:sort-by[frequency]]">
<<displayList "[tag[CommunityTags]greaterthan:community-tag-count{!!min-frequency}!nsort[community-tag-count]]">>
<$list filter="[all[current]field:sort-by[name]]">
<<displayList "[tag[CommunityTags]greaterthan:community-tag-count{!!min-frequency}sort[title]]">>
<$list filter="[tag[CommunityWikis]has[wiki-latest-modification]!sort[wiki-latest-modification]]">
If you see any issue with this wiki, want to add your own wiki to the sources, want your wiki to be removed from the sources, or for any other reason, you can contact the author: mailto:erwan.more@@mail.com (replace the second ``@`` with a ``g``, it might work better).
search with context
So we can include all the settings
for capturing rich text format to the clipboard
For every indexed wiki, there is a "wiki presentation tiddler" containing some general info like the address, author, latest modifications, etc. By default the "wiki presentation tiddler" starts with the subtitle of the wiki.
If you want to replace this default introduction with your own in the "presentation tiddler" corresponding to your wiki, you can create a system tiddler ``$:/CommunitySearchWikiPresentation`` in your wiki; its content will be used by the indexing script instead of your subtitle.
//Remark:// the content is shown as simple wikitext, so please be careful not to include any image or any call to custom widgets/macros/plugins in your news tiddlers. Any wikitext or html formatting is fine, however.
based on [[Pikaday|https://github.com/dbushell/Pikaday]]
take a look
for documentation stuff
managing the backlog
See in {{!!title}}:
another way to add comments in tiddlywiki
The aggregator process now removes tiddlers which are also found on [[tiddlywiki.com|http://tiddlywiki.com]]. This way authors can use the [[tiddlywiki.com|http://tiddlywiki.com]] content on their wiki, and it won't be indexed as "their" content. Additionally that makes the ~CommunitySearch wiki a bit faster.
See [[DuplicateTiddlerDetection|http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/#DuplicateTiddlerDetection]].
Some wikis contain the full content from [[tiddlywiki.com]]. This is an issue because:
* It makes the ~CommunitySearch wiki contain duplicate tiddlers, which probably slows down the wiki a little.
* The search returns duplicate matches from different wikis for the same tiddler. First this is not user-friendly, and it might send users to another wiki than [[tiddlywiki.com]] even though this where the content came from in the first place.
However it makes sense for some wikis to use the content from [[tiddlywiki.com]]... and even if it didn't that's up to the author!
This is why duplicate detection was [[implemented in the aggregator process|https://github.com/erwanm/tw-aggregator/issues/89]]. Currently it is applied only to the content from [[tiddlywiki.com]] (i.e. [[tiddlywiki.com]] is the only possible source of duplicated content on other wiki; obviously the duplicate is removed from the other wiki). Duplicates between other wikis is probably much less likely, and there would be no way to know the original source in this case.
dynamically created tables that are filterable, sortable, and in-line editable
Encrypt single tiddlers
Hopefully this will be helpful
There were originally two limitations to the scope of tags collected from the extracted wikis:
* No system tags were allowed, because they would have been incompatible with each other (since they come from different wikis) and interfere badly with the ~CommunitySearch wiki structure.
* A [[community tag tiddler|CommunityTags]] was created for every extracted tag, except if its name conflicted with an already existing tiddler in the ~CommunitySearch wiki. This resulted in the exclusion of approximately 20 tags.
These two limitations have now been lifted, thanks the [[new wiki structure|TagsOptimizations]] and the renaming of the community tags tiddlers. For example, you can now find examples of things that people add to their sidebar panel by looking at the corresponding system tag: [[Tag: $:/tags/SideBar]].
But the renaming of the community tags tiddlers also means that previously [[bookmarked tags|BookmarkingTags]] won't work anymore. The old version will stay in place during a while to make the transition smoother, but it won't stay forever (because duplicate tiddlers clutter up the wiki).
* Example: tag [[Widgets]] is now [[Tag: Widgets]]. If you prefer the tag pill, here it is: {{Tag: Widgets||$:/twcs/CommunityTagTemplate}}
//Tip: if you have many old bookmarks, it might be faster to edit the links rather than replacing them entirely. You only need to insert `Tag%3A%20` between the `#` and the tag name in the address.//
A collection of my things
some extra filter operators for tiddlywiki 5
for displaying a cherry-picked list of tiddlers
leveraging fields in TiddlyWiki
filter and list examples
on content
! Description
//Warning: you must only use this feature with wikis that you author, or at least for which you obtained an explicit agreement from the author.//
! Usage
You must have at least one wiki manually registered in the search system; this is your "root wiki". The root wiki is always analyzed by the indexing scripts. You specify another wiki to index by creating a tiddler which:
* contains a field ``follow``, which has ''yes'' or ''no'' for value
* contains a field ``url`` which contains the address of the target wiki
The tiddler title will be used as wiki identifier in the search wiki.
The indexing script will proceed with the indexing of the target wiki if and only if the field ``follow`` contains ''yes'' (the comparison is case insensitive) and the field ``url`` contains a valid address as value.
Of course, you can create such tiddlers for as many wikis as you want. And because the scripts will analyze target wikis in the same way, these wikis can themselves point to more wikis recursively.
!! Example
TobiasBeer creates many enlightening topic-specific wikis. These are indexed from his main wiki using this feature: http://tobibeer.github.io/tb5/#%24%3A%2Ffollow.
iconify tiddlywiki
! Search
* You can also browse the index [[by tags|CommunityTags]], [[by wiki|CommunityWikis]] or [[by author|CommunityAuthors]].
* See also the list of CommunityPlugins.
* Discover more features in the [[documentation|TWCSDocumentation]].
! Latest news from the community
<<listRecentTiddlers "[tag[CommunityNews]!sort[modified]limit[5]]" "$:/WikiLinkAndContentTemplate">>
[[More community news...|CommunityNews]]
! Version
! See also
* [[What is this?]]
* [[About]]
pretty-show images in tw5
pictography resources
!! Offline
A [[set of Bash scripts|https://github.com/erwanm/tw-aggregator/tree/master/bin]] downloads the referenced wikis, converts their non-system tiddlers to system tiddlers, and generates a new wiki using {{TiddlyWiki}} [[Node.js edition|http://tiddlywiki.com/#TiddlyWiki%20on%20Node.js]].
!! Online
Pure {{TiddlyWiki}}: the user can search the content gathered from the indexed wikis using a [[custom search box|CommunitySearch]]. The results are displayed as links to the original tiddler (using a custom version of the shadow tiddler [[$:/core/ui/ListItemTemplate]]).
!! Project
The whole project is available on Github:
* https://github.com/erwanm/tw-aggregator contains all the indexing scripts
* https://github.com/erwanm/tw-community-search contains the specific Community Search wiki skeleton, as well as the script needed to update and upload the resulting wiki to github.io.
a wiki containing examples of how to make the wiki do stuff. wiki wiki wiki. I like saying wiki. wiki.
A quick demo of a range input macro
To see how much I can do with only the TW5 core
a non-linear personal web notebook
a filter to compare and compute
A [[list of plugins from the community|http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/#CommunityPlugins]] is now available on ~TiddlyWiki Community Search! See how it works in the [[documentation|http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/#PluginsCollection]].
//Thanks to [[JedCarty|http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/#JedCarty]] for providing <a href="http://inmysocks.tiddlyspot.com/#Plugin%20twCard">the list used as reference</a>!//
:: extended list operators ::
:: widget to create new tiddlers
Widget for calculating mathematical expressions
sum and subtract
a non-linear personal web notebook
A mobile friendly theme
A listing of my stuff, no other content
slicing and dicing tiddler titles
This feature is for authors of wikis indexed in the ~TiddlyWiki Community Search. Now you can publish your news directly in the TWCS "latest news" section! See the [[documentation|http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/#PublishingInCommunityNews]]
//Thanks to [[FelixKuppers|http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/#FelixKuppers]] for the idea!//
An Easy-to-use TiddlyWiki
another look at [[tiddlywiki]] for [[node.js]]
Your selfish notebook
for opening all tiddlers by tag
made using ~TiddlyWiki, concept based on Oppia
a demo of the plugin
docs for plugins by [[tobibeer|https://github.com/tobibeer]]
A collection of available plugins is provided in CommunityPlugins.
!! Definition
Historically there have been "add-on" components for TW which were called "plugins" but do not correspond to the technical definition of a plugin. For example, there are two versions ([[this one here|FontAwesome]] and [[that one there|fontawesome]]) of the so-called "~FontAwesome plugin" which actually both consist of a single [[StyleSheet tiddler|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Using%20Stylesheets]].
The collection of plugins presented in CommunityPlugins contains only real plugins, i.e. for which the plugin tiddler follows the [[official definition|http://tiddlywiki.com/#PluginMechanism]]. In particular, the extraction process requires a plugin tiddler to have a ``plugin-type`` field with value ``plugin``.
* Remark: If you have some code for TW that you'd like to package as a plugin but are not comfortable using the node.js version, there is also a TW plugin for that! Please check the [[Tinka plugin| twCard - Plugin - Tinka]].
!! Method
The aggregator automatically collects two things:
* All plugins are extracted from the public wikis, i.e. everything tagged {{CommunityWikis||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}. However //the actual plugins are not copied//, the system only extracts the fields describing the plugin (author, version, etc.) and stores the location.
* A specific curated list is extracted from JedCarty's <a href="http://inmysocks.tiddlyspot.com/#Plugin%20twCard">list by category</a>.
Jed's data is used primarily to obtain the source location of a plugin (usually the author's wiki), because there is no way to automatically determine whether a plugin is simply imported or if it is authored by the wiki owner. Additionally, the matching of the two sources can help fixing various issues:
* Mistakes/outdated info in Jed's list,
* New/unknown wiki found in Jed's list but not in the aggregator sources,
* New/unknown plugin found in the extracted wikis but not in Jed's list.
* ...
!! How are the plugins represented?
!!! Extracted plugins tiddlers
For each plugin found in the wikis, a system tiddler is generated:
* Its title is `$:/<wiki>/<plugin title>` (same convention as for regular tiddlers)
* The fields of the tiddlers are copied, in particular //description//, //version//, //author//^^(the other fields are not always provided; even //author// does not always have a value!)^^. //type// and //plugin-type// are not, because they would cause TW to misinterpret the content of the tiddler.
* The content is replaced with a simple transclusion through [[$:/CommunityExtractedPluginTemplate]].
* A field stores the location of origin as a link.
If the corresponding "official" plugin tiddler is found (same plugin title), the template shows it together with the corresponding wiki. This is meant to help fix discrepancies between extracted plugins and Jed's list plugins.
!!! "Official" plugin tiddlers
Jed's plugin entries are copied directly //as regular tiddlers// (as opposed to general content, which is stored as system tiddlers). These tiddlers titles start with `twCard Plugin`, and are enriched with more information when possible:
in the case of a full match, the fields //description//, //version//, //author// as well as the location are copied. Otherwise, depending on the kind of matching, some fields are missing and a field ``twcs-error`` describing the kind of problem is added.
These tiddlers are the ones shown in CommunityPlugins, and clicking on the name opens the full "official plugin" tiddler with more details. Additionally, for non-full matches, a button gives access to the list of extracted plugin tiddlers which match the plugin title (there might not be any). This way it is still possible to access a wiki on which the plugin was found, but there is no warranty that this is the real wiki of origin.
Finally, in the case of extracted plugins for which there is no entry in Jed's list (not even on the plugin title), a placeholder official plugin tiddler is generated. Such tiddlers have no field ``category`` and therefore don't appear in the official list (CommunityPlugins). They are kept "hidden" to avoid any confusion with the curated list. But users and (more importantly) maintainers can access it at UnknownExtractedPlugins.
!! Possible errors
An "error" is when Jed's list and the extracted plugins don't match:
* A full match is when there is a match on both the plugin title and the source wiki address.
* A partial match is when only the two plugin titles match. In this case it is unclear which of the source wikis found automatically is the real origin of the plugin (even if there is only one wiki, we can't be sure that this is the origin).
This is why the detailed plugin tiddler might show a warning message and miss some of the info. Normally such discrepancies will be solved by Jed or yours truly sooner or later.
A list of all the errors can be found in [[$:/PluginIssues]].
@@margin-left:50px; ~ sidebars for mortals ~@@
!! How?
The instructions below assume that your wiki is already in the [[list of indexed wiki|CommunityWikis]]. If not, [[send me an email|Contact]]).
Create a a system tiddler named ``$:/CommunityNewsTiddlers`` in your wiki. This tiddler should only contain a list of your "news tiddlers". The easiest way is to use a [[filter||http://tiddlywiki.com/#Introduction%20to%20Filters]]. For instance, the filter
will include any tiddler tagged ``news``, and the TWCS indexing script will simply collect your news from these tiddlers.
You can of course use any other filter or tag label depending on the way you organize your wiki.
!! Guidelines
The content of the news tiddlers is shown as simple wikitext, so please be careful not to include any image or any call to custom widgets/macros/plugins in your news tiddlers. Any wikitext or html formatting is fine, however.
Additionally, please try to keep your news tiddlers short: the goal is to invite users to visit your wiki, not to give them the full story!
!! About news freshness
You do not need to remove old "news" tiddlers from your wiki (but you can of course). If you leave them, they will simply appear at the bottom of the list in CommunityNews, since it is ordered by most recent modification date.
testing params and variables
Proof of Concept
when speed [[matters|Yes, YOU can be like this with QuickTid!]]!
for automagically displaying different backgrounds
for reducing text into a blob
a résumé building tool using ~TiddlyWiki
searchNreplace plugin for ~TiddlyWiki5
exploring section handling in tw5
AcD's grocery list for TiddlyWiki5
building a static website with TW
an alternative to links and pop-ups
doing that css
Tiddlywiki 5 Adventures
dynamically filter by tags
TagglyTagging for tw5
! General observations
It's good to see the size of the ~CommunitySearch wiki increase, but obviously this comes at the expense of performance: the file becomes larger, slower to load, slower to display various lists in tiddlers. Of course, little can be done about the size itself without restricting the scope of the available features, especially [[searching|CommunitySearch]].
The underlying design, however, can be made more efficient in various ways. Among several ideas that were attempted, the one that proved the most successful consisted in getting rid of tags as often as possible. Tags are a great feature of TW which can be used in many cases and in many ways, but this comes at a cost performance-wise; this cost is barely visible in small wikis, but it can put a real strain on a big wiki like the ~CommunitySearch. In most cases, using regular fields instead of tags (thanks to [[fields operator|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Filter%20Operators]]) offers more flexibility (different fields can be used for different purposes) and more performance (because tags influence many components of TW; for example, TW core needs to process tags with special meaning like [[system tags|http://tiddlywiki.com/#SystemTags]]).
! Implementation
Due to the special nature of the ~CommunitySearch wiki (generated [[automatically from the skeleton|What is this?]]), its structure can be modifed by changing the generation code. For instance, one of the most obvious optimizations consisted in hard-coding the number of tiddlers in each wiki at generation-time; this way there is no need to use a count filter on a very large list, the number is simply stored in a field. A few similar minor optimizations were implemented. More importantly, the global structure of the wiki has been modified by switching from tags to fields at different levels:
* The author-wiki relationship used to be represented with an author tag on the wiki tiddler. It has been replaced with a field `author`.
* Every collected tiddler used to be tagged with the id of the wiki it was extracted from, and tag pills could be used to access all the tiddlers from a wiki.
** I assume that this feature was not used very much, because most wikis have many tiddlers and displaying the dropdown list would be long in general, and not convenient to find a specific item. Additionally, the list of all tiddlers can be accessed from the wiki tiddler.
** Wiki id tags have been removed. The field `source-wiki-id` is used instead.
* The tags assigned by the author to their tiddlers are meaningful, and can be a convenient way to access information across wikis. Therefore it is important to preserve this information, which is available under the name CommunityTags. But the huge number of collected tags doesn't help with performance (there were also [[other reasons|ExtendingCollectedTagsScope]]). This is why the whole `tags` field is now being replaced for every collected tiddler by a new field `original-tags`, contaning exactly the same content. The filter operators ''list'' and ''listed'' are used to access the tags, and a [[custom tag pill|$:/twcs/CommunityTagTemplate]] displays the relevant information when needed (see [[an example here|tiddlywiki.com]]). As a positive side effect, the //More->tags// panel in the sidebar isn't as cluttered as it used to be.
! Experimental setup
!! Measurement methodology
Measurements are carried out as follows:
* Experiment were done on:
** a 5 y.o. quite cheap laptop (running Ubuntu 14.04, under Firefox 42.0).
** a quite recent (2 y.o) desktop machine (running Ubuntu 14.04, Firefox 42.0).
* Obviously a set of experiments is done on a single machine.
* Each set of experiments is completely independent from the others. No reference data is used, because there are many context factors which could bias the results (browser caching, busy OS, memory load, etc.).
* For every element compared, the measure is repeated 10 times for each version, by groups of 5 (in order to account for the variance caused by browser caching, busy OS, memory load, etc.)
* initialize performance output: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/Tiddlywiki/-AdwCjE0wgI/3ZyozEB1BAAJ
In every experiment we consider particular elements where some performance difference is expected to happen, depending on the nature of the change. The exact same action is taken 10 times for each case, for example:
* reload the wiki
* open a particular tiddler
* search a particular word
** In this case the word is copy/pasted in order to avoid the variation resulting from typing at a different speed.
!! Data
The data (standalone html wikis) used in these experiments can be found on [[github|https://github.com/erwanm/tw-community-search/tree/master/misc/perf-study]].
Because the implementation of the three main improvements were done at different points in time, the set of indexed wikis and the set of collected tiddlers have changed regularly, and various other modifications have been made in between, including bug fixes. This is why it is not possible (at least not convenient at all) to compare the version of the system used before and after all the changes. Instead, every significant change has been evaluated independently, by comparing the version with and without the change with (almost) the same data. As a consequence, the three performance gains reported below are cumulative.
!!! Change 1: replacing author tag with author field in every wiki tiddlers
* Extracted:
** 5108 tiddlers
*** 5500 in the new version
** 1329 distinct tags
*** 1310 in the new version (no more author tags)
** 56 wikis
* Figures reported in the control panel:
** 1519 regular tiddlers
*** 1604 in the new version
** 1377 tags
*** 1417 in the new version (?)
** 5152 system tiddlers
*** 5545 in the new version
!!! Change 2: removing the wiki id tag on every collected tiddler
* Extracted:
** 7998 tiddlers
** 1465 distinct tags
** 107 wikis
* Figures reported in the control panel:
** 1806 regular tiddlers
** 1602 tags
*** 1494 in the new version (removed wiki id tags)
** 8043 system tiddlers
*** 8045 in the new version
!!! Change 3: renaming the field tags with original-tags on every collected tiddlers
* Extracted:
** 8008 tiddlers
*** 8083 in the new version (system tags now included)
** 1472 distinct tags
*** 1535 distinct tags in the new version (system tags now included)
** 107 wikis
* Figures reported in the control panel:
** 1814 regular tiddlers
*** 1884 in the new version
** 1501 tags
*** only 52 in the new version (that was the main goal)
** 8053 system tiddlers
*** 8130 in the new version
! Results
//Remark: ypou can click any image below to open it in full size.//
!!! Change 1: replacing author tag with author field in every wiki tiddlers
<a href="http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/img/perf-graphs/wikis-authors-list.svg" target="_blank">
[img width=250 [http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/img/perf-graphs/wikis-authors-list.svg]]
<a href="http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/img/perf-graphs/wikis-authors-list-filter.svg" target="_blank">
[img width=250 [http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/img/perf-graphs/wikis-authors-list-filter.svg]]
The hardcoding of the number of tiddlers is also tested, together with the original version and the "author as field" version. The harcoded number of tiddlers makes the filter take much less time, but for some reason it does not change the global time significantly. The "author as field" case, however, is significantly faster than the two others when displaying the list of wikis or the list of authors: the performance is improved by about 15 to 25%.
!!! Change 2: removing the wiki id tag on every collected tiddler
<a href="http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/img/perf-graphs/no-wikiid-tag.svg" target="_blank">
[img width=250 [http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/img/perf-graphs/no-wikiid-tag.svg]]
<a href="http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/img/perf-graphs/no-wikid-tag-mainRender.svg" target="_blank">
[img width=180 [http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/img/perf-graphs/no-wikid-tag-mainRender.svg]]
This change gives a 5 to 10% improvement in loading the wiki, which is clearly a very important thing to optimize. It also makes displaying the list of wikis faster.
!!! Change 3: renaming the field tags with original-tags on every collected tiddlers
<a href="http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/img/perf-graphs/renamed-tags-mainRefresh.svg" target="_blank">
[img width=200 [http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/img/perf-graphs/renamed-tags-mainRefresh.svg]]
<a href="http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/img/perf-graphs/renamed-tags-styleRefreshFilter.svg" target="_blank">
[img width=200 [http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/img/perf-graphs/renamed-tags-styleRefreshFilter.svg]]
<a href="http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/img/perf-graphs/renamed-tags-styleRefresh.svg" target="_blank">
[img width=200 [http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/img/perf-graphs/renamed-tags-styleRefresh.svg]]
<a href="http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/img/perf-graphs/renamed-tags-mainRender.svg" target="_blank">
[img width=150 [http://erwanm.github.io/tw-community-search/img/perf-graphs/renamed-tags-mainRender.svg]]
Removing the tags from every collected tiddler gives a performance boost everywhere a filter is used, that is... everywhere! This even includes improvement in style refreshing time.
This illustrates quite clearly the point described earlier about tags having an impact on the general performance, due to the TW core doing frequent computations with them under the hood. Here again, the time needed to load the wiki is improved (including when loading from a bookmarked tag tiddler). The search time and openining the list of tags is also faster, even though in the latter case displaying the tag pills using a custom template takes more time than using standard tag pills.
! Conclusion
Performance can differ significantly depending on many parameters, so it is very difficult to give an exact estimation of the speed improvement overall. As a vaguely educated guess, I would say that all the optimizations together resulted in the ~CommunitySearch wiki being 20 to 40% faster, globally.
''Tip: Use tags in moderation if you plan that your wiki will grow really big! Check whether your usage really requires tags, or if fields can be used instead.''
a pocket full of tips <a href="http://tobibeer.github.io/tb5/feed.atom" target="_blank" title="subcribe to atom feed" class="atom-link">{{$:/.tb/images/feed}}</a>
get it done
a way to show gratitude for other peoples contributions
Version 0.0, TiddlyWiki version <<version>>
that name may already be taken...
Project Documentation
Map drawing and topic visualization for your wiki!
for current time and transcluding it where needed
for displaying external pages fully formatted
<a href="http://tiddlywiki.com">~TiddlyWiki</a>
for TW5 plugin development and installation
an in-tiddler toc of headings
a demo ~TiddlyWiki (@@.BLUE TW v<<version>>@@)
for fixed display of buttons on top
a not very interesting demo
An alternate menu for ~TiddlyWiki
//a notetaking tool powered by// ~TiddlyWiki <<version>>
a demo ~TiddlyWiki (''@@color: blue;TW v<<version>>@@'')
New Task Here Plugin
a demo ~TiddlyWiki (''@@color:blue; TW v<<version>>@@'')
//a notetaking tool powered by// ~TiddlyWiki <<version>>
a demo ~TiddlyWiki (''@@color:blue; TW v<<version>>@@'')
<div class="tc-table-of-contents">
<<toc-selective-expandable "TWCSContents">>
//Warning: this part is a work in progress!//
The documentation is divided into three parts:
* UserDocumentation explains how to use this wiki.
* AuthorDocumentation is intended for wiki authors who have a wiki indexed by this search system (or who want to!).
* DeveloperDocumentation is intended for people who want to contribute to this project or want to install their own TW aggregator system.
! Principle
This wiki is built from the ~CommunitySearch //skeleton// basis. The skeleton part is defined in the ~GitHub project at https://github.com/erwanm/tw-community-search/tree/master/skeleton. The skeleton contains:
* A set of tiddlers tagged {{TWCSCore||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}, which together form the static basis of the system.
* A set of tiddlers tagged {{CommunityAuthors||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}} and {{CommunityWikis||$:/core/ui/TagTemplate}}, which together define the indexable wikis from which the content is collected.
! Tagging structure
* Every author in CommunityAuthors tiddler has a ''licence'' field, which indicates whether the author agrees to have their wiki(s) content indexed. If left empty, then the system will only look for existing plugins.
* For every wiki in CommunityWikis which contains a field ''author'' which points to an author tiddler with a non-empty ''licence'' field, the content is extracted from the wiki.
outline for "front" on twederation.tiddlyspot.com
Single File Executable for Tiddlywiki5
TW Hangouts <$link to="TiddlyWiki">Powered by ~TiddlyWiki <<version>></$link>
a tiddlywiki quiz
@@color: orange;
''Warning: these plugins have been extracted automatically, and they do no correspond to any entry in the curated list. Some might be outdated, incomplete, and/or buggy. For adventurous tiddlywikians only!''
<$set name="my-state" value=<<qualify "$:/state/unknown/$(currentTiddler)$">>>
<$reveal type="nomatch" state=<<my-state>> text="show">
<$button set=<<my-state>> setTo="show">I understand the risks!</$button>
<$reveal type="match" state=<<my-state>> text="show">
<$button set=<<my-state>> setTo="hide">Hide</$button><br/>
<$list filter="[tag[CommunityPlugins]!has[category]]">
<$link><$text text={{!!plugin_tiddler}}/></$link><br/>
!! Purpose
This wiki lets you search for some specific content among a preselected list of {{TiddlyWiki}} wikis. The indexed content is mostly focused on {{TiddlyWiki}} usage, so you would typically use this search system to find information about a particular aspect of {{TiddlyWiki}}. Say for example that you want to learn how to make a table of content, type "table of content" in the [[CommunitySearch box|CommunitySearch]] (also accessible in the default tiddler GettingStarted). The search results are links to various wikis, and point directly to the specific tiddlers containing your request.
!! Features
The main feature is of course the CommunitySearch. But the Community Search wiki also lets you:
* Browse the [[list of wikis|CommunityWikis]]
* Browse the [[list of author|CommunityAuthors]]
* Browse the [[list of plugins|CommunityPlugins]]
* Access content by [[tag|CommunityTags]] (see also BookmarkingTags)
!! Other user documentation
\define getMostRecent()
<$list filter="[title[LastUpdate]]" emptyMessage="there's a little bug here">
<$view field="created" template="DDth MMM YYYY at hh:mm" format="date"/>
(<$view field="created" format="relativedate"/>).
\define nbTiddlers()
<$count filter="[has[source-wiki-id]]" />
\define nbTags()
<$count filter="[tag[CommunityTags]]">
\define nbWikis()
<$count filter="[tag[CommunityWikis]has[wiki-latest-modification]]"/>
A full re-indexing of the content is performed daily. The last update was done on the <<getMostRecent>>
The wiki currently indexes:
* <<nbTiddlers>> tiddlers
* <<nbTags>> distinct tags
* <<nbWikis>> wikis
* <$count filter="[tag[CommunityPlugins]has[category]]"/> plugins
* from <$count filter="[tag[CommunityAuthors]has[licence]]"/> wiki authors
[[emkay plugin|https://github.com/emkayonline/tw5visjs]], reloaded
First, if you don't know {{TiddlyWiki}} yet, check it out! it's just great!
In short, TW CommunitySearch is a search engine for public TW wikis.
This wiki looks like a perfectly normal TiddlyWiki (it is, as a matter of fact: you can use it exactly like any regular wiki), but it is generated automatically. It uses a "skeleton" wiki as a basis, and the rest of the content is extracted from a list of wiki addresses. This way it keeps being updated with new content from all the (known) community.
You can find more details in ImplementationOverview, and more generally in the [[documentation|TWCSDocumentation]].
! Description
! Usage
By default, when a wiki is indexed, all its regular tiddlers are taken into account (i.e. all tiddlers except system tiddlers, plugin tiddlers and theme tiddlers).
It is possible to adjust the indexing mechanism to your needs by creating a system tiddler named ``$:/CommunitySearchIndexableTiddlers`` in your wiki. Only the tiddlers listed in this one will be indexed, any other will be ignored. You would typically define the content of ``$:/CommunitySearchIndexableTiddlers`` with a [[filter||http://tiddlywiki.com/#Introduction%20to%20Filters]]. For instance, the filter
would make the indexing script consider only the tiddlers tagged ''public''.
Caution: ``$:/CommunitySearchIndexableTiddlers`` should only contain a list of tiddlers; any other content might cause the indexing script to fail to index your wiki properly.
!! Examples
If you prefer to use a field in your tiddlers:
If a blacklist strategy suits you better:
If you only want to keep a few specific tiddlers from indexing:
{{{[all[tiddlers]] -MyPrivateTiddler1 -[[MyPrivateTiddler2]]}}}
The scripts which generate this wiki proceed as follows:
# download the wikis specified in [[$:/IndexableWikiAddressList]]
# extract the tiddlers
# do some filtering/processing
# generate the search wiki.
In step 3, the system ignores:
* System tiddlers,
* Plugin and themes tiddlers
Additionally, you can explicitly tell the system which tiddlers to take into account using the WhitelistFeature.
Regular tiddlers which are collected are converted to system tiddlers, so that they are not visible to the user of the search wiki. They can still be accessed via the //Advanced Search// box, but we can reasonably assume that only skilled users interested in the implementation would use this possibility.
As a consequence, the only (simple) ways for a user to access the content in one of the collected tiddlers is through:
* the community search box,
* the tags,
* other direct links.
In all these cases the links, which would normally point to the corresponding system tiddlers in this wiki, are converted to external links to the original tiddlers (that is, each link is a permalink which points to the tiddler in your wiki). This is achieved through a custom version of the shadow tiddler [[$:/core/ui/ListItemTemplate]].
Using $:/tags/MetaTag and $:/tags/MetaTagWikified
annotate and embed